Eqf.S]6 The United STATES: HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE, AND STATISTICAL ; "WITH AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX Counties, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, &c. TO ACCOMPANT CASE'S MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. HARTFORD : Published by 0. D. Case and Company. CHICAGO : A. H. Anpkews & Go. 1877. Copyrighted, 0. D. Case & Co. 1876. Eaf. ^;6 THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRArNARD COMPANY, PRINTERS, HARTrOKD, CONN. PUBLISHEE'S ITOTE. The following pages have been prepared to accompany Case's Map of the United States, with a two-fold object. First, to greatly facilitate the labor of searching for details, by reference to an Alpha betical Index to Counties, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, etc. ; Second, to furnish in a condensed form a collection of important historical and geographical facts, pertaining to the United States, which can only be fotmd widely scattered elsewhere. In the brief synopsis of facts given relative to the acquisition of territory, surface, early his tory, and climate, it is beheved that much of the information will be found very convenient and valuable tor reference, not only by those who have frequent occasion to consult maps, but by others also. Extracts from the Government Reports of Dr. F. V. Hayden, Dr. J. S. Newberry, and Major J. W. Powell, descriptive of the Yellow stone Park, the Cafions of the Colorado River, and of Ancient Lake Basins, have also been iatroduced, and will be found to contain much that is interestiag upon that portion of our country west of the Mississippi. Hartford, August, 1876. TABLE OF OOI^TENTS. PublisliGr's N"ot6 -¦ . - _ - I. POSITION AND EXTENT OF THE UNITED STATES, - . - - - . 7 II. TERRITORY, WHEN, HOW, AND OF WHAT POWERS ACQUIRED, - 8 Territory ceded by England, 8 do. do. do. France, - - 9 do. do. do. Spain, - - 10 Texas as annexed, - - - 10 Territory ceded by Mexico in 1848, - 10 do. do. do. do. do. 1853, - - - 10 in. SURFACE, - - - 11 1. The Eastern Portion, The Atlantic Highland, - - - 11 The Atlantic Plain, - - - 13 Basin of the Great Lakes, - - 13 2. The Western Portion, The Pacific Highland, 13 The Rocky Mountains, - - - - 14 The Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains, 16 The Great Basin, 17 The Basin of the Columbia River, 17 The Central Basin, - 17 The Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley, 17 The Willamette Valley, - - 18 Deserts of California, - 18 The Basin of the Colorado River of the West, - 19 3. The Middle Portion, The Mississippi Basin, 21 Height of Land, - 32 IV. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, 33 The Yellowstone Lake, - - - 24 Palls and Grand Cafion of the Yellowstone River, - 24 Erosive Forces, - - . - 24 Hot Springs, - - - 25 Fire Hole Valley, . 37 Mud Springs, ¦ 27 Geysers, 38 TABLE OP CONTENTS. T V. CANONS OF THE COLORADO RIVER OP THE *^^' WEST, - - 31 Sources of the Colorado River, - - - 38 A Labyrinth of River Gorges, - - . 33 Flaming Gorge, - - 34 A Landscape of Naked Rook, - 35 Grand Cafion, a mile deep, - 36 Appearance of the Gorge from Below, 37 VI. ANCIENT LAICE BASINS, - 38 VH. EARLY STATE HISTORY, - - - 53 1. Alabama, - - - 53 2. Alaska, - . - . . 53 3. Aiizona, - - - - - - 53 4. Arkansas, ----- 53 5. California, - - - - - - 53 6. Colorado, - - - - - - 53 7. Connecticut, - - - - - 53 8. Dakota, - - - - - - 54 9. Delaware, - - - - 54 10. Florida, 64 11. Georgia, - - - - - - 54 13. Idaho, 54 13. Illinois, - - - . - 65 14. Indiana, - - - ... 55 15. Indian Territory, - - •- - - 56 16. Iowa, - - - - 56 17. Kansas, - - - - - 56 18. Kentucky, ----- 56 19. Louisiana, - . - ... 66 20. Maine, ------ 67 21. Maryland, - - - - - - 57 23. Massachusetts, - - - - - 57 23. Michigan, - - - - - - 57 24. Minnesota, - - - - - -58 25. Mississippi, - - - - 58 26. Missouri, - - - - - - 58 27. Montana, - - - - - 58 28. Nebraska, - - - - - - 59 39. Nevada, ------ 59 30. New Hampshire, - - - - - 59 81. New Jersey, - - - - - 69 33. New Mexico, - - - - - 59 83. NewYork, 60 34. North Carolina, - - - - - 60 35. Ohio, 60 86. Oregon, - . - - 60 37. Pennsylvania, - - - 61 38. Rhode Island, - - 61 Tl TABLE OF CONTENTS. 39. South Carolina, » - . - . 61 40. Tennessee, - . - - . . - 63 41. Texas, ----.. 63 43. Utah, ------ 62 43. Vermont, - - - - - - 63 44. Virginia, ------ 63 45. Washington, - - - - - 63 46. West Virginia, - - - - - 63 47. Wisconsin, -...-- 63 48. Wyoming, - - - - - - 64 Vin. CLIMATE, Table of Places having a Mean Summer Temperature of about 60° P., . - 68 Table of Places having a Mean Summer Temperatm-e of about 65° F., _ - 68 Table of Places having a Mean Summer Temperature of about 70° P., - .- - 68 Table of Places having a Mean Summer Temperature of about 75° P., - - - - 69 Table of Places having a Mean Summer Temperature of about 80° P., - - - - 69 Table showing Mean Temperatures in Tropical Amer ica, - - 69 Table showing Mean Temperature in Europe and Asia, - » - - ¦ 69 Table showing Mean Annual Amount of Moisture Pre cipitated in rain and melted snow, - - - 7(y IX. LIST OP THE ORIGINAL THIRTEEN STATES, 74 X. TABLE GIVING THE AREA OF EACH STATE AND TERRITORY, - - 75 XI. ALPHABETICAL INDEX, - 75 Alphabetical List of Counties, by States and Territories, 75 Alphabetical List of Mountains, 93 Alphabetical List of Valleys, - - 95 Alphabetical List of Lakes, - 96 Alphabetical List of Rivers, - - - - 98 Alphabetical List of Capes, - - - 108 Alphabetical List of Bays, - - - . 109 Alphabetical List of Islands, - - . - no THE UNITED STATES. I.. POSITION AND EXTENT. The United States of America, exclusive of Alaska, occupies the central portion of North America, extending from British America on the north to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. It lies between 24° 30' and 49° north latitude, and between 66° 45' and 124° 45' longitude west from Greenwich. It has a shore line, including indentations and projec tions, of about 6,860 miles on the Atlantic, 3,460 miles on the Gulf of Mexico, 2,280 miles on the Pacific, and 3,620 miles on the northern lakes. Its Mexican frontier, following the general course of the Rio Grande River, but not its windings, is about 1,600 miles in extent, and its northern boundary, passing through the middle of the Great Lakes, is about 3,650 miles. Its greatest breadth from north to south, between the forty-ninth parallel and the most southern point of Texas, is 1,595 miles, and its greatest length from east to west, between .the most eastern point of Maine and Cape Flat tery, in Washington Territory, is 2,766 miles. Its short est length from east to west, between the coast of Georgia and the coast of southern California, is 2,077 miles. New York is distant from San Francisco 2,600 miles. 8 ACQUISITION OF TEERI?:0RY. The total area of the United States and Territories, including Alaska, is 3,608,884 square miles, or about four- ninths of North America, and more than one-fifteenth of the entire land surface of the globe. It is surpassed in extent only by three of the great empires of the world — the British Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Chinese Empire. This area was acquired as follows : II. TERRITORY-WHEN, HOW, AND FROM WHAT POWERS ACQUIRED. ?Scpare miles. 1. The Original Thirteen States and other territoiy, from Eng land, by treaty, in 1783, 827,844 2. Louisiana, from France, by treaty, in 1803, for S15,000,000, 1,162,287 3. Florida, from Spain, by treaty, in 1819, for 55,000,000, 68,912 4. Texas, by annexation, in 1845 — Texas debt assumed by the United St.Iarion, - . . - 78 Caldwell, - 21 Clarke, ¦ - - - 34 Marshall, - ¦ 95 Cameron, . . - 37 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — COUNTIES. LOUISIANA-Conti'd.. MAINE-Continued. MASS.— Continued. Counties. No. Counties. No. Counties. No. Carroll, - - 8 Cumberland, . . 12 Plymouth, . . 11 Catahoula, 22 Franklin, - - . 6 Suffolk, - - . 8 Clailiorne, 4 Hancock, - - - - 9 Worcester, . 5 Concordia, 24 Kennebec, - 7 De Soto, - - 9 Knox, - - - 16 MICHIGAN. East Baton Rouge, - 44 Lincoln, - 15 Alcona, .... 25 East Feliciana, - - 32 Oxford, 5 Allegan, - - . 58 Franklin, - 15 Penobscot, 4 Alpena, .... 19 Grant,- - - 20 I'iscataquis, - 3 Antrim, 16 Iberia, - - 40 Sagadalioc, 14 Barry, - - 59 Iberville, - - - - 42 Somerset, 2 Bay, - - 42 Jackson, 12 Waldo, - 8 Benzie, 20 Jefferson, - - . 62 Washington, 10 Berrien, - 71 La Fayette, - - . - 39 York, - - - - 11 Branch, - 74 La Fourche, - 55 Calhoun, - - 67 Lincoln, - 5 MARYLAND. Cass, - . - 72 Livingston, - . - 45 Allegany, - 2 Charlevoix, - 12 Madison, .... . 16 Anne Arundel, - 12 Cheboygan, - 13 Morehouse, . 7 Baltimore, - - - 6 Chippewa, 6 Natchitoches, . - 18 Calvert, - 16 Clare, - - - - 35 Orleans, .... - 53 Caroline, - 18 Clinton, - - 53 Ouachita, 13 Carroll, - . 5 Crawford, - 23 Plaquemines, - 56 Cecil, - - 8 Delta,- - . 9 Point Coupee, . . . 30 Charles, - - 15 Eaton, - 60 Rapides, - - 26 Dorchester, - - - 20 Emmet, - 11 Red River, - 10 Frederick, - - 4 Genesee, . - 55 Richland, - 14 Garrett, 1 Gladwin, - - - 36 Sabine, - - - 17 Harford, - - - - 7 Grand Traverse, - - 21 St. Bernard, 57 Howard, - 10 Gratiot, . - - 46 St. Charles, - - - - 51 Kent, - - - - 13 Hillsdale, - 75 St. Helena, - 33 Montgomery, - 9 Houghton, - 2 St. James, - 49 Prince George's, - 11 Huron, - . . - - 43 St. John Baptist, - . 50 Queen Anne's, - - 14 Ingham, ... - 61 St. Landry, - - - 29 St. Mary's, - - - 19 Ionia, ..... - 52 St. Martin's, - - . 41 Somerset, - 22 Iosco, - - . - 31 St. Mary's, - - - 47 Talbot, - - 17 Isaliella, - 40 St. Tammany, - 36 Washington, - - 3 Jackson, 68 Tangipahoa, - 34 Wicomico, 21 Kalamazoo, - - 66 Tensas, 23 Worcester, 23 Kalcaska, - - - 22 Terrebonne, 54 Kent, - 51 Union, - 6 MASSACHUSETTS. Keweenaw, 3 Vermillion, - - 38 Barnstable, - 12 Lake, - - - - 33 Vernon, - . . - 25 Berkshire, 1 Lapeer, - - - - 56 Waslnngton, - 35 Bristol, - - 10 Leelenaw, - . 15 Webster, - - 3 Duke's, - - 13 Lenawee, - - - . 76 West Baton Rouge, - 43 Essex, - - 7 Livingston, - - - - 62 West Feliciana, . - 31 Franklin, - - - 2 Mackinac, - - - - 7 Winn,- - - - 19 Hampden, - 4 Macomb, - - - - 64 Hampshire, 3 Manistee, - 26 MAINE. Middlesex, ... 6 Manitou, .... 10 Androscoggin, - - - 13 Nantucket, - - 14 Jlarquette, - - 4 -Aroostook, ... 1 Norfolk, .... . 9 Mason, .... - 32 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — COUNTIES. 