Yale University Library II 390C2013463907 ,11 Nil! Hi i i i I l!i lllliii litii I M :!il!i Cj 3.12.5 W«• "I give thefe Books::. i" /n hearing of the strait in which our regiment was placed through weariness and want of food, pledged himself in the kindest manner to Colonel Vosburgh that the instant the down train, which Lieutenant Lowe refused to loan us, should return from Annapolis (and it was then expected every moment), it should be placed at our command, and be run down to our men. Inasmuch, however, as the hour of its return was quite uncertain, and it might not come until . midnight, I proposed to the Colonel that he should remain at the Junction to effect his purpose, while I would return to the regiment and cheer the men with the information that he surely would bring a train to their relief and spare them the remainder of the march. As we were consulting on this point, Major Hicks, of the station troops, cautioned us to beware how we conversed aloud ; that certain ill-looking men who hung about the tavern kitchen where we sat, were most likely spies, and it would be well for us to conceal our intentions from their ears. Acting 120 [1861 on this hint, I said loudly to our driver, who stood whip in hand awaiting us, that we should not go back to camp, but that he might wait a few minutes, that we might settle with him. Two cups of coffee from a steaming boiler, and three or four warm rolls, then made for me the first meal which I had eaten that day. This over, the Colonel and I sauntered out as if to visit the camp of the Massachusetts troops, but as soon as we were outside in the dark, I told the driver to take me im mediately back to the camp. We then walked with him straight to the carriage, and as I got in, the Colonel gave the word to start, and stood with his hand on his pistol, to cover my retreat. Some two or three minutes had been consumed before the driver could get his team untied, and head it round in the narrow road, and by this time, the suspicious loungers of the station were loafing near us. They walked down close behind the vehicle, as the horses picked in the dark their few steps, but as our pace increased, their voices died away. The big round moon then rose to light my path, and soothed by the softness of the evening, and by the notes of the whip-poor-will, which my guide told me had only made its appearance for the season two nights before, I sank to sleep. THE NIGHT RIDE BACK. It was ten o'clock when I was awakened by a sudden stop of the carriage, and the driver directed my attention to a great fire, about half a mile ahead which was sending large sparks and embers in the air. He feared it was some accident, or perhaps, some outrage of the troops at a country store and out-houses about two miles above his farm, and was unde cided whether to go on. I ordered him, however, to advance, giving him an assurance that it proceeded from no aggres sion of our regiment; but as I did so, I drew my pistol quietly and laid it in my hand, in case the conflagration should prove to be an act of incendiarism by the rangers who perhaps were now retreating north in our direction. As we drew towards the light, however, I perceived that it was the Rhode Island troops, who had thus passed two miles ahead of us, and who were warming themselves by 1861] 121 huge fires, built out of the railroad pile of wood at the station. It had been their intention to make their bivouac at the place where they had first halted, and which was two miles below the position of the 71st; but they evidently got wind of our intention to resume the march that night, and this was a shrewd movement on the part of its commander to be well in the advance that they might reach the Junction first. As I approached nearer their camp, I found they had sen tinels posted, and I soon was challenged with a bayonet presented at the driver, and the usual : "Who goes there?" "A friend," was my reply. "Advance, friend, and give the countersign," said the rigid soldier. "Aide to Colonel Vosburgh, with dispatches to the 71st." "Pass !" Were the answers, and we were soon again left to the music of the whip-poor-will. "That is a strange sight for this part of the country," said my driver moodily, after a long pause; "I didn't ever expect to see a thing like that here!" "And that is not the worst of it," said I ; "for the stern business is only just begun." We proceeded slowly and silently upon our way, for half an hour neither of us uttered a word, when suddenly we heard the faint rattle of accoutrements and the measured tread of troops. In the next moment we saw the glittering points of bayonets, and were summoned by another sudden "Halt !" It proved to be a body of skirmishers thrown out by the 71st, and as we drove on, we perceived that the whole of the regiment was in motion, and the moonlit road was one line of glancing steel. It seems that the pickets had reported to Lieutenant-Colonel Martin voices and signals in the woods, and had also mistaken for rockets the whirling streams of cinders which ascended from the vast log fires of the Rhode Island camp whenever they were stirred. Under such information, Colonel Martin had deemed it prudent to abandon his position — the wood being, in his judgment somewhat too near, and to move forward, gov- 122 [1861 erned by circumstances, whether to complete the march that night, or to find some new or more convenient camping ground. The men, though they rose from the ground stiff and reeling with fatigue, took the summons in good part, though many of them suggested to their officers that they would much prefer to go into the woods for an hour or two and clear them out, and then taking a nap, wait fOr the Colonel, than setting off to make a night of it on foot. When, however, they became fairly aroused and wide awake, they were eager to proceed, and all voted by companies to go on. Acting upon the reports which had been brought to him, Lieutenant-Colonel Martin was justified in the belief that we were moving in the fa.ce of peril, and it was a beautiful sight, on that bright moonlight night, to see how he con ducted the advance. His scouts were out in all directions, his skirmishers moved carefully along at least a mile ahead, the rear was protected by a special squad, and thus the regi ment went slowly on, like some huge animal with all his feelers out and ready to shrink into an attitude of compact strength as soon as one of them became sensible to danger. The only thing that marred our movements was our stores and baggage trains, the wretched animals which we had purchased for that purpose, being evidently unable to keep up with the men, and in fact, clearly incapable of making the trip through the night. Upon the strength, therefore, of my knowledge of the road, which I had now passed over twice, I ventured to sug gest to Colonel Martin that he should leave those animals and the baggage behind in Saunder's yard, under a proper guard, until the morning (until we could send for them by rail), and that we avoid the long route and gullies of the country road by taking the rail track. I spoke earnestly in favor Of the rail, on the assurance that there were two places on the country road where the men would be obliged to ford small streams, which were more than ankle deep, and a steep gully through which the teams must pass with the water to the axles, and which it was my opinion our jaded animals, at the late hour they must reach it, would not be able to pull through; a judgment which proved to be correct, for they broke down at that very place 1861] 123 on the following day. On these representations of mine the Lieutenant-Colonel determined to abandon, for the time, the baggage train, and it having also been decided that the regi ment should take the track, I was relieved of the task of acting as guide. The programme for the night being fixed, and perceiving that much time would necessarily be consumed to establish the baggage guard and get fairly under way, I decided to start at once and walk forward myself. It was then one o'clock. I was of course very much fatigued, and had be come so very exceedingly nervous at the prospect of further delay at that hour, that I would rather run a much greater risk than I considered this to be than to have waited any longer. I, therefore, asked for a companion, to accompany me along the road. Two or three of the young gentlemen from the Naval School at first consented, but upon consultation, they declined, being under positive orders to march with the regiment, and I was about starting off alone when Major Will P. Thomasson, of Kentucky, formerly a member of Congress (and a volunteer with Company C), who had been looking about for me for the same purpose, joined me, and we proceeded. We walked briskly along the white-sanded face of the track, the challenge of the sentinels growing fainter and fainter upon our ears, but brought to us freshly every now and then, as the echo was preserved by some green, uprising walls of the woods. Aside from this, the stillness was profound; the whip- poor-will had ceased his song, but in its place the owl, with his hideous note, would at intervals thump the air. I never heard this cry with such distinctness, and at first mistook it for the simulated call of some hostile guerrilla. As we walked on, with our eyes fixed upon the white- sanded path, it became so dazzling in the moonlight that we seemed to be walking over snow, and I became sensible of a burning of the eyeballs and a confusion of the sight, such as often accompanies a rush of blood to the head. I reeled occasionally under the effects of this illusion, and was obliged twice to sit down to recover a steadiness of vision. The same effects, I was told by one of the editors of the "World" who followed with the regiments, was experienced by the troops, many of the poor fellows running great risk 124 [1861 of falling down the banks through its effect. By dint, how ever, of resolution and stout walking, we all pulled through, Major Thomasson and I reaching the Junction at three o'clock, and the regiment arriving an hour later. I found Colonel Vosburgh awake, and waiting for me, on my arrival, and the long-expected train having then come in, he took possession of it, tired as he was, with a view of bringing up our baggage wagons in time to get started for Washington on a nine o'clock morning train which he had ascertained it was the intention of the Government to send us at that hour. * * * The officers and poor fellows who com posed the rank and file of the regiment, in fact all hands of the 71st, were glad to lie down upon the stoops and platforms of the depot, and without any further ceremonies, went to sleep. When they awoke in the morning, fagged as they were, every man answered rollcall; and through indefatigable sur geons, Doctors McMillan and Peugnet, I learned that not one of them reported himself sick — a triumph of spirit which, under the circumstances of the case, cannot be too much admired. Washington, Saturday, April 27. The 71st, having been relieved at the junction by the 12th, came in this morning, showing fine condition, and after being marched into the Inauguration Ballroom, as a temporary bar racks, Colonel Vosburgh waited upon General Scott, and re ported the regiment as having arrived, without a man sick or missing. This unexpected report, after such a trying march, as we had undergone, so pleased the veteran commander that he at once gave an order that the 7lst should march to the Navy Yard, and take command of that most important post. Colonel Vosburgh, however, on this occasion, spared them the burden of their knapsacks, and, for the first time since we had left New York, they were without that load. Those who see troops making their holiday marches on Broadway, are not apt to regard the knapsack as a serious incumbrance, but let them confer, for a few minutes, with those who have carried the heavy musket, and those packs to boot, for a few hours in the- sun, and they will get evidence 1861] 125 enough to convince them that in a little while the knapsack becomes as heavy as a hand organ or a pedler's pack. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON Washington, D. C, April 27th, 1861. Special Orders No. 32: I. The 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M., will take post at 3 o'clock P. M. this day, at the U. S. Navy Yard, to act as a guard for the protection of the public property at that point. On his arrival the commanding officer of the 7lst Regiment, N.Y.S.M., will report to the commandant of the Navy Yard from whom he will receive the necessary instruc tions to carry out the purpose above indicated. II. The companies of District of Columbia Volunteers now on duty at the Navy Yard, will on being relieved by the 71st N.Y.S.M., immediately return to their respective rendezvous. III. First Lieut. H. Beckwith, 1st Artillery, A.A.Q.M., will fur nish the requisite transportation to effect this movement. By order of GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT. *THEO. TALBOT, Ass't Adj't Gen'l. To Commanding Officer, 71st Reg't, N.Y.S.M. I accompanied the march of the regiment to the Navy Yard, and having the day before me ascertained that the com pany of Cassius M. Clay, which I had come to Washington to join, had only been formed for temporary purposes, I accepted from Colonel Vosburgh an appointment upon his staff as a volunteer aide, and consequently, am now to be regarded as a member of the 71st. G. W. Mr. Wilkes was in error in stating that "the town folk," at least the colored people of Annapolis, would not sell us anything, for outside the Academy gate there was a crowd of darkies with their baskets filled with fried oysters, chickens, pies, etc., and there was lively trading through the bars of the gate. The non-commissioners of the Company C formed a chain from the gate to the rear of the crowd; much skill was re quired to get the supply between the bars of the gate without dropping any of it, but once through it was passed to the next, and so on to the last; when sufficient had been obtained the non-commissioners found a nice place at the foot of the wall, (*Theo. Talbot, A.A.G., was a first lieutenant with Major Ander son, at the storming of Fort Sumter; he died early in the war.) 126 [1861 where they enjoyed a royal feast, for nowhere in New York could be found such fried oysters and chicken. And speak ing of chicken reminds the compiler of the following incident which occurred a few hours later. When tattoo arrived he found the room to which his com pany was assigned to be overcrowded, a room on the other side of the hall being apparently unoccupied, he took his knap sack and went to a far corner, where he found a long bench with a back (the room was a classroom), placed his knapsack at one end for a pillow and stretched himself out for a nap. The only light was the rays from the lamps in the hall; just as he got into a doze, someone entered and came to a small table at the head of the bench and placed something upon it and then went out; this peculiar action aroused the curiosity of the recumbent; he raised up and to his surprise, saw — a roasted chicken. It did not take any longer than a flash to seize the leg and with a twist off it came, bringing the second joint, and almost choking himself, devoured the meat, throw ing the bone to the end of the room just as the owner re turned with two chums, the recumbent being "sound asleep." It seems the owner was Fred Cook, the armorer, a man noted for his profanity; the reader may be sure the air was blue with it when he discovered what had happened; it was so strong it awoke the sleeper who, of course, being asleep, saw no one come in, nor did he. He sympathized with the armorer, received another piece of chicken, which was not eaten so rapidly, his appetite being satisfied, he turned over and went to sleep. From the New York "Times," May 1st: "The 71st Regiment made a magnificent appearance as it swept down the Avenue, with its full band playing. The men looked less fatigued than those of either other regiments, and were warmly commended by the citizens as they passed, and by the officers and men of the other regiments who were out to witness their entrance into the city. Next the Massa chusetts men, they showed the greatest capacity to endure fatigue." From the Washington "Star," April 27th : "The 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M., arrived this morning at six o'clock ; the men are a fine looking specimen of the Ameri can soldier, their deportment unexceptionable, and their 1861] 127 powers of endurance admirable; they marched all the way from Annapolis to the Junction on two biscuits each, and two more for their breakfast yesterday when they got there, yet there was not a murmer heard in the ranks, and when the halt was ordered, and the roll called, not a man was found missing; no stragglers or sick had to be waited for. This is an almost unprecedented exploit." From the New York "Express," April 28th : "At two o'clock yesterday afternoon the 7lst Regiment was ordered to the Navy Yard; in one hour from that time they were at the point designated, some two miles distant. It is eminently complimentary to this body of true and tried Americans, that they were selected by General Scott to occupy a position so important." At last the regiment had reached its destination ; instinc tively every man was anxious to know the news and to hear from home, for the one week they had been on their journey the world had been a blank in their lives as far as any infor mation of what was going on outside of the space they had occupied in it; it was, therefore, with eagerness they looked for a New York newspaper, and those fortunate enough to get a copy from the very limited supply, did not begrudge the quarter asked for it, and those not so fortunate were satisfied to hear the more fortunate one read his copy. It was later before the anxiously looked for and much prized letter from home came ; after these it was time to inquire as to the where abouts of the enemy. The Navy Yard was filled with workshops, rolling mills, shiphouses, storehouses, and the residence and headquarters of the Commandant and officers, and a small house which was taken by the field and staff and became the regimental headquarters. Bunks were built in the storehouse and some of the shops for the accommodation of the companies, Company F being provided with tents. From the gate to the wharf ran a main street about thirty feet wide and a thousand feet long ; this was used for evening parades; each company quarters had a room partitioned off for the officers, and another for the non-commissioned officers. Very soon after reaching the yard the men had fitted them selves into the new order of things and were ready for even ing parade — after Guard Mount. 128 [1861 There was a "green" or park about 200 by 500 feet; the long sides were bounded on the one side by the main street or "parade," the other by a street on which faced the store houses in which were companies A and C, and the cottage, which was the Regimental headquarters; on the upper end, a street on which faced the Commandant's residence, the lower end by a street running the width of the "green" on which at the corner of the main street stood the fire engine house; on the "green" the band gave its evening concerts. This was a favorite spot for the taking of group photographs. On the border of the "green" stood a hydrant and a large tub of water where companies A, C and F made their morning ablutions. As with many of the companies, their quarters were not ready, they were quartered temporarily on steamboats then lying at the wharf. The guard consisted of 63 privates, in addition to a special guard sent to the Annacosta bridge, just outside of the Yard and crossing into Maryland; this was as a rule a company; in addition a howitzer was placed so as to rake the bridge. These guards were continued while occupying the Navy Yard. At first the rations, especially fresh meat, were not satis factory, but later the regiment drew its cattle on the hoof and did its own slaughtering; also drew flour and did its own baking, after which all was satisfactory, except every man could not get the tenderloin daily. The ration was: Beef, fresh or salt, 1*4 pounds per man; pork or bacon, 24 of a pound per man; flour, 18 ounces per man; hard bread, 12 ounces per man; rice and coffee, 10 pounds to each 100 men; beans, in lieu of rice, 8 quarts to 100 men; sugar, 15 pounds to 100 men; vinegar, 1 gallon to 100 men; candles, adamantine, \y4 pounds to 100 men; soap, 4 pounds per 100 men ; salt, 2 quarts per 100 men. On the 28th divine service was held, and prayer meetings were held in Company D's quarters; this continued every Sunday while quartered in the Navy Yard. During the after noon President Lincoln and Secretary Seward paid the regi ment a visit. Company C was quartered on the steamer "Baltimore," and when the President and the Secretary came into the cabin, the President's hat almost touching the ceiling, 1861] 129 a number of the boys were busy writing home. All came to an attention at once; the visitors shook the hand of each, ex pressing his pleasure at meeting them. Lieut. Maynard, who was present, said: "Mr. President, we only regret we were not allowed to come through Balti more." "No ! No !" replied the President, "it is better as it is ; we have a very great many good friends in Baltimore." The hard bread (or hard-tack) , was a new experience ; it was so hard it required a hammer to break it; it was in the shape of a square cracker, similar to a dog biscuit; naturally one would think that soaking would improve it, but to the con trary, the experiment showed that it toughened it, making it like rubber, the best way being to toast them. STANDING ORDERS. Headquarters American Guard 71st Regiment, N.Y.STM. Washington Navy Yard, Apr. 28, 1861. General Orders No. 1. All calls will be sounded by the drummer of the Guard. REVEILLE. At five o'clock A. M., when the companies will fall in for roll call by First Sergeants, superintended by a commis sioned officer. ROAST BEEF. Will be sounded thirty minutes thereafter, when the First Sergeant will immediately repair to the Quartermaster's depot, and draw the rations for their company. PEAS UPON THE TRENCHER Will be sounded at 7 A. M., when each sergeant will attend to the messing of his squad. GUARD MOUNT. At eight o'clock A. M., thirty minutes before which time, details will fall in on their company parade for inspection. SURGEON'S CALL. At 9 A. M., when the sick will be conducted to the hospital. 130 [1861 ROAST BEEF. Will be sounded at 1 P. M. RETREAT. Will be sounded at 6:15 P. M., when there will be a dress parade, all officers and privates present. A guard will be mounted for the protection of the bridge at 8 P. M. TATTOO. At 9:30 P. M., when the roll will be called, and all men will be in quarters ; thirty minutes thereafter, will be three taps of the drum, when all lights will be extinguished and perfect silence preserved. COMPANY DRILLS. From 6 to 7 A. M., 8:30 to 10 A. M.; 11 A. M. to 12:30 P. M., 3 to 5 P. M. By order of COLONEL A. S. VOSBURGH. The following is the first Guard Mount in the Navy Yard : Washington, D. C, April 30th, 1861. Officer of the Day Capt. B. L. Trafford, Company B Officer of the Guard Lieut. G. W. Underwood, Company H Sergeant of the Guard.. Sergt. John Hazen, Company B Corporals, E. P. Smith, Company B ; A. S. Bodine, Company D Privates, 63 ; total 68. 1ST RELIEF (9:30 to 11:30— 3:30 to 5:30)— Day, Dean, Dickerson, Doherty, Durfee, Dillon, Chittenden, Collins, Co. A. Briggs, Brackett, Brown, Cook, Henry, Rowe, Hanson, Co. B ; Okie, Thomas, Umpleby, Ingraham, Co. C ; Eaton, Smith, Co. D — 21 men. 2D RELIEF (11:30 to 1:30—5:30 to 7:30)— Farnsworth, James, Morgan, Sleaman, Co. C ; Wallace, Co. D ; Hudleback, Kirkland, Kelly, Ludlow, Moony, Moore, Morris, Oakley, Co. F; Cohen, Rankin, Hewlett, Golden, Nixon, Sproull, Terrell, Yeamans, Co. G- — 21 men. 3D RELIEF— (1:30 to 3:30—7:30 to 9:30)— Brainard, Cornell, Devoe, Miller, Jacobus, Marvin, Walters, James Mor ris, Co. E; Byrnes, J. Godine, Beryman, F. Godine, Charles See, Scott, Kirk, Hanford, Co. H ; Mathews, Nestine, Waite, Wild, Van Zandt, Co. D— 21 men. Everything being settled, the men all reconciled to the situation, the novelty worn off, as was natural, they desired to get outside and take a view of the city. Passes were 1861] 131 granted in limited quantities, and each man must conform to the rule that his hands and face must be clean, his hair brushed, his shoes blackened, his buttons bright, his clothes in neat condition, jacket buttoned, belts whitened and his de portment without reproach ; and it is well to say that these instructions were carried out, so that the representatives of the regiment established an enviable reputation for it. A gentleman, speaking later to Colonel Martin, told him this incident: He said he was visiting a lady in Washington, and during the conversation he asked her, if she did not feel timid in venturing out where so many soldiers were moving around. She answered, "to some extent she did," but, calling his attention to a couple of soldiers just passing, "I never feel 'the slightest fear when any of that regiment are around." The gentleman looked, and saw 71 on their caps. On May 1st new duties were given to the Regiment; by this time all companies were settled in their quarters ; orders came for details to man boats to be sent out to patrol the Potomac River, twenty men under command of Lieutenant Stow of Company D were sent aboard of the steamboat "Baltimore," all under the command of Lieutenant West of the U. S. Navy. The shores of the river were controlled by the rebels.* In about forty hours the "Baltimore" arrived in Hampton Roads ; twice the men were called to arms, once while passing Alexandria, and again when passing Cedar Point; while near enough to see their batteries, no attack was made by the rebels. On their arrival at the Roads, the blockade law went into effect. The boat had a 32-pound Dahlgren gun, capable of being fired ten times per minute ; the details were instructed in the handling of the piece, and the attack or defense de pended entirely upon them. After being on guard for two days, during which time they captured two blockade runners, they were relieved and returned to Washington ; during the trip a squad of men were kept night and day by the guns ready to act in case of attack. These detachments were constantly patroling the river during the entire stay of the regiment at the Yard. On Friday, May 3d, the regiment was sworn into the *See Appendix. 132 [1861 service. At the time of leaving home little attention was paid to the term of service; Washington was in danger and it must be saved, regardless of time or danger; but there was an impression with some that it was only for thirty days; many men of business had not arranged for a longer absence. This day the facts were to be faced ; it was ninety days or go home. This condition was discussed and acted on by the companies, resulting in less than ten declining to take the oath for more than thirty days, regretting their inability to remain longer. At 3 P. M. the regimental line was formed and reviewed by Major McDowell (later Major General) ; all day there was a driving northeast storm, the companies were ordered to their quarters to be out of the rain and were there mus-' tered ; having been brought to a "support" as each man's name was called, he came to a "carry" then to an "order," at the same time answering "Here!" the roll being called by Major McDowell, who, when it was finished, read the oath for the information of all. It was then read, sentence by sentence, by a civil magistrate, and repeated by the men with raised hands. And now the deed having been done, and all were soldiers of the United States, a new life was entered into, and from the Colonel down, every man resolved to do his best. From the New York "Tribune," May 8th : "Company D, 71st Regiment, has set a good example by holding a meeting at which the following resolutions were passed : "Resolved, That from this date we will hold meetings for prayer and exhortation on the evenings of Wednesday and Sunday of each week; and that as members of the 71st Regiment, attached to the United States Army, we will do our utmost to sustain the reputation of the regi ment, and as far as lies in our power, discountenance the slightest infraction of the Articles of War. "Resolved ; That we cordially invite the officers and members of other regiments to unite with us in this determination, and that we shall always be pleased to have them take part in our meetings. "After a prayer by Corporal Bodine the meeting adjourned." 1861] 133 On the 8th the detachment on board of the "Baltimore" drew up the following application, signed by each man : "To. Col. A. S. Vosburgh, Commanding 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. Honored Sir: Your petitioners, undersigned, respectfully represent that a secession flag is every morning unfurled to the breeze from a flag staff in Alexandria, as a taunt of defiance to every true American heart. We believe that twenty resolute men can take that flag by a sudden coup-de-main, and we therefore most humbly beg leave to capture it and place it in your hand to be here after a trophy in the archives of the regiment. Yours most respectfully." Armed with this persuasive epistle, a delegate waited upon the Colonel at his quarters, while the expectant volun teers had their rifles and revolvers in prime order for the expedition; but, alas, the Colonel received it graciously, but said he could not grant the request ; so important a move ment could only be undertaken by order of the Commander- in-Chief. "But," added the Colonel, "I am glad to see such proof of readiness on the part of the gentlemen of the 71st." Thursday, May 9th, was a "red letter" day; from the "Baltimore Sun": "This afternoon, President Lincoln, accompanied by Sec retary. Seward and Postmaster General Blair, with several ladies, visited the Navy Yard. A large number of visitors were present upon the occasion. The President was received with a salute of cannon, music from the Marine band, and ap propriate honors on the part of the Marine guard, followed by a matinee by the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. The President and party, after inspecting the several offices of the Yard, boarded the U. S. Steamer "Pensacola," and witnessed from her deck experiments with 11-inch guns on a target. "Whilst this was progressing, the 71st Regiment assem bled in its best style, and formed in line extending the entire length of the principal thoroughfare, to receive the distin guished company on their return from the ship; Dodworth's band and the full drum corps being in attendance. "The President, cabinet ministers and company landed 134 [1861 and took a position when this fine body of soldiers marched by and were reviewed. "The occasion afforded the highest gratification through out, and was one of the finest military displays ever beheld in the National metropolis." The quarters of Company A had been cleared of the bunks and tastefully decorated for the event of the day; a brilliant vocal and instrumental concert, with home talent. All preparation having been finished and ready, at the finish of the review the distinguished guests arrived and were seated and the following programme was performed. 1 — Quickstep, "Thou art so far away" Harrison Millard Dodworth's Seventy-first Regt. Band 2 — Song, "Yes, let me like a soldier fall" Wallace Harrison Millard 3 — Quartet, "Come where my love lies dreaming" Foster Glee Club 4 — Song, "The monks of old" Glover H. Camp S — Finale of "La Traviata" Verdi Dodworth's Band 6— New National Ode, "The Flag of the Free" Millard Harrison Millard 7 — Trio, "Love's young dream" Moore Millard, Woodruff and Camp 8— Fantasie, "II Ballo in Maschera" Verdi Dodworth's Band 9— Miserere, "II Trovatore" Verdi Millard, H. Dodworth and Chorus 10— Duetto, "I would that my love" Mendelssohn Dodworth's Band 11— Song, "Viva 1' America" Millard Harrison Millard 12— Full Chorus, "Star Spangled Banner" Key The New York "Herald" said of this: "A new song written by Harrison Millard and humor ously describing the adventures of the 71st on their march to Annapolis Junction, was also introduced during the perform ance and repeatedly encored. The musical accomplishments of the performances, and the requisite politeness with which the guests were received, were the theme of universal praise ; Captain Hart and Sergeant Oakley especially distinguished themselves by their untiring attention to'the attendance." From the Washington "Star," May 14th : "Last night several more of the New York 71st arrived 1861] 135 by the ten o'clock train. The 71st since it has been located in its present quarters has seen arduous service, and given evi dence of its remarkable efficiency as a military corps. Their sentries have done much of the guard duty at Annacosta bridge, and the steamers cruising up and down the Potomac have always on board a detachment from the regiment. "Although entering into service but for three months, every man is determined to remain until the war is ended; and when the brush comes we shall look in the van for the 71st Regiment. "Anyone who desires to see a regiment 'What is a regi ment' should drop in at their evening parade at the Navy Yard about 6 P. M." From the New York "Express," May 17th: "One week ago an order from Colonel Vosburgh came for thirty-one more men to join Company A; this company took no recruits when they left for Washington, every man being equipped. Today forty men fully uniformed and equipped from the company's funds, at an expense of $2,000, will start by the Camden & Amboy R. R. The uniforms are new and with the equipments, including belts, knapsacks, etc., have cost $50 each. "They are under command of Lieut. Chamberlain of Com pany F, Corporal Falconer acting as Sergeant. The esprit de corps of this fine company is such that they would not send a man from the city unless fully armed and uniformed; the muskets with which the recruits are furnished are the property of the company." Ever since the arrival of the regiment, the Colonel had not been a well man. On Friday, the 17th, he was in com mand at the evening parade; during that night he was taken with hemorrhage of the lungs. With that indomitable energy for which he was noted he was out- on his horse the following morning attending to his various duties; he was obliged to return to his quarters, where every attention was paid to him, and where he remained during Sunday, the 19th. At the evening parade Lieutenant-Colonel Martin an nounced the sad news that they would probably never have Colonel Vosburgh to lead them again, as he would probably be taken home, if he recovered sufficiently to be removed. During Sunday night he made several efforts to get up, but his servant had received strict orders not to allow him to do so, and tried to induce him to remain quiet. In the morn ing (Monday, the 20th) at 8:30 the Colonel made one more 136 [1861 effort to raise himself up — he fell back in a fainting fit and soon passed away. A deep gloom pervaded the Yard, a continuous rain storm added to it. At 2 P. M., the regiment was ordered to parade on the parade ground with side arms. With slow and meas ured tread, the regiment wound its silent way around the serpentine walk leading to the staff officers' quarters, and passing through the northern gate, with uncovered heads, the men walked softly into the room where lay the remains of their late commander. Hardly a dry eye was to be seen, for he was beloved by all — new and old members. The rain drizzled down with a mournful cadence, and the wind sighing through the leafy branches, seemed to perform a requiem to the departed. In the old shiphouse down by the river, the regiment was later assembled with the band, and there rehearsed a hymn composed and set to music by Harrison Millard of Company A. On the 21st, one month from the time of leaving New York, the funeral took place. The body was encased in a neat walnut coffin and laid in the headquarters of the regi ment, where it was visited by officers of the Army and Navy and many other distinguished persons ; among the flowers sent was a beautiful laurel wreath from the President. At noon the coffin was brought out and placed in the enclosure in front of headquarters, the regiment being drawn up in line immed iately in front, the 12th N.Y.S.M. and the Rhode Island regi ments taking position in their rear, whilst the 69th N.Y.S.M. and the two companies of U. S. Marines accompanied by the Marine band, took a position outside of the Yard. The impressive service of the Episcopal Church was then performed by Chaplain Pierce of the 71st Regiment, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Morrel of Christ Church, and the Rev. Dr. Butler of Trinity Church, at the close of which the following hymn was sung by the entire regiment, accompanied by the band: Hush ! Our colonel lies in slumber, Folded close in death's cold arms; Never more he'll join our numbers, Never more hear war's alarms. Frank by nature, brave and loyal — Dearly loved and prized was he ; Now his wreath is more than royal — In our hearts enshrined he'll be. 1861] 137 Never more the drums swift beating, Nor the clarion trumpet shrill, Shall arouse him from his sleeping, And his breast with ardor fill. He was loved by all his brothers In the camp — none more than he; Everything he shared with others, Now we claim his memory. ' ¦', .'"¦-' ' And the Seventy-first will cherish All his virtues, all his aims. If in battle we shall perish, Doing what stern duties claim, He will gaze with satisfaction, Smiling as he used to smile, To regard our noble action, And be proud of us the while. Wrap our glorious Flag about him, Let the stripes and stars be seen, Whilst his comrades who surround him, Swear to keep his memory green ; Then will his proud soul elate him Higher still to camps above, Where the angel warriors 'wait him, And a sword of perfect love. On completion of the service, the cortege moved to the depot in following order, arms reversed : First Rhode Island, Col. Burnside Band Twelfth N.Y.S.M., Col. Butterfield Band Carriages containing clergy Capt. Dahlgren, U. S. N. Lieut.-Col. Heintzelman, U. S. A. Lieut.-Col. Berger, 5th N. Y. Col. Burns, 28th N. Y. Hearse Col. Wood, 14th N. Y. Col. Bryan, 25th N. Y. Carriages with relatives 71st Band Seventy-first Regiment, Lieut.-Col. Martin Carriages containing President Lincoln, Secretaries Seward, Chase and Cameron 69th N.Y.S.M., Col. Corcoran Carriages containing officers of the Army and Navy. i38 [1861 The cortege was over a mile long, and presented a most imposing appearance; as it passed the Marine Barracks the Marines were drawn up in line and presented arms, while their band played a solemn and impressive dirge. As the head of the column reached the depot, it formed line and the hearse and carriages passed on. The various regiments then returned to their quarters. A detail from the regiment escorted the remains to New York. The death of Colonel Vosburgh was a shock to the citi zens of New York City, and the news was received with profound sorrow; immediate arrangements were made for the reception and burial of the body, the Mayor sending the following communication to the Common Council: MAYOR'S OFFICE, New York City, May 20, 1861. To the Honorable, the Common Council. Gentlemen : It is my painful duty to announce to the Common Coun cil the decease of Colonel Abraham S. Vosburgh, commanding the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. He died at Washington City this morning, at the head of his command in the discharge of his duties as an officer and a soldier. The distinguished position of Colonel Vosburgh, his high character as a man, and his gallant and chivalric spirit command our sincere respect and admiration; but fall ing as he does, a sacrifice to his zealous labors in the cause of his country, his death becomes ennobled with the laurel of a hero. In view of this melancholy event, I recommend the Com mon Council to make suitable arrangements in honor of the deceased, and to pass resolutions expressive of the public sorrow, and of the sympathy of his fellow citizens with the family of the deceased soldier who has passed away, in their bereavement. FERNANDO WOOD, Mayor. In accordance with the above, the Common Council met, and after adopting suitable resolutions, appointed a committee to co-operate in arrangements with others for the funeral, to take place on arrival of the body. Action was also taken by the Union Defense Committee and the different military organizations in the city; flags were at half-staff throughout New York and Brooklyn. The remains arrived in the city on Wednesday, May 22d, at 3 P. M., and were conveyed by the escort to the home of 1861] 139 Colonel Vosburgh's father, where throngs of sorrowing friends called to extend their sympathy with the family. At noon on the 23d the remains were conveyed to the church, corner Fifth Avenue and 21st Street, where Dr. Macauly held service; long before the hour the church was crowded with ladies, the centre being reserved for the mili tary, 400 of whom were accommodated with seats. An impressive service was given by Dr. Strong; at the close of the service the body was borne to the hearse, which then took its place in the procession which passed the church in the following order: First Regiment Cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel T. C. Devin Third Regiment Cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Menck 11th German Rifles, Colonel J. Maidhoff Battalion of the 9th Regiment, Major E. L. Stone 55th N.Y.S.M., Colonel Le Gal, as Guard of Honor Cavalry dismounted Cavalry dismounted as Hearse as Pall Bearers Pall Bearers Horse of Deceased, boots reversed Immediate Relatives in carriages Committee on National Affairs, Common Council Carriages with Mayors of New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City Heads of Departments and Common Council of New York Union Defence Committee Tammany Society Metropolitan Home Guards Civic Societies The procession moved down Fifth Avenue to 14th Street and thence to Broadway; along the entire route the sidewalks were thronged with people. Arriving at the ferry, the head of the cortege halted, and forming in double line awaited the ap proach of the hearse; as the latter passed the military pre sented arms, and when the hearse passed the ferry house, returned to their various armories and dismissed, the remains being conveyed to Greenwood Cemetery. "Asa Trenchard," writing from Washington to the Phila delphia "Press,"vunder date of May 23d, says, speaking of Colonel Vosburgh: "The occasion of my meeting him was his visit to the 140 [1861 Irish (69th) Regiment. As the Colonel of what had been an American anti-Catholic regiment, his presence was indicative of the cordiality of sentiment which pervaded the military quartered in this city. 'This is my first and only military visit,' he took pains to assure Colonel Corcoran, 'from my own people.' It was his last, too. I could scarcely realize when I was informed of his sudden death, that it could be true. "When dinner was completed, Colonel Corcoran gave him a full dress parade; when he reveiwed the 69th, he ex pressed great delight at the appearance and bearing of the men, remarking that 'You Irish were born to make soldiers of.' The men in their turn were equally delighted at the opportunity of arraying themselves before Colonel Vosburgh. "It had been whispered about that time that he was the Colonel of the 71st; 'Do you mind that, me lad,' whispered an orderly; 'show him your decent Celtic now,' and they did. "It seemed queer to see Colonel Vosburgh marching down the line of the Irish army with Father Mooney, the chaplain, receiving the salute of those patriotic Irish Catholics; it showed how partisan feelings had evaporated with the prin ciples which animated it. Patriotism is now the cry — foreign or native it makes no difference — it's our Country." No eulogistic remarks are needed from the compiler; those made by others and embodied in this history are suffic ient to testify to his merits; the last decade of his life was devoted to the establishing of the 71st, the result being the best evidence of what he had accomplished; he died a sol dier's death — loved and mourned by all his men. COLONEL HENRY P. MARTIN Plate ii — ttp. 141 Administration of Colonel HENRY P. MARTIN 1861—1862 The funeral being over, Lieut.-Col. Henry P. Martin assumed command, the usual routine of duties going on as before. Events were stirring, and there was much to occupy the time and attention of the men. For one thing, the "Herald" of May 22d published an article from Washington stating that the steamboat "Baltimore," having run ashore, was at tacked by the rebels and five of our men were killed and four wounded; their names were given, causing great pain and anxiety to their families ; telegrams were going back and for ward, and the excitement only allayed by the discovery that it was all a cruel and wicked hoax. On May 23d orders were given by General Mansfield for an advance into Virginia, and the occupation of Alexandria and Arlington Heights. Owing to the recent death of Col. Vosburgh, the 71st was not included. The Navy Yard had been under a steadily increasing ex citement since the funeral. Rumor had succeeded rumor; men slept with "one eye open," many kept their uniforms on and all expected the "long roll." In the morning when it was found that all the steamers had disappeared and had taken in tow immense yawls and scows which had been build ing for some time, it was still more exciting. Before break fast it was known that Alexandria had been captured. The facts were these: Col. Ellsworth of the 11th N.Y.V., having received orders on the 23d to take possession of Alex andria with his regiment, broke camp on the heights of the 142 [1861 Insane Asylum, Maryland, at an early hour in the evening, and proceeded to the banks of the Potomac opposite Alexan dria. At the same time the 1st Michigan, a detachment of U. S. Cavalry and a section of Sherman's Battery marched over the Long Bridge and thence toward Alexandria. About noon the steamers "Baltimore" and "Mt. Vernon," each manned by a detachment from the 71st Regiment, all under command of Captain Morris, U. S. N., cleared for action and, taking in tow a number of small boats and scows, ac companied by the "James Guy" as tender, proceeded down the river to the Zouaves camp, where they arrived about 2 A. M. on the 24th, and the 71st men manning the boats, immediately transferred the Zouaves, 900 strong, to the "Baltimore" and "Mt. Vernon," which moved at once to Alexandria. "It was a calm, beautiful moonlight night, the stillness unbroken except by the tramp of men, the suppressed orders of officers and the occasional rattle of arms, and the back ground relieved by the glitter of the long line of gun barrels in the moonlight, as the regiment defiled through the trees down to the shore. "At four o'clock Friday morning, the 24th, they arrived off Alexandria, where the U. S. S. 'Pawnee' lay with her guns 'run out and everything ready for action. A little before five o'clock Lieutenant Lowery of the 'Pawnee,' accompanied by Lieut. Chaplin and Midshipman Small landed at Alexan dria with a flag of truce. Col. Ferrett of the rebel force would not surrender, but expressed his willingness to evacu ate, the terms for which were agreed upon. "The flag staff halyards on Main Street were cut away, two seamen from the 'Pawnee' climbed up and attached the Starry flag to it. About the same time the 'Mt. Vernon' and 'Baltimore' tied up to the wharf. As they approached, the rebel sentinfels were plainly seen. They fired at our men and disappeared. "Lieut. Prendergast with twenty men of Company E were the first to land, and started up the street, when they were recalled, as the 'Mt. Vernon' had sprung a leak. They managed by bailing to keep the water below the guards until they returned to the Navy Yard, when she was run on the flats." Soon after their arrival, the "James Guy," with flag at half-staff, arrived at the Navy Yard bearing the body of Col. Ellsworth. On the arrival in Alexandria, Colonel Ellsworth, 1861] 143 leaving his regiment to be formed, started for a telegraph station. On the way he saw a secession flag flying from the staff on top of the Marshall House. He immediately with his guard entered the house and ascended toward the roof to take down the flag. On a landing he met the proprietor, J. W. Jackson, who leveled a musket at him, firing and killing him instantly. Private Brownell of the 11th at once shot and killed Jackson. Col. Ellsworth's body was conveyed from the boat to the Engine House, where it was embalmed and prepared for his funeral. The next morning at about seven o'clock the re mains, escorted by Company B, were taken to the White House and placed in the East Room, none being admitted except the mourners and guard of the 71st until the hour to admit the public. The funeral was a large one. At eleven o'clock the procession moved, the 71st being the escort. The remains were taken to the depot, after which the regiment returned to the Navy Yard. Simultaneous with the landing of the Zouaves, on May 24th, the 1st Michigan surprised and captured a troop of Virginia cavalry under Captain M. D. Ball, numbering 35 men. At three o'clock P M. on the 24th the steamer "Balti more" arrived at the Yard with these prisoners. A guard from the regiment was detailed to take charge of them (all remaining on the boat) until otherwise disposed of. These were the Farquier Cavalry of Fairfax. They wore a gray uniform, with U. S. buttons, army hats with black feathers. About this time Headquarters was visited by Col. T. W. Sherman (later Lieut-General of the U. S. A.) ; he came as Inspector. Col. Martin received him, and conducted him through the quarters showing him everything. Especially was the Inspector interested in the bake house and slaughter house, saying it was the only instance of the kind he knew of. He was exceedingly complimentary in his remarks, saying there was no room for criticism; he had never seen a finer regiment, nor more satisfactory department work in all his experience. Two spies were caught during the night by the picket guard of the 71st on the Maryland end of the bridge. They were armed. They were turned over to the authorities. 144 [1861 May 26th the day was saddened by the first death, except that of Col. Vosburgh. James Edward Jacobus, private, Company E, was drowned. His body was recovered and sent home. Friends were constantly sending members of the regi ment luxuries as well as necessities; daily the express would arrive, and next to letters was the pleasure of receiving these packages, the opening of which was as exciting as that of chil dren at Christmas. Company Cs quarters were directly over that of Com pany A and the Band, the latter being under the room of the Commissioned officers of Company C, some friends of whom had sent them a barrel of whiskey, which was placed in this room to be used for medicinal purposes only. One day Har vey Dodworth rushed upstairs exclaiming that some fluid was leaking through the ceiling on to his music. Investigation showed that a Lieutenant, after sampling the contents of the barrel, was so pleased with it that he forgot to turn off the flow whereby n'any quarts were allowed to moisten and perfume the bunks of the musicians. From the New York "World," May 28th: "The New York 71st had a splendid dress parade this (27th) evening, which attracted a large concourse of people. The secession prisoners were the object of no little curiosity. They appear sad enough, but are carefully guarded on the 'Pocohontas' by the 71st. The newsboys tantalized them very much this afternoon by crying that Richmond had been taken and Beauregard killed. "The body of Private Jacobus was recovered today (27th) and sent to New York. The movements of troops on the 27th into Virginia gave rise to a general rumor that there was to be a movement of an extensive character, more than heretofore, and Acquia Creek was one of the points named to be occupied, preparatory to the anticipated advance on Richmond." On the 28th the following order was received at head quarters : Washington, D. C, May 28th— 2 A. M. Lieut.-Col. Martin, 71st Regiment N. Y. Without music, or unnecessary noise, take your regiment •on board the steamer at the Yard, leaving only a small guard 1861] 145 to protect your property, and proceed to Alexandria, Va., and before daylight report to Col. Wilson of Michigan troops. MANSFIELD, Brig. General U. S. A. At evening parade, it had been rumored that such an order might be expected, and there was great speculation as to where the regiment might be sent; all were in excellent spirits at the prospect of a change from the dull and monot onous yet arduous duties which they were subject to within the walls of the Yard. Taps were sounded at 10 P. M. At 3 A. M. (28th) the men were routed from their bunks, line was formed, each man was provided with forty rounds of ammunition and three days' rations. The regiment was marched on board the steamers "Philadelphia," carrying two thirty-two pounders, and the "James Guy," a smaller boat with no guns. Captain Dahlgren was on board the "Philadelphia." The "Baltimore," with one thirty-two pounder, and the U. S. S. "Pocohontas" followed. All being on board at 4 A. M., they were cast loose and proceeded down the river to Acquia Creek, as all not posted supposed, but it was soon shown that the destination was Alexandria. The place was reached in about an hour. When the boats were made fast the men landed and were soon in column and marched up the main street and through the city, passing the Marshall House and to the outskirts where the regiment bivouacked near the cotton mills. The day was a most beautiful one, not a cloud in the sky ; the city as the regiment marched was that of a deserted city, at the wharf not a soul, passing the market no evidence of life, and so throughout the march, a native rarely seen, the shutters and blinds on all houses closed, as well as all stores. The rebel was afraid to show himself and the few union people were equally afraid. Tyrannical mob law had prevailed and all were cowed. One man stated that he was delighted to see our troops, that he was a Union man, but dared not express his sentiments. Like other Union men he had been subjected to the greatest indignities and insults for speaking his mind too freely. Here follows a copy of a ballot picked up in Alexandria. In defiance of republican institutions this was not a secret 146 [1861 ballot, as the voter was compelled to write his name on the outside of his ballot. On the back of this was the name C. L. Richards : STATE RIGHTS TICKET THE ORDINANCE OF SECESSION For ratification. Amendment to the Constitution of Virginia For Amendment For the Senate H. W. Thomas House of Delegates William G. Cazenove At 7 P. M. the regiment was marched back to the city and quartered in some deserted dwellings, Company C being quar tered in the Marshall House, where in the alley attached to it, the men of all companies in turn received their breakfast. At 11 a. m. (29th) all were surprised at an order to return at once to the Navy Yard, which was accordingly done, and once more the boys were back in their old quarters. The same evening another expedition was started. The following letter from Private Eugene Macy Deming, Com pany C, will give the interesting details of this affair (Private Deming was subsequently Captain of Company I, 61st N.Y.V., was wounded at the battle at Charles City Cross Roads, Va., and died in Richmond June 19th, 1862. He was the son of General M. R. Deming of Hancock County, 111.) : Co. C, 71st Regiment, Washington Navy Yard, On board Steamboat "Annacosta." "Feeling that on account of our late trip on board of the 'Annacosta,' under command of Lieut. Thomas B. Prender gast, aided by Sergeant John A. Hull, cannot but prove a of source of interest, I venture to give you as brief and cor rect a description as possible. "On Wednesday evening, May 29th, our squad of twenty men from Company C came on board and took up their quarters 1861] 147 below deck, where all were made comfortable by our worthy captain N. Collins, U. S. N. It was not until ten o'clock A. M., Thursday, that we received our orders to sail, and at eleven we left the Navy Yard wharf amid the cheering and well wishes of our boys who were left behind. "As soon as we were fairly under way, we gathered around our officers, who informed us that our mission was to proceed to Captain Ward's fleet lying below Acquia Creek, and move with him to the battery erected near the mouth of said creek and destroy it; also to capture any prizes we might come in contact with, and destroy such batteries as might be in process of erec tion on the shore. "Our lieutenant added — 'And make incursions into the ene mies' country, wherever deemed expedient and necessary.' We were all very much gratified, and told him he would but have to lead the way and we would follow no matter where. It is needless for me to add one word of laudation to that the gallant lieutenant has already received, for all who know him are aware of his substantial worth as an officer and citizen, I can but add, as a slight testimonial of our squads' high approbation of his courage, wisdom and courteous bearing, that we had the utmost confidence and respect in him, and for him. "It was 12:10 P. M. when we arrived opposite Alexandria where we saw nothing of interest, as everything seemed to be quiet as if in deep mourning for 'Jeff' Davis and secession. The 'Pawnee' was lying in the stream with her guns bearing on the city. "It being necessary that we should know how to handle the thirty-two pounder we had on board, we were called on deck and drilled until thoroughly familiar with its management. As we passed Mt. Vernon we were pained to see its sacred soil dis graced by the banner of treason flying from a staff near the tomb of Washington. At 4:30 P. M. we passed a promontory where the United States had a battery in 1812, which completely commanded the river, preventing the passage of all vessels. We expected to find a battery here, but fortunately were disappointed. At 5 :30 P. M. we arrived at Acquia Creek, which empties into the Potomac fifty-five miles below Washington; just to the right of its mouth is the battery which we are to attack. Here is a little village, a depot of the Richmond R. R., several fine looking buildings, and a long wharf on which is a large storehouse. "At 8:15 P. M. we joined Captain Ward's fleet. He had decided to postpone the attack until the next morning. Owing to the, 'Freeborn' having got aground we did not arrive opposite the battery until 9:45 A. -M. (31st), and at 10 o'clock the 'Freeborn' opened the ball by firing two shots which did not take effect as we had not got their range. We followed suit immedi ately with a shell, when the battery began to reply to our compli ments, and the action grew quite warm. 148 [1861 "The 'Freeborn' had two guns and fired as rapidly as possible, whereas, we had but one, with Samuel F. Perkins as captain, and 'our boys' to man it although we did great execution with it, knocking two embrasures into one and killing and wounding large numbers. "At 11 :30 A. M. they slackened in their firing, when a five- pound rifled cannon opened on us from a ravine in the hills, which showered us with their balls, while we could not retaliate, our guns not being able to carry so far. We, however, demolished the lower battery and then sailed away without a man hurt, or a vessel receiving a shot, coming to anchor off Indian Point, but left there about 11 :30 P. M. on account of suspicious movements on shore. "June 1st, at 11:15 A. M., we resumed the attack, in com pany with the 'Pawnee,' 'Yankee' and 'Freeborn' — the latter lead ing, the 'Pawnee' next and the 'Annacosta' third in line. At 11 :4b the rebels set fire to the storehouse on the pier which obstructed their range, and sent for a force of artillery from a battery below. The fight was immediately renewed, and continued without cessa tion by either side until nearly five o'clock, when we withdrew. "Several times their pieces were dismounted, but were re placed immediately ; and many of our shells entered their forti fication scattering the men and sand. Not a man was injured on our side, the 'Freeborn' received two shots through her, and the 'Pawnee' five. 'Our boys' did nobly, not a man faltered, but all stood at their posts like men and soldiers, in confirmation of which I refer you to Captain Collin's report to the Navy Depart ment. This is merely adding one more proof that the 71st Regi ment's men are ever at their post, and when there, maintain it." E. M. DEMING, Company C, 71st N. Y. S. M. Notwithstanding the statement that "Not a man was injured," Private Charles B. Hall (one of four brothers, Henry B., Alfred and Ernest (Judge), (all of Company C), claimed that he was the first man wounded in the Navy. He writes : * * * "I could not partake in the fight on account of a bad scald I got in the morning. I was going down the hatch to get shells on deck, when one of the boys handing down a bucket ful of tea (just off the stove) did not see me. It struck my head, spilling the contents on my right shoulder and arm, scald ing the skin and making some blisters from my neck down to my elbow. This was so sore I could not work the gun, so I seated myself on the bowsprit and watched the fight * * * I am afraid they will send me ashore when we reach the Navy Yard but I hope not. I have smelt gunpowder, and like the smell when fired at the enemies of our 'Stars and Stripes.' " 1861] 149 Having fired away all their ammunition, it was necessary to return to Washington for a supply. The following is the report of Captain John H. Ward, U. S. N. "On the 31st of May, 1861, the U. S. Steamer 'Thomas Free born' supported by the 'Annacosta' and 'Resolute,' opened a can nonade upon the rebel batteries at Acquia Creek, fifty-five miles below Washington at the terminus of the Fredericksburg and Potomac R. R. * * * "After an incessant discharge kept up for two hours, and the expenditure of all ammunition suitable for distant firing, and silencing completely the three batteries at the railroad terminus, the firing from shore having been rapidly kept up by them until so silenced, and having been recommenced from new batteries from the heights back, which reached us in volleys, dropped the shot on board and about us like hail for nearly an hour, I hauled the vessels off, as the heights proved wholly above the reach of our elevation. "Judging from the explosion of our ten-second shells in the sand batteries, two of which were thrown by the 'Annacosta,' it is hardly possible the enemy could have escaped loss. Several of the 'Annacosta's' shells dropped in the vicinity of the battery. "I cannot speak in too high terms of the officers and men, whose coolness and activity under great exposure are beyond praise. "June 1st — The bombardment of Acquia Creek was recom menced today by the 'Pawnee,' 'Thomas Freeborn,' 'Annacosta,' 'Yankee,' and 'Reliance,' commencing at 11:30 A. M., and terminating at 4:30 P. M., when the enemies' batteries were silenced and deserted by the rebels, who were seen rapidly re treating along the beach. The shot at times fell thick about us, testing the gallantry and steadiness of my people which I consider of standard proof for any emergency." HEADQUARTERS "AMERICAN GUARD," 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. Militia, Navy Yard, Washington, June 5th, 1861. Special : — The commandant having received a note from Captain John A. Dahlgren enclosing a copy of the report of the part per formed by a detachment of the 71st Regiment in the engagement at Acquia Creek on the 31st of May and June 1st, the same is hereby published for the information of the troops. HENRY P. MARTIN, Lieut.-Col. commanding. 150 [1861 (COPY) Commandant's Office, Navy Yard Washington, June 4th, 1861. Lieut.-Col. Martin, Commanding 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. M., Navy Yard, Washington. Sir:— You no doubt will be gratified to receive the annexed copy of the statement forwarded to me by Lieut.-Commanding Collins of the "Annacosta," relating to the meritorious conduct of a de tachment of Company C of the 71st Regiment while engaging the batteries at Acquia Creek on May 31st and June 1st. Your ob't servant, JOHN A. DAHLGREN, Com'd't. (COPY) U. S. Steamer "Annacosta," June 2, 1861. Sir:— I have great pleasure in informing you of the excellent char acter and conduct of the detachment of the 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. Militia, Company C, serving on board this vessel under Lieut. T. B. Prendergast. They have my warmest thanks for their assistance in the working of our guns at Acquia Creek. As gentlemen, soldiers or boatmen, they do honor to their immediate commanding officer, and to the 71st. Enclosed is a muster roll of the detachment. Very respectfully your obedient servant, N. COLLINS, Lieut.-Commanding. To John A. Dahlgren, Commanding, Navy Yard, Washington. ROLL Of detachment of Company C, 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M., commanded by Lieut. Thomas B. Prendergast of Company E, on board of the U. S. Steamer "Annacosta," May 31st and June 1st, 1861 : Sergeant E. Platte J. W. Grittman John A. Hull Mulford M. Martin E. K. Mather Corporals W. H. Livan J. R. Delan Richard T. Rich A. Ferguson G. A. H. Bartlett W. B. Wells C. J. Mansfield Eugine M. Deming Privates H. K. Willoughby H. L. Barker Geo. B. Raynor Geo. Bacon J. Roberts John Locke G. A. Kasmire Charles B. Hall [NOTE.— During the fall of 1863 the "Florida" entered the port of Bahia, Brazil— a neutral port — where she anchored. At 1861] 151 this time the Union Gunboat "Wachusett," commanded by Cap tain Napoleon Collins, was also in port. On October 6th, when part of the "Florida's" crew was ashore, at midnight, Captain Collins made an attempt to sink the "Florida," but failing in this he captured the privateer and towed her out to sea. She was later sunk in Hampton Roads. For this breach of neutrality Secretary Seward later apologized to the Brazilian Government.] May 30th President Lincoln reviewed the regiment at dress parade. While the fight was going on at Acquia Creek, the following communication was received at headquarters : War Department, Washington, D. C. June 1st, 7:25 P.M. Lieut.-Col. Martin, 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. M., Navy Yard. If you hear the sound of battle at Alexandria, Va., proceed at once by the steamer at the Navy Yard, with your whole force to that place. MANSFIELD, Brig.-General, U. S. A. As the regiment did not move at that time it is evident that no sound of battle reached headquarters. And that evening at dress parade the regiment was reviewed by Vice-President Hamlin. Every Sunday morning at nine o'clock companies were in spected in quarters, knapsacks, arms and equipments. Lieut.-Col. Martin was very strict, every man was expected to have a pride about keeping himself and his equipments in the best of order, knapsacks properly packed ; so Saturday afternoon was a general cleaning up time, to be prepared. Sunday, June 2d, the President with Secretary Seward, visit ed the Yard being received with the usual salute of guns. June 3d Major-General Sanford, 1st Division, N. Y. S. M., with his staff, visited the Yard and reviewed the regiment. The N. Y. Tribune said : "The dress parade of the 71st was attended by a large num ber of people this evening, a large proportion of whom were ladies, who seemed gladdened by the return of this noble regi ment to its old quarters. Little children in the neighborhood f re- 152 [1861 quently bring bouquets of flowers, much to the gratification of receiver and giver." June 5th, a new Company I, was added to the regiment, by the arrival of the Parmenter Rifles, Company L, 19th N. Y. S. M., of Newburg. They were commanded by Captain Augustus Van Horn Ellis, brother of the captain of Company F. From the N. Y. Evening "Express," June 6th : "The 'Annacosta,' manned by twenty-one members of the N. Y. 71st, Company C, under command of Lieutenant Maynard, and the 'Mt. Vernon,' manned by twenty-one members of Com pany E, same regiment, under command of Lieutenant Prender gast, left the Navy Yard at seven o'clock last evening (5th), to report to General Butler at Fortress Munroe. "The 'Mt. Vernon' deck is fitted for two thirty-two pounders, which are on board * * * So great is the desire among the boys of the 71st to join this expedition, that from five to fifteen dollars were offered for the privilege, but there were no sellers. Lieutenant Maynard's crew is the same which served on the 'Annacosta' at Acquia Creek." The prisoners of war at this time were still on board the "Powhattan." They passed away their time mostly with sleeping and playing cards. Everything was done for their physical com fort, but they were closely guarded, and not allowed to hold communication with anyone. HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN GUARD, 71ST REGIMENT LIGHT INFANTRY, NEW YORK STATE TROOPS Washington Navy Yard, June 8th, 1861. Special Orders: The Commandants of Companies B, E, and G are hereby directed to have guard mounted at 8 o'clock P. M., and to be turned off at 5 o'clock A. M., composed of one and a half files from each of the above named companies. The duties assigned will be to preserve order and quiet during the night in the quarters of these companies. They will arrest all who create any disturbance after "Tattoo" and place them in the Guard House. Each of these companies will furnish a corporal of the Guard in turn. HENRY P. MARTIN, Lieut. Col. Commanding. The cause of the above order was this: These companies 1861] 153 were quartered in one large loft, two companies, one on each side, a narrow passage between, through which the third company had to pass to get to therir quarters at the end of the loft ; this run ning of the gauntlet by some of the late comers, frequently re sulted in horse play, annoying to those who did not appreciate the fun, necessitated this order. On the 10th was issued a new G. O. (10), for the daily duties ; it differed from G. O. No. 1 as follows : At 6:45 A. M. the companies will be formed in line on the regimental parade ground, and then marched to headquarters for prayers. 13 — Target practice superintended by an officer specially de tailed for that purpose ; companies H and F at 8 A. M. ; com panies G and C at 9 A. M. ; companies B and E at 10 A. M. ; companies A and D at 11 A. M. 14 — Each commandant of company may give passes to eight men from 9 A. M. 'till 1 P. M. ; and eight men from 1 P. M. 'till 5 P. M., and no commissioned officer or private will be allowed to leave the yard without a pass. 15 — At all drills and target practice, all officers, non-com missioned officers and privates will be present, except the sick, those on guard duty, and those just returned from guard duty in the morning. 16 — No smoking will be allowed within the yard under any circumstances whatever, except in quarters within the building. On the 11th, President Lincoln, Secretary Seward and Chase, visited the Yard at time of dress parade. From the New York "Tribune," June 11th: "A company of the N. Y. 71st headed by Lieut.-Col. Martin and officers of the regular army, crossed from the Navy Yard into Maryland the other night, on a reconnoitering expedition, having understood that a quantity of arms and ammunition had been concealed in the neighborhood. Several dwellings were searched, but nothing contraband was found. The party returned at three o'clock next morning. "The regiment will remain at the Navy Yard unless there is an absolute necessity for their removal to some other point. General Mansfield was very anxious that this noble regiment should remain at Alexandria, but General Scott insisted upon their return to the Yard, saying that this position was theirs, and they were to defend it to the last; Captain Dahlgren is also earnest in his remonstrance against their removal." On the 11th, every man in the regiment was vaccinated. This 154 [1861 later put many on the invalid list, and there were instances where some were months before their wound healed. On the 15th, a spy was arrested in the Yard. Letters on him indicated his being a member of the Piscataway, Maryland Rifles. From the N. Y. "Tribune," June 19th : "June 17th two companies of the 71st Regiment, Companies F and I (the later 'howitzer company'), 150 in all, left the Navy Yard at 10 P. M., on board the 'Mt. Vernon,' Captain Wood, for Port Tobacco, Maryland. The Government having received in formation that a company of secessionists were camped in that neighborhood, and that quantities of arms and ammunition were secreted in that vicinity, a landing was made at Chapel Point four miles this side of Port Tobacco at four o'clock A. M., June 18th, when the two companies took a line of march into the in terior under command of Captain Julius Ellis of Company F, for the purpose of searching the premises of a captain of a seces sion cavalry company, some five miles distant. "Twenty-five men were sent ahead in two ambulances guided by a slave whom these explorers induced after much persuasion to point out the way. "Nothing was found justifying a seizure, all arms and am munition having doubtless been removed from the premises. "On the way back from Chapel Point, several barns and a school house were searched, but with like result. "No trace of rebels at Port Tobacco was discovered, to the mortification of the boys of the 71st, who had been led to believe that they were at last to have an opportunity of meeting the enemy. "They learned while there that several hundred armed men had crossed over to the Virginia shore in a schooner, only the day before, among whom were doubtless those of whom they were in search. "The rebel guns and flags were distinctly visible at Acquia Creek, and from the fact that a large number of tents were dis- cernable, it is certain that a strong force is gathered there, which is being reinforced from time to time from the Maryland shore. "The 'Mt. Vernon' returned to the Navy Yard at 5 P. M." On the 18th the 1st Ohio regiment left its camp (which was located on the same ground that the 71st bivouacked on when in Alexandria, Va., May 28th) under command of Colonel McCook of General Schenck's command, and entrained for the purpose of placing guards at the different crossings, they landed their men at Fall's Church and other points and one of the trains returned to Alexandria. The last train was backing up to the Vienna Station to land the remainder of the regiment when they were fired upon from a masked battery. Seven were killed and eight or ten wounded. Orders came for the 71st to leave for Alexandria. 1861] 155 War Department, Washington, D. C. June 19th, 1861, 9 P. M. Captain Dahlgren : — Please send the 71st Regiment in steamer at once, to Alexan dria, to arrive there before daylight, but not to land except for the defense of that place. WINFIELD SCOTT. Accordingly at 2 A. M., June 19th, the men were routed out and marched on board of the steamers "Philadelphia" and "Balti more," the regiment was to leave at 3 A. M., and as the line was cast off and the boat started, Colonel Martin looked at his watch and exclaimed with great satisfaction, "Three o'clock and the wheels turned." On arrival at Alexandria, the regiment was landed on the wharf and formed for the advancing to the sup port of General Schenck. They soon, however, received word that their services were not required, as the Vienna fight was over. They, accordingly without seeing anything of the fight except the disabled engine, re-embarked and returned to the Navy Yard, reaching there about 8 P. M. On the 19th, Lieutenant-Colonel Martin was made Colonel, and Major Charles Henry Smith of General Spicer's staff, N.Y.S.M., was made Lieutenant-Colonel. On the evening of the 19th, President Lincoln and has wife visited the evening parade. The usual salute was given. From the New York "Tribune," of June 21st: "The 'Mt. Vernon' landed her detachment of men of the 71st Regiment at White House Point yesterday, and searched the country for some distance, but saw no trace of the battery, alleged to have been erected in that neighborhood. "After returning to the yard, which they reached shortly after dark last evening, and making their report, Captain Wood was ordered to return down the river, and capture a schooner (the same referred to before) which had recently been engaged in carrying troops and provisions over to the rebels from the Maryland shore. "The vessel was captured after a short cruise, and brought to the yard, with two men that were aboard." On the 21st, Company A had a birthday party with a bounte ous dinner set out in their quarters which were tastefully decorat ed for the occasion. At the appointed hour, the company and their invited guests, among whom were several officers of other regiments, besides nearly all the field and staff and company officers of the regiment, sat down to the table and discussed the good things prepared. The affair passed off with great success. 156 [1861 June 22d, Brig.-Gen. Spicer, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, N. Y. S. M., came in camp with the commission for Colonel Martin, swore him in remaining for dress parade and took a review. June 28th the "Pawnee" arrived at 9 A. M., bringing the body of Captain J. H. Ward of the U. S. Steamer "Thomas Freeborn," who was killed the day before in an engagement with the rebels at Mathias Point. His gunner was wounded in his thigh; Captain Ward immediately took his place and was sight ing the gun when struck by a musket ball full in the breast, which killed him almost instantly. On the arrival a company of the regiment was ordered out to receive the body and escort it to the engine house, where it was laid out draped in the American flag. The remains lay in state until 1 P. M., on the 29th, when the regiment escorted them to the train which took them to New York. From the Baltimore "Clipper," of the 29th : "The object of Captain Ward in throwing up the breast work at Mathias Point was that his boats' crew might be able to hold the place with the aid of a small howitzer battery and covered with the thirty-two pounder guns of the 'Freeborn,' until he should be reinforced by the N. Y. 71st Regiment, which he had sent for to come to his support. It was thought that the regiment once there could fortify themselves and hold the place against any force short of a vastly superior number. The Steamer 'Pawnee,' however, arrived at the Navy Yard with Cap tain Ward's remains before the dispatch reached the 71st Regi ment." The regiment was reviewed at dress parade on the 29th by secretary of the Navy, Wells. From the Washington "National Republican," June 30th : "Those who enjoy a pleasant drive, should visit the Navy Yard and witness the parade of the New York 71st Regiment. Character lends so much to a regiment — here the officers seem to command, and the privates exhibit those qualities which mark them as a superior corps. Their three months' term of service expires in August. "Troops quartered in the Navy Yard have the advantage of a delightfully cool breeze from the water, while pleasant verandas surround the officers' quarters — where we waited the evening concert— such music as only Dodworth's band discourses." 1861] 157 On July 1st, the "Mt. Vernon," Captain Woods, left the Yard in the evening for Fortress Munroe with dispatches from the Navy Department for General Butler. She took a small de tachment of Marines, and a detachment of Company H, to re lieve those who went down there about ten days ago on the "Annacosta" as a guard to the Rip-Raps. Changes were rapid from one extreme to another. Hardly had the strains of a dead march died on the waves of the air, then all excitement was centered in the great ball match to be played between a nine of the "National" and "Potomac" Base Ball clubs of Washington, and a picked nine of the regiment. The follow ing invitation was received for the match : THE NATIONAL BASE BALL CLUB Request the pleasure of your company on their grounds at the intersection of Maryland Avenue and 6th Street, East, on Tuesday, July 2d, at twelve o'clock, to witness a match game with the 71st Regiment Base Ball Club. ARTHUR P. GORMAN, Secretary N. B. B. Club. [NOTE. — This Secretary was a page in the Congress. He subsequently became a Senator from Maryland, which office he filled at the time of his death.] This match was witnessed by a large number of spectators, and was characterized by some very fine playing, especially on the part of the "American Guard" nine. The following is the score of the game: NATIONAL AMERICAN GUARD OR OR Gorman, p 2 2 Babcock, c 2 6 Dooley, 2b 3 2 VanCott, 3b 4 2 French, 3b 2 3 Storer, lb 2 5 Patton, If 3 2 Dickens, ss 5 4 Croning, rf 3 1 Umplery, If 2 6 Crook, c 5 0 Wandle, p 2 6 Robinson, lb 2 2 Burger, 2b 5 3 Camp, ss 4 0 Rowe, rf 2 5 Bigger, cf 1 1 Van Valkenburg, cf 3 5 INNINGS: 123456789 Nationals 0 0 2 3 1 1 3 1 2— 13 American Guard 8 2 2 1 2 4 12 6 5-42 158 [1861 July 4th was celebrated with a review by Major-General Sanford, N. Y. S. M., of the twenty-three regiments of N. Y. S. M., then in Washington; from a platform in front of the White House, the President, General Scott and members of the Cabinet received a marching salute. After the review, the 71st escorted the President to the head of Pennsylvania Avenue, where the regiment formed three sides of a square with a flag staff in the centre upon which with the usual ceremony, a flag (Old Glory) was hoisted by the President, after which he was escorted by the regiment to the White House, which then returned to the Navy Yard. This flag was presented by the Union Defense Committee of New York. Monday the 8th, Captain Dahlgren turned over to the regi ment two handsome brass howitzers, these were placed by Colonel Martin in the charge of Company I, which commenced practice with them, and subsequently, within two weeks, made excellent use of them on the battle field. Captain Dahlgren also presented each of the members of the Drum Corps with a rifle of his own invention. A little incident occured about this time, which is worth record ing as an illustration of "red tape" or professional bigotry; Colonel Martin had sent to him from New York, a small case of Jamaica ginger ; its efficacy well known now (but not so well at that time) for bowel complaints. The Colonel was frequently called upon by those troubled in this way, they receiving immedi ate relief. This soon came to the notice of the medical staff, which promptly informed the colonel that he was committing a grievous mistake, and interfering with their prerogative, and that he must desist, which he did. Not long after a member of one of the companies was sent to the hospital, his case running into a severe one of dysentery, the doctors being unable to check it; his captain called on the colonel, requesting some of his ginger, but under the circum stances as above, the colonel could not grant it. The next day the captain returned with the report that the doctors said there was no hope for the man, that he would probably not live beyond midnight, he therefore beseeched the colonel for the ginger, as it could do no harm, and it might save the man's life. The colonel said : "Captain, you know the position I am in, if I should give him this ginger and he died, the doctors might accuse me as the 1861] 159 cause, however, as you say they have given him up. I will give you the ginger, but understand, it is for yourself, and not for him, what you do with it, is for you to decide." The next morning the captain called on the colonel, with a radiant face and reported the man was alive and on the road to recovery ; he and a sergeant sat by the man's bedside during the night, watch in hand, at the hour of twelve, although the patient was unconscious he was living. They gave him a dose of the ginger with immediate effect. The man recovered. July the 6th, the regiment was paid for one month. The payment was in gold ; the novelty of the occasion created quite a sensation, as patriotism, not pay, was the cause of their presence, not much thought was given about pay. To very many, it was but a small return for what they had sacrificed by enlisting. July 7th, Sunday, President Lincoln arrived at dress parade. The President's visits to the Yard were quite frequent. He would lie down on the lounge in the colonel's quarters, taking off his boots and have as he said, "A rest where he could be free from politicians, it was the only place where there was no one that wanted something." And he did seem to enjoy it. From the Washington "National Republican," July 13th: "The Steamer 'James Guy,' Lieutenant Pritchard, U. S. N., commanding, left the Navy Yard wharf on Thursday 11th, instant afternoon, having on board a squad of Company H, 7lst Regi ment, and Captain Nathan Darling, Chief of the Capitol police, in search of Mr. James Taliaferro, a noted secessionist, and lately a clerk in the Treasury Department, who left this city early this morning. "The 'Guy' proceeded to the U. S. Steamer 'Pocohontas,' where she took on board twelve seamen, twelve marines and a boat howitzer. She proceeded down the river to Chapel Point, where a portion of the men were landed. "On reaching the shore, they found a light hung out on the side of a house, which was evidently used as a signal to those on the Virginia shore. They forthwith awoke the occupant, and compelled him to take it down. The march was then taken for Port Tobacco, which they reached about midnight, and found two colored men, who showed them the hotel. A guard was placed around the house, and the landlord summoned, but he denied having seen Taliaferro. "They immediately proceeded on their own hook, and finding by the register that Taliaferro was the occupant of number 6, 160 [1861 went to his room, and awoke him. His trunk was taken posses sion of and was brought with the prisoner to this city. It con tained a large number of letters written to prominent secessionests in Virginia, and $1,700 in gold, but whether it was the result of his economy or the contributions of his late fellow clerks, we have been unable to learn. "The letters seem to indicate that he has heretofore sent quite a lot of information to Virginia, and some of them implicate a prominent banker of this city in the secession scheme. He was to have been arrested yesterday afternoon, but had not up to the hour of going to press. "Taliaferro was on his arrival taken before General Mans field, who sent him to jail. It was discovered at the Point, that boats are constantly crossing to the Virginia shore during the night, with passengers and provisions." For some days rumors of stirring events were in the air, and preparations were being made by all for departure, as it was either war or home in a week's time, as the term of service ex pired on the 20th, at which time the regiment should be mustered out in New York. The morning of the 16th, however, settled the doubts much to the satisfaction of all. Early orders were re ceived for the regiment to march at 12:30 P. M., into Virginia. From an early hour all were busy packing their haversacks with three days' rations, and other necessities cared for. The several quarters presented a lively appearance, the men cheering as they got ready to start. All the boat detachments were called in. Hasty farewells were exchanged between the men and the numer ous friends they had made in the Yard since their stay there. On board the "Philadelphia" the squad, before leaving the steamer, held a meeting in the lower deck saloon, in which they passed a preamble and resolutions expressive of their high regard for Captain Silas Reynolds. This was read and presented in the presence of the detachment to Captain Reynolds, who in receiv ing them, made a feeling and befitting reply, and took leave of each one of them personally. The detachment also presented expressions of respect and esteem to the engineers and other officers of the boat. The hour for departure having arrived, headed by its band, the regiment marched out of the Navy Yard through to Pennsyl vania Avenue, and thence to a point near 7th Street, where it joined the brigade now commanded by Colonel Burnside, acting brigadier-general. The uniform worn was, instead of the jacket, a gray blouse. 1861] 161 The brigade formed without ceremony at 3 P. M., marched over the Long Bridge into Virginia where for a short distance the band led the regiment, playing "Dixie." It then returned to the Navy Yard, Harvey Dodworth and his leader Downing going with the regiment as buglers. The brigade continued its march until 8 o'clock P. M., reaching a place called Annandale, about eleven miles from the Navy Yard, where it bivouacked for the night. The following is the roster of officers. Col. Henry B. Martin, Lieut.-Col. Charles H. Smith, Major George A. Buckingham, Surgeons Eugine Peugnet, James B. Reynolds, J. P. Dodge, Acting Adjutant Wm'. G. Tompkins, Com missary William Borrowe, Acting Quartermaster Edgar A. Seelye, Non-Commission Staff Sergeant-Major H. F. Libneau, Q. M. S. Nicholas W. Day, Com'y Sergeant J. J. Plumsted. CAPTAINS 1st LIEUTENANTS 2d LIEUTENANTS A— David D. Hart Acting Adjutant Thomas B. Oakley B — Benj. L. Trafford James R. Klots John R. Livermore C — William J. Coles Samuel H. Maynard Charles H. Ackley D — Dav. C. Meschutt George H. Stowe D. H. Denyse E — Edward S. Wade Thos. B. Prendergast Geo. K. Fairchild F — Julius L. Ellis Thomas A. Murphy Eugene Thorn G — Wm. S. Dunham George W. Curtis Henry W. Turner H — Asa F. Miller Andrew H. Embler Geo. W. Underwood I — A. Van Horn Ellis Benj. F. ChamberlainG. W. Hawkins George W. Wilkes, who was an aide on Colonel Vosburgh's staff, accompanied the brigade and the following was written by him, and published in his paper, the New York "Spirit of the Times." It gives a vivid account of the battle of Bull Run. Fairfax, Va., Headquarters of the Fifth Division, U. S. A. July 17th, 1861. The Grand Army, under the command of General McDowell, set out in four divisions, numbering each about twelve thousand men, with one division of seven New Jersey regiments in reserve. They took three different roads toward the line of the Manassas Railway, diverging each a little, so it could be tapped at different points, in case it should be necessary to make a flank movement on the formidable batteries at the Junction. The only points of serious opposition expected on the way were, first, at Fairfax 162 [1861 Court House, next, at Centreville, about ten miles further on, and next at a place called Bull Run, where a branch of the Ocaquan is forded, and which is said to be of considerable stra tegic strength. This latter place is about seven or eight miles distant from Manassas Junction, from which it consequently can be easily reinforced. On the afternoon of Tuesday, the 16th inst., the brigade of Colonel Burnside, consisting of the 1st and 2d Rhode Island troops, the New York 71st and the 2d New Hampshire Volun teers, accompanied by two batteries, left Washington by the route of the Long Bridge and, proceeding with the central column under Acting-Major-General Hunter, took the direct turnpike road to Fairfax Court House. The division under Acting-Major-General Colonel Miles, which included the N. Y. 32d, of Colonel Matheson, better known as the 1st California regiment, took the extreme left along the Old Braddock road, south of the turnpike occupied by Hunter's Division. The 1st Division under General Tyler, which included, among others, the N. Y. 69th and 79th, formed the extreme right, and proceeded along the Leesburg road, by the way of Vienna. This method enabled the troops to march without clogging each other's movements, and at the. same time to sweep a large breadth of country as they went. The general advance in this order proceeded but a distance of eight or nine miles on Tuesday evening, and then encamped. On this morning the vast machine roused itself at an early hour, and proceeded on again, the main and central movement upon Fairfax Court House being confided to the division of Colonel Hunter, which included the Rhode Islanders and the 71st. But while we were thus pressing forward on all sides, the Confeder ate's troops seemed to have been to some extent apprised of our intentions, for Beauregard had visited them on the previous after noon, and a new watchfulness in consequence had inspired their camp. Along the turnpike and the Old Braddock road, trees had been felled across the highway, and skirmishers were pushed well forward to harass our advance. The strength, however, which they expected against them did not exceed, in their vain estima tion, what their three regiments of Mississippians, Alabamians and Carolinians could successfully resist. Accordingly, when their skirmishers, who had fallen in with Colonel Miles' division, brought them the news that we were advancing on their right, they manned their batteries and breastworks only in that direc tion, and then went on with the duties of the camp in usual 1861] 163 style, slaughtering some beeves which they had just purchased, and building up their cooking fires. The turnpike road, along which Colonel Hunter led the centre, was equally perplexed with leafy barricades, but the pioneers threw them lustily aside, and the whole division, with a growing eagerness for battle, kept insensibly accelerating its pace, till, of its own accord, it almost reached a "double quick." They were the first, of course, to reach the Court House, and first, consequently, to be seen by the Confederates ; who, surprised at finding the enemy coming along the turnpike when they expected him only by the Braddock road, seized hold of their cannon in that quarter and ran with them to the centre. At the same mo ment, reports were brought that the Federal troops were ap proaching on the right, and appearing also in strong force in the direction of the left. The enemy did not wait, therefore, to hear the shout of the Rhode Islanders and the 71st as they prepared to charge, but, dropping whatever they were about, incontinently fled. With wild hurrahs, the Burnside Brigade, in a few minutes afterward, tore their way into the village, looking eagerly to the right and left for foes, and in their disappointment penetrating often the abandoned dwellings, in the hope of finding some secret ed squad of the Confederates there. But, though entirely gone, they had barely escaped, and had the 5th Division being a little further forward, they must have been intercepted and cut off. As it was, they left their tents, camp equipage, forage, a quantity of arms and flour, and, in some instances, their uniforms and swords. The ground of their camp around the Court House, as I walked over it, presented a most extraordinary appearance, and amid the hurled-down tents, strewn boxes, and a litter of canteens and blankets, was a snow of un- sent letters, some of which I took as lawful prize. So precipitate was their flight, that the camp-kettles were seething with their intended meal, and it was necessary that a corporal of the Rhode Islanders should take down their rebel flag from the Court House, and put the Star Spangled banner in its place. I wish, dear reader, you could have heard the cheers which hailed the starry ensign as it went aloft. It would have done you good, also, had you listened to the shout with which the boys of the 71st greeted the discovery of four fresh quarters of beef at the Carolinian Commissary's tent, and fifty thousand very good cigars, which had been intended to regale the nostrils of the Confederate 164 [1861 "staff." Need I tell you that the Havanas were instantly con fiscated,' or that I cheerfully enjoyed a portion of the plunder? The Californians, on their part, were, if anything, more fortunate than the 71st, for they commenced their march by the capture, near Alexandria, of twenty-five barrels of Potomac herrings and a carronade, and, when taking possession of the Alabama camp, secured four cattle which had been bought and paid for that very morning, and whose throats had been cut only a few minutes before. Centreville, Va., July 18th, 1861. The Grand Army has just had its first taste of the mettle of the enemy, but though fresh from the field, and yet filled with its excitements, I will turn back awhile, and reach a description by the regular approaches. Last night, at Fairfax, I went to bed beneath a broad porch in the soft moonshine, where the night before Confederate cap tains sat and swore, but where there was then nothing to disturb my peaceful slumbers. The only thing to break the stillness of the night was the occasional challenge of the sentinels and the casual baying of secession dogs, started into chorus by some cur, indignant at the tramp of our pickets as they went by on guard. But these sounds were becoming usual to me, so I slept undis turbed till about an hour past midnight, when I was startled awake by several musket shots in the direction of the Braddock road. I raised my head, found that the camp had taken alarm, and as I listened I could hear the light rattle of steel, which pro ceeds from the slightest stir of a body of armed men, and then the low buzz of "Stand ready, boys ! stand ready !" spread over the field of reposing thousands like the travel of a shower of rain. In the next few moments all was still, for all were listening as I was. In a few moments more, however, it became evident that the alarm had no foundation, and with a growl at being thus disturbed, our heavy legions sunk again to sleep. At an early hour in the morning the reveille summoned all the columns to an early movement, but inasmuch as I paused be hind for an inviting breakfast improvised for me on the edge of a three-dollar piece, the 71st got well off before I was fed, and I took up the march for the day with the N. Y. 32d, the regiment of my California friends. The weather was delightful and the travel gaily made ; and the wish that was oftenest expressed upon 1861] 165 the route, was that before the day closed we might have an opportunity to fight. "Here are plenty of chances for it," said Captain Ross Fish, as he swept his arm over the fine rolling and well wooded country. "Yes," said the handsome adjutant, "and it would seem that men who would let us 'march thus far into the bowels of such a land without impedient,' would hardly interfere with us before we reach Manassas." "Don't be uneasy, boys! don't be uneasy!" said the bluff voice of Major Lemon, who came up at the moment; "You'll have fighting enough ; and it will come soon enough ; and there is something in my bones that tells me we shall get a taste of it to-day." With occasional rests, made more for the relief of the animals which tugged at the ponderous baggage-trains than for the men, we reached Centreville at noon, and the 5th Division, of which the 32d was a part, settled itself, like so many flies, in a broad valley that lay at the foot of a high hill, about half a mile before it. On the other side of the road, to our right, but in the same valley, reposed a portion of the 1st Division, under General Tyler, and behind them, some two miles on the same central road, had paused General McDowell, with the Hunter column. In a few minutes, the 1st and 5th Divisions had improvised a sort of shade by stretching their blankets over their stacked muskets, while some of them, who were not partaking of their rations, were fast asleep. The only party that did not at once enjoy repose, were the Massachusetts 1st, the Michigan 2d and the New York 12th, for these were ordered by General Tyler over the hill past Centre ville, to the left, to make a reconnoissance of the position at Bull Run, where we had reason to apprehend the enemy had con structed works. All the remainder of the two Divisions being pretty well asleep, I turned, with some officers of the 32d, back to a country house, about a mile down the road, and by that instinct for dinner which seldom fails a good traveller, managed to secure from the old farmer who was its proprietor, a tolerable meal, with hot coffee for us all. In due time, the officers who were my guests, left to attend to their regimental duties, but, solaced by the grateful shade of its rustic porch, and the faces of the old man's grandchildren, I preferred to take my siesta there. A civilian friend shared my notions, and remained with me, and we lay stretched upon the rude benches of the stoop, rehears- 166 [1861 ing the incidents of the morning march, as a preliminary to our nap. Suddenly, and during one of those lengthening pauses in our conversation which betoken the approach of sleep, the sound of a great gun boomed with a fearful distinctness upon the before dead-stillness of the air. We both started up, and I pulled out my watch and noticed that it was exactly one o'clock. There was a pause of several seconds between the first gun and the next, and then came several shots in quick succession, as if the firing were exchanged. The answering reports seemed, however, to be lighter than the first, and we fancied we could tell, by the difference of tone, the respective vigor with which the contest was conducted. We lost but a few minutes in this way, and then hurried toward the camp, under the impression that the whole army was moving forward. We found, however, on arriving at the quarters of the 32d, that the whole valley was still filled with the troops of the two divisions, and that no orders had been given them to move. None seemed to know what the firing meant, for at that point, we were all ignorant of the advance of the three regiments under Colonel Richardson, toward Bull Run. It was evident, however, that the engagement was a very hot one, and the greatest anxiety was manifested to leave camp and run up to the crown of the hill before us, in hope to get some prospect of the scene; but the expectation of momentary orders, and the desire to be ready to move instantly, ahead, kept every man in his place. My friend of the porch and I, however, being unrestrained by orders, went up the hill, and got such range of eyesight as we could, in the direction of the scene. A large number of officers were grouped together there, and getting in their midst, we had the advantage of their opinions as well as of their glasses. A large piece of wood, about a quarter of a mile distant, extended between us and the scene of the engagement, but beyond its leafy screen we could see the smoke rise, as volleys of infantry were exchanged. First, there came spells limited to the range of heavy guns ; then ensued angry volleys of firing "by platoon," followed by the spiteful spits of musketry "at will." The excitement was pain fully intense, and as the flat roll of the infantry discharges were poured forth, we knew not whether to shout for the prowess of our friends, or to mourn at seeing them wilt before that deadly shower. Nevertheless, we stood hopefully by our cause upon that hill, and most anxiously did I try to guage the fortunes of the battle by watching the road on my right hand to see if any 1861] 167 hasty courier was coming back for reinforcements. Occasionally the fire would slacken, and for a few minutes, almost stop; and during one of these pauses, I could see by a long coil of dust in the distant road which lays behind the valley of the fight, that the enemy was being reinforced from the direction of Manassas. It was evident, also, that the reinforcement was a powerful one. When this body reached its destination, the vigor of the battle was resumed, and the roar of artillery was the distinctive feature of the contest. Then suddenly it ceased; and along the road which ran by our hill-side, there could be seen coming a single cloud of dust, which floated toward us at high speed. We could not for a few minutes tell what it contained, but on nearing the turn of our position, a puff of wind revealed within it an orderly, at full gallop, who we rightly guessed had come back for reinforcements. Another and another eager rider followed, and going down to the road, we learned from them, through a clump of mounted officers who had rode forward to interrogate them, that our men had suffered considerably in the engagement, but that the fight would be re-opened as soon as we could send reinforcements. We also learned that our troops at the ground had, in the meantime, withdrawn themselves in the screen of woods out of the enemy's fire. It appeared from these accounts of the battle, as far as it had gone, that Colonel Richardson, of the Michigan Volunteers, had command of the reconnoissance, and had entered the open ground in front of the wood which concealed the masked batteries of the enemy, with four companies of the 1st Massachusetts, under Colonel Cowdin, forming his left, the 2d Michigan, forming the right, and the New York 12th (Volunteers), under Colonel Walrath, having the centre. The main battery of the enemy was upon a slight ehiinence in the centre, guarding the passage, and there were two formidable batteries on the right and left. As our troops had proceeded toward this fearful line, the Massachusetts men were furthest in advance, and the first, of course, to strike the fatal fringe which was soon to be alive with fire. At length, when the whole column was trailed before the weapons of the enemy, the word on their side was given, and their central battery let fly a gun, followed by a fire of musketry which raked our entire line. Our boys, however, received it with fortitude, and then dashed forward into the thicket with a shout, to charge the enemy. But the rain was too serious to enable them to penetrate the wood, yet they stood their ground hand- 168 [1861 somely, and despite the galling disadvantage, they endured it, and returned fire for fire several times. They then fell back, whereupon a part of Sherman's battery, served by Captain Ayres, unlimbered, and ran forward and took up the battle, the retiring movement of our infantry being sup ported by a company of United States Cavalry, under Captain Brackett. The battery was served in the most spirited manner, and though two of the horses were shot down in their traces, and one of the guns was thus placed in danger, a dash of the Dragoons protected the men as they cut the horses loose, and ran it in themselves. Finally, we succeeded in silencing their batteries entirely, and the pause ensued which we had noticed as being occupied by musketry alone, our men now firing from a screen of woods in the same manner as the rebels. Presently the reinforcements of the enemy arrived, being received on the part of the Confederates with shouts, and thus furnishing the hint that if we wished to continue the struggle .with any hope what ever, we must follow suit. By the time we had thus collected the state of affairs as it had gone, the bayonets of the New York 69th came sparkling in heavy line from the hill of Centreville, down into the hollow where we stood. They, with the 79th and the 2d Wisconsin, had been roused from their slumbers in the adjoining valley, and called upon to go and plunge upon those roaring guns and inter cept those showering platoons, which had already laid low so many of their comrades. I scrutinized them closely as they marched, and, knowing many in their ranks, I had to wave good fortune to them as they passed. They swept along eagerly, and at "double quick." A cheerful smile lit up every face that I accosted, and they looked more like bridegrooms going to their nuptial favors, than men seeking the dark embrace of death. The last hand I grasped along the line was that of Thomas Francis Meagher, whose company brought up the rear, and never was the Irish orator's handsome countenance adorned with a loftier light than when he returned the pressure which accompanied by "God bless you!" Following the 69th came the Scotchmen from New York, their tall leader, Colonel Cameron, trotting briskly at the head, in order to give room to their over-eager step. His face was cheerful, but theirs were rigid and as fixed as stone. Not a word was spoken except by the captains, of "hurry, hurry, boys!" until some looker-on, unable to command himself, exclaimed, "Go 1861] 169 it, auld Reekie!" Then of a sudden a wild scream, or rather shriek, burst forth like an explosion, and rang again and again along their entire line : "And high and wild the Cameron's gathering rose The war note of Lochiel ! which Albyn's hills Have heard, and heard, too, have her Saxon foes." It extended its impulse to the Celtic column in advance, and likewise set the Wisconsonians on fire, and the three regiments went forward from that moment with one continuous shout, which had no meaning but a mere rage for battle. This was the first opportunity afforded me to reach the scene of strife, and my friend and I fell in and followed on. As we neared the place of the conflict, the cannonade began again, and we could hear the singing of rifled cannon shot, and now and then see the fearful missiles plunge into the earth, or smite the upper branches of the trees along our line. The woods near the edge of the battle field were already filled with wounded and exhausted soldiers, and occasionally we could see a wounded man in the arms of his comrades, who were carrying him to some piece of shade, or steadying him on horseback till they could bear him to some spring. The universal cry of these unforunates was for water, and even the unhurt men — nay, even those who had not yet been engaged, were parched with the consuming force of the terrible excitement. When we arrived, Sherman's guns were still engaged in playing with the batteries of the enemy, but the infantry were not upon the open field. The reinforcements, also, were with held, and the battle left to the great guns alone. The 69th and 79th, and Wisconsin 2d, were drawn up just at the entrance of the field, protected from the enemy by a narrow screen of sap lings ; and I stood by a company of Brackett's cavalary, who were waiting for another dash, whenever the gunners should require their protection. I looked along the Celtic and Gaelic line, and they stood, amid the booming of the guns, pale and resolved, with their lips firmly set, impatiently expecting the signal to go in. One single shout, as prologue to a bound, would have been cheap at a guinea to the poorest man in that expectant line. As I stood thus, dividing my admiration between them and the gallant fel lows who were working our guns, there came a shell (as I thought, though it turned out to be a rifled cannon-shot) singing toward me ; and, seeing others take warning from "its note, by 170 [1861 running behind the trees, I bent as close as possible to the ground. Whether that helped any portion of me from its range, I do not know ; but I saw it smite a rise in the path, about fifteen yards ahead, and had a look at the monster in my hand in two minutes afterward. Even in that quiescent state, I could hardly help respecting it with terror remarking to it most politely, that I was glad it had not found me in its way. After this incident, the guns played with a slackening vigor for about half an hour more, and then the firing ceased altogether, the battle having lasted now about three hours and a half in all. The troops were, however, not withdrawn, and it was debated between General Tyler and his staff whether the eagerness of the three fresh regiments then present had not better be indulged and a general effort made to carry the batteries by assault. Before, however, this was decided on, General McDowell, who had been eight miles off when the fight commenced, came upon the field. He looked calmly round, made a few inquiries, and, without an appearance of the least excitement or emotion, ordered a retreat. It struck me, from the promptitude with which he came to this conclusion, that he thought the reconnoissance should have taken this course after the first five minutes, as soon as it had tested the strength of the enemy's entrenchments. J have since heard that he did not meditate such an advance as this with any portion of his force beyond the valley east of Centreville, where the two foremost divisions lay encamped. The whole affair, therefore, must be looked upon as an erroneous movement and one of a series which has already grown too numerous on the part of subordinate officers who have too strong a desire for premature distinction. The troops which we had in the engagement suffered severely, but the loss will not prove to be so great as was at first supposed. I found, on visiting the wounded through the woods, that many had fallen from exhaustion, and that the hurts of numerous others, who had been put hors de combat, were very slight. I think thirty killed will probably cover all. It is said that Beaure gard and Lee both came up from Manassas with the reinforce ments during the conflict, and that the batteries were served by the Carolina and Alabama troops, who had retired from Fairfax. It is also said that the reinforcements came in time to spare them that necessity. What their loss is we cannot tell. Those of our troops who. charged furthest forward reported many wounded lying round ; but these were most likely men overcome purely by exhaustion, and not suffering from wounds. 1861] 171 It is charged, on the part of some, that the N. Y. 12th (Vol unteers from Onondaga County) exhibited a want of courage in portions of the fight, and fled at last in most disgraceful panic; but their excuse is, that they stayed idly before the raking bat teries of the enemy longer than their Colonel; and it is my opinion that they remained too long for any service, and conse quently quite long enough for credit. There are no green troops in the world who would stand before a mere piece of woods that was spitting deadly fire, without anything in sight to encourage them with a hope of satisfaction. There are none, whether green or seasoned, who should be required to do so. We are now once more resting in the valley, and I have found again my quiet farmer's cottage. While writing, I have been attracted to the gate to see the gayest of the gay of all troops — the dashing, handsome, elastic and ever-cheerful Fire Zouaves. They came as the invincible head of General Heintzel- man's Division, and they appeared to me, as they swung by, as if they could have "got to" the enemy at Bull Run, and have butted the Bull and his guns from their position, had they taken part in the action of the afternoon. I said to some of them as they went by "Ah, boys, I wish you had been here to-day !" "Ay, yi, we wish we only had !" was the quick response. I doubt if any movement will be made to-morrow, or even the next day, for no temper is likely to govern General McDowell toward an acceleration of his movements. He is a soldier, and as such should be governed alone by the cold laws of science; and neither be induced to yield to sentiment, nor to study the popularity of coincidences. We may, therefore, not expect an other movement for two or three days at most, and if the rumor which has just come be true, that General Johnston has effected his retreat from Winchester, and made a union of his forces with the main Confederate army at Manassas, we may not have a battle in several days, for under these circumstances we must wait for the support of Patterson. But the battle which then comes will be a great one, and it shall be faithfully set down. THE BATTLE The minor action of the 18th, though ending in a serious repulse, served but to stimulate the ardor of our troops ; and as I walked, on the following morning, among the swarming bat talions that rested in the valley this side of Centreville, I heard 172 [1861 but one wish expressed, and that wish was, that we should again and at once move forward, and wipe out the disgrace of that temporary check before the exulting rebels could take fresh heart by their success. It was soon plain, however, that General McDowell, warned by the unexpected evidence of strength which had been developed from the treacherous covert at Bull Run, had determined to remain for a time near Centreville, while he made the minute reconnoissance which was necessary previous to a general attack. The teams, therefore, were turned from the flying batteries and wagons, and the fine army beeves which were our best camp followers, were driven in and slaughtered by the wholesale, under an order for the preparation of three days' rations. "Grim visaged war relaxed his wrinkled front," and now, instead of prancing steeds and regiments drawn up in line, noth ing could be seen through the entire valley but lounging swarms surrounding bubbling kettles, whose odor and whose fullness brought back the picture of the wedding of Camacho. It was in the midst of this vast picnic and these savory steams that the Secretary of War paid a visit to the scene, and imparted, by the mere fact of his presence, an additional assurance we would not move that day. When he left us in the afternoon, there were some who believed we were on the brink of action; but the majority held the opinion that the general advance would not be made till daybreak, Monday morning. This was the prevailing notion in the California camp and, I must confess, it was partly mine. I had, however, at the same time, an idea that we might perhaps wait till General Patterson could descend from Harper's Ferry, and co-operate upon our right. The night wore quietly away, with the exception of a slight alarm at the distant cottage where I slept, and which, though more than a mile from our lines, I had chosen for the convenience of making up my letters. At two hours past midnight, three or four volleys of musketry from a grove near by startled me awake, and, as I rose upon my arm, I could hear the squad of Germans who were picketed beneath the porch, cautiously cock their mus kets in expectation of an attack. But the firing soon ceased, and daybreak revealed the fact that it had proceeded from two newly arrived regiments which had settled themselves hard by, whose men had been merely expelling stale charges from their pieces in anticipation of important work. 1861] 173 GENERAL McDOWELL'S PROGRAMME Meanwhile, and all the following day, the ablest engineers of General McDowell's staff had been reconnoitering for miles around, and the fruit of their labors was a report that the enemy's position could not be turned to the left (or southward), by reason of the roughness of the roads ; that it was not advisable to renew the attack of the 18th on the battery of Bull Run but that the road to the right, through Centreville, was a practicable avenue to another crossing, which was undefended, and to which artillery could easily be drawn. This was called the Warrenton road, and at some distance down it had the further advantage of a path diverging from it to the northward, by which a circuit could be made to the rear of certain heavy batteries, that the course of the main road itself would enable us to strike in front. It was, there fore, decided by General McDowell to send merely one brigade to Bull Run to hold that battery in check, and to make his central attack by the Warrenton road, relying upon the column that was to pass off into the northward path, to turn the enemy's position and throw it into confusion, while assailed by us upon its face. This seemed to be a very proper and consistent plan. Un doubtedly the theory of it was a good one, as a theory, and it might have been practically successful, had it but fitted the pro portions of the enemy. Unfortunately," however, General McDowell had not taken the full measure of- his foe, and the circuit which he had decided upon, instead of reaching the base of the rebel's principal position, merely plunged against the side of his triangle, where he was most fearfully in strength, and where the most desperate valor could but serve to feed his guns. The Confederates, as he might have ascertained, numbered, with out Johnson and his forces, at least seventy thousand men ; and he now proposed to fling against this compact mass, reposing in jungles behind batteries of the heaviest guns, some six or seven brigades, to explore the labyrinth of that terrible position, and seek, by impetus alone, to butt a hole through it and hold on, to the lower end. It must be stated at this time, that while General McDowell was forming his calculations on the basis of his engineers' report, he was aware that General Patterson was but fifty miles to his right, with a Federal army of nearly thirty thousand men, who were then employed in watching an equal rebel force under Gen eral Johnson, with the view of preventing him from descending to Manassas. He knew, also, that while Johnson, from having a 174 [1861 railway track behind him, could reach Manassas with his column in two days, Patterson could not follow, over obstructed roads and broken bridges, in less than five. Under these circumstances, it would seem that the commonest military prudence would have suggested that General McDowell should have paused at least to know whether Johnson had abandoned the neighborhood of Win chester, and whether, therefore, it was not absolutely necessary to the safety of the Federal forces, to say nothing of a hope of victory, that he should intrench himself at Centreville, and wait for Patterson's arrival. But it appears that General McDowell considered the pres tige of the Federal cause and his own good luck as equal to all the odds which treason could accumulate, and accordingly he decided to stake the fortunes of the Republic against the rebels in general battle as he stood. A strong evidence of patriotic self- reliance, but not an abundant proof of judgment. The army, however, did not question the determination of their general, but, with the wholesome vanity of valor, each soldier felt the happi ness of expectation, and slept the sounder for the prospects of the morrow. POSITION OF THE REBELS On their part, the rebels lay on that brilliant moonlight evening enfolded in vast strength; their position being that of a triangle, with the point towards us, and branching upward to Manassas, with an open base of several miles. The point or apex of this triangle, about a mile in extent, was most heavily protected at Bull Run, where the direct road to Manassas crossed the Ocoquan. All up its branching sides, however, batteries faced outward in deep rows, their ponderous iron tusks concealed by artificial masks, wherever natural groves did not volunteer a screen. A stronger field position could hardly be imagined. De fended as it was by seventy thousand men, to be increased to one hundred and ten thousand in the morning, it would scarcely suffer in comparison of strength with Solferino or Sebastopol; and I doubt if there is any French or Russian engineer who would have undertaken to assail it, except by regular approaches, and several respectful days of distant compliment with heavy shot and shell. Brigadier-General Irwin McDowell, however, was going at it with a few thirty-two pounders and ten field batteries (nearly all of them light), backed by some five or six brigades, whom, mentally, he gave the credit of believing to be equal to its cap- 1861] ' 175 ture. Had our poor fellows but known the depth of the compli ment thus blindly lavished on their prowess, I doubt if they would have risen so joyful for the fray on the lovely Sunday morning now so near upon us. What rendered things even still more desperate, could we but have known their state, the enemy were thoroughly acquainted with our strength and our intentions, and awaited our coming with the greatest eagerness. Their anxiety, however, was deeply mixed with apprehension that our General might change his mind. With them, therefore, the eve of this hattle was a night of true hopefulness and intelligent reliance; and well might the rebel chieftains, as they looked proudly over the vast host which an immense and desperate energy had got together, flatter them selves that they now had the fortunes of the Great Republic which they had so long condemned and plundered, securely in their grasp. In this belief Davis and his legions early went to sleep, while our battalions, half-rested, rose a little after mid night, to be wearied by several hours of hot march before enter ing upon the more violent fatigues of the attack. The order for an early movement in the morning, was promulgated in our camp at 10 o'clock on Saturday night; and we now have ascertained that the order of our march and battle, then distributed among our militia Major-Generals, was put in possession of the Confederate leaders before our troops had risen for the conflict. From the hour of midnight our sentinels could hear the oft-repeated distant railway whistle at the Junction, signaling the arrival either of the last regiments of Johnson or of fresh troops coming up from Richmond. As the time of our start was fixed at half-past 2 A. M., the entire army was awake an hour before, and in marching order at the indicated moment. It was bright moonlight ; yet through the brilliant sheen, some of the stronger stars looked curiously down, as if they shared with us our wonder at the spectacle. From the hill of Centreville, backward toward Fairfax, the whole valley, so lately untrodden in its verdure, was sparkling with a frost of steel ; and, as the thirty-five thousand bayonets moved forward in the uncertain light, with that billowy motion peculiar to the step of troops, the stirring mass looked like a bristling monster lifting himself by a slow, wavy motion up the laborious ascent. To the left, and forward through the village in the direction of the Run, the ground descended some three or four miles towards the Ocoquan, and then rose in a gradual ascent to Manassas. It was 176 r [1861 a scene of mingled grove and opening, and the moonlight slept as placidly upon the jungles of that rise, as if Treason, armed in triple strength, were not slyly watching from its lair our ignorant advance, ready to belch forth upon us its deadly and malignant fires. PLAN OF THE ATTACK The plan of General McDowell was, as I have already indi cated, to advance upon the enemy in two directions, launching his main and central column along the Warrenton road in a direct line, until he reached their batteries ; while a strong column, by a circuit to the right, was to smite them in the rear. The road to Bull Run on the left, and the hostile batteries at its end, were to be merely watched throughout the day, so that the enemy could not issue from that quarter and turn our left. Colonel Richard son, with the 1st Massachusetts, 2d and 3d Michigan, and New York Volunteer 12th, and a U. S. battery, were charged with this duty; while to support him, in case he should be seriously attacked, General Miles, with ten regiments, was posted in re serve ; yet far enough backward toward Centreville to give aid or succor also to the main column, in case it should meet with reverse. These ten regiments consisted of the 8th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 29th, 31st and 32d N. Y., the Garibaldi Guard, the 27th Pennsyl- vanians and the 8th N. Y. German Rifles. It was further sup ported by Green's and Barry's U. S. Batteries. The left being thus guarded, General McDowell posted the New Jersey regi ments, seven in number, in reserve at Centreville, and even still further back, so that the rear should also have a proper protec tion on the right, and guard alike against any flank movement in that quarter. The rear being thus defended on all sides, the general column which was to divide at the path to the right, on the Warrenton road, consisted of the divisions of General Tyler, Hunter and Heintzelman; the first being appropriated to the central and direct attack, and the two latter to the flank move ment on the right. THE CENTRAL ATTACKING COLUMN The division of Tyler consisted of three brigades ; and those of Heintzelman and Hunter contained three and two respectively. The 1st brigade of Tyler consisted of the 2d New York and 1st and 2d of Ohio, under General Schenck, accompanied by a bat tery of light artillery; then followed the brigade of Sherman, 1861] 177 consisting of N. Y. 69th, 79th, 13th and 2d Wisconsin, accom panied by Ayers' battery ; while the brigade of Keyes, comprising the 1st, 2d and 3d Connecticut, and 2d Maine, formed a rear guard for the division. This latter brigade was accompanied by Thompkins' U. S. Battery, and by the N. Y. Volunteer Battery of Varian — the guns, but not the men — they having basely left for home the day before. The division was further accompanied by a rifled 32-pounder, which was known as the Parrot gun. THE FLANKING DIVISION The flanking division of Hunter and Heintzelman consisted of the 18th, 14th and 27th N. Y., under General Porter, accom panied by companies of U. S. infantry, cavalry and marines, Ransom's U. S. and Griffin's West Point batteries. Then came Burnside's Brigade of the R. I. regiments, the N. Y. 71st and the 2d New Hampshire, accompanied by Reynolds' and Webb's batteries, and two light howitzers, which the boys of the 71st had learned to work and borrowed from the Navy Yard. This brigade also had a battery of rifled 32-pounders, under Captain Seymour, of Fort Sumter. Heintzleman's division consisted, in its 1st brigade, of the 5th Massachusetts, 1st Minnesota and. 4th Pennsylvania; but I regret to say that it was weakened by the unworthy conduct of the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment, which, be cause its time had expired the day before, turned its back upon the battle and deliberately retired from the ground. Two bat teries accompanied this brigade. The next brigade was under Wilcox, and consisted of the 1st Michigan, the 38th New York and the Fire Zouaves, backed by a battery of U. S. Artillery. The last brigade contained the 3d, 4th and 5th of Maine and the 2d of Vermont. The sixteen regiments thus enumerated in the flanking column may be set down at between thirteen and fourteen thousand men, while the eleven in the central line may be numbered at between eight and nine. The entire attacking force, therefore, may be summed up at 22,000 men, all of whom could hardly expect to be engaged. This was the army which passed out of the valley up over that hill, at three o'clock on the morning of the 21st, and which, with the moon still lighting them upon their journey, took the righthand road toward the strongholds of the enemy. It was a brave sight, not soon to be forgotten by those who witnessed it, while the thoughts which it inspired were to become henceforth an established portion of the mind. The regiments of the re serve, as they stood looking on at the passing line, envied their 178 [1861 marching comrades what they regarded as a better fortune, and, as they went by, saluted them with various requests, ranging between the acquisition of some traitor's scalp, down to the pos session of a palmetto button. The marching line replied with various conceits, but in most cases the requests were responded to with a large excess of promise. It was, indeed, a gallant sight ; how sadly to be changed in a few hours, none of them for tunately knew. By half-past three o'clock, the last bulk of bayonets had dis appeared over the hill, and the entire column was on its way by the memorable Warrenton turnpike to seek its fortune. The halts were numerous, in order that the generals might insure the compactness of the line, and presently we all passed across a wooden bridge in quiet; no challenge being made that might prevent us from reaching the deeper entanglement where the foe desired to give us more bitter battle. Onward we went, the sol diers cursing the rough road, wondering when they would have breakfast, or vowing to "get even" on the fellows who had put them to all this trouble. The day broke mildly as we pushed along, and many a soldier thought, from the dead silence of the woods that lined the road at intervals, we should have no battle after all. Presently we struck the path that branched off to the right, and here the column, under Hunter's lead, broke off, while the central column, with McDowell at its head, went directly on. THE MAIN ATTACK As the circuit of the flanking column was to be a wide one, and as it could not reach its destined point and come into action with effect, in less than two or three hours, our first attention must be given to the main column accompanied by the Com mander-in-Chief. It was broad day when we parted with the flanking column, and we proceeded along with an easy step, with our skirmishers well in advance, and watchfully on the lookout. No traces of the enemy appeared, however, and the extraordinary quiet of the scene, coupled with the fact that our entire column had been allowed to cross the wooden bridge unmolested, induced many to believe that the enemy, consulting prudence, would yield the defences of the Run, and give us battle only at Manassas. But this idea was formed in ignorance of the extent of the Confederate defences, for we were already in range of their bat teries, and at the close of the day they landed their shell upon this position of our path with murderous effect. In short, their 1861] 179 whole strategy was a decoy, and their hasty retirement from Fairfax, and pretended abandonment of camp furniture, as well as the shallow obstruction of our advance by levelled trees, were merely portions of a well digested plan, to coax our army, step by step, into their gigantic trap. Of all places, therefore, on the whole Continent, Manassas, and its miles of densely serried bat teries, was the last with which the Federal army had any busi ness; yet, there we were, "going it blind," with the vain confi dence of fools, on perfectly good terms with ourselves, and ex alting, in advance, the profound military leader, who was thus giving us a chance to develop his keen foresight and commanding genius. After we had got about a mile and a half beyond the wooden bridge, the road began gradually to slope toward the Run, and to be more closed in with trees; and even at that early hour the coolness of those leafy aisles, was felt as a relief from the already hot and dusty path. After we emerged from this pleasing shelter, the. column proceeded along to the distance of, perhaps, a quarter of a mile, descending all the while toward a ravine which har bored a sluggish stream crossed by a stone bridge. From that point the enemy's defences rose, spreading and thickening at easy intervals, and surmounted by powerful batteries where the line met the horizon; and I may pause here to say — with powerful batteries packed, and extending behind that line for miles along. Suddenly, an exclamation of, "There they are !" from a mem ber of General Tyler's staff, brought our column to a stand. Every field officer at once brought his glass to bear, and the con sciousness that we were surely to have a fight, ran in an electric whisper along the entire column. There, indeed, they were, down in a meadow, still a distance off, but not boldly perceptible, be cause of the dark background of the woods. It was a body of infantry drawn up in line of battle, its full strength concealed from being extended partly in the forest. It was now necessary that we also should take battle order so we deployed into the adjoining fields, General Schenck's Brigade, consisting of the 2d New York, and 1st and 2d Ohio regiments, being extended to the left, and Sherman's Brigade, composed of the New York 69th and 79th, 13th and 2d Wisconsin, stretching on the right. The large rifled thirty-two pounder was then brought forward through the centre, and put into position in the middle of the road. The enemy evidently saw this movement with their glasses, for they suddenly fell back, whereupon the big gun, giving out its thunder, flung a shell toward the spot of their retirement. 180 [1861 The fuse was short, however, and after ploughing its roaring progress just over the proper spot, it burst harmlessly in air. But the echoes of that solemn challenge announced to a hundred and fifty thousand armed men that the battle had begun. The silence that followed was profound ; but it was broken by no answer from the enemy ; so, after a pause of several minutes, our iron monster spoke again, this time levelling itself at a battery higher on the hill, and dropping its compliment directly inside the works, to the destruction, as we were afterwards informed, of half a dozen men. The enemy, nevertheless, did not seem to think the game quite made, and though he was near enough, as it subsequently proved, to reach us from two or three positions on our right and left, persisted in a sullen silence. Our first shot had been fired at half-past six, and it was now after seven ; still the foe deigned no response, and it was plain he would not be satisfied unless we sought him deeper in his fast nesses. The big gun, therefore, was superseded by light artillery for closer service, and an order was given for the bridges, thus strengthened, to move right and left, and explore the adjoining woods. This order necessarily brought up the brigade of Keyes, which now occupied the centre, but still acting as a reserve. The timber branched away on either side, in a sort of crescent, toward the batteries of the enemy; on the right hand, however, it pur sued the straightest line. Both brigades, with skirmishers well out, at once proceeded upon their respective tasks, Schenck following a left oblique along the edge of the wood, with Colonel McCook and the 1st Ohio in the lead ; Colonel Tompkins and the New York 2d next, with the 3d Ohio, under Colonel Harris, in the rear. The brigade proceeded in this way, exhibiting the utmost caution for the distance of about a mile, when they struck a fine newly- opened road to the left, whose clean, broad path seemed to invite their entrance. They turned into it and followed it for some distance, when, to their surprise, it ended abruptly at a, fence, with no evidence of any road beyond. Suddenly the enemy showed himself in two or there places to the left, and shaking his flags at our troops, opened a tremendous fire. It was promptly answered by the whole brigade, who endured the storm of balls with the greatest fortitude, and returned fire for fire. Several fell at this spot, and among others, the favorite drum mer boy of the 2d. The poor little fellow was struck by a can- nonball which took him just below the armpits and literally cut 1861] 181 him in two, his childish shriek of pain mingling with the whistle of the rifled shot as his little life went with it down the wind. The storm from the batteries seemed now to increase rather than to slacken, and unable to endure it in such an exposed position, the brigade fell, in good order, back upon the wood. General Schenck, who exhibited throughout the whole affair the most reckless bravery, now ordered his men to emerge and charge the main battery by a flank movement, but owing to the remon strances of nearly all the officers, the desperate project was abandoned. The men, though now out of musket range, were yet sub jected to the constant drop of shell, which seemed to have in stinctively found out their leafy covert; so, after consultation, they were drawn off, and retired in good order to their position in the neighborhood of the Parrot gun; hearing on their way the thunder of battle on the right, with an occasional heavy re port from Richardson, on the extreme left, to indicate that the enemy had been putting his feelers forward at Bull Run, to try whether a movement to turn our rear were practicable in that quarter. The Sherman Brigade, which had separated from the cen tral column and advanced forward about the same time that Schenck's Brigade set out in the opposite direction, had proceeded but a little way upon their errand before they were saluted with fearful showers of shot and shell; but receiving it only as a provocation, they overran two or three earthworks with their headlong charges, the Irishmen and Highlanders screaming with excitement at every onslaught, and the stout Wisconsonians and brave New York 13th silently wading by their sides. But we must now leave them in the midst of this pleasant and congenial work, to follow the fortunes of the flanking column. THE BATTLE ON THE FLANK Having now shown the course and features of the battle on the centre, for three hours, we turn to the flanking column, which was expected to be able, in about that time, to envelope the rear of the Confederate position, and unite itself, through the broken columns of the foe, with the direct onward tide. This column, as I have already stated, contained the two divisions of Hunter and Heintzleman, and it was led by the Burn side Brigade, consisting of the 1st and 2d Rhode Islanders, the 2d New Hampshire, and the New York 71st. The next brigade 182 [1861 was composed of the New York 8th, 14th and 27th ; the next of the 1st Michigan, the Fire Zouaves and the 38th New York; the next, the 5th Massachusetts and 1st Minnesota; and the last, the 3d, 4th and 5th Maine, and 2d Vermont. The colonels of these regiments, respectively, in the order I have placed them, were Pitman, Slocum, Marston, Martin, Lyons, Wood, Slocum, Com- stock, Farnham, Ward, Lawrence, Gorman, Tucker, Berry, Don- nell and Whitney. The reader who is specially interested, will place them for himself. Immediately after leaving the central column, the Burnside Brigade having the lead, threw out its skirmishers, and proceeded along at a brisk rate, preserving, however, "common time," in view of the long distance to be made. The course, for the first four or five miles, was rather boldly to the right. It then in clined more gently to the northward, and then, after some eight or nine miles had been accomplished, curved sharply in toward the left. The march was a most fatiguing one, and though shad ed to a considerable extent by long stretches of close timber, much of it lay in the glare of the hot sun, and all of it had its share of stifling dust, except where we crossed the fields. But the men were hungry and also very much fatigued, most of them having got but two or three hours' sleep the night before. Still they trudged cheerfully along, animated by the task before them, and made more elastic by the sound of the cannonade, which had for some time been heard, and which they were now sensibly approaching. In the brigade — nay, in the whole line, none heard this with higher spirits than the 71st; about 10 o'clock, the head of the column came into an open country, and after proceeding in it for a mile, Captain Ellis, of the 7lst, detected a masked battery about half a mile to the left; and bringing our glasses to bear upon it, we could also perceive the enemy moving to their positions through the woods, in con siderable force. Soon after this, General McDowell came riding up, and orders were given that we should proceed at a more rapid pace. An hour more of march brought the brigade close to the rattle of the strife. The column then made its final curve, and turning sharply to the left, faced the roar of battle as it came from the head of the central division, which, under the lead of the 69th, was now pressing its way toward us. The din of great guns and musketry at this point was almost deafening, and the very earth trembled with the roar of the heavier artillery. 1861] 183 Burnside, who was forward, then sent an order to the 71st, to take its howitzers and dash through a piece of woods on the left, and form its position on the right of the Rhode Islanders. Obey ing the order with alacrity, the 71st passed the New Hampshire men in their impetuosity, and emerged into the fire, while the 2d New Hampshire formed in good order on the extreme right. THE BURNSIDE BRIGADE The Rhode Island cannon were the first in position, and opened with good effect upon the battery that was peppering us, with a heavy cross-fire from the left. The howitzers of the 71st were next in play, and, between their heavy roar, the muskets of the brigade replied with interest to the platoon salu tations of the enemy. But the fire was most galling to us, from our exposed position, and among those of the brigade who fell before it was General Hunter, sufficiently hurt to require his re moval from the field. Burnside lost his horse at the same time ; while the charger of Governor Sprague had his entire head taken off with a shell, as his gallant rider was spurring him up and down the field. Captains Hart and Ellis, of companies A and F of the 71st, were likewise wounded in this fire, while bravely cheering on their men. "Cornelius," the faithful servant who had accompanied Colonel Vosburgh from New York, and who, more lately, adhered to his successor, sank gently down by the side of Colonel Martin and died from a rifle stroke just below the chest. Many others dropped under that fearful hail, but the regi ment sternly stood its ground — such bold spirits as Captains Coles and Meschutt, Commissary Borrowe, and Lieutenants Oakley, Embler Maynard, Denyse and others, giving cheer, by their staunch coolness, to the entire line. While the regiment was thus standing under fire, it came very near being thrown into con fusion by the reckless conduct of Griffin's West Point battery, which, without any sort of notice, tore through its line in the rear, at top speed, in order to take up a position in the front, and thus actually cutting it in two. This discourtesy, to say the least of it, springs doubtless, from the contempt which the regulars are rapidly evincing for the volunteers, and, under ordinary cir cumstances, would have justified the 71st in firing on them in retaliation. The fire of the enemy came doubly hot just at this moment; 184 [1861 the regiment wavered slightly under it, and threatened for an instant to fall back. At this critical moment, an American flag suddenly appeared within the redoubt that had done us our great est damage, and that still kept up its storm. But, seeing this signal, an order was given to cease firing, as we were shooting our friends. A further order was then made to advance our colors to the front, but, as it seemed to be certain death to stand exposed to the tornado which swept the brow of the hill, the color-bearer, Beardsley, naturally hesitated for a moment ; where upon several of Company F sprang quickly forward, with the exclamation: "Give us the colors!" This, however, recalled the ensign to his self-possession, and the brave fellow, grasping the flag more firmly than before, ran with it full fifty paces to the front, and, after waving it deliberately to and fro, planted it, amid our cheers, into the earth. Its folds were hailed in the rebel battery with a demoniac yell, and in the next instant the bright banner was riddled with a shower of balls. Providentially, the gallant Beardsley, was untouched. Beholding that starry challenge, the Alabama 4th, which had long ago expressed, in print, their desire to meet the New York 71st, deployed from a wood up on the right, and formed in full force to charge up hill upon the flag. The 71st, recognizing them, answered the challenge with a shout, and springing forward, de livered a volley of musketry, strengthened with a dose of grape and canister. They then charged down the hill upon them with tremendous vigor, intending to take them with the bayonet. But the Alabamians did not like the war-whoop nor its prologue, so, after a volley and a short pause, they took back to cover, leaving sixty-two of their dead upon the field. We had a chance to count them, for we never afterwards lost the brow of that hill till the general conclusion. In turning from the Alabamians, one of their wounded drew his pistol, and, steadying it upon his arms, was levelling it upon Lieutenant Oakley, when that gallant officer, catching sight of the performance, sprang quickly forward, and, with his sword, ran the rebel through. The howitzers of the 71st and the Rhode Island guns all the while kept in play, and in ten minutes more the rebel battery was silenced. The enemy's lair being thus swept of its cannon and its forces in this quarter, and our regiments being pretty well ex hausted with the strife and heat, Burnside came forward and ordered the 71st to fall back into the cool shadow of the wood, 1861] 185 with the remark that the brigade had done its full portion of the day's work, was now entitled to refreshment and respose. The 71st most gladly obeyed the order, and left the field with as much regularity as if on dress parade. The cost of the strife thus far was seventeen killed and twice that number wounded, but the consolation of the regiment was the consciousness that it had done its duty, and made twice that number of the rebels bite the dust. Under that cool and grate ful covert, congratulations were exchanged and compliments paid to those who had earned them most. Among them, the brave Chaplain and the gallant Colonel Thomasson, formerly member of Congress from Kentucky, who had come upon the field as a volunteer for the occasion, received their share and enjoyed the admiration of the regiment. Privates Dustan, Winthrop, Kettle- tass, Barney, Clarke, Storer, Pontin, Emmett, Udell, and a large number more who had signalized themselves, were likewise well rewarded. . While the 71st thus refreshed itself, the 69th, which, with the Scotch Regiment, the Wisconsin men and the New York 13th had been wading through batteries, since their arrival on the field, marched past in splendid order, their banners flying as if upon review, and their faces sternly set on the advance. They passed down -the. bill obliquely to the right, on their road to support Griffin's battery, which was within two hundred yards of the artillery of the foe. Though silent as they passed, a shout rose in a few seconds afterward from the direction they had taken, which every listener could mark for theirs ; and the spiteful one which responded from the rebel battery was soon quelled by the volume of their musketry. Most prominent among them was Meagher, the Irish orator, who frequently, during the contests of that turbulent day, waved the green banner of his regiment up and down the hottest line of fire. The Sherman Brigade had thus worked its way deep into the enemy's position, no part of it doing better service than the 2d Wisconsin and the staunch 13th. Whenever they, or any of them, had met the foe on foot, they had hurled him back, and driven him headlong to cover, with disgrace. Indeed, this superior prow ess of the Northern rank and file, was the feature of the day, and in no portions of the field, and under no circumstances, could the exposed and unsupported infantry of the enemy stand for five minutes against the dash and hardihood of ours. 186 [1861 ATTACKS OF THE OTHER BRIGADES I must now turn back to the general progress of the flanking column, from which the Burnside Brigade had been the first to curve in to the attack. Porter's brigade, which came immedi ately in its rear upon the march, passed further on, and levelled itself against the triangle of the enemy, at a higher point. The brigade of Wilcox, composed of the New York 38th and the Fire Zouaves, made the widest flanking circuit of them all, and conse quently struck the enemy's broadening bank of batteries to the extreme right. The brigades of Franklin and Howard, compris ing respectively of the 5th Massachusetts and 1st Minnesota and the 3d, 4th, 5th Maine and 2d Vermont, acted for a time as sup porting force, but soon became plunged in with the rest, selecting each for itself, in the general confusion and want of order, its series of batteries to attack, and its isolated perils to endure. Porter's Brigade made its flank attack immediately to the right of the 71st, going into the battle about eleven o'clock (half an hour later than the Burnside Brigade), and performing its first duty by driving the enemy out of a piece of woods, and pur suing him, with loss, to a heavy battery which had partly raked the position of the 71st. The 14th particularly distinguished itself in this attack, and received its highest encomiums from the rebel prisoners, who said wherever those fellows in red breeches went they strewed the earth with dead. In one of, their charges iheir standard bearer was shot down, and Captain Butt, of the Engi neers, behaved with especial gallantry; and all the rank and file exhibited the utmost steadiness and valor. The impetuosity, however, which chased the rebels to their holes, was severely taxed by a scorching volley that forced it, like all its comrades of the day, to fall back from those terrific covers, for temporary shelter. They soon emerged again, how ever, and with their entire brigade, in which the 8th and 27th struggled to emulate the 14th in its daring, charged all together on a new battery to the left. The attack was brilliant, but, stagger ing with fatigue, the poor fellows were forced to recoil from the overwhelming storm, losing again a number of their men. It was the same story on all sides — reckless and desperate attacks on roaring and blazing barriers, with an inevitable recoil of the inadequate and unsupported columns. It was noticeable that in all these perfectly desperate and almost frantic charges, there was seldom any flanking or sustaining force, and generally an entire absence of all division orders when the regiments were 1861] 187 required to fall back. Each colonel had to hive, shelter and manage his own men, and to say the truth, the rank and file but too often, from the deplorable incompetency of their immediate officers were required to do the thinking, the fighting and the manoeuvring for themselves. Never was there a great battle fought more pell-mell, since war began ; never was valor so completely thrown away. In fact, instead of being conducted upon its plan, or upon any plan what ever, it became, through the incompetency of its chiefs (perhaps caused by their despair), a mere succession of desultory fights, in which small brigades, isolated from all general command, were trying the hardness of their heads against the toughness of iron and deeply matted walls. The Porter Brigade made still another charge, but, unsupported in the effort, it was forced, after this further useless display of valor, to fall back in the neighborhood of the resting place of the 71st. CHARGE OF THE ZOUAVES We now come to the attack of the Wilcox, or Fire Brigade, consisting of the 1st Michigan, 38th New York, or Scott Life Guard, and the far-famed Zouaves. This brigade, as I have before stated, made the widest flank circuit of the whole, and consequently did not take up its line-of-battle until half an hour later than the brigade of Porter, making its actual arrival on the field about 12 o'clock ; all the worse for it, as it gave it the more weary march, and (under the excitement of the roll of battle) urged the last two miles at a most exhausting "double quick," or run. The brigade took up its position along a fence running east and west, with the 18th Michigan occupying the extreme left ; the Scott Life Guard, New York, under Colonel Hobart Ward, occu pying the centre, supporting Griffin's battery, and the Zouaves holding the extreme right. No sooner had the brigade taken this position, than a rapid raking fire opened from a large battery on the left, while the heavy shot from the same quarter knocked over one of Griffin's guns and killed five or six men. Upon this success, a body of sixty or seventy horses, with the view of taking advantage of the temporary confusion thus occasioned in our ranks, issued from the rear of a small clump of woods in front of the Zouaves, and, circling to the front, made an attempt to break the ranks of the brigade. The movement, however, was seen by our men in suffi cient time to meet it, and the entire of the three regiment* 188 [1861 levelled a united volley on its ranks. With the flash and the dis charge, every rider of the troop, but five or six, reeled from his saddle to the earth, and the horses, such as were not desperately wounded, madly ran away. One of them, a fine fellow, black as a coat, who was not in the least hurt, came tearing towards the 38th, when it was caught, and immediately mounted by Captain McQuade. At this moment, General Heintzelman, who already had been wounded, rode up, and looking with pride up and down the face of the battalion, ordered the 38th and the Zouaves to clear the woods before them at the point of the bayonet, while the 1st Michigan took a protecting position on the hill. The scene of this charge could be clearly observed from the rise which overlooked the battery that had been silenced by the Rhode Island Brigade, and all who looked on held their breath to see the 11th and the Life Guard go in. On receiving the order, they gave a ringing shout, and moved forward at a "double quick," but just as they had got fairly on their way, an infernal hail was turned loose upon them from the battery that had disabled Griffin's gun, and the entire line wavered, and threatened to fall back. The most tremendous efforts were, at this juncture, made by Colonels Ward and Farnham to steady the men, and poor McQuade, who rode, cheering, up and down on his new-found horse, was particularly prominent in thus inspiriting the 38th. Alas, while thus gallantly employed, his evil fortune triumphed, and he reeled to the earth in the midst of his task, struck mor tally, it is feared, with a piece of shell. The sight of the loss of this favorite officer, and the auxiliary efforts of Cregier, Farns- worth, Brady, Potter and Hamblin, of the Life Guard, and of Captains Jack Wilday, Lozier, Leverich, Murphy and others, of the Zouaves, steadied the line again, and, with another whoop, the red shirts and the Life Guard rushed into the wood. They were not long in finding what they sought, for, in grim array, there stood the Alabamians and Mississippians in full force, their line resting on a barn and their right supported by a brace of cannon. As the 11th and 38th approached, the rebels opened a most severe and well-directed volley, which our people instantly re turned. Two or three line exchanges were then heard within the cover; the smoke rose densely through the interstices of the wood, and, in a few minutes, the Zouaves and 38th could be seen pok ing forth, in considerable disorder, unable to withstand the fierce- 1861] 189 ness and compactness of the Confederate fire. They continued their retreat until they regained the line of fence which had been their original position, several red shirts dropping and dotting the ground on the road back. The full loss of the Zouaves, however, turned out to be small. It being now after two o'clock, they re mained in their position, and did not have an opportunity to charge again. RE-APPEARANCE OF THE SHERMAN BRIGADE It was at this point of time, and while the Zouaves, like the Rhode Islanders and 71st, lay out of the immediate tide of battle, that the 69th (and 79th) came sweeping along, with its green banner waving (the only one of theirs left) to the relief of Griffin. Flushed with their success within the woods, the Mis- sissippians watched them from within their covert, and let fly a heavy volley, and then charged. They were bravely met and checked ; but while being driven back, a sudden desperate rush of a company of rebels, who had a fancy of hanging up the green banner as a trophy for their armory at home, succeeded in tear ing it from the standard bearer's hands, and bearing it away. The turmoil of the fight was very thick, and but few saw it except those who were in its midst. Luckily, however, Captain Jack Wilday, of the Fire Zouaves, observed the misfortune from a distance, and summoning a handful of his company to follow, came tearing forward for its rescue. With an irresistible vigor, he and his comrades penetrated to the centre of the retreating rebels, and by a number of well-delivered shots and blows, suc ceeded in wresting the talisman from its possessors. In this fine exploit, Wilday killed two of the rebels with his own hands, and plucked from the side of one of the retreating captains, a sword for his mantel-piece at home. It was now nearly four o'clock, P. M., and the general bat tle seemed to have subsided, nay, almost entirely to have ceased; and nothing but an occasional great gun, and isolated flirt of musketry proclaimed its continuance in any quarter. In their ignorance of the extent of the field, the Federal forces imagined they had won a victory. They had shown greater dash and steadi ness than the enemy from first to last ; and while, by far, the most exposed, had inflicted a much heavier slaughter than they had undergone themselves. The whole aspect within our lines, or rather within the boundaries of our brigades wore the look of triumph. Our enemies, wherever we had met them hand to 190 [1861 hand, in anything like open opportunity, had sunk before us; all their batteries immediately within our reach had been silenced ; but, what was infinitely more conclusive to our green apprecia tions, General McDowell, our Commander-in-Chief, now came jingling on the field, waving, first his glove and then his hat, call ing us "brave boys," and telling us, with the grand air of Caesar, that we had won the day. He passed away like a splendid dream. "A big thing," in glorious uniform and a branching new regulation hat. After our joyful shouts had gone down the wind after him, our tired legions flung themselves, by one accord, upon the ground, to take a brief snap at their haversacks, and to catch a few min utes' repose before making their final dispositions for the day. Perhaps no army which had won a victory was ever more fa tigued, and the men, as they lay upon their sides and rehearsed the horrors of the day, wondered how they had held out so long. Many, however had not even this repose, for they were bearing off their wounded comrades to the hospitals, and others were searching for their sworn brethren in arms among the dead. These lay about in the most fantastic shapes, some absolutely headless, some represented by a gory trunk alone; some with smiles, and some with rage upon their lips, as they grasped their bent and curiously twisted weapons, and some actually rolled up like a ball. Whoever would study the eccentricities of carnage, might here have graduated through all the degrees of horror, to a full experience at once. Nearly the whole of our army was now grouped pretty well together. The brigades which had made the circuit against the enemy's side had been joined by those which had fought straight on; and a glance at the field showed that the whole breadth of our battle had not spread over two miles. Had we been up in Professor Loew's balloon, we might have seen at once that, with all our prowess and heroic daring, we had merely cut a hole in the small end of the enemy's plateau of strength, and that his rear, which our General imagined he had turned, overhung us in massive wings, which still remained untouched. Our plan, there fore, was, as I said before, too small for the measure of our customer. The coat which had been chalked in conception of a boy, would not enclose the proportions of a man, and we were destined, as is often the case with beginners, to have our work turned upon our hands. This truth came soon ; for suddenly, as we were resting, the 1861] 191 roar of battle broke out again in every direction, and batteries we had thought mute forever, now opened with redoubled fury. The most terrific yells from the enemy accompanied the renewal of the conflict, and it became evident that, instead of having yielded to the untoward fortunes of the day, they had only been refreshing themselves while pouring new regiments into their lower works. The Sherman Brigade, astonished by this new as sault, was forced to retire from the position it had occupied ; but it retreated in good style, and being now entirely without orders, began to march off towards the rear. They passed, on their road, the brigade of Schenck ; which, with the brigades of Howard and Franklin, had been since noon in the densest of strife ; the Maine boys and the Vermonters hav ing signalized themselves especially by the enthusiasm of their charges; while none, during the tempestuous fortunes of that day, excelled the Minnesota and 5th Massachusetts in the stub born fortitude with which, again and again, they pressed through, and withstood the fiercest fire. As the Sherman Brigade went by, Schenck's men stood breathing in the woods, the New York 2d occupying a position on the left. The 69th brought up the rear of the temporarily retiring column ; but its gallant colonel, watch ful of its welfare, lingered behind and urged stragglers not to get separated from their commands. He paused for an instant to salute Colonel Tompkins,* of the 2d, who stood dismounted at a little distance from his regiment on the opposite side of the road. Just at this moment, a large body of the enemy's Black Horse were seen making a charge toward them, though its immediate object was to attack Carlisle's battery, which, out of ammunition, stood limbered up in the centre of the road. The two colonels watched the movement, and, transfixed with excitement as they saw the dragoons sabre the cannoniers, forgot to take measure for their own protection. It was eminently necessary that they should, for the quick exploit upon the battery had scarcely retarded the black columns in the least, and they came pouring upon the uniformed columns of the Schenck Bri gade. Promptly, however, the quick order of McCook shaped the 1st Ohio, and the others, following by instinct, showed a firm line, with bayonets all poised, and ready for the charge. The Black Horse looked for a moment, but, not liking that array of steel, they flirted off to the right (receiving a volley as they went), and a squad of them made a dash to cut off the two colonels who *Ex.Major of the 71st. U92 [1861 were isolated in the road. Tompkins, who saw the danger com ing, quickly sprang to a horse near at hand, and calling on Corcoran to follow, spurred him at a fence. The troopers, how ever, were too near for Corcoran's tired steed, and whirling around the Irish colonel, they took him captive, and bore him off. A portion of the squad followed after Tompkins, but his spirited charger leaped two fences in fine style, and amid the crack of the Dragoons' six-shooters, he got safe away. The brigade of Schenck, being now utterly fagged out, and being moreover en tirely without orders, fell back upon the footsteps of the 69th. The Burnside Brigade was still upon the field, where they had received from General McDowell the news of victory, and, consequently, had heard, with the surprise that was equal among all of our brigades, the angry re-opening of the fight. They had seen, too, the other brigades file off toward the rear, but having no orders for such movement, and not being in the fire, the staunch Rhode Islanders, 2d New Hampshire and 71st doggedly held their feet. But the musketry on our side was getting faint, and the great guns of the enemy, unprovoked from our almost exhausted batteries, were now but sparsely fired. THE PAGEANT OF THE ENEMY'S RESERVES Everything therefore, indicated another lull, and it could not be made certain to our minds but that we had really won the vic tory after all, and that the last cannonade was but the angry finish of the enemy. Suddenly a cry broke from the ranks of, "Look there ! look there !" and, turning their eyes towards Man assas, the whole of our drooping regiments, as well as those who were moving to the rear as those who stood, saw a sight which no one who gazed upon it will ever forget. At a long way off up the rise, and issuing from the enemy's extreme left, appeared slowly debouching into sight, a dense col umn of infantry, marching with slow and solid step, and looking, at this noiseless distance, like a mirage of ourselves, or the illusion of a panorama. Rod by rod the massive column lengthened, not breaking off at the completion of a regiment, as we had hoped, but still pouring on, and on, and on, till one regiment had length ened into ten. Even then the stern tide did not pause ; for one of its arms turned downward along the far side of the triangle, and, the source of the flood thus relieved, poured forth again, and commenced lining the other in like manner. Still the solemn picture swelled its volume, till the ten regiments had grown into 1861] 193 fifteen, and had taken the formation of three sides of a hollow square. Our awe-struck legions, though beginning to feel the approaches of despair, could not take their eyes from that ma jestic pageant, and, though experiencing a new necessity, were frozen to the sight. The martial tide flowed on, the lengthening regiments grow ing into twenty thousand men, with a mass of Black Cavalry in its centre, the whole moving toward us, as the sun danced upon its pomp bayonets, with the solemn step of fate. This was war ; compact well-made and reasoning war. It was war, too, in all its panoply and glory, as well as in its strength ; and we at once comprehended we were beaten. In vain did our startled faculties dart alertly hither and thither for some hope; in vain did our thoughts turn quickly upon Patterson. It would not do. Johnson was there before us, with his cool, fresh thousands, and our Waterloo was lost. That steady and untired host outnumbered the whole of our worn and staggering battalions, and it penetrated us with a conviction of resistless power. Decently, however, did we gather up our force, not by general order, but by one sensible accord, and sad and pained and wearied, yet conscious of victory as far as we had fought, we folded up our columns for retreat. The only ones whose hardihood clung spitefully to the strife were a few regulars at the batteries, who, with the infatuation of ex perts, and begrimed with the mire of battle from all ordinary recognition, kept peppering at such batteries as would still provoke their fire. Among the last to turn their faces from the fight they had so gaily sought, were the Burnside Brigade, which, accompanied by Sprague and its gallant brigadier, and headed by all of its colonels, retired in line of battle, with orders to cover the retreat. Honored for its steadiness, the Rhode Islanders took off their battery, and the 71st departed with its guns. All, thus far, had gone well with the departing movement, and our battalions from every portion of the field were retiring with decorum ; when of a sudden, some of the persistent regulars who were charged with the protection of the retreat getting out of ammunition, sent back their caissons for a fresh supply. I have described how that branch of the service made its advance in the morning, and how recklessly it always sought its way to the front, through the formed columns of the Volunteers. In the same manner did it now go back upon its errand, riding down everything in its road, and scattering the ranks of the regiments in every direction. 194 [1861 The Volunteers, who had never before seen such a sight, and who were already penetrated with the fearful pageant of the descending enemy, could only understand the movement in one way. Those flying carriages, and those madly excited men were rushing to the rear, and their action was, therefore, construed into a wild retreat. The thought which appealed to their agitated minds, was, that if the regulars were in such haste to escape, it was necessary they should hurry for themselves, and one fearful panic took possession of them all. The ranks of most of the regi ments were broken, the streams of flying men co-mingled; even officers who had behaved with courage throughout the day, felt justified, by the precipitation of the regulars, to urge their men, with a sympathizing sense of pity, to hurry for their lives. Thus, mistake piled upon mistake, aggravated the misfortune, and culminated in a calamity which will rankle in the pride of the Republic throughout all her history. It seems marvelous, that men who had borne the brunt of battle so bravely during the entire fight, and who left the field against a courageous foe with more than equal honors, could have so soon sunk into such puerile bewilderment ! But so it was, and they fled headlong from an enemy more deeply hurt than they, and who hardly dared pursue. The panic soon communi cated itself to the teamsters of the Federal army, who improperly had pressed too near, and scampering civilians spread the terror with an electric speed fast back to our reserves. The enemy, perceiving this unexpected phase of our condi tion, at once sent out his cavalry to harass our flight, and many a fugitive fell before their charges. They rode furiously at our retiring columns, and when defeated of their object by the sub lime devotion of our regulars and their cannon, they compensated their bloody rage in many instances, by riding down and sabreing the wounded. Carrying their atrocity to the extreme, they even assailed a hospital and shot the dying within it, and the physicians who were ministering to their wounds. I must pause here, in the name of civilization, breeding, and Christianity, to protest my disbelief that these infernal crimes could have been inspired or warranted by the leaders of their cause ; but that they were per petrated, and in repeated instances, seems beyond dispute. Through all the terror and confusion, however, there were several regiments which maintained their self-possession, and among these were the Burnside Brigade, the Rhode Islanders and the 71st bearing their cannon to the bridge, and the entire 1861] 195 brigade maintaining a firm line of battle to that point. But, there, new and unmanageable terrors rose, and the bridge being blocked by overturned caissons and ambulances, these precious trinkets of the battalions were all necessarily left behind, from the utter impossibility of dragging them through the stream. Moreover, the enemy, who had failed to interrupt us at this point in the morning, for fear of discouraging the big Federal fly from enter ing his web, was now hitting the bridge most accurately with his shell. Bravery then gave up its heart. Sauve qui peut became the word of all, and every man took to the creek, or tried to fly the bridge for himself. Thus was the stream crossed by frantic thousands, who then sought the cover of the woods, while others, clogged with water and indifferent from sheer desperation, trudged moodily along the open path, as heedless of the explosives which were splutter ing about their heads, as if they were so many harmless Chinese crackers. A few brave spirits would now and then try to in spire the mass with heart, but the despair was too deep to be dis ciplined by words, and all such trials were in vain. The terrible phantasm of Johnson's three-sided formation, and those fire- belching jungles now picketed by our dead, were constantly pres ent to their minds, and all felt that it would be through God's mercy only, in holding the sight of the enemy, that any of us would get off alive. THE ACTION OF THE RESERVE Having now, by the course of this recital, carried the Federal army into and through all the perils of the wood, it will be neces sary to get them entirely out. This brings us to the action of the reserve, and to the four regiments of Richardson, at Bull Run. Of the latter, however, I have only to say, that he prevented, by his presence, the enemy from turning our flank in that direction, while the New Jersey regiments were a safeguard against our being outcircled on our right, either at Centreville or by the way of Falls Church. The regiments constituting the reserve, under Acting-Major General (Colonel) Miles, I have already enumerated at the out set; and the battle, viewed from their position, would consist merely of a record of sensations. At five o'clock, P. M., however, the New York 16th and 31st, being well in advance towards Blackburn's Ford, were called upon to stem the tide of the Vir ginia cavalry, who were swooping at our retreating forces. An 196 [1861 order from Miles, consequently, sent the 1st California Regi ment, under Colonel Matheson (New York 32d), forward to their support; but though the cavalry was thus turned to the right about, it was found to be impossible to stem the mad career of the extraordinary mass of our men that came pouring upon Centreville. The best that could be done, therefore, was for the California regiment to stay just where it was, and in absence of further orders, lend what aid it could to the protection of Green's battery, which was busily plying its fire upon the harassing ap proaches of the Virginia horse. While the 32d was in this position, the 16th and 31st having passed within its range, a youthful orderly rode up to Colonel Matheson to inform him that the Black Cavalry, sheltered from his observation by a piece of woods, were coming up on the right, and if he would take a cut with his regiment cross the fields, they would be turned back upon their errand. The evolution was per formed, gave the protection that was desired and the Black Horse relinquished its purpose in that quarter. While the regi ment, however, was adhering to this position, the same youth who had imparted the previous suggestion, rode up to the regiment again, and told Matheson he had better now fall back on Centre ville, as his duty, at that spot, had been thoroughly performed. As this was about the first sign of orders (with one single exception) he had received during the entire day, Matheson felt some curiosity to learn who this young lieutenant was, and whence these orders came, he therefore turned sharply on the youth, who, he now perceived, could not be more than twenty-two or three, and said : "Young man, I would like to know your name ?" The youth replied that he was a son of Quartermaster-General Meigs. "By whose authority, then, do you deliver me these orders?" was the Calif ornian's next inquiry. The young man smiled, and remarked, "Well, sir, the truth is, that for the last few hours I have been giving all the orders for this division, and acting as general, too, for there is no gen eral on the field." This incident is worthy of our notice among the lessons of the day. An incident which greatly enraged Sheridan, of which he tells at length in his Memoirs : "It was during this period, about dusk on the evening of October 3d, that between Harrisonburg and Dayton my Engineer Officer, Lieut. John R. Meigs, was murdered within my lines. He had gone out with two topo- 1861] 197 graphical assistants to plot the country, and late in the evening, while riding along the public road on his return to camp, he overtook three men dressed in our uniform. From their dress, and also, because the party was immediately behind our lines and within a mile and a half of my headquarters, Meigs and his assistants naturally thought that they were joining friends, and, wholly unsuspicious of anything to the contrary, rode on with the three men some little distance ; but their perfidy was abruptly discovered by their suddenly turning upon Meigs with a call for his surrender. It has been claimed that refusing to submit, he fired on the treacherous party, but the statement is not true, for one of the topographers escaped — the other was captured — and reported a few minutes later that at my headquarters that Meigs was killed without resistance of any kind whatever, and without even the chance to give himself up. This man was so cool, and related all the circumstances with such exactness as to prove the truthfullness of his statement. The fact that the murder had been committed inside our lines was evidence that the perpetrators of the crimes, having their homes in the vicinity, had been await ing just this opportunity." The California here took a new position, nearer Centreville and watched the terror-stricken crowd as it passed by, repelling, with the aid of Green's battery, several charges of the hostile cavalry. While thus posted, at half-past six, P. M., the enemy's cavalry again showed itself in superior force, and were making a threatening demonstration on the 32d's left, when seeing the 1st Massachusetts coming up from the direction of Bull Run, Mathe son went to its Colonel (Cowdin), pointed out the enemy, and asked him if he would stand by and help hold him, if possible, in check. Cowdin quickly seized the Calif ornian's hand, and, as he grasped it hard, replied, with much emotion, that "his regi ment could be depended on — for the 1st Massachusetts had no home but mother earth !" The DeKalb, of New York, which had just then come in fresh from Alexandria, also yielded to Mathe- son's command, and thus, the danger being well provided for, passed off. The three regiments remained in this firm position till the disheartened trail of fugitives from the battlefield had all passed, and then, accompanied by Cowdin's and the DeKalb, it fell back with the rest. Leaving his regiment near Centreville in the hands of his lieutenant-colonel, Matheson, who was still without orders, now went in search of a general, not caring any longer to perform 198 [1861 general himself. He found Miles and Richardson disputing for command, but learning that the former had been superseded by the latter, through McDowell's order during the progress of the battle, he took his orders from Richardson for the remainder of the day. That duty, however, was simply to follow the broken and disheartened columns which poured so grandly forth that morning, back to Fairfax, and thence also to their camps near Washington. Thus ends the story of the most disastrous expedition which ever followed the fortunes of our flag. The only consolation which I find in the result, lies in the fact, that the enemy have proven to be as ourselves. Had they once faltered, or showed the least lack of courage, they would not be worthy of re-union. The great hope of every soldier in our rank is, that we shall be able to re-conquer, under one banner, the loyalty and affection of our entire people, as of old. And that patriotism would truly be a shabby and short-sighted one, which, when the task is done, would be content with such admiration as the world is willing to bestow upon a country, a portion of whose citizens are craven. As for the rout which we endured it was not the result of lack of manly fortitude on our part. With equal valor, we had shown superior prowess, till despair notified us to retire. The list of dead and wounded on both sides, will establish a balance of exploit and affectiveness in our favor. Ours, in fact, will prove to be less than 1,000 men in all, not more than 350 of whom were killed. The loss of the enemy in slain is said to be twice that number, while the wounded and the missing will prob ably amount to 2,000 more. The loss of guns on our part amounts, I believe, to twenty-six, and some two or three thousand stand of arms. But these our weary fugitives had discarded in their path, as a pure measure of relief from fatigues with which their own generals had overtasked them, as the inadequate com parison of those taken prisoner shows. But we need not reason any further on this great disaster. It was a glaring blunder, and though the penalties exceed the value of the lesson, let us hope the calamity will not be without its profit. I have no suggestions to put forward. The public, who cannot fail to understand the whole matter, will make them for themselves. There is but one thing I desire to add, and that is, had our columns but marched back to Centreville from the bat teries they had so stubbornly engaged, in "common time," the day's work would have been called a Federal victory, and the as sault by our meagre divisions, a "reconnoissance in force." 1861] 199 It certainly was a most providential matter that we had no more troops than was barely sufficient for such a "reconnoissance" against such numbers; for had we gone upon the ground with fifty thousand soldiers more, we would merely have penetrated a little deeper into the Confederate trap, while the result would have been the same. The taking of Manassas Junction was, in short, a three months' job, for five hundred cannon and two hundred thousand men. The following (approved by Colonel Martin), is from Whit- temore's "History of the 71st," page 54: "The enemy being driven back, the regiment was, by orders held in reserve, and after several hours of quiet, except from cannon shot, which occasionally saluted it from a distant battery, apparently without chance of further molestation, it was ordered to take part in a field to the right, and here remained enfiladed by the fire of the rebel artillery, and patiently awaiting the ad vance of the rebel army, now evidently concentrated for a final effort, and remained there until the mass of its line of support had melted away in panic. "General McDowell having sent word by an aide to Colonel Martin, that he was to 'do the best that you can in your judg ment with your regiment ;' and the enemy's reinforcements being then about two hundred yards away. Colonel Martin sent Major Buckingham to find General Burnside and receive his orders. An aide of Burnside's rode up, informed the colonel of the situation and instructed him to retire from the field covering the rear of the brigade. "Calling the regiment to 'Attention,' he commanded, 'About face !' 'Forward Guide Centre — March !' in so cool a manner that every little detail was executed as on a drill room floor. "Not the slightest opposition was offered to this, the rebels it is believed, supposing that the movement was a feint to draw them to the more favorable ground of the morning engagement, and the regiment with its brigade gained the woods half a mile in the rear, in unbroken order. "Just after sunset, some three or four hours afterwards, the forces debouched from the wood's wagon road, through which they had till then been continually marching ; the Centreville road at this point being under fire from a battery which commanded it, and had broken down the wooden structure known as Sus pension Bridge, the troops were compelled to wade the middle- deep Cub-Run stream in their front, and this they did under fire ; the colonel forming the regiment anew, continued the march at route-step. "As this spot was on the Centreville road and the spot about which the correspondent of the London 'Times' makes the scene of one of the most disgraceful pictures, it may be proper to say 200 [1861 that when the 71st reached the first house on the right of the road about a half a mile from Cub-Run, it was made to oblique to the' right to give passage to the 'Garibaldi Guard,' then going forward to cover the retreat ; and it was then an organized body of men, under proper control, with its colonel mounted, and Com pany B in the lead. Gaining the camp of the previous day, it halted and bivouacked; by order of the general commanding it was withdrawn from this spot about 10 o'clock P. M., and marched to the Potomac and into Washington, reaching the city the following morning (22d). The two howitzers worked by Company I were brought off the field, but on arriving at Cub-Run bridge it was found impossible to get them further, and they who had drawn them to the field and from it, not having any horses, could not get them through the stream, and left them in it. "The haversacks and blankets of the men were also aban doned at the bivouac or resting place on the field of success in the morning, and, therefore, were lost when the men retired from it ; otherwise the regiment brought back its arms and equipments." Had Colonel Vosburgh been alive on this occasion the com mand of the regiment would have been the same, as Vosburgh being the senior should have been in command of the brigade; Burnside was criticized as being selfish, not treating his brigade as a unit ; this may have been uncharitable, he may not have selected the 71st instead of one of the Rhode Island regiments to cover the retreat as an act of partiality, but his omission to give credit to the 71st that belonged to it needed explanation ; his first report was so unsatisfactory, that he was called for and made a second, both are published in the "Rebellion Record," his explanation was that he had not received Colonel Martin's report when he wrote his. While on this subject an incident is recalled connected with the regiment showing the conscientious manner in which Colonel Martin acted under trying conditions. The three months' service of the regiment expired on the 20th of July, on that date the regi ment was bivouacked at Centreville; at the evening parade the Colonel addressed the men, in substance he said: "You are all aware that your term of service ends today, legally you are free to turn back and march to New York, no legal claim rests upon you to remain, nor will any restraint be put upon your action, every man is free to go who wants to go, I only tell you that we are within a few miles of the enemy, at any moment you may hear the cannonade which will begin a battle that may result in the preservation or the destruction of our Union. I will not urge you to any course of action, I leave the decision to each man's sense of duty." 1861] 201 After a short pause he said : "If any man is not willing to prolong his term of service let him step three paces to the front." There was a pause, every man in that long line glanced to the right and to the left to see if any one was ready to desert his regiment on the eve of battle. In all of that thousand men only one man stepped forward three paces to the front; he was a corporal, as handsome a soldier as any one would wish to see. He stood nearly six feet in his shoes, was young, stalwart and every respects a man; he had been a favorite in his company, a fine singer and voted a good fellow. What induced him to stand in the presence of a thousand men, the only one to "flunk" in the face of danger, was beyond the ken of man. Whatever the reasons were they must have been powerful, for certainly it took more courage to step out in front of that line than it would have done to have faced the most terrific cannonade of the war. He showed no signs of agitation. The Colonel looked at him, hesitated an instant, then said to the adjutant : "Remove the stripes from that man's arms and cut off his buttons." This was done, and the man turned on his heels, marching by his comrades and disappeared from view. Two days after the regiment returned to the Navy Yard, application was made to the Colonel to furnish one hundred volunteers, to remain for ten days — the regiment was assembled, the request was read by the Colonel, with the order that those who would so volunteer step to the front. As the entire regiment stepped forward, the Colonel deferred selection. This, however, was unnecessary as Captain Dahlgren ascertained that the detail would not be required. July 25th, A. M., everything being ready, the regiment was formed for the last time on the old parade ground, and with mingled feeling of joy and sadness, with band playing and their battle scarred flag flying, they marched out of the Navy Yard, which had been virtually their home for the fourth of a year, to the depot where they were entrained for New York, reaching Havre de Grace at 5 P. M., and arriving in New York on the 26th. The following is from the New York "Times," of the 27th : "The disappointed thousands who returned home despond- ingly after the arrival of the 8th regiment, would have been overjoyed could they have known that the expected 71st would shortly arrive via the Camden and Amboy route. Other thousands 202 [1861 and tens of thousands, however, did know that welcome news, and flocked to Pier 1, led by one of those mysterious instincts that seem to guide New Yorkers under difficulties. "The company received telegraphic information at 4:30 P. M., that the regiment had embarked, and posted the same at the head of the pier, for the information of the army of inquiries. Nothing daunted at the two hours' delay, those who had already borne the scorching sun for half a day in anxious expectation of a momentary arrival, quietly set themselves down for a patient wait. "The crowds augmented in numbers, until Battery Place and even the Battery itself were black with the mass of moving humanity. "The friends of the 71st, of whom it may be said without disparagement to any one, were the better dressed portion of the multitude that thronged the streets throughout the day, were many of them admitted to the pier, while outsiders were excluded for their benefit. "Several hundred young men appeared in column, having a badge printed on blood red paper, 'Friends of the 71st,' the Young America Hook and Ladder Company also were there, as were thousands of fathers, brothers and relations of the coming heroes. "Nor were the fair sex unrepresented, for ladies comely and pleasant to look at, in full fashion of good dresses and capes, as well as humble attire, condescended to brave the fearful tide, to obtain the first eager glance of husband, brothers and fathers, and even those of prospective relationship. "When the 'John Potter' hove in sight, the enthusiasm rose to the highest pitch, and as the fleet of all sorts of crafts dipped their colors, or blew their whistles, the cheering ran along the shore and was caught up and re-echoed from the pier, ringing out again and again huzzahs for the noble 71st, the 'American Guard.' "As the steamer neared the dock, and the strange new uni forms, the tattered flags, the wounded soldiers and the bronzed features of all came in full view, the enthusiasm was renewed, and broke forth in plaudits which only subsided with the hoarse ness of ten thousand throats. "As soon as they got within hailing distance one of the sur geons called from the upper deck: Ts there a livery stable near?' 'No! but there are plenty of carriages to be had.' 'All right then, I want to make arrangements to send our wounded home.' "Close by the doctor, stood a fine looking young man of Company A, with his foot bound up and having two crutches under his arms. "As the boat was made fast the cheering was renewed, and a man at the elbow of a vociferous cheerer said, 'Oh ! stand fast, wait Jill they get ashore, I have got three brothers there.' "At length the hawser was made fast, the gangplank was thrown out and what a rush takes place ; most affecting meetings are everywhere seen. 1861] 203 "The debarkation was effected with wonderful facility, the baggage packed in the express wagons, the wounded stowed in carriages, and in an incredibly short space of time the column was formed, and, amid a storm of applause started up Broadway. "It was only with the utmost difficulty that the police could clear sufficient space through the dense mass. Anxious friends pressed forward every step to greet some loved one; and not unfrequently, ladies attired in fashion's latest robes, sprang from the crowded curb to salute brawny men who bore their burdens with a lighter step thereafter. "The ranks were repeatedly broken, as animated friends or relation rushed forward to grasp the hand or impress a kiss upon the lips of some dear one returned again to home and happiness. (The compiler recalls receiving one of those 'impress,' and the impressor was a stranger to him, however, no resent ment was felt.) " 'Hallo, Jim !' shouted one as he grasped a tall sergeant. 'Look out for his wounded arm,' said a more cautious friend, and so they marched amid a continuous roar of cheering and con gratulations such as never greeted soldiers since our brave men returned from Mexico. "The Regiment marched in eighteen sections, twenty files front, and certainly never trod the pavement of their native city with firmer or more accurate step, or carried arms with equal precision. "Although the evening was somewhat advanced, and the public were somewhat taken by surprise, the reception all along the line of march was a perfect ovation. The scene at the Armory was a renewal of enthusiasm, and when the men were dismissed and scattered to their homes, the city was kept alive with re joicings." July 30th the regiment was mustered out of the U. S. service at 3 o'clock P. M. by Lieutenant-Colonel O. L. Shephard, U. S. A. The following is the official report of Colonel Martin : HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN GUARD, 71st REGIMENT Light Infantry, N. Y. State Troops New York, August 1st, 1861. Colonel A. E. Burnside, Acting Brigade General, 2d Brigade, U. S. Army: In accordance with orders, I herewith submit a report of the action of the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M., in the engagement at Bull Run, on the 21st of July. We were ordered to commence the march, with the 1st and 2d Rhode Island and the 2d New Hampshire Volunteers leading, and the 71st Regiment bringing up the rear of the brigade toward the battlefield, a little after 2 o'clock A. M., and having marched steadily almost without a halt for eight hours, we arrived upon the position assigned for our Division. 204 [1861 On our arrival, the two Rhode Island and New Hampshire regiments were drawn up in line and the 71st was ordered to pass in front of these regiments to a position in advance and to the right of the brigade, and also in front of two pieces of artillery, which I suppose belonged to Griffin's Battery. No sooner had we formed line than the right piece came dashing forward at full speed through our right wing, without any previ ous intimation being given. The men broke away and allowed the piece to pass, and immediately after its passage dropped back into their position in line. Shortly after this, the left piece exe cuted the same manoeuvre, and with the same results. After remaining in this position about a quarter of an hour, exposed to the cannonading of the enemy, which they were di recting toward us, we were ordered with our brigade to an ad joining field to engage a portion of the enemy that had debouched from their works, and fully equal in number to our own brigade, and after a severe contest, in which many valuable lives were lost, and many of our best officers wounded — amongst whom were Captain Ellis, Company F, Captain Hart, Company A, and Lieu tenant Embler, Company H — we succeeded in repulsing them and compelling them to retreat. In this conflict we were greatly assisted by two of Captain Dahlgren's twelve-pound howitzers, in charge of Captain Ellis, Company I, of this regiment. After the retreat, General McDowell, with his staff, rode around the field in rear of our brigade, waving his glove in token of victory, and we all considered the day was ours. We were then ordered to retire to the edge, of the wood, still in view of the enemy's works and in reach of their cannon, and there to rest, as we had done all the duty that would be required of us, and would not be called into action again. After about an hour's rest we were told that the enemy was getting the best of us, and were ordered to the field we had first occupied, and taken the most advanced position on that field. Here we stood in line of battle waiting the approach of the enor mous column of reinforcements of the enemy from Richmond and Manassas. The head of this column was directed in front of the centre of our regiment; and when it was within five hundred yards of us, we received the order to retire, which we did in line of battle in common time, not one man running. The brigade remained together on the retreat, and arrived at our old bivouac, about one and a half miles from Centreville, all in good order. Here we again received orders to continue the retreat to Wash ington, and marched over the Long Bridge as a brigade. Hereto appended is a return of our losses. In closing my report I cannot but say that all praise is due to you, sir, for your coolness and daring during the engagement, and to your brave Rhode Island regiments to whom we feel indebted for many acts of kindness, and to Governor Sprague, of your state, for his great courage and gallant conduct on the field. Your obedient servant, HENRY P. MARTIN, Colonel 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. 1861] 205 OFFICIAL REPORT OF KILLED, WOUNDED AND MISS ING OF THE 71 ST, ENGAGED IN BATTLE OF BULL RUN, VA., JULY 21st, 1861 FIELD AND STAFF— Surgeon E. Puegnet, prisoner at Richmond. ENGINEER CORPS— Private Gillette, James, prisoner at Richmond, released January 3, 1862. COMPANY A— Captain Hart, D. D., wounded in the hip, seriously ; Privates : Cole, E., prisoner, sent to New Orleans, re leased December 1, 1861 ; Doherty, Edwin P., prisoner, escaped and returned to New York ; Hyde, Alfred A., wounded, prisoner, released January 17, 1862; Hyde, John M., wounded, returned with the regiment; Lounsberry, Llewellyn S., wounded, left in Washington; Smith, Wm. Moir, wounded, left in hospital on field, died August 2d ; Merrill, J. B., wounded ; Wittpen, Charles, prisoner, sent to New Orleans, released December 1st. COMPANY B— Sergeant Worcester, Franklin E., wounded, sent to New Orleans, released December 1st; Privates: Hender son, Edward, prisoner, sent to New Orleans, released December 1st;' Hanshee, Robert, wounded, returned with the regiment; Flynn, Cornelius, killed in action. COMPANY C— Privates: Cusick, John H, wounded, re turned with regiment; Vorath, Cornelius F., wounded, returned with regiment ; Bacon, Geo. I., killed in action ; Butler, Augustus M., killed in action ; Tompkins, R. D., prisoner at Richmond, re leased January 3, 1862. COMPANY D — Privates: Vaughn, Bushrod, wounded in face, prisoner, released January 3, 1862; Bolton, John S., killed in action; Brandt, Charles, killed in action. COMPANY E — Corporal Imlay, J. Prescot, prisoner, sent to New Orleans, released December 1st; Privates: Dicken, John, prisoner, sent to New Orleans, released December 1st; Lawrence, John T., wounded, returned with regiment; Marvin, H. M., wounded, left in Washington ; Pavie, Charles A., wounded in leg, prisoner in Richmond. COMPANY F — Captain Ellis, Julius L., wounded, died Sep tember 1st ; Privates : Behan, wounded ; Clarke, Beverly, wound ed, returned with the regiment ; Demorest, W. P., wounded, pris oner at Richmond; Eagleton, John W., wounded, returned with regiment ; Fickerson, Daniel, wounded, died in Richmond, August 3d ; Noble, Gershner, prisoner at Richmond, released January 3d, 206 [1861 1862; Roome, William O., wounded, returned with regiment; Roome, Samuel S., wounded, returned with regiment; Rockafel- lar, Harry, wounded, prisoner at Richmond, released December 1st; Sands, John H. H., wounded, prisoner at Richmond, released February 9, 1862 ; Stambler, Jacob C, wounded, prisoner at Rich mond, released 9th ; Whittaker, Daniel M., wounded, prisoner at Richmond, released January 3, 1862 ; Sayen, Geo. H., died from wounds received in action ; Bowers, J. W., wounded and prisoner at Richmond. COMPANY G- — Privates: Abbe, Joshua G, wounded and returned with regiment ; Cohen, Wm. H., wounded, left in Wash ington hospital; Allen, Bingham E., killed in action; Butler, Joseph B., killed in action; Duncan, Uselma, killed in action; Tompkins, Enoch, prisoner at Richmond, released ; Wade, Rollin H, killed in action; Deasy, Thomas G, wounded prisoner at Richmond, released January 3, 1862. COMPANY H — Lieutenant Embler, Andrew H, wounded, returned with regiment ; Privates : Cobb, John G, wounded, left in hospital at Alexandria ; Hartshorne, F. V., wounded, returned with regiment ; Welch, Jr., Robert, wounded, returned with regi ment ; Green, Geo. W., wounded, prisoner at Richmond, released ; Morrissey, John J., wounded, died July 4th; Smith, Geo. W., prisoner at Richmond, released. COMPANY I — Privates : Mould, John W., wounded, pris oner at Richmond, released; Taggart, James C, wounded, re turned with regiment; Bond, Samuel, killed in action; Corby, Frank, died in hospital at Washington. All of which is respectfully submitted, HENRY P. MARTIN, Colonel 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. POSITION IN LINE OF COMPANIES ON THE FIELD OF BULL RUN Colors D, A, E, B, C— G, F, H, I howitzer Right wing Left wing TESTIMONY General Beauregard, C. S. A., speaking of the "Bee Brigade," which was opposed to the "Burnside Brigade," says : "The 8th Georgia had suffered heavily, being exposed as it took and maintained its position, to a fire from the enemy already 1861] 207 posted within a hundred yards of their front and right, sheltered by fences and undercover. It was at this time that Lieutenant- Colonel Gardner was severely wounded, and also several other valuable officers. The adjutant of the regiment, Lieutenant Branch, was killed and the horse of the regretted Bartow was shot under him. "The 4th Alabama also suffered severely from thousands of muskets they so dauntlessly fronted, under the immediate leader ship of Bee himself. Its brave Colonel, E. J. Jones, was danger ously wounded, and many gallant officers were slain or hors de combat. "The enemy mantaining their fire pressed their swelling masses onward as our shattered battalions retired. The slaughter for the moment was deplorable, and his filled many a southern home with sorrow ; under this inexorable stress the retreat was continued until arrested by the energy and resolution of General Bee."— (Vide "American Conflict," Vol. 1, page 543.) From the New York "Herald," July 24th: "The 71st behaved nobly, signalized themselves, and clearly demonstrated that their military training was not altogether con fined to parading on Broadway in full dress uniform. These men, although their term of service had expired did not flinch a hair from the duty they owed to their country, and sprang forward to the charge." From the London (England) "Times" : "Some of the Union troops behaved gallantly, the 71st New York Regiment is described as having inflicted severe loss on the enemy." From the London "Illustrated News," August 31st, which had a full page picture of the regiment in action : "This was the only case in which I saw two regiments posi tively engage each other; the Alabama regiment especially suf fered, and when they retired, they left the ground covered with their dead and wounded. The 71st lost heavily, but they behaved exceedingly well, loading and firing as if on parade. On the hill at the back a Confederate battery was playing on the 71st. I was on. the right of this regiment." A very curious semi-official map of the battlefield, with much detail, was published in Richmond, Va. Great prominence is given to the position of the 71st. There was much evidence that the reputation of the 71st had penetrated the rebel lines; while the 4th Alabama and the New Orleans Tigers were dying to meet 208 [1861 the 71st (and many did after they met it) in combat. It was after all only a coincidence that the former happened to be on the left and the 71st on the right of their respective lines. From the "National Tribune," April 20, 1916: THE TRUTH ABOUT BULL RUN It is unfortunate that the Regular Army officers and advo cates of the Regular Army harp so much on Bull Run to the discredit of the militia and the volunteer soldiers. This is not a discussion which the advocates of volunteers have invited, and, therefore, the responsibility of opening up that series of colossal blunders must rest with the Regulars who have been making so much of the disaster to the discredit of the citizen soldiers. Far the greater discredit for Bull Run rests upon the Regular officers. The citizen soldiers, mostly militia, and largely from the great cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago and elsewhere, did their part magnificently. They fought bravely ; went willingly wherever they were led, and showed remarkable steadiness. It was only when the Regular Army officers, princi pally Colonel Dixon S. Miles, in command of the reserves, lost iheir heads, that a panic seized the volunteers. Fully 90 per cent. of the higher officers at Bull Run were Regulars, and among Tthem many men who later achieved high fame. Unfortunately, in spite of their education at West Point and their training in the Regular Army, they were marvelously green :and unskilled as to the actual lessons of great war. Most of them were Captains and Lieutenants, who had probably never seen so •much as their whole regiment together, and knew nothing of regimental or brigade manoeuvers. The troops were only bri gaded a few days before the battle, and knew nothing of their brigade officers ; had no sense of brigade cohesion, and went into the fight as regiments. For weeks before the battle the troops were camped on the hills around Washington without any or ganization whatever beyond that of a regiment. Most of the regi ments themselves were newly organized and had no idea of regi mental cohesion. That valuable weeks were allowed to elapse in this military chaos is wholly the fault of the Regular Army officers in com mand, and who should have been assiduous in forming their bri gades and bringing about brigade solidarity. There was not even a Brigade Commissary and Quartermaster. The food for the troops was sent out from Washington in wagon trains, with the wagons stopping at every camp and distributing the quota of food for each regiment. The responsibility for this can be distributed by studying the roster of the Army which fought the battle of Bull Run. The official records give this as follows : First Division, Brigadier-General Daniel Tyler. First Brigade— Colonel E. D. Keyes: 2d Me., 1st Conn., 2d Conn., 3d Conn. 1861] 209 Second Brigade — Brigadier-General R. C. Schenck: 2d N. Y., 1st Ohio, 2d Ohio, E, 2d U. S. A. Third Brigade— Colonel W. T. Sherman: 13th N. Y., 69th N. Y., 79th N. Y., 2d Wis., 3d U. S. A. Fourth Brigade — Colonel I. B. Richardson: 1st Mass., 12th N. Y., 2d Mich.,_3d Mich., G, 1st U. S. A., M, 2d U. S. A. Second Division — Colonel David Hunter, wounded ; Colonel Andrew Porter. First Brigade — Colonel Andrew Porter: 8th N. Y. (Militia), 14th N. Y., 27th N. Y., Battalion, U. S. Inf., Battalion, U. S. Marines, Battalion, U. S. Cav., D, 5th U. S. A. Second Brigade — Colonel A. E. Burnside : 2d N. H, 1st R. I., 2d R I., 71st N. Y. S. M. Third Division — Colonel S. P. Heintzelman, wounded. First Brigade — Colonel W. B. Franklin: 5th Mass., 11th Mass., 1st Minn., I, 1st U. S. A. Second Brigade — Colonel O. B. Willcox, wounded and cap tured: 11th N. Y. (Fire Zouaves), 38th N. Y., 1st Mich., 4th Mich., D, 2d U. S. A. Third Brigade— Colonel O. O. Howard: 3d Me., 4th Me., 5th Me., 2d Vt. Fourth (Reserve) Division — Brigadier-General Theodore Runyon: 1st N. J., 2d N. J., 3d N. J., 4th N. J., three months; 1st N. J., 2d N. J., 3d N. J., 41st N. Y., three years. Fifth Division — Colonel Dixon S. Miles. First Brigade— Colonel Louis Blenker: 8th N. Y., 29th N. Y., 39th N. Y, 27th Pa., A, 2d U. S. A., Bookwood's N. Y. Battery. Second Brigade — Colonel Thomas A, Davies: 16th N. Y., 18th N. Y, 31st N. Y., 32d N. Y., G, 2d U. S. A. At the head of this army was Brigadier-General Irvin McDowell, who was regarded as one of the ablest officers in the Regular Army. He had graduated from West Point in 1834; had won brevets in Mexico, and was one of General Scott's favorite staff officers. His Chief of Staff and Adjutant-General was Colonel James B. Frye, who was graduated from West Point, and a Captain in the Regular Army. The First Division was commanded by Brigadier-General Daniel Tyler, a graduate of West Point, and who had served in the Regular Army. The First Brigade of the First Division was commanded by Colonel E. D. Keyes, who had graduated brilliantly from West Point, and who was Secretary to General Scott. The Second Brigade was commanded by Brigadier-General R. C. Schenck, an able political leader from Ohio, and he did some of the best fighting on the field. The Third Brigade was commanded by Colonel W. T. Sher man, who attained great fame later in the war. The Fourth Brigade was commanded by Colonel I. B. Rich ardson, a West Point cadet, and a Captain in the Regular Army when he resigned in 1855. He was a gallant soldier and after wards killed at Antietam. 210 [1861 The Second Division was commanded by Colonel David Hunter, a fine soldier and a graduate of West Point, and who had been Paymaster in the Army. His First Brigade was com manded by Andrew Porter, a West Point cadet, and a Captain in the Regular Army. His Second Brigade was commanded by Colonel A. E. Burnside, who had graduated from West Point, and was a First Lieutenant in the Regular Army, when he re signed 10 years before to enter upon the manufacture of arms. The Third Division was commanded by Colonel S. P. Heintz elman, a graduate of West Point, and a Major in the Regular Army. Heintzelman was a fine specimen of the bluff old regi mental officers. Heintzelman's First Brigade was commanded by Colonel William B. Franklin, one of the star graduates of West Point, and a man of whom the greatest things were expected. The Second Brigade, and which fought magnificently, was command ed by Colonel 0. B. Willcox, a graduate of West Point, and a First Lieutenant in the Regular Army when he resigned 1 1 years before. The Third Brigade was commanded by Colonel O. O. Howard, who graduated from West Point in 1850, and was a First Lieutenant in the Regular Army. The Fourth Division was commanded by Brigadier-General Theodore Runyon, of New Jersey, and consisted of New Jersey troops. It was employed in guarding the line of communications back to Washington. The Fifth Division was commanded by Colonel Dixon S. Miles, a graduate of West Point, and a Colonel in the Regular Army. It is alleged that his part in the battle was to get thor oughly drunk. He was placed in reserve on the heights of Centreville, and where, if he had had any real soldiership, the retreat would have been stayed and the troops reorganized. With a real soldier in command of the reserve, it would have been very easy to have arrested the retreat at Centreville, and brought order out of the broken regiments that were falling back. There were 48 cannon on high ground at Centreville, and this under any efficient commander would have been sufficient to have restored order and saved the credit of the day. Miles's First Brigade was commanded by Colonel Louis Blenker an European adventurer, of whom little need be said. The Second Brigade was commanded by Colonel Thomas A. Davies, a graduate of West Point,' and a Second Lieutenant in the Regular Army. From this it will be at once seen that the volunteers had astonishingly little to do with the command of the army at Bull Run. More than at any other battle of the war, the Army was in the hands of graduates of West Point and officers of the Regular Army. As has been said before, the volunteer soldiers, mainly mili tia, fought with the greatest gallantry, and bravely followed leaders who showed a disposition to bring them into close quarters with the enemy. This was particularly the case with the brigade commanded by Colonel Willcox, which penetrated the Confeder- 1861] 211 ate lines and reached the farthest point of any advance during the day. Colonel Willcox was struck down and captured. The most lamentable part of the affair occurred on the heights of Centreville, where nearly one-half of the Army was gathered, with most of its artillery. There 'seemed to be no one in command, from McDowell down, that had enough soldierly spirit or the elements of generalship to reorganize the Army as it fell back upon these fresh troops and hold them there firmly to check any pursuit. It is amazing that among officers who later became so distinguished in the war there was not one of them that attempted to do this obvious thing. Where the commander of the Army and of the divisions went does not appear, but certainly they did not show themselves and make their influence felt on the heights of Centreville in the long evening hours of July 21st, when everything was confusion, uncertainty and dis order. Then was when the real General makes himself felt. The men who had not been engaged stood in their places for hours in spite of the steady drift by them of the broken regiments which nobody tried to reorganize. At last the line of reserves began to break away, regiment after regiment until the last bri gade was supposed to have left the field about midnight. These are facts which ought to be brought out to curb the criticisms of the volunteers and place the responsibility for Bull Run where it rightfully belongs. The Adjutant-General, N.Y.S.M., Report 1862, says of the 71st: "This is undoubtedly one of the best drilled regiments in the military service, if not the best, to which, and its excellent discipline, were the 4th Alabama and Georgia regiments, in debted at the battle of Bull Run for their decimation ; an officer of the 79th Regiment, stated to the undersigned, that while wait ing orders to make a forward movement, he climbed a tree on the edge of the woods that overlooked that part of the battlefield occupied by the 71st Regiment. He said he never felt such a glow of pride for the city of New York and his adopted country as when he witnessed the terrible firing of this regiment, or the coolness with which it advanced in line of battle and halting to deliver its fire. At each discharge, he said he could see numbers of the opposing regiment fall, never to rise again. "R. TAYLOR, "Major and Inspector, 4th Brigade, N.Y.S.M." A distinguished Major-General (on McDowell's staff, 1861), subsequently expressed his belief, "that the calm bearing of the 71st Regiment, in the face of panic and disaster, was the true key to the enigma of the enemy's failure to pursue." 