YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT TO Lincolnshire Notes & Queries Abstracts of L incolnshire Wills proved in The Prerogative Court of Canterbury . Edited bv C, W. FOSTER, M, A,, F,S,A,, Canon of Lincoln, Vicar of Timber lana. HORNCASTLE: Printed by W. K. Morton & Sons, 27, High Street. Entered at Stationers' HallJ] [^Ji rights reserved. ABSTRACTS OF LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS PROVED IN THE PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY 2 June 1650. I Thomas Bent, of Harrlaxton, clerk. Mv body to be buried in the chauncell of Stallfor' [sic]. To the poor of the parish where I shall be buried 51. To 4 men who shall carry me to my grave 4X, To Richard Bent of Enderbv, CO. Leicester, yeoman, my brother, izd. To Adrian Bent of Brabrooke, co., Northampton, yeoman, mv brother, X2d, To Stephen Bent of Willoughby, co. Leicester, yeoman, my brother, 12^. To Thomas Seele of Enderbv, co. Leicester, yeoman, my brother in law^, i2d. To William Mawson of Bruntingthorpe, co. Leicester, yeoman, my brother in law, izd. To Anne Matchett, wife of John Matchett, of Harlaxton, co, Lincoln, yeoman, and my godson, Thomas Matchett, son of John Matchett, the remainder of my estate^ and I make them my executors. Overseer — William Pollard of Nottingham, yeoman, and los, to buy him a ring. Witnesses — John Lord ; John Taate ; the mark of William Dafle. Proved at London, 28 September, 1650, by Anne Matchett, one of the executors, to whom admin, was granted, power being reserved to make a similar grant to her son, Thomas Matchett. [Pembroke 140.] 20 February, i649[-5o.] I Robert Billington, ot Stamford, gentleman. To the poor of Stamford 40 dozen of bread to be distributed to the 5 parishes. To my children's children who shall be 8 years of age when I die 5.1. apiece to buy them Bibles. To my 3 sons yet unmarried, John Billington, Thomas Billing ton, and Robert Billington, 20/. apiece ; 40/. ot the said money is in the hands of my son Timothy as appeareth in 2 bonds one for my son John and the other for my son Thomas ; and the third 20/. is in the hands of Jacob Numan for my son 2 ABSTRACTS OF Robert. To my said three sons 20/. apiece to be paid out or my house called Black Hall, and Coyles Close, within I year after my decease; and for want of payment, it shall be lawful for them to enter upon the house and close and enjoy the sarae to them and their heirs for ever. To my said 3 sons equally 16 acres of arable land Iving dispersed in the fields of Stamford which I purchased of Mr. Lambe and Christopher Pallfreeman, and if any of them die before they come to be married, then their part to come to my son Edward Billington. To my son Timothy the house he now dwelleth in called Black Hali, and Coyles Close, to him and his heirs for ever, always provided he pay the aforesaid money to his 3 brothers. To all the rest of my sons and daughters X2d, apiece, namely, Richard Billington, Edward Billington, Elizabeth Crapley, and Margarett Cales, To my wife Albenyah 4 acres of land, I little house, and i barn in Scogate to her and her heirs for ever. To my son Timothy all the rest of my goods at Stamford. The rest of my estate to my wife Albeniah, whom I make my sole executrix. Supervisors — Mr. Robert Camocke, now aiderm.an ; Mr. Jeremy Cole ; Mr. George Hill ; and to them ^s, apiece for their paynes. Witnesses — Richard Royce ; Francis Still, his mark. Proved at London, 27 November, 1650, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted, [Pembroke 167,] 7 December, 1649. I Dame Marie Boyd, of St Martins in the Fields, co. Middlesex, widow. \_Inter alia] to my niece, Marie Henneage, younger daughter of William Henneage of Hainton, esquire, all my right, title, etc., in the rents, lands, etc., of the manor of Strubby for divers years vet to come. To my niece, Marie Henneage, 300/, secured unto me by lands called Brigdale, parcel of the manor of Hainton. Proved 10 July, 1650, by Edward Ascough (or Ascue), power being reserved to grant probate to Prudence Maedugall, [Pembroke 105.] 28 September, 1650, I Mathew Briggs, of Surflett, yeoman. My body I bequeath to the earth, from whence it came, to be interred in the parish church of Surflett, To my daughter Bridgett Foster, the wife of Daniell Foster, the trust be'dd a' paire of sheettes, blanckettes, rugg, and all the furniture thereto belonging, standing in the new parlour wherein I usually lye. To my grandchildren, Thomas Foster 10/,, John Foster 5/' and Deborah Foster 5/., at their ages of 21 years or day's of marriage. The 10/. given to Thomas Foster shall be in LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 3 satisfaction of 5/, given him by the last will of Prudence Hewett. To my son in law, Daniel Foster, a pair of buckskin gloves which Mr, Roper gave me. To Bridgett Briggs, my son Zachary Briggs his daughter, 5 acres of pasture in Gosberkirke alias Gosberton which I lately purchased of Adam CleyPoole, gentleman, to her and her heirs for ever. And my will is that five pounds of the yearly profits and rent of the said 5 acres shall be paid to John Pettis to the use of the said Bridgett until she attain the age of 21 years or day of her marriage. Whereas Elizabeth Briggs, my son Zachary Briggs his wife, is now great with child, I give to it being a manchild the messuage wherein I now live with the barn, stable, edifices, and 20 acres of land and pasture thereto belonging, which I lately purchased of Gilbert Wilson, clerk, 7 acres of pasture in Surfleet, in a place called the Tayes, which I lately purchased of William Briggs, to hold to the said child and to the lawful heirs of the body of the said child ; in default to remain to my right heirs for ever. To Bridgett Hopkin, widow, a pair of gloves of the price of five shillings. To John Briggs, Debora Briggs, and Mary Briggs, three of the children of my kinsman Richard Briggs, three ewe hogges. To my servant, Ann Thornton, one ewe hogg. To Thomas Chapman, of Dyke, co, Lincoln, half a seame of barley. To the poor people of Surfleet half a seame of rye and half a seame of barley. The rest of my goods I bequeath to Zachary Briggs, my son, whom I make sole executor ; and I make John Pettis of PinchBeck, co. Lincoln, gentleman, supervisor; and I give to him for his pains io.f. Witnesses — Geprge Edward ; John Greene -, Joseph Caunt, Proved at London, 23 November, 1650, by Zachary Brigges, the executor. [Pembroke 167,] 10 July, 1649. I John Carrington of Thorstroppe in the parish oi Saleby, yeoman. The farm I have in Thorestroppe, wherein John Mawer now liveth, of 7/. per annum, to my brother, William Carrington, at age of 21 years. To my sister, Mary Carrington, the said farm until my brother shall be 21. To every of my brothers and sisters 5.f. apiece when my said brother shall enter upon his lands. To Godfrey Carrington of Caster, clerk, the rectory and parsonage of Falstroppe which my deceased father and uncle purchased of Sir John Suckling, knight, to have and to hold to my use and to pay such debts as I shall order during my life, and after my death he is freely to dispose of the same to any of his children in lieu of any legacies they may expect from me. The rest of ABSTRACTS OF uncle my estate to Godfrey Carrington of Caster, clerk, rny whom 1 make sole executor, and for his pains he shall have 51. or a pair of gloves. Witnesses — William Carrington ; Charles Beetle ; Edward Knight. , r> jc Proved at London, 27 November, 1650, by Godfrey Carrington, the executor, to whom admin, was granted. 24 May, 1650. I Lyon Colby, citizen and vintner of London, Mv bodv to be buried in the church of Fulbeck, being the place of mv nativity. To the poor of Fulbeck 40^. yearly ; the poor of Holme 10s, ; and the poor of Clarkenwell, London, 40J. To mv wife over and above 50/. yearly already settled upon her, which I purchased of Edward Pelham of Bloxelbyi, esq_^ jn the name of George Edwarde, the sum of 50/. yearly for life ; and 20/, in case I die before Michaelmas next ; all my household stuff" for her life ; and after her death the said household stuff to mv sister Elizabeth Colby. To the children of my brother Mr. William Colby, deceased, 5/. per cent, for every 100/. given them by the will ofthe said William, to be paid' when they shall be able legally to give discharge. To William Colby, son of my brother William, (who was born after the death of his father), 400/. at 21 years ; remainder to my executor. To Pickering Colby, son of my brother William, 5/. and his schooling from 9 to 16 years of age ; and William Colby to be put to a lawyer or an apprentice. To my mother, Elizabeth Colby, 8/, yearly for life. To my sister, Elizabeth Colby, 10/. yearly for life. To everyone of my brother Thomas Coulson's daughters 5/. when they shall be able to give a lawful discharge ; remainder to his youngest daughter, ¦ my goddaughter. To Jonathan and Mary Maburne, children of mv sister, Jane Maburn, 5/, apiece, when they can give a legal discharge or at 21 years. To John, Frances, and Susanna Colbv, children of Edward Colby, 5/, each, paid as abovesaid. To Robert Todd, son of Robert Todd, of London, 15/, at 16 years ; remainder to my executor. To George Edwardes, my wife's son, 100/; 5/. for a ring, etc. To each of the following a ring worth 20-f. — my father, Mr, William Colbv ; my brother, Mr. Thomas Colson ; Jonathan Maburne and jane his wife ; my aunts, Mistresses Clarke, Stow, and Lee ; my sister, Mrs. : Joyce Colby, widow ; Mr. Thomas Key, Mr. John Colby, and Mr, Robert Colby ; JVlr, Love ; Mary wife of Lawrence'*^ Pickering ; and my nephew, Edward Coulson. To Mrs. Cole of Walden 40J. yearly for life. To Jane wife of my brother Edward ' Rettiut Brocklesby. LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 5 Colby 5/. yearly for life. To my kinsman, Edward Colby, 10/. To my only brother, Edward Colby, whom I make executor, all my houses, lands, leases, goods, etc. Witnesses — Joseph Wood, clerk ; John Musson ; Edward Coulson. Proved at London, 14 November, 1650, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 174.] 18 April, 1650. I George Cooke of Osgodby in the parish of Levinton, gentleman, being sick. To be buried in the church or churchyard of Levinton. To the poor of Levinton 15J. ; of Ingolsby 4.0s, ; of Osgodeby los. ; and of Kisby fj. To Mary Walker of Hough-on-the-Hill, my sister, widow, late wife of William Walker, deceased 100/. To Marie Walker, my kinswoman, daughter of Mary Walker, my sister, and William Walker, lod/. To Edward Cooke of Lincoln, keeper of the Jersey Howse, 10/. To William Walker, son of Anthony Walker of Gelson in the parish of Hough, 5/. To Amy Kempe of Newarke upon Trent 40-r, To Richard Gibson of Ingolsby 20-r. To Alice Kempe, daughter of Amy Kempe, 20-s, To Mary Walker, the younger daughter of my said sister, land of the value of 200/, to be purchased out of the estate, for the term of her life ; remainder successively to the first, second, third, and every other son of the said Mary, and the heirs of their bodies ; remainder to the daughter or daughters of the said Mary, and the heirs of their bodies ; remainder to the use of the said Mary for life ; remainder to the use of Anthony Walker of Gelson, my kinsman, and his heirs for ever. To Sir William Armaine, mv master, 40-f. to buy him a ring. To my young master, William Armine, esquire, my bay coult fole. To Mr. Michaell Armine 20s, to buy him a ring. Executors — Mr. Seth Woodes, minister of Levinton ; and Anthony Walker. To Mr, Woodes for his pains 20/, and my bay nagg. To Anthony Walker for his pains 20/, and my best apparrell. To the said Mary, my kinsman, the remainder of my estate ; and if Mary Walker die before my executors have disposed of the overplus, and leave no issue living, then Edward Cooke shall have 20/,, and the remainder to be disposed according to the discretion of my executors. Witnesses — George Herrin his mark ; Richard Clifton his mark ; Richard Paxton, Proved at London, 23 August, 1650, by Anthony Walker, an executor, to whom admin, was granted ; power being reserved to make a similar grant to Seth Wood [sic] , [Pembroke 132.] 6 ABSTRACTS OF 27 January, i649[-5o.J I John CoulsonofLutton in Sutton in the partes of Holland, yeoman, sick. To be buried in the church of Lutton. To Isaake Coulson, my son, 100/. to be put forth for his use. To Joseph Coulson and Benjamine Coulson 200/. each to be put forth for their use. To Wilham Page and Margarett Page, the son and daughter of John Page and Elizabeth Pa?e mv sister, 10/. a piece at 21. To John. William, and Mary Quince, sonns and daughter of William Quince of Weston,' 5/^3 piece, to be paid to their father. To Richard, John, and Alice Bowles, sons and daughter of John Bowles of Weston, 40J. apeece, to be paid to their father. To Arthur Saylor, my uncle, 3/, 6^. Sd, To Robert Wells and Robert Storey of Weston, 20J, apeece. To Jaine Wells, my maidservant, 20^, To the poor people of Lutton, 40/,, to be paid to the church wardens and overseers ofthe poor of Lutton, To John Coulson, my eldest son, and his heirs and assigns, my mansion house with 11 acres of coppiehold land and 5 acres and 10 acres of freehold land in Weston abbutting upon Broadgate west and Dellgate east ; 6 acres of freehold land in Weston, abbutting upon the aforesaid 10 acres south and Fenndicke north ; 4 acres of freehold land in Weston, lying on the south side of Fenndicke; i^ acres of coppiehold land in Weston, abbutting upon the said 5 acres and 10 acres. To William Coulson, my son, and his heirs and assigns, my dwellinghouse in Lutton with 34^^ acres of land and pasture, both coppie and free, in Sutton, Lutton, and Gedney, To Joseph Coulson, my son, and his heirs and assigns, I house with 24 acres of land or pasture in Weston, now in the tenure of William Fixley and Nicholas Austin, both of Weston ; and 5 acres of freehold land in Weston, abbutting on the north side of Fendicke. To Berijamyn Coulson, my son, and his heirs and assigns, my 2 little cottages in Weston, now in the tenure or occupation of John Bowles and Robert Nunuicke ; and 18 acres of coppie and freehold land belonging to the cottages in Weston ; and 10 acres of land, whereof 8 acres are coppie hold and 2 acres freehold, in Weston, abbutting on the north on Fendicke, in Weston. To Isacke Coulson, mv son, and his heirs and assigns, 3 acres of freehold land in Sutton, abbutting upon Oldgate south, and the lands of John Tilson, o-entle° man, north; 4 acres of coppiehold land in St, James 'now in the tenure of Christopher Falkener or his assigns ; ->' acres of coppiehold in Gedney, now in the tenure of Robert Laine or his assignes. The rest of my estate to Ann Coulson, my wife whom I make sole executrix. Supervisors — Richard' Coulson' LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 7 and William Quince of Weston, to whom I give 40^. apeece. I have surrendered all my coppiehold lands in Weston, Gedney Sutton, Lutton, and St. James into the hands of George Tylson, gentleman, William Stylton, gentleman, Richard Coulson, and William Ouince. Witnesses — George Tylson, William Stilton, Edward Heere, Thomas Johnson. Proved at London, 25 May, 1650, bv the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 62.] 29 January, i649[-50.] I l^homas Dalby of Nainsett^ St, Mary, yeoman, sick. To be buried in the church yard of Nainsett St. Maries. To Hamon Dalby, my son, 50/. in consideration of a bond wherein I stand bound to Hamond Bautry ofFrisk[n]ie for the use of mv said son ; and 50/, at age of 21. To my daughters, Elizabeth and Mary Dalby, 50/. apiece at age of 21. To any other child 40/. at age of 21. To Elizabeth mv wife the remainder of mv estate, and I make her my sole executor. Supervisors — Adlard Dalbv ; John Dalbv. Witnesses— Adlard Dalby ; John Dalby ; .\iary Barnaby her mark ; Marv Thompson her mark. Proved at London, 31 August, 1650, bv the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 132.] 27 July, 1650. I Ann Dexter of Stamford, sick. To be buried in St, John church in Stamford. To Mary Anthony, mv eldest daughter, the vearlv benefit for life ofthe 5o/. which is inthe hands of Mr. Hew VVells of Lornehill [sic] in' London ; then to be divided amongst her children ; and in case she shall have no children, to be divided among mv children. To Elizabeth mv second daughter and her heirs the house which I bought of Thomas Johnson, provided she marrv with the approval of both mv supervisors. But if she shall marry without their approval, threescore pounds shall be] paid out for the good of her and her children, she yearly receiving the benefit of it, but not the principal ; and until her marriage 4/. 10^. yearly towards her maintenance ; and 9/. worth of pewter and brass, etc., at the day of her marriage. To Ann my youngest daughter no/, at age of 21 or day of marriage, provided she bestow herself with the approval of both my supervisors; otherwise the no/, to be put out for the good of her and her children, she vearlv to receive the benefit, but not the principal ; and until her marriage 8/. yearly towards her maintenance ; and the lease which I bought of Mrs. Bales, etc. ; and 9/. worth of pewter and brass, at the day of her ' Recthis Wainfleet. 8 ABSTRACTS OF marriage. To William, son of my son Robert and Mary Anthony, lol, at age of 21, and if he die before 21, to Mary my eldest daughter. To Ann my youngest daughter the silver wine cupp ; and 3 more to be bought of the same make and design, whereof 1 give to Mary my eldest daughter, Elizabeth my second daughter, and Ann Rowell, daughter of John Rowell, minister of Little Casterld,^ one apiece. To my brother, James Dexter, 40.?. to buy him a cloak. To my brother, Henry Cornehill, 20s, ; and to his 6 children 6d. to be equally divided. To my sister, Elizabeth Coles, and her daughter Margaret, 20s, each. To my son, Robert Anthony, the shoppe and chambers which he now hath in occupation for 20s, a year during my lease. To my brother Loveday and Elizabeth his wife, and Elizabeth his eldest daughter, and the rest of his children. To the poor of St. John's parish los. To the other 4 parishes either of them 5.?. The rest of my goods to John my son, whom I make executor. Supervisors — John Rowell, minister of Little Casterton ; and my brother, James Dexter. Witnesses — John Rowell ; John Loveday; Robert Anthony ; James Dexter; Cassandra Vincent her mark ; Isabell Baudwin, Proved at London, 10 December, 1650, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted, [Pembroke 197.] 28 April, 1649. Frances Earle of Dowesby, widow. To my brother, Arthur Cony, gentleman, 4/. yearly during his life, and one suit of clothes every year during his life, which my executor shall buy him every 28th of September bestowing 3/. To widow Cony, late wife of [l)lank] Cony, the son oi Chaworth Cony of Bickfield, 5/, All the rest of my goods I bequeath to my son-in-law Redmaine Burrell, esquire, of Dowesby, whom I make sole executor. Witnesses — Joseph Richardson and Henry Holmes, Proved 15 January, 1649 [-50], bv the oath of Redmaine Burrell, the executor, [Pembroke 5,] 25 December, 1649. ^ Lawrence Evrisbie, the younger, of Saltfleethaven, gentleman, sick. To my father, Lawrence Evrisby of Saltfleetehaven, gentleman, mv horse with bridle and saddle. To my mother, Mrs, Margarett Evrisbie, my seale ring with Sutton armes. To my sister, Mrs. Blanch Bayly, wife of Martine Bayly of Loweth, mv trunk with locks and keys now in my fathers 'house of Saltfleetehaven, To my brother-in-law, Mr, Martin Bayly of Loweth, gentleman, i suit ' I.e. Little Casterton. LINCOLNSHIWIC WILLS. 9 of appareil. To mv sister, Jane Brasse, wife of William Brasse of Northsomercoats, yeoman, the rest of my wearing clothes. To my brother-in-law, William Brasse of Nortlisiimercoats, a judgment with execution which I have against Edward Skipwith of Ketesbie, gentleman, and Edwar^d Skipwith of Stiiunnton near Loweth [sic], gcntlcmim, for 220/. 4^. bd. The remainder of my cst,ite unto my brother-in-law, William Brasse of Northsumercoat, whom I make mv sole exc-cutor. Witnesses— Lawrence Eresbie [sic] the elder; Henry Joote ; William Brasse; Ann Austin her mark. Proved at London, 5 February, i649[-5o], by the executor, to whom admin, was granted, [Pembroke 17,] liiFebi-uary, i649[-5o]. I William Grys of Markett Overton, CO. Rutland, gentleman, weak. To be buried in the church of Markett Overton, To my kinsman, William Bowie, son of Robert Bowie, of Alderchurch, co, Lincoln, yeoman, 25/. paid into the hands of Edward Wilsford of Markett Overton, yeoman ; lo/, to be used to apprentice him at 16 years. To six poor people of Suttcrton, where I lately lived, I2<^. each. To Lady Camball bs, Sd, ior a ring. To the executors of Mr. Henry Lunne and Mr, Francis Empson, 20/. fbr lilizabeth Barnes, which sum was given her by the will of mv cousin, Joshua Sympson, deceased. To Elizabeth Barnes 20/. at 21 vears, due for a cow given her by my said cousin Sympson. To my kinswoman, Mistress Alice Watson, 20s, To the poor of Alderchurch 10s, To ten of the most needful people of Markett O'rton i2d. each. To my executrix all the lands and leases bequeathed mc bv my cousin Sympson, for the use of William Barnes until he attain 21 years. To my wife, Sence Grys, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Witnesses — Edward Greene ; Anthony Oldfield ; Edward Harrison. Proved at London, 18 September, 1650, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 145.] 5 April, 1648. I Thomas Hansard of Hogsthorpe, yeoman, sick. To Anne my wife my land and the house in which 1 now dwell, which 1 lately bought of Thomas Chippiiulale, for the term of her life, towards the bringing up of my children ; and after her death to be equally divided among my children, William, John, Robert, and Elizabeth. The remainder of my estate to Anne my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Witnesses — Nathaniel Wood ; John Hansard's mark ; John Sider. Proved at London, 26 October, 1650, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 155.] 10 ABSTRACTS OF 14 March, i649[-50]. John Holled of Grcyes !""> /=°- Middlesex, esquire. [Inter alia] 1 will that my father shall sell the lease which I made to him of certain houses and grounds in Aslackby, co, Lincoln, for security of certain money which he lent me towards the payment of my debts. And the rest of mv houses and lands of Aslackby which are for my wifes jointure I 'give to mv daughter, Mary Holled, after my wifes death. Proved '13 A^pril, 1650, by the father, John Holled. [Pembroke 52,] 8 October, 1647, 1 William Kinseman, soldier under command of Captain Haynes, in the regiment of Colonel Twisleton, sick, etc. To Henry Kinseman, my brother, a debt of 10/, due unto me from Mrs, Jerningham, To Ruth Heather of Dorking, co, Surrey, a gold ring. To Dikes Watson a cloak, etc., lying at Hougham, co, Lincoln, To Mrs. Anne Palden, my sister, wife of Robert Pawlin [sic], gentleman, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Witnesses — Thomas Hill ; John Heather. Proved at London, 20 January, i649[-5o], by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 8.] 