83 MICHIGAN-Contin'd. MINNESOTA-Cont'd. MINNBSOTA-Cont'd. Counties. No. Mecosta, .... 39 Menominee, - . - - 8 Midland, - - - 41 Jlissaukee, - 23 Monroe, - 77 Montcalm, - 45 Montmorency, - 18 Muskegon, - - 44 Newavgo,- - 38 Oakland, - - 63 Oceana, - - 37 Ogemaw, - 30 Ontonagon, - - 1 Osceola, - - 34 Oscoda, - - 24 Otsego, . - 17 Ottawa, - - 50 Presque Isle, 14 Roscommon, - 29 Saginaw, - - 47 St. Clair, - - 57 St. Joseph, - 73 Sanilac, - - 49 Schoolcraft, - - 5 Shiawasse, - 54 Tuscola, - - 48 Van Buren, - 65 Washtenaw, 69 Wayne, - - - 70 Wexford, - - 27 MINNESOTA. Aiken,Anoka,Becker, ... Beltrami, Benton,Big Stone, Blue Earth, - Browu, Carlton,Carver,Cass, - Chippewa,Chisago, - Clay, - Cottonwood, - Crow Wing, - Dakota, - Dodge,Douglas,Fairbault, - - 10 39 8 3 29 33 65 53 11 49 9 4432 7 63 18 51 682575 Counties.Fillmore, - - Franklin,Freeborn, . Goodhue, Grant, - . Hennepin, . Holcombe, . Houston, - . Isanti, . - Itasca, - - Jackson, - Kanabec, - - Kandiyohi, - Lac qui Parle, Lake, - Le Sueur, - Lincoln, . . Lyon, - McLeod, - - Martin, - - Meeker, - - Mille Lacs, - Monongalia, Morrison, Mower, - - Murray, - - Nicollet, - Nobles, - . Olmsted, . . Otter Tail, - Pembina,Pine, . - - Pipe Stone, - Polk, Pope, ... Ramsey, - Redwood, Renville, - - Rice, - - Rock, - - St. Louis, - S30tt, - Sherburne, - Sibley, - - Stearns, - - Steele, - - Stevens, - - Swift, - - - Todd, - . . Traverse, Wabasha, . Wadena, . - No. Counties. . 78 Waseca, . - - 27 Washington, - - - 76 Watonwan, - . 59 Wilkin, - 23 Winona, - - - 38 Wright, - - 13 Yellow Medicine, ~ - 79 - 31 MISSISSIPPI. - 4 Adams, - 73 Alcorn, - 20 Amite, - 45 Attala, - 42 Benton, - - 6 Bolivar, - 57 Calhoun, - - 52 Carroll, - . 53 Chickasaw, - - 48 Choctaw,- - - 74 Claiborne, - - 36 Clarke, - - 19 Coahoma, - - 35 Colfax, - - 17 Copiah, - - 77 Covington, - 62 De Soto, - - 56 Franklin, - 72 Greene, - . . . 69 Grenada, . . . - - 16 Hancock, - . 1 Harrison, . - - 21 Hinds,- - - 61 Holmes, - - 2 Issaquena, - - - 26 Itawamba, ... - 40 Jackson, .... . 54 Jasper, - - . 46 Jefferson, - 58 Jones, - ... - 71 Kemper, - - - 5 La Fayette, - - - 50 Lauderdale, - - . - 30 Lawrence, . 47 Leake, .... - 28 Lee, - 67 Lincoln, - - - - - 24 Lowndes,- - - . 34 Leflore, .... 16 Madison, .... - 22 Marion, - . - . - 60 Marshall, . - . 15 Monroe. . No. - 66 - 41 - 64 1270 - 37 - 43 - 56 5 - 64 - 34 3 - 22 - 19 - 26 - 20 - 28 - 49 - 54 - 16 - 30 - 50 - 60 - 1 - 57 - 68 - 25 70 - 71 - 44 - 33 - 37 15 72 - 5355 - 61 42 - 11 - 48 - 59 - 40 . 14 - 58 - 31 - 24 - 39 - 66 . 2 - 21 »4, ALPHj i.BETICAL INDEX- -COUNTIES. - MISSISSIPPI— Cont'd. MISSOURI— Contin'ed. MISSOURI- -Coutin'ed. Counties. No. Counties. No. Couhties. No. Montgomery, - 27 Christian, - - 100 Nodaway, ¦ - - - - - 2 Neshoba, - - 41 Clarlc, - - 10 Oregon, - - _ 105 Newton, - - - 47 Cl.-iy, - -• 2,S Osage, - - 60 Noxubee, . . - 36 Clinton, - 27 Ozark, - - - 103 Oktibbeha, - - - 29 Cole,- - - 48 Pemiscot, - _ _ 114 Panola, - - . . . 10 Cooper, - - - 46 Perrv, - - _ _ iO Pearl, - - 69 Crawford, 76 Pettis, - - - - 43 Perry, - 67 Dade, 83 Plielps, - - 74 Pike, - - - - 65 12- Dallas, - Davies, - 70 14 Pike, - - - 42 Pontotoc, - Platte, 26 Prentiss, -- 6 De Kalb, - - - 13 Polk,-- - - 69 Rankin, - 45 Dent,- - 75 Pulaski,- - - - 73 Scott, - - - 46 Douglas, 102 Putnam, 7 Simpson, - - 51 Dunklin, 113 Ralls, - - 35 Smith,- - 52 Franklin, - - - 63 Randolph, - - - 33 Sunflower, - . 23 Gasconade, - ¦ 62 Ray, - ¦ _ 30 Tallahatchie, . - 17 Gentry, - 4 Reynolds, - - _ 90 Tate, - - - 9 Greene, - - 85 Ripley, - 107 Tinnah - - - ¦ 4 Grundy, - - - - 15 St. Charles, . 53 Tishomingo, - - 7 Harrison, - - 5 St. Clair, - 66 Tunica, - - - 8 Henry,- - - 56 St. Francois, -- 78 Union, - - - - 13 Hickory, 68 St. Genevieve , r 79 Warren, - - 43 Holt, - 11 St. Louis, - 54 Wasliington, .. . 32 Howard, 39 Saline, - - - 38 Wayne, - - 62 Howell, ------- 104 Schuyler, - 8 Wilkinson, - -- 63 Iron, - - - 91 Scotland, - 9 Winston, - 35 Jackson, - - ¦ 36 Scott, - 110 Yallobusha, - - 18 Jas))er, - - - 82 Shannon, 89 Yazoo, - - - - 38 Jefferson, - - 64 Shelby,- - .- - 22 Johnson, 44 Stoddard,- - , 109 MISSOUEI. Knox, 21 Stone, 99 Adair, - - - 19 Laclede, - - - - - - - -¦ 72 Sullivan, _ . - 17 Andrew, -. - 12 La Fayette, 37 Taney,- - - ,-:101. Atchison, - • . . - 1 Lawrence, - - - 84 Texas, - .. _ - ¦¦ 88, Audrain, - - 41 Lewis, - 23 Vernon, - - - - . - ¦ - 65 Barry, - - - . 98 Lincoln, 52 Warren, . - 51 Barton, -. 81 Linn, -- - 18 Wasliington, 77 Bates, -. - 55 Livingston, - - - - 16 Wayne, - - . _ 93 Benton, - . - ¦ . 57 McDonald, - - 97 Webster, . - 86 Bollinger, -• - 94 Macon, -. .. - - 20 Worth, - - - - - 3 Boone,- - - - 40 Madison, 92 Wright, - 87 Buchanan, - . - 25 Maries, -- -- 61 Butler, -. -. 108 Marion, - -- 24 MONTANA Caldwell, - - 29 Mercer, - - - 6 Beaver Head _ - 8 Callaway, -. - . 49 Miller, - 59 Big Horn, - 11 Camden, - - 71 Mississippi, 112 Chouteau, . - 5 Cape Girardeau, - 95 Moniteau, 47 Dawson, . 6 Carroll, - 31 Monroe, - 34 Deer Lodge, 2 Carter, - - . - 106 Montgomery, -- 50 G.iUatin, - 10 43 IVl rtTO'Q n 53 111 Jefferson, ¦ Lewis & Clar 43 Cedar, - 67 New Madrid, ke, - Charlton, - 32 Newton, -- - 96 Madison, - - 9 ALPHABETICAL INDEX- -COUNTIES. 85 MONTANA- -Contln'd. NEBRASKA-Contin'd. NEW JERSEY- Con'd. Counties. No. Counties. No. Counties. No. Meagher, - 7 Red Willow, - 51 Hudson, - - - 7 Missoula,- 1 Saline, 46 Hunterdon, 8 Sarpy, - 27 Mercer, . 11 NEBRASKA. Saunders, 25 Middlesex, 12 Adams, - 43 Seward, - - 36 Monmouth, 13 Antelope, 6 Slierman, - 20 Morris, 5 Boone, 15 Stanton, - 10 Ocean, 15 Buffalo, - 32 Thayer, - 57 Passaic, 2 Burt, 12 Valley, - 13 Salem, 19 Butler, - - 24 Washington, 19 Somerset, 9 Cass, - - - 38 Wayne, 9 Sussex, - 1 Cedar, - 3 Welister, - - 55 Union, - 10 Chase, - - 40 York, - 35 Warren, 4 Chevenne, - 28 Clav, - 44 ¦NhlVADA. NEW MEXICO. Colfax, - 17 Churchill, 8 Bernalillo, 8 Cuming, 11 Douglas, - - 12 Colfax, 2 Dakota, - 5 Elko, 3 Dona Ana, l;! Dawson, - - 31 Esmeralda, 13 Grant, - 12 Dixon, 4 Eureka, - 10 Lincoln, 11 Dodge, 18 Humboldt, 2 Mora, - - 4 Douglas, - 26 Lander, - 9 Rio Arriba, . - 3 Dundy, - 49 Lincoln, 15 Santa Ana, 5 Fillmore, - - 45 Lyon, - 7 Santa Fe, 6 Franklin, - - 54 Nye, 14 San Miguel, - 7 Frontier, - - - 41 Ormsby, 6 Socorro, ¦ 10 Furnas, - 52 Eoop, - 1 Taos, - 1 Gage, - - . - 59 Storey, 5 Valencia, - y Greeley, 14 Washoe, 4 Hall, - 33 White Pine, - - 11 NEW YORK. Hamilton, - 34 Albany, - - 35 Harlan, - 53 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Allegany, - ¦ 39 Hitchcock, - 50 Belknap, - 6 Broome, - 4.") Holt, - - - 1 Carroll, - - 3 Cattaraugus, ¦ 38 Howard, - 21 Cheshire, - 8 Cayuga, - - 15 Jefferson, 58 Coos, - - 1 Chautauqua, 37 .lohnson. - - 47 Grafton, - - 2 Chemung, - • 42 Kearney, - - - - 42 Hillsl)orough, 9 Chenango, ¦ 30 Knox, - 2 Merrimack, - 5 Clinton, ,'j Lancaster, - - 37 Rockingham, 10 Columbia, - 43 Lincoln, - 30 Strafford, - - 7 Cortland, - 29 Madison, - 8 Sullivan, 4 Dela\vare, 46 Merrick, - - 22 Dutchess, - 51 Monroe, 29 NEW JERSEY. Erie, 22 Nemaha, - - - - 48 Atlantic, - - 18 Essex, - - - 9 Nuckolls,- ¦ - - 56 Bergen, - - - - 3 Franklin,- - 2 Otoe, - 39 Burlington, 14 Fulton, . . . - 19 Pawnee, - - 60 Camden, - 17 Genesee, - - '>,'J Pierce, - - - 7 Cape May, - - 21 Greene, - - - 47 Platte, - - - 16 Cumberland, ¦' - 20 Hamilton, - 8 Polk, - - 23 Essex, - - - 6 Herkimer, 7 Richardson, - - 61 Gloucester, - - - 16 Jefferson, 4 86 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — COUNTIES. NEWYORK-Oontin'd. N. CAROLINA-Con'd. N. CAROLINA-Con'd. Counties. No. Counties Kings, - 58 Caldwell, - Lewis, - 6 Camden, Livingston, - 25 Carteret, - Madison, - 17 Caswell, Monroe, 13 Catawba, - Montgomery, - 32 Chatham, New York, 56 Cherokee, Niagara, 11 Chowan, Oneida, 18 Clay, - Onondaga, - 16 Cleveland, Ontario, - 26 Columbus, Orange, - 52 Craven, Orleans, - 12 Cumberland, Oswego, - 5 Currituck, - Otsego, - 31 Dare, Putnam, - - 53 Davidson, Queens, - 59 Davie, - - Rensselaer, - 36 Duplin, - Richmond, - 57 Edgecombe, - Rockland, - 34 Forsyth, St. Lawrence, 1 Franklin, Saratoga, - 20 Gaston, Schenectady, - 34 Gates, - Schoharie, - - 33 Graham, Schuyler, - - 41 Granville, Seneca, - 28 Greene, - Steuben, . - 40 Guilford, - Suffolk, 60 Halifax, Sullivan, - 49 Harnett, Tioga, - - 44 Haywood, Tompkins, - 43 Henderson, Ulster, - 50 Hertford, - - Warren, 10 Hyde, - Washington, - . 21 Iredell, Wayne, - 14 Jackson, Westchester, . . 55 Johnston, - Wyoming, 24 Jones, Yates, - . 27 Lenoir, Lincoln, - NORTH CAROLINA. McDowell, Alamance, 24 Macon, - Alexander, - 41 Madison, Alleghany, 2 Martin, Anson, - 85 Mecklenburg, Ashe, - - 1 Mitchell, Beaufort, - - 53 Montgomery, Bertie, - - 31 Moore, Bladen,_ - - 88 Nash, - Brunswick, - 93 New Hanover, Buncombe, - 62 Northampton, Burke, - 38 Onslow, - - Cabarrus, "72 Orange, No. Counties. No. - 39 Pamlico, - - 83 17 Pasquotank, - 16 91 Perquimans, - 15 6 Person, 7 - 40 Pitt, - 52 - 47 Polk, - 65 55 Randolph, - 46 14 Richmond, 86 57 Robeson, - 87 - 68 Rockingham, - 5 - 92 Rowan, - - - 44 - 82 Rutherford, - 66 - 77 Sampson, 78 - 18 Stanly, - 73 - 34 Stokes, ... 4 - 45 Surry, - - 3 - 43 Swain, - 59 79 Transylvania, - - 63 - 29 TyrreU, .... - 33 - 22 Union, . - - 84 - 27 Wake,- - . - 26 - 70 Warren, ... - 9 13 Washington, 32 - 56 Watauga, - - - . 19 8 Wayne, - . 50 - 51 Wilkes, - - - . - 20 - 23 Wilson, . . . 49 10 Yadkin, . . . 21 76 Yancey, ... 36 61 64 OHIO. 12 Adams, . . . 82 54 Allen,- . . . . 26 - 42 Ashland, .... . 31 60 Ashtabula, . . - 14 48 Athens, .... - 77 - 81 Auglaize, - 36 80 Belmont, - - . - 59 69 Brown, ... - 81 67 Butler, - . . - 70 58 CarroU, - . . - 47 - 35 Champaign, - - f2 - 30 Clark, 53 - 71 Clermont, - . . - eo - 37 Clinton, . . 72 - 74 Columbiana, . . - 34 - 75 Coshocton, . - - 45 - 28 Crawford, - - - - 29 - 89 Cuyahoga, - - - - 11 11 Darke, - - 50 - 90 Defiance, - - 4 - 25 Delaware, - - - - 11 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — COUNTIES. 87 OHIO— Continued. OHIO— Continued Counties.Erie, - '- - Fairfield, - - Fayette, - Franklin, - - Fulton, ... Gallia, ... Geauga,Greene, . . Guernsey,Hamilton, . . Hancock, - . . Hardin, ... Harrison, . . Henry, ... Highland, . . Hocking, - . - Holmes, . . Huron, . - Jackson, . - Jefferson, . . ICnox, .... Lake, ... Lawrence, . - Licking, - . . Logan, - . Lorain, . . Lucas, - . Madison, ... Mahoning, . . Marion, - . - Medina, ... Meigs, - . . - Mercer, - - Miami, ... Monroe, . . Montgomery, - Morgan, - - Morrow, - - Muskingum,Noble,- . . Ottawa, . . Paulding,Perry, .... Pickaway, . . Pike, . . . Portage, . - I'reble, - - - Putnam, ... Richland, . . Ross, .... Sandusky, . - Sciota, - . - No. Counties. 