212 [1861 A Confederate field officer (General Terry), many years after the war, told Major Libby of the 71st, that he "had never forgotten the sight that presented itself to him on that morning of the 21st of July when he first saw the Burnside brigade debouched from the woods onto the field. It was a surprise, and a hasty change of position was necessary to meet the unexpected condition." And yet a so-called historian, editing a book, fifty years after entitled "Bull Run, Its Strategies, etc.," disposes of the 71st by saying, "It was a poor regiment." And when requested to state on what authority he based such a statement, answered : "My dear Sir : "I regret any statements in my book on Bull Run concern ing your regiment should cause you pain. On the whole the mat ter for surprise is not so much that the militia broke up, as that it accomplished as much as it did under bad conditions of weather and fatigue."With a solid organization and training, I have no doubt whatever that the militia would have done splendily. "Yours very truly." As the Irishman said, "Sure I gave him an evasive answer." He was asked regarding his remark of the 71st, not of the militia. Having none, he did his best. It is well to be careful in making statements not personally known to be true. The campaign over, for a time conditions in the regiment were somewhat uncertain as to the future; the loss of war re cruits and the going of many members into the volunteer service, reduced the numbers, recruiting was slow. Naturally those anxi ous to go to the war joined the volunteers, and those not so anxious hesitated to join the militia, when they might possibly be called on. Many who had gone, were business men who had made greater sacrifice than many who enlisted for the war. On August 22d and 23d, the regiment was paid off by com panies. In connection with this, the following order was issued : HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN GUARD 71ST REGIMENT LIGHT INFANTRY, N. Y. S. M. New York, August 20th, 1861. General Orders No. 1 : In compliance with Division and Brigade orders, the commandants and first sergeants are hereby directed to be present during the pay ment of the men, and obtain a list of those who wish to become mem bers, and of those who already belong to their respective companies, 1861] 213 and make return of all property in their possession belonging to the State or the United States, and hand said return of property and roll of members to the adjutant on or before Saturday the 24th inst. Commandants of companies will reorganize their companies as speedily as possible when an election will be ordered to fill such vacan cies as may exist. By order of COLONEL HENRY P. MARTIN. A. H. PRIDE, Adjutant. The uniform of the regiment now became in harmony with the times; nothing remained of the full dress but the coat and shako, and these were not considered in keeping with the service conditions existing; the regiment therefore wore army (light) blue trousers, the dark blue jacket previously worn as fatigue, with white belts and fatigue cap. Appreciating the many favors and kindness received from Commander Dahlgren and Lieutenant Foxhall A. Parker of the U. S. Navy, while the regiment was in the Navy Yard, the officers of the regiment procured an elegant sword and a pair of epau lettes for the commander and a pair of epaulettes and shoulder straps for the Lieutenant, which on September 2d were pre sented by Colonel Martin and Adjutant Pride acting for the offi cers ; they going to Washington for that purpose. Colonel Martin expressed to Captain Dahlgren, the hope that if fate decreed that the 71st should again be called to Washing ton, that they be quartered in the Navy Yard. The Captain said, "Since your regiment left, none other has been here, nor will there be, you see all around valuable property necessarily lying loose, a great temptation; the 71st will be welcome, we know them, during their three months' occupation not one thing was missed." On Sunday, September 3d, died Captain Julius L. Ellis, late Captain of Company F, 71st Regiment; his foot was shattered by a shot on the field of Bull Run, he refused to. have it amputat ed; mortification set in, and terminated his life. Three brothers participated in the same battle, one being Captain of Company I, 71st, another, private in Company F. HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN GUARD 71ST REGIMENT, N. Y. S. M. New York, September 4th, 1861. Special Orders: The officers and members of this Regiment are requested to as semble at the regimental armory, at one o'clock P. M., to attend as mourners the funeral of the late Captain Julius F. Ellis, company F, 214 [1861 who died of wounds received in the late engagement at Bull-Run, while in the discharge of his duties. Company C, Captain Coles, is hereby detailed to act as escort to the remains; and the following officers will act as pall-bearers: Captains Meschutt, Dunham, Traf ford, Wade; Lieut's Tompkins and Livermore. The officers and members of the regiment will appear in full fatigue, with army pants and white belts. By order of COL. HENRY P. MARTIN. A. J. PRIDE, Adjutant. October 18th was the annual inspection day, and was of much interest as showing what effect the war service had made upon the regiment as a militia regiment. The following is from the New York "Herald" : "The men were mustered on Washington Parade Ground, at about 2:30 P. M., when Major Taylor proceeded with the in spection. "All the companies have been considerably reduced since the return of the regiment from the seat of war, about one-half of their members are again serving their country as volunteers in the ranks of other regiments, a number of whom have received com missions in the volunteer and regular service. "The arms are in good and serviceable condition, but the uni forms are, to draw it mildly, rather seedy, and no wonder, after the rough service seen by this regiment during its three months' campaign." Altogether the result was quite satisfactory, there being pres ent 447, and 162 absent, as against the year 1860, with 410 pres ent and 94 absent. (The inspection of the 7th this year was 870 present, 183 absent.) Monday, November 11th, the Regiment paraded to escort the remains of the late Colonel Edward D. Baker, who was killed at Ball's Bluff, Va., from the city hall to the California steamer. These remains had been received by Company A, on the 9th, during a heavy rain, and taken to the city hall, where they had laid in state, guarded by details of the 71st until the day of the funeral. November 25th, the 71st paraded with the 1st Division to celebrate "Evacuation Day." The estimated present of the Di vision was 3,000. December 6th, a regimental drill was held at the City Armory corner of White and Elm Streets. December 20th, officers and 1861-62] 215 non-commission officers were drilled; and on the 27th the regi ment held a drill, all at the same place. Thus ending the year with hard work; an eventful one, which covered the regiment with glory, showing the public, that the 71st could be depended upon in war as well as in peace. 18 6 2 The year opened for work on the 5th of January, by an escort from the regiment, to the remains of Captain Thomas Kerrigan, 25th New York Volunteer, killed at Hall's Hill, Va. They were taken to Calvary Cemetery. January 9th, a regimental drill was held at the City Armory. On Tuesday evening, January 21st, Company D went to the house of Bushrod Vaughn, and presented him with a medal for his bravery on the battlefield of Manassas, and for his loyalty to the Stars and Stripes during his captivity in Richmond, Va. He was wounded in the face during the fight and left for dead upon the field. He was one of the 250 released prisoners arriving about two weeks previous. February 7th a regimental drill was held at the City Armory. February 22d was an eventful day, and a miserable one for the 71st — it was cloudy and a raw atmosphere over head, and under foot it was hummocks of snow and ice, and ponds of slush. The line was formed on Bond Street at 2 P. M., and, after a dress parade, the line of march was taken up for the residence of Mrs. Colonel Thorn, in West 16th Street, where the regiment was to be the recipient of a magnificent American flag. The route of march was up Broadway to 4th Street, to Washington Parade ground, and from thence to Fifth Avenue and West 16th Street. The popularity of the regiment was never more apparent than upon this occasion. The windows of the houses were filled with ladies, who waved their handkerchiefs constantly, and at several points clapped their hands, and cheers were loudly meant for Colonel Martin and his command. The presentation took place in front of the elegant residence 216 [1862 of Mrs. Thorn, the patriotic donor of the flag; and a platform had been erected for the accommodation of the ladies, and the speakers selected for the occasion. A mammoth American flag was suspended from the third story of the house, while from the windows of the surrounding residences numerous banners were thrown out, or floating from the house-tops, in the utmost pro fusion. The regiment being drawn up directly in front of the plat form, Mrs. Thorn, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Edward Kirkland, and attended by G. S. Bibby, Esq., and by Lieutenant J. L. Morris, formerly of the Navy, came forward with the ban ner. General Spicer, commanding the Brigade of which the 71st forms a part, and Captain Aug. V. H. Ellis who with his howitzer company (which was then attached to the regiment) performed such splendid service at the battle of Bull Run, were also on the platform. John B. Stevens, Esq., then after remarks complimentary to the regiment, said he was about to introduce to them the Hon. Charles P. Kirkland, who on behalf of Mrs. Thorn, would present to them a beautiful American flag. He knew the regiment would receive and preserve the ban ner sacred ; and the presentation of it by Mrs. Colonel Thorn was an evidence that the spirit which actuated the ladies of '76 still lived in the hearts of the women of '62. He then introduced Mr. Kirkland, who stepped forward, and spoke as follows: "Colonel Martin, and Officers, and Men of the 71st: "I have the honor to address you in the name and on behalf of Mrs. Colonel Thorn. "Her heart, mine, the hearts of thousands of the men and women of this metropolis, went with you when, on the 21st of April, on the briefest notice, and with scarcely time to bid a hurried farewell to wives, mothers, sisters, you set out on the then perilous expedition to the Capital, to save it from the des perate traitors and rebels who threatened it. "Never will your country forget the service which you and your gallant companions in arms rendered her in that, her hour of darkness and danger. "The same hearts were with you when, after months of faithful and arduous service at the Capital, you took part, on the 21st of July, in the bloody conflict at Manassas. On that occa sion, disastrous as was the result, it is everywhere conceded that there was as brave and daring men on that field as was ever engaged in battle— men who, though they did not 'command suc cess, did more— they deserved it.' While we and you would 1862] 217 accord all honor to others, the heroic Corcoran's 69th, the un daunted Rhode Islanders, and numerous other regiments, I may yet say that the New York 71st was not behind the foremost. The flag you then bore, and which is now before me riddled and torn by rebel bullets, will ever be to you a sacred relic, a cherished memento of that eventful day! "You were appreciated by your countrymen, and abroad you received honorable mention; for I well remember reading, in August, in one London Journal, that the '71st New York Regi ment inflicted severe loss on the enemy ;' and in another, that 'in the engagement between the 71st and the Alabama Regiment, the latter was badly cut up; the 71st lost heavily, but behaved ex ceedingly well, loading and firing as if on parade. On the hill, at the back, a rebel battery was playing on them.' That the same hearts, which went with you in your departure were with you on your return on the 26th of July, the triumphant welcome you received is an abundant testimony. "Our hearts are still with you, and never can we, or those who come after us, fail to remember the patriotism, the courage, the sufferings and the dangers of the 71st in a trying crisis of our country's history. We of this day love to speak of our Revolutionary ancestors ; the men of coming generations will dwell with the same grateful satisfaction on you and all who have fought or shall fight the present battles of the Republic. The men of that day performed the great work of building up this magnificent temple of liberty ; the men of this day have done and are doing the equally great work of defending and preserving it ! "You, and the men who entered the service with you, were the pioneers in the holy mission of defending the Union and the Constitution. How well that mission has been continued, Spring field, Port Royal, Mill Spring, Roanoke, Fort Henry, Fort Donel- son, gloriously testify. What a thrill of pleasure courses through the loyal American heart at the mention of those names! But the victories are not ended. In the words of General Hallack, in his order of the day for the 19th of this month, 'prepare for new conflicts and new victories. The Union flag must be restored everywhere, and our soldiers and sailors are ready to do it. Vic tory and glory await the brave.' "This occasion cannot pass without an earnest tribute to the memory of your brothers, who under the mutilated flag I now see, fell or received their death wounds. They died for their country, they never will be forgotten. "In the name of this excellent, respected, and, I add emphat ically, patriotic lady, I now present you this banner — this emblem of your country's greatness and glory — the flag of our Union, the banner of our liberty, 'Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inesparable !' The donor knows, and therefore she trusts, the hands to which she confides it ; she knows that its fair folds will never be sullied by dishonor. 218 [1862 "Our glorious banner ! the 'Star Spangled Banner,' I will not say of it, 'Oh long may it wave,' but I say, 'forever and ever, and ever will it wave, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.' " Colonel Martin accepted the present in the following speech : "In behalf of the 71st Regiment, I thank you, and through you the donor of this magnificent gift, the emblem of our coun try's greatness and glory. The greatest glory of the patriot soldier is to serve his country in its hour of peril and danger, and his greatest pleasure to receive the approval and plaudits of his fellow citizens. "At our country's call, we buckled on our armor, and hastened to the defence of the Capital. How far the services we rendered are appreciated, the presentation of this beautiful flag of our country, and your eloquent and touching remarks, attest. We accept the gift, and will assure you. that if ever again we shall be called into active service, our colors shall be borne in safety, as in the battle of Bull Run, through the thickest of the fight, as long as there is a hand to uphold, and an arm to defend them. Gratefully we thank you; thankfully we accept the gift." The Colonel then proposed three cheers for the Stars and Stripes, and the Union it represents ; and three for the donor of the flag, which were cordially given by the Regiment, and en thusiastically united in by the large concourse of citizens, who had assembled to witness the presentation. Thus closed one of the pleasantest of the numerous commemorations of the day in the Commercial Metropolis of the Union. THE BANNER "The Banner is of silk, of the most elegant workmanship, and is fringed with gold. It bears upon its folds the words, 'American Guard, 71st Regiment, N. Y. State.' It was suspended from a beautiful oak staff beautifully mounted in gold, and crowned with a spread eagle, directly under which hung gold cord and tassels. "The flag having been received, and placed side by side with the war-worn flag of the regiment, the command marched di rect to the church of Rev. Mr. Wiley, Chaplain of the regiment, on Fifth Avenue. The order of exercises here were as follows : Music by the Band. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Wiley. Reading of Washington's Farewell Address. Music. Benediction." 1862] 219 The regiment again formed line, and marched down Madison Avenue, and from thence to the armory, where dismissed. The following from the Sunday "Mercury," will be of in terest, as showing the difficulties the regiment met with in the lack of space for drill : "The officers and non-commission officers of the 71st Regiment, had a drill at the City Armory on Tuesday evening, March 4th. The formation represented ten companies — sticks being used to illustrate each company front. The details of forming line, saluting, receiving reports of sergeants> and dismissing the parade, were gone through with in good style. "On Friday evening, March 7th, a drill of the entire com mand was had at the same place. Long before the time fixed, a large crowd of ladies and gentlemen had assembled many of whom could obtain no seats, and were forced to take up with limited standing room. "All the companies, but one, were represented in good strength — there being eight commands of twelve and thirteen files front. The formation was delayed on account of an error in calling off the details. "The 'beating off,' was done by three drums and three fifes. After the command had been turned over, the battalion was ex ercised in the manual and in the firings. "The room being too small for all the companies to man oeuvre the battalion was divided into wings, and practiced in such evolutions as wheeling into column and line, counter-marching by the flank, closing in mass, breaking by the rear from line into column, etc. On March 16th, the funeral of Lieutenant Harry B. Hedden, 1st New York Volunteer Cavalry, killed near Burke Station, Va., took place ; at which Company F acted as escort. About this date, the regiment agitated the subject of an armory, and a peti tion to that effect was signed by the members and presented to the authorities. On March 28th the remains of Colonel John S. Slocum, Major Sullivan Ballou and Captain Levi Tower, all of the 2d Rhode Island Volunteers, who were killed at Bull Run, April 21, 1861, reached New York. They were met by Company A, 71st, and escorted to the Astor House, where they laid in state in parlors 9 and 10, a guard of honor from the 71st being placed over them until the funeral, which took place on the 29th at 4 P. M., the escort consisting of the 37th and 71st Regiments. The route was up Park Row, Chatham (now called Park Row) Street, 220 [1862 the Bowery, to and through Canal to Broadway, down Broad way, thence to the Fall River boat at the foot of Murray Street. Tens of thousands viewed this imposing funeral pageant, in every thoroughfare along the line of march ; and the ceremonies were as impressive as they were honorable to the city. March 15th a regimental drill was given at the arsenal. On the 1st of April the officers and non-commissioned officers were drilled at the Division or City Armory, corner Elm and White Streets. On the 16th a regimental drill was held in the state arsenal. From the New York "Herald": "Battalion drill of the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. The Ar senal, 37th Street and Seventh Avenue, was crowded to excess last evening in order to witness a battalion drill of this favorite corps. The large drill room was so crowded, that hundreds had to go away unable to gain admission. "Eight full companies of the regiment were in line, and made quite an imposing appearance. The movements of the evening principally consisted of exercise in the manual of arms, firing by companies,' by file and by battalion. In consequence of the crowded state of the drill room it was impossible to go through any battalion movements of consequence." April 21st, the first anniversary of the departure of the regi ment to Washington, was celebrated as a "Field Day," the fol lowing from the Sunday "Mercury," gives a good account of it: "A more disagreeable, contemptibly, cold, rheumatical, rainy day, than last Monday, could hardly have been picked out for field exercises; however, nothing daunted, the 71st Regiment as sembled on their usual parade ground (Bond Street), and pro ceeded to East New York via Fulton Ferry and the Long Island Rail Road. "Owing to the extensive accommodations in the shape of sundry horse cars the various companies arrived at various times, all getting upon the ground at about eleven o'clock; thus three hours were consumed in transportation. "After stacking arms inside the Union Barracks, at East New York, the regiment was dismissed for dinner. Instead of the clumsy knapsack, heretofore carried by our militia on field days, the men were provided with haversacks containing their ra tions. During the interval allowed for refreshments, the mem bers had an excellent opportunity of witnessing an exhibition 1862] 221 drill given by Pluvius ; nearly all the movements were oblique, and owing to the guide being very windy, there was much irregu larity in the ranks. "A break in the rain encouraged the regiment at one o'clock to fall into line — eight commands of fifteen front. A few move ments were gone through, and some little practice had in the firings ; but as the weather still continued so chilly and rainy, the colonel formed the battalion into column and headed by Dod worth's band which discoursed some of their unrivaled music, marched down Division Avenue (or Broadway of Long Island) to Grand Street ferry — five miles — accomplished the distance in fifty-five minutes. The regiment left East New York at twenty minutes past two, and at fifteen minutes past three were at the ferry. After some little delay they crossed to New York and marched through Grand Street to the armory at Centre Market, which place was reached at nineteen minutes of four. "In as much as the 71st Regiment is now generally regarded as the best in the first division, as far as battalion movements are concerned and their firings by squares in four rank formation has not been attempted by any troops in this vicinity, we under stand they will probably have another field day about the middle of May, in order to improve themeslves, and gratify their thou sands of friends." The Legislature at their session this spring passed a new militia law. All company and regimental names cease, all are to be known as the National Guard ; for some time the designation has been New York Troops, hereafter it will be New York State National Guard. To the 71st the name of "American Guard" will always be treasured as being indissolubly associated, but no longer official ; that name is a fundamental, so linked to the 71st, it can never be anything but a part of it. CAMPAIGN OF 1862 In the last days of May, 1862, on the retreat of General Banks before the forces of Jackson, a call was made from the War Department at Washington on the State of New York for militia for the defence of the National Capital. The call being responded to, and the officers of the 71st volunteering, Colonel Martin waited upon Colonel George Bliss, Jr., New York Com mandant at the Depot of U. S. Volunteers, in New York City, to see after matters connected with the transportation of the regi ment, and Colonel Martin was told, in answer to his question as the term of service required, and the nature of the same, that the regiment would be required for three months, and that the pur- 222 [1862 pose of the service was the defence of the City of Washington. In confirmation, and that no blame was attributed to the regiment by the U. S. officers in New York, this, at least negative evidence, is offered under the hand of Colonel Bliss : DEPOT OF VOLUNTEERS, 51 Walker Street. New York, May 30, 1862. "To the Editor, Etc. : "In consequence of reports industriously circulated, I am directed to request that you will state authoritatively that the militia regiments recently ordered to Washington are expressly accepted by the Secretary of War for the period of three months, unless sooner discharged. "They cannot and will not be detained longer. "Your obedient servant, "GEO. BLISS, Jr., Col. Commanding Depot. The order issued from the Adjutant-General's office of the State also directs the regiment, as State troops, to proceed to Washington, as follows: (Special Orders No. 130) STATE OF NEW YORK, GENERAL HEADQUARTERS Adjutant-General's Office, May 26, 1862. The 8th, 11th, 22d, 27th and 71„ regiments will proceed to Washington forthwith. The commandants of the several regiments will make requisi tion upon the chiefs of the several departments of the State for such arms, ammunition, equipments and supplies as they may require for the use of their regiments. Upon application to Colonel George Bliss, Jr., 51 Walker Street, they will receive orders for transportation. On their ar rival in Washington the commandants of the several regiments will report to the Adjutant-General of the army. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, THOS. HILLHOUSE, Adjutant-General. Further, the 71st Regiment having been quartered in Wash ington at the Navy Yard, and that place being known to be ad mirably adapted for all purposes of drill, keeping the command orderly, and for the ready movement of the same, to any point desired, by both water or land, where the same was likely to be 1862] 223 needed; and it being the wish of the command, apparently, to occupy the same spot again, as most like home to them, the colonel telegraphed to the War Department, requesting, for these reasons, that if the public service permitted, the Yard might again be put in the custody of the regiment. To which request came the following: (Copy) TELEGRAM FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR Washington, May 27, 1862. Colonel Henry P Martin: I would be glad to have your quarters in the Navy Yard, if the Secretary of the Navy will consent, and will make arrange ments accordingly by the time you reach here. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. The officers of the 71st being satisfied that they had properly possessed themselves of the interests of the Government in re quiring their services, directly proceeded to make these purposes public to the men in their commands, and the recruits who flocked to their armories and enlisted under them, and were so enabled to parade for transportation on Wednesday, May 28th ; but orders having been issued by Lieutenant-Colonel Vinton that transporta tion was not to be furnished to regiments until after their muster in, and there being no mustering officers present, the regiment was again paraded the following day ; and Colonel Vinton's orders being countermanded the command left for Washington on the 29th by railroad, its force numbering 825 men. From the New York "Herald," May 29th: "After having been delayed twenty-four hours, the 71st Regiment received a summons yesterday forenoon to start. The news, of course, produced no ordinary bustle among the men who were as busy as bees at the armory during the entire day. The news that they were about to depart soon, spread like wildfire throughout the city, and from three o'clock in the afternoon up to nine at night the vicinity of Centre Market was occupied by a considerable mass of persons cheering and vociferously, for the gallant heroes of Bull Run who left the field in good order, not a man having flinched from the ranks during the retreat on that memorable day. It was a long wait from three until nine o'clock but, nevertheless, although the crowd became a little thinned, as the patience of some began to give out, the ex citement continued. "As nine o'clock approached vast numbers began to cohgre- 224 [1862 gate, until the popular gathering equalled any period of the day. At this time the armory was fairly besieged by an army of the friends of the regiment, the fair sex, of course, being most anxious to bid their relations and sweethearts good-bye. "Shortly after nine, the regiment formed on Grand Street proceeded down Broadway to Cortlandt Street ferry. The scene along the route of march was of a most enthusiastic and soul- stirring description. It has fallen to our lot of late to describe such demonstrations so frequently that it would be only a work of supererogation to reproduce them here. It is enough to say that everything hopeful could be inferred from the acclamations of the citizens last night, as the gallant 71st passed along, and that the farewells they received equalled, if they did not surpass those accorded to the 7th. "They arrived in Jersey City a little before ten o'clock and entrained as promptly as possible. In half an hour later they were on their way to the National Capital to join their brothers in arms. The 71st numbered 825 fine looking, well seasoned men, every one of whom is a credit to the Empire City; there is one thing certain, they are not made to run away, and if they should happen to come bayonet to bayonet with the enemy, they will use the forcible argument of cold steel energetically. "It will be remembered that at the battle of Bull Run, they fought like tigers, and were the last to leave the field, and in good order. It is material like this that the country may safely depend on in the hour of peril." May 29th at 5 A. M., the regiment arrived in Philadelphia, where they had breakfast, leaving at 8 A. M., and at 2 :50 P. M., arrived in Baltimore, an aide of Major-General Dix (the officer then commanding that military district) met the regiment at the cars, and directed its colonel to take it immediately on to Harper's Ferry. The colonel replied that he had orders from the War Department to take the regiment to Washington; that his men were not mustered into the service, and that as the order con flicted he had no choice but to obey the orders of the War De partment. Whereupon the aide suggesting that the colonel should see the general, he accordingly repaired to that officer's head quarters. After inspecting the orders, and hearing the colonel's state ment of the case, General Dix issued orders for the transporta tion of the regiment to Washington, where it arrived about 11 P. M., and was marched to the barracks near the depot, where they had supper, coffee, bread and tongue; and were quartered for the night on nice straw to relieve the hardness of the floor. At 4 :30 A. M., they were routed out, given their breakfast, and marched into the street, and Colonel Martin reported at the War 1862] 225 Department for orders. The Secretary of War having, doubt lessly, been apprised from Baltimore of the conflict of orders, received Colonel Martin sternly; told him he was not wanted in Washington; that he did not want any three months' troops at all, and finally threatened the Colonel that he would put him under arrest for disobedience of orders. Colonel Martin explained to the Secretary of War that he came in consequence of his own orders ; that his regiment were loyal men who had done the Government good and faithful ser vice before; that they had understood that the Government de sired the same service of them again, and they had come again to render the same, and not to embarrass the Government, as the Secretary had charged ; that they were willing to be mustered into the service for the term of three months, and then to go to the front or to any place that the Secretary pleased; but that the officers could not break the faith they had pledged to the men, and under which they had brought them to Washington; that, of course, he could put him under arrest, but as neither he nor his regiment were in service they were not subject to the rules of the army, and could not be lawfully punished for what they had done. The Secretary in reply claimed that the regiment had ac cepted transportation, and that if such was the determination of the officers of the regiment that he would have the same over their hands in writing, and that he would have nothing more to do with the affair, but would submit the entire subject to the President. Whereupon Colonel Martin retired, held a council of his officers, and a paper was accordingly drawn up stating their position as viewed by them, reiterating the offer of the colonel ; and, moreover, pledging that at the end of their term of three months, if accepted, one of their number should raise a regiment and lead it into the field for the war, and that each and every one of the officers subscribing would use their influence in New York to enlist the men for the regiment at the earliest moment. This document, so signed and addressed to the President, was left with the Secretary, who declared that it should go before Mr. Lincoln. Colonel Martin, on his return to the com mand, found the regiment in the street, they having been ordered out of the barracks by authority of the military governor of the city, and they so remained until one of the contractors of public buildings, taking pity on them, allowed the colonel to quarter 226 [1862 the men in the unfinished Capitol, where they slept two nights on marble floors with knapsacks for pillows. No message arriving from the President the colonel waited upon President Lincoln, but could not see him, and it was not till the following day that he obtained an interview. The colonel stated his position, but the President seemed greatly surprised; he had not seen the officers' paper; he knew nothing of the affair ; he never meddled with these matters ; they were entirely in the hands of the Secretary of War. He stated that the position of the colonel was very embarrassing to the Government, for three months' troops were not wanted, and he must refer him to the Secretary of War, and the interview terminated, the colonel explaining briefly to the President that the regiment came there out of good-will, and loyalty, and that it had pledged itself to send a regiment in its stead when its term was out, in proof of its feeling. Returning towards the Capitol the colonel was suddenly en countered by Hon. Preston King, at that time Senator from the State of New York. Senator King was very happy to meet the New York colonel, and, of course, the anomalous position of the regiment was directly the theme of conversation between the two gentlemen ; but the Senator could not view the affair at all from the standpoint of the colonel, and could advise nothing but that the regiment should get out of its trouble by complying with the wishes of the Goverment, which the colonel unhesitatingly de clined to do, and stated that he expressed the resolve of the regi ment in a paper then in the hands of the Government. Senator King thereupon drew a paper from beneath his sleeve, and asked Colonel Martin if that was the paper alluded to, and being an swered that it was, counseled the colonel to take it back. Colonel Martin expressed his unbounded surprise that the Senator should have in his hands a paper belonging to the President, and which the President had declared to him he had not seen, and he de clined in the most positive manner to withdraw the paper or recede from the resolve therein expressed. The Senator from New York now changed his tone and his terms and began to threaten, and declared to the colonel of the regiment that the regiment should be coerced into the service, if need be, under fire, and at the point of the bayonet. To this Colonel Martin told Mr. King that any such attempt should be resisted to the best of his power, and by every means, and that he thought it would be in every way a most unwise attempt, for that 1862] 227 the 71st Regiment not only represented a large amount of money in the City of New York, but that it had behind it a formidable political influence. The Senator, seeing now that his diplomacy was of no avail, proposed to the colonel that, as they were all from the same State, they should go and see Mr. Secretary Seward, and the proposition being acceded to they waited upon that gentleman ; but finding his success to be no greater than the Senator's attempt, it was finally proposed that all three should visit the Secretary of War, and accordingly in a few moments they were closeted with that gentleman. The result of this last interview was, that finding the posi tion of the regiment impregnable, and that its chiefs were legally and equitably masters of the situation, the Secretary of War finally said: "Well, Colonel, if your regiment will be mustered in I will give you my word of honor that it shall not be detained beyond an hundred days, and I will give orders to have it ra tioned and assigned to duty." To which Colonel Martin replied : "That his regiment wait ed the Secretary's orders," and rising, remarked, "but, Mr. Secre tary, nothing that has occurred must work to the disadvantage of the 71st Regiment." "No," said Mr. Stanton, "it shall not, colonel. In fact I respect the regiment all the more for what has occurred." Sunday was very pleasant, and the men enjoyed themselves as they deemed best. Early in the evening it was learned that Colonel Martin had been successful in having the regiment ac cepted for three months and preparation was being made to march to a camp early in the morning. June 2d the regiment formed on Pennsylvania Avenue and marched to Tennallytown, Md., having a full supply of camp equipage, including Sibley tents, cooking utensils, commissary stores, etc., loaded on wagons drawn by mules, about a dozen teams guarded by details. After a march of about seven miles, passing through George town, they arrived at about 2 P. M., at the grounds, adjoining Fort Gaines ; the ground sloped to a small but rapid stream, which gave facilities for washing. All hands went to work, and by six o'clock, a tented city was erected on the vacant hillside of a few hours previous, guard was mounted and sentinels posted. Every thing was ready for the first supper in camp Martin, cooked by their own cooks. It was thoroughly enjoyed by the tired and hungry men after their long march and hard work of the day. When "taps" were sounded hardly a man was awake. Soon after the flaps of the tents were opened, a voice was heard asking 228 [1862 if all were comfortable. The answer was, "All right, colonel!" (for the voice was recognized). "Keep your feet warm and your head cool, good-night, my sons," and the flaps were closed, and so he passed on to each tent. Is it a wonder that he endeared him self to his men? On Tuesday, June 3d, camp life commenced in earnest. At 5 A. M., officers and non-commissioned officers were out for morning drill, most of them first repairing to the coffee and cake tent, where both coffee and cake, piping hot, were taken with satisfaction making one feel the better for the hour drill before breakfast. HEADQUARTERS, 71ST REGIMENT, N. Y. S. M. CAMP MARTIN, NEAR FORT GAINES, TENNALLYTOWN, June 3d, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS No. 1 1. All calls will be sounded by the drummer of the guard. 2. "Reveille" at S A. M., when the companies will fall in for Roll- Call by First Sergeants, superintended by a commissioned officer. 3. "Peas upon the Trencher" will be sounded at 7 A. M., when each sergeant will attend to the messing of his squad. 4. "Surgeon's Call" at 7:30 A. M., when the sick will be con ducted by the First Sergeant to the Hospital. S. "Guard Mount" at 8 A. M.; fifteen minutes before which time details will fall in on their company parades for inspection. 6. "Roast Beef" will be sounded at 1 P. M. 7. The call for "Roast Beef" will be sounded at S :30 A. M., when the First Sergeants will immediately repair to the Commissary's Depot, and draw the rations for their companies. 8. "Retreat" will be sounded at 6 P. M., when there will be a drill parade; all officers, non-commissioned officers and privates pres ent. Fifteen minutes before which time companies will fall in on their company parade grounds for roll-call and inspection, superintended by a commissioned officer. 9. "Tattoo" at 9:30 P. M., when the roll will be called, and all men will be in quarters; thirty minutes thereafter there will be three taps of the drum, when all lights will be extinguished, except at the guard-house and in officers quarters, and perfect silence preserved. 10. Morning reports of companies, signed by captains and first sergeants, will be handed in to the Adjutant before 8 o'clock A. M. 11. Officers' and non-commissioned officers' drill from 5:30 to 6:45 A. M., Company drills from 5:30 to 6:45 A. M. by a sergeant or lieutenant, and from 8:30 to 10:30 A. M„ and from 3 to 5 P. M. At all the drills, all officers, non-commissioned and privates, will be present, except the sick, those on guard duty, and those just relieved from guard duty in the morning. By order of F. ZISSEL, Acting Adjutant. COL. H. P. MARTIN. 1862] 229 By the 4th of June, the officers' drills being satisfactory, active work commenced in getting the companies into shape, after which battalion drills were held. For several days they were much interfered with by rain. June 11th it rained from 6 A. M. until 9 P. M., giving the men ample time to catch up with their correspondence. The regiment had left home without any music, not even a Drum Corps. This was much missed, and the arrival on the 6th, of a Drum Corps, was hailed with delight; with it came 15 re cruits. Later, this Drum and Fife Corps became the joke of the camp, it seemed to be of the vintage of 1776, its favorite airs were "Jefferson and Liberty" and others of that or older period, the leader was an odd sort, of the backwoods type, and received from the men the soubriquet of "Connecticut Pie." The men would have their pranks and on June 10th they had a funeral ; the corpse was "Old Salt Junk," he was no favorite with the men; companies D and K did the service with due solemnity; they carried a pole about nine feet long and a large piece of pork-salt, fat, and very unpleasant to the olfactories, which was hung on the pole ; with reversed arms and whistling a dead march; the procession moved through the company street, the spectators raising their caps as it passed. It was to be buried at the Commissary Department, but the Colonel spying the pro cession halted it and caused it to disperse. By the 12th the regiment had been heard of in Washington, and many visitors came to witness its evening parades, among them the Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton. On this date the regi ment was reviewed by Maj©r-General Thomas, who expressed himself as being very much pleased. On Sunday evenings prayer meetings were held in company headquarters, which were well attended, showing that the men had not forgotten their duty to their Maker. Every Sunday morning, Divine Services were held in front of Regimental Head quarters, the Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Wiley, officiating. In this campaign the regiment was first introduced to the "Sutler." Like the corner saloon, he had a license to cater to the luxuries (very few necessities) of the men; of course, he was 230 [1862 not allowed to dispense any liquors unless they were of the "soft" kind, the principal sales were in the tobacco line, while the cigars (cigarettes were not popular in those days) were not of the very best brands, they were smokeable. The "Sutler" issued small tickets on which were printed: SUTLER 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. ONE CENT These were also for five and ten cents. A man could buy a dollar's worth and use them for purchases, change being scarce; credit could be obtained, as there was no risk, the "Sutler" being on hand to collect when the paymaster came ; it, however, encour aged extravagance, which pleased the "Sutler." Many hucksters (darkies) came into the camp bringing pies, cakes, fried and broiled chickens and other delicacies and the men frequently had a lay out for a syndicate. Others came in with fresh vegetables as well as meats. There were messes formed, they had regular meals, paid for out of their pockets, but receiv ing credit for what they did not draw from the Government. Men in camp must have something to growl about, it is as natural as hair on a dog, but it is not always just, that, however, did not carry much weight. The regimental commissary ser geant was a much abused man, he did his duty as well as it could be done, it, however, was not appreciated, as he walked around the camp, he was saluted by the chorus, "Bread ! Bread !" It was the custom to send a sergeant at 5 :30 A. M., to the commissary department for the day's rations, in Company C the commissary sergeant (third sergeant) was designated for that purpose, the men growled that they did not get their allowance of bread (twelve ounces). The fact was that they did, but they traded with the hucksters for milk, besides some did not want but little or none and their share was wasted. To put an end to this growl the first sergeant detailed three men each morning to go to the commissary department with him, and to watch and see that they got the full allowance of rations, and also do all their growling there and then. This put an end to growling on that subject in the company. In addition he ordered that all the bread should be brought to his tent where any man could come and have all the bread he wanted to eat, the result was that the bread accumulated so that less had to be drawn, the company receiving credit for the same. 1862] 231 There was occasional insubordination ; in one company there were three such men; ordinary methods proving ineffectual, the first sergeant placed them in the tent next to his own; selecting the most serious offender he placed him in charge of the tent, holding him responsible for the conduct of himself as well as the others. There was no further trouble. The country around Camp Martin was beautiful; about a mile from it was Rock Creek, a charming and romantic stream, on the shores of which is now the Rock Creek Park. In squads, under the command of a sergeant, the men used to go and bathe in this stream, the favorite spot was at "Pierce's Mill," a stone building built by Isaac Pierce in the year 1822, at this point vehicles forded the creek and foot passengers crossed over a nar row suspension bridge of about forty feet long, reaching the other side the men were soon above the dam, where they bathed. Now, the road has been raised, and a handsome bridge placed over the stream, the mill being used as a tea-room. Two members of Company E, having received passes, strolled out of camp one afternoon in this direction, enjoying their walk, they strolled along until meeting with blackberry bushes, they became so interested in picking and eating the berries that they failed to notice a storm arising until it was evident they could not make camp before it broke on them they hurried on until just as they came in sight of a mansion, the rain began to pour down. They made for the house, around which was a wide piazza, on which they saw walking, in deep meditation, one who was evidently the proprietor, when he arrived at one end they made a rush for the other, on his return trip the gentleman got his eye on them and in a brusque voice and manner demanded who they were and where they came from, which information was given, when he walked away in the same brusque manner without asking them to make themselves at home. Later, the lady of the house came out, and in a very cordial manner made them feel more at ease ; as the storm passed, she told them how to leave the place, directing them to go through the garden, with permission to pick all the berries they wanted. Thanking the lady for her hospitality, they obeyed her instruc tions, picking not only all the luscious berries they could eat, but taking a hatful back to camp, from which they gave a liberal and acceptable portion to the Colonel. The mansion was the residence of the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. It was he they met, and the lady was Mrs. Stanton. 232 [1862 June 17th Secretary Stanton rode up to camp at evening parade and had an interview with Colonel Martin. At the battalion drill on the 18th, the colonel was delighted and seemed to have gone insane with pleasure ; after giving the order "Rest," he said that never had he seen the movements done better, not only by a new regiment, but by an old one; which so delighted the men that they applauded themselves; "That's right, men, you deserve your own applause," which was replied by a loud cheer along the line. July 20th, the regiment when least expecting it was surprised by a visit from the President and with him General Sturges ; this was while the regiment was at drill, at the request of the Presi dent the drill continued, at its conclusion he reviewed the bat talion. The visitors were highly complimentary, "It being the first of any regiment they had recently seen around Washington." In leaving the President promised that he would take pleasure in again paying a visit. June 25th, a baseball match was played between a nine of Company K and nine from the other companies, the score was K 11, Regiment 33, showing that they were better soldiers than baseball players. Although they were not as yet mustered in, the regiment was part of the Army of Virginia, and the long orders of Major- General Pope were read to them at every evening parade, they were in a brigade composed of the 59th New York Volunteers, 9th and 10th Rhode Island Volunteers, one battery 2d New York Artillery, one battalion 63d Indiana Volunteers, one battalion 14th U. S. Infantry and detachments from 1st, 11th, 17th, 19th U. S. Infantry, all under Brigadier-General S. D. Sturges. HEADQUARTERS, WASHINGTON, D. C. June 29, 1862. To the Commanding Officer, 71st N.Y.S.M. Colonel : The 59th New York Volunteers will be relieved by the 10th Rhode Island Volunteers, but as the 59th move at once, without waiting for the 10th you will please send a company of your com mand to each of the places occupied by the 59th New York Vol unteers, to take charge of the forts, property, etc., until the 10th Rhode Island Volunteers arrive. A smaller party than a com pany will answer at the Chain Bridge and vicinity. Please act promptly in this matter as it is very important. Yours, Etc. S. D. STURGES, Brigadier-General Commanding. 1862] 233 Company A, Captain Tompkins was sent to Fort DeRussey, a battery of 7 guns ; Companies B and E, Captain Trafford was sent to Fort Pennsylvania, 16 guns ; Company C, Captain Coles was sent to Fort Franklin, 6 guns ; Company D, Captain Meschutt, Fort Alexandria, 6 guns; Company K, Captain Fairchild, Fort Riply, 6 guns; Company F, Captain Dominick, Fort Gaines, 4 guns ; Company G, Captain Curtis, Cameron Battery, 2 guns ; Company H, Captain Turner, Vermont Battery, 3 guns ; Company I, Captain Ellis, Chain Bridge. Orders were given to fall in at once, the boys were in high glee, and soon with knapsacks packed and strapped on their backs were ready to march. Two hours later every company had reached its destination, and the men were looking around for some place to sleep but it was fruitless, the 59th had carried away everything but their filth. However, it was only to be temporary, so the boys made the best of it. During the night there was a heavy storm which cleared the atmosphere, the sun rising on a magnificent morning. The following incident will be of interest as showing that all the natives were not disloyal, but on the contrary took many risks to show their loyalty. The morning after Company C ar rived at Fort Franklin, there was an unsatisfactory condition with the commissary department, it was too far away from civil ization to forage, four hungry non-commissions were discussing the situation when a man drove up the hill with a horse and wagon, to collect as had been his custom the garbage, which he conveyed to his pigs. On inquiry as to where they could get something to eat, he told the four investigators to get aboard his wagon and go with him, which having been granted permission, they did. The hill was steep and fearing that if they remained on the wagon they might get to the bottom before it, they got out and walked down; the day was a perfect one, and so quiet and peaceful that it was difficult to realize that war was devastating the country. When they reached the turnpike all got into the wagon and soon reached a lane into which they turned, going through the gate they arrived at a house on one side, and on the other the darkies' quarters, a typical southern home. They were hos pitably received, with a short wait, which was employed with in terest in viewing this unusual sight, they were summoned into the dining room where seated around a table they were soon partak ing of a very liberal supply of ham, eggs, griddle cakes and coffee ; 234 [1862 eating until they were ashamed to ask for more, nothing ever seemed to have tasted so nice. After thanking the host and hostess, a request was made for the item of expense, and then came the shock, when told that it was only a levee (twelve and a half cents) each, it was hard to believe ; the hostess explained that they preferred to charge noth ing, but so many came from time to time, that at the request of the soldiers that a price should be charged, they did so making it enough to cover cost, that all might come and feel at ease. There was no mistake but what they were good Union people. Wednesday, July the 2d, the 10th Rhode Island arrived and relieved the various details, the same evening all were back in the camp ; the routine duties were resumed. July 4th, 86th anniversary of the Declaration of Independ ence, was properly celebrated at Camp Martin, Fort Gaines, Ten- nallytown, by the 71st Regiment. The following program of exercises were gone through to the great satisfaction of all present. Captain D. C. Meschutt of Company D presided, and Colonel Martin and his staff sat upon the platform : 1. Opening prayer by Private Wm. Jeffries of Company H. 2. Music by Drum and Fife Corps, "Hail Columbia." 3. Song — "Star Spangled Banner." 4. Song — "America," by Private Wm. Jeffries, Company H. 5. Music by the Drum and Fife Corps, "Jefferson and Liberty." 6. Song— "Red, White and Blue," by Private Alfred B. Hall, of Company C. 7. Music by the Drum and Fife Corps, Fancy Piece. 8. Reading of the Declaration of Independence by Sergeant J. A. Lucas, N. C. Staff. 9. Music by Drum and Fife Corps, "Star Spangled Banner," 10. Song— "Viva L' America," by Lieutenant Gregory, of Com pany A. 11. Music by Drum and Fife Corps, "Hail to the Chief." 12. Oration by Private J. K. Osborne, Company G. 13. Song— "American Boys," by Richard Barnett, Company D. 14. Song— "Dear Old Flag," by Richard H. Barrowe, Com pany H. 15. Music by the Drum and Fife Corps, "Yankee Doodle." 16. All sing "Old Hundred." 1862] 235 As has been stated, the ground on which the camp was located, was sloping, and during the heavy rains the streets were at times cataracts. Permission had been obtained to move the camp to the other side of the road, which was a level field. On Tuesday, July 15th, at about 3 P. M., orders were re ceived to remove the camp, and very soon tents were struck, and pitched on the new field, this had hardly been finished when they were surprised by a sudden attack of a violent wind and heavy downpour of rain ; no time having been given for digging trenches around the tents, all were soon afloat, knapsacks and all equip ments had to be put on to save them from the water running through the tent ; Company H found shelter in an old out-house, their tents being uninhabitable; with all, the men were in good humor, and soon humorous signs were to be seen as, "Upper Reservoir," "Tyson Pond," "Hartshorn's Run," "Turner's Lake." The next morning all appeared at reveille much refreshed and ready for duty and digging the trenches. It must be under stood that no furniture was provided for tents, the men in each making their own out of such material as they could procure, the bedsteads were generally made of driving forked stakes in the ground, then placing boughs of trees across, this being about six or eight inches above the ground; all this was in a semi-circle around the tent pole, where were stacked the muskets; on the boughs were placed their blankets, and by co-operation, sufficient blankets, overcoats, and close contact enabled the men to keep warm at night. It was necessary, however, when one wanted to turn over, to give an order and all to turn at the same time. The location of the new camp could not be surpassed, clean, neat, and healthy — upon the top of a hill which overlooked about eight forts on the Virginia side of the river, and four on the Maryland side. The Blue Ridge was plainly visible, as also Sugar Loaf Hill about fifty miles away, on a clear day. The camp, to use the expression of an old army officer: "The finest in the country." On July 26th, Maj.-Gen. John Pope, who had won consider able of a reputation in the west by his capture of Island No. 10, was called east and given a new command designated as the Army of Virginia; this force numbered all told about 38,000 men, and also embraced the troops in and around Washington ; he was not a diplomat, and there was an unfortunate lack of harmony between himself and some of his general officers, and from the day he took command the troubles became more complicated than ever. 236 [1862 July 27th, orders were received from General Pope, that the regiment was part of the Reserve of the Army of Virginia. The prospect then was, that the regiment might be called into active service at any moment. His orders were very strict no officer or private to be allowed to leave camp whatever, prohibiting anyone from going to Washington without a pass countersigned by an officer of the staff to be designated by himself. Also requiring a list of men, muskets and equipments, and a list of names of men who have left camp without leave. Gradually, the strictness of martial law was being enforced; it was especially hard on the regiment, it actually prevented sending to Washington or George town for commissary of quartermaster stores. Colonel Martin consulted with Lieutenant-Colonel Smith (who was well acquainted with Mrs. Stanton) and requested him to go to Mr. Stanton's country home, not far from camp, and place if possible the situation before him. When Colonel Smith arrived at Mr. Stanton's he met Mrs. Stanton, finding that the Secretary was not at home, he explained the position to her ; she was much interested and asked him to wait as she expected the Secretary very soon. When the Secretary arrived he was much incensed at seeing the Lieutenant-Colonel, demanding to know why he was away from his camp; Mrs. Stanton said: "Now Edwin, wait awhile and hear what the Colonel has to say." The Lieutenant-Colonel ex plained the situation to the Secretary, who burst out: "Damn Pope ; he has already allowed Jackson to cut off Banks, and now gets within twelve miles of Washington, and the only force we have left to defend the city is the 71st Regiment." Then telling Colonel Smith to dictate what kind of an order he wanted, wrote it out and handed it to him. Colonel Smith, thanking him, departed, going at once to Washington and to the Provost Marshal's office; that officer at sight was disposed to put him under arrest, but after reading the order from the Secretary, gave a long and subdued whistle, received the Lieutenant-Colonel pleasantly and gave a standing pass which broke the blockade. On August 5th, Lieutenant-Colonel Smith and Quarter master Seely acted as an escort to the President in visiting the forts in Virginia ; quite an honor to the regiment. August 7th was a great day for the boys ; no less than the return game of baseball with the "National Club," whom the 1862] 237 regiment had beaten July 12th, 1861 ; score then 13 to 42. The game was played on the parade ground; the result was not as satisfactory to the boys as the year before. There was quite a concourse of spectators on the occasion, including a number of ladies. A guard from the regiment kept the crowd from en croaching on the players. At the close the players were re freshed with sandwiches and lager. The score was : NATIONAL O. R. 71 ST O. R. Walden, C 3 4 Hudson, P 3 2 Kinney, 2nd B 2 3 Meschutt, 3d B... 3 2 C. Hibbs, P 3 4 Dalton, 2nd B 3 1 Williams, SS 4 2 Coombs, C 3 1 Gorman, 3d B _.. 2 3 Openslaw, RF 1 3 E. Hibbs, 1st B 6 1 McCauley, 1st B 3 2 Pope, RF„ 3 3 Madden, CF 5 0 Parker, LF. 2 4 Gardner, LF 4 0 Campbell, CF 2 4 Inslee, SS 2 2 28 13 August 9th, the regiment was mustered into service, two- thirds of their term of service having already passed. On August 11th three companies, A, B and E, were detached in compliance with the following order : HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DEFENSE NORTH OF THE POTOMAC Washington, August 11, 1862. To the Commanding Officer, 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. M. Colonel : The General Commanding directs that you send three com panies of your regiment, under the command of Major W. J. Coles, to a point near Fort Massachusetts. You will instruct Major W. J. Coles to send occasional pa trols in the direction of Leesboro. Any information he may ob tain in rebel movements will be reported direct to this office. I am your obedient servant, J. A. HASKIN, Lieut. Col. and A. A. Gen. Commanding Fortification North of the Potomac. This detachment left camp at 4 :30 A. M., going a distance of about five miles, where they halted, pitched tents and formed Camp "Coles." Patrols were sent out each night, returning in 238 [1862 the morning. This was a section where there were many truck farmers. It was considered important to protect them from raids of the enemy, now near. In addition there was a troop of cavalry on duty all the time, scouring the surrounding country. Camp "Coles" was situated three or four miles from Washing ton, near Brightwood, a fine place for a camp — shady, trees every where. The object of sending this detachment was to guard this entrance to the city and act as a patrol. Being near the boundary of Maryland, rebels were rather more numerous than at Camp "Martin" ; nine out of ten of the people were rebels and giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Slavery, in all its barbarity, existed in that vicinity. About six miles from camp lived a rebel owning a number of slaves, among them one or two intelligent mulattoes. One for holding a conversation with a soldier was put in confinement, her clothing removed from her back and whipped until she fainted. This was two weeks before Camp "Coles" was established. She was still kept in confinement; chain on wrist and ankle. The place was a hotbed of treason, where no Union man dare utter his senti ments. The detachment was away ten days, breaking camp and returning on the 22nd. Fort Massachusetts was later called Fort Stevens, and as such became famous by cause of the battle there with the rebels under Early, July, 1864. In the meantime things were stirring at Camp "Martin." On Wednesday, the 13th, signals were seen all round them ; one light was about half a mile away, near enough for the Colonel to take notice. He detailed Company H for the purpose of investigating. Although most of the men were asleep, in two minutes Captain Turner had his men in line; ammunition was distributed, the company was divided into three squads and sent in different directions. It was then 10 o'clock and very dark. They went through the woods, over hills and into swamps, until they reached a road, and following the barking of dogs they reached a house which they surrounded, discovering two rebels who were giving signals. The company returned at 4 P. M. Thursday with their two prisoners, who were sent to headquar ters in Washington. The friends of the regiment at home, knowing of the de ficiency of a band, under the supervision of that faithful Quarter master, George W. Roosevelt, procured one, and on the 14th the members were delighted at its arrival in camp, being received with enthusiasm and cheers; this was the only thing needed to complete the happiness of the regiment. 1862] > 239 Camp life was quite a contrast with the barrack life of 1861 ; in many respects not so comfortable, but it was healthy. There was no sickness of account, an occasional bowel complaint. It brought the men closer to each other. On moonlight nights they would gather in groups, lying or sitting on the ground, sing the favorite war songs, and when the popular tenor, Lieut. T. B. Prendergast, sang some of those sweet and touching ballads, all else was hushed as the thoughts of all were wafted towards home. On the 21st of August the President and the Secretary of War paid Colonel Martin a visit, having come from the city for a ride. They called as a compliment to him and his officers. They were received with honors by the guard. The visitors were entertained by the Colonel and his officers for more than an hour in a social way and before leaving witnessed the evening parade. On Saturday, August 23d, the Colonel received orders from General Pope for the regiment to return home, with orders for transportation on Tuesday the 26th, which order he intended to have read at evening parade, but just before the time Secretary Stanton rode upon the ground and countermanded the order. On Monday, the 25th, Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, by direc tion of the Colonel, proceeded to the War Department to make inquiries in regard to the regularity of the above order and as to the intention of the Department in the matter. Secretary Stanton said that the term of service expiring on the 25th, the regiment's rights would be respected and the regi ment mustered out at that time if they so demanded, but owing to the present emergency their services were very much needed, and if the regiment would volunteer to remain a few days or weeks the Department would like to have them do so. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith reported the interview to Colonel Martin, who ordered the regiment formed, and in hollow square he stated the facts to them. A vote was taken for and against staying an indefinite time, a majority voting against staying. Then after a few remarks by the Colonel and other officers a vote was taken by companies on staying two weeks more, result ing in all voting in favor of staying except a majority in Com panies B and K. The regiment was then dismissed. At this time our army was fighting so near that the guns could be heard. It was no time to go to the rear if the country 240 [1862 needed their services. The 71st, as in 1861, again tendered their services until such time as they could be spared without detri ment to the service. In response was received the following: (Special Order No. 207) WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE Washington, August 26th, 1862. 8 (Extract). The 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M., a three month regiment, whose term of service expires on the 28th inst, having volunteered to remain in service a short time until their place can be supplied, the Department accepts with pleasure their patriotic offer; and the order to proceed to New York and be mustered out of service is hereby suspended until further instructions are given. The paymaster general will immediately cause one month's pay to be paid the regiment. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant-General. About 2:30 A. M. of the 29th orders were received for the regiment to march. In fifteen minutes it was in line and imme diately marched off in the direction of the Potomac, leaving only the guard in charge of the camp. At 3 :50 A. M., on reaching the river, it was marched over the Chain Bridge into Virginia and thence to Fort Marcy on the Leesburg turnpike, relieving the 95th N.Y.V. There its right rested. Colonel Martin reported to General Doubleday, who told him that he would be left there in sole command, as the forces in that vicinity would move, that the planks on the Chain Bridge were removed, and in case he should have to retreat he could do his best to reach Alexandria. He, however, said he would leave with him one regiment, which he did. Colonel Martin took charge of the fort. The officer left there knew nothing regarding the guns, their calibre or the ele vation; the Colonel did. Detailing a squad and an officer in charge, he gave them the necessary instructions as to handling the guns. The fort was so situated that the fire from it raked the turnpike. After the instructions the Colonel sighted each piece, with orders not to alter, but wait for orders. At this time Colonel , of the Connecticut S.V., reported, it being the regiment referred to by General Doubleday. Talking a few moments with Colonel , Colonel Martin discovered that it was a new 1862] 241 regiment just arrived. Its Colonel said: "The men never have been drilled, even in the manual ; the men did not know how to handle a piece." In fact, he himself was not acquainted with the duties of his office. Colonel Martin found he could make no use of them except for a "scare crow," so placed them on the other side of the turnpike in the woods. In the meantime a picket line was thrown out on the pike. While the sound of guns from the battle then going on could be heard, everything was quiet at the fort. The regiment remained there all day, guns stacked in line, the men practically at rest; nothing to eat except ears of corn plucked and roasted at fires built. All the morning rumors were floating around re garding the fight going on at Bull Run. It was reported that General Pope had been flanked and that the enemy were marching on Washington. All these rumors were brought by stragglers from the army. There was no way to confirm them. The regi ment knew that if they were true that it was in a very critical position. It was stand and die; there was nowhere to fly. Al though fully realizing the situation there was no flinching. From Colonel down the resolve was to face the conditions, and if the worst came to maintain the proud record of the 71st. At this time Pope's army was fighting the second battle of Bull Run, and being defeated. McClellan's forces were marching up from the Peninsula. Their arrival made it unnecessary for the Seventy-first to remain any longer. At 4 P. M. orders were given for the regiment to return to its camp. Accordingly the regiment was formed and marched (after being relieved) down to the bridge. As it turned at the Washington end, on the shore of the Potomac, with members of his regiment was Captain E. H. Wade, of the 59th N.Y.V., in bathing. Captain Wade was in command of Company E in 1861. He was given a warm welcome and a hearty goodbye. He died on October 5th of wounds received at the battle of Antietam. The regiment arrived in camp at 7 :30 P. M. On reaching camp orders were received to return home and be mustered out. These were not received with joy, for as the second battle of Bull Run was not decided (as far as the men knew), it seemed like retiring while hearing the enemy's guns. But as the enemy did not move on Washington, and as McClel lan's forces were now arriving, there was no further reason for detaining the Seventy-first. At 8 :30 A. M., August 30th, by the stroke of the drum every tent came to the ground and soon the city of tents was a quiet 242 [1862 field, as if no war had ever desecrated its peaceful sod. At 10 A. M. the regimental line was formed and at 10:30 once more was headed for home from the field where its members had lived for three months in pleasant comradeship, ready for any duty they might be called to, and doing such as they were, to the full satisfaction of the authorities, and the feeling that while they had not suffered the losses of 1861, they had not in any way diminished the magnificent reputation of the "American Guard." Leaving the field as clean as when they entered it, the regi ment, with band playing "Home, Sweet Home," marched to and through Georgetown to Washington and through Pennsylvania Avenue to the railroad station, arriving there at 2 P. M., where they entrained at 4:15 on a train of twenty-six freight and seven platform cars, which moved so slowly that the men were able frequently to get out and pick blackberries. The train reached Baltimore at 12:30 A. M. (31st), forty miles in eight hours. Here the regiment detrained, going to the "Union Refreshment Rooms" for supper, after which they returned to the station for the night. At 5 A. M., on the 31st, the regiment was formed and marched to the Northern Central depot, where they halted, stacked arms, and broke ranks and had their breakfast. At 10 A. M. they entrained, leaving Baltimore at 10:20 for Harris- burg, Pa., which was reached at 4:50 P. M., and Elizabeth, N. J., at 5:10 A. M., September 1st, left the latter at 7:30 by boat, arriving at pier 2, N. R., at 8 :30 A. M. The regiment was soon formed and marched up Broadway without escort to Broome Street, where it was met by a squad of the 71st "Home Guard," who received them with cheers. The regiment was dismissed and the companies marched to their various quarters. From the New York "Evening Post," September 1st: "The 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. M., arrived this morning about nine o'clock by way of the New Jersey Central to Elizabethport, and thence by Steamer 'Red Jacket' to Pier 2 N. R. They marched up Broadway to Broome Street, amid the crowds that had gathered to welcome the brave 71st. The regiment marched to the Armory at Centre Market and were dismissed. "The regiment has remained on duty eight days over its time and came near participating for a second time in the battle of Bull Run. It has been in camp most of the time at Tennallytown, 1862] 243 Maryland, doing secret service by companies, and holding itself in readiness to move at a moment's notice. "Last Friday morning the officers volunteered to march over the chain bridge into Virginia, expecting to proceed to the battle field, but the arrival of reinforcements induced the Government to believe it not necessary." HEADQUARTERS 71 ST REGIMENT, N. Y. S. M. New York, September 1st, 1862. General Orders : The several companies composing this regiment will assemble on Broome Street, armed and equipped without knapsacks, hav ersacks or canteens, on Tuesday the 2d instant, at 8 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of mustering out of the United States service. The line will form at 8 :30 A. M., the right resting on Broad way. The Field and Staff will report to the Colonel fifteen min utes before the hour of formation, and the non-commissioned staff and band will report to the Adjutant at the same time. By order of COL. HENRY P. MARTIN. Fred. Zissel, Acting Adjutant. ROSTER OF THE OFFICERS Col. H. P. Martin, Lieut.-Col. Charles H. Smith, Major William J. Coles, Act. Adjutant Fred Zissel, Surgeon James B. Reynolds, Quartermaster Geo. W. Roosevelt, Assistant Quarter master Edgar A. Seelye, Commissary R. B. Roosevelt, Chaplain Rev. Fred. Wiley. Captains — Company A, Wm. G. Tompkins ; Company B, Jo seph Forbes ; Company C, Oliver Libby ; Company D, David C. Meschutt; Company E, Benj. L. Trafford; Company F, James W. Dominick; Company G, George W. Curtis; Company H, Henry W. Turner. First Lieutenants— Company A, W. A. Burdett; Company B. Geo. W. Robertson ; Company C, John A. Hull ; Company D, Geo. W. Stowe; Company E, Franklin Worcester; Company F, Eugene Thorn; Company G, Abram Tallman; Company H, George I. Tyson. Second Lieutenants— Company A, Orlando P. Smith; Com pany B, H. H. Evertsen ; Company C, Richard Rich ; Company D, John Wilson; Company E, Richard E. Sterling; Company G, W. H. Romaine ; Company H, Lawrence P. Hartshorn. After the regiment was mustered out, September 2d, the 244 [1862 promise to Secretary Stanton was fulfilled by the organization of the 124th N.Y.V. by Captain Ellis, who became the Colonel and was killed at the battle of Gettysburg. On the 23d of September, C, E, F and H, under Lieutenant- Colonel Smith, paraded to render funeral honors to the remains of the late Lieut.-Col. Philip J. Parisen of the 59th N.Y.V., for merly Major of the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. He was killed at Antietam, September 17th. On September 23d, Colonel Martin's resignation having been accepted, he was honorably discharged. This resignation had been sent in immediately after the regiment returned. It had been held back in hopes that the Colonel would be influenced to withdraw it, but disgusted with the political trickery he had en countered at Washington, he positively refused to remain where he was liable to meet with the same experience again. It is needless to say that his decision was learned with sorrow by the men to whom he was so endeared. The high pin nacle on which Colonel Martin had placed the regiment has been the inspiration and pride which has carried it through all its sub sequent troubles. He was a gentleman and a soldier, a strict disciplinarian, but no martinet ; tender and careful of his men ; kind and affable in his deportment; his loss was deeply felt throughout the regi ment. So warm was his attachment that he never lost his love and interest in his old command, and kept in touch with it to the day of his death, then leaving it a substantial remembrance of his affection. Administration of Colonel CHARLES HENRY SMITH October,. 1862— March, 1863 On the 27th of September the various companies assembled at the Centre Market Armory and were paid off. Orders having been issued by the State authorities during the absence of the regiment that all regiments must recruit to ten companies, Company K was organized and announced by G. O. No. 55, A.G.O., July 15th, with Geo. A. Fairchild, Cap tain; Thomas B. Prendergast, First Lieutenant, and Joseph C. Leonard, Second Lieutenant. Company I was organized by Lieut. Geo. I. Tyson as Cap tain, George W. Seabold as First Lieutenant, and A. B. Degraff as Second Lieutenant. Company B was organized by the old members of the Engi neers, with Charles A. Stetson as Captain, Charles W. Cochrane as First Lieutenant, and Walton Carpenter as Second Lieutenant. October 9th the regiment paraded as escort to the remains of Colonel Mathieson, 32nd N.Y.V., who was killed at Antietam, Crampton Gap, Md., October 2d. October 21st Company D paraded as escort to the remains of Capt. Abram Florentine, Jr., 59th N.Y.V. (a former member of fhe company), who was twice wounded at Antietam, and died from that cause. October 27th the regiment was inspected at Washington Parade Grounds. The result was: Present, 429; absent, 269; the total, 698. The large number absent may surprise the reader, but this was not exceptional. At the same inspection 246 [1862 the Seventh had absent 208, the Eighth 150, the Twenty-second 283, or nearly 50 per cent of its total. The late campaign seems to have been the cause, owing to the fact of lack of uniforms. The 5th Regiment, for instance, which did not leave the city, inspected 638 present; absent, 32. For the first time on record the 1st Division did not parade on Evacuation Day, November 25th. From the Sunday "Mercury," December 7th : "Our opinion is this, and it is based on knowledge acquired by years of experience. The 71st Regiment is one of the best mil itia regiments in the city or state. It has passed through many trying ordeals, and baptized its patriotism and colors in blood on the battlefield; but like all the regiments of the First Division it has been sadly neglected by the state authorities. It numbers 698 numbers; it is in excellent state of discipline, but needs a first class armory, differently located from where the command now has its headquarters, and every man ought to be reimbursed for his private uniform worn out and destroyed in the U. S. service. Will it be done?" December 26th the regiment paraded as guard of honor on the occasion of the funeral of Capt. John P. Dodge (he was As sistant Surgeon of the 71st in 1861), and Col. James H. Bull; both were of the 86th N.Y.V. and killed at the battle of Freder icksburg. They were interred in Greenwood. The year closed practically the end of the second adminis tration of the regiment, that of Colonel Martin; though his in fluence had permeated the regiment since its infancy, his official term commenced on the date of the death of Colonel Vosburgh, May 20th, 1861. At that time he had command of a regiment that was practically perfect, made so by himself, and in the service of the United States. On its return home there were naturally many changes. Many satisfied with their experience withdrew and many re-enlisted for the war, yet the inspection that fall showed a total strength of 609, or 103 more than at the previous year. At the inspection this fall the total was 698, or 89 over the previous year, but this inspection took place six weeks after the arrival home from its three months' service, and only a short time after the regiment had heard of Colonel Martin's resig nation. Accordingly there was a demoralized condition exist ing, resulting in quite a large number of absentees, being 18 less 1862-63] 247 present than in 1861. Thus, Colonel Martin had justified by results all that had been claimed for him, under his administra tion the regiment had attained a world-wide reputation, and the highest commendation from prominent army officers, as also from President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton. 18 6 3 Efforts to get Colonel Martin to reconsider his action in retiring from the regiment having proved futile, on January the 14th an election was held to fill vacancies, resulting in the elec tion for Colonel, Charles Henry Smith; for Lieutenant-Colonel, Benjamin L. Trafford; for Major, William J. Coles; all promo tions. On Friday evening, January 23d, a private drill of the regi ment was held in the arsenal, Seventh Avenue and 36th Street. Colonel Smith was in command. "He had an excellent voice, and gave his orders with clearness and well toned emphasis. The regiment paraded ten commands, eighteen files front, and looked admirably." In the midst of war the social functions were not overlooked by the Guard, as the following quotation shows : "Lately, however, these determined and dashing amazons have manifested a disposition to try and cope their strength with the military. They seem to fear neither bayonets, swords nor anything else. "On Friday evening, January 30th, a party of these crino lined warriors made an attack on Company C, 71st Regiment, at their armory, University Place and 13th Street, and took posses sion of the whole place, and all who were present. The company was drilling at the time, and the surprise can be imagined when the crowd of ladies with music and well filled baskets marched into the drill room; the company was soon dismissed, giving the men a chance to find that the intruders were mothers, wives and sweethearts. "Soon the music struck up, and dancing commenced, followed by an investigation of the contents of the baskets, which proved to contain a very interesting supper ; then dancing was resumed and kept up until twenty numbers had been gone through." On February 3d, Company C gave a hop at Irving Hall (Irving Place). It was a large and successful affair. 248 [1863 February 13th, Company A gave their annual ball at the Academy of Music (14th Street). These balls were always given as the "Light Guard" ball. This individualizing itself was a weakness which eventually caused the downfall of Company A. These balls are still continued by the "Old Guard," which sprang from the companies known as the "Light Guard" and the old "City Guard," once in the 9th Regiment, N.Y.S.M. February 14th, the regiment gave a promenade concert at the Academy of Music. The Greenwood Cemetery Corporation having given a plot to the regiment on condition that it would erect a suitable monument, in furtherance of that object this concert was given. The "Sunday Mercury" said of this: "The Academy of Music was crowded in every part last night by a brilliant and fashionable audience, brought together by the two fold announcement of the entertainment being to aid in erecting suitable monument over the remains of Col. Vosburgh, and likewise that Dodworth's full 71st Regiment band would per form some of their choicest gems. Accordingly the fashion and beauty of our leading New York circles made their appearance at an early hour ; and by the time of the opening march there was not a seat to be had anywhere, while the stage and parquet floored over, afforded ample space for the promenaders. "The building was elegantly decorated, at the back of the stage was a small howitzer and caisson, and on either side a stack of muskets with knapsacks. Directly in front of this platform was an arch of gas jets with the words 'Seventy-first Regiment" flaming out in brilliants. "There was only one drawback, in consequence of the great crowd and the immense number of gas lights, the heat was trying to the ladies. Taking altogether it was the most immensely at tended and satisfactory affair of the kind yet given in New York." The "New York" Times said: "The chirruping and twittering of a thousand canaries, the mellifluous strains of half a hundred of Dodworth's best musi cians, led by the immortal Harvey B., the Academy of Music re splendent with illumination and gorgeous decorations, and the five thousand attentive representation of the youth, beauty, wealth and fashion of the metropolis, made the promenade concert of the 71st Regiment on Saturday evening a memorable success. Sel dom indeed has the Academy presented so brilliant a spectacle, for as many as could gain admission thronged the building during the concert, crowding even the upper tiers, while at all the doors, the late comers were content if they could but catch a glimpse of the festive scene within." The concert netted $1,273 to the fund. 1863] 249 February 17th, the United States Senate passed the Con scription Act, which was destined to be of such great conse quence later. Sunday, February 22d, the city was visited by a heavy snow storm. On such occasions the snow was allowed to remain until sun or rain dissolved it. One of the present day can hardly realize the condition of the streets at the time these changes were going on, especially when the snow came at a time when the old snow had not disappeared and was filled with ruts and holes. The new snow melting would fill these holes with slush and water making puddles several inches deep. The difficulty of marching under these conditions was not provided for in the text books. Every now and then a man would step on the ridge of one of these ponds, then slip and sit down in it. It was patriotic, but very bad for the clothes, to say nothing of the feelings of the victim. Orders were out for the regiment to parade on Monday, the 23d, to celebrate Washington's birthday. It proved to be just such a day as has been described. Colonel Smith deemed it unwise to parade, and after the men had assembled at their various armories, countermanded it. Those companies of the 13th Street Armory were dismissed, though in their enthusiasm they were anxious to parade ; those at Centre Market found Lieu tenant-Colonel Trafford ready to lead them, and in disobedience of orders he took the companies that were there and led the bat talion up Broadway as far as 8th Street and back to the armory. Colonel Smith considered that a courtmartial under the cir cumstances would result probably against the interest of the regiment, and feeling that he could not with self-respect retain the command without taking some action, resigned, which resig nation was accepted by the Commander-in-Chief, March 20th. Colonel Smith was highly respected as a gentleman and a soldier. He was a tall, well built, handsome man, and when mounted on parade attracted attention. His resignation was very much regretted. February 27th, Company G had a surprise very much like that of Company C. And on the evening of March 20th the same company had another surprise, of which the "Evening Ex press" said: "Company G of the 71st Regiment while going through their usual weekly drill last evening found themselves surrounded by about one hundred and fifty fair damsels and their attendant knights, who demanded an unconditional surrender. 250 [1863 "The members of the company looked aghast, and though they had faced the bullets of the rebels without flinching, to the beam ing smiles of their charming captors they were obliged to suc cumb, and ground arms without further parley. The drill room was soon transformed into an extempore ball room, and with the aid of Dodworth's band dancing was inaugurated. "At about ten o'clock the company partook of an elegant sup per, after which the festivities were resumed, continuing until early this morning." Colonel Smith had been in command of the regiment about six months, but owing to efforts being made to have Colonel Martin return, he had been in commission as Colonel only two months. No comparison can be made to show how the regiment progressed, but the fall inspection showed a gain over 1862 of twenty-eight in total, and a gain of 128 in number present. It is evident that he left the regiment in as good if not better con dition than when he took command. Lieutenant-Colonel Trafford then assumed command. Soon after a committee of the Board of Officers was ap pointed to wait on John Jacob Astor, who had been on General McClellan's staff and who it was known would be pleased under certain conditions to take the office. Lieutenant-Colonel Trafford was chairman and also an aspirant for promotion. In offering the position he did so in a manner that the self-respect of Mr. Astor would not permit him to entertain the offer. He declared that he would not accept the office unless every officer handed in his resignation that he might return those he desired to retain. It had been an ambition of Colonel Vosburgh to raise the social status of the regiment and it was along that line that he induced George A. Osgood (son-in-law of Commodore Vander- bilt) to accept the office of Lieutenant-Colonel after the promotion of Daniel Butterfield in 1860. A large number of the officers were in accord with him and it was that interest that supported the movement in favor of Mr. Astor and who were much dis gusted at the result. Since the return of the regiment from service in 1861 there had been no full dress uniform, the regiment doing duty in fatigue, jacket, black belts and army blue trousers. About this time a change was made by the adoption of white leather belts with plain brass plate on the waist belt, with company letter engraved with brass letters A. G. thereon. Commissioned offi cers and Sergeants wore scarlet sashes. COLONEL BENJAMIN L. TRAFFORD Plate iii. — tfp. 251 Administration of Colonel BENJAMIN L. TRAFFORD 1863—1866 From the "Sunday Mercury," April 5th : "The 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G. : On Tuesday and Thurs day evenings last, the right and left wings of the 71st Regiment of our state militia were drilled at the arsenal on Seventh Ave nue, by Lieut.-Col. Trafford, who is now in command owing to the resignation of Colonel Smith. "The drills were highly creditable to the regiment in every particular, the men showing a proficiency in the manual seldom excelled. The battalion movements, 'Closing in Mass,' Deploying Column,' etc., and also the marching by companies, were well executed. Some of the men, however, probably recruits, showed a little uneasiness in the ranks ; a little more attention should also be paid to wheeling in line. "We noticed Col. Trafford checked a very unsoldierly prac tice which has become quite frequent among our citizen soldiery ; we allude to the practice of some of the men spitting while in the ranks. "Col. Trafford delivers his orders in a loud and clear voice, easily heard, and understood; he is a good military man and a strict disciplinarian, and we have no doubt that in his hands the regiment will remain second to none." This habit of spitting, resulting from tobacco chewing, though stopped by Colonels Trafford and Parmele, existed as late as 1885, when the captain of a company where the habit had been noticeable, tired of talking, and seeing a line of tobacco spittle extending the front of the company, marched it around the artillery room, then in company front approached the wet line and gave the order, "Fire lying down," just in time to bring the men's faces in contact with it — an object lesson. April 15 th, Lieutenant-Colonel Trafford was elected Colonel, Major Coles and Captain Meschutt being promoted to fill the 252 [1863 vacancies. Benjamin L. Trafford was born in New York City in 1836. At the age of eighteen he joined the 71st Regiment as a private; on May 24th, 1859, he was commissioned as Captain of Company B ; on November 18th, 1862, he was elected Major. He was a salesman with the firm of Harmer, Hayes & Co., harness and saddlery business, in Beekman Street. He was a good salesman, and later entered the same line on his own account, in which he was not successful. He was a generous and free spender, a competent drillmaster, lacked diplomacy although a politician. The latter characteristic did not fit in well with the duties of a commanding officer and was the cause of his future troubles in the regiment. He had many agreeable qualities and many warm friends. At the time that Colonel Trafford took command the regiment was at its height. The first inspection held showed the largest number ever made by the regiment up to that date. Orders had been issued for the celebration of April 21st, with a field day at East New York, for which 8,000 rounds of blank cartridges had been issued, when on the 20th orders from division headquarters were received detailing the 71st Regiment to act as guard of honor at the funeral of Lieutenant-Colonel Kimball, of the Hawkins Zouaves, N.Y.V., who as reported was shot by Colonel Corcoran of the 69th N.Y.V. Details from the regiment had guarded the remains while it had lain in state at the City Hall. In reference to this parade the following extract is from the "Sunday Mercury": *_ * * nor is this all; the same general selects as an other regiment to assist at this solemn ceremony, an organization that had been previously notified for many days before to turn out for military instruction and improvement. At the eleventh hour the parade fixed upon had to be countermanded ; making the sec ond revocation of the kind for the same regiment within two months. Countermanding orders is of no benefit to any military organization, when the arrangements for transportation, ammu nition, etc., has been been completed in connection with a field day on Friday last (which was an extremely fine day for the work), nothing should have been allowed to interfere,. When ap plied to, other regiments were allowed to decline though having no engagements to interfere. Why did not the 71st regiment claim a similar privilege?" Colonel Edmund C. Charles died in New York on April 23d from the reopening of wounds received at Fredericksburg. The 1863] . 253 funeral, which took place from the City Hall, was quite im posing. The 5th Regiment, N.Y.N. G., acted as escort, and Com pany A, 71st Regiment, of which he had been a member, was guard of honor. There were seventeen pallbearers, composed of prominent military and civic citizens. The following unique order was issued for the occasion, showing that peculiar condition which existed in Company A — such a dualistic state would be impossible at the present time : ARMORY LAFAYETTE HALL New York, April 27th, 1863. Light Guard, Company A, 71st Regiment, N. Y. N. G. Company Order: The Commandant announces with pain to the members of his company the decease of one of its oldest members, EDMUND C. CHARLES, late Colonel of the 42d (Tammany) N. Y. V, from wounds received last summer during the Seven Days' battles. As a mark of respect to the deceased the company will parade as special escort, and as an additional honor to our late brother sol dier, and also in carrying out his oft expressed wish. The company will parade in full light guard uniform, viz., white coat, blue pants, white stripe, white shoulder knots, black cross belts, bearskin hat, white gloves, crape upon the left arm. The company will, therefore, assemble at the armory on Wednesday next, at 12 o'clock in accordance with the above. It is earnestly hoped that every member, both active and past, will take sufficient interest in paying tribute of respect to a brother soldier as to ensure a large attendance. Ex-Capt. David D. Hart having signified his willingness to command upon this occasion will be obeyed accordingly. Past Sergeant James Davis, Jr., also, at the request of the non-commissioned officers of the company, having signified his willingness to act as orderly upon the occasion, will be accordingly obeyed. Sergeant Samuel Martin will detail from his squad a cor poral and six men to take charge of the remains upon its arrival at the City Hall this day, at 3 P. M. Sergeant James Davis, Jr., will on Tuesday morning relieve Sergeant Martin with a guard of a corporal and nine men, in full light guard uniform with fatigue cap, and have charge of the re mains until the funeral. A meeting of the company and drill will take place this evening at 8 o'clock. By order of WM. G. TOMPKINS, Captain. O. P. Smith, First Sergeant. May the 8th the regiment paraded to receive the 5th N.Y.V. upon their return from the seat of war. 254 [1863 The field day, which was to have been April 21st, took place on May 11th, the following account of which is from the "Sunday Mercury" : "In accordance with orders, the 71st Regiment paraded to East New York on Monday last ; they took the Division avenue cars and reached the grounds at about 9 :30 A. M. After a brief rest the line officers commenced to instruct their men in the man ual, loadings and firings, facings and flankings, etc. "It was quite an interesting and animating sight to witness these companies acting independently in different ways ; here was a company firing by file, beyond another without arms, breaking into platoons, while a third could be discovered going by the flank at double quick ; to the left is a squad going by file into line ; to the right another firing by rank, and so on, affording diversion to the spectators, among whom were a number of beautiful and ele gantly dressed ladies, and several military men who came upon the grounds in carriages. "During the day, several fine pieces of music were performed by Dodworth's full band. At noon the 'sergeants' call was sounded, and details off, when the battalion formed on the 'color line' ; the men were then dismissed for dinner until 1 :30 P. M. "During the afternoon the regiment was exercised in a va riety of battalion movements, and also went through the firings with blank cartridges ; returning to the city before dark." On the evening of May 13th a committee of officers of the regiment surprised Quartermaster Roosevelt at his residence by presenting him with an elegant engraved and framed set of reso lution expressive of the esteem felt by the whole command for his many acts of kindness and his unswerving devotion to the inter est of the regiment during his many years of service. May 20th, the regiment paraded to receive the 17th N.Y.V. on their return from the war. The notice for this parade was given the Colonel on the evening of the 18th. Orders were printed and served on the 19th. These frequent calls for parad ing had caused sharp comments from the press. One paper said: "At a late hour Tuesday night, the 71st was detailed to re ceive the 17th N. Y. V. ; by hasty orders and posting on bulletins of newspapers, a battalion was got out at noon. There ought to be a fair and square understanding upon this matter. * * * The idea of making one or two regiments do all the work is pre posterous." Still the demand for the services of the regiment continued. It, can be realized that these continued calls, interfering as they 1863] 255 did with the private business of members, did not serve to make the Guard any more popular and was the cause of many taking their discharge as soon as their time expired. Monday, June 8th, the regiment paraded at the reception of the 27th and 38th N.Y.V. Of this the "Sunday Mercury" said: "* * * Suffice it is to say, that after Captain Otto's troop which headed the column, came the Seventh with its full band and drum corps, and averaging twenty files front ; next came the 71st, in happy contrast to the grey coats, with their neat and clean blue uniform. It is not often that these two commands get so close to gether ; but the comparison was no detriment to either. "The 71st paraded ten commands of eighteen files front; they marched with great steadiness and well preserved distance, and equally divided the honors of the occasion with the noble but more numerous regiment preceding." During this time the war was still on. After the defeat of Pope came the battle of Antietam, the subsequent supersed ing of McClellan by Burnside, his disastrous battle of Freder icksburg, and the placing of Hooker in command of the Army of the Potomac. On May 3d, Hooker was defeated at Fredericksburg. After this the armies apparently rested, but on the other side the rebels did not see why, since they had won the victories on the Rappa-' hannock, it might not march forward and lay Philadelphia and New York under tribute and dictate their terms in Washington. Thirty thousand of Hooker's men having served their time were returning home, and recruiting was so slow that as has been mentioned before, the Conscription Act had been enacted, which must now be put in force. On the 3d of June, Lee began his movement. On the 8th two of his three corps were at Culpepper, while the other still held the line on the Rappahannock. On the 17th Ewell had advanced his corps beyond the Blue Ridge. Advancing down the Shenandoah Valley he attacked General Milroy at Winchester, where were ten thousand men. On the 16th of June the morning papers startled the city by flaming headlines of Milroy's defeat on the previous day, and the proclamation of the President for 100,000 militia for a term of not exceeding six months. This was followed by orders from Albany for the several regiments of the State to hold themselves 256 [1863 in readiness to depart for the seat of war. This was followed by the following order : HEADQUARTERS 1ST DIVISION, N. Y. S. M. New York, June 16th, 1863. General Orders No. 4. The regiments of this Division are directed to proceed forthwith to Harrisburg, Pa., to assist in repelling the invasion of that State. The United States quartermaster and commissary will furnish transportation and subsistence upon the requisition of regimental quartermasters, countersigned by the commandants. The term of service will not exceed thirty days. Commandants of brigades and regiments will report to the Major General the num bers ready for transportation and will receive directions as to the route and time of embarkation. Each man will provide himself with two days cooked rations. By order of MAJOR-GEN. CHARLES W. SANFORD. J. M. WILCOX, Division Inspector. And this: HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT, N. Y. S. M. New York, June 16th, 1863. General Orders No. 14. The officers and members of this regiment are hereby ordered to assemble in full fatigue, black belts, overcoats rolled on knapsacks (army style), haversacks and canteens with one day's rations, to pro ceed to Pennsylvania for a term not exceeding ninety days. The regimental line will be formed on Broome Street, right on Broadway at 8 o'clock A. M., precisely, Wednesday the 17th instant. The field and staff will report dismounted to the colonel at a quarter of an hour before 8 o'clock, non-commissioned staff, band and companies will report to the adjutant fifteen minutes before 8 A. M. The members will be supplied with knapsacks and black belts at their company quarters. Officers will send their baggage, which will not exceed one small trunk to regimental armory by 8 A. M. The above order is peremptory, and every member will report in his own person; commandants of companies may receive suitable sub stitution in cases of emergency. Captain Tompkins is hereby detailed as officer of the day, and Lieutenant Hull as officer of the guard. By order of COLONEL BENJAMIN L. TRAFFORD. JOHN R. LIVERMORE, Adjutant. Previous orders had been issued and hastily delivered by chiefs of squads directing the members to assemble at their respective company quarters at 1 o'clock on the 16th, "with 1863] 257 fatigue, white belts, overcoats rolled on knapsacks, canteens, haversacks for short service to repel the rebel invasion." There was evident confusion and conflicting orders. General Sanford went to Albany to straighten things out. In the meantime there was excitement among all classes in the city, which increased with intensity. Among the military it was most enthusiastic and patriotic. The men were at the armo ries, congregated there expecting every moment to receive orders to march. Hundreds of friends were present to wish them God speed and a safe return. Final preparations so far as the men of the 71st were con cerned having been completed for departure, they awaited devel opments. The scene during the afternoon in the armory was one of confusion and jollity. Every one was disposed to await pa tiently the slow movements of the authorities and without any hope of getting away before the next day. Although an abun dance of arms and uniforms were in the city, regiments were detained for want of them. General Sanford had been unable to get from Washington permission to distribute them. General Sanford returned from Albany late in the after noon. He had in the meantime called a meeting of the Generals and other commanding officers, which was held in the evening (16th) at the division armory (White and Elm Streets). Gen eral Sanford explained the object of the consultation between himself and the Governor and said he had assembled them for the purpose of taking immediate action for transporting troops to the seat of war, where they were at once required. Besides General Sanford, Brigadier-Generals Hall, Yates and Spicer were present, as were also Colonels Teller, Berger, Mason, Lefferts, Varian, Maidhoff, Ward, Aspinwall, Roome, Bagley and Trafford. A telegram was read from the Secretary of War requesting that the order of the President be complied with at once, and stating that the call of the Government was now for three months, which in all probability might be limited to thirty days ; that they were to report at once to General Couch and that means for their transportation had been provided for by the routes via Camden and Amboy, New York Central and Delaware and Raritan. It transpired during the discussion that the Colonels present strongly expressed a desire to be placed under their own generals in the field. 258 [1863 The papers of the 17th gave the news that the advance of the rebels was in Maryland and in the vicinity of Carlisle, Pa. At early dawn of the 17th the Centre Market armory of the 71st was crowded with soldiers and friends awaiting the completion of necessary arrangements and the reception of marching orders. Knapsacks were packed, haversacks stuffed, etc., farewells were said again and again, and still the hours rolled on without seem ingly bringing the hour of departure any nearer. The great trouble seemed to be the getting of a supply of muskets, the want of which had been felt by the regiment for the previous two years. There were 244 serviceable muskets and on every field day or parade they were forced to borrow from some other regiment or use the unserviceable 1847 Springfield muskets. Hours were spent in unwinding knots of "red tape." The streets in the vicinity of Centre Market had been thronged the day and night with the puzzled soldiers, hurrying hither and thither under orders to be in readiness to leave at any moment, and then there was that uncertainty about the hour for starting that kept wives, mothers and sisters for hours standing in the wet street to give the last fond adieu as the loved one marched away. It was a sad as well as a joyous sight to see the departure of any regiment on such a noble errand, but more particularly did the surroundings of our citizen soldiers call forth these conflicting emotions. Their ranks were always filled with men who, though their lives were none the more valuable than the lives of other soldiers, and their social ties may be none the stronger, have nevertheless made greater sacrifices for the cause in which they enlist than those who are acting with more deliberation, and can make every arrangement in anticipation of the worst that may befall them. They went, as it were, like Minute Men, at the signal of the gun, and the pecuniary and other sacrifices which they made were incalculable. At dark Colonel Trafford succeeded in procuring the re quired articles. By half-past 9 P. M. the issues were completed and at 10 o'clock the line was formed for departure. Down Broadway they marched amid cheers of all who witnessed them to the Battery, where together with the 8th Regiment they took the steamboat Red Jacket to Elizabethport, there at 2 A. M. they entrained for Harrisburg in cattle cars, many of the men riding on top. 1863] 259 They had 550 men; nearly all were members; few substi tutes ; no recruits. The following was the roster of officers who went: Col. B. L. Trafford, Lieut.-Col. W. J. Coles, Major D. C. Meschutt, Adjt. J. R. Livermore, Surgeon Dr. Edgar Birdsal, Asst. Dr. Augustus Troop, Q. M. Edger Seelye, Chaplain Rev. J. P. Hovey, D.D., Sergt.-Maj. Ed. Kirkland, Sergt. Fred Walker, Com'y-Sergt. J. P. H_ard. Captains — Company A, William G. Tompkins; Company B, H. H. Evertsen ; Company C, Oliver Libby ; Company D, George H. Stow; Company E, Franklin Worcester; Company F, Jas. W. Dominick ; Company G, George W. Curtis ; Company H, Henry W. Turner; Company I, George I. Tyson; Company K, George N. Fairchild. Lieutenants — Company A, David Gregory ; Company B, Wal ton Carpenter, Eben Peek; Company C, John A. Hull, Richard T. Rich ; Company D, J. J. Umpleby, D. H. Denyse ; Company F, John Moorehead, Henry H. Parkin ; Company G, Wm. H. Ro- maine, Richard R. Hunt ; Company H, Amos L. See ; Company I, Geo. W. Seabold, A. B. DeGraff; Company K, Wm. E. Wilson, Joseph Archibald. The first stop was for coal and water at New Hampden, the next at Easton. The regiment arrived at Harrisburg on the evening of the 18th. Colonel Trafford reported to General Couch immediately through Major Burt, of his staff, and then marched the regiment to Camp Curtin, where the men were supplied with rations at 6 P. M. The 8th N.Y.S.M., Colonel Varian, arrived in Harrisburg in company with the 71st, and these were the only organized troops at that time in the vicinity. The same evening the two commands took cars and crossed the Susquehanna with the intention of occupying the works in course of construction at Bridgeport. Colonel Varian, being the senior, was ordered to take command of the two regiments. The command arriving late at night, and the weather being very stormy, the troops remained, sleeping on the cars until the morning. At daylight (19th) they were marched into Fort Washing ton and rested. The Colonels reported to General Couch and received verbal instructions as to the duties he wished the regi ments to perform. Governor Curtin also visited them and ad dressed the men in eloquent terms, thanking them for their prompt response to his call for aid. The same afternoon at 7 P. M. they took cars for Shippens- 260 [1863 burg, forty miles south of Harrisburg, for the purpose of hold ing the enemy in check should he advance, but under all cir cumstances to avoid engagement, but if pressed to retire slowly and harrass him as much as possible, the object being to give the forces at Harrisburg time to finish the defences. They arrived at midnight and remained on cars as it was raining until daylight (20th), when the brigade detrained and marched up the road leading to Chambersburg and took position to defend this road, also one leading to Scotland. At this place orders were received to report to Brig.-Gen. Joseph F. Knipe, who arrived and took command at 11 P. M. At night the regi ment encamped in a field. Here the 8th departed. It rained all night. General Knipe was a capable officer, but he did not spare the men; an object was to be accomplished, and all other things were secondary. The men took it in good part, but did not refrain from easing their minds by composing some verses to the tune "All drink stone blind; Johnny fill up the bowl." It ran about like this : Oh ! General Knipe he was a beat ; Foot balls ! Foot balls ! He marched us all 'till we had sore feet ; Foot balls ! Foot balls ! Chorus : — We'll all drink stone blind, etc. On the 21st they marched to Green Village and by further orders continued to march to Scotland Bridge, about ten miles from Chambersburg, finding the viaduct railroad bridge de-. stroyed by the rebels. Here they remained for the night, having arrived there at about 3 P. M. The day being Sunday, about sundown Chaplain Hovey held divine service in front of the Colonel's quarters, the choir being furnished by the regiment. Orders came from General Knipe as soon as the bridge was completed to proceed to Chambersburg. June 22d, at 8 P. M., the regiment started on the march for Chambersburg, reaching there at 11 A. M., and took position two miles beyond the town on the Waynsboro Road. The entire population received the troops with a welcome not to be de scribed, only to be appreciated by those who saw it. Tables were set in the main street and filled with eatables for the men without charge, and wives and daughters did their utmost to 1863] 261 see that all were supplied. The Stars and Stripes was raised on the flagpole amid the greatest enthusiasm. Flowers were showered upon the men in profusion as they walked through the village, men and women gathered on the stoops would ask, "Gen tlemen, have you had so and so?" or "Will you have this or that?" boys would offer to carry knapsacks, and little girls claimed the privilege of filling the canteens. They said, "You have come to protect us, and it is our duty to make you as com fortable as we can." During the afternoon an order was received to send the right wing to re-enforce the 8th Regiment, which was stationed on the Greencastle Road, where a skirmish had taken place, and also to have the wagons loaded and to hold the regiment in readiness to march. The right wing, under Lieutenant-Colonel Coles, having reported to Colonel Varian, was placed in the rear. The 8th had been working like beavers, having thrown up barricades of tree tops, fence rails, etc., and were drawn up in line behind them. About 5 P. M. General Knipe advanced the 8th and the right wing of the 71st about two miles, where they arrived at 7 P. M. In the meantime Colonel Trafford, who was with the left wing, was in ignorance of this movement until he saw all but it entrained. Not having received any orders he sent one of his staff to General Knipe for information. The General said he had sent orders and then directed that the Colonel with his command report forthwith at the railroad depot, but to leave a small force as a picket guard. Upon receiving this order the Colonel sent the companies under command of the Major to the depot, remaining himself to look after the company detailed for picket duty. After the Colonel had made inquiries about town as to whether all the troops had entrained, and receiving only affirmative replies, he took the turnpike road in company with a few cavalry men and rode to Shippensburg. On his arrival there he found that the left wing of the regiment was not on the train, and no one knew of its whereabouts. He at once rode back five or six miles, where he met it marching. They had mistook the road to the depot, and when they arrived the train had gone. The 8th Regiment and right wing of the 71st remained in the position we left them until 7 P. M., when they were ordered by General Knipe to fall back, he having received orders from General Couch to move the cars to the other side of Scotland bridge regardless of what became of the men and stores. 262 [1863 The men were hurried on to the cars and started for Carlisle, where they arrived at 2 A. M., June 23d, remaining in cars until daylight. Colonel Varian, finding that the left wing of the 71st had been left behind, procured permission from General Knipe to take a train and go back for them, but under no condition to go farther than Shippensburg. At that place he found them, they having reached there after a march of twenty-two miles, where they had encamped on the Fair Grounds. Colonel Trafford when he met the left wing marched with them to Shippensburg, arriving there at 2 A. M. on the 23d. He telegraphed to General Knipe, who replied to bring his men on as fast as possible, as it was impossible to get cars. At daylight they started for Carlisle, which was twenty miles distant, but having marched from Scotland bridge to their position on the Waynesboro Road and back to Shippensburg continuously, he found it impracticable to make so long a march in so short a time. He therefore called upon the inhabitants to furnish teams and wagons to transport the disabled. While making this march he received a note from Colonel Varian requesting him to strike the railroad track, as he would have a train to meet him there. This was joyfully complied with and soon all were aboard, reaching Carlisle at 10 P. M., where they were marched to the Fair Grounds and encamped for the night. On the 24th, the enemy continuing his advance, our little force was placed upon the road leading into the town for the purpose of holding him in check. Our forces being light and, according to information, the enemy being strong both in num bers and artillery, the Colonel set the men to work throwing up breastworks and also barricaded the roads to check the enemy's cavalry. The rebel cavalry halted a short distance from their position to mass up, and it was learned that the whole rebel force was ten times their number, which consisted of the 8th, 71st, about 200 armed citizens and a section of Miller's Light Battery from Philadelphia. The men slept on their arms all night, with one company thrown out one mile as picket guard. June 25th, the enemy still advancing, slowly feeling their way, orders were received from General Knipe to move forward and take possession of a very strong position known as Rocky 1863] 263 Ridge. Two howitzers were placed in position to command the road, masked by tree tops, etc, the infantry lying behind the rocks. They remained in this position until about 9 P. M., when General Knipe ordered Colonel Trafford to withdraw from the front, together with the Citizen's Corps and Miller's Battery (the 8th being at this time on the Walnut Bottom Road). The ma jority of the men at this time were fast asleep, but in five minutes they were on the march. The retreat was continued towards Kingston, about twelve miles from Harrisburg. During the night (which was cold) a drenching rain fell. About 1 A. M., the 26th, the regiment camped in a woods near Kingston. The storm continuing, a country church being found, it gave shelter to all that could crowd into it. The large portion of the men were without blankets, they having been sent back with the knapsacks on the train. June 27th, the weather being pleasant, by daylight, arms and ammunition were put in order and the regiment marched to a suitable position to again check the advance of the enemy. Ascertaining from the cavalry scouts that our position was flanked, the whole force fell back to Oyster Point. Here they found the 11th N.Y.S.M. and the 23d N.Y.S.M. They bivouacked here until the next morning. Sunday, 28th, they were formed in line of battle. The enemy shelled the woods in front, when the line was ordered to fall back. The 8th and 11th were sent to Port Washington, and the 71st sent to the front in the most advanced position. Colonel Trafford was ordered to report to Colonel Brisbane, commanding the 4th Brigade, Army of the Susquehanna, and was called upon to furnish a picket guard of four companies, which were posted under fire. One man of Company G was wounded in the thigh. The other six companies were moved from their positions on the field and placed in the rifle pits and bivouacked for the night. Monday, the 29th, the enemy shelled the picket post for over an hour in the morning, and in the afternoon advanced their skirmishers toward the 7lst, at the same time the 11th arriving to relieve them, the rebels retired. Upon being relieved the 71st was ordered to report to General Knipe at Fort Washington, which it did, and that night procured the first good rest it had had in ten days. 264 [1863 On the 30th the regiment was mustered into the United States service; total number, 538. Through Colonel Varian, General Couch informed them that the command (the 8th and 71st) had accomplished everything that they had been sent to do in a very satisfactory manner, and that it was one of the most successful expeditions he had ever seen accomplished according to the number engaged in it; namely, advancing fifty-two miles beyond all defenses and support in case of an attack, holding the enemy in check for the period of six days, from Monday, the 22d, when they commenced to fall back, until the following Sun day, 28th instant, at 2 P. M., when they arrived at their starting point, thereby giving our forces ample time to finish their de fenses and also allowing the farmers of the Cumberland Valley opportunity to run off their live stock, making Lee's "raid" a profitless expedition. A new command was formed under General Knipe, consist ing of the 8th, 23d, 56th, 52d, 68th and 71st N.Y.S.M. ana "Miller's" Battery, Pa. These troops were now part of the Department of the Susquehanna, under Brig.-Gen. (Baldy) W. F. Smith, and attached to the Army of the Potomac under Major- General Meade. Detachments were sent to guard the various passes through the mountains ; that in which was the ,71st being sent to Silver Creek, near Hampden, and there bivouacked, where they heard the firing and saw the burning of the barracks at Carlisle. At this point let us turn back and ascertain the movements of Lee's army. At the start General Hooker was in command of the Federal forces. On the 3d of June Lee's army commenced to move forward; June 11th Hooker started to move northward; June 14th, Milroy was defeated at Winchester and retreated towards Harper's Ferry; June 16th, the rebel cavalry entered Greencastle, Pa., twelve miles from Chambersburg (the 71st left New York on the 17th). On the 22d, Ewell's corps (rebel), as the advance, crossed the Potomac at Williamsport, Md. (on that day the 71st was at Chambersburg, thirty miles north). June 26th, Ewell's corps passed through Gettysburg. On this date the 71st was at Kings ton, having fallen back since the 22d from the advance guard. On the 28th, Ewell's advance guard reached the Susque hanna and the burned bridge; the 71st was engaged with the 1863] 265 rebel skirmishers at Oyster Point. On this date, owing to differ ences of views between General Hooker and General Halleck, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Hooker resigned and Meade was placed in command of the Army of the Potomac. June 29th, Ewell advanced to capture Harrisburg, but was recalled to Gettysburg, where Generals Buford and Kilpatrick had arrived, the advance of Meade's army. As a corps of the rebel army consisted of three divisions, and a division of about 8,000 to 10,000 men, Ewell must have had with him about 25,000 men, which was being held back by the little force of militia, all told probably less than 15,000. It is ndF intended to give a history of the battle of Gettys burg. This digression is only for the purpose of giving the reader full grasp of the situation which controlled the 71st and the part they took in forcing the battle to take place where it did, but not where it was expected to have taken pace. We will now follow its movements during this battle, which commenced early Wednesday morning: July 1st. — On this date the brigade was ordered to march to Mount Holly Gap. The regiment was marched about seven or eight miles, when it was ordered into a field on the banks of Conegogeramit Creek. It was a lovely night, and here the regi ment bivouacked. Cannonading was heard and bright light seen towards Carlisle. The 22nd and 37th were ordered to advance and reconnoitre, resulting in a skirmish in which three officers and four men were wounded. This raid was by rebel cavalry under Fitzhugh Lee. They entered Carlisle, burned the barracks and the gas works. They were driven south by Federal cavalry under "Baldy" Smith. July 2d. — The regiment was under arms all day. They were marched back two miles and bivouacked there during the night. At this place on June 28th and 29th the rebel General Jenkins had his headquarters. July 3d. — Reveille at 5 A. M. ; no time for breakfast. The regiment was started on the march towards Carlisle (twenty-five miles from Gettysburg), marched about three miles when they were halted at Uniontown, where they found little to eat. Here they rested for half an hour and then resumed the march, arriv ing at their old campaign ground near Kingston at about 10 o'clock A. M., where they prepared something in the shape of a breakfast, after which they continued the march. The sun was very hot and the men suffered from the heat. 266 [1863 About 7 P. M. the regiment reached the ruins of the Car lisle barracks. Here they camped in a field for the night. This was the second day of the battle at Gettysburg. July 4th. — The battle of Gettysburg was ended this day. At 5 A. M. the brigade was under arms and marching on the Mount Holly road towards Gettysburg, passing through Papertown at 10 A. M. and over the mountains to Pine Grove Forge, in a drenching storm. It stormed fearfully all day long. The moun-* tain streams were so swollen that they were almost impassable. The road they were on was built along the side of the mountain, which was on their right ; to the left was a stream that supplied the power to several paper mills. The rain soon filled this stream and it overflowed the road so that the men could not distinguish where the stream and the road parted, and to keep from falling into the former they had to keep as close as possible to the mountains. Sometimes they were in knee deep. The Adjutant's horse stepping into a hole stumbled into the stream. He was carried down it. Knapsacks and blankets also went floating away. The whole column was demoralized. All commissary trains were cut off by bridges being washed away, and it was forty-eight hours before the damage was re paired. They arrived at Pine Grove Forge worn out, hungry and saturated with rain. At this place the Pennsylvania troops were comfortably provided for in barns and outhouses, while the New Yorkers bivouacked in the rain without any cover. Fortunately this was a section the "Johnnies" had not visited, consequently the foraging parties were well rewarded with sup plies of chickens, bread, apple butter, eggs, coffee, etc., which served with the warm fires to compensate for the other depri vations. Sunday, July 5th, was bright and clear ; the Quartermaster's train had arrived, the men had dried out, and all were in a more cheerful mood. Added to this came the news of the victory at Gettysburg. With this also came the reason for their move ments, to keep the enemy from passing through these gaps and foraging upon the country. So with cheerfulness the men fell in and marched to Bendersville and camped there for the night. July 6th. — Raining, hard showers during the night. Here a sad disappointment was experienced. The day before the Division Quartermaster had purchased ten head of cattle and had butchered them. The meat was distributed among the companies ; in the morning Company B resolved not to eat any of it for breakfast and to have a glorious feast for dinner. They bought 1863] 267 vegetables of the farmers and at noon while nearly ready they were standing around the iron pot sniffing the odors expelled from it, when "Fall in!" was ordered, and the feast was lost. The regiment was marched to Caledonia Forge on Gettysburg turnpike, where they halted at 9 o'clock P. M., the men sleeping wherever they could find a spot, having marched sixteen miles. July 7th. — Wagons having arrived, the men had a good break fast. About 11 A. M. the march continued, marching to Funks- town, Md. On the march they were drawn up to one side of the road to allow two or three thousand prisoners to pass, being under guard. The men had been cautioned by the Colonel to avoid any demonstration. It was hardly necessary, for their hearts were full of sympathy for these hatless, coatless, shoeless and ragged poor fellows. There could not be found an ounce •of tobacco in the 71st after they had passed by. The regiment arrived at Funktown (eleven miles) and camped for the night in what seemed a nice grove. It rained during the night, and the morning found it transformed into a nice swamp. July 8th. — From this the men crawled and it was raining hard. At 7 A. M. orders were given to strike tents and prepare to march. No rations were issued, as there was no time to cook them; hot coffee was served. At eleven the column started for Waynesboro. When arriving at the Gettysburg turnpike they met the 6th Corps, General Sedgwick, who were following up the rebels. For some time the troops fraternized, many meeting old friends. Among them Capt. H. H. Evertsen of Company B met his father, a sergeant in the 1st New York Cavalry, whom he had not seen for two years. Waynesboro was reached at about 5 P. M. The troops were marched two miles beyond the town and took position on an eminence commanding the roads leading from Hagerstown and Greencastle. Sixteen miles covered. The regiment camped on a hillside near the road. At 7 P. M. rations were issued. A force of rebels were reported as being within four miles. July 9th. — Breakfast at 5 A. M. Inspection at 10 A. M. Remained in camp all day. Eight P. M. orders to draw rations and cook them, as the regiment would march at 8 A. M. , July 10th. — After an early breakfast the regiment, with the 22d, made a reconnoissance towards Hagerstown, where the regiment remained for the night. 268 [1863 July 11th. — Until 6 P. M. this day, when they marched back to Leitersburg, found the bridge over Antietam creek destroyed by fire; forded the stream; enemy's pickets reported one mile away. Camped for the night, having covered six miles. July 12th. — Counter marched through Leitersburg to Cave- town, Md., halting beyond the latter at 2 P. M. and went into camp in a terrific thunder storm. Five men in a tent of the 56th were struck by lightning ; one killed. Covered twelve miles. July 13th. — Rain; struck camp at daylight and at 7 A. M. started on the march, taking the Boonsboro Pike ; through Smoke- town and Mount Pleasant, halting about two miles beyond the latter and went into camp at 8 P. M., as usual in the rain and supperless. No rations since the 11th had been served; the men had to forage. July 14th. — Reveille at 4:30 A. M. Received orders to cook two days' rations (there was nothing to cook) and march at 10:30 A. M. Received orders from General Smith to report date of muster in rolls, also number of men, for the purpose of providing of transportation to New York. The regiment marched toward the front, distant cannonading being heard; the men forgetting their sore feet and all other trials in anticipation of meeting the enemy. Every step of the way was marked with the effects of war in its worst form, such as broken wagons, caissons, dead horses, etc., the stench from the latter being unbearable. Then marched to Little Beaver Creek and encamped for the night at 5 P. M. , distance marched, six miles. At this place were rumors of draft riots in New York. July 15th. — Received orders from General Smith to start homeward. Started on the march at 7:30 A. M. ; marched through Boonsboro, Braddock's Gap, South Mountain Pass, Middletown and Frederick City to Monocacy Junction, distance of twenty-five miles, arriving at 8 P. M., the men so completely beat out as to fall on the ground without shelter and go to sleep. Not at all surprising after this long tramp without anything to eat. At this point Brigadier-General Ewen, N.Y.S. N.G., assumed command and they were no longer a part of the Army of the Potomac. Previous orders for transportation had been counter manded and they awaited further orders. The following orders show evidence of appreciation of service : 1863] 269 HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC July 15th, 1863. Special Order No. 190." The troops comprising the command of Brig.-Gen. Smith are re leased from further service with the Army of the Potomac, and will be reported back to General Couch for instruction. The Major General Commanding thanks Brig.-Gen. W. F. Smith, and his troops for the zeal and promptitude which, amid no little pri vation, have marked their efforts to render this army all the assistance in their power; and especially commends the good conduct of the offi cers and men that participated in Brig.-Gen. Killpatrick's engagement on the 13th instant. By command of MAJOR-GENERAL MEADE. S. WILLIAMS, A. A. G. DEPARTMENT OF THE SUSQUEHANNA, HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION July 15th, 1863. Special Order No. — . Brig-Gen. John Ewen will take command of all the New York troops in this division and proceed with them to Frederick, Mel., at which point transportation will be furnished them to New York City. In parting with them the general commanding must express his admiration of the courage and fortitude with which they have stood the toils and privations of their late marches. By command of BRIG-GEN. W. F. SMITH, Commanding 1st Division, Department of the Susquehanna. PRESTON F. WEST, A. A. A. G. July 16th. — Reveille was sounded at 5 A. M. The men very- much excited regarding news from New York; anxiously awaited transportation, and the delay without knowledge of its termination was irritating; it was 11 P. M. before the regiment entrained in cattle cars that were filthy; arrived at Baltimore on the 17th at 7 A. M., when they were marched to the President Street depot; stacked arms and were dismissed for one hour, the men procuring their breakfast wherever it was possible. En trained at 10:30 A. M., reaching Philadelphia at 8 P. M. There they marched to the "Cooper Shop" Refreshment Saloon (an. institution sustained by the citizens for the soldiers during the war), where they partook of a splendid supper furnished by the- ladies of that city. Entrained at midnight, arriving in New York at 7:30 A. M. on the 18th, having been absent just thirty days, and with two exceptions did not sleep twice in succession in the same place during that time. 270 [1863 In the magnitude of the battle itself, the co-operation of the National Guard has naturally been overlooked; historians in paying attention to the greater have overlooked the lesser, but the careful reader must conclude that in everything but the actual fighting they endured equal hardships and faithfully per formed all that was required of them and accomplished the pur pose that was intended, namely, to keep Lee's army in check until the Army of the Potomac had caught up to them. While their frequent skirmishes were comparatively blood less, remember they were under orders not to bring on any en gagement. They were, however, exposed to many dangers, which but for good judgment on the part of the Generals in command might have proved very disastrous. On the evening of July 1st Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart (C.S.A.), who having been left on the Potomac by Lee to hold back Hooker, and having himself been cut off, but knowing that Harrisburg was Lee's objective point, took a roundabout course to meet him and found himself with his cavalry at Carlisle, not five miles from where the 71st were bivouacking. Here he learned for the first time of the battle at Gettysburg and at once retraced his march, while the 71st slept on, entirely unconscious of their narrow escape. A writer forty years after says : "There is one factor in the operation of the two armies in the Gettysburg campaign that is entirely eliminated by most historians and by Generals John B. Gordon and Daniel E. Sickles, and that is the militia troops of New York and Pennsylvania who de fended Harrisburg and the line of the Susquehanna. "Gen. Gordon states that he was leading the advance of Ewell's corps and was ready to cross the river at Wrightsville and march on Philadelphia but was prevented by the burning of the bridge ; but he omits to state, as do other writers, that it was the militia who burned the bridge and who were ready on the oppo site bank of the river to dispute his crossing and to defend Har risburg and Philadelphia. "Gen. Gordon thinks that if he had not been withdrawn from his attack on the Union right on the first, Confederates might have won the day. But what would have resulted if the militia, 13,000 strong, had not been on hand to check his march on Har risburg? It is all very well to say forty years after the battle that Ewell was recalled from his attack on Harrisburg by Lee, when the fact is that he was foiled in his attempt to cross the river and was checked by the determined stand taken by the mil itia troops on the other side." 1863] 271 On the 4th of July pursuit of the enemy was started ; at the same time the co-operation of the Army of the Susquehanna took place. It was directed to take possession of the various "gaps" to head off the rebels. The detachments from the Army of the Potomac had skirmished with the enemy at Caledonia Forge on the 5th, Pine Grove on the 6th, Funkstown on the 7th, Waynesboro on the 8th, Leitersburg on the 9th, Hagerstown and Funkstown on the 11th; also the same on the 12th. During the twelve days from the day of the battle to the 15th, when the New York troops were sent home, there was a concert of action between the Volunteers and the militia, the one following up the fugitives, the other trying to head them off from getting through the "gaps." From "Campfire and Battlefield," page 126: "Col. Augustus Van Horn Ellis, of the 214th N. Y. V, one of the most chivalrous spirits that ever breathed, had received his mortal wound at Gettysburg. He was riding at the head of his regiment waving his sword in the air, and shouting to his 'Orange Blossoms,' as he called them, the regiment having been raised in Orange County, N. Y., when a bullet struck him in the forehead. "He was borne to the rear, his face covered with blood and the froth spurting from his mouth; he died in a few moments. Major Cromwell, also of that regiment, was killed at the same time, being shot in his breast. The Adjutant was killed by a shot through his heart as he was moving from the field." Colonel Ellis was captain of the Howitzer Company (I) 71st Regiment, at the battle of Bull Run in 1861, and had by the organization of the 124th redeemed the promise made by the regiment to Secretary Stanton in 1862, that on its return they would raise a regiment for three years for the war. THE RIOT Now let us go back to July 11th, while the 71st was at Leitersburg, Pa. In the defeat of Lee at Gettysburg, in the military situation, there was nothing to justify any further hope for the rebels, or any more destruction of life in the vain en deavor to disrupt the Union. If there was any justification for a continuance of the struggle on the part of the rebels, it was to be found only in a single circumstance — the attitude of the Demo cratic party — who kept up the cry that the "war was a failure," that the loyal Governors were Lincoln's "satraps." The Fathers 272 [1863 of the Republic were named with sorrowful reverence, and it was declared that the Constitution they had framed was de stroyed by Mr. Lincoln and his advisers. The army before Vicksburg was pointed at in derision as besieging a place that never could be captured. The most conspicuous opponent of the Government in the West was Clement L. Vallandigham, who was guilty of such treasonable conduct from the start that in May, 1863, he was arrested, tried by courtmartial and sentenced to imprisonment for the war. The President commuted the sentence to banish ment beyond the lines, where he went. This course placed him in the light of a martyr, and in a few months later he was made the Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio. Though not to the same length, ex-President Pierce in New Hampshire, and Horatio Seymour of New York assumed the same opposition and denunciation. Such organizations as the Knights of the Golden Circle, and the notorious Sons of Liberty were scattered throughout the middle states ready for such action as would give aid and com- lort to the rebels. The rebel government, finding that they made little progress in carrying the war into the Union states, resorted to other measures not so honorable; they established headquarters in Canada. The notorious Jacob Thompson, an emissary of Jeff Davis, and well supplied by him with funds, made his headquar ters in the Clifton House, across the bridge from Niagara. In New York City his financial agent was Benjamin Wood, a brother of Fernando Wood, then Mayor of the City. He maintained an account with a Wall Street firm, through whom was bought a very large amount of gold. This gold was used for the purpose of creating an opposition in the North, in the establishing the organizations before mentioned, and as they grew more desperate to plant the seeds of contagious diseases and acts of incendiarism in all the principal cities of the North. An evidence of this man's loyalty is the following from the New York "Daily News" of June 17th (the day the 71st left for Pennsylvania). The paper was owned and published by Benjamin Wood : "Experience has proved that a single brigade of trained warriors can drive before him a hundred thousand military tyros such as President Lincoln and Governor Curtin are calling out for the defence of their homesteads." 1863] 273 And much more from that paper and the New York "World" ¦of the same and worse character. In the City of New York the large hotels and many public buildings, including Barnum's Museum, were fired. These were widely distributed, so as to make a general conflagration. The method used in the Astor House will serve as an example of the • others : The conspirator engaged a room, to which he conveyed the combustibles, among which the principal was "Greek fire." A watchful Father saved the city. The "Greek fire" proved to he worthless, and in no instance did the fires reach beyond the rooms where they were built. The next step was to take advantage of the draft, which was unpopular and unfortunately took place during the absence of the militia from the city, and create a riot. An interesting account of this, taken from the New York "Times," will be found in the Appendix. The Draft began on Saturday, the 11th of July. There had been premonition of trouble. On the morning when the Draft was to be begun several of the most widely read Democratic journals contained editorials that appeared to be written for the very purpose of inciting a riot. The excited state of the public mind, especially among the laboring class, inflammatory handbills displayed in grogshops, the presence of dangerous classes, whose best opportunity for plun der was in time of riot, and the absence of the militia, all favored an outbreak. When the Draft was resumed on Monday morning the serious work began. One Provost-Marshal's office was at the corner of Third Avenue and 46th Street. It was guarded by sixty policemen, and the wheel was set in motion at 10 o'clock. The building was surrounded by a dense angry crowd, who were freely cursing the Draft, the police, the National Government and the "nigger". The drawing had been in progress but a few minutes when there was a shout of "Stop the cars !" and at once the cars were stopped, the horses released, the conductors and passengers driven out, and a tumult created. Up to this time the mob had been without a leader. How ever he made his appearance in a person by the name of 274 [1863- Andrews, a Virginian, who had until this moment kept in the background. Then a great human wave was set in motion, which bore down everything before it and rolled into the Marshal's office, driving out at the back windows the officials and the police men, whose clubs, though plied rapidly and knocking down a rioter at every blow, could not dispose of them as fast as they came on. Everything was destroyed and the building set on fire. The firemen came promptly, but were not allowed to work. At this moment Superintendent John A. Kennedy of the police ap proached unarmed. He was recognized and set upon by the mob with clubs and stones and then thrown face down into a puddle with the intention of drowning him. When rescued he was beyond recognition. Mobs were at different points of the city. At Broadway and 20th Street the entire block was burned. A riot was at Second Avenue, another in 44th Street, and other places. Towards evening a riotous procession passed down Broadway with drums, banners, muskets, pistols, clubs and boards inscribed, "No Draft !" Inspector Carpenter, at the head of 200 policemen, marched up and met them at the corner of Amity (West Third) Street. The police charged the mob, cracking skulls. In a few minutes the mob scattered and fled, leaving Broadway strewn with their dead and wounded. During the next two days there was constant rioting at various points uptown and downtown. They set upon every negro that appeared, whether man, woman or child, and succeeded in murdering eleven of them, even hanging them on trees or lamp posts. They also sacked and burned the Colored Orphan Asylum at Fifth Avenue and 44th Street. Finally, Government troops arriving, the mob was suppressed. It lasted three days, fifty buildings were burned, between two and three million dollars' worth of property was destroyed ; more than one thousand were killed. The Draft was postponed until August 19th. The Draft started on the 13th and was suppressed on the 17th. It was known that the militia was on its way home, and this knowledge had the influence to sober the mob. At 7 :30 A. M. on the 18th the 71st arrived in the city and at short intervals all the regiments were home again. The 71st 1863] 275 was ordered to assemble at Centre Market armory on the 22nd. This was followed by the following: HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISION, N. Y. N. G. New York, July 23d, 1863. General Orders No. 7. This Division will hold itself in readiness for duty on short notice. The commandants of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 22nd, 37th, 69th, 71st regiments will each detail 100 men for duty during the present emergency, to remain in their respective armories, subject to the orders of the general officer of the day; and to be relieved, from time to time, by other details from their own regiments, by direction of their commandants; but quarters of the 8th will remain at the State Arsenal until further orders. By order of CHARLES W. SANFORD, Major-General. J. H. WILCOX, Division Inspector. In pursuance of the above, the detail from the 71st went on duty. Subsequently on the 24th a change was made and three 'Companies were put on guard each day. This continued until August 1st, when the guard was reduced to twenty men, two from each company, "this guard will be so composed as to be able to summon the companies to assemble on short notice." This continued until the 17th. In the meantime guards were maintained at High Bridge to protect the aqueduct. On Friday, the 14th, Companies C and D were ordered to report at 5 :30 A. M. with one day's rations. They went by boat to the bridge and there reported to the Colonel. They went into camp, remain ing one week, marching across the bridge for each meal. They were relieved by Companies E and F, and they by G and H. This surveillance continued until the end of the Draft, September 1st. The following from the "Sunday Mercury" refers to a visit of Russian war vessels. It is interesting as a description of the way the First Division formed for a parade or review: The honor extended was a partial recognition of the friendly action ¦of the Russian Government in preventing the recognition of the rebels by England and France: "On Thursday, October 1st, after a very short and hasty notice, the members of the 1st Division were turned out to do honor to our naval visitors from Russia. "The notice caused considerable surprise and comment ; many thought it odd to parade militiamen to receive sailors, while not 276 [1863 a few wondered that the English and French officers now in our harbor were not also honored in like manner, especially the latter, as they were here for several weeks before the Russians came. "But to the parade : The time fixed for the formation of the division line was 12 o'clock. At that hour only one regiment was upon the ground. This was the 71st. They stacked arms in 23d Street near Tenth Avenue, and dismissed until the rest of the troops should arrive. "About 12:15 the Carbineer Troop of Capt. Otto rode slowly down, but instead of halting where the right of line was ordered, they wheeled down Tenth Avenue. Next came the First Regi ment which was immediately followed by the Third (Huzzars.) "The 37th Infantry passed down below Ninth Avenue, and marched to where it was supposed their post v/ould be. It was now near 1 o'clock. "Presently, strains of music were heard, and the 5th, 6th, 12th, 4th and 84th Regiments were described coming out of Fifth Avenue, above 23d Street. At this late hour, when the whole column ought to have been in motion, a request was sent to the latter that they should countermarch down Twentieth Street and honor Brig.-Gen. Ewen or his house and family with a marching salute. "Of course, this occupied time, and kept the rest of the troops in waiting, so that it v/as near two o'clock before the escort got in motion. "The 2nd Brigade was taken up above Fortieth Street, to form in line. "By some misunderstanding, or non-receipt of official orders, the 8th Regiment did not parade at all, although several of their men, in uniform, made their appearance upon the street. "After the Russian officers, some sixteen in number, had passed along the line, where the troops stood at 'present arms,' and the various bands playing, etc., the order was given to wheel into column, and the Division followed the visitors in the follow ing order: 71st Regt, 420, rank and file 84th Regt, 158, rank and file 1st Regt., 148, rank and file 7th Regt., 720, rank and file 3d Regt., 360, rank and file 37th Regt., 280, rank and file 5th Regt., 630, rank and file 55th Regt., 92, rank and file 6th Regt., 400, rank and file 1 1th Regt., 580, rank and file 12th Regt., 230, rank and file 22d Regt., 360, rank and file 4th Art'y, 240, rank and file 69th Regt., 225, rank and file "Counting musicians, general officers and their staffs and es cort troops, the full number of uniforms on parade was about five thousand." Owing to the unusual amount of duty performed during the summer, drills did not commence until October instead of Sep tember, as had heretofore been the custom. The following letter 1863] 277 will give the reader somewhat of an idea of the difficulties ex perienced in keeping up the regiment and maintaining its proper position in the Guard: New York, October 9th, 1863. "Editor, 'N. Y. Sunday Mercury' : "In your last issue there is an article speaking of the action of the Board of Supervisors, in regard to appropriating money for the purpose of building armories for the various regiments who are in want of them, and suggesting an increase in the amount so appropriated. An excellent idea ; yet I was surprised to see that among all the regiments mentioned, not a word was spoken of the claims and wants of the 'Old Seventy-first.' "Now, the regiment numbers nearly eight hundred men as full inspection will prove, and how is it with their claim for an armory? In Centre Market, where a portion of the regiment is located, the accommodations are so inferior that but five com panies are quartered there, while some are quartered in Broad way and others in the old Ninth Regiment Armory on Univer sity Place. "The drill room in Centre Market is only thirty feet wide and is so narrow that the men can scarcely be drilled by company front, platoon front being most frequent. The entrance is through a trap door in the floor, which necessarily must be closed while drill is going on. How can a regiment, or even a battalion, be drilled in a room of this description, and this, too, without con sideration of the dangerous character of the building, it having been pronounced unsafe several times by the authorities. "And yet with these facts so plain the simple wants of the regiment are not noticed or thought of. How was it in regard to their arms ? Why, for nearly two years the regiment has been drilling, parading and doing duty with such a small number of muskets that when a drill or parade was ordered they had to borrow muskets from the 6th Regiment. "The new arms, however, were received last week, and the regiment paraded with them on the occasion of the reception of the Russian officers. I do not wish to detract from the claim or merits of any other organization, but when a regiment has done so much service and has always responded when called upon, as it always will do, I do not think it right or just to ignore their claim. "FAIR PLAY." It might have been added that the regiment paid the gas bills, and this was the case when drilling in the arsenal, a charge being made of eight dollars each night. Let the reader survey the conditions existing at that date and compare them with those of the present. The strength of the regiment at that time was 726, as against, say, 989 in 1815. At that date there were no attractions as at the latter date to bring 278 [1863 the member to the armory, and seldom did he come except to drill or meeting. It must be seen how difficult it was to keep up and maintain the individual interest, and recognize the loyalty and attachment which made it possible to maintain a regiment such as it was. Its rival, the 7th, had what was then considered a magnifi cent armory (Tompkins Market), and it was difficult to recruit with such superior inducement being offered. What might have been accomplished with an armory fit to be called one when so much was done without one? October 25th, the last baby, Company B, celebrated its first birthday at their quarters, 13th Street and University Place. A large company of ladies and gentlemen attended the function, which everyone enjoyed. October 27th, the annual inspection took place on Washing ton parade ground. A large delegation of military officers were present. It was the largest inspection ever made by the regiment up to that time, a remarkable and healthy advance ; 557 present, 169 absent, total 726. November 7th was inaugurated a new feature in the history of the 71st, the giving of a series of promenade concerts, given at Irving Hall, Irving Place and 15th Street, Dodworth's 71st Regiment Band providing the music. Seven of these concerts were given, extending into January. They were a great success both as to enjoyment and finance. While facilities such as they were were afforded for teach ing the guard the manual of arms and company movements, there was none for rifle practice; while men in drill pulled the trigger and heard the cap snap, and once a year on field day fired a real blank cartridge, they had no opportunity to fire a ball cartridge at rifle practice. The 9th of December is to be noted as the date on which the first rifle range was established : "Newark, N. J., November 28th, 1863. "Colonel: "I have the honor to inform you that the target range of the New Jersey Rifle Corps, at Nev/ark, will be formally opened on Wednesday, the 9th day of December, at 10 A. M. The firing will commence at 11 o'clock, at ranges of 100, 300 and 500 yards. "On behalf of the corps I beg respectfully to invite from your regiment a firing party of ten men, uniformed, armed and equipped, under non-commissioned officers, to compete for prizes offered by the corps. "Ammunition for the only rifles allowed viz., Enfield and 1863] 279 Springfield, will be furnished on the grounds, and should you not yet be in possession of your arms, a stand of them will be held at your disposal for that day. "As this is the first occasion of this kind in this country, I shall be most happy to receive as guests of the corps yourself and the commissioned officers of your command, and shall 'feel obliged if you will -name the probable number who will honor us with their presence on that day. "Awaiting your reply, I am Colonel, "Your most obedient servant, "WILLIAM S. ROWLAND, "Colonel." To Col. B. L. Trafford and Officers of the 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. This invitation was accepted and one man from each company selected to represent the regiment. Sunday "Mercury," December 13th : "The rifle range was opened on the 9th. Only five teams from New York and Brooklyn were present, the 5th, 7th and 71st from New York, and the 13th and 23d from Brooklyn. "The morning was dark and lowering, looking very inaus picious for the work contemplated up to 10 o'clock, at which hour the sun broke forth in warmth and splendor. When the train from Jersey City with the uniformed visitors arrived at Newark they found four companies of the New Jersey Rifle Corps in readiness to escort them to the grounds, a distance of a mile and a half from the station. "The guests were taken up in a large four-horse stage. The place was decorated with American flags and approached through a picket fence with ample gateways to a small lead-colored one- story cabin with a platform on the rear end. From this platform one stepped onto a bed of packed turf covered with tanbark. It extended a distance perhaps of forty feet and was faced by a ditch semi-circular in form. "To the left-hand side one hundred yards in front was a butt of turf some eight or nine feet high. It was backed with rough brick laid in mortar, having a recess in which the marker stood with his colors. On each side of this butt there was an ordinary target of plate iron painted white and black. "From this position behind the butt the marker could ob serve where every shot struck. He signalized thus : A white flag denoted the ball had hit outside of the outer black ring; a blue flag, that it had struck inside the circle ; the tri-colored flag, that it had reached the bull's-eye; a red flag was also used, to intimate danger or that firing must cease. When no flag was seen the target had not been hit. "There were similar targets at 300, 500 and 900 yards, ap proachable by an embankment of turf, .some four feet wide, cov ered with tanbark. The detail from the 71st were H. H. Evert- 280 [1863-64 sen, R. R. Jones, John Scheffmeyer, M. Willets, D. D. Ken nedy, J. Southworth, J. A. Wise, G. Avery, J. Archibald and Charles N. Byrne. "The prizes were a challenge cup of elegant design; the champion cup, given by the citizens of Newark; a bronze statu ette of the Guardsman; a star repeating rifle, revolvers and case; staff officer's sword; book of beauty, etc. "The firing commenced at ten minutes of 12 and continued until nearly dark, the wind during the afternoon interfering a good deal with the shooting. The 71st Regiment boys, who were all first rate shots, did not get any prize. They deserved one, however, for the excellent manner in which they conducted them selves during the entire excursion." December 19th, the question of a monument to the memory of Colonel Vosburgh took shape by the issuing of a circular to the members and friends of the regiment, signed by the committee of five officers appointed by the Board of Officers. On the same date the members of the regiment attended (in citizen dress) the funeral of its late chaplain, Rev. J. Parsons Hovey, who had died on the 16th instant. The Chaplain had shared in all the trials and privations of the Pennsylvania cam paign, faithfully performed his duties and had endeared himself to every member of the regiment. The year ended with a hope, not afterwards realized, of an armory on a piece of ground running through from 16th Street to 17th Street, near Seventh Avenue, measuring 100 by 200 feet. 18 6 4 The year opened with the patriotic duty which seemed to have been assigned to the 71st, that of respect to the brave soldiers who had answered their country's call. On January 3d they paraded to receive the 40th N. Y. V., which had re- enlisted for the war, and on the 12th, similar honors were extended to the 59th and 66th N. Y. V. In the orders, the Colonel said : "In consideration of the services these volunteers have performed, and in view of their unanimous re-enlistment for the war, it is eminently proper that that they should receive a cordial reception from the National Guard of this city. We cannot confer any additional honor upon these brave men, but we should demonstrate if possible, that their services are appreciated." The annual ball of the "Light Guard" (Company A), 1864] 281 came off at the Academy of Music on January 13th ; it was as usual, a grand affair. The building was elegantly decorated, canary birds in cages were suspended from ceilings in all parts of the building. On the 16th, the last Promenade concert came off, it was attended by a large and fashionable audience. The series be ing so successful, the regiment was requested to give one more. On the evening of the 20th, the regiment had a drill at the State arsenal. There were ten commands of thirteen files front, or including officers about 350 uniforms. A very large audience was present, for many of whom it was impossible to find seats. This sounds singular: From the N. Y. "Express," January 29th, 1864 : "Some members of the 7th Regiment, called on Colonel Trafford of the 71st this morning and requested an escort on the arrival of the Ellsworth Zouaves. Colonel Trafford ordered Companies A, B, and C, under command of Captain Tompkins, to parade and escort the Zouaves to the 71st Armory, which they will make their headquarters during their stay in the city. The 7lst have paraded twelve times within comparatively a short time, at the funerals of Volunteer officers, and on the return of New York regiments from the war, and have never refused an escort to our returning soldiers. This is very creditable, but it does not seem just to leave the 71st to do all this work, notwithstanding, it is cheerfully performed, and looked upon as a duty." The Zouaves came here as an escort to 700 prisoners of war; at Albany, the detachment (127 men) was divided, tak ing one-half of the prisoners to Boston and then rejoining their comrades in New York. These 700 prisoners had taken the oath of allegiance and joined the U. S. Navy. Upon the arrival of the detachment of Zouaves from Boston, they were entertained with a collation at company A's Armory. The next day they visited Central Park, Barnum's Museum, Navy Yard, and other places of interest. In the afternoon Companies D, E, F, and G, under Major Libby, escorted them to the City Hall, where they were re ceived by the Mayor ; the Zouaves unslinging their knapsacks, 282 t1864 gave a short drill, after which the 71st escorted them to their train. The 1st Division failed to parade on Washington's birth day owing to the fact that the Common Council had not ap propriated money for the music. The musicians refused to play unless their bills were guaranteed by the Colonels of the regiments hiring them. The 71st therefore made the parade with the 8th Regi ment. The latter assembled at Union Square at 1.30 P. M., and the former on Bond Street at 2.30; the two commands marched down Broadway to the City Hall where they were re viewed, at the special request of the city authorities, by the Common Council at three P. M. March 22d: The regiment paraded to unite with civil authorities, in the reception of the 62nd N. Y. V. Monday, April 4th: The 1st Division and U. S. Troops made a parade. The formation ground was on Fourteenth Street, at two P. M., right on Broadway ; as usual it was near three o'clock before the column started, and then, owing to numerous halts, it was ten minutes past four when it reached the City Hall. "The 71st led the division, in heavy marching order, knap sacks, with overcoats rolled thereon; Dodworth's Band turned out correctly, and as the several companies came up in admir able shape with front of seventeen files, they were repeatedly applauded. Their marching was excellent." The Mayor in writing to the Colonel of the 5th Regiment, acknowledging the compliment of a marching salute, said:' And no one will feel more proud than myself, in hearing it universally acknowledged that the Fifth, Seventh and 71st Regiments are the crack regiments of New York. "Monday, May 4th, the regiment had its field day at East New York: it was a beautiful day. The regiment reached the grounds ten minutes before ten, company drills were taken up first, lasting until noon, when the 'assembly' was sounded, the battalion was formed in line, and then dismissed for dinner. "Line was again formed precisely at one o'clock, ammu nition was distributed, after which battalion movements were executed. Upwards of four hundred ladies and gentlemen 1864] 283 came on the grounds during the afternoon, who listened with delight to Dodworth's music, given during brief rests of the battalion. The battalion reached the armory at about 6 P. M. The question of a parade ground within a reasonable dis tance of the armories of the 1st Division regiments had been agitated for many years, efforts having been made to use the Central Park, always with a remonstrance from the commis sioners. A meeting of a few of the Colonels was held at the 71st Regiment armory on the evening of June 22d to take such action as might be deemed advisable towards the procurement of a brigade drill ground ; Colonel Varian was made chairman and Colonel Trafford secretary. After an expression of opinion by several, a committee consisting of Colonels Varian, Trafford, Price, Burger, Mason, Minton and Conkling was appointed to wait upon the Mayor at noon the next day, and ask his advice and influence, and to see other friends, such as heads of departments, members of Common Council ; after which they could decide when to visit the Park Commissioners. The Mayor expressed himself as perfectly willing to at any time sign an ordinance to give the military a proper par ade ground. Street Commissioner Cornell suggested Hamilton Square, but was opposed to Central Park. The square, con taining fifteen acres, was located between 65th and 69th Streets from Third to Fourth Avenues, it was neither level nor fenced in. July 4th: The first parade of the 1st Division on this date since the war took place. An impromptu meeting of the Colonels of the 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th and 71st Regiments took place to arrange for a parade of those regiments, the ranking Colonel to take command. Pressure having been brought to bear on General Sanford, on June 30th he issued orders for a parade of the Division. The absence of many commanding officers was notable; Col onel Trafford commanded the 1st Brigade, Colonel Berger of the 5th commanded the 2nd Brigade and Lieut.-Colonel Price commanded the 3d Brigade. 284 [1864 Again the annual call for help from Washington came in the following: Washington, July 5th, 1864 To His Excellency Governor Horatio Seymour. The President directs me to inform you that a rebel force, variously estimated at from 15,000 to 20,000 men has invaded the State of Maryland and have taken Martinsburg and Har per's Ferry, and are threatening other points; that the public safety requires him to call upon the State Executives for a Militia force to repel this invasion. He therefore, directs me to call on you for a militia force of 12,000 men from your State to serve not more than one hun dred days, and to request that you will with the utmost dis patch forward the troops to Washington by rail or steamboat as may be most expeditious. Please favor me with an answer at your earliest con venience. EDWARD M. STANTON, Secretary of War. STATE OF NEW YORK EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Albany. July 5th, 1864. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Your dispatch received. I will do what I can ; orders sent to the commanders of the regiments of the State of New York. HORATIO SEYMOUR, Governor, etc. In response to which the Secretary of War wired : "Thanks for your telegram just received. It is not prob able that your emergency troops will be required over sixty days, perhaps not so long." On the 9th of July, General Sanford received a telegram from the Governor, containing orders for the immediate de parture of the Militia regiments to Washington ; the quota for the 1st Division to be 3,500 men. At this time the Division contained twenty-one regiments. General Sanford called a meeting of the officers ; the meeting was anything but harmonious, several of the colonels stating that their commands were not willing to volunteer for another 1864] 285 Pennsylvania campaign like the one of the last year. Others contended that as yet no proclamation had been issued by the President the Governor had no right to order New York regi ments outside the limits of the state. Other regimental commanders seemed willing and anxious to go; General Sanford stated that all must go who should be called upon, threatening to wipe out of existence any regi ment refusing to obey orders. After deliberate consultation the following regiments were selected: 4th, 6th, 11th, 84th, 93d, 95th, 96th and 99th regiments ; eight regiments to aggre gate 4,000 men. The men were to serve one hundred days. "In the absence of any printed authority giving reasons for the sudden demand for so many men from the State, the people, but more especially our citizen soldiers, were rather in a quandary to know its cause. When a recent raid occurred there seemed to be some grounds of excuse. A few days had produced a great change, the raiders having finished their plundering excursion had retreated to Virginia with their spoils." Notwithstanding the confusion of mind owing to the ig norance of the situation, all the regiments selected got away except the 4th, 6th and 11th, the colonels of which were placed under arrest. Colonel Maidhoff of the 11th was selected as the first to be tried, he was convicted by the court ; the findings of the court were however, set aside by the Commander-in-Chief and the Colonel returned to his post of duty. The others were not tried ; thus ende"3 this unpleasant episode ; it was also the last call for assistance in the war of the rebellion. As an explanation of this episode, and what seemed a mys tery at that time, it is well to say that about the first of July, Lee hoping that an attack on Washington might cause Grant to let' up on Richmond, sent Early's Corps to make a raid; he marched unopposed until at Monocacy, 35 miles from Wash ington, where he met General Lew Wallace with a force of re cruits, followed by Rickett's division of the 6th Army Corps from Baltimore ; while the enemy was checked, Wallace was forced to retreat. On the 12th, Early, who was now marching on Washing- 286 [1864- ton, and within a few miles of it, met a force under General Auger. Early's nearest approach was at Fort Stevens (formerly Fort Massachusetts) where the fight was witnessed by Presi dent Lincoln ; his raid being unsuccessful, he withdrew, send ing a detachment out which reached as far as Chambersburg,. which they burned. This over, there was no further use of troops. \ As has been stated, at this period the 1st Division con tained twenty-one regiments, many of which were mere skele tons, it was proposed to draft from the uniformed Militia to fill up all regiments to their full quota; naturally a very un popular suggestion to the older regiments, who demurred. Of this the Sunday "Mercury" said: "The State Draft — This much talked of affair puts us in mind of a company of school boys with wooden guns and swords parading along in front of a regiment of soldiers with real weapons of war. The thing is ridiculous at the present time, and the idea of notifying men that they have been draft ed into Company A, B, C, of this or that regiment, belonging to the National Guard of the State of New York, so useless, when the remorseless conscription-wheel is about to revolve for the enforcement of the heaviest draft of the war, making not only quiet shopkeepers and artisans become soldiers trained to the cannon's mouth, but converting militia-men into something more than mere holiday heroes." (At the same time the same issue called attention to another peculiar act of the State headquarters.) "Notwithstanding the issuance of orders to the effect that all of the regiments of the National Guard are to be filled up to the maximum number by draft and that no new organiza tion shall be created, several have been. "By special orders from Division headquarters, just is sued, the 100th Regiment, N. G, is authorized, under the com mand of Colonel Hamlin Babcock. Probably the gentleman named is a competent officer, some of the new regiments have been tried; they were found to consist principally of officers. The different company rolls contained names of men not vis ible ; whole battalions of ghost-like myths ranged themselves in imagination, until the recruiting officers got to work, when an army of small boys was produced. Our opinion is that there is more money than men to be made out of this so-called State draft. Headquarters may aim at political effect but its agents strike at the pockets of the people." The 71st N. Y. V. of Sickles' brigade arrived in the City 1864-65] 287 without much announcement ; it was therefore resolved to give them a fitting welcome. The escort appropriately chosen, was the 71st N. G. Unfortunately, however, the order for the pa rade was issued at so late an hour that many of the members did not receive their notice in time. So the turnout was not large. They marched to the City Hall where they waited one hour before the volunteers made their appearance; after the review by the authorities the two regiments marched up to the Jefferson Market where they were dismissed and partook -of refreshments. The date was July 21st, the third anniver sary of the battle of Bull Run. "The annual inspection of the 71st took place on the Washington parade ground, October 27th at 2 P. M. Attired in heavy marching order, they made a most formidable appear ance, with knapsack and overcoat rolled on top." There were present 511, absent 127, total 638. A loss of 88 in total, and 46 in present, from last year. The Promenade concerts last year having proved so popu lar they were tried again, the first being given on the evening of November 7th, of a series of six, at Irving Hall, as before. 18 6 5 Regimental orders, G. O. No. 2, dated January 18th, ordered the adoption of the tactics of Brigadier-General Morris, U. S. A., in place of "Casey's" then in use; and on January 24th a regimental drill in these tactics was held in the State arsenal, Seventh Avenue and 35th Street, at which were present besides the large audience, Generals Sanford and Spicer in full uniform, and also General Morris, the author of the new tactics. These tactics first introduced the four-rank formation. The 71st was selected for the purpose of exemplifying these to the National Guard. Washington's Birthday, for a change was unusually pleas ant, and the regiment made its customary parade. During the spring session of the Legislature, the following bill was introduced by Senator Christie : A bill to incorporate the Seventy-first Regiment Association, naming as incorpor- 288 [186* ators: Benj. L. Trafford, Phillip R. Wilkens, Wm. G. Tomp kins, Andrew M. Underhill, Seymour A. Bunce, George D. Wolcot, Richard Sterling, Jr., Henry H. Parkin, Richard H.. Hunt, Henry W. Turner, George I Tyson, Remsen Appleby,. Edward Prime, James J. Thompson, Charles P. Kirkland, George W. Roosevelt, Henry P. Martin, Charles P. Spicer, A. A. Dow, Simeon Draper and William L. Ely. "The objects of said corporation are to hold such real and personal estate as may be advantageous for an armory, and for the purpose of said regiment, and to advance its efficiency, and promote harmony and social fellowship among its mem bers. The corporation may issue and sell stock not to exceed $250,000." On the 4th of March, the regiment paraded with the 1st and 2d Divisions N.Y.S. N.G., in celebration of the glorious achievements of our Army and Navy in the capture of Fort McAllister, Savannah, Fort Sumter, Charleston, Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Columbia, the capital of South Carolina. A reporter stated : "The sight was really a grand one ; as seen from Pearl to Bleecker Streets, there was one immense- mass of humanity, while every roof, window, and balcony teemed with animated nature, curious, anxious, excited, patri otic and intensely enthusiastic." April 12th ; the regiment paraded for the purpose of ren dering funeral honors to the remains of the late Bvt.-Brig.- General Frederic Winthrop, who was formerly a member of Company F, and served with it in 1861. At the time of his death he was twenty-five years old, a captain in the 12th U. S. Infantry, Colonel of the 5th N. Y. Veteran Volunteers and Brevet Brigadier-General, command ing 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps (Ayres Division). He was killed at the battle of Five Forks. He was rid ing along the breastworks and in the act of saving a friend's life, when he was shot through the left lung. He fell at once, and his men, who loved him, gathered around and took him tenderly to the rear, where he died before the stretcher on which he lay could be deposited before the door of the mess ing house. On the way from the field to the hospital he wandered in 1865] 289 his mind at times, crying out, "Captain Weaver, how is that line?" "Has the attack succeeded?" etc. When he had been resuscitated, for a pause he said : "Doctor, I am done for," his last words were "Straighten the line !" He died peacefully. He was buried in Trinity Church Yard. He was a cousin of Major Winthrop, the author of "Cecil Dreeme." The 71st, 12th and 22d Regiments, N. G., as well as the 7th U. S. Infantry, were detailed as escort to the remains, all under command of Colonel H. D. Wallen, U. S. A. The pall bearers were Brigadier Generals Warren, Sweeny, Morris, Van Vliet, Lieutenant-Colonels Clitz, King, O'Beirne and Captain Ellis. With the cortege was a large number of the officers of the army and navy and veteran soldiers of the Republic. Upon the arrival at the church, the remains were met by the Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix, Rev. Dr. Vinton, Rev. Dr. Ogilby and Rev. Dr. Seabury. The church was packed, the immense congregation arose while the solemn tones of the organ thrilled the church. The scene was an impressive one. After the service the casket was conveyed to the De- puyster family vault, where companies B and F under com mand yof Captain Underhill were lined on one side ; after the appropriate service was read by the Rev. Dr. Vinton, with responses by the choir, the coffin was lowered, three volleys were fired, and the last tribute to a brave comrade was over. On the 25th of April, the regiment participated in the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. This was probably one of the most imposing displays ever seen in this country, if not in the world. The procession was over five hours in passing, being in eight divisions; it was estimated that there were nearly one hundred thousand people in it. May 1st: Company H presented their first Lieutenant, Amos L. See, with a splendid sword, sash, belt and shoulder straps. The sword was a magnificent one, the cost altogether was estimated at four hundred dollars. The presentation took place at a regular meeting, after which, headed by the drum mers, they adjourned for refreshments, subsequently escort ing the Lieutenant to his home. 10 290 [1865 The social characteristic of the regiment still continued; on June 6th, Company B had a moonlight parade, and a re freshing time afterwards; and on the 9th Company D as sembled at Centre Market and marched up to East 50th Street, the residence of their Lieutenant Benjamin, where they re ceived a fine collation. Inspection was held this year on Washington Parade ground, June 19th at 4 P. M. There were present 440; absent 169; total 609, a loss in present since 1864 of 71 present, 29 in total and an increase of 42 absentee. After the inspection the regiment was manoeuvred for upwards of an hour in the Morris' Tactics. July 4th, the regiment made the usual parade with the 1st Division. This parade is notable for the fact, that it was the first time the old line of march had been changed, owing to the upward movement of the residential section ; heretofore it had been down Broadway to the City Hall, line being formed on 14th Street, right on Broadway; on this occasion the line was formed on 23d Street, right on 5th Avenue, and the line of march up Madison Avenue to 42d Street to 5th Avenue, down to 14th Street, through to Union Square, where the honor of a marching salute was paid to the Mayor and Common Council. July 21st, the regiment paraded to participate in the re ception of the Corcoran Legion. At this time the question was asked as to why the 71st always had the right of tbe line on parades of the ist Division. Paragraph 499, General Regulations of the State, said: "The order of troops at parades at camp for instruction, and in battle, will be as follows : First. The regiments in a brigade, if of the same arm, shall take precedent according to number, the first or lowest number taking the right. Regiments parading together, not belonging to the same brigade, or not on duty as part of a brigade, will observe the same rule. Second. Brigades and divisions take precedent according to the same numerical order. Third. The arrangements of regiments of different arms, 1865] 291 in their respective brigades, will be, first, the Light Infantry,. etc." Thus, it will be seen by the above, that the 71st, ranking. as light infantry, preceded the other regiments, which were infantry only. The 71st having been restored to a peace footing with no fear of further war service, it returned to its normal condi tions, minus Company K, and now was a nine company regiment. Companies B and H were the first to make an advance ; a battalion composed of those two companies under command * of Captain Andrew M. Underhill of Company B, numbering one hundred men, the regimental band and several officers of the regiment made an excursion to Boston. The battalion assembled at the University Place armory at 3 o'clock P. M. of August 13th, and after formation, marched to the foot of Murray Street, where they boarded the steamer "Metropolis." This being the first military excursion since the close of the war, attracted a large and enthusiastic crowd all along the line of rnarch. On their arrival in Boston the next morning they were met by the Boston Fusiliers, Major Snow commanding; after the customary ceremonies they were escorted by the "Fusiliers" and marched to the City Hall, and there welcomed by Major (Lincoln), to enjoy the hospitalities of the city, and then marched to the armory of the "Fusiliers." The reception gave every evidence that the 71st Regiment was well known in Boston. After a short rest, the regiment was escorted to the Navy Yard, where they were received by the U. S. Marines under direction of Commodore Stringham, who welcomed the battalion as a representative of an organi zation whose military record was well known throughout our country, and was pleased to receive the home company and their guest. They were then taken to Bunker Hill, and time given to such as desired, to march to the top of the monument. From there they went to their headquarters while in Boston, the American Hotel,, here rooms were assigned and dinner par- 292 [1865 taken of, after which the men, attired in white trousers and knapsack and musket, took a stroll about the city. After supper, while congregated in the reception room of the hotel, a delegation from the Boston "Tigers," the crack company of the city, waited upon the officers and demanded unconditional surrender of themselves and the whole battaho.i for the evening, informing Captain Underhill that all arrange ments had been made for their entertainment; carriages awaited at the door to carry them first to the armory of the "Tigers," where a reception was held, and then to the theatres ; in fact, to any place of interest; a number of officers were taken to the homes of their hosts. Taps were sounded at 12 midnight. The next morning, the battalion escorted by a delegation of the "Fusiliers," were taken on the steamer "Russia" for a sail on the harbor, landing at Fort Warren, receiving a hearty welcome and refreshments, "Army style"; other places of in terest were visited, after which they returned to the city and headquarters for dinner. After dinner, they proceeded to the armory of the ""Fusiliers," where an unexpected present was handed, in the shape of a silver wine cooler, by Count Schwabe, a German nobleman ; it was given by him to the entire regiment, and all the donor asked was that in return he should receive a likeness of his friend, Col. Abraham S. Vosburgh. (The photograph was subsequently sent to him. The wine cooler disappeared during the administration of Colonel Vose.) After vigorous handshaking, cheers for the "Fusiliers," the "Hub," "Tigers" and Count Schwab, the march was taken for the train through crowded streets and amid applause of spectators. At Providence, they were received by the blazing way ot a salute fired by the Marine Artillery, bell ringing and the depot crowded with people who made the air ring with exclamations of applause and welcome. After a brief stay of twenty minutes, the battalion took the Sound steamer, arriv ing in New York at 6 A. M., Friday, tired but pleased with their excursion. A few evenings later the present from Count Schwabe 1865] 293 was formally delivered to Colonel Trafford. The members of the battalion met at the University Place armory at 7 o'clock P. M., August 31st, in uniform and proceeded to Colonel Traf- ford's house, where Captain Underhill presented the cooler in the name of Count Schwabe; Colonel Trafford received the same on behalf of the regiment, and the battalion was enter tained by speeches, songs and collation. Thursday, August 31st: The directors of the 71st Regi ment Association (incorporated by the Legislature,) met at Sy2 Pine Street, and organized, by unanimous election, of Colonel B. L. Trafford as president. The directors named in the act of incorporation, consisted of an officer from each company of the regiment, three mem bers at large, and several gentlemen outside of the regiment, among whom were ex-Colonel Martin and ex-Quartermastei Roosevelt. Captains Bunce and Underhill were appointed a committee on by-laws and organization. As a Colonel, Trafford had not been a success, much discontent existed throughout the regiment, culminating in the following request signed by a large majority of the men, and conveyed to the Colonel's house by a committee of nine sergeants ; it covers the gravamen and is remarkable in its uniqueness : "Benjamin L. Trafford, Colonel commanding 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y. "Sir : In the exercise of the right which we claim to pos sess, and fully imbued with the respect for yourself and your position as commandant of the 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., of which we are members, we respectfully submit the following: "It has been painfully apparent to us all, that for the last two years, the 71st Regiment has not been advancing in a manner warranted by the reputation of the organization, its past services and record, and the spirit of the men. "The rank and file of the regiment have always, even under the most trying circumstances, displayed their willing ness to support their officers, yielded a ready and prompt obedience to all commands, and have faithfully performed all service required. "Notwithstanding these facts, we are compelled to wit ness organizations springing up around us and after one or two years' growth, outstripping us in almost every respect; 294 [1865 .enjoying all the emoluments to which we are entitled, secur ing, fine equipments, comfortable armories, and all that tends to make a regimental organization popular and prosperous, whilst we remain in a condition in every respect less desirable than that occupied previous to; and at the time of your eleva tion to the Colonelcy of the regiment. "We grant and fully comprehend that there are many and great obstacles in the way of rapid advancement ; that it re quires time and incessant and energetic labor to accomplish and secure the many desires, wants and needs of the regiment. "We furthermore, have been given to understand, that you have not received from the officers of the regiment subor dinate to you the confidence and support you had a right to expect. But we also bear in mind, and fully comprehend that energetic labor has succeeded in securing for others much younger, and we can justly say, less deserving organizations, their several needs. "We also believe that if, after two years, you have failed to command the confidence and support of your officers, there is little prospect of such support and confidence in the future. "We also fully comprehend that no militia organization in this city or state is more deserving of, or justly entitled to consideration or favors, than ours, for we have earned all we require or may claim, by many months of efficient service, years of imprisonment and starvation in Southern prisons to several of us, as well as by the sacrifice of many precious lives. "The undersigned are fully and forcibly impressed with the above facts, and after mature, deliberate and repeated con sultations, have concluded that the principal cause of the present condition of the regiment is the want of proper energy and influence at the head of the regiment. "We feel that the possession of influence, means time, and prominence in the community in which we live, are essential to enable the commandant of this regiment to build it up and place it where it belongs, second to, and surpassed by none. "Feeling thus, and knowing that you have found it impos sible to secure or wield the influence requisite, and so neces sary, we the non-commissioned officers and privates, do re spectfully ask you to resign your position as commandant of the 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. "In making this request, it will not be deemed super fluous, we hope, to say that personally we all entertain for you the kindest feelings and sentiments of the highest esteem as a gentleman and a soldier. You have grown up with the regi ment, and you present a worthy example for each and every one to follow. We know, furthermore, that you have a deep and abiding interest in the welfare and advancement of the regiment, and that causes and circumstances, entirely uncon- 1865] 295 trolled by you, have prevented you from building up the regiment as we all heartily anticipated you would. "Convinced that you are ready and willing to do anything that will tend to advance the interest and promote the welfare of our organization, we make the above request. "We all join in extending to you our sincerest and most heartfelt wishes for your future happiness and prosperity." This petition was presented about the 17th of October ; no comment is necessary, there were many matters which were wisely omitted, deeming that the fact of the condition of the regiment as contrasted with it when he took command was quite sufficient without personal allusions. The inspec tion of 1865 showed, as compared to that of 1863, a loss of 118 men. On October 22d, Company A paraded to pay the last trib ute of respect to the brave comrade, William Moir Smith. who was the first victim of Libby Prison after the first battle of Bull Run. Upon the death of Private Smith, his remains were kindly taken care of by an old friend of the family, who was then in Richmond, and who kindly sent them North at the close of the war; they were conveyed to Greenwood Cemetery, where in the family plot has since been erected a rustic monument surrounded with his equipments all carved in the stone. November 17th, Company C celebrated their thirteenth anniversary by a dinner; it must have been a game one, as roast duck, wild pigeon, roast turkey and chicken salad were quite prominent on the menu; Rhine wine, claret and Ameri can punch washed them down. November 25th, Evacuation Day, was celebrated as usual by a parade of the 1st Division, it was a beautiful day and nearly ten thousand men paraded. Of the 71st Regiment, the "Herald" said : "The 71st Infantry (American Guard) paraded 400 men, wearing no overcoats. This fine regiment ought to have had more men out, considering the time it has been organized. The 71st marched exceedingly well, but it does not make that superb appearance so customary to it when the lamented Vosburgh was at its head." 296 [1865-66 The regiment was ordered out, with overcoats, the day being so fine it is most likely that on that account they were dispensed with. The year closed with extensive preparations for a grand ball to be given in the Academy of Music, the proceeds of which was to be devoted to the completion of the Vosburgh monument; and a drill in the arsenal. During the year Harvey Dodworth retired from the leadership of the band which he had lead for so many years ; he was ably succeeded by his assistant, David L. Downing. Of the drill the "World" said: "On Wednesday evening, December 27th, the 71st Regi ment of New York Militia, participated in a battalion drill which amply illustrated their proficiency in the infantry branch of the art of war. The exercises took place in the State arsenal and the hundreds of jets with which it was illuminated lit up a scene of beauty, intellect and fashion, rarely seen outside the walls of the Academy. "The occasion was fittingly set apart to inaugurate the new bandmaster, Prof. Downing ; its debut was eminently suc cessful. At eight o'clock line was formed, the exercises being in ployments and deployments according to Morris' Tactics — some of the exercises were marvelously perfect. That of 'Charge bayonets' was a model ; and this was followed by the difficult one of forming column by fours, which was fault lessly effected. "The dress parade throughout, every evolution, was ad mirable; and at one time, the grand preparation for battle, as presented in the order preliminary to firing, excited special interest from all present." 18 6 6 The opening event of this year, was the ball given for the purpose of raising funds for the Vosburgh monument, on January 5th at the Academy of Music. Much preparation had been made to insure success by the committee, which con sisted of Captain George I. Tyson, Chairman; Lieut. A. T. Francis, secretary, and Captains O. P. Smith, R. R. Hunt and Lieut. C. E. Shade. From the New York "Herald," January 6th: "Last night, the long talked of ball of the gallant 71st 1866] 297 Regiment culminated in a blaze of youth, beauty and fashion, which lit up the Academy of Music; and probably not since His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales so gracefully tripped the light fantastic, with the famed belles of the Empire City, has a fairer assemblage congregated within the walls of the Academy, or the court of terpsichore held more brilliant revels than was inaugurated there last night by this splendid organi zation and their friends, and prolonged by them to the threshold of another day. "The decorations were beautiful; the flags of all nations hung in graceful festoons from the tiers and along the walls, at the end of the ballroom, upon the stage was a neat camp scene, represented by a field tent, on either side of which was a howitzer, while in front stood several stacks of muskets and pyramids of drums. Over this was a scroll of gas jets with the inscription 'Seventy-first Regiment, National Guard ;' the effect was elegant and attracted the admiration of all present. "The toilets of the ladies were all that could be desired by the most cynical observer, while the bright uniforms of the many distinguished military personages present bore a pleas ing contrast with the dress of the elite citizens who mingled in the throng. The regimental band of one hundred pieces led by Prof. Downing, discoursed sweet strains of music during the night. "Among the most prominent military men present we noticed Major-Generals Rosecrans, Pleasanton, Van Buren, Barlow, Devens, Slocum, Dix, Warren, Merritt, Palmer, Bachelor, Van Vliet and Sanford and staff ; also Brig.-Generals Marrion, Swain, Spicer, Hall, Aspinwall, Duryea, Spear and Stonehouse, together with all the Colonels of the New York militia. "The several committees which were all that could be desired, vied with each other in the discharge of their duties and succeeded in making the affair a grand success in every sense of the word, such as will reflect credit upon themselves and their splendid corps." On the evening of January 25th, the "Light Guard," Com pany A, gave a ball at the Academy of Music. As has been previously noted, much opposition was made to the admission of the Light Guard into the regiment, as it was more of a social organization than a working military company; and it would be found that it would be detrimental, or a weakness, rather than strength, to the regiment ; to a certain extent this proved to be true. The Company was compelled by law to become a part of a regiment or go out of existence, and to preserve themselves, 298 [1866 they elected to come into the 71st, while conforming to all the regimental requirements, they still kept up their old organiza tion, which was their first love and on which their loyalty was concentrated; at all functions they styled themselves the "Light Guard," and wore the distinctive uniform of that com pany, which was similar to that now worn by -the "Old Guard." This condition tended to wean the Company from their regiment, depriving the latter of its support on occasions where the two functions came so close. It was a peculiar state of affairs, while the officers of the two were the same, the membership was not, as all those who had previous to its coming into the 71st, been members of the Light Guard, were embraced in these functions, they were not members of the 71st. This ball, for instance, made no mention (as was the rule), of Company A, 71st Regiment, but called itself the "Light Guard," and in its order said, "Members of the Com pany MUST appear in company uniform (white coat, com pany body belt, wings and pants)." February 22d, this year, noted another departure from past custom. As has been stated, the condition of weather and streets, as a rule on this date, was fearful, each succeed ing year, for some time, there was less disposition for a parade. This year the Division did not parade, and the regi ment celebrated the day, by a dress parade and concert at the State arsenal. The social feeling in companies at this period, is shown by the following from the New York "Times," of April 8th: "While the members of Company E, 71st Regiment were busy drilling at their armory on Thursday evening, the 29th ulto., they were agreeably surprised by a tumultuous crowd of jolly maskers, who soon forced Company E to surrender with considerable discretion ; muskets were speedily restored to their racks and the room cleared for dancing, which was kept up until a late hour. "The incognita of the masqueraders was well preserved during the entire evening and many laughable scenes were the result "It is pleasant to record such incidents in the otherwise hum-drum life of a National Guardsman." 1866] 299 From the "Herald," of April 27th: "The presentation of colors to the gallant 71st Regiment, which was to have taken place on Monday last, but was post poned on account of the weather, came off with much eclat yesterday afternoon. The regiment paraded about three hundred and fifty men, the line was formed on Broome Street, about two o'clock, marched down Broadway, up Chatham (now Park Row) Street, and entering the east gate of the Park, came to a front. Both the Aldermen and Common Council, who were in session at the time, adjourned, and re paired to the plaza, where, with the Mayor and Colonel G. D. Kellogg, they reviewed and presented a beautiful stand of colors on behalf of the City, to the 71st. The stand of colors consisted of the National, State and Municipal, together with two beautiful guidons, all being of elegant workmanship, valued at eight hundred dollars. "The colors were presented by Mayor Hoffman, who in reciting the services of the Regiment he spoke of the 'lamented Vosburgh.' 'He was my personal friend, I cannot allow the occasion to pass without a reference to him. He was a brave soldier, a true patriot, and a noble, generous- hearted man. This regiment was his pride, and he died as he would have wished to die, its commander in the service of his country.' The Colonel responded appropriately, after which the regiment executed several evolutions in accordance with Morris' Tactics and then returned to their armory." (At this date, as before, a stand of colors was presented by the City, instead of by the State, as now.) From the "Herald," May 4th : "In the latter part of last summer it may be remembered, Companies B and H of the 71st Regiment, accepting of an invitation from the Boston 'Fusiliers' to visit the 'Hub,' re paired to that city and were received with the utmost cordi ality. Desirous of testifying their appreciation of the reception accorded them by this crack corps of Boston, they immediate ly upon returning, organized a committee to adopt some neat device to present to the 'Fusiliers,' and the selection is de cidedly creditable to the committee, as is also the execution, to the artist who perfected it. "The testimonial consists of the portraits of the members of Companies B and H, which surround a finely executed piece of caligraphy, set in a costly frame of black walnut, which is studded with gilt stars surmounted by an eagle and coat of arms with various other military devices, all in gilt ; the frame 300 [1866 stands about seven feet high ; the following is the inscription : " 'Companies B and H, 71st Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., to the Independent Boston Fusiliers — Greetings: " 'Words being inadequate to express our grateful appre ciation of the fraternal courtesies and spontaneous welcome with which you received us on our late visit to your city, and not yet having had an opportunity to welcome you here in return, we deem it not inappropriate to place upon record our acknowledgment of the great debt we owe you. If you will do us the favor to accept our faces, as the index of our hearts, you will be constantly reminded that should you visit this metropolis, all these here will esteem it their privilege and honor to welcome you. CAPTAIN ANDREW M. UNDERHILL CAPTAIN GEORGE D. WOLCOTT LIEUT. WALTON CARPENTER." May 10th: Companies D and E paid Mayor Hoffman the compliment of a serenade. The Companies, numbering 150 men, under command of Captains Wolcott and Smith, marched from the armory at Centre Market, to the Clarendon Hotel (18th Street and Fourth Avenue), where they halted for near ly an hour, during which time the regimental band performed a number of pieces. At the conclusion of the musical program, Mayor Hoffman, in answer to repeated calls, appeared upon the balcony of the hotel and returned his thanks for the com pliment paid him as the chief magistrate of the city of New York, for he could not consider it a compliment merely to himself. He did not intend to make a lengthy speech, but he would say that he had long felt a deep interest in the 71st Regiment. "His acquaintance with the regiment began when Colonel Vosburgh was its commanding officer, in regard to whom he would have something to say, on the invitation of the regi ment, at a future time. He had recently in the name of the City, had the honor of presenting the regiment with a stand of colors, a mark of honor to which it was justly entitled. "He had always felt proud of the past history of the regi ment, and he felt confident that its future would be equally as brilliant and honorable. He felt assured that in all time to come it would, whenever called upon, defend the flag of State and Country. He would once more return his thanks and bid the soldiers good night." 1866] 301 After the band played "Hail Columbia," the companies proceeded to the residence of Lieut.-Colonel Coles, thence to the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where they serenaded the proprietors, and then later to General Spicer's residence. This battalion had annually celebrated the conclusion of the drill season, by this description of a moonlight parade. When they reached the armory, they found a spread, provided by Captain Underhill of Company B. The Vosburgh monument being finished and in position, Wednesday, May 23d, was selected as the day to inaugurate it. The ceremony is fully described in the following from the N. Y. "Times" of May 24th: "The formal inauguration of the monument erected by the 71st Regiment to the memory of Col. Abraham S. Vosburgh, took place yesterday afternoon at Greenwood Cemetery. The ceremonies attendant upon the occasion were imposing in their character, embracing the burial of the remains of the deceased and lamented Colonel, a military salute over the grave and an address by Mayor Hoffman, upon the life and services of the man whose memory the monument was in tended to perpetuate. "Agreeably to orders issued by Colonel Trafford, the 71st Regiment assembled in Bond Street at 10.30 yesterday morn ing. The line of parade was formed at 11 o'clock, the right resting on Broadway. As soon as the formation was complete the command broke into column by platoon, and took up the line of march, wheeling into Broadway, down which thorough fare the regiment marched as far as Wall Street. As the command reached the Park, a carriage, in which sat his Honor Mayor Hoffman, fell in behind the regiment and accompanied the cortege to the cemetery. In the carriage with the Mayor were General Spicer, commanding the First Brigade, Colonel. Baldwin and General Storms. "Accompanying the 71st Regiment were several officers; who were formerly connected with the 'American Guard.'" They were Colonel H. P. Martin, who was the successor of. Colonel Vosburgh in the command of the 71st Regiment;: Surgeon Chas. McMillan, late Medical Director on General Sherman's Staff, and Regimental Surgeon under Colonel Vos burgh ; Lieut. A. H. Pride, Adjutant in 1861 ; and Captains Stow and Thorne, who served in 1861. "When the head of the column reached Wall Street, the command wheeled into that street and proceeded to Brooklyn: via the Wall Street Ferry, landing at the foot of Montague 302 [1866 Street. The 7lst Regiment turned out in full force, having nearly 550 men under arms, and the appearance of the com mand was exceedingly good. The Regimental Drum Corps and Band, under the direction of Prof. Downing, marched at their head. As the regiment marched up Montague Street they were received with the customary salute by the 23d {Brooklyn) Regiment, Colonel Calvin E. Pratt Commanding. and the courtesy was duly returned. The entire column then took up the line of march for Greenwood Cemetery. "The monument stands on Battle Hill, near the main en trance to Greenwood Cemetery. It was erected by voluntary subscriptions from the active and ex-members of the 71st Regiment, at an expense of $5,000. It consists of a Corin thian column broken at the summit. At the top of the shaft stands an eagle, with outspread wings, grasping in its talons the American colors, in the folds of which are wrapped a sword, belt and sash. On the front of the obelisk a wreath of laurel encircles an excellent portrait of Colonel Vosburgh, while on either side are the State and National coats-of-arms. Upon the front tablet of the base is inscribed the following: COL. ABRAHAM S. VOSBURGH. Died in the Service of his Country. "On the reverse side appears : Born at Kinderhook, September 20, 1825. Died in the City of Washington, D. C, May 20, 1861. Aged 35 years and 8 months. "On the right is engraved the words: Erected by the members of the 71st Regiment, National Guard, State of New York. "And on the left: Pro Patria. CEREMONIES AT THE CEMETERY. "As soon as the cortege arrived at the entrance of the cemetery, both regiments were halted and formed in line. A guard of honor was then detailed from the 71st Regiment, and the hearse containing the remains of Colonel Vosburgh was placed in position. The pall-bearers were the ex-officers of the regiment already named. The necessary preliminaries having been perfected, the procession was put in motion, and 1866] 303 all that was mortal of the lamented Vosburgh was escorted to its final resting place, with the usual military honors. A carriage containing Mrs. Vosburgh and her two children, fol lowed the hearse. When the cortege arrived at the site of the monument, the body was removed from the hearse and lower ed into the grave prepared for it at the base of the monument. The firing party, consisting of Company E, Captain Smith commanding, marched forward and fired three volleys over the grave. The troops were then formed in mass, and the large assemblage of citizens uncovered. Mayor Hoffman then stepped forward and delivered the address." (The address will be found in the Appendix). The monument completed, and properly dedicated, that which had long been contemplated by Colonel Trafford, was put into effect by the following order: HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, May 29th, 1866. General Orders No. 6 : With this order I relinquish the command of this regiment, and from this date Lieutenant-Colonel Coles will assume full charge of its affairs. It is not without regret that I sever the connection which has existed for many years, during which we have passed through many scenes of excitement and danger, and of sorrow and pleasure. In taking my leave, I wish to express my thanks to those (officers and men) who have given me their support in my efforts to promote the welfare of the organization, and to assure you all of my best wishes for your future prosperity and welfare. BEN. L. TRAFFORD, Col. 71st Regt, N.G.S.N.Y. Charity bids us draw the curtain, but history requires- that a few facts be noted before we pass this administration.. As a commanding officer Trafford was a failure, not that he lacked the qualities of a drill master, but he did those of an executive; he was temperamentally not built for the posi tion; as he saw it, he did what he thought best for the interest of the regiment; but without weighing the result; a politician, he ran the regiment on the same methods as he ran his ward politics; there were many ex amples, but one or two will answer as a sample: Company F, in 1863, when Trafford was made Colonel, had 66 men, 304 [1866 its Captain resigned December, 1864, leaving a member ship of 62 the vacancy was not filled until June, 1865, this delay was caused by a difference of opinion regarding the promotion of its Lieutenant, the majority desiring to go outside of the company; after a time, having selected the candidate, an effort was made to have an election ordered; the Colonel however, was in favor of promotion, and to insure it before ordering the election, discharged a suffici ent (about fifteen) number to make it certain ; the promotion was secured, the strength reduced to .45, and the company so demoralized that it was years before it revived. The new Cap tain remained in office eight months. One other illustration : Company C, by the promotion of its Captain to Major, January, 1864, had a vacancy which they declined to fill by the promotion of their First Lieutenant, who, in return absented himself from the duties of his office, leaving the company without a commissioned officer; a com mittee was appointed to wait upon the Colonel, state the facts and request that the Lieutenant be compelled to attend to his duties or resign ; the Colonel met the committee in a domi neering manner, refusing to do either one thing or the other ; this action being in harmony with previous acts of his, was not unlooked for, and when the committee suggested that this refusal was not likely to add to his popularity, he replied that he did "not care a damn what their opinions were." The Lieu tenant did not return to the company, nor resign until the summer, a Lieutenant from H Company being detailed to command the company. At the time Trafford was elected Colonel the regiment had numerically reached its high-water mark, having a mem bership of 726; each inspection showed a reduction until the last was 606, and the "esprit de corps" undermined, very many of its best men had gone from it, and at that time there was no veteran corps where they might be collected for united help when needed. The situation was discouraging. Lieut.-Colonel Coles declined promotion, on account of his health, resigning the following January. The Guardian- Star of the 71st, however, did not desert it, though, like the children of Israel, they were destined to much trial and tribu lation before they should reach the hoped-for land ; it did not 1866] 305 take forty years, but very close to it, so we may consider this stage of its history an epoch, as from this time new blood •came into control, and a discipline was established that con formed more to what was required of a military organization. May 1st, Captain Eugene S. Eunson of the 174th N.Y.V. was elected Captain of Company F. On June 1st, the officers of the regiment attended the funeral of Lieut. -General Winfield Scott, U. S. A., at West Point. June 5th, Brvt. -Lieut.-Colonel M. S. Euen, U.S.V., once a private in Company C, was elected Captain of Company B, vice Underhill resigned. August 29th, the regiment paraded with the Division at the reception of President Johnson. September 3d, Brvt. -Lieut.-Colonel Harry Rockafellar, U. S. A., was elected Major. During the summer efforts were made to procure a Col onel from outside; a committee waited on General Duryea, offering the position to him; he received the committee with cordiality, thanked them for the honor, saying that there was no regiment he would be more proud to command, but he must decline, as he should not enter the Guard again; after a very pleasant interview the committee withdrew. Captain Eunson presented the name of Colonel Theodore W. Parmele, who had been Colonel of his old regiment, the 174th N. Y. V. ROLL OF HONOR. Names of those members of the Regiment who entered the Regular or Volunteer service, during the War of the Re bellion. This list cannot be guaranteed to be correct, but it is as near as can possibly be made. In 1864 the Adjutant General of the State of New York, requested of each command a list of the names of those who had entered the U. S. service; a copy of that of the 71st Regiment was requested, when making this list; that list had on it 137 names, all without company designation, this has been supplied by the compiler as far as possible, and he has 306 ¦ [1866 also added 60 more names known to him as correct, and he has also corrected many errors in the "official list." It is very apparent that but four (A, C, D, H) com panies made returns in 1864; had the other four companies responded in the same proportion, there should have been at least 300 names instead of 197 as here published. The names of those who enlisted but did not attain a commission are not recorded except in a few instances, and there must have been many. Nearly 30 per cent, of its membership enlisted as here shown : FIELD AND STAFF— COMMISSIONED AND NON-COMMISSIONED Borrowe, William, Captain 2d Art., U. S. A. Buckingham, Geo. A., Colonel 53d N. Y. V. Butterfield, Daniel, Major-General U. S. A. Day, Nicholas W., N.C.S. Bvt. Brigadier-General U. S. V. Demorest, A. G, Colonel 22d N. J. V. Dodge, John P., Captain 66th N. Y. V. Killed at Fredericksburg. McMillen, Charles, Medical Director U. S. A. On General Sherman's Staff. Parisen, Philip J., Lieutenant-Colonel 57th N. Y. V. Killed at Antietam. Seelye, Edgar, Bvt.-Major U. S. V. Smith, Henry E., N. C. S., Bvt.-Major 12th U. S. A. ENGINEER CORPS Forbes, Joseph, Captain U. S. A. Gillett, James, Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A. Grant, Thomas H, 1st Lieutenant 53d N. Y. V. COMPANY A. *Ayres, Conway W., Major 9th N. Y. V. Cavalry Barney, William C, Major, Asst. Paymaster U. S. A. Boies, Justin A., Captain U. S. A. Died at Vicksburg Classen, P. J., Colonel 132d N. Y. V. Charles, Edmund C, Colonel .42d N. Y. V. Died of wounds at Fredericksburg. Chittenden, Richard H., Captain Ohio V. *Clapp, William H, Captain 16th Inft. U. S. A. *Cuniss, Frederic R., Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. Daly, Thomas, Jr., 1st Lieutenant 132d N. Y. V. Indicates, not sure of Company. 1866] 307 f Day, Joseph B., 2d Lieutenant 82d N. Y. V. Killed at Nelson Farms, Va. Doherty, P„ Captain :16th N. Y. V. Cavalry *Eldridge, James W., 2d Lieutenant U. S. C. T. French, William R., Lieutenant-Colonel 165th N. Y. V. Gordon, Ray T., 2d Lieutenant 53d N. Y. V. Gordon, Gilbert (Lenard), Adjutant N. Y. V. Goodell, A. W., Adjutant 48th N. Y. V. Gardner, Curtiss C, Major 27th N. Y. V. Henriques, Joseph, Captain 4th N. Y. V. Hyde, John M., Lieutenant-Colonel 39th N. Y. V. Jennings, Henry M., Major 95th N. Y. V. Jones, Frank, Colonel 31st N. Y. V. Kenyon, R. Wells, Lieutenant-Colonel 104th N. Y. V. Ledyard, Perry M., 1st Lieutenant 90th N. Y. V. Lounsberry, L. S., 1st Lieutenant N. Y. V. Westchester Infantry. *Mitchel, John G, 1st Lieutenant 101st N. Y. V. Male, W. H., Major U. S. V. Millard, Harrison, Captain 19th U. S. A. McMurry, John, Major U. S. V. Nevins, David J., Colonel 62d N. Y. V. Oakley, Thomas B., Major and Paymaster. U. S. A. *Philips, Joseph A., Lieutenant 5th Cav., N. Y. V. Simpson, George H. Captain 133d N. Y. V. Stetson, Alex. M., Major 11th N. Y. V. Stetson, Prince R., Captain 15th U. S. A. Timpson, Samuel C, Captain 95th N. Y. V. Tracy, Prescott, 1st Lieutenant 5th N. Y. V. ^Thompson, Lewis T., 1st Lieutenant Kansas V. *Wilson, Afred K., 1st Lieutenant COMPANY B. Bell, John H., Bvt. Brigadier-General U. S. V. Cooper, Charles L., Bvt. Brigadier-General U. S. A. Frobisher, Henry M., Captain _ 95th N. Y. V. Hazen, John, 1st Lieutenant 90th N. Y. V. Died in service. Ferguson, Archibald H., Captain 25th N. Y. V. Killed at Gains Mills *McMasters, Z. J., 1st Lieutenant Cavalry N. Y. V. *Quick, J. R., Captain 95th N. Y. V. Squires, William J _ _ U. S. M. Underhill, Andrew M., 1st Lieutenant 11th N. Y. V. Wilkenson, James, 1st Lieutenant N. Y. V. COMPANY C. Bruen, John T., Captain 10th Independent Battery N. Y. V. Barker, W. L., Act. Ensign U. S. N. 308 [1866 Deming, E. M., Captain 61st N. Y. V. Killed in Charles City Cross Road. Delan, J. R _ U. S.N. *Evertson, D-, Lieutenant V. Euen, Mathias S., Bvt. Colonel U. S. V. Fabre, F. A., Lieutenant N. Y. V. Farrell, James, Captain 48th N. Y. V. Killed at Ft. Wayne. Favell, James M., Bvt. Colonel U. S. V. Hagadorn, Moses C, Captain. 