YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OFFICIAL ARMY REGISTER YOLMTEER FORCE OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY THE YEAES 1861, '62, '63, '6 4, '65. PART VI, INDIANA— ILLINOIS. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, IN COMPLIANCE VVITH THE JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, APPROVED MARCH 2, 1865. Adjutant General's Office, Washington, August 31, 1865. C-€L eW 6> FAG SIMILE OF THE MEDAL OF HONOR. (FULL SIZE.) '^,» / ^'^ =^4 jf * I > iijj ' ,---^1^ V ON THE REVERSE ARE ENGRAVED THE FOLLOWING WORDS : -97ze ^an^f^e&s. ta (Giving nanui, rank, IfC., of theperson to wlum. tlie medal is awarded.) EXPLANATIONS. Errors or omissions, if any, as to names, dates, &c., -will be immediately reported to the Adjutant General by the officers concerned. When a regiment -was not mustered out in time to have that fact appear on this Register, the roster of its officers is made up to August 31, 1865, (except colored troops. ) Where an organization is out of service, the roster is given as it stood at the date of muster out. When, at any time, one organization is transferred to or consolidated with another, the roster of its officers is given as it stood at that time. In the roster the date of each officer's rank is placed opposite his name. Where the names of battles in which organizations have borne an honorable part, aud which they are entitled to bear on their colors, have been announced in Orders by the Department or Military Division Commanders, they are given at the head of the roster of officers. The names of enlisted men who have received medals of honor are given at the foot of the roster of officers of each regiment. The date opposite each officer's name in the list of casualties is the date of casualty. The letters "a. w. m." opposite a name iu the roster indicate that the officer has been appointed, but never mustered into the service of the United States in the grade in which he appears. — (See paragraphs 114 and 120 Mustering Eegulations.) In the list of casualties italics indicate that the officer whose name appears itali cised was not mustered into service in the grade in which he appears. Pt. "M' Medal of Honor. OT, 33* Graduates of West Point Military Academy. 3R. 31, Officers of the Regular Army. a. d. African Descent. m. m. h. Mississippi Marine Brigade. e. m. m. Enrolled Missouri Militia. a. w. m. Appointed and waiting muster into United States service. AdjH. Regimental Adjutant. A. G. 0. Adjutant General's Office. a. Q. M. Regimental Quartermaster. R. C. S. Regimental Commissary- of Subsistence. C. T. Colored Troops. A. Q,. M. Assistant Quartermaster of Volunteers. A. A. G. Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers. V. R. C. Veteran Reserve Corps. Batt. Adj't. Battalion Adjutant. Batt. Q. M. Battalion Quartermaster. PART VI Contains that portion of the Army Register of the Volunteer Force pertaining to — INDIANA, I ILLINOIS. INDIANA CAVALRY. -*FIRST REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment (originiiUy composed of eight compiinies) was orgjinized at Evausville, Tiid., August 20, ]8fil, to serve tbree years. Cap- taius Stewiut'K und Bracken's in dependent cctmpauies of Indiana cavalry, organiziMl at Indianapolis, lud., July 4 aud 9, 1861, were transferred to this regiment accom panies 1 aud K, Two more com panies, compo^c^l of drafted men, to serve nine months, were organ ized in November, 1862, and as signed to this regiment as com- paniL's L and M, and were mus tered out of service July 22, 1863. Tho original members (excepi veterans) of companies A to H, inclusive, were mustered out Sep tember 12, 18C4, by reason of ex piration ol' term of service, and the veterans aud recruits consoli dated into a battalion of two com panies, and retained in servicn until June 23, 1865, when it was mustered out. The original mem bers (except veterans) of compa nies I and K were mustered out at different dates, as follows : com- I^any I July 3, 1864, and com pany K June 19, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the veterans and recruits of these two companies formed into a detachment, and retamed in ser vice until May 31, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders frora the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Major. t Mark McCauley 30 July, 63 Captain. James A. Pine 8 Aug., 63 First Lieutenants. Samuel Leflar 16 Feb., 63 WilliamxO. Hedrick 2 Nov., 64 Second Lieutenants. Samuel L. Mellen 9 Dec, 64 John W. Gordon 2 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeon. Casualties. Promoted, (6.) Lieut. Colonel William F. Wood, April 2, 1863, to Colonel 46th U. S. C. T. Lieut. Colonel Thomas N. Pace, February 2, 1864, to Colonel 10th regiment Indiana cavalry. Captain Robert R. Stewart, November S, 1861, to Major 2d regiment Indiana cavalry. Captain Abram Sharra, May 26, 1864, to Lieut. Colonel 11th regiment Indiana cavalry. Second Lieut. John R. Robson, December 31, 1862, to Assist ant Surgeon 91st regiment Indiana infantry. Assistant Surgeon John J. Paterson, April 7, 1863, to Surgeon 46th U. S. a 2\ Transferred, (1.) Lieut. Colonel Scott Carter, August 20, 1861, to 3d regiment Indiana cavalry. Resigned, (32.) Major Josiah Forth, October 28, 1862. MaioY Robert M. Clendeiining, January 2, 1863. Captain William C. Browe. November 1, 1861. Captain James R. Bracken, March ], 38C2. Captain Lyman W. Brown, March 2.j, 1R62. Captain Joel F. Sherwood, August 5, 18G2. Captain George P. Deweese, October 7, 1862. Captain George A. May, March 3, 1863. Captain Samuel S. Lamar, June 2, 1863. Captain James M. Barter, July 5, 1863. Captain William McRcynolds, July 5, 1863. Captain William P. Tucker, March 18, 1864. Captain James B. Talbot, April 1, 1864. Captain Orison J. Kyler, May 27, 1865. First Lieut, James Neel, Adj't, November 1, 1861. First Lieut. Patrick Raleigh, November 1, 1861. First Lieut. Edward S. Hayes, December 4, 1861. First Lieut. William McReynolds, January 13, 1862." (Re- commissioned First Lieutenant January 13, 1863.) First Lieut. Hugh Delzell, March 25, 1862. First Lieut. John Farrell, March 27, 1863. First Lieut. Charles L. Lamb, June 3, 1863. First Lieut. Clemens A. Dennefman, Augusts, 1864. First Lieut. Will B. Ellsworth, May 16, 1865. Second Lieut. John T. Veatch, November 1, 3861. Second Lieut. George W. Browne, April 26, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward E. Bassett, April 28, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward Smith, Batt. Adj't, December 30, 18G2. Second Lieut. Horatio S. Garner, January 11, 1863. Second Lieut. Robert D. McCracken, October 28, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Charles Brackett, November 1, 1861. Assistant Surgeon JiiTrees W. Crd'oens, August 15, 1864. Chaplain James T. Bean, August 17, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (31.) Colonel C. Baker, September 12, 1864. Major Julian D. Owen, September 12^ 1864. Major William V. Weathers, September 12, 1864. Captain John C. Tobias, July 22, 1863. Captain James L. Carey, August 25, 1864. * Culled also Twenty-eighth Indiana Volunteers. t Discharged June S4, 1865. 1 f INDIANA CAYALRT. Captain James J. Bingham. September 13, 1664. Captain Henry H. Mellen, September 12, 1864. Captain John Harding, September 12, 1864. Captain Theodore Maythenj^i, December 13, 1864. First Lieut, William .L. SImgart, July 22, 1863. First Lieut. Isaac Ve Long, July 22, 1863. First Lieut. James H. Carr, June 19, 1864. First Lieut. Harmon L. Miller, July 3, 1864. First Lieut. Alexander M. Foster, Adj'i, September 12, 1864. First Lieut. Jesse M. Craig, R. Q. M., September 12, 1864. First Lieut. Samuel J. Kelso, R. C. S., September 12, 1864. First Lieut. Charles A. Wood, September 12, 1864. First Lieut. Frank M. Greathouse, September 12, 1864. First Lieut, George W. Richards, November 1, 1864. Second Lieut. Rees Hardcsty, July 22, 1863. Second Lieut. William M. Reeves, July 22, 1863. Second Lieut. Jacob C. Filler, June 19, 1864. Second Lieut. Hetiry S. Bartholomew, July 3, 1864. Second Lieut. David "Wilsey, August 25, 1864. Second Lieut. Jackson Brown, September 12, 1864. ... Second Lieut. John D. Kroush, September 12, 1864. Second Lieut. Almon W. Ensign, September 12, 1864. Second Lieut. David C. Stone, September 12, 1864. Surgeon Isaac Casaelberry, Septeinber 12, 1864. Assistant Surgeon George W. Bruce, September 12, 1864. Chaplain John Ferguson, September 12, 1864. Discharged, (2.) Captain John A. Stocking, Novemher 1, 1861. Second Lieut. William B. Baker, Batt. Adj't, October 13, 1862. Bled, (T.) Major John S. Gavitt, killed in action at Fredericktown, Mo., October 21, 1861. Captain John K. Highman, killed in action at Fredericktown, Mo., October 21, 1861. Captain William W. Sloan, killed in action at Round's Hill, Ark., July 7, 1863. Captain Will H. Walker, January 23, 1863, of disease, at Evansville, Ind. Captain William C. Wilhelm, July 18, 1864, of disease, at Pine Bluff, Ark. First Lieut. William R. Tracy, June 26,. 1863, at 'New York, city, N. Y. First Lieut. Charles H. Randolph, killed at Camp Parapet, La., by a citizen bushwhacker, February 7, 1864. Dismissed, (2.) Captain £rai S. Kirtley, February 25, 1862. First Lieut. John W. Smith, February 25, 1863. NOTE, — Tha roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA CAVALRY. SECOND REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., September 20, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, composed- of veterans and recruits, consolidated ihto a battal ion of four companies and retained in service until July 22, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Major. RoswellS. Hdl 13 May, 65 {Breoet Major 13 Mar., 1865.) Captains. Joseph B. Williams 28 Oct. , 64 Samuel T. Ferrier 1 Nov., Bennett Depenbrock 28 Nov., Robert W. Osborn 20 June, 65 First Lieutenants. Thos. Morgan, i?. Q.J(f., 14 Oct., 64 Harry Y. Burt, Adj't 1 Dec, James K. KoLfe 28 Dec, Lewis J. Darnell ...20 June, 65 Second Lieutenants. John Lathrope ! ... 18 Nov. , 64 Daniel P. Wooton 28 Nov. , Norton N. Northrop 30 Nov., Assistant Surgeon. Casualties. Promoted, (6.) Colonel Edward M. McCook, 3a. S., April 27, 1864, to Briga- dier General. Lieut. Colonel Robert R. Stewart, February 2, 1864, to Colonel 11th regiment Indiana cavalry. Captain Christian Beck, October 27, 1863, to Major 7th regi ment Indiana cavalry. Captain Gilbert M. L. Johnson, March 4, 1864, to Lieutenant Colonel 11th regiment Indiana cavalry. First Lieut. John Woolley, Adj't, June 1, 1862, to Major 5th regiment Indiana cavalry. First Lieut. Thomas R. Dudley, R. Q. M., December 20, 1863, to Captain and A. Q. M. Resigned, (23.) Colonel John A. Bridgeland, May 22, 1862. Lieut. Colonel Charles E. Norris, Wi., ^., E. %., February 11, 1862. Major /, D. Walker, May 29, 1862. Major Jehu C. Hannum, June 20, 1862. Major James Conner, November 14, 1862. Captain Thomas N. Jones, December 31, 1861. (Recommis- sioned as Assistant Surgeon December 31, 1861.) Captain Albert S. Blake, March 4, 1862. Captain Mason J. Thomas, April 11, 1862. Captain Jeptha M. Ellington, August 18, 1862. Captain Isaac S. Leabo, September 3, 1863. First Lieut. Hiram Sampson, March 4, 1864. First Lieut. William H. Foley, April 26, 1862. First Lieut. William B. Manson, May 5, 1862. First Lieut. Lewis H. Ackerman, September 12, 1862. First Lieut Joshua M. Hickman, October 11, 1862. First Lieut, Charles Mount, R. C. S., November 1, 1863. First Lieut. Joseph Kern, April 23, 1864. First Lieut. William C. McGonigal, July 17, 1864. Second Lieut. Thomas E. McCracken, January 24, 1862. Second Lieut. Andrew H. Evans, June 16, 1862. Second Lieut. Cliarles G. Cwnningham, Febmary 23, 1864. Second Lieut. George W. Dailey, March 4, 1864. Assistant Surgeon ThoTnas N. Jones, December 11, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (31.) Lieut. Colonel James W. Stewart, October 4, 1864. Major Joseph B, Presdee, October 4, 1864. Major David A. Briggs, October 4, 1864. Captain John G. Keesler, October 4, ]864. Captain John S. Edwards, October 4, 1864. Captain Joseph W. Starr, October 4, 1864. Captain Enoch Barnet October 4, 1864. Captain Demetrius Parsley, October 4, 1864. Captain John A. Paine, October 4, 1864. Captain Thomas M. Allen. October 4, 1864. Captain Thomas Barr, October 4, 1864. Captain James G. Hacldemam , October 4, 1864. Captain Joseph A. S. Mitchell, October 4, 1864. Captain Alexander Hess, October 9, 1864. First Liout, Hiram F. Kidder, Adj't, October 4, 1864. Firrt Lieut John V. Schooler, R. Q. M., Octob'ir4, 1864. First Lieut Joseph B. WilUams, October 4, 1864. (Recom missioned as Captain October 28, 1864.) INDIANA CAVALRY. First Lieut. Thomas Morgan, R. C S., October 4, ^864. (Re- commissioned First Lieut and R. C. S., October 14, 18b4. First Lieut Isaac R. Conwell, October 4, 1864. First Lieut. James W. Hutson, October 4, ]864. First Lieut James A. Mitchell, October 4, 1864. First Lieut. James Harris, October 4, 1864. First Lieut Roswell S. Hill, October 4, 1864. (Recommissioned as Captain October 13, L864.) First Lieut. John W. Canary, October 4, 1864. First Lieut Probusco Thornas, October 4, 1864. First Lieut David A. Gillmore, October 4, 1864. Second Lieut Samuel Montgomery, Octbber 4, ]864. Second Lieut Samuel T. Ferrier, October 4, 1864. (Recom missioned as Captain November 1, 1864.) Surgeon Joel Vaile, October 4, 1864. Assistant Surgeon William Ruile^e, October 4, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Andrew J. Smith, October 4, 1864. Discharged, (5.) Captain Edwin C. Anthony, February 25, 1862. First Lieut. William H. Wainwright, June 10, 1863. First Lieut Edward M. Barnes, December 19, 1864. Second Lieut Samuel Enochs, July 16, 1864. Chaplain WdUam Peian, Apidl 18. 1862. Died, (7.) Major Samuel Hill, April 6, 1863, of disease. Captain Levi Ross, March 8, 1863, at Louisville, Ky. First Lieut. Henry H. Dunlap. May 25, 1863, of disease. First Lieut William D. Stover, killed in action at Indian Creek, Tenn., July 28, 1864. First Lieut. Asa S. Smith, killed near Scottsville, Ala., April 2, 1865. Second Lieut. John G. Myers, killed in action at Vinegar Hill, Ky., September 22, 1862. Second Lieut William C. Blaine, killed in action June 11, 1863. Dismissed, (2.) Second Lieut James A. Smith, March 24, 1862. Second Lieut William W. Brush, December 29, 1862. Note l. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except thoso announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA CAVALRY. * THIRD REGIMENT. (battauon of.) (This regiment (with the exception of companies L and M) was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from Au gust 18 to December 22, 1861, to serve three years. Company L was organized in October, 1862, to serve three yearti, and company M December 11, 1862, to serve the - unexpired term of the regiment. On the expiration of the tenn of service of the companies from A to K (inclusive) the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the veterans and recruits, together with companies L and M, were consolidated into a battalion of four companies, (A, B, L, and M. ) Company L was transferred to the 8th regiment Indiana cav alry April 1, 18G5. Company M was mustered out April 15, 1865, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the remaining compa nies (A aad B) August 7, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Charles W. Lee 5 Aug., 63 {Brevet Major 13 Mar., 1865.) First Lieutenant. Benjamin F. Gilbert, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Assistant Surgeon. The foUowing is a list of the en listed men of this regiment to whom medalsof honor have been awarded by the Secretary of War : Corporal Absalom Jordan. Private C. D. Evans. Private William Shepherd. Casualties, Promoted, (3.) Colonel George H. Chapman, July 21, 1864, to Bj'igadier General. Captain Benjamin Q. A. Gresham, June 7, 1864, to Lieuten ant Colonel 10th regiment Indiana cavalry. Captain George F. Herriott July 1, 1864, to Major 10th regiment Indiana cavalry. Transferred, (4.) Captain Oliver M. Powers, April 1, 1865, to Sth regiment In diana cavalry. First Lieut. Simeon J. Mitchell, April 1, 1865, to 8th regiment Indiana cavalry. Second Lieut. Byron Dawson, April 1, 1865, to 8th regiment Indiana cavalry. Assistant Surgeon Thomas I. Fritts, June 5, 1865, to Sth regi ment Indiana cavalry. Resigned, (18.) Major Charles Case, July 19, 1862. Captain Theophile M, Douglass, December 2, 1861. Captam Will C. Moreau, January 25, 1862. (RecommiBHioned Captain July 1, 1863.) Captain Felix W. Graham, April 9, 1862. Captaha James D, Irvin, May 21, 1862. Captain Patrick Corland, July 4, 1862. Captain Daniel B. Kiester, July 3, 1862. Captain Henry F. Wright, March 10, 1863. Captain Argus D. Vanosdal, May 2, 1863. First Lieut Christopher Reel. December 31, 1861. First Lieut. Til ghman, Fish, January 25, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph M. Douglas, May 2, 1862. First Lieut Paul Clark. June 21, 1862. First Lieut Oliver M. Powers, July 28, 1862. First Lieut George J. Langsdale, August 2, 1864. Second Lieut. Oliver Charles, January 25, 1862. Second Lieut George Klein, March 28, 1862. Second Lieut John S. Kephart, April 9, 1862. Second Lieut. Lee M. Fitzhugh, July 24, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (34.) Lieut Colonel Robert Klein, September 28, 1864, Major WiUiam Fatten, August 31, 1864. Major George H. Thompson, August 31, 1864. Major Alfred Gaddis, October 27, 1864. Captain Ephraim H. Martin, August 31, 1864. Captain Thomas W. Moffitt, August 31, 1864. Captain John D. R. Spencer, August 31, 1864. Captain William J. Lucas, September 27, 1864. Captain Uriah Young, September 27, 1864. Captain Charles Hedrick, October 27, 1864. Captain Charles Qualman, December 8, 1864. Captain George M. Gilchrist, January 16, 1865. Captain Charles U. Fatten, April 15, 1865. First Lieut. William W. Long, August 31, 1864. First Lieut. Gamaliel S. Taylor, Adj't, August 31, 1864. First Lieut John Patton, R. Q. M., August 31, 1864. First Lieut Philo G. Leslie, R. C S., August 31, 1864. First Lieut. Louis C. Wilson, August 31, 1864. * Called also Forty-Jifth Volunteers. Indiana cavalry, 3 reg. — 1 INDIANA CAVALRY, First Lieut. James A. Kelsoy, August 31. 1864. First Lieut. Marshall Lahue, September 7, 1864. First Lieut, Eobcrt P. Shanklin, September 27, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas B. Wilkinson, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. Gustav Lieskc, December 8, 1864^ First Lieut. James W. Haymond, April 15, 1865. Second Lieut. William Colton, August 31, 1864. Second Lieut. James Calhoun, August 31, 1'864. Second Lieut. Dennis Davis. September 7, 1864. Second Lieut. Daoiel Callahan, September 27, 1864. Second Lieut. Daniel White, September 27, 1864. Second Lieut. W. H. H. Green. December 8, 1864. Second Lieut. George Rodgers, January 14, 1865. Second Lieut. Samuel Borton, April 15, 1865. Surgeon Elias W. H. Beck, August 31, 1864. Assistant Snrgeon James H. Knight, August 31, 1864. Discharged, (10.) Colonel Scott Carter, March 11, 1863. ' Lieut. Colonel Jacob S. Buchanan, October 24, 1862. Major William S. McClure, March 9, 1864. First Lieut. Matthew B. Mason, October 3, 1862. First Lieut. John Grenier, R. C. S., May 28, 1863. First Lieut. Abner L. Shannon, March 12, 1865. Second Lieut. James Stephens, January 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Ira D. Tinker, May 7, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas D. Lamson, May 15, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Luther Brusie, November 29, 1862. Died, (2.) Major Charles Lemon, kUled in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas G. Shearer, August 25, 1864, at Resaca. Ga. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Will C. Morean. January 1, 1864. First Lieut. Robert P. Porter, December 20, 1863. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in Ooneral Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster ont. INDIANA CAVALRY. * FOURTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., in August, 1862, to serve three j't-urs. It was mus tered out of service June 29, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Horace P. Lamson 25 Apr,, 64 Majors. Greorge H. Purdy 28 Jan., 64 John Austin 10 May, Captains. Albert J. Morley 23 Mar., 63 Isaac Newkirk 1 May, Gilbert H. Kneeland 8 Aug., Richard F. Nugent 3 Nov., Samuel J. Dickerson 20 Nov., John H. Thompj^ou 24 Apr., 64 Samuel Young . 4 Nov., Thomas C. Cunningham. 12 June, 65 First Lieutenants. William H. Bracken 2 Aug., 62 John W.Smith 23 Mar., 63 Daniel S. Moniton 8 Aug., Thomas B. Prather 24 Nov., (^Breroet Captainl9 May, 1865.) William S. Hemphill 5 Dec, JamesT. Blunt 30 Mar., 64 S. A. Hall, R. as 5 July, John Y. Urie 26 Nov., Charles C. McCreary 16 June, 65 Henry M. Billingsley 20 June, Homtr C. Carpenter, Adj't, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Oluf C. Olson 29 Aug., 62 Thomas C. Williams 24 Apr., 63 Albert Tnggart 1 Mar., 64 Thomas W. Hays 1 May, Abel J. Mosby. - 1 May, VMlliam H. H. Isgrigg. .,30 June, John T. Hendricks, a. w. m. Surgeon. John F. Taggart 7 Apr., 64 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Samuel E. W. Simonson, October 31, 1863, to Major 7th regiment Indiana cavalry. Caprain William T. Pepper, April 20, 1864, to Lieutenant Coloufl 13th regiment Indiana cavalry. Resigned, (28.) Colonel Isaac P. Gray, February 11, 1863. Colonel Lawrence S. Shuler. May 16, 1863. Colonel John A. Platter, September 9, 1863. Lieut. Colonel John T. Deweese, March 11, 1864. Major Warren Horr, January 25, 1863. Major JSathan Earhiwine, March :26, 1863. Cypt^iin SUvatuis Barnard, January 10, 1863. Captain William A. Woodward, AprU 29, 1863. Captain Jonas Seely, June 20, 1863. First Lieut. Thomas J. Patterson, December 12^1862. First Lieut A men F. Leamon, Pebruai-y 2, 1863. First Lieut. William M. Lockr, R. C. S.. June 6, 1863. First Lieut. Thomas R. Lawheatl, Adj't, June 9, 1863. First Lieut. Wilham R. Scott June 16, 1863. First Lieut John Thombnrgh, R. Q. M., August J, 1863. First Lieut Robert Woodall, August 2, 1863. First Lieut Bailey \V. Small, November 3, 1863. Fir^t Lieut John G. Moore, IL C. S., June 9, 1864. First Lieut. Henry Lodge, October 4, 1864. Second Lieut Samuel G. Weldon, February 15, 1863. Second Lieut. Uptou P. Hammond, February 26, 1863. Second Lieut John P. Wilson, February 28, 1863. Second Lieut. William Irvin, August 10, 1863. Second Lieut Hardm C. AUin, November 12, 1863. Snrgeon William F. Boor, November 6, 1863. Assistant Snrgeon Jonas ff. Dodson, November 24, 18S2. Assistant Surgeon Elias B. Thomas, January 22, 1863. Chaplain Abram T. Hendricks, March 28, 18C4. Discharged, (11.) Captain Thomas F. Wells, March 9, 1865. Captain Jasper N. Tan Sfcike, March 18, 1865. Captain Albert C. Rosencrans, May 15, 1865. First Lieut WiUiam G. Anderson, Adj't, April 24, 1864. Firtt Lieut Elihu C. Newlaad, January 28, 1865. First Lieut George W. French, i?. Q. M.. March 18,1865. Firet Lieut George M. Burnett, May 15, 1SG5. Second Lieut. John J. Philips. February 15, 1863. Second Lieut. John Howard, Febmary 23, "1863. Second Lieut. Stillman G. Robbins, March 17, 186J. Second Lieut James C. K?iox,'M.a.y 15,1865. Died, (8.) Major Joseph P. Lesslie, killedin action at Fair G^'den, Tenn., January 27, 1864. Captain Jesse Keithley, March 3, 1863, at Madisonville, Ky. Captain Christopher C. Slason, killedin action at Fayetteville, Tenn., November 1, lt63. First Lieut. George Lydick, Febmary 3, 1863, of disease, at Monforevillc, Ky. First Lieut. John Jackson, November 20, 1864, in prison, ut Columbia, S. C. Second Lieut. Edmund J. Davis, September 24, 18^, of dis ease, at Louisville, Ky. * Called also Seventy-seventh Indiana Volunteers. INUIASA CAVALRY, Assistant Surgeon. Herod D. Garrison 7 Apr., 64 Chaplain. Second Lieut. Johnson M. Webb, killed in action at Madison ville, Ky,, October 5, 1862. Second Lieut. Enoch S. Boston, November 7, 1862, of disease, at Bowling Green, Ky, Missing, (2.) Second Lieut. Noah R, Yeargin, since April 10, 1863. Second Lieut. William H. H. Carpenter, June 30, 1863. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Josiah Hartley, February 22, 1863. Captain Andrew P. Gallagher, March 20, 1865. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA OaVALEY. * FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from August 22 to October 30, 1862, to serve three years. The members whose term of service would have expired pre vious to October 1, 48tJ5, were mustered out June 15, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department, and the remaining members transferred to the 6th regiment Indiana cavalry June 27, 1865.) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable pai't is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Thomas H. Butler 1 Mar. , 64 (Breoet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. t John Woolley 8 Mar., 64 X Chauncey H. Thomp son 11 Mar., 64 Moses D. Leeson 1 May, Captains. Harry A. Whitman 5 Sept, 62 George L. Swope 1 Jan., 64 JRussel P. Finney 15 Mar,, J Seymour L. Peirce 18 Mar., X William L. Liudsey ... 8 Mar., 65 Joseph Harmon 6 Apr., William H. St John.... 16 Apr., John S. Louderback 24 Apr., X David Anderson 6 May, + Edward N. Elliott, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. William W. Angel 25 Aug., 62 James Roberts, Adj't 2 June, 63 JTillmonH. Fisher..:.. 1 Jan., 64 X John S. Logan, R. Q. M. 6 Mar., Irvin A. McC'ullough 18 Mar. , X Adam B. Simmons 14 June, + John P. Whitlow 16 Apr., 65 John S. Chittenden 3 May, X Bernard G. Smith 6 May, Samuel Miller 5 June, William M. Coffin, a. w. m. llCharles C. Hinds, R.C. S., a.w.m. Second Lieutenants. Joseph Thrasher 14 Dec, 62 John S. Kephart 22 Feb., 63 X Samuel Miller 15 Mar., 64 Isaac W. Stanton 21 May, Jesse Burdsal 14 June, X WUUam R. HuUand. . .14 June, Andrew J. Keltner 1 Sept. Barney Hopper 11 Nov. 64 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Captain Ephraim N. Banks, November 24, 1862, to Surgeon 54th regiment Indiana infantry. Captain James A. Smith, October 20, 1863, to Lieut. Colonel 2d regiment North Caroliniumounted infantry. First Lieut. John O'Neil, May 31, 1864, to Captain 17th U. S. C. T. Transferred, (1.) First Lieut Jacob C. P. Negley, November 25, 1863, to Vet eran Reserve Corps. Resigned, (27.) Colonel Felix W. Graham, December 15, 1863. Major Joseph R. Haugh, December 25, 1863. Major John S. Lyle, January 8, 1864. Captain John T. McKcan, April 22, 1863. Captain Benjamin Farley, May 3, 1863. Captain James P. Bauta, June 9, 1863. Captain James A. Stretch, November 1, 1863. Captain Reuben A. Riley, December 25, 1863. Captain John M. Ammons, March 1, 1864. Captain Edgar L. Morse, June 1, 1864. Captain John G. Rhodes, March 7, 1865. First Lieut Arthur M. Buel, December 1, 1862. First Lieut William H. McLaughlin, February, 21, 1863. First Lieut. Solomon T. Knuble, May 3, 1863. First Lieut William H. Dungan, R. Q. M., July 2, 1863. First Lieut Peter L. Langlois, October 6, 1863. First Lieut. Charles H. Dumont, March 19, 1864. Second Lieut. Lee O. Harris, November 28, 1862. Second Lieut Norman E. Doanc, December 10, 1862. Second Lieut. Philip S. Binkley, January 13, 1863. Second Lieut Sylvester Berry, November 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Joseph L. Thralls, November 3, 1863. Second Lieut Alanson E. Russell, November 13, 1863. Second Lieut Thomas J. Menaugh, January 22, 1864. Second Lieut Edward J. Delp, July 27, 1864. Second Lieut Mason Jaqua, May 17, 1865. Chaplain Amor D. Cunningham, September 6, 1863. Discharged, (14.) Major Mell H. Soper, May 15, 1865. Captain William C. Jefferis, January 13, 1865. Captain WiUiam H. Ward, April 28, 1865. First Lieut. Robert B. Fletcher, March 9, 1864. First Lieut. Mathew Clegg, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. John E. Greer, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut Morris N. H. SpUlard, March 31, 1863. Secon'd Lieut, Ferdinand Dorsch, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut Andrew W. Stevens, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut James Kennedy, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut. James H. McMUlen, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam B. Chambers, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut. Edwin L. Parker, AprU 17, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Howard G. Osgood, May 25, 1864. Died, (1.) Captain Ruel B. Loomis, July 19, 1864, of wounds. * CaUed also Ninetieth Indiana Volunteers, f Discharged Febmary 4, 1866 X Transferred to 6th regiment Indiana cavalry. || Resigned June 26, 1865. 10 INDIANA CAVALRY. t John J. Carter 16 Apr., William H, Pilkenton. .. 3 May, I Robert N. McKaig 7 May, Surgeon. Joseph M. Wishard, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeons. Creorge H. Russell 14 Nov., X Christopher C. Hiatt, a. w. m. Chaplain. Thomas Meredith 1 Mar., Missing, (2.) Second Lieut. Sylvester N. Burt, since September 5, Surgeon Albert C. Fosdick, suice February 29, 1864. Dismissed, (5.) Captain Sidney W. Sea, AprU 13, ^865. First Lieut. Johnson J. Vaughn, June 11, 1863. First Lieut Samuel A. Armstrong, March 13, 1865. Second Lieut. Aaron M. Wagner, June 11, 1863. Second Lieut Sylvester R. Larason, July 25, 1864. Note l. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of muster out and transfer. INDIANA CAVALRY. 11 SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment (with the exception of companies L and M) was organ ized at Indianapolis, Ind., August 18, 1862. to pervethree years. Com panies L and ISI wire organized at Indianapolis. Ind., in August, Sep tember, and October. 1863, to serve three years. The members whose tenn of service w^ould have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 17, 1865, in ac- cordgmce with orders from the War Department, and the remain ing members, together with the recmits of the 5th Indiana cavalry, were consoliclated into nine com panies June 27, 1865, and retained in service until September 15, 1865, when they were mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Courtland C. Matson, «. w. m. Majors. Chauncey H.Thompson. 11 Mar., 64 Orlando J. Smith 23 Mar., Captains, Edward A. Thompson.. .19 Oct, 63 Russel P. Finney 15 Mar., 64 Seymour L, Peirce 18 Mar. , Joseph Hasty 13 Sept, William L. Lindsy- 8 Mar., 65 WiUiam S. JeweU 24 Mar. , John Hansel 24 Mar., David Anderson 6 May, Edward N. EUiott, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. Francis M. Campbell. . . .12 Oct, 63 Tilhnon H. Fisher 1 Jan., 64 Adam B. Simmons 14 June, Alonzo Bovd 24 Mar., 65 John P. Whitlow 16 Apr., John S. Applegate 1 May, Bernard G. Smith 6 May, Waiiam R. HuUand 3 Aug., Charles L. Rugg, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants, James G. MUes 1. 12 Oct, 63 Alfred Watson 6 Apr.. 65 Casualties. Resigned, (23.) Major Daniel A, Conover, July ]5, 1864. Captain Andrew J. Rockwell, January 12, 1863. Captain John' J. Starnos, January 12, 1863. Captain Andrew J. Dowdy, June 15, 1864, Captain Charles (?orsuch, December 7, 1864. First Lieut. Joseph C. Gifford, December 20, 1862. First Lieut. Edward A. Thompson, February 17,-1863. First Lieut Edward R. Kercheval, R. Q. M. , February 17, 1863. First Lieut Charies F. Gilmore, June 21, 1864. First Lieut. Robert Bales, July 9, 1864. First Lieut. John T. Owen, August 24, 1864. First Lieut. John M. HoUoway, October 17, 1864. First Lieut. Joseph A. Standeford, October 21, 1864. First Lieut John S. Logan, R. Q. M., Augusts, 1865. Second Lieut. James M. Davis, December 27, 1862, Second Lieut Thomas Cullen, January 17, 1863. Second Lieut William O. ^asAfiiir?!, April 30, 186"3. Second Lieut Henry D. Watts, December 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Herbert E. Madison, January 27„;1865, Second Lieut. Samuel Miller, August 7, 1865. Surgeon Edmund T. Spottswood, March 22, 1864. Surgeon Andrew N. Weir, July, 5, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Srfward T. Co/ieK, February 13,1863. Discharged, (35.) Colonel James Biddle, B. ^., (Brevot Brigadier General March 13, 1865,) June 27, 1865. Major WilUam W. Carter, June 17, 1865. Major Jacob S. Stephens, June 27, 1865. Captain Edward B. Allen, November 1, 1862. Captain William W. McCune, December 20, 1862. Captain James R. McArthur, August 26, 1864, Captain Josiah McKinney, June 17, 1865. Captain James H. Sands, June 17, 1865. Captain Andrew J. Welch, June 17, 1865. Captain Jackson Stepp, Juno 27, 1865. Captain Samuel W. Sherfy, June 27, 1865. Captain Thomas M. Robertson, June 27, 1865. Captain Eli C. McMillan, June 27, 1865. Captain Joseph M. Staley, June 27j 1865. First Lieut. William H. Kenney, December 29, 1862. First Lieut. Harty H. James, April 7, 1865. First Lieut Thomas R. Cushman, June 17, 1865. First Lieut. Jacob H. Hussong, June 21, 1865. First Lieut. Samuel F. Head, June 27, 1865. First Lieut. Alexander M. Staats, June 27, 1865. First Lieut Edward Hitchcock, June 27, 1865. Firat Lieut. George W. Davis, June 27, 1865. First Lieut. William E. Moore, R. Q. M., June 27, 1865. First Lieut John C. Ball, R. C. S., Juno 27, 1865. First Lieut. Isaac M. Brown, June 27, 1865. First Lieut. WilUam A. Brown, Adj't, June 27, 1865. Second Lieut James M. Griffith, June 17, 1865. Second Lieut. WiUiam H. H, Graham, June 27, 1865. Second Lieut Thomas C Lloyd, June 27, 1865. Second Lieut. Richard M. Rucker, June 27, 1865. Second Lieut William D. Piper, June 27, 1855. Second Lieut Shared Ransdell, June 27, 1865. Second Lieut L. Smith Johnson, June 27, 186.5. Assistant Surgeon Frederick A. Schell, January 4, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Joseph H. Olds, June 27, 1865. 12 INDIANA CAVALRY. JohnJ.Carter 16 Apr., 65 Robert N. McKaig 7 May, Anderson Vick 3 Aug. , Morris O, Hall, a. w. m. Samuel A. Towell, a. w. m. Surgeon. Christopher C. Hiatt 26 July, 65 Assistant Surgeon. Gustavus Schmidt 27 July, 65 Chaplain. Thomas Griffith, u. w. m. Died, (6.) Lieut. Colonel Mellville D. Topping, killed in action at Rich mond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Major William CoTt&Zm, killed in action at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Captain Alfred Dyar, December 4, 1862, of disease, at Terre Haute, Ind. Captain Elijah W. Pec&, kUled in action near Clinton, Ga., July 31, 1864. Second Lieut. WiUinm O. Noi*ris, kiUed in action at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Second Lieut. WUUam W. Slater, AprU 28, 1865, of disease. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut James M. Sinkes, July 25, 1864. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865 Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as.it stood ou the day of muster out INDIANA CAVALRY. 13 SEVENTH REGIMENT. (battalion of.) ^This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from August 24 to September 19, 1863, to servo three years. It was conaoUdatetl into a battalion of six companies September 19, 1865, and retained in service until February 38, 1866, when it was mustered out in ac cordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment bore au honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Lieutenant Colon,el. Thomas M. Browne 1 Oct , 63 Major. Samuel E. W. Simonson, a. w. m. Captains. John M. Moore 5 Sept, 63 Joel H. EUiott 23 Oct, Joseph W. Skelton 26 Aug., 64 John Q. Reed 16 Dec, James Sloan 26 Mar., 65 George R. Kennedy 1 May, First Lieutenants. John G. Mayer 19 Sept, 63 Aaron L. Jones, R. Q. M. 6 July, 64 Nathan Garrett R. C. S. -11 Nov., Robert G. Smither 9 Apr., 65 George W. Shreeve 9 Apr., Elijah S. Blackford 1 May, Andrew J, Thompson. . .18 May, John Douch, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Charles H. Gleason 5 Sept, 64 WiUiam I-I. Crane 26 Nov., Bartou B. Jenkins 27 Apr., 65 John D. Longfellow 11 May, Gqprge W. Baxter, a. w. m. Joshua Chitwood 27 July, 64 Assistant Surgeon. Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Major Christian Beck, AprU 29, 1864, to Lieutenant Colonel 9th regiment Indiana cavalry. Captain Walter K. Scott March 25, 1864, to Major and Addi tional Paymaster. Resigned, (13.) Captain WilUam A. Ryan, March 29. 1865. Captain John W. Senior, April 11, 1865. Captain William S. Hubbard, April 11, 1865. Captain Benjamin F. Bales, August 1, 1865. First Lieut Siegfried Sahm, April 13, 1864. First Lieut Alpheus T. Blackman, Febnuary 17, 1865. First Lieut Edward Calkins, March 6, 1865. First Lieut James H. S. Lowes, March 27, 1865. First Lieut John F. Dumont, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. WUUam M. Kelly, Adj't, Juno 3, 1865. Second Lieut Henry S. Stoddard, November 25, 1863. Second Lieut, John C. Hanson, August 13, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Daniel B. Roether, August 2, 1865. Discharged, (27.) Colonel John P. C. Shanks, (Brevet Brigadier General De cember 19, 1864,) September 19. 1865. Major John C. Peblea, February 28, 1865. Major James H. Carpenter, September 19, 1865. Captain John W. Shoemaker, June 30, 1864. Captain George W. Branham, jianuary 2, 1865. Captain David T. Skinner. January 9, 1865. Captain Austin H. Piety, August l'9, 1865. Captain Sylvester L. Lewis, September 19, 1865. Captain Samuel M. Lake, September 19, 1865. Captain Benjamin F, DaUy, September 19, 1865. Captain John R. Parmelee, September 19, 186.5. First Lieut. WUbur F. HoUiday, R. C. S., June 30, 1864, First Lieut. George W. Duukerley, August 24, 1864. First Lieut. Oscar Rankin, October 29, 1864. First Lieut Francis M. Way, Febmary 9, 1865. First Lieut. Peter Piatt September 19. 1865. First Liout. Lewis F. Brougher, September ]9, 1865. First Lieut Lo Roy Woods, September 19, 1865. First Lieut. Thomas S. Cogley, September 19, 1865, First Lieut. C. T. Noble, September 19, 1865. First Lieut George W. Stover.'September 19, 1865. Second Lieut. Benjamin O. Demming, June 30, 1864. Second Lieut Cyrus B. Polly, September 19, 1865. Second Lieut. John W. Longwell, September 19. 1865. Assistant Surgeon Jasper M. Grove, Juno 10, 1864. Assistant Surgeon James C. Jay, September 19, 1865, Chaplain James Marquis, February 22, 1865. Died, (3.) Captain Henry F. Wright, September 21, 1864, of disease, at Memphis, Tenn. , First Lieut. Jacob C. Skirmn, killed in action at Mount Pleas ant Tenn., AprU 3, 1865. Second Lieut. James A. Fisher, April 13, 1865. Missing, (2.) Second Tjieut. James W. Spence, since September 12, 1863. Assistant Surgeon JuUus L. Benson, since July 24, 18G4. Dismissed, (6.) First Lieut John Wesley Martin, R. Q. M., AprU 7, 1864. First Lieut James A. Price, Adj't, July H, 1864. First Lieut Abram Hill, September 28, 1864. First Lieut Charles H. Hare, Febmary 28. 1865, Second Lieut. Charles R. Jones, December 28, 1865. Surgeon WiUiam Freeman, May 10, 1864. Note l. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers ia given aa it stood ou the day of muster out. u INDIANA CAVALRY. EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment (with the exception of companies L and M) was organ ized as the 39th regiment Indiana infantry, at Indianapolis, Ind., Au gust 29, 1861, to serve three years. Its designation was changed to Sth regiment Indiana cavalry in Octo ber, 1863. Two more companies were organized January 7 and 23, 1864, to serve three years, and as signed to this regiment as compa nies L and M. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organiza tion, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 20, 1865. when it was mus tered out, in accordance with or ders h'om the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable pai't is not yet pubUshed in order.s.) Colonel. Fielder A. Jones 1 Mar., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas Herring 4 May, 65 Majors. Justice G. Crowell 4 May, 65 Thomas N. Baker 4 May, John Leavell 23 May, Captains. Oliver M. Powers 23 Oct, 62 Jacob MitcheU 10 May, 64 Thomas J. McManaman. lApr., 65 Byron Dawson 4 May, Albert Downing 4 May, George T. Winters 4 May, Henry C. Snvder 4 May, WUliam Ockerman 4 May, , Isaac N. Stratton 4 May, John L. Brown 4 May, John J. Jones 4 May, First Lieutenants. 64 James W. Chapin,.^^?'*- 7 May, Simeon J. Mitchell 1 Sept, Aurelius M. WlUoughby, R. Q.M 17N0V., RufusGale, R. C.S 17 Nov., Jennings Branham 3 May, 65 John N. Hurst 4 May, Alexander CoUp 4 May, Andrew Jackson 4 May, Samuel A. Howard 4 May, Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Orris Blake, May 9, 1864, to Major 12th regiment In diana cavalry. First Lieut George W. WUey, Adj't, October 12, 1861, to Captain and C. S. Resigned, (21.) Major John D. Evans, January 16, 1864. Captain WUUam Neal, January 30, 1862. Captain John F. Longley, May 22, 1862. Captain PhUip P. WhiteseU, June 11. 1862. Captain Steven H. Wilson, July 18, 1862. Captain John Stevenson, January 31, 1863. Captain Button G- Cody, April 22, 1863. Captain Theodore W- McCoy, September 8, 1863. Captain John F. McClellan, December 11, 1863. First Lieut. John Q. Lewis, March 10, 1862. First Lieut Samuel G. Decker, AprU 25, 1862. First Lieut. George A. Wainwright, Adj't, May 10, 1S62. First Lieut.Geor^e W. Gordon, July 17, 1862. First Lieut. James W. Boone, March 18, 1863. First Lieut. Nelson T. Miller, September 20, 1863. First Lieut Curtis H. Clark, October 16, 1863. Second Lieut Wesley S. King, January 9, 1862. Second Lieut Andrew J. Colma/n, October 19, 1862. Second Lieut. John A, Boring. January 8, 1865. Assistant Surgeon James A. Garver, March 15, 3863. Assistant Surereon William G. Scott, May 16, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (25.) Colonel Thomas J, Harrison, (Brevet Brigadier General January 31, 1865,) Febmary 17, 1865. Major Charles A. Gordon, December 28, 1864. Major Thomas Graham, December 31, 1864. Captain Elhanan V. Peterson, May 3, 1864. Captain Francis M. Scott December 30, 1864. Captain Horace S. Foote, December 31, 1^64. Captain Edward Reeves, December 3], 1864. Captain John E. Boyer, December 31, 1864. Captain James S. Rea, December 31, 1864. Captain Alfred J. Fortuer, December 31, 1864. Captain Josiah Stanley, December 31, 1864. First Lieut Rufus Gale, R. C. S., September 24, 1864. (Re commissioned First Lieut and R.C. S., November 17 1864.) First Lieut. John Bohan, R. Q. M., October 5, 1864. First Lieut Matthias C. MUls, Adj't, December 30, 1864. First Lieut Haymond W. Clark, December 30, 1864. First Lieut PhUander Blake, December 31, 1864. First Lieut Joseph Noble, December 31, 1864. First Lieut John W. NorveU, December 31, 1864. * First Lieut. John HamUton, December 31, 1864. Second Lieut John W. AUison, November 8, 1864. Second Lieut. Robert ShUling, December 31, 1864. Second Lieut. Jabin Johnson, December 31, 1864 ' Second Lieut James A. Nickleson, December 31* 1864 Surgeon Luther D. Waterman, October 11, 1864 ' Chaplain Arad S. Lakin, December 31, 1864. Died, (10.) Captain Joseph C. Potts, October 5, 1863, of wounds received in action. "" ColumWa. ^Ttk^- '*°"''''"' ^^'"^ '¦ ''^' " ^''^"' »* INDIANA CAVALRY. 15 John C. Wollons . 4 May, 65 First Lieut. William R. PhiUips, killed in action at Shiloh, James Thompson . 4 May, Tenn., April 7, 1862. Rufus Crnll . 4 May First Lieut. William H. Garboden, October 28, 1863, at Chat- ¦ tanooga, Teun. , of wounds received in action. Frederick Koeng .- . 4 May, First Lieut. Wiley Baker, killed in action at Pulaski, Tenn., Second Lieutenants. September 27, 1864. First Lieut. James A. Gray, October 2, 1864, of wounds, a'. Charles J. G-. Workizer . 4 May, 65 Nashville, Tenn. Albert G. Lewis . 4 May, First Lieut Clinton Lennen, killed in action at Black Rivei, Lewis Wolfgang . 4 May, N. C. March 16, 1865. James M. Nicholson . 4 May, Second Lieut. Gabriel Woodmansee, April 9, 1862, of wound. William Goddard . 4 May, received in action. Noah W. Downs . 4 May, Second Lieut. Moses M. Neal, January 8, 1863, at Nashvilll George D. Elgel - 4 May, Tenn., of wounds received in action. Andrew J. Huffman . . - . 4 May, Michael McManman . . . . 4 May, Missing, (1.) Surgeon. First Lieut. Stephen D. Butler, in action at Chickamauga Tenn., September 20, 1863. JohnM. Gray .13 Oct., 64 Dismissed, (1.) Assistani Surgeons. Second Lieut. Lawson H. Albert, October 1, 1862. Thomas I. Fritts 4 Feb., 63 Mahlon C. Connett .... . 4 June, 63 Cliaplain. • Note L — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those ,iitaoanued in Gtinerai Orders befbre October 14, 1865. KOT£ 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood ou the day of miuier sat 16 INDIANA CAVALRY, * NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind , from December 7, 1863, to March 29, 1864, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service August 28, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department) ¦(The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. VirgU H. Lyon 26 Aug., 65 Major. William R. Walls 31 Dec, 64 Captains. Nathaniel J. O wings 30 Dec, 63 James R. Nation 21 Jan., 64 Albert Moorhouse 29 Feb., George R. Brumblay 23 Mar., 65 John C. Rardin 1 Apr., Daniel W. Dunlavy b Apr., Thomas J. Gofer 8 Apr. , John W. Jack 22 Apr., Obadiah B. Hayden 17 June, First Lieutenants. Henry Canfield 4 Feb., 64 James B. Jones 8 Mar., Wilson J. Baker, R. C. 5.30 Apr., John B. Harrod 1 Apr., 65 William H. Calvert 8 Apr., Daniel W. Mason 8 Apr., Benjamin F. Conner 8 Apr., Henry Husterl, R. Q. ilf.-27 Apr., Caleb H. Cooper 10 May, John F. Owings 10 May, G. A. Armstrong, Adj't. . 9 July, Second Lieutenants. Nathan J. Leisure 8 Mar. , 64 Jacob A. Jackson 4 Aug., George S. Fawkner 3 Apr., 65 Thomas G. Conaty 8 Apr., Francis M. Moore 29 Apr., Madison Grose 10 May, Henry A. Clubb 21 June, Surgeon. Richmond M. Welman . .18 May, 64 Assistant Surgeons. John McChristie 21 Jan., 64 Edwin W. Magann 26 June, Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (8.) Colonel George W. Jackson, June 3, 1865. Lieut. Colonel Christian Beck, October 28, 1864. Captain WilUam H. Hyden, March 4. I&65. Captain WilUam Robbins, March 4. 1865. Capt James W. Frazee, August 14, 1865. First Lidut WiUiam S. Demott, July 12, 1864. First Lieut John W. Riley, July 18, 1865. Chaplain WUUam W- Snyder, Jannary 10,1865. Discharged, (16.) Lieut. Colonel Eli LiUy, August 25. 1865. Major Patrick Garland, June 1, 1865. Captain George R. Brumblay, October 22, 1864. (Recommis sioned Captain March 23, 1865.) Captain James C. Hervey, December 8, 1864. Captain Charles F. Brookbank, March 4, 1865. Captain Daniel W. Comstock, August 11, 1865. First Lieut. William Leeper, July 12, 1864. First Lieut Theophilus D, Whitney, R. Q. M., March 4, 1865. First Lieut. Anderson H. Piland, March 11, 1865. First Lieut William P. Payne, Adj't, April 11, 1865. First Lieut Elihu II. Swain, May 15, 1865. First Lieut James R. Dunlap, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. WiUiam H. Gardner, July 5, 1864. Second Lieut John W. Watts, March 4, 1865. Second Lieut, Ira D. Chambei'lnin, May 4, 1865. Second Lieut. James M. DuvaU, July 28, 1865. Died, (4.) Captain Volney Hobson, killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., December 17, 1864. First Lieut Jonathan M. Borroughs, killed in action at Frank ¦ Un, Tenn., December 17. 1864. Second Lieut James S. Watts, killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., December 17, 1864. Se(;ond Lieut. James M. Bristow, kiUed in action at Franklin. Tenn., December 17, 1864. Dismissed, (1.) Captain Benjamin F. Brown, March 25, 1865, * Called also One Hundred and Twenty-first Indiana Volunteers. Note. — The roster of officers ^is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA CAVALRY, 17 TENTH REGIMENT.* (This regiment was organized at Columbus, Terre Haute, New Al bany, Vincennes, and Indianapolis, Ind., from December 3Q, 1863, to April 30, 1864, to serve three years. Itwas mustered out of service Au gust 31, 1865, in accordance with ordersfromthe War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not ye't published in orders.) Colonel. George R. Swallow 8 Jui^e; 65 LieiiAenant Colonel. Thomas G. Williamson. .21 June, 65 Majors. Sylvanus Milner 1 Jime, 65 Dewitt C. James 21 June, George R. Mitchell 21 June, Captains, Ashbury H. Alexander . 8 Jan., 64 Wllli£im Mead 5 Feb., Merman Fisher 8 Mar. , George W. Bell 28 July, James B. Mathers 28 July, George F. Branham 10 Mar., 65 Thomas Claiborn 1 June, George W. Wright 22 June, George S. Snook 24 June, Christopher C. Ludwick. 4 July, William H. Whitworth..l7 July, First Lieutenants. Europe P. Littlepage ... 8 Jan. 64 Paul Clark 11 Jan., John Ingle, fl. C. S 22 Apr.. JohnG. Hunter, R. Q. M.VS June, 65 Oliver Babcock 26 June, James B.-Safford, Adj't.VJ July, Joseph M. Baker 28 July, Garrison P. Bailey, a. w. m. . Second Lieutenants. Ferret J. Hatch 2Feb., 64 William F. Kemp 8 Mar. , t Thomas K. Turnham . .22 Nov., Samuel B. Eccles 1 Apr. , 65 J,ohn E. Bush 8 June, James H. Chaffln 8 June, Daniel R. Alton 20 July, . Surgeon. Samuel B. Lewis 14 July, 65 Assistant Surgeons. Joseph R. Culbertson ...11 Apr., 64 Jacob H. Houser 14 June, 65 Chaplain. John A. Lewis 20 Aug., 64 Casualties. Resigned, (13.) Major George F. Herriott, Januafy 8, 1865. Captain Joseph W. Swift, September 27, 1864. Captain John W. Bradburn, December 13, 1864. . Captain William Jones, jr., March 4, 1865. First Lieut. Jasper IT. Dunlap, July 9, 1864. First Lieut. William Morris, February 20, 1865. First Lieut. Charles H. Bunnell, April 16, 1865. First Lieut. Edwin Jones," June 9. 1865. Second Lieut. Nathaniel Grigsby, October 28, 1864. ( Second Lieut. Jesse Davis, March 4, 1865. Second Lieut. William C. Crouch, July 17, 1865. Second Lieut. Andrew D. Gray, July 22, 1865. Second Lieut. William L. Shaw, August 11, 1865. Discharged, (7.) Colonel Thomas N. Pace, March 16, 1865. Lieut. Colonel Benjamin Q. A. Gresham, April 25, 1865. First Lieut. Burdid A. Clifton, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. John H. Miller, August 30, 1865. Seoond'Lieut. William F. Dixon, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Leonidas L. Walker, June 18, 1865. Surgeon Solomon Davis, March 4, 1865. Died, (5.) Captain Isaac S. Buskirk, July 11, 1864, of disease, at Pulaski, Tenn. Captain Matthew Gaffney, lost on steamer Sultana, April 28, 1865. First Lieut. John F. Leftwich, September 30, 1864, of wounds received in action at Pulaski, Tenn. First Lieut. Alexander G. Twigg, lost on steamer Sultana, April 28, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas B. Reeves, lost on steamer Sultana, April 28, 1865. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut. James A. Wallace, R. Q. Af..March 4, 1865 First Lieut. John T. Dunlap, April 12, 1865. * Called also One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Indiana Volunteers. t Retained in service ; discharged September 6, 1865. Note.— The roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster ont. 2 f - 18 INDIANA CAVALRY, 'ELEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Lafayette, Kokomo, and Indianap olis, Ind., from November 10. 1863, to April 2, 1864, to serve thiiee years. It was mustered out of service Sep tember 19, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of b.attles in_ which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yetpublishedin orders.) Colonel. Abram Sharra 19 May, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Majors. Meredith H. Kidd 26 Mar.", 64 Elias Shewalter 11 Jan., 65 Captains. Smith Lee 14 Jan., 64 Hiram Lindsey 29 Jan., Nerval Blackburn 30 Apr., Robert K. Martin 9 Nov., John F. Bowden 11 Jan., 65 John H. Lindley 1 Apr., Cyrus Romine 1 Apr., Thomas B. Springer 19 May, John M. Atkinson 16 June, John Labaree 16 June, First Lieutenants. Wilson S. Stoller 12 Dec, 64 Charles W. Lockman . ..13 Dec, Jesse A. Cate 1 Apr., 65 Benjamin C. Miller 1 Apr., Samuel C. Lockman 8 May, S amuel Sidenbender 16 June, Robert A. Weir , . . .25 Juno, Franklin C. Phillips 8 July, Samuel S. Martin, R. C. S.20 July, Joseph M. Carr, ^iJj'!.-. 15 Aug., Second Lieutenants. Osmns F. Devault 13 Dec, 64 Frank M. Howard 1 Apr., 65 William L. White 13 Apr. , Samuel F. Hiatt 28 Apr., Joseph A. Hamilton 16 June, Surgeon. Robert H. Crowder 16 Juno, 65 Assistant Surgeons. •. ' Chaplain. Abram C. Bamhart 14 Apr., 64 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Lieut. Colonel Qilbert M. L. Johnson, April 28, 1864, to Colonel 13th regiment Indiana cavalry. Second Lieut. James C. Wilson, March 15, 1864, to Captain, 13th regiment Indiana cavalry. Resigned, (36.) Colonel Robert R. Stewart, May 9, 1865. Major Edgar Henderson, November 24i 1864. Major John C. Hannum, August 14. 1865. Captain Mason S. Hamilton, June 20, 1864. Captain Carlton A. Goodwin, November 3, 1864. Captain John M. Garrett, February 20, 1865. Captain George A, Bettcher, March 12, 1865. Captain Robert H. Crowder, May 9, 1865. (Recommissioned as Assistant Surgeon May 9, 1865.) Captain Richard H. Pratt, May 29, 1865. Captain Sanford Sewell, May 31, 1865. . Captain William B. Givena, June 1, 1865. Captain William H. Sumption, August 14, 1865. Captain George P. Hogeboom, September 4, 1865. First Lieut. Reed C. Watson, R. C. S., August 15, 1864. First Lieut. William Blackman, September 24, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas Long, October 28, 1864. First Lieut. Addison McKee, Jannary 28, 1865. First Lieut. Henry B. Olds, April 7, 1865. First Lieut. John W. Wilson, R. C. S., April 25, 1865. First Lieut. Richard B. Avery, Adj't, May 23, 1865. First Lieut. John C. Briggs. R. Q. M., May 23, 1865. First Lieut. Ralph C. Harper, June 28, 1865. First Lieut. George B. Chapman, July 19, 1865. First Lieut. James H. Whitcomb, July 23, 1865. First Lieut. John C. Catick, K Q. M., September 4, 1865. Second Lieut. Frank Clemens, June 20. 1864. Second Lieut. James G. W. Hardy, February 3, 1865. Second Lieut. John E. Woodard, February 4, 1865. Second Lieut. Basil H. Jewell, May 23, 1865. Second Lieut. Jacob Bryan. May 27, 1865. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Barnum, June 20, 1865. Second Lieut. Walter H. Coon, August 29, 1865. Surgeon Ezra Read, April 26, 1865. fSurgeon Benjamin F. Swafford, May 25, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Samuel B. Bushnell, January 29, 1865. Assistant Sm-geon John A. Robinson, August 14, 1865. Discharged, (4.) Captain Daniel A. Porter, October 15, 1864. First Lieut. Dfivid PhiUips, October 15, 1864. First Lieut. George A. Mark, October 15, 1864. Second Lieut. George Hardesty, October 15, 1864. Died, (3.) Captain Robert H. Heckathorn, December 26, 1864, of woands received in action at Nashville, Tenn. First Lieut. David B. Rees, killed in action at Nashville, Tenn., December 15, 1864. Second Lieut. George W. Ware, December 7, 1864. Dismissed, (3.) Captain Isaac L. La Flesh, August 27, 1864. i Captain Adelbert D. Lee, August 27, 1864. Second Lieut. David Dellinger, April 22, 1865. * Called also One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Indiana Volunteers. Note.— The roster of officers is given aa it stood on the dav of muster out. INDIANA CAVALRY. 19 TWELFTH REGIMENT. Casualties. (This regiment was organized at Kendall ville, Ind., from December Resigned, (11.) 10, 1863, to April 28, 1864, to serve three years. It was mustered out Major Josiah B. Cobb, May 29, 1865. of service November 10, 1865, in Captain Prank J. Miller, July 19, 1864. accordance with orders from the Captain Lewis Stoddard, November 4, 1864. War Department.) Captain Timothy Baker, January 8, 1865. (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain Major D. Williams, August 17, 1865. First Lieut. John Weston, R. Q. M., November 14,1864. First Lieut, Charles Fish, June 27, 1865. Second Lieut. Theophilus A. Fravel, July 19, 1864. Colonel. Second Lieut. Seneca Primley, July 30, 1864. Assistant Surgeon James A. Wood, October 28, 1864. Edward Anderson 1 Mar., 64 Chaplain James H. Claypool, January 5, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel. Alfred Keed' 31 Mar., 64 Discharged, (11.) Majors. Captain Benjamin P. Curtis, October 15, 1864. W*aam H. Calkins 26 Mar., 64 Captain Almon Foster, October 15, 1864. Orris Blake 10 May, Captain Benjamin 0. WUkinson, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. Daniel N. Leib, October 15, 1864. Captains. First Lieut. George L Tuttle, October 15, 1864. Willys G. Peck 1 Dec, 63 64 First Lieut. Gideon R. Chrisman, May 13, 1865. Daniel M. Graves 12 Jan. , First Lieut. Henry H. Graves, May 22, 1865. Robert S. Etchart 12 Jan., First Lieut. Henry R. Fields, August 5, 1865. Ethan E. Thornton 12 Jan., Second Lieut Levi Burden, October 15, 1864. James R. Sherwood 1 Sept. Second Lieut. Lorenzo Taylor, October 15, 1864. John E.Smith 1 Apr., 65 Second Lieut. Edward Hubbel, October 15, 1864. John H. Pinney. .. 5 Apr., JohnM. Foster 20 May, Died, (1.) Joseph Tnrnock 2p June, Edwin Turiiock 1 Nov., Second Lieut. Charles Ball, September 12, 1865, of disease. First Lieuundnts: Seth Loomis 1 Dec, 6364 Dismissed, (2.) Joseph T. Ballow 7 Jan., William Bissell 12 J&n., Captain Amos Da HuflF, February 19, 1865. D. W. Shryock, R. C.S.. 1 Apr., First Lieut. WiUinm C. MarshaU, March 7, 1865. Franklin T. Johnson 1 Apr., 65 Levi C.Smith 21 May, Deserted, (1.) Maurice Sheehan 21 May, WUliam Pew, Adj't 23 May, J. M. Littlefield, R. «. Jir.23 May, Second Lieut. Charles 0. Higb6e, September 8, 1865. William Wilkinson .-. - . .20 June, Charles L. Andrews 1 Nov., Second Lieutenants. James M. Buel .-.-...... 9 Jan., 64 George N. Osgood 12 Jan., William Chittenden 4 Feb., Davis B. WilUams 1 Aug., Andrew C.Nye 9 Dec, Peter Edler 23 May, 65 , Daniel N. Dressier 24 July, John B. Smith, a. w. ra. Surgeon. Samuel R. Pratt 24 May, 64 Assistant Surgeons. John T. Browne 1 July, 64 D.A.Clowes 22July, 65 Chaplain. • Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood 'on the day of mnster ont. 20 INDIANA CAVALRY. * THIRTEENTH RE(^IMENT. (This regiment was organize*^ at IndianapoUs, Kokomo, and New^ Albany, Ind., from December 23, 1863, to April 29, 1864, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service November 18, 1865, in. accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. GUbert M. L. Johnson -.29 Apr., 64 {Brevet Brig. Gen. 25 Sept., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Kanna S.Moore 30 Oct, 65 Major. 65 JohnT. Wheeler 29 Apr., Joseph M. Strieker 12 June, David H. WaU 1 Sept George Han ey 6 Feb., Jacob H. Conrad 6 Feb., Gebrge P. Bunco 1 May, ^"WilUam H. Clendening. .10 May, James W. Hostetler 10 May, First Lieutenants. Alexander RayhiU 28 Doc. , 63 LeviH.Hillis 9 Mar., 64 Samuel H. Moore, Adj't. 11 Apr., Alexander F. Wheeler . .29 Apr., E. A. Cobb, R. Q; iW ...29 Apr., Edward F. Reid 1 .July, John B. Ruter, R. C.S.. 3 Nov., John W. Chapman 1 Jan., 65 PhUo G.Leslie 6 Feb., Ehsha Weakley 28 Feb., William M. Munson 11 May, James M. Ross 21 Aug., WUUam Verbarg 31 Oct., Second Lieutenants. Josiah W. H. LitteU 4 Apr., 64 Silas A. Pulse 1 Sept, Jacob Miller lOMay, 65 Samuel Cook 11 May, OUver S. Musser 13 July, 65 Tecumseh Kilgore 27 Mar., Assistant Surgeons. John H. Jones: 1 July, Doctor F. Morrow 1 Aug. Chaplain. WUUam P. Coffin 14 Jan. The following is a list of the enlisted men of this regiment to whom medals of honorhave been awarded by the Secretary of War : Corporal Absalom Jordan. 65 Casxjaltijcs. Resigned, (12.) Lieut Colonel WUUam T. Pepper, August 28, 1865. Major Isaac Dc Long, July 21, 1865, Captain Dillon Bridges, November 13, 1864. Captain William A. Hayes, October 31, 1865. First Lieut. James Jones, August 11, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas B. Thomson, August 14, 1864. First Lieut Charles R. McKnight November 24, 1864. First Lieut. Josiah H. Sabine, July 21, 1865. First Lieut Charles W. Bmder, October 14, 1865. Second Lieut Levi S. Hurst,. August 23, 1864,^ Second Lieut. Andrew J. Bruner, January 11, 1865. Second Lieut. Charles M. Bingham,' March 26, 1S65. Discharged, (8.) Major Leonidas Stout, April 15, 1865. Captain George Muth, October 15, 1864. Captain WUliam P. Coffin, January 13, 1865. (Recommis sioned as Chaplain January 14, 1865.) Captain Charles F. Cruder, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. John W. Manington, Januasy 28, 1865. Second Lieut. Strother M, Stockslager, May 20, 1865. Surgeon AUen M. Walton, July 1, 1864. Surgeon Robert H. Buek, February 4, 1865. Died, (2.) ^ Captain Frederick Leslie, killed in action at OveraE's Creek, Tenn., December 4, 1864. Second Lieut James R. Fry, October 16, 1864, of disease, at Huntsville, Ala. Dismissed, (4.) Captain James C. WUson, December 31, 1864. Captain Jacob Herman, February 20, 1865, Captain Richard E. Weathers, March 21, 1865. Second Lieut Levi Reynolds, November 11, 1864. * Called also One Hundred amd Thirty-first Regiment Indiana Volunteers. OrderrbeV^^foSr ?S "" ^°'^"' "" '"^ '"^'"^ "^^P' '"^"'^ --o^ced in General Note 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA CAVALRY, 21 INDEPENDENT COMPANY OP MOUNTED SCOUTS. Casualties. (This company was organized at Leavenworth, Ind., AnguBtl3,I863, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service April 23, 1864, in ac cordance with orders firom tho War Department.) * (The official list of battles in which this company bore an honorable part is not jret pul)lished in orders.) Captain. • Charles L. Lamb, a. w. m. First Lieutenant. James J. Clark, a.w.m. . Second Lieutenant. Samuel E. Williams, a.w.m. note. — Tho roster of officers is given as it stood on the day cf mnster ont. 22 INDIANA HEAVY ARTILLERY. FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment (with the exception of companies L and M) was organized as the 21st regiment Indiana in fantry, at Indianapolis, Ind., July 24, 1861, to serve three years. Its designation was changed to 1st regiment heavy artillery in Febru ary, 1863. Two new companies were organized at Indianapolis, Ind., from August 12 to November 2, 1863, to serve three years, and assigned to this regiment as com panies L and M. On the expira tion of its term of service the ori ginal members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ- ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until January 10, 1866, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with or ders from the War Department.) The following is the only official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub Ushed in orders : "BATON BOUGE," "C0TTEN,""BIS- LAND," "PORT HUDSON." Colonel. Benjamin P. Hays 9 May, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Majors. * James W. Connelly 17 Nov., 64 John W.Day 7 Dec, tlsaoc C. Hendricks 25 May, 65 Captains. f Samuel Armstrong 18 Nov., 63 William Bough 9 Feb., 64 Abram W. Simmons 28 Mar., Jesse Hadden... 8 Oct., George J. Brown 15 Oct., William P. Wimmer 17 Nov., William H. Blankenship-. 7 Dec, George W. Branson 28 Mar., 65 Robert H. Crist 25 May, SilasBates 8 June, First Lieutenants. James Hughes 12 Oct., 63 Alfred B. McClarren 28 Apr., 64 Merritt C. Skinner 4 May William H. H. Turner . .17 May| Peter A. Burns 21 May, Joseph O. Whalen 25June, George W. James 18 July, Jacob P. Sherfey 29 July, James G. Northcraft 15 Oct., Thomas Sibert 15 Oct., * Retained in t Retained in Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Colonel James W. McMUlan, May 18, 1863, to Brigadier Gen eral. Assistant Surgeon Emanuel R. Hawn, April 4, 1864, to Sur geon 49th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (36,) Lieut. Colonel WiUiam Eoy, July 11, 1865. Captain James H. Garrett, May 29, 1862. Captain Jacob Hess, August 18, 1862. Captain John T. CampbeU, October 23, 1862. Captain WilUam M. Skelton, December 23, 1862. Captain David Edmiston, Febmary 21, 1863. Captain Eden H. Fisher, November 20, 1863. Captain Elihu E. Rose, December 8, 1863. Captain James W. Hayrick, November 21, 1864. Captain Chambers Cox, October 28, 1865. First Lieut. John S. Milam, May 29, 1862. First Lieut. Robert C. McAfee, July — , 1862. First Lieut. George Wood, July 13, 1863. First Lieut. William Harper, July 29, 1863. First Lieut. Walter C. Elkin, November 1, 1863. First Lieut. George H. Black, December 23, 1863. First Lieut. Samuel Hartley, August 25, 1864. First Lieut. WilUam M. Conner, September 28, 1864.' First Lieut. Oliver H. P. Ewing, November 23, 1864. First Lieut. WUliam L. Ehea, December 28, 1865. Second Lieut. Jesse ElUott, October I, 1861. Second Lieut. Eli Lilly, December 3, 1861. Second Lieut. William S. Smurr, December 31, 1861. Second Lieut. James R. Moore, April 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Spencer L. Bryan, June 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward T. Hubbell, October 13, 1862. Second Lieut. George C. Harding, January 1, 1864. Second Lieut. Omer Tousey, February 7, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas M. Compton, August 1, 1865. Second Lieut. Mark Joseph, August 16, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Little, August 28, 1865. Second Lieut. Jeffrey Rodgers, October 14, 1865. Surgeon Ezra Read, December 15, 1862. Assistant Surgeon John B. Davis, October — , 1862. Assistant Surgeon John C. L. CampbeU, June 30, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John A. Goldsbeiry, July 11, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (9.) Major Edward McLaflin, September 6, 1864. Major James Grimsley, September 8, 1864. Captain Francis W. Noblet, July 31, 1864. Captain Clayton Cox, August 3, 1864. Captain WUliam S. Hinkle, August 15, 1864. First Lieut. John M. Ad.-ims, August 3, 1864 First Lieut. Robert H. Rhea, August 5, 1864 First Lieut. Benjamin P. Card, September 7, 1864 H irst Lieut Charles Toms, September 8 IBM Discharged, (12.) Colonel John A. Keith, February 2, 1865. Captain Benjamin S. Harrower, May 15 1865 First Lieut. CaZmn J. W«som, June 20, 1863 ' Pu-st Lieut. Samuel H. Fields, January 20 1864 service ; discharged January 15, 1866. service ; discharged February 3, 1866. INDIANA HEAVY ARTILLERY. 23 Jacob W. Martin 16 Oct, 64 James A. Shirley 17 Oct, Tipton D. Clary 22 Oct, John Ashley 14 Nov., Madison M. Snow 17 Nov., William P. Goss 23 Nov., Thomas J, Raper 7 Doc, Wmiam W. Albin 31 Mar., 65 William W. Templeton . 1 May, Seth Matthews 10 May, Levi G. Benson 25 May, Theodore Markle 1 June, Charles F. Hogne 8 Juno, Second Lieutenants. Robert Fuller 8 Feb., 64 Daniel F. Pippengor 3 May, Charles Polk 25 June, , Joseph L. Washburn 15 Oct., John G. Parker 22 Oct., Benjamin R. Helms 15 Nov. , William JI. Aydclott-...]8 Nov., James R. Henry 28 Nov. , Harrison Wright 3 Dec, Richard M. Stamper 7 Dec, Samuel Foster 13 Feb., 65 WUliam Wood 2 Apr., Lemuel McCarty 10 May, Thomas F. Bilby 1 June, Edward M. Pinney 1 June, Stephen StaUcup 3 June, WUliam R. EUiott. . . . ^ . ,23 Aug., Stukely CampbeU ...... 1 Sept, Surgeon. William F. Sherrod 1 Jan., 63 Assistant Surgeons. Isaac T. Conn 18 June, 65 Daniel L. Woods 3 Oct, Chaplain. Jasper J. Moss SJuly, 64 First Lieut Henry II, Olds, June 21, 1864. First Liout Garrett Wall, February 18, 1865. First Lieut, Henry F. McMUlan, Adj't, April 21, 1865. Second Lieut George .Taycox, December 31, 1864. Second Lieut Thaddeus P. Jackson, March 18, 1865. Second Lieut John Ubert, November 15, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Williamson D. Dunn, September 3, 1863. Chaplain Nelson L. Brakeman, March 3, 1864. Died, (10.) Captain Richard Campbell, April 26, 1808, of disease. First Lieut. Matthew A. Latham, Adj't, killed iu action at Baton Rouge, La., August 5, 1862. First Lieut Charles D. Seely, kUled iu action at Baton Rouge^ La., August 5, 1862. First Lieut Thomas Grinstead, August 9. 1862, of wounds re ceived in action. First Lieut Thomas D. Bryant, August 18, 1862, of wounds received in action. First Lieut Harvey B. HaU, January 11, 1864. First Lieut. WiUiam B. Glover, Juno 18, 1864. Second Lieut William IL Wolf, kUled October 30, 1863. Second Lieut Joseph W. Siddens, kiUed August 10, 1864. Assistant Surgeon George K. IJlcCoy, committed suicide De cember 18, 1864. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut. Henry A. Louis, September 4, 1861. First Lieut. James H. Brown, January 35, 1864. Note.— The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. 24 INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. INDEPENDENT BATTERIES. FIRST BATTERY. ¦(This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., August 16, 1861, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered ou^, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service "untU August 22, 1865, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Lawi'ence Jacoby 9 Aug., 64 First Lieutenant. Jacob Manu 1 Sept. , 63 Second Lieutenants. Hugo Pfaefflin 5 Aug., 63 John W. Gerhardt 30 Aug., SECOND BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., Septemberl, 1861, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its term of service the ' original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 3, 1865, when it was mustered out, iu accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. James S. Wliicher 28 Oct, 64 First Lieutenants. GeorgeB.Smk 28 Oct, 64 John Stewart 5 Jan., 65 Second Lieutenants. John Heardin 5 Jan., 65 Ciilvin W. Johnson 6 Feb., Casualties. Resigned, (3.) Captain Martin Klauss, June 20, 1864. First Lieut John Louis Bitrolfif, jr., July 22, 1863. Second Lieut. Caspar Tomhemelt, April 32, 1863. Discharged, (2.) Second Lieut. Johfi Rothengatter, January 11, 1862. Second Lieut Philip Nimveiler, August 10, 1863. Died, (1.) First Lieut. Arnold Schruender, October 28, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo. Casualtik.?. Promoted, (1.) Captain John W. iJaftS, January 21, 1864, to Maior 2d reel- ment Missouri light artiUery. Resigned, (3.) First Lieut Matthias K. Haines, August 14, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (3.) Captain Hugh Espey, September 14. 1864 First Lieut William W. Haines, September 14 1864 Second Lieut John L. Miles, September 14, 1864. Discharged, (1.) Captain David G. Rabb, October 9, 1862. Died, (1.) Second_ Lieut Matthew H. Masterson, kUIed by guerillas at Spavmaugh Creek, Ark., November 1, 1862. ^"^''"'^^ "^ INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. 25 THIRD BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., August 24, ,1861, to serve three years. On the ex piration of Us term of service tho oiiginal members (except veterans) were mustered out, aud the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until August 21, 1865, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with orders from the Wai' Department) (Tho official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain, Richard Bums 25 July, 65 First Lieutenant. Francis C. Swiggett 26 July, 65 Second Lieutenant. . Philip McPherson 25 Oct. 63 FOURTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., September 30, 1861, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of Veterans and recruits, retained in service. It was mustered out in July, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable pai't is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Benjamin F. Johnson 10 Nov., 64 First Lieutenants. George M. Lamb .- #. 9 Jan., 65 James E. Gamble 10 Jan., Second Lieutenants. Greorge W. Jackson 2 Nov., 64 Oliver H. Bowman 1 Jan., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut. Hubbard T. Thomas, March 22, 1863, to Captain WUder's Indiana battery. Resigned, (2.) First Lieut Adolphus G. Armington, April 10, 1863. Second Lieut. Leonidas Thrasher, December 26, 1861. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) Captain Thomas J. Ginn, June 13, 1865. Second Lieut David N. Berg, August 64, 1864. Discharged, (1.) Captain WUUam W. Frybarger, December 7, 1861. Died, (1.) Second Lieut James S. Develin, November 24, 1862, of wounds received in action at Lone Jack, Mo. Dismissed, (1.) Captain James M. Cochefair, December — , 1864. Casualties. Transferred, (1.) Captain Asahel K. Bush, September 30, 1863, to Veteran Re serve Corps. Resigned, (4.) First Lieut. Mark L. De Mott, March §, 1862. First Lieut Leonard R. De Groff, May 10, 1862. First Lieut Augustus A. Starr, July 1, 1863, Second Lieut John W. McCleary, March 9, 1863. Mustere,d out on expiration of term of service, (2.) First Lieut. Henry J. WUlits, October 6, 1864. Second Lieut. WUlis H. Pettit October 6, 1864. Missing, (1.) ¦ First Lieut. David Planebiirg, since September 19, 1863. 26 INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. FIFTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., November 22, 1861, to serve Three years. The original _ n^embera (except veterans) were ' mustered out November 26, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the veterans and re cruits transferred to the 7th Indiana battery.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Alfred Morrison 1 Aug., 64 First Lieutenant. George H. Briggs 16 Nov., 63 Second Lieutenants. Jacob P, EUison 1 July, 63 Daniel H. Chandler 1 July, 64 SIXTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from September?, 1861, to January 15, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service theorigiual mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out and the organization, pomposed of veterans and i-ecruits, retained in service until July 22, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) The following is the only official list ot battles in which this battery bore an honorable part yet published in orders : "SIEGE OF VICKSBURG," "JACKSON." Captain. First Lieutenants. Second Lieutena/nt. Adam Frank 1 Dec, 64 Casualties. !, (3.) First Lieut Henry Rankin, September 9, 1863. Second Lieut Gordon Simons, November 30, 1862. Second Lieut Mundy Allen, AprU 20, 1863. Died, (1.) Captain Peter Simonson, kiUed in action near Marietta, Ga., June 16, 1864 Casualties. ^ Resigned, (1.) First Lieut. Charles Adelman, January 10, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term, of service, (2.) Captain Michael Mueller, September 19, 1864. First Lieut. Lewis Kern, December 3, 1864. Discharged, (3.) First Lieut. Wiliam Mussman, December 10, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward Yanke, May 3, 1863. Second Lieut Ptter Butsch, September 24, 1864. Died, (1.) Captain Frederick Behr, kiUed in action at Pittsburg Laudine. Tenn., April 6, 1862. INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. 27 SEVENTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs Ind., DecemberSl, 1861, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were raxistered out and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 20, 1865, when i,t wap mus tered out, in accordance with orders ftom the War Departnjient.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. WiUiam Stokes U Apr., 65 First Lieutenants. WUUam H. Hartley 12 May, 65 Allen AUoway 13 May, Second Lieutenants. Louis Weisenthal 12 May, 65 James O'Mara, a. w. m. EIGHTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., January 24, 1862, to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out January 25, 1865, by reason of expiration of term of ser vice, and the veterans and recruits transferred to the 7th Indiana bat tery.) (Th« official Usit of hattles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Ca0ain. George Estep 26 Apr., 63 First Lieutenants. Jeremiah Voris 27 Apr., 63 Samuel Winsor 1 July, Second tiieutenants. Charles B. Eldred 1 July, * WiUiam Stokes 1 July, Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captain George R. Swallow, May 5, 1864, to Major 10th regiment Indiana cavalry. Resigned, (3.) Captain Samuel J. Harris, March 28, 1863. ' First Lieut. Lewis B. Leonard, AprU 23, 1862. First Lieut John J. Hawes, December 23, 1862. , Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (5.) Captain Otho H. Morgan, December 7, 1864. First Lieut John C. Fislor, December 7, 3864. First Lieut. George M. Repp, December 7, 1864. Second Lieut. Columbus S. Pound, December 7, 1864. Second Lieut George C. Masterson, December 7, 1864- Died, (1.) Second Lieut Frank W. Buckmar, January 16, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tenn. CASUALTIES. Resigned, (1.) First Lieut John W. Thompson, June 16, 1862, Dismissed, (2.) Captain George T. Cochran, August 11, 1862. Second Lieut Richard Jervis, February 1, 1863. * Transferred to 7th Indiana battery. 28 INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. NINTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at Cairo, HI, February 25, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out February 25, 1865, by reason of expiration of term of service.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is no| yel published in orders.) Captain. George R. Brown 1 July, 63 First Lieutenaitts. < Second Lieutenant. Samuel G. Calfee 1 July, 63 TENTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., January 25, 1862, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out and the organi zation, composed of veterans aud recruits, retaiiied in service until July 10, 1865, when it was mus tered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles m which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Casualties. Resigned, (2.) Captain Noah S. Thompson, June 8, 1863. Second Lieut. Daniel A. Porter, PebruarySO, 1863. Discharged, (2.) First Lieut John W. Wellshear, July 8 1863. First Lieut WaUace Hight, December 13, 1864. Casualties. Resigned, (4.) Captain Jerome B. Cox, June 1. 1863. Fii'st Lieut William H. Cox, November 13, 1863. Second Lieut Charlfes E. DuBois, July 6, 1862. Second Lieut Jehu ElUs, March 3, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (4.) Captain WiUiam A. Naylor, January 24, 1865. First Lieut Alfred Cosner, January 24, 1865. First Lieut Henry M. BaU, January 24, 1865. ¦ Second Lieut WiUiam Cheney, January 24, 1865. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut Thomas Herron, jr., March 29, 1862. Second Lieut John C. CUfford, October 1, 1863, First Lievienants. Ferdinand Mayer 27 Apr., Hugh S. Engle 27 Apr., Second Lieutenants. INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY, 29 ELEVENTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., December 17, 1861, to serve three years. It was mus tered out January 7, 1865, by rea son of expiration of term of ser vice, and the veterans and recruits transferred to tl^e 18th Indiana bat tery.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUahed in orders.) Captain. Arnold Sutermeister 17 Dec, 61 a First Lieutena/nts. John Otto 11 Aug., 63 John H. Jacobs 18 Apr., 64 Second Lieutenants. JohnH.Ehlers 11 Aug., 63 John McKinley 18 Apr. , 64 TWELFTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at Indi anapolis and JefEersonvUle, Ind., January 25, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out and the organization, composed of v.eterans and recruits, retained in service untU July 7, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain, James A. Dunwoody 13 May, 65 First Lieutenants. Isaac Hamilton 13 May, 65 George W. Linck 13 May, Second Lieutenants. William Gettv 13 May, 65 Thadeus Shaffer : . 13 May, Casualties. Resigned, (3.) First Lieut. Henry Tons, March 35, 1863. ' First Lieut WilUam Green, May 29, 1863. , First Lieut. Henry M. WiUlams, November 23, 1863. Died, (L) Second Lieut. Charles R. Scott, January 5, 1864 Casualties. Resigned, (7.) Captain Georgo W. Sterling, AprU 25, 1862. First Lieut Wilford H. Watkins, April 30, 1862. First Lieut Adam A. Stadler, May 15, 1862. Second Lieut Samuel B. Glover, AprU 18, 1862. Second Lieut. Josiph Shaw, November 25, 1863. Second Lieut Jesse Day, May 11, 1864. Second Lieut James D. Robinson, November 8, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) Captain James E. White, January 4, 1865. First Lieut James W. Jacobs, January 4, 1865. Died, (3.) First Lieut. Moody C. Dustin, March 16, 1863. Second Lieut Benjamin F. Lutz, April 18, 1862. I, (1.) First Lieut George Leitch, January 19, 1863. 30 INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. thirteenth BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., February 22, 1862, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its term of service the original meraber,s (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and • recruits, retained in service until July 10, 1865, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department. (The official list 'of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Benjamin S. Nicklin 19 Apr., 62 First Lieutenant. JohnSelkirk 1 May, 65 Second Lieutenants. James H. Robertson 27 Oct., 64 John H. Robertson 1 May, 65 FOURTEENTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized af In dianapoUs, Ind., March 11, 1862, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until September 1, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The offecial Ust of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is Hot yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. John W. H. McGuire, a. w. m. First Lieutenant. Amos L. Stephenson 1 July, 65 Second^ Lieutenant. Ebenezer C. Tyler IJuly, 65 Casualties. Resigned, (6.) First Lieut Ezekiel Green, February 13, 1863. First Lieut Tyler A. Mason, April 25, 1863.. First Lieut Truman W. Hall, September 6, 1863. First Lieut Jesse CruU, June 22, 1865. Second Lieut Charles W. Men-ick, July 15, 1864. Second Lieut Jeremiah M. Green, September 28, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (1.) First Lieut. Tracy Kingman, April 3, 1865 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captain Meredith H. Kidd, March24,1864, to Major 11th regi ment Indiana cavalry. Resigned, (2.) First Lieut John B. Tyer, August 31, 1862. Second Lieut Irvin H. Whitman, March 23, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (1.) Captain Francis W. Morse, July 13, 1865. Died, (1.) Second Lieut Henry C. Loveland, June 14, 1862, of disease. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut. Francis E. Stone, January 15, 1865 Second Lieut Lewis C. Williams, May 17 1864." INDIANA LIGHt ARTILLEBY^, 31 fifteenth battery.* (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., July 5, 1862, to serve three years. Itwas mustered out of service June 30, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Alonzo D. Harvey 3 Aug., 64 First Lieutenant. Frederick W. Font 7 June, 64 Second Lieutenant. Adam Kuntz 10 Dec, 63 sixteenth battery. (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., May 26, 1862, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the origi nal members (except veterans) were mustered out Q^d the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 5, 1865, when it was mustered Out, in accordance withordersfrom the War Dep'artnaent.) (The official Ust of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) C^tain. Benjamin W. Livermore. 10 June, 65 First Lieutenants. John S. Patton :25 Mar., 65 Benj. F. Cunningham — 12 June, Second Lieutenants. James C. Chidester 25 Mar., 65 Frederick W. Hoff 12 June, * Called also Stanton Battery. Casualties. Resigned, (1.) Second Lieut. Carl Mueller, August 15, 1862. Discharged, (3.) Captain John C. H. Von Sehjen, May 9, 1864. Second Lieut Peter Schlarb, August 11, 1863. Died, (1.) First Lieut. WUliam H. Torr, December 3, 1863, of disease, at KnoxviUe, Tenn. Casualties. Resigned, (2.) * Captain Charles A. Naylor, November 29, 1869. Second Lieut. Frederick Sturm, August 31, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) Captain Charles R. Deming, April 21, 1865. Fust Lieut Claudius C. DuteU, February 16, 1865. Discliarged, (3.) First Lieut. Henry F. Jennings, September 26, 1863. Second Lieut. Samuel M. WUson, May 24, 1864. 32 INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. seventeenth battery. (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind,, May 20, 1862, to serve three years. It was i-etained in service untU July 8, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official Ust of battles in which this battery bore an honorable partis not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Hezekiah Binkson 30 Nov., 64 First Lieutenant. Laban Sparks 20 Nov., 64 Second Lieutenants. Daniel B. BaUy 21 Nov., .64 David B. Williams 21 Nov. , Casualties. Resigned, (3.) First Lieut. Benjamin F. Johnson, March 3, 1863. First Lieut. WilUam H. Miner, September 13, 1864. Second Lieut Charles H. Raymond, December 3, 1862. (Re commissioned First Lieut November 20, 1864.) Discharged, (1.) First Lieut, Charles H. Raymond, May 24, 1865 Died, (2.) Captain Milton L. Miner, October 8, 1864, at Winchester, Va. Second Lieut. Howard Brown, April 13, 1863, at Harper's Ferry, Va. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. William H. Berry, March 1, 1864. eighteenth battery. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., August 20, 1862, to serve three years. It was mus tered out of service June 30, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet' pubUshed in orders. ) Captain. M. Beck 15May, 64 First Lieutenant. William B. Rippetoe 27 Apr., 64 Second Lieutenants. John D. Johnston 37 Apr, , 64 David W. Rippetoe 15 May, Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captai* Eli Lilly, April 3, 1864, to Major 9th regiment Indiana cavalry. Resigned, (1.) First Lieut Joseph A. Scott April 37, 1864. Died, (1.) First Lieut. Martin J. Miller, killed in action near Solma, Ala., AprU 2, 1865. • Dismissed, (1.) First Lieut Samuel L. Hartmau, August 9, 1863. INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY, 33 NINETEENTH BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., Augusts, 1862, to serve three years. It was mus tered out of service June 10, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official Ust of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part ' is not yet published in ordera.) Captain. WiUiam P. Stackhouse..23 0ct,' 64 (Brevet Major 13 March, 1865.) First Lieutenants. Second Lieutenants. Clinton Keelcr 18 Mar., Gi J. C. Conklin 31 Dec, TWENTIETH BATTERY.* (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind,, September 38, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 10, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Departmei-t.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain, John L Morris 28 Feb., 65 First Lieutenants. WiUiam J. Allen .• 1 Sept, 64 Edwin D.York 20 Mar., 65 Second Lieutenants. Thomas H. Stevenson... 37 Nov., 64 . Warren C. Gilbreath. . . .20 Mar., 65 I Casualties. Resigned, (2.) First Lieut Robert G. XjQckey, December 5, 1863. Second Lieut Charles M. Butler, September 27, 1863. Discharged, (2.) Captain Samuel J. Harris, June 3, 1864. Second Lieut Francis M. Stobaugh, March 18, 1864 Died, (1.) First Lieut. Samuel D. Webb, May 20, 1865, of wounds re ceived in action. Dismissed, (1.) First Lieut. Salathiel L. Gregg, October 27, 1862. Casualties. (6.) Captain Frank A. Rose, February 18, 1863. Captain Milton A. Osborne, February 19, 1865. First Lieut. Hermann Ludwig, May 4, 1863. First Lieut George F. Armstrong, July 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Milton Roberts, November 27, 1862. Second Lieut. Charles G. Morris, August 4, 1864. * Called also Noble Battery 3 i' 34 INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. TWENTY-FIRST BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., September 9, 1862, to .servo three years. It was mus tered out of service June 26, i865, in accordance with orders from Lhe War Department,) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Abram P. Andrew 28 Oct, 64 First Lieutenants. WmiamE. Chess..' 28 Oct, GA JohnW. EUiott 20 Dec, Second Lieutenants. WUUam M. Whitten 28 Oct, 64 Alfted B. Miller 30 Dec, Casualties. Discliarged, (2.) Captain WUUam W. Andrew, September 17, 1864. First Lieut. James S. Hain, April 1, 1863. , Reduced to the ranks, (1.) First Lieut. Alonzo S. Nichols, December 5, 1864. TWENTY-SECOND BATTERY.* (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., December 15, 1862, to serve three years. It was mus tered out of service July 7, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Edward W. Nicholson, a. w. m. First Lieutenant. George W. Alexander. ..12 Apr., 65 Res^ned, (1.) Second Lieut. James W. WUHamson, April 15, 1863. Discharged, 02.) Firfct Liout. James M, Scott, March 27, 1863. First Lieut Alonzo Swain, January 10, 1865. Died, (1.) Captain Benjamin P. Denning, July 3, 1864, of woimds re ceived in action. Second Lieutenant. Obed W. Huston 30 Apr., 64 * Called also Carrington Battery. INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. 35 TWENTY-THIRD BATTERY. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., Novembers, 1862, to serve three years. It was mus tered out of service July 2, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part 'is not yet published in orders.) Captain. JamesH. Myers 8Nov., 62 First Lieutenants, AaronA.WUber SNov., 62 Scylurus W. Alexander. 14 Apr., 65 Second Lieutenant. John W.Ross SNov., 62 TWENTY-FOURTH EATTEIIy. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., November 29, 1862, to serve three years. It was mus tered out of service August 3, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official Ust of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Alexander Hardy 25 Apr. , 64 First Lieutenant, Henry W. Shafer 1 July, 63 Second Lieutenant. Hiram Allen 1 July, 63 Casualties. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut Luther W. Houghton, August 16, 1864. Casualties. Pr'omoied, (1.)* First Lieut. MUton A. Osborne, March 22, 1863, to Captain 2Dth Indiana battery. Resigned, (1.) Captain Joseph A. Sims. January 7, 1864. 36 INDIANA LIGHT ARTILLERY. twenty-fifth battery. (This battery was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., from September 4 to November 4, 1864, to serve one year. It was mustered out of ser vice July 20, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Frederick C. Sturm 6 Oct, 64 First Lieutenants. Edward W. Fluehart 1 Oct, 64 John P. Encking 22 Nov., Second Lieutenants. Thomas P. Farly 6 Oct 64 Robert Watson 26 Nov. , %VILDER'S battery. (This battery was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., June 12, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of iffl terra of service the ori ginal members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recniits, retained in service until July 19, 1865, when it was mus tered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Hubbard T. Thomas 33 Mar., 63 First Lieutenants. Robert H. RandaU 11 Feb., Gl Benjamin Hamilton 9 Mar., Second Lieutenants. Finlaw M. Toland 11 Feb., 64 John H- Jackson 9 Mar., Casualties. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut Jacob It. Sf(rmart,Jmi\\iXTy 17, 1862, to Captain 17th regimi^ut Indiana infantry. Ifesigned, (3.) First Lieut. Casper W. McLaughlin, February 8, 1864 First Lieut Charles H. Pm-ter, February 8, 1864 Second Lieut Benjamin M. Ilicketts, June 17, 1863. Died, (1.) First Lieut. William K. Wilson, January — , 1863. Dismissed, (3.) Captain Silas F. Rigby, November 22, 1862. First Lieut. WUliam H. Carroll, November 22, 1862. Second Lieut. Matthew E. Jackson, November 22, 1863 OrlTbitorOctorru'Ts^'."™*" "^ entered on this register except those announced in General SOTE 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 37 * SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Mad ison, Ind., in September, 1861, to serve three years. It was mustered out September 32, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the veterans and recruits transfer red to the 68th regiment Indiana infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Calvha D. Campbell 6 May, 64 Major. Delaney Kavanaugh 15 July, 64 Captains. Samuel T. Finney 30 May, 62 Oscar F. Rodarmel 26 Apr., 63 Charles C, Briant 21 Dec, Daniel W. Conner 29 Apr., ^4 James F. Simpson 1 May, WilUam P. DUlon 16 July, Moses Crawford 17 July, First Lieutenants. WiUiam N. WiUiams 30 May, 62 Joseph J. SiddaU, Adj't.. ^0 Jan., 63 Pleasant C. MeGannon..28 Feb., Geo. W, Crabb, R. Q. ili-14 Mar., Henry E. Van Trees 3 Nov., Lewis H. HiU 21 Dec, James C. Whaley 1 May, 64 Ezra J. Woolman 1 May, Charles A. May 1 July, t WUUam H. Torrance ..16 July, John Barrett 17 July, Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Charles Schussler 20 Sept, 61 Assistant Surgeon. William A. Collins 26 Sept, 62 Chaplain. Casualtiks, Promoted, (3.) ColonelThomasT.Crittenden,April2&, 1862, toBrig.Gcneral. Captain Allen W. Prather, April 5, 1864, to Lieutenant Col onel 120th regiment Indinna infantry. First Lieut. William E. McLelnnd, R. Q. M., April 19, 1863, to Captain and C. S. Resigned, (23.) Lieut Colonel Hiram Prather, May 19, 1862. Major Augustus H. Abbott J"ne 17, 1862. Captain WiUiam M. Davis, March 10, 1862. Captain John Charlton, May 21, 1862. Captain James Moffiit, May 21, 1862. Captain John R. B. Glasscock, February 13, 1863. Captain George W. Brown. August 8, 1863. Captain Silas D. Huckleberry, Jannary 21, 1864. First Lieut Henry C. Hall, sr., February 13, 1862. First Lieut WUliam H. Smock, March 28, 1862. First Lieut John Neal, May 21, 1862. First Lieut. Andrew J.'Grayson. May 21, 1862. First Lieut George W. Crabb, October 7, 1862. (Recommis sioned First Lieutentmt and R. Q. M., March 14, 1863.) First Lieut JFrancz's Af iiMS/, February 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Josiah Fults, March 29, 1862. Second Lieut. Charles F. Miller, May 14, 1862. Second Lieut Jacob Hoover, May 21, 1862. Second Lieut Emsley i^hadday, April 1, 1863, Second Lieut Alonzo S. Prather, February 28, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Nathan B. Sparks, December 17, 1861. ^.ssistant Surgeon Samuel II. Charleton, March 16, 1862. Chapliin Rezin M. Barnes, AprU 23, 1862. Chaplain Daniel C. Darr, November 2, 1863. Discharged, (4.) Liout Colonel Hagerman Tripp, May 5, 1864. Captain John Earnshaw, June 30, 1862. J First Lieut. Thomas J, Moore, September 10, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Finley C. Lattimore, May 2, 1864. Died, (11.) Colonel Philemon G. Baldwin, killedin action atChickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Captain Samuel Russell, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Captain Prank P. S.ti-ader, December 15, 1863, of wounds re ceived iu action. Captain Andrew F. Conner, kiUed in actionnear Dallas, Ga., May 27, 1864. Captain Andrew J. Newland, killed iu action near Dallas, Ga.,May27, 1864. Captain Samuel F. McKeehan, June 15, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga., of wounds. First Lieut. Alanson Solomon, May 11, 1862, of disease, at Washington, Ind. First Lieut, George B. Green, October 28, 1863, of wounds. First Lieut. William A. Cummiugs, killed in action at Altoona Ridge, Ga., May 27, 1864. Second Lieut Jerome P. Holeomb, June 12, 1863, of wounds accidentally received. Second Lieut Charles Neal, June 22, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. Dismissed, (3.) Captain Charles R. Van Trees, March 2, 1863. First Lieut. James A. Willette, August 1, 1862. First Lieut Do-vid H. Richardson, Adj't, December 6, 1862. * The State of Indiana having furnished for the Mexican war five regiments of volunteers, desig nated the first to the fifths inclusive, the regiments of infantry for tho late war were numbered be ginning with the sixth, t Discharged March 31, 1865. . t Appointed Captain and A. A. G. NOTJ:,. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 38 INDIANA INFANTRY. SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., September 13, 1861, to serve three years. It was mustered out September 20, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. IraG. Grover - 5 June, 63 Lieutenant Colonel. WiUiam C. Banta 5 June, 63 Major. MeritC. Welsh 5 June, 63 Captains. * Jesse Armstrong 13 Sept, 61 Alexander B. Pattison -.30 Apr., 62 Evan D. Bryant 12 June, John A. Meek 31 Oct, Thomas A. Jeffery 31 Nov., 62 Benjamin F. Abrams 17 Mar., 63 Andrew M. Luke 2 Apr. , Charles Griffith 9 June, Jenkins F. Andetson 11 July, 64 First Lieutenants. tHomer Chisman 13 Sept., 61 ~ Marquis D. L. Robbins.. 12 June, 62 George C. Watson 3 Aug., +John V. Hadley 29 Nov., Chas. F. Atwater, ^(27't .17 Nov., 63 RobertE. HaU 10 July, 64 Milo Robertson 10 July, ^ § Robert L. King 10 July, ¦ B. F. Burlingame, R. Q. M., a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. James F. Vaughan 13 Sept, 61 Harry Fisk 3 Aug., 62 WUliam Davis 31 Nov., Robert M. Curtis 1 Mar., 63 JamesW. Adams 5 Apr., James Leggitt 9 June, ¦ Minos H. MUler, a. w. m. Surgeon^ George W. New 13 Sept, 61 Assistant Surgeons. James T. Duffield, a. w. m. Daniel B. Linigar, a. w. m. Chaplain. William R. JeweU 25 Aug., 63 The following is a list of the enUsted men of this regiment to whom med als of honor have been awarded by the Secretary of War: Private John N. Opel. Casualties. Promoted, (4.) Colonel Ebenezer Dumont September 3, 1861, to Brigadier General. First Lieut John M. Blair, Adft, April 14, 1862, to Captain and C. S. First Lieut Richard P. Johnson, R..Q,.M., August 3. 1862, to Captain and A. Q. M. Assistant Surgeon WiUiam GUlespie, August 4, 1862, to Sur geon 83d regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (21.) Lieut Colonel John F. Cheek, March 11, 1863. Major Benjamin C. Shaw, June 11, 1862, Captain Wilson C. Lemert, June 3, 1862. Captain Samuel J. Banta, June 11, 1862, Captain Samuel Lambertson, October 31, 1862, Captain Martin W. Richardson, October 31, 1862. Captain David Lostutter, jr., Febmary 10, 1863. Captain Scott Miller, March 16, 1863. Captain David W. Hamilton, October 26, 1863.|| First Lieut, VirgU H. Lyon, October 10, 1862. First Lieut. William D. Jocelyn, January 34, 1863. First Lieut. WiUiam Pugh, February 27, 1863. First Lieut OrvUle Thomson, October 6, 1863. f First Lieut Jerome B. Williams, November 19, 18,63. First Lieut. Henry Knight, May 5, 1864. Second Lieut Benjamin F. Burlingame, Feliruary 1, 1862. (Recommissioned Second Lieut. April 3, 1862.) Second Lieut James A. Holmes, October 25, 1862.' Second Lieut. John M. Hazen, November 14, 1863. Second Lieut Jonathan Wadley, February 5, 1863. Second Lieut. Samuel L. Anderson, January 16, 1864. Chaplain John Kiger, March 15, 1863. Discharged, (3.) Colonel James Gavin, April 22,, 1863. Captain John H. Ferry, April 30, 1862.** Died, (10.) Captain Solomon Waterman, killedin action at Port RepubUc, Va., June 9, 1862. Captain George P. Clayton, killed in action at WUderness, Va., May 5, 1804. Captain Hugh Jamieson, killed in action at Laurel HiU, Va. May 12, 1864. First Lieut George S. Smith, December 24, 1861, of disease. First Lieut. Samuel S. Lynn, June 3, 1862, of wounds re ceived in action at Winchester, Va. First Lieut, Robert Braden, kUled by guerUlas near Hender son, Ky., July 23, 1862, First Lieut James A. Miller, Adj't, December 30, 1863, of disease, at Georgetown, D. C. First Lieut David B. Gageby, kiUed in action May 25. 1864. First Lieut. David Holmes, killed in action near Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. First Lieut Orville D. Williams, kUled in action near Peters burg, Va., June 19, 1864. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. John W. Dodd, August 24, 1863. * Prisoner of war; discharged March 6, 1865. t Prisoner of war; discharged January 20, 1865, + Prisoner of war ; discharged January 21, 1865. § Prisoner of war ; discharged Sept 28, 1864. II Appointed Captain in V. R. C. If Appointed First Lieut in V. R. 0. ** Appointed Captain and A. Q. M. Note. — The roster of officers is'given as it stood on the day of muster out. •INDIANA INFANTRY. 39 EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from August 25 to September 5, J 861, to servo three years. Ou the expiration of its terra of service the original members (ex cept veterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained iu service until August 28, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from tho War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. John R. Polk 6 Apr., 65 Major, Captains, Joseph M. Thompson ... 4 Aug., 62 Jacob Widaman , 5 Mar., 63 George W. Adams 1 July, John A. Cahc 30 Dec, John L. Hummel 16 Apr., 65 George W. Furrow, a. w. m. First Lieutenants, Robert E. Tortence 4 Oct, 62 James C. Poindexter 33 May, 64 Matthew M. Hughes .... 1 Mar. , 65 Stephen A. Jones-.-.-.-ll June, WUliam H. Keller, a. w. m. Wesley B. Ridgeway, a. w, m. Second Lieutena/nts. Surgeon. Tames K. Bigelow 1 July, 63 Assistant Surgeon. 'Chaplain. The following is a Ust of the enlisted men of this regiment to whom med als of honor have been -awarded by the Secretary of War : Prirate Ira Hough. Casualties. Promoted, (7.) Colonel William P. Benton, April 28, 1862, to Brigadier Gen eral. Lieut Colonel Charles S. Parrish, March 12, 1864, to Colonel 130th regiment Indiana infantry. Major Thomas J. Brady, September 28, 1863, to Colonel 117th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. Charles O. Howard, May 12, 1862, to Captain 18th regiment U. S. infantry. First Lieut. William R. Irwin, April 28, 1863, to Captain and C. S. First Liout. Jesse E. Scott, February 29, 1864, to Captain and A. Q. M. Assistant Surgeon S. Clay Brown, July 7, 1864, to Surgeon 18th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (24.) Captain Oliver H. P. Carey, September 10, 1861. Captain Frederick Tykte, October 35, 1861. Captain WiUiam R. Walls, January 17, 1863. Captain George W. H. EUey, March 4, 1863. Captain Loreuzo D. McAllister, November 26, 1864. (Re commissioned Captain 147th regiment Indiana infantry.) First Lieut Solomon T. Kaublc, December 26, 1861. First Lieut George W. Parkinson, December 30, 1861, First Lieut Charies S. EUis, September 26, 1862. First Lieut Franklin DaUy, November 29, 1862. First Lieut John H. Hicks, January 31, 1864. First Lieut John R. Peai-ce, February 23, 1864. First Lieut. Cyrus Vanmatre, December 6, 1864. First Lieut Joseph P. Wiggins, Adj't, December 28, 1864. Second Lieut. John Banister, February 5, 1862. Second Lieut Milton R. Dungan, July 16, 1862. Second Lieut Nolle N Moiris, September 7, 1863, Second Lieut WilUam P. Goolman, September 27, 1862. Second Lieut George H. Dula, December 7, 1862. Second Lieut Allen O. NeflT, June 18, 1863. Second Lieut WUliam W. Mather, February 8, 1864. Second Lieut Samuel MitcheU, February 23, 1864. Surgeon James Ford, June 5, 1863. Assistant Surgeon George W. Bruce, January 26, 1863. Chaplain A. W. Sanford, August 14, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (5.) Captain Benjamin F. Elwood, November 28, 1864. Captain John Ruess. November 28, 1864. First Lieut. Luther H. Harmon, November 24, 1864. First Lieut. Isaac N. Smith, March 31, 1865. Second Lieut. Elias B. McPherson, April 8, 1865. Discharged, (6.) Captain Joseph M. Thompson, April 21, 1862. (Recommis sioned Captnin August 4, 1862.) First JAe-at. Henry Rader, Octobers, ]862. First Lieut. Richard M. Smith, May 31, 1863. First Lieut. Jesse W. Way, November 13, 1863. Second Lieut. Philander Smith, May 4, 1865. Chaplain Henry C. Skinner, May 9, 1865. 40 INDIANA INFANTRY. Died, (12.) Colonel David Shunk, (Brevet Brigadier General February 9, 1865,) February 21, 1865, of disease. / Lieut Colonel Alexander J, Kenny, November 26, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cedar Creek, Va. , Captain Andrew O'Daniel, kiUed in action near Vicksburg, Miss., May 22. 18S3. Captain Frederick S. Wysong, kUled in action near Vicks burg, mm.. May 22, 1863. ^ ' Caprain Hiram T. Vandevender, May 23, 1863, of wounds received in action near Vicksburg, Miss. | Captiin Samuel H. Dunbar, July 9, 1864, at Terre Bonne, La. Captain William D. Watson, killed in action at Cedar Creek, Va., Ocoberl9, 1864. First Lieut Stephen Wolf, April 21,1864, of disease, atMem- phis, Tenn. First Lieut WUliam G. Hill, drowned in Mississippi river at Vicksburg, Miss., June 3, 1864. First Lieut George W. Quay, killed in action at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Second Lieut. James R. Smith, kUled in action at Pea Ridge, Ark., March 7, 1862. Assistant Surgeon George W. Edgerlee, November 11^ 1861. Dismissed, (1.) First Lieut. Nathan Branson, R. Q. M., February 37, 1865. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster ont. INDIANA INFANTRY. 41 NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Laporte, Ind., September 5, 1861, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service the origiual members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until September 38, 1865, when it .was mustered out, in accordance with" orders frora the War Department) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Isaac C. B. Sumau 1 May, 63 Lieutenant Colonel. WiUiam P. Lasselle 1 May, 63 Major. James D. Braden 37 Feb., 65 Captains. James Nutt 25 Apr., 63 WiUiam H. Merritt 24 May, John Craner 1 Aug., Stephen P. Hodsden 2 Dec, 64 David B. Crevistou 4 Dec, Thomas W. Thompson,. 11 Feb,, 65 Clayton W. Roberts 11 Feb., Thomas H. Ijaras 11 Feb., Andrew J. Mai'tin 25 Mar., Joseph PUlars 25 May, First Lieutenants. Edward Crebbin 24 May, 63 Isaac N. Leonard 1 Aug., Richard H. H. Tyner 4 Dec, 64 James M. Wharton 11 Feb., 65 George W. Bloorafield ..11 Feb., La Fayette Burr, Adj't .25 Feb., Simon Barin ger 25 Mar. , WilUam G. Lennon --...25 Mar., William Turner 25 Mar. , John H. Maugan 25 Mar., John McLaren, R. Q. M. 5 Apr., Leander Burnaw 25 May, Second Lieutenants. Edward L. Ephlin 25 Mar., 65 John W. Brown 25 Mai'. , Frank W. ChUds 25 Mar., Jacob Snider -30 Mar., J ohn R. Disbro w 20 Apr. , Alfred AUen 28 Apr., John M. Holmick 5 May. John H. Shaver 10 June, Casualties Promoted, (4.) Colonel Robert H. Milroy, September 3, 1861, to Brigadier General. Captain Joshua Healy, AprU 34, 1864, to Major 128th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lii'ut. John O. Cravens, Febi-uary 27, 1863, to Major and A. A. G. Assistant Surgeon Max F. A. Hoffman, July 24, 1864, to Sur geon 128th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (29.) Colonel William H Blake, AprU 16, 1863. Major John B. Milroy, August 9, 1862. Captain John K, Blackstone, December 1, 1861. (Recommis sioned as Assistant Surgeon December 1, 1861.) Captain William Copp, October 28, 1862. Captain Joseph W. Harding, AprU 22, 1863. Captain James McCormick, June 2, 1863. Captain Thomas Madden, March 21, 1864. Captain Dyer B. McConnell, October 29, 1864. First Lieut WiUiam H. H. Mattingly, February 6, 1862. First Lieut WilUap. II. Benny, Adft, November 24,1862. First Liout. WUliam H. Rhoades, November 26, 1862. First Lieut. Ezra Willard, Adj't, March 2, 1863. First Lieut. Frank P. Gross, AprU 26, 1863, First Lieut. Samuel Sidenbender, June 2, 1863. First Lieut. Madisort M. Coulson, September 13, 1864. First Lieut George K, MarshaU, October 4, 1864. First Lieut. Samuel Dustan, January 25, 1865. Second Lieut Jacob K. Armor, October 8, 1861. Second Lieut Joseph A. Westlake, January 28, 1862. Secoud Lieut WiUiam Merrifield, August 17, 1862. Second Lieut. John N. Savage, December 13, 1862. Second Lieut. John H. Shirk, October 23, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Thomas Prickett, March 17, 1864. Second Lieut George H. Wilbur, September 24, 1864. Second Lieut. Lewis W. Wood, May 22, 1865. Assistant Surgeon John K. Blackstone, March 13, 1862. Chaplain Safety Layton, July 17, 1862. Chaplain Charles L. Smith, July 30, 1863. Chaplaui Harry Smith, July 28, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (7.) Major George H. Carter, January 11, 1865. Captain Amasa Johnson, September 6, 1864. Captain Leonidas A. Cole, December 20, 1864. First Lieut. Washington Kelley, R. Q. M., January 12, 1865. First Lieut. Ambrose G. Bieree, January 16, 1865. Firs-t Lieut Robert F. Drullinger, January 24, 1865. Second Lieut. Benjamin R. Faris, January 27, 1865. (5.) Colonel Gideon C. Moody, IS. %., August 19, 1862. First Lieut Charles S. Morrow, August 26, 1863. First Lieut. Joseph Brinton, December 19, 1864. First Lieut. Zacheus B. Fifield, Adj't, April 5, 1865. *Surgeon Daniel Meeker, November 14, 1861. * Appointed Surgeon of U. S. vols. INDIANA INFANTRY. Surgeon. ¦ Mason G. Sherman 15 Nov., 61 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Died, (13.) Captain James Houghton, AprU 8, 1862, of wounds received in action at Shiloh, Tenn. Captain Isaac M. Pettit, March 19, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tenn. Captain DeAVitt C. Hodsden, July 27, 1864, of wounds re ceived in nction. First Lieut. Thomas J. Patton, Adj't, killed in action at ShUoh, Tenn., AprU 7, 1862, First Lieut. Joseph S. Turner, April 16, 1862, of wounds re ceived in action at Shiloh, Tenn. First Lieut James J. Drum, R. Q. M., May 31, 1863. First Lieut. Lewis S. Nickeson, kUledin action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. First Lieut. William H, CriuweU, September 23, 1863, of wounds received in action. Second Lieut. Henry Kessler, kUled in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Second Lieut. Seth B. Parks, kUled in action at Chickamg,uga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Second Lieut Benjamin Franklin, October 17, 1863, of wounds received in action. Second Lieut Leander C. Shipherd, October 20, 1863, of wounds received in action. Assistant Surgeon Alexander W. Gilmore, May 13, 1865,*of disease, at Nashville, Tenn. Dismissed, (3.) • Captain Douglas G. Risley. February 13, 1863. First Lieut Reuben Piatt, February 9, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Alexander W. Gilmore, March 11, 1863. (Recommissioned Assistant Surgeon June 13, 1863.) NOTE. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 43 TENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., September 18, 1861, to serve three years. It was mustered out September 19, 1864, by reason of expiration of tenn of service.) (The official list of battl es in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. * Marsh B. Taylor 10 Dec, 62 Major. Job H. Van Natta 31 Dec, 63 Captains. Henry D. McCoy 11 June, 62 Jacob H, Bush 15 June, Lewis Johnssen 39 Aug., John (3. Boswell 15 Sept., Thomas A, Cobb 1 Jan., 63 Warren Sheetz .¦ 3 Jan., Felix Shumate 5 Dec. , John W. Hunt 1 Jan., 64 James H. Boyl, a. w. m. First Lieutenatits. Thomas Thompson 11 Feb., 62 William Colwell 5 July, Chas.F.WilHtach,i2,Q.ilf. 6 July, tJohuD. Simpson 15 Sept., WUliam E. LiUdlo-vf, Adj't 5 Nov., Lorenzo G. Tipton 6 June, 63 Abner W. Smith 30 Oct, t George Scott 5 Dec, WUliam W. Wilds 1 Jan., 64 Levi Hawkins 13 Mar., Jasper N. Russell 13 Mar., Second Lieutenants. John McMurtry 15 Sept. , 62 Robert P. Snyder 23 Oct, David F. Allen 16 Nov., George W. Beach 16 Nov., Martm B. Hoover 6 June, 63 Robert A. WilUamson... 1 June, 63 Assistant Surgeon. JamesKiUui .*_..22Feb., 63 Chaplain. EUhu Mason 33 Feb., 64 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Colonel Mahlon D. Manson, March 34, 1862, to Brigadier General. Lieut. Colonel Abram 0. Miller, August 15, 1862, to Colonel 72d regiment Indiana infantry. Captain John W. Blake, September 33, 1861, to Lieut. Colonel 40th regiment Indiapa infantry. Resigned, (31.) Major Benjamin M. Gregory, July 13, 1862. (Recommissioned Major 135th regiment Indiana infantry.) Captain Joseph P, Taylor, March 19, 1863. Captain Alexander Hogeland, April 1, J 862. Captain James H. Vanarsdall, June 7, 1862. Captain James H, IXamllton, November 17, 1862. Captain Frank Goben, August 9, 1864. Fh-st Lieut. David N. Steele, R, Q. M., June 15, 1862. First Lieut Reuben C. Kise, Adft, June 21, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph S. Lutz, December 3, 1863. First Lieut. James Laroe, December 24, 1863. Second Lieut. Isaac WilUtt October 7, 1861. Second Lieut. Stephen Sappington, March 19, 1862. Second Lieut Carson P. Rodman, April 1, 1862. Second Lieut Andrew Merritt June 30, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam Virgin, November 8, 1862. Surgeon Joseph S. Allen, October 3, 1862. Surgeon Increase J. Avery, January 32, 1863. Surgeon William H. Martin, May 20, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Conrad S. Perkins, February 27, 1862. Chaplain (Jeorge T. Dougherty, February 27, 18G2. Chaplain WiUiam S.iCresap, November 3, 1863. (Recommis sioned as Assistant Sui'geon 135th regiment Indiana infantry. ) Discharged, (2.) Colonel WiUiam G. Kise, November ]8, 1862. (Recommis sioned Colonel 116th regiment Indiana infantry.) First Lieut John StaU, June 14, 1864. Died, (8,) Colonel WUliam B. CarroU, September 20, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. Captain Samuel H. Shortle, October 13, 1863, of disease, at Frankfort Indiana. Captain Jehu W. Perkins, November 16, 1863, of accidental gunshot wound at Chickamauga, Tenn. Fu'st Lieut James H. McAdams, kUled in action at Mill Springs, Ky., January 19, 1863. Fu-st Lieut. Martin T. Jones, killed in action at Chickamau ga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Second Lieut Israel % Miller, March 7, 1862, of disease, at NashvUle, Tenn. Second Lieut. Isaac F. Miller, July 2, 1862, of disease. Second Lieut Jeremiah Battej-ton, September 27, 1862, of dis ease, at Bowling Green, Ky. Dismissed, (1.) First Lieut. Samuel C. Fawc(^ AprU 27, 1863. * Recommissioned as Colonel 150th regiment Indiana infantry March 10, 1865. t Prisoner of war ; discharged December 19, 1864. X Prisoner of war ; discharged March 13, 1865. ^[(fOTE. The roster of otticers is given as it stood ou the day of muster out 44 INDIANA INFANTRY. ELEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind,, August 31, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of ita term of service the origi nal members (except veterans) were muutered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 26, 1865, when it was muster ed out in accordunce with orders from the War Department.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Daniel Macauley. 10 Mar., 63 (Brevet Brig. Gen. ll3 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. WiUiam W. Darnall 10 Mar., 63 Major. George T. Butler .10 Mar. , 63 Captains. John P. Megrew 15 Dec , Henry Kemper 10 Mar., Jesse Custer 13 Nov., Jot^eph B, Simpson 22 Apr., Johu T. Macauley 1 May, Edmund P. Thayer 8 Miiy, John R. Palmer 10 May, Robert W. Matthews 12 Slay, Daviil A. HiUs 7 July, First Lieutenants. *David WUson ' 1 Oct, William W. Hiatt 1 May, Albert L. Ristine 2 May, Landon C. Burgan 4 May, Charles N. Lee, R.Q. M.. 5 May, Samuel F. Reynolds 8 May, James Goodwin, .(4rf;'E. .. 8 May, Johu T. By water 9 May, Alex'derBI. Richardson.. 12 May, Samuel Ensminger 15 June, Second Lieutenants. Jesse H. HuTsbard 21 Apr., George A, Fielding 1 May, Thomas P. Alexander... 2 J\Iay, William G. Lee 2 May, Charies Kroff 2 Jlay, Stoughtou A. Boatright - 8 May, Frank Snorpus . 8 M:iy, WUliam E. Garter 9 May, Charles G. Loucks 9 May, Henry Strong 8 July, Surgton. John T. Scearce 9 Mar., 65 65 Casualties. Promoted, (7.) Colonel Lewis Wallace, September 3, 1861, to Brigadier General. Colonel George F. McGinnis, November 29, 1863, to Brigadier General. Captain Henry M. Carr, October 22, 1861, to Lieutenant Colonel 58th regiment Indiana infantry. Captain De Witt C. Rugg, November 24, 1861, to Major 48th regiment Indiana infantry. Captain James R. Ross, May 17, 1864, to Major and A. D. C. Captain Nicholas R. Ruckle, Februftry 28, 1865, to Colonel 148th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. Joseph P. Pope, February 27, 1863, to Captain and C. S. Resigned, (31.) Lieut Colonel William J. H. Robinson. September 3, 186 Major Isaac C. Elston.jr., April 8, 1862. Captain Jabez Smith, May 20, 1862. Captain Daniel B. Culley. October 3, 1862. Captain Edward T. Wallace, September 9, 1863.' Captain Joseph T. Cason. June 21, 1865. First Lieut. Henry Tindall, January 6, 1862. First Lieut John E. Welkins, March 28, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel A. Cramer, June 10, 1862. FivBt Ijient Milton Clark, August 1, 1862. FiTst Lieut John L. H.mna, October 18, 1863. First Lieut. David B. Hay, October 29, 1862. First Lieut. Isaac N. Adams, December 29, 1862. First Lieut. Thomas W. Fry, jr., February 23, 1863. First Lieut John P. Calloway, July 29, 1863. First Lieut Jacob D, Leighty, January 27, 1864. First Lieut. William A. Talbot May 30, 1865. First Lieut Thomas J. Stevens, June 2, 1865. First Lieut, William M. Apple, June 24, 1865, Second Lieut. Tiieodorc B. Wightman, March 26, 1862. Second Lieut. Lycurgus L. Allison, AprU 23, 1863. Second Lieut Samuel J. Wilson, August 1, 1S62. Second Lieut William C. Baker, October 2. 1862. Second Lieut. Joshua Budd, February 23, 1863. Second Lieut. Henry H. Jones, September 1, 1863. Secoud Lieut James F, I'roth, September 2, 1863. Second Lieut, .Joseph S. Kudei; September 8, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas W. Durham, Juno 9, 1864. Surgeon John C. Thompaon, October 30, 1862. Asyjstant Surgeon James J. Rooker. February 2, 1863. Assistant Surgeon William Rockwell, June 37, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (U.) Captain John F. Caven, November 22, 1864. C'lptaiu John W. Ross. November 24, 1864. Captain Thomas C. Pursel, November 30, 1864 Captain John Frick, December 10, ] 864 Captain Henry McMuUcu, January 10, 1865. lirst Lieut Henry Wcntz, December 7, 1864. First Lieut. Louis Pause, December 8, 1864. First LiL-ut John W. Coons, R. Q. M., December 10 1864 t irst Lieut, Benjamin F. Copeland, December 11 1864 v^'^*' ^'®"^- George Simmons, December 17, 1864 ' 65 1 First Lieut Frederick Frank, January 10, 1865. ' * Discharged August 26, 1865. INDIANA INFANTRY, 45 Assistant Surgeons. John P. Avory 37 Apr., 65 WUUam A. Todd 13 May, Chaplain, Almon S. Ames 21 June, 64 The following is a list of the enlisted men of this regiment to whom medals of honorhave been awarded by the Secretary of War : Color Sergeant Charles Leston. Private P. J. Ryan. Private John P. Sterling. Discliarged, (13.) Captain Frederick Kuefler, October 21, 1861. t Captain Charles W. Lyman, February 3, 1863. Captain Jesse E. Hamill, April 1, 1862. Captain John A. Bryan, November 13, 1862. * Captain Joseph H. Livsey, June 30, 1863. Captain Randolph Kellogg, January 20, 1865. First Lieut Charles McGinley, November 18, 1864. First Lieut Thomas B. Woods, January 27, 1865. Second Lieut Enos C. Homaday, August 27, 1864. I Surgeon Thomas W. Fry, sr., September 38, 1861. Surgeon John A. Comiugton, September 13, 1864. Assistant Surgeon James Wilson, February 27, 1865. Chaplam Henry B. Hibben, May 12, 1864. Died, (4.) Captain Francis G. Scott, October 28, 1863, of disease. First Lieut WiUiam S. Mullen, killed in action at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Second Lieut Henry Groenendyke, September 16, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss. Assistant Surgeon Clay Broton, March 19, 1862, of disease. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut Robert A. King, January 2, 1862. * Appointed Captain and A. A. Q. t Appointed Captain and A. Q. M. X Appointed Brigade Surgeon. Note l. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 3. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of mnster oat. 46 INDIANA INFANTRY. TWELFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., in May, 1861, to serve one year. It was mustered out May 16, 1862, by reason of ex piration of term of service.) (Tho official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. WilUam H. Link, a. w. m. Lieutenant Colonel. George Humphrey, a. w. to. Major. Henry Hubler, a. w. m., Captains. Thomas Guthrie Morrison, a. w. m. Thomas R. Noel, a. w. m. James Bachman, a. w. m. William O'Brien, a. w. m. Reuben Williams, a. w. m. George Nelson, a. w. m. Arthur F. Reed, a. w. m. Thomas Dean, a. w. m. Alexander Buchanan, a. w. m. Joseph F. Draper, a. w. m. First Lieutena/nts. *MiltonR. Dixon, i?.Q.iW. 6 June, 61 Cyrus J. McCole, Adft, a. w. m. John A. M. Cox, a. w. m. Solomon D. Kompton, a. w. m. Michael Kirchner, a. w. m. Andrew P. GaUaher, a. w. m. Oscar N. Hinkle, a. w. m. WilUam W. Angel, a. w. m. George W. Steele, a. w. m. WiUiam Wood, a. w. m. Benjamin S. Ayer, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. David M. Jordan, a. w. m. James Huston, a. w. m. George W. Collins, a. w. m. John T. Floyd, a. w. m. Andrew S. Milice, a. w. m. John M. Godown, a. w. m. Elbert D. Baldwin, a. w. m. William Carroll, a. w. m. Alfred B. Taylor, a. w. m. John M. Dixon, a. w. m. Surgeon. WUliam Lomax, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeon. Noble P. Howard, a. -w. m. Chaplain. Josiah P. Watson, a. w. m. Casualties. Resigned, (3.) Colonel John M. Wallace, August 6, 1861. Captain Howell D. Thotfipson, July 25, 1861. Second Lieut. James W. Wallace, November 28, 186L Discharged, (2.) First Lieut. John W. Moore, September 27, 1861. ; Assistant Surgeon Robert M. Cook, October 16, 186L V * Discharged June 3, 1862. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 47 TWELFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., from May 37 to August 21, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of ser vice June 8, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) The following is the only official listof battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "siege of vicksburg," "jackson." Colonel. Reuben WilUams 17 Nov., 62 {Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. (Jeorge M. Trotter 20 May, 65 Major, Captains. George Nelson 21 Aug., 62 WUUam H. Harrison IFeb., 64 Edward S. Lenfesty 22 Apr., Edward H. Webster 29 Apr., Benjamin F. Price 6 May, Robert R. Scott 8 June, Robert Alfont 1 Jan.j 65 Lemuel Hazzard 1 Jan., Gideon B. Hart 2 June, Samuel Boughter, a. w. m. First Lievtenam,ts. John M, Godown 21 Aug. , 62 Alfred L. Stoney IFeb.. 64 Marshall H, Parks, Adft, 11 Mar., JohnM. Tobias. 6 Sept, Lewis Murray 6 Sept., George H. WiUiams 9 Nov. , , John H. Rusie 9 Nov., Ralph Copper 1 Juu., 65 Anderson Andrew 1 Jan., Jesse H.Cochran, aQ.JVf.,26 Mar., Alonzo H. Habbard, a. w. m, Richard Jones, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. James Strouse 12 Mar., 64 John B. Maguire 19 AprU, 65 Surgeon. wmiam Lomax 27 May, 62 Assistant Surgeons. Alfred B. Taylor, a. w. m. John A. Campfield, •«. w. m. Chaplain. 3D. Gage 21 Nov., 62 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut. John A. Blackwell, September 28, 1863, to Sur geon 115th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (19.) Lieut Colonel Solomon D. Kempton, June 19, 1863. Linut Colonel James Goodnow, September 15, 1864. Lieut Colonel Elbert D. Baldwin, April 28, 1865. Captain Samuel M. Rooker, December 22, 1862. Captain Samuel W. WeUs, December 23, 1862. Captain David P. Cubberley, February 4, 1863. Captain John B. Conner, February 16, 1864. Captain Thomas J. Anderson, December 1, 1864. First Lieut Jared D. Bond, Adft., January 22, 1864. First Lieut Joseph E. Hart February 1^, 1864. First Lieut Bastly Helms, March 30, 1864. First Lieut Robert W. Weatherinton, March 30, 1864. Firet Lieut James A. McClelland, R. Q. M., May 3, 1864. First Lieut Samuel Shanafelt, September 23, 1864. First Lieut. Charles F. Mather, September 23, 1864. First Lieut. Alfred G. Lee. R. Q. M., January 14, 1865. Second Lieut Josephus Bills, August 8, 1863. Second Lieut Allen S. Conner, January 16, 1864. Second Lieut. James O'Shaughnessy, February 16, 1865. Discharged, (1.) Captain George Bowman, March 30, 1864. Died, (10.) Colonel WUliam H. Link, September 20, 1862, of wounds received at Richmond, Ky. Captain Frank H. Aveline, killed in action at Mission Ridge, Tennessee, November 25, 1863, Captain Hezekiah Beeson, February 15, 1864, of wounds, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Captain Thomas N. Peoples, kiUed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 13, 1864. Captain James Huston, October 13, 1864, of disease, at Mari etta, Ga, First Lieut Henry S. Westcott, September 25, 1862, of wounds received in action at Richmond, Ky. First Lieut. William C. Kirkpatrick, March 8, 1863, at Grand Junction, Teun. First Lieut John H, Waters, kiUed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 28, 1864. Second Lieut. Caleb Day, September 20, 1862, of wounds received at Richmond, Ky. Secoud Lieut. James H. Weaver, July 24, 1864, of wounds received in action at Atlanta, Ga. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. George W. Wright, February 2, 1863. Note 1.— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. NOTE 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 48 INDIANA INFANTRY. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., June 19, 1861, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service, the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service unlil September 5, 1865, wlvn ¦: iv;w mustered out in' accord. lufi- wiiti orders from the War Department) The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. LieutcTiani Cif^J^-d, John H. Lawrence T4 July, (Brevet Lieut. Col. ] 3 March, 1865. Major. Richard J. Graham 14 July, Captains. WilUam T. Stepp 1 Jan., WiUiam H. Lowe 2 Jan. , Silas Clark 2 Jan. , Samuel Morrison 1 June, Carr C ary 1 June, Richard H. Jones 1 June, William A. Ketcham 1 June, Adolphus O. MitcheU. .',. 1 June, First Lieutenants. AlpheusH.BaUey,JZ. Q.M. 1 Nov., Thomas C. Gurley 1 Jan., James H. Kinnear 2 Jan., James C. Boyd 14 Mar., WiUiam H. Reynolds 1 June, John D. Simpson 1 June, Peter Franzman 1 June, * WiUiam Lewis 1 June, John W. Montgomery. .. 1 June, Samuel J. Carr 1 June, Second Lieutenants. Michael Gonsor 1 Jan., James H. Sherrow 1 J'an., Smith Cole 1 June, Josephus H. Spann 1 June, James Haggerty 1 June, Palen Jackson 1 June, William Miiloney 1 June, David H. Malone 1 June, Charles Mitchell 1 June, Joseph Madden 1 June, 65 Casualties. promoted, (5.) Colonel Jeremiah C. SulUvan, AprU 30, 1862, to Brigadier General. Colonel Robert S. Foster, June 10, 1863, to Brigadier General. First Lieut Thomas H. CoUins, R. Q. M., June 30, 1862, to Captain iind C. S. I First Lieut Greene Durbin, July 15, 1862, to Captain and ' A. Q. M. Second Lieut Nathaniel P. Richmond^ Atigust 20, 1861, to Lieut. Colonel 1st regiment West Virginia. cavalry. Transferred, (3.) Lieut. Colonel Horace H. HefPren, October 22, 1861, to 50th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut Horace N. Attkisson, December 6, 1861, to 50th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. John R. CoverdiU, December 15,1861, to 50th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (24.) Lieut Colonel Samuel M. Zent, (Brevet Colonel March 13, 1865,) April 28, 1865. Captain George W. Harrington, March 6, 1862. Captain Stephen D.. Sayles, January 18, 1863. Captain Wharton R. Clinton, March 6, 1863. Captain .^*«er L. Newland, June 27, 1863. Captain Wallace S. Foster, July 29, 1863. First Lieut. George E. WaUace, December 9, 1861. First Lieut Pendleton P. Price, December 24, 1861. First Lieut. Isaac De Long, January 31, 1863. First Lieut Edmond Finn, January 31, 1862. First Lieut Frank IngersoU, June 20, 1862. First Lieut Samuel M. Jones, November 4, 1862. First Lieut. Barnabas Busby, December 4, 1862. Second Lieut William C. Stineback, October 1, 1861. Second Lieut Daniel Strieker, October 10, 1861. Second Lieut George H. Rapp, October 13, 1861. Second Lieut Edward M. Butler, January 19, 1862. Second Lieut John H. Roerty, February 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph Benkert, February 27, 1862. Second Lieut. George W. Shook, October 11, 1862. Second Lieut Hugh D. Gallagher, May 11, 1863. Second Lieut. Henry Sterne, June 5, 1863. Surgeon Ferdinand Mason, February 6, 1862. Surgeon Alois D. Gall, July 5, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (26.) Colonel Cyrus J. Dobbs, June 30, 1864. Lieut Colonel John M. Wilson, July 1, 1864. Major Johu C. Burton, July 1, 1864. Captain Alva C. Trueblood, June 30, 1864. Captain Lewis H. Daniels, July 1, 1864. 65 Captain WiUiam IL Shields, July 1, 1864. Captain James Rothrock, July 1, 1864. Captain John D. P. A. M. Chauncey, July 1*1864. Captain Thomas M. Kirkpatrick, July 1, 1864. Captain Henry A. Johnson, July 1, 1864. Captain William S. O'Neal, July 1, 1864. Captain Joseph B. Hunter, July 1, 1864. First Lieut. David S. Durbhi; J ine 30, 1864. First Lieut James K. Francis, June 30, 1864. First Lieut Joseph W. Fox, July 1, 1864. * Discharged October 11, 1865. INDIANA INFANTRY, 49 Surgeon. Nath'l A. Chamberlain .. 1 Aug., 65 Assistant Surgeon>^. Chaplain. First Lieut. George W. Rader, R. Q. M., July 1, 1864. First Lieut WiUiam G. Rainier, July 1, 1864. I First Lieut WiUiam B. Vance, July 1, 1864. First Lieut. Moses M. Gordon, July 1, 1864. First Lieut Harma7i H. Hnndricks, July 1, 1864. Second Lieut Denipscy W. Lee, June 30, 1864. Second Lieut Johu A. Abbott, June 30, 18()4. Second Lieut WiUiam T. Jones, July 1, 1864. Second Lieut. David Newsom, July 1, 16G4. Surgeon Isaac N. Craig, July 1, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Hannibal K. Kennedy, July 1, 1864. Discharged, (6.) Captain Benjamin H. Myers, February — , 18fi2. (Recommis sioned Captain 83d regiment Indiana infantry September 4, 1862.) Captain Byron C. Beebe, March 12, 1865. Captain Theodore Reifie, July 9, 1865. First Lieut. Charles H. Rops, Adft, December 19, 1864. Second Lieut William R. Toppin, April 7,] 863. Chaplain Joseph CoUov, Juuo 11, 1869. Died, (5.) First Lieut. Robert Scott, September 10, 1863, of disease, at Folly Island, S. C. First Lieui. Alfred Dawdy, lulled iu action at Chester Station, Va., May 10,1864. Second Lieut George Seese, August 29, 1861, of disease, at Cheat Mountain Pass, Va. Second Lieut Joseph P. JbwesEkUled in action at AUeghany, Va., December 13, 1861. Second Lieut. Bernard Conron, April 22, 1863, of wound re ceived near Suffolk, Va. Disinissed, (5.) First Lieut George ff. Ackerley, December 8, 1862. First Lieut. W'illiam F. M. Wallick, June 15, 1863. First Lieut Saxey Ryan, Adft, August 30, 1865. Second Lieut Charles S. Whittaker, February 29, 1864. Assistant Surgeon William C. Foster, October 13, 1862. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 50 INDIANA INFANTRY. POUKTEEXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Terre Haute, Indiana, June 7, 1861, to serve three years. It was mustered out June 16, 1864, by reason nf ex piration of term of service, and the veterans and recruits transferred to the 20th regiment Indiana in fantry.) (The ofUcial list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Elijjih II. C. Gavins, «. w. m. Major. "William Houghton, a. w. m. t Captains. Nathan Willard 1 Sept., 61 William H. Patterson.-. 7 Jan., 62 David E. Eeem 2 June, WilUam Donaldson 19 Sept., .Joshua L. Hayes 1 Mar., 63 Samuel Nicholas 31 Aug., John P. Douglass 16 Mar., 64 John Lindsey, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. Goo. G. Reiley, R. Q. M. . 1 July, 02 Augustus M. Van Dyke-11 Aug., John S. Sullivan 18 Sept., T.CastlemanBailey,yl(i;'<.19 Sept., Samuel J, CoolE 1 Mar., 6.3 Charles H. Myerhoff ... 4 May, John C. Rogers 31 Aug., Robert McNaught 1 Sept., James M. Mitchell 1 Jan., C4 John G. Burrill, a. w. in. Second Lieutenatits. WiUiam D. P. Landon. .11 Aug., Horace Bradford 18 Oct. , John A. Stannis 28 Oct. , Mitchell Prater, a. w. m. Surgeon. George W. McCune 1 Jan., 63 Casualties. Promoted, (5.) CoIoupI Nathan Kimball, April 15, 1862, to Brigadier General. Capt.T,in Robert F. Catterson, November 25, 1862, to Lieuten ant Colonel 97th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. William N. Denny, February 6, 1862, to Captain 51st regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. Toussaint C. Buntin, R. Q. M., December 6, 1862, to Captain and A. Q. M. First Lieut. William P. Haskell, September 8, 1863, to Cap tain 4th U. S. C. T. , Transferred, (1.) First Lieut. Albert S. Andrews, June 6, 1864, to 20th regi ment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (40.) Colonel William Harrow, July 30, 1862. (Recommissioned Colonel August 14, 1862.) Colonel William Harrow, January 21, 1863, Lieut. Colonel John R. Mahan. February 1, 1862. Lieut. Colonel Philander R. Owen, August 10, 1862., Miijor Lncian A. Foote, April 24, 1862. Major John H. Martin, June 20, 1862. ^Captain Jonathan B. Hager, July 5, 1861. Captain Noah S. Thompson, September 1, 1861. Captain Jonathan D. Wood, November 21, 1861. Captain Tilgliman A. Howard, April 26, 1862. Captain Thomas G. WilUamson, April 28, 1862. Captain Lewis Brooks, May 10, 1862. Captain Milton L. McCollough, February 28, 1863 Captain Hugh F. Hopkins, May 18, 1863. Captain Balthazer B. Tremelin, June 13, 1863. First Lieut. Harvey Taylor, July 5, 1861. First Lieut, Charles M. Smith, July 5, 1861. First Lieut, Dudley Rogers, August 24, 1861. First Lieut. Lynch M. Terrill, September 1, 1861. First Lieut. Walter C. Lyman, April 16, 1862. First Lieut. Stephen H. Brittain, July 2.5, 1862. t First Lieut. Paul E. Slocum, September 1, 1862. First Lieut. John J. P. Blinn, Adft, October 27, 1862, First Lieut. Mathias Hattenback, February 28, 1863. First Lieut. Chester O. Davis, March 7, 1863. Second Lieut. Wiley E. Dittemore, August 24, ISfil. Second Lieut. William D. Lewis, September 1, 1861. Second Lieut. John C, C, Miller, September 23 1861 Second Lieut. Edward P, Williams, March 26, 1862 Second Lieut. John Ragle, May 10, 1863. Second Lieut. John M. Armstrong, January 4 1863 Second Lieut. John W. Baker, February 13, 1863. Second Liout. James Dobbins, January 31, 1864. Second Lieut. Levi N. Dunlap, March 30, 1864. ' Surgeon Joseph G. McPhceters, August 25 1861 Surgeon George W. Clippinger, April 12, 1862 Snrgeon Anson Hurd, December 29, 1862 Assistant Surgeon Elias H. Sabin, October 17 1863 Chaplain Thomas E. Webb, August 2 1862 Chaplain Elias H. Sabin, February 6, 1863. ' (Recommissioned as Assistant Surgeon February 14, 1863.) 'Appointed Captain 14tb U. S. infantry, t Commissioned Major 82d regiment Indiana infantry. INDIANA INFANTRY, 51 Assistant Surgeon, William B. Squires 27 Dee.. 63 Chaplain. Discharged, (7.) Captain Edward B. Brasher, December 19, 1862. Captain Garland B. Shellady, July 17, 1863. Captain Granville B. Ward, August 15 , 1863. Second Lieut. Barney Berry, March 20, 1863. Second Lieut Benjamin T. Smith, September 7, 1863. Second Lieut. Jesse S. Harrold, September 19, 18C3. Assistant Surgeon Louis Lambey, December 25, 1862. Died, (11.) Colonel John Coons, killed iu action at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Captain James R. KeUy, May S, 1862. of wounds received iu action. Captain Johu S. Simons, May 18, 1864, of woimds received at Spottsylvania, Va. First Lieut. August Junod, kiUed in action at Cheat Mountain, Va., September 12, 1861. First Lieut. Porter B. Luvdy, killed in action at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1S62. First Lieut. Edward Ballenger, September 23, 1862, of woun^ received in action at Antietam, Md. » First Lieut Francis M. Kalley, kiUed in action at Fredericks burg, Va,, December 13, 1862. First Lieut. George W. Rotramel, November 29, 1863, of wounds received in action at Robertson's Tavern, Va. Second Lieiit. Levius E. Bostwick, September 18, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antietam, Md. Second Lieut. Charles Gibson, kUled in action at ChanceUors viUe, Va., MkyS, 1863. Second Lieut. Huron J. Caldwell, killed in action at WUder ness, Va., May 5, 1864. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Mathew N. Green, September IS, 1862. Second Lieut Thomas M. MarshaU, October 22, 1862. NOTE. — The roster of officers is giVen as it stood on the day of mnster out. 52 INDIANA INFANTRY. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Lafayette, Ind., June 14, 1861, to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out June 25, 1864, by rea son of expiration of term of service, and the veterans and recruits trans ferred to the 17th regiment Indiana infantry. ) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. I Gustavus A. Wood 3 Apr,, 63 Lieutenant Colonel. JohnM. Comparet 3 Apr,, 63 Major. ¦^ Frank White 1 May. 63 ' Captains. Benjamin F. Hegler 28 Feb., 03 Daniel D. Redmond 8 Mar., John H. Smith 8 Mar., Clendenin Z. Bedford ...19 Mar., WUUam Marks 19 Mar. , Jeremiah E. Dean 7 June, First Lieutenants. EdwiuNicar ]5Apr., 62 Joseph Haller 20 Sept , Wm. M. Weber, R. Q. M. 1 Dec, JohnT. McKnight 28 Feb., 63 Mark Walker 1 Mar., WiUiam L.Cole 8 Mar., WUUam M. Graham 19 Mar., JohnM. Jones 19 Mar., Alfred F. Berry 7 June, Ctorles R. Burgess 1 Jan,, G4 William E. Doyle, Adft .23 Apr., Second Lieutenants. Edwin Tnrnock 21 Sept, 62 Alvin M. Maxson 26 Feb., 63 Alonzo Pearce 28 Feb., Daniel W. Nettelton 8 Mar. , Thomas N. Graham 9 Mar:, Peter F. Musselman 19 Mar., JohnT. Harvey 19 Mar., Lycurgus Irwin 7 June, Surgeon. James R. Adams 15 Aug., 63 Assistant Surgeon'. Gideon Wonsetler, a. w. m. Chaplain. JohnM. Whitehead 15 July, 62 Casualties. Promoted, (4.) Colouel George D. Wagner, April 3, 1863, to Brigadier General. Lieut. Colonel Richard Owen, December 31, 1861, to Colonel 60th regiment Indiana infantry. Captain Thomas W. Bennett, September 9, 1861, to Major 36th regiment Indiana infantry. Captain William J. Templeton, November 16,jJ,861, to Major 60th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (35,) Msi^o-r Alexander Fowler, October 28, 1862. Captain Alexander A. Rice, December 31, 1861. Captain Samuel Miller,' March 17, 1862. Captain James F. Parker, June 3, 1862. Captain Samuel Bums, August 1, 1862. Captain Alva G. Patterson, November 8, 1862. Captain John M. Colman, December 21, 1862. Captain John B. McCutchen, January 31, 1863. Captain George W. Lambe, February 9, 1863. Captain Horace K. Warren, February 18, 1863. Captain William*M. McKinney, October 12, 1863. Captain John E. George, May 21, 1864. First Lieut John Burns, July 27, 1861. First Lieut. Michael W. Smith, Adft, August 28, 1861. First Lieut. Oliver H, Ray, March 23, 1862, First Lieut Reuben S. Weaver, March 24, 1862. First Lieut. Dennis Bright, April 20, 1862. Fust Lieut John H. Gardner, July 23, 18G2. First Lifeut John F. McCarthy, July 23, 1862. First Lieut. Salem F. Fry, R. Q_. M., November 14, 1S62. First Lieut. John Thompson, November 22, 1862. First Lieut. Andrew F. Davis, October 23, 1863. First Lieut WiUiam M. Casterliue, November 9,1863. Second Lieut Henry F. Jennings, September 10, 1861. Second Lieut Alexander S, Burnett, jr., September 10, 1861. . Second Lieut John Pearce, October 11, 1861. Second Lieut William B, Kennedy, February 5, 1863. Second Lieut. Harlow C. Holabird, March 15, 1862. Second Lieut. James Young, May 3, 1862. Second Lieut. James S. Case, November 22, 1862. Second Lieut. Joint W. Stockwell, November 26, 1862. Surgeon Richard C. Bond, August 5, 1862, Surgeon John M. Youart May 14, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Joseph V. Anderson, February 20, 1864. Chaplain Evan Stevenson, March 21, lSCy2. Died, (4.) Captain Robert J. Templeton, kiUed in action at Stone River, Teun., December 31, 1862. Captain Joel W. Foster, killed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Captain John F. Monroe, November 26, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Missiou Ridge, Tenu. Second Lieut William D. Seving, lulled in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. Dismisse^, (3.) Captain Joseph Bosler, September 11, 1863. First Lieut George W. Riley, January 25, 1863. First Lieut. Augustus Smith, Adft, March 1, 1864. "¦* Transferred to 17th regiment Indiana infantry. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 53 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organB| at Richmond, Ind., in May,m, to serve one year. It was miWtered out May 23, 1862, by reason of ex piration of term of service.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable pai't is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Thomas J. Lucas 6 May, 62 Lieutenant Colonel. Joel Wolfe 6 May, 62 Major. Captains. Thomas A. McFarland, a. w. m. John S. Lee, a. w. m. James Perry GUlespie, a. w. m. John C. McQuiston, a. w. m. John M. Orr, a. w. m. Paul J. Beachbard, a. w. m. Albert G. Dennis, a. w. m. WilUam Judkins, a. w. m. John A. Platter, ¦ a. w. m. All'red J. Hawn, a. w. m. First Lieutenantf!. Robert Conover, Adj't, a. w. on. Henry B. HUl, R. Q, M., a. w. m. David T. Sleeth, a. w. m. Thomas Reading, a. w. m. H. Benton Austin, a. w. m. WiUiam H. Weyer, a. w. m. WiUiam H. Greer, a. w. m. John L. Grove, a. w. m. William J. Fitch, a. 'w. m. Henry L. Francis, a. w. m. WiUiam Copeland, a. w. m. Robert E. Smith, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. WiUiam H. F. Randall, a. w. m. John H. Finley, a. w. m. Charles P. Williamson, a. w. m. Conard Shomber, a. w. m. John M. Hartley, a. w. on. SUas D. Byram, a. w. m. PhiUp Dexheimer, a. w. m. Samuel TuU, a. w. m. Israel Phalin, a. w. m. ^ Courtland C. Matson, a.%. m. Surgeon. EUas Fisher, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeon. George F. Chittenden, a. w. m. Chaplain. Edward Jones, a. w. m. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Colonel Pleasant A. Hackelman, May 7, 1862, 'to Brigadii_-i General. Captain John R. Mahan, May 25, 1861, to Lieutenant Colonel 14th regiment Indiana infantry. Transferred, (1.) Second Lieut Balthazer B. Tremelin, Blay 25, 1861, to 14tb regiment Indiana ini'antry. Resigned, (1.) Secoud Lieut Thomas J. Powell, November 11,1861. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 54 INDIANA INFANTRY. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., iu July and Au gust, 1862, to serve three years. The members whose term of ser vice would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 30, 1865, and the remain ing members transferred to the 13th regiment Indiana cavalry, in ac cordance with orders from the War Departraent.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders, ) Colonel. • Lieutenant Colonel. Robert Conover 3 Jan., 65 Major. James M, HUdreth S Mar. , 65 Captains. JamesR.R.Cox 12 Dec, 62 AaronMcFeely 28 Mar., 63 ¦^ Timothy Doherty 1 July, William E. Chenoweth .. 1 Dec, 64 James E. MackUn 20 Dec, David B. Moore 26 Feb., 65 Elijah J, WaddeU 5 June, First Lievtenants. Elijah Hawkins 18 Aug., 62 James Steel 28 Mar., 63 John Kensler 2 Jan., 64 John E. Wilkins, Adft. .26 Mar., James M. AUen 27 Nov., Geo. F.WUliams.JZ.Q.Jl/. 1 Dec, WiUiam A. Ingold 20 Dec, WiUiam H. Weston 11 Jan., 65 Cyrus Crawford 2 Mar., John Simms 2Mar., ClarkP.Slade 8 Apr., John C. Ellis 5 June, Second Lieutenantf!. Surgeon. JohnC. CuUen 23 May, 64 Assistant Surgeon. Joseph J. Sadler 23 May, 64 Chaplaiji. Casualties. Crotmmd, (1,) Colonel Thomas J. Lucas, December 31, 1864, to Brigadier General. Resigned, (26.) Lieut. Colonel John M. Orr, AprU 2, 1863. Captain Jehu C. Jones, December 12, 1862. Captain Elwood HiU, February 13, 1863. Captain John A. ffains, April 24, 1863. Captain WiUiam H, TerriU, May 30, 1863. Captain Jabez Smith, August 8, 1863. Captain Paul J, Beachbard, September 20, 1863. First Lieut. Isaac Steel, February 5, 1863. First Lieut. Edward O. Doxey, February 23, 1863. First Lieut. Henry B. Hill, R. Q. M., February 28, 1863, First Lieut James D. Glore, March 3, 1863. First Lieut. Rodman L, Davi'i, March 24, 1863. First Lieut. Cyrus RayhiU, March 31, 1863. First Lieut. Alonzo Foster, April 7, 1863. First Lieut WiUiam Manington, April 10, 1S63. First Lieut. Milton N. Moore, July 26, 1863. First Lieut George Worster, It Q. M., September 10, 1863. First Lieut. Philip Lester, June 10, 1864. Second Lieut George W, Marsh, March 30, 1863. Second Lieut. WUliam E. Chenoweth, May 30, 1863. (Recom missioned as First Lieutenant December 11, 1863.) Second Lieut WUliam L. Peckham, November 15, 1863. Secoud Lieut Henry Boyce, November 28, 1863. Surgeon George F. Chittenden, Febmary 13, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John H. Spurrier, January 14, 1863. Assistant Surgeon James D. Gatch, July 3, 1863. Chaplain Benjamin F. Gatch, April 24, 1863. Discharged, (4.) Lieut. Colonel James H. Redfield, September 23, 1864. Captain Charles T. Doxey, September 23, 1 864. Captain James Stevenson, May 27, 1865. First Lieut WilUam H. Jordan, May 27, 1865. Died, (3,) Liout. Colonel Joel Wolfe, killed in action at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Captain John N. Thompson, January 5, 1865, of wounds re ceived at Houma, La, First Lieut, Jacob H. Jones, killed ik action near Jlansfield, La., Aprils, 1864. Dismissed, (1.) Captain Columbus Jloovf, Di'cember 6, 1864. '"¦ Discharged July 31, 1865. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 55 SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapoUs. Ind., from June 12 to August 14, 1861, to servo three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, together with tie veterans and re cruits of the 15th regiment Indiana infantry, retained in service untU August 8, 1865, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with or ders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Jacob G. Vail 18 Nov., 64 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Frank White 6 Dec, 64 (Brevet Colonel 13 Mar., 1865.) Major. JohnJ, Weiler S Jan., 65 Captaiois. Johu C. Lamson 11 Jan., 63 WilUam A. Owens 20 Mar., Press. J. O'Bannon % June, 64 James W. Armstrong . . .12 June, James W. Louth an 7 Sept,, John W. Collins ...21 Dec, JohnL. .Tones 16 Jan., 65 Charles H. McCarty 17 Feb., David Glrver 16 Mar., John H. Wagner 4 July, First Lieutenants. James H. McDowell 11 Jan., 63 George S.Wilson 3 June, 64 Fountain G. Wasson 12 June, William E.Doyle, ^rf/'i-13 July, WiUiam B. Edwards 21 Dec, James N. Waggoner 1 Jan., 65 Charles C. HUl 16 Jan., -Lafayette W. Lindley. . .15 May, David R. Hemmick 19 May, FhiUipHUl 4 July, WUburP.Havens,i?. Q.M16 July, Second Lieutenants. Francis M. Cowan Il Jan., Joseph Sutton 3 June, William I. Wright 21 Dec, Edwin Churchill 1 Jan., Oscar H. Crowder 14 May, Casualiik.s. Promoted, (5.) Colonel Jnio S. Ilahcall. IW. ^., April 25, 1862, to Brigadier General. First Lieut. Edmund R. Kerstetter, Adft, June 9, 1862, to Captain and A. A. G. First Lieut. James B. Patten, AprU 7, 1865. lo Captain 137th U. S. C. T. Second Lieut. John W. Ryan, March 25, 18fi2, to First Lieut. 8i.uil Adj't 34th regiment Indiana infantry. Second Lieut. Isaiah B. McDonald, April 11, 1 SG'^, to Captain and C. S. Resigned, (46.) Major William T. Jones, March 29, 1864. Major James N. Anderson, November 16, Jt^lil. Captain John Mastin, Japuary 3, 1862. Captain George W. AUison, January 11, 1R62. Captain Peter A. Huffman, January 17, 18i!i.'. Captain George W. Stough, March 24, 1862, Captain George Cuhbcrly, August 1, 1862. Captain Emanuel R. Hawn, September 2'J, 18(iC'. Captain James Thompson, November 6, 1862. Captain Samuel B. Jenkins, November 8, 1802. Captain Jacob If. Stewart, December 14, 1862. Captain Ethan M. AUen, December 16, 1862, Captain Silas W. Boswell, Febmary 28, 18C1. Captain John R. Fiscus, April 24, 1864. Captain Jesse Goad, April ;25, 1864. Captain Henry Henley, December 19, 1864. First Lieut. Winston P. IVoble, R. Q, M., August 1, ISiil . First Lieut Richaj-d W- Hargrave, September 17, 1861, First Lieut George Lowe, R. Q. M., September ly, ISG I. First Lieut. James E. Sergeant, September 30, 1861. First Lieut. Robert S. Kane, December 27, 1861, First Lieut. Uriah Coulson, January 14, 1862. First Lieut. Greenberry F. Shields, January 16, 1862, (1!^- commissioned Fust Lieut, and Adj't, November 5, 1662.) First Lieut Warren W. Wade, Octohev 20, 1&>2. First Lieut James E. McReynolds, January 23, 1S03. First Lieut WiUlavt S. Dunn, R. Q. M., Blarch 29, ISGr!. First Lieut Grccnhury F. Shields, Adft, December 28, 1863. First Lieut. Cyrus J. Ward, June 20, 18G4. First Lieut. Nicholas S. Smith, February 4, 1SC5. Second Lieut Charies R. Beck, August 24, 1861. Second Lieut. Hiram J. Daniels, January 1, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Thomas B. Silvers, January 14, 1862. Second Lieut. WiUiam S. Berry, January 16, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward G. Matthey, August 10, 1862. Second Lieut. Allison Clark, January 1, 1863. Second Lieut. George W. Burton, January 10, 18C3. Second Lieut. Joseph S. Preas, June 20, 1863. Second -Lieut James K. Ward, May 3, 1864. Second Lieut Thomas J. Myers, February 28, ISG.j. Second Lieut. John J. Nesbjt March 18, 1865. Surgeon John Y. Hitt January 17, 1862. Assistant Surgeon David H. Henry, August 12, 1861, Assistant Surgeon John B. Larkin, February 6, It-GS. (Tte- commissioncd Assistant Surgeon May 12, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Richard Wirians, AprU 12, 1863. Chaplain Henry O. Huffman, Septeral::)er 14, 1862. Chaplain Safety Layton, Jimuary 14, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (9.) Lieut. Colonel Henry Jordan, Jidy 1, 1864. Captain George F. Hayden, December 6, 1864. Captain Charles J. Stewart, January 10, ]B65. 56 INDIANA INFANTRY. Surgeon. ohn B. Lai-kin 6 Mar., 65 Assistant Surgeons. George M. Collins 24 Dec, 64 David C. Dome 6Mar., 65 Chaplain. First Lieut. Johu J. Howard, December 31, 1864. First Lieut Frank M. Van Pelt, December 31, 1864. First Lieut WUliam L. Birney, February 2, 1865. Second Lieut Henry H. Smith, July 1, 1864. Second Lieut Emory W. Clifford, November 25, 1864. Surgeon Samuel E. Muuford, Januaiy 12, 1865. Discharged, (6.) Colonel John T. WUder, (Brevet Brig. General August 7, 1864 ) October 5, 1861. First Lieut. Johu T. Drury, June 1, 1864. First Lieut. Benjamin F. Hicks, R. Q,. M., October 29, 1864. First Lieut Henry W. Tutewiler, R. Q. M., June 5, 1865. Second Lieut. James Fisher, May 1.5, 1865. Assistant Surgeon G. W. H. Kemper, July 27, 1864. Died, (4.) Captain James D. Taylor, killed in action near PlantersviUo Ala,, April 1, 1865. ' Fu'st Lieut. Jairfes T. Moreland, July 12, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Murfreesboro', Tenn. First Lieut. George B. Covington, Adft, June 1 1864 of wounds. ' ' Chaplain John L. Craig, July 11, 1865, of disease. Dismissed, (7.) Lieut. Colonel George W. Gorman, November 22 1862 * Captain Robert C. Reid, December 18, 1861. ' Captain JuUus C. Kloenne, December 23, 1861. Fii-st Lieut, Stewart Barnes, August 18, 1862. Second Lieut. Loran C. Wood, December 9, 1861. Second Lieut. Charles C. Dutch, May 25, 1862. Second Lieut. Thomas Murray, August 9 1863. Cashicred,jJl.) Second Lieut. Michael Mungovan, October 20 1863 Desei-ted, (1.) Second Lifut. Jacob S. Wood, October 1, 1862. Or''dei?bef7rfocLto ffltes"™*' "" ™'""' °° ^'"'^ '"«"'"¦ '^''^' '''°'' "-°™-« '" Ge-al Note 2, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 57 EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., August 16, 1S61, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until August 28, 1865, when itwas mus tered out, iu accordance with orders frora tliu War Department.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Captains. DoUR. Bowden.. 12 Feb., 63 Josiah Campbell 9 June, 64 First Lieutenants. Napoleon H. Daniels 12 Feb,, 63 Daniel S. Place 23 Apr. , Edward Young 1 Mai"., Q^ Henry Lawrence 1 Mar. , Benjamin S- Fisher 1 Mar., Elijah M. White 1 May, WiUiamsonM.Alexander. 1 Jime. Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. S. Clay Brown 8 July, 64 Assistant Surgeon. Peter M. Bigney 6 Dec, 62 Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) I First Lieut. George S. Marshall, Adfi, October 24, 18G2, to Captain and A. A. G. First Lieut Theophilus W. Morrison, FL'bruary 27, 1863, to Captain and A. A. G. Resigned, (33.) Colonel Thonum Pattison, June 10, 1862. Lieut. Colonel Jesse L. Holman, April 12, 1863. Captain Rinaldo R. Ruter, April 1, 1862. Captain James R. Bryant, June 3, 1862. Captain Samuel W. Short, September 3, 1862. Captain John W. Jones, September 3, 1862. Captain James T. Howell, January 22, 1863. Captain William F. Davis, June 6, 1863. Captain Peter C. Woods, June 14, 1863. Captain Joseph Hutchinson, February 20, 1864, Captain James A. BeU, March 22, 1864. Captain George W. Kimble, July 28, 1864. Captain Abram B. Lowes, August 9, 1864, First Lieut WUliam W. Shephard, April 7, 1862. First Lieut. George M. HarroU, June 3, 1862. First Lieut. John Tilson, March 13, 1863. First Lieut, Alexander Leechman, April 8, 1863. , First Lieut David E. Adams, Adft, June 25, 1863. First Lieut. Thomas L, Haymond, August 7, 1863. First Lieut Lewis W. Knobe, September 21, .1863. Fu'st Lieut Samuel A. Boyles, January 9, 1864. First Lieut. WilUam M. Berry, January 11, 1864. First Lieut. Harvey D. Crane, April 1, 1864. First Lieut. John J. Dibble, August 21, 1864. First Lieut Samuel W. Bonsall, October 11, 1864. Second Lieut Parker Pearsqn, July 25, 1863. ' Secoud Lieut. John C. Swift, September 3, 1863. Second Lieut. Daniel W. Huston, March 26, 1864. Surgeon Samuel W. Peck, October 6, 1861. Surgeon Johu W. Hitchcock, December 5, 1862. Surgeon Andrew P. Daughters, June 27, 1863. iSurgcon Georgo W. Gordon, March 1, 1864. Chaplain John S. Donalson, December 25, 1864. Mustered out ooi expiration of tenn of service, (12,) Colonel Henry D. Washburn, (Brevet Brigadier General December 15, 1864,) July 26, 1865. Captain Benjamin H. Robison, November 22, 1864. Captain WUliam T, S16tt, December 10, 1864. Captain James B. Black, December 18, 1864. First Lieut WUUam W. Zener, Adft, November 22, 1864. First Lieut George W. Bailey, December 12, 1864. First Lieut. Julius J, VAnhowton, December 13, 1864. First Lieut. Peter D. Pelsor, December 13, 1864. First Lieut. John W, Hickman, December 14, 1864. First Lieut John Carson, December 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Coleman Duncan, November 22, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Francis A. Lakin, June 8, 186.5. Discharged, (11.) Lieut Colonel Dewitt C. Thomas, October 21, 1862. Captain Samuel Donalson, December 8, 1862. Captain' 72. G. Cmmingham, February 11, 1863. Captain William S. Cook, February 14, 1863. 58 INDIANA INFANTRY. The following is a list of the enlisted men of this regiment to whom medalsof honor have been awarded by the Secretary of War : Private Richard Taylor. First Lieut Andrew P. Daughters, October 10, 1861. (Recom missioned as Assistant Snrgeon October 10, 1861.) First Lieut. Elijah N. Wines, January 25, 1862. First Lieut Charles F. Johnston, AprU 14, 1862. First Lieut. AViUiam M, Porter, February 15, 186."!!. First Lieut. Oscar B. Lowry, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Hiram W. Rooker, December 31, ISfil. Chaplain George W. Ames, April 14, 18G2. Died, (6.) Lieut. Colouel WUliam S. Charles, October 19, 1864, of ixounds received in action at Cedar Creek, Va. Major John C. Jenks, May 23, 1863. Major Jonathan H. WiUiams, October 23, 1864, of wounds re ceived iu action at Cedar Creek, Va. Captain SUas A. Wadsworth, kiUed in. action at Vfinchestcr. Va., September 19, 1864. Second Lieut. Jasper Nebekor, , 186]. Second Lieut. Johu L. Lowes, June 20, 1863, of wounds. Disinissed, (2.) Captain Judson B. Tylet May 8, 1865. Second Lieut. Michael ImhofF, Fcbruarv — , 18G2. Deserted, (1.) Fii-st Lieut, Michael Teaney, ]\Iay 21, 1863. Dropped, (1.) First Lieut. John H. Popp, October 13, 1864. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2,— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 59 NINETEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., July 29,1861, to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out July 28, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the organization, com posed of veterans and recruits, retained in service uutU October 19, 1864, when it was consolidated with the 20th regiment Indiana infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Lieutenaitt Colonel. ^ John BI. Lindley , 1 July, 64 Major. William Orr 18 Aug., 64 Captains. Alonzo J. Makepeace 10 Fe b . , Patrick H. Hart 7 Apr., Joseph T, Ives 1 Mar., George W. Greeu 27 Apr., John W. Shafer 8 May, James R. Nash 29 Apr., First Lieutenants. George E. Finney, ^f{;'«. 1 Jan., G3 WUliam B. WUson 1 Jan., WiUiam W. Maey 26 Apr., Joseph P. Carder 8 Nov,, Clinton Johnson 21 Dec, Isaac Branson 1 Mar. , 64 Thomas J. CruU : . 9 Mar. ,' *Chas.W.Hartup,K.Q.M. IJuly, Second Lieutenant. N.Potts 10 May, 63 Surgeon. *Jacob Ebevsole 15 Apr., 62 Casualtie-s. Promoted, (li,) Colonel Solomon Meredith, Oclober ','3, L--&2, to Brigadier General. First Lieut John P.Wood, Adfi, ^l-.iy 16,1862, to Captain and A. A. G. First Lieut. John A. Cottman, /;. ,-).) Major. Richard H. Litson. .'Si June, 65 Captainf>. WiUium F. Riggs 14 Jan., John Gooding... 1 Mar., Ermau B. Jones 1 Apr., WiUiam H. Pesler 25 Apr, , Leroy S. Mayfield 26 Apr,, Matthew W. Tanner 20 May, George W. Hopkins 20 May, Patrick H. Carney 2 June, Alviu C, GravL'S 9 June, First Lieutenants. Roberts. Curry 16 Nov., i Thomas Jones 24 Jan., WUUam F.AUee 4 Feb., Thomas W. En'nis 1 Mar. , WiUiam S. Jordan, Adft.26 Mar., RobertE. McCune 9 Apr., Don E. Downing 20 May, Thomas A. Pearce 20 May, George G. Taff ¦. . . 2 June, WilUam S. MUls, i?. Q.^i. 2 July, » Second Lieutenants. James E. Benham 20 May, William W. Gould 5 June, Daniel Barkdall 5 June, Eugene Jones 6 June, WUUam H. Golden 10 June, Charles J. Giles 10 June, WiUiam W. Mathews - ..10 June, Wilson S. Deam 10 June, John E. Rial 11 June, 65 Casualties, Promoted, (3.) foionol JiiflL-rson C, Diivis, U. ^., Dccemlnfr 18, 1861, to Brigadier General. Captain WiUiam M. AVUck, April x*4, 1863, to Major 44th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut Charles L. Holsteiu, jr., Adft, August 26, 1862, to Capta,in and A, A. G. Resig-ned, {27.) Colonel Michael Gooding, February 7, 1864. Lieut Colonel James S. Ilcstitr, February 8, 1862. Liout. Colonel David W. Daily, July 22, 1862. Lieut Colonel Thomas B. Tanner, July 29, 1863. Captain Patrick H. Jewett December 11, 1861.. Captain Josiah Wilson, July 10, 1862. GQ.^iSi.iB. Leonard Ennis, August 31, 1862. Captain Daniel Lunderman, February 17, 1863. Captain James W. Parker, February 22, 1863. Captain Israel B. Owens, March 24, 1863. Captam Elijah A. Stepleton, March 29, 1864. Captain David Ennis, April 20, 1864. Captain Thomas H. Daily, September 14, 1864. First Lieut John O. McCollough, October 10, 1861. First Lieut. WUUam W. Browning, October 31, 1861. First Lieut James M. Lewis, December 11, 1861. First Lieut WiUiam H. Ratts, February 3, 1862. First Lieut John F. C. I'anner, Marph 20, 1862. First Lieut. Simon Daily, August 30,' 1862. First Lieut Samuel B. Campbell, November 20, 1862. First Lieut Thomas Underwood, R. Q. M. , March 12, 1863. First Lieut Randolph V. Marshall, September 13, 1864. Second Lieut Sidney S. Margues, Augu'^t 31, 1862. Second Lieut. Stephen A. Kennedy, April 16, 1864. Surgeon Benjamin J. Newland, November 4, 1862. Chaplain Eli P. F. Wells, November 27, 1862. Chaplain Nathaniel P. Chariot, January 9, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (10.) Lieut Colonel WilUam M, Wiles, January 9, 1865. Captain WUUam A. Taggart, November 6, 1864. Captain WiUiam Powers. January .5, 1865. Captain Addison D. Sawyer, January 24, 1865. First Lieut John S. Roberts, Anguflt22, 1864. First Lieut Emory Bradley, R. Q..M., September 25, 1864. First Lieut. WUliam A. Adams, Adj't, November 9, 1864. Second Lieut Oren A. Douglass, October 26, 1864. Second Lieut. John W. Westover, October 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Sanmel Y, Gordon, November 2, 1861. Discharged, (5.) First Lieut. Leonidas Smith, July 20, 1863. First Lieut. Hiram B. Baxter, August 29, 1864. First Lieut. WiUiam H. Ireland, July 13, 1865. (Recommis sioned as Assistant Surgeon July 14, 1865,) Assistant Surgeon Nathaniel J. Beachley, June 25, 1864. Assistant Surgeon James P. Liddall, January 6, 1865. Died, (14.) Lieut. Colonel Johu A. Hendricks, kiUed in action at Pea Ridge. Ark., March 7, 1862. Lieut Colonel Squire Isham Keith, killed in action at Perry- vUle, Ky., October S, 1862. *For 21st regiment see 1st heavy artillery. 64 INDIANA INFANTRY. Surgeon . Joseph A. StillweU 3 Feb.,, 63 Assistant Swgeon. WilUam II. Ireland 14 Ijuly, 65 Chaplain. IVlajor Gordon Tanner, September 30, 1861, of wounds received near Glasgow, Mo. Captn'm Robert K. Smith, killed iii,^ction at Perry ville, Ky., October 8, 1862. Captain Alonzo J. Moss, June 29, 1864, of wounds received in action. First Lieut. Lewis W. Daily, March 2, 1862, of wounds. First Lieut Perry Watt;?. kUled in action at Pea Ridge, Ark., March 7, 1862. First Lieut, Sanmel H. McBride, December 9, 186E^, of wounds received at Chaplin HiU, Ky. Second Lieut. Tyrus Tolbert, kiUed in action at ChapUn Hill, Ky., October 8, 1862. Second Lieut Francis L. M. Sibhitt, killed in action at Chap Un Hill, Ky., October 8, 1862. Second Lieut. George R. Ridlen, killed in action at Chai>liu Hill, Ky., Octobers. 1862. Secoud Lieut. David G. Linson, killed in action at Jone,sboro" Ga,, Septemberl, 1864. Second Lieut, David N. Runyan, killed in action at Jonesboro', Ga„ September 1, 1864. Second Lieut. Nicholas Moser, killed in action near Benton- viUe, N. C, March 19, 1865. Missing, (1.) First Lieut. PaiU Hendricks, R. Q. M., since October 31, 1861- Dismissed, (7.) Captain Nicholas De Versey, February 22, 1863. Captain Isaac N. Haymaker, Febiiiary 28, 1862. Captain Anthony R. Raveuscroft, February 20, 1865. First Lieut. Leander C. Orrill, February 22, 1863. First Lieut. James McGrayel, February 22, 1863. First Lieut Volney P. Mason, January 1, 1864. Second Lieut Alexander W. Griffith, February 22, 1863. NOTE 1. — No brevet appointments are eiitered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. . NOTE 2.~The roster of officers is given as it stood ou the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY, 65 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at New Albany, Ind., from, the 27th to the 29th of July, 1S61, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 23, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment Ibore an honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. George S. Babbitt 3 Aug., 64 Major. Alonzo Tubbs 1 June, 65 Captains. WiUiam R. Mead 12 Aug., 64 John W. Hammond. .. . .12 Aug., John J. Hardin Jp. . .12 ang., WUUam L. Purcell 12 Aug., James N. Wood 12 Aug. , James P. Stucker 12 Aug, , Frederick Wilkins 21 Aug., Michael Koch 10 Nov., JohnB. Moore 10 Nov., Anthony S. Bauer ¦. 9 May, 65 First Lieutenants. *Jesse T. Gleason 29 July, 61 George H. Goad ... • 12 Aug., 64 David Moore L Sept, , John E. Barbee ' 10 Nov., Leopold Neusch .10 Nov,, DavidLoug 1 Apr., 65 Jacob C. Graves, R. Q.M 29 Apr . PhiUpp Pflanzer 9 May, Abraham D. Graham 9 May, Jesse Pee 4 June, WiUiam T. Rodman, a. w. jn. Second Lieutenants. John S. McPheeters 24 Apr., Go * Discharged August 10, 1865. 5 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Lieut Colonel DeWitt C. Anthony, September 21, 1862, to Colonel 66th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. John T. McQuiddy, February 23, 1865, to Lieat Colonel 143d regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (22.) Captain William E. Abbott, November 20, 1861. Captain David G. Kay, March 5, 1862. Captain WUliam W. CaldweU, March 28, 1862. Captain Fredi'ick Pistorius, October 8, 1862. Captain James A. Lyons, June 14, 1863. Captain Vincent Kirk, December 26, 1S63j First Lieut WiUiam H. BuUington, December 5, 1861. First Lieut Harvey C. Moore, October 23, 1862. First Lieut Eugene Commandeur, Adft, August 14, 1863. First Lieut Johu A. Morton, July 11, 1864.' First Lieut Joshua W. Custer, August 2.5, 1864. First Lieut Lemuel C. Malbon, April 7, 1865. First Lieut Russell B. Woods, May 12, 1865. Second Lieut George H. Kendrick, December 5, 1861. Second Lieut Madison M. Hurley, October 29, 1862. Second Lieut. Jesse Fesler, November 14, 1862. Second Lieut. Richard Burk, November 16, 1862. Second Lieut Silas E. Warder, December 3, 1862. Second Lieut. Garrett E. Riggle, July 4, 1864. Surgeon Thomas R. Austin, September 17, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Robert Kay, March 5, 1862. Assistant Surgeou Spencer Byrn, August 9, 1863. Discharged, |j^) Captain John S. Davis, jr., February 19, 1863.t Second Lieut. Charles PF. Speake* April 1, 1862. Mustered oution expiration of term of service, (23,) Colonel WilUam L. Sanderson, July 29, 1864. Lieut Colonel WiUiam P. Davis, August 1, 1864. Major Henry C. Ferguson, August 20, 1864. Captain Benjamin F. Walter, August 1, 1864. Captain WilUam H. McHugh, August 1, 1864. Captain Marion J^. Smith, August 1, 1864. Captain Thomas Kremenz, August 8, 1864. Captain Thomas Clark, August 12, 1864. Captain Michael Whalen. August 20, 1864. Captain Alonzo T^'ubbs, March 15^1865. (Recommissioned as Major June 1, 1805!) First Lieut. WUliam P. Orth, August 1, 1864, First Lieut Hiram Murphy, August 1, 1864. First Lieut. WiUiam H. Hale, August 1, 1864. First Lieut Jerome Beers, August 1, 1864. First Lieut Isaac P. Smith, R. Q. M., August 30, 1864. First Lieut Henry C. Foster, AprU 2, 1865. First Lieut. ShacU'ack K. Hooper, Adj't, AprU 5, 1865. Second Lieut Francis M. Crabtree, August 1, 1864. Second Lieut Georgo W. Groshart, August 1, 1864. Second Lieut. John JacJcson, August 1, 1864. Second Lieut Conrad H. Hiner, August 20, 1864. Second Lieut Louis P. Berry, September 10, 1864. Surgeon Magnus Brucker, Blarch 25, 1865. t Appointed Captain and A- Q- M, 66 INDIANA INFANTRY. Assistant Surgeon. James C. Calderwood . . .28 Apr., 65 ¦ Chaplain. John D. Rodgers 12 July, 61 Died, (6.) Captain William M. Dorrough, July 2, 1863, of wounds re- , ceived in action. ' First Lieut. John Goad, July 6, 1862. Second Lieut. Daniel Trotter, kiUed in action on gunboat Essex, at Fort Henry, Tenn., February 6, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry C. Deitz, kUled in action at Raymond, Miss., May 12, 1863. Second Lieut. Christian G. Zulauf, killedin action near Vicks burg, Miss., May 22, 1863. Second Lieut Samuel C. Collins, November 2, 1863, of disease, at Vicksburg, Miss. (1.) Captain Tliomas P. Moore, November 27, 1862. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 67 TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at ' Vincennes,' Ind., July 31, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the origi nal members (except veterans) were mustered out, d-nd the vete rans and recruits consoUdated into a battalion of five companies, and retained in service. The 67th regi ment Indiana infantry was consoU dated with this battalion December 21, 1864, forming five companies, which were mustered out July 19, 1865. The former battaUon was mustered out November 15, 1865, iu accordance with orders from the War Depirtment) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders.) Lieutenaitt Colonel. WUliam S. Pollard 19 Aug., 65 Major. Captains. James M, Taylor 20Feb., Samuel M. Smith 21 Dec , Ewing Roberts.. 13Apr., Henry H.Lee 14 May, Joseph R. Moore 19 Aug., First Lieutenants. ¦ Dittmar Fisher 16 Apr., i Wm. H.Posey, R. Q.M..2^ec, Thomas WUUams l^tfay , ( John P.McCart, Adj't. ..19 Aug., Anthony Johnson 19 Aug., Jesse B.Hoover 20 Aug,, WUUam W. LukenbiU - - .20 Oct , Second Lieutenants, Hiram A. McDonald 20 Aug., 65 WiUiam P. Traylor, 21 Aug., Charles SnyderW 2 Oct, Surgeon. George B. Montgomery ..19 Aug., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Colonel Alvin P. Hovey, April 28, 1862, to Brigadier General. Major Cyrus C. Hines, March 5, 1862, to Colonel 57th regimenr . Indiana infantry. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (3.) Captain John B. Hutchens, November 1, 1864. Captain Nelson F. Bolton, August 2, 1864.. First Lieut George Sheeks, July 30, 1864. Resigned, (37.) Lieut Colonel Richard F. Barter, November 27, 1863.- Major Francis M. Redburn, October 11, 1864. Captain Solomon Dill, October 5, 1861. Captain WUUam L. Merrick, October 20, 1861, Captain Thomas Johnson, March 14, 1862. Captain Samuel R. Morgan, AprU 22, 1862. Captain Amazon Connett May 19, 1862. Captain Joseph A. Sc^nders, July 28, 1863. Captain Charles S.Jenkins, August 4, 1863. Captain Francis M. Downey, August 29, 1863. • Captain WiUiam T. Shepherd. October 2, 1863. Captain Thomas J. Reed, December 28, 1863. Captain Hugh Erwin, December 30, 1863. Captain John Si, Lemmon, November 22, 1864. First Lieut James Wood, October 27, 1861. First Lieut John M, Clark, R. Q. M., November 20, 1861. First Lieut Charles Larch, December 30, 1861. First Lieut. John Tuclcer, January 27, 1862. First Lieut Thomas E. Ashley, February 5, 1862. First Lieut Peter Schumick, R. Q. M. , March 24, 1862. First Lieut. George D. Bateman, July 31, 1862. ;^irst Lieut. James I. Jones, August 3, 1863. First Lieut Marcus A. Gavett, R. Q. M., March 27, 1864. First Lieut. Cadwalader M. Griffith, September 17, 1864. First Lieut. Simeon R. Henderson, Adj't, November 18, 1864. First Lieiit, WUUam S. McGowaU, July 10, 1865. Second Lieut John T. De Weese, February 15, 1862. Second Lieut WUUam MUler, March 28, 1862. Second Lieut. Hiram F. Braxton, December 23, 1862. Second Lieut Thaddeus C. Withers, November 27, 1863. Second Lieut. George Messick, November 27, 1863. Second Lieut, William S. Waller, July 26, 1865. Second Lieut. Fleming Durham, October 3, 1865. Surgeoji Robert B. Jessup, September 25, 1863, Surgeon Arthur W. Gray, December 2, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John W, Davis, May 24, 1862, Chaplain WUUam F. Harned, July 11, 1864. Discharg , (31.) Colonel Wflliam T. Spieely, (Brevet Brig. General March 26, 1865,) July 21, 1865. Lieut Colonel John F, Grill, December 31, 1864. Lieut Colonel Francis A. Sears, July 19, 1865. Major David KeUy, July 19, 1865. * Captain John E. PhiUips, June 11, 1862. Captain James H. Smith, December 19, 1864. Captain Frank M. Robbins, December 19, 1864. Captain Charles G. Brooks, December 19, 1864, Captain Beojamiu J. Summers, December 19, 1864. * Appointed Captain and A. A. G. 68 INDIANA INFANTRY. Assistant Surgeon. Captain Jacob Smith, July 19, 1865. Captain WiUiam T. Days, July 19, 1865. Captain TaEwell Vawter, July 19, 1865. Captain WUliam H. Aikin, July 19, 1865. Captain George W. Friedly, July 19, 1865. First Lieut. Arthur W. Gray, May 14, 1862. (Recommis sioned as Assistant Surgeou May 14, 1862.) First Lieut Perry D. Kimbley, December 10, 1864. First Lieut. John M. Marley, December 31, 186^. First Lieut. Thomas E. McLeland, July 19, 1865. First Lieut. John H. McCormick, July 19, 1865. First Lieut Robert D. Callihan, July 19, 1865. * First Lieut HoreEce L. Brown, July 19, 1865. First Lieut. George W, Richardson, August 24, 1865. Second Lieut. Aaron C. Joseph, December 10, 1864. Second Lieut Henry H. Hyatt, December 10, 1864, Second Lieut Thomas N. Gootee, December 19, 1864. Second Lieut John W. Sale, July 19, 1865. Second Lieut. John J^. Stewart, July 19, 1865. Second Lieut EdghUl B. WUUams, July 19, 1865. Surgeon Charles S. Boynton, July 19, 1865. % Assistant Surgeon William A. Burton, July 19, 1865. Chaplain Lyman S. Chittenden, July 19, 1865. Died, ^U.) Lieut. Colonel John Gerber, killed in action at Shiloh, Tenn., AprU 7, 1862. f Captain Samuel F. McGuffiu, killedr in action at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., AprU 7, 1862. Captain Felix G. Welman, killed in action at Champion HUl, Miss., May 16, 1863. Captain Frederick T.Butler, November 12,1863, of disease, at New Orleans, La. First Lieut. Stephen ff. Sonthwiok, kUled in action at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 7, 1862. First Lieut James H. Baldwin, June 3, 1863, of wounds re ceived at Baker's Creek, Miss. First Lieut. George E. Merchant, April 10, 1865, of wounds received at Fort Blakely, Ala. ( First Lieut. WiUiam J. Stewart, September 8, 1865, of disease. Second Lieut. Jesse L. Cain, May 18, 1863, of woimds received at Champion Hill, Miss. Assistant Surgeon T. W. C. Williamson, May 24, 1863, of wound received at Champion Hill, Miss. Chaplain Charles Fitch, May 1, 1863, of disease. Dismissed, (1.) First Lieut. Jacob Covert, August 1, i862. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 69 TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT; (This regiment was organized at Evansville, Ind., August 19. 1861, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until • July 17, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. , James S. Wright 10 Jan., 65 Major. William H. Crenshaw. ..11 Jan., 65 Captains. JamesT. Reed 2 Sept, 64 Melchior Lauge 20 Oct. , James W. P.Barnett 21 Oct, Solomon Boyer 21 Oct, James C. SmaU 28 Dec, JohuNilson 26Mar., 65 James G. Jackson 11 May, George W. Ham 29 May, John'i'. Martin 29 May, JohnH.Oakes 1 June, ^ First Lieutenants. Gree.nR.Morgan,i2.Q.M.20Feb., 63 John M.Ramsey 1.28 Sept, 64 WiUiam L. Wood 21 Oct, Samuel H. Brown 17 Dec. George W. Fallen, Adft.lO Jan., 65 Jacob L. Hinkle 26 Mar. , Charles Straub 25 Apr. , James W. Black 1 June, Thomas Butler '. 1 June, Nathaniel Henderson 1 June, Peter Sovercool.