9 . 65 - 63 - 55 - 2 . 87 . 13 - 62 . 58 . 79 . 17 . 27 . 48 . 5 . 73 . 75 . 44 . 19 . 85 - 49 . 43 - 12 . 86 - 56 - 38 - 10 . 3 . 54 . 24 . 40 . 20 - 88 . 35 - 51 - 69 - 61 - 67 - 42 - 57 - 68 - 7 15 . 6664 . 83 . 22 60 - 16 . .3074 8 . 84 Seneca, . - Shelby, - . . . Stark, - - - . Summit, - - . Trumbull, - - ¦ Tuscarawas,Union,Van Wert, Vinton, - - . Warren, - Washington, - . Wayne, Williams, Wood,- - Wyandot, OREGON. Baker, - - Benton, - Clackamas, - Clatsop, - Columbia, Coos,Curry, Douglas, - Grant, - - - Jackson, - - ¦ Josephine,Lane, - - - Linn,Marion, - Multnomah, - - Polk, Tillamook,Umatilla, - Union,Wasco, - Washington, Yam Hill, - No. - 18 - 37 . 33 . 21 - 23 - 46 - 39 - 25 - 7671 . 78 - 32 - 1 6 28 22 10 8 1 - 2 1718 - 16 - 21 - 20 1912 - 11 9 7 - 63 14 15 13 4 - 5 PENNSYLVANIA. A dams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, - Bedford, - Berks, - - Blair,Bradford,Bucks,- - Butler, - Cambria, - - 59 - 34 - 22 - 33 - 55 - 47 - 38 7 - 66 - 20 - 37 PENN'IA-Continued. Counties. No. Cameron, 14 Carbon, - 48 Centre, - 25 Chester, - 62 Clarion, - - 21 Clearfield, - 24 Clinton, 1 5 Columbia, - 29 Crawford, 2 Cumberland, - 58 Dauphin, - - - 44 Delaware, - - 63 Elk, - - 13 Erie, 1 Fayette, - - 53 Forest, . 12 Franklin, - - 57 Fulton, - 56 Greene, - - 52 Huntington, - - 39 Indiana, - 36 Jefferson, - 23 Juniata, - - 42 Lancaster, - 61 Lawrence, - 19 Lebanon, - - 45 Lehigh, - 49 Luzerne, - 30 Lycoming, 1 6 McKean, - 4 Mercer, 10 Mifflin, - - 40 Monroe, - - 31 Montgomery, 64 Montour, - ¦- - 28 Northampton, - 50 Northumberland, - - 27 Perry, - - - 43 Philadelphia, - 65 Pike, - - 32 Potter, - 5 Schuylkill, - 46 Snyder, - 41 Somerset, 54 Sullivan, - 17 Susquehanna, 8 Tioga, - 6 Union, - - 26 Venango, 1 1 Warren, ¦ ,- 3 Washington, - 51 Wayne, - - 9 88 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — COUNTIES. PENN'IA-Continued. TENNESSEE— Cont'ed. TENNESSEE- Cout'ed. Counties. No. Counties. Westmoreland, - 35 Bradley, - - Wyoming, - - 18 Campbell, York, - - - 60 Cannon, - Carroll, RHODE ISLAND. Carter, - Bristol, - -- 2 Cheatham, Kent, 3 Claiborne, Newport, - 5 Clay, . Providence, - 1 Cocke, Washington, 4 Coffee, - - Crockett, - SOUTH CAROLINA. Cumberland Abbeville, • - - 18 Davidson, Aiken, - - - 27 Decatur, Anderson, - 11 De Kalb,- - Barnwell, - - - - 28 Dickson, - Beaufort,- - - - - 32 Dyer, Charleston, - 30 Fayette, - Chester, - - 7 Fentress, - - Chesterfield, - - 9 Franklin, Clarendon, - - 23 Gibson, - - Colleton, - - - - 31 Giles, - Darlington, - - 16 Grainger, Edgefield, - . 19 Greene, - Fairfield, . - 14 Grundy, Georgetown,- - - 25 Hamblen, Greenville, - - 3 Hamilton, Horry, - - - - - 26 Hancock, - Kershaw, - 15 Hardeman, Lanca.ster, - - 8 Hardin, - Laurens, - - - - 12 Hawkins, - Lexington, - 20 Haywood, Marion, - - 17 Henderson, Marlboro, 10 Henry, - Newberry, ¦- 13 Hickman, Oconee, - - . 1 Houston,-- • Orangeburg, . - 29 Humphreys, Pickens, . - . 2 Jackson, - - Richland, - 21 James, - • Spartanburg, - 4 Jefferson, Sumter, 22 Johnson, - Union, - 5 Knox, - — Williamsburg, - 24 Lake, - - York, - - 6 Lauderdale,Lawrence, TENNESSEE Lewis, Anderson, - 41 Lincoln, Bedford, - - - 63 Loudon, Bell, - 79 McMinn, - Benton, - 29 McNairy , Bledsoe, - 69 Macon, - Blount, 74 Madison, - No. Counties. - 92 Marion, - - 17 Marshall, - - 64 Maury, - - 28 Meigs, - 49 Monroe, - - 32 Montgomery, 19 Morgan, - - - 12 Obion, - - 46 Overton,- - 65 Perry, - - 52 Polk, - 39 Putnam,- - 33 Rhea,- - - - 55 Roane, - 36 Robertson, - - 31 Rutherford,- - 26 Scott,- -_ - - 78 Sequatchie,- - 15 Sevier, - - - 87 Shelby, ^ - 27 Smith, - - - 85 Stewart, 20 Sullivan, - 47 Sumner, . 67 Tipton, - - - 22 Trousdale, - - 90 Union, - - . 21 Van Buren, - 80 Warren, - - 82 Washington, - 23 Wayne, - ¦ - - 51 Weakley, - 54 White, - 4 Williamson, . 57 Wilson, - 6 . 30 TEXAS. 13 Anderson, 91 Angelina, - - 45 Aransas,- 25 Archer, - - - 44 Atascosa,- 1 Austin, - - 50 Bandera, - 84 Bastrop, • - - 58 Baylor, - 86 Bee, - - 43 Bell, - - 72 Bexar, - ¦ - 81 Bexar Territory, 11 Blanco, - - 53 Bosque, - No. 8861597173 7 40 2 1456 93 37 70 42 8 6216 89 7577 35 5 24 9 761018 48 83 3 38 60 34 7187 158 8 144 123 118109 7 155 80 132 60 106 66 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — COUNTIES. 89 TEXAS-Continued. ¦ TEXAS— Continued. TEXAS-Continued. Counties. No. Counties. No. Counties. No. Bowie, - . 16 Hardin, - 114 Orange, - . . . 115 Brazoria, - . 139 Harris, - . 125 Palo Pinto, - 32 Brazos, . 96 Harrison, . 44 Panola, - - - 56 Brown, 63 Haskell, . 17 Parker, - - 33 Burleson, - 110 Hays,- . . . 107 Pecos, - - - 59 Burnet, - - . 93 Henderson, . . 53 Polk,- . - 100 Caldwell, - - 121 Hidalgo, . - ¦ 167 Presidio, 53 Calhoun, - 159 Hill, - - 67 Rains, - - - 39 Callahan, 46 Hood, 49 Red River, - 15 Cameron, - - 168 Hopkins, - 26 Refugio, - 157 Cass,- ¦ . 28 Houston, - 85 Robertson, - - 82 Chambers, - - - 126 Hunt, - - 24 Rockwall, 36 Cherokee, 72 Jack, - - 20 Runnells, 61 Clay,- . - 9 Jackson, 149 Rusk, - 55 Coleman, - 62 Jasper, - . . . Jefferson, - - ¦ ¦ - 102 Sabine, - - - . 89 Collin, - 23 127 San Augustine, - 88 Colorado, 136 Johnson, 50 San Jacinto, . 99 Coma], - - . 120 Jones, - . - . 29 San Patricio, . . - 164 Comanche, - - 64 Karnes, - - 146 San Saba, - - 77 Concho, - 75 Kaufman, - . 37 Shackelford, 30 Cooke, - 11 Kendall, - 119 Shelby, - - ¦ 74 Coryell, - 79 Kerr,. 117 Smith, 54 Dallas, - - 35 Kimble, - - 104 Starr, 166 Dawson, - ¦ - - 129 Kinney, - 128 Stephens, 31 Delta, _ - - - 25 Knox, 6 Tarrant, 34 Dimmit, - . . . . - 151 Lamar, 14 ,Taylor, - 45 Denton, - - 22 Lampasas, - - 78 Throckmorton, - 18 De Witt, 147- La Salle, 152 Titus,- . - 27 Duval, - 162 Lavaca, - 135 Travis, - 108 Eastland, - 47 Leon, 83 Triaiity, - - 86 Edwards, . - 116 Liberty, - - . 113 Tyler, - 101 Ellis, - 51 Limestone, - 69 Upshur, - - 41 El Paso, - 57 Live Oak, . 154 Uvalde, - - . - 130 Encinal, - - • 161 Llano, - - 92 Van Zandt, 38 Erath, - ¦ 48 McCulloch,- 76 Victoria, -¦ - 148 Falls, - - 81 McLennan, - ¦ . . 68 Walker, - 98 Fannin, - - . 13 McMuUen, - 153 Waller, - 124 Fayette, - - - - 122 Madison, 84 Washington, - - Ill Fort Bend, -• - 138 Marion, - - . 43 Webb, - 160 Freestone, - 70 Mason, - 91 Wegefarth, 2 Frio, - . . . 143 Matagorda, • . 150 Wharton, ¦ - 137 Galveston, . . 140 Maverick, 141 Wichita - - . 5 Gillespie, 105 Medina, - - - 131 Wilbarger, . - 4 Goliad, . . 156 Menard, - . • - . 90 Williamson, - - 94 Gonzales, . - 134 Milam, . . 95 Wilson, . - - . 145 Grayson, . - 12 Montague, . . . . . 10 Wise, 21 Gregg, . . . . . - 42 Montgomery, . • . . 112 Wood, - - . - - 40 Grimes, - - ¦ 97 Nacogdoches, . . . . 73 Young, - , - . 19 Gaudalupe, . - 133 Navarro, - . . 52 Young Territory, 1 Hamilton, - - • 65 Newton, . . • . . 103 Zapata, . . 165 Hardeman, - ¦ . . 3 Nueces, - . . . . . 163 Zavalla, - - 142 90 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — COUNTIES. UTAH. Counties. No. Counties. Beaver, 16 Buckingham, Box Elder, 1 Campbell, Cache, - 2 Caroline, - Davis, - 6 Carroll, - Iron, 18 Charles City, Juab, 12 Charlotte, - Kane, - - 20 Chesterfield, Millard, 14 Clarke, Morgan, - 5 Craig, - Piute, - 17 Culpepper, ¦ Rich, ¦ - 3 Cumberland, Salt Lake, 8 Dinwiddle, - San Pete, -.13 Elizabeth City, - Sevier, 15 Essex, - . - Summit, 9 Fairfax, Tooele, 7 Fauquier, Utah, - 10 Floyd, - Wasatch, - 11 Fluvanna, Washington, 19 Franklin, Weber, 4 Frederick, - Giles, - - VERMONT. Gloucester, Addison, 8 Goochland, Bennington, - 13 Grayson, - Caledonia, 7 Greene, Chittenden, 5 Greenville, Essex, - 4 Halifax, - Franklin, - 2 Hanover, - Grand Isle, 1 Henrico, Lamoille, - 6 Henry, Orange, 10 Highland, - Orleans, 3 Isle of Wight, - Rutland, - 11 James City, - Washington, 9 King & Queen, - Windham, 14 King George, Windsor, - 12 King William, - Lancaster, VIRGINIA. Lee, Accomack, - 39 Loudoun, - Albemarle, - 26 Louisa, Ale-xandria, - 9 Lunenburg, - Alleghany, - 22 Madison, - Amelia, - - 66 Matthews, Amherst, - - 44 Mecklenburg, Appomattox, - 45 Middlesex, - Augusta, - - 17 Montgomery, Bath, - - - - 23 Nansemond, - Bedford, - 63 Nelson, - Bland, - 59 New Kent, Botetourt, - 43 Norfolk, Brunswick, - 92 Northampton, - Buchanan, - - - - 57 Northumberland, VIRGINIA-Contin'ed. VIRGINIA-Contin'ed. No. No. Counties. -46 Nottoway, - 64 Orange, - - 30 Page, - 82 Patrick, - 52 Pittsylvania, - 89 Powhatan, - - 50 Prince Edward, 2 Prince George, - - ¦ - 42 Princess Anne, - 14 Prince William, - 47 Pulaski, • - 68 Rappahannock, 74 Richmond, 33 Roanoke, - 8 Rockbridge, - - 6 Rockingham, 83 Russell, - 27 Scott, - 85 Shenandoah, 1 Smythe, ¦ - - 41 Southampton, 54 Spottsylvania, - 49 Stafford, - - - - 80 Surry, - - -18 Sussex, 93 Tazewell, 88 Warren, 29 Warwick, 51 Washington, 86 Westmoreland, - 16 Wise, 96 Wythe, 71 York, - - 32 . 21 WASHINGTON. - 31 Chehalis, - - 37 Clallam, - 75 Clarke, 3 Cowlitz, - 28 Island, - 90 Jefferson, 13 King, - - 55 Kitsap, - - - 91 Klickitat, 36 Lewis,- - - 61 Mason, 97 Pacific, - 25 Pierce, - 53 Skamania, - 9^ Stevens, - - 40 Snohomish, - 38 Thurston, - - 67 1911 8487 4865 69 99 7 60 12 346224 10 77 76 4 7995 20 15 70 94 58 5 73 78 35 568172 4 1918 65 1211 21 1610 9 14 20 2 7 13 ALPHABETICAL INDEX— -COUNTIES. 91 WASHING'N —Cont'ed. W. VIRGINIA-Cont'd. WISCONSIN-Cont'ed. Counties. No. Counties. No. Counties. No. Wahkiakum, - - 17 Pocahontas, - - 37 Jackson, . 20 AYaUa Walla, 22 Preston, 8 Jefferson,- - 50 Whatcom, - . 1 Putnam, . - - - 40 Juneau, - - - - 29 Whitman, - . 3 Raleigh, 49 Kenosha, - - - - 58 Yakima, - 15 Randolph, 29 Kewaunee, - - 26 Ritchie, - 23 La Crosse, - 27 WEST VIEGINLA. Roane, 34 La Fayette, 53 Barbour, - 14 Summers, - 50 Manitowoc, - 37 Berkeley, - . . - 20 Taylor, - - 13 Marathon, - 8 Boone, - - ... 47 Tucker, 15 Marquette, - 32 Braxton, - 35 Tyler, - - 10 Milwaukee, - - 52 Brooke, 2 Upshur, yvayne. 28 Monroe, .... - 28 CabeU, - 39 38 Oconto, - - - 9 Calhoun, - - - - - 25 Webster, - - - - 36 Outagamie, - 24 Clay, - - - - - - 43 Wetzel, - - 5 Ozaukee, - . . . - 46 Doddridge, 11 Wirt, - 24 Pepin, - - 15 Fayette, - - 48 Wood,_- - 22 Pierce, .... 13 Gilmer, - - 26 Wyoming, - - - 52 Polk, - - - - 5 Grant, - - - 16 Portage, - - - . - 22 Greenbrier, - - - 45 WISCONSIN. Racine, . . - 57 Hampshire, 18 Adams, - 30 Richland, - 41 Hancock, - - - 1 Ashland, - - - - 3 Bock, - - - - 55 Hardy, - 31 Barron, - - 6 St. Croix, - - - - 12 Harrison, - 12 Bayfield, - - - - 2 Sauk, - - - . 