11th N. Y. V. Hall, H. B., Captain 6th Art., N. Y. V. Hall, C. B., 95th N. Y. V. Hall, Ernest K U. S. N. Haviland, J. P., Captain 127th N. Y. V. Hutchinson, Elbridge, 1st Lieutenant 48th N. Y. V. Ilsey, C. J., Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Cav., U. S. A. Jacobson, Arthur C, 176th N. Y. V. Kline, Peter, 2d Lieutenant 12th N. Y. V. Locke, J., Bvt. Major. 107th U. S. C. T. Meserole, George B., 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry Purdy, J. Hart, Major 59th N. Y. V. Roberts, John, 1st Lieutenant 175th N. Y. V. Ryan, J. B. F., Captain 20th Infantry Battery Ruscher, Captain Switzer, F. D., Captain Sleaman, John H, Asst- Engineer U. S. N. Treanor, Henry H., 1st Lieutenant 1st Engineers, N. Y. V. Willoughby, R. H. Major 21st U. S. C. T. White, Larue N., Lieutenant N. Y. V. Woolsey, Richard D U. S. N. Wines, C. M., Captain 5th H. A., N. Y. V. Warriner, W. M., Captain Killed in service COMPANY D Blauvelt, D., 1st Lieutenant 21st N. J. V. Bodine, Aug. S., 1st Lieutenant 127th N. Y. V. *Bemrose, Joseph, 1st Lieutenant 51st N. Y. V. *B.artlett, J. H, 1st Lieutenant 102d N. Y. V. *Benjamin, N. O., 1st Lieutenant 131st N. Y. V. Killed at Port Hudson. Coe, Joseph B., 1st Lieutenant TJ. S. N. *Clement, W. H., 1st Lieutenant 7th 111. V. l! Cunningham, J. F., 2d Lieutenant 164th N. Y. V. Cole, William M., Adjutant 164th N. Y.'v. *DeArcy, William, C, Captain 48th N Y V Killed at Deep Bottom, Va. Fitzmaurice, J. L., 1st Lieutenant 170th N. Y. V. 1866] 309 Florintine, Abraham, Captain 59th N. Y. V. Died from wounds at Antietam. *Green, James M., Lieutenant-Colonel 48th N. Y. V. *Howard, H. M., 1st Lieutenant 159th N. Y. V. Magraw, Sacket, Captain Oppenshaw, Edward, 1st Lieutenant 156th N. Y. V. *Rugg, H. P., Lieutenant-Colonel 59th N. Y. V. Smith, W. H., 2nd Lieutenant 146th N. Y. V. Thornton, C. B., 2d Lieutenant 146th N. Y. V. Wallace, Samuel R., 1st Lieutenant 48th N. Y. V. Wychoff, Charles B., 2nd Lieutenant 48th N. Y. V. Scott, James, Captain 47th N. Y. V. COMPANY E. Ammerman, Louis D., 1st Lieutenant 102d N. Y. V. Wade, Edward H, Captain 59th N. Y. V. Scott, Thomas R. J., Captain 25th N. Y. Cavalry Killed at Gettysburg. COMPANY F. Bromley, George H., Lieutenant 32d N. Y. V. Boyd, William A., 1st Lieutenant 62d N. Y. V. Chamberlain, Benj. N. C, Major 9th N. Y. V. Cavalry Dustan, Charles W., Asst. Adjutant-General U. S. V. Ferris, Grafton. 1st Lieutenant 3d Cavalry, Mass. V. Faye, Emmet M., 1st Lieutenant - 42d N. Y. V. Philip, Benjamin F., 2d Lieutenant 84th N. Y. V. Racy, William H., 1st Lieutenant 53d N. Y. V. Rockafellar, Harry, Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A. Thompson, William L., Bvt.-Major N. Y. V. Tompkins, George W. B., Colonel 13th Cavalry, N. Y. V. Winslow, Cleveland, Colonel 5th N. Y. V. Winthrop, Frederic, Bvt.-Major-General U. S. V. Col. 12th U. S. Infantry. COMPANY G. Gay, Edward, Assistant Engineer U. S. N. Hagadorn, J. M., Captain 131st N. Y. V. Hunt, William B., Captain 131st N. Y. V. Hinchman, E. A., 1st Lieutenant 131st N. Y. V. Ince, George, Captain 66th N. Y. V. Killed at Gettysburg. Jacobus, John Wesley 9th N. Y. V Romaine, William H, Assistant Paymaster U. S. N. Sproul, James A., Captain 174th N. Y. V. Sutton, Andrew G 2d Battalion N. Y. V. 310 [1866 COMPANY H. Ball, W. H, 2d Lieutenant 93d N. Y. V. Beardsley, W. E., Major 6th N. Y. V. Cavalry Brower, Samuel S 2d N. Y. V. Burgess, W. H, 1st Lieutenant 53d N. Y. V. Burk, Major - 4th N. Y. V. Chester, George F., Colonel 101st N. Y. V. Copcutt, H. W.. Captain - 9th N. Y. V. Coster, Richard W U. S. N. Day, Samuel C, Captain 3d N. Y. V. Artillery Dyer, Philip - 11th N. Y. V. Embler, Andrew H., Bvt.-Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. V. Medal of Honor Emmett, Temple, Adjutant 88th N. Y. V. Freed, William T N. Y. V. Giles, George H, Lieutenant Godfrey, George W., 2d Lieutenant 4th N. Y. V. Godine, Frank, Captain 32d N. Y. V. Godine, J. H, 2d Lieutenant _ 32d N. Y. V. Gott, William C-, 2d Lieutenant Louisiana Vol. Granville, E. C, 2d Lieutenant _ 47th N. Y. V. Graham, John H., Captain Green, William H, 1st Lieutenant 142d N. Y. V. Graham, James G, Lieutenant _ _ „ _ Cavalry Gregory, David E., Colonel 144th N. Y. V. Hebbard, N. J., 1st Lieutenant 142d N. Y. V. Kirk, Ezra B., Colonel 14th Ohio V. Lawrence, G. M., Lieutenant _ _.....U. S. N. Leaycraft, W. H, Bvt. Major & Capt 87th N. Y. V. Linderback, Henry W 2d U. S. S. M. McCreary, Edwin P., Lieutenant _ _ __ Merklee, John _ 53d N. Y. V. Meserole, John _ _ _ _. Rail, Marcelius F 165th N. Y. V. Randall, Horatio D _ _.... N. Y. V. Ryerson, George W., 2d Lieutenant 2d N. Y. V. Searles, John M., Captain 54th N. Y. V. Shultes, Robert, Engineer _ _ U. S. N. Strong, Richard P., Bvt.-Major _ U. S. V. Sweet, Edward J., Lieutenant 1st Marine Artillery Sweet, Samuel S _ _ 165th N. Y. V. Tallman, Warren S., Captain _ _. Welch, Robert Jr 165th N. Y. V. York, Louis E., Captain TJ. S. A. 1866] 311 COMPANY I. Bayiis, James C, 1st Lieutenant 16th N. Y. V. Heavy Artillery Ellis, A. Van Horn, Bvt.-Brigadier-General U. S. V. Killed at Gettysburg. Gowdy, James, Captain _ 56th N. Y. V. Grier, James A., Captain 124th N. Y. V. Lawson, Sylvester, 1st Lieutenant - 1st U. S. S. S. ?Travis, Henry F, Captain 124th N. Y. V. Wood, Charles R., Captain 124th N. Y. V. Marshall, Edward G, Assistant Surgeon 124th N. Y. V. COMPANY NOT KNOWN. Anderson, W. P., 1st Lieutenant U. S. A. Coppins, Geo. T 19th Mass. V. Courtoise, Charles, Captain N. Y. V. Eppes, James H, Assistant Engineer U. S. N. Hullis, Robert J., Assistant Engineer _ U. S. N. Hartshorne, W. S., 1st Lieutenant 169th N. Y. V. Van Allen, F. W 131st N. Y. V. Van Dusen, A., 1st Lieutenant Marine Artillery COLONEL THEODORE W. PARMELE Plate iv — tfp. 313 Administration of Colonel THEODORE W. PARMELE 1866—1869 September 3d. Colonel Theodore W. Parmele, late of the 174th N. Y. V., was elected Colonel of the 71st, taking com mand at once. The entire official documents turned over to his head quarters were contained in a soap box; these consisted of all that had accumulated for the fourteen years that the regiment had existed, and were mostly the books issued to it while in the U. S. service. This was owing to the fact that there had never been in the true sense a headquarters, no clerical work was done, such correspondence as there was seemed to be con strued as personal property, and was either preserved by the recipient, or destroyed ; then, again, there was comparatively very little correspondence, any one from Captain down to private did not hesitate to go direct to the Colonel's place of business and say what he had to say; this consumed very much of private time and became a nuisance. "Going through the channel," and communication by let ter was not understood. One of the most difficult pieces of military education that the new administration had, was teach ing the officers that their communications to headquarters must be directed to the Adjutant, especially was this the case with Captains, who considered it lowering their dignity to address an Adjutant who was only a First Lieutenant. While it is not possible, even if desired, to maintain that rigid discipline of the regular army, still it is an innate feeling of doing the right thing that maintains the discipline of any organization, and as long as the men have respect for their leader there is no difficulty, but where there is no respect, the 314 [1866 fear of consequences are not much considered, a weak officer stood very little chance, his desire for popularity led him in to all sorts of trouble, and breach of discipline ; and there were many such in the guard. Large companies at formations would hold back some of their men until equalization and then allow them to fall in. Captains would allow men to fall out during the parade, and even the members of the band when at a halt would make ;i break for the nearest beer saloon. So far as any of these or other faults were found in the 71st, they were soon put an end to, it came hard, but it was done, and that, too, without any serious friction. Headquarters were established (though not in an armory), and an entire set of books obtained, and from that time on all details have been conformed to. Colonel Parmele was the beau ideal of a soldier, knew what he was talking about and said it with a snap that con veyed attention and confidence, he was original in his method, quick in his delivery, magnetic in his personality, a manner ism that took the attention of the men at once and held it, he was quick to detect an error, and prompt to correct one, in fact, he captured the men ; unfortunately his career was short, but the impression lasted longer. For the first time the Adjutant became an officer of more importance ; previously he formed the regiment, at drills, posted the guides, and very little else; now in addition to his military work, he became recognized as the Colonel's mouth piece, having the confidence of the Colonel, he attended to ail the clerical work, corresp;; u'.ence, etc., relieving the Colonel of all details except that directly concerning the military features. The following extracts from General Orders will give some idea of the reforms introduced : "The senior officer, or non-commissioned officer present at a company formation will be held responsible for any delay in conducting their companies to the parade line. "Full duty will be exacted of every officer and member of this Command during the lawful term of service, without respect for any tender of resignation, or alleged unpleasant ness of relation; any tardiness in the performance of duty rendered by officers or men who are awaiting their discharge 1866] 315 from service will be promptly rebuked, and no member shall receive credit for services not rendered. "Every officer and member of this command will be con sidered under regimental government whenever wearing any portion of the uniform which may designate our organization, and drunkenness, profanity, unclean condition of person or dress, or any other breach of discipline when on duty, will be followed by such punishment as the law prescribes. "Company commanders will be held responsible for the conduct of their men, and will issue such orders as may bet ter secure conformity to the foregoing. "No officer or member who arrives on the ground after the report of First sergeants, will be permitted to parade with the regiment, all such will be reported as absent from duty, and any officer or member leaving the parade without proper authority, will be returned to court martial. "Company commanders in forwarding official papers to these headquarters will address and receive returns from the Adjutant ; all communications must be carefully prepared, and contain the necessary explanation of the enclosure. "All recruits or members of the Regiment not prepared for instruction in the school of the Company, are hereby ordered to assemble in fatigue uniform at the 13th armory on Thursday evening of each week, at 8 o'clock, until further orders. The line officers from each company will alternate in attending these meetings to assist the Colonel in the in struction of recruits and will furnish corrected list of the mem bers detailed by company commandants at each meeting. "The many objections to the existing system by which officers and men are kept from development, are too apparent to need comment, and it is deemed for our common good, that an orthodox uniformity of instruction be instituted. Habi tual carelessness in attention, clandestine hilarity, untidy ap pearance, or any other deficiency on the part of members, which may be a detriment to the progress of a company will be considered sufficient cause for reduction to this class." The necessity of such orders gives an idea of the radical requirements to bring a regiment at that time into a homo genous condition that was essential to the maintenance of a military organization. The first parade under the new Colonel, was that of the annual inspection, October 18th, on Tompkins Square. From the "Citizen," October 27th : "The 71st Regiment was inspected and mustered on the 18th, doing itself great credit. The marching in review was 316 [1866 one of the best displays that has been seen in a long time, and the beneficial effects of Colonel Parmele's strict discipline are at once apparent to those who have been familiar with the condition of the regiment during the past few years. "Colonel Trafford, the late commander, was a gentleman in the fullest sense of the word, but his feelings were too fine, and his sympathies too tender to enable him to turn the screws on blockheads and delinquents. "Colonel Parmele appeared upon the ground with his little bugle slung jauntily over his shoulder, and his knowledge of its use enabled him to give several commands in a manner which an experienced bugler might envy." At this inspection there were present 469, absent about 137; a gain of 29 in present and 32 less absent than in 1865, comparatively not a bad showing. That the large number absent may not be thought to be exceptional, the following inspec tion returns of the division will be interesting as showing the absentees of each regiment : Absent, Absent, Present, per cent. Present, per cent. 1835 433022 23 50 2727 1st Regiment 245 .. . 40 22d Regiment 123 2d Regiment 342 .. . 50 37th Regiment 214 3d Regiment 236 .. . 32 55th Regiment 250 4th Regiment 203 .. . 37 69th Regiment 175 5th Regiment 201 .. . 22 £lst Regiment 137 6th Regiment 180 .. . 32 gtd. Regiment 60 7th Regiment 423 . . 37 g* £gSS IS 8th Regiment 124 .. . 19 84th R iment 333 9th Regiment 100 . 17 95th RegWent 184 11th Regiment 144 ... 20 96th Regiment 178 12th Regiment 162 .. . 22 99th Regiment 157 Total of division present, 10,251; absent, 4.866, or over 31 per cent. This carrying of "dead wood" is quite a contrast to the present exceptional absentees. An amusing incident illustrating discipline, was at the inspection of the 11th Regiment; after manoeuvering the regi ment into line, ranks open and arms presented, the Inspector advanced to the front and acknowledged the salute, but where was the music? All was still and silent as the grave, not a band or a drum corps; the Adjutant with the brigade major hunted up the delinquent musicians, whom they found busy at breakfast over sundry glasses of beer. 1866-67] 317 A previous revolt of the drum corps had so thinned their ranks that only a portion remained. Monday, November 26th, the Division paraded to cele brate Evacuation Day by the British in 1783. Of the 71st, the "Mercury" said : "We could see nothing to criticise or condemn in this trim looking body of clean, well set up and intelligent sol diers. They looked like gentlemen and marched like soldiers." After the parade, on the return to the armory, Colonel Parmele was thrown from his horse while on Fifth Avenue near 21st Street ; he was picked up and carried home in a semi conscious state. The close of the year 1866 made another progressive movement in the Guard, being the resignation of Brig.- General Spicer of the 1st Brigade (a very nice old gentleman of the past, but no soldier), and the election in November of Colonel William G. Ward, of the 12th as his successor. General Ward was of the new school, a thoroughly prac tical soldier, he promptly started a new order of things, order ing a drill of brigade officers for December 11th; this was something unheard of in the National Guard before. 18 6 7 As an evidence of the work being done in the Regiment, division (two companies) drills were held in January on the night of the 7th to the 18th inclusive, Sunday and Saturday excepted. From the "Army and Navy Journal," February 9th : "On the 4th: A drill of the 71st Regiment took place at the State Arsenal. Colonel Parmele was in command, he wore a fatigue jacket, the eagle without the rectangle, and a silver bugle, all of which was allowable at a drill in fatigue uniform, while at the same time they gave the Colonel a very natty appearance. "The line was very handsomely formed under the super intendence of Adjutant Francis and the Sergeant-Major, who designated the positions for the guides of the various 318 [1867 companies in a very correct and soldierly manner. After tak ing command the Colonel brought the battalion to 'parade rest,' and kept it in that position for some time, during which they stood very steady. "During the evening the Colonel drilled the battalion in a movement of his own, called 'forming circles by division.' This was executed by forming divisions, facing them about, giving command 'form circle,' which was done by bringing the right and left together, the men facing outward at the command 'halt,' and bringing their bayonets to the 'charge,' and giving a low growl. "We noticed that in wheeling, Captains Eunson and Tompkins, were the only officers to face their commands while executing the wheel ; the omission was more notice able, because, as the general thing, the officers were in their proper positions while executing the various manoeuvers. "Brigadier-General Ward was present during the drill and towards its close exercised the battalion in the manual of arms. "The regiment made a very handsome appearance, but we hope the captains will give more attention to the proper cadence in marching, as several inaccuracies occurred from want of it. "Colonel Parmele is working very faithfully with his regiment, and we think is producing a good result. We can not close our accounts of this drill without noticing the fact that there was no tobacco chewing in the ranks, and that the floor was consequently unsoiled by tobacco juice, which is not usually the case." The Regiment was ordered out for parade on the 23d of February, but owing to the inclement state of the weather, and the slush and snow, the customary parade on the street did not take place, but instead the Regiment formed line in the State Arsenal, (Seventh Avenue) at 1 P. M., to celebrate the day. About 450 men were present, and quite a large audience was in attendance; at the close of the ceremonies of dress parade, Brigadier-General Palmer, of the Governor's staff, presented the Regiment with a beautiful stand of colors, con sisting of the National and Regimental flags. This was the first stand of colors received from the State. To encourage emulation in the manual of arms, Colonel Parmele presented a very handsome silver mounted regula tion musket to the Regiment to be annually competed for by 1867] 319 the enlisted men ; it caused much interest and encouragement, and there were many aspirants, who worked hard through the winter in hopes of being the winner. As the time of the con test drew nigh only the more certain were left for the trial. In presenting this musket, the Colonel desired to create an interest among the men, in this he was successful, as the result gave proof. The first drill for this musket took place on the night oi a regimental drill held in March at the Arsenal. The room was crowded and many prominent military men were pres ent. At a pause in the drill, the contesting details were called to the "front and center," where the Colonel took them in charge, putting them through the manual, facings, loading and firing, from these were selected the two showing the most proficiency, all retiring to their company; after a short rest, Sergeant Evertsen, of Company B, and Sergeant Dow of Company F, were called to the front, where the Colonel put them through a hot drill ; so well matched were the con testants that it required a rapid and severe movement, that in the confusion one might make an error. The contest was watched with intense interest by the large audience. Sergeant Evertsen was suffering from a felon on his left thumb, and much pain caused by striking it while loading. After this hot work the contestants were ordered to their company; following a consultation by the judges, Sergeant Dow was ordered to the front and presented with the musket amid the applause of all present. Sergeant Dow well earned the prize, and Sergeant Evert sen was satisfied with the decision and the applause and con gratulations which he received. From the "Sunday Mercury," April 21st : '"On Friday evening Companies D and G of the 71st Regiment turned out for a moonlight parade, the non-com missioned staff of the regiment was present, and the com mand of the battalion was assumed by Captain Wolcott of Company D, Captain Webber and Lieutenant Benjamin were in command of their respective companies. "After an extensive route of march, the battalion halted in front of Col. Parmele's residence in West 33d Street, where the co;mpliment of a serenade was tendered to that officer. Colonel Parmele thanked the members of D and G Com- 320 [1867 panies for their courtesy, and remarked that when he took command of the 71st Regiment, he had marked out a course of discipline and drill for them, and he was happy to see that course had met the approval of the rank and file, for without their support a commandant's duty would be arduous. "At 10 o'clock the column was again put in motion, and proceeded to Thompson Hall in Bleecker Street, where the members were entertained by the citizens of the ninth ward with a collation, when several toasts were honored, and the command reached their armory at a late hour." Colonel Parmele, in May, took leave of absence, going to Europe, returning November 7th. The usual Fourth of July parade by the Division took place. The "Herald," of the 5th said: "There was no cleaner or cooler, or better disciplined organization in the whole column than the 71st; they looked quite handsome in their white belts, blue jackets and white pants." During this year, Company A, which for many years had occupied quarters in Lafayette Hall on Broadway, moved to the corner of Fourth Avenue and Nineteenth Street. October 22d: The Boston Fusiliers returned the visit of Companies B and H, made in 1865. From the "Herald" of October 23d : "Yesterday morning at nine o'clock over one hundred men and officers comprising the entire battalion of the Bos ton Fusiliers landed at Pier 39, North River, from the steamer "City of Lawrence," on a visit to New York as guests of the 71st Regiment. The right wing of the 71st was drawn up in Vestry Street for a considerable time awaiting the arrival of the boat. "The men of this regiment, always neat and soldierly- like in their appearance made a fine display and manoeuvred with the precision of veterans; they were under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Rockafellar. "The regiment was marched to the dock, and drawn up in line the moment the boat appeared visible through the fog. When the gangplank was thrown across and the boat secured 1867] 321i to the wharf, the officers of the 71st poured into the saloon,. and extended a hearty welcome to the gallant Fusiliers. "After landing from the steamer, the Fusilier battalion marched past the line of the Seventy-first with band playing,, and halted on Vestry Street to allow their escort to go to the front and lead the way. The line of march was down Hudson Street and over to the City Hall, on the steps of which the Mayor was standing; the entire force passed in review, the Fusiliers wheeling into line to receive from the Mayor a brief speech of welcome. "Arms were then stacked, and the tired tourists hastened to the Claremont Hotel in Fulton Street where they indulged in breakfast. "On returning to the City Hall, where a large crowd had collected, the bands struck up several lively airs, to music of which the 71st formed, and followed by the Fusiliers pro ceeded down Broadway to Fulton, to William, to Wall, to Pearl through Beaver to Broad, to Wall, to Broadway up to Fourteenth Street, and from there to Fifth Avenue to 26th to Fourth Avenue and the Bowery to Bond Street and there dismissed. "The visitors were then taken to the Centre Market armory. Beds were brought in and sleeping accommodations on the floor provided for the martial tourists. "In the evening at half-past 7 the visitors were escorted to Niblo's Garden,* where their delighted eyes feasted for hours upon the picturesque scantiness of the 'Black Crook's' wardrobe." From the same, October 24th : "The dull, disagreeable weather of Tuesday was a consider able drawback to the visit of the Boston Fusiliers. It rendered marching anything but a pleasant exercise and acted as a depress ing influence on the spirits generally, but yesterday was delight ful and the battalion was up early and had breakfast disposed of before 9 o'clock. "Two companies, B and H of the 71st, were in readiness at the armory to escort their visitors on the proposed trip to Randall and Blackwell Islands. The steamer William Fletcher was char tered for the occasion and at 10 o'clock A. M., left the foot of Canal Street with the Fusiliers and their escort on board. "They stopped at the foot of East 26th Street for the Com missioner of Charities and Correction and then to Randall's Island. "The visitors then marched to the steamer and embarked for Blackwell's Island. After viewing the interior arrangements, * In rear of the Metropolitan Hotel, between Prince and Houston Street on Broadway. 322 [1867 a collation was partaken of at the residence of Warden Fitch.* A visit to the hospital was followed shortly after by the final departure for New York. "It was intended in the programme to sail down the harbor a-s far as Fort Hamilton, but the hour was considered too late and both battalions marched through Grand Street to the armory and there broke ranks. In the evening the officers of both com mands and the band of the Fusiliers met in the armory and pro ceeded to serenade the Mayor and Commissioners of C. and C. "Today they visit Central Park and leave for home this afternoon."From the same, October 25th : "Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock the Boston Fusiliers, after a visit of three days in this city, left for home on the 'City of Lawrence.' In the forenoon before their departure the men of the battalion made a trip to the Central Park and spent some hours there rambling about. The officers of the Fusiliers and those of the 71st acting as escort, took several carriages and drove to High Bridge and McComb's Dam. The men having viewed the principal points of interest in the Park, crossed over to Paul Falk's brewery and passed the remainder of their stay in New York in discussing lager and sandwiches. "In the afternoon the entire battalion assembled at the armory and proceeded under the escort of the left wing of the 71st, com manded by Major John H. Bell, to Pier 39, North River. The shed over the wharf was handsomely decorated and as the steamer with the Fusiliers on board swung out from the dock hearty cheers were given. "The Boston battalion expressed themselves highly pleased with their visit and with the attention paid them." The injury received by Colonel Parmele when thrown from his horse on Evacuation Day had proved quite serious, making it necessary on several occasions to countermand officers' and non commissioned officers' drills at the last moment, much to the dis appointment of all. The regiment had reached a standard never before attained in the service of the state, though this year's in spection showed a heavy loss. That which was left were full of enthusiasm and worked loyally for its uplift. For several years after the close of the Civil War the militia, as it was then called, did not enjoy any great popularity with the people of this city. They had for four years seen soldiers enough, peace reigned once more, ''Home Guards" were not *The city officials were very hospitable in those days (at the tax payers' expense) and spared nothing in providing for their guests. 1867] 323 needed, and it was almost a term of reproach to be called a member of even one of the "crack" regiments. Merchants and others objected to their employees joining the militia; duty was exacting, expensive, unpopular, yet the almost anomalous con dition existed that whenever regiments were called on "riot" duty, or to their armories to be used as adjuncts to the police force if necessary, which was frequently the case without being generally known, there was always a number of men who did not belong to any regiment who asked permission to serve in the ranks as substitutes for absentees. At this time there were French, German, Scotch, Irish and mixed organizations. In this city alone there were the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 22d, 37th, 55th, 69th, 71st, 73d, 77th, 79th, 84th, 95th, 96th, 99th Regiments of Infantry, 1st Artillery, 1st and 2d Cavalry, with a total of 15,117, 10,251 being present at the last inspection. Not one of these regiments had the maximum membership," and many of them fell below the minimum ; yet each organization was complete in its roster of field, line staff and non-commissioned officers. Only one had anything that could be called an armory even by the greatest stretch of imagination. The 71st was scat tered all over the city. In spite of all its inconveniences and drawbacks the 71st continued to maintain a high standard of condition of member ship, and its esprit de corps is shown by the fact that in certain of its companies it was so much the custom as to almost seem the rule that after the regular company drill season was over the members would request their captain to call extra drills, and when the drill room could not be secured for the desired evening it was not an unusual occurrence to see companies drilled on the street and public squares, and not at all uncommon to see the companies "double quick" around Washington Square. During the drill season these companies drilled two and three nights a week. The esprit de corps of the regiment was all that could be desired, but the disability of the Colonel, to whom all were so attached, was a sad misfortune. It cast a serious check on the programme laid out. However, the regiment was in such fine shape and so well equipped that no temporary absence would cause disaster. During this year Upton's Tactics were adopted. On Sep tember 14th General Ward presented the regiment with a sufficient 324 [1867-68 number of copies of the Tactics so that every officer should have one. A new and magnificent opera house, called after its owner ""Pike," had just been completed on the corner of Eighth Avenue and 23d Street. It had been resolved by the Board of Officers of the regiment to secure it and if possible open it with a concert and ball. A committee of arrangements was appointed to carry this into effect. They were unable to secure the building for the first night, the Purim Ball having secured it. They, however, eengaged it for the next night, March 10th. On December 10th, Company C celebrated their sixteenth birthday (which, however, fell on October 4th) by a dinner at the Sinclair House, corner Broadway and 8th Street. Covers were laid for one hundred who sat down to dinner. There were eleven courses, a very bountiful supply, which would be very much appreciated at any dinner given in this day. Speeches humorous and patriotic were made in response to toasts, which came in due order with wines after solids. These contained many sentiments of love for the 71st and evinced that warm pride in the "American Guard" that was characteristic of this company on all occasions. Lieutenant-Colonel Rockafellar, ex-Lieutenant-Colonel Coles, ex-Captain Hagadorn, Captain See, Adjutant Francis and several ex-members were present. 18 6 8 The year opened with more doing in the 71st than had been known for years. First was the question of a new full-dress uniform, which the regiment had been without for 'seven years, and which was essential for a first-class regiment, though it might for a time affect the numerical strength. The subject was fully discussed, with the result that a committee was appointed, which later reported a uniform conforming very much to the old one except it was a swallow tail instead of a tunic. The same was forwarded to the General Headquarters for its approval. It was promptly acceded to as the following extract from Regi mental Orders issued in March shows: "The full-dress uniform adopted by this regiment having been approved by Special Orders No. 23, General Headquarters, is hereby ordered to be the full dress uniform of this regiment. Every member, excepting those whose terms of service expires 1868] 325 previous to January 1st, 1869, will procure his uniform by the first day of October next." The question of an armory was ever upmost. It was essen tial that the companies should be brought together instead of being scattered from Grand to Thirteenth Street. It was im possible to get an armory built. The only thing was to find some place that was large enough that could be rented. The celebrated Wm. M. Tweed was the city "boss" at this time. His administration was always ready to entertain any proposition which had "business" in it. The power lay with the Board of Supervisors, a "non-partisan" board, which was always united for plunder. If one was diplomatic it was not so difficult to get what he wanted. As the "gang" wanted about 75 per cent in the abstract there was not enough to waste on the concrete, so while there was no chance to get an armory built there was a chance, if the locality could be found, to have a place leased and fitted up. The quarters occupied by Companies B, C and F were at the southeast corner of University place and Thirteenth Street, the building 50 by 100 feet, the third floor, over Ryerson & Brown's livery stable. This firm proposed to build at 118 West 32d Street a stable for their own use on a plot 100 by 100 feet, and intimated that they might build with a view of providing for a regiment. After talking it over the Colonel placed the matter in charge of the Adjutant, who had a meeting with one of the super visors, the result of which was the leasing of one of the two upper floors, the upper one being left for future consideration. The Adjutant then was brought in contact with "Jimmy Ingersoll," who represented a manufacturer of furniture on the Bowery, and through him was given to understand that all they had to do was to say what they wanted. The Adjutant then drew up a plan by which the floor was to be divided to give each company a room, a boardroom, headquarters room and also a squad drill room. It was wonderful how easy it was when you got at it. Things changed three years later and some of those gentlemen we're in jail. Colonel Parmele's health became such that his physician advised him to resign and take a trip abroad. In consequence he sent in his resignation and departed for Europe early in March, sincerely regretted by his regiment. His association with it had been one of mutual good feeling and attachment and he 326 I 1868 left with the good wishes for his future prosperity and full recovery to health. March 10th, the concert and ball came off at the Pike Opera House. Great preparations had been made and great expecta tions of its result. The success was, however, greater than ex pected. The price of tickets was placed at one dollar. The demand was enormous, the building was packed, the hat room was overwhelmed. It was after daylight dawned before the last check was honored. The order of dancing was unique and which for appropri ateness and simplicity had probably not been excelled. It was made of glazed paper, to represent a small knapsack, and stamped in gold with the number and monogram of the regiment. On top was a miniature overcoat made of a roll of blue paper. By pulling two narrow white satin ribbons this neat contrivance opened and the order of dancing was found printed on the inside in pink letters upon a white satin ground. The concert commenced at 8 o'clock and the dancing at 10. It was estimated that five thousand people were present. From the "Sunday Mercury" : "The organization did a very big thing on Tuesday last. Its members got up the greatest promenade and reception ever seen in this city or in the United States. Imagine that immense mar ble structure known as 'Pike Opera House' crammed with six thousand people, the ladies radiant with beauty, brilliance and blandishment, attired in the most elegant and fascinating man ner; the gentlemen sporting handsome military uniforms. To describe the glittering grandeur of the scene would tax the pen of a Jenkins. Sufficient to say it was a splendid affair, worthy of the good name and fame of the 'American Guard' and an honor to the 71st Regimen c. "A number of officers and men wore the new uniform that was recently adopted by the regiment." All the newspapers had glowing accounts of the affair. On May 6th, Governor English was inaugurated as Gov ernor of Connecticut. To this function was invited the Mayor of the City of New York and the 71st Regiment as an escort. As a regiment it did not go, only those who had procured the new full dress uniform. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 9th : "In accordance with the announcement made in our last 1868] 327 issue a detachment of the officers and men of the 71st left New York on Wednesday morning for New Haven, where they par ticipated in the ceremonies incident to the inauguration of Gov ernor English. "The detachment, fifty muskets strong, formed at the armory of Company A, corner of Fourth Avenue and 19th Street, and proceeded to the Clarendon Hotel, where they received the Mayor and escorted him to the railway station. Lieutenant- Colonel Rockafellar, Major Wolcott and Adjutant Francis were present. "Lieutenant Burke acted as Commissary and Lieutenant Gir- van as Quartermaster of the party. The men were formed in a company under the command of Captain Wise, Lieutenant Sypher commanding the first and Lieutenant Wilson the second platoon. "The other officers who went to New Haven were Surgeon Buttles, Captain Webber, Benjamin, Evertsen, See and Eunson and Lieutenants Shade, Coe ahd Simmons. "The march was a long one and most of the streets which it passed through were unpaved. The 71st made a very handsome appearance and were frequently applauded on the line of march." (A more detailed account will be found in the Appendix.) The following order is inserted because of some items of interest as well as a comparison of the past and the present in the style. HEADQUARTERS, 71 ST REGIMENT, N.G., S.N.Y. New York, August 14th, 1868. General Orders No. 7: I. . II. Commandants of companies will resume the drill season with their first regular drill night in September. Particular at tention will be paid to the manual and the forms of inspection. III. On and after September 1st the headquarters of this regiment will be established at 118 West 32d Street, which will be thereafter the regimental armory. Tuesday evenings of each week are designated as Headquarters' Nights and on these nights the Adjutant and non-commissioned staff will be present, and all the official business for the previous week will be attended to. Answers to communications will be found at the different com pany quarters on the following evening. Anything requiring im mediate attention can be addressed as at present. IV. The commandants of companies will forward to these Headquarters by September 8th a copy of their company roll as it may be on the 1st proximo, and any alterations thereafter except by permission from these headquarters will be considered as disobedience of orders. 328 [1868 DISCHARGED. V. Isaac N. Nichols, "B" Co., removed from district ; Rob ert Hanshee, "B" Co., removed from district. EXPULSION AND DESERTION. VI. Gustave Hart, "B" Co., deserted with uniform ; Daniel M. Ambrose, "B" Co., 199 West 17th Street, expelled; Charles H. Todd, "B" Co., 263 West 22d Street, expelled. PROMOTIONS. VII. Second Lieut. Thos. H. B. Simmons to be First Lieu tenant, to rank from June 30th, 1868, vice Carpenter, resigned; Peter Eagan, to be Second Lieutenant, to rank from June 30th, 1868 ; David Sims, to be Standard Bearer, with rank from August 1st, 1868, vice Jas. B. Scott, removed from State. DRILL. VIII. The officers and members of this regiment will as semble on Thursday evening, October 1st, at 7:30 o'clock, in full dress, white gloves and knapsacks, without muskets, at the State Arsenal, Seventh Avenue and 35th Street, for inspection of uniforms; field and staff will report to the commandant, and non-com., staff and 1st sergeants to the Adjutant at 8 o'clock. In addition to the usual fines, all members violating General Orders No. 4, Par. 11, will be returned to courtmartial for dis obedience of orders. Commandants of companies will report to the Adjutant by the 8th of October the names of all those in their company, officers or privates, who are not uniformed pre vious to that date. IX. Every member who presents himself to the Surgeon for examination for alleged disability must first procure a cer tificate from the commandant of his company, showing that he has been a faithful soldier and is not indebted to company or regiment. No member need apply for a certificate of past dis ability unless the Surgeon was cognizant of such disability at the time. EQUIPMENTS. X. BELTS: Two cross belts of whitened buff leather, two inches wide, with waist belt one and five-eighths inches wide ; the bayonet belt to be connected on the centre with a convex brass plate, three and one-quarter inches long and two and one- quarter inches wide, corners cut off; raised ornamental German silver figures 71, two inches long, waist plate, letter of company engraved thereon. CARTRIDGE BELT: Of patent leather, size of body, six and one-half inches wide and five inches high, one and one-half inches thick, with inside flap ; the outer flap to be eight and one- half inches long and seven and one-half inches wide, scalloped at the bottom, with two plain leather straps and two buckles at the bottom to receive cross belts, and brass knob to fast flap; 1868] 329 brass cypher letters A. G. on centre two inches long and two and a half inches wide, to be placed on the flap. BAYONET SCABBARD : Of plain black leather, eighteen and one-half inches long; brass top and bottom mountings, fast ened with brass knob, passing through the throg. CAP BOX: U. S. pattern, with a patent leather flap. By order of Lieut.-Col. Harry Rockafellar, A. T. FRANCIS, Adjutant. This order gives the official announcement of the regiment having for the first time a home, where all the companies were under one roof, and where office work could be carried on in a business-like manner; it also gives in detail the equipments adopted for the new uniform. It will be noted the time elapsing between its date and the date for which the inspection was called, and the reader may understand it was to give ample time for the men to order their uniforms. The last call. From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 10th : "The time allowed the members of the regiment to provide themselves with the full dress uniform recently adopted having expired, an inspection of the regiment was ordered to be held in the State arsenal (Seventh Avenue and 35th Street) on Thursday evening, October 1st. "As this was the first appearance of the regiment as such in its new uniform, quite a large number of spectators were in attendance to witness the display. Lieutenant-Colonel Rocka fellar was in command, nearly three hundred men were in the line at the formation. "The battalion made an exceedingly fine appearance, the white epaulets and cross belts setting off the blue and gilt of the • uniform to fine advantage. It will be remembered that the pres ent full dress of the regiment consists of a dark blue dress coat, with light blue facings, three rows of buttons on the breast, and a slashing of gold on the sleeves and coat-tails, light blue trousers, low shako, with a white fountain plume, and white worsted epau lettes and white cross belts. "There were many present, who claimed that the uniform of the regiment is the handsomest of those recently adopted by the National Guard. Although there may be a difference of opinion on this point, there is no disputing the taste which has been dis played in getting up the present full dress of the 'American Guard.' * * * "The display and exercises of the evening were throughout 330 [1868 highly gratifying to the friends of the regiment, as well as cred itable to its officers and members." From the same: "For some reason which doth not yet appear the General commanding the First Brigade ordered the regiments composing it to parade on Tuesday, October 13th, at 9:30 A. M., for inspec tion and muster. * * * "The 71st Regiment paraded in fatigue uniform, with knap sacks, overcoats rolled, and white cross belts, under command of Lieut.-Col. Harry Rockafellar, and made an unusually fine ap pearance. As it was the last inspected, the officers and men were thoroughly tired long before their time for inspection. "This plan of spoiling a whole day for the men was simply execrable and should be abandoned. The review of this regi ment by Brigadier-General Liebenau was unusually good and was one of the finest that has yet taken place. The band made a good appearance and played remarkably well. "The marching in review was excellent and the salutes were good. The 71st is a good regiment and never fails to make a good impression whenever it appears in public. "The rolls of the regiment were in good order, for which Adjutant Francis deserves much credit, and the various com panies were found to be in excellent condition. "Now that this regiment is regularly installed in its new armory and has adopted a full dress uniform, we look for a career of unusual prosperity. The result of the inspection was : Present, 346; absent, 135; total, 481; a loss of 46 since 1867." The vacancy created by the resignation of Colonel Parmele had not been filled. In August he returned from Europe, much improved in health. His popularity was still maintained, and the officers of the regiment were anxious for him to resume his old command. To their request he yielded and was elected once more as Colonel, dating November 18th. At the fall election Mayor John T. Hoffman was elected Governor of the State of New York. He had always been a warm friend of the regiment, which was reciprocated, and this occasion seemed to be one when it could show its appreciation. It consequently offered its services as an escort to Albany on the occasion of his going there to be inaugurated. The offer was accepted and preparation for the same began. From the "Army and Navy Journal," December 9th : "The preliminaries of the visit of the 71st to Albany are now settled upon. The regiment will leave New York by the Hudson River Railroad at 12 o'clock P. M., December 31st, arriving in Albany at 7:30 A. M. "The inauguration procession will start from the Delevan 1868] 331 House at 11 o'clock A. M., in the following order: Brigadier- General Woodhull and staff; the 71st Regiment as immediate escort to the Governor ; Mr. Hoffman as the Governor-elect ; the 9th Brigade of National Guard. "The Regiment will dine at the Delevan House at 3 o'clock, and at half-past 4 will form again and visit the Governor's man sion, where the officers will be received by Mr. Hoffman, after which the honors of a marching salute will be paid the Adjutant- General. "The battalion will leave Albany at half-past 10, arriving in New York at 7:45 A. M., when they will be received by the 12th Regiment. The 22d Regiment will escort the 71st to the cars upon their departure from New York." The following correspondence and what follows will fully explain an unfortunate complication which arose: CLARENDON HOTEL December 16th, 1868. Colonel : I very reluctantly gave my assent to your offer of the services of your regiment as an escort on the occasion of my inaugura tion at Albany. I should not have given it at all had I been aware of the great expense to which your men will be subjected. I have recently learned something in reference to this mat ter, and notice that a resolution has been introduced into the Common Council providing an appropriation to meet such expense. I am sure this would not meet the approval of the regiment, nor would I consent to it. Under the circumstances I ask leave to withdraw my accept ance of the escort tendered. Please assure the members of your distinguished regiment that I shall always appreciate and be grateful for their courtesy and kindness in tendering me the honor. I trust they will see that a sense of duty and a regard for their interest compel me to decline it. Very respectfully your obedient servant, JOHN T. HOFFMAN. To Colonel Parmele: Seventy-first Regiment, N.G, New York City. To this letter Colonel Parmele replied as follows, the same being conveyed and delivered to the Governor in person at the Clarendon Hotel by the Adjutant: HEADQUARTERS SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, December 19th, 1868. Hon. John T. Hoffman. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your esteemed favor of the 18th instant, 332 [1868 in which you ask leave to withdraw your acceptance of the escort tendered by the 71st Regiment on the occasion of your inaugura tion at Albany. The resolution introduced into the Common Council to pay for the transportation of the regiment to and from Albany was unsolicited by us; we expected to pay our own expenses and were prepared to do so. This action of some kind friends in the Common Council is gratefully appreciated by us, but has subjected us to the harsh and, we think, unjust animadversions of the press. It was as citizen soldiers that we sought to honor our Com mander-in-Chief and to manifest our sincere respect and regard for a gentleman who was an honorary member of our regiment, and who having held the position of Mayor of this city in which most of us were born, was about to enter upon a more extended field of duty in the service of the State. We regret. exceedingly, sir, that our motives have been mis understood or misconstrued by those who seem to see or think they see party politics in every act or demonstration of respect shown to public men. Be assured, sir, that the 71st Regiment appreciate the kind ness shown them in relieving them from this embarrassing po sition, and be equally assured of their profound respect for your character and eminent service, and their earnest wish for your prosperity and happiness. I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, THEODORE W. PARMELE, Colonel Commanding. From the 'Army and Navy Journal," December 26th : "It will be recollected that a detachment of the 71st Regi ment escorted Mr. Hoffman, then Mayor of New York, last spring to New Haven on the occasion of the inaugural cere monies of Governor English of Connecticut, and took a very active part on that occasion. "The ceremonies of the inaugural were so impressive that Mr. Hoffman stated that he should like to see the same program carried out in this State, it being then fully understood that Mr. Hoffman would be nominated for Governor, Lieutenant-Colonel Rockafellar, then in command, offered the services of the regi ment as an escort should he be so fortunate as to be elected. "Thus the matter rested until after the recent election, when the offer was again renewed and accepted. The officers and mem bers immediately began their preparations, Mr. Hoffman giving them a letter to Mr. Vanderbilt to make arrangements for trans portation, etc., to Albany. Unknown to the regiment, a resolu tion was introduced in the Board of Aldermen appropriating $5,000 to defray expenses of the inaugural and including the expenses of the 71st. 1868-69] 333 "As soon as the officers and members learned the action of the Aldermen they felt as if they had been made a 'cat's paw' of. By direction of Colonel Parmele the Adjutant called on Mr. Hoffman and stated that the regiment did not seek any money from the city and had intended, and were ready and will ing to pay their own expenses. "Mr. Hoffman stated that he felt annoyed at the action of the Aldermen and concluded to refuse the escort, but at the so licitation of the Adjutant would not take any action in the matter until he had heard from Colonel Parmele and the Board of Offi cers of the regiment, who held a meeting on the 18th instant and' made full arrangements to go, and raised all the money on the spot to pay the expense. "In the meantime Mr. Hoffman, without waiting for the action of the Board of Officers, wrote to the Adjutant-General to stop all arrangements in Albany, and to Colonel Parmele, the letter being in the hands of the press before Colonel Parmele received it. * * * "It is evident from the tone of Mr. Hoffman's letter that he intends no disrespect to the regiment in declining the escort, in view of the fact that the proposed excursion had been made the occasion of one of those drafts upon the city treasury in which the city fathers feel bound to indulge upon all possible occa sions." * * * 18 6 9 From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 9th : "The preparations for the Promenade and Reception of ther 71st Regiment at the Academy of Music on Monday evening, the 22d of February, are most complete. Two thousand of the twenty-five hundred tickets to be issued have been sold, although they will not be issued until vhe 13th instant. Boxes are to be disposed of privately at fixed prices, and those not taken by the regiment will be on sale at the music stores. "Tickets can be procured only from members of the regi ment, subscriptions not being taken from anyone outside the regi- - ment. Two dollars is the price of entrance to the Academy ont the 22d of next month and that will admit one only. "It remains with the regiment to decide whether they were- fortunate or unfortunate in not going to Albany on the 1st instant,. but we think that their non-attendance on the Governor was for tunate, that is, taking into consideration the state of the weather on New Year day and the amount saved financially viewed, will. only add to the brilliancy and eclat of this reception. "The invitations for this affair are executed in beautiful" style, the coupon is attached to each ticket and the whole affair is; elegant." 334 [1869 January 14th, the Veteran Association of the regiment met at the armory (32d Street) and organized by the adoption of a constitution and by-laws, appointing a committee to get a design for a pin and a committee for arranging for a dinner on the evening of April the 21st. January 16th, the gold medal, of elegant design, recently. offered by ex-Q'tmaster George W. Roosevelt as an incentive for recruiting, to be annually rewarded to the company that shows the largest number of enlistments from inspection to inspection, and to be worn by that member who has recruited individually the largest number, was awarded to Captain Wise of Company I, he and his company having recruited thirteen men ; Company G came next, having recruited twelve men. January 20th, the regiment had a drill at the State Arsenal. The battalion movements and the manual showed the benefit derived from the "class drill" that had been held during the winter. January 28th, Company E held a reception and ball at the Irving Hall. While the 7th and 71st Regiments each had armories they were inadequate for the proper development of a regiment. A scheme was suggested for utilizing the vacant space recently occupied by the Crystal Palace (now Bryant Park) to be used by both regiments. For this purpose the following bill was introduced in the Assembly: Section 1. The field officers of the Seventh Regiment of the National Guard of the State of New York acting for and in behalf of said regiment, are hereby authorized to select as a site for an armory the north half of the property known as Reservoir Square, situated between 42d and 40th Streets, Sixth Avenue and the Croton reservoir, in the City of New York, and the field offi cers of the 71st Regiment of the National Guard of the State of New York, acting for and in behalf of said regiment, are hereby authorized to select as a site for an armory the south half of said Reservoir Square. Section 2. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York are hereby authorized and empowered at any time after the passage of this act, upon application of the field officers of the 7th Regiment, to set apart and appropriate to the use of said regiment for military purposes the north half of Reservoir Square, and on application of the field officers of the 1869] 335 71st Regiment to set apart and appropriate to the use of the said regiment for military purposes the south half of the said square ; whenever the said Commissioners shall so set apart and appropri ate said Reservoir Square, the field officers of the 7th Regiment, acting for and in behalf of the regiment, are hereby authorized at any time thereafter to enter upon and take any possession of and have the sole and exclusive use of the north half of said square, and the field officers of the 71st Regiment, acting for and in behalf of the regiment, are authorized at any time thereafter to enter upon, take possession of, and have the sole and exclusive use of the south half of said square; and the said field officers of said regiments are authorized to erect and maintain upon the portions of said square appropriated to said regiments, respec tively, such buildings as may be necessary and proper for the use, accommodation, drill and exercise of the said regiments respectively, for the transaction of the regimental and company business, and the protection and preservation of the arms, uni forms, books and other regimental and company property. After the passage of this act said Reservoir Park shall not be sold, leased, or otherwise encumbered, unless such disposition thereof is expressly authorized by some law hereafter passed. This act shall take effect immediately. This bill was acted on by the Senate, having been introduced by Mr. Tweed. The result was very encouraging, the vote being 24 out of 25. It was then to come up in the Assembly. Every effort was made to insure success. The joint committee was composed of the Colonel, Major and Adjutant of each regiment. This committee held its meetings in Colonel Clark's room in the 7th's armory. When the bill which authorized the use of Reservoir Square for the proposed armory for the two regiments was about to reach action by the Assembly, after it had been passed by the Senate, a meeting was called by the Chairman, which was at tended by all of its members. The Chairman stated that the bill was to be brought before the Assembly on the following day, having been favorably reported by the committee and was ready for final action. That he had been informed in some way, which he did not state, that if a certain amount of money in bank notes of small denominations was enclosed in a sealed, unaddressed envelope and left in a certain place that he named, the bill would pass. That he called the committee together for the purpose of ascer taining the views of each of its members and suggested that a written ballot be taken without any discussion. The committee proceeded to vote in accordance with that suggestion, with the result that there were six negative ballots. 336 [1869 The Chairman stated that there was money at the command of the committee for any purpose that met its approval, but that if we "as conservers of the peace" — his exact words — could not get what was proper to have and sorely needed without corrupt methods, we do not want them, and he complimented each mem ber of the committee for his action on the matter without con sultation or discussion. The entire committee went to Albany and used every effort to push the bill, without success, however. It was defeated by a small majority; two votes changed would have carried it. It was a blow at that time, but in the light of the present it is prob- .ably just as well that it was. February 3d, Captain H. H. Evertsen, commanding Com pany B of the 71st, having received a furlough and been com pelled to leave the city on business, was tendered a farewell surprise at his residence in Barrow Street by the members of his company, on Friday evening, January 5th. Some forty couples were in attendance and the affair was managed with the utmost secrecy, which made it a total surprise to the Captain. Excellent music and supper were provided and the merry time was con tinued until a late hour. Many officers of the regiment were present and Sergeant Robert Orser was Chairman of the Com mittee on Arrangements. These little functions were quite frequent and added much to the sociability of the members of companies. On February the 22d was held the Promenade and Recep tion. The following account is from the "Army and Navy Jour nal" of the 27th : "RECEPTION OF THE SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT "This exceedingly fine regiment, which well deserves the name of the 'American Guard,' held, on Monday last, the 22d instant, at the Academy of Music, one of the finest promenade concerts and receptions that has ever been held by this or any regiment of the National Guard. The Academy on this evening, exteriorly and interiorly, presented a fine appearance. The bril liant calcium lights erected on the street in the vicinity turned night into day. As the hour of 9 approached the Academy began to fill with its gay assemblage and a continual stream followed until past 11 o'clock, although it was not an all-night affair. "The decorations of the interior of the Academy were few, but those were very neat. The crowning feature of these deco rations was a shield, flags, guidons and muskets beautifully ar- 1869] 337 ranged in innumerable gas jets over the stage. The orchestra, which on this occasion was wisely stationed in the rear of the stage instead of the top of the building, was under the leadership of Professor Downing, the leader of the regimental band. The music for the promenade was furnished by a band of one hun dred and twenty-five pieces, which was subsequently divided for promenading and dancing. Promenading was soon disposed of and shortly after 10 o'clock dancing was fully under way. The floor at this time was almost too full for comfort. The balcony, dress-circle and every pther circle was filled to repletion with the numerous guests, but the floor on this evening seemed to be the main attraction. "We would that we had the faculty of describing the recherche toilets of the ladies, but our reserved and modest pen fails when most needed to perform this pleasant but unfamiliar duty. The floor as viewed from the dress-circle fairly dazzled the eye. One of the many attractive features of this affair was the elegance of its reception of its invited guests — a duty, we are sorry to state, seldom understood or, if understood, sadly neglected. On this evening a separate entrance was provided, and as the guest entered he was immediately escorted to a cloak and hat room specially provided. Here, after the disposal of his outer apparel, under the escort of one of the reception committee the guest was escorted to the committee room, where he was treated in a truly hospitable style. This room was attended to in a manner which set an example of what a committee room should be. "Good arrangements did not end here. At the main entrance on Irving Place the same courteous attentions were extended on the part of active committees to all the guests as they entered the building, and although every portion of the Academy was filled to overflowing, everything worked so smoothly that all crowding of lobbies was avoided and much confusion thereby saved. It would seem almost invidious on our part to compliment individual officers or members of the regiment who assisted on the committees, for, led by Colonel Parmele, the Commandant of the regiment, all performed their duties in excellent style. The order of dancing was in the form of a blue miniature fatigue cap, made of papier-mache, which, though of elegant design, was not as good in material as was the knapsack order of last year. "The reception closed shortly after 2 o'clock. The Army and Navy were well represented during the evening, among whom were present Admiral Farragut and his private secretary, Major Montgomery; Major-General McDowell, attended by the officers of bis staff; General Burns, Commissary-General, U.S.A., and nearly every regular officer then in the city; Major-General Shaler and staff; General Bowman, of the Maryland N.G., and staff; Generals Denirson and Ross, Maryland N.G. These latter offi cers were the special guests of the regiment. General Russell and staff, Connecticut N.G., and representatives from every regi ment in this and the second division." 338 [1869* Up to this time the regiment used the same trousers for dress and fatigue as a matter of economy, being light blue. It was only considered temporary. It now adopted a new style, being dark blue with a light stripe down the side, which greatly added to the otherwise handsome appearance of the uniform. March 19th the Veteran Association met to decide on the adoption of a badge pin and arrange for its first annual dinner to be held on April 21st, the anniversary of the departure of the regiment to Washington, 1861. In April the Colonel's head continuing to trouble him, he took leave of absence for three months. June 4th, the regiment paraded on Tompkins Square for battalion instruction and also for medal and flag presentation. The line formed at about 3 :30 o'clock P. M. on 17th Street, right on Fourth Avenue. Lieutenant-Colonel Rockafellar was in com mand, and the regiment, in fatigue dress, with white cross belts, looked well. They marched, headed by drum corps, to the parade ground and formed square, and the Lieutenant-Colonel presented the gold "Roosevelt" medal to Company I, Captain Wise, this company having recruited the largest number of men during 1868. This medal was oval shape, star-pointed, and surrounded with laurel leaves, and was elegant and elaborate in workman ship. It was the gift of Quartermaster Roosevelt and was to be worn one year by the Captain of the company and then re-pre sented to some other company in the regiment showing the best record in this line. The Lieutenant-Colonel then presented an elegant flag to Company G, Captain Webber, this company having shown during the last year the best record for attendance, proficiency in drill, general neatness of company books and good standing in the regiment. The flag was the gift of Lieutenant-Colonel Rocka fellar. It was of silk and bore a handsomely embroidered eagle, the figures "71," the words "E Pluribus Unum," and motto, "Palma qui meruit, ferat," all the handiwork of Mrs. Rocka fellar. The flag to be carried by the company for one year, sub ject to similar conditions as the medal. A few battalion move ments were executed, after which the regiment returned to its quarters and was dismissed. When the Vosburgh monument was erected there was no 1869] 339 railing placed around it. In the spring of this year action was taken to provide one. It is described in the following: From the "Army and Navy Journal" of June 12 : "Through the politeness of Lieutenant Edward V. Burk, of Company G of the 71st Regiment, we have received a sketch and description of the railing intended to surround the Vosburgh monument at Greenwood Cemetery. The railing is composed of muskets with fixed bayonets, all of malleable iron, and perfect in imitation of the shooting irons. The gate is a masterpiece of workmanship and very elaborate. The column or post on which the gate swings is formed somewhat in imitation of a bundle of fasces and is surmounted with an eagle grasping a bugle, con taining the figures "71" in its claws. And underneath, across the top of the gate are the words 'American Guard.' At the bottom of the gate are the letters N.G.S.N.Y. The sides contain stars running in a line downward and at the centre of the gate, sup ported by two swords in their scabbards, is a regulation hat, the whole surrounded by a wreath of laurels. The hilts and scab bards of the swords and other ornaments of the gate are double firegilt and burnished; the grip of the sword is of silver, and the workmanship is creditable to the manufacturers." In April of this year the upper floor of the 32d Street build ing was obtained, and in December, all being completed, the regiment moved into it. It was a great event when for the first time the regiment, like a hen, gathered its chickens under its wings. At last all companies were under one roof. The following is a description of the armory: After entering and ascending the main staircase the visitor found himself in a large hall, the floor of which is laid with narrow strips of oak and black walnut. In the centre of this floor was a large diamond, having in its centre the figures of "71." On the wall on the right was the regimental coat-of-arms, beautifully painted, with the regi mental motto, "Pro aris et pro focis," at the bottom ; and on the wall directly opposite was an Olympian arch, from floor to ceil ing, in the centre of which was suspended an elegant bulletin board. The main hall near the head of the stairs opened into another hall about eight feet wide, facing which company rooms, four in number, were found, A, B, C and D. These rooms were elegantly fitted up and floored in the same manner as the main hall, excepting that the strips composing the floor were narrower. Opposite Company A room, the first after leaving the main hall, was the Board of Officers' room. There were, however, before reaching the room, two small rooms, one on each side of the small passage leading to the Board room. That on the right 340 [1869 was the Adjutant's, the one on the left was the Colonel's; ad joining the Board room was a squad drill room, 40 by 60. At the end of the main hall were Companies E, F, G, H and I, facing on a hall parallel with the first. These company rooms were 16 by 24 and were comfortably fitted up, having sixteen lockers on each side in black walnut. At the far end was a handsome desk on a raised platform for the presiding officer; facing the desk on each side of the entrance were two very handsome black wal nut racks for muskets ; a chandelier in the centre completed the furnishings. On the upper floor was Company K room, the Armorer's room, the Quartermaster's, reading, card, class and checker rooms. In the latter room were two bookcases containing 200 volumes, the daily papers and magazines. There was also a drill room, 75 by 75, and a stage, 25 by 75, with flies and scenery. On the evening of the 23d of June the annual contest for the Parmele musket took place. The regiment assembled in full dress, line being formed at 7:30 o'clock, and then in three sides of a square to witness the competition drill between Sergeant Dow of Company F and Sergeant Bascom of Company I for the prize musket. Of this the "Army and Navy Journal" said : "In the position of the soldier Sergeant Bascom excelled, Sergeant Dow leaning, in our opinion, a trifle too much forward. The details of the drill were closely followed by both men, and, with the exception of one or two trivial errors on the part of Sergeant Bascom, was as near perfection as could be. "In oblique firings, while Sergeant Dow stepped off cor rectly with the right foot, Sergeant Bascom stood perfectly still. These, with an error caused by nervousness in handling the rammer in the loadings, were all the errors committed. Con sidering that the latter was almost self-taught and self-drilled — though the musket was awarded, after some deliberation by the judges and referee (Captains Spear and Webber of the 71st and Colonel Van Wyck of the 9th), to Sergeant Dow, the former holder of the champion musket — yet Sergeant Bascom is entitled to great credit for the display made on the occasion." After the drill the regiment had a moonlight parade. Of this the "Herald" said : "Many beautiful and fashionably dressed ladies, together with a mixed company of lords of creation, assembled last eve ning at the corner of 34th Street and Fifth Avenue to witness the moonlight parade of the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.N.G. The 1869] 341 weather was very mild, a slight breeze setting in from the river made a delightful change in the temperature and the balconies and the windows of the houses lining the adjacent thoroughfares were filled by interested spectators. At about 8:15 o'clock the splendid regimental band took up its position on the corner, near A. T. Stewart's new palace, 34th Street and Fifth Avenue, and played some fine marches. Shortly after the regiment appeared and created quite a sensation by their beautiful uniforms, which were trimmed with white and gold, and in the dim moonlight made a very striking figure. "The companies came into line with great precision and effected the alignment with a singular rapidity. The few evolu tions that were gone through by the battalion were marked by military unity and reflected much credit upon the regiment. The line of march was taken down Madison Avenue and through other avenues and streets and thousands came to the front to see the fine display." During the month of May Company G had agitated the proposition of an excursion to Baltimore, trying to persuade Companies B, C and H to join in making a battalion. It, how ever, did not succeed. They consequently changed their pro gramme and arranged for a trip to New Port and Providence. The following is an account: From the "Army and Navy Journal" of September 4th : "Company G, some sixty strong, including band and drum corps, assembled on Monday afternoon at the 13th Street Armory and at shortly after 5 o'clock marched from thence to the foot of Murray Street, N. R., and then embarked on board the steamer 'Old Colony' for New Port. "What the company lacked in numbers it made up in spirit. * * * New Port was reached about 4 A. M. A committee of the officers of the New Port company were on hand to meet them. At 6 o'clock the company disembarked and, under the escort of the artillery, marched to the latter's armory to be dis missed. At 8 o'clock the command breakfasted by invitation of their hosts at the Perry House and shortly after again assembled, and under the same escort made a grand parade through the principal streets of New Port, which were lined with spectators, who loudly and frequently applauded the fine marching and appearance of the visiting company. "The artillery company, which acts as infantry, * * * dates back to 1741 and claims to have participated in every war in which this country has been engaged. "At the conclusion of the parade the company was dismissed, reassembling at 1 o'clock and escorted as before, marching to the steamer for Providence amidst loud cheers and hearty responses. "At shortly after 2 o'clock the steamer reached Providence 342 [1869 wharf, where the visiting companies were received by the Burn side Zouaves, a fine body of young men, uniformed in red trousers, light blue Zouave-cut jackets and white fatigue caps. Under this escort Company G marched through the chief streets of the city, which as at New Port were crowded with gratified and hospitable spectators. "Arriving at the residence of General Burnside, the battalion halted and offered him the honor of a review, which he was compelled to decline on account of lack of time, he having to leave town on a train which was then about starting. The bat talion finally halted at the armory of the Marine Artillery, which was made its headquarters during its stay, mattresses having been procured for the accommodation of the men. "In the evening the company was entertained conjointly by the Burnside Zouaves and the Marine Artillery at the armory of the Light Infantry, marching there without arms under the escort of the Zouaves. "During the march the streets were again fairly alive with people and the route was illuminated with red lights, which gave the whole scene an enchanting effect. "Arriving at the armory of the Light Infantry the two com panies formed themselves into a square after Captain Dennis introduced Mayor Clark, who welcomed the company in true Rhode Island style. The men then fell in and marched to an adjoining room, where an elegant spread was laid out. Here the companies pledged eternal friendship. Later in the evening the officers of all companies combined repaired to the City Hotel. "The following morning the company and its friends em barked on the steamer 'What Cheer' for Silver Spring, one of the many resorts on the Narragansett Bay, and enjoyed a fine shore dinner, * * * after which they embarked for Provi dence and at 5 P. M. left for New Port, where they arrived a little after 7, and again under the escort of the artillery company marched to the boat for New York, reaching which they were received by Company B and escorted to the armory." General Ward was very much attached to the 71st. Without its vote he could not have been elected to the office he held. As an evidence of his appreciation he presented the regiment with a set of drums (twenty), the finest that could be purchased, said to have cost three hundred dollars ($300). They were consid ered by the various drum majors the regiment had subse quently as superior to any others afterwards received. They were destroyed in the fire of 1902. The following is from the "Army and Navy Journal," of October 30th : "Inspection of the 71st Regiment: On the 21st instant this 1869] 343 fine command paraded for inspection and muster at Tompkins Square. The regiment formed at the regimental armory, 32d Street, and from thence marched to the grounds, where it arrived at about 3 P. M. "* * * The regiment paraded in full marching order and in fatigue uniform with white cross belts. There is something about this regiment that is always attractive to even a casual observer. The men are generally set up and steady and their countenances intelligent. The name of 'American Guard' it is certainly entitled to, if the fact of Americans having the largest representation in its ranks is true. It is generally conceded, moreover, that the exclusiveness which brought this 'American' characteristic and which was at one time quite strict, has since kept foreigners from joining the regiment and thus the ranks from keeping well filled. "The regiment on arriving on the ground was formed for review, passing in quick and double time, the latter eliciting much commendation. The review was followed, at the request of the inspector, Major Gilon, by the execution of a few battalion movements. They were executed in single rank formation. This formation, by the way, seems a peculiar hobby of the Lieutenant- Colonel and though generally the movements are well performed, as on this occasion, the regiment lacks the steadiness of double rank formation, and this was observable during the whole drill. The movement of column by four, break from the right to march to the left,' was as finely executed as ever witnessed on these grounds, the distances being even and not a single break occurring. Many of the movements were executed with like precision and the regiment deserves special commendation. In spector-General McQuade was on the grounds, also General Ward and staff, and all expressed a high appreciation of the regiment's exhibition." The result of this inspection was of much interest as within the year it had procured an armory and a full dress uniform. The expense of the latter it was expected would cause the loss of many. It was therefore gratifying to find that though a loss of nine on the total since the previous year, there was a gain of twenty-nine in those present, with forty less absent. The return as follows : F. & S. N.C.S. Band ABCDEFGHI T'l Present 7 6 40 30 52 32 33 31 33 36 44 33 377 Absent 2 0 0 18 7 1 6 14 10 11 12 14 95 Total 9 6 40 48 59 33 39 45 43 47 56 47 472 At the inspection of 1866, the year that Colonel Parmele took command, the total strength of the regiment was 469 present, 344 [1869 137 absent ; total, 606 — not a discouraging situation considering the adoption of a full dress. The morale of the regiment was never better. While there were some indissoluble elements in it, there was still a fairly harmonious condition existing, and what ever differences of opinion there may have been they did not detract from the loyalty of all to the regiment. The esprit de corps was never higher. The administration, though strict in discipline, was always consistent and impartial. Colonel Parmele latterly had frequently been absent from the regiment, and on October 29th sent in his resignation on account of removal from the State, he going to South Carolina to reside. COLONEL HARRY ROCKAFELLAR Plate v— tfp. 345 Administration of Colonel HARRY ROCKAFELLAR 1869—1872. On Monday evening, November 6th, an election was held to fill the vacancy, resulting in the unanimous vote for Lieutenant- Colonel Harry Rockafellar. The new Colonel practically made no change in the administration, everything going on as before. Colonel Rockafellar joined Company F in 1861, was with it at the battle of Bull Run, where he was hit by a piece of shell which so fractured his left arm that it was found necessary to amputate it above the elbow. He was left on the field of battle, taken prisoner and thence to Libby Prison, Richmond, from which he escaped after remaining about one year. During his stay in Richmond he received a commission as Second Lieuten ant. He reported for duty in time to take part in the engage ments at South Mountain and Antietam. He afterwards served on staff duty at the United States Arsenal in Philadelphia, re joining his regiment in time to participate in the battle of Gettysburg. In September, 1863, he was sent to Morris Island, S. C, and went through the siege of Fort Wagner. After this he joined General Siegel's staff and was appointed Provost Marshal of the mining district in Pennsylvania, where there was disturbance regarding the Draft. He was in charge there of a brigade of troops from the Army of the Potomac and in two months ar rested and sent to Fort Delaware over 180 "incorrigibles." He was then ordered in command of a regiment of Veteran Reserve Corps. He participated in the battle at Fort Stevens against Early, losing fifty-six of his men. Colonel Rockafellar then joined the Army of the Potomac at 346 [1869-70 City Point. He remained in front of Richmond until it fell. He was then sent to Philadelphia as ordnance and mustering offi cer on General Cumming's staff. He remained in this position until a year after all the troops were mustered out, and then after two refusals his resignation was accepted. In January, 1866, he returned to New York and in May was elected Major of the 71st and in January, 1867, was made Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. During the administration of Colonel Parmele, covering three years, allowing for the various absences of Colonel Par mele, Lieutenant-Colonel Rockafellar had been in command for at least eight months. He, of course, had the same staff, and faithfully carried out the program as laid out by Colonel Par mele. Colonel Rockafellar was continuing the same line, there was no change. By Regimental Order No. 11, 1869 (November), 34th Street, right on Fifth Avenue, was made the regimental parade ground. t 1 8 7 O The opening event of this year was the reception, the fol lowing of which is an account : From the "Army and Navy Journal" of January 29th : "On the evening of the 21st instant, the 71st held a 'house- warming' at its new armory, which was attended by at least three thousand persons. The regimental band, under Professor Downing, discoursed some fine music. The main room and all company rooms were crowded during the evening and from every one the members of the regiment received congratulations on at last having a home and a roof under which they could meet to gether. The companies vied with each other in entertaining their friends in the company rooms, many of which were elegantly decorated for the occasion, and all contained well-arranged tables of refreshments. * * * The rooms were very handsomely fitted up and nicely carpeted. A special room has been arranged where the members may enjoy the free use of a library and of all the leading periodicals, which of itself is an inducement to be a member of the 'American Guard.' There can be little doubt that recruiting will hereafter be rapid in the regiment, and that the letter (K) now vacant will soon be taken up, and the 71st stand unrivalled in numbers as well as discipline. "The room of Company K was used by the field officers as 1870] 347 a reception room for their friends, who were hospitably and temperately entertained. The armorer's room has every neces sary appliance, and the whole armory is very nicely arranged and finely fitted up. "The attendance of distinguished military guests was numer ous and the management of the officers and all concerned was admirable. During the early part of the evening Colonel Rocka fellar was presented on behalf of the non-commissioners with a very handsome medal studded with diamonds." The 71st Regiment enjoyed great popularity with the citi zens, but was not so fortunate among the higher military and civic authorities. It was "slated" for disbandment or destruction by arbitrary transfers to other organizations. An officer of high rank in the Guard, and also in political circles, exhibited his enmity unmistakably, and his efforts were counteracted suc cessfully only by the most determined opposition on the part of some of the zealous officers in the regiment, a fact that was not generally known at the time, who received very little assistance either inside or outside of the ranks. To illustrate this, an offer was made to one of the senior officers to organize what he called a "corps d'elite" battery of flying artillery, equipped with Gatling guns, with trained horses, a magnificent dress uniform and service dress of all kinds, with out regard to expense; he to have the selection of officers and 150 men picked for transfer from the 71st Regiment, with the pledge on the part of the authorities that no expense should be incurred by officers or members, everything being assumed by the State. Such an offer would have been a most attractive one under ordinary circumstances. The Gatling gun was new and a battery equipped as it was proposed for this one would have bounded into popularity at once. But when it was proposed to build up such an organization by destroying one that had shown itself under fire to be just what everybody knew it would be if it had a chance, because the latter had incurred the displeasure — let it go at that — of certain persons who were not allowed to use it as a football, removed the proposition from all possibility of even respectful consideration, and the officer to whom it was made declined it. The following from the "Army and Navy Journal," March 10th, is of interest: "In a recent issue we announced that the howitzers at one time attached to the 71st Regiment and abandoned on the field 348 [1870 of Bull Run were at Richmond awaiting the orders of the regi ment. Since that time we have been officially informed that the Hon. Mr. (General) Slocum, member of Congress, has offered his personal influence to bring about the restoration of these guns to the regiment if some member of the 71st will identify them. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain Henry A. Ellis, of the 17th U. S. Infantry (brother of the lamented Captain and afterwards Brevet-Brigade-General and Colonel A. V. H. Ellis, of the 124th U. S. Volunteers, who commanded this bat tery at the time), has offered to purchase these guns and present them to the regiment if they cannot be otherwise obtained. * * * "There were five Ellis brothers in that battle, one of whom was slain (Captain of Company F)." In regard to the above it may be said that ever since the close of the war every effort had been made to recover these guns. Many clues had been traced to find that they were false. From "The Telegram" of April 14th : "At the closing drill of Company C, 71st Regiment, just be fore the dismissal of the company, Captain Spear called Sergeant McLaren to the front, and after complimenting him in the highest terms presented him with a most beautiful gold watch and chain. The Sergeant was so completely overpowered by emotion at this evidence of good feeling on the part of his comrades that it was with difficulty he could express his thanks. This being- done, however, the company retired to don their dress uniforms, after which dancing was indulged in by the members and their many friends who had been invited to witness the presentation. At 12 o'clock a sumptuous collation was served, gotten up in the well-known style of Messrs. Jones & Co., of Broadway." April 19th the annual contest took place. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 23d : "On Wednesday evening the 71st Regiment, Colonel Rocka fellar in command, assisted by Lieutenant-Colonel Wolcott, Major Eunson and Adjutant Francis, assembled nine commands — ten files — with full band and drum corps, in full dress uniform. The line was formed rapidly and creditably. The drill began with the manual, loadings and firings. Manual good, firings more than good. The contestants for the Parmele musket were called to the front, seven in number. * * * "These were drilled by Major Eunson. The judges were Captain Allison of the 7th and Lieutenant-Colonel Dunn of the 8th. The contestants were drilled in the school of the soldier and the manual. They showed careful attention to details and ex hibited a proper steadiness. After a spirited contest, during which it was almost impossible to decide upon the best man, one or two of the contestants began to show signs of nervousness and 1870] 349 through some trifling blunder lost their chance of winning. The contest was then continued between two (the others being re tired), Sergeants Stephenson and Walworth, and for some time it was impossible to detect any advantage of one over the other. Sergeant Walworth, however, after another course of drilling, won the musket by superior steadiness only, Sergeant Stephenson losing it by slight wavering of the body. "The contest was animated and spirited and reflected the greatest credit on the contestants, many of whom say they are 'going for it' again next year. The Rockafellar 'flag' was after wards awarded to Company C, that company having made the best averages in attendance to drills and parades for the past year. The Board of Officers, through the Colonel, presented to Sergeant Bogert, of Company C, a handsome regimental pm, costing $50, as a reward for long and faithful service in the regiment, he having served for twenty years and recently brought in his son as a member. A promenade concert closed the eve ning's entertainment. It was attended by a very large and fashionable audience." From issue of May 14th: "This regiment on the 10th instant, being prevented by the rain from holding its drill in Tompkins Square, as originally pro posed, assembled at the regimental armory and thence proceeded to the arsenal for that purpose. As might have been expected under the circumstances, it paraded with slim ranks, its strength being eight commands of ten files front. "After the formation by Adjutant Francis the regiment pre pared for review, Adjutant-General Townsend, who was present, being the reviewing officer. This ceremony was very handsomely performed, and at its conclusion the command were exercised in battalion movements, single and double rank formation, all of which were unusually well executed, drawing complimentary re marks from the Adjutant-General and a number of visiting officers who were present. "The drill was concluded with that very essential practice, street firing, in which the command apparently took peculiar in terest, it being the first time it had attempted its execution since the war. We would suggest that the regiment confine itself more closely to company and platoon firing, and give less attention to firing by division, as the former is more likely to be called into use." The first brigade was ordered to parade on June 3d, with a proviso that in case of a storm it would be postponed to the 10th instant. The postponement occurred, but the 10th was equally as bad. It rained in torrents. The regiments were trans ported to Prospect Park parade ground by cars from the Brook lyn side, reaching there about noon. After stacking arms they were dismissed for rations and further orders. 350 [1870 The rain fell gently, and without adequate shelter the men were wet to the skin. Orders were that the men should not leave the field. To enforce this there was a detachment from the 71st and 22d, under Lieutenant-Colonel Wolcott of the 71st as Field Officer of the Day. But as the rain still fell and there was no shelter, the General withdrew the guard and the men got such shelter as they could. At about 1 o'clock General Ward and staff invited the Field Officers and staff and officers generally to a bountiful collation in the cottage. During this the Adjutant-General arrived on the ground. The brigade was soon after formed in line for review. At the formation the rain ceased for a time, but as the. brigade passed in review it came on again. The "Army and Navy Journal" of the 18th said : "The 71st paraded with drum corps, two hundred and fifty.. The regiment was under command of Colonel Rockafellar and the turn out slim for the regiment, but this did not affect ita discipline. "It made a fine appearance and few if any excelled it on the ground. The firings of the 71st was the most uniform in excellence. The 71st with its reputation, excellent quarters and. good material, should be the close rival of the 7th." July 16th, the regiment paraded to receive the 7th Regiment on its return from a trip to Cape May. For at least one year or more dissensions in the 37th Regi ment had been serious until in the summer of 1870 it was evi dent that it would be reduced to a battalion if not disbanded. At this psychological moment Major Eunson (who had once been a member of the 37th and was well acquainted with its officers) suggested to the representative officers that they should consoli date with the 71st. It proved acceptable and a meeting was held at Colonel Freeborn's house, he having those officers of the 37th that were to be provided for present on behalf of the 37th.. Major Eunson and the Adjutant of the 71st representing the- latter. All action at this conference could only be tentative as at this time the officers of the 71st knew nothing of this. Having- arranged a plan which it seemed to the representatives of the 71st possible to carry out, the meeting, after appointing a com mittee to represent the 37th in conjunction with the 71st,. adjourned. 1870] 351 The next step was to notify Colonel Rockafellar that there was something doing, of which at that stage it would be better for him to be able to say if asked that he knew nothing, that as soon as all the details were settled the committee would report to him. As it would be necessary to render some of the officers supernumerary and to place the officers of the 37th brought in among the different companies, it was necessary to have every thing arranged before any opposition arose. The next step was to notify General Ward, and having procured his approval and through him the consent of General Headquarters, the plan was then officially laid before the Colonel. A consolidation of two such organizations presented diffi culties that were only possible to surmount by exceeding great -care on the part of the officers charged with the delicate duty of trying to do exact justice to all of the interests involved, mostly by the way of a personal nature, as only one-half of the officers could be provided for, and such as called for exhibitions of rare self-sacrifice. Fortunately the consolidation was accomplished with no friction of any consequence and the new comrades were received with a warm welcome, enough to reconcile them to the substitution of the new number on their caps in place of their own, beside which the veteran association opened wide its doors and welcomed their veterans on the same conditions as the 71st. The consolidation was a success in every way. The following is from -the "Army and Navy Journal" of September 24th: "The arrangements for the consolidation of the 37th with the 71st have been completed and orders will shortly be issued from General Headquarters confirming the action of all concerned. As we have before said, we believe this consolidation will have a beneficial effect. "By it the 71st gains at least one hundred new members — some say two hundred. While the 71st gains these men, the 37th is freed from further internal troubles and the quarrels among officers and men become, like the organization, a thing of the past, never, we trust, to be resuscitated. The history of the -37th, were it written, and its various vicissitudes, would fill many a page, and only its good material has enabled it to stand constant dissensions for the past six years or more. All these sorrows, let us repeat, should die with the 37th. Never let their sour pres ence appear in the ranks of the 71st 'American Guard,' whose record has never been tarnished by dissensions of a like •character." 352 [1870 GENERAL HEADQUARTERS S.N.Y., ADJUTANT- GENERAL'S OFFICE Albany, Sept. 21, 1870. General Orders No. 21: 1 2. 3. The 37th Regiment, National Guard, is hereby consolidated with the 71st Regiment, National Guard, the combined force to be designated and known as the 71st Regiment, National Guard, State of New York. The several companies of these regiments will re organize and officers are assigned thereto as follows: Company A of the reorganized regiment will be formed by con solidating Company B of the 37th with Company A of the 71st, with Samuel W, Osgood as Captain, Samuel B. Jackson as First Lieuten ant, and Thomas W. Love as Second Lieutenant. Company B will be formed by Company B of the 71st Regiment as at present constituted, with Charles N. Swift as Captain, Charles F. DeBorst as First Lieutenant, and Stephen F. Curtis, Jr., as Second Lieutenant. Company C will be formed by consolidating Company D of the 37th with Company C of the 71st, with Alfred Spear as Captain, Alfred P. Vreedenburgh as First Lieutenant, and John R. Davenport as Second Lieutenant. Company D of the 71st, with Company H of the 37th, John W. Youmans as Captain, as First Lieutenant, and George C. Freeborn as Second Lieutenant. Company E will be formed by consolidating Company A of the 37th with Company E of the 71st, with James S. Turner as Captain, Gilbert W. Knight as First Lieutenant, and Charles E. Brown as Second Lieutenant. Company F will be formed by consolidating Company G of the 37th with Company F of the 71st, with Charles N. Leland as Cap tain, Henry K. White as First Lieutenant, and Beverly Ward as Second Lieutenant. Company G will be formed by consolidating Company K of the 37th with Company G of the 71st, with Abram L. Webber as Captain, James T. Brinckerhoff as First Lieutenant, and Lewis R.' Post as Second Lieutenant. Company H will be Company H of the 71st as at present consti tuted, with Amos L. See as Captain, as First Lieutenant, and John I. Riggins as Second Lieutenant. Company I will be Company I of the 71st Regiment as at present constituted, with Joseph A. Wise as Captain, William A. Elmer as First Lieutenant, and Theodore V. Smith as Second Lieutenant. Company K will be formed by consolidating Company B of the 37th with Company K of the 71st, with William N. Cox as Captain, 1870] 353. Sanford A. Taylor as First Lieutenant, and John C. Rue as Second Lieutenant. The present field officers of the 71st Regiment, viz., Harry Rocka fellar, George D. Wolcott and Eugene S. Eunson, will retain their respective positions in the consolidated regiment, together with such' regimental staff officers as shall be designated by the Colonel. * * * All other officers are hereby rendered supernumerary. * * * By order of the Commander-in-Chief, FRANKLIN TOWNSEND, Adjutant-General. At least two hundred and fifty names were added to the roll by this consolidation, of which about one hundred were dead wood. Most of these got into the roll of Company A, leaving possibly a gain of one hundred and fifty. The notorious James Fisk, being Commodore of the Fall River line of steamboats, seeking greater fame, by his political pull obtained control of the 9th Regiment, which numbered about five hundred men, and by forcing employees of the various cor porations which he controlled into the ranks built it up to about nine hundred. His ambition was then to have the finest band that could be procured. For this purpose he made overtures to Professor Downing, leader of the 71st Regiment Band since its organization, and as has been shown, known throughout the coun try. Naturally after nearly twenty years of association neither the regiment nor Professor Downing desired to sever the long and pleasant ties, but the offer was so advantageous to him that the officers deemed it selfish to object and accepted the situation. The professor built the band to one hundred for the 9th. It lasted until shortly after Colonel Fisk was murdered. And for a time the 71st was without a band. September 30th, the obsequies of Admiral Farragut took place, for which purpose the division paraded. It was a terrible day, the rain coming down at times in sheets. The men were wet to their skin; the mounted officers' boots were filled with water. The remains were received at West Street, foot of Canal, and escorted to the Grand Central, from whence they were taken to Woodlawn. October 1st, David Banks, Jr., presented to the regiment a handsome silver cup, to be awarded to the best drilled private. On October 28th, the division was reviewed by the Governor 12 354 [1870 on the Prospect Park parade ground. It was a beautiful but windy day. Owing to the time required to reach the ground the formation was later than intended. Of the 71st the "Army and Navy Journal," November 5th, said : "The 71st, Colonel Rockafellar in command, paraded ten companies sixteen files front, in full marching order. They at tracted unusual attention and its well-filled ranks and soldierly appearance elicited unbounded applause." From the same, November 5th: "The 71st, after many postponements, finally held its annual inspection on Monday evening, October 30th, in the State Arsenal. The 71st has for some years back gained but little in mem bers and, although always sustaining a well deserving name, has never been able to fill its ranks thereby or parade with great strength. Since the war various efforts have been made to in crease its relative strength, with but partial success, and the regi ment, like many others of its class, has shown little increase dur ing the past few years. "The union of the 37th with this command was an event long and devoutly wished by the 71st and at last accomplished, thus aiding a worthy command, and ridding the State of a trouble some one. The turnout at Inspection was not equal to the parade of the regiment on the 28th ultimo, for which we cannot account. We observed that several of the companies retain members on the rolls who perform duty semi-occasionally. "This is especially noticeable in Company A, which had but 32 present out of 115 names on its roll. F. &S. N.C.S. Band ABCDEFGHI KT'l Present 7 4 40 32 46 38 46 49 42 47 39 23 SO 463 Absent 2 3 0 83 9 17 22 16 31 34 8 18 21 264 Total 9 40 115 55 55 68 65 73 81 47 41 71 727 (The absentees can partially be accounted for on account of lack of uniforms by some of the new additions by consolidation.) "Headquarters : The roster, journal, endorsement book and consolidated report book are neatly and fully written up to date of examination; is without any regular letter book, and uses letter press ; is without order book, a copy on letter sheet (G. O. printed S. O. written) of each order issued is placed in a file book, orders received properly filled, and date of reception noted. Letters received correctly endorsed and filed. First Lieut. A. T. Francis is Adjutant of this regiment." From the same, November 12th: "We regret to learn of the accident to Adjutant Francis of the 71st. His leg was broken by a fall from his horse on the occasion of the parade at the review of October 25th. We learn that he is slowly recovering, although at one time during the week his case was considered very critical. He is well known and has 1870-71] 355 the sympathy of the entire division, to which we add our own. By the way, this officer just before the accident issued a very useful little book of instruction for Guides, compiled from Upton's Tactics. * * *" In December David Banks, Jr., presented the regiment with two gold medals, to be awarded to the first and second best drilled men in the manual of arms. Company G gave a reception and dance during the month. The regiment had been waiting to occupy the armory of the 37th since the consolidation, but owing to fairs being held there, it did not get into it until late in the month of December. While in some respects the rooms were larger and ceilings higher, the general appointments were not so nice. During the month division drills were held. During the month of December a new band was organized under the leadership of Felix I. Eben. 18 7 1 The order of arrest of delinquents for non-payment of fines imposed by regimental court martial was rarely used in the 71st and then only in aggravated cases. One such case occurred when a Deputy Sheriff, Benjamin H. Yard, who was a member of Company C of the regiment, defied the power of the court in a most insubordinate manner and refused to pay the fine or rec ognize the orders of the court in any way. This justified extreme means to enforce discipline and an order of arrest was issued. He began a suit against the president of the court, Major Eugene S. Eunson, the Brigade Commander and the Marshal who executed the warrant, for $25,000 damages for false im prisonment and conspiracy. Justice Cardoza of the Supreme Court was found to issue an order of arrest for each of tne three defendants. These orders were placed in the hands of the Sheriff on the last day of the year, which was on Saturday, and as New Year's Day was celebrated on Monday, bail could not be procured until Tuesday. The Sheriff refused to act on them on that day for the reason that it was an unnecessary hardship for the gentlemen, who could be reached at any time, so they were held over until the following week, when the new sheriff arrested the President and the Marshal after 3 o'clock, and only missed arresting the Briga- 356 [1871 ¦dier-General because he had left his office a few minutes earlier than usual that day, but who surrendered himself on Monday -morning. On this day each of the three were released on $10,000 bail and the case left for action at convenience of the court. About two years afterwards the plaintiffs' attorneys asked permission to withdraw the suit, which was granted on condition that the fine imposed by the court martial should be paid, that a statement in writing should be made that the action of the court martial was right in every particular and that the plaintiff was wholly in the wrong, and an indemnity bond furnished that the case should not again be brought against either of the defendants, whose expenses were assumed by the State. The arrest of the President of the court martial caused no little stir in military circles. He was not locked in a cell nor subjected to any indignity, but an incident of that kind to a young man who had an engagement to take his fiancee to a theatre on Saturday evening but could not do so because he was locked up in a jail, lacked something at first sight of a whimsical tone. However, when the freedom of the building was placed at his disposal to entertain as many friends as chose to call upon him there, he reconciled himself to a postponement of the theatre trip and spent the evening and the following day in entertaining a host of callers, who from an outsider's point of view seemed to think it quite a joke to be incarcerated as a malefactor, and to carry out the joke in full, handcuffed and leg-ironed him to the warden and his assistant and threatened to throw the keys away unless something to smoke and something to eat and some thing to wash it down with was provided. It was, and the keys are still there. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 15th, 1871 : "Seventy-first Regiment. * * * The 11th instant was the occasion of the Annual Reception of this excellent organiza tion and competitive drill for prizes by several members of the regiment. * * * The Academy of Music was never con structed for such a performance as this, especially when military festivities and evolutions are combined. * * * The concert was for some reason delayed almost an hour and opened with the drill of a squad of twelve men for the first prize or 'Parmele' musket. Major-General Kiddoo, U.S.A., was the referee, and Captain Allison of the 7th and Captain McAfee of the 12th acted as judges. Colonel Rockafellar commanded the squad, which took its position between the proscenium boxes. We have not space for the details we wish to give, but will merely state that the 1871] 357 drill, which was in the manual of arms, including loading and firings (muzzle-loaders) and the simple firings, were exceedingly fair throughout. "The judges and referee found much difficulty in deciding as to the relative merits of the men and were compelled finally to depend mainly on minor details, the men presenting so general a uniformity of execution. * * * The applause of the spec tators affected not a few of the men, and at the request of the Colonel was therefrom stopped. * * * "After many inspections and individual trials the judges decided as follows: First prize, 'Parmele' musket and a gold medal, to Sergeant Walworth of Company F, the former holder of the musket and now its owner ; second prize, the 'Banks' silver cup, to Private F. H. McCann of Company B." About the 1st of July was issued to the 7th and 71st Regi ments the new Remington rifles by the State, although not offi cially adopted by the State. This was accomplished through the influence of Captain Henry K. White of the 71st, he being con nected with the firm of Schuyler, Hartly & Graham, agents for the Remingtons. It was timely in view of what soon followed, the first oppor tunity to use them. "It was one of those movements and issues which no one could have anticipated. It was in itself a little and old question, but the avidity with which it was seized upon by contending factions of the same nativity and precipitated into a general melee, whereby many innocent persons lost their lives and the metropolis was thrown into consternation, shows that under neath this subject was a deep and traditional dispute of which we Americans are ignorant." TWELFTH OF JULY RIOT For many years previous a bitter feud existed between the "Orangemen" and the "Hibernians" of New York and at each renewing celebration of the Battle of the Boyne on the 12th of July the hatred of the Orangemen by their natural opponents was increased. On several occasions when on parade or on their picnic grounds the Orangemen were attacked by the Hibernians. On the 12th of July, 1870, while enjoying themselves with their families at Elm Park, an onslaught was made by the Hibernians, the Orangemen defending themselves as best they could under the circumstances. The following year (1871) the Hibernians determined to prevent, if possible, the parade of the Orangemen. The latter 358 [1871 resolved to assert their right to parade at all hazards. As the day drew near bad blood was stirred up on both sides. Friends of both parties tried to pour oil upon the troubled waters and prevent a conflict, but all to no purpose. On the 11th of July Governor Hoffman came to the city and held a consultation with the Mayor and the Commander of the 1st Division, General Shaler. The police were instructed in their duties and orders were issued to the several regiments to hold themselves in readiness at their armories, and each regiment was provided with twenty rounds of ammunition. The following order was received at the headquarters of the regiment : HEADQUARTERS 1ST DIVISION, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, July 12th, 1871. Lieutenant-Colonel George D. Wolcott, Commanding Seventy- first Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. : Colonel : Upon the receipt of this you will march your command up the boulevard to the 31st Precinct Police Station, in 100th Street between Ninth and Tenth Avenues, and put yourself in commu nication with Captain Helme or other police officer in charge. You will regulate your movements so as to support the police force in the discharge of their duties, and for this purpose you will confer with the officer in command and keep yourself informed as to his movements. The service which is required of you is, as you will appre ciate, one of a delicate nature, and one in which you must be guided by circumstances and your judgment. The police will enforce the law so far as they can and if not able to do so will call upon you for assistance, which you will render, so as to uphold them in the discharge of their duties. You will keep your command in the ranks and see that the men behave quietly and orderly, and not allow any straggling, so that they can be used at a moment's notice. If compelled to send detachments to any point you will see that they are sufficiently large to enforce order, if possible, with out resorting to compulsory measures. You will not use force unless it becomes absolutely neces sary to put down a riot or disturbance, and then you are expected to act with coolness and firmness. No positive orders can be given to guide you in your actions, but you must be governed by the exigencies of the case, and your authority is therefore necessarily discretionary. The Washington Grey Troop of Cavalry has been directed to report to you; it will co-operate with your command, under your orders. By order of Major-General Alexander Shaler, WILLIAM H. CHEESBROUGH. Col. and A.A.G. and Chief of Staff. 1871] 359 In pursuance of the above order the regiment left its armory on Broadway and 36th Street and marched to and through the Central Park to Eighth Avenue at 90th Street gate. After re porting to Captain Helme the regiment made its headquarters at the old Apthorp mansion. The grounds around it had been fittted up for a beer garden. The platform made an admirable place for the regiment, keeping them off the street and where they could be kept well in hand. On arriving there an orderly handed to Major Eunson a personal letter from the Governor of the State, who was at police headquarters taking personal charge of the situation. In this letter he stated that he had given orders that a detachment of five companies under command of the Major should proceed at once to Lion Park, corner of Eight Avenue and 110th Street, where the Orange riot took place the year previous, for the reason that a large number of rioters were assembling there and trouble was expected at that place. The letter enjoined on the officer not to precipitate a fight and that everything was left to his discretion. The detachment started out, accompanied by a troop of the Washington Grey Cavalry, which was assigned to the command. A short distance up the avenue the crowds began to assemble and act in a menacing way, and becoming still larger made some ver bal assults on the soldiers that hurt their pride a bit, but did no other damage. The commandant thought best to flank the crowd and for that purpose marched the column into Central Park, which was a direct violation of city ordinances. A mounted police captain halted the column, ordered the Major to leave the park forthwith, under threat of immediate arrest. Whether he changed his mind on hearing from the ranks the remark that "he would better let that job out" or not is not material. The column peacefully proceeded until arriving at its destination, where nothing happened. Possibly this was because of an im pression that prevailed that was heard by the officer in command from one of the turbulent crowd who said, "Look out, boys, it's the 71st; they have breech-loaders and know how to shoot." This is an actual fact; the writer heard it himself. Colonel Rockafellar was in Europe at this time and Lieuten ant-Colonel Wolcott was therefore in command. The Adjutant, whose leg was still too weak for marching, rode with the Quar termaster stores in a carriage. It was supposed at the time that 360 [1871 the main point of attack and the brunt of the fight would be at Elm Park, the scene of the previous year's conflict. To this locality was sent the 71st Regiment, armed with Remington rifles. At this time extensive work was being done upon the boulevard, requiring large gangs of workmen, and disturbance was anticipated from them. The regiment remained in a state of masterly inactivity, while regiments of less experience were fighting the angry mob down town. The Orangemen left their headquarters about 3 o'clock P. M., surrounded by a cordon of mounted police, a body of police on foot, and the 6th, 7th, 9th, 22d and 84th Regiments. When the Orangemen made their appearance they were greeted with a storm of hisses and yells, which was soon after followed by an attack by the mob from all points. Bricks, cob blestones and all sorts of missiles were hurled from the streets, from the housetops, from windows and from every available point of attack from which the rioters could secure. Several members of the police and National Guard were hit and badly injured. They behaved with remarkable coolness. When the firing began it had the desired effect. The mob was driven back. The line of march was down Eighth Avenue to 14th Street, to Union Square, up to 35th Street and around Worth Monu ment to Cooper Union, where the parade was dismissed. The fighting was on Eighth Avenue. Fifty were killed, one hundred wounded and sixty arrested, and the law was enforced. It was a source of regret to the members of the 71st that they were unable to take a more active part in the affair. How ever, they held the "post of honor," as they generally did — evi dence of the confidence held by the authorities in its reliability. Extract from General Shaler's report: "By 9 o'clock A. M. reports received at headquarters of several bodies of armed men moving in various parts of the city became frequent. "The first one of any magnitude or of positive seriousness was received about 8 A. M., to the effect that a large crowd of evil disposed persons had made a demonstration at 143d Street and Seventh Avenue and obliged all the workingmen in that neighborhood to quit work and join their party. "There being no available police force in that vicinity, I dis patched, at the request of the police authorities, Major Jussen of 1871] 361 my staff with orders to the commanding officer of the 71st Regi ment, stationed at Elm Park, to at once move one wing of the regiment and the Washington Greys Cavalry in the direction of the point indicated. This movement was rapidly executed, but upon reaching 110th Street information was received that the rioters had moved down through the park. The infantry re mained for a short time at 110th Street and Eighth Avenue and the cavalry at 110th Street and Sixth Avenue, and at 12:15 P. M. were returned to Elm Park by telegraphic order. * * * "At 5 :20 P. M. two companies of the 71st were ordered to occupy 'Knapp's Garden,' at 110th Street and Eighth Avenue, until 8 o'clock A. M. to prevent an anticipated attack on a picnic party. "The night passed without any unusual excitement and at 8 o'clock A. M., with the consent of the police authorities, a gradual dismissal of all the troops, except the 22d Regiment, was begun. "The 22d was ordered to relieve the 71st Regiment and the Washington Grey Cavalry, who were dismissed." VISIT TO PROVIDENCE The 25th of July was an eventful day in the history of the 71st. Ten years previous they parted company with the Rhode Island troops, with whom they had fought side by side on the field of Manassas. Now these old scarred veterans were again to meet and fight their battle o'er on the peaceful shores of Rhode Island. This time the 71st was led by the gallant Colonel Rockafellar, who lost his arm on the battlefield of Bull Run, while Colonel Martin, who commanded the regiment at that time, was now present in command of a small body of war veterans. For this excursion the regiment turned out 400 men, together with the Veteran Corps, numbering twenty-five men, under the command of Colonel Martin. They carried the old tattered and torn battle flag. The field and staff were Colonel Rockafellar, Lieutenant- Colonel Wolcott, Major Eunson, Adjutant Francis, Quartermas ter Raymond, Assistant Quartermaster Wm. H. Benjamin, Sur geon Higginbotham, Assistant Surgeon Louis Balch, Commis sary Shade, Chaplain Eastman Benjamin. Honorary Staff: Sey mour A. Bunce, DeWitt C. Arnold, Thomas Girvan and Capt. T. H. B. Simmons. Company A — First Lieutenant, Samuel B. Jackson. Company B — Captain, Charles N. Swift. Company C — Captain, Alfred Spear. 362 [1871 Company D — Captain, J. H. Youmans. Company E — Captain, James S. Turner. Company F — Captain, Charles H. Leland. Company G — Captain, Abram L. Webber. Company H — Captain, Amos L. See. Company I — First Lieutenant, Theodore V. Smith. Company K — Captain, Wm. H. Cox. Bandmaster — Felix J. Eben. The regiment marched from the armory (Broadway and 35th Street) late in the afternoon and took passage on the steamer "City of St. Lawrence," which had been chartered for the occasion, and after a most enjoyable trip arrived at Provi dence on the following morning. They were received by a salute of fifty guns, fired by a section of the marine artillery. All Providence turned out to meet them. The business houses were closed and every arrange ment completed to make it one of the finest celebrations ever witnessed in that city. The escort consisted of Gen. Wm. R. Walker and staff, Providence Horse Guards, platoon of police, United Train of Artillery, First Light Infantry, Major-Gen. Horace Daniels and staff, Second Rhode Island Veteran Association, together with a large number of distinguished invited guests. On their arrival at the parade ground they were met by his excellency Governor Paddleford. The morning had been cloudy and threatening. On arrival on the grounds the regiment had just time to get under cover in the large tent erected for the occasion when there was a heavy downpour. The Governor received the regiment in this tent with the following welcome: "It gives me great pleasure as the Executive of this State, in connection with his honor the Mayor, to extend to you soldiers of the 71st Regiment of New York and distinguished gentlemen who accompany you, a warm and cordial welcome to the City and State."The name, sir, of the 71st New York is with us a house hold word. Your memorable union with the First Rhode Island Volunteers at Annapolis and your march into Washington to protect the Capitol and the archives of the general government, your march under Burnside, accompanied by our State Execu tive with the 1st and 2d Rhode Island, Reynold's Battery and the 2d New Hampshire to the battlefield of Bull Run, your bap tism with blood, are all events which will never be forgotten. "Many of you fought on other battlefields, offering your 1871] 363 lives as a sacrifice to freedom. May we never have another occa sion for a like fraternization, but God grant that our future may be blessed with peace, prosperity and happiness." After the welcome the company partook of a splendid col lation, which did honor to their Rhode Island host. This was under a mammoth pavilion, 150 feet long, 65 feet wide and 45 feet high. The tables were in the form of the letter T, the longest 63 by 5, and that for the officers 24 by 5. The spread consisted of salmon, boned turkey, lobster salad, sandwiches, ice cream, cake, fruit and coffee. Ten mammoth punch bowls filled with lemonade and the popping of corks indicated something more sparkling for those who wanted it. As the rain prevented any further outdoor ceremonies, the time was agreeably spent in speechmaking and toasts. Captain Underhill thanked their Rhode Island friends heartily for their kind reception and hoped that the time might come when the 71st would have the opportunity to reciprocate. Colonel Martin of the Veterans was called upon, who responded in a few words, in which he said: "May God grant that our future may be blessed with peace, prosperity and happiness." Others responded in the same vein, after which the company broke up and were conveyed to their various quarters. Colonel Rockafellar, who had just returned from a European trip, did not arrive until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. He was warmly welcomed by the Providence military and thrice welcomed by his comrades. With the Colonel also came the sun, whose rays were equally welcome. The rest of the day was spent in being escorted by squads to the various places of interest. The hotel accommodations were not extensive, but three of them managed to take care of the men quite comfortably. The following day (27th) the regiment left Providence for "Rocky Point," a few miles down the river. Its fame still lingers, but competition has shorn it of much of its glorious past. The exercises consisted of a review, dress parade, concert and hop, lasting until midnight. The great feature of the day was the old-fashioned "clambake," such as was only there. Hundreds of Providence militia brought their ladies down to the dance in the evening, adding much to the enjoyment of the occasion. At a late hour the men reached the steamer and retired for the night. At an early hour in the morning (28th) the boat was cast 364 [1871 off and started for New York, which was reached late in the afternoon. Everybody was happy, having enjoyed one of the most delightful excursions and pleasant reunions of any partici pated in since the close of the war. In 1861, after the battle of Manassas, Colonel Rockafellar was one of those who were carried off the field wounded and incarcerated in Libby Prison, Richmond. Surgeon Higgin- botham, now attached to the staff of the regiment, was then Sur- geon-in-Chief of all the hospitals in Richmond, and it was during these professional duties that he most successfully amputated the arm of Colonel Rockafellar, and by his many kindly acts en deared himself to all with whom he came in contact. It was in fact the kindly attentions bestowed on the Colonel and his gratitude for the same that caused the subsequent appointment of Surgeon Higginbotham on his staff. His kind and humane treatment caused his arrest by the Confederate authorities. He was courtmartialed for his disloyalty and would have been cashiered had it not have been for the fact that his services were too valuable. Eventually he filled the position of Surgeon-in-Chief of the medical forces of the Southern Army. NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION During this year, from time to time, encouraged by the "Army and Navy Journal," meetings were held in that office for the purpose of organizing a rifle association. The 71st was repre sented on these occasions by Colonel Rockafellar and Adjutant Francis, both being members of the incorporation and charter and life members, the date of which was November 17th, 1871, General Burnside being the first president. RECEPTION OF THE "UNITED TRAIN ARTILLERY" From the "Army and Navy Journal" of October 7th, 1871 : "The fine organization of Rhode Island militia, the 'United Train Artillery,' left its native city on Monday, 25th ultimo, on an excursion to Philadelphia. After receiving for two days the hospitality of the military and citizens of that city it returned to New York en route for home, arriving in the latter city on the afternoon of Thursday, 28th ultimo. The friendship exist ing between the military of this city and Providence is of the firmest and most cordial kind. "The memory of the attention bestowed upon the 71st on its 1871] , 365 recent trip to Providence is still green. So when the 'United Train' arrived last week as the guests of the 'American Guard' they were sure of the hospitable welcome they received. "The 'United Train,' Colonel Harry Allen (an old member of the 71st), reached Jersey City on the afternoon of the 28th ultimo. They were received by the committee of the 71st, of which Lieutenant Wolcott was chairman, and a large number of officers of other organizations of the two divisions. It was expected that the guests on their arrival in Jersey City should go to Taylor's Hotel and there change their fatigue for full- dress, the 71st to meet them at 2:25 at the ferry on the New York side of the river, but an unfortunate delay in the reception of Colonel Allen's luggage necessitated the fatigue and also a two hours' waiting in Jersey City, which was the time allowed for the change of uniforms. "The 71st, in ten commands of twelve files front, in full dress, under command of Colonel Rockafellar, at about 2 o'clock arrived at the foot of Courtlandt Street and formally received its guests. "The two organizations then paraded down town a short distance to be reviewed by the 'bulls and bears,' returning via the Battery and Broadway, halting at the City Hall. Here the Mayor (Hall) formally welcomed the visitors and invited them to partake of the contents of a flowing bowl in his office. This is the first time within our recollection of the Mayor or city authorities of- New York ever offering a courtesy of this char acter to a visiting company under similar circumstances. The 'trainers' may therefore consider themselves to have been paid an exceptional compliment. "The march was then resumed to the armory of the 71st Both commands here entered and, after relieving themselves of trappings, proceeded to the main drill room, where an elegant collation awaited their attendance. "The arrangement of the table was very artistic and the viands were of the choicest, all having been prepared under the. supervision of Mr. Fowler of the Revere House. "Colonel Rockafellar, in a brief speech, welcomed the com rades from Providence and bade them to partake without cere mony of the good things before them, after which the visitors: marched to the St. Cloud Hotel, the arranged headquarters during; their stay in the city. "In the evening the 'United Trainers' and guests were es corted to the opera house amid a blaze of fireworks and mucbi enthusiasm. "The night was so varied in its incidents that Friday morning brought but few to hand at the appointed hour (8 A. M.). At 10 A. M., however, enough of the 'Trainers' had turned out to make a fair show. They were escorted to the foot of 26th Street and there embarked on a steamer for a trip to the public institu tions in the river. "The day was a beautiful one and the visits were very inter esting and pleasant. On their return to the hotel the visitors 366 [1871 donned their full dress uniform, which is similar to that of the 'Old Guard' of this city. They were then escorted to the Neptune Line pier for home. "The welcome to the visitors was of a hearty and elaborate character and their departure for home was witnessed by a large assemblage and a regretful 'American Guard.' " ANNUAL INSPECTION This inspection is important for the reason that it was prac tically the end of the administration of Colonel Rockafellar, as he did very little active duty after this to the time of his resig nation. Also the reader must recognize the fact that the admin istrations of Colonels Parmele and Rockafellar were so inter woven that they might be called the same. With very little change the field and staff of each were the same and during the long absence of Colonel Parmele, Rockafellar was in command, we may therefore recall the two as an epoch. It had in many ways changed the character of the regiment. It had given a discipline that it had not had. It had established the office work of the departments on a basis not known before, making the staff offi cers useful, not ornamental, as had been the previous custom. It had caused the regiment to be fully equipped in a full dress uniform. Never did it hold a higher position in the estimation of the public than at this period. From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 21st, 1871 : "The 71st Regiment, Colonel Rockafellar, were inspected and mustered at Tompkins Square on the 18th instant. The regiment entered the ground at about 2:30 P. M. It presented an equal ized front of twelve files and made a very handsome appearance, as usual, in full marching order, and neat blue uniform and white cross belts. "The 'American Guard' is an excellent representative com mand and is always greeted as such wherever it goes. The 71st is a standard regiment and although it may not be so proficient in guard drill as the 7th or 22d, as was proven on this occasion, it has material in its ranks which is unexcelled by that in any of the National Guard organizations of the State. "The inspection of the regiment drew together a large assem blage of spectators, who manifested their appreciation of this favorite command by careful criticism of its material and every movement. * * *" F. &S. N.C.S. Band ABCDEFGH IK T'l Present 7 6 40 37 39 39 39 45 38 57 32 23 54 456 Absent 1 0 0 24 10 10 29 12 30 16 9 19 19 179 Total 8 6 40 61 49 49 68 57 68 73 41 42 73 635 The numerical condition of the regiment was very little 1871] 367 different from that of 1866, when Colonel Parmele took command. There had been much cutting out of deadwood, over one hun dred having been expelled. Many others took their discharge rather than a full dress uniform. Immediately after inspection Colonel Rockafellar took a leave of absence for four months, intending a trip to Europe. His health was poor and it was necessary for him to take a rest. Lieutenant-Colonel Wolcott assumed command. He, however, on November 15th, resigned, leaving Major Eunson in command. In November the commission appointed by the Governor to select a rifle for the National Guard reported to him as favorable to the Remington rifle, the same as was being used by the 71st. RECEPTION OF THE GRAND DUKE ALEXIS From the "Army and Navy Journal," November 19th, 1871 : "The visit of the Grand Duke Alexis had been the great theme of discussion among the military for months and the preparation for his reception had to a degree interfered with the current military movements and been the means of deferring the annual fall brigade and division reviews. "The first order for the parade was issued over a month ago, when the Russian naval squadron was momentarily expected. "The occasion of the landing of the Russian Grand Duke on the 21st gave the Guard the opportunity, which they so amply improved, of displaying their military enthusiasm and high proficiency, drill and discipline. * * * The Grand Duke and suite landed at Pier I, North River. As he moved along the line each regiment in turn paid him the compliment due a Major- General. * * * When the leading carriage reached the right of the line the whole escort moved forward under the orders of the General of the 1st Brigade. The line of march was up Broadway to 14th Street and Fourth avenue to the Clarendon Hotel at 18th Street. "Upon arriving at the hotel his Imperial Highness received a marching salute." The muddy and slippery condition of the streets made the marching difficult. This was before the day of Colonel Waring. From the same : "On the evening of December 28th the officers of the 71st elected by a unanimous vote Captain Richard Vose, senior Cap tain in the 22d Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Wolcott, resigned. * * * "Major Eunson, the officer in command, by virtue of the leave of absence granted Colonel Rockafellar, was not a candi date, business and domestic affairs making it necessary for his retirement later from military duties. 368 [1871-72 "The regiment has made a wise selection in its new field officer. * * * The Lieutenant-Colonel-elect is an officer of long experience and has repeatedly shown his qualification as a good soldier and love for the service by withstanding two ap parent clique defeats in the 22d for field positions. * * *" To celebrate this promotion the newly elected Lieutenant- Colonel gave a dinner to the officers of the regiment at Del- monico's, then at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 14th Street. During the evening Colonel Rockafellar in his remarks said that he was reminded of a dream in which the dreamer discovered himself in a mud hut and saw in the ceiling something bright. Upon getting the same into his possession he discovered it to be a diamond, and he (the Colonel) believed that on this occa sion the 71st Regiment had likewise found a diamond. Colonel Porter of the 22d Regiment, who was present, said that while he agreed with Colonel Rockafellar that the 71st had found a diamond, he failed to see any comparison between the 22d Regiment and a mud hut. 18 7 2 From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 20th, 1872 : "On the evening cf the 12th instant the 71st Regiment re ceived its friends at the regimental armory (Broadway and 36th Street), the event being the first public reception of the regiment isince occupying this building. "The entertainment was termed a promenade concert and -reception, the regimental band being in attendance, and during the evening discoursed some very classical selections. The armory was crowded to its utmost capacity, the chief attraction being in the neighborhood of the company rooms, wherein the members entertained their friends with viands temperate and intemperate. * * * "The assemblage was to a degree of a mixed nature, many being in full dress ball costume, while the majority promenaded in the dress uniform of the service. "When we recall the reception given by that command some years since as one of the best managed ever held at the Academy of Music, we are at a loss to account for some sins of omission and commission that occurred on this occasion. "It was awkward for many of the guests that no announce ment on the card or in any other way was made that the enter tainment was not to be a full dress one and that no dancing would take place. Attention to this duty would have saved the unpleasant position of the many parties who arrived in evening 1872] 369 dress, who on receiving the intelligence that no dressing room had been provided, and observing the character of the entertain ment, immediately retired from the armory. * * * "One very objectionable feature was the liberal display in company rooms and elsewhere of intoxicating liquors. The eyil effects of this was shown later in the evening on many of the attendants, and the example set was injurious to the reputation of any first-class organization." From the same: "On the 15th instant the regiment met at the State Arsenal for drill and inspection, some three hundred men being present. "Lieutenant-Colonel Vose made his debut as a Field Officer and Commander on this occasion and gave general satisfaction. "The execution by the regiment of the different movements was highly creditable to that organization and Colonel Vose's hosts of admirers were pleased by the able manner in which he handled the regiment. We, however, would suggest a little more spirit in the enunciation of the commands. * * *" THIS SOUNDS BETTER From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 2d, 1872 : ¦"The 71st is quietly resting on its laurels won at the elegant reception given on the 22d of February at the armory, which was by far one of the most successful ever undertaken by the regiment in the regimental armory. In fact, seldom has it been equaled in general appointments and richness of costumes at the Academy of Music. "The main drill rooms were pleasingly decorated and filled at an early hour by a large portion of New York's best society, in the general significance of elegant costumes. * * * "Many of the members furnished coffee and other refresh ments to their lady friends in the company rooms, but there was no display of intoxicating liquors — a reform we note to its credit, the American Guard has at last returned to itself." During the months of February and March wing drills were held in the State Arsenal. These drills were private, no out siders being admitted, which did not bring favorable comment from military critics. OBSEQUIES OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL ANDERSON, U.S.A. New York, March 2d, 1872. Colonel : I am directed by General William G. Ward to announce that a communication has been received from Major-General McDowell accepting the escort of the 71st Regiment (infantry) for the funeral of General Anderson, which will take place some 370 [1872 time between the middle and the last of the month. General McDowell "thanks the regiment" for the offer and states: "I entirely concur with you in your judgment, and the standing and past record of the 71st Regiment. I had occasion in the past to bear witness to its high qualities, having selected it to go into battle, and I shall be glad to accept its services if they are still willing to offer them on the occasion of the transfer of General Anderson's remains from the Second Avenue vaults to the foot of 34th Street, North River." Very respectfully, JOSEPH L. ANTHONY, A. A. G., 1st Brig. To Colonel Harry Rockafellar, Commanding 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, March 3d, 1872. To General William G. Ward, Commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division, N.G.S.N.Y. General : Will you kindly convey to Major-General McDowell my thanks for the handsome compliment he pays my regiment and assure him that my command is in readiness to parade as escort to the remains of General Anderson at any time he may designate. Very respectfully yours, HARRY ROCKAFELLAR, Commanding 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 6th : "Military honors to the remains of Brigade-General Robert Anderson, U.S.A., were paid on Wednesday last. The line was formed on Second Avenue. The line of march was up Second Avenue to 8th Street, to Fifth Avenue, 34th Street, to the North , River, where the remains were placed upon a steamer for West Point. "The 71st paraded in heavy marching order, ten commands fourteen files "front, and never made a handsomer appearance." July 4th the division made a parade. On this occasion the 71st made a slim turnout. Colonel Rockafellar, who had been to Europe, returned in August, bringing as a sample a bearskin shako, the same as worn by the Coldstream Guard of London, submitting it to the regi ment for their adoption, it costing but three and one-half dollars each. Of which much later. Upon the return of Colonel Rockafellar to duty he at once resigned, an act which in deference to his health should have 1872] 371 been taken a year before, and thus ending a twin administration of Parmele-Rockafellar. Colonel Rockafellar had had an exceptionally good staff, both in competency and loyalty. It was a good working team. He was not so fortunate perhaps with his line officers. It was a period of education and the eradication of old habits was not an easy matter, but what little friction there was was not of a serious nature, even if it was annoying. All of these were loyal to the regiment, with opinions which they believed to be right, and while they were slow to change there was no objection to the discipline as soon as the benefit was apparent. As one of the Captains many years after said to the Adjutant of that period: "I thought then that you were pretty severe with us, but have since been convinced by experience and results that you were all right." Trying to build up a military organization in the sixties was laying one open to the charge of arrogance, domineering or super ciliousness, especially if a superior officer objected to a slap on the back and the salutation of "Hello, Cap," from a subordinate, which little familiarities in uniform had been the habit of previous years. Fortunate was the Colonel who took all the honors and had an Adjutant who could take all the kicking. Colonel Rockafellar had done his part well. During this twin administration the regiment had procured for the first time a home to cover the entire organization, a full dress uniform, the latest style of rifles and other things previously mentioned. Few could have done better. He was a "ferret," continually seeking out for something to advance the interest of the regiment, ever alive to its welfare, he enthused all around him. In this respect he was more like Vosburgh than any other Commandant that had preceded him. He generally got what he went after. The pace was too strong for him and, like Vosburgh, his physique was not equal to the strain. He had done his best and it was wise for him to withdraw at a time of popularity. COLONEL RICHARD VOSE Plate vi — tfp. 373 Administration of Colonel RICHARD VOSE 1872—1884 On the retirement of Colonel Rockafellar, Lieutenant- Colonel Vose was elected Colonel (September 11th). Richard Vose was born in Whitesboro, Oneida County, New York, September 2d, 1830. His father died when Richard was thirteen years old, leaving him not only dependent upon his own resources, but with a mother and two brothers and two sisters, to whose support he contributed for years. Compelled at this early age to work for his living he educated himself. With various business experiences, he established, in 1868, the firm of Vose, Dinsmore & Co., of which he was a member at the time of his election. Of ample means and not embarrassed for time he was in no way hampered in performing the duties required. It was simply a question — was he the man for the position? With the exception of Parmele his predecessors were well known in the regiment by service and promotion and were surrounded by those who were also. Colonel Parmele's staff was comprised of men who were old members. During this administration an entire new field and staff came into office and as a rule were men who had no previous connec tion with the regiment, to whom it was not their Alma Mater. They were proud to hold office in it and without question tried to uphold its past glorious record, shared in the pride of it, and felt as much attachment as could be expected from a good step-father. Colonel Vose took command of a regiment thoroughly or ganized, of ten commands numerically about the average and standing high in the estimation of the public ; a splendid founda- 374 ;[1872 tion for the right man to build a strong regiment. Time will show the result. In September, the 2d Connecticut State Militia made a visit to New York and were "received by the 7th Regiment. On Friday, the 20th, the visitors, conjointly with the 71st, offered a marching salute to the Mayor at the City Hall, after which they went to Waverly, N. J., to help advertise a State fair, * * * returning to the city at 8 o'clock P. M. They marched up Broad way to Union Square, where they were met by the 22d Regiment, who received and escorted the visitors to their armory, where they gave them a fine collation, the 71st retiring, to their own quarters." During September, in Regimental Orders the wearing of the sash was abolished. From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 12th, 1872 : "The 71st Regiment, Colonel Vose, paraded on Tompkins Square on the 9th instant for inspection and muster. "The regiment presenting an equalization of ten commands of ten files, entered the west gate at 2 P. M. and took position on the east side of the square. "Lieutenant-Colonel Lockwood then assumed command and prepared the regiment for review by Colonel Vose. * * * "The regiment in line looked exceedingly fine and its steadi ness during the ceremony was marked. * * * "The 7 1st always looks well and nothing would give us more satisfaction than to see its ranks well filled, but in this instance it was not the case. * * * "Colonel Vose, it is predicted, will make great improvement in the regiment, and under the new regime we trust soon to see the 'American Guard' in its old and merited standard in the National Guard. '* * * "The uniforms and equipments were in excellent condition, and the regiment as a whole, as usual in this respect, presented a most creditable appearance. * * *" The number present was 381; absent, 174; total, 555; 1871: number present, 456; absent, 179; total, 635. While he was only second in command, Lieutenant-Colonel Vose, owing to the absence of Colonel Rockafellar for a long period of the year, was practically in command. Yet the above loss of eighty men cannot be placed to his discredit. The losses were distributed, with the exception of three companies, nearly even, and it was evident that to a large extent they were of those men who came from the 37th, Company K, which was com- 1872-73] 375 posed of 37th men, lost twenty. It was easy to transfer these men, but there were many reasons why it was difficult to hold them. Undoubtedly the procuring of a full dress uniform was one very serious cause, and to those whose time of service had expired, especially so. The loss in Company K was owing to internal trouble, resulting in the court martial of its Captain the following year. On the evening of December the 19th the regiment had a drill. The "Army and Navy Journal" of the 28th devoted a whole column to criticism of it, much in detail, and numerous faults were found as to many of the officers : "Colonel Vose was in command ; the manner in which he manoeuvered the battalion demonstrated that he is second to no Colonel in the National Guard for the mastery of Upton's Tac tics, * * * and from the progress made during the evening we can safely predict that the time is not far distant when a member of the regiment can with pride say, T am a member of the "American Guard." ' * * * "In conclusion we would suggest a thorough 'setting up' of the men ; theoretical instruction of officers and non-commissioned officers as often as practicable in addition to the usual drills, and the 'American Guard' will ere long be in the van for discipline and general proficiency. * * *" 18 7 3 The year opened January 4th with a drill at the State Arsenal, of the right wing, and on the 20th, at the same place, of the left wing. Of the last the "Army and Navy Journal" of the 25th said : "The left wing of the 71st, Companies H, B, F, C, D, held a battalion drill on Monday evening, the 20th, in the State Arsenal. The strength was four commands of ten files, Colonel Vose commanding. * * * "The battalion movements were not above mediocrity. The company officers appeared to understand the movements well, but were a little diffident about cautioning their companies. * * * "Colonel Vose was, as usual, self-possessed, clear and cor rect in his manner of instruction and command. We would call his attention to several points. "The first is rather orthcepic than tactical and relates to his 376 [1873 pronunciation of 'column' as if it was written 'col-yum' and rhymed with volume. * * *" On February the 3d an election was held for Major, at the, close of which the officers proceeded in a body to the residence of ex-Colonel Harry Rockafellar and presented him with a set of resolutions, handsomely engrossed and elegantly bound in a morocco album. The usual felicitous speeches were made and the officers appropriately entertained. February 20th a full dress inspection and review was made by the Inspector-General, W. H. Morris. Washington's birthday was celebrated by a reception in the armory. Of this the "Army and Navy Journal" of March 1st said: "The 71st Regiment, Colonel Vose, marked the advent of the day 'we celebrate' by giving a full dress reception at their armory, which in point of numbers, general selectness * * * was by far one of the most successful the regiment ever gave at its armory. "The room was handsomely decorated, an extensive array of gas jets forming the motto and designation of the regiment, comprising one of the chief features. * * * Yet among all this, most properly and praiseworthy, no effort was made to in troduce anything stronger than coffee and claret punch. The solids were plenty and good. * * * "The review at the state arsenal was held on the 20th of March, Colonel Vose was in command. The strength was ten commands of twelve files, * * * the movements which pre ceded the review were simple, but smoothly performed. * * * The passage in review as far as we could see, for the dense crowd, was very good ; the regiment presented a fine appearance. March 3d, the 2d Connecticut passed through the city on its way to the inauguration at Washington; the 71st gave them a collation after which they escorted them to the Jersey City depot From the "Army and Navy Journal," of April 12th : "The 71st members still persist in asking to parade in the bearskin hats, although both brigade and division commanders disapprove of the so-termed outrage on military decency." The drill season closed April 24th. The building was 1873] 377 crowded so as to interfere with the movements of the troops. The drill was not quite up to standard. The formation was twelve files. Tuesday, June 3d, was the Governor's (Dix) review. The division formed on streets below 14th Street, right resting on Fifth Avenue. The column moved up to 14th Street to Union Square, to 17th Street, the reviewing stand being between Broad way and Fourth Avenue; the inaugural of this reviewing stand arriving at this point only five minutes behind the time. The "Army and Navy Journal" of June 7th said : "The 71st, Colonel Vose, no staff (what became of them, Colonel?), eight commands, twelve files, made an attractive dis play in white trousers and its soldierly blue coats and cross belts. "The fronts and marching were excellent, and the regiment won the applause it received. The 71st is one of New York's old favorites." On Saturday, the 21st of June, the National Rifle Associa tion opened its new rifle range at Creedmoor. The inauguration was a great success. Over three thousand persons were present. During the month of June the Colonel issued a circular to the regiment announcing that it would make an excursion to New Haven on the 24th, 25th and 26th of July ; that the assess ment would be $7.50 per man, each man to furnish his own rations. The project was before them; it was for them to decide at once, which they did ; favorably. From the "Army and Navy Journal," August 2d : "The 71st has been to New Haven, Conn., and by its excel lent deportment while on and off duty in that city has made a most favorable impression and reflected the greatest credit on the State and city which it represented. * * * This, the last excursion, was similar in its general outline to the regiment's visit to Providence two years ago. At both cities it was a per fect ovation of the people, who spared nothing to extend hos pitalities to the New Yorkers. "The 71st, however, has long been active in these matters and whatever they have undertaken they have done well, and this, too, at individual members' expense. "The 'American Guard' are not rich, but they never refuse military courtesies to any regiment visiting this city and these attentions are well known. * * * 378 [1873 "The steamer 'Continental' having been chartered for this trip left the foot of 23d Street, East River at 4 P. M., and after a pleasant trip up the Sound reached New Haven at a little past 8 o'clock. As the steamer entered the bay the little steamer 'Stephen R. Smith,' with a jolly party of the 2d's boys, met the visitors and greeted them with fireworks, cheers and whistles, , all of which were returned by the 71st setting off rockets and otherwise manifesting their acknowledgments of the welcome. "As the steamer approached the wharf the cheers, salutes, fireworks and general enthusiasm increased. On disembarkation, the 71st having reduced its original formation to eight commands of ten files, was formally welcomed by the officers of the 2d Connecticut and escorted by those companies located in or near New Haven. "The parade of the two battalions was one of the most brilliant ever witnessed in New Haven. The streets were fairly packed with people and it was slow work marching up Chapel Street, which was perfectly ablaze with fireworks, and nearly all the residences of this, one of the best portions of the city, were illuminated. "It was a glorious night and a glorious reception to the 'American Guard.' Finally the column came to a halt at the armory and the troops filed in to enjoy the fine collation pre pared for their disposal. "Col. Stephen R. Smith of the 2d Connecticut in a few words greeted the regiment and then introduced Mayor Lewis, who in terms most fitting welcomed the New Yorkers and gave them the freedom of the city. "After the collation the men in squads were escorted to the boat by the boys of the 2d and until a late hour a jolly social time. On Friday, the day following, the 71st, escorted by the officers of the 2d, took passage on the steamer 'S. R. Smith' for Savin Rock, where they partook of a monster clamba1-e. At about 5 P. M. they returned to the city, donned their ful' dress and white trousers and. escorted by the New Haven Grays, marched through some of the main streets to the Green, where they held a dress parade. * * * In the evening the band gave a concert on the Green, listened to by ten thousand people. The square and adjacent streets were packed. "In the meanwhile the officers were being banqueted, at which was the Governor, Mayor and many other city officers, and the men were taken care of at the armory. "Saturday was devoted to the 'freedom of the city.' literally true. Everything was open to them. At 2 o'clock P. M. the regiment was escorted to the Green by the 2d Connecticut, where a grand review was held before Governor Ingersoll, Mavor Lewis, Adiutant-General Trowbridge and other prominent dig nitaries. The review was witnessed by an immense number of people, who frequently applauded the excellently executed movements. "It was 11 o'clock at night before the regiment was allowed to steam away, arriving in New York at 1 :30 A. M. Sunday." 1873-74] 379 VISIT TO WILLIAMSBURG From the "Army and Navy Journal," September 13th: "Seventy-first Infantry, Colonel Vose, en Monday evening (8th) visited Williamsburg as the guest of the 47th Infantry, Colonel Austin. The visit was in return for courtesies offered the latter some months since in New York. * * * The 71st landed at the foot of South 7th Street at 8:30 P. M., and were received there by the 47th with the usual ceremony, the 71st parading ten commands of twelve files each. Ceremonies over, the regiments took up the march. * * * The cobblestones (with which the streets were paved at that time) somewhat bothered the 'American Guard,' however. When they struck something level they looked exceedingly handsome. * * * "After a somewhat extended march and a general welcome along the line they halted at the armory, which they entered, and after breaking ranks partook of a bounteous repast. "A damper was put upon the trip on the return by the fall of a balcony which extended across the front of the second story of two houses and about twenty feet above the walk. Sixty or seventy persons were thrown to the sidewalk, two were fatally injured and many others suffered severe injuries and fractures." From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 20th: "A storm necessitated having the inspection indoors, which it was, at the State Arsenal, after a review. The regiment in its neat fatigue, knapsacks and cross belts, as usual looked well, and the ceremony of review was well performed. "The following returns show a slight active and aggregate falling off, but the weather was anything but conducive for. a large turnout : Present, 371 ; absent, 123 ; total, 494. A loss in the aggregate of 61." Captain Theodore V. Smith was, during the month of October, transferred from Company I to Company F. For the purpose of enlarging the band a concert was given at the Academy of Music under the auspices of the regiment on Tuesday, December 18th. 18 7 4 The first event of importance at the opening of 1874 was the approval by the Adjutant-General of the bearskin hat. These hats seemed to have been a source of much controversy. They were said to have "been made of 'seal belly,' costing only a few shillings each, apparently a job lot bought at a bargain, because no one else wanted them at any price, and that though they were 380 [1874 a present to our men, they kicked so much at the quality that they were dropped after being worn only once or twice and disap peared from the face of the earth." Wing drills commenced with February. On the 9th the right wing had a drill at the State Arsenal. There was a small turnout and the drill was in single rank. It is difficult to explain the cause of this condition. The thoughtful student must draw his own conclusions (he may or he may not be justified in them) as we proceed to the end of this administration. As has been previously stated, at this time the rental of armories was controlled by politicians. There were great steal ings. Buildings unsuitable for the purpose were rented at twice a fair rental (on this there was a divvy), and then the same method to fleece the taxpayer was gone through in the altera tions and furnishing of the same. As a rule, no regard was paid to the requirements of a regiment. The first question appeared to be, "What is there in it for us?" (the ring). The 9th Regiment occupied quarters on Eighth Avenue near 26th Street. They were over a stable, entirely unsuited for the purpose, and were about to be vacated by them. At this time the lease of the quarters of the 71st expired. The Super visors declined to renew it and directed the Colonel of the 71st to remove to the building vacated by the 9th, which he declined to do. This was early in March. The lease of the 71st armory expired May 1st. From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 14th : "The 71st, Colonel Vose, paraded in full dress at the arsenal on the evening of March 5 th. * * * "The special effort to parade in good strength, and by its appearance and movements, to show the public of what stuff the famous 'American Guard' is composed, was both wise and suc cessful. "The regiment likewise made this the occasion of not only a military exhibition at the arsenal, but of a great gala demonstra tion at the armory, and issued tasty cards of admission to both. "The arsenal was filled with a select assemblage, and while the ladies predominated to a large extent, the number of military gentlemen present was unusual. The doors were closed long before the hour of formation, to preserve space for the regiment. "At 8:30 the line was formed ten companies twelve files. * * * The review by General Morris immediately fol lowed * * * ; the men during the review were very steady, in fact, we have never seen the 71st do better. * * * "After dismissal a social concert and hop was given at the 1874] 381 armory which was largely attended. The armory was hand somely decorated, and the different companies entertained their friends in good style. "Colonel Vose and his officers entertained the reviewing party and a large number of the friends of the regiment in the Board of Officers' room, in a most sumptuous manner and every thing indicated the best of spirit, despite the proposed removal of the regiment from its present armory." It is needless to say that the regiment did not. move to the vacated building of the Ninth. A new lease was made for their present quarters. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 2d : "Captain Cox and Lieutenant Cardoza of the 71st Infantry, appealed from the decision of the State Examining Board. In the case of Cox we expected this would be the case. There is something remarkable in the tenacity with which the latter holds on to his rank * * * His record stands thus: tried on three unsuccessful court-martials, then tried before the State Board where he was found wanting and ordered to retire. To this even, he now objects." Unquestionably this captain was the largest thorn Colonel Vose had to contend with ; in three years his company of 75 men had come down to 28 present at the inspection of 1874. It did not seem that anything but death could remove him. He resigned in September. AT CREEDMOOR From the "Army and Navy Journal," July 8th : "The 71st Regiment, fourth on the list of the 1st brigade, visited Creedmoor on Thursday, the 25th of June. In point of discipline and orderly arrangements for the comfort and instruc tion of the command, the 71st have done themselves and the brigade to which it belongs infinite credit. "Their shooting, however, was by no means good. * * * It is a real pity that so excellent an organization, and one that has such a proud history as this regiment, should allow itself to be outstripped in this matter by commands far below its stand ard in other respects. "The 71st enjoys the proud distinction of being one of the very few militia regiments that 'met the enemy in battle during its three months' tour of duty in war, and came out with honor, colors, and unbroken ranks. * * * "On arrival at the grounds, those standing nuisances, the lager-beer men, were found on time, waiting for their legitimate prey, the soldier. Colonel Vose checkmated them promptly. Fie 382 [1874 made a short address to the regiment telling them that he should allow no drinking of intoxicating liquors until practice was over. "Then he posted a strong guard, drove the beer wagons from the grounds, pitched his tent and went to work. * * * "We were favorably struck with two things in the 71st, the intelligence and positively gentlemanly appearance of the rank and file, and the very great superiority of the officers as a body to the usual run of militia officers. They realized the meaning of the phrase 'officers and gentlemen,' better than most we have seen. It is so usual in the National Guard to find company officers far below the field and staff, and hardly a step above the men in the ranks, that the contrast is very pleasant in a com mand where familiarity on duty is not common. "The officers of the 71st look more like officers than those of most militia regiments, and we did not notice any of that ridiculous hand-shaking and hail-fellow-well-met kind of greet ing so common elsewhere between officers and men in the ranks. * * * "Altogether the regiment did itself honor by its excursion to Creedmoor." The above article recalls the remark of the gentleman whose financial misfortunes, had brought him to his "uppers." "You never saw me forget that I am a gentleman." It has been a. notable feature in the 71st, that as a body, during its past fifty years or more, be its lot "ever so humble," its pride has been hereditary, and decade after decade, they have retained that same pride of ancestry, and imbued with the same loyalty, have up held the reputation that it has among regiments, "A gentleman of nobility." The regiment made the customary parade on July 4th. July, Lieut.-Col. H. C. Lockwood resigned, having served since March, 1872. New York, May 20th, 1874. To Captain : — Sir: — At a meeting of the Board of Officers of the 71st Regiment, it was unanimously resolved to present Colonel Richard Vose with a testimonial for his energetic services in our behalf. It was decided to present him with a fine saddle horse for parade and exercise. Will you state what we may rely on from your Company as a subscription to this fund, and report to me after the parade on the afternoon of the 27th instant at the Armory ? Four Companies have guaranteed $50 each; by giving me reliable figures and stating time when you can send me your subscription you will oblige, Your obedient servant, THOS. L. RAYMOND, Major and Chairman Committee.. 1874] 383 On the occasion of the election of Lieutenant-Colonel Vose, his friends presented him with an elegant set of horse equipments, valued at $500; and this year the Regiment supplemented it with a handsome horse. From the New York "Times" : "On the occasion of the Division parade on the 4th instant Colonel Vose, commanding the 71st Regiment, was presented with a handsome black charger named 'George Washington,' by the ornccrs and members of his command. "The horse is a Kentucky thoroughbred animal, coal black, fifteen hands high and valued at $1,000. Private Fink of Com pany I, made the presentation speech, which was responded to with embarrassment by Colonel Vose, as the matter had been kept profoundly secret, and no intimation had reached him of the intended presentation. "Captain Theodore V. Smith of Company I in this command, with a squad of forty men, was detailed by General Shaler as a guard of honor at the reviewing- stand during the Division parade on the (July) 4th instant. The selection was made as a testi monial to Captain Smith for the excellent discipline maintained by his command at Creedmoor, last year, on the occasion of the competition match between the regimental 'teams' when the Cap tain was detailed to preserve order upon the grounds." From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 24th, 1874 : "The 71st Regiment paraded for inspection on Wednesday, 21st instant, in fatigue uniform, in Tompkins Square, nominally at 3 P. M. The Regiment was late, the ceremony slow, and the inspection and muster were not half through at 5 P. M., when we left the ground. The regiment looked and behaved as it always does — unexceptionably. "It is an excellent specimen of the self-respecting native American regiment. In drill it is rusty, however. The guides are poorly instructed, and lose distances very noticeably. The band also showed carelessness and lack of instruction, by stand ing in place rest during the close of the review." The result of the muster was as follows : F.&S. N.C.S. Band A B Present 8 6 39 37 41 Absent 10 0 8 3 Total 9 6 39 45 44 49 43 36 49 51 29 38 54 492 As compared with 1873, a loss of one in the aggregate, but a gain of 37 in the number present, which but for Company K should have been larger. In November Dr. Joseph D. Bryant (later Surgeon-General of the State), was appointed Surgeon with rank of Major. From the "Army and Navy Journal," November 21st: "On Wednesday evening, 18th instant, the 71st Regiment c D E F G H I K T'l 44 26 33 42 42 29 33 28 408 5 17 3 7 9 0 5 26 84 384 [1874 paraded at the Arsenal for drill, in full dress uniform with bear skin shako, numbering about 220 men all told. The bear-skin shako is a new feature in the 71st, though its adoption is in no wise due to Colonel Vose, being a legacy bequeathed by ex-Colonel Rockafellar, and voted on during his incumbency. Its assump tion at the present time, when business is so dull and money so scarce, has been a matter of considerable difficulty, the expense being borne by the men themselves. The propriety and taste of this change has also been a matter of considerable dispute outside of the regiment, and many opinions have been volunteered for and against the change, with that refreshing frankness that obtains so largely among members of the National Guard, given to 'chaffing' each other. "For our own part, we confess that we feared that the intro duction of the conspicuous bead dress would bring ridicule on the 71st. We had in mind's eye a raw regiment, in ill-fitting, grey uniform, that we once saw in a New England camp, whose huge shakos, with very long hair, only made the awkwardness more conspicuous. With this image in our thoughts we entered the Arsenal, and were at once surprised and pleased to find that there may be immense difference, even in bear-skin shakos. If they are modeled as stated, on those of the London 'Cold- streams,' then the latter must look splendid. As for the 71st, the adoption of the new head dress has made them by far the hand somest regiment in New York City. "Up to that time the 7th, had a little the advantage in full dress, but the 71st with the bear-skin shako beats any regiment that we have yet seen in the United States, in point of appearance. Another point on which we felt nervous for the 71st was whether the organization was capable of the severe drill and iron discipline characteristic of this veteran 'Guard' that alone wear the bear skin shako in Europe. "In this also we were reassured after seeing the 71st at their first winter drill ; while they have faults which need correc tion, they also display such a remarkable proficiency in some points of drill that their progress to the front rank in New York militia is only a question of time and inclination on their part. * * * "The company officers are good, as good as the Field and Staff; the faults lying chiefly with the sergeants and corporals. * * * The drill shows that the 71st has the qualification to step to the very head of the National Guard if it chooses to work. Its appearance is now superior to that of any other regiment; its drill and discipline must rise to the same standard." December 7th, the right wing of the regiment had a drill at the Arsenal. December 18th, Company A gave a reception at Terrace Garden. From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 2d, 1875 : "The left wing of the 71st Regiment held a battalion drill 1874-75] 385 at" the Arsenal on Tuesday night, the 22d of December. Five companies were represented, but the attendance was so small (one company having but two and one-half files) that they were equalized into four companies. * * * "Perhaps we expected too much from the left wing of the 71st, but as they were on Tuesday night we cannot compliment the members very much on their drill. It is really a pity that a command with such good material and such a record as this regiment has, should be so inaccurate in so many points. * * * "In former years the same pride animated the 71st, and made it what it was once; for some years it has suffered under a cloud of apathy and coldness, from which it has lately emerged, and the assumption of a conspicuous head dress is a bold step toward the front rank to which the 71st may attain, if the members choose. "But there is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. So sure as the regiment appears on its next parade on the street in bear-skin shakos, it will be the target of hostile and envious criticism from every regiment in the division. "The next parade will very likely be on Washington's birth day, and only three or four drills remain before that day, on which to decide the question of a success that shall compel praise from proverbially envious critics or a failure that will make the officers and members of the 71st the social butt of a hundred mortifying jokes. "It remains with company officers and members alone to de cide this question. Colonel Vose, from all we have seen of him at work, seems to be devoted, heart and soul to his regiment, and to be an excellent tactician, the sole trouble, apparent on the surface, is a want of proper support from his officers, an apathy and laziness, rather than ill-will, which is, to the last degree, discouraging." 18 7 5 January 8th, 1875, Company C presented Serg. Wm. F. Bogert with a handsome gold medal in recognition of his service of twenty-five years. From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 16th : "The right wing, Companies A, C, E, G and K, held its drill on Friday evening, 8th instant. This drill was in some respects a great improvement on that of the left wing. * * * The attendance was much larger. * * * Time was when the 71st was one of the strongest regiments in the city, and there is no reason why it should not be so again. * * * To make it popular, one thing is absolutely essential, that the officers should work in complete harmony, and as a unit. * * * In the 71st, 13 386 [1875 while everything seems to work without much external clashing, there are evidences of want of interest and of apathy in some quarters that have hitherto told with most disastrous efforts on the regiment. "As far as drill goes, there is plenty of intelligence in the rank and file, officers are all competent enough if they will only take the necessary trouble, but we are sorry to say that they do not support their commanding officers with the whole-souled vigor shown in some other regiments. * * * February 3d, Robert Orser was elected Captain of Com pany K. February 22d, there was no Division parade, what was want ing in parades was made up in receptions and balls. The 71st came out in their bear-skin shakos, in spite of the cold weather, drilled in the Arsenal and held a reception at their armory — as al ways it was a brilliant and enjoyable affair. June 8th, the Regiment paraded for Inspection; there were 421 present and 71 absent, total 492; almost identical with the inspection of the previous fall. June 22d Major Thomas Lynch Raymond resigned. July 4th, the division paraded, The "Army and Navy Jour nal" said: "The 71st, Colonel Vose, followed with eight com mands of twelve files each. This regiment presented a very hand some appearance, and was with one exception the best command in the division." August 4th, Major Wm. H. Chaddock was promoted to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy, on the 26th of the same month Captain Edwin A. McAlpin was elected Major. At the same time an invitation to go into Camp at Oakland Beach, R. I., was received and accepted. The particulars of this are from the "Army and Navy Journal," of September 4th: "The 71st Regiment has enjoyed a splendid excursion to Rhode Island. The command left New York on Monday evening, August 23d, at 5 P. M. It embarked on the 'Stonington' boat, and found themselves almost alone in the great boat, the state rooms and berths being ample for all, as there were few passen gers besides. Colonel Vose made the excursion a model one, by maintaining the strictest discipline on board, the barroom being guarded and every precaution taken against disorder. The boat arrived at Stonington at 2 :30 A. M., but the men were allowed to sleep till the 6:30 train. At 8 A. M., the regiment reached Providence, and was there received by the United Train Artillery. "The Providence Marine Artillery also fired a salute of 36 1875] 387 guns. Here the 71st disembarked and executed a short parade, in ten commands of twelve files front. Their reception was a perfect ovation, the streets being decorated and crowded with people. "At Howard Hall the men were treated to a collation tendered by the Providence militia organizations, and here they were formally welcomed by Adjutant-General LaFavour of Rhode Island. "After the collation the 71st and United Train Artillery marched to the steamer 'Josephine' and were taken to Oakland Beach, the destined camping place. Here at the Oakland Beach Hotel, Senator Burnside made a pleasing address referring to the gallant deeds of the 71st in 1861, and welcoming the regiment to the shores of Rhode Island. Colonel Vose replied in a very happy manner, thanking the General for his kindness and assur ing him of the good feeling toward him by the 71st. "The regiment soon after went into camp, named 'Camp Lippitt,' in honor of the Governor. The guard for the day was detailed, the regiment assigned to their quarters, and the strictest discipline observed to the most minute detail. "Dinner was furnished at 3 P. M., and at 4:30 the first dress parade took place. Soon after their arrival, news was re ceived of the death of ex-Colonel Harry Rockafellar; the flag was immediately placed at half-staff and the usual signs of mourning observed. "The Adjutant-General, Brigadier-General Miller, General Chace, General Stere, General Hazzard, General Shaw and other distinguished guests visited the headquarters, and were hospitably entertained by Colonel Vose. "The camp ground was remarkably pleasant and healthy, being a grassy field close to the sea beach. "Wednesday the 25th, the real work of camp began, and was carried on without intermission from sunrise to sunset. * * * The third day was intended for a grand field day, but the project was spoiled by an accident to Colonel Vose at the review, when his horse became frightened and restive, and threw him, dislocat ing his shoulder. The damage, while luckily not permanently serious, of course, spoiled the colonel's chance for work. * * * "On Friday the regiment was visited by Governor Lippitt, he witnessed dress parade and review. * * * "On Saturday General Banks arrived and was received with similar honors. A friendly challenge from the rifle team of Pres-: cott Post, G.A.R., to the rifle team of the 71st, was accepted by the latter, and Saturday the 30th, was set down for the friendly contest. Each team consisted of eight men carefully selected. The distance was 200 yards. The total score of the Post was 86; that of the 71st was 123. The highest of the Post was 15, by O. F. Gifford; the highest of the 71st team was 19, made by Lieutenant O. C. Hoffman of G Company. Divine service was observed on Sunday, and a sermon preached by Rev. Mr. Bain bridge suitable to the occasion. The sermon was listened to with 388 [1875-76 marked attention, and at its close the audience joined in singing, and the band rendered some fine musical selections of sacred character." The following day the regiment broke camp and started for home, reaching New York on Tuesday morning. From the Providence "Press" : "The 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., which is now in camp at Oakland Beach, has taken all in all, the best record of any militia regiment in the State of New York. Though only half as old as the famous 7th, it has enjoyed an honor denied to the latter, that of campaign service in the presence of the enemy, and of a battle record written in the blood of its members, killed under the flag of their regiment. While the 7th numbers many more persons of wealth in its ranks, and has, consequently been able to attract a larger share of public notice to its actions of late years,, the 71st, in its more modest way, has been rapidly recruit ing to its old standard, and promises within a few years to equal, if not eclipse, its more noted rival in numbers and perfection of drill, the strongest points of the 7th." This encampment was a large advertising scheme for the promotion of Oakland Beach, and involved the Regiment in con siderable financial trouble. 18 7 6 The year opened with a drill of the right wing at the arsenal on the 4th of January ; of which the "Army and Navy Journal," of January 8th, 1876, says: "The right wing of the 71st held its first battalion drill, Tuesday evening, January the 4th, Lieutenant-Colonel Chaddock put them through at first, and Colonel Vose followed. The movements were all simple, and as a rule well executed, but there was a marked absence of the 'snap' and 'vim' that should characterize a first-class regiment. * * * " January the 12th, Company K gave a very successful enter tainment in the armory. On the 25th the regiment gave a reception at the armory. It was attended by a host of friends of the command. The music furnished by the new band, Prof. Wannamacher, leader, was remarkably fine. 1876] 389 It was understood that a difficulty in paying the band for service, at Oakland Beach caused the retirement of Prof. Eben. During the month, Captain T. V. Smith, and Lieutenants C. E. Brown and Mclntyre resigned. On the 31st, Captain Wm. C. Clark, late of the 79th, having become captain of Company D mustered into it fifty men from his old regiment. From the "Army and Navy Journal," February 12th : "The reception of the 71st Regiment on Monday evening, the 7th, at their armory, was as much of a success as it is possible for such an affair to be. The room was filled with "beautiful ladies and gallant soldiers, who seemed fully to appreciate the excellent music of the new regimental band. The tickets for the grand Centennial reception of this command are ready for dis tribution. * * * The Rink will undoubtedly be filled. No more appropriate manner of celebrating the birthday of Wash ington suggests itself. * * * " From the same, February 26th : "The Centennial reception of the 71st at the Rink, on Tues day evening, 22d instant, was one which the regiment has every reason to be congratulated upon. The large building was hardly able to accommodate with comfort the numerous guests ; good judges estimating the number present at from 5 to 8,000. "Line was formed for dress parade at about 8 o'clock. The ceremony and the review which followed was perfect. They wore the shako. "Presentation of marksmen badges was next in order ; guard mount followed, after which dancing." From the "Army and Navy Journal." April 8th: "Captain Des Marets of the 71st Regiment, is under arrest for conduct unbecoming, etc. His offence was in tearing down from the wall of his company room certain 'armory rules' placed there by order of the Colonel, and this before his com pany. His defence as we understand it from his friends, is that the rules did not specify themselves as being by order of the Colonel, and that he was not notified of the fact. "We must say that this is quibbling of a very small kind, and that the act if it goes unpunished must be fatal to the dis cipline of the regiment ; if Captain Des Marets were wise, to say nothing of the question of good taste, he never would have com mitted such an unpardonable breach of the merest elementary principles of discipline. "That he should have a party in the regiment to uphold him 390 [1876 on such a frivolous pretext is very un ortunate, we hope for the sake of a really fine regiment that t his party is a very small minority." May 30th, Decoration Day, Company K, at 8 A. M., with the band, proceeded to Greenwood Cemetery and there decorated the grave of Colonel Vosburgh. The 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence was celebrated in New York City on the evening of July 3d, 1876, by a grand military parade and fire-works. The military were to assemble at Union Square at an early hour. General Shaler, anticipating trouble in keeping the Square clear from the immense crowd that would gather there, requested Colonel Vose, with the 71st Regiment, to assume the entire charge of that duty. It was a difficult undertaking, and General Shaler, in selecting the 71st to perform that duty, paid them a high compliment. In addition to the members of his own regiment, 300 policemen were placed at the disposal of Colonel Vose. From the New York "Times," July 4th : "To the 71st Regiment of Infantry, N.G.S.N.Y., under com mand of Colonel Richard Vose, was assigned the arduous task of preserving an open space for the passage of the procession through the southern portion of Union Square on the nignt of the 3d. "Upon the arrival of the regiment, which turned out about 500 strong, at 8 :30 o'clock, it was found that a large crowd had already assembled. "Colonel Vose at once proceeded to clear the necessary space, and placed a line of men in position, extending from 16th Street on one side to the same street on the other. "Colonel Vose then took charge of the centre of that line, placing Lieutenant-Colenel Chaddock in command of the rear. On the east and west sides, although the crowd was very dense, the troops succeeded in persuading the people to fall back with comparatively little trouble, but on the southern side the object was accomplished with great difficulty. "The first three lines of spectators were composed principally of women and children, and behind these was a dense mass of roughs, who took advantage of the circumstances to hold their ground. "The troops were thus placed in a position of great delicacy. Their orders to clear the ground were imperative, but when they attempted to press back the line, the roughs pushed the women and children from behind, and for a long time succeeded in rendering their efforts futile. At last Colonel Vose ordered 1876] 391 his men to place their muskets horizontally before them, and to press forward in line, thus endeavoring to press the crowd back by main force. From time to time squads of the women and children, who had become frightened and were unable to resist the pressure of the roughs, were taken into the open space in the rear of the line of troops and escorted to the east and west sides of the Square. "At last the efforts of the soldiers prevailed, and the requisite room was secured. During the whole time, although the roughs were very abusive and loud in their threats, the men of the com mand kept their temper, and not a single act of violence was committed. Not so on the other side, however, for two of the soldiers were severely cut in the face by the roughs. In one in stance the man was identified and taken into custody. "The park police stationed in the same portion of the Square were singularly inefficient, only bestirring themselves to keep order when forced to do so by the officers of the National Guard. "The 71st was on duty from 8:30 until 1 A. M., and at the close of the exercises in the Square, marched to their armory, many of them completely exhausted." VISIT TO THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION AT PHILADELPHIA The following account is from a Philadelphia newspaper : "The event of this week was the reception and entertain ment of the 'American Guard' by the 2d Regiment. The visitors arrived in our city at noon on Monday, and after disembarking from the cars proceeded to the Atlas Hotel, the Philadelphia headquarters of the command. The regiment, or rather the bat talion, as only five companies participated in the excursion, was commanded by Colonel Vose, and was accompanied by its excel lent band and drum corps, aggregating in the whole about 250 officers and men. "The command after arriving at the hotel, were dismissed till 3 o'clock, when the assembly was beaten and the battalion marched to the eastern terminus of the Chestnut Street bridge, being met there by a battalion of the 2d under command of Captain Donnelly. "The visitors paraded in fatigue coat (blue) and white pants, the companies presenting a front of 16 files each. The 2d in full dress, paraded as three companies of 18 files each. Arriving at the bridge the usual courtesies were exchanged, and in the fol lowing order the march through Philadelphia was taken up : 2d Regiment drum corps, battalion of the 2d Regiment, 71st Regi ment band and drum corps, and battalion of the command. "The march was down Chestnut Street to 4th, to Walnut, to 5th, to Market, to 8th, to Race, thence to armory. "Along the entire route the two commands were greeted with cheers and encores and other pianifestations of gratification and encouragement. 392 [1876 "The marching of the two bodies was excellent and called forth many complimentary remarks. Arriving at the armory, arms were stacked and the visitors escorted to the main hall, where an excellent banquet was spread for the benefit of the 'American Guard.' "The men being seated, ex-Lieutenant-Colonel Neff (the commandant and field of the regiment being absent) warmly welcomed the 71st to the armory of the 2d, and expressed the hope that the visitors would enjoy a pleasant sojourn in the Centennial city. "Colonel Vose after the collation, informed the men that they were dismissed till 8 o'clock, when the assembly would be beaten and the battalion marched back to the Atlas. The men were then individually entertained by the regiment and men of the 2d, many of the 71st visiting the houses of Truck B and Engine No. 8, P.F.D., and the headquarters of Company I, where entertainments were improvised for them. "At 9 o'clock the command emerged from the armory, pre ceded by the Mutual Cornet Band and a large detachment of the 2d, and were escorted to 8th and Market Streets, where cars were taken for West Philadelphia. "As the 2d and its guests passed over the route, cheers were given the guardsmen from every quarter, and the applause ex ceeded anything we ever witnessed. "En route to the cars, Independence Hall was visited, the sacred edifice having been illuminated in honor of the New Yorkers, by Captain Donnelly of the 3d Regiment. "A brief halt was given the men to inspect the relics and curiosities, when the line of march was again taken up, reaching the horse cars at 10 o'clock. "The men being all aboard the command was given, 'forward' and to the Atlas the men were driven. Cheers and rockets were, however, exchanged by the 'blue and gray,' as the Empire boys left 8th Street. "Tuesday the visitors made a tour of the Exposition, meet ing on the grounds the officers and members of the 2d, who enter tained their guests. * * * "In the evening the 71st had a dress parade and guard mount, and it is unnecessary to add that the ceremonies were handsomely performed. "After the parade, etc., supper was partaken of, after which the officers and men visited Operti's Tropical Garden, where they were welcomed by Mr. Hamilton Disston. From the Garden, cars were taken to the city, and the Chestnut and American Thea tres and Washington Garden were visited. Wednesday was de voted to sight-seeing in the city and Centennial grounds. "At 6 P. M. dress parade and guard mount was again in dulged in, after which, under escort of a detachment of the 2d, the 71st were marched to the depot of the P.C.R.R. Co., opposite the Exposition, and a special was taken for home. "* * * The American Guard, by their gentlemanly de- 1876] 393 portment, won golden opinions in the Quaker City, and left our village with many regrets and God speed !" The distinctive organization of the Light Guard was kept up with Company A, until by order of the Governor, Orders 48, A.G.O., consolidated it with others and rendered the officers supernumerary; R. O. No. 9, May 1st, promulgated this and as signed the members of the company to Companies B, H and I. By this action was wiped out a condition which had existed for nigh twenty years. Efforts were taken to organize a new company. From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 21st: "The 71st Regiment was inspected and mustered at Tomp kins Square, October 16th. The 71st is at present without a letter A in its regimental alphabet, owing to the consolidation of that company with others in the regiment. "A little break in the regularity of the proceedings at the muster, was the appearance upon the ground, in citizens' dress, of the late captain of Company A (who was rendered super numerary by the action of the State authorities) and he audibly protested against the muster of any of his late command except ing as members of Company A. One of the latter gentlemen who was parading in the ranks of another company, waxed con tumacious, and declined to answer to his name in that company. "The Mustering Officer (Lieutenant-Colonel Kine), paid no attention to the unofficial interruption of Captain D , but recognized the presence of the insubordinate private by plac ing him under arrest, and the proper charges will be preferred in his case. "As will be seen below, the strength of this regiment shows a steady gain over the two preceding years, being 116 more than that of 1875. The 71st intends putting forth efforts during the coming winter in the matter of recruiting. * * *" F.&S. N.C.S. Band ABCDEFGHIKT'l Present 6 5 40 .. 40 55 70 45 34 47 31 48 73 494 Absent 4 1 0 .. 10 3 26 4 9 12 26 9 4 108 Totals 10 ~6 lo .. 50 58 96 49 43 59 57 57 77 602 From the "Army and Navy Journal," December 2d, 1876: "The Music Committee of the 71st Regiment announces to their commander with appropriate flourish of trumpets the fact, that they have at last succeeded in organizing a military band, in every way worthy of the 71st. This band will be under the leadership of Prof. F. I. Eben, and consists of forty members, most of whom are by this contract absolutely bound to the 71st Regiment ; thus for the first time in the history of this regiment, 394 [1875-76 having a band whose interest and existence is identical with its own. "Your committee feel assured, from the character and high professional reputation of the individual members of the band, and the concert of action they will gain by always playing together, that your new band will be an object of pride with you." In order that this fact might become self-evident, a concert and hop was given at the armory on the evening of November 29th. 18 7 7 From the "Army and Navy Journal," February 17th, 1877: "The right wing of the 71st Regiment was drilled in battalion movements at the State Arsenal on Monday evening, the 12th. * * * If officers desire their men to be prompt and soldierly in their movements, they must set the example. * * * This regiment contains good material, and the men are very intelligent. "The 71st was at one time considered one of the two smart est regiments in the 1st division, but owing to causes of which we are not altogether informed, it is being overtaken in the race for prominence by younger rivals, and unless it makes a decided effort, and shows a little more enthusiasm, going in full ranks at drills, regular attendance of officers, to recruiting and instruc tion, the old 71st will lose its prestige." From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 3d : "The 71st paraded on Washington's birthday. * * * It was not until 2:45 P. M., that the regiment appeared at Union Square Plaza; a large crowd of people had assembled in and around the Square, the Plaza being kept clear by a large detail of police. * * * The regiment was commanded by Colonel Vose. The command consisted of nine companies of sixteen files each, presenting a fine appearance as the sun shown on their bright guns and equipments. "With the 71st were two companies of the 2d Pennsylvania N. G. as guests, numbering 62 men, commanded by Colonel Clark. They arrived from Philadelphia during the morning, and an escort of officers from the regiment received them at Jersey City, then marched them to the armory where a lunch was already awaiting them. * * * "The appearance and marching of the troops at this review was creditable. It was understood that when the review by General Vilmar was over the Regiment would give a marching salute to the Grand Duke Alexis, at his hotel, the Clarendon, but the Duke did not appear. 1877] 395 "The Reception in the evening given at the armory was attended by a very large number; the hall was handsomely decorated, an elaborate supper table was spread in the officers' room, Colonel Vose presiding. Two bands of music under Eben, provided music for dancing." Of the Decoration Day parade the "Army and Navy Jour nal" said: "The old and once famous 71st Regiment came along in good style; alignments quite good, but sub-divisions comparatively weak in number of files." RAILROAD STRIKE In the summer of 1877 there was a general strike of the employees of the B. & O., Erie and Pennsylvania R. R. The Adjutant-General's annual report for that year, says : "The receiver of the Erie Railway, having applied to your Excellency for the aid of the State to protect its property, which was endangered by a threatened strike of its employees, in com pliance with your directions, I telegraphed, in the evening of Thursday, June 28th, to Brig.-Gen. Wm. F. Rogers, at Buffalo, to have the 74th Regiment assembled immediately, and held in readiness to move at a moment's notice." Before the lapse of many weeks the necessity of ordering into active service the whole force of the National Guard occurred. "A strike of the employees of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. in West Virginia, and also those of the Pennsylvania Central in the western part of Pennsylvania on the 19th of July, emboldened those of the Erie Railway to renew their riotous procedings on Friday, July 20th. "On Tuesday, the 24th, owing to the threatening condition of things at Albany and Buffalo, the 9th Regiment was ordered to the former place, and the 8th Regiment and 49th Regiment to the latter. * , * * On Friday evening, July the 27th, an order was issued dismissing most of the troops, their services being no longer required." During this period the 71st remained on duty at their Armory for about a week, to proceed at a moment's notice to any point. The men were very anxious to be ordered out of town to the threatened points of attack ; but New York City had a special claim on this regiment, and the commanding General was re- 396 [1877 quested by the Mayor, to retain the 7th, 12th, 22d and 71st Regiments. The following account of the duty done on this occasion by the regiment, is from the "Army and Navy Journal," of August 11th: "The following is a brief account of the duty done by the 71st, last month. "Monday evening, July 23d, before receiving orders, the colonel of the regiment went to the armory at 7:45 and found about fifty men assembled, in anticipation of orders. Five men from each company were at once detailed to do guard duty at the armory until further orders. At 8:45 orders were on their way to the armory to assemble the regiment, and verbal orders were immediately issued to that effect, so that by midnight 217 men were on duty. A guard was established inside and outside of the building. "Tuesday the 24th, the Morning Report showed, present 370 men, with all the line officers except one, who was out of the city and all of the staff. Morning drills were ordered at once, particularly in loading and firing, but few passes were asked for, and good discipline was maintained, the men were obedient to the slightest wish. In the afternoon of that day, dress parade was held, and at 11 P. M. 'tatoo' was sounded, at 11:30 came 'taps,' and the utmost quiet resigned. "Wednesday the 25th, was established a system of twenty minute passes, except in very urgent cases, by which means the command could be brought in hand within twenty minutes by stopping passes. On the afternoon of that day orders were received placing the command at the disposal of the Board of Police; at 6 o'clock all passes were stopped, at 6:20 the whole command was in the armory, at 8 o'clock the Regiment was assembled in line of battle, ammunition distributed, arms stacked, and the line maintained, ready to march at a moment's notice, until IIP. M., when notice was received that there was no further apprehension of trouble in the city, when the parade was dismissed and the men sent to quarters. "Thursday the 26th, drills were continued, and at 6 P. M., a dress parade was held on 34th Street. "Friday the 27th, the same routine was followed and at 6 P. M., a dress parade was held again on 34th Street, after a short march down Fifth Avenue to 26th Street, ahd up Madison Avenue to 34th Street, the command returned to the armory. At 12 P. M., after the men had been sent to quarters, orders came to dismiss. Immediately the command was assembled, ammuni tion collected and the Regiment dismissed. It was unexpected to the men, and more than half remained on duty all night. "On the first day there was some trouble in being properly supplied with rations, but by Wednesday the Commissary was 1877] 397 able to make arrangements with the Hoffman House which proved perfectly satisfactory to both officers and men. "Too much praise cannot be given to the men of the 71st for their behavior during the week; there was no complaint at the hardships they had to endure, and there were many. "The officers and men had to sleep on the floor of the large drill room, with backs of chairs for pillows. While their armory is well situated and ventilated, it nevertheless has very bad accom modations for a number of men for a length of time, two or three toilets for 470 men, that they had on the last day, and no washing conveniences. Had the armory had these, the regiment would have needed few passes, the men leaving the armory as a general thing only for actual necessity." The National Rifle Association had purchased grounds on Long Island, twelve miles from Hunters Point; it consisted of about eighty acres, on this they erected thirty targets, besides a "Running Deer," it was considered one of the best equipped and handsomest ranges in the world. The targets were in two lines, placed in eschelon. The main line of twenty targets was 150 yards in the rear of the other, which contained ten targets, so that firing could proceed at differ ent distances at the same time. This range was called "Creedmoor." By a contract entered into between the Adjutant-General of the State of New York and the National Rifle Association, the National Guard were allowed the use of twenty targets, and markers on three days in each week from April to November 1st, for which the State paid $4,500 yearly. In 1876, out of 38 competing regiments, battalions and separate companies for the "Figure of Merit," the 71st stood first on the list, the score being 85.62. The 7th, stood 50.70; the lowest score made was 17.70. The 1st Division match was shot at Creedmoor, on September 11th, 1877, by teams of twelve men from each regiment, at 200 and 500 yards, five shots at each distance. The following is a summary of the score (highest possible score 300 at each distance) : 200 Yards 500 Yards Total 71st 221 207 428 8th 222 173 395 9th 200 191 391! 7th 224 166 390 12th 222 165 387 69th 195 122 317 398 [1877" As usual, just outside of the range borders, the Devil, with an eye to business, established several beer saloons, resulting in disgraceful behavior, many of the men in compet ing regiments got so drunk as to be unable to shoot. When the 71st went to Creedmoor, Colonel Vose first saw that the beer peddlars were put out of business, and thus prevented trouble. Of the fall inspection, the "Army and Navy Journal," October 15th, said: "At 2 P. M., on Monday the 15th, General Vilmar and staff, arrived at Tompkins Square, and twenty minutes later, the 71st Regiment, ten commands of 16 files, band and drum corps, blankets, rolled, entered the grounds, after making a complete circuit of the Square the regiment was formed for review on the west side. "The review in line was excellent and the passage fine, alignments, distance and marching being of the best descrip tion, * * * at the close of the inspection, the command was mustered, and then marched to its armory." The figures were: F.&S. N.C.S. Band BCDEFGHIKT'l Present 8 6 40 39 58 64 38 36 53 34 51 77 504 Absent 1 0 0 13 2 15 594 26 7486 Total 9 6 40 52 60 79 43 45 57 60 58 81 590 November the 8th, a committee from the Board of Offi cers, visited Philadelphia and presented a set of resolutions elegantly bound, acknowledging the courtesies extended to the 71st while on their visit during the Centennial. During the fall, but little of note took place beyond the usual drills; the comments made by the "Army and Navy Journal," regarding these, were complimentary — the principal fault was lack of discipline. Captain Orser was detailed to organize a company "A". In December the officers were notified that, "one hour on each headquarter night would be devoted to tactical con versation, when all the various constructions of the tactics will be harmonized, that drills may be uniform, and the system the same throughout the entire regiment." 1878] 399 18 7 8 During the winter, division drills were held, under the supervision of a field officer. On Monday, January 7th, the right wing had a drill at the State Arsenal. From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 2d: "The 22d of February has always been a red letter day for the members of the 71st Regiment, and the anniversary of the birthday of the immortal Washington has always been celebrated in a fitting manner by the 'American Guard.' "The late occasion was no exception to the general rule, and for weeks past preparations were being made to fully honor the event. Military ceremonies were to commence the entertainment while the guests of the regiment were given a hop to close the evening. "Gilmore's Garden was selected. * * * This building was appropriately decorated, and notwithstanding the dreari ness of the day and evening, by eight o'clock the garden was filled. "At 8:45 P. M., line was formed with nine companies of 16 files for the parade. The formation was excellent, but the absence of the colors, was commented on; after receiving the command Colonel Vose signalled to Captain Vantine, who im mediately closed ranks, and advanced in column of platoons, the two color bearers being in the centre of the column, to the right of the regiment, when the colors were taken, escorted back to the centre of the regiment and received with honors. "The escort duty was well rendered, Company C being fully posted in all the details, but why the color escort should be introduced into the ceremony of dress parade we fail to understand. "Major-General Shaler took the review. * * ?Through out the evening the men were attentive and steady. * * *" March 16th, Captain Milne, Jr., of Company F, tendered his resignation. From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 16th : "The exclamation of the Irishman on first witnessing a parade of the Home Guard, 'Begor, these are all officers, no sogers,' might well be applied to Company H, 71st Regiment on Tuesday last, for at its company drill one captain, three corporals and eight men was the total present. The appear- 400 [1878 ance of the company was about equal to its turnout, decidedly slim. "The belts were not of the same pattern; several of the men and one Sergeant were without bayonet scabbards, merely inserting the bayonet in the loop of the jacket, not a single cartridge box was worn in the squad. "The company Quartermaster-Sergeant was also decorated with gold trimmings on his shoulder loops. The manual of arms by motion was poor, the men not paying the proper attention ; and while the Captain was specially instructing one iman, as to the proper manner of holding his piece at support ;arms, another man constituted himself an impromptu instruc tor, and was explaining the motion to his immediate neighbors. "The instructions in the loadings were not much better, the absence of the cartridge box being particularly noticed at this motion. "The Captain should always remember that the prepara tory command of company or squad, should precede the com mand of execution. The few movements in the school of the company were only fair, the men lack spirit and energy. The step was slow; there was talking in the ranks. "At the inspection in October last this company paraded, 34 present and 26 absent, total 60 ; yet in the very centre of the drill season, but 15 men out of 60 report for duty at company drill." The right wing had a drill at the State Arsenal on Friday evening, April 5th; the "Army and Navy Journal" gave a severe criticism of some length ; in closing it said : "The drill as a whole was very poor, not from any fault of the men, but simply from the want of knowledge or confi dence of the officers. As long as the movements went straight all was correct, but if an order was misunderstood or incor rectly performed, everything seemed to be at sixes and sevens. The file closers have not the slightest conception of their duty and not once during the drill was the least effort made to correct or assist the men in the execution of a movement." April 12th, the regiment paraded as part of the escort, at the funeral of Col. James R. Hitchcock, late of the 9th N.Y.N.G., who was in 1861 a member of Company F, 71st Regiment. On Decoration Day the regiment paraded, the "Army and Navy Journal" said : "The 'American Guard' looked and marched splendidly, while the salutes could not be surpassed." 1878] 40, June 11th, Lieut. Sanford E. Taylor was elected Captain of Company K. From the "Army and Navy Journal," June 22d: "June 14th at 7 o'clock P. M., the 71st assembled at its armory in fatigue uniform for the purpose of drill and parade. At 7:30 regimental line was formed in 34th Street by Adju tant Stevenson, and a command of nine companies of 12 files front was handsomely turned over to Colonel Vose. "The regiment was then marched up Fifth Avenue to 69th Street, and from there to the Pallaone grounds, owned by ex-Governor Morgan, where the drill was to take place. "The principal feature of the evening was the practice in skirmish drill and street firing. The old tactics were used in the latter movement, the right company delivering its fire, and then breaking by column of fours to the right and left, march ing to the rear by the flank, thus allowing the succeeding company to advance — so on until all companies had fired. * * * "The drill lasted nearly three hours, it being 11 o'clock before the regiment returned to the armory." From the same of June 29th : "The Boston Fusiliers, Captain A. H. Snow, were the guests of the 71st during their passage through New York on the 19th and 20th. The Fusiliers, who had been attending the Valley Forge Centennial, were met at the Desbrosses Street ferry by Colonel Vose and the officers of the 71st, and escorted to the armory, 35th Street and Broadway. "Here they were formally welcomed by Colonel Vose and a collation was partaken of. In the evening the Fusiliers were shown the sights, a number accepting the invitation of the manager of the Standard Theatre where a hearty laugh was had over Emmet's 'Fritz'. "On Friday Central Park, Public Institutions, Aquarium and other places of interest were visited, while several of the officers of the 7th and 9th joined in. At 3 o'clock P. M., the assembly was sounded and the Fusiliers, two platoons of eight front, were escorted to the boat by a detachment of the 71st, tinder command of Captain Webber. * * * On the evening of July 2d, the regiment again formed on East 34th Street, nine companies, 12 files front, and paraded for drill under Colonel Vose; the movements were principally skirmish drill and street firing, with the new square forma tion. The route was through Madison Avenue, to 58th Street and return. August 1st the regiment went to Creedmoor. 402 [1878 October, Captain M. L. Vantine of Company C, was court- martialed for misappropriation of Company and Regimental funds.From the "Army and Navy Journal," November 2d : "On Thursday, October 24th, the 71st Regiment in fa tigue uniform, heavy marching order, paraded in East 34th Street for annual inspection and muster; line was formed for review at 2 o'clock P. M. Maj.-Gen. j. B. Woodward, In spector-General, receiving the review, which was in line only, the passage being omitted for want of proper space. "During the review in line the command was remarkably steady, not a head or hand being moved, while the 'present' at the opening and close was excellently rendered. "At the close of the review General Woodward, on behalf of the State of New York, presented to the regiment a beauti ful stand of colors (State and National) to replace those con demned by the Inspector of Ordnance. In this presentation the General paid a worthy compliment to the 71st, and one which they richly merited. "The command is a good one, attentive and faithful in per formance of all duties, and one on which the authorities would rely in case of emergency. Colonel Vose thanked the General and State, and said the new flag would ever be held unsullied while in the care of the 'American Guard.' "* * * In their muster of present and absent Companies B and E proved themselves unworthy of a company designa tion, parading but a mere handful of men. * * *" F.&S. N.C.S. Band BCDEFGHIKT'I Present 9 10 37 31 45 61 23 34 42 37 46 73 448 Absent 1 0 3 13 10 6 12 10 8 25 6 15 109 Total 10 10 40 44 55 67 35 44 50 62 52 88 557 During this month the Non-Commissioned officers pre sented the Adjutant (Stevenson) with a set of horse equip ments. From the "Army and Navy Journal," December 14th : "Lieutenant-Colonel Chaddock, 71st Regiment has request ed that the commission of Capt. Edwin J. Murfin, Company E, be vacated for total neglect of duty, he not having reported to his command during the past six months or over. The com pany is in a sad plight; Captain a total absentee; 1st Lieutenant rarely in uniform ; and the hard and conscientious work of the 2d Lieutenant, E. W. Rachan, counteracted by the careless and bad example of the senior officers. * * *" 1878-79] 403 From the "Army and Navy Journal," December 21st: "Within ten minutes after the opening of the doors of the Arsenal on the 13th instant, almost every available space was filled with the friends of the 'American Guard,' who had assembled for the purpose of review and inspection by Brig.- Gen. Frederick Vilmar. "A proper guard was placed at the doors under the charge of Lieutenant Montgomery with positive orders not to allow -the building to become overcrowded; the Lieutenant obeyed his orders, and as a consequence large numbers of visitors were stopped. "At 8 o'clock the assembly was sounded ; but owing to the constant arrival of late men the equalization (nine companies of 12 files front), was not perfected until 8:30. "The formation was very slow and decidedly faulty, par ticularly in the left wing companies. * * * As a whole the drill might be considered good for the first of the season. The men were attentive and prompt to obey orders, the only errors being on the part of the officers." Captain Sanford E. Taylor received the "Roosevelt" medal. 