20 December, 1649. I Gilbert Lorme of Northolme, tailor. To my sons and daughters, William Lorme, Thomas Lorme, Marv Lorme, Gilbert Lorme, and Elizabeth Lorme, 20/, apiece at age of 20, Io the 2 children of mv brother, John Lorme ; my cousin, Ellen Johnson ; and Luke Robinson, The remainder of my estate to Elizabeth Lorme, my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Supervisor — my brother, William Granger, Witnesses — Thomas Thormley ; William Granger ; Christopher Johnson his mark ; Robert Thompson his mark ; William Dickinson his mark. Proved at London, 21 September, 1650, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 147.] 17 April, 1650, I Margaret Mottram of Ingoldmells cum Addlethorpe, widow, sick. To the poor of the parishes of Ingoldmells and Thorpe 10/, to be put out for the benefit of the poor of Addlethorpe, the interest to be distributed among them on Candlemas day for ever. To Dr. Weames 20s. for preaching my funeral sermon. To my brothers, Robert Laming, William, and James, lOs. each. To my sister Rowell, 10s, to buy her a ring, and to my sister, John's wife, loy. for the like. To Thomas Leach 10/, ; John Corbett 5/, ; Elizabeth Dawson 20s, To my menial servants 20x, apiece. To mv son, Samuel Mottram, and his heirs for ever my house and LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. II lands in Thorpe in co. Lincoln, now in the tenure of mv son, John Mottram ; and the 200/. due from Thomas Browne of Addlethorpe, and also 100/. more. To my daughter, Elizabeth Wheldale, 150/,, and if she die before her husband, John Wheldale, the said sum to be put out towards the raising of portions for her two children, John and Margaret Wheldale, and it shall be divided between them at their several ages of 21 years. To John and Margaret Wheldale, her children, 50/, apiece. To my daughter, Mary Mottram, 150/. To Mary Mottram, my grandchild, for her education the mes' and premises in the occupation of Alan Attkin ; and the 10 acres, late Coupers, etc., to be surrendered unto the lords hands according to the custom of the mannor of Ingoldmells, to the use of her and her heirs for ever. To the 3 younger children of my son, John Mottram, Margaret, Elizabeth, and John, 50/, apiece at 21 years. To my daughter Wheldale 3 silver spoons, etc. To my son, Samuel Mottram, the 6 spoons stampt with T.L. To mv son John's little boy. The rest of my estate to John Mottram, my eldest son, whom I make sole executor. Witnesses — John Calse ; Easter Rowell ; An Dixon her mark. Proved at London, 12 July, 1650, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 116.] 3 June, 1650. I John Page of Strubby cum Woodthorpe, husbandman. To be buried in the bodv ofthe church of Strubby. To the town of Strubby towards a stock for the poor 2Qs, To my daughter, Elizabeth Page, 150/, to be paid into the hands of Mr. William Ballett senior, her guardian ; and to Ann Page, my daughter, 150/, to be paid into the hands of Mr. Mathew Filkin of Staine, her guardian; and my will is that the said sums shall be paid to my daughters at the age of 18. To John Page, son of mv brother Augustine, 5/. To Katherine Page, daughter of my brother Augustine, 10/. at the age of 18. To Richard Page, son of my brother Augustine, 80/. at the age of 21. To my brother Augustine Page, 40-f. and the old grey mare which I bought of John Newman. To John Temple 5/. To Mary Temple, sister to the said John, and daughter of my brother, Augustine Temple, 10/. To Thomas Temple, son of the said Augustine Temple, 5/. within one year after my decease, and if he die before that time, the said 5/. shall be paid to his brother, John Temple. To Bridget Temple, wife of Augustine Temple, 40s, To my brother, Augustine Temple, 40J, To Ann Page, daughter of Ann Page of Gayton in the Marsh, 10/, at the age of 20 years. To William Dawson of 12 ABSTRACTS OF Gavton aforesaid, bachelor, 40^. To Joan Harrison, wife of Philip Harrison of Greetham, late deceased, and to J^ ranees and Ann her daughters. To Anthony Law, clerk, the young grey mare called Dromedary. To every one of my god-childre'n 5^. or one sheeder lamb. To my servant, John Freshnev, and to Margaret Parker, my maid. I make Anthonv Law, my minister, supervisor, and for his pams I give him 20s. Thc rest of my goods shall be equally devided between my executors and my two daughters. I make Mr. William Ballet of Woodthorpe and Richard Page of Strubby my executors ; and mv desire is that if Mr. William Ballet being away from home shall not execute that oflice, Mr. John Ballet of Strubbv shall stand in his place. Witnesses — John Page his mark ; Anthony Law ; John Ballett ; George MicheU his mark ; and John Temple. Proved at London, 11 July, 1650, by Richard Page, the executor, power being reserved to make a like grant to William Ballet of Woodthorpe. [Pembroke 118.] 30 March 1650. I George Plant of Winthorp, yeoman, weake. To my daughters, Anne Plant, Margaret Plant, Elizabeth Plant, Pascha Plant, and Priscilla Plant, and my son George Plant, at their ages of 21. The rest of my goods to Anne Plant, my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Witnesses — Edward Mieres ; Ellis Wright his mark ; T. Brownes. Proved at London, 6 November, 1650, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 186.] 18 October, 1648. I Lawrence Quincy of Walcott bachelor, sick. To Joane Quincy, my mother, 20/. To my brother, Richard Quincy, 2d, ; and to his children 20/. between them at 18 years, the interest to be paid ro them yearly. To my brother, Thomas Quincy, 30/, To my sister Anne and her children 30/, The rest of my estate to my brother, John Quincy, whom I make sole executor. Proved at London, 27 July, 1650, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted, [Pembroke 1 19,] 3 August, 1650, I Samuel Rhodes of Boston, woollen draper, sick. To the poor of Boston 40-f. To mv sister, Lennox Rhodes, 160/., besides the 150/. whichi have of hers, in 18 months after my decease ; and in the meantime mv executor shall pay her 24/. yearly, and if hc fail, she mav enter upon my lands in Crofte and Leake. To my mother. To mv brother, Mr. Daniel Rhodes. To Mr. Henry Cammocke a ring. To John Ampleford, my apprentice, 40J. To Rebecca LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 1 3 Clapham, my maid servant, los. To tny brother, Daniel Rhodes, whom I make executor, all my lands, tenements, etc., to him and his heirs for ever ; and also the remainder of my goods. Supervisors — Mr. Thomas Welby ; Thomas Scott. Witnesses — Samuell Rhodes ; Ann Tillson ; Thomas Scott ; John Ampleford. Proved at London, 21 August, 1650, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 137.] 24 March, i648[-9]. I John Rowell, of Midlethorpe, co. Lincoln, yeoman, sick. To the poor of Midlethorpe 10/., and of Ingoldmells 5^. per year for 5 years. To Dr. Weames 2Qs, ior my funeral sermon. To my brother Jeremiah Rowell los. yearly for life. To his two children Jeremiah and Thomas a lamb each. To mv brother Granger and his wife 20s. each. To the three youngest children of Francis Lyme, Andrew, Ann, and Elizabeth, a lamb each. To mv son, John Rowell, 60/, by my cousin Whealpdale, whom I appoint guardian and overseer ; my executrix to release to my said son 30 acres of Ingoldmels which I hold bv lease from Mr. Savill, To my daughter, Hester Rowell, 22/., etc. ; the messuage, cottage, etc, in Orby, purchased from Thomas Riggs, to her and her heirs for ever, and my cousin John Mottram to be her guardian until she attain 21 years. To my daughter Ann 20/. and 15 acres of freehold land in Addlethorpe, purchased of the said Thomas Riggs, to her and her heirs for ever, at 21 years. To my man, Richard Nalton. To Elizabeth his daughter a lamb at 14 years. To Elizabeth Fayles is. To everyone of my menial servants 120^. each. To Elizabeth my wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Supervisors — my cousin, John Mottram, and John Wheldale. Witnesses — Jere miah Rowell : Richard Halton his mark. Proved at London, 19 October, 1650, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 159.J 14 May, 1650. I Ralph Sphechly of Tyd St. Maryes in the parts of Holland, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish of Tydd St. Maryes. To the repair of the parish church of Tydd St. Maryes 3^. /\.d. To Mary Spechly, my daughter, 10/, 3 milch cowes, 2 cowe burlings, I bed fully furnished worth 5/., etc. To Elizabeth Spechly, my daughter, 20/. at 18 vears, i milch cowe, and i cowe burlinge. To Ralph Spechly, my son, 3/. To JefFery Spechly, m.y son, 3/. To Katherine Spechly, now wife of Richard Johnson of Sutton St. Edmunds, 5/., and to her 3 children loj. 14 ABSTRACTS OF apiece at 21 years. To my 3 grandchildren, the children of Ralph Spechly my son, io.r. apiece at 21 years. To Mane Spechley, my grandchild, the daughter of Jeffery Spechley, my son, I0J-, at 21 vears. To Thomas Spechley, my grandchild, the son of Edward Spechley my son, deceased, 40^^, at 21 years. To Marie Spechley, the daughter ofthe said Edward Spechley los. at 21 years. The rest of my goods equally unto Alice mv wife and Thomas Spechley, my son, whom I make executors. Witnesses — Ro : Girlinge ; Thomas Smyth. Proved at London, 27 September, 1650, by the executors, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 149.] 8 October, 1650. I Lawrence Towne of London, co. Middlesex, uphoulder. [Inter alia] all my messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditanients in the county of Lincoln to be sold. Proved 7 November, 1650, by Henry Colbron. [Pembroke 192.] 31 December, 1649. I William Tupholme of Medleham in the parish of Reavesbv, yeoman, sick. To my son, William Tuiiholme, 30/. and mv ambling dunn coloured philly. To my son, Richard Tupholme, 30/. and my black grey coloured colt. To mv son, John Tupholme, 30/. to be paid into the hands of Francis Dowse of Swinecoats. To mv daughter, Agnis Tupholme, 35/, to be paid into the hands of John Dowse of Sibsey. To my son, Thomas Tupholme, 35/. to be paid into the hands of Richard Michael of Swincoate. To my son, Edward Tupholme, 35/. to be paid into the hands of mv kinsman, John Anthony. To my daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Brigges, fy. To William the son of John Brigges 40^. at 21. To John, Avid, and Elizabeth, children of my brother- in-law, Thomas Antonie, ^s, apeece. To Richard Michaell 5^. The rest of my goods to Agnes my wife, whom I make sole executrix. And wheras I have a lease of the house, etc., in which I dwell of George Kirke, esquire, for certain years yet to come, my will is that my executrix shall hold the same during the time she shall continue a widow ; but if she shall intermary with any man before thend of the lease, that she shall then remain only unto the lady dav next after mv decease ; and from that time my son, William Tupholme, shall possess the lease. Witnesses — Thomas Antonie ; Richard Michaell marke. Proved at London 27 May, 1650, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 83.] LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 1 5 [No date] . John Venn, colonel. [Inter alia] to my wife my tenements in Wabrooke, London [co. Middlesex], and lands in Lincolnshire. Proved i July, 1650, by Margaret the relict. [Pembroke 123. J 6 March, i649[-5o.J I Thomas Webberly of Eastkirkbie, gentleman. To the poor of Eastkirkbie 5/. to be letten out by the churchwardens etc., and the money soe raised to be distributed by them the Fry day before Easter yearly. To mv son Anthony 3 daughters, Mary, Ellen, and Elizabeth, 140/. apiece out of one obligation of his wherein he standeth bound to me in the summe of 840/. for the true payment of 420/. to be paid to me or my executors, etc., upon demand ; and he depart this life before it be demanded, then imediatlv after his decease my executors shall receive the same, and let it out to their best advantage for a raising of a portion for his youngest son, Anthony Webberly ; which portions shall be paid to them at their ages of 21 years. To Thomas Emmotson, my daughter's son, at 21 vears 100/. To her 3 daughters i statute of 200/.. which William Emmotson their father standeth bound to me in ; vf he do not pay in the money and the interest before their several ages of 21 years at which time they shall receive their several porc'ons, etc. To my son Edmund Webberlyes 2 daughters, Elizabeth and Franck, when they shall attain 21 years, the 100/. with the interest of 6/. in the hundred which is in his hand ; the interest to begin immediately. And if anv of theis children of my 2 sons and daughter die before they attain 21 years, that then their porc'ons shall be equally divided to their surviving children of any of them. To my son, John Webberly, i indenture of mortgage acknowledged by one Thomas Browne of Ingouldmells for the summe of 100/., i statute of 1200/. acknowledged by my son Anthony Webberly to me, dated 24 June, 15 Charles, with a despazance upon the same wherein is a clause that I, my executors, etc., shall enjoy the rents of certain coppiehold land which I entrusted to my son Anthony to take in his own name till the sum of 200/. be paid my executors by the said Thomas Browne. To my said son, John Webberly, i rent charge which I have out of Mr. Limes lands in Leverton or elsewhere ; all which writings are in the custody of my cousin Anthony Gibbon of Stickswauld. , The rest of my estate to my son, John Webberly, whom I make sole executor. Supervisor — Mr. Anthony Gibbon ; he to receive 5/. Witnesses — Charles Blow ; Thomas Tooley ; Francis Tooly. Proved at London, 20 May, 1650, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 86.] 1 6 ABSTRACTS OF 26 August, 1650. I Abraham Williamson of Mumby Chappell, ^yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the chauncell belonging to Hogsthrop church. To the poor of Mumbv, Mumbv Chappell, and Hogsthorpe los, apiece. To Mr. George Smith, my minister, los. To the 4 children of mv brother, John Butler of Skendleby, i,e, Richard, Jane, John, and Edward Butler, 4/. apiece at 21 years. To Easter Welborne 4/. To the 4 children of my brother, William Rowbothom, i.e. William, Edward, John, and Elizabeth, 4/. apiece at 21 vears. To William Rowbotham aforesaid, my sisters husband, i milk cowe which is now with William Donnabv ; also 10 ewe sheep and a yeareling fillie. To William Rowbotham ro/. To Henry Williamson, my eldest son, I cottage house with 10^ acres of pasture, meadow, and land arable, which I bought of Thomas Browne of Anderby, at his age of 21 vears. The cottage house, etc, belongs to the town of Braitoftc, To the said Henry Williamson fowerscor pounds at 21 years. To John Williamson, my second son, i measuage house wherein I now dwell, also 40 acres 3 roods of pasture, and 80/., at 21 years. To Robert Williamson, mv youngest son, 150/,, at 21 years, To the 2 daughters of Thomas Cooke, Anne and Jane, 20-f. apiece. To Richard Halforth, my servant, I yeareling sheeder burling. To Katherine Eslington, my mayde servant, i sheeder sheepe hogge. To everyone of my godchildren 2s, and 6d, apiece. The rest of my goods to Mr. John Hareby, clerk, my brother, whom I make sole executor. Supervisors — my cousins, Edward Williamson of Addlethorpe and William Spelkes of Mumby Chappell ; and each of them to receive 2or. for their pains. Witnesses — William Spelkes ; Richard Halforth his mark ; Elizabeth Rowbotham her mark. To Henrv my son 20/. at 21 years. To Robert my son 50/. at 21 vears. My desire is that Henry my son shall live with my brothers William and Simon Eshton, and [they to] have the use of his portion and the rent of his land till he be 21 years old for bringing him up. Witnesses — Edward Williamson ; William Dannaby. Proved at London, 18 December, 1650, by the executor to whom admin, was granted. [Pembroke 209.] 28 September, 1649. I Winefred Browne, of Boorne Park CO. Lincoln, widow relict of John Browne of Stanford co. Lincoln, esquire, deceased. My body to be buried at Stanford ' where my husband lies. To my nephews, Lucius and Thomas LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS, 1 7 Gwillim, sons of Thomas Gwillim the elder of Clarkenwell CO. Middlesex, gentleman, my lease of Bourne Park. To my executrix, Lorys Gwillim, 5/., etc. To my nephew, Thomas Gwillim the elder, all my horses, mares, and colts. To my niece, Isabell Gwillim, 5/, To my niece, Loryse Gwillim, 5/, To my nephews, Joseph Moore, m.d,, and Henry Edmond 10/,, which Mr, William Trollopp oweth me, equally between them. To Mr. Richard Gwillim, 5/. To mv servants with me when I die, mourning. To William Beil, esquire, of Westminster, my overseer, 20f. for a ring. To my said nephew, Thomas Gwillim, my overseer, 20-f. for a ring. Witnesses — Thomas Gwillim ; Robert Lathrapp corporall his mark ; Maryan Browne ; Isaac Lane, A codicil, I November, 1649. My body to be buried where I die. Witnesses — Thomas Gwillim ; Marian Browne ; Richard Binks ; Isaac Lane. Proved at London, 9 September, I 65 1, bv the executrix to whom admin, was granted, [Grey 170.] 12 Mav, 165 1. I Lawrence Caldwall of Thorganby, co. Lincoln, esquire, weak. My body to be buried in the parish church of Thorneganby. To Ann Ely, my daughter, 20/, To my godson, Lawrence Eley, 30/. for his education. To my son, Lawrence Caldwall, 20/, To mv son, Richard Caldwall, 20/, To my son, Robert Caldwall, 30/, To mv daughter, Bridgett Caldwall, 30/. To my wife, Elizabeth' Caldwall, i annuity of 50/. per annum out of 2 farms in Would Newton the one in the tenure of Richard Stephenson and the other of Christopher Lakes, or 40/, per annum during her life out ofthe same lands and dyett and lodging at Thorganby as long as she pleaseth to live with mv son, William Caldwall. To my wife all my household goods, etc, etc. To Martha Damford an annuity of 6/. yearly out of my lands in Thorganby provided she come not to Thorganby to trouble my heir or executor there. To Anne Stapleton, my wife's kinswoman, 20/. To Vincent Crispe, my man, 10/. To Elias Petley, clerk, 50-f. To James Tyres lOf. To Robert Warraner lOf. To my mother-in-law, Mrs. Willoughby Shepheard, 10/. To her husband, the minister, 5/. To the poor of Sherleby 40-f. To the poor of Would Newton 40.f. To the poor of Thorganby 20-f. The residue of my estate unto William Caldwall, my son, provided he pay all annuities, debts, etc., of the will of WiUiam Caldwall, my father, deceased, or this my will, whom I make sole executor. To Robert Houlder, clerk, 20J. To Tymothy x8 ABSTRACTS OF Welfitt, clerk, 2ox. To Thomas Micklethwaite 40/. Super visors— Elias Petley, clerk ; Thomas Micklethwaite. Witnesses — Elias Petley ; Tim. Welfitt ; Robert Houlden ; Thomas Micklethwaite. Proved at London, ig June, 1 651, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 113.] 22 November, 1650. I William Abby, of Tyde St. Maries in the parts of Holland, yeoman, sick. To WiUiam Abby, my son and his heirs for ever my part of a house, and 3 acres of land, etc., in Wisbeech [co. Cambridge] south side, and the said part of the house abbutteth upon Wisbetch river towards the north, and the said land abbutteth upon the lands of Stephen Thompson towards the west, and towards the lands of Thomas Pigg towards the east ; also to the said William, 10 acres of pasture in Wisbeech, abbuttetti upon Goales Drove on the east, and upon the lands of the late John Stamforthe on the north, and upon the lands late Scotterell on the south, and upon Begdall Lanne towards the west ; and also 9 acres of land in Wisbeech St. Maries in a field called Richmond field, abbutteth upon the lands of Mr. Pepis on the south, and on the lands of Mr. Buckworth on the north. To my wife Alice the aforesaid lands until William my son attain 21 years, for bringing him up. To William Thompson the younger of Anwicke, co. Lincoln, gentleman, and Edward Newlove of Verby [Ewerby] in said county, gentleman, my friend and brother in law, the aforesaid lands as abovesaid. To Rachell Abby, my daughter, at 21 years, the aforesaid lands, if my said son WiUiam die bet'ore he attain 21 years and have no lawful issue, on the condition as for the said WiUiam, To AUce my wife the aforesaid lands, if my said son and daughter die before they attain 21 years, for her life ; and after her death to WiUiam Abbey of St. Edmonds, co. Lincoln, and to his heirs for ever the aforesaid house and 3 acres of land, to Ralph Abby, son of Ralph Abby, of Walsoken, co. Norfolk, and his heirs for ever, the 10 acres of land, and to John Abby of Leverington [co. Cambridge] the said 9 acres of land, to him and his heirs for ever. To Alice my wife my dwelling house with 4^ acres of land, etc., in the parish of Tydd St. Maryes, in a field called Greenefold feild, and abbutting upon the common sewer towards the east, and the land of'john TralTord, esquire, towards the west, and the common highway towards the south', for her life. To William my son the said house and land a'fter ray wifes decease, to him and his heirs for ever, on condition he LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 1 9 pay unto Rachell my daughter yearly 30/., or to her heirs within I year after the decease of my wife ; and in default Rachell shaU enter upon the house and lands and peaceably enjoy the same the space of 8 years, etc., if she attain the age of 21 years. To Rachell, my daughter, the said house and lands if my said son die before 21 years and leave no lawful issue, to her and her heirs for ever. To John Abby, son of Henry Abby of Sutton St. Edmunds. To Rachell my daughter 50/. at 21 years or marriage. To the poor of Tydd St. Mary, 20f. The rest of my goods to Alice my wife, whom 1 make executrix. Witnesses — Robert Girling ; Thomas Bennet ; George Jackson ; Ja : Tomlin. Proved at London, 8 September, 1651, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted, [Grey 168,] 27 April, 1648. I Sicely Audley, late of Wiberton, widow, sick. To Mary Myn, my sister, the wife of William Golle, to Edward Audley, my son, and to Tabitha Audley, my daughter, 20/. apiece at 21 years. Supervisor — my brother in law, Roger Cleasbie of Boston. Executor — Edward Audley, my son. Witnesses — John Barker his mark ; Richard Whitworth. Proved 1 September, 1651, by Roger Cleasby, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 168.] [No date.] I Nicholas Backhowse of London, esquire, sick. To Isaac Leig of London, merchant, Josias Berners of St. James Clerkenwell, co. Middlesex, esquire, Richard Ball of [blanH], CO. Suffolk, clerk, Thomas Colclough of London. Elizabeth Backhowse my mother, and Juliana Backhowse my sister, my manor of Wrongle, co. Lincoln, and all rents thereunto belonging and the reversion, etc., thereof, to hold until Elizabeth my daughter shall attain 17 years. One moiety of the said rents (until my daughter attain 17 years) to my said daughter ; the other moiety to my son, William Backhowse. When my said daughter attain 17 years, my said son shall pay unto her 1500/. To every one of the said trustees a gold ring worth 3/. To Christean my wife one third of my personal estate. To my children one third of my personal estate. Executors — my wife and my son. To my son, WiUiam Backhouse, all my lands and tenements whatsoever, and to his first son of his body, and the heirs male of the body of such issue ; remainder to the second son of my said son, and the heirs male of his body ; remainder to the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth sons of my said son 20 ABSTRACTS OF successively one after another, and the heirs male of their respective bodies ; remainder tothe daughter and daughters of my said son ; remainder to the daughter and daughters of my said sons successively ; remainder to my said daughter, and to her first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth sons successively and the heirs male of their bodies ; remainder to the daughter and daughters of my said daughter ; remainder to the daughter or daughters of the first, second, etc., sons of my said daughter successively, and the heirs male of their bodies ; remainder to my sister, Juliana Backhowse, and her first son, and the heirs male of his body ; remainder to the second, third, etc., sons of my said sister successively, and the heirs male of their bodies ; remainder to the daughter and daughters of my said sister ; remainder to the daughter or daughters of the first, second, third, etc., sons of my said sister, and the heirs male of their respective bodies ; remainder to my sister Sarah, wife of George Doddinge, esquire, and to the heirs male of her body ; remainder to her daughter and daughters and the heirs male of their bodies ; remainder to the children of Thomas Wis*;man begotten of the bodv of his late wife and my sister Elizabeth, deceased, and ro their heirs male of their respective bodies ; remainder to their heirs female of their respective bodies ; remainder to my kinsman, William Backhowse of Kings Lynn, co. Berks, [rectius co. Norfolk], esquire, and to the heirs male of his body ; remainder to his daughter or daughters, and the heirs male of their bodies ; remainder to the heirs female of their bodies ; remainder to the right heirs of the said Nicholas Backhowse for ever. To my said wife all benefits which come unto me from her late father John Williams estate; and all legacies given unto her by the wiU of her late brother, Philip WiUiams. Witnesses — SamueU Harrison ; James Ballwinson ; Mary Adney ; Richard Loue. Proved at London, 12 March, i65o[-i], by Christiane Backhowse one of the executors, power being reserved to grant probate to William Backhowse. [Grey 45.] 