42 Jackson, - - - 33 Brown, - 25 Shawano, - - - 10 Jefferson, - - - 21 Buffalo, - - - - 18 Sheboygan, - - 38 Kanawha, - - 42 Burnett, .... 4 Trempealeau, - - 19 Lewis, - - - 27 Calumet, - . - - 36 Vernon, - . . 39 Lincoln, - 41 Chippewa, . - - - 7 Wabvorth, . 56 Logan, - - - 46 Clark,- - - - - 17 Washington, . - 45 McDowell, - - - 54 Columbia, - . - - 43 Waukesha, - . 51 Marion, - - 6 Cra^vford, - - - 40 Waupaca, . - . 23 Marshall, - ... 4 Dane, .... - 49 Waushara, - - - . 31 Mason, ... 32 Dodge, - 44 Winnebago, - - - - 34 Mercer, - - - 53 Door, - 11 Wood, - - - 21 Mineral, - - 17 Douglas, - 1 Monongalia, - - - 7 Dunn, - 14 WYOMING. Monroe, - - - - 51 Eau Claire, 16 Albany, - - . 4 Morgan, - - - - 19 Fond du Lac, - 35 Carbon, - - . 3 Nicholas, - - ... 44 Grant, - - - - 47 Laramie, - ¦ - - 5 Ohio, - 3 Green. - - - 54 Sweetwater, - - . . 2 Pendleton, . . . 30 Green Lake, - - 33 Uinta, • I Pleasants, . ... 9 Iowa, - 48 _ 92 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — MOUNTAINS. MOUNTAINS. Co. Adirondack, N. Y., • - - 9 Ajo, Arizona, - 5 Allc;;Iiany, Penn., - 25 Alleghany, W. Virginia, - 30 Amargosu, California, - 46 Antelope, Nevada, 2 Apache, Arizona, 2 Apache, Texas, - 58 Aquaritus, Arizona, - - 1 Bald Eagle, Penn., - 25 Bald, Montana, - 8 Bald, N. Carolina, - 67 Battle, Nevada, - 2 Bear Butte, Dakota, soutliwcbt part unorganized. Bear Paw, Montana, 5 Bear River, Idaho, 10 Beaucliainp Peak, Arizona, - 2 Belt, Montana, - 7 Big I'"lat Top, W. Virginia, - 54 Big Hole, Montana, - 1 Big Horn, Wyoming, - 3 Big Seweil, W. Virginia, - 48 Bill Williams, Arizona, 2 Bitter Root, Idaho, 0 Black Dome, N. Carolina, - - 36 Black Hillrf, Washington, - 8 Black Hills, Wyoming, - 3 Black Hills, Wyoming, 5 Black Lo2, Penn., . 39 Black, Arizona, - - . 1 Black Rock Range, Nevada, 2 Blue, N.J. , 1 Blue, Oregon, - 21 Blue, Penn., . - 47 Blue Pjaks, Arizona, - 2 Blue Ridge, (Georgia, - 15 Bufl^alo Ridge, Virginia, - 44 Bull Run, Virginia, - 7 Burro, N. Mexico, 12 Bushy, N. Carolina, - - 39 Cabeza Prieta, Arizona, . 3 Cabinet, Montana, . - 1 Cesar's Head, N. Carolina, - 63 Calabasa, Arizona, - . -2 Camel's Hump, Vt., . 9 Carson Sinlj, Nevada, 8 Cascade, Wash.,- . .15 Catskill, N. Y., . 47 Cedar, Utah, .... 7 Co. Cerbat, Arizona, - . . 1 Chestnut Ridge, Penn., . - 53 Chiricahui, Arizona, - . -5 Chocolate, California, . . - 51 Clan Alpine, Nevada, - - S Clinch, Viririnia,- . - -77 Cceur d' AUene, Idaho, - - 2 Copper Ridge, Virginia, - 76 Cortez, Nevada, ... lo Cosco, California, - 46 Cove, Penn., . 56 Creek, Idaho, 9 Cross, Arizona, • 2 Cumberland, Ky., - 115 Dan's, Maryland, - - 1 Dead, Nevada, - - 15 Delaware Ridge, Indian Ter., Chickasaw Nation. Desatoya, Nevada, 8 Diamond Peak, Oregon, - 13 Diamond Range, Nevada, - 10 Dome, Arizona, - - - 3 Double, Texas, - - 1 Dug Down, Georgia, . .27 Eagle, Texas, . - - 57 Eagle Tail, Arizona, - - - 3 Egan Range, Nevada, - - - 1 1 East River, Virginia, - - 58 Elkhead Range, Colorado, - 1 Elk, (Colorado, - - .10 Ely, Nevada, - . .15 Eugene, Nevada, . 2 Excelsior, Nevada, - . 13 Fisher's Peak, Colorado, . .21 Fork, W. Virginia, . - 30 Fortification, Arizona, - - 4 Fremont's Peak, Wyoming, - 2 Great Monadnock, N. H., - .8 Gaiiley, W. A''irginia, - - - 48 Gavillan, California, - - 40 Goose Creek, Idaho, - - 9 Goshute, Utah, . . 7 Grand Father, N. C, . .19 Granite, Arizona, - . - 3 Granite, Nevada, - 1 Granite, Utah, .... 7 Gray's Peak, Colorado, . 7 Great North, W. Virginia, - .31 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — MOUNTAINS. 93 Great Savage, W. Virginia, Great Unaka, Tenn., - Greenbrier, W. Virginia, '- Green, Vermont, Guadalupe, N. Mexico, Guyot's Range, Utah, - Heart, Wyoming, Hiko Range, Nevada, Hot Creek, Nevada, - Hucco, N. Mexico, Humboldt, Nevada, Humboldt Range, Nevada, - Iron, Virginia, Inyo, California, Judith, Blontana, Killingtou Peak, Vt., Kingston, California, - Lapway, Idaho, - Laramie Peak, Wyoming, - Lassens Peak, Cal., Laurel Hill, Penn., Litite, Utah, Little Mis,>ouri Buttes, Wyom'g Little Rocky, Montana, Long's Peak, Colorado, Lookout, Georgia, Los Pinos, Colorado, Luke Ridge, Nevada, Mars Hill, Maine, Mayacamas, California, Medicine Bow, Wvoming, Miembres, N. Mexico, Mill, Virginia, Mine Ridge, Penn., Mogee's Peak, California, Mogoljon, Arizona, Mojave Ridge, California, Monitor, Nevada, Monument, California, Mormon Range, Nevada, - Mt. Adams, Washington, - Mt. Aik.s, Washin,gton, Mt. Arlington, Oregon, Mt. Baker, Washington, Mt. Bullion, California, Mt. Calapoova, Oregon, Mt. Chuchehehum, Washington, Co. Co. 15 Mt. Dana, California, - - -37 74 Mt. Diablo, California, . - 28 - 37 Mt. Fanin, Texas, . . . i - 8 Mt. Gardner, California, - - 46 .13 Mt. Harvard, Colorado, . .10 7 Mt. Hayden, Idaho, . . .10 Mt. Iloifmann, California, . - 37 2 Mt. Hulyoke, Mass., . . 3 . 15 Mt. Ilood, Oregon, - - -13 . 14 Mt. Hope, Arizona, . 2 - 13 Mt. Jack.son, Virginia, . 4 2 Mt. Jeffiirson, Oregon, . .13 3 Mt. Katahdin, Maine, . - 3 Mt. Kearsarge, N. H., . . 5 . 78 Mt. Kendrick, Arizona, - 2 - 46 Mt. King, California, - - 46 Mt. Lyell, California, 42 - 7 Mt. Lynn, California, - -10 Mt. Madison, Montana, . 10 12 Mt. Mansfield, Vermont, 6 50 Mt. iMarcv, N. Y., . . - 9 Mt. Nebo; Utah, - .12 2 Mt. Newberry, Arizona, . 1 4 Mt. Olympus, Washington, - 4 9 Mt.- Pinos, California, - . 49 53 Mt. Pitt, Oregon, - . 20 13 Mt.- Rainier, Washington, - 14 ;. 5 Mt. Ripley, Californi.a, 12 - 6 Mt.- St. Helens, California, - U 2 Jit. St. John, California, 12 1 Mt. St. Helena, Washington, - 20 14 Mt. Seward, New York, - 2 2 Sit. Shasta, California, - 3 Mt. Sheridan, Wyoming, 1 1 Mt.Silliman, -California, - -43 10 Mt. Sitgreaves, Arizona, - 2 3 Mt. Skomekan, Washington, - 1 12 Mt. Spruce, Nevada, - - 3 23 Mt. Stuart, Washington, - - 15 - 61 Mt. Sunapce, N. Hampshire, 5 6 Mt. Taylor, New Mexico, - 9 2 Mt. Tyndall, California, - 46 . 50 Mt. Union, Pennsylvania, . - 39 - 14 Mt. View, California, - - 32 50 Mt. Wachusett, Mass., 5 15 Mt. Washington, N. H., - -I - 21 Mt. Whitney, California, - - 43 15 Mt.-Yale, Colorado, - - 10 .17 Muddy, Nevada, - - - -15 1 - 39 Nightingale, .... 2 - 12 Niltany, Pennsylvania, - - 25 1 North, Virginia, - - - - 24 94 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — MOUNTAINS. Nuahum Peak, Oregon, Ozark, Arkansas, Co. Co. .13 Sans Bois, Indian Ter., Choctaw Nation. . 3 Pacheco Peak, California, . .38 Pahranagat Range, Nevada, . 15 Pah Ute, California, - - 50 Palisades, California, . .41 Panoche Peak, California, . 41 Panther, Montana, • 6 Peaks of Otter, Virginia, . - 43 Peloncillo, Arizona, - 5 Peters, W. Virginia, - - - 51 I'ike's Peak, Colorado, - - 12 Pinaleno, Arizona, - - 5 Pinal, Arizona, - - 4 Pine, Kentucky, - - - 116 Pine Nut, Nevada, - - 12 Piuvon Range, Nevada, - - 10 Porcupine Tail, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Posey Peak, California, - 45 Poteau, Indian Ter., Choctaw Nation. Powell's, Tennessee, - - 21 Providence, California, 50 Pueblo, Oregon, - - - 21 Pumpkin Butte, Wyoming, - 4 Pyramid Penk, California, - - 25 Pyramid Range, N. Mexico, 12 Quien Horn, Wyoming, - - 2 Qtiijotoa, Arizona, - - -5 Quin's River, Nevada, . 2 Rabbit, Nevada, . . 2 Raft, Utah, - . 1 Raton, Colorado, .21 Resting Spring, California, . 50 Reveille, Nevada, . 14 Rich, W. Virginia, - . - 29 Roan or Book, Colorado, . - 1 Roberts Creek, Nevada, - 10 Rocky, Idaho, - ... 5 Rogue River, Oregon, . .16 Round, California, - - .6 Saddle, Massachusetts, - 1 St. Mary's Peak, Montana, . 1 Salmon River, Idaho, - - 8 San Bernardino Range, Cal., - 51 San (Jarlos Peak, - - - 41 San Francisco, Arizona, - 2 San Juan, Colorado, - - 14 Santa Anna Peak, Cal., - 40 Santa Inez, California, - - 47 Santa Lucia Range, Cal., - 40 & 44 t^anta Uosa, Nevada, - - - 2 Schooley, New Jersey, 8 Scott's Peak, Oregon, 16 Scotts, California, - 2 Shade, Pennsylvania, • - 40 Shasta, California, - . -5 Shawney Ridge, Penn., - - 30 Shell Creek Range, Nevada, - 1 1 Shoshone, Nevada, - - 9 Sidling Hill, Penn., . . - 39 Sierra Blanca, New Mexico, .11 Sierra Blanca, Texas, - . 57 Sierra Capitana, New Mexico, - 1 1 Sierra Carizo, New Mexico, 11 y Sierra de Abo, New Mexico, - 10 Sierra de Chusca, N. Mexico, . 3 Sierra de Datili, N. Mexico, . 10 Sierra de La Plata, Colorado, - 10 Sierra del Caballo, N. Mexico, - 13 Sierra de Los Pinos, Colorado, - 1 8 Sierra do Snn Raphael, Cab, - 47 Sierra Diablo, Kew Mexico, - 12 Sierra Florida, N. Mexico, - 12 Sierra Madelena, N. Mexico, - 10 Sierra Kacimieiito, N. Jlexico, 5 Sierra Oscaro, New Mexico, - 10 Sierra Pajuna, New Mexico, -13 Sierra Sacramento, N. Mexico, 13 Sierra San Fernando, Cal., - 49 Sierra San Matea, N. Mexico, 10 Sierra San Miguel, Colorado, 10 Sierra Soledad, New Mexico, - 13 Silver, Nevada, - 12 Silver Peak, Nevada, - - 13 Sinkawala, Nevada, . .14 Siskiyou, California, . - .1 Snake Range, Nevada, . .14 Snow, Oregon, - - - - 21 Southwest, Virginia, - - - 18 Spanish Peaks, Colorado, - - 21 Spring Range, Nevada, 1 5 Stone, Pennsylvania, - - - 40 Stone, Virginia, - - . 75 Sunday Peak, California, . .43 Sweet Water, Wyoming, . 2 Table Hills, Wyoming, 2 Taylor's Ridge, Georgia, - - 11 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — yALLEYS. 95 Telescope, California, - Co. - 46 Walker's, Virginia, . Co. - 79 Thomas Ridge, Utah, - 7 Warm Spring, Virginia, - - 23 Toano Range, Nevada, - 3 Warner's Range, California, - 3 Tollock, Nevada, - 13 Wassuck, Nevada, 13 Toquima, Nevada, - 14 West Gate, Nevada, . - 8 Toyubee, Nevada, 14 White, Arizona, - - 2 Trinity, Nevada, 2 White, California; - 42 Tuscarora, }-'ennsylvania, - - 57 White, New Hampshire, - 1 Tussey's, I'ennsylvania, - 39 White Pine Range, Nevada, 14 Tussey's, Pennsylvania, . 55 AVichita, Indian Ter. , southwest part. Wind River, Wyoming, _ 2 Uintah, Utah, - . 11 Winter Ridge, Oregon, 20 Umpqua, Oregon, . 17 AVolf Creek, Virginia, 59 Uucompahgre, Colorado, - 10 Wyoming, Pennsylvania, - - 30 Vegas Range, Nevada, . 15 Yallowballey, California, - 5 Virgin Range, Nevada, . 15 Young Men's Buttes, Dakota, - 9 Wahsatch, Utah, 18 Zuni, New Mexico, - 9 Wahweah, Nevada, 9 VALLEYS. Antelope, Nevada, - 11 Gabbs, Nevada, - - 13 Artemisia Barrens, Wyoming, - 2 Garden, Nevada, 3 Gila Desert, Arizona, - 3 Big Hole Prairie, Montana, - 8 Glover, Nevada, ... - 3 Big Meadows, Oregon, 21 Goshute Desert, Nevada, - 3 Big Smoke, Nevada, - 14 Grande Ronde, Oregon, 15 Black Rock Desert, Nevada, 2 Grass, Nevada, - - 9 Brown, Alabama, 13 Great Plains, Columbia River, Bud, Nevada, 14 AVashington, 2, 3 Hause, Utah, 1 Carnas Prairie, Idaho, - 8 Homans Park, 14 Carico, Nevada, 9 Horse Plains, 1 Clover, Nevada, - 15 Huerfano Park, Colorado, - - 20 Colorado Plateau, Arizona, . 