-.: 1 June, John W. Ingram, a. w. m.9 Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Charles L. Thomas 1 Jan., 63 Casualties. Promoted, (4.) Colonel James C. Veatch, AprU 28, 1862, to Brigadier General. Lieut Colonel John W. Foster, August 24, 1862, to Colonel 65th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. Jesse W.Walker, Adj't, September 21,1864, to Major and A. A. G. Assistant Surgeon Robert C. Slaughter, May 28, 1862, to Sur geon 53d regiment Indiana infantry, ^ Resigned, (32.) Colonel WiUiam I-I, Morgan, May 20, 1864. Captain John H. Darby. AprU 20, 1862. Captain James T. Marks, May 1, 1862. Captain John W. Poole, September 28, 1862. Captain Samuel Laird, October 3, 1862. Captain Enoch J. Randolph, January 31, 1863. Captain William N. Walker, January 27, 1864. Captain Edwin C. Hastings, August 10, 1864. Captain John T. Johnson, August 26, 1864. Captain Andrew J. Enlow, August 26, 1864. Captain Alexander Darling, September 15, 1864. Captain Albert Verhoeff, September 26, 1864. First Lieut Alfred G. Quinlin, December 14, 1861. First Lieut John R. Bell. January 6, 1862. First Lieut Henry M. Sweetzer, January 15, 1862. First Lieut WUliam H..Walker, jr., Adft, March 7, 1862. First Lieut. Robert Brodie, May 13, 1862. First Lieut Alexander H. Foster, R. Q. M., December 3, 1862. First Lieut William T. Mason, January 12, 1863. First Lieut Daniel L. Eversole, January 13, 1864. First Lieut David F. Lewis, August 18, 1864. First Lieut. Lewis Hurst August 20, 1864. First Lieut David L. Turnham, AugUBt26, 1864. First Lieuti, Francis M. Emerson, September ] 5, 1864. Second Lieut. Johji Adrion, January 3, 1863. Second Lieut Henry C. West, February 14, 1863. Second Lieut Charles C. Waring, June 11, 1864. Second Lieut. David Morris, Auglist 20, 1864. Secoud Lieut Francis M. Crampton, September 14, 1864. Second Lieut Daniel Hayfprd, September 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Rufus F. Larkin, September 26, 1864. Assistant Surgeou Arthur White, April 20, 1862. Must^ed out on expiration of term of service, (6.) Captain Victor C. Larkin, August 18, 1864. Captain Absalom Boren, August 24, 1864. First Lieut. Johu S. Robertson, November 12, 1864. Second Lieut GUbert U. Smith, November 12, 1864. Assistant Surgeon William T. Houghland, August 20, 1864. Chaplain Frederick A. Hearing, August 20, 1864. Discharged, (14.) Lieut. Colonel John Rheinlander, August 12, 1864. Major John T. Walker, June 10, 1864. Captain WUUam P. Wood, September 2, 1861. Captain Thomas P. Bethell, September 6, 1861. Captain Charles Jones, October 23, 1861. Captain Charles S. Finch, August 31, 1863. First Lieut Charles Lucas, September 2, 1862. First Lieut Daniel W. DarUng, August 20,1864. Secoud Lieut Azriel W. FUnn, March 5, 1862, Second Lieut, Oscar F. Houghland, March 12, 1862. Second Lieut Miles V. WUsey, September 3, 1862. Second Lieut. WiUiam K. Stuart, May 15, 1865. TO INDIANA INFANTRY, Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Jesse L.Walker 13 Jan., 65 Surgeon John T. Walker, January 27, 1863. (Recommis sioned as Major January 28, 1863.) Assistant Surgeon Thomas J. Johnson, August 11, 1863. Died, (10.) Captain George W. Saltzmau, killed in action at ShUoh, Tenn., AprU 6, 1862. Captain Dorus Fellows, June 21, 1862, of wounds received in action at ShUoh, Tenn. Captain Robert G. Shannon, kUled in action at Beutonvilfe, N C, March 21, 1865. ![First Lieut. Henry L. Brickett, killed in action at Shiloh Tenn., April 6, 1862. First Lieut Jesse Patterson, April 7, 1862, of wounds received in action at Shiloh, Tenn. First Lieut. William F. Reynolds, August 25, 1863, Firwt Lieut. Jaraes P. Bennett, lulled Lo action before Atlanta Ga., August 15, 1864. Second Lieut William Guthrie, April 28, 1862, at Mound City, HI. Secoud Lieut Alexander McPherson, June 27, 1862, at La Grange. Tenn. Second Lieut Spencer Webster, kUled iu action at Hatchie river, Tenn., (October 5, 1&62. Cashiered, (1.) Secoud Lieut John Daly, July 19, 1863. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 71 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at IndianapoUs, Ind., August 30, 1861, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until ' JAiuhry 15, 1866, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Newton A. Logan 11 Mar. , 65 Major. Alden H. Juniper 24 June, 65 Captains. JohnW. Greene 7 May. 64 ?Archibald H.McDouaId- 1 June, Henry H. Wheatlev 1 July, Calvin C. McDowell 18 Jan., 65 Joseph M. Storey 20 July, Warren W. Morris -.21 Aug.. First Lieutenants. Henry W, Rice, R. Q. M. 3 Mar., 63 Albert G. Robb '. 8 May, 64 John A. Whitsit 1 July, Sampson Piatt 8Jan., 65 Samuel Bowers 25 J^., Elisha J. ColUns 10 May, J. H. Portsmouth, Adjt. . 4 July, Lewis H. Gest 25 July, SUas W. Harding 5 Aug., George W. McMuUen ... 4 Sept, Thomas J. Keith, a. w.m. Second Lieutenants. Jasper L. Atkinson 8 Jan. , 65 John Miller 14 Aug., Henry C. Adams, a. w. m.. Surgeon. 'Thomas W. Florer 15 Nov., 62 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Casualties. .- Promoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Wesley Short, March 9, 1864, to Surgeon Ist regiment Texas cavalry. Resigned, (30.) Colonel WiUiam M. Wheatley, September 27, 1862, Lieut. Colouel Richard O'Neal, June 30, 1862. Major Harvy Johnson, August 19, 1863. Captain Benjamin Hargis, February 5, 1862. Captain Milton L. Miner, February's, 1862. Captain Percival G. Kelsey, June 30, 1862. Captain Mortimer C. Holman, June 30, 186^, Captain Lewis Manker, June 30, 1862. Captain Robert M. Sharp, Mar6h 20, 1863. Captain Oscar W. Kelly, March 18, 1S64. Captain David Rader, March 20, 1864. Captain James A. Burkett, July 11, 1864. Captaii\ WiUiam J. WaUace, September 3, 1864, Captain Robert F. Braden, June 2, 1865. Captain Levi S. Gardner, October 30, 1865. Captain Joseph D. Grinter, December 8, 1865. First Lieut Campbell Greenfield, January 8, 1862. First Lieut WiUiam P. Gard, January 29, 1862. First Lieut, Aaron L, Hunt, June 19, 1862. First Lieut Henry Schrader, Adft, June 30, 1862. First Lieut. SamueV Milligan, June 30, 1862. First Lieut Abram HiU, June 30, 1862. First Lieut John B. Routh, R. Q. il/., March 1, 1863. First Lieut Thomas J. Dela Hunt, Adft, May 23, 1864. Second Lieut James T. Caldwell, February 1, 1862. Second Lieut Samuel W. Leiper, June 3, 1S62. Second Lieut. Elijah T. Read, September 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Albert Murphy, September 3, 1863. Second Lieut Henry H. Carter, December 17, 1864, Surgeon Robert N. Todd, June 2, 1862. Musttred out on expiration of term of service, (6.) Colonel John Gr. Clarke, September 28, 1865. Captain Richard H. Stott June 18, 1865. First Lieut. Nathan W. Manning, December 11, 1864. First Lieut Benjamin McMurry, June 18, 1865. Second Lieut. Joseph M. Robertson, July 3, 1865. Assistant Surgeon George A. Torbet, September 21, 1864, Discharged, (8.) Lieut. Colonel Augustine D. Rose, Deceiiiber 29, 1864. Captain Courtland E. Whitsit, Febmary 2, 1864. t Captain Nathaniel J, Beachly, February 24, 1863. Captain Edward N. Powers, May 15, 1865, First Lieut. Thomas B. Couchman, April 14, 1863, First Lieut. Thomas T, Walker, February 19, 1863. J First Lieut, Joseph J. Dain, July 1, 1863. First Lieut Samuel N. Bannister, 'May 17, 1S65. Died, (2.) Second Lieut Thomas L. Hayman, September 11, 1863, of disdise. Chaplain Samuel R. Adams, December 19, 1862, of disease. Deserted, (1.) Captain Daniel W. Robertson, December 15, 1865. * Discharged March 7, 1866. t Comraissioned Assistant Surgeon 22d regiment Indiana infantry. X Appointed First Lieut, in V. R. C. Note, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 72 I1!W)IANA INFANTRY. TWENTY-SEVENTH REGI- ' MENT, (This regiment was organized at IndianapoUs, Ind,, September 12, 1861, to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out November 4, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the veterans and recruits transferred to the 70th regiment Indiana infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. SUas Colgrove 12 Sept, 61 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 4 Aug., 1864.) Lieutenant Colonel. *John R. Fesler 1 Mar., 63 Major. Theodore F. Colgrove... i Mar., 63 Captains. Johu W. Wilcoxson 20 Dec, 61 tJohn W. Thornburg ... 1 Mar., 63 tPeter Fesler -1 Mar., Thomas J. Box 1 Dec. , Joseph Balsley 1 Dec. , Johu M. Haberly 12 Apr., 64 James Stephens 1 July, First Lieutenants. Jas. M. Jameson, R. Q. M.12 Sept, 61 W.W.Dougherty, .44/7. IMar., 63 Thomas W. Casey IMar., Oliver P. Furgasou IMar,, Fletcher D. RuiideU 5 "Apr., George H. Stephenson ... 29 Mar, , 64 Leander Jerger 1 July, tBethuel M. Clark IJuly, James G. Baker 29 July, John R.Rankin 29 July, Second Lieutenants. Assistant Soirgeons. Green V. Woolen..? 12 Sept, 61 John H. Alexander, a. w. m. * Discharged November 11, 1864. Casualties. • Resigned, (31.) Lieut. Colonel Archibald L Harrison, October 28, 1861. Lieut. Colonel Ahisha L. Morrison. January 17« 1863. Major John Mehringer, January 15, 1862. Major William S. Johnson. August 2, 1862. Major George W. Burge, February 11, 1863. Captain Jackson L. Moore, February 91, 1862. * Captain Theodore E. Buehler. May 23, 1862. Captain AUen Hill, June 17, 1862. , Captain John T. Boyle, September 30, 1862. Captain Richmond M, WeUman, October 4, 1862. Captain William E.Davis, January 13, 1863, Captain John D. 3IcKahin, March 16, 1863. Captain David Van Buskirk, May 7, 1864. Captain William H. HoUoway, October 4, 1864. Captain Josiah C- WilUams, October 5, 1864. Captain Johu M. Bloss, October 13, 1864. First Lieut. Isaac D. CoUier, December 9, 1861.* First Lieut. James M, Kern, February 1, 1862. First Lieut Thomas W. Peters, May 29, 1862. First Lieut Francis Ottwell, June 25, 1862. First Lieut, James D. Hudson, June 26, 1862. First Lieut, John Forelander, October 4, 1862. Second Lieut John F. Parsons, December 4, 1861. Second Lieut Arthur Berry. December 21, "1861. Second Lieut. Thomas Stewart, February 14, 1862. Second Lieut. Squire D. W. Garrett, March 2, 1863. Second Lieut Joseph E. White, November 23, 1863. Second Lieut, Thomas Nugent, May 20, 1864. Surgeon Jarvis J, Johnson, August 5, 1862. Surgeon WiUis H. Twiford, July 14, 1864. Chaplain Thomas A. Whitted, June 4, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (1.) Secoud Lieut Roger S. Loughry, October 22, 1864. Discharged, (8.) Captain Joel W. McGrew, November 10, 1861. Captain Tilghmau H. Nance, February 15, 1863. Captain Stephen Jerger, August 19, 1863, Captain George L. Fesler, November 20, 1863. First Lieut. Stephen D. Lyon, October 20, 1863. First Lieut, Samuel D. Porter, AprU IS, 1864. Second Lieut. "WUliam Hubbard, December 12, 1863. Second Lieut John K. MeCaskey, May 20, 1864. Died, (12.) ' Captain Peter Kop, September 24, 1862, of wounds received in action at Antietam, Md. Captain John A. Cassidy, killed m action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. First Lieut. George W. Reed, kUled in action at Cedar Moun tain, Va., August 9, 1862. First Lieut Robert B. Gilmore, October 16, 1862, of wounds ' received abaction at Antietam, Md. First Lieut.lSOlomon S. Hamrick, killed in action at Chancel- lorsviUe, Va., May 3, 1863. First Lieut. George T. Chapin, kUled in action at Resaca, Ga. , May 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Meredith W. Leach, December — , 1861. Second Lieut. D. R. Conrad, February 1, 1862, of disease. Second Lieut William Vanorsdall, kiUed in action at Antie tam, Md., September 17, 1862. t Transferred to the 70th regiment Indiana infantry. INDIANA INFANTRY, 73 Chaplain. Second Lieut. Jacob A. Lee, October 24, 1862, of wounds. Second Lieut. Isaac Van Buskirk, May 3, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at ChancellorsvUle, Va. Second Lieut. Julian F. Hoffer, June 22, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at ChanceUorsvUle, Va. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. Nehcminh Walton, October 10, 1862, Cashiered, (1.) Second Lieut George W. Roddick, July 18, 1863. Note l, — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 74 INDIANA INFANTRY. * TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at Laporte, Ind., August 27, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the original members (exca^)t veterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until December 2, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Samuel 0. Gregory 25 Feb., .65 Lieutenant Colonel. Charles Ream 12 June, 65 Major. C'J-ptains. Nelson B. Bennett 9 July, 64 Richmond W. Melendy . . 9 July, Levi M. Hess 6 Dec, Patrick Hayes 13 Jan., 65 Oscar B. RockweU 27 Mar, , Commodore P. Butler 21 Apr., Jonathan F. Sanford 27 May, Samuel E. Wetzel 24 June, La Fayette Ky es 13 July, John Humes 1 Sept., First jtieutenants. Charles F. Tucker 17 Jan., 65 George W. Harper 27 Mar., James O. Beahm 27 Mar., Samuel A. Bagley Adj't. 5 May, George H. Birch 27 May, Robert Shields 24 June, James McCurdy, R. Q. M., a.w. m. Second Lieutenants. Thomas Marr 27 Mar., 65 Jacob Miller 19 Apr., John J. Traub 26 June, Surgeon. John F. McCarthy...,..'. IMar., 64 Assistant Surgeon. Johnson F. Heaton 19 July, 65 Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (6,) , Colonel John F. MiUer, April 30, 1864, to Brigadier General. Captain Henry G. Davis, September 1, 1864, to Lieut Colonel 101st U. S. C. T. Fust Lieut Andrew C. Shepherd, R. Q. M., July 23, 1863, to , Captain and C. S. Fust Lieut. WUlard Fales, July 1, 1865, to Captain 138th V. S. C. T. First Lieut. Byron W. Worden, July 1, 1865, to Captam 138th U. S. C. T. Surgeon Lewis Humphreys, August 22, 1862, to Lieut Colonel and Medical Inspector. Transferred, (1.) Captain^Hiram'B. Bates, June 30, 1865, to 138th U. S. C. T. Resigned, (33.) Major Henry J. Blowney, July 6, 1862. Captaui Milton M. Boggs, March 26, 1862. Captain John S. Fosdick, May 16, 1862. Captain Jethro New, November 20, 1862. Captain Silas F. Allen, February 11, 1864, Captain William H. H. McDonald, May 18, 1864. Captain James H. M. Jenkins, June 11, 1864. Captain Adam S. Loventhal, November 1^, 1864. First Lieut. Henry Boyce, January 11, 1862. First Lieut. John C. Meyers, January 22, 1862. First Lieut WUliam E. Sargent, February 17, 1862. First Lieut Ferdus Ryland, March 16. 1862. First Lieut. Alfred Martin, June 14, 1862. First Lieut. Henry E. Hain, July 27, 1862. First Lieut. Jaraes L. Angell, Adj't, August 20, 1S6?. First Lieut William A. Duey, Noveraber 20, 1863. First Lieut Frederick A. Clark, AprU 10, 1864. First Lieut. Austin Sargent, November 13, 1864. First Lieut. Edwin Henderson, November 13, 1864. First Lieut Christopher L. Davis, November 14, 1S64. First Lieut. Alpheus Dunlap, December 1, 1864. First Lieut Oscar C. Sabin, R. Q. M., AprU 11, 1865. Second Lieut Andrew J. Corp, May 22, 1862. Second Lieut. Calvin R. StiUon, July 14, 1862. Second Lieut, Johu W. Vanderhoof, April 21, 1863. Second Lieut. Alden Whitney, July 30, 1863. Second Lieut. Jefferson Bishop, December 2, 1863. Surgeon Lorenzo S. Keen, January 17, 1863. Surgeon James M. Confer, December 8, 1S63. Assistant Surgeou Jacob R. Brown, November 58, 1862. Assistant Surgeon John C. Griffith, August 29, 1864. Chaplain Joseph C. Reed, June 20, 1862. Chaplain Horatio W. Shaw, July 10, 1S63. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (6.) Lieut Colonel David M. Dunn, September 27, 1864. Captain Daniel Casey, September 27, 1864. Captain George W. Maloon, November 16, 1864. Captain McCaslin Moore, May 2, 1865. First Lieut. James E, Houghton, September 27, 1864. Second Lieut. Irenus McGowan, April 14, 1865. Discharged, (4.) First Lieut. Griffin A. Coffin, Adft, January 7, ^^5. Secoud Lieut ji^nson Goodwin, January 11, 1862. * For 28th regiment see 1st Indiana cavalry INDIANA INFANTEY, 75 Second Lieut. James M. Barnes, January 13, 1862. Second Lieut. John Posey, November 28, 1862. Died, (8.) Major Joseph P. Collms, October 5, 1864, of disease, at Chatta nooga, Tenn. Captain Frank A. Hardmau, March 5, 1862. Captain Frank Stebhins, killed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Captain Thomas J. Henderson, July 6, 1863, at Murfreesboro', Tenn. Captain N. Palmer Dunn, kUled inaction at Chickamauga, Tenn,, September 19,"1863. - ' , First Lieut. Asa H. Mathews, R. Q. M., April 21, 1862. First Lieut. John Cutler, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Second Lieut. Elijah A. Macomber, September 19, 1864, of wounds received in action. Missing, (2.) Secrfnd Lieut Charles H. Jennings, February 28. 1862, Second Lieut Thomas H. Reese, September 19,' 1863. Dismissed, (3.) Captain David Jameson, January 13, 1863. Captain WUUam W. Shuler, January 13, 1863. Captain John Taylor, September 2, 1863. * Cashiered, (1.) Captain Horatio G. P. Oblinger, December 26, 1861. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 76 INDIANA INFANTRY. THIRTIETH REGIMENT. (battalion of.) (This regiment was organized at Fort Wayne, Ind., September 24, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except vet erans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into a battalion of seven companies. A detachment of veterans and re cruits from the 36th regiment In diana infantry was transferred to this regiment as company H July 12, 1865. It was mustered out of service November 25, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) L'leute?iant Colonel. Henry W. Lav#ton 10 Feb., 65 Major. Nelson N. Boydston 24 Apr., 65 Captains. John P. Swisher 28 Jan., Leander F. Weldip 10 Feb. , George W. Bentley 10 Feb., Thomas Hogarth 10 Feb. , Kaufman Funk 10 Feb., Dennis J. Kennedy ..... 11 Feb. , Jeremiah D. Likens IMar., Thaddeus Hoke 24 Apr,, 65 First Lieutenants. Thomas H. Notistiue 10 Feb., Lewis Taber 10 Feb. , Alfred H, Laing 10 Feb., WiUiam W. Wheeler 10 Feb., Robert H.Johnson 10 Feb., James S. Hughey IMar., Charles Landau 24 Apr., Isaac Delhagan 15 May, Second Lieutenants. Evan R. HUdebrand 10 Feb., John W. Bixler 10 Feb., Samuel H. Woodruff 10 Feb., Joseph Knapp 10 Feb. , WUliam H. Hall 10 Feb., Isaac Hornberger IMar,, Robert McEachran 26 May, 65 65 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Major Whedon W. Griswold, March 20, 1865, to Colonel 152d regiment Indiana infantry. I, (31.) Major George W. Fitzsimmons, July 21, 1864, Captain James B. White, November 3, 1862. Captain Myron N. Hawk^, December 5, 1862. Captain Martin L. Stewart, December 5, 1862. Captain Joseph M. Silver, January 22, 1863. Captain Cyrus Hawley, February 1, 1863. Captain Joseph E. Braden, February 15, 1863. Captain Edmond P. Edsall, October 10, 1863. Captain James M. S. Butcher, March 26, 1864. Captain Isaiah C. McElfatrick, August 2, 1864. Captain Marcus D. Kirk, November 5, 1864. First Lieut James T. Donahoo, January 1, 1862. First Lieut Ebenezer R. Barlow, January 30, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel B. McGuire, January 22, 1863. First Lieut, Peter P, BaUey, R. Q. M., January 28, 1863. First Lieut. Joseph Price, January 31, 1863. First Lieut. Charles A. Zollinger, February 3, 1863. First Lieut Horatio E. Harvey, February 10, 1863. First Lieut Charles M. Jones, June 13, 1863. First Lieut John Moore, August 13, 1863. First Lieut. NeUis Borden, October 6. Tfe63. , First LieiFt. Thomas H. Chance, October 15, 1863. Second Lieut Job C. S/nith, March 19, 1862. Second Lieut David B. Davis, June 20, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph W. McKay, October 23, 1863. Second Lieut WilUam H. H. Day, March 25, 1864. Second Lieut, Chauncey F. Beuford, May 12, 1865. Surgeou David Hutchinson, August 8, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Samuel A. Freeman, December 28, 1861. Assistant Surgeon James Miller, February 28, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Elam Bodman, January 30, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (17.) Coldnel Joseph B. Dodge, September 29, 1864. ' Lieut Colonel Orrin D. Hurd, September 29, 1864, Captain George S- Hart, September 29, 1864. ' Captain Joseph W. Whitaker, September 29, 1864, Captain William Dawson, September 29, 1864. Captain Archibald D, Stinson, September 29, 1864. Captain John E. Thompson, September 29, 1864. First Lieut. WilUam Ferguson, R. Q. M., September 29, 1864. First Lieut. Adam D. Miller, Adft, September 29, 1864. First Lieut Linus B, Hathaway, September 29, 1864. First Lieut, James McC. Preston, September 29, 1864. , First Lieut John Sterling, September 29, 1864. Second Lieut. John M, Barr, September 29, 1864. Second Lieut. Eli Foster, September 29, 1864. Surgeon Francis M. Pearman, October 2, 1864. (Recommis sioned Surgeon March 15, 1865,) Assistant Surgeon Samuel M. Hayes, September 29, 1864. Chaplain Reuben F. Delo, September 29, 1864. Discharged, (10.) Captain WUliam N. Voris, February 15, 1862. Captain Joseph M. Silver, February 15, 1862. sioned Captain March 14, 1862.) Captain Oliver McMahan, November 2, 1862, (RecommiB INDIANA INFANTRY, 71 Surgeon. Francis M. Pearman 15 Mar., 65 Assistant Surgeon. First Lieut. Alonzo Doty, July 17, 1869. First Lieut. Ambrose E. Johnson, November 3, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph Aspinall, November 19, 1862. Second Lieut. Zeuas C, Bratt, August 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Philip P. Lush, September 29, 1S64. Second Lieut. WUliam N. Culbertson, March 12, 1865. Surgeon Edward R. Parks, February 15, 1862. Died, (5.) Colonel Sion S. Bass, AprU 7, 1862, of wounds received in action at Shiloh, Tenn, First Lient Edwin B. Stribley, kiUed in action at Stone River, Tenn,, December 31, 1862. First Lieut Douglass L. Phelps, September 19, 1863, of wounds received ui action. First Lieut. Joshua Eberly, September 20, 1863, of wounds « received in action. Assistant Surgeon Delos W. Rupert, October 2, 1862, of disease. Missioig, (1.) First Lieut. George E. Murphey, since July 31, 1864. Disonissed, (4.) First Lieut George L. Salpaugh, April 15, 1863. First Lieut Joseph R. WUliams, March 24, 1864. Second Lieut. Everett Pierce, January 29, 1863. Surgeon WiUiam H. Meyers, October 11, 1862. Cashiered, (2.) First Lient. John Cogan, April 15, 1863. Second Lieut Thomas Burnell, December 26, 1861. • Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day, of muster out. 78 INDIANA INFANTRY. THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Ter re Haute, Indiana, September 20, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service untU December 8, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department) ' ' FORT donelson," " KENESAW mountain," "fort, henry," "shiloh, " " perryville, " VSTONE RIVER," "HOOVER'S GAP," "CHICKAMAUGA," "PINE TOP," "RfcSACA," "SMYRNA STATION," " ATLANTA, " " JONESBORO', " "LOVEJOY'S STATION," "FRANK LIN," "NASHVILLE,^' "ROCKYFACE RIDGE." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. James R. HalloweU 12 Nov., 64 Major, Silas Grimes 7Jan,, 65 Captains. \ Craven Reed.- 17 Feb., 63 Timothy J. Fielding 11 Nov., 64 Charles E. Adamson 11 Nov., Henry C. Douglas 11 Nov., Asher P. Hammond 11 Nov., Joseph B. Roddy 17 Nov., Jesse R. Dodd 1 May, 65 BaUey G. McKinzie 1 May, WUliam T. Ryman 20 July, First Lieutenants. John F, Meacham, Adj't.ll Nov. 64 James B. Corns 11 Nov., James F. Fee 11 Nov., Robert Anderson 11 Nov., SamuelRoss 12 Nov., WilUam G. Smith 1 May, 65 Martin G. Fields 26 May, John H. Ayers 17 June, Vinal S. Aye 19 June, Charles M.Carter, 72. Q.M. 1 Aug., Henry B. Cord 3 Aug,, John C. Arterburn 4 Aug., Second Lieutenants. John W. Brown 1 Dec, 64 John S. Moore 17 June, 65 Surgeon. A sa W. McKinney 13 Sept. , 64 Casualties. Promoted, (1. ) Colonel Charies Cruft, July 16, 1862, to Brigadier General. Resigned, (45.) Colonel John Osborn, July 14, 1863! Colonel John T. Smith, March 12, 1865. Lieut. Colonel Charles M. Smith, February 10, 1863. Major WUUam H. Fairbanks, September 23, 1864. Captain WUliam B. Squire, December 31, 1(861. Captain William H. Beadle, February 9, 1862. Captain Clifford W. Ross, Septemberl, 186^ Captain John Beaty, November 17, 1862. t Captain Isaac N. Winang, November 19, 1862. Capxain Nathaniel A. Cox, March 14, 1863, Captain Noah Brown, September 12, 1864. Captain Francis M. Pickins, September 14, 1864. Captain Samuel C, Scott, September 21, 1864. Captain George L. Hager, September 24, 1864. Captain Lewis W- Brown, November 17, 1864. , Captain George M. Noble, June 12, 1865. Captain Augustus C. Ford, June 1, 1865. Captain Robert H. Waterman, September 18, 1865, First Lieut WUUam M. Geiger, January 7, 1862. First Lieut. Harlan P. Hawkins, February 2, 1862. First Lieut Levi Wood, R. Q. M., April 7, 1862. First Lieut. AUen T. Rose, Adft, January 23, 1863, First Lieut Joseph F. Morris, September 12, 1864. First Lieut. Stephen S. Haviland. September 23, 1864. First Lieut Francis M. Hatfield, October sf 1864. First Lieut. Samuel F. Mason, November 11, 1864, First Lieut Leonard H. Mahan, April 6, 1865. First Lieut. WiUiam E. Hughes, June 6, 1865, First Lieut James C. Beeler, R. Q. M., June 17, 1865. # First Lieut John H. Welch, July 8, 1865. Second Lieut William Lowry, April 16, 1862. Second Lieut Robert Woodall, June 1, 1862. ' Second Lieut William C. Berry, August 30, 1862, Second Lieut John N. Clark, November 25, 1862. Second Lieut Charles E. Terry, AprU 14, 1863. Second Lieut John G. McPhetridge, October 12, 1863. Second Lieut. Charles A. Power, November 22, 1863. Second Lieut Jesse B. Connelly, April 13, 1864. Second Lieut John Cook, September 23, 1864. Second Lieut James S. Grubbs, September 27, 1864. Second Lieut James K. Wells, September 30, 1864, Second Lieut David C. Hunter, May 25, 1865. Second Lieut Phiuis W. McKey, May 29, 1865, 'Surgeon WiUiam C. Hendricks. May 10, 1864. Assistant Surgeq^ James W. Morgan, December 9, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (1.) Chaplain Hiram Gillmore, September 20, 1864. Discharged, (4.) Captain James A, WaU, July 10, 1862. First Lieut. WilUam Thompson, March 10, 1862. First Lieut. Francis Brooks, July 10, 1862. Surgeon James B. Armstrong, March 14, 1863. Died, (10.) Lieut Colonel Francis L, Neff, kUled in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, June 25, 1864. ^Commissioned Surgeon 149th regiment Indiana infantry. INDIANA INFANTRY, 79 Assistant Surgeons. Nathaniel P. Merit 31 Oct. , 64 Chaplain. James B. HamUton 12 Nor,, 64 Major Frederick Arn, kiUed in action at ShUoh, Tennessee, AprU 6, 1862. Captain John S. Welch, December 26, 1861. Captain George Harvey, killed in action at ShUoh, Tennessee,. AprU 6, 1862. Captain WUliam I. Leas, kiUed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Captain Jeremiah Mewhinney, June 24, 1864, of disease, at (Chicago, IlUnois. Captain Richard M. Waterman, August 23, 1864, of disease. Second Lieutenant James W. Pickins, January 7, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tennessee. Second Lieutenant John N. Pike, April 16, 1863, of disease, at Cripple Creek, Tennessee. Second Lieutenant Lucien Ray, April 11, 1864, of disease, at Tallahoma, Tennessee. Dismissed, (1.) Mh^or Henry L. McCalla, November 24, 1862. Deserted, (1.) First Lieutenant James Hamilton, AprU 12, 1862, Note. — Tbe roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 80 INDIANA INFANTRY. * THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (battalion of.) (This regiment was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., August 24, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the original members (except vete rans) were mustered out, and the veterans and recruits consolidated into a battaUon of three companies. An additional company was orga nized in the State of Indiana at large, from September to Novem ber, 1864, to serve one year, and assigned to this battalion. The organization was retained in service until December 4, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) "rollett's station," "mission ridge," "shiloh," "rockyface ridge," "corinth," "resaca," "stone river," "cassville," '"'liberty gap," "pickett's hills," "chickamauga," "kene saw mountain," "atlanta." Lieutenant Colonel. gHans Blume 16 Jan., 65 Major. Captains. Henry E. Schoppmej'er .24 Mar., 65 Louis Heder 28 May, Theodor Marxen 15 June, First Lieutenants. Edward Hecker' 1 May, 65 Anthony Sherman 15 June, John Gerlach . .'. 15 June, Second Lieutenant. WiUiam Buley 2 May, 65 Assistant Surgeon. Emil Forstmeyer 12 Nov. , 64 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Colonel August WilUch, July 17, 1862, to Brig. General. First Lieut Edward Mueller, R. Q, M., July 23, 1863, to Cap tain and C. S, Resigned, (43,) Lieut. Colonel William Schnackenherg, October 19, 1862. Captain PhUip H. Mouninger, January 7, 1862. Captain Edward John, May 2, 1862. Captain WUliam Sievers, May 12, 1862. Captain John Schwartz, May 28, 1862. Captain Johu L. Giegoldt, June 11, 1862. Captain William N. Brueckner, August 12, 1162. Captain Peter J. WelschbUlig, September 12, 6862. Captain Jdseph Pietzuch, November 3, 1862. Captain Andreas Winter, February 13, 1863, Captain Frederec Trenck, April 27, 1863. Captain Louis Kimmel, May 13, 1863. Captain WilUam Urlau, July 10, 1863. Captain Isidore EssUnger, October 16, 1863. Captain John H. Warneke. May 10, 1865. Captain Philip Wassem, June 4, 1865. Captain Charles H. AUen, June 16, 1865. First Lieut. Nathan Levy, January 22, 1862. First Lieut. John E. Brodhagen, August 15, 1862. First Lieut Henry Bellmann, January 24, 1863. First Lieut. Siegmund Seelig, January 31, 1863. First Lieut. Ferdinand C. Bleyer, Adft, March 27, 1863, First Lieut. Stephen Schntz, March 29, 1863, First Lieut. Robert A. Wolff, AprU 17, 1863. First Lieut. Joh?i Mayer, May 2, 1863. « First Lieut, Louis Ruth, Marct 12, 1865. First Lieut Benjamin Hubbs, jr., April 11, 1865, Second Lieut Johann Gottfried Apel, December 19, 1861, Second Lieut. Jacob Ranft, July 21, 1862. Second Lieut Ernst Meyer, July 29, 1862. Second Lieut. Hermann ffausherr, August 18, 1862. Second Lieut. Jacob Brunner, November 3, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Paul Lambey, January 25, 1863. Second Lieut. Richard Igel, January 31, 1863. Second Lieut. Fredrich Koenig, May 4, 1863. Surgeou Ferdinand Krauth, March ^7, 1862. Sm'geon John Allard JeancoTu July 27, 1362. Surgeon Gustavo A. Kunkler, September 3, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Felix F. Blaser, March 29, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Emil Aichele, AprU 4, 1863. Chaplain Emil Bischof, October 7, 1861. Chaplain WUliam Schmitt November 15, 1861, Chaplain Charles A. Fisher, October 9, 18Q2. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (27.) Lieut. Colonel Frank Erdelmeyer, September 7, 1864, Major WilUam G. Mank, September 7, 1864. Captain Louis Beyreiss, Septeinber 7, 1864. Captain Charles Nagel, September 7, 1864. Captain Emanuel Eller, September 7, 1864. Captain Louis vpn Trebra, September 7, 1864. Captain Peter Cappel, September 7, 1864. Captain WiUiam Borck," September 7, 1864, Captain Frank Kuorr, September 7, 1864. Captain William J. Hahn, September 7, 1864. Captain Adolph Metzner, September 7, 1864. * Also called "First German Regiment." INDIANA INFANTRY. 81 First Lieut Christian Stawitz, Adj't, September 7, 1864. First Lieut Frederic Lodewig, R. (J. M., September 7, 1864, First Lieut. Louis Ausbuettel, September 7, 1864. First Lieut Louis L. Loether, September 7, 1864. ' First Lieut Hugo Duenweg, September 7, 1864. First Lieut Charles W, Lang, September 7, 1864. First Lieut. Charles E. Schulz, September 7, 1864, First Lieut. Franz Weber, September 7, 1864. First Lieut Charles F, Reifert, September 7, 1864. First Lieut Gustav Hochstetter, November 14, 1864. Second Lieut. Valentine Koehler, September 7, 1864, Second Lieut. Frederic Knorr, September 7, 1864. Second Lieut Johu G. Helmkamp, September 7, 1864. Surgeon John M. Josse, September 7, 1864. Assistant Surgeon EmU Forstmeyer, September 7, 1864. (Recommissioned Assistant Surgeon November 12, 1864.) Chaplain F. H. W. Schmitz, September 7, 1864. Discharged, (3.) * Major Carl Schmitt, November 17, 1862, Captain Jacob Lengacher, January 27, 1865. First Lieut. Christian Reister, September 11, 1865. Died, (8.) Colouel Henry von Trebra, August 6, 1863, of disease, at Ar eola, IU. Major Jacob Glass, killed in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. Captam. Fred. A. Mueller, kUled in action near Shiloh, Tenn., AprU 7. 1862. Captain Frank KodaUe, killed in action near Shiloh, Tenn,, AprU 7, 1862. Captain John D. Ritter, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn,, September 20, 1863. Captain Henry Seyffert, kiUed in action at Allatoona HiUs, Ga., May 27, 1864. First Lieut Max Sachs, fcUled in action at Rowlett's Bridge, Ky., December 17, 1861, First Lieut Max Hupfauf, kiUed in action at Allatoona Hills, Ga., May 27, 1864. •¦" Appointed Captain and A. A. G. -The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster' out 82 INDIANA INFANTRY. THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind,, September 16, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 21, 1865, when it was mus tered out in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list o£ battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders.) Colooiel. James E. Burton 22 May, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. John P. Niederauer 22 May, 65 Major. John C. Maze 22 May, 65 Captains, Benjamin H. Freeland .. 8 Nov., 64 William Chandler SNov., John T. Slough SNov., EnosHalbert SNov,, William A, DiUey 27 Mar., 65 Amos J. Thomas 27 Mar. , Henry C. Johnson 27 Mar., WUliam S. McCoUough. .21 May, Samuel D, Helman 22 May, James H. Brown 31 May, First Lieutenants. JohnR, McBride, Adjt .. SNov., 64 David A. Fateley SNov., Robert M. McMaster, R.Q,.M 9Jan., 65 John Hardwick 28 Mar., Isaac J. Betts 22 May, James C. McClurkin 27 May, JohnW. Taylor 31 May, Henry Burkhart 31 May, WUUam Nodurft 31 May, Henry L. Trisler 2 June, Andrew J. Buchanan . . . S June, Second Lieutenants. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut Charles H. Pickering, Adj't, December 1, 1863, to Lieut. Colouel 17th V. S, C. T. Resigned, (28.) Lieut, Colonel James M. Henderson, September 16, 1864. Major WilUam J. Mauker, November 9, 1862. Major Levin T. MiUer, September 22, 1864. Captain Andrew T. Welman, January 2, 1863. Captain WUliam A. W. Hauser, February 19, 1863. Captain John T. Freeland, July 31, 1863. Captain William A. Whitson, August 20, 1864. Captain Charles Seaton, September 17, 1864. First Lieut. WUUam ParreU, August 17, 1862. First Lieut James H. Durham, Adft, October 16, 1862. First Lieut Andrew FuUerton, November 17, 1862. First Lieut James N. Hill, September 7, 1863. First Lieut Heneage B. Fmch, R. Q. M., November 22, 1863. " First Lieut. Henry R. Flook, September 22, 1864. First Lieut. John A. WUkins, R. Q. M., October 4, 1864. First Lieut William W. Hollingsworth, October 4, 1864. First Lieut Edwin I. Bachman, October 4, 1864. First Lieut Plinna McKnight, November 10, 1864. First Lieut John R. Spratt January 27, 1865. Second Lieut Francis Brunson, June 27, 1863. Second Lieut. Jesse L. Crisler, December 2, 1863. Second Lieut WUUam H. MUler, December 22, 1863. Second Lieut Loyd T. Duncan, December 17, 1864. Second Lieut. WiUiam H. Boone, January 24, 1865. Surgeon Joseph G. McPheeters, August 22, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Andreoo M. Hunt, June 18, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Jeremiah Vincent, October 4, 1864. Chaplain Joseph L. Irwin, February 20, 1863, Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (10.) Colonel John Coburn, (Brevet Brigadier General March 13, 1S6.5,) September 20, 1864. Captain Charles Day, September 20, 1864. Captain Edward T. McCrea, September 20, 1864. Captain Joseph T. Fleming, December 31, 1864. First Lieut WilUam J. Day, September 20, 1864. First Lieut. Lawson E. McKinney, September 20, 1864. Second Lieut. Jefferson C. Farr, September 20, 1864. Second Lieut. James Simpson, December 31, 1864. Second Lieut, John Hart, December 31, 1864. ¦¦ Second Lieut Johu W. Slauter, December 31, 1864. Discharged, (2.) t Captain Burr ff. Polk, June 30, 1863. First Lieut. Henry H. Jeter, May 15, 1865. George W. Greenlee 22 May, Israel M. Adams 22 May, James Bain 22 May, John E, Smith 22 May, Augustine J. Horton ... ,22 May, John A. Miller 22 May, Robert F. McConneU. . . .27 May, JamesH. Collier 31 May, Thomas Graves 2 June, Hezekiah H. Lyon 8 June, * Appointed Second Lieut. U. S. Signal Corps. Died, (6.) Captain Israel C, Dille, killed by guerillas at Fosterville, Tenn., July 17, 1863. Captain James L. Banks, June 22, 1864, of wounds received in action at Dallas, Ga. Captain George L. Scott, killed on picket in front of Atlanta, Ga., July 23. 1864. First Lieut Estees WalUngford, Adft, April 21, 1864, of disease at Indianapolis, Ind. t Appointed Captain and A. A. G. INDIANA INFANTRY, 83 Surgeon. First Lieut. Charles H. Porter, Adj't, lulled in action near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 22, 1864. EobertF. Bence 14 Sept., 64 Second Lieut. Eli M. Adams, December 8, 1861, of disease, at Crab Orchard, Tenn; Assistant Surgeon. Dismissed, (2.) JohnMoffitt 22May, 65 Captain Isaac C. Hendricks, December 20, 1862. (Recommis Chaplain. sioned Captain 1st regiment Indiana heavy artillery, July 15, 1863.) John McCrea 1 May, 64 JSeoond Lieut. Andrew J. Cox, March 1, 1863. NOTE 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTEY. THIETY-FOUETH KEUIMENT. (This regiinent was organized at Anderson, Ind., from September 21 to October 10, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service tbe original members (ex- eept veterans) were mustered out, and tho organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until February 3, 1866, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the 'War Depart ment.) "ISLAND NO. 10," "CHAMPION HILL," "KIDDLE'S POINT," "SEIGE OF VICKSBURG," "FORT PILLOW," "JACKSON," "GRAND PRAIRIE," "CARRION CROW," "YAZOO PASS," "GRAND CHATEAU," " PORT GIB SON," "NEW MADRID." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Robert G. Morrison ... . 1 Dec, 63 Major. * Kimrod Keadington I'May, 64 Captains. Stillman C.Montgomery- IJuly, 63 Henry Spencer 1 Sept., Lewis P. Morrison 23 Nov., Abraham M. Templer . . - 1 May, 64. John Phipps 5 May, 65 Orrin L. Walker 12 July , Chambers B. Shadle 1 Aug., Samuel B. Wallace 22 Nov., First Lieutenants. Iredell B. Rush, Adft 3 Aug , 63 John E. Markle 3 Aug., Henry J. Work 1 Sept., David A. Butcher 25 May, 64 Andrew C. Fulton 1 July, 6o Warren Cole 29 July, William F. Bryson 1 Aug. , Samuel R. Irwin 21 Sept., Levi L. Marty, R. Q. M . S Feb., 66 James E. Kelly, a. w. m. Enoch A. McMahon, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Charles A. Jones 1 June, 64 Thomas J. Bowsman, a. w, m. Surgeon, Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Colonel Robert A. Cameron, October 7, 18C3, to Brigadier General. Caplain James W. Campbell, April 5. 1863, to Lieut. Colonel 46th U. S. C. T. Captain Geor.^e Y.'. Jackson, September 23, 1863, to Colonel liyth regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (48.) Colonel Asbury S tcele, January 14, 1S62. Colonel Townsend Ryan, June 14, 1862. Colonel Robert B. Jones, March 20, 1865. Captain Amos H. Laushe, February 3, 1862. Captain Josiah Twibtll, February 4, 1862. Captain Jonathan Jones, August 2, 1862. Captain Edward W. Loring, January 3, 1863. Captain Francis M. Hunter, Januaiy 9, 1863. Captain Elmer B. Warner, June 18, 1863. Captain Carolus M. Crawford, July 22, 1863. Captain William W. Stephenson. April 12, 1865. Captain Joshua L. Fussell, April 19, 1865. Captain James M. Butler, May 20, 1865. First Lieut. Isaac Goodin, December 27, 1861. First Lieut. Richard V. Speilman, January 28, 1862. First Lieut. James Gorrell, January 28, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel Henry, January 30, 1862. First Lieut. Jasper Seegar, February 8, 1862. First Lieut. Thornburgh Baldwin, February 8, 1862. First Lieut. Thomas N. Stihvell, R. Q. M., March 27, 1862. First Lieut. Jacob M. Wells, Adft, April 7, 1862. First Lieut. David H. Wall, AprU 12, 1862. First Lieut. Albert L. Zimmerman, April 23, 1862. First Lieut. John W. Ryan, Adft, June 25, 1862. First Lieut. John R. Cox, August 31, 1862. First Lieut. Peter Mackenzie, February 2, 1863. First Lieut. James E. Sherwood, Adft, Jiine 13, 1863. First Lieut. Hiram G. Fisher, July 15, 1863. First Lieut. Stephen L. Bartholomew, R. Q, M., December 4, 1863. . h: , First Lieut. George Harter, July 21, 1864. Fkst Lieut. William J. Miner, October 23, 1864. First Lieut. George S. Plasterer, April 12, 1865. First Lieut. Henry Ludwick, June 15, 1865. First Lieut. John Hardesty, June 28, 1865. Second Lieut. Benjamin G. Shinn, November 17, 1861. Second Lieut. John W. Thompson, December 20, 1861. Second Lieut. James J. Mattox, December 27, 1861. Second Lieut. Francis M. Boyden, February 11, 1862. Second Lieut. Columbus W. Moore, October 3, 1862. Second Lieut. John W. Sewell, Noyember 20, 1862. Second Lieut. David D. Harter, December 23, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph E. Libby, February 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Seymour C. Goshorn, July 26, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas Helms, December 16, 1863. Second Lieut. Ira K. Whitson, July 10, 1865. Surgeon Jacob S. White, December 23, 1862. Assiitant Surgeon S. B. Harriman, December 23, 1862. Chaplain Francis A. Griswold, June 4, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (3.) Captain William Wilmington, February 28, 1865. Captain Harrison L. Deam, January 9, J 866. Assistant Surgeon Edward D. Babbitt, January 14, 1866. " Discharged Februaiy 10, 1866. INDIANA INFANTEY. 85 Assistant Surgeon. JohnL. GrinneU IMar., 63 Chaplain. Discharged, (5.) Major Johu L, WUson, December 23, 1861, ¦Captain Beniamin B. CampbeU, July 21, 1864. First Lieut David K. Carver, R. Q, M., July 21, 1865. Second Lieut John B. Harris, January 27, 1865, Surgeon Daniel W. Taylor, July 5, 1865, Died, (6.) Lieut. Colonel WiUiam Swaine, June 17, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action. Captain David Y. Whiting, May 12, 1862, at Huntington, Ind. Captain Thomas S. Terrell, July 26, 1863, of disease, at Memphis, Tenn. Second Lieut Byron C. Jones, March 19, 1862, of disease, at New Madrid, Mo. Second Lieut. Jeiferson Poling, July 23, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Jackson, Miss. Second Lieut Sanford W. Newland, May 2, 1865, of disease, at Brazos Santiago, Tex. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut Hugh Fortner, January 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Henry H. Beeson, January 4, 1863. * Appointed Captain and A. A. G. Note, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 86 INDIANA INFANTEY. THIETY-FIFTH EEGIMENf. (Th'is regiment was organized at Camp Morton and Indianapolis, Ind., from October 8, 1861, to March 28, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until September 30, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders fi'om the War Department.; (The ofBcial list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubHshed in orders.) Colonel. August G. Tassin 4 Mar., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Hugh D. Gallagher 6 Mar., 65 Major, Captains. Abraham Peters 17 June, 63 Timothy Dawson 12 Apr., 64 Christopher H. O'Brien. .11 July, John Swifr 29 Sept., JohuCahill 18 May, 65 John Powers 18 June, James McHugh 20 Aug. , John Hoschett 6 Sept., Albert Tower 6 Sept., , First Lieutenants. Samuel Lockard 19 July, 64 Gabriel Cooper, Adft...WDec., William Flynn, R. Q. M.\i Jan., 65 Patrick Morrison 12 Apr., Charles Eo.ck 12 Apr. , ' Josiah Crooks 18 May, Bernard J. McCahe 11 June, James Winkle 20 Aug., Andrew Dwyer 6 Sept., Edward D. Hurlburt 6 Sept., Second Lieutenants. William H. Kelly 1 May, 65 Daniel McGovem 15 May , Surgeon. Henry G. Avcrdiok 14 Mar., 64 Casualties. Resigned, (41.) Colonel Bernard F. Mullen, May 29, 1864. Major Henry N. Conltlin, February 9, 1863. Captain Jonathan H. Green, October 27, 1862. Captain James R. Mullikin, November 24, 1862. Captain William Hipwell, November 26, 1862. Captain Thomas Pryce, April 3, 1863. Captain James McKim, April 10, 1863. Captain John P. Dunn, April 14, 1863. Captain John Crowe, February 27, 1864. Captain William Whiteman, June 18, 1864. Captaiu Abram F. Farrar, July 4, 1864. Captain James A. Garisk, July 21, 1864. Captain James Fitzwilliams, June 10, 1865. Captain Michael Gorman, June 10, 1865. Captain John Maloney, June 15. 1865. Captain Daniel Drew, July 3, 1865. Captain William Allen, July 4, 1865. First Lieut. Owen Daly, October 19, 1862. First Lieut. Frank Cunningham, Adft, October 25, 1862. First Lieut. John W. Cummins, March 23, 1863. Fkst Lieut. John Scully, Adft, April 14, 1863. First Lieut. Robert E. Scully, April 29, 1863. First Lieut. Levi Waltz, June 9, 1863. First Lieut. George H. Dunn, February 27, 1864. First Lieut. Melchior Konold, December 6, 1864. First Lieut. John Dugan, March 11, 1865. First Lient. William C. Moriarty, Adft, May 29, 1865. Second Lieut. Wilham H. O'Connell, December 30, 1861. Second Lieut. Richard W. Cummins, April 8, 1862. . Second Lieut. Charles G. Galazio, July 28, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry T. Mui-tha, December 4, 1862. Second Lieut. Tliomas Cakill, February 16, 1863. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Scully, August 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Michael Hickey, March 12, 1864. Second Lieut. Luke Cassidy, March 13, 1864. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Phelan, March 28, 1864. Second Lieut, John C. Myers, April 16, 1864. Second Lieut. Thomas Mannix, August 5, 1864. Second Lieut. John C. Hibbets, September 30, 1864. Assistant Surgeon George H. McCoy, April 16, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Nathaniel G. Bell, November 26, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) First Lieut. Martin Igoe, R. Q. M., September 14, 1864. Chaplain Peter P. Cooney, June 16, 1865. Discharged, (10.) Colonel John C. Walker, August 6, 1862. Lieut. Colonel Richard J. Ryan, February 15, 1862. Lieut. Colonel John E. Balfe, April 11, 1864. Captam Patrick Tobin, Febmary 15, 1862. Captain Patrick W. Kennedy, August 29, 1865. First Lieut. Edward Galligan, February 15, 1862. First Lieut. James 3L Brasher, February 27, 1864. Second Lient. William H. Kenny, February 15, 1362. Second Lieut. John .Maloney, Febmary 15, 1862. (Recommis- siond as First Lieutenant May 12, 1863.) Surgeon Alexander J. Mullen, February 19, 1864. Died, (5.) Major Johu P. DufBcy, killed in action at Kenesaw Moun tain, Ga., June 20, 1864. INDIANA INFANTEY, 87 Assistant Surgeon, George W. Parsons 2 May, 65 Chaplain. Captain Frank Baggot, Jamiary 5, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tenn. Captain Henry Prosser, January 9, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tenn. First Lieut. Bernard R. Mullen, Adj't, killed iu action near NashviUe, Tenn., December 9, 1862. First Lieut WUUam Kilroy, January 10, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Stone River, Tenn. Dismissed, (10.) Captain John G. Hughes, March 10, 1863. Captam William W. Wigmore, March 20, 1863, Captain John E. DiUon, March 8, 1864. Captain Edward G. Breene, June 29, 1864, First Lieut. Michael W. Glenn, November 4, 1863. First Lieut Christopher H. O'Brien, November 12, 1862. (Re commissioned as Second Lieutenant March 1, 1864.) First Lieut Robert E. Stockdale, March 18, 1864. First Lieut Alexander J. Orr, March 18, 1864. Second Lieut. WiUiam H. Patton, November 12, 1862. Second Lieut. Michael Fitzpatrick, December 26," 1862. Note.— The roster of officers is gr en as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTEY. THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (COMPANY or.) (This regiment was organized at Rich mond, Indiana, October 23 and 24, 1861, to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out September 21, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the organiza tion, composed of veterans and re cruits, consolidated into one com pany, and retained in service until July 12, 1865, when it was trans ferred to the 30th regiment Indiana infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. John P. , Swisher 28 Jan., 65 First Lieutenant. Isaac Dulhagen 15 May, 65 Second Lieutenant. CASUALTIES. Promoted, (3.) Colonel William Grose, July 30, 1864, to Brigadier General. Major Thomas W. Bennett, November 7, 1862, to Colonel 69th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. Samuel V.Templin, May 2, 1865, to Captain and C. S. Resigned, (29.) Major Isaac Kinley, May 20, 1863. Major Gilbert Ti-usler, December 23, 1863. Captain George Hoover, February 8, 1862. Captain Samuel G. Kearney, March 22, 1862. Captain Morrow P. Armstrong, April 25, 1862. Captain Alfred Kilgore, May 22, 1862. Captain William D. Wiles, June 9,1862. Captain James P. Orr, June 9, 1862. Captain Pyrrhus Woodward, October 18, 1863. Captain James H. McClung, January 26, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas H. Kirby, Febmary 4, 1862. First Lieut. Isaac P. Ogborn, Febmary 9, 1862. First Lieut. George W. Lennard, Adft, April 15, 1862. First Lieut. James B. Baker, April 30, 1862. First Lieut. JohnL. Hensley, December 11, 1862. Second Lieut. John S. Way, February 9, 1862. Second Lieut Nathan H. Wiles, March 8, 1862. Second Lieut. Robert S. Swain, June 9, 1862. Second Lieut. Lewis K. Harris, June 9, 1862. Second Lieut. James R. Jones, December 2, 1862. Second Lieut. George L. Heagy, October 23, 1863. Second Lieut. John C. Byram, January 24, 1864. SurMu3n Daniel D. Hall, March 12, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Jo.'ie^^/i M rp7iz7seZZ, August 18,1862. Assistant Surgeon James P. Orr, March 8, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Thomas S. Bayse, March 25, 1863. Chaplain Orange V. Lemon, July 6, 1862. Chaplain Moran Armstrong, January 22, 1863. Chaplain Arthur W. Sandibrd, February 28, 1864. Mastered out on expiration of term of service, (25.) Lieut. Colonel Oliver H. P. Carej', September 21, 1864. Major John Sim, September 21, 1864. Captain Charles R. Case, September 21, 1864. Captain Milton Peden, September 21, 1864. Captain Lewis C. Freeman, September 21, 1864. Captain David W. Chambers, September 21, 1864. Captain Hugh A. Stephens, September 21, 1864. Captain William F. Limpus, September 21, 1864. Captain Joseph L. Smith, September 21, 1864. Captain James Newby, September 21,1864. Captain Jesse W. -Smith, September 21, 1864. Captain Hugh Mullen, September 21, 1864. First Lieut. Philemon F. Wiggins, R. Q. M., September 21, 1864. First Lieut. Zene C. Bohrer, September 21, 1864. First Lieut. Charles M. Davis, September 21 , 1864. First Lieut. Robert B. Carr, September 21, 1864. First Lieut. Joseph G. Lemon, Adft, September 21, 1864. First Lieut. George Mullikin, September 21, 1864. First Lieut. Robert P. Gordon, September 21, 1864. First Lient. Edward W. Gilbert, September 21, 1864. Second Lieut. Jont Ross, September 21, 1864. Second Lieut. Jonathan Thomas, September 21, 1864. Surgeon Silas H. Kersey, September 21, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Richard Bosworth, September 21, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Charles H. Abbott, September 21, 1864. INDIANA INFANTRY. 89 Discharged, (5.) Captain John C. Livsey, AprU 19, 1864. First Lieut. George B. Seig, February 25, 1862. First Lieut. John E. Holland, September 18,1863. Second Lieut George L, Weist, February 25, 1862. Second Liout Calvin C. McLain, May 1, 1865. Died, (12.) Captain Abram D. Shultz, killed in action at Stone River, Tenn,, December 31, 1862. Captain James H. King, killed in action at Stone River, Tenn. , January 2, 1863. Captain George M. Graves, September 28, 1863, of wounds. First Lieut. Addison M. Davis, kiUediu action at Shiloh, Tenn. , AprU 7, 1862. First Lieut Joseph W. ConneU, R. Q. M., May 26, 1862, of disease, near Corinth, Miss. First Lieut WUUam H. Fentress, kiUed at DaUas, Ga., May 31, 1864. First Lieut George H. Bowman, killedin action near Atlanta, Ga., June 19, 1864. First Lieut. Mahlon Hendricks, killed in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 23, 1864. First Lieut, George O. WiUard, killed near Atlanta, Ga., August 5, 1864. Second Lieut WUliam Butler, September 24, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. Second Lieut. James Patterson, September 24, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. Second Lieut Salathial D. Colvin, October 9, 1863, of wounds. ' Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut, Timothy Hynes, July 14, 1863. Cashiered, (1.) Second Lieut AmosD. Smith, March 24, 1863. * Appointed Captain and C. S, Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of transfer. 90 INDIANA INFANTRY. THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at Lawrenceburg. Ind., from the Sth to the 28th of October, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the origi nal members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into a bat talion of two companies (A and B) and retained in service. Company B was mustered out July 24, and Company A July 25, 1865,in accord ance with orders from the War De partment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Major. Captain. Socrates Carver 8 Apr., 65 First Lieutenants. Thomas Kirk 7 Apr., 65 James Coulter 8 Apr., Second Lieutenant. Mitchell H. Day 8 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeon. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut. Livingston Howland, August 1, 1864, to Captain and A. A. G. (17.) Captain John McCoy, November 24, 1861. Captain William H. Tyner, March 6, 1862. Captain Quarlus C. Moor, December 9, 1862. Captain Mahlon C. Connet, February 26, 1863. Captain Thomas W. Pate, April 18, 1863. Captain William Hyatt, December 5, 1863. Captain Henry E. Lord, March 22, 1864. First Lieut. Archibald F. Allen, December 11, 1862. First Lieut. James T. Matteson, December 26, 1862. ' First Lieut. George W. Pye, Febmary 2, 1863. First Lieut. John Breakey, June 6, 1863. First Lieut. Francis Riddell, R. Q. M., August 7, 1863. First Lient. William H. Pye, Febmary 22, 1864. First Lieut. Charles C. Short, August 13, 1864. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Hungate, November 21, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph P. Stoops, December 10, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Samuel M. McClure, February 15, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (26.) Coloiftl James S. Hull, October 27, 1804. Lieut. Colonel William D. Ward, October 27, 1864. Major Thomas V. Kimble, October 27, 1864. Captain Robert M. Goodwin, October 27, 1864. Captain Hezekiah Shook, October 27, 1864. Captain Wesley G. Markland, October 27, 1864. Captain Daniel S. Shafer, October 27, 1864. Captain William N. Doughty. October 27, 1864. Captain John B. Reeve, October 27, 1864. Captain Robert C. Pate, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. Daniel M. Redlon, R. Q. M., October 27, 1864. First Lieut. WilUam B. Harvey, Adft, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. William R. Hunt, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. William H. Wilkinson, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. John B. Hodges, October 27, 1864. First Lient, William H. Baughman, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. John L. Hice, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. John S. Henry, December 23, 1864. Second Lieut. John Sage, October 27, 1864. Second Lieut. Jacob W. Stoner, October 27, 1864. Second Lieut. George W. Cowan, October 27, 1864. Second Lieut. George W. Hungate, October 27, 1864. Second Lieut. Augustus H. Tevis, October 27, 1864. Surgeon William Anderson, October 27, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John R. Goodwin, October 27, 1864. Chaplain John H. Lozier, October 27, 1864. Discharged, (4.) Colonel George W. Hazzard, !Em. y., K. 3., March 5, 1862. Captain John McKee, October 21, 1863. t First .Lieut. James H. Counelley, March 3,1863. Second Lient. George W. Meyer, AprU 17 1865. * Commissioned Chaplain 6th regiment Indiana infantry r Appomted Second Lieut, in U. S. Signal Corps. INDIANA INFANTRY. 91 Died, (6.) Captain James H, Burk, July 9, 1864, of wounds, at NashvUle, Tenn. Captain Frank Hughes, July 28, 1864, at NashviUe, Tenn. First Lieut Isaac N. Abernethy, kiUed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31,1862. First Lieut. Jesse B. Holman, kUled in action at Stone Rivor, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Second Lieut. James M. Hartley, April 26, 1862, of disease, at Osgood, Ind. Second Lieut. William Speer, kUled in action at Dallas, Ga., May 27, 1864, Dismissed, (2.) Colouel Carter Gazlay, August 13, 1862. First Lieut Washington Stockwell, February 21, 1863. Cashiered, (1.) Captain Thomas W. Pate, December 26, 1861. (Recommis sioned Captain May 21, 1862.) Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of muster out 92 INDIANA INFANTRY. THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at New Albany, Ind., September 18, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service untU July 15, 1865, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. David H. Patton 22 May, ' 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Isaac Brinkworth 22 May, 65 Major. WiUiam C. Shaw 8 June, 65 Captains. WilUam D. Moore 5 Nov, , 64 John A. Sheckels 18 Dec, John L. Martyn 26 Mar. , 65 George W. Faulkner 26 Mar., Andrew J. Crandell 28 May, Robert Middle ton 30 May, James A. Donelson 30 May, WiUiam M, Pangburu- . .30 May,, MUton H. Jordan, 1 June, Joseph A, Patton 16 June, First Lieutenants. James H. Seaton 18 Dec, 64 Emsley H.Wood 26 Mar., 65 Joseph L. Leach 28 May, Lewis H. Webb 30 May, WUUam J. Hardy 30 May, Harvey Martin 30 May, Thomas R. Mitchell 30 May, Simpson C. Graham, R. Q. M 1 June, James E. Gresham 1 June, Henry Musgrove 19 June, Second Lieutenants. Leander Clow 16 June, 65 Amos Craig 16 June, Armstrong Huston 16 June, WUUam B. Sisson 16 June, John B. Proctor 16 June, Martin B. Eckert 16 June, EUas Daily 17 June, Nathan R. Matson 17 June, Andrew McMouigle 19 June, Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Lieut. Colonel Walter Q. Gresham, February 22, 1863, to Colonel 53d regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (40.) Colonel Benjamin F. Scribner, (Brevet Brigadier General August 8, 1864,) August 21, 1864. Lieut Colonel James B. Meriwether, September 3, 1862. Lieut Colonel Daniel F. Griffin, (Brevet Colouel March 13, 1865.) November 8, 1864. Major John B. Glover, September 9, 1863. Major WiUiam L. Carter, March 29, 1865. Captain WUliam C. AVheeler, June 19, 1862. Captain James Secrest, September 14, 1862. Captain Charles B. Nunemacher, January 14, 1863. Captaiu Wesley Conner, January 15, 1863. Captaiu Henry L, WUUams, March 7, 1863. Captain Gabriel Poindexter, March 25, 1863. Captaiu Gilbert K. Perry, May 3, 1863. Captain Alexander Martin, June 3, 1863. Captain Stephen C. Attkisson, June 14, 1863. Captain George W, Windell, October 29, 1863. Captain Charles W. Lopp, September 3, 1864. Captain Milton T. Davis, September 20, 1864. Captain William Leanard, September 20, 1864. Captain Ben Parke Dewey, May 28, 1865. Captain Edmund Hostetter, May 30, 1865. First Lieut Talbert D. Potter, AprU 1, 1862. First Lieut. Stephen S. Cole, July 22, 1862. First Lieut. Jaraes Colvin, March 23, 1863. First Lieut John A. Reeves, April 6, 1863. First Lieut, Leander C, McCorraick, June 23, 1863, First Lieut. James V. Kelso, R. Q. M., October 17, 1863. First Lieut Samuel W. Vance, March 11, 1864. First Lieut. George H. Devol, Adj't, August 26, 1864. First Lieut William H. Proctor, September 24, 1864. First Lieut George S. Newman, September 28, 1864. First Lieut. John WiUiams, March 28, 1865. First Lieut. Miley Hazzard, Adj't, June 24, 1865. Second Lieut. James McCormick, AprU 9, 1862. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Howard, July 16, 1862. Second Lieut Thomas H. Adams, February 8, 1863. Second Lieut. Levi H, Faucett, December 17, 1863. Second Lieut Michael T. Griffin, December 27, 1863. Surgeon WUliam A. Clapp, June 23, 1862. Surgeon Lod W. Beckwith, June 6, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Robert Mitchell, October 3, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (9.) Captain James G. Land, December 18, 1864. Captain Daniel A. Pfrimmer, January 20, 1865. First Lieut Charles Van Dusen, October 21, 1864; First Lieut Joseph W. Redding, November 10, 1864. First Lieut WiUiam H. Springer, December 17, 1864. Second Lieut WiUiam F. F. Evans, November 10, 1864. Second Lieut John Meranda, November 10, 1864. Surgeon John Currey, October 21, 1864. Chaplain Lewis E. Carson, September 17, 1864. Discharged, (5.) Captaiu Victor M. Carr, May 23, 1864. Captain Henry F. Perry, February 15, 1865. INDIANA INFANTRY. 93 Surgeon. Ell D. Whitaker 30 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeon. John A. Nichols 4Jan,, 65 Chaplain. Silas Rawson 12 Jan, , 65 First Lieut. John R. Cannon, R. Q,. M., November 6, 1861. First Lieut. John Currey, October 26, 1362. (Recommissioned as Assistant Surgeou October 27, 1862.) First Lieut. Benjamin Owen, May 15, 1865. Died, (10.) Captain John Sextou, November 10, 1862, of wounds received in action at Chaplin Hills, Ky. Captain James E. Fonts, killed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Captain Joshua B. Jenkins, November 13, 1864, of wounds received in action at Jonesboro', Ga. Captain James H. Low, March 20, 1865, of wounds received in action at Bcntonville, N. C. First Lieut. Rufus H. Peck, IdUed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. First Lieut. John B. Southern, October 13, 1863, of woundu received In action at Chickamauga, Tenn. First Lieut. Joseph H. Reeves, March 15, 1864, at Chatta nooga, Tenn., of disease. First Lieut. Adam Osborn, killed in action at Jonesboro', Ga. . September 1 , 1864. First Lieut. Charles S. Deweese, killed in action at Benton- viUe, N. C, March 19, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas S, W. Hawkins, January 23, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tenn. Dismissed, (3.) Captain William L. Lenau, November 7, 1863. Captain George W. Webb, November 19, 1863. First. Lieut. Robert F. Chesebro, R. Q. M., August 21, 1864. NOTE 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in Gentiral Orders before October 14, 1865. NOTE 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 94 INDIANA INFANTRY. ¦'FORTIETH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Lafayette and Indianapolis, Ind., from October 31, 1861, to January 22, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except vete rans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service untU December 21, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) "SHILOH," "ADAIRSVILLE," "COR INTH," "NEW HOPE CHURCH," "PERRYVILLE," " STONE RIVER," "KENESAW MOUNTAIN," "PEACH TREE CREEK," "CHATTANOOGA," "ATLANTA," "MISSION BIDGE," "JONESBORO'," "DANDREDGE," "SPRING HILL," "ROCKY FACE RIDGE," "FRANKLIN," "RESACA," "NASHVILLE." « Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Leaming IJuly, 64 Major. Alfred Cole 1 Aug., 65 Captains. John W, Aughe 2 June, 63 James H. ]6ragg 1 Mar. , 64 Cyrus H. Kirkpatrick 3Dec., Samuel G. Webb 14 Dec, Charles S. Smith 4 Apr., 65 WUUam T. Higgason 9 June, Robert C. Lane 1 Aug., Joseph W. O'Brien 15 Aug. , Thomas M. Goldsberry. . .16 Aug. , John W. Dunn, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. Willard Griswold, Adj't..2i Sept, 62 James A. Hicks 17 Jan., 65 J. W. Beasiey, R. Q.M..24 Blar. , Jasper Kolb 24 Mar. , WiUiam Price 12 June, Franklin Cranor 5 July, Samuel S, WiUiams 10 July, Johnston Ford 2 Aug., Lewis W. Goddard 2 Au|., Henry Fleek 1 Sept, Adelbert D. McLain 1 Sept, WiUiam H. Winner, a. w. m. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut. Henry C. Tinney, July 27, 1863, to Captain and A. A. G. Resigned, (42.) Colonel WiUiam C Wilson, March 27, 1862. Lieut Colonel EUas Neff, April 25, 1864. Major William Taylor, March 29, 1862, Captain David A. Ewing, June 3, 1862. Captain John B. Pence, August 12, 1862. Captain WiUiam H. Bryan, November 16, 1862. Captain Jesse D. Coroielison, December 2, 1862. Captain James A. Blake, April 2, 1863. Captain W. Dewitt Wallace, AprU 21, 1863. Captain John R. Connell, January 17, 1864. Captain Jackson Caster, May 31, 1864. Captain Stephen A. Stilwell, June 16, 1865. Fu-st Lieut Boys T. Sample, R. Q. M., March 29, 1862. First Lieut Preston L. Whitaker, AprU 20, 1862, First Lieut, Erasmus Vickery, June 5, 1862. First Lieut John C. Belew, June 15, 1862. First Lieut Alvin Gay, September 14, 1862. First Lieut. John Murphy, November 25, 1862. First Lieut. John Warden Wilson, December 2, 1862. First Lieut. Mark Dwire, February 21, 1863. « First Lieut William A. T.Holmes, AprU 16, 1863. First Lieut. William M. Pyle, October 16, 1863. First Lieut Johu C. Bamhart, November 22, 1864. First Lieut GUes R. Manwariug, December 13, 1864. First Lieut Richard Kolb, December 13, 1864. First Lieut. Nathaniel Y. Buck, June 8, 1865. First Lieut Theodore A. WUson, June 14, 1865. Second Lieut Jaraes C. Thorapson, March 20, 1862. Second Lieut. Alamander L. Brown, May 16, 1862. Second Lieut Jacob Shaffer, July 13, 1862. ¦ Second Lieut George S. Forman, September 14, 1862. Second Lieut John Longwell, December 13, 1862. Second Lieut Albert dinger, February 24, 1864. Second Lieut. Alexander S. Campbell, April 24, 1864. Second Lieut AUson Clark, AprU 28, 1864. Second Lieut Alfred T. Warwick, April 30, 1864. Second Lieut. David Bryan, November 6, 1864. Surgeon Robert M. O'Ferrell, March 18, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Grin Aborn, February 14, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Williamson P. Dunn, September 1, 1863. Chaplain Amos Jones, March 20, 1862. Chaplain George W. Stafford, June 9, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of so'vice, (7.) Colonel Johu W. Blake, February 10, 1865. Major Anthony E, Gordon, June 11, 1865. Captain Orpheus C. Harvey, February 11, 1865. First Lieut Daniel Royse, December 5, 1864. First Lieut James H. Reese, February 16, 1865. First Lieut WiUiam P. McKinsey, R. Q. M., May 19, 1865, First Lieut Samuel C. Wait, January 17, 1865. Discharged, (4.) Captain John H. Dooley, February 10, 1864. Captain Jacob F. Marks, May 16, 1864. Second Lieut Joseph W. Youkey, February 10, 1864. Second Lieut John C. Webster, October 14, 1864. *For 39th regiment see Sth cavalry. INDIANA INFANTRY, 95 Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Elias B.Glick 15 Apr., 62 Assistant Surgeon. JohnS.EiSae 15 Dec, 62 Chaplain. Died, (10.) Lieut. Colonel James N, Kirkpatrick, drowned near luka, Miss., June 8, 1862. Captain James K. Kiser, May 17, 1862, of disease, near Cor inth, Miss. ) Captain Charles T. Elliott, killed in action near Marietta, Ga., June 27, 1864. Captain Absalom Kirkpatrick, killed in action hear Marietta, Ga., June 27, 1864. Captain William L. Coleman, killed by explosion of steamer Sultana, April 27, 1865. Captain Henry L. Hazelrigg, killed by explosion of steamer Sultana, AprU 27, 1865. Fu'st Lieut. James M. Hanna, February 28, 1864, at Chatta nooga, Tenn. First Lieut. Jeremiah C. Brewer, killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. .Second Lient. John H. Holmes, June 24, 1864, of wounds, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Chaplain Allen D. Beasiey, June 30, 1864, of disease, at Mur freesboro', Tenn. Cashiered, (1.) Assistant Surgeon John Potts, November 11,1 862. NOTE. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 96 INDIANA INFANTRY. * FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at EvansviUe, Ind., from October 9 to 30, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (ex cept veterans) were mustered out, and tho organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 21, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiinent bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders,) Colonel. Gideon R. Kellaras 28 May, 65 (Brevet Co;onen3 March, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. WilUam M. Cockrum 8 June, 65 Major. John A. Scamahorn 1 June, QS Captains. Joseph R. Ashmead 6 Sept., 64 Joshua A. Palmer 6 Nov., WilUam W. Milner 20 May, 65 Tillotson M. Neaves. . .», .23 May, Andrew McCutchan 2 June, Thomas B.Jones 2 June, Harrison Peachee 2 June, Joseph M. Kirkham 3 June, Jacob D. Skelton 8 June, First Lieutenants. Jas.G.Stubblefield.^fij't 6 Nov., 64 WUliam H. Faris 6 Nov., OwenO. Walker,i2.Q.M.12 Jan., 65 WUliam Jones 19 AprU, Joseph C. Nix 20 May, John B. T. Daring 20 May, Ephraim Y. Perry go 23 May, WiUiam Shaw 2 June, George T. Shook 2 June, James L. Wright 3 June, James E. Rust 3 June, Adoniram A. Keys S June, Second Lieutenants. WUliam A. Myers 3 AprU, 65 John R. Daugherty 20 May, James B. Payne 20 May, WUliam Allison 20 May, John D. Linxwiler 23 May, Rosalbro B. Brazeltou .. 2 June, James H. Carlton 2 June, Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Lieutenant Colouel Clharles Denby, October 21, 1862, to Col onel 80th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut James L. Orr, July 31, 1863, to Captian and C. S. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Jackson, March 14, 1864, to Lieut. Colonel 11th U. S. C. T. ¦ned, (30.) Lieut. (;)olonel WUliam T. B. Mclntire, December 12, 1864 Major Nathaniel B. French, May 6, 1864. Captain WiUiam Atcheson, January 28, 1862. (Recommis sioned as Chaplain January 28, 1862.) Captain Francis M. Edmonds, March 18, 1S62. Captain Samuel G. Barrett, Noveraber 8, 1862. Captain Daniel G. Thompson, November 8, 1862, Captain Jaraes H. Bryant, March 13, 1863. Captain Eli McCarty, March 14, 1863. Captain Alfred Myler, May 26, 1863. Captain JohuEigenman, November 3D, 1863. Captain David F. Embree, April 17, 1864. Captain Isaac W. McCormick, July 14, 1864. Captain James H. Masters, November 29, 1864. First Lieut Jacob W. Skelton, March 11, 1863. First Lieut WiUiam A. Waters, May 1, 1862. First Lieut Alexander R. Byers, May 14, 1862. First Jjieut. Hugh Penn er, November 24, 1862. First Lieut Samuel D. Smith, April 5, 1863. First Lieut. Adam Haas. October 20, 1863. First Lieut William L. Dorsey, Adj't, May 12, 1864. First Lieut SpiUard F. HorraU, September 16, 1864. Second Lieut Squire Johnson, January 28, 1862. Second Lieut Thomas S. Denny, March 11, 1862. Second Lieut Francis Wade, April 3, 1862. ¦Second Lieut Worthington W. Combs, April 2.3, 1863. Second Lieut John C. White, May 29, 1863. Second Lieut. WUUam F. CaldweU, November 23, 1863. Assistant Surgeon John Mageniss, August 21, 1864. Chaplain WiUiam Atcheson, May 24, 1862. Chaplain Nicholas M. Patterson, October 20, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (14.) Colonel James G. Jones, November 1, 1864. Captain John Tremble, March 30, 186.5. Captaiu Cyrus W. Medcalf, April 14, 1865. Captain John Burch, April 21, 1865. First Lieut Elijah Enlow, October 9, 1864. First Lieut James W. Vickery, Adft, December 24, 1864 First Lieut. WiUiam M. j ones, March 30, ] 865. First Lieut WiUiam Davidson, March 30, 1865. Second Lieut Ephraim C. Grigsby, October 9, 1864. Second Lieut. Elder Cooper, October 17, 1864. Secoud Lieut Allen Gentry, December 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Jacob W. Messick, April 17, 1865. Surgeon WUliam D. Taylor, November 13, 1864. Assistant Surgeon WUliam P. Hornbrook, April 26, 1865. Discharged, (2.) First Lieut De WUt C. Evans, Adft, September 27, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph C. Overell, March 3, 1863. Died. (6.) Lieut Colonel James M. Shanklin, May 23, 1863, at Evansville, Ind. For 41st regiment see 2d cavalry. INDIANA INFANTEY, 97 Surgeon. William W. Shapley.... 3 June, 65 Assistant Surgeon. Samuel L. Tyner ...'.... 4 June, 65 Chaplain. Henry 0. Chapman 25 April, 64 Captain Charles G. Olmsted, kUled in action at Chaplin Hills, Ky., October S, 1862. First Lieut Edmund M. Knowles, killed whUo prisoner of war, at Augusta, Ga., January — ,1864. Firrt Lieut John Q, A. Steel, killed in action at BentonviUe, N. C. March 19,1865, First Lieut Ephraim Rutledge, March 22, 1865, of wounds. Second Lieut, Emory Johnson, kUled m action at Atlanta; Ga,, July 22, 1864. Dismissed, (1.) Captain James D. Saunders, July 12, 1862. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 98 INDIANA INFANTRY, FORTY-THIRD KEGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Terre Haute, Ind., from August 20 to October 17, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members ^except veterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until June 14, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from tho War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. * John Q. Major, a. w. m. Lieutenant Colonel. Wesley W. Norris, a. w. m. Major. * CKarles W. Moss, a. w. m. Captains. * James B.Dyer IJuly, 64 William L. Yelton 22 Oct., John W. Cooper 27 Oct., Wm. H. H. Thompson--30 Oct., William Sweeny 4 Nov., Wallace L. Daggy ISJam, 65 Francis M. Welch 14 Jan., EobertB. Sears 23 Jan., Warren Harper 23 Mar.. Douglas Putnam, a. w, m. First Lieutenants. William F. Yeager 21 Oct., 64 William T. Anderson ... 4 Nov., George W. Lancaster ... 4 Nov., HowardR.Lowder,..4(^''£.]9 Nov., Samuel W. Chambers. . .23 Nov., Tucker W. Williamson.. 20 Dec, Matthias M. Brown 14 Jan., 65 James B. Lilly 16 Jan., William L. Martin 24 Jan. , Miles F. Richerson 14 Mar., William O. Burget, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. David Reynolds 4 Nov. , 64 John Q. Hamilton 12 Dec, James E. Burks 24 Dec, Bberle Lloyd 17 Jan., 65 Daniel Sullivan .'.28 Jan., John LovlesB 1 Mar., Charles W. Holland 25 Mar., William H, Miles 31 Mar., Harvey R. Lyon 6 Apr. ,• Murray Davis, a. w. m. Casualties. Resigned, (34.) Colonel George K. Steele, January 16, 1862. Lieut. Colonel WiUiam L. Farrow, October 3, 1862. Captain Alexander H. Gainey. January 20, 1862. Captain Francis M. Darnall, May 12, 1862. Captain John E. Callender, October 16, 1862. Captain Samuel T. Roach, June 2, 1863. Captain William Lane, July 5, 1863. First Lieut. Jackson Stepp, May 4, 1363. First Lieut. Samuel S. Carrington, May 6, 18G2. First Lieut. John P. Potter, May 16, 1862. First Lieut. Elza Walls, October 7, 1862. First Lieut. David Ormau, November 21, 1862. First Lieut. Alfred Burley, February 28, 1863. First Lieut. AVilliam Durham, March 3, 1863. First Lieut. William H. Power, May 28, 1863. First Lieut. John Bugher, June 27, 1863. First Lieut. Henry Roach, August 10, 1863. First Lieut. Milton W. H. Woodruff, February 28, 1864. First Lieut. Alexander M. Scott, April 1, 1864. First Lieut. Samuel G. N. Pinkly, April 10, 1864,^ Second Lieut. Samuel M. Debauo, January 26, 1862. Second Lieut. Ira H. Rainwater, February 4, 1862. Second Lieut. Josiah Stanley, March 29, 1862. Second Lieut. Moses Grooms, May 6, 1862. Second Lieut. George W. Shewmaker, May 24, 1862. Second Lieut. Tarvin C. Grooms, September 10, 1862, Second Lieut. George H. Hansel, October 11, 1862. Second Lieut. Lafayette Darnall, December 2, 1862. Second Lieut. John Hixon, July 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Alfred M, Burk, JIarch ] , 1864. Surgeon Hamilton E. Ellis, June 18, 1863. Assistant Surgeon David P. Culbertson, April 9, ] 864. Assistant Snrgeon Christopher F. Bogle, November 17, 1864. Chaplain Nathaniel P. Heath, March 26, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (16.) Colonel William E. McLean, May 17, 1865. Captain William S. Magill, October 18, 1864. Captain Elijah Bdingfon, October 20, 1864. Captain William E. Whitridge, December 1, 1864, Captain Samuel J. Hall, January 7, 1865. Captain James M. Rose, February 21, 1865. First Lieut. Franldin J. Moore, October 18, 1864. First Lieut. John East, October 18, 1864. First Lieut. David A. Ranger, October 19, 1864. First Lieut. William F. Willis, October 19, 1864. First Lieut. William H. Brown, October 20, 1864, 1 irst Lieut. Milton J. Cooper, Adft, October 25, 1864. 1 irst Lient. Jonathan M. Johns, May 17, 1865. Second Lieut. James W. Andrews, October 19, 1864. Second Lient. WiUiam L. Martin, November 7 1864 Second Lieut. William W. Holman, March 17, 1865. Discharged, (2,) Captaiu Basil D. Hays, March 12, 1864. Captain John L. Brown, October 6, 1864, Died, (7.) Captain Joseph Lane, killed in action at Mark's MiUs, Ark. April 2d, 1864. Captain Marmaduke H. Darnall, killed in action at Saline Elver, Ark., April 30, 1864. ' Discharged August 31, 1865. INDIANA INFANTRY. 99 Surgeon. GonzalvaC. Smythe... 18 June, 63 Assistant Surgeons, Orlando H. Helmer 25 June, 63 Thomas J. Sweeney 20 Dec. , 64 Chaplain. Jolm Williams 29 Oct., 63 First Lieut. MUton L. Wyeth, May 5, 1862, of disease. Second Lieut. Joseph A, Burcham, March 14, 1862, of diseaMo, at EvansviUe, Ind. Surgeon Milton D. Darnall, September 2, 1862, of disease, at Bainbridge, lud. Assistant Surgeon Robert. C. Reynolds, September 11, 1862, of disease, at Mound Cityi 111. Chaplain Elijah T. Cook, August 2, 1863, of disease, at Terre Haute, Ind. Dismissed, (1.) Surgeon WUUam C. Smydth, May 7, 1862. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 100 INDIANA INFANTRY, FOETY-POUETH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Port Wayne, Ind., November 22, 1861, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its tenn of service the ori ginal members (except veterans) • were mustered out, and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until September 14, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. JamesF. Curtis 12 Mar., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Philip E. Grand 12 Mar. , 65 Major. Joseph W. Burch 12JMar., 65 Captains. George H. Cosper 3 June, 64 Oliver P. Koontz 16 Jan. , 65 Samuel P. Bradford 16 Jan., Moses B. WiUis 16 Jan., Johns. Deardorff 17Feb., George W. Sqnier 17 Feb. , OniasD. Scovell 17 Feb.,. ¦ Lewis W. Griffith 8 Apr. , Daniels. Johnson 20 Apr., Adam Hull 12 July, First Lieutenants. .Alex. Kinmont, R. Q. M. 3 June, 64 Thompson Doke 17 Feb., 65 Sylvester J. Stowe 17 Feb., John G. Long 11 Mar., WiUiam H. Hoagiand . - .20 Mar., John D. Spurgeon 24 Mar., Willis P. Andrews, Adft.ll Apr., WilUam O. Bidlack 20 Apr., George W. Twichell 24 Apr., ¦ Hiram Pontius 1 May, James M. Thomas 10 June, James S. Eldridge 12 July, Second Lieutenants. John E. Casebeer 17 Feb., 65 WiUiam S. Bitner 24 Mar., James S. Wheeler 8 Apr. , NewL'U P. Lewis 24 Apr. , Sebastian Shoup 1 May , Nicholas Ensley 24 June, Alfred Rose 24 June, Joseph Smith 12 July, Piatt Hoagiand 15 July, James Vanness, a. w. m. Casualties. Promoted, (4.)i Major WiUiam M. Wiles, August 13, 1863, to Lieut. Colonel 22d regiment Indiana infantry. Captain Albert Heath, October 18, 1862, to Lieut. Colonel 100th regiment Indiana infantry. First Lieut. Charles Case, Adft, April 15, 1862, to Major 3d regiment Indiana cavalry. Assistant Surgeon George W. Carr, March 9, 1864, to Surgeon 129th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (28.) Colonel Hugh B. Reed, November 26, 1862. Colonel William C. Williams, July 26, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Sanford J. StougUon, November 29, 1862. Major William B. Bingham, September 7, 1862. Captain Wesley Park, December 10, 1861. Captaiu George W. Merrill, March 25, 1862. Captain Franklin K. Cosgrove, September 3, 1862. Captain Jacob Newman, November 14, 1862. Captain Charles F. Kinney, February 26, 1863. Captain Joseph H. Danseur, June 4, 1863. First Lieut. George W. McConneU, R. Q. M., Februarys, 1862. First Lieut. Isaac N. Compton, April 8, 1862. First Lieut. James Colegrovo, Adft, May 27, 1862. First Lieut. Francis M. McDonald, November 14, 1862. First Lieut. Charles H. Wayne, January 13. 1863. First Lieut. Norris S. Bennett, AprU 16, 1863. First Lieut. Marvin B. Battler, May 5, 1863. First Lieut. Irving N. Thomas, January 1, 1864. First Lieut. Owen L. Shaw. March 27, 1865. Second Lieut. WiUiam C. Ward, April 8, 1862. Second Lieut. John B. Rowe, September 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Solomon De Long, December 19, 1862. Second Lieut. WiUiam Sherbum, September 3, 1863. Second Lieut. John H. Strong, October 18, 1863. Second Lieut. Stephen J. Compton, January 10, 1864. Surgeon W. W. Martin, August 1, 1863. Chaplain Green C. Beeks, November 30, 1862. Chaplain lias F. Roberts, November 7, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (14.) Captain WiUiam Hildebrand, December 5, 1864. Captaiu James S. Getty, December 5, 1864. Captain Edwin W. Matthews, December 5 1864 Captain Hiram F. King, December 5, 1864. Captam John H. Wilson, December 5 1864 Captain George W. Shell, January 28 1865 First Lieut. James C. Riddle, December 5, 1864. First Lieut. Daniel P. Strieker, December 5, 1864. First Lieut. David S. Belnap, December 5, 1864 First Lieut Eugene S. Aldrich, December 5 1864 First Lieut. Andrew J. Reed, December 21 1864 First Lieut. Samuel B. Smith, Adft, January 17, 1865. Second Lieut. WilUam H. McMurray, December 5, 1864. Second Lieut. CuUeu W. Green, June 23, 1865. Discharged, (5.) Captain Levi K. TannehUl, November 26, 1862 Captain Jo/m Barton, January 13 1863 Captain Thomas C. Kinmont, February 25 1863 First Lieut. Blias O. Rose, Julv 22 1862 Second Lieut. Birge Smith, September 13, 1862 INDIANA INFANTRY, 101 Surgeoii. JohnH. Rerick 28 Oct, 63 Assistant Surgeon. Isaac N. Plnmmor 8 Apr., 05 Chaplain. Died, (12.) Lieut. Colonel Baldwin J. Crosswait, February 18, 1862, at Augola, Ind, Lieut Colonel Simeon C. Aldrich, August 15, 1864, of disease. Lieut Colonel Joseph C. Hodges, September 28, 1864, of injuries received by railroad accident. Captain John Murray, AprU 9, 1863, of wounds received in actibn at ShUoh, Tenu. Captain WUUam H. Cuppy, July 15, 1862. Captain Johu Gunsenhouser, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn,, September 20, 1863, First Lieut Marcus W. Bayless, R. Q. M., June 9, 1862. First Lieut. Sedgwick Livingston, January 25, 1864, at Nash vUle, Tenn. Second Lieut J. Delta Kerr, March 25, 1862, at EvansviUe, Indiana. Second Lieut Charles M, Hinman, April 27, 1863. Second Lieut David K. Stopher, January 18, 1864, a' Kqox- viUe, Tenn., of disease. Assistant Surgeon Edward B, Speed, September 14, 1864, of disease. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Nelson A. Sowers, May 1, 1863. First Lieut James Collier, August 13, 1863. Cashiered, (2.) Captain William S. Story, May 16, 1863. First Lieut. George R. Murray, December 6, 1864. Deserted, (2.) First Lieut Henry J. Shoemaker, October 3, 1862. Second Lieut. David Cary, October 3, 1862, Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 102 INDIANA INFANTRY. FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.* (This regiment was organized at Lo- gansport, Ind., from November 1 to December 2, 1861, to serve three years. On the expu'ation of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until September 4, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Thomas H. Bringhurst... 6 Aug., 62 Lieutenant Colonel. Aaron M.Flory 10 Feb., 63 Major. Captains. WiUiam M. De Hart 16 May, 62 Chester Chamberlain 1 Jan., 65 Fred Fitch 18 Jan., Theodore B. Forgy 19 Jan., Charles F. Fisher 19 Jan. , JamesF. Mitchell 19 Jan., Joseph L. Chamberlain.. 7 Feb., James V. Brough ]5Feb., Joseph Henderson 14 Apr., Michael Rader 18 Aug., First Lieutenants. Enos A. Thomas 28 Dec, 64 Theophilus P. Rodgers. .19 Jan., 65 Martin L. Burson 19 Jan, , George Horn 19 Jan., Abram B. Herman 27 Jan., Albert J. Abbott 7 Feb., Jonathan Moore 15 Feb., ElUs J, Hughes 10 Apr, , WilUam S. Richardson, R. Q.M IJuly, Augustus G. Sinks, .^(i/z. IJuly, Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Joshua W. UnderhiU 8 Feb. , 65 *For 45th regiment see 3d Cavaliy. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain George M. Burson, AprU 22, 1863, to Major 46th U. S. C. T. First Lieut James M. Watts, ^rf/t, AprU 3, 1865, to Major i50th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (38.) Colonel G. N. Pitch, August 5, 1862. Lieut Colouel N. G. Scott, May 24, L862. Lieut. Colonel John H. Gould, February 7, 1863. Captain David Howell, February 5, 1862. Captain FeUx'B. Thomas, March 28, 1862. Captain John Guthrie, May 16, 1862, Captain Samuel Osboume, May 26, 1863. Captain WilUam Spencer, June 11, 1862, Captain James H. Thomas, October 21, 1862, Captaiu Joseph D. Cowdin, December 23, 1862, Captain B. A. Grover, July 21, 1863. Captaiu Bernard B. Daily, July 26, 1863. Captain Woodson S. Marshall, July 28, 1863. Captain Joseph C, Plumb, March 3, 1864. Captaui Frank Swigart October 3, 1864. Captain John W. F. Listen, November 29, 1864. t Captaiu WUliam A. Pigman, December 18, 1864. First Lieut Anthony Garrett, AprU 26, 1862. First Lieut EU R. Herman, May 16, 1662. First Lieut David D. Dykeman, R. Q. M., May 31, 1862. First Lieut Richard P. De Hart, Adft, October 24, 1862. First Lieut George W. Spencer, June 7, 1863. First Lieut Elza J. Downey, R. Q. M., June 15, 1863. Fir,st Lieut. Andrew B. Robertson, July 31, 1863. First Lieut John T. Castle, August 22, 1863. First Lieut William G. Schnepp, September 14, 1864. First Lieut Thomas A. Howes, R. Q. M., May 24, 1865. Second Lieut John W. Arnot, April 9, 1862. Second Lieut Jacob H. Leiter, AprU 30, 1862. Second Lieut John M, Berkey, TMay 6, 1862. Second Lieut Joseph H. Benoier, December 29, 1862. • Second Lieut James M. Perkins, February 14, 1863. Second Lieut Alexander K. Ewing, May 28, 1863. Second Lieut WUUam H. H. Rader, August 1, 1863. Surgeon Horace Coleman, July 31, 1863. Assistant Surgeon WUUam A. Haymond, December 22, 1862. Assistant Surgeon William Spencer, December 29, 1862. Chaplain Rcbert Irwin, May 7, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (10.) Major Bernard F. Seherraerhorn, December 1, 1864, Captaiu Henry Snyder, October 13, 1864. Captain Robert M. Shields, December 12, 1864. Captain James Hess, December 12, 1864. Captain John G. Troxell, December 28, 1864. Captain James W. Brown, December 28, 1864, First Lieut. Joseph Taylor, November 12, 1864. First Lieut, Charles A. BrownUe, December 28, 1864, First Lieut Jacob S. McCormick, December 28, 1864. Surgeon Israel B, Washburne, December 28, 1864, Discliarged, (2,) First Lieut. John Castle, April 2, 1862. Second Lieut. Napoleon B. Booth, May 6, 1862. t Appointed Second Lieut U. S. Signal Corps. INDIANA INFANTRY. 103 Assistant Surgeon. George M. Doane 4 June, 65 Chaplain. Hamilton Robb 10 Jan., 63 Died, (7.) First Lieut. Matthew K. Graham, October 15, 1862, of disease. First Lieut. Joel Ferris, killed iu action at Baker's Creek, Miss., May 16, 1863. First Lieut, John McClung, killed in action at Sabine Cross Roads, La., AprU 8, 1864. Second Lieut. Attalas L. Benham, April 4, 1862, of disease, at Riddle's Point, Mo. Second Lieut. William A. Andrew, May 23, 1863, of wounds received in action at Champion HiUs, Miss. SecondLieut Loren C. Stevens, November 19, 1863, of disease, at Logansport, Ind. Second Lieut. Jacob Hudlow, killed in action at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Robert W. SiU, October 13, 1862. First Lieut George W. Stone, August 10, 1864. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 104 INDIANA INFANTRY, FORTY-SEVENTH EEGniENT. (Tills regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from November 2 to December 13, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until October 23, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department,) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. John A. McLaughlin 22 Oct. , 62 Major. Sextus H. Shearer 20 Jan., 65 Captains. Thomas Hough 9 Apr., 65 Freeman S. Church 9 Apr., Ira A. Blossom 9 Apr., EUas M. Eager 9 Apr., Jefferson F. Slusser 9 Apr. , John Spake 9 Apr. , David S. Bender 9 Apr., Benjamin W. Payton . . .11 Apr., First Lieutenants. Henry Vinyard 31 Mar., 64 Warren F. BaUard, R. Q.M. 30.\pr., Thomas Paul IFeb., 65 WUliam H. Stobie 9 Apr., Michael Cook 9 Apr., John T. Weimer 9 Apr., John A. McGinnis 9 Apr., Sylvester W. Snodgrass. 9 Apr., John Whitestine 9 Apr. , Samuel Wisner 9 Apr., Roberts. Cox 25 Apr., Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. James L. Dioken 13 Dec, 61 Assistant Surgeons. Casualties. Promoted, (3.) . Colonel James R. Slack, December 31, 1864, to Brigadier General. Lieut. Colonel Milton S. Eobmson, October 28, 1862, to Colonel 75th regiment Indiana infantry. Captain James R. Bruner, March 20, 1864, to Lieutenant Colonel 130th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (30.) Major Samuel S. Mickle, April 12. 1862. Major Lewis H. Goodwin, December 3, 1864. Captain Esaias Daily, Febmary 5, 1862. Captaiu Joshua W. Bowersock, Febmary 7, 1862. Captain Byron H. Dent, AprU 12, 1862. Captain Albert Moorltous, October 18, 1862. Captain John T. Eobinson, Febmary 2, 1863. Captain Ellison C. HiU, Febmary 27, 1863. Captain John F. EgUn, August 2, 1863. First Lieut. John E. Emory, AprU 12, 1862. First Lieut. SUas S. HaU, May 17, 1862. First Lieut. Marlon P. Bvans, Adft, September 4, 1862. First Lieut. Sharps Wisner, October 3, 1862. First Lieut. Aurelius S. Furviance, Febmary 6, 1863. First Lieut. Jehu Swaidner, July 26, 1863. First Lient. Hiram Lindsey, September 24, 1863. First Lieut. George NichoJ, R. Q. M., January 20, 1864. First Lieut. WUUam H. Hay ford, April 25, 1864'. Second Lieut. Conrad H. Lines, January 27, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry C. Weimer, February 9, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward J. WiUiams, April 12, 1862. Second Lieut. Nicholas Van Horn, AprU 12, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph A. McKinsey, May 12, 1862. Second Lieut. WiUiam Woodbeck, June 24, 1862. Second Lieut. Calvin D. Hart, October 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Hiram Moorhous, October 30, 1862. Second Lieut. BUjah Snowden, November 17, 1862. Second Lieut. WUliam A. DaUey, November 3, 1864. Assistant Surgeon William J. Stewart, December 10, 1862. Chaplain Samuel W. Sawyer, October 9, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (21.) Captain Samuel J. Keller, December 12, 1864. Captain Jacob Wintrode, December 13, 1864. Captain WilUam M. Henley, December 29, 1864. Captaui Christian B. Eager, December 30, 1864. Captaiu Austin Crabbs, December 30, 1864. Captain Elmore Y. Sturgis, December 31, 1864. Captain Tils/hman J. Siting, December 31, 1864. Captain William R. Myers, December 31, 1864. Captain Robert N. Harding, December 31, 1864. Fu'Bt Lieut. Horatio G. P. Jennings, December 12, 1864. First Lieut. George S. Brinkerhoff, December 12, 1864. First Lieut. Edward T. Dain, December 29, 1864. First Lieut. EU Arnold, December 30, 1864. First Lieut. Sherman L. BnUard, December 30, 1864. Fu-st Lieut. Daniel G. Beaver, December 30, 1864. First Lient. Henry Brown, December 31, 1864. First Lieut. WUUam H. Vance, Adj't, September 4, 1865. Second Lient. James Gordon, December 12, 1864. Second Lieut. John B. Shuler, December 30, 1864. Second Lieut. WUUam F. Daily, December 31, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Thomas H. Crosby, December 30, 1864. INDIANA INFANTRY. 105 Chaplain. Died, (6.) Captain Isaac M. Rumsey, June 27, 1863, of disease. First Lieut Johii, A. Martin, December l5, 1862. First Lieut James F. Perry, kUled in action at Champion HiUs, Miss., May 16, 1863. First Lieut. James A. Johnston, February 15, 1864. Second Lieut. George W. Cole, killed in action at Champion HUls, Miss,, May 16, 1863. Assistant Surgeou James R. Mills, February 8, 1863, at Helena, Ark. Note.— Tho roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of mustered out. 106 INDIANA INFANTRY. FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Go shen, Ind., from December 5, 1861, to January 28, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were .mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 15, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles- in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed iu orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Newton Bingham 21 May, 65 Major. JohnW. Leitch 31 May, 65 Captains. Mordecai F. Chilcote 2 May, WiUiam H. MiUer 14 Nov., Alexander B. Austin 17 Dec;, WUliam Calwell 20 Apr. , GUbert D. Swart 20 Apr., Joseph C. McBride 21 May, Jacob Augustine 21 May, Henry Bowman 25 May, John H. Leib 31 May, Henry E. Robbins 31 May, First Lieutenants. Wm.H. Judkin3,i2.Q.ikf. 1 Oct., Alva H. Palmer 17 Dec, Barney UUne 2 May, Louis A. Raymer 2 May, James Nelson 20 May, Peter J. Howe 20 May, Jesse Starkey 25 May, Adelbert B. Crampton. .30 May, WUliam H. Kenton 30 May, Henry Kubitshek 31 May, Charles T. Chandonia.. .31 May, Jno. A.M. LaPierre, .^4/7-31 May, Second Lieutenants. 64 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Jasper Packard, March 17, 1864, to Lieutenant Colo nel 128th regiment Indiana infantry. Assistant Surgeon Sylvester Laning, June 3, 1863, to Surgeon 49th U. S. C. T. (Recommissioned Assistant Surgeon of this regiment, July 16, 1864,) igned, (40.) Colonel Norman Eddy, July 11, 1863, Lieut. Colonel Melvin B. HascaU, June 16, 1862. Lieut Colonel De Witt C. Rugg, April 24, 1863. Major Benjamin D. Townsend, October 20, 1862. Captain David S, Snyder, June 26, 1862. Captain Daniel S. Crurapacker, July 9, 1862. Captain Gustavus Paulus, July 13, 1862. Captain WUUam H. Sutphen, September 12, 1862. Captain David F. Spain, December 3, 1862. Captain Orriaon WUson, January 22, 1863. Captain Henry A. Wiiite, February 5, 1863. Captain Alfred Billows, AprU 24, 1863. Captaiu Derrick Brinkerhoff, July 22, 1863. i Captain George W. Hart, January 29, 1864. '' Captain Albert J. Guthridge, March 20, 1864. Captain WiUard P. AUen, July 30, 1864. Captain Welcome Rice, August 12, 1864. Captain Adolphus H. (jreen, April 3, 1865. Captaiu Thomas J. CoUins, AprU 16, 1865. Captaiu Henry Milbum, AprU 24, 1865. First Lieut Asa Knott July 14, 1862. First Lieut Abraham S. Fisher, August 31, 1862. First Lieut Charles L. Murray, R. Q. M., September 3, 1862. First Lieut John Rohrig, January 24, 1863. First Lieut Joseph K. Rugg, July 9, 1863. First Lieut. George W. Thayer, August 8, 1863. First Lieut John MiUer, June 22, 1864. First Lieut William B. Spain, July 26, 1864. First Lieut George Baldwin, August 5, 1864, First Lieut Abner J. Dean, R. Q. M., August 24, 1864. First Lieut Edwin S. Foljambe, September 26, 1864, Second Lieut Edward J. King, AprU 30, 1865. Second Lieut George H. Loring, June 26, 1862. Second Lieut Nelson S. Brand, December 10, 1862. Second Lieut. George W. Hollinshead, July 26, 1864. Second Lieut John L. Patten, September 21, 1864. Surgeon Levi J. Ham, April 9, 1864. Surgeon Frank T. Bryson, March 29, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Frank T. Bryson, September 3, 1862. commissioned Assistant Surgeon December 22, 1862.) Chaplain John W. Smith, May 14, 1864, Mustered out on expiratiooi of term of service, (8,) Lieut. Colonel Edward J. Wood, January 15, 1865, Major Barnet Byrkit, January 15, 1865. Captaiu WUUam A. Judkms, January 15, 1865. Captain George W. Gibbon, January 15, 3865. First Lieut Edward P. Stanfield, Adft, December 20, 1864. First Lieut Crawford McDonald, January 15, 1865. Second Lieut Albert D. Jaquith, January 15, 1865. Second Lieut. WilUam R. EUis, January 15, 1865. * Appointed Captain in V. R. C. (Re- INDIANA INFANTRY, 107 Surgeon. Sylvester Laning 1 June, 65 Assistaoit Surgeon, Abner D, Kimball 1 July, 65 Chaplain. Discharged, (1.) Captain Gottloh Schaubel, November 9, 1863. Died, (4.) Captain Thomas B. Roberts, July 4, 1862, of disease, at (Corinth, Miss, Captain Richard F, Mann, July 24, 1862, of disease, at Farm ington, Miss. First Lieut. TheophUus Matott, September 18, 1863, of disease. Chaplain James C. Brown, July 14, 1862, of disease, at Pa- ducah, Ky. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 108 INDIANA INFANTEY. FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at Jeffersonville, Ind., November 21, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except vet erans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, consoUdated into a battaUon of six companies, and retained iu service until September 13, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Lieutenant Colonel. James Leeper 20 Apr., 65 Major. Captains. James C. McConahay... 1 Dec, 62 James A. Gardner ......21 Oct, 64 John R. Hamacher,.....19 Jan., 65 David Hogan 16 Feb. , WilUam W- Pate 11 Mar. , JohnM. WUUams 23 Mar., First Lieutenants, WilUam W. Kendall ....26 Aug., 63 John^ W, Palmer 1 Nov, , 64 Jamea B. Ferguson 20 Jan. , 65 Bev. W. SulUvan, Adft.25 Feb., James M. Waters 23 Mar., William Anderson 6 Apr., George W. Petit, R. Q.M.20 Apr., George Denny 27 Apr,, Second Lieutenant. WiUiam H. Sharp 11 May, 65 Surgeon. Edward F. Buzett 20 Apr. , 65 Assistant Surgeon.. Arthur PickthaU 11 July, 65 Casualties. Resigned, (36.) Colonel John W. Ray, October 17, 1862. Lieut. Colonel Joseph H. 7'homton, JiUy 27, 1863. Captain John W. Kane, Febmary 1, 1862. Captain Samuel M. Johnston, February 14, 1863. Captain William Charles, February 20, 1863. Captain James W. Higgins, March 23, 1863. Captain Edward B. Culter, July 1, 1863. First Lieut Caleb L. Temple, February 4, 1862. First Lieut. Thomas A. Fleming, April 9, 1862. First Lieut Upsherd S. Reynolds, November 21, 1862. First Lieut. Emery P. Toney, March 8, 1863. First Lieut. James Faucett, March 24, 1863. First Lieut David Lewis, June 14, 1863. First Lieut George W. Christopher, June 18, 1863, First Lieut John E. Peckinpaugh, August 31, 1863, First Lieut Hiram Evans, January 1, 1864. First Lieut. WUliam A, Jordan, March 14, 1864. First Lieut. William V, Grose, March 26, 1864. First Lieut. James FnUyard, July 13, 1864. Second Lieut. James A. C. McCoy, January 9, 1862. (Re commissioned as Assistant Surgeon January 10, 1862.) Second Lieut Edward Bohart, January 15, 1862. Second Lieut Ira B. Hyde, February 25, 1862. Second Lieut. Elijah T. Pinnick, AprU 9, 1862. Second Lieut. WiUiam W. Pate, November 16, 1862. (Re commissioned as Captain March 11, 1865,) Second Lieut. Perry Wilkes, March 22, 1863. Second Lieut James S. Ryan, June 18, 1863. Second Lieut Thomas T, Reynolds, March 14, 1864. Surgeon Charles D. Pearson, February 7, 1862, Surgeon Jasper R. Monroe, August 4, 1862. Surgeon John A. Ritter, September 1, 1863. Assistant Surgeon James .4 . C. McCoy, October 15, 1862. Assistant Surgeon John H. Thomas, June 4, 1863. 'Assistant Surgeon John F. B. Widmer, July 11, 1863. Assistant Surgeon WilUam Z. Smith, June 14, 1864. Chaplain WilUam Maple, AprU 2, 1862. Chaplain Lemuel M. Hancock, January 13, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term, of service, (22.) Colonel James Keigwin, November 29, 1864, Lieut Colonel Arthur J, Hawhe, November 29, 1864. Captain James W. Thompson, November 29, 1864, Captain John Nafius, November 29, 1864. Captain Nicholas A. Lafon, November 29, 1864. Captaiu John J. AUes, November 29, 1864. Captain James E. Holcroft, November 29, 1864. Captain Joseph Duncan, November 29, 1864. Captain WUUam H. Peckinpaugh, November 29, 1864. First Lieut George W. Riddle, Adft, November 29, 1864. First Lieut. Charles H. Paddock, R. Q.M., November 29,1864. First Lieut. Thomas Bare, November 29, 1864. First Lieut. James H. Morgan, November 29, 1864. First Lieut Augustus H. Letourmy, November 29, 1864. First Lieut. Hamilton Martin, November 29, 1864. First Lieut Thomas B. Buskirk, November 29, 1864. First Lieut Robert M. Craig, November 29, 1864. Second Lieut Bennett Grigsby, May 29, 1864. Second Lieut George F. Howard, November 29, 1864. Second Lieut. Frederick P. Bethel, Noyember 29, 1864, Second Lieut Oliver Whitcomb, November 29, 1864. Surgeon Emanuel R, Hawn, November 29, 1864. INDIANA INFANTEY. 109 Died, (4.) Captain McHewell Keck, kiUed in action at Chlekaaaw Bayou, Miss., December 28, 1862. First Lieut. James M. Gwin, Adft, AprU 12, 1862, at Cum berland Ford, Ky. First Lieut. Isaac Buzby, May 28, 1862, of disease. Second Lieut. Jeremiah Crook, August 15, 1863, at CarroUton, La. Dismissed. (1.) Second Lieut. Amasa P. NUoe, December 29, 1863. Note. — The roBter of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 110 INDIANA INFANTRY, FIFTIETH REGIMENT. (battalion of.) (This regiment was organized at Seymour. Ind., December 31, 1861, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recniits, consolidated into a bat taUon of five companies and re tained in service untU May 26, 1865, when it was consolidated with the 52d regiment Indiana infantry.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partisnotyet pubUshed in orders. ) Lieutenant Colonel. *Samuel T. Wells 30 Sept., 62 Major. Captains. Thomas B. Boyatt 19 Nov., 64 George W. Taylor 14 Dec, James H. Johnson 14 Dec, Josiah C. Thompson 8 Apr., do First Lieutenants. *Thomas H. Jones, Adft. 5 May, 63 "Albert Adams, R. Q. M. 4 July, JohnBowman 15 Dec, 64 Joseph McNelly 7 Apr., 65 Albert Owen 11 May, Second Lieutenants. Thomas J. Trulock 18 Oct. , 64 JohnW. Waskom 18 Oct., John T. Flinn 19 Oct., PatrickHonan 7 Apr., 65 Alva West 11 May, Assistant Surgeon. Amos M. Durand 27 Aug. , 63 Casualties. Resigned, (30.) Colonel Cyrus L. Dunham, November 18, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Horace H. Heffren, September 7, 1862. Major Banister Compton, Febmary 11, 1862. Captain Isaac S. Dains, March 13, 1862. (Recommissioned Captain April 1, 1862.) Captain Andrew J. Burrell, April 3, 1863. Captain Joseph L. Marsh, June 20, 1863. Captain John Hungate, March 31, 1864. Captain Burr Peck, October 7, 1864. Captain John Scott, November 10, 1864. Captain Richard McCowick, November 10, 1864. First Lieut. John B. CoverdiU, Adj't, February 6, 1862. First Lieut. Benton T. McClintock, May 21, 1862. First Lieut. Henry C. Houston, November 28, 1862. First Lieut, Hiram Malott, March 6, 1863. First Lieut. John R. Simpson, Adft, March 28, 1863. First Lieut. Samuel A. Harrah, March 6, 1864. First Lieut. Johu B. Davies, March 19, 1864. First Lieut. Moses Cole, July 20, 1864. First Lieut. Austin G. Spear, July 29, 1864. First Lieut. Daniel A. Baker, December 2, 1864, First Lieut. Levi B. Davis, March 1, 1865. Second Lieut. WilUam McForgey, January 30, 1862. Second Lieut. Delos Heffren, October 11, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward Harbison, June 5, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas S. Falkinburg, February 25, 1864. Second Lieut. Frederick Miller, May 13, 1864. Assistant Surgeou James W. Hervey, February 4, 1863, Assistant Surgeon Tliomas P. Hervey, May 22, 1863. Assistant Surgeon James C. Wells, May 20, 1864. CUaplaln WiUiam H. Jackson, August 1, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (15.> Major Horace N. Attkisson, January 5, 1865. Captain Malachi McCoy, January 5, 1865. Captain Joseph M. Anderson, January 5, 1865, Captain John F. Leonard, January 5, 1865. Captain Percy Rous, January 5, 1865. Captain Isaac A. Craig, January 5, 1865. Captain Isaac Carothers, January 5, 1865. Captain Abraham H. Miller, January 5, 1865. Fu-st Lieut. John J. Judy, January 5, 1865. First Lieut. WilUam L. McKnight, January 5, 1865. First Lieut. Henry H. Poison, January 5, 1865. First Lieut. Francis W. Johnson, January 5 1865 Second Lieut. Edward P. Goddard, January 5, 1865. Second Lieut. George W. Hays, January 5, 1865. Surgeon William C. Flack, January 5, 1865. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut. WiUiam C. Newku-k, May 15, 1865. Died, (6.) Captain Isaac S. Dains, July 18, 1864, of disease, at Little Jiock, Ark. ' First Lieut. Cyms R. Hunter, October 30, 1862, of disease. First Lieut. Jacob McHenry, May 29, 1864, of wounds re ceived m action at Jenkins' Ferry Ark Second Lieut Samuel D. FalUs, Pebruaryl6, 1862, of disease, at Camp Wickliffe, Ky. j > ' , Second Lieut. Caswell R. Burton, September 30 1862 of wounds received in action at Mnmfordsvllie Ky Second Lieut. Daniel J. Dean, killed in action at Parker's Cross-Eoads, Tenn., December 31 1862 * Discharged by reason of consoUdation. KOTE.-The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of consolidatic INDIANA INFANTRY. Ill FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from December 11, 1861, to February 23, 1862, to serve three years. ()u the expira tion of its term of service the origi nal members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until December 13, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department) The following is tho only official list of battles in which, this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : ' ' STONE RIVER, "' ' ' FRANKLIN," "ROME," "NASHVILLE." Colooiel. Lieutenant Colonel. WUUam N. Denny 15 May, 65 Major. William W. Seearce 15 May, 65 Captaiiis. Avery B. Cbarpie IMar., 65 EUis House 18 Apr., Jeremiah A. Givens 8 May, WiUiam P, McClure 8 May, Joel A, Delano 13 May, John H. Mooue 29 May, John D. Morgan 14 July, Seth Marsh 14 July, George McCoIIey 10 Sept., First Lieuteoiants. John C.Young IMar., 65 Allen R. Harris, Adft ...21 Apr., John Emmons 8 May, WiUiam H. Dunn 8 May, Henry C. Byars 11 May, Leonidas Smith 13 May, WiUis F. Moore 30 May, Gabriel H. Adams 8 June, Charles Mallett 15 July, Thomas R. Wetherald, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. NoahP, Scott 9May, 65 Thomas A. MoiTison 13 May, John W. Manning 13 May, Louis P. Holman 29 May, WUUam McKinley 29 May, Albert M. Dyer IJuly, Surgeon. Erasmus B. CoUins, a. w. m. Casualties. Resigned, (29.) Colonel Abel D. Streight, (Brevet Brigadier General March 13, 1865,) March 20, 1865. Lieut. Colonel Benjamin J. Spooner, June 16, 1862. Lieut, Colonel William ff. Colescott, February 26, 1863. Major Clark Willis, March 16, 1863. Captaiu WiUiam Denny, February, 10, 1862. Captain Jacob H. Fleece, August 9, 1862. Captain Marquis L. Johnson, August 13, 1862. Captain Sylvester R. Brown, September 5, 1862. Captain James E. McGuire, October 24, 1862. Captain Francis M. Constant, March 25, 1863. Captain David W. HamUton, May 23, 1865. Captain WilUam R. Lewis, June 14, 1865. Captaiu Marion T. Ander-son, June 16,, 1865. First Lieut. Daniel Trent January 20, 1862. First Lieut Wilbur F. WiUiams, April 15, 1862. First Lieut John W, Ramsay, Adft, November 28, 1862. First Lieut. James S. Reeves, December 8, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph Y. Ballon, February 19, 1863. First Lieut. Jonathan Dunbar, Blarch 20, 1863. First Lieut David A. Denny, August 20, 1864. First Lieut Alva C. Roach, June 14, 1865. First Lieut. WiUiam C. Bryant, R. Q. M., July 2, 1865. Second Lieut. Leonidas Fox, AprU 15, 1862. Second Lieut John Bowman, February 13, 1863. Second Lieut, Jasper N. Brown, November 11, 1864. Surgeon Erasmus B. CoUins, March 22, 1863. (Recommis sioned Surgeon April 15, 1864.) Assistant Surgeon David Adams, November 8, 1862. Assistant Surgeou Johoi W. Pearce, April 15, 1863. Chaplain Elias Gaskins, March 26, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (19.) Captain John M. Flinoi, December 14, 1864. Captain William Wallick, December 16, 1864. Captam James W. Haley, December 17, 1864. Captaiu David L. Wright, March 14, 1865. First Lieut. Evan E. Shaip, September 22, 1864. First Lieut. Abraham G, Murray, January 25, 1865. First Lieut Edwin R. Arnold, January 25, 1865. First Lieut WilUam WiUis, February 9, 1865. First Lieut Roman Salter, February 22, 1865. Fu'st Lieut Aaron T. Dooley, March 12, ,1865. First Lieut William A. Adair, March 12, 1865. First Lieut. WiUiam S. MarshaU, Adft, March 21, 1865. First Lieut, Alfr^Gude, March 31, 1865. Second Lieut Hiram Mallory, January 26, 1865. Second Lieut. George W. Scearce, January 28, 1865. Second Lieut Cha^-les E. Stephens, February 16, 1865. Second Lieut Gideon T. Hand, March 15, 1865. Second Lieut James W. Barlow, April 18, 1865. Second Lieut William H. Harvey, April 26, 1865. Discharged, (6.) Major David A. McHolland, April 17, 1865. Captain Thomas F. Chambers, May 17, 1863. Captaiu Milton, Russell, February 11, 1865. First Lieut John G. Doughty, R.Q.M., February 13, 1865. First Lieut Frederick J. BrowneU, March 31, 1865. Second Lieut. John A, Welton, June 20. 1864. 112 INDIANA INFANTRY. Assistant Surgeons. Henry R. King 16 Dec, 62 Amos Easterling 7 June, 65 Chaplain. Died, (7.) Lieut. Colonel James W. Sheets, June 30, 1863, of wounds. Captain Samuel Lingeman, March 18, 1864, at Danville, Ind. Captain Adolphus H. Wonder, September 26, 1864, at Charles ton, S. C. First Lieut. Albert Light, February 24, 1862, at Lebanon, Ky. Second Lieut, Harvey Slavens, March 21, 1862, at NashviUe, Tenn. Second Lieut. Samuel C. Owen, February 26, 1863, at Mur freesboro', Tenn. Second Lieut Jeremiah Sailor, March 19, 1863, near Mur freesboro' Tenn. Deserted, (1.) Captam George Gregg, July 15, 1865. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in Genera Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 113 PIFTY'SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at RushviUe and Indianapolis, Indi ana, February 1, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, together with the vetenms aud re cruits of the 50th regiment Indiana infantry, retained in service until September 10, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The offtcial Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partisnotyet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Zalmon S. Main 27 May, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas B. Boyatt 28 June, G^ Major. 'George W. Taylor 22 Aug., 65 Captains. JamesH. Johnson 14 Dec, 64 Josiah C, Thompson 8 Apr., 65 David J. Temple 27 May, David W. St John 28 June, Charles B. Johnson 28 June, James A. Leonard 28 June, Theadore Wilkes 28 June, Albert Owen 28 June, John T, Flinn J9 Aug., JohnBowman 9 Sept, First Lieutenants. Robert A. Leonard,.4d7't 5 Mar., 65 Joseph McNeUy 7 Apr., JamesC. Alden, i2.Q,iVf. 7 May, John W. Waskom 13 June, TJz N. Moak 28 June, Martm L, Hessong 28 June, WiUiam H, Alfred 28 June, Alva West 28 June, WiUiam R. Robbms 4 July, James A, Herron 19 Aug., Thomas J, Trulock 9 Sept , Second Lieutenants. Patrick Honan 7 Apr, , '65 Francis M, Dowdeu 28 June, Peter K. Hessong 28 June, Moses Barber. . .¦ 19 At-i&'i Surgeon. James L. F. Garrison ... 7 May, 65 Casualties. Resigned, (25.) Colonel James il. Smith, June 4, 1862. Lieut Colouel William C. McReynolds, April 17, 1862. Captain George W, Tyer, May 19, 1862. Captain Joseph McCorlde, September 4, 1862. Captain Andrew J. Ross, January 19, 1863. Captain Ross Guffiu, November 18, 1864. Captain Montgomery C. Howard, December 31, 1864. First Lieut. Salem M. Shumway, AprU 17, 1862. First Lieut. Richard Meredith, June 11, 1862. First Lieut James A. Cunningham, July 16, 1862. First Lieut. WiUiam Francis, September 3, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel W. Elliott, Adft, November 17, 1862. •First Lieut James H. Wright, Adft, November 26, 1863. First Lieut. Charles M. Ferree, August 22, 1864. Fii-st Lieut Oliver H. P. Ashby, February 6, 1865. First Lieut. Alexander Edwards, March 2, 1865. Second Lieut. Edward A. Boaz, December 14, 1862. Second Lieut Isaac D. Jones, November 5, 1863. Second Lieut. Jacob L. Biddinger, September 23, 1864. Second Lieut Winfield S. Conde, November 5, 1864. Second Lieut Harrison S. Cai'ney, January 25, 1865. Surgeon Marshall Sexton, April 30, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Aonos B. Casterline, December 15, 1862". Assistant Surgeou WilUam Freeman, August 29, 1863. Chaplain Isaac W. Monfort, January 28, 1863, Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (11.) Colonel Edward H. Wolfe, January 31, 1865. Captaiu William A. Bodkin, January 31, 1865. Captaiu Peter L. Negley, January 31, 1865. Captain Eli Mattocks, January 31, 1865. Captain WUUam T. Stott, January 31, 1865, First Lieut WiUiam H. Smith, R. Q. M., January 31, 1865. First Lieut. Daniel Bacon, January 31, 1865. First Lieut. WUUam Hause, January 31, 1865. First Lieut. Johu A. Gusley, July 7, 18C5. Surgeon James W. Martin, January 31, 1865. Chaplain Mark Robinson, January 31, 1865. Discharged, (6.) Captain Zalraon S. Main, March 7, 1862. (Recommissioned .as Major May 14, 1862.) Captaiu WUliam L. Guard, December 1, 1862, Captain Frederick Deike, November 16, 1863, Fii-st Lieut. Mark Robinson, February 22, 1863. (Recom missioned as Chaplain February 22, 1863.) First Lieut. James C. Kirkpatrick, May 27, 1865. Second Lieut Isaac N. Thomas, March 17, 1865. Died, (4.) Captain WiUiam M. Raymond, January 13, 1865, of wounds received in action near NashviUe, Tenn. First Lieut. WilUam H. Herron, killed in action at Tupelo, Miss., July 14, 1864. SecondLieut Edwin Alexander, frozen to death near Fort Pillow, Tenn., December 31, 1863. Second Lieut. Baxter IC. Logan, July 4, 1864, of disease, at Memphis, Tenn. Missing, (1.) Captain Vv^Uliam H. Thurston, since August 1, 1865. 114 INDIANA INFANTRY. Assistant Surgeon. Amos M. Durand 27 Aug., 63 Chaplain. Dismissed, (S.) Major WUliam T. Strickland, April 16, 1864, Captain Isaiah M. Tevis, August 5, 1862. Captain Hem-y K. Stephen, November 7, 1862, Captain John W. -McCowick, August 10, 1864. '•First Lieut James H. Frazee, November 7, 1862. First Lieut. Benoni N. Beall, December 20, 1862. Second Lieut. John P. T. Davis, November 7, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Joseph H. Smith, June 29, 1865- '¦* Commissioned Captain 9th Indiana cavalry. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 115 FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at New Albany and Indianapolis, Ind., from February 19, to March 6, 1S63, to serve three j'ears. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and tho organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 21, 1865, when it was muster ed out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official listof battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partisnotyet published in orders.) Colonel. Warner L. Testal 1 Apr., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Duncan 1 Apr., 65 3I'7Jor. Andrew H. Fabrique . . .25 May, 65 Captains. James Finegan 8 Sept , 64 Thomas N. Robertson. ..31 Mar., 65 WilUam Reaugh 26 May, CUnton Lewis 31 May, John T. White 1 June, Ebenezer Knight 1 June, John W. Hiestand 5 June, WiUiam Howard, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. James W. Scearce, .4(Z7'«- 2 Oct., 64 AUenP.Davis 1 Apr., 65 Johu M. Austin 26 May, William W. Ragan 1 June, JohnH. Dean 1 June, James MiUer 1 June, Jonathan S. Lowe 1 June, James I. Martin 1 June, Neville A. Lartigue 5 June, Sylvester M. Davis, R. Q. M. , a. w. m. Warren Woodward, a. w. m. James A. Engleman, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. EUsha Jones 1 Apr., i Thomas J. Garrison 5 May, Lewis M. Crist 22 May, Andrew J, Summers 22 May, Ebenezer M. Kerr 25 May, Marshall Holteclaw 1 June, Adam Lerts 1 June, Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Colonel Walter Q. Gresham, August 25, 1863, to Brigadier General, Resigoied, (31.) Captain George? B, McQueen, April 8, 1862. Captain John Sumner, AprU 10, 1862. Captain WUey R. Reeves, May 22, 1862. Captain Robert Curry, Jime 13, 1862. Captain John I. Rush, September 1, 1862. Captain John F. Townsend, September 3, 1862. Captaiu Rufus A. Peck, November 19, 1862. Captain Alfred H. McCoy, December 3, 1862. Captain Andrew M. Jones, July 30, 1863. Captain Henry Pennington, July 31, 1863. Captaiu John W. MarshaU, May 26, 1864. Captaiu WUliam S. Langford, July 14, 1864. First Lieut. Nathaniel Martin, May 20, 1862. First Lieut. Benjamin Fuller, November 14, 1862. First Lieut Taylor W. Thomas, March 4, 1863. First Lieut James A. Hudson, Adj't, April 2, 1863. First Lieut John W. Lamar, Apnl 2, 1863. First Lieut George Tlwmas, R. Q. M., May 15, 1864. First Lieut James A. Farley, May 24, 1864. Furst Lieut Royal M. Gibson, August 20, 1864. Second Lieut liichard H. Heath, March 27, 1862. Secoud Lieut. WUliam T. Cloud, March 28, 1862. Second Lieut. Martin B. Mason, May 20, 1862. Secoud Lieut. George W. Hays, August 31, 1862. Second Lieut John Vestal, August 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Francis Boyce, June 14, 1864. Surgeon Solomon Davis, May 27, 1862. Surgeon Robert C. Slaughter, March 14, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Johoi S. Hoaglaoid, Mav l, 1862. Chaplain John W. Julian. AprU 10, 1863. ' Chaplain ^\ iUiam W. Curry, December 3, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (8.) Captain George H. Beers, March 27, 1865. Captain John Garrett, March 28, 1865. Captain Johu P. Kimbley, March 28, 1865. First Lieut Henry C. Perkins, Adj't, January 10, 1865. First Lieut. Merida McDonald, March 28, 1865. Second Lieut. Charles H. DUlmgham, December 12, 1864. Second Lieut. Michael Fitzpatrick, March 30, 1865. Surgeon Madison H. Rose, April 3, 1865. Discharged, (3.) Captain Joseph Whitaker, September 15, 1863. Captain Hezekiah B. Wakefield, May 15, 1865. Captain John Donnelly, July 18, 186*5. Died, (13.) Lieut. Colonel William Jones, killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. Captain Charies P. Long, June 22, 1862. Captain Pleasant T. Mathes, killed iu action near Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. Captain Lewis B. Shively, killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. Fh-st Lieut. Joseph B. Atkison, November 17, 1862, at Mat- toone,lll., of wounds received in action. 116 INDIANA INFANTRY, Norman Taylor . 1 June, 65 First Lieut. Erasmus D. Pudney, Febmary 17, 1863, of dis George W. McFarUn. . . . 1 June, ease, at CoUiervUle, Tenn. Alfred L. EUiott .20 June, First Lieut. David White, killed in action at Kenesaw Moun tain, Ga., June 27, 1864. First Lieut. WiUiam D. Smith, kUled in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. First Lieut. John L. Gibson, killed in action near Atlanta, Jacob S. Horner Ga., July 22, 1864. First Lieut. Oscar T. Huston, July 2-2, 1864, of wounds, at Assistant Surgeon. Bast Point, Ga. Second Lieut. Samuel S. .Sims, June 10, 1862, at Corinth, Miss. John S. Dukate .20 May, 65 Second Lieut. WiUiam H. Smith, June 17, 1863, of disease, uear Vicksburg, Miss. Second Lieut. Samuel Jlar-h. July 1, 1864, of wounds re Chaplain ceived in action. WiUiam Martin 1 June, 65 Dismissed, (3.) Major Thomas McGrain, jr., AprU 16, 1863. Captain Seth DaUy, April 16, 1863. Captain Ormsby H. Huston, June 30, 1863. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA IlfFANTRY. 117 FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at IndianapoUs, Ind,, in October aud November, 1862, to serve one year. It was mustered out December 8, 1863, by reason of expiration of term of service.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Fielding Mansfield, a. w. m. Lieutenant Colonel, Daniel Shrader 29 Dec, 62 Major. Captains. John V.Bowman 30 Oct, 62 Lewis C. Beckford 30 Oct., Albert Eggleston 30 Oct, Andrew J. Lyon 30 Oct, WUUam H. Neff 30 Oct, Oliver M. WUson SNov,, JohnH, Ferree SNov., Samuel J. WUlson 16 Nov., First Lieutenatits. Absalom Thomas 28 Oct, 62 Paris Julian 30 Oct., John A. Howard 30 Oct, EUR. Shook 30 Oct, WiUiam Hall 30 Oct., WiUiam M. Conner SNov., Samuel P. Strahan 16 Nov., Frank.H. HaU, R. Q. M. -26 Aug., 63 Abel R, Nixon, Adj't 26 Aug., Second Lieutenants. Rufus C. Carpenter 30 Oct, 62 Joseph Lugar 30 Oct, Thomas B. Lawe 16 Nov., Surgeon. Townsend Ryan 26 Apr., 63 Assistant Surgeons. William H. Cyrus 26 Apr., 63 Henry E. Pope, a. w. m. Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut Thomas F. Purnell, R. Q. M., July 22, 1863, to Captain and A. Q. M. Resigned, (12.) Lieut. Colonel Hei-man Sturm, December 29, 1862. Captaiu Henry Carter, February 13, 1863. Captaui John W. Thomas, March 18, 1863. First Lieut Samuel R. Fielder, May 26, 1863. First Lieut David D. Jones, Septemper2, 1863. SecondLieut Benjamin F, Davis, February .21, 1863. Second Lieut WUUam M. Brooks, AprU 2, 1863. Second Lieut WilUam P, Beeber, April 24, 1863. Second Lieut Isaac B. McGoggy, May 13, 1863. Second Lieut James Lochridge, July 1, 1863. Surgeou Ephraim N. Bank», March 19, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Heno'y C. Davison, March 23, 1863. Died, (4.) First Lieut Marshall P. Hayden, Adj't, January 10, 1863, of wounds received in action. First Lieut John W. Manzy, January 16, 1863, of disease. Second Lieut Josiah Ralston, January 12, 1863, of wounds received iu action. Second Lieut WiUiam W. Messena, February 12, 1863, of disease, at Memphis, Tenn. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 118 INDIANA ' INFANTRY. * FIFTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment (with the exception of company K) was organized at In dianapoUs, Ind., from December 13, 1861, to February 5, 1862, to serve three years. Company K wasorganizedatludianapoUs, Ind., November 14, 1862, to serve nine mouths, and mustered out July 30, 1863, by reason of expiration of term of service. A new company was organized iu June, 1865, by the consolidation of the veterans and recruits of the 84th aud S6th regiments Indiana infantry, and assigned to this regiment as Com pany K. On the expiration of the tenn of service of the regi ment the original members (ex cept veterans) were mustered out and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until December 14, 1865, when it was mustered out, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department.) ' ' shiloh, " ' ' CORINTH, " ' ' PERRY VILLE," "CHATTANOOGA," "STONE RIVER," "DANDRIDGE," "MISSION RIDGE," "ROCKY FACE RIDGE," "RESACA," "ADAIRSVILLE," "NEW HOPE CHURCH," ".TONESEOUO'," "KENESAW MOUNTAIN," "PEACH- TREE CREEK," "SPRING HILL," "FRANKLIN," ''ATLANTA," "NASH VILLE." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. John S. McGraw 2 May, 65 Major. Timothy H. Leeds 17 May, 65 Captains. Joel H. Hoback 28 Aug., 64 John S. Summers 29 Aug., James W.Falls 17 Mar., 65 tFranklm G. TulUdge -.22 Mar., John H. Rent 1 Apr. , David Haw kins 5 May, ¦ Benjamin F. Rboads 18 May, Robert B. Martin 9 June, Isaac T. Earl 1 Aug. , John W. Hort 1 Aug., First Lieutenants. David P. Leibhardt, R. Q, M llMar., 64 Albert A. Haskett. 28 Aug. , Henry H. Fonts 6 Nov., Horace E. WiUiams 2 Mar., Qo Oscar N. Wilmington ... 1 Apr,, * The 55th regiment was a three-months' organization, organization. tDischarged December 21, 1865. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut. Henry C. EUiott Adft, October 5, 1863, to Lieu tenant Colonel 118th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (47.) Colonel John Y*^. T. McMuUen, March 6, 1862. Colonel Cyrus C. Hines, July 27, 1863. Lieut Colonel Franklin A. Hardin, March 18, 1862. (Recom missioned Lieut. Colonel April 7, 1862,) Lieut Colonel Franklin A. Hardin, September 15, 1862. Lieut Colonel WilUs Blanch, May 1, 1865. Major John W. Jordan, November 30, 1862. Captain Nat. Owings. March 29, 1862. Captain John Hunt, May 16, 1862. Captain Robert Allison, February 21. 1863. Captain Calvin W. Burket, May 31, 1864. Captain Seth W. Beals, June 17, 1864. Captain Edward P. Howe, July 12, 1864. Captain William T. Seward, June 11, 1865. First Lieut Peter Shroyer, April 14, 1862. First Lieut Joel H. Hoback, April 21, 1862. (Recommissioned First Lieutenant April 25, 1863,) First Lieut Thomas M. Grubbs, May 17, 1862. ' First Lieut Henry C, Fox, August 2, 1862. First Ijieut Lewis S. Home, November 8, 1863. First Lieut Thomas D. Tharp, November 13, 1862. First Lieut Robert H. Morgan, February 28, 1863, First Lieut John A. Craf fc, March 25, 1863. First Lieut John M, Commons, R. Q. M., February 9, 1864. First Lieut WUUam W. Humphreys, February 11, 1864, First Lieut Enoch R. Adamson, November 22, 1864. First Lieut Caleb B. GiU, May 27, 1865. Second Lieut Joseph L. Marsh, Rlarch 16, 1862. Second Lieut Powel Slade, March 27, 1862. Second Lieut Robert T. Becket, March 27, 1862, Secoud Lieut George Slack, April 20, 1862, Second Lieut, Charles Johnson, August 16, 1862, Second Lieut. Levi Thornburg, November 8, 1862, Second Lieut, John L. Hall, December 12, 1862. Second Lieut. William J. Plummer, January 23, 1863, Second Lieut. James T. Jukes, February 21, 1863. Second Lieut Charles Dishrow, February 21, 1863. Secoud Lieut Benjamin Owens, July 17, 1864. Second Lieut William E. Todhunter, September 25, 1864. , Second Lieut Jacob B. Swisher, November 20, 1864. Second Lieut Thomas J. Owens, November 20, 1864. Snrgeon John Priehet, June 16, 1862. Surgeon Henry M. Grouse, September 9, 1863. Surgeon Jacob P. Hochstetler, October 20, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Jesse R, Brown, April 10, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Robert S. Mitchell, September 9, 1863. Assistant Surgeou WUUam T. Mendenhall, November 26, 1864. Chaplain Thomas M. JlcWhinnev, AprU 16, 1862. Chaplain WUliam K. Hoback, October 26, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (10.) Captain Edwin L. BUliugs, July 30, 1863. Captaiu Joel J. Finney, February 4, 1865. Captain Korac McArthur, February 23, 1865. Captaiu Thomas D. Ridge, AprU 17, 1865. First Lieut Moses B. Mattingly, July 30, 1863. First Lieut Samuel T. Smith, Adft, February 23, 1865. The 56th regiment failed to complete its INDIANA INFANTRY, 119 JohnH. TerreU, ^d;'t... 6 May, 65 Thomas M. Sellers 6 May, John W. Garner 18 May, George W. Parsons 7 June, A. Pearce 9 June, Mark M, Morris 2Aug., Jacob J. Fox 2 Aug., Second Lieutenant. Leonidas Pox 3 Sept. , 62 Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. Harry Jones 10 Sept, 65 Chaplain. James Leonard .'.14 May, 65 First Lieut Harvey D. Y"elvington, March 16, 1865. Second Lieut. Stanton J. Peelle, July 30, 1863. Second Lieut. James R. Hamilton, February 5, 1865. Surgeon Hosea TUlson, June 28, 1865, Discharged, (6,) Captain Henry H, Vanhom, March 18, 1865. Claptain Robert B. Henchan, July 7, 1S65. First Lieut, T. Noble Anderson, November 8, 1862, Second Lieut WUliam H. Leonard, August 18, 1862. Second Lieut Jacob S. Ballenger, September 24, 1864. Second Lieut John W. WUson, December 20, 1864. Died, (8.) Lient Colonel George W, Lennard, kUled in action at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. Captain WUUam S. Bradford, May 16,1862. Captain Joseph S. Stidham, killed in action June 23, 1864, Captain Addison M. Dunn, kiUedin action at Franklin, Tenn., Noveraber 30, 1864. First Lieut Benjamin F. Beitzell, kUled in action June 18, 1864. First Lieut. Robert F. CaUaway, July 4, 1864, of wounds received in action. First Lieut Charles W. T, JImesinger, September 13, 1864, of wounds received in action. Surgeon Isaac S. ColUngs, September 10, 1865, of disease. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 120 INDIANA INFANTRY. FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Princeton and Indianapolis, Ind., from November 12 to December 22, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service untU July 25, 1865, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with or ders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. George P. Buell 24 June, G2 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 12 Jan., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Joseph Moore 14 Nov. , 63 Major. WUliam A. Downey 1 Jan., 64 Captains. Green McDonald 30 Oct., 62 WUUam E. ChappeU 6 Apr., 63 Augustus Milbum 11 Apr. , 64 Charles C, Whitmg ^13 July, Lycurgus C.Mason 20 Dec, James E. ChappeU 23 Apr,, 65 Jacob Davis 9 May, George W, HUl 28 May, Henry Torrence 29 May, Horace A. Hall 5 July, First Lieutenants. Daniel M. Hadloek H Apr., 64 Thomas Ruston 19 Dec, , Isaac A. Hopkins 27Mar., 65 Robert Cromwell 23 Apr., WUUam Ryan, R. Q. M. .24 Apr., Edward Reynolds, Adj't. 1 May, Thomas J. Smith 9 May, Joseph N. Endicott 9 May, WUUam R. McMahon . . .28 May, Charles C. Montgomery. 29 May, Simon F. Utley 5 July, Second Lieutenants. OUver P. Boulden 19 Dec, 64 Uriah Good ¦. . . .19 Dec, Monroe Key 19 Dec, John W. Emmerson 27 Mar., 65 Robert M. Lucas 9 May, JohnC, Clark 29 May, Arthur Mouser 1 Juue, Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeou Jaraes R. Adams, August 15, 1863, to Sur geon 15th regiment Indiana infantry. ^ Resigned, (32.) Colonel Henry M. Carr, June 23, 1862. Lieut. Colonel James T. Embree, October 20, 1863. Captam Joseph H. Crow, March 22, 1862. Captain Daniel J. Banta, May 30, 1862. Captain James A. Dale, June 17, 1862, Captain Thomas G. Brown, June 21, 1862. Captain Marston G. Hargrove, September 14, 1862. Captain WUUam H. Donahey, November 6, 1862. Captain Jackson M. Kinman, November 28, 1862. Captain Bryan C. Walpole, March 10, 1863. Captain Ashbury H. Alexander, June 1, 1863. Captain George Whitman, November 3, 1863. Captain Daniel L. Cain, September 20, 1864. Captain Woodford Tousey, March 26, 1865. Captain John G. Behm, June 27, 1865. First Lieut. Samuel K. SpiUman, March 20, 1862. First Lieut James C. Knox, June 17, 1862. First Lieut Ephraim E. Woods, August 4, 1862. First Lieut Simon D. Ewing, September 7, 1862. First Lieut. John S. Canfield, November 6, 1862. First Lieut. Richard P. Craft, AprU 15, 1863. First Lieut John L. Yaryan, February 29, 1864. Second Lieut George Labaree, March 4, 1862. ' Second Lieut. Joseph D. Fisher, April 20, 1862. " Second Lieut John Hoke, April 24, 1862. Second Lieut Bnjaoi C. Walpole, October 20, 1862. (Recom missioned as Captain January 29, 1863.) Second Lieut. Philip Q. BarneU, November 27, 1862, Second Lieut. James T. Ewing, December 13, 1862. Second Lieut. Bedford Revis, December 14, 1862. Second Lieut. Lemuel R. Hargrave, March 17, 1863, Second Lieut, WUliam Adams, October 29, 1863, Surgeon WUliam W. Blair, March 25, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (8.) Captain Jacob E. Voorhees, November 11, 1864. Captain Nathan Evans, March 27, 1865. Captaiu Jaraes M. Smith, Apiil 1, 1865. First Lieut. Samuel Sterne, R. Q. M., November 11, 1864. First Lieut, Samuel L. Snyder, December 31, 1864, First Lieut. Quincy A. Harper, April 1, 1865. First Lieut. Zachariah Jones, June 20, 1865. Second Lieut Richard A. Wood, April 1, 1865. Discharged, (3,) Captain WiUiam Davis, May 23, 1864. First Lieut Abram C. Wilson, Februarv 16, 1863. Second Lieut. Ralph Redding, February 13, 1863. Died, (6.) Captain Charles H. Bruce, kUled iu action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. First Lieut WiUiam Overlin, Maixh 19, 1862, of disease, at Nashville, Tenu. First Lieut. James D. Foster, kiUed iu action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. INDIANA INFANTRY. 121 Surgeon. Samuel E. Holtzman 11 Apr. , 64 Assistant Surgeon. James C. Patten 28Apr., 64 Chaplain. JohnJ.Hight 24 Mar,, 62 First Lieut George RafFan, R. Q. Af., May 13, 1864, at Nash vUle, Tenn. Second Lieut, Francis B. Blackford, kiUed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Second Lieut Hugh J. Baniett, September 24, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn, Dismissed, (3.) Captain Walter B. CaiT, May 1, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph Grant^uly 10, 1862. Second Lieut, Sasser Sulomn, July 10, 1862. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 122 INDIANA INFANTRY. FIFTY-NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Gos port and Indianapolis, Indiana, from February 11 to April 26, 1862, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service nn^l July 17, 1865, when it was mfp- tered out iu accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list'of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Thomas A. McNaught ..28 June, 65 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 4 August 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Edward J. McBride 28 June, 65' Major. Captains: John E. Simpson 29 Apr., 62 Jesse M.Lee 11 Aug., 63 Ephraim J. HolUs 6 May, 64 Theodore F. Orner 5 Nov., Edward F. O. Haver. . . .21 May, 65 GUson C, Brandon 22 May, Benjamin F. Danely 24 May, WUliam R. Whitaker ... 1 June, WUliam ChurchUl 1 June, Martin V. Hottel 1 Juue, First Lieutenants. JamesH. Hughes 15 Nov., 62 Alfred Brown, R. Q. M. .10 Aug., 63 WiUiam B. Lyons 6 May, 64 Stephen M. Burch 23 May, 65 WUliam T. Mounts 24 May, Abraham Demott 24 May, Friend L. MaxweU 24 May, Jos. M. Sutherland, .4£^'k. 24 May, Edward T. WUUams 1 June, ' Anthony W. Briscoe 1 June, Samuel W. Baker 1 June, - Albert B. SeUeck 1 June, Second Lieutenants. Samuel W. Miuter 2 July, 65 James A. Harper 2 July, Joseph Bird 2 July, Paley W. Fitzgerald 2 July, Elmore F. Walker 2 July,' Casualties. Resigned, (31.) Colonel Jesse I. Alexander, September 1, 1864. Captain RusseU A. Belden, July 15, 1862. Captain Thomas P. Graves, July 16, 1862. Captain John W. Branch, September 8, 1862. (Recommis sioned as First Lieutenant and Adj't, February 12, 1863.) Captain AdeuG, Cavins, November 1, 1862. Captaiu Andrew Wilson, December 10, 1862. Captain Benjamin S. Brookshare, January 24, 1863. Captain PhUip McDade, May 10, 1863. Captain WUber Van Fossen, July 5, 1864. Captain George W. Osbon, July 34, 1864. Captain Jaraes E. Hyden, August 9, 1864. Captain Samuel W. Burnam, August 25, 1864. First Lieut. Andie J. Mason, May 15, 1862. First Lieut 'Alexander Jones, May 26, 1862. First liieut. Jasper J. Byers, November 14, 1862. Fii-st Lieut. Cyrus C. Spilman, December 31, 1862. First Lieut James W, Archer, Adj't, January 18, 1863. First Lieut James M. Alexander, R. Q. M., July 11, 1863. First Lieut Craven S. Hudson, July 3, 1864. First Lieut John S- Akin, September 20, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas BUey, September 30, 1864. Second Lieut John Phillips, June 28, 1862. Second Lieut. James N. Murphy, June 28, 1862. Second Lieut WiUiam A. Rogers, October 12^ 1862. Second Lieut. William H. Buchanan, December 10, 1862. ^ Sec^d Lieut Benjamin D. Riley, March 14, 1864. Surgeon Dudley Rogers, September 27, 1864. * Assistant Surgeon John M. Stucky, January 21, 1863. Assistant Surgeou William ff. Dixon, April 25, 1863. . ¦ Chaplain Perry M. Blankinship, July 11, 1862. Chaplain Charles Sands, March 15, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (9.) Lieut. Colouel Jefferson K. Scott AprU 10, 1865. Captain Wilford H. Welman, April 10, 1865. First Lieut John W. Branch, Adj't, AprU 1, 1865. First Lieut WUliam A, Bartholomew, April 8, 1865. First Lieut John S, Hardin, April 8, 1865. First Lieut Abel J. Faucett, April 8, 1865. Second Lieut Edward MaxweU, April 10, 1865. Second Lieut John H. Reynolds, June 24, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Wilkins B. Brown, AprU 6, 1865. Discharged, (3.) Major Elijah Sabin, November 15, 1862. *Captaiu PhUip Buck, November 29, 1864. Second Lieut. Howard J. Webber, February 1, 1864. Died, (1.) Second Lieut. Marcus B. C. Tripp, kiUed in action near Vicksburg, Miss., May 22. 1863. Missing, (1.) First Lieut. Thomas J. Lee, Adft, since February 11, 1862. * Appointed Captain in V. R. C. INDIANA INFANTRY. 123 Samuel D. Richards 1 July, 65 Assistant Surgeons, Chaplain, (3.) Cftptain George W. Brown, February 1, 1864, First Lieut Merrit C. Taylor, February 2, 1863. SecondLieut Edward W. Livingston, July 15, 1863. Deserted, (1.) Second Lieut. Jonathan D, Wood, August 23, 1862. Note 1,-.-No brevet appointments are entered'on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 124 INDIANA INFANTRY. SIXTIETH REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment waa organized at IndianapoUs and New Albany, In diana, from February 19 to March 21, 1862, to serve three years. It was consoUdated into a battalion of four companies December 31, 1864, and mustered out March 21, 1865, by reason of expiration of term of service.) (The ofl&cial list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders.) Lieutenant Colonel. August Goelzer 11 Nov., 63 Major. Captains. John M. Crosson IMar., 63 Joseph A, Barrett 1 Sept, PhiUpp Hensch 11 Nov., Walter E, ThraU 11 Nov., First Lieute7iants. Jacob Haff 1 Sept, 63 Henry H.Hichcock,^if;";. 11 Nov., Eugene S. ThraU 11 Nov,, Chas. P. Judkins, ie,Q.M. IJan., 64 George Peva 6 Jan. , WiUiam H, Bridges 24 May, Second Lieutenant. Elijah W.McVey IMar., 63 Surgeon. James B. Hunter 1 Jan., 65 Assistant Surgeon. Casualties. Resigned. (36.) Colonel Richard Owen, November 20, 1863. Lieut Colonel WiUiam J. Templelooi, August 30, 1863, Major Joseph B. Cox, November 30, 1862, Major Wolfgang ffyne, February 6, 1863. Major Jesse Nash, August 2, 1863. Captain John Burns, November 30, 1862. Captain George W. Merrill, December 7, 1862. Captain Samuel L. Young, February 9, 1863. Captain George S. Walters, March 8, 1863. Captain WiUiam B. Givens, AprU 2. 1863. Captain Henry F. Fitton, July 11, 1863, Captain OUver H. P. Ewing, September 23, 1863, Captain David Greathouse, September 25, 1863, Captain Courtland D. Slow, September 30, 1863. First Lieut. Michael B, Craver, June 27, 1862. Fust Lieut Alfred D. Owen, July 22, 1862, First Lieut, Eugene F. Owen, Adj't, November 14, 1862. First Lieut Ferdinand G. Borges, November 30, 1862. First Lieut Frederick Merz, April 16, 1863. ^'^ First Lieut Richard A. Wilsey, AprU 21, 1863. First Lieut WUUam Camron, AprU 27, 1863. First Lieut. Hiram V. WUkinson, July 31, 1863. First Lieut Horace P. Owen, A dj't, August 9, 1863. First Lieut John J. Palmer, R. Q. M., September 4, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam M. Helton, August 22, 1862. Second Lieut. John O'Neal, November 14, 1862. Second Lieut Ernst Klipp, November 30, 1862. Second Lieut John A. Savvage, November 30, 1862. Second Lieut. James M. Miller, April 14, 1863. Second Lieut. Philip L. Cox, August 4, 1863. Second Lieut August Cramm, August 9, 1863. Second Lieut Conrad Hewig, Septembers, 1863. Surgeon Madison J. Bray, Decemper 1, 1862. Surgeon William W. Slaughter, June 11, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Alexander L. Whitehall, August 9, 1863, Chaplain William H. Garter, April 14, 1863. Discharged, (13.) Major Samuel T. Walker, December 31, 1854. Captain Theodore Pleisch, June 1, 1864. Captain Alexander StaUings, December 31, 1864. Captain Hermas P. Downing, December 31, 1864. Captain Michael Eagan, December 31, 1864. Captaiu Charles M. Murray, December 31, 1864. First Lieut Francis Ford, March 10, 1863. First Lieut Nicolas Steinauer, December 31, 1864. First Lieut. Isaac WUson, December 31, 1864. First Lieut Herman Knoll, December 31, 1864. First Lieut WiUiam K. Stafford, December 31, 1864. First Lieut Samuel H. Endecott, December 31, 1864. Second Lieut Crassey K. Cole, June 24, 1864. Died, (5.) Captain Joseph B. Noble, January 13, 1863, of wounds received in action at Arkansas Post, Ark. Captain Charles Larch, December 5, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action. First Lieut. George N Fairfield, February 5, 1863, of disease, at Young's Point, La. Second Lieut John M.Denny, August 8, 1862, of disease, at' Vincennes, Ind. SecondLieut James Cobbel, July 28, 1863, of disease. NOTE.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTEY, 125 SIXTY-THIRD REGIMENT.* (This regiment was organized at IndianapoUs, Indiana, from April 29 to September 1, 1862, to serve three years. Companies A, B, C, and D were mustered out May 3, 1865, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the other six companies June 21, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War Department.) (The ofBcial list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Israel N. StUes 19 Mar, , 64 (,Brevet Brig. Gen. 31 Jan., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Jonathan Birch 24 May, 65 Captains. Joseph M. Blythe 8 Sept., C4 Prior Gates 6 Nov., Adin Nordyke 13 Nov., George Coffman 1 May, 65 David T.Aughe 17 May, Oscar H.Gish 1 June, First Lieutenants. James S. Jones, R. Q. M.15 Mar., 64 James S. Pressnall 8 Sept., Edward Davison 6 Nov., Thomas S. Jones 13 Nov., John G. Williamson 29 May, 65 ¦ Matthias Or. Moist 1 June, Samuel Graham 19 June, Henry M. Nourse, Adj't, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Charles N. Scott 8 Sept. , 64 Timothy D. Hogan 22 Oct., Charles T. Flowers, a. w. m. Surgeon. Assistant Surgeons. George W. Jones, a. w. m. Augustus C. Walker, a. w. m. Chaplain. Henry M. Bacon, «. ». m. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Major Prank Wilcox, May 14, 1865, to "Colonel 154th regiment Indiana infantry. Secoud Lieut. Thomas H. Martin, March 17, 1864, to Captain 123d regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (19.) Colonel John S. Williams, June 16, 1863. Colonel James McMauomy, January 21, 1864. Captain Micajah P. Johnson, July 15, 1862. Captnin Norman Tindall, June 16, 1863. Captaiu WUliam Conover, Jime 28, 1863. Captain Gustavus P. B. Easchig, June 9, 1864. Captain Edmund R. MaUory, July 21, 1864. Captain Schuyler La Tourette, August 8, 1864. Captain Rufus R. GUck, September 19, 1864. Captain Addison L. Ewing, April 10, 1865. First Lieut. Thomas McConnell, July 12, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph R. Hough, September 14, 1862. First Lieut. Silas M. Holeomb, October 1, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph W. Davis, December 6, 1862. First Lieut. John Hamilton, R. Q. M., January 29, 1864. First Lieut, David P. McClaiu, February 19, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Frank Marsinna, October 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry Plasuick, July 19, 1864. Surgeon Anthony Garrett, January 15, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (8.) Lieut Colonel Daniel Morris, May 3, 1865, Captain Henry O. Skinner, May 3, 1865. Captain WiUinm F. Henderson, May 3, 1865. First Lieut. John Points, May 3, 1865. First Lient. John R. McMauomy, May 3, 1865. First Lieut. Nelson G. Nebeker, May 3, 1865. First Lieut. Arthur V. Davis, May 3, 1865. Second Lieut. James H. York, May 3, 1865. Discharged, (8.) Lieut. Colonel Henry Tindall, May 9, 1864. Captain Theodore B. Wightman, November 18, 1863. Captain Andrew T. Jenkins, 'August 13, 1864. Captain William R. Hardy, August 17, 1864. '' Captain WiUiam Bolen, September 6, 1864. Captain John HoUoway, September 6, 1864. First Lieut. John C. Conner, June 20, 1864. First Lieut. Jesse C. Hunt, July 19, 1864. Died, (5.) Major James E. Patterson, kUled in action at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. First Lieut. WUUam Swank, killed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas W. Zook, Juno 7, 1864, of disease. First Lieut. Francis M. Cole, November 29, 1864, of wounds received in action at Columbia, Tenn. Second Ijieut. Jacob Claypool, July 17, 1864, of disease. Dismissed, (5.) Captain Horatio R. Claypool, March 7, 1863. Captain William MeFall, March 7, 1863. Captain John A. Brewster, February 27, 1864. First Lieut. George W. Jewett. May 3, 1864. Surgeon Caleb V. Jones, December 27, 1864. * The 6l8t and 62d regiments failed to organize. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers i 3 given as it stood on the day of muster out. 126 INDIANA INFANTEY. * SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organised at Evansville, Ind., from August 18 to September 10, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 22, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. JohnW. Hammond 15 Sept., 64 Major. Edward A. Baker 28 2>ov., 64 Captains. Saunders E. Hornbrook .18 Aug., 62 James H. AveriU 15 June, 64 Richard M. J. Miller 11 Nov., Samuel H. MulhoUaud -.15 Nov., Robert H. WaUer 28 No v. , Jacob V. Admire 28 Nov., Samuel K. Leavitt 4 Feb., 65 John P. Nevitt 30 May, John M. Duckworth, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. Abner R.Brown 13 Dec, 63 James M. Skelton 11 Nov., 64 Luther Mallory 28 Nov., Bailey Hickman 28 Nov. ', ^ Robert P. McJohnston . . 4 Feb , 65 Wm. T. Stone, R. Q. JVf..l3 Mar., Jacob McAtee 7 Apr. , Fernando D. Waugh 30 May,' WilUam Wimpelberg, Adft, a, w. m. Second Lieutenants. James Marley 13 Dec., 63 WiUiam P. Finch 11 Nov., 64 Martin Harmon 11 Nov.', WiUiam Brown • . . .30 May',' 65 Surgeon. Samuel F. Johnson 7 May, 65 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Oasualtiks. Transferred, (1.) First Lieut. Redman P. Laswell, June 20, 1865, to 120th regi ment Indiana infantry. (22.) 'Colonel Johu W. Foster, March 12, 1864, Captain Andrew J. Beckett, March 9, 1863. Captain John M. Hammond. December 25, 1863. Captain Isaac Mass, April 28, 1864. Captain WUliam P. StilweU, September 24, 1864. First Lieut. James H. Bass, February 16, 1863. First Lieut. MUes Chambers, August 20, 1863. First Lieut. John W. Honald, October 1, 1863. First Lieut. Thomas N. Masters, December 25, 1863, ' First Lieut. John T. Coleman, December 25, 1863. First Lieut. Moses Ashworth, Decemher.31, 1863. First Lieut. PhUip Guckes, January 30, 1864. First Lieut. Robert J. Davidson, July 15, 1864. Second Lient. Nathan L. Critser, November 10, 1862. Second Lient. Lindsey Henson, March 9, 1863. SecondLieut. James P. C. Prewitt, October 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas Hornbrook, October 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Barney York, October 10, 1863. Second Lieut, Charles C. Burnett, November 8, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Groves, May 18, 1865. Surgeon Eli Lewis, September 28, 1863. Assistant ^rgeon John A. Scudder, February 22, 1864. Discharged, (16.) Lieut. Colonel Thomas Johnson, August 29, 1864. Major Thomas G. Brown, August 29, 1864. Captain Samuel P. Johnson, March 21; 1864. (Recommis sioned as Assistant Surgeon March 22, 1864.) Captain Jasper H. Keys, August 16, 1864. Captain Arthur D. Hastings, May 11, 1865. First Lieut. John A. Smith, October 26, 1864. First Lieut. Johu Ruston, November 22, 1864. First Lieut. James L. Thornton, R. Q. M., December 29, 1864. First Lieut. William A. Page, Adft, February 1, 1865. First Lieut. George W. Carey, AprU 25, 1865. First Lieut. Harvey Taylor, May 4, 186.5. Second Lieut. James B. Carter, September 21, 1864. Second Lieut. AUen W. Lamar, October 19, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Charles E. Preston, December 14, 1864. Surgeon Alexander R. Byers, March 3, 1865. Chaplain James F. St. Clair, August 15, 1864. Died, (4.) Captaiu Charles Child, December 20, 1863, of disease a* Washington, Ind. Captain Walter G. Hodge, August 9, 1864, of disease, at Ma rietta, Ga. First Lieut. James M. Hussey, November 6, 1862, of disease, at Henderson, Ky. First Lieut. John H. Lee, December 13, 1862, at Madison- vUle, Ky. Dismissed, (3.) First Lieut. William MiUer, September 29, 1862. lirst Lieut. WilUam B. McLaughlin, October 16 1862 First Lieut. James Neel, March 23, 1863. piZi;\?fh:^4"«™ue\"Z"^:rof b'.atlrt^^zro\5ir'^^^^^^^^^^ - ^« r; organization except as independent batteries! Department prevented it NOTE.-The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTEY. 127 SIXTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at New Albany, Indiana, August 19, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 3, 1865, in accordance with orders from tho War Depai-tment.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Roger Martin, a. w. m. Major. Thomas G. Morrison 29 Aug., 62 Captains. David M. Jordan 19 Aug., 62 PeUxC. Bivin 19 Aug., Alfred Morris 19 Aug. , John R. Land 19 Aug., Archibald Baxter 2 May, 63 Ephraim L. Girdner 15 Nov., 64 Gideon Johnson 15 Nov., John Minis 22 May, 65 First Lieutenants. Charles Martin 19 Aug., 62 Shadrack.B. A. Conder .19 Aug., Chester P. Davis 19 Aug. , James H. Tiffee 19 Aug., WiUiam H. Peters 25 Oct. , Wm. B. Slemoni, Adft.. '33 Apr., 64 Philip J. Green 1 May, . Thomas C. Hammond, . R. Q. M IJuly, Thomas J. MitcheU 15 Nov., WUUam Wands 15 Nov., James M. Hobson 22 May, 65 Second Lieutenants. George R. Davis 19 Aug., 62 Charles P. Sisloff 11 Jan., 63 James O. Huston 1 May, 64 Surgeon. James C. Simonson 27 May, 65 Assistant Surgeon. Samuel F. Martin 30 Mtiy , 65 Chaplain, First Lieut. Campbell Hay, jr Captain and A. Q. iV. Casualties. Promoted, (I.) R. q. M., May 13, 1864, to Resigned, (17.) Colouel Du Witt C. Anthony, March 24, 1864. Captain John F. Baird, February 28, 1863. Captain George B. CoUings, Miu-ch 27, 1863. Captain Jasper N. Rodman, April 25, 1863. * Captain John W. Payno, November 16, 1863. Captaiu James D. McPheeters, August 14, 1864. Captain Abraham H. CampbeU, August 26, 1864. First Lieut. William N. Malion, Adft, February 29, 1864. Second Lieut. Samuel P. Austin, April 3, 1863. Second Lieut. WUliam Maple, April 25, 1863. SecondLieut. Adam R. Walker, June 9, 1863. Second Lient. David Simpson, June 23, 1864. Second Lieut. George W. Applegate, December 1, 1864. Surgeon Nathaniel Field, Blarch 5, 1863. Surgeon David W. Voyles, February 29, 1864. Surgeon John R. Bare, January 23, 1865. Chaplain Samuel B. Barr, April 25, 1863. ' Discliarged, (4.) Captain rilmilton S. McRae, May 15, I860. Captain James N. Payton, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. Winfield S. Whitman, May 15, 1865. second Lieut. Johu Kemp, January 13, 1865. Died, (4.) First Lieut. Charles H. CoruweU, kUIcd in action at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel P. Reid, killed iu action at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. First Liout. William N. Breugle, February 20, 1864, of disease, at Fredericksburg, Indiana. Second Lieut. Elias P. Davis, July 13, 1864, of wounds re ceived iu action near Dallas, Ga. Dismissed, (1.) Captain John W. Gerard, September 10, 1802. -* Appointed Captain in V. R. C. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 128 INDIANA INFANTEY. SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Madison, Indiana, August 20, 1862, to serve three years. It was con soUdated with the 24th regiment In diana infantry December 21, 1864.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Francis A. Sears 3Dec., 62 Captains. David KeUy, 19 Aug., 62 George W. Friedley 21 Mar., 63 Tazwell Vawter 7 Apr., * Stephen Story 9 Nov., WiUiamT.Days 1 Jan., 64 Jacob Smith 1 Jan., *John CampbeU 27 Apr., First Lieutenants. G. W. Richardson, Adft.26 Aug., 62 WUliam H. Aiken 21 Mar. , 63 * Oscar F. Lawell 23 Apr. , *T.ewi8 W. Peck 1 July, * Meridith R. Edmonds . . 9 Nov., John H. McCormick 9 Nov., *MerritRead, H. Q. JV/...14 Dec, Thomas E. McLeland ... 1 Jan., 64 * Benjamin L. Smith, a.w.m. Second Lieutenants. * Robert D. CaUihau 15 June, 63 Horace L. Brown, a. w. m. Surgeon. Charles S. Boynton 17 Apr., 64 Assistant Surgeon. WUliam A. Burton 29 May, 63 Chaplain. Lyman S. Chittenden 25 Sept., 63 Casualties. Resigned, (33.) Captaiu Shepheard P. Eaton, March 20, 1863. Captain Ralph Applewhite, AprU 6, 1863. Captaiu George W. Rahm, August 28, 1863. Captain .Simeon H. Crane, September 1, 1863. Captain Nelson Crabb, September 4, 1863. Captain Geoige R. Sims, July 5, 1864. Captain Byford B. Long. October 27, 1864. First Lieut. WUUain R. Carlton, March 31, 1863. First Lieut. Leander P. Leonard, AprU 9, 1863 First Lieut, David T. MitcheU, June 26, 1863. First Lieut. Joseph B. Newcomb, R. Q. M. July 26 1863 First Lieut. Allen C. Burton, July 26, 1863. ¦' ' ¦ • First Lieut. James B. StUwell, September 3, 1863. First Lieut. Benjamin N. Hostetler, March 13, 1864. Second Lient. Gabriel Robinson, AprU 9, 1863. Second Lieut. Charles D. Prow, AprU 23, 1863. Second Lieut. George T. Poison, August 1, 1863 Second Lieut. WiUiam H. Buskirk, March 4, 1864. Second Lieut. WiUiam M. Friedley, March 14,'1864. Surgeon James W. F. Gerrish, August 13, 1863. Assistant Surgeon James Dodd, April 11, 1863.' Assistant Surgeon George W. Bryan, May 27, 1863. Chaplain Stephen Bowers, May 4, 1863. '^ Discharged, (5.) Colonel Prank Emerson, September 10, 1864. Lieut. Colonel Theodore B. Buehler, March 15, 1864. f Captain Samuel Denney, September 5, 1863. Captain WiUiam C. Hall, October 20, 1864. SecondLieut. Andrew J.Hamilton, October 31, 18,62. Died, (2.) Major Augustus H. Abbott. kUled in action at MumfordsviUe, Ky., September 14, 1862. • Second Lieut. Wiley G. Burton, May 16, 1863, of disease. .Dismissed, (1.) First Lieut. James W. Owens, Mtirch 8, 1863. * Discharged by reason of consoUdation. | Apvo'mtel^^^^i^^^^^^TrTr NOTE.-The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of cousolMaiion. INDIANA INFANTRY. 129 SIXTY-EIGHTH REGIMKNT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., August 19, 3862, to SBi've three yejirs. It was mus tered out of service June 20, 1865, iu accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which' this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Harvey J.Espy ..14 Nov., 63 Major. Edmund Finn 13Nov.', 63 Captains. Hanson D. Moore 19 Aug., 62 Giles E. AVhite 22 Oct, Charles H. Bryant 24 Nov., Richard L. Leeson 27 Dec. , James H. Mauzy ..., 2 Aug., 63 John Hicks \...ljan., 64 Francis M. Wilkinson.,. 1 Jan., Nathaniel S. Palton 28 Aug.,' George W. Foreman 27 Nov., First Lieutenants. CyrusB. Goodwin, yl(Z;'i. 20 Aug., 62 Reuben W, Jones 22 Oct, Edward W. Wood 1 Aug., 63 Oliver B. Lidfiell 11 Nov., Moses A. Culver ;.. I Jan., 64 John E. Kennedy 3 Jan., Wm. H. Remy, R. Q. M. . 18 Mar., John M. Davis 28 May, 'George Carson 28 Aug., I)eli8cus Liugenfelter 28 Aug., Oliver B. Halsted 29 Aug., John W, Huffman 27 Nov. , .Second Lieutenant. Moses Bailey 22 Oct, 62 Surgeooi. John L. Wooden 19 Aug. , 62 Assistant Surgeons. Lewis W. Hodgkms 19 Aug., 62 Marion Meredith 6 Dec, Chaplain. Casdaltik.s. Resigned, (24.) Lieut, Colonel Benjamiii C. Sha^v, June 1, 1863. Lieut Colonel John S. Scobey, November 13, 1863. Major Jaraes W. Innis, Augnst 13, 1863. Captain William H. Smith, November 17, 1862. Captain Alexander Beckman, November 25, 1862. Captain Daniel Boswell, March 24, 1863. Captain Lawrence V. C. Lynn, March 24, 1863. Captain Hiram O'Connor, October 31, 1863. Captain Reuben F. Patterson, April 20, 1864. First Lieut. George W. Sheldon, January 31, 1863. First Lieut Robert F. Brewington, May 26, 1863. First Lieut Elias W. Millis, R. Q. M., March 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Austin Webb, November 29, 1862. Second Lieut Moses H. Kibbe, February 18, 1863. Second Lieut Jamison Vankirk, Februaiy IS, 1863. Second Lieut Levi W. Buekiagham, February 18, 1863. Second Lieut William Brehenney, April 27, 1863. Second Lieut Peter F. Glardon, June 4, 1863. Secoud Lieut George S. Gould, June 5, 1863. Second Lieut Joseph W. Atnold, October 8, 1863. Second Lieut John Burkhardt, November 17, 1863. Second Lieut Climpson B, Moore, December 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Elijah H. Case, March 18, 1864. Chaplain David Monfort, September 2, 1863. Discharged, (2.) Captain George W. Claypool, April 27, 1865. Fu-st Lieut William Beale, May 20, 1864. Died, (4.) Colonel Edward A. King, B. '^., killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn., jSeptembfir 20, xl863. Captain Charles C. Wheeler, August 22, 1864, of wounds, at Dal ton, Ga. First Lieut Robert J. Price, killedin action at Chichamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. First Lieut. John Reese, killed in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. Dismissed, (1.) First Lieut. Joseph R. Clark, August 1, 1863. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 9 130 INDIANA INFANTRY, SIXTY-NINTH RBGQIENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 19, 1862, to serve three years. It was consolidated into a battalion of four companies January 25, 1865, and retained in service untU July 5, 1865, when it was mustered out, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Lieutenant Colonel. Oran Perry 24 Miif., 63 (Brevet Colonel 26 March, 1665.) Major. Captains. Lewis K. Harris 19 Aug., 62 David Yount 23 Jan., 63 Joseph R. Jackson 24 Mar., George C. Garretson 26 Mar. , First Lieutenants. Martin M. Lacey, Adft . .19 Aug., 62 WUUam Mount, R. Q, .1/-19 Aug., James E. Huston 20 Mar., 63 Joseph G. Messick 26 Mar. , John Macy 26 Mar., Corydon W. Smith 15 Apr., 65 Second Lieutenants. Alexander Homey 1 May, 65 Nathan B. Coggeshall ... 1 May, William M. Reeves, d. w. m. Charles C. Shedron, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeon. Jacob S. Montieth, ,*. w. m. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Second Lieut. WUliam M. JarreU, August 20, 1862, to First Lieut, and R. Q. M., 84th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned,i2a.) Colonel WilUam A. Bickle, October 24, 1862. Lieut. Colonel Job Stout, January 31, 1863. Major Thomas S. Walterhouse, Febmary 15, 1863. Captaiu Joseph L. Marsh, November 25, 1862.' Captain WilUam Kerr, January 13, 1863. Captain Johu Ross, January 14, 1863. Captain Frederick Hoover, January 22, 1863. Captain David Nation, February 18, 1863. Captain Cornelius Longfellow, March 23, 1863. Captain Samuel J. MUler, October 20, 1863. First Lieut. John K Martin, January 13, 1863. Firbt Lieut. David K. Williams, January 21, 1863. First Lieut. John S. Way, March 23, 1863. First Lieut. William M. SmUh, R. Q. M., May 8, 1863. First Lieut. -Andrew J. Slinger, June 8, 1863. First Lieut. Dewitt C. Hoover, September 4, 1863. First Lieut. Oliver S. Plummer, October 2, 1863. First Lieut. Isaac M. Nichols, October 2, 1863. First Lieut. William G. Plummer; Octobers, 1863. First LieuL Abel Gibson, Jannary 7, 1864. First Lieut. William Stewart, ii!. Q. M., July 2, 1864. Second Lieut. Jacob A.jrack!,on, January 14, 1863. Second Lieut. George W. Thompson. Jannary 21, 1863. Second Lieut. John G. Ridge, February 5, 1863. Second Lieut. Francis French, March 27, 1863. Second Lieut. Hiram B. Bratfain. March 27, 1863. Second Lient. John H. Poster, July 3, 1863. Second Lieut. Andrew J. McDowell, October2, 1863. Second Lieut. William C. Hines, October 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Charles W. Bachfeld, December 19, 186.3. Second Lieut. James N. Cropper, July 14, 1864. Surgeon David S. Evans, March 12, 1864. Chaplain Alvin J. Hobhs, AprU 23, 1863. Discharged, (6.) Colonel Thomas W. Bennett, (Brevet Brigadier General March 5, 1865,) January 25, 1865. • ¦ Major George H. Bonebrake, January 25, 1865. Captain Robert K. Collins, January 4, 1865. Captain Wilmington Wingett, January 25, 1865. Captain Jesse Holton, January 25, 1865. Captain John LinvUle, January 25, 1865. Died, (5.) Major John H. Finley, August 27, 1863, of wounds received in action at Vicksburg, Miss. First Lieut. Henry Stratton, May 22, 1863, of wounds received in action at Vicksburg, Miss. First Lieut Joseph Senior, drowned at Saluria Bayou, Texas, March 13, 1864. J i . Second Lieut. Alvin M. Cowing, killed iu action at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Assistant Surgeon WUliam B. Witt, drowned at Saluria Bayou, Texas, March 13, 1864. Or'^e^bef™ OcLWl ^rits™"'' "' "*'"' "" "^'^ "^"'^' ^"°'^' "^"^^ ^°-'™°-* " «-"-' NOTE 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 131 SEVENTIETH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from July 22 to Augusts, 1862,toserve three years. It was mustered out of service June 8, 1865, in accordance with orders . from tho War Department, and the recrnits transferred to the 33d regi ment Indiana infantry.) (The official list of battles m which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel, Benjamin Harrison 7 Aug , 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 23 Jan., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. SamuolMerrUl 20 Apr., 64 .20 Apr., 64 62 6? Major. Zachariah S. Ragan... Captains. Henry M. Endsley 23 July, Parker S. Cr\rson 7 Aug. ' Henry M. Scott 9 Aug. Ambrose D. Cunning 12 Aug. John W. Thornburg 1 Mar., Peter Fesler 1 Mar, , William E. "Tansey 1 June, WilUam C. Mitchell 18 Sfpt, 64 John C.Newton 9 Feb., 65 Joshua C. Hadley 23 Apr., First Lieutenants. * James L. Mitchell,^tZ;'tl6 July, 62 t William Hardenbrook..l2 Aug., t Samuel K. Harrymaa. . 1 June, 63 S. Wesley Martin 19 Apr., 64 iBethuelM. Clark 1 July, James M. Rogers ,...18 Sept Thomas S. Campbell 22 Jan., Jaraes A. Stafford 10 Feb., John L.Ketcham, R. Q.M. 27 Mar., Isham Reed .27 Mar. , Snmmerfield Thomas 28 Mar., Charles H. Cox. a. w. on. Secooid Lieuteoiants. William McCracken 1 June, Joseph M. Tilson 6 Aug., James I.Wills 17 Dec. William H. Kemper 22 Jan. Leroy S. Hatley 10 Feb. James C. Bennett 10 Feb. JohnW. Killgover lOFeb.,' Allen F. Schley 10 Feb., . Johns. Parker 27 Mar., JohnS. Morris 28 Mar., Surgeon. Amos W.Reagan 11 Aug., 62 Assistant Surgeooi. Jenkins A. Fitzgerald ... 22 Oct. , 63 Chaplain. Archibald C. AUen 12 Aug., 62 65 Go Casualties. Promoted, (4,) Lieut, Colonel Jaraes Burgess, March 17, 1864, to Colonel 124th regiment Indiana infantry. 'First Lieut Thomas J. Morgan, April 3, 1864, to Colonel 14th U. S. C. T. First Lieut George W. Grubbs, November 14, 1864, to Major 42dU. S. C. T. Secoud Lieut, James A. Wallace, March 8, 1864, to First Lieuenant and R. Q.M. 10th regiment Indiana cavalry. Resigoied, (21.) Major Samuel C. .Vance, April 10, 1863. Captain Thomas A. McFarland, September 1, 1862. Captain Barclay R. Johnson, April 20, 1863. Captain William H. Fisher, February 24, 1864. Captain William M. Meredith, August 12, 1864. Captaiu David T. Sleeth, November 8, 1864. First Lieut, Hiram II. Hand, Noveraber 9, 1862. First Lieut Edward L. Davisson, Jannary 3, 1863. First Lieut Thomas Webb, June 12, 1863. First Lieut. Columbus V. Gray, June 16, 1863. First Lieut Thomas B. Carey, September 6, 1863, First Lieut Orion A. Bartholomew, September 18, 1864, First Lieut George W. Allison, R. Q. M., January 8, 1865, Secoud Lieut. ColiJmau F. Storm, February 6, 1863. Second Lieut. Stephen W. Dungan, April 3, 1863. Second Lieut William W. Thomas, September 6, 1863, Second Lieut. Samuel B, Robertson, August 5, 1864. Second Lieut. Willis Record, December 21, 3864. Assistant Surgeon William R. Smith, November 8, 1863. Assistant Surgeon WUliam A. Webb, March 11, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Leroy H. Kennedy, September 4, 1863. Discharged, (4.) Captain James T. Matlock, October 25, 1.864. First Lieut Johu M. White, December 15, 1862. (Recom missioned as Assistant Surgeon December 16, 1863.) First Lieut. Martin L. Ohr, November 4, 1864. First Lieut Samuel E. Smock, November 4, 1864. Died, (4.) First Lieut Edward B. Colestock, May 30, 1864, of wounds, at Resaca, Ga. Second Lieut. Jeptha F. Banta, May 14, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Second Lieut Josiah E. Lowes, killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 20, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John M. White, August 31, 1863, of disease. * Discharged June 13, 1865. tDischarged June 30, 1865. * Discharded June 23, 1865. Note l. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General .Orders before October 14, 1865. NOTiC 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 132 INDIANA INFANTRY. *SEVENTY-SECOND RBGQIENT. « (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from, July 24 to August 26, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of ser vice. June 26, 1865, in accordance with' orders from the War Depart ment, and the recruits transferred to the44thregimentlndiana infantry.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yetpublished in orders.) Colonel. Abram 0. MiUer 16 Aug. , 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 March, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Chester G. Thomson 6 Dec, 64 Major. tLawBOn S. KUborn 6 Dec, 64 Captains. WiUiam P. Herron 24 Feb., 63 James L. Dalton 9 Apr., John C.Scott 13 Mar., 64 Robert A. Vance 1 7 Mar. , John Glaze 28 Aug., George W. Brown . .26 Nov., Lewis Gros 4 Dec, WiUiam H. Mahan 10 Dec, Arius U. Craven 11 Dec, Jacob W. Gladden 15 Dec, First Lieutenants. Henry S.Dewey, E.Q.M.1B Aug., 62 Robert MaxweU 24 Feb., 63 Johnson Parker 9 Apr. , Hugh H. Stafford 13 Mar,, 64 Richard C. Clark 25 Apr., George Geiger 28 Aug., James T. Quick 26 Nov., John P. Wise 10 Dec, Lewis B. Garrett 11 Dec, Ephraim B. Martin 15 Dec, James H. Barnes 27 Dec. , Jeremiah Anderson, ^(i?'e. 6 Mar., 65 Second Lieutenants, Moses Nowls 9 Apr., 63 WiUiam H. Atkinson 7 Sept , 64 George J. Foster 27 Sept., WiUiam P. Hendrickson-26 Nov., .Tohn P. Seawright 11 Dec, . Richard W.PUling 27 Dec, Nelson GaskiU 12 Jan., 65 Augustus W. Lane 16 May, John W. PlunkUt 21 June, Casualties. 'Promoted, (1.) ¦ First Lieut. Alexander A. Rice Adj't, March 11, 1863, to Captain and A. A. G. Resigned, (33.) Lieut Colonel Samuel C. Kirkpatrick, September 26, 1864. Major Henry M. Carr, June 28, 1864. Major Addm Pinkerton, November 28, 1864. Captain Jesse Hill, September 30, 1863. (Recommissioned as Chaplain September 30, 1863. ) Captain Harvey B. WUson, December 14, 1862. Captain Nathaniel Herron, December 17, 1862. Captain Robert II. LafoUette, December 18, 1862. Captain Milton W. Newton, February 1, 1863. Captain OUver P. Mahan, Pebrnary 16, 1863. Captain Moses Burch, March 23, 1863. Captain Hiram B. CoUins, April 21, 1863. Captain Robert B. Hanna, December 11, 1863. Captain James E. Robinson, March 28, 1864. First Lieut George W. Ross, November 13, 1862. First Lieut Ira Brown, November 20, 1862. Pirst Lieut Wesley C. Girard, February 2, 1863. First Lieut. John N. Insley, February 9, 1863. First Lieut Frank B. Everett, February 16, 1863. First Lieut. James M. Stafford, June 11, 1863. First Lieut. James W. Davis, January 25, 1864. FirM Lieut. John B. Crick, December 5, 1864. Pirst Lieut. William K. Byrns, Adft, December 19, 1864. Second Lient David H. Ashman, September 1, 1862. Second Lieut George Ruger, December 1, 1862. Second Lieut. George F. Ward, December 6, 1862. Second Lieut .James H. Whitcomb, December 19, 1862. Second Lieut. William R. Jewell, AprU 8, 1863. Second Lieut Cary M. Layne. February 21, 1864. Second Lieut. Charles M. Robinson, AprU 18, 1864. Second Lieut, Marc Ashaffenburg, December 10, 1864. Surgeon James L. Morrow, December 17, 1863. Assistant Surgeon John B. Johnson, May 3, 1863. Chaplain Jesse HUl, AprU 13, 1S63. Discharged, (4,) Captain Richard H. Mclntire, May 29, 1864. Captain Andrew J. Klepser, October 20, 1864. First Lieut Robert M. Sims, July 21, 1864. Second Lieut Henry C. Cassell, May 27, 1864. Died, (4.) Captain WUliam H. McMurtry, kUled iu action at Eock Spring, Ga., September 12,1863. First Lieut. Lewis C. Priest, June 24, 1664. Second Lieut John W. GaskiU, February 20, 1803. Chaplain John R. Eddy, killed iu action at Hoover's Gap, Tenn., June 24, 1863. Dismissed, (2.) Captaiu John Watts, January 19. 1863. Second Lieut Orrin E. Harper, March 1, 1863. Cashiered, (1.) First Lieut. Edward A. Cutahaw, August 19, 1803. * For 7l8t regiment see 6tli cavalry. t Discharged July 3. 186,5. INDIANA INFANTRY, 133 Surgeon. WUliam C." Cole 7Jau., 64 Assistant Surgeons^ 64 George W. Kirkpatrick.. 1 Apr. Cliaplain. * Isaac De Lamater 20 Oct, 63 * ' Note 1. — ^No brevet appointments are Entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of. muster out 134 INDIANA INFANTEY. SEVENTY-.THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Rose, near South Bend, Ind., August 16, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of ser- ¦ vice July 1, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) . (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshedin orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Alfred B. Wade 15 Sept., 64 Major. WiUiam M. KendaU 16 May, 65 Captains. John A. Richley 16 Feb., 63 Joseph A. Westlake 16 Feb., Daniel H. MuU 16 Feb., Albert A. Carley 17 Feb., WUliam C. Baton 7 June, 64 Horace Gamble 15 May, 65 James M. Beeber 16 May, Alfred Pry •- 17 May, Ithamer D. Phelps, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. Alexander N. Thomas ..17 Feb., 63 JohnL. Brown 17 Feb., Garret A. Vanness 17 Feb., Henry S. Murdock 17 Feb. , Geo. M.Hubbard, A Q.Af- 1 Nov., 5'osephHagenbuck,^fZ;'i:. 1 Nov., Leander P. Williams-... 1 Sept, 64 Otto H. SoUan 1 Sept, Winfield S. Ramsay 7 Nov., J. Rolfe Dptigrove 17 May, 65 James H. Kierstead 13 June, Adolphus H. Booher, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. JohuY.SUck 1 Sept, 64 Alexander Wilson 1 Sept., WUson DaUey 1 Sept., Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. Charles H. Applegate... 13 Nov., 64 Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeon William Spencer, April 17, 1864, to Sur geon loth regiment Tennessee cavalry. (27.) Lieut. Colouel Oliver H. P. Bailey, December 22, 1852. Lieut Colonel Robert W. Graham, March 29, 1863. Lieut. Colonel IvinN. Walker, July 4, 1854. Major WilVi&m Krimbili, January 17, 1863. Captain RoUen M. Pratt, October 19, 1863. Captain Charles W. Price, November 24, 1862. Captain Hiram Green, January 14, 1863. Captain Richard W. Price, January 19, 1863. Captain William L. McConneU, February 5, 1863. Captain George C. Gladwyn, February 6, 1863. Captaiu Theodoric F. C. Dodd, November 14, 1863. Captaiu Mathew Boyd, July 25, 1864. First Lieut Samuel Wolf, December 2, 1862. First Ijie:nt. Philip Reed, December 3, 1862. First Lieut Garret G. Segar, January 22, 1863. First Lient John H. Beeber, -April 15, 1864. First Lieut WUliam Reynolds, July 23, 1864. Second Lieut. John Butterfield, January 9, 1863." Second Lieut John G. Greenawalt, May 9, 1864. Second Lieut William T. Grimes, July 25, 1864. Second Lieut. John W. Munday, May 26, 1865. Surgeon Robert Spencer, January 21, 1863. Surgeon Seth F. Myers, May 25, 1865. Assistant Surgeou William H. Brenton, March 13, 1863. Assistant Surgeou WUson Pottenger, December 24, 1863. Chaplain George Guion, February 2, 1863. Chaplain John A. Frailer, April 1, 1865. Discharged, (7.) *Pirst Lieut Edward Bacon, R. Q. M., September 15, 1863. First Lieut James C. Woodrow, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Henry H. TUlotson, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Robert J. Connolly, May 15, 1865. , Second Lieut Andrew M. Callahan, May 15, 1865. * Second Lieut George S. Clark, May 17, 1865. Second Lieut Charles S. Arnold, June 10, 1865. Died, (3.) • Colonel Gilbert Hathaway, killed in action at Blount's Farm, Ala., M.ay 2, 1863. Captain Miles H. Tibbits, killed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Captain Peter Doyle, kiUed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Dismissed, (1.) Captain Emanuel M. WilUamson, February 15, 1864. * Appointed First Lieut in V. R. C- Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster ont INDIANA INFANTRY. 135 SEVENTY^-FOURTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from the 20th to the 27th of August, 1862, to serve Ihree years. It was mus tered out of t>ervice June 9, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department and the recruits transferred to the 22d regiment Indiana infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable part is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas Morgan 12 Sept, 64 Major. Charles B. Maun 12 Sept, 64 (Brevet Lieut. Col. 13 Mar., 1665.) •Captains. William N. Rogers 21 Aug., 62 William B. Jacobs 21 Aug., Samson J. North 21 Aug. , James A. Spear 7 Jan., 64 Frisbe T. Beck... 5 Sept, George Moon 5 Sept , Orville T. Chamberlain. . 6 Nov., First Lieutenants. DavidP. Deardoff 21 Aug., 62 Christopher C. Beaue ..20 Apr., 63 John W. Stetler,2e.,Q. M.IQ Aug., George Stockman 7 Jan., 64 Josiah F. McNear IMar., JamesH. Stephenson... 5 Sept., Solomon L. King 5 Sept, George A. Craw 5 Sept, Bieree Moulton 6 Nov., JohnH. Schutt, Adft ..18 Dec, Jeremiah Kuder 8 Jan., 65 Ora Pierce 24 Apr., . Second Lieutenants. Francis B, Rosslewiu ...19 Apr., 63 Charles E. Thompson. ..20 Apr., Surgeon. Edward S. Higbee 30 May, 65 Assistaoit Surgeooi. Henry C. Dodge 31 May, 65 Chaplain, Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeon John M. Josse, November 17, 1863, to Sur geon 32d reghneut Indiana infantry. Resigned, C26.) Colonel Charles W. Chapman, November 26, 1863. Lieut Colunel Samuel Keefer' March 7, 1863, "Captiun Carl C. Kingsbury, December 25, 1862. Captain David Howell, February 21, 1863. Captain Sylvanus B. George, October 7, 1863. Captain James E. Serjeant December 4, 1863. Captain Andrew S. Milice, December 16, 1863. Captain Joel F. Kinney, Angust 9, 1864. Captain George W. Harter, November 8, 1864. First Lieut Joseph Kiplinger, February 26, 1863. First Lieut John H. Slagle, February 26, 1863. First Lieut Orson H. Woodworth, R.Q.M., May 12, 1863. First Lieut. Timothy Loehr, August 12, 1863. First Lieut. Jackson Wolverton, February 4, 1864. First Lieut George C. Smith, Adft, September 21, 1864. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Dawson, December 10, 1862. SecondLieut David H. White, March 7ii 1863. Secoud Lieut. Oliver P. Jagues, March 24, 1863. Seconrl Lieut Edward A. Rowe, August 11, 1863. Spcond Lient. John M. Jennings, November 15, 1863. Second Lieut John Snider, May 2, 1864, Second Lieut William H. Anderson, May 2-, 1864. Surgeou George W. Sheldon, February 13, 1863. Surgeon John K. Leedy, March 9, 1865. Assistant Surgeou John Q. A. Bassett, Mareh 9, 1863. Chaplain Abraham Sowle, April 28, 1864. Discharged, (3.) Captain Lawrence Gates, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. John N. Runyan, November 1, 1864. First Lieut Middieton Perfect, January 19, 1865, Died, (7.) ' Lieiit Colonel Myron Baker, killed iu action uear Atlanta, Ga., Augusts, 1864. Captaiii Phillip F. Davis, February 6, 1863, of disease. Captain Everett F. Abbott, killed in action near Jonesboro', Ga., September 1, 1864, First Lieut. Stephen Hamlm, December 27, 1862, of disease, at Gallatin, Tenn. First Lieut. Thomas Bodley, killed iu action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. First Lieut. Ananias Davis, October 11, 1863, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Secoud Liout. Richard H. Hall, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, J 865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day m muster out. 136 INDIANA INFANTRY. SEVENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 19, 1862, to serve three years. , It was mustered out of service Juue 8, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this Tegiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colooiel. Lieutenant Colonel. William O'Brien 20 A ug. , 62 (Brevet Colonel 13 Mar., 1865.) Major. Cyrus J. McCole 20 Aug., 62 (Brevet Lieut. Col. 13 Mar., 1865.) Captains. Joseph T. Smith •...19 Aug., 62 Mahlon H. Floyd 19 Aug., Sanford E. Karns 19 Aug., John Bauchert 20 Jan., 63 David L. Elliott 25 Feb. , Irvin Poison ! 