8 January, i65o[-i]. I James Barnebv, servant to Lord Dacre. ^ To my lord and master. To Mr. Thomas Lenard, my lord's brother. To my uncle Godfrey Barnbyes two sons, Richard and Godfrey Barnebye, 20/. apiece. To my said uncles eldest daughters son, the son of Dowthy Barn bye 10/ ; Dorothy Barnbye's son liveth at Wragbye, 7 miles wide Vt Lincoln. To Mary Barnbyes son, 5/. To the poor of Kirkby LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 21 Underwood, where I was born, 20/. To John SeUars children, that was my tenant, 3/. To Edward Masie that was servant to my lord, 3/. To Mrs. Smith where I did lodge on St. Peter's Hill 5/. To the poor of the parish where I am buried 5/. To Mr. John Parker and his wife 20s. each. To Mr. Samuel Parker 10/. To Mr, James Feild 50/, To a preacher to preach at my burial 40;, To Henry Baker, the son of Mr. Robert Baker, who liveth in Philip Lane, 3/. To two of mv kinsman in Lincolnshire, Richard Barnbye and John Barnbye, 5/. between them. Witness — Edward Masie. 31 October, 165 1, admin, was granted to James Feild and Samuel Parker, gentleman. [Grey 181.] II March, i65o[-i]. I George Berry, of Carlbev, husband man, weak. My body to be buried in the church of Carlbev. To Thomas Berry, my son, the farm at Bvtham parva, situated on the west ofthe church of Bytham, with all the arable land and meadow and all appurtenances, excepting a cottage in Bytham situated near the tenement of John Watson on the south, as also a little close near the tenement of William Legbev, and i-J acres of arable land belonging thereunto ; the said Thomas Berry paving every year during the term of his life, to the use of mv son, John Berry, 40-f. ; and in default, John Berry shall reenter upon the said farm. To my son, Thomas Cant, my lease of a tenement in Braisborough and all the arable land and meadow. To Elizabeth Ward 5/., to be paid by mv son, John Berrv, at her marriage or at her age of 21 years. The rest of my goods to my son, John Berry, whom I make sole executor. Witnesses— Nicholas Berry his mark ; William Gilbert ; Francis Thirkil. Proved at London, 10 May, 1651, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. 2 September, 1651. I Joseph Bilcliffe, of Normandye [sic] super montem, gentleman, infirme. To Margarett my wife 150/., all my lands, etc, in Snitterby ; after her death, the lands in Snitterby to my son, Thomas Bilcliffe, and his heirs for ever. To my son, Thomas Bilcliffe, and his heirs for ever my lands, etc, in Uzleby, and 20s, ior a ring, etc. To my son, Edward Bilcliffe, and his heirs for ever my lands, etc, in Weelsby, which I purchased of William Tharrett, and 20f, for a ring. To my son Joseph Bilcliffe, 150/. at 21 years, aU my lands, etc., in Humberston which is now mortgaged to me and my son Joseph by Mr. WiUiam Brighouse and Elizabeth his wife. To my said son Joseph and my son, Christopher Bilcliffe, and 22 ABSTRACTS OF their heirs my lands, etc, in East Halton and the rectory and church there, which is mortgaged to me and my sons Joseph and Christopher by WiUiam Booth late of Great Grimesbie, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife ; also 240/. at 21 years. To my son Christopher 150/, at 21 years. To my son, John Bilcliff'e, and his heirs, my lands in North Kelsey which is mortgaged to me and mv son John by WiUiam Tooley of Market Raisin ; also 200/, at 21 years, and 25/, yearly during his minority. To Marv Bilcliff, my eldest daughter, 600/, at 21 years or marriage, and 30/, yearly until she receive the 600/. To Frances Bilcliff and Dorothy Bilcliffe, mv daughters, 500/, each at 21 years or marriage, and to either of them 20/. yearly until they receive the 500/. To my sisters Mussendine, Greathead, Eastland, and Leake, To Anne Bilcliff, daughter of my brother, Edward Bilcliffe, 20/, at 21 vears. To my said brother Bilcliffe 20s, To the poor of Normanby, Claxby next Normanby, Uzlebie, Thorsway, East Rasin, and Walesby. To Mr. Houlder of Claxbv 40-f. The rest of my goods to be equally divided betwixt my 6 younger children, and I make mv son Edward my sole executor. Supervisors — Anthony Gibbon of Stixwould, gentleman, and my brother in law, Mr. John Eastland of Upton. Witnesses — William Bouson his mark ; Thomas Kent his mark ; Richard Denev, 3 September, 165 1, My lands in Weelesby to be estated upon my supervisors for the payment ofthe legacies bequeathed to Christopher, Francis, and Dorothy my 3 youngest children. To each of my supervisors 5/. for their pains. Witnesses — Edward Bilcliff; Richard Deney. Proved at London, 9 December, 1651, bv the executor to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 233.] 7 January, 1 646 [-7,] I John BoUes, of Scampton, baronet. My body to be buried in the north chapel of the church of Scampton, To the executors of Sir John Hart, mv grandfather, 600/,, left by his will for the purchasing of 42/. yearly for Sydney Sussex College in Cambridge, vizt, 10/, yearly to two fellows, 4/. yearly to 4 poor scholars (from this school of Coxewould, or 'Yorkshiremen, and the Uke for the Greek lecture and fellowships), 4/, to a Greek lecture, and 40J. to the master. To my nephew, Thomas Smith, 300/, To my daughter, Marie BoUes, 50/ for mourning. To mv grand children, John BoUes, 100/. at 21 years or marriage IsabeU BoUes 100/., Katherine BoUes too/., Robert BoUes loo/. at 21 years, and Francis Ayscough lOO/. at 21 years or marriage. LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 23 To my son and daughter Ayscough 50/. To the town of Scampton 30/. for the poor. ' To^Adeodatus Hodson 20-f. ; Frances Porrett 61, iT,s. ^d. ; Thomas the boy in the kitchen I OX, ; Aurnall Eues 3/, 6s. 8d, ; Richard Tomson lOf. ; Lizabeth Bayley lOf, ; Jane Justice 10s,; Isabell and Elizabeth the dairy maids ff, ; John Massey of Woodhall zos.; Mary Watkinson, commonly called Mary Mosse, 10/, yearly for life out of my lands in Thimbleby ; 'Mr, George 'Yarbrouo-h rector of Scampton, my watch, and 20s. for burying me ; my godson John, his son, 3/. 6s. Sd,; James Harts' children lo-f, each ; old Rogeres and the boy that is at Joane Crowderes I Of, each ; and Juda Hall 20s. To my nephew, Thomas Smith, and his heirs for ever, that part of mv house standing in Thredneedle street, London, in the occupation of John Ruthton, a tailor. To John King 10/.; Mrs. Yarborough 2of. ; and John Churchill, my bayley, lOf. To Robert BoUes, mv son, whom I make executor, the rest of mv estate. Dated ib November, 1647, Witnesses — George Yarborough; John Churchill ; Francis Porett his mark. 8 May, 1648. Tomy grandchild, Katherine Avscough, 100/. at 21 years or marriage. To Francis Perott 20 nobles yearly for life out of my lands in Thimbleby ; and that he haith thc little room furnished for him at the north end of Weaires house to inhabit in as long as he listeth. Tothe wife of James Harte of Conningham, 20-f. To my grandchild, John BoUes, a colt ; my nephew Thomas Smith a colt ; Marv Mosse ; John King ; Mary Mosse the house that William Watkinson now liveth in, paying the same rent he doth ; my nephew, Thomas Smith,' the stuff which my cousin, George Anton, sent me, etc. ; and John Blunderell 2 kine. To every head, man, -woman, and child, in Scampton bd. Witnesses — Thomas Smith ; John Delamott ; George Yarborough. Proved at London, 13 January, 1650 [-i], by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [2 Grey.] 18 May, 1646. I William Caldwall of Thorganbv, esquire, sick. My body to be buried within the church of Thorganby. To my grandchildren during their lives — Laurence Caldwall 40/., Richard CaldwaU 40/., Robert Caldwall 30/,, and Thomas CaldwaU 30/, To Anne Caldwall, my grandchild, boo/,, to be paid within one month of her marriage, or, if she do not marry, at the age of 25 years to have 40/, per annum. To my grandchild Bridgett 400/, to be paid in manner as aforesaid, or, if she do not marry, at the age of 21 years to 24 ABSTRACTS OF have 30/. per annum. If either die before the said time the survivor to have her portion. To my grandchild, WiUiam Caldwall, 50/., at I month after 21 years ; Mistress EUzabeth Croftes 5/. ; William Shorte 20J. ; Vincent Ci^ispe 20f, ; Ellen Holmes 20f. ; Alice wife of John Spaldinge 40J. ; Elias Bstley, clerk, 50X. ; Robert Thorne, clerk, 50f. To Vincent Holmes, son of Ellen Holmes, widow, 5/. to be employed for his preferremenr after he shall attain the age of 10 years. To the poor of North Willingham, Tavedby, Thu'rganby, and Wouild Newton 10/. The residue of my goods in the counties of Lincoln, York, Middlesex, Surrey, or the cities of London, Westminster, or elsewhere, to my only son, Lawrence Caldwall, whom I make sole executor. Witnesses. — Elias Petley ; Robert Thorne ; William Cutbort ; Vincent Crispe. To my sister-in-law, Mrs. Willowgby Shepheard, 5/, To Mr, James Shepheard 50X, to buy him 3 ring. To Mr. Elias Petley and Mr. Robert Thorne, clerks, 50-f. apiece ; and I desire them to be supervisors. This endorsement dated 31 May, 1646. Witnesses — Elias Petley ; Robert Thorne ; William Cutbord ; Vincent Crispe, Proved at London, 14 May, 1651, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted, [Grey 80.] 9 February, i 649 [-50. J I Robert Cholmley, of the Close of Lincoln, esquire, sick, li I die at Lincoln, mv body to be buried in the cathedral church there, between the bodies of my wife and my brother, William Cholmley, esquire. First, whereas I heretofore being seized in fee simple of and in I messuage and several lands and hereditaments in the parish of Donington in the parts of Holland, being coppiehold, and some oi them held of the manor of VVykes in Donington, and others of them held ofthe manor of Monkes Hall in Gosbertowne in the said parts, and being so seized did, in or about the month of September, 1624, surrender the premises held ofthe manor of Wykes out of the court of the said manor into the hands of the lord of the manor by the hands of Richard Sheapard and Robert Obery or Obrev 2 custoi-nary tennantes ofthe manor according to the custom of the manor ro the use of mv last will and testament ; and whereas I being so seized of the said other coppiehold lands held ofthe said manor of Monkes Hall, did at the same time surrender all my coppiehold lands held of the said manor out of the court of the manor unto the hands of the lord of the manor by the hands of the said Richard LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 25 Shepeard and Robert Oberv, they being likewise 2 customary tennants of the manor, according to the custom ofthe manor, to the use of mv last will and testament ; and whereas I hath svthence the making ofthe said surrenders sould awav the said coppiehold messuage and divers of the coppiehold lands held of the said manors to several persons according to the customs of the manors ; my will is, I do herebv will, etc., that the surrenders of so much of my coppiehold lands held of both the manors as are vet unsold shall be taken to the use hereafter expressed, that is to say, to the only use of my nephew, Edward Cholmeley, son of my deceased brother, John Cholmeley, and of Robert Saunderson, my now trusty servant, and of the heirs of Edward Cholmely. To my nephew, Edward Cholmeley, and Robert Saunderson, and to the heirs of Edward, all my freehold lands, etc., in the parish of Donington, Gold rings of lis. price to my mother in law, Mrs, Fridiswith Palmer ; my uncle Palmer ; either of my brothers Palmers ; my nieces, Mary Palmer, Ann Palmer, and Jane Palmer ; my nephew, Mountague Cholmeley, esquire ; and mv nephew, Henry Cholmeley, son of my late brother, John Cholmeley ; my goddaughter Rich, his sister ; my late wifes goddaughter Poison, his sister. To the children of my friend and tutor, Mr. Humphry Vero, deceased, hereto fore minister of the word of God at Bbxstead in Suffolk, 20f. To Mr. Edward Rayner a ring of I if. price. To my old servant, Jane Welles, 10/. To every other of my household servants in my service at the time of my decease, I quarter wao-es for a legacy. To my servant, Robert Lanimin, lO-f. To my nephew, Edward Cholmeley, my chamber in Grays Inn, he to allow my servant Robert Saunderson, to lodge therein, etc. To mv said nephew, all my lands, etc., and the lease of mv house in Lincoln, wherein I now dwell, and all my goods and chattels. Executors — Edward Cholmeley and Robert Saunderson. To Robert Saunderson 5/. for his pains, and 40s. if he continue in my service until my decease. Witnesses — William Humbarston ; Robert Schochie ; Henry Clowdesley ; John Wanless ; George Skelton. Proved at London, 18 June, 1651, by the executors, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 113.J 23 December, 1649. I Anne Crosse, of Moulton, widow, sick. Whereas I am levied in my demeane as of fee of and in I messuage and 2 pieces of coppiehold land, containing i acre and i rood, lying in Leverington within the Isle of Elye 26 ABSTRACTS OF [co. Cambridge], according to the custom of the manor whereof the same be holden, by virtue of a decree whereof had in chancerie, in the term of 'St. Michaell in the 22 year of King Charles his reign, whereby it is decreed that if Thomas Cros°se, the son of Thomas Crosse, mv son, deceased, at 21 years do pay unto me my heirs, etc., 69/. I2f., that then I shall surrender the said coppiehold premises to the use of him and his heirs, as by the said decree and the rules of the court of the manor and mv copy of admission thereunto more at large appears. And wherea;; I have by my attorney in full and open court surrendered the said coppiehold premises to the use in my last will in writing declared, I now therefor do hereby will that mv executors hereof, etc., after mv decease, shall have and hold to their own use the said premises for and towards the maintenance and education of Ann Crosse, my grandchild, daughter of the said Thomas Crosse, my son, until Thomas Crosse, his son, attain 21 vears ; and then if he the said Thomas Crosse pay unto my executors the said 69/. i2-f. to the use of my grandchild, Ann Crosse, if Uving, or, if she be dead, to the use of her sister, Francis Crosse, Thomas Crosse shall have hold and enjoy the said premises to him and his heirs for ever ; but if he shall make default in payment ofthe 69/. 12s,, I give and bequeath the premises unto the said Anne Crosse and to the heirs to be begotten of her body ; jand for default of such heirs to remain to her sister, Francis Crosse, and to the heirs of her body begotten ; and for want of such issue to remain to the said Thomas Crosse and his heirs for ever. To the said Ann Crosse, at 18 years or marriage. To the said Francis Crosse, her sister, at 21 years. To my cousin, Elizabeth Steward, my hoope gold ring and 2 silver spoons. To my cousin, Thomas Crosse, son of Edward Crosse, my son, deceased, i gold ring which was his fathers sealing ring. To his sister, Katherine Crosse, I small gold ring, I silver spoon, etc., at 18 years or marriage. To the said Thomas Crosse, son of Edward Crosse, I silver spoon at 18 years or marriage. To my sister Edwards los. to buy her a ring. To Thomas Crosse, son of Thomas, 20/, if he do not pay the 69/, 12s, The remainder of mv goods to Erasmus Amye, gentleman, mv son in law, and to Anne his wife, my daughter, whom I make executors. Witnesses — Richard MichoU ; Miles Hardy his mark ; Thomas Slote ; Alicia Phillipps, Proved at London, 19 June, 1651, by the executors, to whom admin, was granted. [Grev 113,] LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS, 27 2 May, 1651, I Henry Cuar, of Medlam in parish of Reavesbie, yeoman, sick. To the poor of Reavesbie 40X. and of Skirbecke 40X, To Dinah my wife i messuage and 10 acres of land, etc, in Skirbecke to her and her heirs for ever. To my friend, Mr, George Caborne, i brown mare. To Mr. John Atkin I gray mare and a bay foal. To Christopher Hubbard a Uttle gray mare and a foal. To Mr. Joseph Whiteinge i gray mare and a bay foal. To Mr. Edward Parkinson i gray inare and a foal. To Mr. Anthony Smith the lease of a house and 2 acres of ground in Medlam late in the tenure of Robert Webster. The rest of my goods unto Dinah my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Witnesses — George Caborne ; Joseph Whiteinge ; Edward Parkinson ; Anthony Smvth his mark. Proved at London, 12 July 1651, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 140.] 12 August, 1651. IJohn Deay, of Hunington, husband man, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Hunington. To Katherine Deay, my wife, 6 cows, 2 staked calves, 60/., 20 ewes, and 10 lambs, etc. To William Deay, my son, 90/., I silver spoon, etc. To Francis Deay, mv daughter, 2 silver spoons and 100/. at 21 years. To John Deay, my son, i silver spoon and 90/ at 21 years. To Katherine, my wife, 4/. for maintenance for the 2 years next after my decease ; also i gray mare and the corn upon mv land and the hay. Guardian of my 3 children, William Knight, my brother-in-law. Whereas William Atkinson, of Kelby, co. Lincoln, oweth me 13/. i2f., of this I give 10/. to mv executors, and the remainder to be divided amongst the said William Atkinson's children. The rest of my goods to Charles Deay, my son, whom I make sole executor. Wit nesses — Charles Deay ; William Knight ; John Knight. Proved at London, 3 November, 1651, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Orey 209.] 23 July, 1650. I William Denton, of Fillington/ gentle man. My body to be buried in the parish church of Filling- ton.^ To my son, William Denton, a piece of plate, 6 silver spoons, and I silver bowl, etc. To my father 5/. To Ralph Denton, Thomas Denton, Eliza Hewerine, and Isabella Wright, my brothers and sisters, 20-f. apiece. To my mother Williams 20f. To George Williams, John Williams, and Jane WiUiams, mv brothers and sister, 20-f. apiece. To my 1 Rectim Skillington. 28 ABSTRACTS OF nephew, Richard Welby, 20-f. To my wife Elizabeth my house and aU my land in SkiUington until my son WiUiam attain 21 vears, she paying only 20/. a year for his maintenance. The residue of .my estate to my wife Elizabeth, whom I make sole executrix, and she shaU pay 50/. apiece to such children as she shaU have living by me, at their ages of 16 years. And it is my desire that my brothers, George Williams, William Williams, and nephew, Richard Welby, gentleman, for the advancemant of the children that I have by my wife, do sell the land in Bychfeild, securing to my wife her jointure therein, — and whatsoever they shall do in the premises to be allowed on, and their just charges therein and their accompts to be taken de bene [sic] else and when as I understand a sixth part of 100/. not yet paid by my brother, Richard Williams, gentleman, to my late brother, Charles Harington, clerk, as part of his wifes portion as also a legacy of 20 marks now due from John Harrington, gentleman, I desire my trustees to call on them for such moneys as is due to me for my wife to enable to pay such debts as I owe and legacies as I have given. ^ Witnesses — William Welby ; Jane Wiliams ; William Ayscough ; Charles AUeyn ; Thomas Denton. Proved at London, 16 June, 165 1, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 114.] I April, 1650. I Thomas Dixon, of Coningsby, the younger, sick. To my wife Frances and my daughter, 100/., and in case my wife marry again the said 100/. to be disposed unto Frances my daughter; and if she do not marry again mv wife Frances and my daughter to have the 100/. for ever. To Alice Atkinson, my niece, daughter of Henry Atkinson, 2 ewes and lambs. To Elizabeth Scholey, daughter of Jane Walker, 2 ewes and lambs. To my eldest brother, Nevill Dixon, i mare, which I bought of William Chreshley. To John Scholey, my nephew, 4of. at his apprenticeship or at the age of 21 years. To Thomas Scholey, my nephew, 1 sheep hagg and a lamb. To Marie Spencer, my wifes sister, i sheep hagg. To mv brother in law, WiUiam Dudicke, 35/. that 1 owe him'. Executor— my father, Thomas Dixon. All the household goods that was my wife's, before I married her, shall be restored again to her at my decease. Witnesses — WiUiam Lounde ; Henry Atkinson ; Lawrence Tayler. ^ This section of the will is obscure. LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 29 Admin., with wiU annexed, granted 8 May, 1651, to Nevill Dixon, the executor of the testator's father Thomas. [Grey 83.] Admin., with the will annexed, granted 19 July, 1652, to Frances the relict, [Bowyer 208,] 5 April, 1 65 1. I Thomas Dixon, of Littlewood, in the parish of Coningsby, [the elder], yeoman, sick. My bodv to be buried in the church or chaiicel of Coningesbv, To my daughters, Jane Walker and Mary Atkinson, 10/, apiece. To John Scoley 5/., to be put in some suificient man handes for the use of my said grandchild. To mv grandchild, Thomas Scholey, 4.0s,, as is above said. To Elizabeth Scholev, mv grandchild, 2as. as is above said. To Jane and Marv Walkei-, my grandchildren, 20^. each to be paid into the hands of their father, John Walker. To my grandchild, Alice Atkinson, 40f. to be paid into the hands of her father, Henry Atkinson. To the poor of the parish of Coningsby 13^. 