2 Huevis, Arizona, - 1 Crescent, Nevada, . 10 Laramie Plain, Wyoming, - 3 Little Smoky, Nevada, 14 Death, California, - 50 Long, Nevada, - H Deer Lodge Prairie, Montana, 2 Desert, California, - 50 Malade, Utah, - 1 Desert Plateau, Nevada, - 15 Mauvaises Terres, Dakota, Diamond, Nevada, 10 southwest part unorganized. Duck, Nevada, 14 Meadow, Nevada, - 15 Monitor, Nevada, 14 Edward Creek, Nevada, - 8 Mountain Desert, Nevada, . - 15 Elevated Plateau, Nevada, - - 3 Elevated Plains, Utah, 11 National Park, Wyoming, . - 1 North Park, Colorado, . 1 Fair View, Nevada, - 8 Fish Lake, Nevada, - - 13 Pahranagat, Nevada, 15. . . . Fish Spring, Nevada, - 14 Painted Desert, Arizona, . 2 96 ALPHABETICAL INDEX— LAKES. Co. T'anamint, California, - 50 Paradise, Nevada, . . 2 Parter, Utah, - . . 7 Plains of San" Augusta, N. M., 10 Plateau du Coteau, Dakota, 45 Plateau du Coteau du Missouri, Dakota, - 33 Prairies, Minnesota, - 61 Pueblo, Nevada, - - 2 Round, California, - 7 Sage Plain, Colorado, 18 Sage Plain, Oregon, - - 21 Salt, Nevada, - - - 8 San Francisco Plain, Arizona, 2 San Luis Park, Colorado, - 19 Co. Smith's, Nevada, - - - 9 Snake, Nevada, - - - 14 South Park, Colorado, - 1 1 Spring, or Lone Rock, Utah, 7 Steptoe, Nevada, 11 Surprise, California, - - 3 Vegas, Nevada, - - - 15 Valley de Los Playas, N. M., - 12 AVallapi, Arizona, - - - 1 Walker Lake, Nevada, - 13 AYarner's, Oregon, - . 21 White Pine, Nevada, . . - 14 Yosemite, California, - - .39 Albert, Oregon, Alkali, Nevada, Antelope, Oregon, Baskahegan, Maine, . Bear River, Idaho, Beaver, Indiana, Bemidji, Minnesota, . Big, Maine, Big Stone, Dakota, Black, New York, Black, Louisiana, Buena Vista, California, LAKES. 20 Cooper's, Wyoming, 1 Crooked, New York, 21 Cross, Louisiana, - 1010 . 8 . 3 10 - 47 - 1 ¦ 18 45 Caddo, Louisiana, - 1 Canandaigua, N. Y., - 26 Canquomgomoc, Maine, 3 Car.5on, Nevada, - - 8 Ca;-ss, Minnesoia, - 9 Cayuga, New York, - . - 28 ('edar, Minnesota, - 74 Chamberlain, Maine, - - 3 Chautauqua, New York, - - 37 Chazy, New York, - 3 Chesuncook, Maine, - - 3 Christmas, Oregon, - - 21 Clam, Michigan, - - 27 Clam, AViseonsin, . - i Clear, California, . - 11 Cleveland, Maine, - - 1 Cold Spring, Dakota, Sisseton and Warpeton Indian Res. Conesus, New York, - - - 25 Dexter, Florida, - Dry, California, - Dry, California, - Dunn's, Florida, - Eagle, California, Elbow, Minnesota, Fall, California, - Fish River, Maine, Flat Head, Montana, Fox, Wisconsin, - iranklin, Nevada, Goose, California, Grand, Louisiana, Grand, Maine, Great Salt, Utah, Green, Minnesota, Higgins, Michigan, - -29 Honey, California, . -7 Horicon, Wisconsin, . .44 Houghton's, - - - 29 Humboldt, Nevada, - - - 2 Humboldt & Carson's Sink,Nevada, 8 Itasca, Minnesota, - - - 3 - 3 - 40 - 1 - 30 - 45 - 51 - 27 - 6 . 1 . 1 . 44 - 3 - 40 - 10 - 1 - 35 Kanicksu, Idaho, ALPHABETICAL INDEX — LAKES. 97 Co. Kern, California, - - - 45 Klamath, Oregon, - - - 20 Lake Abert, Dakota, - - - 46 Lake Agogebic, Michigan, - 1 Lake .Aliapopka, Florida, - - 33 Lake Benton, Minnesota, 52 Lake Bistineau, Louisiana, - 11 Lake Bodeau, Louisiana, . 2 Lake Borgue, Louisiana, . 57 Lake Butler, Florida, - .24 Lake Calcasieu, Louisiana, - 37 Lake Catchess, Washington, - 15 Lake Charles, Louisiana, - 28 Lake Chelan, Washington, - 2 Lake Cceur d' AUene, Idaho, - 1 Lake Court Oreille, Wis., - 7 Lake Dora, Florida, - - - 32 Lake Erie, Ohio, Penn., & N. Y., — Lake Eustis, Florida, - - .32 Lake Gauss, Minnesota, . .9 Lake George, Florida, . .30 Lake George, New York, . .10 Lake Grifiin, Florida, - - - 32 Lake Harney, Oregon, - - 21 Lake Huron, Michigan, - - — Lake Heron, Minnesota, - - 73 Lake Istopoga, Florida, - 37 Lake Jesup, Florida, - - 33 Lake Kampeska, Dakota, - 45 Lake Kissimee, Florida, - 36 Lake Linne, Dakota, - - - 37 Lake Malhear, Oregon, - - 21 Lake Maurepas, Louisiana, - 50 Lake Mcintosh, Dakota, - - 6 Lake Menona, Wisconsin, - - 49 Lake Michigan, Michigan, Lake Monroe, Florida, - - 30 Lake Okabena, Minnesota, - 72 Lake Ossipee, New Hampshire, - 3 Lake Pend d'Oveille, Idaho, - 1 Lake Poinsett, Dakota, - - 46 Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, - 53 Lake Preble, Maine, . - - 1 Lake St. Clair, Michigan, - 64 & 70 Lake Shamano, Minnesota, - 17 Lake Sedowick, Maine, - 1 Lake Shetek, Minnesota, - - 62 Lake Sunapee, N. H., - 5 Lake Superior, Michigan, - — Lake Thompson, Dakota, - - 58 Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida, 33 Lake Ti-averse, Dakota, Sisseton & Warpeton Indian Res. Co. Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin, - 36 Lake Winnipiseogee, N. H., 3 & 6 Lake Winthrop, Maine, - - 1 Leech, Minnesota, - - 9 Long, Minnesota, - - - 38 Long, New York, . - .8 Lower Klamath, Oregon, . 20 Madison, Wyoming, - .1 Market, Idaho, . -8 Mendota, Wisconsin, - . - 49 Mermenton, Louisiana, 38 Micha, Minnesota, - . 3 Mille Lacs, Minnesota, . .10 Miniskaja, or Salt Lake, Dakota, 25 Mini Wakau, or Devil's Lake, Dakota, - - 14 & 16 Mono Lake, California, - - 42 Moosehead, Maine, . - 3 Namekan, Minnesota, - - 5 Okeechobee, Florida, . . .36 Oneida, New York, . . .18 Orange, Florida, . - - 23 Otter Tail, Minnesota, . .14 Owasco, New York, . - - 15 Owen, California, . . - 46 Pamedecook, Maine, - - . 3 Pauwaicun, Wisconsin, . - 34 Peoria, Illinois, . . . - 31 Pyramid, Nevada, . .1 Quinaiutte, Washington, . - 8 Racket, New York, - - 8 Red, Minnesota, .... 3 Rhett, California, . - 3 Rice, Minnesota, - . - 3 Sabine, Texas, . . - 127 St. Croix, Wisconsin, - . - 1 Salt Lake, Washington, . - 2 Saranac Lake, New York, - 2 Sebago, Maine, - 12 Sebec, Maine, .... 3 Seneca, New York, - - - 27 Sevier, Utah, - - 14 Seven Beaver, Minnesota, - - 5 Shoshone, Wyoming, - - - 1 Silver, Oregon, - - - 20 Skaneateles, New York, - - 16 Squam, New Hampshire, - - 2 Squawpan, Maine, . - 1 98 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. Summer, Oregon, Surprise Valley, California, Swan, Minnesota, Tchanchicahah, Dakota, - Tchanrarahedan, Dakota, - Tulave, California, Tupper's, New York, - Umbagog, Maine, Upper Klamath, Oregon, - Co. 3 Utah, Utah, 3 56 Vermillion, Minnesota, 3443 43 15 20 Walker, Nevada, White Fish, Minnesota, Winibigoshish, Minnesota, Winnemucca, Nevada, Wright, California, - Yellow Stone, Wyoming, - Co. - 10 . 5 - 13 . 9 . 4 - 2 . 3 RIVERS. Akanaquint Creek, Utah, . .15 Alabama, Alabama, . 59 Allaguash, Maine, - 1 AUapaha, Florida, -_ .16 Alleghany, Pennsylvania, - .34 Alseya, Oregon, - - 10 Altamaha, Georgia, - . 119 Altoinac, Texas, . 88 Amargosa, California, - 50 Amargosa, Nevada, - - .14 Ambroisa Creek, Texas, - 160 American Crow Creek, Dakota, - 64 American, California, - 24 Amite, Louisiana, - - 46 Androscoggin, Maine, - - 14 Angelina, Texas, . 101 Antelope Creek, Oregon, . - 22 Antietam Creek, West Va., - 21 Apishpa, Colorado, 17 Apalachicola, Florida, - .9 Apple Creek, Dakota, . - 20 Applegate Creek, Oregon, - - 19 Aransas, Texas, - - 164 Aravaypa, Arizona, - - '¦5 Arkansas, Arkansas, - . .60 Aroostooka, Maine, . .1 Arrow, Montana, . . - 5 Assiniboin ('reek, Dakota, - .39 Atahnara, Washington, . 15 Atascosa Creek, Texas, . 154 Atascaso, New Mexico, . 11 Atchafalaya, Louisiana, . .41 Au Sable, N. Y., . . 3 Bad Land Creek, Dakota, . . 62 Bad, Dakota, - - - - 63 Bad Water Creek, Wyoming, . 2 Baluarte Creek, Texas, - 167 Bannack, Idaho, - . - - 10 Baptism, Minnesota, - - - 6 Barrel Creek, Oregon, - - 13 Bartholomew, Louisiana, - - 7 Baudette, Minnesota, - - 4 Bayada, New Mexico, - - 4 Bayou Canes, Louisiana, - 29 Bayou d' Arbonne, Louisiana, - 6 Bayou Deview, Arkansas, - 43 Bayou Lafourche, Louisiana, 55 Bayou Lanacoco, Louisiana, 25 Bayou Nezpigue, Louisiana, -29 Bayou Teche; Louisiana, - - 47 Bayou Terribonne, Louisiana, - 54 Bear Creek, California, - - 38 Bear, Utah, - - 1 Beaver Creek, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Beaver Creek, Colorado, - 4 Beaver Creek, Missouri, - 101 Beaver Creek, Nebraska, - - 52 Pawnee Indian Ees. Beaver Creek, Texas, - - 5 Beaver, Dakota, - - .20 Beaver, Minnesota, . . - 6 Beaver, New York, . . - 6 Beaver, Oregon, - . - 13 Bees Scies, Michigan, . . - 20 Belle Fourche River, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Benito, California, - -40 B. Barren, Kentucky, - - - 71 Big Bear Creek, Alabama, - 6 Big Black, Mississippi, . - 49 Big Cedar, Iowa, . - .89 Big Creek, Indiana, - - - 85 Big Creek, Louisiana, - .14 Big Creek, Tennessee, - - 46 Big Dorcheat, Louisiana, . .3 Big Dry Creek, Montana, . .6 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. 99 Co. . 4 - 50 9 11 - 11 Big Fork, Minnesota, Big Hatchie, Tennessee, Big Hole, Montana, Big Horn, Montana, - Big Knife, Dakota, Big Muddy, Montana, Big Pigeon, Tennessee, - - 46 Big Salkehatchee, So. Carolina, 32 Big Sandy, Wyoming, - -2 Big Sioux, Iowa, - . .32 Big Tarkis, Missouri, - 11 Big Thompson Creek, Colorado, 4 Big White Face, Minnesota, . 5 Big AVichita, Texas, . 5 Bijou Creek, Colorado, - 4 Bill A^'illiams Fork, Arizona, 1 Biloxi, Mississippi, - - 71 Bitter Creek, Wyoming, . - 2 Bitter Creek, Wyoming, - 5 Bitter Root, Montana, 1 Black Earth Creek, Dakota, - 75 Black Fork, Texas, - - 27 Black Hawk Creek, Iowa, - - 40 Blackfoot Creek, Idaho, - .10 Blackfoot, Montana, - . . 1 Black, Arkansas, - - .60 Black, Maine, .... 1 Black, Michigan, • . - 13 Black, Michigan, - . 57 Black, New York, . - i Black, Ohio, . . - 10 Black, South Carolina, . - 25 Black, Wisconsin, . - - 1 Black, AViseonsin, - . .27 Black Warrior Fork, Alabama, .18 Black Warrior River, Alabama, - 31 Blackwater, Florida, . 2 Blackwater, A'irginia, - - 85 Blanchard Fork, Ohio, 4 Blanco Creek, Texas, - - 157 Blue, Indian Ter., Choctaw Nation. Blue, New Mexico, 13 Blue Stone, West Virginia, - 50 Boeuf, Louisiana, - - 15 Bogue Chitto, Louisiana, - 36 Bogue Homo Creek, Mississippi, 67 Boiling Creek, Colorado, - -16 Bois d' Arc Creek, Texas, - - 14 Bois des Sioux, Dakota, Indian Reservation. Boise, Idaho, .... 6 Boise, Wyoming, . - - 5 Bonito, New Mexico, . . - 1 1 Co. Booches Pool, Arizona, - - 2 Bosque, Texas, . .68 Bourbeuse, Dakota, - - - 30 Box Elder Creek, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Boyer, Iowa, - . . 70 Brady's Creek, Texas, - .77 Branch Potomac, W. Virginia, . 