18 7 9 From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 11th, 1879: "The right wing of the 71st was instructed at the Arsenal on the evening of the 7th instant, by Colonel Vose. "The regiment should be in a much better shape at this period of the drill season, and it is indeed uphill work for Colonel Vose and his field officers, to place and keep the bat talion in the position it is entitled to, when the company officers will not study the tactics and keep up with the re quirements of the service. "The rank and file are second to none, and need only correct orders from Captains to execute promptly and in fine shape every movement of the school of the battalion. A Colonel should not be expected to perform the work of com pany commanders at battalion drill, and the sooner officers make up their minds to read up or resign, the better for the regiment and general service." On the 22d the left wing had a drill at the same place; the criticism was of the same character. From the "Army and Navy Journal," February 15th: "The 71st Regiment paraded at the State Arsenal for in- 404 [1879 struction in battalion movements. The assembly was prompt ; the equalization eight companies 12 files front, rapid, and the battalion handsomely turned over to Colonel Vose. * * * As a rule the several motions of the loading and firings were cleanly executed; but from the right to the left, the deficiency in company drill was easily observed from the clumsy and incomplete manner of the execution. * * * "When officers accept commissions they bind themselves to perform certain duties to their regiments as well as to the State. * * * The manual of the loading and firings of the 71st was commendable on the part of the men, the direct and oblique fires being excellent. * * *" From the same, March 1st: "The annual reception of the 71st Regiment, in celebration of Washington's Birthday, was held at their armory on Febru ary 24th. The main drill rooms were most tastefully decorated with flags, bunting and flowers, while the several company rooms vied with each other in beautifying their quarters. "At about 9 o'clock the orchestra under the direction of Bandmaster John Occa, opened the festivities, which were continued without intermission until early morning. The recep tion was well attended, the dancing floor being filled during the whole night, while in the quarters of the several com pany rooms, music and song relieved those fatigued with dancing." March 4th Frank S. Belton was elected Captain of Com pany H. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 17th: "The annual inspection and muster commenced on Mon day, May the 12th, with the 71st Regiment. "The command paraded in fatigue, white cross belts, knap sacks with overcoat rolled, but without the new haversacks and canteens. The parade was ordered on East 34th Street at 2 P. M., and promptly on time the regiment — nine unequalized commands — were formed for review by the Inspector-General. "The ceremony in line was fairly rendered. * * * The inspection was, as a rule, satisfactory. * * *" F.&S. N.C.S. Band BCDEFGHIKT'l Absent 9 10 38 34 43 58 26 32 39 31 40 65 425 Absent 1 1 1 8 8 10 7 12 7 31 9 25 120 Total 10 11 39 42 51 68 33 44 46 62 49 90 545 From the same, June 7th : "Decoration Day parade, May 30th, the 2d Brigade was headed by the 71st Regiment, 'American Guard,' Colonel Vose 1879] 405 in command, eight commands of 16 files each, with blanks in the rear ranks, and not up to usual standard. The passage was fair, and salutes as a rule were stiff and awkward." From the same, June 28th : "More trouble in the 71st, the old sore — position in line, has again broken out. The 'American Guard' has not been for tunate in its consolidations; settle your troubles amicably, gentlemen, and one and all work for the best interest of the regiment; your quarrels are petty bickerings and making you the laughing stock of both Divisions." From the same, August 2d : "A detachment of the 71st was at Creedmoor for rifle prac tice on July 20th, on which occasion Capt. A. W. Belknap was Officer of the Day. The order of the regimental commander was that no liquors should be sold on the grounds that day, and to further the wishes of the commandant a guard was placed at the hotel. "Sergt. C. T. Barlow of Company D, in defiance of orders, 'ran the guard' and obtained a supply of stimulants in order that he might qualify as a marksman ; on hearing of the occur rence Captain Belknap ordered the Sergeant under arrest, but he pleaded so piteously, and apologized so thoroughly for his disgraceful conduct, that the Captain released him. "In return for this kindness, and to show how much he cared for military discipline, Sergeant Barlow met the Captain in the armory on Monday evening, July 28th, and after much abusive language, struck the Captain with his cane; he was much the worse for liquor." Wednesday, October 15th, the 1st Division was reviewed by the Governor (Robinson), line was formed on Fifth Avenue right on 40th Street at 4 P. M. The "Army and Navy Journal" said : "The 71st Regiment, Col. Richard Vose commanding, had right of brigade (2d), eight companies 16 files, in full dress, with knapsacks. The command looked and marched well, but the alignments were not up to standard of the regiment." From the same, November 8th : "The 71st has again reorganized its band, and its old Bandmaster Wannamacher, will again wield the baton. From the same, November 15th: "At the armory of the 71st Regiment, Companies G and I 406 [1879-80 were present for duty, G in one room with nine men in charge of a Sergeant, and I in the other, with three officers, two Sergeants and eighteen men, drilling in single rank. The in struction in both was in company movements and the manual, the Sergeant of Company G contenting himself with marching the squad around the room in single rank, with occasional halts, carry arms, order arms, etc., but not a single word of explanation; after half an hour of this work the squad was marched to its room and dismissed. "Company I was in charge of Captain Belknap, the first half hour being devoted to the manual of arms, but simply on the old principle of giving the orders and awaiting their execu tion. True, the instructor did on several occasions correct errors, endeavoring to show with his sword the proper posi tion of the rifle ; how much, therefore, could be learned may be easily guessed. During the company movements, the same rule of orders without explanation was followed, and, although the men were fairly posted and promptly obeyed the com mands, errors of execution were not observed nor corrected." From the same, November 22d : "On Friday evening the 14th, Company C of the 71st, assembled at the armory for the purpose of formally meeting its new Captain, George H. Thompson. The company pre sented 2 officers, 4 Sergeants and 20 files, under command of Lieutenant McLaren, marching from their room at 8 o'clock prompt. "The company has been in considerable hot water for the past year or more, through the action of its late Captain. * * * The drill was closed satisfactorily to all, Captain Thompson feeling that he has a good company, ready and willing to learn and hold their own with the best." Capt. A. L. Webber resigned during the fall. 1 8 8 O On January 14th the Regiment gave a "Complimentary Promenade and Concert" at the Madison Square Garden; the committee was Major McAlpin, Surgeon Bryant and Captain Thompson. The affair was a grand success, fully five thou sand were present. For the first time the regiment omitted to honor Wash ington's Birthday ; it was left for Company B, Captain Curtis, to supply the omission. 1880] 407 March 4th and 18th for want of room in their armory, the regiment held drills out-of-doors. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 15th: "The annual inspection and muster of the troops of the State of New York were commenced on Monday, May 10th, with the 71st Regiment, Colonel Vose. The hour announced for the commencement of the ceremonies was 2 P. M., and promptly on time the regiment, nine unequalized companies, fatigue uniform, heavy marching order, wheeled into line on East 34th Street. "As space would not permit of a full review, an equaliza tion was not perfected. On arrival of the inspecting officer, B'vt. Brig.-General Rodenbough, A. I. G. of the State, Colonel Vose tendered the usual review in line, but as the full cere mony could not be completed the honor was declined, the General deciding that the inspection of companies would en able him to judge of their proficiency. * * * The general inspection was then commenced, Company D being the first to undergo the ordeal. "Under General Briggs the men were not required to throw up the rifle for inspection. * * * General Roden bough required that the full duty of the ceremony be executed, and from the manner in which the pieces were handled it was easily seen that Captain Clark had somewhat neglected this portion of the company drill. * * * This feeling was in creased at the 'open boxes,' for the men were not instructed how to wear the haversack and canteen, and as they were slung on opposite sides the canteen was immediately over the cartridge box. * * * The other companies catching on, made strenuous efforts to be in better shape when the in spector reached them. "Company E showed a loss of seven men; this company should be disbanded and the men transferred to B and F ; it is the poorest in drill and discipline in the regiment." F.&S. N.C.S. Band BCDEFGHIKT'l Present 9 9 39 39 76 56 19 37 41 45 44 93 507 Absent 1 2 0 15 14 14 9 8 10 5 9 9 96 Total 10 11 39 54 90 70 28 45 51 50 53 102 603 From the same, July 24th : "On the Monday evening of the 19th instant, the 71st Regiment assembled in its armory, in full uniform, white trousers, the object being a street parade and serenade to its commandant, Col. Richard Vose. "Shortly after 9 o'clock the assembly was sounded, and Adjutant Stevenson formed the battalion in eight commands 16 files front. Colonel Vose is at present in command of the 408 [1880 2d Brigade, Lieutenant-Colonel Chaddock had just met with a severe family affliction by the death of his youngest daughter; Major McAlpin was on leave of absence, so Captain Clark of Company D assumed command of the battalion. "The route of march was through Fifth Avenue to the 'Plaza' on 17th St., the command being halted in front of the Everett House where Colonel Vose resides. After the band had discoursed the usual variety of airs, the Colonel appeared upon the balcony, his presence being greeted with three rous ing cheers. "The Colonel, who is acting as brigade commander since the death of General Vilmar, naturally expected promotion in due course of time, but under the working of our most mixed law, his just claims were ignored and the junior commandant of the brigade was given the promotion by vote of the field officers. "This serenade had, therefore, two objects, one a demon stration of sympathy, and the other one of congratulation, in that the 71st would retain its efficient Colonel. * * *" S. W. Blakely was elected Captain of Company G during August. From the same, October 2d, '880 •: "On September 23d, at Tarrytown, took place the Centen nial celebration of the capture of Major Andre, and unveiling of the statue erected in honor of his captors. * * * In the parade were : separate troops from Mt. Vernon, Battery C, U.S.A., Governors Guard from Hartford, 22d N.Y.N.G., 23d, separate Company of Hudson, 16th Battalion from Yonkers, and the 71st Regiment, N.Y.N.G. * * * " "The 71st followed under Colonel Vose, eight commands 16 files front, compact and solid. The staff saluted with the Colonel, gracefully and in unison. The marching was splendid, alignments of the very best, and distance nearly perfect. The salute as a rule, fair. We have rarely seen the 'American Guard' to such good advantage ; officers and men were on their mettle, the result being that the regiment carried off the honors of the parade ; it received repeated and well merited applause." From the same, October 9th : "The 71st Regiment has started in for a solid season of work, and Colonel Vose means that every man in the 'Ameri can Guard' shall do his duty. The examining board for non commissioned officers is appointed and company commanders are directed to send all their non-commissioner's before it. * * * , all who fail to pass this Board will be reduced to the ranks. "He also intends that his staff shall be useful as well as ornamental, and announces in orders that all company drills 1880] 409 shall be supervised, and to that end, the commissioned staff are to arrange among themselves, on what evening, at least one of them shall be present at company drills." As the result of the election of Colonel Ryder of the 9th to be the Brigade Commander, the 71st was transferred to the 3d Brigade. October 21st the Governor's review of the 1st and 2d Divisions was held ; the reviewing stand was at the Southeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 42d Street. The "Army and Navy Journal" said of the 71st: "The new addition to the brigade (3d) the 71st Regiment, 'American Guard,' Colonel Vose in command, with four staff officers passed, w.ith eight companies of 20 files, in full dress and heavy marching order. "The marching of the companies of the right wing was of the very best, distances and salutes excellent; but the left fell off, the last companies being positively bad." (Too near the rear band, possibly.) HEADQUARTERS OF 71ST INFANTRY, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, October 20th, 1880. Circular. To the Members of the 71st Regiment: — An invitation having been extended by a number of promi nent citizens of New Orleans, La., through Captains Belton and Hoffman, to participate in the "Mardi Gras" festivities to take place in that city in 1881, arrangements have been made by which a detachment to leave here in the latter part of February next, can accomplish the trip at a comparatively small expense. The excursion, occupying about two weeks' of time, will prove beyond doubt the grandest and most pleasant ever undertaken by any military organization. It is proposed that a detachment of one hundred rank and file, accompanied by such of the Commissioned Officers of the Regiment as may desire, with a band of forty pieces and ten drummers, aggregating from 160 to 175 officers, non-com missioned officers, musicians and privates, the whole to be commanded by Capt. F. S. Belton, leave New York for New Orleans on or about February 23, 1881. The detachment will be conveyed by special train, via Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and "Great Jackson Route," to New Orleans, which will be reached in about 72 hours. Every preparation will be made by the railway companies to insure comfort, and special accommodations will be furnished both in going and returning. Arrangements have been made for the 410 [1880 subsistence of the men en route; also for quartering and sub sisting in New Orleans. Assurances are given that during the journey of such detachment through the Southern States, it will be received with a degree of enthusiasm never equalled in the history of any military organization. When the detachment approaches New Orleans, it will be met by a special train from that city crowded with welcoming friends ; and it is promised that the reception which will be extended to the officers and members of the 71st comprising this detachment — both by the resident military organizations and by the citizens — will be one of the grandest ever tendered to any visiting company or regiment by any city. New Orleans has not been visited by any North ern military organization for sixteen years, and it is the desire of its citizens that their proverbial hospitality should be fully shown to the boys of the 71st. The detachment will take part in the great carnival parade on "Mardi Gras," and in the festivities generally, for which New Orleans is so famous; and during the week of their sojourn, there will be many enjoyable entertainments. The return to New York will be by the same route, reaching this city after an absence of about thirteen days. The assessment upon each non-commissioned officer and private accompanying the detachment will be $20, which will entitle him to transportation there and back, and to subsis tence and quarters during the entire trip, from the time of departure to the time of return. Application from those desiring to take part in the trip must be made in writing to Capt. F. S. Belton, addressed to his office, No. 12 Waif Street, before November 15th, 1880. Captain Belton will select from those applying 100 men, to which the detachment is limited, and notify same, at as early a date as possible thereafter. The assessment of $20 must be paid to Capt. O. C. Hoff man, acting Quartermaster for the trip, No. 165 Broadway, on or before February 1st, 1881. Such of the members who pre fer to pay by installments can make arrangements to do so by applying to Captain Hoffman. As this is a trip which could not be made by an individual except at an expense at from $200 to $250, it offers an oppor tunity, which may never occur again, for a tour through a large section of our country, to say nothing of the entertainment promised on this extraordinary occasion ; and it is to be hoped that all who can, will avail themselves of the opportunity thus presented. COL. RICHARD VOSE. From the same, November 27th : "The 71st Regiment was the last in the 3d Brigade to parade for inspection and review, the command assembled in 1880] 411 its armory, in full dress uniform, heavy marching order, on Friday, November 19th. "The main drill room in the armory of the regiment is barely large enough to exercise an average company, so Colonel Vose decided to march his command to the 'State inspection ground' on 34th Street. The epaulettes were, there fore, removed, overcoats unrolled and put on, and the regi ment equalized into nine commands 16 files. The regiment looked extremely handsome in their gray overcoats the white cross belt relieving it of its sombre look. * * *" In November Capt. Stephen Curtis of Company B, re signed. In December Herman Siefkie, Company D, was elect ed 2d Lieutenant. Company E was disbanded and men trans ferred to Company F. Company A was reorganized under Capt. Thomas B. Kniffin. As has been stated, the condition of Company E, had reached a crisis. At the fall inspection of 1879, 26 members were present, its Captain had deserted it, its 1st Lieutenant, rarely to be seen in uniform. On January 7th, the Captain's commission was declared vacated ; the company under its 2d Lieutenant, struggled along without improvement. At the fall inspection, there were nine teen present and nine absent; this resulted in the following action : (Extracts from Regimental G. O. No. 21, dated December 27th, 1880) : I. Lieut. E. DeKay Townsend is hereby directed to as sume command of Company E. II. In compliance with Special Orders No. 247, A.G.O., the non-commissioned officers of Company E are hereby re duced to the ranks (for the purpose of transfer), and the fol lowing men are hereby directed to report to the Commandant of Company F for duty — James H. Drummond, Emil Winkler, Daniel E. Fogarty, Emil Triotysch, Robert H. Black, Charles E. Buckingham, Charles B. Christopher, Robert Dick, George Gurnee, James F. Hall, Robert J. Hallahan, William J. Hopkins, Arthur Howe, Louis J. Hunt, Wright I. Kershaw, Thomson Mason, Alexander J. McGregor, James Mitchell, William A. Persch, Henry Raby, Jessie Randel, William H. Scriven, H. Henry Tantpones, and Seth Wilkes. III. The commanding officer of Company E is hereby di rected to carry into effect the above orders. IV. The transfer having been effected, the company letter 412 [1880-81 E will be dropped and the letter A substituted therefor, and it will thereafter be known as Company A, 71st Regiment. * * * IX. The Colonel commanding in granting the discharge of Sergeant Hagedorn, desires to state that the regiment loses a most efficient and gallant soldier ; he enlisted in the regiment in 1861, in Company G, served in the three months' campaign of that year, enlisted in the U. S. Chasseurs in September of that year, was made 1st Sergeant, re-enlisted in the 71st and was commissioned Captain in the 131st N. Y. Vol., in 1862, was discharged in 1864, re-enlisted in the 71st in the same year, was promoted 2d Lieutenant in August, 1866, and 1st Lieutenant in October, 1866; resigned in 1867, rejoined as a private in 1868, was promoted Quartermaster Sergeant, and then Hospital Steward; he has a proud record. By this order it is seen that the entire company was trans ferred to Company F. It might be supposed that if these were live men the company would have had a large membership, but an investigation of the inspection of 1881 to 1884 will show how rotten that once magnificent company had become. 18 8 1 From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 22d, 1881 : "The Annual Reception and Ball of the 71st Regiment was held at the Metropolitan Concert Hall on Tuesday evening, January 18th, it was a pronounced success from the opening march to 'Home Sweet Home.' * * * The hall was thrown open at 9 P. M., and by 10 the building was comfortably filled, the guests coming in until after midnight. Everything was the subject of praise, but the prevailing topic was the contemplated visit to New Orleans. Everyone was full of it, and many fair dancers wished that they might participate in the visit. * * * The regiment has received a boom, and this visit, which on ordinary occasions would be most luke warm, has been taken hold of with spirit, and will be carried forward to a most successful termination. * * *" From Whittemore's History of the 71st Regiment: THE MISSION OF PEACE Probably no event in the- history of the 71st Regiment, ever awakened a more widespread interest, or was fraught with greater results, than the visit of the regiment to New Orleans in 1881. It was an event of National importance, and did more to 1881] 413 bring about an era of good feeling between the North and South than any event which has transpired since the war. Nearly sixteen years had passed since Lee surrendered at Appomattox, and the "war of words" between the sections was still kept up ; the smouldering embers of bitterness and hatred were being constantly fanned into a flame by designing poli ticians. Quietly, without ostentation or display, the 71st Regiment, which had been among the first to volunteer in the defense of the Union, resolved to take the Olive Branch of Peace and offer it to their brethren of the South. Like Abraham of old, they stretched out the hand of reconciliation to the South, and said, "Let there be no strife between me and thee, for we are brethren." The matter was discussed among the members for some weeks previous to its final departure and finally a mass meet ing was called for members of the regiment to. meet at the armory in citizen's dress. The proposition was then made by Colonel Vose that the regiment visit New Orleans in response to informal invitations that had been received by members from time to time. Colonel Vose invited all who could to partici pate in the proposed excursion. Some 150 or more responded, including a few of the old veterans. Preparations were made at once, and on Thursday morn ing, February 24th, the regiment assembled in its armory, at 8 o'clock and at 9 the march down Broadway was begun in the face of a cold, keen wind that cut like a knife and froze the breath in the brass instruments of the musicians. The pro gramme included a review by the Mayor at the City Hall; flags were flying in honor of the expected event, but the march •downtown took longer than was expected, so the regiment pushed on down to the foot of Liberty Street, where a large «rowd had assembled to witness the departure of the battalion, which was accompanied by the remainder of the regiment, including those who did not take part in the excursion. * * * As soon as the B. & O. train at Jersey City moved out of the depot, the news was flashed over the wires, and all along the route preparations were made to receive them. Twenty years previous, as they crossed the border, the South was to "welcome them with bloody hands to hospitable graves." Now again, as in ante-bellum days, the South was to welcome these representatives of the North to their homes and firesides with true Southern hospitality. 414 [1881 Nothing of importance occurred until the train reached. Holly Springs, Miss. There they were met by Maj.-Gen. W. S.. Featherstone, who, during the war, commanded a division in the Southern army. General Featherstone stood with his head uncovered, his- long white locks flowing, erect and soldierly in appearance, a true representative of the Southern chivalry. He met Colonel Vose with a hearty grasp of the hand, and said: "I welcome you across our border. There was a time when your coming would have occasioned a feeling of fear and distrust ; that was in the bitter past. Thank God, it has passed. The North and South never understood one another; never had a grand con vocation until 1861, when the country was in arms from the- Atlantic to the Rio Grande. Thank God, those days are gone. We welcome you here. We want you to see our people and our fertile soil. All we need now is capital. Your coming will do much to make us acquainted. You will find us of the South as loyal to our country's flag as you are. When the time comes for our great country to have a foreign war, and we can never have any other, we- will march with you against our common enemy. The 71st. New York will march side by side with the 71st Mississippi,, under the same officers, and the same flag, for our cause and our country are one." Colonel Vose responded in a few earnest words, thanking. the General for the sentiments uttered and assuring him that. should they ever be called on to meet a common foe the soldiers of New York would march shoulder to shoulder with those of Mississippi to victory. The old "war yell" was given with a vim, amid prolonged cheers, while the band struck up Dixie and Yankee Doodle, and as the train moved out the bands of both commands played "Auld Lang Syne." The men were soon after reminded by the flashes of light ening and loud peals of thunder, that they were entering a warmer atmosphere, where warm hearts and bright smiles were awaiting them. At Hammond Station, two hours' ride from New Orleans, on February 27th, they arrived after a stormy night, dark with clouds and boisterous with rain and wind, the morning dawned fair; they were met by the Veteran company of the battalion of Washington Artillery and a committee from the Louisiana 1881] 415 Division Association, Army of Tennessee. The train arrived at 8 A. M. (schedule time). The Washington Artillery was drawn up in line to receive the honored guests, and the two howitzers were in battery. After official presentations to Colonel Vose, the regiment detrained and formed line, and as military courtesies were ex changed the howitzers thundered a national salute of thirty- nine guns in welcome to the guests of New Orleans. The salute over Capt. John Augustin, accompanied by the committee from the Army of Tennessee, presented the 71st Regiment, with a few words of welcome, a banneret of white satin, upon which were printed the following resolutions, which he read aloud, and which were received with three cheers by the 71st: HEADQUARTERS, ASSOCIATION OF THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE, LOUISIANA DIVISION New Orleans, La., February, 1881. With Cordial Welcome and Greeting: Considering the auspicious circumstances under which such numerous and prominent portions of our military brethren of the Northern States of this Union, have favored New Or leans with their presence, and with the view of giving formal expression of our appreciation of the wisdom and patriotism of such fraternization between the citizens of this great republic. RESOLVED, That the Veterans of the Army of Tennes see of the late Confederate States do extend to you the hand of fellowship, individually as fellow citizens, and collectively as soldiers, pledged to honor and defend the flag of our country. RESOLVED, That this association, entertaining neither bitterness for the past nor animosity for the future, cherish only recollections of the prowess, devotion and valor of the American soldier wherever exhibited, and hold in high esteem the glorious record won by your command. RESOLVED, That this testimonial is intended that you may bear it with you to your homes as a memento of the high regard and good fellowship in which you are held by the Veterans of the Confederacy. J. A. CHALARON, President, JOHN AUGUSTIN, First Vice-President, H. N. JENKINS, Second Vice-President, A. J. LEWIS, Third Vice-President, JOS. D. TAYLOR, Recording Secretary, EUGENE MAY, Corresponding Secretary, ALCIDE BOISBLANC, Financial Secretary, S. D. STOCKMAN, Treasurer. 416 , [1881 To which Colonel Vose answered by a short address, in. which the cordial feelings of his people, to our people, were eloquently expressed; the committee from the Army of Ten nessee invited Colonel Vose and his officers to their quarters in their special coach, and there a basket of champagne was opened, and toasts, hand shakings and fraternization became the order of the day. But the committee soon thought that it was not sufficient to exchange toasts with the officers. The door was thrown open wide, and every man in the regiment,. with the band and drum corps, shocked glasses with the Wash ington Artillery and Army of Tennessee. When they reached New Orleans the mercury stood 78 degrees in the shade. They alighted in heavy marching order, viz. : overcoats, knapsacks and blankets. They were received by an escort consisting of the Bat talion of Louisiana Field Artillery, Colonel LeGardeur, com manding; the Veteran Company of the Washington Artillery, Capt. C. L. C. Dupuy ; the Battalion of Washington Artillery, Colonel Horton ; the Continental Guards, and the Boston Lan cers. The 71st was escorted to the arsenal of the Washington Artillery, where a refreshing beverage had been prepared, to cool their parched lips. The regiment was soon after quartered on the steamer "Robert E. Lee," where abundant accommoda tions had been provided. On Monday 28th, following the arrival of the 71st com menced the ceremonies of receiving with distinguished honors, His Majesty Rex, and the carnival was fairly opened. Every thing was conducted with royal splendor. The Mayor on bended knee, presented the golden keys of the city, resting on cushion of purple velvet. Amid the roar of cannon and the beating of drums, the King was escorted to the Opera House. The 71st battalion line was formed at 1 o'clock, under com mand of Major McAlpin. The men and officers were in full dress uniform, with white trousers. They had a long and fatiguing march as the escort to Rex, King of the Carnival. Colonel Vose, at the request of General Behan, commanded the 1st Division. It included a battalion of U. S. Marines; the 71st Regiment; Company B, 74th N.G.S.N.Y.; Company A, Cadets, Miss.; the Continental Guards, and Company A, 2d Battalion, Cavalry, Mass. N. G. At 5 :45 o'clock the command drew up in line in the street 1881] 417 adjoining the Grand Opera. House, and Colonel Vose dismissed the command and entered the Opera House at the head of his regiment. The front seats in the dress circle were assigned to the companies and Colonel Vose, Major McAlpin and the staff officers were invited to seats on the stage. The regimental band which was stationed in the gallery, played a medley of national airs, after which Mr. Albert Bald win, as Duke Albertas, of Massasoit, delivered an address of welcome to the King. The King in the court costume of the late Napoleon, re clined on a throne surrounded by his subjects, and a calcium light threw a dazzling beam on his jewels. At the close of the address Mr. George H. Braughn, as the Lord High Chamber lain, responded for the King. Lord Thomas Semmes, as the Duke of Chesapeake, next stepped forward, followed by an attendant who carried a hand some standard. It represented the royal colors — the purple, yellow and green upon which was wrought a gold crown. The staff to which it was attached was surmounted by a silver ball, and the whole affair cost $600. In presenting the banner, the Duke of Chesapeake spoke as follows : "Soldiers of the 71st Regiment: In obedience to the com mand of my most puissant King, I am here to declare his pleasure. Appreciating the fact that you have come from the distant northern metropolis to unite with thousands in doing him honor and acknowledging his sovereignty, my King has been pleased, as a mark of special favor and esteem, to present to you his royal colors — the imperial purple, the cloth of gold, the unfading green — emblematic of his rank, his power, and his everlasting reign. "This spectacle has no equal in the annals of America; indeed, no troops have been thus honored by my August Master. You, soldiers of the 71st Regiment, receive the stand ard from a King whose illustrious descent can be traced through a long line of ancestors until it reaches the Tarquinian kings, and there fades away in the dim twilight of the Roman Satur nalia. The reign of this King has not been interrupted by the rise or fall of nations, empires, or peoples. "Wars, revolutions, intestine conflicts, have unseated the deified Caesars, dethroned the descendants of Charlemagne, dis crowned kings and emperors and overturned republics ; but the sway of the King of the Carnival over his happy subjects has received no check, for his reign is based on the ceaseless aspira tions of the human heart for human love and happiness. The King of the Carnival is the king of humanity. "This banner, therefore, is given you as a souvenir exclu- 418 [1881 sively devoted to pleasure; it is no battle flag; its use is to be confined to the promotion of the happiness of man ; it is not destined to the tatters of victory or glory ; it is not to be stained with the blood of men or the tears of women and children; it is emblematical of peace and good-will, therefore, it is to be unfurled only to receive the pure, gentle, peaceful, perfumed breezes like those which in paradise — "O'er the four rivers the first waters blew. "That this flag will ever be devoted to peaceful uses is evinced by the interchange of hospitalities between those here tofore engaged in deadly conflict; by the reverence expressed for the illustrious dead, and the respect paid the distinguished living — regardless of political opinions ; by the natural yearn ing for more intimate intercourse, which the great city of New York is so actively engaged in satisfying; by the unexpected display of resources and wealth-producing energy in the South ern states attested by the census reports and by the marvelous manifestion of the happy condition of the colored people of the South, which their extraordinary increase proclaims in terms not to be contradicted. "Long ago the steel rail connecting North and South, has ceased to be a military road for the transportation of troops, and the telegraphic wire to be organ for the transmission of hostile commands ; the rail is to us now only a ribbon of steel, along which flows the electric current of friendship for those who, we believe, we have learned to know and esteem. "Bear then, this banner home, and tell your people that it is the emblem of peace and good-will, and with it the King of the Carnival has sent his royal command that hereafter all the citizens of this great Nation shall be united and constitute one family, bound together by the indissoluble ties of friend ship and patriotism." This was a trying moment to Colonel Vose, as it was utterly unexpected ; but he was equal to the occasion. He took the standard and held it for a moment, while a death-like still ness reigned throughout the house. He then responded in a most beautiful and touching manner, referring to the fratricidal strife in which the North and South had been engaged. After a long struggle the South was conquered and the Union re stored; but designing politicians sought to keep alive the smouldering embers of hatred and revenge. The people wanted peace; they wanted a union of hearts as well as a union of States; and the 71st Regiment, which had been among the first to take up arms against their brethren of the South, had now come with the olive branch of peace. During Colonel Vose's speech the audience was deeply affected ; stifled sobs were heard in different parts of the house ; 1881] 419 strong men and gentle women were affected to tears, and when he ceased speaking the audience arose en masse and greeted him with a hearty burst of applause. The scene was an im pressive one, not soon to be forgotten. While Rex held a reception, Colonel Vose, at the request of Judge Braughn, the Lord High Chamberlain, stepped down among the audience, and choosing a lady partner, followed the citizens before their King to do homage to their sovereign. Colonel Vose was entertained at dinner in the evening by Rex, and the hospitalities of the City were freely extended to the soldiers of the 71st. Nothing was wanting to make their stay pleasant and agreeable. All classes of citizens united in doing them honor. The doors of all the theatres and clubs were thrown open to them and the most exclusive families of Louisiana entertained them at their houses. From the New Orleans "Democrat," March 4th, 1881 : "On Thursday morning following these festivities, there took place at Greenwood Cemetery one of those impressive and affecting ceremonies which, while calling up the saddest mem ories of the past, arouses in the breast of all the spirit of charity, humanity and fraternity, and banishes all lingering traces of the bitterness of the fearful bygone days. "At 10:30 o'clock A. M., the 71st took a special train of the Lake R. R., kindly placed at their disposal by Superintend ent Evans, and proceeded to Greenwood Cemetery, in front of which they disembarked. They formed in line, with a firing party in the lead, and, while the mournful strains of a low, sad march wailed out upon the morning air and stole heavenward, they entered the city of the resting multitude, and slowly marched to the monument erected to the Confederate dead. Once around the monument they moved, and then came to a halt and formed in line in front of it, and presented arms silent ly and with bowed heads. "Rev. Carlos Martyn, D.D., chaplain of the 71st then took a position between the monument and the troops, and spoke as follows : "A famous German theologian once said : 'Thank God for sin.' Not that there is anything in sin itself to be thankful for, but under Providence, it is the occasion for a display of the divine character which would have been impossible without it, because unnecessary. In the same sense we may exclaim, Thank God for the war ! War, in itself is infernal, but out of it the two once hostile sections of our common country have brought a true brotherhood. "Twenty years ago the North and the South fatally mis understood each other. The North pictured the South as a modern edition of Bombastes Furioso. The South viewed the 420 [1881 North as a Connecticut pedlar. The North believed the South wouldn't fight; the South thought the North couldn't. Well, the battle flags were unfurled. The guns were loaded. The thunder of cannon shook the continent. The world looked on aghast. In the smoke of a hundred battlefields the old mis conceptions disappeared forever. It was discovered that the Spirit of 76, the spirit of Sumter and Marion, of Schuyler and Greene, animated their descendants. Federal and Confederate, the blue and the grey, were awed into a wholesome respect of each for the other's heroism and self-sacrifice. "The old Romans grouped the gods of their various prin cipalities incorporated in the empire in their Pantheon. Each had his niche. In the Pantheon of American patriotism and honor the future shall set Grant and Lee, Jackson and Sher man ; while the shadowy throng, gallant as the English Sidney, chivalric as the French Bayard, who poured out life — on the one side for the Nation, on the other for the lost cause — open their lips of dust to sing the angelic overture, 'Glory be to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men.' "As significant of that perfect union — nay, as a help to wards its inauguration — we of the 71st Regiment of the Na tional Guard of the State of New York, lay our garland of everlasting at the base of the monument and reverently salute these graves. "Over the chasm, filled with blood, filled with tears, filled with broken hearts and shattered hopes, we extend the hand of national fraternity, and lock loving palms with our brothers of the South in eternal friendship. "When the reverend gentleman commenced speaking, the troops uncovered, and thus remained until he had concluded. "When he had finished, three volleys were fired over the mound on which the monument rests, and then once more sad and solemn music echoed among the tombs, and died away beneath the weeping willows hovering over them, and the command, with slow and measured step, moved out of the cemetery. In the afternoon a reception and promenade con cert took place on board the 'Robert Lee,' the spacious cabins were crowded with the beauties of New Orleans and other southern cities, and the utmost cordiality prevailed." On the following morning the regiment took their depart ure for home, satisfied that their "mission of peace" had been accomplished. From the New York "Post," March 7th: "The detachment of the 71st Regiment which started for New Orleans on the 24th ulto., reached Jersey City on its return trip, via the Jersey Central road, at 9:30 o'clock this morning. The detachment consisted of 200 rank and file, five Veterans, fifteen invited guests, and the full band and drum corps. Colonel Vose was in command. Leaving New Orleans on Friday morning last ; the regiment's representatives in the 1881] 421 Crescent City travelled without halting, taking their meals in a dining car attached to the train, until Vincennes, Ind., was reached, where they stopped for an hour to partake of a dinner given in their honor by the B. & O., O. & M-, and Jackson railroads. This was late on Friday evening. Last evening (Sunday), the B. & O. Co. gave them a dinner at Cumberland, at the conclusion of which, the command attended divine service, conducted by Chaplain Martyn. "Upon disembarking from the train at Jersey City, the command was after a brief interval, provided with a special ferry boat, which brought them to this city. As the boat neared the dock the band played, 'Home Again' and cheers of welcome rang from thousands of throats, for West and Liberty Streets in the vicinity were crowded with a throng such as were seen in war times, when regiments were starting for Dixie's Land on a mission very different from that which took the 71st detachment to New Orleans. "A military escort was formed on the south side of Liberty Street extending from New Church Street to Broadway. The companies of the 71st that did not make the trip south marched on the north side of the street, from the ferry to the city's great artery, and, filing down that thoroughfare, counter marched and halted with their right resting at the intersection with Liberty Street. The comrades that they were receiving then marched up Liberty Street and Broadway to Fulton St., where they formed line and presented arms, while the escort passed in the following order: Five companies of the 5th Regiment, preceded by its full band, the band and Company D of the Boston Fusiliers ; 8th Regiment drum corps ; the stay-at- homes of the 71st, the New Orleans detachment following their band. "In this order the march was continued up Broadway to 35th Street, where the armory of the 71st is located. The escort then broke ranks and after congratulating the returning soldiers, went to their respective quarters." The wonderful effect of the 71st's visit upon the people of the South generally, was best understood there ; while in New Orleans, Colonel Vose received daily telegrams from all points congratulating the command on its reception. Adjutant-Gen eral Corbin, U.S.A., telegraphed that the regiment will be roy ally received if it can stop at Washington on its return, and offered the congratulations of the War Department. The com mandant of the Jeffersonville (Ind.) recruiting and Quarter master's post requested that the command be halted there on its way home. Admiral Wyman offered the courtesies of the North Atlantic fleet and the Mayors of some thirteen Southern cities offered all sorts of inducements for a visit of the regiment. Some time after their return, the following copy of a 422 [1881 Preamble and Resolutions were received by the regiment from the organization under whose auspices the carnival ceremonies were held : SCHOOL OF DESIGN New Orleans, April 4th, 1881. At the annual meeting held this evening the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, The visit of a detachment from the 71st Regi ment, N.G.S.N.Y., on the occasion of the late Carnival Celebra tion, added so much to the displays organized by this body; and WHEREAS, Our visitors proved themselves clever gentle men, as well as tried and gallant soldiers; and WHEREAS, Their coming has strengthened the ties of sympathy and affection between the people of New York and New Orleans ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the thanks of this body are due and are hereby extended to the officers and men of the 71st Regi ment. N.G.S.N.Y., for the friendly visit they paid New Orleans, and for their gallant bearing while in our city ; RESOLVED, That the visiting detachment was composed of gentlemen, whom as soldiers or as individuals any com munity would delight to honor, and with whom the people of New Orleans, were compelled to part too soon; RESOLVED, Further, That it is the desire of the Rex organization to have the entire 71st in New Orleans at some future day, and we promise them, if they come, a truly royal reception ; RESOLVED, Further, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, and that a copy of same be forwarded' to the 71st Regiment. A. BALDWIN, G. H. BRAYTON, President Secretary. In addition to this, the following personal communications, accompanied by interesting war souvenirs, were received by Colonel Vose: New Orleans, March 2d, 1881. Col. Richard Vose, 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. Dear Sir: As an additional souvenir of our happy meeting at Ham mond Station, where our Company of old veterans had the ex treme pleasure and honor to be the first to welcome your gal lant command on the soil of Louisiana, by the booming of cannons and heartfelt greetings, and your fraternal mission to the Queen City of the South, to extend the hand of brotherly 1881] 423 love, as it should be, among the reunited people of our com mon country, I take the liberty of presenting' you a copy — the last one I have — of "The Lone Star Flag," a relic of the past. The same was written upon the capture of Harriet Lane in Galveston Harbor, and the taking of Galveston, and was printed in new Orleans instead of Richmond as printed, and accredited to my brother, who was then in Virginia, to cover myself from Benjamin Butler. I send you also a card with a pelican, and a New York button as evidence of the change there is in the hearts of our people; of the mutual love and unity now existing between those who once met on the field of carnage. T remain, dear sir, Yours fraternally, CHAS. E. CAYLAT, Veteran Company Washington Artillery. The following letter was received by Colonel Vose from Colonel Walton, commanding Battalion Washington Artillery, conveying copy of Preamble and Resolutions passed by that body relative to the visit of the 71st to New Orleans: HEADQUARTERS BATTALION, WASHINGTON ARTILLERY New Orleans, March 29th, 1881. Colonel : I have the pleasure to advise you that by direction of the Battalion Washington Artillery, I shall send to your address tomorrow a copy of the Preamble and Resolutions unanimously adopted by the Battalion, giving expression to their gratifica tion and satisfaction resulting from the visit of the representa tives of your regiment to this city during the festival season just passed. The distinct expressions of the sentiments of the Battalion as conveyed in the resolutions, I beg to assure you. are as sincere as they are pronounced. I have the honor to be, Most respectfully, J. B. WALTON, Honorary Col. B. W. A., Chairman. Col. Richard Vose, 71st, N.G.S.N.Y. Colonel Vose responded as follows: HEADQUARTERS 71ST INFANTRY New York, April 9th, 1881. Col. J. B. Walton, Honorary Colonel, Battalion Washington Artillery, Chairman, New Orleans, La. Your valued favor came duly to hand, but owing to my absence from the city the acknowledgement has been delayed. The resolutions came also, for which I tender, on behalf 424 [1881 of my command, most sincere thanks. The proper reply will be sent you at a later date. Meanwhile, permit me to say that the sentiments expressed find a true echo in the breasts of the men who were with me when among your noble-hearted people. The remembrance of that visit and the fruits it will bear, is the daily theme with us all; and may an Almighty Provi dence look with the greatest favor upon those of us all, both of the North and South, who so willingly forget and forgive. May your future be a succession of happiness and pros perity. With great respect, Yours most truly, RICHARD VOSE, Colonel Commanding 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. One circumstance of this visit, was of itself quite remark able; the Washington Artillery of New Orleans (known as the Louisiana Tigers in the war), had met the 71st on the battlefield at Bull Run, where the Tigers were heavy sufferers. The citizens of New Orleans and especially the Veteran "Tigers," were much interested in having the 71st visit their city and state which resulted in the invitation, which was accepted. From the New Orleans "Democrat," February 3d, 1881 : "The visit of the troops from Boston and New York City to New Orleans, their participation in our carnival festivities, and the cordial and heartfelt greeting that has been extended to them on the part of our military and people at large is, in our opinion one of the most auspicious circumstances that has occurred since the standards of the opposing armies were furled in 1865, and the throbbings of the war drums were hushed forever. "These gentlemen soldiers who come from the far North, bearing in their hands the olive branch, and in their hearts sentiments of friendship and esteem have, naturally, been re ceived by the citizens of New Orleans with open arms, and it must be a prejudiced mind and cold heart indeed that cannot understand the noble spirit that actuates those on both sides who, now that the war is a faded memory, desire to clasp hands like brothers and citizens as they are, of a common coun try, and who, recognizing the manhood and patriotism that in spired the soldiers who wore the blue and the gray, would obliterate all unkind thoughts and embittered memories by mingling with each other on terms of mutual respect and admiration. "Our honored guests from the North will be able to return home and say to their people that the soldiers of Louisiana are as true to the Union and as patriotic as those in any part 1881] 425 of the entire country; that the wild stories of sectional ani mosity and social ostracism which they are continually hear- nig of as existing at the South are the emanations of folly or malice, and that look as closely as they may, they can discover nothing but sentiments of sincerest friendship, an earnest de sire to have Northern and Western men come here and live among our people, and assist them in developing the resources of a soil which is rich beyond the dreams of those who live in less favored portions of the United States. "They will, we feel assured, bear testimony that the people of this city and state are not the semi-barbarian and inhuman people they are always described as being by demagogues and paid partisan writers about election times, and that they are as earnestly desirous of peace and good-will as those of Massa chusetts and New York. "We have been led to these remarks by the announcement which is made in another part of the 'Democrat' this morning, that the members of the 71st New York Regiment will today decorate the Confederate monument in Greenwood Cemetery, and pay the ashes of our heroic dead there the honors of war. The war is over, indeed, when representative soldiers of the North can find it in their hearts to treat the graves of their fallen, one-time adversaries as they would those of their own lost comrades, and when the soldiers of the Crescent City can stand side by side with the soldiers of Massachusetts on the historic hill where our forefathers met the invading British. "We believe that this is the first time since the war that Northern soldiers have visited the South and decorated the graves of the Confederate dead, and we know that the act will be productive of great good — proving to the Southern people that the men of the North are as magnanimous in peace as they found them brave in war. "The ceremonies today over the Confederate monument at Greenwood will doubtless be most interesting and impres sive, and should be witnessed by as many of our people as possible. "The 71st has won golden opinions from our citizens al ready, and this graceful act will serve to draw us to them all the more." In April Lieutenant-Colonel Chaddock resigned. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 28th : "The 3d Brigade field day was held at Prospect Park Parade Ground, Brooklyn, on Thursday, May 19th; the day opened cold and raw with every sign of rain. * * * The 71st under Colonel Vose being the first to arrive on the ground, at 10 :30 A. M., to practice for the later work which was to be at 2:30 P. M. The morning drill was considered satisfactory. "At 2:30 P. M., the brigade was formed. * * * The parade rest of the 71st could hardly be excelled." 426 [1881 Of the Decoration Day parade, the "Army and Navy Jour nal," June 4th, said: "The 71st Regiment, nine commands, 10 files front, Colonel Vose in command, white trousers, passed in review in fine style. The marching was steady, distance well preserved and salutes good. The 'Old American Guard' made a splendid ap pearance and covered itself with glory." June 6th, Major McAlpin resigned. July 2d, 3d, and 4th — a battalion comprising companies A, C and F, under command of Captain Thompson, encamped on Glen Island, naming it Camp Vose. They had a very pleasant and profitable encampment. August 18th, Colonel Vose's wife died. In August, Appleton D. Palmer was elected Lieutenant- Colonel of the regiment; he was Captain of the 4th Regiment, U.S.A., he graduated from the Military Academy at West Point June 23d, 1865, detailed as 2d Lieutenant, to the 12th U. b. Infantry, and promoted to 1st Lieutenant, transferred to 4th Artillery January, 1871. From the "Army and Navy Journal," September 3d : "The first tour (for the season) of rifle practice of the 71st, was Thursday, August 25th, when 254 officers and men under Colonel Vose reported at 9:15 A. M., on the range at Creedmoor. "Many of those present were recruits, and while at 100 yards everything was plain sailing at 300 yards kneeling there was another story." Colonel Vose took leave of absence for one month from September 21st, putting Captain Clark in command. On October 5th, a delegation of French officers arrived at New York on their way to Yorktown to celebrate the Cen tennial of the battle at that place. A formal reception was given on the following day. Of this event the "Army and Navy Journal," of the 15th, said: "As early as 1 P. M., the command of the 1st Division began to assemble in their several armories, all in holiday dress. * * * At 2 :30 P. M., the regiments arrived at their respective points, and by 3 P. M. the Division was formed, 1881] 427 extending in deployed line along Fifth Avenue, from 40th to 59th Streets. "Shortly after 3 P. M., the reviewing party entered car riages, and the review in line was commenced, each regiment presented arms, etc. The first carriage was occupied by Ad miral Halligon of the French Navy; with Governor Cornell and Adjt.-Gen. Frederick Townsend. The Admiral's staff paired with other members of the Governor's staff. * * * As the reviewing party passed, each regiment, it was advanced to the opposite curb, so that the party on its return, might pass in the rear to the recruiting point. * * * In a brief interval the passage in review commenced. * * * Following the 8th comes the 71st Regiment, eight companies of 16 files each, under command of Capt. W. C. Clark, who is accompanied by three of the staff. "The Captain saluted like a veteran, and is, to all appear ance, the happiest soldier in the Division; twenty members of the uniformed Veteran Corps marched ahead in one rank, in excellent shape. * * *" From the same, November 5th : "The 71st Regiment assembled at its armory on Wednes day, October 26th, at 8 P. M., for inspection and muster, the men being in fatigue uniform, heavy marching order. The ceremonies of the evening were opened with a dress parade, the limited space preventing completing the formation in the usual good shape. "The manual of arms of the several companies was but ordinary, in fact, in some of the commands it was decidedly ragged. * * * "Colonel Vose's family trouble and his absence from the city, had certainly caused him to forget his share in the; cere mony, for before the 1st Sergeant's report, he ordered the ranks to be closed, he quickly saw his error, and promptly opened them again, but forgot to order 'Front,' and left the men at a carry. * * * "The inspection was most thorough, the General making a personal examination of the uniform and equipment of each man, they were found to be in most excellent condition. * * * "The general appearance and steadiness of the command was of the very best, and a vast improvement over that of 1880. * * * The dark day of the 'American Guard,' has apparently passed, and a bright future seems to await the regiment ; it is now well up in numbers, has good officers and with a working field and staff there is no reason why the 71st should not be at the very top rung of the ladder. * * *" F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGH IKT'l Present 8 10 45 38 61 57 39 52 37 44 72 463 Absent 1 1 9 22 24 10 25 19 16 7 28 162 Total 9 11 54 60 85 67 64 71 53 51 100 625 428 [1881-82 From the same, December 17th : "Colonel Vose received a petition signed by 41 members of Company C asking him to decline accepting the resignation of Captain Thompson. The petition stated that the loss of the Captain would seriously affect the prosperity and healthy condition of the company, which is full of vigor; that such loss would cause many of the best and oldest members of the company who re-enlisted through their liking for Captain Thompson, to apply for their discharges; and that the com pany will not think of severing the chord of friendship and feeling between the Captain and themselves, and will cheer fully make any possible concession and overlook any absence on his personal or other account, that the Captain may judge proper, but the Company cannot entertain the idea of per mitting Captain Thompson to resign from the Company. "Colonel Vose stated that the matter is out of his hands as he has already forwarded the resignation." 18 8 2 The regiment held its Annual Reception and Ball in January at the Lexington Avenue Opera House. From the "Army and Navy Journal," February 11th : "In the 71st, battalion drills for the season opened on Monday the 6th instant, with companies I, G and H, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Palmer. To facilitate instruc tion and to adopt the size of the battalion to that of the small hall, the three companies were equalized into four commands of 8 files each ; the men rendered supernumerary being utilized for guard duty. "The 71st on this night, instituted an excellent rule which it would be well to observe strictly all through the National Guard; all men in uniform who reported after the hour stipu lated for the commencement of the drill were turned off and will be fined. * * *" On Monday, February the 20th, Henry Hutton Landon, was elected Major. Major Landon was a graduate of West Point, 1872, was 2d Lieutenant in the 25th Infantry; he re signed from the army July 11th, 1880. The third attempt to elect a commander for the 2d Brigade, was held on the evening of March 15th, the result being about the same as before, three for Colonel Vose and four each for 1881] 429 Colonel Seward and Lieutenant-Colonel Fitzgerald. Under the law, a failure to elect on the third ballot, the vacancy must be filled by the Governor, which he subsequently did by the appointment of Louis Fitzgerald. At the annual dinner of the Veteran Association, April 21st, Colonel Vose brought up the subject of an armory for the regiment; there was much enthusiasm on the proposition and after considerable discussion, it took concrete form by subscription of $10,000. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 6th : "At a meeting of the active and veteran officers on Monday, May 1st, the following were appointed a permanent committee on a 'New Armory'; Colonel Vose, chairman, Col. C. H. Smith, vice-chairman, Capt. E. DeKay Townsend, recording secretary, Capt. J F. Cowan, corresponding secretary, Lieut.- Col. A. D. Palmer, Lieut.-Col. H. C. Lockwood, and Charles F. Homer were appointed to select a treasurer. "It is understood that the Park Bank, which has intimated its willingness to serve in that capacity, will be chosen. "The subscriptions so far amount to $10,145, which it is thought can be raised to upwards of $200,000. The regiment is very sanguine of raising the amount necessary by various means from the public. "The 71st claim they saved Washington on the day of the first Bull Run in which the regiment took a very active part and met with heavy loss. * * *" The regiment paraded on Decoration Day, Lieutenant- Colonel Palmer in command. From the "Army and Navy Journal," June 10th: "The 71st Regiment has during several drill seasons lab ored under exceptional difficulties in regard to armory facili ties. * * * This state of affairs has naturally tied the hands of Colonel Vose during the winter months. * * * "In his dilemma he applied to General Hancock for per mission to use the parade ground on Governor's Island, which was at once granted. * * * On Tuesday, June 6th, at 12:45 P. M., a barge was hired to convey the command across- the river, and on the day and time appointed the regiment in> fatigue dress, knapsacks with overcoats rolled, headed by bandi and drum corps promptly started down 34th Street to the North River where the boat was waiting. * * * Some what like 200 rank and file constituted the strength of the command. * * * Quite a number of visitors were on the Island, General Hancock and his staff, Ft. Columbus officers, 430 [1882 and several officers from other forts were on hand to witness the drill. "On arrival the regiment with band playing marched up to the parade ground and past the 'Post Guard,' which was drawn up in line with arms presented in due style. The band took possession of the music stand in front of the General's quarters, where while the regiment was engaged in drill, it delighted the assembly. "The drill commenced with company drill for one hour, tthe largest company had 16 files, and the smallest 6 files. When 'the hour was up the command was equalized into eight com mands of 12 files each, a tedious proceeding; however, matters were arranged after a while, and drill commenced with what seemed to be a sort of dress parade for instruction, during which things did not present a very encouraging aspect. "Inexperience on the part of all hands was very plain. * * * The companies having marched off, a line was again formed for battalion drill. * * * The movements so far performed were anything but creditable, but from this point a change for the better seemed gradually to take place. * * * The drill towards the end was constantly improving and the latter part of it may be called quite a fair battalion drill. * * * "The benefit which the regiment derived from this short turnout was acknowledged by both spectators and participants, and Colonel Vose has our congratulations on the result achieved." From the same, July 1st : "The annual muster and inspection was wound up by the 71st on Thursday afternoon on Governor's Island, when the regiment arrived on a barge at about 3 P. M. * * * The regiment turned out in somewhat larger numbers than on its previous visit. * * * On arrival at the drill ground the fours were wheeled into line and the battalion advanced a short distance in line of battle with a decidedly ragged front, and then broke into column of fours to the right. * * * At the halt, open ranks, right dress, in place rest; men were skylarking, some sticking their bayonets in the ground, some lying down and some riding their muskets like a witch. * * * The dress of the men was clean, neat and well-fitting, and in this respect the regiment made a creditable showing. * * * "When inspection was over, the assembly was sounded for 'Guard Mount.' * * * The regiment was next formed for battalion drill under command of Major Landon. The forma tion was good and prompt. * * *" F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGH IKT'l Present 9 9 32 35 47 28 31 34 38 31 57 351 Absent 1 2 11 20 32 11 19 21 13 18 22 170 Total 10 11 43 55 79 39 50 55 51 49 79 521 1882] 431 A great mistake to have two parades in the daytime in one month, the smallness of each turnout can be easily accounted for. To the Citizens of New York : The 71st Regiment, for the first time in its history of nearly half a century, apneals to the people. A new armory is an indispensable necessity. The welfare and prosperity of the "American Guard" in a great degree depends upon its being provided with accommodations sufficiently commodious for drill and the safe keeping of its arms, uniforms and equip ments. No other regiment in the State is so badly quartered. All other means having failed, we now ask assistance from the public, and present our claims — a pubhc who, we feel, will generously respond a''d show their appreciation for services rendered by our organization, many of whose members have shed the;r blood, and whose bones have been left upon the field of battle of the Republic, and whose place has always been at the front. Its services during and after the war are inscribed upon the pages of history. It was baptised in the Dead Rabbit riots of 1857, and confirmed in blood on the bat tlefields of Virginia in 1861. The post of danger has always been its trust : faithful always to the altars of American liberty and the firesides of your homes. "Pro aris et pro focis." Thus we do not come empty handed. Our first appeal is for con tributions to our Fair, to open at the armory on December 11th. As you are charitable, be generous. MAT. TOSEPH D. BRYANT, Chairman, COL. RICHARD VOSE. GEN. CHARLES W. DUSTAN, LIEUT-COL. APPLETON D. PALMER, MAT- EUGENE S. EUNSON, CAPT. WILLIAM C. CLARK, CAPT. FRANK H. TORDAN, CAPT. E. DeKAY TOWNSEND, CAPT. AUGUSTUS T. FRANCIS, COURTLANDT W. STARR, CHARLES F. HOMER. From the "Army and Navy Journal," November 4th : "On November the 1st, the 71st assembled in its armory. The parade was in fat;gue uniform, the men made a good appearance; the announcement of a decision on the part of the committee for the holding of a fair for the purpose of rais ing funds for an armory, was made and most enthusiastically received. Speeches were made by Colonel Vose, Lieutenant- Colonel Palmer, Major Landon, Homer, Dustan and others, and a hearty support pledged." 432 [1882-83 December 16th, Surgeon Joseph D. Bryant was appointed Surgeon-General of the State. From the same, December 23d : "The right wing companies, A, D, H, K, had a parade on Monday evening, the 18th, for inspection by Major Goodwin, Inspector of the 2d Brigade, under Major Landon. * * * Major Landon proved himself a good battalion commander, but we recommend to the Adjutant to study up the subject of jguard mount. * * *" 18 8 3 Let us pause now, and do a little reviewing; the regiment has passed its first generation — is thirty-one years of age — its life has been one of a varied experience; during its second decade it has had six Colonels; these changes were not con ducive to stability. While it may have been a precocious child it had not reached the age of maturity — but nine years old — when the war arose; called thus suddenly into the stern realization of what was required of a military organization. Its standing in the Guard, brought to its ranks those who nobly upheld its standard, and on the battlefield gave it a name and reputation of which all are so proud, again and again it was tried, and each time proved itself a regiment to be depended on when its services were called. Nearly 300 of its members took commissions in the U. S. service. During the sixties it was exceedingly difficult to recruit, several regiments had been organized as "Home Guards," and as such were popular, making the difficulty of recruiting for the older regiments greater, of those regiments only one exists today. Men who had seen service had little stock in merely "play ing" soldier, especially as the authorities did little to make it interesting, providing only a very indifferent quarter called an "armory." Those of the present day, having elegant and com modious armories with their many features, their equipments and service uniform provided, cannot realize the loyalty that held men together at that time in the face of so many obstacles, resulting at last under the administration of Colonels Parmele and Rockafellar, in weeding out much dead wood, and getting 1883] 433 in new material, a new full dress uniform, and armed with the very latest issue of muskets. It had reached a high water mark when Colonel Vose took command. Those who have carefully read the record for the last eleven years must have noted the regiment's gradual down ward tendency, those who have not, can make a comparison of its condition in 1872 with that of 1883. A history is a statement of facts ; it is, therefore, necessary in writing this one to mention such facts as regards the regi ment's rise and fall, though it may reflect upon individuals; their position has made them part of the history, and that part necessarily cannot be withheld. If a regiment has been pros perous, its colonel will get, and is entitled to all the credit — if it has not been, he will receive, and is entitled to all the censure. It is easy to write that the regiment under Colonel Doe was a failure, but that is a statement without the proof of responsibility, and may do even him an injustice by leaving much to the imagination. Then to say that under Colonel Doe it was a great success, may be drawing it so mild as not to give him the credit deserved. What is being desired is, as far as possible, to avoid per sonal allusion where it has only an indirect relation to the regiment, and yet give a history. These remarks are necessary, because we are now ap proaching a period in the regiment's history which is full of events, a period when its life was hanging by a slender cord, and to decline to narrate the facts essential to enable the reader to take in the situation, would be pusillanimous ; as well give a history of Rome without mentioning the conspiracy of the senators, or of England, without the many bloody acts of its rulers. From the "American Queen," February 17th: "It has been the custom, since the time the project of the Fair originated, for the various companies that are to engage in it, to entertain the ladies interested in the work, on their respective drill nights, for an hour or two with music and dancing. For some reason the Colonel some weeks since di rected that dancing would not be permitted in the armory, unless by his special permission. Each Captain sought the Colonel and secured his approval of dancing after drill, and every one was pleased. The work of the enterprise progressed favorably until last Friday evening, when the two well-known companies, A and C, Captains Townsend and Leo, assembled 434 [1883 for drill, and a host of their lady friends met for business, contemplating that afterwards as usual they would enjoy an hour's dancing. "After the drill dancing was begun, but it did not last long, as it was stopped by orders of Major Landon, upon the ground that the Colonel had issued a peremptory order the Monday previous, forbidding all amusements in the armory. Captains Townsend and Leo, inspired by the manifest indigna tion of the ladies, became enraged and the Adjutant, who evi dently has a grudge against Captain Leo, placed him under ar rest, by order of the Colonel, while Captain Townsend was unmolested. The ladies of the committee of both companies immediately resigned and declared they will have nothing further to do with the fair, and C, has returned all goods and checks, of which they had a considerable number, to the donors. "The men of both companies, to protect themselves from further humiliation from Headquarters, have decided to sever their connection with the Fair, and many of them "will make efforts to leave the regiment. The Colonel's stupidity and the Adjutant's personal dislikes have seriously injured this worthy enterprise involving the labor and interest of the two best companies. "Captain Leo, on Monday evening, was informed by Col onel Vose that he was not under arrest, and that he would confirm no such order. Captain Leo, however, insisted upon exoneration from the Colonel in General Orders, and states that if he does not obtain that, he will immediately demand a Court of Inquiry to examine into the matter. There was a good deal of talk about it on Monday evening, and much in dignation was expressed. "Captain Townsend was secretary of the general com mittee of the new armory fund, a member of the Executive Committee, chairman of the Music Committee, secretary of the Committee on Legislature, and clerk of the joint committee of ladies; from all these he has resigned, and, of course, his action has caused considerable feeling and embarrassment. "All the ladies connected with the Fair seem disgusted at the discourteous treatment received. The Executive Commit tee are in a sad plight and do not seem to know what to do. They have endeavored to smooth the matter over but met with no encouragement, much less success. At present no one can tell what the result of the fair will be, and in fact it is difficult for those most interested to say confidently whether it will be opened on the day announced." The above was a most unfortunate state of affairs, while it may not have been of serious financial loss, it did seriously disturb the harmony so necessary to make the success so much desired. It showed, however, the lack of tact and discipline that existed in the regiment. The almost indifferent manner in 1883] 435 which the regiment supported the affair was discouraging, and but for the Veteran Association it would have proved a failure. It is a wise man that knows when it is time to retire, to realize that he has done all he can, and not wait until the tide has turned; had Colonel Vose resigned five years before, it might have been better for the regiment, it certainly would have been for him; his temperament was such as to make it impossible for him to be a successful commander, instead of respect and loyalty from his subordinates including his staff, there was opposition and disloyalty, which naturally permeated the entire regiment. To quote one of his officers, made many years after: "He vacillated so that it was difficult to keep in step, to placate his enemies he turned down his friends, thus losing both ;" whatever the cause may have been his usefulness had passed. The Veteran Association looked upon this condition with sad heart; what could they do? The regiment was fast falling to pieces, and had a debt of over $7,000. It was the first occa sion since its organization that it had been called upon to use its influence to help the regiment. They responded, however, recalling the success of the 7th with its Fair in 1879, they con cluded a similar one would receive the support of the public for the benefit of a regiment having at least an equal claim. Having decided to hold the Fair, committees were ap pointed for the arrangements, and for the solicitation of articles for the fair and also cash subscriptions. The response was noble and generous, and while the results were not as great as hoped for, there was just cause for con gratulation, and gratitude to those who assisted in the affair. The merchants were liberal in their donations of articles suitable for the occasion — in some cases as high as $500 worth, as also were those who subscribed cash; Wm. H. Vanderbilt putting his name down for $5,000, provided the balance of the $100,000 was raised. (Mr. Vanderbilt died before the winding up of the business ; a year or so after his son gave the associa tion a check for $1,000 which was the nucleus for the Relief Fund.) The Fair was for a new armory and the regimental fund; it was opened on the 26th of March and continued for three weeks, it resulted in sufficient to pay the $7,000 of regimental indebtedness and leaving a balance of $10,000, which was placed in trust for the regiment until such time as the regiment should 436 [1883 have an armory, and then to be used as decided upon by its officers, in furnishing it. The trustees were merchants and bankers of which Eugene Kelly was chairman, and the articles of trust were iron clad to prevent any miscarriage of the object of the Fund; it will be referred to later. Among the distinguished lady patrons of the Fair were the Appletons, Belmonts, Havemeyers, Lorillards, Vanderbilts, and a host of leading families, while almost every prominent man in the city, from President Arthur down, were male patrons. The U. S. Army was represented by Generals U. S. Grant, George B. McClellan, W. S. Hancock and many others. This' was the first opportunity for the association tp come to the aid of the regiment and they were naturally proud of the result though not accomplishing all that was hoped for. The regiment's financial condition was restored, but its physical condition was no better, the internal discord still existed. It was evident that it would not continue much longer without solution, and that must be the resignation of the Colonel, which at that time he showed no disposition to do. The State Camp at Peekskill was so located, owing to the efforts of State Senator George W. Robinson, a war veteran of the 71st Regiment and at one time a Lieutenant of Company B. He was a member of the "committee on selection of site." It was on his recommendation that the camp was located where it is. The Adjutant-General, in his annual report for 1883, re ferring to the Camp of Instruction, at Peekskill, says : "The State Camp of Instruction, established in 1882, proved a success, and its good results were so apparent that you directed its continuance for this year, and in accordance with your instructions the leased ground for the camp near Peekskill was prepared for another season, a number of im provements made, and the former temporary structures made. "The troops ordered in camp for service during the season were the 71st Regiment and 5th Separate Company, from June 16th to 23d. * * *" Inasmuch as this was the first year that the 71st entered the camp at Peekskill, and the second year of it being opened, the official report of Colonel Vose should be of interest in many ways: 1883] 437 HEADQUARTERS OF 71ST INFANTRY, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, June 25th, 1883. General : In compliance with Special Orders No. 47, A.G.O., dated May 16th, 1883, my command assembled at its armory at 36th Street and Broadway at 11 o'clock A. M., on June 16th, march ing from thence at 12:45 P. M., and embarking on the trans port steamer "Long Branch," were conveyed to the State Camp ground at Peekskill, where it arrived at 4:30 P. M. of that day. Line was formed on the parade at which the 5th Separate Company, Captain J. T. Chase, of Newburgh, reported to me for duty, and was assigned to the vacant letter E, and known as such during their service with the regiment. I then reported to you for orders, after which I assigned officers and men to quarters and ordered details to report to the Quartermaster's department and draw the necessary supplies for the use of the regiment during the encampment. The line was formed for dress parade, after which the men were relieved from further duty for the day, so as to enable them to put their quarters in order and condition. The 17th being Sunday, the only military duty performed was guard mounting and dress parade. At 11 o'clock church call was sounded, at which a large proportion of the officers and men were in attendance (the attendance not being com pulsory). Services were conducted by the Chaplain of the regiment, Rev. Carlos Martyn. Herewith I submit my orders for roll-call and rules to govern the camp, which roll-calls were only varied from Gen eral Orders No. 12, A.G.O., series 1882, as in my judgment was deemed necessary. I also submit a manual for guards and sentinels, which were printed and distributed to every officer and man before leaving this city. The assignment of companies to rifle practice was made after consulting with the general inspector and regimental in spector of rifle practice, so as to interfere as little as possible with the regular duties of the camp, and the company and battalion drills — the opportunity for which the regiment was sadly in need, owing to our very limited space in the armory in New York, where the regiment can only drill by company and division, and, as a result, when the command arrived in camp its drill and guard duty were not of the best, but each day showed a marked improvement. The battalion and skirmish drills were commanded altern ately by Lieutenant-Colonel Palmer, Major Landon and myself, and we strove to be as thorough as possible, and the week's duty told favorably with the regiment ; indeed, when the 23d of June arrived the whole command would have gladly re mained for another eight days, as the officers and men had just begun to feel the effect of the drill. They were all anxious to learn, and had worked with diligence to that end, the disci- 438 [1883 pline was excellent, breaches of it being of the most insignifi cant nature. On the night of the 21st I determined to sound the long roll, having previously instructed the officers what to do in such an emergency, without, however, stating on what night it would be sounded. I was careful to see that the camp was quiet after taps (10:30), giving the men three hours to get to sleep. At 1 :30 A. M., I ordered the Drum Major to assemble the drum corps and then distribute them through all the streets and sound the roll. I then repaired to the parade ground, and in just three minutes from the first tap of the drum, regimental line was formed and the rolls called ; but few men being absent except such as were on duty. At 2:15 this was repeated, and the line was formed in just five minutes, both calls being unex pected by officers or men. The camp of instruction has been of inestimable value to the regiment and could this be repeated every year we should not so seriously feel the want of an armory sufficient for the purpose of drill, the one we now occupy being the worst for military purposes in the whole State of New York. The commissariat was of the very best, and the general health of the men excellent. At noon on the 23d, the men were assembled and paid. Line was then formed to await the arrival of the 7th Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., who were to relieve us. They arrived at 4:30 P. M., and, after the usual formal ceremonies, my command embarked upon the transport steamer "Long Branch." The 5th Separate Company being provided with a separate trans port, were relieved from duty after being paid, and at once proceeded to Newburgh. The regiment arrived at the armory at 9 o'clock P. M., of that day. I desire to commend, in the highest terms, the 5th Separate Company for its drill, discipline, and general exemplary con duct. It was by all means the best in camp, and its officers, particularly Captain Chase, possessing sterling ability, an honor to the service and worthy of all praise. I earnestly commend Lieut.-Col. A. D. Palmer and Maj. H. H. Landon, for their ability ; their experience in the regular army being valuable. To Col. Frederick Phisterer I desire to convey my grateful thanks for his uniform courtesy and valuable instruction im parted to my Adjutant and non-commissioned officers. To Colonel Gillett, department inspector of rifle practice, the officers and men earnestly desire to be commended. And, in conclusion, permit me to offer to His Excellency's staff on duty during the camp, my thanks for their courtesy and kind consideration to myself. Very respectfully your obedient servant, RICHARD VOSE, To Colonel Commanding 71st Infantry, N.G.S.N.Y. Maj .-Gen. J. G. Farnsworth, Adjutant-General, State of New York. 1883] 439 The State had adopted as part of the State uniform, a hel met. Regimental orders were issued June 5th, directing the men to turn into the Quartermaster their shakos and receive for them a helmet in exchange. And thus the shako was done away with. Colonel Vose was very fortunate in getting into his mili tary family two such splendid gentlemen (graduates of West Point), as were Lieutenant Colonel Palmer and Maj. Harry H. Landon ; it was unfortunate, that the conditions were so dis couraging to them. The Figure of Merit for rifle practice, for the year, placed the 71st the lowest in the 1st and 2d Divisions. The following is from the Inspector-General's report for 1883: "Arms in poor condition, a number unserviceable, compara tively few of the men having any knowledge of the proper care of the rifle. The entire stand need a thorough overhauling. "This command entered the State Camp very much off drill, and with considerable raw material that had but little, if any instruction in the school of the soldier. Company com manders and non-commissioned officers as a rule, were deficient in knowledge pertaining to their respective duties. "The enlisted men (Americans), are of a good class, and their quiet, orderly conduct, attention to duty and eagerness to learn was generally remarked and commended. "The routine duties prescribed by the regimental com mander, were carried out during the entire week, but as a rule, lacked that promptness for appearances in time, which is so necessary to be observed. "Little attention was paid to instruction in the "school of the soldier.' The company drills were, for the most part, hur ried and superficial, confined as a general thing to simple move ments. * * *" Two very serious incidents occurred during the year, as they are referred to in an article from the "Army and Navy Journal" of August 9th, 1884. The reader is requested to read the account thereof on pages 441-3. 440 [1884 18 8 4 During the winter of '83, the bitter feeling among the officers opposed to Colonel Vose had reached such heat, that thirteen officers sent in their resignations ; this will be treated on later. About this time an incident occurred which still further added to the troubles of Colonel Vose. The Veteran Associa tion of the 71st Regiment had for some time worn a uniform and adopted a regimental organization assuming titles as in service, the privates carrying swords instead of guns. The conception was innocent, without any idea of the trouble to come; the same idea was carried out by the veterans of other regiments. Colonel Clark (of the 7th) and his officers at this time protested against this condition, asserting that it was ridiculous for men who had been privates in the regiment to be claiming titles to which they had no legal right, the incongruity of the situation was fully set forth, and resulted in an estrangement, the Veterans of the 7th organizing a club and removing from the armory. This was followed by a meeting of those Colonels of regi ments that had Veteran Associations, resulting in a circular signed by each, among whom was Colonel Vose. This circular stirred up a hornet's nest, making Colonel Vose more un popular than ever. The Veterans appointed a committee who drew up a letter to the Colonel expressing their feelings on his action. (This circular will be found in the Appendix.) From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 19th : "Companies A and C, under Capt. E. DeKay Townsend, were equalized into four commands 8 files each, for a dress parade and complimentary review to Colonel Vose on January 11th instant. "We will not go into any extensive criticism, as the affair was an improvised one and not an occasion for work. * * * After the military portion of the programme was concluded, all adjourned to the officers' room where a handsome lunch was provided and where the Colonel was induced to stir up the audience by a neat little speech. * * *" 1884] 441 Early in the year (February), the regiment sustained the loss of its Major (Landon), who found conditions to be very uncongenial. From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 1st: "Colonel Vose has returned the much talked of thirteen resignations with the following endorsement in each case. "Respectfully returned." From the same, April 19th: "Now that Brigadier-General Ward has been ordered to investigate the troubles in the 71st Regiment, we hope that the matter will be attended to promptly, sifted to the bottom and decided on military, not personal principles. "Reform in the 71st is one of the pressing questions of the day. In the way things are reported as going on lately the regiment cannot live much longer." From the same, May 31st: "The Court of Inquiry on the 71st Regiment matter has closed its business. There were four sessions. The officers concerned in the recent wholesale resignations were examined one after the other by the Judge-Advocate, but all that was elicited, was the fact that a week or ten days previous to the forwarding of the resignations in bulk, a meeting attended by about a dozen or so of the malcontents, took place, when it was resolved to resign simultaneously, in order to force Colonel Vose into resigning or Court-Martial, or Court of Inquiry. "This is the gist of all that has been accomplished. No inquiry into the general affairs of the regiment was made under the strenuous objection of Colonel Vose's counsel (Messrs. Harding and Miller), to anything that might tend in that direction, as the terms of the order convening the Court speci fied nothing beyond an investigation into the conduct of the officers in regard to the tender of their resignation. "We learn, however, from reliable authority that the state of affairs in the regiment is utterly 'rotten,' and that if some thing to mend matters and place the regiment upon an efficient footing is not done speedily a summary action will be taken at Albany. "Colonel Vose who has recently been bereaved by the loss of his wife has taken three months' leave." (This was his second wife.) From the "Army and Navy Journal," August 9th : "The 71st has again obtained an unenviable notoriety, and the state of affairs brought to light by recent developments calls loudly for energetic interference and determined action. "The ridiculous, sweeping resignation of company officers 442 [1884 last winter, is still fresh in the memory of all, and its history need not be repeated here ; it brought about an alleged investi gation into the affairs of the regiment, but the Board convened for the purpose, under the terms of the order convening it, was unable to bring to light anything beyond what everybody in New York, capable of reading the newspapers, knew to per fection — that the regiment was not in a condition to efficiently respond to a call for immediate service. "The Board under its instructions had no power to fix the responsibility for this state of affairs. "Major-General Shaler afterwards in publishing the result of the so-called investigation, very properly sustained Colonel Vose's action in regard to the resignation, and thus the matter ended. "The regiment continued in its reckless career, the Colonel went on leave, and the command fell to Lieutent-Colonel Palmer. It is not recorded that the regiment did much towards improving itself in the needed knowledge of military duties. Nevertheless the State generously put it on the same footing with the other organizations, and the regiment was provided with a State Service Uniform. "This was made the occasion of a fresh outbreak by a number of officers, and the selection of a contractor who was to furnish the uniforms provided the pretence. We have no space for detailing the circumstances of the uniform question, but in general it appears that during the absence of the com manding officer from the city for a few days (without relin quishing the command of the regiment), the Senior Captain, Captain Clark (the majority being vacant), assumed command of the regiment, and at once showed his ignorance of law, military custom and military courtesy by setting at naught the order of the permanent commander, and attempting to interfere with other company commanders in carrying out the orders of the former. "The matter was carried to such an extent that an open outbreak of hostilities on an extensive scale became imminent on several occasions, and this state of affairs was carried so far that when Captain Clark entered the room of one of the oppos ing companies, he was greeted with cries of 'Go die,' 'Put him out,' etc., and an open riot was only prevented by the exercise of great forbearance on the part of the commander of the invaded company. "Of course Colonel Vose's resumption of command has stopped open hostilities, but the affair just detailed, as well as subsequent developments, can leave no doubt that the 71st is not in a condition deserving of public confidence, or fit for active service. "The daily press some time ago unjustly denounced the Adjutant-General for not acting upon the conclusions of the investigation board mentioned in the beginning of this article. This board was not detailed from General Headquarters, and 1884] 443 the proceedings never reached them, and consequently could not be acted upon from Albany, even if this had revealed mat ters elucidating the conditions of the organization. "In fact, so far as we know, no official report of the con dition of the 71st has been forwarded to Albany, and the responsibility for its present inefficiency rests with its Brigade and Division commanders. As these officers, however, do not seem inclined to take vigorous and effective action, it would seem that the time for interference by the Albany authorities has arrived." Colonel Vose was away on his wedding tour, which was soon after the return from camp, in June. In the meantime Captain Clark had been elected Major, which was evidence that a majority of the officers were the "malcontents." The adoption of a State service uniform was not popular with those who took a pride in the regiment, it at once lowered the standard of it from a first-class position; but what could be done? It had been brought to its present condition, it was no longer a first-class regiment, and but for its past it would have been wiped out of the Guard. It was the last resort of an expiring administration, hoping that something might arise by which it might be saved, without relinquishing its command. From the "Army and Navy Journal," August 23d : "Colonel Vose of the 71st has left for a tour of two weeks through the West, on Thursday the 21st. He says that the troubles in the regiment are gradually subsiding and that he begins to see a clear road ahead. Some of the malcontents have been got rid of, and Captain Clark will not accept the majority to which he was recently elected. "General Fitzgerald is taking personal interest in the regi ment, and endeavors will be made to secure a new corps of officers ; the appointment of Lieut. Frederick Kopper of Com pany D, 7th Regiment, as Adjutant, is an indication of the earnestness of the Colonel in this direction. "We hope he may succeed and that the disaster which will surely follow the course recently pursued by the regiment, may be averted." HEADOUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT INFANTRY, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, October 8th, 1884. General Order No. 16. In compliance with orders from General Headquarters, A.G.O., all the members of this regiment are directed to as semble in the State Service Uniform, helmet (without pike), 444 [1884 fatigue cap on right rear button, white gloves, knapsacks with overcoats rolled thereon, haversacks and canteen on left hip, canteen over haversack, outside of body belt and well to the rear of bayonet scabbard, at the armory, on Thursday, October 16th, at 12:15 P. M., for review, inspection and muster, at the Van Cortlandt Farm. II. Officers in fatigue uniform, new State trousers, black helmet, overcoats slung. III. IV. This regiment is also directed to assemble in fatigue jacket and cap, black belt and dark pants (citizen's), on Wed nesday evening, October 15th, for drill and instruction- assembly at 8 o'clock. The State Service Uniform will be dis tributed on that evening, and a full attendance is required. All who have not turned in the old full dress coat and trousers, must bring them on that evening and turn them in. V. VI. By order of Colonel Vose. F. B. WHITNEY, 2d Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant. HEADQUARTERS 71ST INFANTRY, N.G.S.N.Y. New York, October 20, 1884. Special Orders No. 75 : Commandants of companies are hereby ordered to turn in to the Regiment Quartermaster all fatigue jackets, black belts, overcoats, haversacks and canteens in excess of enlisted men enrolled. Also all Full Dress coats, trousers, epaulettes and white belts now in their possession. By order of COL. RICHARD VOSE. By these orders the regiment did away with their full dress and adopted the State Service Uniform, in hopes that it might stimulate recruiting, in quantity if not in quality. From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 25th : "The 71st wore the service uniform and was inspected under command of Colonel Vose at Van Cortlandt Park on Thursday, 16th instant. Though not up in numbers to the wanted standard of the 'Old American Guard,' its turnout was after all an agreeable surprise to the regiment itself, as well as to those who had gone out to witness the performance. "Strenuous efforts had been made to induce every member to attend, and the result gave the regiment, another lease of life, which was wellnigh despaired of, especially after the limited turnout at the preliminary inspection at the armory. 1884] 445 The performance was by no means a satisfactory one, but still it was no worse than that of other regiments recently inspected, and in fact it was superior to several we have looked at lately. "It is claimed that the recent discussions in the regiment have subsided, that a better feeling prevails, that a new crop of young officers will be induced to join, and that it is thus hoped to restore the regiment to its former base. "The fact that after all, over 300 men could be brought together seems to be a favorable omen, and we sincerely hope Colonel Vose may succeed to stem the downward tide, and restore the regiment to its once honored position in the Guard. * * *" F.&S. N.C.S. A B C D F G H I K T'l Present 5 9 51 18 42 36 16 41 30 37 33 318 Absent 1 1 10 17 15 13 23 5 16 7 29 137 Total 6 10 61 35 57 49 39 46 46 44 62 455 The result of this inspection, showed that the "malcon tents" had done nothing to prevent a successful attendance. But it was absurd to have any faith that a man who came in command of a first-class regiment and in twelve years had allowed it to run down to its present condition, should expect to place it back again ; regardless of where the fault was, a change in the commanding officer must be made, a fact which all the friends of the regiment recognized, in fact, all but the Colonel himself; and it was not until he was threatened with charges that his eyes were opened, and on December 19th sent forward an application to be placed on the supernumerary list. And thus saved the regiment from disbandment. Two days before (17th) Adjutant Kopper, who had but recently come into the regiment was elected Major. Administration of Colonel EDWIN A. McALPIN 1885—1887 The year opened dark for the regiment, while the "tumor" of discord was removed, the patient was so weak that it was a very serious question if it could survive ; its strength on paper was 438 ; in fact, it had less than 300 reliable duty-doing men. The patience of the State authorities was about exhausted. They plainly said that unless there was some evidence of new life in the body the funeral would soon take place and the regi ment be disbanded. Again the Veterans found it necessary to come to the front. While they had taken no active part in creating the va cancy they took a very active one in trying to fill it. Two candidates were presented for the votes of the offi cers — Captain King of the 22d and ex-Maj. E. A. McAlpin. The Veterans, believing that it was for the best interest of the regiment that McAlpin should be elected, threw all their influ ence to him, the closeness of the vote (10 to 8) showed the ne cessity of their action. McAlpin was elected. "The management of the regiment had lacked intellectual breadth as well as moral stability. It was uncertain in all its operations ; unable to hold steadily one course ; continually fall ing and going to pieces ; fighting within, among its officers for supremacy of power, fears without among its friends of the in timate dissolution of the most famous regiment of volunteers in modern history. It was, in short, an abnormal condition, and any real growth or reformation, must be radical ; built up from the foundation." '^HnHHWR-' r- 4 1 '"^__m ro ¦,•/.•."' "jP___m \\\_u____ ^ 4'_______W__\\ ^^^T^^H Jfl K LJjH Km COLONEL EDWIN A. McALPIN Plate vii — tfp. 446 1885] 447 In the selection of Colonel McAlpin the Veterans believed they had the man best equipped all around for the emergency, and they resolved to back him to the full extent, getting into the harness if necessary. Colonel Edwin A. McAlpin was born in New York City, June 9th, 1848. At the proper age he commenced business with his father in the firm of D. H. McAlpin & Co. On No vember 22d, 1869, he enlisted in Company G, 7th Regi ment, January, 1874; he entered the 71st as First Lieutenant , of Company E, May, 1875 ; became Captain of the same, and in August was elected Major. He held that office until June 6th, 1881, when he resigned, feeling that as conditions existed in the regiment at that time it was useless for him to remain. His bearing while in the regiment, was such as to make him very popular. Those who knew him best believed him to be the only man who, at this crisis, could save the regiment. They were correct. Appleton D. Palmer, a West Point graduate, was at this time Lieutenant-Colonel, and Frederick Kopper, Major. There were thirteen vacancies in the line, only four companies having captains, the line being in a demoralized state, and with the exception of Company D the companies were also. Alto gether it seemed a most hopeless case, requiring strenuous work. Colonel McAlpin at once entered upon his duties with a determination to succeed. He appointed his staff almost en tirely new, filled as rapidly as possible vacancies in the line, soon creating order out of chaos, and established confidence, which enthused all with the spirit of the old "American Guard," making them feel that life had again been breathed into its nostrils and that it would rise again. A new life was dawning; discouragement and pessimism had passed away; the sun was shining brightly; hope, confi dence and optimism possessed all. In every department and company there was a display of energy and rivalry that was wonderful and satisfying. Enthused by the example of their Colonel, each and every one was doing all that he could to place the old regiment on its pedestal again, and in this work none did more than the Veterans. Their first effort was to raise a new company to take the vacant letter E. For that purpose 448 [1885 they enlisted Captain A. W. Belknap (late of Company I), a resident of Harlem, to raise a new company in that section. The Veterans held several meetings of encqpragement up- there, helping to pay the expenses and by Decoration Day had twenty men. An old member of Company F offered that company $175, to be divided into three prizes,' for recruiting.. Besides, many of them took active membership in the regi ment. From the New York "Times," March, 1885 : "Colonel E. A. McAlpin is now fairly in harness as com mander of the 71st Regiment and is much pleased with the improvement already manifested in the command. He has appointed as his Adjutant, Augustus T. Francis, who was Adjutant under Colonel Parmele and Rockafellar. He is a thoroughly experienced and capable officer. The other members of the staff are Dr. E. T. T. Marsh, Surgeon; Dr_ F. W. Gwyer, Assistant Surgeon ; the Rev. Dr. Marvin R. Vin cent, of the Church of the Covenant, Chaplain; Charles A. Hess, Inspector of Rifle Practice, and George L. McAlpin, Commissary of Subsistence. The Quartermaster has not yet been appointed; Colonel McAlpin has several names under consideration for that office. Felix I. Eben (bandmaster from 1871 to 1876), has been appointed bandmaster; George A. Strube, formerly of the 12th and 22d, is already at work as drum major. He is organizing a new fife company. "The regiment will parade for review by General Louis Fitzgerald, Second Brigade, Monday evening, April 6th. Marksmen's badges are to be presented by Mayor Grace Con troller Loew, Commissioner Squires and General Shaler have promised to be present on that occasion. After that entertain ment the regiment will begin preparations to go into the State Camp at Peekskill in July. "The regiment will have a working drill, tomorrow night,. in the armory. Captain E. DeKay Townsend and Lieutenant Charles M. Kennedy instruct the recruit class on Tuesday and Friday nights. Second Lieutenant Marshall W. Day and Mau rice D. Geery have received their commissions. John Noble Golding and John Indlekof have been appointed standard bearers." Colonel McAlpin assumed command in February. After a careful survey of the wreck he resolved that quick and posi tive action was necessary, and at once applied the knife, cut ting out the dead and useless wood (the total left was 272), but it was live wood. He then set all to work recruiting. He laid out plenty of work for all, and all cheerfully did their part. A military officer said : "I have never noticed such a stride 1885] 449 toward prosperity as the Seventy-first has made since the ac cession of Colonel McAlpin. His decisive actions, his great reforms and sociable character have worked wonders in this corps. The esprit de corps has much improved and a feeling of real enthusiasm has been engendered." The change was magical. The Colonel was quick to detect what was requisite for the improvement of the regiment and immediately saw that it was procured; changes were made in band, field, music, uniform and everybody keyed up to "high C." Monday evening, April 6th, was the first occasion on which the Colonel presented the reviewed regiment before the public. While it still showed evidence of patches the change was so great as to be noticeable, causing favorable comment on the work of two months. "The occasion was a review by Brigade General Louis Fitzgerald. "The exhibition showed undoubted signs of renewed activ ity and was by far the most successful affair of its kind that has taken place in the armory for years. The bearing of the regiment itself, as well as the class of spectators who were present, indicated a decided change for the better. "The regiment, in eight companies and numbering 500 men, passed in review before General Fitzgerald, and 58 offi cers and men were presented with the State marksmanship badges. "Colonel Homer of the Veteran Corps presented to Colo nel McAlpin, in behalf of the Veterans, a handsome set of horse equipment complete. A beautiful floral structure, in the form of the regimental badge, was the gift of General Fitz gerald to the regiment. "The music of the regiment was by the new regimental band, of thirty-five pieces, which appeared in .parade for the first time, led by Prof. F. I. Eben." The first public parade was on Decoration Day. Of this the "Mercury" of May 31st said: "The 1st Division as the escort, closed with the 71st, the uniform of the regiment is so striking that it made a sensation all along the line. This, like the Twelfth, has made remark able strides toward prosperity in the last few months and 450 [1885 r many were astonished to see its full ranks, evident solidity and good alignments." The next parade was to welcome the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty. On June 17th the French vessel, the "Isere," arrived with the statue. The ceremony of reception was as follows: From the New York "Tribune," July 5th : "When the gun from the 'Minnesota' announced that the Tsere' had come to anchor the representatives of the Ameri can Committee and the officers of the Tsere' proceeded to Bed- loe's Island, and made a brief inspection of the work in pro gress. The French choral societies sang the 'Marsellaise,' 'Liberty Enlightening the World,' and 'Hail Columbia.' "The officers of the 'La Flore' and the Tsere' were then landed at the Battery, where the procession was formed. The line of march was up Broadway to the City Hall, where the city officials met their French guests. "The escort consisted of a platoon of mounted police, a brigade of militia under General Shaler, consisting of the 71st, 12th and 69th Regiments, and the French military orders, Grenadiers Rochambeau, Guard Lafayette and other societies. The escort passed in review at the City Hall and then were dismissed." In the meantime (this being the year for the regiment to go) strenuous efforts were being made for a fine showing at camp. Recruiting was active and by June 28th sixty men were uniformed. The Colonel was determined that the regiment should go up in the style its past deserved. Every detail was attended to. The cost of the band for the week would be $2,796. The State allowed $500. The Colonel contributed $1,000, the balance being made up by the officers of the regi ment This being, so to speak, a resurrection of the regiment. it seems proper to go more into detail than usual regarding this encampment. The regiment left the Grand Central at 12:45 P. M. on July the 4th for the camp at Peekskill on a special train. The Quartermaster, with a detail of sixteen men, preceded the reg • iment to take possession of the camp stores. From the New York "Tribune," July 5th : "As the train of twelve cars moved out at 12:45 P. M. Ad- 1885] 451 > jutant Francis reported that there were altogether 461 men aboard, including the band. * * * At Sing Sing, as the coun try seat of Dr. Brandreth (father-in-law of the Colonel), was passed, the soldiers saluted it with their regimental cry : '71 ! 71! 71! N.G.S.N.Y.! rah! rah! rah! sis, boom! ah!' "The first man of the expedition wounded was the adju tant upon whose forefinger a window sash fell heavily. Sur geon Marsh prescribed 'external applications of ice, and a plentiful supply of internal applications — champagne, salads and sandwiches,' and a speedy cure was effected. (A fine box lunch was provided for officers and men.) "The station at Roa Hook was reached at 2 P. M. and the regiment was soon marching up the dusty, winding road to the camp. There the 9th Infantry, Colonel Seward, Jr., was drawn up in line and gave the newcomers a military reception. "This was hardly over when the rain began to fall, and the men spent their first afternoon in camp under wet can vass. * * * "The 71st in State service uniform, with white spiked hel mets, presented a fine appearance. "A fine display of fireworks, in honor of the Fourth, took place at the camp in the evening, in the presence of a large number of spectators. "The dress parade was satisfactory to everyone except the officers and men. As for Colonel McAlpin it is quite likely that he will not be satisfied until the dress parade of this old war regiment equals that of the 7th, and it bids fair to do so, if the men often go through the experience of last night. "The formation of the line did not suit the Colonel and the various companies were ordered back to their respective company streets for a new formation. The men went through the manual in excellent form; the hands dropped together in excellent time. The parade rest, however, did not suit the Ad jutant and he set a good example by calling out in an audible manner, 'The men in the 8th company, parade rest !' " It must be noted, that in addition to the 71st' there were three separate companies: the 19th from Poughkeepsie, 20th from Binghamton and the 5th from Newburgh, making one regiment of twelve companies on parade. From the same paper: "State Camp, July 6th. The 71st has a clean camp. Too much cannot be said in praise of the police duty that is done here and of the way that it is done. The men go at it will ingly and in a manner that shows determination to have a clean record. There is not a piece of stray paper to be found any where within the bounds of the camp. * * * "Surgeon Marsh reports that there are no cases of sick- 452 [1885 ness in camp. * * * The 71st is orderly while at mess. A prominent lady visited the mess hall today while the men were at dinner and left, expressing her gratification at the polite ness of the men. "The dress parade tonight was a great "improvement on that of Sunday, fully 50 per cent., and shows the willingness of the men to learn and the thoroughness of their instructors. "The regiment has an old war record, and Colonel McAl pin may know a good deal about the manufacture of good to bacco, but he knows a good deal more about military instruc tion. He has on his staff three or four officers who sport Grand Army badges, and who only accepted the positions at the earnest solicitation of the Colonel. * * *" From the New York "Times," July 7th : "The State staff loves the 71st and the 71st loves the State staff with an affection that is as touching as the shells of a clam. Both sides could show cause for it. The Staff, wisely does not offer any officious suggestions, but states that it is always ready to give advice — when it is asked. "Each regiment occupying the camp so far has striven to outdo its predecessor in neatness. The 71st, being last, is first. Besides having the care of the State property on his shoul ders, the Quartermaster, Courtenay, has charge of the policing of the camp. He is as particular as a New England housewife about a speck of dirt on the tent floors or a spot of rust on a wash basin. After the inspection yesterday morning, Colonel McGrath said that the camp has never been in such good con dition. The officers pull together and are much given to fra ternizing." From the New York "Tribune," July 8th : "The 71st is improving in everything except police duty, and this is only because they can get the camp no cleaner. The battalion drill of this morning of two hours was a severe tax on the men, but the improvement was so marked as to give great encouragement to both officers and men. "Today it has been so extremely warm here that the men have kept quiet, the mercury at 3 o'clock being 92 degrees." July the 9th had been looked forward to with great inter est, as it was to be the day on which the Governor would visit the camp. The Veterans were also expected and the "Old Guard," in fact it was "visitors' day." It opened a scorcher. At 9 o'clock the mercury stood at 98 ¦degrees in the shade. All camp discipline was relaxed, and no visitor ventured abroad without his umbrella. Guards 1885] 453 were relieved every half hour, and every precaution taken to protect them. There were 27 prostrations during the day. In honor of the Governor, arrangements were being made for the ceremonies. The terrible weather continued until about 4 o'clock, when the western sky darkened, and peals of thunder rolled through the Highlands. With the wall of blackness rolling towards the camp not a breath of air stirred, the light ning fell from the black sky like streams of lava. Every one hurried towards the tents, ladies and escorts. Then came clouds of dust, and with it winds that roared like the sea. Many tents were blown down, and the rain fell in sheets. This lasted for about an hour. Near 7 o'clock it cleared, with a beautiful rainbow spanning the camp. Then the belated evening parade was held, of course, too late for the Governor and the host of friends, who had come up to see the regiment. On Saturday the 11th, the tour of the regiment came to an end, being relieved by the 13th: From the New York "Tribune," July 11th: "No member of the 71st need be ashamed of the record that it has made this week. The improvement it has made since it came into camp on Saturday has surprised even the most sanguine of its friends. First, in the matter of improve ment, is the guard duty, and to this the regiment is largely indebted to Lieutenant Thurston. The camp was never so well guarded as it has been for the last week, and one of the pleasant features of this was the commendation of Private Rowland of Company I by the Inspector-General.* "In the matter of dress parade, the regiment has improved more than 50 per cent., and the parade of last night was never excelled by the 7th. The men have done well at the butts, taking everything into consideration." From the "Army and Navy Journal," July 18th : "The 71st may be virtually called a new regiment, so much has its personnel changed during the past six months or so. Since then it was aroused from a condition of apathy and inefficiency, which seriously threatened its existence. Viewed *Before his company, the Adjutant told Private Rowland: "Colonel McGrath, wishes me to say that your conduct when you challenged him in crossing the line last night, was admirable and as good as could be expected of a soldier of twenty years standing." 454 [1885 from a general standpoint it appears now under fair headway to a position among the more efficient organizations of the State. Colonel Edwin A. McAlpin, the but recently elected commander, has certainly developed energy, pluck and good sense in the management of his organization, which has, iri turn, been followed by most encouraging results, especially during the encampment, and when the week's work is re viewed fairly, and with due regard to the recent low status of the regiment, there is no other conclusion but that the organi zation as a whole has every reason to be satisfied. "Where there is a will there is a way. The will to im prove and make the best of the brief opportunity was a con spicuous element in the 71st, and while in many instances the good intention had to be accepted in place of the deed, yet the regiment proved that it can be instructed, is willing to conform to the requirements of the time, is out of ruts and acknowl edges the fact that there is much room for improvement throughout its entire body. "We especially commend the action of the Colonel in ob taining an outside officer, who has made the subject a special study and is peculiarly adapted for the task, as permanent in structor in guard and sentry duty during the tour of the regi ment and the readiness with which the arrangement was ac cepted by all concerned. Viewed superficially it would have seemed a slur upon the capacity of the regimental officers to engage an outsider for this duty ; but the matter was accepted with good grace, and the fact that this was a camp of instruc tion, and that all had to learn, was generally acknowledged. "We not only commend the good sense, but also the moral courage of the regiment in taking this step in the face of the howl started about it by a certain coterie of ultra-mili tiamen, and the taunts and disparaging remarks uttered, some of which, at least could hardly fail to reach the knowledge of the regiment. * * * "The first night showed at once that the regiment, if de ficient in point of instruction, . consisted at least of well-be haved men, and the quiet and decorum of the camp stood out conspicuously in contrast with the whooping and howling, which rendered night hideous during the week before ; and the men maintained their good behavior to the end. * * *" "While there was much to criticise, yet the Regiment made a better record than was expected. It was a new life beyond doubt, is well and energetically handled and made de cided progress in all respects. "We are certain that their eyes are open to their defects, and that measures will be taken to remedy them wherever practicable. "They kept a clean camp at all times and left it in a very creditable condition, and on general principles have every reason to be satisfied with their tour." 1885] 455 The Regiment had just about gotten over the fatigue of their camp tour, when the sad news came of the death of General Grant, and preparation was made for the reception of the remains on the arrival of the same in the city. They were to arrive on August 5th, the 2d Brigade, General Fitz gerald, being designated as the escort; the 71st, detailed as special escort. The. day was clear and warm until, as the Regiment was assembling, there came a heavy shower. The N. Y. "Times" gave the following account: "For two hours before the funeral train was due in the Grand Central Station, crowds of people began to congregate in the streets surrounding it; * * * the crowd soon filled up Vanderbilt Avenue and 43d Street, both sidewalks and roadway, without leaving room enough there for a Corporal's guard of the military, for whom the thoroughfares had been reserved. "Soon after 4 o'clock a squad of policemen were ordered to clear out the crowd in a hurry and make room for the soldiers. They went to work with a will. * * * In ten minutes the storm came up, and the torrents of rain cleared away a crowd that the police could not have gotten rid of in an hour. At 4:45, about ten minutes before the advent of the pilot engine announcing the arrival of the train bearing General Grant's remains, the 71st Regiment appeared in Van derbilt Avenue. They had been delayed by the rain, and their appearance bespoke a hasty and uncomfortable march ; their white trousers were covered with mud, their faces were streaming with perspiration, and, as they came to a halt outside the station, a dozen negro boys, armed with tin cans bearing ice water and cups, supplied them with that refresh ing liquid, which was in great demand. "The 71st, under the command of Colonel McAlpin, oc cupied Vanderbilt Avenue from 42d to 43d streets, and turned the corner into the latter street. There were 500 men, each of whom had a deep band of crepe on his left arm. "A few minutes before the arrival of the 71st, outside the Grand Central, the funeral car with the catafalque drove slowly up, and stood a few yards from Vanderbilt Avenue in 43d Street, just in front of the spot where the 71st had drawn up. It hardly seemed movable so solid was its ap pearance; the twelve black horses, covered with black fly nets, stamped impatiently upon the ground. * * * It was 5 :15 o'clock when the men carrying the coffin came in view. * * * The 71st, presented arms as the coffin approached. * * * "It was not until 5 :45 that the troops near the station 456 [1885 fell into column and turned the corner into Fifth Avenue. When the procession reached the City Hall most of the regu lars and marines marched to the Battery; the coffin was taken into the City Hall, a guard posted, and the regiments dismissed. "At 9 o'clock P. M., on the 7th the white horse-hair plumes of the detachment from the 71st Regiment who were to act as the guard of honor during the night, appeared two abreast ; the guard from the 69th saluted and filed out, giving place to the newcomers who remained on guard until relieved by regu lars at 8 o'clock the next morning. "The scene within the dark walls became impressive as the night went on. The hollow square of Grand Army men stood as still as ever. Erect and perfect in bearing were two officers of the 71st, one standing at the coffin's head and the other at the foot." The last honors were given on the 8th, when General Grant's remains were reverently borne to the tomb on River side Drive. The procession was vast and imposing, divided into three divisions, the Military, Grand Army and Civic. The N. Y. "Tribune" said: "The Seventy-first brought up the rear of the First Division. It showed the effect of the work done this last year by Colonel McAlpin and his officers; the regiment is rapidly regaining its old place as one of the best of the National Guard regiments. It wore the State uniform, and both looked well and marched well. In point of members it showed to better advantage than it has for several years." The N. Y. "Times" said: "The Seventy-first closed this (first) division. The uni forms of the latter, consisting of white helmets, blue tunics, brass shoulder scales and white cross belts with white trousers, vie with the 7th and 22d in making a very showy appearance." The "Sunday Mercury" said : "The American Guard closed the brigade and the di vision, 'Little Mac,' as Colonel McAlpin is dubbed, led them, and right proudly too. The white helmets, blue coats, white cross and body belts and brass shoulder scales and white trousers gave the regiment a gay appearance, and as the nine companies of sixteen files swept by many compliments were paid it." Work for the summer being over the men took a rest 1885] 457 but the brain of the officer kept on working; not for a mo ment did they doubt that the old regiment was here to stay, and among many plans for its future, none appealed so much as that of procuring an armory worthy of the name. For this purpose the Colonel appointed the following officers a committee to secure a site and the necessary municipal appro priation for a new armory : Surgeon E. T. T. Marsh, Adjutant A. T. Francis, Captains Charles A. Hess, Andrew C. Zabris- kie, and L. Frank Barry. In the meantime activity was going on in organizing the "Harlem" company ; a company could not be mustered in until it had fifty men, while many more than that number had from time to time been gathered into fold, others tired of waiting, slipped away. Practice at Creedmoor was satisfactory, 244 men were present on practice day and good work was done. Colonel McAlpin took a vacation, going to Dakota, but the work went on the same. The "returns for the quarter ending September 30th, showed a gain of thirty-nine over the previous quarter, a total of 535. The regiment received 125 additional uniforms, for the recruits. Since Colonel McAlpin took command, 232 names had been added to the rolls. October 17th, the regiment was inspected and mustered. There was a review that was followed by the muster. The figures were: Present, 427; absent, 108; total, 535. Last February, when Colonel McAlpin took command, there were only 432 men on the rolls. Of these 160 had been dropped, discharged and expelled, leaving 274. Since that time 263 had been recruited, making the total 535. At least fifty more men could have been present had there been uniforms for them. Nevertheless there was much to be done before the old ship could be considered water-tight; two companies were in a weak condition, causing much anxiety, and Company E was not yet mustered in ; being still in embryo. Drills were going on and everything being done to keep up steam. Everyone was satisfied and pleased with what had been done during the year 1885. 458 [1886 18 8 6 The same activity continued into the winter of 1886, the officers and non-commissioned officers assembled on Tuesday evenings for instructions, the former by the Major and the latter by the Adjutant. Later the Colonel issued orders for battalion drills in March ; Companies B, C, F and I in undress every Friday evening, superintended by the Lieutenant Colonel, and com panies D, G, H and K on Tuesday evenings by the Major. A long hoped for trip, by the Veterans, was proposed ; it was a visit to the battlefield of Bull Run and Richmond. The subject was taken up by the officers, and a committee consisting of the Colonel, Major and Captain Barry was ap pointed to make the necessary arrangements. This committee later reported the following programme : The command to sail on Saturday, April 24th, in a steamer of the Old Dominion Line for West Point, Va., and from there to go to Richmond; there to be reviewed by the governor, visit the Libby Prison, and to other points of in terest. On Tuesday morning the regiment to start for Bull Run battlefield and afterwards returning to Richmond, then go to Petersburg. Then go to Newport News, where they would embark for home, reaching the city on April 29th. The cost of the trip to the men to be $10 each. From the N. Y. "Tribune," March 17th : "Richmond, Va., March 16th, Colonel E. A. McAlpin, Major Frederick Kopper and Captains Charles A. Hess and L. Frank Barry, the committee of the Seventy-first Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G., appointed to arrange for the visit of that regi ment here on April 2-1 th, arrived here on the steamer 'Guyan- dotte' yesterday. They were met by Colonel Spottwood and the field staff officers of the First Virginia Militia, and last night completed all the arrangements for the reception and entertainment of the visiting regiment. There is every reason to believe that the Seventy-first will parade 400 men upon that occasion, and that the excursion will be a success." From the same, March 18th : "The visit of the 71st to Richmond * * * has been postponed to July 21st, which is the anniversary of the battle of Bull Run. * * * The joint committee of the regiment 1886] 459 and veterans has resolved to continue the collections from members of the regiment, veterans and guests. All the com mittees and sub-committees as now organized will continue to act. The strongest argument used to induce this delay was that this is the busy season * * * while July is a season of rest." On Friday evening, April 16th, the regiment was paraded in the armory for drill and inspection by the Colonel. And on Friday evening, the 30th, also paraded for the presentation of marksmen's badges. It paraded as usual on Decoration Day, of which the N. Y. "Tribune" said: "The Seventy-first, Colonel Edwin A. McAlpin, which was the last of this brigade showed wonderful improvement since last year. Its new officers have evidently infused new life into it. Its full band, led by Prof. Eben, and its large drum, fife and bugle corps preceded 10 commands of 18 files." files." On June 8th, the regiment went to Creedmoor for rifle practice. Thus it will be seen that, including company and battalion drills, there had been hard work well into the summer, keep ing up the interest of officers, men and public alike. About the first of August the Guard was surprised by an order issued from the Adjutant General (Josiah Porter) office,, abolishing all division organizations and re-organizing the eight brigades into four. This placed the New York regi ments in one brigade (the First) ; and the Brooklyn regi ments all in the second brigade. In September, a meeting of the Colonels of the 1st Brigade was held at which General Fitzgerald presided, a proposition to ask that the State give each regiment a certain sum of money for each man to purchase a uniform, instead of issuing uniforms to each, was considered at some length, but no con clusion was reached. The Colonels of the 7th and 22d Regi ments were in favor of it, as it would enable their men to buy their distinctive uniforms without going into their pockets. The other colonels generally were disposed to favor it, if by this means they would be enabled to resume sooner or later their old full dress, uniform and lay aside that issued by the State. Company drills were resumed in September. October 6th 460 [1886 the regiment was on parade at the annual Governor's Review, of this the "Evening Telegram" said : "The Seventy-first Regiment received many commenda tions from officers of the highest rank for its splendid appear ance and behavior at the Governor's Review last Wednesday, and it was conceded by those who have the right to decide such matters that it now ranks as the third regiment in the National Guard of this State. "The inspection of the regiment will take place at the armory, Broadway and 36th Street, next Tuesday evening, October 12th. This will be a most excellent opportunity to show how utterly unsuited and inadequate is this armory for the requirements of this regiment." By invitation, on Wednesday, July 7th, the officers of the regiment, at 6 P. M., met the Colonel at the Manhattan Hotel (corner Broadway and Canal Street), being in fatigue uniform, and were entertained at dinner. Early in the summer, after the military exercises were over, Colonel McAlpin took a trip to Europe, the officers of the regiment hired a tug and a band, giving him a send-off by escorting the steamer down the Bay. During his absence, they prepared a photographic album of the officers, and arranged for a dinner to be given him on his return. From the "Sunday Mercury" of October 3d: "Colonel McAlpin has officially assumed command. The regiment will assemble next Wednesday for the Governor's Review at 1 :30 o'clock. The board of officers assembled on Tuesday evening with Colonel McAlpin in the chair. After the transaction of some minor business, Captain Francis arose, and in a well-turned speech, presented to the Colonel the handsome album on behalf of the officers of the regiment. The album is made of seal skin, heavily mounted with oxidized silver. On the front side is a silver plate engraved: 'These are Clan-Alpine warriors true!' Colonel McAlpin arose, and in a feeling speech thanked the officers for their present, and congratulated them upon the excellent condition of the regi ment. He confirmed the 'Mercury's' 'little earthquake' by saying that officers who did not properly perform their duties must go. Said he, 'The axe soon will fall.' "Major Wallace A. Downs has been appointed Adjutant. He was Adjutant and afterwards Major of the old 16th Bat talion, and has been for the last sixteen years instructor in a military school at Sing-Sing. He now resides in this 1886] 461 city. * * * The new company E, which is being organized in Harlem, by ex-Captain A. W. Belknap, is doing well." From the same, October 17th: "The Seventy-first assembled in its 'chicken-coop' on Tuesday, the 12th, for annual muster and inspection. The space was so small that the regiment over-lapped and the whole thing was spoiled on account of the size of the armory. The muster shows the following result : F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGH IK T't'l Present 9 11 43 19 35 88 28 37 41 56 43 410 Absent 0 0 15 7 8 14 39 20 8 20 15 146 Total 9 11 58 26 43 102 67 57 49 76 58 556 "There were 20 officers present and 4 absent. Last year the figures were : Present, 427 ; absent, 108 ; total, 535. The percentage was 79.81. "In his report in regard to the recent inspection of the 71st Regiment, Assistant Adjutant-General Thomas H. McGrath, while highly commending the condition of the com mand as compared with that of last year, speaks very plainly concerning certain company officers. " He says : 'The very marked improvement in the general appearance and discipline of the Seventy-first is in the ex treme gratifying. While it is a fact that this inspection is the best, as compared with the past several years, considering the regiment as a whole, it is a matter of regret that its fur ther approach to perfection is restrained by the condition of Companies B and F. How commanding officers can receive and retain commissions with so little apparent knowledge of their duties is a wonder to me. In all other respects the regi ment is to be congratulated for its prosperity.' . "Concerning Company B, whose total strength at the time of inspection, was only 26, Colonel McGrath declares that its discipline is 'very poor,' its execution of the manual of arms 'very poor,' and its military appearance 'very poor,' and continues : 'Muster roll in very bad shape. The com manding officer seems ignorant of the simplest requirements. of tactics. The company is so far below the minimum strength?, that unless a change for the better soon becomes evident it: should be disbanded.' "Of Company F, he says: 'Discipline not good. Men un steady and inattentive. Manual poor. Equipments carelessly/ adjusted.' He adds : 'This company needs a most decided shaking up. As presented for inspection it evidenced a de cided lack of life and enterprise. The number absent is dis graceful. The Captain does not appear to be impregnated with the requisites of a good commanding officer.' There were 28 462 [1886-87 present at the inspection of this company and 39 absent, out of an aggregate of 67. "Of Company C, on the contrary, the inspecting officer says : 'The company presented a very_ neat and soldierly ap pearance. Equipments properly adjusted. Men attentive and steady. Although it is below the minimum there is every in dication of prosperity. Drill, discipline, and appearance are very good.' "Captain Augustus T. Francis, of Company C, has been complimented upon the excellent condition of his command and, Captain T. Wain-Morgan Draper of Company B, has resigned, and Captain Thomas A. McBain, of Company F, has been informed by Colonel McAlpin, that he must either im prove the condition of his company or resign." On the 19th of October, the regiment went to Creedmoor for rifle practice. 18 8 7 The subject most prominent before the "Guard" in the city, was armories; provisions had been made for the 8th, 12th and the 22d; the 9th was making strenuous efforts in the same direction, but owing to its Colonel being unpopular with one of the members of the armory board, it received no attention; a change in the board, however, by bringing on it Coleman (Tax Commissioner), gave renewed hopes. Mr. Coleman brought before that board the proposal, with changes, similar to that which the 7th and 71st had tried to get through the Legislature ; he proposed to tear down the old Reservoir on Fifth Avenue and 40th and 42d streets, turn the whole square into a park, and on the Sixth Avenue end, to put an armory to be used exclusively by the 9th and 71st regiments. For ten days at least the papers (editorially and other wise), discussed the subject; diagrams were published, inter views and letters also. The "Herald" especially devoted much space; in large type for head lines, it said: "Tear Down the Reservoir, Tax Commissioner Coleman wants its masonry for new armory buildings. saving over a million dollars. two armories in bryant park, facing slxth avenue." much excitement, much discussion, hopes and fears and that was the end of it. The 71st turned its attention to the taking of another 1887] 463 left-over, and had its eye on the possibility of getting the building occupied by the 12th when they moved into their new armory. When Colonel McAlpin was elected, the Major had been in commission as such since October 4th, 1884. Fie was not present at the election, nor had he been near the regiment up to the time of its going to camp in 1885. He was unknown to those officers commissioned since the election of the colonel, and there was much curiosity on their part to see him ; he had written that he would be present in camp ; his luggage arrived there but he did not. There was much opposition to him among members of the staff and several of the line officers who knew him, so much so that it was understood that if he absented himself for six months, that the Colonel would take advantage of the law and have the office declared vacant. It was about seven months before he reported for duty; no action was taken re garding his absence. It did not take long to discover him to be an adept in machiavellism ; with adroitness and suavity he went quietly to work laying his wires for promotion ; Lieutenant Colonel Palmer having intimated his intention of resigning, which he did February 17th, 1887. So nicely did the Major pull his wire of which he was a "past master," that on February 24th, he was elected to fill the vacancy with hardly any opposition, there being no candidate to oppose him ; owing to some mysterious influence with the Colonel caused the quick and sudden call for an election. Among some of the officers, a dissatisfaction was ex pressed with the band; Prof. Eben was very deaf, yet, strange-. to say, he was quick to detect a false note in his band; he- was much attached to the regiment; like most men whose life- is devoted to one profession, he was decided in his views re garding quality and character of music; he preferred classic, and detested "ragtime." His arrangement with the regiment. was liberal, as he furnished the uniforms for the band, and.: there was no expense for anything but the small allowance: made to him personally; however, it was decided to make a change. At this time there was a celebrated cornetist named Liberati, an Italian, who like most of his kind, was carried 464 [1887 away with his success and thought if he could have a band of his own, that the fame of "Liberati's Band" would startle the world. At any rate, a contract was made with him, the regiments to furnish the uniforms for the band. Tb,e 23d were very much pleased to engage Prof. Eben, only a partial consolation to him, as the 71st was his love. •During the last two years, the Veteran's Harlem Com pany was hard at work, striving to at any one time get the requisite complement of men to enable them to be mustered :in as Company E, but as stated before, it was difficult to hold 'them together. To overcome this it was decided to enlist the men into Company B ; this company made such a poor showing at the last inspection as to call forth severe criticism from the in spector ; there were but about three or four reliable men in it ; the few others were easily disposed of; Captain Belknap was made its captain; he then enlisted his men (about 35). They were a fine lot of young men and full of local en thusiasm; they retained their room at 228 West 125th Street and called themselves "The Harlem Company" Company B, Seventy-first Regiment; there they drilled two nights each week; on April 27th, they held a reception in their rooms, which was a great success. During the spring hard work was going on in the regi ment; drills, company and battalion, were held; Companies F and G elected new captains, and general repairs all along the line were made wherever necessary. Colonel McAlpin, having obtained for the regiment the old armory recently occupied by the 12th, on the evening of April 25th, the regiment assembled in its old armory, where it had seen so many trials and troubles; after it was formed, it bade farewell to old scenes and varied recollections, marched out into the brightly lighted street up Broadway to 45th Street, little thinking they would ever return to the old quarters. Marching into the building the companies were assigned to their rooms and all soon were busy in putting things to rights. As an armory, it was nothing to brag about, but in many ways it was an improvement, especially in its large drill-room. 1887] 465 The place was in an unfit condition for occupancy, and much repairing was required. In the meantime, no relaxation on the part of the com mittee on procuring a site for an armory; they were alive to any suggestion that was made as to a possible site, having waited so long, it was deemed advisable to get what they wanted rather than to jump at any proposition. The difficulty was to get a plot where they wanted to go that was large enough, the one they had their eyes upon was the block bounded by Fourth and Lexington and 34th and 33d streets, about 200 by 400 feet ; it belonged to the Harlem R. R. Company. Wm. H. Vanderbilt offered it to the Vete rans for $300,000, they to take it on their terms. However, they were not investing, and there being a cloud upon the title the city was not disposed to do anything with it. Then it was proposed to go to Harlem as a good recruiting ground ; blocks between Fifth and Seventh avenues, 110th to 117th streets, were vacant and offered at a low price ; that at Fifth Avenue and 110th Street being seriously considered. On the evening of April 19th, an election was held to fill the office of Major, made vacant by the promotion of Major Kopper; there were two candidates: Adjutant Downs, and Captain Barry. The Adjutant was favored by the Colonel, while those who thought his connection with the regiment was of too recent a date for promotion, favored Captain Barry. who had grown up with the regiment. Considerable feeling was exhibited. Colonel McAlpin was away at the time; his candidate was the Adjutant, who had accepted that position with the expectation however, that he should receive the majority when vacated; the Lieutenant Colonel was opposed to him and encouraged Captain Barry, with whom however, he was not on very good terms, but who by rank and term of service was entitled to promotion. The result of the election was: Downs 12; Barry 10; although Downs was elected, the closeness of the vote and the action by the Lieutenant Colonel so incensed the Colonel that he sent in his resignation. The customary parade was made on Decoration Day, in which of course the regiment participated, and it was said that "The regiment looked handsome." 466 [1887 The N. Y. "Tribune" of June 6th said : "Company C, 71st Regiment, Captain Francis, paraded 95 per cent of his membership on Decoration Day, an unequaled record ; the following members of this company have not been absent from a single drill during the past season : 1st Sergt. W. L. Royal; Privates J. J. Atkinson, L. W. Francis, F. A. Holzer and J. L. Kaizer. "After the parade the regiment marched to the Grand Central depot, where it was met by the Veterans and the 'Old Guard.' All took a special train of fourteen cars for Sing Sing, N. Y., to take part in the ceremonies at the unveiling of a soldiers' monument. "Upon their arrival at Sing Sing, the command was met and escorted to the place where the ceremony was to be held, by a Grand Army Post. The 71st had 450 men besides Liberati's band, the Veterans numbered 30 and the 'Old. Guard' 60 men. "After an oration by the Hon. Waldo Hutchins the monu ment was unveiled, and the military marched through the village. After the parade was over, the visitors marched to Colonel Edwin A. McAlpin's fine country seat, 'Hillside,' where a bounteous entertainment was provided for all. "The dress parade on the large lawn was witnessed and applauded by many people. "It was a charming day, and the view from the Colonel's spacious grounds was fine, giving zest to the sharp appetites of all. It was a most enjoyable function, saddened only by the fear of losing the Colonel, who had resurrected the 71st, and whose work was not yet finished. "On the return home the 71st escorted the 'Old Guard' to the armory of the latter at Fifth Avenue and Fourteenth Street, and afterwards marched back to its own armory and was there dismissed. The men behaved splendidly and were warmly commended by their officers. "A petition signed by all the officers of the 71st Regi ment, asking Colonel McAlpin to reconsider his resolution to resign his commission, was presented to him. The pressure of business in his tobacco factories was assigned as the cause of his determination. It is hoped that he will remain with the regiment, which has been greatly improved under his command." Much to the regret of the friends of the regiment, which was so splendidly making improvement, the Colonel did not reconsider, and in June his resignation was accepted; especial ly were all anxious, as they believed that the real cause of his resignation was the insidious acts of his Lieutenant. There is no success like success, and future historians of the regiment must bear testimony to the fact that the 1887] 467 work by Colonel McAlpin and those who he was able to bring to his aid, did a miracle in the resurrection of the regi ment from the depth in which it was when he took command two years previous. But it must be borne in mind that it might not have been accomplished with any other regiment, for (with very few exceptions) no regiment had so many friends in all grades of influence, who were ready to help those who were in authority to restore the 'American Guard' to resume the position in the military circle to which its proud past entitled it to. Colonel McAlpin was the man to lead ; all had confidence in him to accomplish what the 71st of the future must ever be grateful for; that he was caused to relinquish before his work was finished was to be regretted. The result, when you compare it with the preceeding administration, shows that one may succeed where another may fail. But the 7lst was not built to die; its depth of despair had been reached. Administration of Colonel FREDERIC KOPPER 1887—1891 As the Regiment was to go into camp on July 23d, as soon as the resignation of Colonel McAlpin was accepted, the Lieutenant-Colonel made application for an election to fill the vacancy, which was ordered for the 19th of July. There being no other candidate to oppose him, Lieutenant- Colonel Kopper was elected, those officers not favoring him not voting. From the "Army and Navy Journal," July 24th : "The 71st Regiment left the 44th Street dock at 11:45 A. M., on the steamer 'Long Branch,' reaching Roa Hook at 2:15 o'clock P. M. The 10th Battalion from Albany, (four companies) which was to share the camp, arrived in advance, and marched into camp in an extra pour, the water in places being above shoe tops. They numbered 204 men. "When the 71st arrived at the camp at 3.30 P. M. directly after the 10th, Colonel Spencer, with a gang of men, was attempting to shore up the western slope of the camp in order to keep it from sliding down on the meadows. "When the Regiment left its armory, at 45th Street, the sun was shining brightly, and the streets were lined with patriotic citizens who cheered heartily as the 450 men marched down 44th Street, at the foot of which lay the steamer. Liberati's Band with brand-new uniforms, played most entrancing airs, and the men sang, cracked jokes and whistled to all passing crafts. Lunch was served to the offi cers on board, and there was no sign of rain until the steamer reached Sing Sing, where it ran foul of a perfect deluge. "As the 17st marched in, the 23d marched out, both soaked to the skin. Everybody was in excellent spirits, how ever, except the blower of the trombone, and the peculiar COLONEL FREDERICK KOPPER Plate viii — tfp. 46S 1887] 469 curvature of his instrument kept a rivulet pouring down his spinal column all the way from Roa Hook to the camp." The Regiment had no Lieutenant-Colonel nor any staff except the surgeons, all others being detailed. From the "Army and Navy Journal," August 6th: "When the 71st Regiment marched into camp on Satur day, July 23d, the thunder was rolling and the rain pouring, and the men mighty glad to reach the sheltering protection of the tents without much attempt at display. "The 71st once, was one of the crack regiments of the National Guard, but for a number of years past it has had many hard knocks and especially suffered very much from continued changes in its officers, Field, Staff and Line, as well as from a badly arranged, cramped and rickety armory. "Colonel Kopper was elected to his present position only a week or so ago. The position of Lieutenant-Colonel is un filled; the Major has held his position only a short time. The Commissary and Quartermaster resigned on the eve of the Regiment going to camp, and, although some of the company commanders are numbered among the 'old stand-bys,' many of the younger officers have held their commissions but a short time. "The Regiment a month or so ago, changed its head quarters to the armory then vacated by the 12th. * * * The 71st is clearly watched as to what it will do under its new regime and altered circumstances, and its development is regarded as an interesting problem by the National Guard. "The Colonel, when he took command in camp, was, on account of the loss of two of his principal officers, in a posi tion which cannot be called enviable, although the loss was made up well by the temporary details made to fill the places, as the sequel showed. * * * Even before Guard Mount. everybody knew that Military Courtesies were completely neglected, and that no salutes were rendered by the men at all. The defect was very conspicuous. * * * "We are not prejudiced against the 71st and do not mean to be unfair to them ; we know that in the old armory they labored under particular disadvantages, etc. Something, however, can be learned in a room even smaller than those in the old quarters of the 71st, as well as in a forty-acre lot. * * * They went away a much better organization. * * * "Our criticism may seem severe, but it is in accordance with facts, and entirely fair and well meant. "The 71st has had a hard time of it for many years, and this as well as the very creditable program made during the week in camp, palliates many of their short comings. They have a new head who seems determined to push his command 470 [1887 forward, and if he shows honest efforts in this direction, as we believe he does, he should receive the support of all. * * *" The 22d Regiment, which was to relieve the 71st, with the exception of a portion that came up in the boat, marched from New York; caught in the storm they had a sorry time of it; wet, muddy, and tired, they arrived in camp at 10 o'clock A. M. There was no formal reception, however, until 3 o'clock P. M., when the boat arrived with the remainder of the regiment. From the "Sun" of July 31st: «* * * Tjie 22d, drawn up in line on the road, awaited the march-out of the troops. Then, band playing and colors flying, at 2:40, the 71st marched out with long, swinging step. * * * "The 71st was glad to get away from camp, because the mercury had jumped up to 93 degrees. Clouds gathered and a few drops of rain fell. Lieutenant Stone and the out post guard were missing. An ambulance was sent for them. The delay was caused by a failure on the part of the 22d's guard to relieve them. "* * * The sail down the river was delightful. They landed at the foot of 21st Street and marched to the armory." From the N. Y. "Tribune," July 31st: "A large crowd hovered about 24th Street and Broadway yesterday, all looking expectantly up the street and then down the street at the slightest nqise and every little while turning their eyes upward to the large windows of the armory of the 71st Regiment. T wish they would come,' said one pretty girl, but she was told that she would not see them until 7 o'clock. It was 6:50 when the steamer 'Long Branch' ap peared at West 21st Street and poured out a mass of red- faced, grimy, human confusion, heavily laden with guns, blue uniforms, white helmets, knapsacks and canteens. "In a remarkably short time, the seeming confusion was straightened out, and the march toward the armory began. It was a curious-looking crowd that entered the big doors in Broadway a little later. 'We had a glorious time, but we had enough of it,' was the general verdict as the men wiped their faces and rested for a moment. 'One reason why we did not get down earlier was because the 22d did not relieve our outpost. We gave them our tents at 3 o'clock, but they did not give us a relief on the picket duty until 4:05 P. M. "The Regiment assembled in the large hall as soon as 1887] 471 possible, and there Colonel Kopper addressed the men. He told them he was proud of the way they acquitted them selves in camp, spoke of the high average which they main tained in military discipline and ended by telling the men of the words of praise that General Porter had spoken in regard to the final dress parade of the Regiment. "As he concluded the men responded with the regimental cheer, after which they were dismissed." Captain Barry was much incensed at his defeat for Major, but was consoled by the Colonel, who, jollying him with a promise of his support for the office of Lieutenant- Colonel when the election was ordered, and then he turned around and hunted up another candidate in the person of James A. Dennison. Captain Barry, seeing through the deceit of the Colonel, sent in his resignation. The regiment went to camp with a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant-Colonel, naturally, promotion would have seemed the proper thing, but for reasons not publicly ex pressed, the Colonel was opposed to that course, and through the recommendation of friends at General Headquarters, pre sented in the following letter to commandants of companies a candidate : HEADQUARTERS 71st REGIMENT, N. G., S. N. Y. Armory, Broadway and Forty-Fifth Street, New York, September 9th, 1887. Dear Sir: In compliance with the almost unanimous request of the officers, I present the name of a suitable candidate for the vacant Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the regiment. I suggest for your favorable consideration, Mr. James A. Dennison, gradu ated at West Point in 1870, and was assigned to the 2d Ar tillery and subsequently transferred to the 8th Cavalry and resigned August 31st, 1872. He entered the Egyptian army as Lieutenant-Colonel and served with distinction in both campaigns under General Long, who personally commends his bravery, judgment and ability. Colonel Dennison, on his return, accepted the captaincy of the 8th Separate Company, Johnstown, N. Y., and was rendered supernumerary December 21st, 1877, on his re moval to Albany as assistant Attorney-General. At the expiration of his term of office, Mr. Dennison moved to New York City, where he has since resided, and formed a law partnership with ex-Attorney-General Leslie 472 [1887 W. Russell, the firm being Russell, Dennison & Lattin, No. 32 Nassau Street. Colonel Dennison is a gentlemen of energy and ability, who is willing, if elected to the position, to devote his time and best efforts to the advancement and interest of the regiment. Mr. Dennison is an American by birth and antecedents, well known in professional, military and social circles, and I think his election would be a benefit to the Regiment and the National Guard. I remain yours very truly, FREDERICK KOPPER, Colonel. The election was held on Thursday evening, September 15th; James A. Dennison was elected; Major Downs received five votes. The project of making a trip to Richmond and the Bull Run battlefield had been revived. In accordance with a resolution of the Board of Officers, Colonel Kopper appointed a committee to report on the subject at the next meeting of the Board, to be held on the second Tuesday in October. The committee consisted of Colonel Kopper, Captains Francis and Goss, and Lieutenants Tilden and Bangs. During the month of October the vacancies on the Staff were filled by the appointment of W. E. D. Stokes as Quar termaster, Edgar A. Auchincloss as Commissary and the Rev. William S. Rainsford, as Chaplain. Nothing but the best for the 71st, and the Colonel was certainly entitled to credit for being able to bring influence to persuade gentlemen of their social position and standing to accept appointments on his staff. From the N. Y. "Times," October 16th: "Recruiting is brisk and a feeling of contentment and interest is manifested throughout the 71st Regiment. Colonel Kopper's staff is now complete. Adjutant Philip S. Tilden was formerly First Lieutenant of Company B, in this com mand. Surgeon E. T. T. Marsh was reappointed. Assistant Surgeon William R. Pryor is a son of General Roger A. Pryor (C.S.A.). Captain Charles H. Hoyt is a well-known member of the 7th Regiment rifle team. Quartermaster Stokes is prominent in society circles and is a large owner of real estate. Commissary Auchincloss is a member of the firm of Auchincloss Brothers, merchants. The new Chaplain is the Rev. Mr. Rainsford, the well-known rector of St. George's Episcopal Church. 1887] 473 "John Noble Golding was elected Second Lieutenant of Company C last Friday evening; he is an old member of the Regiment, and was at one time on the non-commissioned staff. He is an excellent soldier, fully qualified, and his selec tion was a wise one. "Company B will elect a First Lieutenant on Tuesday evening in Adjutant Tilden's place and Lieutenant C. H. Smith will receive the unanimous vote of the Company for the office." The fall inspection and muster was held in the Armory on October 21st: F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGHI K Total Present 9 9 54 38 39 74 43 34 55 58 61 474 Absent 0 2 3 3 5 17 8 16 16 17 5 92 Total 9 11 57 41 44 91 51 50 71 75 66 566 This was the finest inspection the Regiment had made in ten years, especially in the number of absentees ; no band included in present or total. It shows a steady improvement from the time Colonel McAlpin took command, and which up to the period of his resignation should be credited to him, as what follows this, should be credited to his successors. From the N. Y. "Tribune," November 2d: ''It is expected that the site of the new armory of the 71st Regiment will be located near 110th Street, west of Central Park. It will be difficult to purchase a suitable site much further downtown for the amount of money to be appropriated.'" During the Fall the band leader disappeared; the leader ship fell to his assistant, Mezzacapo; that was the last of Signor Liberati. From the "Sunday Mercury," December 4th, 1887: "The parade of the 71st last Thursday evening was an excellent one, but few errors creeping in to mar its perfection. The formation, though fair, was a trifle slow. * * * The Regiment was reviewed in line and marched in review before General Fitzgerald and staff. The men were uncommonly steady and presented a military appearance that surprised the old soldiers who knew the Regiment under Vose. * * * "After the review the officers were dismissed and the 474 [1887 marksmen for last year, numbering about forty, were called to the front and presented with their badges. '^Charles F. Homer of the Veteran Corps was then intro duced. He, in a fine and well-chosen speech, presented the Regiment with a bronze statuette, 'The Fencer,' to be a perpetual prize to be shot for by teams of five, from the (various companies, the winning team to hold it one year. This is an individual prize of Colonel Homer's and not one offered by the Veterans. Colonel Kopper accepted it in a neat speech. * * * The turnout numbered 410, including officers and men. After the military exercises were com pleted the Field and Staff retired to the officers' room, where they handsomely entertained the General and Staff. * * * A circular will be issued Monday, giving the conditions and description of the 'Long Service' medal, soon to be presented. The medals will be awarded as follows: Ten years, bronze; fifteen years, silver; twenty years, gold; and twenty-five years, gold with diamonds. "The Regiment will present the bronze decoration, and the others will be presented in a way not yet decided upon. All active members who have served ten years, and veterans also are entitled to it. Those who served in the old 37th, and afterwards in the 71st, when the two were consolidated, will also be included. One year's service in the Army or Navy of the United States will be counted as two years in the Regiment. * * * "The medal is in the shape of a Maltese cross, with '71st' in relief. There will be a bar attached with a blue ribbon. "Company B has been spreading itself, and last week purchased a handsome piano at a cost of $400, which has been placed in the Harlem headquarters. * * *" From the same, December 11th: "The Board of Officers of the 71st Regiment will meet next Tuesday evening. The election for civil officers will will not be held until the January meeting. The joint com mittee of the Veteran corps and active regiment on the Bull Run trip will be held on next Tuesday night, week. "The committee has secured plans, railroad rates, etc., and the way of taking the trip will be decided at this meeting. The school of instruction for non-commissioned officers met on Fri day evening. The instructors were Lieutenant Colonel Denni son and Adjutant Tilden. The first meeting of the reorganized ambulance corps will be held next Friday evening; Major Marsh has asked that two men be detailed from each company which has less than fifty men and three from the companies having more than that number." (There was no separate hospital corps at this time.) 1888] 475 18 8 8 From the "Sunday Mercury," January 15th, 1888: "The annual meeting of the board of officers of the 71st Regiment was held on Tuesday (10th) evening. Captain Francis was re-elected treasurer and Lieutenant Harris sec retary. The treasurer's report and the receipts, estimates, etc., for 1888 show a most flattering condition of the regi mental finances. If it was not for the debt of band uniforms and equipments incurred under the last administration, not paid for, but will have to be paid this year, there would be a large surplus. * * * "The question of music has been discussed; there has been several exhibitions in the armory, and the committee met on Friday evening to further discuss the matter. "The Bull Run Committee also met on Friday evening. A circular will be issued setting forth the plans and cost of the trip. This will then be acted upon by the several com panies. "Orders will be issued on Monday (16th) evening direct ing the companies to assemble as follows for inspection by Lieutenant-Colonel McGrath of the Inspector General's de partment: G, January 23d; B, the 24th; F, the 25th; L>, the 26th; A, the 29th; I, the 30th; H, the 31st; K, February 1st, and C, February 3d. * * * "The school for instruction for commissioned officers was held last Monday evening. It is whispered that in pur suance of the warning given when these schools were estab lished, Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison will make sundry recom mendations as to officers who show their ignorance, and those who confess theirs, by staying away, which will most assuredly be acted on promptly. Form No. 96 (resignation) may be needed in some instances." A portion of the building being occupied by the regiment was used by the 2d Battery, their entrance being on the street; the city having leased a building on Broadway, cor ner of 52d Street for it, the drill room they used was added to the quarters of the 71st, the smaller rooms being taken for Brigade headquarters. On Saturday, January 28th, the Regiment held a concert and hop at the armory; it was an extremely cold night, how ever, there was a large number of guests present— the band master was Mezzacapo. Egotism and women had been the 476 [1886 undoing of Liberati; he had fled and his leader, a little jump- jack of a fellow, undertook to run the band. From the N. Y. "Tribune," January 29th : "In spite of the discouragement attending the futile effort made last year in behalf of an excursion of the 7lst Regiment to the battlefield of Bull Run, where the Regi ment fought in 1861, another movement is on foot for a visit to the historic place during the coming summer. * * * "If it is decided to go, the Regiment will leave this city on Friday evening, July 20th, and will return on the night of Monday, the 23d, so that only one day and a half will be taken from the ordinary hours of business. It is estimated that the expense of the excursion will not exceed $10 for each man. Cordial reception for the Regiment is promised in Virginia and the trip is likely to be a most enjoyable one. From the "Sunday Mercury," February 19th: "The Board of Officers of the 71st Regiment met on Tuesday evening; Colonel Kopper was absent, attending the Governor's Reception in Albany. The new by-laws were passed. They are very simple and do away with a number of useless committees. It was voted that the officers appear in uniform at the promenade concert on March 10th. The most important measure was the adoption of a distinctive full dress uniform. The uniform was the old one, with the ex ception that the trimmings are white instead of blue. "Captain Francis, desiring to hear the Colonel's views, moved the matter be reconsidered at the next meeting, which Will be done. "Several companies had preliminary practice last week for the shooting for the 'Homer' trophy. * * * A num ber of the officers, men and Veterans will go to New Haven next Wednesday to attend the reception of the 'New Haven Blues,' Captain Embler. The Captain was once commandant of Company H, of the 71st. "There is quite a muss in Company I over the discharge of Captain L. Frank Barry. The Company claims that Colonel Kopper acted in bad faith in not holding the resig nation of Captain Barry after he, as they claim, promised to do so. Colonel Kopper claims that he ascertained that the better element of the Company did not want the resignation held, and he accordingly sent it forward. Some of the Com pany are angry and refuse to drill. For two weeks they have collected around the armory and but few men drilled. Tomorrow evening the men who come will be drilled, and those who refused to drill will be summarily dealt with ac- 1888] 477 cording to law. Colonel Kopper proposes to take measures to fit the emergency. It is insubordination, the penalty of which is severe. "A member writes the following: " 'To the Editor of the 'Sunday Mercury' — I crave a small portion of your space to call attention to an announcement which appeared in your issue of the 12th instant ; I mean the resignations of Captain L. Frank Barry and Lieutenant Davis. I don't know where the writer got his information, but, whoever said these gentlemen were not sincere in their action must be an outsider or one of a small clique who by a plentiful application of mud would fain strip this Regiment of its best and most efficient officers. Suffice it to say, how ever, that the clique referred to is not going to have matters arranged according to its liking, and allow me to announce that Captain Barry has applied for re-instatement at the almost unanimous request of the Company of which he has been Captain and which are resolved to have no other for their commandant. 'By publishing this you will much oblige, 'One interested in the Guard.' " From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 3d: "Company B, 71st Regiment, Captain A. W. Belknap drilled on Tuesday, February 21st, and turned out twelve files, three commissioned officers. The Company is com posed of young men, and every uniform was clean. The men are, no doubt, a class that will make good soldiers and have very efficient officers. This company won the 'Belknap' trophy for the year, which was offered to that company of the old 1st Brigade for recruiting and efficiency. "The trophy is an inducement for the smaller companies, for in a strong company there is no room for recruiting, and they are fairly efficient. The company, however, did not drill as many men as they had recruited; evidently they did not stay in long, or do not attend drills. * * *" From the same, March 24th: "Company C, 71st Regiment, Captain A. T. Francis, as sembled for drill on Friday, March 16th. They turned out eight files. The company was quickly formed by the first ser geant. The men were quick in all their movements and paid attention to all the commands, and everything they did was done with a snap, and the few mistakes that were made were corrected by the non-commissioned officers. "The company drilled in the manual, which was well exe cuted except secure arms. The loading and firings by num bers was good, and the men went through it as one man. * * * 478 [1888 The firing without numbers was excellent, showing that the men were thoroughly instructed. * * * The instructions were very good, and the commands quick and decisive. * * * "Company A, 71st Regiment, Captain C. M. Kennedy, as sembled for drill on Friday, March 16th, and turned out twelve files. The company was not formed until fifteen minutes after the time and an important point in all company drills is, that the company should form promptly, at the proper time. The men seemed to have no style or snap about them. "The company was turned over to the instructor and the men drilled in the manual of arms, which was fairly done, and it was readily seen that the men could drill, and the mistakes were made through carelessness or want of attention. The in structor explained everything in a plain manner. * * *" From the same, April 14th : "The 71st is making extensive preparations for their trip to the battlefield of Bull Run, Va., and to the city of Rich mond. They will leave on Friday evening, July the 20th, and return on Monday, July the 23d. "They will visit the cities of Baltimore and Washington and take in different points of interest thereat, and also call upon the President. The regiment hopes to take about 500 men with a full band and drum corps ; the Veterans of the regiment who served in the rebellion will accompany the regiment." In April, at the meeting of the Board of Officers, the ques tion of a full-dress uniform for the regiment came up, and after some discussion it was referred to a committee, com posed of Captains Belknap, Francis, Dressell, Lieutenant Deike and Q. M. Stokes. In April, L. Frank Barry was re-elected Captain of Com pany I by a vote of 37 to 3. He did not accept. From the "Army and Navy Journal," June 2d : "The 71st Regiment assembled at the armory on Monday evening, May 28th, for review and presentation of marksmen's badges. The command was formed into nine companies, twelve files, in State service uniform. In consequence of the continued illness of the Colonel, the command was turned over to Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison. Line was formed quickly, and the manual of arms well executed. * * * The marching of the companies before the reviewing officer was very good, and the salutes of the officers good. * * * After the presenta tion of marksmen's badges the regiment was called to an at tention and the guests of the evening, Company A, 1st Vir- 1888] 479 ginia, Captain C. Grey Bossieux, marched by the regiment in column of fours, amid the plaudits of the audience, who made the building ring with applause, and the regiment was then dismissed. "Company H, Captain A. P Delcambre, escorted the vis itors to a banquet and the balance of the evening was spent with good cheer and song." From the same, July 21st: "The regiment has made all arrangements for the Rich mond trip, and all the committees of the several companies are hard at work enlisting the members for the excursion. * * * The regiment will be cared for, and quartered in the armory of the 1st Virginia N. G. during their stay in Richmond. "Colonel Kopper, having recovered from his illness, 'has resumed command and will go with the regiment to Rich mond. Lieutenant C. H. Smith of B, who has been detailed to command Company I until a captain is elected, will command that company on the trip. "The resignation of Captain James E. Place has been ac cepted. From the same, July 28th : "The 71st Regiment, under command of Colonel Kopper, with 350 men, and the Veterans, 50 men, commanded by Cap tain White, left the armory on Friday evening, July 20th, and marched to the Ferry at 23d Street, where a boat was ready to take them to the station at Jersey City. The command ar rived at the city of Fredericksburg, Va., on Saturday at 6 A. M., where a detachment of the Richmond Howitzers, under command of Major W. E. Simmons and Captain Beauregard Lorraine, received them. "On their arrival in Richmond the 1st Regiment (Rich mond Greys) were in line to receive them. The visitors stacked arms, and Major T. Taylor Ellyson then extended the freedom of the city in a few neat and witty remarks, which was replied to by Colonel Kopper. "The men were taken in charge by the Richmond Greys, and were taken to all points of interest in and about Rich mond. At sunset the military had a dress parade. "They left Richmond the next morning at 8 o'clock, arriv ing at Manassas about 2 P. M.,* stopping at the only public house at that place, from which all who desired visiting the battlefield were conveyed there by teams. After the return *"Were met by a large crowd of men, women and children; left at 4 P. M.; rode to battlefield in wagons; rode to the Lewis House and grounds in that vicinity; a few of the men went to 71st Regiment grounds; returned after dark. Concert by band in the evening. July 23d, left Manassas at 9 A. M. for Washington (from Woolsey's diary)." 480 [1888 from the field, where the regiment fought its first battle, twenty-seven years ago, the regiment next proceeded to Washington, where Colonel W. G. Moore of the Washington Light Infantry, offered the use of its armory. "The regiment was reviewed by the President. The marching of the companies before the stand was good, dis tances well kept and salutes of the officers good. After the re view the regiment marched back to the armory. In the even ing (Monday) the Light Infantry escorted the regiment to the depot, where they entrained for New York, and where they arrived on Tuesday morning, marched to the armory and dis missed. The trip was very successful and the regiment added more to its laurels. From the same, November 3d, 1888 : "The annual parade and review of the 1st and 2d Bri gades took place on Friday, October I9th. There were fre quent showers during the morning, and the streets through which the column marched, were coated with that peculiarly slippery nastiness so familiar to New Yorkers (this was before the day of Colonel Waring). * * * "Following the 9th came that excellent regiment, the 71st, proud of its name, the 'American Guard,' and more justly proud of its very marked improvement in numbers and ap pearance since the last parade. "It is but a few years since the question of disbandment of the regiment, because of its numerous weaknesses, was more than mooted ; but good work, and a transfer to a comparatively commodious armory, have brought the regiment again to its former high rank among the National Guard. "The appearance last Friday was remarkably fine. They paraded nine commands with full ranks ; marched handsomely, and as a whole made a very soldierly parade." From the same, November 17th : "The 71st assembled at its armory on Thursday evening, November the 8th, for their annual inspection and muster. * * * In the number present the regiment shows a slight fall ing off from the last inspection, but quite a number of useless men have been gotten rid of. In one company, we are in formed, twenty men were recently dropped. "The arms and accoutrements and clothing, as a whole, was found to be in a very good condition, and this respect is one of best inspections yet made. F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGHI K Total Present 8 9 65 51 47 65 50 27 46 28 56 452 Absent 1 2 3 5 10 12 8 12 20 22 10 105 Total 9 11 68 56 57 77 58 39 66 50 66 ~557 1888] 481 From the same, December 1st: "Company B, Captain A. W. Belknap, is deserving of the greatest credit for the enterprise it has shown in various di rections. It was organized less than two years ago, with 26 men as a beginning. It fitted up comfortable rooms at 71 West 125th Street for social purposes, and it was at once named the 'Harlem Company,' from the fact that its recruits were generally from that locality. It was fitted out with the new dress uniform (the one previously worn by the regiment) at its own expense, and is the only company in the regiment as yet supplied with it. The uniform is very showy and handsome, and is made of dark blue cloth, with white cloth and gold trimmings, the coat being a swallow tail. "The company drills regularly once a week at the regi mental armory. Its membership is most select, and it has now 61 men on its roll. On the evening of November 22d they gave a most enjoyable reception at the West End Hall, 125th Street. * * *" A reference to the inspection of 1887 will show that the main reason for the falling off of the number present at this one was on the part of Company I, being 30 less. Compare this with the inspection of 1889. The company rebuked the cause of the resignation of Captain Barry. It will be noted that the first year shows very little change in the numerical strength. From the "Army and Navy Journal," December 1st: "The Armory Board met at the Mayor's Office, Novem ber 24th and decided to buy the property on Park Avenue, be tween 33d and 34th Streets, for an armory at the price of $400,000. It has not been agreed upon as yet whether the 9th or the 71st will be awarded quarters in the new structure when erected." From the same, December 15th: "The Armory Board met December 7th, at the Mayor's Office, City Hall, and approved the legal papers prepared by the corporation counsel for the condemnation of the land at Park Avenue and 33d and 34th Streets for an armory site for the 71st Regiment. * * *" During the Fall the regiment again changed their band, Mr. Arthur A. Clappe, from Philadelphia, being selected as its bandmaster. The choice of a site for an armory was the one on which 4g2 1888-89 the committee had set its approval. To the heavy work done by Colonel Kopper and the active influence of General Fitz gerald (a member of the Armory Board and a staunch friend of the regiment) it was secured for the 71st. Owing to the flaw in the title it was a question if the property could be used for the purpose required. The present owner had purchased it from the Harlem Railroad Company. To make sure, it was deemed best to have the property condemned. The price eventually paid for it was a very large advance over that which the whole block was offered to the Veterans in 1883. There was a strong feeling among some, especially those living in Harlem, to have the armory located in that locality. 18 8 9 The season opened on January 5th, with a review and presentation of marksmen's badges at the armory. From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 12th : "The desire is universal throughout the 71st Regiment that the site selected at 34th Street and Park Avenue for an armory should be abandoned, and the command given an arm ory uptown in the vicinity of 104th Street or still further up, and very good reasons are set forth as to why this should be done." From the same, January 19th : "Company" C, 71st Regiment, Captain A. T. Francis, as sembled for drill at the armory on the 11th instant, in full- dress (merely the State service with a few additions) uniform, promptly at 8 o'clock, forty men being present. After a very creditable drill, which lasted about one hour, it was marched to the company room, where a special meeting was called by the commandant, who introduced ex-Captain Andrew C. Za- briskie and he, after a few remarks, presented the 'Zabriskie prizes' for rifle shooting during the past season. The first, $40 in gold, was awarded to First Sergeant W. L. Royall ; the sec ond, $30 in gold, to Lieutenant Frank Keck, and the third, $20 in gold, to Private Duncan McDiarmid. "A consolation prize of $15, presented by Assistant Sur geon Pryor, was awarded to Private Frank E. Stair. First Sergeant Royall also received a prize of $10, presented by Sur geon Marsh, for having made forty points in the first class. "A collation was then served by the company to Captain 1889] 483 Zabriskie and other friends, after which a general good time was in order. The company is recruiting rapidly and is to be congratulated on the fine class of young men it is enlisting." "Company B, 71st Regiment, Captain A. W. Belknap, on the evening of January 12th, gave an exhibition drill at West End Hall, in Harlem, which was followed by one of its select and enjoyable receptions. The company fell in promptly, and the manual was well executed. * * * The wheelings were well executed, as was the entire drill, and the company, in their handsome uniform, presenting a fine appearance. At the con clusion of the drill dancing was the next enjoyment." From the same, February 9th : "At a meeting of the Sinking Fund Commission at the Mayor's Office, New York City, 4th instant, the action taken at the last meeting of the Board of 1888, which was against purchasing an armory site at the corner of Park Avenue, 33d and 34th Streets, was rescinded. The measure was at first de feated because there was a controversy between the 9th and 71st Regiments, as to which should be allowed the armory. Comptroller Meyers explained that the 9th would be satisfied with a site at 112th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue." From the same : "Company H, 71st Regiment, Captain A. P. Delcambre, held its annual reception at the armory on the 5th instant, and by special invitation, Company D, 2d Conn. N. G. (New Haven Blues) Captain A. H. Embler, and Company C, same regiment (Sarsfield Guard), Captain T. F. Callahan, were present as guests. The visiting companies, some 138 officers and men, arrived in the city at 8 P. M. and were met at the depot by Company H, 71st Regiment, with the drum corps of the regiment and escorted to the armory, where they were entertained. "In the absence of Mayor Grant, who was to have made an address, Colonel Kopper, in a neat speech made the visitors a hearty welcome, commenting on their fine appearance, and alluding in high terms to the hospitalities displayed at various times by the Connecticut troops and people. "The armory was crowded with guests, who greatly en joyed the dancing, there being eighteen numbers on the order, the music was furnished by the regimental band." From the same, February 16th : "The celebration of the second anniversary of Company B, 71st Regiment, was becomingly celebrated on the 9th instant by special invitation. The members of Alexander Hamilton Post, G. A. R., were present as guests. 484 [1889 "The exercises were opened by a short drill, the different movements being performed in a creditable manner. The com pany was finally brought to open order, and Colonel R. W. Leonard, A. A. G., on the staff of General Fitzgerald, presented the 'Belknap Trophy' to the company for having the highest percentage of any company in the First Brigade for drill, at tendance and recruiting. Colonel Leonard, in making the pre sentation, called attention to the fact that this was the second time the trophy had been won by the company and if they won it again it would remain their own individual property. He hoped they would strive to do so. "The company was then dismissed, and the remainder of the evening devoted to dancing. Guests were present in large numbers. "Company D, 7lst Regiment, Captain W. C. Clark, held their annual exhibition drill and reception at the armory on Thursday evening, February 21st. The company was sized and drilled with sixteen files, uniform and brasses clean. * * * The entire drill was very interesting. "At the conclusion of which they received a delegation of 'bonny Scots' from the Caledonian Ciub, arrayed in full High land costume and accompanied by an ancient-looking piper with a gaily bedecked wind-bag and pipes, to the music of which they marched in command of Captain Thomas McBain. "They presented a fine appearance. The fair sex were very much interested in the dress of the Scotchmen, and their legs particularly, especially as they were of such a variety ot shapes. * * *" George I. Bascom, on the 11th, was elected Captain of Company I. G. O., Nos. 9 and 10, A. G. O., Albany, March 4th and 6th, provided that the National Guard will take part in the cele bration of the Inauguration of the first President of the United States, in the City of New York, April 13th. In view of this great preparations were made for the event, and the entertainment of visiting military guests from all parts of the Union. The program for the parade was as follows : First day, April 29, President will be received from a war vessel at Battery. Second day, April 30th, military parade, starts from Wall Street and Broadway at 10 o'clock A. M. ; march up Broadway to Waverly Place; thence to Fifth Avenue to Fourteenth Street ; around Union Square to West Fifteenth Street to Fifth Avenue ; thence up to Fifty-seventh Street. Third day, May 1st, industrial and civic parade. 1889] 485 From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 20th : "The property, situated at 34th Street and Park Avenue, chosen for a site for a new armory for the 71st Regiment, is or dered to be condemned by the usual legal proceedings for its valuation. "The membership of the regiment is 563, which is a gain over the previous quarter. "Company B contemplates giving a minstrel show early in May. "Company K will give a reception on April 24th. "Sompany C a similar entertainment on April 26th. "Company B has been detailed to receive the Richmond 'Howitzers.' " From the same, April 27th : "Ex-Captain Zabriskie, finding that his offer of prize for proficiency in rifle practice in Company C during the season of '88, awakened general interest, and produced a decided im provement in the scores made at Creedmoor, takes great pleas ure in offering the following prizes for scores made during the' season of 1889 : "First. — A prize of $40 in gold to the member making the highest score over 30 in the first class. "Second. — A prize of $30 in gold coin to the member mak ing the highest score over 24 and under 31 in the first class. "Third. — A prize of $20 in gold coin to the member mak ing the highest score under 25 in the first class. "Fourth. — A consolation prize of $10 in gold coin to the member making the second highest score in the contest. "Should two or more members make equal scores, the prizes to be equally divided. "The score to be a regular match. "Only members of the company whose accounts are clear upon the treasurer's books to be eligible. "Last year Company C had a gain of 27j4 per cent, over the previous year. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 4th : "The great 'Centennial' parade took place on April 30th. The entire route, from Wall Street to Central Park was thronged as the great arteries of the City never had seen be fore. Wherever window or roof afforded a point of view it was crowded to its utmost. "At Madison Square the great stand was packed to suf focation. When at last the President reached the reviewing stand, the column moved promptly, General Schofield in com mand. After his escort came the West Point Cadets, followed by the Regular Troops, U. S. A. ; after these the Marines and Sailors. Then the military from ten States, and then the Na- 486 [1889- 1 tional Guard, S. N. Y. * * * The 71st Regiment paraded, nine companies full fronts, and everyone marched by handsomely, while the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 9th companies deserve the highest praise. The 3rd and 6th companies lost distance, but other wise there was little to choose between them and the 4th and 5th companies, whose passage was very good." These were followed by troops from eleven other States, The 1st Regiment, Va. N. G., was the guest of the 71st and were quartered and cared for in the armory of the regi ment. From the same, May 25th : "Quite a breeze was raised in the 71st over a difference ot opinion between Captain A. W. Belknap of Company B and the majority of members of that company. "Last February, at the regular meeting, the company de sired to adopt a new set of by-laws, and wanted the business meeting conducted in accordance with Cushing's Manual, ex cept wherein it in any way conflicted with the code. The cap tain wanted them run in accordance with his views, irrespec tive of those of the company. "He finally acceded, however, to the adoption of the by laws as proposed, but declared he would expunge at any time he saw fit, any clause he chose, notwithstanding the fact that they, before becoming the company by-laws, must be accepted by the Judge Advocate-General, and with his acceptance be came equally binding upon officers and enlisted men alike. "A meeting of the company was held recently, at which considerable feeling was manifest and resulted in a petition being drawn up requesting the resignation of the captain, which was signed by some forty-two members, and a copy of the same forwarded to Colonel Kopper. "Captain Belknap upon learning of the state of affairs, concluded that this was an act of insubordination, and placed his non-commissioned officers in arrest. This action was over ruled by Colonel Kopper, who vacated the order of arrest, and assigned Lieutenant Smith to the command of the company, after appointing Captain Belknap assisting I. R. P. on the staff. "Judge Advocate-General C. A. H Bartlett, has approved the by-laws of the company, with the exception of several clauses, which were superfluous, being covered by the Code." The regiment paraded on Decoration Day. The day was threatening and the slippery pavement materially interfered with the display. "The 71st Regiment made a fine appearance, the men wearing white helmets and leggings. The front was rather small, but the passage was handsomely made." 1889] 487 From the "Army and Navy Journal," June 8th : "Captain A. W. Belknap, Company B, 71st Regiment, who was recently appointed assistant I. of R. P. by Colonel Kop per, with a view of quieting the dissension existing between the Captain and his company, did not take kindly to his new office, and he refused to act in that capacity and just before the parade on the morning of May 30th attempted to take com mand of his company against the orders of the Colonel, who accordingly placed him under arrest on a charge of insubordi nation. "The question naturally arises, what duties are involved in the position when the Inspector himself is present for duty, and as no provision is made for such an office as Assistant I. R. P., what position was Captain Belknap to take in the pa rade ? He, strictly speaking, had no place on the staff, was de barred from parading with his company, and yet if he did not parade in conformity with the orders of the brigade com mander, would be turned in as a delinquent, unless excused from the parade by the Colonel. "This argument is set forth by many officers, and it cer tainly seems rather a mixed condition of affairs all around. As the matter now stands, the Colonel will have to forward charges against Captain Belknap to the brigade commander, or release him from arrest and place him again in command of his company. "In the latter event, it is understood that Captain Belknap intends to prefer charges against the Colonel. "Adjutant Tilden is indignant now. Some untruthful al lusions to himself and the Colonel in a Sunday paper last week, being the cause. Adjutant Tilden simply tendered his resig nation on May 2d last, and Colonel Kopper, not desiring to lose so valuable an assistant, requested him to withdraw it, and lay it over, which the Adjutant did." From the same, June 15th: "At last accounts Colonel Kopper had not yet forwarded charges against Captain Belknap, but expected to do so be tween now and next Tuesday." From the same, June 22d : "Charges against Captain Belknap of the 71st Regiment have been formulated and were forwarded to the A. G. O., June 18th. They charge Captain Belknap with conduct preju dicial to good order and military discipline, and di'sobedience of orders, in attempting to take command of his company against the Colonel's orders after he had been relieved, and making this demonstration in the presence of the men of his company. 488 [1889 "It was unwise and certainly not conducive to discipline, as was also his attempt to depose another officer from com mand. Under the circumstances, the Colonel had no other proper course but to prefer charges. "Captain Belknap may have felt himself aggrieved at cer tain happenings, and in excitement lost discretion, but this does not excuse him from endeavoring to right himself by the proper mode of procedure." Before going to camp the regiment had its annual inspec tion and muster, with the following result : F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGHI K Total Present 7 9 78 74 46 78 46 37 50 52 56 533 Absent 0 2 4 2 8 11 3 10 10 2 4 56 Total 7 11 82 76 54 89 49 47 60 54 60 589 A decided improvement over the inspection of last year. From the "Army and Navy Journal," July 13th : "June 29th the 71st went into camp. It seems unfortu nate in its weather relations, while in camp two years ago it marched up the hill in pouring rain. This year it was clear, but excessively hot, but on Monday the rain poured almost in cessantly till Thursday evening. "Under such circumstances the work done by the 71st must be considered good. Drills had almost to be entirely abandoned, except the early morning drills, when, regardless of wet grass and deep mud, the regiment turned out for com pany skirmish drill and made the best possible use of their time. "The Regiment marched out of camp under a broiling sun at 2 :30 P. M., feeling that they had done a good and profit able week's work." From the same, September 7th : "Battery A, 1st Artillery (Richmond Howitzers), Va. N. G., in consideration of courtesies extended them during the Centennial ceremonies in New York, at which time they were the guest of Company B, 71st Regiment, have presented the latter company with a beautiful silver punch bowl, enclosed in a handsome upholstered case, the wood of which was cut on a Southern battlefield, and is pierced in one spot by a rifle ball. Company B is greatly pleased and proud of this exquisite present." From the same, October 5th : "A 'Grand Guard' of the 71st Regiment, under the direc tion of Major W. A. Downs as field officer of the day, assisted 1889] 489 by Adjutant Tilden, Captains Kennedy and Delcambre, Lieu tenants Keck, Hawley, Briggs, Timpson and Whittle, with Lieutenant Hamilton, U.S.A., and about 35 men, left the armory shortly after 4 P. M., September 28th, for Hunts Point, up towards Hell Gate, where they underwent instruc tion until about midnight; overcoats were slung and rations carried ; blankets and ammunition were taken along." The drill was very successful. From the same, October 12th : "Company B, 71st Regiment, now numbers 80 men. It is hoped that the trouble existing between the commandant of the company and its members will soon terminate in some definite manner, as the present state of affairs is not condu cive to the company's good, although it has not lost any ground apparently. In reference to the present temporary ad ministration it is said, on the best of authority, that a perma nent change to this would prove most beneficial, but a return to the old regime most suicidal. "Lieutenant C. H. Smith, the present commandant, has is sued a most excellent order in reference to the various duties of the members. * * *" The regimental band, augmented to 75 pieces, arrived in Sioux City, Iowa, September 22d, where they were engaged to give concerts during the Corn Celebration at the "Corn Palace." The concerts were greatly enjoyed. From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 26th : "The quarters of Company B, 71st Regiment, at 125th Street, were destroyed by fire last week, and the company suf fered a heavy loss. The 'Belknap Trophy,' and the hand some punch bowl presented by the Richmond Howitzers were among the property destroyed. Happily there is an insurance of $1,000, which will cover something of the loss. "Colonel Kopper's allegation that his adjutant was circu lating prejudicial reports about him, are, in the opinion of those qualified to judge, entirely unfounded. "The adjutant has not resigned as yet, and under the cir cumstances does not intend to. Colonel Kopper applied to have the Adjutant put upon the Supernumerary list, but at last accounts the request has not been complied with. The prob able cause of the breach is the adjutant's sympathy for Cap tain Belknap, and while apparent, it has in no way demon strated any disloyalty to the Colonel. "The whole trouble seems to be due to an error of judg ment. Adjutant Tilden is a valuable officer to the regiment. Only for its good we should be glad to see the 'pipe of peace' 490 [1889 passed around and all take a whiff. The internal disruptions, which have troubled the regiment off and on for a number of years past, ought to be put to an end, and every effort to this end should be made." October 30th the regiment paraded (with the brigade) in Brooklyn, at the laying of the cornerstone of the "Soldiers and Sailors Arch," Colonel Kopper in command. He rode a very fine horse (his property), which he left in Brooklyn. From the "Army and Navy Journal," December 7th: "The second session of the Belknap Court of Inquiry was convened at the armory of the 71st Regiment last evening. Over forty witnesses have been subpoenaed, and it is likely that the labor of the court will not be concluded for some time. Captain Belknap desired to secure the services of Asa Bird Gardner, Judge-Advocate, U. S. A., but that gentleman de clined to serve. Major C. M. Chauncy, Jr., has been appointed recorder. "At the first meeting of the court, November 29th, noth ing of importance bearing on the case was elicited. Colonel Kopper on being questioned, failed to prove anything by verbal evidence." From the same, December 14th: "The third session of the Court of Inquiry to examine into the military ability of Captain Belknap, was held in the armory of the 71st on the evening of the 6th instant. Captain Belknap had secured for his counsel Lieutenant J. D. Miley, U. S. Art., from Fort Schuyler, N. Y. "The members of the court were all ready for business at the appointed time- It consisted of General T. H. Barber, Inspector-General, as president; Colonel J. N. Partridge, 23d Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Miller, 22d Regiment, Major Eddy, 47th Regiment, with Major C- H. Chauncy, Jr., 8th Regiment, as recorder. "It would be hard to find a more competent court. * * * The recorder read the testimony of Colonel Kopper given at the previous meeting. He gave a history of the difference with Captain Belknap; stated that he had intended to prefer charges of disobedience of orders, but delayed owing to ab sence, until it was too late, and that he had advised Captain Belknap to apply to be placed upon the supernumerary list. "The testimony on December 6th began with the exami nation of Lieutenant Colonel Dennison. It amounted to little, merely giving evidence that on one or two occasions he had found Captain Belknap in mistakes. Altogether he would not have passed an examining board if he (Dennison) had been on it. * * * 1889] 491 "Lieutenant C. H. Smith of B Company was called on as a witness, and held up his right hand to be sworn, but was directed by the court to take it down again and remove his glove. He did so. Lieutenant Smith testified as to the origin of the trouble in the company, and to the Captain's alleged arbitrary ruling. A member of the company, it is said, at an assembly for drill, on being given a legitimate order by the 1st Sergeant, told the latter to 'go to hell.' The Sergeant re ported this breach of discipline to the Captain, but it was passed over, and a few days later Captain Belknap appointed the same man a non-commissioned officer. "At a subsequent monthly meeting the private in ques tion rose and stated that he felt ashamed of his unmilitary action towards the Sergeant and said that he did not want the stripes. "At a civil meeting, Lieutenant Smith stated, the Captain called from the chair for an expression of opinion regarding himself, and further promised not to hold any man responsible for said expression. When this invitation for free speech was accepted, and finally resulted in the entire company, with per haps one or two exceptions, requesting the Captain's resigna tion, he placed his non-commissioned officers, who had taken part in the manifesto against himself, in arrest, with a view of having them reduced to the ranks. At this point the court ad journed to the 14th- "The last session met at the armory of the 71st on De cember 14th, all members of the court being present. * * * "Colonel Kopper, on being cross examined, corroborated his previous testimony. He denied that he had any personal animosity towards Captain Belknap. He did not consider the excellent showing of Company B, due to Captain Belknap, but to the general intelligence of the men. "Sergeants Orser and Cavanaugh of Company B were called as witnesses, corroborating the testimony of Lieutenant Smith. "Ex-Colonel McAlpin and Captain Place of the 71st testi fied for Captain Belknap. They considered him as good an officer as there was in the regiment and thoroughly up to his duties. Ex- Adjutant Tilden testified as to the capabilities of Captain Belknap, and thought he was a perfectly competent officer. Corporal Bogert, a witness for Captain Belknap, stated that the captain had called for an expression of opin ion, both as to his civil and military administration. "Captain Belknap read his own formal statement, which was lengthy. Among other things it reviewed the trouble, and claimed that the Colonel's action was due to animus." The case was closed. The court recommended dismissal for the best interest of the service, but nothing specific against 492 1889-90 his military ability or moral character was cited. There was not sufficient reason given for the decision, and its legality was questioned. It was referred to the Judge Advocate-General, who was of the opinion that the finding1 of the board under the mili tary code, was such as to entitle Captain Belknap to retain his commission. The case then went to the Commander-in-chief, who (April, 1890) disapproved the proceedings of the court on the ground that the findings were irregular, and the Board was dissolved. From the "Army and Navy Journal" : "Company B, 71st Regiment, held their first informal drill and reception at the Harlem Opera House Hall on the evening of December 28th. The company appeared in their handsome full dress uniform, Lieutenant Smith being in command. * * * The company made a most creditable display, and demonstrated that the careful instruction it has been receiving was intelligently understood. * * * Lieutenant Smith was about to dismiss the company, when Colonel Kopper caused a stay of proceedings by addressing the Lieutenant, and in a few remarks complimented him on his fidelity to the company and of his efforts to bring it to its present standard of excellency ; he then handed Lieutenant Smith a beautiful sword, which the members of the company had presented him as a slight token of their esteem. 1 8 9 O From the "Army and Navy Journal," February ist: "The 71st Regiment assembled for review and presenta tion of marksmen badges, on the evening of January 28th. * * * The turnout was large, and the crowd presented an ex ceptionally good appearance. "Although ex-Captain Zabriskie has been appointed I.R.P., he acted on this occasion as assistant, Captain Belknap, who paraded with the staff, not yet being relieved as I.R.P., was senior officer. "The regiment is much hampered for room. It is recruit ing with very desirable material and the old 'American Guard,' when provided with adequate quarters, will be able to make a brush for the lead." The Colonel was taken very sick about this time. 1890] 493 From the same, April 19th, 1890 : "In accordance with the orders setting aside the proceed ings of the 'Belknap' Court-of-Inquiry, Captain Belknap was again placed in command of his company, which with several other companies were ordered to parade for battalion drill on Monday evening, April 14th, at the armory. "The enlisted men of Company B were absent to a man, bitterly opposed to being again under command of Captain Belknap, and their feeling was so strong that out of a member ship of 93 men but three actually reported for duty at the drill ordered, and Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison, who was in com mand ordered this remnant of the company to be excused from drill. * * *" The same result was repeated at a drill on the 21st, when three enlisted men reported. From the same, April 26th : "Colonel Kopper established a regimental recruit class, and detailed Captain Belknap as its instructor, meeting every Thursday night. This is all right as far as the recruit class is concerned, but the assignment of Captain Belknap is dodging the difficulty, he should be kept in active command of his company, and if he shows himself imcompetent for his duties there is a proper method to pursue, until such change is made, every man of the company who neglects his duty should be made the subject of discipline." A Court of Inquiry was appointed by General Fitzgerald, which reported its findings in September, recommending the retirement of Captain Belknap as for the interest of the National Guard, Captain Belknap, however, declined to retire, and October 7th, the company was ordered to be disbanded, Captain Belknap, however, sent in his resignation — provided it would prevent the disbandment of the company, if not, he wished to withdraw it. The disbandment was then postponed until October 31st. On October 29th, S.O., A.G.O., Albany, was issued revoking the order to disband Company B, and Captain Belknap was given an honorable discharge and thus the war was ended. November, plans from architects for a new armory, was asked for by the Armory Board. November 10th an election was held in Company B for 494 [1890-91 a Captain, 76 votes were cast, all of which were for Lieutenant Smith. The friends of Captain Belknap claimed him to be a victim of a scheme of the Colonel to get rid of him in favor of the 2d Lieutenant. Captain Belknap charged the first move was to appoint 1st Lieutenant Tilden, Adjutant, the next was to lay a trap for the Captain to fall into, which he did. Captain Belknap was a competent, honest and honorable officer, but mot a good "mixer" ; Lieutenant Smith was. He had recruited very many of the men and was unquestionably the more popu lar of the two with the company. The change perhaps was better for the company, but did not justify the method taken to accomplish it. It added to the already growing discontent among the officers, who were tired of the political, instead of military method of conducting the regiment. From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 3d, 1891 : "The 71st assembled at their armory for review and dress parade on Tuesday evening, December 30th. The formation for parade was more in accordance with tactics. * * * Adjutant's call was sounded at 8:10 P. M., and seven minutes later Adjutant Bostwick turned the regiment over to Major -Downs. "The review was tendered to Lieutenant-Colonel Denni son. * * * Not an officer failed to salute. Taken as a whole both ceremonies were well performed, showing much improvement over previous ones, it was a creditable display throughout. * * *" The following was the result of the annual inspection and muster held in the armory this fall : F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGHIK Total Present 8 8 77 88 58 69 35 41 50 46 52 532 Absent 1 2 2 0 1 13 10 5 8 5 8 55 Total 9 10 79 88 59 82 45 46 58 51 60 ~587 18 9 1 In the month of March Edwin Gould was appointed In spector of Rifle Practice. In April, Capt. Andrew C. Zabriskie presented the regi ment with an elegant bronze trophy valued at $1,000. It is 1891] 495 known as the "Salute to Caesar," or the "Gladiator," by the celebrated artist, Guillemin, and stands with pedestal, over eight feet in height. To be contested for in rifle practice. The regiment assembled for inspection and muster, at the armory, on Thursday evening, April 28th, with the following result : F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGHIK Total Present 9 11 69 95 57 70 38 40 55 52 55 551 Absent 1 0 92247 10 554 49 Total 10 11 78 97 59 74 45 50 60 57 59 600 A decided improvement in every respect over previous year. The regiment paraded on Decoration Day with the Brigade, 494 present, 112 absent. The "Army and Navy Journal" of June 6th, said : "The 71st Regiment, Colonel Kopper, ten commands, 16 files front, looked fine, the regiment wore the State Service coats with white trouser and white helmets, there is a most excellent showing for this regiment. Visions in the near future of a new armory, appear to have a good effect in recruiting." From the same, July 4th : "On June 27th, the armory of the 71st Regiment was burned. It occurred early Saturday morning, and was very unfortunate more especially at this time, as a week later (July 4th), the regiment was ordered to duty at the Camp of Instruc tion — although placed at considerable disadvantage by the loss of its home, together with some of its arms, clothing, equip ments and other property, the regiment at once went to work to make the best of the situation and prepare for camp with commendable energy. "Fortunately the great bulk of uniforms and other state and regimental property was saved. * * * The old build ing at 35th Street, had not been occupied and was now hired for the regiment, where they again were installed in their old quarters, temporarily." From the same, July 18th : "The regiment proceeded to camp on the morning of the 4th instant, on the steamer 'Bay Queen.' A total of 473 men and officers out of a roll of 609 arriving at the camp at about 4 P.M. "As this was not the first tour of the regiment, the old hands quickly set things to right, and by dress parade the: 496 [1891 camp was in apple pie order. * * * It is safe to say that the 71st of today is practically a new regiment for more than two-thirds of the command were never at the camp before, but the manner in which the duty was taken hold of showed that though new men, they were ready and willing to avail them selves of all the knowledge that could be obtained. * * * "Monday, Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison had command of the battalion, ten commands, 12 files, at the midday drill and began at the beginning of the school of the battalion. * * * Colonel Dennison was most emphatic, and his address to the officers will not be forgotten. "The dress parade was a success. Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison had a quiet talk with the officers and men in the evening of the first day, and the result was apparent during the work of the second morning. * * * "As a whole the week's work of the regiment must be commended, and as the command passed out of the camp, the soldierly appearance of the 71st, and the snap with which the manoeuvres were executed proved that time had not been wasted." Company B, Capt. Clinton H. Smith, in full dress, left the armory at 5 P. M., September 5th, on a visit to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. They took a special train on the West Shore Line leaving Weehawken at 6:30, arriving at the Falls at 7:30 the next morning. They made their headquarters in the armory of the 42d Separate Company, their meals being served at the Spencer House. Carriages procured through the courtesy of Colonel Welsh of Buffalo, conveyed the company to all points of interest, the Falls and the vicinity. In the evening the company left the Falls for Buffalo, and were quartered in the Genesee House. After a good time in Buffalo, they left that city and arrived at home on the 8th, at 7 A. M. October 8th the 1st Brigade had a Field Day in Van Cort landt Park; the 71st, under Colonel Kopper, paraded five divi sions, 24 files each. They arrived on the ground early in the morning, and before the review Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison gave the regiment a vigorous drill. Company G, Capt. Jonas Cobin, held a reception in their club rooms, 113 West 38th Street on Wednesday evening, December 23d. The guests were entertained with recitations, songs, music and a collation; everything was exceedingly pleasant, and everyone enjoyed himself. 1891] 497 Captain Cobin was elected Captain of Company G, June 16th, 1891. The company at the time of the election of Captain Place (1887) had a considerable number of very undesirable members. He weeded them out as fast as possible, endeavor ing to improve its social standing; not being in harmony with the Colonel he remained but one year. He was succeeded in January, 1889, by Captain Gouch, who resigned in about eighteen months, when Captain Cobin took command. The company was then the smallest but one in the regi ment. Captain Cobin worked energetically and earnestly to improve the character of the company, spending both time and money, he engaged rooms in the Telephone Building, 113 West 38th Street, and caused it to be handsomely fitted up as a club room for the use of the company, where from time to time were given very interesting receptions. By this means he drew into the company many desirable recruits, changing greatly the class of members. It was unforunate that he was not able to reap the reward he was entitled to. After the Brigade Field Day, October 8th, the Colonel went to his Vermont residence, leaving the Lieutenant-Colonel in command. The drill season had opened and his absence was supposed to be for a short time, but as weeks passed, and he not returning, and no satisfactory information as to when he would, there was much discontent, and considerable discussion among the officers regarding his absence, which by November became quite serious ; so much so that very many of the staff and line threatened to resign. For a long time the question of a full dress uniform had been before the Board of Officers, a committee having been appointed to act upon the subject. This committee had reported in favor of a tunic instead of a swallow-tail coat. Company B, which was now the largest company and having one-sixth of the strength of the regiment, had previously adopted the style of coat worn at the time of the election of Colonel Vose, with out any regimental action being taken, and most of its mem bers were uniformed, naturally they not only advocated that, but strenuously opposed any other, showing a very heated opposition. This report of the committee was to be acted upon, and was awaiting the return of the Colonel, his absence aggravated the subject; recognizing the justice of Company B in feeling as they did, having invested so much in the uniform they had, 498 [1891 the committee had suggested that an amount to cover the cost of replacing them, in case a tunic was adopted, be awarded to them. This was estimated to be about $2,500. The majority felt that it was their right to have what they in their judgment desired, and the minority should acquiesce if they were fairly treated in regard to the expense. Thus matters stood in November, when one of the Cap tains received the following letter from the Colonel : "Lake Dunmore (no date) My dear Captain : I have written Adjutant by this mail to ascertain if Committee (uniform) has everything in readiness and if so, to call special meeting of Board for Tuesday evening, December 8th, to receive the report. I will return to New York on Friday and see you as soon after as I can. I have tried to write you many times, but it has seemed impossible to get the time. I know I am judged harshly by many friends for neglect they think inexcusable, but as long as I cannot convince them, I must bear their unjust criticism. I do not include you in this catalogue, because you have always been very considerate and forgiving, but I do not want you to slide into that list which is increasing. In haste, sincerely, FREDERICK KOPPER." The special meeting was called, and held on the evening of December 8th, Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison presiding. The Colonel was not present, but a letter from him was, and in it he proposed that the amount of $2,500 should be voted to be paid to Company B in cash. The object of this was not apparent at the time, but as it was clearly irregular, it excited suspicion, and was voted down by all votes except those of Company B. The money was to be paid to the contractor for uniforms furnished, not in the treasury of the company. Beyond some warm talk nothing was accomplished, and the meeting adjourned. About the 20th of the month, the Colonel came to the city. He remained but a day or two, during which time there was some plain talk with those he met ; he leaving with the under standing that he would return after the holidays ; in the mean time taking under consideration the question of resigning. As the end of the month approached, there were rumors that the Colonel had resigned, then, that he had been appointed to the Governor's (Hill) staff, but there was nothing authentic. 