40?. To Mr. William Skelton, minister, lO-f. for mv funeral sermon. To Elizabeth Skill, my servant, 10s, To Edward Litherland, of South Nauie [nV], ibi, los, which I do owe him. To Thomas Wilson, of Billinguv, gentleman, 23/. which I do owe him. Executors — Nevill Dixon, my own son, and William Dudicke, my son in law, and the rest of mv goods unto them equally betwixt them, Mv son, Nevill Dixon, to enter upon the farm at Littlewood in the parish of Consbie. Witnesses — Henry Atkinson ; Edward Litherland, his mark ; John Walker his mark ; John Webb his mark. Proved at London, 8 May, 165 1, by Nevill Dixon, one of the executors, to whom admin, was granted. Power was reserved to grant in like manner to William Dudicke, the other executor. [Grey 83.] 16 November, 1645, I John Eley, of Donnington in parts of Holland, husbandman, iMy body to be buried in the churchyard of Donnington, To Rebecca Baker, my daughter, wife of Thomas Baker, i messuage and I acre 3 roods of land in Donnington, where now I live, during her life ; remainder to Thomas Baker, their son, and to the heirs of his body ; remainder to the heirs of the body of the said Rebecca ; remainder to the right heirs of the said John Eley for ever. To my said daughter Rebecca 3 roods of land, customary lands holden of the manor of Monks Hall in Gosbertowne, for her life ; remainder to Thomas Baker, their son, and to his heirs for ever. The said messuage and I acre 3 roods and also 30 ABSTRACTS OF the 3 roods of land lie between the lands of Anthony Hall, gentleman, north, and the lands of Mr, Rothewell and the heirs of EUis south, and abutteth upon North Fen east, and the heirs of EUis and Cramcrbancke west. To Thomas Baker lo/. at 21 years, to be paid to his father and mother, Thomas and Rebecca Baker, To Marv Baker, my daughter, wife of Christofer Baker of Swineshead, 3 roods of land, customary land holden of the manor of Monks HaU in Gosbertowne, for her life ; remainder to Elizabeth their daughter and to their heirs ; which land I purchased of Francis Dawson, and is now in the occupation of Richard Wright, and lyeth in a place called the Highfeild in Donnington, between the lands of the heirs of George Obery north, and the lands of Scoly east and west ; all which customary lands holden of Monks Hall in Gosbertowne I surrender unto the hands of WiUiam Hawett, a customary tenant of the said manor. To mv said daughter Rebecca aU the household goods, etc. To Ann Cade, mv kinswoman, 3/. To my godchildren, Rebecca wife of John Harrison, Jony Dawson, and Alice Hardsman, 2J'. apiece. To Edward Elye, my son, whom I make my executor, the rest of my goods. Supervisor — William Howett, and I give him 4.S, Witnesses — WiUiam Howett ; Thomas Howet. Memorandum — 11 May, 1647 : To Thomas Baker and Alice Elye, my grandchildren, 5/. apiece at 21 vears. Witness — William Howett. Proved 2 June, 1 65 1, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 115.] 14 June, 1648. I Charles Empson, of Boston, gentleman. My body to be buried in the chauncell of Boston near mv wife and my brother, Mr, Francis Empson. To mv son, John Empson, my mansion house, etc., the 2 pastures under it, and 2 pastures near a place called Robbin Walk, aU four containing about 20 acres ; the dwelling house, with 10 acres under it, and 20 acres of arable in the long field of Skirbeck, which I purchased of Mr. Dytton, 2 acres there purchased of Mr. Edward Barkham, and 7 acres of arable in the said field purchased of Mr, Ascough, 18 acres of pasture purchased of Mr. Dytton, 30 acres of pasture purchased of Mr. Stone and his wife, sometime the land of Sir Edward Carr, the dweUing house and lands I purchased of Mathew Holmes, aU lying in Skerbeck, to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to my right heirs. To mv daughter' Mary Empson, the half of my linen. To the poor' of Boston LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 3 1 25/. To Elizabeth wife of Charles Rushworth, 10/. To the wife of Mr. Edward Empson 40-f. to buy her a ring. To her daughter zos. To the children of my late brother, Francis Empson, 20s, apiece. To my brother Winter's eldest son 10/. To my sister Whiteing 3/. 6s, Sd, To each of her children 20.f. apiece. To Mary wife of Stephen Apleby 10/ To mv brother, William Empson, 5/. To my cousin, Mr. Richard Metham, 3/. yearly for life. To my servant, Mary Kemp, 10/. To the corporation of Boston 10/. to buy a piece of plate for their own use. To Mrs. Jenkinson and Mrs, Dymocke 20/. apiece. To Mr. Nayler, now minister of Boston, 40^. To Mr. Anderson 40^. To his wife lOf. To Christopher Beetson 5/. To William Hamond and his children 20f. apiece. The rest of my goods to my son, John Empson, whom I make executor. Supervisors — John Whitinge my son, and Joseph Whiting, and I give them 20s. apiece to buy a ring. To my sister Empson 10/. Witnesses — John Naylor; John Cony. Proved at London, i December, 1651, bv the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grev 238.] 23 Mav, 1650. I John Esington the elder, of Laughton in the parish of Folkingham, husbandman. My bodv to be buried in the churchyard of Folkingham. To George Essing- ton, mv eldest son, 20f. To Nicholas Cliff, John Everet, John Wright, and Thomas Cooke, my sons in law, 1213^. apiece. To everyone of mv grandchildren, 12^. To Anne Lacy, my wife's sister, and her 3 children, i2d. to each. To John Esington, of Tattershall, i2d. The rest of my goods to Joane Esington, my wife, and John Esington, my second son, my son to have two thirds and my wife one third, whom I make executors. Supervisors — John Saile ; Thomas Bennett, of Folkingham, yeoman. Witnesses — Thomas Feod ; Lot Male ; John Male. Proved at London, 21 August, 1651, by John Essington, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 158.] [No date]. I William Fitch, of East Rayson, draper, sick. To the poor of East Rayson, 30^. To my mother 15/. yearly for life, including my father's legacy of i ol. yearly, etc. To my sisters Truthe and Mary xxx/. apiece. To my sister, Frances Thompson, liij.f. iiijd. yearly for life. To my cousin, John Nicholas, 20/. besides the 14/. I owe him. To my brother Fitch his eldest son John Fitch 10/. Tomy brother John 32 ABSTRACTS OF his other four children to each of them [sic] . Witnesses — James Robinson ; Thomas NichoU. Executor— My brother, John Fitch. Witnesses — James Robinson ; Thomas NichoUs. Proved at London, 9 October, 165 1, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 7.] 29 October, 1648. I Michaell Gardiner, citizen and vintener of London. To Frances, my wife, one third of all my goods. To mv son, Michael Gardiner, one other third of all my goods at 21 years. To my said son Michaell 100/, at 21 years. To six poor families in the parish of Greenford, where I was born, 20f. to each familv. To Mr. John Birch 40.f. To Mistres Blackmore 20s. To my brother, Henry Gardiner, 10/. To my brother. Sir Thomas Gardiner, and my sisrer his wife, 40f. each. To John, Martin, Rebecca, Margarett the lady Palmer, Elizabeth, Frances the lady Glemham, Mary, and Anne, children of mv said brother. Sir Thomas Gardiner, 3/, each. To my brother, Mr. Oliver Neve, and his wife 40^. To my cousin, Mr. Thomas Hall, and Margarett his wife 40/. each. To my nephews, Henry Gardiner and Robert Gardiner, sons of my brother, Henrv Gardiner, 10/. each at 2X vears. To Elizabeth, Judeth, and Marv, daughters of mv said brother Henry, 10/. at 21 years or marriage. To Frances mv wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of mv goods. To Frances mv wife during her widowhood only, all mv lands, tenements, etc., in Sutterton, co. Lincoln, and in Eling, co. Middlesex ; remainder to Michael my son and the heirs of his body ; remainder to my nephews, Michael Gardiner, John Gardiner, and Martin Gardiner, sons of the said Sir Thomas Gardiner, and to Henry and Robert Gardiner, sons of my brother Henry, and to their heirs for ever. Witnesses — John Yonge ; Francis Shepard. Proved at London, 15 October, 1 651, by the executrix to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 186.] 10 August, 1 65 1. I Anthony Hodgkinson of Pinchbecke, yeoman, sick. To the poor of Pinchbecke 20s. To Elizabeth my wife 10 acres of pasture in Pinchbecke, parcel of a certain pasture called WiUowe, which said 10 acres were sometime in the tenure of Richard Jarrett, late of Pinchbecke, deceased and now 8 acres of the said 10 acres is in my tenure and 2 acres thereof in the tenure of Thomas Ellin of Pinchbe'cKe to hold to her the said Elizabeth, her heirs, and assigns tor ever. {To be continued.) LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 33 To my said wife the messuage wherein I now dwell, and the land which I lately purchased of Thomas Captain Ogle, the pasture which I lately purchased of John Burbage, all which are in Pinchbecke, to hold to her and her assigns during her life ; remainder to my brother, Thomas Hodgkinson, for his life ; remainder to Thomas Hodgkinson, mv brother's son, and to the heirs of his body ; remainder to Anthony Hodgkinson, another of my brother's sons, and the heirs of his body ; remainder to mv right heirs for ever. To my brother, Thomas Hodgkinson, 8/., that he owes me. To Roger Mav of Pinchbecke, my brother in law, mv white gelding. To Elizabeth Pinger, daughter of John Pinger of Surfleete, mv wife's sister's child, 10/. at 21 years or marriage. To Elizabeth my wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Supervisors — John Pettis of Pinchbecke, gentleman, I O-f, ; Richard Richardson of the same, yeoman, lO-f. Wit nesses — Joseph Moore, m.d. ; Robert Boston ; John Ghamber- layne. Proved at London, 27 November, 1651, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [7 Grey.] 8 ' April, 1 65 1. I Stephen Holte, of Great Hale, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of^ Great Hale. To my son, Titus Holte, 40/. ; and if he do not return from the wars, my executor to pay out of it to the 5 children of William Holte and Richard Pell 40s. apiece. To my kinswoman, Ann Young of Asgarby, 5s. To my kinsman, Brvan Holt, 20x. To the poor of Great Hale bs. Sd. To the poor of Little Hale 3^. ^.d. To Elizabeth my wife the third of aU my lands, etc., for life, and 20/., etc. To my daughter, Ann Pell, i2d. To my daughter in law, Bridgett Holt, 12^. To my son, Stephen Holte and his heirs for ever aU mv lands, etc., in Great Hale. To my kinsman, Robert Burbage of Donnington in the parts of Holland, i quarter or seame of barley. The rest of my goods to my son, Stephen Holte, whom I make sole executor. Witnesses — Bridgett Tipler, her mark ; Henry Walgrave, scriptor. Proved at London, 8 November, 1651, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 214.] 12 October, 165 1. I Thomas King, of Stamford, sick. To mv sister Mary, wife of Edward Addison, 5/. out of money owing to me bv mv brother, Robert King. To my brother Francis 40X. out of money owing by my mother. To the poor of the parish of St. Michaells 20-f. To the poor of thc otjher 34 ABSTRACTS OF 4 parishes los. apiece. To my wife Sarah i little garden place adjoining to a tenement lately purchased of WiUiam Lamb (with Uberty of ingress and egress through the stable), also to her the use of my stable until my son attain 21 years. The rest of my goods to my wife, whom I make executrix. Supervisors — -John Palmer and John Parsons the elder, and to each of them 2.f. bd. to by them gloves. To my niece, Elizabeth Palmer, 50/. To Robert Parsons 3/. To John Parsons junior lOf. To Bridgett Parsons lOf. Witnesses — George HiU ; James Seaton. Proved at London, 9 December, 165 1, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 244.] [No date.] I John Kingerbie, of Great Sturton, yeoman, sick. My bodv to be buried in the churchyard of Great Sturton. To Anne my wife 5/. yearly for life, to be paid by my son Thomas out of my lands in Great Sturton and Hatton. After her death 3/. of the said 5/. shall return to my son Thomas, and 20f. yearly shall be paid to Henry, son of my son Henry, and 20-f. vearlv to John Raunall, son of my daughter Ann, during their lives ; and after their deaths, it shall return to mv son Thomas. To Anne mv wife i cow, etc. To my son Thomas all my land in Sturton and Hatton and to his heirs male for ever ; remainder to my son Henry and his heirs male for ever ; remainder to my son, Robert Kingerby and his heirs male for ever ; remainder to mv son John Kingerbie, and his heirs male forever ; remainder to my daughter, Anne Raunall, and her heirs for ever. To mv grandchild, John Raunall, i-f., etc. To the poor of Great Sturton lOf. To Mr. Oliver and his wife, 5-f. each. To my son Thomas, whom I make executor, the rest of my goods. Witnesses — John Oliver ; Alice Hardy, mark ; John Brackenborough, mark. Proved at London, 5 February, i65c[-i], by the executor to whom admin, was granted. [26 Grey.] 18 August, 1 65 1. 1 William Leverington, of Boston, lynnen draper, sick. To my brother, John Leverington, my messuage in Holt, co. Norfolk. To my sister, Rebecca the wife of Humphrey Daye, my cottage on the west side of the water of Boston, now in the occupation of William Cooke, during her life, and after her decease to my said brother, John Leverington. To my said brother Dale's eldest son 40/. To Samuel Dowse, the youngest son of Robert Dowse, deceased, all the land in Leake and Leventon, co. Lincoln, which I lately purchased of my brother in law, Richard Gibbins, and LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS, 35 Prisilla his wife, after the decease of Elizabeth my wife, Elizabeth and Samuel paying yearly out of the said lands unto the said Prisilla 20s, during her life. To Elizabeth my wife my messuage in Boston on the west side of the water, where I now dwell, for her life, and after her decease to my said brother, John Leverington, To Elizabeth my wife my cottage on the west side of the water of Boston now in the tenure of John Beecrofte, for her life, after the end of Mr, Tilson's lease, if she keep a widow ; but if she marry, I give the said cottage after the said lease to my said brother, John Leverington. To Anne Dowse, now the wife of William Wright, the cottage on the west side of the water of Boston now in the occupation of Thomas Yerbouugh in consideration of a portion of 50/, given unto her by her father, Robert Dowse, deceased, now in my hands ; but if the said Anne or the said William Wright do refuse the cottage for the said portion, then I give the said cottage unto Elizabeth my wife to be by her sold for the payment of the said portion. To Elizabeth my wife 7 acres of -pasture in Boston on the west side of the water, which I lately purchased of the Lady Carey, and 2 acres of pasture on the west side of the water of Boston, which I purchased of Sir Sutton Cony, knight, for her life, so long as she keep a widow, and after her decease or day of marriage I give the said pasture unto my said brother, John Leverington, To my father, Richard Leverington, 10/, yearly out of the lands given unto Elizabeth my wife, but if she marry again John Leverington shall, pay the same out of the same. To the poor of Boston, Lancaster, and Wisbech 40^. apiece. The rest of my goods unto Elizabeth my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Witnesses — Thomas Houldernes ; Thomas Cousens. Proved at London, 28 November, 165 1, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted, [Grey 217,] Memorandum that in or about the beginning of the month of March, 1649, Ashton Manning, late of the parish of Belton within the Isle of Axolme, deceased, having an intent and purpose to dispose of and settle his estate by word of mouth, did make and declare his last wiU and testament nuncupative in manner and form following viz : — he being asked who should be his heir or to that effect, said that his cousin, Francis Thornton, should have aU that he had, and should be his heir, in the presence and hearing of reliable witnesses the said testator being at all and singular the premisses in his perfect and sound minde and memory. ^6 ABSTRACTS OF Administration, with wiU annexed, granted, 4 April, 1651, to Francis Thornton, [Grey 70,] 9 October, 1650, I John Mumby, of Riby, gentleman, sick. To John Mumby, my eldest son, all my lands in Brocklesby and Great Limber, he paying to his mother Marie my wife her third. To the 5 children of Henry Browne, my brother in law, 5/. apiece at 21 years, viz, to John Browne, Henry Browne, Thomas Browne, Marie Browne, and Dorothie Browne. To John Mumby, son of WiUiam Mumbv, i ewe and a lamb. To William Mumby, my uncle, i suit of apparel. To Henry Browne, my brother in law, I suit of appareil. To Riby, Great Limber, and Brocklesby 20-f, apiece for the poor. To Mr. William Taylor of Riby, clerk, 20f. To James Hall I pair of gloves. To his wife i pair of gloves. Supervisors — Edward Goodyeare, gentleman, and John Tenney, yeoman, and to each of them a gold ring, and to their wives one pair of gloves apiece. The rest of my goods to Marie my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Proved at London, 12 February, i65o[-i], by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 29.] 31 May, 1 65 1. I Grace Nabbs, of Folkingham, widow, weak. To John Stonham, my eldest son, 10/., etc. To Samuel Stonham, my second son. To Edward Nabbs, my youngest son, i close of pasture called Kowells close with the house upon it, in Stainby, also 5/, To Marie the wife of Thomas Crowne, my daughter. To Thomas Crowne, my son in law, I silver spoon and the 50/. I lent him. To my grandchildren, Thomas Crowne, Marie Crowne, SamueU Crowne, Susan Crowne, and Martha Crowne, 20/. equally among them at 21 years. To Sarah Hough, my servant, 20s, etc. To the poor of Folkingham 20^. The rest of my goods unto my son, Benjamin Stonham, whom I make sole executor. Witnesses — Samuell Male ; Henry Goodman ; John Sandy ; Sarah Hough her mark. Proved at London, 24 November, 1651, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 220.] 21 January, i65o[-i.] I John Pearson, of Croxton, yeoman, sick. To my youngest son, Thomas Pearson, and his heirs for ever, at his age of 22 years, the house wherein Thomas Sillsons now liveth, and all my ancient enclosure beyond the said Sillsons house westward, also the Upper West Leyes and the westermost part of the next plott adjoining the LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 37 said Upper West Leyes northward, the line begining at the south end of Master Smithes headland, and so right up to the hundred heads southward, and so much ground beyond the hundred heads to be taken out of the upper plot at the west side going southward half the length of the said plott, and so much in breadth as will make the forementioned grounds 50 acres, on condition that the said Thomas pay unto his youngest sisters, Frances and Mary, 46/. bs, Sd, apiece if they shall live to the age of 21 years. To my eldest son, John Pearson, the rest of my lands and houses, he paying unto his 2 youngest sisters 92/. 13^. 40?. apiece at 21 years. To mv daughters, Frances and Mary 140/. apiece at 21 years, paid by my sons as above said ; and if either of them die before 21 years, the survivor to receive 40/, more. If either of my sons die before 22 years, the survivor shall pay unto my daughters, Elizabeth Spratt, Anne Parke, and Anne Harkesworth, or to their heirs, 10/, apiece. To my niece, Hanna Pearson, 8/ in consideration of I cow and certain sheep which I received of her. The rest of my goods unto Frances Pearson my wife, whom I make my executrix. Proved at London, 6 May, 1651, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 93.] 2 May, 1 65 1. I Robert PeU, of Clee, husbandman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Clee. To Jane Beale, daughter of Henry Beale of Clee, my kinsman, 20/. which Richard Grimoldby of Wealesby oweth me, and 10/. more which is in Luke Elvinge hands. To Thomas Beale, son of the said Henry, 5/,, and 40f. more which is in the hands of George Wright of Thorpe, and i kine. To Edward Beale, son of the said Henry, 8/. which is in Robert Dixons hands of Humberstone, and i kine, at 21 years. To Herbert Wilkinson of Great Coates 40^. To Anne Low 40^. To Jane Beale all my pewter, etc. To Henry Beale of Clee, my kinsman, aU the money Master John Pomphrett of Clee oweth me, and all the rest of my goods, and I make him my executor. Supervisors — Luke Elvige ; Thomas Portis. Witnesses — Richard Broxholme ; Luke Elvige his mark ; John Portis his mark. Proved at London, i November, 165 1, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 221.] 12 January, ^649 [-50,] I Dennis Pepper, of Barton on Humber, gentleman, weak. Debts to be paid— 58/. due to my 38 ABSTRACTS OF son Dennis 14 July, 1650, which said money was put into my cousin Marres hands in my name, but belongs to him ; 25/. due to my son Dennis 14 July, 1650. To my son, Gilbert Pepper, 80/. out of that money due to me from my cousin Marre, dwelling in King Streete, which is part of 208/. due to me from him. To my son Dennis 46/, (the remainder of the said 208/,) To my son Dennis 34/. out ofthe 100/, due to me from mv cousin Marr in 165 1. To my son George bol, out of the said 100/, To my daughter, Honora Forster, 6/,, remainder of the said 100/., and 6/, which is in the hands of my sons Gilbert and Dennis. To my daughter Marie wife of Gilbert Pepper 5/. which is in mv brother Thurstons hands, being laid out for his daughter Miriam, To my grandchild, Magdalen Pepper, 3/, To my grandchild, Katherine Obrey, 12/, to add to the 8/. due from me, to be paid out of money due to me from my cousin Marre, due in 1652. To my daughter Susanna wife of doctor 'Worth 5/. out of the money due to me from my cousin Marre in 1652. To each of my grandchildren 20f, apiece to be paid on receipt of the money due from my cousin Marre 1652, at which time he is to pay me 56/. Rings to my brother and sister Thurston, Marie and Miriam Thurston, and my daughters Mary and Alice. To the poor of Grove 5J. To the poor of Barton lO-f, To Bromley of Burton. To Marie Cliffe 2s. bd. To mv daughter, Annabell Obrey, 5/. 