1 8 Brazos, Texas, - - 139 Brier Creek, Georgia, - 83 Broad, South Carolina, - - 13 Bruneau, Idaho, - - - - 9 Brush Creek, Utah, . 11 Buffalo Fork, Arkansas, . 5 Bufl^alo, Minnesota, - - 2 Bufl^alo, Mississippi, . .63 Bufi'alo, Tennessee, 30 Bufl^alo, Wiscon.sin, . .18 Bull Run, Virginia, . 7 Burnt Mt. Creek, Idaho, 9 Burnt, Oregon, . - - 22 Butahatchee, Alabama, - 23 Butte Creek, California, - 14 Butte Creek, California, 3 Cache Creek, California, - 22 Cache Creek, Indian Ter., Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches. Cache, Arkansas, - 43 Calaveras, California, - 29 Calamas, Nebraska, i?awnee Indian Reservation. Calcasieu, Louisiana, - - 28 Caloosahatchee, Florida, - - 37 Canada Creek, N. Y., 7 Canadian, Iijdian Ten, Choctaw Nation. Caney, Texas, - 150 Canistes, New York, - - 40 Cannon Ball, Dakota, 19 Cannon Creek, Idaho, - 9 Cannoachee, Georgia, - 106 Canon, Minnesota, . - 59 Cape Fear, North Carolina, 93 Carson, Nevada, ... 8 Cass, Michigan, - - - 47 Catawba, North Carolina, - - 70 Catfi.sh Fork, Texas, - . . 1 Catskill Creek, New York, . - 47 Cedar Creek, Texas, . .53 Cedar Creek, AVashington, . - 2 Cedar, Washington, - - - 12 Chaco, New Mexico, - .1 100 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. Co. Co. Chahlat, Washington, - 5 Cowhouse Creek, Texas, - . 80 Chateaugay, New York, 2 Cow Pasture, Virginia, . 22 Chattuga, Georgia, - 10 Cowlitz, Washington, - 18 Chariton, Missouri, - 32 Crazy Woman Creek, Wyom 'g, - 3 Chenning, Pennsylvania, - 7 Crooked Fork, Missouri, - 16 Cherana, Washington, 3 Crooked, Minnesota, . - 21 Cherry Creek, Dakota, - 49 Crooked, Oregon, . 13 Cherry Creek, Wyoming, - 5 Cross, Minnesota, . 6 Chickesawha, Mississippi, - 68 Crow Creek, Colorado, . 4 Chipala, Florida, - 7 Crow Creek, Dakota, - - 52 Chippewa, Michigan, - -47 Crow, Minnesota, - 38 Chitico, Oregon, - - 18 Crow Wing, Minnesota, 9 Chippewa, Wisconsin, 15 Cumberland, Kentucky, - 63 Choctawhatchee, Florida, . 4 (yurrent Creek, Wyoming, - - 2 Chowan, North Carolina, . 14 Cuyahoga, Ohio, - 11 Chowchilla, California, - 38 Chiisea, New Mexico, - - 3 Dan, Virginia, ... - 91 Chuma, New Mexico, - - 3 Deep, North Carolina, - 47 Cibolo Creek, Texas, . 146 Deer Creek, California, - 8 Clackamas, Oregon, . . 8 Deer Creek, Maryland, - 7 Clarion, Pennsylvania, . 21 Deer Creek, Mississippi, - . 43 Clarke Fork, Moutaua, 10 Deer Creek, Wyoming, . . 5 Clear Boggy, Indian "Ter., Deer, Tennessee, . 50 Choctaw Nation. Delaware, Del., Del. Bay, . . — Clear Creek, Texas, - 22 Delaware, (W. Br.,) N. Y., . 46 Clear Fork, Wyoming, . 3 Delaware, (E. Br.,) N. Y., - 46 Clearwater, Idaho, . 3 Delaware Fork, Utah, - 11 CHff Creek, Oregon, . 15 Denton Fork, Texas, . . 35 Clingwater Creek, Wyoming, 5 Des Arcs, Arkansas, . - 42 Clinch, Tennessee, . 42 Des Chutes, Oregon, 13 Coal, West Virginia, . . 42 Des Chutes, AA'ashington, - 13 Cloquet, Minnesota, - ¦ 11 Des Plaiues, Illinois, - . 23 Cole to, Texas, 148 Dog Ears Creek, Dakota, - - 64 Cold Water, Mississippi, . 17 Double Mt, Fork, Texas, . 17 Colorado, Texas, 150 Dry Creek, California, - 51 Concho, Texas, - - 60 Dry Creek, Wyoming, . 5 Conecuh, Florida, . 1 Duchesne, Utah, . 11 Conewago Creek, Penn., - 60 Duck, Tennessee, . 30 Congaree, South Carolina, 22 Conhocton, New York, - 40 Eagles Nest Creek, Dakota, . 62 Connecticut, Connecticut, 7 East Branch Feather, Cal., - 9 Coon, Iowa, - 62 East Fork, San Carlos, Arizona, 2 Coos, Oregon, - 17 East F'k, San Francisco, Arizona, 2 Coosa, Alabama, 14 East Medicine, Dakota, - 50 Coquille, Oregon, . 17 Econfeuce, Florida, 15 Corn Creek, Dakota, Edisto, South Carolina, 31 southwestern part unorganized. Eel, California, . 4 Cosumnes, California, 29 Eel, Indiana, - - . 62 Cottonwood Creek, California, - 41 Elder Creek, California, . 8 Cottonwood Creek, Idaho, - . 3 Elk Creek, Dakota, Cottonwood Fork, Col'o River, southwest part unorganized. Arizona, . . 2 Elk Creek, Indian Ter., Creek Co. Coyote Creek, California, - . 35 Elkhorn, Nebraska, . . 27 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. 101 Co. Elk, West Virginia, . . 42 Elm Creek, Indian Ter., Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches. Elm Creek, Texas, - - 142 Elm Fork, Texas, . . - 1 1 Elm, Minnesota, - .75 English, Iowa, - - - -78 Ennoree, South Carolina, . 13 Esopus Creek, N. Y., - - . 50 Fakanatchee, Florida, . .38 Felix, New Mexico, . .13 Fig, Virginia, - - 87 Fiuliolloway, Florida, - .15 Flambeux, Wisconsin, . 7 Flat Creek, California, - - 43 Flat Head, Montana, . .1 Flat, Missouri, - 64 Flint, Alabama, - . . 49 Floyds, Iowa, - - . 32 Fourche Caddo, Arkansas, - - 57 Fourche la Fave, Arkansas, - 39 Fossil F'k, San Fran., Arizona, . 2 Fox, Illinois, - 20 Franklin, Nevada, - . 3 French Broad, Tennessee, . .44 Fresno Creek, California, - 41 French Creek, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Gallatin, Montana, . 10 Gasconade, Missouri, - - - 62 Gatas Creek, California, - 41 Ganley, West Virginia, - - 48 Genesee, New York, - 13 Gila, Arizona, ... - 3 Godin's, Idaho, . - 8 Goose Creek, Idaho, - - - 9 Goose Creek, Virginia, - 63 Goose, Dakota, . - - - 18 Grand, Louisiana, - - 48 Grand, Michigan, - 50 Grand, Missouri, - - - 31 Grand, Ohio, - - - - 12 Grand Ronde, Washington, - 22 Grass, New York, - - - 1 Gravel Bottom F'k, Montana, - 2 Great Auglaize, Missouri, . - 71 Great Blue, Indiana, . . .90 Great Falls, Montana, . - 5 , Great Kanawha, West Va., - 32 ' Great Pedee, South Carolina, - 25 Great Traverse, Michigan, - 21 Green, Illinois, . . . Green, Kentucky, Green, Utah, ... Greenbriar, West Virginia, Greenhorn, Colorado, Grey Bull, Wyoming, Gunnison, Colorado, - Guyandotte, West Virgiuia, Co. . 17 . 42 . 17 . 50 . 16 . 2 10 - 39 4 Hassayampa, Arizona, Hat Creek, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Hawk Creek, Florida, - - 36 Plaw, North Carolina, - - 47 Heart, Dakota, - - - - 19 Hell Gate, Montana, - . .1 Henry's Fork, Idaho, - . - 10 Henry's Foi-k, Wyoming, . -2 Iliawassee, Tennessee, . - 93 Hicpotee, Virginia, - . - 88 Hillsboro, Florida, . • 34 Honda Creek, Texas, . 131 Homochitto, Mississippi, - 56 Horse Creek, Wyoming, - - 5 Horsehead Creek, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Horse Prairie Creek, Montana, - 8 Horse Shoe Creek, Wyoming, - 5 Hot Spring Creek, Montana, 1 Housatonic, Conn., - • - 5 Hudson, New A'ork, - - .56 Huerfano, Colorado, . - 16 Humboldt, Nevada, . - .8 Huron, Ohio, . - . - 9 Hy-os-kwa-ha-loos, Washington, 2 Illinois, Illinois, ... 58 Illiuois, Oregon, - - - 18 Independence Creek, Texas, - 60 Indian Creek, Oregon, - - 21 Indian, Florida, - - - - 30 Indian, New York, - - 1 Iowa, Iowa, - - 79 Iron, Wisconsin, - - - 2 Island Creek, West Virginia, . 9 Jaboncilles Creek, Texas, - 163 Jacks Fork, Missouri, 89 James, or Dakota, Dakota, 81 James, Missouri, . - .99 James, Virginia, - . .73 Jefferson, Montana, . . - 10 Jocko, Montana, . . .1 102 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. John Days, Oregon, - Johns Creek, Virginia, Jordan, Oregon, ... Judith, Montana, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Kankakee, Illinois, Kaskaskia, Illinois, Kaweah Creek, California, - Keg Creek, Iowa, Kelseys, California, Kentucky, Kentucky, - Kennebec, Maine, Kern, California, Kettle Creek, Pennsylvania, Kettle, Minnesota, Keya IPaha, Nebraska, Kianashi, Indian Ter., , Choctaw Nation. Kickapoo, Wisconsin, Kings, California, - - - 41 Kiowa Creek, Colorado, - 4 Kissinee, Florida, - 36 Klamath, California, - - 1 Klikitat, Washington, - 21 Lacqui Parle, Minnesota, - - 44 Lake Fork, Texas, - 40 Lake Fork, Utah, - - 1 1 Lampasas, Texas, - - - 80 Lates Lengua Creek, Texas, - 58 Lava Creek, Arizona, - . - 2 Lavaca, Texas, 159 Leaf, Minnesota, - - - 15 Leon Creek, Texas, - 132 Leon, Texas, ... 95 Lewis, Washington, - .19 Little, Arkansas, - - - 21 Little, South Carolina, .18 Little Arkansas, Kansas, . 73 Little Black, Maine, . 1 Little Calcasieu, Louisiana, 28 Little Colorado.or Flax, Arizona, 2 Little Eau Plein, Wisconsin, . 22 Little Fork, Minnesota, - . 4 Little Humboldt, Nevada, . 2 Little Miami, Ohio, 79 Little Missouri, Arkansas, . - 64 Little Missouri, Dakota, - 9 Little Muddy Creek, Dakota, 1 little Pedee, South Carolina, - 25 Little Pi,geon Creek, Indiana, - 87 Little Porcupine, Montana, - 1 1 Co. Co. 13 Little Red, Arkansas, - 30 - 43 Little Salmon, Idaho, . 5 - 22 Little Shyenne, Dakota, - 39 - 5 Little Sioux, Iowa, . 44 Little Tennessee, Tenn., - - 43 . 58 Little Wabash, Illinois, - 80 23 Little Wichita, Texas, 9 . 87 Lizard, Iowa, - 36 . 43 Llano, Texas, - 92 - 80 Locust Fork, Alabama, 19 4 Lodge Pole Creek, Nebraska, 28 - 14 Logan Creek, Nebraska, . 4 - 14 Long Lake Creek, Dakota, - 20 - 45 Long Prairie, Minnesota, - 16 - 15 Loop Fork, Nebraska, - 20 - 21 Lost, Oregon, - 20 - 2 Lost, West Virginia, - - 19 Lumber, North Carolina, - 87 tion. Lycoming Creek, Penn., 16 - 40 Lynches Creek, S. Carolina, - 24 Mable, Montana, - 1 McArthur, Idaho, - 8 McCloud, California, - 6 Machias, Maine, - - 10 Mackenzie's Fork, Oregon, - 12 Mad, California, - - .4 Madison, Montana, . - 10 Magalloway, Maine, 5 Mahoming Creek, Penn., . 22 Malade, Idaho, - - - 8 Malade, Utah, . . . . i Malheur, Oregon, . . .22 Manatee, Florida, . . .37 Manedowish, Wisconsin, . 7 Manistee, Michigan, - 26 Maple, Iowa, - . . - 44 Maple, Dakota, . . . - 27 Maple, Michigan, - 52 Maqnoketa, Iowa, - 55 Marais des Cyanes, Missouri, - 66 Marias, Montana, - - 5 Mariposa, California, . - 38 Marquette, Michigan, . 32 Marsh, Minnesota, - -2 Matapony, Virginia, . .32 Mattawamkeag, Maine, . 4 Maumee, Ohio, . - • - 3 Mayo, North (Carolina, - 5 Meadow, AVest A-'irginia, . - 44 Medicine Bow Creek, AVyoming, 3 Medina, Texas, - ' 146 Medicine, Dakota, - - 64 ALPHABETICAL INDEX RIVERS. 103 Co. Meherrin, North Carolina, - 13 Menomonee, Michigan, 8 Meramec, Missouri, . - - 63 Merced, California, - - - 38 Merrimac, Massachusetts, - 7 Methow, Washington, - -2 Miami, Ohio, - - 79 Michigamme, Michigan, - - 8 Middle Fork, Oregon, - - 12 Middle, Indian Ter., N. W. part. Middle, Iowa, - 74 Middle, A^irginia, . 10 Middle Boggy, Indian Ter., Choctaw Nation. Middle Branch, Kansas, . - 19 Middle Coon, Iowa, - 61 Middle Fork, Deer, Tenn., - 27 Miembres, New Mexico, - 12 Milk, Montana, - 6 Mill Creek, California, - 8 Minnesota, Minnesota, . - 51 Miry Fork, Montana, - 2 Mission, Texas, - 157 Missisquoi, Vermont, - - 2 Mississippi, Louisiana, - - 56 Mizpah Creek, Montana, - 11 Mobile, Alabama, . . - 58 Mohave, California, . - 50 Mohawk, New York, - - - 20 Mohican, Ohio, - - - 45 Mokelumne, California, - 29, Molalle, Oregon, - 8 Monocacy, Maryland, - 4 Monongahela, Penn., - - 34 Montreal, Wisconsin, - - 3 Moose, INlaine, - - - 2 Moose, New York, . 