28Jan., 64 Isaac N. McMillan 21 Apr,, Thomas A. EUia 22 Supt!, Joseph Lewis 4^'ov, ' William H. Wilkerson ..20 Dec,,' First Lieutenants. James C. Medaker, Adj't. 19 Aug,, 62 James A. Starbuck 19 Aug., Cora C. Colborn 9 Nov.' 63 Sidney McGuire, R. Q. M^ 15 Mar. ,' 64 William S. Stitt 26 Apr., William J. Hilligoss 26 Apr.' Jacob Lair 1 July, Wesley Gates 23 Sept., Charles W. Robbins 5 Nov., WiUiam Riley 20 Dec. ,' Anthony M. ConkUn 1 Apr.' 65 JohnW. Zehniug ] Apr., Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Abner H. Shaffer 16 Nov. , 64 Assistant Surgeon. James B, White, a. w. m. Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) First Lieut .William A. Wainwright R- Q.M., January 11, • 1864, to Captain and A. Q. M. Second Lieut Uriah Todd.November 18, 1864, to First Lieut 1st regiment ril 29, 1863. First Lieut Augustus Jocelyn, Adj't, June 9, 1864. First Lieut. Johu J. Gallagher, Adj't, Januai-y 28, 1865. First Lieut. Harvey Crabb. May 1, 1865. Second Lieut George W. Clark, November 13, 1863. Second Lieut. John M. B. Scott, November 18, 1862. Secoud Lieut. WiUiam H. Elder, February 1, 1863. Second Lieut Richard T. Arnold, AprU 20, 1863. Second Lieut Ellison C. Powell, October 10, 1863. Second Lieut John O'NeiU, December 22, 1863. Second Liout John Schwallier, February 21, 1865. Surgeon David G. Kay, December 19, 1862, Surgeon Harvey S. Wolf, February 18, 1863. Surgeon William G. Ralston, May 26, 1863. Chaplain Johoi M. Green, May 4, 1863. Chaplain Francis A. Hutcherson, August 23, IR64, Discharged, (3.) Captain John S. Detrick, May 13, .1865. Captain Robert F. Gordan, May 30, 18ti5. • Chaplain Peter St Clair, May 15, 1865. Died, (5.) Captain Elijah R. Mitchell, September 20, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. Captaiu Eugene M. Schell, kUled iu action at NashvUle, Tenu., December 15, 1864. First Lieut. William JI. Morgan, luUed in action at Stone River, Tenn,, December 31, 1862. Second Lieut. Samuel Wilde, January 1, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Stone River, Tenn. . Second Lieut Johu Felkner, March 13, 1863. Dismissed, (2.) Colonel Wniiam W. CaldweU, July 6, 1863. Captaiu Andrew J. Howard, July 6, 1863. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood ou the day of muster out. 140 INDIANA INFANTRY. EIGHTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis and Camp Eoaerson, Indiana, August 30, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 9, 1865, iu accord ance with orders from the' War De- partnient, and the recruits trans ferred to the 23d regiment Indiana infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable partis notyetpxiblished in orders.) Colonel. ¦*MortouC. Hunter 31 Aug., 62 . (Brevet Brig. Geoi. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenaoit Colonel. John M. Matheny 1 July, 64 Major. Captains. SarauelA. Spencer 30 Aug., 62 WiUiam C. Stineback.. ..30 Aug,, MarcelluB Fee 7 Jan., 64 * Charles N. Hunter 7Jan., Albert H. Dutton 21" Mar., Robert P. Elliott 8 S ept. , ¦ Joseph K. Mcllhenny 1 Apr., 65 Uriah C. Prather 9 Apr., ¦ First Lieiitcnants. George M. Monroe 30 Aug., 62 Michael E. Bunger IMar., 64 James M. Hopper 21 a^ar., J,C.Allensworth,i2. Q.M.26 Apr., John W. Phillips 8 Sept, Josiah Gross 8 Sept., John W. McAUister 8 Sept, BUsha J. Robinson 3 7 Dec. , Dawd S. Story 17 Dec, James Hampton 1 Apr,, 65 Joseph Morris 9 Apr., ¦ Second Lieutcnaoits. Surgeon. WUliam H. Lemon 8 Juue, 63 Assistant Sargeon. William B. Harris, 11 Jan., 65 Chaplain. Matthew M. CampbeU . . 1 July, 64 Casualties. (19.) Lieut. Oo\orxel Henry Datifs, October 1, 1863. Captain WUliam F. NeU, March 13, 1863. Captain William Y. Monroe, June 1, 1863. Captaiu Abner L. Roop, December 7, 1863. Captain Samuel McWylie, December 10, 1663. Captain Aaron G. Chase, December 10, 1863. Captain Thomas T. McGannon, July 20, 1864., Captain Lathau C. Almond, October 20, 1864. Captaiu William W. Browning, December 3, 1864. First Lieut; David B. Adams, March 8, 1863.' First Lieut. John McKinlay, May 25, 1863. First Lieut Hiram E. Lundy, July 25, 1863. First Lieut William W. Hays, R. Q. M., December 16, 186a First Lieut John Calvin, AprU 21, 1864. First Lieut Allen W. Brown, November 10, 1864. Second Lieut. William Briley, January 15, 1863. Second Lieut Benjamin R. Kelly, May 25, 1863. Surgeon Charles D. Fear sooi. May 14, 1863. Chaplam Samuel W. McNaugtten, July 38, 1863. Discharged, (7.) Captain Michael Kirchner, December 23, 1863. Captain Americus Whedon, May 15, 1865. Captain Thomas J. Matheny, May 22, 1865- First Lieut. George W. Brewer, February 20, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Alfred G. Hunter, Adft, May 15, 1865." Second Lieut Joseph B. Lane, May 26, 1863. Assistant Surgeou Mordecai Brooks, October 7, 1863. Died,\9.) Lieut Colonel Paul E. Slocum, May 3, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action. Captain George W. Kendrick, January 23, 1863, at Murfrees boro', Tenn, t Captain Harrison McAllister, kUled in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. First Lit^ut. John W. Walker, killed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 3 4,3864. First Lieut. Jackson Woods, May 27, 1864, of disease, at Macop, Ga. First Lii.' ut Joseph Fraker, September 30, 1864, of disease. Second Lieut Samuel Guy, ilay 23, 3863, of disease, at Triune. Tenn. . ' Second Lieut. Thomas V.Webb, March 3, 1864, at Madison, Ind. Assistant SurgeouMathew KeUy, August 33, 1864, of disease. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. Francis M. Leeds, .August 13, 1863. * Discharged June 16, 1865. Orl^sVe^^rfoctXr lTl86t"'"'' '" '"'"'"'' ™ *^'= "^'^'^"^ "'"^P* *''°»« =">°°«°<==1 '¦> General Note 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 141 EIGHTY-THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment (with exception, of Company D) was organized at Lawrenceburg, lad., from Sep tember 4 to November 2, 1863, to serve three years. Compaiiy D was organized at Indianapolis, lud., November 15, 1862, to serve nine months. - It was mustered out August 8, 3863, by reason of expi ration of term of service. The remaining companies were mus tered out June 1,2, and 3, 1865, in accordance with orders from the ¦^ar Department^ The following is the only official Ust of battles iu which this rogiment bore au honorable part yet pub lished iu orders : "CHICKASAW BAYOU, AND ASSAULT OF 29th," -"ARKANSAS POST," " VICKSBUUG SIEGE AND AS SAULTS," "JACKSON." Colonel. Licuteoiant Colonel. George H. Scott 23 Aug,, 64 Major. Captains. William N. Craw 27Mar., 63 Charles W. White 5 Nov., EliF. Scott 16N0V., George Oldt 12 Jan., 64 WUHam H. Snodgi-ass. . .14 July, Stephen K. Cofield 12 Sept , Johu Rawling 11 Nov., William H. S/nith 11 Nov., • First Lieutenants. Georgo D. Tate,i?. Q. M. 6 Nov., 63 George W. Lowe 27 Mar., 63 WUliam M. D|unn 4 Oct, Hohertljove, Adj't 5 Nov., William F. GiUUaud ... .12 Jan., 64 Frank Dennison l4 July, PhUip F. Seelinger 5 Sept, Ernest C. North 11 Nov,,. Alfred J. Knapp 11 Nov., WiUium J. RandaU 16 Nov., Second Lieuteoiant. George S. Johnson, .\... IMar., 63 Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. .Samuel M. Weaver 27 Jan., 65 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (21.) Colouel Beujamiu J. Spooner, April 28, 1865. Lieut Colouel James H. Cravens, February .11, 1863. Major James S. Jialley, January 24, 1863. Major Jacob W. Egelston, May 1, 1864. Captain Henry G, Bradford, February 15, 1863. Captaiu Robert W. Lloyd, AprU 19, 1863. Captain Samuel P. Chipman, April 26, 1864. Captain Daudridge E. Kelsey, May 1, 1864. Captain Beujamla North, September 30, 1864. Captain John W. Hamilton, November 25, 1864. First Lieut George R,' Robinson, Adft, February 21, 1863, First Lieut Nelson Johnson, January 34, 1865, Second Lieut Thomas Shehane, January 19, 1863. Secoud Lieut Ferris J. Nowliu, February 9, 1863. ¦ Secdnd Lieut. Oliver P. McCulI(Jugh, June 38, 1863. Second Lieut. Jamea H. St. John, February 1.5, 1864, Surgeon Samuel Davis, August 17, 1863, Surgeon WiUiam GUlespie, March 31, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Henry C. Vincent, July 5, 1863. Chaplain James IVI, Crawford, February 39, 1863. Chaplain William T. Saunders, August 26, 1864, « Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) ^ Captain John Lemuel, August 8, 1863. First Lieut. Johu M. Fender, August 8, 1 863* Discharged, (2.) * Captain George W. Morris, September 1, 1863. t Firet Lieut Henry Gerkin, December 3, 1863. Died, (8.) Lieut. Colouel Benjamin H. Myers, killed near Dallas, Ga., in advance of skirmish Une, May 30, 1864. Caplain Metellua Calvert, kUled in action near Vicksburg, Miss., May 19, 1863. Captain John M. Cresswell, killed in action at Walnut HiUs, Miss., May 19, 1863. Captaiu John H. Roertz, August 31, 1863, of disease, at Os good, Ind. ' , Firdt Lieut WUliam R. Lanius, January 19, 1863, of disease. First Lieut. Orin T. Darling, June 16, 1863, of disease, at Walnut HiUs, Miss. First Lieut, Levi M. Hazen, June 21, 1864, of wounds re ceived iu action near Dallas, Ga. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Bridges, killed ia action near Vicksburg, Miss., December 28, 1862. * Appointed Captain in V. R. C. 1 Appointed First Lieut iu V. R. C. Note. — Tho roster of officers is given aa it stood on the days of muster out 142 INDIANA INFANTEY. EIGHTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Richmond and IndianapoUs, Ind., in September' and October, 1 862, to' serve three years. It was mus- tared out of service June 14, 186d, in accordance with orders from the War Department, aud ttie recruits transferred to tho 57th regiinent Indiana infantry.) The foUiiwing isthe only official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable jart yet pub Ushed in orders : " CHICKASAW BAYOU AfTD ASS.4ULT OF 29th," "vicksburg siege ANT) ASSAULTS OF 19TH AND 22d," "JACKSON," "ARKANSAS POST." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Martin B. Miller 25 Apr., 65 Major. ^ George U. Carter 25 Apr., 65 Captains. William Bnrres » 3 Sept. , 02 Robert M. Grubbs 3 Sept., Hiram B. Vauneman 5 Sept., JamesH. Orr 3 Feb., 63 Frank Ellis 10 Nov., Josepb M. Taylor 13 Juno, 64 William A. McClellan .. - 2 Mar., 65 Josephs. Fisher 2 Mar., *Pranklin G. Tullidge- - .22 Mar., WUliam H. Focht 25 Apr., First Lieutenants. Henry T. Semans 3 Sept., 62 Francis B. Gregory 10 Nov., 63 Joshua T. C. Welborn . .21 Mar. , 64 JohnP.Boyd 6jSlov., Ebenez'rT. Ch!ifSee,Adjt.X Dec, *Horace E. Williams 2 Mar. , 65 George H. Caine 2 Mar., Felix G. Cross 2Mar., Shipley S. Wilson 11 Apr., Benjamin F. Kemp 11 Apr, , Massena Engle 25 Apr., William M. JarreU, R. Q. M., a. w. m. Second Lieutenant. 'Leonidas Fox .'..... 3 Sept., 62 Surgeon. Henry Kirby 24 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Casualties. • Resigned, (17.) Colonel Nelson Trusler. October 19, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Samuel Orr, November 9. 1BG3. Lieut. Colonel Andrew J. Neff, September 7, 1854. Lieut. Colonel Johu C. Taylor, March 12. 1865. _ First Lieut. Le Roy Woods, Adft, November 9, 18f)2. First Lieut. Lycurgus L. Boblet, Adft, September 28, 1864. First Lieut. Cyrus Oakes, September 30, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Jacob W. Yost, February 19, 1865. Second Lieivt. Luke D. Ro.ark, December 30, 1862. • , Second Lieut. William H. Spence, October 8, 1863. Second Lieut. George S. lams, November 28, 1863. Second Lieut. John A. Shirkey, February 28, 1865. Surgeon Samuel S. Boyd, March 23, 1865. AssistiTOt Surgeon Ziba Casterline, July 31, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Robert P. Davis, May 17, 1865. Chaplain Silas T. Stout, July 31, 1863. Chaplain Thomas Addington, March 15, 1864. Discharged, (6.) Captain James W. Fellows, November 4, 1864. First Lieut. John M. Moore, January 5, 1864. First Lieut. Valentine Steiner, January 25, 1864. t Pirst Lieut. Harry T. Warren, November 19, 1864. Second Lieut. Clinton D. Smith, April 2, 1864. Second Lieut. William A. Bnrres, October 2, 1834. Died, (7.) Major William A. Boyd, July 11 , 1864, of wounds received in action at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga. Captain John H. Ellis, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. , ^September 20, 1863. itB-st Lient. George C. Hatfield, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. First Liout. Noble B. Gregory, lulled in action at Nashville, Tenn., December 16, 1864. . First Lieut. Prank M. Flic^enger, accidentallylcilled March 13, 1865. Second Lieut. William L. Steele, May 16, 1863, at Franklin, Tennessee. Second Lieut. Jeropie B. Mason, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. * Transferred to 57th regiment Indiana infantry. t Appointed First Lieut. U. S. V. V. engineers. If ote.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. US EIGHTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Terre Haute, Indiana, Septeinber 2, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of servict^ Juuo 12, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Depju-tment, and the re cmits transferred to tho 33d regi ment Indiana infantry.) (Tho official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Alexander B. Crane 4 Sept., 62 Major. Jefferson E, Brant .H Sept., 64 Captains. William T. Crawford 2 Sept., 62 Thomas Grimes 10 May, 63 Josiah H. Sherman 12 May, Caleb Bales-' 5 Nov., Robert Clarke 30 Oct., 64 Orin McAnderson 30 Oct., Francis M. Rude 30 Oct., George Grimes .'...30 Oct., Francis C. Crawford 1 Nov.. James D. Este, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. DarwinB. Otis 2 Sept., 62 Williams. Harbert 10 May, 63 G. E.Parrington, /Z. Q.M .22 Oct., Andrew M. McOluer 30 Oct. , 64 Leonard D. Jackson 30 Oct., Stephen M. Carter 30 Oct., Lewis W. "Wells, Adft.. 1 Nov., Milton Tichenor _^., 8 Nov., Henry C. Brown "*..'ljan., 65 John Gunn 28 Jan., " Second Lieutenants. Adolphus P. Hungate ... 1 May, 63 Lawrence Burget 10 May, Elisha Pierce 11 Apr., 64 Joseph A. Gurley 30 Oct., Milton W. Henderson... 2 Apr., 65 Surgeon. Wilson Hobbs 4 Sept., 62 Assistant Surgeon,. William V. Wiles 4 Sept., 62 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (18.) Colonel John P. Baird, Jply 20, 1864. Captain WilliiunReerler, June 10, 1863. Captain Lewis Puckelt, July 14, 1864. Captain William D. Weir, July 14, 1864. Captain Ellery 0. Davis, July 20, 1864. First Lieut. Allen W. Carter, November 7, 1862. Pirst Lieut. Francis M. Lucas, December 23, 1862. First Lieut: John S. O'Donold, Pebrnary 5, 1863. First Lieut. David Philips, June 10, 1863. Pirst Lieut. William C. Lupton, R. Q,. .M., July 12, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Henry R. lugraham, Sectember 20, 1864. First Lieut. Jake P. Hoke, September 22. 1864. First Lieut. Hiram L. Tillotson, Adft, December 25, 1864. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Fires, December 22, 1862. ' Secoud Lieut. Lawrence W. Hutchison, July 21, 1864. Assistant Surgeon William W. Johnson, April 21, 1863. Assistant Surgeon William P. ilobba, October 19, 1864. Chaplain Philip B. Cook, April 23, 1863. Discharged, (2.) Captain James H. Gregory, July 17, 1864. SecondLieut. Lemuel C. Risley, May 15, 1865. Died, (5.) •Major Robert E. Craig, April 2,1864, at Murfreesboro', Tenn. Captaiu Abner Floyd, killed iu action at Thompson's Station, Tenn., March 5, 1863. Captain Willson T. Stark; March 28. 1863, at Franklin, Tenn. Captain Caleb Nash, May 20, 1863, at Annapolis, Md. * Pirst Lieut. Mortimer Denny, August 19, 1864, of wounds. Dismissed, (3.) Captain Francis Brooks, .July 17, 1864. First Lieut. Charles W. Finney, October 10, 1863. Second Lieut. Edward W. Redding, March 1, 1863. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 144 INDIANA INFANTRY, EIGHTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind,, September 4, 1862, to serve three years. It was mus tered out of service June 6. 1865, in accordance with orders from the "War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable ptirt is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel, George F.Dick 9 Feb., 63 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenaoit Colonel. Jacob C.Dick 23 Nov., 63 Major, Philip Gemmer 24 Apr., 64 Captains. Lewis Stevens 4 Sept , 62 James R. Carnahan 4 Sept., 63 Littleton V. Ream 5 Nov., Perry T. Gorham 13 May, 64 Robert B. Spilman 26 June, Thoma.s A. Odell IJuly, Wilson II. Laymen 7 Nov., Matthew Mclnerny 5 Dec, Jeremiah Hough 31 Jan. 65 Harman M. Billings 16 Feb., • First Lieutensnts. E. Darwin Thoma3,^4;"(. 29 May, 63 Harris J. Gaas 5 June, David H. Olive 5 Nov. , WiUiam Kelso 13 May, 64 Robert Underwood, R Q. M 16 July, Cyrus O. Sylvester 16 July, Thomas H. B. McCam .. -5 Sept, Hugh Reilly 5 Sept, Mahlon J. Haioes 17 Oct, Henry W. Nichols 7 Nov., Theodore Hesser 17 Feb., 65 JohnL. Bullock 28 Mar., Second Lieutenant. • Joshua G. De Turk 5 June, 63 Surgeon. Joseph Jouea 12 Dec, 62 Assistant Surgeon, Flavius J. Van Vorhis - - - 15 Dec. , 62 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (26.) Lieut. Colorel Jaspei- M. Dresser, June 2, 1863. Captain John Seager, December 28, 1852. Captain Milton Bell, January 10, 1863. Captain Aaron Frazee, December 2, 1863. Captain James Gregory, March 25, 1864. Captain William S. Sims, August 23, 1864. Captain Carson P. Rodman, September 14. 1864. First Lieut William H. Lynn, November 25, 1862. First Lieut. Jacob Palmer, January 10, 1863. First Lieut James B. Newton, January 22, 1863. First Lieut George Kitchens, May 10, 1863. First Lieut. Jackson Hixson, May 23, 1863. First Lieut Uriah Thomaa, June 22, 1863. First Lieut Samuel Douglass, July 25, 1863. First Lieut Kersey Bateman, R. Q. M., Septembers, 1863. Fh-st Lieut Robert A. Williamson, October 19, 1863. First Lieut Robert W. Coolman, October 23, 1863. First Lieut William Burr, Decembers, 1863. First Lieut. John M. Vount, March 4, 1864. First Lieut Johu R. Moore, September 30, 1864. • Second Ijieut OUver Board, February 6, 1862. Second Lieut. William J. Nees, July 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Theodore F. Brant, May 7, 1864. Surgeon James S. Elliott. November 14. 1862. Chaplain William S. Harker, May 3, 1863. Cbaplain Daniel Kempton, February 8, 1864. Discharged, (2.) First Lient. Loren G- Cowdi'ey, December 9, 1864, Assistant Surgeon AUen M. Walton, M»y 28, 1864. Died, (3.) Captaiu Wijliam M. Souihard, killed in action at Mission ¦ Ridge, Teon., November 25, 1863. First Lieut George W. Smith, killed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. * Second Lieut. James T. Doster, December 10, 1863, of disease. Reduced to the ranks, (1.) First Lient John GiBilan, June 4, 1861. Dismissed, (5.) Colonel O. S.Hamilton, January 13, 1863. Captain WUliam C. 1 ambert, June 18, 1863. Captaiu Nelson R. Smith, August 3.1863. Captaiu Francis J. Mattler, December 13, 1864. First Lieut John S. Armitage, January 15, 1363. NOTE L— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced iu General Orders before October 14, 1865. NOTK 2. — The roflter..of ofiScera is given as It stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 145 EIGHTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., from August 11 to September 12, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 10, 1865, in accord ance with orders from- *he War Department. ) (The official list of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Newell Gleason j... 24 Apr., 63 (Brevet Brig. Geoi. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Edwin P. Hammond 22 Jan., 64 (Brevet Colonel 12 Ma,r., 1865.) Major. Richard C. Sabin 27 Jan., 64 (Brevet Lieut. Col. 13 Mar., 1865.) Captains. * Horace C. Long 26 Apr., 63 Milo D, Ellis 22 June, (Brevet Major 13 Mar., 1865.) William W. Aguew 4 Nov., John W. Elam 5 Dee. , 'James A. Burnham 23 Jan., 64 IWiiliam B. Biddle 27 Jan., (Brevet Major 13 Mai-., 1865.) William Pool ¦... IJuly, John B. Catlin 23 Sept, William H. Deacon 1 Nov., Peter S. Troutmau, a. w. m. First Lieutenaoitst. AbelO. Blenis 20 Dec, 62 John H. Vendever 4 Nov., 63 Jerome Carpenter, R. Q. M 3Jfin., 64 Albert C. Logan. IMar., DeWitt C. MeCoUum ... 8 Apr., Richard M. Hathaway.. IJuly, George Urquhart 14 July, David H. Yeoman..' 12 Sept, Andrew J. Chrisman 1 Nov., Irvin Hutchison 8 Nov., Edward Molloy, Adft...!^ Dec, Joseph W. Beeber 31 May, Q5 Second Lieutenants, Surgeon. Charles E. Triplett 7 Aug., 63 Assistant Surgeon. Vernon Gould 5 Mar., 63 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigoied, (31.) Colonel Kline G. Shyroch, March 21, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Thomas Summer, November 20, 1863. Captaiu William H. Wood, November 13, 1862. Captain Asa K. Plank, November 13, 1862. Captain Alfred T. Jackson, November 18, 1862. Captam James W. Seldera, December 2^, 186il. Captain George W. Truslow. March 16, 1863. Captain John Q. Wheeler, Mnrch 17, 1863. Captain Henry Calkins, May 2, 1863. Captain George W. Payne, December 6, 1863. Captain Alanson T. Bliss, February l5, 1864. Captain Lyman B. Crosby, April 23, 1864. Captain James A. Crawley, May 15, 1864. First Lieut. David Mow, .January 8, 1863. First Lieut Geoj-ge H. Niles, June 23, 1863. First Lieut Theodore Woodward, July 24, 1863. First Lieut. Hamilton McAfee, August 10, 1863. First Lieut Marion L. Spitler, September 9, 1863. First Lieut. Robert N, Rannalls, R. Q. M., November 21, 1863. First Lieut. Isaac S. Stockman, April 6, 1864. First Lieut Johu E. Selleck, Adft, September 8, 1864. Second Lieut James S. Duret, October 18, 1862. Secoud Lieut Mark C. McAfee, January 30, i863. Second Lieut Enoch Beuefiel, February 12, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Isaac H. Cochran, February 13, 1863. Second Lieut David W. Dralt, April 18, 1863. Second Lieut Joseph Slick, May 25, 1863. Surgeon Samuel R. Pran, February 17, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Gordon D. Moss, February 13, 1863. Chaplain Nicholas E. Manville, April 9, 1863. Chaplain Heury Weiler, July 21, 1864. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut. Jacob H. Leiter, April 25, 1865. Died, (12.) Captain James M. Holliday, killed iu action at Chickamauga, l^nn., September 19, 1863. Captain George W, Baker, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenu., September 20, 1863. Captaiu Lewis Hughs, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. First Lieut Sloan D. Martin, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. First Lieut, Fredus Ryland, Adj't, killed ia action at Chicka,- mauga, Teun., September 20, 1863. First Lieut Burr RusseU, November 29, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn. First Lieut John Demuth, killed in action at Atlanta, Ga., August 22, 1864. Second Lieut. Franklin H. Bennett, killed in action at Chick amauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Second Lieut Abram C. Andrew, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Second Lieut Elisha Brown, September 24, 1863,1 of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. Surgeon Samuel Higinbotham, May 29, 1863, at Triune, Tenn. Chaplain Joseph K. Albright, December 5, 1862, of disease, at Gallatin, Tenn. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered oa tbis register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of ofGcers ia given as it stood on the day- of muster out. « 10 146 INDIANA INFANTRY. EIGHTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 29, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 7, 1865, in accordance with orders from tbe War Departmeut.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenaoit Colonel. Cyrus E. Briant 12 Dec, 62 (Brevet Colonel 13 Mar., 1865.) Major. Lewis J. Blair 12 July, 64 (Brevet Colonel aud Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Captains, William N. Voris 30 Aug. , 62 David Harshbarger IB Dec, Augustus C. Brown 2 Feb., 63 Elam B. Cutter 13 Jan., 64 FerdmaudF. Boltz 9 Feb., William D. Wildman 1 July, Dexter L. Thomas 12 July, First Lieutenants. Charles A. Whittaker.. .19 Feb., 63 Charles S. True IMar., Charles Davis 18 Jan., 64 Allan H.Dougall,^(Z/i.. 7 May, Royal H. Edgerly 13 June, Thomas Sullivan 1 Apr. , 65 WaldoC. Hess 1 Apr., William Dilworth 19 Apr. , Ira Rupert, RQ. M., a. w. «?.. Second Lieutenants. John M. Preston 18 Jan., 63 Jerry Heffelfiuger 1 Mar. , Surgeon. James S.Gregg 30 Jan., 63 Assistant Swgeooi. Norman Teal, a. w. m. Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captain Joseph R. Webster, March 18, 1864, to Lieutenant Colonel 44th U. S. C. T. Resigned, (29,) Colonel George Humphrey, October 17, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Hiram S. Tousley, November 27, 1862. Major James C. Bodley, November 8, 1862. Captain Chauncey B. Oakley, December 15, 1862. Captaiu Jensen P. Beers, January 27, 1863. Captain Harmon C. Fassett, February 5, 1863. Captain Nelson P. GufFy, February 17, 1863. Captain Phillip W. Silver, October 23, 1863. Captain William Powers, October 26, 1863. First Lieut John O. Connell, January 25, 1863. First Lieut Philander Smith, January 25, 1863. First Lieiit Richard Williams, January 31, 1863. First Lieut. Hartmau B. Du Barry, Adj't, August 1, 1863. First Dieut Isaac Bateman, August 14, 1863. First Lieut Joseph D. Stopher, January 2, 1864. First Lieut. Joseph Rainier, December 15, 1864. First Lieut Josiah King, January 11, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas B. Hathaway, November 14, 1862, Second Lieut. Lewis Neal, De.cember 22, 1862. Second Lieut Andrew J. Yeagley, January 25, 1863. Second Lieut. Aaher D. Gould, January 27, 1863. Second Lieut. Cyrus R. Stone, February 16, 1863. SecondLieut. John D. Cartwright October 19, 1863. Second Lieut John O. Banks, October 19, 1863. SecondLieut Henry P. Smith, December 6, 1863. Surgeon William D. Myeo-s, December 26, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Newton G. Eoio, November 8, 1864. Chaplain WiUiam S. Wilson, May 11, 1863. Chaplain George A. Irvin, September 19, 1864. . Discharged, (2.) Captain Scott Swann, May 6, 1865. Captain WiUiam CHollopeter, June 6, 1865. Died, (12.) Slajor George W. Stough, October 28, 1863, of wounds, at Richmond, Va. Captain Isaac H. Le F6vre, September 21, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. Captain James H. Steele, killed in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. First Lieut Samuel L. Stough, April 90, 1863, at Waterlod City, Ind. First Lieut William Forrest, September 28, 1863, of disease, at NashviUe, Tenn. First Lieut David Gaston, killed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. * First Lieut. Walter E. Eoley, killed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas D. Kimball, October 1, 1864, in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. First Lieut. George W. Seelye, March 23, 1865, of wounds re ceived in action at BentonviUe, N. C. First Lieut. Isaac A. Slater, April 26, 1865, of wounds received in action at BentonviUe, N. C. Second Lieut. Johu G. Goheen, January 24, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone river, Tenn. Second Lieut Daniel Ltffile, December 15, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chattanooga, Tenn. Dismissed. (1.) Second Lient Albert D. Fobes, January 17, 1863. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered ou this register except those announced iu Genera'^ ¦Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 147 EIGHTY-NINTH EEGI.MENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, Angust S8, 1862, to servo three years. It was mustered out of service July 19, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Departraent, and the recruits transferred to the 32d regi ment Indiana infantry.) (The ofBcial list of battles in which this regiment bore ah honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. Charles D. Murray i:S Aug., 62 Lieutenant Colonel. Hervey Craven 28 Aug., 62 Major. Joseph P. Winters, a. w. m. Captains. JohnT. Stewart 16 Mar., 63 Elijah Williams 30 July, William H. Morse 17 Nov. , 64 Franldin Jones 7 Dee., Garah Markland 7 Dec, Frederick W. White 7 Dec, Lewis Sims 15 Jan., 65 Eobert D. Patterson 25 Feb., John J. Chubb 25 Feb., Edwin S. Metzger, a. w, m. First Lieutenants. Henry McLean 28 Aug. , 62 Benjamin P. Bowsman.. 1 Sept., 63. Marcus C. Cory 17 Nov., 64 Jacob M. Crabs, aQ.iU. 8 Dec, William V.Russell 27 Dec, Oliver L. Moulder 27 Dec, Hezekiah H. Winslow ..25 Feb., 63 William A. Wisner 25 Feb. , John Blood 25 Feb., Thomas Adelsperger, .idj't, a. w. m. Second Lieutenant.^ William A. Dlspennett ..17 Nov,,' 64 Surgeon. WiUiam Scott 25 Feb., 65 Assistant Surgeon. Jesse T. Cox 25 Feb., 65 Chaplain. John S. McCarty 31 Jan., 65 Casualtifs. Resigned, (iiu.) Miijor George Cubberly, June 22, 1863. Captain Enos AV. Brick, August 28, 1862. (Recommissioned ns Chaplam August 30, 1862.) Captain William Burns, January 15, 1863. Captain Henry Banta, January 28, 1863. Captain Charles R. Jones, February 14, 1863. Captain Elias S. Stone, September 28, 1864. Captain John B.Williams, November 5, 1864. Captain Adoniram J. Hill, January 9, 1865. First Lieut. Barnabns Collins, R. Q. M., October 30, 1862. First Lieut. Royal Denney, December 6, 1862. First Lieut. Benjamin P. Havens, December 25, 1863. Pirst Lieut. William Hutchison, December 28, 1863. First Lieut. Byron H. Dent, Adft, July 6, 1864. First Lieut. James H. Bi'owning, February 6, 1865. Pirst Lieut. Aaron AV. Wright, March 21, 1865. Second Lieut. Levi James, January 15, 1863. Second Lieut. Martin V. B. Spencer, January 15, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Zachariah M. Johnson, January 24. 1863. Second Lieut. Jonathan W. Zeublin, March 27, 1863. Second Lieut. James Stoops, Juue 2, 1863. Second Lieut. William Sfyer, October 20, 1863. Secoud Lieut. John B. Wells, August 24, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John A. Meek, August 13, 1864. Chaplain Enos W. Erick, July 22, 1863. Ch.iplain David Hodson, November 5, 1864. Discharged, (2.) Captaiu Farlow S. Zeek, October 27, 1864. Second Lieut. George H. Brown January 10, 1865. Died, (9.) Major Samuel Henry, killed by guerillas, November 1, 1864. Captain Bedford W. Gifford, killed in action at Yellow Bayou. La.,May 18. 1864. Pirst Lieut. Thomas J. Matlock, July 25, 1863, of disease, at Fort Pickering, Tenn. First Lieut. Jeremiah P. Brown, June 4, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action. First Lieut. Harles Ashley, R. Q. M., killed by guerillas November], 1864. First Lieut. Hugh H. WUlits, February 17, 1865, of disease, at Nashville, Tenn. Second Lieut. William McDormott, October 7, 1863. Second Lieut. Henry H. Hart, August 22, 1864, of wounds. Assistant Surgeon John P. Porter, killed by guerillas, Novem ber 1, 1864. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Peter Litzell, January 10, 1865. Snrgeon Johu F. Henderson, August 10, 1864. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 148 INDIANA INFANTRY. * NINETY-FIRST REGIMENT. ¦ (This regiment (with the exception of compani<:-8 H, I, andK) was organ ized at Evansville, Ind., iu Sep tember and October, 1863, to serve i three years. Companies H, ]. and K were organized iu September, 1863, to scrvt.' six months, and mustered out in March, 1861, by reason of expiration of term of service. Three new companies were organized in Janu;iry, 1865, and assigned to this regiment as companies H, I, and K. Seven companies (A to G, inclusive) were mustered out June 26, 1865, in ac cordance withordersfrom the War Department, and the remaining companies, together with the re cruits, transferred to the 124th and 128th regiments Indiana iufantry.) ^(The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part isnot yet pubUshed iu orders.) Colonel. -John Mehringer 20 Oct., 63 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., ]8l-:5.) Lieutenant Colonel. Charles H. Butterfield... 1 Nov., 63 Mhjor. James M. Carson 1 Nov., 63 Captains. Luke A. Burke 1 Oct., 62 f William P. Hargrave .. 1 Oct., Solomon Rogers 17 Jan., 63 George T. Clark 2 Apr.. 64 X John Corbin 1 July, § Charles Emery 17 Dec, David M. Lewis 25 Dec, Henry Sfephena 3 Mar., 65 Richard B. Dunlap 1 May, Fi7-st Lieutenants. Benjamin A. WiUiams 1 Oct., 62 Alexander Beatty 2 Apr., 64 Bedford L- Farris 1 July, § Jos. A. Leonard, Adj't.ll Oct., James L. Hudson 25 Dec. , § Marion E. Griswold 29 Dec, § WiUiam Myers 19 Apr. , 65 Robert Rowland 20 Apr. , WiUiam F. Wirts 1 May, Stephen Parcell 7 May, Oscar Miles, R. Q. M., a, w. m. Second Lieutenants. Jackson Ferguson 3 Api"., 64 Jacob Boucher 10 Nov., Isaiah B. Tevia 12 Jan., 65 § Nathan Krause 13 Jan., § Joseph H. Keever 19 Jan., Surgeon, Assistant Surgcoois. Chaplain, Jaraes T. Pollock 2 Dec, 64 Casualties. Resigned, (9.) Captain Edwin Y. Gaines, January 16. 1863. Captain Kenneth D. Wise, June 1, 1864. Firi-t Lieut Jiinits Thompsrm, January 16, 1863, First Lieut. Thomas Stevens, starch 10. 1865. Secoud Lieut Starliu Sims, March 1, 1803. Secord Lieut Richard HiUTis, May 22, 1S63. Second Lieut. Stephen K. S. Cook, June 23, 1863. Secoud Lieut Enoch Snelling. May 25, 1S64. Chaplain Richard R. Pierce, February 20, 1864, Mustered out on expiration of term of sei'vice, (10.) Captain Henry Stephens, March 21, 1864^ (Recommissioned Captain March 3, 1865.) Captain Israel Plialin, March 23, 1864. Captain Willett M. Wilcox, March 23, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas J. Truscott, March 23, 1864. First Lieut. Francis A. Crook, March 23, 1864. First Lieut. George W. C. Self, March 23, 1864. Secoud Lieut Isaac C. Hawk, March 23, 1864. SecondLieut. Edwin T. Gipson, March 23, 1864. Second Lieut. John T. Smith, March 23, 1864. Assistant Surgeon John R. Robson, April 3, 1865. • Discharged, (8.) Captain WUliam L. Bogan, December 7, 1863. Captain Zimry V. Garten, September 28, 1864. Captain Hiram WiUiams, December 10, 1864. Firht Lieut Thomas Wadsworth, August 25, 1864. Fii-st Lieut. Johu B. Wirts, IMay 15, 1865. Second Lieut. James H. Garten, December 8, 1864. Second Lieut. Lewis L. Spayd, March 10, 1865. Surgeon Robert Robson, June 30, 1864. Died, (4.) First Lieut. Saonucl S. Bloom, R. Q.M., July 29, 1864, of dis ease. First Lieut. Thomas P. WoUen, August 1, 1864, at Marietta, Ga. Second Lieut Josiah L. Barrett, July 30, 1864, of woimds received in action. Surgeon Elibha V. MitcheU, March 31, 1865. *For 90th regiment, see Sth cavalry. t Trimsferred to 128^1 reg't Indiana infantrj'. tDischarged July 18, 1865. § Transferred to 124th reg't Indiana infantry. Note l.— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officc-rd la given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 149 "NINETY-THIRD REGIMENT. (battalion of.) (This regiment was organized at Madison, ludianapolis, and New Albany, Ind., fVom August 15 to October 31, 1862, to serve three years. Eight companies (A to H inclusive) were muKtered out of service August 10, 1865, and the recruits transferred to companies I andK, which were retained in ser vice until November 10, 1865, when they were mustered out, in accord ance with orders fi"om the War De partment) The following ia the. only official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "siege of vicksburg," "JACKSON." Captains. Sanford Eliiott 31 Oct, 62 WilUam»Lamb 20ct., 63 First Lieutenants. William B. P. Hebbard .31 Oct., 62 Pleasant Lang 5 Jul)', 65 Second Lieutenants. DoriousNeel 31 Oct, 62 Martin V. MaUory 14 Sept, Q5 'Assistant Surgeon. Casualties. Resigned, (17.) X..ieut Colonel George W. Carr, Juue 4, 1863, Captaiu Daniel B. Jaynea, March 4, 1863. Captam William W. Shepherd, April 20, 1863. , Captain Samuel J. Bartlett August 6, 1863. Captain Lafayette Frederick, August 13, 1863, First Lieut Alexander Hawkins. January 15, 1863. First Lieut. James M. Paxton, AprU 3, 1863. First Lieut Cyrus H. Maxwell, Apnl 28, 1863. First Lieut Frederick MiUer, July 5, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Alonzo Hubbard, January 15, 1863. Second Liout Wesley Shoulders, March 5, 1863. Second Lieut Benjamin F. Wilson. March 12, 1863. Second Lieut. John G. Hunter, May 3, 1863. Secoud Lieut John K. Baxter, June 2, 1863. Secoud Lieut Samuel H. Cole, Juue 14, 1863. Second Lieut. Joel D. Davis, February 25, 1865. Surgeon Rinaldo R. Ruter, April 24, 1863. Discharged, (26.) Colonel DeWitt C. Thomas, .\ugust 10, 1865. Major Samuel S. Crowe, August 10, 1865. Captain John P. Carr, May 15, 1865. Captaiu Charles A. Hubbard, August 10,^1863. Captain Samuel B. Davis, August 10, 1865, Captain Frederick L. Courvoisier, August 10, 1865. Captain Michael McGrayel, August 10, 1865. Captain George W. Reeven, August 10, 1865. Captain Jerome Spilman, August 10, 1865. Captaiu William T. Swift, August 10, 1865. Firat Lieut Campbell Welch, December 12, 1863. First Lieut Narcissus J. Meuniit, May 15, 1865. First Lieut Theodore Livings, Adft, August 10, 1865. Fh-&fLi(2\xt. Abraham L. Whiteside, R. Q.M., August 10, 1665. First Lieut. William B. Stevens, August 10, 1865. First Lieut. Thomas H. Quail, August 10, 1865. First Lieut. WUliam H. Bonuell, August 10, 1865. First Lieut. Sidney Tinker, August 10, 1865. First Lieut. Marion Mooney, August 10, 1865. First Lieut John W. Parks, August 10, 1865. Second Lieut. Eli Stringer, August 10, 1865. Second Lieut. Edward P. Foster, August 10, 1865, Surgeon John H. Ford, August 10, 1865. Assistant Surgeon George E. Irwin. August 10, 1865. Chaplain Miles Woods, August 10, 1865. ^ Died, (3.) ^ Lieut Colonel John W. Poole, March .'5, 1865. Captain Lafaj-ette Bodenhamer, November 1, 1864. First lA&wt. Irwin Moody, Adfi, kUled in action at Brice's Cross Roads, Miss., June 10, 1864. * The 92d regiment failed to complete its organization. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 150 INDIANA INFANTRY. 'NINETY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, September 20, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service' June 9. 1865, in accordance with orders ^om the War Department) The following is the only official list of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "SIEOf of VICKSBURG," "JACKSON." Colonel. Lieuteoiant Colonel. Aden G. Cavins 25 Nov., 63 Major. John Fields. 2 June, 65 Captains. Jaraes Holdson 20 Sept, 62 George Elliott 12 Oct. , 63 James Jordan — 14 June, 64 John D, Alexander 15 Dec, Luther Wolfe 2 Apr., 65 Joshua M. Ogden 24 Apr., WUey E. Dittemore 21 May, WUliam T. Butcher 1 June, Henry Gaatineau 4 June, First Lieuteoiants. JosephP. -White 23Sept, 63 Isaac M. Darnell 12 Oct., David E. Sluss, Adft 29 Apr., 64 Wesley Cheatwood 15 Dec, Joseph L. Friend 15 Dec, Josiah Standley.... 15 Dec, JohnM. Givens 2 Apr., 65 John E. Corwin 24 Apr., John W. Gamer, /f.Q.ilf. 1 June, llartin R. Isenhower 1 June, ¦a Second Lieutenants, Surgeon. Jabez C. HUburn 8 June, 64 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Colonel Robert F. Catterson, May 31, 1865, to Brigadier Gen eral. Resigned, (21.) Major William H. Schlater, December 19, 1863. Captain Andrew J. Axtell, December 10, 1862. Captain John W. Carmichael, January 26, 1863. Captain Thomas Flinn, February 27, 1863. Captaiu Joseph T. Oliphant, November 2, 1864. Captain James Watts, December 8, 1864. First Lieut Joseph W. Piercy, Kovember 11, 1862. First Lieut. Alexander McGregor, Adj't, January 5, 1863. First Lieut William H. Johnson, R. Q. M., April 12, 1863. First Lieut. Edward Groenendyke, Adj't, January 11, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas R. Cook, March 30, 1864. First Lieut Albert P. Forsyth, July 12, 1864. tPirst Lieut William H. Sherfey, August 20, 1864. First Lieut; Elijah Mitchell, October 27, 1864. First Lieut Harvey E. Moore, December 2, 1864. First Lieut John G. Shryer, R. Q. M., AprU 3, 1865. First Lieut. Alfred F. PhiUips, April 5, 1865. First Lieut. WiUiam Hatfield, AprU 27, 1865. Second Lieut John W. Busby, AprU 27, 1864. Surgeon Alexander M. Murphy, May 14, 1864. Assistant Surgeon James H. McNutt, November 16, 1864, Dischaoged, (2.) Captaiu Jaraes J. Smiley, August 31, 1863. Captaiu James S. Meek, June 6, 1865. Died, (9.) Captain Jacob E. Fletcher, June 13, 1863, of disease. Captaiu Zachariah Dean, August 7, 1863, of disease. Captain James Robinson, September 1, 1863, at Vandalia, Ind. Captain David Shelby, Juue 13, 1864, of disease, at Altoona, Ga. Captain Joseph W. Young, kUled in action at Kenesaw Moun tain, Ga., June 27, 1864. Fu'st Lieut William F. Jerauld, July 31, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Jackson, Sliss. Second Lieut. John Dickinson, January 12, 1863, of disease, at Lagrange, Tenn. Second Lieut. John Catron, February 5, 1863, of disease, at Scotland, Ind. Second Lieut. John Dalgarn, September 19, 1864, at Marietta, Ga., of wounds received in action. Disonissed, (1.) Assistant Surgeon. Captain Nathaniel Crane, February 20, 18^5. Alex.D. Murphy 24 Apr., 65 Chaplaioi. George W. Terry, a. w. m. * The 94th, 95th, and 96th regiments failed to complete their organizations. t Appointed First Lieut in U. S. Signal Corps. NOTE. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 151 *NINETY-NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from August 92 to October 25, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 5, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War Department.) The following is tho only official list - of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders ; "siege OF VICKSBURG," "JACKSON." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Josiah Farrar 20 May, 65 Major. WilUam V. PoweU 20 May, 65 Captains. Samuel Moore 13 June, 63 CJiiarles M. Scott 23 Feb., 64 Alfred H. Heath 8 Sept., Benjamin F. Thomas 11 Oct., William M. Walker 2 Jan., 65 George C Walker 1 Apr.. Andrew Cochran 19 Apr., Isaiah A. Curry 19 Apr., ' George W. Norris 20 May, Ira B. Myers 1 June, First Lieutenants. Lorenzo D. McGlashon, Adft 60ct, 63 JohnP. MerriU 3L Oct, 64 JohnC. Hussy .-.-SL Oct, William W. Downs 1 Nov., Selden P. Stuart 1 Apr., 65 Thomas Barlow 19 Apr., William Savage 21 Apr. , Marshall J. AUey 25 Apr., John Harvey 21 May, Lemuel U. Powell 1 Juue, James L. Cathcart, R. Q. M., a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. William W. Butterworth. 2 Feb., 03 ' Assistant Surgeon. Josiah Poffenbergev- 4 Apr., Cliaplain. 65 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) liieut. Colouel Richard P. De Hart, March 17, 1864, to Colonel 128th regiment Indiana infantry. Resigned, (21.) Lieut. Colonel Johu M. Berkey, January 8, 1865. Captaiu Tilberry Reid, December 29, 1862. Captain James H. Carr, January 21, 1863. Captain Daniel Ash, AprU 24, 1863. Captaiu WilUam R. C. Jenks, May 1, 1863. Captain Jacob Brewer, iVugust 4, 1863. Captaiu George Tague, January 5, 1864. Captain KeUogg M. Burnham, February 28, 1864. Ca[.tflin Rodman H. Wells, AprU 25, 1864. Captain John Worrell, September 24, 1864. Captain George H. Gwin, November 8, 1864. Captaiu Joseph B. I-Ioman, December 26, 1864. First Lieut. John Clifton, August 21, 1863. First Lieut. Blias M. Shiner, September 21, 1864, First Lieut. Frederick W. Drawans, February 8, 1865. Second Lieut. Joachim M. Hamlin, December 29, 1862. Second Lieut, James M. D. Craft, August 5, 1863. Second Lieut. William Harmon, March 1, 1864. Second Ijieut Nehemiah W. Rawlings, September 17, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Lawson D. Robinson, August 11, 1863. Chaplain Daniel R. Lucas, January 16, 1B64. Mustered out on .expiratiooi of term of service, (2.) Colouel Alexander Fowler, December 22, 1864. Second Lieut. James B. McGonigal, October 31, 1864. Discharged, (4.) Captain George W. Julian, November 28, 1864. Captain Robert P. Audis, December 14, 1864. Second Lieut George S. Walker, February 4, 1865. Secoud Lieut. Henry MUler, February 13, 1865. Died, (5.) Captain Daniel F. Sawyer, February 12, 1863. First Lieut. John F. Parsons, March 26, 1863, of disease, at Lagrange, Tenn. First Lieut. John T. Ramey, May 13, 1865, at City Point, Va. Second Lieut. Bentoot A. Reid, April 25, 1863, of disease, at Moscow, Tenn. Assistant Surgeon Isaac S. Russell, August 3, 1864, of disease, near Atlanta, Ga. Dismissed, (3.) First Lieut Richard W. Cummings, Adj't, ^evtQraher —,1BQZ. First Lieut WiUiam Mackey, October 27, 1863. Second Lieut WiUiam F. Parker, September 30, 1863. * The 98th regimeht failed .to complete its organization. 'NOTE.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 152 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, iu Septem ber and October, 1862, to serve tbree years. It was mustered out of ser vice June 8, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Departmeut.) The followiog is tbe only official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "siege OF vicksburg," "JACKSON."- Colonel, Lieutenaoit Colonel. Ruel M. Johnson 16 May, 65 Major. John W. Headiogton ]6 May, 65 Captains. William H. H. Veuamon. 5'Sept, 63 Harry H, Nelson . A 8 Sept, 64 EU J. Sherlock 17 Dec, Leonard Aker. . .¦. 22 Jan., 65 John B.Pratt 31 Mar., James Bollinger 10 Apr., Noah T. Catterliu 24 Apr., Isaac N. Frazee 28 May, Marden Sabin 31 May, First Lieutenants. John Geisinger. 16 Oct , 63 German Brown, R, Q. M.26 Jan., 64 Edwin Goldsmith, .^d;^-- IMay, JohnC.Vought 17 Sept, Hanford E.Meeker 17 Dec, Harvey J. Sawyer 17 Dec, Samuel Biers 23 Jan., 65 Samuel W. Dille 1 Apr., Cornelius List 10 Apr., James M. Gentry 25 Apr. , Eli Vore -. . 28 May, Walter R. Parker, a. w. m. Second Lieutenaoits. Surgeon. PhUander C. Leavitt 15 Nov., 63 Assistaoit Surgeon. DavidJ.Swarts 3 Oct, 62 Chaplaioi. JohnA. Brouse 1 Nov., 63 Casualties. Promoted, (4,) Captain Thomas C. Dalby, AprU 9, 1865, to Lieut Colonel 150th regiment Indiana iufantry. First Lieut Edward P. WilUams, Adj't, June 13. 1863, to Cap tain and C. S. First Lieut Alba M. Tucker, R. Q. M., August 15, 1863, to Captain and A. Q. M. Second Lieut Ichabod S. Jones, June 11, 1863, to Major 3d U. S. colored heavy artiUery. Resigned, (18.) Captain Abram W. Myers. January 27, 1863. Captaiu Harley Crocker, Juue 3, 1863. Captain WiUiam M. Barney, August 8, 1863. Captain James N. Sims, August 13, 1863. Captain Godlove O. Behm, August 29, 1863. Captain Ezra D. Hartman, November 5, 1863. Captain Joseph W. GUlispie, January 29, 1864. Captain John K.Morrow, Februarv 29, 1864. Captain Daniel T. Smith, July 28, 1864. First Lieut. William Burnside, November 7, 1862. First Lieut Wilham H. Gliere, Adj't, February 29, 1864. First Lieut. Jeremiah M. Wise, March 5, 1864. First Lieut Henry G. Collis, September 24, 1864. First Lieut. Elijah Young, September 30, 1864. Second Lieut William J. Myers, August 10, 1863. Second Lieut Adam H. Swihart, June 10, 1864. Surgeon Samuel France, August 11, 1863. Chaplain Charles A. Munn, August 10, 1863. Discharged, (11.) Colonel Sanford J. Stoughtou, July 1, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Albert Heath, May 10, 1865. Captaiu Merwin F. Collier, June 29, 1864. Captain Lucius Barney, August 12, 1864. Captain Edward Fobes, January 9, 1865. Captain Charles W. Brouse, January 16, 186.5. Captain Johu M. Carr, May 15, 1865. '^Captain Orla J. Fast, May 30, 1865. Pirst Lieut. David J. Swarts, October 2, 1862. (Recommis sioned as Assistant Surgeon October 3, 1862.) First Lieut Gideon Rathbun, January 8, 1865. Second Lieut. Stephen B. H. Shanks, January 23, 1865. Died, (5.) Major Robert Barrett, accidentallv killed by the falling of atree at Oak Ridge, Miss.. July 7, l'863. Captain Marquis L. Rhodes, December 10, 1862, of disease, at Memphis, Tenn. Captaiu James M. Harland, killSd ui action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. First Lieut John H. Moore, October 1, 1864, of wounds, at Marietta, Ga. Second Lieut. James W. Boyd, July 2, 1863, of disease, at Haynes' Bluff, Mi^s. « Dismissed, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Richard McGee, May 8, 1863. * Appointed Captain and A. A. G. NOTE.-The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 153 ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at IndianapoUs, lud., in September, 186*2, to servo three years. It was mustered out ofservice June 24, 1865, in accordance 'with orders from the War Departmeut.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable « partisnot yet published iu orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. ThomasDoau 13 Mar., 65 (Brevet Colonell'3 Mar., 1865.) Major. George W. Steele, a. w. m. Captains. Peter Studabaker 5 Sept, 62 Benjamin F, Williams. -- 5 Sept., JohnM. McKahan 12 Sept, Sylvester Turpen 21 Apr., 63 David Richart 11 Jan., 64 Lorenzo D. Wilson 12 Mar. , Sanford Fortner 16 Jujy, (Brevet Major 13 Mar., 1865.) Alexander Jay 20 May, 65 Thomas B. Loer, a. w. m. WUliam Wood, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. John S. Hawkins 5 Sept, 62 Thomas E. Brown 12 Sept, Elmore T. Montgomery. . 4 July, 63 Joseph Bond 11 Nov. , Joseph F. Lenfesty 11 Jan., 64 Lafayette Messier 12 Mar. , George "W. DifPendorfer, Adft 2 June, George Lindsey 19 Dec., Aaron Shoemaker 19 Dec, ¦ John Beals 21 May, 65 WiUiam I-I. Conner, R. Q. M., a. w. m. David T. Culbertson, a. w. on. Second Lieutenant. Edward R. Scott .' 16 Feb., 63 Surgeon. WilUam B. Graham 15 Mar., G4 Assistant Surgeon. Basil B. Bennett 2 June, 64 Chaplain. John T, Conner 16 July, 64 Casualties. Po'omoted, (1.) Second Lieut, William P. Bainbridge, September 28, 1864, to Captain and A. D, C. Resigned, (23.) Colouel William Garver, May 30, 1863. Major Basil B. Beoioiett, January 27, 1863. Captain Hoxie G. Kenyon, January 22, 1863, Captain Josiah Sparks, January 27, 1863. Captain Evan Rees, January 27, 1863. Captaiu Frederick Cartwright, November 7, 1863. Captaiu David Truesdall, February 13, 1864. , Captain Johu T. Floyd, May 12, 1864, First Lieut. Joel Stafford, January 25, 1863. First Lieut. Simon Krewson, March 15, 1863. First Lieut. James Price, Adj't, May 24, 1863. First Lieut Nathaniel F. Dunn, January 24, 1864. First Lieut Isaac N. When-ett, Adft. March 4, 1864, Second Lieut. Ezekiel D. Cooper, January 23, 1863. Second Lieut John W. Todd, February 10, 1863. Second Lieut. WilUam G. WUson, October 26, 1863. Second Lieut James S. Fulton, Noveraber 8, 1863. Second Lieut John W. Pfaff, Pe.bruary 21, 1864. Suilgeon Cyrus V. N. Lent, February 20, 1363. Assistant Surgeou Charles T. Melsheimcr, February 1, 1863, Cbaplain Richard D. SpeUmau, April 7, 1863. Chaplain Thomas Whallon, September 3, 1863. Discharged, (2.) Captaiu Alexander McCravy, September 6, 1862. Captain Isaac AVhite, March 9, 1865. Died, (4.) First Lieut John H. ElUs, October 20, 1863, of disease, at Chattanooga, Tenn. First Lieut. Andrew J. Barlow, September 16, 1864, of wounds received in action at Cbattanooga, Tenn. Second Lieut. Richard 11. Busick, October 16, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chickamauga, Tenu. Second Lieut, Henry T. Waterman, killed in action at Mis sion Ridge, Tenn.,' November 25, 1863. Dismissed, (3.) First Lieut. WiUiam Beeson, June 7, 1863. Sargeon Philip P. WhiteseU, May 25, 1863. Surgeon Annin "W. Dewey, December 30, 1863. Note 1.— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2,— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 154 INDIANA INFANTRY. * ONE HUNDRED AND TWEN TIETH EEGIMBNT. h Webster, a. w. m. Surgeon. George W. Pattison 1 Dec, 64 Assistant Surgeon, Braxton Baker 9 Dec, 64 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (9.) Major Jo.'ieph W. Purviance, July 1, 1864. Captaiu Josiah Barnes, November 29, 1864. Captain Levi P. Adams, December 31, 1864. First Lieut William N. Vancamp, June 15, 1864. First Lieut. Melyne MiUer, September 29, 1864. First Lieut. Johu F. Wildman, Adft, March 30, 1865. Second Lieut. Robert W. Nickum, July 21, 1864. Second Lieut. Daniel Forney, August 11, 1864. Second Lieut William S. Birt, September 18, 1864, Discharged, (13.) Lieut Colonel James R. Bruner, March 28, 1865. Captain E. B. Doll, August 13, 1864. Captain Jesse Butler, May 15, 1865. Captain Henry J. Main, May 15, 1865. Captain James A. MUliken, November 9, 1865. First Lieut Andrew C. Gardner, May ¦8, 1865. First Lieut Charles A. Dresser, R. Q. M., August 24, 1865, SecondLieut AUen C. Newbouse, February 4, 1865. Second Lieut. James S. Purviance, May 15, 1865. SecondLieut John S. Campbell, November 9, 1865. Surgeon Thomas N. Jones, July 19, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Eliazer Williamson, March 18, 1865. Chaplain Lemuel Shortridge, April 11, 1865. Died, (3.) Captain John L. Mitchell, August 15, 1864, of wounds, at Marietta, Ga. First Lieut Martin V. Record, September 22, 1864, of disease, at Marietta, Ga. Second Lieut. AVilliam H. Cone, July 22, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action at Atlanta, Ga., Dismissed, {!.) First Lieut. James W. Brown, March 25, 1865. NOTE.-The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 161 * ONE HUNDRED AND FORTI ETH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at 'Indianapolis, iHfliaua, from October 22 to November 17, 1864, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service July 11, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official listof battles in which thiri regiment bore an hmioroble part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Thomas J. Brady 24 Oct, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. David T. MitcheU 3 Nov., 64 Major. Charles P. Pendergrast , .25 Jan., 65 Captaioi». John Schmuck 130ct, 64 John H. Stevenson 18 Oct, Joshua M. Scranton IS-Oct, George W. Shane 18 Oct, WUliam Culb*t3on 24 Oct., HughB. Shutts 25 Oct, William MiUer 25 Oct., Charles M. Guthridge 1 Nov., Hiram H.D^rter 1 Apr., 65 Fio'st Lieutenaoits. t Johu B. Routh, R. Q. M. 6 Sept., 64 WUliam Rowin .1 14 Sept., George W. Shipherd 13 Oct. , Robert R'. R. Stewart 17 Oct, Philemon Dickinson 17 Oct., .Owen M. Dotson 18 Oct, Martin C. Holman 21 Oct., Thomas B. McGregor 24 Oct, George M. Irwin 2Nov., Benjamin T. Heady 1 Apr., 65 James H. Smith 2 Apr. , Second' Lieutenants. Ezra W. Bond .*- . . 13 Oct , 64 James T. Andrews 17 Oct., Isaiah Rich : 18 Oct, WUliam Pate 18 Oct, WUliam W. Burden 21 Oct., Noah S. Weddle 25 Oct, Alexander McKinley 2 Apr,, 65 Leander H. Prather 2 Apr. , Surgeon. WilUam C. Sweezey, a. w. w. Assistant Surgeooi s. Micajah B. BaUard 2 Nov., 64 WiUiam C Piatt 14 Jan., 65 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (3.) Captain David Kilgore, March 5, 1865. Second Lient. Jefferson K. Snodgrass, January 8, 18S5. Second Lieut. Robert C. McConneU, June 14, 1865, Discharged, (4.) First Lieut George R. Sims, R. Q. M., October 24, 1864. First Lieut Simeon Lynn, December 1, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas E. Johnson, Adft, .IMay 12, 1865. Second Lieut John Landerbaugh, June 2, 1865, Died, (1.) Chaplain Jacob R. Geyer, April 2, 1865, of disease, at Kiniton, N.C. * For 131 st regiment see 13th cavalry. The 132d to 139th regiments, inclusive, were 100 d^s' or ganizations. tDischarged August 1, 1865. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on tho day of pmster out 11 162 INDIANA INFANTRY. • * ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- Casualties. SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., from September Resigned, (9.) 13 to November 18, 1864, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service July 14, 1865, in accord ance with orders from th.e War Captain Alonzo Bigelow, February 9, 1865. ' Captain Vesper Day, May 15, 1865. Pirst Lieut. George P. Shaffer, January 28, 1865. Department.) First Lieut. Theodore S. Comparet, R. Q. M., March 7, 1865. First Lieut. Joseph S. Conlogue, March 27, 1 865. (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is notyet publishedin orders.) First Lient. William B. Warren, April 11, 1865. First Lieut. William L. Westerman, May 20, 1865. Second Lieut. Robert H. Parker, January 24, 1865. Secoud Lieut. Phillip V. Bowyer, June 1 9, 1865. Colonel. John M. Comparet 3 Nov., 64- Died, (1.) Lieuteoiant Colooiel. Captain Ambrose E. Johnson, January 1, 1865, at NashviUe, Chauncey B. Oakley 3 Nov,, 64 Tenn., of wounds received in action. Major. Sanford Thomas 3Nov.,.64 Captains. Christopher Hettler 25 Oct, 64 David Howell 27 Oct, James Thomas 1 Nov. , Thomas H. Chance 1 Nov, , John H. Slagle 3 Nov., MUton Garrigus 4 Nov., Andrew W. Stevens 18 Nov., Jacob Cribbs 8 Mar., 65 Robert W, Swaun 13 Apr., Harry L, Jordan 11 June, • First Lieuteoiants. Percival G. 'Ke\^ey,Adft. 9 Sept, 64 • Heury M. Kromer 3 Nov., Jessie M. GorreU 4 Nov., tisrael Phalin ..--•. 17 Nov. , Robert H. Cary 19 Nov., William A. Curry 8Mar., 05 Abel E. Crippen,i?.Q.ilf.l2 Apr., JohnJ. Cassidy 12 Apr., David Frankfoder 18 Apr., "Warren Clossen ... 27 Apr., Nelson Parker 20 May, John McFarlane 11 Juue, Second Lieutenants. Timothy Scott 4 Nov., 64 Frank P. Sherart 18 Nov., Eobert W. Clary 19 Nov., Frank H. Johnson 8 Mar., 65 Henry G. Taylor 12 Apr., William HolLand 18 Apr., Francis M. Eyland 27 Apr., " Lycurgus S. Null 20 May, Surgeon. Georgo W.Bruce 16 Nov., 64 Assistant Surgeons. Owen St Olair 15 Nov.. 64 William T. Ferguson 20 Mar., 65 Chaplain. Burton H. Curtis 13 Jan., 65 * The 14l8t regiment failing to organize, the recruits were assigned to the 140th regiment. t- Discharged August 15, 1865, TE.— The roster of officers is. given as it stood on the day of muster out INDIANA INFANTRY. 163 ONE HUNDRED .'VND FORTY- TIURD EEGLMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, in February, 1865, to servo one year. It was mustered ont of service October 17, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. JohnP. Grill 20 Feb., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. John T. McQuiddy 31 Feb. , 65 Major. John E. PliiUips 25 Feb., 65 Captains. *Justin A. Kellogg 22Peb., 65 Thomas S. White 22 Feb., Phmip Guckes 22 Feb. , Ira J. Burch 22 Feb., Georgo M. Harrod 22 Feb., Bedford Reavis 23 Feb., Wilham Huffman 15 Apr., William H. Fowler 26 May, Frank W. Pickas 17 June, First Lieutenants. Peter Schmuck, fl. Q. JVf.aO Feb., 6£ Joseph B. Magheo 22 Feb., Daniel Trent 22 Feb., William J. Puett 22 Feb., Ralph Redding 22 Feb., Benjamiu P. Laswell 22 Feb., Stephen H. Brittaui 22 Feb., Edward P. Elliott, ^d/'i. 2.3 Feb., Josiah P. Patterson 1 May, George J. Reeves 17 Juue, Adolph Harter 12 July, Second Lieutenants. Qeofge W. Wilder 22 Feb., 65 Alexander C. Small 32 Feb., tHugh McMahan 22 Feb., Charles F. Raker IMay, Ephraim M. Fowler 4 June, William T. Lemon 7 June, John T. Fickas 17 June, Surgeon. Stewart 0. Pitcher .-. IMay, 65 Assistant Surgeons. William S. Allen 10 June, 65 Benjamiu F. Davidson, a. w. m. Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (10.) Captain James II, Smith, March 29, 1865. Captain Jncoh C. Youngman, May 15, 1865. Captain Christopher L. Scott, May 26, 1866. Captain Warren H. Bishop, August 14, 1865. First Lieut. Leander Jerger, June 26, 1865. First Lient. Prank France, August 18, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas Dubois, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Willis M. Coleman, June 18, 1865. Second Liout. George H. Dearing, June 26, 1865. Chaplam Oliver H. Tansy, June 24, 1865. ^ Discharged Novemher 14, 1865. i" Discharged November 16, 1865. NOTE. — The roster of officers ia given a^it stood on the day of muster out. 164 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- Casualties. FOURTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., from February 10 to March 3, 1865, to serve one Resigned, (1.) year. It was mustered out of ser vice August -¦!, 1865, in accordance Pirst Lieut. John P. Wilson, July 3, 1865, with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official Hat of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partisnotyet published in orders.; Colonel. George W. Riddle 8 Mar., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Henry C. Ferguson 8 Mar., 65 Major. Thomas Clark 10 Mar. , 65 Captains. William H. H. Hudson . .20 Feb., 65 Stephen C. Atkiaaou ....20 Feb., Jonathan Peters 21 Feb., Stephen S. Cole 22 Feb., Henry H. Ewing 28 Feb., Alexander J. Todd ,2 Mar., Philip L. Cox 5Mar., Floyd G. Odgen 8 Mar., Emery P. Toney 9 Mar., Frank Hopper 10 Apr., First Lieutenants. ^ George W. Smith 21 Feb., 65 David M. Alspaugh 21 Feb., George Harbison 25 Feb., Eobert Hall IMar., Marion Bartley .'. 2 Mar., James Nicholson 6 Mar., Phillip L. Davis 9 M ar. , Hamilton Martin '. . 9 Mar., Henry B. Spencer, Adft.lO Mar., Ed. Harbison, R. Q. M..10 Mar., Andrew F . O'Neill 12 Apr., Second Lieutenants. Joseph C. Stout 14 Feb., 65 Peter D. Neal 27 Feb., Joseph T. Place 27 Feb., William Stanford 2 Mar., William H. Kylcr 3 Mar., Harrison H. McClellan -. 6 M.ir., Robert A, Ferguson 6 Mar., John F. Bullock 9 Mar. , Emery D. Behen 9 Mar. , Edwards. Hayes 16 Mar., Surgeon. Emanuel R. Hawn 9 Mar., 65 Assistant Surgeons. Thomas C. Neat 11 Mar. , 65 RobertKay 17 Mar., Chaplain. NoTe.— The roster of o.fficcrs ia given as it stood on the day of muster ont. INDIANA INFANTRY. 165 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapoUs, luiliana, in February, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service January 21, 1866, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colooiel. WUl A, Adams, a. w. m. Lieutenaoit Colonel. Vmson WUliams 15 July, 65 Major, Henry Winter 15 Captains. Alexander W. Dean 17 Volney P. Mason 17 Michael A. Gelwick 20 James H. Miller 20 Abraham W. Huffman . . 6 , Newton E. Mathers 3 Oliver Shepherd 6 Archibald Anderson 26 George H. Durham 17 Adolphus A. Brown 22 First Lieutenants. Daniel A. Goodin 36 Feb., 65 John S. ShUlideay 17Feb., John C. Hester 17 Feb., John T, Eller, R. Q. M. .18 Feb., Reuben C. Smith 20 Apr., James M. McClelland ..A6 June, WUUam M. Crossfield... 3 July, Frank WUliams 6 July, John S. Midcap 26 July, WilUam L. Boyatt 23 Sept, Joshua Budd, Adj't, a. w. m. Second Lieuteoiants. Franklui P. Taggart 17Feb., 65 James A. Carter 17 Feb., Mahlon Hunter 1 May, William J. Owens 16 June, *John W. McCune 3 July, James T. 'McDonald 6 July, Adolphus W. Trueblood. 15 July, Alonzo Hubbard 26 July, Andi'ew C. Flanigan 19 Aug., Surgeon. WiUiam H. Beck 1 May, 65 Assistant Surgeons. Johns. Duffy 14 May, 65 Joapth H. Davis 28 July, Chaplain. Martin L, Wells 29 Apr., 65 Casualties, (8.) Lieut. Colonel John F. Douglass, June 14, 1865. Captaiu Johu P. Cravens, June 13, 1865. Captain James W. McDonald, June 15, 1865. Captain Eli C. Robinson, June 18, 1865. Captain WilUam T. Dougherty, August 19, 1865. First Lieut Samuel Hostetter, May 11, 1865. Second Lieut George T. Wright,-May 17, 1865. Second Lieut. John Stotts, June 26, 1865. Cashiered, (1.) First Lieut Alonzo O. Cody, December 19, 1865, July, 65 Feb., 05 Feb,,Apr., Apr., June, July,July, July,Aug., Sept, * Discharged Januaiy 27, 1866. NOTE.-The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out 166 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- SIXTH REGIMENT. (This rogiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., in February and March, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of ser vice August 31, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel, Merit C. Welsh 9 Mar., 65 Lieuteoiant Colonel. Theophilus W. Morrison. 26 Apr., 65 Major. Thomas P. Spilman 10 Mar., 65 Captains. John W. Lauman 28 Feb., 65 Zachariah Sims 1 Mar. , Henry D. Bauta 1 Mar., Josiah Dorn 3 Mar., BenjaminP. Pate 3 Mar., Levi Ferguson 4 Mar., WiUiam P. Dillon 8 Mar., George W. Reed 11 Mar., Bartou W.CoIr ,.23 June, George W. Sullivan 6 July, First Lieutenants. Fr^mcis A, Crook IMar., 65 Fleming J. Siebenthal... IMar., Peter F. Glardon 2 Mar., Alfred Masterson 3 Mar. , Sanford Briddle.- 3JMar,, T. C. Shepperd, R. Q.M., 4 Mar., Allen G. EUis 4 Mar., Robert C. Burnham 8 Mar., Cristiau J. Henry 11 Mar., Lauriston B. Ingold 23 June, George W. Sanks 6 July, AUen HiU, Adj't, a. w. on. Second Lieutenants. George W. Shirey IMar., 65 Frederick Stucy IMar., Ebenezer H. Hawthorne. 3 Mar., Enoch Allen 3 Mar., , Frederick HaUoweU 3 Mar., Johns. Hobart 4 Mar., JohnW. Moore 19 June, James A. Rodman 98 June, Surgeon. Abraham B. Haines 29 Apr. , 65 Assistaoit Surgeons. Rush Carley 25 Mar., 65 John M. Craig 4 May, Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (1.) Captain James R. Duger, June 21, 1865. Cashiered, (1.) SecondLieut James Dillon, May 17, 1865. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. •INDIANA INFANTRY. 167 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indian apolisi, Indiana, from Janu ary 24 to March 15, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service August 4, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. MUton Peden 15 Mar., 65 Lieutenant Colooiel. TheodoreF. Colgrove ...14 Mar,, 65 Major. Joel J.Finney 26 Apr., 65 Captains. SilasB.Zeek 2Mar., 65 Jesse M. Hiatt 10 Mar., James D. Hialt 10 Mar., Nelson Pegg 11 Mar. , WiUiam F. Shelby 11 Mar. , MarceUius B. Dickey 12 Mar., Thomas Kennedy 13 Mar., Peter CardweU 16 Mar., First Lieutenants. Joseph J. BiWlgas^, Adj't. .23 Jan., 65 Jonathan W. Newman, R.Q M 16 Feb., Mathew Jones 24 Feb., Lafayette Larsh IMar., Moses D. Wright 10 Mar. , Thomas J.Cook 13 Mar , , Thomas C. Henderson . ..15 Mar., * Daniel ElUott 15 June, MUton N, Goff 21 July, George L. Weast, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Abel Gibson 27Feb., 65 John Mood 1 Jlar., William M.Saint lOMar., George D. S. Rcece 11 Mar. , William H.H.Rock 11 Mar., Albert Cully 14 Mar., Charles A. Byers 15 June, Johu Bidlack 15 June, Surgeooi. WUUam F.King 3 June, 65 Assistant Surgeons. Samuel C. Weddington..l3 Mar., 65 Albert S. Reed 22 Apr., Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (3.) Captain Loreuzo D.McCallister, June 30, 1865. First Lient. Joseph Collins, May 22, 1865. Firtit Lieut. George W. Shroyer, June 30, 1865. Discharged, (4.) Captain Taylor Gibson, June 19, 1865. First Lieut. Mark MaudUn, May 22, 1865. Second Lieut. John Brandyberry, May 22, 1865. Chaplain George W. Thompson, June 19, 1865. Dismissed, (1.) Fh-st Lieut Edmund B. Warren, June 23, 1865. Note. — The roster of\officer8 is given as it stood on the day of muster out 168 INDIANA INFANTE'S* ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- Casualties. EIGHTH REGIMENT, , (This regiment was organized at In Discharged, (2.) dianapolis, Indiana, in February, 1865, to serve one year. It was First Lieut. Lee 0. Harris, June 11, 1865. mustered out of service September Second Lieut. Lawrence P. Creasey, June 3, 1865. 5, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) Dismissed, (1.) (The official list of battles in^which this regiment bore an honorable Pirst Lieut. James E. Speake, Adft, June 12, 1865. partis not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Nicholas R. Ruckle 3 Mar., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. WilUam J. Manker 25 Feb. , 65 Major. -Henry A. AVhita 8 Aug., 65 Captains. George Darrow 15 Feb., 65 Robert M. Curtis 17 Feb., Abraham Clark 18 Feb., Aaron Frazee 20 Feb., • Daniel F, Hill 21 Feb., David M. Keelor 21 Feb., Cyrus J. VanLaningbam.24 Feb., Samuel J. Banta 25 Feb., Jesse 0. Coleman 27 Feb., Hiram B. Baxter 24 Aug. First Lieutinaoits. BenjaminP. Price 15 Feb., 65 Ivy Prescott 20 Feb., Solomon Stanbrough 20 Feb.^ James M. Goodrich 20 Feb., David W. Springer 21 Feb., WiUiam Irvin, R. Q. M..24 Feb., William H. Smith 25 Feb., Oliver P. Furgason, Adj't.27 Feb., James M. OdeU 27 Feb., James H. Smock 23 .Mar., Nathan J. Scearce '.25 July, James H. McCluer 24 Aug. , t Second Lieutenants. Andrew J. Hinesley 15 Feb., 65 James K. Langsdale 18 Feb. , *William Davenport 20 Feb., James M, Teeijle 21 Feb., ^ Alonzo, G, Burdgh 27 Feb. , JohnF. Rosehaum 6 Mar., Andrew H. Ray 23 Mar. , Marcus D. L. Brown 3 Aug., EnochM. Woody 24 Aug., Surgeooi. Jesse Reagan 5 May, 65 Assistant Surgeooi. James Beehe '. 1 May, 65 Chaplain. Charles W. Stewart 1 Mar., 65 * Discharged September 13, 1865. NOTE.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 169 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., in February, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered ont of service September 27, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this rogiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. AViUiam H. Fairbanks - .28 Feb., 65 Lieutenant Colooiel, WUUam D. Mull 28 Feb. , 65 Major. Thomas B. Reeder 16 May, 65 Captaiois. Estea H. Layman 21 Feb., 65 James D. Parvin 25 Feb., Josephs. DowdeU 27 Feb., James Mewhinney IMar., Artemus W. AUen 2 Miu:., JamesF. Murphy 2 Mar., ¦ George W. Morgan 3 Mar., Hiram C. Mater 20 June, JohnHoffa 17 July, . First Lieutenants. John P. Layman 21 Feb., 65 Jas. T. Johnston, K.Q.M.22 Feb., JohnC. Mahan 22 Feb., William T. Johnson 23 Feb., John H. Weir 25 Feb,, Leonard West 1 Mar. , Samuel E. Mahan, Adj't. 'Id May, John W. Humphrey 20 June, James WUUgmann 17 July, . Franklin Garthwait 1 Sept, Adonis Anderson, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Samuel Talley 21 Feb., 65 John R. Harrold 28 Feb., William H. Lynn 28 Feb. , Matthew S. Rector 1 Mar., Edward Aitken 10 June, ' Thaddeus B. BeU 4 Aug., Lewis W. Johnston 1 Sept., Surgeon. WUUam B, Jones, a. w. m. . Assistant Surgeons. Maston G. MuUinnix 27 Mar., 65 James M. GosH, a. w. m. Chaplaioi, Casualties. Resig'ned, (9.) Captain William A. Porter, June 1, 1865. First Lieut WUUam H. Bootbe, June 8, 1865. First Lieut Joseph B. Shirk, June 18, 1865. First Lient Charles W. Duddleston, August 22, 1865. First Lieut Harvey I. Dittemore, September 14, 1865, Second Lieut William F, Hughes, July 25, 1865. Second Lieut Arnold Poe, September 12, 1865. Second Lieut Leonard E, Acker, September 12, 1865. Surgeon WiUiam C. Hendricks, July 18, 1865, Died, (1.) Captain David M. Dobson, August 26,1865, at SummerviUe, Ala, Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 170 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH REG13IENT, (This regiment was organised at Indianapolis, Indiana, in February and March, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service Au gust 5, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colond. Marsh B. Taylor 10 liar., 65 L'eutcnaoit Colonel. Thomas C. Dalby 11 May,. 65 ^ Major. James M. Watts 25 Mar., 65 Captains. Adam O. Behm 15Feb., 65 Charles F. Howe 18 Feb., Isaac N. Jacks 21 Feb., Cary M. Lane 1 Mar. , Frank L. Hamilton 2 Mar., William Moffitt 6 Mar., Henry E. W. CampbeU.. 6 Mar., JefferKon Armantrout 7 Mar., Emil H. Laughans 8 Mar., Matthew A. BerryhiU . . .25 July, First Lieutenants. HenrvG. EUsworth 15 Feb., 65 David B. Earheart 18 Feb., George W. Lambe 2 Mar, , Archibald McCurdy, .^rf/'i 3 Mar,, JohnH. Messner 6 Mar., Edward H. Gresham 6 Mar., WUUam B. (Gregory 8 Mar., John W. Hunt, R. Q. M. .10 Mar., David T. Price 11 Mar., Thomas Hartness 17 July, Edward W. PampeU 25 July, John M. Perrine .; 25 July, Secooid Lituienants. Stein G. Orth 22 Feb., 65 Joseph Burquin 22 Feb., Milton Galbreath 3 Mar., John H. Coulter 6 Mar., Thomas J. Voliva 7 Mar., Jesse D. WaUace 8 Mar., Richard F, Jacks 11 Mar., George W. Smith 28 July, Everett Cawood 28 July, Surgeooi. Green C. Beeks 13 Mar., 65 Assistant Surgeons. Thomas H. Harrison 11 Mar., 65 James P. Wallace 24 Mar, , Chaplain. RusseU D. Utter 24 Mar., 65 Casualties. Resigned, (2.) First Lieut Frederick B. Wilson, May 26, 1865; First Lieut Oliver S. Woolley, June 17, 1865, Discharged, (1.) Captain John C. Boswell, June 24, 1865. Note. — The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 171 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Itid., from Januftry 16 to March 5, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service Sep tember 19, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colooiel. Joshua Healey 30 Apr., 65 Lieutenant Colonel, John E. Sweet 4 Mar., 65 Major. Michael Eagan 14 June, 65 Captains. Nathan Stevens 23Feb., 65 Anson H. Goodwin 24 Feb., Allen B. Davidson 24 Feb., Carter L. Vigus j. 25 Feb., WilUam A. Nfbhola 1 Mar. , Aaron W. Lytle , . . . 3 Mar., John H. Ream 3 Mar., David A, White 4 Mar. , WiUiam A. Judkins 6 Mar., William B. Spain 9 Aug., First Lieoitenants. John E. Moon 24 Feb., 65 Robert H. McElheny 28 Feb., Isaac J. C. Guy 3 Mar. , Charles E. Young 3 Mar., Robert Cromer 6 Mar., Matthias T. Hepner 6 May, Johu C. Winters 1 July, Abner I. Dean, R. Q. M..24 July, James D. Sherman 9 Aug., Secooid Lieutenants. Sylvanus M. Closser 24 Feb., 65 John B, MarshaU 24 Feb. , WUliam A. Vance 2 Mar., • Alexander Ekey 3 Mar, , Thomas P. McManus ... 4 Mar., Reuben H. Chase 1 June, WUUam H. Stalnaker.-.25 July, Enoch Benefield 9 Aug. , Charles H. Gould 5 Sept , Surgeooi. Gordon A. Moss 13 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeon. WiUiam T. Elston 25 July, 65 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (5.) First Lieut Martin D. Puckett, AprU 24, 1865, First Lient John H. Morgan, May 26, 1865, Second Lieut Francis Black, Mny 26, 1865. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Haynes, June 9, 1865, Second Lieut Thomas R, ElUa, September 3, 1865. Discharged, (2.) First Lieut. Elijah C. Davis, June 13, 1865. Second Lieut Alfred Vansiyke, July 19, 1865. Died, (1.) _ First Liout John Scully, July 23, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 172 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- Casualties. SECOND REGIMENT. • (This regiment was organized at In- d?anapoliH, Indiana, in Febmary and March, 1865, to serve one ye ar. It was mustered out of service August 30, 1865, in accordance with orders from tho War Department) (The official list of battles in which . this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonil. Whedon W, Griswold... 1 Apr., 65 Lieutenant ColoneJ,. Joseph V7. Whitaker. . . .17 Mar., 65 Major. julius Waldschmidt 17 Mar., 65 Capta 'ns. Kavilah W. Smith 22 Feb., 65 Robert P. McGregor 1 Mar., George P. Alexander ..- 3 Mar., Peter L. Runyan, jr 7 Mar., John H. Caton 8 Mar., WUliam A. Kelsey 13 Mar., Slarshall W. Wines 14 Mar., JohnM. Albright 16 Mar., Joseph M. Everhart 16 Mar., Jacob W. Liveringhouse-18Mar., First Lieutenants. J. TilcC Preston, R. Q. M.28 Jan., 65 George E. Young, Adft- 6 Feb., David S. Longfellow 2 Mar., Norman L. Southworth. - 3 Mar., Austin C. Funk 7 Mar., WiUiam Hobson 9 Mar., Orrin D. Rodgers 13 Mar. , Marshall D. Hadsell ... .14 Mar., Alfred J. Koontz 16 Mar., Madison Rodgers 16 Mar., Jesse F. Carmien 18 Mar., Ernest Liebole, a. w. m. Second Lieuteoiants. John H. Baughman 3 Mar., 65 John J. Zimmerman 4 Mar. , WUliam B. Hess 7Mar., CorneUus M. Boyd 8 Mar., Clark A. Bennett 8 Mar., Isaac Shekels 9 Mar., Frank A, Robinson 13 Mar., James W^eiler 14 Mar., George H. Winters 16 Mar., John T. Young 16 Mar., Surgeon. James M. Chamberlain.. 29 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeons. WiUiam M. Mercer 17 Mar., 65 Heman H. Sherwin 17 Mar., Chaplaioi. Levi H. Dowling 17 Mar., 65 Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 173 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiinent was organized at Wabash, Ind., in Februnry, 1865, to serve one year. It waw mus tered out of service September 4, •1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The ofQpial Ust of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet pubUshed iu orders.) Colonel. OUver II. P. Carey 2 Mar,, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Charles S. ElUs IMar., 65 Major. Johu F. WUdman 21 Apr., 65 Captains. ' James H. S. Ford 14 Feb., 65 Joseph Barrett 15 Feb., John L. Scott 18 Feb., Benjamin F. Wiley 22 Feb., Harrison Stewart 23 Feb. , WUliam H. Carr 27 Feb., WilUam B.Young 28 Feb., Joseph Lugar. .^ 2Mar., Avery B. Williams 2 Mar. , J ohn A. Howard 2 Mar. , First Lieutenants. John H. LucuB 15 Feb., 65 John M. Henry 22 Feb., Enoch B. Hartley 23 Feb., James W, Campbell,j44?'^ 2 Mar., Dan. H. Bennett iZ. Q- M. 2 Mar., Francis M. Clawson 2 Mar., Andrew Reed 2 Mar., John R. Cox 2Mar., JosephP. Ruess 2 Mar., Eugene Sullivan 3 Mar., Aquilla Myers 3 Mar., WilliamP. CroweU 21 July, Second Lieutenants. John W. Messersmith . ..15 Feb., 65 John F. Becker 16 Feb., Beaton K. Shellenbarger, 2 Mar., JohnW. MUes 2 Mar., Marion W. Bennett 2 Mar., William Lehjper 2 Mar., Foster Davis 2 Mar., Henry B. Stewart 2 Mar., Levi P. Adams 3 Mar., Elisha Swain 21 July, Surgeon. Laughlin O'Neal 7 Mar., 65 Assistant Surgeons. Isaac C. Johnson 7 Mar., 65 Daniel L. Woods 14 Apr., Chaplain. Smith Goodwin ,'... 4 Mar., 65 Casualties. Resigned, (1.) First Lieut Georgo AV. Thorn, July 0, 1665. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 174 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- FOURTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapoUs. Indiana, in April, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service August 4, 1865,.in ac cordance with orders fi-oui theWar Departmeut.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Prank WUcox 15May, 65 Lieutenaoit Colonel. JohnP. Gapin 26 Apr., 65 Major, John D. Simpson 27 Apr., 65 Cap'.ains. James Ira Jones 18 Apr,, 65 Joseph B. Hebb IB Apr., Thomas B. Scott 18 Apr., Hiram B. ColUus 18 Apr. , Jacob Dice 21 Apr., Leroy W. Greene '...21 Apr., Andrew J. McCranor 21 Apr., Jacob Shofstall 21 Apr., JohnW. Pyne 21 Apr., Sylvester Berry W Apr., First Lieutenants. JamesH. Sylvester 14 Apr., 65 Harrison J. Goldsborough. 18 Apr., Joseph Sampson 18 Apr. , Abijah J. Huff 18 Apr. , Jere M. Palmer 18- Apr. , Court La Tourette 21 Apr. , Joseph H. Yundt 21 Apr., James M. Bryan 21 Apr. , JosephR. HaU 91 Apr., WUliam F. Ruby, 72. Q. ill. 26 Apr., Asbury S, McCormick, Adft 27 Apr. , George T. Dorsey 21 July, Sscond Lieuteoiants. George C Hays 14 Apr., 65 WUliam W. Martin 18 Apr., Benjamin F. Brough 18 Apr., FreelingH. Biggs 21 Apr., Orange K. Vinton 21 Apr. , Alfred Lenox 21 Apr, , WiUiam Brown 26 Apr., Surgeooi. Zachariah B. Gentry 20 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeons. William S. Cresap 20 Apr., 65 Adamson G. Richardson. 20 Apr., Chaplain. Francis Cox 16 May, 65 Casualties. Resigned, (3.) First Lieut WUUam H. McNeely, June 21, 1865. Second Lieut. Solomon S. Burgess, June 16, 1865. Secoud Lieut. Joseph Calloway, June 21, 1865. -The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. INDIANA INFANTRY. 175 ?ONE HUNDRED AND PIPTi'- CA9DALTIES. FIPTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at In dianapolis, Ind., In March, 1865 to Died, (1.) serve one year. It was mustered out of service August 4, 1865 In Snrgeon Emanuel Pegan, May 16, 1865, of diaense, accordance with orders from the Dover, Del. War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. John M. Wilson .18 Apr., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. John D. McKahin .18 Apr. 65 Major. John C. Scantling .20 Apr., 65 Captains. Orrison Wilson .-23 Mar. 65 Eobert M. Shields . 4 Apr. Joseph M. Silver -. 5 Apr. OhYer H. P. Brandom. -.13 Apr,, Francis M. Tyner .13 Apr. Calvin E. Stillson ..17 Apr. Henry D. Moore ..18 Apr. Jesse L. Cornwell ..20 Apr., George P. Anderson .. ..21 Apr., Benjamin R. Norman. . -.14 June First Lieutenants. Joseph W. Harding... . 3 Apr., 65 John A. Barnett . 4 Apr., Nelson J. Justice .13 Apr., George R. Whitmore.. .14 Apr., Alexis S. Bertrand-.*. - -17 Apr., Andrew A. Conner ... .18 Apr., William B. Graham... .18 Apr., John H. Jamison .18 Apr., Joseph P. McKee -20 Apr., Joseph Slick .2) Apr., Oskaloosa M. Smith, ^ -y (.25 Apr., EUas M. Lowe. R. Q. M. , a: w. m. Second Lieutenants. Canning Wilson .33 Mar., 65 Samuel A. Barkdoll . 4 Apr., John S. Butterfield .... .13 Apr., Richard H. Garland .14 Apr., James Lawrie .17 Apr., f Henry Smyser .17 Apr., James Bell ............ .18 Apr., Jonathan J. Totten .18 Apr., John G. Penrose .20 Apr., Surgeon. John W.Smith .17 May, 65 Assistant Surgeons. Joseph A. Chandler .20 Apr., 65 Martin B. Arnold .24 June, Chaplain. * The 157th. ¦mdlSSth'regiments failing to organize, the recruits enlisted for those organizationB were assigned to this regiment. . Note. The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 176 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- SIXTH REGIMENT. Casualties. (This organization (composed of five companies) was organized at In dianapolis, Indiana, iu March, 1865, to serve one year. It was.niua- tered out of service August 4, 1865, in accordance witli orders from the War Department.) Discharged, (2.) First Lieut. Hiram Plummer, July 16, 1865. Second Lieut. James B. Dickerson, July 20, 1865. (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet published in orders.) Lieutenant Colonel. Charies M. Smith 18 Apr., 65 Major. Captains. William S. King 1 Apr., John V. Clymer 18 Apr., William G. Beela 18 Apr., Isaac N. Adams 18 Apr., ChfFord W. Roas 18 Apr. , 65 ' First Lieutenants. Charlea 0. Wilson, Adj't.U Apr., William H. Redington. ..18 Apr., Spencer E. Richardson.. 18 Apr., James S. Grubbs 19 Apr., John C. Blake, R. Q. M. .24 Apr., Arg. D. Vanousdol 30 May, 65 Second Lieutenants. JohnW. Stroughn 11 Apr., William -J. Craycraft. . . 18 Apr., Joseph M. Wildy 18 Apr., John V. Preston 18 May, 65 Surgeon. . ¦John Guffiu 17 May, 65 Assistant Surgeon. Charles B. Kuester 27 Apr., 65. Chaplain. Note.— Tho roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILUNOIS ¦ CAVALRY. 177 FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Alton, Quincy, and Cairo, III,, in July and August^ 1861, lo serve three years. It was mustered out of service July 14, 1862, with the exception of company IC, which was mustered out December 27, 1862, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which 'this regiment bore an honorable part is notyet published in orders.) Colonel. Thomas A. Marshall.... 19 July, 61 Lieutenant Colonel. Major. *EdwQra Wright 29 Sept, 61 Captains, JohftMcNulta SJuly, 61 Orlando Buruell 9 July, George W, Palmer 15 July, Jehiel B. Smith 15 July, JohnBm-nap 17 July, Robert D. Noleman 17 July, PaulWalter 8 Aug., John Warren, a. w. m. Samuel L. M. Proctor, a. w. m. Oscar H. Himtley, a. w. m. First Lieutenaoits. Leonard S. Ross 9 July, 61 Samuel P. Tufts 17 July, Justin C. Smith, i2. Q. M.19 July, Isaac SkiUman, Adj't 8 Aug., Casper Yost, a. w. m. John Q, A. Floyd, a. w. m. Thomas A, Stevens, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. James B.Dent 3 July, 61 P rank. Lindsay 9 July, WiUiam A. Murray 15 July, Alex. H.Holt 15 July, Robert R. Whitlock 17 July, JohnC, Parks 17 July, Camden Knight 19 July, ' Morgan Blair 8 Aug., John Yost, a. w. m. William Hebbard, a. w. m. Surgeon. Henry Parker, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. D. S. Altman, a. w, m. Casualties. Promoted, (4.) Captain GreenviUe'M. Mitchell, February 18, 1862, to Lieut- Colonel 54th regiment lllinoifl infantry. ^ First Lieut James M. Ruggles, R. Q. M,, August 16, 1861, to Major 3d regiment Illinois cavalry. First Lieut George Frost Tannatt Jnly 7, 1862, to Caplain and A. D. C. Assistant Surgeou Theodore J. Bluthardt, April 4, 1862, to Sur geon 23d regiment Missouri infantry. Resigned, (2.) Major David P. Jenkiois, June 14, 1862. First Lieut Samuel Douglas, June 23,1862. Discharged, (9.) Lieut. Colonel Harry M. Day, June 14, 1862. Major C. A. Morgan, Juue 30, 1862. Captain James Poster, December 30, 1861. First Lieut Garret Elkin, October 24, 1861. First Lieut Albert Rayhurn, R. Q. M., June 1, 1863. First Lieut WilUam S. Marshall, Adft, June 6, 1862. First Lieut Leonard N. Holmburg, June 20, 1862. Second Lieut. George A. Day, Batt. Adft, June 16, 1862. Second Lieut Harry S. Smith, Batt. Adft, June 16, 1862. Missing, (1.) First Lieut' Thomas-S. Plnckard, since March 31, 1862. * Appointed Major and A. D. C. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of muster o\Tit. 12 178 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. SECOND EEGBIENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler and Cairo. Ill, from August 12 to December 30, 1861, to serve three years. On the ex piration of its term of service thQ original members (except veteraus) were mustered out, aud thp organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into a bat talion of Bix companies, and re tained in service until November 22, 1865, when it was mustered out, ;in accordance with orders from the War Department.) \Tho official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is uot yet published in orders.) Lieutenant Colonel. Benjamin P. Marsh, jr. . .11 July, 64 Major. Franklia Jloore 11 July, 64 Captains. Samuel Whitaker 20 Nov. , Moses E. Kelley 11 Apr., James Ewart 3 July, Josephus B. Venard 1 Sept., 64 First Lieutenants. Isaiah Stickel 1 Sept., 62 WilIiamB.*Moore,^rf/'i.. 1 Jan., 63 Austin S. Dement IJuly, George W. Prentiss 9 Aug., 64 George W. Naylor 1 Sept., Warren C. Clark, i(. C.S. 21 Feb., 65 James Burke 20 Mar., Francis M. Layborn 1 Sept. , Second Lieutenants. P.tcr Holt 23 Nov., 62 Thomas J. Simpson 1 July, 63 Jobn Kirby 11 Jan., 65 JMoiitgomery Demmona.. IMay, Miles H. Day 25 June, Surgeon, Daniel C. Jones 29 Oct. , 64 Assistant Surgeon. Joel G. Williams 12 Feb. 65 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) First Lieut. John G. Fonda, December 27, 1861, to Major 12th regiment IlUnois cavalry. Finst Lieut. Thomas Logan, March 12, 1862, lo Captain 12th regiment Illinois cavalry. Chaplain James E. Locke, January 31, 1864, to Captain 64th U. S. C. T. (19.) Lieut. Colouel Quincy McNeil, Jannary 24, 1863. Major Hugh FuUerton; November 19, 1863. Captain Reuben Bowman, June 17, 1862. Captaiu Charles A. Vieregg, January 14, 1863. Captain Henry Bartling, April 11, 1863. * Captain Samuel P. Tipton, October 6, 1863. First Lieut. William Stadden, Adft, October 18, 1861. Pirst Lieut. Edwin F. Babcock, March 15, 1863. First Lieut. Frank B. Bennett, June 3, 1862. First Lieut. Alien T. Hall, March 19, 1863. Second Lieut. John C. Retinoids, August 30, 1861. Second Lieut. A. J. Jackson, March 16, 1862. Second Lient. Johu H. Oacy, July 5, 1863. Second Lieut. S. G. Patrick, September 13, 1862. Second Lieut. Thomas Brown, October 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph E. Cox, February 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Franklin Kinman, October 11, 1863. Second Lient. James S. McHenry, September 4, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Andrew J. Crane, September 29, 1862. Mustered out on er.piration of term of service, (12.) Captain John E. Hotaling, August 13, 1864, Captain Thomas W. Jones, Miirch31, 1865. (Eecommisaioaed as Major June 4, 1865.) _ Captain Francis T. Moore, June 15, 1865. Captain Melville H. Musser, June 16, 1865. First Lieut. George Lcbold, August 11, 1864, First Lieut. George Moore, November 10, 1864. First Lieut. Edward C. Baker, December 29, 1864. First Lieut. Benjamin P, Garrett, March 31 1865 ' First Lieut. Edgar Z. Hunt, R. Q. M., November 5, 1865. Second Lieut. William Jlounger, October 26 1864 Second Lieut. William H. Webb, January 9,' 1865 ' Surgeou Joseph B. Cutis, September 1, 1864. Discharged, (31.) Colonel Silas Noble, February 16, 1863. Colonel Daniel B. Bush, jr.. July 24, 1865. Major Thomas J. Larison, March 10, 1865. Major Thomas W. Jones, June 24, 186.5. Captain James D. Walker, January 17 1862 Captain Presley G. Athey, January 27, 1862.' ' Captain David Sollauburger, June 23, 1863 Captain Silas C. Higgins, July 20, 1864. Captain Augustus Whiting, June 24, 1865. Captain William B. Cummins, June 24, 1865 First Lient. Henry G. Hicks, Adft, June 1, 1862 First Lieut. J. W. HoUenbeck, Ji!. Q. ill, June 1 186-1 First Liout. Alfred N. Stone, Angust 18, 1862 ' ' Appointed Captain in V. E. C. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 179 First Lieut. David H. Porter, November 21, 1862. First Lieut William H. Williams, May 11, 1864. First Liout. William A. Mattice, May 27, 1864. F'rst Lieut. Lewis Aubere, R, C. S., October J, 1864. First Lieut James L Tipton, March 1, 1865. First Lieut. Samuel S. Irwin, March 10, 1865. First Lieut. Henry P. Crawford, June £4, 1865. Second Lieut Joseph L. Sawyer, October 25, 1861, Second Lient William Rirdwell, July 5, 1862. Second Lieut. Jerome li; Tenney, July 14, 1862. SecondLieut. I,ea7idcr W, Patterson, Batt, Adft, August 22, 1862. Second T4eut. Joshua Rogers, Batt. Adj't, August 32, 1862. Second Liout. Johii R. Howlett, Batt, Adj't, August 31, 1862. Second Lieut Marcus L. Moore, October 30, 1863. Second Lieut. James M. Foy, May 18, 1864. Second Lieut Stephen C. WUdman, Juue 14; 1864. Second Lieut Thomas J. Clark, February 24, 1865. Second Liout John Cayton, March 1, 1865. Died, (11.) Colouel John J. Mudd, killed in action on steamer City Bell, May 3, 1864. Lieut Colouel Harvey Hogg, killed in action at 'Bolivar, Term., August 30, 1862. Captaiu Sterling P. Delano, April 27, 1862, of wounds acci dentally received. Captain John G. Weakley, September 28, 1864, of disease, at Baton Rouge, La. First Ijieut Calvin Terry, killed in action at Merryweather's Ferry, Tenn., August 16, 1862. Firnt Lieut. Neil T. Shaomon, kUled iu action at Bolivar, Tenn., August 30, 1862. First Lieut John Fallis, October 23, 1862. Fir.st Lieut. James K: Catlin, killed in action at Oscelona, Miss., February — , 1864. Second Liout, John Goodhcart, killed in action at Merry weather's Ferry, Tenn., Augustl6, 1862. Second Lieut Levi H. Leib, September 24, 1862, of wounds received in action near Bolivar, Tenn. Secomi Lieut Anson Mitchell, February 14, 1865, of disease, at Baton Rouge, La. Note. — The roster of ofncers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 180 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, IlUnois, from August 16 to September 24, 1861, to serve three years. The original mem bers (except veter^s) were mus tered out September 5, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service, and the organization, com posed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into a battalion of six companies and retained in ser vice. In March and AprU, 1865, four more companies were organ ized and assigned to this regiment It was mustered out October 10, 1865, iu accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part if! not yet pubUshedin orders.) Colonel. Robert H. Carnahan 0 Apr,, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Majors. )W. Bice 17 May, 65 Andrew B. Kirkbride- -.16 Juue, Captains. James K. McLean 21 Oct , 63 Fred. R. Russell 20 Apr. , 65 Samuel L. Shellenberger-24 Apr., Alpheus Conover 24 Apr. , George M. Sanders 10 May, Julius Weiss 17 May, Erasmus R. Loar 17 May, Francis CuUum 20 June, Solomon M. Tabor 20 June, First Lieutenants. Lewis Filer 24 Apr., 65 John J. Kneedler 24 Apr., Isaac Shaffer 12 May, Jesse Dauly 12 May, John Boyer 16 June, Morton A. Pratt 20 June, Peter Warden 20 June, Cyrus J. Galliher 23 Juue, JohnR. Deaton, .(44/'*. -.24 June, James M. Onion 24 June, Samuel S. Snyder 24 June, Second Lieutenants. Simon Putmau 10 Apr,, 65 Isaac C. Bray 12 May, John Jacobs 12 May, Eugene B, Read 17 May, WUliam II. Kingory 24 June, Casualties. Proonoted, (4.) , March 7, 1862, to Colonel Eugene A. Carr, HiSa. ^., Brigadier General. Captain Richard H. BaUinger, May 14, 1863, to Colonel 53d U. S. a T. First Lieut. Charies C. Guard, September 25, 1861, to Surgeon 29tli regiment Illinois infantry. First Lieut Byron O. Carr, September 29, 1862, to Captain and ^. Q. M. Resigned, (37.) Lieut. Colonel James H. O'Connor, June 6, 1865. Major Thomas Hamer, October — , 1861. Major Johu McConnell, March 13, 1863. Captain George E. Pease, December 17, 1861. Captain Edward Rutledge, December 31 1861. Captaiu James B. Moore, April 8, 1862. Captaiu Charles P. Duubaugh, May 16, 1862. Captain Thomas W. Macfall, June 21, 1862. Captain Joseph S. Mans, July 9, 1862. Captain James Niccolls, July 24, 1862. Captain David R. Sparks, November 11, 1863. Captain Samuel S. Marrett, December 27, 1863. Captain Norredden Cowen, May 30, 1864. First Lieut ^Tirfrew J. Taylor, February 6, 1862. First Lieut Joel B. Ketchum, March 18, 1802. First Lieut Joshua Tuthill. August 11, 1862. First Ijient. Augustus W. Tilford, Septemher 7, 1862. First Lieut. Charles N. Clark, March 18, 1863. First Lieut Harrison L. Bruce, Mdrch 12, 1865. Firet Lieut. Byron Phelps, May 10, 1865. First Lieut George W. Horton, May 22, 1865. Second Lieut Jesse J. Dennis, September 19, 1861. Second Lieut. Moses Lytaker, December 5, 1861. Second Lieut Michael Fisher^ December 26, 1861. Second Lieut Edward O. Rowley, January 13, 1862. Second Lieut Aaron Van Hooser, AprU 6, 1862. Second Lieut Charles L. Raymond, AprU 8, 1862. Second Lieut WiUiam E. Dorwin, Juue 16, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Wan-eoi Yhples, January 6, 1863. Second Lieut. James W. Kincaid, January 22, 1863. Second Lieut. Charles C, Worth, February 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Benjamin G, Cowell, April 6, 1863. Second Lieut. John Zimmerman, August 6. 1863. SecondLieut. Abuer Murray, May 31, 186-5. Surgeon A. ff. Laoiphcar, December 29, 1861. Surgeou A. Bigelow, October 1, 1S63. Mustered out on expiration of term of servj.ce, (19.) Colonel Lafayette McCriUis, Si-pteraber 4, 1864. Lieut Colonel James M. Ruggles, Septembers, 1864. Captain John B. Baker, Septembers, ]?64. g '-* Captain Erasmus R. Loar, September 5, 1864. (Recommis sioned Captaiu May 17, 1865.) Captaiu Thomas B. Vaughn, September 5, 1864. Captain Jamea "\V. Lay, September 5, 1864. Captain Samuel F. DoUoff, September 5, 1864. Captaiu Shuler S. Vroomau, March 9, 1865. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 181 Charlea D. Sackett 24 June, 65 Anton Philipson 24 June, George P. Spronse 24 June, George S. Griffiths 6 July, Surgeon. J. Spafford Hunt 1 Nov., 62 Assistant Surgeon. Charles Orris 19 May, 63 Chaplain. Pirst Lieut. John B. Bieree, R. Q, ill, September 5, 1864. First Lieut. Jonathan Kershner, September 5, 1864. Firat Lieut. Frederick W. Dickhut, September 5, 1864. First Lieut. Pleasant H. Kerley, September 5, 1864. First Lieut. Aaron Welder, September 5, 1864. First Lieut. Charles F. Euasell, September 5, 1864. First Lieut. John Duncan, October 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Hiram W. Bachman, September 5, 1864. Second Lieut. Robert G. Zimmerman, September 5, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Charles N. Irwin, September 5, 1864. Chaplain Horace M. Carr, August — , 1864. Discharged, (15.) Major John L. Campbell, July 16, 1864. Major Louis D. Hubbard, May 15, 1865. Captain Dwight D. Johnson, Soptemberll, 1862. Captnin Thomaa M. Davis, April 2,5, 1863. Captain David Black, December 11, 1363. *First Lieut. William O'Connell, Adft, October 23, 1861. Pirst Lieut. Henry M. Condee, November 27, 1861. *Pirst Lieut. Thomas W. Sullivan, Adft, March 24, 1862. First Lieut. James B. Black, Febmary 22, 1863. First Lieut. William McEvoy, Adft, March 18, 1865. First Lieut. John M. Bowhug, May 23, 1865. Secoud Lient. Theodore Leland, Batt. Adj't, October 3, 1862. Second Lieut. James 3. Crow, Batt. Adj't, October 3, 1862. Second Lieut. Burr Sanders, Batt. Adj't, October 3, 1862. Second Lient. Willis B. Hargrave, February 13, 1864. Died, (8.) Captaiu Thomas G. McClelland, accidentally drowned May 11, 1862. Captnin El OS McPhail, killed in action at Vicksburg, Miffs., M-ly 26, 1863. Captain Wellington S. Lee, August 30, 1863, of wounds. Secoud Lieut. John Hendrison, January 17. 1862. Second Lieut. John N. Paul, August 10, 1862. • Secoud Lieut. Washington A. Kirkpatrick, January 6, 1863, of wounds received in action. Secoud Lieut. Henry M. Sturdevant, September 21, 1863, of disease, at Lagrange, Tenn. .Second Lieut. Samuel T. Lucas, December 20, 1864. * Appointed Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. cavalry. Note. — The roster of (officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 182 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. FOURTH REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at Ottawa, 111., from September 26 to October 17, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into a battalion of five companies, and retamed in service until June 14, 1865, when it was consoUdated with the 12th regiment lUinois cavalry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Major. Anthony T.' St?arch 11 Mar., 65 Captains. Harvey H. Merriman . ..25 July, 62 AVilliam D. Wardlaw 20 Nov., JohnF. Wallace 20 Feb., 63 Ira W. Smith 14 Apr. , 64 jftjram Donica 28 Mar., 65 First Lieutenants'. Asher B.Hall 6 May, 62 SaciaF. Taylor 14 Apr., 64 Edward Mann 2 Sept., Henry Martin 28 Mar., 65 Benjamin M. Gardner. ..10 Apr,, William Crooks, Adft.. .14 June, Secooid Lieutenants. Andrew J. Norton 17 Oct., David W. White 10 Apr., Benjamin J. Arnold 10 Apr., Oliver H. Swingley 7 May, As^stant Surgeon. Casualties, # Promoted, (9,) Major Samuel M. Bowman, June 20, 1862, tO Colonel 84th regiment Pennsylvania infantry. Captain E. D. Osband, February 29, 1864, to Colonel 3d U. S, colored cavalry. First Lient. David H. GUe, September 21, 1863, to Captaan and A. D. C. FJrstLiput Charles H. Chapin, November 17, 1863, to Major 3d U. S. colored cavalry. First Lieut Edward M. Main, February 29, 1864, to Major 3d U. S. colored cavalry. Second Lieut William W. Webber, October 26, 1863, to Cap tain 3d U. S. colored cavalry. Second Lieut. Jeremiah B. Cook, February 14, 1864, to Major 3d U. S, colored cavalry. Second Lieut. George N. Leoni, July 10, 1864, to Captain Igt regiment Mistrisi^ippi cavalry. Assistant Surgeon William T. Beadles, November 5, 1863, to Surgeon 3d U. S. colored cavalrv. Resigned, (27.) Major Charles C. James, May 5, 1862. CaiJtain J. M. Longstreth, May 3, 1862. Captain George Dodge, May 1.5, 1862. " , Captain Aaron L. Rockwood, August 31, 1862. Captain WiUiam E. Hopeonan, December 5, 1862. Captain Philip Worcester, January 24, 1863. Captain John H. Feller, August 8, 1863. First Lieut. Edmond Moore, February 15, 1862. First Lieut SUas W. Ogden, March 1, 1862. First Lieut Harvey B. box, Adj't, May 3, 1862. First Lieut. John t. Harper, September 3, 1862. First Lieut WiUiam M. True, September 3, 1862. First Lieut David Jolly, R. C. S.,Jn\y 3, 1864. First Lieut.Jo/m W.ffitt, R. Q, M., May 27, 1865. Secoud Lieut. Eli C. Sheafer, April 26, 1862. Second Lieut. Alonzo A. Loutzenheiser, May 3, 1862. . Second Lieut. Edward H. DaUey, July 25, 1862. Secoud Lieut. James M. McKinstry, Batt. Q. M., November 8, 1862. Secoud Lieut. John P. Van Dortson, February 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Charles B. Throop, March 14, 1863. Second Lieut. .James Sherlock, June 3, 1863. Second Lieut Samuel C. Harrison, April 4, 1864. Second Lieut Robert D. Taylor, May, 25, 1864, Second Lieut Simon String, May X3, 1865. Surgeon Darius A. Dow, April 20, ] 862. Assistant Surgeon Charles G. Goodrich, May 16, 1865. Chaplain Alfred Eddy, February 1, 1862, Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (24.) Colonel Martin R. M. Wallace, November 3, 1864. Lieut. Colonel WiUiam L. Gibson, November 3,1864. Major Mindrot Wemple, November 3, 1864. Major Charles D. Townsend, November 3, 1864. Captain Samuel A. Lowe, November 3, 1864. . Captain Garrett L. Collins, November 3, 1864. Captain Harry D. Cook, November 3, 1864. Captain Franklin Fisk, November 3, 1864. ' ^ Captain George J. Shepardson, November 3, 1864. Captain Heury C. DashieU. November 3. 1864. Captain Joseph E. Hitt, November 3, 1864. First Lieut Alexnnder T. Crego, Adj't, November 3 1864. First Lieut. WiUiam P. Callon, October 15, 1864 First Lieut Raymond W. Hanford, i?. Q. M., November 3, 1864, ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 183' First Lieut, James W. Willis, November 3, 1864, First Lieut. Orrin W. Carlton, November 3, 1864. First Lieut. John H. Parker, November 3, 1864. First Lieut Henry Sirplcss, November 3, 1864. First Lieut. Ruthven W. Pike, November 3, 1864. First Lieut Samuel AUshouse, jr., Novemher 3, 1864, Second Lieut. Charles H. Dickey, November 3, 1864, ¦ Second Lieut. Jaraes M. Kimball, November 3, 1864. Surgeon Hiram C. Luce, November 3, 1864. Chaplain Eben G. Trask, November 3, 1864. Discharged, (4.) Colonel Theophilus L. Dickey, February 16, 1863. First Lieut George A. Walters, Batt. Adj't, August 23, 1802. First Lieut. Hezekiah T. Buckley, Batt. Adft, August 25, 1862. Second Lieut David Quigg, Batt. Adft, August 25, 1862. Died, (2.) Lieut. Colonel William McCuUough, kUled in action near CJoffeeville, Miss., December 5, 1862, Chaplain Samuel Hibben, November 9, 1862. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut Benjamin F. Hyde, July 14, 1864. First Lieut. Elijah H. Baker, January 22, 1865. Note — The roster of oificers is given as it stood on the day of consolidation. 184 ILLINOIS CATALRY. FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, Blinois, from August 31 to December 30, 1861, to serve three years. On the expu-ation of its term of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until October . 27, 1865, when itwas mustered out, in accordance with orders frora the WarDepartraent.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. John McConnell 27 May, 64 t Brig. Geoi, 13 Mar. , 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Abel H. Seley, a. w. m. Major. George W. McConkey... 5 Sept, 65 Captains, James H.Wood 18 Oct., 64 Lyman Clark 15 Dec., WUliam N. Berry 1 Mar., 65 James K. Brown 1 May, Clarendon W. Wheelock. 1 June, Alexander S. Jessup, a. w, m. First Lieutenants. Joshua TuthUl, ,Adft 27 May, 64 Rich'dRainforth, ii.Q.il^. IJuly, Jacob Stifal 1 Nov., Ridly W. McCaU 1 Nov.-, Alexander D.Pittenger.- 1 Jan., 65 George P. West, R. C. S. .29 Jan., John L. Dow 1 Mar., John D. Rawlings 11 Mar. , WilUam C. Addison 11 Apr,, Alonzo G. Payne 1 June, WUUam H. Pinkerton . . -24 Juno, Francis M, Webb 24 June, Second Lieuteoiants. WUUain A. McAllister... 22 June, 65 WUUam Maxwell 23 June, Townson Wells IJuly, Surgeon. WiUiam Watts 10 IMar., 65 Assistaoit Surgeon. Charles B. Kendall, a. w. m. Casualties. Resigned, (35.) Lieut. Colonel Thomas A. Apperson, -October 10, 1863. Captaiu Bartholomew Jenkins, April 28, 1862. Captain Thomas McKee, August 20, 1862. Captain Robert Schell, September 4, 1862. Captain Benjamin G. Glenn, December 4, 1862. Captain John A. Harvey, December 29, 1662. Captain Edward W, Pierson, January 10, 1863. Captain Henry A. Organ, Febmary 23, 1863. Captain John Nelson, May 22, 1864. Captain WiUiam Wagenseller, July 5, 1864. Captain Benjamin B. Hopkins, July 26, 1864. Captain Robert N. Toler, AprU 18, 1865. First Lieut. Seth R. Evans, R. Q. M., January 15, 1862. First Lieut. AU'red Thayer, April 10, 1862. First Lieut Charles Nisewauger, August 28, 1862. • First Lieut. Francis M. Dorothy, January 10, 1863. First Lieut. Harrison H. Brown, February 14, 1863. First Lieut. Edwin P. Martin, Adft, March 24, 1863. First Lieut. Washington F. Crain, May 29, 1863. First Lieut. Webster C. Wilkmson, Adft, AprU 1, 1864. First Lieut Robert N. Jessop, July 13, 1864. First Lieut. Calvin SheU, October 5, 1864. First Lieut John P. Mann, R. C. S., October 15, 1864. First Lieut Robert M. Nelson, May 12, 1865. Fu'st Lieut Lawrence P. Hay, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Johu F. Smith, September 27, 1862. Second Lieut Dennis A. Harrison, September 29, 1862. Second Lieut Jonas A. Lawrence, March 7, 1863. Second Lieut Amos H. Smith, May 25, 1863. Second Lieut. Silas W. Wisliard, August 8, 1863. Second Lieut WUUam H, Snowden, December 26, 1863. Second Lieut George B. Clark, September 29, 1864. Second Lieut. Thi^ddeus B. Packai^, Novemher 12, 1864, Second Lieut Edwin P. Martin, June 26, 1863, Surgeon Chairles W^ Higgins, February 23, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (15.) Captain WiUiam P. Withers, Novemher 10, 1864. Captain Samuel J. R. WUson, December 29, 1864. Captain Hem-y D. CaldweU, December 31, 1864. Captain Jacob M. Cullers, January 9, 1865. Captain Calvin A. Mann, February 4, 1865. Captaiu Kendle B. Peniwell, Febmary 14, 1865. Captain James A. Balch, March 7, 1865. First Lieut. WiUiam N. ElUott, October 8, 1864. First Lient John J. Adams, October 24, 1864. First Lieut Clement March, February 14, 1865. First Lieut Gordon Webster, March 7, 1865. Second Lieut. Joseph H. Ewing, Febmary 17, 1865. Second Lieut Thomas H. Barnfield, March 15, 1865. Surgeon Johoi B. Ensey, December 7, 1864. Chaplain John W. Woods, December 31, 1864. Discharged, (17.) Colouel HaU WUson, January 19, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Ben. L. Wiley, May 23, 1863. Major Speed Butler, July 8, 1862. Major James Farnan, October 13, 1864. Captain Joseph A. Cox, March 25, 1863. Captain Fraiucis A. Wheelock, AprU 18, 1865. Firiit Lieut. Daniel M. Turuey, Adft, April 16, 1862. ILLINOIS CAtALRY. 185 Chaplain. Pirst Lieut. Jamea Depew, April 28, 1862. First Lient. Robert C. Wilson, R. Q. M., April 28, 1862. (Eo- commiasioned First Lieut. July — , 1862. ) First Lieut. Thomas Howes, Adft, November 12, 1862. First Liout. Charles J. Childs, January 9, 1863. Second Lieut. William G. Nelson, April 28, 1862. Second Liout. Oscar F. Lindsey, Batt. Adft, September 30, 16C2. Second Lieut. Edward P. Harris, Batt. Adft, October 3, 1862. Second Lieut. William Watta, June 13, 1863. (Recommis sioned aa Assistant Surgeon June 13, 1863.) Second Lieut. W. D. Van Norman, November 25, 1864. Second Lieut. Leander Coffman, June 29, 1865. Died, (5.) Major Horace P. Mumford. October 26, 1864, of disease. Captaiu Thomas J. Dean, September 20, 1864, of disease. Captain Samuel W. McConnell, August 14, 1865, at Green ville, La. Captain James Nisbet, September 3. 1865, of diaeaae. Second Lieut. Jacob Baker, August 5, 1864, of disease. Dismissed, (5.) Captaiu Edwin S. Norfolk, March 13, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Samuel Burrell, May 23, 1863. First Lieut. Eobert C. Wilson, R. Q. Af., March 12, 1864. Second Lieut. Albert S. Eobinson, July 28, 1862. Second Lieut. Madison Glassco, January 8, 1863. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered ou this register except those announced iu General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 186 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, from Octo ber 15, 1861, to January 9, 1863, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the origi nal members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recrnits, retained in service until November 5, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this 'regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. JohnLynch 18 Apr., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. William D. Glass 4 June, 65 Majors. Elijah T. Phillipa 18 Apr., 65 Alonzo D. Pierce 20 Apr., Lucius B. .Skinner 23 May, Captains. Joseph Coker 10 May, 63 Samuel T. Maxcy 16 Mar., 65 Harvey W. Stewart 17 Mar., Jamea M. Banes 21 Mar., William H. Holly 22 Mar., Eobert Bradley 18 Apr., JamesH. Pierce 18 Apr., Alexander Vickers 11 May, Frank W. Babcock 11 May, William P. Forman 4 June, WealeyP. Fallon 20 Sept., John J. Clark 20 Sept,, First Lieutenants. Walter B. Maulding 19 Mar., 65 William L. Mitchell 18 Apr., James S. Finney 18 Apr., Thomaa W. H. Miller . . .18 Apr., WiUiam Pollard, R. C. S.IS .\pr., Benton E. Betebenner . .11 May, Nicholas Robinson .: 24 May, Joseph Frazier 3 June, Mathias K. Buaick.JJ.Q.ilf 1 Sept., Wm. H. Boicourt, Adft. .21 Oct., Second Lieutenants. Casualties. JohnC. Fite 28 Apr., John P. Wright 10 Mar.. John M. Boyd 22 Mar., Alexander Barnes 18 Apr,, William P. Eigg 7 May , Thomas J. Eapheal 24 May, Promoted, (3,) Colonel Benjamin H: Grierson, June 16, 1863, to Brigadier General. Pirst Lient. Samuel L. Woodward, July 21, 1863, to Captain and A. A. G. First Lieut. John C. Grierson, R. Q. M., June 12, 1865, to Captain and A. Q. M. Resigned, (30.) Colonel Thomaa H. Cavanagh, March 28, 1862. Major John Wood, jr., January 30, 1862. Major Isaac Gibson, June 4, 1862. Major William L. Caldwell, October 14, 1862. Major James D. Stacy, October 23, 1862. Captain John M. Boicart, October 21, 1862. Captain Cressa K. Davis, December 16, 1862. • Captain Isaiah M. Sperry, February 28, 1863. Captain Hosea Vise, March 18, 1863. Captain Edward Dawes, May 10, 1863. Captain Thomaa W. Lippincott, July 6, 1865, Captain Wade W. McCoy, July 6, 1865. First Lieut. Benedict Crandle, May 7, 1862. First Lieut. Thomas H. Cavanagh, jr., Adft, April 1,5, 1862. Firat Lieut. James H. Gordon, April 25, 1862. First Lieut. William L. Stephens, May 7, 1862. First Lieut. Elijah E. Trovillian, May 13, 1862. First Lieut. James M. Blades, July 18, 1862. Pirst Lient. Samuel A. Armstrong, July 30, 1862. Piret Lieut. John 0. Fite, November 27, 1863. (Recommia- Bioned as Secoud Lieutenant April 28, 1863,) First Lient. Abraham Cover, January 3, 1863. First Lieut. William H. Beck, Adft, February 28, 1863. First Lieut. John W. Hughes, August 13, 1864. First Lieut. Sylvanus Gard, Adft, September 6, 1865. Pirst Lieut. Jobn Handley, October 7, 1865. Second Lieut. Samuel N. Docker, Batt, Adft, March 4, 1862. Second Lieut. Charles A. Eixleben, March 14, 1862. Second Lieut. William H. Short, April 25, 1862. Second Lieut. Samuel L. Lawrence, May 7, 1862. Second Lieut. Edgar A. Finch, January 11, 1863. Chaplain Augustus De Poe, March 9, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (17.> Major Charles W. Whitsit, December 10, 1804, Captain J. D. Angeley, December 12, 1864. Captain William W. Peterson, December 13. 1864. Captain Firth Charlesworth, December 21, 1864. Captain Derastus L. Grimes, January 8, 1865. Captain William G. Sloan, January 9, 1865. Captain Daniel M. Maulding, January 9, 1865. Pirst Lieut. Harvey R. Parker, Adft, December 12, 1864. ¦First Liout. John P. Cover, December 12, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Thomas Baker, December 13, 1864. First Lieut. John N. Wilson, January 7, 1865. First Lieut. William H. Dove, January 8, 1865. First Lieut. James H. pally, January 13, 1865. First Liout. Hugh F. Patterson, February 1, 1865. First Lieut. George T. Eedfern, R. C. S., March 28, 1865. Second Lieut. Julius H. Benham. December 28, 1864. Surgeon Johu N. Niglaa, January 8, 186.">. Discharged, (16.) Lieut.- Colonel John Olney, November 27, 1862. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 18T Thomas M. Shields 24 May, 65 R. B. Olliver 28 May, Marion J. Sitter 28 May, ¦John C. Baker 4 June, Frederick Marlow 21 Jime, Surgeon. Archibald B. Agnew 16 Mar., 65 Assistaoit Surgeons. Josephus R. Corbus 20 Apr., 65 Madison G. Nixon 25 Apr., Chaplain, Captain John J. Ritchey, Jannary 21, 1863. Captain James B. Morray, February 4, 1864. First Lieut John M. Snyder, R, Q. M., June 1, 1862. First Lieut Charles A. Hazzard, July 24, 1863. First Lieut. John C. Bradley, September 6, 1865. First Lieut. LouiK Y. Alien, October 16, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas P. Stacv, Batt. Q. M., March 11, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry Stout, March 14, 1862, Second Lieut George N, Hubbard, Batt. Q, M., June 1, 1862. SecondLieut. Joseph T. Janes, Batt. Adj't, August 26, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry C. Jaques, Batt. Adft, August 26, 1862. Second Lieut James A. Roark, October 23, 1862. Second Lieut. Cornelius Baker, January 1, 1863. Assistant Surgeon James S. Whitmire, May 26, 1802. ' Chaplain James F. Jacquess, August 21, 1862. Died, (11.) Colonel Mattljcw H. Starr, October 3, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action, Lieut. Colonel Reuben Loomis, kiUed by Major Herod at Germantown, Tenn., November 2, 1863. ¦ Captaiu (George W. Peck, November 14, 1862. Captain S. L. Marshall, June 13, 1863, at Baton Rouge, La. Captain Edward BaU, killed in action at Cold Water River, Miss., July 22, 1864. First Lieut. N. B. Cunningham, killed by gueriUas September 6, 1862. First Lieut WUliam L. Edwards, December 31, 1862. First Lieut Jesse B. Wilson, killed in action near Belmont, Tenn., March 29, 1863. First Lieut George R. Anderson, killed in action November 24, 1864. Second Lieut. Nelson B. Newman, Batt. Adj't, June 8, 1862. Second Lieut George W. Newell, April 30, 1864. Missing, (2.) Second Lieut. Charles S. Bradley, since October — , 1863. Assistant Surgeon Joseph H. Everett, since May 4, 1863. Dismissed, (6.) Major Thomas G. S. Herod, February 13, 1865. Captain Daniel P. Foster, December 31, 1862. ^ First Lieut WUl Yates, Adft, August 24, 1863. • Pirst Lieut. Benjamin F. Guitean, December 28, 1863. Second Lieut Elijah G. Tarpley, January 2, 1863. Second Lieut Jacob E. Vaughan, January 2, 1863. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. SEVENTH REGIMENT. --(This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, from the 3d to the 20th of September, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except vet erans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until November 4, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which tbis regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. -John M. Graham 10 Apr. , 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Henry C. Forbes 16 Mar. , 65 Majors. Asa W. McDonald 13 June, 64 Miles G.Wiley 23 May, 65 George A. Root 23 May, Captains. Joseph M. Chase 14 July, 64 Charles C. Hays 8 Dec, David S. Porter 16 Mar. , 65 Jacob 1. La Grange 16 Mar., David W. Bradshaw 16 Mar., UriahJBrant 16 Mar., Daniel M, Wilt 16 Mar., Stephen A. Forbes 17 Apr., Davis Vulgamore 17 Apr. , Byron H. TuUer 17 Apr. , John EtherWge 23 May, Charlea StoU 24 July, First Lieutenants. Jara(0E. W. Hinchman, R.Q.M 28 Oct., 62 Daniel E.Robbina, R. C.S. 16 Mar. ; 65 Robert D. McCord 16 Mar., Franklin Mount 16 Mar,, Samuel F. Gammill 16 Mar., James Price 16 Mar., Horace K. Eice 17 Apr., John J. Shriner 22 Apr., Charles E. Cross 7 May, Thomas Slinger .' . 1 7 Ma j-, Albert McKnight 23 May, Allen W. Heald, Adft. . .30 May, Marshall A. Hartley 22 Juue, John Nicholson 24 July, Solomon F. Goodbrake, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. DavidV.Ehea 4 Feb., 63 Samuel M. Reynolda 16 Mar., 65 Elmore W. Hunt 31 Mar. , Samuel W. Rode 17 Apr., Oliver L. Kendall 17 Apr. , William H. Roberts 22 Apr, , Casdalties. Promoted, (2,) Major Gyrus Hall, February 9,i 1 862, to Colonel 14th regiment Illinois infantry. Second Lieut. Henry Jayne, September 20, 1864, to Captain and A. D. C. Resigned,'(22.) Colonel WUliam Pitt Kellogg, June 1, 1862, Major Henry Case, April 24, 1862. Major Jonas Rawalt, June 10, 1862. Major Anton P. Koehler, March 14, 1863. Major Horatio C. Nelson, June 22, 1863. Captain Wright Woolsey, January 8, 1862. Captain John P. Ludwig, May 28, 1862. Captain Levi Hodge, May 31, 1862. Captain Arthur J. GaUagher, June 20, 1862. Captain George M. Scott, J«ly 3, 1862. Captain Bernhard C. F. Janssen, June 1, 1865. Pirst Lieut. Daniel Heasty, May 28, 1862. First Lieut. Jacob C. Miller, June 8, 1862. First Lieut. John H. Shaw, August 12, 1864. Second Lieut. Oscar Sammis, Jannary 10, 1862. Second Lieut. Jacob Shoup, Apriri5, 1862. Second Lient. Andrew B. Hulitt, AprU 24, 1862. Second Lieut. James E. Morrison, May 5, 1862. Second Lieut. William O. Yargan, May 23, 1863. Second Lieut. John H. Meyer, May 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Benjamin P. Berkley, September 2, 1862. Surgeon Clark D. Rankin, June 1, 1862. Clustered out on erpiration of term of service, (22.) Colonel Edward Prince, October 15, 1864. Lieut. Colonel George W. Trafton, November 4, 1864. Captain Charlea Hunting, October 15, 1864. Captain Prescott Bartlett, October 15, 1864. Captain William H. Reynolds, October 15, 1864. Captain William H. Stiles, October 15, 1864. Captain William Ashmead, October 15, 1864. Captain Squire A. Epperson, October 29, 1864. Captain MUton L. Webster, November 1, 1864. Captain Joseph R. Herring, November 4, 1864. First Lieut. Henry F. Barker, R. C. S., October 15, 1864. Pirst Lieut. James M. Gaston, October 15, 1864. Firat Lieut. WiUiam H. Stratton, October 15, 1864. First Lieut. Warren W. Porter, October 15, 1864. First Lieut. James M. Caldwell, October 15, 1864. First Lieut, Johu W. Maxwell, November 22, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Stephen H. Richardson, October 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Jamea S. McCool, October 15, 1864. Second Lieut. James Breeze, October 15, 1864. Second Lient. Samuel A. Kitch, October 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Stephen G. Washburn, October 15, 1864. Chaplain Simon G. Miner, October 15, 1864. Discharged, 10.) Pirst Lieut. William A. Dickerman, R. Q. M., May 26, 1862. First Lieut. Sidney A. Stockdale, Adft, May 26, 1862. First Lieiit. Henry Voris, November 11, 1862. First Lieut. Joseph O'Kane, March 10, 1865. Second Lieut. John W. Reiser, Batt. Q. M. , May 26, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph P. Chester, Batt. Q. M., May 26 1862 Second Lieut. Charles Wills, Batt. Adft, September 6, 1862. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 189 Herman A. Van Epps- - - 7 May, 65 Earnest WUey 23 May, Samuel Way 23 May, Michael Freyburger 16 June, Atigustns Leseure 24 July, Lewis Pickel IS Aug., Surgeon. Thomas J. Rigg 28 Jan., 65 Assistant Surgeons. ' Charles H. Norred 20 Apr., 65 MUton W, Nesmith 23 Apr. , Chaplain. SecondLieut. George L. Bestor, Batt. Adj't, September 6, 1862, Second Lieut. Allen W. Heald, Batt. Adft, September 6, 1862^ (Recommissioned as First Lieut and Adj't May 30, 1865.) *Surgeon Daniel Stahl, September 28, 1864, Died, (8.) Lieut. Colonel Wm. D. Blackburn, May 17, 1663, of wounds received in action. JIajor Zenas ApUngton, kiUed in action at Farmington, Miss.,May 8, 1862. Captain WUUam McCausland, December 25, 1834, of wounds received in action. First Lieut Richard Harden, November 11, 1861, at Camp- Butler, IU. First Lieut. Isaac V. D. Moore, kiUed at Point Pleasant, Mo., AprU 1, 1862. Fir.st Lieut Charles F. Lee, kiUed in action at ColliersvUle, Term., October 11, 1863. Second Lieut Josiah T. Xoyes, Batt. Q. M., Juue 9, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry Nicholson, killed in action ()ctober 12,- 1S63. Dismissed, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Alson J. Gilbert, September 5, 1864. Note. * Appointed Surgeon U. S. volunteers. -The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 190 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. EIGHTH REGIMENT. -^This regiment was organized at Camp Kane, Illinois, September 18, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 17, 1865, when it was mus tered out ill accordance with orders from the War Department.) eorge Guntt'r 27 Jan., Albert S. Marble 21 Mar., Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Major Sfarshall L. Stephenson, July 6, 1864, to Colonel 2d regiment Arkansas infantry. Captain Elhanon J. Searle, February 36, 1863, to Lieutenant (Colonel 1st regiment Arkansas infantry. Resigned, (47.) Colonel James A. Barret, May 15, 1863. Colonel Dudley Wickersham, May 10, 1864. Lieut. Colonel Eagleton Carmichael, October 9, 1S65. Major Elvis P. Shaw, September 20, 1863. Major Joseph S. Smith, March 22, 1864. Major William A. Chapin, April 21, 1865. Captain Thomas S. Crafton, April 4, 1862. Captain Ephraim Bortle, April 17, 1862. Captain Isaac H. Purguson, June 23, 1862. Captain WUliam S. Moore, June 30, 1862. Captain James Butterfield, July 3, 1862. Captain Garrett Elkin, August 2, 1862. Captain William Sands, August 31, 1862. Captain WiUiam S. Hunter, October 20, 1862. Captain CavU K. WUson, Pebrnary 23, 1863. Captain Richard C. Keily, May 31, 1863. Captain James C. Nibarger, March 18, 1864. Captain John G. Roberts, July 13, 1864. Captain Samuel J. Byrd, August 6, 1864. Captain David H. Wilson, December 2, 1864. Captain Thomas O'Connor, December 31, 1864. Captain Albert CoUins, July 28, 1865. First Lieut. Columbus Cross, March 25, 1862. Pirst Lieut. Hiram W. Cady, April 12, 1863. First Lieut. William H. East, July 10, 1862. First Lieut. Alfred A. North, February 23, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Gideon Brainerd, Adj't, March 12, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Herman B. Hoffman, March 20, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Felix Droll, December 23, 1864. First Lieut. Charles ZiUy, Adft, December 31, 1864. First Lieut. William A. Montgomery, December 31, 1864. First Lieut. Samuel B. Garber, May 7, 1865. Second Lieut. John W. Crafton, March 20, 1862. Second Lieut. James A. Mitchel, Batt. Adft, May 13, 1 862. Second Lieut. William Bennett, September 4, 1863. Second Lieut. WUliam W. Stinnett, October 18, 1863. Second Lieut. John 1'. Black, October 24, 1862, Second Lieut. Seth Ingalsbee, November 27, 1862. Second Lieut. Alexander Rucker, March 16, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Caleb Hanna, Angust 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Hatcher, December 9, 1864. Second Lieut. William Schwerdtfeger, December 23, 1864. Second Lieut. John A. Koontz, February 10, 1865. ' Surgeon William E. Wilson, October 2.), 1864. Surgeon Augustus A. Shiitt, June 4, 1805. Chaplain Francis Springer, April 14, 1863. Chaplain Julius Elliott, December 30, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (13.) Lieut. Colonel Samuel N. Hitt, December 30, 1864. Major Joseph S. McCartney. December 30, 1864. Major George T. Snelling, December 30, 1864. Captaiu Charles H. Jones, December 30, 1864. Captain Zimri B, Bates, December 30, 1864. Captain Joseph A. McClure, December 30, 1864. Pirst Lieut, Robert J. Bellamy, November 24, 1864. First Lieut. Johu H. Barret, R. Q. M., December 30, 1864. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 195 Assistant Surgeon. EdwM'd L. Lathrop 16 Deo., 64 Chaplttin. First Lieut Samuel Hays, December 31, 1864. Second Lieut James B. Butler, December 30, 1864. Second Lieut'Samuel M. Miller, December 30, 1864. Second Lieut James C. Maygiuni«, December 31, 1864. Aa^ibtant Surgeon Henry F. Adams, December 30, 1864. Discharged, (16.) Captain Thomas V. Wilson, September 29, lt'62. Captaiu William Duncan, (Brevet Major M.irch 13, 1865,) July 17, 1865. First Lieut James S. Freeman, April 4, 1862. Pirst Lieut Augustus A, Shutt, February 20, 1863. (Recom missioned as Assistant Surgeon February 20, 1863.) First Lieut Hiram C. Walker, March 20, 1863. First Lieut Jerome Ross, September 20, 1865. Second Lieut John P. Kavanaugh, Batt. Q. M., AprU 4, 1862. (Recommissioned Second Lieutenant Juuo 25, 1863.) Second Lieut George ffenderson, Batt. Q. M., April 4, 1862. Second Lieut John Mabee, April 12, 1862. Second Lieut Eli H. Hosea, Batt. Adj't, September 6, 1862. Second Lieut. Thomas D. Vredeuburgh, Batt. Q. M., Septem ber 6, 1862. (Recommissioned as First Lieutenant October 14, 1862. ) Sepond Lieut Henry Turney, Batt. Adj't, September 6, 1862. Second Lieut. Barton W. Fox, February 22, 1863. Second Lieut Samuel W. Armor, May 31, 1863. Second Lieut John A. McQueen, ,Iuly 17, 1865. Assistant' Surgeon Josiah H. SkiUing, August 25, 1865. Died, (4.) Captain Christopher H. Anderson, AprU 13, 1864, of disease, at NashviUe, Tenn, First Lient. Henry J. Solomon, May 23, 1864, of disease, at Palmyra, 111. .Second Lieut. John P. Kavanaugh, kiUed iu action at Bayou Meto, Ark., August 27, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Lucian Ashley, , 1863. Dismissed, (8.) Captain Hal ReUy, March 13, 1863. Captain Hiram E. Baratow, May 25, 1863. First Lieut Daniel L. Canfield, March 13, 1863. First Lieut Joseph C. Johns, October 17, 1864. First Lieut WUUam King, ii!. C. S., July 31, 1865. Second Lieut WiUiam H. Watson, March 7, 1862, Second Lieut Silas W. ffickox. May 25, 1863. Assistant Surgeon WiUiam S. Duncan, October 10, 1864. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in Genera Orders before October 14, 1865, NOTE 2, — The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out 196 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. ELEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Peoria, IU., December 20, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the origi nal members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organi zation, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until September 30, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Otto Punke 21May, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. AquiUa J. Davis 37 May, 65 j!iiajors. Philip P. EUiott 11 Apr., 65 George W. Hunter 8 July, Theophlig Schaerer 9 Sept., Captains. Finley C. Purguson 13 Mar., 65 John H. McFarland 14 Mar., John J. Perry 15 Mar., James G. Hull 11 Apr., Gustavus O. Cole 12 Apr., Martin L. Calhoun 1 May, Bernard Wagner IMay, Thomas T. MunhaU 20 May, Amos W. Dunn 4 Aug., John A. Davis 2 July, Edward Presenius 20 Sept., First Lieutenants. Eug, RoUmann, R. Q. M. 3 Dec, Joseph C. Brewer, B.C.& 11 Dec, JohnH. AUen 13 Mar., Jacob D. Brown 13 Mar., WUliam B. Dator 15 Mar., James R. Reasoner 11 Apr. , Thomas Paul 11 Apr., Joseph Swan 1 May, Stephen Andrews 20 May, Charles T. Mans 25 June, Joseph Edel 2 July, EUMundorff, Adft 27 July, John H. Meeks 4 Aug., Second Lieutenants. George W. DoU 11 Apr., Tennis Vreeland 11 Apr., Frederick Duckett 11 Apr., •William P. Jennings 26 Apr., Louis Ludwig 1 May, WUham G. A. Buchanan. 1 May, Daniel R. Buck 1 May, 64 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) . M., June 30, 1864, to Cap- First Lieut. WUliam Currie, R. tain and A. Q. M. Resigned, (28.) Colonel Robert G. IngersoU, June 30, 1863. Lient. Colonel Bazil D. Meek, July 39, 1863. Major Sabin D. Puterbaugh, November 1, 1863. Major David J. Wagoner, June 4, 1863. Major Charles E. Johnson, November 24, 1864. Major Dennis S. Sheppard, May 29, 1865. Captain George W. Freeman, March 18, 1862. Captain John J. Worden, AprU 18, 1862, Captain John C. Kuowlton, September 3, 1862. Captain Adam Stuber, November 18, 1862. Captain John R. Coykendall, February 16, 1863. Captain John R. Zelgler, March 7, 1864. Captain Anthony Roehrig, September 18, 1864. , First Lieut. Frank C. Worden, May 23, 1862. First Lieut. David M. Cummings, April 11, 1863. Furst Lieut. L. Sabine Willard, May 28, 1863. First Lieut. Francis I.eClair, June 6, 1863. First Lieut. Moses T. Lewman, Jnly 15, 1863. First Lieut. David S. Scott, Septenlber 29, 1863. First Lieut. Heury M. Cornell, February 29, 1864. First Lieut. David T. N. Sanderson, Adft, March 7, 1864. First Lieut. John Backus, May 11, 1865. First Lieut. Benjamin Oram, Adj't, June 23, 1865. Second Lieut. Samuel Craig, June 21, 1862. Second Lieut. John E. -Herfr jcjl, AprU 25, 1863, Second Lieut. Andrew T. Linbarger, June 14, 1863. Second Lieut. Herman Herold, June 9, 1864. Surgeon James McMasters, May 3, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (16.) Colonel Lucien H. Kerr, December 19, 1864. Major Simon C. Burbridge, December 19, 1864. Captain Louis H. Armstrong, December 19, 1864, Captain Henry C. Woods, December 19, 1864. Captain Thomas O'Hara, December 19, 1864. Captain John A. Gray, December 19, 1864. Captain George W. Greenwood, December 19, 1864. Captain Stephen S. Tripp, June 24, 1865. . Captaiu WiUiam R. Hays, July 1, 1865. Pirst Lieut. Charles L. Bancroft, December 19, 1864. Pirst Lieut. WiUiam D. Slater, December 19, 1864. First Lieut. Joseph Robinson, Adft, January 31, 1865. First Lieut. Samuel R. Bush, AprU 15, 1865. First Lieut. James M. Gregory, July 14, 1865. Second Lieut. John Oswali, December 19, 1864. Second Lieut. Charles S. Beardsley, February 10, 186.5. Discharged, (12.) Captain WilUam Olmsted, April 18, 1862. Captain Harvey T. Gregg, September 23, 1862. First Lieut. Richard A. Howk, July 8, 1862. Pirst Lieut. George W. Odell, November 5, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry J. Latshaw, Batt. Q. M., March 22, 3862. Second Lieut. WiUiam Donovan, March 23, 1862. Second Lient. Bernard Wagner, Bolt. Q. M., March 23, 1862, (Recommissioned Second Lieut. October 1, 1862.) SecondLieut. Wilson S. Bales. Batt. Adj't, August 25, 3862. Second Lieut. Thomas Bracken, Batt. Adj't, August 26, 1862. ILLIXOIS CAVALRY. 197 WUUimi N. Peet 22 May, 65 David Blair 2 July, Henry C, Fuller 2 July, JohnW. Kimzey 4 Aug., Suogeon. Robert F. Stratton 15 Get., 62 Assistaoit Surgeon. Josiah L. WUcox 19 Mny. 63 Chaplain. Sri'ond Lieut Maoirice Dee, Batt. Adft, August 29, 1862. (Re commissioned as First Lieut and jr£.(7.>S., September 28,1862.) Secoud Lieut. WiUiam P. Armstrong, August 31, 1862., Sernud Liout. Samuel A. Poland, September 28, 1864. Died, (10.) Mixjor James F. Johnson, May 22, 1862, at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Captain Isaac Elwood, August — , 1862. Captain James Rote, October 25, 1862, at Jackson, Tenn. Captain Hugh C. Moffitt, killed in action at Clinton, Miss., July 5, 1864. Firat Lieut Riehai-d Byrnes, April 6, 1362, of wounds re ceived in action. First Lieut. Gco7-^fi .(4. Quinn, Januarys, 1863, at Jackson, Tenn. First Lieut. Maurice Dee, R. C. S., accidentally killed, No vember 16, 1864. SecondLieut George P. ChappeU, Batt. Adj't, May 15, 1862, at Pittsburg Landing, Teun. Second Lieut. John Tilbo, drowned in Black river, Misa., July 2, 1864. Chaplain Leonard Whitney, May 22, 1862, at Pittsburg Land ing, Tenu. Dismissed, (2.) Second Lieut. John H. Hays, August 26, 1864. Chaplain George W, Pilcher, August 29, 1864. Note. — The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. 198 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. TWELFTH REGIMENT. (Companies A, B, C, D, E, and G of this regiment were organized at Springfield, III., February 24 and 28, 1862, to serve three years. Cap tain Gillmore's company cavalry 32d regiment Illinois infantry, or ganized at Camp Butler, 111., De cember 3f, 1861, was assigned to this regiment as company F. Cap tains Shear and Barker's companies McClellan dragoons organized at Chicago, III., iu October, 1861, to serve three years, were assigned as company H. Captain Brown's company McCleUan dragoons or ganized at Chicago, III. , in October, 1861, to serve three years, was as- Figned as company I. Three more companies were organized at Springfield, 111., from December 30, 1863, to January 12, 1864, to serve three years, aud assigned- as com panies K, L, and M. On the ex piration of its term of service the original merabers (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, coraposed of veterans and recrnitti consoiidated into eight corapanies (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H) in March, 1865. The mem bers of company G were trans ferred to the other companies, and the 4th regiment Illinois cavalry consolidated with this regiment June J 4, 1865, forming companies G," I, K, L, and M. It was retained in service until May 29, 1866, when it was mustered out, in ac cordance with orders from theAVar Department.) "SIEGE OF YOKICTOWN," "WIL LIAMSBURG," " HANOVER COURT HOUSE," "fair OAKS," "GAISKS' MILL," "SAVAGE STATION," "MAL VERN HILL," " SKCOND BULLRUN," "south MOUNTAIN," "FREDER ICKSBURG," "ANTIETAM," "GET TYSBURG," "BRANDT STATION," ' ' UPPERVILLE, " ' ' MARKS VILLE, " •j" MADISON COURT-HOUSE." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Hamilton B.Dox 29 Oct, 64 Majors. Anthony T. Search 11 Mar., 65 Andrew H. Langholz 24 Apr., Captains. WUliam D. Wardlaw. . . .20 Nov. , 62 John F. Wallace 20 Feb., 63 Henry Lossberg ..¦ 19 Jan., Cui Abram Donica 28 Mar., Isaac Conroe 18 May, Casualties. Promoted, (5.) Major Francis T. Sherman, August 26, 1862, to Colonel 88th regiment Illinois infantry. Major John G, Fonda, November 20, 1862, to Colonel 118th regiment Illinois infantry. Captain Thomas Logan, November 15, 1862, to Lieutenant (Colonel 118th regiment IlUnois infantry. Captain Philip E. Fisher, January 27, 1864, to Major 17th regiment Illinois cavalry. Assistant Surgeon Albert "W. Morgan, March 18, 1866, to Sur geon 37th regiment Illinois infantr3^ Resigoied, (26.) Colonel Hafibrook Davis, (Brevet Brigadier General March 13, 1865.) August 1, 1865. Major C. W. Bao-ker, August 2, 1863. Captain Ephraim M, Gilmore, June 28, 1SG2. Captain R. N. Haydon, July 10, 1863, Captain Henry L. Reans, January 2, 1864. Captain Edmund Luff, October 2, 1865. Captain WiUiam T. Rickard, November 17, 1865. Captaiu Ira W. Smith, December 13, 1865. Captain AUen D. Maurer, January 28, 1866. Captain Harvey H. Merriman, March 3, 1866. First Lieut Thomas Bracken, September 23, 1861. First Lieut Edwin A. Webber, November 16, 1861. First Lieut George H. Sltts, May 3, 1862. First Lieut George S. Phelps, July 15, 1862. First Lieut, ^dicard Vasseur, March 16, 1864. First Lieut Benjamin M, Gardner, June 26, 1865. Second Lieut. Dennis Palmer, May 27, 18.62. Second Lieut. Nathan J. Kidder, September 18, 1862. Second Lieut James P, Page, November 7, 1862. Second Lieut Oliver M. Pugh, Novemher 24, 1862. Second Lieut Samuel Mourning, February — , 1864. Second Lieut John M. RusseU, June 11, 1865. Second Lieut. Elijah M. Reynolds, November 17, 1865. Second Lieut. OUver H. Swingley, February 16, 1866. Second Lieut. Charles Susemihl, February 24, 1866. Assistant Surgeon Robert J. Foster, June 9, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (22.) Major John H. Clybourne, February 27, 1865. Captain William J. Steele, February 27, 1865. Captain Charles E. Overrocker, February 27, 1865. Captain William JI. Luff, February 27, 1865. Captain Jackson Drennan, February 27, 1865. Captam Earl H. Chapman, j\[arch 17, 1865. Captain OUver Grosvenor, March 31, 1865, First Lieut. Joseph E. Fisher, February 27, 1865. First Lieut. Charles E. Combs, Febmary 27, 1805. Pirst Lieut M. H. ICenaga, February 27, 1865. First Lieut. Charles F. Voss, Februarv 27, 1865. First Lieut Charles Venard, March l,"l865. First Lieut Cyrus P. Gipson, March 17, 1865. F;rst Lieut James Daly, March 30, 186.5. Pirst Lieut. Hurnphrey J. Jloynihan, November 30, 1865. Second Lieut. Danford Taylor, February 24, 1865. Second Lieut. Stephen Standish, February 27, 1865. Second Lieut Jasper Johnson, March 1, 1865. Second Lieut Amherst F. Graves, March 17, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Smith, March 30, 1865. Surgeon John Higgins, February 9, 1865. Assistant Surgeou John McCarthy, Februnry 28, 18C5. ' ILLINOIS CAVALEY. 199 JohnJ. De Lacy 20 May, 65 Robert Gray 20 Mny, Edson N.Pratt 11 Jan., 66 Edward Mann 4 Mar. , WilUam H. Redman 5 Mm-., First Lieutenants. Sacia F, Taylor 14 Apr., 64 Charles L. Amet 13 Oct, Henry Martin 28 Mar., 65 Henry M. Stahl, R.C.S.. 18 May, Joseph A, AdUngton 19 May, Jesse C. Rodgers 20 May, WUUam Crooks, Adj''t...'\4 Smuq, Asher B, HaU, JJ. Q..U.. 9 Oct, Charles H. Biissom 9 Oct, Solomon P. Emdon 11 Jan., 66 Patrick Maher 2Feb., Andrew J. Norton 5 Mar., George R. Stowe 6 Mar., Edwin Kolkow : . 8 Apr., Benjamin J. Arnold, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. David W.White 10 Apr., 65 Henry Richardson 18 May, Arthur C. HartweU 20 May, Surgeon. Asa Morgan 2 Juue, 65 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain, Discharged, (26.) Colouel Arno Voss, August 11, 1863. Lieut Colouel Thomas W. Grosvenor, August 3, 1864. Major Stephen Bronson, March 3, 1864. Major Cephas Strong, March 17, 1865. Captain Andrew H. Langholz, November 8, 1862. (Recom missioned as Major April 24, 1865.) Captain David C. Browui February 28, 1864. Captain George W. Shears, March 2, 1864. Captaiu Charles Rodeu, April 21, 1864. Captain Frederick W. MitcheU, March 17, 1865. Captain Gustavus A. Marsh, March 17, 1865, Captain Richard A, Hawk, July 20, 1865. First Lieut Henry Janscu, February 24, 1863. (Recommis sioned First Lieutenant December 3, 1863.) First Lieut G. F. Ward, March 14, 1863. First Lieut Joseph Logan, March 21, 1863. First Lieut Lawrence J, J. Nissen, R. Q. M., July 2, 1864, First Lieut, WiUiam R. Carpenter, Adft, January 14, 1865. First Lieut. Moses Shield, R. C. S., March 17, 1865. Pirst Lieut Carleton C. Gossett, July 20, 1865. First Lieut William Cohn, August 16, 1865. SecondLieut Jouathan Slade, Batt.Adft, September 20, 1862. Second Lieut. Alexander Stewart, Batt. Adft, September 20, 1862. (Recommissioned Second Lieutenant Decernber 15, 1862.) Second Lieut. Charles Grimm, February 11, 1863. Second Lieut Alexander Mills, January 2, 1864. Second Lieut. Frederick Blaisdell. Januarys, 1864. Second Lieut. A. Clarence Aldrich, February 5, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Charles E. Wentworth, August 7, 1864. Died, (4.) Captain John P. Harvey, April 21, 1862, at Camp Butler, IU. First Lieut. James M. Matlock, February 19, 1864, at Chicago, IU. Second Lieut. Alexander Stewart, April 10, 1864. Second Lieut James P. Dickson, July 18, 18G4, at Doualdson- ville. La. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Henry Jansen, July 2, 1864. Chaplain Abraham J. Warner, October 3, It'C]. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are eu'tored on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given -as it stood on tho day of muster out. 200 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment, composed of eight companies, wag organized at Chicago, IU., from October 30, 1861, to February 20, 1862, to serve three years. It was consolidated into a battalion of three companies in May, 1863. Seven new com panies were organized in Decem ber, 1863, and January and Feb mary, 1864, and assigned to this regiment. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out as theirterms ofservice expired, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service untU August 31, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable partis not yetpublished in orders.) Colooiel. Lieutenant Colonel. George M. Alden 28 Apr., 65 Majors. Andrew J. Alden 28 Apr., 65 Gurnaey W. Davla 28 Apr., .Captains. John H. Norris 21 Dec, 63 John C. Kennedy 7 Juue, 65 Ninian E. Orton 12 June, James P. Moorman 24 June, Thomas L. Bailey 19 July, Keyas Danforth 27 July, Theophilus Parker 27 July, ZebedeeP. Curlee 27 July, Jaraes Crain 8 Aug. , First Lieutenants, Fred. W. Cole, Adft' 21 Oct., 64 Frank Drummond, R. Q. M ...10 Jan., 65 CharlesH. Temple 27 Mar., Francis S. Mitchell HI July, James E. Teale 27 July, Charles H. Mataell 27 July, Frederick D. Boswell . . .27 July, WiUiam R. Burton 12 Aug., WiUiam E. Sparrow 21 Aug., Second Lieutenant. William H. Gibson 27 Mar., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) First Lieut. Thaddeus S. Clarkson, Adft, December 14, 1863, to Major 3d regiment Arkansas cavalry. Assistant Surgeon Jacob Bockee, May 15, 1862, to Surgeon U. S. vols. Resigned, (32.) Colonel George R. Marvel, April 11, 1864. Major Doddrige B. Gratton, December 1, 1864. Major Frederick Behlendorff, January 9, 1865. Captain Louis Jest, December 31, 1861, Captain Ernest Riedel, May 15, 1862. Captain John E. Kimberly, November 27, 1862, Captaiu Henry M. Peters, January 6, 1863, Captaiu Robert H. Fleming, January 10, 1863. Captain WilUs Danforth, February 7, 1863. Captain Samuel A. Hogne, August 1, 1864. Captain Edward Brown, May 26, 1865, Captain George W, Suesberry, June 7, 1865. First Lieut JuUus Grossenheider, February 12, 1862. First Lieut Charles W. Krueger, May 3, 1862. First Lieut. John Stuber, January 10, 1863. First Lieut. R. A. MeOmber, January 28, 1863. First Lieut. Hall P. Talbot, R. C. S., May 20, 1864. First Lieut. Leonard S. Ross, July 14, 1864. First Lieut. Elijah M. Webber, August 6, 1864. First Lieut William B. Barton, December 9, 1864. Second Lieut Charles Beyer, March 22, 1862. Second Lieut. WilUam L. Caffrey, Batt. Q. M., March 24, 1862. Second Lieut. John W. Guntoimann, March 27, 1862, Second Lieut, WUUam Werthers, Batt. Adft, July 20, 1862, Second Lieut. Henry Keimer, January 10, 1863. Second Lieut. John Donch, January 10, 1863. Second Lieut, Samuel Y. Morris, August 1, 1864, Second Lieut TheophUus T. Fountain, September 4, 1864. Surgeon Charles Storck, June 26, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Leonard L. Lake, February 18, 1862. Assistant Surgeon James F. Burks, September 24, 1864. Chaplain Abner W. Henderson, November 18, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (9.) Colonel Albert Erskine, January 9, 1865. Captain Hugo Friedrich, December 30, 1864. Captain Adolph Bechand, December 30, 1864, Captain G. Allen May, December 30, 1864. First Lieut Edward W. Quinn, December 30, 1864. Firet Lieut. Ira B. Henry, December 30, 1864. Firat Lieut Emil Newburger, R. Q. M., January 9, 1865. Second Lieut. William Lavalle, December 30, 1864. Second Lieut Michael Lehman, December 30, 1864, Discharged, (31.) Colonel Joseph W. Bell, May 25, 1863. Lieut Colonel Theobald Hartman, June 4, 1864. Major Charles A. Bell, May 23, 1863. Major WilUam C. Carroll, "May 15, 1865. Captain WiUiam H. FUnt March 7, 1862. Captain Charles H. Roland, August 9, 1863. Captain WUliam K. Trabite, Auguat 9, 1862. Captain Ilenry L. High, February 2, 1863. Captaiu Felix C. Marx, May 22, 1863. Captain Adam Sachs, May 22, 1863. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 201 Surgeon., Eiwin E. WUlard 1 Aug., 63 Assistant Surgeon. Frank J. Foster 4 Apr., 64 Chaplain. Captain Joseph H. Graham, May 22, 1863, Captain Eobert G. Dyhrenforth, May 22, 1863. Captain Henry W. Smith, March 99, 1865. First Lient. WUliam W. Davis, March 7, 1862. First Lieut. Walter R. Colton, February 2, 1863. First Lieut. Ira D. Swain, April 23, 1863. First Lient. George W. Wolf, May 22, 1863. First Lieut. Jerry K. Bullock, May 22, 1863. First Lieut. Martin V. Leaton, May 16, 1864. First Lieut. Orin S. MitcheU, May 24, 1864. First Lieut. John N. Scarborough, July 5, 1864. Second Lieut. Edwin A. Webber, Batt. Adft, August 15, 1862. Second Lieut. Stephen C. Hull, Batt. Q. M., December 10, 1862. Second Lient. Fred. F. Clifton, May 22, 1863. Second Lieut. Adolph Schule, May 22, 1863. Setond Lieut. Michael Smith, May 22, 1863. Second Lieut. FoiTest D. Spicer, May 22, 1863. Second Lieut. WilUam Schulze, May 23, 1863. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Grisham, May 16, 1864. Second Lieut. Andrew M. Anderson, September 10, 1864. Assistant Surgeon H. Austin, May 22, 1863. Died, (4.) Major Lothar Lippert, October 18, 1863, at Little Rock, Ark. First Lieut. Benjamin F. Crain, August 10, 1864, of disease, at Little Eock, Ark. First Lient. George F. Williams, Adft, August 14, 1864, of disease, at Pine Bluff. Ark. First Lieut. James G. Kearney, September 5, 1864, of disoaau, at Oceola. 111. Missing, (1.) Captain William W. Bell, since August 31, 1863. Dismissed, (5.) Lieut. Colonel Stephen E. Wetmore, December 31, 1864. Captain David SUnger, July 14, 1864. First Lieut. Adam W. Hill, December 31, 1864. Second Lieut. Daniel A. Gage, August 2, 1862. Second Lieut. North S. Storms, December 31, 1864. Note. — The roster of ofiicers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 202 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at Peoria, 111., from December 17, 1862, to February 7, 1863, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service July 31, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War De partment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Francis M. Davidson 17 Feb., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Da"Vid Quigg 10 June, 65 Majors. James B. Dent 21 Apr. , 65 Thomas K. Jenkins 16 June, Captains. Benedict Crandle 6 Feb., 63 William A. Lord 6 Feb., (Breoet Major 26 Jan., 1865.) Francis Boeke 11 Aug., 64 Henry H. Mayo 21 Dec, Jacob M. Ealdereton 21 Apr., 65 George AV. Bellows 3 July, Newton N. Burpee 18 July, Albert B. Capron 18 July, First Lieutenants. Samuel F. True, 7?. Q.3/. 3 Dec, 62 WUliam H.Guy 7 Jan., 63 WUliam W. Rowcliff-... 7 Jan., John S. Anderson 6 Feb., George W. E vans 6 Feb. , Chauncey Miller, Adj't.. 1 Oct., Julius W. MiUer 1 Dec, Charles West 15 Jan., 65 WUUam H. Puckett 16 Apr., John A. Edwards 21 Apr., Alha N, Scribner, it. C. S.2Q June, JohnW. Sanders 21 June, Alexander M. Dunbar . . 3 July, Richard S. Stephenson. .20 July, Second Lieutenants. William M. Moore 12 Aug., 64 Isaac H. Allen 8 Oct, WiUiam R. Huntoon 8 Oct., Winfield W. Woods 1 Mar., Go Richard M. Hughes 6 IMar., Moses G. HascaU 16 Apr. , Putnam Beckwith 15 Tshiy, John Welch 21 June, Henry Seymour 20 July, Snrgeon. Preaton H, Bailhache 2 Mar., 63 Assistaoit Surgeon. , John I. Wilkins 10 Apr., 63 Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Second Lieut. George C. Smith, February 6, 1865, to Assistant Surgeon 5th regiment Tennessee mounted infantry. Resigned, (30.) Colonel Horace Capron, February 18, 1865. Lieut. Colonel David P. Jenkins, May 3, 1865. Major Haviland Tompkins, May 13, 1865. Captain Ebenezer L. Foote, June 7, 1863. Captain Alvin Everts, December 12, 1863. Captain Blarvin S. 0arr, February 10, 1864. Captain Francis M. Hagaman, May 25, 1864. Captain Paul Distler, October 17, 1864. Captain WiUiam R. Sanford, Slay 12, 1865. Captain John S. Henderson, Juue 27, 1865, Captain Henry C. Carico, July 4, 1865. Captain Henry C!. Connelly, July 4, 1865. First Lieut Henry W, Carpenter, Adj't, April 20, 1863, First Lieut. Horace L. Porter, October 4, 1863. First Lieut. John R. Gamer, February 19, 1864, First Lieut. Henry Heineke, AprU 22, 1864, First Lieut De RUey Kilbourne, October 19, 1864. First Lieut. Lewis W. Boren, December 12, 1864. First Lieut. Llewellyn D. Brown, March 7, 1865. Pirst Lieut Washington L. Sanford, March 28, 1865. First Lieut John F. Thomas, May 24, 1865. Second Lieut. John Miller, February 15, 1863. Second Lieut Harry M. Evans, October 4, 1863. Second Lieut. John F. Saylor, October 9, 1863, Second Lieut Enoch C. Palmer, November 10, 1863. Second Lieut. PhUip Link, November 10, 1863. Second Lieut Jacob J. Ruby, January 13, 1864. Secoud Lieut John W. Howell, November 3, 1864. Assistant Surgeon George A. Wilson, April 14, 1865. Chaplain Samuel Chase, February' 20, 1865. Discharged, (3.) CaptuMi WilUam Perkins, May 15, 1865. Captain Thomas S. Lupton, May 15, 1865. Secon.l Lieut. John Hahs, January 20, 1864. Died, (2.) First Lieut Horace Capron, jr., Febmary 6, 1864, of wounds received in action at Deep Creek, N. C. Second Lieut. James S. Steen, February 27, 1864, at Knox- vUle, Tenn., of wounds received in action. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut. Thomas L. Masters, June 2, 1863. First Lieut Sruce C. Puyne, R. C. S., April 21, 1865. Note 1.— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 203 FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized in May, 1863, and is composed of companies detached from different regiments, as follows : Company A, formerly of Stewart's battaUon, Illinois cavalry, was organized at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, August 10, 1861 ; Captain Carmichael'a company, 29th Illinoia iufantry, organizedat Cairo, IlUnois, August 19," 1861, was assigned as company B ; Captain DolUns' company, 3lBt lUinois infantry, organized at Cairo, Elinois, August 27, 1861, was as signed as company C ; Captain O'Hamett's company, 30th HUuois infantry, organized at Springfield, lUinois, September 17, 1861, was assigned as company D ; Captain Hntchins' company, 27th IlUnois ¦infantry, organized June 26, 1862, was assigned as company E ; company F, formerly of Ste^vart's battalion, Illinois cavalry, was or ganized at Cairo, Illinois, January 15, 1863; Captain GUbert's com pany, 52d IlUnois infantry, or com pany H,12th Illinois cavalry, organ ized at Geneva, Illinois, October 25, 1861, was assigned as company G ; Kane County cavalry, organ ized September 1, 1861, was as signed as company H ; Captains Jenks' and Shrever's dragoons, 36th IlUnois infantry,, organizedatCamp Haramond, lUinois, September 23, 1861, were assigned as companies I andK J Captain Ford's company, ' 53d IlUnois infantry, organized at Ottawa, niinois, January 1, 1862, was assigned as company L ; all to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out as their terms of ser vice expired, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into a battalion of four companies, which was consolidated with the 10th regiment Illinois cav alry, January 26, 1865.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable pai't is not yet published in orders.) Major, Eagleton Carmichael 5 Juue, 63 Captaiois. *WUUam D. Hutchens -.26 June, 62 George A. Willis 16 Nov., Williara Duncan 5 Apr., 64 (Brevet Major 13 Mar., 1865.) Albert Collins .20 Sept, Casualties. Promoted, (5.) Major James Grant WUson, September 13, 1863, to Colonel 4th U. S. colored cavahy. Captain James J, DoUins, August 26, 1862, to Colonel 8lBt regiment Illinois infantry. Captain Albert Jenks, September 18, 1862, to Lieut. Colonel 36th regiment Illinois infantry. First Lieut Nathaniel C. Mitchell, Adft, AprU ll, 1864, to Major 4th U. S, colored cavalry. SecondLieut Micaiah F. Fairfield, April 32, 1863, to Major 1st regiment Alabama cavalry. Resigoied, (17.) Major Samuel B. Stewart, July 29, 1863. Captain Christian B. Dodson, August 10, 1862. Captain MontravilU Fitts, December 11, 1862. Captain William p. Wilder, February 13, 1863. Captain Morrison J. O'Harnett, February 22, 1863, Captain Francis E. Reynolds, February 28, 1864. First Lieut. Samuel Chapman, April 1, 1862. First Lieut. John F. Mariner, July 8, 1862. First Lieut John H. Ilogan, March 20, 1864. First Lieut Azariah C. Ferro, October 11, 1864. First Lieut. Peter PhUlips, October 24, 1864. Second Lieut John S. Durand, March 17, 186*2. Second Lieut OUver C. ifartin, May 8, 1862. Second Lieut Henry C. Padelford, July 14, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward M. Barnard, January 23, 1863. Second Lieut. Samuel P. Jones, January 30, 1863. Second Lieut, Wilmot C. Muuson, March 14, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (21,) Colonel George A. Bacon, August 25, 1864. Major Samuel B. Sherer, August 25, 1864, Captain Ezra King, August 25, 1864. Captain Robert H. Leek, August 25, 1864. Captaiu Joseph M. Wier, August 25, 1864. Captain John J. Richards, August 25, 1864. Captain Thomas J. Beebe, August 31, 1864. Captain Charles O'Connell, October 31, 1864. Captaiu WiUiam Ford, January 9, 1865. First Lieut. Cyrus M. Eversol, August 25, 1864. First Lieut. Hazard D. Chase, August 25, 1864. Firat Lieut Francis W. Webster, August 25, 1864. Firat Lieut Eben C. Litherland, August 31, 1864. First Lieut. Theodore G- Knox, October 31, 1864. First Lieut. Charles M. Harvey, December 16, 1864. Second Lieut. James Campbell, August 25, 1864. SecondLieut. Jarrard Ewing, Auguat 25, 1864. Second Lieut John T. Scott, August 25, 1864. Second Lieut Nelson Dedrick, October 31, 1864. Surgeon David N. Moore, January 24, 1865. Chaplain Simeon Walker, August 25, 1864. Discharged, (5.) Lieut. Colonel Franklin T. Gilbert, October 10, 1864. First Lieut. George T. Hubbard, July 18, 1863. First Lieut WiUiam B. Ford, May 7. 1864. Second Lieut. John C. Bundy, July 21, 1862. Second Lieut George W. Stewart, July 21, 1863, '*. Discharged January 30, 1865. 204 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. First Lieutenants. Died, (2.) 'Henry Wilcox, R. Q.. M. 5 June, 63 First Lieut. Esau Brown, May 30, 1863. Louis Souther, Adft 14 Apr., 64 Second Lieut. Peter P. Wire, kUled in action near Corinth. *Wimam Morton, R.C.S- 1 June, Miss., June 11, 1863. tJohn Phelps 7 Sept. John Mooneyham 16 Nov., Missing, (1.) tJohn King, a. w. m. Captain Warren Stewart, since April 30, 1862. Second Lieutenants. Dismissed, (2.) tGeorge H. Hunter 10 July, 63 John A. McQueen 21 May, 64 Captain Henry A. Smith, July 3, 1862. Daniel Dynau 17 Oct. , Captain Joseph Adams, September 9, 1 863. Assistant Surgeon. Josiah H. SkilUug. 28 June, 63 * Discharged January 27, 1865. f Discharged January 30, 1865. X Prisoner of war. Discharged March 12, 1865. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood oa the day of consoUdation. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. 205 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized in June, 1863, by tbe consolidation of the followiog IlUaoia cavalry or ganizations, raised in Chicago, 111., for the term of three years : Thiele mann's battalion, consisting of two companies, organized from July 2 to December 9, 1861, were assigned as companies A and B ; Scham- beck's independent company, or ganized July 8, 1861, was assigned as company C ; one company, or ganized for the 17th regiment IlU nois cavalry November 12, 1863, was assigned as company E, and the McClernand Body Guard, consist ing of three companies, organized from January 21 to April 16, 1863, were assigned as companies I, K, and L. Five new corapanies were organized from January 2 to May 21, 1863, On the expiration of the term of service of companies A, B, and C, they were mustered out, and the remaining companies retained in service until August 19, 1865, when they were mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Robert W. Smith 11 Juue, 63 Majors. John Hoffmann...' 1 Aug., 65 Francis Jackson 18 Aug. , Captains. Hiram S. Hanchett 19 May, 63 Nathan C, Goodeuow ... 8 June, John Q. Hattery 3 Aug., 64 Adolph Gerisher 19 May, 65 Henry Stiermann IJuly, Lewis E, IjamS; 4 Aug., First Lieuteoiants. Bernhard Finger, R.C.S.ll June, 63 Charles F.Schuman,.4rfj'i 3 Aug., 64 A. S. TojnlmsoTi,R.Q.M .26 Jan., 65 AWraham AUee 15 June, HartweU SUver 4 Aug., Frederick Herfurth, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. FranklmB. Wakefield „ 1 Aug., 63 Adolph Strieber 21 Apr., 65 Christian Eckelkamp ... 1 Aug., Surgeon. Nathaniel W.Webber... 3 Aug., 64 Assistant Surgeon. EleazerC, Stangland 25 Apr., 65 Chaplain. Cornelius R. Ford 11 June, 63 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captaiu Frederick De Tavemier, May 7, 1865, to Major 5th U. S. colored cavalry. Resigned. (22.) Major Milo Thielemann, June 8, 1864, Major Charlea H. Beeres, June 28, 1865. Captain Mathew Marx, January 25, 1862. Captain Berthold Mar schncr, January 31, 1863. Captaiu Benedict Weniger, March 16, 1864. Captain Wm. P. Gibbs, June ^, 1864. First Lieut August Rettig, November 18, 1861. First Lieut Wm. Warner, March 24, 1862. First Lieut, Gottlieb J. Rolli, December 25, 1862, Fu-st Lieut August W. Buschfi, September 12, 1853. First Lieut Max Lehmann, January 20, 1864. First Lieut Joseph Gotthell', Adft, June 12, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Priedrich Niegemann, October 19, 1864. First Lieut Henry D. Stocker. October 19, 18G4. Fu-st Lieut Wm. Bohlen, R. Q. il/. , October 19, 1864. First Lieut EmU Cotta, December 10, 1864. First Lieut. Charles C. Huntley, February 20, 1865. Second Lieut Irving L. L. Ponds, March 15, 1862, Second Lieut. John Rieser, May 25, 1863. Second Lieut. Frederick Schneddig, February 18, 1864. Second Lieut. John McKinstry, June 14, 1865. Surgeon Henry Parker, June 9, 1864. Mustered out on expiratiooi of term of service, (5.) Captain Wm. H. Dorchester, September 2, 1864. Captain George Hamilton, November 25, 1864. First Lieut John F. Marx, July 16, 1864. First Lieut Valentine Grebenstlin, September 2, 1864. Second Lieut Herman Schareuberg, July 16, 1864. Discharged, (6.) Colonel Christian Thielemann, Auguat 9, 1864. Captain John G. Busch, May 15, 1865. Captain Edward A. Wolcott, May 15, 1865. ' First Lieut John P. Hutton, June 7, 1864. Firat Lieut Wm. M. True, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. James D. Fox, May 15, 1865. Died, (4.) Major Friedrich Schambeck, killed in action before Atlanta, Ga., August 3, 1864. Captain Amos H. Fletcher, March 21, 1863, of disease, at Camp Butler, HI. Captain James W. Lavigne, July 21, 1863, of wounds received in action before Vicksburg, Miss. Second Lieut. Samuel Osgood, killed in action at Jonesville, Ga., January 3, 1864. ¦ Missing, (1.) Second Lieut. Solomon W. Kelly, since June — , 1864. Dismissed, (4.) Captain John Klein, AprU 16, 1863. Captain Edward M. Seibel, April 18, 1863. Captain Juliua Jaehne, July 28, 1864. Captain Charles Held, February 19, 1865. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of ra,uster out. 206 ILLINOIS CAVALRY. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at St Charles, IU., in January and Feb ruary, 1864, to serve three years, Corapanies C, E, I, and M were mustered out November 23, 1865, and the remaining companies con solidated into a battalion »and re tained in service. It was mustered out by corapanies at different dates from the 15th to the 22d of Decem ber, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. * John L. Beveridge 28 Jan. , 64 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 7 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Hiram Hilliard 1 Nov., 65 Majors. 'Lucius C. Matlock 23 Jan., 64 Jesse D. Butts 31 Mar., 65 Captains. Reuben Baker 22 Jan., 64 Samuel W. Smith IJan., 65 Robert St. George Dyh renforth 15 Jan., Calvin H. Shapley 16 Mar., John Herbert 17 May, Cyrus Hutchinson 17 May, Edward P. Grosvenor. . . 6 July, First Lieuteoiants. WilUam W. Black 22 Jan., 64 James H. Clark 28 Jan., 65 Cyras Smith 28 Mar., Henry S. Chappalear ...18 May, Albert V. Amet 7 July, Robert Senders 9 July, Edward P. Bartlett 20 July, WUUam J* Laird 3 Aug.; Second Lieutenants. WUliam L. Stafford 28 Jan., 65 Joel G. BaU 17 Apr., WilUam H. Austin 27 Apr. , James B. Read 18 May, - Douglas W. Scott I June, Albert S. Phelps 0 July, Alexander McMilUm 3 Aug., Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. Chaplain. Casualties'. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut PhUo P. Judson, R. Q. M., April 20, 1864, to Cap tain and C. S. Resigned, (20.) Lieut. Colonel Dennis J. Hynes, October 26, 1865- Major PhiUp E. Fisher, February IB, 1865. Captain WiUiam Hebard, December 9, 1864. Captain Benjamin Harding, December 10, 1864. Captain Louis D. KeUy, February 14, 1865. Captain Edward J. Jones, March 10, 1865. Captain George Stratton, May 17, 1865. Captain Francis L. Clair, June 30, 1865, Captain Scott W. Harrington, October 15, 1865, First Lieut Marcus Davis, June 14, 1864. First Lieut. Egbert Johnson, July 8, 1864. First Lieut. Jonas Le Buck, October 8, 1864. Furst Lient Christopher C. KeUy, March 2, 1865. Firat Lieut Israel H, Eldridge, March 20, 1865. Fkst Lieut John V. Henry, R. Q, M., June 20, 1865. First Lieut John A. Cotton, R. C. S., October 26, 1865. Second Lieut Edward G. Wheeler, August 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Byron Hayes, November 17, 1864. Second Lieut William S. Hutehineon, December 1, 1864. SecondLieut Ebenezer M. Bachns, February 20, 1865. Discharged, (21.) Major Charles Parker, November 23, 1865. Captain Samuel H. B. McReynolds, November 17, 1864. Captain Jasper H. Waite, November 23, 1865. Captain Amos B. Pollock, Novemher 23, 1865. Captain Nathaniel Vose, November 23, 1865. Captain John F. Austin, Novemher 23, 1865, Pirst Lieut. Alfred Vezin, Adft, May 22, 1865. First Lieut. John Acker, June 8, 1865. First Lieut, Charles D. Larrabee, June 30,*1865. Firat Lieut John A. Hynes, Adft, Noveraber 23, 1865. Firat Lieut. Benjamm F. Haruer, R. Q. M., November 23, 1865. Firat Lieut Philip McRae, November 23, 1865. Firat Lieut Demetrius E. Butts, November 23, 1865. First Lieut Jaraes S. Upham, Noveraber 23, 1865. First Lieut Charles G. Robbins, November 23, 1865. Second Lieut Joshua R. Nichols, November 23, 1865. Second Lient. Henry H. Bulkley, Noveraber 23, 1865. Second Lieut Urial Haselton, November 23, 1865. Surgeon Samuel K. Crawford, November 23, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Samuel A. Dow, Novemher 23, 1865. Chaplain Edward O'Brien, November 23, 1865. Died, (1.) Captain Francis Beaufort May 6, 1864, of di.-iease, at St Charles, Mo. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut Ebenezer Knapp, December 27, 1864. "¦' Discharged February 7, 1866. NOTE 1.— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14,1865. Note 2.— The roeter of officers ia given aa it stood at the dates of muster out ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 207 FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Cairo, Ottawa, Camp Douglas. Springfield, Chicago, and Camp Yates, lUinois, as follows: Batteries A and B July 16, 1861; C from July 30 to August 27, 1861; D from July to November, 1861 ; E December 19, 1861; F February 25, 1862; G November 19, 1861; HFebruary20, 1862; I Febmary 10, 1862; K Janu ary 9, 1862; L February 22, 1862; and M August 12, 1862; all to serve three years. Battery B was mus tered out July 23, 1864, battery K December 10, 1864, and battery F March 7, 1865, by reason of expira tion of term of service. Bridge's independent battery, IlUnois Ught artUlery, organized as company G, 19th regiment Illinois infantry, at Chicago, III, , July 31, 1861, to serve three years, was detached as a bat tery March 2, 1863, and assigned to this regiment as battery B, iu March, 1865. Colvin'a independent battery, lUinois Ught artillery, cora posed of men detached from the 107th lUinois and 33d Kentucky in fantry an d 22d Indiana battery, was organized as a battery October 6, 1863, and assigned as battery K in March, 1865, On the expiration of the term of service ©f the remain ing batteries the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organizations, com posed of veterans and recruits, re tained in service. The regiment was musteredout by batteries, at different dates", as follows : Bat teries A and L, July 10; B, July 26; C. June 14; D, July 28; E and K, July 15 ; G, July 24 ; H, June 14 ; I, July, 26, and M, July 25, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.)^ Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. *Allen C, Waterhouae...l9 Jan., 65 (Brevet Colonel 30 May, 1865,) Majors. Charles Houghtaling 29 May, 63 tRaphaelG.Rorabauer..26 0ct, 64 JJohnA. Fitch 10 Jan., 65 Surgeon. John M. Woodworth 23 Apr., 63 (Brevet Lieut. Col. 21 July, 1865.) .Assistant Surgeons. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Assiataot Surgeon William D. Turner, April 30, 1863, to Surgeon 97th regiment IlUnois iufantry. Resigned, (6.) Colonel Joseph D. Webster, Mav 6, 1863. Colonel Ezra Taylor, August 20, 1864. Major Charles M. Willard, January 16, 1863. Major Charles C. Campbell, W^. ^., Febmary 25, 1863. Major John T. Cheney, August 25, 1864. Surgeon Edmund Andrews, January 18, 1863, Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (I.) Lieut. Colonel Charles H. Adams, November 2, 1864, Discharged, (1.) Major Samuel E. Barrett, February 13, 1864. Missing, (1.) Assistant Surgeon WUUam F. Kirk, since February 28, 1863. Chaplain. Jeremiah Porter IFeb., 62 * Discharged August 23, 1865. t Discharged August 7, 1865. t Discharged August 12, 1865. 208 ILLINOIS LIGHT AR'i'ILLERY. BATTERY A. The following is the only official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "FORT DONELSON," "CHICKASAW BAYOU," "SIEGE OF VICKSBURG," "SHILOH," "ARKANSAS POST," "CHAMPION HILLS," "JACKSON." Captain. Edward P. WUcox 11 May, 65 First Lieutenants. Harrison Roberts 21 Sept., 64 Enoch Colby, jr 11 May., 65 Second Lieutenants. James B. Dutch 21 Sept. , 64 Spencer S. Kirabell 11 May, 65 BATTERY E, (FIRST.) The following is the only official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part yet pubUshed in orders : ' ' BELMONT, " ' ' FORT DONELSON, " ' ' SHILOH," ' ' CHICKASAW BAYOU, " "ARKANSAS POET," "SIEGE OF VICKSBURG." Captain. Israel P. Rurasey 15 Aug., 63 First Lieutenant. WiUiam W. Lowrie 6 Oct, 63 Second Lieutenants, WUliam J. McCoy 6 Oct. , 63 George L. Purinton 19 Oct, Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Charles M. WiUard, March 1, 1862, to Major. Second Lieut WUliam M. Pratt, December 14, 1863, to Captain, battery D, 2d U. S. colored light artillery. Resigned, (4.) Captain James Smith, September 27, 1861. Captain Francis Morgan, May 24, 1862. Second Lieut Edgar P. Tobey, February 3, 1862. Second Lieut. Hoxie L. Hoffman, January 17, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term ofservice, (4.) Captain Peter P. Wood, July 23, 1864. First Lieut. John W. Rurasey, July 15, 1864, First Lieut George McCagg, July 23, 1864. Second Lieut Frederick W. Young, July 23, 1864. Casualties. Promoted, (4.) Captain Ezra Taylor, AprU 1, 1862, to Major. Captain Samuel E. Barrett, June 13, 1863, to Major. Fu-at Lieut. Patrick H. Wliite, February 28, 1863, to Captain m Cooley'a independent battery, Illinois light artiUery. First Lieut. Levi W. Hart, May 9, 1863, to Captain battery H. Discharge^, (1.) SecondLieut Theodore P. Roberts, August 20, 1863. Died, (1.) First Lieut Timothy M. Blaidsdell, Jnly 3, 1864, of disease at MiU Grove, Ga. ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 209 BATTERY B, (SECOND.) (The official Ust of battles iu which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Captain. LymauA. White 7 Jan., 65 First Lieutenants. Clark E. Dodge 7 Jan., 65 Luman C. Lawrence 7 Jan., Second Lieutenants. Alphonzo W. Potter 7 Jan., 65 ¦WiUiam Peterson 7 Jan., BATTERY C. (The official list of battles in which tills battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Joseph R. Channel 8 May, 65 First Lieutenant. Stephen G, Grubb 28 Mar,, 64 Second Lieuteoiant. Palmer F. Scovel 29 Mar., 64 (Brevet First Lieui. 13 Mar., 1865.) BATTERY D. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Edgar H, Cooper 15 July, 63 First Lieutenants. George P. Cunningham. . 1 Nov., 63 Charles L. Pratt 15 Feb., 64 Second Lieutenants. Reed B. Brockway 30 Dec, 63 Henry C, Powers 4 Nov., 64 14 Casualties, Mustered out on expirgiion of term ofservice, (3.) Captain Lyman Bridges, (Brevet Major January 23, 1865,) January 6, 1865. First Lieut Morris D. Temple, July 7, 1864. Second Lieut WiUiam R, Bise, July 7, 1864, Discharged, (2.) Captain Charles D. C. Williams,. December 31, 1861. Second Lieut Charles H. Roland, September 12, 1861. Died, (2.) First Lieut. William Bishop, killed in action September 20, 1863. Second Lieut. FrankUn Seeboru, November 11, 1864, of wounds received in action. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captain Charles Houghtalioig, May 29, 1863, to M^or. Resigned, (4.) Captain Mark H. Prescott November 26, 1864. First liieut. Edward M. Wright, September 9, 1863. Secoud Lieut. JoHn M, Hunteo; AprU 15, 1862. Secoud Lieut, Johoh J. Van Dyke, July 15, 1863. Casualties. Resigned, (5.) Captain Edward McAllister, May 5, 1862, First Lieut. Mathew W. Borland, AprU 21, 1862. First Lieut. George J. Wood, July 3, 1863. Second Lieut. Uzzial P. Smith, March 4, 1862. Second Lieut James A. Borland, January 19, 1863. Discharged, (2.) Second Lieut. Emm&t T. Hill, September 19, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam C. Whitney, July 7, 1864. Died, (1.) Captain Henry A,' Rogers, kiUed in action at Vicksburg, ] May 29, 186p. .210 ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY, BATTER YjE. The following is the only official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part yet pub Uahed in orders : "SHILOH," "SIEGE OF VICKSBURG,'' "SIEGE OF CORINTH," "JACKSON." Captain, Orrin W. Cram 21.Mar, , 65 First Lieutenants. WiUiam S. Bliss 21 Mar., 65 John MerrUies 2 June, Second Lieutenants. Timothy S. Nettleton... 21 Mar., 65 Samuel Liddle 2_June, BATTERY F. The following is the only official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part yet pub lished iu orders : "SIEGE OF VICKSBURG," "JACKSON." Captain. Josiah H, Burton 16 Mar,, 64 First Lieutenants. *Samuel S. Smyth 2 Sept, 62 Jefferson F. Whaley 19 Apr., 64 Second Lieutenants. JohnW. Risley 19 Aug., 62 Robert Richey 8 Sept, 64 BATTERY G. (The official listof battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain, Firet Lieutenant, John Stapleton 9 May, 65 Second Lieutenaoits. William N, Taylor 13 Feb. , August Koehler 9 May, Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Allen C. Waterhonse, December 17, 1863, to Major. Captain John A. Fitch, January 10, 1865, to Major. Resigned, (2.) First Lieut Abial R. Abbott, February 25, 1863. Second Lieut Alfred W, Woodword, March 3, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) Firat Lieut. William Chandler, December 29, 1864. Second Lieut. WUUam E. GUbert Febmary 20, 1865. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captain John T. Cheney, March 1, 1864, to Major, Resigned, (1,) First Lieut ffenry L. Benn, September 2, 1862. Died, (1.) Second Lieut Theodore W. Raub, killed in action at Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captain Raphael G. Rombauer, October 26, 1864, to Major. Resigned, (1.) Second Lieut. Henry E. Jones, June 2, 1863. Mustered out ooi expiration of term of service, (1.) First Lieut Gustavo Dachsel, November 30 1864. Discharged, (2.) Captain Arthur O'Leary, August 21, 1862,, Firat Lieut. Donald Campbell, August 21, 1862. *PriHonerof war; discharged March 20, 1865. ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 211 BATTERY H, The following is the only official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "CHICKASAW BAYOU," "ARKANSAS POST," "SIEGE OF VICKSBURG," "JACKSON." Captain. Francis De Gress 13 Feb., 64 (Brevet Major 13 March, 1865.) First Lieutenaoits. - Second Lieutenant, Roberts. Gray IMar., 64 BATTERY I. The following is the only official Ust of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "SHILOH," "SIFGE OF VICKSBURG," "RU'SSELL HOUSE," "JACKSON." Captain. JohnC Neely 23 Mar., 64 First Lieutenants. Joseph A. McCartney . . -23 Mar., 64 Elihu S. Russell 1 Sept., Second Lieutenants. Stephen Tart 1 Sept, 64 Henry Bennett 1 Sept, BATTERY K, (FIRST.) (The oflBeial list of battles in which tnis battery bore aahonorable part is not yet pubUshe* in orders.) Captain. First Lieutenant. 4 Isaac W. Curtis 10 May, 62 Second Lieutenant. James G. Helm 28 Jan., 63 Casualties. • Proonoted, (1.) First Lieut. LewisB.'MitcheU, AprU 14, 1865, to Captain and A. D. C. Resigned, G-) Captain Axel Silfversparre, February 22, 1863. Discharged, (2.) Captain Levi W. Hart, December 25, 1863. First Lieut. George G. Knox, November 1, 1862. Died, (L) Second Lieut. Edward Adams, killed in action near Jackson, Miss., Jiily 10, 1863. Casualties. Promoted, (4.) Captain Edward Bouton, June 28, 1863, to Colonel 59th U. S. C. T. First Lieut Henry A. Rogers, May 5, 1862, to Captain bat tery D. First Lieut WUUain N. Lansing, September 3, 1863, to Major 4th U. S. colored heavy artillery. Second Lieut Robert Cowden, July 28, 1863, to Major 59th U. S. C. T. Resigned, (1.) Captain Albert Cudney, February 10, 1864. Casualties, Resigned, (3.) Captain Angerau Franklin, March 24, 1862. Captain Jason B. Smith, September 11, 1864, Second Lieut. William O. Stephenson, March 20, 1863. Died, (1.) First Lieut. Joseph P. Shelton, December 13, 1862. 212 ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY, BATTERY K, (SECOND.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. First Lieutenants. Charles M. Judd 9 Apr., 64 John S, Huntsinger 17 Mar., 65 Second Lieuteoiant. WiUiam L. WiUiams 15 Mar., 65 BATTERY L. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is notyet published in orders,) Captain. '* , First Lieutenant. JohnMcAfee 18 Apr., 65 Second Lieutenant. WUliam K. Lee 21 May, 65 BATTERY M. (The official list of battlew in which this battery bore au honorable part is not yet published iu orders.) Captain. George W, Spencer 12 Sept, 63 Fio'St Lieutenaoits. ^homas Burton 1 Apr., 64 Bela H. Fluakey 13 Aug. , Second Lieutenants. WUUam J. -]\rurphy 8 Aug., 64 Edwin C. Gillette 15 Aug., Casualties. Mustered out on expiration of term ofservice, (1.) Captain John H. Colvin, June 11, 1865. Discharged, (1.) Second Lieut VirgU C. Wood, June 19, 1865. Casualties. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (5.) Captain John Rourke, April 3, 1865. First Lieut. Charles Bagley, February 23, 1865. First Lieut. John McAtee, February 26, 1865. (Recommis sioned First Lieutenant April 18, 1865.) Second Lieut. Michael Cunningham, February 29, 1865. Second Lieut WUUam L, McKenzie, February 23, 1865. Died, (1.) Second Lieut. Michael Lantry, December 17, 1863, of disease at Chicago, lUinois. Casualties, Promoted, (1.) First Lieut John H. Colvin, October 6, 1863, to Captain 7th independent battery IlUnois Ught artillery, (now battery K, of this regiment.) Resigned, (1.) Captain John B. MUler, August 5, 1863. * Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those annouimed in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of^mnster out. ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 213 SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Peoria, St Charles, Cairo, Camp Butler, Springfield, and Camp Douglas, 111,, frora August 17, 1861, to June 6, 186g. to serve three years. Captain Chapman's com pany light artillery, attached to the 14th regiment lUiuois iufantry, was consolidated with battery B of this regiment in April, 18tW. Bat teries D and E were mu'stered out as follows: D in November, 1864, and E September 29, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service. . The officf rw of battery M were mustered out, aud the enliated men trans ferred to batteries C and H, April 11, 1864. On the expiration of the term of service of the remaining batt erieS the original menibera (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organizations, com posed of veteraua and recruits, retained in service. They were mustered out at different dates, as follows: Batteries A aud F July 27; BJul>15;C August 3;. G Sep tember 4 ; H July 29; I June 14 ; K July 14, and L August 9, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) Colonel. Thomas S.. Mather 30 Jan.. 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 28 Sept, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel. Major. WiUiam H, Bolton . . . . ! . 