5f, lod. which is due to me by bond from William Damper, If anv of my children die before their legacies be paid, it shall be divided among my sons and daughters surviving, viz, Gilbert, Dennis, George, Annaball, and Alice. Executor — my son Dennis. Supervisors — my brother Thurston and my son Gilbert, Witnesses — Thomas Thorpe; William Long; Richard Cliffe junior. Proved at London, 28 January, i65o[-i], by thc executor, to whom admin, was granted. [9 Grey.] 27 October, 1 648. I Leonard Purley, of Falstrop, esquire. My body to be buried in the parish church of Falstrop in the place where my father lyeth enterred. To my son, Thomas Purley 40/. yearly during his Hie, the first payment within 6 months after he shaU attain 21 years, I wiU that all mv stock, viz. sheep, beasts, and horses, shall be sold, and the money thereof issuing to be paid unto my said son Thomas together with the use thereof according to the rate of bl. for the hundreth, at 21 years. To my executrix the rent and profits of all my lands etc, lying within the county of Lincoln unto LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS, 39 my son Francis Purley shall attain 21 years, mv executrix to bring up and educate my sons Francis arid Thomas until Francis attain 21 years. To my executrix 20/, vearlv from the time my son Francis attain 21 years until my son Thomas attain the same age for the bringing up and education of mv son Thomas, To Francis Purlev mv son all lands etc, in the county of Lincoln at 21 years, to him and his heirs for ever, he paying yearly the sum of 20/., as above specified, for the education of mv son Thomas. To mv son Francis and my executrix all my pewter, brass, linen, etc., to be equally divided betwixt them. The rest of mv goods, to my wife, whom I make executrix. Witnesses — Dragner Massingberd ; Richard Stocklidgh, Proved at London, 24 April, 1 651, by Margarett Purley, the executrix, to whom admin, was granted, [Grey 72,] 23 April, 1651. I Thomas Seeker, of Grantham, innholder, sick. To Edward Seeker my eldest son 200/,, etc., at 21 years ; also all the land 1 bought of Sir Robert Tredwey in Hough and Nelston [rectius Gelston], that part of my orchard which I bought of my brother George Seeker, late the land of Mr, Gibbons, abbutting upon Castiegate Street in Grantham, after the decease of Anne my wife to whom I give the said lands for her life. To Thomas and George Seeker, mv younger sons, 200/, apiece, etc, at 21 vears. To my daughters Alice, Susan, Ann, and Alice Seeker, 150/, at 20 years or marriage. To my brother, George Seeker, 20.r. to buy him a ring. To my brother Shorte and his wife 20f. apiece. To my aunt Hanson I Of, My brothers, Mr, WiUiam Theinton and John Theinton to be supervisors. To my cousin, Henry Hall, 20f. My body to be buried in the church of Grantham. The rest of my goods to Anne my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Witnesses — WiUiam Thornton ; Joseph Bicliffe ; Henry Hall. A Codicil added : To Mr. Edward 2bs. to preach my funeral sermon. To mv sister, the wife of my brother George Seeker, 20f. To mv aunt Hanson ^s. Witnesses — William Thornton ; William Torrie. Proved at London, 10 November, 1651, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted, [Grey 224,] Saturday, 24 March, 1648-9, [Nuncupative Will.] Ralph Signe, of Barton on Humber, yeoman. To Mary Read his aunt, wife of Samuel Read of Barton, all his freehold land, etc, in Barton, all his coppiehold land, etc., in Barton for the term 40 ABSTRACTS OF of 80 vears, and all his goods, and he made her executrix. Witnesses — John Atkinson ; Katherine AUinson her mark. Proved at London, 21 November, 165 1, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 224.] II July, 1650. Robert Stampe, cooper of London, at present aboard the ship ' Welcome ' ofthe above said place, son of Robert Stampe, yeoman of Ribie, co. Lincoln. To Elizabeth Padey, daughter of Robert Pady, carpentar of Lvmehowse, co. Middlesex, if she be not married, all my wages upon the said ship from 14 January, 1650 [-1], this instant being per month i/. i8f. etc The remainder to William Hum phrey and Thomas Gibbes, marriners of the same ship. To my father, Robert Stampe of Ribe, yeoman, the aforesaid goods if Elizabeth Padev be deceased. To John Bulloch, chirugeon of the same ship, my silver seal. Witnesses — William Humfery ; Thomas Gibbes. Proved 8 August, 1651, by Elizabeth Padey, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 165.] 25 November, 1650. I George Stowe, of Normanby in the parish of Stow, gentleman, weak. My bodv to be buried in the church of Stow. To Anne mv daughter the half of all my land in Normanbie in the parish of Stowe. To Elizabeth my wife for her life a moytie of the other moytie, that is a fourth part of all mv lands, etc., in Normanby, on condition that she pass the coppiehold land in Holland to my brother, Robert Craven, and if she refuse to pass the said land, then my brother Craven shall enter upon the said fourth part until the said agreement be performed and no longer. To my youngest- daughter Bridgitt the fourth part undisposed of at present, and the other fourth part after her mother's decease, to her and her heirs for ever. To the said Brigitt after the decease of her mother all my lands, etc., in Harwicke in the parish of Torksey, to her and her heirs for ever. To my wife half of all mv household goods, and the other half to my daughter Brigitt. All my personal estate unto Anne my daughter, whom I make sole executrix. Supervisor — William Tomlinson. Witnesses — Samuell Walton ; Samuell Marshall. Proved at London, 17 May, 1651, by Anne Mason alias Stowe, to whom admin, was granted. [Grev 97. J The wiU of WiUiam Sutch, of East Rasen, draper, was proved 9 October, 1651, by John Sutch. {Probate nAct Rook), The will is not registered. {To be continued). LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 41 26 January, 1650. I John Wardall, of Louth, shoemaker. To Margaret my wife all my lands and leases during her life and after her death I give to' Adam Wardall, my son, mv house that I dwell in and my shopp with the malthouse, milne, and milne house, with the fee farms of the kilne house, which I wiU that Gilbert shall assign over to him and his heirs for ever. To Edward Wardall, my son, my Hargaret close with the lease in the east field, and also mv house that William Browne and Standanought dweU in, to him and his heirs. To Gilbert my Clappill close and the 2 tenements and mv lavth, to him and his heirs for ever. To every grandchild that I have 20/, To Abraham 13/. bs, Sd,, and Jane Wardall to have her money that he oweth her paid out of it by my executors. To Elizabeth, Jane, and Sarah 5/, apiece to buy them everyone a cow. ,To my daughter Hall. To Joan Hall my little ring. To Abraham my big ring. To old Jane lOf. To the poor of Louth 40J. To Margaret my wife all my silver plate. The rest of my goods to Edward and Gilbert my sons, whom I make executors. Witnesses — Richard Blakelyn ; William Coney, his mark. Proved at London, 12 May, 1651, by the executors, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 102.] 15 December, 1650. I Peregrine West, of Louth, singleman. To my mother Kilburne 100/. to be paid into the hands of my uncle, John North. And if my father in law, Mr. Kilborne, shall at any time endeavour to recover the said money to himself then the 100/. is to remain to my said uncle to do therewith as he shall think fitt. To my father Kilburne 20s, To my aunt Skelton 20/. To my sister, Mary Fainsfeild, 10/. To my brother Fainsfeild 20^. To the 3 children of my brother and sister Fainsfeild, that is Anne, Samuell, and Mary, 20-f. apiece at 21 years. To mv brother William Kilburne, and my sisters Ursula Kilburne and Magdalen Kilburne, 10/. apiece at 21 years. To my aunt Wilson 5/. To my uncle, John North, 5/. To my aunt North 20-f. To mv cousin, John North, their son, zos. To my sister, Anne West, 5/. To Sir Charles BoUes 20^., and Mr. John BoUes, his son, 20s, To my cousin, John Obey, son and heir of Thomas Obey, deceased, 50/. at 21 years. To my uncle Tupholme 20^. To Mr. Barkwith 20f. To Mr. Gray 40X. for preaching my funeral sermon. To the poor of Louth 3/., and of Alvingham 40y. The rest of my estate to my brother, whom I make sole executor ; if he decline my executorship he to receive only 200/., 42 ABSTRACTS OF and then and not otherwise I appoint my uncle, John North, executor, and do give him aU my lands, etc. Witnesses — Francis Barkwith, clerk ; WiUiam Kilborne; Anne Kirby. Proved at London, 12 May, 1 65 1, by John North the sole executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 102.] 3 December, 1650. I Hamond Whitchcott of Dunston, knight, sick. To my younger children my undisposed of estate. To my eldest son, Edward Whitchcott, and his heirs for ever my manor of Dunston, the rectory of Dunston, with all mv estate in anv other lands, etc., in Dunston or Meatheringham, on consideration of his paying aU my debts, and settling upon John Whichcott, my second son, one annuity of 20/, issuing out of the said lands in Dunston or his other lands in Harpswell ; also to Robert Whichcott, my youngest son, one other annuity of 40/, issuing as abovesaid. Likewise mv son Edward to find good securities for my daughter Jane for the payment of 600/, unto her at her marriage or 24 years, and in the interval for her maintenance to pay unto her yearly 40 marks. But in case my son Edward refuse to be my executor or fail in performance ofthe same, I do hereby give and bequeath the said manor,. rectory, land, and premises in Dunston and Metheringham unto my son in law, Sir John Rodes, and my son, William Whichcott, and their heirs for ever in trust, but they may sell the same for payment of my debts and for the use of my younger children before named, and dispose the residue of the purchase money as foUows : to my daughter Jane 200/. ; to my wife 200 marks ; to my younger child^-en the remainder to be equally divided. In case my executor receive during the life of my wife a recompense fiom the ParUament for my losses and sufferings mentioned in my petition depending before them, then out of that money my wife to receive 200 marks. To my two grandchildren, Godfrey Rodes and Samuel Whichcott, 20 nobles each. To my other grandchildren 40J, each. To all mv servants with me now one years wages. To Christopher Timberland one and a half years wages. To William Jackson 30-f. who receives no wages from me. The plate, etc. which I have as a legacy from my sister whereto claim is made on behalf of my cousin, Rochester Carr, to remain in my executor's hands until the right thereto be determined. To my son Edward if he be my executor the debt of 500/. which he' oweth me, and which ought to have been paid at May Day 1664, and other like debt of 500/. due from him May Day next. All my estate, goods, LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 43 etc., to my son, Edward Whichcott, and I do make him my sole executor. To my friend Mr. Reyner x\s. Super visors — My son in law. Sir Edward Rodes, and my good friend, Mr. Thomas Dowse, and to each of them for their pains 20 nobles. Witnesses — Thomas Dowse ; Christopher Timberland. Proved at London, 17 May, 1651, bv Edward Whichcott, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 102.] 24 February, 1 650-1. I William Wight, of Boston, merchant, weak. To my son, Daniell Wight, and his heirs f^or ever my house and tenement at the Goate in Boston, and 2 acres of pasture in Skerbecke which I bought of Mr. William Wybard of London. To mv son, Thomas Wight, and his heirs for ever all my lands in Halton Holdgate. To my daughter, Elizabeth Wight, and her heirs for ever my house in Bargate in Boston which I bought of John Scheishey of Sweinshed. To Ellen my wife my new dwelling in Boston, all my land in Friccston, and the rest of my estate, and I make her sole executrix. Witnesses — John Atkyn ; Bankes Anderson ; Robert Harrison. Proved at London, 28 November, 1651, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 228.] 22 November, 1650. I Richard Wildbore, of Surflett, husbandman, sick. To Margaret my wife 40/,, and all the household stuff except two beds, etc. To John Wildborne, my youngest son, 20/., and I gray mare, i foal, and a filly 2 years of age. To Marv my eldest daughter, Anne my daughter, and Alice my youngest daughter, 10/. apiece at 21 years or marriage. To John Manton's 2 children, Elizabeth and Jane, i heyfer. The rest of my goods to William my son, whom I make sole executor. Witnesses — Richard Tilson ; John Puicye ; Henry Malsman ; John Wildbore ; Nicholas Maltman. Proved at London, 30 May, 1651, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 102.] 14 April, 1 65 1. I Theophilus Wright, of Boston, clothier, weak. Mv executors to sell all that messuage in Boston, on the east side of the water caUed ' greate head,' in the tenure of Joseph Cosen, after the decease of my mother, Awdry Wright, she having an estate therein during her life ; the money to be divided as follows : to my brother, Robert Wright, i part, and to mv sisters, AUce, Elizabeth, Mary, and Awdry Wright, i 44 ABSTRACTS OF Other part apiece. To my brother in law, William MaUory, 20/. out of the 40/. given me bv thc will of my grandfather, John Wright, late of Boston, gentleman, deceased, -which is ordered to be paid me by my uncle, Theophilus Wright, out of the lands now in the tenure of Christopher Coxall and others in Boston. The rest of my goods to my mother, Awdry Wright, and to my brother in law, William MaUory, whom I make executors. Witnesses — Samuell Woodliffe ; Thomas Cosen. Proved at London, 22 September, 165 1, bv William MaUory, to whom admin, was granted. [Grey 179.] 14 February, 1650-1. I Charles Wright, of Nettleton, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Caster. To Elizabeth PhiUipson of Nettleton, my onlv sister, my house which I bought of Thomas Whelpdale, and now live in, and also my other house which I bought of John Burton, for her life. And if her husband, John PhiUipson, shall out live her, he shall enjoy the said houses during his life. To the poor of Caistre, where I was born, the house I now live in and bought of Thomas Whelpdale, after the decease of John PhiUipson and his wife. To the poor of Nettleton the house which I bought of John Burton, wherein James Bradshaw now liveth, after the decease of mv brother and sister aforesaid. My will is that the rents of these houses shall be yearly disposed of unto the most needy people of the said town. To Jane Benson my servant, daughter of Hugh Benson, late of Nettleton, deceased, 2/. 6f. Sd. To Ellie Carr, daughter of Peter Carr, 13J. 40?. To Thomas Greene, son of George Greene, 13^. 4^. To Susanna Osgodby, daughter of Anthony Osgodby, 13J. ^.d. To Mary Bradshaw, daughter of WiUiam Bradshawe of Nettleton, 13-f. ^d. To Elizabeth Easton, wife of Thomas Easton of Middle Rasine, 2/. To WiUiam Smith of Nettleton a bill or obligation of 20f. The rest of my goods uiito Elizabeth PhiUipson, my sister, whom I make my sole executrix. To Thomas Redman of Nettleton 10/. to be distributed equaUy amongst his 4 children, viz. to each of them 2/. loj. apiece. Witnesses — ^John Borstal], clerk ; John Browne ; Roger Bradshaw ; William Smith, his mark. Debts owing to the testator for which he hath no bond : Thomas Redman of Nettleton 5/; Ruth Upsall of Caister, widow, 1 1, bs. ; John Ostler of Caster 15^. ; Nicholas Elston of Caster i/. 5f. ; William Blowe of Caister 19^. ; Elizabeth Greene of Caster ibs, ; Thomas Jacklyn of Nettleton los.-, John Garnett of Nettleton 2s,; Thomas Whelpdale of Nettleton ll. LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS, 45 Proved at London, 6 May, 1651, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted, [Grey 102,] 12 May, 165 1. I Lawrence Caldwall, of Thorganby, esquire, weake in body. My body to be decently interred in the parish church of Thorneganby. To Ann Ely, my daughter, 20/. To my godson, Lawrence Eley, 30/. to be bestowed on his education. To my son, Lawrence Caldwall, if hee take good courses 20/, To my sonne, Richard Caldwall, 20/. To my son, Robert CaldwaU, 30/. to preferr him anew or send him beyond seas. To my daughter, Bridgett CaldwaU, 30/. To Elizabeth Caldwall, my wife, 50/, a year during her life out of two farms in Would Newton, the one of them now in the tenure of Richard Stephenson, and the other of Christopher Lakes, or 40/. a vear during her life out of the same lands as aforesaid and diett and lodging at Thorganby so long as she pleaseth to live with my son, William Caldwall, in liew and full satisfaction of her thirds ; also all my household goods. To Martha Damford bl, vearlv during her life out of my lands in Thorganbv, provided she come not to Thorganby to trouble my heire or executor there. To Anne Stapleton, my wives kinswoman, 20/. To Vincent Crispe, my man, 10/. To Elias Petly, clerke, 50J. To James Tyres lOf. To Robert Warraner ior. To my mother in law, Mrs. WiUoughby Shepheard, if she be living at my death 10/. To her husband the minister 5/. To the poor of Sherleby 40J. To the poor of Would Newton 40s, To thc poor of Thorganby 20s. Executor and residuary legatee — William Caldwall, my son ; he to pay all bequests made by the will of William Caldwall, my father, deceased, as well as by this my will. To Robert Houlder, clerke, 20s, To Timothy Welfitt, clerke, 20f. To Thomas Micklethwaite 40J, Supervisors — Elias Petly, clerke, and Thomas Micklethwait. Witnesses — Elias Petly ; Robert Houlder ; Timothy Welfitt ; Thomas Micklethwaite, Proved ig June, 165 1, by the executor, to whom admin. was granted. [Grey 113.] I May, 1652. I Thomas Adkins, of Hanbeck, co. Line, gent, sick. To my brother, Robert Adkins, and my brother Yates and their heirs for ever my manor of Hanbeck and houses etc. in Hanbeck and WiUisford, they to seU the land and the money to be divided in 7 parts ; and I give my wife i part ; to Martiri Adkins, my eldest son, 2 partes at 21 years ; to George, Thomas, and Middlemore, my second, third and fourth sons, and Cesily my daughter, 1 part apiece. To 46 ABSTRACTS OF Robert Adkins and Richard Yates lo/, each. All the rest of my goods and money due unto me to Cicely Adkins, my wife, whom I make executrix. Witnesses — Richard Frewin ; Josias Watson ; Martin Adkins, Proved at London, 8 July, 1652, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted, [Bowyer 196.] 29 June, 1 643, I Nicholas Archer, of Hustropp [ Hasthorpe], in the parish of Willoughby, yeoman. To Nicholas Skegnes, my grandchild [under 21] and his heirs of his body lawfully begotten my manor of Mote alias Leak Mote in Leake, co. Lincoln, and all my other lands, etc, in Leake or elsewhere in CO, Lincoln, which I purchased of William Hunston, gentle man, and Edward Hunston, gentleman, son and heir apparent of the said William ; and in default of such issue, remainder in tail male successively to Hamond Archer, son of my brother Theodore Archer, Christopher Archer, eldest son of my brother Nathaniel Archer, Nicholas Archer, son of my said brother Nathaniel, Richard Archer, son of the said Nathaniel, John Archer, son of my brother Lyon Archer, and Henry Archer another son of the said Lyon ; remainder to my brothers, Nathaniel and Theodore Archer, and their heirs for ever. To the sons of my brother Nathaniel Archer, andto John and Henry sons of mv brother Lvon Archer 50/, apiece. To my brothers Nathaniel and Theodore the rent and profits of my said lands until my grandson attain 21 years. To Christopher, Nicholas, and Richard Archer, sons of mv brother Nathaniel, and Hamond Archer, son of my brother Theodore, 50/. apiece at 21 years. To everyone of the children of mv brother Lyon, deceased, 3/. apiece. To my daughter, Amye Archer, 5/. To my sister, Katherine Fawvell, 5/, To Faith Bayly 5/, To my sister Archer of Reston 20f. to buy her a ring. To mv nephew, Nicholas Burwell, 3/, bs, Sd, at 21 vears. To Philip Burwell 3/. bs. Sd, at 21 years. To Anne Brumpton, my kinswoman, 40^, To every of her sisters lOf. apiece. To Roger Farnells, gentleman, 20f. for a ring. To the poor of Toynton St, Peter 20f,, and of Toynton AU Saints lOi,, and of Welton next Dunholme 5^., and of Heighington lOf. To mv brothers, Nathaniel and Theodore Archer, whom I make my executors, 10/. apiece for their pains. To mv nephews, Christopher Archer, Nicholas Archer, Richard Archer, Hamond Archer, John Archer, Henry Archer, Nicholas Burwell, and Philip BurweU. To every of the servants of my brothers Nathaniel Archer and Theodore Archer I2d, apiece. Supervisor — Mr. John Cock, and for his pains 5 marks. LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 47 Witnesses— Richard PearshaU ; Edward Sands ; William Tingcomb ; Thomas Sutton ; Elizabeth Clayton, her mark. Proved at London, 31 May, 1652, bv the executors, to whom admin, was granted. [Bowver 108.] 22 April, 1652. I Thomas Arden, of Consbv [Coningsby], yeoman. My body to be buried in the parish churchyard of Consby. To my wife my land at Wakit, 3/. a year, George Dikes Uving in it ; "also my land in Horne Castle with the leaselands and farmeings ; my free lands (Henrv Rige farmeing the lease that is between us) ; this I give my wife for the maintenance of my daughter, Anne Pain, and her child, Richard Payne, the lands falling to him after my wife's decease. To my wife 7 cows, 3 steers and 2 oxen and a mare and a foal, and I make her executrix. Supervisor — my wife. Witnesses — William Sweete; John Brimley, his mark; 'WiUiam Pattwell, his mark ; William Wrenn, his mark. Proved at London, 12 July, 1652, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Bowyer 196.] 2 May, 1651. I Thomas Armsted, of Obthorpe in the parish of Thurleby, gentleman, sick. My body to be buried in the parish church of Thurleby. To my wife, Alice Armstead, 20/. yearly for life, etc. To Bridget Armstead, my son Thomas' wife, 20/. To Bridget Armstead, my grandchild, 200/. at 21 years. To Mary Armstead, my grandchild, her sister, 150/. at 21 vears. To Elizabeth Armstead, mv grand child, 100/. at 21 years. To Thomas Armstead, my grand child, all my houses and lands in Thurleby, at 21 vears ; also aU my houses and lands in Obthorpe after thc death of his father and mother ; also a lea in the fields of Wilstropp. To my cousin, Anne Clifford, of Stampford, 20.f, To the poor of Thurleby 5/. To William Baker, our minister, 20-f, To my said grandchild, Thomas Armstead, all my wood grounds in Obthorpe and Thurleby, at 21 years to enter upon the woods of Thurleby, and upon that in Obthorpe after his father's and mother's decease. The rest of my goods to my son, Thomas Armstead, whorn I make executor. Witnesses — William Baker, clerk ; Nicholas Birgman, his mark. Proved at London, 6 February, 165 1-2, by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Bowyer 17,] 9 September, 1650. I WiUiam Atkinson, of Ludford magna, chandler, sick. My body to be buried in the parish church or churchyard of Ludford magna. To Anne my wife 8/. yearly during her life ; for this my executor shall let to use 100/., and after the death of my wife the said 100/. to be divided amongst my 4 children, that is, my sons WiUiam, 48 ABSTRACTS OF Edward, and Lawrence, and my daughter Anne. To Anne my wife i milch cow, etc. To WiUiam Atkinson, my eldest son, 50/. ; and to everyone of his children 3/, 6s, Sd,, except to his daughter Bridgett 20s, To my son, John Atkinson, 10/., and to everyone of his children 3/, 6f. Sd, To my daughter Anne 30/, and i ewe and iamb. To her daught''er 3/, 6i. Sd, and I ewe and lamb. To the son of my daughter Anne 10/, and i ewe and lamb. To my son Lawrence 100/, at 21 years. To my sister, Jane Atkinson, ll, bs, Sd, To my sister Anne ^s. To my man, Thomas AUenby, 20f, To Mr. John Nuttall, minister of Burgh upon Baine, f-f. The rest of my goods to mv son Edward, whom I make executor. To my brother, Robert Atkinson, 20f. Witnesses — [ohn Nuttall, clerk ; John AUenby, his mark ; John Pratt, his mark. Proved at London, 20 February, 1651-2 (English style), by the executor, to whom admin, was granted. [Bowyer 19.] 