1892] 499 18 9 2 January came in without anything more definite, until about the 10th, when each officer received a copy of the fol lowing : December 31st, 1891. My dear (title) : Steadily increasing business interest, with their constant demands on my time and attention, have made me consider for some months giving up command of the regiment. My pride in the organization and the uniform and hearty support given me by its members make this step difficult and one which 1 take with great reluctance, yet with firm conviction that I could select no more prosperous period. When I took command of the regiment nearly five years ago, it was in debt, today it is free from debt, has money in vested, cash in bank, and other available assets, amounting in all to $6,000, besides nearly $4,000 due from the State, from Military Fund for 1891. In addition to this comfortable surplus, there is in the hands of Trustees for use in furnishing the new armory, the sum of $10,000 with accumulated interest from 1884, which fund was provided by the generosity and energy of the active and veteran members of the regiment, and their friends. The site for the new armory is already purchased, the plan for the building approved, the appropriation of $350,000 for its erection made, the bids for the same have been advertised for. Under the circumstances there seems no doubt that within eighteen months the regiment will be in the finest armory yet undertaken. The companies are in a prosperous condition and well offi cered, the departments are under a most capable staff, and the two remaining field officers have no superiors. Joining the National Guard on June 16th, 1863, I have served continuously for nearly twenty-nine years, holding almost every grade from private to Colonel, yet during that period, it has never been my privilege to be associated with gentlemen from whom I have received such unwavering cour tesy and support as those from whom I am about to part. It is but natural, therefore, that to sever ties thus cemented is no light task, and I will always cherish brightest memories of the many years of my military life. Accept my sincere thanks for the loyal and hearty support and aid you have always accorded me, and be assured that I will watch with confidence the continued prosperity of the regiment which nothing can check, while are maintained the perfect harmony existing throughout the organization and the fraternal relations between the active members and the Veterans. Very sincerely yours, FREDERICK KOPPER, Colonel. To 500 [1892 After reading the above, one can hardly believe those senti ments could have emanated from the man guilty of the follow ing: At the same or about the same date as the receipt of the above letter, Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison going to the Brigade Headquarters to ascertain who was in command of the regi ment, having up to that time no official information, he was handed by General Fitzgerald a paper, it being an application from the Captain of Company B for a transfer of that com pany from the 71st Regiment to the 22d Regiment, with a long endorsement (bearing the same date as the above letter) of approval from Colonel Kopper. This had been held back until the above letter Had been posted and probably received, when it was mailed to the bri gade headquarters. It now became plain why the effort was made to have the Board of Officers approve of the payment of $2,500 to Com pany B, that in event of the transfer being made, they would have the money of the 71st to pay for new uniforms in the 22d, a scheme fortunately defeated. As soon as this infamous plot to wreck the regiment was discovered, measures were taken to frustrate it; General Fitz gerald took such steps on his part as to prevent any official action, and in that quarter no more was heard of it. A cun ning but ill-devised plot. Comment on this administration is difficult; there is no question but what the regiment had prospered under it, or we might say, in spite of it; in all the trouble, except that with Companies B and I, the rank and file were not participants, being confined to the officers, who carried it no further. The Colonel was a hard worker, and having no business, he gave the regiment (when he was in the city), all his time; he was a politician but no soldier, he was fortunate in having two very competent field officers, and, as a rule, Captains who were in harmony with their companies ; the prospect of a fine armory, also, was a great incentive to recruiting. Through the influence of the Brigade Commander, Gen eral Fitzgerald, he was able to have an excellent and influential staff ; he was affable and courteous in his address, which made a favorable impression upon strangers, a genial host, and diplo matic ; but, his capacity for intrigue enabled him to scuttle an officer in the most suave manner, so that up to the time the 1892] 501 victim felt the chill of the water he was not aware he was going swimming; and most of his time was spent in intrigue. Although he had been an officer and member of the 7th Regiment for many years, all notice from that regiment ceased during his administration. Gradually the eyes of the officers were opened, and tiring of answering attacks from outside, it became a question of resignation either of the Colonel or most of the officers. As fortunately the Colonel did not accomplish the ruin he intended, it is as well to cast the mantle of charity over the faults and see only the good that was accomplished ; a founda tion strong enough for the right man to build a regiment worthy of the name of American Guard. Who and where is he? The return of attendance at the Camp of Instruction, near Peekskill, N. Y., for the season of 1891, will be found of inter est. The following are the correct official figures of each regi ment, in order of merit : Average Average Per Cent Organization Present Absent Present 12th Regiment 593 97 85.94 22d Regiment 536 93 85.21 32d Regiment 351 63 84.78 8th Regiment 421 89 82.55 10th Battalion 188 61 75.50 71st Regiment 457 152 75.04 74th Regiment 330 .121 73.17 23d Regiment 568 239 70.38 7th Regiment 719 309 69.87 47th Regiment 396 183 68.39 For a comparison between the duty-going strength at camp, and that credited at the annual inspection of the above, made in the spring, the following statistics of the latter are valuable : Present Absent Aggregate 12th Regiment 591 74 665 22d Regiment 589 22 611 32d Regiment 348 17 365 8th Regiment 380 100 480 10th Battalion 238 15 253 71st Regiment 551 49 600 74th Regiment 389 16 405 23d Regiment 800 23 823 7th Regiment 1,022 11 1,033 47th Regiment 490 77 567 Showing that the annual inspections do not give the real duty-doing strength of the National Guard. COLONEL FRANCIS VINTON GREENE Plate ix — tfp. 503 Administration of Colonel FRANCIS VINTON GREENE 1892—1898 Having received official information that the Colonel had been given an appointment upon the staff of Governor Hill, thereby transferring him from the 71st, Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison assumed command; a meeting of the Board of Offi cers was held, at which a committee was appointed consisting of Captains Clark and Smith, and Lieutenants Francis and Keck, with Major Downs as Chairman, for the purpose of selecting a suitable candidate for Colonel. The first meeting of the committee was held (as were the subsequent ones), in the office of Lieutenant Keck, 120 Broad way, on January 13th, at 4:30 P. M., Major Downs in the chair, all being present (as was the case in all subsequent meetings) . The Chairman explained the duties of the committee stat ing that the welfare of the regiment demanded a candidate -for the position of Colonel of the 71st Regiment as speedily as possible, at the same time not forgetting that it was still, more desirable that a man of recognized capabilities as a military and executive officer should be called upon to fill the position. After the members of the committee had expressed their views on the situation, the committee adjourned to meet at the same place at 1 :30 P. M., on the 16th. A special meeting was held at 12:45 on the 14th, the Chairman explained that he thought action might just as well be taken now as waiting until the 16th, and stated that he had learned since the previous meeting that Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison would accept the nomination. After some discussion, it was moved by Lieutenant Keck and seconded by Lieutenant 504 [1892 Francis: "That the committee do tender to Lieutenant-Col onel Dennison the nomination for the Colonelcy of the 71st Regiment." After considerable debate, the previous question was called by Lieutenant Francis, seconded by Lieutenant Keck and car ried. The vote on the original question was : Ayes, Captain Clark, Lieutenant Francis and Lieutenant Keck ; noes, Captain Smith. The committee then arose and repaired to the office of Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison, and tendered him the nomina tion. He thanked them very kindly for the honor they had conferred on him, and asked that they wait until their meet ing on the 16th for his answer ; which was acceded to. At the meeting held on the 16th, besides the committee, the Lieutenant-Colonel was present; he stated that although it would give him great pleasure to accept the nomination, and though he felt highly honored by having the position offered to him, he must decline it, owing to the demand made upon his time by his profession. He having declined, Lieutenant Francis moved that the position be tendered to Major Downs, which was unanimously carried; he for similar reasons declined. Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison then suggested the name of Major Francis Vinton Greene, Engineer Officer on the staff of the 1st Brigade, he and Lieutenant-Colonel Dennison had been classmates at West Point. He spoke of him in highest terms as a gentleman and officer of ability, both military and execu tive. He stated that: "Major Greene had graduated at the head of his class, he had served in the artillery and engineers of the army, leaving with rank of Captain. While in the army he was sent to represent the Government in the Turkish-Rus sian War, and for gallantry during this service received the Russion decoration of St. Anne and St. Vladimir. At present he is president of the Barber Asphalt Company, having left the army to accept that position in December, 1886." This gentleman's name having been informally mentioned by the Lieutenant-Colonel a day or two before, it was moved by Lieutenant Keck and seconded by Lieutenant Francis, that the nomination by this committee be tendered to Major Greene ; after a short discussion Captain Clark made the motion which was seconded by Captain Smith, that the meeting adjourn to meet at noon, Tuesday the 19th, carried ; ayes, Downes, Smith and Clark ; noes, Keck and Francis. On the 19th the fourth and last meeting was held. .Lieu- 1892] 50S tenant Francis called for the motion not acted upon at the adjournment of the previous meeting, which the chair decided as out of order; Captain Smith then moved, that the nomina tion be tendered to Colonel Austin of the 13th Regiment, sec onded by Captain Clark; tie vote declared by the chair lost. It was then moved and seconded by the same officers, that the nomination be tendered to Colonel McAlpin; tie by same vote, decided lost. Moved and seconded by Lieutenant Francis that the nomi nation be tendered to Maj. Francis Vinton Greene, noes, Clark and Smith, ayes, Keck and Francis, decided carried. It was then decided that the committee wait on Major Greene and tender him the nomination, which was done. A careful reading of these minutes by one acquainted with the members of this committee, will reveal the motives govern ing their individual action. It was evident that the disloyal element was not going to allow the nominee of their committee to be elected if they could prevent it, and that some active work was necessary to insure his election. Recognizing this, the Veteran Association came to the front again, the members using all their influence towards- saving the regiment from destruction; this was made neces sary because, notwithstanding the farewell address of Decem ber 31st, the Kopper-Smith element were striving to get con trol ; knowing their inability to procure sufficient votes for any man they might select, they induced outside parties to nominate ex-Colonel McAlpin, believing that his popularity would win- votes enough to defeat Greene. The Veterans, however, saw the plot, they recognized the false position in which Colonel McAlpin had been placed, and were sorely tried to be compelled to be in personal opposition! to one they so highly respected. The election was ordered for January 26th. Every pres sure on officers was brought to bear to defeat Greene, even to threats of personal consequences; no such intimidation had ever been witnessed before in a regimental election. The ene my was desperate, and the friends were earnest and firm in their resolution to defeat it. Not until the last vote was in the ballot box, did they relax their efforts. Major Greene was elected by a narrow margin of three votes ; with any other man against him he would have received nearly every vote. It was a great victory for the Veterans. 1892] 506 The late Colonel and his conspirators were seated at a nearby club, waiting the victory they expected to celebrate. Thus the "old ship" which had sailed out of the sea of despair (1884), and through channels of danger, passed its last rock, out into clear waters, since then its motto has been "Excelsior" — may it never have other than smooth waters to sail on in the future. From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 30th : "Maj. Francis V. Greene, engineer officer on the staff of Brig.-Gen. Louis Fitzgerald, 1st Brigade, was elected Colonel of the 71st Regiment, on January 26th, receiving twelve votes . against nine for ex-Colonel McAlpin. "If the election had been held a little later, it would prob ably have resulted in a unanimous vote for Major Greene, a few officers were of the opinion that the election was premature, and felt somewhat disgruntled." Colonel Greene was born in Rhode Island in 1850, the son of Gen. George S. Greene, then the oldest graduate (1892) of a military academy, and a kinsman of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, the Revolutionary hero. During the Rebellion he was with his father in the Army of the Potomac, where he had such an experience as few boys of his age had the good fortune to obtain. In 1864 he entered Burlington College. In 1866, on the personal recommendation of Grant he was appointed cadet at the Military Academy, from which he was graduated four years later, first in a class of 58. Congress having temporarily abolished the Engineer Corps) Lieutenant Greene was sent to the 4th Artillery, and during his connection with this regiment rendered most efficient ser vice in the "Klu-Klux" campaign in North Carolina. The Engineer Battalion having been re-established, he was trans ferred to it, and assigned to duty with the commission which determined the international boundary line along the 48th parallel, and in the course of his duty in the wilderness en dured hardships and performed services beside which the hard ships of many modern "explorers" seem insignificant. He was next assigned to duty as confidential secretary of Secretary Cameron, of the War Department, and had especial charge of the reports from the Military Academy. This duty brought him into contact with Grant and Sherman, who learned to regard him with great esteem and confidence, and 1892] 507 when, in 1877, the Russian Government invited the United States to send an officer to witness the operations in the Russo- Turkish War, Lieutenant Greene was selected as Military Attache at St. Petersburg, and reached the Russian head quarters in Bulgaria in eighteen days from Washington. He was attached to the staff of the Grand Duke Nicholas, and received most unusual privileges. Throughout the war he was always with the advance guard or on the line of battle, doing the duty assigned him, and the Russians conceived such an admiration for his bravery and high-minded devotion to duty to his own War Department, that their Emperor con ferred upon him the decorations of St. Vladimir and St. Anne, and the Bravery Medal, and the King of Roumania decorated him also, conferring the Cross of Carolus I. and the Roumanian- Medal. His report to General Sherman on his return was a mas terpiece of military description, and was printed for distribu tion throughout the army. Published later in book form, it attracted widespread attention. It was republished in Eng land, Germany and Russia — in which country it is still accepted as the standard and authentic history of the war. In Russia the name of Francis Vinton Greene is as respected as is the name of Motley in Holland, or Irving in Spain, and in his own land the critics are unanimous in the opinion that "The Russian Army and Its Campaigns" is a work of rare excellence. What Grant thought of it — he who was himself a master of the art of describing a battle plainly and concisely — may be judged from the fact that when, on June 15th, 1885, the great General feared he would not be able to finish his "Personal Memories" before death came, he wrote to his son, suggest ing that Lieutenant Greene should finish the work, "should anything happen." During the Russian War Lieutenant Greene was almost constantly in the most exposed positions on the line of battle, sharing the danger with the Russians, and winning their ardent admiration. When the army reached Constantinople he was the first to penetrate into the city, where he went alone in Russian uniform among hundreds of thousands of fanatical Turks — a deed of daring equalled only by Bailey's heroic entry into New Orleans after its capture. His labors and hardships resulted in typhoid fever, which nearly cost him his life. In 1879, Lieutenant Greene became Assistant Engineer of 508 [1892 the District of Columbia, and during the time he held the office the remarkable transformation of the streets of Wash ington, which made it one of the handsomest and neatest of cities, was effected. He was promoted Captain in 1883, and added to his laurels as an author by publishing "Army Life in Russia" and "The Mississippi Campaigns," one of the Scrib- ner series of war histories, and writing numerous magazine articles, while holding the office mentioned. In 1885 he became Instructor of Engineering at West Point, and assumed com mand of Company E of the Engineers, and in January, 1886, he determined to make asphalt pavements his special study and leave the army. He visited Europe and made an exhaus tive study of European pavements, and resigned in 1887 to accept office in the Barber Asphalt Company, of which he is now President. The connection of Colonel Greene with the N.G.S.N.Y., began in 1889, when he was appointed Brigade Engineer of the 1st Brigade. This office he held until, on January 26th, 1892, when he was elected Colonel of the 71st It has been stated that the old harmonious feeling that had so long existed between the 7th and 71st, had ceased during the administration of Colonel Kopper, that it was purely per sonal was evident by the restoration of the old friendship as soon as the new Colonel took command. Knowing of the in adequacy of the drill room of the 71st, Colonel Appleton kindly tendered the use of the drill floor of the 7th at any time the 71st desired a regimental review or drill ; this was accepted on several occasions. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 9th : "The review of the 71st Regiment on the evening of April the 5th, was a very successful display considering the disad vantages the regiment has been laboring under for some time past, and also the fact that the mere box of a place it has been occupying for an armory has prevented it assembling as a body for instruction. "For the public demonstration of April 5th, no rehearsal by the regiment had previously been held and it was naturally expected that considerable confusion would probably arise. "Contrary to the expectation, however, the result was ex actly the opposite, and the evolutions of the evening were conducted on the whole, with a smoothness that was highly •creditable. 1892] 509 _ "There were errors, of course, but chiefly minor ones, and mainly the fault of company officers, some of whom could study even the school of the soldier to advantage. Setting aside the small flaws, Colonel Greene and his officers and men de serve congratulations for their showing. "It was a bold undertaking, and one to the credit of all concerned. It also demonstrated that the regiment is composed of the 'right material' which only needs to be properly developed. "This was the debut of Colonel Greene as a regimental •commandant, and his handling of the regiment was most effec tive, * * * after the equalization, the time of formation up to when the last battalion was reported to its Major, was three minutes and ten seconds. * * * The 1st Battalion was in command of Major Downs, the 2d in command of Cap tain A. T. Francis, the 3d under command of Capt. W. D. Goss. * * * The men presented a clean and soldierly appearance. The execution of all the movements especially the street col umn and square, was well done and without any confusion." At the above review, the Belknap Trophy was presented to Company B for the third time, becoming their property. It was thus evident that it was not entirely destroyed by the fire in their quarters. It is as well at this point in our history to say a few words in reference to our new Colonel. Major Greene came into the regiment a stranger, unknown to any officer except the Lieutenant-Colonel and seen by none except the members of the nominating committee. The first impression was not favorable ; of a phlegmatic temperament, in his presence one felt a chilly atmosphere, he was not magnetic as was Parmele, the officer approached him with respect and left his presence with a feeling of relief; while not infused with a feeling of attachment, they recognized his strength of character and the business-like way in which he assumed his duties, and accepted the impression that however unpleasant their personal contact might be, there was a man at the helm who would place the standard of the regiment at the front, and that sooner or later the Colonel would recognize the differ ence between a regiment of the National Guard and one of the Regular Army, and that they would also, and that meeting on the new plane more harmonious conditions would exist and the regiment benefitted thereby. He accepted the office to gratify his ambition, and not from any interest in the regiment, but that grew later, as he 510 [1892 warmed to his work. When better acquainted there was a partial thaw, and with the good work that was eventually accomplished and the warmer side of the Colonel uncovered, there was unanimous opinion, that in a military and business sense, his equal had not been found ; not as good a drillmaster as either Martin or Parmele, he far exceeded as an executive; as a disciplinarian, equal to either ; his influence, and ability to profit thereby, enabled him to accomplish much for the regi ment's welfare. Having no personal acquaintance with the officers (except the Lieutenant-Colonel), he made no distinc tion, not even noting the difference between those who had tried to destroy the regiment and those who had worked for his election, this was an irritation to the loyal officers ; all were judged by his views of their qualifications; he at once com menced to find men to fill the vacancies, and with the aid of Colonel Appleton of the 7th, he obtained several from that command. Recognizing the inadequacy of the armory he applied for the old "Skating Rink," corner of Lexington Avenue and 107th Street, for temporary use until the new armory was com pleted ; the application was granted. The building was a one- story wooden shack covering a large space giving ample room for company drill, partitions were put up for such rooms as. were necessary for Headquarters, and the galleries spaced off for the companies, some of the companies hired rooms in the neighborhood. The building was a rough affair, however, all knew it was but for a short time and that a magnificent armory was being erected for the regiment, it, therefore, had no deteriorating effect in its upbuilding. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 14th: "May 9th, the 71st Regiment in command of Colonel Greene, assembled at their quarters in the 'Rink' in full dress uniform, knapsacks, overcoats rolled, haversacks and canteens,. for inspection at Van Cortlandt Park. "The assembly was at noon, and shortly after the regiment marched up Lexington Avenue to 125th Street and Eighth Avenue, where they took the elevated road to 155th Street, thence by the N.R.R. to Van Cortland Park arriving a few minutes after 2 o'clock. "The regiment was immediately formed into three bat talions commanded by Major Downs, Captain Francis and Captain Goss, respectively, marched to the west side of the 1892] 511 park and broke into column for inspection and muster. "Although there is considerable of a falling off in the membership of some of the companies, the material at present in the regiment is superior to what it was a year ago. The general appearance of the men was all that could be desired. * # * *>> "There is still some useless material in the regiment and it is hinted that vacancies in the line will shortly occur. The Colonel said he had good officers to fill their places. There are now nine vacancies among the officers. * * *" The following was the result of the Inspection : F.&S. N.C.S. A B C D F G H I K T'l Present 7 6 57 101 40 53 39 40 39 38 47 467 Absent 1 1 9 2 10 5 15 3 13 10 8 77 Total 8 7 66 103 50 58 54 43 52 48 55 544 The regiment participated with the 1st and 2d Brigades in the Memorial parade on May 30th. From the "Army and Navy Journal," June 4th : "The 71st Regiment made their first street parade under their new commander, Col. F. V. Greene, accompanied with a staff of five. The regiment wore white helmets and trousers. William G. Bates, the newly appointed Adjutant, paraded for the first time. The 1st Battalion commanded by Major Downs, was composed of 4 companies, of 12 front, the 2d by Captain Francis, 4 companies, 12 and 16 front, 3d, by Captain Goss, 4 •companies, 14 front. "The regiment was small in numbers but showed great improvement since the last parade." June quarterly return showed a total of 545, last year it was 589, a loss of 44, owing to weeding out. During the month of July, rapid work on the armory was •evident; excavation of rock was nearly completed and the -walls except Park Avenue front were up to the street level. On August 17th occurred a strike of the switchmen of the Erie Railway Company, and others at Buffalo; the trouble had been brewing for some time, culminating in the calling out of the men by their leader on the 15th of August. The 12th, 13th, 22d and 71st were ordered out and sent to the seat of ihe disturbance. The 71st left on train from the Grand Cen- 512 [1892, tral on the evening of August 18th (while marching orders. were issued only at 4:15 P. M., on August 18th, at 9:45 P. M.,. the regiment was on the train en route to Buffalo, fully armed and equipped. The orders to march bear the official time of 4:15, but were not received at the 71st's armory until 7 P. M., and in two hours the regiment left the armory), arriving after sixteen hours' trip in Buffalo, where the regiment was. detrained and marched to the stockyards at East Buffalo. There were no buildings to quarter the regiment in, SO' quarters were established in the box-freight cars standing on the tracks, the yard officers' building (about twenty feet square) two stories high, was used for Headquarters ; the cars were empty and clean, at night the floor answered for a mattress and knapsack for a pillow, being no place for hanging up one's clothing, and the nights being too cool to part with them even if there had been, they were not removed. In the daytime there was no use for the car except to hold the knap sack or give shelter in case of rain. For the first twenty-four hours, the serious trouble was with the commissary department; it seems that the Commis sary General had- issued orders that the regimental commis saries should arrange as best as they could for the feeding of their men ; it naturally took them some time to ascertain where food could be obtained, in the meantime the men were hungry. However, after the first day, rations arrived, and under much difficulty were finely cooked for consumption. The yards were in excellent condition, clean and free from cattle, the watering troughs made fine bathing tubs, affording an opportunity to air the clothing while bathing. The "Yard" being filled with tracks, did not offer a space for drills, though it was managed to have "evening parades." The daily duties required a detachment to guard the switches against interference and to guard trains from the mob while going to and from the elevators. One such train was placed in charge of Company C, Capt. A. T. Francis, it was composed of about a dozen box cars, the men with guns loaded were stationed on top of these cars, keeping a lookout for any interference from the strikers. The train moved on without incident worth mentioning until it reached the elevator, two tracks with cars on them separated the train from the street running parallel, directly 1892] 513 in front of the centre of the train, a wide street ran a short distance to another street running parallel to the first. From this last street a dozen or more strikers came, and taking posi tion about 150 feet from the train, commenced throwing stones at the men on it. Captain Francis called a Corporal and pointed out to him the leader, directed him to take a file of men with him to capture the leader, the detail started off; as soon as they were seen the mob ran and disappeared around the corner; in the meantime a platoon of the 22d under Lieutenant Cassidy approached on the double quick, the Captain halted them and explaining the situation quickly to the Lieutenant gave him the direction in which the mob had gone, the Lieutenant took his men on the run and disappeared around the corner. In about ten ffiinutes the Corporal returned with his men and reported that they had chased the men to an alley up which they ran, and at the same time a platoon from the 22d arrived. The strikers were ordered to halt, but not obeying as they were climbing a fence, some of the 22d fired at them resulting in mortally wounding one ; they then returned. At this time the train was ready to start upon its return. It started but for some reason had not gone but a few yards when it stopped. A police officer (the police sympathized with the strikers), ordered the train to be disconnected as it ob structed the street crossing. As it was only temporarily, the Captain told him it would not be disconnected as more time would be lost than if he waited for the train to start. He was not satisfied and started to climb up and arrest the conductor of the train. The Captain who sat on top with his loaded pistol threatened to shoot him if he did. He changed his mind and soon after the train moved off. Lieut. C. C. Cassidy of the 22d, was subsequently indicted by the Grand Jury of Buffalo for the shooting of Michael Broderick, and bailed for $10,000. At the trial (at which the detail from Company C were supoenaed), it was proved that the Lieutenant was a block and a half away at the time, hear ing the report of the guns, he hastened and found the young tough on the ground dying. The Lieutenant was acquitted. The strike was declared off on August 25th and the regi ment ordered to its home station. Before leaving, the Colonel received an invitation from the Erie Railway Company, for his regiment to take an excursion to Niagara Falls, which was ac cepted with pleasure. After enjoying the trip, the regiment 17 514 [1892 entrained for New York, reaching there without further incident. There were present on this event, 496 men out of a total of 554. This trip afforded an excellent opportunity for the officers and men to become better acquainted with their new Colonel, the result being beneficial to all. In his report of August 31st, 1892, to the Adjutant-General, Colonel Greene said: "I desire to speak in the highest possible terms of the admirable manner in which the regiment performed its duties under the trying circumstances of the service. The average percentage of strength present was 87 per cent. ; larger than any parade or inspection of recent years. "Duty was performed willingly at all times in a military manner, sentries were found alert and thoroughly posted. When I was a Lieutenant in the 4th Artillery, my company was attached to a large detachment supporting the civil authorities in suppressing the 'Klu-Klux' and illicit distillers. The disci pline of the 71st Regiment at Buffalo was fully equal in every respect, and in some respects superior to that of the Regular Army at the time spoken of. I beg leave to say that in an experience of many years in the Regular Army of this country, and more than a year in a European Army in the time of war, I have never seen duty more efficiently performed than it had been by the 71st Regiment during this emergency." He also states, "that although the camp at Buffalo was surrounded by saloons, there was not a single case of intoxica tion in the regiment." The annual matches at Creedmoor took place in Septem ber, of which the "Army and Navy Journal" of October, says : "Every one of the teams shoot remarkably well, especially considering the interruptions in their practice incident to ser vice at Buffalo, and while all deserye credit, the team from the 71st Regiment is especially entitled to it. The regiment has not had a team on the range for ten years, and its present team assembled this year for the first time; it made a most commendable showing, and in the brigade match at 600 yards range it had two points the better of the 7th Regiment at that range." October 12th, 1892, was the 400th anniversary of Colum bus' discovery of America ; provision had been made in recog- 1892] 515 nition of it, to open in Chicago a "World's Fair." As usual in these large undertakings the day arrived before the Fair was ready, necessitating the postponement of the formal or official function; however, the day was not overlooked in New York City and was honored with a large procession composed of the United States Troops, and the National Guard of New York, and various States. From the "Army and Navy Journal," October 15th: "There was not one company in the entire parade as it passed the reviewing stand at the Worth monument that main tained its interval throughout. * * * The 71st Regiment, Col. Francis V. Greene, paraded two battalions, the 1st Battal ion, eight companies, 12 files, in command of Lieut.-Col. James A. Dennison, 1st Lieut. Lloyd West Francis, as Adjutant; in tervals 1st, 4th and 8th very poor, 6th, 7th and 8th, too much distance, but made a very fine showing with a distinctive dress uniform and good front. "The 2d Battalion, seven companies, 12 files, in command of Maj. Wallace A. Downs, 1st Lieut. W. FI. Linson as Adju tant; 3d and 7th Companies, with too much distance ; 6th Com pany ragged front, State Service Uniform, with the exception of the 3d Company specified. This was the only regiment in the 1st Brigade that did not parade 16 files front." (Note. — As it was necessary to separate those in full dress from those in State Service Uniform, it required the forming of new companies for the 2d Battalion, and prevented a differ ent sized front, as it was, nine companies were made into fifteen.) On December 17th, the cornerstone of the new Armory was laid at 10:30 A. M., by Mayor Grant. A large crowd gathered at the corner opposite the platform at 34th Street, the Chaplain, George R. Van der Water, made a prayer, after which the stone was lowered. Mayor Grant with a trowel in his hand, made a few remarks, referring to the record of the regiment, asking its members to be as true to their duty as the cornerstone was in its position. The Chaplain then offered the benediction . The cornerstone was placed at the corner of 34th Street and Park Avenue ; it was of rough gray granite and inscribed : AMERICAN GUARD, 1852-1892 Pro Aris Et Pro Focis A large copper box containing a history and roster of each company, and a history of the regiment, a badge of the Veteran Association, photographs of officers, etc., were placed in the stone. 516 [1892-93 The armory as first planned proved to be more costly than the appropriation by at least $100,000. To bring it within the amount, serious changes were made, all in the interior; the building was far from being fireproof as was proved ten years later. The armory plot was 200 by 237 feet. Drill floor 150 by 200 feet. The land cost $437,000, the building $350,000. The closing of the year gave evidence of the great progress of the regiment, the activity of the Colonel in re-organizing every department, replacing old timber with new, tightening up all round showed that he was master of the situation, and there was plenty of evidence of a new era. The men were rapidly procuring the new full dress and it seemed that soon the State service would be a thing of the past. 18 9 3 The first matter of note this year was the present of $500 from ex-Colonel Martin towards the full dress uniform fund. As these uniforms were not furnished by the State, it follows that they must be paid for by the individual member, as many were not able to do so, this fund was for the purpose of assist ing them. The payment for service during the switchmen riot had in a large measure been used by the men towards procuring their uniforms. On March 28th, the regiment was reviewed by the Mayor (Strong) ; about two-thirds of the members had procured the new uniform, these were consolidated into two battalions, putting the men in the State Service Uniform into the third battalion, the formation was made with three battalions of four companies each 12 files front. In April, to the sincere regret of every member, Lieutenant- Colonel Dennison resigned. After a postponement from last year of the official open ing of the grand celebration of the discovery of America, great preparations having been made for the same, New York did its best ; on April 26th (the first day) the President having arrived from Washington, was received with appropriate hon ors. On the second day was the great Naval parade which in- 1893] S17 eluded representation from various foreign countries. The third day was the great parade of the land forces. 1st Division — United States Troops, Sailors and Marines. 2d Division — British, Russian, Dutch, Argentine, German, France, Brazil and Italy, Sailors and Marines. 3d Division — New York National Guard and other visit ing troops. 4th Division — Various Organizations. The 71st Regiment paraded twelve companies of 12 files each, divided into two battalions, the first being of seven com panies in full dress, and the second of five companies in State Service Uniform. Although the battalion formation had been used in the regiment for some time, it was not until May 5th, 1893, that General Orders from the Adjutant-General's office were issued, authorizing the same. This called for three battalions and con sequently three Majors for twelve company formation. This parade was close on to Memorial Day, thus affecting attend ance of each ; the latter came off as usual on May 30th. This being the year for the regiment to go to camp it was scheduled for July 1st; being the first tour in camp under Colonel Greene, the following will be interesting as showing the work of his first year. From the "Army and Navy Journal," July 15th: "With 29 officers and 427 enlisted men, the 71st Regiment, New York City, entered the State camp at Peekskill, on Satur day, July 1st, headed by its commander, Colonel Francis V. Greene, relieving the 47th Regiment. The command was di vided into two battalions, the first under Major Francis, and the second in the absence of Captain Clark, who had been specially detailed, was cared for by Lieutenant-Colonel Downs. "There was little delay in getting the quarters in proper shape, for under the direction of Quartermaster Kohnen and his assistants all the camp paraphernalia had been drawn from the ordnance department and issued to companies; so on dis missal of the regiment there was no hurry and skurry to draw Quartermaster stores. "The evening pa'rade which was the first military duty of the week, was in line of battalions and was decidedly imperfect, but in extenuation it may be said that the battalion com manders and Captains were comparatively green in the new 518 [1893 formation. The dismissal and march past were the relieving features of the ceremony. "The guard mount of Sunday was, to say the least an experiment, and should not be criticized; Captain Thurston has instituted a new formation which makes the establishment of the line perfect. * * * A very fair parade closed the first day. "The first working day of the week was devoted in the early morning to the squad drill in extended order, and was, as usual, by signal only, and throughout the work could hardly be termed commendable. * * * The drill was not a success. "At the battalion drill of the forenoon, however, a change was noticed, and under Lieutenant-Colonel Downs and Major Francis, the several movements in both battalions were car ried out most successfully. The officers were prompt to give commands, and the men alert to obey them ; even that move ment, which is invariably slurred, 'Right of companies rear into column,' was in the main successful, while the changes of front, the close column movements and deployment were most credit able. The evening parade, though slow in formation, was a fairly executed ceremony, the march off eliciting much praise from the spectators. "In the afternoon and evening lectures, the non-coms, especially the chiefs of squads were given a 'sharp call down,' and they were informed that better work must be done or there may be many vacancies among the warrant officers of the 'American Guard.' "The sharp reprimand of the battalion commanders had a salutary effect on the early drills of Tuesday morning, and though this was the glorious Fourth of July, and the men ex pected a holiday until the evening parade, they were kept a full hour and a half at their work by section and extended order, closely supervised by the battalion and company officers. It is really wonderful how much work can be accomplished in a short space of time when the men are attentive to their work and instructions of their officers." The Governor (Flower), who had been to the functions at Gettysburg, visited the camp this day with his party; he received the officers of the regiment; during the reception he told of his visit to Gettysburg, he bestowed very complimen tary remarks upon the 71st, speaking of their valor on the battlefield at that place. It was evident that he had confused the 71st N.Y.M. with the 71st N.Y.V., much to the amusement 1893] 519 of the officers present. No one told him of his error, so he was just as happy. "In the afternoon a couple of thousand visitors arrived in camp and the holiday was observed in due form. "The early morning drills of Wednesday were by platoons in extending order and were fairly successful though the Ser geants were very nervous at the first, in fact it seemed to be stage fright, for in less than a half an hour everything was working clear and smooth. "The guard mount of the day conducted by the regimental Adjutant was a failure from first to last. The formation was awfully slow, and as one of the men from Hornellsville ex pressed it, 'it was dollars to doughnuts that the fellow with the white trousers will never find his guard.' At last the line was formed, the band played 'Bow Wow' during the inspection, and then the guard was turned over, but the Adjutant forgot to close ranks before the presentation. Another blunder was made in the 'turn' by platoons, the guard formed on the line, and much time was consumed in getting them straightened out. It was the poorest guard mount of the week. "The forenoon drills — battalion in close order, movements by platoons — was the poorest exhibition thus far seen on the Peekskill grounds. The battalion commanders labored hard and earnestly, but could not overcome the diffidence of the offi cers nor the nervousness of the men. It is well enough to say that the armory accommodations are inadequate, but the ex cuse is very lame, for in the Harlem Rink there is plenty of room for movements by platoons. "The drills in both battalions were very tame, and the efforts of the respective commanders met with but a feeble response. But as constant dropping will wear away the stone, so the steady hammering of Lieutenant-Colonel Downs and Major Francis brought order out of chaos and at the close the work was good enough even to satisfy Colonel Greene. "The evening parade was in line of battalion columns, and was not up to the capacity of the command, we have seen the 71st Regiment do much better. Hardly had the men changed the full dress for their fatigue, when one of the most terrific storms ever known at the State camp broke over the heads of soldiers and visitors; the camp was a lake, while the lightning was so terrific that the electric lights were cut off. * * * 520 [1893 "Thursday morning the companies were consolidated into four of thirty-two front for the extended order drill, and under the supervision of the field officer a very pleasant return was made for the hour and a half work. "The drill was brand new to the company officers and en listed men, yet they stood to the work like Trojans, were quiet and attentive to instructions, and promptly covered all defects pointed out to them by the State instructors and field officers. It was an excellent rehearsal for the battle extension of the former drill. "The companies retained the same formation for the mid day drill, four companies of thirty-two front, with Lieutenant- Colonel Downs in command. This was one of the best drills of the week. * * * Colonel Hull, the U. S. Inspector, ex pressed himself as well pleased with the progress of the regiment. "The guard mount of this day was excellent but the eve ning parade was a series of blunders, and the very worst cere mony the 'Journal' has ever seen in the State camp. There seemed to be a want of unity as to how the formation should be made, and for a long time the battalions wandered aimlessly about the fields, *finally each battalion executing its own par ticular movement found itself in line, and what a line, when the brigade was turned over. "The 1st Battalion had secured a correct alignment, the 2d Battalion formed an oblique to the front, while the 3d Bat talion (separate companies) were about half and half. It was certainly the fault of the regimental Adjutant that this line was not correctly dressed. After the turn over the ceremony was an excellent display of the soldierly qualities of both com mands, and the march past under command of the Sergeants could hardly be excelled. "Friday's work was a mere repetition of the extended order, only that much more powder was used than on the previous day. Major Francis was in command of the battalion, and proved himself well qualified for his position. * * * "The guard mount was good, and the evening parade satisfactory. * * * The regiment returned to its home sta tion on Saturday, being relieved by the 12th Regiment, all well satisfied with progress made and the full understanding had by the officers and men of the new drill regulations as exempli fied in the field." 1893] [521 For the benefit of the reader, it should be stated that in October, 1891, the Board of Army Officers to whom the duty had been assigned, reported the result of their work in having revised and added to the Drill Regulations ; many changes had been made, the most important being the division of the regi ment into battalions, and the introduction of the extended order drill; it was only in the fall of 1892 that the changes were introduced to the regiment, therefore it can be seen that it was very green as to these movements when they entered camp, and the result was, therefore, very satisfactory. The annual rifle competition at Creedmoor took place Sep tember 28th. Of the regiments whose team had improved over last year, the 71st made the best showing. In 1892 the aggre gate in both matches (State and Brigade) was 1,763 points and in 1893 the aggregate was 1,837 points, a gain of 74 points. On October 21st was held a Field Day by the 1st Brigade. It was the first drill in extended order of the entire 1st Brigade. It was held at Van Cortland Park, and was most successfully carried out. The 71st was in two battalions of four com panies each. November 4th the regiment beat all its previous records in rifle practice this season. Its record for this year was 56 sharpshooters, 487 marksmen, and 2 experts. The regiment was inspected in November with the follow ing result : F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGH IKT'l Present 12 10 65 103 55 62 33 39 44 42 54 519 Absent 0 1 1 0 1 2 10 4 6 11 4 40 Total 12 11 66 103 56 64 43 43 50 53 58 559 The annual report of the Inspector-General in reference to this inspection is as follows : Company A, Captain Whittle — The men were very steady during the inspection, and the company presented a very good general appearance. The non-coms were a model of neatness with the exception of one man, equipments and uniforms ranged from fair to good. If each Corporal will see that his squad always appears as he did, the company would be beyond adverse criticism as regards soldierly appearance. Company B, Captain Smith— As usual presented a neat appearance, all that is lacking is finish, clean brasses should be made to glisten; men were remarkably steady during the in spection, esprit de corps and thrift are clearly indicated. 522 [1893 Company C, Lieut. L. W. Francis — With the exception of a few loose belts the dress and equipments of the company was neat. Belts and boxes must be cared for and kept in good condition. Company D, Captain Clark — Generally clean. There are a few men who injure the appearance of the company, no organization can claim excellency unless absolutely clean and neat. A few of the men in the company who were not in proper shape must be made to do better. Company F, Captain Wells — This company shows a loss in the aggregate of 11 as compared with its last muster. In all the conditions improvement is noted; with the exception of two men the company was neat, and evidence of thrift apparent. Company G, Captain Cobin — General appearance of com pany was good, one musician very dirty and should be dis charged at once; only clean men are allowed in the National Guard. The left guide of the company was a model of neat ness, and as he appeared, so should the entire company. Company H, Captain Tilden — The general appearance of this company was military; neatness prevailed. There are many men, however, who can and must do better. A little more pride, and a little more determination will accomplish wonders, one man was particularly neat. Company I, Captain Sprague — In this company were many very clean and neat men, a few were models. On the other hand there were those who appeared in strong contrast. Boxes and belts were somewhat rusty. The commanding officer is energetic, and none knows better than he how a company should appear. Company K, Captain Keck — The company is made up of men who should consider it their pride to always appear neat in dress and equipments. This is important and necessary for the proper military appearance of a company soldier. "The changes have all tended to improve the condition of the regiment; discipline is better, and military appearance much improved. Considering the unsightly and uncomfortable armory, and the inconvenient and unsuitable company quarters, it is creditable to all concerned that improvement is noted. * * *" And now we end the year 1893, the second year of Colonel Greene's administration. The following is a summary of the 1893-94 523 advancement of the regiment from the disastrous condition at the close of Colonel Vose's term to the present date : In 1883 the average attendance at camp was 338, in 1885 it was 399, in 1887 it was 406, in 1889 it was 416, in 1891 it was 457, and in 1893 it took 456 into camp — a steady gain. So in rifle practice the improvement has been equally steady and continuous. The regiment had 156 marksmen in 1890, 199 in 1891 ; the regiment was unable to enter a team in the State and brigade matches. In 1892 the team made 893 in the State and 870 in the brigade match ; in 1893 the team made in the same matches 934 and 907, and beat the 12th, 13th, 22d, 69th and 8th in the brigade match. The inspection of 1893 was a vast im provement over that of 1892, 516 being present and 40 absent, as against 467 present and 76 absent in 1892, and the Inspec tor-General commended highly nine out of ten companies, and stated that "the discipline is better and military appearance improved," and placed the 71st second to the 7th only, and on a par with the 22d and 23d Regiments. It plainly speaks for itself, no comment is required, the reader can judge, he can appreciate what a masterful man at the head of the regiment can accomplish. There was no differ ence as to armory accommodation, it was simply executive organization. And now we shall see what will be the result when the regiment is housed in a fine armory. 18 9 4 In February the armory being nearly completed, Colonel Greene decided on immediate possession, upon learning of which Colonel Appleton of the 7th Regiment tendered an escort on the march from the Rink to the new armory, which was accepted. Accordingly about noon, on the 31st of March, the 7th was drawn up in line on Madison Avenue, and the 71st with its baggage train marched by them then formed in line; the 7th passing in review, as the rear passed the right of the 71st, it wheeled into column and with General Fitzgerald and the Signal Corps leading the column moved, on turning into Fifth Avenue, when reaching 59th Street, the 2d Battery joined the procession, all moving on to 34th Street and thence to the armory, where line was again formed allowing the 71st to pass on and into the armory, the first real and true armory they 524 [1894 had ever possessed. At the entrance they were met and wel comed by the Veteran Association with cheers and congratula tions. The battery marched to their quarters which were in the basement on 33d Street, and Signal Corps to its, on the third floor, the General and his staff to their quarters, being in the corner, at 34th Street and Park Avenue. The 7th then entered the building on the drill room floor, where tables were placed and a collation provided. From a platform the ceremony of transferring the building by the Armory Commissioners to the regiment took place, after which the collation was partaken of, while congratulations from friends were heartily given, concluding with the departure of the 7th,. and the various companies taking possession of their rooms. At the time of entering the armory, the strength of the regiment was as follows : Company Field and Staff 13 F 42 Non-Com Staff 11 G 45 Company A 59 H 51 Company B 103 I 48 Company C 56 K 58 Company D 62 Total 548 The formal ceremonies in opening of the armory to the public, took place on the evening of April 20th, in the form of an elaborate and beautiful allegory of the Civil War in song. The rear of the drill room for a depth of twenty feet, was screened off, in the front of it was erected rows of elevated seats upon which was seated a choir of 200 voices, and an orchestra of 100 pieces. The program consisted of an address pf welcome delivered by Maj .-Gen. Wager Swayne, followed by singing, solo and chorus, of old war songs; then the 71st Regiment in heavy marching order marched in, depicting the departure for the war, disappearing behind the screen, where were already the Veteran Duryea Zouaves, 79th Highlanders and Lafayette Post, G.A.R., all under the command of Maj. A. T. Francis. There were more war songs, and then the "return from war," whereupon the Veterans from behind the screen marched. out receiving an ovation almost equal to the actual return in the '60's. Then followed from the singers more war songs,. both North and South, closing with the "Star Spangled Ban- 1894] 525 ner," in which the whole audience rose and joined in singing accompanied by the firing of guns by the 2d Battery; it was an enthusiastic outburst of patriotism, an immense success in every respect. After the Allegory, the floor was cleared and dancing con tinued until midnight. This history would not be complete without calling atten tion to what, in the work of rifle practice, was an epoch. While the office of I.S.A.P had been filled since its institution, it was not until trie appointment of Edwin Gould (March 21st, 1891) to that office by Colonel Kopper, that it had been filled by a practical man. Captain Gould had seen service in Squadron A, and was enthused with the work of rifle practice, so far that at his home on the Hudson he erected for his personal use, a 500-yard rifle range; he took up the work with great interest which resulted in a very marked improvement in the marks manship of the regiment, and this with the regiment having no armory and consequently no indoor rife range. On page 523 will be found a comparison showing the re markable advance between the years 1890 and 1893. Captain Gould's resignation (April 27th, 1894), was a serious loss to the regiment; at this time the regiment was indebted to him $900, money paid by him for the benefit of his department; this he gave to the regiment, $100 to each company. He has on many occasions since shown that he has not lost interest in the 71st; he is a member of the Veteran Association. May the 5th the regiment had its first open-air drill in Van Cortland Park under the most favorable conditions, the day was perfect, arrived on the grounds at 10:30 A. M., when companies commenced drilling in extended order, and kept up the hard work until 12:30, when the dinner call was sounded; officers dining in the Manor House. After dinner the nine companies were consolidated into four of 32 files under Lieutenant-Colonel Downs, with Captains Smith, Keck, Sprague and Whittle, and went through a severe drill of attack and retreat. This was repeated; this time under Major Francis with Captains Wells, L. W. Francis, Fisher and Timpson— both drills were most successful. The regiment was finally formed in close order and drilled by Colonel Greene for a short time. The men, well tired out by their four hour drill, were then returned to the armory. 526 [1894 About this time, the Trustees of the Armory Fair Fund, having arranged with the Board of Officers as to its disposition, turned over to them the Fund, amounting to about $12,000 which was eventually divided between the companies provid ing the furnishing. August 14th, Colonel Greene sailed on the steamer "Paris" for Europe from which he did not return until October. In the fall of this year was formed the Regimental Ath letic Association, and the annual games were held on the eve ning of December 15th, on which occasion all of the officers at the game appeared in full evening dress. This rule was also .established for all functions given on the armory floor, for those not in uniform. November 12th, the annual inspection was held in the armory with the following result: F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGH IKT'l Present 13 9 56 103 49 63 52 51 41 44 60 541 Absent 0 0 006000220 10 Total 13 9 56 103 55 63 52 51 43 46 60 551 Referring to this inspection, the "Army and Navy Jour nal" of the 17th, says: "The regiment which paraded in heavy marching order, looked remarkably well, and in fact, it. is doubtless if it ever looked better, and certainly not in twenty years past; and in percentage of attendance the regiment has excelled all its pre vious records, and six of the nine companies constituting this command paraded 100 per cent. * * *" The following is the Inspector-General's report : "The command was paraded in undress with packs and overcoats rolled. Ordinarily this uniform would impair mili tary appearance when contrasted with full-dress, but here the conditions were strongly reversed, clean brasses, well cared for equipments, steadiness and soldierly bearing predominated. While all credit should be bestowed upon officers and men for the flattering condition, there is no doubt that the master hand is the commanding officer; his soldierly influence is re flected through the entire regiment ; Colonel Greene has a right to be proud of the transformation which has taken place since he assumed command." 1895] 52? 18 9 5 The first thing of note occurring this year, was a drill on January 10th, of the 1st Battalion under Major Francis, of which the "Army and Navy Journal" of the 19th, says : "* * * The standing review and march past in quick time were very good indeed. * * * A battalion drill of twenty-two movements followed which was exceptionally smooth with no perceptible errors. * * * There was really nothing to criticise. "Dancing followed and was continued to a late hour. The request made upon the tickets that gentlemen wear evening dress was generally complied with, and only three members of the regiment were observed in State uniform. "The ceremony is the first of a series of battalion and regimental parades at which only the distinctive uniform is to be worn; the fine for non-appearance wearing the distinctive uniform is to be five dollars, and a member of the 71st who does not procure the new uniform at once is, therefore, likely to be fined more than the cost of a uniform." BROOKLYN RIOT In the early part of January, in fact for some time before, mutterings of discontent were heard among the motormen on most of the trolley lines in Brooklyn, culminating on Monday, January 14th. The first-out men (or those who operate the early morning cars) on all lines except two, refused to take their cars out. This action was the first move in one of the largest street railroad strikes which had ever occurred in the country. The cause was want of more pay, and the claim did not seem unreasonable. The companies did not question it, but promised to raise as soon as the times were better; this, however, had been heard before and no longer had charms. The first day of the strike was comparatively quiet, about 5,000 men being out. The next morning before daylight a mob collected in front of Prospect Hill Reservoir. A Captain of Police with a force of men was sent to that point — nine men. were arrested. No cars were running. An injunction was ap plied for, to compel the companies to run their cars. The third day only minor disturbances were reported;; 528 [1895 strikebreakers were coming into the city; the companies said they would run their cars if they could receive protection. The fourth day looked dark for the strikers, two of the companies started their cars, and although slight disturbances occurred, it was cared for by the mounted police. The fifth day the strikers became more desperate and made several attacks at different points of the City. The Mayor called out the Brooklyn regiments who were on guard in their several armories. The sixth day many assaults were committed by the Strikers. The Mayor called on the National Guard, bringing things to a crisis ; these were placed on duty at eight railroad depots, and at the Park Plaza, but were not confronted with necessity for more serious measures. It was a day of turbu lence and confusion. The strikers had during the night begun trouble by cutting the trolley wires near East New York; the troops charged upon the mob and were met by a shower of stones; repeated charges were made, and by 11 P. M. things had quieted down. The seventh day (Sunday 20th), conditions were such, that the Mayor called up the 1st Brigade from New York, and placed the city partially under martial law. About 4,000 men came over including the 71st. HEADQUARTERS 1ST BRIGADE, N.G.N.Y. New York, January 21st, 1895. To the Commanding Officer of the 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y. Sir: — Pursuant to orders from the Adjutant-General, you will proceed by the Brooklyn Bridge and Fulton Street elevated railroad to station at Albany and Troy Avenues. You will proceed to the Bergen Street stables at Troy Avenue where you will report by telephone to the commander of the 2d Brigade (telephone, 1688 Brooklyn). By his direction you will cover down Bergen Street from the car-barn, west to Franklin Avenue. You will also cover the depot on Nostrand Avenue near Butler Street and at the penitentiary. You will move from your armory at 5 A. M. today. By command of Brigadier-General Fitzgerald. STEPHEN H. OLIN, Assistant Adjutant-General. The regiment had assembled at the armory on Sunday evening and started with the brigade commander and the signal 1895] 529 corps at 5 A. M., on the 21st, marching over the bridge to the car sheds of the B.Q.C. & Suburban Railroad, on Bergen Street near Albany Avenue, from where one company was sent to the Ralph Avenue barn, one to Reid Avenue, one to Butler Street and two to the Nostrand Avenue barns, the latter under Major Francis ; the balance remaining at Bergen Street under Colonel Greene. On arrival at these posts not a man had even his shoes off for twenty-four hours and there was little prospect of getting any more off at any definite period; the car sheds with the exception of Bergen Street were in a most dilapidated condition, especially was this the case with the Nostrand Avenue barn. During the stay of the regiment the men slept in the most convenient place, the lucky ones going into the trolley cars ; the weather was cold and at times stormy. On the eighth day by the arrival of the reinforcements, order was comparatively restored, not, however, without several charges being made upon gatherings; two very effective ones by Troop A ; two men were shot one of whom died. On the ninth day the strike was about exhausted ; another rioter died. On this morning while company I was returning from the Nostrand Avenue barn (having been relieved), Pri vate Joseph J. Bannon slipped on the ice, fell and broke his leg ; he was taken to the hospital. The eleventh day conditions were still more quiet, the regiment found little to do. Under the admirable discipline maintained by Colonel Greene perfect order was kept and no disturbance occurred worthy of mention. The next day, the twelfth, gave evidence that the backbone of the strike was broken; the warden of the county jail which was opposite the Nostrand Avenue barn, invited the officers there to come over and take dinner with him which was accepted quickly and gratefully. It was the first time they had a square meal and a good washing for a week. The thirteenth day — during the night a heavy snowstorm set in and at 4 A. M. turned to a heavy downpour of rain, making several inches of slush. The guards were called inside, at the Nostrand Avenue barns, the water came down through the roof like a fall. That evening orders came to make ready for departure. The various details were called in and about 8 o'clock P. M., the regiment marched over to the armory of the 13th Regi ment, where they were royally treated; each man had the 530 [1895 chapce of a good bath, a fine supper and accommodation for a night's sleep, the men sleeping in the company rooms and the officers were provided with cots in the officers' rooms. A dress parade of the two regiments was held in tha armory, being under the command of Colonel Austin ; it was a very interesting and successful display. Monday, the 28th, their services being no longer required, the regiment was- ordered back to its home station and there dismissed. Too much praise could not be bestowed upon the Commis sary, Lieut. J. Kennedy Tod ; owing to his vigilance and energy, the regiment was well supplied with food ; but the faeilities for cooking the same were limited ; however, this was the least of their complaints. Weather conditions during the tour of duty were : Monday, January 21st — Foggy, drizzling rain A. M., P. M. clear. Tuesday, January 22d — Cold, disagreeable, freezing night and morning. Wednesday, January 23d — Cold, blustering snow and ram during afternoon. Thursday, January 24th — Cold and clear, very cold night and morning. Friday, January 25th — Cold and clear, freezing night and morning. Saturday, January 26th — Severe snowstorm, commenced at midnight, turning at 4 A. M. to a heavy downpour of rain. Sunday, January 27th — Clear and cold. Monday, January 28th — The same. Average temperature during tour, 19 degrees. Extract from Colonel Greene's report: "* * * It was not found necessary to either load the rifles or use the bayonet at any time ; the mere presence of the troops seemed to be amply sufficient to maintain order; I was surprised at this, for it had been represented to me both offi cially and unofficially, that this section of the city in which the regiment was stationed was one of the worst in Brooklyn. "At no time were the men sent out individually, on the cars, nor was there a long line of sentries stretched along the tracks or the streets. I endeavored at all times to carry out what I conceived to be the function of the National Guard, in repressing disorder, i. e., to keep the men together in compact 1895] 531 bodies, ready to move at an instant's notice to the support of the police when they meet resistance which they are unable to overcome, and not to send them out individually to perform the duties of policemen." PRESENTATION OF THE BULL RUN TABLET From the Official Report : The long delay in erecting some suitable memorial to the memory of the men, who gave their lives for their country at Bull Run, or were wounded on that ill-fated field, is easily explained. The tablet which now adorns the Board of Officers' room in the armory of the 71st Regiment is an enduring proof that their successors in the ranks of the American Guard are not forgetful of the heroic deeds which so richly deserved com memoration. For over thirty years after Bull Run the regiment was quartered in hired buildings, not originally intended for armory purposes; buildings upon which it was necessary to expend every dollar which the regiment could spare, in order that they might be rendered habitable, and in which it would have been folly to erect any costly memorial. That such a memorial was not erected in any of these pitiful substitutes for armories is now a cause for congratulation. For, twice, the buildings in which the regiment was temporarily quartered were destroyed by fire. But in April, 1894, after many long and wearisome delays, the splendid armory at Park Avenue and 34th Street was an nounced as completed, and, escorted by its old-time friends, the gallant 7th, the American Guard marched down from Har lem, and entered its new and permanent home. Among those who applauded it, as it entered the drill room, was its old War Colonel, Henry P. Martin, and many others who were at Bull Run; still hale and hearty, thirty-three years after the battle. A room in the armory was allotted to the Veterans, and for the first time in a quarter of a century the faces of many of the men who had made history, became familiar to the mem bers of the active regiment. Their presence, and the placing in the council room and the library of many cherished memen toes of "the days which tried men's souls," reminded many, 532 [1895 among them the Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. George R. Van de Water, that the time had come when a Bull Run Memorial should be placed in the regimental armory. Chaplain Van de Water and Col. Henry P. Martin were old friends. The Colonel was several years a parishioner of the Chaplain, in St. Luke's Church, Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn. For seven years they were much together and naturally talked over military affairs and experiences of the Civil War, in which the Colonel had taken so prominent a part. Conse quently when the Chaplain removed from Brooklyn to New York, and was transferred from the 23d to the 71st, the Colonel was greatly pleased by the Chaplain's appointment to a staff office in the regiment. At an opportune time, therefore, the Chaplain went to Colonel Martin with the suggestion that a Bull Run Memorial be erected in the hallway of the new armory, and be presented by Colonel Martin to the regiment. Not only did Colonel Martin approve, but, with the generosity which has ever dis tinguished him, he at once made a generous offer to pay the entire cost of the preparation and erection of such memorial tablet. At the suggestion of Colonel Greene, with whom the Chap lain at once consulted, Tiffany & Company were requested to furnish a design, and the principal designer of that celebrated firm succeeded, after consultation with the Chaplain, Colonel Martin, and many old members, in producing a design both novel and striking, which was approved by those most inter ested, and the order was given for the tablet which is now in the armory. Many months were consumed in the making of the tablet, and it was completed only in March, 1895. The expectations of the makers and the donor were more than realized, and the tablet was found in all respects to be satisfactory. In describ ing it we cannot do better than quote the words of the makers, as follows : "This medallion or tablet is probably the largest and most remarkable one in existence. It measures nearly eight feet in height and about six feet in width. The subject, which is pror duced in bold relief, consists of a large shield as a centrepiece, bearing the official list of the officers and men who were killed 1895] 533 or wounded at the Battle of Bull Run. The names of these heroes were recently published in Regimental Orders; they were fifty-one in number. Above this is a spirited representa tion of the spread eagle, grasping the laurel wreath of victory, crossed flags and a ribbon bearing the old name of the regi ment, the American Guard. Springing up back of the shield, and forming an effective background, are the rays of glory. "On each side of the shield, standing on a fountain of solid rock, are two soldiers of almost life size, in the uniform of the 71st Regiment during the time of the war, one in full dress, the other in fatigue dress, each with musket in hand. On the heading of the shield, above the list of names, and between the Stars and Stripes and the Arms of the State, is a plaque, upon which is pictured the battle itself, as drawn by the war artist of the 'Illustrated London News' on the battlefield, while the fight was at its hottest and the bullets were flying in all directions. On the ribbon at the foot of the shield is the Latin motto of the regiment, 'Pro Aris et Pro Focis' (for our altars. and our firesides). Forming the lower part of the tablet is a panel with the following legend in bold raised letters. It tells its own story : " 'A. D., 1894 " 'This tablet is erected to commemorate the vali ant deeds and patriotic service of all the officers and men of the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M., who took part in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, and especially of those who were killed and wounded in that battle. " 'After having done its full share of the fighting in the engagement, the 71st Regiment was ordered to take the foremost position on the field. When all the other troops of the Union Army had left the field, see ing a large column of reinforcements of the enemy ap proaching within five hundred yards of the regiment, then, standing in line, the Colonel gave the order, 'About face,' and marched the command away in line of battle, not one man running, prepared at any mo ment to face about in the event of pursuit.' "The whole design is strictly military, and the artist while telling the story of the battle and its sacrifices, has avoided giving the mortuary effect so common in memorials of this character." It was determined that the unveiling should be made an occasion of great ceremony and a parade of the regiment, in 534 [1895 full dress uniform, was ordered by Colonel Greene, who, in his order, gave the name of those members who were wounded or killed at Bull Run. The parade occurred on March 12th, 1895, in the presence of a most brilliant and distinguished audience, which included the Mayor and City officials, the officers of the 1st and 2d Brigades, and Veteran Corps. The armory was crowded, and the regiment, formed in three battalions, was said by the mili tary critics present to have exceeded in drill and steadiness all its previous efforts in that direction. The "American Guard Gazette" thus describes the parade and review : "The 1st and 2d Battalions wore regimental full dress, the 3d (except officers) State full dress. "A guard of two officers, three N.C.O. and sixteen men was mounted at 7:10, Captain Timpson being Officer of the Day, and Lieutenant McLeod Officer of the Guard. "Assembly for parade was sounded at 8:15. Companies L and M were formed in the rear of Company D, from details of men of other companies, reporting in State Uniform. After the companies had formed they closed on Company F, on the north side of the drill floor, facing the west, in company front, and at Adjutant's call battalions were formed facing north. "Parade, which was in line, then followed, the right rest ing near the northwest corner facing north, and was a hand some, well-executed ceremony. "At the call for Review, which followed the parade, each battalion executed fours right, and marched around the drill room, and when opposite its place in line executed column of companies, first companies, fours left, and closed in mass. "The Review was taken by Mayor Strong, and then the names of those entitled to Long Service Medals were called by the Adjutant, each officer and man stepping to the front and centre and joining the line of honor men which advanced to the front. "The Long Service Medals were presented by Mayor Strong, and the regiment, formed in battalions, closed in mass, was then marched forward toward the Reviewing Stand, halted, and brought to parade rest. Colonel Martin then rose, and was greeted with long-continued applause, at the conclusion of which he made the following address : " 'Officers and Members of the 71st Regiment, Active and 1895] 535 Veterans : — This magnificent building being the first and only permanent home of the regiment, at the suggestion of my friend, Chaplain Van de Water, I have thought fit to have prepared this tablet in enduring bronze, to commemorate the valiant deeds of the officers and men of the 71st Regiment at the first Battle of Bull Run, and to be an object lesson to in spire their successors to emulate their heroic deeds, and to incite those successors to be prompt at the call of duty, and loyal to their City, State and Country. " T hope and trust that it may be ever preserved as a memorial of those brave men who fought and died for their country, and that it shall so remain until that glorious time shall come — " 'When Peace on earth shall hold her easy sway, And man forget his brother man to slay; When to the martial arts shall milder arts succeed, And he who blesses most obtains th' immortal meed; When eyes of pity shall be pained no more, With Victory's crimson banner stained with gore. Thou glorious era, come! Hail, blessed time. When full-orbed Freedom shall unclouded shine. When the chaste Muses, cherished by her rays, In olive groves shall tune their sweetest lays, When bounteous Ceres shall direct the car O'er fields now blasted by the fires of War, And angels view, with joy and wonder joined, The golden age returned to bless mankind. " 'Colonel Greene, to you, and to the officers and members of the 71st Regiment, I now entrust this tablet, with the full assurance you will transmit it to your successors untarnished and unimpaired.' "Colonel Martin's voice was strong and clear, and he was distinctly heard in all parts of the armory. Applause was renewed as he took his seat, and Colonel Greene then responded as follows : " 'Colonel Martin : On behalf of the 71st Regiment, I accept the noble memorial which with such thoughtful gener osity you have placed in yonder hall. It will always remind us that at a critical hour in the Nation's life our predecessors in the American Guard sprang to arms and shed their blood and gave their lives in defense of their country, their altars and their firesides. It will tell us that if the same occasion should again arise, our duty will be no less than theirs, and we shall strive to perform it equally well. 536 [1895 " 'It is an added pleasure, dear Colonel, that you are able to present this historic gift in person, and that we have you here among us tonight, hale and hearty, nearly thirty-four years after the battle in which you commanded this regiment with such distinguished gallantry. That you may long remain among us, surrounded by your friends and companions, and enjoying the affection and esteem in which you are universally held, is, I assure you, the wish of every officer and man in the regiment. " 'Officers and Members of the 71st Regiment, Ladies and Gentlemen: I now have the pleasure to present to you the distinguished prelate and orator, who will do us the honor to address us tonight, Bishop Potter.' "Bishop Potter's address was listened to with much atten tion. He said : " 'Ladies and Gentlemen : They say that republics are ungrateful, but soldiers are not ; and one of the most impressive illustrations of that fact which our generation has given to us is to be found in the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. There are statues and monuments there which have been erected by States and Legislatures, but there are many more, and they are among the worthiest and most costly that have been erected by the surviving comrades of these dead heroes known and unknown — high on the scroll of fame, or, simply sleeping amid the vast throng of the unidentified who rest there. Art and taste, sculpture and architecture have illustrated themselves upon that memorable and historic field in ways which make it, though but few comparatively are aware of it, one of the most interesting and impressive spots on earth. The soldiers who have survived, or those who have succeeded to their places, have not forgotten the men who fell there, and have testified to their grateful homage in stately and costly memorials. " 'Nor, indeed, in one point of view is this surprising. It is not altogether an unnatural impulse that honors and com memorates success. The men who fought on some field of splendid and triumphant achievement are not often forgotten, nor easily. But it is a very different thing in the case of those who have striven, and failed. Without disparagement of any others, we must own, I think that that is a higher quality which owns and honors these. To recall their heroism is, alas, also to recall the blunders and shortcomings, the inadequacy and 1895] 537 the inexperience that accompanied it. To remind ourselves of their sacrifices is to bring to mind again a page in our National history which is neither illustrious nor gratifying. "' T am not going to be guilty of the grave incongruity of rehearsing it in your ears tonight. Bull Run ! There are some of us who can never succeed in forgetting it, nor the gloom and shame and dismay that so widely followed upon it. What I would speak of this evening is the rare devotion and genuine nobility which have refused wholly to forget it, because to do so would be to forget the men who served their country in this and other regiments, and who witnessed to their devotion, some of them, with their lives. To us, as we remember them, it does not matter that, for the moment they failed; it is enough for us that they fought and fell, many of them fell on the field of battle, facing the emergency that confronted them, and illus trating their soldierly qualities at utmost cost, and in the face, be it forever remembered, of unprecedented, if not insurmount able, difficulties. " 'No estimate of the battle of Bull Run will be at all intelligent or just which does not keep in mind one or two most important considerations. In the first place, our troops were upon wholly unfamiliar ground, and were, by the condi tions of the situation, from first to last, constrained to be the attacking party. Now, in emphasizing this fact, I am speak ing, of course, only as a layman, and the distinguished and ex perienced military authorities in whose presence I speak will, I am sure, kindly bear in mind that I should not venture to do so at all except upon the testimony of military authorities whose opinions are within everybody's reach. " 'These, however, as they are quoted — namely in Nicolay and Hay's "Life of Lincoln," in John C. Ropes' very able "His tory of the Civil War" and in Greeley's "American Conflict" — appear to concur in emphasizing the peculiar difficulties, at any rate in this instance, involved in fighting an unknown enemy. on unknown soil, and especially when compelled to take the initiative. All accounts concur in describing the crisis of the battle as having occurred on or about what was known as the Henry house hill. But this hill was surrounded on the south and east by woods into which the Confederate troops could and did from time to time withdraw, reform and then renew the fighting. " 'But this was not all. It was not alone the newness 538 [1895 and strangeness of the field — of the task and assault, of the character and fighting quality of the foe — it was the newness and strangeness of the whole awful business. One may say, indeed, that this was equally true of both armies. Yes; but on the one side was the ardor, the vehemence, the impassioned enthusiasm of men who felt honestly that they were repelling an invader, while on the other hand was a mass of imperfectly drilled, organized, equipped troops led by commanders who were as yet largely strange to them, undertaking a business in which, so far as actual fighting was concerned, the great ma jority of them were wholly without experience, and many of them without personal enthusiasm. " 'It is not wonderful that they failed ; nay, notwithstand ing the tragedy of their failure, we are warranted, I think, in saying it was well that they did fail. For if they had not, if on that dark day they had- succeeded, they would have formed, and not unnaturally, an opinion of their enemy which subse quent events would have even more rudely and disastrously dispelled. There are some of us here who can remember the "On to Richmond" cry, and how soon, as some great editorial voices proclaimed, we should get there if only we would not "stand upon the order of our going," but go ! Well, Bull Run taught us in that connection a very bitter but a very salutary, lesson. There was as good fighting stuff in the South, we found out, as in the North, and if we were to dispose of it finally and effectually, we must recognize that we had a very large and costly task before us, and prepare for and attempt it accordingly. '"But here, as everywhere in human history, the costly lesson could not be learned without cost of blood and limb and life. War needs money? Yes, most surely, but its greatest price must be paid in men. My brothers! We are here to night to remember some of the men with whose lives we bought our first experience — ah, at how great a price! You have an honorable and distinguished record. In varied ser vice, and in more than one emergency, you and your predeces sors have shown us of what stuff you and they were made. I would that my voice could reach the remotest corners of these spacious walls and galleries, that I might speak of your mothers and sisters and wives, and ask them to use their influence to bring all young men within the range of the benefits that are here extended. The City and State do well to make liberal 1895] 539 appropriations to give privileges of a physical and social kind to the sons, and the brothers and the husbands who, in a spirit of patriotic pride, come here to learn to dare and die for civic order or a country's need. " 'As one of that great multitude to whom you are as a living wall of defense from the invader without and from law lessness within, I congratulate you upon a history as honorable as it is conspicuous ; but most of all tonight I congratulate you that you and those whose names and deeds are garnered there were brothers ! Said a young artist, standing before a master piece of Giotto's: "And I, too, am a painter!" Even so may you say, looking on their memorial who gave themselves for country and for freedom : "I, too, am a soldier, and these men once were comrades!" May the brotherhood of their sacri fice never perish out of your lives, and in the days to come may your countrymen find in you — we could not ask for you a greater guerdon — their loyalty to God, to duty, to the flag.' " From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 16th : "The regiment was formed in three battalions, commanded by Majors Francis and Smith, and Captain Whittle ; the 1st and 2d, four companies each 16 files, wore the new full dress, the 3d Battalion had four companies of 12 files, each in State Service Uniform. * * * Never in the history of the 71st has it presented as fine an appearance upon parade. "The ceremony was executed with such precision and snap- that applause from spectators was frequent. The improve ment in the manual of arms in the regiment is particularly noticeable and the steadiness of the men also showed that it has attained a high degree of discipline during the winter. Since the establishing of the battalion formation, it had been a question as to the duties and authority of the Majors. They naturally felt a pride in their battalion and desired in every way to improve it, and feeHng their responsibility did very much as a Captain would with his company, when to their surprise they were sharply reminded that they were exceeding their authority, and to refrain from any act except such as they were directed from regimental headquarters. It seems that General Headquarters at Albany decided that the duties of a Major were "limited to command his battalion on drills and parade, and perform such other duties as the Colonel prescribes." It, therefore, remained with the Colonel as to 540 [1895 how much authority and responsibility a Major might assume. Ou the 30th March there was held the first of a series of promenade concerts. April 19th, a review was held, Adjutant-General McAlpin (former Colonel), being the reviewing officer. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 27th : "* * * it attracted an immense crowd of spectators. The popularity of the 71st was plainly apparent, and the crowds which attend its parades and reviews continually grow larger. "The regiment formed promptly at 8:15 and was equalized into twelve commands of 16 files, many being sent to form Companies L and M. * * * The regiment was then formed for review in lines of masses ; after the Colonel took command the Adjutant-General reviewed the regiment, the steadiness of the men during the review being most commendable. * * * "Regimental parade followed and was a ceremony with which no fault could be found in any particular. * * * After the parade, marksmen's, sharpshooters' and experts' badges were presented to 546 officers and men, the largest number with one exception, to whom these badges have ever been presented in any one regiment. The entire regiment ex cept recruits were in the ranks of the shooters. "Colonel Greene entertained General McAlpin and other guests at supper at the 'Waldorf.' " Up to this time, with the exception of the 7th and 23d regiments, every regiment was wearing the State Service Uni form ; according to paragraph 100 MC any regiment could adopt a full dress uniform at its own expense (with the approval of the commander-in-chief), to be worn only on reviews and parades. A change was made by the State in the uniform in 1892, which had not been accepted by the 71st, which still wore the light-blue trimmings which had designated the infantry branch, and the light-blue ground on shoulder straps and knots worn by officers, while the change called. for white. A proposition was made by the regiment, that the State allow them to discontinue the wearing of the State service full dress, the regiment to continue the State service undress; the commander-in-chief to approve of the full dress adopted by the regiment, to be provided at its expense ; and the regiment to discard the blue trimmings and substitute the white. All of which was granted by the Commander-in-Chief. May 4th the Washington Arch, at the head of Fifth 1895] 541 Avenue, was dedicated. The ceremony was postponed from April 30th, on account of rain, much to the annoyance of the troops, who having assembled, much preferred to parade in the rain than to lose another day. From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 11th: "The 71st Regiment was in command of Major Francis and paraded twelve companies of 12 files in two battalions, under Major Smith and Captain Whittle. The regiment wore its dark-blue distinctive uniform, which, while pretty on a drill roorn^ floor, does not look so well in a street parade, the dust showing very plainly on the trousers. * * *" The annual inspection was held in the armory May 22d, with the following very satisfactory result : F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGH IKT'l Present 14 9 53 103 54 71 52 49 49 31 57 542 Absent 0 0 100001050 7 Total 14 9 54 103 54 71 52 50 49 36 57 549 The Inspector-General's report of this, says: "The 71st Regiment, Colonel Greene, showed a percentage present of 94.72. Making rapid and remarkable progress. Its •condition was highly satisfactory, and every article of arms, uniforms and equipments neat and clean to a perfect degree. All property well cared for. Attention is called to Regulations ¦659, 670, 681 and 698. Books and records in very good order. "Company A, Captain Whittle — Small loss, but in every other particular in excellent condition. "Company B, Captain Hazen— Excellent in every particu lar, 100 per cent, present. "Company C, Capt. L. W. Francis — With the exception of poor manual, with 100 per cent, present, is in excellent shape. "Company D, Captain Linson — Handsome gain of eight, 100 per cent, present. "Company F, Captain Wells — 100 per cent, present ; with the exception of a few details, is in excellent condition. "Company H, Captain Fisher — 100 per cent, present, and a gain in the aggregate of six men; remarkable improvement has taken place in a few months ; everything is in excellent condition. "Company I, Captain Sprague — Loss of ten men. Com- 542 [1895 pany makes a bad showing; is far behind all other companies in the regiment. "Company K, Captain Keck — A small loss. With the ex ception of poor manual, everything was found in a very satis factory condition. 100 per cent, present. On July 6th, at 11:45 A. M., the regiment proceeded to camp at Peekskill, fatigue uniform, campaign hats, packs and leggins were worn. In reference to this, the "Army and Navy Journal" of July 13th, says: "Probably for the first time in the history of the 1st Bri gade, dress uniforms were left at home, not for display or cere mony. The innovation was a bold one, but indicated better than any amount of advance talking that the new 71st means business, and if it has adopted a showy dress uniform, has not done so with any idea of making itself famous for display rather than efficiency. * * * "The parade on Sunday evening was a ceremony to be proud of, it was correct in all its detail. * * * Of the early morning drills of Monday, as Colonel Greene stated, 'The regiment seems to have taken up its work at the point where it left off two years ago;' the drill inspector said they had no criticisms whatsoever to make, they were a 'most intelligent exposition of the principles of the extended order.' * * * "The regiment had a higher percentage of attendance at drills than any regiment in camp this season so far; its discipline was excellent; officers were saluted invariably; men never left their company street with blouses unbuttoned; formations were promptly made and men 'jumped to obey orders.' * * * "The great event of the week was the sham battle of Fri day. The 71st represented an enemy which advanced up the Hudson, had captured Peekskill, but was prevented from ad vancing upon the camp from the south by the fact that on that side it was strongly defended by artillery, and being upon a high bluff could not be approached or stormed from the river. "The 71st representing the enemy, left the camp by the McCoy road at 9:30 A. M., and dropped out of sight in the hills north of the camp, leaving the 2d Provisional Battalion under Gen. Guy V. Henry, U.S.A., to defend the camp and do the guessing as to the enemy's whereabouts. Half an houi later a skirmish line was thrown out by the defenders and advanced up the valley, north of the mess hall seeking the 1895] 543 enemy, which was found some distance up the valley holding so strong a position, that a front attack on the enemy's left was repulsed. "Defenders and enemy retreated, the former to cover the camp, the latter to allow the 2d Battalion to get around on the left flanks of the defenders, which was so successfully accom plished by climbing along the flanks of the mountain that one of the separate companies found itself cut off, and had to beat a hasty retreat to Roa Hook. "The defenders at this point had been completely deceived, supposing that the mounting cliff could not be scaled by the ¦enemy, and finding itself in danger of being flanked on the left hurried its main body in that direction. "This was precisely what Colonel Greene was wishing for, and he immediately ordered an advance of the 1st Bat talion up the valley towards the defenders' centre and Battery Hill. The advance by rushes, was made in fine style and every depression of the ground and natural object afforded being used as a cover. And it was not until the enemy had reached the •edge of the drill ground that they exposed themselves; here they met a heavy fire from the batteries, trenches, and charged. "The 2d Battalion was closing in on the right, and the •entire 71st with Colonel Greene at the head, and officers out in front, charged the battery, cheering and coming on with tremendous impetus. Company K on the right reached the guns before the order to rally was given and the cannoniers losing their presence of mind, drew their sabres and slashed about wildly. Only some skillful bayonet exercise saved many men of K from being badly cut. "While the battery men used poor judgment in slashing with sabres at close quarters, the men of the regiment also deserve censure for advancing on top of the artillery men. They should have halted fifty yards from them. After the assembly a gloom was thrown over the entire camp, Colonel Henry having been thrown from his horse, breaking his nose and losing several teeth. "The 71st has in the camp of 1895 made the best record in its history, and has surprised even those who expected much from it. It showed conclusively that it has excellent officers and good men in its ranks, and its great need would seem to be that it needs more men. * * *" 544 [1895 From the Sunday "Mercury" : "Peekskill, July 12th. — During the military manoeuvres this morning between the 71st Regiment and the 2d Provisional Battalion, Gen. Guy V. Henry, U.S.A., in command of the bat talion, had a narrow escape from death. "While directing the movements of his men the General's horse stepped into a hole and fell, turning a complete somer sault with its rider on its back. The General lay on the ground motionless, and Levy of Company F picked him up. '"Some one catch that horse!' ordered the General, suddenly getting on his feet. T want to give them a fight.'' His face was bleeding, his lip split open and his body badly bruised. The General then took command of his men. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon Mrs. Henry arrived. "Sergt. R. F. Freeman of Company K, while charging was shot in the face by a man in one of the separate companies,. the blank cartridge wadding hitting him under the right eye; several other casualties occurred, but none more serious. * * * "Military men decided that the battle was a draw, although many thought the 71st had the better of it. The whole battle was a struggle between a large number of troops attacking a. few troops in a sheltered position. General Henry told Colonel Greene that the manoeuvres were more like real battle than anything he had ever seen. He told the Colonel that he could not find the regiment at first." Certainly very complimentary from such a source. The rifle practice at Creedmoor this fall was exceedingly gratifying; there were qualified: 11 experts, 75 sharpshooters. and 561 marksmen. December 14th, the Athletic games were held in the armory.. On the evening of December 21st, at the Savoy Hotel (Fifth Avenue and 59th Street), was held a Military Reception,. given by the Governor's Staff, in acknowledgement of many courtesies received from the various commands, and also affording an opportunity to the Commander-in-Chief to meet personally the officers of the "Guard." About 700 were present. After 9 A. M., when the guests began to gather the large hotel was placed practically at their command. 1895-96] 545 First, there was a dinner at which Governor Morton was the guest ; it was an informal affair, neither toasts nor speeches. This was followed (at 9 :45) by a reception by the Governor in the ballroom, after which all repaired to the Palm Room, where a buffet supper was spread; here the officers feasted and conversed. The year closed very satisfactorily in every way; the mag nificent work of Colonel Greene was seen in every department, the regiment was making rapid strides to the front, making other regiments open their eyes. 18 9 6 The first function of the season was, as announced in the "Army and Navy Journal," February 1st: "The 1st Battalion of the 71st, in command of Major Francis, assembled for review and drill, January the 24th, companies A, C, D, G and I. Assembly sounded at 8:15 and •ten minutes later the 1st Sergeants had reported and Adjutant Dowling promptly equalized the command into five companies of 16 files each, and began the formation for parade which was handsomely executed. "Owing to the recent adoption of the new manual the execution of manual was ragged. Review by Colonel Greene and several of his staff, followed. The battalion remained in its position; there was no reformation. "During the review in line the battalion remained very steady. In the passage in quick time, while all the companies went by with handsome fronts, companies C and G, in our opinion, were a trifle the best. The passage in double time to the tune of 'Pop, goes the weasle,' was exceedingly well done, the step, distances and intervals between men being carefully preserved, and when the battalion united in line it was well nigh perfect. "Company D was ordered to the front and presented with the 'Colonel Cup' won with the percentage of marksmen in 117.9; and Company G with the 'Homer Trophy' for Creed moor shooting. "A drill in the school of the battalion followed, which demonstrated that the Major had his men well in hand. The 546 [1896 distances and intervals were most correctly preserved through out the evening. The turnout of five companies, 16 files, shows a great improvement over that of last year when but five com panies of 12 files, in the distinctive uniform could be paraded." From the same, February 29th : "The 2d Battalion of the 71st 'American Guard' com manded by Major Smith, paraded in full dress uniform at the armory on Tuesday evening, the 25th, for review by Colonel Greene, Captains Keck, Wells, Fisher and Hazen. Companies F and H had a very poor turnout at the company formation, and Adjutant Fisher was obliged to equalize into five com panies of 16 files, there being some blank files in the rear ranks, which was not quite so good a turnout as that made by the 1st Battalion under Major Francis. * * * "Line was formed promptly and the whole ceremony was characterized by snap and precision, except the performance of the manual of arms by shakos being knocked off at 'Port Arms,' and the officers did not preserve a good alignment dur ing the advance to the Colonel. "At the conclusion of the parade the companies under command of the 1st Sergeants, advanced to the front in eschelon and returned to the rear in line of company in column of fours in eschelon, pretty movement well executed in the limited space. Line was again formed for review by Colonel Greene and staff of eight. "The men were perfectly steady, and what is somewhat uncommon, stood almost without exception in the correct posi tion of a soldier. During the passing in review in quick time, Companies F and K preserved excellent alignment, but other companies did not catch the step or alignment at the change of direction in the few paces before the reviewing point was reached. "The passage in re'view in double time was very well done by all the companies, this being apparently a specialty of the 71st, as the movement was handsomely executed by the 1st Battalion a month ago. * * * Major Smith handled his men in a masterly manner, and his line officers appear to be quick and efficient. * * *" These reports of the two battalions are of especial interest as showing the great improvement in the regiment; owing largely to the spirit of rivalry between the two battalions. 1896] --. 547, About this time Colonel Greene presented a very fine; bronze trophy named "Sheridan's Ride." On March 9th the annual inspection was held in the arm ory ; it was the most eventful ever held by any regiment : F.&S. N.C.S. ABCDFGH IKT'l Present 17 15 53 103 50 73 50 46 42 57 64 570 Absent 0 0 000000000 0 Total 17 15 53 103 50 73 50 46 42 57 64 Ito" Of this the Inspector-General said: "From the report of my predecessor, and my own observation at the inspection, both this year and last the regiment is making most remark able strides in the right direction, which if continued, must place it in the first class. The commanding officer and his associate officers and the men of the regiment have reason to feel proud of the wonderful record made upon this occasion — one without precedent — every man present, and in the pink' of condition. It is doubtful if the record will be equalled." . And a gain of twenty-one in the total, over last year. From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 28th : "The 71st Regiment, in command of Colonel Greene,' as sembled for review by Maj .-Gen. Thomas H. Ruger, U.S.A., on the evening of the 25th. The regiment was equalized into ten companies of 16 files, and divided into two battalions under Majors Francis and Smith. * * * "For review the regiment was formed in line of masses The regiment was very steady during the review in line. * * *'' And on April 4th, speaking of the same review, it said : "It was one of the prettiest ceremonies the 71st has yet given ; in fact, the couple of minor errors noted last week did not in the least detract from the exceptional excellency of the military display, which critics from other regiments generally commended as one of the best they have seen. The marked improvement in the regiment during that of last year is very manifest." April 25th the regiment was again reviewed, this time by Brigadier-General McLeer of the 2d Brigade. May 2d the regiment paraded with the Lafayette Post, G.A.R., as escort to the latter. It was upon the occasion of the impressive ceremony of the dedication of the site of Columbia 548 [1896 University. The Post had presented a handsome pole and American flag, the former (not then completed), having a base of granite and bronze; the latter was hoisted on a temporary pole. The regiment and the Post formed a line on 116th Street, where they received the Governor on his arrival. Afterwards they wheeled into column and proceeded to the place where the ceremony of receiving the flag by ex-Mayor Low, on behalf of the University, took place. After which the regiment returned to the armory. (In the "Appendix" will be found a very interesting account of this ceremony.) May 30th the regiment participated in the usual Decora tion Day parade. September 5th three companies enjoyed an excursion. Company A went to Pleasure Bay, N. J.; Company B went to Niagara Falls, and Company D to Staten Island. At Creedmoor this fall the regiment excelled itself, quali fying 11 experts, 98 sharpshooters and 590 marksmen. It was proposed that the regiment should attend the in auguration of President-elect McKinley, March 4th, 1897, and measures were taken to assure success as fully explained in the following from the "Army and Navy Journal" of Decem ber 19th: "The 71st Regiment have decided to attend the inaugura tion of President-elect-McKinley, and has further arranged every detail in connection therewith. A train caterer and quarters in Washington have been contracted for, and at least 400 members of the regiment have agreed to make the trip, which is to cost every man twelve dollars. The actual outlay will greatly exceed this, but influential friends of the regiment will supply the extra amount. "It would have been possible to have made the trip for ten dollars per man, but this was considered 'too cheap,' at least for the 71st, who did not care to make the journey unless the men were abundantly provided for with the best of every thing. "The regiment will leave on a special train on the evening of March 3d, on the palatial sleeping cars of the 'Royal Blue' line, from the foot of Liberty Street, who, despite the tremend- 1896-97] 549 ous demand on them for transportation, will arrange to have the train 'right on time.' The caterer will be Mazzetti, who will supply a number of cooks and waiters to accompany the regiment. "While in Washington the headquarters of the regiment will be in the armory of the Washington Light Infantry, which has been hired for the exclusive use of the 71st. After the parade the members who so desire will attend the inaugural ball. * * *" 18 9 7 From the "Army and Navy Journal," January 23d : "The 1st Battalion of the 71st Regiment, commanded by Maj. Augustus T. Francis, was reviewed at the armory on the evening of the 18th, by Col. Henry Chauncy, Jr., of the 8th Regiment, and made an exceptionally fine showing; in fact, it was beyond a doubt the finest showing the battalion ever made. "The battalion was composed of Companies A, C, D, G and I, Captain Whittle, Lieutenant Heindsman, Captains Linson, Blecker, and Reton, commanding respectively, with Adjt. J. W. Dowling and Sergt.-Maj. John Miller, Jr. "The battalion was promptly formed for review, being equalized into five companies of 16 files each, the formation being in line and very handsomely made. The steadiness of the command was very noticeable. The Colonel was accom panied by his staff, but neither he nor the Major was accom panied by the staff in passing around the lines, which under paragraph 672 D. R., is optional. "The passage both in quick and double time was most finely executed, and the battalion formed line again in the smoothest manner possible. Without wasting the time in the formality of being dismissed and reformed, the battalion was brought to an attention at its point of rest for parade. "With the exception of the color company, all the com panies lacked snap in coming to a parade rest; with this ex ception, the ceremony was all that could be desired. "The next event was a battalion drill in close order, fol lowed by the formation of street column and square. The entire drill was executed without the slightest hitch, and re flected the great credit upon all concerned. "The battalion certainly has been making steady progress, 550 [1897 which was amply demonstrated during the evolutions of the evening. The step during the evening was a trifle slow, but distances and intervals were very accurately preserved. * * *" On the evening of January 23d the annual winter games were held. From the "Army and Navy Journal," February 13th: "The 2d Battalion of the 71st Regiment commanded by Maj. Clinton H. Smith, was reviewed at its armory on the 9th by Col. George Moore Smith of the 69th Regiment, and made a highly creditable showing. The battalion was composed of Companies B, F, H and K, Captains Hazen, Wells, Joyce and Keck, and was equalized by Adjutant Fisher into five com panies of 16 files each. "The first formation was for evening parade and was very promptly and prettily made, the line facing Park Avenue, all companies came to a parade rest in a snappy manner, and dur ing the sound off were as steady as rocks. * * * The formation for review was in line, which this time faced 34th Street, and was equally as well done as the previous formation. Colonel Smith was accompanied by five members of his staff. * * * "A short battalion drill followed, the movements generally being well executed. In several cases there was not enough distance taken, which caused a slight crowding. In executing front into line from column of fours, three of the commands when company distance from the line, instead of taking up the march in double quick (paragraph 220, D.R.), as they should have done, marched in quick time. The formation of street column and squares were also well done. * * *" In accordance with the arrangements made, on March 3d, at 10 P. M., the regiment entrained at Jersey City for Washing ton which was reached on the morning of the 4th at 7 o'clock, where the regiment detrained and marched to the armory df the Washington Light Infantry. There the regiment formed in close column and stacked arms ; the men were dismissed until such time as they were required for parade, at which time the regiment formed and marched south through 15th and 14th Streets, Virginia and Maryland Avenues to 1st Street, where- it joined the procession. The mounted officers were neces sarily provided with horses at Washington, the demand being greater than the supply, every old farm and cart horse was drafted for the occasion. Those for the regiment might have been better — they could hardly have been worse — they were a 1897] 551 sorry lot, neither wise nor bridlewise. Soon after the regiment turned into 15th Street, Assistant Surgeon Stoddard's horse bolted the column, and the last seen of rider and horse they seemed to be trying to climb Washington Monument. After the parade, in which the regiment presented a fine appearance, they returned to their quarters, stacked arms as before and were then dismissed until the time for its departure — 9 P. M. — when it marched to entrain, arriving in New York the next morning, all well pleased with the trip. In orders, Colonel Greene announced that the excellent record made by the regiment in rifle practice in 1895 was not only maintained, but surpassed in 1896. The percentage of marksmen to average strength was as follows : 1892, 67 per cent. ; 1893, 89 per cent. ; 1894, 97 per cent. ; 1895, 102 per cent. ; 1896, 103 per cent. In proportion to the strength of the regiments, Colonel Greene said, "the regi ment qualified more sharpshooters and marksmen than any other regiment in the State, and he expressed to the members of the command his appreciation of the efforts shown by every officer and member of the regiment." On Tuesday evening, March 9th, the regiment was re viewed by the Brigade Commander, General Fitzgerald, at which it turned out in its usual strength. Since 1880 there had been no Company E, though many efforts had been made to organize one. In March Lieut. Charles H. Stoddard of the 22d made application to the Colonel for the privilege of trying to raise a company, which was granted. The Lieutenant was successful, and on May 7th it was mustered into service, and for the first time in seventeen years the regi ment had its full quota of companies. March 30th the regiment was reviewed by Adjutant Tillinghast. Among the noted guests were Maj. -Gen. T. H. Ruger, Anson D. McCook and Capt. E. E. Hardin of the U. S. Army ; and Admiral Henry Erben, Capt. F. Rodgers and Lieut. Seaton Shroeder of the U. S. Navy. In reference to this, the "Army and Navy Journal" of April 3d, says : "The formation was conducted very promptly, as will be seen by the following : First call for assembly was sounded at 8:10, formation of companies 8:15, 1st Sergeants' call 8:19, 552 [1897 and seven minutes thereafter Adjutant Bates had completed his equalization of ten companies of 16 files each, and Adju tant's call for battalion formation, which was splendidly made. "The regimental formation for review in line was equally well done. * * * The regiment certainly presented a splendid appearance and fully maintained its record of con tinued improvement. The passage of companies was excellent ; evening parade followed and was very handsomely rendered. * * * * "There is one thing very evident in the 71st, to those who have watched its progress as we have done for many years, and that is the evident care the medical officers take in keeping up strictly the physical requirements. The result is that the 71st has gained a class of young men of superior physique.* * * "During the ceremony, marksmen badges won in 1896 were presented. The records of last year and the preceding year being as follows : 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 Experts 0 2 7 11 11 Sharpshooters 33 58 86 73 98 Marksmen 378 489 546 564 590 Figure of Merit 37.18 40.49 47.75 49.86 56.27 Per cent, of Marksmen to average strength 67 89 97 102 103.32 Per cent, of company win ning the Colonel's Cup. . 99 101 106 117.9 131.3 In April the annual inspection was held; and again the National Guard record was broken by the regiment parading 100 per cent, present, not only repeating the magnificent rec ord of the previous year, but showing an increase of 48 men. Company Field and Staff 17 D 88 Non-Com. Staff 13 F 50 Hospital Corps 12 G 43 Company A 54 H 68 Company B 103 I 51 Company C 47 K 66 612 April 27th was the great parade (in which the regiment participated) for the dedication of the "Grant Monument." It was a trying day, fierce wind squalls sending clouds of dust in the faces of the men. It was an immense parade. Besides the Army and Navy and the National Guard of New York State, there were pres- 1897-98 553 ent representations from the troops of Pennsylvania, New Jer sey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, Maryland, New Hamp shire, Virginia, Vermont, Illinois and District of Columbia. July 10th the regiment went into camp at Peekskill, taking 600 out of a membership of 675, being 88.88 per cent. October 9th the 1st Brigade held a field day at Van Cort land Park, in which the regiment participated. The season at Creedmoor ended with a high percentage for the regiment, it having qualified 660 men of which 15 were experts and 35 were sharpshooters. For some time, with many of the officers, there was a dis satisfaction with Band Leader Eben, resulting in the Board appointing a committee of which Captain Whittle was Chair man, for the purpose of procuring a new leader, which they did in the person of Professor F. Fanciulli, former leader of the U. S. Marine Band. He was appointed on December 1st; and this, of course, involved again purchasing of another band uni form, which was done. 18 9 8 The opening event of the year was the annual winter games, which took place in the armory on January 8th. This began the seventh year of Colonel Greene's adminis tration, and as events show, proved to be his last ; it is, there fore, important to know the advancement up to this period as shown at the functions of this season. The first given was on January 19th, the details are from the "Army and Navy Journal" of the 29th : "The 1st Battalion of the 71st N. Y., Companies A, C, D, I and G, under command of Major Francis, was reviewed on Wednesday evening, January 19th, by Col. Daniel Appleton accompanied by the 7th Regiment staff. "The formation was excellent, and after the battalion was turned over to Major Francis, Company A was detailed to escort the colors, which duty they performed in a very credit able manner. Ranks were then opened for review, the men presenting a splendid appearance, and standing steady. After the reviewing officer had returned to his post the companies 554 [1898 passed in review both in quick and double tim'e, and in both cases in a magnificent manner. "The manual was by far the very best that has been seen this season. The band which is an entirely new one appeared for the first time at a regular ceremony, and wore the new band uniform. * * * After the parade a drill in the school of the battalion took place, and the movements with a very few exceptions were very good indeed. "The distances and alignments were well kept, and the men were very attentive, more so, in fact, than the Captains. In one instance, in forming from left front into line from col umn of companies, but one company, the 5th, outside of the leading one, executed the movement correctly. * * * In fact, with this exception, an excellent drill was put up. "After the ceremonies were over, Colonel Appleton and staff escorted by Colonel Greene and staff, made a tour of the armory, after which they were entertained at supper at the Waldorf-Astoria." From the same, February 12th : "The 2d Battalion of the 71st, N. Y., commanded by Major Smith, was reviewed at its armory on the evening of February 8th, by Col. McCoskry Butt of the 12th Regiment. This bat talion is composed of Companies K, F, B, H and E; the forma tion of companies and the equalization of the battalion into seven companies, 16 files each, was promptly made . "Line was formed handsomely for parade, during which the battalion showed up to particular advantage in every respect. When the band finally rendered the 'Star Spangled Banner' at 'retreat,' the large audience, which filled every seat in the armory, rose in a body out of respect to the flag. While this respect is now gradually manifesting itself among the peo ple generally, it was pleasing to note the spontaneous reverence displayed by the vast audience present at the ceremonies of the 'American Guard.' "The review in line followed, and like the latter was all that could be desired, with one or two exceptions. * * * A short battalion drill concluded the military ceremonies, while there were several innovations of the Drill Regulations, the drill was highly creditable. * * * Those who remember the 71st some ten years ago, and compare it with the 71st of today under the administration of Colonel Greene are simply amazed at the progress of the command." The annual inspection took place on March 2d. While not up to the record of the two previous years as regards absentees, it showed a very satisfactory one as to the total membership by an increase of 88 men. 1898] 555 F.&S. H.C. F.M. AB CDEFGH IK T'tl Present 32 12 28 53 101 43 85 49 49 45 72 57 68 694 Absent 0 0 010020100116 Total 32 12 28 54 101 43 87 49 50 45 72 58 69 ~700 It will be noticed that the Field Music was transferred from the companies and consolidated into one unit. The regimental review took place on the 29th of March. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 2d : "In spite of the storm that raged on the evening of the 29th of March, the armory of the 71st Regiment was crowded with its many friends to witness the review by Major-General Roe. "The men turned out well, for the regiment paraded twelve commands of 16 files each, in two battalions. * * * The regiment looked very handsome when turned over to Colonel Greene, who at once presented the regiment for review. * * * "During the review in line the men were perfectly motion less ; remarkably so. * * * In regard to the passage in review, nothing but words of the highest praise can be said. The salutes of the officers were uniformly correct, the distances, step and alignment absolutely faultless. * * * "It is needless to say that those who visited the armory of the 'American Guard' were intensely patriotic, for at the rend ering of the 'Star Spangled Banner' by the magnificent band, every one present who was fortunate enough to have a seat, arose." As the inspection returns show there was no dead wood in the regiment, and practically the regiment was 200 men stronger than when Colonel Greene took command; and further, its personnel was much higher, for much unsatisfactory element was removed and replaced by better ; the regiment had been placed on a much higher plane and standard. At the Hotel St. Denis (corner 11th Street and Broadway), on the 21st of April, the "Veteran Association" held their an nual dinner, in commemoration of the departure of the regiment to the front in 1861. There was a very large attendance owing to the great interest in the then disturbed condition of the Government with Spain in reference to the war in Cuba, and the fact that in case of war, a call for troops would be met by the volunteering of the 71st. As Spain had that day given our ambassador his passports, 556 [1898 war on their part was declared. There was an immense en thusiasm, and Colonel Greene who was present made a speech, saying if a call were made the regiment would be the first to depart, and he relied upon the Association to look to the wel fare of it during its indefinite absence. A feeling pervaded the members of the Association that a man of his ability, with his past record in the U. S. Army, might be called to higher honors and the regiment be left without his services, so essential. They feared it would have a depressing influence ; the assurance on the part of the Colonel that they need have no fear in that respect was exceedingly gratifying, and they pledged on theirs, that they would look after the families of the men and all other matters that they might be called upon to perform for the interest of the regiment. On the 23d the President issued a proclamation for troops, and on the 24th war was declared. On the 27th General Order No. 8 from the Adjutant-Gen eral's office at Albany was issued, naming the twelve organiza tions called upon to fill the quota of the State of New York, among which was the 71st. Anticipating this call Colonel Greene had made prelimin ary preparations, and when the call came he was far in advance of other regiments, which enabled him to get the regiment in shape to move before any other. Here ends practically the administration of Colonel Greene. The opening of the history of the 171st Regiment and that of the 71st N.Y.V. (the latter written with few exceptions by Chaplain George R. Van de Water), will make the connec tion with the reconstructed 71st after the return of the 71st N.Y.V. History of the 171 ST REGIMENT 1898 When the regiment entered the United States service dur ing the rebellion it was as the 71st N.Y.S. Militia, its identity in no way lost, its status was the same as if it had left the State for a visit, after which it returned to its place as usual. The situation in the Spanish-American War was quite differ ent; at first, notwithstanding that the regiment volunteered as a unit, it was a question as to whether it would be accepted as such ; however, it was, but compelled to conform to require ments of the War Department ; to accomplish this it was neces sary to organize two more companies (L and M), and to have another Major. Colonel Greene called a meeting of the field, asking each if he had any objection to volunteering, and preferred to remain ; if so, he would like to know it as he had a gentleman in mind that would like to be in the field. The Colonel did not mention this gentleman's name, but the impression was that it was either Frederick D. Grant or Theodore Roosevelt. How ever, as all announced their intention of going, the matter was dropped. All was animation, the /armory was thronged with re cruits, the two companies were quickly filled, as were also the ranks of all companies which required it; vacancies in the line were filled as well as those of the new companies, the field remained as it was. On the evening of April 29th, the Colonel called the Senior Major to Headquarters and said to him: "Major, you have seen service, no one will impugn your motive in remaining ; I am much afraid that as soon as the regiment vacates this 558 [1898 armory, some of these volunteer regiments now organizing will be assigned here, and our property lost or ruined. You can be of great importance by remaining, and I trust that you can see it in that light and do so." The Major was in some doubt as to whether the Colonel was more interested in the welfare of the property or the creation of a vacancy ; however, he told the Colonel that he had already told him, "if the regi ment went he intended to go with it, and that nothing but an order to remain would prevent him from so doing." The next day the following order was received by the Major: HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT N.G.N.Y. New York, April 30th, 1898. Orders No. 120: In compliance with orders from Brigade Headquarters, Major A. T. Francis is hereby directed to remain at the armory when the regiment leaves on May 2d, and to take command of all officers and men in the various companies who have not volunteered for the United States service. All such officers will report to Major Francis for instructions. Major Francis will have control and charge of the 71st Regiment Armory, under the provisions of the M. C. 137, and will report to the commanding officer, 5th Brigade, for further instructions. By order of Colonel Greene, W. G. BATES, Regimental Adjutant. ,. As soon as it was known among the Senior Captains of this order, there was an immediate resolve on their part to resist the putting into the field of any outsider. On the 2d of May the regiment departed for Camp Black, and on the 11th were mustered into the United States service as the. 71st New York Volunteers. By this act all the mem bers of the 71st N.Y.N.G. thus mustered into service, became as if on leave of absence or furlough. v .. Upon the departure of the volunteers, in accordance with Orders No. 120, Major Francis took command of the armory and such members of the 71st as remained, about 250 alto gether ; showing that 500 of the members of the regiment had •• volunteered. Now the. question was, what action was to be taken; the 71st, as it was then on paper, contained on an average twenty- 1898] 559 five to a company, with a Major in command and but two or three Lieutenants; the following- order was the programme laid out for the solving of the riddle : GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, STATE OF NEW YORK, Adjutant-General's Office. Albany, April 28th, 1898. General Orders No. 10: I — It being the purpose of the Commander-in-Chief, in order to replace the organizations of the National Guard now entering the United States service, to organize new regiments and companies; brigade commanders will at once recommend suitable persons to organize regiments and companies as may be directed later. II — The officers who may be authorized to recruit these organizations, will be appointed by the Commander-in-Chief under the provisions of M. C. 56, after having passed the re quired examination. Ill — Companies will be recruited to the maximum strength allowed by the M. C. and members of organizations who have not volunteered with their commands, or who owing to excess of numbers were not taken with them, will form the nucleus of these new organizations. IV — Although under the State law, original enlistments must be for five years, these new organizations will be dis banded, the officers will be rendered supernumerary and the enlisted men honorably discharged, when those entering the United States service return. V — It is understood that those enlisting in the National Guard under this order will have the first opportunity for volunteering for service in the United States army should a second call be made by the President on this State for volunteers. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, C. WHITNEY TILLINGHAST, 2d Adjutant-General. This order clarified the situation in a measure, still there were many details required to set the machinery in motion. Questions were asked and considerable criticism made; the former to a great extent were answered, and the latter received more fuel by the issuing of General Order No. 12; this was a lengthy one of ten pages. The armory was cleaned up, all property left was secured against damage or loss, and measures taken to at once comply with General Orders No. 10. The brigade commander ordered 560 [1898 an examining board, by which A. T. Francis was selected for Colonel; Lieutenant-Colonel, C. F. Homer; Majors, John McClintock, H. H. Landon and George J. Bascom. Line offi cers were appointed, rosters of each company made out, and active recruiting started throughout the companies, there being an animated contest among them to be the first company to get its quota. Thus the 71st, N.Y.N.G., was resolved into dormancy for an uncertain period and the embryonic 171st came in evidence for the same uncertain future to take its place. The thoughts that seemed to pervade the minds of the authorities were, pro viding for a future call and also to replace the Guard, so neces sary for home protection, there being but one regiment that had not volunteered. The Adjutant-General was very anxious and much troubled as to the situation, he came to the city at once, urging the filling up of the regiments. Major Francis assured him that he need give himself no uneasiness in regard to the 171st, as by the last of June he would be ready to have his regiment mustered in. He was pleased to hear it, but from what he gathered from the other regiments he was not much encouraged. With the 171st it was not the question of men, but quality; enough men were offering, such as they were, to fill two regiments, the idea pervaded all, in their construction of Order No. 10, that these regiments would be the first to go on a second call, and the idea also obtained that the regiment, with the blood of the 71st in it, would surely in that case be as its parent was, the first to be called. From the New York "Tribune" : BLUES AND GRAYS TAKE POSSESSION OF THE 12TH'S ARMORY. MAJOR FRANCIS WANTS TO DO HIS OWN RECRUITING. "The work of mustering new regiments to take the place of those which have volunteered for active service has already begun. Gen. McCoskry Butt will complete his brigade by accepting men who have been enlisted by the Lafayette Post. The Blues and Grays, 1st Regiment, Lafayette Post, received orders yesterday to take possession of the 12th Regiment Armory as a provisional regiment. * * * The three battalions, comprising over 1,000 men, will assemble in the armory. * * * 1898] 561 "The 9th will also be made up of men enlisted by the Lafayette Post. General Butt yesterday authorized the officers of this organization to send a regiment of men to take pos session of the 9th Regiment Armory. Brigadier-Gen. George Moore Smith issued a special order to the 8th, 69th and 71st Regiments, instructing the officers left in charge of the armories of those regiments to take immediate steps to recruit provi sional troops. "W. De H. Washington of the Volunteer Reserves, has offered the Adjutant-General sufficient men to form a brigade, to replace the men who have gone to camp, and it is under stood that General Smith will avail himself of the service of these men. "Such an arrangement, however, will be unsatisfactory to Major Francis of the 71st Regiment, who has been ordered to remain in New York to fill up the ranks of the organization. Major Francis, in the interest of his regiment, objects to being compelled to enroll a large body of men affiliated with another organization, and will prefer to do his own recruiting. Major Francis has invited about a dozen veterans of that organization to meet him tonight at the armory to advise him and to make suggestions looking to the raising of a first-class provisional regiment. "The 250 men who were unable to follow their regiment will form the nucleus of the new body, and should General Smith agree to Major Francis' plan of individual recruiting there is little doubt that the requisite number of desirable men can be obtained in a few days. * * * "While not attempting to criticise the action of General Butt in filling the 9th and 12th Regiments with men who have enlisted in the Lafayette Post, Major Francis said the question of forming the provisional regiments was one to which serious consideration should be given in the matter of selecting men and perfecting other details. "He added, however, that it was imperative that such regiments should be formed immediately. 'The departure of five regiments from this city,' he said, 'has deprived it of pro tection so essential from calamity which may occur at home, as well as a readiness to meet any emergency which may arise. The lesson we have had should be a warning to us. Riots at home or an attack on our seaboard will need the response of an organized body. In 1863 taking advantage of the absence of the National Guard, one of the bloodiest riots ever known, lasting for one week, took place in this city. While it is to be hoped that this war will be of short duration, we should not rely upon that, but prepare for the worst. The previous neg lect of our Army and Navy, and its present embarrassments arising therefrom, teaches us that we should take action. We must prepare to resist any attack from any hosts. Our families and business require it. This regiment has lost 75 per cent of its force by reason of volunteering in the United States service, and I am authorized to recruit it to its full strength.' 562 [1898 "Of the 750 men in the regiment, 500 went to camp. Of the officers only five Lieutenants remain, ex-officers of the regiment are expected to tender their services to command the new companies. Only the best element attainable will be accepted in the recruiting of the new regiment." HEADQUARTERS VETERAN ASSOCIATION 71ST REGIMENT N.G.N.Y. New York, May 4th, 1898. The 71st Regiment, having answered the call of the coun try and being now in the field, we, the undersigned, veterans of the regiment, call upon its ex-members and the young men of this city to fill the places of the men who have gone, thus reinforcing the regiment for the protection of the city and state during the absence of its volunteered members. Young men will be enlisted for a term covering the period of the regiment's absence, and, upon its return, will be entitled to an honorable discharge. Those enlisting will have the first opportunity of volunteering should a second call be made by President McKinley. Apply at the 71st Regiment Armory, 34th Street and Park Avenue. EDWIN A. McALPIN J. KENNEDY TOD CHARLES F. HOMER JOHN NOBLE GOLDING EUGENE H. CONKLIN CHARLES E. BROWN WRIGHT D. GOSS J. B. WARD CURTIS B. PIERCE GUSTAVE SCHLOSS D. W. C. WARD LLOYD W. FRANCIS JOHN P. HILLIARD GEORGE BELL JOSEPH J. LITTLE A. H. PRIDE WM. B. FERGUSON The 171st, in view of the possibilities, was organized on a dual basis, ready to take advantage of either situation be it peace or war, those officers not disposed to go in case of a second call had others ready to take their place in such an event. Four graduates of West Point were slated to fill the positions of Lieutenant, Colonel and Majors. To insure the enlistment of only those who were up to the standard of the 71st, every man was sworn in individually by the Colonel, it gave him the opportunity of rejecting undesirables; so between the Surgeons and himself the result was very satisfactory. The plan, however, entailed much 1898] 563 labor, and during the. summer, with the exception of Sundays, the Colonel and headquarters officers were present every nio-ht, Tisually until midnight. As the end of the month approached, the Colonel notified the Adjutant-General that he would be ready to fulfill his promise that the regiment would be ready for muster at such time as he should appoint. As fast as the men were recruited they were put in the drill squad, and every night the drill floor was occupied by them, all seemed incited with the desire to be as proficient as possible, so when the order came from the Adjutant-General that he would visit the different armories on the 31st of May for the purpose of inspecting the various organizations, the 171st was in shape to receive him. It was somewhat late when the Adjutant-General reached the armory having first visited others; when he entered he found the regiment in line occupying three sides of the armory floor, the men were in citizens' clothes without muskets, for as yet there were none ; he expressed himself as amazed, he had been so discouraged by his visits to other armories that he had not been prepared for what he saw, he reviewed the regi ment and again expressed his surprise at the bearing of the men, and their general appearance, and asked if the 71st had taken any men with them except recruits; when he was told that two-thirds of the men in the ranks before him were re cruits he was astonished and assured the Colonel that any requisition he made would be honored at once. From the "Press," June 1st : "First to go to fhe'front was the 71st Regiment. First to be mustered in as a provisional regiment is its patriotic off spring, the 171st Regiment. Eight companies, 490 men, were sworn into the service of the State last night * * * and every man held up his hand and took the oath. "It had been many a year since an entire regiment had been sworn in, in a local armory, and the spectators in the galleries as well as the men in the floor, appreciated the solemnity of the occasion. * * *" Companies F, G, L and M were mustered into the service by the 15th of June, making the twelve companies; the only regiment of that number of companies that had ever been in the National Guard. By the 1st of July, 1,200 men had been enlisted, 700 of whom afterwards enlisted in the volunteer 564 [1898 service of the United States. As officers it furnished two Majors, two Captains and three Lieutenants. As evidence that the regiment had assumed a concrete form, the following is offered: HEADQUARTERS 171ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, June 21st, 1898. Orders No. 5 : I. (Extract from General Orders No. 13, Headquarters National Guard, N. Y.) : "The officers and enlisted men of regiments, troops and separate companies now in the United States service as volun- / teers, who have not accompanied their commands into service, are declared transferred to the respective regiments, troops and separate companies raised or being raised to replace the original organizations, and they will without delay report to the commanding officers of the new organizations." II — Companies are assigned to battalions as follows : 1st Battalion: Major John McClintock, Adjutant Charles A. Mather, Companies B, H, D, E. 2d Battalion: Major H. H. Landon, Adjutant Arthur Humbert, Companies A, C, M, K. 3d Battalion: Major George J. Bascom, Adjutant Malcolm Stuart, Companies F, G, I, L. Ill — Companies will drill on the following evenings respectively : Mondays, Companies G, I and L, Tuesdays, Companies B and H, Wednesday, Companies F and K, Thursday, Companies D and E, Friday, Companies A, C and M. IV — The report of attendance (Report Book, Form 41), should be made up and handed in at the Adjutant's office by the Company Commander immediately after each drill, before leaving the armory. The return of delinquents, Form 49, will be made as re quired by M. C. 234, within five days after each drill. Unless there are special reasons for delay, it will be best to hand it in with the report of attendance before leaving the armory after drill. V — Commanding officers of battalions are especially charged with the supervision of the drills of the companies of their respective battalions. VI — Until further orders, company drills will be only for recruits and such of the members as may be needed by the Captains to assist. 1898] 565 . VH — The regiment will assemble in fatigue uniform on Friday evening, June 24th, for drill in the evolutions of the regiment and the ceremony of inspection. First call at 8:10 o'clock and assembly at 8:15 o'clock. Commanding officers of companies will direct former members of the Hospital Corps to report to Major E. T. T. Marsh, Surgeon, on the same evening. By order of Colonel Francis, J. W. DOWLING, Regimental Adjutant. During the month of June the daily papers were filled with items to the effect that there would be a second call and that the 171st was sure to be the first, these articles kept the pot boiling and headquarters was kept busy with applicants for commissions, in return for which they would bring so many recruits, they were diplomatically promised a "consideration." From the "Mail & Express," June 24th: "* * * Colonel Francis believes that his command will be accepted under the second call, and is devoting all his time to its equipment and drill. The 171st is one of the most popular militia regiments in the State, and has fairly earned its place in the front rank of the provisional regiments. It is better equipped, has more men on its rolls who are better drilled than those of any other of the recently organized commands in the State. The excellent record made by its predecessor, the 71 has stirred the men to unusual efforts from its very inception, and the high regard in which they are held by Governor Black and Adjutant-General Tillinghast is the outcome of meritorious effort. * * * "The result is that the 171st Regiment will be one of the best officered regiments to leave the city. That it will be called seems beyond doubt, as its claims for the honor of being the first named in the call are certainly worthy of consideration. "Adjutant-General Tillinghast, who recently inspected the 171st, is known to have a most favorable impression of the regiment, and so expressed himself to a 'Mail & Express' re porter the morning after the inspection. "There was a full company being drilled at the regimental armory this morning, and the work has passed beyond the amateur stage. They drill like 'vets'. The men themselves feel that they will be called upon to go to the front soon and are enthusiastic on this account. "One of the officers of the regiment said this morning : T never saw a more enthusiastic lot of men than those of this regiment. They are physically perfect, and in a month will compare favorably with any regiment in the volunteer army.' " The above is one of many kind things said by the press 566 [1898 and also gives evidence of the basis on which it was believed that the regiment would be called. By June 24th, the regiment was practically armed and equipped and uniformed, so much so that the Colonel ordered an evening parade that he might see the regiment as a unit and also demonstrate to the citizens what had been accom plished in one month. "The 850 uniformed soldiers and officers fully equipped. composing the 171st Regiment, marched out of the armory at 9 o'clock last night amid the plaudits of a cheering multitude. This was the first public appearance of the new regiment, and as it marched in parade up Park Avenue, its progress was attended by a constantly increasing crowd. At 42d Street, the regiment turned into Madison Avenue, marching to the armory, where the men after being congratulated, were dis missed. Before going out on parade the regiment was put through a series of evolutions on the drill floor." A gentleman who saw the parade (the regiment had no flag), offered to present colors to the regiment. The offer was accepted — if it was ordered right away. From the New York "Tribune" : "The outdoor parade of the 171st Regiment, which took place on Friday evening, June 24th, relieved the minds of the citizens who believed that the City of New York had been left without a home Guard except the 7th Regiment. Colonel Francis received many congratulations on the appearance of the new regiment, and told some of the veterans who came to see the exhibition that the men had made remarkable progress, and were well fitted to go to the front. The expression 'home guard' was not liked by the men of the 171st, many of whom joined the command only because they believed that as soon as the regiment was mustered into service it would be sent forward to join the troops at the front." On the 27th, Governor Black issued the following order: GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, STATE OF NEW YORK, Adjutant-General's Office, Albany, June 27th, 1898. General Orders No. 14: I — Pursuant to the second call of the President of the United States, for volunteers, and owing to the fact that, un like the first call, the National Guard is not asked for, this 1898] 567 plan will be followed: One regiment, to be known as the 201st Regiment Infantry, New York Volunteers, will be recruited at the 22d Regiment Armory in New York City; one battalion, to be part of the 203d Regiment Infantry, N.Y.V., will be recruited at the same place ; one regiment, to be known as the 202d Regiment Infantry, N.Y.V., will be recruited at the 65th Regiment, N.Y.N. G., Armory in Buffalo; two battalions, to be part of the regiment known as the 203d Regiment Infantry, N.Y.V., will be recruited at the N.G.N.Y., Armory in Syracuse. Recruiting officers will be assigned later. II — The preference will be given to individual members of the National Guard, although it is the strong wish and desire of the Commander-in-Chief that National Guardsmen shall not leave the State, but remain here, to keep intact their respective organizations for the very honorable task of home defence. The remainder required to complete the quota will be recruited from civil life. Further details will be given to the recruiting officer. Ill — Enlisted men, as volunteers from National Guard or ganizations, before leaving their home stations must be thor oughly examined by a medical officer of their respective organ izations, and commanding officers will permit none to start except such as in the judgment of the Surgeon, will pass the physical examination of the United States Volunteers Surgeons. Under these conditions the commanding officers of their respective organizations are authorized to issue to their men orders for transportation from their home stations to the nearest recruiting station only, of which orders, three copies must be forwarded to these headquarters. After acceptance by the United States Surgeons the men will be quartered and subsisted by the State until mustered into service of the United States, and will be dropped from the records of their respective organizations by reason of removal, etc. Instructions will be sent to all railroads, so that the orders of commanding officers for transportation will be honored. IV — -For the carrying out of paragraph 3, commanding officers are instructed to place their Surgeons on duty, and to relieve them immediately the above mentioned requirements are fulfilled. V — The State will not furnish arms, equipments or uni forms. All of the above will be furnished to accepted men by the United States Government. This by direction of the Secretary of War. By order of Governor Black, C. WHITNEY TILLINGHAST, 2d, Adjutant-General. FREDERICK PHISTERER, Assistant Adjutant-General. 568 [1898 This settled all doubts as to any of the provisional regi ments (as a fact there was actually but one) going to the front, at least on that call. It was a severe blow to the 171st; however, the Colonel accepted the situation, doing the best that could be done under the circumstances. About ten days before, Captain Stoddard of Company E, 71st N.Y.V., arrived from Tampa with instructions to recruit 307 men to bring the companies of that regiment to the maxi mum. The Colonel assigned the Board Room to the Captain for his use, and gave such assistance as he could to facilitate speedy work. The men of the 171st proved loyal to it, and but a few availed themselves of this opportunity, feeling the regi ment would be called. However, no obstacle was thrown in the way, naturally, the feeling that any desertion lessened the hopes of the regi ment being called, was quite sufficient. The Colonel detailed his Quartermaster to see parties controlling large squads of men desiring to go to the front, and through that source sent at least 200 men to the Captain, so that by the time General Order No. 14 was issued, he had about 250 men. Gradually the condition feared by Colonel Greene was being realized, these irresponsible men were over-running the armory making extra labor for the employes already overworked, defiant of rules or order, while many lockers had been broken into ; they were under no restraint whatsoever. With the Captain came Lieutenant (ex-Colonel) Kopper, as an assistant and bad adviser. The Colonel had called the attention of Captain Stod dard to these acts of wantonness, and urged his sending the men to Camp Black, but acting under the bad advice of his Lieutenant, he declined to do so, for no apparent reason except to be ugly, and dispute the Colonel's authority to control the armory. The Fourth came on Monday, and not willing to risk leaving this mob in possession of the armory for the two holi days, on the 1st of July the Colonel notified the Captain that when the armory was closed on Saturday evening it would not be opened until the morning of the 5th, and that it would be as well for him to remove his men to camp. However, acting under the advice of his Lieutenant, he resolved to remain and fight it out ; it was quite evident that neither the Captain nor Lieutenant were anxious to get to Cuba, where the 71st Vol unteers were at that date. This episode was extremely annoying to the Colonel, it 1898] 569 placing him in a false light as being in opposition to the in terest of his old regiment, so many of whom were in the 71st N.Y.V., then in Cuba. While to the contrary he was trying to hurry these two dilatory officers to join their comrades. What happened is best told by the following : From the New York "Press," July 3d : "While the ensanguined 71st Regiment was battling around beleaguered Santiago yesterday two factions were fight ing for possession of its armory, at 34th Street and Park Avenue, and that nobody was seriously hurt was due more to luck than intention. * * * "Promptly at 6 o'clock the heavy iron gate was swung to and closed and the armorer turned the lock. * * * Cap tain Stoddard sat calmly at his desk. With him was ex-Colonel Kopper, once commander of the 71st Regiment, who is now in Company E, with the rank of Lieutenant. He wore a big campaign hat, and, a double droop to his mustache, looked as if he could cheerfully drive off a couple of janitors. * * * "Holding the door to the Board Room, where Captain Stoddard was, stood big Bill Martin of Texas, with head as smooth as a turnip and shoulders as broad as a door. Though Captain Stoddard and Lieutenant Kopper were cool, 'Texas' was in a state of mind. Every now and then he would step into the hall and say: 'Boys, this makes me hot; * * * say, when are you going to open up?' 'Not before Tuesday morning,' said the janitor. 'Monday is a holiday ' "But Bill had disappeared into the room, where he said something to Captain Stoddard, then he came thundering out again. 'Look here, janitor,' he roared, 'recruits for this regi ment are going to come in here tonight. Anyone who stops 'em will do it over my dead body.' Here the men gave three cheers for 'Texas.' "A number of recruits had returned by this time and were hammering on the grated door. 'Texas' opened a window over Captain Stoddard's desk, looking out on 34th Street. The recruits made a human ladder outside and came piling through the window. As the force inside grew larger the men became hilarious. Some produced accordions, others harmonicas, and to the improvised music the recruits cut capers about the floor. Lieutenant Kopper called the men together on the armory drill floor and addressed them. T want you all to behave like gentlemen,' he said. 'We are right and will come out on top yet. Stand by me now, boys, and I'll stand by you in Cuba.' "The janitor then called up the police; a policeman appeared. " 'What's that, my dear man ?' said Lieutenant Kopper, walking up to the bluecoat. 'You put us out? Why, do you 570 [1898 know I am in charge here, and I am a United States army officer? I refuse to surrender.' "The officer looked at the uniform, wilted and moved toward the door. The men cheered one 'Kopper' and jeered the other. 'Hold on men,' said the Lieutenant, 'this man is doing only his duty; cheer him, too.' And they did. By this time several dinners had been passed in through the grated door for the officers inside. Captain Stoddard went out and left Lieutenant Kopper in charge. "The recruits lighted up the chandeliers in the board room and even those in the corridor. The great drill floor was in utter darkness, except where a bicycle with a big lamp went spinning around in the gloom. The recruits had possession of the armory. The janitors all stood by helpless. "The spectacle was the most remarkable ever witnessed in a city armory. Recruits in all sorts of attire were dancing about the floors, waiters were now and then rushing in with dinners, while outside the iron gate was a sea of angry faces, while every few minutes a squad would climb through the window to join their cheering comrades. * * * ' 'Texas Bill' wanted to get a hammer and break down the gate. 'I'll break your head with it, too,' he said to the janitor. Climbing up the rough stone walls was too hard work, and the men tired of it. Janitor opened the iron gate to pass out a recruit. Like a flash a dozen men grabbed him and yanked him down the steps. The gate was thrown back. 'Texas' called out : 'Put a guard on the gate !' and instantly four brawny men swung their bodies across the opening. Mean while the janitor was thrown around and was in danger of losing all his clothes, if not his beard, when Private Joseph Adrian of Company B, 71st, just in from Tampa, jumped into the scrimmage and rescued him. ' 'Let no one in,' was the next order the men at the gate received. Lieutenant Kopper heard it, and came out. 'Let any one in,' he said, 'and if we don't like him we have men enough to put him out.' And the men who had rushed in the door, and now numbered 300, threatened to lift the roof off with cheers. A policeman came in and confronted Lieutenant Kop per on the threshold and wanted to know what truth there was in the report that a mob had got charge of the armory. 'Well just now we are the mob,' said Kopper, and the men yelled, 'Yes, we are.' T am in charge of this armory, by virtue of orders from the Governor of the State and the Adjutant- General. I am responsible for the armory. Nothing will be damaged. I shall stay here all night with a guard of twenty men.' "The policeman bowed and retired, while the men asked him to send in a few coppers so they could throw them out. "Lieutenant Kopper at this stage of the battle was asked if the armory had ceased to be a State or City institution and had become a United States building. 'It is a United States 1898] 571 recruiting station now, and is the 71st Regiment Armory, and not the 171st'" All this occurred on the night of July 2d (Saturday) ; on Sunday morning Captain Stoddard called on Colonel Francis at his residence, apologized for the affair of the evening before, and on his assurance that he would remove his men to Camp Black on Tuesday, was allowed to remain in the armory until that time. "Camp Black, Hempstead Plains, L. I., July 5th. "Camp Black has been re-opened but at present there are only 295 men in camp. They are the recruits for the 71st, N.Y.V. The men arrived last night, under command of Lieu tenant Kopper. They were recruited in Manhattan by Captain Stoddard and will remain here several days drilling. Altogether the 71st Regiment needs 307 men, and Captain Stoddard is expecting to arrive with the twelve men to complete the num ber during the day. * * *" And this ended the little war in the armory, a disgraceful and mortifying occurence, that it may be seen who was at the bottom of it, the following relating to another disgraceful affair at Camp Black, will throw some light upon it. After these recruits had been in camp for about two weeks, rumors of trouble became quite frequent, that "there is friction in the camp" tales of "insubordination, mutiny." The New York "Press," said : "Since the 71st men have been in camp there have been numerous cases of men found on the guard lines intoxicated. These men who acted as Sergeants of the guard were men sent with the two officers to recruit the new men. They aver that no man ever went on the guard lines intoxicated, and still time and time again they found men maudlin when time came for relief. "Some of those so found now say that Lieutenant Kopper came to them on patrol, sympathized with them, and offered them drinks out of a flask, which, being offered by their second officer they did not hesitate to accept. The Lieutenant is not here, so his side of all these stories which now are being told cannot be had." From the New York "Tribune" : "One story was that the men of the detachment had re fused to obey orders. This is absolutely denied by Captain 572 [1898 Stoddard. He said yesterday that at no time had any man in the detachment refused to obey any order given by him, nor had any disobedience been reported to him. Captain Stoddard said there was only one instance where there had been any disobedience, and that would be attended to in due time. Yesterday there were twenty men in the guardhouse. Captain Stoddard gave orders to Lieutenant Kopper to have these men remove the tents from the position they had been occupying to the new location on the old camp ground of the 69th. Instead of obeying this order the Lieutenant had released the men. They afterwards removed the tents. Captain Stoddard says his Lieutenant has persistently antagonized him, and, having obtained a following among the men, has set some of them against their commanding officer, but the men have, although only recruits, understood the duties of a soldier well enough to give him no trouble. * * * "It was thought yesterday that some inkling of the con flict, had reached Washington, and that prompt action had been taken, by reason of the fact that last evening there ar rived an order, signed 'Carter, Assistant Adjutant-General,' di recting the commanding officer at Camp Black to order Lieu tenant Kopper to report immediately at Tampa, and there relieve Corporal Wells in charge of the stores and belongings of the 71st, left behind when the regiment went to Cuba." From the same paper next day : "The troubles which have beset the recruits of the 71st at Camp Black seem to be at an end so far as the internal dissensions are concerned. Everything went along smoothly yesterday, and the men did no more grumbling. Some of those who took part against Captain Stoddard are frank enough to say that they were deceived, and that when affairs were explained to them they had nothing to complain of. They admitted that the rations they received yesterday were no bet ter nor more plentiful than they had been getting right along, but they had been led to believe that they should be getting still better food." The newspapers were full of this shameful affair, enough is here quoted to give the reader the cause of these two "little wars," and when it was removed there was no more disturbance. The recruits remained at Camp Black until the return of the 71st N.Y.V. from Cuba, and then joined them at Montauk. The effect of General Order No. 14 was like a charge of dynamite, when the shock was over a regiment of 500 remained. At midnight, when the order was received 200 men were marched over to the 12th Regiment Armory for the 201st Regi- 1898] 573 ment, next day Company L, 100 men, went to the 201st Regiment, and Company M, another 100 men, went to the 202d; altogether with what had joined the 71st and other regiments in the field 700 men had departed. What was left, however, was still a good-sized regiment, all armed and equipped for any service required. The other regiments had not fared as well, and were practically disorganized. With the situation cleared, every effort was made for permanency — indefinite as it was. A request was made of the Adjutant-General for the regiment to be sent to camp. "Colonel Francis of the 171st Regiment made application yesterday to take his men to the State Camp at Peekskill for two weeks for drill and instruction. He stated that the men could not be properly drilled in the armory in the hot weather, and that it was customary for the militia to forego drilling in the armories from May 1st to October 1st. He sent his application through the regular channel. General Smith said last night that he understood that there was to be no State encampment this year, and that the State had no tents to shelter the men. He thought camp exercise would be good for the newly organized regiments." For the above reason the request was not granted. July was a month of excitement, no sooner was Captain Stoddard and his men out of the way, than" a telegram from the Adjutant-General was received authorizing Captain Wald- ron of the 202d N.Y.V. to "assemble his men, have them examined, mustered, quartered and subsisted in the armory." Captain Waldron had been an officer in the 171st, and matters were arranged by which it became unnecessary for him to occupy the armory. The news of the battle of San Juan came on the 2d to the 5th, and on the 14th came the news of the surrender of Santiago. The news from the seat of war, however, gave no indica tion of when the war was likely to terminate, and the pros pects of another call looked possible. The Colonel wrote to the Adjutant-General, asking for the recognition in such an event, of the claim of the 171st. Again the impression of the certainty of its being called brought forth offers of all the men that might be required to fill up to the quota. A telegram from the Adjutant-General, July 17th, was non-committal : "Im possible to promise anything concerning future calls." 574 [1898. It seemed very clear that there was no hope of any call for the 171st, although it was not possible to get any decided NO. Finances became an important subject, the regiment could not be run without money very long, all that was available was $100, left by the treasurer of the 71st. Deeming it neces sary that this matter should be settled at once if the regiment was to continue any length of time as a National Guard regiment; the Colonel, on the 12th, wrote to the Adjutant- General regarding it, who replied, granting headquarters'" funds, which being totally inadequate, the following letter was. sent him: HEADQUARTERS 171ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, July 25th, 1898. Adjutant-General, S.N.Y. Sir: — Your endorsement upon my application of the 12th instant for funds, seems to imply that I am expected to run this regiment for a year or more upon $750.00; if so, it is simply impossible. It has in the past, cost not less than $5,000.00, nearly two-fifths of which was for rifle practice; at the present moment it is necessary for me to employ a tailor to properly fit the uniforms issued to us. This regiment, as I have understood, fills the interim be tween the muster in and out of the 71st N.Y.V., dejure the 71st N.Y.N. G., taking the addition of 100 to avoid technical difficulties; that we were created to preserve the continuity, and inherited its liabilities and assets — carrying on the business at the old stand for the benefit of the family. The 71st N.Y.N.G., left no assets, except that which should be due from the State, it did leave liabilities amounting to about $500.00, and contracts amounting per annum to nearly if not quite $1,000.00. Does the Adjutant-General decide that the 71st N.Y.N. G., does not exist?; if so, with it goes the headquarters and mili tary fund due January 1st, and its creditors must look to some other source ; if, you decide it does exist then these amounts will be due it on January 1st; the question of authority to receive would then arise; as I was ordered at the request of the Colonel of the 71st N.Y.N.G., by Major-General Roe, N.G.N.Y., to remain and take charge of all the property of the 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y., am I not the proper one to act for the regiment, and cannot that money be used for (providing you make the latter decision) the expenses of the 171st and not create another fund? In the history of the National Guard, no such condition- as this has existed, nor is it likely to again, it does not seem 1898] 575 dangerous to make a liberal precedent, and thus enable us to get over the serious difficulties in advancing the interest of the National Guard. It is apparent now, that the 71st N.Y.V. will remain in service for their full term, and upon its return, few will care t° i!nt^ u Natlonal Guard ; ^ is, therefore, important that 1 should have a creditable body of men to transfer to the 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y.; to enable me to do so, the financial question is a very serious and important one. As I have before informed you, we have spent our own money as well as our time (excepting Sundays, from April 28th, to July 1st, I have given many days and every night at the armory until midnight), and if we believed this was to con tinue but a month or two longer, would continue to do both if it were necessary, without calling on the State, and feeling that we were doing a patriotic duty, it is, however, of the utmost importance that I know at once what financial assistance I am to expect from the State. The debts already created have been in the line of economy, with full faith and confidence, and will have to be paid, if we go 'without a cent next year. Respectfully, AUG. T. FRANCIS, Colonel. (At this date, there was no indication of when the war might end.) It is only necessary to say, that at a personal interview with the Adjutant-General, an understanding was had, and before the regiment was mustered out all bills were paid by the State, as will be shown later. About the 10th of August, the Government of Spain de cided to surrender Cuba, and resolved to arrange for peace. There was nothing further for troops in the field, than as an army of occupation of Cuba and our new possessions, Porto Rico and the Philippines. The health of those in Cuba, demanded that they be sent to the United States as soon as possible, the 71st leaving on the 10th, and arriving at Montauk Point on the 15th, where they were quarantined for two weeks. When the 71st N.Y.V. left Camp Black for Tampa all the Quartermaster stores not required were sent to the armory, these in addition to those issued to the 171st, not issued, had been the source of much anxiety, while the armory was occu pied by recruits, being constantly under guard. It was, there fore, a relief when, on the 13th, the Inspector-General arrived at the armory to make the survey. 576 [1898 Everything was found to be correct, thus giving Colonel Greene a clean bill of health, and the taking by the State of all surplus property, relieving the commanding officer to that ex tent of responsibility. The demoralized condition of the 71st N.Y.V, at this period made it of the utmost importance that the 171st should maintain the duty assigned it, and for that purpose, the work went on precisely as if it was the 71st, and to continue indefinitely, as the following from the "Mail & Express" of August 17th, shows : "Although the members of the 171st Regiment did not have an opportunity in the recent campaign to show what they can do with their Springfields, they are to have a chance to demonstrate their ability to handle their rifles in target prac tice. The rifle range at Creedmoor is soon to be opened, and the boys will be put through a course of training in search for the bull's-eye. "Through the severe heat of the summer months the 171st has stuck together, the regular order of drill has continued, and the boys have shown a commendable earnestness and en thusiasm that is very gratifying to their commanders. Now that the period of existence of the regiment seems nearing its end, as it will be disbanded with the mustering out of Govern ment service of the 71st, the officers feel that the boys are due some mark of appreciation from the State they have stood ready to serve at any time they might be called. "To this end considerable influential pressure has been brought to bear, and Colonel Francis has succeeded in perfect ing arrangements for having the State rifle range opened. He has appointed an Inspector of rifle practice, and as soon as the latter's commission arrives from Albany, the practice will begin." At this time the Colonel received a cable message from Cuba that the remains of Corporals Immen and Schied, who were killed at Santiago had been sent to New York; prepara tions were immediately made for a suitable reception, for them. August 29th was the day appointed for the return of the regiment from Montauk, when it would be dismissed on leavt for sixty days, then to be mustered out of service. For some days arrangements had been made for this occasion, and it was exceedingly gratifying to find the weather all that could be wished for. From the New York "Tribune": "To say that the crowd which gathered in and outside of 1898] 577 the armory was an immense one would not give any idea of the truth. Both Park Avenue and 34th Street, were packed, from noon until 5 o'clock, for the distance of a block from the armory in every direction. The crowd was good humored but some what excited. * * * "As it was, those who had a right to enter the building found considerable difficulty in reaching the door. There was a double line of police in 34th Street, but the crowd was such an immense one that it was utterly impossible to keep a pas sageway clear. * * * Almost every house displayed the Stars and Stripes. Over the entrance of the Manhattan Club, at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street, were draped large American flags, and between them was the legend, 'Welcome Home to our Heroes.' * * * "Preparations to receive the soldiers began at the armory early in the morning. Large quantities of delicacies were ordered, with which the men were to be provided as soon as they reached the armory. A case of wine and a case of whisky were received by the Women's Committee in the morning, three boxes of flowers also were received, all anonymously. At about noon word was received that the members of the Manhattan Club had subscribed to buy ice cream for the regi ment. The refreshments were placed on tables along one end of the drill hall, and a large number of the women were ready to distribute them to the soldiers when the latter arrived. "Early in the afternoon two pieces of field artillery arrived and were placed in the street near the entrance to the armory. They belonged to the 2d Battery and were to fire a salute of honor when the regiment arrived. * * * Captain Wright of the 171st, was the officer of the day, and, under his direction, a number of members of that regiment kept those inside in order. Only a privileged few were allowed on the floor of the hall, and still fewer in the passages of the first floor. Major E. T. T. Marsh, Surgeon of the 171st, with his assistants, Captains Lewald and Van Wagoner, arrived early, in order to be on hand should any need medical aid. Dr. J. D. Bryant, a 71st Veteran, well known as ex-President Cleveland's physi cian, was also at the armory for the same purpose." At about noon the officers of the 171st and the Veteran Association with the regimental band, assembled at the South Ferry. Through the kindness of Mr. Vreeland, President of the Broadway Railroad Company, cars were provided there to carry all of those not able to walk, and a carriage was also provided for the Colonel. As soon as the regiment debarked (Colonel Francis, with his several officers, met the regiment at Long Island City), the invalids were placed in the cars, the column was formed and proceeded up Whitehall Street fol lowed by the cars. 19 578 [1898 -i ¦ '. From the New York "Press": "The cars started slowly, the band struck up 'Home Again' and the march uptown began. "The first note set the people wild. Cheering and shouting thousands made a dash for the moving cars, and finding their way blocked by solid lines of bluecoats, rushed like an avalanche up Whitehall Street and up Broadway. The move ment gave the signal to the great army that filled the thorough fare, and a roar that sounded like the pounding of surf on shoals rose and rose in volume until it drowned the sound of music. "From Bowling Green, Broadway looked like a vast cavern filled with moving heads and flags. The cars crept along and the soldiers crept after the cars. "For the first time in its history the Stock Exchange was closed for business, so that the brokers might watch a parade through Broadway. The brokers elected to suspend business from 2 to 2:30 P. M., but for an hour before that time there was no business of consequence done. "Nearly every business man in Wall Street crowded into Broadway the remainder of the day. It was an impressive sight to watch the crowd of bankers, brokers and their clerks struggle into positions of advantage in front of Old Trinity. And when the soldier boys passed there was no end of cheer ing. The chimes in the church tower played 'My Country 'Tis of Thee,' 'Yankee Doodle,' and then the strains of 'Home, Sweet Home' came as an accompaniment to the cheers, as the soldiers passed by Wall Street. "At the City Hall, the acting Mayor, on a raised platform reviewed the procession, and Capt. Louis Wendel's men, from the 1st Battery fired the National salute. As the last gun of the salute was fired the column came to a halt, and the leader of the band waved his baton in mute appeal for silence. The din became greater than ever. Suddenly the sharp, clear notes of the cornet rang out with 'Star Spangled Banner.' Off came the hats and silent became the crowd. It was a touching and pretty sight. There was something about the spontaneity that thrilled one. * * * "From Chambers Street up to Waverly Place it was not possible to cross Broadway at any point. All the streets inter secting Broadway were jammed with trucks and wagons, and these were so crowded that persons kept tumbling off. "At Waverly Place the procession changed direction to the left and halted, that those who were in the cars might join it if they so wished, and very few remained, none who could possibly crawl. Those who did were conveyed in stages. 1898] 579 "The formation for the march through Waverly Place to Fifth Avenue was in the following order : Squad of Street Sweepers Mounted Police A Second Squad of Mounted Men Eben's Band The Veteran Association of the 71st Regiment Officers of the 171st Regiment, N.G.N.Y. Fanciulli's 71st Regiment Band The 71st Regiment N.Y.V. "After a halt of fifteen minutes, the order 'forward' was given, and to the air of the 'Red, White and Blue,' the boys swung up the avenue in steady line. This thoroughfare was packed even more closely than Broadway. The people pressed out beyond the curb, leaving only a narrow lane for the marchers, and all the exertions of the police could not widen it; nor could they prevent the rush that followed. Fifth Avenue never held such a throng before, kites were flying with American flags stringing out below them. Tens of thousands of flags were waving over the heads of the people ; it was a sight altogether that reminded one of a gigantic Mardi. Gras or a festival night in ancient Rome, when the populace turned out to welcome home conquering heroes from the field. "Denser and denser grew the crowd as the armory was neared. When the head of the column reached 34th Street it was packed so tightly that the column was forced to halt while the police cleared the way. "It was 4:15 when the 2d Battery began firing a salute of twenty-one guns, and few moments later the heroes of San Juan, marched in, in column of fours. What a scene it was! While they were marching in, pale, wretched looking, shadows of their former selves, the scene outside of the armory was one such as seldom has been witnessed. There had been cheers before the soldiers neared the armory while the men of the 171st and the Veterans passed, but as the 71st came into view, cheers died away in throats, lips were stricken dumb and a shudder seemed to pass through the throng. Then the reaction in the crowd set in and cheers from thousands of throats rent the air. "It was a pitiful scene inside of the armory as these sickly, wasted men marched in. On across the floor they marched, some in suits of faded blue, some in well-worn Khaki uni forms. The band proceeding them, started to play 'Home, Sweet Home' as it entered and before it had finished there was not a dry eye in the building. "Hardly had the butts of the guns struck the floor than 580 [1898 from the band came the strains of the Doxology. The solemn old hymn echoed through the armory, to the roof, through the doors and windows to the street. Heads uncovered, and through the entire building the stillness beyond the music of the band was appalling, here and there a choking sob from some aching heart rose above the hymn, and breasts that were not stirred by that scene, by the simple bit of music, lacked the divine chord in human nature. "Hardly had the strains of music died away when pande monium broke loose again, every man, woman and child in the great building cheered with all the force his or her lungs were capable of." After the men had been refreshed witih food, Colonel Downs made a short address followed by a prayer from the Chaplain; then the Colonel issued his final order for the day. This was to the effect that the men stack their rifles and knap sacks upon the floor of the drill hall, and return to their homes until October 27th, when they will report at the armory. Those who had homes soon left the armory, but there were at least seventy-five who did not live in the city, and had no homes to go to at that time ; through the kind attention of the Veteran relief and women's associations, these were cared for in the armory until they could be otherwise provided for. Notwithstanding the confusion, the affairs of the 171st went on as systematically as if it was a permanency. HEADQUARTERS 171ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, August 27th, 1898. Orders No. 60 : I — The officers and enlisted men of this regiment will assemble at the armory on Friday, September 2d, at 1 :30 P. M., for the purpose of partaking in the ceremonies of the funeral of Corp. George L. Immen of Company C, and Corp. H. J. Schied of Company F, 71st Regiment Infantry, N.Y.V., killed at San Juan, Cuba. Officers and men will wear fatigue uniforms and campaign hats. The occasion calls for the at tendance of every member. II — Drills will be resumed by companies, commencing Tuesday, September 6th; assembly at 8:15 P. M.; recall at 9:45 P. M. During the month of September drill will be by squads, in the school of the soldier. Ill — Companies L and M having been disbanded in ac cordance with Special Orders No. 146, C.S.A.G.O., and their officers rendered supernumerary these companies cease to exist. 1898] 581 IV — The 1st Battalion wilt1 now consist of Companies B, E, F, H and K. The 2d Battalion will consist of Companies A, C, I, D and G. V — The subject of recruiting is urged as an important one, and every member is desired to do his utmost towards bringing in desirable members. By order of Colonel Francis, J. W. DOWLING, Regimental Adjutant. From the New York "Press," September 3d : "Military funerals were held yesterday over the bodies of Corporals George L. Immen of Company C and H. J. Schied of Company F, 71st N.Y.V., in the armory of the 71st Regiment. Before the bodies were brought to the armory, there was a service over the body of Corporal Schied at the Zion Episcopal Church on East 40th Street. An hour before the time, 2 P. M., set for the service, the armory was crowded with friends of the two men. There were men of the regiment who had been with the dead at San Juan who were unable to stand up. They practically crawled from home in order to pay a last tribute to their dead comrades. "The coffins containing the bodies of the two soldiers were placed on catafalques in the western end of the drill room, in which the dead men had received their first lesson in soldiering. Floral tributes were banked about them. "Chaplain Bradshaw of the 171st, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Mueller and the Rev. Dr. Remensnyder, conducted the services. They were short; each of the clergymen dwelt briefly upon the example set by the dead in laying down their lives for their country and humanity. At the end of the service the coffins were placed in hearses and the march to the grave started. The hearses formed on each side of the street, the officers and men of the 171st following." A sad feature of the parade was that none of the comrades of the dead men escorted their bodies to the cemetery. The reason for this was the enfeebled condition of the men who returned from Cuba and the excessive heat. There were not enough of them to form a firing squad, which was composed of men from the 171st The line of march of the cortege was Park Avenue to 40th Street, to Fifth Avenue to 17th Street. Corporal Schied was buried in Greenwood, and Corporal Immen in Kensico. The uncertain condition of affairs at this time will be explained by the following from the New York "Press" : "Much that concerns the immediate future of the National 582 [1898 Guard, both the active regiments now in the field as volunteers and the provisional organizations in the local armories, figured in the conference of the provisional Colonels at the 9th Regi ment Armory on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was called by Colonel Japha of the 109th. "The situation which the local National Guardsmen think is facing them has caused them much anxiety and perplexity. (The 71st was an exception, all the other regiments were still in the field.) If it should be announced, they say, that the National Guard regiments now in the field would return to the local armories in the next three or four weeks the present mem bers of the provisional regiments would continue merely in a perfunctory way in the organization and recruiting would come to a standstill. "It is believed that only a small percentage of the regiments now in the field will wish to continue in the military service on their return. If then they say, the provisional regiments are disbanded to make way for the old members, the National Guard will be neither one nor the other. Many of the men who went to the front already had served their full time in the Guard, and were entitled to receive their discharge. "Unless some steps are taken to bridge over carefully the period between the muster out and the restoration of the Guard, there will be a break in the continuity of the Guard's local organization. This is the situation which has disturbed the serenity of mind of some of the provisional Colonels. "Besides this, the financial complications may prove to be numerous and knotty. The provisional regiments have re ceived no award of State moneys, and if they are disbanded too soon, say about October 1st, they may have some difficulty in getting a claim through for money, and the regiments in the field also might be unable to present a good claim to State money, as their service in the United States volunteers, can scarcely be considered a good State voucher. "There are contracts with Band Masters and Drum Majors which must be fulfilled, and to do this the State treasury must be drawn upon. If the provisionals continue in existence long enough they could get the money and discharge the contracts. * * * "Colonel Francis of the 171st advanced the suggestions that all trouble could be averted if the leaves of absence apply ing to the regiments now at the front were extended, say to the first of the year. The regiments now at the front could be mustered out and instead of being compelled to report to the local armories at once as the present arrangement provides, would be free from militia obligation for several months. "At present the leaves of absence are considered as ex piring as soon as the muster out from Uncle Sam's service takes place. If this is done the whole autumn, which is the most valuable time for target practice at Creedmoor, would be lost, as it scarcely is to be expected that the fagged-out 1898] 583 men from the front, more than 50 per cent., of whom are now scarcely fit for duty, would take any interest in the target practice. * * * "The general sense of the meeting was along the line of Colonel Francis's suggestion, and the views of the Colonels, probably will be laid before the Adjutant-General in Albany before the close of the week." Having procured the necessary authority, the following order was issued: HEADQUARTERS, 171ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, September 15th, 1898. Orders No. 77 : I — The regiment will assemble in fatigue uniform, cam paign hats and haversacks, and one day's rations, for rifle prac tice, and proceed to Creedmoor by battalions, as follows : 1st Battalion — Lieutenant-Colonel Homer, commanding, Battalion Adjutant Stewart, Assistant Surgeon Lewald, Ser- geant-Major Ludlow, Company B, Captain Haskill; Company E, Captain Chard ; Company F, Captain Wright ; Company H, Captain Barker; Company K, Captain Chilton. On Monday, September 19th. 2d Battalion — Major Bascom, commanding, Regimental Adjutant Dowling, Surgeon Marsh, Sergeant-Major Gerhard, Company A, Captain Bruch ; Company C, Captain Francis ; Company I, Captain Chatfield; Company D, Captain Little; Company G, Lieutenant Woodruff. On Tuesday, September 20th. The first call will be sounded at 7:25 A. M., assembly at 7:30. The train leaves Long Island City at 8 A. M. The staff and non-commissioned staff, except those other wise detailed, will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Homer at the armory at 7:30 A. M., on Monday, September 19th. II — As the regimental and company figures of merit are based on the attendance and firing only, it is of the utmost importance that every member of the regiment should be present on the day assigned to his company. Members of the regiment will not be permitted to practice for qualification on the day not assigned to their respective companies. By order of Lieutenant-Colonel Homer, Commanding, J. W. DOWLING, Regimental Adjutant. (Last printed Order No. 69.) The ranges at Creedmoor were kept open until the end of October; the result to the 171st was as follows: 584 [1898 F.&.S. N.C.S. ABCDE FGHI KH.C.T'tal Marksmen 10 5 33 19 15 15 15 15 13 18 9 24 9— 200 S'shooters 3 041102200340— 20 Experts ...2 010101000000—5 Total 15 5 38 20 17 15 18 17 13 18 12 28 9 225 The experts were Surgeon E. T. T. Marsh, Inspector of Rifle Practice, Charles H. Hoyt; Captains E. C. Bruch and L. W. Francis, and Lieut. C. E. Smith. On the 18th of October the 1st Battalion had a drill in the armory, as did the 2d Battalion on the 21st; followed by a drill of the regiment on the 25th. "Colonel Francis of the 171st Regiment broke the record in the provisional regiments last Tuesday by having a regi mental drill at which he paraded eight companies of twelve files each, with full ranks. Some of the officers and men were naturally a trifle green, and lacked the ease and familiarity with the evolutions of the veteran commander, but it was a very creditable drill, nevertheless. The men were fully uniformed, attentive, and neat in appearance, and maintained distances and dress of fours very well. Another regimental drill will be held next Tuesday, at which Colonel Francis intends to use a little more 'ginger.' Col. Wallace A. Downs of the 71st N.Y.V., will also review the regiment the same evening." This review took place on Tuesday evening, November 1st; of this the New York "Times," said: "The review of the 171st Regiment, Colonel Francis, by Col. Wallace A. Downs of the 71st Volunteers, at the armory last Tuesday, and the drill that followed was a most excellent piece of work, and demonstrated fully that the 71st is entitled to first place among the provisional regiments. The regimental formation was handsomely made by Adjutant Dowling in two battalions of four companies each, twelve files each, and turned over to Colonel Francis. Both the review and the parade went off without a hitch, which was surprising when it is con sidered that it was the first time either has been attempted by the regiment. The passing in review was well done ; the men were steady, and the officers saluted properly. A drill fol lowed which was a vast improvement upon the preceding one. "Owing to lack of room, very few movements in the evolu tions of the regiment are done in the armory by any regiment. In the regimental drill nearly all movements in column of fours were executed, as well as the formation of columns of masses and lines of masses. 1898] 585 "Many of the movements had never before been made in an armory. The audience was large and the applause liberal. The drum and bugle corps deserve a word of praise, also. The latest official returns of the 171st show the strength of the command to be 566 officers and men." The 71st N.Y.V. were mustered out of service on Novem ber 15th, and owing to the confusion in the armory company drills were discontinued and weekly battalion drills substituted. In anticipation of the disbandment of the 171st, its Colonel issued the following circular : HEADQUARTERS, 171ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, November 15th, 1898. To the Officers and Enlisted men of the 171st Regiment, N.G.N.Y. : Within a short time this regiment will be disbanded, and I desire before we separate, to thank you, one and all, for your loyal and hearty support. The organization of this regiment has been an unusual experience — unlike any in the history of the National Guard — and the work necessary to accomplish this was not realized at its inception. On the 2d of May, the 71st Regiment left this city for Camp Black, and preparations were immediately begun for the formation of this regiment. On the 31st of May, we were mustered into the State service, having eight companies with 450 officers and men, being the first of the provisional regi ments. By the 15th of June, we had twelve companies. The only regiment of that number of companies that has ever been in the National Guard. By the 1st of July, we had enlisted 1,200 men, 700 of whom afterwards enlisted in the Volunteer service of the United States, as officers we furnished two Majors, two Captains and three Lieutenants, all of whom are still in service. A summer of unusual severity did not deter you from the hard work necessary to accomplish all this, and your labors were and are fully appreciated by your Colonel and the State authorities. We have had in addition to company work, five regimental parades and drills and four battalion drills. At Creedmoor we have qualified five experts, twenty sharpshooters and 200 marksmen, besides keeping up practice on the armory range. We have organized a Hospital Corps, and a Bugle and Drum Corps, equal, if not superior, to any in the Guard. Our record is one of which you have every reason to be proud, and I sincerely hope that you are. But there is still more to be done. Will you do it? We 586 [1898 have now a regiment 500 strong, and I hope and trust that you retain sufficient pride and interest in it, and in your work, to remain in the National Guard. Your State needs you, and the 71st Regiment needs you, and will gladly welcome you within its ranks, extending to you a friendly and brotherly greeting. The 71st Regiment requires no eulogy on my part. In two wars and in all its duties, it has sustained a record honorable to the Nation, the State, and itself; no man can be but proud of membership in its ranks. Decimated by death and disease it needs every man, and I sincerely trust that every man will honor himself by permitting me to transfer him to the old "American Guard." Commanding officers of companies will- at once prepare blanks and obtain the signatures of the members of their com mand who will consent to join the 71st Regiment, with the previso that it does not bind them to do so should they subse quently have reason to change their minds. As this may be the only opportunity, I avail myself of it to give you my official farewell. While the work has been arduous, the association has been pleasant, and your duties were so faithfully and satisfactorily performed, that in my twenty-five years of military life, there will be no brighter spot, none filled with more pleasant memories, than the period dur ing which I have had the honor to be the first, last, and only Colonel of the 171st Regiment, National Guard, N. Y. AUGUSTUS T. FRANCIS, Colonel. Until the disbandment of the 171st there could be no actual reorganization of the 71st, 250 members of the latter being in the former, to be transferred upon its disbandment. For reasons which will be better understood later, this was inten tionally delayed. From the New York "Sun" : "The disbandment of the 171st Regiment will take out of active regimental direction, in the person of Col. Augustus T. Francis, an officer who has displayed abilities of an order known only to his intimate friends. "For years Colonel Francis had been a Major in the 71st, where he had little scope for the display of his qualifications as the head of a regiment. His opportunity came last Spring, when he was intrusted with the organization of the 171st Regiment. He did that work with a tact, thoroughness and energy that soon gave his command the highest rank among the provisional regiments. "On military questions outside of the immediate life of his regiment he has shown a breadth of mind and soundness of judgment that have caused a feeling of regret with some that he had not longer been at the head of a regiment. He 1898] 587 has been accessible to all and has never entertained the idea so common in certain quarters of the National Guard, that a halo and an atmosphere of exclusiveness are the necessary adjuncts of the rank of Colonel. "Colonel Francis will lay aside the eagles of his office able to feel that his friends have been pleased and his enemies silenced by his excellent record as a regimental commander." On the 9th of December, Colonel Francis, was relieved from the command of the 171st and transferred to the command of the 71st by order of Major-General Roe, leaving the 171st in command of Lieutenant-Colonel Homer. Colonel Francis took with him such members of his staff as were required. On the 14th of January, 1899, the 171st was mustered out of service. The following orders will serve to inform the reader the method by which this change was accomplished : GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, STATE OF NEW YORK Adjutant-General's Office. Albany, October 6th, 1898. General Orders No. 18: The re-establishment of the organizations of the National Guard, which have entered the United States service as volun teers and are now about to be mustered out and return to the State service, is placed in the hands of the Major-General commanding the National Guard, and will be based on the following general principles. First — Ten days after the muster out of the United States service, muster rolls in duplicate must be made of each com pany and the field and staff of the returning organization, one to be retained and one forwarded to the Adjutant-General through the channel. Second — On this muster roll must appear the names of officers and enlisted men, who were regularly commissioned or enlisted members of the National Guard at the time the organ ization was mustered into the United States service, whether they volunteered or not. Thirds — Officers of the National Guard who do not desire to continue in the service of the Guard, should promptly tender their resignations, and enlisted men of the Guard who desire to be discharged from the State service, should promptly make application to the proper officer, after the muster rolls have been made. Fourth — Applications of enlisted men, who have been in the volunteer service, for discharge from the State service, should receive favorable action on the part of the officers authorized to grant it, provided the reasons set forth deemed proper and sufficient. 588 [1898 Fifth — Commanding officers of organizations, about to be replaced by the organizations in whose place they were organ ized, will at once prepare muster out rolls and discharges for the enlisted men of their respective commands, who were regu larly enlisted therein, so that when their muster out is ordered, there need be no delay. Sixth — They will also make all necessary arrangements to transfer all State and organization property to the commanding officer of the old organizations, and to close their accounts with the Chief of Ordnance. Seventh — Commissioned officers of new organizations when replaced by organizations returning from the volunteer service, will be rendered supernumerary, and the men enlisted in the former organizations will be honorably discharged upon the disbandment of their company or regiment. Eighth — Men enlisted in organization about to be dis banded, if desirous to continue in service, may be transferred to such organizations as they may select in place of being dis charged, provided that there are vacancies in such organiza tions for them. Ninth — The Commander-in-Chief desires that every en couragement be given to the officers and enlisted men of the volunteer service to join the National Guard if not already members thereof. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, C. WHITNEY TILLINGHAST, 2d, Adj utant-General. HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL GUARD, NEW YORK, Albany, N. Y., November 18th, 1898. General Orders No. 11: I — Such appointments and elections of officers as it may be desired to have appear in the Annual Register should reach the Adjutant-General's office, Albany, on or before December 15th, 1898. Also all accounts of whatsoever nature to be paid this year from the funds under the control of the Adjutant- General of the State, must be forwarded not later than Decem ber 15th, 1898. II — The Commander-in-Chief has decided that it is but just to allow, and does, therefore, allow to the officers of the new organizations about to be mustered out, as reimburse ment in part for the expense incurred in equipping and uni forming themselves in the sum of $30 and $50 respectively, according, as they are dismounted or mounted officers, sub ject to the following regulations: First — The voucher of the officer to be accompanied by the officer's affidavit that he has purchased at least one officer's blouse, one officer's trousers, one campaign hat, one sword, one sword belt and plate, and one sword knot, and if the offi- 1898] 589 cer be a mounted officer, in addition one pair spurs and straps, one pair gauntlets and one pair of boots. Second — That these vouchers and affidavits should be made in duplicate and to be handed at the time of muster out to the mustering officer, who will forward them with his ap proval to the Adjutant-General. Ill — Although an allowance has been made to each of the new organizations, such may not have been sufficient to discharge all their obligations, the Commander-in-Chief, therefore, directs that the mustering out officer of a new organ ization receive from its commanding officer certified bills of such accounts as may have been incurred and have not yet been paid, each bill to be in duplicate, receipted and supported by affidavits that the account is true and correct, that the articles charged have been furnished and that the price charged is reasonable, also certified to by the respective officers of the outgoing organization. These bills will be forwarded to the Adjutant-General as promptly as possible for adjustment and payment. By Command of Major-General Roe, STEPHEN H. OLIN, Assistant Adjutant-General. After the disbandment of the 171st, the officers had a group picture taken and also joined in a dinner. "The officers of the 171st Regiment who were mustered out of the Federal Service on Saturday last, celebrated the formation of an association to perpetuate their friendship, with a dinner last evening at the Murray Hill Hotel, at which a silver loving cup was presented to Colonel Francis, the Colonel of the 171st, and the present commander of the 71st Regiment; Colonel Francis presided. After dinner he spoke of the forma tion of the 171st Regiment, and complimented the officers upon the excellent discipline they had maintained. "Lieutenant-Colonel Homer, on behalf of the officers, then presented Colonel Francis with a handsome silver loving cup with stag horn handles. He praised the work of the Colonel in the organization of the regiment. "Colonel Francis was completely surprised by the gift and was able to say only a few words of thanks." At the time during the summer of 1898, when it looked almost certain that the 171st was to be called, the Colonel was summoned one evening to the Veteran's Room, where they were holding a meeting; upon entering the room, which was crowded with members and ladies of the women's associations, he received a genuine surprise by being presented with a magnificent sword and belt. COLONEL WALLACE A. DOWNS Plate x — tfp. 591 History of 7 1ST N. Y. VOLUNTEERS Colonel WALLACE A. DOWNS 1898 After war between the United States and Spain was virtu ally begun by the refusal of the latter nation to receive a com munication from President McKinley, at the hands of Gen eral Woodford, on the 21st day of April, 1898, and was subse quently declared to have begun at this date by a resolution of Congress, passed four days later, the President called for 125,000 volunteers, naming the quota expected from New York State, and expressing his preference for troops already enlisted in the National Guard. At the earliest possible moment, after being thus informed by the Adjutant-General of the State of New York, a request being made of the commanding officers of the several regiments to ascertain how many of their command were ready to enlist, Col. Francis Vinton Greene, then commanding the 71st Regi ment, N.G.N.Y., summoned a meeting of all officers and men, assembled them upon the drill floor, addressed them briefly, stating merely the facts as above recorded and asking for ex pressions of opinion in response. The scene was inspiring; without a dissenting voice, by acclamation, a hearty "aye," with an accompanying "hurrah," that showed its undoubted sincerity, the 71st Regiment imposing no conditions, asking no terms, in the simple enthusiasm of its old-time wonted loyalty, proved true to every tradition and, not without much antici pated sacrifice, gave generous and hearty response to its coun try's call for service. As the following records will show the 71st was the first regiment, not only in the Empire State — but in the whole United States — thus favorably to respond to its ruler's request, and that it did it unanimously is greatly to its credit and renown. As further records will testify, it was also the first 592 [1898 regiment in the United States to proceed to a camp for mobiliz ation and muster. It was the first also to be mustered into the volunteer service of the country, and the first New York troops to leave for the seat of war. Agreeable to the terms of the Hull bill, requiring a three battalion formation of four companies each for every regiment, it was necessary to add two companies to make the 71st, which had been a regiment of ten companies of 100 men each, to con form to new requirements. In six days all twelve companies were enlisted to their full strength, and in readiness to obey the order of the Adjutant-General to proceed to Camp Black, near Hempstead. HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, May 1st, 1898. Order No. 122: I. In compliance with orders from General Headquarters, the regiment will assemble in field uniform and equipments, at the armory on Monday, May 2d. First call will be sounded at 8 :25 o'clock A. M., and the assembly at 8 :30 o'clock A. M. The line of march will be through 34th Street to Fifth Avenue to 22d Street to East 23d Street Ferry. II. Such recruits as are not yet uniformed, will carry blankets and ponchos, rolled and slung; meat cans, knives, forks and spoons in haversack, and cups attached to outside of haversack. These recruits in each company will be placed under command of a Sergeant, who will report to Quarter master Stephens when the regiment leaves the armory. III. Officers' baggage will be delivered to Quartermaster at the armory on Sunday, or not later than 8 o'clock Monday morning. Company camp chests will be placed in the main entrance hall by Company Commanders not later than 8 o'clock Monday morning. IV. The Quartermaster will issue 1,000 rounds of am munition to each company, which will be placed in the web belts, twelve to each man, six on each side of belt plate. V. When the regiment leaves the armory, the baggage will be promptly placed in the baggage wagons, and the re cruits, accompanied by the wagons, will be marched in a body under command of Quartermaster Stephens direct to 34th Street Ferry, and thence to Long Island City. On arrival there the baggage will be loaded into the baggage cars of the train designated for the 71st Regiment, and the recruits will remain on the platform and join their respective companies as soon as they arrive. The Quartermaster will give written re ceipts to the gate keeper at 34th Street for transportation of the baggage, and the number of recruits not in uniform. The recruits and baggage must reach 34th Street Ferry not later 1898] 593 than 9:10 A. M, First Lieut. M. A. Rafferty is detailed to as sist Quartermaster Stephens in performing the duties above specified. VI. Companies L and M will remain in the armory on Monday, in order to complete their organization, and will pro ceed to Hempstead Camp by train, leaving Long Island City at 9 :20 A. M., Tuesday, May 3d. The Quartermaster will issue one day's ration to these companies. Capt. E. F. Austin will command these two companies until they reach camp. He will report to Brig.-Gen. Howard Carroll, in charge of trans portation at the 2d Battery Armory, for instruction in regard to transportation. . By order of Colonel Greene. W. G. BATES, Regimental Adjutant. On Monday morning, May the 2d, promptly at 8 o'clock, the hour named for assembly, in the presence of thousands of people, filling the halls and galleries of the armory and ex tending into the streets, the regiment was formed on the drill floor. The Colonel gave command "Uncover," and directed Chaplain Van de Water to advance several paces and offer prayer. That was a moment never to be forgotten by those present. Perfect stillness reigned while prayer for Divine pro tection was said. The moment it was finished the order rang , out, "Column of fours, first company, first battalion, right forward fours right," and amid the tumultuous applause of ¦enthusiastic friends the regiment proceeded west on 34th Street to Fifth Avenue, down Fifth Avenue to 22d Street and proceeded by ferry to Long Island City, where train was taken at once to Camp Black. On Saturday morning, 30th of April, Company H, Capt. Walter I. Joyce commanding, had proceeded to Hempstead and broken camp. To this company must, therefore, be given the honor of being the first National Guard troops in the United States to encamp for the purpose of examination and muster ing into the service of the Volunteer Army. The 71st Regiment was given the place of honor at the extreme right of the State Camp, subsequently named in honor of the Governor, at which were mobilized at one time some 14,000 troops. Detraining one mile east of Garden City and marching about one-half mile to the entrance of the camp, Colonel Greene had the companies march to the site of their respective streets. The tents, poles and pegs were duly dis tributed in their proper places, and orders were at once given 594 [1898 to pitch tents and put the camp in proper condition. By 4 o'clock the work was completely finished and declared well done, and the regiment settled down to its life on the tented field. Within three days there were encamped the 1st and 2d Provisional Regiments, made up of companies of the 3d Bri gade, the 69th, the 47th, the 14th, the 13th and the 65th Regi ments of the National Guard. Major-General Roe, Brigadier- Generals George Moore Smith and McCoskry Butt, with their staffs, were also encamped with the troops. Arrangements were at once made by the United States officers appointed for the purpose, Major Maus, Surgeon, and Capt. Walter S. Schuyler, for the physical examination of every officer and enlisted man who offered himself for service in the Volunteer Army. Speedily to effect this purpose three Surgeons were examined and mustered into the United States service. They were Maj. William D. Bell, Capt. James Staf ford, and Capt. H. Eugene Stafford, who, with the assistance of several officers, who did lay work preparing the papers, thor oughly examined every officer and man, supplied the data re quired of personal history, height, weight, complexion and marks of individual identity, until a sufficient number had been passed to constitute a legally complete command. A very friendly rivalry, increasing in intensity as the days wore on, sprang up between the several regiments, each one earnestly anxious for the honor of being the first to be mus tered in. By constant attention and persistent activity the Colonel and Major Bell, sparing no time nor pains to finish this work as speedily as possible, erecting special tents, supplying them liberally with tables and stationery, and utilizing the services of staff officers for this important work, papers at last were completed. On the afternoon of the 10th of May the regiment was assembled by companies, each man's name was called by Captain Schuyler of the United States Army, and when every man in the company had responded, advanced thirty paces to the right and the full company formation re formed, order was given by Captain Schuyler to uncover, raise the right hand, the oath of allegiance was read and each man responded, "I do." The mustering officer then declared, "You are now in the service of the United States." In this manner all twelve companies were mustered in, when, in the presence of the entire regiment and some 3,000 persons witnessing the solemn ceremony, staff officers, other 1898] 595 than the Surgeons, advanced to the front, were duly added to the number of volunteers, and then followed the mustering in of the Lieutenant-Colonel and the Colonel of the regiment. When Colonel Greene responded solemnly and firmly "I do," and the last official act in the company of muster had been finished, a shout went up from all present that could have been heard for miles around. Few instances of such rapturous ex pression of patriotism and loyalty have been experienced. The regiment at once returned to its camp, every man in it real izing his changed relation to his country, understanding full well the sacrifices that would be required and resolutely re solved unflinchingly to make them. During these days, when attention seemed chiefly directed to the preparations for muster, full camp duty was required of every man, and regular routine of drill and other exercises were observed. There was scarcely an idle hour of the day. Discipline from the beginning was rigid ; none were allowed to leave the camp or to go to New York, except for specific duty or on special detail. Criticism of such rigorous discipline was plentiful and severe, newspapers joined with friends of the regiment in their condemnation of what seemed unnecessary severity. But Colonel Greene, with his varied and extensive experience in the United States and other armies, persistently declined to make discipline more lax; and as a result, in ten days' time the very people and the newspapers most loud in condemnation of these disciplinary measures were loudest in their praise of the magnificent military bearing and condition which these very measures had effected. The boys never allowed themselves to forget that the 71st, the first regiment in the United States favorably to answer the President's call to duty, were also the first ih the Empire State to be mustered into the service of the volunteer army. Scarcely one of the ten days that the regiment was at Camp Black was- pleasant or clear; besides being. most un seasonably cold there were rain storms, the like of which the memory of the oldest inhabitant failed to recall. The stormiest day of all was Sunday, the 8th of May, when, from morning till night, without a moment's cessation, it blew a forty-mile gale and rained in torrents. The Chaplain had hoped to have a communion service at an early hour of the morning and subsequently a general service, with a sermon for the regiment in the open air. Neither was possible. The best that could 596 [1898 be done was to have brief service in the hospital tent for the sick, in which the Hospital Corps gladly and cordially joined, and subsequently in the Adjutant's tent, where several had huddled in a vain effort to keep dry, hymns were sung and prayers said. During the day many of the tents of the different regi ments blew down and hundreds were drenched to their skins, but in the 71st the work of pitching tents had been so wisely directed and so thoroughly well done that, though many wavered, not one fell. For this the regiment received a special commendation from Major-General Roe, commanding the troops in the encampment. From the very beginning rations were served to companies; each was obliged to do its own cooking, and exactly the same conditions which prevail in the life of the regular army existed here. Naturally enough, time was required and much grumbling endured before anything like satisfaction was secured in the Commissary Department. Indeed, weeks later complaints were not infrequently heard from the men that the food was insufficient, of poor quality, no variety and generally unsatisfactory. Communications were unfortunately sent to home papers by members of the regi ment, which though containing some truth, were likely to give very wrong impressions and cause no end of needless worry. After six weeks' experience one is entitled to tell the truth about this matter. Whatever may have been the faults of the Government, commissary supplies had been generous from the beginning. Whenever men went hungry it was unavoidable, for one meal only, and officers have shared hunger with the men. This has not happened, except when the regiment was in transitu. No doubt there have been cases where coffee has been bad, meat poorly cooked, some men had too little to eat and some even nothing; but the fault has invariably been ignorance on the part of the Quartermaster-Sergeants, ineffi ciency of company cooks or lack of proper attention by com pany commanders. Battalion messes were established from the beginning, and the officers of the field and staff constituted a separate mess, of which the Colonel detailed the Chaplain to act as caterer. At the Colonel's request and by his preference the fare of the latter mess was exceedingly simple and substantial, and the same army biscuit that was supplied to the soldiers was used by him and the officers solely for bread. 