17 Mar, , 65 Surgeon. Assistant Surgeons. . Chaplain, battery a. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part in not yet published iu ordei'S. Captain, Casualties, Proonoted, (3,) Major Frederick A. Starring, August 21, 1862, to Colonel 72d regiment Illinois infantry. Major Peter Davidson, May 28, 1864, to Colonel 139th regi ment IlUnois infantry. Major Charles J. Stolbrand, February 18, 1865, to Brigadier General, Resigned, (6.) Mnjor Edwin H. Smith, December 9, 1862, Firat Lieut. Isaac N. Higgins, Adj't, March 13, 1862. Surgeon Hezekiah W Uiama, February 13, 1863. Assistant Surgeon GUes P. Rauaom, January. 23, 1863. Chaplain William M. Reynolda, August 31, 1862. Chaplain WiUiam C, Merritt, December 6, 1862, Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2,) Lieut Colonel WiUiam L. Duff, January 29, 1865. Mrtjor John W. Powell, January 4, 1865. Discharged, (1.) Major Adolph Schwartz, September 21, 1864. Casualties, t Promoted, (1.) Captain Peter Davidson, September 10, 1863, to Major. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (1.) First Lieut Prank B. Fenton, May 13, 1865. 214 ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. First Lieutenant. WiUiam W. CampbeU... 16 Dec, 63 Second Lieutenants. Rensselaer W. Hinman.. 26 Dec, 63 Walter Bied 26 Dec, battery B. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Fletcher H. Chapman... 18 Apr., 63 First Lieutenants. Second Lieutenants. James M. Pence 29 May, 63 Alfred C, Lovejoy, a. w. m. BATTERY C. (The official list of battles in which thia battery bore an honorable part ia not yet published in orders.) Captain. James P. Flood 18 May, 62 First Lieutenants. Jesse Robertson 5 Aug., 64 Charlea F. Humphreys . . 8 Oct, Second Lieutenant, Napoleon Davis 5 Aug., 64 , baI-tery d. (The official Ust of battles iu which thia battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut Jacob C. Hansel, AprU 15, 1863, Died, (1.) Second Lieut Abram B. Batterson, November 5, 1862, of disease, at Plelena, Ark, Missing, (1.) Second Lieut. Nathan C. Goodeuow, since December 15, 1862. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Herman Borris, March 1, 1865, Firat Lieut, William J, Gardner, January 25, 1862. Casualties. Resigned, (4.) First Lieut. Thomaa E. Dawson, January 17, 1865. ¦ Second Lieut Richard L, Gard, January 21, 1862. Second Lieut Frank Allair, December 17, 1862. Second Lieut Edwin W. Ross, Juue 20, 1864. Discharged, (5.) First Lieut. WUson Gard, March 25, 1862. First Lieut. John Johnson, March 25, 1862. First Lieut. Augustus Hoyer, December 29, 1864.- Second Lieut. James M. b^dson, March 25, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Jeremiah Crane, March 25, 1862. Died, (1.) Captain'RcUy Madison, April 11, 1863, of disease, at Corinth, Miss. Casualties.Resigned, (5.) Captain Caleb Hopkins, April 20, 1862. ¦First Lieut. Amos H. Flttcher, January 3, 1862. First Lieut. Thomas J. Jlclutyre, DeCL^mber 29, 1863. Second Lieut. John G. Loy, February 25, 1862. Secoud Lieut Alexander Busby, March 17, 1862. Mustered out on expiratiooi of term of service, (1.) First Lieut H. N. Towner, February 22, 1865. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut Frank B. Smith, January 18,' 1863. Died, (1.) Pirst Lieut Elijah V. Moore, Febmary 5, 1863, of wounds received in action at Fort Donelson, Teun. Casualties. Resigoied, (4.) Captain Jasper M. Dresser, March 28, 1862. Oaptain Jaones P, Timony, April 16, 1862. First Lieut. George A, Dunlop, April 20, 1862. First Lieut J. D. W. Whitall, January 23, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (1.) Captain Charles S. Cooper, Noveraber 21, 1864. ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 215 First Lieutenaoit, Harrison C. Barger 28 Aug., 62 Second Lieutenant. Joseph Hockmau 4 Mar., 63 BATTERY E. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is aot yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. First Lieutenants. *EmU Stegor 24 Nov., 62 Martin Mann, a. w, m. Second Lieuteoiants, BATTERY F. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. George R. Richardson... 6 June, 65 First Lieutenants. Second Lieutenants. Richard Osborne 28 Apr;, 64 Alfred S. Looker 13 Mar., 65 BATTERY G. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore au honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Csiptain. JohnW, LoweU 10 Sept, 64 First Lieutenants. Perry Wileh 15 Aug., 64 Rollin G.Harmon 10 Sept, Secooid Lieutenants. Ashbel Crocker 10 Sept, 64 John W. Darland 10 Sept, Casualties. % Promoted, (1.) Captaui Adolph Schwartz, March 31, 1862, to Major. Resigoied, (5.) Captain George C. Gumbart, July 15, 1863. Captain George L. Nispel, August 16, 1864. Second Lieut Maurice Ball, March 19, 1862. Secoud Lieut Julian Carter, February 16, 1863. Second Lieut William Dengei, March 20, 1863. Died, (1.) Second Lieut Joseph Hanger, March 26, 1862, of wounds received in action. Casualties, Promoted, (1,) Captain John*W, Powell, September 1, 1864, to Major, (3.) First Lieut Michael Dittliuger, March 26, 1862. Second Lieut Gustavus A. Tirmenstein, April 15, 1862. Second Lieut. Israel ff. Eldridge, February 13, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (1.) First Lteut Joseph W. Mitchell, Deceraber 14, 1664. Discharged, (3.) Firat Lieut. Christian D. Bliss, May 22, 1862, First Lieut, Heoiry R. Henning, April 9, 1863, First Lieut. Walter H. Powell, May 15, 1865. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain- Charles J. Stolbrand, January 30, 1862, to Major. First Lieut. Edward Webster, July 3, 1864, to Captain 4th U, S, colored heavy artUlery. Resigned, (2.) « Captain Frederick Sparrestrom, Auguat 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Samuel T. Duo-kee, February 14, 1863. Discharged, (2.) First Lieut. WiUiam C. Whitney, Febmary 22, 1863. Second Lieut Nott Smith, October 12, 1863. * Discharged November 3, 1864. 216 ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY, BATTERY H. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) ¦ Captaioi. Henry C. Whittemore... 22 June, 63 First Lieutenants. LotharBecker 1 Dec, 62 Jonas Eckdall 23 June, 63 Second Lieutenants. Harry Gordon 20 Nov., 62 Alexander Hudson 23 June, 63 BATTERY I, (The official list of battles in which this hattery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Judson Rich 31 Mar., 65 (Brevet Major 13 Mar., 1865.) First Lieutenants. George T. Ward 31^Mar,, 65 Charles McDonald, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. BATTERY K. . (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUahed in orders.) Captain. Thomas C. Barber 14 Mar., 65 First Lieutenant. JohnF. Marquis 14 Mar., 65 Second Lieutenant. Alexander Piatt 14 Mar., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut Edwin H. Smith, Auguat 21, 1862, to Major. / / Resigned, (1.) / Captain Andrew Stenbeck, May 25, 1863. Casualties. Resigned, (5.) Captaiu Charles W. Keith, April 7, 1862, Captain Charles M, Bamett, November 8, 1864, First Lieut Henry B. Plant, May 6, 1864. Second Lieut William E, Hayward, February 2, 1863, Second Lieut Charles D. Haight, Febmary 23, 1863. Died, (1.) First Lieut Alonzo W. Coe, killed in action near Savannah, Ga., December 9, 1864. Casualties. Resigned, (2.) First Lieut Abel S. Gale, June 26, 1863. Second Lieut John Pyatt, November 1, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) Captain Be^amin F. Rodgers, Deceraber 30, 1864. Firat Lieut Wesley Piatt, January 8, 1865, Died, (1,) First Lieut. Francis M, Ross, January 16, 1864, of disease, at JackaonvUle, 111. ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 21T BATTERY L. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore au honorable pai't isnot yet published in orders.) Captain. Thaddeus C. Hnlanisk ..23 Juno, 65 First Lieutenants, Daniel H. Pieixe 23 June, 65 George C. Wise 26 Juue, Second Lieuteoiants, . Levi B. Wightman 24 June, 65 James Onnninghara 26 June, BATTERY M. (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) 'Cap,ain. John C. Phillips 6 June, 62 First Lieutenant. George W, Reed 6 June, 62 Second Lieutenants. Wm. C. G. L. Stevenson. 6 June, 62 John B. Wheeler 28 Apr., 63 Casualties, Promoted, (1.) Captain William H. Bolton, March 17, 1865, to Major. Resigned, (4.) Captain Erastus A. Nichols, June 3, 1865. Firat Lieut. John F. Dunlap, May 28, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Charles H. Felton-, May 23, 1865, Second Lieut JuUus D. Roberts, November 20, 1862. Discharged, (2.) First Lieiit Jabez H. Moore, February 20, 1865. Second Lieut Orlando S. Wood, AprU 24, 1863. Died, (2.) First Lieut. Edward A. James, November 22, 1862, at Chicago, IU. Second Lieut. Simon P, Tracy, September 9, 1863, of diseaso at Vicksburg, Miss. Casualties. First Lieut Edward G, HUller, (1.) November 19, 1862 . Note 1, — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of muster out and transfer. 218 ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. INDEPENDENT BATTERIES. CAPTAIN BUSTEED'S BATTERY.* (This battery was organized at Chi cago, 111., October 1, 1861, to serve three years. It was transferred to the 1st regiment New York light artUlery November 9, 1861.) Captain. First Lieutenaoits, t Albert Cudney 1 Oct., 61 Robert I. Parker. 1 Oct., Secooid Lieutenaoits. Samuel A. McCleUan.... 1 Oct, 61 Kobert E. Rogers 1 Oct, CAPTAIN COGSWELL'S BATTERY, (This battery was organized at Ot tawa, 111., November 12, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the orig inal members (exeept_ veterans) were mustered out, and'the organ ization, composed of veterans aud recruita, retained in service until Auguat 14, 1865, when it was mus tered out ill accordance with orders >• from, the War Department) The following is the only official list of battlea in which this battery bore an honorable part yet published in orders : "SIEGE-OF VICKSBURG," "JACKSON," Captain. First Lieuteoiant. WiUiam R. Eltmg 24 June, 64 Second Lieutenants, S. Hamilton McClaury . .24 June, 64 WiUiam Burgeaa 25 June, CAPTAIN STOKES' BATTERY. J (This battery was organized at Chi cago, IU., July 31, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 30, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War De partment) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part Is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. George J. Robinson 14 Oct., 64 First Lieutenants. Sylvanus H. Stevens 8 Dec, 62 TrumbaUD. Griffin 1 Dec, 64 Second Lieutenants, Casualties, / Resigned, (1.) Captain Richard Busteed, jr., November 7, 1861. Casualties. Resigned, (1.) Second Lieut Hiram S, Prescott, March 25, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) Captain WiUiam Cogswell, December 7, 1864. Firat Lieut Henry G. Eddy, November 20, 1864. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut. S. Hamilton McClaury, September 17, 1862. commissioned as Second Lieutenant June 24, 1864.) Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut Asa WUliams, September 17, 1862. (Re Casualties. Resigoied, (3.) First Lieut. Albert P. Baxter, November 18, 1862. Second Lieut. Henry Bennett, February 18, 1865. Second Lieut. Lewis B. Hand, February 18, 1865. Discharged, (1.) Captaiu James H. Stokes, August 22, 1864. * Called also Chicago Light Artillery. ; tDischarged by reason of transfer. J Called also Board of Trade Battery. ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 219 CAPTAIN VAUGHN'S BATTERY. (This battery was organized at Camp Butler, IU., August 21, 1862, to serve three years. , It waa mustered out of service June 30, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Depai'tment.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is uot yet published iu orders.) Captain, . Thomas F. Vaughn, a. w. on. First Lieutenant. James Irwin 5 Oct., 64 Second Lieutenant. JohnSchaeffer 4 Oct, 64 CAPTAIN COOLEY'S BATTERY.* (This battery was organized at Chi cago, 111., August 29, 1862, to serve three years. It was mu.stered out of service July 10, 1865, iu accord ance with orders from the War De partment) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Patrick H. White 1 Mar., 63 First Lieutenants. Pinckney S. Cone 22 Feb., 63 Henry Roe 1 Sept, 64 Second Lieutenants. Florua D. Meacham 9 July, 64 Jaraes C. Sinclair %6 Oct., Casualties. Resigned, (5.) First Lieut. Edward B. StiUings, Febmary 18, 1864. First Lieut Heivry D. Colby, June 28, 1864. First Lieut. Charles W. Thomas, September 18, 1864. Secoud Lieut Louis D. Rosette, July 19, 1864. Second Lieut. William M. Gilmore, May 27, 1865. Casualties. Resigned, (5.) Captain Charies G. Cooley, February 24, 1863. First Lieut. Frauk C. Wilson, February 22, 1863. First Lieut. James H. Swan, February 27, 1863, Secoud Lieut. David R, Crego, February 6, 1863. Second Lieut Fred. B. Bickford, February 22, 1863. Died, (2.) First Lieut George Throop, kiUed in action at Sabine Cross- Roads, La., AprU 8, 1864. Second Lieut Joseph W. Barr, April 12, 1864, of wounds received in action at Sabine Crosa-Roads, La. CAPTAIN RENWICK'S EATTERY.f (This battery was organized at Chi cago, III., November 15, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service July 18, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department.) (The Sfficial list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Captain. Andrew M.Wood 3 Aug., 63 First Lieutenants. Joel H. Wicker 5 Apr., 64 Henry E. Tower 6 Jan., 65 Second Lieutenants. James N. Boutwell 6 Jan., Walton W. CUt't 6 Jan., * CaUed also Chicago Meo-chantile Battery. 65 CASUALTIES. Resigned, (2.) Captain George W. Renwick, May 27, 1863. First Lieut. Loriu G, Jeffers, March 5, 1864. Dischaoged, (3.) First Lieut. Caleb Rich, AprU 24, 1863. Second Lieut. Waldo W, Paine, April 24, 1863. Second Lieut John Short, March 7, 1864, 1 Called also Elgin Battery. 220 ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. CAPTAIN HENSHAW'S BATTERY. (Thia battery was organized at Ot tawa, III., December 3, 1862, to serve three years. Itwas mustei'od out of service July 18, 1865, io ac cordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this battery bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. Edward C. Henshaw 4 Apr., 65 First Lieutenants. Azro C. Putnam 3 Dec, 62 Aven Pearson 10 Apr., 63 Second Lieutenants. Joh^ L. Morrison 16 Mar,, 63 Melvin B. Ross 1 May, CASUALTIES. Disonissed, (1.) Captain Edward C. Henshaw, December 14, ^missioned Captain AprU 4, 1865.) '4, (Recom- NOTE 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2.— The roster of officers of each battery is given as it stood on the day of muster out and transfer. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 221 SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Springfield, Illinois, from July to December, 1861, to servo three years. On the expiration of its term of service tho original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into seven companies, and retained in aorvice. Three more companies were organized at Peoria, III., in February, 1865. to serve one year, and assigned to this regiment as companies B, D, aud G. It- was mustered out of service July 9, 1865, in accordance with'orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list'of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partisnotyet pubUahed iu orders.) Colonel. Richard Rowett 2 July. 63 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colooiel. Hector Perrin, a, w, m. Major. Eijward S. Johnaon 29 July, 64 Captains. JobnA-Sraith 20 Mar., 63 WilUam E. Norton 29 July, 64 Henry Ahem 15 Nov. , William C. Gillsou 15 Nov., WUUam P. Hackne^^ 28 Jan., 65 Samuel N. Hoyt 24 Feb., WiUiam A. Hubbard 25 Feb., Hugh J. Cosgrove 7 Mar., Edward R. Roberts 24 Apr., Benjamin Sweeney 1 Juno, First Lieutenants. G. M. Harrison, R. Q.M. 2 Nov., 62 Daniel L. Ambrose 15 Nov., 64 Andrew Mooro 24 Feb. , 05 John H. Gay .'. 25 Feb., Eugene P, Morse, Adj't . 1 Mar., Joseph B. Sanders IMar., George H. Martin 7 Mar., Johu H. Hubbard 24 Apr., James Crawley 26 May, Heury L. Balcom 31 Mny, Thomas B. Atchison 1 June, Second Lieutenaoits. Eliaa Lorey 15 Nov., 64 Williiim J- Hanlin 24 Feb., 65 WUliara M. Athev 25 Feb., M, De Forrest Wilder. .. 7 Mar., Casualties. Promoted, (4.) Colonel John Cook, April 3, 1862, to Brigadier General. Firat Lieut. Benjamin F. Smith, Adft, May 5, 1862, to Cap tain and A. A- G. Asaiatant Surgeon James ffaonilton, December 31, 1863, to Snrgeon 120th regi&ent Illinois infantry. Asaiatant Surgeon Elijah P. Burton, March 26, 1865, to Sur geon 12tli regiment Illinois infantry. Resigned, (25.) * Colonel Andrew J. Babcock, February 28, 1863. Blajor James Mooiroe, September 3, l'862. Captaiu Benjamin M. Munn, January 13, 1862. Captaiu James F. Cuvimioigs, April 7, 1862. Captaiu Jra .^1. Church, SoptoniberS, 1862. Captain CUffoo-d W. Holden, November 14, 1862. Captain William Mathie, December 10, 1862. Captain George F. Wheeler, December 31, 1862. Captain Geor< c , Orton IngersoU 4 Dee., Robert B. Bartleson 4 Dee., Ilenry C. Manafield 4 Dec, WiUifimS. Johnson 18 Dec., Charles A. Peirounet ..- 3 ilay, 65 First Lieutenaoits. John W. Reading 3 Mnv, 64 John Spire 30 Oct., Frank Rickeft 30 Oct. , Jrm.W.Bi-eAyster.J?.Q.jV/.17 Nov., Alonzo A. Thompson, Adft 4 Dec, Andrew Calvin 4 Dee., WiUiam H. Stalker 4 Dec, Jerome H. Loveland 6 Dec, WiUiam O. Ginter 19 Dec, Second Lieutenants. William J. Mclntyre 30 Oct, 64 John Stevensou 5 I>ie., Elisha J. Hulburt 6 Dec, Aaron Baybes 6 Dec, Myron D. Ayres 6 Dec, Thomas WUliamson 6 Dec, Richard H. Hughes ........19 Dec, Casualties. Promoted, (8.) Colonel WiUiam H. L. WaUace, March 23, 1862, to Brigadier Geueral. Colouel Thomas E. G. Ransom, March 16, 1863, to Brigadier General. Caprain Charles T. Hotchkiss, September 4, 1863, to Lieut Colonel Byth regiment Illinois infantrv. Captain John ff. Widmer, September 4, 1862, to Major 104th regiment Illinois infantry. Fii-st Lieut. Hurbert A. McCaleb, November 7, 1SG3, to Lieut, Culonel 6th U. S. colored heavy artillery. First Lieut Cyrua E. Dickey, Adft, June 8, 1863, to Captain and A. 4. G. First Lieut. Samuel B. Dean, August 31, 1863, to Major 58th i:. S. C. T, Second Lieut. Douglas Hapemau, September 4, 1862, to Lieut Colonel 104th regiraent Illinois infantry. Resigned, (19.) Lieut Colonel Lloyd D. WaddeU, September 15, 1864, Cai)tain Smith D. Atkins, AprU 17, 1862. Ciiritain Wilbem 51. Boren, January 9, 1863. First Lieut Victor B. Bell, January 14, 1662. First Lieut. William M. Murray, Noveraber 22, 1862. First Lieut William W. Taggart, K\m\ 6, 1863. First Lieut. Richardson W. Hulburt, September 11, 1863. First Lieut. Hiram P. Newlou, July 6. 1864. First Lieut James D. Vernay, July 9, 1864. SecondLieut. Hugh F. McWUliams, AprU 15. 1869. Second Lieut. Samuel C. Moore, November 27, 1862. Second Lieut. Levi W. Locker, January 18, 1863.' Second liieut Thomas Alexander, Febmary 9, 1863. Second Lieut. Louia C. Blake, September 11, 1863. Second Lieut. Frederick E. Ransom, July 1!). 1864. Second Lieut George H. Shaw, November 25, 1864. Sui-t^'eiiu Owen M. Long, May 4, 1864. As^l^t!l^t Siu'geon George H. D«wey, May 4, 1864. Cluiphiin Benjamin ff. Pearsoot, January 18, 1863. Mustered out ooi expiration of teim of service, (11.) :\I.ijor George C. TiicKce, July 29, 1864. Captain WiUiam D. E. Andrua, July 31, 1864. Captain Lucius M. Rose, Auguat 6, 1864, Caiftain WiUiam Duncan, August 14, 1864. Captaiu Han-isou C. Vore, August 3:), 1684. Ca|jtain Benjamin F. Bluckatone, Janu.iry 3, 1865. , Kirst Lieut Orin C. Town, Julv 30, 1864. Fiisl Lieut Heury H. Dean, Adft. July 31, 1864. Fii-ht Lieut. Guyon I. Davia, R. Q. M., S^pteftibcr 1, 1864. First Lieut. Edward P. Thomaa, October 31, 1864. Sucond Lieut George D. Carrington, Auguat 23, 1864. Discharged, (5.) "^'Captain Greeubury L. Port April 24, 1862. ¦('a|i1;iin James O. Churchill, October 3, 1864, Captain Lucius F. Alexander, May 15, 1865. SecondLieut. R. Eugene Rogeo-s, August 31, 1861. ¦Second Lieut John W. Carues, May 15, 1865. Died, (7.) Lieut. Colonel Garrett Nevins, killed in action at Vicksburg Miss., May 22, J863, A appointed Captain and A. Q. M. ILLINOIS INFANTRY, 22D Surgeooi, Oliver G. Hunt 28 June, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Myron Hopkins 5 Oct, 64 WUUam D. Briggs 23 Feb., 65 Chaplain. Captain Frederick W. Shaw, killed in action n,t Fort Donel son, Tonu., I'ubriiary 15, 1862. Captain Henry H. Carter, killed in action at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn,, April 6, 1862, Captain Silas W. Field, May 8, 1862, of wounds received in action at Shiloh, Tenn. Firat Lieut WiUiam J. Boyce, killed in action at Fort Donel. sou, Tenn., February IS, 1662, First Lieut, Alfred R, WUcox, March 17, 1862, of wounds re ceived iu action at Port Donelaou, Teun. Firat Lieut. Robert Jehu, killed in action at Yazoo City, ¦ Miss., March 5, l'S64. Missing, (I,) First Ljeut, John B. Houston, since October 111, 1801, Dismissed, (2.) Firat Lieut Theodore H. Walrod, Juue 16, 1863, Pirst Lieut WilUam H, Justice, July 12, 1805, Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this regiater except those announced iu General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of mi-Tstej- out 230 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. TWELFTH REGIMENT. (Thia reorimeut was organized at Sprhigfield, III., from July 11 to October 17, 1861, to serve three years. On the ex[)iration of its term of service the original raera- liers (except veterans) were mus- tei'ed out, aud the organization, cninposi-d of veterans and recruits, retained ia service until July 10, ]&^'^3, when it \vris lUM-tered out, in aeiiirdauce with orders frora the ¦\Vai' Department, aud the recruits transferred to the 8th and 46th reg- iineutb Illinois iufantry.) (Ti!'- official list of baltles iu which this regiment b'ire an honorable partisnotyet publishedin orders.) Colooiel. Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Van Sellar 19 May, 64 Major. Wheelock S. Blerriman. 7 Sept, 64 Captains. Thomas S. Moffat t 7 Sept, 64 David Owby 12 Sept., Alexandci' Brandon 15 Nov., Robert Bruton ]5 Nov., Perry F. Miller 28 Mar., 65 ]\ricliael Gniaty . : 28 Mar., Charles Mayer 1 Ma^y, Owen E. Siuith 15 June, Robert Q. Thompson . .,26 Juue, George Hunt, a. w. on. First Lieutenants. Cyrus Stout 7 Sept, 64 JamesH. 8miih, Adj't. ..17 Dec, Walton L. Odell 10 Feb., 65 WUliani Tibbetts 11 Mar., Martin W.Biirgh,7Z.Q.ilf. 7 May, Harvey W. King 7 May, Theophilus McCuanell .. 7 May, James Fi-ceburu 7 Slay, WUliam Hunt 21 May, Lewis H. Wagner 15 June, John Patterson 25 Juue, Secooid Lieutenants. Quincy I. Drake 19 Aug., Francis W. Stearns 7 May, Lucius L. Langworthy . . 7 Jluy, Toliau M. SideLidtricker.21 May, Surgeooi. . Elijah P. Burton 26 Mar., Assistant Surgeon. WiUiam M, Newell ,.16 July, 65 63 Casualties. Promoted, (7.) Colonel Johu McAo'thur, March 21, 1862, to Brigadier Gfenei'al. Colonel Augustus L. Chetlaiu, December 18^ 1863, lo Brfga- dier General. Captain WaUace Campbell, December 26, 1863, to Colonel llOthU. S. C. T. CaiTtain James N. McArthur, May 7, 1864, to Colonel 4th U. S. colored heavy artillery. Firat Lieut. J. Bates Dickson, Adj't, May 1, 1862, to Captain anil A. A. G. Fir,^t Lient. John Hall, July 1, 1864, to Captain 4th U. S. colored heavy artillery. Assistant Surgeon Samuel ]M. Swan, July 4, 1864, to Surgeou 111th regiment llliuoia iufantry. Resigned, (27.) Major V/illiam D. WUliams, October 2, 1861. Major James R. Hugunin, July 12, 1864. Captain Vincent Redgely, October 2, 1861. Captaiu 'William I. AUen, November 13, 1861, Captain Robert V. Cheslcy, May 26. 1862, Captain John W. Fiaher, July 2, 1862. Captaiu John M Mills, September 3, 1862. Captain William Fisher, September 3, 1862. Captain Harvey S. Stephenson, April 24. 1863. Captain William E. Waite, August 1, 1864. Captain Judtin D. Towner, August 3, 1664. Pirst Lieut. Stephen R. Wetmore, R,.Q. M., June 16, 1862, First Lieut. George L. Paddock, June 16, J 862, First Lieut Charles E. Bbaamont, July 14, 18fi2. First Lieut .ffmry 5. Wager, December 14, 1862. F'irst Lieut. Oliver L. Spaulding, March 4, 1863. First Lieut William F. Jobe, August 1, 1864. First Lieut. William C. Magneo; Auguat 6, 1864. First Lieut George Mason, Adj't, August 12, 1S64. Firat Lieut Richard R. Randolph, September 15, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Daniel J. Gillett June 23, 1865. Second Lieut Eba^i Bacon, November 24, 1861. Second Lient. Nicholas Roth, Juue 22, 1862. Second Lieut John F. VVatkina, Septeinber 16, 1862. Second Lieut David A. Cook, January 16, 1863. Second Lieut Jason J. Sanborn, Auguat 1, 1864. Second Lieut Thomas S. HoUeque, September 12, 1864. Mustered outon expiration of term of service, (12.) Captain Robert Koehler, October 21, 1864. Captaiu David C. Jones, August 8, 1864. Captain Duoican McLean, April 13, 1865. First Lieut. Washington Van Horn, August 1, 1864. First Lieut Fraucia Riitger, October 21, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Addison A! Jacksou, October 24, 1864 First Lieut Alfred T. Andreas, R. Q. M., April 1, 'l865. Second Lieut Jaraes B. Johnston^ August 3, 1664. Second Lieut Frederick J. Ries, September 16, 1864. Second Lieut Charles M. Barry, September 25, ]864. Second Lieuf. William H. Bowser, April 7, 1865. Surgeon WUUam F. Cady, October 24, 1864. Discharged, (4.) Lieut. Colonel Arthur C. Ducat, Fehrnnry 19, 1864 Captaiu William D. Milhe, August 8, 1864, Secoud Lieut. George W. Garwood, August 3, 1864. *Surgoon Horace Wardner, April 4, 1862. Appointed Surgeon U. S, vols. ILLINOIS INFANTEY. 231 Chaplain, Joel Grant lAug., 61 Died, (7.) Captain J. Tyler Halo, killed in action at Port Donelson, Tenu., February 15, 1862. Captnin Frank B. Ferris, April 18,'.1862, of wounds received in actlon-at Shiloh, Tenn. Captain William F. Swain, April 19, 1862, of wounds. Captain Guy C. Ward, killed in action at Corinth, Miss., October 4. 1862. Captain Joseph L. Lafferty, November 25, 1864, at Chatta nooga, Tenn, First Liout. Wright Seaman, killed in action at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 6, 1862. Second Lieut. Charles Farr, June 24, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Dismissed, (1.) Captain Robert K. Lackay, January 10, 1862. Note. — Tbe roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 232 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Dixon and Caseyville, Illinois, frora May 24 to June 2S, 1861, to serve three years. It was raustered out June 18, 1864, by reason of expira tion of term of service, and the vete rans and recrnits transferred to the 56th regiment IlUnois infantry,) The following is the only official list of battles in which this regiraent bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "CHICKASAW bayou AND ASSAULT OF THE 29th," "ARKANSAS post." " VICKSBURG AND ASSAULT OF THE22D," "JACKSON." Colonel. Adam B. Gorgas 17 Feb., 63 Lieutenant Colonel. Frederick W. Partridge. 17 Feb., 63 Major. James M. Beardsley 20 Feb., 64 Captaiois. George P, Brown 2 Mar., 63 Edwin Went 2 Mar., George H. Carpenter.... 1 May, Jamea G. Everest 3 June, WilUam M, Jenks 16 Sept, A, Judson Pinkhara 16 Sept, Azro A, Buek 19 Nov., George B. Sage 12 Dec, Jordan J. Cole 12 Jan. , 64 Matthew McCuUough . . .20 Feb., First Lieutenants. Henry T. Porter, ^i^j'z. .24 May, 61 Ethan A. Priehard 2 Mar., 63 Joseph M. Patterson 2 Mar. , WiUiam Wallace 1 May, *Hyacinth Cuniffe 3 June, John S. McClary,/;.Q.M.12 Sept, tMarkM. Evans 18 Sept, Silas M. Jackson 20 Oct, Theodore Loring 19 Nov. , Simeon T. Joaselyn 12 Dec, EU Bailey 12 Jan., 64 Albert T. Higby, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Jesse D. Peirce 2 Mar., 63 John J. Russell 24 Mar. , Benjamin J. Gifford 26 Apr,, Robert Rutherford 3 June, Surgeon. Samuel C. Plummer 24 May, 61 Assistant Surgeon. Charles A. Thompson... 23 Dec, 62 Chaplain. .^rnold T. Needham 22 Oct, 63 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Quincy McNeU, August 10, 1861, to Major 2d regi raent Illinois cavalry. Second Lieut George G. Knox, March 2, 1862, to First Lieut battery H, 1st regiraent Hlinoia light artillery. Resigned, (16.) Lieut. Colonel BenjaminP. Parks, June 24, 1861. Captain Zelotes B. Mayo, August 6, lt61. Captain Abraham J. Brinkerhoff, March 14, 1863. Captain S. W. Wadsworth, March 17, 1863. Captain George M. Cole, August 10, 1863. Firat Lieut Merrett S. Hobson, Jauuary 22, 1862. Pirst Lieut. George B. Devoll, March 31, 1862. Firat Lieut. Nathaniel Neff, Noveraber 15, 1862. Firat Lieut. William C. Henderson, R. Q, M., July 28, 1863. Firat Lieut Heury D. Dement, August 1, 1863. Second Lieut. WilUam M. KUgour, February 3, 1663. Second Lieut. Benjamin Gilman, March 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Isiah H. Williams, March 31, 1862. Assistant Surgeon I. Spofford Hunt, July 1, 1861. Aasiatant Surgeon David ff. Law, November 15, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Henry F. Salter, July 23, 1863. Discharged, (6.) Captaiu Everell F. Dutton, September 22, 1862. JCaptaiu Henry T. Noble, July 31, 1663. Captain Richard A. Smith, August 21, 1863, Captain Henry M. Messinger, November 3, 1863, Second Lieut George E. ffinmooi, November 10, 1862. Chaplain Joseph C. MUler, September 14, 1862. Died, (8.) Colonel John B. Wyman, killed in action near Vicksburg, Miss., December 28, 1862. Major Douglas R. Buahnell, killed iu action near Ringgold, Ga., November 27, 1863. Captain George H. Gardner, January 5, 1863, at Aurora, IU. Captain Walter Blanchard, Deceraber 4, 1863, of wounds, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Second Lieut. -George A. Naper, kiUed in action at Chickasaw Bayou, Miss., December 29, 1862. Second Lieut EUsha T. Beardsley, killed in action near Vicksburg, jMiss., December 29, 1862. Second Lieut Mark Bayer, March 30, 1863, at Meraphia, Tenn. Second Lieut George L. Acken, AprU 12, 1863, of Vonnds re ceived in action. * Discharged March 11, 1865. t Transferred to 56th IlUnois infantrv t Appointed Captain and A. Q. M. NOTE.-The roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 233 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Jacksonville, III., May 24 and 25, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original ineinbers (except vet erans) were raustered out, and the veterans and recruits, togctherwith the veterans and recruits of the 15th regiment Illinois iufantry, con solidated into a battalion of five companies, aud known as the Vet eran BattaUou 14th audlSth IlUnois Uifautry. In Blarch, 1^65, both regimeuts were reorganized. The members of the 15th regiment were consolidated into a battalion of two corapanies, to which were added eight new companies, aud those of this regiment consolidated into a battalion of three companies, to which were added seven new com panies, organized in February and March, 1865, to serve one year. The regiment was mustered out of service September 16, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiinent bore an honorable part isnotyetpublished in orders.) Colonel. Cyrus HaU 24 Mar., 65 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 March, 1865.) Lieutenaoit Colonel. Malcolm H. Copeland ...24 Mar., 65 Major. Carlos C. .Cos 26 Apr., 65 Captains. Alonzo J. GUlespie 23 Jan., 65 James C. McKenzie 7 Mar., Calvin K. Brandon 7 Mar., Jeremiah Dockstader 7 Mar., Leonard B. Peek 9 Mar., Parkhurst T. Martin 18 Mar., JohnC. BeU SJuly, First Lieutenants. Samuel D. Scholes 7 jMar., 65 John C. Henderson 7 Mar., Corydon P. Snow 9 Mar., Jacob Brown 14 Mar., Elam H. Robinson 18 Mar., C. Ward Laiug, Adj't . . .24 Mar,, Benj. P. Ford, R. Q. Af .,24 JMar., Frederick L. Orraaby SJuly, Alexander Cairns 15 July, Second Lieutenants. Henry J. Clausen 7 Mar., 65 Casualties. Po-omoted, (10.) Colonel John M. Palmer, December 20, 1861, to Brigadier Gen eral. Lieut. Colonel Amory K. Johnson, September 28, 1861, to Colouel 26ih ret;imeut Illinois iufantry. Captain Cyrus Hall, September 21, 1861, to Mapr 7th regi raent Illinoia cavalry. (Recommissioned as Colonel of this regiment February 9, 1862.) Captaiu Henry Case, Fohmary 1, 1862, to Major 7th regiment Illinois cavalry. Captain MUton S. Littlefield, Noveraber 26, 1862,, to Lieu tenant Colonel 21st U. S. C. T. Captain James E. WiUiams, August 31, 1863, to Major 3d U, S. colored heavy artillery. First Lieut. George A. Poteet, Septeraber 13, 1862, to Major 115th regiment IlUnois infantry. Firat Lieut. Jacob R. MuJilman, R. Q. M., Deceraber 23, 1862, to Captain and A. A. G. Pir^t Lieut. Robert P. McKnight, Adft, Blarch 13, 1863, to Captain aud A. A. G. Secoud Lient MiUon L. Webster, September 21, 1861, to Captain_7th regiraent Illinois cavalry. Resigned, (19.) Major Jonathan Morris, September 3, 1862. Captain Thomas M. Thorapson, October 3, 1861. Captain Andrew Simpson, October 4, 1862. Captain Charles Ojntz, March 3, 1863. Captain Dudley C. Smith, May 8, 1863. Captain Frederick Meade, July 3, 1863. Captaiu Augustus H. Cornman, August 7, 1863. Captain PhiUp J. Saylor, July 8, 1865. First Lieut Jacob M. Early, JauuaFy 16, 1862. First Lieut. John W. Hartley, May 26, 1862, First Lieut. Henry Rodecker, September 3, 1862. First Lieut. WiUiam N. Shibley, November 4, 1802. First Lieut. Adara Sraith, Noveraber 13, 1862. Firat Lieut Ethan A. Noo-ton, August 6, 1863. First Lieut. Louis P. Bourguin, December 23, 1863. First Lieut George W. Bates, February 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Jacob Rippstein, April 16, 1862. Second Lieut. Nathaniel AV. Holland, June 3, 1865. Second Lieut. Francis M. McDermed, July 11, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (29,) Colonel Cyrus HaU, May 24, 1864. (Recommissioned Colonel March 24. 1865.) Lieut Colonel Williara Cam, June 24, 1864, Major Johu P. Nolte, June 24, 1864. Captain George Wi'ight, June 18, 1864. Captain David N. Hamilton, Juue 18, 1864. Captain John D. Moore, June 18, 1864. Captaiu Louis C. Reiner, June 18, 1864. Captain Oliver P. Sqnier, June 18, 1864. Captain Erasmus D. Ward, Juue 18, 1864. Captain WiUiam AV. Strong, June 24, 1864. Captain Henry M. Peden, June 24, 1864. Captain Malcolm H. Copeland, June 24, 1864. (Recommis sioned as Lieutenant Colonel March 24, 1865.) Pirst Lieut. Charlesworth Powel, Adj't, May 25, 1864. First Lieut. Alfred J. Worcester, June 11, 1864. First Lieut. Z. Payson Shuraway, June 18, 1864. Pirst Lieut Israel B. Stafford, June 18, 1864. First Lieut. Henry Harbaugh, June 18, 1864. First Lieut Rufus Mayfield, June 18, 1864. 234 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Solomon Grace 9 Mar. , 65 Benjamin J. Puckett 14 Mar., John Forsyth 15 July, MarshaU B. Martin 17 July, Ezra R. Byram 17 July, Surgeon. Henry W.Boyd 24 Mar., 65 Assistant Surgeon, Samuel A. Daviaon 24 Mar., 65 Chaplain, First Lieut Augustua A. Snow, June, 24, 1864. First Lieut James H. Stewart R. Q. M., June 24, 1864. PirKt Lieut John R. Kirkham, Juue 24, 1864. First Lieut Robert J. Henry, September 6, 1864. Second Lieut Henry A. Ewing, June 18, 1864. Second Lieut Fountain C. Pollock, June 18, 1864, Second Lieut. Balzer Grebe, June 18, 1864. Second Lieut. Lauren W. Coe, June 18, 1864. Second Lieut AVilliam Blason, June 24, 1864. Surgeon Benjamin F. Stephenson, June 24, 1864. Chaplain Williaon J. Rutledge, June 18, 1864. Discharged, (12.) Caplain Thomas J. Bryant October 5, 1862. Captain Nelson Lovertt June 4, 1865. First Lieut. AA'Uliam A. Scott Adft, December 31, 1861. First Lieut Thomas H. Simonons, AprU 30, 1863. First Lieut. Thomas A. Weisner, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. Jared P. Harbour, Auguat 14, 1865. Second Lieut David S. Finney, May IS, 1865, Second Lieut Julius V. Cox, June 20, 186S. *Surgeon George T. Allen, April 4, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Frederick W. Kersting, June 6, 1862, tAasistant Surgeon Moses C, Drake, Deceraber 12, 1863, Assistant Surgeon Noah F. Chafee, November 12, 1864, Died, (L) First Lieut John II. Hendersooi, January 25, 1865, in prison, at Columbia, S, C. Missing, (1,) Assistant Surgeon Martioi H. Head, since August 3l, 1861. Dismissed, (2.) Captain John W. Meacham, November 11, 1862, Firat Lieut William E, Eaatham, November 1.5, 1862. * Appointed Brigade Surgeon., t Commissioned Assistant Surgeon 15th regiment Illinoia infantry. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster-out, ILLINOIS INFANTRY, 23.: FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. (This rogiment was organized at Freeport Illinois, May 24, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of .service* the origi nal members (except veterans) were mustered out, aud ihe veter ans and recruits, tofrether with the veterans aud recruita of the 14th regiraent Illinois infantry, were consolidated into a battalion of five companies, and known as the veteran battaUon, 14th and 15th Illinois infantry. In blarch, 1865, both regiments were reorgau'- ized — the raembers of the 14th regi- • ment were consolidated into a bat talion of three corapauies, to which were added seven new companies, aud those of thia regiraent consol idated into a battaUon of two com panies, to which were added eight new companies, organized in Feb ruary and IMarch, 1865, to serve one year. The regiment was mus tered out of service September 16, 1855, in accordance with orders frora the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable part is uot yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. George C. Rodgers 17t)ec., 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar,, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. ' Lemuel 0. GUraan 24 Dec, 64 Major. Joseph Devlin, a. w. m. Captains. Edward Burrill 17 Mar., 65 Beujamin J. Gifford 17 Mar., Ezekiel Giles 18 Mar., Albert Bliss, jr 21 Mar., John A. Long 21 Mar., Benjamin F. Gardner . ..25 July,- Jouathan M. Clendening. 1 Sept., Arthur Dawson, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. George W. Thompson. ..11 Mar., 65 Edwin H.RUey 17 Jtar., Thomas C, SheUy 17 Mar., Septer Roberta 17 Mar., Volnev Bliss 18 Mar., Devalaon J. KirabaU 21 Mar,, Jacob Paul 21 Mar., A. H. Hershey, Adft 1 Apr., Geo. A. Austin, R Q. M. 1 June, Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Daniel J. Beoiner, Anril 18, 1863, to Major and -4. I>.C. First Lieut John J. Sears, July 30, 1863, to Captain 3d U. S, colored heavy artillerj'. Resigned, (25.) Colonel Thomas J. Turner, November 2, 1662. Lieut Colonel Jamea Rauy, January 16, 1864. Major Adam Nase, July 7, 1863. Captaiu Joseph B. Jones, July 28, 1661. Captnin John H. Paddock, August 19, 1661. Captain WUliara Haywood, AprU 12, 1862. Captain Louis D. Kellv. October 21, 186->. Captain Morton D. Swift, Jauuary 12, 1863. Captain David L. Baker, SI arch 4. 1863. Captain AVesley AV Jones, July 31. 1663. Captaiu Mathew Blair, July 10, 1665. First Lieut Frank S. Curtiss, September 9. 1861. Pii-st Lieut Daniel C. Joslyn, November 20, 1861. First Lieut Samuel Hice, jr., R. Q. M.. November 21, 1861. First Lieut. James O'Brien. April 16, 1862. First Lieut Calvin H. Shapley, September 3, 1862. First Lieut Thomas J. Hewitt, September 23, 1663. First Lieut. Charles F. Barber, Adj't, June 2, 1863. First Lieut. Gideon V. Carr, Juue 2, 1863. Second liieut Mark Hathaway, November 18, 1861. Second Lieut. Peter .1, Labagh, April 18, 1862. Assistant Surgeon ffarmaoi A. Buck, March 13, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Leonard L. Lake, July 29, 1863. Assistant Surgeou Moges C. Drake, October 22, 1864. Chaplain David E. ffalteman, AprU 12, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (22.) Major Rufus C. McEathron, August 6, 1864. Captain Hampden S. Cottel, June 3, 1864. Cantain Frederick W. Smith, Juue 14, 1864, - Captain WiUiara H. Gibbs, June 14. 1864, Captain John S. Pratt J«06 14, 1864. Captain Frederick A, Sraith, June 14, 1864. Captain Albert Blias, jr., June 14, 1864. (Recommissioned Captain March 21, 1865.) Captain Frank D. Patterson, June 14, 1864. Captain John AV. Luke, November 9, 1864. First Lieut VUroy Q. Paxon, Junf 3. 1664. First Lieut. George Q. Allen, Adj't, June 14, 1864. First Lieut. Ahyman V. Bohn, R. Q. M., Juue 14, 1864. First Lieut. William H. Sherman, June 14, 1864. First Lieut. Johu AA^aldock, June 14, 1864. First Lient Simeon L. Eells, June 14, 1864. First Lieut Hubbard P. Sweet, June 14, 1864, First Lieut John B. Newlands. June 14, 1864. Fir.at Lieut WiUiam M. Ried, Juuo 14, 1864. First Lieut -WUliara W. Wheelock, June 14, 1864. Second Lieut Thomaa L. Hewitt May 24, 1664. Socond Lieut Michael Schoonmakei; June 14, 1864. Second Lieut Charies W. AA^Ucox, June 14, 1864. Discharged, (10.) Captain Williara Henry, February 15. 1862. i Captain Jamea O. P. Burnaide, AprU 2, 1862. Captaiu Pheneas D. Kenvou, May 15, 1865. First Lieut Simeon M. Preston, R. Q, M., June IS, 1861. First Lieut. Richard J. Heath, August — , 1861. First Lieut Laiorence ff. Jones, February 15, 1862. First Lieut. Allen T. Barnes, May 15, 1865. 236 ILLIXOIS IXFANTRY. Second Lieutenants. David McGrath 11 Mar., WiUiam Dodds. 17 Mar,, Charles A. Harper IS .Mar., Augustus S. ChappeU ...21 Mar., Tilghman Diesbach 21 Mar., WUUam Dearth 18 June. Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. O. P. B. Wright 15 July, 65 Chaplain. BartonF. Rogers 24 Dec, 62 SecondLieut. Oi-ville F. A7idreiBS, August 21, 1862". * Seconrl Lieut. Joseph P. AUiaon, Juue 17, 1864. Surgeon WiUiam J. McKim, March 91, 1865, Died, (11.) Lieut Colonel EdWard P. W, EUis, killed In action at Pitts burg Lauding, Tenn., AprU 6, 1862. Major William R. Goddard, kiUed in action at Pittsburg Land ing, Tenn., April 6, 1862. Captain Harley AVavne, kUled in action at Pittsburg Landhig, Tenn., April 6, 1862. Contain Holder BrowneU, kUled in action at Pittsburg Land- ing, Tenn., April 7. 1862. Captain George W. Bradley, kiUed In action before A'ieks- burg, Miss., May 28, 1863. Captain Cyrenus C. Clark; July 18, 1863, at Memnhis, Teun, First Lieut. Addison N, Longcor, January 5, 1663, of disease, Firat Lieut, Daniel N. Clark, Septeraber 23, 1863, at Natchez, Miss. Second Lieut. John TV. Peettrbaugh, AprU 7, 1862, of wounds received in action. % Second Lieut Nathaniel A. Nettleton, April 15, 1665. Assistant Suigeon John Van V'aUey, August 10, 1883, at Freeport III. * Appoiuted Second Lieut, in V. R. C. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on thia register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2.— The roater of offi.cers is given as It stood on tha day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 237 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Quincy, Illinois, from May 24 to June 24. 1661, to serve three yeai-s. Ou the expii'ation of ita term of service the original memhera (ex cept veteraus) were mustered out, aud the organization, composed of veterans aud recruits, retained in ^I'rvice until July 8, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) ^ (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honoriible- part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. ^ Robert F. Smith 24 May, 61 (Bo-cvet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Charles D. Kerr 19 May, 65 Major. Captaiois. John AV. Herbert 13 Auff-, 62 Herman Lund 30 Mar., 63 Robert A. Glenn IJan,, 65 Daniel Glaaner 27 Mar., Johu Meri'yman ..-*. 28 Slur., John E- Catlett IMay, Benjamin H. Rus.^cll 21 May, James S. Kiug 6 June, John Bryant 8 June, Ambrose Updcgraff 4 July, First TAeutenants. Henry Wataon 29 Apr., 64 ' George AV. Brown 11 Sept, Morrison AA^Uever 27 Mar., 65 Pelatiah Wilson 28 Mar., Christopher Frey IMay, AViUiara S iMaiiow 21 May, Johu S. Sebenck, Adft ..29 May, George W. Ray 6 June, John T. AVelch 6 June, Franklin I. Cooper 8 Juue, Ira E. Harsh, R. Q. M .. 3 July, Second Lieutenaoits. Surgeon, CASiJAi/rrKS. Promoted, (2.) Assistant Sur^'pon Adelber* L. Ritchey, AprU 6, 1865, to Surgeon lOth regiment Illinois infantry. Second. Licul. Robert Pattison, jr., July 5, 1864, to Captain and C. S. Resigned, (26.) Lieut Colonel Samuel AA'ilson, September 3, 1662. Captain Giorge AV. Patrick, September 2S, 1861. Captain A'irgU Y. Ralstou, March 13, 1862. Captain Samuel E. Taylor, June 20, 1862, Captiun AVilliam H. McAllister, June 21. 1862. Captaiu H'illiam L. Broaddus, Jnly 3, 1862. Captain Benjaonin F. Pincklcy, July 11, 1862. Captain AVilliam Soramerville, May 9, 1665. Firat Lieut. Jamea P. Taylor, July 24, 1861. First Lieut Benjamin F-'siarsh, R. Q. M., August 8, 1861. First Lieut Wesley Clowes, December 7, 1661. First Lieut. EUinihaoi K. Wes'faU, June 20, 1663. First Lient. Jefferson Burton, Deceraber 4, 1662. Firat Lieut. Benjamin T. Putmau, Mav 9. 1863. First Lieut. Marcu.s D. L. Jlanlove, July 27, 1863. First Lieut. James G. Stiwart, January 29, 1864. Pirst Liout David Hedrick, July 28, 1664. First Lieut. CU-orge W. Parrott, January 7, 1865. Second Lieut Charles Delabar, July 2, 1861. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Marsh, jr., July 16, 1861. SecondLieut Cu^iin Tienken, June 28, 1862. Second Lieut. Richard B. Higgins, July 3, 1662. Assistant Surgeou AA'^illiam H. Gifhena, JUne L, 1862. Assialant Surgeon Jacob Trush, September 30, 1664. Chaplain Richard llaney, June I, 1862. Chaplain Martin D. lleckard, December 26, 1864. Mustered out on expiratiooi of term of service, (17.) Lieut Colonel James B. CahiU, December 25, 1664. Jliijor Charlea Petri, January 21, 1865. Captaiu Smith Johnson, November 11, 1864. Captain Abram Rowe, Deceraber 30, 1864. Captain Jobn A. Chapraau, Deceraber 31, 1864. Captain laaac Davies, December 31, 1864. Captain Stedmau Hatch, April 6, 1665. Pirst Lieut French B. Woodall, June 12, 1864. First Lieut. H. W. Gash, Decembei- 28, 1864. " First Lieut. George AV. McAllister, Deceraber 31, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas H. Smith, Jauuary 3, 1865. First Lieut. Lueius L. King, R. Q. M., Juue 29, 1865. First Lieut. Charles D. Kerr, Adft, April 5, 1865. (Recora missioned aa Lieutenant Colonel May 19, 1865.) Second Lieut. Joaeph E. Haines November 14, 1864. Second Lieut Joaeph Schlund, .launary 4, 1865. SecondLieut Benjamin Lnwe, April 5, 1665. Surgeon Louis AVatson, December 31, 1864. Discharged, (6.) Captaiu Jarpea Fritz, May 26, 1862. Captain George D. Stewart, April 25, 1865. Firat Lieut Edwin Moore, Jnne 20, 1862. Firat Lieut Thomas J. Coulter, R. Q. M., November 25, 1863. Secoud Lieut William H. Couyera. May 15, 1865. Second Lieut WUliam C. Porter, May 15, 1865. 238 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Died, (5.) Major Samuel iVI. Hays, Auguat 6, 1862, at Monticelln, Illinois. Captaiu David P. AVella, AprU 7, 1862, of disease at, Macomb, Illinois. Captain Calvin H. WUson, June 16, 1864, at Quincy, IU. Captain Eben AVbite, May 18, 1865, of wounds received in action at Averysboro', N. C. First Lieut James Donaldson, July 17, 1864, of woutids re ceived in action near Viuing's Station, Ga. Disonissed, (4.) Captain Williaon G. Ritchey, Juue 7, 1863. First Lieut, Theodore Weber, July 30, 1861. Pirst Lieut. Clement A. Ridder, Febmary 27, 1863. First Lieut Hiram M. Bartholomew, September 7, 1863. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on thia register except thgfse announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 239 SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at Peo ria, IlUnois, May 26, 1861. to serve three years. It was mustered out June 4, 1664, by reason of expira tion of term of service, and the veterans and reciniita tranaferred to the Bth regiment Illinoia infantry.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders,) Colonel, Lieuteoiant Colonel. Francis M. Smith 22 Apr,, 62 Major. Frank F. Peats ^Apr., 62 Captains. Henry H. Bush 25 May, 61 Josiah Moore 25 May, George W. Robson 22 Apr., 62 Jacob Wheeler 22 Apr, , Chauncey Black 20 Mar, , 63 WUUam A. Loriraer 18 May, WiUiara I. MerriU 1 JiUy, Abrara H, Ryan, a. w. m. Jonathan H. RoweU,a. lo, m. Wesley W. Hull, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. Henry L. Smith, JZ.Q.A/- 1 Apr., 62 Wra. S. Reynolds, Adft.22 Apr., *Bdmund E, Ryan 25 Apr., James H. MitcheU 22 Oct, John A. CoUyer 13 Nov., tEdward C. D, Robhin8.24 Apr., 63 Davey Clough I Jnly, James B, Rowley 13 Aug., Theodore Glancy 4 Sept, Henry D. Clark 1 Nov., + Charles C, WUliams, a. w. m. WiUiam C. Stockdale, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants, GawnWilkms 26 July, 62 George R. Buck 22 Oct., Thomas McFarland jl3 Nov., Henry K. Steward 24 Apr., 63 §John H.Wells 1 July, O WUUam E. YameU, a. w. on. Surgeon. TICharlesB, Tompkms..l4 July, 63 Assistant Surgeon. II WUber P., Buck 15 Jan,, 64 Cliaplain. Sanford A, Kingsbury. . . 1 Jan,, 62 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Colonel Leonard F. Ross, April 25, 1862, to Brigadier Gen eral. Captain Addison S.Norton, May 1, 1 662, to Major and j4. D. C. (Recommissioned Colonel of this regiment May 25, 1862.) Assistaut Surgeon Henry H. Penniman, Noveraber 30, 1863, to Surgeon Sth U. S. colored heavy artiUery. Resigned, (28.) Colonel Addison S. Norton, July 9, 1863, Lieut Colonel Enos P. Wood, AprU 19, 1862. Captain Beriah T. Baldioin, July 3, 1661. Captaiu A. D. Rose, December 24, .1861. Captain George W. WrigJu, AprU 20, 1862. Captain Otia A. Burgess, April 24, 1862, Captain Thomaa A. Boyd, AprU 24, 1862. Captain Jamea P. .Walker, April 27, 1862. Captain Roderick R. Harding, May 15, 1862. Captain Edward S. Brulngton, July 8, 1862. Captain George C. Smith, February 16. 1863. First Lieut Joseph L. Dodds, August — , 1861. First Lieut WUliara Walsh, December 31, 1861. Firat Lieut. James McCartney, Slarch 28, 1862. First Lieut John ffough, April 16, 1862. Firet Lieut Asins WiUison, April 18, 1862. First Lieut William T. Dodds, AprU 18, 1862. First Lieut. John R. Charter, September 3, 1862. First Lieut .^Zfteri W. jQiies, September 14, 1862, First Lieut Henry F. Hole, October 22, 1862. First Lieut A. Curtis Matthews, Febmary 18, 1863. First Lieut William Avery, March 24. 1863. First Lieut Frederick D. Callsen, July 31, 1863. Second Lieut David A. Parks, Deceraber 27, 1861. Second Lieut John J. Biggs, April 18, 1662. Second Lient. William S. McClanahan, July 24, 1863. Surgeon Lucius D. Kellogg, June 14, 1863, Chaplain Jaones S. Poague, September 1, 1861. Discharged, (3.) ** Captain Milton S, Kimball, May 24, 1863. First Lieut. John W. Miles, R. Q. M., AprU 1, 1862. First Lieut, Jamea 0. Beswick, April 2, 1862. Died, (4,) First Lieut J. Q. A. Jones, October 23, 1861, of wounds re ceived in action. Firat Lieut. James M. Moore, June 24, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action. y Second Lieut. Alexander I. Burner, November 20, 1861, of disease, at Bath, III. Second Lieut. Alexander T. Davis, Jnly 2, 1862, of wounds received in action. Cashiered, (1.) Captain George W. Saunders, April 2, 1863. * Prisoner of war ; discharged October 24, 1864. tDischai-ged June 20, 1864. I Discharged July 30, 1864, § Discharged June 24, 1864. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out II Transferred to 8th regiment Illinoia infantry. il Discharged June 25, 1864. ** Appointed Captain and .4. A. G. 240 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Anna, IU., from iAlay 26 to Juue 30, 1661, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (except vet erans) were mustered out, aud the rejuainiug members conaolidated into a battalion of three companies. Seven additional companies were organized in March, 1865, to serve one year, and as>igned to this regi raent. Company A was mustered out July 8, 1665, and the remaiuiog compatiic-B retained in service until December 16, 1665, when they were mustered oift, in accordance with orderal'rom the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore au honorable pai't is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Jules C. AA^ebber 24 Mar., 65 Major. Noah R. Yeargin 1 July, 65 Captains. James W. Brewer 16 Slar.," 65 Alsey B. Lee 18 Mar., Hiram H. Benner 25 ?.[ht-.. Thomas Ciagt' 3 I\Iay, George W. Pi-igmnre 6 May, WUliam R. AVestfall 1 July, Jaraes R. Green 4 Aug., George N. Johnson 6 Aug., First Lieutenants. Theron D. Brown .16 Mar,, 65 A Ifred AV. AV right 3 May, John A. Coleman 6 May, Thomas F.Hurd, R.Q.M 29 iAtay, JohnR. Polk .....^ IJuly, Thomaa J. Cross. .> 4 Aug., Arthur M. Lee 4 Aug., David Harmon 6 Aug., George W. Purvis 2 Sept, Second Lieutenants. Samuel Cartright 10 Alar., 65 Frauk A. Reuche 3 May, Moses Martn 10 July, Richard Land 6 Au g. , Surgeon. Chauncey S, Burr 12 Nov., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Colonel Michael K. Lawler, November 29, 1862, to Brigadier General. Resigned, (50.) Colouel Daniel IT. Brush, August 21, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Thomaa H. Burgess, September 3, 1862. Major Samuel Eaton, April 1, 1862. Major Aathati Crews, July 8, 1862. Captain E'i".-i W. Jones, August 18, 1661. Captain AVilliam Hunter, October 13, 1661. Captain WiUiam S. Crawford, October J8, 1861. Captain Joseph G. Cormick, November 16, 1661. Captain Jam.ea Baird, December 1, 1861. Captain Richard R. Hopkins, March 28, 1862. Captain Hezekiah C. ffodges, June 3, 1663. Captain :\lichael A. KUlion, AprU ^, 1665. Ctiptaln John Davis, May 6, 1865. Captain Jabez J. Anderson, Blay 6, 1665. Captain Jamea T. Reynolds, June 14, 1865. Captain James Fields, July 12, 1605. Captain TJrias H. Eaton, Octob<-T 12, 1865. First Lieut John Olney, R. Q. M., Septeinber 11, 1861. First Lieut. William B. Fooidey, Adft, October 15, 1861. Firat Lieut AViiner Bedford, November 17, 1861. First Lieut. John H. Barton, November 17, 166J. First Lieut. Edgar Potter, December 15,1661. First Lieut. Andrew J. Ice, February 1, 1662. First Lieut John W. Lawrence, June 25, 1862. First Lieiit, William ff. ffeath, Adj't, Septeraber S, 1862. Firat Lieut. Ezra N. Edwards, November 21, 1662. First Lieut. Rowland R. Brush, December 10, 1862. First Lieut Peter Dolan, July 1, 1863. First Lieut. Chalon A. Towle, April 8, 1865. Firat Lieut George Hiatt July 12, 1865. First, Lieut HibberS. Corwin, Adft, Julv 14, 1865. First Lieut. Frank C. Place, September 28, 1865. Second Lieut. George AV. Green, August 9, 186L Second Lieut. WiUiam H. Robinson, October 21, 1861. Second Lient Joseph Williams, December 26, 1861. Second Lieut AVUIiam Scaulaud, Febmary 13. 1862. Secoud Lient. Joseph M. Campbell, April 27, 1862. Second Lieut. Martin G. Kelso, August 31, 1662. Second Lieut. Daniel W. Flick, October 25, 1862. Second LieuT. ^mrz Q ff'n^soTi, November 4, 1662. Second Lieut WiUiam L. Cross, November 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Samuel P. Connor, July 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Benjamioi Redfield. June 11, 1664. Second Lieut PhUUp Volk, June 3, 1865. \ Second Lieut. Charies H. Goben, June 6, 1865 .Second Lieut Silas BiggLM-.slaff, July 15, 1665. Second Lituj. Daniel R. p. Johnson, October 21, 1865. Assistant Surgeon AViUiam AV. Hipolite, July 25, 186,3. Assistant Surgeon Francis W. Watson, September 18 186S Chaplam Louis A. Lambert, April 17, 1662, ' Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (19.) Lieut Colonel Samuel B. Marks. June 11, 1864 Major Henry S. Wilaon, July 27, 1864. Captain Johu Blackburn, June 11, 1664. Captaiu Cornelius C. Weaver, Juue 11, 1864. Captain Patrick B. Lawler, June 11, 1864. Captain Daniel Haynes, June 11, 1864. Captain Peter McGowan, June 11, 1864 Captaiu Jonathan K. Mosher, July 8, 1865. First Lieut Charles SmUh, June il, 1864. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 241 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. First Lieut. Charles M. Edwards, '.June 11, 1864. First Lieut. .Tacob Eichenbergor, June 11, 1864. First Lieut. Samuel T. Brush, Adft, June 11, 1864. First Lieut. JoSepb B. Thorpe, June 11, 1864. First Lieut. Henry F. Brockman, July 8, 1855. Second Lieut. Cuthbert A. Jones. Jnne 11, 1864. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Staley, June 11, 1864. Second Lieut. Frederick W. Brown, July 8, 1865. .¦burgeon Henry W. Davis, Jnne 11, 1864. Chaplain Mordecai B. Kelly, Juno 11, 1864. Discharged, (10.) Captain Thomas G. S. Herod, Juno 18, 1861. Captain John R. Steere, Juue 9, 1865. First Lieut. John H. Maberly, October 10, 1861. First Lieut. Georgo Miller. June 1, 1864. First Lieut. Calvin F. Ditrcubeckor. May 27, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas G. Barnes, October 17, 1861. Second Lieut. John D. Denning, April 1, 1862. Second Lieut. William M. Thompson, April 16. 1862. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Wulson. June 4, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Orange B. Ormshy, June 23, 1863. * Died, (12.) Captain Whitson M. Cooper, September 12, 1861. Captain James S. Craig, killed iu action at Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 15. 1862. Captain William J. Dillon, killed in action at Pittsburg Land ing, Tenn., April 6, 1862. Captain Ezekiel George, June 8, 1862, of wounds received in action at Shiloh, Tenn. Captain Charles H. Reed, killed by guerUlas near Covington, Ky., April 5, 1863. First Lieut. Albert W. Adams, Adft, February 12, 1862, of- disease. First Lieut. John G. Mansker, killed in action February 15. 1862. First Lieut. Alexander M. Brown, February 6, 1863, of disease. First Lieut, Richard Kelly, April 25, 1863, of wounds received in action at Shiloh, Tenn. Second Lieut. Charles A. Dresser, July 23, 1863. 'Second Lieut, Theodore Millspaugb, April 18, 1865, at Little Kock, Ark. Second Lieut. John M. Harper, July 18, 1865. Missing, (1.) First Lieut. W. D. Harland, since April 1, 1862. Dismissed, (2.)' First Lieut. Ramsey M. Kilgore, January 28, 1864. First Lient. George Foster, June 29, 1865. Cashiered, (1.) Captain Paul T. Jones, Jannary 18, 1864. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on tho day of muster ont. 16 242 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. NINETEENTH REGIMENT. (Tbis regiment was organized at Chi cago, 111., June 17, 1861, to serve three years. Company G was de tached and designated Bridge's In dependent Battery Iliinoirf light ar tillery March 2, 186.3. The regi ment was mu.stered ont July S and 9, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) (Tbe official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is uot yet published in orders.) Colouel. Lieutenant Colonel. Alexander W. EafFen ...21 Nov., 62 Major. James y. Guthrie 21 Nov., Captains. James'R. Hayden 17 June, Alexander Murchison . - .12 Nov., David F. Bremner 18 Dec, .Tames Longhom 21 Feb., James G. Campbell 14 Mar., WOliam A. Calhoun 17 Mar. , 62 63 First Lieutenants. Clifton T. ¦Wbartoii 17 June, CI Cornelius V. Lami'erson.lO Nov., Lester G. Bangs, ^rf/J.. .24 Aug., 62 William Jacksou 12 Nov., John Young 18 Dec, ? William Quinton IMar., 63 Samuel L. Hamilton 30 Mar,, Oliver E. Eames 2 Nov., John Dedrick 2 Dec, Second Lieutenants. Y. Bradford' Bell 10 Nov., 61 Thomas M. Beatty 26 Aug., 62 James W. Eaffen 26 Dec. , John T. Thornton 18 Mar., 63 tCyrus B. Keith 18 Mar., Dickinson B.Morehouse -18 Mar., Surgeon. Eoswell G. Bogue 1 4 Aug., 61 Assistant Surgeon. Charles F. Litllu 17 Feb., 63 Chaplain. C.ISUALTIES. • Promoted, (2.) Captain William Inness, October 13, 1863, ta Major ISth V. .S. C. T. First Lii-ut. Kobert W. Wotherell, R. Q. M., May 3, 1864, to Captain aud A. Q. il/. Resigned, (27.) 1862. (Hecqmmis- Lieut. Colonel Joseph R. Scott, July sioned as Colonel August 7, 1862.) Major Frederick Harding, September 6, 1862. . Captain Jobn H. Clybourne, June 17, 1861. Captain Luther S. Allard, December 1, 1861. Captain Charles Stuart, Jnly 1.^, 1862. Captain JoAti R. Madison, December 19, 1862. Captain Charles A. Colby, February 7. 1863. First Lieut. Stephen M. Hill, October 29, 1861. ¦ First Lieut. Thaddeus G. Drum, October 31, 1861. First Lieut. James E. Faulkner, October 31, 1861. Pirst Lieut. De "Witt C. Marshall, December 1, 1861. First Lieut. Chauncey Miller, Adft, July 12, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel S. Boone, February 1, 1863. Firet Lieut. Peter M. Cunningbam, June 20, 1863. First Lient. Alvah Mansur, July 22, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Volney C. Johnson, October 25, 1863. First Lieut. Washington L. Wood, December 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Johu C. Long, August 6, 1861. Second Lieut, David A. Cunningbam, OctoberSl, 1861. Second Lieut. William B. Curtis, August 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Lewis 1. Keeler, November 21, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward A. Filkins, February 24, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Jobn Hill, .Tune 3, 1863. Second Lieut. Ilenry B. Carter, October 29, 1863. Second Lieut. Silas W. Kent, December 15, 1863. Assistaut Surgeon Preston H. Bailhache, February 23, 1863. Assistant .Surgeon Gilbert W. Southwick, October 16, 1863. Discharged, (1.) Captain Preslnj N. Guttirie, June 16, 1864. Died, (8.) Colonel Joseph R. Scott, July 8, 1863, of wounds recelved.in action at Stone Elver, Tenn. Captain Bnsbrod B. Ilo.ward, killed by railroad accident September 17, 1861. Captain Charles H. Sliepley, March 23, 1862, of vfonnds re ceived by accidental discharge of his revolver. Captain Kuowlton H. Chandler, killed in action at Stone Eiver, Tenn., Jannary 2, 1863. First Lieut. Wellington Wood, January 5, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone Eiver, Tenn. SecondLieut. ThomasL. Job, accidentally killed at Hannibal, Mo., July 18, 1861. Second Linit. John H. Huntrr. January 9, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone Eiver, Teun. Ch&V'^Bin Augustus H. Conant, Februarys, 1863'. Dismissed, (2.) Colonel John B. Tur chin, August 6, 1862. Captain Peachy A. Garriott, February 3, 1864. • Discharged Septeniber 10, 1864. Appointed Second Lieut. U. S. Signal Corns t Prisoner of war ; discharged March 12, 1865. '' Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on tho days of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 243 TWENTIETH REGIMENT, (This rcg-iment was orgauized at Joliet, 111., June 13, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of serve the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered, out, and the organization, composed of veterans aud recruits, retained in servjce until July 16, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with ordei-s from the War Department.) (The official liSt of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet published in orders,) Colonel. Lieuteoiant Colonel. Henry King 2 June, 65 Major. Rowland N. Evans 2 Juue, 65 Captains. David Milliken 2-3 Dec, 64 Oscar Ludwig 29,Mar., 65 John A. Edmiston 29 Mar. , Perry W. Speilman 29 Mar., Milton Whinrey 19 May, Johu McEowen 19 May, Grideon Bcrnier 30 June, First Lieutenants. Lysander Tiffany, R, Q. M 1 Sept., 62 Ralph W.Marshall.. 2 Mar., 65 Gilbert C. Morton 29 Mar. , (Brevet Captain 13 March, 1865.) Samuel Denton 9 May, David P, Richardaon IS May, Frank Cheater, Adj'i 19 May, Allen M, Geer 19 May, John Coombs 19 May, Andrew J, Down 19 May, Ira Blanchard 29 Juue, Second Lieutenaoit. Henry Van Dorn 2 Mar,, 65 Surgeon. Rolla T. Richarda 6 Nov.; 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Major Frederick A. Bartleson, August 30, 1862, to Colonel 100th regiinent Illinois infautry. Secoud Lieut John W. Powell, December 11, 1361, to Captain batter/ F 2d regiment Illinois light artillery. SecondLieut. Orlando H. Ross, March 11, 1863, to Captain and A. D. C. Resigned, (27.) Colonel C. Carroll Marsh, April 22, 1863. Major John W. Goodwin, December 17, 1861. Captain Jamea W. Burgess, August 20, 1861. Captain John S. Wolfe, October 27, 1861. Captain George H. Walser, November 3, 1861. Captain John A, Hoskins, December 2, 1861. Captain Reuben F, Dyer, March 13, 1862. Captain John F. Cleghorn, July 4, 1863. Captain John O. PuUen, June 9, 1864. First Lieut. Benjamin Olin, October 29, 1661. Firat Lieut. Frauk Whiting. October 31, 1861. First Lieut, Johu W. Campion, November 10, 1861. First Lieut Henry C Phares, January 30, 1862. Firat Lieut. Geoi'ge E. King, February S, 1862, First Lieut James E. Shields, R. Q. M., February 26, 1862, First Lieiit Joahua Whitmore, April 4, 1862. Pirst Lieut William Archdeacon, June 1, 1862. Pirst Lieut. Oscar Hottenstein, June 22, 1864. Firat Lieut. Joremiah B. Bailey, October 1, 1864. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Taylor," December 3, 1861, SecondLieut, George W. Newmaoi, Decemjaer 3, 1861. Second Lieut. John C. Tobias, Jauuary 30, 1863, Second Lient. Cephas Williams, May 2, 1869. Second Lieut Heury B. Reed, June 20, 1862. Second Lieut. James F. Branch, June 20, 1,864. Aasistant Surgeon F^cdc^^"cft iC. Bailey, September 20, 1862. Chaplain Charles Button, March 23, 1863. Mustered out ooi expiratiooi of term of service, (9.) Lieut! Colonel Daniel Bradley, February 13, 1865, IMfljor George W. Kennard, January 7, 1865. Captaiu James M. North, August 6, 1864. Captain Johu H. Auatiu, November 13, 1864. First Lieut. George McFadden, July 1, 1864. First Lieut. John R. Conklin, Adft, November 27, 1864, Second Lieut. Charles T. Dox, November 13, 1864. Second Lieut Vespasian Warner, December 10, 1864. Surgeon Christopher Goodbrake, September 17, 1864. Discharged, (6.) Captain John N. Boyer, July 28, 1863. Captain David D. Wadsworth, November 3, 1864. Captain Edward P. Boas, March 12, 1865, * Firat Lieut William Ware, Auguat 30, 1864, First Lient Andrew B. Rogerson, May 15, 1865,* Chaplain Samuel Kicharda, January 29, 1864, • Died, (8.) Lieut. Colonel William Erwin, killed iu action at Fort Don elson, Tenu., February 15, 1862. Lieut, (iolonel Evan Richards, killed in action near Raymond, Miss., itay 12, 1863. Appointed Pirst Lieut. U. S. Signal Corps. 244 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Cabtain Victor H. Stevens, killed in action May 12, 1863. Captain Charles L. Paige, killedin action July 22, 1864. ' ^ First Lieut. John E. Thompson, Adj't, killed in action April 6, 18l32. Second Lieut. Johu R. McKean, January 23, 1862, of disease, at Bird's Point, Mo. Second Lieut. William S. Sears, killed iu action May 12, 1863. Second Lieut. Charles Taylor, July 25, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action. Dismissed, (6.) Major Orton Frisbie, November 16, 1862. Captain Thomas Q. Hildebraudt, October 12, 1862. Captain John Tunison, November 16, 1862. First Lieut. Charles W. Spaulding, July 25, 1864. Second Lient. John Spicer, August 20, 1861. Second Lieut. Eugene Fauntleroy, November 22, 1862. NOTE 1 —No brevet appointments are entered ou tbis register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2,— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 245 TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at ^ Sprmgfield, III, June 28, 1861, to serve three years. On the expira tion of its term of service the orig inal members (except veterans) were mustered ont, and the organ ization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until December 16, 1865, when it was mustered out, iu accordance with orders from the War Department.) "FREDERICTCTOVVN," "KENESAW MOUNTAIN," "CORINTH," " SMYR NA STATION," "ATLANTA," "PER RYVILLE," "JONESBORO'," "KNOB GAP," "STONE RIVER," " LOVE- JOY'S STATION," "LIBERTY GAP," "FRANKLIN," " CHICKAMAUGA," "NASHVILLE," "TINE TOP." Colonel. Lieutenaoit Colooiel, William H. Jamison 8 June, 65 Major. John L. AVilson. < June, 65 Captains. Richard L. Smith 21 Oct., 64 Harrison Black 7 Feb., 65 Lundesfield J. Tinder . . .26 Feb.. Phineas A. Card 26 Feb. , George W. Lynn 12 Mar., Austin Blake 4 June, Sidney B. Wade 8 Aug., Henry L. Hewitt 11 Aug., James R. Duncan 6 Sept, First Lieutenants. Simeou Paddleford, R. Q. M IJan., 64 William A, Davia 7 Feb., 65 Erastus Mack 12 Mar. , Joseph W. Wharn 28 July, Hezekiah A. Ashmore.. .31 July, Samuel IL Ford 31 July, William M. Hurat 31 July, Joshua P. McDonald 7 Aug., Andrew J. Clark ¦. . . 11 Aug. , John* A. Peirce, Adj't ... 6 Sept, James R. Shepherd 7 Sept, Secooid Lieutenants. Surgeooi. James L. Reat 3 Aug., 64 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Colonel Ulysses S, Grant, UM. ^., August 7, 1861, to Brigadier General, Resigned, (23.) Lieut. Colonel James E. Calloway, May 23, 1865, Captaiu Enoch M, Woody, November 1, 1861. Captain Josiah W. Clark, March 18, 1862. Captain George H. Dunning, October 24, 1862. Captain Abner M. Peterson, November 21 , 1869. Captain John Love, February 18, 1863, Captain Jcase P. H. Stevenson, March 19, 1863. First Lieut George A. Armstrong, November 16, 1861. First Lieut. Clark B. Lagow, June 8, 1863. First Lieut Robert D. Easlcy, October 20, 1862: Pirst Lieut. Nineveh S. McKeen, July 3, 1864. • Firat Lieut. Charies B. Steele, Adft, July 20, 1864. First Lieut. John A. Jones, May 12, 1865. Firat Liout. John W. Pearce, May 13, 1865. Second Lieut Jacob L. Bowman, April 14, 1862. Second Lieut Joseph B. Berry, January 31, 1863. Secoud Lieut Benjamin F. Davis, February 18, 1863. Second Lieut. Alanson G. Austin, Febniary 9, 1864. Second Lieut. Ambrose Y. Hart September 16, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Theodore Gross, May 12, 1865, Surgeon Eden M. Seeley, May 20, 1864. Aaaiataut Surgeon S. B. Ten Broeck, January 3, 1863. Chaplain Elias D. Wilkins, July 8, 1864. Mustered out on expio-ation of teJ'm of service, (12.) Lieut Colonel Warren E. McMackin, December 7, 1864. Captain Georgo F. Eaton, July 5, 1864. Captain JPhn A. Freeland, July 5, 1864. Captaiu David S. Blackburn, July 5, 1864. Captaiu Edwin Harlan, July 5, 1864. Captain Chester K. Knight, November 16, 1864. First Lieut. Joseph W. Vance, June 30, 1864. Firat Lieut. Edward D. Coxe. July 5, 1864. Firat Lieut. John E, Jones, R. Q. M., Auguat 18, 1864. Firat Lieut. Walter B. Hoag, May 2, 1865. Second Lieut. William J. Hunter, July 5, 1864. Aasiatant Surgeon Johoi E. Link, June 30, 1864. Discharged, (8.) Lieut. Colonel George W. Peck, September 19, 1862. Captain Joseph Maher, December 13, 1861. Captain Joel T. Kirkman, June 7, 1864. Captaiu Philip Welahimer, March 14, 1865. Firat Lieut Chaiieti Howe, December 19, 1864. First Lieut Abram W. Songer, May 15, 1865. * Second Lieut Isaiah S. Taylor, October 2, 1863. Second Lieut. Joel L. Cox, March 12, 1865, Died, (7.) Colonel John W. S. Alexander, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Captain Benjamin F. Reed, September 23, 1863, of wound* received in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. * Appointed Second Lieut, in V. R. C. 246 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Assistant Surgeons. Cliaplain. Captain Andrew George, January 15. 1864, of wounds re ceived in action at Chickamauga, Tenn. First Lieut Charles L. Smiedel, April 27, 1863, of disease, at Nashville, Tenn. Second Lieut Emanuel M. Weigle, killed-in actibn near Mur freesboro', Tfenn., December 31, 1869. Second Lieut John F. Weitzel, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn,, September 19, 1863. Assistant Surgeou Carl Mum, January 31, 1862, at Ironton, Mo. Dismissed, (2.) Captain James M. Mock, July 3, 1865. Firat Lieut. Benjamiu F. Oaborn, July 3, 1865. Note. — The roster of ofScers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 247 TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organised at Ca- ¦ spy villo, 111., Jnne 25, 1861, to servo three years, Itwas mustered out July 7, 1864, by reason of expira tion of term of service, and the veterans and recruits transferred to the 42d regiment Illinois infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUahed iu orders.) Colonel. Lieutenaoit Colonel. ¦ Francis Swanwick 12 Nov., 62 . Major. Samuel Johnson 12 June, 63 Captains. * James S. Jackson 25 June, 61 James N. Morgan IJuly, 62 William A. Gregory 17 Aug., James L. Buchanan 13 Nov., John H. Phillips 6 May, 63 John J. Froelich 30 Sept., Samuel T. Malehorn IJan., 64 George Gibson.... 19 Jan., Cave Montague 23 Mar.. Samuel B. Hood 23 Mar., First Lieutenants. Frank H.Allen ". . IJuly, 62 Andrew J, Welsh 31 Oct, Anthony Young 20 Dec , Enoch J, File 8 iMay, 63 JohnR. Smith 1 Sept., Charles B. Hamilton, R. Q. M 24 Sept, William S. Ford, Adft.. 1 Jan., 64 James M. McAdama 19 Jau., George Scheuermann 19 Jan., ' Martin Ireland 23 Mar. , tPranklin A. Smaley 4 May, Second Lieutenants. Robert McKenzie 15 July, 62 William F. Wilson 1() Aug., William Leiahmau 19 Dec. , John G. Beasiey 1 Sept , 63 Surgeon. Benjamin Woodward 6 Oct, 62 Assistaoit Surgcoois. Ruasell J. Collins 9 Aug., 62 Isaac W.Brown 2 Feb., 63 Char>lai7i. Casualties, Transferred, (1,) Firnt Liout Theodore Wiseman, Adft, February 13, 1869, to 10th regiraent Illinois infantry. Resigned, (29,) Major EraadiuB Prohst, January 16, 1862. Captaiu John E. Detrieh, May 10, 1862. Captain John Seaton, Juue 13, 1862. Captaiu Guido W. Stierlin, Jnne 21, 1862, Captaiu Thomas Challeuor, November 12, 1862, Captain James A. Hubbard, March 23, 1863. Captain Samuel G. McAdams, October 19, 1863. Captain Harvy NeviU, February 8. 1864. First Lieut Hugh Watson, December 14, 1661. Firat Lieut Blias J. C. Alexander, January 5, 1862. First Lieut Abraham D." Anderson, January 27, 1862. First Lieut Frank H, Allen, June 28, 1862, (Reconimiasloned First Lieut July 1, 1862.) Fir&iljimxt. Hugh C. McCormack, July 1, 1862, Firat Lieut Lemuel Adams, November 7, 1862, First Lieut Solomon Smith, April 17, 1863. First Lieut Charles M. Hamilton, R. Q. M., Augusts, 1863. First Lieut Robert H. Clift, Adft, Decembei' 31, 1863. Second Lieut Edward J. Jackson, November 27, 1861. Second iieut Robert II. Liviugaton, December 14, 1661,- Second Lieut William M, Lewis, December 29, 1861. Second Lieut. George C. Stevens, January 24, 1862. Second Lieut Edward Steao-ns, June 8, 1862. Second Lieut. Edward M. McCarty, June 13, 1862. Secoud Lieut, Joseph E. Murphey, July 15. 1863. Secoud Lieut Wealey R. Graves, March 10, 1864. Surgeon George Coatswoo-th, May 28, 1869, Assistant Surgeon John FJtzer, November 2, 1861. Assistant Surgeon Benjamin Woodward, June 8, 1862. (Re commissioned as Surgeon October 6, 1862.) Chaplain Thoman F. Houts, May 28, 1862. Discharged, (6.) Colonel Ilenrv Dougherty, May 7, 1803. Major- George' Abbott, May 7, 1863. I Captain Pythagoras E. Holeomb, July 28, 1861. Captain Herman A. Bornemanu, September 3, 1863. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Hi:ghes, August 30, 1861. Secoud Lieut. Thomas J. Stansifer, February 27, 1864. Died, (3.) Lieut Colonel Harrison E. Hart, July 25, 1862, of disease, at Alton, III. Captaiu Milton A. French, September 27, 1863, of wounds received in ac'ion at Chickamauga, Teun. Second Lieut. Cyrus M. Galloway, January 24, 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tenn. Deserted, (1.) Second Lieut Erasmus D. House, Augu.^^t 27, 1861, *Prisonerof war;, discharged March 12,186.5. J AppointedFirstLieut 17th regiment U. S. infantry. ¦ t Transferred to 42d regimentlllinois infantry. Note. — The rosier of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 248 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. TWENTr-THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Chicago, Illinois, June 15 aud 18, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of ita term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organ ization, compoaed of veteraua and recmits, retained in service until July 24, 1865, when it waa mus tered out in accordance with ordera from the War Department.) (The official list of battlea in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Samuel A. Simison 25 Oct , 6A Major. Edwin Coburn 4 June, 65 Captains. Patrick M. Ryan IJan., 65 Jamea M. Doyle 1 Apr., James Burns 1 Apr., Patrick Foley 1 Apr., Henry Seigel 5 Apr., George W. Hardacre 27 May, Hiram G. Edison, a. w. m. Edwin R. Cross, a. w. m. J. K. Bullock, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. ft Johu Dunn IJan., 67y David Costin lApr., Thomaa McGirr, 72. Q, M.24 Apr., Owen O. Hearne 28 Apr., Peter H. Bohart 27 May, Heury O. Wright 27 May, " Daniel Morgan, a. w. on. Everett H. Bierer, a. w. m. Guy C. Clark, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Martin Morrison 28 Apr., Michael O'Conner 28 Apr., John Z. Wheeler 30 Apr., William O. Finch 27 May, Giles Slocum, a. w. on. , James H, Stark, a. w. m. Horace J. Mack, a. w. m. Miles L. Reed, a. w. m. Surgeon. Johu S. Ta3'lor 1 Jan., Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Captain Johu McDermott, October 31, 1861, to Lieutenant Colonel ISth regiment Michigan infautry. First Lieut. George D. Kellogg, November 15, 1861, to Captam and A. A. G. Second Lieut. Jamea E. Hudson, November 13, 1861, to Cap tain 53d regiment Illinois infantry. Resigoied, (16.) Captain John C. Phillips, April 9, 1862. Firat Lieut Thomas J. Rae, R. Q. M., August 1, 1861. Pirrt Lieut Quinn Morton, R. Q. M., January 26, 1862. Firat Lieut. Lawrence Collins, Februarv 9, 1862. First Lieut Patrick Higgina, May 9, 1862. First Lieut. Daniel Crowley, July 7, 1862. First Lieut. Daniel Mattison, October 15, 1862. First Lieut John A, Hynes, February 14, 1863. Firat Lient Daniel W. Quirk, March 4, 1863. First Lieut. Maurice Fitzgerald, March 10, 1863. Second Lieut. Owen Cunningham, November 15, 1861. Second Lieut. Johoi Gilman, jr.. May 31, 1869. Second Lieut Stephen ff. Tourtellotte, July 25, 1862. Second Lieut. Thomas Moore, September 26, 1662. Surgeon WiUiam D. Wyner, December 7, 1862. Chaplain Thaddeus J. Butler, March 14, 1863. Mustered out ooi expiration of term of service, (14.) Lieut. Colonel James Quirk, September 28, 1864. Major Charlea E. Bloore, July 21, 1864. Captain Daniel Quirk, September 28, 1864. Captain Charlea Coffy, October 10, 1864. Captain Harry Pease, October 31, 1664. Captain Martin Wallace, February 27, 1865. Pirst Lieut. James F. Cosgrove, Adj't, June 18, 1864. Firat Lieut Jiimes H. Lane, June 20, 1864. First Lieut. Thoonas D. McClure, July 11, 1864. First Lieut John J, ffeahj, March 16, 1665. SecondLieut John Lanagan, September 28, 1664, SecondLieut. James Pinucan, Jauuary 19, 1865, Second Lieut. Stuart S. Allen, January 21, 1865, Secoud Lieut. Bartholomew Quirk, Jaauaj-y 21, 1865. Discharged, (18.) * Captai!! Robert Adams, jr., June 15, 1864. Captaiu Patrick J. McDermott Septeraber 14, 1861. Captain Michael Gleeson. September 14, 1864. Captain David P. IVToriarty, September 14, 1664. Captain James J. Fitzgerald. September 19, 1664. Captaiu Julius E. Fletcher, February 20, 1865. First Lieut Thomas Hickey, R. Q. M., August 29, 1864. Firat Lieut. Jolm H. Daley, September 14, 1864. First Lieut Edward S. Murray, September 14, 1864. First Lieut. Patrick O'Kane, September 14, 1864. Pirst Lieut Anthony McBriarty, September 14, 1664 SecondLieut. T. S. Shanley, June—, 1864. Second Lieut. James Hume, August 29, 1864. Second Lieut. Thomas Brenan, September 14, 1864. Second Lieut. John H. Brown, September 14, 1664. Second Lieut Martin J. Russell, September 14, 1864. Surgeon Patrick Gregg, September 10, 1864. 65 Assistant Surgeon Charlea W. Stinson, September 14, 1864, Appoiuted Caplain and A. A. G. ILLINOIS INFANTEY. 249 Assistant Surgeon. Lorenzo D. Jared 31 Mar., 65 Chaplain. The foUowmg is a list of the enlisted ihen of this regiment to whom medals of honor have been awarded by the Secretary of War : Sergeant Thomas McGraw. Corporal Patrick Highland. Private John Creed. Died, (5.) Colonel James A. Mulligan, (Brevet Brifijadier General July 23, 1664,) July 26, 1864, of wounds received in action near Winchester, Va. Captain Francis McMurray, June — , 1861. Captain Franklin K. Hulburd, May 5,' 1862, of disease. First Lieut. Jamea H. Nugent, killed in action near Winches ter, Va., July 24, 1864. Second Lieut, Patrick Pillion, killed in action at Leetowil, Va., July 3, 1864. Missing, (1,) Assistant ^urgeon Lelas J, Lee, since August 16, 1861. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 9. — The rosier of officers is given aa it stood on the ilay of muster out 250 ILLINOIS INFANTEY. TWENTY-FOURTH EEGIMBNT. (COMPANY OF.) (This regiment was organized in tbe State of Illinois at large from tbe Sth to the 29tb of July, 1861, to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out August 6, 8, and 15, 1864, by reason of e:spiraiion of term of service, and the organiza tion, coraposed of veterans aud recruits, consolidated into one com pany, and retained in service until July 31, 1865, when it was mus tered out in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The OfBcial list of battlea in which tbis regiment bore an honorable part is not yetpublished in orders.) Captain. First Lieutenant. Fredoi-ick Zengel 29 Sept., 64 Second Lieutenant. Paul I-I. Lippert 29 Sept., 64 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) to First Lieut. Henry Ramming, Adj't, August — , 1861, Colonel 3d regiment Missouri infantry. First Lieut.. Andrew Jacoby, October 13, 1863, to Capiain 13tli U. S. C. T. Resigned, (29.) Colonel Frederick Hc-cker, December 23, 1851. Lieut. Colonel Jobn Von Horn, March 21, 1864. Major Julian Kune, October 31, 1861. Major Julius Standan, July 3. 1862. Captain William Fricclus, July 30, 1861. Captain Henry J. Reed, October 31, 1861. Captain Thomas Lang, October 31, 1861. Captain George W. Fuclis, March 1, 1862. Captain Ferdinand U. Rollabausen, June 29, 1862. Captain Anton Iten, July 10, 1862. Captain Augustus Gerhardy, November 16, 1862. Captaiu Augustus Kovats, Jauuary 19, 1863. Captain Leopold Becker, May 14, 1863. Captain Hermann H. Hiuz, December 8, 1863. First Lieut. Fred. W. Brelow, August — , 1861. First Lient. Emil Hoechster, September 1, 1861. First Lieut. G. Adolph Busse, October 31, 1861. First Lieut. Charles M. Reese, Adft, November 18, 1861. First Liout. Julius Fritcli, March 3, 1862. First Lieut. Emil Trey, June 17, 1862. First Lieut. George Guenthcr, June 17, 1862. First Lieut. Aloys Mayer, September 3, 1862. First Lient. Julius Pijun, Adft, December 16, 1863. Second Lieut. John F. Koch, July 18, 1861. Second Liout. Charles W. Meyer, November 19, 1861. Second Lieut. Rnpert Russ, August 12, 1862. Second Lieut. Albert Mounts, August 12, 1862. Surgeon William Wagner, November 7, 1863. Assistiint Surgeon Charles Storck, March 3, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term ofsei-vice, (25.) Major George A. Gueuthfr, August 6. 1864. Captain Eugene W. Lippert, August 6, 1864. Captain H. F. William Blanke, August 6, 1864. Captain August MauflF, August 6, 1864. Captain Edward Boruemaun, Angust 6, 1864. Captain Arthur Erbe, August 6, 1864. Captain Alex. Jekelfalusy, Angust 6, 1864. Captain Peter Hand, August 15, 1864. First Liout, Otio- W. Block, August 6, 1854. • First Lieut. Jacob Poull, August 6, 1864. First Lieut. Angust Bitter, August 6, 1864. First Lieut. Ernst F. C. Klokke, August 6, 1864. First Lieut. Henry Wendt, K Q. M., August 6, 1864. First Lieut. Moritz Kaufman, August 6, 1864. First Lieut. S. Peter Hammerich, August 6, 1864. First Lieut. Frank Schweinffnrth, March 12. 1865. First Lieut. Hugo Gerhardt, March 12, 1865. Second Lieut. Edward Lnhmann, August 6,^1864. Second Lieut. Jacob Leiser, August 6, 1864. Second Lieut. Wilhelm Voeke, August 6, 1864. Second Lieut. Julius Reicbardt, August 6, 1864. Second Lieut. Charles Pritze, March 12, 1865. Surgeon Sidney L. Fuller, August 6, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Theodore Wild, Angust 6, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Jerome B. Thomas, August 6, 1864. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 251 Discharged, (4.) First Lieut Edward S. Salomon, December 4, 1861, Secoud Lieut, Robert Lender, December 4, 1861. Second Lieut. Charles Friederick, Apfil 30, 1863. Second Lieut Ernst Wilhelmi, July 9, 1864. Died, (5.) Colonel Geza Mihalotzy, March 11, 1864, of wounds received in action. , Captain Ernst F. Plctschke, October 9, 1861, at Louisville Kentucky. Captaiu Fred, ffao-tmaoi, November 9, 1862, of wounds re ceived in action. Captmn George Heinricks, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Second Lieut Ami Smith, October 15, 1862, at Bowliog Green, Kentucky. Dismissed, (2.) Captain August Steffenp, January 13, 1864, Firat Lieut, Francis Langerjield, February 22, 1863. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 252 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. (COMPANY of.) day of muster out. 298 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at Springfield, Illinois, from Septem ber 5 to October 30, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of Its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recmits, retained in service untU September 9, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. ¦ Lieutenant Colonel. WiUiam P. Moore, a. w. m. Major. Jacob E. Gauen I Sept., 64 Captaiois. Johu A. Logan 19 Sept, 62 Joseph Laur 20 Sept, WlUiitm Cogan 6 Mar., 63 Juhn B. Houston 21 Nov., Jacob Fischer 15 Oct, 64 Cyrua E. Daniels 29 Apr., 6o Samuel C. Goshorn 19 May, George Berz 31 July, First Lieutenants. Andy K. Demint 17 June, 63 Frank J. Burrows, Adft. 1 Nov., James M, Livesay 21 Nov., Abram TewiUigar 19 May, 65 Frederick A. Niles 19 May, Charlea T. Laiir...' 19 May, John Linck 31 July, Wm. Heinzelraan, R. Q. M., a. w. m. Martin T, Lynch, a, w. m. Jonathan Foster, a. w. m. Secooid Lieutenants. Abram S. Chalfin 17 June, 63 Edward Latsch 15 Oct, 64 Joseph Lucas 28 Apr,, 65 Johu S, Brooks, a. w. oft. Surgeon. Stephen F. P. Mercer, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeon. Jaraes A. Black 6 Mar,, 63 Chaplain. John H. Lockwood 12 Nov., 62 Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Pirst Lieut -Tames W, Davis, R. Q. M., June 7, 1864, to Cap- tain and C. S. First Lieut Emory B. Harlan, Novemher 12, 1864, to Captahi and A- A. G. Resigned, (12.) Colonel WilUam R. Morrison, Deceraber 13, 1862. Captaiu Archibald W. Thorapson, March 28, 1862, Captain Benjarain W. Jones, June 7, 1862. Captain Benjamin T. Wood, June 10, 1862. First Lieut Jaraes L. McClurken, May 12, 1862. First Lieut James Morrison, Adj't, September 3, 1862. First Lieut. L. R. H. Dobbelmann, December 11, 1664. Second Lieut. James G. Gilbert, March 5, 1862. Second Lieut George L. Watts, May 7, 1862. Second Lieut Edward Barbee, July 5. 1863. Second Lieut George H. Brewer, March 24, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Andrew B. Beattie, AprU. 23, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (16.) Colonel Phineas Pease, January 9, 1865. Captain Louis Krnghoffn January 9, 1865. Captain John G. Berrey, January 9, 1865. Captain Lewis W. Moore, January 9, 1865. Captain James W. Cheney, March 22, 1865. First Lieut. Johu L. Stanley, January 9, 1865. First liieut Simon Spiro, January 9, 1865. Firat Lieut WilUam W. Bliss, January 9, 1865. First Lieut. James Leraraou, January 9, 1865. First Lieut Heury W, Kerr, March 31, 1865. Second Lieut. Albert S, Rowley, Jauuary 9, 1865. Second Lieut J^mes Mitchell, January 9, 186.5. Second Lieut. Williara M. Whaling. January 9, 1865. Second Lieut Christian Dohrman, June 29, 1865. Second Lieut. Andrew McGregor, August 11, 1865. Surgeon WiUiam H. Medcalf, January .9, 1865. Discliarged, (2.) Liout Colonel WUHam W. Bishop, April 20, 1864. Major Thomsis W. Morgan, January 5, 1864. Died, (12.) Captaiu John W. Brokaw, kUled in action, February 13, 1662, Captain Thomas Alexander, killed by guerillas, August 13, 1863. , First Lieut. James P. Burns, March 28, 1862, of di-iease, at Mound City, III. First Lieut PhUlip Doll, killed in action, April 6, 1862. First Lieut Nicholas A. Chester, May 3, 1862, at LouisvUIe, Kentucky, First Lieut James M, Maguire, May 8, 1862, of wounds re- - ceived in action. First Lieut. Ransom C. Hagerman, May 11, 1862. of disease. First Lieut WilUara Martin, Adj't, accidentally killed, Auguat 26, 1863. Firat Lieut James A. Reed, July 1, 1864, of disease. Second Lieut. William H. Rogera, killed in action, AprU 6, 1862. Second Lieut WUliam P. Freeland, April 23, 1862, of wounds. Second Lieut George Y. McClure, March 28, 1863, of disease. Deserted, (1.) First Lieut Servais Sondag, September 24, 1864. Note, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 299 FIFTIETH REGIMENT. (This regimentwasraisedin the State of Illinois at large from the 12th to thB30th of September, 1861, to servo threeyears. On the expiration nf its term of service the original mem- bora (except veteraus) were mus tered out, and the organization, coraposed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until Jnly 13, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from tho War Department) (The official list of battles iu which thia regiment bore an honorable part is not yetpublished iu orders,) Colooiel. Lieutenant Colonel. WiUiam Hanna 10 Sept, 64 Major. Horace L. Burnham 29 Mar,, 65 Captaiois. John W, Rickart 7 May, 64 John Dunlap 26 Mar,, 65 WiUiam R. Keyte 26 Mar,, John S. Worman 2 Apr., Samuel W. Starrett 28 Apr., Isaac McNeil 25 Juue, John T. Ouzzins 25 June, Alfred L. Martin 2 July, First Lieutenants. Charies H. Floyd SJuly, 64 WUliam B. Fisher 27 Mtir., 65 Levi Wright .-. 2 Apr., JohuD, RuddeU 2 Apr., Jamea Corbin 2 Apr., Merviu Converse, iZ. Q. M. 4 Apr., Thomas Kennedy IMay, Jacob Fleraing 1 May, Charles F. Hubert, Ac0't. 2 July, Joseph M, Morgan 2 July, Perry Logsdon 2 July, Johu S. Winbigler 2 July, Second Lieutenants. Edward Jonas 9 Jan., 63 Jamea S. Gayer 4 July, 64 ¦ Surgeon. Jaraes A. Williams 22 Dec, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Mathew Bigger 12 Sept , 61 Casualties. Resigned, (45.) Colonel Moses M. Bane, Juno 11, 1864, Lieut Colonel WUliam Swarthout, March 27, 1863, Lieut Colonel Thomas W. Gaines, July 18, 1864. Major George W. Randall, AprU 28, 1862. Captain George W. Brown, December 12, 1861. Captain Edgar Pickett, February 5, 1862, Ctiptaiu John W, -Smith, June 1, 1862, Captain Samuel R. Glenn, July 2, 1862, (Recommissioned as Major July 23, 1862.) Captain William M. Gooding, July 10, 1862. Captain Miles V. Murphy, Septeraber 2, 1862. Captain Horace I/. Dunlap, November 22, 1862. Captain W lliara B. Snyder, Jauuary 19, 1803. Captaiu Heury P. W. Cramer, September 15, 1864. Captain Charles D. Fee, September 20, 1864, First Lieut. WiUiara S. Ishmael, March 3, 1862. First Lieut. Albert G, Pickett March 15, 1862, Pirst Lieut Henry C. Cusick, April 1, 1862. Pirst Lieut T. Jeff. Brown, Adft, April 28, 1862. Pii-st Lieut Charies J. Mwy, May 7, 1862. First Lieut. Charles M. ffaro-is, June 20, 1862. First Lieut Edward P. Barrett, July 13, 1862. Pirst Lieut. WilUam W. Bio-chard, October 12, 1862. First Lieut WUUam R. Haselwood, November L4, 1862. First Lieut. Charles J. Early, Novemher 15, 1862. First Lieut George W. EUiott, Noveraber IS, 1862. First Lieut Geoo-ge R. Naylor, Januarv 21, 1863. First Lieut. Sargeut Moody, July 26, 1863. First Lieut Clornelius P. Kitchen, August 1, 1864. Pirst Lieut .JoJtn W. Cooper, August 20, 1864, First Lieut Theodore W, Letton, Adft, August 26, 1864. Pirst Lieut, Mervin Converse, September 12, 1864, First Lieut WiUiam H. Harbison, September 15, 1604. Pirst Lieut. Henry C. Bissell, September 20, 1864. First Lient William C. Ross, Soptember 23, 1864. FirstLieut Walter S. Woods, Adj't, AprU 17, 1865, Second Lieut WiUiam A. Shane, June 20, 1862. Second Lieut. Lewis Zolmaoi, August 31, 1862. SecondLieut Jesse C Rodgers, Octoher 23, 1862. Second Lieut Fielding T. Glenot, March 19, 1863, Second Lieut. James P. Strode, Septeinber 1, 1864. Second Lieut WiUiam L. Weakley, September 15, 1864. Secoud Lieut Samuel Lockwood, Septeraber 15, 1864. Secoud Lieut, Charles M. Tan, October 23, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Garner H. Bane, November 22, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Albert G. Pickett, Octoher 31, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (12.) Captam Selah W. King, September 12, 1864. Captain John M. Cynia, October 18, 1864. Captain Francis J. Dunn, October 24, 1864. Captain Walter S. Wait, October 25, 1864. Captain Henry Horn, December 20, 1864. Captain T. D. McGiUicuddy, Jauuary 1, 1865. First Lieut Jefferson Wliite. September 26, 1864. First Lieut Siraeon W, Blystou, Adft, Octt.ber 20, 1864, Pirst Lieut Henry King, R. Q. M, November 25, 1864. " Second Lieut Philip S. Douglass, October 18, 1864. Second Lieut. Jaraes W. Anderson, January 27, 1865. Surgeou Henry W. Kendall, October liS, 1864. Discharged, (3.) Major Samuel R. Glenn, October 9, 1862.. Captain Joseph D. Wolfe, May 19, 1862. First Lieut Willlsra Keal, R. Q. M., August 28, 1863, Died, (1,) SecondLieut Jonas D. Corwin, killedin action October 4, 1862^ Note.— Tho roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 300 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment, with the exception ot company I, was organized at Chicago, Illinois, from December 24, 1861, to July 18, 1862, to serve three years. Company I was or ganized in February, 1865, to serve one year, and assigned to thia regi ment The original merabers (ex cept veterans) were mustered out as their term of service expired, and the organization, composed of veterans aud recruits, retained in service until Septeuiber 25, 1865, when it was mustered out, iu ac cordance with orders from the War Department) "isl.vnd no. tf:^," "sew Madrid," "farmington," "nashville," "stone river.," " hoover's gap," "chickamauga," "mis sion ridge," "dandridge," "ROCKY FACl!: KIDGE." "RE SACA," "ADAIRSVILLE," "NEW HOPE CHURCH," "KENKSAW MOUNTAIN," "PEACHTREE CREEK," "ATLANTA," "JONES BORO'," "SPRING HILL," "FRANK LIN," "NASHVILLE." ColooieL Lieutenant Colonel. Jaraes S. Boyd 16 Aug., 65 Major. Captains. WiUiam H. Greenwood. .12 .Tune, 63 Jaraes E. Montaudon 1 July, Merritt B, Atwater 2J Feb., 64 Henry Augustin 28 Mar., 65 Francis M. Bryant 26 Apr., Cyrus A. Anthony 1 Sept, Adam S, Htjtfield 1 Sept, First Lieutenants. Albert L. Coe 30 Nov,. 62 (Brevet Captain 13 March, 1865,) Philip N. DurUIuger 12 Mar., 65 Frederick Grabbe 12 Mar., WUliam H. Chenoweth.. 12 Mnr., Geo. A, Turner, R. Q. M.28 Mar., Jesse Johnson 12 Apr., Benjarain P. Jamea 29 Apr., Jam'es B. Stivers, A^ft.. 1 Sept.', Second Lieutenants, WUUam Morton 28 Nov., 64 Samuel Nutt 28 Mar., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Colonel Luther P. Bradley, Jnly 30, 1864, to Brigadier Gen eral. First Lieut Henry Howland, R. Q. M., June 9, 1862, to Cap tain and A. Q. M. Assistant Surgeon Francis W. Lytle, May 21, 1863, to Sur geon 36th regimeut Illinois infantry. Resigoied, (17.) Colonel Gilbert W. Gumming, St^ptember 30, 1862. Lieut Colonel Samuel B. Raymond, October 6, 1863. Major Rufus Rose, March 24, 1864. Captain Isaac K. Garduer, June 28, 1862. Captain George H. Weutz, September 11, 1862. Captain Nathaniel B. Petts, November 17. 1862. Captain diaries B. Whitson, March 18, 1863. Captain Andrew H. Eraser, August 6, 1864. First Lieut Robert Houston, September 9, 1863, Firat Lieut. Allen W. Gray, Adft, January 24, 1865. Second Lieut Autonlf) de Anguera, June 7, 1862. Second Lieut. Orrin S. Jahnstou, Juue 28, 1862. Second Li'ut Ansel Bates, AprU 25. 1864. Surgeon Williaon C Hunt, AprU 14, 1862. Surgeon Jerome P. Weeks, April 25. 18()3. Assi'Jtant Surgeon Joltn S. Pashley, November 16, 1862. Chaplain Lewis Raymond, November 6, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (5.) Captain'Albert M. Tilton, January 16, 1865, Captain John G. Mc WUliams, March 6, 1665. Pirst Lieut Edwin G. Blatherwick, January 11, 1865. Pirst Lieut Albert Ends, January 16, 1865. FirstLieut. Osman L. Cole, March 11, 1865, Discharged, (14.) Lieut. Colonel Charies W, Davis. June 30. 1865. Captaiu Ezra L. Brainerd, July 10, 1862. Captain Henry W. Hall, December 22, 1862. (Recommis- sio:ied aa First Lieut aud Adft December 23, 1862.) Captain Charles C. Merrick, September 17. 1863. Captain George I. Wateruiau, May 15. 186.5. Captain Theodore P. Ur'-wn, May 15, 1865. Firat Lieut Thomas M. Cummiugi, January 12, 1865. Firat Lieut Charlea H. Hills, February 3, 1865. First Lieut John J. Johnson, May 15, 186.5. First Lieut. James Skidmore, June 16, 1865. Secoud Lieut. Augustus B. Sweeney, October 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Henry C. Trent, June 15, 1864. Second Lieut Orson D, Butler, May 15, 1865. Asaiatant Surgeon WiUiam W. Elliott Juno 15, 1865. Died, (8.) Captain John T. Whitson, July 15, 1863, at Chicago, 111. Captam George L. Bellowa. killed in aciou at .Mission Ridge, Tenu.. November 25, 1863. Firat Lieut. Otis Moody, killed in nction at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. First Lieut Thomas T, Leater, killed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 301 Surgeon. Thomas L. Magee 29 May, 63 Assistaoit Surgeooi. JohnH, Scott 25 Jnly, 65 Chaplain, First Liout. Honry W. HaU, Adj't, killed In action at Kene saw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. First Lieut Archibald L. McCormick, killed in action at Kene saw Mountain, Ga,, Juno 27, 1864. First Lieut Calvin H. Thomas, killed in action at FrankUn, Tenn., November 30, 1864. SecondLieut. Albert Gr. Simons, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tonn., September 19, 1863. Dismissed, (1.) ¦* Captain Henry P. Wescott, April 16, 1863. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered ou this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2, — The roater of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 302 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiraent was organized at Geneva, Illinoia, frora Octoher 25 to Novemher 20, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of Its term of service the original members (except veterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and reeniit.-<, retained in service until July 6, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The oflScial list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel, Jerome D. Davis 17 Dec, 64 Major. Albert C. Perry 22 Jan., 65 (Brevet Lieut. Col. 13 March, 1865.) Captains. Charles Barnett 17 Dec, 64 De Witt C. Sraith 17 Dec, Araos W. Welbern 17 Dec, Henry N. Patchen 17 Dec, Johu Boylau 22 Jan., 65 Alexander H. HartweU.. 22 Jan., Alexander M. Watson. ..22 Jan., Oscar Suramers 22 Jan., Jay HamUton 22 Jan., H. C, WiUiamson 24 Jan., First Lieutenants. Charles H. Hill, Adft IS Sept, 64 George L. Kinnear 17 Dec, John W. Acker 17 Dec, John M. Vote 17 Dec, John Q. Adams, R. Q. M.22 Jan., 65 Moses W. Cannon 22 Jan., Alexander B. Ross '22 Jan., L. W. Walcott 22 Jan., Charles H. Watson 22 Jan., Luther A. Calvin 22 Jan., Alcaney P. Greene 22 Jan., Charles T. Orr 22 Jan., Second Lieutenant. Gordon L, Beckley 17 Dec, 64 Surgeon. George W. Rohr 28 June, 64 Casualties, Promoted, (5.) Colonel Thomas W. Sweeny, 3S. ^., Noveraber 29, 1862, to Brigadier Geueral. First Lieut Charies B. Wells, R. Q. M., November 20, 1863, to Captain and C. S. First Lieut. Lewis H. Everts, June 1, 1863, to Captam and a: A. G. Assistant Surgeon Wesley Humphrey, May 20, 1863, to Sur geon 55th U. S. C. T. Chaplain Benjamin F. Thomas, November 6, 1863, to Captain 63d U, S. C. T. Resigned, (24.) Colonel Isaac G. Wilson, December 6. 1861. Colonel John S. Wilcox, Pebi'uary 20, 1864. Major Henry Stark, May 10, 1862. Captain Jacob Grimes, December 14, 1861. Captain John S. Brown, February 18, 1862, Captain Nathan P. Herrington, April 8, 1863. * Captain Alvah P. Moffatt, April 8, 1862. C!aptain Francis H. Bowman, April 19, 1862. Captain Luther C. Lee, November 7, 1862, FirstLieut Joseph E. Ewell, April 18, 1862. Pirst Lieut. Erskin M. Hoyt, July 15, 1862. First Lieut. Henry G. Willmarth, September 3, 1862. First Lieut Ethan J. Allen, Adj't, September 13, 1862. First Lieut Oscar W. Phelps, January 12, 1863, First Lieut Solomon Z, Roth, August KJ, 1863.^ First Lieut. Charles R. White, December 26, 1863, First Lieut Edward S. WUcox, Adj't, June 29, 1864. Second Lieut, John Dyer, March 7, 1862. Second Lieut. WUUam H. Earl, May 15, 1862. ¦ Second Lieut George W. Graves, June 1, 1862. Second Lieut Heoiry C. Barker, Juue 9, 1862. Surgeou Leland H. Angell, March 6, 1862. Surgeon Edgar Winchester, April 23, 1864. Asaistant Surgeon Phinea- K. Guild, March 18, 1862. Mustered out on,expiration of term of service, (24.) Lieut. Colonel Edwin A. Bowen, October 24, 1864. Major Wealey Boyd, December 19, 1864. Captain George E. Young, October 14, 1864. Captain Thomas H. Thompson, yOjctob^-r 24, 1864. Captain Alphont-o Barto, October 24, 1864. Captain David D. Bailey, October 24, 1864. Captain James Compton, Deceraber 18, 1864. Captain Don Carlos Newton, December 18, 1864. Captain De Witt C. Hurd, December 18, 1864. Captain Sloeura S. Dunn, December 18, 1864. Captaiu WiUiam H. Wilcox, December 18, 1864. Captain M. J. McGrath, Jauuary 24, 1865. First Lieut Henry S. Doty, October 24, 1864. First Lieut Charles H. Fish, October 29, 1864. First Lieut Thomas W. Mack, October 31, 1864. First Lieut Fulton Gifford, R. Q. M., November 20, 1864. Pirst Lieut James Davidson, December 15, 1864. Firat Lieut, Joseph J. Kessler, Deceraber 18, 1864. First Lieut Edward B. Spaulding, Deceraber 18, 1864. First Lieut Lucien S. Kinney, December 18, 1864. First Lieut Gprnelius Snyder, December 18, 1864, Seqond Lieut. Arthur P, Vaughn, December 18, 1864. Second Lieut, George W, Robinson, December 18, 1864. Second Lieut, Alfred BiUing, December 18, 1864. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 303 Assistant Surgeon. Peter F.Avndt 1 Aug., 64 Chaplain. George W. Wainwrigbt .7 Jan., 65 Discharged, (2.) Captain Smitb G. Ward, October 7, 1862. Captain Josepb T. Brown, February 3, 1864. Died, (2.) Captain Edward M. Knapp, killed in action at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 6, 1862. First Lieut. Edward Brainard, Adj't, killed in action at Corintb, Miss., October 3, 1862. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on tbis register except tbose aunounced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on tbe day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Ot tawa, IU,, from October 11, 1861, to March IS, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its terra of service the original raem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, aud the organization, composed of veterans and recruita, together with the veterans and re cruits of the 4lst regimeut Illinois infautry, retained in service until July 22, 1865, when it was mus tered out, iu accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official Ust of battles in which this regimeut bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshedin orders.) Colonel. Robert H. McFadden . . .14 July, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Charles H. Brush 14 July, 65 Major. Captains. John H. Davis 9 Sept, 63 Samuel B. Baldwin 29 Mar., 6o Elisha H. Stumph 29 Mar., John D. Hattield 29 Mar., Stephen Cooper 2^ Mar., David H. McFadden 23 Apr., James Putnam 24 Apr., First Lieutenants. Hiram A.Hunter, 72. Q.M. 3 Aug., 64 Joseph Miles 29 Mar., 65 Charles B. Shouse 29 Mar., Hiram A. Stone 29 Mar., J. Thompson Moss 29 Mar., Reynolds H. Dickinson . . 1 Apr., John M. Robinson 23 Apr. , Thomas C.Weaver,.>'lrf/'t24 Apr., Napoleon Beaubien 19 May, Henry Rutherford 2 June, Second Lieuteoiants. Jerome B. Renne 29 Mar., 65 William B. Palmer 29 Mar., Edwin E. Thomas 29 Mar. , Thomas J. Hay 29 Mar., Heury Jennings 29 Mar., John A. Mcfherson 24 Apr., Albert H. CampbeU 1 June, Hugh Kennedy 2 June, George M. Warmoth 1 Feb., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut. Frank J. Crawford, January 10, 1863, to Captain and C.S. Resigned, (20.) Colonel William H. W. Cushman, Septembers, 1862. Colonel Daniel F. Hitt. Januarv 2, 1863. Major Theodore C. Gibson, May 23, 1862. Captain Joseph E. Skinner, November 15, 1862. Captain Daoiiel L. ffouston, June 2, 1863. Captain Morgan L. Payne, June 14, 1863. Captain Alonzo W. BuU, August 24, 1864. Captain Johoi R. Gilmore, January 6, 1865. Captain Lewis N. Kennedy, July 8, 1865. First Lieut Afarft C, Wheeler, Augu-t31, 1862. First Lieut Seth W. Hardin, Adj't, September 3, 1862. First Lieut Seldon B. Griswold, September 29, 1862. First Lieut. Williara G. Earl, Noveraber 18, 1862, Firat Lieut WilUara F. Dewey, July 19, 1864. Second Lieut Cassar R. .May, Noveraber 27, 1862. Second Lieut. Chrlatopher Starr, January 6, 1865. Second Lieut. Johu ChurchUl, Juue 23, 1865. Asaistant Surgeon Joanis O. Harris, November 20, 1862. Assistaut Surgeon George O. Sraith, August 24, 1864. Chaplain Festuri P. Cleveland, August 31, 1862. Motstered ooit on expiration of term of service, (12.) Major R. H. Allison, Deceraber 26, 1864. Captain John Potter, November 9, 1864. Captaiu Francis G. King, November 10, 1864. Captain Patrick Ryan, November 10, 1864. Captain Timothy AV. Atwood, December 31, 1864. Captain Warren H. Norton, December 31, 1864, Captain William Armstrong, January 1, 1865. First Lieut. John A. Anderson, Noveraber 11, 1864. First Lieut C. W. G. Hyde, March 24, 1865. First Lieut Albert S. Kinsloe, March 31, 186S. First Lieut MattheW A. Goodfellow, March 30, 1865. Surgeon W. W. Welch, Jauuary 4, 1865. Discharged, (9.) Colouel Johu W. McClanahan, June 21, 1865. Captain Gtorge R. Lodge, May 15, 186S. First Lieut Edraond Fitzgerald, Deceraber 31, 1864. First Lieut Mark M. Bassett, April 7, 1865. Firat Lieut. Clark B. Haney, AprU 10, 1865. Firat Lieut. Williara H. Palmer, May 15, 1865. Secoud Lient. Robert V. Simpson, April 22, J 862. Second Lieut. Daniel W. Slattery, October 1, 1862. Second Lieut John H. Ellward, March 3, 1863. Died, (]0.) Colouel Seth C. Earl, killed in action at Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1863. Captain Charles M. Vaughn, October 30, 1862, of wounds re ceived io action. Captain Michael Leahy, kiUed in action at Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1863. Captain James E. Hudson, August 6, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Jackson, Mias. Captaiu Patrick Buckley, February 1, 1864, at Ottawa, DI. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 305 Assistant Surgeooi. Henry Zeising 14 Mar., 65 Chaplain. Captnin Jarvis E, Sraith, AprU 14, 1864, of wounds received in action. Captain Samuel J. Haney, July 23, 1861, of wounds received in actiou near Atlanta, Ga. Pirst Lieut, Philo Lindley, R. Q. K, killed at Atlanta, Ga., Jnne 25, 1864, Second Lieut. Gebrge W. Hemstreet, July 15, 1863, of wounds received in action at Jackson, Miss. ¦ Second Lieut Roger Warner, drowned in Mississippi river Septeraber 28, 1863. Dismissed, (2.) Captain Josiah B. Wright, October 19, 1803, Second Lieut. Simeooi Rathbone, October 1, 1862. Note. — The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. 20 .306 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY -FOURTH KEGIMISNT. , (Tbis regiment wiis organized at Jonesboro', lllinoi>, February 16 and 18, 1862, to serve tbree years. On the expiratiou of its term of ser vice tbo original members (except veteraus) were mustered out, aud ; the organization, composed of vete rans and recruits, retained in ser vice uutil October If), 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the ^Var Depart ment.) . (Tbe official list ot battles in wbieb this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. J Greenville M. Mitchell . .18 Jan., sf (Brevet Brig. Gen. 22 Aug., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. '. Hiram M. Scarborough. .23 May, 65 Major. Captains. TMosesW. Robbins 11 Dec, Russell W. Williams 14 Nov., David McKinney 1 Nov. , Henry Hart 15 Mar., Fidellis B. Schooley .. . .28 Mar., Sebastian Shedlebower-.28 Mar., Jacob M. Ryan 10 Apr., James T. Smitb 1 May, George Pomeroy 12 Aug., First Lieutenants. Baptist S. Patton 11 John P. NorveU, R. Q. Af .26 William Taylor 1 Andrew J. Tickner 15 Chandler Mitchell 28 Josepb Schneider 30 John Sherman 12 William H. Kea, Adft .. 1 Gilman Noyes 5 Henry M. McCrory 22 John Miller 12 J.imes T. Poynter 4 July, 64 Nov., Jan., 65 Mar., Mar., Mar., Apr., May, Jnne, Juue,Aug. , Oct., Second Lieutenant. Henry A. Compton 11 July, 64 Surgeon. Ijoander Lycan 22 June, 65 Assistant Surgeon. Cbarles T. Johnson 29 Aug., 65 Chaplain. John A. Palmer 20 Feb., 64 CASUALTIES. Promoted, (1.) First Lieut. George Monroe, R. Q. M., September 20, 1864, t" Captain aud .1. .'/. G. Resigned, (32.) Colouel Thomas W. Harris, December 10. 1862. Lieut. Colonel Augustus H. Chapnwu, April 13,^1865. Major JohnW. True, July 17, 1863. Captaiu Kicbard W. Belknap. .September 16, 1862. Captain Byrd Monroe, November 27, 1862. Captain John H. Bailey, April 11, 1863. Captain Cbarles P. Woodruff, July 15, 1863. Captain Samuel B. Logan, July 2i), 1864. Captain Jeremiah W. Boatman, Angust 4, 1864. Captain T. K. Miller, February 24, 1865. Captain Newton J. Blankenbaker, March 13, 1865. Captain Alfred B. Balcb, October 6, 1865. First Lient. Jobn W. Johnson, October 15, 1862. First Lieut. Charles T. Kimble, November 19, 1862. First Lieut. Merrit B. Redding, March 5, 1863. First Lieut, Alexander M. Houston, Msircb 11. 1863. Pirst Lieut. Josepb Y. Barkley, June 12, 1863. First Lieuf. Wilbam W. Purinton, May 28. 1861. First Lieut. Joseph Ledbetter, June 23, 1864. First Lieut. John P. Barkley, July 4, 1 864. First Lieut. George S. Elliott, August 31, 1865. Second Lieut. William A. Braselton, July 14, 1863. Second Lieut. Chapman Sutton, July 16, 1863. Second Lieut. Johu M. Hart, June 9, 1864. Second Lieut. Stephen L. Latimer, June 18, 1864. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Hays, March 9, 1865. Second Lieut. Barton C. Pursell, March 18, 1865. Surgeon Ethan A. Lee, May 19, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Thomas Wilkins, May 24, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Newton W. Chapman, October 27, 1862. Chaplain Sidney L. Harkey, June 30, 1862. Chaplain William M. Jones, July 1, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (3.) Captaiu Presley B. Odear, February 17, 1865. Captaiu John B. Hannah, February 17, 1865. First Lieut. James Chapman, February 17, 1S65. Discharged, (2.) Captain William M. Kelly. June 11, 1865. SecondLieut. Resen W. Asbbrook, October 1, 1862. Died, (3.) Pirst Lieut. Johnson White, April 21, 1863. FirstLieut. Thomas P. James, killed in action August 24, 1864 Surgeon Shubal York, killed in a riot at Charleston, Illinois, March 28, 1864. Missing, (2,) Captain Theodore C. Rodrig, since October 31, 1862. Assistant .Surgeon Josiah H. Dodge, since December 31, 1862. Dismissed, (4.) Captain Edward Roessler, Noveraber 23, 1862. Captain Neil Fisher, May 18, 1863. Captain John A. P. Fleming, December 23, 1864. Second Lieut. William A. Kline, October 7, 1863. Note l. — No brevet appointmeuts are entered on tbis register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — Tbe roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 307 FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiraent was organized at Chi cago, III., from Jnly 23 to Decem ber J 5, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its terra of service tho original members (ex ceptveterans) were mustered out, and the organization, composed of veteraus aud recruits, retnined iu service until August 14, 1365, when it was mustered out, in accordance with ordera frum the AVar Depart ment, ) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an houorable part is not yet publi.shed in orders.) Cjlo7iel, Lieutenant Colonel. Charles A. Audress 16 June, 65 Major. Giles F.Haud 18 Juue, 65 Captaiw^. Robert Oliver 1 Nov., 64 Robert Dixon 1 Nov. , Peter Roberts 1 Juue, 65 Francis A. Scott 1 Juue, Jaraes, W. Kays 1 Juue, ¦ Frederick Ebersold 18 Juu<;, Fio'st Lieutenants. Luther J. Keyes INov., ^4 John Warden 1 Nov., J. August Sraith, Adj't . .19 Jan., 65 Isaac Wooding 1 June, David N. Holmes 1 June, Arteraus C. Richardson,. 1 June, Harrison H. Prickett 1 June, WUliam Grounds 1 Juue, Doi'sey C. Audress 19 Juue, Second Lieuteoiants, Suogeon. Charles B. Tompkins ... 7 Dec, 64 Assistaoit Surgeon. John 3, Tompkins 29 May, 65 Chaplain. Promoted, (3.) Colonel David Stuart, November 29, 1S62, to Brigadier Gen- erul. Y'w^i UmvX. Henry W. Janes, R. Q. M., August 10, 1863, to Captain aud A. Q. M. Asaiatant Surgcui Charles Wioioie, Decemher20, 1862, to Sur geou 77th" regimeut lUluoiri infautry. Re.<'lgned, (29.) Colonel Oscar Malonboog, September 20, 1864, Lieut, Colonel Theodore C, Chandler, July 3. 1864. Captain Thomas B. Mackey, Deceraber 28, 1861. Captaiu Jabez C. Crooker, February 18, 1862, Captaiu WiUiam A. Presson, March 13, 1862. Captain Rheotodyae A. Bird, June 6, 1862. Captain Chaoies' Tazewell, August 31, 1862. Captain George L. Thurstooi, Septeraber 3, 1862. Captain Josqoh Black, Febmary 7, 1863, Captain Williaon F. Cootes, March 30, 1863. Captain Tionothy Slattery, April 4, 1863. Gaptiiin Lucieoi B. Crookeo; Augusts, 1863, Captain Hiland H, Kendrick, September 16, 1864. Ciiptain Johoi B. Ridenour, Juue 19, 1865, First Lieut. Philip Seelbach, March 5, 1862. First Lieut. Harrison Presson, March S, 1862. Pirat'Lieut. William II. Dixon, March S, 1862. l-'irst Lieut Benjaonin C. Swarts, March 13, 1862. Pu'st Lieut Andrew J. Gillett, April 7, 1862. First Lieut Albert A. Whipple, September 17, 1864. First Lieut. Thaddeua H. Capron, R. Q. M., June 18, 1865. Second Lieut WiUiam B. Halligaoi, March 5, 1862. Second Lieut Asahel C. Smith, March 5, 1862. Secoud Lieut. WUliam S. Johnsooi, March 5, 1882. Second Lieut John B. Johnson, September 3, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Elijah C. Lawrence, February 7, 1863. Secoud Lieut, ffenry A. Smith, February 7, 1863. Asaistant Surgeon Orlando W. Newell, August 13, 1863. Chaplain Lewis P. Crouch, February 24, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of seo'vice, (13.) Captaiu Cyrus M. Brown, October 30, 1864. . Captain Ilenry Augustin, Novemher 9, 1864. Captaiu John T. McAuley, November 30, 1864. Captain Henry S. Nourse, March 29, 1865. Captain Nicholas S. Aagoaen, June 22, 1865. First Lieut Francis P. Fiaher, Adj't, October 30, 1864. First Lieut, Jacob Pink, Octoher 30, 1864. First Lieut Joseph Hartaook, November 19, 1864. Pirst Lieut Horace T. Healey, January 28, 1865. Secoud Lieut WiUiam D. Lomax, October 31, 1864. Surgeon E. O. F. Roller, (Tctober 30, 1864. Asaistant Surgeon John T. Smith, January 1, 1865. Chaplain MUton L. Haney, December 2, 1864. Discharged, (9.) Major WilUam D. Sanger, Noveraber 1, 1862. Major James J. Heffernan, Noveraber 19, 1864. Pirst Lieut Albert F. Merrill, November 26, 1862. First Lieut. Daniel Mcintosh, November 26, 1862. First Lieut Joseph R. Roberts, November 26, 1862. First Lieut Josiah E. Keyes, November 26, 1862. First Lieut John ff. Fillonore, November 26, 1862. First Lieut Joseph W. Parks, November 26, 1862. First Lieut. John H. Pitcher, May 15, 1865. 308 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Died, (10.) Captain Squire A. Wright, May 12, 1862, at Quincy, IU., of wounds received iu action, Captaiu Casper Sleich, killed in action uear Vicksburg, Miss., December 28, 1862. Captaiu Vincent Brink, October 31, 3863, at luka, Miss. Captain Jacob M. Augustin, kUled iu action St Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., Juue 27, 1864. Captaiu William C. Porter, killed In action atKeneaaw Moiin-' tain, Ga., June 27, 1864. * Pirftit Lieut. James Weldon, April 19, 1862, of wounds received in action at Pittsburg Lauding, Tenn. Pirst Lieut. George W. Eichelberger, killed iu action near At lanta, Ga., July 22, 1864. First Lieut. Oliver Erickson, killed In action near Atlanta, Ga., August 3, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Timothy B. Buro-oocs, February 11, 1863, of dig- ease, at Paducah, Viy. Second Lieut Levi Hill, killed iu aclion near Vicksburg, Mi,'3S,, May 19, 1863, Dl-misseJ, (3.) Captain Joseph Clay, September 16. 1862. Captain Francis ff. Shaw, August 11, 1864. Second Lieut Jonas L. Luck, September 16, 1862. Note. — The roster of ofncers is given as it atood ou the day cf inustol* out. ILLIXOIS INFANTRY. 309 FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Casualties. (HECHANU: FUSILKEUS.) (This regiraent was organized at Chicago, Illinoia, from October 31, 1801, to February 1, 1862. to serve three yeiirs. It was mustered out ofservice Jauuary 28, February 1, and 5, 1862, in arcordanee with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles iu which this regiinent bore an honorabl'j part is' not yet pubUshed in ordor,^.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Francis T. Shermau ... .31 Oct., 61 ¦ Majoi\ Matthew P. Vrood 13 Nov., 61 Captains. William AY. Bates 28 Jtiu., 62 * Henry McCreary 28 Jan., James E. Mar.sh '.28 Jan, , Warden Guthrie 2,? Jau., John E, Simpson 1 Feb., James Armstrong IFeb,, John A. Wilsou 1 Feb., 2''irst Lieuteoiants. *Wm. Goldei, E. Q. M..1S Oct., 61 Edward J. Kellogg, Adft.13 Nov., Kobert L, Bell 28 Jan.. 62 Arora J. Burrell 23 Jan., Eobert W. Demree 28 Jan., Stephen A. Farrar 23 .Jan., John K. Widgeon 28 Jan., William L. Dunlap 28 Jan. , Edgar M. Wood 1 Feb.. Eobert Cowden IFeb,, John Collins IFeb,, Second Lieutenants. William H. Mapes 28 Jan. , 63 Daniel G. Young 28 Jan,, Orin K. Sparks 28 Jan., James H. Hughes 28 Jan., Alexander W. DiUer. . . .28 Jau,, Charles C. Jones 28 Jan., William E, Merritt 28 Jan, , Frederick B, Bickford . . 1 Feb., James McDonnald 1 Feb., Surgeon. John Higgins 6Nov., 61 Assistant Surgeon. JohnC. Norton 13 Dec., 61 Chaplain. James Bassett 12 Nov. , 61 * Discharged May 3, 1862. Note. The. roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of muster out. 310 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (Tbis regiment was organized at Sbawneetown and Springfield, 111., February 27, 1862, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of service tbe original mem- berg, (exceptveterans,) en route to to the State of *[llinois to be mus tered out, were lost March 31, 1865, on board the steamer General Ly on, off Cape Hatteras, N, C. The organization, composed of veterans aud recruits, v/as retained in ser vice until August 12, 1865, when it was mustered out, iu accordance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which tbis regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. ' Lieutenant Colonel. John P. Hall 1 Feb., 64 Major. Captains. Samuel Roper 23 Dec., 62 Samuel Atwell 28 Jan., 63 Jobn F. McCartney 2 May, 64 Mark M. Evans 9 Nov., James J. Travers 1 May, C,3 First Lieutenants. Christopher C. McGee. -.15 Feb., 64 M. J. Dempsey, Adj't 26 Oct., Patrick H. McGee 21 May, 65 Newton J. Odell 21 May, Wm. T.Cullum, R. Q. M. 1 June, Second Lieutenant. Thomas B. O'Hara 28 May, 64 Surgeon, Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Colonel Green B. Raum, (P.revet Brigadier General Septem ber 19, 1864,) April 17. 1865, fo Brigadier General. First Lieut. Walter C. Hurlbut, R. Q. M., August 9, 1863, to C.iptain and A. Q.. M. Resigned. (36,) Colonel Robert Kirkham, June 26. 18C2. Colonel William R. Broicn, 33. 3.. August 31, 1862. Lieut. Colouel James F. Cooper, April 25, 1863. Major Pinckney J. Welsh, Juue 23, 1864, Captain William B, Dillon, August 31, 1862, Captain Henry T, Massfy, September 28, 1862. Captain David Slinger, October 12, 1862, Captain Benjamin Jlankin, October 13, 1862. Captain William Reavis. October 29, 1 862, Captain Wilbam B, Floyd, Octnber 29, 1862. Captaiu Sanford Cochran, July 11, 1863, Captaiu Thomas S, Campbell,' Juue 10, 1864. Captain Jobn W. O'Xpnl, July 26, 1864. First Lieut, James A. Willisims, R. Q. M., April 14, 1862. First Lieut. William Armstrong, .April 22, 1862. First Lieut, Dodridge B, Gratton, June 26, 1862. First Lieut. James W. Flannigan, September 3, 1862. First Lieut. Thnnms H, Edwards, September 29, 1862. Pirst Lient. William McKenzie, October 5, 1862. Pirst Lieut. John M. Baker, Adft, October 17, 1862. First Lieut. James M. Aiken, October 29, 1862. First Lieut. Aaron E. Scntt, July 20, 1863, First Lieut, Marmaduke Nicholson, Adft, August 3, 1861. First Lieut John L. Hase, June 15, 1865, Second Lieut, Philip B, Cheney, October 2, 1862, Secoud Lieut. George O. GvigRs, December 31, 1862. Second Lieut. Elislui Dillon, June 8, 1853. Second Lieut. John J. Scott, July 15. 1863. Secoud Lieut. Osmond C. Griswold, May 1, 1864. Surgeon Francis B. Tliompson, November 27, 1862. Surgeon Jaraes L. Whitmire, July 15, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Randall Poindexter, October 23, 1862. Assistant Surgeou George Morris, November 17, 1864. Chaplain David P. Bunn, Mav 28, 1862. Chaplain William B. iJrwjicr, June 24, 1863. Chaplain \yilliam V. Eldridge, December 10, 186.4. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (2.) Captain John E. Barker, April 4, 1865, Pirst Lieut, Sylvustt-r R, Cone, March 22, 1865. Died, (16.) Captain Edward Keffer, accidentally killed December 31, 1863. .Captain James C, Tanquary, perished on steamer "General Lyon " March 31 , 1865. Captain William E, Webber, perished on steamer "General Lyon "March 31, 1865. Captain James P. Files, perished on steamer "General Lyon" March 31, 1865. First Lieut. William P. AVilllams, Slay 10, 1862. First Lieut. Andrew B. Walbright, killed in action at Vicks burg, Miss., June 25, 1863. Fu-st Lieut. Joshua M. Fields, December 5, 1863, of wounds received in action. First Lieut. Thomas C, Spann, R. Q. M., perished on steamer "General Lyon" March 31, 1865, ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 311 FirstLieut George W. Rankin, perished on steamer "Gen eral Lyon " March 31, 1865. First Lieut. George T. McKenzie, perished on steamer "Gen eral Lyon"* March 31, 1865. First Lieut John C. Lewis, perished on steamer "General Lyon ". March 31, 1865. First Lieut. Josiah Joiner, perished on steamer "General Lyon " March 31, 186S. First Lieut. Cyrus L. Gowdy, perished on steamer "General Lyon " March 31, 1865. First Lieut Joseph L. Tennant, July 22, 186S, of disease. Second Liout. Hiram S. Dunlap, perished ou steamer "Gen eral Lyon" March 31, 186S. Assistant Surgeon Alfred P. Marsh, perished on steamer " General Lyon" March 31, 1865. Deserted, (2.) Secoud Lieut WUliam L, Rankin, August S, 1862, SecondLieut, Erastus M. Gates, Augusts, 1862, Note 1, — No brevet appointments are entered ou this register except those announced In Genera Orders before October 14, 1865. NOTE 2, — The roster of ot^icerri is given a^ it stood on the day of muster out. 312 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Chicago, IU., in December, 1861, to serve three years. On the expi ration of its term of service the original members (exceptveterans) were mustei ed out, and the organi zation, composed of veteraus and recruits, retained in service until July 7, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from \ the War Departraent) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an houorable part Is not yet published in orders.) Lic'itcnant Coloiiel. Frederick A. Battey 19 June, 65 Major, Charles Rattray 2 July, 65 Captains, Peter M. Wickstrum 30 Oct, , 62 WUliara F. Conkey 2 Mar., 64 George N. Barr 17 Dec., WilUam Gale.--, 23 Dec, Edward Gallagher 30 Apr., 65 David Arnold'. 23 May, Albert Thompson 24 May, First Lieutenants. Joseph W. Harris 26 Dec, 61 Eric Bergland 20 July, 62 EliBarnum.; IMar., 64 Edmund D. Haggard 15 Nov., J. E. Youngherg, Adft. . .26 Mar., 65 John Harford, R. Q. AT.. 26 Mar., Alexander E. Hanna 26 Mar., George B, Shuriz 26 ]Mar. , Williara C, Allen 30 Apr., Louis Volkraan 23 May, Johu E. De Lea 19 Juue, Second Lieutenant. Olof Anderson 30 June, 04 Suogeon. James R. Zearing 28 Sept., 61 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Cuptaiu John PhUlips, November 26. 1863, to Lieut Col. 64th V. S. C. T. Resigned, (21.) Cuptaiu August C. Barrv, June 30,"1862. Captain Alfred H. Mauzer, July 14, 1863. Captain Benjamin H. Cliadbourne, September 2, 1862. Captain Erie Johnson, September 3, 1862. Captain Bradley D. Salter, March 13, 1863. Captain Gustav A. Busse, June 23, 1864. Captain Josiah Robbins, jr., September 29, 1864. Captain David Kenyon, November 6, 1864. Captain Frederic Busse, December 14, 1864. First Lieut Robert B. Llorse. June 7, 1862. First Lieut Edward Hamilron, R. Q, M., September 26, 1602, First Lieut Norman E. Hahn, Adj't, September 29, 1662, First Lieut. Frauk W. Cutler, July 18, 1864, First Lieut. Jacob S. SUls, August 13, 1864, Second Lieut Albert L. Otis, April I, 1862. Second Lieut. Joseph T. Cook, June 17, 1862. Second Lieut. George Welch, August 31, 1862. Second Lieut. Moses S. Lord, September 26, 1862. Secoud Lieut. WiUiam Brewer, October 29, 1862. Second Lieut. William S. Heudrick.=f, February 13, 1863. Second Lieut. Andrew Anderson, November 6, 1864. Mustered oul on expiration ofteron of service, (IS.) iVlEijor Eric Forsse, October 16, 1864. Captain Linas Vausteenburg, October 16, 1864. Captain Harlan Page, December 31, 1S64. Captain WiUiam S. Swan, December 29, 1864. First Lieut. Nathan Linton, R. Q. M., October 5, 1864. First Lieut. Edward Martin, December 25, 1864. Flnst Lieut. WiUiam Starling, December 25, 1864. First Li'eut. Nelson Plansburg, Adft, December 30, 1864. First Lieut. John H. Weirick, January 4, 186S. Second Lieut Frederick Laycock, December 29, 1864, Second Lieut. John T. Larkin, March 27, 186S, Second Lieut William "Wayman, AprU 7, 186,5, Second Lieut. Charies W. Rosenthal. April 7, 1865. Second Lieut. Jacob S, Carper, April 7, 186S. Assistant Surgeon George W. Crossly, March 27, 1865.' Discharged, (1.) First Lieut. Owen W. Battey, R. Q. M., December 19, 1861. Died, (6.) Colonel Frederick J. Hurlburt, drowned in Chicago river April 27, 186,-1, Major Norman V>. Page, killed iu action April 6, 1862. Captain Robert D. Adams, killed in action AprU 6, 1862. First Lieut. Theodore lii, Doggett, April 9, 1862, of wounds received in action, SecondLieut George E. Rodeen, August 7, 1863.' Assistaut Surg-eon H, S. Blood, February 27, 1862; Dismissed, (2.) Colonel Silas D. Baldwin, March 26, 1863. Secoud Lieut Archibald B. McLean, November 8, 1862. ILLINOIS INFANTJJY. 31.n Assistant Surgeooi. Isaac N. Bishop 17 Juue, 63 Chaplavn, Nathan G. Collms 30 Oct, 61 Dsserted, (1.) First Liout. John N. "Schilling, June 7, 1862, with from $5,000 to ^7,000 soldiers' money. Note. — The roster of officers i:-* given as it stood on the day of muster out 314 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Chicago, lOiuoIs, from December 24, 1861, to February 7, 1862, to serve three years. The original members (except veterans) were mustered out February 7, 1865, by reason of expiration of term of ser vice, and the organization, com posed of veterans and recruits, consolidated into a battalion of four corapanies. Six new companies were organized in February and March, 1865, to serve one year, and assigned to this regimeut The or ganization was retained in service until AprU 1, 1866, when it was mustered out, iu accordance with orders from tbe War Department.) (The official li§t of battles iu which this regimeut bore au honorable partis not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Robert W. Healy : 3 Oct., 6o Lieutenant Colonel. Jonathan Kimball 7 Jan., 66 Major. Washington B. PuUg ISJan., 66 Captains. Henry Sraith 17 Mar,, 65 John O'Kane 17 Mar. , JayN. Skelton 4 Apr., Josephus Moore 25 Apr., George Cottin 8 June, John W. O'Neal 19 Sept, John M. Green 7 Nov., FrankUn Griffith 22 Nov., Jacob Rippstein 1 Feb., 66 First Lieutenants. Francis Widmer, 7;.Q.J1/- 8 June, 65 Patrick Smith 19 Sept, Mathew Weismantle 27 Sept, Charles A. Mayer, Adft. 2 Nov., Leonard Manniu g 21 Nov. , Charles E. Lynn 22 Nov., Eugene Barney 21 Dec, Noyes B. ElUott 1 Feb., 66 Alonzo B, RusseU-, 4 Feb., James C, Dolan . . ," 6 Mar., Second Lieutenaoits. Goodwin D. ScovUle 17 July, 65 Orange P. Harris 22 Sept., Samuel G. Hamilton 21 Dec, George W. Lunt, a. w. in. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Captain Patrick Gregg, December 18, 1862, to Surgeou 23d regiraent Illinois infantry. Assistant Surgeon Eraory A. :\Ierrifield, May 11, 1863, to Surgeon 44th regiment Illinois iufantry. Resigned, (2S.) Major Thomas Newlau, August 20, 1864. Captain Thomas D. Griffin, March 25, 1862. Captain Niklaus NIklaus, April 18, 1862, Captain Johoi W. Babbitt, July 3, 1860. Captaiu George Glassoier, Jauuary 27, 1863. Captain Charies Kittel, September 10, 1863. (Japtain Friederich Kurth, February 1, 1864. Captaiu David J. Lynch, November 5, 1864. Captain John Bond, July 13, 1865. Captain John W. AViley, August 29, 1865. * Firht Lieut. Abraham Vaudeuburgh, March 25, 1862. FirstLieut. Lewis H. Martin, Adft, March 26, 1862. Pir,st Lieut. Sandford W. Smith, May 10, 1862. Pirst Lieut. Eugene Lynch, October 2, 1862. ' First Lieut. R. Hoyt Winslow, Jauuary 25, 1863. First Lieut. John W. Smith, August 29, 186S. FirstLieut. Jauies F. M. Waiters, November 29, 1865. First Lieut. Charles Rowe, January 27, 1866. Second Lieut Joseph StauTffer, May 31, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Hiram M. Van Arman, June 20, 1§62. Second Lieut. Fred. Wilhelm, December 15, 1862. SecondLieut Zehedee R. Winslow, AprU 30, 1863. SecondLieut George C. Wilson, AprU 20, 1864. Second Liout. James M. Hov/ard, September 6, 1864. Chaplain Patrick J. R. Murphy, August 13, 1864. • Mustered out ooi expiration of term of service, (21.) Colonel William F. Lynch, (Brevet Brigadier General Jan uary 31, 1865,) February 7, 1&65. Captain John W. Gregg, January IS, 1865. Captain George W. Kittell, February 7, 1865. Captain Gustav C. Kothe, February 7, 186S. Captain Loring P. Fuller, February 7, 1865. Captain Lawrence Collins, February 7, 1865. Captain PhiUp R. Heelan, February 7, 1865. Captain Alexander G. Anderson, March 29, 1866. Pirst Lieut George Sawin, R. Q. M., February 7, 1865. Pirst Lieut John P. Winslow, February 7, 1865. First Lieut Emory P. Dustin, February 7, 1865. First Lieut James Carey, February 7, 1865. First Lieut. John C. Parker, May 15, 1865. First Lieut Richard M. Johnson, March 27, 1866. FirstLieut John E. Wright March 31, 1866. Second Lieut Francis X. Cottin, February 7, 1865. Second Lieut Dennis Hamhlioi, February 7, 1865. Secoud Lieut. Louis G. Stevenson, June 24, 1865. Secoud Lieut. John W. Gunn, March 31, 1866. Surgeon Henry M. Crawford, February 7, 1865.^ Assistant Surgeon George F. Ileidemaoin, February 7, 1865. Discharged, (3.) Lieut. Colonel Isaac-Rutishauser, January 27, 1865. First Lieut. Job Maxom, March 2, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Benjamin F. Atwater, Juue 9, 1865. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 315 Surgeon. WiUiara Woodward 30 Apr., 65 Assistant Surgeons. Joseph B. Harvey 27 Mny, G5 Alexander G. Leslie 27 3Iay, *Chaplai7i, Died, (12.) Captain Jaraes A. Bcwley, April 8, 1862, of wounds received in action, at Pittsburg Landiug, Teun. Captain K. A. Rulishauser, May 18, 1862, of wounds received in action. Captain John Tobiuj killed in action at Pleasant Hill, La,, April 9, 1864. Captain Jaraes H. Jaquith, October 15, 1865, of disease, at Slontgoraery, Ala. Pirst Lieut John C. Lonegan, May 28, 1862, of wounds re ceived in actiou. First Lieut. Julius Kurth, September 5, 1862, at Macon, Ga. First Lieut. Joseph G. Burt, Adft, November 9, 1862, of disease, at Chicago. 111. First Lieut. James E. Moss, killed in action at Yellow Bayou, La., May 18, 1864. First Lieut. Charlea Maager, killed in action at Yellow Bayou, La., May 18. 1864. Pirst Lieut Thomas Blalloy, killed in action at Fort Blakelv, Ala., April y 1865. Second Lieut Louis W. Pfeif, killed iu actiou Lit Pittsburg Lauding, Tenu., AprU 6, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Charles Williams, July 5, 1665, at Montgomery, Ala. Dismissed, (4.) Captain Charles Christianson, March 1, 1863. Second Lieut, Nicholas Murphy, November 3, 1863. Secoud Lieut. John E. Clarke, March 25, 1864. Second Lieut. Calvin S. James, October 10, 1865. Cashiered, (1.) Major John Murphy, Octoher 8, 1865. Dcseo'lcd, (I.) Second Lieut Danforth P. Scott, April 16, 1862. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 316 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. FIFTY-NINTH REGIMENT. (Thiaregiment was organized at St. Louis, Mo., from July 6 to Septem ber 6, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of ser vice the original members (except veterans) were mustered out and the organization, composed of vet erans and recruits, retained In ser vice until Deceraber 8, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Depart- meni.) "PEA RIDGF.," "CORINTH." "PER RYVILLE," "KSOIJ GAP," "STONE RIVICR," "LIBERTY GAP." "CHICK AMAUGA," " LOOKOUT MOUN TAIN," " MISSION RII>GK," "KOCKY FACh: KIPGE," "RE SACA," "CASSVILLE," "DALLAS," "KENESAW MOUNTAIN," "SMYR NA STATION," "ATLANTA," "LOVE- JOY'S STATION," " l-'KANKLIN," "NASHVILLE."- Colonel. p. Sidney Post 20 Mnr.. 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 16 Dec, J864.) Lieutenant Colonel. Clayton Hale* SDoc, 63 Major. James M. Stookoy 30 Jan., CI Captaioi.''. James Johuwon 18 A^ir., Emmanuel Iilenui-'t 7'May, James Elerlck - 8 Nov., John M. Van Osdel 22 Nov., Charies C. Dooliltle 24 Jan., H. Clay Baughman 14 Feb., George R. Stier 10 Apr., George F. Clark 18 Apr., Alfred Laustrum 8 Juue, Charles Wagner 6 Oct., First Lieutenants. 63 64 Frederick N. Boyer 9 Apr. Chesley A. Mosmau 7 May, WUliam Cunningham - . .22 Nov. S. J. Stookey, R. Q. M..11 Jan., 65 PhilUp Stump 2Mar., John H. Loop 10 Apr., Samuel P, Palton 25 Apr., D. F. Korhamraer, Adj't. 8 June, Benjarain D, Thoiuson.. 8 June, Josiah W. Beaber 31 Oct , Casualties, Promoted, (6.) Captaiu Houston L. Taylor, June 17, 1862, to Lieut Colonel eSth regiment lUinois iufantry. Captain Alfred W. EUet, November 1, 1862, to Brigadier (>eneral. Captain Genrge E. Currie, December 4, 1862, to Lieutenant (joloncl oion. m. b. infantry. First Lieut Warren D. Crandall, November 15, 1862, to Cap taiu and A. A. G. SecondLieut. Raymond E. WiwweU, August 26, 1864, to First Lieut. 1st regiment U. S. V. V. Engineers. A'Jf^istimt Surgeon Henry J. Maynard, September 16, 1862, to Surgeou 1st regimeut Arkansas cavalry. Resigned, (25.) Colonel John C. Kelton, ZU. ^3., 25. SJ., Jlarch 1, 1862. LiL-ut. Colouel Charles ff. Frederick, January 23, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Joshua C. Winters, Novemher 12, 1863. Major D. SIcGibbon. January 1, 1862. Captain Silas W. KeUey, April 14, 1862. Captain William P. Reufro, September 3, 1862. Captain Joseph S. Hackney, January 27, 1863. • Captaiu Albert Anthooiy, January 30, 18C3. Captain James A. Beach, February 8, 1S63. Captain Orlando W. Frazier, February 25, 1803.* Captain Heudrick E. Paine, AprU 3, 1863. Captaiu Barzellai M. Veatch, June 13, 1663. Captain Horace W. Starkey, September 9, 1863. Captain Hamilton W. Hall, September 20, 1864. Captaift Samuel West, November 22, 1864. Captaiu James II, Knight June 19, 1865. First Lieut Samuel M. Jones, May 2, 1862. Firs-t Lieut Abram J. Davids, AugustTl, 1862. FJr.st Lieut. John H. Johnson, Deceraber 22, 1862, First Lieut Williara B. Ferguson, July 30, 1863. Second Lieut. Terry W. Weyer, August 6, 1861. Second Lieut. WiUiam B. Ferguson, Deceraber 4, 1861. (Re commissioned a'i First Lieut. April 7, 1863.) Second Lieut HesUp PhiUips, April 17, 1863. Surgeon AIouko W. Kelley, August 5, 1863. Chaplain i\'^af/m7i Shnonats, September 3, 1862. Mustered out ooi expiratiooi of teron of service, (9.) Captain Henry N. Snyder, October 5, 1864. Captain Daniel AV. Hendersou, Jauuaiy 20, 1865. Captain Salmon L. Burroughs, January 28, 1865. Captain Heury WUey, March 4, 1865, First Lieut. Frederick Brasher, R. Q. M., September 17, 1864, First Lieut. Reuben Maddox, January 28, 1865, First Lieut. Norman Curtis, March 11, 1865. Second Lieut AVUUam McAdams, Jannary 21, 1865, Second Lifut. John P. Anderson, January 31, 1865, Discharged, (2.) Fii'st Lieut. Hiram Wendt, May 1, 1865. ^Second Lieut. Thomas B. Johnston, October 6, 1863, ¦'¦ Appointed Seconcl Lieut, in V. R, C, ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 317 Second Lieuten Tilts. Died, (8.) Alexander Sanderson . . .10 Apr,, 63 C.-iptain David M. Bailey, October 10, 1864, of disease. Robert D. Irvine .18 Apr., First Lieut. Albert H. Stookey, March 14, 1862, of rtiseaic. Charles Smith .13 Feb., 65 Fii-st Lient. John Kelloy, September — , 1862, of di|eaB0, at luka, Miyfi. Henry L. Lehman . 2 Mar., Darius Wiley .15 Mar. First Lieut. Charles F. Adams, October 16, 1802, of wounds Benjamin F. Stevens... .25 Mar., received in action at Perryville, Ky. Samuel Purdum .10 Apr. Firr,t Lient. Robert Gooding, killed iu action near Kashville, Tenn., Dccembir 16, 1864. Surgeon. Secoud Lieut. Andrew R. Johnson, killed in action at Perry vUle, Ky.. October 8, 1862. Charles Bimce .15 Sept. K) Surgeon J. D. S. Haslett, killed iu action at Pon'yville, Ky., October 8, 1862. Assistant Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon Joseph W. fi-astou, September 13, 1864, of disease. Charles Kerr '. . 2 Apr, 65 Chaplain. NOTE 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except thoso aunounced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 318 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. SIXTIETH REGIMENT. (This regiraent was organized at Jonesboro', III., February 17 and 21, 18Q2, to serve three years. On the expiration of its terra of service the original members (except vet erans) were mustered out, aud the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until July 31, 1865, when It was Clustered out, In accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regimeut bore an honorable part is uot yet published in orders.) Colooiel, Lieutenant Colonel. George W. Evans 11 June, 63 Major. James H. McDonald 11 June, 63 Captains. Robert B. Stinson 16 Dec, 62 Joseph Ruuyon 22 May, Go William H. CampbeU . . .22 May, Alexander Smart 22 May, Samuel L. Dwight 22 May, Jacob M. Kiplinger 4 Juue, WiUiam D. Ward 4 June, Francis L.Fei^erson 26 Juue, William H. Tharp 26 June, First Lieutenants. Thoraas G. Stokes 16 Dec, 62 JaraesH. Rogers, 72. Q.M. 19 May, 63 Charles Spire 21 May, 65 George W. Wright 22 May, James W. Rorex 22 May, James R. Baghy 22 May, James T, Cuuningham.. 2 June, Henry B, Hardy 4 June, EU W^bb 26 June, Joseph H. Guthrie 26 June, Second Lieutenants. Richard T. SraaUev 22 May, 65 Murry W. Sraiih 29 June, Surgeon. WUliara JI. Graj', a. oc. m. Assistant Surgeooi. Edward W. Charlea 10 Apr., 65 Chaplain. Casualtie.s. Resigned, (35.) Colouel William E. Anderson. (Brevet Brigadier General March 13, 1865,) Deceraber 26, 1864. Lieut. Colonel Samuel Hess, Blay 21, 1863, Captaiu Alfred Davis, March 31, 1862. Captain Francis M. Davidson, July 3, 1S62, Captain Andrew J. Alden, September 3, 1862. Captain John Frizell, September 3, 1S62. Captain WUUam May, November 21, 1862. Captain John R. Moss, December 19, 1862. Captain David Ragaius, January 31, 1863, i . Captain Luke S. Wilbanks, February 13, 1663. Captain John S. Cochennour, Deceraber 9, 1864. Captain Green W, Stewart, June 9, 1865. pirst Lieut Edmond D. Choisser, August 31, 1862. First Lieut. James M. Benson, August 31. 1862. FiTAt Lieut. Galatin A. Wood, Septeinber 1, 1862. First Lieut I.saac S. Boswell, December 25, 1862. First Lieut Thomas G, Barnes, Adft, March 23, 1863, First Lieut. Cloyd Crouch, R. Q. M., May 7, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Cornelius N. Breeze, January 11, 1864. First Lieut Edward A. McAtee, December 4, 1864. First Lieut Asa Hawkins, January 6, 1865. Second Lieut WiUiam E. Goddard, April 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Frank M. Ring, June 23, 1862. Second Lieut. Dewitt Anderson, July 9, 1862. Secoud Lieut Jerome 1\I. Ingram, July 13, 1862. Secoud Lieut. E. W. Hulbert July 16, 1862. Second Lieut. James Stull, November 1^, 1862. * Secoud Lieut William N. MitcheU, November 18, 1862: Second Lieut. Alfred Kniffen, January 19, 1864. Second Lieut. John Tweedy, January 25, 1864. Second Lieut. James P. Copland, September 23, 1864. Second Lieut John W. Moses, October 14, 1864. Surgeon Joseph T. MiUer, November 12, 1862. Assiataut Surgeon John A. Shirriif, ISlay 26, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Ford S. Dodds, November 11, 1864. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (13.) (Jiiptain Simeon Walker, March 14, 1865. Captaiu WUliam C. Goddard, March 14, 1865, Captaiu Thoraas J. Rhodes, March 31, 1865, Captaiu John Gibson, March 31, 1865, Captaiu Jehu J, Maxey, AprU 2, 1865, First Lieut. John S. Bridges, March 14, 1865. First Lieut. Aurelius Hight, March 28, 1865. Pirst Lieut. Johu Q. Adams, April .5, 1865. Pirst Lieut. John R. Allen, April 5, 1865. First Lieut. John P. K^Uy. Adft, May 9, 1865. Second Lieut Walter P. Moore, March 14, 1865. Second Lieut Lyraan A. MUler, April 6, 1865, Chaplain Levi S, Walker, March 14, 1865. Discharged, (2.) Captain Thomas J. Thrash, May 2, 186.5. Captaiu Stephen Pogarty, May 15, 1865. Died, (6.) Colonel Silas C. Toler, March 2, 1863, of disease, at Harris burg, *Pa. Captaiu William E. Short, July 19, 1S62, atCamp BigSprhiga, Misa. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 319 Captain John B, Coleman, killed iu action at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 90, 1864, First Lieut Hamilton Wiggs, July 20, 1862, of disease. First Lieut. Auizi Kniffen, May 17, 1864, of wounds received In actiou near Dalton, CJa, Second Lieut. WiUiam Baker, March 19, 1862, of diciease. Dismissed, (2.) Captaiu Joseph P. McKee. August21, 1863. First Lieut. Mark Hailes, Deceraber 26, 1862. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of ofiicers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 320 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. SIXTY-FIRST REGIMENT, (This ri?gLment ivi*h the exception of company K, was organized at Carrolton, Illinois, from February S to ilarch 7, 1862, to serve three years. Company K was organized iu January, 1664, and assigned to this regimeut Ou the expiration of its term of service the original merabers (except veterans) were . mastered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruits, retained in service until September 8, 1865, when it was mustered out, in accordance with orders from the War Departmeut.) (The official list of battles In which this regiment bore an honorable partis uot yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Jerome B. Nulton 18 July, 65 Lieuiaiant Colond. Major. Daniel S. Keeley 1 Aug., 65 Captains. WilUara L. Stuart 14 June, 63 Charles B. McDougaU... 9 July, 64 John C. Judy 19 Oct. , John G. McCoy 14 Mar. , 65 AUen C. Haskius 12 July, Alfred D. Nash 20 July,- Green P. Hanks 10 Aug. , Thomas H. Dayton 10 Aug., First Lieutenants. Thomas J. Warren 26 Apr., 63 George Best 16 Mar., 6o FrancisM.Mytinger,j4(7j"i 6 Aug., CharlesH. Ayres 10 Aug., John T. Jones 10 Aug., Luther Grandy, a. oc. m. Edward E. HaU, a. w, m. Second Lieutenaoits. , Henry L. Davenport 16 Mr.r., 65 Leander StillweU 18 July, Presley G. Rice 18 July, WiUiam H. Bonjoy 6 Aug., Jonathan Burns 6 Aug., WiUiam J. AUen 10 Aug., John Cooley 10 Aug., Theodore PhilUps 10 Aug., Surgeooi. Julius P. Anthouy 8 Nov., 63 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Ca-sualties. Resigned, (26.) Colonel Jacob Vw, Mav U, 1863. Captain John H. Reddish, April .3, 1863. Captain Robert E. ffaggao-d, AprU 3, 1863. > ¦ '. Captain Martin J. Manu, April 3, 1863. Captain James Lawrence, February 25, 1864. Captain Andrew J. Knight, August 13, 1S64. Captain Alfred J, Judy, October 31, 1864. Captaiu Samuel T. Carrico, May 29, 186S. * ¦ First Lieut. Frederick Mattorn, July 8, 1862. First Lieut. William B. Taylor, September 3, 1862, First Lieut. Albert Cramer, Adft, October 8, 1862, First Lieut. George Chisiii, October 16, 1862. First Lieut Marshall S, Parker, April 3, 1863. First Lieut Charles I. Dawes, April 3, 1863. First Lieut Charies B. Smith, October 29, 1864. First Lieut. George W. Bryan, January 9, 1865. First Lieut, AVilliam H. Armstrong, July IS, 1865. Firbt Lieut. Nelson A. Corriugton, August 5, 1865. Second Lieut. Joseph ff. Bujfmgtov, June 5, 1862. Second Lieut. James R. Wylder, September 3, 1862, Second Lieut Enoch W. WaUace, February 10, 1865. Secoud Lieut. Henry Neviu.«, June 10, 1865. Surgeon Leonidas t). Cleononens, August 31, 1862. Assistaut Siirgeon George ff, Knapp, Pebj'uary 13, 1864. Chaplain Edward Rutledge, September 3, 1862. Chaplain B. B. Hamilton, Miirch 3, 1865. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (3.) Captaiu Francis M. Posey, SFarch 7, 186S. Captain Heury S. Goodspeed, March 24, 1865. FU-bt Lieut Wniiam M. Potts, R. Q. M., April 14, 1865. Discharged, (4.) Lieut. Colonel Dauiel Grass, May 15, 1865. Captaiu John T. Hesser, May IS, 1865. Pirst Lieut John W. Judd, May 15, 186.5. Second Lieut. Elias C. Davis, May IS, 1865. Died, (7.) Lieut. Colonel Simon P. Ohr, September 14, 1864, of diseaso. Captaiu Warren H. Ihrie, Septeraber 9, 1862, of disease. First Lieut. David G- Culver, April 14, 1862, of wounds re ceived in action at Shiloh, Tenn. First Lieut. Jedediah Beale, :\Iay 1 1, 1 862, at Evausville, Ind. First Lieut Lorenzo J. Miuer, December 22, 1864, of wounds received in action at Murfreesboro', Tenu. Second Lieut. James B. Ballou, April 21, 1852, at St. Louis, Missouri. Second Lieut. Elijah B. Corriugton, killed in actiou at Over all's creek, December 4, 1864. Dismissed, (4.) Captaiu Henry W. Manning, IMarch 26, 1864. First Lieut Fraoicis P. Vedder, R. Q. M., May 21, 1863. SecondLieut. Jacob L. Marsbiul AprU 13, 1863. Second Lieut Charles W. Maun, ,7une 20, 1863. Notk.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 321 SIXTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (battalion of.) ^Thls regiment was organized at Jonesboro', 111., from February 1 to AprU 10, 1862, to serve three years. The original members (ex cept veterans) were mustered out May 2, 1865, by reason of expira tion of term of service. The organ ization, composed of veterans and recruitH, was consolidated Into a battalion of seven companies and retained in service until March 6, 1866, when it was mustc-red out, in accordance with orders from-the War Department.) (The official listof battles iu which this regiraent bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders. ) Lieutenant Colonel. Lewis C. True 7 Mar., 65 Major. Guy S. Alexander. ;28 May, 65 Captains. Edwin M. Jordan 16 Dec, 64 JohnC. Parcel 16 Dec, George B. Everingham.-28 May, 65 Benjamin P. Gosnell 20 Aug., John J. Gibbons 13 Oct, L. L. Humphrey 1 Nov., EUsha J. Tremble 7 Dec, First LieutenaTi's. Samuel F. Wilson ..,,.- 1 Nov., John H. Askins 16 Dec, PhiUp C. Suit 20 Aug., Noah Gulp 13 Oct, M. J. Haines, Adft 1 Nov., Joseph W. Stover 1 Nov., Samuel C.Saapp 7 Dec, JohnE. MUler 23 Jan., Second Lieutenants. Thomas L>. Roberts 4 June, i Wm. Oder 4 Jua*\ JohnM. Johnson .20 Aug., John Barcroft 13 Oct., James T, Manson 7 Dec, 21 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Captain Johu Foley, Juue 30, 1863, to Lieut Colonel Gist U. S. C. T. First Lieut Edmund R. WUey, Adft, June 30, 1863, to Major eistU. S, C. T. Assistant Surgeon Vernon R. Bridges, December 14, 1863i to Surgeon 126th regiment lUinoia Infantry. Resigned, (32.) Lieut Colonel Daniel B. Robinson, June 27, 1863. Lieut Colonel Stephen A. Meeker, February 3, 1865. Captain Mairston M. Doyle, July 1, 1862. Captain Henry C. McCleave, September 11, 18f)2. Captaiu Samuel Sherman, September 23, 1862, Cuptaiu WiUiam E. Robinson,- February 4, 1863. Captain Hamilton Nabb, AprU 28, 1863. Captain Charles A. Merfz, June 7, 1863. ^ Captain Joseph MtiLain, June 20, 1863. Captain John S. Garetson, Apvil 19, 1864. Captain Robert B. Wilson, Juno 21, 1864. Captain David Trimble, July 17, 1861. Captain .John J. Wyatt, August 5, 1864. Captain Pteasintou Nabb, January 7, 1865. Captain George S. Gary, September 18, 1865. Captain .John W. Haunali, September 28, 1865. Pirst Lieut. James J. McGrew, September 11, 1862. First Lieut Joseph W. Filler, July l.J, 1863. First Lieut, Elijah C. Compton, March 9, 1864. First Lieut. Jaraes P. True, March 16, 1864. Pirst Lieut Adolphus MertenSj July 13, 1 1864. • First Lieut Prnrilt S. Penbody, Februai-y 15, 1865. FirstLieut. William P. Ferri.s, Adft, August 23, 1865, FirstLieut. George P. DoUahao, September 2.5, 1865. Pirst Lieut Henry P. Walters, R. Q. M., December 7, 1865. Second Lieut. Benjarain F. Stinger, Septembers, 1862. Second Lieut John N. l[:ickett, September 11, 1862. Second Lieut. William S. Bai-i-ickman, Qtitober 15, 1863, Second Lieut. WiUiam D. Wilieorge W, Baxter 15 June, 65 Theodore Elfes, Adj't'. ..15 June, Benjamin Robertson, R, Q.M., a. w. m. Secooid Lieutenant. WUUam A. Jeffries 2 May, 63 Surgeon. Alexander A. Lodge IS June, 65 Assistant Surgeooi. Chaplain. George Compton 19 Aug,, 63 Casualties. Resigned, (14.) Colonel Francis Moro, September 29, 1862, Lieut. Colonel Henry Glaze, June 30, 1863. Captaiu James H. Briggs, October 1, 1862. Captain George J. Johns, November 27, 1862. Captaiu John W. Campion, December 31, 1862. Captain Andrew A. Ricketts, March 3,,1863. Captain John B. Craig, July 2S, 1863, First Lieut John C. Grayson, October 13, 1862. FirstLieut Charlie S. Chambers, Adj't, December 16, 1862. First Lieut Westford B. RusseU, February 4, 1863. First Lieut. Alfred Davis, March 3, 1863. First Lieut Charles E. Cartwright, Juoe 30, 1863. Second Lieut Beujamiu M. Ttibler. December 31, 1862. Second Lieut. George B. Richardson, December 26, 1863. Mustered out on expiratiooi of term of seo-vice, (16.) Colonel Joseph B. McCown, April 9, 1865. Major Joseph K, Lemon, April 9, 1865. Captain Arnst L. McCoy, April 9, 1865. Captain George W. Short, April 9, 1865. Captain Hiram H. Walser, AprU 9, 1865. Captain WUUam Leamon, April 9, 1865. Captaiu George F. Glossbreuner, April 9, 1865. Captain WUliam M. Bonghan, April 9, 1865, First Lieut W. P. Richardson, Adft, AprU 9, 1865. First Lieut. John M. Maris, R. Q, M., April 9, 1865. First Lieut William A. Harris, April 9, 1865, First Lieut Wilson F. Cox, April 9, 1865. First Lieut Charies H. Warren, April 9, 1865. Secoud Lieut, Albert L. Hunter, April 9, 1865. Second Lieut John A. Jordon, AprU 9, 1865. Surgeon John W. MrKlimey, April 9, 186-5. Discharged, (5.) Captain Heury E. GUbert, December 15, 1862. Captain Sylvester G. Parker, July 14, 1863. Second Lieut. James M. Hunter, November 19, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Jacob Lewis, August 1, 1863. Surgeon WUUam M. Cray, September 12, 1862. Died, (4.) Captain William M. Davis, accidentally kUled at Columbia, S. C, February 19, 1865. First Lieut Alfred Laws, February 24, 1864, of disease. Pirst Lieut George W. Ball, May 27, 1864. Chaplain Stephen Blair, January 19, 1863. Dismissed, (3.) Captain John M. Davis, April 30, 1864. Second Lieut, James Housleman, December 7, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Lyman Hall, December 31, 1862. Note. — The roster of officers Is 'given as it stood ou the day of muster ont. 324 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. (Six companies of this regiment were organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, III., in November and Deceraber, 1861, to serve three -years, and known as "First Bat talion Yates Sharpshooterfl." Pour additional companies were organ ized at Camp Butler and Ottawa III., from February 11 to March 8, 1864, to serve three years. The original merabers (exceptveterans) were mustered out as their terniB of service expired, and the organi zation, composed of veteraus and recruits, retained in service until July 11, 1865, when it was mus tered out, in accordance with or ders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiraent bore an honorable part i« notyet published iu orders.) Co'' on el. John Morrill IMar.. 64 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 March, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Joseph S. Reynolds 21 May^ 65 Major. Captains. Charles Case OMar., 64 John J. Loug 9 Mar., Edwin H. Mnore 7Mtv, (Brevet Major 13 March, IBGa. ) Luther S. Ames 17 Sept.. Hanson H. Crews 8 Apr., Qo WUUam M. Zuel 17 June, John L. Hack 1 July, Henry Logan, a. w. m. First Lieoitenants. Robert M. Woods, ^dj'^. -15 *ug., 64 Howland Meeker 9 Sept., Julius W. Brown 13 Sept. , Oliver W. Abbott .14 Nov., B. G. Lewis, R. Q. M...21 Mar., 65 Joseph H. Bishop 7 Apr., John Bunker 8 Apr., Patrick Feeby 20 May, Rufus T. Sparks 21 May, Henry Miller 18 June, Second Lieutenant, Francis M. Frauk - . ' 21 May, 6S Casualties.' Proonoted, (1.) First Lieut Alexander T. Cameron, R. Q. K., March 29, 1863, to Captain 1st regiment Alabama cavalry. Resigned, (18.) Lieut Colouel David B. WiUiams, September 11, 1862. Major Georse W. Stipp, November 19, 1862. Major John W. Stewart June 3, 1863. Captain Christian B. Keasey, June 29, 1862. Captain Oliver H. Payne, September 2, 1862. Captain Joshua W. Baker, August 14, 1863. Captain John Keasey, April 1, 1864. Captain Thomas G. FuUerton, October 10, 1664. First Lient. William N. Stewart June 20, 1862. First Lieut. George E. Doran, June 25, 1862. First Lieut. Aaron E. May, Adft, June 28, 1862. First Lieut Benjamin Snyder, June 22, 1864. First Lieut George W. BeU, July 21, 1864. First Lieut. Ambrose H. Brown, June 21, 186S. Second Lieut Georye A. Caine, September 3, 1862. ^econHAewi. Peter Bogardus. Septemher 8, 1864. Second Lieut Thomas P. Horner, April 22, 1865. As,-;i:5tant Surgeon Noble Holtooi, April 12, 1863. Mustircd out ooi expiration of term ofservice, (11.) Lieut. Colonel Michael W. Maoining, AprU 9, 1865. Major Samuel T. Tliomson. October 30, 1864, Captain George W. Ri'id, Noveraber 7, 1864. Captain Robert R. Gibons, Novemher 14, 1864. FirKt Lieut. George Bargus, December 30, 1864, Fir^^t Lieut Ward Knickerbocker, December 31, 1864. First Lieut James H. Yiit-s. AprU 9, 186.5. First Lieut Duncan M. Reid, April 9, 1865. Second Lieut Georg-e W. Robbins, October 31, 1864. Seco:Ml Lieut David M. Mocre, December 26, 1864. Second Lieut. Johu Baker, April 9, 18G5. Dibcharged, (4.)' First Lieut Robert S. R'tvr.^, Jnly 23, 1864. First Lieut. Frank Smith, October 15, 18G4. • Second Lieut, Darius N. Myers, May 15, 186S. Surgeon James T. Stewart December 22, 1864. Died, (8.) Major Frr_-aerick V,'. Matteson, August 8, 186-, of disease, at Camp Clear Creek, Miss. Captain David G. Grover, October 10, 1852, of wounds re- CL'-ived in action at Corinth, Miss. Captain James C. Caonerooi, killed in rKa'>n at Bear Creek, Mi^'-'.. April 17, 1863. Captain Hanry J. Stoner, killed iu aciion near Atlanta, Ga.; July 22. 18ii4. Captaiu Chailes I. Conger, October 18, 1&G4, of wounds re- 'Ceived in action at Resaca, Ga. First Lieut. WUliam H. Hinckley, Aij't, kiUed in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June I?, 1864. First Lieut. Har ey Kingsbury, jr., killed In action n^ar At lanta, Ga., July 22. 1864. Assistant Surgeon WUliam D. Pluraor, July 10, 1864, of difl ease, at Chi-.ttauocga, Tenn. •ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 325 Surgeooi. Henry A. Mix 1 May, 65 Assistant Surgeon, Otto E, Roosch 22Aug., 64 Chaplaioi. Alfonso D. Wyckoff. 11 Apr,, 64 NOTE 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 186S. ' Not£ 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 326 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. SIXTY-FIFTH EEGIMBNT. (This regiment was organized at Chicago, Illinois, from March 1 to May 15, 1862, to serve tbree years. On the expiration of its term of service the original members (ex cept veterans) tvere mustered out, and tbe veteraus aud recruits of companies A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, .and K, ¦were consolidated into two companies, and designated D and K ; company B was filled up with drafted men; sevenmore companies, composed of the recruits of the 92d and 112th regiments Illinois infan try, were assigned to this regiraent in June, 1865. It was mustered out of service Jnly 1 3, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War Deparlment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUphed in orders.) Colonel. W. Scott Stewart 29 June, 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Captains. JohnF. Nelson 23 Mar., 63 Harvey M. Timm,< 23 Mar., Jaraes Miller 1 Dec, 64 James Finucan 14 Apr,, %o George W. McLean 17 Apr., Albert H. Higinbotham -20 June, Thomas B. Milchrist .... 8 July, First Lieutenants. Michael W. Toale 1 Jap,, 63 Norman Lewis 23 Mar., (Brevet Captain 13 March. 1665.) George P. Lyon, R. Q.M.iS Oct., 64 John Dutnell 14 Apr., 65 Josepb C. Trimble 17 Apr,, Frederic A, Menge, Adft.20 June, James M. Montgomery- - 2 Jnly, Elmer A. Sage 8 July, Second Lieutenants. Henry Dasback 17 Apr., 65 James D. White.' 12 May, C. S. F. Dlrcks, a. w. m. Surgeon. CASUALTirS. Resigned, (29.) Colonel Daniel Cameron, July 31, 1864. Major Jobn Wood, May 25, 1864. Captain John J. Boyd, December 12, 1862. Captain Henry M. Fuller, February 21, 1863, Captain Ivanoff Willentzkie, Juue 17, 1863. Captain Henry Fisher, November 1, 1863. Captain Alexander McDonald, September 30, 1864. First Lieut. Lysander Tiffany, July 20, 1862. First Lieut. A. I. D. Ewer, August 1, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel D. Tobey, August 20, 1862. First Lieut. Alexander W. Diller, October 20, 1862. FirstLieut. William Robertson, December 20, 1862. First Lieut. William A. Kipp, February 13, 1863. First Lieut. James W. Ballard, March 25, 1863. FirstLieut. James C. Rankin, R. Q, il/, June 13, 1864. First Lieut. John R. Floyd, September 15, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas T. McCrone, October 3, 1864. First Lieut. Adam W. Klein, May 30, 1865. Second Lieut. Benjamin Harding, August 1, 1862. Secoud Lieut. Arthur M. Tanney, August 12, 1862. ¦ Secoud Lieut. Harrison W. Mallory. September 6, 1862. Second Lieut. Louis H. Higgins, Febmary 13, 1863. Second Lieut. Benjamin B. Adams, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut. Cornelius Wilson, November 1, 1863. .Second Lieut. George Jenkins, November 4, 1863, Second Lieut. William H. Luun, February 9, 1864. SecondLieut, Cbai-les F, Briggs, May 30,'l865. Surgeo}'. George H, Parks, July 12, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Henry T. Mesler, April 9, 1863. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, (22.) Major George H. Kennedy, Juue 12, 1865. Captain James S. Putnam, March 5, lfc65. Captaiu James L. Kee, April 18, 1865. Captain Robert S. Montgomery, April 18, 1865. Captain Greenup Bird, April 18, 1865. Captaiu Hugh Adams, April 18, 1865. Captain James Duguid, April 18, 186,5. Captain Axel F. Ekstrom, April 25. 1865, Captain William H, Mapes, May 15, 1865. Captain John Blain, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. David C. Bradley. Adft. March 1, 1865. First Lieut. Caldine George, April 18, 1865, First Lieut. Henry H. Jones. April 18, 1865. First Lieut. Loriu A. Worley, April 18, 1865. Fir^t Lieut. Frederic A. Menge, April 18, 1865. (Recommis- missioned as First Lieut, aud Adft, June 20, 1865.) First Lieut. William S. Erwin, April 18, 1865. First Lieut. Samuel .9. Fairfield, April 2.5, 1865. First Lieut. Hosea W. Atwood, April 26, 1865. First Lieut. Dugald Macfarlane, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Hiram McHenry, April 18, 1865. Second Lieut. George II. Brown, May 15, 1865, Snrgeon Ira Brovi'n, May 15, 1865, Discharged, (4.) Captaiu Cbarles R, Manning, August 17, 1864, First Lieut, Andrew Young, May 25, 1864 First Lieut, Henry C, Mcllvain," October 7, 1864. Chaplain Charles II. Roe, January 10, 1863. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 327 Assistant Surgeons. Died, (2.) CJiaplabi. First Lieut WUliam Knowles, June 27, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action. Assistant Surgeon Edward E, Lynn, AprU 9, 1865, atKUiston, North Carolina. 'Frederick Kent 1 Mar. , 63 Dismissed, (1.) Captain Van Ness BiUings, January 17, 1863. Deserted, (1.) Second Lieut. John J. Littler, November — , 1862. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note S. — The roster of officers is given as It stood on the day of muster out. 328 ILLINOIS INFANTRY, SIXTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at St. Louis, Mo., from November 25 to December 31, 1861, to serve three years. On the expiration of its terra of service the original mem bers (except veterans) were mus tered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and recruita, retained in service. Company K was mustere^l out AprU 26, 1865, and the remaining companies July 1, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Andrew K." CampbeU- . .28 Oct., 64 Major. David C. Gamble 22 May, 6S Captains. Samuel J. Smith 2 Feb., 65 Thomaa O. Chesnut 2 Feb., WUUam Burrows 23 Mar. , Thomas H. Rush 30 Mar., Samuel C. McElhany ...30 Mar,, Kobert J. Webber 22 May, Levi C. Thornton 22 May, WilUara Barlnger 25 May, Henry M, Swisher 27 May, Firet Lieutenants. Benjamin Marot, Adj't ..17 Dec, 64 Fitzhugh Reed, 7?. Q. il/. 2 Feb., 65 Nelson S, Westcott 2 Feb., James P. La Mott 2 Feb., Warrhum W. Warren . . 7 May, Thomas H. Robinson ..,21 May, Jesse Chambers 25 May, Martin N. Wren 25 May, John A. Courtney 31 May, PhUip H. Ray 19 June, Alvin H. Davis, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. JosephReed 21 Mar., 63 Jdhn W. Litherland 9 June, 65 Surgeon. JOBopb Pogue 15 Aug., 62 Casualties, Promoted, (1.) Chaplain Jaones M. .-ilexander, June 11, 1863, to Colonel 55th U. S. C. T, Resigned, (19.) Major George Pipe, January 21, 1863. Captain Lyman B. Cutler, March 4, 1862. Captaiu Calvin Reed, AprU 16, 186^ Captain Arthur D. Taylor, AprU 19, 1862. Captain Johu Piper, December 31, 1862. First Lieut James Waltermire, June 7, 1862, FirstLieut Albert Gore, Juue 11, 1862. First Lieut. Stephen W. Duncombe, July 19, 1862. FirstLieut Benjamin' A. Botsford, September 9, 1862. First Lieut Henry A. Shanafelt, September 25, 1862, FirstLieut. Joseph W. Lidick, August 26, 1864. Second Lieut. George W/ BUsh, AprU 14, 1862. Second Lieut. John Eliot August 31, 1862. Second Lieut. James T. CargiU, Deceraber 5, 1862. Second Lieut George W. Lusk, Deceraber 31, 1862. Second Lieut William C. Jones, January 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Philip Dedrick, April 3, 1863. Second Lieut. Nicholas R. Park, September 17, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Edward Vogel, June 8,"1863. Mustered out ooi expiratiooi of term of service, (15.) Captain Ens-ign Conklin, September 5, 1864. Captain Henry Eads, December 16, 1864. Captain Benjamin D. Langstreth, December 19, 1864. Captain Thomas D. MitcheU, Pecember 19, 1864. Captain John L. Hays, December 20, 1864. Captain WiUiara S. Boyd, March 31, 1865. First Lieut WiUiam WilsoQ, Adft, September 17, 1864. First Lieut. Robert ^. Ad^ms, Septeraber 22, 1864. First Lieut. Frauk M, Biagham, October 18, 1864. First Lieut, Nicholas Brdwn, R. Q. M., December 19, 1864. First Lieut Palemon P/ Ellis, December 19, 1864. FirstLieut WiUiam F. Saunders, December 19, 1864, SecondLieut Austin S. IJavison, Novemher 3, 1864. Second Lieut Mosesi^. Counts, January 11, 1865. Second Lieut. Franjc A. Hartzell, February 4, 1865. . Discharg€d, (6.) Captain Jerry N. HUl, November 27, 1863. Captain Michael Piggott, January 24, 1865. First Lieut Robert J. Williamson, January 4, 1865. Second Lieut Johu V. Bovell, May S, 1863. *Second Lieut. Samuel B Biightmau, August 21, 1863. Chaplain Abrahara Hart^U, June 21, 1865. Died, (8.) Colonel Patrick E. Burlje, 3S. %., May 19, 1864, of woundft received in action at Rdne Cross-roads, (3-a. Qa^ialu George A. Taylo, kUled in action at Rome CroBB- roads, Ga., May 16, 18fi. Captain Johu H. Andi'CT in action at Dallas, Gi First Lieut Frederick UlVick, kUled in action at Dallas, Gs. May 29, 1864. June 24, 1864, of wounds received * Appointed Second Lieut in V. S. C, ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 329 Assistant Surgeon. Robert A. Stephenson, a. w. m. Chaplain. First Lieut Hillery B. Vanliew, June 1, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action at Dallas, Ga. Second Lieut John W. Piper, July 8, 1862, of disease, at Cor inth, Miss. ¦¦•^M Second Lieut George M. Baldwin, kUled in actiou near Jonesboro', Ga,, August 31, 1864. Assistant Surgeon George W. Fitch, Juue 1, 18G4, of disease, at Pulaski, Tenn. Missing, (1.) Surgeon Sanford Bell, since April 30, 1862. Dismissed, (S.) Lient. Colonel Charles W. Smith, January 14, 1864. Captain Campbell Dougherty, July 31, 1862, Pirst Liout Cyrus A. Lemon, November 26, 1862. First Lieut. William H. H. Simpkins, May 5, 1863, Surgeon John W. Young, August 25, 1862. Note.— The roster of officers la given- as it stood on the days of muster out 330 ILLINOIS INFANTEY. *SBVENTY-SBOOND REGIMENT, ^This regiment was organized at Chi cago, 111, August 21, 1862, to serve tbree years. The members whose terms of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out August 7, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department, and the remain ing members transferred to the 33d regiment Illinois infantry.) wan, January 21, 1865- 336 II.LINOIS INFANTRY. Assistant Surgec^. John Stoner, a. w. m. Chaplain. Johu S. McCulloch 5 Apr , 64 Died, (3.) Lieut Colonel Ly.sander R. Webb, kiUed in action at Sabino Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864. Captaiu Robert Irwiu, January IS, 1863, of wounds received in action at Arkuuhas Post. Captaiu Lewis G. Keedy, January 23, 1663, of diBeaB«*, at Young's Foiat, Li'., Dismissed, (3^) First Lieut Charies Ireland, March 30, 1863, Second Lieut John Filger, March 1, 1863, Secoud Lieut. Frederick H. Osgood, March 28, 1863. Note 1, — No brevet appointmeuts are entered on this register c::cept those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of ofSeera fe o-W :;n ay it stood on the day of muster out * ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 337 SEVENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Quincy, Illinois, September 1, 1862, to serve three years. The mem bers whose terms of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out Juuo 7, 1865, in accordance with orders from tho War Department, and the remaining members transferred to the 34tb regiment Illinois in fantry.) (The official list of battles in which tbis regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. .MarisE. Vernon 15Mar,, 64 Major. Robert S. Blackbl^rn 30Mar., 65 Captains. Thomas L. Howden 24 June, William B. Akins 20 Mar., William D. Ruddoll 4 Apr., John B. Worrell 1 Nov., Jobn J. Mercer 17 Dec, George W. Blandin 26 Mar., Christian W. Hito 31 Mar., Harmon Veatch 22 May, First Lieutenants. Abner V. Humphrey, R. Q..M 6Aug., 62 Elisha Morse 1 Sept., 63 Freeman Woodruff 4 Apr. , 64 James T. Debaven 1 Nov., John D. Anderson, .4(^7.25 Mar., 65 Wilford Cubbage 30 Mar. , Andrew J. O'Neil 23 May, John A. Hyman 23 May, Second Lieutenants. 65 Surgeon. Samuel C. Moss 27 Aug., 63 Assistant Surgeon. William H. Githens 23 May, 63 Cliaplain. Casualtiks. Resigned, (25.) Colonel William II. Benneson, September 2, 1863. Major Georgo Greeu, January 15, 1865. Captain Jacob F. Joseph, April 26, 1863. Captain John C. Anderson, March 1!), 1864. Captain John K. Allen, March 30, 1864. Captain George Pollock, June 27, 1864. Captain Cbarles E. Hume, December 18, 1864. Captain GrauviUo H". Reynolds, December 19, 1864. First Lient. Philip Chipman, February 1, 1863. First Lieut. Matthew Honry, March 2, 1863. First Lieut. Archibald H. Graham, April 5, 1863. First Lieut, Clinton B. Cannon, May 28, 1863. First Lieut. Jeremiah Parsons, June 17, 1863. Firat Lieut. Oliver P. Courtright, October 6, 1863. Second Lieut. Seldon G. Earl, December 23, 1862. Second Lieut. Pleasant M. Herndon, April 2, 1863. Second Lieut. David M. Taylor, April 20, 1863. Second Lieut. James IL MoCandless, May 29, 1863. Second Lieut. Isaac N. Kincbeloe, July 24, 1863. SecondLieut. Charles Thompson, March 30, 1864. Second Lieut. Nathan P. Woods, April 21, 1864. Second Lieut. Samuel W. Puntenney, November 29, 1864. Surgeon Thomas M. Jordan, April 5, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Blihn S. Mclntire. March 26, 1863. Chaplain Robert F. Taylor, July 8, 1863. Discharged, (6.) Captain Henry E. Hawkins, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. Cbarles V. Chandler, Adft, April 3, 1864. First Lieut. Philip H. Mercer, May 4, 1865. First Lieut. Hardin Hovey, May 1*5, 1865. Second Lieut. Samuel Simmons, March 11, 1865. .Second Lieut. Leander Irwin, May 15, 1865. Died, (8,) Colonel Carter Van Vie ck, August 23, 1864, of wounds. Major William L. Broaddus, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Captain Robert M. Black, killed in action at Jonesboro*, Ga., September 1. 1864. First Lient. Tobias E. Butler, May 29, 1864, of wounds. First Lieut. George A. Brown, June 30, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action. First Lieut. Daniel W. Long, killed in action at Jonesboro', Ga., September 1, 1864. First Lieut. George T. Beers, killed in action near BentonviUe, N. C, March 19, 1865. First Lieut. William E. Summers, killed in action at Benton viUe, N. C, March 21, 1865. Note, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 22 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. SEVENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Ferry, III., August 2t<, 1862, to serve three years. The mem bers whose tetras of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 12, 1865, and the remaining members transferred to the 42d regiinent IlUnois Iufantry.) (The official list of battles in which thia regiment bore au houorable part is not yet published iu orders.) Colonel. Allen Buckner IS Mar. , 63 Lieutenant Colonel. WUUam A. Low IMar., 65 Major. Robert Lacy.. IMar., 65 Captains. Thomas Handy 28 Aug., 62 David B. Elliott 14 June, 63 Henry C. Beyls 16 Aug., James S. Price 23 Mar., 64 Peter Greggers 8 Dec, Albert J. Jones 8 Dec, ' Nixon S, Buckner 25 May, 65 First Lieutenants. Charles E. Woodward, R.Q.M. 5 Aug., 62 William H. Lamb, Adft. .2% Aug., Presley P. Boyer 1 Sept., 63 David C. King 11 Oct. , WiUiamL. Foulke 24 Oct., WUliam H. Hutchinson. .11 May, 65 WilUam S. Hardrag 12 May, Second Lieutenant. Jefferson C. Perry 2l' Mar., 63 Surgeon. Thomas J. Wheeler IMar., 65 Assistaoit Surgeons. Chaplain. Casoaltie.s. Proonoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Henry C. McVUI^fter, June 6, 1863, to Surgeon 98tli regiment Illinois infantry. Resigoied, (27.) t)olonel Lyman Griinnip, October 19, 1S62. Lieut Colouel Henry E. Rives, July 14, 1864. Lieut. Colonel Terrence Clark, January 24, 1S65. Major Archibald Van Deren, October 7, 1363. Captain Thomas A. Young, April 9, 1863. Captaiu WUlIa 0. Pinnell, April 20, 1863. Captain David S. Curtis, April 26, 1863. Captain WiUiam W. Davis, March 9, 1864. Captain Oliver O. Bagley, Novemher 6, 1864. Captain Henry D. Pitman, November 6, 1864. First Lieut. Harvey J. Bassett, November 20, 1863. FirstLieut William S. Hendrix, December 8, 1862. FirstLieut James T. Braddock, February 10, 1863. First Lieut Thomas B. Jacobs, April 21, 1863, FirstLieut David S. WUUams, August 11, 1863. First Lieut, MontravIUe Reeves, Bfliy 4, 1864, First Lieut WUliam H. Bassett, April 26, 1865. SecondLieut Samuel Tharp, September 26, 1862. Second Lieut. Moses Hunter, October 15, 1862. Second Lieut. John P, Vance, November 23,- 1862, Second Lieut James R, Patten, February 2, 1863, Second Lieut, Horace W. RIdeout, Februarv 10, 1863. Second Lieut. Isaac P. C. Taylor, June 6, 1863. Second Lieut, Albert Shaw, July 14, 1864, Surgeon Stephen J. Young, February 10, 1865. Chaplain Cornelius G. Bradshaw, September 12, 1863. Chaplain WiUiam A. Smith, February 21, 1865. Discharged, (3.) Captain Andrew J. Bigelow, May 15, 1865. FirstLieut. Henry S. AUiin, May 15, 186-5. Second Lieut. John MitcheU, May 15, 1865. Died, (4.) Lieut, Colouel Sheridan P. Read, killed in action at Stono River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Captain John H. Patton, kUled in action at Liberty Gap, Tenn., June 25, 1863. Captain Hezekiah D. Martin, July 3, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Liberty Gap, Teun. First Lieut. Martin L. LInninger, killed by the faU of a tree, November 19, 1862. Dismissed, (4.) First Lieut. Henry Week, January 13, 1863. First Lieut. Seth L. Woodworth, February 2, 1863. First Lieut. Ike P. Hartsock, October 9, 1863. Second Lieut. William C, Willard, Jauuary 13, 1863. Note— The roster of officers is given as it stood on tho day of muster out. ILLINOIS INPANTE,Y. 339 EIGHTIETH REGIMENT. (This rfegiment was organized at Centralia, Illinois, August 25, 1862, to serve three years. The mem bers whoso terras of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 10, 1865, in accordance with orders from lhe War Department, and the remaining members transferred to the 38th regiraent lUiuoIa infantry. ) , (The official list of battles in which this regiraent bore an honorable part isnot yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Erastus N. Bates 25 Jan., 65 Major, Captains. WUliam R. Wright, a. w. m. James Cunnlughnm, a. w, vi. First Lieutenaoits. Godwin Scudamore 8 Apr. , 63 John H. Smith 7 June, Daniel McKenzie 1 Feb., 64 James B. Newman, .4d;'t IJuly, Ernest J. Weyrich 16 Aug., John R. Cunningham — 1 Jan. , 65 Second Lieutenants. Charies W, Pavey 25 Aug. , 62 John A. Miller 25 Aug,, Suogeooi. Davi'lMcDiU Uuly, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. John W. Lane. . -.25 Aug., 62 Casualtiks. Resigned, (17.) Colonel Thomas G. Allen, April 21, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers, November 25, 1864. Captain Stephen T. Stratton, December 22, 18^2. Captain George W. Carr, January 27, 3863. Captain Jaraes L. Maun, March 13, 1863. Captain Carter 0. W|Uliam8, March 16, 1863, FirstLieut John W. McCormack, Aprils, 1863. First Lieut James R, Abernathy, March 8, 1864. First Lieut. Edwin R. Poster,- AprU II, 1865. First Lieut. Edmund D. Keirsey, May 12, 1865. Second Lieut. Richard M, Davis, April 19, 1863, Second Lieut Albert Foster, June 24, 1863. SecondLieut. Bfenjamin Kohli, Juue 16, 1864. Surgeon Nathan W. Abbott, April 13, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Ebenezer Rogers, February 23, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Edward L. II. BaiTey, July 12, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Moses W. Clendanin, May 17, 1865. Discharged. (13.) Captain James NevUle, September 22, 1864. Captain Andrew WUson, May 15, 1865. Captaiu Henry Zeis, May IS, 1865. Captain Daniel Hay, May IS, 1865. Captain Alexander Hodge, May 15, 1865. Captain Sarauel T. Jones, May 15, 1865. First Lieut Robert J. Harmer, R. Q. M,, May 15, 186-5. First Lieut, James Adams, May IS, 1865, First Lieut. Newton C. Pace, May IS, 1865. First Lieut John Hood, May 15, 186S, Second Lieut Henry C. Smith, January 22, 1863, Secoud Lieut. Thomas PF. Segar, May 15, 1865, Second Lieut, Williaon H. McDill, May IS, 1865. Died, (6.) Captaiu Edmund R, Jones, killed in action at Sand Mountain Ala,, April 30, 1863, First Lieut. Jaraes C, Jones, Adj't, kUIed In action at Sand Mountain, Ala., April 30, 1863. Second Lieut Alexander Van Kendle, killed in action, Octo ber 8, 1862, Second Lieut Sarauel G. Andrews, .November 22, 1862, of wounds received in action. Second Lieut. John A. Armour, Juno 11, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action. Second Lieut Harvey Clendenin, July 17, 1864, of wounds received in action. Dismissed, (1.) Fir.st Lieut, Hermann Steinecker, August 15, 1864. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 340 ILLINOIS INP.ANTRY. EIGHTY-FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Anna, IU., August 26, 1862, to serve three years. The mem bers whose terms of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out August 5, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Departmeut, and the remaining members transfen-ed to the 58th regiment Illinois infantry. ) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Casualties, Promoted, (1.) Lieutenant Colonel. Andrew W. Rogers 23 June, 63 Major. James P. Cowens IS Jan., 65 Captaiois. 62 Samuel L, Campbell ...-.26 Aug, JohnP. Reese 10 Feb., 63 Lycurgus Reese 13 Aug, James Bartleson 21 Aug. Edwin Fozard 14 Nov., Mortimer C. Edwards . . .15 Sept, 64 WiUiamMcNeU IS Jan., 65 First Lieutenants. Edwin P. Simmons 3 Feb., 63 David R. Sanders 10 Feb., Oscar F. Richmond 1 Oct, Henry C. McCulloch 14 Nov., James D.Hartigan IS Nov., Elbert ChUders 24 May, 64 Eenry Ede, R. Q. M 22 July, JohnB. Kelly 15 Jan., 65 Second Lieuteoiant, John Lamer 6 Feb., 63 Surgeon. Lewis Dyer 26 Aug., 62 Assistant Surgeon, John W, Groesbeck 7 Dec, Chaplain. WUUam H. Camer ,17 Mar., 65 Pirst Lieut. Logan H. Roots, R.. Q. M., July 6, 1864, to Captain aud C. S. Resigned, (24.) Colonel Franklin CampbeU, August 20, 1864, Major Thomas Hightower, October 25, 1864. Captain Marmaduke F. Smith, February 5, 1863. Captam Sarauel Pyle, June 24, 1863. . Captain John W. Felt, July 22, 186.3. Captam George W. Sisney, August 3, 1863. Captaiu John W. Grammer, January 18, 1864. Captain John O. Armstrong, June 30, 1864. Captain Albert P. Crane, April 6, 1865, FirstLieut William A. Stewart, Deceraber 5, 1862. First Lieut. Samuel Payne, January 22, 1863. First Lieut James V. Price, Jannary 28, 1863. First Lieut Logan Wheeler, February 22, 1863. First Lieut WiUiam W. Russell, February 28, 1863. Pirst Lieut Jacob W. Sanders, August 12, 1863. Second Lieut Isaac Rapp, Deceraber 29, 1862. Second Lieut, Josiah Goodwin, January 22, 1863. Second Lieut WiUiam Needham, February 14, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam Syke.«, June 10, 1863. Second Lieut George W. KeUy, July 23, 1863. Second Lieut Charles J. Mlnnich, June 11, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Sarauel HamUton, December 18, 1862. Assistant Surgeon Isaac M, Neely, June 19, 1863. Chaplain WUliam S. Post May 27, 1864. Discliarged, (7.) Captain Edmund Newsome, May 15, 1865. Captain David G. Young, May IS, 1865. First Lieut. Edwin A. Green, May 12, 1865. Pirst Lieut Jacob B. King, May 15, 1865. First Lieut James J. Fitzgerrell, Adj't, May 15, 1865. First Lieut Samuel Brunn, May 25, 1865, Second Lieut. Leonard G. Porter, May 15, 1865. Died, (11.) Colonel James J. DoUins, killed in action at Vicksburg, MiSs., May 22, 1863. Captain (3omelius S. Ward, June IS, 1863, of woundsreceived in action at Vicksburg, Sliss. First Lieut Henry Hanson, March 18, 1863, at Lake Provi dence, La. Pirst Lieut. William L. Parmer, killed in action at Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863. First Lieut Zehedee Hammack, Adj't, May 29, 1863, of wounds received in actiou at Vicksburg, Miss. FirstLieut Henry Miars, July 9, 1863, of wounds received in action at Vicksburg, Miss. FirstLieut. Jerome Bishop, kiUed at Fort De Russey, La., March 16, 1864. Second Lieut Thomas B. McClure, October 24, 1862, at Hum boldt, Tenn. ¦ || Second Lieut Hugh Warnock, killed in action at Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863. Second Lieut Abraham L. Lippincott, Noveraber 3, 1863, of wounds received in action at Vicksburg, Miss. Assistant Surgeon Abel CarapbeU, March 28, 1864, of disease. NOTE. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster ont ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 341 EIGHTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, 111., from September 26 to October 23, 1862, to serve three years. It was musteredoutof service June 9, 1865, in accordance with orders from tbe War Departmeut.) rov,, 63 Richard Eealf, Adft 27 Feb., 64 Albion G. Burnap 28 Apr., Isaac Frazer 28 Apr., William Jones 1 Oct., Henry C. Griffin 30 Oct., Roberto. Crawford 5 Feb., 65 Isaac T. Reeves . . . ". 5 Feb. , Nathan P. Jacltson 14 p^eb., John H. Calef 18 Feb., Seoond Lieutenants. Surgeon. WilliamP, Peirce 16 Feb,, 63 Assistant Surgeon. Frederick E.,p:opp 24 Feb. , 65 Chaplain. Joseph C. Thoraas 17 Sept., 62 Casualtiks Promoted,' {2.) Captain John A, Bross, AprU 6, 1864. to Lieut. Colonel 29th U. S. C. T. Firit Lieut, William Lawrence, August 26, 1864, to Captain 1st regiment U. S, V, V. engineers. Resigned, (22.) Lieut. Colonel Alexander ,S, Cbadbourne, October 14, 1863. Captam Webster A. Whiting, September 12, 1863. Captain Gurdon S. Hubbard, jr., December 29, 1863. Captain George A. Sheridan, October 28, 1864. First Lieut. Jam'es A. S. Hanford, January 28, 1863. First Lieut. Frederick C. Goodwin, February 21, 1863. First Lieut. Homer C. McDonald, September 1, 1863. FirstLieut. Nathaniel S. Bouton, R. Q.. M., October 6, 1863. First Lieut. George Chandler, October 13, 1863. First Lieut. Orson C. Miller, November 28, 1863. First Lieut. Charles P. Boal, January 3, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Sylvester Titsworth, March 23, 1864. First Lieut. James Rhines, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. George W. Kent, November 22, 1864. Second Lieut. Daniel B. Rice, December 1, 1862. Second Lieut. Lorenzo Brown, January 22, 1863. Secoud Lieut. James Walts, February 6, 1863. Second Lieut. Gilbert P. Bigelow, February 12, 1863. Second Lieut. Lev.ia B. Cole. May 4, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Frank N. Burdick, November 26, 186;i, Assistant .Surgeon A. C. Rankin, March 25, 1863. Assistant Surgeou Thomas W. Forshee, Jannary 28, 1865. Discharged, (3.) tCaptain Alexander C. McClurg, June 28, 1864. Captain Joel J. Spalding, September 28, 1864. First Lieut. James Winshlp, May 15, 1865. Died, (9.) Lieut. Colonel George W. Chandler, killed in action at Kene saw Mountain, Ga,, June 27, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas P. W. Gullich, kiUed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. First Lieut. Joshua S. Ballard, Adft, AprU 9, 1863, of disease, at Murfreesboro', Tenn. First Lieut. Charles H. Lane, killed in actiou at Mission Ridge, Tenn,, November 25, 1863. First Lieut. John P. D. Gibson, accidentally kUled at Loudon, Tenn., April 17, 1864. First Lieut. Noah W. Rae, June 2, 1864, of wounda received at AdairsviUe, Tenn. Secoud Lieut. Henry G. Meacham, AprU 1, 1863, ot disease, at Murfreesboro', Teun. Second Lieut. Henry L. Bingham, killed In action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. Surgeon George Coatsworth, January 9, 1863, of disease, at Murfreesboro', Teun. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. Jesse Ball, Ja'inary 17, 1863. =* Discharged November 17, 1865, t Appointed Captain and A. A. G. Or^e/aMtoe'october m'Tsm"""'*' "''' ^'"""^ "^ '^'" '"'°'''^" '*'""''" *''°''' a™™-":"! i" G<">«™' Note 2.— The roater ot ofBcers is given as it stood on tho day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTEY. 351 EIGHTY-NINTH REGIMENT. (Thia regimeut was organized at Chi cago, IU., from August 25 to Octo ber 13, 1862, to serve three years. The members whose terms of ser vice would have expired previous to October 1. 1865, were mustered out June 10, 1865, in accordance with orders from tbe Wm* Depart ment, and the remaining members transferred to the 59th regiment Illinois infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiinent bore au honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. Charles T. Hotchkiss 34 Feb , 63 Lieutenant Colonel. William D. Williams 10 Dec, 63 Major. Captains. John M. Farquhar 24 Feb. , 63 George F. Robinson , 1 Jan., 64 John W. Warren 1 Jan., WiUiam A. Sampson 1 Jan., William H. HoweU 19 Apr., James M. Rigney 28 June, Edwin P. Walker 26 Oct., James F. Copp 1 Dec, .John A. Beeman 1 Dec, WiUiam H. Phelps 20 Dec, First Lieutenants. Jamea A. Jackson 1 Jan., 64 Robert Miller 1 Jan., G. W. Deering, R. Q. M. 8 Jan., Jeremiah M. Grosh, Adj't.19 Apr., WilUam H. Kinney 27 Oct., Bryan O'Connor 1 Nov., Alexander Beecher 1 Nov., Charles J. Arenscbield .. 1 Dec, Aaron M. Boomer 1 Dec, Charles M. Caruahau 19 Dec, Second Lieutenants. Oscar C. Pease IJan., 64 Horace G. Greenfield 29 Mar., Hardin C. Wood 29 Mar., John VV. Swickard 19 Apr., Surgeon. Heman B. Tuttle 6 May, 63 Assistant Surgeon. Pembroke R. Thombs...l9 Juue, 63 Chaplain. Casualtiks. Resigned, (14.) Miijor Bruce H. Kidder, March 14, 1865. Captain Edward A. Smith, December 2. 1862. Captaiu Laertia F. Dimick, September 21, 1861. Captain Franklin M. Hobbs, September 30, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Jobn B. Watkins, January 28, 1863. First Liout. Henry W. Smith, February 12, 1863. ' First Liout. Isaac Copley, May 8, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Frederick L. Fake, R. Q. M., October 6, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam D. Clark, December 14, 1862. Second Lieut. Jacob N. Hopper, January 26, 1863. Second Lieut. JohnR. Dawsy, March 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Andrew G. Miller, June 6, 1865. Surgeon Samuel P. Hance, March 20, 186.3. Chaplain Travis 0. Spencer, December 28, 1863. Discharged, (7.) Colonel John Christopher, E. a., January 7, 1863. •Captain Ebenezer T. Wells, April 19, 1864. Captaiu Samuel C. Comstock, October 13, 1864. First Lieut. Samuel A. EUis, August 11, 1863. First Lieut. Edward F. Bishop, Adj't, December 28, 1863. First Lieut. Horace W. Adama, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Jesse Hale, September 23, 1864. Died, (13.) Lieut. Colonel Duncan J. HaU, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Teun., September 20, 1863. Captaui Henry S. WUlett, killed in action at Stone River, Teun., December 31, 1862. Captain Herbert M. Blake, kiUed in action at Liberty Gap, Tenn., June 25, 1863. Captain WUUam H. Rice, kUled in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Captain Thomas Whiting, killed in action at Chickamauga, Tenu., September 19, 1863. Captain John W. Spink, kiUod in action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Captain Henry L. Rowell, December 3, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Mission Ridge, Teun. First Lieut. Nathan Street, August 6, 1864, of wounda re ceived in action at Nashville, Tenn. First Lieut. Peter G. Tait, killed in action at NashvUle, Tenu.. December 16, 1864. Second Lieut. Amory P. Ellis, October 4, 1863, of wounds re ceived in action at Chickamauga, Tenu. Second Lieut. Erastus 0. Young, kUled in action at Mission Ridge, Tenu., November 25, 1863. Second Lieut. WUliam Harkness, kUled in actiou at Kenosa'w Mountain, Ga., June 21, 1864. Chaplain James H. Dill, Jauuary 14, 1863, ot disease. Cashiered, (1.) • Second Lieut. George W. White, June 18, 1863. * Appoiuted Captain and A. A. G. Note. — The- roster of offio«rs is given as it stood on the day ot mnster out. 352 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. NINETIETH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Chicago, 111,, from August 1 to Oc tober 31, 1862, to serve threeyears. The members whose terms of ser vice would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 6, 1 865. in accordance with orders from the War Department, and the remaining members trans ferred to the 48th regiment Illinois infantry.) The following is the only official list of battlea in which thia regiment bore an honorable part yet pub Ushed in orders : ' COLD watek. EUKG," "SIEGE OF VICKS- 'JACKSO.N." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Owen .Stuart 27 Sept., 63 Major. Captains. Michael W. Murphy 22 Aug., 62 Daniel O'Connor 29 Aug., JohnMurphy 6 Sept., Patrick Feeney 27 Sept., 63 David G.Duffy 19 Oct., . Daniel Corcoran 37 Feb., 64 Thomas Murray 13 Sept., Jamea Dunne 29 Mar.. 65 John McAssey 8 Apr.. Michael M. Clark 25 Apr., First Lieutenants. Thomas Gray 22 Aug., 62 John W. KeUy 29 Aug., Redmond Sherridan, R. Q.Jkf 23 Sept., Edwin S. Davis, Adft ..23 Sept., Patrick Campion 19 Oct., 63 Lawrence S. McCarthy. .19 Oct., Andrew Phinney 27 Feb., 64 WiUiam VSTiite 26 Mar., Jamea Caaey 29 Mar., 65 Jeremiah F. Riordan 25 Apr., Timothy Mabony 25 Apr., WUUam Brice 20 May, Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Charles A. Thompson. .. 9 Sept., 64 Assistant .Surgeon. JohnH. Scott 10 Aug., 64 Chaplain, Casualties, Resigned, (11.) Lieut. Colonel Smith McClevay, March 6, 1863. Captain Richard C. Kelly, February 1, 1863. Captain Patrick O'Marah, Juue 15, 1864. Captaiu Patrick S. Keel, November 16, 1864. Firat Lieut. Jobn C. Harrington, September 8, 1864. Second Lieut. Peter O'Brine, March 17. 1863. Second Lieut. Chiirles BeUngall, AprU 7, 1863. Surgeon Henry Strong, July 3, 1864. Aasiatant Surgeon James B. Davison, March 1, 1863. Assiataut Surgeon Darwin Hinkley, February 15, 1864. Chaplain Thomas F. Kelly, July 23, 1863. Discharged, (6.) Major Patrick Plynn, May 15, 1865. \ Captain WUliam Cunningham, July 11, 1864. First Lieut. Joseph Teahon, February 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Jobn J. O'Leary, February 1, 1863. Second Lieut. George W. McDonald, March 6, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas Larkin, April 11, 1864. Died, (3.) Colonel Timothy O'Meara, November 27, 1863, of wounds received in action. Pirst Lieut. James Conway. kiUed in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. Aasistant Surgeon Albert M. Honnold, November 27, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn. Dismissed, (4.) Captain Matthew Leonard, March 26, 1863. Captain Thomas K. Barrett, Juue 10, 1863. Captain Peter Casey, January 11, 1864. Pirst Lient. Andrew Liddle, April 28, 1863. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 353. NINETY-FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Gamp Butler, near Springfield, IlUnois, Septeraber 8, 1862, to serve three years. The members whose tonnsof service wouldhave expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out July 12, 1865, in ac cordance with orders from the War Department, and the remaining members transferred to the 28th regiment IlUnois infantry.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Henry M. Day 8 Sept., 63 (Srevet Brig.- Gen. 26 March, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. George A.Day 22 Dec, 64 Major. Captaiois. Joseph A. James SSept, 62 Robert Dennis 10 Mar., 63 D, Caswell Hanna 30 Apr. , 64 Frank. H. Jordan 30 Apr. , WiUiam W. Shepherd. - .30 Apr,, Augustus P, Stover 20 May, John Parks 17 Jnly, JosephA. WeUs 13 Dec, Ebenezer J. Pearce -....16 Mar., 65 First Lieutenants. Eugene M. Wiswell, R. Q. M :. 8Sept, 62 WiUiam Grant, Adft. 6 Oct., Andrew Graham 28 Feb. , 63 J^mes McBrain .'. .29 Mar., 64 JohnH, -Rice IMay, ¦i^homas J. Tanquary... IMay, James Pai-ker 2 May, James W. Waller 17 July, Henry Fey 16 Aug,, Massy Cox 25 Jan., 65 John W. Goodell 16 Mar., Samuel Martin 16 Mar., Secooid Lieuteoiant. Alvah W.Paul 14 Mar., 63 Surgeooi'. David Le Eoy 6 Sept, 62 Assistant Surgeon. James N, MUler 28 Dec, 64 Chaplaioi. Alvah Day 21 Sept., -64 Casualtiks, Rcs-igned, (34.) Lieut Colonel Harry S. Smith, October 20, 1864.. Captain James D. lioodhouse, October "25, 186S. Captaiu Thomas p. Hanna, December 20, 1862„ Captaiu Slocum H. Culver, March' 10, 1863. Captain Isaac SkUlman, March 10, 1863, Captain John McKinney, jr,, August 38, 1863. Captaiu Elmua Ryan, September 10, 1863. Captain Edwin Brown, November 4, 1863, Captain Tliomas J, Baldwin, February 5, 1864. Captain Benjamin Newman, May 19, 1864. Captain John H. Wilson, Januaiw 29, 1865. Fh-st Lieut John M. Hai-rah, February 26, 1863. First Lieut Alfred H. Grase,^July 20, 1863. First Lieut. Theodore P. Hackney, August 11, 1863. , First Lieut John F. CoUins, September 12, 1863. . First Lieut James Coates, October 23, 1863, First Lieut. John Quincy Adams Rider, November 4, 1863. Pirst Lieut Isaac N, Oak.i, November 12, 1863. Pivst Lieut James T. Reubart, December 15, 1863.' First Lieut. John Holmes, August 23, 1864. FirstLieut John S. Judd, January 19, 1865. Secoud Lieut John D, Wait, March 7, 1863. Second Lieut. Matthew Shaw, March 14, 1863. Second Lieut. Jonathan P. Long, March 14, 1863. Secoud Lieut Alexander S. Denton, May 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Daniel W. Vanantwerp, August 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Nathan B. Huff, September 10, 1863. Second Lieut John Jones, September 16, 1863. SecondLieut Thomas M. Wallace, September 19, 1863. SecQud Lieut. John W. Kidd, December 1, 1863. Second Lieut. James L. SmUey, January 9, 1864. Assistaut Surgeon Edgar L. PhUipa, September 14, 1863. Assistant Surgeon WUUam T. Day, April 17, 1864. Cbaplain John C. Sargeut, May 19, 1864. Dischar£ d, (2.) Lieut. Colonel Harry S. Smith, December 30, 1863. (Recom missioned Liout. Colonel June 15. 1864.) Captain Valentine Hoffman, May 15, 1865. Died; (1.) First Lieut. Philip Seelbach, AprU 20, 1863, at Joliet, lUlndla. Dismissed, (3.) Captain Jordan Lakin, March 1, 1863. Captain WiUiam R. Pack, June 2, 1863. Captain Edwin J, Fosha, February 29, 1864. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on thi'^ register except those announced in General Orders beforp October 14, 1865. Note 2, — The roster of ofiicers is given as it stood on the day of muster out, S3 354 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. NINETY-SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Rockford, 111., Sepfeinber 4, 18^2, to serve three year.s. The mem bers whose terms of aervice would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were muatered out Juue 21, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department, and the remaining members transfer red to the 65th regiment Illinois infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partisnot yet publishedin orders.) Colonel. Smith D. Atkins 4 Sept, 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 12 Jan., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. "Mathew Van Buskirk.. -24 Feb., 65 Major. Albert Woodcock 28 June, 64 (Breoet Lieut. Col. 18 June, 1865.) Captains. Lyman Preston 4 Sept, 62 JohnM. Sehermerhorn.. 4 Sept., Egbert T. E. Becker 4 Sept, *JohnF. Nelson 23 Mar., 63 * Harvey M. Timms 23 Mar., Horace J. Smith 23 Mar., Robert M. A, Hawk 23 Mar,, Joseph L, Spear IMar,, 65 Horace C, ScovUl 12 May, First Lieutenants. George R, Skinner 4 Sept, , 62 *NormanLewi3 23Mar., 63 (Brevet Copfain 13 March, 1865,) Chas.C. Freeguard,.4d;''i.23 Mar., Henry C. CooUng 6 May, PhUip Sweeley, R. Q. M.24 Aug., 64 John F. Nettleton INov,, Peleg R. Walker 12 May, 65 Harvey G, Fowler 25 May, Second Lieutenants. Xtscar P, Sammis 4 Sept, 62 WUUam B, Mayer 9 Feb., 63 WiUiam H. Frost 23 Mar., George P. Sutton 23 Mar., WUUam McCammans - -.23 Mar., Joshua S. McRea 23 Apr,, Crawford B. Bowles 1 Nov., 64 * Jamea D. White 12 May, 65 Robert J. Hine 25 May, Surgeon. Clinton Helm 4 Sept, 62 Assistant Surgeon. Nathan Stephenson 11 Oct., 62 Chaplain. Barton H. Cartwright. . . 5 May, 63 Casdalties. Promoted, (2.) Pirdt Lieut. Alexander M. York, April 5, 1864, to Captam 15th U. S. C. T. First Lieut. George W. MarshaU, R. Q. M., August 23, 1864, to Captaia and A. Q. M. Resigoied, (14.) Lieut Colonel Benjamin P. Sheets, AprU 21, 1864. Major John H. Bohn, AprU 21, 1864. Captain WUUam J. Bollinger, December 25, 1862. Captain WUber W, Dennis, January 23, 1863. Captain James Brice, February 22, 1863. , First Lieut WiUiam H. Crowell, February 17, 1863. First Lieut Isar C. Lawver, Adj't, October 1, 1864. Second Lieut. Edward C. Mason, November 24, 1862. Second Lieut William C. Dove, December 24, 1862. Second Lieut, Ephraim F. Bander, January 23, 1863. Second Lieut. Samuel L, Bailey, May 19, 1864, Second Lieut Jeremiah Vorhia, April 9, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Thomas Winston, July 24, 1864. Chaplain Oren D. W. White, March 23, 1863. Discharged, (5.) Captaiu Christopher T. Dunham, May 15, 1865. First Lieut, John GishwUler, February 14, 1863. First Lieut WUUam Cox, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut Justin N. Parker, February 5, 1863. Second Lieut Miles B. Light, Septemljer 20, 1884. Died, (3.) Captain WUUam Stauffer, January 21, 1863, of disease, at Danville, Ky. Pirst Lieut David B. Colehour, March 17, 1863, of disease, at NashviUe, Tenn, First Lieut. James Dawson, September 21, 1864, of wounds received in action at Jonesboro', Ga. Dismissed, (1.) Pirst Lieut Alfred G. Dunham, August 11, 1864. * Transferred to the 65th regiment nUnois infantry. Note 1.— No brevet appoiutments are entered on this register except those announced m General" Orders before October 14, 1865. ¦ ' Note 2.— The roster of officers Is given as it stood on the day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 355 NINETY-THIRD REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Chicago, Illinois, October 13, 1862, to serve throe years. Tbe mem bers whose terms of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out Juue 2 and 12, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which thia regimeut bore au honorable part is not yet published iu orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Nicholas C. BusweU ..-.13 Oct., 62 Major. James M. Fisher 13 Oct., 62 Captains, Orriu Wilkinson 13 Oct., 62 ¦ WUUam J. Brown 13 Oct. , Clark Gray 2 Sept., 63 Jacob S. Kinnan 3 Apr. , 64 James W.Lee 4 Apr., WiUiam M. Herrold 29 Apr. , Sam'l M.Danghenbaugb. 1 Sept., G-eorge S. Kleckner 28 Apr., 65 Enfus H. Ford : . .28 Apr., WUliam M. Morris 10 May, First Lieutenants. SamuelDorr, B.Q.Af ...ISOct., 62 Harrison J. Davis 2 Sept. , 63 WUliam C. Kinney 16 Mar., 64 H. M. Trimble, Adft 13 Apr., Thompson M. WyUe 11 July, Allen Ogan 1 Sept., George L. Piersol 1 Sept., Henry H. Eddy 31 Mar., 65 Cyrua' H. Abbott 28 Apr. , Samuel F. McDonald . . .10 May, William L. Qarwool 19 May, Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Charles A. Griswold 27 Mar, , 63 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Charles M. Bamea 5Dec., 64 Casualties. ¦ Resigned, (18.) Captaiu EUis Fisher, January 1, 1863. Captain Lewis S. Asbbaugh, July 26, 1863. Captain John W. Hopkins, February 29, 1864. Captain Joseph P. Reel, July 20, 1864. Captain Charles P. Taggart, January 10, 1865. ¦ First Lieut. David W. Sparks, Adj't, November 15, 1862. First Lieut. George W. Hartsough, January 24, 1863. First Lieut. David Deselms, January 24, 1863. Firat Lieut. John Dyer, March 20, 1863. First Lieut. Elijah Sapp, AprU 23, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Leroy S. Hopkins, July 31, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Lyman J. WUkinson, September 3, 1863. First Lieut. Alpheus P. Goddard. February 9, 1864. First Lieut. Henry G. Hicks, Adft, February 26, 1864. First Lieut. Edward S. Johnson, R. Q. Af., August 29, 1864. - Surgeou Joseph Huyett, July 29, 1863. Surgeon Samuel A. Hopkins, December 21, 1864. Chaplain Thomas H. Hagerty, January 24, 1863. Discharged, (8.) Captain Mills C. Clark, February 10, 1864. Captaiu William A. Payne, April 5, 1864. Captain John A. RusseU, January 10, 1865. First-Lieut. Jeremiah J. Piersol, January 5, 1864. Firat Lieut. WUliam Youngaon, January 11, 1864. First Lieut. Milton Cross, November 3, 1864. Second Lieut. Gad C. Lowrey, December 30, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas J. Lockwood, January 11, 1864. Died, (3.) Colonel Holden Putnam, killed in action at Missiou Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. Captain Alfred F. Knight, April 29, 1863, of disease, at MilUken'a Bend, La. Captain David Lloyde, killed in action at Champion HUla, Miss., May 16, 1863. Note. — The roster ot officers is given a'a it stood on the daya of muster out. 356 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. NINETY-FOURTH REGIMENT. » (This regiment was organized at Bloomington, IU., August20, 1862, to serve three years. The mem bers whose terms of service would have expired previous to October 1 , 1866, were mustered out July 17, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department, and the remaining members transferred to tbe 33d regiment Illinois inf 'y.) (The official liat of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. John McNulta 21 Juue, 63 Lieutenant Colonel. Rankin G. Laughlin 21 June, 63 (Brevet Colonel 26 M.arch, 1865.) Major. Captains, James C. McFarland 20 Aug., 62 Timothy Owen 3 May, 63 Joseph Denison 3 May, George B. O'Keson 3 May, Peter Vanatta 29 May, Joseph B. Hopkins 9 Dec, George Hayes 17Feb., 64 David Moore 23 Feb., Samuel P. HoweU 1 May, Peter J. Rouie 29 Sept. , First Lieutenants. Martin L. Moore, R. ^.M.IS Aug., 62 Lewis N. Woodcock 29 May, 63 AlbertL.Heywood,.4(ij'(,23 Sept., William M. Grier 16 Nov., James Butler 16 Nov., Innia McKenzie 9 Dec, Timothy J. Freeman 15 Dec, WiUiam S. Harrison 18 Feb., 64 James E. PhUlips 24 June, Henry Honschiedt 21 Aug., Wilaon O. Stahl 29 Sept., William Calhoun 28 Jan., 65 Second Lieutenants. Jehiel G. Housman 1 Jan, , 64 John P. W. Bson 14 July, Surgeon. Joseph C.Ross 19 Nov,. 62 Assistant Surgeons. Archibald B. Stewart . . .20 Aug., 62 Lewis H, Skaggs 19 May, 63 Chaplain. Franklin B. Wolf 28 Jan., 65 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Colouel WUliam W. Orme, November 29, 1862, to Brigadier General. . Captain James M. Burch, October 6, 1863, to Lieut. Colonel 16th U. S. C. T. First Lieut. Hudson Burr, Adj't, November 29, 1862, to Cap-* Cain and A. A. G. Resigned, (19.) Captain George W. Brown, December 1, 1862. Captaiu Aaron Buckles, January 28, 1863. Captam Aaron W. Walden, March 4, 1863. Captain John Franklin, April 2, 1863. Captain WUUam H. Mann, February 17, 1864. First Lieut. WiUiam H. Wright, AprU 6, 1863. First Lieut. Oaborn Barnard, June 29, 1863. First Lieut. Patrick Gorman, Auguat 23, 1863. First Lieut. Guy A. Carlton, August 28, 1863. Pirst Lieut. WUliam Van Gundy, September 2, 1863. First Lieut. WiUiam B. Lawrence, March 11, 1864. First Lieut, John W. Beaty, December 2, 1864. Second Lieut. M. E. Ferguson, Februaiy 14, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam J. Bowlby, March 9, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam W. Elder, June 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Joseph R. Cravens, March 2, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Selden M. Payne, December 4, 1862. Chaplain Robert B. Guthrie, June 29, 1863. Chaplain Ichabod T. MiUer, September 2, 1864. Discharged, (2.) Major Alexander T. Briscoe, December 9, 1864. ¦^Captain John L. Koutt, August 18, 1863. Died, (4.) Captaiu Joseph P. Orme, Jauuary 1, 1863, of woundsreceived » by the accidental discharge of a musket. Captain Charles E. Orme, January 23, 1864. * Pirst Lieut. James A. Elder, August 31, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Robert M. P. Wilson, accidentally drovraed April 16, 1865. Dismissed, (3,) Captain Algernon S. Lawrence, May 28, 1864. First Lieut, Lyman S. Johnson. December 8, 1862. First Lieut. Heury C. Steere, May 28, 1864. -, •* Appointed Captain and A. Q. M. NOTE 1.— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Ordera before October 14, 1865. • \ NOTE 2— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 357 NINETY-FIFTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was org^anized at Rockford, IlUnois, September 4, 1862, to serve three years. The members whose terms of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out August 17, 1865, in accordance with ¦ ordera ftom the War Departraent, and the remaining members trans ferred to tho 47th regiment lUiuois infantry.) • Captain Orvill L, Kelly, killed by raUroad accident at Bridge port, 111., September 8, 1862. Pirst Lieut, Lindsey D. Law, Jauuary 13, 1863, of disease. First Lieut William Tarrant, January 96, 1863, of disease, at Murfreesboro', .Tenn. First Lieut Silas Jones, April 19, 1863, at Murfreesboro', Tenn. Second Lieut. George W. Boggesa, March 3, 1864, at Charles ton, Tenu, • Disonissed, (1.) Assistant Surgeon, Samuel W. Vertrees, May 24, 18S3. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 9, — The roater of, officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 362. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. NINETY-NINTH REGIMENT. (battalion OF.) (This regiment was organized at Florence, Illinois, August 23, 1862, to serve three years. It was con- sqlidated into a battalion of five ccftnpanles November 25, 1864, and retained in service until July 31, 1865, when it was mustered out iu accordance with orders from the War Department,) ¦(The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable' part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. ¦Lieutenant Colonel. Asa C. Matthews 5 Aug., 64 Major. Captains, JohnF. Richards 23 Aug., 62 James W, Fee 1 Feb., 63 MelvUle D. Massle 1 July, Isaac G, Hodgen 29 July, Johu A. Ballard 22 Jan., 64 First Lieutenants. Jamea K, Smith 23 Aug., 62 WilUam B. Claudy 17 May, 63 Henry B. Atkinson 24 May, Jacob E. Stauffer 1 July, Joseph tR, Furry, Adft. .15 Jan,, 64 James F. Greathouse, R.Q,M Uuly, N, Henry Kinne 2 Nov, , Second Lieutenants, John Bowsman 17 May, 63 Joseph DugdeU 15 Feb,, 65 WilUam L. Carter 15 Feb., Sylvester Duvall 15 Feb. , Clayton B. Hooper 15 Feb., Surgeon. Edwin May 18 Aug., 64 Assistant Surgeon. John T, Ciutis 15 July, 64 Chaplain. WUUam M, Evans 16 June, 64 Casualties. Resigned, (27.) Lieut. Colonel Lemuel Parke, May 28, 1864. Major Edwin A. Crandall, October 9, 1863. Captain Benjamin L. Matthews, January 1, 1663. Captain Lewis HuU, Juue 2, 1863. Captain George T: Edwards, June 9, 1863. Captain John C. Dinsmore, January 12, 1864. Captain Isaiah Cooper, March 29, 1864. Captain Henry D. HuU, August 8, 1864. FirstLieut. Joseph G. Colvin, January 24, 1863. Pirst Lieut. James H. Crane, January 31, 1863. FirstLieut Marcellus Ross, Adft, Febniary 5, 1863. First Lieut Francis M. Dabney, April 12, 1863. First Lieut. Leonard T. Greaton, AprU 14, 1863. First Lieut James A. EUedge, May 31, 1863. FirstLieut Harvey D. Johnston, Adft, August 2, 1863, First Lieut Benjamm L. Blades, Octoher 14. 1863. First Lieut Lucien W, Shaw, October — , 1863. First Lieut. Augustus Hubbard, January 15, 1864. FirstLieut. Joshua K. Sitton, R. Q. M., February 10, 1864. Second Lieut Jamea F. Stobie, November 25, 1862. Second Lieut WUliam T. MitcheU, January 26, 1863. Second Lieut. Gottfried Wenzel, February 5, 1863. Second Lieut Lewis M. Dutton, August 12, 1863. , Second Lieut Robert E. GlUeland, October 23, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Archibald E. McNeal, July 25, 1863. Asaiatant Surgeon Abner F. Spencer, Auguat 23, 1863. Chaplain Oliver W. TopUffe, June 2, 1803. Discharged, (10.) Colonel George W. K. Bailey, December 16, 1864. Captaiu John G. Sever, October 14, 1864. Captain Allen D. Richards, December 16, 1864. Captain Daniel McDonald, Deceraber 16 1864. Captain Joseph G, Johnson, December 16, 1864. First Lieut. Harvey Thomberry, December 16, 1864. First Lieut Robert H. Griffin, December 16, 1864. ' Pirst Lieut, Daniel Riley, December 16, 1864. Pirst Lieut, George S. Marks, December 16, 3864, *Surgeon Joseph H. Ledlie, June 21, 1864. Died, (5.) Captain EU R. Smith, May 25, 1863, of wounds received in action near Vicksburg, Miss. Pirst Lieut William Gray, May 30, 18^B3, of wounds received in action at Vicksburg, Misa. First Lieut WUUam B. Sitton, July 10, 1864. Second Lieut Thomas A. Hubbard, February 10, 1863, of wounda received in action at Hartsville, Mo. Second Lieut Thomas J. Kinman, killed in action at Vicks-' burg. Miss,, May 22, 1863. * Appointed Assistant Surgeon U. S. vols. Note.— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 363 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at JoUet, IU., August 30, 1862, to serve three years. The members whose . terms of service would have ex pired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 12, 1865, in accordance with orders frora the War Department, and the remain ing members transfei'red to the 51 st regiment lUinois iufantry.) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieuteoiaoit Colonel. Charles M. Hammond... 4 Sept, 64 Major. Samuel G. Nelson 20 Apr., 65 Captains. WilUam A. Munger 30 Aug. , 62 John A. KeUey 3 Feb., 64 Anson Patterson — 1 Apr., George M. Lynd 27 June, Malcolm N, M. Stewart. .27 Sept., Simon D, B. Lines 4 Oct, Nathan D. lugraham 1 Nov., Strong B. Moody 5 Feb., 65 Frederic W. Mathews- -. 5 Feb., . First Lieutenaoits. Thomas J. WUson, R. Q. M 30 Aug., 62 OiimielKome, Adft 3 Feb., 64 Augustus Hirach 27 June, ¦ Elisha Gano 29 Sept., Felix Keeley .- 4 Oct, Alfred Hopkins 1 Nov., John Dodge 13 Nov,, Henry J, Ewen 1 Jan,, 65 Henry Smith 5Feb., UziahMack 5 Feb,, Charles H. RusseU 2 Apr., Second Lieutenants. Surgeooi,. Henry T, Woodruff 2 June, 64 • Assistant Surgeon. George E, Harvey 22 Nov., 64 Chaplain. Casualties, Resigned, (25.) Lieut. Colouel Arba N. Watei-man, July 20, 1864. Captain Albert Amsden, December 19, 1862. Captain Charles H. Bacon, January 13, 1863. Captain George Bez, October 4, 1863. Captain James G. Elwood, October 14, 1863. ( Captain Harlow B. Godard, November 21, 1863, Captain David Kelley, December 15, 1863, Captahi William W. Bartlett, February 27, 1864. Captain Jonathan S. McDonald, May 2, 1864. Captain Richard S. McCIaughrey, Jul/ll, 1864. Captain Hezekiah Gardher, August 18, 1864. Captain Ethan A. Howard, November 6, 1864. First Lieut John H. McOonneU, January 25, 1863. First Lieut Augustus A. Osgood, Febmary 16, 1863. First Lieut. Horatio N. Wicks, January 30, 1864. First Lieut Ransom P. Bartlett, September 23,. 1864 First Lieut Julius C. WiUiama, Octoher 29, 1864. Second Lieut Charles Meacham, October 27, 1862. Second Lieut James R, Letts, January 23, 1863. Second Lieut Isaac M. Deline, May 28, 1863. Second Lieut Daniel D. Powles, August 6, 1863. Second Lieut John M. PoweU, October 23, 1863. Surgeon Adolphus W. Hiese, April 21, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Elvis Harwood, January 23, 1863. Chaplain Hooper Crews, August 16, 1863. Discharged, (3.) First Lieut Mtyor B, Searlea, August 16, 1864, Second Lieut Jerry Keniston, May 15, 1865, Second Lieut Samuel Koach, May 25, 1865, Died, (7.) 'Colonel Frederick A. Bartleson, kUled in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 23, 1864. Major Rodney S, Bowen, December 3, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action at FrankUn, Tenn. Captain John A. Burrell, killed in action near DaUaa, Ga,, May 30, 1864. FirstLieut George W.Rouae, Adj't, August 3, 1864, of wounds received in action near Atlanta, (ja. First Lieut George 0. Shoonmaker, killed in action before At lanta, Ga., Auguat 5, 1864. Second Lieut Morris Worthingham, kiUed in action at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Second Lieut Charles P. Mitchell, January 4,- 1863, of wounds received in action at Stone River, Tenn. Note. The roster of officers is given as It stood on the day of muster out 364 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Jacksonville, Illinois, September 2, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 7, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published iu orders.) Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel. JohnB. LeSage 24Feb., 64 (Brevet Colonel 13 Blarch, 1865.) Major. Sylvester L. Moore 30 Mar. , 65 Captains. Myron H. Lamb 2 Mar., 63 James L. Wyatt 1 May, William R. Seymour 17 Aug., Frank HiUigass 29 June, 64 WilUam J. Pattersou 2.5 Aug., Jacob Yaples 15 Oct, John W. Brown 29 Apr., 65 John W. CarroU 29 Apr, , William D. Clarke 29 Apr,, , PhiUp Lee, a. w. m. First Lieutenant.^. George W. Padgitt, Adft. 2 Feb. , 63 John W. Shelton 13 May, Charles S, Gove, R Q. M.22 Juue, WUUam T. LuttreU IJan., 64 WUliam L. English 5 Mar., George A. Taylor 28 June, Theopilus Ayers 8 Aug. , WUUam White 29 Apr. , 65 Granville L. Howe 29 Apr., / Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Henry C. Robbins 19 Dec, 64 Assistant Surgeon. Eliel F. Henderson 19 Apr., 65 Chaplain, James B. Seymour 19 Dec, 64 Casualties. • Resigned, (31.) Colonel Charles H, Fox, May 2, 1864. Lieut Colonel AViUiam J. Wyatt, April 9, 1863. Lieut Colonel Jesse T. Newman, January 3, 1864. • Major Napoleon B. Brown, January 17, 1865. Captain Charles Sample, December 24, 1862. Captain Joab M. Panning, February 27, 1863, Captain George W. Fanning, April 13, 1863. Captaiu Horace E. May, April 28, 1863. Captain Henry C. Coffman, December 28, 1863. Captain Charles A. Catlin, AprU 16, 1864. Captain John A. Lightfoot, April 28, 1864, Captain J. Newton GUlham, July 28, 1864. Captain WiUis E. Meacham, February 2, 1865. Firat Lieut, Harrison O. Cassell, Adj't, February 2, 1863, Pirst Lieut Charles Heinz, April 11 1863, First Lieut. John M. Snyder, R. Q. M., June 22, 1863. First Lieut Liberty Courtney, January 13, 1864. First Lieut. Frederick E. Shafer, January 16, 1864. First Lieut Thomas B. O'Rear, April 3, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas J. Moore, September 20, 1864. SecondLieut David B. Heuderson, February 9, 1863. Second Lient. Thomas M. Guy, July 15, 1863. Second Lieut. Robert C. Bruce, December 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Nelson Morgan, January 13, 1864. Second JLIeut. Richard T. Seaver, January 26, 1864. Second Lieut John C. White, March 21, 1864. Second Lieut. Nimrod B. McPherson, AprU 2, 1864. Surgeon Clark Roberts, April 14, 1864. Surgeon Alonzo L. Kimber, November 6, 1864. j Assistant Surgeon James Miner, January 3, 1863. Chaplain Wingate J. Newman, May 2, 1864. Discharged, (7.) Captain Robert McKee, .January 2, 1863. Captain Lysander B. Polsom, AprU 17, 1865. First Lieut. Thomaa J. Moss, AprU 12, 1863. First Lieut. John Hardin, October 13, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Martin C. CoUier, May 15, 1865. First Lieut Joaeph B. Lewis, May 15, 1865. Snrgeon George S. Sraith, December 18, 1862. Died, (4.) Captam Thomaa B. Wooff, killed ia action near Atlanta, Ga,, July 20, 1864. First Litiut WiUiam S. Wright, Oclober 6, 1862, at FrankUn, HI. First Lieut Ferdinand A. Dimm, killed on skirmish luie near Marietta, Ga., June 27, 1864. First Lieut. Josiah H. Belt, Juue 29, 1864, of wounds received in action near DaUaa, Ga. NOTE I.— No brevet appointments 'are entered on this register except those annouhced in General Orders before October 14, 1565. Note 9. — The' roster of officers is given as it stood ou the day of muster out. ILLINOia INFANTRY. 365 ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND EEGIMBNT. (This regiment waa organized at Springfield and Kuoxville, lUinois, September 2, 1862, to serve tbree years. The members whose terms of aervice would have expired previoua to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 5, 1865, iu ac cordance with orders from the War Department^ and the reraaining members transferred to the 16th regiment Illinois infantry. ) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet published hi orders.) Colonel. Frank C.Smith 28 Feb.. 63 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Hiland H. Clay ]9Dec,, 64 Captains. Isaac McManus 26 Feb., 63 Almond Shaw 6 May, Daniel W. Sedwick 6 May, Hiram EUiott ¦- Uuly, Theodore H. Andrews - - 9 Aug., Edwin H. Conger 12 Oct., (Brevet Majoi- 13 March, 1865.) George W. Wooley 14 Dec., James y. Merritt 19 Dec, 64 OrviUe B. Matteson 27 Mar., 65 First Lieutenants: WUliam H. Bridgeford ..26 Feb., 63 Alfred H. Trego 6 May, Thomas G. Brown 7 May, H. Hamilton, R, Q. M...26 Oct., Daniel W. Sheahan 5 Nov., Roberts. Peebles 14 Dec, Ambrose Stegall 12 Apr. , 64 Irving, L, Clay 27 Mar,, 65 William H. Brown 9 Apr., Joseph E. Harroun 9 Apr., Second Lieutenants, Byron Jordan 6 May, 63 Samuel Tucker 1 July, Casualties. Promoted, (4.) First Lieut. Prancia H. Rbger, R. Q. M., August 16, 1863, to Captam aud A. Q. M. Pirst Lieut. John B. Nixon, December 2, 1863, to Captain 17th U. S.'C. T. First Lieut. Michael L. Courtney, December 21, 1863, to Lieut. Colonel 16th U. S. C. T. Assistant Snrgeon David P. Bigger, May 21, 1865, to Surgeon 9th regiment Illinois infantry. Resigned, (29.)^ Lieut. Colonel James M. Mannou, September 15, 1864. Major Lemuel D. Shinn, October 14, 1863. Major Charles H. Jackson, July 9, 1864. Captain Josepb P. Wycoff, December 27, 1862. Captain Roderick R. Harding, Jauuary "7, 1863. Captain Sanderson II. Rodgers, March 1 , 1863. Captain EUsha C. Atchison, Apnl 8, 1863. Captain Prank Shedd, AprU 9, 1863. Captaiu Horace II. Willsie, April 9, 1863. Captain Thomas Likely, AprU 25, 1863. Captain Kobert W. Callagban, July 12, 1863. Captain George H. King, September 14. 1863. Captain WiUiam A. WUson, October 26, 1864. Firat Lieut. John W. Pitman, Adft, January 7, 1863. First Lieut. Levy F. Gentry, January 27, 1863. Firat Lieut. Orlando J. Sullivan, February 26, 1863. FirstLieut. James C. Beswick, January 14, 1864. Second Lieut. Van Willets, November 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Watson C. Trego, November 18, 1862. Second Lieut. Eathan A. CornwaU, November 24, 1862. Second Lieut, Charles M. Barnett, January 19, 1863. Second Lieut. Luke P. Blackburn, April 22, 1863. Second Lieut. John L. Bonuell, February 4, 1864. Secoud Lieut. Jobn Allison, March 5, 1864. Second Lieut. Samuel E. WUlits, January 21, 186.5. Surgeon David B. Rice, July 12, 1863. Aasistant Surgeon Thomas S. Stanway, August 13, 1864. Chaplain Amos K. Tullis, December 21, 1862. Chaplain Jesse E. Huston, September 16, 1864. Discharged, (3.) Colonel WiUiam McJIurtrie, October 24, 18(42. Captain WiUiam M. Armstrong, May 15, 1863, Pirst Lieut. John Thomas, July 23, 1864. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. Aaron G. Henry, November 28, 1863. Missing, (2.) Pirst Lieut. Jacob H. Snyder, Adft, sipce May 16, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Joseph W. Gaston, since December 31, 1862. 366 ILLINOIS INPANtEf. Surgeon. WUliam HamUton 12 Oct., 63 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. * ComeUns M. Wright 10 Dec. 64 Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on thia register except those announced iu General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTKY. 367 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment waa organized at Peo ria, IU,, October 2, 1862, to serve three yeai-s. It was mustered out of service June 21, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War De partment.) The following Is the only official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part yetpublish ed in ordera : "siege of vicksburg," "jack- son." Colonel. Lieutenant Colooiel George W. Wright 18 Oct., 62 Major. Charies W. WiUs 10 Feb. , 65 Captaiois. WiUiam W. Bishop 18 Oct. , 63 Augustua B. SmUh 27 July, 63 Matthew V.D. Voorhees. 4 July, 64 Andrew Smith .-...26 Mar., 65 Jared P. Voorhees 27 Mar. , Franklin M. Putman 90 May, Francis M, Taylor 9 June, First Lieutenants. WilUam S. Johnson 2 Oct, 62 Charles F. Matteson 2 Oct., Aaron Amaley S7 July, 63 FrankB. Lermond, ^4;7. 6 Aug., 64 Ralph L. Neefus 94 Aug. , Timothy Dewey 6 Nov., John W. Swartz 27 Mar., 65 WilUam M. Standard 30 Mar., HenrM H. Orendorff 20 May, Jacob'L. Thoraas 20 May, Henry S. IngersoU, R. Q. M 9 June, Goram S. Chapin 9 June, Second Lieutenant. John H. Dorrance 2 Oct, 62 Surgeon. Richard Morris 15 Nov., 69 Assistaoit Surgeoois. Sidneys. Buck 9 Oct, 62 James W. Van Brunt ... 2 Oct., Casualties, Resigned, (24.) Colonel Amos C. Bdbcock, October 18, 1862, Lieut, Colonel Paoiey C. Stearns, October 18, 1862. Major Aaias WiUison, January 8, 1865. Captain Phitip'Medley, February 4, 1863. Captain Orramel D, Carpenter, April 7, 1863, Captaiu WlUIam Vandevander, April 10, 1863. Captain James J. Hale, June 3, 1863. Captain Samuel H. Brown, April 1, 1864. Captain Johu S. Wyckoff, AprU 20, 1864. Captain WilUam Boyd, November 11, 1864. Captain Sidney A. Stockdale, March 95, 1865. First Lieut, John S. Gardner, February 5, 1863- Pirst Lieut. Henry L. Nicolet, March 6, 1863. First Lieut Benjamm P. Wyckoff, AprU 7. 1863. First Lieut. Samuel S. Tipton, Adft, June 19, 1863. First Lieut. Isaac McBean, June 29, 1863. First Lieut, William Wilkinson, July 11, 1864, Pirst Lieut WiUiam W. Fox, September 17, 1864^ First Lieut Isaiah C. Worley, January 15, 1865, - First Lieut, WlUIam Mellor, R. Q. M., January 26, 1865. Second Lieut. Samuel D. Woodson, March 26, 1863. Second Lieut. Simon B. Beer, August 10, 1863. Second Lieut. John S. Smith, April 3, 1865. Second Lieut. Charlea H, Suydam, April 10, 1865. Discharged, (1.) Ga^tain^Bernard Kelly, October 13, 1864. Died, (8.) Colonel WUlard A. Dickerman, May 30, 1864, of wounds re - ceived in actiou at Dallas, Ga, Captain James C. King, January 3, 1863, of disease, at Water- ford, Misa. Captaiu WUUam Walsh, killed in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 25, 1863. ^ * Captain George J. WUkinson, September 22, 1864, at Mari etta, Ga, , of wounda received in action. First Lieut. James M, Bailey, killed In action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. First Lieut Nathaniel P. Montgomery, killed in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga,, June 27, 1864, Firat Lieut. Lawrence P, Blair, killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 23, 1864. Second Lieut Zebulon Branson, killed in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. . Dismissed, (4.) * Captain Franldin C. Post, AprU 24, 1865. Firat Lieut Alexander E, Wagstaff, Adft, June 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Howard WUUaon, May 14, 1864. Chaplain WiUiam S. Peterson, AprU 17, 1863. Chaplain. Note. — The roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster out. 368 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH REGIMENT. (Tbis regiment was organized at Ot tawa, IU., August 27, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out cf aervice June 6, 1865, in accord ance with orders from tbe WarDe partraent.) (Tbe official list ot battles in which thia regiment bore au honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders, ) Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel. Douglas Hapeman 3 Oct,, 62 (Brevet Colonel 13 March, 1865.) Major. Jobn H. Widmer. . . . - - . .25 Sept., 62 Captains. WilUam Strawn 26 July, 63 Salem White 12 Nov., Willard Proctor 12 Nov. , RansomP. Dewey 24 Aug., 64 Charles K. Brown 24 Aug., WUUam C. Eoss 6 Nov., Moses Osman 6 Nov., First Lieutenant. Edw'dL.Herrick,B.Q.M.23 Aug., 62 Rufus C. Stevens, Adft.. 5 Sept., ThomasClark 15 May, 63 James P. Rood 12 Nov., John M. Wright 12 Nov., Isaac Vaughn 9 Feb., 64 WUMam Winslow 28 Oct., Sidney V. Arnold 9 Apr., 65 WiUiam W. Calkins 1 May, PhUander Talbot 20 May, Second .Lieutenants. Surgeon. Reuben F. Dyer. 11 Nov., 62 , Assistant Surgeons. Chajilain. Casualties. Resigned, (2.5.) Colonel Absalom B. Moore, September 9, 1863. Captain Justus W. Palaier, February 28, 1863. Captaiu Samuel M. Heslet, March 8. 1863. Captain James J. McKernan. June 4, 1863. Captain John H. Misner, July 22, 1863. Captain Malcolm Tewksbury, July 30, 1863. Captain aeorge W. Howe, August 11, 1863. Captaiu Lewis Ludington, Jauuary 16, 1864. Captain Samuel A. Porter, August 25, 1864. Captain James M. Leighton, September 29, 1864. Captain William H. ColUns, November 11, 1864. Captain Orun M. Southwell, December 19, 1864. Captain Charles G. Butterweck, May 13, 1.865. First Lieut. Robert V. Simpson, AprU 4, 1863. First Lieut. Otis S. Favor, July 23, 1864. Pirst Lieut. John C. Linsly, August 5, 1864. Second Lient. James Sueadaker, December 31, 1862. Second Lieut. Cbarles B. Webber, February 9, 1863. Second Lieut. John N. Wood, Pebrnary 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Samuel J. Haney, March 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Alphonzo Prescott, September 2, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Zenas E. Jones, January 9, 1864. Second Lieut. Frank M. Sapp, September 23; 1864.- Assistant Surgeon JuUus A. Freeman, July 13, 1863. Chaplain W. C. F. Hempstead, September 1, 1863. Discharged, (1.) Captaiu John Wadleigh, July 30, 1S63, / Died, (8.) Captain Jobn S. H. Doty, kUled in action at Peach-Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Captain David 0. Rynearson, kiUed in action at Peach-Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. , Captain Josepb P. Fitzsimmons, kUled iu action before At lanta, Ga., August "7, 1864. First Lient. Moses M. Eaudolph, December 9. 1862, ot wounds received in action at HartsviUe, Tenn. First Lieut. MUton Strawn, December 23, 1862, of wounds re ceived iu action at HartsviUe, Tenu. First Lient. WUliam E. Brush, AprU 13, 1863, at Chicago, HI. First Lieut. Orrin .S. Davison, December 5, 1863, ot wounda received in action at Mission Ridge, Tenn. Assistant Surgeon Thomas B. Hamilton, March 17, 1865, at NashvUle, Tenn. NOTE 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day ot muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTEY. 369 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGIMENT. ' (Thia regiment was organized at Dix on, IU., Septeinber 2, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service June 7, 1865, in accord ance with orders frora the War Department.) (The official list of baltles jn which this regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Daniel Dnstiu 2 Sept., 62 (Brevix Brig. Gen. 16 March, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Everell P. Dutton 31 July, 64 (Brevet Colonel IS March, 1865.) Major. Henry D.Brown 31 July, 64 Captains. Seth F. Daniels 2 Sept., 62 James S. Forsyth 30 Dec. , Charlea G. Culver 3 Aug., 63 Almon F. Parke 12 Dec, George B. Heath 2 Nov., 64 Lucius B. Church 1 June, 65 First Lieutenants. Timothy Wells, R. Q. M. 2 Sept., 62 DavidD.Chandler,,.4rf;'!. 6 Dec, JohnEUie 12 Dec, 63 JohnUnold , 14 Oct., 64 Prank H. Cole 14 Oct., Jonathan D. Marryott ..14 Oct., Henry H. Slater 2 Nov., A. Judaon Graves 8 Nov. , Isaac SiBrnndage 17 Dec, Samuel H. WiUiamson.. 26 Dec, Melvin Smith 30 Mar., 65 Willard Scott, jr 1 June, Second Lieutenants . Surgeon. Alfred Waterman. ..---- 9 July, 64 Assistant Surgeon. George W. Beggs 26 Apr.! 63 Chaplain. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) Pirst Lieut. William H. Jeffers, May 5, 1864, to Maior 16th U. S. C. T. Second Lieut. WiUiam E. Thomas, December 21, 1894, to Captain and A. A. G. Resigned, (23.) Lieut. Colonel Henry P. Vallette, June 18, 1864. Captain Horace Austin, November 26, 1862. ' Captain Enos Jones, December 17, 1862. Captain Eli L. Hunt, December 17, 1862. Captaiu Alexander L. Warner, February 17, 1863. Captain Thomas S. Terry, March 16, 1863. Paptain George W. Field, Jnly 12, 1863. Captaiu Nathan S. Greenwood, December 2, 1863. Captain JohuB. Nash, July 17, 1864. Captain Theodore S. Rogers, September 30, 1864. Captain Amos C. Graves, March 8, 1865. First Lieut. WUUam N. PhilUps, Adj't, December 2, 18S2. First Lieut. Richard R. Woodruff, December 24, 1862. First Lieut. Henry B. Mason, September 8, 1863. First Lient. Samuel Adams, April 15, 1864. First Lieut. Harvy Potter, August 19, 1864. First Lieut. Luther L. Peaslee, September 24, 1864. Second Lieut. Robert D. Lord, Deceraber 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Porter Warner, AprU 17, 1863. Second Lieut. Hiram S. Harringlon, August 2, 1863. Second Lieut. John H. Swift, March 16, 1864. Chaplain Levi P. Crawford, December 24. 1862. Chaplain Daniel Chapman, January 8, 1865. Discharged, (7.) Captain WUliam 0. Locke, August 25, 1864. Captain Martin V. Allen, January 20, 1865. Captain George A. Bender, Marchl8, 1865. First Lieut. Albert 0. Overton, August 13, 1864. Pirst Lieut. John W. Burst, October 19, 1864. FirstLieut. JohnM. Smitb, December 24, 1864. Secoud Lieut. WilUam M. Tirtlot, November 26, 1864. Died, (2.) Second Lieut. Augustus H. Fischer, kUled on picket duty at Atlanta, Ga., August 13, 1864. Surgeon Horace S. Potter, kUled near Acworth, Ga., June 2, 1864. ¦ ¦ Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note. — The roster ot officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 24 370 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Lincoln, Illinois, September 17 and 18, 1863, to serve three years. It was mustered out ¦ ot service July 12, 1865, in accord ance with orders from tbe War De partment. ) (The official list of battles in which thia regimeut bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Charles H. MUler 30 May, 65 Major. ,Captains. David Vanhise 17 .Sept., 62 Jamea Christie 17 Sept., William Beezley 17 Sept., • John Shockey 17 Sept., Horace P. Danforth INov., 63 Abraham P. Eisser 9 Apr., 64 JohnW.Shuff 3 Sept., DavidH. Harts 9 Mar., 65 Christopher T.Robinson. 6 June,- Samuel H. Blane 6 June, First Lieutenants. Culver Staggers 17 ,Sept., 62 James J. Ewing 17 Sept., O. W. Barrett, R. Q. M..15 June, 63 Richard E. Turley 9 Apr., 64 Thomas Pollock 22 Sept., Monroe Shoup 22 Sept., Albert Matthews 25 Dec, Henry C. Worthington.. 30 Dec, Samuel Johnston 22 Mar., 65 Henry Eoach 6 June, Gage S. Gritman 6 June, Second Lieutenants. JohnH. Morris 17 Sept., 62 JohnR. Ash 17 Sept., George A. Beidler 12 Apr., 64 John M. Edwards 22 Mar., 65 Surgeon. P. Harvey EUsworth 1 July, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Thornton K. Hedges 18 Sept., 62 Casualties. Resigned, (15.) Colonel Robert B. Latham, AprU 28, 1864. Lieut. Colonel George H. Campbell, April 10, 1863. Lieut. Colonel Heury Yates, September 8, 1864. Captain P. WUde Harts, July 28, 1863. Captain George W. Harmon, June 22, 1864. Captnid Benjamin B. Pegram, December 20, 1864. First Lieut. David Kern, R. Q. Af., March 12, 1863. First Lieut. John J, PhilUps, February 5, 1864. First Lieut. John Everly, May 17, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas E. Pattison, November 7, 1864. . Second Lieut. Horace O. Clark, AprU 25, 1863. Second Lieut. John P. Edas, June 15, 1863. Second Lieut. James P. BeU, July 13, 1863. Surgeon Albert H. Lamphear, AprU 11, 1863. Surgeon Bernard J. Bettelhum, June 9, 1864. . Discharged, (6.) Captain Alonzo E. Currier, June 15, 1863. Captain Isaac L. Bowman, March 4, 1865. Captain John A. Hurt, March 28, 1865. First Lieut. James D. McCann, March 30, 1864. First Lieut. Henry Johnson, April 14, 1864. First Lieut. James W. Berry, July 4, 1864. Died, (7.) Lieut. Colonel Johu M. Hurt, November 1, 1864. Captaiu Benjamiu WilUams, January 1, 1864, of disease, at Bloomington, IU. Captain John K. Ashurat, February 19, 1864, of diaeaae, at Georgetown, Ky. First Lieut. George Collier, June 26, 1863, at Snyder's Bluff, Miss. First Lieut. Henry B. Clarlf, July 4, 1863, ot disease, at Memphis, Tenn. First Lieut. Francis M. Tuttle, July 27, 1863, of disease, at Snyder's Bluff, Misa. Secoud Lieut. WiUiam V. Brown, September 14, 1863, of disease, at Little Rock, Ark. Note. — The roster of offieera ia given as it stood on the day of muster oat. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 371 ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTH KEGIMENT. CThis regiment waa organized at Springfield, lUinois, September 4, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered ont of service June 31, 1865, in accordance with orde'ra from the War Department,) (The official liat of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet pubUshed,in orders.) Colooiel. Lieutenant Colonel. Thogias J. MUholland . - . 1 Apr., 05 Major. JohnW. Wood 1 Apr., 65 Captains. DavidLowry IMar,, '64 Benjamin F. Cresap 24 Mar., Solomon S. WUUams 4 May, Samuel J. Kidd 4 Aug., Edward Giddings 25 Dec, Albert J. Blackford 25 Dec, Israel S. Cope 25 Dec, Edward Nugent 1 Apr,, 65 JohnC. Lowry I Apr,, ThomasKoae 7 May, First Lieutenants. Sll-as H. Hubbell, ^^/(.. 4 Sept, 62 Wm. L.Chambers, R. Q.M 1 Feb., 64 George Hummel 26 Mar. , Benjamin Brittingham . . 4 May, Andrew J. WUliams 1 Sept , 'Charles K, Zorger 26 Dec, Madison K. Stansbury . .26 Dec, Joseph Marsh 26 Dec, Joseph K..Wolfe 90 Jan., 65 Richard Cole 1 Apr., Jamea M. Holmes 1 Apr., George S. Cooper 7 May, Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. John Wright 6 Nov., 62 Assistant Surgeon. Nelson G. Coffin 2 Sept, 62 Chaplain. David White 10 Mar., 64 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Charles C. Radmore, July 4, 1864, to Sur geon 114th U. S. C, T.Resigoied, (29.) Colonel Thomaa Suell, December 13, 1862. Colonel Joseph J. Kelly, December 7, 1863, Lient, Colouel Hamilton C, McComas, February 6, 1863, Major James T. Brooka, Januaiy 9, 1864. Major Uriah M. Lawrance, September 95, 1864. Captain Samuel McGowan, February 4, 1863, Captain Alonzo Newton, February 13, 1863. Captam Emery L. Waller, December 15, 1863, Captain Benjarain S. Lewis, January 8, 1864. Captain David J. Ford, February 31, 1864. Captaiu Henry G. Wismer, AprU 13, 1864. Captain John D. Graham, September 11, 1864. Captain James R. Turner, October 14, 1864. Captain Zadock C. Weedman, October 95, 1864. Captain Leander S, McGraw, January 8, 1865. First Lient Aaron Harshberger, February 9, 1863. , First Lieut John R. Richards, June 6, 1863, First Lieut. BarzUla Campbell, R. Q. M., December 7, 1863. FirstLieut. John Cuppy, January 31, 1864. Fu-st Lieut. David W. Edmiston, February 11, 1864. First Lieut. WUUam M, Clagg, February 30, 1864, First Lieut Erasmus D, Sessions, June 30, 1864, FirstLieut Griffin M, Bruffitt, Deceraber 14, 1864, First Lieut Joseph M. Moore, March 25, 1865, Second Lieut. James Parker, February 4, J.863. Second Lieut Joseph A. Ziegler, February 13, 1863, Second Lieut. WilUara P. McMUIen, Deceraber 13, 1863. Second Lieut Parker S. Adama, February 5, 1864. Chaplain Samuel H. Martin, December 6, 1863. Died, (3.) Lieut Colonel Francis H. Lowry, January 1, 1805, of wounds received in action at Franklin, Tenn. Captain Edgar Camp, killed in action at Lost Mountain, Ga., June 16, 1864. FirstLieut. Isaac C. Morse, killedin action at FrankUn, Tenn,, November 30, 1864. Note. The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. 372 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment waa organized, at Peoria, Illinois, Auguat 28, 1862, Jo serve three years. The mem- bera whose terms of service would have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were muatered ont August 5, 1865, in accordance with ordera from the War Department, and the remaining members transferred to the 47th regiment Hlinoia in fantry.) (The official liat ot battles in which thia regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet pubUahed in ordera.) Colonel. Charlea Turner 9 July, 63 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 26 March, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. William R. Lackland 20 Dec, 64 (Brevet Colonel 26 March, 1865.) Major. Captains. Sylvester V. Dooley 28 Aug„ 62 David R. McCutchen 28 Aug., WUliam M. Dnffy 28 Aug., Lyman W. Clark 28 Aug. , Wilbur P. Henry 28 Aug., 63 Patrick R. Needham 14 Sept., John W. Plummer 22 Oct., John E. McDermot 4 July, 64, First Lieutenants. Patrick Moore 28 Aug. , 62 Richard Scholes - - -28 Aug., James P. Davidson 28 Aug. , WilUam A. Davidson 13 Jan., 63 T. Bullock, jr., R. Q. M. .22 Aug., WUUam Pranks 28 Aug. , Alberto. Boala 22 Oct., George H. Megquier 1 Nov., Byron Sheldon 10 Nov. , Henry C. Cooke I Feb., 64 James H. Wynd 3 July, Henry C. Puraman, Adft. 9 July, Second Lieutenant. Adolphua G. Oatman 13 Jan., 63 Casualties. Resigned, (11.) Captain George K. HazUtt, January 13, 1863. Captaiu Richard B. Howell, March 25, 1863. Captain Isaac Sarff, AprU 6, 1863. Captain Samuel B. Hartz, May 30, 1863. Captain John H. Schulte, February 16, 1865. Fkat Lieut. Garret G. Ruhaak, November 13,. 1862. Firat Lieut. Francia F. Briggs, January 13, 1863. , First Lieut. Jamea Tippet, February 21, 1863. Fkst Lieut. George W. Raney, R. Q. M., March 20, 1863. Second Lieut. Daniel Delaney, July 11, 1863. . Surgeon Azra E. Goodwin, August 7, 1863. Discharged, (9.) Lieut. Colonel Reuben L. Sidwell, October 26, 1864. Captain Wingfleld M. Bullock, May 22, 1865. Firat Lieut. WUUam A. Stewai-t, March 28, 1863. Firat Lieut. Isaac C. Brown, December 11, 1863. Second Lient. WUliam W. Nelson, March 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Philander E. Davia, March 28, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas Lynch, March 28, 1863. Surgeon John Cary, January 26, 1863. Aasistant Surgeon Isaac L. Hoover, February 28,, 1863. Died, (4,) Captain Henry C. Summers, killed by guerillas near Collier- viUe, Tenn., June 13, 1864. First Lieut. PhUo W. HUl, January 26, 1863, of disease, at Young's Point, La. First Lieut. Benjamin T. Poster, Adj't, June 23, 1864, of disease, at Memphis, Tenn. Second Lieut. John S. Boucher, July 22, 1863, of disease at Vicksburg, Mias. ', (2.) Colonel John Warner, March 13, 1863. Captain John JV. CarroU, AprU 16, 1863. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 373 Surgeon. Eichnrd A. Conover 28 Dec, 63 Assistant Surgeon, Anthony H..Kiniiear 24 Feb., 64 Chaplain. George W. Gue 28 Aug., 62- KOTE I. — ^No brevet appointments are entered on this register except thoae announced in General Ordera before October 14, 1865. NOTE 2. — The roater of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster out. 374 ILLINOIS INFANTEY. ONE HUNDRED AND NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Anna, Blinois, September 11, 1862, to serve three years. It having in the short space of seven months lost 237 men by de sertion, and the officers, with the exception of those of company K, having proved themselves utterly incompetent to perform the duties of their respective comraissiona, were mustered out of service April 10, 1863, and corapany K transfer red to the llth regiment Illinoia infantry.) , Colonel. Alexander J. Nimmo 11 Sept., 62 Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Thoraas M. Perrine 11 Sept, 62 Captains. JohnC, Hunsaker 11 Sept, SailQuelM, P. McClure.. 11 Sept, Hugh Andrews 11 Sept., * Samuel O, Lewis 15 Mar,, First Lieutenants. t Calvin B. Dishow, R. Q.M. 11 James P. McLain 11 Jacob A, Milikin 11 Benjamin P, Hartline 11 Morgan Stokes 11 Charles Barringer 11 Josiah T. Toler 11 Abram L. MIsinhimer. ..11 * Robert B. Bartleson... 15 62 63 Sept, 62 Sept, Sept., Sept, Sept, Sept, Sept, Sept, Mar., 63 Second Lieutenants. Moses A. Goodman 11 Sept, 62 Thomas T. Robinaon 11 Sept, Jasper N. McElhaney . ..11 Sept , Charles Klutts 11 Sept, , Squire Crabtree 11 Sept, Henry Gassaway 11 Sept, * Andrew Calvin 15Mar,, 63 Surgeon. J John S.Dewey 2 Apr., 63 Assistant Surgeons. J John W. Henley 7 Oct, 62 * George H. Dewey 7 Nov., Chaplain. Casualties, Resigned, (5.) Captain Joseph H. McElhany, December 29, 1862. Captain WUbem M, Boven, January 9, 1863. First Lieut James M. Johnson, March 4, 1863. Second Lieut James D. Kerr, February 13, 1863. Chaplain Philip H. Kroh, AprU 3, 1863. Died, (2.) Captain WHson Misenhimer, Febr^iary 23, 1863, of disease, at Port Pickering, Tenn. Pirst Lieut Benjamm F. Sullivan, February 28, 1863, at Jonesboro', IU, (8.) Lieut. Colonel Elijah A. Willard, February 1, 1863. Captain Jobn M. Rich, February 1, 1863. ' Captain Thomaa Boswell, February 1, 1863. Captain John J. Mcintosh, February 1, 1863. Captain 'George W. Penninger, February 1, 1863. Firat Lieut. James Evans, Adj't, February 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Daniel Kimmel, February 1, 1863. Second Lient. .John Stokes, February 1, 1863. * Transferred to llth regiment IlUnois infantry. X Discharged December 21,1 863. t Discharged April 20, 1863. § Discharged May 19, 1864. Note. — The roater of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 375 ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (This regiment was organized at Camp Anna, IU., Septeniber 11, 1662, to serve three years. It was consolidated into a battalion of four companres May 7, 1863, and retained in service untU June 8, 1865, when it was hauatered out, in accordance with orders from tho War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet publishedin orders.) Lieutenant Colonel. E. Hibbard Topping 1 Oct , 63 Major. Captains. Green M. Cantrell 1 23 Mar. , 63 (Brevet Major 13 March, 1865.) Joel P. Watson '. . 6 May, JohnH. Dukes 19 Dec, WUUam E. Hester 19 Dec, Fio-st Lieutenaoits. Isham Harrison 93 Mar,, 63 Joseph L. Murphy 16 Apr., Richard J. Smith 19 Dec, A. Jackson Coulee 22 Feb., 64 John M. House, R. Q. M. 1 July, Second Lieutenants. Dfivid W. GiUespie 15 Apr., 63 Daniel H. Reevea 22 Feb., 64 WUUam T, Elkina 1 May, Surgeon, ' Williamson C. Pace 11 SOpt.,, 62 Assistant Surgeooi. John G. Munsell 6 Apr,, 64 Chaplain. George W^ Laraaster IMay, 64 Casualties. Resigned, (94.) Lieut Colonel Munroe 0. Crawford, May 12, 1863. Major Daniel Mooneyham, February 5, 1863. Captain Mark Harper, Noveraber 24, 1862, Captain Francis M, Norman, November. 26, 1862. Captain WUUam K, Mui-phy, February 26, 1863. Captain Charles H. Moxey, March 23, 1863. Captain George E. Burnett, March 30, 1863. Captain WiUiam L. Britton, AprU 1, 1863. Captain Robert A. Cameron, September 1, 1863. First Lieut. WUUam S, Bates, November 24, 1862. First Lieut Richard T. McHaney, December 19, 1862. First Li^ut Samuel Gibaon, December 19, 1862. First Lieut Jaraea S. Wycaugh, January 23, 1863. Firat Lieut CarroU Payne, February 12, 1863. First Lieut. WUliam J. Cameron, January 2, 1864. Fu-st Lieut WUliara A, Gunn, Adft, April 7, 1865. Second Lieut John T. Barnett, November 26, 1'862. Second Lieut Wealey W. McKeimie, Deceraber 18, 1862. Second Lieut Jaraes Ritchie, December 19, 1862. Second Lieut John H. Gimn, June 7, 1863. Second Lieut, John A. Rodman, April 21, 1864. Aasistant Surgeon Zachariah Hickman, February 12, 1663. Assistant Surgeon David Wall, March 10, 1864. Chaplain Moses Neal, February 13, 1863, Discharged, (15.) Colonel Thomas S. Casey, May 9, 1863, Major Marion D. Hoge, May 9, 1863, Captain Grasson Dewitt, May 11, 1863, First Lieut Oscar A. Taylor, Adj't, May 10, 1863. First Lieut Thomaa H. Hobbs, R. Q. M., May 10, 1863, FirstLieut WUUam B. Denning, May 10, 1863. First Lieut WUUs A. SpUler, May 10, 1863. Fh'St Lieut Enos D. Hoge, May 10, 1863. First .Lieut James D. Johnson, May 10, 1863, First Lient Sarauel T. Moxey, May 11, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Joseph Scudamore, May 13, 1863. First Lient Calvin M. Clark, May 17, 1863. Second Lieut Jaraes A. MUler, May 10, 1863. Second Lieut Charles Burnett, May 10, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Hiram S. Plummer, May 11, 1863. Died, (3.) Captain John F. Day, January 27, 1863, of disease, at Nash viUe, Tenn. Captain James L, Parks, March 8, 1863, of disease,*t Reade- ville, Tenn. SecondLieut Jesae G, Payne, kUled in action December 31, 1862, at Murfreesboro', Tenn. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 376 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND ELEV ENTH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Sa lem, 111., September 18, 1862, (o serve three years. The members whose terms of service y^ould have expired previoua to October 1, 1865, were mustered out .Tune 6 and 7, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department, and the remaining members transferred to 'the 48th regiment Illinois infantry.) (The official list of battlea iu which this regiment bore an honorable •part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. James S. Martin 18 Sept., 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 28 Feb., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Josepb F. Black 18 Sept., 62 ¦ (Brevet Colonel 13 March, 1865.) Major. William M. Mabry 18 Sept, 62 (Brevet Lieut. Col. 13 March, 1865.) Captains. Thomas O. Peirce 18 Sept., 62 Reuben W. Jolliff 18 Sept. , George E. Castle 18 Sept., Alfred J. Nichols 18 Sept., Joseph Shultz IB Sept. , Robert Martin- 13 Aug., 64 First Lieutenants. WiUiam C. StUes, Adft. .IB Sept., 62 Henry .Simpson, R. Q. M.IS Sept., Robert W. Elder 18 Sept., Llewellyn W. CoBtellow.l8 Sept., Isaac H. Berry 18 Sept. , Franklin W. Kirkham -.17 Mar., 63 Ezekiel WiUiams 13 Aug., 64 Erastus W. Lapham: .-.13 Aug., Robert M. LoveU 10 Nov. , WilUam T. Monical 10 Nov., Samuel L. Coulter 27 Mar., 65 Second Lieutenants. WiUiam H. Carpenter. . .18 Sept.', 62 David Nichols 17 Mar., 63. Frederick W. Songer . ..10 Nov., 64 Sui'geon. Samuel M. Swan 5 July, 64 Assistant Surgeon. JohnK. Rainey 18 Sept., 62 Chaplain. Casualties. Transferred, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Thomaa S. Hawley, June 24, 1863, to llth regiment Missouri infantry. Resigned, (13.) Captain Anderson Myers, January 19, 1863. Captain Abner S. Gray, Jauuary 13, 1865. Captain WiUiam H. Walker, May 15, 1865. , First Lieut. John L. Souter, January 19, 1863. , First Lieut. James M. Forth, February 2, 1864. FirstLieut. Benjamin F. MarahaU, R. Q.M., AprU 27, 1864. First Lieut. George C. MoOord, June 11, 1864. Firat Lieut. John Morria, September 18, 1864. Second Lieut. WiUiam B. HoUeman, July 13, 1863. Second Lieut. James B. Pendleton, March 9, 1864. Second Lieut. Samuel Walker, July 3, 1864. , Surgeun James Phillips, March 11, 1864. Chaplain James B. Woollard, AprU 14, 1865. Discharged, (3.) Captain Jobn Foster, May 4, 1865. First Lieut. WUUam C. Dorris, May 15,, 1865. Second Lieut. WUliam J. Young, May 15, 1865. Died, (8.) Captain Amos A. Clark, accidentally killed at Decatur Junc tion, Ala., March 9, 1864. Captain Jacob V. Andrews, killed in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.,, June 27, 1864. Captain Joseph F. McGuire, kUled iu action before Atlanta Ga., July 22, 1864. First Lieut. John K. Morton. October 3, 1862, of disease. Pirst Lieut. Andrew J. Larimer, killed in action before At lanta, Ga., July 22, 1S64. First Lieut. Louis J. Land, January 4, 1865, of wounda re ceived in action at Port McAllister, Ga. Second Lieut. Johu W. Stover, May 14, 1864, of wounda re ceived in action at Resaca, Ga. Second Lieut. George W. Smith, killed in action at Port MeAlister, Ga., IJecember 13, 1864. Note 1.— No brevet appointmenta sre entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2.— The roster ot officers is given as it stood on the days of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANXpY. 377 ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Peoria, Illinois, September 20, 186'2, to serve three years. The members whose terras of aervice would have expired previoua to October 1, 1865, wore mustered out June 20, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Depart ment, and the remaining raembers transferred to tho 65th regiment Illinoia infantry.) (The official list of battles m. which this regiraent bore an honorable . part is not yet pubUshed in orders. ) Colonel, ThomasJ. Henderson. -.22 Sept, 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen, 30 Nov., 1864.) Lieutenant Colonel. Emery S.Bond 20' Sept, 62 Major, Tristram T. Dow, a. w. m. Captains. James E. Wilkins 90 Sept, 62 George W. Sroufe 20 Sept, Sylvester P. Otman 20 Sept, Augustus A. Dunn 20 Sept., Edward H. Coleord, jr ..29 June, 63 JohnB. MitcheU 24 Oct, iohnL. Dow 18Mar,, 64 James G. Armstrong 14 Sept, Bradford F. Thompson.. 9 May, 65 Janies McCartney, a. w. m. First Litutinants. Geo. C. Alden, R. Q. M. .10 Sept., 62 Henry G. Griffin 20 Sept, (Uranmer W. Brown 20 Sept, Thoraas P. Davenport... 20 Sept, George W. Lawrence - . .20 Sept., Jacob Bush 29 June, 63 Alexander P. Petrie 20 Dec, Williara H. Doyle. ...'-..SO Sept, 64 Bushrod Tapp 22 Dec, G. R. Woolaey, Adft 10 May, 65 t Second Lieutenants. * Elmer A. Sage 20 Sept, 62 Sarauel W. Weaver 99 June, 63 JamesH. Clark 14 Aug,, Harry Fonea 14 Sept, 64 Thomas J, Williams ....20 Sept, Jesse Newman, a. to. m. Casualties, Transferred, (1.) First Lieut Thomas E. Milchrist, June 19, 1865, to 65th regi ment Illinois infantry. Resigned, (14.) Major Jaraes M. Hosford, February I, 1863. Captain Alexander W, Albro, March 30,. 1863, Captain James B. Doyle, March 30, 1863. Captam Joseph Westley, AprU 12, 1863. Captain John J. Biggs, August 9, 1863. First Lieut. Christian G. Gierhart, January 31, 1863. First Lieut. Jackson Lorance, March 5, 1863. First Lieut Jaraes P.'Machesney, Auguat 10, 1864. Second Lieut. Elisha Attwater, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut Samuel L. Patterson, June 17, 1863. Second Lieut. Henry S. Comstock, June 26, 1863. Second Lieut. George C, Maxfield, September II, 1864, Surgeon John W. Spalding, March 21, 1863. Chaplain RosweU N. Henderson, October 26, 1864, Discharged, (4.) Captain John Gudgel, March 97, 1865. First Lieut. Henry W. Wells, Adft, Noveraber 95, 1863. First Lieut Leander U, Browning, May 20, 1865. Second Lieut. Homer Shorbondy, May 15, 1865. Died, (5.) Captain Jonathan C, Dickerson, killed in action at Cleve land, Tenn,, September 18, 1863. Captain Aza A. Lee, killed in action at KnoxviUe, Tenn., November 18, 1863. Captain William W. Wright, June 24, 1864, of wounds re ceived in action at Resaca, Ga. First Lieut. Robert E. WestfaU, June 16, 1863, of diaeaae, at Somerset, Ky. Second Lieut WUliam L. Spalding, August 25, 1864, of wounds received in action near Atlanta, Ga. Missing, (1.) Assistant Surgeou Christian H. Graw, since Octoher 31, 1862. * Transferred to 65th regiment IlUnois infantry. 378 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Surgeon. ^Luther S. MilUkin, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeons. Wesley Phillips 13 Jan., 63 Charles D. Haven Jones. 14 May, Chaplain. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 379 ONB HUNDRED AND THIR TEENTH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment waa organized at Chicago, Illinois, October 1, 1862, to serve three yeara. It was mus tered out of aervice June 20, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) The following ia the only official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in orders : "CHICKASAW BAYOO," "ARKANSAS POST," "TICKSBURG— siege AND ASSAULTS OF 19TH ANB 22d." Colonel. George B. Hoge 1 Oct., 62 (Brevet Brig. Oen. 13 Mar., 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. George R. Clarke 14 Sept., 63 Major. Cephas WiUiams 23 Sept. , 63 Captains. Robert B. Lucas 1 Oct., 62 Bliss Sutherland 1 Oct. , George E. Bang 2 Mar., 63 Aaron P. Kane 2 Nov., Andrew W. Beckett 28 Dec, JohnG. Day 28 June, 64 Harvey P. Hosmer, a. w. m. John G. Woodruff, a. w. m. First Lieutenant^ David H. Metzgar 1 Oct. , 62 Harrison Daniels 1 Oct., Anderson Tyler 1 Oct. , Johns. liOTd, Adj't 7 Sept., 63 Azariah M. Baird 1 Oct. , VirgU W. DashieU 15Peb., 64 John Jeffcbat 28 June, Charlea A. Chatfield 28 Jime, Wm. H. Taylor, R. Q. ilf.23 Aug., Second Lieutenants. Henry L. Frisbie 2 Mar., 63 WUUamC. Shortridge. ..23 Jan., 64 George E. HaU 16 Feb., WiUiam Bain llMar., 65 Ambrose C. Webber, a. w. m. Surgeon. Lucien B. Brown 27 June, 64 . Assistant Surgeon. Abraham A. Sulcer 5 Nov., 64 Chaplain. Adam L. Kankin, a. w. m. Casualties. Promoted, (2.) First Lieut. WUliam A. McLean, R. Q. Af.,- August 12, 1864, to Captain and C. S. Aasistant Snrgeon WilUam N. Bailey, December 21, 1863, to Surgeon 52d U. S. C. T. Resigned, (13.) Major LuciuB H. Yates, Jannary 22, 1863. Captain WilUam I. Bridges, February 13, 1863. Captain George West, May 25, 1863. Captain George W. Lyman, July 1, 1864. Firat Lieut; Frank Browne, January 13, 1863. Firat Lient. WUUam E. Barry, February 18, 1863. Pirst Lieut. U. E. Burlinghara, February 23, 186.3. First Lient. Daniel S. Parker, Adj't, Jnly 26, 1863. First Lieut. Levi Sargent, January 25, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Joseph Rogers, February 12, 1865. Second Lieut. George B. Pickle, February 13, 1863. Second Lieut. WiUiam German, June 13, 1863. Surgeon Joel M. Mack, AprU 26, 1864. Discharged, (8.) Captain H. W. B. Hoyt, May 15, 1865. Captain WiUiam R. Hitt, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. Daniel Ferguson, September 3, 1863. FirstLieut. Alfred Fletcher, May 15, 1865. First Lieut. Robert Wilson, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. William C. Keeton, August 11, 1863. Second Lieut. Aquilla C. CowgiU, April 18, 1864. Second Lieut. George C. Kidder, May 15, 1865. Died, (5.) Lient. Colonel John W. Paddock, August 19, 1863, at Mem phis, Tenn. Captain Mason Sutherland, Jannary 27, 1863, ot disease, at Young's Point, La. Captain Charles D. Trumbull, October 14, '1863, of disease, at Palatine, IU. Pirsl Lieut. James J. Conway, kiUed in action at Guntown, Miss., June 10, 1864. Second Lieut. Charles Squires, July 15, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Dismissed, (1.) Captain SUas J. Garrett, June 1, 1863. Note 1. — No brevet appoiutments are entered oa thia register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. , Note 2. — The roster ot officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. 380 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR TEENTH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, III., September 18, 1862, to serve three years. The members whose terms of service would have expired pre vious to October 1, 1865, were mua tered ont Auguat 3, 1865, in accord ance with ordera from the War De partment, and the remaining mem- bera transferred to the 58th regiment IlUnois infantry.) The foUowing is tbe only official list ot battlea in which thia regiment bore an honorable part yet pub lished in ordera ; "siege of VICKSBURG," "JACKSON." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Samuel N. Shoup 8 Apr., 65 Major. John M. Johnson 8 Apr., 65 Captains. Absalom Miller 18 Sept., 62 JohnL. WUson 18 Sept., Robert Hornback 25 Dec, 63 Jesse Can trail - . -¦ 25 Deo. , Egbert O. Mallory 29 Jan., 64 EdwardP. Strickland. ..11 Feb., 65 Thomaa N. Canfield 11 June, Adam Hively u June, First Lieutenants. WilletB. Taylor 18 Sept., 62 Henry L. Vanhofl', Adft.li Sept., Jamea M. Chadsey 18 Sept., 63 Irwin Johnson IJan., 64 Daniel BaUey 29 Jan., John S. Caulfield 22June,65 Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Henry Van Meter 8 Dec, 63 Assistant Surgeon. John C. Copesfake.' 7 Nov., 64 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (18.) Colonel James W. Judy, Auguat 4, 1863. Lieut. Colonel John F. King, Decembers, 1864. Captain George W. BaUey, April 12, 1863. Captain Samuel BstiU, August 6, 1863. • Captain WUliam A. MaUory, August 8, 1863. Captain Benjamin H. Ferguson, April 7, 1864. Captain Richmond V. Black, October 15, 1864. Captain Benjamin C. Berry, January 30, 1865. First Lient. Lucien Terhune, February 29, 1864. First Lieut. Philander Lttcas, October 15, 1864. Firat Lieut. Ezra Fish, October 27, 1864. First Lieut. Oramel H. Abel, Adj't, February 9, 1865. Second Lieut. James T. Workman, September 20, 1864. Second Lieut..Joseph D. Zeigler, February 8, 1865. Second Lieut. Charlea W. Stanton, May 19, 1865. Surgeon James M. Higgins, Auguat 14, 1863. Assistant Surgeon John P. Wilsbn, July 11," 1863. Chaplain Caleb P. Baldwin, August 13, 1864.. Discliarged, (3.) First Lieut, George W. Monrer, R. Q. M., May 11, 1865. First Lieut. Thomas S. Berry, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. Louis R. Hedrick, June 7, 1865. Died, (6.) Maior Joseph M. McLane, February 16, 1865, at Beardstown, IU. First Lieut. WUUam H. Latham, Adft, December 21. 1862, at .Springfield, ID. Second Lieut. David N. Downing, May 23, 1863, at Duck' Port, La. Second Lieut. Henry C. Rogge, Juiie 5, 1863. Second Lieut. Joseph A. MtfCliire, killed by guerlUaa at Oak Ridge, Miss., October 2, 1863. Assistant Surgeon Alvin S. French, killed in action at Gun town, Miss., June 10, 1864. Dismissed, (2.) Captain John Gibson, July 10, 1863. First Lieut. Jerome M. Poster, March 16, 1863. Note. — 'The roster .of ofiicers ia given as it stood on the day ot muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 381 ONE HUNDRED AND FIF TEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, 111., September 13, 1862, to serve three years. The members whoso terras of service would have expired previoua to October 1, 1865, were mustered ont June 11, 18G5, in accordance with orders from the War Department, and the remaining members trana ferred to the 2lBt regiment Illinois infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiraent bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Jesse H.Moore 13 Sept., 62 (Breoet Brig. Gen. 15 Hay, 1863,) Lieutenaoit Colonel. George A. Poteet 12 Dec, , 63 Major. 22 Feb., 64 John W, Lapham. Captains, w Elezer Slocum 13 David Williams 13 John Keardon 13 James A. Whittaker 11 JohuW. Dove B James A. Rutherford 23 Charlea H. Griffith 1 Philip Riley 9 Jesse Hanon 9 First Lieutenants' Chas. W. Jerome, R. Q, M.22 ' Joseph J. Slaughter 14 Jesse P. Hedges 11 John M. Baker - 8 Woodford W. Peddecord, Adft 1 George H, Dunavan 1 Sarauel C, Alexander-.. 9 Charles C, McComas 1 John C. K. Youngken . . ..22 Joaeph B. Gore 9 Ezekiel K. Schwartz 19 Second Lieutenaoits. Stephen K. Hatfield 22 Apr., 63 Isaac H. C, Royse 11 Juue, Surgeooi. Garner H. Bane 14 July, 63 Assistant Surgeon.' Clark E, Loomis 22 Aug,, 64 Chaplain. William S, Criasey 19 Aug., 63 Sept,, 62 Sept., May, 63 June, Nov., Dec, Sept., 64 Nov., May, 65 Apr,, 63 May,June,Nov., Dec, Nov,, 64 Nov,, Apr,, 65 Apr,, May, May, Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Captaiu Prank L. Hays, April IS, 1864, to Major and Addi tional Paymaster. Resigned, (24.) Captain Simon P, Newman, March 24, 1863. Captain Henry Pratt, April 16, 1863, Captain John M, Lane, May 11, 1863. Captain Cyrus L. Kinraan, October 19, 1863, Captain Alanson Pierce, September 24, 1864. First Lieut. Arthur C. Bankson, November 30, 1862. F'irst Lieut. Jamea Sraith, Fehruary 6, 1863. First Lieut, Silas Parker, March 12, 1863. First Lieut, James S. Samuels, March 23, 1863. Fn-st Lieut. David S. Moffatt, March 25, 1863. First Lieut. Benjamin P. Parley, R, Q, M., April 1, 1863. First Lieut. John H. Woods, Adft, April 10, 1863. First Lieut, Christian C. Bridgewater, May 26, 1863. First Lieut. Ephraim H. KIngery, September 7, 1863. First Lieut, Allen Litsenberger, Adj't, October 25, 1863, First Lieut, W. F. Slocum, November 28, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Sylvester M, Baley, January 3, 1864, First Lieut, Gideon L, Utter, December 2, 1864. First Lieut. Wallace G. Mills, February 14, 1865. First Lieut, Erasraus D, Steen, April 20, 1865. Second Lieut. Adam C. Allinson, February 28, 1863. Surgeon Enoch W- Moore, April 17, 1863, Assistant Surgeon Nelson G,' Blalock, July 27, 1863, Chaplain Arthur Bradshaw, Deceraber 30, 1862. Discharged, (3.) Captain Samuel Hymer, May 19, 1865. First Lieut. Spencer P. Compton, August 27, 1864. Pii'st Lieut, Michael P. Jones, May 19, 1865. Died, (8.) Lieut. Colonel William Kinman, killed in action at Chicka mauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863, Captain S. Barlow E^py, killed In action at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Captain Stephen M. Huckstep, December 9, 1863, of wounds received in action. First Lieut, Jacob Porter, May 16, 1864, of wounds received in action. Second Lieut. John Beauchamp, Jlarch 26, 1863, of disease. Second Lieut. Matthew Freeman, Jfarch 30, 1863. Second Lieut. David Reed, September 27, 1863, of wounds received in action. Aasistant Surgeon Jamea A, Jonea, lulled by guerillas, July 9, 1864, Dismissed, (1,) Captain James Steele, March 3, 1663, • Note 1.— No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2,— The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 382 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND SIX TEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at De catur, Illinoia, September 6, 1862, to serve three years. The mem bers whose terms of service woiUd have expired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out June 7, 1865, in accordance with ordera from the War Department, and the remaining members transferred to the 55tb regiment Illinois infantry.) "CHICKASAW BAYOU," "ARKANSAS post," "JACKSON," "CHAMPION BILLS," " VICKSBURG— siege AND ASSAULTS OF 19TH AND 22D." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. JohnE. Maddox 6 Nov., 64 Major. John S. Windsor 11 Nov., 64 Captains. Nedolas Geschwind 5 Sept., 63 Harvey Mabannah 8 Feb., 64 WiUiam Grason 19 Mar., George A. Milmine 4 Apr., Christian Riebsame 7 Apr. , Robert M. Foster 5 July, Isaac N. Martin 5 July. James H. Glove 28 Dec, Richard M. Hamilton 27 Mar., 65 CbarleaP. Easick 21 May, First Lieutenants. James P, Barnett 8Feb., 64 John H. Porter, a. Q, Af . 5 Mar. , Joaeph L. SheUebarger. .19 Mar,, Thaddeus S. ColUns 5 July, John H. Miller 21 Sept., Frederick Schwab llOct., James D. Mackey 28 Dec, Myron Holeomb, Adft . .31 Mar., 65 WiUiam P. Gardner 31 Mar., Joseph Goodwin 21 May, WiUiam H. Dickerson ..22 May, Second Lieutenants. Zenith R. Prather 27 May, 63 Byron Barrett 27 May, Surgeon. Ira N.Barnes S6Mar., 63 Assistant Surgeons. John A. Heckelman 30 Sept., 62 Joaeph A. W. Hostetler . 1 Oct., Chaplain. CASUALTIES. Resigned, (20.) Lieut. Colonel James P. Boyd, January 24, 1864. Major Austin McClurg, September 26, 1864. Captam Lemuel N. Bishop, April 12, 1863. Captain WiUiam J. Brown, March 20, 1863. Captain Uriah P. Fobes, AprU 25, 1863. Captain James L. Dobson, June 13, 1863. Captain Joseph Lingle, February 29, 1864. Captain John T. Bishop, March 30, 1864. Captain John P. Lamb, January 31, 1865. First Lieut. James M. WaUace, March 2, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Stephen H. Varney, March 5, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Lyman King, R. Q. M., March 2, 1863. Pirst Lieut. James R. Briggs, AprU 6, 1863. FirstLieut. CharlesH. Fuller, Adft, June-27, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Charlea P. Emery, R. Q. M., AprU 2, 1864. First Lieut. WiUiam N. Streeter, May 24, 1864. Firat Lieut. Sarauel R. Riggs, December 11, 1834. Second Lieut. Andrew J. Williams, March 17, 1863. Second Lieut. Washington L. Harris, July 2, 1863. Cbaplain Nathan M. Baker, Febmary 29, 1864. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut. William E. Crissey, Adft, January 30, 1865. Died, (14.) Colonel Nathan W. Tupper, March 10, 1864, ot disease, at Decatur, 111. Lieut. Colonel Anderson Proman, June 15, 1864, of wotmds received in action. Captain Lewis J. Eyman, kUled in action .at Arkansas Poet, Ark., January 11, 1863, Captain Alonzo B. Davis, November 22, 1863, of disease, at "VVortbington, Ind. Captain Thomaa White, kUled iu action at DaUas, Ga., May 26, 1864. First Lieut. John S. Taylor, killed in action at Arkansas Post, Ark., January 11, 1863. Firat Lieut. John B. Tutt, January 26, 1863, at Young's Point, La. - First Lieut. Johu B. Purden, March 27, 1863, ot diaeaae, at Young'a Point, La. First Lieut. Isom Simmons, kUled in action at Fort McAllister, ¦ Ga., December 13, 1864. Second Lieut. Theophilaa Short, February 6, 1863, of disease, at Pana, IU, Second Lieut. Lafayette Helm, February 16, 1863, ot disease, at Oakley, III, Second Lieut. Edwin R. Prall, M«rch 30, 1863, at Blooming ton, lUinois. Second Lieut. Nathan W. Wheeler, killed in action near Vicksburg,- Miss., May 22, 1863. Second Lieut. Gusten P. Hardy, June 12, 1863, of wounds received iu action. Dismissed, (1.) Second Lieut. Irwin MiUer, January 10,, 1864. NOTE.— The roster ot officers ia given aa it atood on the day of muster out, ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 383 ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN TEENTH REGIMENT, (This rogiment was organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, Illi nois, September 19, 1862, to servo three years. The members whose terms of service would have ex pired previous to October 1, 1865, were mustered out August 5, 1865, in accordance with orders froni the War Department, and the remain- ing-members transferred to the 33d regiment Blinois infantry. ) (The official liat of battles iu which this regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet published in orders.) Colonel. RiadouM. Moore 19 Sept,, 62 Lieoitenant Colonel. Jonathan Merriam 19 Sept., 62 Major. William P. Olden 26 Feb,, 65 Captains. Robert A. Halbert 19 Sept., 62 William H, Whitaker. . . .16 Apr,, 63 John R. Thomas *28 June, 64 Frank H. Gilmore 29 July, Charles W. Blake 30 Aug. , David T. Todd 30 Aug., JohnW. Pike 30 Sept,, Charles S. Beath 26Feb,, 65 John A. B. Apperson 26 Feb., First Lieutenants. ¦ Abraham B. Keagle 19 Sept., 63 James M. Hay 19 Sept., William Wallis 16, Apr,^ Edward C. Lemen 27 June, 64 George W, Potter 29 July, Charles C. Treadway ...30 Aug., Daniel Kerr 30 Aug. , James D. Cobine 30 Sept. , James P. Krafft, Adft. . .21 Nov.,. Benj. R. Hieronymus ...26 Feb., 65 WniiamP. Selby 26 Feb., Second Lieutenants. Benjamin F. Olden 19 Sept., 62 David H. Wilderman 19 Sept., James M. Truitt 1 Aug., 64 Prancia M, Bradsby, a. w, m. Surgeo'n. Martin Wiley 9 Oct., 62 Assistant Surgeon. Thomas C. Jennings, a. w, m. Chaplain. JohnB, White 12.0ct,, 64 The following ia a list of the enlisted men of this regiment to whom med als of honor have been awarded by the Secretary of War: Private William P, Moore, Casualties, ¦Po'omoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Humphrey H. Hood, September 5, 1863, to Surgeon 3d U. S. colored heavy artillery. Resigned, (16.) Major Thomaa J. Newsham, April 13, 1864. Major Kobert MeWilliams, January 29, 1865. Captain Curtiss Blakeman, January 23, 1863. Captain George P. Lowe, January 28, 1863, Captain Samuel B. Kiuaey, May 12, 1864, Captain Alexander J, Gregg, June 23, 1864. Captain Jacob J. Kinder, July 11, 1864. Captain Nathan Land,_ Auguat 20, 1864, Captain Andrew J. KandaU, January 25, 1865. Captain Harrison W. Wood, January 30, 1865. First Lieut, Samuel H^ Deneen, Adj't, November 16, 1864. Fu-st Lieut. Henry C, Pike, R. Q. M., July 4, 1865. Second Lieut. Jaraes G. Elliff, January 23, 1863. Second Lieut. Gershom P. Gillham; Jauuary 24, 1863. Secoud Lieut. Dennis Kenyon, December 28, 1863. Chaplain Johu D. Gillham, May 16, 1864. Discharged, (1.) Secoud Lieut. James A. Curtis, December 12, 1862. « Died, (4.) Captain David McFarland, May 10, 1864, of disease, at Alex andria, La, First Lieut. Erastus M, Burson, March 17, 1863, of disease, at Foi-t Pickering, Tenn, First Lieut, Samuel M, Stites, September 15, 1863, at Fort Pickering, Tenn. Second Lieut, George W, Brown, Jfiuuary 3, 1865, of disease, at Pulaski, Tenn. Dismissed, (1,) Second Lieut. John W. Hoit, August 10, 1864. Note, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 384 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGH TEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, 111., November 7, 1862, to serve three yeara. It waa mustered out of service October 1, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battlea in which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet .published in orders.) Colonel. JohnG, Fonda 29 Nov, 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 28 June, 1865,) Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas Logan, a. w. m. Major. Captains, William J. Evans 7 Nov., 62 Joseph Shaw '. . 7 Nov, , ¦ ' William J. Brown, jr 28 Mar., 63 Thomaa W. Hurst 2 Jan., 64 Abram W. Robinaon 2 Jan,, Calendar Rohrbough 9 Jan,, Cyrus M, Geddes 14 Mar,, William H. Berryman. . . 7 May, James E. Logan 9 June, 65 John D, Roaenbrook, a, w, m. First Lieutenants. William K, Davison, . R,Q.M ISOct,, 62 David Turner 30 Mar,, 63 Jeptha S, Dillon 2 Jan., 64 Charles T. Painter 2 Jan., ElishaB. Hamilton 26 Jan., Huddlestone M, ,Sleater, Adj't , 6 July, 64 William M, Cole 9 June, 65 Second Lieutenants. Ira Tyler 7Nov., 63 Joseph Gill IMay, 65 George B. Safford 1 May, Chauncey B. Valentine.. 9 June, Surgeon, MadisonReece 15 Dec, 62 Assistant Surgeon. John K, Boude, a, w. m. Chaplain. William Underwood 22 June, 64 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Firat Lieut. John W. Barnes, Adft, December 23, 1863, to Captain and A. A. G. Resigned, (16.) Captain Thoraas J. Campbell, February 19, 1863. Captain Jarvis S. Allen, Auguat 7, 1863. Captain Alexander Shell, November 14, 1863. First Lieut. Ephraim Grubb, February 19, 1863. Pirat Lieut. William H. Odell, February 27, 1863. First Lieut. James H. Butler, August 2, 1863. Pirst Lieut. John S. Spangler, November 19, 1863. First Lieut. Benjamin Hull, December 2, 1863. First Lieut Albert G. Bliven, October 11, 1864, Pirst Lieut, John Typer, Jnly 30, 1865. First Lieut. Levi B. Moore, August 14, 1865. Second Lieut. William G. Sturr, Febmary 19, 1863. Second Lieut, Washmgton L. Lemley, February 19, 1863. Second Lieut. James Sample, December 1, 1863. Second Lieut, Edmund Higbie, Jnly 7, 1865, Chaplain Thomas M. Walker, July 11, 1863, Discliarged, (9.) *Major Robert W. McClaughry, May 13, 1864. Captain Morgaoi Rymer, March 28, 1863, Captain John H. Holton, March 28/ 1863. Captain Felix G. Mourning, October 21, 1863. Captam Charles During, May 23, 1864. Pirat Lieut, Rice C. Williams, February 19, 1863, First Lieut. Hamilton Young, March 28, 1863. First Lieut. Lewis W. Menu, November 12, 1863. Second Lieut. Thomas A. Worthen, May 15, 1865. Died, (4.) Captain Alexander W, Geddes, killed in action at Champion HiU, Miss., May 16, 1863. Captain John W. Campbell, July 29, 1863, of disease at Black River Bridge, Miss. Captain Arthur W. Marsh, killed in action at Vermlllionville, La., November 11, 1863. Firat Lieut. Thomas B. White, killed in action at Champion Hill, Miss., May 16, 1863, Dismissed, (2,) Pirat Lieut. Allen Ellsworth, November 28, 1864. Assistaut Surgeon Elmer Nichols, July 14, 1864. * Appointed Major and Additional Paymaster. Note l.—No brevet appointments are entered on thia register except those announced iu General Orders before October 14, 1865, Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY, 385 ONE HUNDRED AND NINE TEENTH REGIMENT. (This reghneut waa organized at Quincy and Springfield, Illinois, October 7, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out of ser vice August 26, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War Depai-tment.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet published in orders,) Colonel. Thomas J, Kinney 7 Oct., 62 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 26 March, 1865,) Lieutenant Colonel. Sanvuel E. Taylor 12 Sept., 62 Major. Peyton C, Sraith 28 Jan., 65 Captains. Sam'l McConnell, jffil. ?!. 7 Oct, 62 Josiah Slack 7 Oct , Thomas J. Curry 6 Mar., 64 Robert H. Ellis 30 Sept, BraatuaP. Julian 30 Sept., Sylvester D. Nokes 30 Sept , Hiram B. Henry 30 Sept, Charles H. Sweeney 9 Dec, Philip Ensminger 16 Mar., 65 Harmon R. Hubbard 17 Mar., First Lieutenants, DeloB AUen, R. Q.M....21 Aug., 62 Harvey S. Buck, Adj't.. 19 Sept, Jackson Wells 22 July, 63 Adam J. Bower 6 Mar., 64 Edwin M. Anderson 30 Sept, Jacob A. Bennett 30 Sept, , James M. Asbury 30 Oct, George F. Owen 9 Dec, , Andrew J. Nighswanger . 9 Dec. , Matthias C. Oaborn 9 Dec, Nicholas P. Moas 16 Mar., Charles R. Watt 17 Mar., Second Lieuteoiants. Samuel D. Sawyer 22 July, Benjamin P. Goodwin. - . 6 Mar,, Surgeon. Reuben Woods IJuly, Assistaoit Surgeon. George A, Byrns 14 Nov, Cliaplain. Claiborne S. Williamson, a, w. m. The following is a list of the enlisted men of thia regiment to whom me dals of honor have been awarded , by the Secretary of War: Sergeant George Rebman. 65 64 62 Casualties, Resigned, (15.) Major William H. Watson, August 97, 1864. Captain William N. Mumford, August 13, 1864. Captain Calvin Johnson, August 29, 1864. Captain Johnaton C. Dilworth, November 5, 1864,. Captain Sylvester T. Worley, February 6, 1865. First Lieut Edward Corey, March 13, 1863, First Lieut. Irwin W. Anderaon, June 2, 1863. First Lieut, Henry C. Mullen, June 3, 1863, First Lieut Oliver P, Brumback, June 20, 186^ First Lieut Livingston S. Dennis, May 27, 1864. First Lieut David K. Wataon, November 5, 1864. Second Lieut. William H, Brackenridge, November 5, 1864a.- Second Lieut John Ware, February 1, 1865. Surgeon Thoraas Monroe, June 1, 1864. Chaplain Charles S. Callihan, April 1, 1865. Discharged, (3.) Captain Robert L. Greer, December 1, 1863. Captain John H. Hambaugh, August 22, 1864. Second Lient Ezeluel M. Bradley, August 12, 1863. Died, (5.) Captain Hugo HoUan, April 1 , 1863, at Jackson, Tenn. Captaiu George Parker, August 14, 1863, of wounds received accidentally. Captain John T, May, killed in action at Yellow Bayou, La., May 18, 1864. First Ljeut Charles R. Ward, Septeraber 1, 1864, of disease, at Camden, 111. Second Lieut Aonos Fence, October 9, 1863, of disease, at Cairo, 111. Dismissed, (2.) First Lieut. Lewia Cracraft, September 15, 1863. Second Lieut, Jason G. Duncan, June 1, 1864. NOTE 1, — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 25 386 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND TWEN TIETH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, IU., October 29, 1862, to serve three yeara. It was mustered out of ser vice September 10, 1865, in accord ance with orders trom the War De partment. ) . Ames Bigelow 17 Aug., Lewis Dorian 9 Nov., Enoch W. Taylor 14 Nov., - Henry I. Brockway BDec, Fernando C. Van Vlack. 8 Feb,, 64 Williara H. Anderson... 11 Sept, John H. Mosby 27 Sept, Joel H. Mastin 1 Oct., jpreeraan L. Campbell . . -2^Dec. , Second Lieutenant. Warren F. Dodge 19 Aug. , 63 Christopher H. Keller. ..28 June, 64 William B. Day 6 Oct., John L. C. Richards 5 Dec, Edward R. Breckons 31 Dec, , Thomas P. Price 11 Mar., 65 John B. Mabry 11 Mar,", James M. Griffith 6 Apr., Surgeon. James R. Kay IJuly, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Richard L. Howard 9 Sept, 63 Casualties, Resigned, (15,) Captain Ralph A. Tenney, July 9, 1863. Captain Thomas K, Roach, July 14, 1863, Captain Stephen Bi-ink, August 11, 1863. Captain Matthew B. Potter, August 17, 1863. Captain Lyman H. Scudder, June 29, 1864. Captain William B. Sigley, July 10, 1864. Firat Lieut, Justus D. Andms, Jannary 28, 1863. First Lieut Ezra L, Benedict, February 16, 1863. First Lieut. John W. Terry, July 27, 1863. First Lieut Jaraea H. Blackraore, July 28, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Theodore Potter, January 24, 1864. Second Lieut James Rickey, Febmary 3, 1863. Second Lieut. Travis Mellar, June 20, 1863. Second Lieut. Oaborn Willson, July 19, 1863. Chaplain Horace B. Foakett, July 1, 1863. Discharged, (7,) Major Rufua P. Pattison, July 9, 1863. Captain Jamea H. Morgan, February 5, 1B63, First Lieut, Aaa A. Cowdrey, July 24, 1863. Pirat Lieut Elijah Borton, July 14, 1864. FirstLieut, WilUam-B. Smith, Adft, May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. William H. Carter, November 12, 1864. Snrgeon Leland H. Angell, June 1, 1864. Died, (3.) FirstLieut. Thomaa J, Willian, November 14, 1862, of disease, at Springfield, III. :^irst Lieut. Julius A. Pratt, killed in action at Vicksburg, Miss., June 25, 1863. First Lieut. Granville A, Spear, October 26, 1864, of diseaso, at Memphis, Tenn. Dismissed, (2.) Colonel Thomas J. Sloan, December 19, 1863. Aasiatant Surgeon John Jasaey, Noveraber 28, 1864. Note l. No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those anaounced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. , Note 2. The roster of officers is given aa it stood on tha day of muster out. 390 ILLINOIS INFANTEY. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- FIFTH REGIMENT. . (Tbia regiment was organized at DanvUle, 111., Septembers, 1862, to serve three yeara. The memhera whose terms of service would have expired previoua to October 1, 1865, were muatered out June 9, 1865, in accordance with ordera from the War Department, and the remain ing members transferred to tbe 60th regiment Illinois infantry.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Jamea W. Langley 4 Sept., 62 (Brevet Colonel,13 March, 1865.) Major. JohnB. Lee 4 Sept, 62 Captains. George W.Cook 3 Sept, 62 (Brevet Major 13 March, 1865.) George W. HoUoway ... 3 Sept, John B. Lester 30 Mar., 63 Newton Norria 5 Sept, 64 JohnC. Harbor INov., Jamea H. Trimmell ..... 9 Apr., 65 Jamea P. Brown 2 May, George W. B. Sadorns. .20 May, First Lieutenants. Alexander M. Ayera, R. Q.JIf 29 Aug., 62 OUver P. Hunt 3 Sept., William Manu, Adj't 4 Sept, Harriaon Lowe 30 Mar., 63 WUliam R. Shoup 30 Mar., George Scruggs 1 Apr., 64 OUver Finley SSept, David M.Hays 9 Sept, Samuel M. Dunseth 2 Nov., George A. Clapp 2 Nov. , Benjamin F. Bonebrake-17 Jan., 65 EUaha Littler 26 Mar., Second Lieutenants. Surgeon. Charles H. Milla 29 June, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (24.) Captain Eobert Steward, December 18, 1862. Captain Jobn H. Gass, December 30, 1862. Captain Clark Ralston, January 19, 1863. Captain Frederick B. Sale, January 24, 1863. Captain Josiah Lee, February 7, 1864. Captain Levin Vinson, Febmary 29, 1864. Captam Pleasant M. Parks, AprU 19, 1864. Fu?Bt Lieut John B. Vinson, November 21, 1862. Pirst Lient David A. Brenton, January 1, 1863. First Lieut Ephraim S. HoweU, January 23, 1863. Firat Lieut James B. Stevens, August 6, 1863. Ftst Lieut Alexander Pollock. December 24, 1863. Fu:st Lieut. WiUiam G. Isom, February 8, 1864. First Lieut WilUam R. WUaon, September 10, 1864. Second Lieut Alfred Johnson, January 11, 1863. Second Lieut. John Urquhart, January 20, 1863. Second Lieut Stephen Brothers, March 27, 1863. Second Lieut Martin V. Stone, jfune 22, 1863. Second Lieut Joseph P. Crosby, June 22, 1863. Second Lieut James D. New, January 2, 1864. Second Lieut William P. Galway, November 13, 1864. Surgeon John J. McBlroy, AprU 14, 1864. Asaistant Surgeon Joel T. Ervlng, February 3, 1864. Assistant Surgeon Owen Wright, April 8, 1865. Discharged, (2.) Captain Nathan M. Clark, Jimuary 13, 1865. Captain Steven D. Connover, May 15, 1865. Died, (12,) Colonel Oscar P. Harmon, kiUed in action at Keneaaw Moun tain, Ga., Jnne 27, 1864. Captahi WiUiam W. Fellows, kiUed in action at Keneaaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. Captain Marion Lee, kUled in action near Marietta, Ga., June 27, 1864. Captain Edward B. Kingsbury, Angust 19, 1864, of wounds received in action before Atlanta, Ga. Captain Jackson Charlea, killed in action at Jonesbpro', Ga., September 2, 1864. • Captain Andrew W. Ingraham, February 15, 1865, of disease, at Savannah. Ga. Second Lieut William Hart, April 2, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Second Lieut. James A. McLean, killed in action at Kenesaw Mountam, Ga., Jnne 27, 1864. Second Lient. Johu L. Jones, kUled in action near Atlanta, Ga., Jnly 19, 1864. Second Lieut. Jobn J. White, killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., Auguat 7, 1864. Chaplain Levi W. Sandera, killed in action at ColweU'a Ford, Tenn., November 17, 1863. Cbaplain George K. Buesing, October 13, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. NOTE 1. — No brevet appointmenta are entered pn thia regiater except those announced in General Ordera before October 14, 1865. NOTE 2. — The roster of officers ia given aa it atood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 391 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Al ton, HI., September 4, 1862, to aerve three yeara. It waa mus tered out of aervice July 26, 1865, in accordance with ordera trom the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which thia regiraent bore honorable part la not yet published in ordera.) Colonel. • Lieutenant Colonel. , LneiuaW. Beal '.. INov., 64 Major. John Morris .. , 28 Nov., 64 Captains. Joaeph L. Thorp 11 July, 63 WUliam J. Ranaom 13 Sept., Brooks R. Hamilton 6 Mar., 64 Samuel P. Towne 30 May, Rankin P. McPheetera.. 9 July, Adley N. Gregory 22 Sept , Emery Hughes INov., Edwni T. Sammona 30 Nov., Charles M. Knox 18 Dec. , Gabriel Armstrong 30 Mar., 65 First Lieutenants. Wm. H. Jones, R. Q. M. . 6 Mar., 64 JohnJ. Clnte 8 Aug., Perry B. GUlham 22 Sept , Thomaa F. Reynolds 23 Sept , MyronPratt INov., Samuel M. Ewing 12 Nov. , Louia Wagner 30 Nov., Joaeph S. Kelly 18 Dec, William E. Edwarda 22 Jan., 65 Prancia S. Cone, Adft...20'M.e.r., JamesC. Fleming '. . . 50 Mar., Second Lieutenant. Ja,mea H. Coffman 20 Apr. , 65 Surgeon. Vernon R. Bridgea 14Deo., 63 Assistant Surgeon. Thomaa D. Washburn .. 4 Sept., 62 Chaplain. Samuel B. Roseboro 4 Sept, 62 Casualties. Resigned, (21.) Colonel Jonathan Richmond, March 3, 1864. Lieut Colonel Ezra M. Beardsley, August 12, 1864. Major William W. WUsbire, July 16, 1864. Captain Alfred Francisco, June 2, 1863. Captain Thomas Martin, July 11, 1863. Captain James H. Kabriok, January 4, 1864. Captain Edwin H. Johnston, January 26, 1864. Captain Alfred N. Smyaer, February 16, 1864. Captain Martin N. Van Fleet, April 21, 1864. Captain Larkin R. Slaughter, July 23, 1864. FUrst Lieut Daniel W. Muim, Adft, Juue 19, 1863. First Lieut Napoleon B. Stage, R. Q. M., November 6, 1863. Pirat Lieut John J. Wetmore, January 26, 1864. First Lieut. Jamea W. McDonald, Auguat 22, 1864. First Lieut. David E. Evans, November 28, 1864. First Lieut. George W. Parker, Adj't, February 21, 1865. Second Lieut. Allen Francisco, Juno 2, 1863. Second Lieut Frederick S. Gates, Jnly 21, 1863. Second Lieut Chriatian Koerber, Auguat 24, 1863. Second Lieut Martin V. Eaaterday, June 18, 1864. Second Lieut Allen H. Morgan, July 23, 1864. Discharged, (4.) First Lieut James M. Powell, Jannary 4, 1864. , First Lieut John B. MitcheU, January 4, 1864. Second Lieut George W. Vaughan, January 4, 1864. *Assistant Surgeon Erastua W. Milla, Auguat 29, 1864. Died, (4.) Captain Henry D. Cline, June 21, 1863, of diaease, at Snyder's Bluff, Misa. Pirst Lieut Joseph W. Newberry, -SegismbeT 4, 1863, of diaeaae, at Dnvall'a Bluif, Ark. Firat Lieut Isaac D. Cox, June 7, 1865, of disease, at Mem phis, Tenn. Snrgeon Charles A. Hunt, August 2, 1863, of disease, si Mound City, IU. Dismissed, (1.) Captain William H. Sobriver, P^ruary 27, 1865. * Appointed Aasistant Surgeon U. S. volunteers. Note.— The roster ot offieera is given as it stood on the day of muater out 392 ILLINOIS INFANTEY. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Chicago, Illinoia, from September 5 to October 22, 1862, to serve three years. The members whoae terms of service would have expired pre vioua to October 1, 1865, were mus tered out May 31 and June 5, 1865, in accordance with ordera from the War Department, and the re maining memhera tranaferred to the 55th regiment Illinoia infantry.) The following ia tbe only official Ust of battlea in which thia regiment bore an honorable part yet pub Uahed in orders : "CHICKASAW BAYOU," "ARKANSAS POST," "VICKSBURG, SIEGE AND ASSAULTS, NINETEENTH AND TWENTY-SECOND." Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Frank S. Curtiss 13 June, 63 Majors. Prank C. Gillette 7 Sept., 64 (Breoet Lieut. Col. 13 Mar., 1865.) Captains. Charlea Schryver 5 Sept., 62 Alexander C. Little 2 June, 63 Charles M. Libby 26 Sept, William Warner 21 Oct, WilUam S. Bunn 25 Feb., 64 Thomaa Sewell 23 Feb., J. Frank Richmond 8 Sept., Nelaon H. MerrUl 28 Sept. , Waiiam C. Palmer 20 Oct, First Lieutenants. Alfred Darnell 28 May, 63 S. W. Durant, R. Q. M..18 Nov., VFhipple M. Brayton 20 Dec, John Boyle 25 Feb., 64 Henry W. Adams 25 Feb. , Frederick A. Bigden 9 No v. , Benjamin C. Wilkins 28 Dec, IraF.Hall 26 Mar., 65 Jamea G. Nind, Adj't . ..27 Mar., Thomas W. KeUett 20 May, Harvey L. Mason, a. w. m. Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Asaiatant Surgeon Juliua P. Anthony, October 29, 1863, to Surgeon 61st regiment Illinois infantry. Resigned, (17.) Colonel Jobn Van Arman, February 23, 1863. Colonel Hamilton N. Eldridge, July 29, 1863. 'Major Thomas W. Chandler, July 11, 1864. Captain WUUam L. Fowler, December 10, 1862. Captaiu John H. Lowe, Mai-Ch 6, 186.3. Captain John S. WiUiama, December 26, 1 863. „ Captain Addison A. Keyes, Auguat 3, 1864. Pirst Lieut. Thomas Clark, March 2, 1863. First Lieut John Van Arman, jr., Adj't, March 10, 1863. Pirst Lieut Augustua F. Higgs, March 10, 1863. First Lieut. Jeremiah Evarts, April 9, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Horace Perry, Jnly 5, 1863. , Pirat Lieut. Daniel H. Hale, if. Q. M., July 11, 1863. First Lient. John R. Morgan, July 27, 1863. First Lieut. Jamea A. Wheaton, Adj't, November 9, 1864. Pirst Lieut Lucius B. Patchin, January 8, 1865. Chaplain Jonathan C. Stoughtou, August 10, 1863. Discharged, (10.) Captain Adoniram J. Burroughs, November 3, 1862., Captain Lawrence Riley, March 13, 1863. • Captam WiUiam Walker, AprU 3, 1864. Captain Prank J. Woodward, May29, 1865. Firat Lieut. Edgar W. Pike, March 13, 1863. First Lieut. Johu B. Moulton, September 20, 1863. Pirst Lieut Edgar Percival, April 4, 1866. Second Lient Charles D. Alderaon, October 20, 1863. Second Lieut James S. Soper, March 31, 1864. Second Lient. Frederick Knight, September 20, 1864. Died, (3.) Captain John S. Riddle, .Tuly 22, 1863, of wounds received ul action at Vicksburg, Miss. First Lieut Hiram McCUntock, killed iu action at Vicksburg, Mias., May 19, 1863. First Lieut. Joseph S. Berry, November 1, 1863, of diaeaae, at Chickasaw, Ala. Dismissed, (1.) Captaiu Frederick A. Raymond, July 6, 1864. 'Appointed First Lieut in V. R. C. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 393 Second Lieutenant. Amasa E. Steward 28 May, 63 Surgeon. Joel R. Gore 6 Sept, 62 Assistant Surgeon. Anson L, Clark 6 Sept, 62 Chaplain. Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except thoae announced in General Orders before October 14, 1865. ' Note 2. — The roster of officers is given as it atood on the days of muater out. 394 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONB HUNDRED AND TWENTY- EIGHTH REGIMENT. (DETACHMENT OF.) (Thia fegiment waa organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, III., from November 4 to December 18, 1862, to aerve three yeara. It having in the short period of five months loat 700 men principaUy by desertion, and the offieera having proved themaelvea utterly incom petent to perform the dutieaof their respective commiaaiona, they were mnatered out of aervice AprU 4, 1863, and the enUsted men formed into a detachment and retained in service until September, 1863, when it waa consoUdated with the 9th regiment niinois infantry.) Captain. First Lieutenants. * Wm. A. Lemma, Adft. 4 Nov., 62 WilUam M. Cooper 18 Dec, 62 Assistant Surgeon. *GeorgeW. French 7 Oct, 62 Casualties. (1.) Pirst Lieut Hubert H. Harris, December 25, 1862. Discharged, (31.) Colonel Robert M. Hundley, AprU 4, 1863. Lieut Colonel Jamea D. Pulley, AprU 4, 1863. Captain WiUiam J. Meyers, April 4, 1863. Captain WiUiam G. Durham, April 4, 1863. Captain Jefferson J. Allen, April 4, 1863. Captain John Brown, April 4, 1863. Captain Joel H. Swindell, April 4, 1863. Captain Eobert M. Allen, AprU 4, 1863. Captain WUUam P. Hutfstutler, April 4, 1863. Captain Aaron A. BeU, April 4, 1863. Captain WilUam A. Fry, AprU 4, 1863. Captain Joshua Pemberton, April 4, 1863. Firat Lieut George W. Akin, R. Q. M., AprU 4, 1863. Pirat Lieut Jamea V. Moore, AprU 4, 1863. Firat Lieut John A. Enammger, AprU 4, 1863. Firat Lient Seaborn A. Walker, April 4, 1863. Firat Lieut. Zachariah Hudgma, AprU 4, 1863. First Lieut IradeU W. WilUams, April 4, 1863. Fu:at Lieut Jease A. Mcintosh, April 4, 1863. First Lieut WilUam L. StiUey, April 4, 1863. Pirst Lieut Samuel R. Upchurch, AprU 4, 1863. Second Lieut Martin V. B. Dial, AprU 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Josiah M. Dorris, April 4, 1863. SecondLieut. Jaaper A. Crain, AprU-4, 1863. SecondLieut Addison Reeae, AprU 4, 1863. Second Lieut Martin W. Robertson, April 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Noah E. Norris, April 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Joseph B. Fuller, April 4, 1863. Second Lieut. Wiley W. HaU, AprU 4, 1863. Second Lieut Samuel H. Pemberton, April 4, 1863. Chaplain Archibald T. Benaon, AprU 4, 1863. Missing, (2.) Major Jamea D. McCown, aince November 4, 1862. Firat Lieut. Alexander McRoyal, aince November 4, 1862. * Diacharged by reason of consoUdation. NOTE.-The roster of officers is given aa it atood on the day ot consolidation. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 395 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Pon- xiao, III., Septembers, 1862, to serve three years. It was mustered out ' of service June 8, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War De partment,) (The official list of battlea in which this regiment bore an honorable partis not yet published iu orders.) Colonel, Henry Case 15 May, 63 (Brevet Brig. Gen. 16 March, 1865,) Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas H. Flynn IMay, 64 Major, John A. Hoskins 28 June, 64 Captains. Samuel T. Walkley 8 Sept, 62 Cyrus N. Baird 8 Sept, George W, Horton 11 June, 63 William'Burch 15 Aug,, Joseph P. Culver 29 Jnne, 64 George W- Ragland 1 Nov., Henry A. Oakes 20 Dec, Charles Margraff 20 May, 65 Albert A. McMUrray 22 May, Henry B. Reed, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. ' Philip D. Plattenburg, Adft 8 Sept, 62 George W. Gilchrist 8 Sept, Robert P. Edgington SSept, Jno.MeWilliams,ie.Q.JM'.20Mar., 63 BeiuaminF. Fitch 17 Apr., William T. Sraith 11 June, George M. .Dunham INov,, 64 Christopher C. Yetter 9 Nov., JohnMichael 27 Mar., 65 ¦ liorenzo D. Hoover 20 May, Lemuel Morse, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Elihu Chilcott 8 Sept , 62 William H. McDowell. -17 Apr,, 63 John P. McKnight, a. w. on. Surgeon, Orlando S. Wood 21 May, 65 Assistaoit Surgeons. Chaplain. Abel H.Scott 29 Dec, 64 Casualties. Resigoied, (20.) Colonel George P. Smith, May 8, 1863. Lieut Colonel Andrew J. Cropsey, Febmary 27, 1864. Captain Jaraea Edraundaon, December 2, 1862. Captain Wolf H. Anderson, April 19, 1863. Captain Eraatus L. Gillham, May 14, 1863. Captain George W. Ma/rtin, September 13, 1864. Captain John B.Perry, November 28, 1864, Captain Albert Lamb, December 27, 1864. First Lieut. James F. Crawford, December 9, 1862, First Lieut William C. Gwin, R. Q. M., February 14, 1863. First Lieut. John P, Blackburn, Pebruary 26, 1863. First Lieut James Chapraan, February 15, 1864, First Lieut Henry H. McNeal, April 12, 1864. First Lieut. Oromel B. Hale, July 9, 1864, Pnrst Lieut John W. Smith, September 23, 1864. ' Second Lieut John B. Mayes, February 13, 1863. Storgeon Harvey C. Johns, Jannary 19, 1864, Surgeon Darius Johnson, April 9, 1865. Assistant Surgeon WUliam H. Walters, Pebi'uary 26, 1863. Chaplain Thomas Cotton, August 6, 1864. Died, (2.) First Lieut, John Haldeman, November 15, 1864, in military prison at Columbia, S, C, Second Lieut Stephen H. Kyle, December 1, 1862, at Bowling Green, Ky. Dismissed, (1.) Captain Joseph W. Coppage, September 8, 1864, Note 1. — No brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced in General Orders before October 14, J 864. Note 2, — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 396 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND THIR TIETH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment waa organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, Il linois, October 25, 1862, to aerve three yeara. It was mustered out of service Auguat 15, 1865, in ac cordance with ordera from the^War Department) (The official Ust of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part ia not yet publiahed in ordera.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. John B. Reid 26 Jan., 65. Major. Captains. JohnD.Rouae 2 Sept, 62 Jeaae R. Johnaon 25 Oct, Jacob W. Wilkin 25 Oct, George C. Kenyon 12 Aug., 65 Thomaa C. Mathewa 12 Aug., First Lieutenants. Edmund S. Dewey, Adft.W Feb. , 64 Joaeph F. Parker 20 Feb. , Jacob W. Paulen 20 Feb., A. S. Martin, R. Q. JM". ..12 Aug., 65 Samuel G. Enloe 12 Aug., WiUiam C. McGowan ...12 Aug., WUsonJ. NeUl 14 Aug., Second Lieutenants. Charles W. Johnson IMar., 63 Leander J. Duncan 12 Aug., 65 JameaP. Tutt 12 Aug., BenjaminP. Bice 12 Aug., EUjah Conner 12 Aug. , Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. WiUiam F. Sigler 26 May, 63 Chaplain. Casualties. Transferred, (1.) Captain John W. Watta, January 25, 1865, to 77th regiment IlUnoia infantry. Resigned, (17.) Colonel Nathaniel NUea, December 5, 1863. < Lieut Colonel James H. Matheny, July 5, 1864. Captain John P. H. KeUer, January 23, 1863. Captain WilUam H. Copp, November 18, 1863. Captain J. J. R. Patrick, Pebruary 4, 1864. Captain Urbane B. Harris, February 13, 1864. Captain John D. DonneU, May 19, 1864. Captain Daniel De Camp, June 15, 1864. Pirat Lieut Daniel A. Crum, June 13, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Joel Gardner, August 1, 1863. First Lieut Francis M. Pickrell, November 19, 1863. Pirat Lieut WUUam C. Jamea, November 20, 1863. Firat Lieut. Abrabafa May, February 2, 1864. Second Lieut. John Blew, March 19, 1863. Second Lieut Duflf Leitch, March 16, 1864. Asaiatant Surgeon Edward L. H. Barry, December 12, 1862. Chaplain Elijah Bankaon, June 2, 1864. Discharged, (14.) Captain John H. Robinaon, January 26, 1865. Captain WiUiam Prescott, June 14, 1865. Fu-st Lieut A. J. GaUagher, R. Q. Af., October 6, 1862. Furat Lieut John B. Hay, Adft, October 26, 1863. First Lieut Fielding D. PhUUps, January 26, 1865. First Lieut Robert W. Orr, January 30, 1865. First Lieut Clark S. Crary, January 30, 1865. Pirst Lient Henry H. Harrington, R. Q. M., January 31*, 1865. First Lieut Richard S. Taylor, May 27, 1865. Pirst Lieut WiUiam C. Pool, May 27, 1865. Firat Lieut. WiUiam C. Harued, June 17, 1865. Surgeon Lewis K. WUcox. January 25, 1865. Assistant Surgeon David Wilkms, December 12, 1863. Chaplain WiUiam D. H. Johnson, Jnly 16, 1863. Die'd, (6.) Captain WUUam M. Colby, May 23, 1863, of wounda received in action near Vicksburg, Miss. Captain Charles T. MulUn, May 6, 1864, of wounda received in action. Firat Lieut. SUaa J. StUea, R. Q.M., Decenfberig, 1862. Firat Lieut William Harlan, February 16, 1863, of disease. Pirat Lieut. WiUiam H. Miller, March 9, 1863, of diaeaae. Second Lient. Charlea Ivea, June 14, 1863, of diaease. Dismissed, (1.) „ Second Lieut. James B. HaUford, July 3, 1863. NOTE.-The roster of officers ia given aa it stood on the day of muater out ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 397 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- FIRST REGIMENT. (BATTALION OF.) (Thia regiment was organized at Springfield and Metropolia, 111., November 13, 1862, to serve three yeara. It waa formed into a bat taUon of fotir companies September 16, 1863, and jetained in service until Novemwr 15, 1863, when it waa consolidated with the 29th regi ment Illinois infantry.) ^ Lieutenant Colonel. 'Richard A. Peter 13 Nov., 62 Major. Captains. * Thomas S. Woodward. 13 Nov., 62 * Eugene B. Cropper 24 May. 63 * Lafayette TwltcheU... ISept, First Lieutenants. JohnDaily 13 Nov., 62 •CalvinMason ISApr., 63 laaac S. Armstrong 16 Sept, John F. McCartney 16 Sept, Second Lieutenants. Jamea A. Peter 13 Nov., 62 Arden W.Ray 24 May, 63 William H. H. TindaU . .24 May, John M. Lockwood 24 May, Assistant Surgesn. Samuel J. Bnmatead 1 July, (^laplain. 63 Casualties. Resigned, (9.) Captain Frederick iSoHara, February 21, 1863. Captain WUey Hobbs, May 3, 1863. Captain James S. Herod, June 2, 1863. Captain Cornelius W. Halley, June 26, 1863. Captain WUliam H. Field, Jnly 13, 1863. Captain Elisha T. Woods, July 20, 1863: First Lieut Daniel M. WUlia, Pebruary 5, 1863. Pirat Lieut Amster B. Pate, March 3, 1863. Surgeon Joseph Brown, February 25, 1863. Discharged, (18.) Colonel George W. Neeley, September 16, 1863. Major Joaeph L. Purvis, September 16, 1863. Captaui William D. Purdom, Febmary 13, 1863. Captain David H. Laaater, September 16, 1863. Captain Jamea H. Young, November 6, 1863. First Lieut Johu R. Brown, September 16, 1863. Pirat Lieut Hallet B. Spooner, September 16, 1863. First Lieut. PhUip A. Pate, September 16, 1863. Pirst Lieut. Daniel W. Herod, September 16. 1863. Pirst Lieut Edward McMahon, September 16, 1863! First Lieut. Lewia L. Moore, September 16, 1863. Second Lieut Ira MeFarlan, September 16, 1863. Second Lieut James H. Parker, September 16, 1863. Second Lieut Charles DUlard, September 16, 1863. Second Lieut Charles Barfield, September 16, 1863. Surgeon Enoch Lagore, September 16, 1863. Ass't Surgeon Anthony A. McDonough, September 16, 1863. Chaplain Benjamin C. Swan, September 16, 1863. Died, (11.) Captain Thomaa N. Pulsipher, February 12, 1863, at Young'ii Point, La. Firat Lieut, John A. Curry, Febniary 1, 1863. FirstLieut Isaac M. Choat, February 24, 1863, at Young'a ' Point, La. First Lieut Josiah Daybuff, R. Q. M., March — , 1863. First Lieut Thomas N. Stephens, May 26, 1863. FirstLieut. John D. Wilson, July 12, 1863, at Sherman's Landing, Miss. Second Lieut Jamea C. Lasater, Pebruary 11, 1863, at Young'a Point, La. Second Lieut Sidney A. Pinney, Pebruary 13, 1863, at Young'a Point, La. Second Lieut Abner Mizell, March 31, 1863. Second Lieut Josiah Campbell, June 10, 1863, ot diaease. Second Lient Xeneplion Hanna, July 10, 1863, at Sherman'a Landing, Miss. Dismissed, (1.) Captain Edward H. McCaleb, October 10, 1863. * Discharged by reason of consolidation. ]S(OTE. The roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day ot consolidation. 398 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. *ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- FOURTH REGIMENT. (This regiraent waa organized at Alton, Diinois, in Septeraber and October, 1864, to serve one year, Ifc was raustered out of service July 14, 1865, in accordance with ordera from the War Department.) 4rf/''f.. 11 Feb., 65 David Kerley 8 Apr,, George Tackett 10 Apr., William S. Mead 6 June, Sidney A. Newcomb 24 June, Hiram Johnson 27 June, Francis M. Porter 28 June, Second Lieutenants. John Barnard 10 Sept., 64 William R. Morris 24 Sept, William H. Hutchinson. . 4 Oct., CJharles H.'Tomlinson... 8 Apr., 65 Eugene Fields 8 Apr. , Malcolm Tuustall 12 June, Edward P. Johnaon 24 June, Jesae Hayward 5 July, Surgeon. Theodore J. Bluthardt ..12 Sept., 64 Assistant Surgeoois. Joseph W. Meacham 17 Feb., 65 Frederick Brenckeraan.-14 Apr., Chaplain. Irwin B. Randle 28 Oct, 64 Casualties. Promoted, (3.) Ca,ptain Malcolm H. Copeland, March 24, 1865, to Lieut Colonel I4th regiraent Illinois infantry. First Lieut Johu W. Swift February 14, 1865, to Captain 150th regiment Illinois infantry, Asaiatant Surgeon Henry W. Boyd, March 24, 1865, to Sur geon 14th regiment Illinois infantry. > Resigned, (6.) t Colonel Cyrus Hall, March 7, 1865. Captain Charlea J. Murphy, December 21, 1864. Captain Orlando W. Frazier, February 20, 1865, Captain William E. Pitt, June 7, 1865. First Lieut George Q. Allen, May 18, 1865. First Lieut, George B. Sargent, July 1, 1865. Dismissed, (3,) First Lieut. William A, Lowe, May 13, 1865. First Lieut, Walter H, Coggeshall, June 3, 1865, Firat Lieut Conrad Keck, June 3, 1865. *From the 132d to the 143d regiments, inclusive, ware lOO-days organizations, t Recommissioned Colonel 14th regiment IlUnois infantry. Note,— The roster of officers is given aa it stood on tho day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 399 *ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- Casualties. SIXTH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Springfleld, IU., from August 26 to September 13, 1864, to serve one Discliarged, (1.) ¦ year. It was mustered out of ser vice July 8, 1865, in accordance Captain John R. Jones, April 27, 1865. with ordera from tbe War Depart ment) Died, (1.) (The official Ust of battlea in which First Lieut. Gideon V. Carr, R. Q. M., AprU 21, 1865, ot dis- this regiment bore an honorable ease, at Quincy, IU. partisnot yet publishedin orders.) Colonel Dismissed, (2.) Heury H. Dean 20 Sept, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. WUliam M. Reid 20 Sept , 04 Pirst Lieut. Philip Smith, June 14, 1865. Second Lieut John L. Kamrer, Mnrch 9, 1865. Major. laaiah W. WUmeth 20 Sept , 64 Captains. JamesT. Stevens 17 Sept, 64 Abram J. Sparks 17 .Sept, George W. Maguire 17 Sept. , John M. Lingle 18 Sept., George W. Baker 19 Sept., * FranklinM. Needham.. .20 Sept, JuUus L. Loveday 20 Sept., Ephi-aimP. Moulton 21 Sept, Edwin L. WUliam# 21 Sept, RusseU A. Hay ea 16 May , 65 First Lieutenants. Reuben H. Moses 17 Sept., 64 Duncan Campbell 17 Sept , George W. Kolp 17 Sept, WUliam Graham ISSept, Lewis German 20 Sept, Demua W. Grippm 20 Sept, Thomas C. MUler 21 Sept, Michael C. Stoner 21 Sept, Jamea P. Hodges, Adj't.lO Oct., Fletcher D. Wood, R. Q.M. 16May, 65 John W. Kitchell 16 May, Second Lieutenants. tGeorge Welch 17 Sept., 64 Thomas A. Stevens 17 Sept, Samuel Sigler 17 Sept, George R. Stoddard 18 Sept, John H. Crosby 20 Sept, JohnBarsby 20 Sept, Henry Kuhlman 21 Sept., Lewia D. Brigham 16 May, 65 George H. Weston 23 May, John E. Williams rjune. Surgeon. Robert H. McMahan 30 Sept, 64 Assistant Surgeon, JohuB. BrooHfe 14 Oct, 64 John B. Groesbeck 16 Dec, Chaplain. Jamea J. A. T. Dixon. . .16 Jan., 65 ^ * The 145th regiment was a lOO-days organization. t Discharged September 5, 1865. Note, — The roater of officers ia given as it stood on the day of muster out. 400 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Chicago, Illinois, February 18, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service January 20, 1866, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battlea in which thia regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Hiram P. Sickles 21 Feb., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. * Giles H. Bush 20 Feb., 65 Major. " Frank Clendenm 21 July, 65 Captains. Frank A. Buys 31 Jan., 65 Johns. Pratt 2Feh., Francis A. Darling 6 Feb., James Tullis 8 Feb., Abalino C, Bardwell 10 Feb., *Mathew W. Borland... 18 Feb., Azro A. Buck 18 Feb., Achilles Chiniquy 19 Feb,, James H. Reynolds 8 Apr.. George H. Fay , 7 Aug., First Lieutenants. Lawrence E. Emmons -.31 Jan., 65 John C, Long, Adj't 1 Feb., Albert Snow... 1 2 Feb,, George W. Harkness 10 Feb., Charles A. Chiniquy 14Feb,, Jonathan H.Dow 18 Feb,, Romeyn A. Dixon 19 Feb., Bseck B. Day 8 Apr. , William H. H, Jones 7 Aug., Jacob M. Martin 17 Oct. , Alfred P. Thornton 1 Jan., 66 Second Lieutenants. John T. Taylor 26 Jan., 65 George E. Gillraan 30 Jan., Winfield S. Van Horn. .. 3 Feb., Smith T, Harding 8 Apr., Albert J. Miller 8 Apr,, CharlesBent 7Aug., Daniel J. Keeley 18 Oct,, Surgeon. Evert Van Buren IJan,, 66 Assistant Surgeon. WiUiam J, Conly 31 Mar, , 65 Chaplain. Casualties. Proonoted, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Williara R. Adair, March 30, 1865, to Sin- geon 153d regiment Illinois infantry. Resigned, (4.) Pirst Lient. Denison C. Frisbie, September 2, 1865, First Lieut Joseph Sears, R. Q. M., Septeraber 2, 1865, Second Lieut George W. Churchill, May 11, 1865. Surgeon Frank A, Eramona, September 7, 1865. Dismissed, (3,) Lieut. Colonel Werner W. Bjerg, June 2, 1865. Firat Lieut John Collins, R. Q. M., November 10, 1865. First Lieut Edward E. H. Stnrtevant, November 10, 1865, * Discharged January 24, 1866. NOTE.-The roster of officers is given aa it stood on tbe day o f muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 401 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Springfield, 111., in February, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service September 5, 1865, in accordance with ordera from the War Departmeut.) (The official liat of battlea in which thia regiment bore an honorable jjart is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Horace H. Willsie 21 Feb., 63 Lieutenant Colonel. Charles J. Peckham 21 Feb., 65 Major. Anthony A. nemenover.21 Feb., 65 Captains. Benjamin F. Burnett 11 Feb. , 65 John Stubbs 11 Feb., Benjamin W. McCoy 11 Feb., Frank A. Thomas 16 Feb., Robert G. Welsh . » . . . .16 Feb., Jacob M. Payton 16 Feb. , John M. MUls 18 Feb., John G. Brady 25 Mar., Walter Newton 11 May, Carsten Tienken 17 JtUy, First Lieutenants. George E. Poss, R, Q, JI/.30 Jan,, 65 Saml. B.Guernsey, ^ii;'(. 2 Feb., Edward McGalliard 11 Feb., Alexander S. Eastlick. . .11 Feb. , James W. Stauforth 16 Feb., Henry H. (Irimes 16 Feb., George M. Martin 25 Mar. , Simeon Darnell 1 May, Samuel C. Varner 11 May, Joseph T. Cook 4 June, George H. Knight 22 July, Second Lieutenants. William H. Rupert 11 Feb., 65 Johu T. Bush 16 Feb., Francia M. Barney 16 Feb., McColumn Morrison 25 Mar., Mason M. Hicks IMay, Nathaniel F. Dorren;e..ll May, Surgeon. Frank N. Smitb 27 Mar. , 65 Assistant Surgeons. David C.Linn 26 Mar., 65 Thomas B. Drake 4 Apr. , Chaplain. Reuben A. Batburst 15Mar., 65 Casualties. Resigned, (6.) Captain Henry A. Dix, May 15, 1865. First Lieut George McCarty, April 20, 1865. Firat Lieut. James T. White, AprU 20, 1865. Second Lieut Frederick B. SeUs, April 20, 1865. Second Lieut. Loami J. Bates, May 11, 1865. Second Lieut. Liberty Courtney, May 17, 1 865. Died, (1.) First Lieut Stephen O. BaU, March 4, 1865, ot disease, at Camp Butler, 111. Cashiered, (1.) Second Lieut. Valentine R. Brittingham, Angust 1, 1865. NOTE. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 26 402 ILLINOIS INFANTEY. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, 111, February 15, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out ot ser vice Jauuary 27, 1866, in accord ance with ordera from tho War De partment.) (The official list ot battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Colonel. William C. Kueffner 15 Feb., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Alexander G. Ilawes - . .11 Feb., 65 Major. Moses M. W.arner ...11 Feb., 65 Captains. William E. Winholtz 11 Feb,, 65 John W. Renshaw U Feb., ,Samuel Schiraminger .. .11 Feb., JohnL. Peterson 11 Feb., Edward Lafferty 11 Feb., Derrick Lamb 12 Feb., George Bender 12 Feb., WUUam W. Staudage . . .13 Feb., George Peter 13 Feb,, Rudolph Strcnge 30 Sept,, First Lieutenants. John Berry, R. Q.. M 11 Feb., 65 Oziel G. Smith 11 Feb., Christian Zimmerman . . .13 Feb., Samuel E. Keymer 13 Feb., Henry Kissell 13 Feb., Edw.^rd L. French 14 Feb., Daniel G. Eldridge 16 Feb., Albert A. Van Gieson. . . 6 July, William T. Blythe 17 Sept , Ira G. Lawton 18 Sept., George W. Sieber, Adj't.30 Sept., Jacob Coei'ver 1 Oct., Second Lieutenants. EmU Scheitliu 13 Feb., 65 .Toaeph Rieth 13 Feb., Henry Gaty 13 Feb., Charles A. Benson 5 June, Jacob Geminu 24 Oct, Charlea Jacobua 24 Oct,, Surgeon. Thomaa Winston IMar., 65 Assistant Surgeons. Samuel D. Mercer 20 Feb., 65 Adolphus Green 3 Mar, , Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (9.) Captain Charles Seitz, August 22, 1865. First Lieut. James Gilman, June 4, 1865. First Lieut James W. Howard, June 9, 1865, First Lieut Winfield S. Norcoss, Adft, Jnly 23, 1865, First Lieut. W. A. McMurtrey, August 10, 1865. Second Lieut. David Badgley, April 11, 186.5. Second Lieut Peter Bruecber, May 19, 1865. Second Lient. William Bays, May 22, 1865. Second Lieut WiUiam Cage, July 26, 1865. Died, (1.) First Lieut. Wesley Burk, March 23, 1863, of disease, at Cleveland, Tenn. Note.— Tbo roster ot offieera ia given as it atood on the day ot muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 403 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, lioar Springfield, Illinoia, February 14, 1865, to serve one year. It was muatered out of service January 16, 1866, in accord ance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Lieutenaoit Colonel. Charles F. Springer 14 Feb., 65 Major. William K. Prickett 14 Feb., 65 Captaiois. Walter G. Barnes 14 Feb., 65 John W. Swift 14 Feb., Moses B. Sloan 14 Feb., Lines L. Parker 14 Feb., Hiram B. Vonnum 14 Feb. , John V. Bovell 14 Feb., William B. Lawrence. ..14 Feb., Clarence D. Perry 18 July, Charles H. West 18 Sept., Alexander Hughes 7 Oct., First Lieutenants. Chauncey H. Sheldon, Adft 14 Feb., 65 John C. Pierce, R. Q. M. . 14 Feb. , William Weaver 14 Feb., Walter S. Brown 14 Feb., Caleb P. Reynolds 14 Feb., Augustua W. Rogers 18 July, John N. Prickett 18 July, WiUiamL, Hilyard 1 Sept, Joseph E. Springer 18 Sept. , Fulton McCorraick 9 Oct, Second Lieutenaoits. William Van Gundy.... 14 Feb., 65 Joseph Hollis 14 Feb., Richard Carroll 14 Feb., Jacob Miller 14 Feb. , James M. Stevens 14 Feb., John Gaffney 18 Sept., Surgeon. Harmon A. Buck, a, w, m. Assistant Surgeooi. James G. Cox 14 Feb., 6» Cha2Jlaiot. Casualties, Po'omoted, (1.) Second Lient Robert Caropy, Jiily 20, 1865, to First Lieut 136th U. S, C. T. Resigned, (11.) Colonel George W, Keener, July 20, 1865. Captahi Allen C. Keys, Auguat 19, 1865. Captain Hiram D. Wilson, Septeraber 14, 1865. Firat Lieut. Sylvester B. Miller, May 15, 1865. First Lieut, Harlow Bassett, June 21, 1865. First Lieut Jaraes H. Wells, July 2, 1865. Pirst Lieut. Daniel C. Damude, August 6, 1865. Fh-st Lieut. William Thompson, December 18, 1865. Second Lieut WilUara M. Sraith, June 20, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Joseph M, Jenkins, June 9, 1865- Chaplain William II. Jordan, October 6, 1865. Discharged, (1.) Captain John H. Stout, May 15; 1865. Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out 404 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- FIRST REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, IlU noia, trom the 17th to the 21st ot February, 1865, to serve one year. It. was mustered out ot service January 24, 1866, in accord,ance with orders from the War Depart ment.) (The official list of battles in which thia regiment bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders. ) Colonel, French B. Woodall 25 Feb., 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Herman W. Snow 25Peb., 65 Major. SUaa Battey 25Feb., 65 Captains. PhUip Slaughter 17 Feb. , 65 Isaac David 18 Feb., Sylveater S. Newton 21 Feb., WiUiam H. Saunders . . .21 Feb., Harman Andrewa 21 Feb., Casimer P. Jackson. . ,. .24 Feb., John Sutton 24 Feb., Gemenemes Goble 14 Apr. , James L. Cochran 28 July,- ThomasJ. Joseph 17 Oct, First Lieutenants. Michael B. Butz, ^rf/i.-.W Feb., 65 WUliam J. Harell 17Feb., John E. N. Sparks 21 Feb., WUliam Fairman 21 Feb., Joseph N. McVicker 21 Feb., Robert A. WUliams 24 Feb., George R. Carter 14 Apr., Andrew Galbralth 28 July, SUas E. Bristol, R. Q. M.28 July, Harvey T. Gregg 17 Oct, Lyman W. Young 18 Oct, Carithers ZoH, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Daniel Clark 21 Feb., 65 SamuelWatsou 11 July, Eli B. Jones 11 July, Richard Hobart 18 Oct, John Newland, a. w. m. Surgeon. Walter D. StUlman 7 Mar. , 65 Assistant Surgeon. Frederick Cole 17 Mar., 65 Chaplain. Daniel S. Altman 19 Mar,, 65 Casualties. Resigned, (10.) Captain George C. Steach, June 23, 1865. Captain Thomas J. Heira, July 23, 1865. Pirat Lieut James Montooth, June 20, 1865. Pirst Lieut Jamea B. RuaseU, R. Q. M., Jnne 23, 1865. Pirst Lieut Austin J. Worden, Auguat 17, 1865. Second Lieut Isaac R. Davia, May 16, 1865. Second Lieut. WUliam Howe, June 12, 1865. Second Lieut Harrison Elliott June 12, 1865. Second Lient. Thomas Hender, Jnne 28, 1865. Assistant Surgeon Frank D. Casa, June 6, 1865. Dismissed, (1.) Pirst Lieut. Johu M. Yamell, June 20, 1865. Deserted, (1.) Second Lient. WUUam A. WinseU, July 15, 1865, Note. — The roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTRY, 405 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, III., in February, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service September 11, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore an houorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Ferdin'd D. Stephenson. 18 Feb., 65 Lieutenaoit Colooiel. Jasper Partridge 18 Feb. , 65 Major. Johu H. Nale ISFeb., 65 Captains. waiiam F. Sloeumb ... .18 Feb., 05 Isaac P. Strayer 18 Feb., James M. Hunter 18 Feb., William Moorhead 18 Feb., Troy Moore 18 Feb, , George W. Beam 18 Feb., Joseph W. Brown 18 Feb. , WiUiam W, Maddox. . . .18 Feb., Joseph H, Pitman 18 Feb., Edwin B. Warmoth 17 June, First Lieutenants. George L.Wood 18 Feb., 65 George W.Kerr 18 Feb., WiUiam Dyar 18 Feb., George R. Ferguson 18 Feb., Cyrus M. Blingman 18 Feb., Jesse D. Dewitt 18 Feb., DeWitt C. Meara 18 Feb., Merritt Hurst 18 Feb., Lyraan D. Garrett, R. Q. M. 20 Feb., Jaraes "Roy, Adft 1 Apr., George Standring 17 June, Second Lieutenants. James N, Barger 18 Feb., 65 Alexander H. Brown . . .18 Feb., Frank Richmond 18 Feb., Joseph N. Rea 18 Feb,, Hamilton Sutton 18 Feb., Ferdinand Hughes 18 Feb., John W. Dugger 18 Feb., Surgeon, Hiram S. Plummer 25 Feb., 65 Assistant Surgeooi. Edwin P. CatUn 20 Mar,, 65 Chaplain. John M. Preshaw 19 May, 65 Casualties. Resigned, (4.) Captain Joseph H. Crow, May 17, 1865. First Lieut Thomas L. Orndorff, August 14, 1865. Second Lieut, William Bruce, Auguat 12, 1865, Second Lieut, WiUiara Harness, August 23, 1865, Note. — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of muster out. 406 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONB HUNDRED AND FIFTY- THIRD REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Camp Fry, IU., February 27, 1865, to serve one year. It was mus tered out of aervice September 21, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War Department.) Colonel. ^ Stephen Bronaon 27 Feb., 65 (BrevetBrig. Got. 28 Sept, 1865.) Lieutenant Colonel. Major. John A. WUson 27Feb., 65 Captains. GUea D. Walker 27 Feb. , 65 Samuel J. Tompkms 27 Feb., Samuel H. Judd 27 Feb., Jonathan E. Brown 27 Feb., Charles Hitchcock 27 Feb, , Edward C. LoveU 27 Feb., Andrew W.Wheeler 27 Feb., Charles Bronaon 27 Feb., James N. Johnson 29 May, Jamea A. Landon 20 Jnne, First Lieutenants. John Gilman, .4rf;'i 24Feb., 65 John Steele 27 Feb., Donald A. Nicholson 27 Feb., Warren D. M. Coon 27 Feb., AlanaonParnham 27 Feb., Edson C. Howard 27 Feb., Michael J. Dunne 27 Feb., Daniel S. Sitzer 20 June, William R. Colbum 20 June, Kehemiah J. Wheeler, R. Q-M 20 June, James F. Cosgrove 21 June, Jacob T. Glenn 1 Jnly, Second Lieutenants. Luther C. Lawrence 27 Feb., 65 Fernando C. Brown 27 Feb., Aaron Rushbacker 27 Feb. , OUver P. Chisholm 27 Feb. , Charles E, Simmons 27 Feb., George E. Hubbard 1 May, Thomas Whitmore 20 June, Joaeph M. Milton 21 June, Benjamin F. Warnock .. 1 July, .Surgeon. WiUiam E. Adair 31 Mar., 65 Assistant Surgeons. Henry F. Cheabrough. . .18 Feb,, 65 Amoa Scott 4 June, Chaplain. Janies B. Jackson 11 Apr., 65 Casualties. Resigned, (7.) Lieut Colonel Louis Schaffner, August 18, 1865. Captaiu Enos Turner, April 24, 1865. Captain WilUam G. BUliugs,- May 22, 1865. Furst Lieut Moses A. Thayer, R. Q. M., May 26, 1865. Pirst Lieut John H. Payne, May 27, 1865. Pirst Lieut Philip H. Carr, June 7, 1865. Second Lieut. Alonzo W. Fuller, May 27, 1865. Second Lient. Zina G. Chicago, 111. Died, (1.) Tv^ard, March 6, 1865, ot diaease, at NOTE l.—No brevet appointmenta are entered on thia register except those announced in Geueral Uraers before October 14, 1865. NOTE 2.— The roster of officers ia given as it stood on the day ot muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 40T ONB HUNDRED AND PIPTY- FOUHTH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment waa organized at Camp Butler, near Spiinfleld, HI., in February, 1865, to aerve one year. It waa mustered out of ser vice September 18, 1865, m accord ance with orders from tbe War Department.) (The official list ot battles in which this regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders. ) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Francia Swanwick 20 Jnne, 65 Major. Thomaa H. Dobbs 20 June, 65 Captains. Martin B. Thompaon 22Feb., 65 Gilbert Summe 22 Feb., Henry A. White 22 Feb. , Frederick A. Johns 22 Feb., James B. Couch 22 Feb., Henry A. Oliver 22 Feb., Jamea Elliott 22 Feb., Burton Brown IMay, Samuel Mitchell 10 June, David P. Murphy 20 Juue, First Lieutenants. Fred. W. Diokhut, Adft . 22 Feb. , 65 John P. Post, Ji. Q. Af. . . .22 Feb., William A. KUer 22 Feb., James N. Carlton 22 Feb., WUUam H. ElUa 22 Feb., JamesH. Wright 22 Feb., Frederick Triette 22 Feb., William Cappa 22 Feb., Chauncy H. Graves 1 May, JohnJ. Jones 10 June, MichaelF. Trapp 20 June, Second Lieutenants. MorUlo H. Perry 22 Feb., 65 John E. Sawrey 22 Feb. , George B. Danforth 22 Feb., James M. Malone 22 Feb., ¦Henry Cornellua 22 Feb. , ThomaaBurne 22Feb,, George O. Rutledge 4 Mfiy, Edward H. MofFett 10 June, Thomaa J. Dunn 20 June, Surgeon. GustavouB A. Kuechen..25 Aug., .65 Assistant Surgeon. Flavel Shurtleff 6 Apr. , 65 Chaplain. JohnE. Moore 22 Feb., 65 Casualties. Resigned, (4.) Captaiu WilUam W. McAllister, March 21, 1865. Captain Benajah M. Cox, May 19, 1865. First Lieut Henry R. Clark, Auguat 18, 1865. Second Lieut Ebenezer M. Been, May 19, 1865. Died, (2.) Colonel McLain F. Wood, August 6, 1865, of disease at, Nash ville, Tenn. Surgeon Melvin N. Rust, Auguat 13, 1865, at Naahville, Tenn. Dismissed, (1,) Lieut. Colonel Moses C. Brown, May 18, 1865. NOTE.-The roster of officers is given as it stood on the day of mnster ont 408 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, IU., February 28, 1865, to serve one year. It was muatered out of ser vice, September 4, 1865, in accord ance with orders from the War Department) (The official list of battles in which this regiment bore ' an honorable part, ia not yet publiahed in orders.) Colonel. * Gustavus A. Sraith 28 Feb., 65 Lieuteoiant Colonel. Joaeph B. Berry 28 Feb., 65 Major. JohnH. L Lacy 28 Feb., 65 Captains. Jacob B. Yeagley 28 Feb., 65 George W. Richarda 28 Feb., JohnW. Lowber 28 Feb., laaac C. Leger 28 Feb., WilUam Anderson 28 Feb.. EdmundL. Welles 28 Feb.. Tilraon Shirley 28 Feb. , David Glenn 28 Feb., Thoraas P. Scott 22 May, Jamea Mains 13 Aug., First Lieuteoiants. Wm.L. Warning, ^rf?'«.. 28 Feb., 65 George Scheurmann 28 Feb., Edward Herrick 28 Feb., Rosa Neely 28 Feb., Whitfield N. Alley 28 Feb., John MlUer 28 Feb., Absalom A. Laaater 28 Feb., Hem-y T. Jonea 28 Feb., George W. Hobbs 22 May, James A. Lyon, R. Q. M.23 June, Samuel Mitchell 23 June, Thomas J. Hamilton 13 Aug., Second Lieutenants. Christopher Snyder 28 Feb., 65 William Trainer 28 Feb., MarshaU C. Wooda 28 Feb., Johu A. Souther 28 Feb., John Coker 28 Feb., Sarauel Gerard 28 Feb., James D. Smith 25 May, Surgeooi. RusseU J. CoUins -28 Feb., 65 Assistant Surgeon. Charles K. Hendee 28 Feb., 65 Chaplaioi. JohnHamUton 13 Mar., 65 Casualties. Resigned, (4.) Fh'St Lieut. John Eedick, April 11, 1865. First Lieut, Ephraim Beasiey, May, 31, 1865, Firat Lieut Napoleon B. Walker, R. Q. M,, Juue 4, 1865. Second Lieut, James R, Lewis, June 4, 1865. Cashiered, (1.) Captain Charles J. PeshaU, June 8, 1865. * Discharged December 14, 1865, Note.— The roster of officers is given as it atood on the day of muster out ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 409 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment waa organized at Chicago, Illinoia, March 9, 1865, to serve one year. It was mustered out of service Septeraber 20, 1865, in accordance with ordera from the War Departraent.) (The official list of battles in which thia regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders.) Colonel. Alfred T. Smith 4 Apr. , 65 Lieutenant Colonel. Erwin B. Measer 14 Mar., 65 Major. JohnTunlaon 14 Mar., 65 Captains. Mortimer P. Bundy 9 Mar., 65 Thomas S, Sexton 9 Mar., Henry J. Allen 9 Mar., Chauncy B. Hubbard ... 9 Mar., WiUiam Patten 9 Mar,, Charles A, Shroyer 19 Apr,, W. Irving Terry 14 July, WiUiara N. RUey 21 Aug., Cheater M. S.tewart 29 Aug., First Lieutenants. A. P. Lyona, R. Q.M.... 1 Mar., 65 BraanuelEngelated OMar., David G. Hudson 19 June, Eugene Fuller 21 June, Loren L. Pitch, Adj't 14 JiUy, Johu W. Blake 14 July, Levi Stanley 21 Aug., Aloia Podhrasnik 28 Aug., MarshaU Cassingham 1 Sept., Second Lieoitenants. Peter B.Boyd 24 Feb., 65 Martin Daley 9 Mar., WUliam P. Wright 2 July, Richard P. McCabe 14 July, Birkett G. Jennings 15 July, Surgeooi. William H. Hess 15 Mar., 65 Assistant Suogeons. WiUiam P. Penfield 3 Mar., 65 Henry I. Godfrey 14 Mar. , Chaplain. Casualties, Resigned, (13.) Captain Nelaon Clark, June 4, 1865. Captain Edwin R. Godfrey, June 10, 1865. Captaiu Thomaa L. Johnaon, June 13, 1865. Captain WilUam Blanchard, Jxme 14, 1865. First Lieut WUUam Jolea, May 23, 1865. Firat Lieut Reuben B. Johnson, May 31, 1865. Firat Lient. Reuben W. Bard, May 31, 1865. Firat Lieut William E. Craib, July 21, 1865. Firat Lieut WUUam H. Shears, August 28, 1865. Second Lieut John W. S. Bergman, May 31, 1865. Second Lieut. Narclsae B. Reevea, June 3, 1865. Second Lieut. Solomon E. Mertz, June 14, 1865. Second Lieut Lester Kenyon, August 14, 1865. Discharged, (1,) Second Lieut, Caleb Walker, May 15, 1865. Note, — The roster of officers is given as dt stood on the day of muster out 410 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. STURGES'S INDEPENDENT COMPANY OP RIFLES. (This corapany was organizedat Chi cago, HI., June 15, 1861, to serve three years. It was mustered out of service November 22, 1862, in accordance with ordera from the War Department.) (The official listof battlea in which this company bore an honorable part is not yet pubUshed in orders.) Captain. First Lieutenant. 1 Nathaniel E.Sheldon 15 June, 61 Second Lieutenant. '*Marcu8 P. Porster ISJune, 61 Casualties. Resigned, (1.) Captain James Steel, October 16, 1862. * Diacharged November 25, 1862. Note.— Tho roster of officers is given aa it stood on the day of muster out. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 411 RAM FLEET. MISSISSIPPI MARINE BRIGADE. (This organization, consisting of two rams, the " Monarch" and the "Switzerland," was formed ef detachments of different infantry organiza tions and transferred for duty on Miesissippi steam rams.) Lieutenant Colonel. ^ John A, Ellet, a. oo. m. Major. John W, Lawrence, a. w. m. Adjutaoit. George W, BaUey, a. w. m. « RAM "MONARCH," (This detachment was organized as company K, 18th lUinoia infantry. May 28, 1861, at Anna, 111., to serve three years, and permanently trans ferred to the rara fleet, Miasiaaippi marine bri gade, in accordance with orders from the War Department of Pebruary 11, 1863. It was mus tered out June 7, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Captain. AsgUl Conner, a. w. m. First Lieuteoiant. t John L. Tuthill, a. w. m. Second Lieutenant. Jesse Temple, a. w. on. RAM "SWITZERLAND." (This detachment was formed of members of the 59th, 63d, and 101st regiments Illinois infantry and transferred to the ram fleet, Mississippi marine brigade, in accordance with ordera from the War Department of February 11, 1863. The veterans were transferred to the Ist regi ment of infantry, Miasiaaippi marine brigade, and aasigned to company A, August 26, 1864, and the remaining merabers transferred to the 58th regiment Ohio infantry.) Second Lieutenant. William F. Warren, a. w. m. * Transferred to 1st regiment of infantry, Miseisflippi marine brigade. t Discharged August 29, 1864. Note — The roster of officers is given as it stood on the days of transfer and muster out A^P»FEMDIX. PART VI. In addition to the regiments and companies given in the body of thia Register, the following organizations, whose terms of service jvere less than nine months, have been in tho service of the United States since March, 1861. INDIANA INFANTRY. 415 SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., from the 22d to the 27th of April, 1861, to serve three mouths. It was mustered out August 2, 1861, by reaaon of expiration of term of ser vice.) Colonel. Thomas T. Crittenden 21 Apr., 61 Lieutenant Colond. Hiram Prather '. 27 Apr. , 61 Major. John Gerber 27 Apr., 61 Captains. .ThomasJ. Harrison 22 Apr., 61 Rufus Gale 22 Apr. , wm C. Moreau ^ 22 Apr. , Hagerman Tripp ..,.22 Apr., Alois O. Bachman 22 Apr., Philemon P. Baldwin : .23 Apr., JohnD. Evans , 23 Apr,, Charlea Child 24 Apr., Fielder A. Jones 24 Apr., Augustus H. Abbott 25 Apr.,- First Lieutenants. Thomas Herring 22 Apr. , 61 John T. Hendricks 22 Apr. , George W. Kendrick 22 Apr. , Thomas Graham 22 Apr,, Robert Allison 22 Apr. , , Samuel Russell 23 Apr., JohnF. Longley 23 Apr., Richard W. Meridith 24 Apr. , Stephen Story 24 Apr. , AUen W. Prather 25 Apr, , George W, Wiley, Adft 27 Apr,, Josiah H. Andrews, R. Q. M 27 Apr., Second Lieutenants. WilUam R. Philipa 1.22 Apr., 61 William Hamilton 22 Apr., Samuel P. McKeehan ^ 22 Apr., WUUam Y. Days 22 Apr , Lycurgus L. Boblett 22 Apr., Isaac Stephens 23 Apr., George A. Wainwright ...23 Apr., Alanson Solomon 24 Apr. , Calvin B, Trumbo 24 Apr., William G. Wheeler 25 Apr., Surgeon. Charles Schiissler ..27 Apr.. 61 Assistant Surgeon. Jtfhn W. Davis 27 Apr., 61 Chaplain. CASUALTIES. SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., from the 2l8t to the 27th of April, 1861, to serve three montha. It was raustered out Auguat 2, 1861, by reason of expiration of term of ser vice.) Colonel. Eboaezer Dumont 27 Apr,, 61 Lieutenaoit Colonel. Benjamin J. Spooner 27 Apr., 61 Major. Samuel P. Oyler 27 Apr., 61 CaptSiois. John P. Cheek 21 Apr. , 61 John H. Ferry 22 Apr., JosephP. GiU 22 Apr., John M. Blair 23 Apr., Johu W. Rahb 23 Apr., James Burgess 24 Apr., James Morgan 24 Apr',, Joseph v. Bemuadaffer 24 Apr., Nathan Lord, jr 24 Apr., Jefferson K. Scott 25 Apr. , First Lieutenaoits. Jesae Armstrong 21 Apr,, 61 Henry Waller 22 Apr., William B. Ellis 22 Apr., John Flinn 23 Apr., Soloraon Watermnn ¦^ 23 Apr., Peter S. Kennedy 24 Apr., Ira G. Grover 24 Apr., Benjamin- C. Shaw 24 Apr., Samuel K. Stephens 24 Apr., Charles Day 25 Apr., James Gavin, Adft 27 Apr., David E. Sparks, R.Q.M 27 Apr,, Second Lieutenants. EU Mattocks 21 Apr., Gl Alexander B. Pattison 22 Apr., Welcome B. McLaughlin 22 Apr. , John C. Maze. 23 Apr., David Lostutter, jr 23 Apr, , Joseph S. MUler 24 Apr., Benjamin M. Ricketts 24 Apr. , Josephus L. Tucker 24 Apr. , William Francia 24 Apr., Theodore P. Orner 25 Apr., Surgeon. George W. New 27 Apr., 61 Assistant Surgeon. WiUiam GUleapio 27 Apr. . 01 Chaplain. Casualties. 416 INDIANA INFANTRY. EIGHTH REGIMENT, (Thia regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from the 2lBt to the 27th of April, 1861, to aerve three months. It was mustered out August 6, 1861, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. WilliamP. Benton 27 Apr., 61 Lieutenaoit Colonel. SUas Colgrove : 27 Apr. , 61 Major. David Shunk 27 Apr. , 6 L Captains. Jacob Widaman 21 Apr., 61 Thomas J. Brady 21 Apr., Maberry M. Lacey 21 Apr., Hiram T, Vandevender 22 Apr. , Reuben A. RUey 22 Apr. , OUver H. P. Carey 23 Apr., Charles S. Parrish 23 Apr., Frederick Tykle 25 Apr. , Alexander J. Kenny - 21 June, George W.H, Riley 27 June, First Lieutenants. Francis C, Swiggett 21 Apr., 61 Joseph Kirk 21 Apr,, John A, Gusley 21 Apr,, Lorenzo D, McCallister 22 Apr,, WUUam K. Walls 22 Apr. , John Rneae 23 Apr., Joaeph M. Thompson 23 Apr. , Edmund M. Ives..-- 24 Apr., Henry Ray 25 Apr., * Charles O. I-Ioward, Adft 21 June, Jamea Conner 27 Jane, Nathan Branson, R.Q.M ....28 Jnne, Second Lieutenants, George Adams 21 Apr., 61 James Fergua 22 Apr,, Jacob M. Wells 23 Apr., Franklin DaUy 23 Apr., Allen O. Neff 24 Apr,, Joseph W. ConneU 25 Apr,, Robert A, Douglas 25 Apr,, Lee O, Harris 27 June, t John T, Robinson 28 June, Surgeon. Jamea Ford 27 Apr. , 61 Assistant Surgeon. George W. Edgerlee 27 Apr., 61 Chaplaioi. Casualties. To-ansferred, (1.) Firat Lieut. Archibald I. Harrison, Adft, Juue 20, 1861, as^.'Z*. C. Resigned, (1.) ¦ Captain Thomas J. Lee, July 5, 1861. NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from the 22d to the 27ih of April. 1861, to serve three months. It waa mustered out July 29, 1861, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Robert H. Milroy 27 Apt-., 61 Lieutenaoit Colonel. David M. Dunn 27 Apr., 61 Major. Don J. Woodward 27 Apr., 61 Captains. Andrew Anderson, jr 22 Apr., 61 Jehu C. Hannum 22 Apr., Robert A. Cameron 23 Apr,, Dudley H. Chase . . - 24 Apr., Thomas S. Dunn 24 Apr., TheodoreF. Mann 24 Apr., Gideon C. Moody 24 Apr., WiUiam P."Segiir 24 Apr., Thomas J. Patton 24 Apr., WiliianiH. Blake 25 Apr., First Lieutenants. Henry J. Blowney 22 Apr., Gl John H. Gould 22 Apr., Isaac C. B. Suman 23 Apr,, Frederick P, Morrison 24 Apr., De WittC. Weimer 24 Apr., Charies H. Kirkendall 24 Apr., Edwin P. Hammond 24 Apr,, Henry A. Whitman 24 Apr., George H. Carter 24 Apr., Ashael K. Bush 25 Apr., Henry Loring, jr., Adj't 27 Apr., Carter L. Vigus, R. Q.M 27 Apr., Second Lieutenaoits. Francia A. Hardmau 22 Apr., 61 William A. Pigman 22 Apr., Gilbert A. Pierce 23 Apr., Alexander Hamilton 24 Apr. , Orlp,ndo W. Miles 24 Apr., James D. Braden .7 24 Apr., AlbertG. Guthridge 24 Apr,, William S. Story 24 Apr., Joseph W. Richarda 24 Apr., Alaon Baily 25 ^pr., Soirgeon. Daniel Meeker 27 Apr., 61 Assistaoit Surgeon. Mason G. Sherman 29 May, 61 Chaplain. Aaron Garney 28 Apr., 61 Casualties. Resigned, (1.) Assistant Surgeou Jacob Hardman, May 29, 1861. * Served as Captain until June 21, 1861, when transferred to Reg. Adft. t Served aa R. Q. M. to Jane 23, 1861, when transferred to Second Lieut. INDIANA INFANTRY. 417 NINTH REGISIENT. (INDIANA legion.) (This regiinent was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from the 17th to the 25th of July, 1862, to aerve thirty daya. It waa mustered ont August 26, 1862, by reason of expiration of term of service. A new company, designated as E, was organized August 26, 1862, to aerve thicty days, and mustered out September 27, 1862.) Colonel. Kennedy Brown 6 Aug., 63 Lieutenant Colooiel. Major. Captains. John B. WUson 17 July, 62 Calvin W. Dixon 22 July, Levhi W, Hudson 23 July, Jamea Craig 23 July, John S. Adams 24 July David W. Moffat 34 July, Lewis F, Brougher 24 July, Solon B. CoweU 25 July, James Tobias 25 July, *Manlovo G. Butler 26 Aug., First Lieuteoiants. Caleb Wilson 17 July, 62 Levi Wood, R.Q.M 18 July, Joseph Ayers 22 July, George W. Adama 23 July, GUlum H, Cox 23 July, AUen W. Lett 24 July, James T. Spaulding 24 July, John C. Lee 24 July, Smith W, Storey, Adft 25 July, William F, Stewart 25 July, Solon B. CampbeU 25 July, * Joseph F. Draper 26 Aug., Second Lieutenants. Jamea A. Hudaon 17 July, 62 James H. WUlaon 22 July, John Day 22 July, James B. Hudson 23 July, Azariah D, Stephenson 23 July, Nineveh Keyser .*. 24 July, Hugh McGannon l 24 July, WiUiam Fawcett 24 July, Thomas B, Denhnm 25 July, John S, ShiUideay 25 July, * Solon R. Soper 26 Aug., Surgeon. Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. ¦ Casualties. Mustered out ooi expiration of term ofservice, (2.) Captain Maulo ve G, Butler, August 26, 1862. (Re commissioned as Captain August 26, 1863.) First Lieut, Solon R. Soper, August 26, 1863. ' (.Re commissioned aa SecondLieut August 26, 1863.) ¦ TENTH REGIMENT. (This regiraent was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, frora the 22d to the 25th of April, 1861, to serve three montha. It was mustered out August 6, 1861, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Mahlon D. Manson 10 May, 61 Lieutenant Colooiel, James R. M. Bryant 25 Apr., 61 Major. WUliam C. Wilson 10 May, 61 Captains. Chris. Miller 23 Apr., 61 WiUiam Taylor 23 Apr., WiUinm C, Kise 23 Apr., James H. Wataon 24 Apr., William ConkUn 24 Apr, , Dickson Fleming 25 Apr, , Ezra Olds 25 Apr. , Abram O. MiUer 23 June, Samuel M. Wilson 13 May, WUliam H. Morgan 22 June, First Lieutenants. Richard T Fahuestock 22 Apr., 61 Johu E, Naylor 23 Apr. , Alexander Hogeland 23 Apr., John A. Stein 23 Apr,, JohnW. Perkins 23 Apr., Ebenezer H. Morgan 24 Apr,, Edward R, BJaden 24 Apr., Demetrius Parsley, 25 Apr,, Levin T. MUler 25 Apr, , Reuben C, lUse,Adft 20 May, David N, Steele, R. Q. M 2 July, Second Lieutenants. Benjamin F. Beitzel 23 Apr. , 61 Alvin Gay 23 Apr,, John Brower 23 Apr,, Henry C. Tinney 23 Apr., James H. Vanarsdall 24 Apr., John F. Compton 25 Apr., Samuel H. Shortle .¦ 25 Apr., Isaac W. Sanders 25 Apr., Milton I. Cooper 3 July, EUas Neff .20 June, Surgeon. ThomaaP. McCrea 25 Apr., 61 Assistaoit Surgeon. WUUam II. Myers 25 Apr., 61 Chaplain. Thomas C. AVorkman 25 June, 61 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Colonel Joy. J. Reynolds, May 7, 1861, toBaig.Gen. Resigned, (1.) Captain Johu W. Blake, June 23, 1861. Discharged, (2.) tCaptain Charies C. Smitb, May 26, 1861. Firbt Lieut Joseph C. Suit, Adft, May 20, 186 L Missioig, (1.) First Lieut. Zebulon M. P. Hand, R. Q. M., since July 2, 1861, ^ Dii-charged September 27, 1862, 27 I- Appointed Captain I3th regiment U, S. infantry. 418 INDIANA INFANTRY. ELEVENTH REGIMENT. ¦¦(Thia regiment waa organized at Indianapolis, Ind;, from the 21st to the 25th of April, 1861, to Rerve three months. It was mustered out August 4, 1861, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Dewis Wallace 25 Apr., 61 Lieutenant Colooiel. ¦George P. McGinnis 25 Apr., 61 Major. WiUiam J. H. Robinson 5 June, 61 Captains. -Jabez Smith 21 Apr., 61 iHenry M. Carr 22 Apr. , Isaac C. Elston, jr 22 Apr., 'WUUam W. Darnall 22 Apr. , Jesae E. HamiU 23 Apr., De Witt C. Rugg 25 Apr. , Edward T. Wallace 25 Apr. , Frederick Kuefler 5 June, Charles W. Lyman 17 Juue, George Butler 4 July, First Lieutenants. NesbittX. Brown 21 Apr. , 61 Abram C. Wilson 22 Apr., John A. McLaughlin 22 Apr., John E. Moore 23 Apr., Daniel Macauley, Adj't 25 Apr., Henry L. Ryce, R.Q.M 25 Apr,, Henry TindaU 25 Apr., John Stevenson 25 Apr., Thomas W. Fry, jr 5 June, JohnF, Caven 25 June, Daniel B. Culley 27 June, Joseph H. Livsey 4 July, Second Lieutenants. Thomaa P. Wella 21 Apr., 61 JohnW. Ross 22 Apr., WilUam Dawson 22 Apr., Francis G. Scott 23 Apr., WaUace Foster 24 Apr,, Nicholas R. Ruckle 25 Apr., John W. Ramsey 25 May, David R. Knox 25 June, Jamea F. Troth 27 June, David B. Hay 4 July, Surgeon. Thomas W. Fry, sr 25 Apr., 61 Assistant Surgeon. John C. Thompaon 25 Apr., 61 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (6.) Major Charles 0. Wood, May 25, 1861. Captain John Pahneatock, June 17, 1861. Captain Robert S. Foster, July 3, 1861. First Lieut. Harvey B. WUson, June 25, 1861, First Lient Orrin S. Fahnestock, Jnne 27, 1861. Second Lieut Isaac M. Rumsey, May 25, 1861, FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind,, from May 30 to June 10, 1862, to servo three montha. Captain Lee's independent com pany, organized at Indianapolis, Ind,, August 5, 1862, to serve sixty days, was attached to this regiment in August, 1862. It was mustered out by companies at different dates from September 1 to October 4, 1862, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. D. Garland Roae 19 Juue, 62 Lieutenaoit Colonel, L. GUbert Knox 19 Juno, 62 Major. Fielding Mansfield 19 June, 62 Captains. Daniel Shrader 30 May, 62 Joseph H. Gray 5 June, Carlton A. Goodwin 7 June, Stephen R. Tinker 10 June, Joahua M. Comley 10 June, James H. Patteraon 10 June, JohnH. Burrell 10 June, Joseph D. Devoy 10 June, John V. Bowman II June, Lawrence S. BaU 14 June, Andrew J. Lee 5 Aug., First Lieutenants. Edward J. Robinson 29 May, 62 WiUiara J. AUen 3 June, George A. Bettcher 3 June, David B. Adama 4 June, Daniel Drischel 4 June, JohnW. Lakin 7 June, Hugh M. Woodmansee 9 June, Harris Keeney 10 June, George W. Battorff 10 June, George W. Shane 10 June, WUUam P. Spurgin, Adft 19 June, wniiam C. Lupton, R. Q. M 19 June, Anderson Snoddy 5 Aug, , Secooid Lieutenants. Isaac S. Bnakirk... 2 June, 62 Charles T. Noble 5 June, WiUiam H. Stairs 9 June, Thomas J. Eartley 9 June, James Buvy 10 June, George C. Scott lOtTune, Green B. RoszeU 10 June, Allen E. Wiley 12 June, John H. Brosius 13 June, George W. Dickerson 14 June, John Harrison 5 Aug, Surgeon. Assistant Swgeon. William H. Cyrus 19 June, 63 Chaplain. Casualties. INDIANA INFANTRY. 419 PIPTY-PIPTH REGIMENT. (This regiment, composed of ele.ven companiea, was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., from May 30 to July 25, 1862, to aerve three months. It waa raustered out by companies, at different dates, from September 6 to (October 23, 1862, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. *¦ JohnR. Mahan 16 June, 62 Major. James B. Mulky 11 June, 62 Captains. John S. G. WoodfiU 30 May, 62 Carter L. Vigus ' 2 June, Abner E. Puraell 4 June, Reuben B. Parra 6 June, Silas P. Jones 9 Jnne, Charles Emery 11 June, David H. Hamilton 12 June, Jamea W. Dunn 21 July, James B. Harrah 22 July, James T. Layman 25 July, Junius Hunt 26 July, First Lieutenants. Thomas Redmond, R. Q. M 26 May, 62 Martin H. Daily 30 May, John T. PoweU ,2 June, Sarauel W. Cochran 4 June, MUton A- Osborn 9 June, Thomas J. Gray 10 June, Brutus A. Bourie 11 June, Preston L. Whittaker 12 June, Frank A. Rose, Adj't .20 June, ' David M, C, Keelor 18 July, Amos W, Mobley 31 July, WilUam A, Grigsby 23 July, Estes H. Layman 25 July, Second Lieutenants. John D. Storm 30 May, 62 Prank M. Rust ^ June, William Hamilton 4 June, Daniel D. Ricketts 9 June, James Addington 10 June, Augustus P. Coons 12 June, John G. Meek 21 July, Edward banhour 23 July, WUliam H, Young 25 July, Andrew J, Kidd 26 July, Surgeooi. Albert G. Preston 14 July, 62 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Casualties. Died, (1.) SecondLieut WUliam L, Thompson, killed in ac tion at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1863. SEVENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment, coraposed of eight companies, waa organized at IndianapoUs, Ind., from the 19th to the 22d of July, 1862, to serve thirty days. It was mustered out August 20 and 21, 1862, by reason of expiration of term of aervice.) Colonel. Lieuteoiant Colonel. Major. ' Captains. Luther DonneU 19 July, Robert M. Higgins 19 July, Charies T. BeU 19 July, Thomaa H. Butler 19 July, Benjamin Jenkina 20 July, Elijah N. Wines 20 July, Samuel A. Huff 20 July, Christian Reichart 22 July, First Lieutenants. Hugh Weaton 19 July, WiUiamL. Alyea 19 July, John H, Bradon 19 July, WUUam T. Marsh 19 July, Samuel Walker 20 July, John R, Stogadall 20 July, John L. MuUer 20 July, Alvin T. Reiman 22 July, Irvin Robbins, Adj't, a. w.m. Sarauel A. Bonner, R. Q. M., a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Barton H. Harney 19 July, WilUam M. Fletcher 19 July, Johu H. Kirby 19 July, WiUiam A. Mandlove 19 Jtdy, Peter Norria 20 July, John McCain 20 July, Volney TyrriU 20 Ju,ly, Nicholas Katzenbach 22 July, Surgeon. James T. Dufl&eld, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeons. John N, Simma, a. w. m. WiUiam Davidson, a. w. m. Chaplain. Casualties. 63 '' Discharged December 20, 1862. 420 INDIANA INFANTEY. SEVENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. (This regiment, composed of six corapanies, waa organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, from July 29 to August 11, 1862, to serve sixty days. It was mustered out by compauies at different dates from Septeraber 6 to October 3, 1862, by reaaon of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. William L, Farrow, u. oo. m. Captains. Robert E. Smith 29 July, 62 Alfred J. Hawn 29 July, John W. Humphrey 31 July, Isaac W. Sandera 4 Aug., Richard J. Strickland 11 Aug., First Lieuteoiants, Benjamin Pritchard 29 July, 6S WiUiam M. Byerly 29 July, Jonathan M. Nichols 31 July, Ebenezer Cole * 31 July, Isaac M. Compton 4 Aug. , ThomaaP. Gentry 11 Aug., Isaac L. Mahon, R. Q. M., a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. WiUiam H. Munson 29 July, 62 Charles B. Winn 29 July, Madison Keeny 31 July, Samuel Crooks 31 July, James Stunkard 4 Aug., Benjamin F, Martin 11 Aug. , Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. George P. Daly, a, oe. m. Cliaplain. ¦ Casualties. Died, (1.) Captain Tighlman A.Howard, Septemberl, 1862, «f wounds received in action at Uniontown, Ky. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment waa organized at IndianapoUs, Indiana, in July an4 August, 1863, to aerve six months. It waa raustered out Pebruary 25, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of ser vice.) Colonel. John R. Mahan 17 Aug., 63 Lieutenaoit Colonel. Alfred J. Hawn 17 Aug., 63 Major. Harrison Woodsmall 17 Aug., 63 Captaiois. Spencer L. Bryan 28 July, 63 RusaelR. Clugage 29 July, WUliam D. Mull..' 5 Aug., Isaac W. Sanders , 5 Aug., James B. Harrah 6 Aug., Edward H. S wander 13 Aug., George Beauchamp 13 Aug., Tighnan H. Nance 14 Aug., Harrison 0. Halbert 7 Sept, WiUiam H. Allison 8 Sept, First Lieutenants. Merritt C. Taylor 28 July, 63 David H. MuU .¦ 5 Aug., Wesley B. Shaw 5 Aug. , Charles A. Statthews 6 Aug., J. Mortimer Smith 13 Aug., James T. Layman 14 Aug., Stephen K. Fletcher, Adft 14 Aug., George W. Whitworth, R. Q. M 31 Aug., William L. Thompson 1 Sept, William A. Pordice 7 Sept., Ike L. Mahan 9 Sept, Tarim C. Grooms IFeb., 64 Second Lieuteoiants. Addison G. Sanders' 28 Jnly, 63 David McKinney 29 July, William B. Elliott 5 Aug., William L. Young 5 Aug., John McParlane 6 Aug., Joseph S. DowdeU 13 Aug., Alfred M. Smith 13 Aug., Estees H. Layman 14 Aug., John P. Gwin 1 Sept, Abram J. Biddle 1 Sept, Surgeooi. John A. BlackweU 12 Sept, 63 Assistant Suogeons, Joel S. Cooper 7 Sept, 63 Zenas L. Slavens 2-3 Sept, Chaplain. Nicholaa Summerboll 27 Aug., 63 Casualties. Resigned, (1.) First Lieut. Zachariah H. Peter, October 21, 1863. Missing, (1.) FirstLieut. Benjamin P. Hancock, since August 13, 1863. INDIANA INFANTRY. 421 ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH REGI MENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis and Lafayette, Indiana, trom July 30 to August 17, 1863, to serve six months. It was mustered out at different dates from February 39 to March 2, 1864, by reason of expiration of term ofservice.) Colonel. William C. Kise 4 Sept., 63 Lieutenant Colonel. Godlove O. Behm 4 Sept., 63 Major. Edwin J. Loveless 4 Sept., 63 Captains. Thomas E. Scott 30 July, 63 Charlea G. Dutch 7 Aua-., George H. Knapp 7 Aug., Abram Claypool 7 Aug., Archibald McCurdy 7Aug., Sanford Thomas 14 Aug., Samuel C. Fisher 17 Aug. , Sylvester C. Loveless 17 Aug., Elijah C. Davis 17 Aug., Eobert W. Harrison 20 Sept. , First Lieutenants. MiCiyah F. Johnson 30 July, 63 Mosca Pyke 7 Aug., Jamea Ira Jones 7 Aug., John C. Blackmer 7 Aug., William W. MoBeth 7 Aug., William F. Patten 14 Aug., William Heury l7 Aug., Joseph W. Davis 17 Aug., Charlea S. Test, Adft 17 Aug., Thomas B: Lucas 20 Sept., Abraham A. Carter 23 Nov. , Brink C. Thurrutt, R. Q. M., ii. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Ellis Quaintance 30 July, 63 Harvey G. Kernodle 7Aug., William C. Halladay 7 Aug., JamesH. Sylvester 7 Aug., William F. Cleaver 7 Aug., James Thomas 14 Aug., WiUiam MofBtte 17 Aug. , Isaac H. Jacksou 17 Aug., William M. Remington 20 Sept. , Jerome E. Watsou 23 Nov. , Surgeon. Mathew H. Bonuell 19 Sept. , 63 Assistant Surgeons. MarcellasM. Adama..*. 20 Sept., 63 Ivy E. Wright 28NOV., , Chaplain. Andrew J. Newgent 18 Aug., 63 Casoalties. Discharged, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Samuel F. IMessuer, November 21, 1863. ONB HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolla, Indiana, in July and Auguat, 1863, to serve alx months. It was mustered out at different dates from tbe 23d to the 27th ot February, 1864, by reason ot expiration ot term of service.) Colonel. Thomas J. Brady 4 Oct., 63 Lieutenant Colonel. Stephen D. Sayles 19 Sept., 63 Major. James E. Bryant 19 Sept., 63 Captains. Isaac Wantland 23 July, 63 William S. King 23 July, Andrew T. Welman '. 11 Aug., William H. H. Strouse 12 Aug., Hugh M. Woodmansee 14 Aug., William B. Hughes 15 Aug., Hiram F. Braxton 19 Aug., Harvey M. Hall 20 Aug., DavidB. Vance 19 Sept., JohnB. Wirts 19 Sept., First Lieutenants. Thomaa J. Kirtley 22 July, 63 Thomas S. Marshall 23 July, James Pugh 11 Aug., George W. Smith 12 Aug., Wallace Dill 14 Aug., Jechonia^ Eutledge 15 Aug., Robert E. R. Stewart 19 Aug. , Andrew J. Works 20 Aug., Johu A. Moonnau, fl. Q. Af 81 Aug., JohnR. Freed 19 Sept., John S. Canfield 19 Sept., Thomas P. Otwell, Adft 30 Sept., Second Lieutenants. James H. Harris 22 July, 63 Charles F. Hogate 23 July, William J. McGinnis 11 Aug., Jonathan Peter 13 Aug., Thomas W. Piatt 14 Aug., James H. Miller 1 5 Aug. , James H. Crawford 19 Aug., George P. Tinker 20 Aug., James A. Carnahan ¦ 19 Sept., Robert Denny 30 Sept. , Swgeon. . Assistant Snrgeon. JamesH. Thomas .17Sept., 63 Chaplain. Charles W. Stewart 19 Sept., 63 Casualties. Discharged, (1.) Assistant Surgeon Jerome B. Gerard, December 15, 1863. 422 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at IndianapoUs and Gamp Wabash; Indiana, from July 28 to Sep tember 5, 1863, to serve six montha. It was muatered ont at different datea from the Ist to 4th of March, 1864, by reason of expiration of terra of service.) Colooiel. George W. Jackson 22 Sept., 63 Lieutenant Colooiel, Henry C. Elliott 6 Oct, 63 Major. Henry B. Saylor 3 Sept, 63 Captains. Benjamin R. Norman 9 Aug., 63 Henry A. White 13 Aug., Alfred Martin 19 Aug,, Albert L. Zimmerman 25 Aug., WiUiam R. Coldren 2 Sept, Joseph Baldwin 2 Sept., Walter G. Lett 3 Sept, Edward W. Fluhart 3 Sept, Joel Satterthwaite 4 Sept., ManiuB Buchanan 5 Sept., First Lieutenants. Harrison Stewart 9 Aug., 63 Joseph B. Davis 13 Aug., Levi 0, ElUott 19 Aug., Samuel C. Spalding 25 Aug., James A. Marshall ..- 2 Sept, Benton R. Shellenbarger 3 Sept , Jacob Cox _i-... 3 Sept, Augustus L. Claypool, Adft 8 Sept, AUenC. Slraonton 11 Sept, Charles M, WUUts, R.Q.M 7 Oct. , Second Lieutenants. William J. Faulkner 9 Aug., 63 Peter L. Runyan, jr 13 Aug., Alexander D, Patten 19 Aug., Joseph A. Porter 25 Aug., Robert H. Cary 2 Sept, Ira Steenbarger 2 Sept Sanford T. Baldwin SSept, Samuel Richey : 3 Sept, George L. Pamura 5 Sept , Samuel McNeeley 11 Sept, Surgeon. Robert H. Buck 19 Sept., 63 Assistant Surgeon, Rufus F. Blount 10 Sept. , 63 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (1.) Firat Lieut Cyrus F. Moaler, December 27, 1863. Discliarged, (1.) First Lieut Jaraes M. Justice, R. Q. M., Septem ber 18, 1863. Died, (1.) First Lieut WilUam M. Vernon, December 20, 1863, of disease, at Camp Nelaon, Ky. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, Mav 18, 19, and 20, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was mustered out September 7, 1864, by reason of expiration of terra of service. ) Colonel. Samuel C. Vance 20 May, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. Samuel A. Cramer 20 May, 64 Major. Hervey Bates, jr 20 May, 6^ Captains. John S. Tarkington 18 May, 6^ Joseph F. Draper 18 Mav, WilUara H. Craft 18 May, Byron K. Elliott 18 May, Stephen Allen ; 18 May, Alfred P. Achenbach 18 May, Henry H. Luyater 18 May, William S. King 18 May, Corydon A. Heath 18 May, Norman Tindall 18 May, First Lieutenants. John H. Lewis 18 May, 64 George W. Sloan 18 May, Andrew J, Hinesley 18 May, Samuel L. Campbell 18 May, Jamea G. Douglaas 18 May, Siraeon Frazier 18 May, Zulngllua K. McCormack 18 May, WiUiam Allen 18 May, Daniel F, HiU, Adj't 20 May, Alexander H. Connor, R. Q.M 20 May, William J. Manker 21 May, WilUam H. Miller 31.May, Second Lieutenants. WilUam M. D. Hall 18 May, 64 WiUiam S. Armatrong 18 May, WUliara T. Edwarda 18 May, JohnR. Stout 18 May, Jaraes C. Morrison 18 May, James A. Franklin 18 May, Henry S. Byers 18 May, James M. Emmons 18 May, Jonathan ElUott 18 May, Alfred C. Craney 18 May, Surgeon. John 31. Phipps .' 20 May, 64 Assistant Surgeon. Jamea T. Jones 21 May, 64 Chaplain. Charles H. MarshaU 21 May, 64 Casualties. INDIANA INFANTEY. 