3 April, 1 651. I Charles Bandrad of the Levill within the parish of Belton in the Isle of Axholme, husbandman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Lantoft [rectius Sandtoft] in parish of Belton. To mv wife, Noell Bandrad, half of all my goods and half of the farm where I live. To my heirs, brethren and sisters' children, the other half of all my said goods and farm. Supervisors and guardians — Asanbar Sarrett and James Lyenard of the Levill in parish of Thorne, CO. York, husbandman. To the poor of Santoft 2/, Witnesses — W, Berchett, pastor ; Jean BegerioU ; John Amory, Proved 23 April, 1652, by Noell Bandrad, the relict oi Charles Bandrad, to whom admin, was granted. [Bowver 69,] 15 August, 1652, I Timothy BiUington of Alhallowes, Stamford, baker. To the poor of the town of Stamford 20s, To my son, Edward Billington, and mv daughter, Alice BiUington, 60/. apiece at 21 years. If both these my children die before 21 years of age, I bequeath of their money to all my own brothers' and sisters' children 80/., equally divided. To my 3 brothers, John, Thomas, and Robert Billington, the lease made to me by them of 16 acres of arable land in the fields of Stamford for the term of 7 years. To Anne mv wife my house called Blacke Hall, also one little close called Coyes Close in the Northfield of Stamford, containing i acre, to her and her heirs for ever. The residue of my goods to my said wife, whom I make sole executrix. Witnesses — John Newman ; Edward BiUington ; Henry Greene ; Richard Prior ; Francis Still, his mark. Proved at London, 14 September, 1652, by the executrix, to whom admin, was granted. [Bowyer T78.I LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 49 6 December, 1651. I Bridgett Boll, of Utterby, spinster, sick. To Martha Bilsby my niece. To Thomas Bilsbv, son of -Charles Bilsby, deceased, 20/. at 21 years. To Bridgett BoU daughter of my brother, John BoUe, of Louth, gentleman, 40/. at 21 years or marriage. To Jane BoUe and Elizabeth BoUe, daughters of the said John BoUe, 5/, at 21 vears or marriage. To John Boll and Charles BoUe, sons of the said John, 5/. at 21 years. To Charles Doughty, of Worleby, my nephew, 20/., 15/. of this being in consideration ofthe abate ment I had of Mr George Langton of Oxcombe. To Edward Doughty, brother of the said Charles, 30/. To John Doughty, my nephew, 30/. To Mrs Doughty, 30/. To Margaret aiid Mary Doughty, my nieces, 60/, each at 21 years or marriage. To Anne Doughty daughter of my nephew, Charles Doughty, 5/. paid as aforesaid. To Marv Hunt, my niece, 10/. To my cousin, Elizabeth Ely, of Utterby. To Bridgett Ely, mv goddaughter. To my nieces, Mary and Katherine BoUe, of Thorphall. To mv cousin, Thomas Elv, of Utterbv, mv diamond ring. 20f., or a ring worth 20.f., to each of the following — Sir Charles BoUe, knight ; my brothers, John and Edward BoUe ; my cousin, John BoUe, of Thorphall ; my sister Cracrofte ; my goddaughter, Bridgett Cracroft ; my cousins, Katherine Houson, Elizabeth Robinson, and Katherine Palmer. To the poor of Utterby and Rucland. To my nephew, Robert Doughty, whom I make executor, the rest of my goods. Supervisors — my brother, John BoUe ; and my cosen Eley. Witnesses — Thomas Eley ; Martha Billsby. Proved at London, 4 June, 1652, by the executor. [Bowyer 125.] 17 February, 1 65 1 [-2]. I George Boulton, ofTylehouse Beck, in the parish of Bardney, gentleman, sick. My body to be buried in the church or churchyard of Bardney. To my wife AHce all the lease and tythe of my farm caUed Tylehouse Beck, etc, 21 milch cows, a bull, 6 oxen, 4 steeres, I baye paceing mare, i black mare now lame, 1 other black paceing mare with her fiUv foal, with 4 other steers, 4 other cows, 20 ewes and lambs, the last named being in my farm in Osgarby Dayries, and 150/, ; and also 20/, yearly out of my lands in Mintin alias Minting. To Alice my eldest daughter 400/. To Marv my youngest daughter 300/. To my brother William Boulton of Well, clerk, 20/. To George Osney and Richard Osney, my grandchildren, 20/. each. To WiUiam Langley of Osgarby Dayries its. 8d., etc. To William Boulton, my 50 ABSTRACTS OF servant 26f, at 21 years. The .rest of my goods to my son, James Boulton, whom I make executor. Witnesses — Giles Fleming of Waddingworth, clerk ; Alice Boulton ; William Langley ; Mary Boulton. Proved at London, 4 May, 1652, by the executor. [Bow yer 97.] I Edward Brand, of the-|town Jof Marston, yeoman, sick. Mv body to'jbe buried in the church of Marston. Executor — Leonard Sicker. To'my'grandchild, WiUiam Brand, my land at 21 years ,• and until he come of age, 20 nobles yearly, and 5 marks yearly to his mother. To my grandchild, Mary Sicker, the Gosse Cloase at Barson feild side, and the house and yard that Grace'^Cattlin lives in, and all my^houschold goods. To my grandchild, WiUiam Brand, the rest of my land which is in lease, when it is out. To my 2 sisters I Of. apiece. To them children that Ifarh uncle to halfcrowns apiece. To the poor of Marston 5^. Supervisors — Thomas Goodbarne ; Thomas Slote. Witnesses — Thomas Daulton ; John Robson. Proved at London, 27 May, 1652, bv'the executor. [Bow yer 97.] 20 May, 1652. I WiUiam Brombv, of Barton upon Hum ber, yeoman, sick. To my son Thomas 40/. at 21 years or marriage. '. To my daughters Elizabeth, tThomasin, Alice, and Anne, 40/, each at 21 years or marriage. To Elizabeth and Thomasin 5/., or 5/. worth of household goods. To my sister, Grace Johnson of Ferribie, i cow caUed Browny, and an ewe and a iamb. To Thomas Cooke, of Ferribie, a branded fleet quee. To William Scott, my servant, and Jony Scott, his mother, halfacrown apiece. To everyone of my sister Grace her children bs, Sd, To the«',poor of Barton town lO-f. To Mr Pepper for preaching at my burial lOf. The^^rest of my goods to my wife, Ursula Brombie, whom I make executrix. Supervisors — Philip Benton ; Anthonie HaU. Witnesses — Gilbert Pepper ; Philip Benton,'^his mark ; Anthony Hall ; Richard Cliffe, notary public. Proved at London, I November,) 1652, bv the executrix. [Bowyer 192.] 7 November, 1651. I Thomas Burley, of Scremby, gentle man, sick. To my son in law, Lieutenant Coloncll Rudgeley, I shott wheel, and 5,;. to buy him a pair of cordevant gloves, etc. To Jane Rudgeley, his wife, ior. to buy her a ring. To Bridgett Thorie, my grandchild, 10s, to buy her a ring. LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 5I To George Wright, my son in law, a suit of appareil, etc. To Elizabeth Wright, his wife, i great red chest, my gold ring, etc. To Roger GosUn, my son in law, i black suit, etc. To Susan Goslyn, his wife. To my daughter Naomy, my green press, etc. To my daughter Anne. To Burley Wright, my grandchild, my best desk, the ring in my care, etc. To EHzabeth 'Wright ; Anthony Goslyn ; Thomas Goslyn, his brother ; my cousin Mr Nathaniel Notingham ; Mr Roger Farnolds ; John Spring ; Michaell Resbv ; iny sons in law, George Wright and Roger Goslyn, To Daniell Letsham, of Scremby, for preaching my funeral sermon io.f., and for writing my will 5^, to buy him a pair of gloves. To the poor of Scremby loj, AU the money owing from Scroope Snoden, of Scremby, gentleman, and the residue of my goods to be divided between my 4 daughters namely Elizabeth, Susanna, Naomie, and Anne, Executor — George Wright, my son in law. Supervisor — my son in law. Lieutenant Colonel Rudgeley, 'Witnesses — Daniell Letsham ; Griffith Letsham. To my sister Blacke 2s, bd, to buy her a pair of gloves. Proved at London, 5 April, 1652, by the executor. [Bow yer 70.] II May, 1652. I Henry Caldecott, of Bekring, gentleman. My body to be buried in the parish church of Holton in Bekring. To the pbor of Holton in Bekring 40^. To the poor of Holme and Basingfeild, co. Nottingham, 40X. as followeth — William Harrison and his family 5^. ; Roger Quinborow and his family 5-f. ; Anne Beane 2S. 6d,, and if she die before me, her grandchild, Margaret WiUoughby, the said 2-f, bd, ; Thomas Marshall and his family 2f. bd, ; Anthony Truman 2s, bd. ; Richard Duke 2f. 6d, ; widow Wheately, of Gamston, zs. bd. To Walter Humphrey, son of Roger Humfrey, of Cedgrave, deceased, 2Qs, To Frances daughter of widow Moore 10s, To widow Moore and the rest of her children 2-f. bd. To Margaret Brookwell, wife of Martin BrookweU, and her children 2o.f. To everyone of my servants with me when I die i quarter's wages. My son and heir, Lund Caldecott, shall pay to my wife yearly for her Hfe 20/., he to find her diett and fireing as long as it please her to live with him; and if she go away and live elsewhere he shall pay unto her 40/. yearly as long as she continue a widow. If she marry again he shall pay her 20/. yearly for her life. To my son in law, Joseph Greathead, and to my daughter Pierrepoint his 52 ABSTRACTS OF wife to either of them los. To my godson Henry Greathead, eldest son of my said son and daughter lo/. at lawful age. To my grandchild, Edward Greathead, ior. To my daughter, Anne Caldecott, aU the rents of my lands in Codgrave for lo years from 25 March, 1648, if Henry Henshaw my grandchild shall so long Hve ; and in case he die, I give the said Anne and her heirs all my lands in Cedgrave according to a feoffment in trust made by me to Gervase and Francis Whitehead, To the said Anne 100/. at marriage, if she marry with the consent of my son, Lund Caldecott, and my son in law, Edward Henshaw, To my son in law, Edward Henshaw, 10/, To my grandchild, Henry Henshaw, in lieu of 3 cows, 2 calves, and I swine which came to me from Fledburgh, 20/, To my godson Caldecott son of Robert Caldecott, 20s, To John Holland, my servant 3/ To my sister, wife of Anthony Bennett, of Granby, the ill, los, he oweth me. The rest of my goods to my son Lund, whom I make my executor. To Mr William Chebsey, parson of Holton in Bekring, 20f. provided he shall give leave to my son in law, Edward Henshaw, to preach my funeral sermon and interre my body in his parish church of Holton in Bekring. If he refuse, the said 20s, shall be divided amongst 10 of the poorest widows in Holton. Supervisors — Mr Richard Osney 40-f ; and my son in law, Edward Henshaw, Proved at London, 6 September, 1652, by the executor, [Bowyer 233.] 12 May, 1644, I Simon Chapman, of the parish of St Swithin in the city of Lincoln, maister, sick. My bodv to be buried in the parish church of St Mary Magdalen in the close of Lincoln, near my wife. To my cousin, Thomas Westerne, and his 3 children, namely Thomas, Richard, and Elizabeth Westerne, I OJ. apiece. To Edward Sherriffe, my brother in law, 12^, The rest of my goods unto Hugh Chapman and Alice Chapman, my son and daughter, whom I make executors and if either of them die before 21 years unmarried, each of my said cousin Thomas Westerne his children their legacies to be made up to 3/, 6f, Sd. apiece. Supervisor — Thomas Westerne, my said cousin, and I appoint him guardian unto my children. Witnesses — Dorothie Tayler, her mark ; Elizabeth Watkins, her mark ; W, Tayler. Proved at London, 2 July, 1652, by the executors. [Bow yer 203.] LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 53 17 March, i65i[-2.] I Daniel Coddington, of Grantham, feUmonger, sick. To my son, John Coddington, i68/. To my wife, Bridgett Coddington, i tenement in Grantham, which I lately purchased of Myles Chambers, for her life, with remainder to my son John Coddington and his heirs and if he die without issue, to Mary Coddington and her heirs. To Mary Coddington, my daughter, 40/. at marriage. The remainder of my goods to Bridgett my wife, whom I make executrix. Supervisors— Mr WiUiam Parkins rhe elder ; Mr WiUiam RastaU. To WiUiam Parkins the younger f-f. Witnesses — William Parkins, junior ; George Har"dacres ; John Osborne. Proved at London, 7 July, 1652, by the executrix. [Bow yer 203,] 14 February, i65i[-2,] I Rachell Covell, of Burgh in the Marsh, widow, sick. To mv eldest daughter. Amy Wolby, and her daughter, RachaeU Wolby ; my second daughter, Elizabeth Dalby, widow ; my third daughter, Alice Dalbv, widow ; thev having received their portions from their father, John Covill, of Burgh aforesaid, yeoman, deceased. To my second son Richard Covill, one half of my gooes ; and to mv eldest son, John Covell, and my youngest daughter, Mary Covell, the other half of my goods. Executors — my sons John and Richard, Witnesses — WiUiam Wolbie ; John Jenny. Proved at London, 25 June, 1652, by the executors. [Bow yer 129.] ig October, 1647. 1 Thomas Darby, oi Leake, esquire sick. To Margarett Derby, mv wife, a messuage with 3 acres of pasture in Leverton. Five acres of meadow in Leverton Ings, I cottage and 3 roods of pasture and hempe ground in Leverton, i messuage, 12 acres and 3 , roods of pasture and hempe ground in Leake, i cottage and i rood in Leake, ij acres of pasture in Leake, to be sold after my mother Bridgett Briggs' decease, formv children's portions, viz, — to Harrington Darby and John Darby, my sons, and Margaret Darby and EHzabeth Darbv, mv daughters, 100 marks apiece at 21 years. To Margaret mv wife, 2^ acres of pasture, called Gibson Pingles, in Leverton, 7 acres of pasture, late purchased of Suzan Tavlor, in the 17 acres in Leverton for her life. The rest of my lands to Dimmock Derby, my son, and his heirs at 24 years. My son Dimmocke to pay unto Anne Derby, my youngest daughter, 100 niark at' 21 years. The rest of my goods unto Margarett my wife,- whom I make executrix. 54 ABSTRACTS OF Supervisors — my brother, Edward Dymmocke, esquire ; mv cousin, Thomas Thory, esquire. Witness — Josua Pinchbecke. Proved at London, 12 July, 1652, by the executrix. [Bow yer 208.] 26 May, 165 1. I James Decampes, of the LeveU in the parish of Belton in the Isle of Axholme, yeoman, sick. To Jacob Decampes, my son and heir apparent, I2d, To Peter Decamps, my second son, 12^. To Susanna my eldest daughter, wife to Humfrey Beamount, izd. To Magdalen my second daughter, wife to Chrestian Smaggs, i2d. To Judeth my third daughter, wife to John Tall, 12^, To Mary my youngest daughter, wife to Abraham Beake, i2d. To James Decampes my youngest son, 50/. at 21 years. To the poor of Santoft Chury, being in the place where I now dwell, 4/. To Marv my wife all the reversion of my estate, and I make her my executrix. Supervisors — Nicholas Teesen ; John Amory. Witnesses — Jan de Somer ; John Amory ; Thomas Johnson, scrivenor. Proved at London, 31 May, 1652, by the executrix. [Bow yer 104.] 30 April, 1652. I Thomas Dinnis, of Burgh in the Marsh, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Burgh, To my daughter Elling the land in Bamber that I purchased of Francis Cottington, and to her heirs. To Anne Fawcett, my daughter, for her life all the land in Bamber that I and my brother purchased of Thomas Sutton, formerly George Kirke land, and a cottage which was Francis Cotting- ton's ; remainder to her son, Richard Fawcett. To my wife, Mary Dinnis, all my lands in the Marsh for her life. To Richard Jackson and Mary Fawcett a 4 acre close adjoining to Mr Stone ground during her life, she receiving 40-f. a year of Edward Jackson out of Cottington's land, and 40X. a year of Richard Fawcett out of Kirke land in lieu of this, 4 acres. To Richard Jackson, after my wife's decease, my lands in the Marsh paying to Mary Fawcett 300/. within a year after the decease of me and my wife ; and if anything come at Mary Fawcett before the death of me and my wife, 150/. shaU remain in the land of Richard Jackson, and the other 150/, to be equally divided betwixt the brothers and sisters of the said Mary Fawcett, For want of payment of the said 300/. unto Mary Fawcett she shaU enter upon the lands I bought of Richard Racke and Mr Charles Cracoft. If Mary my wife marry again, Richard Jackson shaU have the la'nd in the LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 55 Marsh, paying my wife 30/. yearly for her life. To Richard Jackson and Mary Fawcett 5 sheep and i lamb equally divided, and to Mary Fawcett a foal and, if it die, a sheeder calfe. To Thomas Jackson 5/. at 21 years. To Thomas Fawcett and Richard Fawcett, sons of ^.ichard Fawcett, and to Hanna his daughter 5/. apiece at 21 years. To Elizabeth Larke, my servant, zs, bd. The rest of my goods unto my wife, whom I make executrix. Witnesses — Robert Southwell ; Thomas Gleane ; Thomas Emotson ; William Cowlum, his mark ; Thomas Burton. Proved at London, 5 July, 1652, by the executrix. [Bow yer 207,] 28 March, 1643. I John Dixon of Screvilsbie, clerk. To mv wife Dorothie 60/. yearly for her life out of mv lands in Ashbie, co. Lincoln. To mv wife half my household stuff, and for the maintenance of mv 2 daughters, Marv and Dorothv, 15/. apiece until thev be married or receive their portions. To mv daughter, Marie Dixon, 1000 marks ; also if she do not marry before 24 vears of age, 40/. yearly so long as she keep unmarried. To mv daughter, Dorothy Dixon, 1000 marks; also if she do not marrv before 24 years of age, 40/. vearlv so long as she keep unmarried. If either of them die before thev receive their portion, it shall be divided between the survivor and mv son John ; and if aU my children die as aforesaid, without leaving issue of their bodies lawfully begotten, I leave to my wife aU mv lands in Ashbie for her life and, after her decease, I leave to my brother, OUver Dixon's younger children aU my estate, etc., equally among them. To the poor of Screvilsbie ^os. To Mr Kev' minister of Barneborough, co. York, zos. to buy him a ring ; also all my papers. To my cousin Saule, of Tattersall, my little watch, and after her decease to mv son John or one of my daughters. To my brother, Richard Brian, 20s, to buy him a ring. To his wife 10s, to buy her a pair of gloves. To my brother Bristowe 20-f. to buy him a ring. To his wife los. To my brother, Oliver Dixon, 20s, to buy him a ring. To his wife ior. To Richard Dixon of Frampton daughter 5/. To Mrs Faith Dymocke, of Boston, 30r. towards putting mv godson apprentice. To Mr Clipborne of DubUn in Ireland zos, to buy a ring. To Thomas Gerrye, minister of BarweU, co. Leicester, los. To Mr Wildren 13^, 4rf., etc. To Mr Howe, senior, for preaching my funeral sermon 20s, To my old servant, Robert Taylor, and his 4 children, to each of them a shecther hogge. To John Smith, 56 ABSTRACTS OF of Haveringham, and his 4 children, to each of them a sheether hogge at Molton HaU. To Richard son of WiUiam Butler of Screvilsbie 40f. to put him apprentice. To the poor of Ashbie 40.f. To all mv servants with me at my decease 5^. apiece. To George Toolie 40f. To John Skitley, John Palmer, Ellin Flame, and Dorothy Lake each a swarme of bees. To my cousin Dobs of Harsington zos, to buy him a ring. To his wife and every child a lamb each. To my cousin, John Mayre, 20-f. To his wife and children a lamb each, such as come from Molton Hall. To my brother, William Dixon, zos. To Mr Richard Bidles zos. To Mr Toolie of Southhouse 8/. for the rent of 100/. which was due 13 April, 1643, which is my brother Oliver Dixon's debt : I do freelv give him that 8/. to buy him a nagge. Executor — John Dixon, my son. Super visors and guardians — my brother, Oliver Dixon, and my brother, Thomas Bristowe. If either of them die before mv son is 21 years of age, I nominate my brother in law, Richard Brian ; and if either of them die, my cousin, John Maver, and then my cousin Dobs. My cousin, Richard Dixon, to keep a note book of aU the receipts, etc., and to have for his pains one beast kept during the summer season in the grounds yearly. Mr Hills to teach my son, and have 20 marks yearly for his board and learning. Mr Dugard to assist my supervisors. The rest of my goods to my son, John Dixon. Witnesses — John Smith ; Robert Taylor, his mark. Proved at London, 2 July, 1652, by the executor. [Bow yer 209,] Will of Thomas Dixon, the elder, of Coningsby, dated i April, 1651 [sic] [Bowyer 208] — see above, vol, xvii, p. 29, 14 December, 1651. I Alice Evans of the Chequer in Lincoln, widow, weak. To Jane Rowland, one of my daughters, the lease of years, for the term, of the higher close, one of the Vine closes so called, she paying zos, as a legacy from me unto Richard Rowland, her son. To Katherine Evans, my other daughter, the lease of years for the other Vine close, called the lower close, she paying 20s, as a legacy from me unto George Rowland. I give her the rest of my goods, and make her sole executrix. Witnesses — Steaphen Searles ; William Searles. Proved at London, 8 May, 1652, by the executrix. [Bow yer 105.] {To be continued). LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 57 I Jane Farmerie, of Caster, widow, weak. Mv body to be buried in the parish church of Caster. To each of my 5 daughters, viz., Frauncis, Elizabeth, Prudance, Jane, and Anne, 5 spurr royalls, i,e., one each ; also four 20-f, pieces. To mv daughter Willett, my daughter Willie, and my dauo-hte'r Easterby one 2or. piece each. To my daughter Frauncewnd my daughter Elizabeth one 20;. piece between them. To my son, Clifford Farmerie, an iif. piece of gold. To Mary Farmery, daughter of the said ClifTord, i little piece of gold with 2 faces on it being about the value of ^s. bd. To my daughter Farmery, wife of the said CUfford, an us, piece of gold. To my son, Clifford Farmerie, a colt, a bowl, and a silver salt seller ; also the golden. To my daughter Pomphrett. To mv daughter Swetland. To my daughter. Prudence Willett, my white mare at this present in my son WiUetts custody at Grinsby, etc. To Mr Paul WiUett the grev mare and her 2 foals which I formerly had given to my grandchild, WiUiam WiUett, deceased. "To my grandchild, Andrew Willett, 20f. a year for 5 years ; if he die before the receipt thereof, what shall be unpaid to be divided among his brother and sisters, viz., Paul, Jane, Jacobine, and Elizabeth. To my daughter, Jane Willie, my gold ring, etc. To my daughter, Anne Easterbie, a yearling colt, etc., and 40J. yearly so long as my lease lasts. To all my grandchildren ^s, apiece at 21 years. To Prudence Farmerie, my niece. To Elizabeth daughter of Nicholas Elston. To my cousin, Alice Meredith. To my maid, Jane Hudlosse, 2-f. bd. To the poor of Caster 5f. To mv son, Clifford Farmerie, and all mv sons in law los. apiece to buy them rings. To Elizabeth Howe, wife of Josuah Howe, a blind woman, 5.f. The rest of my goods to Mr Josua Swetland, my son in law, whom I make executor. Supervisor — Mr Paule WiUett, my son in law. Assistant to my executor — Mr Stephen Easterby, my son in law, 40-f. Witnesses — Paule WiUett, clerk ; A. Hindmarsh. Proved at London, 13 February, 1651-2, by the executor. [Bowyer 29.] 