1898] [597 From the beginning of the encampment near Hempstead, visitors from all portions of the country adjacent were numer ous, nothing but storm deterring them. Up to the time the regiment left camp for the South, the largest number of visi tors assembled in the afternoon of May 11th, when Governor Black reviewed the troops, assisted in this function by Major- General Roe and his entire staff. The band of Squadron A furnished the music for this occasion. None but those who had seen large armies in the Civil War had ever seen so large a number of troops together, fully 15,000 participating in this review. Of all the regiments there assembled, the 71st was the only one belonging to the volunteer army of the United States. Major-General Roe, therefore, designated the right of line as its proper place in review, thus bestowing upon it a both deserved and distinguished honor. As the regiment passed other com mands in the process of formation, abundant applause of offi cers and soldiers testified to the cordial appreciation of its merits and the esteem in which it was held. As the regiment passed in review the deafening applause of thousands of citi zens, who surrounded the troops on both sides, showed what place we had in the hearts of the citizens. The sight of a solid body of troops extending along the prairie surface for some miles, gave eye-witnesses the first ocular indication they had of the reality of the impending struggle with Spain. Nothing of sufficient importance to justify record occurred until after "taps" of Wednesday, the 11th instant, when Maj. Avery D. Andrews, Commandant of Squadron A, temporarily detailed to General Roe, came to headquarters and gave orders to proceed to Tampa, taking train the next afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Chaplain happened to be in the Colonel's tent at this time, and was particularly impressed with the coolness and good judgment of the commanding officer, who, knowing what work and labor was involved in striking tents, handling goods and moving to transports, decided at once to say nothing about the orders until "reveille," and suggested that we at once say goodnight and retire to our rest. Officers' call was almost simultaneous with "reveille" the next morning. Scarcely had the officers assembled and the news been imparted when it was quickly spread throughout the streets of the camp and shouts of approval were heard from every quarter. Before detailing the removal of the regiment from Camp 598 [1898 Black, the method by which water was permanently introduced into the entire camp deserves mention. In a body of a thou sand men it will always happen that the several professions and vocations of life will be more or less represented. Writing now, after an experience of six weeks, under circumstances that have called into requisition every variety of occupation, it seems to us that the personnel of the 71st Regiment is most remarkably representative. One might well give the chal lenge to name any profession, occupation or trade that is not represented by more than one competent man in the command. Even a locomotive engineer could be detailed, if required; lawyers, doctors, dentists, school teachers, carpenters, joiners, tailors, barbers, electricians, veterinary surgeons and civil en gineers, supply such a quota of strength that the 71st might be said to be cosmopolitan. Water is a great consideration in a well-equipped camp. It is, indeed, the first thing thought of by one selecting a site for an encampment. In the limited time allowed for preparation at Camp Black before the arrival of troops the contractor to supply the camp with water conducted from the reservoir at Hempstead, in pipes laid along the surface of the plains, had been utterly unable to finish his work. Colonel Greene dis covered soon after arriving at camp that this work must be speedily done, and that the contractor was incompetent to do it. The Colonel at once communicated with Major-General Roe, and knowing what material he had at his command, suggested that a competent detail be made at once to attend to this matter. Major-General Roe detailed Captain Wells of Com pany F, a civil engineer, as well as lawyer, by profession, who, with a force of 120 men, 65 of whom were from our own regi ment, and most of them engineers, by working day and night, in less than twenty-four hours had the pipes all laid and an abundant supply of water introduced all along the four miles' length of camp. Everyone began to make ready to move immediately after mess on the morning of the 12th, anticipating the impossibility of doing much work, when relatives and friends would flock in on early trains to say final farewells. Could all the subse quent delays have been anticipated and the many repeated opportunities to say goodbye been shown, the farewells of that afternoon would have lost much of their unction. Promptly at the time mentioned in orders the regiment proceeded in 1898] 599 heavy marching order, preceded by Squadron A band, to the Long Island Railroad terminus near Camp Black, there to dis cover that a large supply of ammunition had just arrived and must be transferred to train before its departure. It was 7 o'clock before the trains finally moved out and 10 o'clock be fore we reached Long Island City. It was here that we began first to experience the absolute incompetency of Government Quartermaster officials, which has since, on several occasions, been the occasion of much need less fatigue and an ever-increasing surprise. It is the duty of a good soldier not to criticise superior officers ; but, at the risk of being court-martialed, we venture the opinion that a com mittee from a kindergarten school could better arrange for the transportation of troops and luggage than those in authority have done since the beginning of our war with Spain. It is the general belief throughout the country, entertained mostly by those who have had most experience with the army, that the managers of this department of the Government are either fools or knaves, or may be both. Transport ships of the Ward Line had been engaged to convey the 2d Massachusetts Infantry and the 71st New York to Tampa. No arrangements whatever had been made for transporting the 71st from the depot at Long Island City to the transport ships. It was subsequently rumored that these ships had been ordered to the ferry slips at Long Island City to take troops direct from the trains. If any such orders were ever given, the Captains did perfectly right to ignore them. Anyone with a child's knowledge of naval architecture and local surroundings knows how impossible it would be to obey such orders. It was not until 3 :30 A. M., on Friday, the 13th instant, that we were able to secure transportation by a ferry boat to the transport ships lying off Bedloe Island. The labor of handling all the luggage from train to ferryboat and subse quently to transfer it all to transport was immense. It was daylight when everyone, absolutely tired out, who possibly could get away to rest, retired for needful slumber. Instead of proceeding to Tampa by sea, word soon came that Spanish ships had been sighted off the Massachusetts coast, and that the Government, fearing serious consequences to the troops, had decided to transport them by rail. It is unnecessary here to describe in detail the provoking delays, the weary waiting, the many inconveniences of temporized 600 [1898 bunks, the lack of water, poorly cooked food, two further trans ferences of luggage, before finally our trains pulled out from Jersey City at 11 o'clock on Saturday night, the 14th of May, when as everyone supposed, we were going directly to Tampa. This trip was not especially eventful. The regiment went in three sections, Colonel Greene in charge of the first, Lieuten ant-Colonel Downs of the second, and Maj. Clinton H. Smith of the third. Subsequent investigation showed that, notwithstanding all the companies were somewhat recruited the week before we started for Camp Black and the two new companies, L and M, entirely so, notwithstanding the severe physical examinations, but ten per cent, of all applications for enlistment in the 71st Regiment were rejected. Just before leaving the armory on the morning of May 2d, word came from division headquarters assigning to the special care of the armory the then Senior Major of the Regiment, Augustus T. Francis, who subse quently, in accordance with special orders from the Adjutant- General's office, recruited a new regiment, mustered in as the 171st and was commissioned Colonel of the same. HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL GUARD, N. Y. New York, May 1, 1898. Special Order No. 35 : Col. Francis V. Greene, 71st Regiment, is hereby directed to order Maj. A. T. Francis, 71st Regiment, to remain in New York to take charge of the armory and all public property therein; and all officers and men in the regiment who remain in New York City will be directed to report to him for orders and instruction. By Command Major-General Roe. STEPHEN H. OLIN, A. A. General. Maj. E. T. T. Marsh, who had been Surgeon of the 71st Regiment for thirteen years, and who, for excellent reasons, was unable to go with the regiment to the front, and Maj. Augustus T. Francis, who had been connected with the regi ment for over forty years, did honorable duty in connection with the regiment in the Civil War, wanted to go to the front and was seriously disappointed that he could not because of the special detail referred to above. During the trip to Tampa, or as was supposed — to Tampa — men subsisted on travel rations, securing hot coffee at sta- 1898] 60i tions three times a day, or endeavoring to, at which times they were allowed to leave the trains and line up in companies to receive it. The officers, for whom a sleeper was provided with each section, provided their own mess. Arriving in Washing ton early Sunday morning, after waiting one hour, trains pro ceeded through the country on to Richmond, almost every spot of which had been made sacred by important events con nected with the Civil War. Beyond Richmond there is noth ing in the terrestrial prospect particularly to please. Delays were more or less frequent after leaving Savannah, and it was not until Tuesday, the 17th of May, that this jour ney ended — not at Tampa — as was originally designed, but at Lakeland, thirty-five miles this side of Tampa, in the most mountainous district of Florida, some 250 feet above the level of the sea, in a region of lakes and pine forests, which made it, as a place of encampment, exceedingly healthful and picturesque. As soon as the first section landed, the Colonel detailed the Chaplain to proceed to Tampa by ordinary pas senger train, which left shortly, to procure provision for the officers' mess; Lakeland, a town of 1,000 inhabitants, having already exhausted its resources in supplying the wants of several cavalry regiments there encamped. On the train to Tampa the Chaplain was delighted to meet Brigadier-General Young, of 2d Cavalry Brigade, with which the 71st had been temporarily brigaded, and also Major Hayes, of the 1st Ohio Cavalry, an old acquaintance as a fellow-stu dent at Cornell and son of ex-President Hayes, both of whom spoke enthusiastically of the excellent reputation the 71st Regi ment had among the regulars, and in what high esteem its Colonel was held by the authorities at Washington. The 2d Massachusetts Volunteers had proceeded the 71st by a few hours and pitched camp by the side of Lake Morton nearest the village. Immediately adjacent to them and on the shore of the same lake the camp of the 71st was located. Due to the congested condition of the railroad, a little one-horse affair of the Plant System, built for winter traffic only, the entire regiment did not arrive at camp until too late in the afternoon to pitch any tents, but one for the Colonel and one for the hospital. Lying in the open, sleeping on terra firma, under the azure was no preventative of rest. Long before "taps", which was sounded at an early hour, everybody was 602 [1898 bivouacking and asleep but a portion of the guard and the fellow that blew the horn. A stay of nearly two weeks in this camp did not detract from this original picturesqueness, though the longer we stayed the more were all convinced that the dirtiest kind of dirt was to be found in this vicinity. Unfortunately in policing the camp, a scrupulous sense of neatness led the men to remove the pine needles, which brought us into immediate contact with the native sand, mingled somewhat with the charred or burned pines and decaying vegetation. This conspired to make the camp at Lakeland a spot "Where every prospect pleases And only man is vile." It is perfectly safe to say that during our sojourn in this beautiful spot there was not a man at any moment whose face and hands were clean. Daily drills were at once instituted, a target erected and rifle practice inaugurated for new recruits, and everything done most quickly to make new soldiers efficient and the entire command one of uniform excellence. In strange contrast to the daily routine of camps in the neighborhood, both regular and volunteer, the daily drills, the rifle practice, the dress parade and the passing in review were both unique and con spicuous. Here, as at Camp Black, discipline was rigid, men were not allowed to leave the camp, except at stated times and for special reasons. Rigorous as this may have seemed to the enlisted men and maybe to some officers who did not think deeply, results became at once apparent. The most casual witness saw daily improvement in every way. Newly enlisted men came quickly to understand that they had not come on a summer excursion, but having gone to war, were expected to prepare for it. At once the 71st Regiment attracted favorable attention from those whose extensive military experience made them competent to judge of its merits, and words of becoming praise were frequently heard from those whose positions gave weight to their expressions. The New York papers at this time made daily mention of the excellent condition of what, by general consent, had come to be called the "Gallant 71st." Naturally enough, change of location and climate, with largely increased temperature, and water, though pure, differ- 1898] 603 ent in its constituent elements from that which troops have been accustomed to drink, will produce physical disorders until troops are acclimatized. After an experience of ten days of unusually cold and stormy weather at Camp Black, the regi ment was suddenly confronted with an average daytime tem perature of 95 degrees, at times mounting up to 104 degrees, but fortunately, the nights were sufficiently cold to give re freshing sleep. The lake gave abundant facilities for bathing to the men, and, except for the character of the dirt above referred to, the camp was generally satisfactory. Some little difficulty was experienced by the companies in roasting and grinding their own coffee, and for a time, until this was remedied, diarrhoeal difficulties were frequent. The first death in the regiment was due to this disorder, Private Hubschmidt, of Company I, dying suddenly from inanition, in the arms of his brother, at midnight of May 20th, in a tent of his company street. A few days previous to this one of the Massachusetts Regiment had died from pneumonia. The funerals of both these privates gave a touch of sadness to the experiences in Lakeland. Both were members of the Episcopal Church, and fortunately, for the convenience of many who wished to attend and the more seemly surrounding for the public service, a very beautiful little Episcopalian chapel was adjacent, lying between the two camps on the main highway. The funeral of the Massachusetts private was held on Sunday, the 22d instant, and that of Private Hubschmidt on the following Saturday. The body lay in the church guarded by a special detail from the company until the hour of ser vice, 4 P. M., when the entire company and many from the regiment attended in a body, the Chaplain officiating. The hymns sung at this service were most heartily rendered. Men tion here is proper of the kindness of women friends in the town who almost exhausted the sparse flora of the dry season appropriately to decorate the coffin. The scene was one which all present will long remember when the hearse, with body guard and many troops following, proceeded to the station, from which the coffin was sent to New York City. About noon of the 28th of May, several congratulatory telegrams were received by Colonel Greene giving intimation that he had been nominated Brigadier-General by the Presi dent. Officers' call was sounded about 3 P. M., when Colonel Greene announced that he had just received a telegram in- 604 [1898 forming him that his nomination as Brigadier-General of Vol unteers had been confirmed by the Senate, and ordering him to proceed at once to California and report to General Merritt for the Philippine expedition. The Colonel also announced most feelingly his sentiments of affection for and pride in the 71st Regiment, his regrets on many accounts at leaving the command, his firm belief that officers worthy the name ought to accept promotion when it comes unbidden, his earnest wishes for the welfare of the regiment, his affectionate esteem for its officers, his confidence that they and the men would acquit themselves creditably, and that his last official act would be the nomination by telegram to Governor Black, of the State of New York, of Lieut.-Col. Wallace A. Downs to the Colonelcy. Sad as the officers were to receive this intelligence, they were proud that their commander had thus been deservedly honored, and ended the meeting with an appropriate general cheer and personal congratulations. It never takes long for news to get to the company streets. In this instance it must have been anticipated, for before the Captains could reach their quarters the men were cheering, company after company was formed, and each proceeded to the Colonel's tent, to give three cheers for Brigadier-General Greene and receive a few words it might appropriate especially to itself. Adjt William G. Bates was requested by the Colonel to accompany him. In a few hours both had packed, their tents were empty and they had left camp, escorted by the entire regiment, which was lined up in front of the depot, continuously cheering until the train departed. The sentiment of the returning regiment was unanimous, every man in it regretting the departure of Colonel Greene, and every man equally confident that his suc cessor, both in personal character and military ability, was worthy of the Colonelcy. Colonel Downs at once, on assuming command, appointed Alfred H. Abeel, Lieutenant of Company M, Adjutant of the regiment. On the 30th of May, word was received by Colonel Downs, and transmitted by him to the officers, that the 71st Regiment, New York Volunteers, had been permanently brigaded with the 6th and 16th Infantry, Regulars, which constituted the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the 5th Army Corps, under 1898] 605 General Shafter, and that it would proceed the next day to Tampa and there encamp waiting further orders. The last week of the camp at Lakeland was largely occu pied by officers seeking and procuring their respective mounts. Florida offers a poor market for officers ; their horses, like their men, are chiefly runts. They run small and thin. Cracker horses, like the cracker men, are as a rule long, lean and gaunt. The moment it was known that the officers wanted horses the country for miles around was put under requisition, and quadrupeds, numerous and various, invaded the camp. One Jehu from the town, with a high tenor voice and no conscience, is said to have made a fortune out of the Spanish War by selling horses exclusively to the 71st New York and 2d Massa chusetts, and to have retired with a competence sufficient to ¦enable him to live in Lakeland without work. Most men do this, anyway, but he will do it in luxury. The way this man could shave the truth would shame Munchausen. He could even perform miracles, this man. He deceived the very elect. Mounting a roan steed he sped away at a furious gait, wheeled quickly about and returned as if on a charger. The Chaplain was so overcome by this exhibi tion that, attracted by the only big horse he had seen, he bought him instantly. The horse has never since been known to do more than walk. A spur cannot persuade him to change his reverent gait. The patient reader might suppose from this that the Chaplain was the most unfortunate speculator in horseflesh among all the officers. But not so. It is the express conviction of Ross, the chief hostler, who was in the United States Cavalry Service for ten years, and if he doesn't know a horse, knows nothing, also of George, the officer's valet, who was brought up among horses and was coachman for twenty years, that the Chaplain's horse, named Quoque (Quoque means clam) is the best of the equine outfit. These words are written about a month after the horses of the field and staff were purchased. Respect for the feelings of my fellow-officers forbids my description in detail of the horses they chose to call their own. Of all my extensive ex periences in larger parishes of large cities, these horses remind me most of visits to the home for the ruptured and crippled. If this war lasts long and there are found no horses of Spanish ;gentlemen in Cuba on which to forage, it may be regarded as 606 [1898 a fixed certainty that requisitions for officers' mounts will have to be made upon the mules. Not in any spirit of fault finding, but merely to record facts, it should be stated here that, though the regiment had been in the United States service for nearly one month, the entire necessities of its Hospital Department had been pro vided by the regiment, and at its own expense. The Surgeon himself was obliged to advance considerable money to procure necessary medicines. At his request the Chaplain was detailed by the Colonel to proceed to Tampa on the 26th instant, with a formal requisition for medical supplies and endeavor to secure them at once. He went directly to Army Corps Headquarters at Tampa Bay Hotel, was most courteously treated and sent to one of the supply stores in the town with an order to have supplies that were needed furnished at once. Only a meagre portion of the requisition could be obtained, supplies in stock being most inadequate to the demands. But a greater difficulty than this, even, confronted the Hospital Department. It seems that soldiers in the Regular Army by self-imposed fines and by saving their rations, accum ulate a fund with which to purchase delicacies for their sick. Volunteers in this, as in other matters, suffer from their ex perience. Soon it was found that sick men needed something more than medicines, and that convalescents even could neither relish nor assimilate bacon, beans and hard tack. A serious condition soon confronted the regiment. We were in a coun try where milk was difficult to procure and ice not to be had in large quantities. The latter had to be made artificially, and the large number of troops poured into the little town of Lakeland, demanded daily more than the limited plant could supply. It had not rained for six months. There was no grass to be seen anywhere in the fields, and such thin cows as were trying to graze had nothing withal to squeeze from their udders. After consulting with the Surgeon, the Chaplain tele graphed to several of his parishioners and friends of the regi ment in New York, who immediately and generously responded to such an extent that within a week the hospital stores re sembled a grocery shop. Anybody in the regiment needing other food than that provided, could be liberally supplied with malted milk, in powder or tablet form ; bouillon capsules, beef extract, lime juice, soups of every sort, jams, biscuit and 1898] 607 crackers of various kinds, whiskey of the best quality, con densed milk and quantities of Dover's powders and bismuth, Sun Cholera Mixture, and many other things which the liberal hearts devised. Among these generous contributors from New York City may be mentioned: Mrs. Walter H. Wagstaff, Mrs. Emmet R. Olcott, Mr. Lyman B. Garfield, Mr. Cleveland H. Dodge, Mr. Eugene H. Conklin, representing the 71st Veteran Asso ciation; Mrs. Archibald Watt, Col. Henry P. Martin, War Colonel of the 71st in '61, and Mr. Irving P. Fisher. Many others, no doubt, contributed whose names do not here appear, notably parishioners of St. Andrew's, Harlem, and the Broad way Tabernacle, 34th Street. The regiment will hold these in lasting remembrance ; they certainly ministered unto our neces sity. Sick calls lessened the moment these goods arrived ; and all felt that the painstaking labors of the Surgeons were now properly supplemented with needed medicines and foods. For the last few evenings before the breaking up of the camp at Lakeland, to avoid the terrific dust of the neighbor ing fields, the regiment was paraded and reviewed by the shore of the lake, and while to do this in the somewhat constrained quarters it was necessary for the staff to stand perilously near, if not into, the water during parade, and the regiment to pass in review of columns of fours, the picturesqueness of the scene at sunset caused every inconvenience to be overlooked, leaving a memory sweet to recall. On the evening of the 30th of May, there was given, by the Lakeland Lodge of Free Masons, a reception and banquet to the Masonic brethren of the regiment, and though it was the night before the regiment was to break camp and many found it impossible to leave, about thirty officers and twenty men at tended. The exercises were exceedingly interesting. Addresses were made by the Worshipful Master and an old member of the Lakeland Lodge, and responses to these were given by Dr. H. Eugene Stafford, Assistant Surgeon, and Chaplain Van de Water, of the 71st. The following changes were made in the officers of the regiment at once upon the promotion of Colonel Greene and Adjutant Bates, and their commissions in due time arrived from Albany: Colonel, Wallace A. Downs; Lieutenant-Colonel, Clinton H. Smith; Majors, John H. Whittle, J. Hollis Wells. 608 [1898 Frank Keck; Captains, Malcolm J. Rafferty, Company F; Edward' A. Selfredge, Jr., Company K. Subsequently, under date of June 9th, the following were appointed officers in the 71st Regiment, under Special Orders No. 109, from General Headquarters, State of New York: First Lieut. William J. Crockett, Company A, to be 1st Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant; original. Second Lieut. Harris B. Fisher, Company M, to be 1st Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant; original. Second Lieut. Fred H. Weyman, Company B, to be 1st Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant; original. Second Lieut. John M. Thompson, Company K, to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Selfredge promoted. Quartermaster-Sergt. Lester J. Blauvelt, Company B, to be 2d Lieutenant, Company K, vice Thompson promoted. He has since been detailed by Colonel Downs as Commissary of the Regiment, Lieutenant Beekman, of Company B, having served briefly as Commissary, and, at his own request, returned to his place in the line. Sergt. Peter H. Short, Jr., Company A, to be 1st Lieuten ant, Company A, vice Crockett detailed Batttalion Adjutant. Sergt. James M. Hutchinson, Company M, to be 2d Lieu tenant, vice Fisher promoted. Sergt. Charles F. Boynton, Company B, to be 2d Lieuten ant, vice Weyman promoted. All dates of these several commissions and rank are from June 5th, 1898. On Tuesday, 31st of May, reveille was sounded at 3:30 A. M. ; everybody in camp on the qui vive making ready to move. Due to other's delays we begun the day at much too early an hour, for both at Lakeland and at Ybor City, hours were wasted needlessly waiting for trains to start or different sections to be brought together that goods might be trans ported. As an illustration of what sacrifices have been made by many in this command, and what spirit of patriotism pos sesses the best of American youth, it is interesting to record that Mr. and Mrs. Babcock were on their wedding tour, hav ing proposed to spend a year abroad. Six months of the time had passed. They were at Florence. Learning of the possi bility of volunteers being called to the front, they returned 1898] 609 home at once, Mr. Babcock resuming his place in Company B and mustered in as a private. Mrs. Babcock at once on arriv ing at Ybor City, an adjacent Cuban settlement to Tampa, took trolley with her brother to Tampa Bay Hotel, where she re mained for two weeks until the regiment left by transport ship with the fleet going to West Indies, during this time entertaining several officers at the Tampa Bay Hotel, fre quently visiting the camp at Tampa Heights, and for a week. daily coming to the transport ship "Vigilancia," as she lay in Tampa Bay, three miles from shore. This good, kind and dis creet woman, by a kind heart, generous purse and extraordi nary discretion, ministered to the welfare of many in the regiment and made herself in every way helpful. The train conveyed the regiment from Lakeland in two sections. As usual, the management of this one-horse road mixed things up in such a way that men and goods could not be brought together for hours. Mules were found in one section a mile and a half away from the wagons to which they were to be attached; tents and provisions were so confused that nobody could tell where either could be found; horses were miles from their saddles, and hostlers were with neither. No matter whose fault all this was, and maybe all of it was not the Government's nor the railroad's, the results were dis tressing. After lying around in the broiling sun for several hours the men, having lunched from traveling rations, and the officers faring as best they could in cheap, nasty adjacent lager beer saloons, of the dirtiest and wickedest town in all the country, the regiment finally, with but two mounted officers, the Colonel and the Chaplain, and others, unable to get their horses, taking journey on foot, began the march for camp, the men carrying knapsacks and blanket, the average weight of which was sixty-two pounds. An officer of the 6th Infantry, Regulars, one Lieutenant Shindle, had been detailed by Colonel Cochran, in charge of the brigade, to meet the regiment on its arrival and conduct it to its assigned location for camp ; but, like all things in Florida, this regular army officer moved slowly and arrived at the station a half hour late. It was also subsequently dis covered that this Lieutenant Shindle conducted the regiment by a roundabout road at least one-half mile longer than one much more frequented, easier of access and along the border of which, for almost its entire length was a good wooden sidewalk on 610 [1898 which the men might have marched. The men themselves dis covered this when leaving camp at Tampa Heights, a week later; they quietly and comfortably walked down this board sidewalk to Ybor City, and wondered why in the name of something I cannot write here, they had not first come by this path. The march to Tampa Heights will never be forgotten by those who took it. The day was very hot, the hour of the day its hottest, every man had been up since half-past three, and most of the time on his feet. The road was in such a dry condition that fully eighteen inches of dust, finer than powder, had to be trudged through along its entire course. Compara tively few halts were given, the Colonel thinking it best to get the regiment to camp at an early hour in order to become settled before dark. As we passed by several camps of the Regular troops, the men rushed out to the side of the road and gave the gallant 71st cheers of hearty welcome and approval. At the time, and many times subsequently, by both offi cers and men of the Regular Army, admiration for the magnifi cent bearing of the volunteer regiment, marching steadily under their heavy packs, enduring the heat and dust without one man falling out of the ranks, keeping up a quick route step for a three-miles' march, by some regarded in the light of a forced march, was enthusiastically expressed. Several were pros trated by the heat on arriving at camp, but were quickly re stored. The effects, however, of the march were seen for several days, in cases of general weakness and obstinate diarrhoea. It was very soon discovered that there was no prospect of procuring tents or provisions to any considerable extent, be fore the following morning. To provide something to eat as every man best could, and some finding blankets, except at the Colonel's tent and a few scattering ones in one or two com pany streets, the regiment bivouacked that night, every man in it, except the guard, sleeping soundly a full eight hours and some of the guard, no doubt, catching a wink or two on their weary sentry rounds. It needs no touch of poetry to express the sentiment of devotion to duty shown by a man who has been up since half-past three the preceding morning, has traveled three miles under conditions such as we have de scribed, who must then undertake guard duty for the night. "Tommy Atkins" has our sympathy. 1898] 611 By early afternoon of the next day our scattered tents and goods, except a few boxes of oranges and other delicacies of the field and staff officers' mess, which Lieutenant Williams and his detail, that had been left at the depot, had consumed without let or leave of the owners, were all secured and the regiment comfortably settled in its new abode. The usual ex perience of water, not yet introduced, was encountered, and for forty-eight hours, until the pipes were laid and the arte sian wells sunk, heavy requisition was made upon our colored neighbors, who to their credit, came generously to our relief. It was very soon discovered that in every respect, except ing perhaps, the single element of picturesqueness, this camp at Tampa Heights was much superior to the one at Lakeland. Within a half mile of the river that flows into Tampa Bay, on a promontory just eight feet above sea level, which in Florida counts for heights and gives to it its name; reasonably wooded with rather spreading pines, adjacent to several fine orange groves, the water was very pure and wholesome, the soil suffi ciently hard to pack, this camp was really ideal. Its health- fulness showed in the rapidly reducing number at sick call. Daily routine of drill and instruction, with rifle practice for raw recruits, was again resumed, and every day, but one, when it rained severely at the time, the evening guard mount ing was at once followed by an assembly for dress parade and review. Contrast between this discipline and the laxity in regular camps where raw recruits were numerous, there was nothing to do, and men had perfect liberty from mess call in the morning to "retreat" at night, the contrast, I repeat, reflected creditably upon the 71st, showed in its continued improve ment, and was the subject of favorable remark by those who daily witnessed its public functions. It was felt from the beginning that our stay here would not be long. As each day wore on, however, and men became better satisfied with the surroundings the longer they remained, hope was expressed on every side that the regiment might be* fortunate enough to be left at Tampa Heights for at least three weeks before it should be summoned to leave for the front. Not but what it wanted to go to the front, nothing it wanted more, but its best officers and men wanted to go thoroughly equipped and prepared, and this they knew every day made more possible. Their good wishes in this respect were not destined, however, to be fulfilled, for in exactly one week's 612 [1898 time orders came suddenly to strike camp, proceed to Ybor City, take train to Port Tampa, and there board transport ships for the Island of Cuba. Nothing of special importance occurred during the week's stay at Tampa Heights not already noted, save the visit of the United States Paymaster, who took the best part of two days to settle with the regiment, and made us all somewhat more happy. He paid the men uniformly from the date of the mustering into the United States service to the 1st of June, leaving the State to pay the troops from the date of leaving the armory, May 2d, to the time of the mustering in, which up to this time of writing, June 16th, it has not yet done. New York papers, received by us daily until we left our native shores, speak of this delay on the part of the State in terms of reprehension and cite instances of needless suffering by fami lies of enlisted men due to this inexplicable delay. Fortunately for us such instances of suffering abound in regiments other than the 71st, encamped chiefly at Chicka- mauga, now awaiting orders for subsequent mobilization and invasion. The Veteran Association of this regiment at home organized, as soon as the regiment left its armory, and since has added to its organization an auxiliary of women, both of whom are actively engaged in providing for the needs of the regiment in the field and their families who are in need of as sistance at home. From, letters recently received it would seem the number of the latter in the 71st is happily very few. There are numerous instances of organizations and firms with suffi cient patriotism to enable them to continue the salaries of their employes while such are engaged in the United States service. Indeed,' in cases where such treatment has been refused it is considered incontestable evidence of their inherent meanness. The Paymaster finished his work on Friday afternoon, the 3d of June, and no doubt before night some of the senseless ne'er-do-wells had by ways best known to themselves parted with their money. It seems sad to state that the Colonel thought it was necessary to warn the men through their offi cers that gambling 'is forbidden by the Articles of War. On the other hand, it is pleasing to cite, among other evidences of the common sense and estimable character of mank, maybe most in the regiment, that large amounts of money were sent home by bank drafts and postoffice exchanges by officers and men of the 71st who had just received their pay. 1898] 613 On Saturday evening, the 4th of June, the band from bri gade headquarters came to our encampment and favored us with an excellent instrumental concert. A similar mark of attention was paid by the Brigade Band while we were in Lakeland. While we were lavishing our appreciation of such attentions the thought as constantly recurring that somebody had made a big blunder by not bringing sufficient hand music of our own. A band is of greatest value to a regiment. Music that hath charms to soothe a savage breast, hath solace and inspiration to soldiers away from home. It is the Chaplain's earnest belief that had a regimental band accompanied us, many a time there would be less sick in the hospital and less disconsolate ones out of it. Men stop thinking about bacon and beans and forget all about grumbling and growling when listening to the strains of martial music or the rhapsody of homely hymns, with which they associate most cherished sentiments. Many a time when we heard music in neighboring camps or sailing for days in southern seas on transport ships, we heard night and morning the inspiring tones of well-drilled bands, we became envious, even covetous, and wondered why the 71st should be supposed to have no music in their souls. Let us be fair. Much as we regret the absence of a band, and can never quite understand why the bass drums were left be hind at Long Island City, it ought to be stated by way of honor to whom honor be due that the members of our Drum Corps do very well, are improving every day ; that our trumpet calls are excellent and that, considering the numbers, the result is all that one could reasonably expect from such limited resources. The services in camp at Tampa Heights on Sunday, the 5th of June, were very well attended, exceedingly interesting and evidently much blessed. A communion service, held in the field and staff officers' mess tent, was attended by over sixty officers and men, and subsequently at 9 o'clock under a clump of trees at the end of the officers' row. After a brief apocopated service of morning prayer the Chaplain preached to a goodly number from the parable of the Prodigal Son, clos ing with an earnest appeal for officers and men to become sober in a serious cause and as fit preparation for any emergency that might confront and any result that might ensue to prepare to meet their God. After the service two privates presented 614 [1898 themselves for baptism, William C. Lawrence of Company G, and Richard Martens of Company G, who were baptised a few moments in the presence of the chosen witnesses in the Chap lain's tent. The visit of General Miles and his staff one evening previous to dress parade and the frequent visits of aides from both Brigade and Division Headquarters kept everyone on the qui vive, hourly expecting orders to join the first expe dition to Cuba. Such news as could be obtained from news papers strictly censored by the Government, which was anxious that its movements of troops should be unknown to Spain, informed us of Schley's effective blockade of Havana with his fleet of warships, of little guerilla expeditions communicating with the insurgents, supplying these latter with food and am munition, of Sampson's fleet bombarding Santiago, the heroic exploit of Hobson in sinking the Merrimac at the mouth of the harbor, and the imperative need of troops at once to second these brilliant efforts, made everybody who had ever heard of the possibility of our going on the first expedition most anxi ous to start there. Added to all this we kept hearing daily of the increasing number of ships in Tampa Bay waiting for the troops. At last we heard of troops encamped immediately adjacent to us receiving orders to move; then came the orders to the 6th Infantry, Regulars, and to the 16th, which, we knew, were brigaded with us, to proceed to the transports at Port Tampa. We knew that the only volunteer troops in the first expedition were to be the 71st New York and the 2d Massachusetts, which had in a few days been turned into a light artillery regiment, and Roosevelt's Rough Riders, under command of Colonel Wood. Every blow of the trumpet was thought to be officers' call, and every man in the regiment was on the expectant. Already preparations for leaving had begun to be made. Every man had rolled his overcoat attached to his knapsack, to be turned into the Quartermaster and left behind under guard. Shelter tents had been issued, one-half of which was rolled by each man with his poncho and blanket to be borne upon his person. Captain Stoddard, of Company E, was re lieved of the command of his company and assigned to the care of the sick that had to be left behind and the semi-sick and tender-feet that it was thought well to leave behind, nine teen in all. The sick, to their credit, sincerely regretted a 1898] 615 condition that compelled their absence from the regiment, and none among them more than Private Kopper of Company E, son of a former Colonel of the regiment, and young Hubschmidt of Company I, brother of the young man who died in Lake land. Kopper had the measles and Hubschmidt had ruptured himself falling over a beam at the sinks. At precisely 4 :30 of the afternoon of June 7th, the antici pated order was received. Officers' call was at once sounded, solemn stillness reigned throughout the camp, men assembled in the company streets ready to receive their orders as soon as they might be received from their 1st Sergeants. The terms of the order were: Prepare at once to remove men, tents and luggage ; mules and wagons will be ready to move you, leaving Ybor City at 6:30 P. M., proceeding to Port Tampa, where transport ships await; provide twelve days' travel and four teen days' field rations. By anyone at all familiar with military affairs it will readily be seen that to execute this order literally was impos sible. Even had mules and wagons been sent, which they were not for hours, all our own having been sent with the horses to Port Tampa to be shipped, and had the train been ready at 6:30 P. M., which it was not until 6:30 the following morn ing, to have struck tents, packed them and other luggage, loaded all and marched the troops for three miles to Ybor City in two hours was ridiculous, even to suggest. To one who has heard all his life of military precision and has had an idea that orders were like the voice of Heaven speaking, always executed with regularity, like return of night and day, a campaign experience is very likely to furnish some remarkable disappointments. Impossible orders are issued, trains are never on time, transport ships come hours after troops are landed on docks; you never know where you are going or when you will get there. The truth is, war is weary, and until a soldier learns not to think he cannot be said to be truly happy. The "general" was sounded at the earliest practical moment, 6:30 P. M., tents all dropping together in a very satisfactory manner. Through the failure of mules and wagons to arrive at camp to transport the luggage, it was after midnight before the regiment took up its three-mile march to Ybor City. The night was hot and close, and the road very dusty for a mile until we reached the sidewalk leading into the city. The march 616 [1898 was uneventful enough, but its weirdness in the early morning hours and passing by United States Army wagons drawn by six mules conveying luggage from several camps in the neigh borhood made it memorable. Lieutenant Williams of Com pany I, with a detail, had preceded us with orders to ascertain our train and load it with our luggage. It was not until 11 :30 that any train at all appeared upon the track, and it was only then that this train, said by the authorities to be assigned to the 13th Infantry, was literally captured, loaded and held for our benefit. The whole regiment was indebted to Lieutenant Williams for this assumption of authority and dignity which he neither officially nor naturally possessed. A detail of Company F, under Captain Rafferty, went to Tampa to load ammunition which had been left there and was to be picked up by us en route to Port Tampa. It was not until 6 :30 o'clock fhe following morning that the train moved out and we preceded to Port Tampa. Port Tampa, a distance of nine miles from Tampa City, was reached about 9 o'clock, a long wait having been made at the Tampa station to take on the car in which the ammunition had been stored, and to give opportunity for the men to eat their breakfasts. On arriving at Port Tampa a condition analogous to Bedlam presented itself; train after train filled with troops and luggage pulled into the long pier. There passed us on a side track before we detrained the Roosevelt Rough Riders, from whom we learned that they had received orders to go to Cuba dismounted. Such a set of disappointed men one seldom has seen. The fates of war have certainly their disappointments. Our entire regiment, like scores of others, had to stand or sit for six or seven hours in hot sand, with no shelter, before the transport ships, which were in the outer bay, sailed up to the dock and were ready to receive the troops. Both Major-Generals Miles and Shafter were there with their staffs ; but arrangements seemed utterly ineffectual for the work in hand. The whole affair was, as one of the officers character istically described it, "a game of grab." Fortunately for the 71st Regiment its Colonel, ordinarily modest, persistently pushed his claims, conformed to conditions, and what he needed and could not secure through the ordinary channels took un appropriated. At the last moment he was told that only a limited number of horses could be allowed to go; what they 1898] 617 expected to do with the officers nobody seemed to know. One officer would turn you over to another officer, he to a third, and finally it would be discovered that no one knew what boat you were going on, what time the boats would come to the pier or anything else which a little system and some management might have provided. Under these conditions Colonel Downs concluded to do what was best for the regiment despite orders or lack of them. Indeed, he was told by one officer to go ahead and arrange for his regiment without reference to orders. Accordingly, he selected the "Vigilancia," the finest boat of the whole fleet, the newest boat of the Ward Line; and to secure it he sent Lieutenant-Colonel Smith and a detail of twelve men in a small boat down the bay, hired for the purpose, who on arriv ing, informed the Captain that the "Vigilancia" must at once proceed to the dock and take aboard the 71st New York Vol unteers. It was most fortunate that this ship was secured, because not a single command in the fleet was as large as this regiment, and not another boat in the fleet could have held it. As soon as it came to the pier the regiment was boarded and immediately, though the men were fatigued with the day's heat and tiresome waiting, they at once turned in and loaded the boat with tents, provisions, luggage and ammunition. Fnally the horses were put on board — all of them, too — no officer forbidding. This kind of work had been going on all day, and, indeed, all the night and part of the day before, until, when the work was finished, there were thirty-nine trans port ships, carrying 18,000 troops, their luggage and ammuni tion, horses and mules, wagons and carts, and all other para phernalia of a moving army of invasion. When the fleet started there were seen, in addition, twelve United States vessels as convoys, floats for transferring troops and horses in tow of several of the vessels, a small steam yacht, with reporters and representatives of foreign governments, the Hospital Ship and the Flagship, on which were General Shafter and his staff. Just as the officers were being seated at their first meal in the saloon of the "Vigilancia," the Division Quar termaster came aboard and announced that the expedition to Cuba had been temporarily suspended. More weary waiting followed. Indeed, we remained lashed up to the railroad dock until the following afternoon, when, fortunately for our com fort, we sailed three miles down the bay and anchored, and 618 [1898 there remained until the following Tuesday night before the fleet set sail for Cuba. Nobody knew, but everybody guessed, the reason for the delay. The best guess, because the one confirmed by news papers, was that President McKinley's great anxiety to pro tect the troops, having heard that the Spanish fleet had been sighted outside the bay, had caused a temporary suspension of the order to proceed. This, the gentle reader will recall, was the reason why we were transferred from transport ships in New York Harbor to trains in Jersey City. Subsequent events proved that there had been no Spanish ships seen off the Massachusetts coast, and that the President's anxiety was unfounded. In the opinion of the writer of this story the President's anxiety is a myth, the story of the Spanish war ships a fake, and the reason for delay in sending the fleet to Cuba was simply its unreadiness to go. During the five days' waiting at dock and in Tampa Bay the men of the regiment did little else, when they were not drilling or otherwise engaged in detail work, but loaf, eat, sleep and grumble. Such an extraordinary amount of fault-finding had never before developed in the command. Officers were as bad as the men in finding fault. Food was bad and not enough of it, meals were poorly served, the service of stewards was defective, there were no chairs to sit on, exorbitant charges were made for beer, hours for meals absurdly inconvenient, nothing, in fact, was right or as it should be. For a few days and until the fleet got under way this grumbling was incessant. The truth is the men wanted to go; and constant delays and no reason given for them became vexatious. All became happy the moment the word was given to start. The truth also was that the "Vigilancia" was the finest boat of the fleet, the men of the 71st had roomiest and best- ventilated quarters of any in the fleet, and that, much as both men and officers grumbled at the food, the former were pro vided with travel rations of such liberal and excellent a quality that at no time for two weeks were there six sick men out of the thousand ; and the latter, considering that they paid but a dollar a day, ought to have been ashamed of themselves to have found any fault. A stranger might sometimes think, in hearing soldiers talk, that going to war they had expected no hardships, and that boarding a transport ship of the United States Govern- 1898] 619 ment they had reason to expect fare similar to that of an Atlantic liner. The few that did not 'grumble were quite ready and frank to assert that the voyage on the Atlantic, furnished gratuitously by the Government, was a very agreeable diver sion, and that, as far as the officers were concerned, the meals, both in quality and quantity, were quite up to the average of those they had in their own homes. Of course, men accus tomed to Delmonico's for daily meals were disappointed with what they found on the ship. These were the growlers. They always are. They are spotted before they speak. Services were held on board ship on Sunday, June 12th, at the early hour of 7:30, the only hour that could be found convenient with other appointments. A goodly number at tended the service ; hymns were heartily sung and a sermon preached, in continuation of that of the Sunday before on the parable of the Prodigal Son. While we were in the bay mails were sent and received daily, the last leaving the "Vigilancia" on Tuesday evening at 5 :30, when the fleet duly formed off Quarantine Station at the entrance of Tampa Bay and started upon its mission to Cuba. The daily military routine was ob served aboard ship from the beginning, including inspection and drill in the manual of arms. On Monday, the 13th of June, the Chaplain baptised Private Alexander Jeanisson of Com pany G, in the presence of his Captain and a member of his company. The weather for three days was continuously beautiful, everything that could be desired for a pleasant voyage. The course of sailing was southward in the Gulf of Mexico and through Rebecca Channel, along Dry Tortugas, past Key West; thence southeasterly along the northerly coast of Cuba, standing out about twenty miles. Land was sighted on the morning of the 17th, and during the day light-houses were seen, both starboard and port, as we passed through the Great Ba hama Channel, gunboats kept a continual lookout, but nothing occurred to make the journey especially eventful, at least until this time of writing, 4:15 P. M., when we caught up in our itinerary with the progress of events. Hereafter, so far as is possible, we shall record each day's events, writing a real itinerary, and not, as in the nature of things this must have been, a partial history. What a day will bring forth no one knows. Where we are going is, even 620 [1898 at this moment, a mystery; whether Santiago or Porto Rico tomorrow will determine. Any old traveler knows that days at sea are much alike; and, though this was an expedition to a foreign country for purposes of invasion and war, the experience on board ship after the first trials and hardening processes had been endured was much like that of an ordinary sea voyage. Days were considerably alike. The weather was happily disappointing, since we had heard so much of the rainy season having begun, and, with the exception of one or two showers, and these at night-time, we enjoyed, day after day, blue skies, compara tively smooth sea and everything, excepting the food, to make everyone happy. With every desire to make the best of every thing, having intimated that at the start there was no occasion for grumbling — the truth compels us to state that the same ness of fare after the first week aboard ship became both dis tasteful and discouraging. The experience of the officers in the saloon was not unlike this. It grew worse each day, and when finally everything for some unknown reason, became tinc tured with coal-oil, it was nauseating. Notwithstanding all this, to the credit of the regiment it may be said that all made the best of what confessedly was a poor predicament. Though any comparison with the lot of men in other ships was favorable to ours, tedious delays, day after day, when, for hours, for no apparent reason, the ships' pro pellers would cease to revolve and the entire fleet would lay idle, floating on a listless sea, became most distressing. Each morning, as we would rise, we were doomed to dis appointment to learn that we had sailed but a few knots in the night, and the days of waiting or slow sailing were still before us. If only we could learn not to think and add to this a little ingredient of not to care, our mental condition would be that of a perfect soldier. But 71st men are not Regulars; and not to think nor guess, but simply rest satisfied with conditions whatever they may be, caring nothing for results, is a state of mental inertia not easily attained by the thoughtful young men who make their living in New York. Anticipating the possibilities of landing by small boats, the Colonel arranged that daily while the regiment was wait ing for the fleet to sail from Tampa Bay every company was drilled in boarding, manning and rowing the small boats of the ship ; in this way in less than a week giving to every man 1898] 621' i some experience with small craft, and making of most of them sufficiently skilled oarsmen to insure safety in event of being obliged to use them. Colonel Downs, with characteristic fore sight, also ordered the companies, during this period of wait ing in Tampa Bay, to row to the shore, there disembark, wade to the beach and so further perfect themselves in the art of landing on a beach with a keel boat that cannot be itself beached until emptied of its cargo. Unfortunately some of the companies exceeding orders foolishly stripped and bathed while their clothes were drying, and paid a heavy penalty for their thoughtlessness by suffering for several days with excessive sunburn that, in some instances, skinned them to the waist. During all the voyage inspection was held every day, when company after company would form on the side promenade decks, and on several mornings the officers and men, with belts, but not arms, were made to march in quick-step around the ship's decks sufficient times to make the exercise liberal and personally profitable. No commanding officer could have given more constant care and personal attention to the interests of his men than did Colonel Downs, who, not until retreat was sounded, ever allowed himself on any day to sit down and en joy that luxury of rest in which most of the other officers, not to their discredit, but much to their comfort, luxuriantly indulged. If fault is at all to be found with our new Colonel, it must be against his failing to detail work to other officers, all of whom were ever willing, but seldom able, to assist him. The most minor detail of military duty and personal care of every man in the regiment seemed to be to Colonel Downs a matter of personal concern. To this we are confident that the men owe more than they ever will comprehend, more than they ever can express. But, do one's best, there are inevitable hardships, especially to enlisted men, in transporting troops across the seas. It does seem hard to deny any one who is thirsty a glass of ice water; and yet to prevent thousand men running to one little tank in the saloon, the only one providing ice water in the ship, a guard has to be placed at the door preventing intruders from approaching. It also seems hard that enlisted men can not have the privileges of the saloon of the ship and must sleep in their bunks in the hold or along the open decks, while colored servants of officers run back and forth, and, despite orders to the contrary, will, when officers are asleep, rest on the settees. 622 [1898 It has been somewhat distressing also to know that while our enlisted men are confined to their plain Government rations, the colored servants eat the same things that are served to the officers, but, presumably, these things cannot be helped, if discipline is to be observed. The only boat thus far seen, not of our fleet, was a little Norwegian craft bound for New Orleans that passed us in the Great Bahama Channel. We presume that the small num ber of ships seen is due to commerce being injuriously affected by the present war. From time to time during the voyage classes of instruction for non-commissioned officers were held and everything done that could assist in the proper prepara tion for anticipated contests. Sunday, the 19th of June, was a perfect day at sea, trade- winds blowing steadily, cooling the temperature, the sea suffi ciently rough to give life to sailing, but not causing much discomfiture. Some, however, succumbed to mal-de-mer, and a considerable number laid about the decks looking disconso late. Inspection drills and marching about the decks took place as usual at an early hour, policing, was carefully attended to throughout the ship and everything soon settled down for the pleasantest and most interesting day of the voyage. Shortly before noon Great Inagua Island was sighted to the northward, and two boats, the "Olivette" and the "Helena," changed course, turned aside from the fleet, and made for the coast. They were not seen again until Monday morning. The object of their putting into this island is yet unknown to us. Were it not that it is known that there is no cable com munication to be found there, we might think that it was for the purpose of sending or receiving news. As it is, guesses are numerous and knowledge scarce. On Saturday evening the enlisted men from the several companies entertained the officers and others with a very credit able entertainment, the same who managed a similar concert in the Lakeland camp superintending this: Private Harry Johnson and Corporal Myer of Company F. The following was the program: Monologue Private William Murtagh, Company B Song Selections Private Jack Shaw, Company F Song. Private William Roby, Company C Recitation Private G. Ferguson, Company E "Rag Time Jimmy" Private J. Canning, Company I Songs and Stories Private Tony Ess, Company H >1898] 623 On the morning of the 20th, the highlands, off the southern coast of Cuba, were plainly visible, the fleet having passed through the windward passage during the night. It was found at 8 A. M., that we were off the Port of Guantanamo, where it was supposed we should land, but soon orders came to pro ceed on our course towards Santiago. All began to prepare to disembark after inspection, there being no further drills during the day. About 9 A. M. the fleet came to a halt about twelve miles off the entrance to Santiago, when the "Seguranca," on which was General Shafter and his staff, was seen to put into the shore. The fleet lay off port, evidently awaiting orders. The Steamship "Olivette," headquarters for newspaper correspond ents steamed alongside the "Vigilancia," as did also several small tugs, discovered to be despatch boats for the "Sun," "Journal" and "Associated Press." Fortunately we were able to signal to them that the 71st were in good condition, and, with few exceptions, none serious, all well. We were some what disappointed that none of these despatch boats come to us for further information, but gratified that they moved away in the direction of Jamaica, about 120 miles to the southwest, and that, perhaps, an evening edition of that day and certainly a morning edition of the morrow would give to our friends at home the news of our reaching Santiago,, and the excellent physical condition of the regiment. The fleet lay idly drifting about all day long. Towards evening orders were received for the fleet to move out from the shore, which it did some twelve or fifteen miles to the south ward, where it remained over night. Travel rations are be coming exhausted. Up to this time the ship has been using its own stores, supplying food for the officers at the rate of one dollar each per day — a sum, considering that the quality of the food has been deteriorating from the start. Is regarded by all as extortionate. What will be done if we are to remain on board much longer is a subject of deep concern to the Colonel and Commissary and of much speculation by all. The beautiful sunset brought the day to an end, and the brief hours of twilight were spent in listening to an excellent concert by our Drum and Buglers, who, with their limited re sources, having improved daily during the campaign, now play very creditably. All retired at an early hour, having pre pared to leave the ship during the day and somewhat limited, 624 [1898 therefore, in provision for proper retirement and sleep. On awaking in the morning requests were numerous for combs, 'brushes and other needed articles which had been safely packed away the previous day. The fleet was found relatively in the same position as when lights were put out, except that the "Seguranca" had returned. : Rumors at all times frequent, began to multiply. Every -j body had a theory of what would take place. Nothing actually did take place. If the propeller turned a few times to enable the ship to hold its relative place in the fleet, there were those, who, speaking with quasi-authority, would claim that we were starting for Porto Rico1. If the boat happened for a second to point in the other direction, these same prophets announced that we were going to Jamaica. When we did not move at all, they said wait and 'see. We did wait, but we did not see. Surgeon Bell was as prolific with his rumors as with his pills, but not as efficient. No word came to us from shore. Noth ing was signaled from headquarters. Removed but a few miles from Santiago, we lay drifting all day long, the usual routine pf inspection, march about decks and guard duty being ob served. There is not a man on board that would not prefer to land and face the uncertainties of a campaign in a strange and foreign country to this listless drifting in the open sea. . ' Considering that over a thousand men had been aboard over two weeks and in this time have journeyed but a thou sand miles, now, having reached our destination, our lying about day after day awaiting orders to land, the physical health and general condition of the regiment are remarkably good; but three* men are in bed in the Hospital, one of these has a .cut in his foot, the others suffering slightly from diar rhoea. This is due-to the constant care and excellent attention of the Surgeons, also to the simple fare of travel rations, which, however much disliked, cannot be unwholesome. It poured in showers, both last night and this morning, and rumor has it that we are likely to have such weather as this daily»until autumn.. During the shower in the early afternoon ¦a' fine water-spou,t was visible on the Santiago shore, and for :a brief half hour, became the attraction and diversion of many. ' Colonel Greene, when first appointing the Chaplain ca terer to the field and staff officers' mess, regarded the appoint ment as temporary, to last until the regiment would get into the field. The Chaplain himself soon discovered that the work 1898] 625 was not wholly congenial, involving business relations with the servants and men which might interfere with the exercise of his personal influence and office. On boarding the steamer, arrangements having been made for the ship to furnish food to the officers, it happened several times that the Chaplain was requested to convey orders from the commanding officer to the stewards and cooks, which placed him in the position of seeming to be responsible for all arrangements made, for feeding both officers and men. This quickly giving rise to mistaken ideas, the Captain suggested to the Colonel the impropriety of a clergyman holding such a position and executing such a detail, and at his own request Colonel Downs at once relieved him, Lieutenant-Colonel Smith succeeding him as caterer to the officers' mess. The story of the fleet lying idle off shore where field glasses plainly descry Commodore Sampson's fleet and the partially demolished Morro at the entrance to the harbor is much the same from day to day. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith has, on vari ous occasions, given most interesting and profitable instruc tions of greatest value to non-commissioned officers. Over hearing a portion of one of these instructions has suggested to us a field of great influence, not only for Lieutenant-Colonels in general, but for ours in particular, who seems unusually qualified for such service. Captains have from time to time instructed their officers in possible complications of the field and how to master them; the time of voyaging has thus been utilized to its fullest extent for the benefit of the command. At 5 o'clock Thursday, June 23d, the "Seguranca" steamed alongside the "Vigilancia" and General Shafter, commanding 5th Army Corps, standing upon the bridge, summoned Colonel Downs, ordering him to begin unloading, his men at once, to work all night, each man to take one hundred rounds of am munition and rations for three days. The great applause of the men, anxious to get on shore, almost prevented the orders being heard. Siboney is a small village, lying directly on the coast back of an abrupt sandy beach, about sixteen miles east of Santiago. Some other troops had previously been disembarked at Bai- quiri which was made a principal base of supplies; both of these places had previously been bombarded by the naval ves sels, preparatory to the landing of troops. A feint was made to land troops at Aquadores, which was also bombarded, the 626 [1898 attempt here being made to deceive the Spaniards as to the real place of landing; this attempt proved entirely successful, as all the troops were landed without any opposition from the enemy. Preparations began at once, and by 7 o'clock all was bustle on board the "Vigilancia." Little knew we to what we were going or how much we should experience before again we should see the luggage which we left on shore. The work of landing and loading the troops continued all night ; not until 4 o'clock in the morn ing were the last of them on shore. The large yawls and steam launches of the warships would draw alongside the companion ways, down which men went singly in heaviest marching order, and stood in the yawls until sufficiently near to the shore to jump from the bow into the surf and make for dry land ; the shore at this point was a very abrupt beach, the surf ran high and the undertow was severe. The wonder is that this whole army corps was thus landed with but the loss of two men, members of a colored regiment, drowned in the at tempt to board the yawl. It was early dawn of Friday, June 24th, when the 71st, now entirely landed, bivouacked on the Siboney beach and at once breakfasted. One saw stretching back from the beach a series of foothills, terminating everywhere in lofty moun tains; these were all thickly wooded, rank with luxuriant underbrush. The mountain trails were poorly developed and could accommodate but one foot passenger, not being room for two abreast in any place along their tortuous windings. Back of the little plain at Siboney and extending up the valley was the only road to Santiago, a most miserable affair, absolutely incapable of accommodating the ordinary traffic and utterly inadequate to the needs of army transportation. So bad was this road that after weeks of engineering operation troops at the front could not be fed because of the impossibility of transporting commissary supplies. At Siboney one found a visit to the little miserable reed huts close by the shore very interesting. Notwithstanding the squalor which one there witnessed, there was a picturesque ness about the group of thatched huts in a grove of cocoanut palms which made the scene long to be remembered. There were instances of landing numerous and amusing. Everybody expected to get his feet wet; some were sur prised by getting their whole bodies wet. The sight of Adju- 1898] 627 tant Abeel sprawling on all fours and clambering through the slimy surf was a theme for an artist. Especially humiliating was this to the doughty Adjutant, when the corpulent Chap lain immediately made a successful and dry landing, amid the surprise and applause of those who witnessed the spectacle. After breakfasting on the beach, where there were several regiments, the men wandered about the little Cuban hamlet and witnessed in the huts destitution and starvation, such as abso lutely beggars description. The fathers of these families were Cuban insurgents, soldiers out in the mountains, doing guerilla work under General Garcia. For miles about the country houses had been burned, property destroyed, homes desecrated and pillaged, and all women and children concentrated in town, like this at Siboney, were called "Reconcentrados," were miserably treated and nearly starved. This was General Weyler's plan to exterminate the insurgent spirit in Cuba, involving necessarily the extermi nation of the insurgents themselves. Beyond this Siboney beach, to the west, at the base ot the first foothills and directly upon the bluff, coral coast, there was a collection of houses, cheap and poorly built, in which had lived the workmen on the railroad running from the mining camp at Firmeza, some three miles distant in the mountains through Siboney, and along the coast to Santiago ; there were also here a large engine house, with several lathes and other machinery within its walls, adjoining which was another build ing of considerable size used as an office, tool-house and rail way station. The 71st pitched camp in the large engine house, the Adju tant took the tool-house as his office, and the Colonel and his staff and field officers established headquarters in the house adjacent, where, until the time of bombardment, the Spanish Colonel in charge of all forces at Siboney had resided. Everywhere one could see at the summit of the hills the prominent, securely built and strongly fortified block-houses, which had been used effectively in the war with the insurgents and were destined to play such an important part in the sub sequent engagements with the American forces; our naval bombardment had been so effectual that all the houses had been wholly deserted, much stuff in them being left, and not a sign of a Spaniard was visible. Men of best judgment, however, were not misled by the 628 [1898 unopposed landing of our troops, even when they learned from the remaining Cubans at Siboney that the Spanish Colonel had been torn asunder in the midst by an exploded shell, and that all Spanish troops had fled toward Santiago. Our officers still feared and felt that they were not far distant in the mountains- and that they could and would soon be found. These expec tations were sadly and unfortunately realized, for in a very few hours after landing the enemy fired upon our troops, and the first engagement of the United States Army on Cuban soil took. place at Las Guasimas. There had been a battle a few days previously at Guan tanamo, when some marines from one of our war vessels landed and had a successful scrimmage with some Spaniards, not escaping without some loss, though slight, in killed and wounded. But the engagement of Las Guasimas was the first of the United States Army on the island of Cuba. Shortly after breakfast we saw ascending the mountain path, to the west of Siboney beach, the 1st United Volunteer Cavalry, commonly and famously known as Roosevelt's Rough Riders, though Colonel Wood commanded them, and like all cavalry troops in this campaign, the riders were dismounted; there was no place for horses in a country like this. These Roosevelt Rough Riders were Wood's Rough Walkers, and, as was subsequently learned walked right into a body of Spanish troops thicketed in the jungle some four miles along the trail toward Sevilla. Orders came to us about 9 o'clock for the 71st Regiment at once to proceed along the trail where had gone the 1st United States Cavalry and reinforce them, our troops having encount ered the enemy, met with heavy losses and been repulsed. When we learned the real truth of the rumor all but the repulse proved to be so. The 71st got under way in a few moments. Every man in it was ready for any duty he might confront. We had gone but a little way, when returning wounded men con firmed our fears of a stern battle, and made us fearful that victory would not be ours. General Hawkins ordered the 71st to precede the 1st Regi ment of the brigade, and followed himself with the 6th and 16th Infantry, Regulars. On went the 71st Regiment over rocks and through thorns and past cacti and struggling in thick underbrush for some four miles, when just beyond a block house that had been depopulated, in which Captain Heinds- 1898] 629 i mann of Company C, having been affected by the sun, took temporary shelter, word came for the regiment to halt and await further orders. These came in about half an hour, much to the disappointment of our men, directing the brigade to return in route step to Siboney, which it at once proceeded to do. Up to this time no horses had been put ashore. Had they been landed, they could not have been used in this march. No horse could have gone along that trail. All officers made the hot and weary march, the Chaplain, much to his own gratifica tion and surprise of some thin ones who dropped by the way, having successfully finished the journey. Along in the after noon wounded men were brought in, filling several of the houses along the shore, which were hastily turned into use for hospitals, and further particulars of the Las Guasimas battle were learned. It seemed that Brigadier-General Young's 2d Brigade of Cavalry had gone up the valley road with instruction to sur round the enemy, if possible, and prevent their retreat into Santiago. The 1st United States Cavalry was directed to pro ceed along the mountain trail to the southward with a similar object in view. As these latter proceeded along the path and through thick bushes, quite unmindful of the nearness of the enemy, they received a volley of shots, which at once proved destructive and demoralizing. The Spanish using smokeless powder, it was not possible to discover their position. Volley after volley came into the ranks of the 1st Cavalry, and simul taneously, as I have heard, though of this there is lacking information, the Spanish engaged General Young's Cavalry Brigade along the valley road to the northward of Las Guas imas, between Siboney and Sevilla. Our troops fought bravely and well. Hamilton Fish, Jr., of New York, Sergeant of Company K, was killed instantly among the first. Capt. Allyn Capron also lost his life in this battle. The Adjutant of Roosevelt's Rough Riders ran back to the rear and reported that Colonel Wood was dead. This proved to be false. It is commonly believed that this Adjutant lost his head on this occasion. There were some twenty killed and seventy wounded in this engagement. All night long the Surgeons worked over the wounded, our own Major Bell rendering most valuable assistance until by early dawn all had been transferred to the steamer "Olivette," where they were 630 [1898 comfortable and received every ministration needed for their recovery. On Saturday Lieutenant-Colonel Smith was detailed to board the "Vigilancia" and get our horses on shore. The whole day was spent at the work. The Captain of the "Vigilancia," an old man and over-cautious, was timid about taking his boat near enough to shore for the horses to swim there. Another transport having jammed into his bow made him more cautious. At last Captain Goodrich, United States Navy, commanding the "Havard" (formerly "New York," of the American Line), who had full charge of all the transportation of troops and stores, came on board, proceeded to the bridge, and with mas terly skill brought the ship, though a good sized vessel, very close to the windward shore, and at last, turning her bow sea ward, anchored her about one-fourth of a mile from the Siboney coast. Each of the eleven horses was then swung in a sling and dropped by derrick alongside the ship, when men in a yawl led it by a halter, only letting it go when near enough to shore to feel sure that the horse would at once make for it. In this way all were landed without accident. It was then discovered that several had developed very sore backs during the sixteen days that they had been in the hold of the vessel, and that, though there were hostlers enough to do it, they had not taken good care of their charges. Sunday, the 26th, was a very busy day, so many details from our regiment being required for brigade and division duty, even whole companies having been sent to bring from the boats to the shore and thence to the different commands additional ammunition, needed commissary stores and other things evidently being got together for an early contemplated attack upon the enemy. We sent Sergeant Howe of Com pany E, a locomotive engineer, to make alive a dead engine, which the Spanish had sought to destroy, and which was after ward extensively used for transferring both troops and lug gage into Santiago, also yellow fever patients to their excluded station in Fitmeza. Of professional men, or men with any unusual ability, the enilsted soldiers of the Regular Army numbered very few, but the 71st Regiment has plenty. Statistics on this subject, a copy of which Adjutant Abeel has promised to supply for this history, show how diversified is the talent, how well rep- 1898] 631 resented are the various professions and how completely equipped with everything necessary for the various vocations of life in the 71st of New York. Unfortunately, in a spirit of reasonable pride, but without considering the consequences, our Colonel Downs made this known to Division and Brigade Headquarters, whereupon details for men for every purpose under heaven began to pour in from General Hawkins and Kent until it became intolerable and seemed somewhat like an imposition. This continued until the end of the campaign; clerks, stenographers, physicians, interpreters, druggists, etc., etc., were to be found Tn every command of the corps with the uni form of the 71st. Dismissing all consideration of proper re muneration for professional work, to take a man who enlisted to become a soldier, and take advantage of his brains to deprive him of the experience he sought, is injustice to the man and a violation of the spirit of the contract made between him and the Government. General Wheeler, in charge of the Cavalry Division, had rallied his troops along the left and taken encampments just beyond Sevilla, where from the tops of the hills one could plainly see Santiago at the left, nearest the coast, and back of it, about four miles to the northeast, the little, well-fortified town of El Caney. The Sunday services of June 26th were exceedingly inter esting and deserve brief mention. They proved the last that could be held with the assembled regiment for three weeks. It was found at an early hour, due to many details required of our regiment and active preparation that had to be made for our early march the following morning, ordered to begin at 3:30 A. M., impossible for the Colonel to name any definite hour for a service. Later it was decided that 2 P. M. might prove convenient for the boys to assemble on the floor of the engine house, where they were encamped, but as late as 1 :45 the whole 1st Battalion was ordered to report to Division Headquarters, and several companies of other battalions were also depleted by special assignments to work. Somewhat discouraged in the attempt appropriately to ob serve the day and anxious to have a talk with the boys before they went into battle, which all knew they were sure to do before the close of the week, Chaplain Van de Water went over to the round-house to inform the boys that the service 632 [1898 would have to be postponed until night. He started to sing a familiar hymn, "Nearer My God to Thee," the better to secure attention, when so many at once gathered about him that he went right on, held a service, made a brief address and then announced that another service would be held later in the evening. At 7 o'clock such a service was held, and it is not too much to say that few like it ever were attended. It was too dark to read. Hundreds of our own men stood about under the roof of the building, with open sides, while all about and beyond were gathered regulars of every command and rank, all rever ently attentive and evidently deeply interested. Chaplain Van de Water had the Episcopal service of evening prayer, depend ing upon his memory for the rendering, even saying a psalm and reciting a lesson from Holy Scripture. Such hymns as "Jesus, Lover," "Just As I Am" and "I Need Thee Every Hour" were sung with a heartiness that told of an intense earnestness. Sobs were heard during the prayer. Sobs, not of weak men nor cowards, but reverent men who afterward proved the bravest at the front and under the trying stress of shot and shell. These were men, some of them who fell before the week was ended, many of them whose bodies now lie buried in Cuban soil, or are maimed forever, who believed in God, valued life, had no fear of danger, but who would not foolishly court destruction. They were our bravest men, who did their whole duty and had nothing to say derogatory of others who tried to do theirs. The Chaplain preached upon the text, "How Shall We Escape if We Neglect so Great a Salvation ?" What ever others may have thought or may think, that service and sermon were to him the most memorable of his life, and there are many reasons to make him think that it was also the most fruitful. There were wounded men who spoke of the impres sions received that night when they were in the thickest of the fight, and one man, interviewed by a "Sun" reporter after his return to New York, kindly made reference to the helpful ness of this service in the round-house on the Sunday night preceding the battle. Early in the morning of the 27th of June we started upon our march. No transportation of any kind was provided for our regiment, since we were ordered to take with us 200 rounds of ammunition, and no man could carry more than 100 of 1898] 633 Springfield cartridges; all of the officers' horses had to be turned in for pack mules, axe handles, found fortunately in the round-house, being ingeniously utilized by Ross, our chief hostler, and officers had to walk. The march was made easily, frequent stops being ordered for rest, the 71st marching behind the 16th and the 6th, and by General Hawkins' orders turning to the right at a place called Sevilla, about five miles from Siboney, pitched camp where a company of Cubans had been previously. Along the route there were many evidences of the recent Las Guasimas en gagement. Bullets were found everywhere, some of the Spanish ones of brass, though brass bullets are definitely regarded as out of the pale of civilized warfare. Just outside of the little grave yard along the road were newly made graves in which were interred two Corporals and several Privates of the 10th Cav alry, their names being neatly cut on boards placed at the head of the mounds. Subsequently the gathering of many vul tures indicated the presence of dead in secluded places in the woods. Near the road was seen the body of a Spanish soldier so scarcely interred that parts of his body were visible. Evi dence confirmed the conviction that the Las Guasimas engage ment had been a bloody one. The camp was a most picturesque little plain, backed by lofty mountains, at the highest peak of which was seen a Span ish block-house; a glass clearly revealed several Spaniards walking about. About 500 yards from the camp was found a running stream of pure mountain water, descent to which by a narrow path was easy. Not so much can be said for the return journey. Before night came on the Second Battalion was detailed to encamp on the other side of the road at the top of a hill about one mile distant, from the summit of which one could easily see Santiago, some ten miles distant. Major Wells reported next morning that they had had a stormy night of it on the hill, that bullets were occasionally whizzing about and that men on picket duty found frequent occasion for firing. That every refusal to answer a sentry's challenge came from a Spaniard was very doubtful. Neither a land crab nor a mule can answer a challenge. The former were plentiful in this vicinity and particularly lively at night-time, and a loose white mule was in evidence at day-light. Near this battalion 634 [1898 camp were found trenches where were buried Spanish wounded who had evidently died returning to Santiago from the field of Las Guasimas. The regimental camp was very orderly and quiet until 3 A. M., when a shot was heard, immediately followed by No. 16 Sentry calling for Corporal of the Guard. In a moment every man was awake and most of them out of their shelter tents and on their feet. Investigation proved that No. 17, hearing a noise like footsteps in the bushes, most likely a land crab, challenged and, receiving no reply, fired his rifle ; at once No. 16 cried for the Corporal of the Guard. Much may be said by way of explanation, if not excuse, for a man who in an enemy's country, on sentry duty in the hours of the night, hearing unusual noises in the thick woods, will, when his chal lenge goes unanswered, shoot his gun. It was not wholly unforunate that this occurred, for it gave the Colonel opportunity to issue orders that under similar circumstances everyone would remain quietly sleeping where he was until assembly sounded. Nothing occurred the following day worthy of mention until afternoon, when a terrific thunder storm, lasting an hour, completely deluged everything and everybody not wholly shel tered. For some reason or other, comprehended by nobody, our men were all supplied with shelter tents while officers had not any. It is perfectly intelligible, however, under these cir cumstances that most of the men kept dry while the officers were drenched. As the day went on delay in moving to the front became irksome; there was every reason for speedy action; the rainy season had begun, fever that always accompanies it would soon attack our troops, the Spaniards had already retreated to their entrenchments before El Caney and Santiago. But we could do no effective work without artillery. All our guns were at Baiquiri; condition of the roads made their transit almost im possible. Sixteen guns passed here in the morning of Thurs day, but they were all light ones, our heavy siege guns never really reaching the front. At 2 P. M., the usual hour for the daily storm, there came a terrific shower, drenching every thing. The rain is beginning to be our most dreaded enemy; with lightest apparel and little of it, no tents whatever for the officers, and only shelter ones for men, daily soaking is a try ing ordeal. 1898] 635 At 8 o'clock on Thursday morning General Garcia passed along the road at the side of our camp with his staff, his army having advanced toward Santiago in the night. Such a wretched looking body of Cuban looters one could scarcely imagine. Every experience with the Cubans from the begin ning to the end of this campaign justifies us in thinking that whatever may be the intellectual status or moral qualifications of the leaders, their followers are a mob, composed of illiter ate, unkempt and unworthy men; they are neither good citi zens nor good fighters. It will take several generations to lift them above the consequences of their recent slave condition and render them fit for self-government. Rumor has it that an attack was contemplated on El Caney the following day, the engagement to begin promptly at 10 o'clock. The especial mission of the Cuban Army was to intercept reinforcements of 5,000 coming from the west to the aid of the Spaniards at Santiago. We were fortunate in having at our camp at Sevilla several representatives of prominent newspapers and journals of New York, who gave us informa tion of a kind which can only be obtained by this profession alone and whose company was at all times delightful. Among them may be mentioned Mr. John C. Kline of the "Herald;" Mr. Henry R. Stegman of the "Tribune," and Mr. Henry L. Stoddard of the "Mail and Express," each of whom at this time was subsequently helpful to the regiment. The health of the regiment at this time was excellent, not one man sick ; everyone was doing his utmost to keep well and our efficient Surgeons did their utmost to keep us so. The universal sentiment, without a single exception, was favorable to the 71st being and doing its best. Quartermaster Stevens went into Siboney with two horses to try to secure needed tents or tarpaulins or something, but returned unable to accomplish his mission. We certainly realized that we were then begin ning to feel the hardships of war. Word came early in the evening that reveille would be sounded at 3 :30 in the morning and that the regiment would march toward Santiago, engag ing the enemy in battle. They all retired at an early hour, fully realizing the seriousness of events immediately before us. July 1st was the most eventful day of the whole Cuban campaign; on it were fought the greatest battles of recent times. Both at El Caney and San Juan, for reasons that can easily be named, there took place battles of a kind most un- 636 [1898 usual, with results marvelously victorious for our forces. Rev erent men entered on this campaign believing in the righteous ness of their cause and that God would prosper it. Few came out of this campaign, we venture to believe, without firm con viction that had not God been on our side, the enemy would have swallowed us. Santiago is a city with natural fortifica tions of hills and mountains on every side; such entrench ments as the Spaniards had made in the last five years, with such a block-house system for spy and signal service, cannot be found in the history of wars. After the action at Las Guasimas the Spanish Army had retired to their block-houses and entrenchments, making a solid phalanx of troops of every arm of the service, extending from San Juan on the right toward the sea in an unbroken line three miles to the left, and at this point occupying the strongly garrisoned town of El Caney. The mountain road from Sevilla to San Juan Hill, where the principal engagement took place, was in no place wide enough for two wagons comfortably to pass, frequently crossed streams without bridges and for most of the entire distance ran through thickets of underbrush of rankest growth which would naturally have been almost impenetrable, but which, strung all along with barb wire, coiled like a spider's web, be came absolutely impassable. After marching three miles along the road our regiment was ordered to turn into a thickly bushed field behind the 6th, which had just arrived before us. Field and staff dismounted and had a brief conversation with General Hawkins and his staff, who had clustered around beneath a large cocoanut palm. But a few moments elapsed before orders were received to move on and the whole brigade took up its march. Just before starting Lieutenant Ord, the efficient Bri gade Quartermaster, from whom our regiment had received many favors, removed his undershirt, the better to endure the heat of the day, which was fast becoming oppressive, jokingly saying to the Chaplain of the 71st: "Now I am ready for whatever may come." He was among the very first officers to be shot, dying on the field a few hours later. We had scarcely proceeded two miles, having crossed one stream, where men had to wade in water more than ankle deep, before the sound of light artillery was heard ahead, and occasionally, as we could easily distinguish by the difference in sound, there would be a return fire of the enemy. Before 1898] 637 very long we rounded a little turn in the road, just before reaching El Poso Hill, where a light artillery battery had been stationed on the site of an old sugar mill, and whose firing we had previously heard. We subsequently learned that Roose velt's Rough Riders had also been on this hill and had not escaped without several losses in killed and wounded. The Spanish aim upon this gun was so accurate that it had to be moved, but was not shifted until very serious damage had been done. Later, and further along the road, when the Rough Riders and other cavalrymen passed by our brigade, we having been ordered to rest, and our men cheered the popular Colonel Roosevelt, now in command of the 1st Volunteer Cavalry, Col onel Wood acting as Brigadier-General, vice Young, disabled by illness since the Las Guasimas action and Colonel Roose velt said, almost pettishly, "Don't cheer, but fight, now's the time to fight," we understood the relations between the recent El Poso experience and his impetuosity in hastening to con front the enemy. Just as our regiment reached the stream at the foot and the east of El Poso Hill there rushed back upon us a perfect stampede of Cubans with several men on litters, who had been seriously wounded by shells aimed at the bat tery guns of El Poso and exploding over them in the road at its rear. One of the Cuban officers who could speak broken English vociferously proclaimed against the injustice of send ing Cuban troops before ours to slay them. About a mile from the foot of El Poso, the road meanwhile passing through two streams of considerable width and about four inches deep, there is a thick gulch fully one-half mile ahead surrounded by high banks of the thickest undergrowth. After waiting for the cavalry troops to pass us at the entrance of this gulch, which our soldiers subsequently named "the Bloody Bend," our brigade resumed its march, the field and staff of the 71st mounted. Scarcely had we taken up our march and entered the bend when bullets and shell began to pour in thick and fast upon us, not at any time demoralizing, but somewhat interfering with the steady march forward. Human nature is the same the world over. It is absurd either to speak of regulars as impervious to fear or of volunteers as incapable of courage. The writer of this history rode mounted for a full half mile where the shot and shell were thickest and returned the same 638 [1898 distance walking on the same road and under the same condi tions, and can testify that men in every command naturally winced a bit, or while marching, might try to creep along the bushes at the side of the road, but not in a single instance was there a company or a squad even out of its place or be hind in its pace moving forward. Before and above us went a balloon under the direction of Capt. George McC. Derby, Engineer Corps, U.S.A. What pur pose it ever served, except to indicate to the enemy the exact ' location of our troops, nobody has ever discovered. At last, riddled by shot, the old thing collapsed, and certainly nobody in the 5th Army Corps, outside of the Signal Corps and a few back at headquarters, some four miles distant, regretted its destruction. This firing along this road was peculiar and constitutes a feature of the San Juan engagement. Everybody had to go through it. Everyone, therefore, of the regiment who started out from Sevilla that morning, including colored servants, must have been under fire. Some remained under it longer than others, but nobody was wholly beyond its danger. The 71st as a regiment was for at least one hour under continuous fire, under the following conditions, which made the experience particularly distressing: The Spanish used smokeless powder. They knew we must come by this one road. Their scouts and spies, or, if not these, our balloon, told them just when. They put sharpshooters in the tall cocoanut palm trees along this portion of the road. They fired from their block-houses and entrenchments at the top of the hills, and besides volleys of musketry and single bullets of the sharpshooters, there was frequently the bursting of shell over our heads and shrapnel flying in every direction. Under these conditions one would think pandemomium would have reigned. Nothing of the kind. There was a silence that was ominous. Other than "ping," "ping," the noise of Mauser bullets and the sound of hundreds of leaves pierced instantaneously, a sound all its own, and the mournful "whirr," "whirr," of passing shells, it was like a funeral march. We couldn't see any smoke. We couldn't tell where the enemy were. We were marching into the jaws of death. Men fell dead and wounded on every side. The marvel still is that so few were killed. One would think that half a regiment under these conditions would have been extinguished. It cannot be 1898] 639 recalled by anyone there without a thought of the marvelous mercy of God. Not a return shot was fired. None was ordered. Nobody could tell where to shoot. Occasionally we would hear the report of one of our light artillery guns which would encour age us, but for all too long a time we marched in columns of fours, under the trying conditions here faithfully narrated. Colonel Downs rode quiet and dignified at the head, followed by his staff, all mounted, and then followed the three battalions in regimental order, not a break occurring in the ranks, except when some one would drop dead, as did Privates Skinner of Company B, and Scofield of Company K; Corporals Immen of Company C, and Schied of Company F, or were wounded, as were Lieutenant Trull of Company K; Private Deutchberger of Company C, and many others whose names will be found in the official list of the casualties of this engagement. At last reaching a trail that turned into this road at the left, on a little eminence by the turn stood General Kent who said — the writer of this history distinctly heard the order — "Colonel Downs, you will take your regiment along this trail and follow it to the ford of the stream and there rest." The Colonel said: "How far, General, is this ford from here?" The General replied: "I do not know." "Very well, sir," said Colonel Downs, who at once dismounted, ordered his staff to do likewise and said to the Chaplain : "Your place is with the Surgeons looking after sick and wounded," then ordering his regiment to "column left," he boldly, and bravely, and confi dently led them, shot and shell still and for hours subsequently continuously pouring in upon them. The regiment was led along this trail as far as it seemed possible to the commanding officer to take them without un necessarily exposing them to a shower of bullets crossing an open space in the road, and there was halted, waiting further orders. Other regiments, either of infantry or of dismounted cavalry, having received different orders than those given to our Colonel marched by our troops while halted, and some of them, with an impertinence unsuited to gentlemen and disorder unbefitting regulars who pride themselves upon being soldiers, cried out to some of our troops "to go forward." The 71st Regiment obeyed its orders and was obeying orders when there it halted. As subsequently it proved that 640 [1898 the whole engagement was in no sense a General's battle ; that the original plan of attack upon El Caney, with the troops on the left under General Kent, held in reserve, was absolutely changed by the turn of events, it might have been well for the Colonel of the 71st to have done what Captains and Majors did, go forward without orders. There is no doubt about it, much as was the success of this famous engagement of San Juan due to regiments and battalions and even companies going independently to the hill without orders from Brigade and Division Commanders ; had not success crowned these efforts, and nothing succeeds like success, these very officers whose gallantry we admire might have been court-martialed for acting independently of orders. Colonel Downs waited for orders, and not receiving any preferred to wait rather than move a regiment forward with out orders. Any military man worthy the name cannot find fault with a technical obedience of orders or a refusal to act without them. It will be found by any one who takes the trouble to make the investigation that General Kent's order to Colonel Downs was in strict accord with General Shaffer's idea for General Kent's division to be held in reserve, and that Colonel Downs' strict obedience of his orders was carrying out the plan. It was not the original plan of General Shafter to take San Juan Hill that day. Indeed, as late as 2 P. M. of the following day he was seriously considering the withdrawal of our troops to the rear. The first intention was to enter Santiago by the El Caney road. All this was subsequently modified to suit changed conditions, rendered possible by the brilliant charge and occupation of the San Juan Hill, which, be it remembered, was done not simultaneously, but successively, some troops going up under regimental commanders, some as battalions, some even as companies and even parts of companies. Who were the first to get to the top of San Juan Hill, where was the block-house, and where were the intrenchments from which the Spaniards fled in retreat as soon as they saw our troops advancing, it is not possible to say. When the Regulars get through their talk about it, and settle it, it may become known. It really matters little. The honor lies either with the 13th, 6th, 16th or 24th Infantry. But among these troops to arrive first upon the hill, where the 1898] 641 enemy had been intrenched, were Company F or part of it, led by Captain Rafferty, who behaved in a quiet, dignified and gallant manner. Company L, led by Captain Austin, when asked by some superior officer at the top of the hill, "How did you come up here all by yourself?" answered: "I came as an advance guard of the 3d Battalion, sir," thus ingeniously avoid ing the charge of bringing up his company without orders; the 3d Battalion, mostly intact, led by Major Keck, whose courage and impetuosity nobody can ever doubt; Company M, led by Captain Goldsborough, and Company I, led by Captain Meeks. There is no doubt whatever that during the day troops became somewhat mixed. It was inevitable and due to the extraordinary character of the engagement. When companies leave battalions, and battalions leave regiments, and officers act independently of the commands of their superiors, con fusion must result; though, as in this instance, success having crowned their efforts, there is nothing but praise for the cour age that inspired them. Some of our men went up with the Regulars, some of the Regulars went up with us. That all got there is occasion for reverent congratulation and thanks1 giving, especially when it is remembered that it was a game of haphazard from beginning to end. > It is difficult for the writer of this history at this time to give a complete story of this engagement. Details of a fresh and important character are daily being revealed. It will take time to sift from the reports things true and undeniable. With best intentions now, men in the engagement tell different stories of it or the part they took in it. The official reports are reliable, to these the 71st Regiment refers with pride. Modest men in it think it might have done better, the best men of it are proud, that it did so much, and every man in it, from Colonel to humblest enlisted man, knows that he did his duty as he regarded it. Being a soldier is obeying orders. The man who stayed at Siboney watching blankets and drums, if ordered there by his Colonel, was doing his duty, and as good a soldier, doing it, as the one who stood in the trenches on San Juan Hill. The Drum Corps, detailed to the duty, who carried wounded men on litters for days and nights for miles back to Division Hospital, and there assisted in making suffering men more comfortable, worked as hard and were just as good soldiers as 642 [1898 hundreds who lay in bushes all day long and never fired a gun. Before night had passed the regiment was brought together, and 'ere morning had dawned all the officers were present in command of their men. If there has been any omission of any particular company or of any particular battalion, it has been due to the fact that after a month of ready listening and calm consideration the writer has been unable to add anything, the accuracy of which seems to him undoubted. Since Major Keck took the 3d Battalion up the hill, Com pany L having preceded it as an advance guard, led by Captain Austin1, it is well that we state what we have been able to gather of the action of our 1st and 2d Battalions, or at least of portions of them. The following is Major Wells' report of the 1st and 2d Battalions in action on July 1st, 1898: "After crossing the ford Companies M, H and a portion of F were formed in a line on the bank of the stream and were joined by Companies A, D and G, of the 1st Battalion, and also by about fifty men from the 6th and 16th Infantry, Regulars — which latter regiments were supposed to have ascended the hill. These companies were then organized into two battalions, M and H, with the two left squads of F, and the Regulars above mentioned, forming the 2d, and A, G and D the 1st Battalion. These battalions were commanded by Captains Goldsborough and Linson, respectively, and, under my command, were marched in columns of fours to the foot of San Juan Hill, where the two battalions were formed in two lines, all by bugle call, the bugler being a man from one of the Regular regiments who had lost his command. "I went to the top of the hill and received orders from General Hawkins through his A.A.G. to send up at once one battalion, who were to be deployed on the firing line at the right of the block-house. Captain Goldsborough's battalion was designated for this purpose and at once deployed and were joined by Company F. Companies F and M were on the firing line, with H held in support. "The losses of the two companies were most severe be cause on that portion of the hill the fire was the hottest, and these companies, advancing some distance over the brow of the hill, were most exposed. During this time the 1st Bat talion, held until now in reserve, was brought up the hill and 1898] 643 tobk position about fifty feet in rear of the crest. After M and F had accomplished the purpose for which they were ordered forward they retired just under the crest of the hill and were there joined by Company I, which had ascended the hill some time before, gallantly led by Captain Meeks and Lieutenant Williams, when the battalion was then completed. "The firing lasted until dark, when M and F were with drawn from the crest and sent to the reserves, and Companies A and G to take their places while other companies were in support. At this juncture, or rather, during the fiercest of the action, Adjutant Fisher was ordered to the rear by General Hawkins to draw fresh ammunition, and crossed the open fields bravely and creditably under a galling fire." Since every important officer in field and line has made his official report of this day's action, it is possible for any one wishing to know any detail of the same to ascertain it by consulting these reports. It is nothing to the discredit of any one historian of such a battle as this to say that in minute detail and incidental particulars that no two officers in any regiment could write separate accounts and then have all the records agree. Enough that at the close of this first day's fight every man in the 71st Regiment felt that he had done his duty as he had clearly seen it, and that while some had opportunities denied to others for conspicuous gallantry, all, without excep tion, from humblest drummer, litter carrier and officer's valet up to the Colonel himself, were under heavy fire for long periods of time, and from front to rear, all along the line where brave and hard work had equally to be done, the regiment was conspicuous for its absolute faithfulness to duty. The work of our Surgeons, Drs. Bell and Stafford; our Hospital Corps, among whom our personal knowledge enables us to mention, not disparagingly to others but creditably to themselves; Privates Edwards, Dunning, Potter, Messer and Lucas, and Dr. Levy, who were conspicuously helpful on the field in bringing the wounded to the rear. Understanding, however, the great difficulty of mention ing by name all who deserve it, the Chaplain asks leniency from those who read these records and may not see their names and feel themselves sufficiently honored to be among the un- mentioned heroes of the San Juan fight. After all, the only permanent pride and pleasure which one who was there can 644 • [1898 possibly have comes from an abiding consciousness that first, last and all the time he unflinchingly did his duty. The wounded were carried to the rear or marched there from the very beginning of the action, and for forty-eight hours the road for four miles back to the Division Hospital was filled with wounded men walking or with litters convey ing both wounded and dead. The result at the end of the first day's fight was in every way favorable to our side. We had captured their block-houses, forced them out of their first line of intrenchments and driven them back towards Santiago. Had we had sufficient force of artillery, we could then have bom barded the city and taken it at once. From a military standpoint we had already accomplished a miracle in driving troops from strong intrenchments with infantry only. The lack of any artillery in this battle was a conspicuous feature. The fighting began the following day and continued until sundown, the fire being continuous and intense. The enemy's shells were fired five miles in the rear, making work at all the emergency hospitals dangerous and freedom from fire as far back as the Division Hospital exceed ingly uncertain. At midnight of Saturday the enemy made their last daring attempt to destroy us, suddenly pouring into our trenches a terrific fusilade of musketry and firing shells in every direction. Our troops not wholly taken by surprise, returned the fire with the heaviest musketry fire heard during the whole engagement. In this attack the enemy lost very heavily, some 3,000, it was reported, having been slain. The Springfield rifle, against the use of which the Regulars had reasonably complained, because of the black powder, which drew the fire of the enemy, could be fired safely at night. The 71st utilized their muskets with disastrous effect upon the enemy. On Sunday morning orders having been given to Admiral Cervera by Captain-General Blanco to take his entire fleet out to sea, he endeavored to run our blockade off Morro, at the mouth of Santiago Harbor, in doing which he lost every vessel in his command, not a single one escaping destruction. The noise of the bombardment was very welcome to our troops in the intrenchments. We knew well what was going on, though we were not prepared for the magnificent victory, particulars of which we afterwards heard. As soon as we could we obtained the official list of our 1898] 645 own dead and wounded, which, though not complete, was the best that at this time could be secured. Fourteen were killed in the 71st and sixty-seven wounded. Of the killed there were several buried back of the trenches, several along the road from the front to the Division Hospital and the others in trenches at the hospital. In every instance care was taken to have permanent marks of identification either attached to the bodies or placed at the heads of the graves. It was impossible for the Chaplain to bury all because his duties called him all along the road from the front to the Division Hospital, over which, back and forth, until the day of surrender, his work demanded his presence. Privates Brown, Holland, Daly and Ross of Company M ; Booth of Company L; Decker of Company I; Preger of Com pany A, and Booth of Company F, were buried near the front beyond the road that turns to the ford below San Juan Hill. Privates Skinner of Company B, and Scofield of Company K, are buried by the side of the road at the edge of the stream running at the foot of El Poso Hill. Corporals Immen of Company C, and Schied of Company F, were buried in the trenches at the Division Hospital, with many others, records of which were kept at the hospital. Nothing but desultory firing, and mostly by our side, occurred now until the 14th, the day of the surrender. It was weary work enough for men lying in the trenches without shelter, at no time well fed, and much of the time insufficiently fed, and most all of the time on the qui vive, expected an attack Their comfort in these days was in no way enhanced by fre quent showers that filled the trenches with four feet of water, and left twelve inches of slimy mud all the country around. During this time work of a severe and serious nature was going on in both the Division Hospitals five miles from the front, and in the General Hospital at Siboney, ten miles further back toward the sea. On the night of the 1st of July, and all night long, lay 150 men, officers and soldiers unsheltered, in pools of their own blood, anxiously, and to their credit be it said, uncomplainingly, awaiting operations. In this condition fully this number lay till noon of the following day, many of them for hours under a blistering sun, the power of which only those who have been in semi-tropical regions can ever know. Were it not that a Chaplain's relations with men under these conditions are of too personal a nature for public records, 646 [1898 it would be interesting here to relate scenes and circumstances dearest and most touching in all his experience. These rela tions were not alone with those of his own regiment, but at the front, through "Bloody Bend" and all along the road, in emergency hospitals, dressing stations, Division and General Hospitals, with hundreds of men, officers and soldiers of every arm of the service, and with most every command he dealt intimately and personally, and established relations of the most affectionate and enduring character. The only change in the monotony referred to at the front was a detail of the 1st Battalion, under Major Whittle, and the 2d Battalion, under Major Wells, to build bridges and improve the road. Subsequently, Major Wells having engineering ex perience, was put in charge of a detachment of Michigan troops, who, with some of our own men, did excellent work in cutting trees, clearing the chapparal and building bridges to withstand the freshets of the streams. As an answer to the sneers ' indulged in by those, fully as conceited as they are brave, and who think that the only work done by a regiment is that by those in the trenches, though confessedly they were here for hours and days doing nothing, the labors of men who cut down trees, build bridges and repair roads, along which ammunition and rations must be brought, are, to say the least, the very important. Indeed, without their labors the brave men in the front would amount to nothing at all. The man who blows the organ, if not as conspicuous, is fully as important as the man who plays it, and the drummer who carried the litter on the day of the San Juan battle did just as good work and was just as good a soldier as the man who carried his gun. A soldier is a man who does his duty when, where and how he is told to do it. A coward is a man who neglects to do his duty, and he can neglect it in the trenches, as well as building bridges. After the 3d, flags of truce were repeatedly raised by the enemy, and it was evident that negotiations were pending for a surrender. On the 6th, Lieutenant Hobson and his famous crew were exchanged, notable Generals on both sides meeting in the open before the trenches, bands playing the "Star Spangled Banner," Spanish prisoners of equal rank exchanged for ours, troops shouting all along five miles of intrenchments from San Juan to El Caney, making a scene forever memorial. Until the 14th siege guns were being armed and put in IB98] 647 position, troops from various States came by transports to Siboney and were sent to the front as reinforcements, and when flags of truce were not up firing was indulged in, but mostly by our side. It was evident that General Shafter wished to avoid bombardment of' the city for humanitarian reasons, though on the 2d of July it was not at all certain that we could hold our position and the Commanding General seriously con sidered a retreat; by the 5th it was evident that the enemy was ours. Much to General Shafter's credit measures from this time on were more merciful than drastic. Famine faced the enemy with every passing hour. It was only a question of time when they must surrender. The city could be taken at any time by bombardment, but not without a very heavy loss in charging our troops upon their secure intrenchments. Delay was, however, most discouraging for our soldiers because the dreaded fever was beginning already to deplete oui troops. During this time the Chaplain was detailed to Siboney to look after the transportation of our wounded men on ships to northern hospitals or homes, and generally to assist in the work of the hospital on the coast. By Saturday night, the 9th of July, all of our wounded men, except several who were able when cured to return to the front, had been carried to the ships, not an easy task, and on their way home Sunday morning. Yellow fever made its appearance, and in a few days, the num bers increasing to one hundred. Through the influence of Dr. Guiteras, an expert in the disease, a special quarantine hospital was established for these patients two miles along the line of the railroad in the mountains of Firmeza. Among others sick and recuperating at Siboney were Captain Joyce of Company H, who in a few days was sent to New York for recovery, and Lieutenant Beekman of Company B, and Regimental Quarter master-Captain Stephens, who, subsequently recovering from malarial fever, joined the regiment at the front. A United States post office was at this time opened at Siboney, and, with the hope that mails might be received more regularly, Quartermaster-Sergt. John H. Beatty was detailed to Siboney to handle mail for the regiment; this hope was sadly dispelled, however, by the death of Mr. Brewer, United States Postmaster in Cuba, from an attack of yellow fever, before a week had passed. Every wooden house in Siboney was now ordered to be burned to the ground. All wounded men and all business departments were at once put under tents, 648 [1898 and mail was not thereafter distributed until several days after the surrender, July 14th, when the post office was re-established in Santiago. Little now of unusual character occurred until the 14th of July, when Santiago, worn out with starvation and siege, finally surrendered, relinquishing the entire eastern province of Santiago de Cuba, laying down their arms and stipulating merely that the Spanish army be returned to Spain. The other terms of the surrender, all favorable to the United States and merciful to Spain, were mutually settled by a council of six, three United States officers, and three attaches from foreign governments to represent the side of Spain. HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y, Park Avenue and 34th Street. New York, May 22d, 1899. Orders No. 110: The following is published for the information of this com mand, and as an official record : On April 23d, 1898, a Proclamation by the President of the United States was issued for 125,000 volunteers, in pursu ance of which an order was issued to cause this regiment to assemble in this armory on the 28th day of April, 1898, prepared to enter the United States service in the war with Spain. On May 2d, it left for Camp Black — the first regiment to move. It was preceded two days before by Company H, which took charge of and helped to lay out the camp. On May 10th, the Regiment was mustered into the United States service for two years, unless sooner discharged — again the first regiment. On May 12th, the regiment broke camp— the first to leave — and embarked for Florida, reaching Lake land, May 17th, and remained there until May 31st, when it broke camp and went to Tampa. At Lakeland Col. F. V. Greene, having received an appointment as Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers, left to report at Washington, taking with him the Adjutant, Capt. William G. Bates, on May 28th. The field then became as follows: Colonel WALLACE A. DOWNS Lieutenant-Colonel.. CLINTON H. SMITH Major, 1st Battalion. JOHN H. WHITTLE Major, 2d Battalion... J. HOLLIS WELLS Major, 3d Battalion FRANK KECK 1898] 649 And thus it remained until mustered out of the United States service. > The regiment became part of the 1st Brigade, under Brigadier-Gen. John Hawkins, together with the 6th and 16th Infantry, Regular, of the 1st Division, under Brigadier-Gen. J. Ford Kent of the 5th Army Corps. On June 8th, the regi ment took transport, and left for Cuba on the 14th, arriving off Siboney on June 22d, and disembarking June 23d and 24th. On June 27th, the regiment was pushed forward to a camp overlooking Santiago and on July 1st, 2d and 3d, participated in what is called the Battle of San Juan. Up to this time the health of the regiment had been com paratively good. The men were put into the trenches and kept there until the surrender of July 17th, and during this time con tracted a terrible disease which, subsequently, caused the death and sickness of so many. The condition of the regiments be coming more and more serious, caused the Government to re turn the troops to the United States. This regiment left San tiago on August 11th, arriving at Montauk Point, August 16th. On August 29th, it returned to New York and the armory, when it was dismissed for sixty days, at the expiration of which time it was mustered out of the United States service. The following are the casualties as far as known : Killed in Action Pvt. William Praeger ....Co. A Pvt S. A. Scofield Co. K Pvt. Louis B. Skinner....Co. B Pvt. John Booth Co. L Corp. G. L. Immens Co. C Pvt. C. B. Brown Co. M Pvt. C. P. F. Cushing....Co. C Pvt. M. Daly Co. M Pvt. F. W. Booth Co. F Pvt. C. D. Holland Co. M Pvt. J. S. Decker Co. I Pvt. R. Ross Co. M Died of Wounds Received in Action Pvt. J. Dunwood Co. D Corp. L. W. Carlisle Co. M Corp. H. J. Schied Co. F Died of Disease Pvt. H. W. White Co. A ist Sergt. E. W. Root...Co. A Corp. A. Martin Co. A Corp. L. B. Small Co. B 650 Pvt. E. Y. Thorpe. Co. B Corp. J. S. Howitt Co. C Pvt. A. D. Burhaus Co. C Pvt. T. H. Fitzgerald-.Co. C Pvt. J. F. Quilty Co. C Pvt. S. J. Walton Co. C Pvt. D. K. Reynolds Co. D Pvt. W. Walsh Co. D Corp. A. H. Clark Co. D Pvt. W. J. Brown Co. D Pvt. E. Weindland Co. D Sergt. W. D. S. Young.Co. D ist Sergt. H. Ziegner Co. E Corp. W. R. Carmer Co. E Corp. A. T. Matthews....Co. E Pvt. G. W. Cook Co. E Pvt. J. J. Hanlon Co. E Pvt. J. P. Hogan Co. E Pvt. S. H. Forsyth Co. E Pvt. P. W. Friedman Co. E Pvt. A. M. Messiter Co. E Pvt. E. Pfister Co. E Pvt. E. K. Williams Co. E 2d Lieut. A. I. Roberts..Co. F Pvt. H. Carpenter Co. F Pvt. J. A. Shaw Co. F Pvt. T. Wynn Co. F Pvt. J. J. Dinan Co. F Pvt. F. L. Engels. Co. F Pvt. J. Howard Co. F Pvt. E. C. Kroupa Co. F Pvt. T. F. O'Brien Co. F ist Sergt. E. L. Sharrott Co. G Corp. W. A. Rusk Co. G Pvt. J. M. Barnum Co. G Pvt. L. C. Heath Co. G Pvt. R. Martins Co. G Pvt. J. P. Messes (H.C.)Co. G Pvt. J. E. Nagle Co. G [1898 2d Lieut. W. Longson.... Co. H Pvt. John Bourke Co. H Pvt. F. H. Zoller. Co. H Sergt. Elmer C. Meeks.-Co. I Sergt. Eugene W. GoflLCo. I Pvt. P. S. Hubschmidt.Co. I Pvt. W. E. Cheever. Co. I Pvt. R. C. Quevedo Co. I Pvt. N. W. Crosby Co. K Pvt. A. Gieseman Co. K Pvt. C. Gumbert Co. K Pvt. J. H. Haller. Co. K Pvt. W. McClurg Co. K Pvt. E. P. McKeever Co. K Corp. J. L. Rogers Co. K Pvt. F. E. Rouse Co. K Musician A. Van Ette....Co. K Pvt. J. I. Black Co. K Pvt. J. E. O'Connor Co. K Pvt. A. F. Schroter Co. K Q.M.-Sergt. F. E. Allen, Co. L Corp. R. G. Everett Co. L Pvt. J. T. Williams Co. L Pvt. G. Grahn Co. L Pvt. G. C. Schutz Co. L Pvt. J. J. Fitzgibbon Co. L Pvt. E. Ebbesen Co. L Pvt. N. H. Carswell Co. L Pvt J. F. Cavanagh Co. L ist Sergt. W. D. Pierson, Co. M Sergt- J- J- Mara Co. M Corp. W. A. Talcott Co. M Pvt. G. M. Babbitt Co. M Pvt. C. E. Craigie Co. M Pvt. T. G. Dunning. Co. M Pvt. D. M. Earl Co. M Pvt. J. H. Goeghegan....Co. M Pvt. N. J. G. MacmiUan, Co.M 1898] 651 Deaths Through Other Causes Pvt. W. S. Valentine Co. C Pvt. M. B. Kane. Pvt. C. Jergerson Co. L Wounded in Action .Co. M Corp. J. M. Botts Co. A Pvt. S. J. Block Co. A Pvt. C. M. Goodman Co. A Pvt. T. J. Dixon, Jr Co. A Pvt. J. E. Keller Co. A Pvt. H. P. Richardson....Co. A Pvt. F. V. V. Shaw Co. A Pvt. H. W. Zitnik Co. A Pvt. W. Humbert Co. A Pvt. W. B. Clark Co. B Q.M.-Sergt. J. S. LongXo. B Pvt. J. W. Jeffrey Co. B Pvt. J. B. Olnstead Co. C Pvt. W. S. Valentine Co. C Pvt. C. J. Weeks Co. C Pvt. L. Westerberg Co. C Musician J. D. Murray, Co. C Corp. R. S. McNab Co. C Artificer C. Deutschberger, Co. C Pvt. E. D. Hall Co. C Pvt. G. M. Hurley. Co. C Pvt. J. H. Miller. Co. C Corp. J. K. Brown Co. D Corp. F. C. Kuehnle Co. D Corp. D. C. McClelland..Co. E Pvt. M. Euster Co. E Pvt. W. H. McKenzie....Co. E Pvt. J. P. Pearce Co. E Pvt. F. A. Schaller Co. E ist Sergt. J. J. McDonald, Co. F Pvt. L. G. Eiseman Co. F Pvt. G. F. Featherstone, Co. F Pvt. E. B. Hall Co. F Pvt. F. Hebrauh Co. F Pvt. J. E. Mercer Co. F Pvt. J. G. Pohalski Co. F 2d Lieut. W. E. Trull, Jr., Co.G Pvt. J. F. Althaus Co. G Pvt. S. H. Kirby Co. G Pvt. S. Mclntyre Co. G Musician F. Walters, Jr., Co.G Corp. W. Sutton Co. H Pvt. J. Marlow Co. H Pvt. H. C. Fisher Co. H Pvt. F. L. Flint Co. H ist Sergt. G. B. Youngs, Co. I Pvt. C. F. Nichols Co. I Pvt. C. Roth Co. I Pvt. C. Andre Co. K Pvt. J. M. Niemeyer Co. K Pvt. L. B. Foley Co. K Sergt. C. W. Cutting. Co. L Pvt. H. J. Holzkamp Co. L Pvt. R. E. Gannon Co. L Pvt. P. J. Cunningham, Co! L Sergt. J. J. Mara „ Co. M Q.M.-Sergt. W. B. Sheppard, Co.M Corp. L. I. Donnelly Co. M Corp. A. B. Congar Co. M Pvt. M. Barrett Co. M Pvt. J. F. Corroll Co. M Pvt. J. McGeechan Co. M Pvt. B. B. Mills Co. M Pvt. J. Murphy Co. M Pvt. E. R. Potter Co. M Pvt. H. S. Watson Co. M Pvt. L. B. Youngs Co. M 652 [1898 Recapitulation Killed in action I2 Died of wounds received in action 3 Died of disease 8i Died from other, causes 3 Total deaths 99 Wounded 67 Casualties - 166 By order of Colonel Francis, WILLIAM G. BATES, Regimental Adjutant. (Last printed Order No. 99.) The whole unique character of the San Juan engagement, infantry for hours doing the work of artillery, no regiment, either Regular or volunteer, having been wholly kept intact, the battle, by the acknowledgement of everyone, not a Gen eral's, nor a Colonel's, nor scarcely a Major's, but a Captain's and even a Private's engagement, it is no wonder that there were many conflicting reports of the work done by the several commands or that the honor of being first at the top of the San Juan Hill was claimed by at least sixteen companies and six regiments of the 5th Army Corps. When home papers very naturally enlarged upon the work done, and the bravery shown by the volunteer regiments, and illustrated their somewhat exaggerated accounts with some extraordinary pictures, one paper going so far as to give away an illustrated supplement containing a march dedicated to "The Hero of San Juan," as though any man could be the hero of such a battle; the Regulars, reading these reports and seeing these pictures, having no press in any city to laud their indi vidual efforts, became naturally jealous; resented what they called injustice, and were, some of them, responsible for an article which appeared in one paper of New York City, too un worthy to be mentioned, reflecting upon the bravery of the 71st Regiment. The facts were so undeniably a refutation of this charge that the entire press and the whole community instantly wreaked its vengeance upon this libelous sheet, and brought its managers upon their knees for mercy in less than twenty-four hours. 1898] 653 Not to answer any charge of cowardice, which to do would be unworthy, the following from the pen of one of the ablest war correspondents in the field is here submitted as a per fectly accurate account of the engagement of the 71st at San Juan Hill. A careful study of all the official reports of that battle under the strongest light which study and research will throw upon it in the future can but confirm every statement made here by Mr. Stoddard, of the New York "Evening Mail" : "It is not a matter of great surprise to those who went through the Santiago campaign to find on coming home here that the 71st is the subject of wide discussion, for there was never a moment from the time in May when it landed in Lake land, Fla., until after Santiago had fallen that the appearance and standing of the regiment were not the everyday talk of both Regulars and civilians in the expedition. Roosevelt's men excited the curiosity of everyone, but, as two-thirds of them had been under fire in one way or another, and were hardened to roughing it, they were not regarded as a type of the volunteer soldier. The 71st men were so regarded, however, from the outset. Many Regular officers made the trip from Tampa to Lakeland to look them over and make comparison with the Regulars, and all returned with highest praise for the men and for the spirit they showed. "It was because of this fact that they were the only volun teers, except the Roosevelt Regiment, assigned to the perilous work of taking San Juan Hill, and the only ones employed in the first day's battle at that point. "The 2d Massachusetts was a part of Brigadier-General Ludlow's command at El Caney, and, though it suffered from Spanish fire, it was not engaged in the intense fighting at El Caney ; nor, of course, did it get into the San Juan engagement until the second day, when the firing on both sides was from behind intrenchments. This was no fault of the Massachusetts men, for they did the work assigned them elsewhere with valiant spirit, but it was Chaffee's brigade of Regulars, and not Ludlow's, which General Lawton ordered into the final charge upon El Caney, and the Massachusetts men were utilized as a support, rather than as the assailing column. "To the critics of the 71st the reply may well be made that there must have been something in the make-up of the New York boys to lead the commanding General to order- them into 654 [1898 a charge at which even veteran troops might falter, and where the daring of our men, regulars and volunteers alike, excited the wonder and admiration of the military experts of all nations. Had the San Juan engagement been an ordinary battle, with no unusual advantage in position for either side, the selection of a regiment as part of the advancing column would be no special indication of confidence ; but as San Juan, to go into the fight as part of the charging column, meant that one out of .every four men was to drop, wounded or killed. "It was for such courageous work as this that the 71st men were awakened before dawn on the morning of July 1st. I know something of their spirit and pluck as they prepared for the march from camp at El Poso, five miles away, for I had pitched my tent in their camp two days before and was the only newspaper correspondent with them that night before the battle, and who marched out with them toward the front that morning. Few of the men knew just what they were going to do, for the orders were simply to follow the 6th and 16th Regulars wherever they went, but all knew that a battle of some kind was at hand, and that the regiment was to be in it. This was exactly what they wanted, and all hands marched out that morning proud of the fact that they had been chosen part of the fighting force. "The orders to prepare to advance had come to Colonel Downs late the day before, and at 'retreat' that night had been communicated to the men. They were to take the road at 4 o'clock in the morning, falling in after the 16th Regulars. That night there was bustle and hurry and excitement through out the camp, and when I reached there about 8 o'clock, after an afternoon's journey for rations down to Siboney and back, everyone was talking of tomorrow. It was not the first time that the men had prepared for battle, for they had been ordered into the Las Guasimas fight as reinforcements the first day they were on shore— another evidence, by the way, that they were to do the duty of veterans — and on the night of July 27th, the picket line began a firing that brought the entire regiment into formation to resist a midnight surprise. On that occasion every man jumped from his tent at word of command and was at his place of duty ready for the foe in less than two minutes' time. "The probability of a fight next day, therefore, was not 1898] 655 an entirely new thought for the 71st as they turned in for a night's rest, though few of them got much sleep, as there was so much packing up, letter writing by candle-light and singing; to do. Promptly at half-past three, however, before dawn bad' yet streaked the skies or the chill night air was tempered; by" the sun, the call to rise was sounded by the bugler. It was" a strange sight to see the dark figures of the men moving about, like shadows on a curtain, and getting ready for the departure. Fires were lit and coffee boiled in much less time than ever before, the three days' rations were packed away in haversacks and each man rolled his bed-roll and keepsakes in his half of the shelter canvas. Altogether, with 105 rounds of ammunition in his cartridge belt, every man in the regiment started out on that historic day with fully fifty pounds on his back. In addi tion, every fourth man carried a spade or axe. "Promptly at 4 o'clock of July ist, Colonel Downs had his 1st Battalion halted on the roadside awaiting the passing of the two regiments he was to follow. The Regulars were so far behind, however, that after waiting half an hour Colonel Downs ordered his men to proceed and I went with them. We marched at slow pace, about two miles, I should say, when the Regulars caught up and the 71st drew up on the side of the road to allow them to pass. By that time Capron's artillery had opened fire on El Caney, and the sound of the guns was as distinct in the morning air as if they were within half a mile of us, instead of being nearly five miles away. It was hard marching that morning in the muddy road, especially as most of it had to be done in column of twos, and I concluded to go ahead with the Regulars so as to cover as much ground as possible before the sun became too hot. I left the 71st, there fore, at their halting place opposite General Shafter's head quarters, intending to await them farther on. "Musketry fire could now be heard distinctly from the direction of El Caney, mingling with the booming of cannon, and we all understood that Lawton's division was engaging the enemy there. Our path, however, lay in a different direc tion — toward El Poso. First with the 6th and then with the 16th I trudged along with fast wearying step, for carrying thirty-odd pounds on one's back in such a climate and on such a road is no easy task. Finally we came in sight of Grimes' battery up the El Poso Hill, with part of Roosevelt's Regiment strung along the trail and on the crest. 656 [1898 "Here I left the infantry on the valley road and started for the hill top. Half way up the hill I looked back on the valley road and for the first time realized that a big movement was to take place. The road was packed with troops as far as one could see, all halted for the word of command. On the El Poso Hill gathered around the battery, were General Sum ner, Colonel Wood, Lieutenant-Colonel Roosevelt, Lieutenant Miley and Lieut.-Col. John Jacob Astor, of General Shafter's staff, and Captain Grimes. It was then about 7:30. Every body who had field glasses had them leveled at San Juan Hill, where the Spaniards were, but not a sign of life could be de tected there. It was not over a mile and a half from the crest of one hill to that of the other. "The first shot from our cannon, fired just before 8 o'clock, fell into the trees and foliage at San Juan without disturbing the quiet and repose of the place in the slightest. Another and another shot went crashing over there, followed by our hur rahs and cheers, but the scores of field glasses we were using gave no indication that San Juan was other than a wilderness. Nearly a score of solid shot had been fired and the range re duced from 2,800 to 2,400 yards when General Sumner ordered a change to shrapnel. A group of twenty of us watched the loading of the gun and hurrahed loudly as the deadly stuff went whistling and twirling on its way toward the Spanish intrench ments, but we did not try to locate it with our glasses. Indeed, it had scarcely landed on San Juan Hill before the Spaniards greeted us with a reply in kind — the first shot of the battle from them — and our hurrahs promptly changed into some thing else. No one stopped to locate where our shrapnel landed, for we were all too busy trying to get out of the way of the Spanish shrapnel. The first shot flew through the air about fifty yards over our heads, but the third one struck three Cubans standing against a half destroyed sugar mill. "For the next fifteen minutes the interchange of shrapnel between the batteries on the two hills were quite lively and Grimes' Hill, as it was called, was anything but a comfortable place. All the hurrahing had ceased and almost everyone was lying on his stomach or behind cover. Quite an exodus had taken place, too, from the summit of the hill, since the Span iards had deigned to reply to our gunners. I fail to recall whether I led or followed the retreating column, for there were a few minutes just then which are a blank to quite a number of 1898] 657 people, including myself, except the recollection of shrill sounds in the air all about you, horses and men tangled upon the hill side and everybody dodging and yelling. "In the midst of the confusion the Roosevelt Regiment was ordered to go down the hill and advance on San Juan. It is said that this order never came from Headquarters, but was Roosevelt's own idea. I do not know whether it was or not. but the men obeyed with alacrity, for almost anything was better than lying flat in the bushes around Grimes' battery, as if awaiting one's turn to be hit with the flying shell. "It was half an hour after the Roosevelt men had begun to move on San Juan that I again met the 71st. I had gone down the hill with several others, including Colonel Astor, whose orderly had disappeared with his horse, and at the point in the road where the San Juan creek or river had to be crossed I found the 71st halted. They had been there for an hour or more, in their assigned place back of the 16th Regulars. Both regiments were waiting for Roosevelt's men and the cavalry to go by. No orders to advance had yet been given by General Kent to his division, but Lieutenant Miley had just ridden over from Grimes' battery with orders for Kent to take his division into action. So, at least, those of us who were on the road understood from the talk we heard there. "Meanwhile, however, every man on that road was under the shrapnel fire of the two opposing batteries, for the valley lay between the two hills, and the fatal volley firing of the Spaniards had just opened up on the men who were fording the stream. The 71st men got there in the thick of it. They hesitated. Who did not? No enemy was in sight, yet scores of enemy's bullets were falling among them, and shrapnel shells were making the air overhead hideous with their terror izing sound. Though by no means as dangerous as a volley of bullets, yet no sound in the two days' battle was as much dreaded as that of shrapnel. General Kent, in his report, says : 'The fire of the enemy's sharpshooters was being distinctly felt at this time.' He might have added that the New York boys had their first killed and wounded here. General Kent goes on : 'The enemy's infantry fire, steadily increasing in intensity, now came from all directions, not only from the front and the dense tropical thickets on our flanks, but from sharp shooters thickly posted in trees in our rear and from shrapnel apparently aimed at the balloon.' 658 [1898 "It was into such a maelstrom of shot from hidden sources that General Kent ordered the 71st to go, not straight ahead of them in the open, but up a blind mountain trail, hemmed in on both sides by the tropical thickets of which he speaks. "I was not with the 1st Battalion when it fell back from the creek, as General Kent says in his official report that it did, but it certainly did not throw the two other battalions into worse disorder, as General Kent would have known, if he had been there, which he was not, than existed along the entire line exposed to fire. I heard at the time that someone had ordered the regiment up a newly discovered by-path or trail on San Juan Hill, and that, as they tried to get up, moving m twos, the 1st Battalion met such a fire, following that cross ing the stream, that it believed it had been ambushed. If any of General Kent's staff made a cordon back of the regiment, in order to force them into action, not one among the dozen or more with whom I stood saw or spoke of such action. They were around there giving contradictory orders, and in their haste not very definite ones, and it would not be surprising if the misunderstanding among the 71st was largely due to the excited state of mind of General Kent's staff. "It was never intended, as I understood the situation that morning, that the 9th, 13th and 24th Regulars, who were be hind the 71st on the road, should follow it into battle, and the fact that General Kent ordered the 71st, as he says, up this by-path, while the other regiments went farther to the left, proves that the temporary hesitation of the 71st in no way effected the general movement. The other regiments, or part of them, pushed on, according to plan, and the 13th and 24th made that gallant charge on the block-house at the extreme left. "Major Keek's battalion of the 71st recovered itself within five minutes and was on its way up the hill before a single man of the Regulars behind them had passed on the road. I do not know, but was told then that one company had also gone up with Keek's battalion, and I have heard since that Captain Rafferty commanded it. The regiment, of course, was split up by this movement, but I doubt whether a single regiment, Regular or volunteer, went up that hill intact. It was an im possible task, for it was every man for himself after the firing became so intense, and officers with whom I have talked tell me that they were unable to hold their men together. 1898] 659 "It was useless to give commands, for no voice could be heard in the din, and no one knew what company was charg ing up the hill by his side. General Kent himself, in his first official report, gave credit for capturing the hill to the 6th and 16th Regulars; but in his report six days afterward acknowl edged that this was an error, and that five regiments are to be credited with that feat. This shows the confused state of things when even the Division Commander did not know that five regiments, not two, were in the victorious charge, though all five regiments were part of his own command. "The period of hesitation, if that word can be used, among the 71st men was so brief that one wonders that a more just and generous course toward the regiment was not pursued by General Kent, and reference made by him to their splendid work after that first baptism of fire from a hidden enemy. The men themselves, in their frank letters to their parents, tell the story in their own way, and if one will but read them all, he will find that they fit in together in a way that ends all argument as to their reliability. "General Kent might, with truth, have said, first, that the 71st got up the hill in ample time to have a list of losses as heavy as any other regiment; second, that it went into action realizing that every shot from its Springfield rifle made it a target for the enemy with smokeless powder; and, third, that it made a target of itself and went into the charge, though whole companies of Regulars, armed with Krag-Jorgensens, which are almost smokeless, yelled to 'get out of here with those Springfields.' "Time and again that cry was heard by the men of the 71st, and late on the second day, when the Spaniards had ceased their heavy firing, the order was given for the regiment to stop shooting entirely. The Spaniards were locating them at every shot. Meanwhile I met more than a score of 71st men who had picked up Krag-Jorgensens on the hillside and were pleading for permission to use them instead of their black powder rifles. They were not allowed to do so, however, and had to turn their new-found Krags over to the ordnance officer. Nevertheless, as I stated in a letter to 'The Mail & Express' from San Juan, General Hawkins, riding along the lines on July 2d, complimented the 71st for its good work that day — a fact which General Kent might also have included in his report. - 660 [1898 "It was impossible for anyone to know what was going on beyond his immediate neighborhood during that first day's battle — at least until after the hill had been taken and the regiments had heen lined up ; but the impression, gathered from observation and discussion that day and since then regarding the 71st's action, is that a volunteer organization was sent in the foremost column to charge a fortified hill, and it was armed with a rifle known by every man to be inferior to that used by its associates, as well as that used by the enemy. It also had the disadvantage of using black powder, as against the smokeless powder of its enemy. Despite these heavy handicaps, disheartening in themselves, it was halted in a val ley road for over an hour under a desultory shrapnel and musketry fire, to which it could not reply, and finally ordered into a hillside trail, where it was met with a storm of bullets from no one knew where. "Soldiers who had fought through many battles and had been ambushed time and again might, and probably would, have recovered themselves and reformed their lines before the 71st did; but they could not have met that hidden fire without a recoil, nor could they have made more rapid and courageous progress up the hill after they once started and understood just what was expected of them. "HENRY L. STODDARD." The following letter speaks for itself and is all the more valuable because received unexpectedly and unsolicited by our commanding officer, Colonel Downs, a few days after the sur render of the Spaniards : HEADQUARTERS, INFANTRY, U.S.A., Fever Camp, Siboney, Cuba. July 17, 1898. Colonel W. A. Downs, Commanding 71st Regiment, N.Y. Vols. Dear Colonel: — Having been more or less thrown with the 71st N. Y. Vols., since its arrival in Tampa, Florida, and having served with it directly in the engagement at Fort San Juan, July 1st, 2d and 3d, 1898, I wish to say that I consider it one of the very best volunteer regiments I have seen since 1861. The conduct of the men under fire was admirable, their patriotism and courage was undoubted; but full as much to 1898] 661 their credit was their cheerful endurance of the privation, suffering and hardship which fall to the lot of the new soldier in the long and dreary intervals not enlivened by actual con test and which all must endure. Yours very truly, (signed) A. C. MARKLEY, Major, Commanding 24th Infy. On the 10th of July the regiment was moved further to the right and temporarily assigned to the command of General Lawton. Subsequently the 6th and 16th Regular Infantry were similarly removed to the right, when the 1st Brigade was restored and General Kent's headquarters established in the vicinity. Here the regiment remained encamped until it left the island. Now that Santiago had surrendered, there was nothing to do but to settle down as comfortably as possible and to care for the health of the men, all too many of whom were already afflicted with fever, prevalent in these semi-tropical climates during the months of the rainy season. ' Criticism is here withheld, but facts are stated. Not until the 20th of July were we supplied by the Government with any rations other than hard bread, the fatty grease appropri ately called throughout the army "sow belly" and green coffee. Our Quartermaster tried in vain to secure a single mule team ¦ and pack wagon for transportation. The regiment, as such, never had this reasonable allowance of transportation supplied to it from the time of its arrival in Cuba until the day it left Santiago. Up to this time the officers' horses had been used, rather, abused, and most of them wrecked by using them for pack mules to carry ammunition, stores and mail. At the request of Major Louis A. LaGarde, Surgeon-in- Charge of Siboney, the Chaplain was assigned to duty there from July 11th to July 18th, where he attended the sick, buried four men who died from yellow fever, superintended the digging of pits for the burial of the dead and exercised super vision as senior officer over twelve convalescent wounded men of our regiment and a detail of two men who had been left at Siboney, June 27th, to guard large amounts of regimental property. There were also there at this time several from the regiment who were recuperating from swamp fever. Swamp or calentura fever began now to develop among the troops at the front. Apprehension was great, now that the dangers 662 [1898 of battle had subsided; we should lose more by disease than we had already lost by bullets; an apprehension, alas, that proved reasonably fateful. The terms of the surrender of the Province of Santiago having been decided upon, some 24,000 soldiers having laid down their arms, it became necessary to transport these troops to Spain. To do this in their own vessels, according to terms of contract, took considerable time. Meanwhile, the 5th Army Corps remained on the hills three miles from Santiago, fever daily afflicting more and more of the troops, who were very insufficiently sheltered from tropical heat and daily storms, removed one and one-half miles from running water, with food of the simplest character, barely sufficient for the well, and wholly inadequate to the needs of the sick. Up to the 18th of July there were not three wall tents in the entire camp, the Surgeons themselves slept under shelter tents and no provision whatever could be made for a hospital. Like benison from heaven there arrived in our camp on the 18th of July, Mr. Charles F. Barrett and his assistant, Mr. Charles A. Brittain, representing the Army Commission of the Y.M.C.A. They had come that day from Baiquiri, having sailed from Tampa with a light artillery command, on the 4th. Never were strangers more welcome. Subsequent events at- ' tested their worth and proved that they were devout Christian friends. They reported from the headquarters of the Army Commission that they had received orders to report to the Chaplain of the 71st and to do all in their power to supply the needs of that regiment. Inasmuch as it had been impossible for us to transport the tent kindly given us by this Army Commission, which we received at Tampa, but were obliged to leave it on the vessel at Siboney, the two tents these brothers brought proved verit able Godsends. The smaller one, at the request of our Colonel, was immediately given for a hospital for the regiment, while in the other one, a good-sized square tent where services were held, and officers assembled during the day, using it as a social hall, and any officer who was sick was allowed to remain here till he recovered. There was no time when there were not seven officers of the regiment living and sleeping in this tent by the courtesy of two men who had the right to claim it for their own personal use. The Chaplain makes a special acknowledgement of the kindness of these men, without which 18?8] 663 he would have had no shelter whatever during the most trying period of the Cuban campaign. Never for any home he ever possessed was he so grateful as for the privilege here accorded of swinging his hammock between the main poles of this generous Y.M.C.A. tent. By this time one's wardrobe had become depleted. A haversack could hold all belongings and not be full. This, with the hammock, constituted the Chaplain's outfit. Not only was he given a roof over his head, but he was also the recipi ent of some useful articles of underclothing and a good-sized box, to which was subsequently attached hinges and hasp, and which, for three weeks, served admirably for trunk, desk, couch and chair. In this were also placed some cigarettes and cigars, kindly sent by Mr. Fonseca, of New York, which minis tered much to actual necessity, and enabled many in the regi ment to be made very happy when they thought such luxuries were miles away. It is a fact, though, perhaps, not creditable, that to enjoy those things yourself and have your friends enjoy them, the hasp had to be locked after each distribution. Note paper and envelopes were freely distributed, not only to those of the 71st, but to all adjacent commands. In the three weeks that this Commission did its work in Cuba there were distributed over 20,000 sheets of paper and 10,000 envel opes — why more people at home did not receive letters is a wonder. On the 19th, the Chaplain, accompanied by Messrs. Bar rett and Brittain, the horses' backs being too- sore to ride them, started on foot for Santiago to procure needed provisions and medicines for the sick and also to provide something for the officers' mess. Up to this time it must be stated that, due to insufficient lighterage facilities at Siboney, inadequate trans portation and most wretched roads, especially five miles out from Siboney, where, due to swampy soil and narrow gulches, it baffled the Engineer Corps either to make or keep the roads in proper condition for traffic, medicines for the sick were most scant, and anything but hardtack, bacon and coffee was wanting in all our camps. This walk to Santiago was dreadfully muddy half the way until we came upon the Queen's Road, and it was intoler ably hot all the way into the city ; never did it seem to me was a walk more hot or fatiguing. From 10 until 3 daily the effect of the, sun upon your head is like that of a Santiago fly 664 [1898 blister. All along the Queen's Road for a distance of two miles were pilgrims, pauper-stricken and starving Cubans journey ing toward Santiago. As we entered the city and passed by the great Military Hospital flanking its eastern end we saw what strong intrenchments and fortifications had been built by the Spaniards. In front of trenches five feet deep, stretching all around this end of the city, there were huge wine casks filled with rocks, and fully twenty feet in front of these were spiral nets of barbed wire fence. Back of the ditches at intervals of twenty feet were mounted cannon and dynamite guns. Happily for us the surrender on the 14th of July made an attack upon such outworks as these unnecessary. For some distance along the outskirts of the city we found company after company of Spanish soldiers, evidently receiv ing from large pots set in the middle of the road each his portion of the morning's mess. This was the first visible evi dence, though by no means the last, that we were treating our enemies better than we were treating ourselves. In this "Andalusian" quarter, a sort of suburban entrance to the city itself, where Spanish soldiers were housed on both sides of the street for at least a mile, everything was unclean and untidy. The streets of the city itself had evidently been recently swept, but evidences of filth abounded everywhere. The city itself is built on a side hill sloping towards the sea, surrounded on three sides by most beautifully terraced hills, graduating in the distance into mountains and terminating on its western front in an attractive plaza and wide promenade, extending for three miles in view of the magnificent, seemingly land-locked harbor. Had any attention been paid to sanitary arrangements, Santiago de Cuba would be one of the cleanest cities in the world. We went right through the principal street, "Euramadas," a narrow, poorly paved lane, with sidewalks on each side, not two feet wide, flush with the inner edge of which rose the stuccoed facades of continuous buildings, the lowest windows of which were uniformly barred and projected a few inches from the front forming a bay. "Euramadas" street terminated in the plaza almost directly in front of the principal wharf. Reaching the wharf we found we had walked a good six miles, three of which had been in the city over the roughest kind of pavement, and along sidewalks in wretched condition. 1898] 665 All along the way Spanish officers and soldiers were most courteous, saluting us constantly and giving other evidences of their will. We went into a storehouse near the wharf, where we were cordially received by Spanish merchants, who gave us at once a glass of deliciously cool claret, for which we were most grateful. A general order was issued on the 19th forbidding enlisted men to enter the city, and allowing only such officers to do so who had passes from Division Headquarters. It was delightful to see at the wharf, ships we had been accustomed to see at Siboney. At one side was the Red Cross Steamer, the "State of Texas," the first to enter the harbor after the surrender, and on the other side the transport "Concho," both discharging their cargoes. Several other transports, with their big num bers on their sides, lay further out in the harbor. Crowds of starving people surged about the wharf waiting to be fed. Thousands of indolent, vagabond Cubans, and less, but far more respectable looking Spaniards, made up the motley mob begging for daily bread. Pity we thought before we saw these, that some of the 1,400 tons of food sent for the Cubans could not be given to our own troops now encamped beyond the trenches, surely as deserving and perhaps more needy than these reconcentradoes, or their recent merciless rulers; but after seeing these we agreed with Miss Barton, who said she never could discrimin ate between men suffering for food. Knowing the condition of our own men, while agreeing with Miss Barton, the minister ing angel in every war of the last half century, we could but say: "May the United States authorities soon be able to pro vide for the first great care of its army, and see that it be properly fed." It must be confessed that while creditable to themselves, it was far from creditable to the two departments of the Government, the incompetency of which made it necessary on the first possible entry to the city, for several commanding officers to stand in the broiling sun on the dock at Santiago, beseeching the Red Cross Society to give them needed food, delicacies and medicines for their sick soldiers. It was a great delight again to see Miss Barton, Mr. George Kennan, Dr. and Mrs. Thurston and others of the Red Cross party. It was especially delightful to talk a few moments with Mrs. John Addison Porter, who, from her own purse, provided a liberal supply of medicines and food for the sick of the 71st. 666 [1898 These augmented by several gifts from the Red Cross Society, with other supplies purchased in the city we had carted to the camp by a donkey and a little two-wheeled rig called an "Ulla," secured for us by the kindness of the British Consul and costing us three dollars and a half. Had the Govern ment furnished us with reasonable transportation, this expense, repeated at least fifteen times, would not have been necessary. A canteen of ice water let down from the side of the "State of Texas" was a veritable Godsend, not one drop of ice water having been tasted for a month. A liberal supply of cigars and cigarettes was purchased at the suggestion of several and afterwards sold at cost in the camp. That it was quickly disposed of shows how great was the need of this comfort. Tobacco has its uses. The walk back behind the donkey cart was so hot and fatiguing that prickly heat resulted, to recover from the effects of which two days' quiet and rest were necessary. The "Ulla" of the Spanish driver and the frantic efforts of the poor donkey to get his load over the dreadful roads would have been amus ing, were it not so distressing. These two days of quiet and rest were spent chiefly in visiting the sick in the camp, writing letters to their relatives and friends and distributing such deli cacies as tea and guava jelly in small quantities among the invalids. Articles like malted milk, beef bouillon, yellow meal, dried peaches, etc., etc., were, by the Colonel's orders, given to the Surgeon for distribution among the sick. For several days now the story continued, nothing differing daily, except that each day it grew worse. Where there had been universal satisfaction and content ment, now there were murmurings and homesickness among all. As long as there seemed any reason for remaining in Cuba, any fighting to do, or work to be done, no one thought of leaving, or was there any grumbling of any account, no matter how short the rations, how wet the trenches, or how severe the other hardships ; but here time hung heavily, fever was increasing daily more at the sick call. A pall came ovei the entire camp, the entire community of camps, we may say. Volley firing and taps were heard all too frequently among our neighbors, until finally orders were received not to fire the customary salutes at the graves. At least one dozen died around us before death visited us. Our record on the 23d, here copied, reads briefly thus : "Fever 1898] 667 increasing, insufficient tentage, meagre food, clothes tattered, several hatless, many barefooted, at least a score with trousers so rent and hanging upon their legs that it is well only men are here. Major Bell, Chief Surgeon, sick, with temperature of 106 degrees ; Dr. Stafford, Assistant Surgeon, weak from over work, and working all the time. Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel and one Major down with the fever. Everybody wanting to go home. Nobody knowing when he can, 'things are growing blue.'" On the 24th we held Divine service at 10 A. M., and again at 7 P. M. Conditions made the service most reverent and earnest. Our men did not lack courage, there was not one less than brave, but everybody felt depressed. The few who were well had so much work to do in the way of camp duty that attendance was necessarily small. Every drop of water for drinking, cooking and bathing had to be brought in canteens from a stream a mile and a half distant. On the 25th of July, the Commissary Department began to show signs of improvement, and from this time on, though nobody lived in luxury, those who were well had no reason to complain of their food. How many were then sick or after wards became seriously sick from depletion, which an increased food supply at this late day could not overcome, we shall never know. During these most trying days, when men were dying all about us, and our own were seriously ill, it was at least an occasion for thanksgiving that though the dreadful fever called "calentura," Dangui, Cuban, or yellow fever, doctors did not seem to know what it was and disagreed so among themselves that laymen had free field for guesswork ; however distressing it had been in our regiment, as yet no case proved fatal. On the 24th, Colonel Downs went into Santiago, and by strenuous efforts secured from our ship, the "Vigilancia," lying well out in the harbor, some thirty tents. Orders were given for these to be used by the sick. In a few instances these were made use of by officers. Those who criticized this seeming selfishness had the satisfaction of seeing these officers sick in a very short time and the original purpose of the tents prac tically fulfilled. The temperature each day was intense ; walk ing in the sun from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. was both painful and unsafe. The thermometer ranged from 110 to 123 degrees daily. The sight at early sick call of men dragging themselves to 668 [1898 the Surgeon's headquarters was distressing; many, most indeed, of the sick were entirely unable to leave their quarters. The whole atmosphere was depressing. Nobody was well. Half were seriously ill. All were homesick. Rumors were numerous and of all kinds. It was necessary to buoy up the men with the hope that soon we would leave and go to the States. All wished that they might go home and longed to hear that peace was declared and the end at hand. The Chaplain going daily to the hospital and frequently making the rounds of the sick tents in the company quarters, witnessing the suffering and seeing the regiment converted from a body of athletes into a command of hospital patients, some without shelter, many without blankets or ponchos, all with clothing torn and underclothing dirty, many with but one suit of such in their possession, none sumptuously fed, and many poorly fed, felt like crying : Usque ad Domine. On the 25th, mails began to arrive with more or less frequency and to leave with some regularity for New York. This cheered the men very much, indeed, though it was dis couraging for us to receive letters from home dated as late as July 10th, saying that our friends had heard nothing from us since we left Tampa. There seems to be difficulty in getting relief intended for us. We hear constantly of boxes being sent to us from the States, of large amounts of money having been contributed to the Relief Society of the 71st in New York. Boxes have not reached us at the time of writing, but $100 has been received by Colonel Downs from the 71st Regiment Veterans' Relief Society, and small amounts from the personal friends of officers, all of which has been used directly for the sick. It is currently reported that the 71st Relief Society con tributes through the agency of the Red Cross Society. Also that the Red Cross Society has declined to receive money specifically for the relief of any particular regiment. This being so, we receive the filtration of a general charity from the Red Cross Society, which amounts to very little, so little that thus far, notwithstanding urgent efforts, what we have received in provisions and medicines has been out of all reason able proportion to what we know has been contributed in moneys by our friends at home for our immediate relief. Blame is attached to nobody, to no society, but these facts ought to have a satisfactory explanation. 1898] 669 Requisition was made for khaki suits for the regiment by Quartermaster Stephens, at the suggestion of the Brigade Com mander, on the 25th of July. We were waiting a week later with some interest to see when we would get them. Meantime hatless men were buying hats in Santiago, a gross injustice. The Government ought to supply these and at once. On the 20th the joyful news officially came to us that Spain had sued for peace. On receiving the official notification the Colonel shouted "Attention" to the 2d Battalion, encamped di rectly before him, and gave the news. As showing the depleted condition of the men it was significant that a weak hurrah was heard. It was to me singularly surprising that the news of what is practically the reaching of the goal of all our endeavors and sacrifices from the very beginning of this enterprise met with such slight expression of enthusiasm. It is all to be explained by the weakened and sad condition of our troops. We are at this time, July 20th, practically a regiment of con valescents, and most of us scarcely convalescent even. The Government ought to get us out of these miasmic regions, and get us out soon, or we shall lose many more from fever than we have lost by bullets. It is hard to make bricks without straw. The Government supplies no transportation for our regiment, which practically makes the whole Quartermaster Department a nullity. It ought to be said that Quartermaster Stephens, when he had the facilities for his work, did his work well. This is sufficient an swer to critics, who can always talk and scold, and will be so unreasonable that they expect a man to perform miracles. All officers did their best under the most trying circumstances of serious illness and depleted strength. Some were physically better to do their work than others. It is the peculiarity of some to think that their work is the most important of all work done. Such will always magnify their own work and minify others' work. They will think that sick men ought to do the work of well ones, and these when they are sick will whine like babies and want more attention that King Charles' spaniels. For days our horses wandered about with none to look after or care for them. For days no oats were provided for them, and there was nothing for them to eat but grass, and none to lead them to water. Due more to good luck than good management they took care of themselves, and to the 670 [1898 credit of their owners they returned each morning to their quarters. Poor brutes! How useful they have been! What would the regiment have done without them ? They have car ried everything from canteens to ammunition, served as pack mules on every possible occasion and supplied the lack of Government service for transportation. All this not without severe galling and thinness of body pitiable to behold. On the 20th, the Chaplain went into Santiago and secured from the Red Cross Society some condensed milk, malted milk and rice for the sick. Returning in the evening he learned that through the day there had died Sergt. William D. S. Young of Company E, and Private Gus Grahn of Company L, from exhaustion, due to severe attack of mountain fever. They were buried at sundown just west of the intrenchments and in front of their company streets, a volley being fired three times and taps sounded after the Chaplain had finished the brief service of committal. The singing of one verse of the familiar hymns, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" and "Nearer, My God, to Thee," was particularly impressive and solemn. It was also reported at this time that Private Williams of Company L, had died at the Yellow Fever Hospital ; this report comes from one of our men, a victim of yellow fever, now happily recovered and re turned to the regiment. Invitation came this morning for the Chaplain to officiate at the funeral of a private of the 7th Regiment, but yellow fever having broken out in that command Colonel Downs con sidered it unwise for any risk to be taken that would be likely to add anything to present misery. Sunday, July 21st, held Divine service and preached at 8:30; good attendance, eighty, and then service at 6:30, con ducted by Mr. Barrett, and evangelist of Moody Institute, in charge of Army Commission work in Cuba. Service of song attended by about 150 men. Many men, sick and well ones, tired of doing so much detail and necessary work. We are glad at last to be able to get the tent presented to the regiment by our friends in New York from the ship "Vigi>- lancia" and brought out to the camp. It will prove very valu able for our convalescent and our well enlisted men. Large numbers continue to be effected by fever. Sick reports show a daily increase. It is reported that pay officers are on the way here to pay the men for two months' service. The men will be glad to see them. 1898] 671 Colonel Homer sent to the regiment a gift of five gross of pipes from moneys collected by the Merchants' Central Club, and General McAlpin and Messrs. Bernheimer sent 500 pounds of tobacco, all of which was equally distributed among the men and made them very happy. Colonel Downs, Senior Colonel, is now in command of the 1st Brigade— 6th and 16th Regulars and 71st New York In fantry — and Lieutenant-Colonel Smith is in command of the regiment. We hear by mails arriving now pretty regularly from the United States of packages and bundles coming to us by ex press or mail and are anxiously waiting for them to arrive. It is worthy of mention that at this time of serious need and trouble the activity of Mr. Barrett in going almost daily to Santiago and shopping for the men, doing various commissions for them, and providing liberally of iced lemonade, water, limes and ice, which he had to bring out from the city, freely dis pensing note paper and envelopes, giving his tent for well officers during the day and sick ones at night, all the kindly ministrations that we receive coming from the love of Christ constraining — now is the time to put unbelief and fancifui theories of life to the test. At this moment Christianity is the power back of every tender ministration in this camp. The large tent given us by the Y.M.C.A. friends in New York was brought out and erected for the use of enlisted men. Colonel Smith, Sergeant Beatty and Private Rabing and others use it for sleeping quarters. It is thus at last doing much good. The regiment has thus far not been able to get hold of the tent, and have not been hitherto in one place long enough to justify putting it up. We appreciate very much the kindness of our friends in giving us this tent and regret that hitherto we could not at any time make use of it. At the present time there are in our camp this large tent for general use of enlisted men, another large tent, head quarters of the Army Commission of the Y.M.C.A., where officers may assemble during the day, and in which several sleep at night; another walled tent of good size brought by Mr. Barrett and Mr. Brittain, and generously turned over by them for a hospital at a time when we had not a tent other than little shelter ones, except one that was used by the Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel for their headquarters. On Tuesday, August 2d, Private William Cheevers of Com- 672 [1898 pany F, was buried at 1 :20, just beyond the intrenchments by the side of Sergeant Youngs' grave. Sad as it is to lose any of our men, it is an occasion of gratitude that with such dis tressing fever and serious illness as we have had, but four of our men have died. In every instance of death in our regiment the Chaplain notified the parents in New York of their son's death and expressed suitable sympathy on behalf of the regi ment for those in affliction. Sadder even than the loss of a son in battle is that death by illness after the battle. On the afternoon of the 2d of August, we heard officially that Spain had agreed to all the terms of peace imposed by the United States and that a formal declaration of peace had been made, and war ended. There were many doubters among us, and at first such misgivings interfered with the exultation one might expect from such an announcement. Gradually, how ever, the men came to believe the truth of the message, and an improvement in the tone and temper of the regiment at once insured. Rumor has it that General Sternberg, Senior Surgeon of the United States Army, has arrived at Santiago and has ordered the whole corps to leave this week. God grant it may prove true. Half of the regiment is sick and all are homesick. Our men look years older. They walk with measured gait and lingering tread. They feel the injustice of keeping them here in rain and mud, half covered, miserably clothed and wretchedly uncomfortable. Some khaki coats came a week ago, the trousers are in Santiago. Many men are wearing trousers so torn that it would not be decent for a woman to visit the camp. Yet the Quartermaster sits here day after day doing absolutely noth ing, all because the United States Government does not supply wagons and mules. He is incapable of bringing the clothes to us. Why the regiment does not have conveyances as the Y.M.C.A. does and bring out needed things, men naturally ask, and keep asking, and nobody gives a satisfactory answer. The regiment that looks out for itself, at its own expense, fares fairly well and others do not. The Chaplain visits the General Hospital tents twice daily, and the seriously ill ones more frequently, and three times a week goes the entire length of the intrenchments visiting the sick in walled tents, which have now been erected in every street. One at home can never know the slippery, slimy con dition of the land about here and how difficult it is to move 1898] 673 from place to place. There is everything here to make life miserable. Whatever a good Lord intends to work out of this wretched experience, we trust devotedly and pray earnestly that it may speedily be wrought, then what is left of us be quickly delivered from it all. General Ludlow said a day or two since that, speaking as a military student, never have troops in any campaign been called upon to work harder, fight under more disadvantageous conditions and endure more strain, sickness, hardship and fatigue than ours in this since they landed in Cuba. If this be so, we may safely say never has any National Guard regi ment been called upon to endure a three months' struggle like this which the 71st has had from the day it entered Camp Black. The more we think of it the more positive we are that in every work it has been called upon to do the 71st has acquitted itself most creditably and earned its title of gallant and brave. Never was it more brave or gallant than now, facing fever and waiting, waiting, waiting to go home. Among other and many acts of kindness shown and neigh boring regiments, especially us, may be mentioned the bring ing to us in two donkey carts hired for the purpose from Santi ago two large casks of water, in which were placed two large pieces of artificial ice and limes and sugar enough to give a generous quantity of excellent lemonade to all the boys. It was really pathetic to see the well ones line up with cups in hand and messengers with extra cups of the sick to take them some of the coveted beverage. Men of the 6th and 16th who are brigaded with us and encamped at our right further along the intrenchments came over and tried to get a little for their parched throats. We did all we could to supply them, also remembering the 16th the following morning, when additional gifts of tobacco and parcels came from the Relief Society and the 71st Aid Society of the Bronx Borough, which were then duly distributed. The welcome news that we were soon to get out of this dreadful malarial place came on the morning of the 4th of August, when upon the proclamation by the Colonel that Gen eral Shafter had been directed by authorities at Washington to remove all the troops to the United States as soon as trans portation could be provided, was received by a cheer and the singing of the long metre Doxology by the .men then assembled in front of the Y.M.C.A. tent. This tent is used by the officers 674 [1898 and the other tent, exclusively the property of the regiment, is used now very generally by the enlisted men. Rations are now beginning to be very good, fresh and excellent beef and bread proving very acceptable. Less at sick call. Things are beginning to look up for us, though many still are sick, very sick, with fever, and most of our men who are sick lie on ponchos on the ground, and are wet whenever it rains, which, with rarest exception, is once daily and frequently twice. If friends at home could only see the happy faces of soldiers when gifts are received from home, they would feel amply repaid for all their interest and trouble taken. There never was any time when our hospital tents were sufficient to care for all of our seriously sick men, nor a time when every sick man in the hospital could have a cot. Most of the time the sick slept on the ground, some of them without ponchos under them, and on several occasions without ever a blanket to throw over a man perishing with a prolonged chill. The Quartermaster can testify that it was impossible for js. time, and too long a time, to procure necessary ponchos and blankets for sick men. Things were at their worst when our Surgeon, Bell, was stricken with fever, and for several days lay with a dangerously high temperature, under a little sheltt. tent, and miserably cared for, try as we might to do our very best to care for him. It is especially creditable to Dr. Eugene Stafford, who at this time was himself far from well, that, contrary to good judgment, he persisted in ministering all day and night to the needs of our sick soldiers. Finally it became necessary to request that our 2d Assist ant Surgeon, Dr. James Stafford, who had been detailed to serve with the 4th Infantry before we landed at Siboney, be returned to the 71st, where he belonged. At once on returning to us he worked assiduously and successfully for the good of our men. News of other regiments leaving for the north made us anxious for our orders to move. Subsequently we learned that it was due wholly to a round-robin letter, signed by several of our Generals, urging the Government to return the soldiers to their homes in the States, or rather to camps in the States for necessary recuperation, that Surgeon-General Sternberg and General Alger, Secretary of War, had decided to have us re moved to Montauk Point, Long Island. 1898] 675 We also learned that General Sternberg had at first advised that the troops remain in Cuba until fever had wholly dis appeared. It would not have been pleasant for General Stern berg to visit the camps after this report became generally known and believed. The character and strong language of a telegram, prepared to be sent to Senator Piatt of New York, and signed by most of the officers of the 71st Regiment, afterwards recalled when news came that we were soon to be removed to Montauk, are proofs of the general impression at this time that to keep the troops in Cuba any longer would be a heartless and merciless destruction of lives. Divine services were held on August 7th, in the regiment Y.M.C.A. tent, the Chaplain administering the Holy Commun ion at 8 o'clock to a goodly number under circumstances that made the simplicity and ruggedness of the service peculiarly impressive. All who stood about in the mud, unable really to kneel, and received the Blessed Sacrament at this service will recall the solemnity of which we speak, but can never really in detail adequately describe. Again at 10 o'clock the Chaplain held a brief service and preached from Ephes. IV, 32, to a good congregation, though absent ones, too sick to attend, were so numerous that the attendance seemed unusually slim. Several officers and men of adjoining regiments attended this service. Another brief service of song was held in the early evening. About 6 o'clock P. M., there passed through our camp the 6th Regiment on their way to Santiago and Montauk, the few men of our regiment who were able going to the road and cheering them as they marched along the way. Everyone now was on the qui vive waiting for orders to leave camp, the sick especially distressed and anxious about the possible in ability to accompany the regiment home. On Monday, August 8th, the long expected orders came, happily for those who were to go, disappointing for those who had to remain. The order was for the 2d Battalion and two companies of the 3d Battalion, B and L, to leave camp that afternoon and march into Santiago, there taking transport for Montauk. Major Wood, Division Surgeon, came into camp about noon, examined the sick and designated about 150 who were too ill to leave and must remain to get well. Their disappoint- 676 [1898 ment was keen, but most of them, with the promise and expec tation of speedy release, bore up very bravely. A few too ill to march by some means succeeded in secur ing permission to leave with this first detachment, and some of them with some others, who were supposed to be well, were obliged to go to the hospital in Santiago, being too ill when they got there to proceed further on their journey. On arriving at Santiago it was necessary to detail men to unload the wagons, to put all needed rations on board lighters and to transport these again to the ship "La Grande Duchesse," lying in the harbor a full mile from the main wharf. Company M was detailed to this duty. It was sad to see these men, none well, some too sick to work at all, all of them weak and wretched, labor until midnight putting boxes and goods on a car, running this hand-car down the long pier, un loading and carrying to a lighter, and again putting these goods, long after midnight, aboard the transport. There was not a man among them really able to do this work. It was pitiable to see them urged on to almost impos sible and inhuman tasks by superior officers, who must have regretted to speak as they did in order to make their men do the work they required. Due to defective machinery, want of coal, and other necessary equipment the ship never sailed until the morning of the 10th; then at six o'clock the ship passed out of the harbor, sailing with a Spanish pilot, passed the "Merrimac" and the "Reina Mercedes," sunk in the harbor, and the "Mono" from which flew to the breeze "Old Glory," while our band, that of the 16th Regular Infantry, which accompanied us, played appropriate martial airs, and we swung into the blue Caribbean. Nothing of note occurred until reaching Hatteras, when the machinery broke down and we were obliged to lay to for some fourteen hours for repairs. The voyage was slow and uneventful enough, save that sickness among the troops seemed to increase with each day's voyage, and before the light off Shinnecock was sighted, indi cating that our voyage was nearing its end, three of our men had died. Private Babbitt of Company M, died of dysentery, conse quent upon an attack of fever and was buried at sea, Saturday the 13th instant, at noon. Chaplain Bateman of the 16th Regu lar Infantry, assisted the Chaplain of the 71st, who read the church service for a burial at sea. Solemn, indeed, was the 1898] 677 service and especially the committal, when, with the Colonel and other officers standing beside the Chaplains, and soldiers all about, the board on which the body rested was raised and the earthly remains of a dear comrade was heard to strike the water, which at once closed over their treasure, now in the watery grave. Private Gustav C. Schultz of Company L, died of fever the following day and was buried at sea in a similar manner on Sunday, the 14th. Just as evening came on there passed away Private Fred Engels of Company F, whose body, at the earnest request of the Chaplain, was allowed to remain on deck until we landed, when it was interred at Montauk, and subsequently removed by his family to New York. When we arrived at Fort Pond Bay, within the hook of Montauk Point, at 4 P. M., on Tuesday, the 15th of August, we learned that both the other detachments of our regiment, which had sailed after we did in two separate transports, had already arrived and had been transferred to detention camps. All troops went, upon landing, to the detention camps, where, after a stay of four to ten days, those then well were removed to permanent encampments and allowed reasonable freedom. Strictest quarantine regulations were imposed upon those among whom, upon their arrival, yellow fever was discovered. Our Surgeons reported two cases of death from yellow fever during the voyage and several suspects aboard, which report was confirmed by the inspection of the quarantine offi cers. We were then obliged to ship to the detention hospital on shore all of our sick, some 200, and all the others of us remained until Thursday, when each individual was obliged to leave all his belongings, pass on to one of Starin's barges, go below, strip, pass to a smaller steamer, be bathed, fumigated, blanketed and then aboard still another boat where a new outfit, including hat and shoes, were supplied. After all had under gone this operation, at about 5 o'clock we marched a full two miles over the hills to the detention camp and then turned in for the night, feeling pretty hungry and forlorn and thankful, notwithstanding that once again we were in God's own country and nearly at home. Fortunately for the officers Mrs. Downs had thoughtfully sent 100 sandwiches and a can of milk to the camp by the ambulance, which was utilized to bring a few officers, not 678 [1898 actually sick, but too weak to walk. It was fully twenty-four hours before the Government supply of provisions was suffi cient for our needs, and even then and until we left camp, on Monday, we had not a knife, fork, spoon or cup with which to eat our food. Extemporizing these instruments by the aid of sticks, pocket knives, cork screws and condensed milk cans we man aged to get on, though as late as the following Monday noon the Chaplain recalls doing his best he could pulling a beef steak apart with his corkscrew and drinking his coffee from an old tin can found in the grass about the camp. On Sunday, rations being short, the Colonel detailed the Chaplain to see what he could do to secure something from the Red Cross friends. He went to the station with the Quartermaster of the regiment and that of the brigade, neither of whom was able to secure either transportation or supplies. The Chaplain was, however, kindly met and assisted by Captain Guilfoyle, in charge of affairs at the landing, who ordered a mule team, wagon and driver to go wherever the Chaplain directed. The Red Cross supply being at the General Hospital, the Chaplain mounted the box with the mule driver and went there, some two miles over the hills, where, presenting to the Superintendent a letter just received from Mr. Cleveland H. Dodge, intimating that the request of the 71st Chaplain would be at once honored with a liberal supply of needed food; a most liberal answer to the request was at once granted. This addition to our meagre rations made all the officers feel better. From this time on whatever were the occasions for complaint not one could be lodged against the food. While in the detention camp it was not so easy for ex press packages to be received, but the moment we were in the permanent camp we were all in constant receipt of boxes from home, and supplied with every needed delicacy. At least such was true of the well in the camps, and the sick in the hospitals. Such as were sick in camp and not sick enough perhaps to be sent to the hospital, or owing to its crowded condition could not be received there, did not fare so well; for, though none were starved, none could receive needed delicacies nor have food properly prepared for sick men to eat it. These also suffered from insufficient covering for the cold nights at Montauk at the end of August, and 1898] 679 not one of them had anything better than a thin rubber poncho stretched out upon the ground to lie on. On Sunday afternoon, the 21st of August, Colonel MacArthur came to our detention camp and paid such as were there for services rendered to the State of New York from May 2d to May 10th, at Camp Black. With the exception of money received at Tampa Heights from the United States Government for our services from May 10th to June 1st, this is the only money, which, to this time, anyone in the regiment had received. One had to be well provided with personal funds and, while in Santiago have banking facilities to provide for per sonal needs or to give needed fiscal assistance to the men of the regiment. On Monday, the 22d of August, our detachment removed from its detention camp by orders from headquarters to the permanent camp at the extreme right of Fort Pond Bay. The order was received at 2 P. M., and by 6 o'clock all were re moved, with everything of the outfit. Here we found the rest of the regiment which had come to Montauk in two de tachments, neither of which had been obliged to undergo quarantine fumigation, and so had avoided several days' delay. Furloughs had already begun to be liberally granted, and many men had gone home. Not over ten men remained in Company A, for example, and these had been retained merely for camp duty. The newspapers in the city had been making such ado about the inefficient management of Camp Wikoff, especially of its hospitals, that the military authorities were doing all they could to get soldiers away and to their homes. The volunteers receiving so much from friends in New York and vicinity fared better than Regulars, who at once made their wants known, whining not a little their complaints, and very soon they, too, were the recipients of so many deli cacies and dainties that tents everywhere looked as if their occupant kept stands outside a county fair. Well men at Camp Wikoff after August 22d had no reason to complain. General Edwin A. McAlpin and other veterans of the 71st visited the camp on Sunday, the 28th, to make final arrange ments for the great parade which had been ordered to take place in New York on the following day. 680 [1898 At this time there came to the camp, August 24th, the two companies which had been recruited through the summer according to orders received from Washington, or rather the 200 men to bring the twelve companies up to the standard number of one hundred each. These recruits had been en camped at Camp Black, near Hempstead, and under the command of Captain Stoddard, who had been sent from Tampa, to enlist them, and Lieut. Frederick Kopper, formerly a Colonel of the 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y., who had enlisted in June and taken a commission from Governor Black as 1st Lieutenant, Company M, by recommendation of our then retiring Colonel Greene. These recruits were very welcome and did excellent work in the camp, saving the strength of the sick and those who said they were well, but were too exhausted to do much work. These recruits were a fine looking body of men, and had they ever been summoned to do duty in Cuba, would have acquitted themselves creditably. Comparison between the physical appearance of these and those who had come from Cuba, worn and depleted, yellow and haggard most of them, was pitiable and distressing. As transports were continually arriving at Montauk with troops from Santiago, those of the sick of the 71st which we were obliged to leave behind in hospitals as fast as they re covered sailed for Camp Wikoff. Alas, that with the messages of such arriving there came also the news of many, who, succumbing to the illness, had died on foreign shores. A small portion of the regiment, some thirty, was left in Tampa to guard property, left there by orders from superior officers. Some of our sick were in Camp Wikoff, some at Siboney Hospital, some in the yellow fever camp at Firmeza, some in the hospital at San Juan Heights, some in Santiago City Hospital, some in the general and few in the detention hos pitals at Montauk, and a large number had been furloughed to go to their homes to recover from their illness. Daily we heard of deaths occurring in one or in all of these places, and no doubt some occurred, reports of which we would not re ceive for several weeks; add to this a few of our regiment who were detailed to serve in various capacities in other regi ments, some of them still in Santiago, and it will be easily 1898] gg! seen that the difficulty was great to secure at any time any thing like an accurate list of our dead. At 4 o'clock of the morning of the 20th of August reveille was sounded, the regiment breakfasted, all things were made ready, and the march was made of such of the 71st as were able to return to New York to the station of the Long Island Railroad at Montauk, where, after considerable delay, a train was made up specially to convey the regiment to Long Island City. But few stops were made along the route, and at every one, friends were assembled to large numbers, with milk and cakes and fruit in abundance, which were most generousiv distributed. At last the train pulled into the terminus yard at Long Island City at 11:30 o'clock. Here some sick men were removed to ambulances and several were conveyed iu the ferryboat by litter carriers. There were here to meet us Colonel Francis of the 171st, with his new regimental officers, an excellent looking body of sturdy men, beautifully arrayed in new and shining uniforms, who were to act as our escort on the further journey home ward and parade to the armory. A large committee of the Veteran Association of the 71st was also here to greet us, among whom are quickly perceived such eminent officers and Civil War veterans as Colonel Homer, Comrade Conkling and Adjt. Hamilton Pride and many other worthies of "Ye Olden Tyme," who, if not as high in rank as these, were equally high in worth. The ferryboat "Flushing," conveyed the regiment, with their escorts, to the foot of Whitehall Street. All along the route there were continuous shouts of welcome from the shores, and from other vessels in the river, the shrill whistles of tugs and the sirens of pleasure craft, and it seemed that from every available spot on docks or upon buildings crowds had gathered to do us honor and give us a royal welcome. As we passed under Brooklyn Bridge we saw that all trains had stopped, traffic had ceased and upon the footpath were thousands frantically waving flags and shouting joy ously their plaudits of praise. The veterans had thoughtfully provided a generous luncheon for us while we sailed down the river, but even with this added strength the returning Cuban troops were not strong enough to withstand the effects of such a magnificent 682 [1898 welcome as they received all along the route form Montauk, and especially upon the East River, in the journey from Long Island City to Whitehall Street ferry. Tears filled most eyes and some actually wept for joy. As the boat came into the slip the body of 71st Veterans were seen on the wharf and directly in front of us stood our regimental band, second to none, led by its incomparable leader, Professor Fanciulli, playing "Home, Sweet Home." Words can never describe the feelings of our Cuban soldiers of the 71st at this moment. If there was one man among them who did not shed a tear, there must have been "A soul so dead That never to itself had said This is my own, my native land." After a little delay in seating the field and staff officers in carriages and placing company officers and men in cable cars the parade began. The progress up Whitehall Street and along Broadway to Waverly Place was impeded by the crowds of people who filled the street at every step of the journey. Besides these, the sidewalks, every window and roof of every building along the entire distance were filled with people. Bunting waved everywhere. Streamers of telegraph and ticker machines stretched in profusion from roof to street in front of several buildings, notably the Exchanges and Western Union Tele graph Company. Old Trinity rang its chimes. Cheering was incessant. It seemed to us that there never could have been such a reception in New York City as this. The spontaneity and heartiness of this welcome proved its sincerity. The sad note in the joyous refrain was that of sympathy for the weak, wan, sad yellow faces of the sick and what these signs stood for. At times as the procession moved along the sudden change of joyous cheers to something like a suppressed sob by the onlookers, was painfully apparent. The regiment left New York, over 1,000 strong, a regi ment of magnificent, healthy looking athletes. It paraded on its return less than 350 men, and of these not fifty who could say they had not been seriously ill or that at the present time they were wholly well. Where were the others? Those not dead were almost all sick, either in hospitals all over the country or on furloughs at their homes. For weeks there was 1898] 683 i not a day when the papers did not record at least one dead of the 71st, and on many of these days as many as six of the 71st who, in various places, had ceased to be among the living. For any adequate description of the parade of the 71st, which parade, technically speaking, began at the Washington arch and ended at the armory, corner of 34th Street and Park Avenue, the newspapers of the following day must be con sulted, though even these their writers will confess, are wholly inadequate to portray the memorable march and its accompanying scenes. It will not be expected that the one detailed to write this history, who in this procession rode in the first carriage with the Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel and the Adjutant, and the parade marched behind the Colonel with the staff (there were but three staff officers in the parade), will be able to describe what took place behind him. From the moment that the Colonel gave orders to march and the band struck up its martial music to the tune of "Way Down South in Dixie," to the time of the arrival at the armory there was a continued ovation from thousands. Frequent halts were made for the benefit of the weak ones marching, and those unable to march rode in carriages provided for them. All who knew the past history of the 71st, and especially those who had the pleasure and advantage of a personal acquaintance with the Civil War Colonel, Martin, were pained to hear that he was too ill to be present at any of the exercises of the day. This pain was intensified when they learned that the occasion of this illness was a severe cold caught a few days previous when the dear old veteran commander had journeyed all the way to Montauk, and not without much fatigue and exposure had visited his grandchildren assembled in camp there on their return from the campaign in Cuba. After the ceremonies were over at the armory the Chap lain went at once to Brooklyn to see Colonel Martin, whom he found suffering great pain from an acute trouble, but who at once arose and participated eagerly in a conversation that turned exclusively upon the experiences of the gallant 71st. This great day of the regiment's return to its home and parade in New York had not been complete without this offi cial visit to the one man living, to whom more than to any other, the 71st owes its worth and greatness. Let the gallant command ever remember that nothing of glory in the living 684 [1898 present ought for one moment to eclipse the greatness of its worthy past. The "American Guard," the motto of which reads Pro Aris et Pro Focis, has ever proved faithful to its ideals, and first, last and all the time has been ready for service whenever called upon to render it. All who in any way have con tributed to the uncommon glory conceded to the commanci have been honored, and no less those who served it years ago than they who in the present day are considered active members. When finally the armory was reached the applause was deafening; added to the hurrahs of the multitudes in the streets, upon the sidewalks and steps, in the windows and upon the roofs of the houses and hotels, were the booming of the cannon fired as salute and the music of the band playing "Home, Sweet Home," as the troops marched within the walls of their official home. Formation having been made upon the armory floor, Colonel Downs made a brief and appropriate address to the regiment, apologizing for keeping the men even a few moments from the arms and welcome of dear ones, expressing the sentiments appropriate to the occasion and reminding them, as prayer was offered when they left the armory to undertake their duties as volunteers, praise would now be appropriate, and called upon Chaplain Van de Water to give thanks to God for His mercies. Scarcely had the brief words of thanksgiving been ut tered when the band played "Old Hundred," and the words "Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow" were sung by those who felt the force of every word they uttered, as seem ingly they had never felt it before. The armory floor and galleries were filled with relatives and friends of the returning soldiers, who were at once per sonally received with a cordiality, in some instances mingled with an untold sorrow, as the weakened forms and sickened faces told the story of severe suffering and wasted strength. The Women's Aid Society of the Veteran Association, was soon busily engaged in giving hearty refreshments to the troops. After an hour or so of much rejoicing and feast ing Colonel Downs formally announced that the 71st Regi ment was now on leave for sixty days, and was ordered to re-assemble at Camp Black, on the 26th of October, for muster out of the United States volunteer service. 1898] 685 On the evening of the 26th of October, Messrs. Hawk and Wetherbee of the Manhattan Hotel, gave a dinner to the officers of the regiment, most of all of whom assembled at 8 o'clock and sat down to a richly furnished and well decorated table. At the right of Colonel Downs, who presided, sat Colonel Francis of the 171st Regiment, and at the left of the presiding officer was Capt. Lloyd M. Brett of the 3d United States Cavalry, detailed as the mustering-out officer of the 71st Regiment. Beautiful orchestral music added to the en joyment of the occasion. After the coffee was served the Colonel of the 71st made a happy address, which was followed by a speech from Mr. Hawk, who expressed satisfaction in being able to execute a cher ished idea through the summer to give the 71st officers a supper on their return. Speeches were made by several officers all bearing upon the common experiences of the sum mer, the mutual affection officers had for one another and the prospects of reorganization of the regiment as a part of the State's National Guard. A toast was drunk in silence to the memory of Lieutenants Longson and Roberts, who died in the service. On the morning of the 27th of October, the regiment assembled at 9 o'clock in the armory, and at once examina tion of the men was begun by battalions. This process con tinued for days, the final muster-out not taking place until all had been examined and all records duly passed upon and certified as correct. On the 14th of November, the regiment assembled in the armory, numbering, with the two companies of new re cruits, which had been recruited by Captain Stoddard and were encamped first at Camp Black and subsequently for a brief period at Montauk Point, about 900 men. The work of mustering out, paying the men and giving to them their discharge papers was then begun and continued until the last man was discharged. Thus ended the service of the 71st Regiment Infantry, New York Volunteers. Much might be said in concluding this history, writing and compiling which has been a labor of love by the Chaplain, to express the feelings of those who now for more than six months have been in the service of the United States volun teer army. This may be said, and perhaps it is enough to say : "The 71st Regiment, New York Volunteers, in the war 686 [1898 with Spain enlisted promptly, recruited quickly, went to the seat of war rapidly and in a patriotic, devoted spirit, did every duty assigned to it cheerfully, obeyed orders implicitly, fought valiantly, suffered heroically and now retires from active ser vice with becoming modesty confident that it has served its State and country well." Roster of the 71st Regiment at Date of Muster Out, 1898 Field Officers Colonel, Wallace A. Downs Major, John H. Whittle Lieut.