423 ONE HUNDEBD AND THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT. , (Thia regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., May 17, 1864, to aerve one hundred days. It was mustered ont Septembers, 1864, by rea son of expiration of term of aervice.) Colonel. Robert N. Hudaon, a. w. m. Lieutenant Colonel. Charlea M. Smith 19 May, 64 Major. Lucien A. Foote 19 May, 64 Captains. William E. Mount 17 May, 64 Ezra Olds 17 May, IkeL. Mahan 17 May, Fred A. Rosa 17 May, John A. Bryan 17 May, Robert E. Smith 17 May, MUton H. Vance 17May, Alvin Reiman 17 May, Jechoniaa Eutledge 17 May, John McParlane 20 May, First Lieutenants. Samuel Conner, Jf. Q. iii 6 May, 64 Milton A. Crane, Adft 11 May, Aaron Chandler ,..17May, laaac W. Sandera 17 May, William J. Gilkerson 17 May, Maxwell C. Wood 17 May, David McKinney 17 May, Eichard S. Tennant 17 May, SUaaB. J. Bryant 17 May, Jacob Steinmehl 17 May, Absolem B. Wheeler - 17 May, Auguatua Arnold 20 May, Second Lieutenants. Samuel S. Gause 17May, 64 David C. Stunkard 17 May, Edwin E. Patterson 17May, Hiram Steele 17May, Egbert Curtia 17 May, James W. Beck 17 May, James M. Phelon 17 May, Otto Wittenberg 17 May, William E. Kress 17 May, John G. Lee 23 May, Surgeon. Jobn W. Hitchcock, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeons. Charles E. Kuester 27 June, 64 Samuel M. Archer, a. w. m. Chaplain. Cyrus B. Allen 20 May, 64 Casualties. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. (Tbis reghneut was organized at Indianapolis, Ind.,- May 24, 1864, to aerve one hundred days.. It was mustered out September 2, 1864, by rea son ot expiration of term of service.) Cojonel, James Gavin 28 May, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. George W. H. Riley, a. w. m. Major. Captains. Joaeph Drake 24 May, 64 William D. Jocelyn 24 May, Charles T. Bell 24 May, William T. Marsh 24 May, Philip Cochren 24 May, Robert Allen 24 May, WiUiam H. Current 24 May, George Shockley 24 May, Joseph R. Silver 24 May, William M. Cox 26 May, First Lieutenants. Robert F. Conover 24 May, 64 George D. S. Reece 24 May, Thomas P. Spilman 24 May, Adam Sample 84 May, Jamea T. Broyles 24 May, William H. Jones 24 May, Edwin T. Gipson 24 May, Albert C. Walton 24 May, Andrew J. Hungate, Adj't 25 May, Charles H. Wright, R. Q. M 25 May, Joab Driver 26 May, William M. Friedley 26 May, Second Lieutenants. HuremM. G. Dugan 24 May, 64 William M. Winslow 24 May, JohnB. Mallett 24 May, Isaac Seright 24 May, Levin W. Shafer 34 May, Edward D. Waltz 24 May, George W. Wood 24 May, Oliver M. Mills ..26 May, William H. Johnston 26 May, Surgeon. Assistant Surgeons. John B. Brazelton 25 May, 64 John M. Craig ...25 May, Chaplain. Casualties. 424 INDIANA INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH EEGIMBNT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind.. May 23, 1864, to aerve one hundred days. II was mustered out September 29, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. William C. Wilson '. 25 May, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. JobuH. Gould 25 May, 64 Major. Benjamin M. Gregory 25 JSIaj-, 64 Captains, Leroy W. Greene 23 May, 64 Thomas B. Lucas 23 May, James S. Caae 23 May, Walter B. Carr 23 May, William D. Lee 83 May, Eobert A. Williamson 23 May, John K. Harrison 33 May, Alfred J. McClelland S3 May. John B . Wayner 23 May, William P. Khodes 24 May, First Lieutenants. John Underwood 23 May, 64 John C. Blackmer 23 May, JohnC. Colton 23 May, Harrison Stewart 23 May, Cromwell Timmons 23 May, William A. Kcuworthy 23 May, Joshua J. Keen 83 May, Albert Calm 23 May, Peter W. Fleming 24 May, JamesF. Wataon, Adj't 85 May, William H. Newton, R. Q.M 25 May, Henry Maudler 26 May, Second Lieutenants. Silas M.Witt 14 May, 64 Orin R. Sparks 83 May, William B. Harris 23 May, Jamea W. GritHtb 23 May, John A. Shanklin 23 May, John Lewis 23 May, Lewis Barnett 23 May, Robert B. F. Peirce 23 May, Jacob Miller 23 May, John H. Messner 84 May, Surgeon. James S. TilcOleUand 26 May, 64 Assistant Surgeons. William S. Cresap 25 May, 64 James A. Berryman 25 May, Chaplain. JohnL. Boyd 23 May, 64 Casdalties. ONB HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. ¦ i (This regimeut was organized at Indianapolla, Ind., May 21, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was muatered out September 2, 1864, by reason of expiration of term ot aervice.) Colonel. JohnW.Fostcr 23 May, 64' Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Blytlie Hynes 22 May, 64 Captains. Adolph PtafBin 21 May, 64 JohnB. Jackson 81 May, William Kurtz 21 May, Myron A. Hawka 21 May, William B. Hollingsworth 21 May, Joseph Moore 21 May, Dyer B. Hazen 21 May, David T. Mitchell 22 Ma^, William H. Caldwell 22 May, William H. .Sargent , ... .23 May, First Lieutenants. Philip Buler 21 May, 64 Francis Wade 21 May, George W. Best 21 May, Frank M. Thayer 21 May, Ebe W. Murray 21 May, Walker J. McKinney 21 May, David W. Schock, Adft 22 May, Kobert Early, R. Q. M 22 May, Francis L. Parkison 22 May, Edward P. ElUott 22 May, Thomas P. Farley 23 May, Philip W. Axton 23 May, Second Lieutenants. Cbarles Ritter 21 May, 6'' Alexander C. Small 21 May, Albert Yates 21 May, Christopher L. Scott 21 May, James J. Barrett 21 May, William J. Hargrave 21 May, William Patterson 22 Ma}', Frederick Geiger 22 May, Matthew Doyle 23 May, Robert F. Martin 23 May, Surgeon. James A. Garver 24 May, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Archibald W. Spain 84 May, 64 George W. FuUerton 24 May, Chaplain. James A. Eskridgo'. 24 May, 64 Casualties. Died, a.) Lieut. Colonel William H. Walker, jr., August 10, 1864, of disease, at Evansville, lad. INDIANA INFANTRY. 42.5 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Indianapolis, lud. , May 26 aud 27, 1864, to serve one hundred daya. It waa mustered out September 21, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service. ) Colonel. Edward J. Eobinson .27 Mny, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas D. Fonts 27 May, 64 Major. Page J. PlckerlU 26 May, 64 Captains. Barnabas Busby 26 May, 64 Geofge W. Brower 86 May, James Sewell 26 May, William D. Mull 26 May, Nathaniel G. Buff 36 May, James McKim 36 May, John R. Freed 26 May, * Jonathan Summers 26 May, Dennis F. Willey 26 May, William Miller ' 26 May, First Lieutenants. MiltonS. Garrigus, Adj't 85 May, 64 Daniel G. Wilkina 26 May, Thomaa C. Jonea 26 May, ¦ George M. Irwin 86 May, Johu Riley .86 May, Lorenzo D. Daily „36 Mny, WUliam B. Mattingly 26 May, John Lockridge 26 May, Ebenezer Patrick 26 May, Alexander C. Thom 86 May, Daniel J. Lattimore 86 May, Calvin Lindley, R. Q. M 27 May, Second Lieutenants. Samuel W. Thornton 86 May, 64 JohnD. Day 26 May, WUliam A. Crawford 86 May, Ira B. Fusselmau 26 May, James D. Parvin 26 May, Abram T. Ross 26 May, Jesse S. Harrold 26 May, John W. Verry 26 May, WUliam B. Chamberlin 26 May, Noah S. Weddle 26 May, Surgeon. John L. Roe 27 May, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Ealph V. MuiT.iy 31 May, 64 Isaac Wilson .^ ,. 8 July, Chaplain. Emerson Barbour 28 May, 64 Casualties. ONE HUNDEED AND THIETY-BIGHTH EEGIMBNT. (Thia regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., May 27, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was mustered out September 23, 1864, by reaaon of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Jamea H. Shannon 27 May, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. Jamea W. Dunn 27 May, 64 Major. Charles S. EUis ^..27 May, 64 Captains. Jonas Hoover 27 May, 64 William H. Pattou : . .37 May, Thomas G. Lytle 87 May, JohnD. McKahin 27 May, Daniel W. Hamlin 27 May, JohnL. Scott 27 May, Isaac N. Wherrett 27 May, Jamea K. Gore 27 May, Benjamin F. Webb 87 May, James Thomas 37 May, First Lieutenants. Benjamin P. Wiley, Adj't 37 Daniel H. Bennett, ii:. Q. Af 27 Wesley Wallick 27 William W. Whitehead 27 Harris A. Goodwin 27 Philip L. Green 27 Peter L. Eunyan, jr 27 John H. Lucaa 27 Lewia J. Loug 27 John T. Kellogg 87 Eboada Armatrong 27 Eobert H. Cary 27 May, 64 May, May, May, May, May, May,May, May, May, May,May, Second Lieutenants. Henry D.Moore 27 May, 64 Eobert M. Carr 27 May, Frank P. Sherart 27 Maj', William F. Elston 87 May, William B. Hess 27 May, Jacob J. Berrotb 27 May, Cary E. CowgUl 87 May, John H. Quigg 27 May, Eobert G. Miller 27 May, JohnC. Hilton 27 May, Surgeon. Cyrus V. N. Lent 27 May, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Daniel L. Wooda 4 June, 64 James Gillnm 9 July, Chaplain. Amos D. Cuuniugbam 28 May, 64 Casdalties. 426 INDIANA INFANTRY, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT, (Thia regiment was organized at Indianapolis, Ind,, frora the Sth to the Sth of June, 1864, to aerve one hundred daya. It was mustered out Septeraber 29, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service,) Colooi el. George Humphrey 8 June, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. John M. Hartley 8 June, 64 Major. \ WeUiugton P. Howard 8 June, 64 Captains. JohnW. Fort 5 June, 64 Eugene A. Bouthe 5 June, Thomas M. Evans : 5 June, John H. Slagle 5 June, ComeliuB M. Moore 6 June, Roy D. Davidson 6 June, Abraham C. Rush 6 June, Fleming J. Siebenthal 6 Juue, George W, Sutton 9 June, Abner Lee 8 Aug., First Lieutenants. Thomas M. Swain 5 June, 64 MarahaU P, Tingley 5 June, George P. Alexander 5 June, George W, BeU 5 June, WUUam P, SheUy 6 June, John G. Hedrick 6 Juue, Finley R, Stratton 6 June, Isaac P. Banta ¦. 6 June, Chauncey B. Oakley, Adj't 8 June, T. A. H. Conea, R. Q. M 8 June, Ezekiel Shott 9 June, Jaraes GiUespie 8 Aug., Second Lieuteoiants. WUliara II. Bowman 5 June, 64 WiUiam G. Pumphrey 5 June, Francia Beals 5 June ¦ Aaron W. Gordon 5 June, laaiah B. Anderson 6 June, Robert S. Wright 6 June, George W. Loothourrow 6 June, Aime M. Golay 6 June, Thomas E. Francis 9 June, Jacob P. Blazler 8 Aug., Surgeon. John McCoy 8 June, 64 Assistant Surgeons. George W. Cbamp 8 June, 64 Henry J. Bogart 8 June, Chaplain. AUen W. Monroe 6 Aug. , 64 Casualties. Discliarged, (1.) Captain John Colter, June 7, 1864, INDIANA INFANTRY. 427 INDEPENDENT COMPANIES, INDIANA LEGION. CAPTAIN BASSETT'S COMPANY. (Thia company waa organized at Indianapolis, Ind., July 18, 1852, to aerve thirty days. It was mustered out Auguat 26, 1862, by reaaon of expiration of term of aervice.) Captain. Thomas Basaett 18 July, 62 First Lieutenant. Thomaa B. McGregor. . . .v 18 July, 62 Second Lieutenant. Fleming J. Siebenthal 18 July, 62 CASUALTIES. I CAPTAIN KJSaSBEY'S COMPANY. (This company was organized at Indianapolla, Ind., July 17, 1862, to serve thirty days. Itwas muatered out Auguat 26, 1862, by reason of ex piration of term ot aervice.) Captain. Edward G. Keasbey 17 July, 62 First Lieutenant. Lewia P. Everett 17 July, 62 Second Lieutenant. Chriatopher C. Eugglea 17 July, 62 Casualties. CAPTAIN BROWN'S COMPANY. (Thia company was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., July 16,1862, to serve tUrty daya. Itwas muatered ont ot service Auguat — , 1862.) Captain. Hezekiah Brown 16 July, 62 First Lieutenant. John A. M.Cox 16 July, 62 Second Lieutenant. WUlett Wilcox 16 July, 62 Casualties. CAPTAIN MONROE'S COMPANY. (This company was organized at Indianapolis, Ind., July 26, 1862, to serve thirty daya. It waa mustered out ot service August — , 1862.) Captain. Daniel P. Monroe 26 July, 63 First Lieutenant. JameaH.Lee 26 July, 62 Second Lieutenant. Francis M. Stneker 26 July , 59 Casualties. CAPTAIN PATTON'S COMPANY. (Thia company was organized at Indianapolis, Ind. , Jnly 25, 1 862, to serve thirty daya. It waa muatered out August 26, 1862, by reason of ex piration ot term ot service.) Captain. John N. Patton 25 July, 62 First Lieutenant. Calvin E. Ward 25 Jnly, 62 Second Lieutenant. Antony Clark 25 July, 62 Casualties. 428 ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. CAPTAIN SMITH'S INDEPENDENT COMPANY. (Thia company was organized at Chicago, Diinois, April 17, 1861, to aerve three months. It was mustered out July 16, 1861, by reaaon of expi ration of term ofservice.) Captain. James Smith 17 Apr., 61 First Lieutenants. Charlea M. WiUard 17 Apr., 61 Francis Morgan 17 Apr. , Second Lieutenants. JohnE. Bottatord 17 Apr., 61 Peter P. Wood 17 Apr., Casualties. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 429 4 SEVENTH REGIMENT, (This regiment was organized at Springfleld, Illi nois, AprU 25, 1861, to serve three montha. It was mustered out July 25, 1861, by reaaon of expiration of term of service,) Colonel. John Cook 25 Apr., 61 LiButenaoit Colonel. W, D. Wyatt 25 Apr,, 61 Major. Nicholas Grensel 25 Apr, , 61 Captains, Edwards. Joslyn 25 Apr., 61 James Monroe 25 Apr., Samuel E. Lawyer 25 Apr,, Benjamin M. Munn ....25 Apr., ¦ George H. Estabrook 25 Apr,, JamesF. Cummings 25 Apr., William Sands 25 Apr., CHffordW. Holden , 25 Apr., Andrew J. Babcock 25 Apr., Richard Rowett 25 Apr. , First Lieutenants. Thoraas G. Moffett, .^4?'f 25 Apr., 61 Daniel L. Canfield, R. Q. M 25 Apr., Reuben H. Adams 25 Apr., Edmond W. True 25 Apr. , SUas MiUer 25 Apr. , E, Southworth 25 Apr., Otho Buzzard 25 Apr,, William O. Jencks ¦ 25 Apr., Chriatopher C. Mason 25 Apr., Manning Mayfield 25 Apr., Second Lieutenants. James Davidson 25 Apr., 61 Robert H. McFadden 25 Apr., Rufus P. Pattison 25 Apr., Mark P. Miller 25 Apr., Henry C. Worthington 25 Apr., Charles F. Adaras 25 Apr., Walter G, Kercheval 25 Apr,, Leo W. Myers 25 Apr., Noah E. Mendell 25 Apr., George Hunter 25 Apr., Surgeon. Richard L. Metcalf 25 Apr., 61 Assistant Surgeon. Caiarles Davis 25 Apr., 61 Chaplain. Casualties.Missing, (1.) Chaplain Jesse P. Davis, since June 30, 1861, EIGHTH REGIMENT. (Thia regiraent waa organized at Springfield, Hli noia, AprU 25, 1861, to serve three raonths. It waa raustered out July 25, 1861, by reason of expii'ation of term of service.) Colonel. Richard J, Oglesby i. 25 Apr., 61 Lieutenant Colooiel. Prank L. Rhoads 25 Apr., 61 Major. John P. Post 25 Apr. , 61 CajJtains. Isaac C. Pugh 25 Apr., 61 James M, Ashmore 25 Apr., John McWilUama 25 Apr., . Andrew J. McCraner 25 Apr., Daniel Grasa 25 Apr,, William H. Harvey 25 Apr., William S, Marshall 25 Apr., Joseph M. Hanna 25 Apr,, First Lieutenaoits. William C, Clark, Adft 25 Apr., 61 Isaac N. Martin , 25 Apr., John M. Lowry 25 Apr., James B. HUl 25 Apr., Luther M, Startsman 25 Apr,, John Wetzel 25 Apr,, Robert H, Sturgess 25 Apr., Price Keith 25 Apr. , JohnM. GIU, R. Q.M 25 Apr., Reuben B. Hatch, a. w. m. Second Lieutenants. Gouverneur |M. Bruce 35 Apr,, 61 Thomaa Goodman 25 Apr. , Daniel Sayer 25 Apr., John H, Roberta 25 Apr. , Charlea Proebstrlag, 25 Apr., Josiah A, Shertz 25 Apr., Thomas Butler 25 Apr,, John R, Mabry 25 Apr., Charlea Fairbanks 25 Apr., Abram Vaudeuburgh 25 Apr., Surgeon. Silas T. Trowbridge, a. w. m. Assistant Surgeooi. John M, Phipps, «. w. m. Chaplain. Enoch G. Falconer, a. w. m. Casualties. Resigned, (4.) Captain John Lynch, May 25, 1861. Captain Henry B. Westerfield, July 6, 1861. First Lieut. Jamea S. Baruerd, April 25, 1861. First Lieut. Christopher C. Glass, May 19, 1861. Discharged, (1.) "Captain Charlea E. Denison, July 1, 1861. ' Appointed Captain 18th regiment U, S. infantry. 430 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was ' organized at Springfield, lUinois, April 25, 1861, to serve three months. It was muatered out July 26, 1861, by reaaon of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Eleazer A. Paine 26 Apr., 61 Lieutenant Colonel, Auguat Mersy 26 Apr., 61 Major. Jesae J. PhiUips 26 Apr., 61 Captains. RudolphnaBeckier 25 Apr., 61 Dietrich F. Tiedemann 25 Apr., Alexander G. Hawes 25 Apr., Otto Koellein 25 Api-., Collins Van Cleve 25 Apr. , Benjamin W. Tucker 25 Apr., Joseph G. Robinaon 25 Apr., JohnH. Kuhn 25 Apr., Jacob Karcher 21 May, JohnW. KItcheU 24 May, First Lieuteoiants. Thoraas J. Newaham, Adft 25 Apr., 61 Cary H. H. Davia, R. Q.M 25 Apr., Frederick Ledergerber 25 Apr. , Joseph A, Cox 25 Apr., WilUam Scheitliu 25 Apr., Loren Webb 25 Apr., Herman Schwerzer 25 Apr,, Albert P. Affleck 24 May, WilUam C. Kueffuer 25 May, Jaraes M, Munn 25 May, Second Lieutenants. Hugo Weaterraann 25 Apr., 61 Henry C. Hay 25 Apr, , Hamilton Leiber 25 Apr., Cassius F. Roman 25 Apr., Samuel Schimlnger 25 Apr., George B. Adama 25 Apr., Jared P. Ash 25 Apr., William P. Armatrong 25 Apr,, Godhold GIrnt 25 Apr., Emil Adam 25 Apr. , Surgeon. Sanford BeU 23 May, 61 Assistant Surgeon. Samuel M. Hamilton 23 May, 61 Chaplain. James J. Ferree 27 Apr,, 61 Casualties. Discharged, (1.) First Lieut. PhiUpp Conrad, May 25, 1861. TENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment waa organized at Cairo, Illmois, April 29, 1861, to serve three montha. It waa muatered out July 29, 1861, by reason of expi ration of term of service.) Colonel. James D. Morgan , 20 May, 61 Lieutenant Colonel. Charlea H, Adaras 22 May, • 61 Major. John TUlson 27 May, 61 Captains, Lindsey H. Carr 29 Apr., 61 Francia A. Dallam 29 Apr., Charles S. Sheley 29 Apr., Charles Houghtaling 29 Apr,, McLain F. Wood- ' 99 Apr., Daniel H. GUmer 29 Apr., Caleb Hopkins 29 Apr., Edward McAUister 29 Apr., John Wood, jr 1 June, John V?". King 1 June, First Lieutenants. Joaeph G. Rowland, Adft 29 Apr., 61 Israel Jones 29 Apr, , Benjarain Edaon 29 Apr,, WUUam H. Minter 29 Apr,, Charles C. CampbeU 29 Apr.. James Mitchell 29 Apr., JaraeaP, Flood 29 Apr,, George J. Wood 29 Apr,, Reuben C. Rutherford, iJ. Q.M .20 May, Thoraas W. Smith 1 June, Second Lieuttnmnts. ' EdwardK. Oilman 29 Apr., 61 Samuel J. WUson 29 Apr., Edward M. Wright 29 Apr., James P. Longley 29 Apr., Jaraes W. Harris 99 Apr., WeUs Bartram 29 Apr,, WUliam C. Chapman 29 Apr.. James H. Burnett 1 June, George A. Dills 3 June, Surgeon. Samuel W. Everett 29 Apr, , 61 Assistant Surgeon. Daniel Stahl 18 May, 61 Chaplain. Casualties, Promoted, (I.) Colonel Benjamin M^ Prentiss, May 8, 1861, to Brigadier General. Rescued, (1.) First Lieut. Christopher C. Bryant, June 29, 1861. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 431 ELEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiraent was organized at Springfield, III., April 30, 1861, to serve three montha. It was muatered out July 30, 1861, by reason of expi ration of term of service.) Colooiel. Williara H. L. WaUace IMay, 6L Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Thomaa E. G. Ransom IMay, 61 Captains. Smith D. Atklna 30 Apr., 61 Frederick W. Shaw 30 Apr., Aaron L. Rockwood 30 Apr. Garrett Nevina 30 Apr.', Theodore C. Gibaon 30 Apr., WiUiamL. Gibson 30 Apr., Henry H. Carter 30 Apr,, Lloyd D. WaddeU IMay, Lucius M, Roae 2 May, First Lieutenaoits. Martin E. Newcomer 30 Apr., 61 Samuel P. Jones 30 Apr. , Rhenodyne A. Bird 30 Apr., John H. I. Lacy 30 Apr., John Dick 30 Apr. , Joseph E, Skinner 30 Apr,, Charles T. Hotchkisa, Adj't 2 May, Greeubury L. Fort, R.Q.M 22 May, Second Lieutenaiits. SUaa W. Field 1 . 30 Apr., 61 John W. McClanahan 30 Apr., Isaac C. Jewell 30 Apr., WUUam D, E. Andrus 30 Apr., Alvin H, Morey 3CNApr, , George S, Doane 30 Apr., George W. Parka 30 Apr., Douglas Hapeman 30 Apr., Earnest A. MuUett 30 Apr, , James Ireland , 30 Apr., Surgeon. Adolph W, Heise 2 May, 61 Assistant Surgeon. Azro E.Goodwin 2 May, 61 Chaplain. C. P, Clark 2 May, 61 Casualties, ,. Resigned, (5.) liieut. Colonel J. Warren FUler, July 6, 1861. Captain William T. Hopkms, July 18, 1861. First Lieut. Sarauel Elton, May 22, 1861. Pirst Lieut. Theodore C Rodrig, June 24, 1861. Fir^t Lieut, Benjamin F, Hotchkiss, July 16, 1861. TWELFTH REGIMENT, (This rogiment was organized at Springfield, III., May 2, 1861, to serve three months. It was muatered out August 1, 1861, by reason of ex- pirntionof term ofservice.) Colonel. John McArihnr 2 May, 61 Lieutenant Colonel. Auguatua L. Chetlain 2 May, 6 1 Major. WilUam D. WilUams 2 May, 61 Captains. Joseph KeUogg 2 May, 61 Phineaa B. Ruat 2 May, Samuel Frazier 2 May' Vincent Ridgely 2 May[ Charles H. Brookings 9 May, WiUiam T. Swain 2 May, Frank B. Ferria 2 May, Jaraes R. Hugunin 2 May, DavidBenson 4 May, WaUace Campbell 5 Mayj First Lieutenants. John Noyes, jr 2 May, 61 J. Tyler Hale 9 May, WilUam Mann 2 May, JohnW. Fiaher 2 May, Thompson Gordon 2 May, George L. Paddock 2 May, WUliam B. Waite 2 May, Stephen B. Wetmore, R. Q.M 4 May, Laurtis Dimick 4 May, J. Bates Dickson 5 May, Arthur C. Ducat, Adj't 11 May, Second Lieutenaoits. Harvey S, Stephenaon 2 May, 61 Joseph Kirkland 2 May, Nathaniel Sandford 2 May^ Guy C. Ward 2 May, JohnM. MiUs 2 May, G. Gilbert Gibons , 2 May,. Eben Bacon 2 May, David H. Hakea 4 May, Nicholaa Roth 5 May, Surgeon, Horace Wardner 2 May, 61 Assistaoit Surgeon. ' Jamea H. Farla c 2 May, 61 Chaplain. Casualties. Resigned, (1.) Second Lieut. John B. Rowland, June 3, 1861. 432 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT/ (Thia regiment was organized at Chicago, Illinois, June 13, 1862, to serve three months. It was mustered out September 27 and October 6, 1863, by reaaon of expiratldn of term of service.) Colonel. RosseU M. I-Iough 13 June, 62 Lieutenant Colonel. Eugene H. Oakley 13 June, 62 Major. William H. HagkeU-..l ISJune, 63 Captains. Charles B. HuU 13 June, 62 John P. Scanlan 13 June, Hiram R. Enoch 13 June, Judaon W. Read 13 June, Charles A. Hellig 13 June, William H. Trites ISJune, Charles K. Purple 13 June, James W. Crane *. ISJune, Ruel G. Rounds ISJune, Samuel W, McKown 13 June, First Lieutenants. Daniel T. Hale, ^(?/( 13 June, 62 * Isaac N. Buck, R. Q. M. ISJune, King H. MUliken 13 June, Peter CaldweU 13 June, James B. Kerr 13 June, Frederick W. Cole ISJune, Abram D. Van Vechten ISJune, Jeremiah Dockstader ". 13 June, Stephen Allen 13 June, Kelsey Bond 13 June, Edward Bailey 13 June, Charles A. Vogel 28 July, Second Lieutenants. Judson E. EUiaou IS June, 62 Daniel F. Malony 13 June, Joaeph S. Berry IS June Horace E. Dyer 13 June', Edward K. Valentine IS June, Lorenzo Hilliard 13 Jnne, John Murphy IS June^ James C. Wright 13 June, WiUiam Sharp 14 June, Augustus P. Higgs 28 July,' Surgeon. * Brock McVickar 13 June, 62 Assistant Surgeon. Roscoc L. Hale ISJune, 62 Chaplain. WilUam H. Ryder 13 Jane, 62 Casualties. Promoted, (1.) Firrit L=eut. James A. Sexton, July 21, 1863, to Captaia 72d regiment lUinoia infantry. Second Lieutenants. 62 SIXTY-EIGHTH REGIMEHTT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, Springfield, Hlinoia, June 20, 1862, to serve three months. It was mustered out September 26, 1863, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel, Elias Stuart '. 16 July, 62 Lieutenaoit Colonel. Houston L. Taylor 20 June, 62 Major. George W. Lackey 20 June, 62 Captains. John W. King 20 June, Daniel P. Coffey 20 June, John P. St. John '. . 20 June, John C. Hall 90 June, Henry Davey 20 June, John W. Morria 20 June, James P. Moore 20 June, Leroy T. Brown 20 June, JohnW. Bear 20 June, Edward J. Jones 20 June, First Lieuteoiants. John S, Biahop, Adft 20 Samuel F. True, R. Q. M. 20 WUliam Harrison 90 Judson J, C. GiUespie 20 Elzy Blake 90 Thomas K, Jenkins 90 George H. Whiteman 90 John R. Lari'Imore 90 Harvey C. Demotte 90 John W. Hamilton 20 Samuel B. Criasey 20 Thomas L, Masters 20 June, June, June, June,June, June,June,June,June, June, June, June, Mai'tin V. B. Parker 20 June, 62 William Reynolds 20 June, Green B. Davia 20 June, Hugh B. McKnight 20 June, Isaac N. Coltrin 20 June, Lewis E. Ijams 90 June, Henry J. Stout 90 June, Adam H. Bogardua 90 June, Silas W. West : . . 20 June, Hirara L. Dunn 20 June, Surgeooi. Albert H. Lauphear 20 June, 62 Assistant Surgeon. Zera Waters 16 June, 62 Chaplain. Simeon P. Ives 16 June, 62 Casualties. ' Discharged December 31, 1863. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 433 SIXTY-NINTH REGIMENT. -(This regiment waa organized at Chicago, 111., June IS and 14, 1862, to serve three mouths. It was muBttred out September 27 and October 6, 1862, by reason of expiration of terra of service. ) Colooiel. ¦'Joseph H. Tucker ISJune, 69 Licuteoiant Colonel. Tbomas J. Pickett 14'June, 69 M(^or, Captains. Abram Lash, jr 14 June, 62 Jonathan Kimball 14 June, Frank J. Bush 14 June, Fidel Schlund 14 June, Frazer WUson 14 Jnne, James W. Reardon 14 June, WUliam C. Hale 14 June, John Coakley 14 Juue, James O. McClellan, a. w, m. Elisha S, Scribner, a. w. m. First Lieutenants. * Abram H. Van Buren, Adj't 14 June, 62 Charles W. Cringle, R. Q. M 14 June, David Robinson, jr 14 June, Samuel H. Hunter 14 June, Warfield B. Todd 14 June, Charles Vargea 14 June, EzraM. Beardsley 14 June, EU B, Baker 14 June, Charles L. Perry 14 June, WUbur H. Tousley 14 Jnne, . John S. Mabie, a. w. m. John Herbert, o. w. m. Second Lieutenants, Edward R, Virden 14 June, 62 Thomas W. Tefft 14 June, Robert Irwin 14 June, Augustus WUlige 14 June, George Schemmerhorn 14 June, Edwin P. Bennett 14 June, Alvah R. Jordan 14 June, Isaac H. Alien 14 June, Charles Case, a. w. m, David M. Lyon, a. w. m. Surgeon. jsaiah P. Lynn 14 June, 62 Assistant Surgeon. Azro E, Goodwin 14 June, 62 Chaplain. WiUiam W. Evarts 14 July, 62 Casualties. Proonoted, (1.) Major George P. Smith, September 8, 1862, to Colonel 129tli regiment Illinoia infantry. Resigned, (1.) Captain Joseph A. Vincent, August 8, 1662, Died, (I.) Captain Lansing B. Tucker, August 18, 1862, SEVENTIETH REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Camp ButleT„ IU,, July 4 and 23, 1862, to serve three months. It was mustered out Octoher — , 1862, by reason. of expiration Of term of service.) Colonel. Owen T, Reeves 23 July, 62: Lieutenant Colonel. JohnD, Sage 93 July, 62; Major. Joseph H. Scibird 23 July, 62: Captains. Gilbert Summe 4 July, 62. John T. Maddux 4 Jnly, George W. Pox 4 Jnly, Daniel D. Snyder 4 July, Alfred Comings 4 July, Newton Harlan 4 July, James Hudson .'' 4 July, James 0. Donald 23 July,. WUliam Perce 23 July,, Fio'st Lieutenants. S. E. Wishard 4 July, 62" Thomas G. Black 4 July, Isaac P. WUson 4 July, William H, Hinman 4 July, Charles P. Pleiahbein 4 July, Joseph Beyla 4 July, George Wildeboore 4 July, Robert W. Musgrave 4 July, Benjarain G. BUla 23 July, Albert Braxton 23 July, J. B. Burrows, R, Q. M 23 July, Jaraea B. Breese, Adj't 26 July, Second Lieutenants. Benjarain Hooe ' 4 July, 62 James G. Seward 4 July, George Dempaey 4 July, WiUiamL Allen 4 July, Daniel O. Martin 4 July, WUliam P. Thudaon 4 July, Henry A. Clubb 4 July, John S. Clark 23 July, John A. Robinson 23 July, Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. M. Reece 6 Aug,, 62 Chaplaioi. WUliara C. Lacy 4 July, 62 Casualties. * Discharged December 31, 1862. 28 434 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. SEVENTY-FIRST KBfilMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Chicago, Illinois, July 22 and 26, 1862, to serve three mouths. It waa mustered out October 29, 1862, by reason of expiration of term- of service.) Colonel. Othniel Gilbert '. 26 July, 62 Lieutenant Colonel. James O. P. Burnside 26 July, 62 Major. Dewitt C. Marshall 26 July, 62 Captains. Charles A. Summers 22 July, 62 Charlea Parker 22 July, Pliny L. Fox 22 July, Jerome B. Fuller 26 Jnly, Luther W. Black. » 26 July, Horatio Gt. Coykendall 26 July, William H. Weaver 26 July, Theodore M. Brown 26 July, Jose P. M. Howard 26 July, Jamea Creed 26 July, .First Lieutenants. Charles B. Hartman 22 July, 62 Aaron S. Hadley 22 July, Benjarain H. Towner 22 July, Jamea H. Moore, if. Q. M 26 July, Edward Lafferty 26 July, George W. Snyder 26 July, Jamea L. Smedley 26 July, Jamea 0. Tice 26 Jnly, Jamea W. Hefflngton 26 July, David P. Murphy 26 July, Flavius J. Carpenter 26 July, Henry G. Hicka, ^liji'! 27 July, Second Lieutenants. Solomon N. Neblock 22 July, 62 William D. Latimer 22 July, JameaN. Phillipa 22 July, Charlea C. Jamison 26 July, Emanuel Stover 36 July, Charles 0. Huntley 26 Jnly, Thomas B. Collins 26 Jnly, George W. Pittman 26 July, John W. Loy 26 July, Absalom'A. Lasater 26 July, Surgeon. Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. William C. Mason 26 July, 62 Cashalties. ONE HUNDKED AND THIRTY-SECOND EEGIMBNT. (This regimeut was organized at Camp Fry, Illinois, Juue 1, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was mnatered out October 17, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. SThoraas J. Pickett 1 Juue, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. WilUam H. Haskell 1 June, 64 Major. John H. Peck 1 June, 64 Captains. Hugh Shepard 1 Juue, 64 Charlea H. Vogel 1 June, Charlea Barker 1 June, Frank E. Chase 1 June, Samuel Nutt - . 1 June, , Isaac S. Bunnell 1 June, TheodoreF. Barnes 1 June, Luke E. Hemenway ." 1 June, ¦John A. Sedgwick...' 1 June, Calviu A. Laws 1 June, First Lieutenants. Hiram B. Enoch, fl. Q. M 12 May, 64 Dapiel Merriman, .4d7'i 1 June, Alonzo H. Davis 1 June, Charles Varges 1 June, Frank A. Buys 1 June, Hamilton A. Anderson 1 June, George A. Turner 1 June, Jonathan H. Dow 1 June, Richard B. Rians 1 June, Ilenry Harwood 1 June, Samuel F. Stratton 1 June, Frank H. Battershall 1 June, Second Lieutenants. Jonell Higgins 1 June, 64 Anthony A. Hemenover 1 June, Henry A. Hinckley 1 June, William C. Babcock 1 June, Jamea T. Smith 1 June, Albert A. Sanborn 1 June, Henry H. (}rimes 1 June, George Sehermerhorn 1 June, Emanuel Engelsted 1 June, Henry B. Gurler 1 June, Surgeon. Robert F. Bilker 1 June, 64 Assistant Surgeon. William R. Adair 1 June, 64 Chaplain. Casualties. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 435 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT. (This regiment waa organized at Camp Butler, Springfleld, III., May 31, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It waa muatered out Septem ber 24, 1864, by reaaon of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Thaddeua Phillips 31 May, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. JohnE. Moore 31 May, 64 Major. James F. Longley ...31 May, 64 Captains. Norman B. Ames 31 May, 64 George W. Smith 31 May, Walton M. Collins 31 May, JohnCarateus 31 May, Wilson A. Duggana 31 May, George W. Dugger 31 May, William H. Edwards 31 May, BobertF. Roas 31 May, Charlea A. Summers 31 May, Alfred Orendorff 2 Juue, First Lieutenants. William I. Allen, Adft 31 Thomaa B. Clark, B. Q.AT 31 AlfredV. Arnold 3V William H. Corcoran 31 William H. Carroll 31 Thomaa J. Davidson .' 31 John O. Piper 31 Allen CockreU 31 John H. Valentine .-..31 Peter A. Hoffman 31 Ethan A. Norton 31 Isaiah Humricbouser 31 Second Lieutenants. Henry F. Lightfoot 31 May, 64 Charles H. Ayera 31 May, Martin A. Patteraon 31 May, John Packer 31 May, Columbua Wooda 31 May, Henry A. Sturgis ^-31 May, Rufua C. Barnett 31 May, , Jamea A. Young. 31 May, ' SamuelD. Rannells 31 May, Anthony W. Moore 31 May, Surgeon. Assistant Surgeons. Henry A. Folger 31 May, 64 James B. Corr 31 May, Chaplain. William R. Adama 3 June, 64 May, 64 May, May,May,May, May, May, May, May, May, May,May, Casualties., ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH EEGIMBNT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Fry, 111., May 31, 1864, to aerve one hundred days. It waa mustered out October 25, 1864, by reaaon of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Waters W. McChesney 31 May, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. JohnC. Bigelow 31 May, 64 Major. John A. Wilson 31 May, 64 Captains. John Dyer 31 May, 64 Nathaniel B. Petta .31 May, Moaea A. Thftyer 31 May, William Metlar 31 May, Henry J. Milligan 31 May, ' Joahua Pike , 31 May, Samuel L. Andrews 31 May, Edward J. Whitehead 31 May, Anthony B. Porter 31 May, Milton C. Springer 30 July, First Lieutenants. Reuben P. Pierce, R.(l.M 17 Majr, 64 Edward D. 'L\LKion,Adft 31 May, Charles E. Sinclair 31 May, Hiram V. Wilkinson 31 May, Marshall B. Hughson 31 May, Charlea E. Diclunaon 31 May, AlbertP. WiUiama 31 May, Edward M. Atkinson 31 May, Hiram T. Lay 31 May, Andrew L. Hunt 31 May, Thomaa S. Sexton 31 May, George E. Strowbridge 30 July, Second Lieutenants. George Barry 31 May, 64 Isaac Z. Packard 31 May, Francia X. Binz 31 May, RoaaeU G. O'Brien 31 May, Seward C. Metz 31 May, Jamea H. Roe 31 May, Philip Potter .-.31 May, ¦Edward O'NeiU 31 May, Albert W. Danks 31 May, Freegift Vandervort 30 July, Surgeon. . Willis Danforth ^ 31 May, 64 Assistant Surgeon. Joaeph M. Jenkina ' 9 Aug., 64 Chaplain. Amos K. Tullis 1 June, 64 Casualties. Died, (1.) .Captain Alphonso C. Linn, July 10, 1864, of 436 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. ¦I (Thisregimentwasorganized at Mattoon, Illinois, June 6, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was mustered out September 28, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Johns, Wolfe 6 June, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Greeubury Wright 6 June, 64 Captains. Benjamin Burt 6 June, 64 Edward Bailey 6 June, John V. Bovell 6 June, Thomas H, Dobbs h,- - 6 June, George W, McClure 6 June, Samuel G. McAdams 6 June, Derrick Lamb 6 June, Jamea B. WickUn -• 6 June, Milton A. Ewing 6 June, Edward Lafferty 6 June, First Lieutenants, Joseph Peters, R. Q. M. 23 May, 64 Cliffof d W. Holden, Adft .¦ 6 June, George N, Richards 6 June, Patrick H. Scott 6 June, Colvin S. James 6 June, John E. Vinson 6 June, David S. Dicken 6 June, James A, Hubbard 6 June, James Easton 6 June, PhUip Brown 6 June, James T. Ewing 6 June, OUver S. Stewart 6 June, Second Lieutenants. WiUiam Archdeacon 6 June, 64 Joseph E. ConkUh 6 June, Walter S, Brown 6 June, Francis M. Young 6 Jnne, John S. Garrard 6 June, Edward Stearns 6 June, James P. Sweetser 6 June, Peter Jones 6 June, Thomas J, Matthews 6 June, Isaac N, Payton 6 June, Surgeon. James H. Birney 6 June, 64 Assistant Surgeons. James A, WilUams :., 1 June, 64 John Lacrone 6 June, Chaplain. George J. Clevinger, a. to. m, I Casualtlks. Dismissed, (1.) Lieut, Colonel Theodore H. West, Auguat 18, 1864. ONE HUNIJRED AND THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. (This regiment waa organized at CentraUa, Illi nois, June 1, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was muatered out October 22, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. Frederick A. Johns 1 June, 64 Lieutenant Colonel, WilUara T. Ingram . » 1 Jime, 64 Major. Captains. William Bow?by 1 June, 64 John Burke 1 June, Joseph B. "Berry 1 June, Thomaa F. Clay 1 June, John C, Scott, 1 June, L. W, Cremeena ; 1 June, Jamea St. Clair 1 Junfe, WiUiam H. Johns 1 June, Lafayette Twitchell 1 June, Williamson R. Floyd 1 June, First Lieutenants. Blias J. Beymer, Adj't 1 June, 64 Henry P, Jerauld, R. Q. M 1 June, George T. Hubbard 1 June, John^ H. Taylor 1 June, Elijah C. Compton 1 June, Joseph B. Curlee 1 June, WiUiam P. Sloeumb 1 Jui^e, Jaraes H. Carson 1 June, Theoren Gould 1 June, Eugene B. Cropper 1 June, David J. Blackraan ,. 1 June, Secooid Lieutenants. Pleasant N. Pope 1 Jun,e, 64 Jaaper N. Kerr 1 June, Charles JI. Robinson 1 June, Joseph L. StedUn 1 June, John S. Hawkma I June, Winfield S. Norcroas 1 June, Peter BrlUhart 1 June, Alfred Mays 1 June, Royal R. Lacey 1 June, WUliara T. Bird 1 June,- Surgeon, John H, ThomTJSon 1 June, 64 Assistant Surgeons, Chaplain. John AV. PhilUps 1 June, 64 - Casualties. Died, (9.) Major Henry A. Organ, September 28, 1864, at Cairo, IU, First Lieut, WUUam H, Wyatt, August 5, 1B64, at Columbus, Ky. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 437 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Wood, Quincy, IU., June 5, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was mustered out September 24, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service.) . Colonel. John Wood 5 June, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas K. Roach 5 Jnne, 64 Major. Hendriok E. Payne 5 June, 64 Captains. Henry A. Castle 5 June, 64 Johu W. Smith 5 June, BrazUlai M. Veatch 5 June, J. B. Johnaon 5 Juue, Richard B. Higgina 5 June, Robert B. Robinaon 5 Jnne, Orville C. Holeomb 5 Jnne, Levi Barber 5 June, WUliam H. Oglesby 5 June, Robert A. WilUams 5 June, First Lieutenants. Edward W. Baker, Adft 5 June, 64 . George M- Roberts 5 June, Jobn A. Thompson 5 June, Oliver H. Pitcher /.. 5 June, James Robb 5 June, James Onatot 5 June, Dewitt C. Simmons 5 June, John H. Johnson 5 June, Henson S. Vandeventer 5 June, Andrew R. Wilson 5 June, Luke W. Clark 5 June, Second Lieutenants. Edwin S. Francia 5 June, 64 Jfimes A. Seaton 5 June, William Craig 5 June, Henry L. Adair 5 June, Jamea H. Anderson 5 June, David D. Kidwell 5 Jnne, Joseph F. Latimer 5 Juue, WiUiam A. Hubbard 5 June, James,N. Porter 5 Juue, WUUam H. ©ice 5 June, Surgeon. Assistant Surgeons. Nathan H. McNeal ¦ 5 June, 64 Robert G. Scroggs 16 Juue, Chaplain. Hiram P. Roberta 5 Jiiue, 64 Casualties. Died, (2.) First Lieut Jonathan J. Smith, R. Q. M., August 25, 1864, of wounds received in action. Surgeon WiUiam A. Huaton, June 25, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. ^^aia (This I'eglment waa organized at Quincy III June 21, 1864, to aerve one hundred daya. it waa mustered out October 14, 1864, by reaaon of expiration of term of service.) Colonel. John W.Goodwin 21 June, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. Alexander H. Holt 21 June, 64 Major. John Tunison 21 June, 64 Captains. William S. McClanahan 21 June 64 Luther B. Hunt 2i June Jasper N. Reece -.21 June' John M. Wilaon gx June' George p. Sofleld ..21 June David M. Lyen .* 21 June,' Thomaa Lamport 21 June Septimus J. Hanna 31 June' Henry L. Hosaack , . . .21 June! Charles Stout 21 June First Lieutenants. John H. Elward, R. Q. M 17 May, 64 Johu H. Johnson, Adj't 1 June Guy Stapp ..--21 J'une', Homer Gaines .:..21 June WiUiam B. Morae 21 June! Andrew Kirkpatrick 21 June George F. Smith 21 June! Samuel CoU 21 June, Erastus W. WiUard 21 June, JohnVerly 21 June, Isaac. Baldwin 21 June, Orin Beem 21 June, Second Lieutenants. Jobn A. Finley 21 June, 64 Henry C. Drigga 21 June, William H. Roae , 21 June, Wilson S. Baughman 21 June, Benjamin C.Davis ^.21 June, Frank J. Baird 21 June, Jerome A. Gay 21 June, WiUiam M. Hanna 21 June, WUUam Ogden 21 June, Albert B. Sehermerhorn 21 Juue, Surgton. James J. Rowe .-21 June, 64 Assistant Surgeons. DavidP. Bigger 21 June, 64 Smith T. Furgeson 21 June, Chaplain. Benjamin F. Hasklns 21 Juue, 64 Casualties. 438 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Peoria, IU,, June 1, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was raustered out October 28, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service,) • Colonel. Peter Davidson 1 Jnne, 64 Lieutenant Colonel, Horace H. WUIaie 7 June, 64 H^ajor. Solomon Z. Roth 7June, 64 Captains. Edward R. Virden 1 Juue, 64 Jefferson Durley 1 June, Dietrich C, Smith 1 June, George W. OdeU 1 Juue, Herman W. Snow 1 June, WUUam Fairmon 1 June, WUUam H. CaldweU 1 Jnne, Pumel H. Sniff 1 June, WiUiara H. Marble 7 June, Roderick B. Frary 7 June, First Lieutenants. John Bryner, i2, Q.M 18 May, 64 David N. Sanderson, Adj't 1 June, Charles Robinson 1 June, Almon H. Thorapson 1 June, Elijah W. Dickinson 1 June, Samuel Reynolds 1 Juue, Harry M. Evana 1 June, Appleton H. Fitch 1 June, Lyford R, Craig 1 June, Prank A. Moseley 1 June, RusseU W. Calkhis 1 June, Frank L. Angler 7 June, Second Lieutenants. James L, KendaU 1 June, 64 Calvin Cassell 1 June, Benjamin P. Burnett 3 June, Frank A. Thomas' 1 June, Alonzo Atwood 1 Juue, James C, McKenzie 1 June, Ansel J. Wright 1 June, John B. Brush 1 June, GemenimuB Goble 1 June, Jaraes E. Chapraan 7 June, Surgeon. Charles C. Latiraer 27 July, 64 Assistant Surgeon. Allen M, Pierce 1 June, 64 Chaplain. Joseph T, Cook 28 June, 64 Casualties. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH REGI MENT. (This re^ment was organized at Camp Butler, IU., June 18, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was mustered out October 29, 1864, by rea son of expiration of terra of service.) Colonel. - Lorenzo H, Whitney 18 June, 64 Lieoitenaoit Colonel. Michael W, Smith 18 June, 64 Major. WiUiam O. Evans ISJune, 64 Captains. Jonathan A. Morgan 18 June, 64 Charles W, HiUs 18 June, Joseph A. Bockius 18 June; Frank Smyth 18 June, Ezekiel Giles 18 June, Russel S. Oabo^m ISJune, John H. Wilmans 18 June, George E, T urkington 18 June, James H, Cartwright 18 June, Juliua A, Bamaback 18 June, First Lieutenants, George W. Biahop, R.Q.M 18 May, 64 Lucius E. B. Holt, Adj't ISJune, Charles M. Worthington 18 June, George H. Fay 18 June, Edward A. Tomlin ., 18 June, . Archibald Shaw ! -' 18 Jxtne, Joaeph Ball ISJune, George Boone ISJune, Edward H. DaUey ISJune, John McLIndaley 18 June, >., Williara A. Duffield ISJune, Charlea F. Springer 18 June, , Second Lieutenants, Benjamin Gurtisen 18 June, 64 Eraatus PuUer 18 June, David McGrath 18 June, Waynewright H. Parks 18 June, John L. Skinner, jr. 18 Jnne, Van R. Harriott ISJune, John C. Barker 18 June, Jacob Fesler ¦ JS June, John R. Petrie IS June, Edward B, Warner, a. w. m. Surgeon. George W. Phillips 20 May, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Wiley A. Lipe ISJune, 64 Casualties. Resigned, (1.) SecondLieut. Coleman Brayton, August 16, 1864, ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 439 64 ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT. (Thia legiment was organiied at Camp Kane, Elgin, llliuoia, Jnne 16, 1864, to serve one hun- Tof* doyS' It was muatered ont October 10, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of aervice.) Colonel. . Stephen Bronson ..". 21 June, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. Thomaa Clark 21 June, 64 Major. Jacob D. Tjansing 21 June, 64 Captains. • Philip H. Carr 16 June, Alexander Grimes 16 June Samuel H. Hunter 16 June' Bryant D. Beach ; 16 June! JJPSH. MilUken 16 June iiiUphlet Barber Ig june Charles Herrington 16 June' Albert S. Janea 16 June' Robert H. Winslow 16 June' JobuGUman 16 June! First Lieutenants. • Alonzo H. Barry, R. Q,. M 20 Thomaa W. Tefft 16 Charles D. F. Smith 16 Michael J. Dunne 16 Hiram Sargent .'..16 Joseph H. Burna 16 Charles W. IngersoU. . . .' 16 George E. Gilman 16 Amos ChurchUl .' 16 Daniel W. Coan 16 Giles D. Walker 16 Edward C. LoveU, Adj't 21 64 May, Jnne, June, June,June, June, June, June, June, June,June, June, Second Lieutenants. Edward W.King 16 June, 64 Charlea S.Gregg ^ 16 June, James B. Robinaon 16 June, Henry A. Ferson 16 June, George W. Tracy 16 June, Nelaon L. Sweetland 16 June, Chester Stewart 16 June, Henry, C. Dodge 16 June, Charlea Feraon •. 16 June, ' Joaeph R. McChesney , 22 June, * Surgeon. Harmon A. Buck _21 June, 64 Assistant Surgeons. P. C. Hageman 21 June, 64 Francia W. Wataon 25 June, Chaplain. Samuel S. KimbaU 21 June, 64 Casualties. ONB HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT. (Thia regiment waa organized at Camp Butler, Illinoia, June 18, 1864, to aerve one hilndred daya. It was muatered out October 26,. 1864, by reaaon of expiration of term of aervice.) Colonel. Rollin V. Ankeny ISJune, 64 • Lieutenant Colonel. Morton D. Swift 18 June, 64 Major. Charles J. Childs ISJune, 64 Captains. Edward Hausmann 18 June, 64 Jacob D. Holmes 18 June, Jamea M. Humphrey 18 June, Heman A. Todd ; 18 June, Samuel J. Tompkins 18 June, Henry Burrell 18 June, Hyatt Sinclair 18 Juue, David H. Porter 18 June, John C. Coakley 18 June, John Stevenson 18 June, First Lieutenants. William D. McAffee, R. Q. M 21 May, 64 Albert W. Brewster, Adj't 9 June, Dennison C. Frisbie 18 June, Abel F. Boileau .' 18 Jnne. WUliam G. Billinga i 18 June, Andrew A. Robertaon 18 Jnne, ^ Warren D. M. Coon ISJune, ' Francis A. Darlmg 18 June, Martin J. Boyle. 18 June, Francis H. Cobb 18 June, Isaac Pflaum 18 June, Daniel P. Barker 18 Jnne, Second Lieutenants. David T. Maurer 18 June, 64 Ezra E. Metz 18 June, Luther C. Lawrence 18 June, William H. Work 18 June, Jamea R. Baker , 18 June, JoaiahD. Fye 18 June, Caleb S. Ransom 18 June, Andi-ew B. Hogard 18 June, Daniel H. Waterbury 18 June, Charles C. Lawson 18 June, Surgeon. AaaE. Shipherd ISJune, 64 Assistant Surgeons. Chaplain. Ruel Cooley 18 June, 64 Casualties. 440 ILLINOIS INFANTRY. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT. (Thia regiment was organized at Mattoon, Dlmoie, June 11, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was muatered out September 96, 1864, by reaaon of expiration of terra of service. ) Colonel. Dudley C. Smith 117une, 64 Lieutenant Colonel. John P. St. John : 11 June, 64 Major. Harriaon Tyner H June, 64 Captains. Richard S. Curd 11 June, 64 WUber M. Boren .^ 11 June, Samuel P. Mooney .' 11 June, Jacob Hayes 11 June, James B. Ray 11 June, John F, Siaaon 11 June, Philander R. Webater 11 June, Alsey B, Lee 11 June, Abaalom T. Ash..' 11 June, First Lieutenants. • AUen Stedman, ^i;'* 11 June, 64 Richard W. Dawaon, i?. Q.M 11 June, Stephen E. Guthrie 11 June, Henry H. Tucker 11 June, WiUiara E. MiUer 11 June, George W. Rutherford 11 Juue, Nicholaa Fitzgerald 11 June, Ferdinand S, Holbrook 11 June, Richard Couch 11 June, WilUam R. TrueadeU 11 June, Benjamin P. Harris 11 June, Alfred P. Newman 11 June, Second Lieutenants. Robert M. KimbaU 11 June, 64 Jerry M. Pierce 11 June, Shepherd Amerine 11 June, WilUam J. Chittenden 11 June, Charles F. Johnson 11 June, Thomaa Brown 11 June, Edward Dunaway 11 June, George P. Fowler 11 June, Joseph A. Kercheval 11 June, David B, Wells 11 June, Surgeon. RusseU J. CoUms 7 Aug, , 64 Assistant Surgeoois. George W. Albin 1 June, 64 Robert L. Walstou 11 June, Chaplain. Charles Yelton II June, 64 Casualties. Died, (1.) Captam James G. Seward, September 25, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. (This regiment was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, JunejQ, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was mustered out September 23, 1864, by reaaon of expiration of terra of service.) Colonel. (^eorge W, Lackey 9 June,, 64 Lieutenant Colonel, Rufus C. Crampton 9 June, 64 Majoj. JohnW. Bear 9 June, 64 Captains. Tamerlane Chapman 9 June, 64 Edward C. Dew 9 June, George R.Bibb 9 June, Ira A. Church 9 June, Sllaa W. West 9 Juue, Finis Evana 9 June, WiUiam H. Weaver 9 June, Adam H. Bogardua 9 June, Paphiras B, Keys 9 June, James P. Moore 9 Jane, First Lieuteoiants. James T. SneU, R. Q. M 30 May, 64 JohnW. Morris, .<4d?7 9 June, James W. Damron 9 June, Marmontell B. Jeter 9 June, John P. Cowdin 9 June, Samuel H. Larlaon : 9 June, William C. 'Nesbitt 9 June, OliverT. Prickett..' 9 June, William Morris 9 June, Jonahs. Scovel 9 June, Clarence D. Perry 9 June, Second Lieutenants. Leonidas Chapman ; 9 June, 64 Barnard Gerdes 9 June, Martin V. B. Parker 9 June, James Palmer 9 June, Augustus W, Rogers 9 June, George M, Burnett ^ . . . 9 June, Ebenezer Fish 9 June, John Morgan 9 June, George, H, Whiteman 9 June, Joseph M. Prior : 9 June, Surgeon. Robert W. McMahan .' 9 June, 64 Assistaoit Surgeons. Henry W. Boyd 9 Juue, 64 WiUiam H. Hess 18 June, Chaplain. J. C. Hanna 28 June, 64 Casualties. Dismissed, (1,) laaac N. Coltrin, August 16, 1864, ILLINOIS INFAIsTRY. 441 FIRST BATTALION MILITIA. (Thia battalion, composed of three companiea, was organized at Camp Butler, IlUnois, May 26, 1862, to aerve fifteen daya. It was muatered out June 10, 1862, by reason of expiration of term of service.) Major. Captains. George W. Lackey 26 May, 62 Jamea P. Moore 26 May, Samuel P. Shannon 26 May, First Lieutenants. JohnW. Morria 26 May, 62 Harvey C. DeMotte 26 May, Jamea O'Donald ; . . .26 May, Second Lieutenants. John R. Larrimore 26 May, 62 Timothy Owen 26 May, Owen T. Reeves 26 May, Assistant Surgeon. Casualties. ALTON BATTALION: (This battalion, composed of two companies, was organized at Camp Butler, HUnois, June 21, 1864, to aerve one hundred days. It was mus tered out October 7, 1864, by reason of expira tion of term of aervice.) Captains. Simon J. Stookey 21 June, 64 John Curtis 21.June, First Lieutenants. William M. Lewis 21 June, 64 Chriatopher Lischer 21 June, Second Lieutenant. Daniel J. Keely 21 June, 64 Casualties. Died, (1.) Second Lieut Jamea W. laom, September 25, 1864. independent companies. • captain kowald's cohpany. (Thia company waa organized at Cairo, Illinoia, AprU 29, 1861, to serve threo montha. It waa muatered out July 29, 1861, by reason of expi ration of term of aervice.) Captain. GuatavKowald 29 Apr., 61 First Lieutenant. Anton Bruhn 29 Apr., 61 Second Lieutenant, Ferdinand Rolahausen 29 Apr., 61 Casualties. captain walker's company. (Thia company waa organized at Cairo, lUinois, April 29, 1861, to aerve three months. It waa mustered out July 29, 1861, by reason of expi ration of term of service.) Captain. JosephD. Walker 29 Apr., 61 First Lieutenant. Edgar M. Low 29 Apr., 61 Second Lieutenant. CaaparS. F. Dircka 29 Apr., 61 Casualties. captain PERCE'S COMPANY. (Thia company waa organized at Camp Butler, EUnoia, May 28, 1862, to aerve thirty daya. It was muatered out June 27, 1862, by reaaon of expiration of term of aervice.) Captain. William Perce 23 May, 62 First Lieutenant. William F. Owen 28 May, 62 Second Lieutenant. WiUiam H. Little 28 May, 62 Casualties. INDEX or ORGANIZATIONS. ARMY REGISTER, VOLUNTEER FORCE— PART VI. cavalry. First Indiana 1 Second Indiana " 3 Third Indiana 5 Fourth Indiana 7 Fifth Indiana 9 Sixth Indiana 11 Seventh Indiana 13 Eighth' Indiana 14 Ninth Indiana..... 16 Tenth Indiana 17 Eleventh Indiana 18 Twelfth Indiana 19 Thirteenth Indiana 20 Independent company of mounted scouts, In- • diana 21 First niinois 177 Second Illinois 178 Third Illinois „ 180 Fourth Illinois 182 Fifth Illinois 184 Sixth niinois ¦. 186 Seventh Diinois ISS , Eighth niinois 190 Ninth niinois 192 Tenth Illinois 194 Eleventh Illinois 196 Twelfth niinois.- 198 Thirteenth lUinois 200 Fourteenth lUinois 2H2 Fifteenth IlUnois 203 Sixteenth Blinois 205 Seventeenth lUuaois 206 artillery. Firat Indiana, (heavy) 22 First battery, Indiana, (light) .' 94 Second battery, Indiana, (liglit) 24 Third battery, Indiana, (Ught) 25 Fourth battery, Indiana, (Ught) 25 Fifth battery, Indiana, (Ught) 26 Sixth battery, Indiana, (light) 26 Seventh battery, Indiana, (light) 27 Eighth battery, Indiana, (light) 27 Ninth battery, Indiana, (Ught) 28 Tenth battery, Indiana, (light) 28 Eleventh battery, Indiana, (light) 29 Twelfth battery, Indiana, (light) 29 Thirteenth battery, Indiana, (Ught) 30 Fourteenth battery, Indiana, O^g^*) 30 Fifteenth battery, Indiana, (li&lit) - 31 Sixteenth battery, Indiana, (light) 31 Seventeenth battery, Indiana, (Ught) 32 Eighteenth battery, Indiana, (light) 32 Nineteenth battery, Indiana, (Ught) 33 ARTILLERY — continued. Twentieth battery, Indiana, (Ught) 33 Twenty -flrst battery, Indiana, (Ught) 34 Twenty-second battery, Indiana, (Ught) 34 Twenty-third battery,. Indiana, (light) 35 Twenty-fourth battery, Indiana, (light) 35 Twenty-fifth battery, Indiana, (light) 36 Wilder's battery, Indiana, (light) .' 36 Pirst niinois, (Ught) 207 Second Illinois, (Ught) 213 Captain Busteed*s battery, niinois, (light) ...218 Captain Cogswell's battery, niinois, (light)... 218 Captain Stokea's hattery, Illinois, (light) 918 Captain Vaughn's battery, Illinois, (Ught) 919 Captain Cooley's battery, Hlinoia, (light) 219 Captain Renwick'H battery, lUinois, (light)... 219 Captain Henshaw's hattery, IlUnoia, (Ught) ..220 Captain Smith's company, Illinois, (light) 428 INFANTRY. Sixth Indiana 37 Sixth Indiana >. 415 Seventh Indiana 38 Seventh Indiana 415 Eighth Indiana 39 Eighth Indiana 416 Ninth Indiana 41 Ninth Indiana 416 Ninth Indiana, (legion). 417 Tenth Indiana 43 Tenth Indiana .¦- 417 Eleventh Indiana 44 Eleventh Indiana 418 TweHth Indiana 46 Twelfth Indiana 47 Thirteenth Indiana 48 Fourteenth Indiana 50 Fifteenth Indiana 52 Sixteenth Indiana 53 Sixteenth Indiana 54 Seventeenth Indiana 55 Eighteenth Indiana ; 57 Nineteenth Indiana 59 Twentieth Indiana 61 Twenty-second nidiana 63 Twenty-third Indiana. 65 Twenty -fourth Indiana 67 Twenty-fifth Indiana 69 Twenty -sixth Indiana 71 Twenty-seventh Indiana 73 Twenty-ninth Indiana 74 Thirtieth Indiana 76 Thirty -first Indiana 78 Thirty-second Indiana 89 Thirty-third Indiana .' 82 444 INDEX OF ORGANIZATIONS. # INFANTRY — continued. Thirty-fourth Indiana 84 Thuty-fifth Indiana 86 Thirty -sixth Indiana 88 Thirty-seventh Indiana i 90 Thirty-eighth Indiana 92 Fortieth Indiana, * 94 Forty-second Indiana - 96 Forty- third Indiana 98 Forty -fourth Indiana 100 Forty-aixth Indiana 102 Forty-seventh Indiana. 104 Forty-eighth Indiana 106 Forty-ninth Indiana 108 Fiftieth Indiana 110 Fifty-first Indiana Ill Fifty-second Indiana 113 Fifty -third Indiana 115 Fifty-fourth Indiana 117 Fifty -fourth Indiana , 413 Fifty-fifth Indiana 419 Fifty-seventh Indiana 1 18 Fifty-eighth Indiana 120 Fifty -ninth Indiana „ . 122 Sixtieth Indiana 124 Sixty-third Indiana 125 Sixty-fifth Indiana 126 Sixty -sixth Indiana 127 Sixty-seventh Indiana '. 128 Sixty-eighth Indiana 129 Sixty-ninth Indiana 130 Seventieth Indiana : 131 Seventy-second Incliana 132 Seventy-third Indiana 134 Seventy-fourth Indiana . , 135 Seventy -fifth Indiana 136 Seventy-aixth Indiana 419 Seventy- eighth Indiana 490 Seventy -ninth Indiana 137 Eightieth Indiana ^ . 138 Eighty-first Indiana 139 Eighty-flecond Indiana 140- Eighty-third Indiana 141 Eighty-fourth Iddiaha 142 Eighty-fifth Indiana 143 Eighty-sixth Indiana 144 Eighty-seventh Indiana 145 Eighty-eighth Indiana 146 Eighty-ninth Indiana 147 Nmety-first Indiana 148 Ninety -third Indiana 149 Ninety- seventh Indiana 150 Ninety -ninth Indiana 151 One hundredth Indiana 152 One hundred and first Indiana 153 One hundred and fifteenth Indiana 420 One hundred and sixteenth Indiana 491 One hundred and seventeenth Indiana 421 One hundred and eighteenth Indiana 422 One hundred and twentieth Indiana ]54 One hundred and twenty-third Indiana 155 One hundred and twenty -fourth Indiana 156 One hundred and twenty -eighth Indiana 157 One hundred and twenty-ninth Indiana 159 One hundred and thirtieth Indiana 160 One hundred and thirty -second Indiana 492 One hundred and thirty-third Indiana 423 One hundred and thirty-fourth Indiana 423 One hundred and thirty-fifth Indiana 494 , INFANTRY— coTiimwed. * One hundred and thirty-sixth Indiana 494 One hundred and thirty-seventh Indiana . . : . .425 One hundred and thirty-eighth Indiana 425 One hundred and thirty-ninth Indiana 426 One hundred and fortieth Indiana 16L One hundred and forty-second Indiana 162 One hundred and forty-thircj. Indiana 163 One hundred and forty-fourth Indiana 164 One hundred and forty-fifth Indiana 165 One hundred and forty-sixth Indiana 166 One hundred and forty-seventh Indiana 167 One hundred and forty-eighth Indiana 168 One hundred and forty-ninth Indiana 169 One hundred and fiftieth Indiana 170 One hundred and fifty-first Indiana .171 One hundred and fifty -Second Indiana 172 One hundred and fifty-third India,na 173 One hundred and fifty-fourth Indiana 174 One hundred and fifty-fifth Indiana 175 One hundred and fifty-sixth Indiana 176 Captain Basaett's company, Indiana 427 Captain Keaabey'a company, Indiana 497 Captain Brown's company, Indiana 497 Captaiu Monroe's company, Indiana 427 Captain Patton'a company, Ind(^,na 427 Seventh Illinoia 291 Seventh IlUnois 439 •Eighth lUinoia 223 Eighth Illinois 429 Ninth Illinois - .225 Ninth Illinoia 430 Tenth Illinois 927 Tenth Illinois 430 Eleventh Illinoia 228 Eleventh Illinois 431 Twelfth Illinoia 930 Twelfth Illmois 431 Thirteenth Illinois 239 Fourteenth IlUnois 233 Fifteenth Illinoia 935 Sixteenth lUinois , 937 Seventeenth HUnois 939 Eighteenth Illinoia 240 Nineteenth IlUnois 242 Twentieth Illinois 243 Twenty -firat lUinois 245 Twenty-second niinois 247 Twenty-third Illinoia 248 Twenty-fourth Illinoia 950 Twenty-fifth lUinois 252 Twenty-aixth Illinois 254 Twenty-seventh Illinoia 256 Twenty-eighth Illinois 257 Twenty-ninth niinois 259 Thirtieth niinois 261 Thirty-first Illmois 263 Thirty-second IlUnois 265 Thirty-third IlUnois 267 Thuty-fourth IlUnois 269 Thirty-fifth niinois 271 Thirty-sixth IlUnoia 972 Thirty-seventh niinois 274 Thirty-eighth niinois 276 Thirty-ninth lUinois 278 Fortieth Illinois 980 Forty -firat niinois 282 Forty-second lUinois 284 Forty-third niinois 286 INDEX OF ORGANIZATIONS. 445 INFANTRY — Continued. • Forty-fourth Illinois 288 Forty-fifth Illinoia 290 Forty-sixth IlUnois. 292 Forty -seventh IlUnois 294 Forty-eighth Illinois 296 Forty-ninth lUinois 298 Fiftieth IlUnoia 299 Fifty-first Hlinois 300 Fifty-second lUinois 302 Fifty-third nUnois 304 Fifty-fourth Illinois 306 Fifty-fifth nUnoia * 307 Fifty-sixth lUmois, (Mechanic FusUeera) 309 Pifty-Bixth lilinoia *. 310 Fifty-seventh IlUnois 312 Fifty-eighth niinois 314 Fifty-ninth niinois 316 Sixtieth Illinois 318 Sixty-first lUhaois 320 Sixty-second niinois 391 Sixty-third niinoia 323 Sixty-fourth IlUnoia 324 Sixty-fifth niinois • 326 Sixty-sixth niinois :f. 398 Sixty-seventh lUkiois 432 Sixty-eighth niinoia , 432 Sixty -ninth Illinois 433 Seventieth Illinois 433 SeVenty-first lUinoia 434 Seventy -second Illinoia 330 Seventy-third niinoia 331 Seventy-fourth Illinois 332 Seventy -fifth Illinois 333 Seventy-sixth niinois 334 Seventy -seventh niinoia '. 335 Seventy-eighth Hlinoia 337 Seventy-ninth HUnoia 338 Eightieth IlUnoia 339 Eighty-first lUinois 340 Eighty-second Illinois 34 1 Eighty-third lUinoia 343 Eighty-fourth Illinois - .' 345 Eighty-fifth lUinois 347 Eighty-sixth Illinois 348 Eighty-seventh IlUnois 349 Eighty-eighth niinoia 350 Eighty -ninth Illinois 351 Ninetieth Hlinois 359 Ninety-first Hlinois 353 Ninety-second niinois 354 Ninety-third nUnois 355 Nhiety-fourth niinois 356 Ninety-fifth niinois 357 Ninety-sixth Illinois 358 Ninety -seventh niinoia 360 Ninety-eighth niinois 361 Ninety-ninth Illinois 362 One hundredth Illinois 363 One hundred and first Klinois 364 One hundred and second lUinoia 365 itiTA^iTnY— continued. • One hundred and third IlUnois 307 One hundred and fourth IlUnoia 368 One hundred and fifth nUnois ^ 369 One hundred and sixth Illinois 370 One hundred and seventh Illinois 371 One hundred and eighth nUnois 379 One hundred and ninth niinois 374 One hundred and tenth nUnois 375 One hundred and eleventh Illinois 376 One hundred and twelfth IlUnoia 377 One hundred and thirteenth niinois 379 One hundred and fourteenth niinois 380 One hundred and fifteenth niinois 381 One hundred and sixteenth Illinois 382 One hundred and seventeenth Illinois 383 One hundred and eighteenth lUinois 384 One hundred and nineteenth Illinois 385 One hundred and twentieth Illinois 386 One hundred and twenty-second niinois 387 One hundred and twenty-third Illinois 388 One hundred and twenty-fourth Illinois 389 One hundi-ed and twenty-fifth niinois 390 One hundred and twenty-sixth lUInois 391 One hundred and twenty-aeventh Illinois 392 One hundred and twenty-eighth Illinois 394 One hundred and twenty-ninth lUiuois 395 One hundred aud thirtieth Illinoi8< 396 One hundred and thirty-first lUuiois 397 One hundred and thirty-second Illinois 434 One hundred and thirty-third IlUnois 435 One hundred and thirty-fourth Illinois 435 One hundred and thirty-fifth Illinois 436 One hundred and thirty-sixth niinois 436 One hundred and thirty -seventh Illinoia 437 One hundred and thirty-eighth IlUnois 437 One hundred and thirty -ninth nUnois 438 One hundred and fortieth lUinoie 438 One hundred and forty-first Illinois 439 One hundred and forty-second nUnois 439 One hundred and forty -third IlUnois 440 One hundred and forty -fourth niinois 398 0!ne hundred and forty-fifth Illinois 440 One hundred and forty-aixth lUinoia 399 One hundred and forty-seventh Illinoia 400 One hundred and forty-eighth Illinoia 401 One hundred and forty-ninth Hlinoia 402 One hundred and fiftieth Illinoia 403 One hundred and fifty-first Illinois 404 One hundred and fifty-second IlUnoia 405 One hundred and fifty-third IlUnois 406 One hundred and fifty-fourth nUnois 407 One hundred and fifty-fifth Illinois 408 One hundred and fifty-sixth IlUnois 409 Sturgea'B corapany of rifles, niinois 410 Mississippi marine brigade, Illinois 411 First battaUon of militia, lUinois 441 Alton battalion, Ulinbia 441 Captain Kowald's company, Illinois 441 Captain Walker's company, Illinoia 441 Captain Perce's company, IlUnoia 441 INDEX OF BATTLES ARMY REGISTER, VOLUNTEER FORCE— PART VI. * ADAIRSVILLE." Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Thirty-sixth niinois infantry. I Forty-second niinoia infantry. Forty-fourth niinois infantry. I Fifty-first IlUnois infantry. "ANTIETAM." Twelfth niinois cavalry. "ARKANSAS -POST." Eighty-third Indiana infantry. Eighty -fourth Indiana infantry. Battery A, First lUinoia light artillefy. Battery B, First lUinois Ught artiUery, Battery H, First IlUnois light artiUery. Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-second Indiana infantry. Fortieth Lidiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-firafc lUinoia infantry. Twenty-fifth Illinoia infantry. Thirteenth niinois infantry. Forty -fourth Illinois infantry. One Hundred and Thirteenth Illmois infantry. One Hundred and Sixteenth Ulinols infantry. One Hundred and Twenty-seventh niinois inf. ¦ATLANTA." Thirty-sixth nUnoia infantry. Thirty-eighth IlUnois infantry. Forty-second Illinoia infantry. Forty-fourth niinoia infantry. Fifty -first IlUnois infantry. Fifty -ninth lUinois infantry. Twentieth Indiana infantry. "BATON ROUGE." First Indiana heavy artUlery. "BELMONT." Battery B, First niinois Ught artillery. "BISLAND.'' First Indiana heavy artiUery. "BLAKELY." Thirty- seventh niinois infantry. "BOYDTON ROAD." Twentieth Indiana iufantry. "BRANDY STATION." Twelfth niinois cavalry. "BULL RUN," (SECOND.) 1 Twelfth nUnois cavaky. 448 INDEX OF BATTLES. Twenty-fifth Hlinoia infantry. "CARRION CROW." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. "CASSVILLE." Thirty-second Indiana infantry. I Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. "CHALK BLUFF.'' Thirty -seventh IlUnois infantry. 'CHAMPION HILLS." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. Battery A, First niinois light artiUery. I Forty-fourth IlUnois infantry. I One Hundred and Sixteenth niinois infautry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-second Indiana infantry. Twenty-first niinois infantry. Twenty-fifth Hlinois infantry. Thirty-sixth nUnois infantry. ' ' CHANCELLORSVILLE." Twentieth Indiana infantry. "CHANTILLY." Twentieth Indiana infantry. "CHATTANOOGA." I Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry, "CHICKAMAUGA." Thirty-eicfhth Illinois infautry. Forty-second IlUnoia infantry. Forty -fourth niinois infantry. Fifty-first Illinois infantry, Pfty-nlnth Illinois infantry. 'CHICKASAW BAYOU.' Eighty-third Indiana infantry. Eighty-fourth Indiana infantry. Battery A, First lUinois light artiUery. Battery B, Pirat niinoia Ught artUlery. • Battery H, Pirst Illinois light artillery. Thurteenth Illinois infantry. Forty -fourth IlUnois infantry. One Hundred and Thirteenth lUinois infantry. One Hundred and Sixteenth IlUnoia infantry. One Hundred and Twenty-seventh lUinois inf. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana iidTantry, Twenty-first lUinois infantry, "Twenty-fifth nudoia Infantry. Twenty-sixth niinois infantry. "COAL HARBOR." Twentieth Indiana infantry. "COLD WATER.' Ninetieth niinois infantry. "CORINTH," Thirty-second Indiana infantry. Thirty-sixth niinoia infantry. Thirty -eighth Illinois infantry. Forty-fourth Illinois infantry. Forty -seventh lUinoia nafantry. Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. "COTTON." First Indiana heavy artUlery. "DALLAS," Fifty-ninth niinois infaLtry. INDEX OP BATTLES. 449 Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry, Twenty-fifth Illinois infantry. Twenty-sixth IlUnois infantry. Forty-second lUinois infantry. "DANDRIDGE." Fortieth Indiana infantry, ] Forty-second Illinois infantry. I Fifty-first Illinois infantry. "DEEP BOTTOM," Twentieth Indiana Infantry, "FAIR OAKS." Twelfth Illinois cavalry. "FARMINGTON." ! Forty-seventh Illinois infantry, j Pifty-firut Illinoia infantry. "FORT BEAUREGARD." Twenty-eighth IlUnoia infantry. "PORT DONELSON." Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Battery A, First lUinois light artiUery. Battery B, First Illinoia light artUlery. Forty-eighth nUnoia infantry. Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-first Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-first IlUnois infantry. Thirty-sixth Illinois infantry. Twentieth Indiana infantry. Twenty-first lUinois infantry. Twentieth Indiana infantry. "FORT HENRY." I Twenty-eighth Illinois infantry. "FORT PILLOW." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. "FRANKLIN." Thirty-firet Indiana infantry. Thirty-eighth Illinoia infantry. Forty-aecond Illinois infantry. Forty-fourth Illinois infantry. Fifty first Illinoia infantry. Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. " FREDERICKSBURG." I Twelfth IlUnois cavalry. ' * FREDERICKTOWN." * I Thirty-eighth niinois infantry. '.' GAINES'S MILL." Twelfth Illinois cavalry. "GETTYSBURG." I Twelfth IlUnoia cavalry. "GRAND CHATEAU." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantrv. "GRAND PRAIRIE." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. « 29 450 INDEX OF BATTLES. Thirty-sixth llliuoia infantry. Forty-aecond Illinois infantry. "HANOVER COURT-HOUSE." Twelfth IlUnoia cavalry. ' "HATCHIE." Twenty-eighth Illinois infantry. "HOOVER'S GAP." Thirty-first Indiana infantry, I Forty-fourth Illinois infantry. i Pifty-firot Illinois infantry. Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. Twenty-sixth Illinois infantry. Twenty-sixth HUnois infantry. 'ISLAND NO. TEN." I Forty-second lUinois infantry. I Fifty-first Illinois infantry, "lUKA." I Forty-seventh IlUnois infantry. '¦JACKSON.' Sixth battery, Indiana light artUlery. Twelfth Indiana infantry. Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. Eighty -third Indiana infantry. Eighty-fourth Indiana infantry. Ninety-third Indiana infantry. Ninety-seventh Indiana infantry. Ninety-ninth Indiana infantry. One Hundredth Indiana infantry. Battery A, First lUinois light artillery. Battery E, Pirat Illinoia Ught artillery. Battery F, Firat lUinoia light artillery. Battery H, Firat niinois light artiUery. Battery I, First Illinoia light artiUery. Captain Cogswell's battery, lUinoia Ught artillery. Thirteenth IlUnoia infantry. Twenty-sixth Illinois infantry. Twenty-eighth Illinois infantry. Fortieth Illinoia infantry. Forty -fourth IlUnoia infantry. Forty-seventh Illinois infantry. Forty-eighth niinois infautry. Ninetieth Illinoia infantry. One Hundred and third Illinois infautry. One Hundred and fourteenth Illinoia infantry. One Hundred and aixteenth niinois infantry. Fortieth Indiana iufantry. Pifty-aeventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-first niinois infantry. Thirty-sixth Illinois iufantry. " JONESBORO'." Thirty-first Indiana iufantry. Thirty-eighth niinois infantry, Porty-aecond Illinois infantry. Porty-fourth Illinois infantry. Fifty-first Illinoia infantry. Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-second Indiana infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Pifty-aeventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-firat Blinois infantry. Twenty-fifth Illinois infantry. 'KENESAW MOUNTAIN.' Thirty-sixth Illinoia infantry. Thirty-eighth Illinoia infantry. Forty-second Illinois infantry. Forty-fourth niinoia infantry. Fifty-first IlUnois infantry. Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. Thirty-eighth Illinois infantry. "KNOB GAP." Twenty-first Illinois infantry. I Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. Twenty-first Blinois infantrj'. Twenty-fifth lUinois infautry. "LIBERTY GAP." Thirty-second Indiana infantry. I Thirty-eighth Illinois infantry. I Fifty-ninth IlUnoia infantry. INDEX OP BATTLES. 451 Thirty.firat Indiana infantry. Twenty-first Illinoia infantry. Twentieth Indiana infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-fifth lUinois infantry. Thirty-sixth IlUnois infantry. "LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN." Fifty-ninth IlUnois infantry. ' "LOVEJOY'S STATION." I Thirty-eighth IlUnoia infantry. I Fifty-ninth Blinois infantry. "MADISON COURT-HOUSE." Twelfth IlUnois cavalry. "MADRID." Twenty-aixth Illinois iufantry, "MALVERN HILL." I Twelfth Illinois cavalry. "MARKSVILLE." Twelfth niinois cavalry. "MINE RUN." Twentieth Indiana infantry. "MISSION RIDGE." Thirty-second Indiana infaptry. Forty-aecond IlUnoia infantry. Fbrty-fourth niinois infantry. Fifty -first Illinois infantry. Fifty-ninth IlUnois infantry. Fortieth Indiana iufantry. Fifty-first Indiaaa infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-first Illinoia infantry. Thirty-sixth Hlinois infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Thirty-sixth nUnoia infantry. "NASHVILLE." Thirty -firat Indiana Infantry. Thirty-eighth Blinois infantry. Forty-second Illinoia infantry. Forty-fourth IlUnois infantry. Fifty-first BUnoia infantry. Fifty-ninth lUinoia infantry. "NEW HOPE CHURCH." ! Forty-aecond niinoia infantry. Forty-fourth nUuois infantry. I Fifty-firat llliuoia infantry. Forty -second IlUnoia infantry. "NEW MADRID." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. I Fifty- first IlUnois infantry. "NORTH ANNA." Twentieth Indiana infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Tlairty-aixth lUlnoia infantry. 'PEACH-TREE CREEK.' Forty-second Blinola infantry. Forty-fourth HUnoia ihfautry. Fifty-first lUiuois infantry. 452 INDEX OF BATTLES. Thirty-sixth lUinois infantry. Thu'ty-aeventh IlUnois infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty -seventh Indiana infantry. Twenty -first Illinoia infantry. Twenty-fi/th lUinois infantry. Thirty-second Indiana infantry. "PEA RIDGE." Twenty-fifth lUinois infantry, I Forty-fourth BUnoia infantry. I Fifty-ninth IlUnois infantry, "PERRYVILLE." Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-sixth Illinois infantry. Thirty-eighth Illinois infantry. Forty-fourth Illinoia infantry. Fifty-ninth Illinoia mfantry. "PETERSBURG." Twentieth Indiana infantry. " PICKETT'S MILLS." 1 Twenty-fifth Blinois infantry. Twenty-first IlUnoia infantry. "PINE TOP." Thirty-first Indiana infantry. I Thirty-eighth Blinois infantry. "PO RIVER." Twentieth Indiana infantry. " PORT GIBSON." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry, "PORT HUDSON." First Indiana heavy artillery. "PRAIRIE GROVE," Thirty-seventh lUinoia infantry, "RESACA." Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-second Indiana infantry, Fortieth Indiana infantry. Pifty-aeventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-fifth niinois infantry. Thirty-sixth Illinois infantry. Forty-second llliuoia infantry. Porty-fourth Illinois infantry. Fifty-first Illinois infantry. Fifty-ninth IlUnois infantry. "RIDDLE'S POINT." Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-second Indiana infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-fifth Illinois infantry. 'ROCKY FACE RIDGE." Thirty-sixth Illinois infantry. Forty-second Illineia infantry. Porty-fourth lUinois infantry. Fifty-first Illinois infantry. Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. "ROLLETT'S STATION," Thirty -second Indiana infantry. INDEX OF BATTLES. 453 " ROME." Fifty-first Indiana infantry. "RUSSELL HOUSE." Battery I, First Blinois Ught artiUery. | Forty-fourth Illinois infantry. "SAVAGE STATION." Twelfth Illinois cavalry. •SHILOH.' Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-second Indiana infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Battery A, Firat Illinoia Ught artillery. Battery B, First niinois Ught artillery. Battery E, First Illinois Ught artillery. Battery I, First Illinoia light artUlery. Twenty-eighth lUinoia infantry. Fortieth Illinois infantry. Forty-fourth niinois infantry. Forty-eighth Illinois infantry. 'SIEGE OF CORINTH.' Battery E, Pirat Illinois light artiUery, Twenty-sixth Illinois infantry. Twenty-eighth IlUnois infantry. I Fortieth Illinois* infantry. Forty-aeventh Illinois iufantry. I Forty-eighth Illinois infantry. 'SIEGE OP VICKSBURG," Sixth battery, Indiana Ught artUlery. -"Twelfth Indiana infautry. ¦Thirty -fourth Indiana infantry. Eighty-third Indiana infantry. Eighty -fourth Indiana infantry. Ninety-third Indiana" infantry. Ninety-seventh Indiana infantry. Ninety-ninth Indiana infantry. One Hundredth Indiana infantry. Battery A, First Blinois light artiUery, Battery B, First IlUnois light artillery. Battery E, First niinois light artUlery. Battery F, First Illinois Ught artillery. Battery H, Pirst IlUnois Ught artiUery. Battery I, First lUinois light artUlery. Captain CogsweU's battery, nUnois light artillery. Thirteenth Illinois infantry. Twenty-sixth Illinois infantry. Twenty-eighth Illinoia infantry. Thirty -seventh Illinoia infantry. Fortieth Illinois Infantry, Forty -fourth IlUnois infantry. Forty-aeventh Illinois infantry. Forty-eighth niinois infantry. Ninetieth Illinois infantry. One Hundred and Third IlUnois infantry. One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois infantry. One Hundred and Fourteenth niinois Infantry. One Hundred and Sixteenth Blinois infantry. One Hundred and Twenty -seventh niinoia inf. Thirty -firat Indiana infantry. Twenty-first UUnois infantry. 'SIEGE OF YORKTOWN." Twelfth Illinois cavalry. "SMYRNA STATION." I Thirty -eighth Illinois infantry. I Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. "SOUTH MOUNTAIN.' Twelfth niinois cavalry. "SPANISH FORT." Twenty-eighth IlUnois infantry. "SPOTTSYLVANIA.' i Twentieth Indiana infantry. 454 INDEX OF BATTLES. ' SPRING HILL." Fortieth Indiana infafitry. Pifty-geventh Indiana infantry. Thirty-sixth HUnois infantry. Thirty-second Indiana Infantry. Fortieth Indiana infantry. Fifty-first Indiana infantry. Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry. Twenty-first niinois infantry. Twenty-fiftli niinois i|ifantry. Forty -second Illinois infantry. Forty-fourth Illinois infantry. Fifty-first nUnois infantry. "STONE RIVER." Thirty-first Indiana infantry. Thirty-sixth BUnoia infantry. Thirty-eighth Illinois infantry. Forty-second Illinoia infantry. Forty-fourth IlUnoia infantry. Fifty-first Illinois infantry. Fifty-ninth Illinois infantry. "TOLOPOTOMOY." Twentieth Indiana infantry, "UPPERVILLE," Twelfth Illinois cavalry. "WHITE OAK SWAMP." . Twentieth Indiana infantry. "WILDERNESS." Twentieth Indiana infantry. "WILLIAMSBURG." Twelfth Illinois cavalry. "YAZOO PASS," Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry. INDEX OF NAMES.' ARMY REGISTER, VOLUNTEER FORCE— PART VI. Aagesen, Nicholas S 307 Abbe, John D 357 Abbett, ¦William A 137 Abbey, Frederick J 274 Abbott, Abial R 210 Abbott, Albert J 102 Abbott, Augustus H., (6th Ind. inf.; 3-yenr8) . . .37 Abbott, Augustus H., (67th /red. inf.) 128 Abbott, Augustus H., (6th Ind. inf., 3-uionths).415 Abbott, Charles A 254 Abbott, CharlesH 88 Abbott, Cyrus H 355 Abbott, Everett F 135 Abbott, George 247 Abbott, John A 49 Abbott, JohnW •...: 330 Abbott, Joseph 155 Abbott, Nathan H 267 Abbott, Nathan W 339 Abbott, Oliver .W 324 Abbott, Othman A 192 Abbott, Sidney M 273 Abbott, ThomasJ 288 Abbott, William E 65 Abdell,' Edward C 154 Abel, Oramel H 380 Abernathy, James R 339 Abernethy, Isaac N " 91 Aborn, Orin 94 Abrahams, Frederick 288 Abrams, Benjamin F 38 Abrocrombie, Henry E 345 Achenbach, Alfred P 422 Achenbach, William 360 AchesoD, William H .'.ISO Acken, George L 232 Acker, John 206 Acker, JohnW 302 . Acker, Leonard 152 Acker, Leonard E 169 Ackerly, George H 49 Ackerman, Lewis II 3 Adair, Henry L 437. Adair, John M 290 Adair, William A Ill -Adair, William M 261 Adair, WilUam R., (147th & 153d III. inf.) . 400, 406 Adair, WiUiam E., (132d III. inf.) 434 Adam, Emil, (9th III. inf. , S-years) 225 Adam, Emil, (9th /iZ. Inf., 3-months) 430 Adams, Albert 110 >dams, Albert W 241 Adaras; Alexander 221 Adams, ArnoldP 252 Adams, Benjamin B 326 Adams, CharleaP., (59th III. inf.) 317 Adams, Charles F., (7th /ii. inf.) 429 Adams, CharlesH., (litlll. It. art.) 207 Adama, Charles H., (10th III. inf., 3-yeard) ..S27 Adams, Charles H., (10th III. inf., 3-mODthB).430 Adams, David IU Adams, DavidB., (S2i Ind. inf.) 140 Adams, DavidB., (54th JnA inf.) 418 Adams, David E ¦- 57 Adams, Edward, (batt'y H, lat III. It. art.) ..211 Adams, Edward, (48th HI. inf.) 296 Adams, BUM 83 Adams, Emil 398 Adams, Frank 267 Adams, Gabriel H IU Adams, George 416 Adams, George B 430 Adams, George W., (8th /nA inf.) 39 Adams, Georgo W., (Sth Ind. inf.) 417 Adams, Henry C 71 Adams, Henry F 195 Adams, Henry W 392 Adams, Horace W 351 Adams, Hugh 326 Adams, Isaac N., (llth Ind. inf.) 44 Adams, Isaac N., (156th' /nd. inf.) 176 Adams, Israel M 82 Adams, James , 339 Adams, James R 52,120 Adams, JamesW 38 Adams, Johu H 276 Adama, John J 184 Adams, John M 22 Adams, John Q., (36th Ki. inf.) 272 Adams, John Q., (S2i Hl.lnt.) 302 Adams, JohnQ., (60th JK. inf.) 318 Adams, John S 417 Adams, Joseph 204 Adams, Lemuel 247 Adams, Levi P., (130th /Hd. inf.) 160 Adama, Levi P., (I53d/7id.inf.) 173 Adams, Marcellas M 421 Adama, Parker S 371 Adama, Reuben H 429 Adaras, Robert, jr 248 Adams, Robert D 312 Adams, Robert J 328 Adams, Samuel 369 Adams, Samuel R 71 Adariis, Thomas D 345 Adams, Thomas H 92 Adams, Will A 165 Adams, William 120 Adams, WilUam A 63 Adams, William E 388 Adams, William R 435 Adamson, Charles E 78 Adamson, Enoch R 118 Addington, James 419 Addington, Thomas 142 Addison, William C 184 Adelman, Charles 26 Adelsperger, Thomaa 147 456 INDEX OF NAMES. AdUngton, Joseph A 199 Admire, Jacob V 126 Adrion, John 69 Affleck, AlbertF 430 Agnew, Archibald B 187 Agnew, WilUam W 145 Ahem, Heury 221 Aichele, Emil 80 Aiken, Jamea M 310 Aikin, William H 68,128 Aitkin, Edward J69 Akin, George W 394 Akin, Johns 122 Akins, WilliamB 337 Albert, Lawson H 15 Albert, William A 233 Albin, George W 440 Albin, Henry S 338 Albin, WilUam W 23 Albright, JohnM 172 Albright, Joseph K 145 Albro, Alexander W 377 Alcoke, George H 276 Alden, Andrew J. , (13th III. eav.) 200 Alden, Andrew J., (BOth III. int) 318 Alden, Geo. C 377 Aldeu, George M 200 Alden, Henry W 276 Alden, James C 113 Alderman, Albert J 357 Alderson, Charles D 393 Aldrich, A. Clarence 199 Aldrich, Eugpne S 100 Aldrich, Simeon C 101 Aldridge, Jacksou 283 Aldridge, Leroy P 155 Alexander, Ashbury H., (10th Ind. eav.) 17 Alexander, Ashbury H., (58th Ind. inf.) 120 Alexander, David M 345 Alexander, Edwin 113 Alexander, Eliaa J. C 247 Alexander, George P., (152d Ind. inf.) 172 Alexander, George P., (139th Ind. inf.) 426 Alexander, (George W 34 Alexander, Guy S 321 Alexander, James M., (59th irerf. inf.) 122 Alexander, James M., (66th III. inf.) 328 Alexander, Jesae I 122 Alexander, JohnD 150 Alexander, JohnH 72 Alexander, John W. S 245 Alexander, Lucius F 238 Alexander, Samuel C 381 Alexander, Scylurus W 35 Alexander, Thomaa, (llth /iZ. inf.) 228 Alexander, Thomaa, (49th //!. inf.) 298 Alexander, Thomas P 44 Alexander, WilUamson M 57 Alfont, Robert 47 Alfred, WUliam H 113 Algur, Hiram. V 267 Allan:, Frank 214 Allard, Luther S 242 AUee, Abraham 205 AUee, WilUam P , 63 AUen, Abner P 279 Allen, Alexander 269 AUen, Alfred 41 Allen, Amory K 62 AUen, Archibald C 131 Allen, Archibald F 90 Allen, Artemus W 169 AUen, Charles A 332 Allen, CharlesH 80 AUen, Cyrua B 423 Allen, DavidF 43 Allen, Delos 385 Allen, Edward A. F 267 Allen, Edward B 11 AUen, Enoch 166 Allen, Ephraim T 155 AUen, Ethan J 302 Allen, Ethan M 55 Allen, Frank H 247 Allen, George Q., (15th 111. inf.) 235 Allen, George Q., (144th HI. int.) 398 Allen, George T 234 AUen, George W 288 Allen, Henry 254 Allen, Henry J 409 AUen, Henry W 231 Allen, Hiram 35 Allen, Horace R 388 AUen, Isaac H., (14th III. eav.) 202 Allen, Isaac H.. (69th III. ml.) 433 Allen, James M 54 Allen, Jamea W 227 Allen, Jarvis S 384 Allen, Jefferson J 394 Allen, JohnH., (llth III. eay.) 196 Allen, John H., (32d la inf.) 266 Allen, JohnK 337 AUen, JohnR ; 318 Allen, Joseph S 43 AUen, Louis V 187 AUeu, LymauG 256 Allen, Martin V 369 Allen, Mundy 26 AUen, Robert, (30th ZiZ. inf.) 261 Allen, Eobert, (134th /mA inf.) 423 Allen, Robert M 394 AUen, Silas F 74 Allen, Stephen, (13ii Ind. inf.) 422 Allen, Stephen, (67th III. inf.) 432 AUen, Stuarts : 248 Allen, Thomas 292 Allen, Thomas G 339 AUen, Thomas H 155 Allen, Thomas M : .3 Allen, WiUard P 106 Allen, WiUiam, (35th Ind. inf.) 86 - AUen, William, (132d Ind. inf.) 422 Allen, William A 225 Allen, WiUiam 0 312 Allen, WiUiam I. , (12th /ii. inf. ) 230 Allen, WiUiam I., (144th HI. inf.) 398 Allen, WilUam I., (70th /ii. inf ) 433 Allen, WiUiamL, (133d /ii. inf.) '...435 Allen, William J., (20th batt'y Ind. It. art.)... 33- AUen, WiUiam J., (123d /jmJ. inf.) 155 Allen, William J., (61st /Zi. inf.) 320 Allen, WiUiam J., (54th Ind. inf.) 418 Allen, WiUiam S 163 Allen, William W 254 AUensworth, J. C 140 AUes, JohnJ 108 Alley, MarahaU J 151 AUey, Whitfield N 408 AUhands, Francia M , 271 AUin, HardinC 7 Allinson, Adam C 381 AUiaon, Gardner ' ..330 INDEX OF NAMES. 457 AUiaon, Goorge W., (17th /nd. inf.) 55 AUison, George W. , (70th Ind. inf.) 131 AUison, John 365 Allison, JohnW 14 AUiaon, Joaeph F 236 Allison, Lycurgua L 44 Allison, R. H 304 Allison, Robert, (57lh Ind. int.) 118 Allison, Robert, (6th Ind. inf.) 415 AUison, WilUam 96 Allison, William H 420 AUoway, Allen 27 AUshouse, Samuel, jr 183 Almon, Harry 263 Almond, Lathan C 140 Alnhausen, Andreas 293 Alsop, Edwin 331 Alspaugh, David M 164 Altman, D. S 177 Altman, Daulel S 404 Altman, Ernst 333 Alton, Daniel R 17 Alvord, Harrison M 331 Alvord, Julius 261 Alyea, WiUiamL 419 Ambrose, Daniel L 221 Amerine, Shepherd 440 Ames, Almon S 45 Ames, George W 58 Ames, Luther S 324 Amea, Norman B 435 Amet, Albert V 206 Amet, Charles L 199 Ammerraan, Henry 59 Ammons, John M 9 Amsden, Albert 363 Amsley, Aaron 367 Anderson, Abraham D 247 Anderson, Adonis 169 Anderson, Alexander 138 Anderson, Alexander G 314 Anderson, Andrew 312 Anderson, Andrew, jr 416 Anderson, Andrew M 201 Anderson, Archibald 165 Anderson, Christopher H 195 Anderson, Daniel C 286 Anderson, David 9, 11 -Anderson, Dewitt 318 Anderson, Edward, (12th /wd. eav.) 19 Anderson, Edward, (37th III. int.) 275 Anderson, Edwin M 385 Anderson, Eldridge 61 Anderson, George P 175 Anderaon, Creorge R 187 Anderson, Hamilton A., (43d III. inf.) 286 Anderaon, Hamilton A., (1320 III. inf.) 434 Anderson, Irwin W 385 Anderaon, Isaiah B 426 Anderson, Jabez J 240 Anderson, James H 437 Anderaon, James N 55 Anderson, James P 263 Anderaon, JamesW., (10th /ii. inf.) 237 Anderson, Jamea W., (50th /ii. inf.) 299 Anderaon, Jenkina F 38 Anderson, Jeremiah 132 Anderson, John !ffl^ 304 Anderaon, John (^ 337 Anderaon, John D 337 Anderson, John P 316 Anderson, Johu S 202 Anderson, John T 349 Anderson, Joseph M 110 Anderson, Joseph V 52 Anderson, Marion T Ul Anderaon, OUver P 139 Anderson, Olof 312 Anderson, Read 322 Anderson, Robert 78 Anderson, Samuel L 38 Anderson, T. Noble- US) Anderson, Thomas J., (12th Ind. inf.) 47 Anderson, Thomas J. , (41at III. inf.) 282 Anderson, Thomas W 296 Anderson, Vincent 296 Anderson, Walter B 192 Anderson, Warren P 349 Anderson, WiUiam, (37th /jiA inf . ) 90 Anderson, William, (49th /«!Gamer H. , (115th /Zi. inf.) 381 Bane,' Levi B 388 Bane, Moses M 299 Bane, Oscar P 388 Bane, Thomas 388 Banes, James M 186 Banga, Ambrose A 358 Bangs, Lester G 242 Banister, John 39 Banks, Ephraim N 9, 117 Banks, James L 82 Banks, JohnO 146 Bankson, Arthur C 381 Bankaon, Elijah 396 Bannister, Prentis S 333 Bannister, Samuel N 71 Banta, Daniel J 120 Banta, Henry 147 Bauta, Henry D 166 Banta, Isaac P 426 Bauta, Jamea P 9 Banta, Jeptha P 131 Banta, Lawrence .' 361 Banta, Samuel J., (7th Ind. inf .) 38 INDEX OP NAMES. 461 Banta, Samne J., (148th /nd. inf.) 168 Banta, WUUamC 38 Barbee, Edward 298 Barbee, JohnE .65 Barber, Charles P .235 Barber, Edward H 333 Barber, Edwin L 350 Barber, EUphlet 439 Barber, Levi 437 Barber,' Moses 113 Barber, Thomas C t . 216 Barbour, Emerson 425 Barcroft, John 321 Barcus, Jacob H 154 Barcus, John M 154 Bard, Reuben W 409 BardweU, Abalino C 400 Bare, JohnR 127 Bare, Thomas 108 Barfield, Charles 397 Barger, Harrison C '. 215 Barger, Jamea N 405 Barger, JohnS., (FirstLieut.) 331 Barger, John S., (Chaplain) 331 Bargus, George 324 Barlnger, Simon 41 Baringer, William 328 Barkdall, Daniel 63 Barkdoll, Samuel H 175 Barker, Alfred 332 Barker, C. W 198 Barker, Charles 434 Barker, Daniel P 439 Barker, Franklin 270 Barker, Henry C, (52d /iZ. inf.) 302 Barker, Henry C, (74th III. inf.) 332 Barker, Henry P ^ 188 Barker, John .358 Barker, John C ." , 438 Barker, JohnE 310 Barker, WilUam L 154 Barkley, JohnP 306 Barkley, Joseph Y 306 Barlow, Andrew J 153 Barlow, Ebenezer R 76 Barlow, Jamos W Ul Barlow, Thomas 151 Barnard, Daniel E 350 Barnard, Edward M 203 Barnard, James S., (Sth /ii. inf., S-years) 223 Barnard, James S., (8th /Zi; inf., 3-months). -.429 Barnard, John 398 Barnard, Oaborn 356 Barnard, Silvanua 7 Barnes, Alexander 186 Barnes, Allen T., (15th /ii. inf.) 235 Barnes, Allen T., (98th /ZZ. inf. ) 361 Barnes, Charles M 355 Barnes, Edward M 4 Barnes, George P 358 Barnes, Gilbert L 285 Barnes, Henry E , 330 Barnes, Ira N 382 Barnes, James H' 132 Barnes, James M 75 Barnes. JohnW 384 Barnes, Joaiah 160 Barnes, Myron S 275 Barnes, Rezin M 37 Barnes, Stewart -..56 Barnes, Theodore P 434 Barnes, Thomas G., (18th III. inf.) 241 Barnes, Thomas G., (60th /Zi. inf.) 31R Barnes, Walter G 403 Barnet, Euoch 3 Barnett. Charles 302 Barnett, Charles M., (batt'y I, 2d III. It. art.) .216 Barnett, Charles M., (102d /ii. inf.) 365 Barnett, Hugh J 121 Barnett, James P 382 Barnett, JamesW. P 69 Bamett, John A 175 Barnett, John C 157 Barnett, JohnT 375 Barnett, Lewis 424 Barnett, Philip Q 120 Barnett, EufusC 435 Barnett, Thomas 59 Barney, Eugene 314 Barney, FranclB M 401 Barney, Hiram 335 Barney, Lucius - 152 Barney, WiUiam M 152 Barnfield, Thomas H 184 Bamhart, Abram C 18 Bamhart, John C * 94 BarnhUl, Eigdon S 280 Barnum, BenjaminP 18 Barnum, Eli 313 Bams, AbnerE 330 Barnsback, Juliua A 438 Barr, George N 312 Barr, John A 296 Barr, John M 76 Barr, JohnW 292 Barr, Joseph W 219 Barr, Samuel E 127, Barr, Thomas 3 BarreU, Henry C 256,277 BaiTet, James A '...194 Barret, John H 194 Barrett, Augustus B 223 Barrett, Byron 382 Barrett, Edward P 299 Barrett, JamesH 288 Barrett, James J 424 Barrett, John 37 Barrett, Joseph 173 Barrett, Joseph A 124 Barrett, Josiah L 148 Barrett, O. W 370 Barrett, Samuel E 207,208 Barrett, Samuel G 96 Barrett, Thomas K 352 Barrett, Wallace W 288 Barrey, Edward L. H 339 Barrick, WiUiam 331 Barrickman, William S 321 Barringer, Charles 374 Barry, Alonzo H., (36th /ZZ. inf.) 272 Barry, Alonzo H., (141st /ZZ. inf.).; 439 Barry, August C 312 Barry, Charles M 2,30 Barry, Edward L. H 396 Barry, George 435 Barrv, WUliam E ^. '....379 Barsby, John 399 Barston, Herman J 272 Baratow, Hiram E 195 Barter, James M 1 Barter, Richard P., (24th /md. inf.) 67 Barter, RichardP. , (120th Ind, int.) 154 462 INDEX OF NAMES. Bartholomew, Ephraim 61 Bartholomew, Henry S ....3 Bartholomew, Hiram M 238 Bartholomew, JohnC 62 Bartholomew. Orion A , 131 Bartholomew, Stephen E 61 Bartholomew, Stephen L 84 Bartholomew, WUUam A 122 Bartleson, Frederick A 243, 363 Bartleson, Jamea 340 Bartleson, EobertB 228,374 Bartlett, EdwardP 206 Bartlett, George S 273 Bartlett, JohnH 154 Bartlett, Prescott 183 Bartlett, Eanaom F 363 Bartlett. Sarauel J 149 Bartlett, WiUiam W 363 Bartley, Marlon - 164 BartUng, Henry 178 Barto, Alphonso 303 Barton, John 100 Barton, JohnH 240 Barton, WIlllAi B 200 Bartram, Wells 430 Barwick, Joseph S 347 Baas, James H 126 Bass, Sion S ---- 77 Bassett, Edward E 1 Bassett, Harlow 403 Bassett, Harvey J 338 Basaett, James 309 Bassett, Johu (J. A 135 Bassett, Mark M 304 Bassett, Thoraas 427 Bassett, WUliam H 338 Batchelder, John II 348 Batchelor, Merritt P 330 Batchelor, Thomas C 137 Batemau, George D 67 Bateman, laaac 146 Bateman, Kersey 144 Bates, Ansel 300 Bates, Erastua N 339 Batea, George W 233 Batea, Henry D 357 Batea, Hervey, jr 433 Bates, Hiram B , 74 Bates, Loami J ' 401 Bates, Oscar C 61 Bates, SUas 22 Bates, WiUiam S 375 Bates, William W 309 Batea, ZImri B 194 Batburst, Reuben A 401 Batson, Irvin C 263 Battershall, Prank H 434 Batterson, Abram B 214 Batterson, Jeremiad 43 Battey, Frederick A . '. 312 Battey, Owen W 312 Battey, Silas 404 Battorff, Goorge W 418 Bauehert, -John 136 Bauder, Leander 290 Bauer, Anthony S 65 Bauer. George 341 Baugh, Johu W 280 Baugher, Nesbitt 291 Baughman, H. Clay 316 Baughman, John 282 Baughman, John H 173 Baughman, Samuel K ] '227 ^ Baughman, William H ! !! '. .90 * Baughman, Wilson S 437 Baxter, Albert F , " \s^iq Baxter, Archibald ][ [ !l27 Baxter, Charles K 1.*.59 Baxter, George W., (7th Ind. eav.) 13 Baxter, George W., (63d III. inf.)...;. 323 Baxter, Hiram B., (22d Ind. inf.) ...... 63 Baxter, Hiram B. , (148th Ind. inf.) iies Baxter, John K ^49 Baxter, Joseph R .". ggg Bayer, Mark 233 Bayless, Marcus W ^...t. .'.101 Bayley, WiUiara E 192 Baylies, Aaron 228 Bayne, Samuel H J358 Bays, William -.402 Bayae, Thomaa S ] ,88 Beaber, Joaiah W 316 Beach, Bryant D., (Sth HI. eav.) 190 Beach, BryantD., (141at /Zi. inf.) 439 Beach, George W 43 Beach, James A 316 Beachbard, Paul J 53 Beachly, Nathaniel J 63, 71 Beadle, WUliam H '.78 . Beadles, WUliara T 182 Beahm, Jamea O 74 Beal, Luciua W 391 Beale, Jedediah 320 Beale, WUUam 129 Beall, Benoni N U4 Beall, WUliam B 296 Beals, Francia 426 Beala, John 153 Beals, Seth W US Beam, George W 405 Bean, General F. M 386 Bean, Jamea S ,. -.348 Bean, Jamea T 1 Beane, Christopher C 135' Bear, Johu W. , (68th III. inf.) 433 Bear, John W., (145th III. inf.) 440 Beardsley, Charles S 196 Beardsley, EUsha T 233 Beardsley, Ezra M., (12eth III. inf.) 391 Beardsley, Ezra M., (69th III. inf.) 433 Beardaley, George R 256 Beardaley, Jaraea*M 232 Beaaley, Allen D 95 Beasiey, Ephraim __.408 Beasiey, J. W 94 Beasiey , John G 247 Beath, (iiharlea S 383 Beatson, John 332 Beattie, Alexander H 332 Beattie, Andrew B 298 Beattie, James P 290 Beatty, Alexander 148 Beatty, ThomaS'M 242 Beaty, John 78 Beaty, JohnW 356 Beaty, Eobert B 136 Beaubien, Napoleon 304 Beauchamp, (Jeorge 420 Beauchamp, John 381 Beaufort, Francis 206 Beaumont, Charlea E 230 Beaver, Daniel G 104 INDEX OP NAMES. 463 Beaver, Jackson 269 Bechand, Adolph •. 200 Bechdoldt, Frederick C SS8 Bechatein, Frederick 341 Beck, Charles R .55 Beck, Christian 3, 13, 16 Beck, Elias W. H 6 Beck, Prlsbe T 135 Beck, Henry 261 Beck, JamesW 423 Beck, Moses M 33 Beck, William H., (145th Ind. inf.) 165 Beck, WiUiam H., (6th /iZ. eav.) 186 Becker, Egbert T. E 354 Becker, JohnF 173 Becker, Leopold 250 Becker, Lothar 216 Becket, Robert T US Beckett, Andrew J 126 Beckett, Andrew W 379 Beckford, Lewis C 117 Beckier, Rudolphus, (9th III. inf., 3-years)... 225 Beckier, Rudolphus, (9th III. inf., 3-months). 430 Beckley, Gordon L 302 Beckley, John E 357 Beckman, Alexander 129 Beckwith, Lod W 92 Beckwith, Putnam 202 Beddo, Ira.... 228 Bedford, Clendenin Z 52 Bedford, Wimor, (18th IlLint.) 240 Bedford, WImer, (48th /Zi. inf.) 296 Beebe, Byron C 49 Beebo, Isaac N 273 Beebe, Jamea 168 Beebe, Reuben B 348 Beebe, ThomasJ 303 Beeber, Jamea M 134 Beeber, John H 134 Beeber, Joseph W 145 Beeber, WiUiam P 117 Beecher, Alexander 351 Beecher, Henry 254 Beecher, James H _ 159 Beegle, Charles D 330 Eeek,s, Green C, (44th /7id. inf.) 100 Beeks, Green C, (150th Ind. inf.) --170 Beeler, Abraham ,. 269 Beeler, Jamea C '- . . 78 Beeln, WiUiam G , 176 Beeni, DavidB 50 Beem, Orin 437 Beeman, John A 351 Been, Ebenezer M 407 Beer, Simon B 367 Beerea. Charles H 205 Beers, Edwin A 330 Beers, George H 115 Beers, George T 337 Beers, JenaonP 146 Beers, Jerome ..-. 65 Beeaon, Henry H - 85 Beeson, Hezekiah 47 Beeson, William 153 Beezley, John P 276 Beezley, William 370 Beggs, George W 369 Behen, Emery D - .' 164 Behlendorff, Frederick 200 Behm, Adam O 170 Behm, Godlove O., (100th Ind. int.) 152 Behm, Godlove O., (Il6th Ind. inf.) 421 Behm, JohnG 120 Behr, Frederick 26 Behrens, Arend 288 Beidler, George A 370 Beighle, Alexander W 155 Beitzell, Benjarain P., (10th Ind.int.) 417 Beitzell, Benjamin P., (57th Ind. inf.) 119 Belcher, O. S 278 Belden, Morgan , 254 Belden, EuaaeU A 122 Belew, JohnC 94 Belford, Peter 259 BelingaU, Charlea 362 Belknap, Eichard W 306 BoU, Aaron A 394 Bell, Charles A., (20th /nd. inf.) 62 BeU, Charlea A., (13th /Zi. eav.) 200 BeU, Charlea T., (76th Ind. inf.) 419 Bell, Charlea T., (134th Ind. inf.) 423 BeU, George R 274 BeU, George W., (10th Ind. eav.) 17 Bell, Goorge W., (64th /Zi. inf.) 324 Bell, George W., (139th Ind. inf.) 426 BeU, James 175 Bell, Jamea A 67 Bell, Jamea B 137 BeU, JameaP 370 BeU, John C 233 BeU, John R 69 Bell, Joseph W 200 Bell, MUton 144 BeU, Nathaniel G 86 Bell, Robert L 309 Bell, Eolando 282 Bell, Sanford, (66th /ii. inf.) 329 Bell, Sanford, (9th III. int.) 430 Bell. ThaddeuaB 169 BeU, Tliomas 269 Bell, V.Bradford ¦-.242 Bell, Victors 228 BeU, WUliam 388 BeU, William W 201 BeUamy, Eobert J 194 Bellows, George L 300 Bellows, Georgd'W 202 Bellmann, Henry 80 Belnap, David S 100 Belt, Joaiah H 364 Bemuadaffer, Joseph V 415 Benee, EobertF 83 Bender, pavid S ; 104 Bender, Georgo, (9th /ZI. inf.) 225 Bender, George, (149th III. ini.) 402 Sender, George A 369 Benedict, Ezra L 389 Benefiel, Enoch 145 BenCfiel, Eobert 276 Benefield, Enoch 171 Benett, Thomas W 52 Benford, Chauncey P 76 Benham, Attalaa L 103 Benham, Jamea E 63 Benham, .Julius H ^ 186 Benkert, Joseph * — 48 Bonn, Henry L 310 Benner, Daniel J 235 Benner, Hiram H 240 Bonner, Joaeph H 102 Benneson, WilUam H '. 337 Bennett, Albert 2S4 464 INDEX OP; NAMES. Bennett, Basil R., (Major) 153 Bennett, Basil B., (Assistant Surgeon) 153 Bennett, Clark A 172 IBennett, Daniel H., (153d Ind. inf.) 173 Bennett, Daniel II., (133th Ind. inf.) 425 Bennett, David - 1.59 Bennett, Edward W 331 Bennett, Edwin P 433 Bennett, Frank B 178 Bennett, PrankUn H 145 Bennett, Henry, (batt'y I, 2d III. It. art.) 211 Bennett, Henry, (Capt. Stokes' batt'y HI. It. art.) 218 Bennei t, Jacob A 385 Bennett, James C 131 Bennett, Jamea P 70 Bennett, JohnE 333 Bennett, Marlon W 173 Bennett, Nelson B ..-.' 74 Bennett, Norria S 100 Bennett, Thomas W 88,130 Bennett, WiUiam 194 Benny, WiUiam H 41 Benaon, Archibald T '. 394 Benson, Charles A 402 Benson, David 431 Benson, James M 318 Benaon, Johu P 386 Benson, Juliua L 13 Benson, Levi G -'--.23 Bent, Charles 400 Bentel, Henry 286 Bentley, George W 76 Benton, William P., (Sth Ind. inf., 3-year8). ..39 Benton, William P., (Sth Ind. inf., 3-months). 416 Benton, WiUiara M 192 Berg, David N 25 Bergh, Oacar Julius 341 Bergland, Eric 312 Bergman, JohnW. S 409 Berkey, JohnM., (46th /nd. inf ) 102 Berkey, John M., (99th /7id.inf.) 151 Berkley, Benjamin P 188 Berkley, WUUam N 296 Bemier, Gideon 243 Berrey, John G -.. 29S Berroth, Jacob J 425 Berry, Alfred P 52 Berry, Arthur 72 Berry, Barney 51 Berry, Benjamin C 380 Berry, Benjamin P 260 Berry, Daniel 349 Berry, Isaac H 376 Berry, James P 191 Berry,' James W . ; 370 Berry, John, (32d /iZ. Inf.) 265 Berry, John, (149th /iZ. inf.) 403 Berry, Josephs., (2lBt /Zi. inf.) 245 Berry, Josephs., (155th III. inf.) 408 Berry, Joseph B., (136th /ZZ. inf.) 436 Berry, Joseph S. , (1 27th III. int.) 393 Berry, Joseph S., (67th III. inf.) 432 Berry, Louis P 65 Berry, Syl'Bester, (Sth Ind. eav.) 9 Berry, Sylvlster, (154th /nd. inf.) 174 Berry, Thomas S 380 Berry, WUUamC 78 Berry, WilUam H 32 Berry, WUliam M 57 Berry, WiUiam N 184 Berry, William S oo l BerryhiU, Matthew A 170 Berryman, James A 424 Berryman, WiUiam H 384 Bertrand. Alexia S - 175 Berz, George 298 Best, Benjamin P 280 Best, George 320 Best, George W :...424 Best, WiUiam E 360 Bestor, George L 189 Beswick, James C, (17th III. inf.) 239 Beswick, JamesC, (103d /Zi. inf.) 365 Betebenner, Benton E 186 Bethel, Frederick P 108 Bethell, Thomas P '. 69 Bettcher, George A., (llth Ind. eav.) 18 Bettcher, George A., (S4th /red. inf) 418 Bettelhum, Bernard J 370 Setts, Andrew J 332 Betts, Isaac J 82 ' Beveridge, John L 190,206 Sevis, Benjamin F 265 Sevis, Henry 282 Bewley, James A 315 Seytr, Charles 200, Beyls, Henry C 338 Beyls, Joseph 433 Bef mer, Ellas J 436 Beyreiss, Louia 80 Bez, George 363 Bibb, George E 440 Bice, BenjaminP 396 Bice, Jeaae W 180 Bickford, Fredericks., (Capt. Cooley's batt'y HI. it. art.) 219 Bickford, Frederick B., (56th HI. inf.) 309 Bickle, WUliam A 130 ' Bicknell, EU P 138 Biddinger, Jacob L 113 Biddle, Abram J 420 Biddle, Jamea 11 Biddle, WiUiam B .145 Biddulph, George G 272 Bidlack, John 167 Bidlack, William O 100 Bled, Walter.. 214 Bieree, Ambrdae G 41 Bieree, John B 181 Bierer, Everett H 248 Bierer, Frederick C , 256 Biers, Samuel 152 Biese, Charles W 341 Bigden, Frederick A 392 Bigelow, A 180 Bigelow, Alonzo 163 Bigelow, Andrew J 338 Bigelow, D. Ames 389 Bigelow, GUbert F 350 Bigelow, James K 39 Bigelow, John C 435 Bigelow, WiUiam H 274 Bigger, David P., (9th and 102d HI. inf.) .225, 365 Bigger, DavidP., (138th /ZZ. inf.) 437 Bigger, Mathew 299 Siggerstaff, SUas 240 Bigga, Jaraes 388 Biggs, JohnJ., (17th III. inf.) 239 Biggs, John J. , (112th III. inf.) 377 Biggs, Jonathan 388 Biguey, Peter M 57 INDEX OP NAMES. 465 -Bilby, Thomas P 23 BiUIng, Alfred 302 Billings, Edwin L 118 Billings, Harman M 144 BiUlnga. Van Ness 327 ¦• Billings, William G., (153d III. inf.) 406 Billings. William G. , (142d III. int.) 439 SUllugsley, Henry M : 7 Billows, Alfred .*. . . .106 Bills, Benjamin G 433 BUla, Josephua 47 •Bingaman, David M 61 Bingham, Charles M 20 Bingham, Frank 333 Bingham, Prank M 328 Bingham, Henry L 350 Bingham, James A ,-..330 Bingham, James J 2 Bingham, Newton 1 06 Bingham, WiUiam B 100 Binkley, Philip S 9 Binz. Francis X 435 Birch, AlbertW 223 Birch, George H 74 BircX Henry T 272 Birch, Jonathan 125 Birohard, WUUam W 299 Bird, Greenup 326 Bird, Joseph 123 Bird, Rhenodyne A., (55th /Zi. inf.) 307 Bird, Ehenodyne A., (llth /iZ. inf.) 43L Bird, Samuel W 271 Bird, William T 436 BirdweU, WilUam 179 BIrley, WUliam SO Birney, James H .*. 436 Birney, WilUam L 56 Birt, WilUam S 160 Bisby, MarkH 191 Bischof, EmU SO Slse, WUliam E 209 Biaer, Benjamin F 295 Bishop, AlvaC 223 Bishop, Edward F 351 Bishop, George W -438 Bishop, Isaac N 313 Bishop, Jefferson .* 74 Biahop, Jerome 340 Biahop, Johns 432 Biahop, JohnT 382 Bishop, Joseph H 324 Sialop, Lemuel N 383 Bishop, Linus D 193 Bishop, Pleasant W 274 Bishop, Presley 254 Biahop, Warren H 163 Bishop, William ¦ 209 Bishop, WiUiam W., (49th /iZ. inf.) 298 Biahop, William W., (103d /ZZ. inf.) 367 Bissell, H. D 343 Bissell, Henry C 299 Bissell, James. 157 Bissell, WilUam 19 Bitner. William S 100 BItrolff, John Louis, jr 24 Bitter, August 250 Blvin, Felix C 127 Bixler, JohnW 76 Bjerg, Werner W 400 Slack, Chauncey 239 Black, David 181 30 Black, Francis 171 Black, George H 22 Black, Harrison : 24S Slack,' James A .298 Black, James B.,a8th Ind. int.) 57 Black, James B., (3d /ZZ. eav.) 181 Black, JamesW 69 Black, John Charlea 274 Black, JohnP 194 Black, Joseph 307 Black, Joaeph P 375 Black, Joaeph P 368 Black, Luther W 434r Black, Eiehmond V 380' Black, EobertM 337 Slack, Samuel 347' Black, ThomaaG 433- Black, William H 330 Black, WilliamP 274 Slack, WUUam W., (17th III. eav.) 206- Black, William W. , (28th /ii. inf.) 257 Blackard, WiUiamL 386 Blackburn, David S 24& Blackburn, John .' .7240 Blackburn, John F 395 Blackburn, Luke P 36S Blackburn, Nerval ; . .1& Blackburn, Eobert S 337 Blackburn, WiUiam C 192 Blackburn, Wm. D 189' Blackford, Albert J 371 Blackford, Elijahs 13 Blackford, Francia B 121 BlackUdg, Woodruff 280 Blackman, Alpheua T 13 Blackman, David J 436 Blackman, William 18 Blackman, WUliam $ 263 Blackmer, John C, (U6th Ind.int.) 421 Blackmer, John C, (135th Ind. inf.) 424 Blackmore, Jaraea H 389 Blackstone, Benjamin F 228 Blackstone, Hiram 282 Blackstone, Johu K , 41 BlackweU, John A 47,420 Bladen, Edward E 417 Blades, Benjamiu L 362 Blades, PrankUn 334 Blades, James M 186 BlaidsdeU, Timothy M 208 Blain, Johu 326 Blaine, William C 4 Blair, David 197 Blair, John M. , (7th /nd. inf. , 3-years) 38 Blair, JbhnM., (7th /red. inf., 3-months) 415 Blair, Lawrence P 367 Blair, Lewis J 146 Blair, Mathew 235 Blair, Morgan 177 Blair, Stephen 323 Blair, WiUiam W 120 Blaisdell, Frederick 199 Blaisdell. Richard P 332 Blake, Albert S 3 Blake, Austin 245 Blake, Charles W 383 Blake, Elzy 432 Slake, Evans 290 Blake, Herbert M 351 Blake, James A 94 Blake, JohnC 176 466 INDEX OP NAMES. Blake, John W., (10th and 40th Ind. inf., 3-yeare) 43, 94 Blake, Johu W., (156th III. inf.) 409 Blake, John W., (10th Ind. int., 3-montha) . . .417 Blake, Louia C 228 Blake, Orris 14,19 Slake, PhUander 14 Blake, Samuel C 278 Blake, WUUam H., (9th Ind. inf., 3-yenrs) 41 Blake, WUliam H., (9th Ind. int., 3-months) ..416 Blakeman, Curtiss 383 Blakemore, Charles W 192 Blakesley, AlpheusM 333 Blalock, Nelson G 381 Blanch, WiUis 118 Blanchard, George A 347 Blanchard, George W 227 Blanchard, Ira 243 Blanchard, Nelson A 190 Blanchard, Walter 232 Blanchard, William 409 Blanden, Leander ; 357 Blandin, George W : 337 Blane, Samuel H 370 Blanke, H.F.William 250 Blankenbaker, Newton J 306 Blankenship, Perry M 137 Blankenship, WUliam H 22 Blankenship, Perry M 122 Blaser, Felix P SO Blatherwick, Edwin G 300 Slazier, Jacob P 426 Bleakley, Andrew 361 Slean, James 333 Blenis. AbelO ; 145 Blessing, Henry P 280 Bleaaing, Joseph 157 Blew, John 396 Blind, Edward 288 Blinn, John J. P 50 BllBh, George W 328 Blias, Alanson T 145 SUaa, Albert, jr 235 Bliss, Christian D 215 Bliss, Edgar J ¦. . .159 Bliss, Henry G 157 SUas, Jesse C 288 Bliss, Volney 236 Bliss, WiUiam S 210 BUss, William W 298 Bliven, Albert G 384 Block, OttoW 250 Blodgett, Aslel Z 358 Blodgett, Edward A., (74th /ZZ. inf.) 332 Blodgett, Edwar^ A., (96th /ZZ. inf.) 358 Blodgett, James H 333 Blodgett, WeUs H 274 Blood, CharleaS 295 Blood, H. S 312 Blood, John 147 Bloom, Samuel S '- 148 Bloorafield, George W 41 Bloomfleld, Ira J 254 Bloaa, Johu M 72 Bloaser, David 331 Blossom, Ira A 104 Blount, Joseph 2.52 Blount, Rufus P 422 Blowney, Benjamin G 358 Blowney. Henry J., (29th /rid. inf.) 74 Blowney, Henry J., (9th Ind. inf.) 416 Blume, Hans 80 Blunt, James T 7 Bluthardt, Theodore J., (1st III. eav.).' 177 Bluthardt, Theodore J., (144th HI. inf.) 398 Blyaton, Simeon W 299 Blythe, Joseph M 125 Blythe, William % 402 Boal, CharleaP .350 Boats, -Albert C 372 Board, Oliver 144 Boas, Edward P 243 Boatman, Jeremiah W 306. Boatright, Stoughtou A 44 Boaz, Edward A 113 Bobb, Isaac 292 Boblet, Lycurgus L., (S4th Ind. inf.) 142 Boblett, Lycurgus L., (6th Ind. inf.) 415 Bockee, Jacob 200 Sockios, Joseph A 438 Bodenhamer, Lafayette 149 Bodkin, William A 113 Bodley, JamesC 146 Bodley, Thomaa 135 Bodman, Elam 76 Bodman, Henry A :.331 Boeke, Prancia , .202 Boerner, Charles E 342 Boes, John 361 Bogan, WiUiam L 148 Sogardus, Adam H., (68th III. inf.) 432 Bogardus, Adam H., (145th 111. inf.) 440 Sogardus, Peter 324 Sogardus, WilliamB 348 Bogart. Henry J 426 Boggess, George W 361 Boggs, Alexander M. .-, 256 Boggs, Milton M 74 Boggs, Wilson 294 Bogle, Christopher P 98 Bogue, Roswell G 242 Bohan, Johu 14 Bohart, Edward 108 Bohart, Peter H 248 Bohlen, William, (16th HI. eav.) .'...205 Bohlen, WUUam, (9th /ZZ. inf.) 226 Bohn, Ahyraau V. '. 235 Bohn, John H 354 Bohrer, Zene C 88 Boicart, John M 186 Boicourt, Wm. H 186 Boileau, Abel F 439 Bolen, WUliara 125 Boley, WalterB 146 Bollinger, James . .' 152 BolUngor, William J 354 Bolt, George W 360 Bolton, Nelson F 67 Bolton, WUliam H 213,217 Boltz, Ferdinand F 146 Bond, Emery S 377 Bond, Ezra W 161 Bond, Jared D 47 Bond, Johu 314 Bond, Joseph 153 Bond, Kelsey 432 Bond, RichardC 52 Bond, Walter N 343 Bond, William G 343 Bonebrake, Benjamin F 390 Bonebrake, George H 130 Bonghan, WilUam M 323 INDEX OF NAMES. 467 Bonham, Edward 294 Bonjoy WUliam H 320 Bonuell, John L 365 BonneU, Mathew H 421 BonneU, WiUiam H 149 Bonner, Samuel A 419 Bonney, Thaddeua S 159 Bonsall, Samuel W ." 57 Booher, Adolphus H 134 Booker, James W 234 Boomer, Aaron M 351 Boomer, WiUiam H 284 Boone, Daniel W 256 Boone, George 438 Boone, George H 193 Boone, James W 14 Boone, NevU B 139 Boone, Samuel S 242 Bpone, WilUamH S3 Boor, WUliamP 7 Booth, Jamea W 280 Booth, Louia F 192 Booth, Napoleon B 102 Boothe, WUUam H 169 Borah, Jacob B 349 Borchers, Addo 292 Borck, William 80 Borden, NelUs 76 Boren, Absalom 69 Boren, Lewis W 202 Boren, Wllber M 440 Boren, WUbern M., (llth III. int.) 228 Boron, Wilbem M., (109th /Zi. inf.) 374 Borges, Ferdinand G 124 Boring, John A 14 Borland, James A 209 Borland, Mathew W., (batt'y D, Ist/ZZ. lt,art).209 Borland, Mathew W., (147th 111. int.) 400 Bornemann, Edward 250 Boruemaun, Herman A 247 Bornman, Lewis C 225 Borough, Josiah, (32d /ii. inf.') 265 Borough, Josiah, (122d III. int.) 387 Borris, Herman 214 Borroughs, Jon athan M 16 Borroughs, Wilson 331 Bortle, Ephraim 194 Borton, Elijah 389 Borton, Samuel 6 BosbyaheU, William 262 Bosler, Joseph 52 Bostick, Manoah 387 Boston, Enoch S 8 Bostwick, Levius E 51 Bostwick, Solomon - 228 BoBweU, Daniel 129 BosweU, Frederick D 200 Boswell, Isaacs 318 Boswell, John C, (10th Ind. inf.) 43 Boswell, JohnC, (150th /nd. inf.) ^....170 Boswell, SllasW •..-.. 55 Soswell, Thomas ..374 BoBweU, 'WilUam 260 Bosworth, Amos : 269 Bosworth, Eichard 88 Botaford, Benjamin A 328 Botaford, Reuben S 278 Bottaford, JohnE 428 Boucher, Jacob 148 Boucher, JohnS 372 Boude, JohnK 384 Bough, William 23 Boughter, Samuel 47 Boulden, OUver P 120 Bourguin, Louia P 233 Bourie, Brutua A 419 Bouton, Edward 211 Bouton, Nathaniels 350 BoutweU, JameaN 219 Bovell, John V., (66th III. inf.) 328 Bovell, John v., (150th /ZZ. inf.) 403 Bovell, John v., (135th /ii. inf.) 436 Bowden, Don E 57 Bowden, John F 18 Bowen, Edwin A 302 Bowen, Horace M 334 Bowen, Jamea F 331 Bowen, JohnT 294 Bowen, Eodney S 363 Bower, Adam J 385 Bowera, Samuel ¦ 71 Bowers, Stephen .\ 128 Bort-era, Theodore S 296 Boweraock, Joshua W 104 Bowes, David 223 Bowlby, WiUiam 436 Bowlby, WUliam J 356 Bowles, Crawford B 354 Bowling, JohnM 181 Bowman, Edward H 256 Bowman , Francis H 302 Bowman, George 47 Bowman, Gleorge H 89 Bowman, Henry 106 Bowman, Isaac L 370 Bowman, Jacob L 245 Bowman, James H 294 Bowman, John, (50th and52d/nd. inf.)..110, 113 Bowman, John, (51st /red. inf.) Ul Bowman, John V., (54th Ind. inf., 3-yearB)...117 Bowman, John V., (54th Ind. inf., 3-month8).418 Bowman, Oliver H 25 Bowman, Reuben 178 Bowman, Robert A., (31st /ZZ. inf.) 263 Bowman, Robert A., (85th /iZ. inf. ) 347 Bowman, Samuel M 182 Bowman, Simon 159 Bowman, ¦William H 4'26 Bowser, William H 230 Bowsman, Benjamin P 147 Bowsman, John 362 Bowsman, "Thomas J 84 Bowyer, Horace L 264 Bowyer, PhiUlp V 162 Box, ThomasJ 72 Boyakin, WiUiam F 261 Boyatt, ThomasB UO, U3 Boyatt, William L 165 Boyce, Francia 115 Boyce, Heury, (16th /«d. inf.) 54 Boyce, Henry, (29th Ind. int.) 74 Boyce, Henry H 290 Boyce, WilUam J 239 Boyd, Alonzo 11 Boyd, Cornellua M 172 Boyd, Henry W., (14th and 144th /ii.ijjf.) .234, 398 Boyd, Henry W., (145th /ii. inf.) 440 Boyd, Jamea C 48 Boyd, JameaP 382 Boyd, Jamea S • 300 Boyd, JamesW 152 Boyd, JohnF 142 468 INDEX OP NAMES. Boyd, JohnJ ..326 Boyd, JohnL 424 Boyd, JohnM 186 Boyd, Mathew 134 Boyd, Peter R 409 iSoyd, Samuels 142 Boyd, Thomas A 239 Boyd, Wesley 302 Boyd, WilUam 367 Boyd, William A 142 Boyd, WiUiam S 328 Boyden, Ezekiel 252 Boyden, Francis M 84 ¦Boyden, Orville P 136 Boydston, Nelson N 76 Boyer, Frederick N 316 Boyer, John 180 Boyer, John B 14 Boyer, John N 243 Boyer, Presley P 338 Boyer, Sarauel V 292 Boyer, Solomon 69 Boyington, Amos J 357 Boyl, James H 43 Boylan, John 302 Boyle, John 392 Boyle, John T., (27th /nd. inf.) 72 Boyle, John T., (10th /ii.inf.) 227 Boyle, Martin J 439 Boyles, Samuel A 57 Boyngton, Joseph A 343 Boynton, Charles S 68,128 Bozarth, AbramJ 256 Bozman, Rich. M 259 Bracken, Archibald 348 -Bracken, James R 1 Bracken, Thomas, (llth 111. eav.) 1 96 Bracken, Thomaa, (12th /ii. oav.) 198 Bracken, WiUiam H 7 Brackenridge, WUliam H 385 Brackett, Albert G 192 Brackett, Charlea, (lat Ind. eav. ) 1 Brackett, Charlea, (9th /Zi. eav.) 193 Brackett, Jamea 'W 192 ¦Brackett, Joaeph W .192 Bradburn, John W 17 Bradbury, Jamea L 321 Braddock, Jaraea T * 338 Braden, Jamea D., (9th /nd. inf, 3-years) 41 -Braden, Jaraea D., (9th Ind. int., 3-monthB)..416 Braden, Joseph E 76 Braden, Robert '38 Braden, Eobert P 71 Bradford, Henry G 141 Bradford, Horace 50 Bradford, Samuel P 100 Bradford, William S 119 Bradley,. Abel 294 Sradlej-, Charles L 190 Bradley, Charles S ] 87 Bradley, Daniel 243 Bradley, David C 326 Bradley, Elijah 296 Bradley, Emory 63 Bradley, Ezekiel M 385 Bradley, George W.-.. .236 Bradley, JohnC 187 Bradley, Luther P 300 Bradley, Etfbert 186 Bradon, JohnH 419 I Bradsby, Francis M 383 I Bradsby, Henry C 283 Bradshaw, Arthur, (40th /Zi. inf.) 280 Bradshaw, Arthur, (115th III. inf.) 381 Bradahaw, Benjamin H 293 Bradshaw, Cornelius G 338 Bradshaw, Cyrus A 261 Bradshaw, David W 188 Bradshaw, George E 332 Brady, John G 401 Brady, Thomas J., (Sth 3-y6ara^and U7th /Md. inf.) 39,421 Brady, ThomasJ., (140th Ind. inf.) 161 Brady, ThomasJ., (8th /nd.inf., 3-months). .4j6 Braffett, Thaddeus W. 0 192 Bragg, James H 94 Brainard, Edward 303 Brainerd, Ezra L ^ 300 Brainerd, Gideon 194 Brakeman, Nelson L 23 Branch, James F 243 Branch, JohnW .122 Brand, Nelson S 106 Brandom, Oliver H. P 175 Brandon, Alexander 230 Brandon, Calvin K 233 Brandon, GUson C 122 Brandyberry, John 167 Branham, George F 17 Branham, Greorge W 13 Branham, Jennings 14 Branson, George W 22 Branson, Isaac 59, 61 Branson, Nathan, (Sth Ind. inf.; 3-years) 40 Branson, Nathan, (Sth Ind. inf., 3-months). ..416 Branson, Zebulon 367 Brant, Jefferson E 143 Brant, Theodore F 144 Brant, Uriah 188- Braselton, Thomas W 252 Braselton, WiUiam A 306 Brasher, Edward B., (14th Ind. inf.) 51 Brasher, Edward B., (120th /rid. inf.) 154 Brasher, Prederlck 316 Brasher, Jamea M 86 Sraasfield, Jamea S 294 Bratt, Zenas C 77 Brattain, Henry J 137 Brattain, Hiram B 130 Brauns, Otto 223 Braxton, Albert 433 Braxton, Hiram P., (24th Ad. inf.) 67 Braxton, Hiram F., (117th Ind. inf.) 421 Bray, Isaac G 180 Bray, Madison J .124 Brayman, Mason 259 Brayton, Coleman 438 Brayton, Gideon F 192 Brayton, Whipple M 392 Brazee, Christopher M 332 Brazelton, John B 423 Brazelton, Rosalbro B 96 Breakey, John 90 Brearley, Blias C 348 Brechbeller, John 341 Breckons, Edward E : '..389 Breene, Edward G .87 Breese, James B ,433 Breeze, Cornelius N 318 Breeze, James 188 Brehenney, William 129 Brelow, Fred. W 250 INDEX OP NAMES. 469 Brenan, Thomas 248 Brenckeman, Frederick 398 Brende), Emil ! . ! ' !341 Brengle, WiUiam N 127 Brennan, Dennis 294 Brennor, DavidP 242 . Brennesholtz, Orlando P 157 Brent, James B 295 Brenton, David A 390 Brenton, WiUiam H .134 Bressler, Charles -. 286 Brewer, Andrew J. H 284 Brewer, George H 298 Brewer, Jacob 151 Brewer, James W 240 Brewer, Joseph C 196 Brewer, WiUiam 312 Brewington, Eobert F '. 129 Brewsaugh, John 257 Brewster, Albert W 439 Brewater, John A 125 Brewater, Job. W 228 Brian, WUliam 252 Briant, Charlea C '. 37 Briant, Cyrua B 146 Brice, Jamea 354 Brice, WUUam ^353 Brickett, Henry L 70 Briddle, Sanford 166 Bridgeford, Oliver A 390 Bridgeford, WUUam H 365 Bridgeland, John A 3 Bridges, Benjamin F 141 Bridges, Dillon 20 Bridges, James I 263 Bridgea, James J. .' 386 Bridges, JohnS 318 Bvidges, Lyman 209 Bridges, Vemon R 331, 391 Bridges, WilUamH 124 Bridgea, William I 379 Bridgewater, Christian C .381 Bridgewater, Eliaa G. W 257 Briegel, Michael 227 Briggs, Charles F 326 Briggs, David A 3 Briggs, Francis F 372 Biiggs, Preeling H , 174 Briggs, George H 26 Briggs; James H 333 Briggs, James R 383 Briggs, James W 159 Priggs, John C 18 Briggs, Morris- 273 Briggs, O. Winsor 192 Briggs, WiUiam D 229 Brigham, Lewis D 399 B,right, Dennis 53 Brightraan, Samuel B 338 Briley, WilUam ., 140 Brill, Solomons 2.59 BrlUhart, Peter 436 Bringhurst, Jamea 2.57 Bringhurst, Thomaa H 102 Brink, Stephen -.369 Brink, Vincent....- 308 Brinkerhoff, Abraham J 2.33 Brinkerhoff, Derrick 106 Brinkerhoff, George S 104 Brinkworth, ' Isaac 92 Brinton, Joaeph 41 Briscoe, Alexander T 356 Briscoe, Anthony W 122 Bristol, Hiram W 269 Bristol, Silas E i 404 Bristow, James,M 16 Bristow, Pleasant L 387 Britt, Albert P 347 Britt, Casper 194 Britt, WiUiam 226. Brittain, Stephen H., (14th Ind. inf.) 50 Brittain, Stephen H., (143d Ind. int.) 163 Brittingham, Benjamin 371 Brittingham, Valentine R 401 Brittingham, WilliamB 61 Britton, WiUiamL 375 Broad, George 294 Broaddus, William L., (16th /iZ. inf.) 837 Broaddus, WUUam L. , (78th HI. inf.) 337 Brock, JohnW J 256 Brock, Robert H 335 Brockett, Benjamin F 349. Brockman, Henry P 241 Brockway, Henry I 389 Brockway, Eeed S 209 Brodhagen, John E s ^ 80 Brodie, Eobert 69 Brokaw, JohnW 298 Bronson, Charlea ., 406 Bronaon, Stephen, (12th III. eav.) 199 Bronson, Stephen, (153d III. int.) 406 Bronaon, Stephen, (141at HI. Inf.) 439 Brookbank, Charles P j 16 Brookings, CharlesH .' 431 Brooks, Alfred 309 Brooks, Alonzo ..357 Brooks, Charles G 67 Brooks, Francis, (3lBt /red. inf.) 78 Brooks. Francis, (85th /nd. inf.) 143 Brooks, George 139 Brooks, Isaac N 191 Brooks, James T 371 Brooks, JohnB 399 Brooks, Johns 298 Brooks, Lewia, (14th Ind. inf.) 50 Brooka, Lewis, (SOth Ind. inf.) 138 Brooks, McHenry 256 Brooks, Mordecai 140 Brooks, Thomaa J., jr 138 Brooks, William M 117 Brookshare, Benjamin ,S 122 Brosius, JohnH 418 Broas, John A 350 Broaseau, Noel 334 Brothers, Stephen 390 Brott,, Elijah C 343 Brough, Beiyamin F 174 Brough, Jamea V 102 Brougher, Lewis P., (7th Ind. eav.) 13 Brougher, Lewis F., (9th Ind. int.) 417 Brouse, Charles W ,152 Srouae, John A 152 Browe, WUUamC -1 Brower, George W., (82d Ind. inf.) 140 Brower, George W. , (137th /nd. inf.) 425 Brewer, Jeremiah C 95 Brower, John 417 Brown, Abner E 126 Brown, Achilles M 361 Brown, Adolphua A 165 Brown, Alamander L 94 Brown, Alexander H 405 470 INDEX OP NAMES. Alexander M 241 Alfred 122 Allen W 140 Ambrose H 324 ArzaP 192 Augustua C 146 Benjamin F 16 Benjamin T 225 Burton 407 CharlesK 368 Clay 45 Cranmer W 377 Cyrus M 307 Daniel W 154 David C '. 199 DavidP 282 Edward 200 Edward H 285 Edwin 353 Elisha, (87th Ind. inf.) 145 Elisha, (Sth /ii. eav.) 191 Esau 204 Fernando' C 406 Frederick W 241 George A 337 George H. , (89th Ind. inf.) 147 George H., (65th /Zi. inf.) 326 George J 22 George P 232 George E 28 George W. , (6th Ind. inf.) 37 George W. , (59th Ind. inf.) 123 George W., (73d Ind. inf.) 133 George W., (16th /ii. inf.) 237 George W., (SOth HI. inf.) 299 George W., (86th III. inf.) 348 George W., (94th III. inf.) 356 George W., (117th III. inf.) 383 German 152 Harrison H 184 Henry 104 Henry C 143 Henry D 369 Henry M 225 Hezekiah ; 427 Horace L... 68,128 Howard 32 Ira, (72d/7id. inf)'. 132 Ira, (65th /Zi. inf.) 326 Isaac C 372 Isaac M 11 Isaac W 247 Jackson 2 Jacob 233 Jacob D 196 Jacob E 74 James C 107 James H., (1st Ind. h. art.) 23 JamesH., (33d /«d. inf.) 82 James K 184 James P 390 James S 323 James W. , (46th /»id. inf. ) 103 James W. , (1301h Ind. inf.) 160 Jasper N Ul Jeremiah P 147 Jesse E US John 394 JohnC 63 John H 248 John L., (Sth /nd. eav.) 14 Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown Brown Brown,Brown Brown, Brown Brown,BrownBrown,Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown Brown,Brown,Brown,BrownBrownBrown,Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown,BrownBrown, Brown, Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown.Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown, BrownBrownBrown,BrownBrownBrown, Brown,Brown Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown Brown, Brown Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown Brown,Brown BrownBrown,Brown John L., (43d Ind. inf.) 98 Johu L., (73d Ind. inf.) 134 JohnM 294 Johns 302 JohnE., (82d/Zi. inf.) 341 JohnE., (131st /ii. inf.) 397 JohuW., (9th Ind. int.) 41 JohnW., (31st /nd. inf.) 78 John W., (101st III. inf.) 364 Jonathan E 406 Joseph 397 Joseph T 303 Joseph W 405 Julius A 252 Julius W 324 Kennedy 417 Leroy T 432 Lewis W 78 Llewellyn D 202 Lorenzo 350 Lucien S 379 Lyman W 1 Marcus D. L 168 Matthias M 98 Moses C 407 Myron S 253 Napoleon B 364 Nesbitt L 418 Newton G. B 267 Nicholaa 328 Noah 78 Philip 436 Eobert, (Sth /ii. inf.) 223 Robert, (10th III. inf.) 227 Robert H 252 Eussell E 288 S. Clay 39,57 Samuel H., (25th Ind. inf.) 69 Samuel H., (103d III. inf.) 367 Sylvester E Ul T.Jeff 299 Theodore F 300 Theodore M 434 Theron D 240 Thomas, (SOth Ind. inf.) 138 Thoraas, (2d /ii. eav.) 178 Thomas, (88th III. inf.) 350 Thomas, (143d HI. inf.) 440 Thomas E 153 Thomas G., (58th /nd. inf,) 130 Thomas G. , (65th /nd. inf . ) 136 Thomas G., (103d /ii. inf.) 365 Walter S., (150th IU. inf.) 403 Walter S. , (135th III. inf. ) 436 WattB 157 Wilkins B 122 WiUiam, (65th Ind. int.) 126 WUUam, (154th Ind. Inf.) 174 WiUiam, jr. .-. 222 William A 11 William H., (43d /nd. inf. ) 98 Williara H., (48th /ii. inf. ) 296 WiUiara H., (102d /iZ. inf.) 365 WUliam J., (93d HI. int.) 355 William J., (1 1 6th /Zi. inf. ) 382 WiUiam J., jr 384 WUliam L 62 William M 277 WiUiam R. , (29th III. int.) 260 William R., (56th /Zi. inf.) 310 William V 370 INDEX OP NAMES. 471 Brown, WiUiam W 252 Browne, Frank 379 Browne, George W 1 Browne, .John H 258 Browne, John T 19 Browne, Thomaa M 13 Browneil, Frederick J Hi BrowneU, Holder 236 BrowneU, Seely 386 Browning, James H 147 Bro-wning, Leander U 377 Browning, WilliamP 256 Browning, William W., (22d Ind, inf. ) 63 Browning, William W., (S2d /nd. inf.) 140 Brownlee, Charles 138 Brownlie, Charles A 102 Broylea, Jamea T 423 Bruce, Charlea H 120 Bruce, Gardner A 194 Bruce, George W., (lat Ind. Cav.) 2 Bruce, George W., (Sth /nd. Inf.) 39 Bruce, George W., (142d /nd. inf.) 163 Bruce, Gouverneur M., (Sth III. inf., 3-yearB).333 Bruce, Gouverneur M., (Sth /iZ. inf., 3-months). 429 Bruce, Harriaon L 180 Bruce, Robert C 364 Bruce, WUliam 405 Brucker, Magnus 65 Brucker, Simon S 278 Bruder, Charles F 20 Bruder, Charles W 20 Bruecher, Peter 403 Brueckner, William N .'.... 80 Bruflatt, Griffin M 371 Bruhn, Anton, (82d /Zi. inf.) 341 Bruhn.An ton, (Capt. Kowald'sind.Co./ZZ. inf.). 441 Bruington, Edward S 239 Brumback, Oliver P 385 Brumblay, George R 16 Brundage, Isaac S ..369 Bruner, Andrew J 20 Bruner, Benjamin F 154 Bruner, Jamea R 104, 160 Bruner, John S 254 Bruner, William S 310 Bruning, Augustus 341 Brunn, Samuel 340 Brunner, Jacob 80 Brunson, Francis 82 Brush, CharlesH 304 Brush, DanielH 240 Brash, Johu B 438 Brush, Rowland R 240 Brush, Samuel T 241 Brush, William E 368 Brush, WiUiam W 4 Bruaie, Luther 6 Braton, Robert 230 Bryan, David 94 Bryan, George W., (67th Ind. inf.) 128 Bryan, George W., (6Ut III. inf.) 320 Bryan, Jacob 18 Bryan, Jamea M 174 Bryan, John A., (llth /nd. inf.) 45 Bryan, John A., (133d /nd. inf.) 423 Bryan, Spencer L., (lat Ind. h. art.) 22 Bryan, Spencer L., (115th /nd. inf.) 420 Bryan, Thomaa J 332 Bryan, WilUamH 94 Bryan, WilUam S 266 Bryant, CharlesH 129 Bryant, Chriatopher C 430 Bryant, Evan D 38 Bryant, Francis M., (75th Ind. inf.) 136 Bryant, Francia M., (51st III. int.) 300 Bryant, James H 96 Bryant, James R., (18th Ind. inf.) 57 Bryant, J«raeaR., (117th Ind. inf.) 421 Bryant, Jamea R. M 417 Bryant, John 237 Bryant, Julian E '. 267 Bryant, Mendez C '. 284 Bryant, SUaaB. J 423 Bryant, Thomaa D . ; 23 Bryant, Thomaa G 333 Bryant, Thomaa J 234 Bryant, WiUiam C Ul Bryner, John, (47 /ZZ. inf.) 294 Bryner, John, (139th 111. inf.) 438 Bryson, Frank T 108 Bryson, William F ,..84 Buchanan, Alexander 46 Buchanan, Andrew J 82 Buchanan, Ezra , 137 Buchanan, Jacob .S 6 Buchanan, James Gt .360 Buchanan, James L 247 Buchanan, James M., (79th Ind. inf.) 137 Buchanan, James M., (27th HI. inf.) 256 Buchanan, Mauius 422 Buchanan, Ralph W 254 Buchanan, Samuel -. 292 Buchanan, WUliam G. A. , 196 Buchanan, WiUiam H 122 Bucher, Charles A 330 Buck, Azro A., (13th /ZZ. inf.) 232 Buck, Azro A., (147th /ZZ. inf.) 400 Buck, Daniel R 196 Buck, Daniel W 191 Buck, George R 239 Buck, Harmon A. , (ISth /Zi. Inf. ) 235 Buck, Harmon A ., (150th /ii. inf. ) 403 Suck. Harmon A., (14l8t /iZ. inf.) 439 Buck, Harvey S 385 Buck, Isaac N., (36th III. inf.) 272 Buck, IsaacN., (67th III. int.) 432 Buek, James H 330 Suck, Jonas L 308 Buck, Nathanieiy ., 94 Buck, PhUip 122 Buck, Robert H., (13th Ind. cav.) 20 Buck, Robert H., (75th Ind. int.) 136 Suck, Robert H., (USth Ind. inf.) 422 Buck, Sidney S „ 367 Buck, WUber P 224,239 Buckaioo, Alfred K 333 Buckingham, Levi W 12^ Buckles, Aaron .356 Buckles, Abram J 62 Buckles, JohnS 192 Buckley, Hezekiah T 183 BucUey, Patrick 304 Buckmar, Frank W 27 Buckmaster, Samuel A 264 Buckner, Allen, (25th /Zi. inf. ) 252 Buckner, Allen, (79th III. int.) 338 , Buckner, Nixon S 338 Budd, Joshua, (llth Ind. int.) 44 Budd, Joshua, (145th Ind. inf.) 165 Budlong, Syria M. 290 Buehler. Theodore B., (27th /nd. inf.) 72 Buehler, Theodore E. , (67th Ind. inf. ) 128 472 INDEX OP NAMES. Buel, Arthur M 9 Buel, James M 19 Buell, George P 120 BubU, Henry M 192 Bueaing, George K 390 Buff, NathanielG 425 Bufflngton, Joseph, H .¦ 330 Buford, Napoleon B 256 Bugher, John 98 Bulkley, Henry H 206 Bull, Alonzo W; 304 Bull, Elisha 333 BuUard, Sherman L 104 BuUington, William H 65 Bullock, Hezekiah.: 292 Bullock, J. K 248 Bullock, Jerry K 201 Bullock, John P 164 BuUock, JohnL 144 Bullock, JohnW 282 Bulldck, T.,ir 372 Bullock, WmgfleldM 372 Bumstead, Samuel, J 260, 397 Bunco, Charles 317 Bunee, George P 20 Bunch, George W 61 Bunch, Joseph A 156 Bundy, Isaac 296 Bundy, John 0 203 Bundy, Mortimer P.. 409 Bunger, Michael B 140 Bunker, John 334 Bunn, David P 310 Bunn, Williams 393 BunneU, Charlea H 17 Bunnell, Isaac S 434 Sun ten, Wataon M 280 Buntin, Toussaint C 50 Burbridge, Simon C 196 Burch, Ira J 163 Burch, James M 356 Burch, John 96 Burch, Joseph W 100 Burch, Mosea 133 Burch, Stephen M , 122 Burch, WiUiam 395 Burcham, Joaeph A 99 Burden, Levi , 19 Burden , WUliam W 161 Burdett, John A 335 Burdgh, Alonzo G 168 Burdick, FrankN ;..3S0 Surdaal, Jease 9 Surgan, Landon C 44 Surge, George W 73 Burger, Fred. W 286 Burgeaa, Charlea B 52 Burgeaa, Jamea, (70th and 3 24th Ind. inf.) . 131, 156 Surgesa, Jamea, (7th Ind, int.) 416 Burgess, Jamea W 243 Burgess, Otis A 239 Burgess, Solomon S 174 Burgess, Thomas H 240 Burgess, WUUam 218 .Burget, Lawrence 143 Burget, WilUam 0 98 Burgh, Henry B 192 Burgh, Martin W 230 Burk, Alfred M .¦ 98 Burk, James H 91 Bulk, Richard 65 Burk, Wesley 402 Burk, William F 155 Burke, Jamea 178 Burke, John 436 Burke, Luke A 148 Burke, Patrick B. -...'... ...328 Burket, CalvinW 118 Burkett, Jamea A 71 Burkhalter, Jaraea L 348 Burkhardt, Adolph 330 Burkhardt, John 139 Burkhart, Henry ...82 Burks, James E .98 Burks, JamesF 200 Burley, Alfred 98 Burlingame, B. F ; 38 Burlinghara, U. R 379 Burnam, Samuel W 122 Burnap, Albion G .350 Burn ap, John 177 Burnaw, Leander .^ 41 Burnell, Orlando - 177 Burnell, Thomaa 77 Burner, Alexander 1 239 Burnet, Francis G 261 Burnet, Jamea 262 Burnett, Alexander 358 Burnett, Alexander S. , jr . - 52 Burnett, Benjarain F., (148th III. int) :401 Burnett, Benjamin P., (139th III inf.) 438 Burnett, Charles 375 Burnett, Charles C '. , 126 Burnett, George B 375 Burnett, George H , 358 Burnett, George M. , (4th /nd. cav. ) 7 Burnett, George M., (145th III. inf.) 440 Burnett, James H 430 Burnett, Eichard M , 259 Burnett, William T 265 Burnett, William W , 259 Burnham, Horace L 299 Burnham, James A -145 Burnham, John H 267 Burnham, KeUogg M 151 Burnham, Robert C 166 Burna, Archibald 227 Burna, James .248 Burns, Jaraes P , 298 Burns, John, (15th Ind. inf.) 52 Burns, John, (60th Ind. int.) 124 Burns, Jonathan 320 Burns, Joseph H 439 Burns, Peter A 22 Burns, Richard 25 Burns, Samuel 52 Bums, Thomas, (45th iii inf.) 290 Burns, Thomas, (154lh /ii. inf.) 407 Burna, WiUiam 147 Burns, WUliam V 137 Biivnaifle, Jaraes 0. P., (15th III. inf.) 235 Burnside, James O. P., (71st III. int.) 434 Burnside, WiUiam 152 Burquin, Joseph 170 Burpee, Newton N 202 Burr, Arthur G 267 Burr, Chauncey S 240 Burr, Hudson 1 356 Burr, La Payette 41 Burr, William ¦- - -144 Burrell, Andrew J 110 Burrell, Arora J '. 309 INDEX OP NAMES. 473 Burrell, Edward 335 Burrell,, Henry 439 BurreU, John A 363 Burrell, John H 418 Burrell, Samuel 185 Burres, William 142 Burres, WUliam A 14S BurrUl, James 278 BurrUl, John G 60 Burroughs, Adonirara J 392 Burroughs, Salmon L 316 Burrows, Prank J 298 Burrows, J. B 433 Burrows, Timothy B 308 Burrows. WUliam 328 Burson, Erastus M 383 Burson, George M i 102 Burson, Martin L 102 Burst, John W 369 Burt, Benjamin, (25th III. inf.) 252 Burt, Benjamin, (135th III. inf.) 436 Burt, Harry Y 3 Burt, Joaeph G 315 Burt, Sylvester N 10 Burton, AUen C 128 Burton, Caswell R UO Burton, Elijah P 221,230 Burton, Georgo W 65 Burton, James E 82 Burton, Jefferson 237 Burton, John C 48 Burton, Josiah H 210 Burton, Thomas 212 Burton, Wiley G 128 Burton, William A 68,128 Burton, William R 200 Busby, Alexander 214 Busby, Barnabas, (13th /nd. inf.) 48 Busby, Barnabaa, (137th Ind. inf.) 435 Buaby, Johu W 150 Buach, John G 205 Bn8ch6, Auguat W 205 Busey, Matthew L 334 Buaoy, SamuelT 334 Bush, Amandus L 267 Bush, Asahel K., (4th battery Ind. Ught art'y) . .25 Bush, Asahel K., (9th /nd. inf.) 416 Bush, Daniel B., jr 178 Bush, Elliot N 3.57 Bush, Frank J 433 Bush, Giles H., (45th /ZZ. iuf.) 290 Suah, GUea 11., (147th /ZZ. inf.) 400 Bush, Henry H 239 Buah, Henry M 357 Buah, Jacob 377 Bush, Jacob H 43 Bush, John E 17 Bush, JohnT 401 Bush, Martin S 156 Buah, Samuel R 196 Bushnell, DouglasE 232 Bushnell, Henry L 835 Bushnell, Samuel B 18 Busick, Mathias K 186 Busick, Eichard H 153 Buakirk, Isaac S., (10th Ind. cav.) 17 Buskirk, Isaac S., (54th /nd. inf.) 418 Buakirk, Thomaa B 108 Buskirk. WUUam H 128 Buaae, Frederic 312 Busse, G. Adolph 250 | G(lBtavA 318 Busaom, Charlea H 199 Buateed, Richard, jr 218 Buawell, Nicholaa C 355 Butcher, David A 84 Butcher, James M. S 76 Butcher, WUliam T 150 Bute, Cyrus 343 Butler, Charles M 33 Butler, Commodore P 74 Sutler, Edward M .' 48 Sutler, Erastus G 193 Butler, PrederlckT 68 Butler, George 418 Butler, George T 44 Butler, James j , 356 Butler, JamesE 195 Butler, JameaH 384 Sutler, James M 84 Butler, James P ,.271 Sutler, Jesse 160 Butler, John B 282 Sutler, JohnH 136 Butler, Lewis C 293 Sutler, Manlove G 417 Butler, Orson D 300 Butler, Speed 184 Butler, Stephen D 15 Butler, Thaddeua J 248 Butler, Thomas, (25th /nd. inf.) 69 Butler, Thomas, (2Sth III. inf.) 257 Sutler, Thomas, (Sth /ii. inf.) 429 Butler, Thomaa H., (Sth /nd. eav.) 9 Butler, Thomaa H., (76th Ind. inf.) 419 Butler, TobiaaB 337 Butler, WUliam 89 Butsch, Peter 26 Butterfield, Charles H 148 Butterfield, Jamea 194 Butterfield, John 134 Butterfield, John S 175 Butterfield, Marion L 278 Butterweck, Charles G 368 Butterworth, William W 151 Suttler, Marvin B 100 Buttolph. David O 332 Button, Charlea 243 Butta, Demetriua B 206 Butts, Jesae D., (17th /ii. cav.) 206 Butts, Jesse D., (42d /ii. inf.) 284 Butz, Michael B 404 Buvy, Jamea - 418 Buxton, GeorgeW 154 Buxton , Harvey P 261 Buya, Frank A., (147th /ii. inf.) 400 Buys, Frank A., (132d /ii. mf.) ;434, Buzby, Isaac 109 Buzett, Edward P 108 Buzzard, Otho 429 Byars, Henry C Ul Byerly, WilUam M 420 Byers, Alexander R., (42d /nd. inf.) 96 Byers, Alexander R., (65th Ind. inf.) 126 Byers, Charles A 167 Byers, Frederick W 359 Byers. Henry S , 433 Byers, Jasper J 132 Byram, Ezra R 234 Byram, John C 88 Byram, SUas D 53 Byram, WilUamH 267 474 INDEX OF NAMES. Byrd, Samuel J 194 Byrkit, Barnet 106 Byrkit, Edwin M 137 Byrn, Spencer , 65 Byrne, Alvin T 292 Byrne, John 290 Byrnes, Richard 197 Byrns, George A 386 Byrns, WUUam K 132 Bywater, John T 44 Cacy, John H 178 CadwaUader, Albert D 347 Cady, Hiram W 194 Cady, WiUiam F 230 Caffrey, WUliam L 200 Cage, William 402 CahiU, James B 237 CahiU, John 86 Cahill, Thomas 86 Cahn, Albert 424 Caho, John A 39 Cain, Daniel L 130 Cain, Jesse L 68 Cain, Thomas I 263 Caine, George A 324 Caine, George H 142 Cairns, Alexander 233 Calderwood, James C 66 Caldwell, Henry D 184 Caldwell, Huron J 51 CaldweU, .Tames M 188 CaldweU, JamesT 71 CaldweU, Peter 432 CaldweU, Samuel 223 Caldwell, WiUiam P 96 Caldwell, William H., (136th Ind. inf.) 434 Caldwell, WUliam H., (139th Ind. int.) 438 CaldweU, William L 186 CaldweU, WiUiam W., (23d Ind. int.) 65 CaldweU, William W., (81st /nd. inf.) 139 Calef, John H 350 Calfee, Samuel G 28 Calhoun, Henry G 261 Calhoun, James 6 Calhoun, Martin L 196 Calhoun, Williara 356 Calhoun, William A 242 Calkins, Edward 13 Calkins, Henry 145 Calkins, EnsseU W ! 438 Calkins, William H 19, 157 Calkins, William W 368 CaU, CharlesH 259 Callahan, Eobert W 365 Callahan, Andrew M 134 "CaUahan, Daniel 6 Callen, WiUiam 294 Callender, John R 98 Callicott, John A 259 Callihan, Charles S 385 CalUhan, Robert D 68,128 Callon, WiUiam P 183 Calloway, James E 345 Calloway, John P 44 Calloway, Joseph 174 Callsen, Frederick D 239 Callway, RobertP 119 Calvert, Metellus 141 Calvert, William H 16 Calvin, Andrew 228, 374 Calvin, John , 140 Calvin, Luther A 302 Calvin, Timothy D 154 Calwell, WiUiam 106 Cam, WUUam 233 Cameron, Alexander T 324 Cameron, Charles S 193 Cameron, Daniel 326 Cameron, James C 324 Cameron, John W 322 Cameron, Robert A., (19th&34th/nd.inf.).59, 84 Cameron, Robert A., (UOth /ii. inf.) 375 Cameron, Robert A., (9th Ind. inf.) 416 Cameron, WilUam J 375 Clamp, Edgar 371 Camp, Samuel C 272 Campbell, Abel 340 Campbell, Abraham H 127 CampbeU, Albert H 304 (Campbell, Alexander 265 Campbell, Alexander S 94 Campbell, Alfred C ' 265 Campbell, Andrew K 328 Campbell, BarzUla 371 Campbell, Benjamin S 85 Campbell, Benjamin P 272 CampbeU, Calvin D 37 Campbell, Charles C, (1st HI. It. art.) 207 Campbell, CharleaC, (10th III. int.) 430 Campbell, Donald 210 CampbeU, Duncan ,. , 399 Campbell, FraneiB M 11 CampbeU, Franklin 340 Campbell, Freeman L 389 CampbeU, George H 370 Campbell, Henry E. W 170 Campbell, Jamea 203 CampbeU, James G 342 Campbell, Jaraes W. , (34th Ind. inf.) 84 Campbell, JamesW., (153d /nd. inf.) 173 Clampbell, Jeremiah 265 Campbell, John, (67th Ind. inf.) 128 CampbeU, John, (ZUt III. inf.) 264 CampbeU, John CL 22 CampbeU, John L 181 CampbeU, John P 265 Campbell, John S 160 Campbell, John T 22 CampbeU, JohnW 3S4 (Campbell, Joseph M 240 CampbeU, Josiah, (18th Ind. inf.) 57 Campbell, Josiah, (131st /ii. inf.) '..397 CarapbeU, Lewie A 157 CaaipbeU, Matthew M ^. 140 CampbeU, Richard 23 Campbell, Eosiel D '. 292 CarapbeU, Samuel S 63 CampbeU, Samuel L., (Slst /ii. inf.) 340 CampbeU, Samuel L., (132d /nd. inf.) 422 Campbell, Solon S 417 Campbell, Stukely 23 Campbell, Thomas J 384 Catapbell, Thomas S., (70th Ind. int.) 131 CampbeU, Thomas S., (56th III. inf.) 310 Campbell, Wallace, (12th HI. inf., 3-yr8.) 230 Campbell, WaUace, (12th III. int., 3-mos.) . . .431 Campbell, WUUamC 282 Campbell, William H, (19th Ind. inf.) 60 Campbell, WilUamH., (60th /ii. inf.) 318 Campbell, WUliam M 60 CampbeU, William W 214 Campbell, Wilson 360 INDEX OP NAMES. 475 Campfield, John A 47 Campion, John W., (2eth III. inf.) 243 Campion, John W. , (63d /ZZ. inf.) 323 Campion, Patrick 352 Camron, WiUiam 124 Canary, John W 4 Candor, Daniel M 261 Canfield, Daniel L. , (lOtb III. cav. ) 195 Canfield, Daniel L., (7th /iZ. inf.) 429 Canfield, Honry 16 Canfield, John S., (58th Ind. inf.) 120 Canfield, John S., (117th /nd. inf.) 421 Canfield, Thomaa N 380 Cannon, Clinton B 337 Cannon, John R 93 Cannon, Mosea W 302 Cantelo, Frank 193 Cantrall, Jeaae 380 Cantrell, Green M ..375 Cantwell, Abraham .., '..154 Capehart, Charlea H 263 Capp, TheophiluaP 294 Cappel, Peter SO Capps, Thornton G 387 Capps, WiUiam 407 Capron, Alberts 202 Capron, Horace 202 Capron, Horace, jr 202 Capron, Thaddeua H 307 Card, Benjamin F 22 Card, Phineas A 245 CardeU, WiUiam S 137 Carder, Joaeph P 59, 61 CardweU, Peter 167 Carey, Benjamin V 387 Carey, George W 126 Carey, James 314 Carey, Jaraes L 1 Carey, OUver H. P., (Sth Ind. inf., 3-yrs.) 39 Carey, Oliver H. P., (36th Ind. inf.) 88 Carey, Oliver H. P., (153d Ind. int.) 173 Carey, Oliver H. P., (Sth Ind. inf., 3-mos.) ..416 Carey, ThomasB 131 CargiU, James T 328 Carico. Henry C 302 Carithera, John B 257 Carl. Leander ' 341 Garland, Patrick 16 Carle, Charjea 282,292 Carley, Albert A 134 Carley, Rueh 166 Carlin, Walter B 276 Carlin WUUam P 276 Carlten,.Orrln W 183 Carlton, Charlea 284 Carlton, Guy A 356 Carlton, laaac R 296 Carlton, Jamea H 96 Carlton, Jamea N 407 Carlton, WUliam R 128 Carman, Jamea 223 Carmichael, Eagleton 194, 203 Carmichael, Johu A 259 Carmichael, John W 150 Carmien, Jesse F 172 Carnahan, Charles M 351 Carnahan, James A 421 Carnahan, James R .144 Carnahan. Robert H 180 earner, WUUam H 340 Camea, JohnW 228 Carney, Harriaon S 113 Carney, John 139 Carney, Patrick H 63 Carney, Eobert 403 Carney, Thomaa J 270 Carns, John P 263 Carothers, Isaac UO Carpenter, Charles 227 Carpenter, Flavius I '. 280 Carpenter, Flavius J '. 434 Carpenter, George H 232 Carpenter, Henry W 202 Carpenter, Homer C 7 Carpenter, James H 13 Carpenter, Jerome 145 Carpenter, Jerome B 227 Carpenter, John H 192 Carpenter, Milton 349 Carpenter, Orramel D. 367 Carpenter, Eufus C S..117 Carpenter, William H 376 Carpenter, WiUiam H. H 8 Carpenter, WUliam R 199 Carper, Jacob S 312 Carr, Byron O 180 (3arr, Eugene A 180 Carr, George W., (44th&129th Ind. inf.). 100, 159 Carr, GeorgeW., (93d /nd. inf.) 149 Carr, Georgo W. , (SOth /ZZ. inf. ) 339 Carr, George W., (144th /ZZ. inf.) 398 Carr, Gideon V., (15th /ZZ. inf.) 235 Carr, Gideon V. , (146th III. int.) 399 Carr, Henry M., (llth and 68th Ind. int., 3-yrB.) 44,120 Carr, Henry M., (72i Ind. inf.) 132 Carr,HenryM., (llth /nd.inf., 3-mOB.) 418 Carr, Horace M 181 Carr, James H., (1st Ind. cav.) 2 Carr, JamesH., (99th Ind. Inf.) 151 Carr, JohnM 152 Carr, John P 149 Carr, Joseph M 18 Carr, Lindsey H., (10th III. inf., 3-yrB.) 227 Carr, Lindaey H., (10th HI. inf., 3-mos.) 4.30 Carr, Marvin S 202 Carr, PhiUp H., (153d III. inf.) 406 Carr, PhUlp H., (Hist III. inf.) 439 Carr, Robert B 88 Carr, EobertM 425 Carr, Samuel H 136 Carr, Samuel J 48 Carr, Samuel S 191 Carr, Thomas J 386 Carr, Victor M 92 Carr, Walters., (58th /nd.inf) 121 Carr, Walter B., (13Sth /»id. inf.) 424 Carr, WilUamH., (1.53d /nd. inf.) 173 Carr, Williara H., (10th /ZZ. inf.) 227 Carr, William J 62 Carrico, Samuel T 320 Carrington, George D 228 Carrington, Samuel S 98 Carroll, John W., (lOlst III. inf.) 364 Carroll, JohnW., (108th/Zi. inf.) 372 Carroll, Eichard 403 Carroll, William 46 Carroll, WilliamB 43 CarroU, WUUamC 200 CarroU, WiUiam H., (WUder'a batt'y Ind. It. artiUery) 36 Carroll, WUliam H., (133d /ZZ. inf.) 435 476 IND- Caraon, George 129 Carson, James H 436 Oaraon, Jamea M 148 Carson, John 57 Carson, Lewis E 92 Carson, Parker S 131 Carstons, John 435 Carter, Abraham A 421 Carter, AUen W 143 Carter, Charles M...-. 78 Carter, George H., (9th /nd.inf., 3-year3) 41 Carter, George H., (47th /ii.inf.) 294 Carter, George H., (9th Ind. Inf., 3-montha) -.416 Carter, George R 404 Carter, George W 142 Carter, Henry 117 Carter, Henry E 242 Carter, Henry H., (26th /nd. inf.)' i...71 Carter, Henry H., (llth III. int., S-yeara) 229 Carter, Henry H., (llth III. inf., 3-month8) . - -431 Carter, James A 165 Carter, Jamea B 126 Carter, John J 10,12 Carter, John L 292 Carter, Joseph 156 Carter, Julian 215 Carter, Scott 1,6 Carter, Spencer S '. 330 Carter, Stephen M 143 Carter, William D 289 Carter, William E 44 Carter, WilUam H., (60th Ind. int.) 124 Carter, WiUiam H., (124th /Zi. inf.) 389 Carter, WiUiam J 137 Carter, William L., (.38th Ind. inf.) . - 92 Carter, William L. , (99th /ZZ. inf.) 362 Carter, WilUam W ...11 Cartright, Sarauel 240 Cartwright, Barton H '. 354 Cartwright, Charlea E - .323 Cartwright, Frederick, (103 st /nd.inf.) ..153 Cartwright, Frederick, a30th /nd.inf.) 160 Cartwright, JaraesH 438 Cartwright, Johu D 146 Carver, David K 85 CJarver, Socrates 90 Carveth, Richard A 266 Cary, Carr 48 Cary, David 101 Cary, John 372 Cary, Robert H., (143d /nd inf.) 162 Cary, Robert H., (llSth Ind. int.) 423 Cary, Robert H., (13Sth Ind. inf.) 435 Case, Charlea, (3d Ind. cav. & 44th ind.inf.) .5, 100 Case, Charles, (129th Ind. inf.) 159 Case, Charies, (64th /iZ. inf ) ., 324 Case, Charies, (69th III. inf.) 433 Case, Charles F 273 Case, Charles R 88 Case, Elijah H . - 129 Clase, Henry, (7th HI. cav. and 14th III. iu fantry) 188,233 Case, Henry, (129th /ii. inf.) 395 Case, James S.,(16th /nd.inf.) 53 Caae, Jamea S., (135th /nd.inf.) 424 Casebeer. John E 100 Casey, Daniel 74 Casey, Jamea 352 Casey, Levi B 264 Casey, Peter 352 Casey, Thomas S 375 Caaey, Thomaa W 72 Caaey, Wesley B 343 Casey, William 221 easier, James 357 Cason, Joseph T 44 Cass, EdwardP 272 Oaas, Frank D 404 Cass, JohnB 157 Casselberry, Isaac j 2 Cassell, Calvin 438 Cassell, Harrison 0 304 Cassell, Henry C 132 CasseU, Washington C 254' Caaaelman, William C 61 Caaaidy, Johu A 72 Cassidy, John J -.-, 162 Caaaidy, Luke .86 Caasingham, Marshall 409 Caaaidy, JohnF 262 Caater. Jackaon 94 Casterline, Amoa B 113 Caaterline, WUUam M 02 Casterline, Ziba 142 Castle, Davia B 59 Caatle, George B 376 Castle, Henry A 437 Caatle, John 102 Castle, JohnT 102 (Jaaton, David 146 CaaweU, R. W 345 Cate, Jeaae A 18 Catea, Prior 125 Clathcart, James L 151 Catherwood, Joseph 282 Catick, JohnC 18 Catlett, JohnE 237 Catlin, Charles A 364 CatUn, Edwin P 405 Catlin, Jamea K -.179 Catlin, JohnB 145 Caton, JohnH 172 Catron, John 150 Catterliu, Noah T 152 Catterson, Jamea P 137 Catteraon, Robert F 50,160 Cauffman, Albert 267 Caughey, Prancia A 333 Caulfield, John S 380 Cavanagh, Thomas H 166 Cavanagh, Thomas H, , jr ...186 Caven, J'ohn P., (Uth Ind. inf., 3-year8) 44 Caven, JohnF., (llth /nd. inf., 3-months) 418 Cavender. Samuel E 269 Cavina, Aden G., (59th Ind. Inf) 122 Cavina, Aden G., (97th /nd. inf.) ¦- 150 Cavins, Elijah H. C 50 Cawood, Everett 170 Cayton, John 179 Cbadbourne, Alexander S 350 Cbadbourne, Benjamin H 312 Chadaey, Jamea M 380 Chadwick, Hiram B 297 Chafee, Noah P 234 Cha-ffee, Ebenez'r T 142 Ohaflin, Jamea H 17 Chalfin, Abrara S 298 Challenor, Thoraas 247 Chamberlain, Bradley L 190 Chamberlain, Cheater 102 Chamberlain, Ira D 16 Chamberlain, James M 172 INDEX OP NAMES. 477 Chamberlain, Joseph L 102 Chamberlain, Levi P 286 Chamberlain, Nath'l A 49 Chamberlain, Orville T 135 Chamberlin, WiUiam B 425 Chambers, CharUe S 323 Chambers, David W 88 Chambers, Emmett B 267 Chambers, Jesse 328 Chambers, Miles 126 Chambers, Rush W 294 Chambers, Samuel W 98 Chambers, Thomas 138 Chambers, Thomas F Ul Chambers, WiUiam B 9 Chambers, William C 138 Chambers, Wm. L 371 Chamness, John W 136 Champ, George W 426 Champ, John W 388 Champion, Thomas E 358 Chance, Thomas H., (30th Ind. inf.) . ...Tr^-^^O Chance, Thomas H, (142d /nd. inf.) 162 Chandler, Aaron 423 Chandler, Charles V 337 Chandler, Daniel H 26 Chandler, David D 369 Chandler, George 350 Chandler, George W : 350 Chandler, Joseph A 176 Chandler, Knowlton II 243 Chandler, Theodore C 307 Chandler, Thomas W 392 Chandler, Wilham, (33d Ind. inf.) 82 Chandler, William, (batt'y E, 1st /iZ. It. art.). 210 Chandler, WilliamP 271 Chandonia, Charles T 106 Channel, Joseph R 209 Chapin, Charles H 182 Chapin, George T 73 Chapin, Goram S 367 Chapin, Horace 256 Chapin, James W 14 Chapin, Williara A 194 Chapman, Augustus H 306 Chapman, Charles W 135 Chapman, Daniel 369 Chapman, Earl H 198 Chapman, Fletcher H 214 Chapman, George B 18 Chapman, George H 6 Chapman, Henry O 97 Chapman, James, (54th III. inf.) 306 Chapman, James, (139th 111. inf.) 395 Chapman, JamesE 438 Chapman, Jamea F 387 Chapman, John A 237 Chapman, John W 20 Chapman, Leonidas 440 Chapman, Newton W 306 Chapman, Samuel 203 Chapman, Samuel C 387 Chapman, Tamerlane 440 Chapman, Thomas 274 Chapman, William C 430 -Chapman, William T 277 Chappalear, Henry S 206 ChappeU, Auguatua S 236 ChappeU, Edward S 373 ChappeU, George P 197 ChappeU, James E 120 ChappeU, Silas 294 ChappeU, William B 120 Charlea, Edward W., (36th III. inf.) 273 Charlea, Edward W., (60th /iZ. inf.) 318 Charlea, Jackaon 390 Oh.irleB, Oliver 5 Charles, William 108 Charies, William S 58 Charlesworth, Firth 186 Charleton, Samuel H 37 Chariot, Nathaniel P 63 Charlton, John 37 Charlton, Eobert 137 Clharpie, Avery B Ul Charter, John R 239 Chaae, Aaron G 140 Chaae, Aaron W 190 Chase, Dudley H 416 Chase, Frank E 434 Chase, Hazard D 203 Chaae, Joseph M 188 Chase, Reuben H 171 Chaae, Samuel 202 Chastain, JohnD 296 Chatfield, Charles A 379 Chatfield, Charies H 347 C.>iatfield, Isaac W . , 256 Chauncey, Johu D. P. A. M 48 Cheaney, Philip B 260 (Dbeaney, Samuel L 259 Cheatwood, Wesley 160 Cheek, JohnF., (7th /nd. inf., 3-years) 38 Cheek, John P., (7th Ind. int., 3-months) 415 Cheney, Alfred D 357 Cheney, AUison W 261 Cheney, James W 298 Cheney, JohnT 207,210 Cheney, Philip B 310 Cheney, WUli.im 28 Chenoweth, WUliam E .')4 Chenoweth, WiUiam H 300 Chenoweth, William J 271 Chesbrough, Henry P 406 Chesebro, Eobert F 93 Chesley, Eobert V 230 Chesnut, Thomas O 328 Chess, WilUara E 34 Chester, Dean E 350 Chester, Prank 243 Chester, Henry W 330 Chester, Joseph P 188 Chester. Nicholas A 298 Chetlain, Augustus L., (12th-/Zi. inf., 3-years). 230 Chetlain, Augustus L., (12th III. inf., 3-mos.) .431 Chickering, JohnW ., 350 Chidester, James C 31 Chidiater, Williara M 192 Chilcote, Mordecai P 106 Chilcott, Elihu 395 ChUd, Charies, (65th Ind. inf.) 126 Child, Charies, (6th Ind. inf.) 415 ChUdera, Elbert 340,- Childera, EeubenS 269 Childa, Charies J., (Sth III. cav.) 185 Childs, Charies J., (142d III. inf.) 439 ChUda, Frank W 41 Chilea, James S 387 Chiniquj^, Achilles 400 Chiniquy, Charles A 400 Chipman, Draper 276 Chipman, PhiUp 337 478 INDEX OF NAMES. Chipman, Samuel P 141 Chisholm, OUver P , 406 Chism, George 320 Ciiism, James 349 Chisman, Homer 38 Chittenden, George P., (16th /nd. inf., 1-year). 53 Chittenden, (Jeorge P., (16th Ind. inf. , 3-years) .64 Chittenden, HoraceN 272 Chittenden, John S 9 Chittenden, Lyman S 68,128 Chittenden, WiUiam 19 Chittenden, WilUam J 440 Chitwood, Joahua --.13 Choat, Isaac M 397 Choat, Nicholas 386 Choiaser, Edmond D 338 Choisser, WUUam, sr 259 Clhriaman, Andrew J 145 Chriaman, Gideon E 19 Chriatianaon, Charles 315 Chriatie, Jamea 370 Christopher, George W 108 Christopher, John 351 Christy, George B., (9th /ZZ. cav.) 193 Christy, Georges., (32d /Z(. inf.) 265 Chroniger, Chas. B 274 Chrysup, GeorgeW 267 Chubb, John J 147 Chubbuck. Lewia E 333 Chumley, David A 367 Church, Charles D 157 Church, Elijahs 284 Church, Freeman S 104 Church, Ira A., (7th /ZZ. inf.) 331 Church, Ira A., (145th /ZZ. inf.) 440 Church, Lawrence S 357 Church, Lucius B 369 Churchill, Amos 439 ChurchUl, Charles 276 Churchill, Edwin 55 ChurchUl, GeorgeW 400 ChurchiU, Jaraes O 228 ChurchUl, Johu 282,304 ChurchiU, William 122 Clagg, WiUiam M 371 Claiborn, Thomas 17 Clair, Francis L 206 Clapp, George A 390 Clapp, Joseph 190 Clapp, William A 92 Clark, Abraham 168 Clark, Alison, (40th /nd. inf.) 94 Clark, Alison, (17th Ind. inf.) 55 Clark, Alonzo W 288 Clark, Alpheus 191 Clark, .4mosA 376 Clark, Andrew J 245 Clark, Anson L 393 Clark, Antony 427 Clark, Atherton 192 Clark, BelaT 284 Clark, BethuelM 73,131 Clark, C. P 431 Clark, Calvin M 375 Clark, Charles A 353 Clark, Charles M 378 Clark, Charles N 180 Clark, Curtis H .'. 14 Clark, Cyrenua C .' 236 Clark, Daniel 404 Clark, Daniel N .236 Clark, DaviaM 343 Clark, Dexter S 253 Clark, Elijah A 274 Clark, Frederick A 74 Clark, George B 184 Clark, George F 316 Clark, Georges 134 Clark, George T 14g Clark, George W., (79th Ind. inf.) 137 Clark, GeorgeW., (Slat /nd. inf.) 139 Clark, Guy C 248 Clark, Haymond W 14 Clark, Heury B 370 Clark, Henry D 239 Clark, Henry E 407 Clark, Horace O 370 Clark, JameaH., (17th /ZZ. cav.) 206 Clark, JameaH., (96th /Zi. inf.) 358 Clark, James H., (U2th HI. inf.) 377 Clark, Jamea J 21 Clark, James M 288 Clark, John 261 Clark, JohnC 120 Clark, John J 186 Clark, JohnK 221 Clark, JohnM 67 Clark, JohnN 78 Clark, JohnE 60 Clark, Johns 433 Clark, John W 138 Clark, Joaeph A 62 Clark, Joaeph C 957 Clark, Joaeph H 388 Clark, Joaeph R 129 Clark, Josiah W 245 Clark, Luke W 4S7 Clark, Lyman 184 Clark, Lyraan W., (47th III. inf.) ., ."..294 Clark, Lyman W., (108th HI. inf.) 372 Clark, Merritt M 335 Clark, MichaelM 352 Clark, Mills C ^ 355 Clark, Milton 44 Clark, Nathan M 390 Clark, Nelson 409 Clark, OwenH 385 Clark, Paul, (3d Ind. cav.) 5 Clark, Paul, (10th /nd. cav.) 17 Clark, RichardC 132 Clark, Silas 48 Clark, Terrence 338 Clark, Thomas, (23d /nd. inf.) 65 Clark, Thomaa, (144th Ind. inf.) 164 Clark, Thoraas, (104th HI. inf.) 368 Clark, Thomas, (127th /ii. inf.) 392 Clark, Thomas, (141st /ii. inf.) 439 Clark, ThomasB 435 Clark, ThomasJ 179 Clark, Warren C 178 Clark, WilUam C, (Sth III. inf., 3-years) .. ..223 Clark, WiUiam C, (Sth III. inf., 3-months). ..429 Clark, WilUamD 351 Clark, WilUamH 272 Clarke, Georgo R 379 Clarke, Isaac L 358 Clarke, JohnE 315 Clarke, JohnG 71 Clarke, Eobert 143 Clarke, WilUamD 364 Clarkson, Porter 138 Clarkson, Thaddeus S 200 INDEX OP NAMES. 4-79 Clarkson, TheodoreF 358 Clarry, Abraham L 347 Clary, Eobert W 162 Clary, Tipton D 23 Claudy, WiUiam B 363 Olauson, Henry J 233 Clawson, Francis M 173 Clay, Henry 159 Clay, Hiland H 365 Clay, Irving L 365 Clay, Joaeph 308 Clay, Thomas P 436 Claypool, -\bram 421 Claypool, Augustus L , 422 Claypool, George W 129 Claypool, Horatio E 125 Claypool, Jacob 125 Claypool. James H . .¦ 19 Clayton, George P .38 Claywell, Job 267 Cleaveland, David 269 Clealver, WilliamP 421 Clegg, Mathew 9 CJlegborn, John P 243 Clemens, Frank 18 Clement, Sylvester 332 Clements, BazU 138 Clements, Isaac • 225 Clementa, Jeaae H ' 269 Clementa, William H 138 Clommena, Leonidas D 320 Clendenin, David E 190 Clendenin, Prank 400 Clendenin, Harvey 339 Clendenin, Mosea W 339 Clendening, Jonathan M 235 Clendening, William H 207 Clendenning, Jonathan M 358 Clendenning, Robert M 1 Cleveland, A. C 284 Cleveland, Peatua P 304 Cleveland, Reuben 190 Clevinger, George J 436 Cllffe, William 361 CUfford, Emory W 56 Clifford, Jamea 290 Clifford, JohnC 28 Clifford, Zelotes S '. 259 Clift, Robert H 247 Clift, Walton W 219 CUfton, Burdid A 17 Clifton, Fred. F ,..-.201 CUfton, John '....151 Cline, Henry D 391 Cline, WUliam H. H 264 Clingman, Joseph 292 Clinton, Wharton R 48 CUppinger, Georgo W 50 CHse, JosephP 271 Clossen, Warren 162 Closser, Sylvanus M 171 Cloud, WiUiam T 115 Clough, Davey 239 Clow, Leander 92 Clowes, D. A 19 Clowes, Wealey 237 Clubb, Henry A., (9th Ind. cav.) 16 Clubb, Heury A., (70tli /IZ. inf.) 433 Clugage, RuaaelR 420 Clute, JohnJ 591 Clybourne, Johu H., (12th III. cav.) 198 Clybourne, JohnH., (19th /ZZ. inf.) 242 Clymer, Johh V 176 Coakley, John 433 Coakley, John C 439 Coan, Daniel W 439 Goatea, Jamea 353 Coatea, Jamea H 228 Coatsworth, George, (22d /ZZ. inf.) 247 Coatsworth, George, (88th III. inf .) 350 Cobb, B. A , 30 Cobb, Francis H 439 Cobb, Josiah B 19 Cobb, Thomaa A 43 Cobbel, Jamea 124 Cobbey, Joaeph E 333 Cobine,- James D 383 Cohlentz, Samuel 383 Coburn, Edwin 248 Coburn, John 82 Cochennour, John S 318 Cochran, Andrew 151 Cochran, Charles G 323 Cochran, Daniel 3^ Cochran, George T 2*7 Cochran, Isaac H 145 Cochran, James L 404 Cochran, Jesse "H 47 Cochran, John T 138 Cochran, Sarauel W 419 Cochran, Sanford 310 Cochren, PhUip 423 Cockefair, James M 25 CockreU, Allen 435 CockreU, Geo. S 360 Cockrum, WiUiam M 96 Cody, Alonzo 0 165 Cody, Button G 14 Coe, Albert L 300 Coe, Alonzo W 216 Coe, Joel L 293 Coe, Lauren W 334 Coerver, Jacob 403 Cofor, Thomas J 16 Coffey, DanielP 432 Coffin, Griffin A 74 Coffin, Nelson G 371 Coffin, wniiam M 9 Coffin, WilliaraP 20 Coffman, George 125 Coffman, Henry C 364 Coffman, Jaraes H 391 Coffman, Leander 185 Coffman, WilUamH 194 Coffy, Charles 248 CJogan, John , 77 Cogan, WUliam 298 CogeshaU, Francis S 347 Coggeshall, Nathan B 130 Coggeshall, Walter II 398 Cogley, Thomas S 13 Cogswell, wmiam 218 Cohn, WiUiam 199 Cohren, WiUiam 347 Coker, John 408 Cloker, Joseph 186 Colborn, CoraC 136 Colborb, JohnW 296 Colburn.JDavid P 261 Colburn, WilUamH...: 284 Colburn, WiUiam R 406 Colby, Charles A 242 480 INDEX OP NAMES. Colby, Enoch, jr 208 Colby, GeorgeW 330 Colby, Henry D 219 Colby, WUliara M 396 Colclazer, Jacob H 137 Coleord, Edward H., jr 377 Coldren, William R 422 Cole, Alfred 94 Cole, Barton W 166 Cole, Crassey K 1"34 Cole, Ebenezer 420 Cole, Francis M 125 Cole, FrankH .369 Cole, Frederick 404 Cole, Frederick W., (13th III. cav.) 200 Cole, Frederick W., (67th III. inf .) 432 Cole, Georgo M 232 Cole, George W 105 Cole, Gustavus O 196 Cole, Jacob 264 Cole, John 159 Cole, Jordan J 232 Cole, Leonidas A 41 Cole, Lewis B 350 Cole, Moses UO Cole, Osman L 300 Cole, Richard 371 Cole, Samuel H 149 Cole, Smith .' 48 Cole, Stephens., (38th /nd. inf.) 92 Cole, Stephens., (144th /nd. inf.) 164 Cole, Thomas 277 Cole, ThomasL 139 Cble, Warren 84 Cole, WUUamC 133 Cole, William H. , (20tb /nd inf.) 61 Cole, WUUam H., (129th Ind.'mt.) 159 Cole, WiUiamL 52 Cole, WilliamM 384 Colegrove, Jaraes 100 Colehour, DavidB 354 Coleman, Alexander 223 Coleman, Horace 102 Coleman, Jesse 0 168 Coleman, John A 240 Coleman, John B 319 Coleman, John T 126 Coleman, .lohn W 282 Coleman, WiUiara L 96 Coleman, WUlis M 163 Color,. William N 252 Coleacott, William H IU Colestock, Edward B 131 Colgrove, Silas, (27th Ind. inf.) 72 Colgrove, Silas, (8th Ind inf.) 416 Colgrove, Theodore P. , (27th Ind. inf. ) 72 Colgrove, Theodore P., (147th Ind. inf.) 167 Colip, Alexander 14 CoU, Samuel 437 CoUett, EdwardT 11 CoUier, George 370 CoUier, Isaac D - 72 Collier, James, (20th Ind. inf.) 61 Collier, Jaraes, (44th Tnd. inf.) 101 CoUier, j;ames H 82 CoUier, Joaeph M 357 CoUier, Martin C 364 Collier, Merwin P 152 CoIlingB, Georges .' 127 CoUings, Isaacs 119 ColUna, Albert 194, 203 Collins, Alberto 347 CJolUns, Barnabas 147 ColHns, Elisha J 71 Collins, Erasmus B Ill CoUins, Garrett L 182 Collins, George M 56 CoUins, GeorgeW 46 Collins, Hiram B., (72d /nd.inf.) 132 Collins, Hiram S., (154th /nd.inf.) 174 CoUins, John, (56th /iZ. inf.) 309 CoUins, John, (147th /iZ. inf.) ....400 Collins, JohnB 136 Collins, JohnC 138 CoUina, John P 353 ClolUna, John W 65 Collins, Joseph 167 CoUins, Joseph P 76 Collins, Lawrence, (23d /Zi. inf.) 248 Collins, Lawrence, (SSth III. inf.) 314 Collins, Nathan G 313 Collins, Robert K., (69th /nd. inf.) 130 ColUna, Eobert K., (29th /Zi. inf.) :-..259 Collins, RusaeU J., (22d /iZ. inf.) 247 ColUna, Russell J., (155th /Zi. inf.) 408 Collins, EusseU J., (143d III. inf.) 440 Collins, SamuelC 66 CoUins, Thaddeus S 382 Collins, ThomasB 434 CoUins, Thomaa H 48 CoUiua, Thomaa J 106 Collins, WaltonM 435 ColUns, WilUam A 37 CoUias, WilUamH., (10th /Zi.inf ) 227 Collins, WiUiam H., (104th /Ii. inf.) 368 Collis, Henry G 152 CoUmer, JohnM 223 CoUyer, John A 239 Colman, Andrew J 14 Colman, John M 52 Colt, Wilder B. M 331 Colter, John 425 Colton, JohnB • 343 Colton, JohnC 424 Colton, Joseph i9 Colton, Walter R 201 Colton, WUliam 5 Coltrin, Isaac N. , (SSth /ii. inf. ) 432 Coltrin, Isaac N., (145th /Zi. inf.) 440 Coltrin, Nathaniel P 268 Colvin, James 92 Colvin, John H 212 Colvin, Joaeph G 362 Colvin, Salathial D 89 ColweU, WUliam 43 Colyer, Edward 276 Comba Charlea E 198 Coraba, Nelaon D 348 Combs, WorthingtonW 96 Comer, Arthur D 387 Comings, Alfred 433 Comington, John A 45 Comley, Joahua M 418 Commandeur, Eugene 65 Comraerell, John A 288 Commons, Johu M 118 Comparet, Johu M., (15th Ind. inf.) 52 Comparet, Johu M. , (142d /nd. inf. ) 162 Comparet, Theodore S 162 Compton, Banister 110 Compton, Elijah C., (63d /Zi. Inf.) 321 Compton, Elijah C, (136th /IZ. inf.) 436 INDEX OF NAMES. 481 Compton, George 323 Compton, Henry A 306 Compton, laaac M 420 CJompton, laaic N 100 Compton. James 302 Compton, Johu P 417 Compton, Spencer P 381 Compton, Stephen J 100 Compton, Thomaa M 22 Corarie, Hepburn 297 ComstSck, Daniel W 16 Comstock, Heury S 377 Comstock, James 137 Comstock, JuUus 1 269 Comstock, Norman 388 (jomstock, Samuel C 351 Conant, Augustus Hi 243 Conant, John 290 Conaty. ThoraaB G 16 Condo, Winfield S 113 Condee, Henry M 181 Conder, Shadrack B. A ; 127 Cone, Francis S 391 Cone, George W 335 Cone, Pinckney S 219 Cone, Sylvester R 310 Cone, William H 160 Cones, T. A. H 426 Confer, Jaraes M 74 Conger, Charles I 324 Conger, Edwin H 365 Conkey, William P 313 Conklin, Anthony M 136 (]lonklin. Ensign 338 Conklin, Henry N 86 Conklin, J. 0 33 Conklin, Johu 282 Conklin, John E 243 Conklin, Josepb E 436 Conklin, Ketchum S 223 Conklin, WUliam, (6th Ind. cav.) 13 Conklin, WilUam, (iOth Ind.int.) 417 Conklin, William G 190 Conlpe, A. Jackson 375 Conley, John 378 Conlogue. Joseph S '. .* 162 Conly, WilUam J 400 Conn, GeorgeW 193 Conn, Isaac T 33 Conn, Spencer 269 ConneU, Jdhn O ; 146 Connell, John E 94 Connell. Joseph W., (36th /nd. int.) 89 Connell, Joseph W., (Sth /nd. inf.) 416 Connelley, James H 90 Connelly, Henry C 202 Connelly, JamesW 22 Connelly, Jesse B 78 Conner, Allen S 47 Conner, Andrew A 175 Conner, Andrew F 37 Conner, AsgiU 411 Conner, Benjamin F 16 Conner, Daulel W 37 Conner, Elijah 396 Conner. James, (2d Ind. cav.) 3 Conner, Jaraea, (124th Ind. inf.) 156 Conner, James. (8th Ind. inf.) 416 Conner, John B '. 47 Conner, John C 125 Conner, John T ' 153 31 Conner, Samnel 493 Conner, Samuel P 156 Conner, Wesley 9S Conner, William H 153 Conner, WilUam Ttf., (Ist /nd. heavy art.) 22 Connei', WiUiam M. , (54th Ind. inf.) 117 Connet, Mahlon C, (Sth Ind. cav.) 15 Connet, Mahlon C, (37th Ind. inf ) 90 Connett, j^^^^'On 67 ConnoUy , James A 3S8 Connolly. Robert J 134 Connor, Alexander H 422 Connor, Samnel P 240 Connoi", Thoraas D 291 Connover, Steven D 390 Conover, Alpheus 180 Conover, Charles 257 Conover, Daniel A 11 Conover, Eriismus M 274 Conover, Richard A 373 Conover, Robert, (l6th /md, inf., 1-year) 53 Conover, Robert, (16th /rtd. inf., 3-year s) 54 Conover, Robert F 423 Conover, William 125 Conrad, Benjamin H 984 Con rad, D. R 72 Conrad, Jacob H 20 Conrad, Philipp : 430 Conroe, laaac .' 1 96 Conron , Bernard 49 ConHtant, FraneiB M 1.11 Converse, Mervin _. 299 Conway, James '. 352 Conway, James J 379 Conwell, Isaac R .4 Conyera, William H 237 Conzet, Charles 388 Cook, Ana P 192 Cook, D.ivid A 930 Cook, Edward J 357 Cook, Elijah T 99 Cook, Gtiorge W 390 Cook, Harry D 182 Cook, Hewlett 11 281 Cook, Jeremiah B 182 Cook, John, (31nt /"md. inf.) 78 Cook, John, (7th /;/. inf., 3-year8) 921 Cook, John, (7th //Z. inf., 3-months) 429 Cook, Joseph 60 Cook, Joseph T., (57th /^Z. inf.) 312 Cook, Joseph T., (148th /;/. inf.) 401 Cook, Joseph T., (139th III. inf.) 438 Cook, Michael 104 Cook, Philip B 143 Cook, Robert IM 43 Cook, Samnel 20 Cook, Samuel J go Cook, Samuel W 335 Cook, Stephen H. S 14g Cook, Tliomafl J. 167 Cook, Thomas R 150 Cook, WiUiam J 154 Cook, WiUiam S 57 Cook, Wiot 361^ Cooke, Henry C , 372 Cool, John 190 Cooley, Charles G- 219 Cooley, George B » ggg Cooley, John 3gQ Cooley, Rnel 439 Cooling, Henry C ',354 482 INDEX OF NAMES. Coolman , Robert W 144 Coombs, John 243 Coon, Walter H 18 Coon, Warren D. M., (153d /ZZ. inf.) 406 Coon, Warren D. M., (Had ///, iof.) 439 Cooney, Peter P 86 Coons, Augustus F 419 Coons, John 51 Coona, Juhn W 44 Cooper, Caleb H 16 Cooper, Charles S 214 Cooper, Edgar H 209 Cooper, Edwin H 344 Cooper, Elder 96 Cooper, Esaias S 344 Cooper, Ezekiel D 1 53 Cooper, FrankUn I 237 Cooper, Gabriel 86 Cooper, Genrge 334 Cooper, George S 37 1 Cooper Isaiah 362 Cooper, James F 310 Coopld. inf.) 46 Cox, John A. M., (Oapt. Brown's Indep't eo. Ind.int.) 427 Cox, JohnR., (34th /Hd. Inf.) 84 Cox, John R., (153d /7id. inf.) 173 C'lX. John T 3SI Cox, Joaeph A., (Sth III. cav.) 184 Cox, Joseph A., (9th /Ji. inf.) 430 Cox, Joaeph B 124 Cox, Joseph E 178 Cox, Julius V 234 Cox, Massy 353 Cox. N ithaniel A ". 78 Cox, Philip L., (60th /nd. inf.) 124 Cox, PhiUp L., (144th /red. inf.) 164 Cox, Robert S 104 Cox, WUliam -354 Cox, WilUamD 296 Cox, William H., (10th batt'y /nd. It. art.) 28 Cox, WUliam H.,(122d /((.inf.) 387 Cox, WilliamM 423 Cox, WUaon F ...323 Coxe, Edward D 245 Coykendall, Horatio Gt 434 CoykendaU, John R 196 Crahb, (Jeorge W 37 Criihb, Harvey 139 Crabb. Nelson 128 Crabbs, Auatin 104 Crabs. Jacob M 147 Crabtree, Francis M 65 Crabtree. Squire 374 Cracltel, Henry 281 Cr^icvaf r, Lewis 385 Craft, Jamea M. D 151 Crafi, John A 118 Cralt, Richard P 120 Craft, William H 422 Crafton, Johu W 194 Crafton. Thomaa S 194 Cralb, WilliamB 409 Craig, Amos 92 Craig, Isaac A 110 Craig, Isaac N 49 Clraig, James 417 Craig, James S 241 Craig, Jesse M 2 Craig, JohnB 323 Craig, John L 56 Craig, JohnM., (146th /nd. inf.) 166 Craig, JohnM., (134th /nd. inf.) 423 Craig, John W 227 (^raig, Joseph 160 Craig, Lyford R 438 Craig, Roberts 143 Craig, Robert M 108 Craig, Samuel 196 Craig, William 437 Craig, WiUinm D 225,226 CIrain, Benjamin F 201 Grain, James 200 Grain, Jasper A ¦. 394 Crain, Washington F 184 Cram, Orrin W 210 Cramer, Albei t 320 Criimer, Henry P. W 299 Cramer, Samuel A., (llth Ind. inf.) 44 Cramer, SarauelA., (132d /nd.inf.) 422 Cramm, August 1 24 Crampton, Adelbert B 106 Crampton, Francis M 69 Crampton, Rufua C 440 Craudal. Frederick M 267 Crandall, Edwin A 362 Crandall, Warren D 316 Crandell, Andrew .T 92 Crandell, WUliara W 335 Crandle, Benerllot, (6th//;. cav.) 186 Crandle, Benedict, (14th /((. cav.) 202 Crane, Albert P 340 Crane, Alexander B 143 Crane, Andrew J 178 Crane, Harvey D 57 Crane, Jamea H 362 Crane, James W., (46th /ii. Inf.) 293 Crane, James W., (67th 111. inf.) 432 Crane, Jeremiah 214 Crane, Milton A 423 Crane, Nathaniel 1 50 Crane, Simeon H 128 Crane. WUliara H 13 Craner, John 41 Craney, AlfredC 422 Cranor, Fianklln 94 Crary, Clark -S 396 Craven. Arius U 132 Craven, Hervey 147 Cravens, Jaraes H 141 Cravens, James W 1 CrHvens, John O 41 Cravens, JohnP 165 Cravens. ..Joseph R 356 Cravens, June E 155 Craver, Michael B 124 Craw, George A i.l35 Craw. WUliara N 141 CrHwford, Carolus M 84 Crawford, Cyrus 64 484 INDEX OF NAMES. Crawford, Francis C 143 Crawford, Frank J 304 Crawford, Henry M 314 Crawford, Henry P 179 Crawford, Hiram 61 Crawford, James F 395 Crawford, James H 421 Crawford, James M 141 Crawford, Levi P 369 Crawford, Moses 37 Crawford, Munroe C 375 Crawford, Robert 0 350 Crawford, Samuel K., (8th /ii. eav.) 190 Crawford, Samuel K. , (17th III. cav.) 206 Crawford, WiUiam A 425 Crawford, WiUiam S 240 Crawford, WiUiam T 143 Crawley, James 221 Crawley, James A 145 Crawley, Thomas E 257 Craycraft, WUUam J 176 Creasey, Lawrence P 168 Crebbin, Edward 41 Crebs, JohnM 349 Creed, James 434 Creed. John 249 Creek, Isaac 280 Crego, Alexander T 182 Crego, David R 219 Cremeena, L. W 436 Crenshaw, Williara H 69 Cresap, Benjamin F 371 Cresap, William S., (10th and 135th lud. in fantry) 43,424 Cresap, WUliam S., (1 54th Ind. 'vat.) 174 Creswell, John M 141 CrevistoD. David B 41 Crews, Andrew 349 Crews, Hanson A — 324 Crews, Hooper 363 Crews, Nathan 240 Cribbs, Jacob 162 Crick, John B 1 32 Cringle, Charles W 433 Crlppen, Abel E 162 Crisler, Jesse L 82 Crissey, GUes 343 Crissey, Samuel B 432 Crissey, WilUamE 383 Crissey, WUliam S 381 Crist, Lewis M --.115 Crist, Eobert H 23 Criswell, Williara H.....V ..42 Critser, Nathan L 136 Crittenden, Thomas T., (Wh/nd. inf., 3-years) 37 Crittenden, Thomas T.','(Dth /nd.inf., 3-raonths)415 CrUzer, Otho D .,.:. 237 Crocker, Ashbel 215 Crocker, Harley 1,52 Crockett, WilUamH 1.57 Cromer, Robert 171 Cromwell, JohnN 294 CromweU, Robert 120 CromweU, Robert C 227 Cronemiller, Daniel .333 Cron k, .lohn 274 Crook, Francis A., (91st /Md. inf.) 148 Orook, Francia A., (146th /nd. inf.) 166 Crook, Jeremiah 109 Crooker, Jabez C 307 Crooker, Lucien B 307 Crooka, Jeaae .322 Crooka. Josiah — 86 Crooks, Samuel 420 Crooka, WUliam 182, 199 Cropper, Eugene B., (13l8t III. inf.) 397 Cropper, Eugene B., (136th /ii. inf.) 436 Cropper, Jamea N 130 Cropaey, Andrew J 395 Crosby, JohnH 399 Croaby, Joaeph F .390 Crosby, Lyraan B 145 Croaby. Thomas H 104 Cross, Charlea B 188 Cross, Columbus 194 Cross, Edwin R 248 Croaa, Emanuel 331 Crosa, PeUx G 142 Cross, George B 193 Cross, Milton 355 Croaa, Thomaa J 240 Croas. WUUam L 240 Crossfield, WUliam M 165 Crossly, George W 312 Crosson, John M 124 Crosswait, Baldwin J 101 Crouch, Byron L 194 Crouch, Cloyd 318 Crouch, Lewis P 307 Crouch, William C :..17 Crouse, George 160 Crouse. Henry M 118 Crow, Jaraes S - 181 Crow, Joseph H., (58th Ind. inf.) 120 Crow, Joseph H., (152d /ii. Inf.) 405 Crowder, Oacar H 55 Crowder, Robert H 18 Crowe, John 86 Crowe, Samuel S 149 Crowell. Justice G 14 Crowell, WUUam H 354 Crowell, William P 173 Crowley, Daniel 248 Crowley, Sarauel B 265 Crowley, WiUiam B 265 Crozier, Jaraea 278 Cruft, Clharlea 78 CruU, Je!.sse 30 CruU, Rutua 15 CruU, Thomaa J 59, 61 Crum, Daniel A 396 Crumbaugh, Thomaa D 276 Crurapacker, Daniel S 106 Cubbage, Wilford 337 Cubberley, David P 47 Cubberly, George, (17th /nd.inf.) 55 CubbMy, George, (89th /nd. Int.) 147 Cudney, Albert, (batt'y I, lat III. light art.) . .211 Cudney. Albert, (Capt. Busteed's indep't bat tery III. light art.) 218 Culbertson, David P 98 Culbertson, David T 153 Culbertson, Jaraes L 138 Culbertson, James M 274 Culbertson, Joseph R 17 Culbert-on, Robert H 138 Culbertson, Williara 161 Culbertson, Williara N ] ! .77 CuUen, John C 54 CuUen, Thomas n Cullen, WUUam A " ' 155 Cullera, Jacob M 184 INDEX OF NAMES. 485 CuUey, DanielB., (llth /nd. inf., 3-year8) 44 Culley, Daniel B., (llth Ind. inf., 3-montha). .418 CuUum , Francia ] 80 Cnllum. Wm. T 310 Cully, Albert 167 Gulp, David 263 Gulp, Noah 321 Culter. Edward B 108 Culver, Charlea G 369 Culver, David G 320 Culver, Joseph P 395 Culver, Moses A 129 Culver, Slocum H 353 Culver, Truman "., 191 Gumraing, Gilbert W 300 Cummings, David M 196 Cumminga, James F., (7th III. Inf., 3-years). .221 Cimimings, James P., (7th/(!. inf., 3-mouths) . 429 Cummings, Richard W 151 Cumminga, Samuel 265 tin S 178 Dement, Henry D 232 Deming, Charles R 31 Demint, Andy K 298 Demming, Benjamin 6 ] 3 Demmons, Moutgomeiy 178 Demott, Abraham 122 De Mott, MarkL 25 Demott, William S 16 Demotte, Harvey C, (68th 111. inf.) 432 DeMotte, Harvey C, (1st battnmilitia77Z.iuf.)441 De Motte, Luther M 276 Dempsey, George 433 Dempsey, M. J 310 Dempster, Daniel 194 Demree, Robert W 309 Demuth, John 14.5 Denby, Charles 96, 138 Denchfieid, AMlliam H 294 Deneen, Samuel H 383 Dengei, William 215 Dengler, Adolph 286 Denham, ThomasB 417 Denison, Charles E 429 Denison, Charles N 223 Denison, Joseph 356 Denison, Noah W 223 D nman, Francis M 360 Denman, Jonathan B 360 Deineman, Clemens A 1 Dennees, Isaiah 257 Denney, Royal 147 Denney, Samuel 128 Denning, Benjamin F 34 Denning, John D 24 L Deanmg, Robert M 273 Denning, William B 375 Dennis, Albert G 53 Dennis, Eli aa S 261 Denni'^, Jesae J 180 Dennis, Livingston S 385 Dennis, Robert 353 Dennis, Wilber W 354 Dennison, Frank 141 Denny, David A Ill Denny, George 108 Denny, John M 124 Denny, Mor'imer 143 Denny, Robert 421 Dt^nuy, Thoraas S 96 Denny, William Ill Denny, Wilham H 50, 111 Dent, Byron H., (47th Ind.'mf.) 104 Dent, Byron H.,(89th Ind.'mf.) 147 Dent, James B., (1st /Z/. eav.) 177 Dent, James B., (14th III. cav.) 202 Denton, Alexanders 353 Denton, Samuel 243 Depenbi'ock, Bennett 3 Depew, Janies 185 De Puy, Elian C 292 Desi'hos, David 355 Deshon, Henry H 297 De Tavernier, Frederick 205 Detrieh, JohnE 247 Detrick, John S 139 De Turk, Joshna G 144 Devault, Osmus F 18 Develin, Jamea S 25 De Versey, Nicholas 64 Devlin, Joseph 235 Devol, George H 92 Devoll, George B 232 Devoy, JosephD 4!8 De\v, Edward C 440 Deweese, Charles S 93 Deweese, George P ]_ INDEX OF NAMES. 4S9 Deweese, John T., (4th /7id. cav.) 7 De Weese, John T., (24th /lid. inf.) 67 Dewey, Annin W 153 Dewey, Ben Parke 92 Dewey, Edmund S 396 Dewey, Edward S 335 Dewey, George I-I 228, 374 Dewey, Henry S 132 Dewey, John S 374 Dewey, Ransom P 368 Dewey, Timothy 367 Dewey, WUliam F 304 Dewitt, Alfred 260 Dewitt, Grasson 375 Dewitt, Jesse D 405 DeWitt, Julius N 293 De Wolf, David 295 Dexheimer, Philip 53 Dexter, James .333 Dexter, Simon B 269 Dial, Martin V. B 394 Dibble, John J 57 Dice, Jacob 174 Dick, George P 61,144 Dick, Jacob C 144 Dick, John 431 Dicken David S 436 Dicken. JamesL 104 DIckerhoff, AndrewJ 256 Dickerman, Oliver A 288 Dickermau, WUlard A .367 Dickerman , William A 188 Dickerson, George W 418 Dickerson , Jamea B : 176 Dlckersnn, .Tonatban C 377 Dickerson, Samuel J 7 Dickerson, Williara H 382 Dickey, Charles H 183 Dickey, Cyrus E 228 Dickey, George S 292 Dickey, Joseph C 159 Dickey, Marcellus B 167 Dickey, Theophilus L 183 Dickhut, Frederick W., (3d /ii. cav.) 181 Dickhut, Frederick W,, (154th III. int.) 407 Dickinson, Charles E 435 Dickinson, Clharles V 274 Dickinson. Elijah W 438 Dickinson, John ISO Dickin son, Philemon 161 Dickinson, Reynolds H 304 Dickson, J. Bates, (12th III. inf., 3-years) 230 Dickson, J. Bates, (12th III. inf.,3-month8)- ..431 Dickson, Jamea P 199 Dickson, Samuel 252 Dieffenbacher, PhUip L .347 Dleiibach, Tilghman 236 Dietz, George P 271 Diffenbaugh, Daniel D 292 DiflFeubecker, Calvin P 241 Diffonclorfer, George W 153 DUg, Frederick 225 Dill, James H 351 Dill, Joseph H. C 323 Dill, Soloraon 67 DIU, WaUace 421 DUlan, William 160 DiUard, Charlea 397 Dillard, William L 263 Dille, larael C 82 DUle, JohnB 334 Dille, Sarauel W 152 DUler. Alexander W., (56th 7ii. inf.) 309 Diller, Alexander W., (65th /ii. inf ) 326 DiUey, WiUiam A 82 Dillingham. CharlesH 115 Dillon, Allon H 264 DUlon, Elisha 310 Dillon, Jaraes 166 DUlon, John E 87 Dillon, Jeptha S 384 Dillon, JohnL 277 DUlon, Williara B 310 DUlon, WiUiam P., (6th Ind.int.) 37 Dillon, William P., (146th Ind. inf.) 165 Dillon, WUliam J 241 Dills, Goorge A 430 Dilworth, Caleb J 347 Dilworth. Emmor ¦ 346 Dilworth, Johnston C 385 Dilworth, Rhoads R -¦ 345 DUwoith, WiUiam 146 Dimick, Laurtis 431 Dimick, Laprtis F 351 Dimm, Ferdinand A 364 Dinsmore, John C 362 Dircks, C. S. P 326 Dlrcks, Caspar S. F 441 Dishrow, Charles 118 Disbrow, John 11 41 Dishow, Calvin B 374 Dispennet, John A 272 Diapennett, Williara A 147 Distler, P.™! 202 Ditteraore, Harvey 1 169 Dittemore, WUey B., (14th /'id. inf.) 60 Dittemore, Wiley E., (97th Ind. int.) ISO DUtllnger, Michael 215 Dix, Henry A 401 Dixon, Calvin W 417 Dixon, David 257 Dixon, James J. A. T 399 Dixon, John M 46 Dixon, MiUon 11 46 Dixon, Robert 307 Dixon, Romeyn A 400 Dixon, William P 17 Dixon, William H., (59th Ind. inf) 122 Dixon, WUliam H.. (SSth III inf) 307 Dean, Thoinaa, (12th Ind. Inf.) 46 Doan, Thomas, (lOlat /«d. inf.) 153 Doanc, George M 103 Doane, George S., (llth III. inf, 3-year8) 228 Doane, George S., (llth 111. int., 3-months) . .431 Doane, Hiram 295 Doane, Norman E 9 Dobbelmann, L. E. H 298 Dobbins, Cutler S 138 Dobbins, Jamea SO Dobbs, Cyrus J 48 Dobbs, Thomas H., (35th /Zi. inf.) 271 Dobbs, Thomas H., (154th III. inf) 407 Dobbs. Thomas H., (135th /ii. inf) 436 Dobson David M 169 Dobson, James L 382 Docker, Sarauel N 186 Dockstader, Jeremiah, (14th /ii.inf) 233 Dock.stader. Jeremiah, (67th III. inf.) 4.32 Dodd, Jamea 128 Dodd, Jeaae R 78 Dodd, John W 38 Dodd, Theodoric F.C 134 490 INDEX OF NAMES. Dodda, Fords 318 | Dodda, JohnW 294 1 Dodda, JosephL 2.39 ¦ Dodds, William 236 Dodds, Williara T 239 Dodge, Clark E 209 ! Dodge, George 182 Dodge, Henry C, (74th /)!d. inf.) 135 Dodge, Henry C, (14l8t /ii. inf.) 439 Dodge, laaac C 274 Dodge, John 363 Dodge, Joseph B 76 Dodge, Josiah H 306 Dodge, Warren P 389 Dodge, WUliam H 331 Dodson, Christian B 203 Dodson, Jonas H 7 Doggett, Theodore M....- 312 Doherty, Timothy 54 Dohrman, Christian 298 Doke, Thompaon 100 Dolan, Jaraes C 314 Dolan. Peter 240 Doll, E. B 160 Doll. George W 195 Doll. PhiUip 298 DoUahan. George F 321 Dollina, Jamea J 203,340 Dolloff, Sarauel P 180 Dome, David C 56 Donahey, WUliam H 120 Dnnahoo, Jaiuea T 76 Donald, James O 4.33 Donald, Wayne O 335 Donaldson, James 238 Donaldson, William 50 Donalson, John S 57 Donalson, Sarauel 67 Donch, John 200 Donelson, James A 92 Donica, Abram 182, 198 Donley, Joaeph B 343 DonneU, John D 396 DonneU, Luther 419 Donnelly, John 115 Donnohue, Joseph M 155 Donovan, William 196 Dooley, Aaron T Ill Dooley, John H 94 Dooley, Sylvester V 372 Doolittle, CharlesC 316 Doran, George E 324 Dorchester, Wm. H 205 Dorian, Lewia 389 Dorraan, William J 194 Doin, Josiah 166 Dornblaaer, Benjamin 292 Dorothy, Francis M 1 84 Dorr, Sarauel 355 Dorrance, John H 367 Dorrenee, Nathaniel P 401 Dorris, Josiah M 394 Dorris, Williara C 376 Dorrough, Williara M 66 Dorach, Ferdinand 9 Dorsey, George T 174 Dorsey, William L 96 Dorwio, WiUiam E 180 Doster, Jamea T 144 ' Dotaon, Owen M 161 ' Doty, Alonzo 77 | Doty, Henry S 302 Doty, Johns. H 368 Doty, Warren W 274 Douch, John 13 Dougall, Allen H 146 Dougherty, CampbeU 329 Dougherty, (Jeorge T 43 Dougherty, Henry 247 Dougherty, Jamea L 262 Dougherty, Joaeph M 331 Dougherty, W. W 72 Dougherty, WUliam T 165 Doughty, Johu G Ill Doughty, WUliam N 90 Donglas, George P 272 Douglaa, Henry C 78 Douglaa, Joseph M 5 Donglas, Robert A 416 Douglas, Samuel 177 Douglass, James G 423 Douglaas, John P., (4th /nd. inf.) 50 Douglaaa, JohnF., (I45th Ind. int.) 165 Douglasa, Jonathan H 332 Douglass, Orin A 63 Douglaas, Philip S 299 Douglass, Samuel 144 Douglass, Theophile M 5 Dove, John W 381 Dove, WUUamC 354 Dove, WUliam H 186 Dow, Darius A 18-2 Dow, John L., (Sth 111. cav.) ]84 Dow, John L., (112th /ii. inf.) 377 Dow, Jonathan H., (147th /ii. inf.) 400 Dow, Jonathan H., (132d /ii. Inf.) 434 Dow, Samuel A 206 Dow. Tristram T 377 Dowd, Edmond D 190 Dowd, Le Roy 278 DowdeU, Joseph S., (149th Ind. int.) 169 DowdeU, Joseph S., (115th Ind. int.) 4S0 Dowdeu, Francis M 11.3 Dowdy, Andrew J 11 Dowe, Oscar E 357 Dowling, Levi H 172 Down, Andrew J 243 Downes, Daniel D 136 Downey, Elza J 102 Downey, Francis M 67 Downey. William A 120 Downing, Albert 14 Downing, David N 380 Downing, Don B 63 Downing, Hermas P 124 Downs, Noah W 15 Downa, Thomaa J 154 Downa Williara 278 Downs, William W 151 Dox, Charlea T 243 Dox, HamUton B 198 Dox, Harvey B 182 Doxey, Charlea T., (16th /nd.inf.) 54 Doxey, Charlea T., (19th Ind. int.) 59 Doxey, Bdward O 54 Doyle, Jamea B 377 Doyle, Jamea M 248 Doyle, Mairston M 321 Doyle, Matthew 424 Doyle, Peter 134 Doyle, WilliamB., (15th /nd. inf.) 52 Doyle, WilliamB., (17th /nd. inf.) 55 INDEX OF NAMES. 491 Doyle, WiUiam H 377 Drake, Joseph .' 423 Drake, Mosea C 234,235 Drake, Qnincy I 230 Drake, Robert. P 266 Drake, Tbomaa B 40 1 Draper, Joaeph P., (12th /nd.inf.) 46 Draper, Joseph P., (9th Ind. inf.) 417 Draper, Joseph P., (132d Ind. inf.) 422 Dratt, David W 145 Drawans, Prederlck W 151 Drennan, Jacksou 198 Dresser, Charlea A., (130th /nd. inf.) 160 Dreaaer, Charles A., (18th III. inf.) 241 Dresser, Jaaper M., (86th Ind. int.) 144 Dresser, Jaaper M., (batt'y D, 2d III. It. art.). 214 Dressier, Daniel N 19 Drew, Daniel 86 Drigga, Henry C 437 Drischel, Daniel 418 Drish, James P., (32d /ii. inf) 265 Driah, JameaP., (122d /Ji. Iuf.) 387 Driver, Ira B 296 Driver, Joab 423 DroU, FeUx 194 Druckenbratt, Peter 286 Drullinger, Kobert F 41 Drum, Jamea J 42 Drum, Jamea S 60 Drum, Thaddeua G 242 Drummond, Prank 200 Drury, John T 56 Du Barry, Hartman B 146 Dubois, Charles B 28 Dubois, Joel 385 Dub .is, Thomas 1 63 Dubois, WiUinm A 334 Duba, Charlea P 290 Ducat, Arthur C, (12th HI. inf., 3-year8) 230 Ducat, Arthur C, (12th /ii. inf., 3-monthB). ..431 Duck, Martin L 169 Duckett, Frederick 196 Duckworth, John M 126 Duckworth, Robert 276 Duddleston, Charlea W 169 Dudley, Thomaa R 3 Dudley, WUliara W 60- Duenweg, Hugo 81 Duer, John 0 890 Duey, William A 74 Duff, WiUiamL 213 DufBcy, JohnP 86 DufBeld, Jamea T., (7th /nd.inf.) 38 DufSeld, Jamea T., (76th Ind. inf.) 419 Duffield, William A 438 Duffy, Diivid G 3.52 Duffy, Johns 155 Duffy, William M 372 Dufoe, NathanielH 284 Dugan, John 86 Dugan, Hurera M. G 423 Dugan, William H 272 Dngdell, Joseph 362 Duger, jaraes R 166 Duggana, WUaon A 435 Dugger, George W ^36 Dugger, Jamea A 255 Dugger, John W 405 Dugger, WiUiam B 387 Duguid, Jamea 326 Dukate, John S 116 Dukea, John H 375 Dula, Goorge H .39 Dulgar, Henry 360 Dulhagen, l».aac 88 Duraont, Charlea H 9 Duraont, Ebenezer, (7th /nd.inf., 3-years) 38 Duraont, Ebenezer, (7th Ind. inf., 3-montha) .415 Dumont, John P 13 Dunavan, George H 381 Dunaway. Edward 440 Dunbar, Alexander M 202 Dunbar, JohnG 137 Dunbar, Jonathan Ill Dunbar, Samuel H 40 Dunbaugh, CharleaP 180 Duncan, Andrew T 387 Duncan, Coleman 57 Duncan, Henry 115 Duncan, James R 245 Duncan, Jason G 385 Duncan, John 1 81 Duncan, John B 265 Duncan, Joaeph 108 Duncan, Leander J 396 Duncan, Loyd T 82 Duncan, William, (IOth & 15th m. cav,). .19.5, 203 Duncan, William, (llth /ii. iof.) 228 Duncan, WUUam M 138 Duncan, William S 196 Duncltlee, Franklin J 267 Duncombe, Stephen W 328 Dungan, MUton R 39 Dungan, Stephen W 13 1 Dungan, Willi.am H 9 Dunham, A Ifred G 354 Dunham, Chriatopher T 354 Dunhara, Cyrua L , 110 Dunham, George M 395 Dunkerley, George W 13 Dunlap, Alpheua 74 Dunlap, George A., (batt'y D, 2d III. It. art.). 214 Dunlap, George A., (27th III. iuf.) 256 Dunlap, Henry T-I 4 Dunlap, Hiram S 311 Dunlap, Horace L 299 Dunlap, Jaraea C 257 Dunlap, Jaraea E 259 Dunlap, Jaraea R., (9th /nd. cav.) 16 Dunlap, Jamea R. , (76th III. inf.) 334 Dunlap, Jaaper P ^ 17 Dunlap, John 299 Dunlap, JohnF 217 Dunlap, John T 17 Dunlap, Joaeph M 6L Dunlap, Levi N 50 Dunlap, Oacar 254 Dunlap, RichardB 148 Dunlap, WUli»mL 309 Dunlap, WiUiam W 280 Dunlavy, Daniel W 16 Dunn, Addison M 119 Dunn, Amoa W 196 Dunn, Augustua A 377 Dunn, David M., (29th /nd.inf ) 74 Dunn, David M.. (9th /nd. inf.) 416 Dunn, Prancia J 299 Dunn, George H 86 Dunn, Hiram L 432 Dunn, Jamea W., (SSth /nd. Inf.) 419 Dunn, Jamea W., (138th /nd. inf.) 425 Dunn, Jefferson 265 492 INDEX OF NAMES. Dunn, John 248 Dunn, John P 86 Dunn. Johu W -. 