28 July, 1652. I Mary Floyd, of Stamford, wyddow, sick. To John Cole, my eldest son, 5/. within 2 years, provided that he do seal and deliver to my brother, Frances Cole, an acquittance discharging of all such legacies bequeathed unto him by Frances Cole, his grandfather ; but if my said son refuse to do as aforesaid then I bequeath to the said Frances the said 5/. To my son, George Cole, 20/. within 7 years ; 58 ABSTRACTS OF and if the said George die before that time be expired, or not return out of Irland, then the said 20/. to be equaUy divided amongst Mary Bromfield, Susan Cole, and Edward Cole, three other of my children, Susan and Edward to receive their shares at 21 years. To mv son, Lyonell Cole, 20/, at 21 years. To my said daughter, Susan Cole, 20/. at 21 years or marriage. To mv said son, Edward Cole, 60/. at 21 years. When he be fit he shaU be apprentised to such a trade as Duke Blythe of Stamford, gentleman, and my brother, John Anthony, shall think most meete. To my son in law, John Bromfeild, whom I make sole executor, the rest of my goods and the interest of the house in which I now dwell. My body to be buried as near my last husband, Mr Henry Floyd, as can be. Super visors — the said Mr Blyth ; John Anthony. Witnesses — [Duke] Blythe ; Henry Bull ; Francis DriU, his mark ; John Anthony. Proved at London, i September, 1652, bv the executor. [Bowyer 188.] 31 December, 1651. I John Hall, of Burgh in le Marsh, husbandman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Burgh, To Christine Hall, my wife, 10/, during her life, and at her decease 5/, to dispose of to whom she thinks fit. To William Ballard and Elizabeth his wife, my eldest daughter, 30/. To Thomas Freeman and Ann his wife, my second daughter, 14/. To Ann Knigerby [sic], my grandchild, 10/. at 21 years. To Francis Hall, wife of John Hall, 20^. To John, Susanna, Thomas, Richard, Samuell, Elizabeth, and Hellen Hall, children of John Hall, my eldest son, 40^. apiece at 21 years. To Thomas Hall, mv youngest son, and to Margery his wife, and his children i2d, apiece. To William Ballard's children and Thomas Freeman's children i ewe and I lamb to every of them. To Alice Wilson lof. To Mary Moody 2s, bd. To Thomas HaU, son of Thomas Hall, lOf. To Elizabeth Hall, my sister, 20f, The rest of mv goods to SamueU Hall, my son, whom I make executor. Supervisors — WiUiam Ballard ; Thomas Freeman. Witnesses — Thomas HaU ; WiUiam Ballard ; Thomas Freeman. Proved at London, 28 August, 1652, by the executor. [Bowyer 222.] 31 January, i65i[-2], I Ralph Hamsall, of Exhostrope [Thoresthorpe] in the parish of Salvy [Salebv], husbandman, sickly. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Salvy. To Thomas Hamsall my eldest son, Ann Hamsall my eldest LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS. 59 daughter, James Hamsall my second son, John Hamsall my third son, William Hamsall my youngest son, Marv Hamsall my second daughter, and EUzabeth Hamsall mv' youngest daughter, lOf. each. Executrix and residuary legatee — Eliza beth my wife. Witnesses — WilHam Wiley '; Thomas Basse, his mark. Proved 3 June, 1652, by the executrix. [Bowyer 134.] 15 September, 1651, I Thomas Handley, of Longe Ledenham, husbandman, sick. To Thomas Handley, the eldest son of John Handley, my nephew, 10/, To William Handley, son of John Handley, 5^. To John Handley, brother of the said WiUiam, 12^. To Margarett Handley, wife of John Edwards, 3^. i^d. To EUzabeth Handley, wife of WiUiam Wadsworth, 12^. To Anthony Handley, brother of the said WilHam Handley, i2orothy Veale, my wire, BoL and 20L worth of household stufiF. To oit daughter, HeOin wife of Thomas Theodor, of Freestcui, 5i To CTcrronc of my aiiwesaid 2 1 6 ABSTRACTS OF daughter HeUin's children, los, at 20 years. To my son, Christopher "Veale, 20s, To every ofhis children, loj. apiece at 20 vears. To mv son, James Veale, who liveth with me, 40/., etc. To my son, Willyam Veale, 40/. at 21 years. If my wife refuse to be my executrix, she shall have the interest of the aforesaid 40/. for educating the said William. To my daughter Frances wife of John Sharpe 20i'. To every of his children, lOS, at 20 vears. To mv daughter Sharp, a bond of 20/. wherein her husband is bound to me. To Anne Cabourne, my daughter, zos. To each of her chiidren, los, at 20 years. To mv daughter, Katherin Veale, who liveth with me, 20/., and also 3/. which was given her bv her brother Dinnice. To my said daughter Katherin. To my sister Stapleton los. To my son, Thomas Veale, his children, los, apiece at 20 years. To the poor of Billsby, 5^. To the poor of Alford, 5X. To the poor of Salby cum Thostrupp, 5^. To my son, Christopher Veale, whom I make executor, the rest of mv goods. Witnesses — John Hokin ; John Hodgson. Proved at Westminster, 22 August, 1653, ^^ ^^^ executor. [Brent 306.] 9 February, 1651-2. I Anne Waddingham, of Fosdicke in the parts of Holland, widow, well. If I die in Fosdicke, mv bodv to be buried in the south quire of the parish church of Fosdicke, near where my husband is interred. To Robert, William, and Gates Naylor, the three sons of mv late deceased brother, John Naylor, 10/. apiece. To Anne Manninge and Susanna Portwood the daughters of the said deceased John Naylor, 10/. each. To Mary Oates, of Fosdicke, widow, 20/. ; and half mv household stuff to be divided bv William "Yorke, of Burton Pedwardine, gentleman, George West, of Fosdicke, and Thomas Pulvertoft, of Algarkirke, yeomen. To my executor, the other half of my household stufF. To John Massinberd, of Bratoft, gentleman, Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Thewe, of Salmonby, and Marie Massingberd, of Boston, 20r. each. To my cousin, Margerie Sewell, the wife of WiUiam Sewell, of Fosdicke, 10/. To John Leamond, my godchild, and Anne Leamond his wife, 5/. each. To Sarah Leamond, mother of the said John Leamond, 5/. To Martha Sibsey, Samuell Sibsey, and Nathaniell Sibsev, children of Richard Sibsey, late of Boston, deceased, 2o.r. each. To Bridgett Wilson, late the wife of Captain Wilson, of Hecking ton, deceased, 20/. To the poor people at my funeral, 5/. (To be continued) LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS 21 7 To mr Francis Watson, 40s, for preaching my funeral sermon. To mr John Goostrey, 20s, To my nephew, Shelley Eete, of Algarkirke, yeoman, all that cottage and eleven acres one rood of pasture in Fosdicke, which I now have and lately had bv a mortgage of one John Procter late of Fosdicke, gentleman, unto him and his assigns during his life (if the heirs ofthe said John Procter shall not redeem it), paying yearly during the said term, unto my heirs one peppercorn ; and after the decease of the said Shelley Eete, I bequeath the said cottage and land unto Robert Naylor, the son of Robert Naylor, of Ketton, co. Rutland, to him and his heirs for ever. If it happen that the heirs of the said John Procter shall redeem the aforesaid premises, paying the sum of 125/. unto the said Shellev Eete, then the said Shelley Eete shall pav unto the said Robert Naylor, 40/. To George Foxe, of Witham, 3/. To John Clarke, of Screckington, a gold ring. To everyone of my servants 20J. To everyone of mv godchildren i2d. To the town of Fosdicke 40s, for a cloth and cushion for the pulpit. To mr Robert Hunt and his wife 20s, each. To mr Richard Hunt 20^, To Mary the wife of George West 20.f. To the poor of Gosbertowne 5/. To Anne Eete, the wife of Shelley Eete, 25^, To my nephew, Shellev Eete, whom I make executor, thc rest of my goods. If my said nephew die within two years after my decease and leave no child, then unto my kinsmen, Robert Naylor and William Naylor, 40/. each, of the goods which I have formerly given unto him. Supervisors — William Yorke, George West, Thomas Pulvertoft. Witnesses — George West his mark ; Thomas Pulvertoft. Proved at Westminster, 21 May, 1653, by the executor. Written in the margin — 17 July, 1655, issued forth writ of administration to William Tayler, husband and administrator, with the will annexed, of Ann Tayler alias Eete, executrix and residuary legatrix of Shelley Eete, etc., etc., who left the goods of Anne Waddingham, deceased, unadministered. [Brent 300.] 20 May, 1653. I Richard Wakelin, of East Halton, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the church of East Halton. To Richard Wakelin, my eldest son, and his heirs for ever, one oxgang of land arable and seven stonge of meadow to the same belonging, with aU profits, etc., thereunto belonging, which I lately- purchased to me and my heirs for ever, of WiUiam Appleyard, gentleman, deceased, and John Apleyard his son. To Edward Wakelin, my second son, and his heirs for ever, half an oxgang of land arable and one and a half acres of 2l8 ABSTRACTS OF meadow to the same belonging, which I lately purchased to me and mine heirs for ever, of [blank] Kitching, provided he and his heirs or assigns shaU pay to Katharine WakeUn, daughter of my said son Richard Wakelin, 5/. at seven years, and also to Elizabeth Wakelin, daughter of my said son Richard, 5/, at 10 years ; and likewise to Isabell Kenington, my grandchild, 5/. at eight years. And further to Mary Beamon, mv grandchild, 5/. at '2i years or be married. To William Wakelin, my youngest son, and his heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, my messuage with garden, etc., lying in East Halton, now in the tenure and occupation of my said son Edward ; alsq all such lands as are mentioned in a jointure made by me to his mother for her life, and the longer liver of us, which said jointure is now in the custody of Katharine Twhing, widow, and for want of heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, then to remain to thc heirs male of my son Richard lawfuUy begotten, and for want of such issue to my son Edward and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and for want of such issue to the right heirs of my son Richard for ever. To rny said son WiUiam, aU my sheep except one ewe and a lamb. To John Wakelin my brother's son, one ewe and a lamb. To my said son WiUiam, one mare, one foal, two steers, two whees, etc. To my daughter, AHce Kenington, 10/. To Grace Wakelin, my second daughter, 40/. paid as follows — 20/. at 21 years or marriage and 20/. in 12 months from that time ; if she die before 21 vears or marriage, then to my said daughter Alice, 20/., and to my youngest daughter Sara, 20/. To Sara Wakelin, my youngest daughter, 40/. paid as aforesaid ; if she die before 21 years or marriage, then to my said daughter Alice, 20/., and to my said daughter Grace, 20/. To William Sibary, clerk, 10s, To Magdalen, my maid servant, half a crown. To mv man servant, is. To my goddaughter, Katharine Smith, is. To my goddaughter, IsabeU Hanna, is. To the poor of this parish, los. To my three daughters, my linen equally between them. To Richard Wakelin, mv eldest son, whom I make executor, the rest of my goods. If my son Richard refuse to be executor, then I appoint mv son Edward, executor of the same. Witnesses — William Sibery ; Thomas Doughtey ; John Wakelin. Proved at Westminster, i August, 1653, by the executor, [Brent 89.] LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS ii§ l6 November, 1652. I William Walgham, of Swaton, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in Swaton churchvard. To John Carrington and his wife, my son and mv daughter, 4/. more than they owe me. To Anne Carrington, my grandchild, 10/. at age. To Elizabeth Carrington, my grandchild, 10/. at age. To WiiHam Carrington, my grandchild, 10/. at age. To Mary Carrington, mv grandchild, 10/. at age. To the poor of Swaton, ^s. Supervisors — Edward Bryan, Richard Gamble. To Elizabeth Walgham, my wife, my leases during her Hfe, and after her decease, to the use of my grandchildren. To John Williamson, my nephew, 35. 4^. To Henry Hind, bd. To Anne SauU, 6d, To Sarah Stevens, bd. To Elizabeth my wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Witnesses — Richard Gamble ; Edward Bryan ; Edward Morris. Proved at Westminster, 14 September, 1653, by the executrix. [Brent 309.] 28 July, 1653. I John Walker, of Whitton, veoman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Whitton. To Ester my wife, the third part of two closes in Winterton Lordship called the Hallewell dales for her life, for and in lieu of thirds of the said closes. To Elizabeth Walker, widow, late wife of William Walker, of Kingston upon HuU, in co. Kingston upon Hull, deceased, her heirs, and assigns for ever ; and to Anne Walker her daughter, her heirs and assigns for ever ; and to Elizabeth Bell, wife of George BeU, of Whitton, her heirs and assigns for ever; and to Anne Fowler, daughter ofRichard Fowler, late of West Halton, deceased, her heirs and assigns for ever ; and to Elizabeth Huitson, the wife of Josuah Huitson, of Couleby, yeoman, her heirs and assigns for ever ; and to Anne Mumby, the wife of Richard Mumby, the younger, of Westhalton, yeoman, her heirs and assigns for ever ; and to Jane Walker, daughter of Martin Walker, late of West Halton, yeoman, deceased, her heirs and assigns for ever ; all the other two third parts of the aforesaid two closes called Hallewell Dales, and the reversion or remainder of the other aforesaid third of the aforesaid two closes when it shall faU after the decease of my said wife Ester with appurtenances, equally between them. To my nephew, WilHam Fowler, of Whitton, fiye oxgangs of land in Whitton, called the Hall oxgangs, with the crop that is upon them (except the Bounegate dale) which my wife shaU have for this crop. To, the said William Fowler, three mares, three kine, three quyes, 220 ABSTRACTS OF three calves, etc. ; one messuage, two oxgangs of land, arable, meadow, and pasture in Whitton, and two closes thereunto belonging, with all houses, buildings, rights, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, now in the occupation ofthe said William Fowler ; to have and to hold to him, and his heirs and assigns for and after the decease of Ester my wife, for ever, to the use ofthe said William Fowler and EHzabeth his wife, for their lives and after the death of both of them, to the heirs begotten of their bodies ; and for want of such heirs then to remain to the use of the heirs and assigns of the said William Fowler for ever. To Elizabeth Fowler, my sister, 3/. 6s, 8d, ; 20;', yearly during her life. To Elizabeth Howmes the daughter of Frances Howmes, 10/. To Alice Smith, 5^. To everyone of my godchildren, 2s, bd. My wife to pay the rent unto the chief lord, for the five oxgangs, called the HaU oxgangs, which I have given to William Fowler, which wiU be due next Michaeltide. To the poor of Witton, 20s. and one sack of rye. To the poor of West Halton, 5^, To the poor of Roxeby, 5^, To George Sutton, my servant, 5^, To Anne Fotherstone, my servant, 5^, To Robert SmaU, my servant, 1 2ondon, 17 March, 1655-6, by the executrix, [Alchin 99,] 8 October, 1653. I William Brittaine of Wainfleet, weak. To mv eldest son John Brittaine, my dweUing house in Wainffeet All Saints ; one close of pasture in the parish aforesaid containing four acres ; 10/, to be paid unto mr John Watts of Northolme and my brother Joseph Brittaine, whom I desire to be trustees for my said son. To my wife EUinor Brittaine, my said house and land for her life if she remain a widow, but if she re-marry then my said son shall enter upon and possess the said house and lands at 21 years. To my second son Charles Brittaine, 35/. to be paid to the said trustees, until he attain 21 years. If both my said sons die without issue, then the aforesaid house, land, and monev shall redound to my brother Joseph Brittaine and his heirs, after the decease of mv wife EUinor Brittaine. To my brother Joseph Brittaine. T'o my brother Joseph Brittaine's children, Sarah and Mary, 40J. each. To my wife, EUinor Brittaine, whom I make executor [sic] the rest of my goods. Witnesses — SamueU Watts ; Mary Hogheard. Proved at Westminster, 27 July, 1654, by the executrix, [Alchin 121.] 13 September, 1654. I Cassandra Brock of Ganesburgh, widow, sick. To John Wadsworth of Leeds, co. York, clothier, my kinsman, 10/. To Ursula 'Filsley, 10/, To Sarah Ampleforth the grandchild of mrs Anne Patricke, widow, 10/, To my maidservant, 5/, To the poor of Ganesburgh, 5/, To the poor of Burton Stather and Normanby, 4/, To Robert Darwin of Morton, or his wife if he die before, 5/, 'Fo EHzabeth Godfrey of Marton, 40s. Vo widow Markham, zos. To Dorothy Darbey, 20X. To Richard Parke and his wife, 405. 'Fo widow Busbey, 5/. To old Edward West, 3/, To blind Thomas Calvert, zos. To Tong the swineherd, 20x, To old Smith in Ratten Rowe for his wife, 40J. To widow Barley, 40^. To widow Lobley, zos. To old Thomai Colcston, 40s. To widow Milnes, 40s, To widow Christopher, LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS 2Sl los. To old Blagne's lame girl and youngest bov, 40^. To Roiamond Greene, 40X. To Robert Pyburne,' 10s, "To liable Pyburne, 10s. To Elizabeth Hopwood, 20^. "Fo Mary 1-Iopwood, 20J. To widow Jiicksonn and her daughter, ZOS. To widow Hardcy and her daui>htcr, of Morton, 40^. To widow Calvert, 40f. I'o [blunl] Drury of Morton, 20i-. To lame Watson's boy on the Cawsey, zos. To mr Robert Powell, now minister of Ganesburgh, whom I make executor, the rest of my goods. Witnesses— Thomas Hornby ; Mary Creech, har mark. At Westminster, 35 November, '.654, by thc executor, [Alchin 131,] 4 March, 1653-4. I Thomas Browne, thelder, of Addle thorpe, gentleman, lick, To the poor ot Addlethorpe, 20s, To Marv Edlingson, wife of John Edlinson, my sister, 3/. bs, td. To Hester Stanthorpe, ioj. To my eldest daughter Bridgett Corbett, 7/. los, yearly. To my second daughter Mary Garrard, 7/. los. yearly. To my third "daughter Manna Browne, 200/. at 2 1 years. If my said daughter refuse to Uve with my executor, and receive her education and maintenance from him, then mv executor shaU pay to Anne Browne, her mother, 10/, yearly in lieu of her education etc. during her minority. To John Browne my second son, 500/. at ai years ; ao/. ; 50/. for binding him apprentice To mv grandchild Thomas Garrard, 20/. at 21 years. If my wif'e educate him etc. so that he shall not be bound out an apprentice or otherwi'ic chargeable upon my executor for his education etc. he shaU receive ao/. more at liis said age of 21 years. To my other grandchild Anne Garrard, 20/. at 21 years. If cither of mv said grandchildren die before 21 years, thc portion of the one so dying shall be divided equally between the survivor and mv executor. To Anne Browne, my wife, 40/. yearly. If the aforesaid money is not paid at either of the aforesaid terms it shall be lawful for my wire or her attorney to enter upon any of mv messuages, lands, etc., in Ingoldmells and Addelthorpc. To my said wife three acres of p.isture lor her life, Iving along bv thc draviic side upon the south, and upon the higliwav Icailins from my dwelling house upon the east. To my said wife all my household stuffs. To my sister, Margaret Dickinson, 20J. tor a ring. To everyone 01 my menmU servants, ss. To my eldest son, Thomas Browne, whom 1 make executor, thc rest of mv goods. Witnesses — Elizabeth Welsmith, her mark ; John Mottr.im. 252 ABSTRACTS OF At Westminster, 14 June, 1654, by the executor. [Alchin 118,] 20 April, 1652. I John Burton of AUington, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Allington. To Marv my wife, whom I make executrix, all my goods towards paying my debts and raising portions for my younger children. To the said executrix I do lease etc. my dwelling house with appurtenances and all the lands etc. to the same belonging, to have and to hold to her and her heirs and assigns for the next fourteen years, for and towards the payment of my debts etc. To mv eldest son, zos, yearly after he shall accomplish 21 years. To the poor of Allington, los. Witnesses — Aug. Grants, senior ; John Cary ; Thomas Grant ; Augs. Grant, junior. Proved at Westminster, 19 December, 1654, by the executrix. [Alchin 291.] 3 January, 1653-4. I Lawrence Burton of Bolingbroke, butcher, sick. To mv children, Elizabeth, Mary and Lawrence, and to my unborn child, 20/. apiece at 21 years. To my said son Lawrence and his heirs for ever, after the decease of my wife, my shop and stalls and one acre of land in Westerkeirle field. To mv wife Elizabeth, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Witnesses — John Cooke ; George Cocke ; Thomas Whittaker ; Nicholas Langton, his mark. Proved at Westminster, 30 March, 1654, by the executrix. [Alchin 122.] 22 May, 1 65 1. I DanieU BydaU of Gosberkirke, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the church or churchyard of Gosberkirke. To William my eldest son, the messuage wherein I now dwell, and four and a half acres of coppyhold land adjoining the said house lying in Gosberkirk, to him and his heirs for ever ; four acres one rood of freehold land and pasture in Gosberkirke and Quadring, that is to say, three and a half acres lying in the field under the messuage aforesaid in Gosberkirke, and the other one lying in Colehorne Sidinge upon the land of William Thompson of Gosberkirke east, and abutting upon the lane called Graycoate Lane north, in Quadringe, to him and his heirs for ever, to enter upon at 21 years. To Daniell my youngest son, one messuage six acres of freehold land in Rushgate in the parish of Surflett, to him and his heirs for ever, to enter upon at 21 vears. To my daughter Anne, 50/. at 18 years. If my said daughter die before 18 years, then to my eldest son William, 15/. of her LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS 253 said portion at 21 years ; to my youngest son Daniell, 15/. of her said portion at 21 years, I give one and a half acres of pasture being copyhold, abutting upon the lands of Leonard Browne, gentleman, upon the north and openeth upon a lane leading to red pitt rigge lying in Gosberkirke west, to be sold by my executrix to pay the sum of 30/. which I stand engaged to pav unto my brother Thomas Bydall at his age of 21 years. And if it happen that my executrix shall not so sell the coppyhold land to pay my brother Thomas his 30/. as is aforesaid or shall not other ways pay the said 30/, to my aforesaid brother at his aforesaid age of 21 years, then my will is that my brother shall enter into and possess the said one and a half acres of copyhold, to have and to hold the same to him and his heirs for ever, towards and in full satisfaction of the aforesaid 30/, etc' To be sold for and towards paying my debts and legacies : — two acres three roods of freehold pasture, whereof one acre three roods Iveth on the northside of the lane called Grav-coate lane, right at the end of the three acres abutting upon the house in which I now dwell, and the other acre lyeth in a furlong called the Grafts abutting upon More-load west, and one acre more, to be sold to the same use, of copvhold land, adjoining unto the aforesaid one acre of freehold pasture south. To William my son, 10/. at 21 years, which lo/, were given him by mv [sic] grandfather Bvdall. To mv mother Young, 40s. To M.arv daughter of mv sister Jackson, zos, at 21 years. To Jane daughter of my sister Roger, 20J. at 21 years. To William son of my brother William Bydall, izd. at 2i years. To the poor of Gosberkirke, 2o.f. If either of my two sons die before 21 vears, then my wife Elizabeth shall have the portion of the one so dying. To my son William. To my wife Elizabeth, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods ; also all my houses, lands, etc., to use and enjoy until my two sons shall accomplish their respective ages of 21 years. Witnesses — Henrv Goldinge ; Solomon Sharpe ; The mark of Christopher Roger. Proved at Westminster, 25 September, 1654, by the executrix. [Alchin 114.] 