-Col., Clinton H. Smith Major, J. Hollis Wells Staff Officers Regimental Adjutant, Alfred H. Abell Battalion Adjutant, William F. Crockett Battalion Adjutant, Harris B. Fisher Battalion Adjutant, Frederick H. Weyman Regimental Quartermaster, Amos H. Stevens Surgeon, William D. Bell Assistant Surgeon, Harry E. Stafford Assistant Surgeon, James Stafford Chaplain, George R. Van de Water Transferred Prior to Muster-out of Regiment Colonel, Francis V. Greene, promoted Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers Regimental Adjutant, William G. Bates, appointed A.A.G., U. S. Volunteers Non-Commissioned Staff Sergeant-Major, R. Freeman Quartermaster-Sergeant, John Beatty Chief Musician, H. Lippigoes Chief Trumpeter, J. J. Gorman Principal Musician, Benj. Morrison Hospital Stewards, Chas. F. Antz, Geo. H. Stephenson, Arch. H. Busby Hospital Corps (Detailed from companies to do hospital work) Privates Robert J. R. Froelich, Co. A John P. Messer, Co. G A. St. John Shepherd. Co. B Wm. H. Lucas, Co. H Samuel Mayers, Co. C John E. Jefferson, Co. I Edw. J. Dunning, Co. D Mater M. Giulian, Co. K Joseph M. Levy, Co. E Herman R. Hasenbalg, Co. M James Fairman, Co. F F. Le Roy Corcle, Co. M (S. O. 20, Headquarters 5th Army Corps, June 15th, 189S, trans ferred the above members, together with the following, to Hospital Corps) : j Privates Anton Sutter, Co. A Henry P. Kane, Co. E Fred E. Sutter, Co. A Edw. G. W. Ferguson, Co. K Edw. I. Wilson, Co. C Tohn H. Hurst. Co. K James R. McAllister, Co. D Wm. L. Osborne, Co. L 688 [1898 COMPANY A Company Officers Captain, E. de Kay Townsend ist Lieut., Peter H. Short, Jr. 2d Lieut., William F. Weiss Sergeants ist, Root, Edgar W., (died Sept. 8th) Quartermaster, Earle, Curtis N. List, John Hicks, Jacob L. Mitchell, Charles H. Schofield, Francis W. Schumacher, William A. Corporals Grady, Joseph F. Odell, Harry D. Conover, James S. Mooney, William L. Bolts, John M. (wounded July ist) Broderman, Gustave R. Morrison, Benjamin F. Artificer Rudy, William Baltz, William Becker, George (died, Sept. 9th) Brooke, William J. Barnes, Tohmas A. Block, S. J. (wounded, July ist) Camp, Gerald Campbell, Robert G. Carlson, Fred H. Clarke, George G. Chilmark, Walter H. Coons, Charles J. Daw, Richard P. Dattwyler, Oscar Dixon, Thomas J., Jr. (wounded, July 2d) Dolt, Harry G. Dunning, Thomas J. Farley, George Frank, Julius E. Froelich, Robert B. Gannon, Joseph R. Baylor, Percy W. "Geis, David B. ?Gerity, William J. Green, Harry (Goodman, Charles W. (wounded, July 1st) Hawthorne, John F. B. Humbert, William (wounded, July 1st) Ives, Roscoe D. Martin, Alexander H. Mills, Alexander T. Maguire, Thomas J., Jr. Wessels, Bernard L. Bambrich, John F. Nicholson, George B. Cragin, Henry A., Lance Musicians Luhrs, Henry Wagoner Westphalinger, Frederick Privates Keller, James E. (wounded, July ist) Kelly, Evelyn A. Levine, Julian M. Longmire, Charles H. Mackey, Thomas S. McLaughlin, Bernard J. McLean, Frank B. Martersteig, Paul C. Oppenheim, Samson D. Praeger, William (killed, July 1st) Reedy, Thomas J. Richardson, Harry P. (wounded, July ist) Rushbrook, Arthur K. Saylor, Austin C. Shaw, Fred V. V. (wounded, July ist) Signer, William H. Stritter, John Suder, Anton (wounded) Suder, Frederick G., Jr. Taylor, Arthur Taylor, Clarence Vermilyea, John C. P. Waters, David Weil, Solomon White, Hubbard W. (died, Sept. ist) Zinn, Fred H. Zitnick, Henry W. (wounded, July ist) 1898] 689 COMPANY B Company Officers Captain, William L. Hazen 1st Lieut., William S. Beekman 2d Lieut., Charles F. Boynton Sergeants ist, Johnes, William F. Sweet, Lewis M. Quartermaster, Long, James S. Boland, William P. (wounded, July 1st) Kavanagh, Joseph W. Norris, John H. Corporals Babcock, Geo. L. Sweet, Norman Hamm, J. Amos Von Dohlen, William F. Small, Louis B. (died, Sept. 3d) Wesseli, George H. Byerly, Josiah H., Lance Musician Bennett, William P. Artificer Martien, Edwin E. Adriance, Joseph H. Bates, Charles F. Brancard, John H. Brockway, Gilbert G. Brockway, Harold V. Cameron, Ewen Campbell, John M. Carroll, Benjamin L. Casey, Kellogg, K. V. Cassady, Francis A. Clark, Julius D. Clark, Washington B. (wounded, July 2d) Corbett, Andrew S. Cullen, William J. Curtis, David L. Davis, Reginald S. Derrick, John J. Drury, Henry W. Eben, Lambert L. Fallon, Francis A. Flack, Martin P. Fordham, William H. Gardner, Jacob P. George, Ross C. Harding, Nelson Hays, William W. F. Holmes, James P. Hotaling, Francis S. Howe, Elliot, C. Hughes, Thomas C. Henderson, Lambert Henry, Richard N. Wagoner Heckman, Chas. W. Privates Higgins, William H. Hunt, John W., Jr. Jeffrey, John W. (wounded, July 2d) Kammerer, Robert L. Kirn, William F. Koop, Frederick W. Kruse, Frederick C. Lapham, Daniel W-, Jr. Lewis, Henry S. Mabey, Clifford E. McGratty, Charles J. Mechtold, Roland H. Merriam, Harold A. Moore, William A. Moore, William U. Morris, Willard B. Murphy, Michael J. Murray, Joseph F. Murtaugh, Thomas E. O'Neil, Francis A. Osterstock, Charles E. Peterson, Clinton S. Simpson, Edgar F. Schmelz, Alfred R. Shepard, Arthur St. J. Shivell, Arthur E. Skinner, Louis B. (killed, July ist) Smith, Alvert W. Smith, Hopeton D. Thorp, Edward Y. (died, Sept. 4th) Von Nostrand, Thomas H. Wright, Rutherford H. 690 [1898 COMPANY C Company Officers Captain, Ferdinand Heindsmann ist Lieut., Arthur L. Robertson 2d Lieut., William E. Gallagher Sergeants ist, Rogers, James C. Ryer, Charles H. Quartermaster, Paepke, Peter Winter, William A. Color, Bruford, Noah Merriam, William M. Corporals Immen, George L. (killed, July 1st) Hurley, George M. (wounded, July ist) Westerberg, Leonard (wounded, July ist) Weeks, Frederick E. Musicians McCord, Miles S. Artificer Deutschberger, Charles (wounded, July ist) Wagoner Weisman, August Privates Miller, John H. (wounded, July ist) Moore, Percy M. Nathans, John A. Benedict, Charles F. Howitt, John (died, Aug. 25th) Jenkins, John F. McNab, Reuben S. (wounded, July ist) Murray, John Abels, Alexander H. Bayles, Chester Buckingham, Edgar C. Burhans, Arthur D. (died, Sept. ist) Neary, Timothy Butler, Sidney B. Carter, Lake Tefft Clancy, Stephen W. Guff, Burgess Comstock, Albert E. Cushing, Charles P. F. (killed, July ist) Davy, Gustavus C. Dean, Edwin H. Denham, Frank B. Dibblee, Walter A. Ely, William A. H. Engelke, Brandt H. Finckenstaedt, Charles Fish, William H., Jr. Fitzgerald, Thomas H. (died, Sept. 13th) Frondel, George Gardner, William A. Gillespie, William R. Hall, Edward D. (wounded, July ist) Hall, Eugene, Jr. Hudson, Walter E. Laggan, Robert H. Lee, James J. Lees, Harry F. Little, James F. Martin, Walter Mayers, Samuel (transferred to ist Division Hospital Corps) Miller, Edward H. Nichols, Frederick E. Oglesby, Woodson R. Olmsted, John B. (wounded, July ist) Patterson, William Pederson, Nelo O. Pietz, William M. Pindt, Paul Pratt, George N. Quigg, John H. Quilty, John J. (died, Aug. 26th) Robertson, John Roby, Robert J., Jr. Rowe, Sterling B. Rowley, Clifford Shields, James Slingreland, William P. Smith, John J. Smith, Joseph Stahlin, Charles E. F. Valentine, William S. (wounded July ist; died, Aug. nth) Walton, Samuel J. (died, Aug. 20th) Weeks, Charles J. (wounded, July 1st) Wells, Roger W. Whitehouse, Arthur Wilson, Edward J. (transferred to 1st Divisons Hospital Corps) Winant, Frank I. Wood, George M. 1898] 691 COMPANY D Company Officers Captain, William H. Linson ist Lieut., William Rockwell 2d Lieut., George H. Wilson Sergeants ist, Rainey, Hugh Color, Maxwell, Frederick S. Quartermaster, Peck, William H. Milliken, Alfred C. Pidgeon, Frank R. Parker, Stephen C. Carroll, Michael F. Clark, Alexander H. (died, Aug. 27th) Elmendorf, John E. Garrigues, Walter L. Garrigues, Louis L. Flack, Edward J. Corwin, George W. Mode, Joseph H. Artificer McDermott, Joseph H. Corporals Lomax, Francis H. Torbush, John E. Moore, Frederick C. Brown, John K. (wounded, July 1st) Drew, Charles G. Kuehnle, Frederick C. (wounded, July ist) Musicians Kinsler, George A. Wagoner Potter, Frank R. Privates Armstrong, Henry E. Auryansen, Frederick J. Bancker, Charles M. Bissinger, Jacob F. Brandt, Robert G. Brown, Edgar N. Brown, Walter J. (died, Aug. nth) Caine, Benjamin P. Calder, Fred V. Carhart, George E. De Polo, Fermin S. Du Barry, Edward C. Du Barry, Fred W. Duffield, William F. Dunning, Edward C. Dunwoody, Joseph (wounded July ist; died, Sept. 12th) Evans, Robert P. Ferber, Maxwell Fern, Arthur R. Fort, Harry S. Griffin, Charles G. Giersberg, Albert W. A. Gwinn, William L. Hanlon, George J. Hicks, William R. Janssen, Alfred A. Jennings, Michael R. Joyce, H. Merton Kennedy, John F. Kiely, Charles F. Kilbourne, Edward F. Kirchhoff, Henry J. Lehne, Charles W. Lehne, Fred V. Lenz, Matthew Lynch, Frank T. Lyon, Roy H. Marks, William McAllister, James R. Neafie, Lorenzo C. O'Rourke, William R. Peithman, Edward Phillips, Henry A. Rabing, Albert J. Rainey, John M. Reynolds, Daniel K. (died, Aug. 30th) Sheerer, William E. Steffens, Fred F. Tatnell, Robert Taylor, William F. Torbush, Frank Trainor, James J. Walsh, William J. (died, Sept. 19th) Weinfeld, Henry Wendland, Emil (died, Sept. 21st) Winans, Irving R. Yost, Emil C. 692 [1898 COMPANY E Company Officers Captain, Charles H. Stoddard (Detached Service, New York Recruiting) ist Lieut., William R. Hill (Commanding Company Campaign in Cuba) 2d Lieut., Robert Byars Sergeants ist, Zeigner, Herman Howe, Russell G. (died, Sept. 9th) Hudson, Ralph C. Quartermaster, Weed, Ernest F. Young, William D. (died, July 29th) Wager, Burton G. Corporals Thompson, Lynn W. Reynolds, William G. West, Rodney L. Harte, William N. (detached service, Tampa) Carmer, William R. (died, Sept. 8th) Matthews, Alexander T. (died, Sept. 2) Schaefer, Charles J. Artificer Tabbert, Edgar Andrews, George S. Beeman, Charles (died, Oct. 12th) Forsyth, Stanley H. Fearrington, Fred S. (wounded, July 1st) Euster, Maurice Diamant, Harry Deering, James C. McClelland, Donald C. (wounded, July ist) Musicians Custance, Thomas Wagoner Privates Deering, Charles M. De Court, Julian Cullinan, Joseph Craig, Charles J. Cook. George W. (died, Sept. nth; Chilmark, William F. Cherot, Charles Campbell, James L. Bauer, August Campbell, James J. Campbell, Charles J. Brown, Clifford W. Bohme, Henry O. Best, Frederick C. Friedman, Hall W. (died, Sept. 4th) Gambon, Mathias Gonzales, Augustine Hanlon, James J. (died, Sept. 29th) Hannaford, Edmund P., Jr. Harlow, Alexander R. Heis-Litz, Richard H. Hogan, John P. (died, Sept. 16th) Holm, Matias F. Howe, Charles F. Hutton, Harold Joyce, Hugh J. Joyce, Sylvester J. (wounded, July ist) Kane, Henry P. (transferred to Hospital Corps) Kennedy, James F. Kopper, Frederick, Jr. (detached service, New York) Lawrence, Abraham Levy, Joseph M. (transferred to Hospital Corps) Mackenzie, William H. (wounded, July 2d) Matier, Alexander MeGirl, John T. McCrann, James B. McNaught, Franklin S. McTeigue, Joseph B. Messiter, Arthur M. (died, Sept. 2d) Moller, Hugo E. Moore, Thomas L. O'Connor, Bartholomew Pardee, Austin M. Peters, Louis W. Pfister, Edward (died, Aug. 28th) Pierce, James P. (wounded, July ist) Pierce, Stephen F. Purcell, John Rockafellar, John W. Ryan, Wesley H. Schaller, Frank A. (wounded, July ist) Scott, John B. Smith, Joseph M. Taylor, Thomas E. Thayer, John E. Van Fleet, Wilfred H. Van Hoesen, Frederick W. Williams, Edgar K. (died, Aug. 23d) Wharton, George O. (detached service, New York) 1898] 693 COMPANY F Company Officers Captain, Malcolm A. Rafferty 2d Lieut., Alfred I. Roberts ist Lieut., Wm. C. Garthwaite (died, Sept. 20th) Sergeants ist, McDermott, James J. Quartermaster, Werdenschlag, David (wounded, July ist) Payne, Benj. W. Moore, John Meyer, John C. Goldberg, Bonaparte Corporals Barnett, Amos H. Belmont, Frank W. Scheid, Henry J. (wounded July ist; died, July 3d) Musicians Washburn, Albert Albertson, Abram H. Reicher, Joseph J. O'Reilly, John G. Hochstadter, Oscar W. Allen, Percival J. Artificer Seligmann, Henry A. Wagoner Thiel, Christian M. Privates Amnon, Henry J. Berndt, Max Booth, Frank W. (killed, July ist) Booth, James L. Booth, Edward C. Belmont, Edward R. Brown, Charles Brown, Harry H. Carpenter, Harry (died, Sept. 12th) Clawson, Arthur D. Chamberlain, William M., Jr. Cochrane, John F. Chaubin, John Dougherty, Patrick Dempsey, George F. Diekman, Herman J. Dalton, John C. Dinan, John J. (died, Aug. 25th) Dudgeon, Henry C. Engels, Frederick L. (died, Aug. 15th) Eiseman, Leander G. (wounded, July ist) French, John W. Fairman, James F. Featherstone, George F. (wounded, July ist) Geiselman, Peter B. Gibbons. James H. Gerth, William F. Handley, Michael G. Hebrank, Ferdinand (-wounded, July ist) Hall, Earle B. (wounded, July ist) Wynn, Thomas J. Heckler, Henry Howard, Joseph (died, Sept. 21) Heinemann, Francis P. Hoffmann, Joseph Johnston, Henry C. Johnson, Samuel P. Kroupa, Edward C. (died, Aug. nth) Knobloch, Henry Knobloch, Edward G. La Martine, Frank C. Leitz, Edward Lowe, James A., Jr. McDonald, Murtagh Martinsen, John M. Mercer, John E. (wounded, July ist) McQuade, John T. O'Brien, Thomas F. (died, Sept. 4th) Pendleton, Arthur B. Pitou, Augustus, Jr. Post, Charles J. Pohalski, Jesse G. (wounded, July ist) Reicher, Louis M. Ryan, James Steele, Walter D., Jr. Spitzel, Max Seligmann, Joseph Stamper, Lipman, W. Shaw, John A. (died, Aug. nth) Shortell, James J. Schwab, Arthur E. Taeffe, Joseph J. Thole, Charles Werdenschlag, Isaac (died, Sept. 21st) 694 [1898 COMPANY G Company Officers Captain, Anthony J. Bleecker, 2d Lieut., William E. Trull, Jr. ist Lieut., Harry Maslin (wounded, July ist) Sergeants ist, Sharrott, Eugene L. Walsh, Bernard J. (died, Aug. 13th) Redman, Joseph E. Quartermaster, Doyle, James Mackey, Martin L. Hetzler, Theodore Corporals Rusk, William A. (died, Sept. ioth) Harris, George W. Campbell, Benjamin L. Davidson, Harry F. Brown, William E. Potter, Harry T. Artificer Glew, Frank L. Mieth, George W. Beaufort, John E., Lance Ferguson, Leslie C, Lance Musicians Walters, Fred, Jr. (wounded, July ist) Wagoner Lewis, Chas. T. Privates Althaus, Joseph F. (wounded, July ist) Albrecht, Benjamin K. Ahlquist, Edward Browne, Joseph H. Brown, Samuel Brown, Hord Barnum, John M. (died, Aug. 17th) Bellau, Louis A. Buswell, Eben F. Caulkins, Robert Curtin, Andrew J. Copeland, Ewance A., Jr. Callender, Thomas S., Jr. Crawford, Robert W. Campbell, Fred W. Devin, John Disbrow, John N. Dundon, Henry P. Fleming, Charles C. Francis, Arnold W. Groves, Martin L. Cajewy, Herman A. Gajewy, Robert W. Gibbins, Joseph A. Haskin, Benjamin B. Henly, Henly St. J. Hennigar, William A. P. Heath, Lewis C. (died, Aug. 8th) Jeannisson, Alexander Kennedy, Harry A. Keena, Stephen Kirby, Sinclair H. (wounded, July 1st) Knapp, Henry H. Long, Giles D. Lawrence, William C. Lewis, Edward M. Leonard, Rollin C. Meeteer, Frank R. McGrath, Thomas C. Moore, William Meyer, Frederick J. Morse, Harry T. Martens, Richard (died, Aug. 28th) McLean, Frank V. Messer, John P-. (died, Aug. 27th) Mclntyre, Samuel (wounded, July ist) Nagle, James E. (died, Oct. 15th) Power, Edmund A. Palmer, Walter C. Parr, Robert G. Rusk, Clarence M. Schulze, Erich R. E. Supp, Henry, Jr. Stearns, Thomas G. Scheidler, Andrew A. Scheff, Harry W. Stroeter, Mark M. Van Zandt, Barker Whitman, Frank S. Wood, Clarence D. Wood, Edward T., Jr. Woods, Frank R. 1898] 695 COMPANY H Company Officers Captain, Walter I. Joyce 2d Lieut., William Longson ist Lieut., Lincoln W. McLeod (died, Sept. nth) Sergeants ist, Wells, Charles Doyle, George H. Quartermaster, McMahon, James F. Miller, Frederick Wallace, Benjamin H. Lewis, John L. Madlinger, Edward H. Corporals Sutton, William (wounded, July 2d) Howard, Paul F. McAuliffe, John J. Holland, Edgar L. Michels, Julius T. McGuire, Henry A. Musicians Greim, Andrew Wagoner Pendleton, Charles M. Madlenger, Edward H. Finn, William M. Bang, Frank J. Gloeckner, Jacob M. Custance, Henry Artificer Herron, John, Jr. Tammany, Charles F. Privates Ahern, George W. Ashdown, Percy Armstrong, Richard M. J. Anderson, William H. Bang, George W. Bang, Henry J. Bard, Stanislas B. Bernitt, Theodor H. Bogart, Samuel B. Barker, Edwin W. Bedner, Joseph Bourke, John (died, Sept. Brown, John, Jr. Clarke, Michael J. Conroy, James F. Depew, Frank Dunn, William Ellis, Joseph F. Ess, Anton Fallon, John Farley, James F. Fischer, Henry (wounded, Forbes, William R. Flint, Frank L. (wounded, Gallagher, Charles D. Gallagher, Thomas P. Hedge, Joseph D. Haskell, George R. Henderson, Henry Hess, Louis E. Hayes, George N. Hyland, James J. Kane, Max Lawrence, Charles H. Lehmann, Charles E. Lehman, Frank W. Lucas, William H. McLeod, Angus M. Merritt, James- D. Milne, James Morse, Harry Marlow, James L. ioth) (wounded, July 2d) Murphy, Robert E. (wounded, July ist) Malaniff, Edward Muller, John Newman, William A. O'Mera, John W. O'Brien, John A. Phildius, Hans H. Powers, John J. July 2d) Rowlandson, George A. Reilly, James J. July 3d) Sayles, Richard J. Stage, Wallace B. Siebecker, Alexander Stagg, Alfred H. Sullivan, Thomas F. Schlamp, Henry Vogel, Frederick W. Zoller, Frank H. (died, Sept. 22d) 696 [1898 COMPANY I Company Officers Captain, William F. Meeks ist Lieut., Alexander S. Williams 2d Lieut., Hilden Olin Sergeants ist, Youngs, George B. Goff, Eugene W. (died, Sept. 3d) (wounded, July ist) Wessel, William C. Quartermaster, Paton, Geo. T., Jr. Chalfin, Chas. M. Meeks, Elmer C. (died, Sept. 19th) Cameron, Charles J. Davis, John H. Heun, Robert E. Hogan, John H. Moore, Lewis P. Corporals McCahill, Peter B. Sanville, Walter F. Smith, Herbert W. White, George A. Zeisler, Zoltan Merritt, Jerry M. Ahern, William J. Ott, Orrin J. Meeks, Ludlow C. Edwards, Chas. (promoted for bravery to 2d Lieut., Co. H) vice Longson Rogers, Albert P. Artificer Joos, Joseph J., Jr. Musicians Bancker, Marinous Wagoner Marth, Chas. Privates Baker, Harvey L. Bartholomew, Walter H. Beatus, Charles E. Bergstrom, John E. Brown, James E. Bueltman, William Bell, Harris T. Canning, George C. Cassidy, Robert V. Cheevers, William E. (died, Aug. ist) Cross, Noel Currie, Herbert G. Cuvillier, Louis A. Davis, William A. Decker, Joseph S. (killed, July 1st) Delcambre, Alfred P., Jr. Deutsch, Harry Dillon, Edward M. Dwane, William J. English, Arthur C. Fraser, Philip H. Freeman, Robert G. Gaffney, John M. Geary, Martin Grimmer, John W. Hanlon, Joseph T. Heun, Emil Hubschmitt, WiUiam P. Hubschmitt, Philip S. (died, May 27th) Howard, James P. Hutchings, Joseph Jefferson, John E. Kohn, Alfred J. Kalb, George M. Lacy, Abner B. Lang, George P. La Rosa, Vincent Larabee, Joseph H. Leritz, Edward Levi, David Loughnan, James A. Lynch, Robert Meeks, Benjamin F. Mills, James P. Mockridge, Leslie V. Murtha, Harold J. Nichols, Charles F. (wounded, July ist) Proctor, Carlton W. Quevedo, Richard (died, Sept. 3d) Rieder, George E. Rider, R. D. Romaine, Edgar T. Rork, Miner L. Roth, Charles H. (wounded, July 2d) Sadler, Joseph V. Siebold, William A. Stamm, Fred E. 1898] 697 COMPANY K Company Officers Captain, Edward A. Selfridge, Jr. ist Lieut., John M. Thompson 2d Lieut., Lester J. Blauvelt Sergeants ist, Tunstall, David T. Bohlig, Frederick Quartermaster, Hynds, Rufus C. Goulden, Charles J. Whitenack, William Briner, Chas. H. Carman, Chas. W. Buell, Frederick H. Piercy, William A. Corporals Rodgers, James L. (died, Sept. 8th) See, William G. Benedict, Lewis Grouard, Joseph M., Lance Musicians Killeen, George H. Von Eette, Arthur (died, Sept. 5th) Artificer Wagoner Andre, Charles (wounded, July 2d) Finnessey, John F. Privates Anderson, Arthur C. McDonald, John Asmus, Alexander H. McKeever, Edward Percy Baumann, Richard J. (died, Aug. 31st) Black, Joseph I. (died, Sept. 2d) Martin, Frank E. Boyntan, Claude W. Brett, Thomas H. Carr, William H. Carr, Mitchell Y. Carson, William F. Crawford, John L. Crosby, Norman W. (died, Sept. 3d) Duester, Robert H. Everhart, John H. Ferber, Emil Fogarty, William H. Millar, Hugh G. Moore, Alton M. Moore, George Muller, Nicholas Munde, William M. Munson, George Q. Niemeyer, John Munson (wounded, July 2d) Neff, Charles O'Connor, John E. (died, Aug. nth) Park, Charles D. Foley, Louis B. (wounded, July 3d) Perry, John B. Ferguson, Edward G. W. (transferred to ist Division Hospital Corps) Geisemann, Arnold (died, Aug. nth) Goss, David J. Greaves, Frederick W. Green, John J. Potts, Oscar F. Rouse, Frank E. (died, Aug. 18th) Schoenemann, Robert C. Schroter, August F. (died, Aug. 23d) Scofield, Sidney A. (killed, July ist) Scott, Patrick Sherwin, James E. Souers, James E. Gumbert, Charles (died, Aug. 16th) Sowney, George E. Guillen, Mateo M. Heller, John H. (died, Aug. 24th) Heitz, Fred C. Hurst, Jay A. (transferred to ist Division Hospital Corps) Jansen, Christain Keller, John J. Kenney, Thomas L. Leopold, William, Jr. McClurg, William (died, Nov. 9th) Stauderman, Albert R. Stubblebine, Gilbert W. Sutters, Thomas J. Taylor, Ralph W. Von Kroner, George Wallace, Archer B. Watson, William M. Weeden, George W., Jr. Whitman, George S. Ziegler, August 698 [1898 ist Lieut., Herbert H. True Quartermaster, Alden, Frank (died, Aug. 12th) Cutting, Charles W. (wounded, July ist) Austin, Job C. Fitch, James B. N. Schneider, Theodore Newman, Stephen Artificer Kuhn, George COMPANY L Company Officers Captain, Elmore F. Austin 2d Lieut., William L. Murray Sergeants E. ist, Hunter, Jere Carrington, Ransom M. Smith, Edward D. Martin, James S. Corporals Valentine, John T. Davey, Harry Everett, Robert G. (died, Sept. Sth) Musicians Walsh, Harry B. Wagoner Hauck, Harry Privates Bissell, Eugene V. N. Blumlein, Anthony Booth, John (killed, July ist) Bowes, Peter J. Bradshaw, George Brunnert, Theodore Bucklin, Guilford S. Caldwell, Frank L. Campion, James J. Carswell, Nathan H. (died, Aug. 25th) Casey, Daniel Cavanagh, John F. (died, Aug. 29th) Clarey, Thomas D. Crandell, Lawrence Cunningham, Peter J. (wounded, July 1st) Daragh, John Denecke, Louis Denny, John, Jr. Dietsch, Charles H. Dolan, John Dooley, Thomas F. Ebbesen, Ebbe (died, Sept.) Fine, John J. Fischer, Edward Fitzgibbon, John J. (died, Sept. 6th) Forster, John J. Gale, William H. Gannon, Robert E. (wounded, July 1st) Goldhamer, Paul B. Grahn, Gus (died, July 29th) Greenfield, Samuel Griffith, Howard Hanley, Michael Heitman, William Holzkamp, Henry J. (wounded, July ist) Holmes, George M. Houston, William J. Ives, Samuel A. M. Jergenson, Christopher (killed, Aug. 24th) Jones, Charles S. Keegin, Edward Knob, Philip A. Lindsay, Thomas J. Langer, George Lenau, Frank Lynn, William R. Madden, Joseph A. Magee, Harry C. Martinez, Frederick McPherson, Angus W. Mulhern, Thomas Osborn, William L. Regan, Peter A. Rosenberg, Gustave L. Rosenberg, Hyman Ryan, Roger S. Schutz, Gustave C. (died, Aug. 13th) Simon, Louis Simons, Charles I. Smith, Edward S. Sonneman, Otto F. Stringer, Edward Walbridge, Chester H. Whitney, Frank C. Williams, James T. Wollner, Arthur 1898] 699 COMPANY M Company Officers Captain, Washington L. Goldsborough ist Lieut., Frederick Kopper 2d Lieut., James M. Hutchinson Sergeants ist, Pierson, William D. Briggs, Albert J. (died, Aug. 23d) Halliday, Alfred (wounded, July ist) Quartermaster, Sheppard, W. B. Ball, Henry S. (wounded, July ist) Mara, John j. (wounded, July 1st; died, Sept. 11th) Corporals Carlisle, Lewis W. (wounded July Brereton, Talmadge H. 2d; died, July 28th) Hannah, Phillip S. Wright, Clarence T. Talcott, Wm. A., Jr. (died, Sept. ist) Russell, Edward C. Congar, Alfred B. (wounded, July ist) Donnelly, Leo I. (wounded, July ist) Brown, Clifton, Lance (killed, July 1st) Musician Moore, George Artificer Potter, Ernest R. (wounded, July 1st) Wagoner Erving, Albert Privates Brady, Edward A. Buckley, William A. Burns, William E. Ball, George J. Barrett, Malcolm (wounded, July ist) Babbitt, George M. (died, Aug. 13th) Carroll, James F. (wounded, July ist) Cashin, Robert O. Case, Thomas Campbell, Clyde D. Crowley, George C. Clark, George C. Cleary, William E. Craigie, Charles E. (died, Aug. 27th) Carlin, Mike D. Corde, Frederick LeRoy Dunning, Thomas G. (died, Aug. 21st) Daly, Michael (killed, July ist) Evans, Evan R. Earl, David M. (died, Aug. 25th) Fuller, Lyman G. Frederick, John C. Gaines, Thomas R. Gardiner, Harrison W., Jr. Green, Bion L. Goeghegan, John H. (died, Sept. 8th) George, David J. Habighorst, George C. Holland, Charles D. (killed, July ist) Hager, George A. Hasenbalg, Herman A. Howell, Joseph W. Johnson, Charles E. Kane, Morris B. (killed, Aug. 24th) Kaiser, Joseph MacMillan, Norman J. G. (died, Aug. 20th) Murphy, James (wounded, July ist) Morgan, William McGeechan, John (wounded, July ist) Mills, Bloomfield B. (wounded, July ist) Mark, John Martin, James P. 700 [1898 Noska, George A. O'Rourke, Charles Potter, Ernest R. (wounded, July ist) Quinn, Edward Russell, George E. Rulon, Burton H. Roush, Joseph C. Rickert, Frederick J. Richardson, Ralph L. Ross, Reuben (killed, July 2d) Sumtzer, Julius Sommers, Harry Seighardt, Mark M. Stone, George H. Sutton, Martin J. Trant, Joseph H. Talmadge, John H. Veenfliet, Frederick W. Watson, Harry S. (wounded, July 1st) Wagner, D wight H. Wilber, Nate S. Youngs, Lewis B. (wounded, July ist) n 1 ?s Hi) li^P HE Hh& > ../;." ;..\^BpM*#*. ...:.lS r> MBP^ ¦ 'V "'" "•' '¦'¦ ; ¦ ^^w ¦¦¦$&&$: v Um Hi " y\ ! ' ' • • ; 1 fo".. ?-'a i jtew v'l PylSj . __ _ _ .— I^^Hni COLONEL AUGUSTUS THEODORE FRANCIS Plato xi — tfp. 701 Administration of COLONEL AUGUSTUS THEODORE FRANCIS 1898—1899 The 71st N.Y.V. were mustered out on November 15th, this placed Lieut.-Col. Wallace A. Downs, of the 71st N.Y.N. C, in command; he, however, had already sent in his resignation, to take effect on the 28th, at which date Majot Clinton H. Smith assumed command — Colonel (Major-Gen eral) Greene having previously resigned. But as yet there was no 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y., de facto those who were placed in the 171st were still there, and those mustered out of the N.Y.V. — were wandering about without a shepherd- — all was confusion. The strong feeling of the men against some of their offi cers, whether justly or not, as well as the same strong feeling among the officers themselves, gave doubts to the authorities if the regiment could ever be itself again. The scene at the mustering out was disgraceful, this was caused by the action of an undesirable lot of men who got into the regiment dur ing the hurried recruiting in the last days before going south. They, having no attachment for the regiment and being ignor ant of the rules and usages of military life and requirements, chose to set up for themselves rules of ethics entirely at variance with facts, and by these, "measured their ideas" of what officers should do to them, and they do to the officers. The good name of the 71st was nothing to them; they did not let that stand in the way of their despicable conduct. This feeling of antagonism had existed ever since the return of the regiment from Cuba, its merits or demerits are not necessary to go into in this history, it is in no way credit able to the organization. The crimination and recrimination, were to a large extent exaggerations, but the bad feeling 702 [1898 created was so strong as to make the future of the regiment very dark. Fearing the possible disaster to the 71st if these condi tions continued, Colonel Francis addressed a letter to the Adjutant-General upon the subject in August, and again the following : New York, October 1st, 1898. (Personal) Major-General C. Whitney Tillinghast, 2d., Adjutant-General, N.G.N.Y. Sir: — Recalling your attention to my letter to you, about August 20th, regarding action upon the return of the 71st Regiment, N.Y.V., I desire to supplement it with a statement, that since its return I am still more impressed with the desira bility of the programme therein suggested. The losses by death and other casualties, the feeling of the men toward their officers, and the feeling of the officers towards each other, makes it a very delicate subject to handle. Colonel Downs informs me that Colonel Greene does not intend to resume his office — this, in the present condition is very unfortunate and I hope he may be persuaded to remain at least until a reorgan ization can be effected; unless he does, I fear there will be trouble. According to the terms of enlistment, my recruits are entitled to their discharge when the 71st is re-established. I am in hopes of retaining them, but fear I shall not be able to if the present unhappy condition of the 71st results in a family quarrel. I have been in hopes of being able to trans fer them to the 71st at the proper time, leaving nothing but the shell of the regiment to be mustered out, as to muster out in a body, would give but little hope of seeing very many. , My long connection with, and love for the 71st, makes me very anxious that nothing be done which will jeopardize its future, and I trust you will give this matter a most careful consideration before taking action. I do not consider it pru dent to be more particular in this letter regarding the condi tions as hinted above, but can do so when you may desire it. Very respectfully yours, AUGUSTUS T. FRANCIS, Colonel, N.G.N.Y. 1898] 703 ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE Albany, October 3d, 1898. Colonel A. T. Francis, 171st Regiment, N. G, New York City. My dear Colonel : — Do not consider that because you have not heard from me, I have not felt real interest in all you have been doing, and that I have neglected your communication of August 23d, and October 1st, they are both before me and I have read them several times. Orders will soon be issued that will leave the details of re-establishing the Guard in the hands of the Major-General commanding (General Roe). Please talk with him. I have already written to him, and I think we can solve any problem that may arise. The next time I am in New York I will take pleasure in letting you know, so that we can come together and arrange matters. Respectfully, C. WHITNEY TILLINGHAST, 2d, Adjutant-General. (Telegram) ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE Albany, October 19th, 1898. Colonel A. T. Francis, 171st Regiment, N.G., 34th Street and Park Avenue, N. Y. City. Sir: — I expect now to be at the Waldorf at 2 o'clock on Friday, and if you care to see me regarding the 171st Regi ment it will be a pleasure to meet you. Respectfully, C. WHITNEY TILLINGHAST, 2d, Adjutant-General. At this interview, the subject of the two regiments was thoroughly gone over; the Adjutant-General was deeply con cerned at the situation, but as the 71st was not yet mustered out, nothing could be done at this time but await develop ments, and take the best course that might be suggested when the occasion arrived. , / 704 [1898 In the meantime the quarrel went on; hungry reporters were flying round, taking down from each side all the state ments they were anxious to make, and filling the newspapers with sensational stories. Colonel Francis believing that an injustice had been done to the 71st — while in Cuba — advised that a Court of Inquiry should be asked for before it was mustered out, that its record might be clear in the War Department; however, none was asked for, and it was left for the State to investigate. An article, with heavy headlines, was published in the New York "Press," signed by two Captains of the regiment severely reflecting upon their senior officers, which caused charges to be made. The Captains were placed under arrest, and a Court of Inquiry ordered. In the latter part of November, General Roe called upon Colonel Francis, proposing that if he (Colonel Francis) would resign his commission and resume his office of senior Major of the 71st, it would relieve the tension then existing, and if so, he was authorized to issue at once such orders as were necessary. Colonel Francis told him, that he was willing to make any sacrifice that was necessary to save the 71st, but he did not think it was necessary to give up his commission as Colonel, as an order transferring him to the 71st would ac complish all that was required. The General felt that his proposition was more likely to avoid any objection on the part of the Major then in command, as the return to the old rank would be natural, while the trans fer would seem as if it was an intention to relieve the present commander, which he wanted to avoid. The interview termi nated with each side taking the matter under consideration. The following letter will explain the next move: New York, November, 1898. Major-General Charles F. Roe. Dear Sir: — I have given the subject of our conversation very serious consideration, and concluded if it still meets with your approbation it is probably the best thing to do. Since, I have had a long talk with Major Smith, and I judged from it that such a course would not be objectionable to him — though he is somewhat doubtful as to the impression it may make on others ; he sei.med desirous of doing what I thought 1898] 705 was best, and assured me that he would work with me for the best interest of the regiment. I certainly have no inten tion of making him a victim — on the contrary, believe that he would be a valuable assistant in restoring harmony. Should a favorable opportunity arrive when he can resign without unpleasant comment, I think he will. The important thing is to stop this discord — and to do so, prompt action is required. Since I saw you, Company C had a supper and a theatre party — their feeling towards their Captain was shown by leaving him out. It is almost impossible to get a correct idea of the views of the men unless they are assembled and talked to. They must have some definite and official understanding of the situation, which is impossible under the present conditions. We must commence at the bottom and build up — the top can be reached later; in fact, the main bone of contention as far as office is concerned would be removed, I believe, when the C. O. is changed, and, no chance for promotions for three months at least, or till order is fully restored. As I said be fore, I am at your disposal — I neither court it nor shirk it. Very respectfully yours, AUG. T. FRANCIS, Colonel 171st Regiment, N.G.N.Y. In the meantime upon the written requests of Maj. Clinton H. Smith and Capt. John H. Whittle, owing to statements and imputations made in the public press by officers and members of the 71st Regiment against their character and conduct as officers, a Court of Inquiry was convened, to meet at the armory of the 22d Regiment, on December 21st. At the same time the court martial of Captains Bleeker and Meeks was in session at the armory of the 71st. An additional order was issued as follows: A Court of Inquiry having been convened at the request of Major C. H. Smith and Capt. J. H. Whittle, 71st Regiment, N. G, per S. O. 128, Headquarters National Guard, these two officers are relieved from duty with the regiment until further orders, and will turn over all property for which they are responsible to their successors. Col. Augustus T. Francis, of the 171st, N. G., is hereby relieved from duty with that regi- 23 706 [1898 ment, and placed in command of the 71st Regiment, N. G., until further orders. Colonel Francis will receipt to Majoi Smith for property pertaining to the 71st Regiment. By Direction of the C. O. National Guard. STEPHEN H. OLIN, Assistant Adjutant-General. The situation was now very much cleared; the wrangle was largely transferred to the courts, to that extent relieving the regiment. The work of investigation and re-organization could go on at the same time. Confident that Colonel Francis would use the proper judgment, General Roe did not in any way interfere with the management of the re-organization. On December 9th, Colonel Francis assumed command of the 71st, taking with him such members of his staff as were needed, deeming it best not to entangle himself at this stage by having any discordant element upon his staff. Captain Bates, who had been in the Philippines with General Greene, having returned, resumed his place as Adjutant. It was evident that to make thorough re-organization it required that the regiment should "be born again;" 250 men were still in the 171st, the unknown quantity were the new men in the 171st, and these just out of service. It was the last that the Colonel had to deal with now. As in all discordant factions, the more turbulent were likely to be in the minority; it required a positive but dip lomatic plan, careful to do justice to all, but first to gain their confidence; such would be the course of procedure. The men first pacified, it was easier to deal with the officers — they had to behave themselves or resign; it was easier to fill their positions than to get men, none must be lost if possible to prevent it. All red tape must be set aside. Having outlined his views to General Roe, and being as sured he should have a free hand, the Colonel commenced at the bottom; having had an experience and knowing how vol unteers, without it, were unreasonable in their judgments, and even uncharitable in their criticism of their officers when there were some grounds for such criticism, he deemed it best first to find out from the men what was their grievance. To do this it was necessary to have an interview with them with out the presence of their officers — this was to relieve both sides from embarrassment and avoid any wrangle between 1898] 707 officers and men, this was in the interest of discipline. The Colonel proposed to give each an opportunity to state its side of the controversy. Each evening two companies were assembled, each in its own room; the Colonel met them, and stated plainly his object, impressing upon them the serious condition in which the regi ment was placed, appealing to them to be loyal to it, and assist him, doing the best that could be done in harmonizing the discordant elements, each to feel that he was assisting to restore peace and tranquility in the regiment to which all were devoted. With this in view he wanted any one who could throw light upon the cause of dissatisfaction in his company, to ex press himself freely, and in confidence, but that with the ex ception of stating plain facts, no criticism of their officers would be listened to. He assured them that whenever he found the complaints were justified, means would be taken to remove all obstacles to the object to be obtained; that they must leave such adjustment in his hands, and refrain from all demonstrations until he had proved by results that the efforts had been successful. These interviews, though much criticized by officers and the press at first, proved highly satisfactory, and exposed all there was in the contention as far as the men were concerned. On leaving the room the Colonel cautioned each company to cease talking and devote all its energy to bringing harmony in its own ranks, and to avoid all participation in the affairs of the other companies. The cheers which he received on leaving the room as sured the Colonel that he was meeting with success. In some companies the feeling was quite bitter against one or all of their officers, in others there were no complaints of a serious nature. The process of segregation having been accomplished, each company endeavoring to restore harmony in itself, and having a clear idea of the trouble, the Colonel next had his interview with such of the officers as it was found necessary. In some cases voluntary resignations made it unnecessary to have an interview, in fact, there were but two or three officers on whom it was found necessary to bring pressure, and those were the more serious ones. The four officers before courts were outside of the jurisdiction, and did not in any way interfere with the re-organization. 708 [1898 HEADQUARTERS 5TH BRIGADE, N.G.N.Y. New York, December 29th, 1898. (Personal) Col. Augustus T. Francis, Commanding 71st Regiment, N. G. Dear Sir: — From reports in the daily press of the city I note you are conferring with the enlisted men of the various companies of the 71st Regiment and excluding the company officers from said conferences; I assume that you are quite sure that such a course is in the interest of discipline, and, therefore, for the good of the regiment. Personally, I doubt the wisdom of a course which tends in any manner to cause a breach between the officers and en listed men of a company, and I am not in accord with the view that the grumbling and fault-finding element, which al ways exists among the enlisted men of a command, should under any circumstance, be permitted to publicly criticize officers. There are prescribed methods by which the grievances of enlisted men may be redressed; would it not be advisable to urge the adoption of such by those who have grievances rather than permit and to an extent authorize unsoldierly criticisms? You and I are agreed that everything possible should be done to the advancement and permanency of the 71st, I am sure that any difference between us will be regarding measures only. I remain yours very truly, GEORGE MOORE SMITH. Brigadier-General. The reader will bear -in mind that Colonel Francis was acting under orders from the Major-General commanding; all communications regarding which went direct and not through the "channel," consequently the brigade commander was not informed officially of what was being done, his letter was, therefore, more of a personal than an official concern. In one week it was evident that the regiment would be saved, it only waited for the carrying out of the promise to the men; the objectionable officers out, that bone of contention was removed. Among the officers, an unpleasant feeling arose regard- 1898-99J 709 ing promotions ; by a like appeal to these aspirants and assur ing them that there would be no elections for months — or until the regiment was thoroughly purged of its discord, when there would be "pie" enough to go around to all, this sub ject was happily shelved. 18 9 9 The new year opened brightly for the regiment, every thing favored a return to the good old times. On the 14th of January the 171st was mustered out, and the old men returned to the 71st. A disposition on the part of those who volun teered, to show that they were a little more important than those who did not, and a tendency to make the latter take a back seat, caused a little friction, but happily caused no seri ous break. The regiment was together again, and being set to work, and something to think about, the past was gradually buried. Work was commenced by having weekly company drills started, and at the same time the rifle range was opened for practice; the men were measured for new uniforms, which were being delivered as fast as the contractor finished them. From the "Evening Post," January 21st: "With the beginning of regular drills, matters are gradu ally settling down for the present at least in the 71st Regi ment and the attendance at the first drills held has been, all things considered, quite gratifying." On January 31st, General Headquarters issued General Orders No. 2, being the conclusion of the Court of Inquiry in the case of Captains Bleecker and Meeks. The accused pleaded to the charges, not guilty; to the specifications, guilty; and that they each be reprimanded in General Orders and to be fined $100; the reprimand was done in the same order. This returned these officers to their companies, restoring peace to the same, and thus assisting in the work of re-organ izing, which continued all through the month during which very satisfactory results had been accomplished. The weather was unusually severe, the mercury had dropped much below zero, heavy snow storms all through the States had caused blockades of railroads, and even in New 710 [1899 Orleans there had been skating. But the work in the regi ment went on, and with plenty of work to occupy their minds, the companies were getting rapidly into a normal condition, the only disturbing feature was the still unsettled result of the Court of Inquiry of Major Smith and Captain Whittle. From the "Evening Post," March 4th: "It is expected that the 71st Regiment will be fully uni formed before the end of next week, and it is the intention of Colonel Francis to hold a regimental drill on Friday evening (10th) next, which will be the first since the regiment re turned from Cuba. "The competition for the 'Homer Trophy' will be held in the armory range, March 17th, and it is open to teams of five men from each company, smokeless powder will be used for the first time on this occasion in any armory range, and more than usual interest is therefore taken in the contest." Tuesday evening, March 7th, Lieut. L. W. McLeod was elected Captain of Company H, vice Joyce, resigned. March 10th, Lieut. A. L. Robertson, was elected Captain of Company C, vice Heindsman, resigned. The Board of Brevets, War Department, recommended for brevet: Major W. D. Bell, Surgeon, to be Lieutenant- Colonel of Volunteers for good service in attending the wounded at Santiago. Major Frank Keck, to be Lieutenant- Colonel of Volunteers. Capt. Malcolm A. Rafferty to be Major of Volunteers. 1st Lieut. Wm. C. Garthwaite, to be Captain of Volunteers. 2d Lieut. Alfred J. Roberts, to be 1st Lieuten ant of Volunteers. All for gallant conduct July 1st, 1898. The Government having arranged to send home the bodies of the dead, Lieutenant Lyons of Company B, was sent to Cuba, to superintend the preparation of the bodies of the regiment, and to the transportation of them to the city. Early in the month Colonel Francis was confined to his home by an attack of pneumonia — a good constitution and good nursing enabled him to convalesce in about two weeks — when he was able to sit up and from his home arrange for the reception of the bodies returning from Cuba. He appointed as a special aide, Lieutenant-Colonel Homer, who was chair man of the Veteran Relief Association, for the purpose of carrying out the details of their reception. 1899] 711 In the meantime the review which had been tendered to Brigadier-General Smith took place. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 1st: "On the evening of March 21st, the 71st made a very commendable showing at the review in the armory by General Smith, and paraded ten companies sixteen solid files. The commanding officer was Captain Keck, Colonel Francis being unable to be present through illness. "The Captain was evidently far from being at home as a regimental commander, * * * parade and drill followed, creditably performed. In the drill, however, a number of commands were given by the C. O. not to be found in the drill book, but the regiment being well drilled, executed the movements properly. * * *" From the "Evening Post," March 25th : "The 71st Regiment assembled at the armory on Tues-' day evening last for parade and review by Brigadier-General Smith, Major Keck was in command in the absence of Colonel Francis, who is ill with pneumonia. The regiment was re viewed by General Smith in line of masses, which was fol lowed by evening parade and then a short drill. Dancing followed the military exercises, and General Smith was enter tained by the officers at the Manhattan Hotel. It was the first public appearance of the 71st for regimental drill since its return from Cuba. The men wore the new State uniform after the United States army pattern. "Capt. Charles H. Stoddard of Company E, has resigned, the reason given being pressure of business, but there have been difficulties for some time past between him and mem bers of the company. * * *" The following report from Colonel Homer, shows what was done toward receiving the remains of the bodies from Cuba: New York, March 29th, 1899. Col. Augustus T. Francis, New York City. Dear Sir : — I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of even date announcing my appointment as Special Aide on your staff and stating the duties assigned to me, for which please accept my thanks. I beg to say that arrangements have been made with Captain Wendell and Wilson in regard to the caissons and Lieutenant Lyons is making arrangements for the platforms to be placed upon them to securely carry 712 [1899 the coffins. I have communicated with Lyons and we both think that it would be better to direct the caissons to proceed to South Ferry, at which point he will arrange to have the corpses meet them, as it is much more convenient to transport them across South Ferry than Wall Street Ferry. The bodies at South Ferry can be placed upon the caissons at an earlier hour and be driven through South Street to the foot of Wall Street, and there meet the regiment and the Veterans when the programme laid out by you can be carried out. You will note, however, that your orders direct the regi ment to assemble at the armory at 12 o'clock. It would seem that the regiment should be ready to move from the armory at half-past twelve, and should be at Wall Street at about 1 o'clock certainly. Would it not be well to so time it, and not have the wait so long either at the armory or at Wall Street, as would be the case if the column commences to move only at 2 o'clock? On this point I will await your instruc tions. I will notify Captains Wendell and Wilson of the hour they are expected to meet Lyons at South Ferry, as soon as I hear from you in regard to this matter. I will write at once to the chief of police and convey to him your requests and endeavor to carry out your instruc tions fully. I beg to call your attention, however, to the fact that there are several bodies to be forwarded to Mount Hope Cemetery, and I think this would be the proper time to inter them there, and, at the same time those bodies already in the receiving vault, in which case a firing detail should in my judgment be present at the cemetery, and any service you maj- deem proper should then and there take place. I beg you will think this matter over and inform me at once of your wishes and instructions, which I will endeavor to carry out as you may direct. I am, dear sir, Yours very truly, CHARLES F. HOMER, Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide. P. S.— Vreeland's address is No. 278 West 86th Street, in your neighborhood, and I beg that you will write him per sonally or have Captain True call upon him to arrange the matter of clearing the streets of cars. I will communicate with the police. 1899] 713 HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y., Park Avenue and 34th Street. New York, March 28th, 1899. Orders No. 42: I. The regiment will assemble at the armory in fatigue uniform, campaign hats and white gloves on Saturday, April 1st, to escort the bodies of the members of the regiment who died in Cuba, from the transport to the armory. First call at 11:55 o'clock, assembly at 12:00 o'clock M. II. The field and staff will wear boots and gauntlets. Horses will be taken at a place to be announced later. III. Overcoats will be worn if the weather is cold or inclement. By order of Colonel Francis, WILLIAM G. BATES, Regimental Adjutant. (Last printed Order No. 24.) From the New York "Press," April 2d: "Sharp in the contrast to the clamorous welcome which met the 71st Regiment on the return from the war last fall was the solemn procession yesterday which wended its way through the streets of the city escorting fifteen honored dead of the command — men who died in battle before Santiago or who succumbed later to wounds or disease. Then there were cheers of acclaim amid the thunder of guns to welcome the veterans of a campaign, but yesterday these were absent, and in their place was the silent homage of thousands of men and women who lined the thoroughfares over the long line of inarch. "The fifteen caskets, borne on caissons each covered with the flag under which the men had fought told the story of their baptism of fire. Last night they rested in the armory they had marched from nearly a year ago. Today a firing party will perform the last military honors. The bodies were those which had been brought from Cuba with others on the trans port 'Crook,' and the escort was the re-organized 71st Regi ment and the Regimental Veteran Association. "Acting under orders, the regiment assembled at the armory, in 34th Street, early in the day. The regiment was under Major Keck, who assumed command, owing to the indisposition of Colonel Francis, with Lieut.-Col. Homer, as his aide. When assembly sounded, 750 men responded. There was little delay, and within thirty minutes the regiment left the armory and marched down to 34th Street to the Third 714 [1899 Avenue station, where they took cars for Hanover Square, headed by its band, and to meet the funeral cortege at the Wall Street Ferry. "The bodies had been brought from Brooklyn and placed on the caissons. These were four of the 1st Battery, under command of Lieut. A. S. Hathaway, and the same number under command of Capt. David Wilson, while the 71st Regi ment Veteran Association, commanded by Capt. Wright D. Goss awaited the regiment's arrival. At 1 :30 o'clock the regiment swung into the street, the band playing a dirge. "The street was crowded its entire length, the windows in the vicinity being filled. Scarcely a sound was heard save the low commands of the officers as the regiment took its place in the column. The line of march was taken up in the following order: Mounted Police 71st Regiment Headed by Its Band Caissons Bearing Bodies Guard of Honor of Men Who Had Served in Cuba, But Who Have Since Left the Regiment Volunteers in Citizen's Dress 71st Regiment Veteran Association "As the command to march was given the band played the Dead March from 'Saul.' Scarcely had it started before a woman bearing a bunch of flowers tried to force her way through the crowd. A policeman attempted to stop her, but in a pleading voice she said, 'Don't stop me, please.' With out waiting for a reply, the woman half ran up to one of the caissons and placed the flowers on one of the coffins, after which she disappeared in the crowd. The flowers remained there all through the line of march. "The strains of the Dead March broke upon those who had assembled on Broadway as the regiment turned from Wall Street. At this instant the chimes of old Trinity pealed solemnly forth. 'The Misere' and their melody mingling with the note of the march made a strikingly solemn requiem to the dead. All traffic was stopped at this point and, struck by the sadness of the scene, thousands of men bared their heads and tears stood in the eyes of many. "At St. Paul's the chimes also rang out in requiem as the heavy caissons passed rumblingly on. Along the line of 1899] , 715 march flags were at half-staff on private and public buildings. "Broadway was lined up to West 4th Street, where the procession turned to Washington Square, passing under the Arch into Fifth Avenue. Here the homage of Broadway was repeated, and again and again hats were doffed. It seemed strange, the absence of noisy demonstration in the passing of a regiment of soldiers through busy city streets, and all along up to 34th Street, at the big hotels, whose windows were filled with spectators, instead of the clapping of hands and the wav ing of small flags and handkerchiefs as on other occasions, not a sound was heard, and no demonstration save that of silent respect. "The armory was reached shortly after 3 o'clock; long lines of policemen kept the crowds back, and as the approach was made to the big doors, the regiment opened ranks and the caissons drew up to the entrance. The galleries of the big armory were filled. On the west side of the drill floor seats had been placed for the relatives of the dead. The fifteen coffins were brought in and placed on rests, and over the coffins flowers were strewn. "While this was going on the regiment filed in and formed in battalion masses, the colors and regimental officers in the centre. General Smith and his staff also entered at this time and took a position at the right front of the regiment. The Veteran Association occupied the gallery. The services .conducted by the Rev. A. M. Bradshaw, of the Marble Col legiate Church, the Regimental Chaplain, were brief and simple. He stood in the centre of the group of coffins, facing the regi ment, and behind him were the friends and relatives of the dead soldiers. "The Chaplain offered a prayer and then the notes of 'Nearer, My God, to Thee' broke the stillness. JVIany were affected to tears and others there were who sobbed outright unable to contain their feelings. In the course of his address the Chaplain spoke as follows: " 'Men, we have met to pay a loving, but farewell tribute to soldier brothers. They were men of rare courage and valor, filled with love of life and country. While the vital blood of youth still coursed through their veins and all life seemed before them, they heard above the roar of battle a bugle sound from the other world calling them to a noble sacrifice. They were true, heroic soldiers and obeyed. They put aside their 716 [1899 arms, wrapped themselves in their blankets, and fell into that dreamless sleep that presses down their eyelids still. We with one voice say today, "Nobly done," and may the living power of that which lived, live on! Our hearts swell up with deli cate emotions, and we wish that each tender thought were a rose so that our hero comardes might be buried beneath an exhaustless wealth of flowers. " 'Soon we shall hear the volleys fired over the new made graves. As the sound floats away upon the air and we turn again to the hurry of life, we will know we have not left them there — they live. Yes, they are not divorced from earthly love, for their noble deeds are uniform in life, to be seen in memory's light. May some of the gleams from our better life touch them, so that they and all our countless heroes shall know that they have not died in vain, but that they are beams shining in darkness, lighting up this poor earth of ours, en abling us and our country to see and carry the "White Man's Burden." ' "The services concluded with the playing of the Dead March, after which a guard of honor was told off and the regiment dismissed." In the afternoon of the second seven of the bodies were taken to Mount Hope Cemetery and buried in the Regimental plot. A special train left the Grand Central Station at 2:30 o'clock. A firing party, under command of Lieutenant-Col- , onel Homer, accompanied the bodies and rendered the last honors, after a brief service by the Chaplain. From the "Army and Navy Journal," April 8th: "The services at the armory of the 71st Regiment on April 1st, over the remains of members who had been killed, or had died from disease in Cuba, were dignified and impres sive. Some misinformed writer in a daily paper took the regiment to task for not marching with 'arms reversed,' and for not playing a dirge during the entire march ; 'reverse arms' was discarded from the manual years ago, and funeral dirges are only played while the body is being escorted by the regi ment. The 71st was strictly correct in parading as it did and made a fine and impressive appearance." These ceremonies, while serving to keep up the interest 1899] 717 of the men, in no way interfered with the main object of getting the regiment back into its normal condition and divert ing attention from its troubles, the remarkable improvement was decidedly apparent. April 4th was ordered for the annual inspection and muster. It was in every way satisfactory and a comparison of it with that of 1898 will be found interesting. From the "Evening Post" of April 15th: "At a meeting of the Board of Officers of the 71st Regi ment held Tuesday, the 11th, Colonel Francis announced his desire and intention of retiring and requested that a commit tee be selected to nominate a candidate for Major. The sug gestion was at once acted upon : the committee being Captains Lyons and McLeod and Lieutenant Trull. In the event of his vindication by the Court of Inquiry, Major Smith will be a candidate for Colonel, but the election of a Major who will upon the retirement of Colonel Francis be in command pend ing the election of a Colonel, will not militate against the claims of Major Smith. "The annual muster and inspection of the regiment took place on the 4th instant, when it made a very creditable show ing, though there were in absent, 88, however, were on the sick list by illness contracted in Cuba." The following table gives the details : 1899 1898 Present Absent Total Present Absent Total Field, Staff and N.C.S.. 23 1 24 32 0 32 Field Music 29 1 30 28 0 28 Hospital Corps 16 0 16 12 0 12 Company A 56 9 65 53 1 64 Company B 64 0 64 101 0 101 Company C 62 5 67 43 0 43 Company D 85 3 88 85 2 87 Company E 54 16 70 49 . 0 49 Company F ~.38 21 59 49 1 50 Copmany G 42 11 53 45 0 45 Company II 49 12 61 72 0 72 Company I 31 20 51 57 1 58 Company K 57 12 69 68 1 69' Total 600 111 717 694 6 700> 718 [1899 Being desirous of showing the commanding officer (Gen eral Roe) what had been accomplished, Colonel Francis ten dered him a review which was held on the 17th. From the "Evening Post," April 22d : "The 71st assembled at the armory on Monday evening, 17th instant, for parade and review by Major-General Roe, and made a very creditable appearance, the men being all in new uniforms and consequently looked especially well. The turnout was a large one, and the march past well executed, the distances being well preserved. The manual also was finely executed, and General Roe was much pleased with the condition exhibited by the command. "The officers entertained General Roe and staff at the Manhattan Hotel after the review." May 1st, Companies B and D gave a joint entertainment in the armory. On the evenings of May 18th, and 19th, Companies E and K assisted by the 2d Battery, gave a realistic representation of the regiment in service from its arrival in Cuba to the cap ture of the Block House. It was well carried out to the great interest of a large audience. From the "Evening Post," May 20th : "The election for Major in the 71st Regiment, to fill the vacancy made by the promotion of Colonel Francis was held in the armory on Tuesday the 16th, as was expected Adjt. Wm. G. Bates was chosen, receiving twenty out of twenty- three votes, being two blank." From the "Evening Post," May 27th: "The 71st Regiment went to Creedmoor for target prac tice on the 24th instant, and did good work, qualifying 400 mien, about 88 per cent, of the number present practicing." .From the "Army and Navy Journal," May 27th : "The resignation of Captain Keck of Company K, of the 71st Regiment, was welcomed this week by those who have deplored the friction he has said to have caused among the officers by his alleged schemes for self-exploitation; not con tent to let his battalion rest on its record made at San Juan, 1899] 719 it is said he lost no chance to magnify its achievements until his brother officers felt belittled. "The attempt to recruit two new companies, L and M, is discouraged by other Captains who say they are in the way, not needed, and drawing recruits from the older companies which cannot afford to be weakened. * * * "Colonel Francis has issued an official circular which shows the regiment's casualties in Cuba." The regiment made its parade with the troops on Decora tion Day, May 30th, of which the New York "Tribune" of the 31st says: "* * * But the great demonstration occurred when the 71st Regiment's band turned into Fifth Avenue playing 'Yankee Doodle.' The cry went down the avenue, 'The 71st is coming!' and from the densely packed crowd came a roar like the roll of high waves upon a beach. It seemed as if the people in the street and at the windows and on the stoops and roofs had suddenly gone wild. "Flags and hats and even coats, were waved in the air. A party of young girls dressed in white, with sashes of red, white and blue, threw bouquets at the regiment. "Colonel Francis rode at the head, his horse reared at the noise, as cheer and salvos of cheers, and flowers and flags saluted his men. As company after company of the 71st passed, such cries as, 'They're the boys!' 'The fighting 71st!' and other encouraging salutations reached them. The enthusi asm increased if possible, as the banner rent by mauser bullets in Cuba was waved in appreciation of the reception. "The 71st was easily the chief feature of the parade. Its welcome by the people was all the more striking when con trasted with. * * * The 71st got another warm reception when passing the reviewing stand." After the above parade Colonel Francis felt assured that everything that had been required of him in the re-organiza tion having been accomplished, it was the time for him to surrender the regiment into the hands of its officers. It was forty years since he had joined it as a private, twenty-five of which he had served in it from private to Colonel, he had now arrived at an age when it was undesirable to assume burdens, he felt that no greater honor could come to him, he had com manded the regiment which he loved, and dissolved the dis- 720 [1899 cordant element, restored harmony, and now could turn over to his successors a regiment of 750 men and $9,000 in its treasury, he sent forward his application to be placed upon the Retired List, to take effect June 30th. From the "Army and Navy Journal," July 15th: "Colonel Francis who was detailed to the command of the 71st Regiment, pending the result of the Court of Inquiry as to the conduct of some of its officers in Cuba, has been placed on the Retired List at his own request. "Colonel Francis has a long and honorable record, he joined the 71st Regiment as a private in Company C, March 9th, 1860, and at the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion he went to the front with the 71st. He has served in the grades of Corporal, 1st Sergeant, 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, Captain, Major and as Colonel of the 171st Regiment, which he organ ized after the 71st had been mustered into the United States service for the Spanish-American War. "The 171st was the largest and generally considered the best of provisional regiments organized. When Colonel Francis was Captain of Company C, it had the reputation of being one of the best drilled and disciplined companies in the Guard. "The Colonel has always been an indefatigable worker for the best interest of the 71st, in which he is most highly esteemed. The retirement of Colonel Francis leaves the 71st in command of Major Wm. G. Bates." Augustus T. Francis joined Company C, 71st Regiment, March 9th, 1860, on the departure for the war, April 21, 1861, he was appointed by the Captain (Coles) a Corporal; on the departure to the war, May 28th, 1862, he was appointed by the Captain (Libby) 5th Sergeant, and later at Camp Martin, by the Colonel, Left General Guide, and subsequently, 1st Ser geant of Company C. June 15th, 1864, he was commissioned as a 1st Lieuten ant of his company, and on December 11th, 1866, by recom mendation of the Lieutenant-Colonel (Coles), was appointed by Colonel Parmele as his Adjutant, and re-appointed by Col onel Rockafellar; he resigned August 5th, 1871. Colonel McAlpin, upon his election (when every Veteran was called upon to help save the regiment), persuaded him to again take his old position on March 4th, 1885. On March 1899] 721 19th, 1886, he was commissioned as Captain of his old Com pany C. On May 23d, 1893, he was commissioned as Major, which office he held until June 3d, 1898, when he was com missioned as Colonel of the 171st Regiment, N.G.N.Y., which he had organized after the departure of the 71st to the Spanish- American War. On December 9th, 1898, by orders from General Head quarters, he was assigned to the command of the 71st for the purpose of re-organization, which being accomplished, he re signed on June 30th, 1899; being placed upon the Retired List. Subsequently, his officers of the 171st, led by Capt. A. W. Little, resolved that he should receive a promotion, to accom plish which it was necessary to have the Legislature amend the Military Code, which was done. Then Brigadier-Gen. George Moore Smith placed him upon his staff, restoring him to service; which was necessary, as promotion could not be made unless in service. All requirements being complied with he was appointed Brigadier-General by brevet, relieved from duty on General Smith's staff, and retired. A very handsome compliment from his officers and much appreciated. He had served under every Colonel that the regiment had up to the time of his resignation, except one (Colonel Vose), having served altogether twenty-five years and nine months. He received the gold medal from the State for long and faithful service, and also was presented by the regiment with a like gold medal set with the figures "71" in diamonds. This administration had been one of re-organization, that was its prime object; the focus of the disturbance was Major Smith, the cause of which was differences that arose in Cuba, his opponents were desperately in earnest; and his friends equally strenuous, these last being mostly, as far as the en listed men were concerned, members of his old company, the wrangling was among the officers, a large minority of whom were favorable to the Major from various reasons. The Major being retired from duty, during investigation, removed him from any official activity, this in a measure assisted in the work of re-organization. It was part of the policy of the administration to have no election of field offi cers until such time as its object had been accomplished, and thus prevent any further source of discord to hinder. How ever, when the time arrived, the Colonel feeling that his pur pose had been consummated and that he would soon retire, 722 [1899 he believed it the psychological moment to have an election for Major, who would be in command on the Colonel's retirement. As has been read the result of this election was the pro motion of Adjt. William G. Bates, by almost a unanimous vote; as it did not effect the status of Major Smith, and as Adjutant Bates had not been in Cuba, and, therefore, not en tangled in their controversy, neither side had any ill feeling towards him. For the time these troubles were in suspense, waiting for the decision of the Courts at an uncertain date in the future. COLONEL WILLIAM G. BATES Plate xii — tfp. Administration of COLONEL WILLIAM G. BATES 1899—1915 This administration, while the longest of any (exceeding at date that of Colonel Vose by three years), has been devoid, except in the first few years, of sensation which has generally characterized previous administrations; not even a riot of the smallest magnitude, but it has been one of the greatest in re sults, bringing the regiment up to a standard far beyond the imagination of its founders. Owing to conditions found existing in 1898, there was a realization that the National Guard throughout the Nation needed a thorough overhauling and re-organization. The sub ject was taken up by Congress, resulting in the H. R. Bill, 11654, being introduced in February, 1902, which became known as the Dick Bill, and subsequently passed and signed by the President, on January 21st, 1903, to take effect on the same day, 1908. This bill, under certain compliances, gave the National Government greater control of the National Guard. On the retirement of Colonel Francis, Major Bates as sumed command ; it was summer and no armory work to bring clouds in the sky. There were conditions yet to be overcome ; Major Bates was the junior field officer, there was a Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel to be elected before a final settlement of the troubles; for the former both Majors were candidates. Major Smith felt that his seniority and vindication entitled him to the office; and thus matters stood at the opening of the fall drill season. The election took place on November 13th, resulting in the unanimous choice of Major Bates. As it was certain that Major Bates would be elected, Major Smith declined to be a 724 [1899 candidate, reserving himself for the possible election to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy. Major Bates had received a good schooling as an enlisted man in Company K, 7th Regiment, rising to Sergeant-Major, which rank he held, when Colonel Greene selected him for his Adjutant in 1892, under whom he continued for seven years. He also had the advantage of being in the U. S. ser vice during the Spanish- American War; these with the fact of his eight years' service in the regiment, made him the logical choice for the office. In addition to his personal qualifications, his long service in the regiment making him well acquainted with its officers and the requirements of the regiment, gave him what no other elected Colonel had possessed, a thorough knowledge of the material he had to deal with. This enabled him to pursue the same lines as his predecessor, without the slightest jar or friction ; no new theory, no disturbance of the splendid founda tion laid by Colonel Greene. For the first two years he was handicapped by the dis sensions arising from the Cuban campaign, then in 1902 the destruction of the armory, and the following four years camped in a building so inadequate that it did not admit of a room large enough to drill a full company. However, in 1906, day dawned — they were in their new and splendid armory — shadows faded away. As stated, Colonel Bates was elected November 13th, 1899, he made his first appearance at a review of the regiment on December 19th, by Brigade-Commander, Gen. George M. Smith. 1 9 O O One of the features of Major Bates' troubles was, being the junior Major, that, until the status of Major Smith was decided there was no certainty but that he might be returned to duty, and in command undo all work that Major Bates had accomplished. It was to relieve any doubts, and to be sure that there should be no change of policy, that the election of Colonel was urged. The result was satisfactory. There still remained the unpleasantness arising from the ambition of Major Smith and the loyalty to him of certain officers who found it difficult to be friendly to both sides. A committee of seven junior Captains was appointed for 1900] 725 the purpose of selecting candidates for the offices of Lieuten ant-Colonel and Major, and subsequently reported upon the name of Captain Hazen of B, for Lieutenant-Colonel, and Cap tain Linson of D, for Major. On January 2d was held the election for the filling of these vacancies, at which there was much excitement. Cap tain Hill of E, protested against it, as he had received no notice of the holding of the election; he was overruled as his presence was evidence that he was not deprived of the oppor tunity to vote. However, as absent officers might have been so on this account, the Colonel put the ballots (without count ing) into an envelope, which was sealed securely and coun tersigned, and deposited it in the safe. He then adjourned the meeting for a week. At the meeting on Tuesday the 9th, Colonel Bates, over ruled the protest and proceeded to count the votes, showing that for Lieutenant-Colonel, Captain Hazen had received 14, and Major Smith 10; for Major, Captain Linson received 17, and Captain Wells 9; Major Smith and Captain Hill appealed; the disgruntled threatened to resign. This appeal was subsequently sustained on the ground that the ballots should have been counted at the close of the polls. January 23d, General Hawkins reviewed the regiment, there were present ten companies of 16 files each. February 27th, General Greene reviewed the regiment. April 6th, General Roe reviewed the regiment. May 2d, Captain Hazen resigned. No further effort was made to fill the vacancies during the year. STATE OF NEW YORK, THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, Albany. June 8th, 1900. Special Orders No. 37: The Board convened by General Orders No. 7 from these headquarters, dated May 1st, 1899, to examine into the moral character, capacity and general fitness for the service of Major Clinton H. Smith, 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y., having reported adversely, and the Governor having this day approved the report of the Board, the said Major Clinton H. Smith, is in accordance with Section 64 of the Military Code, hereby discharged from the military service of the State. By command of the Governor, EDWARD M. HOFFMAN, Adjutant-General. 726 [1900-01 At Creedmoor this season the regiment was third in the State Match, with a score of 935 — the highest being 983 ; they were second in the Brigade Match, with a score of 941. December 28th, reviewed by General George M. Smith. 1 9 O 1 January 30th, reviewed by General Roe. February 19th, an election was held for filling the vacan cies in the field. The request for this came from the friends of Smith, under the distinct understanding that he, it was asserted, would not be a candidate, and they would no longer support him; it was understood that Captain Wells would be the candidate for Lieutenant-Colonel. Upon this assurance the election was ordered; then came a surprise, when a few mo ments before the polls opened, it was announced that Smith had changed his mind and had decided to run. The vote was: Smith, 13 ; Wells, 3 ; blank, 13 ; no election. For Major, Cap tain Williams, 15; Captain McLeod, 13; Wells, 1; Williams elected. Captain Williams did not accept, and in May left the regiment, and subsequently went to the 9th Regiment. The Smith party claimed this a defeat for the Colonel and a victory for Smith ; the result caused much dissatisfaction and added greatly to the ill-feeling existing among the Smith and anti-Smith officers. Captain Hill resigned in March, and no further effort to fill the vacancy was made until fall. February 26th, reviewed by Col. A. L. Mills, U.S.A. From the "Army and Navy Journal," March 2d: "* * * The reviewing party were pleased about the visit and the evolutions they witnessed. "So much has been written in other papers about the elec tion troubles of the 71st that a stranger might naturally be led to believe that the regiment was almost a mob ; a greater de lusion, however never existed. "While the actions of a few officers in an election matter are open to criticism, the regiment as a whole is in excellent condition, and a more soldierly looking body of men, who promptly and intelligently obeyed every order, and with 1901-02] 727 smoothness that merits the highest commendation, would be hard to find than that witnessed at the parade on February 26th. "The ceremonies of the evening consisted of a review, evening parade and regimental drill, in command of Colonel Bates. Suffice it to say a finer exhibition is seldom seen in any armory, all the formations under the direction of Adju tant Clarke were of the most prompt description. "The men were on their mettle, determined to do their best, and they full succeeded. The turnout was larger than previous ceremonies and in every way the best given in years." March 29th, the regiment was reviewed by Governor Odell, after which a collation was served in the Gymnasium, at which remarks of a soothing character were made by the Governor, General Greene and General Francis. In the fall Rifle Matches, the 71st won second place in the State and Brigade matches, having made marked progress. In October an election was held for the purpose of elect ing a Lieutenant-Colonel and a Major to fill the vacancy created by the dismissal of Major Smith, to the latter Major Smith procured an injunction, he having appealed to the court to be restored to duty. The election resulted in the election of Capt. J. H. Wells, as Lieutenant-Colonel by a vote of 17 to 6 blanks. During November the court reversed the action of the Governor, and on December 17th, Major Smith reported for duty and was assigned to the 2d Battalion. 1 9 O 2 DESTRUCTION OF THE ARMORY BY FIRE On the morning of February 22d, 1902, the public was startled by reading the morning papers of the destruction by fire during the night, of the 71st Regiment Armory as well as the serious damage to the Park Avenue Hotel, with loss of life in the latter. How it originated was never satisfactorily ascertained ; the destruction was complete— with the exception of the wall and entrance on 34th Street, the building was a ruin. The night had been a stormy one, high wind, snow and rain which accelerated the destruction. "Members of the regiment both active and veterans, feel 728 [1902 the loss of the property of the Veterans, more than they do that of the regiment or the State. They include in this, vari ous trophies that have been won in the past of late years. The actual property of the Veteran Association was insured for $10,000, and that of the regiment for $20,000. The only thing saved from both items is the tablet commemorative of the killed and wounded at the battle of Bull Run, presented by Col. Henry P. Martin. This tablet was made for the place it occupied in the hallway near the 34th Street entrance." The wind blowing from that direction, had been the cause of its safety, however, it also was the cause of the greater destruction, as the Veterans' Room was on the other side of the building and but one thing was found in the ruins, this was the cannon which was captured in the riot of 1857, the trunion was destroyed but the cannon, being of iron, was saved. "Among the things prized was the descriptive books used while in government service, 1861 and 1862, the original muster roll of the regiment of 1861, the flag carried in the battle of Bull Run, the colors carried in Spanish-American War, the banner presented by the City of New Orleans in 1881, the trophy presented by the State Military Association, 1857, several volumes of scrap books of newspaper clippings which were procured but recently at a cost of $6oo, a portrait of Cortes taken from the hall of Montezuma during the Mexican War, a valuable portrait of Washington ; these and many other relics which never could be replaced." The portraits, furniture and those articles that could be replaced were amply covered by the insurance but the above and many documents and relics not mentioned were an irrep arable loss. Homeless and without the requirements of a soldier, ex cept their individual anatomy — undaunted, the 71st still lived, and on March 6th, owing to the kindness of Colonel Dyer of the 12th Regiment, the 71st was reviewed in its armory, by General Roe, as evidence that the regiment was still alive. The uniform consisted of their own white trousers — caps, blouses, etc., were borrowed from the 12th. Under the cir cumstances they acquitted themselves with credit. In April, the regiment moved into the Lenox Lyceum, 59th Street and Madison Avenue, Colonel Bates having pro- 1902] 729 cured this from the City, as the only available place to be found, though far from being adapted for the requirements of a regiment. It had been (though a failure) used for a place of amusement, with a small stage and an auditorium having one gallery. The floor of this room was the largest space for drill purposes, hardly sufficient for a good-sized company. There were several small rooms, which by doubling up, companies contrived to find place for their meetings. Alterations were made to make the most of it, but in many respects it was a toss up between it and the old rink of 1892. And in these cramped quarters the regiment existed for the next four years, and with hopes of the future actually prospered, such was the material of the "American Guard." On May 17th, a dinner was given by the officers of the regiment to the officers of the 12th Regiment and the pre sentation of a silver loving cup, as a mark of appreciation for the use of their armory and the loaning of uniforms after the burning of the armory. Colonel Appletdn tendered the use of the large drill room of the 7th Regiment to the 71st during the month of June, prior to going into camp. From the "Army and Navy Journal," July 5th, 1902 : "The 71st Regiment, Colonel Bates, completed its tour of of duty in camp, June 28th, after a most excellent week's work. Some 590 men' were present for duty, or about 81 per cent. The work of the regiment, both in permanent camp and in the march-out, is deserving of high praise, and the dis cipline and orderly behavior of the men was very noticeable. Colonel Bates reports that the new buzzacott field ovens issued to the regiment previous to going to camp gave the greatest satisfaction, and are far superior to the old ones." In August, at Creedmoor, the regiment was third in the State Match, but won the Brigade Match with a score of 1,010. At Sea Girt, it was second in the Interstate Regimental Match, with a score of 538. From the "Army and Navy Journal," September 20th : "At the request of Col. W. G. Bates and Surgeon-Major E. T. T. Marsh, 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y., a Court of Inquiry has been appointed to examine into charges made by Major Clinton H. Smith, alleging that they put in improper claims 730 [1902-03 to a Board of Audit for insurance on property destroyed in armory fire, to reimburse members for losses. "The details for this Court, is Col. Geo. R. Dyer, 12th Regiment ; Col. A. S. Barnes, 23d Regiment ; Col. A. L. Kline, 14th Regiment; with Major W. S. Fisk, 7th Regiment, as Judge Advocate." From the same, December 13th : "Despite losing all its property by fire and quartered in a temporary building lacking all the essentials of an armory, the 71st, N.G.N.Y., Colonel Bates, at its annual muster on December 4th, 'did itself proud,' and paraded a percentage of present 96.60 against 96.33 the preceding year. "The present membership of the regiment is 677 and of this number 617 were present. * * * "Plans have been submitted to the Armory Board for a new armory, and this it is expected, will be commenced early next year." From the same December 20th : "The Court of Inquiry having decided in the case of charges brought by Major C. H. Smith of the 71st Regiment, against Colonel Bates and Major Marsh: 'That their conduct in filing improper claims for losses in the destruction of the 71st Regiment Armory was indiscreet and improper and lack ing in frankness but shows no intent to defraud.' The court approves the actions of Major Smith, but recommends that no further action be taken." 1 9 O 3 On January 10th, the regiment was reviewed by General Roe in the 7th Regiment Armory, at which time Major Smith was in command of a battalion, the first since 1899. January 21st, the National Militia Act, known as the Dick Bill, was signed by the President, to go into operation on the same date, 1908. Regiments must be of twelve companies, no more separate troops of cavalry, it must not be less than a regiment, no medical officers on Colonel's staff and hospital corps to be abolished. Providing for yearly manoeuvers with the "Regulars." On February 28th, the regiment was reviewed by Colonel Appleton, in the 7th Regiment Armory, twelve commands, 20 files front. 1903-04] 731 Of the twelve men appointed on the International Rifle Team, four were from the 71st. The tours in camp this season showed a new departure in management, the U. S. Government furnished transportation, no cots, straw used in tents, subsistence given officers, enlisted men had army pay, the difference between it and the State pay being made up by the State. From September 2d to 12th, rifle practice at Sea Girt v/as held, the National Trophy (authorized by an act of Con gress) and $500, was won by the team from New York; on this team of twelve, seven were from the 71st Regiment; score 2,988 out of possible 3,600 — highest ever made. At Creedmoor, both the State and Brigade matches were won by the regiment. September 21st, work was commenced upon the new armory. In October, Band Leader Fanciulli retired. In same month the officers adopted the new dress uniform of the army, at an expense of $75. November 28th, the first review in three battalions was held in the 7th Regiment Armory, General Smith being the reviewing officer. 1 9 O 4 January 9th, the regiment was reviewed by Major-Gen. H. C. Corbin, U.S.A. From the "Army and Navy Journal" of the 16th: "The regiment was formed in three battalions four com panies each sixteen files, commanded respectively by Lieu tenant-Colonel Wells, Captains Linson and Bleecker. The regiment was turned over to Colonel Bates in handsome style, the men were steady and attentive, everything reflected credit to the 71st. "Corporal Eben of Company B, acted as bandmaster and proved a great success." 732 [1904 LAYING THE CORNERSTONE OF THE ARMORY Mayor McClellan laid the cornerstone of the new 71st Regiment Armory on April 29th. The regiment, Col. Wm. G. Bates in command, left its headquarters, and marched to the new armory site. On a temporary staging they witnessed the laying of the cornerstone. More than 3,000 persons gathered to witness the ceremony, which was opened by a prayer by the Chaplain of the regiment, Edgar B. Tilton. The Chaplain said: "Today is the sixth anniversary of the day that this regiment went to starvation and distress for that people of the southern sea." While the stone was being put in its place the Mayor said : "My part in these exercises is purely a physical one. This armory has been a subject of as great interest to you, as to the citizens of this city, and anything that can be done for you during my administration, shall speedily be done." The following articles were put in the cornerstone, in the old box placed in the old armory, December 17th, 1892: Coins of 1892 and 1904, history of the regiment to 1884, roster of the regiment; roll of the members of the Veteran Association with a copy of the constitution and by-laws of the same, and several articles connected with the history of the regiment. Unfortunately, the day was a stormy one, and the ceremony was conducted under an awning. The architects were Clinton & Russell, of which firm Lieut.-Col. J. H. Wells was a member, and between him and Colonel Bates, understanding all the requirements for a na tional guard armory, they carefully studied out and advised with the architects, thereby securing everything conceivable as necessary. Not an inch of waste room. Owing to the peculiar formation of the ground, the company rooms were placed below the drill floor, on the level of the drill floor were the brigade headquarters and staff, with a separate en trance on 34th Street. The drill room was a few feet above the sidewalk of 34th Street, the headquarter's rooms opening on to the same. In the main tower (236 feet high) was located the Signal Corps. The company rooms are all above the sidewalk, and beneath them are the locker rooms, each approached by an internal staircase. Also provided was a large gymnasium, shower baths, a lavatory large enough for a company at one time, library, offi- 1904] 733 cers' locker room, bowling alley, billiard room, an assembly room for entertainments, squad drill rooms; in fact, every thing requisite. At the extreme east end of the building is a double deck rifle range, with six targets on each deck, with the requisite room for the rifle club. On May 12th, the officers of the 71st entertained the offi cers of the 7th at a dinner, and presented a magnificent bronze figure of an "Arbaetrier" for competition in rifle practice. This was presented in appreciation of the hospitality of the 7th in placing its armory at the disposal of the 71st for the past two years. July 2d and 9th, the regiment was doing a tour in camp. During the month of August, at Creedmoor, the regiment won the State Match, score 1,302; best in record under the late rules, and 130 points over the second team. They were second in the Brigade Match. Later they won the "Cruik- shank" Trophy, score 567, out of a possible 630; and were second in skirmish rapid fire, score 1,105, out of a possible 1,800, the winner having 1,116. This fall the new Infantry Drill Regulations recently adopted by the War Department, was ordered to be used, and the old one discarded. General Roe, in orders, refers to the State Team that won the National Trophy at Fort Riley: "The Captain of the team reports that the individual mem bers worked with the utmost harmony, and that his and the team's thanks are due to Lieutenants Casey and Wells, and Sergeant Doyle of the 71st, whose system of coaching, regard ing windage, elevation, etc., contributed materially to the suc cess of the team." Orders also, were received from State headquarters di recting the adoption of the U. S. Magazine Rifle, 30 caliber, to take the place of Springfield, 45 caliber. November practice at Creedmoor: F. &;S. A B CDEFGH IK T'tl Marksmen 50 48 102 37 72 54 50 48 36 40 37 574 Sharpshooters 15 5 48 2 7 4 11 5 14 2 6 119 Experts 12 3 21 2 4 3 6 2 5 1 3 62 Dis. Experts 10 1 7 2 3 3 3 1 4 0 2 36 Total 87 57 178 43 86 64 70 56 59 43 48 791 734 [1905 1 9 O 5 For several years before the Spanish-American War, Major Smith had been troubled with what was at first stated to be a boil on the back of his neck, this subsequently became so chronic that it was announced as a carbuncle, no treatment seemed to alleviate it. In the fall of 1903 it had proved itself to be a cancer; his doctor would not allow him to wear his uniform as the collar aggravated the disease. From that time until January, 1905, he was unable to do duty, there being no evidence of any favorable change, he applied for retirement, which was granted in January of this year. This cancer was eventually the cause of his death a few years later. In February, Captain Bleecker was commissioned a Major. On May 26th, 1905, the first match was shot at Annapolis. For some time before this match was shot the regiment had been making a very enviable record with its rifle team. At that time the Naval Academy was trying to get a team, and they thought it would be a great advantage to have a match with the 71st and get some of their "dope." After some consider able correspondence the match was arranged and has been shot annually ever since. It is one of the pleasantest and most in teresting events of the year for the regiment. There have never been any set rules for the match, conditions have changed from time to time, and it has always been shot as a match between gentlemen, with the happiest results. In order to make the match interesting, Lieut.-Col. J. H. Wells presented a bronze known as "David," for perpetual competition. This has been won by the Naval Academy six times and by the regiment four times. In reference to the meeting of the N.Y.S. Rifle Associa tion, this season, the "Army and Navy Journal" of August 5th, says: "The meeting was particularly memorable for the remark able shooting of the crack shots of the 71st, N. Y., who won every match open to teams, while another of its members won the individual Long Range Championship. "Never in the history of Creedmoor, or perhaps, any other when there has been open competition, has any one organiza tion had such a succession of victories as the marksmen of the 1905-06] 735 71st, and too much praise cannot be given to Captains Corwin and Byers, Lieutenants Casey, Wells, Shepard and Jenkins, and Sergeant Doyle and other crack shots of the regiment for their hard work and phenomenal skill. "The 71st, since Colonel Bates took command, has fol lowed under his direction an intelligent system of shooting, and each year has been improving." At Creedmoor this season the regiment qualified: Fig. of Per cent, of Marksmen S.S. X.P. D.X.P. Merit Marks'nship 634 208 128 72 53.74 97.33 In December the custom of presentation of medals, etc., during evening parade, was discontinued. It may be done after but not during ceremony. 1 9 O 6 In February the regiment paraded at the funeral of Major- Gen. Joseph Wheeler, as part of the escort. The rest of the escort consisted of Regular troops. Colonel Bates was in command of the escort and Lieutenant-Colonel Wells was in command of the regiment. February 10th, Major-Gen. Fred D. Grant reviewed the regiment. From the "Army and Navy Journal" of the 17th: "The command made a most excellent showing, and the visiting officers were surprised that a regiment that never gets an opportunity to drill as a unit, or even by battalion, by reason of its being in temporary quarters, which admits of no such assembly, could do so well. "The regiment certainly deserves credit. * * * It turned out twelve companies sixteen files each, divided into three battalions. * * *" In March the armory was completed, but delay in pro curing furniture and seats for the galleries prevented occupation. In May, Surgeon-Major Marsh retired after over twenty years of service in the regiment; he was without question the best practical Surgeon the regiment ever had. He was selected by the Government to examine the men at Camp Black before their mustering in, in 1898. 736 . t1906 The spring of 1906, found the new armory so far com pleted, that by permission of the contractor, it was arranged that the regiment might occupy the building. The 7th Regiment, Lafayette Post G.A.R., and 71st Vet erans tendered themselves to assist in escorting the regiment in its transfer from the Lyceum. Colonel Bates, however, de cided that as conditions existed he would take quiet posses sion, and, therefore, regretfully declined their kind offers. On May 26th, at about 8 P. M., the regiment "broke camp" at the Lyceum, and with its paraphernalia marched down to its new home, where it was received with cheers by the Veterans. The building in its exterior was far from being complete, and of course, there was nothing in the way of furnishings. The cost exclusive of the ground was $617,000; furniture, $37,000 ; size, 197.6 by 236.7 feet, with 108 rooms. June 9th and 16th, the regiment did a tour of duty in camp at Peekskill, there being 78.20 per cent, present. At Creedmoor they were second in State Match with a score of 1,273, and won the Brigade Match with a score of 1,173. N. Y. State Rifle Association won the Team Match, score 367; won the "Cruikshank" Trophy, score 560; won 71st Regi ment rapid fire and skirmish drill, score 664. The terms for the State Match this year were different from previous years, they were as follows: 12 men, 7 shots per man at 200 yards ; the same prone, at 600 yards ; 10 shots rapid fire standing, 200 yards; 10 shots rapid fire standing, 500 yards. The fall drill season opened about the first of October; much had been done during the summer in pushing forward to completion, but much was still to be done, not a seat had been placed in the galleries, but considerable had been accom plished toward furnishings ; the gymnasium, rifle range, bowl ing alley, etc., were opened for the benefit of the members as fast as completed. It was the intention of Colonel Bates to give the honor of the dedication, at such time as everything should be ready, to Colonel Martin and the Veteran Association of the 71st Regi ment, when the regiment should be reviewed by Colonel Martin. 1906-07] 737 Colonel Martin, however, was taken seriously ill, and on the 10th of October passed peacefully to his God. His obsequies took place on the 13th of October, at St. Lukes Church, in Brooklyn. It was attended by a large number of friends, the Veterans in a body, and by the officers of the regiment in full-dress uniform. Colonel Bates desired to parade the regiment, but at the request of the family it was omitted. Colonel Martin's remains were placed in his vault in Greenwood. By his will, in addition to $15,000 left to the Veteran Association, he bequeathed to the regiment $5,000. 1 9 O 7 January 9th, the Adjutant-General issued drastic orders concerning the use of armories, formulated by the State Armory Commissioners. No armory could be used in the daytime by tennis clubs or non-military organizations. No rental or remuneration could be received for use of an armory. This seriously interfered with a source of revenue. In orders issued by Colonel Bates announcing that Com pany M had been mustered into service, the regiment was di vided into three battalions, commanded respectively by Lieu tenant-Colonel Wells, Major Linson and Major Bleecker. In March, Captain Bruch was appointed the third Major, and for the first the regiment was equipped with its three battalions, and three Majors. Annual inspection took place on February 11th, the "Army and Navy Journal" complimented the regiment on its execution of "Order Arms," "the only regiment in New York City that executes it correctly, without shock." While the death of Colonel Martin deprived the function of his presence, the arrangements for the dedication of the armory under the management of the Veteran Association continued. The date of the event was February 21st, 1907. A committee of twenty-five members of the association was appointed, having full charge, President William A. Boyd being chairman, and General Francis treasurer. Liberal sub scriptions were made by the members, $2,500 being con tributed; to each of the companies was given fifty dollars to assist in entertaining their guests in their rooms. The armory, especially the drill hall, was profusely and 738 [1907 tastefully decorated. A banquet was provided in the theatre for the friends of the Veterans; in fact, everything was car ried forward thoughtfully, to the end that it should he a suc cess — which it was. The ceremonies opened with a concert by the band; the regiment was formed, the Veterans then marched over the floor in a body to the seats reserved for them. President Boyd in command, Capt. Jas. E. Place acting as Adjutant; the Staff consisted of Comrades Charles F. Homer, Joseph J. Little, Charles H. Patrick, A. T. Francis, E. H. Conklin, Frank L. Barry, L. W. Francis and Herman Seifke ; about 200 mem bers present. The building was packed with people, who gave an en thusiastic reception to the Veterans as they marched to their seats. The regiment was then prepared for review; President Boyd acknowledged the compliment, and with his staff ac companied Colonel Bates and staff in marching around the ranks. After the review, President Boyd, on behalf of the Veteran Association, thanked Colonel Bates for the honor conferred upon him and the association over which he had the honor of presiding, for the privilege allowed them to wel come their alma mater to their new home in this magnificent building, which the County of New York had so munificently provided, and complimented Colonel Bates and his officers and men for their continued advance in numbers and pro ficiency during the last four years of discouragement, promis ing the continued loyalty and support of the Veteran Associa tion in future, as in the past. Alluding to the death of Colonel Martin, who was to have sustained the honor placed upon himself, President Boyd stated that he had been requested to read the address which Colonel Martin had made on his accepting the Lieutenant- Colonelcy of the 71st Regiment (see Appendix for this ad dress), which he then read. Colonel Bates responded with much sincerity, referring to Colonel Martin as the father of the regiment, of his faithful and patriotic service to his country, and his great love and pride in the 71st Regiment for more than fifty years, his in terest in its future being uppermost in his heart. Thanking the Veteran Association for its loyalty and support to the regiment, and for the great work it had performed during the Spanish-American War. 1907] 739 President Boyd then presented to the regiment a magnifi cent silver cup— to be known as the "Martin Trophy." This cup was ready for presentation two years previous, but de layed until the regiment was in its new armory — and then by the death of Colonel Martin ; it was presented and designed by Colonel Martin. The following address was written by Colonel Martin to accompany the cup: "To the Officers and Members of the 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y. : "At the suggestion of my friend, Colonel Bates, I had proposed a trophy, to be contended for at the rifle range by the members of the regiment, to prepare them by the intelli gent and correct use of their rifles for any duty they may be called upon to perform in defence of our City, State or Country. "This trophy I now present to the 71st Regiment hoping and trusting, that it may be an incentive to its members to make themselves proficient in the correct handling and intel ligent use of the rifle. "I have endeavored to have represented on the cup the four great epochs in our country's history, in which the army took a prominent part, by portraits of the four great Generals who commanded the armies during those epochs, and who became President of the United States : General Washing ton, the Father of our Country, in the War of the Revolution, 1776; General Jackson, in the War of 1812; General Taylor, in the Mexican War, 1846; General Grant, in the War for the Union, 1861-5. "There is also depicted upon the cup the portraits of three great generals that our country delighted to honor and who took prominent parts in its wars — Generals Scott, Sherman and Sheridan. "On the cup over the head of General Grant, is the por trait of President Lincoln, the great friend of the 71st Regi ment in 1861. I have also endeavored to have represented the different sections of our country by their trees. "At the base of the cup is the oak tree, to represent the North ; one side of the enamelled American shields, which are surmounted by the Eagle handles, are branches with their cones of the pine tree to represent the South, and on the reverse side of those shields are branches of the hickory tree to represent the middle States and the West. "On the body of the cup on one side is the inscription, and on the reverse side is represented the Rifle Range at Creedmoor. "The case on which the cup stands is illuminated with stars, and is upheld by four bronze eagles standing on globes, and on top of the base are equestrian statues of Grant, Sherman and Sheridan. 740 [1907 "The 71st Regiment took part in the first battle of Bull Run in 1861, for the preservation of the Union; how well it did its duty at that time is a matter of history, but God grant that our country may never witness another scene, and I will add, in the language of our lamented Webster : " 'When our eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time, the sun in the heavens, may we not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union, on States disevered, discordant, belligerent ; on lands rent with civil feuds or drenched it may be with fraternal blood; but let their last feeble lingering glance, rather behold the gorgeous ensign of the Republic, now known and honored throughout the earth, still full high advanced, its arms and trophies stream ing in their original lustre, not a stripe erased or polluted, nor a single star obscured, bearing for its motto, no such miser able interrogatory as, "What is this worth," nor those other words of delusion and folly: "Liberty first, and Union after wards," but everywhere spread all over in characters of liv ing light, blazing on its ample folds, as over the sea and over the land, that other sentiment, dear to every true American heart, "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable." "Forever float our Standard Sheet, Where breathes the foe but fall before it, With Freedom's soil beneath our feet And Freedom's banner streaming o'er it." Colonel Bates accepted the cup in appropriate words, stat ing that he had received a letter of its informal presentation, before Colonel Martin's death, which would be placed in the archives of the regiment. Lieut. John Noble Golding, a member of the Veteran Association, then presented on his own behalf a beautiful bronze statue. This is an original, designed and sculptured by Borglum; it represents Corporal Immens (killed in Cuba) of Company C, in attitude of firing while kneeling. It is a work of art (no duplicate), and its object is to be competed for in armory shooting by teams of six. Remarkable was the fact that all the trophies of the regi ment that were in the fire in 1902, were saved, though some were slightly damaged, all were put in fine condition, and on exhibition on this occasion. After the "Evening Parade," the companies were marched to their quarters, and the floor prepared for dancing, while this was going on, the banquet room was crowded, everyone partaking of the ample supply. The halls and company rooms 1907] 741 were so packed, that it was almost impossible to move, mak ing it exceedingly difficult to get any satisfactory view of the magnificent building. The usual extravagant and lavish use of space for imposing halls and stair cases are avoided in this building, and all such utilized for more important purposes. It is a building thoroughly fireproof and bids fair to remain a permanent monument. The evening was an event in the history of the regiment, at last they had obtained the hope of half a century, the most complete and handsome armory perhaps in the world, ele gantly furnished and equipped with all auxiliaries for making it a pleasure as well as a duty to belong to the 71st regiment. From the New York "Tribune," February 22d: "To mark the formal opening last night of the new armory of the 71st regiment, to replace the one destroyed in 1902, there was a review of the regiment tendered to the 71st Regiment Veteran Association. The late Col. Henry P. Martin was to have been the guest of honor of the regiment last night, but, after his death, in October, 1906, it was decided to give the review in honor of the Veteran Association, of which William A. Boyd is president. "The regiment turned out in full strength in its picturesque and glittering dress uniform. The enormous galleries of the armory were packed with a crowd of enthusiastic spectators, of which the greater part were women. Spacious as are the accommodations of the new armory, they were not big enough for last night, and many had to be turned away. "A triple row of the American colors ran around the drill hall, marking the lines of the galleries. At the east end of the hall was a large banner bearing the regimental insignia, while from the roof swung a dozen trophies. At intervals around the walls were banners bearing the names of battles in which the regiment has borne a part, from the first Bull Run to the Spanish-American War. The reviewing stand was at the north end of the hall, the members of the Veteran Association and the other guests being grouped about it. "The regiment received the 'Martin Cup' which is to be an inter-company trophy for proficiency in small arms prac tice. Colonel Martin himself, suggested the modelling and design of the cup, which stands twenty-three inches high and weighs 276 ounces. "On the front of the cup appears the following inscrip tion: 'The Martin Cup, presented to the 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y., "American Guard," by Colonel Henry P. Martin, commanding the 71st Regiment, 1861-1862. To promote in terest in Small Arms Practice, October 1st, 1905.' On the 742 [1907 reverse side is an etched scene of the Creedmoor range, with men at practice. "In presenting the trophy to the regiment, Mr. Boyd eulogized Colonel Martin and told of his devotion to the regi ment and his interest in the Veteran Association since Colonel Martin became Lieutenant-Colonel of the 71st in 1855. * * * He told how the regiment went through the Civil War with honor, of the loyalty of Colonel Martin to the men and of the men to Colonel Martin. Colonel Martin he said, recognized that proficiency in marksmanship was one of the greatest needs of the service, that he had devoted much time to the creation of interest in small arms practice, until the regiment led in that branch of the service. "Long before his death, at the age of eighty, said Mr. Boyd, Colonel Martin had planned this trophy, up to his death he had worked over the plan, and had finished it just in time to leave it as a legacy to the regiment. "Then the cup, which had been placed upon a table and draped with the American colors, was unveiled, in a burst of cheers and applause from the galleries. "The response for the regiment was made by Colonel William Graves Bates. In part he said: " 'Perhaps in no department of military duty has the regi ment been more conspicuous than in that most important one of small arms practice, and by this is not meant the skill of a few composing the regimental team, although this has en joyed more than its share of success, but the large increase from year to year. " 'No one was keener to realize this improvement or better qualified to judge of the practical advantage to the organiza tion than our late friend and comrade, Colonel Martin. You have most beautifully expressed his signal ability and high state of efficiency to which he brought the regiment ; you have shown somewhat of the deep love and affection in which he was held. " 'As you are aware, tonight he was to have been the reviewing officer, because all the veterans and actives alike felt that above all others he was the man to be thus honored. His interest in the regiment, his love for it and his devotion to it had never ceased from the time when he first became con nected with it until the day of his death, and I know that he was looking forward with the greatest possible pleasure to see his old command. This most beautiful cup which you have just presented to the regiment, was one of the last of the many acts which he has done to show his interest in the regi ment. It will be our duty, to so conduct the affairs of the regiment that we will ever be proud to send this cup from company to company as an evidence of the skill in small arms practice which it is meant to stimulate and encourage. As long as the regiment lives the name of Colonel Martin will be 1907-08] 743 held in loving remembrance and his memory revered and honored. " 'On behalf of the regiment, I thank you again for this magnificent trophy and I pledge you that in the future, as in the past, for the honor of the regiment, with its splendid tradi tions, the State and the Nation, the officers and men will keep and maintain this organization in the same state of efficiency, discipline and readiness for duty that has always charac terized it.' " March 27th, the regiment was reviewed by Mayor McClellan, at which times medals for rifle shooting were pre sented: Sharpshooting, 239; Expert, 126; Dis. Expert, 64; total membership, 731. At Creedmoor, the regiment won the Brigade Match with a score of 1,237, 69 points above! the second team. They were third in the State Match, 44 points lower than 'the winner; won the Governor's Match, and were second in the Adjutant- General's Match, three points less than the winner. Some farmer's cow, which having been shot near the Creedmoor Range by a "high noon" shot, gave the real estate speculators a chance to stir up an opposition to the location of the range. Action was taken by the Grand Jury of Queens County, resulting in an order from the Commander-in-Chief, stopping all practice at Creedmoor. 1 9 O 8 The Dick Bill going into operation on the 21st of January, early in the month a bill was introduced in the Legislature to re-organize the Militia in harmony with the said bill. On the 24th the annual muster took place ; present, 743 ; absent, 19. In February, the Adjutant-General issued orders re-organ izing the National Guard to conform to the National Guard Militia Laws. The 8th and 9th Infantry were made a part of the Coast Artillery, and ceased to be part of the 1st Brigade. Many other minor changes were made, the field music was dis solved, the medical and ordnance officers, including hospital corps became part of those respective departments at Albany detailed to the regiment, but not counted in the aggregate of the regiment at annual muster. During the month of January the regiment held the best 744 [1908-09 record of attendance of any regiment in the State, tying the 2d Regiment with 91 per cent. In March, a new Springfield Rifle was issued to the regiment. On March 24th, a review was taken by Major-Gen. Fred. D. Grant. May 2d, reviewed by General Hawkins. On the 16th of May, the Regimental Team had its annual shooting match with the "Middies" at Annapolis, winning by 11 points. Last year the "Middies" were the winners. No outdoor matches this year by the State; by courtesy of the New Jersey Rifle Association, the Guard had the privi lege of using the range at Sea Girt. On the team of twelve men sent from New York to the National Team Match at Camp Perry, Ohio, six were from the 71st, including the coach, and spotter. At Sea Girt, September 4th, the Interstate and "Cruik- shank" matches were won by the U. S. Marines ; the 71st made a higher score than any other National Guard regiment. At the December meeting the officers were presented the proposition to buy, with the Colonel Martin Fund, a location (if it could be found) on a waterfront for summer use. 1 9 O 9 February 5th, reviewed by General Greene. In March, the officers of the regiment unanimously fav ored the appointive system, instead of election. The first appointment under the system, was that of Lieut. James Eben, to be Captain of Company E. In April, the 71st Regiment Association was incorporated with seventeen directors, composed of the field officers, and commandants of companies, with three classes of members — active, associates and honorary. The Interstate Team from this State sent to Camp Perry, won the first prize in class B, and jumped from twentieth position, which it held in 1908, to seventh in 1909. New York having no long range at this time. This fall the field music, as an organization, disappeared. In October, the regiment went to Sea Girt for rifle prac tice, qualified 533 marksmen and 43 sharpshooters. 1909-10] 745 November 15th, the officers of the regiment gave a din ner to Colonel Bates to celebrate his tenth year as Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel Wells presided, forty-three officers being present. "Under Colonel Bates' command the regiment at tained the highest membership in its history in time of peace, and also excelled in rifle practice. Colonel Bates was pre sented with a handsome gold watch." November 20th, reviewed by Major-Gen. J. Franklin Bell. Of this the "Army and Navy Journal," said: "He (General Bell) was impressed with the steadiness of the men, and the precise and prompt execution of the various movements, and he was particularly impressed with the exe cution of the noiseless 'order arms,' which he said was the best piece of work of its kind he had ever witnessed, the pieces being brought to the floor without the slightest sound avoiding all shock. This is now being generally adopted by the Guard." 1 9 1 O The State having selected a plot at Blauvelt for a rifle range, work was commenced on it, that it might be ready for practice this coming season. From the Inspector's report of the annual muster: "General appearance, military bearing, discipline, courtesy and efficiency shown by inspection — excellent. "The command has taken its place in the first rank of the National Guard Infantry organizations. It is to be commended for the decided and marked improvement shown by this inspection. "There is evident a unanimity of opinion and a strong esprit de corps. The departments are well organized under competent officers who appreciate their responsibilities. The property is clean and well cared for ; the armory is in splendid condition; books and records excellent." April 11th, reviewed by Vice-President James S. Sherman; the first record of a New York regiment being reviewed in its armory by a Vice-President of the United States. It is interesting to note that the splendid execution of the noiseless "order arms" practiced by the regiment, was taught 746 [1910 by Capt. March B. Stewart, 8th U. S. Infantry, who was formerly one of the tactical officers of West Point. He was invited to drill a company of the 71st in the armory for a month several years ago, and with such marked effect that all the other companies became interested, and thus the noise less order, as executed by the cadets at the U. S. Military Academy, came into use in the 71st. The regiment had the distinguished honor of being se lected to be reviewed by Prince Taai-Tao, uncle of the Em peror of China and Chief-of-Staff of the Chinese Army, on the evening of May 2d. The following is from the "Army and Navy Journal," May 7th: "Never before has a Chinese of so high a rank visited the United States, or reviewed a New York Regiment. "As the Prince is the representative of the Chinese Gov ernment Military Commission, and as he and his party are critically studying the military organization, etc., of this and other countries, it was the desire of the War Department that the distinguished members of the Imperial family be accorded a review of some representative N.Y.N.G. Regiment in an up-to-date armory. General Roe commanding the N.Y.N.G. selected the 71st whose armory is one of the best in the coun try, and was also handy to the headquarters of the Prince. General Roe made no mistake in selecting the 71st for the review, for the regiment made a splendid showing and excell ing even the best of its former fine exhibitions, and its soldierly display of steadiness and precision of movements could hardly be discounted by any organization in the State. "The Prince and his party were intensely interested in the work of the regiment, and they watched keenly every move ; when all the rifles were lowered to the armory floor without any noise, at the command of 'order arms' the faces of the Prince and party showed evident delight, and Lord Li and others com mented among themselves on this and other movements. * * * "After the ceremony of evening parade, all the officers were introduced to the Prince, and then an inspection of the main features of the armory was made, the party was shown through the library, billiard room, gymnasium, etc., but the rifle range was of special interest to the visitors. Its workings were explained by Capt. G. W. Corwin, O.O., and the colored lights denoting the value of shots fired at the 200 and 500 yard targets by men specially detached for this purpose, caught the attention of the party. "Colonel Bates then invited the Prince to try a shot, and without hesitation, His Imperial Highness dropped his hat and after a long aim, scored — a miss. This was only a warm ing shot, however, for the next shot fired was signaled as a bull's-eye, to the keen delight of the Prince and party, for 1910] 747 no other member of the Imperial family of China has ever scored a bull's-eye on a foreign range. "The party was shown the system of targets, and the mark pits, etc., after which a collation was served in the officers' mess room. Here Colonel Bates in a few remarks stated, that while the 71st had been reviewed by many dis tinguished officers, they had never had so high a one as His Imperial Highness, and the regiment was extremely gratified at being so honored. "The health of the Prince was then drunk. The Prince through an interpreter, said: T am glad to be with you and see this regiment. I am interested in the organization of your National Guard and wanted to see one of its regiments. I have seen yours, and I thank the officers for the splendid review. The regiment looked finely, and I am much im pressed. It is wonderful, and the officers and men not being soldiers all the time.' " The Imperial party had another engagement after the review. His Imperial Highness, however, was so comfortable in a large arm chair, and enjoying the company and surround ings that it was with reluctance that he yielded to the urgency of his staff, and departed. In June, the officers adopted white cross-belts, to be worn by the enlisted men with full dress; this was one more move to get back to the old bill of dress. July 4th, a new idea of a "sane" Fourth, was introduced, a part of which was a parade of the 1st Division. "The 71st with eight companies of 20 files and four com panies of 16 files, had the largest turnout." August 1st, the regiment entrained at the Grand Central station for the Pine Plains Camp, where they, with various other regiments of the N.Y.N.G, were to meet a portion of the Regular army and manoeuver together for a week. This was carrying out the spirit of the new law. From the "Army and Navy Journal," August 13th : "There was been considerable surmise as to why the 71st left its home station in New York City for Pine Plains, N. Y., on the night of August 1st, when the other regiments left a day earlier, and how the 71st Regiment left Pine Plains Camp for home a day earlier than the other commands, and yet re ceived the same pay. "The fact of the matter is this: The 71st, in going to Pine Plains Camp, merely obeyed orders of the War Depart ment. The other organizations went there a day earlier on their own account. That the 71st managed to get away from 748 [1910-11 / camp a day before the others was simply due to the fortunes of war and orders from General Headquarters. The Chief Quartermaster of the camp, who was looking ahead a little, found that if all the organizations were started for their sta tions on the same date some congestion would result; so the 71st to help matters was ordered to pack up and entrain on the night of August 9th, which they did. "Its camp was more quietly established than that of any other regiment on duty during the first period. Its largest number present was 680 officers and men." The Blauvelt Rifle Range opened for practice for the first time on October 1st. On the 22d of October, the regiment participated in parade in Jersey City, in celebration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Bergen County. Qualifications for outdoor rifle practice for the season, was: Dis. Experts, 10; Experts, 0; Sharpshooters, 1 ; Marks men, 568; total, 579. 19 11 General Roe reviewed the regiment on the 13th of Janu ary, he said: "The 71st ranks as one of the most efficient regiments in the Guard." February 17th, reviewed by the Governor Dix. At the inspection held March 7th, 874 were present; 26 less than the 7th. This year being the fiftieth anniversary of the departure of the regiment to the defence of Washington, it was the desire to have had a review by President Taft, but owing to his inability to attend on the 21st, it was arranged for the 25th; the first review of a New York regiment in its armory by a President of the United States. The drill hall was handsomely decorated, etc., the regi ment in full dress. For the first time the officers resumed the long discarded red sash and the men the white cross-belts. The regimental display was equal to the best ever seen in the city; fifteen companies, 16 files front. The Veteran Association to the number of 200 marched on to the floor amid the applause of the great audience, the regiment presented arms and the band played "Auld Lang 1911-12] 749 Of this the "Army and Navy Journal," said : "As the President marched around the lines during the standing review, the men stood like statues, and continuous applause greeted Mr. Taft from the audience. "A photographer tried to get a picture as the reviewing party began the inspection, but failed; as the President was returning to the point of review he obligingly walked to the centre again to give the photographer another chance, while the audience cheered, but the machine did not work. * * *" At the rifle practice on September 26th, at Blauvelt, the regiment won the Brigade Match. The efficacy for army use of vaccination for the prevention of typhoid fever having been proved, Colonel Bates this fall had the regiment vaccinated ; the first. 19 12 January 5th, reviewed by the Secretary of War, Henry L, Stimson. From the "Army and Navy Journal" : "Mr. Stimson congratulated the officers of the regiment upon the unusually good showing the command had made in the review and parade; also complimented the officers of the excellent class of men he had observed in the ranks, and who by their steadiness and attention, showed pride in the organ ization; his praise was certainly well deserved, for the regi ment gave a fine exhibition in steadiness, snap and precision of movement, and with its full dress distinctive uniform with white cross-belts, the regiment was indeed a handsome looking body. * * *" "During the standing review, Mr. Stimson, instead of pass ing merely around the regiment, passed in front of each line of companies in succession, which tested the steadiness of the men all the more. * * *" On April 22d, the regiment was reviewed for the last time by Major-General Roe. May 14th, reviewed by Adjutant-General Verbeck. In accordance with the orders from the War Department, the manoeuvers. this year opened August 10th, in Connecticut, in which the regiment participated, having present 82 per cent. of its membership. Extracts from the remarks of the U. S. Army Inspector on Duty with the regiments: "Discipline very good, men always saluted officers and were respectful. Formations prompt and orderly. 750 [1912-13 "Observance of 'Taps' during first half of tour, poor, later excellent. The Adjutant's (Perine) records well kept — Quartermaster (Fern) and Commissary (True) energetic and painstaking, latter displayed marked ability and regiment was supplied better than any other organization present from New York. "Battalion close and extended order very satisfactory and men held well in hand. Some difficulty in controlling fire discipline due to the lack of experience. Men drank too much water on march. Criticism taken in proper spirit and steps taken to promptly correct shortcomings." September 21st, reviewed with the Brigade at Piping Rock, L. I. 19 13 In January, General McAlpin reviewed the regiment April 4th, the first review by the new Major-General, O'Ryan ; General Roe retired on May 4th, 1912, on account of age limit. Captain O'Ryan of the 1st Battery, was appointed to the office. General Roe was a graduate of West Point and had seen service, his rise from Major of Cavalry to the highest office in the National Guard of the State was not surprising. General O'Ryan had served from a private in the Guard, to Captain of a Battery, his promotion to the high office over many seniors in age and rank, excited considerable comment. He was highly recommended, and proved a born soldier; he subsequently attended the War College at Washington, striv ing to increase his military knowledge. He was constantly seeking for new ideas which would advance the efficiency of the National Guard. It may be said that his departure from the beaten track was a revolution in the system of the Guard. In June, Colonel Bates changed the method of placing companies in battalions, instead of by seniority of Captains it was to be by letter of companies — A, B, C, D, in first bat talion for instance, and so on. The semi-annual returns (ending September 30th), showed that the 71st was the only regiment in the 1st Brigade to show a net gain. November 29th, was reviewed by General Dyer, at which time he presented his trophy to the regiment saying: "I have a strong token of affection for the 71st Regiment 1913-14] 751 and esteem for its distinguished Colonel. I am proud of its efficiency and of the fine character of its officers and men, who represent the best spirit of the citizen soldier. "The City and State may well be proud of such a regi ment and can feel perfectly secure with such a command ready at all times for any call of duty. "Its Colonel has the respect and admiration of military men throughout the country." Ordnance-Sergt. George H. Doyle, was at the same time presented with the Governor's cup, representing the shooting championship of the State. Colonel Bates, in presenting the cup, said: "No man in the United States has done more than he for rifle shooting, or did more than he in increasing the rifle shooting ability of the 71st Regiment." The qualifications in rifle practice this season were: Ex perts, 22; Sharpshooters, 29; Marksmen, 61; total, 112. The small number qualifying is owing to the new system of rifle practice prescribed by the War Department. It makes a very difficult course compared with the old practice. Percentage of attendance for season, at Dress Parades, 83. Target practice, 80. 19 14 January 2d, reviewed by ex-Mayor Kline. February 14th, reviewed by Gen. A. L. Mills, U.S.A. Mounted Scouts were organized. April 20th, reviewed by Governor Fielder of New Jersey. From the "Army and Navy Journal" : "He not only witnessed ceremonial work by one of the best companies in the Guard, viz.: Company G, Capt. Henry Mazlin, and Company K, Capt. Walter A. Delmater." The Annual Rifle Match at Annapolis was on May 16th, the regiment winning; score, 1,547 to 1,538. The "Army and Navy Journal" of October 24th, said : "The 71st Regiment Infantry during the past few years has acquired a standard of discipline and marksmanship and 752 [1914 efficiency which places it among the best trained regiments of the National Guard of the entire country." And now (November) comes one of the most remark able and important steps yet taken. After many consultations between General O'Ryan and Colonel Bates in reference to the organization of an "example" company about this time, it was arranged to use the letter of Company F as the nucleus of a company — as a "school" company. This company to be recruited, disciplined and trained in a thorough and detailed manner, but to remain tactically, and in every other way a part of the 71st. The members then ir turn to be transferred to other companies. Recruits for the new company were limited to young men not then in service, they were required to drill three nights a week and to receive one day's pay per week, on the same basis that they are allowed pay in camp. The company was not only to constitute the tools with which the student officers should work, but their high standard of discipline and of field efficiency would doubtless constitute a stimulating model for the entire regiment. It was decided that this company was to be the model company of the State Guard, under the command of Lieut. Albert T. Rich of the 2d U. S. Infantry, who was assigned for that purpose by the War Department. In furtherance of this object an "ad" was placed in the papers as follows : "National Guard — Company F, 71st Regiment, N.G.N.Y. One of Manhattan's crack regiments, desires recruits of good character and sound health, at least eighteen years old; will pay; no interference with daily occupation; three evening drills each week, overcoat, two uniforms, rifle and other equip ments furnished absolutely free by the State; members have use of bowling alleys, pool and billiards, rifle range, gymna sium, library, shower bath, athletic trainer. For full particulars call any afternoon or evening, or address Commanding Officer, Company F, 71st Regiment Armory." Of the 222 applicants received, 147 were rejected; the 75 accepted were a fine lot of young men in every respect, and with these the new company was launched. All, with the ex ception of two who were ex-Sergeants of the Regular army and were made Sergeants of the new company, had never been connected with any military organization. 1915] 753 19 15 In January, reviewed by General O'Ryan, when the new company made its first appearance in public and attracted much attention. March 30th, reviewed by the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Association. In May was adopted a new shako, it was a modification of the West Point full dress, slightly broader at top, dark blue in color, with patent leather top, metal bound, patent leather chin strap, and further ornamented by a coat of arms and white braid. The metal parts are of gilt and the color of the shako and its appointments are in keeping with the other parts of the full dress. July 17th, was held the Field Service, at Fishkill Plains, in which the regiment served. Average present, 728; absent, 204; total, 932. The great merchant, John Wanamaker, as an evidence of his regard for the National Guard, and his liberality to those of his clerks belonging to the same, is at this time organizing from the same, a Machine Gun Company, which he will see is, thoroughly equipped, providing the guns for the same, which is to become a part of the 71st Regiment. No words of the compiler could add to the encomiums of press and officers as given in this history of this administra tion. Without disparagement to others, who have under con ditions then existing, filled with credit the requirements of their term of office, it may be stated without contradiction, that the administration of Colonel Bates has put the regiment into a position it never before had attained. Its membership of 1,000 at the end of 1915 is expected to be 1,200 before the end of 1916. For practical efficiency it has not its equal in the Guard. The retirement of Colonel Appleton in February, 1916, will leave Colonel Bates the Senior Colonel of the Guard; may he be spared for the next eight years, when he will be come retired by age limit, is the prayer of all well-wishers of the regiment. No one knows what may happen in that time, but if the Lord favors us with peace, and the regiment con tinues to advance in the next eight years as it has in the last 754 [1915 eight, it may reach the limit of a regiment, about 1,800 men, the maximum for a company being 140. As it is, what a wonderful advancement from 1852. The reading of this history, while it may be interesting to a member or veteran of the 71st Regiment, to the student it gives evidence of the evolution of the militia. Its constitution, up to 1861, showed no efficiency. The rebellion gave an opportunity to show the value of organiza tion, for when the first call of 75,000 men was made, it was the militia regiments that responded, and though they were little more than armed mobs, they had an organization with officers who at least knew their duties, and who in a few weeks in camp, made well-drilled and disciplined troops of their commands, lacking only field experience. These were in the first line of attack, and when their ser vice was finished, and even before, they furnished officers for the volunteer regiments that were forming. Two regiments, of which the 71st was one, furnished nearly 1,000 officers. Besides these regiments served as a reserve, and in three suc cessive years subsequent, they were called upon in emergen cies, performing valuable service. From 1866 to 1898 each succeeding Adjutant-General en deavored to advance the efficiency of the Guard in accordance with his views, with varied success. However, the standard was gradually rising, armories were built, encampments were held and useless organizations wiped out; of the twenty-three regiments existing in 1866, only seven are now in service (this refers to New York City). In 1898, when the war with Spain opened, the Guard was in far better condition than it was in 1861, as has been shown. The Government's call for troops, were for volunteers, but as in 1 86 1, the National Guard was in the first line, though as has been explained, they were mustered as volunteers — as no National Guard troops could be sent outside of the country. Both wars have proved, that as conditions exist, reliance must be placed in the National Guard for immediate action. In 1861 there was delay in providing clothing and arms and equipments for the recruits, such was not the case in 1898, all the State departments being fully competent for the emer gency, and those regiments sent from the State of New York were fully provided for in every respect. Much dissatisfaction was found with the State authori- 1915] 755 ties at the condition that existed after the departure of these volunteer regiments, the situation was new — with one excep tion, in two Boroughs, there were no National Guard regi ments; it was necessary to replace them, that no such condi tion as existed in 1863 should find the authorities unprovided to meet. To overcome the situation, new regiments were ordered to be organized, each to take the number 100 added to its numerical designation. This, however, did not prove to be a success, giving the authorities much anxiety — the shortness of the war obviated any complication which might otherwise have arisen. The serious handicap in the harmony of the Guard had always been the election of commissioned officers — competent men (who are not usually popular) were overlooked, and less competent, and often incompetent, ones were elected because they were popular. In 1887, at the meeting of the State Mili tary Association, the compiler offered to the Committee on Code a resolution that no officer above the rank of Second Lieu tenant should be elected, all others to be by appointment. While the committee approved, they considered that it was ahead of the time and could not be carried. It is now the practice to appoint all line officers. As to the 71st: its epoch, as may have been noted, dates from 1892, at the election of Colonel Greene and the posses sion of its new armory. Its next step forward dates from 1898, its second baptism in blood; its re-organization in 1899, followed by the administration of Colonel Bates, which at this date has placed it in the first rank in every respect. Those so interested, may take note that General Roe and Colonel Greene were West Point graduates, and that General O'Ryan and Colonel Bates, entered the Guard as privates. All have done splendid service and the Guard has been the better for their work; the philosopher can theorize on the subject as to which source produces the most profit to the Guard. Certain it is, that the National Guard of New York State has never before reached its present efficiency. Its members have passed as strict a physical examination as that required for the Regular army, and with the exception of the hardening result of constant duty, are the equal of its rank and file. Its officers have all the essential requirements for duty in their 756 [1915 respective rank; with two months' of camp and field service they would be equal for any emergency. Until the Government has formulated and put into use some definite system for an enlarged army and a reserve, it must, as heretofore, depend upon the National Guard, at least in this State, for its first line of defense, and if that call un fortunately shall be made, unquestionably the 71st will, as it always has, promptly respond. COLONEL EUGENE H. CONKLIN Joined 71st Regiment, October 3d, 1861, served with the Regiment 1862-1863. Joined Veteran Association, November gth, 1868, one of its organizers and incorporators. Colonel of the Veteran Association, 1893; Lieutenant-Colonel 1886, 1887, 1892. Died March 15th, 1919, Plato xiii — tfp. MEMORABILIA Regimental Trophies BANKS TROPHY Bronze, "The Janissaire;" presented by Commodore David Banks. For Armory shooting by Company Teams of twenty. HOMER TROPHY Bronze, "The Fencer;" presented by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles F. Homer. For Armory shooting by Company Teams of five. ZABRISKIE TROPHY Bronze, "The Gladiator;" presented by Captain Andrew C. Zabriskie. For Armory shooting by Company Teams of ten; annually. TEAM OF THREE TROPHY Bronze, "Rescue;" presented by Commodore David Banks. Challenge for Armory shooting by Company Teams of three. MARTIN CUP Silver Cup ; presented by Colonel Henry P. Martin. Com peted for in Armory shooting by Company Teams of eight; annually. CLINTON AND RUSSELL TROPHY Bronze, "L'Alerte;" presented by Clinton and Russell. Competed for in Armory shooting by Company Teams of six ; annually, in one contest. 758 MEMORABILIA SAN JUAN TROPHY Bronze, "San Juan ;" presented by Lieutenant John Noble Golding. Competed for "in Armory shooting by Company Teams of six; annually. COLONEL'S CUP Silver Cup ; presented by Colonel W. G. Bates. Awarded annually to the Company obtaining the highest percentage of Marksmen on the State Range. COMMODORE'S TROPHY Bronze, "Detresse;" presented by Commodore David Banks. Awarded annually to the Company obtaining the highest percentage of Marksmen on General Practice Day. GRANT TROPHY Bronze, "General Grant;" presented by former Commis sary J. Kennedy Tod. Awarded annually to the Company obtaining the highest State Figure of Merit on General Prac tice Day. MERZ SHIELD Bronze Shield; presented by Lieutenant Harry Merz. Competed for annually by Companies in Armory Rifle shooting. SHERIDAN RECRUITING TROPHY Bronze, "Sheridan's Ride;" presented by Major-General F. V. Greene. Awarded annually to the Company obtaining the greatest number of recruits. ELMENDORF RECRUITING TROPHY Bronze; presented by John B. Elmendorf. Awarded an nually to the Company obtaining the greatest number of recruits under the conditions. VETERANS' TROPHY Bronze, "The Minute Man;" presented by the Veterans of the Regiment. Awarded annually to the Company having the best record of attendance. DYER'S TROPHY Bronze, "Twenty Years;" presented by General George R. Dyer. Competed for among the Companies for General Efficiency. MEMORABILIA 759 1812 CUP Silver Cup; presented by the Veteran Corps of Artillery, constituting the Society of the War of 1812. Awarded an nually for the highest Bowling Score. TOD CUP Silver Cup ; presented by former Commissary J. Kennedy Tod. Awarded annually to the Company winning the greatest number of points in the Annual Athletic Games. POOL TOURNAMENT Silver Cup ; presented by officers and enlisted men of the 1st Company, Signal Corps. LONG SERVICE MEDAL Presented by the Regiment for Long Service. HONORS In its service to the Nation and State during its first fifty years of existence, the 71st has always responded with promptness to calls of duty. For these the National Govern ment permits rings on the Lance of the National Colors, with the following inscriptions thereon: 1861 Alexandria, Va., May 24th, 1861. Acquia Creek, Va., May 31st, 1861. Mathias Point, Md., June 27th, 1861. Bull Run, July 21st, 1861. 1862 Washington, D. C, 1862. Tenallytown, D. C, 1862. 1863 Gettysburg Campaign, 1863. Kingston, Pa., June 26th, 1863. Near Harrisburg, June 29th, 1863. 1898 Spanish-American War, 1898. San Juan, Santiago de Cuba, July 1st, 1898. Santiago de Cuba, June, July and August, 1898. The State permits on the Lance of its colors, as follows: 1857 The "Dead Rabbit" Riot. 1858 "Sepoy" or "Quarantine War." 1863 Draft Riots. 760 MEMORABILIA 1871 "Orange" Riot. 1877 Railroad Riot. 1892 Buffalo Riot. 1895 Brooklyn Trolley Riot. The Regiment served 230 days during the War of the Rebellion, and 200 days during the Spanish-American War, or altogether one year and two months in the service of the United States, and was in the opening battles of each war, the first on the firing line. Annual Inspection of the Regiment Down to 1870, the members of the band were enlisted and were counted in the total. Though not enlisted, the band was counted in the total down to and including 1882, since then the band is not included. Present Absent Total 1853. ... 0 0 0 1854. ... 0 0 0 1855 Paraded including r 116 band. 1856. ... 0 0 684 1857. ...302 0 550 Probably included absentees, unknown. 1858. . . .421 99 520 1859. ...475 98 573 1860. ...412 94 506 1861. ...447 162 609 After return from Washington. 1862. . . .429 269 698 After return from Washington. 1863. ...557 169 726 High water mark. Trafford. 1864. ...511 127 638 1865. ...440 169 609 1866. ...469 137 606 1867. ...386 140 526 Parmele and Rockafellar. 1868. ...346 135 481 Parmele and Rockafellar. 1869. ...377 95 472 Parmele resigned. 1870. . . .463 264 727 37th Regiment consolidation. 1871. . . .456 179 635 1872. ...381 174 555 Vose 1873. ...371 123 494 1874. ...408 84 492 MEMORABILIA 761 Present Absent Total 1875.. ..418 72 490 1876. . . .493 103 596 1877., ...504 86 590 1878. . , . .447 110 557 1879. . ,..425 120 545 1880. . ...507 96 603 A turning point. 1881. . . .463 201 664 1882. ...351 195 546 1883. ...361 154 515 1884. ...318 137 455 Low water mark. 1885. . . .427 108 535 McAlpin. 1886. . . .410 146 556 1887. . . .474 92 566 Kopper. 1888. . . .452 105 557 1889. ...533 56 589 1890. ...532 55 587 1891. ...551 49 600 1892. . . .467 78 545 Greene. 1893. ...519 40 559 1894. ...541 10 551 1895. ...542 7 549 1896. ...570 0 570 First on record no absentees. 1897. . . .614 0 614 1898. . . .694 6 700 Before Spanish War. 1899. ...606 111 717 After re-organization — Francis 1900. ...605 34 639 Bates. 1901. ...608 23 631 1902. . . .654 23 677 1903. ... 0 0 700 1904. ...598 22 620 1905., ...580 37 617 1906., ...649 16 665 1907. ...712 20 732 1908., ...743 19 762 1909., ...797 26 823 1910. , ,..860 29 889 1911.. ,..857 23 880 1912. , ,..851 16 867 1913.. , . .862 18 880 1914. . , . .886 9 895 1915.. . .930 12 942 Annual Inspection of Companies The first number is of those Present, the second those Absent. A B C D E F G H I K 1857. . . . 24- 25- 36- 27- 30- 39- 22- 47- Vacant Vacant 1858.... 47- 33- 52- 39- 34- 62- 46- 47- Vacant Vacant 1859. . . . 56-19 25-05 50-11 43- 6 37- 8 59-13 60- 8 42-20 31- 8 Vacant 1860. . . . 41-30 Vacant 50- 9 39- 6 31- 8 75-10 57-17 48-14 Vacant Vacant 1861 .... 47-43 33-11 48- 8 52-25 31- 8 66-25 55-25 50-15 Vacant Vacant 1862 43- 27- 43- 44- 48- 55- 33- 41- 33- 22- 1863.... 48-22 44- 7 59- 9 51-15 60-14 51-15 47-24 69-19 45-23 37-15 1864 52-17 45- 7 53-10 45-15 43-13 46-16 43-16 76-14 40-13 22- 5 1865.... 39-34 50-11 48-24 39-19 43-18 38- 7 32-18 54-27 51-14 Vacant 1866. . . . 45-18 54-12 43-16 53- 4 42-22 32-17 41-16 56-25 50- 4 Vacant 1867. . . . 31-19 44-16 35-20 46- 5 39-20 26-14 36-10 50-15 26-17 Vacant 1868 28-14 43-13 27- 9 30-10 30-28 26-17 32-12 44-15 35-17 Vacant 1869.... 30-18 62- 7 32- 1 33- 6 31-14 33-10 36-11 44-12 33-14 Vacant 1870*... 32-83 46- 9 38-17 46-22 49-16 42-31 47-34 39- 8 23-18 50-21 1871 .... 37-24 39-10 39-10 39-29 45-12 35-30 57-16 32- 9 23-19 54-19 1872.... 36-19 30-13 26-18 35-28 36-19 35-20 41-20 27-13 28- 5 36-17 1873.... 32- 6 34-10 38- 7 32-11 25-11 39-14 42-12 23-15 23- 9 32-24 1874. . . . 37- 8 41- 3 44- 5 26-17 33- 3 42- 7 42- 9 29- 33- 5 28-26 1875.... 37- 4 41- 1 42- 8 26-13 30-10 40- 5 51- 6 24- 6 31-10 45- 6 1876. . . . . . . .Vacant 40-10 55- 3 70-26 45- 4 34- 9 47-12 31-26 48- 9 73- 5 1877.... Vacant 39-13 58- 2 64-15 38- 5 36- 9 53- 4 34-26 51- 7 77- 4 1878. . . . 31-13 45-10 61- 6 23-12 34-10 42- 8 37-25 46- 6 73-15 1879... . . . . Vacant 34- 8 43- 8 58-10 26- 7 32-12 39- 7 31-31 40- 9 65-25 1880. . . . 39-15 76-14 56-14 19- 9 37- 8 41-10 45- 5 44- 9 93- 9 1881 45- 9 38-22 61-24 57-10 Vacant 39-25 52-19 37-16 44- 7 72-28 1882.... 32-11 35-20 47-32 28-11 Vacant 31-19 34-21 38-13 31-18 57-22 1883.... 43- 8 23-10 48- 9 46-18 Vacant 23-25 53-20 21-21 37-13 49-28 1884. . . . 51-10 18-17 42-15 36-13 Vacant 16-23 41- 5 30-16 37- 7 33-29 1885.... 49-8 24- 3 36- 3 75-13 Vacant 47-17 44-10 23-26 59-12 53-12 M ONts) wKo> td ABCDEFGHIKLM J886 43-15 19-7 35-8 88-14 Vacant 28-39 37-20 41-8 56-20 43-15 N }887 54-3 38-3 39-5 74-17 Vacant 43-8 34-16 55-16 58-17 61-5 1888 65-3 51-5 47-10 65-12 Vacant 53-8 27-12 46-20 28-22 56-10 }889 78-4 74-2 46-8 78-11 Vacant 46-3 37-10 50-10 52-2 56-4 }890 77-2 88- 58-1 69-13 Vacant 35-10 41-5 50-8 46-5 52-8 1891 69-9 95-2 57-2 70-4 Vacant 38-7 40-10 55-5 52-5 55-4 1892 57-9 101-2 40-10 53-5 Vacant 39-16 40-3 39-13 38-10 47-8 1893 62-1 103- 55-1 62-2 Vacant 33-10 37-4 44-6 42-11 54-4 1894 56- 103- 49-6 63- Vacant 52- 51- 41-2 44-2 60- 1895 53-1 103- 54- 71- Vacant 52- 49-1 49- 31-5 57- 1896f 53- 103- 50- 73- Vacant 50- 46- 42- 57- 64- 1897 54- 103- 47- 88- Vacant 30- 43- 68- 53- 66- 1898 53- 101- 43- 85-2 49- 49-1 45- 72- 57-1 68-1 g 1899 56-9 64- 62-5 85-3 54-16 38-21 42-11 49-12 31-20 57-12 | 1900 47-4 63-3 61-3 84- 45-8 39-8 45-4 60-1 49-1 48-2 O 1901 51-4 70- 65-2 82- 48-2 37-6 44-2 51- 42-4 50-2 j* 1902 49-7 97- 70-1 82- 57-1 47-4 45-2 43-2 50-1 51-3 5 1903 58- 95- 73- 83- 60- 58- 51- 47- 53- 52- r 1904 44- 95-1 60-3 69- 56- 42-5 40-3 37-2 42-5 50-1 > 1905 45-4 97-1 45-8 59-2 57- 41-1 44-6 36-7 40-2 47-2 1906 48- 1 98- 48- 1 54- 2 75- 41- 3 57- 1 42- 3 48- 2 73- 1 1907 52- 92-1 53- 51- 71-2 50- 67- 38-2 52- 77-14 1908 59- 74-2 50-4 58- 61-1 50-4 62-1 53- 63- 84-1 Vacant 52-5 1909 67- 3 73- 4 60- 3 60-2 64- 54- 2 69- 58- 58- 2 103- 17- 5 57- 3 1910 56-5 75-2 73- 6 60- 2 72- 66- 68-1 60-2 62-1 103- 54-2 59-2 1911 59-4 73- 70-5 54-2 67- 67-1 64-1 63- 65- 96-1 56-4 57-4 1912 57-3 72-1 64-2 56-1 81- 53-3 65- 62-2 62-1 93-1 56-1 64- 1913 59-3 72-2 51-4 56- 80- 58-2 67- 59-2 72- 91-1 58-2 63-2 1914 60- 65- 48- 54- 82- 60- 70- 63-2 62-2 99-1 56- 79-2 1915$ 61- 50- 59- 52- 106- 77-2 69- 77- 61-1 103-1 70-1 74-2 *This year the 37th Regiment was consolidated with the 71st. fThis was the first time that the regiment ever inspected 100 per cent, present. JThis was the first year of the new F. VIOn 764 MEMORABILIA Company History Such documents as were in existence, relative to the his tory of the different companies, and in the possession of the regiment or companies, were lost in the destruction of the armory in 1902; at this time not a member of the regiment, prior to 1857, is known to be alive, and even those of the '70s and '80s, were somewhat hazy as to facts. Fortunately, Mr. Whittemore wrote a history (very much abridged), it was published in limited number in 1886. At that time he had the opportunity of seeing what documents there were, and also of interviewing those now long dead; the compiler, therefore, finds it necessary to avail himself in some instances of the data therein, though he has found many errors to correct. As has been stated, Companies A, B, C and D, were the first four companies, constituting the "American Rifles," fol lowed by E, F, G and H, in 1852, making the eight companies necessary for a regiment. The health of these was very delicate, some of them dying more than once. The transfers of officers and men from one company to another, added much to the confusion .in straightening out the history of companies. There was very little "red tape" at that time, a charter obtained, the basis of the company was established, and the gentlemen then named were the officers, regardless of quali fication; there was no Examining Board (the first board was instituted in 1870). Most of the companies in the Militia were independent companies, and their size depended upon its popularity; some were quite large and some quite small. As each of these companies had different uniforms, it did not admit of equalizing in such regiments to which they belonged.* Discipline was permitted, on account of pride in the company, but an officer was not allowed to "put on airs." The Captain was generally addressed as "Cap," and he as well as the Lieutenants were presumed to allow familiarity or be unpopular; of course, there were exceptions. ?The 11th and 12th Regiments had each eight companies, sixteen, each with a different uniform and name. MEMORABILIA 765 The compiler was fortunate enough to get possession of three documents, invaluable in this work; first, Orders No. 300 A. G. O., October 23d, 1850, authorizing the "American Rifles;" Orders No. 572 A. G. O., May 11th, 1852, creating the 71st Regiment, and a copy of the obsequies of Henry Clay, July 20th, 1852, giving the first parade of the regiment. With these and what data he had, the following account of companies may be considered fairly correct. The first of these gives the Captains of the first four companies: A, Parker; B, Risley; C, Fisher; D, Moody. The second gives us a fifth company, which must be E. Parker was Captain of A, Wheeler of B, Hagadorn of C, and Moody of D, which would leave Glover for E; the three other com panies mentioned in this order naturally must be F, G and H, and yet they do not fit in snugly with other information. The obsequies of Henry Clay were on July 20th, in the report of this there were only six companies including F (no G nor H), the commanders of companies as placed makes confusion (see page 9); Parker of A, acted as Major; B, Wheeler is correct; Hagadorn belonged to C, in this he is placed with A; Little with C, is .not known; Moody acted as Lieutenant-Colonel, the Smith named may have been H. C. Smith mentioned in Orders 572, (see these orders, page 7). To E, Woodworth is named, and Glover is down as in command of F. A natural inquiry is, if Glover was Cap tain of E, why was he in command of F? Possibly this is an error, and he was in command of E; then we have F on our hands, and Woodworth. Now the compiler has seen the commission of Captain Woodworth, it is dated October 14th, 1852, rank from September 27th, 1852, he was the first Captain of H, prior to that he was a member of the Con tinental Guard, besides the compiler has good evidence that Company F was in existence in March, 1852, and that A. M. Copeland was then its Captain, though his name is not men tioned in the above documents. William Cole, mentioned in Order 572, is not known, there was a William J. Coles, who was Captain of C, July, 1857; there is no evidence that they were the same, the compiler served under the latter. Then we have James C. Thomas (Order 572), as we find no place for him, and as a Captain is wanted in G, we take 766 MEMORABILIA the liberty, on no other authority, to put him as the first Captain of that company. The paragraph (Order 572) directing General Spicer to strike from the rolls certain names, indicates a suspicion that some of them were already in the militia, perhaps tak ing "French leave" from some of the weak, independent companies. It will be noted that in neither of these orders are the companies designated by letter or number. That Colonel Vosburgh must have had an almost dis couraging experience in organizing the 71st is evident in the early history of these companies, and gives great testi mony to his indomitable energy, patience and will, anyone but an enthusiast would have given up the effort. COMPANY A We know that this was one of the first of the original companies, therefore, born in 1850, its first 1850 Captain being Samuel S. Parker. When the regi ment was formed, Parker was made Major, and later 1852 the company seems to have gone out of existence. For a reason not known now, Captain Charles H. Wheeler, of Compay B, with 30 men were transferred to the vacant letter A ; probably to be the flanking com pany. There is no record of why and when he left. The next we learn is that John P. Hopkins was 1854 made Captain. When he left, or his successor came in, is not on record, but we learn that the company was 1857 disbanded, and that the Captain at that time was R. Wells Kenyon. 1858 As has been explained, the "Light Guard" was transferred from the 55th Regiment in 1858, as Company A of the 71st, and as such continued to exist until 1876, 1876 when it was disbanded by Orders No. 48, A. G. O., di recting that "Company A, 71st Regiment, be consoli dated with the other companies of the regiment, and that the officers of it be rendered supernuirferary." R. O. No. 9, May 1st, assigned the members to Companies 1880 B, H and I. R. O. No. 21, December 27th, again re established the company, and it has continued to this date. MEMORABILIA 767 CAPTAINS Samuel S. Parker COMMISSIONED 1850 Charles H. Wheeler Trans, from B 1852 John P. Hopkins 1854 R. Wells Kenyon Not known John R. Garland Trans, from 55th 1858 David D. Hart May 1861 William G. Tompkins December 14, 1861 Samuel W. Osgood November 15, 1869 Ernest A. DesMarets September 11, 1871 Thomas B. Kniffen January 29, 1881 E. deKay Townsend June 30, 1881 Charles M. Kennedy April 13, 1886 Edward Charles O'Brien March 24, 1891 John H. Whittle September 23, 1892 Edward B. Bruch May 25,1899 William A. Schumacka April 9, 1007 J. Williams Macy February 5,1914 RESIGNED Promoted August 2, 1852 Not known. Not known. Co. disbanded 1857 May 1861 September 1861 November 5, 1868 June 3, 1871 March 29, 1876 Supernumerary June 6, 1881 December 2, 1885 September 3, 1890 June 8, 1892 April 27, 1899 Promoted Maj. 1907 1913 COMPANY B This was the second company of the "American 1850 Rifles," organized in 1850. It's first commandant was Christopher Risley, of whom we have no further in formation. 1851 February 4th, Charles H. Wheeler became its Cap tain, and for reasons unknown, unless it was to be the flank company, withdrew with thirty men, and took the 1852 vacant letter A in the new regiment then forming; this seems to have broken up the company, if so, a new one was organized, for we find that on November 15th, 1853 D. D. Blauvelt, Jr., was made Captain ; it did not seem to be a healthy child. Captain Blauvelt was elected Major, December 1858 7th, 1857. January 1st, Captain George W. Wheeler (a West Point graduate), came from the Staten Island Light Guard (73d Regiment), with fifteen men; his military education made him a poor mixer with the "boys," and ten or fifteen not long after withdrew to 1859 Company G. In February, Captain Wheeler, with his men, was transferred to Company F, and B was dis banded. Soon after this Lieutenant Benj. L. Trafford (afterwards Colonel), organized a new company, but like its predecessors, it was short-lived and did not exist long after the inspection of 1859, the few that re mained organized a B. L. Trafford Association, which 768 MEMORABILIA in January again started a Company B. As the war 1861 broke out soon after, they were able to recruit a full company for that occasion; they were not, however, able to hold enough of the men on their return to en able it to live, and on November 20th, the company was transferred to Company E (see Company E.) 1862 When the regiment was for the second time ordered to the front, the Engineer Corps, not being by law recognized, it organized a new Company B, under Cap tain Joseph W. Forbes; it went out of existence upon the return from service. In the fall the old members started to raise a new company, and this time with success, electing Charles A. Stetson, Jr. (an old member of the regiment), Cap tain, and in October were mustered in, and have con- 1885 tinued to this date. However, in 1885, there was very little life in it, it was nearly gone; the Veteran Asso ciation was endeavoring to raise a new company, known as the "Harlem Company," to take the vacant letter E, as it was difficult to keep the men together until sufficiently numerous to be mustered in, there being only about three or four live men left in Com pany B. Its officers resigned, Abel W. Belknap was 1887 made Captain, and the "Harlem" men were recruited into it; it became later the largest and strongest com pany in the regiment, reaching the full number in 1893. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED Christopher Risley 1850 Not known. Charles H. Wheeler February 4, 1851 Transf'd to A 1852 David D. Blauvelt, Jr November 15. 1853 Promoted Maj. 1857 George W. Wheeler January 1,1858 Transf'd to F 1859 Benjamin L. Trafford May 26, 1859 Co. Disbanded 1859 Benjamin L. Trafford January 1861 Transf'd to E 1861 Joseph W. Forbes May 1862 While in TJ. S. Service only. Charles A. Stetson, Jr December 16,1862 October 1863 Andrew M. Underhill December 17,1863 November 1865 Mathies S. Euen July 16,1866 June 1867 Henry H. Evertsen November 26,1867 May 15,1869 Thomas H. B. Simmons July 16,1869 August 3,1870 Charles N. Swift August 23,1870 October 11,1871 Henry K. White January 9, 1872 January 14, 1873 Stephen Curtis February 28, 1873 November 25, 1881 Eugene F. Smith March 17, 1882 January 30, 1883 Josiah P. Marquand April 13,1885 December 2,1885 T. Wain-Morgan Draper January 28,1886 December 9,1886 Abel W. Belknap January 21,1877 October 30,1890 Clinton Hart Smith November 10, 1890 Promoted Maj. 1894 William L. Hazen December 27,1894 May 2,1900 William S. Beekman May 17, 1900 Promoted Maj. 1907 J. Wesley Lyon July 16, 1907 Det'ed to Staff 1915 MEMORABILIA 769 COMPANY C This is the oldest company in the regiment, having been born as one of the original four companies com posing the "American Rifles ;" it was the first to fill its 1850 quota in 1850, and has continued without change to the present date. Its minute book and other records were carefully kept to the time of the destruction of the armory in 1902, when they were destroyed. The first meeting for organizing was held in Mili tary Hall on the Bowery, above Broome Street, on August 21st. The meeting was called to order by H. W. Fisher, as presiding officer, and William Kellock was elected secretary; the following company officers were then elected: Captain, H. W. Fisher, Sr. ; First Lieutenant, Thomas A. Colt ; Second Lieutenant, Moses C. Hagadorn; Third Lieutenant, George W. Marsh; Orderly Sergeant, James M. Parker; Second Sergeant, William Kellock; Third Sergeant, H. W. Fisher, Jr. H. W. Fisher, Sr., did not remain in office long, he was made Paymaster on the staff December 6th, 1852. In January, Lieutenant Hagadorn was made Captain. 1851 Meetings were subsequently held at the Odd Fellows Hall, corner of Grand and Centre Streets ; it was at that time one of the finest buildings in the City. Captain Hagadorn, who proved to be an excellent officer, after serving four years resigned, June, 1855. 1855 In October, L. H. Regur was elected Captain, and after serving eighteen months he resigned. 1857 On July 29th, William J. Coles was elected to the command of the company; he was one of the best offi cers in the Guard, and was held in the highest esteem by the members of the company ; in 1860, the company, to show their "appreciation of his ability as a com mandant, and of his untiring efforts to make the com pany the star company of the regiment," presented him with a beautiful five-pointed star of heavy gold, nearly two inches in diameter, with a single diamond set ire each point. He commanded the company during the campaign of 1861, and in 1862 he acted as Major and in 1863 was Lieutenant-Colonel. 1862 The company removed from the Centre Market armory to the corner of University Place and Thirteenth Street, then occupied by Company F. 770 MEMORABILIA CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED Henry W. Fisher, Sr August 21,1850 Not known. Moses C. Hagadorn January 1851 June 1855 L. H. Regur October 6,1855 March 16,1857 William J. Coles July 29, 1857 Prom. Lt.-Col. 1863 Oliver Libby April 4.1863 Promoted Maj. 1864 Seymour A. Bunce December 30,1864 June 1867 Alfred Spear June IS, 1868 July 29, 1871 William C. Dow November 10, 1871 August 14, 1873 Martin L. Vantine September 23, 1873 September 28, 1878 George H. Thompson August 15,1879 January 11,1882 John P. Leo November 25. 1882 Tran. to 22d R 1885 Andrew C. Zabriskie April 30,1885 February 26,1886 Augustus T. Francis April 30,1886 May 23,1893 Promoted Major. Lloyd West Francis December 22,1893 January 22,1896 Andrew C. Zabriskie December 30,1896 January 13,1897 Ferdinand Heindsman April 30, 1897 March 1, 1899 Arthur Leslie Robertson March 10,1899 August 10,1907 John Flavell Jenkins October 15,1907 May 16,1913 William A. H. Ely May 29, 1913 Not known. This company has been unfortunate in having two of its Captains misappropriate its funds, aggregating several thou sand dollars. 1 COMPANY D Of this company we have no records, it was the 1850 fourth and last of the original companies of the "Ameri can Rifles" organized in 1850, with Winchester P. Moody as Captain, who, when the regiment was formed, 1852 was made its Lieutenant-Colonel. We next hear of it as on parade with regiment at the obsequies of Henry Clay, July 20th, on which occa sion the name of Smith is mentioned as in command; Orders No. 572, A.G.O., May 11th, mentions H. C. Smith as in command of one of the "three new com panies," he may have succeeded Moody, but there is no record of it. The company apparently existed, if at all "on pa per" for the next three or more years, as the next we 1856 hear of it is the election of David Meschutt as its Captain. 1857 The following year the muster roll showed a mem bership of twenty-four, and from that time to 1869 it averaged about fifty members. 1870 With the consolidation of the 37th Regiment, there was brought to it Company H of that regiment and its Captain, John Youmans; from this time the company seems to have declined. MEMORABILIA 771 After the disbandment of the 79th Regiment, Cap- 1876 tain William C. Clark of that regiment, with fifty men, came into the company, making it the largest in the regiment ; it dropped again until in 1882, when it reached 1882 its low-water mark, having but 28 present at inspection, from that time it rose up, and reached its high-water 1886 mark again. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED Winchester P. Moody 1850 Promoted Maj. 1852 David Meschutt March 5,1856 Promoted Mai. 1863 George W. Stow July 29,1863 November 16,1864 George D. Wolcott December 30,1864 Promoted Maj. 1868 Williiam H. Benjamin April 7,1868 Supernumerary 1870 John H. Youmans March 29, 1870 January 1872 William H. Benjamin April 3, 1872 January 22, 1873 Alvanus W. Sheldon February 10,1873 September 17,1875 William C. Clark November 14, 1875 June 22, 1894 William Henry Linson September 5, 1894 Promoted Maj. 1900 Edward James Flack May 9, 1901 Promoted Maj. 1910 Lucian S. Breckinbridge July 12,1910 Not known. COMPANY E Orders No. 572, A.G.O., May 11th, 1852, mentions five companies of rifles then attached to the 1st Bri- 1852 gade ; we may therefore accept E as being the first com pany in existence at that date, this order mentions among the Captains the name of Glover, as the others named can be properly placed, he may be considered as the first Captain of E; referring to Company H, we find Thomas A. Glover as Captain, July 6th, 1854; it may be possible that he is the same. The name is again mentioned in the parade at the Clay obsequies, assigned at that time to F, an evident error. 1853 The first we are sure of is Enoch Stevens, elected August 25th, 1853, spoken of as being an excellent offi- 1856 cer, he resigned November, 1856. 1857 He was succeeded by Lieutenant H. F. Metzler, on June 15th, 1857, at that time the company had twenty- seven men, and never had as many as forty during Cap tain Metzler's term of office ; he resigned, leaving First 1860 Lieutenant Edward H. Wade in command, he recruited it up when the regiment went into the U. S. Service, it re- 1861 sumed its previous condition after it returned; under date of November 20th, was issued Special Order No. 66: "In accordance with orders of Brigadier-General 772 MEMORABILIA Spicer, Companies B and E of this regiment, are hereby consolidated under the designation of Company E, with the following officers: Captain Benjamin L. Trafford of Company B ; First Lieutenant Edward H. Wade of Company E; Second Lieutenant John R. Livermore of Company B." This gave the company about twenty more men, and from 1863 to 1869 it averaged about sixty men. (Lieutenant Wade soon after joined the 59th N.Y.V., as a Captain, and was killed at Gettysburg.) In October, 1864 Captain Worcester was court-martialed for disobedi ence of orders; he resigned immediately after. 1870 By the consolidation of the 37th Regiment, Com pany A of that regiment (what there was of it) was transferred to E; for a time it seemed to have new life, but with a varied experience. Captain Murfin was 1879 dropped for neglect of duty, having been absent with out leave for over six months; this was the last straw, 1880 and in G. O. No. 27, Regimental Headquarters, Decem ber 27th, 1880, the company was disbanded. Several attempts were made to resurrect it, the at tempt was made when the present A was re-organized, and also with the present B ; it was not until May 7th, 1897 that a company was finally organized, which still exists, the largest in the regiment. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED Enoch Stevens August 25, 1853 H. F. Metzler June 15, 1857 Edward H. Wade While in U. S. Service 1861 Benjamin L. Trafford Trans, from B 1861 Franklin E. Worcester March 12, 1863 Orlando P. Smith July 31,1865 James S. Turner December 20,1869 Edwin A. McAlpin October 1,1874 James S. Foy May 8, 1876 Edwin H. Imlay July 17, 1876 Edward J. Murfin October 17, 1877 Charles Herbert Stoddard May 7, 1807 William R. Hill May 4j 1899 Lewis L. Clarke May 28, 1901 Robert Byers November 10, 1903 James Eben April 7, 1909 RESIGNED November 1856 i860 Not known November 15, 1862 Promoted Major. January 1865 October 12, 1869 August 5, 1874 Promoted Maj. 1875 Failed to qualify. February IS, 1877 January 7, 1879 Discharged. April 3, 1899 March 27, 1901 March 13, 1902 February 8,1909 Not known. MEMORABILIA 773 COMPANY F The origin of this company like others, is uncer- 1852 tain ; from a good source we learn that in March, A. M. Copeland was in command; when he resigned we have no record, there is some vague idea that he was in com mand September, 1854; he is not mentioned in the orders quoted, nor have we any record as to who was his successor, but we learn that Asa F. Miller was 1856 Captain in 1856, as on April 1st of that year, he and his men were transferred to Company H, and Company F ceased to exist; Captain Copeland, therefore, may have been succeeded by Captain Miller. The following order leads us to believe that it was another attempt to organize the company: "New York, August 25th, 1856. "Orders No. 1 : "The members of this company are hereby notified that the regular company drills will commence on Sat urday evening, 30th instant, at 8 o'clock, at the rooms of Captain Tompkins over Centre Market, Grand and Centre Streets, entrance on Centre Street, and continue every Saturday evening until further notice. "G. W. B. TOMPKINS." Captain Tompkins remained with the company until he was elected Major, when he was succeeded by 1859 George W. Wheeler, who was transferred from the dis banded Company B. It became the largest company in the regiment by far, its membership being of a high social character, and financially representing much wealth, it was called the millionaire company. The company at this time reached its high-water 1860 mark. In 1860 the company removed its quarters to University Place and 13th Street; Captain Wheeler re signed and was followed by Julius L. Ellis, who died 1861 September 3d, from wounds received at Bull Run. From that time the company took a downward trend, and its subsequent condition was very far from that of 1860. 1870 In the fall the remains of Company G, 37th Regi ment, were transferred to the company, with its Captain, Charles H. Leland. 774 MEMORABILIA In 1914 as has been explained, it became the "Ex- 1914 ample Company" under the command of Lieutenant Albert T. Rich, U.S.A., with a commission from the State, of Captain. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED A. M. Copeland March 1852 Not known. Asa F Miller Not known. Transf. to H 1850 *George W. B. Tompkins August 1856 January , i?59 Promoted Major. George W. Wheeler Trans, from B 1859 ^ L l86° Julius L. Ellis February 2, 1861 Died October J 31, 1861 J W. Domineck November 1861 October 1863 John Morehead March 14, 1864 December 27, 1864 Edward Prime June 20, 1865 February 20, 1866 Eugene S. Eunson July 16, 1866 Promoted Maj. 1869 William L. Stanley, Jr November 29, 1869 September 14, 1870 Charles H. Leland Trs. from 37th 1870 February 19, 1873 Theodore V. Smith March 21,1873 December 20,1875 William Milne, Jr June 20, 1877 April 29, 1878 John F. Cowan November 10, 1880 September 7, 1883 Thomas A. McBain September 7, 1884 February 16, 1887 J. A. H. Dressel March 30, 1887 Trans, to 13th, 1890 Westmorland D'l. Ware Davis. December 2,1890 June 9, 1893 James Hollis Wells June IS, 1893 October 4, 1901 Promoted Major. James Merrill Hutchinson May 12,1902 Trans, to M, 1907 Ralph Lewis Sports February 26, 1907 October 11, 1909 John Boyle, Jr December 8,1909 December 2,1912 Harvard A. Kehlbeck July 22, 1913 Trans, to L 1914 Albert T. Rich, U.S. A December 1914 Not known. ?Commissioned 1859 as Colonel of the 2d Regiment, N.Y.S.M. 1857 1870 COMPANY G This company has been the most difficult one of which to ascertain any of its early history, there are no records, and the oldest living member could not go back of 1857. Being the seventh company, it must have had an existence in 1852; it may have been com manded by James C. Thomas (see Orders No. 572, A.G.O.), as we cannot place him anywhere else we take the liberty of assuming that he was. The first authentic information we have is that on March 9th, Alexander P. Kinnan was elected Captain; he bore the reputation of having been much above the average as an officer, and is frequently mentioned in Vosburgh's administration. Whatever may have hap pened to this company prior to 1857, it has maintained its organization since. September 21st, Company K, 37th Regiment, was MEMORABILIA 775 transferred to it. Its low-water mark, both in quality and quantity, was in 1884; it took some years to pull it out of the depths into which it fell. 1891 Captain Cobin then took commmand; he hired a floor in the Edison building, 113 West 38th Street, fitting it up very handsomely for a club house for the company, and through it sought to procure an influ ence (outsiders being admitted to membership) that would be for the advancement of the company, it did much to turn the tide for the better, and the present company dates its standing from then. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED James C. Thomas Supposed 1852 Alexander P, Kinnan March 9, 1857 William S. Dunham January 20, 1861 George W. Curtis December 30, 1862 Richard R. Hunt December 17, 1863 Abram L. Webber August 29, 1866 Samuel G. Blakely August 25, 1880 Samuel G. Blakely June 16, 1885 James E. Place April IS, 1887 William T. Gouch January 14, 1889 Israel Jones Cobin June 16, 1891 Thomas W. Timpson December 25.1893 Anthony J. Bleecker October 23, 1896 Henry Mazlin May 23, 1905 RESIGNED Not known, July 27, i860 April 1862 November 7, 1863 May 29, 1866 November 10, 1879 December 19, 1884 January 14, 1887 July 1888 May 28, 1891 December 2, 1893 September IS, 1896 Promoted Maj. 1905 Not known. COMPANY H 1852 The first meeting of this company was held on May 24th, in Union Hall, corner of Avenue C and 4th Street. The officers elected at that time were: Captain, John F. Woodworth ; First Lieutenant and Treasurer, Washington I. Moore; Second Lieutenant, Michael Wolston; First Sergeant, A. N. Radcliff; Third Sergeant, Charles Humphreys; Corporal, Elliot C. Averell. As all of the offices were not filled at that time, it would seem that there was not a very large attendance at the first meeting. 1854 Captain Woodworth was injured by the kick of a horse and resigned, (he died in 1855), and on July 5th, Thomas A. Glover was elected Captain. A constitu tion and by-laws were adopted and printed the same month. In September, they moved to 361 Broome 1855 Street, and in May they took up their quarters in the Centre Market Armory. In the spring of 1856 Cap- 776 MEMORABILIA 1856 tain Glover resigned, he was elected an honorary mem ber of the company, and Captain Miller, on April 1st, with what was left of Company F, was transferred to H, and the company was re-organized; at the same time an independent company called the "United Ameri can Guards," came into it. 1857 May 19th, the company had its first independent street drill and parade, with a miniature drum corps consisting of four small drums and two fifes. October 13th, they had a "big parade" in Brooklyn. On Novem ber 9th, they were presented with a handsome flag. 1859 April 28th, as a separate company, it joined in the Brooklyn parade at the celebration of the completion of the waterworks of that city. In November they won the State gold medal for recruiting the largest number of men. (This medal was lost by Captain Jordan on the New Orleans trip in 1881.) It was the first com- 1898 pany sent to Camp Black, to open the camp. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED John F. Woodworth October 14,1852 Presumed 1854 Thomas A. Glover July 6, 1854 March 1856 Asa F. Miller Trans, from F 1856 August 1861 ?Andrew H. Embler September 5,1861 November 1861 Henry W. Turner December 13,1861 September 20,1865 Amos L. See November 20,1865 January 15,1879 Frank S. Belton March 4,1879 July 11,1881 Frank H. Jordon August 9, 1881 September 16, 1885 Alfred P. Delcambre June 15,1885 January 12,1892 Philip S. Tilden March 23, 1892 November 10, 1893 Samuel Percy Fisher March 27, 1894 March 17, 1896 Walter I. Joyce June 20,1896 January 30,1899 L. W. McLeod March 15,1899 March 9,1904 Arthur Edwin Wells March 21, 1905 April 30, 1913 Promoted Major. Fredrick W. Vogel July 21, 1913 Not known. ?Appointed Adjutant-General of the State of Connecticut. 1859 COMPANY I Up to 1861, although tactically a regiment was composed of ten companies, those in the Guard were not more than eight, it being deemed better to have those filled up first. However, in 1859, Seymour A. Bunce, Secretary of the Citizen Savings Bank (after wards its President), and a Lieutenant in Company G, obtained permission, and did organize a company, which was given the letter I, it enrolled 36 men ; it was not a MEMORABILIA 777 healthy company and after a sickly infancy died before its second birthday. 1861 At Washington, Captain A. Van Horn Ellis (brother to the Captain of Company F), joined the regiment with his company from Newburgh, and took the letter I, making it the "Howitzer" company ; with drawing on the return home, leaving the letter vacant. 1862 The present Company I, was organized in October, 1862; its first officers were: Captain, George I. Tyson; First Lieutenant, George Seibold; Second Lieutenant, A. B. DeGroff. Captain Tyson was from Company H, of which he was Second Lieutenant, and joined Febru ary 21st, 1856. This company, while it has had its ups and downs, its trials and tribulations in sympathy with the regi ment, has maintained its organization since without dis bandment or consolidation, and is today one of the strongest in the regiment. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED Seymour A. Bunce 1859 Co. Disbanded i860 George I. Tyson October 18, 1862 October 4, 1867 Joseph A. Wise April 13, 1868 February 13, 1871 Gerard Betts, Jr August 24, 1871 February 16, 1872 Theodore V. Smith March 21,1872 Trans, to F 1873 Abel W. Belknap November 6,1873 December 19,1884 Supernumerary L. Frank Barry January 7, 1883 February 4,1888 George I. Bascom March 11,1889 November 6,1891 John Bryan, G. Wash'n Ward. December 10, 1891 January 17, 1893 Waldo Sprague February 23, 1893 June 12, 1895 Clarence Geer Reton October 16, 1895 April 1, 1897 William Furman Meeks April 23,1897 July 27,1899 Alexander Scott Williams. . ..August 21,1899 May 20,1901 John E. Chatfield December 30, 1901 April 2, 1904 Robert E. Huen May 2,1905 December 2,1910 Howard Hipkins February 4,1911 April 24,1914 S. J. DeLanoy June 9, 1914 Not known. COMPANY K 1862 The organization of the ninth company, suggested that of a tenth, the third of this year. Accordingly, Lieutenant George A. Fairchild, of Company E, under took to do so; having secured a sufficient number of names, he received the following: 778 MEMORABILIA "GENERAL HEADQUARTERS STATE OF NEW YORK "Adjutant-General's Office, "Albany, July 15th, 1862. "Application having been made pursuant to law for the organization of a new company of infantry to be attached to the 71st Regiment, N. G., the same is hereby organized accordingly, and the following named persons are commissioned as the officers thereof, as designated in the application, viz.: George A. Fair- child as Captain ; Thomas B. Prendergast as First Lieu tenant; Joseph C. Leonard as Second Lieutenant. The above company will be designated by the letter K. "By order of the Commander-in-Chief, "D. CAMPBELL, "Assistant Adjutant-General." 1863 This company gave evidence of life ; in 1863 it had a membership of 52, but during the winter there were signs of hasty consumption ; Captain Fairchild resigned. 1864 July 1st, Clement Watts was made Captain, its mem bership was reduced to less than thirty, and on Decem ber 30th, the company was disbanded. No further efforts were made to organize a new 1870 company, and it remained vacant until the transfer of the 37th September 21st, when it was formed by the consolidating of Company B of the 37th with K of the 71st, with William H. Cox as Captain, Sanford A. Tay lor as First Lieutenant, and John C. Rice as Second Lieutenant. Captain Cox had been an efficient officer in the 37th, his company of 63 men at the time of con solidation comprising at least one-third of the strength of the 37th; his reputation was not maintained in the 71st; not long after serious charges were preferred. 1873 he was court-martialed, after a long trial, the charges were dismissed. His resignation was accepted in 1873. In the meantime the company had run down seriously, reduced to 28 men present at inspection. The First Lieutenant declined promotion, and the position re mained vacant, until February 3d, when Lieutenant Robert S. Orser of Company B, was induced to accept the office. Captain Orser took hold with vigor, and aided by MEMORABILIA 779 Lieutenant Taylor, soon brought the company up to a high state of efficiency, which it has since maintained ; in a few months he had the largest company in the regiment. Unfortunately his business engagements compelled his resignation in 1878; he was ably suc ceeded by his Lieutenant, who filled the office for five years, and was followed by Adjutant Stevenson, under 1883 whose administration the morale of the company de clined and the number decreased. Captain Goss, who succeeded him, not only checked further decline, but turned the tide, and started the company on an upward 1909 track ; finally reaching the full number required by law. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED George A. Fairchild July 15,1862 March 1864 Clement Watts July 1, 1864 December 30, 1864 William H. Cox From 37th Reg. 1870 September 21, 1874 Robert S. Orser February 3,1875 May 6,1878 Sanford A. Taylor June 11, 1878 January 30, 1883 Robert A. Stevenson May 16,1883 December 19,1884 Wright D. Goss April 30, 1885 October 25, 1892 Frank Keck November 19, 1892 July 12, 1899 David Leavitt Hough September 19,1899 December 30,1901 Lester John Blauvelt February 28,1902 November 7,1904 Walter A. Delamater April 11,1905 Not known. After the Spanish-American War, the State authorities required the Infantry to comply with the United States law that a regiment should be composed of twelve companies. Efforts were made to procure them. COMPANY L This company was organized in April, 1909, its first Cap tain was Martin L. Mackey, appointed April 15th, 1909, re signed in the year 1914; Harvard A. Kehlbeck was transferred from Company F in 1914, to take charge of the company. COMPANY M This company was organized before L, January, 1907, by Captain Hutchinson of Company F ; he had been in command of the same letter in the 71st N.Y.V., and therefore kept his old letter. CAPTAINS COMMISSIONED RESIGNED James M. Hutchinson April 25, 1902 Promoted Maj. 1910 Boyd McLean February 25,1911 1911 Julius T. Westermann June 26,1911 1914 Joseph H. McDermott June 2, 1915 Not known. 780 MEMORABILIA POETIC TALENT These verses, typical of the time, and showing a sample of the talent in the regiment, will be found interesting. While in the service the regiment had quite a number of poets. Comrade Harrison Millard, private in Company A, wrote a number of these poems, the most popular being "Only Nine Miles to the Junction," which was written when the 71st made the march to Annapolis Junction. At the time they were marching with the Rhode Island troops, April 25th, 1861. ONLY NINE MILES TO THE JUNCTION Tune — "The Other Side of Jordan." The troops of Rhode Island were posted along On the road from Annapolis station, As the 71st Regiment, one thousand strong, Went on in defense of the Nation ; We'd been marching all day in the sun's scorching ray, With two biscuits each as a ration; When we asked Governor Sprague to show us the way, And "How many miles to the Junction?" Chorus : How many miles to the Junction? When we asked Governor Sprague to show us the way, And "How many miles to the Junction ?" The Rhode Island boys cheered us out of sight, After giving the following injunction : "Just keep your courage — you'll get there tonight, For 'tis only nine miles to the Junction." They gave us hot coffee, a grasp of the hand, Which cheered and refreshed our exhaustion ; We reached in six hours the long promised land, For 'twas only nine miles to the Junction. (Chorus) And now as we meet them in Washington's streets, They always do hail us with unction, And still the old cry someone surely repeats : " 'Tis only nine miles to the Junction." Three cheers for the warm-hearted Rhode Island boys? May each one be true to his function, And when e'er we meet, let us each other greet, With "only nine miles to the Junction." (Chorus) MEMORABILIA 781 Nine cheers for the flag under which we will fight, If the traitors should dare to assail it — One cheer for each mile that we made on that night, When 'twas "only nine miles to the Junction." With hearts thus united — our breasts to the foe — Once again with delight we will hail it, If duty should call us, still onward we'll go, If even "nine miles to the junction." (Chorus) "SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT" The following, by Comrade William Courtnay, Company Er on board the steamer "Mount Vernon," after the squad under Lieutenant Prendergast had returned from having been the first to land at Alexandria, May 24th, 1861 : Oh, we're the boys for a demonstration — Saving our ship, or saving the Nation. Hurrah for Company E. Chorus : Then we're the boys for Dixie — away, away, In Dixie's land we'll take our stand, And win or die in Dixie — away, away, We'll make or break in Dixie. We'll kiss a girl, or do our duty, Going in strong on glory and beauty. Hurrah for Company E. Ready alike for fighting or frolic, Or forwarding grape to give traitors the colic, Hurrah for Company E. (Chorus) With our Lieutenant to lead us to battle, We care naught for rebel cattle. Hurrah for Company E. Then give us a chance to show our mettle, And see how quick their "hash we'll settle." Hurrah for Company E. (Chorus) We're twenty strong on board the steamer, Our Captain's a trump, our Corporal's a screamer. Hurrah for Company E. We're all bully boys, and strong for the Union, Of States and of sexes in holy communion. Hurrah for Company E. 782 MEMORABILIA (Chorus) Down the river again tonight we are going, To teach the traitors something worth knowing, Hurrah for Company E. If we don't whip them, we'll "take a plantation," Six feet by two, and die for the Nation. Hurrah for Company E. (Chorus) Then the 71st are the boys of all others, To fight like men and live like brothers. Hurrah for Company E. We came to help Uncle Sam iri his need, And die if we must to make him succeed. Hurrah for Company E. (Chorus) THE FIGHT AT ACQUIA CREEK May 31st, 1 86 1, in which was engaged the gunboats, "Thomas Freeborn" and "Annacosta." Dedicated to Lieutenant N. Collins, commanding the "Annacosta." By R. H. Willoughby, Company C, 71st Regiment. At 10 in the morning our first shot was fired, And it saucily sped o'er Potomac's smooth face, While a part of the foe in confusion retired, Not liking the message it bore to the place — Like a troop of wild horses they scampered away, But our shot fell too short, and just tossed up the spray. Another we fired and the sand on the shore Leaped up in a column o'er topping the hills ; "Well done ! range your gun to the left a point more, And we'll give them a dose of our "roseate pills !" "Aye, aye, sir!" "Now, try her!" and bang goes a shell — "What see you?" "It's bust, sir, and given 'em 'ell!" "Bear-a-hand there, my hearties, and load her again !" Shouted Prendergast, standing with glass in his hand, "All ready, sir !" Bang ! "We have staggered them, men ;" See ! see the dust rise in a cloud where they stand — A breach in their earthworks is plain to be seen, And they're dodging behind everything that might screen. "Ah, ah ! here she comes, they have fired at us, boys !" And the water flies up a few fathoms away, While the shot passes on with a whistling noise, Right astern, and harmless, sinks in the spray; Another fast follows right over our heads, And we answer them back with a pair of our "reds." MEMORABILIA 783 Shot for shot now is given — the battle grows warm — Round them flies the sand, and round us flies the foam; But their range is untrue, and they do us no harm, While each shot that we fire goes unerringly home — Crushing right through their midst with a thunderbolt's force, And ploughing the earth in its death-bearing course. At the end of two hours we sent one of our best, It struck right beside their most troublesome gun ; In a very few moments we silenced the rest, And the fight of Acquia was ended and won. Our damage was slight, and our deck was unstained, But the fame of the flag of our sires was maintained. Then here's to our Captain, a brave man and true, Who led us unflinchingly into the fight ; And here's to our pilot, and gunner and crew ; And here's to ourselves, boys — I reckon that's right. May the standard of Freedom, the flag of our pride, Never want brave defense where its power is denied. On board the "Annacosta," June 2d, 1861. OUR COUNTRY By Henry White, Company C, 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. Our Country! 'tis a mighty one: Land of our fathers, here's to thee — Thy Northern lakes, thy torrid zone, And Western prairies, broad and free! High through the air thy eagle soars, And millions worship at thy shrine, From where Niagara's waters roar To California's golden clime. The broad Atlantic sweeps the shore Where first thy hymn of Freedom rose ; And every gale the anthem bore O'er Bunker's heights and Trenton's snows: Ah ! then it was thy foes, in awe, Awoke, and found a nation free, And in thy Magna Charter saw The stepping stone to Liberty. Our Country ! Ages yet to come Shall bless thee" with their prayers sublime, For thou wilt ever point a home To those who crave for Freedom's clime. 784 MEMORABILIA Enlightened man will turn and gaze Upon thy star of hope, and bless Its heaven-born radiance, and their praise Shall echo through their happiness. THE SENTINEL OF THE 71 ST By J. B. Bacon, Company C. (Private Bacon was killed at the Battle of Bull Run, 1861.) In the midnight zenith gleam the stars. Swift as their rays my soul speeds on, Leaping the streams and the forest bars, On to the heights of Washington. Thereon the starlight camp-guard's round Footfalls I hear of a sentinel, Steps that I love, and the welcome sound Of a voice I know — it cries, "All's well!" "Well !" for our land and our starry flag, "Well !" for the rights and the hopes of man, Echoes from plain and from mountain crag. "Well ! all's well !" from the army's van. Sons of our home ! while the smiles ye love Prayerfully float round your banners of war, Look, 'mid the gleam of your bayonets, above ! God holds the guerdon of Victory's star ! TO THE "AMERICAN GUARD" (71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M.) This song is respectfully dedicated by William Courtnay, Company E, 71st Regiment. Air — "Viva V America." Gallant battalion! valiant and true, The hopes of a Nation are centered in you. Columbia's proud banner has suffered disgrace And she looks to her sons the foul spots to erase. Prove to the world your right to your name — The "Guard of America's freedom and fame." Chorus : Forward to glory! Conquer or fall! God and your country are watching you all. Traitors have risen and cumbered the land, Saved from a despot by Washington's hand ; Polluting his grave and the land of his birth, And trampling the Star Spangled Banner to earth. Rise in your might and wipe the stain, Sheath not your sword till each traitor is slain. (Chorus) MEMORABILIA 785 Brave sons of Freedom, God send you aid, Check with your steel their murderous raid ; And Heaven's rich blessings will strengthen your cause. Thus you will prove your right to your name — The "Guard of America's Freedom and fame," (Chorus) On board steamer "Mount Vernon," Washington Navy Yard, May 26th, 1861. BATTLE SONG Dedicated to the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. By Captain Samuel Whiting. Northmen ! Arm ye for the battle ! Rebel hosts assail our flag; Let the death shots around them rattle — Down with the Palmetto rag. When the Southrons boast they're greater Than the Northmen in their might, Point to Davis — that arch traitor, Tell them of the Sumter fight. Tell how those eight thousand f oemen Compassed Anderson about, When his band of eighty yeomen Nearly put them to the rout. When they boast of Southern feelings, Point to Davis, Twiggs and Bragg; Tell of Floyd and all his stealings — Name the traitors to our flag. Oh! my country! Southron treason Almost dimm'd thy radiant star; But the world approves the reason Which has roused the North to war. Lo! armed bands are flocking hither. To dispel Columbia's fears ; Treason! Slavery! both must wither, When our Starry Flag appears. Glorious Flag! in triumph waving, O'er the land we love so well ; Look upon the warriors braving For thy sake, the shot and shell. Seventy-first, march on to glory, Fair Columbia needs you now; Go to win a name in story, Gain a laurel for each brow. Steamer "Columbia," Annapolis, Md., May 7th, 1861. 786 MEMORABILIA OUR STARRY BANNER By Henry White, Company C, 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. Our starry-gemmed banner ! the flag of our Union, That millions of freemen have sworn to defend, With those who degrade thee we hold no communion — Our emblem of freedom must wave to the end. Thou wast flung to the breeze by our patriot sires; They have left thee unsullied, untarnished ; and fame Has woven around thee a wreath that inspires Their children to rally in Liberty's name. Thy red stripes, significant, point to the dawning Of Liberty's birth in the morning of light — Inclosing, protecting, and shielding, adorning! The emblems of purity formed by the white. The symbol of truth, thy blue field resplendent, Gives assurance of honor, of justice and right ; From thy heaven-dyed hue, thy stripes hang dependent; How grand are thy origin, beauty and might ! Thy cluster of stars, emblematic of power, Illumines our pathway, and sheds with their gleam A life-loving ray; 'tis our forefathers' dower, And millions united are blessing the beam. Dear flag of our country, a halo surrounds thee ; We gaze on thy folds, and with rapture exclaim ; May freedom united still rally around thee, And rush to the conflict, in Liberty's name. "DIXIE" UNION-IZED Tune — "Dixie's Land." Dedicated to Cassius M. Clay's Washington Guards. By A. W. Muzzy, (a member of the Guards), of Panama, N. Y. Read what the celebrated poetess, Mrs. Sigourney, says of it: "Hartford, May 29th, 1861. "My dear Sir: — You have succeeded admirably in your song for the music of 'Dixie's Land.' It furnishes additional proof of the opinion I have often expressed that no one can adapt words to music so well as musicians. I return it to you without the corrections you requested me to make, because it does not need them. The anachronism which you mention about Bunker and Lexington will be scarcely observed, as the euphony of the meas ure requires it. "Respectfully yours, "L. H. SIGOURNEY." MEMORABILIA 787 O ! I'm glad I live in a land of freedom, Where we have no slaves nor do we need 'em Look away, look away, look away to freedom's land; All o'er the North there is no disunion, But every heart beats for the Union. Look away, look away, look away to freedom's land. Chorus : O ! I'm glad I'm for the Union, huzza ! huzza ! On freedom's ground I'll e'er be found, To fight and die for the Union — Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza for the Union ! Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza for the Union ! There's Bunker Hill and Lexington, Where blood was shed and victory won. Look away, look away, look away to that Spartan Band! There's Bennington and Saratoga, Where old Burgoyne was proved a fogy. Look away, look away, look away to the Patriot Band. (Chorus) There's Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth, too, Where Washington with Jersey Blue ; Look away, look away, look away to Washington ! There's Putnam, Greene and Adams, too, And only one Arnold among the crew. Look away, look away, look away to the Patriot Band. (Chorus) There's Chippewa and old Bridgewater,* Where General Scott did give them slaughter. Look away, look away, to the hero of Lundy's Lane ! Our noble Scott bled for the Union, And in Sixty-one is against disunion. Look away, look away, to the hero of Lundy's Lane ! Chorus : O ! I'm glad he's for the Union, Huzza ! Huzza ! Brave General Scott — he falters not — But is ever firm for the Union ; etc. And then again in 'Thirty-two, Old Hickory was firm and true. Look away, look away, look away to John Calhoun ! 'Twas he who first proclaimed disunion ! But General Jackson saved the Union. Look away, look away, look away to Charleston now! 788 MEMORABILIA Chorus : Brave Anderson with seventy men, Did nobly fight in Sumter. Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza for Sumter! Huzza, huzza for the hero of Fort Sumter ! And lastly in 'Sixty-one, We see a second Lexington. Look away, look away, look away to Baltimore ! The Old Bay State doth never falter, But pours the first blood on the altar. Look away, look away, look away to Baltimore! Chorus : O ! I'm glad I'm for the Union, huzza ! huzza ! On Freedom's ground I'll e'er be found, To sing and pray for the Union! Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza for the Union! Huzza, huzza, and pray God save the Union! ?The battle of Bridgewater is sometimes called the battle of Lundy's Lane. CAMP SONG OF THE 71ST REGIMENT Written and dedicated to it by a lady of New York. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! let the song go round, For we know no unhappiness here ; Let us sing, "boys, sing, and prolong the sound, And heartily, heartily cheer. We'll sing to the brave of every State, And from all let the chorus burst; While we sing to the brave let us not forget The gallant Seventy-First. Chorus : Then hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! For the boys who are strangers to fear. Three cheers and a "tiger" for the Stripes and Stars, Let's heartily, heartily cheer. We'll be first to "advance" and last to "retreat," And we'll never surrender at all — We will stand by the Stripes, and protect the bright Stars, In spite of the enemies' ball. We love peace; but we're all of us ready to fight, And before we with traitors have done, We'll teach them a lesson they'll never forget, That there's danger in Seventy-one. (Chorus) MEMORABILIA 789 And now boys, we'll sing, the black eyes, or blue, Of the girls we love at home; We know, we know that they'll ever be true To us as away we roam. And let us look forward to meeting again, When we've all returned from the wars, We'll meet 'neath the Flag we would die to sustain — The glorious Stripes and Stars. Chorus : Then stand, boys, stand, And the girls we love we'll cheer, Success and long life to the ladies fair Of the boys that never knew fear. There is one of our number* we loved well, boys, But we' see the bright face no more, And though we are soldiers, we'll drop a tear For him who has gone before. We never, never will tarnish the names Of the men he loved to command, For wheresoe'er we go he is watching us, boys, From his home in the spirit land. Chorus : Then stand, boys, stand, While our hearts all silently cheer The hero who always was proud to command The soldiers who never knew fear. ?Vosburgh. ~]~] PRO ARIS ET PRO FOClsjX, Plate xiv— tfp. 791 PRO ARIS ET PRO FOCIS Plate xv — ttp. 791 PRO ARIS ET PR.0 FOCIS f-L Plate xvi — tfp. 791 Plate xvii— tfp. 791 [PRO ARIS ET PRO FOCIS j Plate xviii — tfp. 791 7-j^pro~aris et pr6~focTsT-. Plate xix — tfp. 7111 Plate xx — tfp. 791 CONTENTS OF APPENDIX Page 1855 Address of Lieut. H. P. Martin to the State Guard.... 793 1859 Extracts from a scrap book of the late Captain A. P. Kinnan 796 1861 Blockade of the Potomac 800 March to and from Bull Run (Woolsey Diary) 803 The first torpedoes 802 Division Commander's Report of the battle of Bull Run (Stampede) 807 E. P. Doherty, Company A, Capture and Escape 808 James Gillette, Engineer Corps, in Libby Prison 816 Address of Gen. Douglass, C. S. A., reference to Bull Run 819 Letter to Col. Martin from the Union Defence Com mittee 820 Letter to Col. Martin from the Police Commissioner.. 821 Letter to Col. Martin from Lieut. Foxhall Parker, U. S. N 822 1862 Letter from a First Rhode Island Volunteer. 822 Letter to Colonel Martin from J. J. Nostrand 824 Comparison of Militia in 1832 with 1862 824 Article in reference to Harry Rockafellar. 826 Extracts of the Military Law 827 1863 Detailed Account of the Draft Riot 829 During the Gettysburg Campaign 838 1865 Capture of Wilkes Booth by Lieut. Doherty 839 1866 Mayor Hoffman's address at Dedication of the Vos burgh Monument 841 1868 Trip to New Haven ; Inauguration of Gov. English.... 848 1870 ] Account of the Consolidation with the 37th Regiment 850 1880 Letter from Gen. Burnside to Veteran Association.... 853 1881 Article from the Philadelphia "Record" 853 1884 Letter from the Veteran Association to Col. Vose. 854 1895 Correspondence, Reference to the Lost Howitzers 858 1896 Columbia University Celebration 866 1897 Menu of a Dinner at Col. Martin's 870 1898 Veteran Relief Association organized 871 Letter from Colonel Downs then in Cuba 872 Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Smith, then in Cuba.. 873 Statement from General Wheeler, as to Conduct of 71st in Cuba 876 Letter from Captain Ayres, U. S. A., on same subject 877 Speech of General Hawkins on the same subject 877 Account, referring to plot in Mount Hope Cemetery.. 881 Advice to Guardsmen, by Col. Francis V. Greene 884 The Thaddeus P. Mott Howitzers 885 APPENDIX ADDRESS OF LIEUT. HENRY P. MARTIN TO THE "STATE GUARD" State Guard, 2d Regiment, N.Y.S.M. At a regular meeting of the State Guard, held at the 1855 armory on Wednesday evening, February 7th, 1855, the President (Lieutenant Phillips) in the chair, Lieuten ant Martin arose and made the following remarks : "It is with feeling of much humiliation on account of the subjects I intend to place before you, that I address you this evening. I am one of those who are not very easily discour- , aged, believing in the mottoes of 'never give up the ship,' and 'never surrender.' But I must confess I feel somewhat out of spirits at the manner in which matters, both civil and military, have been conducted of late in our company. Let us com mence a review of the varied obligations incumbent upon each one who has affixed his name to our roll — thereby endorsing the by-laws and all its requirements. "Our constitution states in its first article, that we are associated for the purpose of instruction and improvement in martial and military exercises. How, gentlemen, let me ask, has this article and such subsequent by-laws as are intended to carry out its objects, been performed by us? "It is required of us to meet for drill about forty evenings of two hours each in every year, or about eighty hours. It seems strange to me that any member knowing himself to be thus engaged, and for so short a time, on each Wednesday evening, will be absent, thereby keeping back those who do attend. "It was my intention to endeavor to make this one of the best military companies in the country, and so thoroughly drilled that each member should be fitted to take the place of 794 APPENDIX and be competent to be an officer, for such position and duty as would be assigned to each and all who have served m regular uniform companies, in case of invasion. "If the members will co-operate with me in the scheme that I will now propose, it is not too late yet. "I propose to form two classes, one on Tuesday evenings, for the instruction of those members who have not attended the drills of the company and those who have lately joined, and the other on Wednesday evenings, for those who have been frequent attendants and who have somewhat progressed; and with both classes commencing de novo with the position of the soldier, go through the various schools of the soldier, company and battalion, until we become a company of officers. "If the hour fixed upon by you shall be 8 o'clock the year 'round, let everyone be at the armory a quarter of an hour be fore that time, in order to fatigue himself; for, at the precise hour the command 'Fall in,' must be given, as punctuality is one of the essentials of a strict education. In my instructions, gentlemen, should I have occasion to reprimand any of you, I wish you to receive it in the spirit in which it is intended, for my interests and exertions shall be for your advancement — not my honor. "When you assemble for drill, let your conversation be such as become gentlemen, for there may exist in our midst some minds formed of the finest mould and wrought for im mortality, upon whose ears such language as I have heard sometimes issue from the lips of some of our members, falls with a discordant sound and induces them to feel that they have chosen wrong associates. When assembled for meeting, let there be no conversation, except such as is addressed to and through the chairman; in fine, let us act the part of and be in reality gentlemen respecting ourselves and being re spected by all. "Now let me ask when did the last court-martial meet, and when has any of its transactions been transmitted to the company, and have the non-commissioned officers performed their part of, their duty in reporting for trial the various offences committed by the members, as required by the by laws, and has the secretary reported those whose accounts exceed the sum of $5 ? This branch of the civil departments needs closer attention. Has the treasurer been present at every monthly meeting, and brought with him his books as APPENDIX 795 required under penalty? Has the fine for non-attendance at drill been strictly enforced, and collected by the secretary? "All the property of the' company being in charge of the Board of Directors, does the 1st Sergeant keep an account of those members who have any of such property with permis sion? Has no member of this company ever taken the property of another during drill or parade? "Has such a one ever paid the fine of $2 for each offence? Each member of the company is obliged to equip himself in fatigue within one month, and in full-dress within two months after his being admitted as a member; have all conformed to this provision? but on the contrary, are there not some who have not yet any fatigue dress? "Does every member vote upon all questions put by the president? Has any member ever smoked while in uniform (one of the most unsoldier-like practices of which a soldier can be guilty) without permission? If any, have they ever paid the penalty? Has no member ever talked in the ranks? Has no member ever been intoxicated in uniform or fatigue, since the organization of our company? Has anyone ever been fined or expelled for such offence by a court-martial? "Finally, have the non-commissioned officers, whose par ticular duty it is to see that the by-laws and all its provisions are strictly adhered to or report such as violate them, per formed their duty? "Gentlemen, let there be no personal criminations and re criminations, but let us from this night forth each and every one perform his duty, and take a full and decided interest in the advancement, prosperity and welfare of our company? If there is anything obnoxious in our present by-laws, let us alter or amend them, but if not, let them be rigidly enforced." Whereupon it was on motion: Resolved, That the members of the State Guard, acknowl edged the force of the foregoing appeal of Lieutenant Martin, and that we, individually, and as a body, pledge ourselves to second him in his exertions for the welfare of the corps. Resolved, That the address of Lieutenant Martin, to gether with these resolutions, be printed and a copy of them thereof sent to each member of the company. 796 APPENDIX EXTRACTS FROM A SCRAP BOOK OF THE LATE CAPTAIN A. P. KINNAN By permission of his son A. P. W. Kinnan, President of the Union Dime Savings Bank of New York City Captain Kinnan died April, 1862, at the age of 1859 thirty-two; he joined Company B, 7th Regiment, N.Y.S.M., Captain Alex. Shaler, November, 1852, and came direct from that company to the 71st. There was a very pleasant reunion at the residence of Alex. P. Kinnan, Esq., Captain Company G, 71st Regiment (No. 37 West 38th Street), on Tuesday evening on the occa sion of a surprise presentation to the Captain by the members of his command. After the usual compliments Private Post was introduced by Sergeant Stevenson, and, in brief but well- timed remarks, in testimonial of the sacrifices the Captain had always made for the benefit of the corps, and the energy and good-will he had ever displayed in the same connection, pre sented the Captain with a splendid gold medal, which bore this inscription : PRESENTED to CAPT. ALEXANDER P. KINNAN By the Members of Company G, American Guard, 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. As a token of their regard for him as a soldier and for the manner in -which he has devoted himself to the welfare and prosperity of the company. June 1859. On the reverse was engraved the coat of arms of the State. Captain Kinnan happily responded. He spoke of his early experience in the company, when it numbered but twelve, and congratulated himself that under his administration of the duties of Captaincy, the muster roll had run up to seventy — a result which he had the egotism to attribute but little to his own exertions, but most of it was due to the indomitable energy of the members of the corps themselves. He hand somely alluded to having promised his better half to leave the company, interfering as it did so much with domestic en gagements, but she had been so little able to resist the appear ance of his men, that she had prepared something good for her APPENDIX 797 guests, which would be found below, and he doubted not it might be taken as a manifestation that she had waived her objections to his continuing with them. The company then partook of an ample supply of refresh ments, during which the feast of reason was joined with the flow of soul. Captain Kinnan's health having been duly toasted and response made he proposed a sentiment in compli ment to Colonel Vosburgh and the regiment at large, which was acknowledged by Assistant Quartermaster Corson, who in turn offered to toast to the continuance of good feeling between the Light Guard of Milwaukee and the American Guard of New York. Ezra Gardner, Esq., of the Milwaukee Light Guard, acknowledged the compliment in a speech re plete with generous sentiment towards the 71st. Other toasts and speeches were made and responded to by Sergeants Stevenson and Rowland, and Privates Post, Underwood and Gilbert. The festivities were kept up until midnight, when the guests departed fully satisfied with the kind reception that had greeted them. On Saturday last a most scurrilous article appeared in the Sunday "Mercury," in reference to the recent trip to New burgh of Company G of the 71st Regiment. It is believed to have been written by a man who had previously been expelled from one of the city regiments, for a similar specimen of blackguardism, and of course, he is in no way connected with the 71st. Captain Kinnan promptly disavows the article in the following note to Captain Doyle: "New York, July 17th, 1859. "Capt. M.Doyle: "Dear Captain : — I cannot well express to you the morti fication and regret that I felt, whilst reading the article in this day's 'Mercury,' which you handed me. That the senti ments here expressed, are the reverse from what the members of my command entertain towards yourself and each member of Company D, is a fact, which none know better than your self, and the feelings expressed by each and all the individual members of Company G, on their return to New York on Thursday last, were of the most kindly description, and none will feel more deeply the mortification on reading the 'Mer cury's' article than my own members. "I reserve for a full meeting of my command an oppor- 798 APPENDIX tunity to express, in a fitting manner, the sentiments enter tained by each and all of us, for the noble and generous man ner in which yourself and command, and the citizens of New burgh came forward in our time of urgent need and assisted my invalids in their helplessness. It is at such times, sir, as these that we try our friends, and it was at this time we found you not wanting. "To no one, can any fault or blame be attached. Provi dence ordained that the day should be insufferably hot, and it is to that providential hand, that raised our sick from beds of suffering that our thanks are due. It was and is farthest from the thoughts of anyone in Company G, to attach a word of censure to any — but it is their intention and wish at the same time, and in fitting terms to express to you and your command, the kindly feelings we entertain towards each and all of those, either military or civilian, who so nobly received and aided us on Wednesday last. By communicating (in ad vance of my company's action) these sentiments to the mem bers of your command, and to all others interested, you will much oblige "Yours with much respect, "ALEXANDER P. KINNAN, "Commander Company G, 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M." My attention has been called to a communication in 1860 last evening's "Express," signed "Not K. P. A." which seems to call for a reply. As that correspondent as sumes that "an officer is ignorant, or does not know his duties?" I shall proceed to convict him of the first charge, and let the question of duties drop, as it appears to have no bearing on the case. He admits that the 12th Regiment had no existence a year ago, and yet ex-Lieutenant Corey was act ing as Captain of one of its companies previous to its be coming extinct, and, consequently, has been absent from his command in the 71st over one year, making it unnecessary that his resignation should be either tendered or accepted. (See Gen. Reg. Art. XII, Par. 80: "Every officer who shall be absent from his command twelve months without leave of the commanding officer of his brigade, shall be considered as having vacated his office, and a new election shall be held without delay to fill the vacancy so created.") It now remains to be seen whether this election will be set aside or whether staff, illegal supernumerary staff and de- APPENDIX 799 funct officers generally are to choose a field officer over the legal votes of two-thirds of the representative officers (Cap tains and Lieutenants) of the regiment. With these few words I hand over "Not K. P. A." and his protege, ex-Lieutenant Corey, to the consideration of their numerous friends in the 12th and 71st Regiments. AN OFFICER. New York, March 7th, 1860. To Editors of the "Atlas" :— Gentlemen: — The statements which appear in the morn ing papers, in relation to the election held in the 71st Regi ment armory last evening are calculated to convey an errone ous impression. The election was not acquiesced in, by any means by those who appear to be in the minority, but will be severely contested on the following grounds, viz. : Two bal lots were deposited for Major Tompkins by supernumerary officers, who are not legally entitled to a vote and a ballot was deposited for him by ex-Lieutenant Corey, who resigned over a year since and accepted a command in the 12th Regi ment. Throwing these votes out Captain Kinnan would have received a majority. LIEUTENANT. New York, March 8th, 1860. When is all this wrangling in the 71st Regiment to end? I joined the regiment about three years ago, and have con tinued as a private in the ranks up to the present time, hav ing quietly submitted to the different changes in the uniform (including the last overcoat change) without grumbling, while I have taken no part in the different questions that have come up, but have quietly looked on and said nothing. Last Tues day evening there was an election or Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, held at the armory, Centre Market, and I dropped in to see what was going on. As I reached the drill-room I found Company G going through their drill under their very efficient commandant, and it struck me very forcibly that there was certainly one company where harmony and a con cert of action seemed to really exist. This was certainly very gratifying to me. I then turned my attention to the room where the elec tion was being held, and there I found officers gathered to- 800 APPENDIX gether in small knots discussing the chances of their different candidates and patiently awaiting the closing of the polls, over which our worthy Colonel presided. At a little before 9 o'clock the Colonel asked if all had voted who wished, and declared the polls closed. Then all was as still as death to hear the result. In a clear voice Colonel Vosburgh announced that 30 votes had been cast; of which Major Tompkins had received 15 votes, Captain Kinnan 14, and blank 1. There was a slight effort at applause, and all was quiet again. I was about to leave when all of a sudden a mighty cheer went up tht seemed to shake the Market from the foundation, for Captain Kinnan, the defeated candidate. Captain Kinnan could scarcely put a word in edgewise, owing to the enthusi asm evinced by those present, and after making a few re marks appropriate to the occasion he withdrew. I then took my departure meditating on the "mutability of human affairs," and wondering why the defeated candidate should receive so much more applause than the successful one. It convinced me that the privates of the regiment were inno cent of the odium cast upon the "American Guard;" and that all the wrangling was done by the officers of the regiment, and that in order to advance the interest of the regiment, there must be a little more harmonious feeling in the board of officers. SANCHO PANZA. THE BLOCKADE OF THE POTOMAC. The following is from John McElroy's "Recovering 1861 the Atlantic Coast." Although not mentioned, this was the work of a detachment from the 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M., from May 1st to July 15th, 1861 : The Confederates speedily retaliated for the blockade of their ports by attempting a blockade of the Potomac. This was a matter of the highest importance for both moral and military reasons. At that time, when railroading was in its infancy, Washington received most of its supplies by water, and with the gathering around the National Capital of great bodies of troops this commerce vastly increased. It was good military policy for the Confederates to attempt to blockade the river to prevent the arrival of supplies, which would APPENDIX 801 have speedily reduced the city and the troops to a sad con dition. Morally it was good policy, since the Confederates were striving to secure recognition by France and England, and the audacity of blockading the chief avenue of the National Capi tal would naturally predispose the foreign nations to that recognition. It would show a strength and capability very impressive to such people. The broad Potomac has quite a narrow navigable chan nel, and below Washington this swings in close to the hills on the Virginia side. Upon these the Confederates promptly established batteries to fire upon the vessels passing to and from Washington. The main batteries and those which did the most damage were at Mathias Point, Acquia Creek, Quan- tico and Frestone Point. These were armed with rifles which were superior to the 32-pound smooth-bores of the Navy. To meet these batteries, convoy and protect passing ves sel, the Potomac flotilla was organized with such vessels as could be had and placed under the command of Commodore James H. Ward, an energetic, able officer. The first vessel put in commission was the "Freeborn," a paddlewheel pas senger steamer of light construction and 250 tons burden. She carried three 32-pounders. Another was the "Annacosta," a screw steamer of 200 tons, and another the "Resolute," a small boat of 90 tons. The two latter vessels carried two guns each. With these light boats Commander Ward boldly attacked the batteries at Acquia Creek and fought what is believed to be the first naval battle of the war.