94 Dunn, N. Palraer 75 Dunn, NnthanlelP 163 Duun, Slocum S 302 Dunn, Thomas J 407 Dunn, Thomas S 416 Dunn, Thompson 137 Dunn, William H IU Dunn, WUliara M 141 Dunn, Williams 66 Dunn, WUliam T i 138 Dunn, Willlarason D 23 Duon, Williamson P 94 Dunne, James 3-52 Dunne, Michael J., (I53d 7ii. inf.) 406 Dunne, Michael J., (l4lBt /ii. inf.) 439 Dunning, Andrew 190 Dunning, Dyer D 190 Dunning, George H 245 Dunaeth, Sarauel M . - 390 Dunwoody, Jamea A 29 Dupont. jeanP 286 Durand, Araoa M UO, 1 1 4 Durand, John S 203 Durant, Edward T 267 Durant, S. W 392 Durbin, David S 48 Durbin, Greene 48 Durell, Edwin P 257 Duret, James S 145 Durfee, George S 223 Durfllnger. Philip N 300 Durham, Benjarain, jr 330 Durhara, Fleming 67 Durham, George H 165 Durham, JameaH 82 Durhara, JeroraeB 334 Durham, Thomaa W 44 Durhara, Williara 98 Durham, WilUam G 394 During, Charles 384 Durkee, Samuel T 215 Durley, Jefferson, (47th HI. int.) 294 Durley, Jefferson. (139th /ii. inf.) 438 Durst, Jamea 254 Dustan, .Sarauel 41 Duatin, Daniel 190, 369 Dustin, Emorv P 314 Duatin, Moody C 29 Dutch, CharlesC, (Uth Ind. int.) 56 Dutch, Ch,arlos C, (116th /nd. inf.) 421 Dutch. Jamea B . - 208 Dutcher, Edward P 332 Duteil, ClaudiuaC 31 Dutnell, J^hu 326 Dutton, Albert H 140 Dutton, Daniel B 155 Dutton, EvereUF., (13th /ii. inf.) 232 Dutton, EvereUF., (105th /ii. Inf.) 369 Dutton, George P 136 Dutton, Harvey J 267 Dutton, Lewis M 362 Duvall, James ^i 16 DuvaU, Sj'lveeter 362 Dwight, Samuel L 318 Dwlre. Harrison 267 Dwire, Mark 94 Dwyer, Andrew 86 Dyar, AUred 12 Dyar, WUliam 405 Dyer, Albert M Ul Dyer, Horace E 432 Dyer, Jaraea B 98 Dyer, John, (.52d /ii. inf.) 302 Dyer, John, (93d /Zi. inf.) 355 Dyer, John, ( 134th /ii. inf. ) 435 Dyer, Lewia 340 Dyer, Reuben P., (20th /Ii. inf.) 243 Dyer, Reuben P. , (104th /ii. inf. ) 368 Dyke, Charles P - 272 Dykeman, David D 102 Dyhrenforth. Robert G 201 Dyhrenfurth, Robert St. George 206 Dynau, Daniel 194,204 Dyaart, Alexander P 269 Dysart, B. Prank 269 Bads, Albert 300 Eads, Henry 328 Eagan, Michael, (60th In d. int.) 124 Eagan, Michael, (ISlat /nd. inf ) 171 Eagle, David L 269 Eames, Charlea A 265 Eamea, OUver E 242 Earheart, David B 170 Earl, George G 137 Earl, laaac T 118 Earl, Seldon G 337 Earl, Seth C 304 Earl. William G 304 Earl, Williara H 302 Earle. Charlea W 358 Early, Charles J 299 Early, Jacob M 2;i3 Early, Robert 424 Early wine, Nathan 7 Earnshaw, John 37 Easley, JohnR 257 Eaaley, Robert D 245 Eaat, John 98 Baat, WiUiara H 194 Eastburn, Jaraes H 334 Basterday, Martin V 391 Easterling. Araos 112 Eaaham. WiUiam E 2.34 Baatin, Johu M 388 .Eastlick, Alexander S 401 Eaaton, Jamea 436 Eaton, George P 245 Baton, Joseph aT.T Eaton, Samuel 240 Eaton, ShepheardP 128 Eaton. TJrias H 240 Eaton, WiUiam C 134 Ebeling, John 288 Eberhart, JohnR 192 Eberly. Joahua 77 Ebersold, Prederlck 307 Ebersole, Jacob 59 Bbey, George W. P 257 Eccles. Sarauel B 17 Eckdall, Jonas 216 Eckelkamp. ChrisUan 205 Eckert, Martin B 92 Ecklea, Charlea 269 Edaa, JohnP 370 Eddings, JohnP 280 Eddy, .Alfred 182 Eddy, Henry G 218 Eddy, Henry H 355 Eddy, Herman J ^ INDEX OF NAMES. 493 Eddy, Johu 357 Eddy, John M 269 Eddy, John R 132 Eddy, Norman 106 Ede, Heury 340 Edel, Joseph 196 Edgar, WilUamH 266 Edgar. Williara S 265 Edgerlee, GeorgeW., (Sth /nd.inf, 3-year8)..40 Edgerlee, George W., (Bth /nd.inf, 3-inos.)..416 Edgerly, Royal H 146 Edgington, Robert P 395 Edingtou, Elijah 98 Edison, Hiram G 248 Edler, Peter 19 Edmiston, David 22 Edmiston, David W 371 Edmiston, Johu A 243 Edmonds, Francia M 96 Edmonds, Meridith R 128 Edraundson, Jaraea 395 Edsall, Edmond P 76 Edaon, Benjamiu 430 Edaon, Jamea M 214 Edaon, Milan C 323 Edson, Willia 345 BdvaU, Olof S 287 ESwarda, Alexander 113 Edwards, Charles M 241 Edwarda, Ezra N 240 Edwards, Georgo T 362 Edwards, John A 202 Edwards, John M 370 Edwards, John S 3 Edwards, Joseph W 280 Edwards, Mortimer C 340 Edwards, Sylveater S 335 Edwarda, Thomaa H 310 Edwards, WUliam B 55 Edwards, WUliam B 391 Edwards, WUliam H 435 EdwardB, WiUiamL 187 Edwards, William T 422 Edwins, Stanley W 156 EeUs, SimeonL 235 ¦ Eels, Franklin H 333 Ege, Peter 269 Bgelaton, Jacob W 141 Eggleaton. Albert 117 Eglin, John F 104 Ehlers, JohnH 29 Ehrbard. William 286 Eichelberger, George W 308 Biehenberger. Jacob 241 Eigenman, John 96 Biler, Lewis 180 Eiswerth. Frank 274 Ekey, Alexander 171 Ekstrom, Alex. P 326 Ela, George P 267 Elam, John W 145 Elbert, WUliam 267 Elder, James A 356 Elder, JohnL 360 Elder, Robert W 376 Elder, William H 139 Elder, William R 276 Elder, WilUara W 356 Eldred, Charles B 27 Eldridge, Daniel G 402 Eldridge, Hamilton N 392 Eldridge, Israel H., (17th /ii. cav.) 206 Bldi idge, Israel H., (batt'y P, 2d 111. Ught art. ) 215 Eldridge, James S 100 Eldridge, WiUiam V 310 Elerlck, James 316 Elfes, Theodore 323 Bli, Levy 157 Eliot, John 328 Elkin, Garret, (1st III. oav.) 177 Elkin, Garret, (10th /ii. cav.) 194 Elkin, Walter C 22 Elkina, WilUam T 375 BUaa, Josiah Y 265 Bllcdge, Jaraes A 362 Eller, Braannel 80 Eller, John T ' 165 Ellet, Alfred W 316 Ellet, John A 411 Elliff, James G 383 Ellington, James D 252 ElUngtou, Jeptha M 3 Ellin wood, Charles N 332 Elliot, Joaeph T 156 Elliott, Alfred L 116 Elliott, Byron K 422 EUiott, Charlea T., (40lh /nd, inf.) 95 Elliott, Charlea T., (7th /ii.inf.) 221 Elliott, Daniel 167 Elliott, DavidB 338 EUiott, David L 136 Elliott, Bdward N 9, 11 EUiott, Edward P., (143d /nd.inf) 163 Elliott, Edward P., (136th Ind. Inf.) 424 EUiott, George 150 Elliott, George S 306 Elliott, GeorgeW 299 Elliott, Harriaon 404 Elliott, Heury C 118,422 ElUott, Hiram 365 Elliott, laaac H 267 Elliott, Jacob Y 285 EUiott, Jamea 407 Elliott, James R 334 Elliott, Jaraes S 144 Elliott, Jesae j. 22 EUiott, Joel H 13 EUiott, John F 272 EUiott, JohnW 34 Elliott, Jonathan 422 Elliott, Juliua 194 Elliott, LovIC 422 Elliott, Luke 347 Elliott, Noyes B 314 EUiott, PhUip F .196 Elliott, RobertP 140 Elliott, Samuel W 113 EUiott, Sanford 149 Elliott, WllU»ra B 420 ElUott, WUUam M 280 Elliott, William N 184 EUiott, WiUiam R 23 EUiott, WiUiam W 300 ElUs, AUen G 166 ElUa, Amory P 351 EUis, CharleaS., (Sth /nd. inf.) 39 Ellis, Charles S., (153d /n d. inf ) 173 Ellis, Charles S , (138th /nd. inf.) 425 EUia, EdwardP. W 236 BUla, Prank 142 EUia, Hamilton E 98 ElUa, Jehu 28 494 INDEX OP NAMES. ElUs, John 359 EUis, John C 54 EUis, John H., (84th /nd. inf.) 142 EUia. John H., (106th /nd. inf.) 163 EUia, Milo D 145 EUia, Palemon P 328 EUia, Robert H .385 EUia, Samuel A 351 EUis, Thomas A 136 EUia, Thomaa R 171 EUia, WUliara B., (79th Ind. inf. ) 137 ElUs, William B., (7th /?id. Inf.) 415 EUia, WilUamH 407 BUla. WiUiam R 106 Ellison, Jacob F 26 EUison. Judaon B '. 432 Ells, Orlando D 222 Ellston, WllllamT 171 Ellsworth, Allen 384 Bllaworth, Henry G 170 Ellsworth, Maurice P 357 Ellsworth. .Morris P 272 Ellsworth, P. Harvey 370 EUsworth, Richard D 192 Bllaworth, Will B 1 Ellward, John H 304 Elmore, Charlea W 154 Elmore, Robert E 263 Elston, Isaac C, jr., (llth /nd. inf., 3-years) ...44 Elston, Isaac C., jr., (Uth Ind. Inf., 3-montbs).4l8 Elston, William P 425 Elting, William' R 218 Elton, Samuel 431 Elward, John H 437 Elwood, Benjarain F 39 Elwood, Isaac 197 Elwood, Jaraes G 363 Embree, David P 96 Embree, James T 120 Emdon, -olomon P 199 Emerson, Edwin B 349 Emerson, Francia M 69 Emeraon, Prank 128 Eraery, Charles, (91st and 124tb /nd.inf). 148, 156 Emery, Charlea, (SSth Ind. inf.) 419 Emery, CharlesF 382 Emery, Edmund 349 Emery, Samuel S 280 Emery, WUliam S 138 Emmerson. John W 1 20 Emmons, Frank A _ 400 Emmons, James M 422 Enimuna, John Ut Eramons, L .wrence E 400 Emory. John R 104 Encking, Johu P 36 Endeeott, Samuel H 124 Endicott, Joaeph N 120 Endsley, Henry M 131 Engel, Charlea 2H6 Eugelmano, Adolph 286 Engelsted, Einaiuel, (1.56th /ii.inf.) 409 Engelsted, Emanuel, (I32d /ii. inf.) 4.34 Engle, Erimund 156 Engle, Hughs 28 Engle, Massena 142 Engleman, Jaraea A 115 English, George H 265 English, WiUiamL 3f)4 Enloe, laaac N 254 Euloe, Samuel G 396 | Enlow, AndrewJ 69 Enlow, Elijah 96 Enlow, Thomaa J 349 Ennia, David 63 Ennia, Leonard 63 Ennis, Thomaa W 63 Buo, John H 335 Bno, Newton G 146 Enoch, Hiram R., (67th /Zi. inf.) 4.32 Enoch, Hirara R., (132d III. inf.) 434 Enochs, Samuel 4 Ensey, Isaac V. C 62 Enaey, JohnB 184 Ensign. Almon W 2 Ensley Nicholas 100 Ensminger, John A 394 Ensminger, PhUip 385 Ensminger, Samuel 44 BphUn, Edward L 41 Epperson, James S 138 Epperson, Squire A 188 Erbe, Arthur 250 Erdelmeyer, Frank 80 Erick, Bnos W 147 Erickson, Cliristian 341 Erickson, OUver 308 Erskine, Albert 200 Ervin, Hugh 257 Ervin, James M 360 Ervin, WUUam 345 Ervlng, Joel T 390 Erwin, Charlea K 290 Brwin, George 288 Erwin, Hugh 67 Erwin, William 243 Erwio. WiUiam S 326 Eakridge. Jaraes A 424 Eaou, John P. W 356 Espey, Hugh 24 Espy, Harvey J 129 Bi-py, S. Barlow 381 Essiek, Charles P 382 EssUnger, I-idore 80 Estabrook, George H., (7th HI. inf., 3-years). 221 Estabrook George H., (7th III. int., 3-raontha) 429 Estabrook, Henry N 222 Este, James D 143 Batep, George 27 Estill, Isaac B 258 Estill, Samnel 380 Estill. William J 257 Btheridge, John 188 Buler, PhUip 424 Evans, Andrew H 3 Evana, CD 5 Bv,ans, David E 391 Evans, David 8 130 Evana, De WittC 96 Evans, Finis 440 Evans, George M 321 Evans, George W., (14th HI. cav.) 202 Evans, George W., (60th III. int.) 318 Evana, Hurry M., (14th HI. cav.) 202 Bvans, Harry M., (139th III. inf.) 438 Evana, Hiram 108 Bvans, James 374 Evans, John D., (Bth Ind. cav.) 14 Evana, John D., (6th Ind. inf) .415 Evans, Marion P 104 Evans, Mark M 232,310 Evans, Moses 359 INDEX OP NAMES. 495 Evans, Nathan 120 Bvans, Rowland N 243 Evans, Seth R 184 Evans. Thomas M 426 Evana, WilUam P. P 92 Evans, Wi Ham II 347 Evans, William J 384 Evans, William M 362 Evans. William O 438 Evarts, Jereraiah 392 Evarts, Orpheua 62 Evarts, William W 433 Everest, Jaraea G 232 Everett, Frank B 132 Eveiett, Joseph H 187 Everett, Lewis P 427 Everett, Samuel W., (10th HI. inf., 3-yGars). 227 Everett, Samuel W., (10th /ii.inf., 3-months) -430 Everett, WiUiam D 139 Everhart. Joaeph M 172 Everingham, George B 321 Everly, John 370 Eversol, Cyrna M 203 Eversole. Daniel L 59 Everta, Alvin 202 Everts, Lewia H 302 Evey, Samuel T 157 Ewart, James 178 Ewell, Joseph B 302 Ewen, Henry J 363 Ewer, A. I. D 326 Ewing, Addison L 125 Ewing, Alexander K., (128th Ind. inf.) 157 Ewing, Alexander K., (46th /nd. Inf.) 102 Ewing, David A 94 Ewing, Henry A 234 Ewing, Henry H 164 Ewing, James J 370 Ewing, .lames T., C58th /»d. Inf.) .120 Ewing, Jamea T., (135th III. inf.) 436 Ewing, Jarrard 203 Ewing, John H 257 Ewiog, Joaeph H 184 Ewing, Milton A 436 Ewing, Oliver H. P., (1st Ind. heavy art.) 22 Ewing, Oliver H. P., (60th Ind. int.) 124 Ewing, -Samuel M 391 Ewing, Simon D 120 Exter, Frederick 285 Byman, Lewia J 382 Fabrique, Andrew H US Packney. .lames 349 Pahnestock, Allen L 348 Fahneatock, Jacob L 318 Pahnestock, John 418 Pahnestock. John T 227 Pahnestock, Orrin S 418 Pahnestnck, Richard T 417 Pairbaii ks. Charlea 429 Fairbanks, Crawford 1.59 Fairbanks. Williara H., (31st Ind. inf.) 78 Fairbanks. WilUamH., (149th /nd. inf ) 169 Piiiiiield, George N 124 Fairfield, Micaiah P 203 Fairfield. Samuels .326 Fairman, GnUio H 274 Fairmon, William, (ISlat Til. Inf.) 404 Fairmon, William, (139th /ii. inf.) 438 Pake, Friilerick L 3.il Falconer , Enoch G 429 Fales, WiUard 74 Falkinburg, Thomas S UO Pallia, John 179 Fnllia, Sarauel D UO Fallon, Wealey P 186 Pallou, George W 69 Falls, Jamea W 118 Fanning. George W 364 Fanning, Joab M : 364 Paris, Benjamin R 41 Faris, James H 431 Paris. William H 96 Parley, Benjamin 9 Farley, Benjamin P 381 Farley, Jaraes A 115 Farley, Thomas P., (2.5th batt'y /nd. it. art.). .36 Farley, ThomaaP., (136th /nd. inf.) 424 Parmer, William L 340 Farnan, Jamea 184 Farncaworth, Elon J 190 Farnham, Alanson 406 Parnsworth, Hiram W 358 Parnaworth, John P 1 90 Farnum, Asa 357 Farnuin, George L 422 Farquhar, John M 351 Farquhar, WiUiam L 156 Farr, Charles 231 Farr, Jefferson O 82 Parra, Reuben B., (19th /nd. inf.) 59 Farra, Reuben B., (.55th /nd. inf.) 419 Farrar, Abram P 85 Farrar, HartweU P 296 Farrar, John P , 309 Farrar, Joaiah 151 Farrar. Stephen A 309 FarroU, Frank H 296 Farrell, John 1 Farrlngton, G. E 143 Parria, Bedford L 148 Farria, John W 296 Farrow, WiUiamL., (43d Ind. int.) 98 Parrow, WiUiam L., (78th Ind. Inf.) 420 Farwell, Gladden L 257 Fnsaett, Harmon C 146 Faat. OrlaJ 152 Fateley, David A 82 Faucett, Abel J 122 Faucett, Jaraes 108 Faucett, Levi H 92 Faulkner, Alexander 321 Faulkner, George W ...-92 P^aulkner, Jaraea R 242 Faulkner, John H 61 Faulkner, Williara D .348 Faulkner, Williara J 422 Faust, Emanuel 292 Pavor, Otia S 368 Pawcett, wniiam 417 Fawkner, George S 16 Fay, G.orge H., (147th HI. inf) 400 Fay, George H. , (140th /li. inf.) 438 Pebles, JohnC 13 Fee, Charlea D 299 Fee, Jaraea F 78 Fee, Jaraes W 362 Fee, Marcellus 1 40 Peeley, Patrick 324 Feeney, Patrick 3.52 Feland, WUliara 861 Feldcamp, Reimer C 286 Felkner, John 139 496 INDEX OP NAMES. Fellows, AlbertW 279 Fellows, Dorus 70 Fellows, JamesW 14^ Fellows, WUliam W 390 FeU, John W 340 Felter, John H 182 Felton, Charles H 217 Fender, Andrew 296 Fender, John M 141 Fenee, Araoa 385 Fenton, Frank B 213 Penton, WUliara 159 Fentreaa. William H 89 Pergeraon, Francia L 318 Fergus, James 416 Fergus, Samuel B 221 Ferguson, Benjamin H 380 Ferguson, Daniel 379 Ferguson, George 358 Ferguaou, George R 405 Perguaon, Henry C, (23d /nd iof) 65 Ferguson, Henry C3., (144th /nd. inf.) 164 Ferguson, Jackson 148 Ferguson, Jamea R 108 Perguaon, John 2 Ferguson, Levi 166 Ferguson, M. E 366 Ferguson, N. P 284 Ferguson, Robert A 164 Perguaon, William 75 Ferguson, William B 316 Ferguson, WUliam H 221 Ferguson, William T 162 Ferre, Azariah C 203 Ferree, Charles M 113 Ferree, Jaraes J., (9th /ii. inf, 3-year8) 225 Ferree, James J,, (9th III. int., 3-moulhs) 430 Ferree, John H 117 Ferrell, Charles M 259 Ferrier, .Samuel T 3, 4 Ferrier, Thomaa E 290 Ferriraan, William 276 Perrin, William H 278 Ferris, Frank B., (12th III. int., 3-years) 231 Ferria, Frank B., {12th III. inf., 3-raontha) -..431 Ferria, Jamea P 272 Ferria, Joel 103 Ferria Thomaa J 296 Ferris, WUUam P 321 Ferry, John H., (7th Ind. int., 3-years) 38 Ferry, John H., (7th Ind. int., 3-raonths) 415 Ferson, Charlea - 439 Feraon, Henry A 439 Ferson, Sherraan C 332 Fesler, Georgo L 72 Pealer, Jacob 438 Fesler, Jesse 65 Pesler, John R 72 Pealer, Peter 72, 131 Pealer, WUliam H 63 Fey, Henry 3.53 Fichter, Frederick 286 Pickas, Frank W 163 Pickaa, John T 153 Fickle, Georgo B 379 Fieber, John D .349 Field, George W 369 Field, Henry L 389 Field, Nathaniel 127 Field, Silas W., (Uth /ii. inf., 3-years) 229 Field, SUaa W., (Uth Ul. inf., .3-montha) 431 I Field, WilUam H 397 Fielder, Sarauel R 117 Fielding, George A 44 Fielding, Tiraothy J 78 Fielda, Eugene 398 Fields, Henry R 19 Fields, Jaraea, (18th HI. inf.) 240 Fields, Jaraea, (40th 111. inf.) 280 Fielda, John 150 Fielda, Joahua M 310 Fields, Martin G 78 Fielda, Samuel H 22 Fife, Joel A ' .333 Pifer, George H 268 FIfleld, John C 190 Pifleld, ZacheuaB 41 Figg, Joseph B 280 Pike, Cyrua 1 59 Pike, Henry C 383 Fike, JohnW 383 Pile, Enoch J 247 FIlea, Jamea P 310 Fllger, John 336 PUkins, Bdward A 242 FUler, J. Warren 431 FUler, Joseph W 321 Fillmore, John H 307 Finch, Charlea S 69 Finch, Edgar A 186 Pinch, George 0 157 Pinch, Heneage B 82 Pinch, WUli.-.m O 248 Finch, WiUlaniP ¦ 125 Pinch, William W 157 FIneiran, Jaraea 115 Finger, Bernhard * 205 Fink, Christian 256 Fink. Jacob 307 Finley, John A., (47th /ii. inf ) 294 Finley, John A., (138th /ii. inf ) 437 Finley, John H., (I6lh /nd. inf.) 53 Finley, John H., (69th ind. inf.) 130 Finley, Oliver 390 Finley, Roberts 261 Finley, Weston C 139 Finn, Edmund, (13th /nd.inf) 48 Finn, Edmund, (68th /nd.inf,) 189 Finney, Charlea W^ 143 Finney, David S 234 Finney, George E 59,62 Finney, James S 186 Pinney, Joel J., (57th Ind. inf.) 118 Finney, Joel J., (147th Ind. int.) 167 Finney, Russel P 9, 11 Finney, Sarauel T 37 Finney, Wm. P 386 Finucan, Jamea, (23d/ii. iuf ) 248 Finucan, Jamea, (65th III. iuf.) 336 Pirea, Thomaa J 143 Fischer, Augustua H 369 Fiacher, Jacob 298 Fiacher, Louia 225 Placus, John R 55 Fish, Charies 19 Fish, Charlea D 272 Pish, CharlesH 302 Flab, Ebenezer 440 Fish, Ezra 380 Pish, Tilghman 5 Fisher, Abraham S 106 Fisher, Benjamin S 57 INDEX OF NAMES. 497 Fisher, Charies A 80 Fiaher, Charlea F 102 Fiaher, Chesselden 332, 333 Fisher, Ditmar 67 Fiaher, F.den H 2J Fiaher, Eliaa 53 Fisher, BUie 3155 Fiaher, Francis P 307 Piahcr, Henry 326 Fisher, Hiram G 84 Fiaher, Jaraea 56 Fiaher, Jamea A 13 Fiaher, Jamea M 355 Fisher, Jobn 322 Fiaher, John H 307 Fiaher, JohnW., (12th /ii. Inf , 3-vears) 230 Fisher, John W., (12th /ii. inf., 'J-monthai 431 Plaher, Joseph D ISO Fisher, Joseph E 198 Fisher, Josephs., (84th /;jd. inf) 142 Plaher, Joaeph S., (7th III. Uif.) 221 Fisher, Michael 180 Fisher, Mormau 17 Fisher, NeU 306 Fisher, Otto 271 Fiaher, PniUp B 198,206 Fisher, Samuel 0 421 Fiaher, TiUmon H 9,11 Fisher, William 230 Fiaher, WilliamB 299 Fisher, WiUiam H 131 Fiaher, WilUam M ISO PIsl;, PrankUn 182 Flak, Harry 38 Flak, Leander B 291 Pialar, JohnC 27 Pitch, Alvah B 1 91 Pitch, Appleton H 438 Fitch, Benjamin P 395 Fitch, Charles 68 Pitch, Fred 102 Fitch, G. N 102 Pitch, George W 329 Fitch, John A 207, 210 Fitch, Loren L 409 Pitch, T. D 284 Pitch, William J 53 Fite, John 0 - 186 Pithiau, WiUiam H 274 FUler, Jacob C 2 Fitton, Henry F 124 Pitts, JohnW 386 Fitts, MontravIUe 203 Pitzer, John 247 Fitzgerald, Edmond 304 Fitzgerald, James J 248 Fitzgerald, Jenkina A 131 Fitzgerald, Maurice 248 Fitzgerald, Nicholaa 440 PUzgerald, Paley W 122 Fitzgerrell, Jamea J 340 Fitzhugh. Lee M 5 Pltzpati ick, Michael, (35th hid. inf ) 87 FUzpatiIck, Michael, (5.3d /nd. inf.) US Fitzsimmons, George W 76 Pitzsiinraons, Joseph P 368 Fitzwllliaras, .Tames 86 Flack, WMIamC UO Flagg, Benjamin S 190 Flagg, George W 190 Planeburg, David 25 32 Flanigan, Andrew C 155 Flannigan, Jamea W 310 Flanaburg, Nelson 312 Fleece, Jacob H Ul Fleehart, Johu 155 Pleek, Henry 94 Pleiahbein, Charles P 433 Fleming, Charles B 225 Fleraing, Dickson 417 Fleming, Jacob , 299 Fleraing. James C .391 Fleming, John A. P 306 Plemlng, Joseph T 82 Fleming, Peter W 424 Fleraing, Robert H 200 Fleming, Thomas A 108 Fletcher, Alfred 379 Fletcher, Amos II., (16th /ii. cav.) 205 Fletcher, Amoa H., (batty (!, Sd III. It. art.) ..214 Fletcher, Jacob E 150 Fletcher, Juliua B 248 Fletcher, Robert B , 9 Fletcher, Stephen K 4Q0 Fletcher, William M 419 Flick, Daniel W 240 Flickengcr, Frank M 142 Fliun, Azriel W 69 Flinn, John 415 Flinn, John M ul Flinn, John T UO, 113 FUnn, I'homaa 150 Flint, William H 200 Flood, Ira A 361 Flood, Jamea P., (batt'y C, 2d III. light art.).. 214 Flood, Jamea P., (10th III. inf.) 430 Flook, Henry R 82 Florence, John W 286 Florer, 'i'homaa W 71 plory, Aaron M 102 Flowera, Charlea T 125 Flowers, John W 334 Floyd, Abner 143 Floyd, Charles H 299 Floyd, John Q. A 177 Floy.l, John R 326 Floyd, JohuT., (12th //id inf.) 46 Floyd, John T., (101st /«d. inf ) 153 Floyd, Mahlon H 136 Floyd, Spencer B 386 Floyd, William R 310 Floyd, WUliamson R 436 Fluhart, Edward W., (25th batt'y /nd. It. art.)-35 Fluhart, Edward W., (118th /»d. inf.) 422 Fluakey, Bela H 212 Flynn, Bernard 254 Flynn, George W 252 Plynn. Patrick 352 Flynn, Thomaa H 395 Plynn, WUliam 86 Fobes, Albert D 146 Fobea, Bdward 152 Fobea Uriah P 382 Focht, WlUIam H 142 Pogarty, Stephen 318 Foley, James 272 Polev, Johu 321 Foley, Patrick 248 Foley, WiUiam H 3 Folger, Henry A 435 Polks. John H 254 Foljambe, Edwin S 106 498 INDEX OP NAMES. Follett, John M 267 Folaom, Lysander B 364 Pond.a, John G 178,198,384 Pondey, William B 240 Pones, Harry 377 Foote, Ebenezer L 202 Foote, Horace S 14 Foote, Lucien A., (14th /nd. Inf) 50 Foote, Lncien A., (133d /nd.inf,) 423 Forbes, Henry C 188 Forbes, Stephen A 188 Ford AusuhtnsC 78 Ford, Benjamin F.,(14th /ii.inf.) 233 Forrl, Berji.min F., (25th /ii. inf ) 252 Ford, C.aswell P 2S2 Ford, Chariea R 334 Ford, Cornelius R 205 Fold, David J 371 Ford, Prancia 124 Ford, Pr.ank 267 Ford, Jaraea, (Sth Tnd. int., 3-yeara) 39 Ford, James, (Sih /nd.inf., 3-monthB) 416 Ford, Jamea H. S 173 Ford, John H 149 Ford, Jnhuaton 94 Ford, Robert .1 331 Ford, Rufus H 355 Ford, Saranel H 245 Ford, Williara 203 Ford, WilUam B 203 Fold, WlUiarnS 247 Pordice, WUliam A 420 Forelander, John 72 Foreman, (George W 129 Forgy, Sterne W 263 Forgy, Theodore B 102 Forman, George ,S 94 Forman, William P 186 Forney, D.iolol 160 Forreat, Williara 146 Forahee, Thomas W 350 Porase, Eric 312 Porster, Marcua P 410 PorFtme3'er, l-rall 80, 81 Forsyth, AlbertP 150 Forsyth, Francis 269 Forsyth, George A 190 For.ayth. James S 369 Forsyth. John 234 Port, Greenbury L., (Uth III. inf., 3-years) ..228 Port. Greenbury L., (llth /ii.inf., 3-inonths) .431 Port, JohnW 426 Forth, Jaraea M 376 Forth, Josiah 1 Fortner, Alfr-dJ 14 Fortner, Hujih 85 Fortner. .Sanford 153 Fortune, Thomas W 331 Fosdick, Albert C 10 Poadick, Johu S 74 Fosha , Edwin J 353 Foakett, Hora ce B 389 Foaa. George B 40 1 Foster, Albert 339 Foater, A.exander H 69 Poater, Alexauder M 2 Foster, Alraou 19 Foater, Alon zo 54 Poater, Benjamin T 372 Poater, DanielP 187 Poater, Edgar J 137 Foster, EdwardP 149 Foster, Edwin R 339 Fester, EU 76 Foster, Frank J 201 Foster, George 241 Foster, George W 361 Foster, Henry C 65 Foster, Isaiah 275 Foater, James 177 Foster, James D 120 Poster, James J 1 32 Foster, Jerome M 380 Poster, Joel W 52 Foster, John 376 Foster, John H 130 Poster, JohnM 19 Poater, John W., (25th and 65th Ind. int.) 69, 126 Foater, John W., (136th Ind. Inf.) 424 Foster, Jouathan 298 Poster, Joaeph W 284 Poster, MUton E 261 Foster, Robert J 198 Foster, Robert M 382 Poster, Roberts., (13th /nd. inf ) 48 Poster, Roberts., (llth /nd. inf.) 418 P^oster, Samuel 23 Poster, Samuel J 349 Foster, Simon S 361 Poater, Wallace 418 Poater, Wallaces 48 Foater, WUliam C 49 Pouke, Joaeph T 261 Pouke, Philip B 261 Foulke, WUliam L 338 Fountain, Orlando, (47th /Zi. inf.) 294 Fountain, Orlando, (86th /ii. inf.) 348 Fountain, Solomon H 157 Pountain, TheopUua T 200 Foiintleroy, Eugene 244 Pout, Prederlck W 31 Foutch, William W 255 Pouts, Henry H 118 Fonta, Jamea 93 Ponta, Thoraas D 423 Fonts, WUliam D 139 Fowler, AdamC 190 Fowler, Alexander, (15th Ind.int) .52 Fowler, Alexander, (99th /nd. inf.) 151 Fowler, Ephraim M 163 Fowler, George P 440 Fowler, Harvey G 354 Fowler, WilUamH 163 Fowler, Williara L 392 Fox, Barton W 195 Fox, Charlea 276 Pox, Chariea H 364 Fox, George W 433 P^x, Henry C 118 Pox, Jacob J 119 Pox, James D 205 Pox. Joseph W 48 Fox, Leonidas, (Slat Ind. inf.) Ul Fox, Leouldas, (57th and 84th /nd. inf.) ..119, 142 Pox, Pliny L 434 Fox, Driah J 271 Fox, William W 367 Foy, James M 179 Fozard, Edwin _ 340 Fraikes, William H SfiS Praker, Jacob 261 Praker, Joseph 140 INDEX OP NAMES. 499 Frame, Robert A 334 France. Frank 163 France, Samuel 152 Prancia, Edwin S 437 Francis, Henry L 53 Francis, James K 48 Francis, Thomas E 426 Francis, Tbomas N 221 Francis, Williara, (.52d Ind. inf) 113 Francis, WiUium, {7th /nd. inf.) 415 Francis, William A 386 p^'aiicisco, Alfred 391 Francisco, Allen 391 Prane, John 279 Frank, Adam 26 PVaiik, Francia M 324 Frank, Frederick 44 Prank, Mayer A 341 Frankfoder, David 162 Frai'klin, Angerau 211 Franklin, Benjarain 42 Franklin, Jaraea A 422 Franklin, John 356 Franks, WUliara ; 372 Franzman, Peter 48 Frary, Roderick B 438 Fraser, Andrew H 300 Fraser, Dwight 157 Pi user, JoshUH G 157 Frauenberg, Chriatopher 61 Fravel, Thoophllua A 19 Frazee, Aaron, (86th /nd. inf.) 144 Fi-Hzec. Aaron, (148th /nd. inf) 168 Frazee, laaac N 152 Frazee, Jamea H 114 Frazee, Jaraea W 15 Frazer, Isaac 350 Frazer, John B 135 Frazier, Hugh B 343 Frazier, John A 134 Frazier, Joseph 186 Frazier, Orlando W., (59th /ii.inf.) 316 Frazier, Oriando W., (144th /iZ.lnf.) 398 Frazier, Samuel 431 Frazier, Simeon 422 Prederlck, Charles H 316 Frederick, Lafayette 149 Frederick, Perry 294 Freeburn, Jamea 230 Freed, John R., (117th /nd. inf.) 421 Freed, John R., (137th /nd. inf.) 425 Freeland, Benjamin H 82 Freeland, John A 245 Freeland, John T 82 Freeland, WilUam P 298 Freeguard, Chas. C 354 Freeman, GeorgeW 196 Freeman , Jamea S 1 95 Freeman, Julius A., (8th III cav.) 190 Freeman, Juliua A., (104th III. inf.) 368 Freeman. Lewis C 88 Freeman. Matthew 381 p^reemau, Samuel A 76 Freeman, Timothy J 355 Freeman, W. W 387 Freeman, William. (7th Ind. cav.) 13 Freeman, WUliam, (52d Ind. inf.) 113 Freeman, WUliam S 157 French. Alvin S - 380 French, Edward L 402 French, Francis 130 French , Henry D 330 P'ronch, George W. , (4th Ind. cav. ) 7 French, GeorgeW., (128th /ii. inf.) 394 French, John F 348 French, John S 154 French, Milton A 247 I'rench, Nathaniel B 96 French. Orlando L 333 FrosenluB, Edward \ 196 Prey, Christopher 237 Prey, Brail, (24th /ii. inf ) 250 Frey, Emil, (83d /ii. inf.) 341 Freyburger, Michael 189 Freyaleben, Gustavus 288 Friccius, WiUiam. (24th /ii. inf ) 250 Friccius, William, (44th /ii. inf.) 289 Frick, George 286 Prick, John 44 Frick. John B 274 Friday, Bdward L 227 Fridricks, PhiUp J 282 Friederick, Charlea 251 Friedley, George W 128 Friedley, William M., (fi7th /nr2. iuf.) 128 Friedley, WUliam M., (134th /nd. inf ) 423 Pried ly, George W 68 I'rledrich, I-Ingo 200 Friend, Joaeph L ISO Frierson, Johu R 360 Frisbie, Denison C, (147th /ii. Inf ) 400 Frisbie, Ueniaon C, (I42d /ii. Inf.) 4.19 IMsliie, Henry L 379 Frisbie, Henry N 274 Frisbie. Orton 244 Pritch, Julius 250 Fritts, Thomas I S, 15 Fritz, August 286 P^ritz, Jaraes 237 Pritze, Charies 250 Frizell, John 318 Froelich, John J 247 Frohock, William T 290 Proman, Anderaon 382 Frost, Samuel 345 IVost, William D 269 Frost, William H 354 Frost, WUliam S 333 Pry, Alfred 134 Pry, Jaenb 320 Pry, Jamea R 20 Pry, Sarauel P 52 Pry, Thoinaa W., ar., (llth Ind. inf, 3-years) 45 Pry, Thomaa W., ar., (Uth Ind. inf., 3-mos.) 418 Fry, Thomaa W., jr., (Uth Ind. inf., 3-yearB) 44 Pry, Thomas W., jr., (Uth Ind. infantry, 3- months) 418 Pry, William A 394 Frybarger, WUliam W 25 Fuchs, George W., (24th /Zi. inf) 260 Fucha, George W., (82d /ii. inf.) 341 Pueaa, Joseph 286 Pulka, R. B 267 Puller, Alonzo W 406 Fuller, Benjamin 115 Fuller, Chariea H 382 Puller, Eraatus 438 Puller, Eugene 409 Puller, Francia 276 Puller, Henry C 197 Fuller, Hnry M 326 Puller, Jerome B , 434 500 INDEX OP NAMES. Fuller, Joseph B 394 Fuller, Loring P 314 FuUer, Mason A 259 Fuller, Robert 23 Puller, Sidney L 250 Puller, WilUamH 345 FullRrton, Andrew 82 FuUerton, George W 424 FuUerton, Hugh 178 FuUerton, Thomas C 324 Pullyard, James 108 Fulton , Andrew C 84 Fulton, James S 153 Fulton, Lorenzo 59 Pults, Joaiah 37 Punk, Austin C 172 Funk, Juliua 286 Punk, Kaufman 76 Puok, Sidney B 358 Funke, Otto 196 Punkhouaer, John 361 Funkhouser, John J., (26th III inf.) 254 Funkhouser, John J., {98th /ii. inf.) 361 Puqua, Andrew W 137 Purgaaon, Oliver P., (27th Ind. Inf.) 72 Furgason, Oliver P., (148th Ind. inf.' 168 Fui geson, Sraith T 437 Purguson, Finley C 195 Fuiguson, Isaac H 194 Furiiald, Herrick G 330 Furrow, George W 39 Furry, Joseph R 362 Puraman, Henry C 372 Pusaell, Jo'ahua L 84 Pusaelman, Ira B 425 Fye, Josiah D 439 Fyffe, James R 267 Gadd, Joseph C 361 Gaddis, Alfred 5 Gaffney , John 403 Gaffney Matthew 17 Gage. Daniel A 201 Gage, Moaea D 47 Gage, Thomaa 240 Gageby, David B 38 Gainea, Edwin Y 148 Gainca, Homer 437 Gainea, Thomaa W 299 Gainey, Alexander H 98 Galazio, Charlea G 86 Galbralth, Andrew 404 Galbralth, Aahley P 296 Galbralth, FrankUn M 296 Galbralth, W, M 296 Galbralth, Williara M 34 5 Galbreath, Milton 170 Gale, Abel S 215 Gale, Jaraea M 257 Gale, Rufua, (Sth Ind. cav.) 14 Gale, Rufua, (6th /nd. inf.) 415 Gale, Williara 312 Gale, Williara H 288 GaU, Alois D 48 Gallagher, A. J 396 Gallagher, Andrew P., (4th /nd. cav.) 8 Gallagher, Andrew P., (12th /nd.inf) 45 Gallagher, Arthur J Igg Gallagher, Edvi'ard 312 GaUagher, Hugh D,, (13th Ind. inf.) 48 Gallagher, HughD., (35th /nd. inf.) 86 GaUagher, John J 139 Gaucher, WUliam B 330 Galligan, Edward 85 Galliher, Cyrua J 180 Gallino, Benjarain D 192 Gallion, Uriah G 269 Gallion, WilUam G 227 Galloway, Cyrus M 247 Galvin, Michael 280 Galvin, Thomas F 280 Galway, William P 390 Gamble, David C 328 Gamble, George H 191 Gamble, Horace 134 Gamble, Jamea E 25 Gamble, John C 343 Gamb'e, WilUara 1 90 GammiU, Sarauel P 138 Gano, Eliaha 363 Gapen, Michael 258 Gapin, John P 174 Garber, Samuel B 194 Garboden, WUliam H 15 Gard, Richard L 214 Gard, Sylvaoua 186 Gard, WiUiara P 71 Gard, Wilson 214 Gardner, Andrew G 160 Gardner, Benjamin F 235 Gardner, Benjarain M 182, 198 Gardner, George H 232 Gardner, Hezekiah 363 Gardner, Horatio S 1 Gardner, Isaac K 300 Gardner, James A _ 108 Gardn er, Joel 396 Gardner, John H 52 Gardner, John S 357 Gardner, Levi S 71 Gardner, William H ...16 Gardner, William J 214 Gardner, WUliara P 382 Garetaon, John S 321 Garlak. .Tamea A 86 Garland, Richard H 175 Gariand, WiUiam J 257 Garlock, Abram D 284 Garner, John R 202 Garner, JohnW., (.57th Ii:d. Inf) 119 Garner, John W., (97th Ind. int.) 150 Garrard, John S 4,15 Garretson, George C. 130 Garrett, Anthony, l46th /nd. inf.) 102 Garrett, Anthony, (63d /nd. inf.) 125 Garrett, Benjamin F 178 Garrett, James H 22 Garrett, John 115 Garrett, John M 18 Garrett, John S 343 Garrett, Joseph M 331 Garrett, Lewis B 132 Garrett, Lyraan D 405 Garrett, Natbau 13 Garrett, Silaa J 379 Garrett, Squire D. W 72 Garrigus, Milton 162 Garrigus, Milton S 425 Garriott, Peachy A 242 Garrison, Harod D 8 Garrison, James L. P 113 Garrison, Thoraas J US Garten, Jaraes H 148 INDEX OP NAMES. 501 Garten, Zirary V 148 Garternicht, Fred., (84th III inf.) .345 Garternicht, Frederick, (28th HI. int) 257 Garthwait, PVanklin 169 Garver, David 55 Garver, Henry P 59 Garver, Jamea A. , (Sth /«d. cav. ) 14 Garver, James A., (135th Ind. inf.) 424 Garver, WUliam 1 53 Garwood, George W 230 Garwood. WUIIamL 355 Gary, George S 321 Gash, H. W 237 GaskiU, James R. M 290 GaskiU, John W 132 GaskiU, Nelson 132 Gaskins, Elias Ul Gaskins, William 263 Gasa. Harris J 144 Gaaa, John H 390 Gaasaway, Henry 374 Gastineau, Henry 1 50 Gaston, James M 188 Gaston, Joaeph W., (.59th III. lufl 317 Gaston, Joaeph W., ( 102d /ii. iuf.) 355 Gatch, Benjamin P 54 Gatch, Jamea D 54 Gates, Eraatus M 311 Gates, Frederick S 391 Gates, Lawrence 135 Gates, Robert W 190 Gates, Wesley 136 Gaty, Henry 402 Gauen, Jacob B 298 Gauae, Samuel S 423 Gavett, Marcus A 67 Gavin, Jamea, (7th Lid. inf., 3-year8) 38 Gavin, James, (7th /«< inf., 3-raontba) 415 G.ivln, James, (134th //id. inf ) 423 Gavitt Johns 2 Gay, Alvin, (40th /nd. inf ) 94 Gay, Alvin, (10th Ind. Inf.) 417 Gay, Jerome A 437 Gay, JohnH 221 Gayer, Jamea S 2M9 Gazlay, Carter 91 Gearhart, J. Stanley 190 Gebhardt, William 288 Geddes, Alexauder W .384 Geddea, Cyrua M 384 Geer, Allen M 243 Geer, William H 284 Geeting, John A 269 Gegner. George 160 Geiger, Frederick 424 Geiger, George 132 Geiger, Williara M 78 Gelaendorff Prederlck W. . .-¦ 61 Geiaendorff, George W 61 Geiaendorff, Harry 61 Geiainger, John ' 152 Gelwick, Michael A 165 Geniinn, Jacob 402 Gemmer, PhiUp 144 Gentry, AUeu 96 Gentry, George C 259 Gentry, Jamea M 152 Gentry, Levy P 365 Gentry, Thomas P 420 Gentry, Zachariah B 174 Georgia,- Andrew 246 George, Caldine 32 George, Ezekiel 241 George, G. Jaaper 280 George, John B .52 George, Sylvanus B 135 George, William G 267 Gerard, Jerome B 421 Gerard, JohnW 127 Gerard, Sarauel 408 Gerber, John, (24th Ind. int.) 68 Gerb'r, Johu, (6th Ind. int.) 416 Gerdea, Barnard 440 Gerhardt. Hugo 250 Gerhardt, John W 241 Gerhardy, Auguatua 250 Gerisher, Adolph 205 Gerkin, Henry 141 Gerlach, Juhn 80 German, Lewia 309 Gerraau, WUliam 379 Gerrlah, James W. P" 128 Geschwind. Necolas 382 Gcat, Lewis H 71 Getinan. Jamea M 284 Getty, Jamea S 100 Getty, William 29 Geyer, .lacob R 161 Ghere, WUliam H 152 Gibbon, George W 106 Gibbona, Jaraes 265 Gibbons. John J 321 GIbba, Alberto 330 Gibba, WUliara H : 235 Gibba, WUliamP 205 GIbona, G. Gilbert 431 Gibona, Robert R 324 Gibson, Abel, (69th Ind. Inf.) 130 Gibaon, Abel, (147th /nd. iuf.) 167 Gibaon, AUen ; .321 Gibaon, Andrew P., (45th III inf.) 290 Gibaon, Andrew P., (47th IU. Inf.) .294 (gibaon , Charles 51 Gibson, Gleorge 247 Gibson, Heury S 156 (4ibaon, Isaac 186 Gibaon, James 278 Gibson, John, (60th /ii. Inf ) 318 Gibaon, John, (U4th /ii. Inf ) 380 (Gibson, Jobn L 116 Gibson, JohnP. D 3.50 Gibson, Royal M 115 Gibson, Samuel 375 Gibson, Taylor 167 Gibson, Theodore C, (53r| III int.) 304 Gibson, Theodore C, (llth /Zi. inf.) 431 Gibson, WlUIam H 200 Gibaon, Williara L., (4th /iZ. cav ) 182 Gibson, WiUiamL., {30th IU. inf.) LOI Gibson, William L., (llth III Inf.) 431 Giiidiogs, Bdward 371 (biddings, Josiah 357 Gideon, Samuel 255 Giegoldt, John L 80 Gierhart, Chriatian G 377 Gifford, Bedford W 147 Gifford, Benjamin J., (I3tb III inf) 232 Gifford, Benjamin J., (15th III iuf.) 235 Gifford, Edmund 190 Gifford, Fuhon 302 Gifford, Ira R 192 Gifford, Joseph C U 502 INDEX OF NAMES. Sift, RobertP 332 Gilbert, Alaon J 189 Gilbert, Bciijamia F 5 Gilbert Charles S 191 Gilbert, Christopher 0 294 Gilbert, Edward W 88 Gilbert, PrankUn T 203 Gilbert, He;iry B 323 Gilbert. Jaraes G 298 Gilbert, Othniel 434 Gilbert, WUUara B 210 Gilbreath, Eraaraua C 62 Gilbreath, Warren C 33 Gilchrist, George M 5 Gilchrist, Genrge W 396 Gile, David H 182 Giles, Charles J 63 Giles, Ezekiel, (ISth III. inf.) 235 Giles, Ezekiel, (75th /ii. inf.) 333 Gilea, Ezekiel, (140th III. int.) 438 Gilhara, Henry 154 Gilkeraoii, Thoraas 357 Gilkeraon, William J 423 Gill, C. Judaon 257 GUI, Caleb B 118 GUI, John M 429 Gill, Joaeph 384 GUI, Joseph P 415 Gill, Nelson G 267 Glllara, Barclay C 267 GUIeland, RobertE 362 GUlespie, Alonzo J 233 Gillespie. David 227 Gillespie, David W 375 Gillespie, Jaraea 426 Gillespie, Jamea B 386 Gillespie, Jamea Perry 53 Gillespie, JohnN 192 Gillespie, Judson J. C 432 Gillespie, William, (7th and 83d Ind. inf., 3-years) 38, 141 Gillespie, WUliam, (7th Ind. inf, 3-months).. 4 15 GUleapio, WUUam C. B 282 Gillet, Albert M 333 Gillett Andrew J 307 Giiirti, Daniel J 230 GUlett, Edwin R 292 Gillette, Edwin C 212 Gillette, Frank C 392 GUlham, EraatUB L 395 Gillham, Gershom P 383 Gillham, J. Newton 354 GiUhara, JohnD 383 Gillham, PerryB 391 Glllllan, John 144 GilUland, Josophua C 263 GiUiland, WiUiam F 141 Gilllapie, Joseph W 152 GUIman, George E 400 \ G llinore, David A 4 \ Gillmore, EvangelistJ 358 Gillmore, Hiram 78 Gillmore, Robert A 254 GUIaon, WiUiam C 221 GUlum, Jamea 425 Gilman, Benjamin 232 Gilman, Edward K 430 Gilman, George E 439 Gilman, Jaraea 402 Gilman, Johu, (1533 HI. inf) 406 Gilman, John, (14lBt /ii. inf.) 439 Gilman, John , jr 248 (Jilman, Lemuel O - 235 Gilmer, Daniel H., (38th /ii.inf) 277 Gilraer, DanielH., (,10th /ii. inf.) 4.30 Gilmer, John G 265 Gilmore, Alexander W 42 GUmore, Charles F 11 Gilmore, Cyrus H 225 Gilmore, Ephraim M 198 Gilmore, Prank H 383 Gilmore, John R 304 Gllraore, Robert B 72 (Jilinore, Sarauel 278 GUmore, WilUam M 219 Gilaon, James M 343 Ginn, Thoraas J 25 Gmter, William O 228 Gipson, Cyru- P 198 Gipson, Edwin T., (91at /nd. inf.) 148 Gipaon, Edwin T., {134th /nd. inf.) 423 Girard, Wesley C 112 Girdner, Ephraira L ¦ 127 Girnt, Godhold, (10th III. int.) 227 Girn', Godhold, (9th /ii. inf.) 430 GIsh. OscarH 125 Giahwiller, John 354 GIsae, Adara .59 Githena. WiUiara H., (16th Zii. inf ) 237 Githena, WUliam H., (78th /ii. inf.) 337 Givens, Jeremiah A Ul Givena, John M 150 Givens, William B., (Uth /nd. cav.) 18 Givens, William B,, (60th Ind. inf.) 124 Gladden, Jacob W 132 Gladding, Charlea 330 Gladdiah, Jeremiah C 138 Gladwyn, George C 134 Glancy, Theodore 239 Glanton, Francia P. H. B 160 Glardon, Peter P., (6eth /nd.inf.) 129 Glardon, Peter P., (146th /nd. inf ) 166 Glasner, Daniel 237 G.aaa, Chriatopher C 429 Glaaa, Jacob 81 Glaaa, WilUamD ..186 Glassco, Madison 185 Glasscock, John R. B 37 Glasaner. George 314 Glaze, Henry 383 Glaze, John 132 Gleaaon, Charies H 13 Gleason, Heury J .330 Gleaaon, Jeaae T 65 Gleaaon, Newell 145 Gleaves, Isaac L 348 Gleeson, Michael 248 Glenn, Benjarain G 184 Glenn, David, (32d/ii. inf) 265 Glenn, David, (ISSth /ii.inf) 408 Glenn, Fielding T 299 Glenn, Jacob T 406 Glenn, JohnF 25d Glenn, JohnW 155 Glenn, Michael W 87 Glenn, Robert A 237 Glenn, Sarauel R 2W Glezen, Joseph P -ISS Glick, Eliaa B 95 GUck, Rufua R 125 Glore, James D 54 GloBsbrenner, George P 3211 INDEX OF NAMES. 503 Glove, Jamea H 382 Glover, John B 92 Glover, Slliiiuol B 29 Glover, WilUam B 23 Goad, Georgo H 65 Goad, Jease 55 Goad John 66 Goben, Charlet H 240 Go hen, Frank 43 Goble, Abraham E 276 Goble, Gemenemes, (ISlat III int.) 404 Goble, Gemcnemea, (139th III inf.) 438 Godard, Hariow B 363 Goddard, Alpheus P 355 Goddard, Edward P UO Goddard, George W 263 Goddard, Jamea H 285 God'lard. Lewis W 94 Goddard, W lliara 15 Goddard, William C 318 Godrlard, Williara E 318 Goddard, WiUiam R 236 Godfrey, Edwin R 409 Godfrey, Henry 1 409 Godowu, .lohn M., (12th lad. int.. 1-year) 45 Godown, John M., (12th Ind. inf., 3-yeara) . ..47 Goe, Benjamin P 154 Goelzer, Auguat 124 Goff, Mlltou N 167 Goheen, John G 146 Golay, Aime M 426 Goldei, Wra 309 Golden, Abram 276 Golden, William H 63 Goldsberry, John A 22 Goldsberry, Thomaa M 94 (jroldaborough, Harrison J 174 Goldsmith, Edwin 1.52 Gonsor, Michael 48 Good, George W 136 Good, Uriah 120 Goodbrake, Christopher 243 Goodbrake, Solomon P 188 GoodeU, Jaraes A 360 GoodeU, John W 353 Goodell, WllliamR 261 Goodenow, Nathan C, (15th III cav.) 205 Goodenow, Nathan C, (batt'y A. 2d III. It. art ) 214 Goodfellow, Matthew A 304 Goodheart, John 179 Goodin, Daniel A 165 Goodin, Isaac 84 Gooding, Henry C 387 Gooding, John 53 Gooding, Michael 63 Gooding, Robert 317 Gooding, Wi Ulam M 299 Goodman, Moaea A 374 Goodman, Thomaa -429 Goodnow, James 47 Goodrich, Chariea G lf-2 Goodrich, Jamea M 168 Goodrich, William J .335 Goodapeed, Heury S 320 Goodwin, Anaon 74 Goodwin, Anaon H 171 Goodwin, Azra B 372 Goodwin, Azro E., (llth HI inf.) 431 Goodwin, AzroB., (69th /ii. inf.) 433 (3rOodwin, Benjamin F 385 Goodwin, Carlton A., (U'h Ind. cav.) 18 Goodwin, CaiHon A,, (54th /nd. inf.) ..418 Goodwin, Cyrus B 129 Goodwin, Frederick C 350 Goodwin, Harris A 425 Goodwin, James 44 Goodwin, John R 90 Goodwin, John W., (20th III. Inf.) 243 Giodwin, John W., (138th HI inf) 437 Goodwin, Joseph 382 Goodwin, Joseph P 295 Goodwin, Joahua 280 Goodwin, Joaiah 340 Goodwin, Lewia H 104 Goodwin, Robert M 90 Goodwin, Smith 173 (4onlraaii, William P 39 Gootee, 'Fhoraaa N 58 Gorden, Bdward S 288 Gorden , Thorapaou 295 Gordon, Aaron W 426 Gordon, Anthony E 94 Gordon, Charlea A ,14 Gordon, Ebenezer 139 Gordon, Ge.jr^je L 261 Gordon, George W., (Bth /nd. cav.) 14 Gordon, GeorgeW., (18th /nd. inf.) 57 Gordon Harry 216 Gordon, James ¦ 104 Gordon, Jamea H 186 Gordon, John W 1 Gordon, Lafayette 62 Gordon, Mosea M 49 Gordon. Robert F 139 Gordon, Robert P 88 Gordon, Samuel Y 63 (Ilordon, Thompaon 431 Gordon, WUliara A 261 Gore, Albert 328 Gore, Jaraes K 425 Gore, Joel R 393 Gore, Joaeph B 381 Gnrgaa, Adara B 232 Gorhara, Perry T 144 Gorraan, George W 56 Gorraan, Michael 86 Gorman, Patrick 356 Grorrell, Jamea 84 Gorrell, Jessie M 162 Gorrell, Joseph R 159 Gorauch, Charles U Goahorn, Jacob S 136 Goshorn, SamuelC 298 Goshorn, Seyraour C 84 Gloslln, Aaher 296 Cloanell. Benjamin P 321 Goaney, John W 137 Goas, Jaraea M 1 69 Gosa, WiUiara P 23 Gossett, Carleton C 199 Gossett, WUliara J 259 Gotthelf, Joseph 205 Gottlob, Joseph 341 Gottlob, Theodore 225 Gould, AsherD 146 "ould, Charlea H 171 Gould, George S 129 Gould, John H,, {45th Ind. inf.) 102 Gould, John H., (9th Ind. Inf.) 416 Gould, John H., (135th /nd. inf) 424 Gould, Theoren 436 Gould, Vernon 145 504 INDEX OF NAMES. Gould, William W 63 Gove, Charles S 364 Gove, EsteUua A .267 Gowdy, (.lyraa L 311 Gowdy, Wll amP 294 Grabbe, Frederick 300 Grace, Solomon 234 Graham, Abrahara D 65 Graham, Andrew 3.53 Graham, Archibald H 337 Graham, Felix W., (3d Ind. cav.) 5 Gra'ciim, Felix W., (oth Ind. cav.) 9 Graham, Jar.i,ea M 139 Grn liara, John 349 Graham, John D.. 371 Graham, John M 188 Graham, .Toaeph H 201 Graham, Maithew K 103 Graham, Robert J 48 Graham, Robert W 134 Graham, Rosa 349 Graham, Samuel 125 Graham, Simpson C 92 Graham. Thomas, (Sth Ind. cav ) 14 Graham, Thomaa. (6th /nd. inf.) 415 Gral am, Thoinaa N 52 Graham, William, (40th III inf.) 280 Graham, William, (146th III. inf) 399 Gral-am, WilliamB., (101st Ind. int.) 1.53 Griibam, WiUiara B., (155th lud. inf) 175 Graham, Willi.ira H. H 11 Graham, WilliamM 52 Giamnicr, John W 340 Grandy, Luther 320 Granger, Alvin P 190 Granger, Andrew H 284 Grant, Jacob B 388 Grant, Joel 231 Grant, Joseph 121 Grant, UhsseaS 245 Grant, WUliara 353 Grantham, WiUiam H 157 Grason, Williara 382 Graas, Alfred H 353 Grass. Daniel, (61at III. inf.) 320 Grass, Daniel, (Sth III Inf.) 429 Gratton, Doddridge B 200 Gratton, Doddridge B 310 Graves, A. Judson 369 Oil aves, Alvin C 63 Graves, A mherst F 1 98 Graves, Araos C : 369 (xraves, Chauncy H 407 Graves, Daniel M J. 19 Grav-B, George M 89 Graves, Georgo W 302 Graves, Henry H 19 (rraves, Jacob C 65 Graves, James R 227 Graves, Thomas 82 Graves, Thomas P 122 (rravea, Wesley R 247 Graw, Christian H 377 Gray, Abner S 376 Gray, Allen W 300 Gray, Andrew D 17 Gray, Arthur W 67,68 Gray, Benjamin P 'JS4 Gray, Clark 355 Gray, Columbua V 131 Gray, Elijah H 267 Gray, Isaac P 7 Gray, Ivy R 386 G ay, Jaraes A 15" Gray, John, (39th HI int.).- 278 Gray, John, (4Sth III int.) 290 Gray, John A 195 Gray , John M 15 Gray, Joseph H 418 Gray, Robert 199 Gray, Robert S 211 Gray, Thomaa, (47th IU. Inf. ) 294 Gray, Thomas, (90th III. inf.) 352 Gray, Thoraaa J 419 Gray, William 362 Gray, William M., (4l3t III Inf.) 283 Gray. WilliamM., (60th /ii. inf.) 318 Gray, WilliamM., (63d /ii. inf ) 323 Grayaon, Andrew J 37 Grayson, JohnC 323 GreathOi.se, David 124 Greathouse, Prank M 2 Greathouse, Jaraea P^ 362 Greal houae, Lucien 296 Greaton , Leonard T 362 Grebe, Balzer 234 Grebenatein, Valentine 205 Green, Adolphua 402 Green, Adnlphua H 106 Greeu, CuUen W 100 Green, Edwin A 340 Green, Ell W 259 Green, Ezekiel 30 Green, Prancia M 282 Green, George 337 Green. George B 37 Green, GeorgeW., (20th Ind. inf.) 52 Green, George W., (ISth /ii. inf.) 240 Green, Green W 59 Green, Hirara 134 Green, Jaraes R 240 Green, Jeremiah M 30 Green, John M., (Blst /nd. inf) 139 Green, JohnM., (58th III. int.) 314 Green, John N 59 Green, JohnW., (83d /ii. inf) 343 Green, John W., (95th III Iuf) 357 Green , Jonathan H 86 Green, Joaeph 276 Green, Leander 282 Green, Mathew N 51 Green, Philip J 127 Green, Philip L ,..4'25 Green, 'i'homaa A 358 Green, W. H. H 6 Green, M'iUlam 29 Green, William D 227 Green, William F 138 Green, William L 291 Greenawalt, John G 134 Greene, Alcaney P 303 Greene, John W 71 Greene, Leroy W., (154th /nd. inf ) 174 Greene. Leroy M'., (135th /nd. inf) 424 Greenfield, Campbell 71 Greenfield, Horace G 351 Grceiihnt. Joaeph B 34 1 Greenlee, George W 82 Greenley, Orsumns 263 Greenough, Ogdeu 262 Greenwood, Georgo W 196 Greenwood, Mabry G 269 INDEX OP NAMES, 505 Greenwood, Nathan S 369 Greenwood, WUliara II 300 Greyl') John E 9 Gre- r, Robert L 385 Greer, WUliara H 53 Gregg, Alexander J 383 Gregg, Charles S 439 Gregg, George 113 Gregg, Harvey T., (llth TU. cav.) 196 Gregg, Harvey T., (ISlst /ii. Inf.) 404 Gregg. Jaraea S 146 Gregg, John W 314 Gregg, Patrick 248, 314 Gregg, Salathiel L 33 Gregg, Vincent H 156 Clregg, Williara H 154 Greggera, Peter 338 Gregory, Adley N 391 Clregory, Benjamin M 43, 424 Gregory, Prancia B 142 Grregory, Francia M 190 Gregory, Jamea 144 Gregory, JameaH 143 Gregory, Jaraea M 196 Gregory, John 348 (Gregory, Noble B 142 Gregory, Samuel O 74 Gregory, William A 247 Gregory, William B 170 (Trenter, John 6 Grensel, Nicholas, (36th III inf) 272 Grensel, Nicholas, (7rh /ii.inf) 429 Gresham, Benjamiu Q. A 5, 17 Gresham, Edward H 170 Gresham, Jaraea B 92 Gresham, Walter Q 92, 115 Greve, An dreaa 274 Grewell, Vincent M 345 Grier, David P 335 Grier, William M 356 CJrieraou, Benjarain H 186 Grierson. John C 186 Grieser, Louia 225 GriflSn, Daniel F 93 Griffin, Dennis W 290 Griffin, Henry C .350 Griflin, Henry G 377 Griflin, John M •...257 Griffin, Michael T 92 Griffin, Robert H 362 Griffin, Theodore G 273 Griflin. Thoraaa D 314 Griffin, TrumbaU D 218 Griflin, WUliam B 257 Griffith, Albeit J 345 Griflith, Alexander W 64 Griffith, Benjarain A 389 Griffith, Cadwalader M 67 Griflith, Charies 38 Griffith, Charles H 381 GriflSth, Franklin 314 Griffith, James M., (6th /nd. cav.) 11 Griffith, James M,, (124th /ii.inf.) 389 Griffith, Jaraea R 347 Griffith, Jaraea W 424 Griflith, JohnC 74 Griffith, Leonard 0 154 Griffith, Lewis W 100 Griffith, Thomas 13 Griffiths, George S 181 Grigga, George 0 310 Grigsby, Bennett 1 08 Glrigsby, Ephraim C 96 Grigsby, Nathaniel 17 Grigaby, WUliam A 419 Grill, John P., (24th /nd.inf.) 67 Grill, John F,, (143d Ind. inf.) 163 Glrlmea, Alexander 439 Grimes, Derastus L 186 Grimes, George 143 Grimes, Henry H., (148th III Inf) 401 Crimea, Henry H., (132d /ii.inf) 434 (iriinea, Jacob 302 Griniea, Silns 78 Griraes, Stephen F 296 Grimes, Thomaa 143 Gimea, WUliam T 134 Grimley, Thomas 191 Grimm, Charles 199 Griram, Franz 287 Griranip, Lyman 338 Grirasley, Jamea 22 GrinneU, John L 85 Grinstead, Thomas 23 Grippin, Demua W 399 Grisham, Andrew J 201 Griaaom, Joseph C 160 Griswold, Charlea A 355 Griawold, Prancia A 84 Griawold, Marion B 148, 156 Griawold, Osmond C 310 Griawold, Seldon B - 304 Griswold, Whedon W 76, 172 Griswold, Willard 94 Gritman, Gage S 370 Groenendyke, Amos 156 Groenendyke, Henry 45 Grocabecli, John B 399 Groeabeck, John W 340 Gronendyke, Edward ISO Groninger, Richard W 34S Groom-, Moaes 98 Grooms, Tarvin C, (-I3d Ind. inf.) 98 Grooms, Tarvin C, (USth /nd, inf ) 420 Gros. Lewis 132 Grose, Madison 16 Grose, William 88 Grose, ^^'Ullam V : 108 Grosh, Jeremiah M 351 Groshart, (^ieorge W 65 Groaa, Frank P 41 Gross, Joaiah 140 Gross, Theodore .• 245 Grossenheider, Juliua 200 Grosvenor, Bdward P 206 Grosvenor, Oliver 198 Grosvenor, Thomas W 199 Grounds, William 307 Grove, Jasper M 13 Glrove, Jobn L 53 Grove, Melchi 348 Grover, B. A 102 Grover, Dasid G 324 (trover, Henry C 61 Grover, Ira G. , {7th Tnd. inf., 3-yenrs) 38 Grover, Ira G.,(7th /nd. inf , 3-months) 415 Groves, John N 351 (rroves, q^hoinas J 126 (>row, Charlea 256 Grubb, Ephraim 384 Grubb, Stephen G 209 Grubba, Goorge W 131 506 INDEX OF NAMES. Grubba, Jamea S., (3lat /nd. inf ) 78 Grubbs, Jamea S., (lS6th Ind.inf.) 176 Grubhs, Robert M 142 Grubba, q'homaa M US Gruenewald, John 286 Giund, Philip R 100 Guard, Charlea C 180, 250 Guard, William L 113 Giickea, PhUlp, {6.5th 7nd. inf) 126 Guckea, Philip, (143d /nd. Inf.) 163 Gude, Alfr d Ul Gudgel, John 377 Gue, George W 373 Gut lich. E mil 225 (>uonther, Geoige 250 Guentlier, George A 250 Guet nsey, Sara'i B 401 Guffiu. John 61 , 17fi Gnffin, Roas 113 Gufi'y, Xt Isoi P 146 Guild, Phineaa K., (52d /ii.inf.) 302 Guild, Phineaa K., (120th III int.) 386 Guinty , Michael 230 Guion, George 134 Guisinger. Daniel 278 Guitean, Benjarain P 187 Gullich, Thomaa F. W 350 Gumbart, George C 21 S Gundy. Jose C 25-1 Gumi, John 143 Gunn, John H 373 Gunn, John W 314 Gunn. William A 375 Gunsenhouser, John 101 Giinter, George 1 94 Gunter, Joseph D 71 Guntumann, John W 200 Gurler. Henry B 434 Gurley, Joseph A 143 Guriey, Tl.omas C 48 Gurney, Aaron 41 6 Gurtisen, B-njamin 438 Gusley, John A., (52d /nd.inf) 113 Gusley, John A., (Sth /nd.inf) 416 Guth, Israel J 348 Guthridge, Albert G 416 Guthridge, Albert J 106 Guthridge, Chariea M 161 Guthrie, Jaraea V 242 Guthrie, John 102 Guthrie, JosephH 318 Guthrie, Presley N 242 Guthrie, Robert E 3.56 Guthrie, Stephen E 440 G u thrie, W ardell 309 Guthrie, Williara 70 Gutyahr, Chariea B 2S6 Guy, Isaac J C 171 Guy, Sarauel 140 Guy, Thomas M 364 Gu V, W lliara A 137 Guy, WUliara H 202 Gwin, Isum I3S Gwin, Jaraes M 100 Gwin, John F ' 4-20 Gwin, Williara C 395 Gwinn, George H 151 Gwinn, William W i.76 Haas, Adam 96 Haberly, John M 72 Hack, John L 3-24 Hackelman, Pleasant A 53 Hackett. John N 321 Haeklemau, Jaraea G 3 H ackney, Joseph S 316 Hackney, Theodore P 353 Hackney, WilliamP 221 Hailden, Jesse 22 Hadley, Aaron S 434 Hadley, John V 38 Hadley, Joshna C 131 Hadloek, Daniel M 120 Hadsell, Henry L 2.57 Hadsell, Marshall D 172 Haff, Jacob 124 Hagaman, Francis M 202 Hageman, P. C 439 Hageiibuck, Joseph 134 Hager, George L 78 Hager, Jonathan B 50 Hager, Otto C 290 Hagerhoat, WiUiam 137 Hagerman, Ransora C 298 Haiierty, Thom.ia H 355 Hagg rd, Edmund D 312 Haggard, Robert E 320 Haggerty, Jamea 48 Hahn, Herman C 159 Hahn, Norman B 312 Hahn, William J 80 Hahs.Jobn iOi Haigh, Willhara M 272 Haight, Charles D 216 Hailes, M rk 319 Hain, Henry E 74 Hain, Jamea S 34 Hainea, .Abraham B 60,61,166 Haines, Joaeph E 237 Haines, M.J 321 Haines, Mahlon J 144 Hainea, Matthiaa K 24 Ha'ncs, William W 24 Haina, John A 54 Hakea, David H 431 Hakes, Harrison 190 Halbert, Enoa '. 82 Halb-rt, Harrison O 420 Halbert, Eobert .4 383 Haldeiftan, Jamea S 278 Haldeman, John 395 Halderman, David B 387 I Hale, Clayton 316 Hale. Daniel H 392 Hale, Daniel T 432 Hale. Frederick R 59 Hale J. Tvler. (12th /Z.Mnf,3-vear-) 231 Hale, J. Tvler, (12th III. inf., 3-"months) 431 Hale, Jaraea J 367 Hale, Jamea M 264 Hale, Jesse 351 Hale, Oromel B 395 Hale, Robert 333 Hale, R.iscoeL 432 Hale, William C 433 Hale, William H 65 HaU-v, James W Ul Hall.'AlbertT 178 HaU, Alfred T 259 Hall, .A sher B 182, 1B9 Hall.Cvrua 188,233,398 Hall, D'oMlel D 88 Hall, Daniel K 282 INDEX OF NAMES. 507 Hall, Duncan J 351 Hall, Edward „ 252 HaU. Edward E 320 Hall, Frank H 117 Hall, George E 379 HaU, HamUtonW 316 Hall, Hiirvey B 23 Hall, Harvey M 421 Hall, Henry C, ar 37 Hall. Henry W 300, 301 Hall, Hiram H 389 Hall, IliramW 280 Hall, Hollis S 269 Hall, Horace A 120 Hall, Ira P 392 Hall, J. H 259 Hall, John, (12th /ii. inf ) 230 Hall, John, (86th /ii. inf.) 348 Hall, John C 432 Hull, John H 34S Hall, John L US Hall, John P 310 Hall.John T 2.57 Hall, Joseph H 386 Hall, Joseph R 174 Hall, Lyman 323 Hall, Morris 0 12 HaU, Perry T 137 Hall, Richard H 135 Hall, Robert 164 HaU, Robert E 38 Hall, .S. A 7 Hall, Samuel J 98 Hall, Sidney, (30tb III. inf.) 261 Hall, Sidney, (123d III int.) 387 Hall, Silaa S 104 Hall, Tru man W 30 Hall, Wiley W 394 Hall, William, i54th Ind. int.) 1 17 Hall, William, (36th III int.) 273 HaU, William C 138 Hall, Wlllinm H.. (30lh /nd.inf) 76 Hall, William H. , (86th 111 Inf ) 348 Hall, WUliam J .¦ 386 Hall, William M. D 423 Hall, Zebulon 352 Halladay. William C 421 Haller, Joaeph 52 Halley, Cornellua W 397 HaUford, Jamea B 395 Halligan, WilliamB 307 Halloway, John M 11 Hiillowell, Frederick 166 HalloweU. Jamea T 78 Halated, David M 347 Halsted, Oliver B 129 Halteman, David E 235 Ham, George W 69 Ham, Levi J 106 Hamacher, John R 108 Harabaugh, John H 385 Hamblin, Dennis 314 Hamer, Thomas, (3d III cav.) 180 Hamer, Thomaa. {84th /ii.inf.) 345 Hamill, J sae, E., (Uth Ind. Inf, 3-years) .45 Hamill, Jesse E,, (llth /nd. inf., S-raomha) ...418 Hamilton. Alexander 416 Harallton, Andrew J 128 HamUton, B. B 320 Hamilton, Benjamin 36 Hamilton, Brooka R 391 Hamilton, Charlea B 247 HnniUton, Chariea M 247 Hamilton, David II 419 Hamilton, D.avid N 233 Hamilton, David W., (7th /nd. Inf) 38 Hamilton, David W., {Slat Ind. inf.) 1 U Hamilton, Eilwnrd 312 Hamilton, lOllsha B 384 Hamilton, Frank L 170 Harallton, George 205 Hamilton,H 365 Hamilton, Isaac 29 Hamilton, James, (Slst Ind.int.) 79 Hamilton, Jaines, (7th and 120th III inf.) 221, 386 Hainiltnii, James B 79 Haiolltoii, James H 43 Hamilton, James M 347 H-milton, Jaines R 119 Hamilton, Jay 302 Hamilton, John, (Sth Ind. cav.) 14 Hamilton, John, (63d lud. inf.) 125 Hamilton, John, (1 S5th /ii. Inf.) 408 HamUton, Johu Q 98 Hamilton, John W., {8.3d lud. inf.) 141 Hainilton, John W., (68th /ii. inf ) 433 Hamilton, Joseiih A IS Hamilton, Mason S 18 Hamilton, O. S 144 Hamilton, Richard M 383 Hamilton, Robert W 59 Hamilton, Sa mnel 340 Hamilton, .Sarauel G 314 Harallton, Samnel L 243 Hamilton, Samuel M., (Oth TU int., 3-yearB). . .235 Harallton, Samuel M., (9th III Inf, 3-moDihs) 430 Hamilton, Thomas B 368 Hamilton, l^liomna J 408 Hamilton, William, (1 02d III Inf.) 365 Hamilton, William, {6th /nd.inf.) 415 Hamilton, Williara, (55th /nd.inf.) 419 Hamilton, William H 360 Hamlin, Daniel W 435 Hamlin, Horace 1.59 Hamlin, Joachim M 151 Hamlin, Leander H 388 Hamlin, Stephen 135 Hammack, Zehedee 340 Hammaker, Abrara L 380 Hamraerich, S. Peter 250 Harainera, Williara 0 335 Haramond, Asher P 78 Hammond, Charles M 363 Hammond, Edwin O 290 Hararaond, Edwin P., (87th Ind. inf) 145 Hararaond, Edwin P., iOth /nd. iuf.) 416 Hammond, Johu M 125 Hammond, John W., (23d Ind inf) 65 Haramond, John W., (65th Ind. int.) 126 Hararaond, Mathew J 272 Hammond, Philip D 271 Hammond, Thomas C 127 Hammond, Upton P 7 Hampton, Jaiues 140 Hamrick, James W 22 Hararick, John 'G 343 Hararick, Solomon S 72 Han, Jaraes P^ 27 1 Hanback, Le wis .' 256 Hance, Samuel F 351 Hanchett, Hiram S 205 Hancke, Eugene A 225 508 INDEX OP NAMES. Hancock, Benjarain P., (19th /nd.inf.) 60 Hancock. Benjarain P., (USth Ind. inf.) 420 Hancock, Lemuel M 1 08 Hand, Gideon T Ul Hand, GUea F 307 Hand, Hirara H 131 Hand, Lewia B 218 Hand, Pettr 250 Hand. Woodford D 261 Hand, Zebulon M P 417 Handbury, John D 223 Haodenberg, H. M 279 Handley. John IS6 Handy, Thoma,s 338 Haner, Charlea M 192 Haney, Clark B 304 Haney, (George 20 Haney, Jaraea W 3.30 Haney, Milton L ; 307 Haney, Richard 237 Haney, Sarauel J.. (53d /ii- inf.) 305 Haney, Samuel J., (104th /ii. inf.) 368 Haney, William N '. 292 Hanford, Jaraea A. .S 350 Hanforil, Rayraond W 1 83 Hanger, J'.seph 215 Hankey, Chriatopher P 2-27 Hanka, Green P 320 Hanks, .lo-eph A 257 Hanlln, WUliam J 221 Hanna, Alexander B 312 Hanna, Caleb 194 Hanna, D. Caswell 353 Hanna, J. C 440 Hanna, Jaines 51 95 Hanna, John L., (llth Tnd. inf.) .; 44 Hanna, John L., (T9th Ind. int.) 137 Hann.% Joseph M., (Bth III. inf, 3-years) 224 Hanna, Joseph M., .cth III. inf., 3-raonths) . ..429 Hanna, Robert B 132 Hanna. Septimus J 437 Hanna, ThomasB 3.53 Hanna, William 299 Hanna, WiUiam M 437 Hanna, Xenephon 3:^7 Hannah, John B - 3'3R Hannah. JohnW., (124th Ind. Inf.) l-'a5 Hannah, John W., (62d /ii. mf.) 321 Hanni, John - 285 Hannifin. Dennia 333 Hannum, James 378 Hannum, Jehu C. (2d /nd. cav.) 3 Hannum, Jehu C, (9th Ind. int.) 416 Hannum. John C - 1- Hanon, Jesse 381 Hanael. George H 98 Hanael, Jacob C 214 Hanael, John 11 Hanson, H nry 340 Hanson, Johu C 13 Hanson, Peter 341 Hanson, Zenas P 2?5 Hapeman, Douglas, (Uth and 104th HI. Inf.. 3-years) ¦2-28, Sr"? Hapema", Douglas, (llth III. inf., 3-months) 431 Haptonatall. Abram C 294 Harbaugh. Henry 233 Harbert, WUliam S 143 Harberts, Harbert 292 Harbi-cin, Edward, (144th Ind. inf) 164 Harbison, Edward, (50th Ind. int) UO Harbison, George 164 Harbison, WiUiam H 299 Harbolt, Jonathan B 62 Harbor, John C 390 Harbour, Jared P 234 Hard, Abner 191 Hardacre, George W 248 Harden, John W 43 Harden. Richard 189 Hardenbrook, Williara 131 Hardesty, George 18 Hardeaty, John 84 Hardeaty. Rees 2 Hardin, Franklin A Ug Hardin, John 3f)4 Hardin, John J 65 Hardin, John .S 122 Ha din, Seth W 304 HardI' g, Abner C-..- 343 Harding, Benjarain, (17th HI cav.) 206 Harding, Benjamin, (65th /ii. inf. ) 325 Harding, Frederick 242 Harding, Fred. W 192 Harding, (^orge C, (Ist /nd. heavy art.) 22 Hard'ng, George C, (97th III. mf) .360 Harding, Jacob R 388 Harding, John, (1st /nd. cav.) 2 Harding. John. (12-2d III inf) 387 Harding. Joaeph W., {9th Ind. int.) 41 Harding, Joaeph W., (ISSth Ind. inf) 175 Harding, Robert N 104 Harding. Roderick R., (17th III inf.) 239 Harding, Roderick R., (I0-2d TU. inf.) 365 Harding. SUas W 71 Hardng, Smith T 400 Harding, William S 338 Hardman, Francis A 4I6 Hardman, Frank A 75 Hardman. Jacob 416 Hardwick, Jobn 83 Hardy. Alexander 35 Hardy, Gnalen P 383 Hardy, Hemy B 318 Hardv, Henry H »2 Hardy, John G WS Hardy, James G. W 18 Hardy, William J 93 Hardy, Will am P 293 Hardy, WilUam R 125 Hare, Charles H 13 HareU, William J 404 Harford, John 312 Harris. Benjamin 71 Hatgis, John- 139 Hargrave, Lemuel R 120 ' Hargrave, Richard W ' 65 Hargrave, William J 424 Hargrave, William P 148 H argrave, WHUa B 181 Hargrove. Marston G 120 Harker, WUliara S 144 Harkev. Sidney L 316 Harkness. George W 400 Harkness, Henrv O 290 Harkness, Markiia 0 335 Harkneas, William 351 Harlan, Edwin 245 Harian, Emory B ,-298 Harlan, Newton 433 Harlan, WiUiam ^ Harland, JameaM ^52 INDEX OP NAMES. 509 Harland, W. D 241 Harlow, Johu B 295 Harman. William ¦ 151 Harraor, Robert J 339 Harmon, David 240 Harmon, George W 370 Harmon, Joaeph 9 Harmon, Luther H 39 Harmon, Oscar P 390 Harmon, Martin 126 Harmon, Rollin G 215 Harma, Charlea A 286 Harned, WUUara C, {77th III. iof) 335 Harned, WUliara C, (130th III iuf.) 396 Plarned, Williaiu P 67 Harner, Benjamin F 205 Haruer, Edward B 270 Harneaa, William 405 Harney, Barton H 419 Harniach, Cari R 289 Harper, Charies A 236 Harper, George W 74 Harper, Jaraea 159 Harper, James A 122 Harper, John M 241 Harper, John T 182 Harper, Joseph W 192 Harper, Mark 375 Harper, Orin B 132 Harper, Quincy A 120 Harper, Ralph C 18 Harper, Wanen 98 Plarper, William 22 Harper, William A 157 Harrah, Jaraea B., (SSth Ind. inf.) 419 Harrah, Jamea B., (USth Tnd. inf.) 420 Harrah, John M 353 Harrah, SarauelA 110 H arrell, Jamea H 360 Harrelson, Benjamiii W 280 Harriman, S. B 84 Har: ington , Fazilo A 256 Harrington, (3eorge C 334 Harrington, (George W 48 Harrington, Henry H 395 Harrington, Hiram S 369 Harrington, James M 278 Harrington, John C - 352 Harrington, Mathew 223 Harrington, Ranaom 192 Harrington, Scntt W 305 Harriott, Van R 438 Harria. Allen R Ul Harris, Benjamin P' 440 ¦Harris, Bushrod W 276 Harria, Chariea M 299 Harria, EdwardP 185 Harria, Erastua A 157 Harria, George 137 Harris, Hubert H 1 394 Harris, James 4 Harris, James A 137 Harria, Jaraes II 421 Harria, Jaraea W 4"^ Harris, Joanis O 304 Harris, John B., (34th Ind. int.) 85 Harris, John B., (26th III inf) 255 Harria, Joseph W., {38th III int.) 275 Harris, Joaeph W., (S7th /ii. inf.) 312 Harria, Lee 0., (Sth /nd. cav.) 9 Harria, Lee 0., (148th Ind. inf.) 168 Harria, Lee O., {8tb Ind. int.) 416 Harris, Lewia K., (3fith Ind. int.) 88 Harris, Lewia K., (69th Ind. Inf.) 130 Harria, Orange P 314 Harris, Pinckney B 260 Harris, Ralph '....345 Harria, Rico E 271 Harris, Richard 148 Harris, Samuel J., (7fh bnlt'y Ind. It. art.) . . .27 Harris, Sarauel J., (19th batt'y Ind. It. ai t.). . .33 Harria, Thoraaa W 306 Harria, Urbane B 396 Harria, Washington II 257 Harria, Washington L 382 Harria, William A 323 Harria, WlUlain B., (82d Ind. Inf) 140 Harria, Williara B., (13Sth Ind. inf.) 424 Harria, Williara C 277 Harriaon, Archibald L, (27th /nd.inf.) 72 Harriaon, Archibald L, (Sth Ind. inf.) 416 Harriaon, Benjamiu 131 Harriaon, Charlea 190 Harriaon, Dennis A 184 Harrison, G. M 221 Harriaon, laham 375 Harrison, John 418 Harriaon, John K 424 Harriaon, Robert G 154 Harriaon, Rnbert W 421 Harriaon, Samuel C 182 Harriaon, Thoraaa H 170 Harriaon, Thomas J. , (Sth Ind. cav.) 14 Harriaon, ThomasJ., (6th Ind. int.) 415 Harrison, Williara. (39th III Inf.) 278 Harrison, Williara, (68th /ii. inf.) 432 Harriaop, Williara H 47 Harriaon, WUUara S 356 Harrod, Georgo M 163 Harrod, John B 16 Harro'd. Jcase F 282 Harrold. Jeaae S., (14th Ind. Inf.) 51 Harrold, Jesse S., (137th /nd.inf J 425 Harrold, John R 169 HarroU, George M 57 Harroun, Joseph B 365 Hat row, Williara SO Harrower, Benjarain S 22 Harryman. Sarauel K 131 Harsh, Ira B 237 Harshbarger, David 146 Harshberger, Aaron 371 Hart, Ambrose Y 245 Hart, Calvin D 104 Hart, George S 76 Hart, GeorgeW 106 Hart, Gideon B .47 Hart, Harrison E 247 Hart, Henry 306 Hart, Henry H 147 Hart, Isaac W 51 Hart, Jaraea 154 Hart, Jamea B 259 Ha.'t, JamesL 388 Hart, John 83 Hart, John M 306 Hart, Joseph E 47 Hart, Levi W 208,311 Hart, Miles W 388 Hart, Patrick H 59,63 Hart, William 390 Hart, WilUam M 255 510 INDEX OP NAMES. Harter, Adolph 163 Harter, Benjamin C 59 Harter, David D 84 Harter, George 84 Harter, Geoige W 135 Hartigan. Jaraes D 340 Hartley, Enoch B 173 Hart'ey. Jaraes M 91 Hartley, John L 59 H.artley, John M., (16th /nd.inf.) .53 Hartley, John M., (139th Ind inf.) 425 Hartley, JohnW 333 Hartley, Josiah 8 Hartley, IMarsball A 188 Hartley, Samuel 23 Hartley, William H 27 Hartline, Benjamin F 374 Hartman, Chat lea E 434 Hartman, Bza D j. 153 Hartraan, Fred 251 Hartraan, Sarauel L 32 Hartman, Theobald SOO Hartmann, Alexia K 286 Hartness, Thoraas 170 Harts, David H 370 Harts, P. Wilde 370 Hartaock. Araoa D 276 Hartsock, Ike P 338 Hartaook, Joseph 307 Hartaough. George W 355 Hartup. Chaa. W 59 H.irtwell, Alexauder H 302 HartweU, Aithiir C 199 Hartz, Sarauel B 372 Hartzell, Abraham 328 Hartzell, P" rank A 338 Harvey, Alonzo D 31 Harvey, Chariea M 203 Harvey, Charlea W 332 Harvey, George 79 Harvey, George E 363 Harvey, Horatio E 76 Harvey, John 151 Harvey, John -A. 184 Harvey, John P 199 Harvey, Johu T 52 Harve.y, Joaeph E 315 Harvey, Orpheua C 94 Harvey, WilliaraB 90 Harvey, WilUamH,, (Slst /nd. inf ) Ul Harvey, WiUiam H., (Bth III int., 3-ycars)- . -224 Harvey, Willliim H., (Bth III inf., 3-montha)-429 Harwood, Elvla 363 Harwood, Henry 434 Haacall, Melviu B 106 Haacall, Milo W 55 HascaU. Moses G 202 Hase, John L 310 Haaeltoo, UrIal 206 Haselwood, William R 299 Haskell, Gardiner K 1.57 HnakeU, WUliam H., (67th /ii. iof ) 433 Haakell, WilUamH., (132d /ii. Inf.) 434 Haskell, WUUara P 50 Haskett, Albert A 118 Hasklns, Allen C 320 Hasklns, Benjamin T 437 Haslehurst, Charlea 272 Haelett, J. D. S 317 Hastings, Arthur D 126 Hastings, Edwin C 69 Hastings, Joahua H 252 Hastings, Eichard W 154 Hastinga, Walter 358 Hasty, Joseph II Hatch, Hobart H 332 Hatch, Jethro A 273 Hatch, Perret J '..17 Hatch, Reuben B., (Bth III. inf., 3-yeara) 223 Hatch, Reuben B., (Sth III iuf. , 3-moBths) . . -429 Hatch, Seth C 322 Hatch, Stedman 237 Hatcher, Benjamin P 194 Hatfield, AndrewJ 139 Hatfield, Prancia M 78 Hatfield, George C 142 Hatfield, John D 304 Hatfield, Stephen K 381 Hatfi. Id, William 150 Hathaway, Gilbert 134 Hathaway, LInua B 76 Hathaway, Mark 235 Hathaway, Richard M 145 Hathaway, Thomas B 146 Hathaway, Thomaa J 292 Hatley, Leroy S 131 Hattenback, Mathias 50 Hattery, John Q 206 Haugh, .Joseph R 9 Hauk, Warren J 62 Hause, Henry W 288 Hause, WUliam 113 Hauaer, William A. W 82 Hau-berr, Hermann 80 Hausmann. Edward 439 Havena, Benjamiu P 147 Havena, Daniel 347 Havens, Jaraes O 358 Havens, WUbur P 55 Haver. Edward P. 0 122 Haviland, Stephen S 78 Havlll, Frank 280 Hawes, Alexander G., (Oth III int., 3-yearB) 225 Hawea, Alexander G., (149th /ii. inf.) 402 Hawes, Alexander G. , (9tb IU. inf. , S-months) - 430 Hawes, Charlea W 274 Hawes, John J 27 Hawea, Mark D 331 Hawhe, Arthur J ] 08 Hawk, Isaac C 148 H wk, Richard A 199 Hawk, Robert M. A 354 Hawkea, Johu 394 HawkliiB, Albert 330 Hawklna, Alexander 149 Hawkina, Aaa 318 • Hawkins, David US Hawkins, Elijah 54 Hawkina, Gregory R 388 Hawkins, Harlan P 78 Hawkins, Henry E 337 Hawkins, John S.. (lOlst Ind. inf) 133 Hawkina, John S. , (136th III inf.) 435 Hawkina, Levi 43 Hawk'ns, Thoraas S. W 93 Hawks, Myron A 424 Hawka, Myron N 75 Hawley, Cyrua 76 Hawley, John B 290 Hawley, Sidney B., (35th III inf.) 271 Hawley, Sidney B., (36th III int.) 272 Hawley, Thomaa S 376 INDEX OP NAMES. 511 Hawley, WUUam C 225 Hawn , Alfred J.. { I6lh Tnd. int.) ,53 Hawn, Alfred J., (78th Ind. int.) 420 Hawn, Alfred J., {115th/nd. Inf.l 420 Hawn, Emanuel R., (lat Ind. h. art. and 49th Inf) 23, 108 Hawn, Emanuel R., (17tli Tnd. inf.) SS Hawn, Emanuel R., (144th Ind. inf.) 164 Hawthorne. Ebenezer H 165 Hax, Geoige L 286 Hay, Cam pboll, jr 127 Hay, Daniel 339 Hay, David B., (Uth /7id. inf, 3-yeais) 44 Hay, David B.. (llth Ind. inf., S-raoutha) 418 Hay, Henry O 430 Hay, James M 383 Hay, John B 396 Hay, Lawrence P 184 Hay, Thoraaa J 304 Hayden, George P 55 Haydsn, Jaraes R 242 Havden, Marshall P 117 Haiyden, Obadiah B 15 Haydon, R.N 198 Hayes, Byron 206 Hayea, Edward .S., (lat Tnd. eav.) 1 Hayes, Edwanl S., (144lh Ind. int.) 164 Hayes, Edwin L 288 Hayea, George 356 Hayes, Jacob 440 Hayea, Joaeph L 352 Ha.ves, Joahua L .50 Hayea, Patrick 74 Hayea, Russell A 399 Haves, .Sarauel M 76 Hayes, WiUiam A 20 Hayford, l 'aniel 69 Hayford, William H 104 Hay hurst, Benjarain P 293 Haymaker, Isaac N .64 Hayman, Thoraas L 71 Haymond. James W 6 Haymond, l^homasL 57 Haymond, William A 102 Haynes, Andrew J 171 Haynes, Baxter 387 Haynes, Daniel 240 Haynie. George M 395 Haynie, lahara N- .> 396 Haya, BaaU D 98 Hays. Benjamin P., (lat /nd. h. art.) 22 Hays, Benjarain P., (54tb III. inf.) 305 Haya, Charlea C 188 Haya, DavidM 390 Haya, Frank L 381 "Hays, George C 174 Haya, George W., (SOth Ind. lof.) UO Hays, George W., (53d /«d. inf.) 115 Haya, John H 197 Haya, JohnL 328 Haya, Samuel 196 Haya, Samuel M 238 Haya, Thoraaa W 7 Haya, Williara R 196 Haya, Williara W 14 ) Hayward, Jeaae 398 Hay ward, Williara B 216 Haywood, William 235 Hazelrigg, Henry L 96 Hazen, Dyer B 424 Hazen, Jeremiah H 294 Hazen, .lohn M 38 Ha.zfcn, Levi M 141 Hazleton, William C 190 Hazlett, Jamea H 1 93 HazlUt, George K .372 Hazzard, Charlea A 187 Hazzard, (^leorge W 90 Hazzard, Lemuel 47 Hazzard, MIley 93 Head, Martin II 234 Head, Samuel P 11 Headlugtoii, Johu W 152 Headlngton, Nimrod 84 Headley, Frederick O 333 Heady, Benjamin T 161 Heafford, Geo. H 330 Heagy, (ieorge L 88 HeaM, Alien W 188,189 Heald, Dwight S 192 Healey, Horace T 307 Healey, Joahua 41,157, 171 Healey, JohnJ 24S Healey, Robert W 314 Heaps, Israel G 225, 256 Heard, WUliara B 280 Heardon, John 24 Hearn, Benjarain H 280 Ilearne, Owen O 248 Heasty, Daniel 188 Heath, Albert 100,1.52 Heath. Alfred H 151 Heath, Corydon A 423 Heath, George B 359 Heath, Nathaniel P 98 Heath, Richard H 115 Heath, Richard J., (15th iii. Inf ) 235 Heath, Richard J., (34th /ii. inf) 269 Heath, Sylveater S 333 Heath, WUliam H 240 Heaton, Johnson P 74 Hebard, William 206 Hebb, Joseph B 174 Hebbard, WiUiam 177 Hebbard, William B. P 149 Heckard, Martin D 237 Heckathorn, Robert H 18 Heckelman, John A 382 Hecker, Bdward 80 Hecker, Predericfc, (34th /ii.inf) 250 Hecker, Prederlck, (82d /ii. inf ) 341 Hecker. GeorgeP 286 H^der, Louia 80 Hedges, Jeaae P 381 Hcdgea, John S 284 H edgea, Thornton K .370 Hedley, Penwick Y 265 Hedrick, Charlea 5 Hcdri k, David 237 Hedrick, Francis 137 Hedrick, John E 195 Hedrick, John G 426 Hedrick, Louia R 380 Hedrick, Williara O 1 Heelan, Philip R 314 Heffelfiuger, Jerry 146 Heffelfiuger, Lewia 269 Heffernan, Jaraes J 307 Heffington, Jaraea W 434 Heffren, Deloa UO Heffren, Horace H 48,110 Hegler, Benjamin P' 52 512 INDEX OF NAMES. Heidbreder, Charlea A 286 Heidemaiin, George F 314 Hellig, Chariea A 432 Helueke, Henry 202 Heiuiicks, George 261 Heinz, Charles, (28th /Zi.inf) 257 Heinz, Chariea, (lOlst /ii. iuf.) 364 Heinzelman, Wm 298 Heinzmann, George 341 Heira, ThomasJ 404 Helse, Adolph W 431 Held, Chariea 205 Holder, William 1 54 Hetm, BeniarainP"' 254 Helm, Clinton 354 Helm, James G 21 1 Heira, Lafayette 383 Helman, Saranel D 82 Helmer, Oriaitdo H 99 Helmick, John M 41 Helmkamp, Johu G 81 Helms, Benjarain R 23 Helnia, Bastly 47 Helms, Thomaa S4 Hemenover, Anthony A., (148th /ii.inf) 401 Hemenover, Anthony A., {133d iii. inf ) 434 Hemenway, Lucien F 373 Hemenway, Luke B 434 Hemenw.ly, Stacy 193 Hemler, Janies H 296 Heraraick, David R 55 Heraphlil, WUliara S 7 Hempstead, W. C. F 368 Hemstr,-et, George W 305 Henchan, Robert B 119 Hendee, Charles K 408 Hender, Thomas 404 Henderson, Abner W 200 Henderson, Daniel W 316 Henderson, David B 364 Henderson, Edgar 18 Henderson, Bdwin 74 Henderson, Eltel F 364 Heuderson, Georgo 195 Henderson, Jaraes 278 Henderson, James A 294 Henderson, Jaraes M 82 Henderson, John C 233 Hendersou, John F 147 Henderson, John H 234 Henderson, John S 202 Henderson, Joaeph 102 Henderaon, Milton W 143 Henderson, Nathaniel 69 Henderson, Richard 274 Henderson, Richard T 51 Henderson, RoawcU N 377 Henderaon, Siraeon R 67 Henderson, Thomaa 2.57 Henderson, Thomas C 167 Henderson, Thomaa .1., (29th /nd. mf.) 75 Henderaon, Thomaa J., {U3th /ii. Inf.) 377 Henderaon, Thomas R 294 Henderson, WUliara C 232 Henderson, WUliam V -. 125 Hendricks, Abram T 7 Hendricks, Harman H 49 Hei dricks; Isaac G 23, 83 Hendricks. John A '. 6'J Hendricks, John T., (4th /nd. cav.) 7 Hendricks, John T., (6th /nd.inf) 415 Hendricka, Mahlon 89 Hendricks, Paul ' 54 Hendricka, WiUiara C 7S, 169 Hendricka, Williara S 312 Hendrlckaon, WilUam F 132 Hendrlaon, John 181 Hendrix, WUliam S 338 Hendry, John E - 2,58 Henley, Henry 55 Henley, John W 374 Henley, Williara M 104 Henning, Ilenry R 215 Hemy, Aaron G 365 Henry, Adolphua J 386 Henry, Beverly W 271 Henry, Cristian J 166 Heury, David H 55 Henry, Hirara E 385 Henry, Ira B 200 Henry, Jaraea R 23 Henry, John M 1 73 Henry, John S 90 Henry, John V 206 Henry, Matthew 337 Ilenry, Robert J 234 Henry, Samuel, (.34th /nd. inf ) .' 84 Henry, Samuel, (89th /nd. inf.) 147 Henry, WUbur F 372 Henry, WiUiam, (15th III. int.) 235 Heury, WUUara, (116th /nd. Inf.) 421 Hensch, Philipp 124 Henshaw, Edward C 220 Ilenaley, John L 88 Henson, Liudsey 126 Henton, P'rank M ¦ 157 Hepner, Matthias T 171 Hepp, Eugene 342 Htrbert, John, (17th /i'. cav.) 206 Herbert, John, (69th /ii. inf. ) 433 Herbert, John W 237 Herder, John N 294 Herdman, Jamea H 343 Herfurth, Frederick 205 Heriott, JohnB 278 Heritage, George T 278 Herman, Abram B 102 Herman, Eli R 102 Herman, Francia M 361 Herraan, Jacob 20 Herndon, Pleasant M 337 Herod, Daniel W 397 Herod, .Jaraea S 397 Herod, Thomaa G. S., {6th /ii. cav ) 187 Herod, Thomas G. S. , (18th HI inf.) 241 Herold, Herman 196 Herrail, Jnel 261 Herrick, Kdward 408 Herrick, Bdward L 3B8 Herrick, Orson Q 269 Herring, Joseph R 188 Herring, Thoraaa, (Sth Tnd. cav.) 14 Herring, Thoraaa, (Bth Ind. int.) • 415 Hi-rrington, Charlea 439 Herrington, Nathan P 302 Herriott, George F 5, 17 Herrold, Williara M 355 Herron, Jaraea A 113 Herron, Nathaniel, (30th /nd. iuf ) 61 Herron, Nathaniel, (72d/nd.inf) 133 Herron, Thomaa, jr 28 Herron, William H 113 INDEX OP NAMES. 51c Herron, WiUiam P 133 Herahey, A. H 235 Hervey, Jaraea C 16 Hervey, Jamea W 110 Hervey, Thoraaa P UO Healot, Samnel M 368 Heas, Alexander 3 Hess, Jacob 22 Hess, Jamea 102 Heaa, Levi M 74 Heas, Samuel 318 Heas. Waldo C 146 Hess, WUliam B., (153d /nd. inf ) 172 Hess, WiUiam B., {138th /nd. iuf.) 425 Hess, William H., {156th /ii. inf.) 409 Heaa, WiUiara H., (145th /ii. mf) 440 Hesaer, Johu T 330 Hesser, Theodore 144 Hessong, Martin L 113 He.saong, Peter K 113 Heater, Jaraea S 63 Hester, John C 165 Heater, WiUiam R 375 Hetfiold, AdamS 3110 Hettler, Chriatopher 103 Henring, Prederlck A 69 Hewett, GeorgeW 269 Hewig, Conrad 124 Hewlns, John S 334 Hewitt, Heury L 345 Hewitt, JohnW 61 Hewitt, Orson 2-56 Hewitt, ThomasJ ' 235 Hewitt, Thomaa L 235 Hey wood, Albert L 356 Hiatt, Chriatopher C 10, 12 Hiatt, Georgo 240 Hiatt, James D 167 Hiatt, Jeaae M 167 Hiatt, Samuel P 18 Hiatt, WUliam W 44 Hibben, Henry B 45 Hibben, Samuel 183 Hibbetts, John C 86 Hice, JohnL 90 Hice, jr., Samuel 235 HIchcock, Henry H 124 Hickey, Michael 86 Hickey, Thomaa 24B Hickman, Bailey 126 Hickman, John J 252 Hickman, JohnW 57 Hickman, Joshua M 3 Hickman, WiUiam W .• 282 Hickman, Zachariah 375 Hickox, SUas W 195 Hickox, Warren R 334 Hicks, BenjaminP 56 Hicks, George 358 Hicks, Henry G., (2d /ii. cav.) 178 Hicks, Henry G., (93d /Zi. inf ) 3.55 Hioka, HearyG., (7lat III. inf.) .434 HIcka, Jaraea A 94 HIcka, John 129 Hicks, JohnH 39 Hicks, MaaonM 401 Hicks, Napoleon B 274 Hicks, Stephen G 280 Hicks, William 288 Hieronymus. Benj. R 383 Hieae, Adolphua W '. 363 33 Hieatand, John W 115 Higbee, Charlea O 19 Higbee, Edwards 135 HIgblo, Edmund 384 Higby, Albert T 232 HIggaaon, WUUam T 94 Higgina, Adam C .344 Higgina, Charles W 184 Higgina, Edwin L 367 Higgina, laaac N 213 Higgina, Jamea M 380 Higgina, Jamea W 108 Higgina, John, (13th /Zi. cav.) 198 Higgina, John, {56th /ii. inf.) 309 Higgina, John P 345 Higgina, Jonell 434 Higgina. Louia H 326 Higgina, Patrick 248 Higgina, Richard B., (I5th III int.) 237 Higgina, Richard B., (137th III inf) 437 Higgina, Robert M 419 Higgina, SUaa C 178 Higgs, AugUBtua P, , (I27th /ii. inf ) 392 HIgga, Auguatua P., (C7th III iuf) 432 High, Heury L 200 Highland, Patrick 249 I-Ilghman, Johu K 2 Hight, Aurelius 318 Hight, Jaines S 223 Hight, John J 121 Hight, Wallace 28 Hightower, Thomas 340 Higinbotham, Albert H 336 HIglnbothara, Samuel 145 HUburn, Jabez C 160 HUdebrand, Evan R 76 HUdebrand, WUliara 100 Hildebraudt, Thoraas Q 244 HUdreth, Jaraes M 54 Hllgard, Ernst 286 HIU, AbelO 386 HIU, Abrara, (7th /nd. cav.) 13 HUl, Abrara, (26th /nd.iuf) 71 Hill, Adara W 201 Hill, Adonirara J 147 Hill, Allen, (27th /nd. inf.) 72 HUl, Allen, (146th Ind. inf.) 166 HIU, Charlea C 55 Hill, Charlea H 303 Hill, Daniel P.. (148tb /nd. inf ) 168 Hill, Daniel F., (133d Tnd. inf) 422 HIU, Blliaon C 104 HiU, Elwood 54 HUl, ErametT 209 HIU, George W., (58th /nd. inf.) 1 30 HiU, George W. , (B3d /ii. inf ) 331 Hill.Henry B., (16th /nd. inf , 1-year) S3 Hill, Henry B., (16th Ind. inf., 3-yearB) 54 HUl, Henry F 192 HUl, James B,, (123d /Zi.inf) .388 HUl, Jaraes B., (Sth /ii. iuf.) 429 Hill, James N S3 Hill, Jerry N 338 HIU, Jesse 132 HIU, Johu 242 HIU, Levi 308 HiU, Lewis H 37 Hill, Peter 138 HUl, Philip 55 HUl. Philo W 372 HUl.RoaweU S 3,4 514 INDEX OF NAMES. Hill, Samnel 4 Hill, StephenM 242 HiU, Williara 295 HUl, WiUiam G 40 Hillborg, John 341 Hiller, Henry 270 HUliard, Hirara 206 HUliard, Lorenzo 432 HHIier, D."ivid 193 HUller, Edward G 217 HUllgaas, Frank 364 Hllllgoaa, WUliam J 136 Hllligraaa. Joseph J 167 Hillis, Levi H 20 HUls, Charlea H 300 HUla, Chariea W 438 HiUa, David A 44 HIU, Wilbur F 155 Hilton, JohnC 425 HUyard, WiUiamL 403 HImea, Luraan P 274 Hinckley, Henry A 434 Hinckley, WilUamH 324 Hinchman, James R. W 1S8 Hindman, Daniel T 223 Hindraan, Jaraes H 269 Hindman, Jobn 269 Hindman, Samuel 59 Hinda, Chariea C 9 Hine, Lemon G 288 Hine, Robert J 354 Hiner, Conrad H 65 Hines, Cyrua C 67,118 Hines, WUliam C 130 Hinealey, Andrew J., (14Bth /nd.inf.) 168 Hinesley, Andrew J., (133d /nd. inf ) 423 Hinkle, Jacob L <. 69 Hinkle, Oacar N 46 Hinkle, WilUara S 33 Hinkley, Darwin 353 Hiukaon, Hezekiah 33 Hinraan, Charlea M 101 Hinraan, Renaslaer W 314 Hinman, WiUiara H 433 Hiuraon, George B 333 HInz, Hermann H 250 Hipolite, William W 240 Hipaley, Webater H 384 Hipwell, William 86 Hirsch, Auguatua 363 Hitchcock, Charlea 406 Hitchcock, Edward 11 Hitchcock, Frank 348 Hitchcock, Hirara p^ 334 Hitchcock, JohnW., (18th /nd.inf.) 57 Hitchcock, John W., {I33d /nd.inf.) 433 Hitchcock, William W 265 Hitchena, George ]44 Hite, Chriatian W 337 Hitt, Daniel P 304 Hitt. Henry W 256 Hitt, John W 182 Hitt, John Y 55 Hitt, Joseph E 183 Hitt, Samuel N 194 Hitt, WUliam R 379 Hively, Adam 380 Hixon, John 98 Hixson, Jacksou 144 Hoadley, Daniel W 137 Hoadley, WiUiam R 332 Hoag, WalterB 245 Hoagiand, John S 115 Hoagiand, Piatt 100 Hoagiand, WilUam H 100 Hoback, Joel H 118 Hoback, WUliam K 118 Hobart, John S 166 Hobart, Randolph D 388 Hobart, Richard 404 Hobart, Thoraas 1 288 Hobbs, Albert M 272 Hobbs, Alvin J 130 Hobbs, Franklin M 351 Hobbs, George W., {9Sth /ii.inf.) 361 Hobbs, GeorgeW., {ISSth /ii.inf.) 408 Hobbs, Marmaduke M. C 138 Hobbs, Thomas H 375 Hobbs, Wiley 397 Hobbs, William P 143 Hobba, Wilson 143 Hoben, Thoraas H 288 Hobson, Jamea M 127 Hobson, Merrett S 232 Hobaon, Volney 16 Hobson, Williara ] 72 Hockman. Joaeph 215 Hochstetler, Jacob P 118 Hochstetter. Guatav ...81 Hodge, Alexander 339 Hodge. Johu B 259 Hodge, Levi 188 Hodge, Walter G 126 Hodge, Wilbur F 348 Hodge, Williara S 386 Hodgen, Isaac G 362 Hodges, George J. 334 Hodftea, Hezeki.ah C 240 Hodgea, Jamea P 399 Hodges, John B 90 Hodges, Joseph C 101 Hodgkins, Lewis W 129 Hodsden, De Witt C 42 Hodsden, N, B 349 Hodsden, Stephen P 41 Hodson, David 147 Hoechster, EmU 250 Hoenny, (jharles 280 Honing, George H 286 Hoff, p"'rederick W 31 Hoffa, John 169 Iloffar, Julian F 73 Hoffman, Adam E 296 Hoffman, Adolphua B 278 Hoft'inan, Herraan B 194 Htjffman, Hoxie L 208 Hoffman, Max F. A 41, 158 Hoffman, Peter A 435 Hoffman, Stewart W 278 Hoffman, Valentine 3.53 Hoffmann, John 205 Hoffmire, Jacob C 288 Hofman, Willllam E 361 Hogan, David 108 Hogan, John H 203 Hogan, Thomas 271 Hogan, Tiraothy D 125 Hogard, Andrew B 439 Hogarth, Thoraas 76 Hogate, Charles P 421 Hoge, Enoa D 375 Hoge, George l5 379 INDEX OP NAMES. 515 Hoge, Marion D 375 Hogeboom, George P 18 Hogeland, Alexander, (IOth /nd. inf., 3-yrs.) .-43 Hogeland, Alexauder, (10th Ind, int., 3-moa.).417 Hogg, Harvey 179 Hogle, Austin W 334 Hogle, Cornellua L 334 Hogue, Charles P 23 Hogue, Jamea C 272 Hogue, Sarauel A 200 Hoit, John W 383 Hoke, Jake P 143 Hoke, John 120 Hoke, Thaddeus 75 Holabird, Harlow C 52 Holbrook, Ferdinand S 440 Holbrook, William B 330 Holeomb, 'Benjamin F 290 Holeomb, Jerome P 37 Holeomb, Myron 382 Holeomb, Orville C 437 Holcorab, Pythagoraa E 247 Holcorab, SUaaM 125 Holcroft, Jamea K 108 Holden, Aaron C 273 Holden, Clifford W., (7th HI int., 3-years) 221 Holden, CliffordJW., (7th III inf., 3-raonths).. 429 Holden, Clifford W., (13Sth III Uif ) 436 Holden, Levi P 350 Holdson, James 150 Hole, Henry P 239 HoUan, Hugo .385 Holland, Charles W 98 Holland, Hosmer P 332 Holland, John E 89 Holland, Nathaniel W . .'¦ 233 Holland, WUliam 152 HoUeque, Thoraas S 230 HoUeman, WUliara B 376 HoUenbeck, J. W 178 HoUenbeck, Jerorae W 333 HoUiday, Prank A 193 Holliday, James M 145 Holliday, Wilbur P 13 Hollinbank, Cornelius C 286 Hollingsworth, William E 424 Hollingsworth, WUliara W 82 Hollinshead, George W 105 HolUs, Ephraim J 122 ¦Hollis, Georgo W 155 Hollis, Joseph, (34th III inf) 269 Hollis, Joaeph, (150th /ii. inf.) 403 Hollopeter, WUUam C 146 HoUoway, David S 59 HoUoway, George W .390 HoUoway, John 126 HoUoway, WilUamH 72 HoUy, WlUIam H 186 Holman, Jcase B 91 Holman, Jesse L 57 Holman, Louia P Ul Holman, Martin C 161 Holman, Mortimer C 71 Holman, WiUiam W 98 Holmburg, Leonard N 177 Holmes, David 38 Holmes, David N 307 Holmea, Eliaa M 297 Holmea, Jacob D 439 Holraea, Jamea A 38 Holmea, Jamea M 371 Holmes, John 353 Holmea, John PI 95 Holmes, William A. T 94 Holoman, Thoraas J 227 Holstein, Charles L., jr .' 63 Holt, Alexander H., (1st U. cav.) 177 Holt, Alexander H., (138th ll. int.) 437 Holt, James N 387 Holt, Lucius B. B 438 Holt, Peter 178 Holt, WUliam J 295 Holton, Jesae 130 Holton, JohnH 384 Holton, Noble 324 Holton, WUliam M 124 Holtaclaw, Marshall 115 HoUzman, Samuel E 121 Homan, Joseph B 151 Hombuckle, Siraeon N 261 Honald, JohnW 126 Honan, Patrick UO. 113 Honnold, Albert M 3.53 Honschiedt, Henry 356 Honsleraan, Jamea 333 Hood, Humphrey H 383 Hood, John 339 Hood, Samuel B 247 Hood, Thoraaa M 293 Hooe, Benjarain 433 Hooker, Jamea H 278 Hooker, Rufua M 191 Hooper, Clayton B 362 Hooper, Sarauel 280 Hooper, Shadrack K 65 Hooton, Maraeuna M 348 Hoover, Dewitt C 130 Hoover, Frederick 130 Hoover, George 88 Hoover, Isaac L 372 Hoover, Jacob 37 Hoover, Jesae B 67 Hoover, Johu S 263 Hoover, Jonaa, (20th nd. inf. ) 62 Hoover, Jonas, (I38th nd. inf.) 425 Hoover, Lorenzo D 396 Hoover, Martin B 43 Hopemau, WUUam B 182 Hopkins, Alfred 363 HopkluB, Benjamin B 184 Hopkins, Caleb, (batt'y C, 2d ll It. art,) 214 Hopkins, Caleb, (10th 11 inf.) 430 Hopkins, Carlisle 280 Hopkins, (George W 63 Hopkins, Hugh F 50 Hopkins, Isaac A 120 Hopkins, John M 281 Hopkins, John W 355 Hopkina, Joaeph B 356 Hopkins, Leroy S 355 Hopkins, Myron 229 Hopkina, Richard R 240 Hopkins, Samuel A - 355 Hopkins, WiUiam T 431 Hoppe, Erich 341 Hopper, Barney 9 Hopper, Frank ; 164 Hopper, Jacob N 351 Hopper, James M 140 Horn, George 102 Horn, Henry 299 Hornaday, Enos C 45 516 INDEX OF NAMES. Homhack, Robert 380 Hornberger, Isaac 76 Hornbroolt, Saunders R 126 Hornbrook, Thomas 126 Hornbrook, William P 96 Home, Lewis S 118 Home, Othniel 363 Horner, Jacob S 116 Horner, Thomas P 324 Horner, William J 388 Homey, Alexander 130 Horr, Charles W 271 Horr, Warren 7 Horrall, Spillard F : 96 Hort, JohnW 118 Horton, Andrew J 347 Horton, Augiistine J 82 Horton, George W., {3d UL cav.) 180 Horton, George W., (199th /ZZ. inf.) 395 Horton, Stephen W 360 Hoschett, John 86 Hoaea, Eh H 195 Hosford, James M 377 Hoskins, John A. , (20th III. inf.) 243 Hoskins, John A. , {129th III. inf.) 395 Hoskinson, Gamaliel 280 Hosmer, Andrew I 288 Hosmer, Harvey P 379 Hossack, Henry L 437 Hostetler, Benjamin N 128 Hostetler, Jamea W 20 Hostetler, Joseph A.W 382 Hostetter, Abner 260 Hostetter, Amos W 270 Hostetter, Edmund 92 Hostetter, John L 269 Hostetter, Samuel 165 Hotaling, John R 1 78 Hotchkiss, Benjamin F 431 Hotchkiss, Charles T., (llth and 89th III. inf., 3-years) 228, 351 Hotchkiss, Charles T., (llth HI. inf., 3-mos.). 431 Hotchkiss, Memoir V 335 Hotopp, Henry J. 190 Hottel, Martin V 122 Hottenstein, John A 284 Hottenstein, Oscar 243 Houchin, John L 154 Hongh, Ira 39 Hongh, Jeremiah 144 Hougli, John, (17th III. inf.) 239 Hough, John, (77th 111. inf.) 335 Hough, Joseph R 125 Hough, Resell M 192 Hough, RosseU M 432 Hough, Thomaa 104 Houghland, Oscar F 69 Houghland, William T 69 Houghtaling, Charles, (1st III. It. art.). ..207, 209 Iloughtahng, Charles, (IQih Ul. inf) 430 Houghton, Charles W., (85th 7Z;. inf.> 347 Houghton, Charles W., (123d III. inf.) 388 Houghton, Jamea 43 Houghton, James E 74 Houghton, Luther W 35 Houghton, William 50 House, Ellia HI House, Erasmus D 047 House, JohnM 375 House, William H 388 Householder , Peter 269 Houser, Jacob H 17 Housman, Jehiel G 356 Houston, Alexander M 306 Houston, Daniel L 304 ' Houston, Henry C 110 I Houston, JohnB., (llth 7Z?. inf.) 229 Houston, John B., (49th III. inf.) 298 Houston, Robert , 300 I Houston, Samuel 252 I Houston, William H 155 Houts, Thomas F 247 : Hovey, Alvin P 67 I Hovey, Charlea E 267 I Hovey, Hardin 337 ! Howard, Andrew J., (3Rth Ind. inf.) 92 I Howard, AndrewJ., (Ql^t Ind. inf.) 139 Howard, Aza W 190 Howard, Bushrod B -. 242 Howard, Charles O., (8th loid, inf., S-years) . ..39 Howard, Cbarles O., (8th Ind. inf., 3-months). 416 Howard, Edson C 406 Howard, Ethan A 363 Howard, Frank M 18 Howard, George F 108 Howard, Jamett M 314 Howard, James W 402 Howard, John 7 Howard, Johu A., (54th /tic?, inf.) II7 Howard, John A., (153d /red. inf.) 173 Howard, John J 55 Howard. Jos P. M 434 Howard, Lysander C 267 Howard, Montgomery C 113 Howard, Noble P 46 Howard, Philip J 259 Howard, Richard L 389 Howard, Samuel A 14 Howard, Samuel R 360 Howard, Tilghman A 50 Howard, Tighlman A 420 Howard, Wellington F 426 Howard, William 115 Howard, Wiltiam F 227 Howden, Thomaa L 337 Howe, Charles 245 Howe, Charles F '. 170 Howe, Daniel W 137 Howe, Edward E 284 Howe, Edward P ug Howe, George W 368 Howe, Granville L 364 Howe, John H 389 Howe, Orlando B 255 Howe, Peter J 106 Howe, Williara 404 Howell, David, (4Qi\i Irul. inf.) ,".'.102 Howell, David, (14Xh. Ind. mt) 135 Howell, David, (142^ Ind. inf.) 162 Howell, Ephraim S 390 Howell, Henry C 388 Howell, James D 57 Howell, John W 202 Howell, Joseph G 294 Howell, Richard B ] 372 Howell, Samuel P 356 Howell, Thomas F 156 Howell, William H., {46th III. inf.) !..".."293 HoweU, WiUiara H., (89th 111. inf.) 351 Howes, Thoraas 185 Howes, Thomas A 102 Howk, Richard A " 196 INDEX OP NAMES. 511 Hotvland, Honry 300 Howland, Liviugaton 90 Howlett, John R 179 Hoy, Robert 159 Hoyer, Auguatua 214 Hoyt, Brakin M 302 Hoyt, H. W. B 379 Hoyt, Samuel N 221 Hoyt, W. H 296 Hubbard, Alonzo, (93d Tnd. inf) 149 Hubbard, Alonzo, (USth Ind. inf) 155 Hubbard, Alonzo H 47 Hubbai'd, Augustus 362 Hubbard, Charlea A 149 Hubbard, Chauncy B 409 I-Inbbard, Georgo B 406 Hubbard, George M 134 Hubbard, George N 187 Hubbard, George T., (15th III eav.) 203 Hubbard, Georgo T., (136th III inf.) 436 Hubbard, Gurdon ,S. , jr 350 Hubbard, Harmon II 385 Hubbard, James A., (22d /ii.inf) 247 Hubbard, James A., {135th /ii. inf.) 436 Hubbard, Jesse H 44 Hubbard, John H 221 Hubbard, Louis D 181 Hubbard, Thomas A 368 Hubbard, WUUara 72 Hubbard, WUliara A., (7th HI. int.) 221 Hubbard, William A., (137th /ii. inf.) 437 Hubbard, WiUiam S 13 Hubbel, Edward 19 HubbeU, EdwardT 22 Hubbell, fSUasH 371 Hubbs, Benjamin, jr 80 Hubert, CharlesF 290 Hubler, Henry 46 Huckeby, JohnL 139 Hucklebenj, Silas D 37 Huckstep, Stephen M ...381 I-Iudgins, Zachariah 394 Hudlow, Jacob 103 Huduut, Theodore 59 Hudson, Abiaha S 269 Hudaon, Alexander 216 Hudaon, Craven S 122 Hudaon, David G 409 Hudaon, George T , 261 Hudaon, Jaraea 433 Hudaon, Jamea A., (53d /nd. inf.) 115 Hudson, Jaraea A., (9th Ind. inf.) 417 Hudaou, Jamea B 417 Hudson, James D., (27th /^d. int., 72 Hudson, James D., (120th Ind. inf.) 154 Hudaon, Jamea E 248, 304 Hudson, Jamea L 148 Hudaon, Joseph 284 Hudson, Levin W 417 Hudaou, Preaton C 347 Hudson, Kobert N 423 Hudaon, WilUamH. H 164 Huette, Matthew J 139 Huff Abijah J 174 Huff, John 259 Huff, NathauB 353 Huff, SarauelA 419 Hnffer, JohnH 283 Huffman, Abraham W 165 Huffman, Andrew J 15 Huffman, Henry O 55 Huffman, JohnW 129 Huffman, Pifor A 55 Huffman, WilUam 163 Huffman, WilUara H 357 Huff master, William 261 Hnffstiitler, William F 394 Hughea, Alexander 403 Hughes, Andrew J 247 Hughes, Clark B 343 Hughea, EUis J 102 Hughea, Eraery 391 Hughes , Ferdinand 405 Hughes, Frank 91 Hughea, Jaraea 22 Hughea, Jaraea H., (S9th Ind. inf.) 122 Hughea, Jaraea H., {56th /ii. inf. ) 309 Hughes, John A 292 Hughes, JohnG 87 Hughea, JohnW 186 Hughea, Matthew M 39 Hughes, Owen 272 Hughea, Peter 227 Hughea, Richard 334 Hughes, RichardH 228 Hughes, Richard M 202 Hughea, Sarauel T 225 Hughea, William 227 Hughea, WiUiam B 421 Hughea, William E 78 Hughea, WUliara F 169 Hughey, laaac N 296 Hughey, James S 76 Huhn, Henry 288 Hughs, Lewis 145 Hughaon, MarshaU B 435 Hugunin, James R., (12th HI. Inf., 3. years). .230 Hugunin, Jamea R., (12th III. inf., 3-montha) .431 Hulaniak, Thaddeua C 217 Hulbert, B. W 318 Hulbig, Charles J 288 Hulburd, Franklin K..v 249 Hulburt, EUaha J 228 Hulbnrt. Richardaon W 228 Hulitt, AndrewB 188 Hull, Adam 100 Hull, Benjarain 384 Hull, Charles B 432 Hull, Henry D 362 Hull, JameaG 196 Hull, Jamea S 90 Hull, Lewia 362 Hull, Orrin L 155 HuU, Stephen C 201 HuU, Wesley W 239 Hullaud, William R 9,11 Huls, Henry V. T 191 Hulae, Abraham C 387 Hume, Charles R 337 Hume. Jamea 248 Humea, Benjamin G 277 Hiimea, Johu 74 Huraeaton, Luther P 274 Huramel, George 371 Hummel, John L 39 Humphrey, Abner V 337 Humphrey, George, (12th Ind. inf.) 45 Humphrey, George, (Seth Ind. inf. ) 145 Humphrey, George, (139th Ind. int.) 425 Humphrey, Hector J 193 Humphrey, Henry A ,- 190 Humphrey, Jaraea M 439 518 INDEX OF NAMES. Humphrey, John W., (149th /red. inf.) 169 Humphrey, John W., {78th /nd. inf.) 420 Humphrey, L. L 321 Humphrey. Thoraas W 357 Huraphrey, Wesley 302 Humphreys, Charles F 214 Huraphreys, George D 281 I Humphreys, Lewis 74 ' Huraphreys, WiUiam W 118 Humrichouser, Isaiah 435 Hundley, Robert M 394 Hungate, Adolphus P 143 Hungate, Andrew J., (37th Ind.int.) 90 Hungate, Andrew J., (134th /nd.inf) 423 Hungate, George W 90 Hungate, John 110 Hungate. WUUam 349 Hungerford, Bradley 257 Hunsaker, John C 374 Hunt, Aaron L 71 Hunt, Andrew L 435 Hunt, Andrew M 82 Hunt, Charles A 391 Hunt, Edgar Z 178 Hunt, EU L 369 Hunt, Elmore W 188 Hunt, George 230 Hunt, IsaacL 333 Hunt, J. Spafford, (3d HI cav.) 181 Hunt. J. Spafford, (13th /ii. inf.) 232 Hunt, Jesse C 125 Hunt, John 118 Hunt, John M 160 Hunt, John W., (10th /nd.inf) 43 Hunt, JohnW., (ISOth /nd. inf.) 170 Hunt, Junius 419 Hunt, Luther B., {45th /ii. inf) 290 Hunt, Luther B. , (138th III. int.) 437 Hunt, Oliver G 229 Hunt, Oliver P 390 Hunt, WilUam 230 Hunt, WUliam C 300 Hunt, WilliamP 276 Hunt, William R 90 Hunter, AlbertL 323 Hunter, Alfred G 140 Hunter, Charles N 140 Hunter, Charles T 225 Huuter, Cyrus R 110 Hunter, David C 78 Hunter, Francis M 84 Hunter, Frank W 345 Hunter, George, (7th /ii. inf , 3-years) 221 Hunter, George, (7th III inf, 3-months) 429 Hunter, George H 204 Hunter, George W 196 Hunter, Hiram A 304 Hunter, James B 124 Hunter, James M., (63d HI inf.) 323 Hunter, James M., {lS2d /ii. inf.) 405 Hunter, John G., (10th Ind. cav.) 17 Hunter, JohnG., (93d /nd.inf) 149 Hunter, Johu H., (19th /(i. inf.) 242 Hunter, John H., {31st III inf.) 263 Hunter, John M 209 Hunter, Joseph B 48 Hunter, Mahlon 165 Huuter, Morton C ]] 40 Hunter, Moses 338 Hunter, Samuel H., (69th /ii.inf) '. .'.'.'.'.i33 Hunter, Samuel H., (14Ist III. int.) 439 Huuter, Thomaa 254 Hunter, William, (18th /ii. inf ) 240 Hunter, Williara, (32d III inf.) 265 Hunter, William J 245 Hunter, WilUam S 194 Hunting, Charlea 188 Huntington, Henry A 192 H'jntley, Charlea C., (16th /ii. cav.) 205 Huntley, CharleaC, (71st III inf.) 434 Huntley, Judaon J 274 Huntley, Oscar H 177 Huntoon, John F 334 Huntoon, William R i 202 Huntainger, John S 212 Huntaraan, George W 60 Huntziuger, WiUiam H 137 Hupfauf Max 81 Hupp, George 0 190 Hurd, Anaon, (Uth 7nd. inf) 50 Hurd, Anson, (20th /nd. inf.) 61 Hurd, DeWitt C 302 Hurd, Orriu D 76 Hurd, Thomaa P 240 Hurlburt, Bdward D 86 Hurlburt, Frederick J 312 Hurlbut, Theron R 332 Hurlbut, WaHer C 310 Hurleaa, Abner R 3.33 Hurley, Madiaon M 65 Hurson, Edward 285 Hurst, John N 14 Hurst, Levi S 20 Hurat, Lewis 69 Hurst, Merritt 405 Hurat, Thoraaa W 384 Hurat, William M 245 Hurt, CharleaH 223 Hurt. EUsha 257 Hurt, John A - - 370 Hurt, Johu M - 370 Husaey, Jaraea M 126 Hussey, John C 151 Hussong, Jacob H 11 Huated, Henry 16 Huston, Arms trong 93 Huston, Daniel W 57 Huston, James, {12th /nd.inf , 1-ycar) 46 Huston, James, (12th /nd. iuf , 3-years) 47 Huston, James E 130 Huston, James O 127 Huaton, Jesae B 365 Huaton, Obed W 34 Huaton, Ormsby H 116 Huston, Oacar T 116 Huaton, WUUam A 437 Hutchens, John B 67 Hutchena, WilUam D 203 Hutcherson, Francia A 139 Hutchinaon, Cyrua 206 Hutchioaon, David 76 Hutchinaon, Joaeph 57 Hutchinaon, William H., (79th III inf) 338 Hutchinaon, WUUam H., {144th /ii.inf) 398 Hutchinson, William S 206 Hutchison, Irvin 145 Hutchison, Lawrence W 143 Hutchison, WUUam 147 Hutson, Jaraes W 4 Hutton, John P 205 Huyett, Joseph 355 Hyatt, Henry H 68 INDEX OF NAMES. 519 Hyatt, William 90 Hyde.Bonjarahi F 183 Hyde, 0. W. G 304 Hyde, Ira 11 108 Hyden, Jauu-'s E 122 Hyden, Williiira H 16 Hyman, Jobn A 337 Hymor, Samuel 381 Hyiie, Wolfgang 121 Hynes, Blythe 424 Hynes, Dennia J 190,206 Hynes, Johu A., (17th /R cav.) 206 Hynes, J.-lm A., (2da III. inf.) 248 Hynes, Timothy 89 lama, George S 142 Ice, AndrewJ 240 Ide, W^illiaui H 357 Igel, Richard 80 Igoe, Martin 86 Ihrie, Warren H 320 Ijamy, Lewis E., (16th III. cav.) 205 Ijama, Lewis E., (6eth III. int) 432 Ijams, Thomas H 41 Imhoff, Michael 58 Ing, Christopher 280 lug, Joseph 280 Ingalsbee, Seth 194 IngersoU, diaries W 439 IngersoU, E2t.'ldel J 331 IngersoU, Frank 48 IngersoU, Harley J 190 IngersoU, Henry S 367 IngersoU, Isaac 280 IngersoU, Johu W 296 IngersoU, Joseph 334 IngersoU, Orton 228 Ingt^rsoU, Robert G 196 Ingle, Johu 17 Ingold, Lanriston B 166 Ingold, William A 54 lograhani, Andrew W 390 Ingraham, D. G 267 Ingraham, Henry R 143 Ingraham, Nathan D 363 Ingraham, Winfield S 293 Ingram, Henry P 321 Ingram, Isaac A 281 Ingram, Jerorae M 318 Ingram, John W 69 Ingram, William T.,(40th Ill.int) 280 Ingram, WUliam T., (136th /^i. inf.) 436 Innis, James W 1 29 Inniss, William 242 Insley, John N 132 Ireland, Charles 336 Ireland, James 431 Ireland, Martin 247 Ireland, Wi liam H 63. 64 Irons, Charles D .348 Irons, David D 348 Irons, Thomas R 154 Irvin, Abram 334 Irvin, George A 146 Irvin, James D 5 Irvin, John 255 Irvin, Sherbum H. W 259 Irvin, AViUiam, (4th Ind. cav.) 7 Irvin, William, (148th /flrf. inf.) 168 Irvin, William, (74th ///.iuf.) 332 Irvine, Robert D 317 Irwin, Charles N 181 Irwin , George E. 149 Iiwlu, George M., (140th Ind.int.) 161 Irwm, George M., (137th //id. inf.) 425 Irwin, Honry F 348 Irwin, James 2L9 Irwin, Joseph L 82 Irwiu, Leander 337 Irwin, Lue M 254 Irwin, Lycurgua 52 Irwiu, Robert, (46th /«(/. inf.) 102 Irwin, Robert, {77th ///. iuf. ) 336 Irwin, Kobert, (69th III. iuf.) 433 Irwin. Rohert L 333 IriVin, Samnel R 84 Irwiu, Samuel S, 179 Irwin, William R 39 Isaminger, James 323 IsbeU, Edgar 294 Iseuhower, Martin R 150 iHgiigg, William H. H 7 Ishmael, WUUam S 299 laom, James W., (44tb HLinf.) 288 Isom, JamesW., (Alton batt'n //Z. inf.) 441 Isom, Jobn F 252 laom, William G 390 Iten, Antou 250 Ives, Charles 396 Ives, Cbarles W 3.57 Ives, Edmnud M 416 Ives, Joseph T 59, 61 Ives, Simeon P 432 Ivy, WUliam H. H 138 Jack, John W., (9th Ind.cav.) 16 Jack, JohnW., (I9th loid. 'mf.) 60 Jackman, Sarauel S 294 Jacks, Isaac N 170 Jacks, Richard F 170 Jackson, A.J 178 Jackson, Addison A 230 Jackaon, AUVed T 145 Jackson, Andrew 14 Jacksou, Caleb B. lf,6 Jacksou, Casimer P., (37th III. inf.) 274 Jackson, Casimer P., (151st^///. inf.) 404 Jacksou, Charles H 365 Jackson, Charlea W 284 Jackson, Kdward J 247 Jackson, Francis 205 Jackson, George W., (9tb loid. cav.) 16 Jackbon, George W., (4th batt'y ///<£. It. art.). .25 Jacksou, GeorgeW., (34th aud 118th lud. iuf.) 84,422 Jackson, I-^aac H 421 Jacksou, Jacob A., (9th Ind. cav.) 16 Jackson, Jacob A., (e9tb Ind.int) 130 Jacksou, James A 351 Jackaon, Jaraes B 406 Jackaon, James G 69 Jackaon, James S 247 Jackson, John, (4th Ind. cav.) 7 Jackson, John, (2^d lud. inf / 65 Jackson, Jobn B 424 Jackson, Johu H 36 Jackson, Joseph R 130 Jacksou, Leonard D 143 Jackaon, Matthew E 36 Jackson, Nathan P 350 Jackson, Palen 43 Jacksou, Silas M 232 Jackson, Thaddeus P 23 Jackson, Thomas H 357 520 INDEX OF NAMES. Jackson, Thomas J 96 Jackson, William 242 Jackson, William H 110 Jacobs, James R 349 Jacobs, James W 29 Jacobs, John 180 Jacobs, John H 29 Jacobs, Thomas B 338 Jacobs, Valentine 60 Jacobs, William B 135 Jacobus, Charles 402 Jacoby, Andrew 250 Jafoby, Lawrence 24 Jacquess, Jaraes F -187 Jaehne, JuUus 205 Jazemau, Edward 194 Jahna, Henry 286 James, Benjamiu F., (129X11 Ind. inf .) 159 Jaraes, Benjamin F-, (51st III. inf.) 300 Jaraes, Calvin S., (58th ///. inf.) 315 Jaraes, Calviu S., (135th /ZL inf.) 436 James, Charles C 182 James, David 358 James, Dewitt C 17 Jamea, Edward A 217 Jamea, George W 22 James, Harry H - 11 James, Joseph A 353 James, Joseph T 187 James, Levi 147 Jaraes, Reuben 159 James, Thomas P 306 Jaraes, William, ir 330 James, WUUam C 396 Jameson, David 75 Jameson, George C *. 259 Jameson, Jas. M 72 Jameson, John D 259 Jameson, Love H 137 Jamieson, Hugh 38 Jamieson, Joseph W 330 Jamison, Charles C 434 Jamison, Jacob 294 Jamison, John H . - 175 Jamison, Mathew H". 227 Jamison, William H 245 Janes, Albert S 439 Janes, Heury W 307 Jansen, Henry 199 Jansen, M atthew 256 Janssen, Bernhard C. F 188 Jaqua, Mason 9 Jaques, Amoa F 254 Jaques, Heury C 187 Jaques, Oliver P 135 Jaquess, George D 138 Jaqueas, Isaac N 331 Jaquess, Jaraea F 331 Jaquith, Albert D 106 Jaquith, James H 315 Jared, Lorenzo D 249 Jarrell, WilliamM 130,142 Jassey, John 389 Jay, Alexander 153 Jay, James G 13 Jay cox, George 23 Jayne, Henry 188 Jaynes, Daniel B 149 Jeancon, John Allard 80 JeflFcoat, John 379 Jeflferis, WiUiam C 9 Jeffers, LorinG 219 Jeffers, Stephen 358 Jeffers, William H 369 Jeffery, Thomas A - 38 Jeffriea, Jaraes 155 Jeffries, WiUiam A 323 Jeffa, Henry A 269 Jehu, Robert 229 Jekelfalusy, Alex 250 Jelf, WiUiara 59 Jelley, James S 141 Jencks, William O 429 Jenkins, Andrew T 125 Jenkins, Augustine M 263 Jenkina, Bartholomew 184 Jenkins, Bartou B 13 Jenkins, Benjamin 419 Jenkins, Charles S 67 Jenkins, David F j 267 Jenkins, David P., (1st ///. cav.) 177 Jenkins, DavidP., (Uth HI. cav.) 202 Jenkins, George 326 Jenkins, George H 335 Jenkins, James H. M 74 Jenkins, Joseph M., (150th ///. inf.) 403 Jenkina, Joseph M. , (134th HI. inf.) 435 Jenkins, Joshua B 93 Jenkins, PhiUp 335 Jenkins, Sarauel B 55 Jenkins, Thomas K., (14th ///. cav.; 202 Jenkins, Thomaa K., (68th HI. inf .) 432 Jenks, Albert 203, 272 Jenks, GeorgeW 265 Jeuks, John C 58 Jenks, "WiUiam M 232 Jenks, WiUiam R. C 151 Jenner, Harvey M 192 Jennings, Birkett G 409 Jennings, Charles tl 75 Jennings, David W 265 Jenniugs, Henry 304 Jenniuga, Henry F., (16th batt'y /«d. It. art,).. 31 Jennings, Henry F., (15th /nd inf.) 52 Jennings, Horatio G. P 104 Jennings, Jesse D 271 Jennings, John M 135 Jennings, Joseph D ,366 Jennings, Patrick G 190 Jennings, Thomas C 383 Jennings. WilUam F 196 Jerauld, Henry C 138 Jerauld, Henry F 436 Jerauld, WiUiam F 150 Jergens, Christopher C 192 Jerger, Leander. (27th Ind.inf.) 72 Jerger, Leander, (143d //id inf.) 163 Jerger, Stephen 72 Jerome, Chas. W 38 Jervis, Richard 27 Jessop, Robert N 184 Jessup, Alexander S 184 Jeaaup, Robert B 67 Jeter, Henry H 82 Jeter, Jinrmontell B 440 JeweU, BasU H 18 Jewell, Isaac C ^ 431 JeweU, Williara R., (7th Ind. iuf.) 38 Jewell, WilUam R., (72d Ind.inf.) 132 Jewell, WUUam S 11 Je wc^tt, George W 125 Jewett, Patrick H 63 INDEX OP NAMES. 521 Job, ThomasL 242 Jobe. WiUi;nuF 030 Jobes, William 361 Jocelyn, Auguatus 139 Jocelyn, WUliam D., (7th Ind.'mf.) 38 Jocelyn, WUUam D., (134th /rerf. iuf.) 423 Jolm, Edward 80 Johns, Frederick A., (98th ///. inf.) 361 Johns, Frederick A., (I54th HI. inf.) 407 Johns, Frederick A., (136th ///. inf.) 436 Johns, Geo'-go J 323 Johns, Harvey C 395 Johns, Jonathan M 98 Johns, Joseph C 195 Johns, W. H 349 Johns, AVilliam H 436 Johnson, Alexander H 261 Johnson, Alfred, (4.5th /-Z. inf.; 291 Johnson, Alfred, (125th ///. inf.) 390 Johnson, Alfred 0 285 Johnson, Allen B 279 Johnson, Amasa 41 Johnson, Ambrose E., (30th Ind. inf .) 77 Johnson, Ambrose E., (142d Ind. inf .) 162 Johnson, Amory K 233,2.57 Johnson, Andrew R 317 Johnson, Anthony 67 Johnson, Barclay R 131 Johnson, Benjamin F., (4th batt'j'^ loid. It. art.). 25 Johnson, Beujamiu F. , (L7th batt'y loid. It. art. )32 Johnson, Calvin 385 Johnson, Calviu R 156 Johnson, Calvin W 24 Johnson, Charles 118 Johnson, Charles A 280 Johnson, Charles B 113 Johuson, Charles E 196 Johnson, Charles F 440 Johuson, Charles T 306 Johnson, Charles W 335,396 Johnson, Clinton 59, 61 Johuson, Daniel R. P 240 Johnson, Daniel S 100 Johnson, Darius 395 Johnson, Dwight D 181 Johuson, Edward F 398 Johnson, Edward S., (7th Ill.inf.) 221 Johnaon, Edward S., (93d III. inf.) 355 Johnson, Egbert 206 Johnson, Emoiy 97 Johnson, Erie 312 Johnson, Francia W 110 Johnson, Frauk H 162 Johnson, Franklin T 19 Johnson, Frederick F 2.59 Johnaon, George N 240 Johnaon, George S 141 Johnson, Gideon 127 Johnson, Gilbert M. L 3,18,20 Johnson, Harvy 71 Johnson, Henry 370 Johnaon, Henry A 48 Johnson, Heury C 82 Johnson, Hiram 398 Johnson, Irwiu.. .¦ 380 Johnson, Ii^aac C 173 Johnson, J. B 437 Johnson, Jabin 14 Johnson, Jaraea 316 Johnson, Jaraes C 343 Johnson, James D 375 Johnson, James F 197 Johnson, James H liO, 113 Johnson, Jamea M 374 Johnson, James N 406 Johnaon, Jar via J 72 Johnson, Jasper, (12th ///. eav.) 198 Johnaon, Jaaper, (3l8t III. inf.) 263 Johnson, Jesse 300 Johnson, Jesse R., (77th/?/. inf.) 335 Johuson, Jesse R., (130th III. inf.) 396 Johnaon, John 214 Johnson, JohnB., (72d Ind. inf.) 132 Johnson, John B., (79th Ind.inf.) 137 Johnson, JohnB., (55th ///. iuf.) 307 Johuson, JohnC 261 Johuson, JohnH., (19th /red inf.) 59 Johuson. JohnH., (59th ///. inf.) 31(i Johnson, JohnH., (138th 7//. inf.) 437 Johnson, JohnJ 300 Johnson, JohnM., (62d Ill.inf.) 321 Johnson, John M., (114th ///. iuf.) 380 Johuson, JohuM., (137th///. iuf.) 437 Johnsou, John T., (25th Ind. iuf.) 69 Ji-hnson, JohnT., (36th ///. iuf.) 272 Johuson, John W 306 Johnaon, Joseph G 362 Johuson, L. Sraith 11 Johnsou, Leland L 269 .fohnson, Lyraan S 356 Johuson, Marquis L - Ill Johnson, UicajahF.,-(6M Ind. inf.) 125 Johnson, MicajahF., (116th loid. inf.) 421 Johnson, Nelson 141 Johnson, Oley P 292 Johnson, Philip B 259 Johnsou, Reuben B 409 Johnson, Richard M 314 Johuson, Richard P 38 Johnson, Robert H 76 Johnaon, Ruel M 152 Johnson, Sarauel F 126 Johuson, Sarauel 247 Johnson, Smith 237 Jofmson, Squire 96 Johnson, Tliomas, (24th loid. inf.; 67 Johnson, Thomas, (65th Ind. inf.) 126 Johnson, Thomas, (98th ///. inf.) 361 Johnson, Thomas E 161 Johuson, Thomas J 70 Johnsou, Thomas L 409 Johuson, Thoraas W 265 Johnaon, Volney C 242 Johnson, WUliara D. H 396 Johuson, WilUara H. , (97th Ind. inf. ) 1.50 Johnson, WiUiara H., (87th ///. inf.) 349 Johnson, Williara S.. (27th Ind. iuf.) 72 Johnson, WUliara S., (Uth ///.inf.) 228 Johnsou, WUliam S., (55th III. inf .) 307 Johnson, William S., (103d ///. inf.) 367 Johnsou, William T 169 Johnson, Williara W 143 Johnson, Zachariah M 147 Johnssen, Lewis 43 Johnston, Ghailes F 58 Johnston, Edwin H 391 Johnston, Harvey D 362 Johnston, Jaraes A 105 Johnston, James B 230 Johnaton, Jas. T 169 Johnston, John D 32 Johnaton, John F 297 522 INDEX OF NAMES. Johnston, Lewis W 169 Johnston, Orrin S 300 Johnston, Samuel 370 Johnston, Samuel M 108 Jonnston, Thomas B 316 Johnston, WUliam H 423 Johnston, WUUam M 275 Joiner, Joaiah 311 Joiner, Thomaa E 293 Jolca, WilUam 409 Joliff, Reuben AV 376 JoUy , David 182 Jonas, Edward 299 Jones, Aaron L 13 Jones, Albert J 338 Jonea, Albert AV 239 , Jones, Alexauder 122 Jones, Amoa 94 Jones, Andrew 51 115 Jones, Benjamin AV 298 Jones, Byron C 85 Jones, Caleb V 125 Jones, Charles 69 Jonea, (Charles A 84 Jones, CharlesC, (56th /Z/. inf.) .309 Jones, Charlea C, (76th ;//. mf.) 334 Jones. Charlea D. Haven 378 Jones, Charles H 194 Jones, Charles M 76 Jones, Charles R., (7th Ind. cav.) 13 Jones, Charles R., (89th /«d inf.) 147 Jones, Collins P 271 Jones, Cuthbert A 241 Jones, Daniel C 178 Jones, David C 230 Jones, David D 117 Jones, David R 259 Jonea, Edmuud R 339 Jones, Edward 53 Jones, Edward J., (17th ///.cav.) 206 Jones, Edward J., (68th///. inf.) 432 Jones, Edwin 17 Jonea, Eli B 404 Jones, EUas W 240 Jonea, Elihu 223 Jones, Eliaha 115 Jones, Enoch 280 Jones, Enos 369 Jones, Erastus S 256 Jones, Erman B 63 Jonea, Eugene 63 Jones, Fielder A., (8t,h Ind. cav.) 14 Jones, Fielder A., (6th Ind. inf .) 415 Jones, Francis A 274 Jones, Francis M 386 Jones, Franklin 147 Jonea, George AV., (63d 77id inf.) 125 Jones, George AV. , (33d ///. inf. ) 267 Jones, Harry 119 Jones, Henry E., (8Ut/7)d inf.) 139 Jones, Henry E., (batt'y G, Ist ///.It. art.)... 210 Jonea, Henry H., (llth Ind. inf.) 44 Jones, Henry H. , (65th ///. inf.) 326 Jonea, Henry T 408 Jones, Horace 343 Jones, Ichabod S 152 Jonea, Isaac D 113 Jones, Israel 430 Jones, J. Q. A .239 J ones, Jacob H 54 Jones, James 20 Jones, Jaraes A 381 Jones, Jamea B 16 Jones, James C 339 Jones, James G 96 Jonea, Jamea 1 67 Jones, James Ira, (154th loid. inf.) 174 Jones, James Ira, (116th ind. inf.) 421 Jones, James R P8 Jones, James S 125 Jones, James T 422 Jones, Jehu C 54 Jones, John, (83d ///. inf.) 343 Jones, Johu, (91st///. iuf.) 353 Jonea, John A 245 Jones, John E 245 Jones, John H 20 Jones, John J. , (8th Ind. cav. ) 14 Jones, JohnJ., (46th ///. inf.) 292 Jones, JohnJ., (154th III, iuf.) 407 Jones, Johu L., (17th Ind. inf. 55 Jones, John L.. (125th ///. inf.) 390 Jones, JohnM., (15th Ind. inf.) 52 Jone-J, Johu M., (124th Ind. iuf.) 156 Jones, John P 290 Jones, John R 399 Jones, John T , 320 Jones, Johu AV 57 Jones, Jonas 331 Jouea, Jouathan 84 Jones, Joaeph , 144 Jones, Joseph B., (8tL ///. inf.) 223 Jones, Joseph B., (15th///. iuf.) 235 Jones, Joseph J 348 Jones, Joseph P 49 Jones, Lawrence H 235 Jones, Luraan 137 Jonea, Maixellus E 190 Jones, Martin T 43 Jones, Mathew 167 Jones, Michael P 381 Jones, Paul T 241 Jones, Peter 436 Jones, Reuben AV 129 Jones, Richard, (12th//(d iuf.) 47 Jones, Richard, (19th Ind. iuf.) 60 Jones, Richard H 48 Jones, Robert B 84 Joues, Samuel M., (13th Ind. inf.) 48 Jones, Sarauel M., (59th ///. inf.) 316 Jonea, SamuelP., (15th ///. cav.) 203 Jones, Samuel P. , (li th ///. inf.) 43 L Jouea, Samuel T 339 Jones, Selah W 360 Jones, Silas 361 Jones, Silas P 419 Jones, Stephen A 39 Jnnes, Theophilus L 349 Jones, Thomas 63 Jones, ThomasB., (A2AInd. inf.) 9Q Jones, ThomasB., (46 th ///. iuf.) 292 Jones, Thoraas C 425 Jones, Thomas H UO Jones, Thomas N., (2d Ind. cav.) 3 Jones, Thomas N., (130th /«d iuf.) 160 Jones, Thoraas S 125 Jones, Thomaa W 178 Jones, Wesley AV ' 235 Jones, AA^illiam, (42d /?td inf.) 96 Jones, AA'"dliam, (53d Ind. inf.) 115 Jonea, AViUiam, (88th///. inf.) 350 Jones, WiUiam, jr 17 INDEX OP NAMES. 523 Jonea, ^^¦^^iam B 1 69 Jonoa, WUliam C 328 Jones, WUliam F 345 Jouea, William H., (126th III Inf.) 391 Jonea, WiUiam H., (134th /«d. inf.) 423 Jonea, Williara H. H 400 Jonea, WiUiam M., {42d /«d. inf.) 96 Jouea, WUUam M., {54th III inf.) 306 Jonea, WUUam 0„ (75th Ind. inf.) 136 Jonea, William O., (46th /ii. iuf.; 292 Jones, William P 263 Jones, WUIIiim T., (13th Ind. int.) 49 Jonea, William T. , (17th Ind. inf.) 55 Jones, Zachariah 120 Jonea, Zenas 11 368 Jordan, Absalom 5 Jordan, .\lvah R 433 Jordan, Byron 3fi5 Jordan, DavidM., (12th /«d. inf.) 46 Jordan, David M., (66th Ind. int.) 127 Jordan, Ed^win M 321 Jordan, Frauk H 353 Jordan, Harry L 162 Jordan, Hem-y 55 Jordan, Jaraea 150 Jordan, John A 274 Jordan, John W 118 Jordan, Joaeph W 137 Jordan, MUton H 92 Jordan, Thomaa M 337 Jordan, WiUiara A 108 Jordan, WUUam H., (16th /nd. inf.) 54 Jordan, WilUamH., (150th /ii. inf.) 403 Jordan, WUUam .S 63 Jordon, John A 323 Joaeph, Aaron C 68 Joaeph, Jacob F 3.37 Joaeph, Mark 22 Joseph, I'homaa J 404 Joslyn, Daniel C ' 2.35 Joalyn, Edward S. , (36th HI inf.) 272 Joalyn, Edward S., (7th /ii. inf.) 429 Joalyn. MenlttL 273 Jesae, JohnM 81,135 Josselyn, Simeon T 232 Joat, Louia 200 Judd, OharlesM 213 Judd, John S 353 Judd, John W 320 Judd, Samuel H 406 Judkins, Charlea P ; 134 Jndklna, WiUiam 53 Judkina, Williara A., (48th Ind. inf.) 106 Judklna, William A., (ISlat Ind. inf) 171 Judkina, Wm. H 106 Judaon, Philo 190 Judson, Philo P 206 Judy, Alfred J 320 Judy, JamesW 380 Judy, Johu C 320 Judy, JohnJ 110 Judy, Waahlngton W 221 Juelg, BaaU 223 Jukea, Jaraea T 118 Julian, Eraatua P 385 Julian, George W 151 Julian, John W 115 JuUan, Paria 117 Jumper, Alden A 71 Junklna, Auatiu 361 Juuod, Auguat ¦ 51 Jualice, Jamea M 422 Justice, Nelson J 175 Justice, WUham H 2-29 Kabrick, Jamea H 391 Kafka, Edward 341 Kagny, DanielH 271 Kaiser, Cbarlea 345 ICalley, Francia M 51 Kanirer, John L 399 Kanady, Sanford B 259 Kanady, "Washington 386 Kanan, Michael P 282 Kane, Aaron F 379 Kane, John W 108 Kane, Lawrence 269 Kane, Eobert S 55 Karcher, Jacob 430 Karn, Sanford E 136 Katzenbach, Nicholaa 419 Kaublc, Solomon q\, (5th Ind. cav.) 9 Kanble, Solomon T., (Sth Ind. int.) 39 Kaufman, Moritz 250 Kavanaugh, Delaney 37 Kavanaugh, John P 195 Kay, David G., (23d /red. Inf) 65 Kay, David G., (81at /«d. inf) 139 Kay, Jaraea E 389 Kay, Eobert, (23d /nd. inf.) 65 Kay, Eobert, (144th /nd.inf.) 164 Kaya, Henry B 335 Kays. Jamea W 307 Keagle, Abrahara B 383 Keal, William 299 Kean, Mortimer 0 876 Kearney, Jaraea G 201 Kearney, Samuel G 88 Keasbey, Edward G 487 Keasey, Christian B 324 Keasey, John 324 Keck, Conrad 398 Keck, John 265 Keck, McHewell 109 Kee, Jamea L 326 Keedy, Lewia G 336 Keefer, Calvin W 1.57 Keefer, Samuel 135 Keel, Patrick S 352 Keeler, CUnton 33 Keeler, Lewia I 242 Keeler, MUton E 3.57 Keeley, Daniel J 400 Keeley, Daniel S 320 Keeley, Felix 363 Keelor, David M 168 Keelor, DavidM. C 419 Kee'y, Daniel J - - 441 Keen, JoahuaJ 424 Keen, Lorenzo .S 74 Keen, WUliara C 323 Keener, George U 254 Keener, George W 403 Keeney, Harris 418 Keeny,' Madison 420 Keetou, WUUam C 379 Keever, Joaeph H 148, 156 Keffer, Edward : 310 Keffer, Hugh D 280 Keigwin, Jaraes 108 Kelly, Eichard C 194 Keimer, Henry 200 Keirsey, Edmund D 339 524 INDEX OP NAMES. Eeiaer, Alfred 156 Kelaer, Jacob 271 Keith, Benjamin H 157 Keith, Charles W 216 Keith, Cyrua E 842 KeUh, John A 28 Keith, Price 429 Keith, Squire Isham 63 Keith, Thomaa J 71 Keith, WUliara A 194 Keithley, Jease 7 Kellams, Gideon E 96 Keller, Abram D 265 Keller, ChristopherH .389 Keller, Johu P. H 396 KeUer, Sarauel J 104 Keller, WUliara A 194 Keller, WilUamH 39 KeUett, Thomaa W 392 Kelley, Alexander 283 Kelley, Alonzo W 316 Kelley, David 363 Kelley, Elisha S 190 Kelley, John 317 Kelley, John A., (Sth HI. cav.) 190 Kelley, John A., (100th HI int.) 363 Kelley, JohuW 254 Kelley, Patrick 198 KeUey, SUas W 316 Kellogg, Bdward J 309 KeUogg, George D 2-I8 KeUogg, Henry M 268 Kellogg, JohnT 425 Kellogg, Joseph 431 Kellogg, Justin A 163 Kellogg, Lucius D 239 Kellogg, Eandolph 45 Kellogg, Williara Pitt 188 Kelly, Alanson W 257 Kelly, Benjarain E 140 Kelly. Bernard 367 Kelly, Christopher C 206 Kelly, David 67, 128 Kelly, GeorgeW 340 Kelly, Jaraea E 84 Kelly, Jaraea E 51 Kelly, JohnB 340 KeUy, Johu F 318 KeUy, JohnW 353 Kelly, Joaeph J 371 Kelly, Josephs 391 Kelly, Leverett M 272 Kelly, Louia D., {17th III oav.) 206 KeUy, Louia D., (15th III int. ) 235 KeUy, Mathew 140 Kelly, Mordecai B 241 Kelly, Moaea B 178 Kelly, OrviU L 361 KeUy, OBcar W 71 Kelly, Eichard 241 Kelly, Eichard 0 352 Kelly, Eichard M 59 Kelly, Soloraon W 205 KeUy, Thomaa F 352 Kelly, Thomas G 280 Kelly, Washington 41 Kelly, WilUamH 86 Kelly, WilliamM., (7th /nd. cav.) 13 Kelly, WilUam M., {54th /ii. iuf. ) 306 Kelsey, Daudridge E 141 Kelsey, Jamea A 6 I Kelaey, Percival G., (26th Ind. Inf.) 71 Kelsey, Percival G., (U2d Ind. inf.) 162 Kelsey, William A 172 Kelao, Hugh A 388 Kelso, Jamea V 92 Kelao, Martin G 840 Kelao, .Samuel J 2 Kelao, WUliam 144 Kelso, WiUiara H 1.39 Keltner, Andrew J 9 Kelton, JohnC 316 Kerap, Benjamin F 142 Kemp, John 127 Kemp, WUUara P 17 Kemper, G. W. H 56 Kemper, Henry 44 Kemper, Johu 857 Kemper, WUUara H 131 Kempton, Daniel - 144 Kempton, Solomon D., {12th Ind. inf., 1-year). 46 Kempton, Solomon D., (12th/nd.inf., 3-yeara). 47 Kenaga, M. H 198 Kenaga, WUUam P 334 KendaU, Charles B 184 Kendall, Henry W 899 Kendall, Jaraea L 438 Kendall, JohnW 389 Kendall, Neriah B 878 KendaU, Oliver L 188 KendaU, WiUiam M 134 Kendall, WiUiam W 108 Kendrick, George H 65 Kendrick, George W., (82d Tnd. int.) 140 Kendrick, GeorgeW., (6th /«d. inf.) 415 Kendrick, Hiland H 307 Kendrick, Thomaa F 345 Kendrick, WUliam H 59 Keneipp, George M 396 Keniston, Jerry 363 Kennard, George W 243 Kennedy, Dennis J 76 Kennedy, George H 326 Kennedy, George E 13 Kennedy, Hannibal K 49 Kennedy, Hugh 304 Kennedy, Jaines 9 Kennedy, John 347 Kennedy, John C 200 Kennedy, John E 139 Kennedy, Leroy H 131 Kennedy, Lewis N 304 Kennedy, Patrick W 86 Kennedy, Peter S 415 Kennedy, Portus J 190 Kennedy, Stephen A 63 Kennedy, Thomas, (147th Ind. inf.) 167 Kennedy, Thomas, (50th III. inf.) 299 Kennedy, Thomas H 227 Kennedy, William B 52 Kennelley, Henry G 293 Kenney, Charles T 267 Kenney, Lucien S 302 Kenney, WilUara H 11 Kennicott, Araasa 278 Kennicott, George 274 Kennicott, -Ranaom 274 Kennon, Thomas S 156 Kenny, Alexander J., (Sth Tnd. inf., 3-year8).-40 Kenny, Alexander J., (Sth /nd. mf., S-montha) .416 Kenny, Williara H 86 Kenower, Jacob W 160 INDEX OP NAMES. 525 Kensler. John 54 Kent, Frederick 387 Kent, Georgo W 350 Kent, Loren 259 Kent, Eichard A 259 Kent, SUaa W 843 Kent, WUUam 0 157 Kenton, William H lOS Kenworthy, WUliam A 424 Kenyon, David 313 Kenyon, Dennis 383 Kenyon, George C, (77th III inf.) 335 Kenyon, George C, (130th /ii. inf.) 396 Kenyon, Hoxie G 153 Kenyon, Lesfer 409 Kenyon, Nathaniel 0 228 Kenyon, Pheneas D 235 Kephart, John S. , {3d Ind. cav.) 5 Kephart, John S., (5th Tnd. cav.) 9 Keplinger, H. G.-- 387 Keplinger, Lewis W 265 Kercheval, Edward E 11 Kercheval, Joaeph A 440 Kercheval, Walter G 429 Kerley, David 398 Kerley, Pleasant H 181 KerUn, GeorgeW 254 Kem, David 370 Kern, Jamea M 72 Kern, Joseph 3 Kern, Lewia 26 Kernodle, Harvey G 431 Kerr, Charlea 317 Kerr, Charlea D 337 Kerr, Daniel 383 Kerr, Ebenezer M 115 Kerr, George W 405 Kerr, Heury W 29S Kerr, J. Delta 101 Kerr, Jamea B., {74th III. inf.) 332 Kerr, Jamea B., (67th HI inf.) 433 Kerr, Jaraea D 374 Kerr, Jaaper N 436 Kerr, Lucien H 196 Kerr, Phineaa H 357 Kerr, William 130 Keraey, Silaa H 88 Kershner, Jonathan ISl Kerstetter, Edmund E 55 Kersting, Frederick W 334 Kesner, WUUam C 261 Kessler, Henry 42 Kessler, John G 3 Kessler, Joseph J 303 Ketcham, John L 131 Ketcham, William A 48 Ketchum, Joel B ISO Key, Monroe 120 Keyes, Addison A 392 Keyes, Josiah E 307 Keves, Luther J 307 Keymer, Samuel B., (43d /ii. inf.) 2S6 Keymer, Sarauel E., (149th /ii. inf.) 402 Keya, Adoniram A 96 Keya, Allen C, (35th /ii. inf ) 271 Keys, Allen C, (150th /ii. inf.) 403 Keys, Jasper H 126 Keya, Paphiras B 440 Keyser, Nineveh 417 Keyte, WUliam E 299 Kibbe, Moses H 139 Kidd, Andrew J 419 Kidd, Issue R 261 Kidd, JohnW 353 Kidd, Meredith H 18,30 Kidd, Samuel J 371 Kidd, Thomas C 225 Kidder, Bruce H 351 Kidder, George C 379 Kidder, Hirara P 3 Kidder, Lesmore D 278 Kklder, Nathan J 198 KldwoU, David D 437 Kierstead, Jaraes H 134 Kiester, Daniel B 5 Kiger, John 3S Kllborn, Lawson S 133 Kilbourne, Do Riley 203 KUer, WilUara A 407 KUgore, Alfred 88 Kilgore, David 161 Kilgore, James L 59 Kilgore, Eamaey M 241 Kilgore, Tecumseh 20 KUgour, Williara M. , { 13th HI int.) 332 KUgour, William M., (75th III inf.) 333 Kilgoyor, John W 131 Killen, Jaraes 43 Killgour, Ezekiel J 333 KUlion, Michael A 240 Klllpatrick, Thomas M 257 Kilmer, Jeremiah C - 192 Kilroy, WUUam 87 KimbaU, Abner D 107 Kimball, Devalaou J 235 KirabaU, Jamea M 183 KimbaU, Jease C 138 KimbaU, Jonathan, (7th mint.) 221 KirabaU, Jonathan, (58th /ii.inf.; 314 Klinbttll, Jouathan, (69th Hlinf.) 433 Kimball, MUfon S 239 Kimball, Nathan 50 KimbaU, EobertM 440 KimbaU, Samuel S 439 Kimball, Thomaa D 146 KiraboU, Spencer S 208 Kimber, Alonzo L 364 Kiraborly, John B 200 Kimble, Charlea T 306 Kimble, George W 57 Kimble, Thoinaa V 90 Kimbley, John P 115 Kirabley, Perry D 68 Kimmel, Daniel 374 Kimmel, Louis 80 Kimzey, John W 197 Kincaid, James W 180 Kincbeloe, Isaac N 337 Kinder, Jacob J 383 King, David C 338 King, Edward A 129 King, Edward J 106 King, TEdward W 439 King, Ezra 203 King, Francis G 304 King, Frederick A 223 King, George E., (20th HI int.) 343 King, George E., (113lh III. inf.) 379 King, (George H 365 King, Harvey W 2.30 King, Henry, (30th /ii. inf.) 243 King, Henry, (SOth /Ii.inf.) 299 526 INDEX OP NAMES. King, Henry R 112 King, Hiram F 100 King, Jacobs 340 King, Jamea C 367 King, JamesH 89 King, Jamea S 237 King, John 204 King, JohnP SSO King, John W., (IOth III inf.) 430 King, John W., (6Sth Ind, int.) 432 King, Joseph W 386 King, Josiah 146 King, Lucian 3S7 King, Luciua L 337 King, Lyraan 382 King. PiilUpS 269 King. Eobert A 45 King, Eobert L 38 King, S. Noble 2.54 King, Selah W 299 King, .Solomon L 135 King, Wealey S 14 King, Williara 195 King, WilUara P 156,167 King, WilUamH. H 266 King, William S., (156th Ind. inf.) 176 King, WUliam S.,(H7th Ind. inf) 431 King, WUliara S., (132d /nd. inf.) 422 Kingery, Ephraira H 381 Kingcry, William H 180 KIngraan, Cyrus M 405 Kingman, Martin 34S KIngraan, q^racy 30 Kingabury, Carl C 135 Kingabury, Bdward B 3!i0 Kingabury, Elisha 278 Kingsbury, Harvey, jr 324 Kingsbury, Sanford A 239 Kingsley, Jonathan C 348 Kinhart, John 257 Kinley, laaac 8S Kinley, John A 190 Kinman, Cyrus L 3?1 Kinman, Franklin 178 Kinman, Jackson M 120 Kinman, Thoraaa J 362 Kinraan, William 38 1 Kinmont, Alex 100 Kinmont, Charles 159 Kinmont, Thomas C 100 Kinnan, Jacob S 355 Kinne, N. Henry 363 Kinnear, Anthrmy H 373 K'nnear, George 3114 Kinnear, {George L 308 Kinnear, Jaraea H 48 Kinneard, Marquia L 61 Kinney. CharlesF 100 Kinney, Joel F 135 Kinney, Thoraas J 3S5 Kinney, Williara C 355 Kinney, WUUam H 351 KInaey, Samuel B 383 Kinaloe, Alberts 304 Kinzie, Arthur M 198 KIpUnger, Jacob M 318 Kiplinger, Joaeph 135 Kipp, Ernst 124 Kipp, William A 326 Kirby, Henry 142 Kirby, John 178 Kirby, John H., (123d /nd. inf.) 155 Kirby, John H., (76th Ind. inf) 419 Kirby, Thomas 61 Kirby, Thomaa H 88 Kirchner, Frank 341 Kirchner, Michael, (13th Ind. inf.) 46 Kirchner, Michael, {S2d Ind. inf.) 140 Kirk, EdwardN 269 Kirk, Bnos H 138 Kirk, Jonathan C 61 Kirk, Joaeph 416 Kirk, Marcua D -76 Kirk, Thomaa 90 Kirk, Vincent 65 Kirk, WUUam P 207 Kirkbride, AndrewB ISO Kirkendall, Charles H 416 Kirkham, FrankUn W 376 Kirkham, John K 234 Kirkham, Joseph M 96 Kirkham, Eobert 310 Kirkland, Joaeph 431 Kirkman, .Joel T 245 Kirkpatrick, Absalom 95 Kirkpatrick, Andrew 437 Kirkpatrick, Andrew M 361 Kirkpatrick, Cyrus H 94 Kirkpatrick, George W 133 Kirkpatrick, Jaraes C 113 Kirkpatrick, Jaraes N 95 Kirkpatrick, Nathaniel R 262 Kirkpatrick, Sarauel C 132 Kirkpatrick, Tbomas M 48 Kirkpatrick. Washington A 181 Kirkpatrick, Williara C 47 Kirtley, Levi S 2 Kirtley, Thomaa J., {54th Ind. Inf.) 418 Kirtley, Thoraaa J., {117th Ind. int.) 421 Kiae, Eeiiben C, (10th //id. inf., 3-yeara) 43 Kise, Eeuben C, {120th Ind. inf.) 154 Kiae, Reuben C, (10th Tnd. inf., 3-montha) 417 Kise, William C, (10th, 3-yeara, and 116th lud. inf.) 43,421 Kise, WilUam C, (10th Ind. inf., 3-montha) .. .417 Kiser, James K 95 Kissell, Henry 402 Kisser, Pearson H 331 Kiatler, John 62 Kitch, Samuel A 188 Kitchell, Edward 361 Kitchell, John W., (146th IU. inf.) 399 Kitchell. JohnW., (9th /ii.inf.) 430 Kitchen, CorneUua P 299 Kittel, Charlea 314 KitfeU, GeorgeW 314 Kittoe, Edward D 290 Klauss, Martin 24 Kleckner, George S 355 Klein, Adam W 326 Klein, George 5 Klein, John 205 Klein, Peter 286 Klein, Eobert 5 Kleiat, William 286 Klene, Benjamin H 261 Klepser, Andrew J 132 Kline, William A 306 Klock, Henry H . 225 Kloenne, JuUus C 56 Klokke, EruatF. 0 250 Klutach, Dominicua 341 INDEX OP NAMES. 527 Klutta, Cbarles 374 Knapp, Alfred J 141 Knapp, f vnia F 278 Koapp, Elieiiezer 306 Knapp, llilward M 303 Knapp, Eveiett G 253 Knapp, Geoige H., (-Jlith III. int.) 2.54 Knapp, George H., (lilst III inf.) 320 Knapp, George H., (116th Ind. inf.) 421 Knapp, Josepb 76 Knappen, Benjamin F 289 Knoedler , John J 180 Kneeland, GUbert H 7 Knofier, Frederick, (llth Ind. inf., 3-yeara). ..45 Kuefler, Frederick, (79th Ind. inf.) 137 Kuefler, Frederick, (llth Ind. inf., 3-.inontha).418 Knickerbocker, ^VaI¦d 3'ZX Kuiffen, .-Vlfred 318 KniiTen, A mzi 319 Knight, Alfred F 3-55 Knight, Andrew J 320 Knight, Ciimdon 1 77 Knight, Chester K 245 Knight, Ebenezer 115 Knight, Eliphalet E 193 Knight, Prederlck 392 Knight, Georgo H 40 1 Knighf , Henry 3S Knight, Jamea H., (3d Ind. cav.) 6 Knight, Jaraea H. , (59th /ii. inf.) 316 Knobe, Leivla W .57 KnobeladorfF, Cbarlea 289 Knoll, Herman 134 Knoph, Aden 361 Knorr, Prank 80 Knorr, Frederic 81 Knott, A^a 106 Knowles, Albert 154 Knowlea, Edmund M 97 Knowles, William 327 Knowlton, Albert D. W 221 Knowlton, John C 196 Knox, Cliiirles M 391 Knox, David R 41 S Knox, Genrge G 211,232 Knox, Jamea C, (4th Ind. cav.) 7 Knox, .lamea C, (SSth Ind. inf.) 120 Kuox, Joaeph H 193 Knox, L. Gilbert 418 Knox, Theodore G 203 Kuox, William A., (9th HI cav.) 192 Knox, Williara A., ( 122d /ii. inf) 387 Knutson, Nels 286 Koach, Samuel 363 Koch, John F 250 Koch, Michael 65 KodaUe, Prank 81 Koehler, Anton P 188 Koehler, Auguat 210 Koehler, Einll 286 Koehler, Robert 230 Koehler, ¦Valentine 81 Koellein, Otto 430 Koeng. Fred- rick - 15 Koenig. Fredrich SO Koerber, Chriatian 391 Kohll, Benjarain 339 Kolb, Jasper 94 Kolb, Eichard 94 Kolkow, Edwin 199 Kolp, George W 399 Konold, Melchior .86 Koona, Johu N 284 Koontz, Alfred J 1 73 Koontz, Johu A 194 Koontz, OUver P 100 Kop, Peter 72 Kopp, Frederick B .350 Korhamraer, D. F 316 Korn, Guatav 226 Kothe, Gustav C 314 Koutz, Wlllinm P 158 Kovats, Auguatua 350 Kowald, Gustav 441 Kraff, Charlea 44 Krafft, Jamea F 383 Krauae, Nathan 148, 156 Krauth, Ferdinand 80 Kreba, Bdward 235 Kremeuz, Thoraaa 65 Kreaa, Williara R 483 Krewaon, .Slmon 153 Krimbili, WiUiam 134 Kroeger, Henry 286 Kroh, PhUip H 374 Kroraer, Henry M 162 Kroush, John D 2 Krueger, Charles W 200 Krnghotr, Louis 298 Krukenberg, Barthold 341 Krumme, Fredrich 292 Kubitshek, Honry 100 Knder, Jeremiah 135 Kuder, Joaeph ,S 44 Knechen, Gustavous A 407 Kueffoer, William C, {9th HI Inf., 3-yeara).. 235 Kueffoer, WiUiara C, (Moth IU. Inf.) 408 Kueffner, William C, (Sth III inf., 3-monthfi).430 Kueater, Charlea B., (l5Bth Ind. inf.) 176 Kneator, Charlea E. , (133d Ind. inf.) 433 Kuhl, Jacob 388 Kuhlman, Henry 399 Kuhn, John H., {9th HI. Inf., 3-yeara) 825 Kuhn, JohuH., (144th IU. inf.) 398 Kuhn, JohnH., (9th /ii Inf , 3-monthB) 430 Kuhn, Williara E 894 Koue, Julian 8.50 Kunkler, Guatave A 80 Kuntz, Adara 31 Kuntze, John P 253 Kurth, Prlederich 314 Kurth, Julius 315 Kurtz, William 424 KuykendaU, Andrew J 263 KuykendaU, Joaeph B 263 Kyea, La Fayette 74 Kyger. TUmon D 331 Kvle, Jamea P 345 Kyle, Stephen H 395 Kyler, Oriaou J 1 Kyler, WilUamH 164 Labagh, Peter J 235 Labaree, George 120 Labaree, John 18 Laboyteaux, John 265 Lacey, John H. J 361 . Lacey, Maberry M 416 Lacey, Martin M 130 Lacey, Royal R 436 Lack.oy, Robert K 231 Lackey, George W., {68th III int.) 432 Lackey, George W., (145th 111 inf.) 440 528 INDEX OF NAMES. Lackey, George W.,(lstbatt'n militia ///.inf.). 441 Lackey, Robert G 33 Lackey, Robert M 361 Lackland, WiUiara R 372 Lacrone, John 436 Lacy, JohnH. I, (155th ///. inf.) 408 Lacy, JohnH. L, (llth III. inf.) 431 Lacy, Rohert 338 Lacy, William C 433 Lafferty, Edward, (149th /?/. iuf.) 402 Laffei-ty, Edward, (71st///. inf.) 434 Lafftrty, Edward, (135th ///. mf.) 436 Laiferty, Joseph L 23 1 La Fleyb, Isaac L IH LafoUettt;, Robei-t H 132 Lafon, Nicholas A 108 Lagore, Euoch 397 Lagow, ClarkB 2-15 La Grange, Jacob I 188 Lahue, Marshall 6 Laimbeer, Johu W ,274 Laiug, Alfred H 76 Laiug, C. Ward 233 Lair, Jacob 136 Laird, Samuel 69 Laird, Thomaa 0 292 Laird, William J 206 Lake, Andrew J 253 Lake, Leonard L., (13th HI. cav.) 200 Lake, L.jouard L., (15th Ill.inf.) 235 Lake, Samnel M 13 Lakin, Albert G 332 Lakiu, Arad S 14 Lakin, Francis A 57 Lakin, JohnW 418 Lakin, Jordan 353 Laraar, Alien W 1 26 Lamar, John W 115 Lamar, Samnel S 1 Laraaster, George W 375 Larab, Albert 395 Larab, Charles L., (1st Ind. eav.) 1 Larab, Charles L., (indep't cora'y of scouts, Ind. cav.) 21 Lamb, Derrick, (149th /7/. inf.) 402 Lamb, Dtjrrick, (135th /7/. inf.) 436 Larab, George M 25 Lamb, JohnP 382 Larab, Myron H 364 Larab, William 149 Lamb, Williara H 338 Lamb, William M 279 Lambe, George W., (loth Ind, inf.) 53 Lambe, GeorgeW., (150th /ad. inf.) 170 Lambersou, Cornelius V 242 Lambert, Louis A 240 Lambert, WilUam C 144 Lambertson, .Samuel 38 Lambey, Louis 51 Lambey, Paul 80 Lamer, John 340 La Mott, Jaraes P 328 Lamphear, Albert H 370 Lampitt, Edwin D 347 Lamport, Thoraas 437 Larason, Horace P 7 Larason, John C 55 Lamaou, Thomas D 6 Lanagan, John 218 Lancaster, George W 98 Lancaster, James 331 Land, George W 349 Land, Jaraes G 92 Land, John R 127 Land, Louis J 376 Land, Nathan .383 Land, Richard 240 Landau, Charles 76 Landerbangh, John 161 Landon, James A 406 Landon, William D, F 50 Lane, Augustus W 132 Lane, Cary M 170 Lane, Charles H 350 Lane, James H 248 Lane, Johu G 280 Lane, John M 381 Lane, Jobn W 339 Lane, Joseph 93 Lant, Joseph B 140 Lane, Robert C 94 Lane, William, (43d Ind. inf.) 98 Lane, Wilham, (46th ///. inf.) 292 Lang, Charles W 81 Lang, Pleasant 149 Laug, Thomas 250 Langdale, Richard 290 Lauge, Melchior 69 Laugei'field, Francis 251 Laugfoi-d, WTiUiam S 115 Langbolz, Andrew H 198, 199 Langley, Jaraes W 390 Langlois, Peter L 9 Langsdale, George J 5 Langsdale, Jaraes K 168 Langston, Matthew 347 Langstreth, Benjamin D 328 Langton, Michael 261 Langworthy, Lucius L : 230 Laning, Sylvester 106, 107 Lanius, William R 141 Lanphear, A. H 160 Lauphear, Albert H 432 Lansing, Jacob D 439 Lansing, William N 211 Lantry, Michael 212 Lapham, Era.«tufi W 376 Lapham, John W 381 Lapham, Tiuraan C 271 La Pierre, Juo. A. M .106 Larason, Sylvester R 10 Larch, Charles, (24th Ind.inf.) 67 Larch, C!har!es, (60th loid. iuf.) 124 Largent, AVilliaraW 263 Larimer, Andrew J 376 Lariraer, George W 360 Larimer, William A 239 Larison, Samuel I-I 440 Larison, Thomas J , 178 Larkin, John B 55, 56 Larkin, John T 312 Larkin, Rufus F 69 Larkin, Thomas 352 Larkin, Victor C 69 Laroe, Jaraes 43 Larrabee, Charles I) 206 Larrance, Isaac 257 Larriraore, John R., (68th Ill.inf.) 432 Lan-iraore, John R., (1st battalion militia, Ill.inf.) 441 Larsh, Lafayette 167 Lartigue, Neville A 115 INDEX OF NAMES. 529 Lasalle, Jacob 341 Lasater, Absalom A., (155th ///. inf.) 408 Laaater, Absalom A., (Ylst ///, hif.) 434 Lasater, DavidH 397 Lasater, James C 397 Lash, Abram. jr 433 Lash, Philip P Ti Lasselle, WilliamP 41 Laswell, Benjarain F 163 Laswell, Redmon F 126,154 Latbam, Matthew A 23 Latham, Robert B 370 Latham, William H 380 Lathrop, Edward L 195 Lathrope, Johu 3 Latimer, Charles C 438 Latimer, Joseph F 437 Latimer, Stephen L 306 Latimer, William D 434 Latimer, William G 343 La Tourette, Court 174 La Tourette, Schuyler 125 Latourrette, Henry L 347 Latscb, Edward 298 Latshaw, Henry J 196 Lattimore, Daniel J 425 Lattiraore, Fiuley C 37 Laughans, Erail H 170 Laughlin, Rankin G 356 Laughlin, Reuben W 33 1 Lauman, Johu W 166 Laur, Charles T 298 Laur, Joaeph 298 Laushe, Amos H 84 Laustrum, Alfred 316 Lauzendorfer, Charles 341 Lavalle, William 200 Lavigne, James W 205 Law, DavidH 232 Law, Lindsey D 361 Law, Sarauel A. L 294 Lawe, Thomaa B 117 Lawell, Oscar F 128 Lawhead, Thomaa R 7 Lawler, Michael K 240 Lawler, Patrick B 240 Lawrance, Uriah M 371 Lawrence, Algeraou S 356 Lawrence, Edwlu L 290 Lawrence, Elijah C 307 Lawrence, George W 377 Lawrence, Heni'y 57 Lawrence, James 320 Lawrence, John H 48 Lawrence, John W., (18th HI, inf.) 240 Lawrence, JohnW., (m. m. b., ///. iuf.) 411 Lawrence, Jonas A 184 Lawrence, Luman C 209 Lawrence, LutherC, (153d //Z. inf.) 406 Lawrence, Luther C. , (142d ///. inf.) 439 Lawrence, Reuben N 276 Lawrence, Richard 257 Lawrence, Samuel L 186 Lawrence, William 350 Lawrence, William B., (94th ///.inf.) 356 Lawrence, WiUiam B., (150th ///. inf.) 403 Lawrence, WiUiam R 331 Lawrie, Jaraea l'i'5 Laws, Alfred 323 Laws, Calviu A 434 Lawson, Charles C 439 34 Lawson, Edwin C 265 Lawson, John 309 Lawton, Henry W 76 Lawton, Ira G 402 Lawton, William W. H 267 Lawyer, Isar 0 354 Lawyer, Sarauel A 221 Lawyer, Sarauel E 429 Lay, Hirara T 435 Lay, Jaraes W 180 Lay horn, Francis M 178 Laycock, Frederick 312 Layman, Estes H., (149th Ind.inf.) 169 Layraan, Estea H., (55tli //tf/, inf.) 419 Lay raan, Estees H 420 Layraan, Jaraea T , {55th Ind.inf.) 419 Layraan, Jaraes T., (115th Ind.'mf,) 420 Laymau, John P 169 Laymon, Wilson H 144 Layne, Gary M 132 Layton, Safety, (9th Ind. Inf.) 41 Layton, Safety, (17th Ind. iuf.) 55 Leabo, Isaac S 3 Leach, Joaeph L 92 Leach, Meredith W 72 Leahy, Michael 304 Lenraing, Henry 94 Learaon, Amos F 7 Learaon, William 323 Leanard, WUliara 93 Leas, William I 79 Leaton, Martin V 201 Leavell, John 14 Leavitt, David 269 Leavitt, Philander C 152 Leavitt, Samuel K 126 Lebold, George 178 Le Buck, Jonas 206 Le Clair, Francis 196 Leci one, Albert W 361 Ledbetter, JosepU 306 Ledergerber, Frederick 430 Ledlie, Joaeph H 362 Ledyard, Glen C 330 Lee, Abner 426 Lee, Abner A 348 Lee, AdelbertD 18 Lee, Alfred G 47 Lee, Alsey B., (18th ///. inf.) 240 Lee, Alsey B., (41at ///. inf ) 282 Lee, Alsey B., (143d ///.iuf.) 440 Lee, Andrew J 418 Lee, Arthur 'M 240 Lee, Aza A 377 L<'e, Benjamin F 191 Lee, CharlesF 189 Lee, Charles N 44 Lee, Charlns W 5 Lee, Dempaey W 49 Lee, Ethan A 306 Lee, Henry H 67 Lee, Jacob A 73 Lee, Jamea H 427 Lee, James W 355 Lee, Jesse M 122 Lee, JohnB 390 Lee, John C 417 Lee, John G 423 Lee, JohnH 126 Lee, John S 53 Lee, Josiah 390 530 INDEX OF NAMES. Lee, Johu Wesley 266 Lee, Lelas J 249 Lee, LutherC 3i)2 Lee, Marion 390 Lee, aiilton 271 Lee, Philip 364 Lee, Smith 18 Lee, Thoraas J., (59th Ind.'mf.)... 122 Lee, Thomas J., (8th Ind. iuf.) 416 Lee, Wellington S 181 Lee, Williara D 424 Lee, William G 44 Lee, WUliam K 212 Leech, Elliott W 155 Leechman, Alexander 57 Leeds, Tiraothy H 118 Leeds, Fi-ancis M 140 Leedy, JohnK 135 Leek, Robert H 2(i3 Leeper, Frank 224 Leeper, Jaraes 108 Leeper, AViUiara 16 Leeson, Mosses ' 9 Leeson, Richard L 129 LeFevre, Isaac H 146 LeffingweU, Josiah W 332 Leflar, Sarauel 1 Leftwich, John F 17 Legard, David M 223 Leger, Isaac C 408 Leggett, Lerauel 388 Leggitt, James 38 Lehman, Heury L 317 Lehman, Michael 200 Lehraann, Max 205 Lehraer, William 173 Leib, Daniel N 19 Leib, Johu H 106 Leib, Levi H 179 Leiber, Hamilton, (9th ///. inf., 3-years) 225 Leiber, Hamilton, (9th ///, inf., 3-raonths) 430 Leibhardt, David P 118 Leigh, Beujamiu 387 Leighton, Jaraes 284 Leighton, James M 368 Leighty, Jacob D 44 Leiper, Sarauel W 71 Leiser, Jacob 250 Leishman. Williara 247 Lt'isure, Nathan J 16 Leitch, Duif 396 Leitch, George , 29 Leitch, John W 106 Leiter, Jacob H., (46th Ind. inf.) ]02 Leiter, Jacob H.. (81th Ind. iuf.) 145 Leland, Theodore 181 Leraen, Edward C 383 Lemert, WUson C 38 Lemley, Washingtou L 384 Lemma, Wm. A 394 Lemmon, James 298 Lemmon, John M 67 Lemon, Charles 6 Lemon, Cyrus A 329 Lemon, Jaraes D 279 Lemon, Joseph G 88 Lemon, Joseph K 323 Leraou, Orange V 88 Lemon, Williara H 140 Lemon, Williara T 163 Lerauel, John 141 Lenau, WUliara L 93 Lender, Robert, (24th III. iuf.) 251 Lender, Robert, (82d ///.inf.) 341 Lenfesty, Edward S 47 Lenfesty. Joseph F 153 Lengacber, Jacob 81 Lennard, George W., (36th /«rf. iuf.) 88 Lennard, GeorgeW., (5'lih Ind.'\nf.) 119 Lennen, Clinton 15 Lennon, William G 41 Lennox, Alfred 174 Lent, Cyrus V. N., (101st /flrf. inf.) 153 Lent, Cyrus V. N., (138th /rit/. inf.) 425 Leonard, Henry R 136 Leonard, Iwaac N 41 Leonard, James 119 Leonard, James A ¦ 113 Leonard, John F UO Leonard, Joseph A 148, 156 Leonard, Leander P 198 Leonard, Lewis B 27 Lponard, Martin H 274 Leonard, Matthew 352 Leonard, Robert A 113 Leouurd, William H 119 Leonard, WiUiam L 222 Leoni, George N 182 Lermoud, Frank B 367 Le Roy, David 353 Lerts, Adam 115 Le Sage, John B 364 Le.ioure, Augustus 189 Leslie, Alexauder G 315 Leslie, Frederick 90 Leslie, Philo G., (3d loid. cav.) 5 Leslie, Philo G., (13th Ind. cav.) 20 Lesslie, Joseph B 7 Lester, John B 390 Lester, PhiUp 54 Lester, Thoraas T 300 Leston, Charles 45 Letourmay, Augustus H 108 Lett, Allen W 417 Lett, WaUer G 422 Lettraan, Julius 285 Letton, Theodore W 299 Letts, James R 363 Levanway, Charles H 269 Levy, Nathan 80 Lewis;, Abraham B. B 271 Lewis, AlbertG 15 Lewis, Benjamin S 371 Lewis, Clinton 115 Lewis, David .¦ 108 Lewis, David F 69 Lewis, David M 1-18 Lewis, E. G 324 Levfi'^, Edward J 267 Lewis, Eli 126 Lewis Fred. T 360 Lewis, George W 155 Lewis, Henry 258 Lewis, Henry C 263 Lewis, Henry V 345 Lewis, Hezekiah R 292 Lewis, Jacob 323 Lewis, Jaraes M 63 Lewis, Jamos R 408 Lewis, John 424 Lewis, John A 17 Lewia, JohnC, (41st///. inf.) 282 INDEX OP NAMES. 531 Lewi?, John C, (56th HI. iuf.) 311 Lewis, John H 429 Tjewis, John Q ]4 Lewis, Joseph 136 Lewis, Joseph B 364 I.-ewis, Newell P 100 Lewis, Nnrmau 326,354 Lewis, Robert 263 Lewis, Samuel B 17 Lewis, Samuel 0 228, 374 Lewis, Sylvester L 13 Ijewis, William 48 Lewis. WUliara D 50 Lewis, Williara M., (22d /7/. iuf.) 247 Lewis, W^illiam M., (Alton batt'n //Z. inf.) 441 I..ewiB, William R Ill Lewis, William T 138 Lewman, Moses T 196 Libby, Charles M 392 Libby. Joseph E 84 Liddall, Jamea P 63 Liddell, Oliver B 129 Liddle, Andrew 352 Liddle, Sarauel 210 Lidick, Joseph W 328 Lieb, Herman 223 Liebole, Ernest 1 72 Lieske, Gustav 6 Light, Albert 112 Light, Austin 278 Light, Miles B 354 Lightcap, Holoway W 347 Lightfoot, Henry F 435 Lightfoot, John A 364 Likely, Thoraaa 365 Likens, Jereraiah D 76 Likes, Philip S., (28th ///. inf.) 257 Likes, Philip S., (47th ///. inf.) 294 LUly, Eli, (9th /wri.cav.&iethbat./??(f,U.art.) 16,32 Lilly, Eli, (1st Ind, heavy art'y) 22 LiUy, Jaraes E 98 Lirapus, WiUiara F 88 Linbarger, Andrew T 196 Linck, George W 29 Liu ck, Johu 298 Lincoln, Daniel D 191 Lincoln, Lewis C 294 Lindbergh, Mons 0 341 Jjiudley, Calvin 425 Lindley, John H 18 Lindley, John M 59 Lindley, Lafayette W 55 Lindley, Philo 305 Lindroth, John 287 Lindsay, Frank, (1st ///. cav.) 177 Lindsay, Frank, (48th ///. iuf.) 297 Liudsey, George 153 Lindsey, Hiram, (llth Ind. cav.) 18 Lindsey, Hirara, (47th loid, inf ,) 104 Lindsey, John 50 Lindsey, Oscar F 185 LindKy, William L 9, 11 LineU, WilliamB 227 Liner, Charles 61 LiURB, Conrad H 104 Lines, Simon D. B 363 Ling«raan, Sarauel 112 Lingenfelter, Deliscus 129 Lingenfelter, Samuel B 280 Lingle, Johu M 399 Lingle, Joseph 382 Linigar, Daniel B 38 Link, John E 245 Link, PhUip 202 Link, WiUiam H., (12th /ni. inf., 1-year) 46 Link, WiUiam H.. (12th Ind.int, 3-yeara) ....47 Linklater, Jerry I-I 358 Linn, Alphonso C 435 Linn, David C 401 Linninger, Martin L 338 Liualey, Charles E 254 Linsly, John C 368 Linson, David G 64 Linton, Jonathan F 278 Linton, Nathan 312 Lioton, Sanmel S 278 LinvUle, John 130 Linxwiler, John D 96 Lipe, Wiley A 438 Lippert, Eugene W 250 Lippert, Lothar, (13th 111 cav.) 201 Lippert, Lothar, (44th ///. inf.) 288 Lippert, Paul H 250 Lippincott, Abraham L 340 Lippincott, Charles E 267 Lippincott, Thomas W 386 ¦ Lischer, Christopher 441 List, Cornellua 152 Liston, Johu W. F , 102 Litherland, Eben C 203 Litherland, John W 328 Litsenberger, Alien 381 Litson, Richard H 63 LitteU, Josiah W. H 20 Little, Alexander C 392 Little, CharlesF 242 Little, Daniel 146 Little, Thoraas J 92 Little, William H 441 Littlefield, John M 19 Littlefield, Milton S 233 Littlepage, Europe F 17 Littler, Elisha 390 Littler, Johu B 160 Littler, John J 327 LitzeU, Peter 147 Liveringhouse, Jacob W ]72 Livermore, Benjarain W 31 Livermore, Darwin O 288 Livesay, Jaraes M 298 Livings, Theodore 149 Livingston, Edward W 123 Livingston, .Robert H 247 Livingston, Sedgwick 101 Livsey, John C 89 Livsey, JosephH., (llth /nd. inf., 3-years) 45 Livsey, Joseph H., (Uth /nd. inf., 3-raonth8).4l8 Lloyd, Eberle 98 Lloyd, Robert W 141 Lloyd, Thomas C 11 Lloyde, David „ 355 Loar, Eraaraua R 180 Lockard, Amaziah 322 Lockard, Samuel 86 Locke, Jaraea R 178 Locke, WiUiara M 7 Locke, Williara O 369 Locker, Levi W 228 Lockraan, Charlea W 18 Lockraan, Sarauel C 18 Lockridge, John 425 Lockwood, George C 261 532 INDEX OF NAMES. Lockwood, John M 259, 397 Lockwood, Samuel 299 Lockwood, Thomas J 355 Lockwood, William R 267 Locridge, James 117 Lodewig, Frederic 81 Lodge, Alexander A 323 Lodge, George R 304 Lodge, Henry ^ 7 Loeb, WiUiam 341 Loehr, Timothy 135 Loer, Thomas B 153 Loether, Louis L 81 Lofton, Thoraas G 387 Logan, Albert C 145 Logan, Baxter K 113 Logan, Henry 324 Logan, James A 261 Logan, James E 384 Logan, John 265 Logan, John A., (31st i7/. inf.) 263 Logan, Jobn A., (49th i/Z. inf.) .298 Logan, John S 9, 11 Logan, Joseph 199 Logan, Newton A 71 Logan, Samuel B 306 Logan, Thoraas 178, 198, 384 Logan, Thomas H 61 Logan, Thomas M 263 Logan, William CO 265 Logsden, Perry 299 Logue, John C 345 Lohmann, Edward 250 LoUar, Francis M 292 Lomax, William, (12th Ind.inf., 1-year) 46 Lomax, William, (12th /nd.inf., 3-years) 47 Lomax, WilUam D 307 Lombard, H. G 191 Lonegan, John C 315 Long, Byford E 128 Long, Charles P 115 Long, Christian Y 265 Long, Daniel W 337 Long, David 65 Long, Francis M 283 Long, Henry C 1 57 Long, Horace C 145 Long, John 358 Long, John A 235 Long, John C, (19th ///. inf.) 242 Long, John C, (147th ///. inf.) 400 Long, John G 100 Long, John J .324 Long, Jonathan P 353, Long, Lewis J 425 Loug, Owen M 228 Long, Thomas 18 Long, WiUiam W 5 Longcar, Addison N 236 Longfellow, Cornelius 130 Longfellow, David S 172 LongfeUow, John D 13 Longhom, James 242 Longley, James F., (10th HI. inf., 3-years) . ..227 Longley, JamesF., (10th /Z/. inf., 3-months). .430 Longley, JamesF., (13.3d ///. inf.) 4.35 Longley, JohnF., (8th /nd. cav.) 14 Longley, John F., (6th Ind. inf.) 415 Longstreth, J, M 182 Longwell, John 94 Longwell, John. W 13 Longworth, Abel 279 Loofbourrow, George W 426 Looker, Alfred S 215 Lockwood, Johu H 298 Loomis, Clark E 3P1 Loomis, John L 284 Loomis, John Mason 254 Loomis, Reuben 187 Loomis, Ruel B 9 Loomis, Seth 19 Looney, W illiara A 263 Loop, Charles B 357 Loop, John H 316 Loos, Michael 269 Lopp, Charlea W 92 Lopp, Daniel J 139 Lorance, Jackson 377 Lord, Edward R 292 Lord, Henry E 90 Lord, John S 379 Lord, Mosea S 312 Lord, Nathan, jr 415 Lord, RobertD 369 Lord, WaUace 278 Lord, WiUiam A 202 Lorey, Elias 221 Loring, Edward W 84 Loring, George H ] 06 Loring, Henry, jr 416 Loring, Theodore 232 Lossberg, Henry 198 Lostutter, David, jr., (7th /nd.inf., 3-year8) ..38 Lostutter, David, jr., (7th /nd. inf., 3-rao3.) -.415 Lothrop, John S 254 Lottz, Carl 34I Loucks, Ch arl es G 44 Loud, Rufus W 387 Louderback, John S 9 Loughlin, WUliam M 358 Loughry, Roger S 72 Louis, Henry A S3 Louthan, James W 55 Loutzenhiser, Alonzo A 182 Love, Hugh M 256 Love, John 245 Love, Robert 141 Loveday, Julius L 399 Lovejoy, AlfredC 214 Lovelace, Reason L 388 Loveland, Araos P 348 Loveland, Henry C 30 Loveland, Jerome H 228 Loveless, Edwin J 421 Loveless, Sylvester C 421 Lovell, Edward C., (153d /2/. inf.) 406 Lovell, Edward C. , (141st ///. inf.) 439 Lovell, Ogden 384 LoveU, Robert M 376 Loventhal, Adam S 74 Lovertt, Nelson 234 Lovlees, John 98 Low, Edgar M. , (9th HI. inf.) 225 Low, Edgar M., (Capt. Walker's co., ///. uif.).44l Low, Jaraes H 93 Low, Williara A 338 Lowber, John W 408 Lowder, Howard R 98 Lowe, Alfred H 256 Lowe, Benjamin 237 Lowe, Elias M 175 Lowe, George 55 INDEX OF NAMES. 533 Lowe, George F 383 Lowe, George W 141 Lowe, GUbert G 225 Lowe, Harrison 390 Lowe, James H. C 138 Lowe, Jolm H 392 Lowe, Jonathan S 115 Lowe, Samuel A 182 Lowe, Theodore M 294 Lowe, Williara A 398 Lowe, WUUam H 48 Lowell, Johu W 215 Lowes, Abram B 57 Lowes, James H. S 13 Lowes, John L 58 Lowes, Joaiah E 131 Lowrey, Gad. C 355 Lowrie, WUUam W 208 Lowry, Austin 0 190 Lowry, David 371 Lowry, FrancisH 371 Lowry, JohnC 371 Lowry, Johu M., (8th HI, inf., 3-years) 223 Lowry, Jobn M., (8th /7/. inf. , S-montha) 429 Lowry, Oscar B 58 Lowry, William 78 Loy, John G 214 Loy, John W 434 Lozier, John H 90 Lucas, Charles 69 Lucas, Daniel R 151 Lucas, Francis M 143 Lucas, George L 294 Lucas, John H 425 Lucas, Joseph 298 TjUcub, Philander ¦ 380 Lucas, Robert B 379 Lucas, Robert M 120 Lucas, Samuel T 181 Lucas, Thoraas B., (116th /nd. iuf.) 421 Lucas, Thoraas B., (135th /nd. inf.) 424 Lucas, Thoraas J., (16th /nd. inf., 1-year) 53 Lucaa, Thoraaa J., (16th Ind. inf., 3-yeara) 54 Lucas, William J 5 Luce, Edwin W 192 Luce, Hirara C 183 Luckner, Bernhardt 286 Lucus, Johu H 173 Ludington, John Q. A 271 Ludington, Lewis 368 Ludlara, James D 190 Ludlow, WiUiam E 43 Ludwick, Christopher C 17 Ludwick, Henry 84 Ludwig, Hermann 33 Ludwig, John P 188 Ludwig, Louis 196 Ludwig, Oscar 243 Ludwi g, Thomas E 255 Luflt, Edmund 198 Luff, WUUam M 198 Lugar, Joseph, (54th Ind.inf.) 117 Lu-rar, Joseph, (153d /nd.inf.) 173 Luke, Andrew M 38 Luke, Garrett W 358 Luke, JohnW 235 LukenbiU, William W 67 Lukina, Thomaa J 257 Lund, Herman 237 Lunderman, Daniel 63 Lundy, Hiram E 140 Lundy, Porter B 51 Luun, WiUiam H 326 Lunt, George W 314 Lupton, Thomaa S 202 Lupton, William C, (85th /red. inf.) 143 Lupton, William C, (54th /nd. inf.) 418 Lurton, Jacob P 360 Lusk, George C 227 Lusk, GeorgeW 328 Luther, Johu E 61 LuttreU, WiUiara T 364 Lutz, Benjamin F 29 Lutz, Joseph S 43 Luxton, Edward D 435 Luyuter, Henry H 422 Lycan, Leander 306 Lydick, George 7 Lydick, Milton H 296 Lyle, Johu S 9 Lyman, Charles W., (llth /nd.iuf., 3-yeara) ..45 Lyman, Charlea W., (llth /nd. inf., 3-mos.). .418 Lyraan, (George W 379 Lyraan, Walter G 50 Lyman, Williara 290 Lynch, David J 314 Lyuch, Eugene 314 Lynch, John, (6th ///. cav.) 186 Lynch, Johu, (8th/H.inf.) 429 Lynch, Joseph 61 Lynch, Martin T 298 Lyuch, Thoraas, (47th ///. inf.) 294 Lynch, Thomas, (108th ///. inf.) 372 Lynch, Williara F 314 Lynd, George M 363 Lynn, Charles E 314 Lynn, Bdward E 327 Lynn, George W 245 Lynn, laaiah P 433 Lynn, Lawrence V. C 129 Lynn, Samuel S 38 Lynn, Simeon 161 Lynn, WiUiara H., (86th Ind.inf.) 144 Lynn, WilUamH, (149th Ind.inf.) 169 Lyon, Andrew J. 1 17 Lyou, Charles M 288 Lyon, DavidM., (69th ///. iuf.) 433 Lyon, DavidM., (138th ///. inf.) 4.37 Lyon, George a 272 Lyon, George P 326 Lyou, Harvey R 98 Lyon, Hezekiah H 82 Lyon, James A 408 Lyon, Stephen D 72 Lyon, Virgil H., (9th /red. cav.) 16 Lyon, VirgU H., (7th /nd. inf.) 38 Lyon, Wil liam T 267 Lyons, A. P y 409 Lyons, James A 65 Lyons, Williara B 122 Lytaker, Moses 180 Lytle, Aaron W 171 Lytle, Francia W : 272,300 Lytle, James M 62 Lyile, Robert P 256 Lytle, Thoraas G 425 Maager, Charles 315 Maas, Isaac 126 Mabee, John 1 95 Maberly, John H 241 Mabie, John S 433 Mabry, Dudley H 271 534 INDEX OP NAMES. Mahry, JohnB 38S Mabry, JohnE 489 Mabry, ¦WUliam M 376 Macauley, Daniel, (Uth Ind. inf., 3-yeara) 44 Macauk'y, Daniel, (llth Ind. inf., 3-month3). .418 Macauley, John T 44 MacfaU, Thomaa W 180 Macfarlane, Dugald 3i6 Macheauey, Jaraea P 377 Maclt, Alonzo W 334 Mack, Erastua 245 Mack, Horace J 248 Mack, JoelM 379 Mack, I'homaa W 303 Mack, Uziah 363 Mackenzie, Peter 84 Mackey, Jaraea D 383 Mackey, Thoraaa B 307 Mackey, WiUiam 151 Macklin, Jamea E 54 Macomber, EUjah A 75 Macy, John 130 Macy, WilUam W 59,61 Madden, Joaeph 48 Madden , Thomaa 41 Maddox, John B 382 Maddox, lleuben 316 Maddox, WiUiara W 405 Maddux, John T 433 Madison, Herbert E 11 Madiaon, John R 243 Madison, ReUy 214 Maehleubrock, WUliam 235 Magann, Edivin W 16 Magarily, W. S .348 Magee, David W., (47th /ii.inf.) 294 Magee , David W., (86th TU. inf.) 348 Magee, Thoraaa L 301 Mageniaa, John 96 Maghee, Joaoph B 163 MagiU, WiUiara S 98 Jiagner, WiUiara C 330 Magsara, Henry 137 Maguire, George W 399 Maguire, Jamea M 298 Maguire, John B 47 Mahan, Ike L., (115th /mi inf) 420 Mahan, Ike L., (133d //id. inf ) 433 Mahan, JohnC 169 Mahan, John R., (14th and 16th hid. inf.) . .50, 53 Mahan, John R., (55th Ind. inf.) 419 Mahan, JohnR., {115th /?wi. iuf.) 420 Mahan, Leonard H 78 Mahan, Oliver P 133 Mahan , Sarauel E 169 Mahan, WilUamH 133 Mabannah, Harvey 382 Maher, Joaeph 245 Maher, Patrick 199 Mahon, laaac L 420 Mahou, William N 127 Mahony, Tiraothy 3.52 Maicr, Andreaa 288 Main, Edward M 182 Main, Henry J 160 Main, Zalraon S 113 Maiua, Jamea, (26th 111. inf.) 254 Maina, Jamea, (155lh /ii.inf.) 408 Major, Jo 348 Major, John C 98 Major, Samuel 193 Makepeace, Alonzo J 59, 62 Malbon, Lemuel C 65 Malehorn, Samuel T 247 Mallett, Charlea Ill Mallett, JohnB 423 Mallmann, John 225 MaUory, Edmund R 125 MaUory, Egbert O 380 .MaUory, Harriaon W 326 MaUory, Hiram Ill Mallory, John A 347 Mallory, Luther 126 MaUory, Martin V 149 M.allory, William A 380 Mallory, Thoraas 315 Malraborg, Oscar , 307 Malone, David H 48 Malone, James M 407 Maloney, John 86 Blaloney, WiUiam 48 Malony. Daniel P 432 Maloon, George W 74 Malott, Hirara 110 Malott, Thomaa 252 Maltby, Jaaper A 290 Mandler, Henry 424 Mandlove, WiUiam A 419 Mangau, Eichard L 333 Mangrum, Howell Y 263 Manier, Robert H 296 Manington, Johu W : 20 Manington, WiUiam 54 M.onk, WUliam G 80 Manker, Lewia, {26th /»fi. inf ) 71 Manker, Lewia, (79th Ind. int.) 137 Manker, William J., (iM Ind. int.) 82 Manker, William J,, (148th Ind. inf.) 168 Manker, William J., (132d/M(i. inf.) 422 Mauley, Eli R 288 Manlove, Marcus D. L 237 Mann, Adin 389 Mann, Calvin A 184 Mann, Charlea B 135 Mann, Charlea W 320 Mann, Edw.ard 182, 199 Mann, Harvey A 255 Maun, Isaac 261 Manu, Jacob 24 Mann, Jaraes L 339 Maun, John P 184 Mann, Martin 215 Mann, Martin J 320 Mann, Orrin L 278 Mann, Richard P 107 Mann, Robert H 227 Mann, Theodore P 416 I Mann, WUliam, (1^25th /ii. iuf.) 390 Mann, WUUam, (12th /ii. inf.) > 431 ^ Mann, WiUiam H 356 I Manning, Charlea R 326 Manning, Henry W 320 Manning, John W IU Manning, Leonard 314 Manning, Michael W 324 Manning, Nathan W 71 Mannix, Thomaa 86 Mannon, Jaraea M 365 Mausileld, Fielding, (54th /ad inf, 1-ycar) ...117 : Manaiiold, Fielding, (54th /mi inf., S-moutha). 418 Mansfiold, Henry C 228 , Manaker, JohuG. 241 INDEX OP NAME.S. 535 Manson, Jamea T 321 Manaon, Mahlon D., (10th Ind. Inf., 3-yoars) . ..43 Manaon, Mahlon D., (iOth/7ici. iuf , 3-raontha) 417 Manaur, Alvah 242 MiinviUe, Charles P 193 ManviUe, Nicholaa E 145 Manivaring. GUes R 94 Many, Charles T 137 Manztr, Alfred H 312 Mauzer, Jason B 357 Manzor, LazoU C 374 Manzy, JohnW 117 Mapea, WiUiam H., (56tb /ii.inf.) 309 Mapes, wniiam H., (6dth 111 inf.) 336 Maple, WUUam, {49th Ind. inf.) 108 Maple, WiUiam, (66lh Ind.inf.) 127 Marble, Albert S 194 Marble, Johu M 293 Marble, William H., {85th III inf.) 347 Marble, WUUain H., (139th /ii. inf.) 438 March, Clement 184 Marckley, Thomaa G 262 Mardia, Ira A 347 Margraff, Charles 395 Marguoa, .Siduey S 63 Mariner, JohnP 203 Marion, George 223 Mario n, Paul J. P 221 Marij) John M 323 Mark , Georgo A 18 Markland, BenjaminP 271 Mark and, Garah 147 Markland, Wesley G 90 Mark, 6, Jolm E 84 Mark'e, Theodore 23 Marks, George S 362 Marks. Jacob F 94 Marks , .Tames T 69 Marka, Samuel B 240 Marka, William 53 Marlett, Jerome B 194 Marley, Jamea 136 Marley, John JI 68 Marlow, Frederick 187 Marlow, William S 237 Marot, Benjarain 328 Marquis, David D 361 Marquia, Jaraea 13 Marciuia, John F 316 Marr, Thomaa 74 Marri'tt, Samnel .S 1 80 Marryo't, Jonathan D 369 Mara, John 361 Marachner, Berthold 205 Marah, Alfred F , 311 Marsh, Arthur W 384 Marsh, Benjarain F 237 Marah, Benjamin P., jr., (2d TU. cav.) 178 Marsh, Benjamin P., jr., (16th III. inf) 237 Marsh, C. CarroU 24:1 Marsh, Edward -267 Marah, Frederick H 292 Marah, George W 54 Marsh, Gustavus A 199 Marsh, Henrv J 224 Marsh, .James B 309 Marsh, Jason 333 Marah, Joaeph 371 Marah, Joseph L. , (SOth Ind. int.) 110 Marah, Joaeph L., (57th /nd.iuf.) 118 Mai-sh, Joaeph L., (69lh Ind. int.) 130 Marsh, Mason M 221 Marah, .Samuel 116 Marsh, Seth Ill Marah, Williara T., (76th Tnd. inf.) 419 Marsh, WUUam T., (VUlh Tnd. int.) 423 MarshaU, Benjamin F 376 f.Iarshall, CharleaH 4-22 M.irahall, Charloa M 193 MarshaU, DeWitt C, (19th TU. int.) 242 Marshall, Dewitt C, (71at /ii. iuf.) 434 MarahaU, Elijah L 345 Marshall, Prank B 278 MarahaU, George IC 41 Marslinll, George S 57 MarahaU, George W., (92d III inf.) 3.54 MarahaU, George W., (96th /ii.inf.) 3.58 MarahaU, Jacob L 320 MarahaU, Jaraea A 422 MarahaU, JohuB 171 MarahaU, John W 115 MarahaU, Joseph D 262 Marshall, Ralph W 243 Marshall, Eandolph V 63 MarahaU, S. L 187 Marshall, Samuel W 346 Marshall, Thoinaa A 177 MarahaU, Thomaa M 51 MarahaU, Thoinaa S 421 MarahaU, WUliara C 19 MarahaU, WUliam S., (5ls.t Ind. inf.) Ill MarahaU, WUliam S., (lat /ii. cav.) 177 MarahaU, WUliam S., {8th IU. inf.) 429 Marah all, Woodaon S 102 Mnrainna, Frank 125 Martin, A. S 396 Martin, AchUlea 252 Martin, Alexander ...92 Martin, Ai-red, (39th Ind.inf.) 74 Martin, Alfred. (118th /nd.inf.) 432 Mariiii, Alfred L 299 Martin, Andrew J., {9th Ivd. inf.) 41 Martin, Andrew J., (8ih III cav.) 190 Martin, Andrew S 335 Martin, Benjamin F 430 Martin, Charlea, (6t\ih Ind. inf.) 127 Martin, Churles, (96th III int.) 3.58 Martin, Daniel O 433 Martin, Delos P 190 Martin, Edward, (8th III inf.) 224 Martin, Edward, (37th IU. iuf) 312 Martin, Bdward D 334 Martin, Edwin P., (Firat Lieut) 184 Martin, Edwin P., (SecondLieut.) 184 Martin, Elijah D 280 Martin, Ephraim 3fil Martin, Ephinira B 133 Martin, Ephraim H 5 Martin, George H 231 Martin, (George I\I 401 Martin, George W 395 Martin, Hamilton, {49th /nd. inf.) 108 Marlin, HamUton, (144th Ini. inf.) 161 Martiii, Harvey 93 Martin, Henry 183, 199 Martin, Henry J 225 M.irtin, HezekiahD 338 Martin, Isaac N., (Ufith III inf.) 383 Martin, Isaac N., (Bth /ii. inf.) 429 Martin, Jacob M 400 Martin, Jacob W 2.3 Martin, Jaraea 1 115 536 INDEX OP NAMES. Martin, James P 252 Martin, James S 376 Martin, Jamea W 113 Martin, Johu A 105 Martin, JohnD 349 Martin , John P 69 Martin, Jolm H 50 Martin, JohnK 130 Martin, John R. P 256 Martin, John W 261 Martin, John Wesley 13 Martin, Lewia D 360 Martin, Lewia H 314 Martin, Lorenzo D 259 Martin, MarshaU B 234 Martin, Moaea 240 Martin, Nathaniel 115 Martin, Oliver C 203 Martin, Parkhurat T 233 Martin, Robert 376 Martin, Roberts 118 Martin, Rohert F 424 Martin, Robert K 18 Martin, Roger 127 Martin, S. Wesley 131 Martin, Sarauel 353 Martin. SamiielP 127 Martin, Sarauel H 371 Martin. Sarauel S 18 Martin, .Sloan D 145 Martin, Smith D 191 Martin, Stephen 269 Martin, Thomaa 391 Martin, Thoraaa H 125, 155 Martin, W.W 100 Martin, WilUara, (53d Ind. inf) 116 Martin, WiUiam, (49th /ii. inf ) 298 Martin, WiUiam H 43 Martin, WUliam L., (FirstLieut., 43d Ind.int.)98 Martin, William L., (Second Lieut., 43d/ji(i inf )98 Martin, WUliara L., (97th IU. inf.) 360 Martin, Williara W 174 Marty. Levi L 84 Martyn. John L 92 Marvel, George R 200 Marx, Felix C 200 Marx, John F 211.5 Marx, Mathew, (16th III cav.) 205 Marx, Mathew. (82d /ii. inf.) 341 Marxen, I'heodor 80 Maaon, Andrew J., {59th Ind. inf.) 122 Maaon, AndrewJ., (85th III int.) 347 Mason, Calvin .. , 397 Maaon, Chriatopher C, (4th Ind. cav.) 7 Maaon, Christopher C, (7th IU. inf) 429 Maaon, Daniel W 16 Maaon, Edward C 354 Maaon, Elihu 43 Maaon, Ferdinand 48 JIaaon, George 230 Maaon, Harvey L 393 Maaon, Henry B 369 Slason, Jerome B 142 Mason, Lycurgua C 130 Maaon, Martin B 115 Mason, Matthew B 6 Mason, Koawell H 330 Maaon, Saranel F 78 Maaon, Sarauel T 2'.;7 Mason, Tyler A 30 Maaon, Volney P.. (iii Ind. int.) 64 Maaon, Volney P., (145th Ind. inf.) 165 Maaon, WiUiam 234 Mason, WUUam C 434 Maaon, William T 69 Maaon, WUliam W 267 Maasey, Henry T 310 Massey, Richard H., 280 Maaaey; Warren C 272 Massie, Melville D .362 Maaters, Jaraea H 96 Masters, Thoraaa L., {14'h III cav.) 202 Masters, Thomaa L., (68th III inf.) 433 Maatera , Thoraaa N 126 Maateraon, Alfred 166 Maateraon, George C 27 .Maateraon, Matthew H 24 Mastin, Joel H 389 Maatin, John 55 Mater, Hirara C 169 Matheny, Jaraea H 396 Matheny, John M 140 Matheny, Thomaa J 140 Mather, Charlea P 47 Mather, Thoraaa S 213 Mather, William W 39 M athers, James E 17 Mathers, Newton B 165 1 Mathea, Pleaaant T 115 1 Mathewa, Aaa H 75 Mathewa, Frederic W 363 Mathewa, Johu P 387 Mathewa, Thoraaa C 335, 396 Mathewa, WiUiam W 63 Mathey, Edward G 139 Mathie, WiUiam 221 JIatlack, Luciua C, (Sth /ii. cav.) 191 Matlack, Luciua C, (17th HI. cav.) 206 Matlock, James M 199 Matlock, Jamea T 131 Matlock, Thoraaa J 147 Matott, Theophilua 107 MatseU, Charles H 200 Matson, Courtland C., (6th Ind. cav.) 11 Mataou, Courtland C, (16th Ind. inf.) 53 Matson, Nathan R 92 Mattern, Frederick 320 Matteson, Charlea W 367 Matteaon, Frederick W 324 Matteson, Jamea T 90 Matteson, Orville B 365 Mattheiva, A. Curtia 239 Matthewa, Albert 370 Matthewa, Asa C - 362 Matthewa, Benjamiii L 362 I Matthewa, Charlea A 420 ' Matthewa, Edwin W 100 Matthewa, Robert W 44 Matthewa, Seth .23 Matthewa, Thoraaa J 436 Matlhey, Edward G 55 Mattice, WiUiam A 179 Mattingly, Mosea B 118 .Mattingly, WiUiam B 425 Mattingly, WUliam H. H 41 Matiison, Daniel 248 JIattler, Francis J 144 Mattocka, Eli, (Sid Ind. inf.) IW Mattocks. Eli, (7th Ind. inf) 415 Matt.i.f, Jamea J 84 Maudlin, .Mark 167 Mauff, August 250 INDEX OP NAMES. 537 Maugan, John H 41 Maulding, Daniel M 186 Maulding, Walter B 186 Maurer, Allen D 198 Maurer, David T 439 Mnua, Charles T 196 Maus, Joaeph S 180 Mauaa, Lewia 287 Mauzy, James H 129 Maxey, Jehu J 318 Maxey, Samuel T 186 Maxfleld, George C 377 Maxora, Job 314 Maxon, George 0 271 Mftxson. Alvin M 52 Maxwell, Cyrua H 149 MaxweU, i>avid 347 Maxwell, Edward 122 MaxweU, Friend L 133 Maxwell, Jamea R 361 Maxwell, John W 188 MaxweU, Robert 132 Ma.twell, William 184 MaxweU, WUUam B 297 May, Aaron E 324 May, A brah nm 396 May, Casaar R 304 May, Charlea A 37 May, Charlea J 299 May, Edwin 367,362 May, G.Allen 200 May, George A 1 May, Horace E 364 May, laaac M - 60 May, Jease 156 May, Johu T 385 May, WUliam 318 Mayer, Aloya 350 Mayer, Cliarles 230 Mayer, (bharlea A 314 Mayer, Ferdinand 28 Mayer, John 80 Mayer, John G 13 Mayer, William B 354 Mayoa, John B 395 Mayea, WUliara H 160 Mayftold, Leroy S 63 Mayfield, Manning, (48th III. int.) 296 Mayfield, Manning, (7th /ii. inf.) 439 Mayfield, Rufua 3.33 Mayginnia. James C 195 Maynard, Henry J 316 Maynard, Spencer 259 Mayo, Henry H •. 202 Mayo, Lewia 349 Mayo, ZelotcaB 2.33 Maya. Alfred 436 Maythenyi, Theodore 2 Maze, John C, {3-34 Ind. int.) 82 Maze, John C, (7th lad. inf.) 415 Mazelle, WiUiam 274 McAdams, Jamea H 43 McAdama, Jaraea M 247 McAdams, Samuel G., (32d /ii. inf.) 247 McAdama, Sirauel G., {135th IU. int.) 436 McAdama, WilUam 316 McAfee, Hamilton 145 McAfee, John 212 McAfee, Mark C, (87th Tnd. inf.) 145 McAfee, Mark C, (138th Ind. iuf.) 157 McAfee, Roberto 23 MoAffoo, WiUiara D 439 McAllater, Johu 254 McAlUater, Edward, (batt'y D, lat III It. art.) .209 McAlUater, Edward, (10th III int.) 430 McAUiater, GeorgeW 237 McAlUater, Harriaon 140 McAUister. Henry C 338,361 McAUister, John W 140 McAUister, WUliam A 184 McAUister, William H 237 McAUister, WUliara W 407 McAnderson, Orin 143 McArthur, Francia H 192 McArthur, Jamea N 230 McArthur, James R 11 McArthur, John, (12th Ind. inf., 3-yenra) 230 McArthur, John, (12th Ind. int., 3-moutha)--. 431 Mc Arthur, Korac 118 McAasey, John 352 McAtee, Edward A 318 McAtee, Jacob 126 McAtee, Morton S 327 McAuloy, ,Tohn T 307 McBean, laaac 367 McBoth, William W 421 McBrain, James 353 McBriarty, Anthony 248 McBride, Edward J 122 McBride, John E 82 McUride, Joseph C 106 McBride, Martin V 296 McBride, Samuel H 6i McCabe, Bernard J S6 McCaho, Eichard P 409 McCagg, George 308 McCaig, David 332 McCain, George 155 McCain, John 419 McCain, Thomaa H. B 144 McCaleb, Addiaon B 335 McCaleb, Edward H 397 McCaleb, Hurbert A 238 McOall, Ridly W 184 McCall a, Henry L 79 McCalliater, Lorenzo D., (Sth, 3-yenra, and 147th /7iovern, Daniel 86 I McGowan , Ireniia 74 I McGowan, Peter 240 I McGowan, PhiUp P 282 McGowan, Samnel 371 1 McGowan, WiUiam 0 335,396 ] McGowan, WUUam S 67 540 INDEX OP NAMES. McGraiu, Thoraaa, jr 116 McGrath, David, (15th HI int.) 236 McGrath, David, (140th III mf.) 43S McGrath, Henry C 227 McGrath, John H 331 McGrath, M.J 303 McGraw, JohnS 118 McGraw, Leander S 371 McGraw, Thoraaa 249 McGrayel, Jaraea 64 McGrayel, Michael 149 McGlregor, Alexander 150 McGregor, Andrew 298 McGregor, Robert P 172 McGregor, Thoraaa B., (140th /nd.iuf.) 161 McGlregor, Thomas B., (Capt. Bassett'a co. Ind.int.)^ 427 McGrew, Jamea J 321 McGrew, Joel W 73 McGnfF, GuiaebertW 136 McGuffiu, SamuelP 68 McGuire, Jamea E Ill McGuire, John W. H 30 McGuire, Joaeph P 376 McGuire, Samnel B., {30th /nd.inf) 76 McGuire, Sarauel B,, (.129th /«d. inf.) 1.59 McGuire, Sidney 136 Mci^uire, Thoraas 221 McHaney, Richard T 375 McHenry, Hirara 326 McHenry, Jacob 110 McHenry, Jamea S 178 McHenry, WiUiam H 349 McHolland, David A Ill McHugh, Hugh 347 McHugh, Jaraea 86 McHugh, John 3.53 McHugh, WUliam H 65 Mcllhenny, Joaeph K 140 Mcllvain, Henry 0 336 Mcllwain, Johu 371 Mclnerny, Matthew 144 Mclntire, EUhu S 337 Mclntire, MarahaU M 260 Mclntire, RichardH 132 Mclntire, WilUam T. B 96 Mcintosh, Daniel 307 Mcintosh, Jeaae A 394 Mcintosh. John J 374 Mcintosh, John W 279 Mclntyre, Thomaa J 214 Mclntyre, WUliara J 228 Mclver, Duncan C 387 McJohnaton, Robert P 126 McKahan, John M 153 McKahin, JohnD., (27th /nd.inf.) 72 McKahin, Johu D., (155th Ind. inf.) 175 McKahin, John D., {138th Ind. int.) 425 McKaig, Robert N 10,12 McKay, Joseph W 76 McKeaig, George W 386 McKean, Johu R 244 McKean, John T 9 McKee, Addiaon 18 McKee, George 0 338 McKee, George W 268 McKee, Jaraea 387 McKee, John 90 McKee, Joseph F 319 McKee, Joseph P 175 McKee, Rohert 364 McKee, Thomaa 184 McKeehan, Samuel P., (6th Ind. int., 3-yearB) 37 McKeehan, Samuel P., (6th Ind. inf., 3-mOB.).415 McKeen, Nineveh S 245 McKeimie, Wealey W 375 McKenzie, Daniel 339 McKenzie, George T 311 McKenzie, George W 259 McKenzie, Inula 356 McKenzie, Jamea A 267 McKenzie, JamesC, (14th /ii. inf.) 233 McKenzie, Jamea C, {139th /ii. inf.) 438 McKenzie, Eobert 247 McKenzie, WUUam 310 McKenzie, WiUiamL 212 McKernan, Jamea J 368 McKey, Phinia W 78 McKibben, Joaeph M 292 McKibben, Thora.aa J 252 McKim, Jamea, (35th Ind. inf.) 86 McKim, Jamea, (137th Ind. inf.) 435 McKim, WUliara J 336 McKinlay, Johu 140 McKinley, Alexander 161 McKinley, John 29 McKinley, WilUara, (51at Ind. inf.) Ill McKinley, WiUiara, (Slst /nd. inf.) 1.39 McKinney, Asa W 78 McKinney. Colin 227 McKinney, David, (54th TU. inf) 306 McKinney, David, (77th /ii. inf. ) 335 McKinney, David. (115th /nd, inf.) 420 McKinney, David, (133d Ind. inf) 423 McKinney, John, jr 353 McKinney, JohnW., (6-3d IU. inf) 321 McKinney, JohnW., (63d /ii. iuf.) 323 McKinney, Josiah 11 McKinney, Lawson E 82 McKinney. Walker J 424 McKinney, William M 52 McKinaey, Joseph A 104 McKinsey, WilUara P 94 McKinatry, Jamea M 182 McKinstry, John, (16th HI cav.) 205 McKinatry, ,John, (38th III int.) 276 McKinzie, Bailey G 78 McKnight, Albert 188 McKnight, Charlea E 20 McKnight, Hugh B 4.32 McKnight, Jamea C 387 McKnight, John P 395 McKnight, John T 52 McKnight, Plinna 82 McKnight, Eobert P 233 McKu'ght, Sargeant 387 McKnight, WiUiamL 110 McKowu. Samuel W 432 McLaflin, Edward 22 McLain, Adelbert D 94 McLain, Calviu C 89 McLain, James P 374 McLain, Joseph 321 McLain, Peter 345 McLane, Adam W 290 McLane, Joaeph M 380 McLaren, John 41 McLaughlin, Casper W 36 McLaughlin, John A., (47th Ind. inf.) 104 McLaughlin, John A., (llth Ind. iuf.) 418 McLaughlin, Welcome B 415 - McLaughlin, WUliam B 126 INDEX OP NAMES. '541 McLaughlin, William II 9 McLean, Archibald B 312 McLean, Duncan 230 McLean, George W 326 McLean, Henry 147 McLean, Jaraea A 390 McLean, James K 180 McLean , John 280 McLean, WUUam A 379 McLean, WiUiam E 98 McLeland, Thomas E 68, 128 McLeland, WilUam E 37 McLelland, Nathaniel 347 McLemore, Clarence N 191 McLennan, Daniel 265 McLindaley, John 438 McMackin, Warren E 345 McMahan, Hugh 163 McMahan, Oliver 76 McMahan, Kobert H 399 McMahan, Eobert W 440 McMahon, Edward 397 McMahon, Enoch A 84 McMahon, John H 1 93 McMahon, WUliara E 120 McManaman, Thoraas J 14 MoMania, William 192 McManman, Michael 15 McMauomy, Jaraea 125 McMauomy, John E 125 McManus, Isaac 365 McManus, Otho J 388 McManua, Thomas P 171 McMaster, EobertM 83 McMastera, Jaraes 196 McMasters, Sterling Y 256 McMillan, Alexander 206 McMillan, Edward 266 McMillan, EU C 11 McMUlan, Henry F 33 McMillan, laaac N 136 McMUlan, Jamea W 33 McMiUan, Johu N 387 McMUlen, Jaraea H 9 McMUlen, WilliamP 371 McMonigle, Andrew 92 McMoore, Andrew 333 McMuUen, GeorgeW 71 McMuUen, Henry 44 McMuUen, JohnW. T 118 McMurray, Albert A 395 McMurrav, Francia 249 McMurray, WiUiam H 100 McMurry, Benjamin 71 McMurtrey, W. A 402 McMurtrie, WiUiam 365 McMurtry, Alexander C 350 McMurtry, John 43 McMurtry, WUliam H 132 McMurtry, Wra. P 386 McNair, Jonaa B 265 McNair, Thoraaa J 192 McNaught, Eobert 50 McNaught, Thomas A 122 McNanghten, Samuel W 140 McNeal, Archibald E 362 McNeal, CromweU 283 McNeal, Hem-y H 395 McNeal, Jaraea B 273 McNeal, Nathan H 437 McNear, Joaiah P 135 McNeeley, Sarauel 432 McNeeley, WilUamH 174 McNeU, Prancia A 269 McNel, laaao 299 McNeU, Lewia C 360 McNeU, Quincy 178,233 McNeil, WiUinm 340 McNeill, Jamea T 347 McNeUy, Joaeph 110,113 McNulta, John, (1st /ii. cav.) 177 McNulta, John, (94th III inf.) 356 McNutt, Alexander? 388 McNutt, JameaH 150 McNutt, Patteraon 331 McOmber, E. A 200 McPhaU, Enoa 181 McPheeters, Jamea D 127 McPheeters, John S 65 McPheeters, Jo-eph G., (14ih/nd. inf.) 50 McPheetera, Joaeph G., (33d /;id. inf.) 82 McPheetera, Eankin P 391 McPherson, Alexander 70 McPherson, Burrell 258 McPherson, Eliaa B 39 McPheraon, Ilenry C 331 McPheraon, John A 304 McPherson, Nimrod B 364 McPherson, Philip 25 McPhetridge, John G 78 McQueen, George B 115 McCJueen, Johu A 195,204 McQuiddy, Johu T 65,163 McQuiston, John C, (16th Ind. inf.) 53 McQuiaton, JohnC, (123d /Tid. inf.) 155 McRae, Hamilton S 127 McRae, Philip 206 McRoa, Joahua S 354 McReynolda, Jaraea E 55 McReynolda, Sarauel H. B 206 McReynolds, WUliara 1 McReynolda, WUliara C 113 McRUl, Newton M 280 McEoyal, Alexander 394 McSparin, James H 386 McVey, Elijah W 124 McVickar, Brock 4.32 McVicker, Joseph N 404 McVicker, Nelaon 348 McWhinney, Thomas M 118 McWiUiame, Hugh P 228 McWiUiama, John, {129th /ii. inf.) 395 MeWilliams, John, (Sth IU. mf.) 429 McWilliaras, JohnG 300 Mc WiUiams, Eobert 383 McWyle, Sarauel 140 Meacham, Charles 363 Meacham, Florua D 219 Meacham, Henry G 350 Meachara, John F 78 Meachara, John W 234 Meacham, Joseph W 398 Meachara, Willia E 364 Mead, JaraeaP 277 Mead, JohnB. T 257 Mead, WUliam 17 Mead, WUliara G 330 Mead, WiUiara R 65 Mead, Williara S 398 Meade, Frederick 233 Meador, Robert L 349 Meaker, Lyaander 157 542 INDEX OP NAMES Meara, DeWitt C 405 Meatyard, Bdward B 356 Meatyard, Thoraaa C 256 Meek, John G 419 Medcalf, Cyrua W 96 Medcalf, WilUam H 298 MediU, WilUamH 191 Medley, PhUip 367 Medaker, James C 136 Meek, BazUD 196 Meek, James S 150 Meek, John A., (7th Ind.inf.) 38 Meek, John A., {89th Ind.int.) 147 Meeker, Daniel, (9th /7?d. inf., 3-years) 41 Meeker, Daniel, (9th hid.inf., 3-months) 416 Meeker, Hanford B 152 Meeker, Howland 324 Meeker, .Stephen A 331 Meeks, John H 196 Megquie.l', George H 372 Megrew, John P 44 Mehringer, John, (27 th Ind.int.) 72 Mehringer, John, (91st Ind.int.) 148 Meikel, George 'W 63 Meily, George E 262 Melendy, Emory G 1.59 Melendy, Eiehmond W 74 Mellar, Travis •. 389 Mellen, Henry H 2 Mellen, Samuel L 1 MelUng, P. Joseph 398 MeUor, WiUiara 367 Melshcimer, Charlea T 153 Melton, Jamea T 138 Melvin, Aiigua'na H 259 Menaugh, "Thoraaa J 9 Mendell, Noah B., {7th Ind. Inf., 3-year3) 331 Mendell, Noah E., (7th lad. inf., 3-months) . . .439 Mendenhall, "William T 118 Menge, Frederic A 336 Mengel, August 286 Menu, Lewis W 384 Mennet, Emmanuel 316 Meranda, John 92 Mercer, John J 337 Mercer, Pembroke 296 Mercer, PhiUp H 337 Mercer, Eobert F 223 Mercer, Samuel D 402 Mercer, Stephen P. F 298 Mercer, WiUiara M 172 Merchant, George E 68 Merchant, Ira 257 Merchant, Silaa B 388 Meredith, Marion 129 Meredith, Richard 113 Meredith, Samuel H 60 Meredith, Soloraon 59 Meredith, Thomaa 10 Meredith, WUUam M 131 Meridith, Richard W 415 Merit, NathanielP 79 Meriwether, Jaraea B 92 Merriara, Jonathan 363 Merrick, Charlea C 300 Merrick, Charles W 30 Merrick, Henry C 154 Merrick, WUliara L 67 Merrifield, Emery A 289, 314 Merrifield, WUliara 4L MerrUies, John 210 MerrUl, AlbertP 307 Merrill, George II 274 Merrill, George W., (44th Ind. int.) 100 MerriU, George W., (60th Ind.int.) 124 MerriU, John 295 Merrill, John A., (123d /nd. inf ) 155 Merrill, John A., {47th /ii. inf ) 295 Merrill, John H 350 MerriU, JohnP 151 Merrill, Joseph W 256 MerriU, Nelson H 392 MerriU, O. B 273 MerriU, Samuel 131 Merrill, WUliam I 239 Merriraau, Daniel 434 Merriman, Harvey H 182,198 Merriman, JamesE 254 Merriman , Reea L 389 Merriman, Wheelock S 2.30 Merritt, Andrew 43 Merritt. Anael D 357 Merritt, Jamea Y 365 Merritt, WiUiam 280 Merritt, William C 213 Merritt, WiUiam B 309 Merritt, WiUiara H 41 Merryman, John 237 Meray, Auguat, (9th /ii. inf., 3-year8) 225 Me'rsj', August, {9th /ii.iirf., 3-raonths) 430 Mortens, Adolphus 321 Mertz, Charles A 321 Mertz, Solomon B 409 Merwin, DavUla W 348 Merz, Frederick 124 Mesler, Henry T., (37th /ii. inf.) 275 Mealer, Henry T., {65th /ii. inf.) 326 Meaaena, Williara W 117 Meaaer, Bdwin P 274 Messer, Erwin B., (37th /7i. inf.) 374 Measer, Erwin B., {156th /ii.inf.) 409 Messerlin, Frederick 374 Messersmith, John W 173 Messick, George 67 Meaaick, Jacob W 96 Messick, John 156 Messick, Joseph G 130 Mesaioger, Henry M 2.32 Measler, Lafayette 153 JM eaaner, Johu H. , (ISOth Ind.int.) 170 Meaaner, John H. , (135th Ind. inf.) 424 Messner, Samnel P 421 Metcalf, Eichard L. , {7tb HI inf., 3-years) 221 Metcalf, Eich.ard L., (7th IU. inf., 3-raontha).. 429 Metcalfe, Bdward \V 159 Metlar, WUliam 435 Metz, Ezra E 439 Metz, Seward C 435 Metzgar, David H 379 Metzger, Edwin S 147 Metzler, Thoraaa J 257 Metzner, Adolph 80 Mewhinney, James 169 Mewhinney, Jeremiah 79 Meiinier, Narciaaua J 149 Meyer, Charlea W 250 Meyer, Ernat 80 Meyer, Ferdinand C 80 ¦ Meyer, George W 90 Meyer, John H 188 Meyer, John I ; 286 Meyera, Auguatus P 194 INDEX OF NAMES. 543 Meyers, Benjamin H 49 Meyers, James H 35 Meyers, John C 74 Meyers, John G 4 Meyera, William H 77 Miars, Henry 340 Michael, John 395 Mickle, Samuel S 104 Midcap, John S 165 Middieton, Robert 92 Middieton, WiUiara H 265 Mihalotzy, Geza 251 Milara, John S 23 Milburn, Augustua 120 Milburn, Henry 106 Milohriat, Thomaa E 326,377 MUes, Daniel L 295 MUes, James G 11 Miles, John F 271 MUes, Jolln L 24 MUes, John W., {1,53d /nd. inf.) ..-• 173 Miles, John W., (17th /ii. inf.) 239 Milea, Jonathan E 256 Milea, Joaeph 304 Milea, Joseph B 294 Milea, Orlando W 416 Milea, Oscar 148 Milea, WUliam H 98 MilhoUnnd, Thomas J 371 Milice, Andrews., (12th Aid. inf.) 46 MUice, Andrew S., (74th /nd inf.) 135 Milikin, Jacob A 374 MiUer, Ahr.ahamH 110 MUler, Abrara O,, (10th and 72d Ind. inf., 3- yeara) 43,132 MUler, Abram O., (10th Ind. inf, 3-raontha). .4 17 Miller, Abaalora 380 MUler, Adam D 76 MiUer, Albert J 400 MUler, Alfred 360 MUler, AlfredB 34 MiUer, Andrew G 351 MiUer, Benjamin C 18 MiUer, CharleaP 37 Miller, Charles H 370 Miller, Chauncey, {14th /ii. cav.) 303 Miller, Chauncey, (19th /ii. inf.) 242 Miller, Chris 417 Miller, Cyrua K 258 Miller, David K 2.57 Miller, Prancia O 292 MiUer, Frank J 19 MiUer, Frederick, (SOth /nd inf.) 110 Miller, Frederick, {93d Ind. inf.) 149 MUler, George 241 Miller, Harmon L 2 Miller, Harvey I-I 61 Miller, Henry, (99th Tnd.'mt.) 151 Miller, Henry, (64th /ii. inf.) 334 Miller, Henry A 2'M Miller, Ichabod T 356 Miller, Irwin 382 MiUer, Isaac F 43 Miller, Israelii 43 MUler, J, McCleUand 369 Miller, Jacob, (13th Ind. oav.) 20 Miller, Jacob, (39th /nd. inf.) 74 Miller, Jacob, (9th /ii inf.) 225 Miller, Jacob, {115th /7i. inf.) 403 Miller, Jacob, {135th Ind. inf ) 424 Miller, Jacob C 188 Miller, Jamea, (30th Tnd. inf.) 76 Miller, James, {53d /nd.inf.) 115 MUler, Jami-is, (.56th /ii. inf.) .309 MUler, Jaraea, (65th /ii, inf.) 326 Miller, Jamea A., {7th /nd.inf) 38 MUler, Jainea A., (87th /ii. inf ) 349 MUler, Jamea A., (110th /ii. inf.) 375 Miller, Jaines H., (145th /rid. inf.) 165 Miller, Jamea II., (H7th /7!d.inf.) 421 Miller, Jaraea M 124 MUler, JameaN 353 Miller, Jeaae 155 MiUer, John, (26th Ind.'mt.) 71 MUler, John, {48th /nd. inf ) 106 Miller, , Tohn, {14th /ii. cav.) 302 Miller, John, (54th III int.) 306 Miller, John, (155th III int.) 408 Miller, John A., (33d Ind.int.) 83 Miller, Johu A. , (SOth III int.) 339 MUler, JohuB 313 Miller, JohnC. C 50 MUler, JohnE 331 Miller, JohnP 74 MiUer, JohnH., (10th /»d, cav) 17 MUler, JohnH., (116th /ii. inf.) 382 MiUer, Joaeph C. 232 Miller, Josephs 415 Miller, Joseph T 318 Miller, Joseph W 290 Miller, Juliua W 303 Miller, Levin T., (33d Ini. inf.) S3 MUler, Levin T., (10th /nd.inf) 417 Miller, Lyraan A 318 Miller, MarkP 439 MUler, Martin B 143 Miller, Martin J 33 MiUer, Martin V 22 1 Miller, Melyne 160 Miller, Minos H - 38 MUler, Nelson B 61 Miller, Nelson T 14 Miller, Orson C 350 Miller, Perry F 230 Miller, EichardK 157 Miller, Eichard M.J 126 Miller, Eobert 351 MUler, Eobert G 425 MUler, Samuel, (Pirat Lieut., 5th Ind. cav.) 9 MUler, Sarauel, (2dLieut.,5th &6th/Kd.cav.)9, 11 Miller, Samuel, (15th /nd. inf ) 52 MUler, Sanmel J 130 MlUer, Samuel M 195 Miller, Scott 38 Miller, SUaa, (36th Til int.) 373 Miller, Silas, (7th /ii. inf.) 439 Miller, Sylveater B 403 Miller, T. K 306 MUler, Thomaa '387 MiUer, Thomaa C 399 Miller, Thomas H. B 345 Miller, Thomas W. H 186 Miller, WiUiara, {24th /nd. inf.) 67 MiUer, William, (65th /nd. inf.) 126 Miller, William, (140th Ind. int.) 161 MUler, William, {31at /ii. inf) 263 Miller, William. {137th /nd. inf ) 435 Miller. WiUiam B 440 MUler, William H., (33d Ind. iuf.) 83 MUler, WiUiara H., {4Bth Ind. inf.) 106 Miller, WUUara H., (U3th IU. inf.) 396 Miller, William H., (13-3d Ind. inf.) 422 544 INDEX OF NAMES. Miller, WiUiam N 263 MiUetzer, Henry 286 Milligan, Henry J 435 Milligan, Sarauel 71 Milliken, David 243 Milliken, James A 160 MiUikeu, King H., (67th III int.) 432 MUliken, King H., {14lBt TU. inf.) 439 MiUikin, Luther S 378 MUliman, Minor W 278 Millington, Augustus O 260 Million, John L 263 MiUia, Elias W 129 MilUa, John 127 Milla, Alexander 199 Milla, Andrew J 384 Mills, CharleaH 390 Milla, Erastua W 391 MUIa, Jamea E 105 Milla, John M., (13th HI int., 3-yeara) 2.30 Milla, John M., {148th TU. inf) 401 Mills, John M., {12th HI inf, 3-months) 431 MiUs, Lewia C 288 Milla, Luciua 259 Milla, Matthiaa C 14 Milla, Miron H 345 MUla, OliverM 423 Milla, Wallace G .381 MiUB, William C 157 MiUs, William D 230 Milla, WUliara H 288 MiUs, WiUiam S 63 MiUsaps, Joaeph S 348 MiUspaugh, Theodore, (18th HI. inf.) 841 MUlspaugh, Theodore, (29th Ill.int.) 2.59 Milmine, George A 382 Milner, Sylvanua 17 Milner, William W 96 Milroy, John B 41 Milroy, Eobert H., {9th Ind. inf.. 3-yearB) 41 Milroy, Eobert H., (9th Ind. int., 3-monthB)..416 Milton, Joaeph M 406 Minchen, CUnton B 269 Minear, Philip N 252 Miner, Jamea 364 Miner, Lorenzo J 320 Miner, MUton L., (17th batt'y Ind. It. art.) 32 Miner, MUton L., (26th /nd. inf.) 71 Miner, Simon G 188 Miner, WUliara H 32 Miner, WiUiara J 84 Mineainger, Charlea W. T 119 Minesinger, "William M 360 Mlnnich, Charlea J 340 Minter, Samuel W 132 Minter, WiUiam H 430 Miaenhiraer. Wilaon .374 Miainhimer, Abram L 374 Mianer, John H 368 Mitchel, Jamea A 194 Mitchel, James W 266 Mitchell, Adolphua 0 48 Mitchell, Anaon 179 MitcheU, Chandler 306 Mitchell, Charlea 48 MitcheU, Charlea P 363 Mitchell, David T. , (67th Ind. inf.) 128 Mitchell, DavidT., (140th /nd.inf.) 161 Mitchell, DavidT., (136th /nd. inf.) 434 MitcheU, Elijah 1.50 Mitchell, ElijahR 139 | Mitchell, EUaha V 148 Mitchell, Francia S 200 MitcheU, Frederick VV 199 MitcheU, George E 17 Mitchell, Greenville M 177,306 Mitchell, Jacob 14 MitcheU, .lamea, (49th TU. int.) 298 Mitchell, Jamea, (lOlh /ii. mf.) 430 Mitchell, Jamea A 4 Mitchell, Jaraea P 102 MitcheU, Jamea H 239 Mitchell, James L 131 Mitchell, Jaraea M 50 Mitchell, John 333 Mitchell, Johu B., (I12th III inf.) 377 Mitchell, JohnB., (126th /ii. inf.) 391 Mitchell, John C 191 Mitchell, John D 227 Mitchell, JohnL 160 Mitchell, John P 259 MitcheU, Joseph A. S 3 Mitchell, Joseph W 215 MitcheU, Lewia B 211 MitcheU, Lewia N 345 MitcheU, Nathaniel C 203 MUchell, Orin S 201 Mitchell, Eobert 92 MHchell, Robert S 118 Mitchell, Samuel, (Sth /7id. inf.) 39 MitcheU, Samuel, (25th /ii.inf.) 252 Mitchell, Samuel, (154th /ii. inf.) 407 MitcheU, Sarauel, (155th /ii.inf.) 408 Mitchell, Simeon J 5, 14 MitcheU, Solomon 139 MitcheU, Thomaa D 328 MitcheU, Thomaa J 127 Mitchell, Thomaa R 92 MitcheU, WUliam C 131 MitcheU, WilUamH 273 Mitchell, Williara J 386 Mitchell, Williara L 186 Mitchell, WiUiam N 318 MitcheU, WiUiam P 334 MitcheU, WiUiam T 362 Mix, Henry A 325 Mizell, Abner 397 Mizell, WiUiam R 386- Moak, UzN 113 Moata, Joaephua C 269 Mobley, Amoa W 419 Mock, Anthony E 192 Mock, James M 246 Moffat, David W 417 Moffat, Jamea 37 Moffatt Alvah P 302 Moffatt, David S 381 Moffatt, Thomaa S 2.30 Moffett, Edward H 407 Moffett, Thomaa G 429 MofHtt, Alexander S 361 Moffitt, Hugh C 197 Moffitt, John 83 Moffitt, Thomaa W 5 Moffitt, WUUam, (150th /nd. inf.) 17o Moffitt, William, (16th Ind. iuf.) 421 Mohrmann, WiUiam 33o Moiat, Matthiaa G 125 Moldenhawer, Emat 28g Molloy, Edward 145 Monfort, David I'ig Monfort, laaac W II3 INDEX OP NAMES. 545 Monical, William T 376 Monuinger, POilip H 80 Monroe, Allen W 426 Monroe, Benjamin F S23 Monroe, Byrd 306 Monroe, Cluirles D 296 Monroe, Christian C 297 Monroe, Daniel P 427 Monroe, Goorge 3U6 Monroe, Gt-orge M 140 Monroe, James, (7th Z//. inf., 3-y ears) 221 Monroe, Jaraes, (123d ///. inf.) 388 Monroe, Jaraes, (7th///. inf., 3-months) 429 Monroe, Ja.sper K, 108 Monroe, Johu F 52 Monroe, Thomas 385 Monroe, "William Y 140 Monser, Johu W 334 Montague, Ciive 247 Montandou, James E 300 Montgomery, Alexander J 138 Montgomery, Caleb A 358 Montgomery, Cbarlea C 120 Montgomery, Elmore T 153 Montgomery, Ethan T 330 Montgomery, Ezra A 285 Montgomery, Georgo 331 Montgomery, George B 67 Montgomery, Isaac H 136 Montgomei-y, James M 326 Montgomery, Jefferson H 136 Montgomery, John W 48 Montgomery, Nathaniel P 367 Montgomery, Robert S 326 Montgomery, Samuel 4 Montgomery, Stillman C 84 Montgomery, Tyra 137 Montgoraery, WUliam A 194 Montieth, Jacob S 130 Montooth, James 404 Mood, John 167 Moody, Gideon C, (Oth Ind. inf., 3-years) 41 Moody, Gideon C, (9th Ind. inf., 3-mouth8).-41fi Moody, Irwin 149 Moody, Otis 300 Moody, Sargent 299 Moody, Strong B 363 Moon, George 1 35 Moon, John E 171 Moone, John H Ill Mooney, Marion 149 Mooney, Samuel P 440 Mooneyham, Daniel 375 Mooneyham, John,(iOth and 15th///. cav.) 194,904 Mooneyham, John, (31st ///. iuf.) 263 Mooningham, Solomon C 263 Moonnan, Johu A 421 Moor, Quartus C 90 Moore, Absalom B 368 Moore, Andrew 221 Moore, Anthouy W i 435 Moore, Carroll 263 Moore, Charles E 248 Moore, Climpson B 129 Moore, Coluuibus 54 Moore, Columbus W 84 Moore, Cornelius M 426 Moore, David, (23d Ind. inf.) 65 Moore, David, (91th///. iuf.) 356" Moore, David B 54 Moore, David M 324 35 Moore, MoorMoore, Moore, MoonMoonMoore,Moore,Moor^,Moore,Moore,Mooro, Mooro, Moore, Moor Moore,Moore, Mooi'eMooreMooreMoore,Moore, iVloore, Moore Moore, Moore, Moore,Moore, Moore, Moore,Moore,Moore,Moore,Moore.Moore,Moore,Moore, Moore,MoorMoore,Moore,Moore,Moore, MooreMoore, Moore,Moore,MooreMoore,Moore, Moore, Moore Moore, Moore,Moore,Moore, Moore,Moore, Moore,Moox-e, Moore,Moore, Moore, Moore,Moore,Moore, Moore,Moore,Moor Moore, Moore, David N., (15th ///.cav.) 203 David N., {30th Ill.inf.) 261 Davidsou C .; 263 Edmond 18f3 Edwlu 237 Edwin H 324 Elijah V - 214 Euoch W 381 I'Vancis M 16 FrauciH T 178 Franklin 178 Fraukliu J i..98 Goorge, (2d ///. cav.) 178 George, (45tlv III. inf.) 291 George W., (25th ///. iuf.) 252 GeorgeW., (96th ///. iuf.) 358 Hanson D 129 Harvey C 65 H ar V e y E 1 50 Heury D., (15.5th Ind.int) 175 Heury D., (138th loid. inf.) 425 Ira 267 Isaac V 269 Isaac V. D 189 Jabez H 217 Jacksou L 72 Jacob S 280 James 343 James A 276 James B 180 James H 434 James M 239 James P., (68th III. inf.) 432 James P., (145th ///.inf.) 440 Ja-.ues P., (1st batt'n militia, /Zi.inf.).. 441 Jiimea R 22 James V 394 Jesse H 381 John 76 JohnB 65 JohuD., (Uth ///.inf) 233 Johu D., (144th Hl.'mf.) 398 JohnE., {154th /iZ. inf.) 407 Johu E., (Uth L>d. iof.) 418 John E., (133d ///. inf.) 435 JohuG 7 Jobn H 152 John M.,(7th Toid.c'dv.) 13 John M., (84th lnd.iuf.) 142 JohuR 144 John S 78 John W., (12th Ind. inf.) 46 John W., (20th Ind.inf.) 61 John W., (146th loid.int) 166 Jonathau, (46th loid. inf.) 1 02 Jonathan. {32d / L 405 Orner, Theodore F., (59th Ind, int.) 122 Orner, Theodore F., (7th Ind. inf.) 415 Orth, Stein G 170 Orth, WUliamP 65 Orr, Alexauder J 87 Orr, Chariea T 302 Orr, Jamea H 142 Orr, Jamea L 96 Orr, Jamea P., (Captain) 88 Orr, James P., (AHsiataut Surgeon) 88 Orr, John M., (16th Ind. inf.. 1-year) 53 Orr, JohnM., (16th Ind. inf., 3-yearB) 54 Orr, John M.. {124th /nd. inf.) 156 Orr, Robert W 396 Orr, Samuel 142 Orr, WiUiam 59,61 OrriU, LeanderC 64 Orton, Ninian E 200 Orvia, Charlea 181 Osband, E. D 182 Gabon, George W 122 Osborn, Adam 9'3 Oaborn, Adelbert 254 Osborn, Benjamin F 246 Oaborn, Charlea 157 Oab'.rn, John 78 Osborn, Matthiaa 0 385 Oaborn, MUton A 419 Oaborn, Robert W 3 Osborn, Ruaael S 438 Osborn, ThoraaaO 278 Oaborn, WUliam W 252 Oaborne. Richard 215 ttaborne, MUton A 33.35 Oabourne, Samuol 102 Oaby, David 230 Oagood, Augustua A 363 Oagood, Frederick H 336 Oagood, George N 19 Oagood, Howard G 9 Oagood, Sarauel 205 O'Sbaughneaay, Jamea 47 Oaman, Moaea 366 Oamer. JohnJ 257 Oawalt, John 196 Otia, Albert L 312 552 INDEX OF NAMES. Otis, DarwinB ;.-143 Otman, Sylvester F 377 Otto, John .