6 Mormon, Idaho, . . 5 Moro, Arkansas, . . - 65 Mora, New Mexico, . -7 Mofeau, Dakota, - - 38 Morse's Creek, Dakota, - 56 Muddy Creek, Indian T'er., Chickasaw Nation. Muddy, Dakota, - 43 Muskegon, Michigan, - - 44 Muskingum, Ohio, - - - 78 Mussel Shell, Montana, - 6 Nacimiento Creek, Cal., - - 40 Nachess, AVashington, - 15 Namikagon, Wisconsin, 4 Napa, California, - - - 21 Co. ¦ 10 96 149127 3 19 Navarro, California, Navasota, Texas, Navidad, Texas, 'Nechez, Texas, - Nehalem, Oregon, Nenelaw, Michigan, - Neosho, Indian Ter., Cherokee Reservation. Nense, North Carolina, - - 83 Neversink, New York, - 52 New, California, . . 51 New, Virginia, - - - - 60 Niagara, New York, 1 1 Niobrara, Nebraska, - 2 Nisanally, Washington, - 13 Nodaway, Missouri, - 11 Nokay, Minnesota, - 18 Noksahk, AVashington, - - 1 Nolechucky, Tennessee, - - 46 North, Iowa, - 74 North Anna, Virginia, - 29 North Branch, Nebraska, - - 21 North Branch, Bitter Creek, Wyoming, - 2 North Branch, Shyenne, Wyoming, . - 5 North Tabins, Missouri, - - 24 North Fork, S. Carohna, - - 28 North Fork Canadian, Indian Ter., Creek Country. North F'k Cannon Ball, Dakota, 19 North Fork Clearwater, Idaho, - 3 North Fork Deer, Tenn., - - 27 North Fork Green, Utah, - 1 1 North Fork, Indian Ter., Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches. North Fork Kern, California, - 45 North Fork Platte, Nebraska, - 30 North Nishuabatony, Iowa, - 91 North Fork Santiam, Oregon, - 11 North Fork Shenandoah, \'a., 5 North Umpqua, Oregon, - 16 Nottoway, North Carolina, - - 13 Nueces, TTexas, - - 163 Oak Creek, Dakota, - 63 Oak Creek, Texas, - - 61 Obion, Tennessee, - - 26 Ocate, New Mexico, - - - 4 Ocilla, Florida, - - 13 OcWockonee, Florida, - 12 Ocmulgee, Georgia, - - 115 Ocoee, Tennessee, - - - 93 104 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. Oconee, Georgia, Co. 104 Petit Jean, Arkansas, Co. . 28 Oconto, Wisconsin, - 9 Pey, or Elm, Dakota, - 34 Ocoqua, Virginia, 7 Piedernales, Texas, 108 Octawaha, I'lorida, . 26 Pinal Creek, Arizona, . 2 Ogeechee, Georgia, 106 Pierres Creek, Idaho, 10 Ohio, Kentucky, - 63 Pine Creek, Pennsylvania, - 16 Oil Creek, Pennsylvania, - - 11 Piny Creek, Missouri, . 73 Okinakane, Washington, - 2 Piscataquis, Maine, - - 4 Okobaja Creek, Dakota, - - 40 Pisco, Washington, . - 21 Olmos Creek, 'Texas, - 168 Platte, Nebra:^ka, 27 Orange Creek, Florida, - 26 Pocotaligo, W. A'irginia, - 42 Oraytayous, Washington, - 3 Poison Spring Creek, Wyom'g 3 Oro Fino Creek, Idaho, - 4 Pomme de Terre, Minnesota, - 34 Osa Creek, Arizona, - 2 Pommes des Terres, Missouri, 57 Osage, Missouri, - 60 Ponka Creek, Dakota, 62 Oswegatchie, New York, - . 1 Ponka, Dakota, - 79 Oswego, New York, 5 Porcupine, Montana, - 11 OttaAva, Ohio, . 3 Porcupine Tail Creek, Dakota, Otter Creek, Vermont, . 8 southwest part unorganized. Owens, California, 46 Portage, Ohio, - 7 Owhyhee, Oregon, - 22 Porte Neuf, Idaho, 10 Owl Creek, Wyoming, - 2 Posey Creek, California, - Poteau, Indian Ter., - 45 Pah Ute Creek, California, . 50 Choctaw Nation. Pajaro, California, - 40 Potomac, Maryland, - - 19 Palo Blanco Creek, Texas, 167 Powder, Montana, 11 Paloose, Washington, - 3 Powder, Oregon, - 15 Pamunkey, Virginia, - . 53 Prieto Creek, Texas, - 152 Papo Aigre, Wyoming, 2 Puerco, New Mexico, - - 10 Panoche Creek, California, . 41 Purgatory, Colorado, - . 17 Panther Creek, Ky., - 43 Putah Creek, California, - . 22 Parke Creek, Arizona, 2 Park, Dakota, - - 7 Quarrel Creek, Montana, - . 6 Pascagoula, Mississippi; - 72 Quillehyats, AVashington, - 4 Pashamaran, Idaho, - 8 Quinai n I te, Washington, - 8 Passadumkeag, Maine, - 4 Quins, Nevada, - 2 Pass Creek, Dakota, - - 62 Pass d' Aro Fork, Texas, - - 37 Racket, New York, - - 1 Patsaliga, Alabama, - - 61 Raft Creek, Idaho, - - 9 Patterson's Creek, W. Va., - 18 Rapid Creek, Dakota, Patuxent, Maryland, - - 19 southwest part unorganized. Pawnee Fork, Kansas, - 69 Rapid Ann, Virginia, - 15 'Paw Paw, Michigan, - - 71 Rappahannock, Virginia, . - 37 Payette Creek, Idaho, - 6 Raw Hide Creek, Wyoming, 5 Pearl, Mississippi, - 70 Ready Fork, N. Carolina, - - 24 Pea River, Alabama, - 63 Red Creek, Indian Ter., Osage Res. Pease Creek, Florida, - 37 Red, Louisiana, - - - 27 Pembina, Dakota, - 7 Red of the North, West Minn. Penasco, New Mexico, 13 empties into Lake^Winuepcg, B.C. Pennigenassett, N. H., . 2 Red, Minnesota, - 12 P«nobscot, Maine, ' 8 Red, AViseonsin, - 3 Penobscot, (W. Br.,) Maine, - 2 Red Cedar, Iowa, - 79 .Peshtigo, AViseonsin, - . 9 Red Cedar, Wisconsin, - 14 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. 105 Co. Red Fork, Texas, - - 60 Red Lake, Minnesota, . -2 Redwood Creek, California, - 2 Red Wood, Minnesota, - 54 Reed Creek, California, 8 Ree, or Grande, Dakota, - - 29 Eeelfoot, Tennessee, - 26 Reese, Nevada, - 9 Republican, Kansas, - . - 39 Reynolds Creek, Idaho, . 9 Rifle, Michigan, - - - 42 Rio Bonita, Arizona, - - 2 Rio de Chelle, Arizona, - 2 Rio de Chelle, Utah, - - - 20 Rio de los Dolores, Colorado, 10 Rio Frio, Texas, 154 Rio Leona, Texas, 143 Rio AVutroso, Arizona, - 5 Rio Pecos, Texas, - - 60 Rio Prieto, Arizona, - - - 2 Rio Puerco of the West, Arizona, 2 Rio Salado, or Salt, Arizona, 4 Rio San Domingo, Arizona, 5 Rio San Pedro, Arizona, 5 Rio San Pedro, Texas, 60 Rio Santa Cruz, Arizona, 5 Rivanna, Virginia, - - - 27 River Au Sable, Michigan, - 31 Riviere des Lacs, Dakota, - - 3 Roanoke, North Carolina, - - 31 Rock Creek, Idaho, - - - 5 Rock, Illinois, ... 15 Rock, Ohio, - - 1 1 Rocky, North Carolina, - - 85 Rogue, Oregon, - - 18 Rondout Creek, New York, 50 Rosebud, Montana, - - - 11 Rough Creek, Kentucky, - - 78 Rum, Minnesota, - 39 Rush Creek, Colorado, - 13 Rush, Dakota, - - 27 Russian, California, - - 19 Sabinal Creek, Texas, - 131 Sabine, Louisiana, - - - 37 Sac, Missouri, - - 66 Saco, Maine, - - - 1 1 Sacramento, California, - - 24 San Antonio, Texas, 157 St. Bernard, Texas, 139 St. CroiXj Wisconsin, - 13 St. Croix^ Maine, - 10 St. Felipe Creek, Cal., 51 Co. San Jacinto, Texas, . . 125 St. Fernando Creek, Texjs, 163 St. Francis, Arkansas, . 45 St. Francis, Maine, . 1 St. Johns, Florida, . . 22 St. Johns, (W. Br.,) Maine, 1 St. Josephs, Idaho, . 1 St. Josephs, Michigan, - 71 St. Louis, AViseonsin, . .1 St. Marys, Georgia, . - 136 St. Peters, Dakota, Indian Res. St. Regis, New York, - - 2 St. Regis, Montana, - - - 1 St. Vrains Fork, Wyoming, 2 Sage Creek, Wyoming, - 2 Saginaw, Michigan, - - 42 Salado, New Mexico, - - 1 1 Salinas, California, . - 40 Saline Bayou, Louisiana, - 18 Saline Creek, Illinois, - - 99 Saline Creek, Indian Ter., Cherokee ReseiTation. Saline, Arkansas, - . 65 Saline, Kansas, - . . .36 Saline, Louisiana, . . - 22 Salitz, Oregon, - ... 3 Salmon, Idaho, - . .3 Salmon, Maine, - - 11 Salmon, New York, - - - 2 Salmon Fall, Idaho, - - -9 Salt Creek, Indiana, - . .72 Salt Fork, Indian Ter., Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches. Salt Fork, Texas, - - - 17 Salt, Dakota, . 7 Salt, Missouri, - - 42 Salt, Wyoming, - - - 3 SaJuda, South Carolina, . - 20 Samish, Washington, - - 1 San Carlos, Arizona, - - 2 Sand, Minnesota, - - - 21 Sanders Creek, Texas, - - 1 4 Sandies Creek, Texas, - 147 Sandusky, Ohio, -* - - - 8 Sandy Creek, Colorado, - 17 Sandy Lick Creek, Penn., - - 22 Sandy, Maine, - - ¦ 2 San Francisco, Arizona, - 2 San Francisco, Texas, - - 58 San Gabriel, Texas, - - - 95 Sangamon, Illinois, - - - 45 San Jose, New Mexico, - - 9 San Joaquin, California, - - 29 106 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. Co. San Marcos, Texas, 134 San Miguei Creek, Texas, - 153 San Saba, Texas, - - - 77 Sans Bois Creek, Indian Ter., Choctaw Nation. Santa Anna, California, - - 49 Santa Clara, California, - - 48 Santa Fe, Florida, - 1 7 Santa Inez, California, - 47 Santa Maria, Arizona, - 1 Santa Maria, California, - 47 Santa Petronala, Texas, - 163 Sappa Creek, Nebraska, 53 Saranac, New York, - - - 3 Satilla, Georgia, . 118 Sauk, Minnesota, . - 28 Savannah, Georgia, - - 107 Schoharia, New York, - 32 Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, - - 65 Scioto, Ohio, ... 84 Sevier, Utah, - . H Sheboygan, Michigan, . - 13 Shell, Wyoming, - - 2 Shell Rock, Iowa, - - 29 Sherlon's Fork, Arizona, . 2 Shiawasee, Michigan, . .47 Shiloh, Louisiana, - - 6 Shyenne, Dakota, - - 27 Simmons Fork, North Carolina, 74 Skunk, Iowa, - - 100 Shokomish, Washington, - - 10 Skagit, Washington, . . - 1 Sipsey, Alabama, - 23 Sipsey Fork, Alabama, 18 Slate, Virginia, - - - 46 Slippery Rock Creek, Penn., 19 Smith, North California, - 5 Smith's Fork, Nebraska, - - 28 Smith, California, - - 1 Smith's, Montana, - - - 7 Smith's, OrcLion, - 16 Smoke, Washington, - - - 3 Smoky Hill Fork, Kansas, - 29 Snake, Idaho, - - 10 Snake, Minnesota, - - 21 Snake, Nebraska, west of, 1 Snohomish, Washington, - 7 Soasahatchie, Tennessee, - 77 Soldier, Iowa, - - - 57 Solomons Fork, Kansas, - 19 Soath, Iowa, - - 74 South, North Carolina, 93 South, Virginia, . .10 Co. South Anna, Virginia, - 29 South Branch, Nebraska, - 20 South Br. Shenandoah, W. Va., 21 South Coon, Iowa, - - 61 South Fabins, Missouri, . - 24 South Fork White, Dakota, - 63 South Fork, Oregon, - - - 13 South Fork, South Carolina, 28 South Fork, Texas, - 1 South Fork, Texas, . - 27 South Fork Deer, 'Tennessee, 50 South Fork Eel, California, 10 South Fork Humboldt, Nevada, - 3 South Fork Malheur, Oregon, - 22 South Fork Pease, Texas, - 5 South Fork Platte, Nebraska, - 30 S. F. Santiam, Oregon, - 11 South Umpqua, Oregon, - - 16 South Yadkin, North Carolina, - 43 Spavina Creek, Indian Ter., Choctaw Reservation. Spanish, Utah, - - 10 Spokane, Washington, - - 2 Spoon, Illinois, - . - jg Sprague, Oregon, . . .20 Spring Creek, Arkansas, - 9 Spring Creek, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. Spring Creek, Texas, - - 125 Squirrel Creek, Colorado, . 16 Staluk Whamish, AA''ashington, 7 Stanislaus, California, - - 36 Staunton, Virginia, - - - 91 Steinhatchee, Florida, - 18 Stevens Creek, South Carolina, - 19 Stinking, Wyoming, - - 2 Stony Creek, California, 12 Strong, Mississippi, - - - 51 Sugar Creek, Indiana, . .44 Sugar Creek, Ohio, . . 