* Ward succeeded in silenc ing the batteries, driving the infantry back to the hills, and then withdrew, as he had no landing force to send ashore. Reinforced by the "Pawnee," a regular war vessel, Commander Ward and Commander Rowan attacked the masked batteries at Mathias Point,* where, to the great regret of the entire Navy, Commander Ward was shot in the abdomen while sighting a gun and lived only 45 minutes after. He was a gal lant officer and would have risen high in his profession, prov ing invaluable to the Navy. The batteries at Mathias Point were silenced, and Lieu tenant Chaplin, of the "Pawnee," landed a force, but encount- *These were participated in by the 71st N.Y.S.M., see pages 147 and 1S6. 26 802 APPENDIX ered an overwhelming number of Confederates and only suc ceeded in getting back to his ship by exercising great coolness. THE FIRST TORPEDOES The position of the Confederates in having no navy, or, at best, only a few poor vessels, naturally suggested that resource of the weaker side, torpedoes, and they began at once to devist these and try their efficiency. The following is an account taken from Boynton's "History of the Navy," of one of the first efforts of the Confederacy to destroy the blockading ves sels on the Potomac by this means : "On July 8th, 1861, as the 'Pawnee' was lying not far from Acquia Creek, two large casks were discovered floating down the river and passing about 200 yards from the ship. A boat was sent out to secure and examine them. Holes had been bored in the top of the casks, suggesting the idea of sup plying air to the fuse within. Water was immediately poured into these holes, and then the machine was towed where it could be examined. It was formed by connecting two eighty- gallon oil casks with about twenty-five fathoms of Manila rope, the line being buoyed up by cork floats. Underneath each cask, and about six feet below, was slung a torpedo made of boiler-iron, four feet six inches long and about eighteen inches in diameter, and filled with powder. On the top of each cask was a wooden box, prepared to secure a fuse leading into the cask. Through the center of this cask, horizontally, ran a platform, on which the fuse was coiled, and then it passed downward through water-tight tubes to the torpedo below. "The intention, evidently, was to start the machine in such a manner that the connecting rope would strike the cable of a ship, and thus swing the corks around under her bows, where, the fuse having been lighted at starting, in due time the torpedoes would explode. It was found on examina tion that the fuses had been on fire; but whether they had gone out of themselves, or had been extinguished by the water poured into the casks, is not known. Could the torpedoes have been exploded at the suitable time and place, doubtless they would have destroyed a vessel ; but, considering how few the chances were that this would take place, it appeared like the bungling experiment of men little acquainted with mechanical contrivances." APPENDIX 803 MARCH TO AND FROM BULL RUN Sergeant James T. Woolsey (son of Commodore Woolsey) of Company G, kept a diary in 1861 ; the following is an ex tract, the balance unfortunately having gone astray after his death ; this starts at the departure for Bull Run : Tuesday, July 16th, cloudy and warm, busy all the fore noon preparing to march, at 1 P. M., fell in, nine companies and two howitzers and band. At 1 :30 P. M. left the Navy Yard with cheers from the sailors and marines of the yard; marched down Pennsylvania Avenue, and over the Long Bridge about 2:30 P. M. on left of the 2d Brigade, 2d Divi sion, under command of Colonel Burnside; passed Arlington Mills and halted about one mile beyond Bulls Cross Roads, sixteen miles from the Navy Yard, at about 7 P. M., and bivouacked for the night in double column at half distance near the left of the 1st Rhode Island. During the night the 8th and 14th N. Y., 1st U. S. Cavalry, Artillery and 69th N. Y., came up and bivouacked in advance. A guard of one com missioned and three non-commissioned officers, and thirty-nine men was formed as follows : First Relief Co. G: SherwoodDickinson Abbe Maxwell Baughman Co. B: Allen BuckbeeBuckley Anderson Branegan Co. E: ChimneyBallBrainerd They were 9:30 P. M. to 5 warm ; reveille Second Relief Co. E: Driggs, A. M. Morris Smith, Chas. B. Co. C: Clark, M., Jr. Demming, E. M. Taylor, F. F. Sproull Co. H: Bruen, Legrand Berkly BullBrown, A. T. Cowell Co. A: Gordon, L. G. Third Relief Co. A: Gordan, G. Gordan, R. T. Hyde, A. Hyde, G. K. Co. F: ThomasWillet Townsend Sands Watson Co. D: AtkinsonAnderson Baker Bogert formed into three reliefs, and posted from :30 A. M., Wednesday, July 17th, clear and at 4:30 A. M., breakfast at 6, fell in and 804 APPENDIX marched off at ten minutes before 7 in the same order as yesterday, General McDowell in command; at 12:15 P. M., entered secession batteries evacuated thirty minutes previous ; at 12:30 P. M. halted in the village of Fairfax Courthouse, found the place deserted. Bivouacked for the day and night on elevated ground; six men only from each company were allowed to leave camp at one time. A picket guard of fifty men, one commissioned and three non-commissioned officers, were posted. Thursday, July 18th, reveille at 4:30 A. M., breakfast at 7 A. M. fell in and marched out of the town toward Man assas Gap at 7:30 A. M., halted in the woods about half a mile out and stacked arms; while waiting there a prisoner was marched through the lines. At 11 A. M., Lieutenant May nard of Company C, was appointed provost marshal of the bri gade by order of General McDowell, and from the same, orders to prevent men from committing depredations on private prop erty, and any man caught stealing or killing anything larger than a chicken would be shot. About 3 :30 P. M., fell in and marched about five miles and filed into an open field about 6:30 P. M., where we bivouacked for the night. Just previously to our arriving, here we re ceived conflicting accounts of the action today at Blackburn Ford, nothing definite could be ascertained, although two wounded soldiers were seen by some of the men. About 8:30 P. M., we had a slight shower; camp fires were lighted in rear of each company at 8 P. M., and hot coffee served. At 8:30 P. M. guards were posted, and the different regiments were placed as follows: 2d New Hampshire Baggage 71st New York Wagons 14th New York U. S. Artillery Road 1st Rhode Island 2d Rhode Island CavalryHorses grazing Tattoo at 9 :30 P. M., taps at 10 P. M. Friday, July 19th, about 1 A. M., turned out under arms and fell in, on account of sharp firing by pickets and guards on the left ; about one hour later by sentinels in the front, and at 3 A. M., firing by sentinels on the left; the men were ord ered to lie flat on the ground, after firing about half hour APPENDIX 805 longer all was quiet the rest of the night. Reveille at 4:30 A. M., breakfast at 5. Remained in bivouack all day, men en gaged in cleaning their muskets, etc. ; day was very warm, water scarce and dirty, only one spring of clear water which was a half mile away from camp, details were sent for water every hour under charge of non-commissioners. Dress parade at 6:30 P. M., orders read, coffee served and guards posted. Tattoo at 9 :30 P. M. ; thunder storm during the night. Saturday, July 20th, warmer than yesterday, but a good breeze. The 1st Rhode Island was selected to go forward to Centreville and engage the enemy. At 10 A. M. three prisoners were conducted to the rear. The brigade not being supplied with tents, had to erect bowers of bushes and shrubbery, with blankets to protect themselves from the sun. The bivouac of this night was one of solemnity, as the thoughts of all were on the possibilities of a battle tomorrow : "Comrades brave around are lying, filled with thought of home and God: For well they know that on the morrow some will sleep be neath the sod. Hark ! I hear the bugles sounding, 'tis the signal for the fight ; Now, may God protect us, mother, as He ever does the right." Sunday, July 21st, turned out at 2 A. M., at about 3 A. M., the brigade marched off for Bull Run. The 71st deployed to the right at ten minutes past six, two guns fired at 6:15 A. M. in the direction of Bull Run, and were supposed to be signal guns. After marching across a large level field we came to a woods, which we entered, marching by the flank over a cow- path which we followed for about five hours when we came out on a high bluff from which we could see the enemy moving through a woods on our left about two miles distant; after a short halt we moved on over Bull Run and up a steep hill at double quick, in line of battle at trail arms, halted where the battery broke through our ranks, to the brow of the hill, un limbered and immediately opened on a rebel battery on the plain immediately in front. The 71st stood directly in their rear about 100 feet, and consequently received all the enemy's fire for about ten minutes without being able to return it, then they were moved to the left and commenced firing. 806 APPENDIX Rebel Rebel Rebel cannon battery artillery . . . woods . OOOOOO ****** OOOOOOO 2dN. H *U. S. Art * * . .woods. "71st howitzers Bee's 4th Ala. ) (71st N. Y. O. after fight Brigade ) 8th Ga. ) ,(2d.R. I. ) New Or.) (1st R. I. Tigers ) woods. O well I 1 House used for hospital. Sergeant Woolsey did write a full detail of the battle and retreat, in which he had recorded the time of arrival and de parture from Centreville and also the arrival and departure of other regiments, showing that the 71st was the last to leave that place on the retreat; unfortunately that has been lost; this which we have is only memoranda, jotted down in his Roll Book — it embraced the following: Wednesday, July 24th, 11 P. M., the regiment was formed (in the Navy Yard), knapsacks packed for return home, marched from the yard for the railroad depot by flank, reach ing it at midnight, embarked on freight cars with latitudinal rough board seats and nothing to lean against; rode until fifteen minutes before 6 A. M. Thursday, July 25th — When we arrived at Baltimore, marched through West Lombard and Albermarle Streets to foot thereof halted and stacked arms, remaining there until 3 P. M. ; then embarked on a train of seventy-two cars, two engines, with the 3d and 4th New Jersey and 8th New York. Traveled very slowly, arriving in Philadelphia at 7:30 A. M. APPENDIX 807 Friday, July 26th — About noon we left Philadelphia in a special train, the New Jersey troops going another way, and the 8th New York, preceding in a special train. We arrived at at P. M., every place on the line being thronged with enthusiastic crowds cheering, waving handkerchiefs, etc. Arrived at Perth Amboy at ten minutes before 4 P. M., embarked on steamer "John Potter" for New York, at five minutes after five, met steamer "Keyport" going down the bay, salutes passed between us. At twenty-five minutes to six New York in sight ; three cheers for New York — music by the band (and here it ends). STAMPEDE The 71st was in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division of the 1861 army; the Division was commanded by acting Major- General David Hunter (Colonel 3d U. S. Cavalry). The 1st Brigade was commanded by acting Brigadier- General Andrew Porter (Colonel 16th U. S. Infantry), and was composed of the 8th N.Y.S.M., 14th N.Y.S.M., 27th N.Y.V., Battalion of Marines, Battalion U. S. Infantry under Major Sykes, a Company of 5th U. S. Artillery, Griffin's West Point Battery, two Companies of U. S. Cavalry. The 2d Brigade, commanded by acting Brigadier-Gen. A. E. Burnside, of the 1st Rhode Island Vol., and was composed of the 1st R.I.V., 2d R.I.V., 2d N.H.V., 71st N.Y.S.M., Battery A, U. S. Artillery, siege train of 8 rifled 32-pounders, Battery of 4 guns, Artillery under Major Barry. General Hunter was wounded early in the fight, the com mand falling to Colonel Porter. The following from the "Rebellion Record," Series 1, Vol. 2, page 385, will give some light upon the cause of stampede. It is from Colonel Porter's official report: "Griffin's and Rickett's batteries were ordered by the com manding General to the top of the hill on our right (1st Bri gade, 2d Division), supporting them with the Fire Zouaves and Marines, while the 14th entered the skirts of the woods on their right, to protect that flank, and a column, composed of the 27th N.Y.V, 11th and 5th Mass. Vol., 1st Minn. Vol., and 69th N.Y.S.M., moved up towards the left flank of the bat teries, but so soon as they were in position and before the flank ing supports had reached theirs, a murderous fire of musketry APPENDIX and rifles, opened at pistol range, cut down every cannoneer and a large number of horses The fire came from some in fantry of the enemy which had been mistaken for our own forces, an officer on the field having stated that it was a regi ment sent by Colonel Heintzelman to support the batteries. "The evanescent courage of the Zouaves, prompted them to fire perhaps, 100 shots, when they broke and fled, leaving the batteries open to a charge of the enemy's cavalry, which took place immediately. "The Marines also, in spite of the exertions of their gal lant officers, gave way in disorder; the 14th on the right and the column on the left, hesitatingly retired, with the exception of the 69th and 38th N. Y. Regiments, who nobly stood and returned the fire of the enemy for fifteen minutes. "Soon the slopes behind us were swarming with our re treating and disorganized forces, whilst riderless horses and artillery teams ran furiously through the flying crowd. "All further efforts were futile; the words, gestures, and threats of our officers were thrown away upon men who had lost all presence of mind and only longed for absence of body. Some of our noblest and best officers lost their lives in trying to rally them. Major Sykes covered the retreat at this point." (Note- — The above occurred near the Warrenton turn pike (over a mile from the 71st) and their retreat was over that road, a distance of two miles to Cub Run, at the bridge which the 71st had to go four miles to reach on their retreat. It would seem that if the Zouaves had stood fast, the "Stampede" may not have occurred, at least at that time.) The following interesting statement is from Edward P. Doherty, Company A, 71st Regiment, who was captured at Bull Run, and who escaped on the Friday night following, July 26th, 1861 : "* * * The march was then resumed; the whole bri gade proceeded half a mile beyond Fairfax, and bivouacked on the old camp ground of the rebels, which they had abandoned that morning between 6 and 9 o'clock. Large quantities of blankets were found burning, having been destroyed by them in this manner in their hasty retreat; also, a storeroom of military clothing was found by them, as well as a dozen or more tents, which were immediately put to good use, and a bullock, just dressed, which furnished rations for the 71st, so far as it went. APPENDIX 809 "In this encampment the brigade remained till 7 A. M., Thursday, July the 18th, the brigade again marched one mile, and halted by command of General McDowell. Here the brigade remained until 3 P. M. on an old camp ground of the rebels, when the march was again taken up, under a scorching sun, till within a mile and a half of Centreville, where we bivouacked once more, the men making huts of the boughs of trees. "During the night the regiment was called to arms, in consequence of the firing of pickets on our left. Friday and Saturday were passed in this place very pleasantly, the regi ments of this brigade having a regimental drill each day, and also being served with good rations of fresh meat and plenty of coffee and sugar. On Saturday orders were issued to pre pare to march at 1 A. M. Sunday each man to take two days' rations of good salt beef, salt pork and crackers in haversack, with positive instructions to fill his canteen with water, and not to use it on the route, as water was scarce. This was done and the regiment marched with the brigade Sunday morning at 2 A. M., for the battlefield, passing through Centre ville just before sunrise. "After proceeding about a mile and a half beyond Centre ville we were ordered to halt and cap our pieces. We then crossed a bridge, mounted a hill in the vicinity, and to the right of General McDowell's headquarters, and then turned to the right into a field; at a double quick, which was kept up for a quarter of an hour, passing through a wood and halt ing in a field, where we remained about twenty minutes. "General McDowell and his staff came into the field. This was between 6 and 7 o'clock. The march was then resumed by a circuitous route through the woods, passing several dry brooks, until we reached Bull Run, which we waded in great confusion, everyone being anxious to get water. Company lines were immediately formed on reaching the other side, and an advance was made up the road at a quick step, firing being heard on our left. After a mile walking at quick step, we were put at double quick up a hill, wheeling to the left, into an old stubblefield, where we halted, and our arrival was announced by a shot from a rifle cannon whistling over our heads. The halt did not last two minutes, when Colonel Burn side led the different regiments into their positions on the field. "The 2d Rhode Island entered the field first, to the ex treme right, then the Rhode Island battery, six pieces and the 810 APPENDIX two howitzers of the 71st, and then to the left the 71st, and after it, on its left, the 1st Rhode Island, and then the 2d New Hampshire, all formed in line of battle on top of the hill. This movement was all done at double quick. We were immediately ordered to fall back and lie down, as the dis charge from the enemy's battery was very severe. "The 1st and 2d Rhode Island Regiments, the Rhode Island Battery, and the two howitzers, opened fire on the enemy. One of the Rhode Island guns was immediately dis abled by a shot from the enemy, and was carried off the field. The 71st lay there as ordered, when an aide from Col onel Burnside rode up and spoke to Colonel Martin who then ordered us forward. "Just prior to this Captain Hart, of Company A, had been wounded and carried from the field; also Captain Ellis, of Company F. Then Lieut. Oakley, Company A, came on. Going forward to the brow of the hill he received a shot in the leg of his pants from one of his own men. Some time after this the firing ceased upon both sides. General Mc Dowell, with his staff, then rode through our lines, receiving a cheer from the 71st, and passed down the hill to the left, within 600 feet of the enemy's line. "After that the brigade fell back into the woods and rested, taking care of the wounded, and removing them to the hospital ; some straggling over the field without their muskets, looking on at the fight in other parts of the engagement, which they supposed was the end of the battle, thinking the day was ours. "At about 3 o'clock we formed again in line, on the brow of the hill. It was at this time that a shell fell over my left shoulder, striking the ground behind me, rebounding upon the foot of Wm. Moir Smith, private in Company A, tearing it open. He threw his arms around my neck, and I assisted in carrying him to the hospital. (Private Smith died from his wound ; his remains lie in Greenwood where a handsome and appropriate monument stands over them.) I returned from the hospital towards my regiment and met other troops re treating who informed me that my regiment had gone across the field. I ran back past Sudley Church, then used as the hospital, up the hill, saw a regiment about half a mile ahead, which I supposed to be the 71st; took a short cut across the field, when the cavalry rode up and arrested me. They took me back to the hospital where, during the confusion, I man- APPENDIX 811 aged to conceal myself under a blanket, which was saturated with blood. Colonel Barker, of the Virginia Cavalry, then galloped up, and ordered all the unwounded prisoners to be driven to the Junction. I should think there were about fifty prisoners in all at that point. "A guard was left to guard the hospital. I arose to go in quest of Dr. Peugnet (Surgeon of the 71st), and found him engaged in amputating the arm of Harry Rockafellar, of S Street, Philadelphia, of Company F, 71st Regiment (later Colonel of the 71st). Dr. Peugnet requested me to assist him, and he having completed his operation, then amputated the arm of a Sergeant of a Maine regiment, who had a brother, about seventeen years of age, who had remained be hind to take care of him. This man died under the operation. The next operation was that of my friend Smith, of Brooklyn, his foot was amputated. "During this time Doctors Foster, Swift and Winston of the 8th N. Y., Doctor De Grant, Minnesota, Doctor Harris of Rhode Island, and four others, whose names I did not learn, one of whom, I believe, was the surgeon of the West Point Battery, were attending to the wounded of their respective regiments. Private Tyler of the West Point Battery, had his thigh amputated and died that night. Cornelius, Colonel Martin's servant, who was wounded while assisting the Col onel, also died. Mullen, 2d Rhode Island, and two of the 71st, whose names I do not know, were found dead next morning. "General Beauregard and Colonel Baker came up about 7:30 o'clock that evening with 150 prisoners of different regi ments, most of whom were Fire Zouaves. He stopped and inquired how our wounded were getting along, while the pris oners were driven towards the Junction by the cavalry. Dur ing the night a number of prisoners were brought in and on Monday morning thirty were sent on, their hands tied to gether in front with rope, among them was the lad of seven teen, from Maine, who pleaded bitterly to be left to see his brother buried, but was refused. "During the forenoon an order was issued by General Johnston for every one to be removed from Sudley Church to Richmond, via the Junction. All who were not wounded were taken under a tree and tied, as an attack was anticipated. Our doctors strongly remonstrated against this order, as the greater part of our wounded, 280 in number, had not received any attention. Captain Patrick, of Virginia Cavalry, stated 812 APPENDIX these were his instructions, and he meant to carry them out. "We were accordingly all seized, hands bound, except the doctors, who were in ambulances. It was then raining in tor rents, and some eighty of the wounded were lying in the vicinity of the church and blacksmith shop without any shelter excepting a blanket. The doctors were hurriedly taken away, we being told that our wounded would be cared for by them selves. "Here we waited until 12 o'clock at night in the rain, awaiting orders, when I requested Captain Patrick to allow me to go down to the hospital to see a relative who was badly wounded, telling him it would be better to shoot our wounded at once than to allow them to die off by inches, they were all calling for water, no one there to give it to them. He then said, 'Well, my man, choose another man with you and go down.' I chose Smith of Company H, 71st. He then inquired if there were any more men who had brothers or relatives among the wounded. "A general rush took place among the prisoners — they all stepping forward. He then allowed Atwood Crosby, of Maine, to take care of his brother who was wounded in the back, and five others; Tompkins of Company C, 71st, and a servant to a Maine Surgeon, who cooked for the prisoners, under the direc tion of Tompkins. The rest were kept out in the rain all night, and the following morning were sent to Richmond. During Monday night a man from Wisconsin died, calling for his mother. He had a daguerreotype of his wife and two children. He called me to give him some water, which I did very frequently. He called for his 'dear mother' — these were his last words. * * * "On Tuesday, Allen, of Company G, died ; he was wound ed in the abdomen. Butler, of Company C, from Elizabeth, N. J., also died; he was wounded in legs, doctors were not there to amputate. George Sayne and John P. Morrissey, the former of Company F, and the latter of Company H, died Wednesday morning, within one hour of each other, lying side by side. "On Tuesday evening, six of the doctors came back on parole— Peugnet, Swift, Winston, De Graw, Buxton and Stewart — and immediately attended to the wounded, their time1 day and night were given to the wounded until all the wounds were properly dressed and all cared for. "On Wednesday morning, Dr. Peugnet put me in charge APPENDIX 813 of the hospital, and allowed me to choose twenty prisoners and wounded, who were able to assist me. The same morn ing, a lady of the neighborhood brought us a bottle of wine and two dozen eggs, and at noon we bought twelve dozen eggs from a sutler. "Thursday morning a number of secession doctors made their appearance bringing with them some luxuries which they gave to our doctors. Some time during the day Noble, of Company F, and Gillette, of the Engineer Corps, both of the 71st, were brought in as prisoners, and were retained as as sistants at the hospital. They were not wounded. This day a number of ladies and farmers of the surrounding country visited our hospitals, bringing with them milk, soup and cakes. "On Friday they commenced to remove the prisoners and wounded * * * leaving instructions with us to be prepared to follow the ambulances containing the wounded, who had undergone operations, on Saturday. "In the meantime Captain Allen, of the 11th Massa chusetts, disguised as a private and wounded prisoner, a Wis consin boy, named Worldorf, and myself, planned an escape, which was successfully accomplished between 5 and 10 P. M., Friday night. We ran the guard, and crawled on our hands and feet out of hearing distance of the sentinels ; proceeded in a northeast direction until 3 :30 A. M., met two pickets of the rebels in a small tent on the main road, which we had to cross to accomplish our escape; the pickets cowed at our ap pearance, and hid behind a tree, and we backed some one hun dred feet with stick pointed in the direction of the pickets, and then turned and ran about two miles, keeping a little to the north. "At 5 P. M., we came to a railroad. I saw a little boy and girl, and asked them what road it was. They replied they. did not know, but if we would go to the house, Jeff would tell us. After some further inquiries, without getting any further information, we crossed the track and took to the woods, and continued our march until 6 P. M., when we saw a house standing alone in the bushes. We determined to go there, and get something to eat. Arriving at the gate, we inquired if they had something to sell us. They said they had, and we lost no time in investing in fifty cents' worth of hoe-cake and milk. "While we were devouring these (to us) luxuries, a horseman galloped to the door, and the lady of the house, 814 APPENDIX called the man with whom we were conversing 'Cousin George' (his name was Edwards). We suspected something wrong, and took a precipitate leave down the hill, and continued our march. "Half an hour after leaving this house, we crossed the main road, and crossed the field, in order to reach a wood which we supposed was a forest, but which turned out to be nothing but a small thicket. Soon after crossing the thicket, we espied eight mounted troopers at full speed, passing along the road, some fifteen yards ahead; not supposing they were in search of us, we continued on our way, when, upon looking round, we found they had halted at the foot of the hill, and were looking in all directions; at last they saw us, and com manded us to halt and come back, this we had no desire to do, and knowing the fence along the road to be impassable on horseback we thought our chances of escape were good. We accordingly ran, and they fired. One or two of them dis mounting simultaneously with the discharge of the others' guns, to let the rails of the fence down in order that they might pursue us into the woods. In the meantime we had gained the woods and found another fence surrounding it. This fence was equally as wide as the first one. "They galloped off to the edge of the woods where we should have to pass to make our escape, and surrounded the woods. Here they dismounted, took down the rails and entered the bushes, and commenced their search. In the meantime we had run back to where we had entered the bush and hid under two large elm trees, Captain Allen clipping the branches in order that we might pull them down over us with more facility; it was perhaps five minutes before they reached this portion of the thicket, and these being so much exposed, they concluded that no person was there, and went away to the other end of the woods but soon returned, and on passing one of these trees, one of the horses ridden by one of our pur suers grazed my right leg with his hoof, so close were they upon us that we even heard all their conversation. "During this time, some twelve or fifteen of the inhabi tants of Mulford turned out with their guns and pistols to assist the troopers to find the Yankees, and an order was given by an old man in citizen's dress for the horsemen to follow up in the next woods, with orders to the men who had come together, to look in all the bushes, and to turn all the APPENDIX 815 old logs, and leave nothing undone which they might suppose would tend to our capture. "Here one of them, 'reckoned' the Yankee had got away ; another said that if they were in those woods, they would give us a right warming, and they commenced dis charging their guns into the bushes in every direction, but happily did not aim in the direction of our tree. In about an hour the old man returned, and ordered a boy about eight een years of age to remain beside us on a log, with instruction to fire on us the moment he saw us — 'Even,' said he, 'if you do miss them.' "It was now 9 P. M. and the long-prayed-for darkness came to our rescue, and helped to cover our retreat. For nearly an hour the old wretch kept prowling about the woods, and finally went away. At about 11 o'clock we were so exhausted that we fell asleep, and rested until 12, when Allen crawled over to me and said, 'They haven't got us yet.' "I had dreamt during my short slumber, that I was a captive, and he had some difficulty in persuading me to the contrary. Being reassured, I arose from my retreat, and, as we emerged from beneath the branches which had just saved our lives, we beheld the youth who two hours before, had been placed to watch for us ; he was in a deep slumber, and had his gun grasped between his folded arms, in a horizontal posi tion. I drew my knife to dispatch him, but Captain Allen prevented me. "We then retraced our steps for nearly a mile and a half, and struck over for the Potomac we sat down to rest; but we were hardly seated before we saw a man on horseback approaching us by the road. He walked his horse past us as though he was unaware of our presence, until he reached the corner of a fence surrounding a cornfield, when he put spurs to his horse and went up the hill at full speed. We suspected something in this movement, and looking for shallow water, but finding none, we immediately plunged into the stream and swam the river. When within twenty feet of the opposite shore we heard firing and cries of 'Come back,' and on turn ing round we saw ten or fifteen men, in their shirt sleeves, ordering us back, and firing several shots at us. Of course we did not obey this command, but started off at a good pace into what we supposed was Maryland. We had not gone far before we came to another stream, which was waded. 816 APPENDIX "We afterwards ascertained that we had crossed Edward's Island about seventeen miles from Washington. Before los ing sight of our pursuers, Captain Allen showed his pistol, and shook it in defiance of them. This was the only weapon with exception of the knife that we had between us. This was about 5 :30 Sunday morning. Finding ourselves among friends we walked about five miles to Great Falls, where we laid down and rested till noon. "On waking we resumed our march, and reached the arsenal 9 o'clock at night, where we found our picket guard of the 2d Vermont Regiment. They received us kindly, pro vided us with supper, and furnished us with a bed. The next morning we all hurried on to Washington, and telegraphed our safe arrival to our friends. "I may here state that on Wednesday I visited the field of battle on horseback, in company with Captain White of the Virginia Cavalry. I saw the numbers of our comrades, un- buried. * * * I asked the reason ; the reply was they had not yet reached them. The odor was very offensive. I gal loped up to count their numbers, but was obliged to turn back on this account. * * * "EDWARD P. DOHERTY." From the New York "Herald," January 18th, 1862 : Mr. James Gillette, a member of the New York 71st Regi ment, N.Y.S.M., who is one of the returned prisoners ex changed from Richmond, gives us an interesting account of his experience as a prisoner of war with the Southern Con federates. Mr. Gillette goes over a great deal of the ground. He says the prisoners taken at Bull Run were confined in six large tobacco factories and he gives some details of the classes of prisoners to which some of these factories afforded ac commodation. Thus prison No. 1 contained a number of Union officers, prison No. 2 was tenanted by 300 men taken from various regiments. No. 3 contained a number of Virginians suspected of dis loyalty, that is loyalty to the Union; with them were lodged twenty rebel soldiers, mostly Tiger Zouaves, who, first join ing the ranks of treason, afterwards deserted from the trai tors — thus proving themselves doubly traitors. Thus incon gruously do the rebels lodge together loyal and brave soldiers, taken in honorable battle — men who are suspected of being loyal to their own free country and government, and fellows who would disgrace even the gallows. APPENDIX 817 On the third floor of the same building, apartments were fitted up for the treatment of wounded prisoners whose wounds were in a state of gangrene. When Mr. Gillette left twenty- five poor fellows, who had been wounded at the battle of Bull Run, were left there in that almost deplorable state. * * * The condition of the prisoners at Richmond is more dis tressing than is any other Union prisoners in any part of the South. This distress arises more from the poverty of the rebel authorities at Richmond than from inhumanity. It is, however, aided by the ignorance, the vindictiveness and the drunken ferocity of sentries. No doubt, if the men in power had the means, they would, for their own sakes, adopt meas ures to put a stop to the abuses so justly complained of. The unfortunate circumstances surrounding the capture of upwards of 1,500 prisoners at Manassas also had something to do with the privations they subsequently suffered. They were at first, for want of room, huddled together in two buildings, in which there was scarcely room enough for them to walk around; and to add to their misfortune, they were placed under the care of a man in whose heart not one drop of pity seemed to linger. A more tyrannical man than Lieutenant Todd it would be difficult to find after search of years. Under his iron rule it frequently happened that the unfortunate prisoners never got their first meal for the day until 4 o'clock in the afternoon; and on one memorable occasion, remembered with peculiar bitterness by the famishing victims of tyranny, thirty hours were suffered to elapse between two meals; and when it is added that the rations allowed to the prisoners was not above one-half the quantity allowed to the rebel soldiers, and that everything, with the exception of bread, was of very inferior quality, it will be seen that the treatment of our brave boys was cruel in the extreme. It was under the supervision of this monster, Todd, that three prisoners were shot; and by his order, too, for the un pardonable offense of looking out of the window. * * * The extravagance of Todd arrived at such a height as to cause his arrest and subsequent removal by General Winder. The condition of the prisoners was rendered more tolerable, on Captain Warren, Quartermaster, having obtained permis sion to select certain of the prisoners themselves to perform the duties devolving in the hospital and commissariat depart ment, and in fact all the petty officers about the prison. * * * With regard to the bedding given by the rebel govern ment to the prisoners, our informant says that it was not till late in November they received a quantity of cotton sheeting and straw to make beds for themselves. Previous to that period the majority of the prisoners were compelled to lie on the bare floor without blankets or a sufficiency of clothing. In the cold, damp night of November it was not unusual for 818 APPENDIX some of these unfortunates to pace the floor of the prison all night, to keep up the circulation of their blood. It will be remembered that the battle of Manassas was fought on an intensely hot day, and that, consequently, the troops were lightly clad. It will also be borne in remem brance that many of them in going into battle threw off even a portion of that light clothing. The consequences was that when the prisoners were captured their clothing was barely sufficient to subserve the purpose of decency. From the great State of New York which had a larger representation of prisoners than all the rest combined, not a garment was re ceived. Under such circumstances it is no wonder that death was busy. The mortality among that small number averaged one a day." The greater proportion of those who died belonged to Virginia. They seemed to sink under their sufferings, to be possessed of no vitality, nor power to recuperate under their unfortunate circumstances. Indeed they appeared to be the most inert of the whole body of prisoners, contrasting most unfavorably with the Yankees, as those were contemptuously termed. In reference to the non-reception of winter clothing by the prisoners from New York regiments, it is but fair to state that General Wool told otir informant that sufficient had been sent in December to clothe all the federal prisoners. The invoices had been received at General Winder's office, but there seems to have been a delay in the distribution of the clothing. Two hundred and forty of the most destitute of1 these prisoners have been recently exchanged from Richmond. * * * Mr. Gillette was one of the clerks in charge of the letters and packages to prisoners. A five-cent piece must be en closed in each letter to pay Jeff. Davis's postage. Letters, etc., must remain open for examination, and each letter must con tain not more than a page, otherwise it will not be delivered. In case a prisoner to whom a letter is sent has gone further south, such letter will be forwarded. Nothing but United States money will be received; specie has almost disappeared from circulation, and even their own paper money is greatly depreciated. * * * The prisoners were continually devising new methods of raising the wind. Among the more legitimate methods was the manufacture of rings and other trinkets, made from the bones of the beef furnished them for rations. Chewing tobacco, made from the raw material found on the premises. They put together the tobacco presses that had been taken apart, and after manufacturing the article put it up neatly in packages, stamped with Yankee brands. The hardest substances were wrought by knives and rude hammers, made of pieces of iron. Some of the men took to tailoring, making clothing from their blankets; another gathered a number of old shoes the APPENDIX 819 worse for wear, and by the aid of pegs whittled with a knife, made them into a serviceable pair of shoes. * * * An address delivered by Gen. H. Kyd Douglas, C.S.A., at the Confederate Veteran's reunion, on the field of Manassas, Va., July 21st, 1897: "I shall not attempt to repeat history by discribing in detail the first battle of Manassas, and as for my own recol lections of it, they are not distinguished by much clearness or intelligence. The man who talks best and most confidently about battles is apt to be the man who never saw one. Ex perience is sometimes confusion. There were some few things about that battle, however, it may be well to recall in the interest of fair history. "Bull Run, was not such an awful rout on the part of the Federal Army, nor such an easy, dashing victory on the part of the Confederates, as both sides were wont to consider. Moreover, in the light of subsequent events, a battle which was fought with about 18,000 men on each side, and in which there was less than 500 Federal soldiers killed and less than 400 Confederates, cannot be considered a very sanguinary en gagement. But for new green troops there is no ground for criticism. Before the battle, when the two bifurcated armies were watching each other at Washington and Winchester, General McDowell had about 30,000 troops, General Beaure gard about 22,000, General Patterson about 13,000, and Gen. Joe Johnston about 11,000. "General Scott ordered Patterson to threaten, fight, or hold on to Johnston while McDowell whipped Beauregard; but this is exactly what General Patterson didn't do. 'Old Joe' played with the aged Patterson until the last moment, and then slipping away, helped to deal McDowell a mortal blow before Patterson missed him. "Lying on opposite sides of Bull Run, McDowell and Beauregard simultaneously determined to attack. On Sunday morning Beauregard ordered an attack against McDowell's left flank at Centreville, and McDowell started to make a de tour to cross Bull Run by Sudley Ford and attack Beaure gard's left. "McDowell's movement was more dangerous and difficult, but he moved more quickly and struck Beauregard while he was wating to hear from his own attack. But for the soldierly 820 APPENDIX intuition of General Evans and the prompt and admirable dis position of his brigade, the surprise might have been a dis astrous one. The Confederate Army was at once put on the defensive, and, up to that hour, out-generaled and out-marched, a thing that never again occurred in the many campaigns be tween the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia. McDowell's path was admirable, and in its incep tion, well executed. Early in the day the chances were all with him, but when he undertook to force the situation he failed. "Beauregard at a disadvantage, quickly saw the peril and faced it daringly and skilfully. Whether McDowell's tactics were faulty, or whether he could not help it with new troops, when he proceeded to execute his plan piecemeal, he went to pieces. With the 18,000 troops he took across Bull Run, or with two-thirds of them, he ought to have hopelessly defeated the Confederates before noon, for Beauregard's army was scat tered along Bull Run and only a portion of Johnston's com mand had arrived, although they subsequently bore the burden of the battle. Delay was McDowell's ruin and it was doubly ruinous to delay in the presence of Johnston and Beauregard. "On their side there was no error nor delay in the emer gency. When Evans was driven back and Bartow fell, and Bee died, and Jackson was bracing himself in the centre, fresh troops as they came up, were sent to the right spot, and when the supreme moment came, the tide of battle was turned, and the enemy was driven from the field in hopeless confusion. "First Manassas had few of the elements of a great battle, but when one recalls the fact that a long list of Confederate, and equally long list of prominent officers in the Federal Army, made a record there, that famous field may at least be re garded as the incubator, by martial fire, of a long line of great soldiers." UNION DEFENSE COMMITTEE Of the Citizens of New York Office No. 30 Pine Street. New York, June 1st, 1861. Lieut.-Col. Henry P. Martin : Dear Sir: — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter communicating the kind expression of the members of the 71st Regiment. To receive such an expression from a regiment which has APPENDIX 821 proved itself so worthy of its country, and by its prompt re sponse to its call, and which has since been ever of the first and foremost in the way of duty, and more than all, one whose gallant commander gave his life to her cause ; cannot be other wise than gratifying to anyone who may in any way have been associated with its movements. And although I may personally have done but little, yet I shall always cherish the recollection of that little among the most important acts of my life. For the kind, courteous terms in which you have con veyed the sentiments of the regiment, I beg to express my utmqst thanks, and while assuring you, and those you repre sent, of my deepest sympathy in the loss, you and the coun try have sustained in the untimely death of the lamented and noble Vosburgh ; I would also assure you of my undiminshed interest in the welfare, and my desire to relieve the wants, and promote the comfort of those who are making such sacri fice to uphold the Government, and to sustain the Flag. Very truly and respectfully yours, R. H. McCURDY. Office of the SUPERINTENDENT OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE 413 Broome Street, corner of Elm New York, October 3d, 1861. To Colonels Tompkins and Martin, Examining Board, etc. Gentlemen: — Colonel Wilson, of 6th, N.Y.V., has ad dressed me, as a private friend, and requested me to furnish him with the names of several young men, who are properly qualified as officers. I would prefer to send none unless they can pass an examination; and have to request you to subject the gentle men whom I may refer to you to such a pre-examination as would be required under other circumstances. I have no doubt that on the receipt of the names, so recommended, by Colonel Wilson, he would immediately for ward the resignations of officers who are not suited for the service there, in order that the persons you pass may be com missioned in their places. _ . . I have now to request you to make such examinations of the following gentlemen : Mr. John C.Bloomfield 28 Dominick Street, N. Y. Mr. John Williamson, Jr 27 Clark Street N. Y. Mr. John Leeds 9th Street, Brooklyn I will send others as I may find them, such as should be submitted to you. Very truly yours, JOHN A. KENNEDY, Superintendent. 822 APPENDIX The fact that both members of this Examining Board did or had belonged to the 71st, is testimony as to the standing not only of the gentlemen, but to the regiment which pro duced them. UNITED STATES NAVY YARD Washington, December 26th, 1861. My dear Colonel: In a communication received yesterday from General Barry (Chief of Artillery) in relation to a proposition of mine to place some howitzer batteries in the field, occurs the fol lowing : "I was myself a witness of the performance of the two guns manned after this peculiar plan which the New York 71st, took upon the field of Bull Run. If I had entertained any doubts as to the question of celerity (celerity by the way, was not an advantage claimed) which is one of the advan tages claimed, they would have been speedily dissipated by my recollections of the manner in which these guns of the 71st while being dragged into action 'by hand' were passed by the Batteries of Ricketts and Griffin at a gallop."* My dear Colonel, will you favor me with an account of what the Navy guns did at Bull Run, tell me frankly what you think of them and thus oblige Yours very truly, FOXHALL A. PARKER. Colonel Martin : 71st Regiment, N.Y.S.M. The following was written to, and sent to the 1862 "Herald" as it declined to publish it, it was then sent to the "Mercury," as written : New York, January 17th, 1862. To the Editor of the "Herald" : In this morning's "Herald," I noticed a piece signed "X. O. X." urging that the 7th Regiment, of your city, have "Annapolis, 1861," inscribed on their flag. Is not this in scription also due to others? The 71st New York Regiment was at Annapolis the same day that the 7th left, and were on *It is to be regretted they we have not the answer of Col. Martin to this letter. However, the reader may refer to "Wilkes" account of the battle of Bull Run, page 183, where he will find a reference to the "celerity" of Griffin's Battery. It is believed that this was the first instance of the use of Howitzers by an Infantry regiment. In the late war in Europe they seemed to have been adopted with satisfaction. APPENDIX 823 the road behind them, after half an hour's rest. We marched with the 71st that day, were in constant intercourse while at Washington, marched with them to Alexandria Heights, Fair fax Courthouse, and Centreville, and were next to them on the bloody field of Manassas. They behaved well ; and when ordered to retreat, they left the field in battle order, remained, at night, with us, at Centreville, to cover the retreat of our troops, and arrived at Washington in perfect order. Should not something be inscribed on their flag? 1 remain yours, etc., J. H. H.— d, Oi the 1st Rhode Island Regiment. New York, January 29th, 1862. To the Editors of the Sunday "Mercury" : The communication of "J. H. H.," of the 1st Rhode Island, published in your last, contains a fact never before seen in public print, viz.: that the 71st Regiment, came off the field of Bull Run in line of battle, to which I will add; they were the first New York regiment in action, and the last to come out, on that portion of the field contested by General Hunter. So far as this regiment was concerned, the retreat was not a rout. When the fortunes of the day began to wane before Johnston's approaching army, we were ordered to go by the flank into the large open field on our right, to cover the retreat of the flying troops, and of the ambulances, with their sacred freight of wounded and dying soldiers. For one-half hour we stood there, in line of battle, under the murderous fire of a rifled battery, while the disorganized masses swept by us on either flank. An aide rode up, and gave the Colonel some hurried orders in reference to repelling a charge momentarily expected from a squadron of cavalry then coming down upon our flank. Looking around and see ing the near approach of overpowering numbers, he added : "Colonel, you must use your own judgment." Standing there, we were helpless, the battery being out of range of our muskets ; and though numbers of our comrades went down never to rise, not a man shrank. Amid the din and crash, the only word heard was the thrilling "Steady!" of Colonel Martin. No ambulance for our wounded boys, then. A litter of muskets, the friendly hands of comrades, were the only means of transportation to the hospital — a mile to the rear where they were left to die or become prisoners. Not one inch did we move until the ambu lances and the multitude had passed, when the command was given : "About, face ! Forward-guide centre march !" and ob serving common time, we marched across the field we had won a few hours before, breaking by division into column only when we encountered the railroad embankment. These incidents are mentioned, not in a spirit of boast- 824 APPENDIX ing— though I plead guilty to a feeling of pride — but to ap prise your many readers, both military and civil, that there was one regiment that did not become disorganized or run away. As regards the inscriptions on our flag. * * * There is an inscription on its folds that never fades, placed there in the hour when outraged Americans struck for the Constitu tion and the Laws. Long may it wave in the ranks of the regiment who followed it, and supported it where death and destruction reigned ! A bit of crape, attached to the staff, reminds us that many of our brave comrades sleep their last sleep. RECRUIT. New York, September 13th, 1862. Col. Henry P. Martin, Dear Sir:- — At a meeting of the executive committee, ap pointed at the meeting whose proceedings I enclose. You were unanimously elected a member of said committee, and, we trust you will consent to act with us. Your experience in military matters would be of great service by aiding in the selection of suitable officers for the one or more companies that it is proposed to raise. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN J. VAN NOSTRAND, Chairman Pro. Tem. P. S. — The committee hold daily meetings at the Wall Street salesroom, corner Wall and Front Streets. This article is of interest as showing the condition of the Militia of 1832-1862, the reader can make his own comparison with its condition at the time he may read this. It was taken from the Sunday "Mercury," November 30th, 1862 : Many persons would suppose that on account of the great increase in the population, the military forces of this city would be far larger at the present time than thirty years ago; but such is not the fact — notwithstanding that hundreds have recently joined the 1st Division, on account of going into service for three months, and to avoid the anticipated draft, and from other reasons. In 1832, the 1st Division of New York State troops comprised over 13,000 men. They were commanded by Major-General Jacob Martone, and were di vided as follows : Artillery, 1st Brigade, under command of General Moore, doing duty with muskets, and numbering 1,600 men; 6th Bri gade, commanded by General Spicer, and numbering 1,000 men. Horse Artillery, commanded by General Arcularius, APPENDIX 825 and numbering, 150 men. The Lancers, under command of Colonel Sanford, numbering 600 men. Total artillery, 3,350 men. Infantry, organized in three divisions, respectively known as the 2d Division, under command of Major-Gen. B. M. Van Buren ; 3d Division, under command of Major-Gen. Augustus Fleming; 28th Division, under command of Major-Gen. Wil liam Paulding. These were sub-divided thus : 2d Division, 3d Brigade, Brigade General Mount, including the uniformed regiment of Washington Guards, 2,500 men. (The remainder of the divi sions extended through the counties of Kings and Richmond.) Third Division, 10th Brigade, numbering 2,000 men, under command of General Doughty, including the uniformed bat talion of President's Guard. The 59th Brigade, commanded by General Jones, and numbering 2,500 men ; 28th Division, 45th Brigade, commanded by General Irving, of about 1,500 men ; 58th, Brigade, commanded by General Stryker, number ing 1,200 men. Total, infantry, 9,700. Some of these troops were not fully uniformed, armed, and equipped; but they were compelled to go through regular training, and had drills more frequently than parades. There were additional persons enrolled, not included in the above computation, so that the total force was about 20,000 men. The number of effective and classified troops was 13,000. There ought to be fully the above number now in the 1st Division — at least sixteen regiments, each containing 1,000 men ; but until our present Militia Law is modified, or changed entirely, or we have officers at the State headquarters who are not afraid to carry out the law — who will not break down the National Guard instead of encouraging and building the same — there can be no change. Let us look at the 1st Division as it is at present. The 1st Regiment has had to procure a new uniform at its own expense ; no accommodations for the purpose of drill grounds or meeting rooms are afforded it. The 2d Regiment is broken up, without organization, uni forms or anything else. The 3d Regiment is in the same situation as the 1st. The 4th Regiment is left to the care of itself; has no artillery, no ammunition; no encouragement is offered it to purchase uni forms, or be allowed horse hire. The 5th Regiment — owing to the liberality of its own officers and men, is in pretty good shape — but without ade quate drill rooms or complete equipments. The 6th Regiment has been broken down by the neglect of the military authorities of the State, and is now trying to procure uniforms, and appear in public once more. The 7th having the strength and means of a first-class organization, is a model our martial rulers at Albany would fain imitate. 826 APPENDIX The 8th is entirely neglected ; no new uniforms have been given them in return for those worn out, and its members have not the spirit to go on recruiting without a word of encouragement. The 9th is destroyed by want of activity on the part of those members remaining at home to keep up the organiza tion, so as to hold the regimental district. The 11th is in fair condition, but needs encouragement with the necessary arms and equipments. The 12th is without muskets or a sufficient supply of clothing ; they need an armory ; what has become of the money voted for this purpose? The 22d Regiment has no suitable armory or place for drilling; after buying their own rifles, uniforms, etc., they are not encouraged to persevere at all. The 37th Regiment is similarly circumstanced, and know ing there is no use of looking for encouragement from the State, is about to furnish itself with a second uniform — the first being used up in service. The 55th is an organization without life and without hope ; its appearance is extremely meagre, and its condition anything but satisfactory to our French residents. The 69th still lives, notwithstanding the Adjutant-Gen eral tried "to cut its throat behind its back." (The 71st is mentioned on page 246.) Such is the present (1862) condition of the 1st Division, numbering 5,664 men. The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia "In quirer" relates a few incidents of the visits, on Saturday, of members of Congress to Secretary Stanton : "The Secretary seems to know nearly all the Senators and most of the Representatives; but few, however, called, there being not over half a dozen in the room at one time. Foremost in the room was the gray-haired patriot of Kentucky, J. J. Crittenden. He was warmly greeted by the, Secretary, and introduced to him a young man, whom, he said, he would like to have appointed in the army. Mr. Stanton took him by the hand and asked him his age, where born and raised, his occupation, and of his family. He was the oldest boy, and his father died some year or two ago, while in the navy, in service of his country. 'Ah,' said Mr. Stanton, T knew of him; he was a brave man. What position would you like to have?' 'A lieutenancy in an infantry regiment.' T will try and ar range it for you and will write you to New York.' "Judge Kelley came in with a youthful looking officer, whose empty sleeve hung from his left shoulder. He was introduced to the Secretary as Brevet Lieutenant Harry Rocka- APPENDIX 827 fellar, of Philadelphia. 'My friend,' continued the Judge, 'left a situation worth $800 a year, three days after the President's proclamation for troops, to carry a musket at eleven dollars per month, with his regiment, the New York 71st. After his term of his enlistment expired, he marched with his regiment to Bull Run. Early in the day he received that ugly rifle ball in his mouth (pointing to a minnie ball which was hung to his watch key), and for two hours and a half carried it in his jawbone, fighting like a true hero, until a cannon ball took off his arm and rendered him powerless. " 'He was captured and for three months laid in a mangled condition in a tobacco warehouse in Richmond, without proper surgical treatment. He was brevetted a Lieutenant for his bravery and is now filling a small clerkship. I beg of you to appoint him in the regular service.' " 'But where could I put him if I was to?' said Mr. Stan ton. The Judge was about to reply, when the young soldier raised his arm, and said with an imploring look : 'See, I have a right arm still, and General Kearney has only his left ; send me into the line, where there is fighting to be done ! I have letters from' — he tried to draw a bundle of letters from his pocket. Mr. Stanton stopped him — 'Put up your letters, sir, you have spoken for yourself; your wish shall be granted! The country cannot afford to neglect such men as you!' " 'Ere the soldier could thank him for his kindness, his case was noted. He turned to leave, and remarked to the Judge as they left, T shall be proud of my commission, for I feel that I have earned it; this day is the proudest one of my life.' "His heart seemed so light that we doubt if he then real ized the loss he had met with, or remembered the weary nights, and the long, long days he had suffered in the vile prisons of the traitor crew. Congressman Ely came in just as he passed along the aisles, and remarked, 'There goes the noblest and most heroic of all our prisoners. He was the pride of the boys, all loved him as though he was a brother.' " EXTRACTS OF THE MILITARY LAWS Of the State of New York, Governing the ist Division of Uniformed Militia. No uniformed company shall consist of less than fifty non commissioned officers and privates, nor more than one hundred. 828 APPENDIX Every non-commissioned officer and private shall be holden to duty for the term of seven years from his enlistment. Each company may form by-laws, rules and regulations for the government and improvement of its members in mili tary science, and when approved by two-thirds of all the mem bers, shall be binding, but may be altered when necessary. Penalties for Absence from Parades, Drills, Etc. Every officer for non-attendance at any parade or en campment, not less than $5 nor more than $100 Every non-commissioned officer and private for non-at tendance at any parade or encampment not less than $3 nor more than 6 Every non-commissioned officer and private for non-at tendance at any company parade 2 Every officer for non-attendance at any division, Brigade or battalion, officer's and non-commissioned officers' drill 5 Every non-commissioned officer for non-attendance at any division, brigade or battalion, officers' and non-com missioned officers' drill 3 Every officer for non-attendance at any evening battalion drill 2 Every non-commissioned officer and private for non-at tendance at any evening battalion drill 1 Every officer, non-commissioned officer and private at any parade, not fully armed and equipped or without a uniform, shall be returned as absent and fined ac cordingly. Every officer, non-commissioned officer and private for neglecting or refusing to obey the orders of his superior officers on any day of parade, drill or en campment, or to perform such military duty or ex ercise as may be required of him, or for departing from his colors, post or guard, or leaving his plact or ranks without permission, not less than $5 nor more than 100 Every non-commissioned officer and private for discharg ing firearms within two miles of any parade without orders 1 No property, except uniform, arms and equipments of the party fined, now exempt from execution, shall be so exempt from the payment of his fine. Exemption from Military Duty Every officer who shall hereafter resign his commission, and it is accepted, shall, provided he has served faithfully in any capacity for the period of six years, be exempt from all military duty in this State, except in case of insurrection or APPENDIX 829 invasion, and shall not be compelled to serve in a grade in ferior to that which he resigned. Every non-commissioned officer and private who shall serve faithfully for the term of seven years from the date of his enlistment, shall thereafter be exempt from military duty in this State, except in case of insurrection or invasion. Exemption from Jury Duty Every officer, non-commissioned officer and private shall be exempt from serving upon any grand or petit jury within the State, if he shall actually and faithfully have served at all parades, drills and reviews required by law during the year up to the time of claiming such exemption, or shall have been excused from not so serving by the proper authority or court- martial ; and every officer, non-commissioned officer and pri vate who shall actually and faithfully have served at all such parades,, drills, and reviews, or shall be excused in the manner aforesaid, for the full term of seven years, shall thereafter, at his request, be exempt from serving upon any grand or petit jury in this State. Reduction of Assessment Every officer, non-commissioned officer and private actu ally and faithfully serving, shall during the term of his service, be entitled to a reduction of $500 from the amount assessed upon him by the assessors as the value of his property, and the residue shall be the sum for which he shall be assessed. To entitle any non-commissioned officer and private to the privileges and exemptions allowed by law, he shall have at tended every parade and drill, or paid his fine for any such delinquency, or shall have been excused therefrom by the proper authority, and shall have complied with the by-laws, of his company in every respect, or paid the penalty for any such neglect or non-compliance with such by-laws, or shall have been excused by an action of his company. AN EYE-WITNESS' TALE OF THE DRAFT RIOTS My regiment had completed its term of service but 1863 had not been formally mustered out. I had been at home in East 52d Street two days. While seated near the window perusing one of the morning newspapers, shortly after 10 A. M., pf the third day, my attention was attracted by shouts and the hurrying of people in the street toward and down Third Avenue. Hastily donning my coat and hat I joined them. There were many inquiries as to what the mat ter was, and somebody answered "a fire." That appeared to be all that the majority of those who afterward took part in 830 APPENDIX the scenes about to be described then knew regarding what was going on. Near the southeast corner of 46th Street a four-story brick tenement was burning. The store had been opened on the previous Saturday as a place for drafting re cruits for the army, and the drawing had proceeded unmolest ed that day. A dense crowd filled the street and sidewalks in front. In the midst of the crowd were several fire engines, and many firemen in the old volunteer uniform, but they were standing idle. I afterward learned that the mob had ordered them not to work. There were no policemen present, but there was no loud talking or disorder — no appearance of un usual excitement; no outward vestige of anger on the coun tenances of the multitude. An old-fashioned wood-case fire- pump stood at the edge of the western sidewalk, about the centre of the block. This was mounted in turn by the then Ward Alderman, and successively by several other local poli ticians, who appealed to the mob to permit the firemen to work, but their words were received with shouts of disap proval. No violence was offered them, however. At length the cornice of the adjoining building on the north took fire. It was a similar edifice — one of a row — and was occupied below as a crockery store. The proprietor's name — Brady — appeared in gilt letters on a black sign on the face of the building. The incident was instantly taken advantage of by one of the former speakers. Remounting the pump he asked whether they (the mob) were going to permit Brady's house to be de- stoyed. "He is a poor man," he cried, "and a neighbor. The house is all he has in the world. You have done for the draft ing place. What more do you want? Let the firemen play on Brady's house." At the beginning of the appeal all eyes had been turned toward the building indicated. There was a moment's hesitation and then a movement in the throng. "Let them work," rose from a hundred throats when he had finished. Some of the firemen sprang to the brakes of their engines; others began to unwind their hose. Moving about through the crowd, I had reached the side of a large brewer's dray, which was one of a row of wagons in front of a factory between 47th and 48th Streets, on Third Avenue. Just then a wild shout from down the avenue, caused me to whirl about. In the moment given me to see I ob served a solid mass of blue-coated policemen moving rapidly APPENDIX 831 up the avenue from 45th Street. They seemed to fill the street and to be marching with military precision. I also saw the mob scurrying before them, falling over each other, cursing and swearing with terror. Women and children were thick among them and it appeared to me that hundreds were being trodden under foot. I also heard a scattering fusilade of pistol shots- All this happened in the flash of an eye. A burly German who, had been standing upon the seat of the brewer's dray took a flying leap and landed astraddle of my neck, crushing me flat to the sidewalk. He was off and away in an instant, and in another I had regained my feet. The scene had entirely changed. The mob had turned and were hurling paving-stones down the avenue and advancing rapidly in the same direction. A space of about twenty-five feet wide and reaching from gutter to gutter in the pavement was bare directly in front of me. It has ever since been a puzzle to me to conceive how that pavement was torn up so quickly. The firemen and the engines had disappeared and when I turned and looked down the avenue not a policeman was to be seen. Subsequently noticing persons peering over the rear fences of the houses on the block below, I did so, too, and in several of the yards saw uniformed dead bodies laid out upon the grass plots. That was the last attempt the police made to assert their authority that week that came under my observation. I was afterward told that they fired a volley from their revolvers. They then charged with their batons directly into the fleeing mob, who turned at bay and beat them back by sheer force of numbers and desperation. I have seen quick work in my time, but none quicker than that battle. A new element of activity now seemed to pervade the mob that moved to and fro, inflamed with passion. A tele graph pole was broken down at the corner of 48th Street. In a moment hundreds of men had hold of the wires, pulling in unison. Pole after pole swayed back and forth a few times and then crashed to the ground. Looking again I saw men armed with murderous clubs formed of twisted wire. In a few minutes more the greater part of the fences nearby had vanished, and hundreds of pickets were wielded threateningly in brawny hands. I heard a cry, "A reporter," and saw a thin young man in a brown coat and spectacles flying across the 832 APPENDIX lots between 47th and 48th Streets with a yelling mob num bering more than a thousand after him. The chase was kept up for three blocks. In the end the reporter cleared the stone fence at a bound and disappeared, while the foremost of his pursuers, in their eagerness, fell over it and each other. I learned afterward that he took refuge in the hook and laddei house and was successfully concealed by the firemen. This incident had barely elapsed when a light buggy drawn by a bay horse came down Lexington Avenue and stopped at the northeast corner of 40th Street. One of the two inmates alighted and walked with quick, nervous steps along the north side of the street eastward. He was a short, thin man, with almost white beard and hair. He wore a long linen duster and a Panama hat, and carried a light cane in his right hand. The street and walks were thinly peopled by those who, like myself had been too late to join in the chase of the reporter. Several scanned him keenly as he passed, and then one man cried out: "That's John A. Kennedy." There was a simultaneous rush toward him. He had reached within ten feet of where I was standing, about 100 feet from Third Avenue. He turned toward the ditch, at its edge wheeled suddenly, and aimed a blow with the cane at the foremost of his pursuers; turned again, and ran down the slanting side of the ditch. But there was no safety for him there. The baffled hunters of the reporter had heard the cry, and they poured down the opposite side. There had been a shower in the early morning. In an instant Kennedy lay upon his back in a shallow puddle of water in the bottom of the ditch with a writhing, compact mass of human tigers struggling above him. One very tall, thin fellow in the centre brandished a heavy wood-axe with both hands in the air, evidently intent on dealing the prostrate Superintendent of Police a blow with it, but he could get no opening. A few feet east of me stood a brawny laborer — to judge from his clothing and general appearance — gazing upon the scene with folded arms. Suddenly he shook himself and sauntered — that is the only word to describe it — down into the ditch. I saw the arms shoot out alternately twice — one, two, three, four blows straight from the shoulder — the mob stag gered, separated, and closed around him. In a moment more he, too, lay upon his back, his face covered with blood, and his clothing torn to rags. APPENDIX 833 Once more the mob separated. They looked for Kennedy to finish him, but he was no longer there. I glanced westward, but the buggy had also disappeared. That, too, was quick work. Turning I saw the heroic laborer stagger up the side of the ditch and go off unmolested in the direction of Third Avenue. Some time afterward Superintendent Kennedy gave a service of silver plate to a petty local politician as a reward for having saved his life on that occasion. I knew the person alluded to very well, and did not see him there. The laborer's name was never published. My attention and that of the mob was next directed by a movement from all directions toward the northwest corner of 46th Street and Third Avenue in the lots back of a fish shanty. When I arrived at the spot a large and noisy crowd had already assembled and were gesticulating with sticks and clubs and looking toward the roof of the shanty, upon which many were already perched and up to which- others were climbing. It was several moments before I could make out what the attraction was. At length a white-faced, thick-set man, with long red hair and a very long red beard, and attired in a cheap blue flannel suit that had seen considerable service, was lifted to his feet at the rear edge of the roof. His appearance was greeted with a demoniacal yell. He spoke so low that it was difficult to catch all he said ten feet away, but every now and then two remarkably ill-flavored ruffians, who supported him at either side, brandished their clubs and gave utterance to a shriek that was taken up by the constantly increasing audience and served in lieu of applause. I heard him say, "I am a Virginian," and "I will lead you." He was John U. Andrews, whose death in this city was recently recorded. Andrews looked anything but a leader. He seemed slow and phlegmatic, but he may only have been weighed down by the responsibility he was assuming. His speech lasted less than five minutes. At its conclusion he descended awkwardly from the roof of the shanty and then stopped a moment to ask for a hat. One was handed him — a flat straw, with black spots, snatched from the head of a passing stranger — which was made to fit his head with diffi culty, and then taking the middle of the street he started off slowly toward the west. Those of the mob who had remained thus far unprovided with weapons made a dash at the pickets which inclosed the unimproved lots of the block on the south, 27 834 APPENDIX and then the entire howling multitude fell in behind him with out regard to order. When they had gone the firemen re turned and put out the fire which had meantime been left to do as it pleased. It was now 11:30 A. M., and it had been burning for an hour and a quarter unrestrained. Two build ings and part of a third were destroyed. The procession numbered between 2,000 and 2,500 men, women and children. It turned south at Lexington Avenue, and proceeded without incident until the middle of the block between 43d and 44th Streets was reached. There, together, on the east side of the avenue, stood two three-story and basement high-stoop, free-stone front residences, the only houses in a long distance. A stout policeman bleeding from an ugly cut on the forehead, had managed, to make his way across the courtyard of the northermost house and stood, ap parently dazed, holding on to the open ironwork of the base ment outer door with both hands. Andrews and a few of those immediately behind him had passed when some ruffians noticed the policeman and made a break to finish him. Others in the crowd sprang in front of them, barring their way and protesting against an outrage that required more than ordi nary brutality to face without horror. How the contest would have resulted there is no means of knowing — Andrews took no part in it one way or the other, merely stopping and looking on — but at that moment a tall, thin, dark-complexioned man, with a short black beard, and wearing a gray dressing gown and slippers, stepped out upon the stoop and displaying an immense revolver threatened to kill the first person who should enter the gate. In another instant the mob was pouring into the house, and in another, furniture, smashed into fragments, was flying out of the win dows. I entered with the rest. The carpets were stripped from the floors and the pictures from the walls. The stairs were slippery with broken glass. In one room two perspiring men were hammering a marble mantel with sledges and a third was pounding a piano with a similar tool. In the rear room of the second floor, which was as high as I got, had been situated the library. Several persons, includ ing a woman and two young girls, were making off with books under their arms, and I noticed that two or three carried single volumes of a fine encyclopedia set. Just then there was a cry, "The house is on fire!" and I scampered downstairs to the APPENDIX 835 basement, that seeming to afford the readiest means of egress. As I passed out by the rear window I left behind me a decrepit, gray-haired man. laboriously endeavoring to wrench off the silver-plated water-cocks over the sink under the impression, probably, that they were valuable. During the few minutes I had been inside the first house the mob had gutted the sec ond and had set it on fire. Before long they were both a pile of smoking ruins. Leaving the building still blazing, the mob, with Andrews at the head, marched up to Allerton's Hotel, the old Bull's Head place, at Fourth Avenue and 44th Street. Four or five men who tried to save the building were swept aside and the pillage began. Women and men appeared staggering across the lots under heavy loads of bedding and furniture. Most of the rioters came out with bottles of liquor, soda water, ginger beer, and other stuffs taken indiscriminately from the barroom. One young man who had climbed half way up the flag pole on the building to detach the gilded eagle which sur mounted it, dropped down hurriedly when the cry of "fire" was raised. A young girl who had gone into the barber's shop of the hotel to save — or steal — a canary bird that others had overlooked, was among the last to leave. The hotel burned like tinder and was quickly consumed. Then Andrews led the way down Fifth Avenue to 23d Street. On the way several stylish vehicles were met and the occupants were robbed and beaten. A diversion was made by one group down to Printing House Square, but the mob had done its work there before our arrival. We remained downtown long enough to eat supper and then started up again. It was now very dark and the sky glowed in three or four directions with the reflection of fires kindled by the mob, or mobs, for by this time there were several scattered over the City. We met with no incident; however, worth recording until we arrived in front of the Colored Orphan Asylum, on the west side of Fifth Avenue, between 43d and 44th Streets. The building was blazing fiercely and a great crowd was looking on. Bands of thieves were operating openly among them, robbing and beating whoever struck their fancy. Nobody interfered, nor did the possibility of being the next victim appear to frighten anyone away. People seemed to have reached the point of 836 APPENDIX regarding that sort of thing as a matter of course. We stayed with the rest. Some of the residents of the brownstone block between 43d and 42d Streets were seated upon their stoops gazing upon the scene with no more apparent trepidation than if it were an ordinary fire — ladies as well as gentlemen. One gang of thieves ascended the corner stoop, and seizing upon the man of the house, carried him off, regardless of the screams of the lady members of his household, to the gas lamp on the upper corner, and were making preparations to carry out their threat of hanging him to the post unless he should disgorge his valuables. They had already stripped him of his studs, watch and chain, and a heavy gold-headed cane. He appeared to be helpless in their hands and uttered no protest. A rope was actually around his neck when a young lady — probably his daughter — rushed in shrieking and threw her arms about him. One of the gang tore her rudely away. I had met a friend on the way who was with me when this occurred. It was more than he could stand. He sprang forward and angrily denounced the outrage. Instantly the fellow who had possession of the gold-headed cane drew from it a glittering rapier about three feet long and make a pass at him. At the same moment I struck his assailant under the ear and keeled him over. A dozen of his companions were upon us at once, and we turned and ran through the pitch dark ness eastward through 44th Street. We were both young and fleet of foot, and were rapidly distancing our pursuers, when, just in front of the ruins of Allerton's Hotel, we both tumbled flat upon our faces. The mud and filth from the cattle in- closures which covered the unpaved street were thickly strewn with human bodies — men dead drunk of the liquor which they had stolen from the burning building — and we had tripped over them. We were up and away in a twinkling and had the satisfaction, a moment later, of hearing the thuds which our pursuers made as they one after another fell into the trap from which We had escaped. They probably stopped to "go through" the unfortunates, as we could distinguish the sound of kicks and angry, drunken exclamations until we were out of hearing. However, we arrived safely at our respective homes. I had opened the hall door and was returning the key to my pocket when I was violently brushed aside by a man who dart- APPENDIX 837! ed past me into the hall. Before I could recover from my astonishment another man, grasping a long carving knife, fol lowed. I hastened after him and arrived at the rear door, which had been opened, in time to see him clamber over the fence. Locking both doors, I searched the house thoroughly, but found no intruder. I was in my room, but a short time When an outcry under my window caused me to look down. A shabbily-dressed man lay upon the sidewalk, under the gas lamp, and two ruffians were kicking him brutally, cursing him with every kick for not having more money on his person. If my recollection is correct, the sum mentioned as having been stolen from him was eight cents. I then went to bed and slept soundly until morning. It was an odd scene that greeted my eyes when I arose. the sidewalks were crowded with men of all conditions — some in broadcloth and tall silk hats — and everyone of them was armed with a club. The favorite weapon seemed to be a hick ory bale-stick, such as were then used to fasten hay — heavy enough to crush an ox. The rioters had full sway that day. They marched up and down the streets, breaking in and plundering wherever they took a fancy, and women and chil dren, as well as men, lined the sidewalks to see them pass just as they would an ordinary pageant. That night the respectable male citizens of the Nineteenth Ward sat all night on the street corners, armed to the teeth and ready to defend their homes against the mob, who had gone downtown and were reported by frequent messengers to be on their return. The horizon glowed in every direction, but the night passed peace ably enough. On the third day the Supporters of law and order were organized with headquarters in a plumber's shop on Third Avenue, near 53d Street. Lager beer, ale, and sandwiches were furnished free to the volunteers. That night, divided into bands of twenty each, we patrolled the streets in turn all night, capturing without ceremony many disturbers of the peace, whom we tied securely with ropes and put away in a corner until morning, when they were hauled off to the East 57th Street Police Court and sentenced for terms more or less lengthened. The fourth night another plan was adopted. We were posted, a man at each corner, as sentinels, two hours on, four hours off, army fashion. Two of us arrested one man that 838 APPENDIX night whom we discovered engaged in the rather unprofitable occupation of breaking off the edges of the steps of a brown- stone stoop in 50th Street with a hammer. He sprang upon the stoop and threatened us with the weapon, but dropped it when he saw a loaded revolver leveled at him. On the fifth day the troops arrived from the front, pitched their tents in the parks, and subdued the riot. DURING THE GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN From the "National Tribune," Washington, D. C, April 1st, 1915: June 28th, 1863. Editor "National Tribune" :— Right after reveille the 28th Pennsylvania (emergency), Col. James Chamberlain, was or dered out to relieve another regiment on picket at Oysters' Point, two miles from Harrisburg, on the pike to Carlisle. While marching to our destination, and near the toll gate, about 200 yards from the Point Tavern, we were greeted by a solid shot from a gun manned by the advance of the rebel division, then occupying Carlisle. We were deployed to the right and left of the pike and picketed and skirmished all day. Toward evening the Johnnies quieted down and next morning they were gone. Early in the morning of June 30th, three Pennsylvania regiments and one from New York, with a six- gun battery of three-inch rifles, all under command of Colonel Brisbane, started for Carlisle. We were followed by a bri gade of five regiments of N.Y.S.M. and a battery.* This bri gade was commanded by Brigadier-General Knipe and was accompanied by General (Baldy) Smith, commanding the division. Our brigade halted at the Market Square in Carlisle at 6:50 P. M. The rebs had left there in the forenoon, and the citizens were glad to greet the blue uniform again. The tables and stands in the Market House were loaded with eat ables, and we were told to go in — but we didn't. Our battery was parked in and about the square. The in fantry, two regiments on either side of the street, stacked arms along the gutter, and our company had the command "right face;" then the circus began, women screaming, men running and all yelling — "The rebels ; the rebels !" It was Stuart's cavalry. They had our range from the very first shot, and kept up a brisk fire until about 8 P. M. Then they sent in a flag demanding the surrender or they would shell and burn the town. General Smith as soon as he heard the firing, *See page 263, June 28th. APPENDIX 839 hurried to Carlisle from Hagerstown, where Knipe's Brigade were in bivouac, arriving in time to receive the summons to surrender. He sent back a characteristic reply. Although the flag had promised an hour to remove the women and children, they renewed the shelling in forty min utes, burned the barracks, railroad bridge and other property and left about 3 A. M. Between 6 and 7 o'clock that morning I i both brigades were in line of battle for more than an hour just outside of town. They then double-quicked to and through Mt. Holly Gap to Pine Grove Forge. From there, marching every day, up one hill and down another, we came up with the right of Meade's Army at Hagerstown, Md., on July 13th. CAPTURE OF WILKES BOOTH Major Edward P. Doherty, who had command of the ex pedition which captured John Wilkes Booth after the assas sination of President Lincoln, died on Saturday, February 6th, 1909, after a short illness. He was a member of the 71st Veteran Association. His title of Major, he owed to his con nection with the capture of President Lincoln's assassin. Doherty entered the Union Army at the beginning of the war, enlisting with the 71st N.Y.S.M., with whom he fought in the first battle of Bull Run. He subsequently served with Gen erals Grant, McClellan, Sheridan and Sherman. After the assassination of President Lincoln, Col. L. C. Baker, special detective of the War Department, placed Lieut. Doherty in charge of an expedition to follow Booth. He gave the Lieutenant twenty-five men from the 16th Cavalry and several detectives. With these Doherty proceeded by steamer to Belle Plain, to which place Booth and his accomplice, David C. Harold, had been traced. The incidents leading up to the capture and tragic death of Lincoln's assassin were told by Lieut. Doherty in the "Herald" on Friday, April 28th, 1865. His story of the his torical event follows: "On Tuesday afternoon I captured a man named Jett, by whom Booth and Harold had been ferried across the Rappa hannock River at Mathias Point. Jett lives three miles north of Port Royal, on the Rappahannock. At first Jett refused to communicate anything but upon being threatened with instant death if he did not, he agreed to lead the party to the place where Booth and Harold were concealed. "They were found on Tuesday night in a barn on tht 840 APPENDIX premises of Mr. Garrett, about three miles from Port Royal. They had ridden there from the ferry, both mounted on one horse. The cavalry surrounded the barn and summoned the inmates to surrender. At first Booth insisted that he was alone. He talked with the men for three hours through the crevices of the barn, through which he could see plainly all who were outside, while they could distinguish nothing within. Booth told Lieutenant Doherty, the latter continued, that he had a bead drawn upon him, and could shoot if he chose, but he did not fire. "At last as guerillas were gathering in the vicinity, and Lieutenant Doherty, feared the little party might be over powered and lose the prisoners, he determined to burn them out. The barn was set afire when Harold gave himself up. But Booth refused to surrender, and prepared to use his wea pons. Lieutenant Doherty then gave the order to Sergeant Corbett to fire, which he did through the crevices, and shot Booth in the head. Upon being shot Booth exclaimed: 'It's all up now! I'm gone.' "The capture, Lieutenant Doherty added, occurred about three o'clock on Wednesday morning. " 'The Herald' at the time of the capture said that 'Doherty was a gallant officer, full of energy and pluck. He partici pated in many of the battles of the war, and in all of which he was remarkable for his courageous conduct.' "It is a singular fact that the officer in charge of the ex pedition to capture the assassin, Wilkes Booth and his ac complice; and a subordinate, who fired the fatal shot, should have belonged to the National Guard of New York; but such was the fact. Lieutenant Doherty of the 16th Cavalry, N.Y.V., who commanded the expedition, was formerly a member of Company A, 71st N.Y.S.M. He was taken prisoner at Bull Run, but managed to escape a few days after ; he had been on many a perilous reconnoisance with the 16th, and received many encomiums from the Press and his commanding officers for his bravery in 1864 near Culpepper, where his party was surrounded by Kershaws' division of rebels, he cut his way through gallantly and saved most of his men. Sergeant Cor bett who shot Booth, had been a member of the 12th N.Y.S.M." APPENDIX 841 MAYOR HOFFMAN'S ADDRESS Address by John T. Hoffman, Mayor of New York, 1866 delivered on May 23d, 1866, at the dedication of the Vosburgh monument in Greenwood. "There is a solemnity in this scene which impels to silence rather than to speech. We are standing in the City of the Dead. The mounds and monuments around us remind us of man's mortality, while the inscriptions written everywhere tell us of the immortality of the soul. Amid the beauties of this place, in this early Summer season, the fresh breezes from the ocean, the green grass and shrubs, the fragrant flowers and the singing birds, death appears almost to lose its terror, and rest in Greenwood like a rest to be longed for rather than to be dreaded. Thousands are sleeping here the sleep which knows no waking. " 'Till The trump with wondrous tone Wakes the graves of Nations gone, Forcing all before the throne.' "Some have been laid here almost unnoticed and unknown, with scarce a friendly hand to perform the last sad offices for the dead, and without a tear to fall upon the grave. Some, whose death has smitten households with a grief which has no parallel, have been followed here by mourning relatives and friends, and loving hearts have placed tablets upon their graves, or reared monuments to their memory, upon which were written words, which, while they speak of blighted hopes on earth, tell also of a hope of a glorious reunion in the world to come. Others are sleeping here whose names are written on the scroll of honor, whose lives were honorable and whose deaths were glorious. Crowds followed them to their home in Greenwood, keeping step to the beating of the muffled drum or the solemn music of the funeral dirge. Relatives and friends, with tears and lamentations, paid here their last tribute to the memory of 'loved ones gone,' and comrades in arms fired a volley o'er the grave, and then marched away with music made for the living, not for the dead. "Five years ago this day — almost this hour — one was buried here to whose memory we have now assembled to dedicate this monument. It was Abraham S. Vosburgh, late Colonel of the 71st Regiment, New York National Guard. He 842 APPENDIX was of the class to which I have last referred. His life was honorable, and his death, though it was not upon the battle- . field, was glorious, because it was when in command of his regiment, in the service of his country, in defense of its capi tal, in the cause of the Constitution, and for the honor of the flag. Crowds followed him to his grave, and the comrades of many a day paid to him amid the quiet beauties of Greenwood, those military honors which are the soldier's due, and fired o'er his grave that parting volley, which is the soldier's requiem. Today, the regiment which he commanded so long and loved so well, which he led to Washington at his coun try's call — with which his name is inseparably connected as sembles here to dedicate this monument to his memory. And I am here at their request to speak for him who now lies en tombed beneath it. "I have no oration to deliver — for I am no orator — but I come to speak of my friend and your friend, and a few plain, simple words being uttered, my duty will be ended. Colonel Vosburgh was a noble, generous-hearted man. Frank and im pulsive by nature, he attracted to him friends whose devotion to him was unbounded, and whose affection for him was sin cere and lasting. He was ambitious, but not selfish; full of kindness and abounding in courage ; feeble in health, but over flowing with energy; strong in his conviction, earnest in his purpose ; and resolute in attaining the ends he aimed for. Yet he had none of that egotism which offends, and none of that grasping passion which would sacrifice the interests of others for the advancement of his own. "He was born in Kinderhook, about 1825, and at quite an early age engaged in business in the City of New York. His name first appears among the military records of the State as a Volunteer Aide on the Staff of General Storms, 1st Brigade New York State Militia, October 13th, 1849. On the 4th of July, 1850, he was appointed Brigade Quartermaster, and in January, 1851, General Spicer appointed him Brigade Major and Chief of Staff, as a mark of his appreciation of his abilities. The 71st Regiment, consisting of four companies, which had constituted the American Rifle organization, and several new companies, was organized under orders issued from General Headquarters, Albany, May 11th, 1850. In June, 1852, Vos burgh was assigned to the command, until an election could be had for field officers, and on the 3d day of July, 1852, he was APPENDIX 843 elected Colonel of the Regiment, and he continued in com mand until his death, to which I shall presently refer. The regiment under his care attained to great efficiency. It was an ornament and an honor to the city to which it belonged, and in discipline and drill and organization ranked among the first in the State. "The militia regiments of New York had but little scope for action or field for service until the memorable summer of 1861. It was not unfrequently said that they looked splendidly on parade, but would be useless on the battlefield. But the time for that criticism to be rebuked was at hand. Who does not remember the thrill which went through this whole com munity when it was announced that war had commenced, by the attack on Sumter? Who can describe the scenes of the eventful week or two which followed? There was a depth of agony and emotion, such as this people had never known, and I pray God, may never know again. There was a call for soldiers, and who would answer it but the Militia Regiments of the country. Then was known for the first time the value of those soldiers who had on parade days delighted the people so often. "On Tuesday evening, April 16th, 1861, the regular bat talion drill of the 71st Regiment took place at the Arsenal. Large crowds were present, and when the American flag was unfurled and the band played the 'Star-Spangled Banner,' the entire assemblage arose and waved their hats and shouted and cheered with wild enthusiasm. According to the reports in the journals of that day, Colonel Vosburgh addressed his men. He spoke of the President's proclamation, and he said if the regiment was ready to go he would lead them. He knew they would always be ready to do their duty when called upon. No order for the regiment having been received, on the 18th of April, 1861, a parade was ordered in Union Square for the 23d. But on the 20th, in obedience to orders from the Com mander-in-Chief, Colonel Vosburgh issued an order directing the 71st Regiment to assemble on the ensuing Sunday at 7 A. M., armed and equipped ready to embark for Washington City. And on that memorable Sunday, April 21st, 1861, New York witnessed a scene which has no parallel in history. "It was a beautiful Sabbath day, but such a day as the men in New York had never seen and will never see again. The churches were almost deserted. The people thronged the 844 APPENDIX streets — eager, anxious and excited — soldiers were hurrying to and fro — farewells were spoken and earnest words of encour agement and hope. The 71st Regiment assembled at the armory, around which dense crowds had gathered. Soon it was ready for the march, and as it passed down Broadway with glistening bayonets and steady step, a shout burst forth from the people, which broke with fearful power upon the stillness of that holy day. But it is in vain to attempt to describe the scene. My eye fell upon Vosburgh, as he marched along — with a flushed cheek and a bright eye — and knowing, as I well knew, how his frame was already shattered by disease, I felt in my inmost soul that I looked upon him for the last time, and I was right in my conviction. "There is something in the early departure of the New York Regiments for Washington upon which the mind loves to dwell. It is the evidence they gave of their readiness at the call of duty to sacrifice all private interests for the public good — to lay all political differences and personal prejudices upon their country's altar, to leave home, business, friends, comfort, luxury and peace for the trials and privations of the camp and the probable pains and suffering of horrid war — to ask no question, but the one great question : Are we needed in defense of the Capital of the Union? For it must not be for gotten that at the time of which I have spoken party spirit was running high, and the City in which we live was in strong political antagonism to the powers which ruled the nation, and to the policy they advocated. "But all that was forgotten, and men of all parties and all faiths rushed to the rescue— 'and sprang forward with eager hearts to the defense of the Capital. Vosburgh led his regi ment to Washington. Its arrival there, like that of other gallant New York Regiments, was welcomed with rejoicing and applause. The prompt response of the well-drilled and disciplined citizen soldiery of the City of New York to the call of the President gave assurance to the country that the Capital was safe. Events were crowding thick and fast. Day after day brought new developments. News of startling im port flashed across the wires. Ten thousand rumors were wafted on the air, and citizen and soldier alike lived under a pressure of mental excitement, which was as exhausting as it was strange. "The 71st Regiment, on its arrival in Washington, had its APPENDIX 845 quarters at the Navy Yard and there Colonel Vosburgh gave himself up with all the ardor of his nature to the discharge of the responsible duties of his post. You know, soldiers, how arduous they were, and with what weight they bore upon a man, whose energy alone had for months enabled him to resist disease. They were too much for poor Vosburgh. On the 18th day of May, 1861, he was attacked with bleeding from the lungs. On the morning of the 19th he was again attend ing to his duties, and even mounted on his horse. The same afternoon he became worse. On the next day (Sunday) he was delirious, and in his delirium talked of his regiment. On Monday morning following he ordered his attendant to place him upright in his chair. He fainted, and in a few moments was dead. How well, I recollect, as I left my quiet office in New York that day, I saw a crowd gazing at the newspaper bulletin, on which was written these words, 'Death of Colonel Vosburgh, 71st Regiment.' There was a universal expression of sorrow, and sadness upon every face. "He was, so all men said, among the earliest martyrs in the terrible civil war. Shall I pause to tell you of his funeral in Washington — how the President and Cabinet officers and leading men of the nation followed his body to the train which was to bear it, dead and lifeless, to the City, through the streets of which he had but a month before led his regiment on its memorable march so proudly and so honorably? Shall I tell you of the sadness and grief which overcame his gallant men, who mourned his loss? Shall I tell you how, here in the City of his home, his obsequies were attended with great solemnities, and how all men sought to do honor to his memory? You know all this, and more; and it all comes to you with greater vividness, as you stand here today, by the spot, where, five years ago, the earth closed forever over him you loved and honored. Well and faithfully have the 71st vindicated and cherished the memory of their Colonel. It was not long before they detailed a guard of brave men to follow him to the Spirit Land. In the first great battle of the war, they were the first upon the field and the last to leave it. "Official records bear testimony to their valor on that day. Seventy-five of their number laid down their lives on that battlefield, a sacrifice in the cause of their countrv and its Constitution, and their spirits ascended to where, the old leader was. I do not know their names. I wish I did, that L 846 APPENDIX might this day speak them all in association with his. They remain now unnoticed in the vast catalogue of the names of those who, on the many battlefields of the long and fearful war, poured out their blood and disappeared forever. Will not some one of you, members of this regiment, do justice to the memory of those gallant seventy-five? Let their names be written, not only in the records of the regiment, but let that be recorded here upon some tablet, beside the spot where sleeps their Colonel, to whose memory this monument stands, and, as they followed him so soon, let them now and forever after be known as the 'Vosburgh Guard of Honor.' It has been said, 'that it is the high reward of those who risk their lives in a just and holy cause, that their names are sweet in the mouths of all men, and that every age shall know their actions.' "During the eventful years which followed Vosburgh's death and the death of the brave 'seventy-five,' how many thousands perished through the agencies of war? Some achieved reputation and undying fame. But alas ! how few. The great mass lie buried, as it were, in one common grave, undistinguished and unknown. The few friends who loved them when they lived remember them in sorrow now, but the world at large takes no heed of them or those who mourn for them. Now and then after the lapse of years, their comrades may gather, as you are gathered here, to rear some monument to the memory of leaders, but who shall assemble to record the names of the rank and file, whose gallant conduct on the battle field entitled them to immortal fame. See to it, my friends, if it has not been already done, that the names of the men of the 71st who perished in the war shall be preserved, so that the saying may be true of them, 'that they may be sweet in the mouths of all men, and that every age may know their actions.' It is a solemn duty you owe to them — let it be fulfilled. "This is not the time or place, my friends, to review at length the subsequent history of the regiment. It had not enlisted for the war. Its separate and distinct organization as a State regiment was needed at home. Individual mem bers of it, however, in great numbers, volunteered into the service of the United States after the regiment returned to New York. It has furnished, altogether, about four hundred officers for the regular and volunteer forces. It promptly re paired to Maryland for duty in 1862, when, on a sudden emer- APPENDIX 847 gency in military affairs, a call was made for it, and again in 1863, it was the first New York regiment which arrived at Harrisburg on the occasion of the invasion of Pennsylvania by General Lee. It has on all occasions and at all times vindi cated its reputation and its honor, and it stands today, as it stood when Vosburgh lived, among the first and most efficient of the regiments of the State. If it be permitted to those who have passed to the world of spirits to look down upon the scenes of earth, as some believe it is, then, in the words of Mr. Millard, of Company A, written when the Colonel died : " 'He will gaze with satisfaction, Smiling as he used to smile, To reward your noble action, And be proud of you the while.' "I have said, my friends, the few unpretending words I intended to speak. I know they are plain and simple. If I have told the unvarnished truth, and touched your hearts with a real sympathy, I have attained my end. Display by the tom'b is out of place — respect for the living and the dead alike forbid it. I cannot better close my remarks in reference to him, who sleeps beneath this monument, than by quoting again from Millard's Tn Memoriam.'* "We go hence in a few moments to the City of the Living — the great scene of bustling, active life. Let us carry with us lasting recollections of this day, and resolve with renewed strength faithfully to discharge in our respective spheres our many duties as citizens of a country for the preservation of which our friend gave up his life. "I would not intrude upon these serious reflections and solemn scenes one political thought or one jarring sentiment, but, standing beside the tomb, all of us, citizens and soldiers alike, may well express the earnest hope and prayer that the death of Vosburgh, and of the thousands of patriots and heroes who followed him, may not have been in vain ; that the Union and Constitution for which they died may be preserved and protected against all assaults; that the States for the eternal union of which they perilled everything, may not be kept asunder; that fanaticism and madness everywhere may give- way to a great and growing patriotism, which alone can make a people prosperous and happy; that sectional prejudice, the ?Vosburgh's funeral, page 136. 848 APPENDIX rankest weed that ever grew in the garden of liberty, the in- tensest poison that ever polluted the well-spring of national prosperity, may be rooted out and destroyed forever ; that the glories of peace and union shall indeed follow upon the horrors of civil war ; and that this whole people throughout the length and breadth of the land may be thoroughly inspired with the feeling that they have and ever will have 'one Country, one Constitution and one Destiny.' " The address was listened to by the spectators with deep attention, and the sketch of the deceased excited great in terest. At its conclusion the military re-formed and marched back to their respective armories. TRIP TO NEW HAVEN From the New York "World" : New Haven, May 6th, 1868. The inauguration of Governor English today, was 1868 attended with circumstances that made it one of the most brilliant and imposing spectacles ever witnessed in the States. The glorious sunshiny weather, the large force of military present, the numerous distinguished visitors from other states, and the immense concourse of spectators, con tributed to make the ceremony in every way a memorable one. Several companies and batteries had arrived in the city last night, and among the most important arrivals this morn ing was a detachment of the 71st N. Y.S.N. G., commanded by Captain Jos. A. Wise, and accompanied by the whole of the staff officers and the most of those of the line. In their new uniforms, the company appeared to the utmost advantage, and were the theme of universal admiration. They formed an escort to Mayor Hoffman, who came up to New Haven ex pressly to take part in the inauguration ceremonies. Mayor Hoffman, on his arrival at the station, was received by Mayor Sperry and conducted to the Tontine Hotel. Ex-President Pierce also arrived this morning, and each of these gentlemen were introduced to large numbers of citi zens. At about 12 o'clock an escort, consisting of the Gov ernor's staff and bodyguard, proceeded to Governor English's residence. The staff consists of Adjutant-General Ingersoll, Quartermaster-General Charter, and Paymaster-General Charnley, Surgeon-General Hoyt, and the aides; Colonel Pond, of Hartford; Colonel Earie, of New Haven; Colonel Tingley, of Norwich, and Colonel Hastings of Tolland. The bodyguard consisted of two squadrons of cavalry and two companies of foot. The latter wear precisely the same style of uniform which was worn by their predecessors, the guards APPENDIX 849 of the old Colonial Governors, prior to the revolution. Their appearance in scarlet coats and knee breeches, with black velvet gaiters, is very quaint and picturesque. The Governor having mounted horse, at once proceeded to the public square, where he was received by Brigadier- General Kellogg, commanding the Connecticut National Guard. The troops were ranged on three sides of the park, and the moment the Governor and staff entered the square the scene was extremely beautiful. The troops presented arms, the cannon fired a salute, and the bells qf all the churches of the city commenced their merry peals. The num ber of spectators outside the military cordon could not have been less than 20,000. The order was given "present arms," and then the Gov ernor rode down the lines front and rear, the band of each regiment playing "Hail to the Chief" as he passed. The Gov ernor then returned to his position near the State House and the whole of the troops numbering about 4,000 then passed in review in columns of companies before him. All the troops deserve the highest credit for their soldierly bearing and the precision of their movements. The Connecticut militia did extremely well. Our New York 71st looked magnificently, and their movements were beyond praise. Excellent collations were provided for all the troops tak ing part in the ceremony. Most of the Connecticut militia dined at the New Haven Hotel. The 71st dined at the Ton tine. In the evening a select number of friends dined with Governor English at the New Haven Hotel. His Excellency, of course, occupied the chair, supported, on the right, by ex- President Franklin Pierce, Mayor Hoffman and Major-Gen. W. A. Franklin; and on the left by ex-Governor Thomas H. Seymour, Hon. Thomas H. Bond, Isaac Bell and George W. McLean. The guests also included Messrs. M. A. Osborne, W. W. Eaton, J. F. Babcock, A. E. Burr, the Governor's Staff, and others. The dinner was entirely an informal affair, and would probably have passed off without speechmaking but for the arrival of the band of the 71st Regiment, about 9 o'clock, to serenade the Governor. After they had played a few airs, there was a general call for "Hoffman," upon which the Mayor advanced to the window, and said it was unnecessary for him to make a speech. He would, however, beg to introduce to them, his friend, Governor English. His Excellency on presenting himself was received with three cheers and a tiger. He said he felt extreme regret at not being able to add with Major Hoffman that he was an honorary member of the 71st. After having witnessed the admirable marching of the regiment today, and listened to the excellent music of their band tonight, he should indeed esteem it an honor to belong to it. He was a citizen of Connecticut and participated with the militia of his own state. It is a 850 APPENDIX militia which Connecticut felt she had a right to be proud of, though when it was brought into comparison with that of the 71st, with their evolutions, their dress, their music, their de portment, they must confess to say the least that Connecticut does not stand in advance of New York as represented by the 71st. But he would fall short in the discharge of his duty did he not thank them in behalf of his native city and of the State of Connecticut for the generous manner in which they came to assist at the inauguration. The ceremonies which they had witnessed were peculiar to the state for a period of 229 years. At each annual election the Governor of Connecti cut has been inaugurated by precisely the same ceremonies. He again thanked them for the interest they had taken in the ceremonies, and for their presence this day and this night. Other addresses were made by Colonel Babcock, Mayor Sperry, and General Ingersoll. CONSOLIDATION WITH THE 37TH REGIMENT "New York, April 8th, 1905. "Dear Francis : "Your letter came at an opportune time, Saturday, for afternoon on that day I never have anything to do, and as I am about leaving town on a business trip, I devote the neces sary time to answer it and get it off my mind. "In writing a history of the 71st Regiment; it would be well to touch on its 'inside history' rather lightly, for it is not especially creditable. During the period of years immediately following the civil war a reaction set in, regarding the militia, so that in popular estimation it was almost a discreditable thing to be a member; the standard for officers was lowered throughout the service, so that generally they were incompe tent; they regarded their positions in one sense as a personal glory, in another as a huge joke, and the natural results followed. Not one regiment escaped this, all suffered in a greater or lesser degree, and our own regiment felt the effects of this condition for years. "We had a few earnest, capable, honorable officers who, properly handled, could have maintained a high standard of excellence and kept the regiment where it belonged — very near the top — and who, in spite of the fact that we were always weak in officers of the highest rank, did good loyal service and saved the regiment from disintegration, which at one time was imminent. APPENDIX 851 "You, I am sure, never knew how near we were to dis bandment and but for the efforts of our loyal old friend General William G. Ward, that would certainly have happened. I say you did not know it, at least to its fullest extent, for I alone, of all the officers, was in confidential relations with him, and knew what was going on. Rockafellar was not consulted and was in ignorance of the fate in store for us, and that would have come to us but for vigorous and timely exertions on the part of a very few strong friends. "The reaction against the militia in the public mind and officials in the State, resulted in a movement to reduce the force to a minimum, it was even spoken of that we needed only one regiment in New York. Besides the regiments that were disbanded, those on the list were the 8th, 9th, 12th, 22d and 71st. The last was saved only by the proposition to consoli date with it the 37th, and this suggestion originated with me, in consultation with General Ward. "When it was decided upon, the question of how it was to be carried out was a serious one ; finally settled for reasons not essential to state here, that it should be handled by a committee or board from our own officers, after vigorous op position from me on the proposal to put it in charge of a joint committee of seven, from officers of both regiments. I did not believe in a big committee, and don't now, for my experi ence shows me that small ones are much more effective. "The Committee as approved by the Governor, was Rocka fellar, you and myself. Rockafellar, constitutionally timid and fearing to assume responsibility, quietly left it to us ; you knowing the active part I had taken in saving the regiment, and the fact that I was persona grata with the powers, and besides that, having been a member of the 37th, and well ac quainted with the officers, allowed me to assume the burden of the detail work. We were always in perfect accord, both of us appreciated the gravity of the situation, and neither of us had any 'axes to grind.' "The consequence of this was that while we did not al ways agree on all matters of detail, we were never so far apart that we could not get together, and I can say truthfully that during the whole of that trying time there never was any friction, and the single motive that actuated us both was to do exact justice to all of the many questions that were raised. In this we were singularly successful, and while we were both 852 APPENDIX vigorously 'cussed from Dan to Bersheba' by the officers and members of both regiments, every recommendation, except one, that was made, met the approval of the authorities in the Guard and at Albany, and the result of our work was emi nently satisfactory. "The conditions we had to meet and the many conflicting interests to harmonize, can hardly be realized. There was al most a full line of officers in each regiment, one-half of which had to vacate their positions. Some of the companies in the 71st were strong and in good shape in every way, while the corresponding letters in the 37th were weak; weak companies in the 71st, and strong companies in the same regiment corres ponded in letter with equally weak or strong letters in the 37th ; some of the companies were in debt, others strong financially, there seemed no better plan to follow than to con solidate by letter, although the plan of following the course of seniority among the Captains was considered, but the former was finally adopted as being on the whole more equitable. "I personally visited and conferred with every company in the 37th, meeting at first but a very cold reception, but once the members understood that there would be no favorit ism, that every company's rights, every officer's rights and every man's rights were to be faithfully considered, and that the only hardship that anyone would be called upon to endure would be the retiring of surplus officers they became favor able. And that was the most difficult problem to meet. TO say that we did it right would be to say that Francis and Eunson were a pair of angels, not yet quite good enough to die but just a little too good for this world, and we did make mistakes; but on the whole we have both reason to be proud of the job. "You notice that I touch very lightly on Rockafellar's part in this; he really had nothing to do with it, it was con sidered good policy, that in case the scheme fell through, that his skirts would' be clean, and the head of the regiment could confine such disaster as might arise to the two 'conspirators.' "Injecting a little egotism and 'taffy' let me say that I doubt that any other two officers of the regiment could have accomplished what we did. I had the necessary knowledge of the conditions, and the necessary experience to meet them, knew that I was backed up by the authorities, and was in APPENDIX 853 consultation with them; you had the necessary executive ability and courage to do what seemed in our judgment was the correct thing to do, and we did them — although as I said before we suffered something in loss of personal popularity, which our good friend Harry escaped by blaming me. Harry was a brave, honorable officer, sufficiently well posted in his duties to perform them in a creditable manner, but had no backbone, and if it had not been for the fact that you 'run the regiment' as far as the executive part went, would have been in a devil of a hole all the time as he was in part of the time. * * * "Sincerely, 'EUGENE S. EUNSON, "Ex-Major 71st N.Y.N.G." SENATE CHAMBER "Washington, April 14th, 1880. "My dear Sir: "I am more than sorry not to be able to accept the kind invitation of tthe Veteran Corps of the 71st Regiment. "From year to year I have hoped to have joined you at your annual reunion, and shall continue in that hope. "No body of men are remembered by me with more pride and friendship than the members of the 71st. With them my first service of the late war was made, the first comradeship formed, and I shall bear with me through life the pleasant impression of that period of service, tinged as they are with the sweet sorrow in which we all recall the memories of our departed comrades. "Faithfully your friend, "A. E. BURNSIDE." From the Philadelphia "Record," February, 1881 : As your correspondent watched "the boys" march down Broadway yesterday a whole battalion of the brave dead and of grizzled veterans seemed to accompany them. It will be remembered that the three months' term of the 71st, had ex pired before the first battle of Bull Run, yet they stayed and volunteered for the fight. At 4 o'clock on the morning of July 21st, your correspond ent sat on horseback on Centreville Heights, this side of Bull 854 APPENDIX Run, waiting for Hunter's division to pass through and go to the right, when I heard my name called out by one and an other, and I turned and found myself surrounded by 71st boys, who had halted for a moment. The youths, who carried muskets in the command, were nearly all of gentle birth and accustomed to luxurious living at home, but they were in rough dress and embrowned with the sun, and seemed full of life and animation. They went into battle as into a holiday, and had no doubt that they would return to New York in triumph by the way of Richmond. A few hours later, as I stood on a caisson of Ayres' Bat tery, near Bull Run bridge, at the centre of the line, I saw the 71st emerge from the woods at Sudley Church on the extreme right, in company with the 1st and 2d Rhode Island Regi ments. They formed a line of battle in an open field and the New York boys did it as handsomely as they had ever done it on Broadway, and quite as coolly. A few moments and there came a flash, smoke, the report of a' volley, then continuous firing, and two horses with empty saddles dashed through the woods close by me, and I could see men carrying off the wounded from the field. I never see the 71st but I think of its record on that day, when so many three months' regiments had gone home; and the battery attached to my own brigade (a New York bat tery) had left their guns in the morning and marched back to Washington to the music of our guns. Only on such days as yesterday, when old historical as sociations come up again, does this famous command get something like the attention it deserves. Now, by a singular coincidence, they will be the guests at New Orleans of a committee of eminent citizens headed by General Beauregard, the same soldier who was in command of the Confederate forces at the first Bull Run. He will find that the boys can still stand fire. HEADQUARTERS VETERAN ASSOCIATION 71ST REGIMENT New York, March 1, 1884. To Colonel Richard Vose, Commanding 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. Colonel: — A statement signed by you, as well as other commandants of the National Guard, recently appeared in print, urging, for various reasons, "that the names and nu merical designation of the regiments of the National Guard should not be used by any veteran uniformed battalion or as sociation." Whatever may have been the motive for the publication of the statement by other commandants, it is not APPENDIX 855 the intention of the Veteran Association of the 71st Regiment to make inquiry, but as you are responsible more than any other man for the existence of the Uniformed Veteran Corps attached to your command, we are amazed at your endorse ment of the statement. 1. We deny that "the existence of uniformed organiza tions bearing the names and numerical designations of regi ments of the National Guard has been to induce young men, who would otherwise continue to perform active military duty in the National Guard, to take their discharge from the ser vice of the State to join uniformed veteran battalions," and we deny that "the existence of such uniformed veteran bat talions has become a standing menace to the strength and welfare of the regiments whose names they bear ; and as proof of our denial, we state that but three members of the uniformed battalion of the 71st Veteran Corps joined the National Guard since 1870, viz., one in 1873, and two in 1875 ; that the earliest date of enlistment in the National Guard of any of our corps is 1838; that the average date of enlistment is 1861; that 70 per cent, of the uniformed members of this corps served in the war of the rebellion and, in addition to the above, that on last Evacuation Day several of the members of the Veteran Corps paraded with the active regiment. It is hardly necessary to say in addition that, after the years of service prescribed by the State, the discharged soldier is at liberty to seek any association congenial to his tastes or feelings. Surely it redounds to his credit if old memories are strong with him, and he seeks the society of his old comrades, and being thus near the regiment is still a power to do it good. Again, we deny that so far as the uniformed members of the 71st Veteran Corps are concerned, that "the names and numerical designations of the National Guard regiments have been assumed and used by the uniformed veteran bat talions without the authority of the regiments or of their offi cers." And as proof of our denial assert that when in 1882 a delegation of the 71st Regiment was to visit New Orleans, you were very anxious that a number of the Veteran Corps (then not uniformed) should procure veteran uniforms and accom pany the detachment ; that four veterans did so, and to show your appreciation of the act you asked them to parade with your staff officers, that they did so parade during that entire trip; that during the return trip you addressed these uni- 856 APPENDIX formed veterans urging them to use their endeavors to build up this corps, stating that it would be a support and benefit to the regiment. This we have done, and still you are not happy. That shortly after our return you permitted yourself to be proposed and elected a member of the Veteran Corps, that you attended our annual dinner on April 21st following, that you there made an address in which you enumerated the necessities of the regiment, among other things the great need of a new armory, and stated how much you relied on this corps for its aid and influence; that in response thereto a movement for a new armory was inaugurated, the veterans present subscribing thousands of dollars towards that object; that the following winter a fair was held in aid of this Armory Fund, and the Veteran Association aided that fair as follows . The receipts of the veterans' table equalled 60 per cent. of the amount received at the tables of the entire regiment. The sale of tickets by the veterans equalled 70 per cent, of the amount sold by the entire regiment. The contributions ob tained by the veterans was 200 per cent., more than the entire regiment. To which may be added conditional subscriptions amounting to five times the entire amount obtained by the regiment. That you should sign such a paper as you have, with the knowledge of these facts, both as Commandant of the 71st Regiment, and as a member of this corps, may help the authorities to understand why the regiment is not in as prospering a condition as formerly. Let us add, without disparagement to the active regiment, whose traditions, glory and honor we hold so dear, that much of the glory and reputation still adhering to the regiment, de spite its many drawbacks, was earned on the field of battle by members of this same Veteran Corps. The uniform offends you; it is, you say, "the chapeau, and sword, and uniform of a general officer," Colonel, we regret profoundly that you, who have been an aspirant for the honors of the Star, should be so deficient in the knowledge of what constitutes the bill of dress of general officers. You also state, "that members of the Veteran Corps as sume titles thoughtlessly, and are used by persons who never held commissions, and you draw a marked distinction between the veterans of militia regiments and the veterans of the late war." An examination of our records reveals the significant APPENDIX 857 fact that many of our officers have earned their titles on the field of battle, or in long and distinguished service in the Na tional Guard. Again, you say, that "the fact of our parades with music and banners, of young men of twenty-three as veterans, is exceedingly discourteous to the veterans of the late war." As an answer to this assertion — on the occasion of the parade on Evacuation Day, the youngest man in our column was thirty-eight years of age. The effort to bring about a rupture between the veterans of the late war, the ununiformed members of the associations, and the uniformed battalion of the veterans of the regiment, will not work, Colonel ; the veterans of the late war will not forget how the 71st acted on the field of battle, and how ready it was during the dark days of the war. Let us call your attention to the following resolution, passed at a meeting of the members of the corps, held Friday evening, February 29th. "Resolved, That it is the expression of this Veteran Corps, that the relations between the ununiformed and uniformed members are harmonious and satisfactory, and we frown upon any attempt to disturb them." As a reason for our organization we answer, using your own language, we are "an association of exempt and veteran members of the National Guard, organized for social and benevolent purposes," to cherish and preserve the pleasant memories of the service, and we are proud to have enrolled with us any man who has faithfully served his time of enlist ment, and we seek to serve and strengthen the regiment you have the honor to command, and to which you so tenaciously cling. To it, all of us have given the best days of our man hood, and for which, as long as it lasts, shall have our earnest hopes and warmest wishes. This communication is addressed to you by a unanimous vote of the Veteran Association, at special meeting held Fri day evening, February 29th, 1884. Signed, C. W. DUSTAN, W. J. COLES, GEO. W. ROBERTSON, FRED'K G. GEDNEY, A. T. FRANCIS, C. W. STARR, J. J. LITTLE, Committee. 858 APPENDIX THOSE HOWITZERS Colonel Greene received a copy of the Richmond (Va.) "Times," March 31st, 1895, marked, which he referred to Major Francis for reply: Editor "Times": — In the New York correspondence of the Baltimore "Sun," of March 14th, is an account of the pre sentation of a "Bull Run Tablet" by Col. Henry P. Martin, who commanded the regiment, to "commemorate its valiant deeds and patriotic services" in the battle of Bull Run, July 21st, 1861. In this battle, by the Federals called Bull Run, by the Confederates First Manassas, there was captured in the vicin ity of the Henry House a beautiful brass howitzer on which was engraved, "71st Regiment, New York Volunteers" (and more which the writer doesn't remember), and doubtless it was the pet and treasure of the command, the idol of the "boys," for what use had an infantry regiment with a piece of artillery except for buncombe. Now listen to what the correspondent says: "After all the other troops of the Union Army had left (retreated from) the field of Bull Run," not standing upon the order of their going, either, "large re-inforcements of the enemy having ap proached within 500 yards of the 71st, then standing in line, Colonel Martin gave the order 'about face,' and marched the command away in line of battle, not one man running, pre pared at any moment to face about and deliver fire in event of pursuit." Npw, the writer would like to know, how and when this pet piece of artillery was captured, and if this regiment was walking and not "running," when the piece fell into the hands of the enemy? It could easily have been carried off by the regiment if it was moving in common time, and a gap of 500 yards separating it from the "large re-inforcements" advancing. How was it captured? Will Colonel Martin, who was there, tell us? Did they forget their pet? That's worse than running away and leaving it. The writer was there; didn't help to capture, but saw it, and it was the most exquisite piece of workmanship he ever saw of its kind. How was it captured. That's the question? The regiment was retiring in good order, common time, not alarmed or demoralized, whilst of the army, from authentic accounts, including Congressmen APPENDIX 859 and others invited guests, were making double, some terrible quick time, to the rear, with the cry, "save who can," yet this regiment, this command, cool and collected, covered that mem orable stampede of the Union Army and ready to turn upon their pursuers and make them bite the dust, retired in good order, nothing to interrupt or hinder their retreat, yet remark able to tell, left their pet, their treasure behind. Come, Colonel; tell us all about it, how came you to leave your artillery on the field, whilst covering that wild flight of McDowell's army "on to Washington"? If you will own up and say it was taken when Sherman's battery was charged and captured near the Henry House, we'll dedicate a little plot to the 71st to commemorate its war record on the field of First Manassas when the Confederates make a Con federate park of it. CONFEDERATE. New York, May 20th, 1895. To the Editor of the "Times" : Sir : — I have been handed a copy of your issue of March 1st, in which was a communication signed "Confederate." Overlooking the sarcastic and peppery spirit in which it was written, I desire, with your kind permission, to answer his questions and correct his errors. In the first place, let him distinctly understand, no state ment is upon that tablet that is not true. Then let him under stand that it was not the 71st N.Y.V.; that regiment was not in existence at the time of the battle called Bull Run, but the 71st Regiment N.Y.S.M., the same now known as the 71st N.Y.N.G., we were enlisted for three months, and our time expired on the day before the battle. Next as to the two howitzers. We did have two twelve- pound brass howitzers presented to us by Captain Dahlgren, of the Washington Navy Yard, where we had been quartered during our stay in Washington, and which Company I had been instructed to handle. These pieces, as far as my recol lection serves me, did not merit the beautiful description given by "Confederate;" they were ordinary pieces, and if there were any inscription upon them, it was a very simple one giv ing the fact of the donation. Now, let him understand the position of our regiment upon the 'day of the battle. We were upon the extreme right 860 APPENDIX of our army, having crossed at Sudley Ford with the intention of flanking the Confederate left. Our work was done on this part of the field, and no other. The force immediately in our front was the 4th Alabama and the New Orleans Tigers ; we were not at the Henry House. We arrived upon the field at about 10 o'clock ; as soldiers, we are proud of our work on that morning, and are not will ing to accept accusation of failure. Any of your readers who desire testimony are referred to Beauregard in "American Conflict," Vol. 1, page 543. I regret there should be any neces sity to defend ourselves against any such unwarranted at tacks as "Confederate." We were on the field for six hours — during most of that time we had no one to fight. General Burnside, in his report says: "I was ordered to protect the retreat. The 71st, N.Y.S.M., was formed between the retreating columns and the enemy by Colonel Martin. * * *" We were the last regiment to reach Centreville. Let it be distinctly understood we did not leave the field because we were driven from it, whatever may have been our fate, had we remained much longer; while we could plainly see the magnificent approach of Johnston's army, we were ignorant of the defeat of our forces on other portions of the field. We were not engaged at that time, and simply gazed upon the panorama until orders were sent us to retire ; we were then the only regiment on the field; it was then that Colonel Martin, one of the bravest and most level-headed of officers, recognized the importance of not letting the enemy know what we were doing, marched the regiment to the rear in line of battle, the men not knowing we were retreating until after we had got into the woods. Those pieces were brought from the field; we dragged them over Sudley Ford and for over four miles to Warrenton Turnpike and then to the bridge crossing, Cub Run ; this we found impassable, choked with all sorts of conveyances, we had to ford the stream, it was impossible to drag the pieces up the steep, muddy banks, and we were forced to leave them in the stream. They were not captured in fight, nor was an enemy within 100 yards of them during the day. We have used every exertion to recover these pieces, and if in existence, APPENDIX 861 would consider it a great favor if any clue can be furnished us regarding them. In 1881 our regiment again "invaded" the South; by a trip to New Orleans, where we were gloriously received by the citizens, and General Beauregard. In 1888 we visited Rich mond and Manassas; we were royally entertained by youi citizens. In 1889, at the Centennial, when the Virginia troops visited this city, they were our guests; we are, therefore, not unknown to your Guards, and I am sure they will resent thv. insinuation of "Confederate." In war and in peace our relations to the troops of Vir ginia have been so intimate that it is to be regretted that so unkind and erroneous a statement as that of "Confederate" should have appeared in a Richmond paper. Respectfully, A. T. FRANCIS, Major 71st Regiment, N.Y.N.G. June 24th, 1895. To the Editors of the "Times" : Sir: — It is with reluctance that I trespass on you once more. As I fully appreciate the delicacy of the situation in defending the regiment I so love, I would regret anything that may seem in the slightest to irritate. Colonel Otey, however, so plainly intimates that I am either bragging or lying, that I cannot let his letter pass with out a reply, which I hope wilj be the last ; my only fear being that those reading his article might by my silence, suppose that I admitted the insinuation. The fact that this regiment has not made any public claim, should not prevent justice being done it where doubts are cast upon its good name. The presentation of the tablet and ceremonies connected therewith, were in our house — a family affair. Colonel Otey has seen fit to take exception, and makes, through the press, a loud call for an explanation, and when it is given, he says "Nonsense! Fudge! Ridiculous! Everyone else ran and you must have done the same." The fact is that he has made up his mind evidently not to believe, and won't believe; but he wants, "regardless of who it hits the truth of history vindicated in the war," etc. I propose to give the truth. We do not make any claim that we cannot prove, it is not opinion, but facts, that I shall give. 862 APPENDIX My first letter was to answer "Confederate's" question re garding the Howitzers ; he has caught on now ; he admits now that they were taken from Cub Run after our retreat, and parked near the Henry House. That is a concession, as he evidently tried to convey the impression that they had been captured near the Henry House. He now takes a tack, and after a graphic oration on the "wildest, most reckless stampede of which history gives any account, a wild scramble for life," intimates that amid all this, it is absurd to suppose that a regiment should have retreated in line in good order "not a man running." I will not dispute his conclusion, but his statement — but of that later. He was evidently not in General Bee's com mand; to be sure, if he had been he would not have written the article; as it was, he was too remote from our position to know what we were doing, as much so as we were from the 11th Virginia, of whose movements I know nothing, I have no doubt they did their duty bravely and nobly. I will concede as to the depth of water in Cub Run this much (as the Colonel is in all probability better acquainted with the stream than I), that in its ordinary condition in July it is "easily fordable ;" but according to the Colonel, it is "a dirty, muddy stream." If the Colonel's estimates of the "reckless stampede" is correct, minus the casualties, there must have been 39,000 crossed (at different parts) the stream be fore (as we claim to have been the last) we reached it. It does not take much imagination to estimate its condi tion when we arrived. The lowest depth I find anyone to give at that time was over the knee when stepping on stones, and I do not think it any exaggeration to say it was two feet deeper when in the mud, it is a small point; as Mercutio said, "It was deep enough." I have before me a map published in the New York "Herald," October 11th, 1861. The title of this map reads as follows : "Map of battle at Bull Run, near Manassas, on the line of Fairfax and Prince William Counties, in Virginia, fought between the forces of the Confederate States and of the United States of America. Generals Beauregard and Johnston commanding the Confederate, and General Mc Dowell the United States forces, on the 21st of July, 1861, from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M., made from observation by Solomon Bamberger ; published by West & Johnston, 145 Main Street, Richmond, Va." APPENDIX 863 Curious as it may seem, this semi-official map does not on the Federal side individualize any regiments (save one), ex cept those in the Burnside Brigade. In front of these it makes a square in which it encloses a star for each company, and the words "New York 71st;" on the Confederate side, the 4th Alabama and the New Orleans Tigers, of General Bee's Bri gade, are individualized with one or two exceptions; none others. This map is very thorough in detail, giving air changes of position during the battle. We were not in easy communication with Richmond at that time and never knew why Mr. Bamberger gave such prominence to the 71st. We were satisfied with believing it was because we deserved it. By this map it seems that the Warrenton Turnpike crosses Cub Run at the bridge in ques tion, then Bull Run at the stone bridge, and intersects Dum- vies (or Potomac) Road, running to Sudley Ford. The dis tance from Stone Bridge to Sudley Ford is about a mile and a half; and from the Stone Bridge to the Cub Run Bridge about the same. From the position of the 71st on the map, to Cub Run Bridge, via Sudley Ford, four miles; the Confederate forces had one mile less, going over the Warrenton Turnpike to reach the bridge at Cub Run, than we did. It is certainly a pertinent question why they did not head us off. But while the .fact that they did not seems strange, it does not alter the fact. In my previous letter, without' any detail account of our work, while for over six hours upon the field, I tried to show that we left the field without panic and dragged those howitzers those four miles to the Cub Run Bridge at Warrenton Turnpike. On this map it says, "Our army (Confederate) was dis tributed along Bull Run, 21st July, from Stone Bridge to Union Mills, entire plan of battle changed by enemy cross ing at Sudley's Ford, and taking position above the Carter House." This enemy was the Burnside Brigade, composed of the 1st and 2d Rhode Island, 71st N.Y.S.M., and the 2d N.H.V From the turnpike they marched over a road running through a wood to Sudley Ford, crossed, passing a wood on the left and out on to an open field. General Terry, C.S.A., at one time military instructor at the Military Institute, Lexington, Va., (so I am informed), speaking of this some years later to Major Libby of the 71st, 864 APPENDIX said : "One of my scouts came into my headquarters on that Sunday morning and told me that the Federal troops were ii> our rear; I said it cannot be; it is impossible for them to get there. The scout still insisted, and seeing the man was in earnest, and thinking there might be something in it, I mount ed and rode out in the direction indicated and sure enough the Federal troops were upon us; and when your (Burnside) brigade filed out of the woods, marched up through the open field and opened that fight, it was the most magnificent sight that I saw throughout the war." From the ford, the ground rose for nearly a mile, and then sloped to a stream below ; we formed line near what was called the Carter House about 10 A. M. In its rear was a wood projecting at an angle with Bull Run; at once we were in action. Lossing, in "Our Country," page 1519, says: "Col onel Evans had been informed of the march of heavy columns through the forest on his left, and before 10 o'clock, scouts told him that one column was crossing at Sudley's Church. Evans at once prepared to meet them, and General Bee was sent forward to assist him. Only a small stream in a little vale separated the combatants." (Beauregard in his report says 100 yards). "Hard pressed, Evans' line began to waver, when General Bee advanced with fresh troops and gave it strength; Burnside was re-inforced by Major Sykes. * * * A furious charge shattered the Confederate line. They fled in confusion to a plateau whereon General Jackson had just a* rived with resources. 'They are beating us back,' exclaimed General Bee. 'Well, sir,' calmly replied Jackson, 'We win give them the bayonet.' 'Form! form!' cried Bee. 'There stands Jackson like a stone wall.' " At the time referred to when General Bee was driven back, we had advanced to the ridge. This was about 4 P. M., and we had been fighting for six hours with nothing to eat, having started at 2 A. M. and marched ten miles; Colonel Martin ordered the regiment to lie down and rest; General McDowell rode by waving his glove in token of victory. We were then ordered by General Burnside to return to the edge of the woods, still in view of the enemy's cannon, and there to rest as our work was done, and we should not be called into action. We remained here about one hour, when we were told that the enemy was getting the better of us. An aide from General McDowell ordered us forward to APPENDIX 865 the most advanced position where Dumvies Road takes a bend, telling Colonel Martin that he must use his own judgment, if attacked by cavalry, he could form square, or take such action as he deemed best. He left us to view the advance of the re-inforcements by the arrival of the balance of Johnston's army. Several of the Captains went to the Colonel, asking him, "Do you want to make a target of the regiment ; see, all have left the field, and the enemy is being re-inforced." At this time this force was over at our left, marching parallel, with and along a wood. Col onel Martin said: "No, gentlemen, I do not wish to make a target of the regiment, but I have been ordered to take this position, and shall remain until ordered or driven away." At the same time he sent his Major to find General Burnside and get orders from him. An aide reported, directing, as in Gen eral Burnside's report, the Colonel to retire with his regiment, "between the retreating regiments and the enemy." During this time the head of Johnston's forces had arrived opposite our line changed direction to the right, and when they were about 300 yards from us, Colonel Martin gave the order falling us to the rear, and marching to the wood "in line of battle in com mon time, not one man running." Johnston's forces advanced to the ridge we had vacated and halted. Colonel Martin did this because, first, he had a duty to perform to protect the rear ; and in this formation he could face about and deliver fire ; he also hoped to do the very thing that was done — deceive the enemy. Why did Johnston halt ? Why were we not pursued ? We had no reason to run ; there was no "wildest and most reckless stampede," etc., where we were, whatever there may have been a mile away, out of our sight, for remember, Sudley's Ford and the Stone Bridge were a mile and a half apart. . In the Century Magazine for May, 1885, General Johnston says : "At twenty minutes before five, when the retreat of the enemy towards Centerville began, I sent orders to General Bonham to march with his own and Longstreet's brigades by the quickest route to intercept the retreat of the Federal troops. But he found so little appearance of route in these troops, as to make the execution of his instruction seem impracticable; so the two brigades returned to their camp." The facts were, that except with civilian and correspond ents, this "wildest and most reckless stampede," this "wild ?s 866 APPENDIX scramble for life," was all moonshine. Many regiments like ourselves, withdrew from the field, ignorant of any panic, and as I before said, but for the blockade at the bridge, as well as tired and sore footed men could, every man would have kept in the ranks. As it was, we returned to Washington as a regiment with our colors and arms, losing only those howitzers, the cause of this correspondence. AUGUSTUS T. FRANCIS, Major 71st Regiment, N. G. N. Y. PRESENTATION OF FLAG AND STAFF TO COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY In June, 1894, The Lafayette Post, No. 140, G. A. 1894 R., Dept. of N. Y., resolved to present Columbia Col lege, then being built on University Heights, a stand of colors; and appointed a committee composed of Comrades Bach, Hendricks, Mills, Homer and Greene; February 7th, 1896, the committee reported in favor of a flag, staff and base to cost $5,000. This proposition was formerly accepted by the trustees of the college, March 2d, 1896, and the date of presen tation to be May 2d, the date on which the ceremony of dedi cation of the college would take place. Colonel Greene, of the 71st, learning this, decided it to be an opportunity to advance the interest of the regiment, and ad dressed the following to the Commander of the Post : • HEADQUARTERS 71 ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, March 7th, 1896. Commander Richard W. Meade, Lafayette Post No. 140, Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic. Sir : — I have the honor on behalf of the officers of the 71st Regiment to tender the services of this regiment as an escort to Lafayette Post in connection with the exercises at the new buildings of Columbia College on May 2d, 1896. I have writ ten to President Low to the same effect and I beg to say that the regiment will feel highly honored if the offer is accepted. Yours respectfully, (Signed) F. V. GREENE, Colonel. This was accepted with great pleasure, and on May 2d the. regiment assembled in its Armory and proceeded to the 42d APPENDIX 867 Street Ferry House, North River, reaching there at 1 P. M. They met the "Post," which had assembled there two hundred men under Commander Rear-Admiral Meade, on board of the boat "Annex." Proceeding up the river together, a landing was made at Fort Lee Ferry House, where the march began with the regi ment leading, headed by their band of sixty pieces, and, led by Colonel Greene and his staff, mounted to the new Columbian Heights. Luncheon had been served to the regiment on the boat, which had been provided by the "Post." Reaching the grounds, where were assembled thousands of citizens who had gathered to be witnesses of the imposing cere monies, which had begun early in the day to last until its close, the regiment formed in line to review the Post as it passed to take its position in front of the vast assembly, near the speak ers' stand, and around the temporary staff erected to float the flag when it should be thrown to the breeze to emphasize its grace and significance. In the rear of the Post, after it position was arranged in good military order, the regiment formed as a beautiful back ground to an inspiriting and imposing picture. Drawn up in double ranks with correct alignment, the men made a splendid appearance, dressed as they were in blue coats and white trous ers, with their bristling arms steadily held at a carry, which ap pearance was assisted to a brilliant degree by the "Field and Staff" superbly mounted on animated steeds caparisoned with rich accoutrements and with brilliant uniforms and white plumed helmets of the commanding officers. It was a spec tacle never surpassed and rarely equalled on any public occa sion of ceremony in the history of the city. * * * The "Star Spangled Banner," played by the band, was sung by all — faculty, trustees, students, audience, comrades and soldiers — a burst of song as if a nation was giving praise for the Emblem of Liberty and Power. * * * The ceremony over, the Post marched away in column and a few blocks below lined up on the avenue to present arms to the 71st as it marched by in review. Behind was the multitude cheering to the echo, and the great tent was alive with thou sands of people waving hats and handkerchiefs, parasols anri canes, and the students throwing their mortar-boards in the air and flying their gowns as signals of an animated and affection ate farewell. 868 APPENDIX May 7th, 1896. Colonel F. V. Greene, Commanding 71st Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Dear Sir : It is with great pleasure that I forward to you a copy of letter from the Hon. Seth Low, President, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee of Lafayette Post on Pre sentation of Colors to Columbia University, wherein due acknowledgment is made of the presence and service of the 71st Regiment at the dedication of the University grounds on Saturday, May 2d. At Mr. Low's request I cordially thank you and the regi ment for honoring the occasion. The appearances of your regi ment produced a fine effect in every way, and it certainly was a happy thought that brought your offer to Lafayette Post to be their escort. Please also convey to your officers and men the sincere thanks of Lafayette Post committee for the honor done us, and we desire to express our admiration of, and esteem for, your self, officers and your men. We thoroughly appreciate the great courtesy which prompted you to such an offer, a compli ment which will not be forgotten. Our committee send our best wishes for you all. Yours respectfully, (Signed) JAS. B. BACH, Chairman of Committee of Lafayette, Post on Presentation of Colors, Etc. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK President's Room, May 5th, 1896 My dear Mr. Bach : Please accept my thanks for your very cordial letter of yesterday, expressing the satisfaction of Lafayette Post with the ceremonial of Saturday afternoon. By common consent, the presence of the Post and the 71st Regiment acting as their escort, added importantly to the scenic effect of the occasion, and the patriotic episode of the presentation of the flag evi dently touched every heart. * * * I am little at loss to know how to acknowledge the pres ence of the regiment otherwise than through you, inasmuch as they were present as the escort to the Post. I trust, how- APPENDIX 869 ever, that it may be permitted me, through you, to express to Colonel Greene and the members of the regiment our sin cere appreciation of their participation in the interesting event. I am, dear sir, Very respectfully, (Signed) SETH LOW, Mr. JAMES B. BACH, President. Chairman of the Committee of Lafayette Post. HEADQUARTERS 71ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, May 11th, 1896. Jas. B. Bach, Esq., Chairman of Committee, Etc. Dear Sir : — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of May 7th, enclosing one of May 5th from Presi dent Low, in regard to the participation of the regiment in the ceremonies connected with the dedication of the grounds of Columbia University on May 2d. I beg to thank you, and through you the Commander and comrades of Lafayette Post, as well as President Low, for your kind words, which will be communicated to the regiment in orders; and also to assure you that every member of the regiment was proud to take part in the historic event, and specially pleased to witness those most interesting and im pressive ceremonies. Assuring you of our high regard and respect for Lafayette Post, and thanking you for the privilege of being associated with you, I remain, Very respectfully yours, (Signed) F. V. GREENE, Colonel. Extract from Resolutions adopted by the Post, June 5th, 1896, and bound in sealskin, which were presented to Colonel Greene, January 1st, 1897: "Whereas * * * "Whereas, The escort to the Post by the 71st Regiment National Guard, voluntarily offered, gave evidence of the loy alty of that noble body of troops to all that the flag represents ; therefore, it is "Resolved, That the warmest praise be accorded to Col. 870 APPENDIX Francis V. Greene and his associate officers for the quick perception of a patriotic purpose made manifest by the tender of the escort of the regiment of their command in a proper military display on so worthy an occasion. "Resolved, That much is due to the rank and file for the ready response and full representation of the regiment and the martial bearing under orders. "Resolved, That whatever applause was bestowed or praise given over the spectacle as the colors floated to the air amid the cheers of voice and notes of trumpet, should be shared with the escort, who added to the scene by their splendid appearance. "Resolved, That the thanks of Lafayette Post be unani mously given to Colonel Greene, officers and men, for their magnanimous courtesy so generously expressed by full ranks and military etiquette, and that they be suitably expressed over the signature of the Commander of the Post, attested m proper form and presented. "Signed: "R. W. MEADE, "Attest : "Commander. "WILBUR F. BROWN, "Adjutant." MENU— UNIQUE On the evening of December 8th, 1897, Colonel Martin gave a dinner to which five veterans were the guests: Com rades Homer, Conklin, Van de Water, Pride and Francis. The menu was so unique and each course so bountiful, it seems worthy of record. It was in the usual generous style of the Colonel. On Table Flowers, Fruit, Candy, Candied Fruit, Chicken Salad, iLobster Salad, Stuffed Olives, Radishes, Celery, Salted Almonds, Pickles. First Course Oysters on half shell, Crackers, Tobasco Sauce Johanisburg, 1874 Second Course Fried Oysters, Maryland Style, Tomato Sauce, Horse Radish Haut Sautern, 1874 Third Course Quail on Toast, Green Peas Sherry Wine, 1834 Partridge, Cranberry Sauce, Cucumbers Chateau Lafite,186S APPENDIX 871 Fourth Course Canvasback Duck, Currant Jelly Sparkling Moselle Fifth Course Venison Steak, Asparagus Tips Sparkling Burgundy Dessert Plum Pudding, Peaches Chateau Yquen, 1874 Ice Cream, Fruit, Cakes, Eclairs. Charlotte Russe Louis Roederer Grand Sec Roquefort and Cream Cheese, Crackers, Coffee Liquors Cacao and Maraschino Cigars, Colonel Martin's Special Colonel Martin was on diet, the five did their duty as far as regard for their future would admit, but the supply was enough for twenty, they arose from the table with full stom achs, and regret that their capacity would not admit of further gormandizing. This dinner was given in his home and all was cooked in his kitchen, by a chef engaged for the occasion. At the outbreak of the war the Veteran Association or ganized a relief association, connecting as an auxilliary a Women's Relief, the object of which, is best explained by the following circular issued by them : VETERAN ASSOCIATION 71ST REGIMENT, N.G.N.Y. New York, July 7th, 1898. Dear Sir: — The 71st Regiment is now before Santiago, side by side of the gallant Regulars. The long list of names of our brave boys killed and wounded in the battles of the past week grimly tells the story of their hazardous work, their terrible sufferings, as well as heroic sacrifices, in doing their duty. This record fills a proud and glorious page in the his tory of the Country, the State and the City, and thrills the hearts of all true patriots with pride and admiration of their heroism; but to the Relief Committee of the 71st Regiment comes the sad and sombre side of the brilliant and terrible story. , , , ¦ j To them is committed the care of the mothers, wives and little ones left behind, and while this duty is being carefully and judiciously performed, so far as the means in hand will permit, the demands are daily increasing and should be prompt ly met, and we are, therefore, greatly in need of assistance. Will you help us in this sacred and patriotic work? We earnestly appeal to you to aid us in this work by as liberal a 872 APPENDIX contribution of money as you can, and request your influence with others. We ask you to do your duty here, and help us cheer, and aid the loved ones of those who are now giving their lives and shedding their best blood on the battlefield. Please send cheques to the order of Eugene H. Conklin, Treasurer, through any member of the Committee. For any aid so given accept the grateful acknowledgements of this Committee. RELIEF COMMITTEE Charles F. Homer, Chairman Eugene H. Conklin, Treasurer 115 Spring Street. 34 Spruce Street. Charles E. Brown, Chas. E. Hemma, Wm. B. Ferguson, John N. Golding, J. D. Bryant, M.D., D. W. C. Ward, Joseph J. Little, John R. Livermore, Curtis B. Pierce, J. Kennedy Tod, Z. T. Piercy, Wright D. Goss, Gustave Schloss, Henry P. Martin T. S. Copeland, Edw. A. Quintard, James B. Smith, George Bell, Edwin A. McAlpin, J. E. Allen, M.D., Geo. W. Robertson Thomas J. Crombie, Charles E. Shade, John T. Umpleby, Charles H. Coon, John W. Jacobus, L. Frank Barry, William Milne, James E. Place, A. M. Underhill, E. T. T. Marsh, M.D. Henry K. White, Andrew H. Pride, Chas. H. Patrick, Geo. A. J. Norman, William Webber, Jos. O. Pearson. This Committee's work extended for over six years, dur ing which "time they relieved every worthy call and expended nearly $25,000, showing that their appeal had met with a noble response. LETTER FROM COL. WALLACE A. DOWNS In front of Santiago, July 13th. Dear Colonel Francis : We have been off the ship for nearly three weeks and with out anything except what we could carry on our backs. We have been through a hard experience of battles, living in trenches, digging ditches, building roads, and God knows what. I look over the regiment with amazement that they are not all sick, but the men are hardened and work like heroes. We are at present still in the trenches in front of Santi ago waiting for developments, and it is hard work. Night before last it poured rain and continued to 1 o'clock yesterday. It was simply awful. The sun is hot and fierce today, but it is welcome, so the men can dry out. APPENDIX 873 Negotiations are going on for the surrender of Santiago, and I pray it can be consummated without further loss of life. This whole expedition has been a sort of go-as-you-please affair. * * * On the first, when we went into battle it was like being ordered into a death trap blindfolded, not a word of instruction as to what was to be accomplished. •We were ordered to advance through a lane leading off the main road lined with bushes on either side, so high and thick that one could not see to the right or left. Bullets were flying thick and shells bursting all about us. The only order I received was to advance to the ford of the creek. Our regi ment got into the engagement and did its share and held it.s own. They have worked us hard, drawn on us for details of every kind— cooks, orderlies, building roads, guards, etc., until it almost disheartened me. The 2d Massachusetts has more than 400 sick and unfit for duty. If they keep us on half rations of bacon and hard tack and coffee much longer our men will give out. It has been a fearful experience for the men, and the battle was a fierce one. We have had fourteen killed and sixty-one* wounded. Very truly yours, W. A. DOWNS. Certain portions of the letter, which as they are in the nature of criticism of superior officers, are omitted. LETTER FROM LIEUTENANT-COLONEL SMITH Santiago, July 31st, 1898. Dear Colonel Francis : Ten days ago I was taking my turn at the fever. It seems we have all got to have it. The doctor calls it thermic fever; another name is breakbone (a good name). About 6oo of the officers and men have had it and about 300 are down with it now. The Colonel is trying to ward it off, and it looks tonight as if he would succeed in a measure. It is not considered necessarily dangerous, but is very distressing and leaves one very weak. Three have died within the past two days — Ser geant Young of Company E, and Privates Ganz and Williams of Company L, the latter an old Company B man who enlisted with Austin. 874 APPENDIX If they do not get us away from here soon I fear many more of our brave boys will be left in Cuban soil. Too many have been left already we feel for such a cause, which every body here is satisfied was the result of mistaken sympathies at home. The Cubans are a dirty, filthy, lazy lot, (what we have seen excepting perhaps Garcia and a few others). They did not help any in the fight, and the only way we could dis cern their utility was the rations they drew when we were four days on less than half. They went about the country swiping everything loose — they and the vultures — and displayed in that way the only energy they have shown. As a result the regiment is today not half equipped with ponchos and blankets, which were thrown off in the heat of battle of July ist, and were not found when we sent back for them. The idea of the Cubans fighting the Spaniards reminds me of Mark Twain's description of a French duel — more dangerous to parties passing between them than to the combatants. Unless the Spaniards chased the Cubans, I don't think proximity would endanger either. The idea that the Spaniards won't fight is a mistake. They are not skillful fighters, but they fight until they die. Their sharpshooters, who shot so many of our men, were certainly fearless, as they had no chance of ultimate escape, and it was only a question of how many of our men they could kill be fore being shot themselves, they being where they could not leave their positions. The fight of July 1st, when we met nearly all our losses was something as fierce as could be desired, and how we got off so lightly I don't understand. * * * There were no charges whatever. A flank fire from the right drove them back from their very strong but concentrated position, and thus those in front were enabled to go up a hill impossible under direct fire., We were put early in the morning in a nar row path grown up around with dense underbrush, which grows so rank, and told to advance, after being told that we were the reserves. No sooner had we entered than we were fired on from several directions in volleys and by the sharpshooters. No one knew where the front was, and their smokeless powder completely concealed their position. They knew the location of the path, and simply had to fire volleys into it to hit some one. Our boys never wavered as they were shot down con- APPENDIX 875 tinually but we continued to advance without being able to fire a shot. Some regular regiments followed us in, and no one had any orders or knew anything about where the fire came from. This, of course, made great confusion, but all ad vanced more in disorder than otherwise, and finally after ten hours of it got under cover and opened fire. Our Springfields are murderous to our men on account of the dense smoke, and it is a shame to equip men with them as against the Mauser, which is a fine arm. I cannot imagine a hotter place from which to escape, and General Lawton said, at a meeting in Santiago this afternoon, that as a military student for thirty years, he does not believe, for the time it lasted, there is a fiercer fight on record. We have all had enough for the present at least; even the most warlike are satisfied and eager to get home, both regulars and volunteers. We are still camped near the trenches, we occupied up to the surrender, but without the proper tentage or protec tion from the weather, etc. We have had no transportation whatever, and up to a few days ago, when we managed to get several tents on the backs of our Field and Staff horses, we all slept in the open, which at this season is enough to kill animals. Up to the surrender, everyone was on his mettle, (nine teen days), but when the excitement was over many became sick, and as time passes day by day and no relief a depression is settling over the regiment, the men feeling that they have done their duty, and now the Government is letting them die of dry rot (or rather wet). The fellow who said that "war is hell," had a pretty good idea of it, but if he had had Cuba in mind he would doubtless have made it stronger. We are being kept alive by rumors and reports that we are to go home or to the United States as soon as we are well enough. This is likely to work both ways, but I told Shafter's A. G., yesterday, that if he would put us on a transport and send us out to sea, I would guarantee a cure in four days. I don't suppose they will move any of us until the Spaniards are shipped. The regular officers seem to get leave to go home, but the volunteers are not in it. Greatly surprised at some things we find in the army. Some officers, such as we have been accustomed to meeting at home are very nice, etc., but there are others — and numerous — much the reverse. Talk about 876 APPENDIX politics! I'm amazed. If army politics, with their clique jealousies and feuds, ever were beaten in any of our dear old districts at home, then I am ignorant of a great deal in that line. Of all the miserable schemes, intrigues, designs, and throat cutting I ever ran up against, this is the "fairest and best." Bell (Surgeon) has been very sick for some weeks off and on, but is around again all right now. Our two assistant Surgeons deserve the greatest praise. They have worked like beavers. Harry Stafford attended hundreds of sick men while his own temperature was 105, being the only doctor. You ought to see the regiment. You would laugh, and you would cry. All ten years older, poor fellows, and as ragged as Coxey's army could hope to be. Water is a mile away, and most of the men are so weak they get only for drinking and cooking, and their appearances suggests almost as much re pugnance to soap as that of our friends the Cubans. Colonel Downs is now in charge of the brigade, pending the appointment of a successor to General Hawkins. This, of course, puts me in command of the regiment. We don't do much — two rollcalls a day and guard mount; can hardly get a quorum for that. We expect to get the duck uniforms in a few days we were to have had at Tampa, but we will forgive everybody, including our worst enemies, if we ever get home, which I assure you, will present charms never known before. Sincerely, CLINTON H. SMITH. THE 71ST REGIMENT FOUGHT BRAVELY Gen. Joseph Wheeler was qutspoken in defending the 71st Regiment from the charges which have been made against its members. "Those charges," he said, "were not only unfair, but unjust. With the same training as the Regulars, the 71st could not be beaten by any other regiment in existence. When the conditions under which they fought are understood, it must be conceded that they displayed magnificent courage. At least 300 of the men, I was told, had never before fired a gun, and yet there is an attempt to judge them by comparison with the well trained and splendidly armed Regulars. Armed as they were with old Springfields and black powder, when they fired they drew at once the enemy's fire down upon them. When tlje 71st went into action they were tired, wet APPENDIX 877 and worn out for want of sleep, and it was no wonder when in that state they were called upon to face a withering fire for the first time some confusion resulted. The fact that they lost many of their men is proof that they were not wanting in valor. "The reports that came home regarding the 71st were due to some extent, I think to a little jealousy, which was very naturally felt by the fighting Regulars, who thought they had not received as much praise in the newspapers as had the volunteers. But there was no more cause for the jealousy than there was for the charges made against the brave men of the 71st." Huntsville, Ala., November 3d, 1898. Colonel Downs, 71st Regiment, N.Y.V., Dear Sir: — Having seen certain criticism upon the action of your regiment in the battle of July 1st last, I take the lib erty of stating the following : Troop E, 10th United States Cavalry (colored), advanced along the road to Santiago, and went to the top of the San Juan Hill. In passing up the above mentioned road we passed the 71st New York. The men of the 71st were trying to get cover from the Spanish fire, which was, at this point in the road, terrible, by lying along the side road, or rather sitting or reclining. They were perfectly quiet and orderly and showed no signs of being stampeded. Their Colonel I noticed particu larly, standing with one or two other officers, in the middle of the road under this terrible fire quietly and coolly holding his horse, dignified and officer-like. I know it was the Colonel, for I saw the straps. The wonder was then and has been ever since, that those men stayed where they were, armed as they were with an obsolete musket. I write this, as I am a great advocate of fair play, and sincerely trust it may be of use to you. I address you without your initials, as I do not know what they are. Very respectfully, CHARLES G. AYRESr Captain 10th Cavalry, U.S.A.,. Commanding Troop E. From the New York "Sun," March: "Officers of the 71st Regiment, to whom Gen. Hamilton S. Hawkins made a speech after the review of the regiment the 878 APPENDIX other night (25th), have decided to make the speech public, with a view, possibly, to the re-opening of the Court of In quiry that investigated the conduct of the 71st at San Juan Hill. "General Hawkins who is an officer of the United States army, now retired, was in command at San Juan Hill of the brigade of which the 71st was a part. The importance of his speech lies in its bearing on the testimony of Major-Gen. Jacob Kent, who commanded the division in which the 71st fought. This testimony appears in the proceedings of the Court of Inquiry. The officers of the 71st have always de clared that the regiment, on account of its black powder rifles and lack of experience, was intended for a reserve and that it did not receive orders to cross the San Juan Hill River. The -testimony of General Kent is found at page 1660 of the offi cial record and reads as follows : "Question by Colonel Bacon: 'Then from the time you left Colonel Downs at the forks (io A. M.), until night, you isent no further orders to him?' "General Kent: 'No, I virtually abandoned him, as far as I was concerned. That belonged to his brigade commander.' "In his speech General Hawkins took occasion to em phasize the fact that the 71st was taken out of his brigade without his knowledge and contrary to his plans and inten tions. After the regiment had been deflected into the trail it was two miles away from General Hawkins, the region be tween being an impenetrable jungle of cactus. Communica tion was practically impossible. Colonel Downs has always said that he received no orders after 10 o'clock and General Hawkins's statement now, that he did not know about Gen eral Kent's plans to deflect the 71st, the officers take as a vindication of Colonel Downs. General Hawkins was not called before the Court of Inquiry and the officers believe that his testimony would have cleared every member of the regi ment." This is General Hawkins's speech: "When we were at Tampa, the regular officers had an op portunity of watching the 71st Regiment and all formed a good opinion of it. When the assignments were made I felt myself especially honored to have the 71st New York assigned to my brigade. Going down to the transports I saw little of it but APPENDIX 879 I saw that it was landed properly. I remained on the trans ports after my brigade was landed, for the reason I did not wish to have my personal horses swim out to sea, which, as most of you gentlemen remember, was a common occurence. I had determined that the Navy should furnish boats to act as a sort of a lane through which the horses could be taken ashore. It took so long that I turned the matter over to one of my trusted aides and left the transport. "When I put my feet on land I was met by a civilian and told that a great battle had taken place at the front and that we had met reverses. To substantiate this statement he point ed up the hill at some 'Rough Riders' who were returning- wounded. I looked up the hill and did see some wounded men. I was then asked who was in command, and I said that I did not know, but that possibly I was. I then gave orders that my brigade and one or two other regiments should leave immediately for the front. I was struck by the prompt re sponse of the 71st Regiment. Going up the hill, you gentle men will, no doubt, remember that we met some of the 'Rough Riders' who were returning in a demoralized condi tion, and who reported that the 'Rough Riders' had been annihilated and that their Colonel had been killed. "The first regiment I found coming up the hill was the 71st, in good order. We found that the great battle had not taken place, so we returned to Siboney. "We now come to the morning of the first day of July when so many unfortunate occurences took place. The orders were to start the night before, but we did not start until the morning. We had no orders to take the hill and could re ceive none from General Shafter. General Kent seemed much troubled. Lieutenant Miley of General Shafter's staff, when the situation seemed critical, stated to General Kent that if he had no objection he would give the orders to advance in the name of General Shafter. To which he replied, 'Very well, sir,' and started down the road to give the necessary orders. "My intentions were that the 71st should be in the second line in rear of the 6th and 16th to act as a sort of reserve, and when the final charge should come that my whole brigade should advance together. But General Kent, without my knowledge, deflected the 71st Regiment to the left when its. head reached a trail discovered by the balloon. He evidently thought that my intention was to have the 71st on the left of.' 880 APPENDIX my brigade and that this would be a shorter way to accom plish this object, but such was not my intention. It was a most fortunate circumstance, for it removed the 71st far from the rest of the brigade and placed it in the most trying posi tion that troops could be thrown in. "When the 71st came up the hill I placed them on the line, and as far as my observation went they acted splendidly. The firing had ceased but General Shafter who was in the rear, had sent word to Lawton at El Caney to leave and re-inforce our right, as he was needed. It is certainly wonderful how fierce a battle seems when viewed from the rear (laughter). I saw a shell burst over the left company of the 71st. It did not become panic stricken, but behaved in a soldierly manner and quickly recovered itself, and seemed to be kept well in hand by its officers. A battery seemed to be inactive and I sent word to it to commence firing. My aide brought back a reply from its commanding officer that his men and horses were too exposed and that he was going to move, which he did. I then placed two or three companies of the 71st Regi ment in the position vacated by the battery and, although just as much exposed I heard no complaints from them or their officers of being in too much danger, and when I left on the 2d of July, having been promoted, the 71st was doing its duty. "I have reason to believe that if the 71st Regiment had been permitted to go where I intended that it should and had not been deflected to the left without my knowledge it would have done equally as well as the other two regiments of my brigade, and I am pleased to testify to the 'worth of the 71st Regiment at any time.' " Former Col. Wallace A. Downs was asked, what hs thought of the remarks of General Hawkins. "They are just what I should expect from a fair and im partial man," he said, "who was at the scene and knew how the 71st was sacrificed by being thrown into the trail. I hear that General Hawkins, went even further and said that the trail ought never to have been discovered. It was perfectly true that I was abandoned to my brigade commander by General Kent, and, as he had fixed it so that General Hawkins was completely out of touch with me I could get no orders from him. I am still waiting for them. "Here is a fact that no military man has yet disputed: General Kent gave me his last orders, as he admits on the APPENDIX 881 witness stand, at 10 A. M. The attack was not begun on San Juan until after Lawton had taken El Caney. This capture was delayed and finally, with every prospect of our position being made untenable, Colonel Miley at 12:20 ordered the regulars to attack the hill. I had been left to my brigade commander two hours before and he could not communicate with me. If the blunder had not been made of pushing the 71st into the trail that had been discovered only a few minutes before, and the outlet of which no orie knew anything about, there would have been none of the bungling and confusion which interested persons tried to unload upon the 71st. "I am profoundly grateful to General Hawkins for hav ing let light in upon the situation at last." MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY PLOT In the summer of 1898, a member of the Trustees of the Mount Hope Cemetery informed Colonel Francis that they proposed to present the 71st Regiment with a plot in that cemetery — and later officially communicated the same to Col onel Downs, then in the field, who subsequently turned the offer over to the Veteran Association, which, placing itself in communication with the cemetery officials, resulted in the deeding of the land to the trustees named by the Veteran Association : E. A. McAlpin, C. F. Homer, A. T. Francis and D. W. C. Ward. They were also commissioned to have a monument erect ed upon the plot, and to obtain the funds necessary for the same. By an act of the Legislature, $5,000 was appropriated for this purpose. Captain True, Commissary of the Regiment (an architect) drew the design, as suggested by the Committee, the contract for building was given out and on June 8th, 1901, the corner stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies. "With fitting ceremonies the 71st Regiment, on Saturday, June 8th, 1901, laid the cornerstone of a monument to its dead who fell during the war with Spain. Ten of these soldiers who went to Cuba now lie in graves on the summit of a green hill in Mount Hope Cemetery, in Westchester County, which was named San Juan Hill. There were others who died during the Spanish-American War now at rest in private burial plots. The monument will be a tribute to their memory also. 882 APPENDIX "At 1 :30 P. M., the entire regiment was at the armory in fatigue uniform, Col. William G. Bates was in command with his staff. At 1 :45 the regiment left the armory. They marched to the Grand Central Station, where two special trains were in waiting and at 2 :30 the regiment, filling sixteen passenger cars, was off for the cemetery. "After detraining, the regiment formed column and with band playing marched to the grounds in the cemetery. A great crowd surrounded -it. When the regiment halted at the stand erected for the ceremony the entire hillside was dotted with people. "The ceremonies began with prayer by the Rev. Edward Tilton, Chaplain of the regiment. After more music by the band, Brigadier-General Hamilton S. Hawkins delivered an address. He eulogized the soldiers who had responded to the call of their country, and was loudly applauded when he re ferred to the daring deeds of American soldiers. "The next speaker was Major-Gen. Francis V. Greene, who said : " 'This regiment has the proud and absolutely unique record of having been engaged in the first great battles of each of the two wars which have taken place since it was organized. During the war with Spain it was the first regi ment to arrive at Camp Black; the first regiment to leave Camp Black, and with the 2d Massachusetts, the first volun teer regiment in the whole country to take the field. After arriving in Florida, it was brigaded with regular troops in the ist Brigade of the ist Division of that army which was to be the first to leave the country on foreign service. " 'On arriving in Cuba the brigade of which it was a part, under that gallant soldier General Hawkins who honors us with his presence today, was pushed to the front and took a prominent part in the battle of San Juan. I shall not enter into any of the controversies connected with that event. The point on which there has been no controversy is that the regi ment as a whole performed faithfully its entire duty on that trying day. That was the unanimous report of the Board of Inquiry after taking thousands of pages of testimony and de voting several months of time to a most careful consideration of all the facts; and it is concurred in by the public without dissent or dispute. APPENDIX 883 " 'The regiment's losses on that day and on the next few days in the trenches, were sixteen killed or died of wounds, sixty-seven wounded, and eighty-one died within the next three months from tropical fevers more deadly than bullets. " 'We are met here today to pay the last tribute to some of those who so gallantly met all the requirements of a soldier, even to the final sacrifice of life, and to lay the cornerstone of a monument which shall perpetuate forever the memory of those who fell in their country's service. " 'This monument will always remind future members of the regiment of the services rendered by their predecessors in the past, and I feel confident that in any crisis which may arise hereafter the regiment of that day will meet it as fully, as completely and as gloriously as it met those of 1861 and of 1898.' "After the address by General Greene, the cornerstone was laid by the Masons, Deputy Grand Master C. W. Drake, officiating. The ceremony was solemnly carried out. Then came the oration of the day, by Assemblyman Hal Bell who said in part: " 'This latest chapter of the regiment is gloriously writ ten — the present stands abreast with the past. Its brave soldiers are not dispersed. Its honor is not lessened. Its response to duty is not dulled ; its capacity for sacrifice is not ended. It remains a regiment of heroes first and foremost to follow the flag and shed their blood on every field of human rights where that flag leads.' "A benediction was pronounced by Chaplain Tilton, after which taps were sounded. "Returning to the city the regiment paraded down Fifth Avenue and back to the armory. Governor Odell was repre sented at the ceremonies by Major Harrison K Bird, Mili tary Secretary, who expressed the Governor's regrets that he was unable to attend in person because of illness in his family. "At the gathering for the ceremony in the cemetery, it was suggested that the ground lying below the plot and be tween it and the road, should be purchased, and thus improve the appearance of the whole— a sufficient amount was sub scribed, the plot was subsequently purchased, and in this ad ditional plot, any member of the Veteran Association may be interred if desired. 884 APPENDIX "The monument was completed in 1906 and with the plot presented, transferred to the regiment for their care and protection. "The cost of the monument was nearly $10,000, the amount above that given by the State, being furnished by the Veteran Association." ADVICE TO GUARDSMEN Colonel Greene of the 71st issues Regulations for Service in the Tropics. In anticipation of possible service in the South, Colonel Greene of the 71st Regiment has issued orders to his officers and men directing them what preparations to make to insure their comfort and good health while in the field. The orders include "medical advice for tropical climate" as follows : 1. Do not drink water unless it has been boiled, if the least doubtful. 2. Do not bathe in water unless it has been boiled. 3. Cook your food thoroughly. 4. Avoid the use of alcohol — internally. 5. Avoid being out in the night air or dews ; if this can not be avoided, wrap up carefully, covering face well. 6. Avoid dampness at all times. Change your clothes the moment they are wet or damp when practicable. 7. Be moderate in eating; do not eat heartily when tired or overheated. 8. At the end of a march, bathe the feet in boiled water, dry well and powder them with compound talcum powder or some foot powder. 9. Never put on stockings that are damp, or stockings at any time when the feet are not thoroughly dry. 10. Do not eat fruit of any kind unless perfectly ripe, and do not eat it at all in the summer. 11. Before going out in the morning take three or five grains of quinine and a cup of hot coffee. This is imperative. 12. Always wear flannel band over the abdomen. 13. Change all your clothes every day when practicable, especially stockings and drawers. 14. Avoid excesses of all kinds. 15. Avoid exposure to sun when possible, and if exposed APPENDIX 885 much keep a wet handkerchief in your hat all the while so exposed. 16. Be vaccinated. 17. If possible carry a lemon and sip when thirsty. THE OLD HOWITZER CORPS These Howitzers may be seen on the drill floor of the armory, one on each side of the Colonel's headquarter room entrance. "Editor 'National Tribune' :— Early in May, 1861, the writer belonged to the Howitzer Corps, Company D, 2d N. ^ . Militia, later known as 82d N. Y. Our Captain was Thaddeus P. Mott. We frequently drilled with the howitzer in Tomp kins Square, pulling the guns by ropes. When we arrived in Washington the War Department would not recognize a volunteer howitzer company, and the choice was given the men to be merged into one of the infantry companies or permanently detached from the regiment and organised as a battery of field artillery. Captain Mott selected the latter for the men. We were then stationed at Chain Bridge, Va. We were finally designated the 3d, N. Y. Independent Bat tery, as 'Mott's Battery' and one of the famous Sixth Corps batteries to the end of the war. Before receiving our bat tery equipment we occasionally scouted in Virginia with the howitzers, dragging them by hand over many a muddy mile. At this writing two of these old howitzers are built into the armory wall of the 71st Regiment, National Guard, New York. They are suitably inscribed. I believe I am the only sur vivor of the men who manned the howitzers in May, 1861, and would be pleased to hear from any other if alive. SERGT. WM. A. MOORE, 1467 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. TAPS Evolution of the Militia The militia was an English system organized about the Fourteenth Century, and known as "The Trained Band." To protect themselves against the Indians the Colonists of America in the Seventeenth Century, developed a militia system similar to that of England. The bulk of the Federal Army throughout the Revolution was composed of State troops. The value of these troops was much lessened by their inferior discipline, their short enlist ments, and their subjection to State regulations. An Act of Congress, in 1792, to establish a uniform militia remained practically unchanged until 1903. In this year a bill was passed to make the militia a part of the National forces. Standard arms were issued to the militia, provision being made for its inspection and instruction by regular offi cers. In 1908 this law was amended to provide $4,000,000 for the militia equipment and maintenance. The United States Militia consists of every able-bodied male citizen of the respective States, Territories and the Dis trict of Columbia, and every able-bodied citizen of foreign birth who has declared his intention to become a citizen, who is more than eighteen and less than forty-five years of age. It consists of two classes, the organized militia and the re serve militia. The former is usually designated the National Guard, and all the rest as the reserve militia. It is impracticable for the President to call out the reserve militia, as it lacks military organization, and the value of the National Guard to the Fed eral Government is seriously affected by constitutional provi sions reserving certain rights to the States. In 1915 the strength of the organized militia of the United States and Hawaii was 120,693, of which 15,607, or approxi mately 13 per cent., was credited to New York State. By an Act of the Congress, approved April 22d, 1914, the 888 APPENDIX organized militia may be called into the service of the United States, but individuals cannot be held after the expiration of the term of their commission or enlistment nor can they be employed beyond the territorial limits of the United States. If, however, the militia change its status to volunteer under the aforementioned act, then such troops might be required to serve four years and beyond the boundaries of the United States. On June 3d, 1916, Congress passed a National Defense act (known as the Hay Bill) ; in view of strained political rela tions of this country with Mexico, some of the features of this act were of more than usual interest; especially is this true of the provisions relating to the transfer of the National Guard to the Federal service; several sections of this law are here quoted: "Section 70. Enlisted men in the National Guard of the several States, Territories and the District of Columbia, now serving under enlistment contracts which contain obligations to defend the Constitution of the United States, and to obey the orders of the President of the United States, shall be recognized as members of the National Guard under the pro visions of this act for the unexpired portion of their present enlistment contract. "When any such enlistment contract does not contain such obligation, the enlisted man shall not be recognized as a member of the National Guard until he shall have signed an enlistment contract and taken and subscribed to the follow ing oath of enlistment, upon signing which, credit shall be given for the period already served under the old enlistment contract : "I do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted this day of 19. . ., as a soldier in the National Guard of the United States and of the State of . . . . for the period of three years in ser vice and three years in the reserve, under the conditions pre scribed by law unless sooner discharged by proper authority. And I do solemnly swear I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and to the State of , and that I will serve them honestly and faith fully against all their enemies whatsoever, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and of the Governor of the State of , and of the officers APPENDIX 889 appointed over me, according to the law and the rules and articles of war. "Section 71. Hereafter all men enlisting for service in the National Guard shall sign an enlistment contract and take and subscribe to the oath prescribed in preceding section of this act. "Section 111. When Congress shall have authorized the use of the armed land forces of the United States for any purpose requiring the use of troops in excess of those of the regular army, the President may, under such regulations, in cluding such physical examination as he may prescribe, draft into the military service of the United States, to serve therein for a period of the war, unless sooner discharged, any or all members of the National Guard and of the National Guard Reserve. All persons so drafted shall, from the date of their draft, stand discharged from the militia, and shall from said date be subject to such laws and regulations for the government of the Army of the United States as may be applicable to members of the Volunteer Army, and shall be embodied in organizations corresponding as far as practicable to those of the Regular Army, or shall be otherwise assigned as the President may direct. The commissioned officers of said organizations shall be appointed from among the members thereof, officers with the rank not above that of Colonel, to be appointed by the President alone, and all other officers to' be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Officers and enlisted men in the ser vice of the United States, under the terms of this section shall have the same pay and allowances as officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army of the same grades and same prior service." On June 24th, 1916, the House, by unanimous consent, passed a joint resolution reading in part as follows: "That, in the opinion of the Congress of the United States, an emergency exists which demands the use of troops in addi tion to the Regular Army of the United States, and that the President be and hereby is authorized to draft into the military service of the United States, under the provisions of Section 111 of the National Defence Act, approved June 3d, 1916, so far as the provisions of said section may be applicable and not inconsistent with the terms hereof, any and all members of the National Guard and of the organized militia of the several 890 APPENDIX States, Territories and the District of Columbia, and any and all members of the National Guard and organized militia reserves to serve for the period of the emergency, not exceed ing three years, unless sooner discharged." The Rape of the National Guard At the outbreak of the Rebellion, the militia was more ornamental than useful, the regular army was small, and the large army was made up of volunteers; these latter were hastily brought together, and were of less value at the outset than the militia, which from New York City and State were in the first line. The superiority of military education of a West Point officer, as a rule, was not borne with modesty or charity; he did not, in 1861, hesitate to show his contempt for the militia ; while in a lesser degree, it was still evident in the Spanish- American War ; yet by that time much improvement had been made in the National Guard, especially in New York and in some of the eastern states. Under Major-General Roe, the New York National Guard came as near to perfection as a State Militia could be expected ; on May 12th, 1912, he retired and Captain O'Ryan of the 1st Battery was appointed his successor with the rank of Major- General. The new Major-General was ambitious to be a regular, to qualify himself he became a student at the War College in Washington ; he aimed to make of the Guard the first line in service. The Dick Bill, which had been in operation for several years, was in the direction of making the army and the Guard more homogeneous; this bill, however, did not go far enough to satisfy many officers of the Guard throughout the States who were desirous of turning the Guard into a Federal or ganization ; a lobby was formed and pressure brought to bear on the Congress to pass a more potent bill; the result was the "Hay" Bill. From the opening of the war in 1914, the question of pre paredness was agitated throughout the States, vast meetings and parades were held to awaken the country and arouse the administration; also it was realized that universal training should be compulsory. Under the influence of this forcible APPENDIX 891 lobby, the Congress was urged to take action favoring a scheme which was to place the National Guard under control of the Federal Government, taking the control from the States. A bill, backed by the War Department, was introduced, which was to create what was styled a Continental Army ; this was to raise an army of 500,000 men, creating a dependable second line in event of necessity. This, however, was not satisfactory to the National Guard officers' clique. A measure known as the Hay Bill, came from the H. R. ; it was "a marvel in the way of military stu pidity;" "it did not," General Crozier said, "contemplate war, it was something between a calamity and a nuisance." This bill was backed by the administration and the N. G. lobby; members of both houses believing that this noisy clique was delivering a National Guard vote, passed it, thus putting the National Guard in the first line; the "Continental Army" bill, of course, was defeated; the Secretary of War resigned. The result of the Hay Bill, when put into practice, was the resignation of many good officers of the Guard ; the intensive training was such as to make it impossible for them to spare the time without neglecting their business. Having accomplished their object, these officers, anxious for the fruit of their labor and with disregard for the welfare of the Guard, furthered their ambition by using it as a ladder to gain their aim; the Mexican disturbance offered a chance, and through the War Department the Guard was ordered to mobilize on the border, June, 1916; the men were required to submit to a physical examination and to take the Federal oath, those declining or not passing, or having dependent families were rejected; it is estimated that about 500 were by this act lost to the 71st, instead of having been retained at least until some definite decision as to the future ; this was a step towards the destruction of the Guard. On the 27th, the 71st assembled at its armory (1,400 in number), and entrained for Brownsville, Texas, arriving on the border Sunday, July 6th. This virtually took the Guard from the State and made it a part of the Federal Army, as it was stated at that time : "If General O'Ryan's recommendations are followed, it will be come a permanent national force absolutely under War De partment control, in peace as well as in war;" and in his re port to the Governor, General O'Ryan said: "The National 892 APPENDIX Guard, during time of peace, should be administrated in the same manner as the regular army." A nation-wide strike was threatened during the summer by the Brotherhood of Engineers and Firemen of the railroads ; it caused a recall of many regiments from the border, among them was the 71st, which arrived at Camp Whitman (Beek- man, N. Y.), September 12th, 1916, where it remained for a short period; the danger being passed, they were returned to the armory. On October 6th, in the armory, the regiment was mus tered out of field service, still remaining in the Federal ser vice — the only change being that they were in garrison service, being permitted to resume their civil duties and reporting once a week for drill, each man receiving 25 per cent, of field ser vice pay, and twice each month the regiment to be mustered ; they were subject to many regulations of the regular army. The result of this border mobilization was evidence of the failure of the Hay law; it was severely criticized by Major- General Hugh L. Scott, Chief of the General Staff, by Colonel G. W. Mclver, of the Militia Bureau of the War Department, and by the press generally. The National Guard, composed of men of business and with varied interests which would not admit of their sudden call away for an indefinite period (as in this case for six months), is not the organization from which to draw a first line, even in war, much less for an experiment of this character. On the return of the regiments, those members who could do so, severed their connection with the Guard; but this was not an easy thing to do, as the Government held the men for the three years they had enlisted. March 25th, 1917, the regiment was again ordered to mobilize, which it did in a remarkably quick time, "beating the record;" it was sent up the State to guard railroad prop erty threatened by the pro-German element; headquarters were established in Middletown. Their service was well and satisfactorily performed, both to the authorities and the peo ple, wherever they were located. April 6th a state of war with Germany was proclaimed by the President. August 11th the regiment was withdrawn and encamped at Van Cortlandt Park. Up to this time the regiment was known as the 71st N. Y. Infantry National Guard Army; a APPENDIX 893 regiment was composed of 12 companies of 150 men each, other attachments made its numerical strength about 2,200 men; the approximate number of each infantry regiment. In September, Camp Mills was established at Mineola, L. I., and to it from each State a regiment of the National Guard Army was sent to establish what was to be known as the "Rainbow Division;" the 69th represented the State of New York, to be known as the 165th (69th N. Y.) National Guard Army ; this was the first step to wipe out the identity ; it had about 1,200 men, its Colonel had previously been dropped and a regular selected in his place. Subsequently, it was deemed necessary to comply with the French and British formation, by increasing the strength of a company to 250 men, each company to have six com missioned officers ; this was learned by experience to be the most economical and effectual for trench work. In September came the next indication of the ruthless manner in which the Guard was to be handled, when 360 men from each of five regiments (7th, 12th, 14th, 23d and 71st), total 1,800 men, were transferred to the 165th National Guard Army, making it a "Rainbow" regiment with delegates from six regiments (not counting the recruits) ; by this act the 69th was wiped out and five other regiments were crippled. From some psychologic reasoning known to editors and reporters these newspaper representatives ignored the five regimental details, who were satisfied to be credited with the performance of the 165th, and gave all the glory to the 69th, regardless of the embarrassment placed upon it. September 29th the 71st made its last parade in New York, escorted by the Veteran Association and the 71st New York Guard, going down Fifth Avenue and entraining for Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. C. ; they made a fine show ing, worthy of its past record ; few could realize what was to come, for at Camp Wadsworth where the 27th Division was mobilized, on October 5th, not only was the identity of every regiment in that division wiped out by the removal of their old number, but to make it more certain, the remaining men were shuffled about so that no vestige should be left; cavalry, infantry and artillery were as effectually mixed as the in gredients oi a mince pie; the 71st was represented in seven other units, leaving a skeleton composed of three field officers 894 APPENDIX and their staffs and 125 enlisted men divided equally into twelve companies, a squad each. But as this was not sufficient, on October 23d came an order transfering "all remaining enlisted men to first line units, all mounts and wagoners to the remount depot and directing commanding officers to advise their staff officers to make ready either for an early departure to France or assignment to other camp or command." By the terms of this order the identity of all was removed and the National Guard became a thing of the past. There was, however, a remnant of the 71st, Colonel Bates and eight officers ; the head of this tape worm, which had been shedding in sections ; this was also the condition of the other regiments rejected in the shuffle. Upon these remnants a new arm of the service was creat ed and called the Pioneer Infantry, U.S.A.; thus the last spark of the old 71st became the 54th Regiment, Pioneer In fantry, U.S.A., made up of drafted men from the country at large. The regiments selected for these foundations were the 7th, to be known as the 107th, into which was detailed portions of the 1st and 12th to make its quota; the 2d, to be known as the 105th, into which was detailed portions of the 12th and 71st; the 3d, to be known as the 108th, into which was de tailed portions of the 12th and 74th ; the 23d, to be known as the 106th, into which was detailed portions of the 12th, 14th and 47th. From the 71st was transferred the Lieutenant-Colonel to the 107th, a Major to the 106th, 8 Captains, 10 first and 13 second Lieutenants, to the 105th, also enlisted men to the 102d Engineers, and 105th and 106th Field Artillery. Of the regiments selected as foundation regiments, the 2d and 3d Regiments were from up-State, and formally known as provisional regiments, being composed of separate companies from the cities or towns in its regimental district; they were of comparatively recent organization, with no record; the 23d was organized in 1862 as a Home Guard, with the exception of this regiment, which was engaged in the campaign, July, 1863, in Pennsylvania, none of these foundation regiments fired a shot either in the War of the Rebellion or in 1898, at the enemy. While as a finality, it is evident that in the selection for APPENDIX 895 the foundation of this division it made no difference as to the integrity of the regiments selected, as all would be as a mem ory in the future, yet we cannot but ask why that slight com pliment was not paid the 71st; its past history, its seniority, should have given it preference over junior Colonels and regi ments with no history. From the "National Tribune," November 1st, 1917: "Our War Department has ruthlessly, and to our think ing wrongfully, neglected the history of our regiments, and it seems as if the Department had deliberately tried to discredit the traditions and treat the past with contempt. "A late illustration is shown by the obliteration of the famous 71st New York Militia, which has had a splendid his tory since it was first organized in 1852. "It was one of the first regiments that responded to the call for three-months' men, left New York April 21st, 1861, and took a prominent part in the Battle of Bull Run. "Many of its members re-enlisted for three years; the re mainder stayed in the militia and served in 1862, and again in 1863 ; the organization was maintained after the war and it again went to the front in the Spanish war, where it was heavily engaged at San Juan. "Under orders from the War Department the 71st N.Y.S.M. has now passed out of existence, and the identity of its mem bers has been lost in the general re-organization." "Washington, August 19th, 1918 — The National Guard has been wiped out, according to Secretary Baker. " 'When it was drafted into the Federal service it ceased to exist as a National Guard, and at the end of the war it will not return to its old status,' as the secretary sees it. "Not to be mustered out, but discharged individually to civil life." Owing to the war disturbance, the publishing of this his tory was delayed, which gives us the sorrowful opportunity to sound "Taps" ; henceforth the memory of the "American Guard" alone remains to its Alumni; may it ever be cherished by them, for the sake of "Auld Lang Syne". COLONEL J. HOLLIS WELLS Plate xxi — tfp — Px. The Phenix We cannot say "the King is dead! Long live the King!" as strictly speaking, there is no legitimate connection between the old and the new; in compliance with the Constitution of the State it is requisite that a militia force shall be maintained within it, it was, therefore, necessary to replace the absent troops; this was not done in the War of the Rebellion, but was to a certain extent in 1898 ; the old organizations being a thing of the past, it was found necessary to organize a substi tute; for that purpose was established what is known as the "New York Guard ;" this will have no Federal connection, with the exception that eligibles will be subject to draft; a wise act on the part of the State. With greater regard for the traditions of the old regi ments, they took for these new regiments the number of the old regiment whose ashes the new one was built on, and as far as possible enlisted the ex-members of each to assist in the upbuilding of it. It being the desire of the State authorities to have the blood of the old in the new, to have it adopted, that it may cherish the history of its foster parent, and per petuate its traditions and loyally maintain its integrity. The creation of the 71st N.Y.G. was placed in the charge of Lieut.-Col. J. Hollis Wells of the old regiment, who became the Colonel, assisted by Col. E. C. Bruch, ex-Major of the old regiment, who became its Lieutenant-Colonel; most of the officers were ex-members of the 71st. Had the 500 men that were thrown out at the Federaliza tion been retained, it would have been a substantial nucleus; however, at the close of December, 1918, it had 12 companies and 1,400 men; a very satisfactory condition. Here, all comrades of the 71st, if they desire to remain in the Guard, find a welcome, or any who may wish to keep up a connection with the old command without service therein, will find the doors of the Veteran Association open to them as before- Roster of Officers as of January 7, 1919 Seventy-first Infantry, New York Guard Colonel J. Hollis Wells Lieutenant Colonel James Eben Majors J. Wesley Lyon Burton G. Wager Fred. C. Kuehnle Battalion Adjutants, First Lieutenants Robt. S. O. Lawson Wm. E. G. Gaillard Chas. P. Holzderben Inspector Small Arms Practice Capt. Richard C. Heather Assistant Inspector Small Arms Practice ist Lieut. Victor Godwin Chaplain Capt. Chas. Barker Scovil Headquarters Company Capt. Henry C. Perley, Adjutant ist Lieut. Lambert L. Eben, Band Leader Sanitary Detachment Major Edgar W. White Capt. Ralph Ryan Capt. John Joseph Horgan ist Lieut. Paul R. Stillman (Dental) Supply Company Capt. Frank F. Groff 2d Lieut. Arthur E. Canterbury Machine Gun Company Capt. H. Ledyard Towle 2d Lieut. James Le Doux Company A Capt. Henry M. Hall ist Lieut. John A. H.Prum 2d Lieut. Howard P. Rockey 900 ROSTER Company B Capt. Claude W. Boynton 1st Lieut. Bert A. Hinman 2d Lieut. Raymond Carter Company C Capt. Ashley N. Keener 1st Lieut. Joseph H. Gandolfo 2d Lieut. Alfred D. Reutershan Company D Capt. Bernard F. Kiernan ist Lieut. Geo. N. Rehm 2d Lieut. John C. Lilienthal Company E Capt. Eugene D. Orsenigo ist Lieut. A. Embury Palmer 2d Lieut. Geo. T. Brokaw Company F Capt. Geo. D. Morris 1st Lieut. Wm. P. Buckner 2d Lieut. Wm. A. Hollingsworth Company G Capt. Wm. de L. Firth 2d Lieut. Jack Geo. Hahlo Company H Capt. Geo. W. Russell, Jr. 1st Lieut. Henry Eagle 2d Lieut. John H. Meinke Company I Capt. Anthony J. Bleecker 1st Lieut. Samuel C. Disbrow 2d Lieut. Albert L. George Company K Capt. Arthur J. Hanford 1st Lieut. Leon A. Eben 2d Lieut. Chas. G. Duffy Company L Capt. John M. Byers 1st Lieut. Geo. A. Firmes 2d Lieut. LeRoy Cook Company M Capt. John G. Bates This book is our final report. Herman SeifkE, James E. Place, Walter I. Joyce, Publication Committee, 71st Regt. Veteran Asso. 3 9002 01346 lilllllHIIIII