24 January, 1653-4. I Richard Campion of Burgh, husbandman, sick. To William Bonner my grandchild, 6 ewes etc., to be delivered into the handes of his father. To WiUiam Bonner my son. To Dorothy my daughter. To Frances my daughter. To Robert Dixon my son, izd. To the rest of his children 6d. apiece. To William Huntley and 254 ABSTRACTS OP his daughter I2^. each. To my sister Mary PauU, bd. To five of her children 6d, apiece. To Mary Jackson zs. To Hammond Champline two children izd, each. To Robert Campline and his wife 2J. To his children bd, apiece. To William Ballard zs. To my wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of mv goods. Supervisors — William Ballard ; Nicholas Watt. Witnessess — John Covill ; Richard Huggins. Proved at Westminster, 14 April, 1654, ^Y Anne Campline [sic] the relict and executrix. [Alchin 124.] 6 April, 1654. I Robert Cardwell, of Baston, grasier, sick. Mv bodv to be buried in the parish church or churchyard of Baston. To mv brother Richard's children 20/. equally amongst them. 'Fo mv nephew, John Cardwell, half an acre of wardland lying in the middlefield of Baston. To my wife Susana all my copyhold lands in Baston during her life, and after her death to my son Richard Cardwell and to the heirs of his body the aforesaid copyhold lands for ever. To my son, Richard Cardwell, the bond of £100 which Captain "Wright of Deepinge oweth me, and the use of it until he come to 21 years. To my wife Susanna and my son Richard a bond of £50 which James Gyles of Thorney oweth me equally between them. To mv brother John Spinkes, _|^5. To James Hecocke, los. To my godson, Robert Coolson, at Weston Forend, loj. To John Spinkes. To the poor of Baston 15 strike of barley. To my wife Susana and my son Richard, whom I make executors the rest of my goods. Witnesses — Robert Beaver ; John Grummill. Proved at Westminster, 26 July, 1654, by the executors. [Alchin 121.] 7 July, 1654. I Christopher Carter, of Stickney, husband man, sick. Fo Robert Carter, my son, his now dwelling house, etc., to him and his heirs for ever. To mv daughter, Anne Benton, one red doved quee. To my daughter, Rebeccha Carter, four kine, etc. To my son, Benjamin Carter, whom I make executor, the rest of mv goods. Witnesses — George Browne ; John Meedlay. Proved at Westminster, 22 August, 1654, ^y ^^^ executor. [Alchin 104,] 8 May, 1654. I William Carter of Gosberkirke, yeoman, sick. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Gosberkirke. To mv son Thomas Carter wherin I lyveth 8 acres of ground. If he die without heirs lawfully begotten it shall be equaUv divided amongst William Carter, Jane Carter, and Francis LINC01.NSHIUK WILLS 355 Carter. To mv ion William Carter, seven acres of pasture in Cjoiberkirke mul Surllctt callinge Armintoft, if he die without heirs lawfully begotten, it ihull be rqiiully divided to Thomas Cuitcr, )aiie Caitcr and Kraiieij Carter. To mv said son William £";.o at at years. To jaiin C;irter mv daiis-htcr, wite of Anthony KoihvwcU, Cio, Vo Francis Caiter mv daughter £40 at 21 years, etc. To my grandchild Peeter Roger ^5 at 31 years. To my cousin Thomas Markham, mv godson, 10 groates at,? I vears. To my ton Thomas Carter, whom 1 make executor thc rest of'nw goods. Witnesses— Kdward Aiwcll his riuirk j I'hum.is Markham. Proved at Wcitniinster, 27 November. 1054, by thc executor. [Alchin 131.1 i8 October, 1653. I Isabdl Cheales. of Hagworthingham, widow, weak. To my son, Gc-oigc Riggc's,'40/. To the children of niv late grandson, N.ithanicll Rlggcs, to wit, Thomas Kiggs, John Riggs. laizabeth Riggs, 'jVlarv Riggs, jf8 IKS, eacn at ;i vears, mui ilic said poit'ions shall be paid into tne luuidi of Thomas Silnhorpc 01' Wilsbvr and |ohn Sibthorpe of Astcciiic and Williuiu Wingod or I lagwoitliiiig- liam, bv John Whitinge of Boston, woollen draper,"out of the lum which hc oweth mc. To mv cousin, Klizabeth Ninbrav, ros. To Williani Dale, clerk, -jioj'. To Susan Dale, jj. To Kliaabeth Cock, mv co/.in, 51, To Anne Goose, mv grand child, IOJ. To her children, io.»-. To niv cousin, Ivlargaret Clark, IOJ. To her daughter, Klir.abeth Clark, 5.?, To the poor of llagwortliingham, aoJ. To those who shall carry mv corpse to thc grave, 4J. 'To my granddaughter, Margaret Rlggi, relict of mv grandson Nathaniell Rigg.s, deceased, wliom I nuke executrix, the re»t of mv goods. Witnesses — John Whitinge; Thomai Cheales ; Meiijainiii Whitinije. Proved at Wcitminsier, 30 April, 1054, ^"' "*^ executrix. [Alchin 124.) a8 June. l6?4. I William Clarke the elder of Habrough, lin^leman, sick. To Alice Wright, now wife of William Wright of Habrough, mv mother, all mv right title etc. in one messuage and tarm in Habrough, with the lands etc. within the Town Fields, etc. of Habrough with the common of pasture etc. to thc same belonging, for her Hie. 'Fo Mary Maudeslcy daughter of John Mairdslev ol Nettleton 40/., half at 18 vears and half at 21 vears. If she die bcioic 31 vears then to John Maudiley son of the said John Maudslcv and brother unto the said Mary ao/., to tny executrix the other 3o/. To William 256 ABSTRACTS OF Wright son of WilHam Wright of Habrough 3/. To every of my godchildren 3^. 4^/. at 21 years. To Isaack Newmarch of Habrough 5J. "To Elizabeth Brayde my grandmother 6j. 8d, To John Maudsley son of John Maudsley of Nettleton 10/. at 21 years. To Jane Fowler daughter of Robert Fowler of Habrough late deceased 5/, To Dorothy Osbourne daughter of Anne Osborne of Habrough one ewe and a lamb. To the poor of Habrough I2.r. To the aforesaid Alice Wright my mother, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Supervisors — George Milson ; Thomas Fowler of Habrough, 5^. To Dorothv Marshall wife of WilHam Marshall of Habrough 6j. Sd, Witnessess — Elizabeth Green wife of William Green, her mark ; Elizabeth Hill, widow, her mark ; John Wells ; Johnson Empringham with others. Proved at Westminster, 25 September, 1654, by Alice the relict [sic] and sole executrix. [Alchin 114.] I January, 1652-3. I Hammond Claxton, of Horsington, esq. To the poor of Horsington, 20/. To all mv tenants who owe me 3/. or under I forgive them their debts. To Hammond Claxton of Graves Inn, co. Middlesex, gentleman, and the heirs male of his body, the messuages, lands and tenements in Wells, Wookey, Milton, Polesham, co. Somerset, which I have covencnted to him by a deed bearing date I October, 1647. To my nephew, Hammond Claxton of Barton, co. Norfolk, gentleman, 92/. he oweth me for 8 years rent ended at St Michael 1644, for a tenement in the parish of St Giles in the Fields, co. Middlesex, wherein he and his family then and formerly dwelt ; and 20/. which he received for me of widow Sterlinge in co. Norfolk. To mv nephew mr Hammond Ward of Clements lane, London^ merchant, 40^. for a ring. To his son my grandnephew and godson Hammond Ward, 40/. To my grandnephew and godson, Hammond Claxton of Fleetstreete, the son of my nephew WilHam Claxton, deceased, 20/. To my nephew James Tilney and Francis Tilney his wife of Norwich, 10/. To my niece, mrs Anne Bernard, wife of mr Thomas Bernard, of North Cromwell, esquire. To John Hardinge of Horncastle 7/. he oweth me. To my servant, Charles Wood, 5/. To my servant, EHzabeth Ward, the cottage wherein John Pinchbeeck now dwelleth in Horsington, to her and her assigns for her natural life. And I desire my nephew Hammond Claxton of Livern, co. Suffolk, esquire, unto whom I have given all mv (To be continued) LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS 257 lands in Horsington and Lincolnshire, that he will permit my said servant Elizabeth Ward peacefully to hold the said cottage for her life. To my two servants Charles Ward and Elizabeth Ward. To George Neyle of Bregs, junior, gentleman, the 50/. which I lent him, part of the 100/. bv which Justinian Pagett of Holborn, esquire, standeth bound to him. To the chUd or children of Richard Foster and Anne his wife late of Horsington, deceased, of whose goods I took the inventory and is registered in the Chancellors Court at Lincoln, there remaineth on my hands 4/. 8^. id,, and this I make up to bl, to be paid unto such child or children as shall be Uving at the time of my death. To Francis Mason only child of Robert Mason late of Horsington, deceased, of whose goods I took the inventory which is registered in the Chancellors Court at Lincoln, there remaineth on my hands 3/. iSs. Sd, and this I make up to 6/, to be paid unto the said Francis Mason. To my nephew Hamond Claxton of Livermeare, co. Suflblk, my manor of Horsington and all my messuages, lands and tenements in Horsington, Blankney and Methringham or elsewhere in co. Lincoln, and the heirs male of his bodv, with divers remainders to divers of my nephews as in a deed enrolled in the chancery in or about Hilary Term 1648, in which I have covenanted to stand seized to my said nephew Hamond Claxton of Livermeare of my said premises in co. Lincoln. To mr Thomas Dobbs, the minister, for preaching my funeral sermon 10/. ; also another 10/. To his children mr Thomas Dobbs and mrs Mary Dobbs, 5/. each. To mr Giles Flemminge, minister of Waddingworth, 10/. To mr Richard Sliggs, preacher of Stiggswould, 10/. To John Houlbv, my late servant, lol. To my grandnephew John Claxton the eldest son and heir of my nephew Owen Claxton late of Covent Garden, gentleman, deceased, 250/. To Dennise Claxton my grandnephew second son of my said nephew Owen Claxton, 250/. To my grandniece Frances Claxton the eldest daughter of my said nephew Owen Claxton 250/. at her marriage. To my grandniece Katherine Claxton second daughter of mv said nephew Owen Claxton 250/. at her marriage. To my niece Anne Smith wife of my nephew George Smith, esquire, and daughter of my nephew William Buckley, esquire, 100/. To my said nephew William Buckley 40S, for a ring. To my niece Elizabeth Buckley 10/. To my nephew Hamond Claxton of Booton the 100/. I stand bound for, as his surety for his debt unto my nephew Alexander Thurstone, To my nephew Hamond Chadwick of 258 ABSTRACTS OF Greenwich the 100/. I stand bound for as his suerty unto my aforesaid nephew Alexander Thurston. To my nephew Hamond Chadwick the 100/. I stand bound for as his'suerty to Lady Pratt. To my said nephew Owen a certain lease I purchased in his name of one William Churchill, belonging to Magdalen college in Oxford of all that their manor place in Horsington. To my said nephew Owen Claxton and George Neyle of Grayes Inne, gentleman, certain sums of my money lent in their names. To my niece Grace Claxton and my grand nephew John Claxton her son, both of them living in Heartstreet, Covent Garden, whom I make executors, she being the relict and he the son and heir of my nephew Owen Claxton, provided that the said Grace remain unmarried. If she marry I will that neither the said Grace nor the said John her son shall be my executors, but shall be utterly barred from having anything to do with my will or with any of my goods no more than if they had never been mentioned in this will. In case the said Grace marry I ordain my nephew Hamond Claxton of Empington, co. Cambridge, esquire, my sole executor. All these legacies, my lease of the messuage called Westhouse in Wallvington, co. Somerset, which I formerly bought of Robert Smith for 600/. ; all my ready money, plate etc. ; all the rents and arrears of rents which shall accrue from my tenements in Horsington, Blankney, and Methringham, or in Wells, Wookeyhole, Weoke, Milton, and Polesham, co. Somerset, at the time of my death. To my nephew Hamond Claxton late parson of RolHsbye release from a debt of 500/. if he agree to pay 300/. of it by 50/. yearly. To William Clearkc of Langton 5/. To Thomas Barton of Thumbleby 5/. Wit nesses — Thomas Dobbs rector of the church of Horsington ; Richard Skigges vicar of Stixwoulde ; Thomas Barton ; Charles Johnson ; Richard Wood ; Charles Wood. Codicil dated 30 October, 1653. To Edward Flovd of London, esquire, 40/. To Thomas Floyd of London, gentleman, his brother, 40/. To their sister mrs Barbara Floyd 50/. To mr Thomas Wharton, gentleman, of Grayes Inne 40/. To my nephew Senhowse Claxton 1000/. instead of the 250/. formerly given unto him. To my said grandnieces Francis Claxton and Katherine Claxton 500/. each instead of the 250/. formerly given unto them. Witnesses — John Hardinge ; Richard Wood ; Thomas Dobbs rector of Horsington. Proved at Westminster, 9 January, 1653-4, by Grace Claxton one of the executors. [Alchin 142.J LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS 259 17 May, 1654. I James Clay of Fishtoft, husbandman. To Sarah Clay my eldest daughter 20/. to be paid into the hands of my brother Thomas Clay, and paid to her at 18 years. To Mary Clay my second daughter 20/. to be paid into the hands of my friend Bryan Johnson. My brother Richard Clay shaU have yearly the use and interest money for 10/. of the said 20/. for the education of my said daughter until she attain 18 years if she so long condnue with him. To Frances Clay my youngest daughter 20/. to be paid into the hands of my kinsman SamueU Keecher until she attain 18 years. To everyone of my said daughters three ewes and three lambs apiece. Supervisors — the aforesaid Thomas Clay ; Brvan Johnson ; SamueU Keecher. To the three children of mv brother Anthony Clay to everyone a sheeser [sic] lamb to be delivered into the hands of Thomas Clay the vounger, until they attain 18 years. To my brother Richard Clay two sheeder lambs, etc. To Peter Pishey one sheeder lamb at 18 years. To John Clay. To Thomas Clay the younger one sheeder lamb ; 20J. he owes me. To my brother Thomas Clay, IOJ. To my friend, Bryan Johnson, los. To my friend, Samuell Keecher, loj. To Anne Clay my wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Witnesses — Anne Clay, her mark ; Mary Clay, her mark. Proved at Westminster, 9 October, 1654, by the executrix. [Alchin 130.] 14 December, 1653. I John Coney of Boston, gentleman. My mansion house and buildings wherein I now dwell I give to my brother mr Samuel Coney and my friends mr Adlard Pury and mr William Otter their heirs and assigns and to the survivors of them with this trust and confidence that they or the survivors of them shall within one year next after my decease, or sooner, sell the same, and the money thereof made together with all the money that can be made of my personal estate, etc., I give the same to my wife mrs Anne Coney and my child Elizabeth Coney and the child my wife is with, equally to be divided among them by my executors. To John Hawkridge and Elizabeth Hawkridge 4o.f. apiece to be paid to them at their respective ages of 21 or days of marriage. I make my brother mr Samuel Coney and my friends and cousins mr Adlard Pury and mr William Otter my joint executors. Witnesses — EHzabeth Raylor, her mark ; Susan Wilson ; Leonarde Roades. Proved at Westminster, 10 February, 1653-4, ^Y William Otter one of the executors. 26o ABSTRACTS OF 24 September, 1645. I Thomas Cooper of Tevelbye, husbandman. My body to be buried in the parish church or churchyard of Tevelbye. To my daughter Mary Cooper 28/.; 4/. ; two ewes and two lambs etc. My brother John Cooper to have charge of my said daughter until she attain 16 years ; but if he does not use and maintain her well, she be taken and out to WiUiam Bardue of Horstow who I desire to be supervisor. If mv said daughter die before she attain to age then to my unborn child half the said portion, when it attain 14 > years, to mv brother John 5/. if he use my daughter well, to my brother Tymothy 5/., to my sister Anne's children the rest of the other half portion. To my mother 20J. etc. If she die before she receive the zos, my brother Tymothy to have it. To my brother John Cooper's children either of them 40J. To my brother Tymothy one ewe and a lamb. To my brother John 20.f. To my kinsman [blank]. To my brother John. To mv unborn child 40^. To my sister's children ^s, each. To every poor widow of Tevelby 4d, To my wife Anne whom I make executrix the rest of my goods. Witnesses — Richard Lovill ; Matthew Stampe, mark ; John Cooper, mark ; William Horbid, mark ; Anne Cooper wife to Thomas Cooper ; William Dobson ; Thomas Trout. Proved at Westminster, 8 July, 1654, by the executrix. 6 September, 1653. I Henry Copeland of Long Leadenham, tavlor, aged. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Long Ledenham. To my son, Thomas Copeland, 5/. To mv nephew WilHam North son of WiUiam North of Fulbeck, labourer, 13^. 4d, To my daughter Elizabeth North wife of William North of Fulbeck, labourer, 20J. To my son Jeremiah Copeland, whom I make executor, the rest of my goods, he allowing his mother my now wife her maintenance during her natural life. Witnesses — Thomas Haudley, his mark ; Theodosia Seamor, her mark. Proved at Westminster, 7 February, 1653-4, by the executor. 9 December, 1653. I Christofer Coxon of Bratoft, husbandman. To Thomas my eldest son, 5^. To John Coxon my next son one cow which is in the keeping of WilHam Westabye. To my son Robert 40^. when his apprenticeship is expired. To my daughter Elizabeth Coxon one cow at 21 years or marriage. To my son Richard two ewes and two lambs. To my daughter Margarett 20J. at 21 years. To my son Edward Coxon 20s, at 21 years. To Mary my wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. LINCOLNSHIRE WILLS 26 1 Witnesses— John Crosley; Thomas Ware, his mark; Ezechiel Cleasby, his mark. Proved at Westminster, 13 October, 1654, bv the executrix. [Alchin 130.] II July, 1653. I Katherine Corby of Spaldinge, widow. To the repayrers of Spaldinge church' 12(3^. 'Fo the poor of Spaldinge 3/, To my brother Robert Thorpe 2or. To mv sister his wife 5^. To Thomas Thorpe and William Thorpe the sons of my brother Robert Thorpe i2d, apiece. 'Fo Thomas Almond and Richard Thorpe i2d, apiece. To Nicholas Wey man of Pinchbeck I2d. To WiUiam 'Fhorpe and Matthew Thorpe the sons of William 'Fhorpe late of Spaldinge, deceased, izd. apiece. To Mary Purdv the wife of Thomas Purdy of Pinchbeck, butcher, i2d. To the said Thomas Purdy zs, bd. To Margarett wife of Thomas Eggleton, butcher, izd. To William Usher son of Henry Usher 2j. bd. To Katherine daughter of John Gleane I2lan/(] Foster, or their assigns. To Thomas Wolby my third son and his heirs for ever, a messuage and twelve acres of pasture thereunto belonging situated in Thorp, co. Lincoln ; ten acres of pasture in the occupation of Robert Creswell, gentleman ; five acres in one [blank] Bennett's occupation one cottage and fourteen acres of pasture in the occupation of one widow Tayler ; a house and forty-two acres of pasture and four acres of arable in the occupation of widow Ballard or her assigns ; five acres of pasture in the occupation of William Tinker ; four and a half acres in the occupation of William Ballard ; five acres in Thomas Reyner's occupation ; one acre in Prentofte's occupation ; and a yearly rent of 10^. paid by Richard Rack out of a five acre close in Wawar's occupation ; also a silver can. To Simon Wolby mv youngest son and his heirs for ever ; a house wherein John Jenney now liveth situated in Burgh aforesaid, and one acre of pasture under it ; three acres in the Brick clauxcs ; four acres called Stone gate ; a house and seventeen and a half acres of arable and pasture in the occupation of Edward Clarrv ; one house and thirteen acres of pasture in the occupation of John Ballard ; twenty four acres of pasture called Hobberlands in my own occupation ; a house and ten acres of pasture ; five and a half acres of arable in John Wilkinson's occupation ; eight acres of arable in Thomas Ballard's occupation ; and also a silver can. If anv oi mv three younger sons die before 21 years, that the portion of him so dying shall be equally divided between my two younger sons. And if two of my said sons die before 21 years, then the portion given unto them, shaU be equaUv divided between my third son, and my daughter or daughters then living, and Amy my wife shall receive the rents and profits of my three younger sons until they attain 2 i vears. If mv wife die or marry again before my sons attain 21 years, then my brother in law and mr WiUiam FitzWilliams and mr Arthur North shaU be their guardians. To my daughters halt a dozen silver spoons apiece. To my brother Richard Wolby, diet, appareil, etc., and izd, weekly during his life or an annuity of zol, yearly^ To WiUiam FitzWilliams, esquire, and Arthur North and their heirs, seven acres of pasture in Burgh which was purchased of Richard Maxey ; nine and a half acres of pasture in Winthorpe, they to sell the same 352 ABSTRACTS OF to pay my debts. To Amye mv wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of mv goods. Witnesses — John Jenney ; Anne Hall her mark ; Anne Lound her mark. Proved at Westminster, 20 Marcb, 1653-4, by the executrix, [Alchin 123.J 4 April, 1654. I WilHam Wright of Boston, sick. My bodv to be buried in the churchyard of Boston. To Robert Wright of Alford, my brother. To William Wright son of the said Robert 20r. To George Rooth, who is married to my wife's sister. To John Enderbv son of Faith Enderby, late of Boston, ior. To Elizabeth Calverly my kinswoman, who now liveth with me, 5/. at marriage. To Dorothy Wright mv wife, whom I make executrix, the rest of my goods. Witnesses — John Barnaby ; Robert Francis. Proved at Westminster, 17 July, 1654, by the executrix. [Alchin 107.] 31 August, 1650. I Thomas Wynnyffe, D.D., late bishop of Lincoln. To my sister in law Mistress Anne "Wynnyff, late wife of mv brother George Winniffe, deceased, for her life, my house in Sheireborne, co. Dorset, wherein mv father dwelt ; remainder to mv nephew John "Wynnyff son and heir of my brother George Winniffand Anne his wife, and the heirs ofhis bodv ; remainder to my niece Anne Jones and the heirs of her bodv ; remainder to my niece Joane Winnyff and the heirs of her body ; remainder to my niece Rebeckah Wynnyffe and the heirs of her body ; remainder to my right heirs. To my said nephew John "Wynnyff and the heirs ofhis body the moiety of certain houses in Creede Lane in London the gift of mv uncle Nicholas Wynnyff, deceased (the other moietv of these leases belonging unto master Charles Pitfeild, gentleman) ; remainder to my cousin William Cole and his heirs for ever. To my said nephew John Wvnnvffe, the interest I have in the lease of that house in Ould Change in London, wherein master Barton now dwelleth, which lease was taken in my cousin William Coles name and by the endorsement of the said lease acknow ledged to be to my only use. To my said nephew John Wynnyffe, all the interest I have in the fourth part of those leases which werc given by my uncle Nicholas Wynnyffe unto the children of my father John Wynnyffe which leases were some years since new taken by myself and the other feofees intrusted in (To be continued) YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01352 2652