46 Sulphur Spring Creek, Wyom'g, 2 Sun Flower, Mississippi, - - 38 Susan, California, - - - 7 Susquehanna, Maryland, - - 7 Susquehanna, (W. Br.,) Penn., - 26 Susquehanna, (E. Br.,) Penn., - 27 Suwanee, Florida, - - .28 Swan, Missouri, ... loi Sweet Water, AVyoming, . . .3 Swift Creek, Virginia, - .50 Swift, North Carolina, . . 29 Swoolamish, Washington, - .1 Sybilles Fork, Wyoming, - - 5 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — RIVERS. 107 Tallapoosa, Alabama, Tallahala Creek, Mississippi, Tallala, Georgia, Tallahatchie, Mississippi, Tamarac, Minnesota, - Tanawha, AVest A'irginia, Tangipahoa, Louisiana, Tar, North Carolina, - Taylor's Bayou, Texas, Temperance, Minn., - Tennessee, Kentucky, Tensas, Louisiana, Terrapin Creek, Colorado, - Teton, Montana, Thief, Minnesota, Thunder Bay, Michigan, - Tia Juana, California, Tickfaw, Louisiana, . Tide Creek, Dakota, . Tifiin, Ohio, Trinoanogos, Utah, - Timpas Creek, Colorado, Tippecanoe, Indiana, - Tobacco, Montana, Tombigby, Alabama, Tongue, Montana, Toreau, Louisiana, Toyah Creek, Texas, - Tradewater, Kentucky, Trempealeau, Wisconsin, . Trent, North Carolina, Trinity, California, Trinity, Texas, Truckee, Nevada, Tugaloo, South Carolina, Tug Fork Sandy, Ky., Tulare, Califoruia, Tuniche, New Mexico, Tuolumne, California, Turkey Creek, Arizona, Turkey, Iowa, Turtle, Dakota, . Turtle, Dakota, - Tuscarawas, Ohio, Two Battle Creek, Kansas, Tygarts Valley, West Va., Umatilla, Oregon, Umpqua, Oregon, Union, Maine, Upper Iowa, Iowa, Upper Knife, Dakota, Upper Yakima, Washington, Co. Co. - 44 - 67 10 Ushkabwaka, Minnesota, - 5 Vermillion Creek, Dakota, - 82 8 Vermillion River, Minnesota, 5 - 1 Vernon Fork, Indiana, 73 - 22 Virgin, Nevada, 15 - 34 53 Wabash, Illinois, - 95 127 AVaccamaw, South Carolina, - 25 . 6 Walker, Nevada, 13 - 90 AVallahalla, California, 19 22 AVallkill Creek, New York, - 50 - 4 AYalnut Creek, Indian Ter., . 5 Chickasaw Nation. 2 AValnut Creek, Iowa, - 91 19 AValnut Creek, Kansas, - 51 51 Wandushkaw, or Snake, Dakota, 43 - 45 Wapsipinicon, Iowa, - 69 9 AVashita, Indian Ter., 4 Chickasaw Nation. - 10 Washita, Louisiana, - - 22 17 Wateree, South Carolina, - 22 29 Waterhole Creek, Dakcti, . - 64 1 Weber, Utah, - - 4 - 49 Wenatshapan, Washington, - 15 11 West, Vermont, - - 14 17 West Branch White, Ind., - 69 59 West Fork, Louisiana, - 28 - 41 West Fork, Indian Ter., 18 Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches. 82 West Fork, Texas, - - 35 ¦ 2 West Fork Cedar, Iowa, . - 29 126 West Fork Little Sioux, Ky., 44 - 5 AVest Fork Sandy, Ky., - 11 18 West Fork Shyenne, Wyoming, 5 - 24 AVhetstone, Ohio, - 55 - 43 White, Arkansas, - 19 - 3 White, Dakota, - - 64 36 White, Indiana, - 69 - 4 AVhite, Utah, 11 - 31 White, AVashington, - - 12 - 18 AVhite, Wisconsin, - 3 - 44 White Earth Creek, Dakota, - 46 southwest part unorganized. 65 White Earth, Dakota, . 2 . 6 Wild Rice, Minnesota, - 2 Willamette, Oregon, - 7 - 14 AVillis, Virginia, - 47 16 AVillopah, Washington, - 9 9 Willow Creek, Oregon, - 13 11 Willow, Minnesota, - 10 - 2 Wind, Wyoming, . 2 15 Winooski, Vermont, - . 5 108 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — CAPES. Co. Winter Road, Minnesota, - .1 AViseonsin, AViseonsin, . - 40 Wiser Creek, Idaho, - - 6 Withlacochee, Florida, - - 16 AA'ithlockoochee, Florida, - 28 Wolf Creek, Nebraska, - 53 Wolf, Mississippi, - 71 AVolf, ^yVisconsin, - - - 34 Wounded Knee Creek, Dakota, southwest part unorganized. AVhisky Creek, Wyoming, - 4 Yadkin, North Carolina, - 43 Yakima, Washington, - - 21 YalUbusha, Mississippi, - 24 Yamhill Fork, Oregon, , . 5 Yampa Creek, Arizona, - - 1 Co. Yazoo, Mississippi, - - - 43 Yegua Creek, Texas, - - 111 Yellow, Alabama, - - 61 Yellow, Florida, - - - 2 Yellow, Wisconsin, - -4 Yellow, Wisconsin, . .29 Yellow Medicine, Minn., - 43 Yellow Stone, Montana, /- .6 Yellow Water Creek, Montana, - 6 Yockanockany's Creek, Miss., - 40 Yoconey, Misssssippi, - - 17 Yough6gheny, Penn., - - - 34 Yuba, California, - - 15 Zumbro, Minnesota, . - 60 Zuni, AiiZona, - - -2 CAPES. CapeCape CapeCapeCapeCapeCapeCape Cape CapeCapeCape Cape CapeCape CapeCapeCapeCapeCapeCapeCapeCape Cape Ann, Mass., . - -7 Arago, Oregon, . - 17 Blanco, Oregon, - 18 Canaveral, Florida, . 30 Charles, Maryland, - 40 Cod, Massachusetts, - 12 Disappointment, Wash'n, -, 9 Little Point Ausable, Mich., - 37 Elizabeth, Maine, Fear, North Carolina, Flattery, Washington, Florida, Florida, Foulweather, Oregon, Hatteras, N. C, Henlopen, Delaware, - Henry, Virginia, Lookout, N. Carolina, Lookout, Oregon, May, New Jersey, Mendocino, California, Perpetua, Oregon, Romano, Florida, Remain, S. Carolina, Sable, Florida, - San Bias, Florida, False Cape, California, False Fillamook, Oregon, Fletcher Neck, Maine, Gravelly Point, Michigan, - Great Point Ausable, Mich., Heweena Point, Mich., 12 93 4 39 3 54 3 9991 3 21 4 1238 30 39 7 Montauk Point, L. I., North Point, Michigan, Pemmaquid Point, Maine, - Point Adams, Oregon, Point. Arena, California, Point Arquilla, California, - Point aux Bees Scies, Mich., Point Bonita, Califoruia, - Point Brown, AVashington, Point Conception, Cal., Point De Los Reyes, Cal., Point Gordo, Cal., - Point Lobos, Cal., Point Pinos, Cal., Point Sur, California, Point Vincent, Cal., - Racoon Point, Lousiana, - Southwest Cape, Florida, . . 4 Tawas Point, Michigan, . 1 Tillamook Head, Oregon, - 1 1 Toke Point, Washington, - 42 Umpqua Head, Oregon, - 32 White Fish Point, Mich., - 6019 - 15 - 1 - 10 - 47 - 20 - 20 - 8 - 47 - 20 - 40 - 27 - 40 - 40 . 49 . 54 - 12 - 31 . 1 . 9 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — BAYS. 109 BAYS. Co. Admiralty Inlet, Washington, . 5 Albemarle Sound, northeast coast North Carolina. Appalachee, Florida, 13 Atchafalaya, Louisiana, - - 47 Barataria, Louisiana, - 55 Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey, 15 Barnegat, New Jersey, - - 15 Barnes Sound, Florida, -, - 39 Bay Ronde, Louisiana, - .56 Bear Harbor, California, . 10 Bellingham, Washington, . 1 Biscayne, Florida, - .20 Bodega, California, . . 39 Boundary, Washington, . 1 Bulls, South Carolina, . .30 Buzzards, Mass., - 12 Camels, California, . .40 Cote Blanche, Louisiana, - .47 Chaudeleur Sound, S. E. La., • Charlotte Harbor, Florida, . . 37 Chatham, Florida, - - - 39 Chesapeake, Maryland, Chincoteague, Maryland, . - 23 Cove Sound, North Carolina, - 91 Corpus'Christi, Texas, - 163 Crystal, Florida, - -31 Delaware, east of Delaware, - — East, Texas, - - - 126 Estero, California, - .44 Florida, Florida, Florida Strait, Florida, south, Fon du Lac, AViseonsin, . 1 Frenchman, Maine, . . .9 Galveston, Texas, 140 Green, W isconsin, - 11 Half Moon, California, - - 32 Hatteras Inlet, E. Pamlico Sound, North Carolina Coast. Hood's Canal, Washington, 5 Humboldt, California, - - 4 Indian Inlet, Florida, - - 36 Isle au Breton Sound, S. E. La., — Juan de Fuca Strait, Wash'n, Jupiter Inlet, Florida, Co. . 4 - 36 Laguna Madre, Texas, - 168 Lampa, Florida, - - - - 34 Little Egg Harbor, N. J., - . 14 L. I. Sound, south of Conn., . — Massachusetts, Mass., . .8 Matanzas Inlet, Florida, . .27 Matagorda, Texas, - 150 Mississijjpi Sound, Miss., . 71 Mobile, Alabama, - 59 Monterey, California, . .40 Musquito Inlet, Florida, - 30 Narraguagus, Maine, - - 10 Narragansett, R. I., - 5 Nekas, Oregon, - - . 3 New River Inlet, Florida, - 39 Ocracoke Inlet, E. Pamlico Sound, North Carolina coast. Oregon Inlet, B. coast N. Carolina. Oyster, Louisiana, - - 56 Oyster, Florida, - - - - 33 Pamlico, North Carolina, - Pamlico Sound, N. Carolina, Peconic, Long Island, Pelican, California, Penobscot, Maine, Pensacola, Florida, Pugets Sound, Washington, 39 Rosario Strait, Washington, St. Andre, Florida, San Antonio, Texas, San Luis, California, - San Pablo, California, Saginaw, Michigan, - Sarasota, Florida, Shoalwater, Washington, . South, Long Island, - Strait of Mackinaw, Michigan, Suisun, California, Teaqumenen, Michigan, Terrebonne, Louisiana, Thunder, Michigan, - 53 - 54 - 60 . 1 8 2 . 14 . 1 . 5 158 - 44 . 20 . 43 . 37 . 9 . 6011 23 . 6 . 54 . 19 no ALPHABETICAL INDEX — ISLANDS. Co. Co. Tillamook, Oregon, . . 3 West, Texas, 140 West, Louisiana, . 56 Vermillion, Louisiana, . 38 White Water, Florida, . 39 Vineyard Sound, Mass., - - 13 Winyah, South Carolina, . . 25 ISLANDS. Amelia, Florida, - 21 Kiawah, South Carolina, . - 30 Anastasia, Florida, 27 Apostle, Wisconsin, . - 2 Lacosta, Florida, - 37 Long, New York, . 58, . 59&60 Big Beaver, Michigan, 10 Long, Texas, 168 Block, Rhode Island,- - 4 Long Key, Florida, ¦ - 37 Bois Blanc, Michigan, - 13 Lopez, AVashington, - - 1 Breton, Louisiana, 56 Machias Seal, Maine, - - 10 Caman's, AVashington, - 6 Madeleine, Wisconsin, . 2 CampobelTs, Maine, 10 Manitou, Michigan, - - 10 Captive, Florida, - 37 Marquesas Key, Florida, - - 39 Cat, Mississippi, - 71 Marsh Island, Louisiana, - - 47 Cedar, North Carolina, - 91 Martha's Vineyard, Mass., - 13 Chaudeleur, Miss., south of. 71 Matagorda, Texas, . 159 Charity, Michigan, - - 43 Matinicus, Maine, 16 Cooper's, South Carolina, - 30 Merritt's, Florida, - 30 Cumberland, Georgia, 136 Michigan, Wisconsin, - 2 Middle, Michigan, . 14 Dauphin, Alabama, - - 58 Mt. Desert, Maine, . 9 Deer, Maine, 10 Derniere, Louisiana, - 54 Nantucket, Mass., . 14 Dry Tortugas, Florida, - 39 Orcas, Washington, - . 1 Edisto, South Carolina, - 31 Ossahaw, Georgia, 106 Elizabeth, Mass., . 10 Outer, AViseonsin, . 2 Farallone's, California, - 20 Palm Key, Florida, - . 37 Fisher's, Connecticut, - 8 Petit Bois, Alabama, - . 58 Florida Keys, Florida, - 39 Pine Key, Florida, . 34 Fox, Michigan, - 10 Presqu Isle, Wisconsin, . 2 Pte Pel(5e, Ohio, - 9 Galveston, Texas, 140 Gardiner's, New York, 60 Roanoke, North Carolina, . . 34 Gasparilla, Florida, - . 37 Ross, Maine, . 10 Grand Crozier, La., east of. . 56 Grand Menan, Maine, . 10 St. George's, Florida, • 9 St. Simon's, Georgia, 119 Haut Isle, Maine, . 9 Sanibal, Florida, - 37 Hilton Head, South Carolina , 32 San Miguel, California, . 48 Horn, Mississippi, 72 Santa Barbara, California, - . 49 Santa Cruz, California, - 48 Jekyl, Georgia, ... 119 Santa Catalina, California, . 49 San Clemente, California, . . 51 Kelley's, Ohio, . . 9 San Juan, Washington, 1 Key West, Florida, - . 39 San Nicholas, California, . - 49 ALPHABETICAL INDEX — ISLANDS. Ill Santa Rosa, California, Santa Rosa, Florida, Sapelo, Georgia, Ship Island, Mississippi, South Anclote, Florida, Swan's Island, Maine, Co. 48 2 120 - 71 - 31 - 9 Tatoosh, Washington, Tybee, Georgia, Whidhey's, Washington, - Whitehead, Maine, Wolfe, New York, - Co. - 4 107 10 4 n I CO 00