- 29 Ottwell, Francis 72 OtweU. Thoraaa P 421 Outhwaite, Milton C 157 Overell, Joaeph C 96 Overlin. WUUara 120 Overmier, Silaa 322 Overmire, George 261 Overrocker, Charlea E 198 Overstreet, Charlea D .290 Overton, Albert C 369 Owen, Albert 110, 113 Owen, Alfred D. 124 Owen, Benjamin 93 Owen, Eugene F 121 Owen, George P 385 Owen, Horace P 124 Owen, JohnT 11 Owen, Julian D 1 Owen, Philander R .50 Owen, Richard 52, 124 Owen, SamuelC 112 Owen, Timoihy, {94th III in.f.) 356 O A-en, Tiraothy, (lat batt'n militia. III. inf.).. -441 Owen, William P 441 Owens, Alfred D 138 Owena, Benjamin 118 Owena, Fletcher G 155 Ovvens, Israels 63 Owens, JamesW 128 Owens, Thoraas J 118 Owena, Williara A 55 Owena, Williara J 165 Owings, John F 16 Owinga, Nat 118 O'winga, Nathaniel J . _ 16 Oyler, Samuijl P., {79th /«d.inf.) 137 Oyler, Samuel P., {7th /nd. inf) 415 Ozburn, Lyudorf 263 Pace, NewtonC 339 Pace, Thoraaa N 1, 17 Pace, Williaraaou C 375 Pack, WiUiam E 353 Packard, Isaac Z 435 Packard, Jasper 106, 157 Packard, Thaddeus B 184 Packer, Albert S 3-30 Packer, John 435 Paddeford, Siraeon 245 Paddock, Charles H 108 Paddock, Goorge L., (12th HI int., 3-yoara)- ..230 Paddock, George L., (12th III inf., 3-monlha) -431 Paddock, Harfey 8 61 Paddock, Henry C 252 Paddock, John H 2.35 P.addock, JohnW 379 Paddock, Solomon A 193 Padelford, Henry C 203 Padon, WilUam 225 Padgitt, GeorgeW 364 Page, Albert L 262 Page, Harlan 312 Page, JaraeaP 198 Page, Norman B 312 Page, V\'ilUam A 1-26 Paige, Charles L 244 Paine, Eleazer A., (Oth /ii. inf , 3-yearB) 225 Paine, Eleazer A., {9th III inf, 3-montha) 430 Paine, Hendriok E 316 Paine, John A 3 Paine, Waldo W 219 Painter, Charlea T 384 Painter, George W 61 Palmer, Alva H 106 Palmer, David 334 Palmer, Dennia 198 Palmer, Enoch C 202 Palmer, George H 343 Palraer, George W 177 Palmer, Jacob 144 Palraer, Jaraea 440 Palmer, Jamea J .290 Palmer, Jere M 174 Palmer, John A 306 Palmer, John J 194 Palmer, John M 233 Palmer, John E., (llth /nd. inf.) 44 Palraer, John E., (32d /ii. inf.) 265 Palraer, John W 108 Palmer, Joshua A 96 Palraer, Juatua W 368 Palraer, WilUara B 304 Palmer, William C .392 Palraer, WUUam H 282,304 PampeU, Edward W 170 Pamphrey, Williara G 426 Pangburn, WUliara M 92 Pann, Juliua 250 Pararaore, Lafayette 330 Parcel, Jobn C 321 Parish, Benjamin R .* 282 Parish, WUliam H 259 Park, Edmund C 321 Park, Joseph 334 Park, Nicholas R 328 Park, Wealey 1 00 Parke, Almon F 369 Parke, Lemuel, (27th III inf.) 256 Parke, Lerauel, {99th III int.) 362 Parker, Andrew W 295 Parker, Benjamin S 3.57 Parker, Charlea, {17th /7i. cav.) 206 Parker, Charlea, {71st /ii. inf ) 434 Parker, Daniel S 379 Parker, Edwin L 9 Parker, George, {36th /ii. inf > 272 P.arlcer, George, {] 19th III int.) 38.i Parker, George M 296 Parker, George W. , {79th Ind. iuf ) 137 P.irker, George W., (126th III int.) 391 Parker, Harvey R 186 Parker, Henry, {lat /ii. cav.) 177 Parker, Henrv, {16th IU. cav.) 205 Parker, Horace B 278 Parker, James, {91at /ii. inf ) 353 Parker, Jaraes, (107th III inf) 371 Park.r, Jamea F 52 Parker, Jaraea II 397 Parker, Jamea W 63 Parker, JohnB. W 137 Parker, John C 314 Parker, John G 23 Parker, Johu II 183 Parker, JohnS : 131 Parker, Johnaon 133 Parker, Joaeph P 335, 396 Parker, JoBt;in N ,. 354 Parker, Linea L., (2.5th /7i, inf.) 232 Parker, Linea L., (150th /ii. inf.) 403 Parker, MarahaU S 320 INDEX OF NAMES. 553 Parker, Martin V. B., {68th /ii. inf.) 432 Parker. Martin V. B., (145th /ii. inf.) 440 Parker, Nelson 162 Parker, Noah W 136 Parker, Robert H 162 Parker, Robert 1 218 Parker, .SUaa 381 Parker, SUas L 289 Parker, Syl veator G 323 Parker, Theophilua 200 Parker, Walter R 162 Parker, WUliam 333 Parker, WilUara F 151 ParkhnrBt, Irving W 272 Parkinaon, George W 39 Parkison, Francia L 424 Parka, Alfred 261 Parka, BenjamiuF 232 Parka, David A 239 Parka, Bdward R 77 Parka, George II 326 Parka, George W 431 Parka, Jaraea L 375 Parka, John 353 Parka, JohnC 177 Parka, JohnW 149 Parka, Joaeph W 307 Parks, Marshall H 47 Parks, Pleasant M 390 Parka, Sample G 386 Parka, SethB 42 Parka, Waynewright H 438 Parmelee, John R 13 Parmerter, MUgrove B 3.35 Parrett, Orange 335 Parrett, Rohert 152 Parriah, Charlea S., (Sth and 130th /nd.inf., S-yeara) 39,160 Parriah, Charlea S., {8th Tnd. inf., 3-montha).. 416 Pan-ott, GeorgeW 237 Parrott, Henry C , 333 Parrott, John A 270 Parahall, Gilbert A 285 Paraley, Demetriua, (2d /nd. cav.) 3 Paraley, Demetriua, (10th Ind. inf) 417 Paraona, George W., {35th Ind. int.) 87 Paraona, George W., (57th Ind. inf.) 119 Paraona, Jeremiah 337 Paraona, John F., (27th /nd. inf.) 72 Paraona, John P., (99th Tnd. iuf) 151 Parsons, John L 343 Parsons, Sylvanus M 271 Parsons, "Van L 156 Partridge, Addison B 358 Partridge, Frederick W 232 Partridge, Jasper, (44th /ii. inf.) 288 Partridge, Jasper, {152d /ii. inf.) 405 Partridge, WiUiara 221 Parvin, Jamea D., (149th Tnd.int.) 169 Parvin, Jamea D., {137th /nd. inf.) 425 Paahloy, JohnS 300 Patchen, Henry N .302 Patchin, Luciua B 392 Pate, Amster B 397 Pate, Beujamiu F 166 Pate, Philip A 397 Pate, Eobert 0 90 Pate. Thomaa W 90,91 Pate, WUUara 161 Pate, William W 108 Paterson, John J 1 Patrick, Chauncey B 59 Patrick, Ebenezer, (19th hid, inf.) .69 Patrick, Ebenezer, (137th Ind. inf) 425 Patrick, GeorgeW 2.37 Patrick, J. J. E 396 Patrick, S. G 178 Patrick, SarauelL 269 Patrick, Septer 276 Patten, Alexander D 422 Patten, GeorgeW : 331 Patten, Jaraea B '. 55 Patten, Jamea 0 121 Patten, James R 338 Patten, JohnL 106 Patten, WiUiam 409 Patten, WUUam F 421 Patteraon, Alva G .52 Patterson, Andrew J 223 Patterson, Anson 363 Patteraon, Edwin E 1.423 Patteraon, Prank D 235 Patteraon, Hugh F 186 Patterson, Jamea 89 Pa'teraon, Jaraes C 34-7 Patterson, Jamoa E 125 Patterson, James H 418 Patterson, Jease 70 Patteraon, John 230 Patteraon, Joseph M 232 Patterson, Joaiah P 163 Patteraon, Leander W 179 Patterson, Martin A 435 . Patterson, Nicholas M 96 Patterson, Reuben F 127 Patterson, Eobert D 147 Patterton, Roswell B 225 Patterson, Sarauel L 377 Pattersou, Thomas F 347 Patteraon, Thomaa J 7 Patteraon, WUliam 424 Patteraon, Williara H 50 Patteraon, WUUara J. 364 Pattiaon, Alexander B., (7th Ind. inf., 3-yra.) . .38 Pattison,. Alexander B., {7th /nd. inf., 3-moa.) -415 Pattison, George W 160 Pattison. Robert, jr 237 Pattison, Rufua P., (124th ni.inf.) 389 Pattison, Rufus P. , (7th III int.) 429 Pattiaon, Thoraas 57 Pattison. Thomas R 370 Patton, Baptist S 306 Patton, Charles U 5 Patton, DavidH 92 Patton, John 5 Patton, John H 338 Patton, JohnN 427 Pation, Johns 31 Patton, John W 347 Patton , Joseph A 92 Patton, Nathaniel S 129 Patton, Samuel V • 316 Patton, Thoraaa J., (9th Ind. int., 3-yeara) 42 Patton, Thomaa J., (9th Tnd. inf, S-montha) .-416 Patton, WUliara 5 Pattou, WiUiara H., (35th Tnd.int.) 87 Patton, Williara H., {138th Tnd. int.) 425 Patton, Wm. M 294 Paul, Alvah W 353 Paul, Jacob 235 Paul, JohnN 181 Paul, Nathaniels 157 554 INDEX OF NAMES. Paul, Thoraaa, (47th Ind. inf.) 104 Panl, Thomaa, (llth /ii. cav.) 196 Paulen, Jacob W 396 Paulin, Jacob \V 335 Paulua, Guatavua 106 Pauae, Herman 341 Pause, Louia 44 Pavey, Charles W 339 Payne, Alonzo G 184 Payne, Bruce C 202 Payne, Carroll 375 Payne, Eugene B 274 Payne, George W 145 Payne, Hendrick B 437 Payne, Henry R .227 Payne, Jaraea B 96 Payne, John H 406 Payne, John W 127 Payne, Jeaae G 375 Payne, Morgan L 304 Payne, OUver H 324 Payne, Samuel 340 Payne, Sanmel W 136 Payne, Selden M 3,56 Payne, Thoraaa H. L 274 Payne, WiUiam A 355 Payne, WiUiara P 16,156 Payton, Benjamin W 104 Payton, laaac N 436 Payton, Jacob M 401 Payton, James N 127 Paxon, "VUroy Q 235 Paxton, James IVt 149 Peabody, Franks 321 Peabody, Jamea H .109 Peachbard, Paul J 54 Peachee, Harriaon 96 Peake, George B 271 Peake, Rudolphna W 332 Pearce, A 119 Pearce, Alonzo 52 Pearce, Ebenezer J 353 Pearce, John 52 Pearce, John R 39 Pearce, John W., (5lBt Ind. int.) Ill Pearce, John W., (2lBt /ii. inf.) 245 Pearce, Thoraaa A 63 Pearraan, Francia M 76,- 77 Pearae, Henry N 223 Pearson, Aven 220 Pearson, Benjarain H 228 Pearson, Charlea D., (49th /nd. inf.) 108 Pearaon, Charlea D., {82d Ind. inf.) 140 Pearaon, John B 257 Pearaon, Parker 57 Pearaon, Eobert N 263 Pearaon, WiUiam P 345 Pearaons, HtmryA 190 Peaae, Calvin A 254 Pease, (George E 180 Peaae, Hacry 248 Peaae, Oacar C 351 Pease, Phineaa 298 Peaalee, Luther L 369 Peats, Prank P 239 Pebbles, Louis P 387 Peck, Burr 110 Peck, Elijah W IS Peck, George W., (6th III cav. ) 187 Pock, George W., {2lBt /ii. inf.) 245 Peek, John H., (37th /ii. mf) 274 Peck, John H. , {132d W.int.) 434 Peck, Leonard B 233 Peck, LewiBW 128 Peck, Eufua A 115 Peck, Rufua H 93 Peck, Samuel W 57 Peck, WUlyaG 19 Peckham, Charles J 401 Peckham, WiUiam L 54 Peckinpaugh, John B 1U8 Peckinpaugh, WUliara H 108 Peddecord, Woodford W 381 Peden, Henry M 233 Peden, MUton, (36th Ind.int.) 88 Peden, MUton. {147th /nd. inf.) 167 Peeblea, Robert S 365 Peed, JohnW 271 Peed, Thoraaa J 136 Peelle, Stanton J 119 Peeler, George L 272 Peet, Jamea B 348 Peet, WUliam N 197 Peeterbaugh, JohnW 236 Peetz, John 286 Peffer, William A 343 Pegan, Emanncl 175 Pegg, Nelaon 167 Pegram, Benjamin B 370 Pegram, Thoinaa J 221 Peirce, Jeaae D 2.32 Peirce, John A 245 Peirce, Robert B. F .' 424 Peii ce, Seymour L 9, 1 1 Peirce, Thoraaa O 376 Peirce, WilUara P 272,350 Peirounet, Charlea A 228 Peirounet, Thomaa H 292 Pelan, William 4 Pelaor, Peter D 57 Pemberton, Joahua 394 Pemberton, Sarauel H 394 Pence, Jaraea M 214 Pence, John B 94 Pendergaat, Edward 259 Pendergrast, Charlea P 161 Pendleton, JaraeB B 376 Penegar, James H 263 Penfield, Guy D 252 Penlield, WilliamP 409 Penman, Eobert 288 Penn, Benjamin H 265 Penner, Hugh 96 Penniman, Henry H 239 Penninger, George W 374 Pennington, Henry 115 Peuniwell, Kendle B 184 Penny, Elijah W 160 Penrose, John G 175 Pentzer, Patrick H 360 Peoples. Thoraaa N 47 Pepoon, George W 358 Pepper, John C 345 Pepper, JohnW 267 Pepper, WUliara T 7,20 Perce, William, {I7th /ii.inf.) 433 Perce, WUUain, (Capt. Perce'a indep't co. III. infantry) 441 Percival, Edgar 392 Perfect, Middieton 135 Perkina, Conrad ,S 43 Perkins, David W 330 INDEX OF NAMES. 555 Perkina, Henry C 115 Perkins, JameaM., (46th 7nd. inf ) 102 Perkins, James M., (34th /ii. inf.) 269 Perkins, Jehu W 43 Perkins, John 280 Perkins, John W 417 Perkina, Marlaud L 192 Perkins, WUUam, (14th III. cav.) 202 Perkina, WUliam, {7th III inf.) 221 Perrin, Hector 221 Perrine, John M 170 Perrine, Nimrod G .225 Perrine, Thomaa M 374 Perrott, Eichard E 137 Perry, Albert C 302 Perry, Charlea L 433 Perry, Clarence D., (ISOth Til inf) 403 Perry, Clarence D., (14,5th /ii. inf.) 440 Perry, Gilbert K 92 Perry, Henry F 92 Perry, Horace 392 Perry, Jaraea P 105 Perry, Jefferaon C 338 Perry, Johu B 395 Perry, John J 196 Perry, Mi.riUo H 407 Perry, Oran 130 Perrygo, Ephraim Y 96 Peahall, Charlea J 408 Peter, George 402 Peter, Jamea A 259,397 Peter, Jonathau 421 Peter, Eichard A 397 Peter, Zachariah H 420 Petera, Abraham 86 Peters, Edwin E 348 Peters, Henry M 200 Petera, Joaeph 436 Petera, Jonathan 164 Petera, Thoinaa W 72 Petera, Williara H 127 Peteraon, Abner M 245 Peteraon, Elhanan V 14 Peteraon, John L 402 Peteraon, Nela 286 Peteraon, William 209 Peteraon, William S 367 Peterson, WiUiam W 186 •Petit, GeorgeW 108 Petri, Charlea 237 Petrie, Alexander P 377 Petrie, JohnE 438 Petteya, Stephen 192 Pettibone, Ira P 332 Pettit, IsaacM 42 Pettit, WUUaH 25 Petta, Nathaniels., (Slat /ii. inf.) 300 Petts, Nathaniel B., (134th III int.) 435 Pen, Chariea R 62 Peva, George 124 Pew, William 19 Peyton, Hiram H 261 Pfaefflin, Hugo 24 Pfaff, Adam 286 Pfaff, JohnW 153 Pfafflin, Adolph 424 Pfeif, Louia W 315 Pflanzer, Philipp 65 Pflaum, Isaac 439 Pfrimmer, Daniel A 92 Phalin, laiael, (16th Ind. inf.) S3 Phalin, Israel, (91st Ind. inf.) 1 48 Phalin, Israel, {142d Tnd. inf.) 163 Pliarea, Henry C 243 Phelau, Andrew J 86 Phelon, JameaM 423 Phelpa, Adna 331 Phelps, Alberts '. 20S Phelpa, Byron 180 Phelpa, Douglass L 77 Phelpa, Georges 198 Phelpa, Henry M 349 Phelpa, Ithamer D 134 Phelpa, John 204 Phelpa, John S 265 Phelpa, Oacar W 302 Phelpa, WUliam H 351 PhUipa, David '. 143 Philipa, Edgar L 353 Philipa, John J 7 PhiUps, WiUiamR 415 Philipson, Anton 181 PhUlips, Alfred F 150 PhUlips, CharleaC 284 PhiUips, David 18 PhiUips, Elijah T 186 PhiUipa, Fielding D 396 PhUlipa, Franklin C 18 PhiUipa, George W., (75th HI inf.) 333 PhiUips, George W., (140th III. inf.) 438 PhUlips, HesUp 316 PhiUips, Hiram M 273 Phillipa, Jamea 376 PhiUips, JameaE .3.56 PhUlipa, JameaN 434 PhiUipa, Jeaae .T., (Oth HI. inf., 3-vear8) 225 PhUlipa, Jeaae J.. (9th III inf.. 3-montha) 430 PMUipa, John, (59th /nd. inf.) 122 Phillipa, John, (3.5th /ii. inf ) 271 PMUipa, John, (57th III int.) 312 Pliillipa, John C, (batt'y M, 2d HI It. art.). ..217 PhiUipa, JohnC, (23d /ii.inf) 248 PhUlipa, JohnE., (24th /nd. Uif.) 67 PhUlipa, John E., (143d Ind. inf.) 163 Phillipa, JohnH 247 Phillipa, John J 370 Phillipa, John W., (82d Ind.inf.) 140 Phillipa, John W., (136th /ii. inf.) 436 PhiUips, Juliua 286 Phillips, Peter 21. J PhiUipa, Thaddeua, (32d 7ii. inf) 2liS PhiUipa, Thaddeua, (133d /ii. inf.) 435 Phillips, Theodore 320 PhiUipa, VictorE 323 PhiUipa, Wealey 378 PhiUips, William N 369 PhUlipa, WiUiam R 15 Phillipa, Zepeniah 386 Philpott, WUliam L 136 Phinney, Andrew 352 Phipps, John, {34lh Ind. inf.) 84 Phipps, John, (40th Til int.) ¦ 281 Phippa, John M., (Sth III inf., 3-yeara) 223 Phippa, Johu M., {123d TU. inf.) 388 Phippa, John M., {132d Ind. int.) 422 Phippa. John M., {8th IU. int., S-months) 429 Piatt, WiUiam C l61 Pickel, Lewis 1 89 PickeriU, Page J 425 Pickering, Charlea H 82 Pickett, Albert G., {First Lieut.) 299 Pickett, Albert G., (Assistant Surgeon) 299 556 INDEX OP NAMES. Pickett, Edgar 299 Pickett, Thoraaa J., (69th III int.) 433 Pickett, Tbomaa .1., (132d III int.) 434 Pickins, Francia M 78 Pickina, Jamee W 79 Pickrell, Francia M 396 PickthaU, Arthur 108 Piequet, Xavier .265 Pierce, Alanaon 381 Pierce, AUen M 438 Pierce, Alonzo D 186 Pierce, Ashley 261 Pierce, Byron G .359 Pierce, Charles W - 347 Pierce, Converse .' 1157 Pierce, Daniel H 217 Pierce, Bdward D.. 357 Pierce, EUaha 143 Pierce, Erastus H 343 Pierce, Everett 77 Pierce, PrankUn W 358 Pierce, Gilbert A 416 Pierce, Jamea H 186 Pierce, Jerry M 440 Pierce, John C 403 Pierce, Johu M 157 Pierce, John W 288 Pierce, Joaeph L 358 Pierce, Luman G 191 Pierce, Ora 135 Pierce, Eichard R 148 Pierce, Reuben P 435 Pierce, Tavner B 194 " Pieree, WiUiam G '. 335 Pierce, WUliara J 265 Pierce, WiUiam W 294 Piercy, Joaeph W 150 Piersol, George L 355 Piersol, Jeremiah J 355 Pierson, Edward W 184 Pierson, J. K 261 Piety, Austin H 13 Pietzuch, Joaeph 80 Piggott, Michael 328 Pigman, WilUara A., (46th Ind. inf.) 102 Pigman, William A., (9th Tnd. iuf) 416 Pike, Edgar W 392 Pike, Frederick W 292 Pike, JohnN 79 Pike, Joahua 435 Pike, Ruthven W 183 Pihand, Anderaon H 16 Pilcher, George W 197 Pilkenton, WiUiam H 10 Pillara, Joaeph 41 Pilling, Eichard W 132 Pillion, Patrick 249 Pillow, Parker B 386 Pinchin, Abner P 1,59 Plnckard, Thoraaa S 177 Plnckard, Williara G 225 Pinckley, Benjarain P 237 Pine, Jaraea A 1 Pinkerton, Adam 132 Pinkerton, William H 184 Piukam,A.Judson 232 Pinkly, Samuel G. N 98 Pinkston, Lewis L 254 Pinnell, Willia O 338 Pinney, Edward M 23 Pinney, Johu H 19 Pinney, Sidney A 397 Pinnick, Elijah 'k^ Pipe, George !!!!'.!!328 Piper, John 329 Piper, John O 435 Piper, John W '339 Piper, William D ]_j] Pippenger, Daniel P 23 PiBtoriua, Frederick '55 Pitcher, Oliver H 437 Pitcher, .Stewart C 163 Pitman, Henry D 339 Pitman, John W 355 Pitraan, Joseph H 405 Pitt, Williara B i.'isgg Pittenger, Alexander D 164 Pittman, George W 434 Place, Daniel S ] ..57 Place, Frank C 240 Place, Joseph T lu Plank, AaaK 145 Plant, Henry B 216 Piantz, William 298 Plasnick, Henry 125 Plasterer, George S 84 Piatt, Alexander 216 Piatt, Charlea D 278 Piatt, Peter 13 Piatt, Reuben 42 Piatt, Sampaon 71 Piatt, Thomaa W 421 Piatt, Wealey 216 Plattenburg, Philip D 395 Platter, John A., (4th /nd. cav.) 7 Platter, John A., (16th Ind. int.) 53 Pleisch, Theodore 124 Pletachke, Ernat P 251 Plumb, Joaeph C 102 Pluraer, WilUara D 324 Plumraer, Daniel 334 Plummer, Hirara 176 Pluraraer, Hiram S., (110th /ii. inf ) 375 Plumraer, Hiram S., (152d III int.) 405 Plummer, laaac N 101 Pluraqier, John W 372 Pluramer, Oliver S 130 Pluraraer, SamuelC 232 Pluraraer, WiUiam G 130 Plnmmer, WUliara J 118 . Plunckett, Joseph M 347 Plunket, Jamea M 154 Plunkett, Robert 276 Plunkitt, John W 132 Pluaa, James C 294 Plyrapton Horaer A ...278 Poague, Jaraea S 239 Peak, David W 261 Podhraauik, Alois 409 Poe, Arnold 169 Poe, Jeaae 65 Poffeuberger, Josiah 151 Pogue, Joaeph 328 Poindexter, Gabriel - 92 Poindexter, Jaraea C ^ Poindexter, John 349 Poindexter, EandaU 310 Pointa, John 125 Poland, Samuel A 19T Poling. Jefferson 85 Polk, Burr H 83 Polk, Charlea 23 INDEX OF NAMES. 557 Polk, John R., (8th /nd.inf.) 39 Polk, John R., (18th /ii. inf.) 240 Polk, WiUiam 254 Pollard, A ndrew M 276 Pollard, WiUiam 186 PoUard, WiUiam S 67 Pollock, Alexander 390 Pollock, Amoa B 206 Pollock, Fountain C 234 Pollock, George 337 Pollock, Jamea T 148 Pollock, John K 358 Pollock, Thoinaa 370 Polly, Cyrua B 13 Polsgrove, Abram 290 Polaon, George T 128 Polaon, Henry H 110 Polaon, Irwin 136 Pomeroy, George 306 Pomeroy, Richard 330 Pomeroy, Robert 349 Pond, Geoige 0 331 Ponda, Irving L. L 205 Pontiua, Hiram 100 Pool, Oacar 221 Pool, Eobert 358 Pool, WilUam 145 Pool, WiUiam C 396 Pool, WiUiam W 294 Poole, John W,,(25th /nd.inf) 69 Poole, John W., {93d /nd. inf.) 149 Poor, George B .' 225 Pope, Henry E 117 Pope, Henry H 267 Pope, Jacob L 387 Pope, Joaeph P 44 Pope, Pleaaant N 436 Popp, John H 58 Porter, Anthouy B 435 Porter, Charlea H., (WUder'a battery, Ind. It. art) 36 Porter, CharleaH., (33d Ind.int.) 83 Porter, DanielA., (llth /nd. cav.) 18 Porter, Daoiel A., (9th battery, /nd. It. art.). ..28 Porter, DavidH., (2d Zii. cav.) 179 Porter, David H,, (142d III int.) 439 Porter, David M 386 Porter.David S 188 Porter, Prancia M 398 Porter, Henry T 2,32 Poi ter, Horace L '202 Porter, Jacob 381 Porter, JameB N 437 Porter, Jereraiah 207 Porter, John A 272 Porter, John H 382 Porter, John P 147 Porter, Joaeph A 422 Porter, Leonard G 340 Porter, Robert B 6 Porter, Royal W 256 Porter, Sarauel A ., 368 Porter, Sarauel D X 72 Porter, Warren W 188 Porter, WiUiam A 169 Porter, WUliam C, i20th /nd.inf.) 62 Porter, WiUiam C.,(16th /ii. inf) 237 Porter, William C, (55th /ii. inf ) 308 Porter, William M 58 Portamouth, J. H 71 Poaey, Francia M 320 Posey, John 75 Poaey, Wm. H 67 Poat, FranklinC 367 Poat, John P., (Sth IU. Inf., 3-yearB) 223 Poat, John P,, {154th TU inf.) 407 Poat, Jobn P., (Sth HI. inf, 3-montha) 429 Poat, P. Sidney 316 Poat, Truman S 259 Poat, WUliam S 340 Poteet, George A 233,381 Potter, Alphonzo W 209 Potter, Andrew M 3.32 Potter, Bdgar 240 Potter, GeorgeW 383 Potter, Harvy 369 Potior, Horaces 369 Potter, John 304 Potter, JohnD 160 Potter, John P 98 Potter, Leander H 267 Potter, Lorenzo E 223 Potter, Matthew B 389 Potter, PhUip 435 Potter, Talbert D 92 Potter, Theodore 389 Pottenger, WUson 134 Potthoff, Albert 286 Potts, Jease N 59,61 Potta, John 95 Potta, Joaeph C 14 Potta, Monroe J 263 Potta, WUliam M 320 Poull. Jacob 250 Pound, Columbus S 27 Powel, Charleaworth 233 Powell, E 284 PoweU, Bdwin 330 PoweU, EUiaou C 139 Powell, Jamea M 391 PoweU, John M 363 Powell, JohnP 361 Powell, John T,, {128th Ind. int.) 157 Powell, John T., (55th Tnd. inf.) 419 PoweU, JohnW 213,215,243 Powell, Lemuel U 151 PoweU, Orville 284 Powell, Thoraaa J., (16th Ind. inf.) S3 Powell, Thoraaa J., {47th III iaf.) 294 PoweU, Walter H 215 PoweU, WiUiam 332 PoweU, WUliam V 151 Power, Charlea A 78 Power, Wm. A 193 Power, WiUinm H 98 Powera, Edward N % 71 Powera, Henry 0 209 Powera, John 86 Powera, Nelaon P 253 Powers, Oliver M., (Firat Lieut., 3d hid eav.) 5 Powera. OUver M., (Capt., 3d & Sth /nd. cav.)5, 14 Powera, OrvUle R 275 Powera, Williara, (22d /nd. inf) 63 Powera, WUUara, (SSth Ind. inf) 146 Powles, DanielD 363 Poynter, Benjarain T 137 Poynter. Jaraes T 306 PraU, Edwin R 382 Prater, Mitchell 50 Prather, AUeu W., (6th and 120th Ind. inf, 3-yeara) 37,154 Prather, Allen W., (6th Ind. inf., 3-montha)- -415 558 INDEX OP NAMES. Prather, Alonzo S 37 Prather, Henry 192 Prather, Hiram, (6th /nd. inf., S-yeara) 37 Prather, Hiram, (6th Ind. inf, 3-monthB) 415 Prather, Leander H 161 Prather, Thomaa B 7 Prather, Uriah C 140 Prather, Zenith R 362 Pratt, Benton 3S9 Pratt, Charlea L 209 Pratt, Edaon N 199 Pratt, Bmory W 272 Pratt, Harvey 331 Pratt, Henry 381 Pratt, JohnB 152 Pratt, John S., (15th /ii. inf.) 2.35 Pratt, John S., (147th /ii. inf.) 400 Pratt, Joaeph H 2.54 Pratt, Juliua A 389 Pratt, Lyraan M 267 Pratt, Morton A 180 Pratt, Myron 391 Pratt, Norraan H 389 Pratt, Richard H 18 Pratt, RoUeuM 134 Pratt, Samuel R., (12th /nd. cav.) 19 Pratt, Saranel R., (87th /nd. inf ) 145 Pratt, Truraan L... 269 Pratt, WilUara M .208 PreaB, Joaeph S 55 Prentiaa, Benjamin M 430 Prentiaa, George W 178 Preacott, Alphonzo 368 PrcBcott, Hiram S 218 Preacott, Ivy - 16S Preacott, Jamea E '- 348 Preacott, MarkH 209 Preacott, WiUiam, (48th HI int.) 296 Prescott, William, (130th III. inf.) 396 Presdee, Joaeph B 3 Preahaw, John M 40S Preanall, JaraeB S 125 Preaaon, Butler 331 Preason, Harriaon 307 Preaaon, Reuben B 257 Preaaon, WiUiam A., (55th III inf.) 307 Preaaon, WiUiam A., (73d III inf.) 331 Preaton, AlbertG 419 Preaton, Charlea B 126 Preaton, P. D 361 PreBton, J. McC 172 Preston, Jaraea McC 76 Preaton, John M - 146 Preaton, John V 176 Preaton, Levi 285 Preaton, Lyraan 354 Preston, Simeon M 235 Prewitt, JameaP. C 126 Price, Benjarain P., (12th Ind. int.) 47 Price, Benjamin P., {148th Ind. inf.) 168 Price, Benj. P., (10th /Ji. inf.) 227 Price, Charlea W 134 Price, David T 170 Price, Jamea, (lOlat Ind. int.) 153 Price, Jamea, (7th III. cav.) 188 Price, Jamea A 13 Price, James S 338 Price, Jaraea T 349 Price, Jaraes Y 340 Price, John 61 Price, JohnG 333 Price, Joaeph 75 Price, Pendleton P 45 Price, Richard W 134 Price, Robert J 129 Price, Sarauel H 193 Price, Thomas P 339 Price, WUliara 94 Priehard, Ethan A 232 Priehet, John ug Prickett, Harrison H 307 Prickett, John N 403 Prickett, OliverT., (9th/ii. cav.) 192 Prickett, Oliver T., (145th /ii. inf.) 440 Prickett, Thomaa 41 Prickett, WiUiamR 403 Pride, David S 292 Pride, Dennia 257 Prieat, Lewis C 132 Prigraore, George W. 240 Prigmore, Thomaa P 280 Primley, Seneca 19 Prince, Edward 1 88 Pringle. Job 257 Prior, Edwin 0 330 Prior, Joaeph M 440 Pritchard, Benjamin 420 Prohat, Emadiua 247 Proctor, JohnB 92 Proctor, SarauelL. M 177 Proctor, Willard 368 Proctor, Wilbam H 92 Pi oebatring, Charlea 429 Proaser, Henry 87 Prouty, Thomaa J 290 Provine, WUliam M 345 Prow, CharleaD 128 Pruitt, Sanford 0 137 Prunk, DanielH 62 Prunty, WilUara T 349 Pryce, Thoraaa 86 Puckett, Benjarain J 234 Puckett, Lewie 143 Puckett, Martin D 171 Puckett, WilUamH 3()2 Pudney, Braamua D 116 Puett, WiUiam J 163 Pugh, Bartlett G 283 Pugh, laaac C, {41at /ii. inf.) 282 Pugh, laaac C, (Sth /ii. inf . ) 429 Pugh, laaac E - 282 Pugh, Jaraea 421 Pugh, OliverM 198 Pugh, WilUam 38 Pulia, Washington B 314 Pullen, JohnO 243 PuUey, DanielE 263 Pulley, Jamea D 394 Pullman, Charlea L U2 Piilae, Silaa A 20 Pnlaipher, Thomas N 397 Pumphrey, Lot H. C 156 Puntenney, Eussel 267 Puntenney, Samuel W 337 Purcell, Sam paon 331 Purcell, Stephen 148 Purcell, WUliara L ™ Purden, JohnB 382 Purdom, Williara D 397 Purdura, Samuel 317 Purdy, George H •¦' Purinton, George L '^^ INDEX OF NAMES. 559 Purinton, William W .306 Puruell, ThomaaP 117 Purple, Charlea K 432 Pursel, Thoraaa C 44 Puraell, AbnerE 419 Puraell, Barton C 306 Purviance, Aureliua S., (47th Ind. inf) 104 Purviance, Aureliua S., {130th Ind. inf.) 160 Purviance, Jamea S 160 Purviance, Joaeph W 160 Purviance, Samuel 192 Purviance, WilUam H 226 Purvia, George W 240 Purvia, Joaeph L 397 Puterbaugh, George 294 Puterbaugh, Sabin D 196 Putnam. Azro C., (Capt. Henahaw'a battery, /ii. light art'y) 220 Putnam, Azro C, {26th /ii. inf) 254 Putnam, Benjamin T 237 Putnam, Douglaa 98 Putnam, PrankUn M 367 Putnam, Holden 355 Putnam, Jaraea 304 Putnam, Jaraea S 326 Putnam. Simon 180 Pyatt, John 216 Pyatt, Oliver I 327 Pve, George W 90 Pye, WilUamH 90 Pyke, Moaea 421 Pyle, Samuel 340 Pyle, William M 94 Pyne, JohnW 174 Quackenhuah, CorneUua 269 Quail, Thomaa H 149 Quaintance, Bllia 421 Qualman, Charlea 5 Quay, G eorge W 40 Quick, Jamea T 132 Quigg, David, (4th /7i. cav.) 183 Quigg, David, (14th /ii. cav.) 202 Quigg. JohnH 425 Quigley, Henry 62 Quigley, Leonard E 259 QuiUraan, Daniel 263 QuinUn, Alfred G 69 Quinn, Edward W 200 Quinn, Georgo A 197 Quinton, Williara 242 Quirk, Bartholome^v 248 Qnirk, Daniel 248 Quirk, Daniel W 248 Quirk, Jamea 248 Rabb, David G 24 Rabb, JohnW., (2d batt'y 7nd. It. art'y) 24 Rabb, JohnW., {7th /nd. inf ) 415 Race, George A 227 Rader, David 71 Eader, GeorgeW 49 Rader, Henry 39 Rader, Michael 102 Eader, WUliam H. H V...102 Radmore, Charies C, {44th /ii. inf.) 288 Radmore, CharleaC, (107th /ii- inf.) 371 Rae, Noah W 350 Rae, Thomaa J 248 Rnffan, George 121 Raffen, Alexander W 242 Eaffen, Jamea W 242 Ragaina, David 318 Ragan, Alexander 259 Ragan, WiUiara W 115 Eagan, Zachariah S 131 Eag^r, Chriatian B 104 Eager, EUaa M 104 Rager, John 160 England, George W 395 Ragle, Jacob 138 Ragle, John SO Rahm, GeorgeW 126 Railaback, John F 223 Eainey, John K 376 Eainforth, Richard 184 Rainier, Joseph 146 Rainier, Williara G 49 Rainwater, Ira H 98 Raith, Juliua 286 Raker, Chariea F 163 Raleigh, Patrick 1 Ralph, Benjarain F 288 Ralaton, Clark 390 Rnlaton, Joaiah 117 Ralston, Thoraaa A 257 Ealston, Virgil Y 237 Ealston, WilUam G 139 Earaey, John T 151 Raramiog, Henry 250 Eamsay, John 'VI Ill Eamsay, Winfield S 134 Ramsey, John M 69 Ramsey, John W 418 EandaU, Aaron F 357 EandaU, AlfredN 332 EandaU, Andrew J 383 EandaU, George B 330 EandaU, George W 299 EandaU, Robert H 36 EandaU, Williara II 154 EandaU, WUUara H, P 53 EandaU, WiUiam J 141 Eandle, Irwin B 398 Handle, Eichard R 331 Eandolph, Charles H 2 Eandolph, Enoch J 69 Eandolph, Moaea M 368 Eandolph, Eichard E 230 Randolph, Robert P 297 Raney, George W 373 Ranft, Jacob SO Ranger, David A 98 Rank, George 296 Rankin, Adam L 379 Eankin, Andrew P 276 Eankin, A. C 350 Eankin, Benjarain 310 Eankin, Clark D 188 Eankin, George W 311 Rankin, Henry 26 Rankin, Jamea C 326 Rankin, John R 72 Eankin, Oacar 13 Rankin, Robert M 276 Eankin, Williara L 311 Rannalla, Rohert N 145 Rannells, Sarauel D 435 Ranney, Robert 285 RansdeU, Shared 11 Eanaora, Albert 349 Ranaom, Calebs 439 Ransom, Elijah 262 Ranaom, Frederick E 228 560 INDEX OF NAMES. Ransom, Giles P 213 Ranaom, Jaraea S 288 Ranaora, John P 357 Ranaom, Porter A 330 Ranaora, Thomaa E. G., (llth III 'int., 3-yra.) 228 Ranaom, Thomas E. G., (llth /ii.inf , 3-moB.) 431 Ransom, William J 391 Rauy, Jamea 235 Eapelje, Hiram L 190 Raper, Thoraaa J 23 Rapheal. Thomas J 186 Rapp, George H 48 Rapp, If-aac 340 Eardin, John C., (9th Ind. cav.) 16 Eardin, JohnC, (19th /)!d. inf.) 59 Eaae, Jaraea E 386 Eaahig, Guatavua P. E 125 Eathbone, Simeon 305 Eathburn, Gideon 152 Eattray, Chariea 313 Ratta, WUham H 63 Ratz, Benjarain 192 Eaub, Theodore W 210 Eaura, Green B 310 Eaura, JohnM 386 Eavenot, Octave P. P 333 Ravenacroft, Anthony E 64 Eawalt, Jonaa 188 Rawling, John 141 Rawlinga, laaac 269 Rawlinga, JameaA 360 Rawlinga, John D 184 Rawlings, Nehemiah W 151 Rawlings, Spencer C 269 Rawson, SUaa 93 Bay, Andrew 360 Ray, Andrew H 168 Ray, Arden W .259,397 Ray, GeorgeW 237 Ray, Henry 416 Bay, Jamea 280 Eay, Jaraea B 440 Ray, John 398 Eay, John W 108 Eay, Lucien 79 Eay, Oliver H 52 Eay, Philip H 328 Eay burn, Albert 177 Eayhill, Alexander 2U EaybUI. Cyrua 54 Eayraer, Louis A 106 Eayraond, Charlea H 32 Eaymond, Charlea L 180 Rayraond, Corafort H 347 Rayraond, Edward C 389 Rayraond, Frederick A .392 Eayraond, John B 263 Eaymond, Lewia 300 Raymond, Samuel B 300 Rayraond, Seth L 221 Eayraond, WilliamM 113 Eea, Jamea S 14 Eea, Joaeph N 405 Ilea, Williara H 306 Read, Elijah T 71 Eead, Eugene B 180 Eead, Ezra, (Uth Ind. cav.) 18 Read, Ezra, (lat Ind. h'y art.) 22 Eead, Jaraea B 206 Eead, Jaraea H .386 Eead, Judaon W 432 Read, Merrit 128 Read, Sheridan P 3.38 Reading, John W 228 Reading, Thomaa S3 Eeagan, Amoa W 131 Eeagan, Jesse 168 Eealf, Eichard 350 Ream, Charlea 74 Eeam, John H 171 Beam, Littleton V 144 Eeana, Henry L 198 Eearden, James S 259 Beardon, Jamea W 433 Reardon, Johu 381 Reardon, Williara, jr 334 Eeaaoner, Jaraea E 196 Eeat, Jaraes L 24^ Eeath, Henry 154 Eeaugh, WUUam 115 Reavis, Bedford 163 Beavia, Jamea W 223 Beavis, WilUara 310 Eebman, George 385 Eecord, Martin V 160 Becord, WiUia 131 Eector, John P 259 Eector, Matthew S 169 Eedhurn, Francia M 67 Bedden, W. H 296 Eeddick, Noah W 261 Bedding, Edward W 143 Bedding, Joaeph W 92 Redding, Merrit B 306 Redding, Ralph, (SSth //id. inf.) 120 Redding. Ealph, {143d /»d. inf ) 163 Eeddiah, John H 320 Eedfern, George T 186 Kedfield, Benjamin 240 Eedfield, Jaraea H 54 Eedgely , Vincent 230 Eedick, Jobn 408 Eedington, WUUam H 176 Ee.Uon, Daniel M 90 Redman, WUUara H 199 Bedraond, DanielD 52 Bedmond, Thomaa 419 Reece, A.N 389 Reece, George D. S., {147th /nd. inf.) 167 Reece, George D. S., (134th //id. inf) 423 Eeece, Jaaper N 437 Beeoe, M 433 Eeece. Madiaon 384 Eeece, Sherrod W 156 Eeed, Albert S 167 Eeed, Alfred, (1^2th Ind. cav.) 19 Eeed, Alfred, {20th //id. iuf.) 61 Eeed, Andrew 173 Reed, AndrewJ 100 Reed, Arthur P 46 Eeed, Benjarain P., (19th Tnd.int.) 59 Eeed, BenjaminP., (21at IU. int.) 245 Eeed. Calvin 328 Eeed, CharleaH 241 Eeed, Craven 78 Eeed, David 381 Beed, Fitzhugh 328 Eeed, George B 192 Eeed, Geoige H 254 Eeed, GeorgeW., (27th //id. int.) 72 Eeed, GeorgeW., (146th /nd. iuf ) 166 Eeed, George W., (batt'y M, 2d III It. art.). .217 INDEX OP NAMES. 561 Reed, Henry 1S9 Reed, Henry B., {20th /ii. inf ) 243 Eeed, Henrv B., (129th /Ji. inf.) 395 Reed, Henry H 271 Reed, Henry J 250 Eeed, HughB 100 Reed, lahain 131 Reed, Jacob E 276 Reed, Jamea 333 Reed, Jaraea A 298 Eeed, James T 69 Eeed, John Q 13 Reed, Joseph 32S Eeed, Joaeph C - 74 Beed, Milea L 248 Eeed, 1-hUip 134 Eeed, Philo B 343 Eeed, Thomaa J 67 Boeder, Isaac H 227 Boeder, Thoraaa B 169 Eeeder, W aiiam 143 Bed, Joseph P 355 Eeea, David B IS Reos, Evan 153 R<3ea, John D 264 Reese, Addiaon 394 Reeae, Aruiine T 159 Reeae, Cbarlea 62 Reeae, Charlea M 2,50 Reeae, Jaraea H 94 Reese, Job n 129 Reese, John P 340 Eecae, Lycurgua 340 Beeae, Thomaa H 75 Eeese, William P 225 Eeeve, Jobn B 90 Beeves, DanielH 375 Ecevea, Edward 14 Eeevea, George J 163 Eeeves, Georgo W 149 Eeeves, Isaac T 350 Eeevea, Jaraes S Ill Eeevea, John A 92 Eeevea, Johu L. A 225 Beeves, Joaeph H 1 . 93 Eeeves, MontravIUe 338 Eeevea, Narcisse B 409 Reeves, Owen T., (17th /ii. inf.) 433 Reeves, Owen T., (lat batt'n militia HI. inf) .441 Reevea, Thomaa B 17 Reevea, Wiley E 115 EeevcB, William M,, (1st Ind. cav.) 2 Eeevea, WiUiam M., (69th_/nd. inf) 130 Reichardt, Juliua .' 250 Eeichart, Chriatian 419 Eeichhelra, Emanuel J 341 Eeichmann, Carl 257 Reid, Benton A 151 Reid, David O 290 Eeid, Duncan M 324 Eeid, EdwardP 20 Eeid, GeorgeW 324 Reid, John 330 Reid, John B 335, 396 Reid. Eobert C 56 Eeid, SamuelP , 127 Reid, Tilberry 151 Reid, WilliamM 399 Eeifert, Chariea F 81 Eeifle, Theodore 49 Reigert, Joaeph 341 36 ReUey, (Jeo. G 50 Reiling, Thoraaa 259 Reilly, Prank W 254 Reilly, Hugh 144 Belly, Hal 195 Eeiinan, Alvin 423 Eeiman, Alvin T 419 Eeiner, Louia C 233 Reininger, Mai tin 289 Eeiaor, John W 188 Eeiater, Chriatian 81 Ecitzell, WiUiam J 292 Eemington, John E 333 Eemington, Thoa. J. L 332 Bi-mington, WUliam M 421 Remy, Wm, H 129 Eenfro, Williara P 316 Renne, Jerorae B 304 Benahaw, Johu W 402 Bent, John H US Renwick, George W 219 Eeowlck, William 221 Eepp, Georgo M 27 Eerick, John H 101 Eettig, August 205 Eeubart, Jaraea T 353 Eenche, Frank A 240 Eevia, Bedford - 120 Eew-, Luciua 267 Eex, George P 268 Bex, Oliver P 268 Eeyburn, Wil'iara B 62 Eeynolda, Benjamin P 296 Eeyuolds, Caleb P 403 Eeynolda, Charlea E 257 Eeyuolds, David 98 Eeynolds, Edward 120 Eeyuolds, Elijah M 198 Eeynolda, Francis E 203 ¦ Eeyuolds, George W 343 Eeynolds, Granville H 337 Eeynolds, Jainea H 400 Eeynolda, Jaraes T 240 Eeynolds, John C 178 Eeynolda, John H 122 Eeynolda, Job. J 417 Eeynolda, Joseph S 324 Eeynolda, Levi 20 Eeynolds, Nathaniel W 267 B-.ynolda, Eobert C 99 Eeynolds, Samuel 438 Reynolds, Sarauel P 44 Reynolds, Sarauel M 188 Eeynolds, Stephen H 284 Eeynolds, Thomas P 391 Eeynolds, Thoraaa T 108 Eeynolda, Upsherd S 108 Eeynolda, William, {73d Ind. inf.) 134 Eeynolda, William, {46th HI inf) 293 Reynolds, Williara, (68th III inf) 432 Eeynolda, WUliara P 70 Eeynolda, WUliam H., {13th /nd.inf) 48 Reynolda, WiUiara H., (7th III cav.) 188 Eeynolda, WiUiam M 213 Reynolrla, Wra. S 239 Ehea, David V 188 Rhea, Eobert H 23 Ehea, William L 22 Eheinlander, John 69 Eh nes, Jamea 350 Ehoades, Franklin M 388 562 INDEX OP NAMES. Rhoadea, WUUara H 41 Rhoads, Benjamin F 118 Rhoads, Frank L., {8th III inf., 3-years) 223 Bhoada, Prank L., (8th III int., 3-raonthB) . . .429 Bhoada, Samuel - 223 Ehoada, WiUiam C 261 Bhodea, Hinraan 257 Rhodes, JohnG 9' Ehod-s, Marquis L 152 Bhodes, Thoraaa J 318 Ehodes, WiUiam P .424 Eial, John E 63 Elans, Eichard B 434 Eice, Alexander A., {15th /nd.inf) 52 Eice, Alexander A,, {72d Ind. int.) 132 Eice, Benjamin H 386 Rice, Daniel B 350 Rice, David B 365 Eice, Henry W 71 Eice , Horace K 188 Rice, James A 331 Rice, John H 3,53 Eice, Joseph S 265 Rice, Presley G 320 Eice, Welcome 106 Eice, WUUaraH.,{89th III int.) 351 Eice, WUUam H,, (137th HI inf.) 437 Kice, WUliam ^V 227 Rich, Caleb 219 Rich, Isaiah 161 Rich, John M 374 Rich, Judaon 216 Rich, Kendall E 331 Richarda, AUen D 362 Eichards, Ch.irles R 333 Richards, David M 253 Bicharda, Evan 243 Eicharda, George N. , (23th /ii. inf) 252 Eicharda, George N., {135th III inf.) 436 Eicharda, George W., (1st Ind. cav.) 2' Eichards, George W., (155th IU. int.) 408 Bicharda, Jared W 284 Eichards, JohnC 276 Eichards, John P 362 Eichards, JohnJ 203 Richards, JohnL. C 389 Eichards, JohnE 371 Eicharda, Joseph W 416 Bichtirda, Eolla T 243 Bicharda, .Sarauel 243 Eichards, Saranel D 123 Eicharda, Thomas 1 154 Eicharda, William J 139 Eichiirdaon , A damson G 174 Eichardson, Alelx'der M 44 Bicbardson, Artemus C 307 Eichardaon, David H 37 Eichardson, David P 243 Eichardaon, G, W 128 Eichardaon, George B 323 Eichardaon, George E - 215 Eichardaon, (George W 68 Richardaon, Halsey H 358 Richardaon, Hardin T 265 Eichardson, Henry 199 Eichardson, James W 136 Eichardson, Jobn T 61 Richardson, John W 349 Richardaon, Martin W 38 Richardaon, Orla C 261 Richardaon, Spencer E 176 Richardaon, Stephen H 188 Eichardson, W. P 323 Eichardaon, WiUiam S 102 Richart, David 153 Richart, Robert S 19 Eicheraon, Joseph W 279 Eicherson, Miles F 98 Richey, Lemuel j\l 159 ' Richey. Oliver 155 Eichey, Robert 210 Richey, Samuel 422 Eichley, .lohn A 134 Eiehmond, Frank 405 Richmond, ,T. Frank 392 ¦ Eiehmond, Johu S 254 Eichraond, Jonathan 391 Richmond, Nathaniel P 48 Rich mond, Oregon 257 Richmond, Oacar F 340 Eickard, WiUiara C 361 Rickard, William T 198 Eickart, .Tohn W 299 Bicken, Frank 228 Eicketts, Andrew A '. 323 Ricketts, Benjamiu M., (WUder'a batt'y Ind. ' light art.) 36 Ricketts, Benjamin M., {7th /nd. inf.) 415 Ricketts , Daniel D 419 Eickey, Jamea 389 Eiddeil, t'raucis 99 Eidrler, Cleraent A 238 Biddle, George W., {49tb Ind.int.) 108 Eiildle, George W., {144th /?td. inf.) 164 Riddle, .Tamea C 100 Riddle, .Tohn S .392 Eiddler, Alex. McS. S 190 Bidenour. JohnB 307 Eideout, Horace W 338 Eider, JohnJ 265 Eider, John Qnincy Adama 353 Rider, Joaeph P 280 Eider, Robert G 347 Bidge, JohnG 130 Ridge, Thomaa D 118 Eidgely. Vincent 431 Bidgeii ay, Wesley B 39 Ridgway, Einannel 334 Ridlen, George R 64 Eiebaame, Chriatian 382 Bied, WiUiara M 235 Eiedel, Ernest 200 Eiea, Frederick J 2,10 Rieser, John 205 Rieth, J. .seph ' 402 Riffle, Johu S 95 Eigby, Johu W 263 Eigby, Silas F 36 Higei. Geoige D 15 Rigg, ThomasJ 189 Rigg, William P 186 Biggie, Garrett B ; 65 Biggs, Samuel E 382 Eiggs, WiUiara P.: 63 Eigney, Jaraea M 351 Eiley, Benj arain D 122 Eiley, Daniel, (34th /7i. inf.) .270 RUey, Daniel, {99th /ii. inf) 362 Riley, Edwin H 235 Eiley, Prank W 290 EUey, George W 52 Eiley, George W. H., i8th Ind. inf., 3-yra.) . . ..39 INDEX OP NAMES. 563 Eiley, George W. H., {8th Ind. inf., 3-moa.) ..416 Eiley. Goorge W. H., {134th Ind.'mf.) 423 Riley, John 425 EUey, John W 16 Eiley, Larkin M 264 EUey, Lawrence 392 Eiley, NingA 334 Riley, PhiUp 3S1 EUey, Eeuben A., (Sth Ind. cav.) 9 Eiley, Eeuben A., (Sth /ad. iuf) 416 Eiley, Thoinaa 122 Eiley, WiUiam 136 Riley, William N 409 Rinaker, John 1 387 Riner, Jacob .' 193 Ring, Prank M 318 Ring, Jacob S 221 Rinker, Henry 192 Eiordau, Jeremiah F 3,52 Eipley, George W 265 Rippetoe, David W 32 Eippotoe, WilliamB 33 Ripple, John L 278 Rippatein, Jacob, (14th /ii. inf.) 233 Elppstein, Jacob, (SSth /ii, inf.) 314 Eisley, Douglas G 42 Bialey, Jaraea S 366 Rialey, John W 310 Rialey, Lemuel C 143 Biaser, AbrahamP 370 Eiatine, Albert L 44 Eitchey, Adelbert L 227,237 Eitchey , John J 1 87 Ritchey, WilUam G 238 Ritcliie, .Taraea 375 Ritter, Albert 398 Eitter, Charlea 424 Bitter, EliP 137 Eitter, John A 108 Ritter, John D 81 Ritter, Joahua 254 Ritter, Richard .' 257 Ritter, WUliara L 160 Eivea, Henry B 338 Eivea, Eobert S 324 Eixleben, Charlea A 186 Eoach, AlvaC IU Roach, Honry, {43d Ind.'mf.) ; 9S Roach, Honry, {106th /ii. iuf.) 370 Eoach, Jobn F .387 Eoach, Samuel T 98 Eoach, Thomaa K., (1 34th /ii. inf.) 3S9 Roach, Thomaa K., (137th IU. inf.) 437 Roark, James A 187 Roark, Luke D :..142 Roark, Williara 386 Robarda, Joseph W 223 Bobb, AlbertG 71 Robb, HaraUto'n '. 103 Robb, Hugh M 343 Bobb, James 437 Eobbina, Charlea G 206 Bobbins, Charles W 136 Eobbina, DanielB 18S Bobbins, Edward C, D 239 Eobbina, Ezra B 62 Eobbina, Frank M 67 Robbina, GeorgeW 324 Robbina, Honry C 364 Rohhin a, Henry E 106 Robbina, Irvin, {123d Tnd. int.) 155 Robbina, Irvin, {76th /nd. inf.) 419 Eobbina, Joaiah, jr 312 Robbins, Julian A 159 Robbina, Marquia D, L 3S Eobbina, Moses W 306 Robbina, Stillman G 7 Robbins, Williara - 16 Bobbins, WHUamE 113 Eoberda, Jeaae 363 Eoberts, Clark 364 Roberts, Clavton W 41 Roberts, DavidM 333 Eoberts, Dermont C - 267 Boh- rta, Edward E 221 Boberta, Ewing 67 Roberta, G.W 284 Roberta, George M 437 Roberta, Harriaon 208 Eoberta, Hiram P,, {84th III inf) 345 Boberta, Hiram P., {137th III int.) 437 Eoberta, Ilaa F 100 Eoberta, James 9 Eoberta, John G 194 Eoberts, JohnH 429 Roberta, John L 259 Eoberts, John S 63 EobertB, Joseph E 307 Eoberta, Joshua P 154 Roberta, JuliuaD 217 Roberta, Milton 33 Roberta, Peter 307 Eoberta, Septer 235 Roberta, Sidney O 192 Eoberi.a, Theodore P 208 Eoberta, Thomas B 107 Eoberta, Thoraas D 321 Eoberts, Thoraas H 334 Eoberts, Thomas B 347 Eoberts, WiUiam H 188 Eoberts, WiUiara B 257 Robertaon, Andrew A 439 Eobertaon, Andrew B 102 Eobertson, Benjarain 323 Robertaon, Daniel W 71 Eobertaon, Henry H 154 Eobertaon, James H 30 Eobertaon, Jease 214 Robertaon , John H 30 Robertaon, Jobn M 347 Eobertaon, Johu S 69 Eobertaon, Joaeph M ... - - 71 Eobertaon, Martin W 394 Eobertaon, Milo 38 Eobertson, S.ainuel B 131 Eobertaon, Thomaa M U Eobertaon, Thoraaa N 115 Robertaon, WilUara 326 Eohidon, Chariea 398 Eobinaon, Abram W 384 Eobinaon, Albert S 185 Robinaon, Charlea 438 Eobinaon, CharleaH., {47th /7i. inf ) 394 Robinson, Charles H., (136th III inf.) 436 Eobinaon, Charlea M 133 Eobinaon, Christopher T 370 Robinaon, Daulel B., (33d HI inf,) 267 Eobinson, DanielB., (62d /ii. inf.) 331 Eobinaon, David, jr 433 Eobinaon, Edward J., {54th Ind. int.) 418 Eobinaon, Bdward J., (137th Ind. inf.) 435 Robinson, ElamH 233 564 INDEX OF NAMES. Robinaon, Eli C 165 Eobinaon, Eliaha J 140 Robinaon, Frank A ..172 Robinaon, Fred P 192 Robinaon, Gabriel 128 Eobinaon, George P 351 Eobinaon, George J 218 Eobinson, George R 141 Robinson, George W 302 Robinson, Jabez B 269 Robinson, James 150 Robinson, James B 439 Robinaon, Jamea D 29 Robinaon, Jamea E 132 Eobinson, Jamea J 137 Eobinaon, John A., (llth Ind. cav.) 18 Eobinaon, Johu A. , (17th /ii. inf.) 433 Robinaon, John H 396 Robinson, Jobn M 282, 304 Eobinson, John S 222 Eobinaon, John T., {47th Ind. inf) 104 Eobinaon, JohnT., (Sth /nd. inf.) 416 Eobinaon, Joaeph 196 Eobinaon, Joaeph G., {9th HI. inf., 3-years)- .325 Eobinaon, Joaeph G., {9th HI inf., 3-months). 430 Robinson, Lawson D 151 Eobinaon, Mark 113 Eobinson, Mark L 157 Eobinaon, MiltonS 104,136 Eobinson, Nicholas 186 Robinson, Eobert B 437 Eobinaon, Thomaa H 328 Eobinaon, Thomaa T 374 Robinson, WiUiam O 269 Robinson, WiUiam B 32] Eobinson, William H 240 Eobinson, WiUiam J. H., (llth Ind. inf., 3-years) 44 Robinson, WiUiam J. H,, (llth Ind. inf., 3-months) 118 Eobinson, Benjamin H 57 Eobinaon, George W - 239 Eobaon, John E 1,148 Eohaon, Eobert 148 Eocheater, WilUam H 256 Eock, Charles - . - 86 Eock, WilUamH. H 167 Eockwell, Andrew J 11 Rockwell, Oscar B 74 Eockwell, WiUiara 44 Eockwood, Aaron L., (4th III. cav.) 182 Eockwood, Aaron L., (llth III int.) 431 Eockwood, Sarauel *. 192 Eodarrael, Oscar F 37 Eoddick, George W 73 Boddy, Joaeph B 78 Bode, Samuel W 18S Bodecker, Henry 233 Eodeen, George E 312 Eoden, Charlea 1 99 Eodgera, Andrew F 339 Rodgera, Benjamin F ..„ 216 Rodgera, George 6 Eodgera, George C 235 Eodgers, James 227 Eodgera, Jeffrey 22 Eodgers, Jeaae C , (12th HI cav.) 199 Bodger.a, Jeaae C, (50th /ii.inf) 299 Rodgera, John D 66 Eodgers, Madison 173 Rodgera, Orrin D : 172 Eodgera, Sanderaon H 365 Eodgera, Theophilua P 102 Bodman, Caraon B., 10th /nd. inf.) 43 Rodraan, Carson P., (86th Tnd. int.) 144 Rodman, Jamea A 166 Eodman, Jaaper N 127 Bodman, John A 375 Bodman, WiUiam T 65 Rodrig, Theodore C, (38th III inf.) 276 Rodrig, Theodore C, (54th /ii.inf.) 306 Bodrig, Theodore C, {Uth III inf.) 431 Roe, CharleaH - 326 Roe, EdwardB 267 Boe, Henry 219 Roe, James H 435 Roe, John L 425 Roe, Samuel L 345 Eoehrig, Anthony 196 ' Eoel, Chriatopher 5 Eoerfy, JohnH., (13th Tnd. int.) 48 Eoerty, JohnH,, (83d Ind. int.) 141 Roeach, Otto E 325 Roeachlaub, Rohert S 345 Roeaaler, Edward 306 Roether, Daniel B 13 Bogera, Andrew W 340 Bogera, Augustua W,, (150th III int.) 403 Eogers, Augustus W., (145th HI inf.) 440 Bogera, Barton P - 236 Eogers, Dudley, (14th /nd. inf.) 50 Eoger.s, Dudley, (59th: Ind. int.) 122 Bogera, Ebenezer 339 Bogera, Henry A 209,211 Eogera, James H 318 Bogera, Jaraes M 131 Eogers, Jaraea T 138 Eogers, John C 50 Bogera, Joaeph 379 Rogera, Joahna 179 Eogera, Lemuel H 296 Rogera, E. Eugene 226 Bogera, Eobert E 218 Eogera, Samuel T 348 Eogera, Solomon 148 Eogera, Theodore S 369 Eogera, Williara A 122 Eogers, WilUamH 298 Eogers,. WiUiam N 135 Bogereon, Andrew B 243 Rogerson, JameaH 227 Rogge, Henry C 380 Bohr, George W 303 Bohrbough, Calendar 384 Rohrig, John 106 Roland, Charlea H., {13th /ii. cav.) 200 Roland, Chariea H., (batt'y B, lat /ii. It, art). 209 Eolfe, Jamea K 3 EoUer, E. O. F 284,307 EoUi, Gottlieb J '205 EoUins, John A 390 Eollman, Eug 196 BoUmaun, Oscar 225 Bolshansen, Ferdinand 441 Bolshauaen, Ferdinand H., (24th IU. inf) 250 Bolahausen, Ferdinand H., {82d HI int.) 341 Boinan, Caaaiua P 430 Eorabauer, Eaphael G 307, 210 Eomiue, Cyrus 18 Bood, Jamoa P 368 Rood, Oliver P 62 Eood, Thomaa B 221 INDEX OF NAMES. 565 Eoodhouao, Jamea D 353 Booker, Hirara W 68 Rooker, Jainea J 44 Booker, Samuel M .'47 Boop, Abuer L 140 Boot, George A 188 Root, Reuben L 358 Roota, Logan H 340 Eoper, Jamea 359 Roper .Samuel 310 Eorex, Jaraea W 318 Roae, A. D 239 Roae, Alfred 100 Roae, AUen T 78 Eoae, Auguatine D 71 Roae, D. Garland 41S Roae, Blins 0 100 Rose, Elihu E 22 Rose, Prank A., (20th batt'y, Ind. It. art.) 33 Rose, Frank A., (55th /nd. inf.) 419 Rose, Henry 286 Rose, Ira M 274 Rose, Jaraes M 9S Roae, John J 294 Roae, Luciua M. , (llth HI inf , 3-year8) 228 Eoae, Luciua M., (llth III iuf., 3-moutha) ...431 Eoae, Madison H IIS Bose, Rufus 300 Roae, Thomaa 371 Roae, Tiniotliy D 358 Rose, WilUamH., (40th /ii, inf.) 280 Eoae, WiUiara H., {138th III inf.) 437 Rosehaum, John P 168 Roaehoro, Samuel B 391 Roaecrana, Edwin H 357 Rosecrans, Leander W 269 Eosenbrook, John D 3S4 Eosencrana, Albert C 7 Roaengrant, Hirara I-I 267 Roaenthal, Chariea W 313 Roaelte, Louia D 219 Ross, Abram T 425 Roaa, Alexander B 302 Robb, Andrew J 113 Boas, Charlea H 49 Boss, CUffordW., {3lEt /nd, inf.) 78 Rosa, CUfford W., (156th Ind. int.) 176 Roaa, Diego C '. 294 Rosa, Edwin W 214 Ross, Francis M 216 Roaa, Prank W 345 Boas, Fred A 423 Eoaa, George W 133 Roaa, Jaraea M 30 Roaa, Jaraea R 44 Robb, Jerorae 195 Eoaa, John 130 Boas, John W., (33d batt'y Tnd. It. art'y) 35 Eoaa, John W., (Uth Ind. inf, 3-yeara) 44 Ross, JohnW., {32d /ii.inf) 265 Rosa, John W., (Uth Ind. inf., 3-months) 418 Eoaa, Jont SS Rosa, Joaeph C 356 Roas, LeonardP 239 Eoss, Leonards., (lat TU. cav.) 177 Eoaa, Leonard S,, (13th /ii, cav.) 200 Roaa, Levi 4 Roas, Levi A 348 Roaa, Marcellua 363 Rosa, Melvin B 320 Roaa, Orlando H 243 Roaa, Rohert P 435 Eoaa, Samuel 78 Eoaa, WiUiam C, (SOth /ii.inf.) 299 Boas, WiUiam C, (104th /ii. inf.) 368 Roaslewin, Francis B 135 RoazeU, Green B., {123d Znd.iuf.) 155 RoszeU, Green B., {54th /nd.inf.) 418 Rote, Jaraea 197 Roth, Jacob 286 Roth, Nicholas, (12th /ii.inf, 3-years) 230 Both. Nicholas, {13th III inf, S-raontha) 431 Both, Soloraon Z., {52d /ii.inf) 302 Roth, Soloraon Z., {139th /ii. inf.) 438 Rothengatter, John 24 Rothrock, Jaraea 48 Rotramel, George W 51 Rouie, PeterJ 356 Rounds, RuelG 432 Rourke, Johu 212 Rouis, Percy UO Rouse, George W 363 Bouse, James 290 Bouse, John D 335,396 Eouah, George S 292 Bonah, Henry 292 Eouth, John B. , {36th Ind.int.) 71 Eouth, JohnB., {140th /nd. inf ) 161 Eoiithe, Eugene A 426 Eoutt, John L 356 Eow.in, Chariea E 358 Eowcliff, WiUiam W 202 Eowe, Abram 237 Rowe, Charlea 314 Eowe, Bdward A 135 Rowe, James J 437 Eowe, JohnB 100 Bowell, Henry L 351 Rowell, Jonathan H 339 Rowett, Joseph 331 Rowett, Eichard, (7th III inf, 3-yeara) 221 Bowetf, Richard, (7th III. int., 3-raonth3) 429 Rowin, WiUiara 161 Rowland, John B 431 Rowland, Joseph G., (10th HI inf, 3-yeara). .237 Rowland, Joaeph G., (10th TU. inf., 3-moutha)430 Rowland, Eobert 148 Bowley, Alberts 298 Eowley, Edward O ISO Bowley, Jamea B 239 Bowley, WiUiamR 290 Roy, Jaraea 405 Roy, Willuam 22 Boyae, Daniel 94 Boyae, laaac H. 0 381 Euark, JameaP 138 Ruby, Jacob J 202 Ruby, WiUiam P 174 Rucker, Alexander 194 Rucker, Louia H 190 Rucker, Eichard J 265 Eiicker, Eichard M 11 Buckle, Nicholaa E., (Uth 3-years and 148th /nd.inf.) 44,168 Buckle, Nicholas E., (llth /nd. inf., 3-mos.).. 41S Euckatuhl, J. George 360 Eudd, Oscar F 378 EuddeU, JohnD 299 BuddeU, WilUamD 337 Bade, Francia M 143 Eucaa, John, (8th Ind. inf., 3-yeara) 39 Bueaa, Jolm, (Sth hid. int., 3-raontha) 416 566 INDEX OP NAMES. Euess, Joseph P 1 73 Buger, Francia H 365 Eager, George 132 Eager, Jacob 334 Rugg, Chariea L 11 Rugg, De WittC, (Ulh and 48tb Ind. int., 3-y ara) 44, 1 06 Rugg, De Witt C, (Uth Ind. inf., 3-raonths) -41S Rugg, Joaeph K 106 Rugglea, Christopher C : 427 Buggies, Jaraes M 177, 180 Euhaak, Garret G 373 Euhland, George 225 Euinsey, Isaac M,, (47th /nd. inf) lOS Buraaey, Isaac M.. (llth Ind. int.) 418 Eurasey, Israel P 308 Eumaey, John W 208 Eundell, Fletcher D 72 Bundle, Aar..u W 191 Bundle, Nathan 288 Bunyan, David N 64 Bunyan, John N 135 Bunyan, John W 1 59 Eunyan, Peter L., jr., (152d /nd, inf.) 172 Runyan, Peter L., jr., (118th /nd. inf) 422 Runyan, Peter L., jr., (138th /nd inf ) 435 Eunyou, Joaeph 318 Eup'ert, Deloa W 77 Eupert, Ira 1 46 Eupert, William H 401 Buah, Abraham C, {75th Ind. inf) 136 Buah. Abraham C, (139th Ind. int.) 426 Eush, IredeUB S4 Bush, John 1 115 Eush, Thomas H 328 Euahbacker, Aaron 406 Buaie, John H 47 Euaa, Eupert 250 Ruaaell, Alanson E 9 Eusaell, Alonzo B 314 EuaaeU, Benjamin H 237 EuaaeU, Burr 145 Russell, Charlea P 181 RuaaeU, Charlea H 363 Russell, Bdward 190 EuBscU, Elihu S 211 EusseU, Fred. E ISO Eussell, George H 10 Euasell, laaac P 191 EuaaeU, laaac S 151 EuaaeU, Jamea A 345 EuaaeU, Jaraea B 404 Ruasell, Jasper N 43 EuaaeU, Johu 288 BusaeU, John A., (27th /ii, inf ) 256 EuaaeU, John A., (93d III inf) 355 Ruaaell, Johu J 232 Russell, John M 198 EusseU, John T 267 Eussell, Martin J 24S Ruaaell, Milton Ill EuaaeU, Eichard D 343 EuaaeU, Sarauel, (6th /nd, inf., 3-years) 37 Bnaaell, Samuel, (Oth //id. inf, 3-raontha) 415 Euasell, SamuelP 194 Ruaaell, Samuel H 259 Ruaaell, Weatford B 323 Ruaaell, William V 147 RusaeU, WUliam W 340 Ruaaey, John M 59 EuBt, Francia M 37 Ruat, Frank M--.; 419 Euat, Henry A 256 Euat, Jamea E 96 Bust, Melvin N 407 Euat, Phineas B., (37th III. int., 274 Bust, Phineaa B., (13th /ii, inf) 431 Ens ton, John 126 Enston, Thoraaa 120 Enter, John B 20 Enter, Einaldo B., {18th Ind. int.) 57 Enter. Einaldo B., (93d Ind. inf.) 149 Eutger, Francia 230 Euth, Louia - 80 Eutherford, Friend S , 360 Entherford, GeorgeW 440 Eutherford, Henry 304 Eutherford, Jaraes A 381 Eutherford. Eeuben C, (10th III inf., 3-yra.). 227 Eutherford, Eeuben C, {10th TU. inf, 3-mo8.)430 Eutherford, Robert 232 Rutiahauaer, Isaac 314 Rutisbauser, K, A 315 Eutledge, Bdward, {3d /ii. cav.) 160 Eutledge, Bdward, {61at /ii.inf.) 320 Eutledge, Ephraim 97 Eutledge, Gtorge O 407 Eutledge, Jechoniaa, (U7th /nd.inf) 421 Eutledge, Jechoniaa, {133d Ind. int.) 423 Eutledge, Walton 398 Eutledge, WUliam 4 Eutledge, William J.: 234 Butter, Hiram D 160 Eyan, Abram H 239 Byan, EbenezerZ 259 Eyan, Edmund E 239 Eyan, Elmus 353 Ryan, George 294 Eyan. Jacob M 306 Eyan, James S 108 Eyan, John W 55, 84 Eyan, P.J 45 Eyan, Patrick 304 Eyan, Patrick M 348 Eyan, Eichard J 86 Eyan, Saxey 49 Eyan. Townsend, (34th Ind.int.) 84 Ryan, Townsend, (54th Ind.int.) 117 Eyan, WUliam 120 Byan, WUUara A 13 Byce, Henry L 418 Eyder, WUliam H 432 Eyland, Francia M 162 Eyland, Fredus, (29th Ind.'mf.) 74 Eyland, Fredua, (87th Ind. int.) 145 Ryraan, WiUiam T 78 Eymer, Morgan 384 Rynearson, David C 368 Rynearaou, Ephraim C 335 Eyon George 333 Sabin, Eliaa H 50 Sabin, Elijah 122 Sabin, Luther M 388 Sabin, Slarden 152 Sabin, O^ciir C - 74 Sabin, Eichard C 145 Sabino, Joaiah H 20 Sacha, Adara 20U Sachs, Max 81 Sacker, Henry 287 Sackett, Charles D 181 Sackett, Edward C 282 INDEX OP NAMEri. 567 Sadler, Joseph J 54 Sadorna, Georgo W, B 390 Safford, OeorgeB 3S4 Safford , Jamea B 17 Sage, Elmer A 326,377 Sage, Georgo B 233 Sago, Johu. . ; 90 Sage, JohnD 433 Sahm, Siegfried 13 Sailor, Jereraiah 113 Saiuly, Benjarain 154 Saint, WUliara M 167 St. Clair, HaiinibalC 271 St. Clair, Jainea 436 St. Clair, .TameaF 126 St. Clair, Owen 163 St. Clair, Peter 139 St. John, David W 113 St. Johu, Jaraes H 141 St. John, John P., {68th /ii. inf ) 433 St. John, John P., (143d /ii. inf.) 440 St. John, WiUiamH 9 Sale, Prederlck B 390 Sale, John W 68 S.lliabury, David, (138th /nd. inf ) 1.58 Salisbury, David, (96th. Ill inf) 3,58 .Salisbury, Leroy 372 Snl isburv, Eobert 254 SaUee, "Will iam J 352 Salomon, Edward S., (24th Ul. inf) 2.'jl Salomon, KJ\vard S., {82d III int.) 341 Salpaugh, George L 77 Salter, Bradley D 313 Salter, Henry P 233 Salter, Roman ¦. Ul Saltzmau, George W - 70 Sammia, Oscar 188 Sammis, Oscar F 354 Sainraona, Edwin T 391 Sample, Adain 423 Saraple, Boys T 94 Sample, Charlea 364 Saraple, Jainea 384 Sarapaon, Hirara 3 Sampaon, Joaeph 174 .Sampaon, Williara A 351 Samuels, Jaraes S., (38th /ii.inf.) 257 Samuels, Jamea S., (USth. /ii. inf ) 381 Sanborn, Albert A 434 Sanburn, Jaaon J., {12th III inf) 230 Sanburn, Jaaon J. , {144th III int.) 398 Sandera, Addison G 420 Sandera, Burr 1 81 Sandera, David B 340 Sandera. George M ISO Sandera, George W 263 Sandera, laaac W,, (IOth /nd.inf.) 417 Sandera, Isaac W., (78th Ind.int.) 420 Sanders, Isaac W,, {115th /nd.inf.) 420 Sandera, Isaac W,, (133d Ind. inf.) 423 Sanders, Jacob W 340 Sandera, Jamea N 263 Sandera, John W 202 Sandera, Joseph A 67 Sandera, Jcseph B 221 Sandera, Levi \V 390 Sandera, Stephen N 389 Sanders, William V 263 Sanderaon, Alexander 317 Sanderson, David N 438 S.inderson, David T. N 196 Sanderaon, George 223 Sanderson, Williara L 65 Sandford, Arthur W 88 Sandford, Nathaniel 431 Sandoe, George 388 Sands, Churlea 123 Sands, Jacob 272 Sanda. Jiimea II '. U Sands, WilUam, (10th /ii. cav.) 194 Sanda, Williara, (7th HI inf) 429 Sanford, A, W 39 .Sanford. David - 333 Sanford, Jonathan F 74 Sanford, Washington L 202 Sanford, WUUain E 202 Sanford, William W 296 Sanger, William D 307 Sanks, George W 166 Sapp, Elijah 355 Sapp, Prank M 368 Sappington, Stephen 43 Sarff, laaac 372 Sargent, Austin 74 Sargent, 0 eorge B 39S .Sargent, Hiram 439 Sargent, John 190 Sargent, John C 353 Sargent, Levi 379 Sargent, William E 74 Sargent, William H 424 Satterfleld, Thomas E 3.57 Satterthwaite, Joel 422 Sattler, Adam 287 Saunders, George W 239 Saunders, James D 97 Siiundors, William H. , (66th /2i. inf ) 328 Saundera, Williara H., (131st /ii. inf.) 404 Saunders, WilUara T 141 Savage, Amoa 278 Savage, John N 41 Savage, WUliara 151 Savoie, Charloa 0 334 Savvage, John A 124 Sawin, (roorge 314 Sawrey, John B 407 Sawyer, Addiaon D 63 Sawyer, Daniel F 151 Sawyer, Harvey .1 153 ¦Sawyer, .Toaeph L 179 Sawyer, Samuel D 385 Sawyer, SaiuUel W 104 .Sawyer, Stephen 387 Sayer, Daniel, (Sth /ii. inf , 3-yeara) 223 Sayer, Dauiel, (Sth /ii. inf., 3-months) 429 Say lea, George S 221 Sayles, Stephen D., (13th /nd. inf) 48 .Sayles, Stephen D., (Il7th Ind. int.) 421 Saylor, Henrv B 423 Saylor, Ji.hnF 202 Saylor, Philip J 233 Saylor, William A 223 Scamahorn, Johu A 96 Scaramahorn, Jacob 138 Scammon, Chariea T 192 Scanlan, Johu F 432 Scanland, WUliam 240 Scantling, Jobn C 175 Scarborough, Hirara M 306 ScarborouBh, John N 301 Scarborough, Joseph W 59 Searritt, Harry M 327 568 INDEX OF NAMES. Scearce, George W Ul Scearce, Jaraes W 115 Scearce, John T 44 Scearce, Nathan J 168 Scearce, William W Ul Schaeffer, John 219 Schaerer, TheophliB 196 Schaffner, Louis 406 SchaffnU, Henry 227 Schambeck, Friedrich 305 Schanck, Jacob 330 Schareuberg, Herraan 205 Schaubel, Gottlob 107 Schauz, Henry 2S6 Scheel, Frederick E 225 ScheitUn, BraU 403 Scheitliu, William 430 Schell, Eugene M 139 ScheU, Frederick A U Schellenger, Almon 357 .Schemmerhorn, George 433 Schenck, JohnS 237 Sehermerhorn, Albert B 437 Sehermerhorn, Bernard F 102 Sehermerhorn, George 434 .Sehermerhorn, John M 354 Sehermerhorn, Theodore 254 Seheuermann, George, (22d HI. int.) 247 Scheuermann, (George, (ISSth /ii. inf ) 408 Scheve, Charles 225 Schiefferateiu, T 265 Schilling, Herraan 286 SchUliug, John N 313 Schirahiger, .Samuel 430 Schirarainger, Samuel 402 Sehiaaler, John B 156 Schlag. William 223 Schlagle, Samuel B 59 Schlarb, Peter 31 Schlater, WUliam H 150 Schley, AUen P 131 Schloetzer, George 341 Schlosser, Peter 223 .Schlund, Fidel 433 Schlund, Joseph 237 Schmidt, Guatavua 12 Schmidt, Henry D 286 Schmidtz, Henry 288 SchmUt,^ Cari 81 Schmitt, John A 256 Schraitt, Peter 2S6 Schraitt, WUUfira SO Schmitt, WUliam A 256 Schmitz, P. H. W SI .Schmuck, .Tohn 161 Schmuck, Peter 163 .Schnackenherg, WilUam SO Schnebly, Jamea H - 335 Schneddig, Frederick 205 Schneider, Joaeph 306 Schnepp, Williara G 102 Schnoeckel, William 288 Schock, David W 424 Scholea, Eichard 372 Scholea, Samuel D 333 Schonder, Conrad 341 Schooler, John V 3 Schooley, PidelUa B 306 Schoonraaker, Michael 235 Schoppraeyer, Henry E SO Schrader, Henry 71 Schriber, Chariea 191 Schriver, WilliamH 391 Schroeder, Hugo 341 Schruender, Arnold - 34 Schryver, Charlea 392 Schnlc, Adolph 301 Schulte, JohnH 372 Schulze, William 201 Schuman, Charlea F 205 Schumick, Peter 67 Schusaler, Charlea, (6th Tnd. inf., 3-yeara) 37 .Schiiaaler, Charlea, (Oth Ind. int., S-raontha)- -.415 Schutt, JohnH 135 Sohuf z, Stephen 80 Schwab, Frederick 382 SchwalUer, Johu 139 Schwartz, Adolph 213, 215 Schwartz, Ezekiel K 381 Schwartz, John 80 Schwebel, WiUiam 286 Schweinffurth, Prank 250 Schwerdtfeger, WilUam 194 Schwerzer, Herman 430 Scibird, Joseph H 433 Scobey, John S 129 Scoggiin, Walter 345 Scoggins, Samuel VV 386 Scott, Aaron E 310 Scott, Abel H 395 Scott, Alexaoder C 139 Scott, Alexander M 98 Scott Araoa 406 Scoti, Anthony L. D 157 Scott, Chailes M ; 151 Scott, Charlea N 125 Scott, Charloa R 29 Scott, Christopher L., (143d Ind. inf.) 163 Scott. Christopher L., (136th III inf) 424 Scott, Danforth P 315 Scott, David .S 196 Scott, Douglas W 206 Scott, Edward B 153 Scott, Eli F 141 Scott, Francia A 307 Scott, Francis G., (Uth /nd. inf., 3-years) 45 Scott, Francis G., (Uth /nd. inf., 3-inontha) .-418 Scott, Pr.ancis M 14 Scott, George 43 Scott, George C 418 Scott, George H 141 Scott, George L 82 Scott, George M 188 Scott, George W 159 Scott, Henry M 131 Scott, Jaraea JI 34 Scott, Jefferson K., {.59th /nd.inf). 122 Scott, Jefferaon K., (7th Ind. iuf) 415 Scott, Jesse E...-.- 39 Scott, John, {50th /nd.inf) UO Scott, John, {25th III int.) 252 Scott, John C, {72d Ind. inf.) 1,32 Scott, John C , {136th /ii. iuf) 436 Scott, John H., {Slat /ii. int.) 301 Scott, John H., {19th /ii. inf.) 352 Scott, John J 310 Scott, John L,, (153d Ind. int.) 173 Scott, JohnL., (138th /nd.inf) 425 Scott, John M. B 139 Scott, John N 137 Scott, John T 203 Scott, John W . 285 INDEX OP NAMES. 569 Scott, Joaeph A 32 .Scntt, Joaeiih E 242 Scott, Sarauel L 345 Scott, Mortimer B 360 Scott, N. G 102 Scott, Noah P Ul Scott. P. S 347 Scott, Patrick H 436 Scott, Peter N 277 Scott, Eobert 49 Scott, Eobert B 47 Scott, SamuelC 78 Scott, Thomaa E,, (154th Ind. inf.) 174 Scott, Thoraaa E., (116th /nd. inf ) 421 Scott, Thomas P 408 Scott, Thomaa W 361 Scott, Timothy 162 Scott, Walter K 13 Scott, WUlard, jr 369 Scott, WUliara, (89th Ind. inf) 147 Scott, William, (84th /ii. inf ) 345 Scott, WUUam A 234 Scott, WUliamP 380 Scott, WiUiam G 14 Scott, WUliam E 7 Scovel, Jonah S 440 Scovel, Palmer P 209 Scovell, Onias D 100 ScoviU, Horace C 354 SeoviUc, Goodwin D 314 Scranton,. Joahua M 161 Screla, Louia 286 Scribner, Alba N 202 Scribner, Benjarain F 92 Scribner, Eliaha S 433 Scroggs, George 390 Scrogga, Eobert G 437 Sciidan.ore, Godwin 339 Scudaraore , Joseph 375 Scudder, Egbert M 284 Scudder, John A 126 Scudder, Lyraan H 389 Scully, Andrew J 86 Scully, John, {35th Ind. inf.) 86 Scully, John. (151st /nd. i/if.) 171 ScuUy, Eobert E 86 Sea, .Sidney W 10 Seacat, Joseph 139 Seager, John .' 144 Sealy, RobertP 290 Seaman, Marinus W 387 Seaman, Wright 231 Search. Anthony T 182, 198 Searight, Jamea J 366 Searing. George 378 Searle, Elhanon J 194 Searlea, Mnjor E 363 Seara, DavidB 256 SearB, Prancia A 67, 128 Seara, John J 235 Seara, Joseph 400 Seara, Eobert B 98 Seara, Williara S 244 Seary, Patrick 278 Seaton, Chariea 82 Seaton, Jamea A - 437 Seaton, Jamea H 92 Seaton, John 247 Seaver, Charlea A 385 Seaver, Eichard T 364 Seawright, JohnP 132 Secord, Jamea K 335 Secrest, Jiimea 93 Secriat, John H J 55 Sedgwick, John A 434 Sedwick, Daniel W 365 Seeborn, Franklin 209 Seegar, Jaaper 84 Seelbach, Philip, {55th /ii. inf ) 307 .Seelbach, PhUip, (91at /ii. inf.) 353 Seeley, Eden M 245 Seelig, Siegmund 80 Seelinger, Philip P 141 Seely, Charlea D 23 Seely, Jonaa 7 Seelye, George W 146 Seeae, George 49 Segar, Garret G 134 Segar, Thoraas W 339 Seguin, Prancia 334 Segur, Amos B 333 Segur, Williara P 416 Seibel, Edward M 205 Seig, George B 89 Seigel, Henry 24S Seitz, Chariea 402 Seizick, Albert 292 Selby, Francia M 361 Selby, WilUam F 383 Seldera, Jamea W 145 Seley, Abel H 184 Self, George W. C 148 Selkirk, John 30 SeUarda, DavidP 273 Selloek, Albert B 132 Selleck, John E 145 Sellera, A. H 272 SellerB, Charles L 138 SeUers, Edwin B 361 Sellera, S. P 396 Sellers, Thoraaa M 119 Sellon, Chariea J 257 Sella, Frederick B 401 Seraans, Henry T '. 142 Senior, John W 13 Senior, Joseph 130 Seright, Isaac 423 Bering, WilUara D S2 Serjeant, Jaraea E., {17th hid. inf.) 55 Serjeant, Jaraes E., {74th /nd.inf) '.--.135 Sesaions, Erasmus D 371 Sever, John G 362 Seward, JameaG., {70th /ii.inf) 433 Seward, .James G., (143d /Ii. inf.) 440 Seward, Melvin 160 Seward, William T 118 Sewell, James 425 Sewell, John W 84 Sewell, Sanford 18 SeweU, Thoraas 392 Sexton, Burton 386 Sexton, Jaraes A 330,433 Sexton, John 93 Sexton, Marshall U3 Sexton, Thomas S., (156th HI. int.) 409 Sexton, Thomas S., (134th /ii. inf.) 435 Sexton, W. H 343 Seyffert, Henry 81 Seymour, Henry 302 Seymour, James B 364 Seymour, WiUiam B 390 Seymour, WilliamB 364 570 INDEX OP NAMES. Shadday, Emsley 37 Shadle, Chambers B 84 Shafer, Daniel S 90 Shafer, Frederick E 364 Shafer, Henry W .35 Shafer, Johu W 59,60,61 Shafer, Levin W 423 Shaifer, Abner H 136 Shaffer, Georgo P 162 Shaffer, Isaac 180 Shatter, Jacob 94 Shaffer, Thadeus 29 Shanafelt, Henry A 328 .Shanafelt, Sarauel 47 Sbane, George W., (140th /nd. inf ) 161 Shane, George W., (54tb hid. int.) 418 Shane, ¦\Viiliain A 399 Shaner, Ellas M 151 Shanklin, Jaraes M 96 Shanklin, John A 424 Shanklin, Eobert P 6 Shanks, John P. C ..-. 13 Shanks, Stephen B. H *. 152 Shanley, T. S 248 Shannon, Abner L 6 Shannon, Jaraea H., (-JOth /nd. inf.) 61 Shannon, Jamea H., {138th /nd. inf.) 425 Shannon, Neil T 179 Shannon, Rohert G 70 Shannon, Sarauel P 441 Shapley, Calvbi H., (17th /ii. cav.) 206 Shapley, Calvin H., (15tb HI int.) 235 Shapley, WUliam W 97 Sharkey, A. T. J 347 Sharp, Alvia 387 Sharp, Evan B Ul Sharp. Julius C 156 Sharp, Patterson 261 Sharp, Eobert M 71 Sharp, WUliam 433 Sharp, WUUam H li 8 Sharra, Abram 1, 18 Shattuck, Leander L ' 192 Shaughnessy, Michael 294 Shaver, John H 41 Shaw, Aljcrt 338 Shaw, Almond 365 Shaw, Archibald 438 Shaw, Benjamin C, {7th Ind. int., 3-years) - . .38 Shaw, Benjamiu C, {tiSth Ind. inf) 129 Shaw, Benjamin C, (7th /?td. inf, 3-mont.hs).415 Shaw, David E 373 Shaw, Elvis P 194 Shaw, Francia H 308 Shave, Frederick W., (llth TU. inf., 3-year8)--.;'-'9 Shaw, Frederick W., (llth /ii. inf., 3-montha). 431 Shaw, George H 328 Shaw, George L 136 Shaw, George H - 333 Shaw, Horatio W 74 Shaw, Jamea A 227 Shaw, John 2!I2 Shaw, John A 387 Shaw, John H 188 Shaw, John L 223 Shaw, Joaeph, (12th batt'y Ind. It. art.) 29 Shaw, Joseph, (USth III ini.) 384 Shaw, Lucien W 362 Shaw, Matthew 353 Shaw, Owen L 100 Shaw, Wealey B 420 Shaw, WiUiam 96 Shaw, WUliara C 93 Shaw, WiUiara L 17 Shea, Tbomaa 63 Sheafer, Eli 0 - 183 Sheaffer, Thoraaa G 6 Sheahan, Daniel W 365 Shear, Jacob C 193 Shearer, Melville M 297 Shearer, Sextus H 104 Shears, GeorgeW 199 Shears, WiUiara H 409 Sheckels, John A 92 Shedd, Prank 365 Shedd. Warren 261 Shedlebower, Sebastian 306 Shedron, Charles C 130 .Sheehan, Maurice 19 Sheehan, Michael 62 Sheeks, George 67 Sheeler, Joseph H 267 Sheets, Benjamin P 351 Sheets, James W 112 Sheets, WUUam H. H 137 .Sheetz, HamU A 224 Sheetz, Josiah A 223 Sheetz, Leander A 223 Sheetz, Warren 43 .Sheffield, Benjamin 157 Sheffield, Daniel A 358 Sheffield, Prank 192 iShehane, Thoraas 141 Shekels, Isaac 172 Shelby, David 150 Shelby, WilliamP 167 Sheldon, Byron 372 (Sheldon, Chauncey H 403 Sheldon, George W., (6Sth Tnd. inf.) 129 Sheldon, George W., {74th Ind. ii,f.) 135 Sheldon, Henry A 191 Sheldon, Nathaniel E 410 Sheldon, Sarauel A 2.54 Sheldon, Simeon 256 Sheldon, WiUiam H 190 Sheley, Charier* S., (IOth III int., 3-years) -. .227 Sheley, Charlea S., (IOth 111 int., 3-month3) .430 Shell, Calvin 184 Shell, Genrge W 100 SheU, Eobert - .- 184 Shelladay, Gariand B SI SheUebarger, Joaeph L 383 Shellenbarger, Benton K 173 Shellenbarger, Benton R '. 422 SheUenberger, Samuel L 180 Shelly, ThomaaC 235 .Shelly, WilliamP 436 Shelton, Ambrose J 325 Shelton, Jamea E 349 Shelton, Jnhn W 364 Shelton, Joaeph P 211 Shepard, Hugh 434 Shepard, SUaa M 388 Shepardson, Geoi go J 182 Shephard, WiUiam W 57 .Shepherd, Andrew C 74 ¦Shepherd, George W 161 Shepherd, Jaraea E 245 Shepherd, Oliver 165 Shepherd, WiUium 5 .Shepherd, WUliara T 67 Shepherd, WiUiam W., (93d -nd.iuf) 149 INDEX OP NAMES. 571 Shepherd, WUliiimW., (91al /7i. inf.) 353 Sheplcy, CharleaH 242 Sheppard, Denuia S 196 Sheppard, T. C 166 Sherart, Prank P., (142d Tnd. int.) 162 Sherart, Frank P., {138th Ind. int.) 425 Sherbondy, Horaer 377 Sherburn, WiUiiira 100 Sherer. Samuel B 203 Sh crfey, Jacob F 23 Sherfey, WilUam H 150 Sherfy, Samuel W U Sheridiin, George A 350 Sheridan, John 361 Sheridan, Thoraaa 349 Sheriock, Bli J 152 Sherlock, Jaraea 182 Sherraan, Anthony 80 Sherman, Edwin L 252 Sherman, Francia T., {12th cav. and 88th III int.) 198, 350 Sherman, Francis T. , {56th III inf. ) 309 Sherman, George D 273 Sherman, Jamea D 171 Sherraan, John ¦ 306 Sherraan, Josiah H 143 Sherraan, Mason ()., (Oth Ind. inf, 3-ycars) ... 43 Sherraan, Jlaaon (t., (9th Ind. int., 3-montha)-4ie Sherman, .Samuel 331 Sherman, WiUinm H 235 Sherman, WUHam P 332 Sherrick, John W 331 Sherridan, Bedmond 3.52 Sherrod, Eobert W 259 Sherrod, WiUinm P 23 Sherrow, Jaraea H 48 Shertz, Joai-ah A 429 Sherwin, Heman H 1 72 Sherwin, Nathaniel W 159 Sherwood, James E 84 Sherwood, James E 19 Sherwood, Joel P 1 Sherwood, NelaonB 273 Sherwood, WUliara O 61 Shewalter, EUas 18 Shewmaker, George W 98 Shibley, WilUara N 233 Shield, Moaea 199 Shielda, Greenberry P 55 Shields, Jamea E 243 Shields, JohuM 335 Shielda^ Eobert 74 Shields, EobertM,, (46th Ind.'mf.) 103 Shielda, Eobert M. , (155th Tnd. inf) 175 Shields, Tbomas M 187 Shielda, Waahington M 347 Shields, Williara I-I 48 ShUlideay, John S., (145th Ind. inf) 165 ShUlideay, John S., (9th Ind.int.) 417 Shilling, Eobert 14 Shimmiuger, Samuel 286 Shinn, Benjarain G 84 Shinn, Cleraent S 331 Shinn, Lerauel D 365 Shipherd, AaaE 439 Shipherd, Leander C 42 Shipley, Samuel W 288 Shipley, Williara 256 Shirey, George W 166 Shirk, John H 41 Shirk, Joseph B 169 Shirkey, Jolin A 142 Shirley, Jaraea A 23 Shirley, TiUmau 280 Shirioy, TUraon 408 Shirriff, Jolin A 318 Shively, Lewia B 115 Shoaff, Jaraea 271 Shockey, John 370 Shockley, George 423 Shockley, John E 154 Shoemaker, Aaron 153 Shoemaker, Henry J 101 Shoemaker, Jaraes 3S8 .Shoemaker, John W 13 ShofataU, Jacob 174 ShoU, Alexander 384 Shomber. Conard 53 Shook, Eli E 117 Shook, George T 96 Shook, George W 48 Shook, Hezekiah 90 Shoonmaker, George C 363 Shoop, Daniel D 343 Shoop, Georgo 159 Shorea, WiUiam 343 Short, Charies C 90 Short, Georgo A 226 Short, George W 323 Short, Isaac C 347 Short, John 219 Short, SaranelW 57 Short, Theophilas 382 Short, Wesley 71 Short, WilUara B 363 Short, WilliaraB 318 Short, William II 186 Shortle, Samuel H., (IOth /nd. inf , 3-yeara) -. 43 Shortle, Samuel H., (IOth Tnd. inf, 3-montha) -417 Shortridge, Lemuel 160 Shortridge, William C, {79th /nd. inf.) 137 Shortridge, WUUara C, (113th III inf) 379 Shott, Ezekiel 426 Shouldera. Wealey 149 Shoup, Jacob 188 Shoup, Monroe 370 Shoup, Samuel N 380 Shoup, Sebastian 100 Shoup, William E 390 Shouse, Chariea B 304 Showalter, John T 192 Showera, EusseU J 138 Shrader, Daniel, (54th Ind. inf., 1-yenr) 117 Shrader, Daniel, (54th Ind. inf., 3-months) .- -418 Shrader, WiUiara W 343 Shramm, Lewia 156 Shreeve, George W - 13 Shriner, John J ISS Shroyer, Charlea A 409 Shroyer, George W 167 Shroyer, Peter 118 Shryer, John G 150 Shryock, D. W 19 Shuey, JohnP 388 Shuff, JohnW 370 Shugart, WiUiamL 2 Shuler, John B 104 Shuler, Lawrence S --.7 Shuler, William W 75 Shultz, AbramD 89 Shnltz, Joseph 376 Shulz, Charlea E 81 572 INDEX OP NAMES. Shumate, Felix 43 Shumate, Nathan 316 Shumway, Salem M 113 Shuraway, Z. Payson — 333 Shunk, David. (Sth Ind. int., 3-ycars) 40 Shunk, David, {Sth hid. mf, 3-months) 416 Shurtleff, Flavel , .407 Shnrtz, George B 312 Shutt, Augustus A 194, 195 Shutts, Hugh B 161 Shvrock Kline G 145 Sibbitt, Francis L. M 64 Sibert, Thoraas 22 Sickles, Hirara P., {9th 111 cav.) 193 Sickles, Hirara P., (147th /ii. inf.) 400 SiddaU, Joaeph J 37 Siddena, Joaeph W 23 Sidenbender, Sarauel, (llth Tnd. cav.). IS Sidenbender, Sarauel, {9th Ind. inf.) 41 Sidenatricker, Toliau M 230 Sidea, Andrew J 2,56 Sidwell, Eeuben L 372 Siebenthal, Fleming .1., (146th Ind. int.) 166 Siebenth.al. Fleming J., {139th /nd. inf ) 426 Siebenthal, Fleming J., (Capt. Bassett'a CO. Ind. inf) 427 Sieber, George W 402 Sievers, WUliam 80 Sigler, Sarauel 399 Sigler, WiUiamP 335,396 Sigley, William B 389 Siglin, Jacob 190 Silfersparre, Axel 211 Siling, Tilghraan J 104 Sill, Eobert T 190 SiU, Eobert W 103 Silla, Jacob S 312 Silver, HartweU 305 Silver, Joaeph M., (30th Ind.int.) 76 Silver, Joaeph M., {155th /nd.inf.) 175 Silver, Joaeph B 433 Silver, PhiUp W 146 Silvera, Thomaa B 55 Sim, John 88 Siraison, Samuel A 348 Simmerman, John M 154 Simmona, Abrara W 22 Simmons, Adam B 9, 11 Siraraons, Charlea E 406 Siramooa, X)e Witt C, (73d /ii. inf) 331 Simmona, Dewitt C, (137th III. iuf.) 437 Simraona, Bdwin P 340 Siraraona, George 44 .Siramona, Isora 382 Siramona, L. A 345 Siraraons, Samuel 337 Simmona, Thoraaa H 234 Simma, John 54 Siraras, John N 419 Simons, Albert G 301 Siraona, Gordon 26 Siraona, John S 51 Siraonaou, George T 138 Siraonaon, Jaraes C 1 27 Simonson, Pe ter 26 Simonson, Samuel E. W 7, 13 Simonton, Allen C 422 Simpkins, William H. H 329 Simpson, Andrew 233 Sirapaon, Chariea B 227 .Sirapaon, David 127 SimpBon. Edwin L 332 Simpson, Henry 376 Simpson, Jamea 82 Simpaou, James P 37 Sirapaon, Jaraea H 154 Sirapaon, John D., (IOth /nd, inf) 43 Sirapaon, JohnD., (13th Ind. inf) 48 Simpson, John D., {154th Ind. inf.) 174 Simpson, JohnE., (59th Tnd.int.) 132 Simpson, JohnB., (56th III. int.) 309 Sirapson, John R UO Simpson, Joseph 159 Simpson, Joseph B 44 Sirapaon, Larkin H 386 .Sirapaon, Lewis J 386 Simpson, Robert V., {53d /ii.inf) 304 Sirapson, Robert V., {104th /Ii. inf ) 368 Simpaou, Thomaa J 178 Siina, George R., (67th Ind.int.) 128 Sima, George R., (140th /nd. inf ) 161 Sims, Jaraea N 152 Siraa, Joaeph A 35 Siraa, Lewia 147 Sima, Nelson R 358 Sims, RobertM 132 Siraa, Samuel S 116 Siraa, Stariin 148 Sima, WiUiam S 144 Sims, Zachariah 166 Sinclair, Charlea E 435 Sinclair, Hy.att 439 Sinclair, Jamea C 219 Sink, George B 24 Sinkes, Jamea M 12 Sinka, Augustus G 102 Sinks, Jaraes M 271 Sippel, Philip 263 Sirpless, Henry 183 Siak, Benjamin 263 Sialoff, Chariea P -¦ 137 Sianey, GeorgeW 340 Siaaon, JohnP., (SSth /ii. inf.) - 376 Siaaon, JohnP., (143d /ii. inf.) 440 Sisson, WUliara B 93 Sitter, Marion J 187 Sitton, Joshua K 362 Sitton, WilliamB 362 Sitton, WUliamP 223 Sit's, George H 198 Sitzer, Daniel S 406 Skaggs, Lewia H 356 Skeela, Belliaa H 252 Skelton, Jacob D 96 Skelton, Jacob W 96 Skelton, Jamea M 126 Skelton, Jay N 314 Skelton, Joaeph W 13 Skelton, WUliam M 22 Skevington, John 157 Skidmore. James 300 SkiUing, Josiah H 195, 204 .SkUlman, Isaac, (lat /ii. cav.) 177 SkiUman, laaac, (91st /ii. int.) 353 Skinner, David T 13 Skiuuer, George R 354 Skinner, Henry C 39 Skinner, Henry 0 125 Skinner, JohnL., jr 438 Skinner, Joseph E., (53d III int.) 304 .Skinner, Joseph E., (llth /ii. iuf.) 431 Skinner, Luciua B 186 INDEX OP NAMES. 573 Skinner, Merritt C 22 Skirvin, Jacob C 13 Slack, Ed ward W 138 Slack, George US Slack, Jainea R 104 Slack, Joaiah 385 Slade, Clark P 54 Slade, Jiraathau 199 Slade, Pnwel 118 Slagle, JohnH., (74th Tnd.int.) 135 Slagle, John H., (142d/nd. inf.) 163 Slagle, John H,, (l'39th /nd. inf.) 426 Slaten, Benjamin F 360 Slater, Henry H 369 Slater, laauc A 146 Slater, WilUam D 196 Slater, Willi inW 12 Slattery, Dauiel W .304 Slattery, Timothy 307 Slaughter, Johu 269 Slaughter, ,Toseph J 381 Slaughter, Larkin R 391 Slaughter, PhUip 404 Slaughter, Robert C 69, 115 Slaugliter, W. B 278 Slaughter, Willi im W 124 Slauter, Johu W 82 Slaven, J. W. L 331 Slavens, Harvey 112 Slavena, Zenaa L 420 Sleater, Huddleatone M 384 Sleeth, David T., (16th /nd inf) 53 Sleeth, DavidT,, {70th /nd. inf.) 131 Sleicli. Casper 308 Sleraons, Wm, B 127 SUck, John Y 134 Slick, Joseph, (87th /nd.inf) 145 SUck, Joseph, {155th /?id. inf) 175 Slinger, Andrew J 130 Slinger, Davii^ {13th III cav.) 201 SUnger, David, (56th III int.) 310 Slinger, Thoraas 188 Sloan, George W 422 Slo.an, Hampton P 333 Sloan, Henry E 154 Sloan, James 13 .Sloan, Moaea B 403 Sloan, Eobert J 3,58 Sloan, Thomas J 389 Sloan, WUUain G 186 Sloan, WilUara W 3 Sloeura, Elezer 381 Slocum, Gilea 248 Slocum, Paul E 50,140 Slocum, W. F 381 Sloeumb, William P., (152d /ii. inf.) 405 Sloeumb, WilliamP., {136th /ii, inf.) 436 Slott, WiUiam T 57 Slough, John T 83 Slow, Courtland D 134 Slua.a, DavidB 150 Slusaer, Ji fferaon P 104 Srauley, Franklin A 347, 384 Small, Alexander C, (143d Ind. int.) 163 SraaU, Alexander C, {136th Ind. inf) 424 SraaU, Bailey W 7 Small, Edwin 330 SmaU, Jamea C 69 SmaUey, Eichard T 318 Smart, Alexander 318 Smart. John 353 Smedley, Jamea L 434 Smiedel, Chariea L 246 Siniley, Charlea B 284 Smiley, Jainea J 150 Smiley, Jaraea L 353 Smith, Abner B 297 Smith, Abner W 43 Smith, Abrara 261 Sraith, Adam 333 Smith, Alexander D 138 Smith, Alfred M 420 Smith, Alfred T 409 Sraith, Ami 251 Smith, Amoa D SB ,Sinith, Araoa H 184 Sraith, Andrew 367 Sraith, Andrew J 4 Smith, Arthur A 343 Smith, AaaS 4 Smith, Asahel C 307 Sinilh, Augustua 52 Smith, Augustua B 367 Smith, BenjaminP,, {7th /ii, inf. ) 221 Sraith, BenjaminP., (35th III int.) 271 .Smith, Benjamin H 61 Sraith, BenjaniinL 128 .Smith, Benjarain T 51 Smith, Bernard G 9,11 Smith, Birge, (44th /nd. inf ) 100 Sraith, Birgo, {129th Tnd. inf) 159 Smith, Charlea, (leth III int.) 240 Sraith, Charlea, {59th III inf) 317 Smith, Chariea B i 320 Sraith, CharleaC 417 Smith, Chariea D.P 4.39 Smith, Chariea L 41 Smitb, Charlea M,, (Uth Ind. int.) 50 Smith, Charies M., (3lHt Ind.inf.) 78 Smith, Charies M., (156th Ind. inf) 176 Smith, Charies M., (133d /nd. inf ) 433 Smith, Charies S 94 Smith, Chariea V. B 271 Sraith, Charlea W 329 Smith, CUnton D 142 Smith, Conatantine M 360 SraUh, Co ry don W 130 Smith, Cyrua 206 Smith, Daniel H 259 Smith, Daniel T 152 Sraith, De WittC 302 Sraith, Dietrich C, (Sth /ii. inf.) 223 Smith, DietrichC, {139th III iof) 438 Smith. Dudley C, (Uth III int.) 233 Smith, Dudley C, (143d /ii. inf.) 440 Sraith, Bdward 1 Smith, Edward A 351 Smith, Edward S 160 Smith, Edwin H 213, 216 Sraith, EU R 363 Sraith, Prancia M 239 Smith, Frank 324 Smith, Frank B 214 Smith, Frank C 365 Sraith, FrankN 401 Sraith, Frederick A 235 Smith, Frederick W 235 Smith, George A 348 South, George C, (74th Ind.int.) 1.35 Sraith, Ge.n-ge C, {14th /ii. cav.) 303 Smitb, George C, (17tb /ii.inf) 239 Smith, George C, (43d /ii, mf.) 2S5 574 INDEX OP NAMES. Sraith, George B 267 Smith, George F - 437 Sraith, George O 304 Smith, George P 395,433 Smith, George S., (7th Ind. int.) 38 Smith, Georges., (lOlat /ii. int). 364 Snnth, GeorgeW., (86th Tnd. int.) 144 Smith, GeorgeW., (rjBlh /nd. inf ) 157 Smith, GeorgeW., (144th /nd. inf ) 164 .Smith, George W., (150th /nd.inf) 370 Smith, GeorgeW., {88th /ii. inf ) 350 Smith, GeorgeW., (Ulth /ii.inf.) 376 SmUh, GeorgeW., (Ulth III inf .) 421 Smith, Goorge W., (133d 111 int.) 435 Smith, Gilbert M 69 Smith, Guatavua A., (35th III int.) 271 Smith, Guatavua A., (155th III int.) 408 Smith, Harry 41 Smith, Harry S,, (lat /ii. cav.) 177 Smith, Harry S,, (91st TU. int.) 303 Sraith, Havilah W 173 Smith, Henry, (58th /ii.inf.) 314 Smith, Henry, (lOOth /ii. inf ) 363 Smith, Henry A., {15th /ii. cav.) 204 Smith, Henry A., {55th III int.) 307 Smith, Henry C 339 Sraith, Henry H 56 Sraith, Henry L. , {17th lU.int.) 339 Smith, Henry L., (37th III int.) 275 Smith, Henry P 146 Sraith, Henry T 288 Sraith, Henry W., (13th /ii. cav.) 201 Smith, Henry W., (89th /ii. inf.) 351 Sraith, HoUara 288 Smith, Horace J 354 Smith, Ira W 182, 198 Sraith, Isaac 225 Smith, Isaac N 39 .Smith, Isaac P 65 Smith, J. Auguat 307 Sraith, J. Mortimer 420 Smith, Jabez, (Uth hid. inf, 3-yeara) 44 Sraith, Jabez, (16th Ind. int.) 54 SraUh, Jabez, (Uth Ind. int. , 3-monfhB) 418 Smith, Jacob 68, 128 Smith, Jamea, {9th HI cav.) 193 Smith, Jamea, (batt'y A, lat III lightart.) 208 Smitb, Jamee, {USth /ii.inf) 381 Smith, Jainea, (Capt. .Smith's indep't co. HI. light art.) 428 Sraith, Jaraes A., (2d Ind. cav.) 4 Smith, Jamea A., (5th Ind. cav.) 9 Smith, J.araeaB 280 Smith, JameB D 408 Sraith, JameaB 334 Smith, Jaraea H., (24th /nd. inf ) 67 Smith, Jiimea H., (140th hid. inf.) 161 Smith, Jaraea H., {143d /nd.inf.) 163 Smith, James H., {12th /ii. inf ) 230 Smitb, JameaH., (72d /ii, inf.) 330 Smith, James K 362 Smith, James M., (52d /nd.inf.) 113 Sraith, JameaM., (58th Ind. int.) 130 Sraith, James M., {72d /ii.inf) 330 Smith, James E 40 SmUh, Jaraea T., i54th /7i.inf) 306 Smith, Jamea T., (132d /ii. int) 434 Sraith, Jarvia B 305 Smith, Jaaon B 211 Sraith, Jehiel B 177 Sraith, Jease W 88 ¦Smith, JobC 76 Smith, John A. , (eSth Ind. inf) 126 SmUh, John A., (7th /ii. int) 221 Smith, JohnB., {12th /nd. cav.) 19 Smith, JohuB., {40th /ii. int) 280 Smith, JohnC, (43d /ii. int) 384 SmUh. JohnC, {96th -Tii. int) 358 Smith, John E., (33d /nd.inf) 82 Smith, JohnE., (45th /Zi. int) 290 Smith, John P 184 Smith, John G 191 Smith, John H., (15th /nd. int) 52 Smith, JohnH., {80th /ii, inf ) 339 Smith, John M. , (34th /ii. int ) 270 Sraith, John M., (105th /ii. inf ) 369 Smith, JohnB., {12th /nd cav.) 19 Smith, John E. , (23d III int) 347 Sraith, John S 367 Smith, John T., (Slat /nd. int) 78 Sraith, John T., {91st /nd int) 148 Smith, JohnT., {55th /ii. int) 307 Smith, John W., (lat /nd. cav.) 2 Sraith, John W., {4th Ind. cav.) 7 Smith, JohnW., (48th Ind. inf.) 106 Smith, JohnW., {155th Ind.int.) 175 Smith, John W., (SOth /ii. int) 299 Smith, John W., (SSth III int) 314 Sraith, John W., {129th III int) 395 Sraith. JohnW., {137th /ii. int) 437 Sraith, Jonathan J 437 Sraith, Joseph 100 Sraith, Joaeph H 114 Smith, Joaeph L 88 Smith, Joseph S 194 Sraith, Joaeph T 136 Smith, Juliua C 190 Smith, Justin C 177 Smith, Leonard Y 190 Smith, Leonidas, (22d Ind. int.) 63 Sraith, Leonidas, {Slat /nd. int).. .^ Ul SmUh, Levi C 19 Siniih, Marion W 65 Smith, Marmaduke F 340 Sraith, Melancthon 290 Smith, Melviu 369 Smith, Michael 201 Smith, JlichaelW., (I5th/ndint) 52 Smith, Michael W., (140th /ii. iof) 438 Smith, Murry W 318 Smith, Myron A 273 Smith, Nelaon E 144 Smith, Nicholaa S '. 55 Smith, Nott 215 SmUh, Oriaon 273 Smith, Oriando J 11 Smith, Oakalooaa M 175 Sraith, Otia H 357 Sraith, OweuE 230 .Smith, OzielG 402 Smith, Patrick 314 Sraith, Peyton 0 385 Smith, Philander, (Sth /nd. int) 39 Sraith, Philander, (88th /nd. int) 146 SmUh, PhUander, {129th /nd. int) 159 Smith, PhiUp 399 Smith, Eeuben C 165 Smith, Eichard A 232 Smith, Eichard J . ..375 Smith, Eichard L 245 Smitli, Eichard M 39 Smith, Eobert 292 INDEX OP NAMES. 575 .Smith, RobertE., (16th /nd. int) 53 Sraith, Rohert E., (781h Ind.inf.) 420 Smith, Robert E., {1.33d /nd. int) 423 Smith, Robert P 237 Smith, Robert G 398 Smith, Robert K 64 Smith, Robert W 205 Smith, Samuel 1.38 Smith, Samuel D 96 Smith, Samuel E 100 Smith, Samuel J., (66th /ii. int) 328 Smith. Sarauel J., {77th /ii. int) 335 Smith, Samuel M 67 Smith, Samuel T U8 SraUli, Saranel W 206 Smith, Sandford W 314 Smith, Sardiua 194 Smith, Solomon 247 Smitb, Tenderaon P 359 Smith, Thomaa A 265 Sraith, Thomaa H,, {16th 7ii, inf) .337 Sraith, Thojiiua H., {48th IU. int.) 396 Smith, Tlioinaa J., (SSth /nd. int) 130 Smith, Thomaa J., {13th /ii. cav.) 198 Smith, ThomiiaJ., (98th /ii. int) 361 Smith, Thoraaa W,, (IOth IU. int, 3-yeara)- . .327 Smith, Thomas W., (10th /ii. int, 3-montha) -430 Smith, Uzzial P 209 Smith, WUliam A 338 Smith, WiUiara D 116 Sraith, William E., (73d /ii. int) .331 Smith, William E., (I24th IU. int) 389 Smith, Willi.ara G 78 Sraith, William H.,{52d /nd. int) 113 Smith, WiUiam H., (53d /nd. int) 116 SmUh, WUliara H., (68th /nd. inf ) 129 Smith, WUliara H., {83d /nd. int) 141 Smith, WilUnra H., {148th Ind. int) 168 Smith, WiUiara H., {75th III int) 3'33 SmUh, WUliam M., (69th Ind. inf.) 130 Smith, WiUiam M., (ISOtb HI int.) 403 Smith, WilliaraB 131 Smith, WUliam S 273 Smith, WiUiam T 395 Smith, William Z lOS Smither, Eobert G 13 Smock, Janies H 1 68 Sraock, .Samuel E 131 Smock, Williara II 37 Smoot, Warner G 138 Smouse, Daniel 27S Smurr, WUUam S 22 Smydth. William C 99 Smyser, Alfred N 391 Smyser, Henry 175 Srayth, Frank 438 Srayth, Samuel S 310 Smyth, William P 27 1 Smythe, Gouzalva C 99 Snapp, Sarauel C 321 Sneadaker, James 368 Sneed, WUli.ara 297 SneU, James T ' 440 SneU, Thomaa 371 Snelling, Enoch 148 Snelling, George T 194 Snider, Jacob 41 Snider, .lohn 135 Snider, William P 1S6 Sniff, PurnelH 438 Snoddy, Anderaon 418 Snodgrasa, Jefferaon K 161 Snodgrass, Sylvester W 104 Snodgrass, WUliam H,, (22d Ind. hit) 63 Snodgrasa, WUliani II,, (83d Ind. inf) 141 Snook, George S 17 Snook, Moses C 271 Suorpua, Prank 44 Snow, Albert 400 Snow, Augustua A 234 Suoiv, Corydon P 233 Snow, Herman W., (ISlat /ii. int) 404 Snow, Herman W., (139th III int) 438 Snow, Madiaon M 23 Snowden, Elijah 104 Snowden, Ge'ori'e O 278 Snowden, WiUiam H 184 SnufRn, John 333 Snyder, Benjamin 334 Snyder, Chariea 67 Snyder, Chriatopher 408 Snyder, Cornelius 302 Snyder, Daniel D 433 Snyder, David S 106 Snyder, Edward A 392 Snyder, George 343 Snyder, George W 434 Snyder, Henry 102 Snyder, Henry C 14 Snyder, Henry N 316 Snyder, Henry T 263 Snyder, Jacob H 365 Snvder, John M., (6th III cav.) 187 Snyder, John M, , {10^^t /ii, inf ) 364 Snyder, JohnW ,. 271 Snyder, Joahua M '343 Snyder, Eobert P 43 Snyder, Sarauel L 120 Snyder, S.araiiel S ISO Snyder, William B 299 Snyder, WiUiara W 16 Sofleld, George D 437 SoUan, OttoH 134 Sollauburger, David 178 Sollara, Frederick 397 Soloraon, Alanaon, (otli /7id. inf., 3-yeai'a) 37 .Solomon, Alanaon, {6tli /?id. inf., 3-months) -.415 Solomon, Henry J 195 Somera, John W 334 Soramers, Henry C 372 !§ommerviUle. Alexander S 264 SommerviUe, WiUiam 237 Sondag, Servais 298 Son ger, Abram W - 245 Songer, Frederick W 376 Soper, Jamea S 392 Soper, Mell H 9 Soper, Solon E 417 Soudera, Eobert 206 Souter, JohuL 376 South, Alexander H 252 Southard, Convcrae 294 Southard. William M 144 Souther, John A 408 Souther, Louis • 194,304 Southern, John B 93 Soiithli'ard, Henry B 356 SouthweU, Orun M 368 Southwick, Gilbert W., {19th /ii.inf.) 342 Southwick, Gilbert W,, (SSth III int) 347 Southwick, Stephen H 68 Southworth, B 429 576 INDEX OP NAMES, Southworth, Gardner S - Southworth, John M - . . Sou'hworth, La Bue P . Southworth, NormanL- Sovercool, Peter . .357 -191 .272 .172 -69 Sowerby Prank W 1 92 Sowers, Nelson A 101 Sowle, Abraham 135 Sowles, Oacar 274 Spain, ArchibaldW., (SOth /nd int) 138 Sp.iin, Archibald W,, (136th Ind. int) 424 Spain, DavidP 106 Spain. Harriaon M 13S Spain, WUliam B., (48th Ind. int.) 106 Spain, WUliam B., (ISlat Ind. int) 171 Spake, John 104 Spalding, Clarence M 224 Spalding, Joel J 350 Spalding, JohnW , 377 Spalding, Sarauel C....' 432 Spalding, Thoraas B 360 Spalding, WiUiam L J ... -377 Spungler, John S 384 Spann, Josephus H 48 Spann, Thomas 0 ¦ 310 Sparka, Abram 399 Sparka, Augustua M 387 Sparka, David B 415 Sparks, David E 180 Sparka, David W 355 Sparks, JohnE. N 404 Sparks, Josiah 153 Sparks, Laban 33 Sparks, Nathan B 37 Sparks, Orin B,, (56th Ind. inf., Mechanic Pusileers) 309 Sparks, Orin E., (135th /nd, int) 434 Sparlts, Eeuben 11 156 Sparka, Eufua T 324 Sparr, MUton L 59 Sparreatrora. Frederick 215 Sparrow, Wi 1 liam E 200 Spatee, Clharlea A 235 Spauldiug, Charles W 244 Spaulding, EdwardB 302 Spaulding, Jamea T 417 Spaulding, Oliver L 230 Spayd, Lewia L 148 Speake, Charlea W 65 Spe,ake, Jamea E 168 Spear, Auatin G UO Spear, GranviUe A 389 Spear, Jaraes A 135 Spear, Joseph L 3,54 Speed, EdwardB 101 Speer, William 91 Speea, George 156 .Speilman, hichard V 84 Speilman, Perry W 243 Speilman, Eichard D 153 Spence, Jamea W 13 Spence, WiUiam H 142 Spencer, Abner F 362 Spencer, GeorgeW,, (46th Ind. int.) 102 Spencer, George AV., (1st III It. art., bat tery M) 212 Spencer, Henry 84 Spencer, Henry B 164 Spencer, John D. E 5 Spencer, Martin V. B 147 Spencer, Eobert 134 .Spencer, .Samuel A 140 .Speocer, Travis 0 351 .Spencer, WUUain, (46th /nd. inf., Captain). ..102 Spencer, WiUiara, (46th /nd. int. Asa't Surg.). 102 Spencer, WUliam, (73d Ind. int) 134 Spencer, WUliara A 191 Sperry, laaiah M 186 Spieely, WilUam T 67 Spicer, Forreat D 201 Spicer, John 244 Spillard, Morria N. H 9 Spiller, WUlia A 375 SpUlman, Sarauel K 120 Spilman, Cyrua C 123 Spilman, Jerome 149 Spilman, Eobert B 144 SpUman, ThomaaP., (146th Tnd. int) 166 SpUman, Thoraaa P., {134th /nd. int) 423 Spindler, John 331 Spink, John W - 351 Spinney, 0. H 193 Spire, Charles 318 Spire, John 328 Spiro, Siraon 298 Spitler, Marion L 145 .Spoenemann, uorenz :341 Spoirr, Johann 341 Sponab'e, Jaraea E 357 .Spooner, Benjamin J., (Slat /nd, inf.) Ul Spooner, Benjamin J., (83d Ind. int.] 141 Spooner, Benjarain J., (7th Ind. int.) 415 Spooner, Hallet B 397 .Spottawood, Edmund T 11 Sprague, Charles W 191 Sprague, Jason B 259 Spratt, John B 82 Sprigg, Frederick B 194 Spring, Archibald 349 Spring, Charles B 2,54 Springer, Charles P., (ISOth III int.) 403 Springer, CharleaP., (UOth Hlint.) 438 Springer, David W 168 Springer, Francia 194 Springer, Francis M 257 Springer, John G 194 Springer, Joaeph E 403 Springer, Milton C 435 Springer, Thomaa B 18 Springer, William H 92 Sprouse, George P 181 Sprouse, WUUam D 281 Spronae, WiUiara T 280 Spurgeon, John D 100 Spurgin, George W 361 Spurgin, William F 418 Spurrier, John IL, (16th /nd. int) 54 Spurrier, JohnH,, (123d /nd. int) 155 Sqnier, George W 100 Sqnier, John P 332 Sqnier, Oliver P 333 Squire, William B 78 Squirea, Charlea 379 Squires, WiUiam B ; 51 Srouie, George W 377 Staats, Alexander M 11 Staats, Nelson 271 Stach, Hermann 288 Stacher, Joaiah- 252 Stackhouse, WUliam P 33 Stacy, Jaraes D 186 Stacy, Thomaa P 187 INDEX OF NAMES. 577 Staddon, WiUiam 178 Stadler, Adam A 39 Stafford, Edwin P 389 Stafford, (roorge W 94 Slaflbrd, Hugh H 132 Stafford, larael B 233 Stafford, Jamea .-V 131 Stafford, Jainea M 132 Stafford, Joel 1 53 Stafford, WiUiam K 124 Stafl'ord, WiUiara i., 206 Stage, Napoleon B .391 Staggers, Culver 370 .Stahl, Daniel, (7th /ii. cav.) 189 Stahl, Daniel, (10th IU. int, 3-yoarB) 227 Stahl, Daniel, (IOth /ii.inf, 3-niontha) 430 Stahl, Henry M 199 Stahl, WUaon 0 356 Stairs, Williara H 418 Staley, Benjamin F 241 Staley, Jamea G 1-57 Staley, Joaeph M 11 Stalker, WUUam II 22S StaU, John 43 StaUcup , Stephen 23 StaUing, Alexauder 124 Stalnaker, WiUiamH 171 Stambaugh, Joaeph W. E 333 Stamper, Eichard M 23 Stampofski, Bernard A 193 Stanbrough, Soloraon 168 Standage, WilUara W 402 Standan, Juliua 250 Standard, WiUiara M 367 (Standeford, Joaeph A U Standish, Stephen 198 Standley, Josiah 150 Standring, George 405 Stanfield, Bdwai'dP 106 Stanford, Austin W 361 Stanford, Joseph E 323 Stanford, WUUara 164 Stanforth, James W. 401 Stangl.and, Eleazer C 205 Stanley, JohnL 298 Stanley, .Toaiah, (Sth /nd. cav.) 14 Stanley, Joaiah, (43d Ind. int.) 98 Stanley, Levi 409 Stanley, Mahlon H 156 StauniB, Johu A 50 Stansbury, Madiaon E 371 Stanaifer, Thomaa J "347 Stanton, Charlea W 380 Stanton, laaac W 9 Stanton, John S 136 Stanway, Thomaa S .- 365 Stapleton, John 310 Stapp, Guy 437 Starliuck, James A 136 Stark, Henry 302 Stark, JameaH 248 Stark, John 284 Stark, Wilaon T 143 Starkey, Horace W ......316 Starkey, Ingham 323 Starkey, Jesse 106 Starklaff, HugoM 286 Starks, Ira E 155 Starkweather, Clark C 388 StarUng, WiUiam 312 Starnes, John J U 37 Starnes, William P 345 Starr, Auguatua A 25 Starr, Chriatopher 304 Starr, Daniel K 139 Starr, Joaeph W 3 Starr, Matthew H 1S7 Starrett, Sarauel W 299 Starring, Frederick A 313,392,330 Startaraan, Luther M., {8th III int, 3-yeara)-233 Startsman, Luther M., (Sth IU. int, 3-mo8.)..429 Staufl'er, Jacob E 362 Stauffer, Joseph 314 Stauffdr, William 354 Stawitz, Chriatian 81 Steach, George C 404 Stoarna, Bdward, {22d TU. int ) 347 Stearns, Bdward, (135th /ii. int) 436 S te arna, EUaa P 1.33 Stearna, Francia W 330 Stearns, Gardiner G 335 Stearns, Parley C 367 Stebhina, Prank 75 Stedlin, Joseph L 436 Stedraan, Allen 440 Steel, Isaac .54 Steel, James, {16th Ind. int.) 54 Steel, James, (Sturgea'a independent comp'y, /ii. int) 410 Steel, John Q. A 97 Steele, Aabury 84 Steele, Charles B 245 Steele, David N., (10th Ind. int, 3-yearB) 43 Steele, David N., (IOth /nd. int, 3-montha). ..417 Steele, Ezra A 254 Steele, George K 98 Steele, George E 282 Steele, GeorgeW,, (12th /-nd. int) 46 Steele, GeorgeW., (101st Ind. int.) l.'iS Steele, Hirara 4'23 Steele. Jamea 381 Steele, Jaraea H 146 Steele, .John 406 Steele, Lindsay 201 Steele, Samuel 136 Steele, Williara J 198 Steele, WilUara L 143 Steen, Eraaraua D 381 Steen, Jamea S., (14th /li. cav.) 203 Steen, Jamea S., (ilst IU. int) 383 Steenbarger, Ira 422 Steere, Henry C 356 Steere, John B 241 Steffena, Auguat 251 Stegall, Ambroae 365 Stegcr. EmU 315 Steguer, Frederick W 333 Stein, John A 417 Steinauer, Nicolaa 124 Steinecker, Herraanu 339 Steiner, Valentine 142 Steinmehl, Jacob 423 Stenbeck, Andrew 316 Stephaui, Charlea 386 Stephen, Henry K 114 Stephens, Charles E Ul Stephens, Henry, (91st Ind. int.) 148- .Stephena, Henry, (120th Ind. int) 154 Stephena, Hugh A 88 Stephena, laaac 415 Stephena, Jacob S U Stephens, Jamea, (3d Ind. cav.) 6 578 INDEX OF NAMES. Stephens, Jamea, (27(h /nd- lot) 72 Stephena, Samuel K 415 Stephena, Thoinaa N 397 Stephens, Williara L 186 Stephenaou, Araoa L 30 Stephenson, Azariah D 417 Stephenson, Benjarain P 334 Stephenaon, Ferdinand D,, {48th IU. int) 396 Stephenson, Ferdinand D., (ISlat III. int.) - . -405 Stephenson, George H 73 Stephenaon, Harvey S., (13th /ii. int, 3-yr3.)-230 Stephenaon, Harvey S., (12th IU. int., 3-moa.) -431 Stephenaon, Jamea H 135 .Stephenson, Jamea M 288 Stephenaon, John 154 .Stephenson, Marshall L 194 Stephenaou, Nathan 354 Stephenson, Eichard S 203 Stephenson, Eobert A 339 -Stephenaon, Sarauel L 343 Stephenaon, WUUara J., (44th III int.) 288 .Stephenson, WiUiam J., (48th III int.) 296 Stephenaon, William O 311 Stephenaon, WilUam W 84 Stepleton, Elijah A 63 Stepp, JackBon, {6th Ind. cav. ) 11 Stepp, Jackson, (43d Tnd. int.) 98 Stepp, WilUam T 48 Sterling, George W 29 SterUug, John 76 Sterling, John P 45 .Sterne, Henry 48 Sterne, Sarauel 120 Stetler, John W 135 Stevens, Andrew W. , {5th Ind. cav.) 9 Stevens, Andrew W , (142d Ind. int.) 162 Stevens, Benjarain F 317 Stevens, Charles C 156 Stevena, Edwin 335 Stevens, George C 347 Stevens, George G 190 Stevens, Jamea B 390 Stevens, Jaraes M 403 Stevena, Jaraea T 399 Stevena, John 393 Stevena, Judson A 191 Stevena, Lewis 144 Stevena, Loren C 103 Stevena, Nathan 171 Stevens, Eufus C 368 Stevens, Sylvanus II 218 Stevens, Thomas 148 Stevena, Thomaa A., (let III cav.) 177 Stevena, Thoraas A., l'146th IU. inf) 399 Stevena, Thoraaa J., (ilth Ind. int.) 44 Stevens, ThomasJ., (81st Ind. int.) 139 Stevens, Victor H 244 Stevens, WUliam B 149 Stevens, WiUiara W 61 Stevenson, A. F 384 Stevenaon, Evan 52 Stevenaou, Jaraea 54 Stevenaon, Jesae P. H 245 Stevenaon, John. (Sth Tnd. cav.) 14 Stevenson, John, (Uth Ind. int, 3-yearB) 338 Stevenson, John, (Uth Ind. int., 3-montba) ..418 Stevenaon, John, ( I43d fli. int) 439 Stevenson, John H 161 Stevenson, Louis Cr 314 Stevenson, Eobert E 331 Stevenaon, Eobert H 365 .Stevenson, Thomas H 33 Stevenaon. Thoraaa VV 192 StSvensou, Wm. C. G. L 317 .Ste\iaon, Joaeph H 335 Steward, Araaaa E 393 Steward, Henry K 239 Steward, Eobert 390 Stewart, Alexander 199 Steii art, Alexander S 357 Stewart, Archibald E 3,56 Stewart, Charles J 55 Stewart, Charies W., (USth Ind. int.) 168 Stewart, Charles W., {117th Ind. int) 421 Stewart, Cheater 439 Stewart, Cheater M 409 Stewart, Dudley W 276 Stewart, Elam L 349 Stewart, George D 237 Stewart, George F 156 Stewart, George W 203 Stewart, Green W 318 Stewart, Harriaon, (lS3d Ind. inf.) 173 Stewart, Harrison, (USth /nd. int) 422 Stewart, Harrison, (135th Ind. int.) 424 Stewart, Harvey W 186 Stewart, Henry B 173 Stewart, Jacob B 36, 55 Stewart, James G 237 Stewart, Jaraes H 234 Stewart, Jamea T 334 Stewart, James W 3 Stewart, John 24 Stewart, John L 68 Stewart, JohnT 147 Stewart, JohnW., {31st iii. int) 263 Stewart, JohuW., (64th /ii. mt) 324 Stewart, Malcolm N, M 363 Stewart, Martin L 76 Stewart, Olivers -| 436 Stewart, Eobert 276 Stewart, Eobert F 259 Stewart, Eobert R 1, 3, 18 Stewart, Rohert R. R., (UOth /nd, int) 161 Stewart, Eobert B.E., (U7th /nd. int) 421 Stewart, Samuel B 203 Stewart, Thomas 72 Stewart, Thoraas J 322 Stewart, W. Scott 326 Stewart, Warren 204 Stewart,-.WiUiara, (69th /nd. int) 130 Stewart, Wilfiara, (40th III int) 380 Stewart, William, (46th HI int.) 292 Stewart, William, (47th /ii. int) 294 Stewart, WiUham A., (Slat TU. int) 340 Stewart, William A., {108th /7i. int) 372 Stewart, WUliam P 417 Stewart, William H.', (29th III int) 259 Stewart, WiUiam H., (95th TU. int.) 357 Stewart, Williara J., (24th /nd. int) 68 Stewart, WUliam J., (47th Ind. int.) 104 Stewart, WUliam N 324 Stickel, laaiah 178 Stickel, Lewia E 321 Stiokney, Clifford 330 Stickuey, Francia W 263 Stidham, Joaeph S 119 Stier, George E 316 Stierlin, Guido W 347 Stiermann, Henry 205 SUfal, Jacob 184 StUea, larael N 61, 125 INDEX OF NAMES. 579 StUea, SUas J 396 Stiles, WilUamH ISS StiUey, WUliam L 394 Stillhamer, Charlea 223 StUlbiga, EdwardB 219 Stillman, Walter D - . .-. 404 StiUaon, Calvin R 175 StillweU, John 267 StillweU, Joaeph A 64 StiUwell, Leander 320 StUaon, Calvin R 74 Stilwell, James B 128 SUlwell, Stephen A 94 StUweU, Thoinaa N 84 Stilwell, WilUam P 126 Stimaon, Charlea P 393 Stineback, WiUiam 48 Stineback, WiUiam C 140 Stinger, BenjamiuF 331 Stinnett, WUliam W 194 Stinson, Archibald D 76 Stinaon, Charles W 248 Stinson, Robert B 318 Stipp, George W 324 Stites, Samuel M 383 Stites, WUliam C .376 Stitt, William S ; 136 Stivers, James B 300 Stobaugh, Francis M 33 Stober, WUaon S 18 Stobie, GeorgeW 258 Stobie, James P 363 Stobie, WUliam H 104 Stockdale, Eobert E 87 Stockdale, Sidney A. , {7th III cav.) : 188 Stockdale, Sidney A., (103d III. int) 367 Stockdale, WiUiam C 339 StockdeU, Johu A 14 Stocker, Henry D 305 Stocker, John 289 Stocking, John A 2 Stockman, George 135 Stockman, laaac S 145 Stockslager, Strother M 30 Stockton, Joaeph 330 Stockwell, John W 52 Stockwell, Washington 91 Stoddard, Georgo R 399 Stoddard, Henry S 13 Stoddard, Lewia 19 Stogadall, John R '. 419 Stokeley, Samuel B 380 Stokea, (jeorge 387 Stokea, Heury S 357 Stokea, James H 218 Stokes, John , 374 Stokea, JohnW., (WthHlint.) 257 Stokes, JohnW., (48th III int) 296 Stokea, Morgan 374 Stokea, Thomaa G 318 Stokea, William, (7th batt'y Ind. It. art.) 27 Stokes, WUliam, (8th batt'y Ind. It. art.) 27 Stokes, Williara, (72d III int) 330 Stolbrand, Charlea J 213, SIS StoU, Charles ISS Stolp, Edwin A 350 Stone, Alfred N 178 Stone, Auguatin T 137 Stone, Clarendon A 267 Stone, Cyrus R 146 Stone, David C 2 ] Stono, Eberleo P. H 259 Stone, Elias S 147 Stone, Prancia B 30 Stone, George W 103 S tone, Hirara A 304 Stono, Martin V 390 Stono, Wm. T 126 Stoner, Henry J 334 Stoner, Jacob W 90 Stoner, John 336 Slonor, John B 288 Stoner, Michael C 399 Stonex, George T 272 Stoney, Alfred L 47 Stookey, Albert H 317 Stookey, Jamea M 316 Stookey, S. J 316 Stookey, Simon J 441 Stoopa, Jamea 147 Stoops, Joseph P 90 Stopher, David K 101 Stopher, Joseph D 146 Storck, Charies, (13th III cav.) 300 Storck, Charles, (34th IU. int) 350 Storck, Chariea, {43d /ii. int ) 386 Storey, Joseph M 71 Storey, Smith W 417 Storm, Coleman F 131 Storm, John D 419 Storma, North S 201 Story, David S 140 Story, Stephen, (67th Ind. int.) 12S Story, Stephen, (6th /nd. int) 415 Story, Williams., {44th /nd. int) 101 Story, Williara S., {9th Ind. int.) 416 Stott, Richard H 71 Stott, WUUam T 113 Stotts, John 165 Stough, George W., {17th Ind. int) 55 Stough, George W., (SSth hid. int) 146 Stough, SarauelL 146 Stoughtou, Jonathau C 392 Stoughtou, Sanford J., (44th Tnd. int) 100 Stoughtou, Sanford J„ (100th hid. inf) 153 Stout, Aaron R 259 Stout, Charies 437 Stout, Cyrus 230 Stout, Henry 187 Stout, Henry J 432 Stout, Hezekiah 330 Stout, Job 13) Stout, John H 403 Stout, John E 432 Stout, Joseph C 164 Stout, Leonidas. (13th /nd. cav.) 20 Stout, Leonidas, (Slst /nd. int ) 139 Stout, Silas T 142 Stout, WUUam H., {133d Ind. int.) 155 Stout, WiUiam H., (IOth /ii. cav.) 194 Stout, WiUiam W 256 Stovall, George W 297 Stover, Auguatus P 353 Stover, Emanuel 434 Stover, George W 13 Stover, JohnW 376 Stover, Joseph W 321 Stover, WUliam D 4 Stow, Thomas J 274 Stowe, George R 199 Stowe, Martin 2S4 Stowe, Sylvester J 100 580 INDEX OF NAMES. Strader, Frank P 37 Strahan, Samuel I' - 117 Strait, Oscar 282 .Strang, Henry W 261 IStraasinger. Henry 286 Stratton, Finley it 426 .Stratton, George 206 Stratton, Henry 130 Stratton, Isaac N 14 Stratton, EobertF 197 Stratton, Samuel P 434 Stratton, Stephen T 339 Stratton, WUliam H 188 Straub, Charles 69 Strawn, Milton 368 Strawn, William 368 Strayer, Isaac P . 405 Street, Nathan 351 Streeter, WilUara N 382 Streight, Abel D .¦ Ul Strenge, Eudolph 402 Stretch, Jaraes A 9 Stribley, Edwin B 77 Strieker, Daniel 48 Strieker, Daniel P 100 Strieker, JosephM 20 Strickland, Edward P 380 Strickland, Eichard J 420 Strickland, William T 114 Strieklin, .Sirapson S 263 Strieklin, WilUs A 263 Strieber, Adolph 205 String, Simon ; 182 .Stringer, EU 149 Strode, James P 399 .Stroman, Henry 280 Strong, Cephaa 199 .Strong, Henry, (Uth /nd. int) 44 Strong, Henry, (74th III int.) 333 Strong, Henry, (90th /ii. int ) 3.52 Strong, John H 100 Strong, Williara W 233 Stroughn, John W 176 Strouse, jamea 47 Strouse, WiUiam H. H 421 .Strowbridge, George E 435 Struhe, Joaeph 330 Struebig, Henry 286 Struthera, WUUam S :343 Stuart, Charlea 242 Stuart, David 284,307 Stuart, Eliaa, (40th /ii. int) 280 Stuart, Eliaa, {6Sth /ii. int) 432 Stuart, Jacob G 296 Stuart, Jaraea 194 Stuart, Owen 353 Stuart, SamuelD 281 Stuart, Selden P 151 Stuart, Williara K 69 Stuart, WUliam L 330 Stubblefleld, Jaa. G 96 Stubbs, Isaac W 137 Stubba, John 401 Stuber, Adam 196 Stuber, John 200 Stucey, Frederick 166 Stucker, Francis M 427 Stucker, James F 65 Stucky, John M 122 Studabaker, Peter 153 Stueven, Ch.arie8 E 341 .Stuff, George L. S 284 Stull, Jamea 318 StuU, Theodore W 191 Stump, PhiUip 316 Stumph, Elisha H 304 Stunkard, David C : 423 Stunkard, Jaraes 420 Sturdevant, George H 194 Sturdevant, Henry M 181 Sturgeaa, Eobert H., {8th III. int. , 3-yeara) . . .223 StnrgeSB, Eobert H., {8th /ii., int, 3-montha). 429 Sturgia, Elmore Y 1 04 Sturgis, Henry A 435 Sturm, Frederick 31 Sturm, Frederick C 36 Sturm, Herman 117 Sturr, William G 384 Sturtevant, Bdward E, H 400 Styer, WUliam 147 Sueaherry, GeorgeW 200 Suhfras, Gustave 263 Suit, ,Toseph C 417 Suit, Philip C 321 Suiter, Walter F 357 Sulcer, Abraham A 379 SuUivan, Benjamin F 374 SulUvan, Bev. W 108 Sullivan, Daniel 98 Sullivan, Dariua 191 Sullivan, Eugene 173 Sullivan, George W 166 Sullivan, Jereraiah C 48 SuUivan, John E , 222 SuUivan , .lohn S SO Sullivan, Orlando J 365 SuUivau, Saaaer, {.58th Ind. int.) 121 SuUivan, Saaaer, (SOth /nd, int) 138 SuUivan, Thoraas 146 Sullivan, Thoraas W 181 Suman, I.iaac C B., (9th Ind. int, 3-years) 41 Sura.-in, Isaac C B., {9th Ind. int, 3-montha). 416 Sumrae, Gilbert, {1.54th /ii. int) 407 Surame, Gilbert, (70th /ii. int) 433 Sumraer, Thomaa 145 Sumraerbell , Nicholas 430 Suramera, Andrew J 115 Summera, Benjamin J 67 Summera, Chariea A., (25th /ii, int) 252 Summers, Charles A., {71at /ii. int) 434 Suramers, Charlea A., (133d /ii. int) 435 Suraraers. John S 118 Summers. Jonathan 425 Suramera, Oscar 302 Summers, Sarauel S 193 Summers, William E 337 Summers, WilliamH -. 280 Summy, William H 194 Sumner, John 115 Sumner, Thoraas 256 Suraption, WiUiam H 18 Sunderland, Gustavus 360 Surber, Andrew E. K 2'3T Susemihl, Cliarles 198 Sutermeister, Arnold '. 29 Sutherland, Alexander G 276 Sutherland, BUaa 379 Sutherland, Edward C 62 Sutherland, Joa. M 122 Sutherland, Maaon 379 Sutherl.™d, Williara P 272 Sntphcn, WUlhini H 106 INDEX OP NAMES. 581 Sutton, Chapman 306 Sutton, Edmund 261 Sutton, George P 354 Sutton, Goorge W 426 Sutton, HamUton 405 Sutton, .Tohn, {73d /ii. int) 331 Sutton, John, (ISlat III int) 404 Sutton, Joaeph 55 Suydam, Charles H 367 Swafford, Benjarain F IS Swaiduer, Jehu 104 Swain, Alonzo 34 Swain, Edgar D 284 Swain, Elihu H 16 Swain, EUsha 173 Swain, Franklin F 155 Swam, Ira D 201 Swain, Robert S 8S Swain, Thoraaa M 43ii Swain. WiUiam F 231 Swain, WilUamT 431 Swaine, William 85 Swallow, Georgo R 17,37 Swan, Benjamiii C 397 Swan, James H 219 Swan, Joseph 196 Swan, Samuel M 230, 376 Swan, Scott 146 Swan, Thomaa C 159 Swan, WiUiara S 312 Swander, Edward H 420 Swanick, Francis 407 Swank, WiUiara 125 Swann, Robert W 162 Swanwick, Francia 247 Swaringuin, Thomaa A 257 Swart, GUbert D 106 Swarthout, Ralph B 191 Swarthout, WiUiara 299 Swartout, E. D 284 Swarta, Benjamin C 307 Swarta, David J 152 Swartz, Benjamin C '382 Swartz, Johu W 367 Sweeley, PhUip 354 Sweeney, Auguatua B 300 Sweeney, Benjamiu , 231 Sweeney, Charlea H 385 Sweeney, Thoinaa J 99 Sweeny, Thomaa W 302 Sweeny, WUliam OS Sweet, George B .361 Sweet, Hubbard P Sii Sweet, JohnE., 20th Ind. Int) 62 Sweet, JohnE., (151st /nd. inf) 171 Sweetland, Nelaon L , 439 Sweetacr, A. C 278 Sweetaer, Jamea P 436 Sweetzer, Henry M 69 Sweezey, William C 161 Swickard, John W 351 Swift, Edwin 332 Swift, John C 57 Swift, JohuH 369 Swift, John W 398, 403 Swtft, Joaeph W 17 Swift, Morton D., (loth /ii. int) 235 Swift, Morton D, , (142d TU. int) 439 Swift, WiUiam T 149 Swift, John 86 Swigart, Frank 102 Swiggott, Francia C, {.'(d batt'y Tnd. It, art.) -.25 Swiggott, Francia C, (Sth /7id. int) 416 Swihart, Adara H 152 SwindeU, Joel H 394 Swingley, Oliver H 182, 198 Swiaher, Honry M 32S Swiaher, Jacob B , 118 Swiaher, JohnP 76,88 Swope, George L 9 Swartzcope, Michael F 263 i Sykea, Francia M 343 ' Sykea, WilUara 340 Sylln, Bdward H 227 Sylvester, Cyrua O 144 Sylvester, James H., (154th Ind. int.) 174 Sylvester, Jaraes H., (116.h Tnd. Int) 421 Taber. Lewis 76 Tabler, Benjamin M., {35th /Zi. int) 271 Tabler, Benjamiu M., (63d III int.) 323 Tabor, Solomon M 180 Tackett, George 398 Taff, George G 63 Taggart, Albert 7 Taggart, Charlea P 3SS Taggart, Franklin P 165 Taggart, John P 7 Taggart, Weaford 252 Taggart, WUliara A 63 Taggart, WUUara W 228 Tague. George 151 Tait, John B 227 Tait, Peter G 351 Talbot, DavidH 369 Talbot, HaU P : 300 Talbot, Jamea B 1 Talbot, PhUander 368 Talbot, WiUiamA 44 Talbott, Benjamin C 388 Talbott, Edward 388 Talley, Samuel 169 Tannatt, George Proat 177 TannehUl, Levi K 100 Tanner, (Gordon 64 Tanner, John F, C 63 Tanner, Matthew W 63 Tanner, Thomaa B 63 Tanney, Arthur M 326 Tanquary, Jaraea C 310 Tanquary, Thomas J 353 Tansey, William B 131 Tansy, Oliver H 163 Tapp, Bnahrod 377 Tarkington, JohnS 422 Tarpley, EUjah G 187 Tarpley, JohnP 358 Tarr, Charlea M 299 Tarrant, WiUiam 361 Tarrell, William 83 Tart, Stephen 211 Tasain, Auguat G 86 Tate, George D , 141 Tate, Thomaa B 343 Taylor, Albion F 280 Taylor, Alfred B., (12th Tnd. int, 1-year) 46 Taylor, AlfredB., (12th Ind. int., 3-yeara) -.-.47 Taylor, Andrew J,, (3d III cav.) 180 Taylor, Andrew J., (20th Hlint.) 343 Taylor, Arthur D 338 Taylor, Charlea 244 Taylor, Danford 198 Taylor, Daniel AV 85 582 INDEX OF NAMES. , David M 337 , Enoch W 389 , Ezra 207. 208 , Prancia M .367 , Gamaliel S 5 , George A., (66th /Zi. int) 328 , George A., (lOlst III int.) 364 , George B 194 , GeorgeW 110,113 , Harvey, (14th /nd. int) 50 , Harvey, (65th Ind.inf.) 136 , Henry G 163 , Houston L 316, 432 , Isaac J 156 , Isaac P. C 338 , Isaiah S 345 , James D 56 , JamcBM., (24th /nd. int) 67 , James M., {41st /ii. rat) 282 , Jaraes P 237 , John 75 , JohnC 143 , John H 436 , John S., {23d III int) 348 , John S., (116th /ZZ. int) 383 , JohnT 400 , JohnW S3 , Joaeph 102 , Joaeph P 43 , Joaeph M 142 . Lorenzo 19 , Marsh B 43,170 , Merritt C, (SOth /nd. int) 123 , Merritt C, , (115th Ind. int) 420 , Morse Kent 254 , Norraan 116 , Oscar A 375 , Eichard 58 , Eichard S 396 , Eobert D 1S3 , Eobert F 337 , Eobert H 63 , Sacia P 183,199 , Samuel E., (16th /Zi. int) 237 , Samuel B., (U9th /ii. int) 385 , Timothy B 332 , Walter J 223 , WilletB 3S0 , WiUiam, (40th Ind. int.) 94 , WUliam, {54th III int) 306 , WUliam, (lOlh /nd. mt) 417 , WUliam B 320 , Wm. C 290 , WiUiara C. L 61 , WiUiam D 96 .WUliamP 358 , WUUam H., {30th /ii. int) 261 , WUliam H., (4l8t IU. int.) 283 , WilUam H., {U3th III int.) 379 , WiUiara N 310 , Woodbury M 191 Tazewell, Charles 307 Teahon, joaeph y52 Teal, Aaa ] 56 Teal, Norman 14g Teale, Jamea E 200 Teaney, Michael 58 Teed, David 292 Teed, John L 276 Teeple, Addison V 191 Teeple, James M 168 Teeter, Joseph 269 Tefft, Thomas W., (69th /ii. int) 433 Tefft, Thomas W., (Ulat /ii. int) 439 Temple, Caleb L 108 Temple, Charles H 200 Temple, David J 113 Temple, Jesse 411 Temple, Morria D 209 Templer, Abraham M 84 Templeton, Eobert J 52 Templeton, WiUiam J 53,124 Templeton, WiUiara W 23 Templin, Sarauel V - j. .88 Ten Broeck, S. B 245 Tennant, Joaeph L 311 Tennant, Eichard S 423 Tenney, Jerome B 179 Tenney, Ealph A 389 Terhune, Lucien 380 Terrell, John H 119 TerreU, Thomas S 85 TerriU, Lyuch M 50 TerriU, WilUamH 54 Terry, Calviu 179 Terry, Charles E 7S Terry, George W 150 Terry, Johu W 389 Terry, Thoraas S 369 Terry, Uriah J 292 Terry, W. Irving 409 Test, CharleaS 421 Teverbaugh, John 334 Tevis, Augustus H 90 Tevia, Isaiah B 148 Tevia, Isaiah M 114 TewiUigar, Abrara 298 Tewksbury, Malcolra '. 368 Thacker, Prancia B 263 Tharp, Samuel 338 Tharp, Thoraaa D 118 Tharp, WiUiam H 318 Thatcher, George B 361 Thayer, Alfred 184 Thayer, Edmond J 278 Thayer, Edmund P 44 Thayer, Prank M 424 Thayer, George W 106 Thayer, Mosea A. , (1.53d IU. int) 406 Thayer, Mosea A„ (134th /ii. int) 435 Theobald, Lewis 288 Tbieleman, Milo 205 Thielemann, Christian 205 Thistlewood, N. B 361 Thoin, Alexander C 425 Thoraas, Ahaalora 117 Thoraas, Alexander N 134 Thoraas, Amoa J 82 Thoraas, AndrewJ 321 ThouLia, BenjaminP., (99th Ind. int.) 151 Thomaa, BenjaminP., (52d III int) 303 Thoraaa, Benjarain W 330 Thomaa, Calvin H 301 Thoraaa , Charles H 398 Thoraaa, Charlea L 69 Thomas, Chariea W 219 Thoraaa, Dewitt C, (18th Tnd. int) 67 Thomaa, De Witt C, (93d /nd. int) 149 Thoraaa, Dexter L 146 Thomas, B. Darwin 144 Thoraas, Bdward P 228 Thomas, Edwin E 304 INDEX OF NAMES. Thomas, Eliaa B 7 Thomaa, Enos A 103 Thomas, Fell.t B 102 Thomas, Frank A„ {148th III int.) 401 Thomas, Frank A., {139th III int) 438 Thomas, Frederick 342 Thomas, George US Thomaa, Hubbard T 25, 36 Thomas, Irving N 100 Thomaa, IsaacN 113 Thomas, Jacob L 367 Thomaa, James, (I42a /nd, int) 162 Thomaa, Jamea, (I16th Ind. int) 431 Thomas, Jaraes, (13Sth Ind. int) 435 Thomas, James B 349 Thomas, James H., (46th Ind. int) 102 Thomas, jaraes H., (117th /nd. int) 421 Thomas, Jaraes M 100 Thomas, Jerome B 250 Thomaa, John 365 Thomas, John P., {20th Ind. int) 62 Thomaa, John P. , (14th III cav. ) 202 Thomas, JohnH 108 Thomas, JohnR., (120th Ind. int.) 154 Thomaa, John E., (117th III int.) 383 Thomaa, JohnW 117 Thomaa, Jonathan 88 Thomaa, Joseph C 350 ThomaB, Joaeph P 348 Thomas, Mason J 3 Thomas, Pierre W 271 ThomaB, Probusco .^ 4 Thomaa, Sanford, (142d Ind.int.) 162 Thomaa, Sanford, {I16th hid. inf.) 421 Thomaa, Snmmerfield 131 Thomaa, Taylor W 115 Thomas, 'Uriah 144 Thomas, William C 154 Thomas, WiUiam E 369 Thomas, WUUara W 131 Thombs, Pembroke E 351 Thornburgh, John 7 Thompson, Albert 312 Thompson, Almon H 438 Thompson, Alonzo A 328 Thompson, Andrew J 13 Thompaon, Archibald W 298 Thompson, BradfordP 377 Thompson, Charies 337 Thompaon, Charles A., {13th TU. int) 233 Thompson, Charles A., (90th /ii. int.) 353 Thompson, Charlea E., (74th Ind. int.) 135 Thompson, Charles B., (72d III int.) 330 Thompaon, Chauncey H 9, U Thompaon, Daniel G 96 Thompson, Bdward A., (Captain) U Thompson, Edward A., (First Lieut.) 11 Thorapson, Francis B 310 Thompson, George H 5 Thompson, George W., (69th Ind. int) 130 Thompson, GeorgeW., (147th Ind. int) 167 Thompson, George W., {ISlh IU. int) 235 , Thompaon, George W., {133d III int.) 388 Thompaon, Howell D 46 Thompson, James, {8th Ind. cav.) 15 Thompson, Jamea, (17th Tnd.int) .55 Thompson, Jaraes, (91st Ind. int.) 148 Thompaon, Jamea C 94 Thompson, James W 108 Thompson, John 53 Thorapson, John A 437 Thorapson, John C,, (llth Ind. inf., 3-ycara)..44 Thompaon, JohnC, (lltli/nd. inf., 3-monthB). 418 Thompaon, JohnE., {30th /nd. int) 76 Thompaon, John E. , {20th III int) 244 Thompaon, John H., {4th Ind. cav.) 7 Thompson, JohnH., (130th /Zi. int) 436 Thompson, John N 54 Thompson, Johu T 257 Thompson, John W., (Sth batt'y hid. It. art.) -27 Thompaon, John W. , (34th hid. hit) 84 Thompaon, Joseph C 373 Thompaon, JosephM., {8th /nd. inf , 3-yearB).39 Thompson, Joaeph M., (Sth Ind. int., 3-montha) 416 Thompaon, Joaiah C 110, 1 13 Thompaon, Martin B., (25th III int) 352 Thompaon, Martin B., (I54th /ii. int) 407 Thompson, Moaes R 293 Thompson, Noah S., (Oth batt'y Ind. U. art.). -28 Thompaon, Noah S., (Uth /nd. int) 50 Thompaon, Robert J 269 Thompaon, Robert Q 230 Thompaon, Samuel W 280 Thompaon, Thomaa 43 Thompaon, Thomaa H 302 Thompaon. Thomas M 233 Thompaon, Thomas W 41 ThorapBon, William, {31at Tnd.'mt.) 78 Thompaon, WiUiara, (ISOth III int.) 403 Thompson, WiUiam H 333 Thompaon, Wm. H. H : 98 Thompaon, WiUiamL., (55th Ind. int.) 419 Thompson, WUliam L., (USth Ind. int) 420 Thompaon, WiUiara M 241 Thorapaon, WiUiara P. , (FirBt Lieut.) 62 Thorapaon, WiUiam P., (Sergeant) 63 Thomaon, Auguatua W 332 ThomBon, Benjamin D 316 Thomson, Chester G 133 Thomaon, OrvUle 38 Thomaon, Samuel T 324 Thomaon, Thomas B 20 Thorn, Georgo W 173 Thomberry, Harvey 362 Thornburg, John W 72, 131 Thornburg, Levi 118 Thornton, Alfred P 400 Thornton, Ethan B 19 Thornton, JamesL 126 Thornton, John T 342 Thornton, Joseph H 108 Thornton, Levi C 328 Thornton, Saranel W 425 Thorp, JosephL 391 Thorp, Nathan M 155 Thorpe, Joseph B 341 Thrall, Eugene S 134 Thrall, Walter E 134 ThraUs, JosephL 9 Thrash, Thoraas J 318 Thrasher, Joaeph 9 q'hrasher, Leonidas 35 Throop, CharlesB 183 Throop, Gleorge 219 Thrush, WiUiam A 294 Thudaon, WiUiara F 433 Thurrutt, Brink C 431 Thurston, George L 307 Thurston, WUliam H 113 Thwing, Franklin J 372 Tibbetta, William 230 Tibbits, Miles II 134 584 INDEX OP NAMES. Tice, James C 434 Tichenor, Bdward J 276 Tichenor, Jonah G 138 Tichenor, Milton 143 Tickner, Andrew J 306 TidbaU, David L 271 Tiedemann, DietrichF.,{9th/nd. int, 3-yrs.). 225 Tiederaann, Dietrich P., (9th Ind. int., 3-mos,) .430 Tienken, Caraten 401 Tienken, Caaten 237 Tiffany, Lyaander, {20th IU. int) 243 Tiffany, Lyaander, (65th IU. int) 336 Tiffee, Jamea H 127 TUbe, John 197 Tilbury, Naham 159 Tilford, Augustua W 180 Tilford, John H 137 Tillotaon, Henry H 134 TUlotaon, Hirara L 143 TiUaon, Hoaea 119 Tillaon, John, (10th HI. int., 3-yeara) 227 TiUaon, John, (10th IU. int, 3-nionths) 430 TUaon, John 57 Tilson, Joaeph M 131 Tilton, Albert M 300 Tilton, Chariea 331 Tilton, Sarauel 157 Timberiake, John 139 Timberlake, WiUiam H 139 Timmona, Cromwell 424 Tiramona, Joaiah 271 Timmona, William R 271 Timraa, Harvey M 326,354 Tiraony, .Taraes P 214 Tindall, Henry, (llth Ind. int., 3-years) 44 Tindall, Henry, (63d /nd. int) 125 TindaU, Henry, (llth /nd. int, 3-months) 41S Tindall, Norman, (63d Ind. int.) 125 TindaU, Norraan, (132d /nd. int) 4'32 Tindall, Williara H 259 Tindall, William H. H 397 Tinder, Lundesfield J 245 Tingley, Marshall P 426 Tinker, George P 431 Tinker, Ira D 6 Tinker, Sidney 1 49 Tinker, Stephen E 418 Tihkhara, Charies J 254 Tinney, Henry C, {40th /nd.inf) 94 Tinney, Henry C, (IOth Ind. int.) 417 Tinney, Eichard Vf 347 Tinaley, Thoraaa B 265 Tippet, Jaraea 373 Tip ton, George W 331 Tipton, Jamea 1 179 Tipton, Lorenzo G 43 Tipton, Samuel P 178 Tipton, Saranel S 367 Tirraenatein, Guatavua A 315 Tirtlot, WUliam M 369 Tiadale, Jamea, jr 294 Tiadel, Jainea M 357 Titaworth, Sylveater 350 Titus, Harvey S 360 Titua, Josiah C 323 Tivis, Isaiah B 154 Toale, Michael W .336 Tobey , Charles 267 Tobey, Edgar P 208 Tobey, Edward B 294 Tobey, Samuel D 336 I Tobias, Jamea, {120th /nd. inf.) 154 Tobias, Jaraea, (Oth Ind. int) 417 Tobiaa, John C., (lat Ind. cav.) 1 Tobiaa, JohnC, (20th /ii.inf) 243 Tobiaa, John M 47 Tobien, John 286 Tobin, John 315 Tobin, Patrick 86 Todd, Alexander J 164 Todd, David T 383 Todd, Heman A 439 Todd, John W 153 Todd, Ovid B 154 Todd, Eobert N 71 Todd, Uriah 136 Todd, Walter W 334 Todd, Warfield B 433 Todd, WiUiara A .45 Todhunter, WilUara B 118 Toland, Pinlaw M 36 Tolbert, TyrUB 64 Toler, Johu W 263 Toler, Joaiah T 374 Toler, Eobert N 1S4 Toler, Silaa C 318 Tolerton, Jamea 159 Tomheraelt, Caapar 24 Tomlin, Edward A 438 Tonilinaon, A. S 205 TomUnaon, Charlea H 398 Tompkins, Charlea B., {17th /Zi. int) 239 Torapkina, Chariea B., (SSth III int) 307 Torapkins, HavUand 202 Tompkins, John B 307 Tompkins, John W - 155 Tompkins, Samuel J., (153d /ii. int) 406 Toraplcins, Sarauel J., {142d III int) 439 Toras, Charles 33 Toney, Emery P, , {49th Ind. int.) 164 Toney, Eraery P., (144th /nd. int) 108 Tons, Heury 29 Topliffe, Oliver W 362 Toppin, William R 49 Topping, E, Hibbard 375 Topping, McUvUlc D 13 Torbet, George A 71 Ton-, William H 31 Torrance, William II 37 Torrence, Henry 120 Torrence, Robert E 39 Totten, Jonathan J 175 Tourtellotte, Stephen U 248 TourtUlott, Jamea 333 Tousey, Omer 22 Touaey, Woodford 120 Toualey, Hiram S 146 Tousley, Mirain G 345 Toualej', Wilbur I-I 433 Towell, SarauelA 12 Tower, Albert 86 Tower, Henry E 219 Towle. Chalon A 240 Town, Orin C 228 Towne, Samuel P 391 Towner, Auatin 378 Tol^¦ner, Benjamin H 434 Tow-ner, H. N 214 Towner, Justin D 230 Townes, Eobert R 263 Towneaend, Bdward E 358 Townaend, Benjamin D 106 INDE.t OP NAMES. 585 Townaend, Charles D 183 Townsend, George P 294 Townaend, John C 394 Townsend, JohuP US Townaend, Sarauel H 290 Townsend, WUliam R 2S4 Townshond, James H 271 Townshend. Smith 265 Trabue, William K ¦ 200 Tracy, Charles E 335 Tracy, George W 439 Tracy, Jamea M 252 Tracy, Simon P 217 Tracv, William E 2 Trafton, GeorgeW lbs Trainer, WUliam 408 Trapp, Michael F 407 Traak, Eben G 183 Trask, Ira W 191 Traub, John J 74 Travers, James J 310 Travis, James W 276 Traylor, Williara P 67 Treadway, Charloa C 383 Trego, Alfred H 365 Trego, Wataon C 365 Tremble, Eliaha J 321 Tremble, Johu 96 Tremelin, Balthazer 1! 50, 53 Trenck, Frodcrec 80 Trent, Daniel, (Slat hid. int) Ul Trent, Daniel, (143d Tnd. inf.) 163 Trent, Henry C 300 Trout, Hue A 347 Trible, Jolm 360 Triefte, Frederick 407 Trimble, David 321 Trimble, H. M 355 Trimble, Hiram M 331 Trimble, Joaeph C 336 Trirablo. Louis G ....291 Trimmell, Jamea H 390 Triplett. (jharlea E 145 Tripp, Hagerman, (6th /7id. int, 3-yeara) 37 Tripp, Hagerman. (Oth /nd. int, 3-raontha). . -415 Tripp, Marcua B. C 122 Tripp, Stephen S 196 Trippeer, William 62 Trialer Henry L 82 TrUea, WUUain H 432 Troth, Jaraea P., (Uth/nd.int, 3-yearB) 44 Troth, .Taraes P., (llth /nd. int, 3-montha) .-418 Trotter, Daniel 66 Trotter, George I! 47 Trousdale, .Tamea H 386 Troutraan, Peter S 145 Troutner, David 258 TroviOian, Elijah E .186 Trowbridge, Silas T., {8th HI int., 3-yeara). -333 Trowbridge, Silaa T., {8th /Zi, int, 3-raontha). 439 TroxeU, Johu G 103 Troy, Lewia L 225 Truax, Bdwin E. W 160 Truax, Joaeph 371 True, Chariea S 146 True, Edmond W 439 True, Edraund W 383 True. Jamea F 331 True, Jamea M. , {38th TU. int) 376 True, JameaM., (63d. /ii. int) 331 True, John W 306 True, Len is C 331 True, Samuol F,, (Uth /ii. cav.) 203 True, Samuel P., {68th TU. int) 433 True, Theodore B 282 True, WUliam M., {4th /ii. cav.) 182 True, Wra. M. , (16th IU. cav.) 205 Trueblood, Adolphua W 165 Trueblood, Alva C 48 Truesdall, David 153 TrueadeU, WiUinm R 440 Truitt, Jamea M 383 Trulock, Thoinaa J 1 10, 113 Trumball, BoUin H 3jS Trumbo, Calvin B - 415 Trumbull, CharleaD , 379 Truacott, Thomas J 148 Trush, Jacob 237 Trualer, Gilbert 88 Trusler, Nelson 142 Truslow, Georgo W 145 Tryon, Charlea H 357 Tubbs, Alonzo : 65 Tucker, Alba M 152 Tucker, Amoa 394 Tucker, Benjamin W 430 Tucker, Charles P 74 Tucker, Edward A 254 Tucker, Bwd. B 350 Tucker, Henry H 440 Tucker, Johu 67 Tucker, Johu W 138 'I'licker, Joaeph I-I 433 Tucker, Joaephua L 415 Tucker, Lanaing B 433 Tucker, Sarauel 365 Tucker, William 155 Tiiclcer, WiUiam P 1 Tufta, Sarauel P 177 TuU, Samuel 53 Tuller, Byron H 188 TulUdge, Franklia G US, 142 Tnllia, AmoB K. , (102d /ii. int ) 365 TiiUiB, AmoaK., (134th /ii. int) 435 TuUis, Jamea 400 Tuniaon, John, {30th TU. inf.) 244 Tuniaon, John, (156th /ii. int ) 409 Tunison, John, (138th /ii. int) 437 Tuniaon. Theodore F 271 Tunatall, Malcolm 398 Tupper, Anael 283 Tupper, Nathan W 382 Turbett, Lewis C 138 Turchiu, John B 243 Turkington, George E ^...438 Turley, Eichard E 370 TurnbuU, John M 373 TurnbuU, WUliara W 343 Turner, Andrew 272 Turner, Charlea 372 Turner, David 384 Turner, Enoch P ..361 Turner, Bnoa 406 Turner, Geo. A., (Slat /ii. iut) ." 300 Turner, George A., (132d /ii. inf.) 434 Turner, jaraea B 371 Turner, John I 262 Turner, Joaeph S 42 Turner, Thoraaa J 235 Turner, WUliara 41 Turner, WiUiam D 207,360 Turner, Will. E 281 586 INDEX OF NAMES. Turner, WiUiara H. H 22 Turner, William AV 347 Turney, Daniel M,, (Sth /ii. cav.) 184 Turney, Daniel M., (41st /ii. int) 283 Turney, Henry 195 Turney, William P 282 Turnham, David L 69 Turnhara, Thomaa R 17 Turnock, Edwin, {12th hid. cav.) 19 Tumock, Edwin, (ISth Ind. int) 52 Turnock, Josepli 19 Turpen, Sylveater 153 Turpin, Jamea M 331 Tutewiler, Henry W 56 TuthUl, George W 376 TuthUl, JohnL 411 TuthUl, Joshua, (3d /Zi. cav.) 180 TuthiU, Joahua, (Sth III cav) 184 Tutt, Jamea P 396 Tutt, John B 382 Tuttle, Dennis 61 Tuttle, Francis M 370 Tuttle, George 1 19 Tuttle, Heman B 351 Tuttle, Jared W 259 Tuttle, Leonard H 139 Tutton, John S 32S Tweedy, John 318 Twibell, Joaiah 84 Twichell, George W 100 Twiford, WiUia H 73 Twigg, Alexander G 17 Twining, Edward H 267 Twitchell, Lafayette, {13l8t III int) 397 Twitchell, Lafayette, (136th IU. int) 436 Twyeffort, Louia P 330 Tyer, GeorgeW 113 Tyer, John B 30 Tykle, Frederick, {8th Ind. int. S-yeara) 39 Tykle, Frederick, (Sth Ind. int, 3-raonths) . . -416 Tyler, Abel 155 Tyler, Anderson 379 Tyler, Charles 159 Tyler, Ebenezer C 30 Tyler, Ira 384 Tyler, Jaraes R 263 Tyler, Judson B 58 Tyner, Francis M 175 Tyner, Harriaon, (38th /Zi. int) 276 Tyner, Harriaon, (143d /ii. int) 440 Tyner, RichardH. H 41 Tyner, Sarauel L 97 Tyner, William H 90 Typer, John 384 TyrriU, Volney 419 Ubert, John 23 Ulen, Benjamin L 225 Uline, Barney 106 Ullrick, Frederick ?,-:8 Ulm, .Daniel N 280 Ulm, William 265 Underbill, Joahua W 102 Underwood, Benjamin W 330 Underwood, Jesse T 136 Underwood, John 424 Underwood, Nathan C 330 Underwood. Eobert 144 Underwood, Thoraas 63 Underwood, Thoraas J 331 Underwood, WiUiara 384 Unold, John 3(jg Upchurch. Samuel R 394 Updcgraff, Ambrose 237 Up De Graff, Thad. S 254 Uphara, James S 206 Uptigrove, J. Rolfe 134 Urie, John Y 7 Urlan, William - 80 Urquhart, George 145 Urquhart, John 390 Usury, WUUam J 271 Utley, Henry 333 Utley, Simon P 130 Utter, Gideon L 381 Utter, Joseph D 155 Utter, RusseU D 170 Vail, Jacob G 55 Vail, Joseph R 294 Vaile, Joel 4 Valentine, Chauncey B 384 Valentine, Edward K 432 Valentine, James M 387 Valentine, John H 435 Valiquette, Benjamin 137 Vallette, Henry F 369 Vanantwerp, Daniel W 353 Vanantwerp, Edward 348 Van Arman, Hiram M 314 Van Arman, John 393 Van Arman, John, jr 392 Van.arBdall, James H., (10th Ind. int, 3-yeara). 43 Vanaradall, James H., (10th Ind. int., 3-raoa.)417 Vanatta, Peter 356 Van Brunt, Jamea W 307 Van Buren, Abram H 433 Van Buren, Evert 400 Van Buskirk, Abram C 388 Van Buakirk, David 72 Van Buakirk, Isaac 73 Van Bualdrk, Mathew 354 Vancamp, WiUiam N 160 Vance, Arthur St, C 137 Vance, Chriatopher C 154 Vance, David B 421 Vance, Horace W 271 Vance, John P 338 Vance, Joaeph W 245 Vance, Milton H 423 Vance, Robert A 132 Vance, SamuelC, (IOth Ind. int.) 43 Vance, SamuelC, (70th Ind. int.) 131 Vance, Sarauel C, {132d Ind. int.) 422 Vance, Samuel W 92 Vance, WiUiam 333 Vance, WUHam A 171 Vance, WUliara B 49 Vance, William H 104 Van Cleve, CoUina 430 Van Curen, Sabine 357 Van Dalsern, Emmess 192 Vaudegrift, Henry 59 Vandenbark, JohnW 61 Vandenhurgh, Abraham 314 Vandenburgh, Abram 429 Vanderen, Archibald, {35th III int) 252 Van Deren, Archibald, {79th III int) 338 Vanderhoof, Johu W 74 Vandervort, Freegift 435 Van Dervort, Joahua 290 Vandevander, William 367 Vandevender, Hiram T., (Sth Ind. int, 3-yra.)-40 Vandevender, Hiram T., (Sih Ind. int, 3-mo8.)416 INDEX OP NAMES. 587 Vandeventer, Henson S 437 Vandewater, A. 0 265 Van Dom, Henry 243 Van Dortson, JohnP 182 Van Duaen, Charles 92 Van Dyke, Auguatua M 50 Van Dyke, Benton 191 Van Dyke, Ebenezer 263 Van Dyke, John J 209 Van Epps, Herman A 189 Van Fleet, Martin N 391 Van Fosaen, Wilber 133 Van Gieson, Albert A 402 Van Gundy, WUliam, (94th III int) 356 Van Gundy, WUliam, (150th III int) 463 Vanhise, David 370 Vanhoff, HenryL - 380 Van Hooser, Aaron 180 Vanhom, Henry H 119 Van Horn, Nicholas 104 Van Horn, Washington 230 Van Horn, Winfield S 400 Vanhowton, Julius J 57 Van Kendle, Alexander 339 Vankirk, Jamison 129 Van Lauingham, Cyrua J 168 Vanliew, Hillery B '329 Vanmatre, Cyrua 39 Van Meter, Henry 380 Van Natta, Job H 43 V.anneraan, Hiram B 143 Vanness, Garret A 134 Vanness, jaraea 100 Van Norman, W. D 185 VanorsdaU, William 73 Vanosdal, Argua D 5 Van Osdel, JohnM 316 Vanousdol, Arg. D 176 Van Patten, James S 190 Van Pelt, Frank M 56 Van Pelt, Johu 273 Van Sellar, Henry 330 Van Skike, Jasper N 7 Vansiyke, Alfred 171 Vansteenburg, Linas 313 VanTaasell, Oscar 369 Van Trees, CharleaR 37 Van Treea, Henry B 37 Van Tuyl, Lewis W 227 Van Valkenburg, John 61 Van ValBey, John 336 Van Vechten, AbramD 433 Van Vlack, PernandoC 389 Van Vlack, Richard 190 Van Vleck, Carter 337 Van Vorhia, PlaviuB J 1 44 Van Wort, WUliara 157 Van Winkle, Alexander 365 Van- Winkle, Daniel B 331 Van Winkle, Joseph W 1.39 Varden, George 385 Vargea, Chariea, {69th Ill'mt.) 433 Varges, Chariea, (133d /ii. int) 434 Vamer, Allen 352 Varner, Samuel C 401 Vamey, Stephen H 382 Vaaaeur, Edward I9S Vatchet, William D 61 Vaughan, George W 391 Vaughan, .Tames P 38 Vaughan , Jacob E 187 Vaughn, Arthur P 302 Vaughn, Charles M 304 Vaughn, Isaac 368 Vaughn, Johnson J 10 Vaughn, Thomas B 180 Vaughn, Thomas P 219 Vaught, JamesT 349 Vaught, Martin 349 Vawter, TazweU 68, 128 Veatch, BarzeUaiM 316 Veatch, BraziUai M 437 Veatch, Harmon 337 Veatch, Jamea C 69 Veatch, John T 1 Vedder, Francis P 320 Venaraon, WUliam I-I. II iS2 Venard, Charlea 198 Venard, Joaephua B 178 Vendever, John H 145 Vennum, Hirara B 403 Verbarg, WiUiam 20 Verbeck, Carina H 191 Verhocff, Albert 69 Verly, John 437 Vernay, Jamea D 238 Vernon, MarisE 337 Vernon, WiUiam M 432 Verry, John W 425 Vertrees, Sarauel W 361 VeBt, ThomasL 254 Vestal, John 115 Vestal, Warner L 115 Vezin, Alfred 306 Vick, Anderson 12 Vickers, Alexander 186 Vickery, Erasmus 94 Vickery, Jaraea W 96 Vieregg, Charles A 178 Vifqiiain, Victor 360 Vigus, Carter L., (1 Slst Ind. int) 171 Vigus, Carter L., (Oth /nd. int) 416 Vigus, Carter L., (55th /«d int) 419 Vigus, Jaraes H 157 Vincent, Henry C 141 Vincent, Jeremiah 82 Vincent, joaeph 290 Vincent, Joseph A 433 Vincent, William 358 Vinaon, JohnE., (125th /ii. int) 390 Vinson, JohnE., (135th /ii. int) 436 Vinaon, Levin 390 Vinton, Orange K 174 Vinyard, Anderaon A 296 Vinyard, Henry 104 Virden, Edward R., (69th /ii. iut) 433 Virden, Edward E., (139th III int.) 438 Virgin. William 43 Viae, Hosea 1 86 Vocke, WUhelin 250 Voellinger, Joaeph 256 Vogel, Charlea A 432 Vogel, Charies H 434 Vogel, Edward 328 Vogeler, Frederick E 336 Voit, JuUua .59 Voliva, ThomasJ 170 Volk, PhiUip 240 Volkraan, Louis 31 2 Von Hora, John 350 VonSehlen, John C. H 31 von Trebra, Henry SI 588 INDEX OP NAMES. von Trebra, Louis 80 Voorhees, Jacob E 120 Voorhees, Jared P 367 Voorhees, Matthew V. D 367 Vore. Eli 152 Vore, Harrison C. {9th /ii. cav.) 192 Vore, Harriaon C, (llth /ii.int) 33S Vore, Isaac D 228 Vorhia, Jeremiah 354 Voris, Henry 188 Voria, Jeremiah 27 Voria, Samuel P 276 Voria, WiUiara N., (30th hid. int) 76 Voris, WiUiara N,, (SSth hid. int) 146 Vorrey, Addiaon S 333 Vose, Nathaniel : 206 Voaa, Arno 199 Voas, Charles F 198 VoBS, Guatav 372 Votaw, Miihlon 388 Vote, JohnM 302 Vonght, John C 152 Voylea, David W 127 Vredeuburgh, John S 194 Vredeuburgh, Thomas D . - - 194, 195 Vreeland, "Tennia 196 Vroomau, Shuler S ISO Vulgaraore, Davis 188 WaddeU, Elijah J 54 WaddeU, Lloyd D., (Uth III int, 3-yearB) . -.238 WaddeU, Lloyd D,, (llth /ii.int, 3-montha). -431 Wade, Alfred B .• 134 Wade, Prancia, (43d /nd. int) 96 Wade, Francia, (136th hid. int) 434 Wade, Oacar 160 Wade, Sidney B 245 Wade, Warren W 55 Wade, WUliara H 361 Wadleigh, Jobn 368 Wadley, Jonathan 38 Wadaworth, David D 243 Wadaworth, S, W 232 Wadaworth, Sitas A 58 Wadsworth, Thomas 148 Wagenfuehi, Gustav 286 Wagenaeller, WilUara 184 Wager, Henry B 230 Waggener, Jaraea N 55 Waggoner, Charlea O 155 Wagner, -Aaron M 10 Wagner, Benjarain R '. 269 Wagner, Bernard 196 Wagner, Charles 316 Wagner, David C 269 Wagner, Franz H 225 Wagner, George D 52 Wagner, John H 55 Wagner, Lewia H 230 Wagner, Louia 391 Wagner, PhUip 3,1 257 Wagner, WiUiam 250 Wagoner, David J 196 Wagoner, Silaa J 335 Wagataff, Alexander B 367 Wainwright, George A., (Sth Tnd. cav.) 14 Wainwright, George A., (6th /nd, int) 415 Wainwright, GeorgeW 303 Wainwright, WiUiamA 136 Wainwright, WiUiamH 4 Wait, John D 353 Wait, SamuelC 94 Wait, Walter S 299 Waite, Campbell W 190 , Waite. Jaaper H 206 I Waite, John M 190 i Waite, WiUiam B., {12th /ii. int, 3-yeara). ...230 Waite. William E., (I2th /ZZ. int, 3-monthB) . . .431 Wakefield, Franklin B 205 Wakefield, Hezekiah B 115 Wakefield, Thomaa 292 Wakeford, Henry 259 Wakeman, Sanford H 273 Walbright, Andrew E 310 Walcott, L. W 302 Walden, Aaron W 356 Waldock, John 235 i Waldachraidt, Juliua, {19th Tnd. int) 60 I Waldachmidt, Julius, {152d /nd. int) 172 1 Walker, Adam L 276 \ Walker, Adara R 127 Walker, Augustua C 125 Walker, Caleb 409 Walker, Bdwin P 351 Walker, Elmore P 122 Walker, George C-- 151 Walker, George S 151 Walker, GUea D, , {153d III int) 406 Walker, Gilea D,, (Ulat /ii, int) 439 Walker, Hirara C 195 Walker, L D 3 Walker, Irvin N 134 Walker, Jaraea D 178 Walker, .Tamea B 138 Walker, .Tamea P., {17th /ii.int) 239 Walker, Jamea P., (SSth /ii. int) 347 Walker, Jaraea R 257 Walker, Jaraea T 352 Walker, Jeaae L 70 Walker, Jease W 69 Walker, John C 86 Walker, JohnT 69,70 Walker, John W., (S3d /nd, inf ) 140 Walker, John W,, (134th Ind.int.) 156 Walker, JosephD,, (39th /ii. int) 279 Walker, .Toaeph D,, (Capt. Walker'a indep't CO., /ii.int) ...441 Walker, Joaeph M 273 Walker, Leonidaa L 17 Walker, Levi S 318 Walker, Malcolm J 297 Walker, Mark 52 Walker, Napoleon B 408 Walker, Orrin L 84 Walker, Owen O 96 Walker, Peleg R 354 Walker, Peter F 369 Walker, Samuel, (Ulth /ii. int) 376 Walker, Sarauel, (76th Ind.int.) 419 Walker, Samuel T 124 Walker, Seaborn A 394 Walker, Siraeon, (15th /ii. cav.) 203 Walker, Simeon, {60th /ii. int) 318 Walker, Thomaa J. , (SOth Ind. int) 138 Walker, Thomaa J,, (48th /ii.int) 296 Walker, Thomas M 384 Walker, Thomaa T 71 Walker, WiU H 2 Walker, WiUiam 392 Walker, WiUiara B 357 Walker, WiUiam H 376 Walker, William H., jr., {35th Ind. int.) 69 Walker, WilUara H., jr., (136th /nd int) 424 INDEX OP NAMES. 589 Walker, WUliara M 151 Walker, William N 69 Walker, WiUiam W 347 Walkley, Samuel T 395 Wall, David 375 Wall, David H,, {13th Tnd. cav.) 20 Wall, David H., {34th Ind. int) 84 Wall, DavidH., (75th /nd. int) 136 Wall, Garrett 23 WaU, Jamea A 78 Wall, SamuelD 253 Wallace, Bdivard T., (llth /nd. int. 3-ycBrs). .44 Wallace, Edward T. , (1 1th /nd. int, 3-inontha) .418 Wallace, Enoch W 330 WaUace, George E., (13th /nd. iut) 48 WaUace, George B., {79th /nd.inf) 137 Wallace, Hugh L 367 WaUace, James A 17, 13 1 Wallace, jaraea M 383 WaUace, Jaraea P 170 Wallace, James W 46 Wallace, Jesse D 170 Wallace, JohuF IS'J, 198 WaUaco, JohuM 46 WaUace, Lewis, (Uth Ind. int, 3-yearB) 44 WaUace, Leii-ia, (Uth /nd. int, 3-months) 418 Wallace, Martin "348 Wallace, Peter 331 WaUaco, R. M 182 Wallace, Sarauel B 84 WaUace, Thoraaa M 353 Wallace, W. Dewitt... 94 Wallace, WUliam 232 Wallace, WUliam H. L. , (llth III int., 3-yra) - .228 WaUace, WUliam H. L., (llth III int., 3-nios)-431 WaUace, WUUam J 71 Walldort Frederic A 348 WaUer, Emery L,, {39th /ii. int) 278 WaUer, Emery L., (107th /ii. iut) 371 Waller, Henry 415 Waller, Jamea W 353 WaUer, Le Roy 221 WaUer, William S 67 Wallick, Wealey 42S Wallick, WUliara 1 11 Wallick, Williara P. JI 49 WalUngford, Estees 83 WaUis, William 383 WnlUs, WiUiara J 192 WaUa, Elza 98 Walls, Owen W 254 Walls, WiUiam E., (9th /nd. cav.) 16 Walls, WiUiam E., {8th Ind. int, 3-yeara) 39 Walla, WUUam R., (Sth /nd. int, 3-inontha)...4]6 Walpole, Bryan C 120 Walrod, Theodore H 329 Walser, George H 243 Walser, Hiram H 323 Walsh, WiUiam, (17th /ii.int) 2.39 Walsh, WUliam, (103d /ii, int) 367 Walaton, Robert L 440 "Walter, BenjaminP (35 Walter, Paul 177 Walter, Robert H 126 Walterhouae, Thomaa S 130 Waltermire, Jamea 328 Walters, Dewitt C 155 Walters, George A 183 Walters, George S 134 Walters, Henry P 331 Walters, WiUiam 386 Walters, William II 395 Walther, JohnL 287 Walton, Alberto 423 Walton, AUeu M,, {13th Tnd. cav.) 20 Walton, Allen M., {86th /nd. int) 144 Walton, Francia M 265 Walton, George W 159 Walton, Nehemiah 73 WaUa, Jamea 350 Waltz, Edward D 423 Waltz, Levi 86 Walworth, Nathan H 284 Wanda. WUliara 127 Wantland, laaac 421 Warcup, Edwin S 61 Ward, Butler 332 Ward, Calvin E 427 Ward, Chariea E 3SS Word, CorneliuB S 340 Ward, Clyrus J 55 Ward, E. Brooka 269 Ward, Eraaraua D 2.33 Ward, G. P 199 Ward, G eorge P 1 32 Ward, Goorge T 216 Ward, GranviUe B SI Ward, Guy C , {13th III int, 3-yeara) 331 Ward, Guy C, (13th /ii.int, 3-month8) 431 War (i , H eiiry A 33 0 Ward, James K 55 Ward, Sarauel G 221 Ward, Smith G 303 Ward, WUliara C 100 Ward, William D., (37th Ind. int.) 90 Ward, William D., (60th /ii.int) ..318 Ward, William H 9 Ward, Zina G 406 Warden, John 307 Warden, Peter ISO Warden, .Silaa E 65 Wardlaw, William D 183, 198 Wardner, Horace, (12th III int, 3-ycars) 330 Wardner, Horace, (13th /ii. int, 3-inontlis) 431 Wardner, Philip J 386 Ware, George W 18 Ware, John ; 385 Ware, William 343 Waring, Charlea C 69 Warmoth, Edwin B 405 Warmoth, George M 383, 304 Warneke, Jobn'H 80 Warner, Abraham J 199 Warner, Alexander L 309 Warner, Edgar W 333 Warner, Edward B 438 Warner, Elmer B 84 Warner, Prank E 334 Warner, George F 190, 191 Warner, John, {41st /ii. int) 383 Warner, John, (108th /ii. int) 372 Warner, John E 192 Warner, Mosea M 402 Warner, Norman C 278 Warner, Porter 369 Warner, Roger 305 Warner, Thoraas J 332 Warner, Vespasian 243 Warner, Wra., (16lh /ii, cav.) 205 Warner, WiUiara, (S2d III int.) 341 Warner. WUliani, {127th /ii.int) 392 Warnick, Eobert 383 590 INDEX OP NAMES. Warning, WUliam L., (SSth /Zi. int) 271 Waruing, Wra. L,, (ISSth III int) 408 Warnock, BenjaminP ...406 Warnock, Hugh 340 Warren, Charles H 323 Warren, Edmund B 167 Warren, Harry T 142 Warren, Horace K 52 Warren, Jaraes M 282 Warren, John 177 Warren, John W 351 Warren, Thoraas J 320 Warren, Warrhura W 328 Warren, Williara B 163 Warren, WUUam P 411 Warrington, Uriah 331 Warwick, Alfred T 94 Waahbui-n, Henry D 57 Waahburn, John Q 159 Waahburn, Joaeph L 33 Washburn, Stephen G 188 Washburn, Thomas D 391 Waahburn, WiUiam O 11 Waahburne, larael 102 Waskora, John W UO, 113 W^aaaem, Philip SO Wasaon, Pountain G 55 Waason, John N '- 349 Waterbury, Charles M 193 Waterbury, Daniel H 439 Waterhonse, AUen C 207, 210 Waterman, Alfred 369 Waterman, Arba N 363 Waterman, George I 300 Waterman, Henry T 153 Waterman, Luther D 14 Waterman, Eichnrd M 79 Waterman, Eobert H 78 Waterman, Solomon, (7th /nd, int, 3-year8)- . .38 Waterman, Soloraon, (7th Ind. int, 3-montha) -415 Watera, Charles E 345 Waters, David E 227 Waters, James M 108 Watera, John G 137 Watera, John H 47 Watera, Joseph G 345 Waters, Louia H., {28th IU. inf.) 257 Watera, Louia H., {84th /ii. int) 345 Waters, William A 96 Waters, Zera 433 Watkins, John B 351 Watkina, John F 330 Watkina, WUford H 39 Watkina, William A 334 Watson, Alexander M 302 Watson, Alfred 11 Watson, Charles II 303 Watson, David K 385 Wataon, Emri C 340 Wataon, Prancia W., (ISth IU. int.) 340 Wataon, Francia W., (Ulat /ii. int) 439 Wataon, George C 38 Watson, Henry 237 Watson, Henry S 361 Wataon, Hugh 247 Wataon, Jamea 2iS9 Wataon, Jamea A. 333 Watson, Jamoa F 434 Watson, James H 417 Wataon, James T. C- - 223 Watson, jerorae R 421 Watson, Joel P 375 Watson, Joaiah P 46 Watson, Louis 237 Wataon, Richard H 272 Wataon, Eeed C 18 Wataon, Robert 36 Wataon, Samuel 404 Wataon, Samuel H 280 Wataon, Thomaa J 241 Wataon, William D 40 Wataon, WiUiam H., (SOth Ind. int) 138 Watson, WiUiamH., (10th /ii. cav.) 195 Wataon, WiUiara H,, (119th III int) 385 Watt, Ch.arlea R 385 Watters, Jamea P. M 314 Wat tera, WUson S 223 Walts, George L 298 Watta, Henry D II Watts, Isaac N 194 Watta, Jamea 150 Watts, Jaraea H 361 Watta, Jamea M 102, 170 Watta, Jamea S 16 Watta, Johu 132 Watta, John W., (9th Ind. cav.) 16 Watta, John W., {77th and 130th III inf.) .335, 396 Watta, Perry 64 Watta, PinkneyK 263 Watta, William 184,185 Waugh, Fernando D 136 Waj', Prancia M 13 Way, Hamilton M 284 Way, Jeaae W 39 Way, John S., (36th Tnd. int) 68 Way, Johns., (69th /nd. int) 130 Way, Sarauel 189 Wayman, WiUiam 312 Wayne, Charlea H 100 Wayne. Harley 236 Wayner, JohnB 424 Weakley, BUaha 20 Weakley, John G 179 Weakley, WiUiara L 299 Weaat, George L 167 Weatherinton, Eobert W 47 Weathera, Eichard E 30 Weathera, WiUiara V 1 Weaver, Aaa L 357 Weaver, Cornelius C 340 Weaver, Francia 391 Weaver, James H 47 Weaver, Eeuben S 52 Weaver, Samuel M 141 Weaver, Sarauel W 377 Weaver, Thomas C 304 Weaver, William 403 Weaver, WiUiam H. , (33d III int.) 367 Weaver, WiUiara H. , (71st III int.) 434 Weaver, Williara H., (USth /ii, int) 440 Webb, Auatin 129 Webb, Benjamin P 425 Webb, EU 318 Webb, Francis M 184 Webb, GeorgeW 93 Webb, Johnaon M 8 Webb, Lewia H 92 Webb, Loren, (Oth III int, 3-years) 325 Webb, Loren, (9th III int, 3.month8) 430 Webb, Lyaander E 336 Webb, Sarauel D 33 Webb, Samuel G 94 INDEX OF NAMES. 591 Webb, Thomas 131 Webb, Thomas E SO ¦Webb, Thomas V 140 Webb. WiUiam A., {70th /nd.iuf) 131 Webb, WilUam A,, {42d III int.) 284 Webb, Williara H 178 Webber, Ambrose C 379 Webber, Charles E 368 Webber, Edwin A., {12th HI cnv.) 198 Webber, Edwin A., (13th IU. cav.) 201 Webber, Elijah M 200 Webber, Howard J 123 Webber, Jules C 340 Webber, Nathaniel W 205 Webber, Eobert J 328 Webber, William B 310 Webber, WUliam W 182 Weber, Franz 81 Weber, Fred L 341 Weber, Heury 225 Weber, Theodore 238 Weber, Wm. M 52 Webster, Arthur 354 Webster, Bdward 315 Webster, Edward H 47 Webster, Francis W 203 Webster, George P 192 Webster, Gordon 184 Webater, JohnC 94 Webster, .Joseph 160 Webster, Joseph D 207 Webster, Joseph R 146 Webster, Milton L 188, 233 Webster, Noah 296 Webster, PhUauder R 440 Webater. Spencer 70 Week, Henry 338 Weddingtou , Sarauel C 167 Weddle, Noah S,, (UOth /nd int) 161 Weddle, Noah S.. (137th /nd. int) 425 Wedgewood, WiUiam W 3.57 Weedman, Zadock 0 371 Weeks, Jerorae P 300 Weeks, Joaeph H 265 Weems, Thoraaa D 357 Wecma, Thoraaa L. B 296 W^eid, Ivar Alexander 341 Weider, Aaion 181 Weigel, Eugene 341 Weigle, Emanuel M 246 Weihrich, Ernat 335 Weiler, Jamea 173 Weiler, JohnJ 55 Weimer, Do WittC 416 Weiiner, Henry C 104 Weiraer, John T 104 Weir, Andrew N U Weir, Prank A 358 Weir, Jaraea K 353 Weir, Johu H 169 Weir, Robert A 18 Weir, Williara D 143 Weirick, JohnH 312 Weirick, Speocor T 192 Weisenthal, Louia 27 Weiaer, George 252 AVeiamantle, Mathew 314 Weisner, Thomaa A 234 Weias, Henry M. P 256 Weias, Juliua 180 Weiat, Edwin B 61 Weiat, George L 89 Weitze, Ferdinand 368 WeUzel, Johu P 346 Welbern, Amos W 302 Welborn, Joahua T. C 142 Welborn, WiUiam P 138 Welch, Andrew J 11 Welch, CarapbeU 149 Welch, Prancia M 98 Welch, Georgo, {57th III iut) 312 Welch, George, (\46th III int.) 399 Welch, John 203 Welch, JohnH,, (3ist Ind. int) 78 Welch, JohuH., (97th III int) 360 Welch, John S 79 Welch, Johu T 237 Welch, Merritt C 106 Welch, W. W--- 304 Weld, Edward H 269 Weld, Henry 269 Weldin, Leander P 76 Weldon, Jamea 308 Weldon, Samuel G '.-7 Weiler, Henry 145 Wellea, Edmund L 408 Wellever, Morriaon 337 WeUmo.n, Alexia L 396 WeUman, Richmond M 73 Wellons, Johu C 15 Wells, A. Levi 190 Wells, Chariea B 303 Wei la, Oh,arlea H 270 Wella, David B 440 Wella, DavidP 238 Wella, Ebenezer T 351 Wella, Eli P. P 63 Wella, George R 191 Wella, Henry W 377 Wella, Jackaon 385 Wella, Jacob M., (34th Ind. int) 84 WoUa, Jacob M., (Sth Ind. int.) 416 Wella, Jaraea 0 UO Wella, Jamea H 403 Wella, Jamea K 78 Wella, John B 147 Wella, Johu H 339 Wella, Joaeph A 353 Wella, Lewia W 143 Wella, Martin L 165 Wells, PhUiar L - 357 WellB, Rodman H 151 Wella, Sarauel T UO WeUa, Samuel W 47 Wella, ThomaaP., (4th /nd. cav.) 7 WeUa, Thomaa P., (llth Ind. int) 418 WeUs, Timothy 369 WeUs, Townson 184 Wellshear, Johu W 38 Welman, Andrew T. , (33d Ind.'mf.) 83 Wolman, Andrew T., (117th Ind. int) 431 Welman, FeUxG 68 Welman, Eiehmond M 16 Welman, WilfordH 133 WelschbUlig, PeterJ 80 Welsh, Andrew J 247 Welsh, Merit C 38 Welsh, Pinckney J 310 Welsh, Robert G 401 Welsh, WilUara A 376 Welahiraer, PhiUp 245 Welton, John A Ill 592 INDEX OF NAMES. Wemple, Mindrct 182 Wendt, Henry 250 Wendt, Hiram 316 Weniger, Benedict 20S Went, Bdwin 333 Wentworth, Charlea B 199 Wentz, Charies 0 350 Wentz, George H 300 Wentz, Henry 44 Wenzel, Gottfried 1 362 Wert, laaac 363 Werthera, William 200 Wertz, Chariea P 235 Weacotf , Henry P 301 West, Alva 1 10, 11 3 West, Ch.arieB '203 West, Charies H 403 West, Prank E 137 West, George 379 West, George P 184 West, Henry C 69 Weat, Joshua P 386 West, Leonard 169 West, Samuel 316 West, SUas W., (OSth /ii. int) 432 Weat, SUaa W. , (14Sth III int) 440 West, Theodore H. , {3Sth III int.) 252 Weat, Theodore H., (135t.h IU. int) 436 Weat, William P 2.57 Westbrook, Abner H 193 Westcott, Henry S 47 Westcott, Lem'lK 376 Westcott, Lorenzo D 369 Westcott, Nelaon S 338 Westerfleld, Henry B 439 Westerman, Hugo 386 Weaterraan, Lonis 286 Weeterman, Williaia L 162 Weaterraann, Hugo 430 Weatfall, Daniel 347 Weatfall, Elnathan K 237 Weatfall, Rohert E 377 WestfaU, Williara E 240 Westlake, Joseph A., {9th Ind. int) 41 V/estlake, Joseph .V,, (73d Ind. int.) 134 Weatley, Joaeph 377 Weaton, George H 399 Weaton, Hugh, {123d /nd. int) 155 WeBton, Hugh, {76th Ind. int.) 419 Weston, John 19 Weston, WiUiam H 54 Westover, John W 63 Wetherald, Thomaa R Ul WethereU, Robert W 242 Wetmore, Jamea H 357 Wetmore, JohnJ 391 Wetmore, Stephen R., (13th HI. cav.) 201 Wetmore, Stephen R., {12th /Zi. int, 3-years.). 330 Wetraore, Stephen E., (12th III int., 3-raoa.) - .431 Wetzel, John, (8th III int., 3-yeara) 2-23 Wetzel, John, {8th /ii. int, 3-montha) 429 Wetzel, Samuel E 74 Weyer, Terry W 316 Weyer, William H .53 Weyhrieh, Peter 389 Weyman, Herbert 356 Weyrich, Brueet J 339 Whalen, Auguatua P 223 Whalen, Joaeph 0 22 Whalen, Michael 65 Whaley, Jamea C 37 AVhaley, Jefferaon P 210 Whaling, William M 298 Whallon, John 333 Whallon. Thoraaa 153 Wharn, Jcseph W 245 Wharton, Clifton T 242 Wharton, Jamea M 41 Wheatley, Henry H 71 Wheatley, William M 71 Wheaton, Jaraea A 392 Wheaton, Loyd 2-33 Whedon, Americus 140 Wheeler, Abaolem B 423 Wheeler, .^.lexander F 20 Wheeler, Andrew W., (39th /ii. int) 278 Wheeler, Andrew W., (153d /ii. int) 406 Wheeler, Charlea C 129 Wheeler, Edward G 206 Wheeler, George F 231 Wheeler, Harriaon H 136 Wheeler, Henry G 296 Wheeler, Jacob .- 239 Wheeler, Jaraea S 100 Wheeler. John 63 Wheeler, John B 217 Wheeler, "John O 361 Wheeler, John Q 145 Wheeler, John T 20 Wheeler, John Z 348 Wheeler, Logan 340 Wheeler, Mark C 304 Wheeler, Nathan W 383 Wheeler, Nehemiah J 406 Wheeler, Thomaa J 3,38 Wheeler, William C, {.38th Ind. int) 93 Wheeler, WiUiamC, (Slat /nd. int) 139 Wheeler, WilUara C, (6th Ind. int.) 415 Wheeler, WiUiam YT 75 Wheelock, Clarendon W 184 Wheelock, Prancia A 164 Wheelock, WiUi.ara W 235 AVherrett, laaac N., (lOlat /nd. int) 153 Wherrett, Isaac N.. (lOSth hid. int) 435 Whicher, Jaraes S 24 WhUaell, Joseph M 88 Whinrey, MUton 343 Whipple, Albert A 307 Whipple, Lewis T 278 Whitaker, Eli D 93 Whitaker, Joaeph 115 Whitaker, Joaeph Vi'., (30th Ind. int) 76 Whitaker. JosephW., {153d /nd. int) 173 Whitaker. Owen 190 Whitaker, Preaton L 94 Whitaker, Sarauel 178 Whitaker, WiUiam H 383 Whitaker, WUUam B 122 Whitall, J, D. W 214 Whitcomb, Edward '369 Whitcomb, J.imes H., (llth Ind. cnv.) 18 Whitcomb, James II., (73d Ind. int.) 132 Whitcomb, OUver 108 White, Arthur ; 69 White, Charies B 302 White, Charies W 141 White, Daniel -. 6 White, David, {53d Ind. int) 116 White, David, (107th /ii. int) 371 While, David A 171 White, David H 135 White, DavidW 182,199 INDEX OK NAMES. 593 White, Eben 236 White, Elijah M 57 White, Frank 52, 55 White, Frederick W 147 White, Georgo W 351 White, Giles E 129 White, Henry A., (4Sth Ind. iut) 106 White, Henry A., {148th Tnd. int) 168 White, Henry A., {37th HI. int.) 236 White, Henry A., {134th III int) 407 White, Ilenry A., (USth /nd. int) 4-33 White, Isaac 153 White, Jacob S 84 White, Jainea B., (30th Ind. int) 76 White, JameaB,, (75th Ind. int.) 136 White, James D 326,354 White, James E 29 White, Janies T 401 White, Jaaper N 345 WhUe, Jefferaou , 299 White, JohnB 383 While, John C, {42d /nd int) 96 White, JohnC, (lOlat /ii. int) 364 White, JohnH 264 White, JohnJ 390 White, JohnM 131 White, John T US White, Johnson 306 White, Joseph E 72 White, JosephP 150 White, Julius 274 White, Lyman A '309 White, OrenD. W 354 White, Patrick H 306, 219 White, Salem 368 White, Thomaa 362 White, Thoraas B 364 White, WUliara, (90th IU. int) 3.52 White, WiUiam, (lOlat IU. iut) 364 White, WiUiam F 276 White, WilliamH 335 White, WiUiara L 16 Whiteaker, John A 366 Whiteaker, Mark 386 WhitehaU, Alexander L 134 Whitehead, Edward J 435 Whitehead, John M 53 Whitehead, WiUiam W 435 Whitehill, Jaraes C 354 Whitehurst, WUUs G 376 Whiteman, George H., {6Sth /ii. int ) 433 Whiteman, George H., (USth III inf.) 440 "Whiteman, WilUam 86 Whiters, William P 184 WhiteseU, PhUip P., (Sth Ind. cav.) 14 WhiteseU, PhiUp P., (lOlat Tnd. int) 153 "Whiteside, Abraham L 149 Whiteside, Jamea A 259 Whiteatine, John 104 Whiting, Auguatus 178 Whiting, Charlea C 120 Whiting, David Y 85 Whiting, Frank 243 Whiting, John E 349 Whiting, John S 259 Whiting, Thomas 351 Whjting, Webster .\ 350 Whitlock, George C 137 Whitlock, EobertB 177 Whitlow, JohnP 9,11 Whitman, George 120 38 whitman, Harry A 9 Whitman, Henry A 416 Whitman, Irvin H 30 Whitman, Winfield S 127 Whitmire, Jaraes L 310 Whitmire , Jaines S 187 Whitmore, George E 175 Whitmore, Joshua 243 "Whitmore, Thoraas 406 Whitmyer. Samuel 332 Whitnell, DavidT 263 Whitney, Alden 74 Whitney, AUen B 358 Whitney, Arthur 275 WhUney, Beverly W 292 Whitney, Leonard 197 Whitney, Lorenzo H., (Sth /ZZ. cav.) 190 Whitney, Lorenzo H., (UOth III int.) 438 Whitney, TheophUus D 16 Whitney, Wra. C, (batt'y D, 1st III It art.). 209 Whitney, Wm. C, (batt'y G, 2d III It. art). 215 Whitridge. William E 98 Whitsit, Chariea W ISff Whitait, Courtland E : 71 Whitait, John A .¦ 71 WhitBou, CharlesB 300 Whitson, Ira K 84 Whitson, John T 300 Whitson, William A 82 Whittaker, Chariea A 146 Whittaker, CharleaS 49 Whittaker, Jaraea A 361 WhUtaker, Preaton L 419 WhUted, Thoraaa A 72 Whittemore, Henry C 216 Wllitten, William M 34 Whittle, Daniel W 330 Whitworth, George W 420 Whitworth, WilliamH 17 Wiar, Ilenrv 294 Wicker, Joe'l H 319 Wickeraham, Dudley 194 Wicklein, Peter 386 Wicklin, Jaraea B 436 Wicks, Horatio N 363 Wiclcatriira, PeterM 312 Widaman, Jacob, (Sth Ind. int , 3-yeara) 39 Widaraan, .Tacob, (Sth Tnd. inf., 3-raontha). -.416 Widgeon, JohnR 309 Widmer, Francis 314 Widmer, John P. B 108 Widmer, Jolin H 228,368 Wier, Joseph M 203 Wier, WiUiam C 157 Wiggins, Joseph P 39 Wiggins, PhileraonP 88 Wiggs, HamUton 319 Wightman, James 278 Wightraan, LeviB 217 Wightman, Theodore B., (Uth/nd.int) 44 Wightman, Theodore B., (63d Ind. inf .) 125 Wigraore, Williara W 87 Wike, Edward 392 Wikoff, Peter W 348 Wilbanks, Luke S 318 Wilber, Aaron A 3S Wilber, Luther H 263 Wilbur. George H 41 Wilch, Perry 315 Wilcox, Alfred E 329 WUcox, Charlea W 235 594 INDEX OF NAMES. Wilcox, Edward P 208 WUcox, Edn ard S 303 WUco.x, Frank 174 WUcox, Henry 304 Wilcox, Jeremiah 357 Wilcox, Johns 302 Wilcox, Joaiah I. 197 Wilcox, Lewia K 396 WUcox, WUlett 437 Wilcox, WUlett M 148 WUcox, William H 303 WUcoxaon, Joiiu ^^' 73 Wild, Theodore '3-50 Wilde, Samuel 139 Wildeboore, George 433 WUder, Chariea J 279 "WUder, GeorgeW 163 WUder, John T 50 Wilder. M. De Forrest 231 Wilder, William C 203 WUder, Williara F 292 WUderman, David H 383 WUdraan, JohnF., {130th /nd. int) 160 Wildraan, JohnF., {i53d /nd. int) , 173 WUdman, Stephen C 179 WUdman, WUliam D 146 Wilds, William W 43 Wildy, Joaeph M 176 Wilea, Nathan H SS "Wilea, Williara D 88 Wiles, William M 63. 100 Wilea, WUliara "\- 1 43 Wiley, Allen E 418 Wiley, Ben. L 184 WUey, Benjamin P., {153d Ind. int.) 173 Wiley, Benjamin P., (13Sth Ind. int) 435 Wiley, Dariua 317 Wiley, Earneat 189 WUey. Edmund E 321 WUey, George W., (Sth /nd. cav.) 14 WUey, George W., (6th Tnd. int.) 415 WUey, Henry 316 Wiley, John W 314 WUey, Martin 383 Wiley, Milea G ISS Wiley. Owen 388 Wilhelm, Fred 314 Wilhelm, WUliam C 3 Wilhelrai, Ernat-. 251 Wilkeraon, Williara M 136 Wilkea, Perry 108 WUkea, Theadore 113 Wilkie, David 357 Wilkin, Jacob W 335, 396 Wilkin, WiUiama T 259 Wilkina, Benjarain C 392 Wilkina, Daniel G 425 Wilkins, David 396 WUkina, EUaa D 245 Wilkina, Frederick .65 WUkina, Gawn 239 WUkina, George A 294 WUkina, Jamea E 377 WUkina, .John A 83 Wilkina, JohnE., {Uth /nd. int) 44 Wilkins, Johu E., {16th Ind. int.) 54 Wilkina, John I 202 WilkiuB, Thomaa 306 Wilkinaon, Benjamin O., {12th hid. cav.) 19 Wilkinaon, Benjamin O., {9th /ii. cav.) 193 Wilkinaon, Francis Tit 129 Wilkinson, George J ,367 Wilkinaon, Hiram V., {60th /nd. inf) 134 Wilkinaon, Hirara V., (134th /(i. int) 435 ^^'Ukinson, Lyman ,1 3,5.'i AVilkinaon, Orrin :j,j5 Wilkinaon, Thoraaa B G Wilkinaon, Webster C 184 Wilkinaon, William, (13th Tnd. cav.) 19 Wilkinaon, William, {103d TU. inf.l 367 Wilkinson. William H 90 Willard, Albert R 334 Willard, Charlea 361 Willard, Cbarlea M., (lat TU. light art'y) .207,308 Willard. Ch.orlea M., (Smith's indep't corap'y light art'y) 428 WiUard, Edwin E 301 Willard, Elijah A 374 WUlard, Erastus W 437 WUlard, Ezra 41 WUlard, George O 89 Willard, L. Sabine 196 Willard, Nathan 50 Willard, Sarauel 360 Willard. WiUiam C 338 Willard. WilUam H 360 Willentzkie, Ivanoff 326 Willett, Henry S 351 WUlett, Jaraes R 276 V.'illette, Jaraea A .37 Willctta, Hugh H 147 Willeta, Van 365 Willey, Dennia F 425 WiUiama, AlbertP 435 WiUiama, Alexander M 150 WiUiama, AndrewJ., {107th HI. int.) 371 Williams, AndrewJ., (116th /ii.int) 383 WiUiama, Asa 318 WiUiaras, Avery B 173 WiUiama, Benjamin 370 WiUiama, Benjamiu A 148 WiUiama, Benjarain F 153 WUliaraa, Carter C 339 WUliama, Cephaa, (SOth /ii. int) 243 W^Uiaraa, Cephaa, (113th IU. int) 379 Wilharas, Charlea 315 WUUama, Charles C 239 WiUiama, Charies D. C 209 WilUams, Chauncey 279 WiUiams, CincinuatusB 136 W'iUiams, David, (45th /ii.int) 290 WiUiams, David, (115th HI. int.) 381 Wil.iama, David B 32 WUUama, David E 324 WiUiama, David K 130 WiUiama, David S 338 WiUiama, Davia B 19 WiUiama, EdghiU B 68 WilliamB, Edward J 104 WUUama, Edward P., (Uth lid. int.) 50 WiUiams, EdwardP., (100th Ind. int.) 152 WUliaraa, Edward T 122 Williams, Edwin L., (Sth /ii. iut) 223 WiUiama, Edwin L., (UOth /ii. int) 399 WUliaraa, EUjah 147 WiUiaras, Ezekiel 37S Williams, Frank 165 Willhams, George P., (16th Ind. int) .'.54 WilUaraa, George P., (13th 111 cav.) 201 WiUiaraa, George H 47 WiUiaraa, HenryL 92 WUUaras, Henry M 29 INDEX OP NAMES. 595 Williams, Hezekiah 213 1 WUliams, Hirara US WiUiaras, Horace E 118,142 WiUiama, IradeU W 394 WUliams, Isaiah H. WUliams, laaiah H- Williama, James A., Williams, James A., Williams, James A. WiUiama, Jaraea E . WUliama, James {13th /ii. int) 232 (7-2d /ii. int) 330 (SOth III. int.) '399 (56th /ii. int) 310 (135th TU. int.) 436 233271 WUliams, Jerorae B 38 Williams, Joel G 178 VfflUaraa, John, (20th /nd. int) fil WiUiama, John, (38th /nd. int) 93 WiUiama. John, {43d/nd.int) 99 WiUiaraa, JohnB., (S9th /md. int) 147 WUliama, JohnE., {146th HI. int.) 399 WiUiama, John M 108 WilUaras, John S., (63d Ind. int) 135 WiUiama, John S. , ( 127th IU. int ) 392 Williams, John W 61 Williams, Jonathan H 58 WUliaraa, Joaeph, (18th IU. int) 3411 WUUaraa, Joaeph, {75th TU. int) 333 WilliamB, joaeph B 3 WUUaraa, Joseph E 77 WiUiaraa, Joaiah C 72 WiUiaraa, Juliua C 363 WUliama, L. French 256 WUliama, Leander P 1 34 WiUiama, Lewia 332 WiUiaraa, Lewia C 30 WiUiama, Lewia H 271 Willhams, Major D 19 WiUiaras, Orville D 38 WiUiaras, Peter 1 334 WUUams, Reuben, {l-3th /ii.int, I-year) 46 WiUiams, Reuben, (l'2th III int, 3-yeara) 47 WilUams, Rice C 384 WiUiama, Eichard 146 WiUiama, Eobert A., (ISlat TU. int) 404 WUliama, Eobert A., {137th III int) 437 WUliams, Eobert P 367 WilliamB, Eussell W 306 WiUiaras, Samuel E 21 Williams, Samnel J 60 WUliams, Samuel S 94 Williams, Solomon H 348 Williams, Solomon S 371 WUUama, Stephen J 361 WiUiaraa, Tbomas, (34th /nd. int) 67 WiUiama, Thomaa, (48th /ii.int) 396 WiUiama, Thomaa C 7 WiUiama, Thomaa D 353 WiUiama, Thomaa J 377 WiUiaraa, Vinaon 165 WiUiama, Warren 374 WiUiaraa, Wealey J 269 WiUiaraa, Wilbur P Ul WUliaraa, William C 100 WUliama, William D., {13th III int, S-years) .330 WUliaraa, WiUiam D., (43d /ii.int) '284 WiUiama, WilUam D., (S9th III int) 351 WUliama, WUliaraD., (13th /Zi. int, 3-mouths). 431 WUUaraa, WilUam P 310 WiUiams, WUliam H 179 WUliaraa, WiUiara L 313 WiUiaraa, WiUiam N 37 Wiilianiaon, Charlea P S3 Williamaon, Claiborne .S 363 WilUaraBon, Eliazer 160 WUUamaon, Emanuel M 134 WiUiamaon, H. C 302 Williamaon, Jamea H 264 Williamson, James W 34 WiUiamBon, John G 125 WiUiainson, Eobert A., (\Oth Ind.int.) 43 WiUiamaon, Robert A., (SOth /nd. int) 144 WiUiamson, Robert A., (13Sth /nd. int) 424 Williamson, Robert J 328 WiUiamaon, Samuel H 369 WiUiamson, T. W. C 68 WUUamaon, Thomaa 228 Williamaon, ThomaaG., (10th /nd. cav.) 17 Williamaon, Thomas G., (Uth/nd.int) ...:-. 50 WiUiamson, Tucker W 98 WUlian, Thomas J 389 Wiilich, August 80 WUUford, George W 225 WUlige, Augustus 433 Willigraann, Jaraea 169 WiUis, Asham E 263 WiUis, Clark Ul WiUia, Daniel JI 397 Willia, George .\ 194,203,272 WUUs, JameaB 349 WiUis, Jamea W 163 WUUs, Jonathan C 296 WiUia, Moaes B 100 Willia, Williara Ul Willia, WilliaraP 98 WiUison, Aalaa, (17th /ii. int) 239 WiUiaon, Asias, { 103d III inf. ) 367 WiUison, Howard 367 WUlits, Charies M 422 WUlits, Henry J 25 WilUts, Samuel E 365 Willitt. Isaac 43 WiUmarth, Henry G 302 Willonghby, Aureliua M 14 Willa, Ch.arles 1 88 Wills, Chariea W SO"? WUla, Jamea I 13l. Willsie, Horace H., (102d HI. int.) 365 WUI>iie, Horace H., (148th IU. int.) 401 Willsie, Horace H., (139th III int) 43S Willson, Jaraes H 417 WiUaon, Oaborn 389 WiUaon, Samuel J 117 Wilmaua, JohnH " 438 Wilraer, Williara E 331 WUmeth, Isaiah W., {39th III int) 278 WUmeth, laaiah W., (146th /ii. int) 399 Wilraington, Oscar N US Wilmington, WilUam 84 WUaey, David 2 WUaey, MUes V 69 Wilsey, Eichard A 12i WUsbire, WilUam W 391 Wilson, Abram C, (SSth Tnd. int) 130 WUson, Abram C., (Uth 7nd. int) 418 WUson, Alexander 134 Wilson, Alexander M 361 WUaon, Andrew, {59th Tnd. int) 133 WUaon, Andrew, {80th /ii. int) 339 Wilaon , Andrew B 437 WUaon, Benjamin F 149 Wilaon , Bluford 386 WUaon, Caleb 417 Wilaon, Calvin H 238 Wilaon, Calvin J 22 59G INDEX OF NAMES. Wilson, Canning 175 WUaon, Cavil K 194 Wilaon, Charies O 176 Wilaon, Cornellua 326 Wilson, David 44 WUson, David H 194 WUson, Ephraim A 337 Wilaon, Eugene C 193 WUaon, Prank C 319 Wilaon, Frazer 433 Wilaon, Frederick B 1 70 Wilaon, George A 302 WUaon, George C 314 Wilaon, George S 53 WUaon, Hall 184, 256 Wilaon, Harriaon D 154 Wilaon, Harvey B., (73d hid. int) 133 Wilaon, Harvey B., (Uth Ind. int) 418 WUaon, Henry S 340 Wilaon, Henry W 348 WUson, Hirara D 403 Wilaon, Howard 1 50 Wilaon, laaac, (60th Ind.inf.) 1-34 WUaon, laaac, (137th Ind. int) 433 Wilaon, Isaac G 302 Wilaon, laaac P 433 Wilaon, Jacob B 153 WUson, Jamea, (Uth /nd. int) 43 Wilaon, Jaraea, (Slat Ind.int.) 139 Wilson, Jaines A., (20th /nd. int) 61 Wilaon, Jainea A., (4l8t /7i. int) 282 WUson, Jamea C 18,20 Wilaon, Jamea 1 1 rant 303 Wilaon, Jaraea J 373 Wilson, Jaraea L 393 WUaon, Jaraea B 263 Wilaon, Jease B 187 Wilaon, John 292 Wilaon, John A., (56th /ii. int ) 309 Wilaon, John A. , (153d Hlint.) 406 Wilson, John A.. (I34th /ii. int) 435 Wilaon, Jolm D 397 Wilaon, John E 417 Wilaon, John P., {144th Ind, int.) 164 WilBon, John F, , (114th /ii. int) .>-380 Wilson, JohnH., (44th /nd. int) 100 Wilson, JohnH., (Olat /ii.int) 353 Wilsou, John L., (34th Ind.int.) 85 Wilson, JohnL., (21st /ii.int) 245 Wilson, John L., {114th /ii. int) 380 WUson, John M., (13th Ind. int) 48 WUson, JohnM., {155th /nd. int) 175 WUson, JohnM., {13Sth /Zi. int) 437 Wilson, John N 186 Wilson, John P 7 WUaon, JohnW., (llth Tnd. cav.) ]S Wilaon, John W., {57th /nd.iuf) 119 Wilaon. John Warden 94 Wilaoni John X 3(j7 WUaon, Joaiah 63 Wilaon, Lorenzo D 153 Wilaon, Louia C S Wilson, Luther B 59 Wilson, Martin 272 Wilsou, Nathan 154 Wilson, OUver M 117 Wilsoq, Orrisou, (48th /nd. int) 106 Wilaon, Orriaon, (I55th Ind. int) 175 Wilson, Pelatiah 237 Wilaon, Eobert, (Sth /ii. int) 3'J3 Wjlaon, Eobert, {113th Ul int ) 379 Wilson, Eobert B 331 WUson, Eobert C 185 WUaon, RobertM. P 356 Wilaon, Samuel 237 Wilson, Samuel P 331 Wilaon, Samuel J., (Uth/nd.int) 44 WilBon, Samuel J., (10th HI. int, 3-yearB) 327 WUaon, Sarauel J., (Kith III int, S-inontha) ..4.30 WUaon, Samuel J. R 184 WUaon, Samuel M 417 Wilaon, Saniuel W 31 WUaon, Shipley S 142 Wilaon, Steven L 14 Wilaon, Theodore A 94 Wilaon, Thoraaa J 363 Wilaon, Thomaa V 195 Wilson, WUliara, (10th TU. int.) 227 Wilson, WiUiam, {e6th /ii. int ) 328 WUaon, WiUiamA 365 Wilaon, William B .59, 61 Wilson, WUUara C, (40th /nd.inf) 94 WUson, WilUam C, (37th /ii. int) 274 Wilson, WUliara C, (10th /nd.inf) 417 Wilson, Williara C, (13Sth /nd. int) 424 WUaon, WiUiara D 321 WUaon, William E 194 Wilson, WiUiam F 347 WUaon , WilUam G 1.53 Wilaon, WilUam H 136 WUson, WUliam K 36 Wilaon, WiUiam P 1.54 WUson, Williara R. , {37th HI inf) 274 Wilaon, WiUiara E., {135th III int.) 390 Wilson, WiUiam S 146 Wilatach, Chaa. P 43 WUt, Daniel M 188 Wiramer, WilliamP 22 Wimpelberg, WiUiam 126 "W^inana, Henry C 252 Winana, laaac N -.- 78 Winana, Eichard 55 Wiuhigler, John S 299 Winchester, Edgar 303 Winchester, Eeuben B 331 Windell, George W 93 Window, Thomaa J 331 Windsor, John ,S 382 Wiuegardner, Sarauel 383 Wines, EUjah N., (18th Ind.int.) 58 Winea. Elijah N., (76th /nd. int) 419 Wines, Blarshall W 172 Wing, Malcomb H 191 Wingert, David 269 Winget, Calvin E 331 AVingett, WUmington 130 Winholtz, WilliamB 403 Winkle, Jainea 86 Winkler, John A 286 Winn, Charles B 420 A\'inue, Charlea 307, 3.35 Winner, Williara H 94 Wiusell, William A 404 "\N'insett, John 2'27 Winahip, Henry D 267 Winshlp, James 350 Winalow, Hezekiah H 147 Wiualow, John P .314 Winalow, E. Hoyt 314 Winalow, Robert H 439 Winalow, Williara 368 Winalow, WUliam l'. 423 INDEX OF NAME.S. 597 "Wiualow. Zcbcdce E 314 Winsor, Samuel 27 Winaton, Thomaa, (92d /ii. int) 354 AVinaton, Thomaa, (149th /ii. int) 402 Winter, Andreaa 80 Wiuter, Henry 165 Win tera, George H 173 Wiutera, George T 14 Wiutera, John B 171 Wintera, Joseph P 147 Winters, Joshua C 316 Wintrode, Jacob 104 Wire, Peter P 304 Wirta, John B., (91at Ind. int) 148 Wirta, Johu B., {117th Tnd. int) 431 Wirta,' WiUiam P 148 W^isdoin, Thomaa G 345 Wise, Edwin B 354 Wiae, George C 317 Wiae, Jereraiah M 152 Wiae, John P 133 Wiae, Kenneth D 148 Wiaeman, Theodore 227,347 Wishard, Joaeph M 10 Wiahard, S. E 433 W"iahard, Silaa W 184 Wiamer, Henry G .371 Wianer, Jaines W 360 Wisner, Samuel 1 04 Wisner, Sharpe 104 W"isn6r, WUUain A ] 47 Wiawell, Eugene M 353 WiaweU, Raymond E 316 Witemyre, laaac W 60 Witliera, Thaddeua C 67 Withington, Joaeph 282 Witt, Silas M 424 Witt, WilliamB 130 Wittenberg, Otto 423 Wolcott, Edward -A 205 Wolcott, Henry K 284 Wolcott, Richmond 227 Wolf, Adara 160 Wolf, FrankUn B 356 Wolf, GeorgeW 201 Wolt Harvey S 139 Wolt JohnM 138 Wolt Levi 1.56 Wolf, Samuel 134 Wolf, Stephen 40 Wolf, Williara F 371 Wolf, WilUamH 33 Wolfe, David H 261 Wolfe, Edw.-ird H 113 Wolfe, .Tool, (16th /nd. int, 1 -year) 53 Wolfe, .Tool, (16th /nd. int, 3-years) 54 Wolfe, Johns., (20th /ii.int) 243 Wolfe, John S., (135th /ii.int) 436 Wolfe, Joseph D 299 Wolfe, JosephR 371 Wolfe, Luther 150 Wolferd, Herman 274 Wolferd, John A 388 Wolff, Robert A 80 Wolfgang, Lewia 15 Wolgamott, Hiram R 265 Wolgemuth, Jamea B 331 WoUen, ThomaaP US Wolverton , Jackaon .-. 135 Wolz, John 286 Wonder, Adolphus II 112 ] Wonsetler, Gideon .-..52 Wood, Andrew 227 Wood, Andrew G 155 Wood, Andrew M 319 Wood, Benjamin T 298 Wood, Benaon 269 Wood, Charlea A 2 Wood, Chariea O 418 Wood, Charlea S 2.57 Wood, Edgar M 309 Wood, Edward J 106 Wood, Bdward W 129 Wood, Emaley H 92 Wood, Bnos P 239 Wood, FleteherD 399 Wood. Galatin A 318 Wood, Cieorge 22 Wood, George J., (batt'y D, 1st III It. art'y). 209 Wood, George J. , (10th /ii. int ) 430 Wood, Georgo L 405 Wood, GeorgeW 423 Wood, Gustavus A 52 Wood, HardinC 351 Wood, Harrison W 363 Wood, Henry D 270 Wood, Jacob S 56 Wood, Jamea 67 Wood, Jamea A 19 Wood, Jamea H 164 Wood, Jamea N 65 Wood, John, {6Sth /ii.int) 326 Wood, John, (137th III int.) 437 Wood, John, jr., (6th /ii. cav.) 186 Wood, John, jr., (10th IU. int.) 430 Wood, JohnN : 368 Wood, JohnP 59 Wood, JohnW 371 Wood, Jonathan D., {14th Ind. int) 50 Wood, Jonathan D.. (SOth Ind. int) 123 Wood, Levi, (31at Ind. int) 78 Wood, Levi, (9th Ind. int.) 417 Wood, Lewia W 41 Wood, Loran C 56 Wood, Matthew P 309 Wood, Maxwell C 423 Wood, McLainF., {154th /ii. int) 407 Wood, McLainF., (10th /ii. int) 430 Wood, McLeanP 227 Wood, Orlando S., (batt'y I, 3d III It. art'y) .217 Wood, Oriando S., (129th Ill'mt) 395 Wood, Peter P., (batt'y A, 1st HI. It. art'y) . .208 Wood, Peter P., (Smith'a indep't III It. art.). .428 Wood, Preaton 276 Wood, Richard A 120 Wood, RichardH 360 Wood, VirgU C 212 Wood, Walea W 357 Wood, Waahington L 242 Wood, WeUington 343 Wood, WiUiam, (lat Ind. heavy art'y) 23 Wood, William, (12th Ind. int.) 46 Wood, William, (lOlat Ind. int ) 153 Wood, WilUam, (98th III int.) 361 Wood, William P., (lat/nd. cav.) 1 Wood, WilUam P., (35th Ind. int) 69 Wood, WilliamH 145 Wood, WiUiamL 69 Wood, WUUam S 369 Woodall, French B,, (16th III int.) 237 WoodaU, French B., (ISlat IU. int) 404 Woodall, Robert, (4th Tnd. cav.) 7 598 INDEX OF NAMES. WoodaU, Robert, (Slai Ind. int) 78 Woodard, George W 2-35 Woodard, John E 18 Woodbeck, WUUam 1 04 Woodbury, George '336 Woodbury, H. H 292 Woodbury, Horatio .139 Woodcock, Albert 354 Woodcock, Lewis N 356 Wooden, JohnL 129 WoodflU, John S. G 419 Wooding, Isaac 307 Woodmanaee, Charlea S 386 Woodraanaee, Giabricl 15 Woodmanaee, HughM., {54th Ind. int.) 418 Woodmanaee, Hugh M., (U7th Ind. int.) 421 Woodrow, James C 134 Woodruff. Charles P 306 Woodruff, Freeman 337 WoodruiT, Henry T .363 Woodruff, John G 379 Woodruff, Joaeph 278 Y/oodruff, MUton W. H 98 Woodruff, Eichard E 369 Woodruff, Samuel H 76 ¦,'foodruff, WiUiam A 335 Woods, Alfred II 361 Woods, Cabin J 59 Woods, Columbus 433 Woods, Cyrenius N 333 Woods, Daniel L., {1st Ind. heavy art'v) 23 VvToods, Daniel L., (153d Ind.inf.) -' 173 Woods, Daniel L., {138th /nd. int) 435 Wooda, EUsha T 397 Woods, Ephraim E...: 130 Woods, Henry C 196 Wooda, Isaac N 357 Wooda, Jackaon 140 Woods, John H .381 Woods, John T 284 Wooda, John AV 184 Wooda, Lee 376 Wooda, Le Eoy, (7th Ind. cav.) 13 Wooda, Le Eoy, {S4th /nd. int) 143 AVooda, Marshall C 408 Wooda, Milea 149 Wooda, Nathan P 337 Wooda, Peter C .57 AVooda, Eeuben 365 Wooda, Eiley 156 Wooda, Eobert .M 324 Woods, EusseU B 65 Wooda, Thomaa B 43 Wooda, Thoraas E 388 Wooda, AValter S 399 AVoods, Winfield AV 203 AVoodaraall. Harriaon 430 Woodaon, Samuel D 367 Woodward, Benjarain 347 Woodward, Chariea E., {26th IU. int.) 253 AVoodward, Charies E., {79th /ii. int) 338 Woodward, Don J 410 Woodward, Prank J 392 Woodward, George D 227 AVoodward, George N 357 Woodward, George AV--- 390 Woodward, Pyrrhus 88 Woodward, Samuel 382 Woodward, Samuel L 186 Woodward, Theodore 145 AVoodward, Thomas S LIU7 AA'oodward, AVarren lis Woodward, AViUiam 2i8, 315 AVoodward, AVilliam A 7 Woodword, Alfred AV 210 'Woodworth, Frank 192 Woodworth, Horace G 358 Woodworth, John M 207 AVoodworth, Oraon H 135 Woodworth, Seth L 338 AVoody, Enoch M., (USth Ind. int) 168 AVoody, EnochM., (2] at /ii. int) 245 AVooff, ThomasB 364 AVoolen, Green V 72 AVooley, George W 365 AVooley , Oliver S 170 WooUard, James B 376 AVooUard, AVashington AV 254 AVoolley, John 3,9 Woolman, Ezra J 3? AVoolsey, G. E 377 Woolaey, AVright 188 AVooten , AViUiam T 194 AVoof on, Daniel P 3 Worceater, Alfred J 233 AVorcester, Philip 183 AVorden, Auatiu J 404 Worden, Byron W 74 Worden, Frank C 196 AA'ordeu, John J 196 AVork, Henry J 84 Work, AViUiam H ...- 439 Workizer, Charlea J. G 15 Workman, Jaraea T 380 AVorkraan, Thomas C 417 AVorks, Andrew J 421 AA^orley, Isaiah C 367 Worley, Loriu A 326 AVorley, Sylvester T 385 AVorman, John S 299 AA^orrell, Jamea P., {47th HI int) 294 Worrell, Jamea P;, {86th /ii. int ) 348 AA'orrell, John - 151 AVorrell, John B 337 AVorater, George 54 AVorth, CharlesC 180 AVorthen, Daniel 356 AVorthen, Thoraaa A 384 AVortbinghara, Morris 363 AVorthington, Charlea AI 436 AVorthington, Henry C, {106th TU. int) 370 AVorthington, Heury C , (7th III int.) 439 Wren. Martin N 338 AA'rigbt, Aaron VV 147 AVright, Alexander M 365 AVright, Alfred W 340 AVright, Anderson 335 Wright, Ansel J 438 AVright, Charles H 423 AVright, CorneUus M 366 AVright, DavidL Ill Wright, E. Moslcy 252 AVright, Edward 177 Wright, Edward M., (batt'v C, 1st TU. It. art)209 AVright, Edward M. , (10th /Zi. int) 430 AVright George 233 AVright, George T 165 AVright, George AV., (10th /nd. cav.) 17 AVright Georgo AV., (12th/ndint) 47 AVright George AV., (17th III int) 239 AVright, George AV., (60th Til int.) 318 AVright, George AV,, {I03d /ii. int) 367 INDEX OF NAMK'^ 599' Wright, Greenbury 436 Wright, Harrison 23 Wright, Henry C, (25th /ii. int) 232 AVright, Honry C, (33d /ii. int) 203 AVright, Henry P., {3d Ind. cav.) 5 AVright, Henry F,, {7th Ind. cav.) 13 AVright, Henry O 248 Wright, Ivy E 431 Wright, Jaraea B 1 292 AVright, James C 433 AVright, JamesH., (.53d /nd. int) 113 AVright, Jaraea H. . (87th /ii. int) 349 AVright, JameaH., (I54th Ul int) 407 AVright, Jainea L 96 AVright, Jamea S 69 Wright, John 371 AVright, .TohnB 347 AVright, JohnE 314 AVright, John M 368 AA'right, JohnP 186 AVright, Jonathan J 156 AVright, .Joseph C 330 AVright, Josiah B 303 AVright, Levi 299 Wright, Moaea D 167 AVright O. P. B 236 AVright, Owen 390 AVright, Eobert N ,386 AVright, Eobert S 426 AVright, Sarauel F 347 Wright, Simeon 267 AVright, Squire A 308 AVright, AVilliam H 356 AVright, William 1 55 AVright, AVUUamP 409 AVright, Williara R 339 AVright, William S 364 AVright, William AV 377 AVuerpcl, Ernat 286 Wuerpel, Moritz 386 AVundt, CL 321 Wyatt, Jaraea L 364 AVyatt, John J 321 Wyatt, AV. D 429 Wyatt, AViUiara H 436 Wyatt, WiUiam J - 364 Wycaugh, Jaraea S 375 Wycoff, Joaeph P 365 Wyckoff, AlfonaoD 325 AVyekoft', Benjamin F 367 AVyckoff, Johu S 367 AVyeth, Milton L 99 AVylder, Jamea R 320 AVylie, Jouathan D 271 Wylie, Joaeph H 294 AVyUe, Thorapaon M 355 AVyman, Henry J 335 AVynian, John B 232 AVynd, JameaH 373 AVyner, Williara D 246 AA^yaong, Frederick S 40 A'anke, Edward 26 Yaples, Jacob 364 Yaples, W.arren 180 Yargan, AVilliam O 188 YameU, JohnM 404 Yarnell, Milton G 273 Yamell, William E 233, 239 Yaryan, .John L 120 Yaryan, Leander 59 Yatea, Albert 424 V.ites, Charles W il.lS A'atea, Ilenry , 37(1 A'atea, Jaraea H 334 Yatea, Jobn D 370 Yatea. Lucius H 37'l Yatea, Samuel E 347 Yatea, AVUI 187 A'eager, Ferdinand 221 Yenger, AViUiara F - 96 Yeagley, Andrew J 146 Yeagley, Jiiooh B 408 A'eargin, Noah R., {4th Ind. cav.) 8 Yeargin, Noah R., {ISth III int).. . 340 Yeiitinan, Lewis M 5') Yelton, Charlea, {38th HI. int) 270 Yelton, Charlea, {143d /ii. int) 440 Yelton, John AV 276 Yelton, William L 96 Yelvlugton, Harvey D in Yeoman , David II 145 Yetter, Clhristopher C 395 Yoho, Hirain 271 York, Alexander M 354 York, Barney 126 York, Calvin B 368 York, Edw in 1) 33 York, Jamea H 125 York, John 266 A'ork, Shubal 306 York, AViUiain H 265 Yoat, Casper 177 Yost, Jacob AV 142 Yost, Johu 177 Younrt, John M 52 Youkey, Josepli AA^ 94 Young, Andrew 326 Young, Anthony 347 Young, Charies E 171 Young, Charies G 282 Young, Daniel G 309 Young, David G 340 Young, Delos AV 372 Young, Edward 57 Young, Elijah 1 52 Young, Eraatua O 351 Young, Francia M _. 436 Young, Frederick W '. 308 A'oung, George E., {153d Tnd. int) 173 Young, George E., {5'3d /ii. int) 302 Young, Hamilton 384 Young, Jackaon G 396 Young, Jamea 52 Young, jaraea A 435 Young, Jaraea H 397 Young, Johu 342 Young, John C 11 1 Young, John T 172 Young, John AV 339 Young, Joaeph W 150 Young, Lyraan AV 404 Young, Robert 357 Youug, Sarauel, (4th Tnd. cav.) 7 Young, Samuel, (SSth III int.) 347 Young, SarauelL., (19th /nd. int) 39 Young, Samuel L., (60th Ind. int) 134 A'oung, Stephen J 296,338 Young, Thoraas A 338 Young, Uriall 5 Young, WiUiam • 392 Young, WiUiara B., (153d Ind. int; 173 Young, Willifim B., {27th IIL int) 256 600 INDEX OP NAMES. Young, AA'UUamG 361 Young, AViUiara H 419 Young, AVUUam J 376 Young, WiUiam L 420 Yonngberg, J. E 312 Youngblood, George W 264 Youngken, John C K 381 Youngman, Jacob C 163 Younga, David 276 Youngaon, WiUiara 355 Yount, David 130 Yount, John M 144 Yundt, JoBeph H 174 Zearing, Jamea E 312 Zeek, Farlow S 147 Zeek, SUaaB 167 Zehniug, JohnW 136 Zeidler, WUUam 223 Zeigler, John R 196 Zeigler, Joaeph D 380 Zeigler, WilUam 286 Zeia, Henry 339 Zeiaing, Henry 305 Zelle, George 288 Zener, AVilliam W 57 Zengel, Frederick 250 Zent, Samuel M 46 Zeublin, Jonathan AV 147 Zick, Bernhard 223 Zick, Joaeph 283 Ziegler. Joaeph A 371 Zilly, Charlea 194 Zimmerman, Albert L., (.34th Ind. int) 64 Zimmerman, AlbertL., (118th Tnd. int) 422 Ziraraerraan, Chriatian 402 Ziraraerman, David A 269 Zimmerman, Johu 180 Zimmerman, John J 172 Zimmerman, Robert G 181 Ziraraerman, Williara H 139 Zinser, Solomon L 348 ZoU, Carithers 404 Zollinger, Charles A., (30th Ind. int) 76 Zollinger, Charles A., (129th /nd. int) 159 Zolman, Lewia 299 Zook, Thomas AV 125 Zorger, Charles K 371 Zuel, WUliam M 324 Zulaut Christian t> 66 EREATA. On pages 5 and 6, for " Capt. "Will C. Morean, " read * ' Will C. Moreau. " On page 9, for "William L. Lindsey," read "William L. Lindsy." Ou page 9, for "Amor D. Cunningham," read "Amoa D. Cunningham." On page 12, for "Samuel A. Towell, a. w. m.," read "Samnel A. Towell, 1 July, 65." Oupage 15, for "Mahlon C. Connett," read "Miihlon C. Connet." On page 17, for "John W. Bradburn, resigned December 13, 1864," read "John W. Bradburn, resigned March 10, 1865." On page 20, for "Robert H. Buek," read "Robert H. Buck." On page 20, omit " Corporal Absalom Jordan." On page 20, insert, in roster of Second Lieutenants, "Niram L. Winchell, 13 July, 65." On page 36, for ' ' Edward W. Fluehart," read ' ' Edward W. Fluhart." On page 36, for "Thomas P. Farly," read " Thomas P. Farley." On page 37, for " Lieut. Colonel BLagerman Tripp, discharged May 5, 1864," read "Lieut. Colonel Hagerman Tripp, resigned June 22, 1864." On page 37, for " Philemon G. Baldwin," read "Philemon P. Baldwin." On page 39, for "Lorenzo D. McAllister," read "Lorenzo D. McCalhster." On page 41, for "Joshua Healy," read "Joshua Healey." On page 46, for "Andrew P. (Jallahcr," read "Andrew P. Gallagher." On page 48, for "Edmond Finn," read " Edmund Finn." On page 50, for "Lucian A. Foote," read "Lucien A. Foote." On page 55, for " James E. Sergeant," read "James B. Serjeant." On page 55, for "Allison Clark," read "Alison Clark." On page 59, for "Banjamin F. Reed, "read " Benjamin F. Reed." On page 63, for "Nathaniel J. Beachley," read "Nathaniel J. Beachly." On page 68, under "Discharged," read "Second Lieut. Archibald N. Clayton, July 19, 1865." On page 68, under "Discharged," read "First Lieut. Charles H. Denihue, August 9, 1864." On page 69, for " Captam Charles S. Finch, diijcharged August 31, 1863," read " Captain Charles S. Finch, discharged December 28, 1863." On page 72, for "Second Lieut. Arthur Berry, December 21, 1861," read "Secoud Lieut. Arthur BeiTy, December 18, 1861." Ou page 74, for "Ferdus Ryland," read "Fredus Ryland." On page 78, for " Captain Robert H. Waterman, September 18, 1865^" read " Captain Rohert H. Waterman, October 16, ]865." On page 79, for "Captam Richard M, Watenuan, August 23, 1864," read '^' Captain Richard M. Wateimau, August 22, 1864." On page 88, for "Captain George Hoover, February 8, 1862," read "Captain George Hoover, Feb-- ruary 5, 1862." On page 110, for "First Lieut. John R. Simpson, Adft, March 28, 1863," read "Pirst Lieut. Johm. R. Simpson, Adj't, March 24, 1863." On page 122, for "Andie J. Mason," read "Andrew J. Mason," On page 123, for "Merrit C. Taylor," read "Merritt C. Taylor." On page 128, for "William H. Aiken," read " William H. Aikin." On page 128, omit "*" before the name of "Robert D. Callihan." On page 137, for " First Lieut. William P. Mount, dismissed December 15, 1864, "read "FirstLieut. William P. Mount, discharged December 15, 1864." On page 140, for "Ass't Surgeon Mathew Kelly, died August 23, 1864, of disease," read "Ass't Surgeon Mathew Kelly, resigned September 13, 1864." On page 141, for "John H. Roertz," read "John H. Roerty." On page 153, for " March 15," after " Simon Krewson," read "March 21." On page 154, for "Richard P. Barten," read "Richard F. Barter." On page 163, for "Phillip Guckes,"read "Philip Guckes." On page 177, for "Harry M. Day," read "Henry M. Day." On page 178, for "Second Lieut. James S. McHenry, September 4, 1864," read "Second Lieut. James S. McHemy, August 31, 1864." On page 194, for "Garrett Elkin," read "Garret Elkin." On page 194, for " Captain William Sands, August 21, 1862," read " Captain William Sands, De cember 26, 1862." On page 194, for ' ' First Lieut. Gideon Brainerd, Adj't, March 12, 1863," read " Pirst Lieut. Gideon Brainerd, Adj't, April 20, 1863." On page 200, for " Doddrige B. Gratton," read "Doddridge B. Gratton." On page 200, for "FirstLieut. Emil Newburger, R. Q. M., mustered out," &c., "January 9, 1865," read "First Lieut. Emil Newburger, R. Q. M., dismissed December 28, 1864." On page 202, for "Chaplain Samuel Chase, February 20, 1865," read "Chaplain Samuel Chase, March 2, 1865." On page 206, for "Lucius C. Matlock," read "Lucius C. Matlack." * ERRATA. On page 219, Second Lieut. John Short should be in roman as First Lieut. Ou page 221, for "Captaiu Ferdinand Yeager, discharged April 6, 1865," read "Captain Ferdinand Yeager, resigned March 24, 1865." On page 227, the name of Theodore Wiseman should be in roman letters. On page 230, for "Eban Bacon," read "Eben Bacon," On page 230, for "Jason J. Sanborn," read "Jason J. Sanburn." On page 232, for "Isiah H. WiUiams," read "Isaiah H. Williams." On page 232, for " Ass't Surgeon I. Spofford Hunt," read "J. Spafford Hunt." On page 235, for "Harmon A. Buck," read " Harman A. Buck." On page 239, for "Abram H. Ryan, a. w. m.," in roster of captains, read "Captaiu Abraham H. Ryan, promoted February 9, 1864, to colonel 3d regiment Arkansas cavalry." On page 243, read " Second Lieut. Martin Norton, promoted March 28, 1864, to Captain and ^. ^4. G." On page 250, for "Ferdinand H. RoUshausen," read "Ferdinand H, Rolshausen." On page 254, for "James Maiues," read "James Mains." On page 272, for "WiUiam P. Pierce," read " William P. Peirce." On page 275, for "Henry T. Messier," read "Henry T. Mesler," On page 299, for "First Lieut. Mervin Converse, September 12, 1864," read "First Lieut, Mervin Converse, September 12, 1864, recommissioned First Lieut, and R. Q. M., April 4, 1865." On page 304, for "John H. Davis, 9 Sept., 63," read "JohnH. Davis, 9 Dec, 63." On page 310, for "Dodridge B. Gratton," read "Doddridge B. Gratton." On page 314, for "Emory A. Merritield," read "Emery M. Merrifield." On page 326, for "James Finncan," read "James Finucan." On page 335, insert, under "Resigned," "First Lieut. Charles Ireland, March 19, 1863. On page 336, omit "FirstLieut. Charles Ireland, March 30, 1863." On page 340, for ' ' Majer Thomas Hightower, October 25, 1864, " read " Major Thomas Hightower September 20, 1864." On page 367, for "First Lieut, William MeUor, R. Q. M., January 26, 1865," read "First Lieut. William Mellor, R. Q. M., May 15, 1865." On page 369, for "March 8," after "Amos C. Graves,-" read "March 30." On page 374, for " WUbern M. Boven," read " Wilbern M. Boren." On page 375, the name of First Lieut. Calviu M. Clark should be in roman letters. On page 404, for "WilUam Fairman," read " William Fairmon." On page 408, for "George Scheurmann," read "George Scheuermann." On page 416, for "Ashael K. Bush," read " Asahel K. Bush." On page 417, for "Benjamin F. Beitzel," read "Benjamin P. Beitzell." On page 420, for "Tarim C. Grooms," read " Tarvin C. Grooms." On page 431, for "Secoud Lieut. William Moffitte," read "William Moffitt." On page 429, for "James S. Bamerd,'" read " James S. Barnard." On page 436, for "FirstLieut. Colvin S. James," read "Calvin S. James." On page 438, for " Gemenimus Goble," read " Gemenemes Goble." On page 439, for "Dennison C. Frisbie," read "Denison C, Prisbie." The Parts (there will be eight in all) of the Official Army Register of the Volun teer Force will be sold by the Congressional Printer, Washington, D, C, at one dollar each. The money may be enclosed by mail at the risk of the sender, and when received a copy of the Part required will be forwarded by mail as soon as printed. There are no copies for gratuitous distribution. IState Troops. . .Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont.Massachusetts. Rhode Island. Connecticut. State Troops. .Indiana, Illinois. Part 7 Missouri. Wisconsin.Iowa. ' Minnesota. Part 2. ..New York. California. New Jersey. Kansas, Oregon. Nevada. Part 3. ..Pennsylvania. Delaware, Maryland. Territorial Troops. District of Columbia. Part 8 WaHhington. Part 4.. .-West Virginia. Utah. Virginia. New Mexico. North CaroUna. Nebraska. South Carolina. Colorado. Georgia. Indian. Florida. Dakota. Alabama. Arizona. Mississippi. Idaho. Louisiana. Montana. Texas. Arkansas, United Slates Troops. Tennessee. Kentucky. Veteran Reserve Corps. First Army Corps, (Veteran.) Part 5.. ..Ohio. Miscellaneous, Michigan. Colored Troops. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01319 1615