.¦¦;,/ . I HI - M5 ? IS liiiiiiitiif JH Hi '.¦¦¦....-. illliiSI :: Sfi 5 ',? ^^^H ¦ft¦k ill til ¦¦I is^M ¦HHHHp'< E" I give theft < Booki: fatiMe^iit^u^^Df a. College in this Colony! BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE PERKINS FUND 1905' THE COLONIAL RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA COMPILED AND PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATURE ALLEN D. CANDLER VOLUME II ATLANTA, GA. The franklin printing and PUBLISHING company GEO. W. HARRISON, MANAGER FOR STATE PRINTER 1904 THE M INUTES OF THE Common C OMMON COUNCIL OF THE Trustees for E RUSTEES for JDSTABLISHINg THE Colony of G OLONY of VtEORGIA IN A MERICA COLONIAL RECORDS. [B. P. R. O. Board or Trade.] Palace Court August the 3d 1732. The Hon*10 Edward Digby Esq' took his place as Chairman, being appointed so by the Charter. In the Common Council were present The Hon"1" Edward Digby Esqr Chairman The K' Honlle Lord Viscount Percival George Heathcote Thomas Tower Robert Hucks [ Esq" James Vernon William Belitha James Oglethorpe The Common Council immediately Entered upon Business. Bead the Charter and proceeded to the Election of Officers. Mr Hucks acquainted the Trustees in the said Common Council that in Consideration of the Generosity of the Design, Benjamin Martyn Esqr offered to serve the Trustees for the Space of One year as Secre tary without any Pay or Consideration, and then Gave a very hand some Character of the Abilitys & worth of the said Mr Martyn. Mr Heathcote confirmed what had been said relating to Mr Martyn, and Seconded the Recommend8 him as Secretary. Agreed. That Mr Martyn be chosen Secretary of the Trustees &c. for one year. Agreed. That Measures be taken to prevent the Publishing in the News Papers anything relating to this Society that shall be disadvantagi- ous to their Designs ; And that Mr Oglethorpe be desired to take the said Measures & to cause such Paragraphs to be Published in the said News Papers as may be proper for the promoting of the said De signs, and also to Cause Commissions and Boxes to be prepared. Adjourn'd. 4 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court August the 23d 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Oglethorpe in the Chair Mr Hucks Mr Vernon Mr Tower Mr Laroche Mr Hales Mr Belitha Mr Heathcote Agreed. That Mr Harman Verelst be Accomptant to this Corporation ; and he was Sworn in accordingly. Ordered that Mr Verelst do Acquaint the Bank of England That they are desired to keep the Cash of the Trustees, and to Pay out the same to the Order of any Five of the Common Council; And do Sign a Certifi cate for that Purpose in the following words, Viz' Resolved. That the Court of Directors of the Governor & Company of the Bank of England be Desired to Give Orders to their Cashires for the Receiving any Sums of Money which shall be paid into their hands on account of the Corporation of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America; And to Give Receipts for the same; To be placed to the Credit of the said Trustees. And That any five of the Common Council of the said Corporation whose Names are hereafter mentioned, viz' John Lord Viscount Per- cival, Edward Digby Esqr, George Lord Carpenter, James Oglethorpe, George Heathcote, Thomas Tower, Robert Moore, Robert Hucks, Rogers Holland, William Sloper, Francis Eyles, John Laroche, James Vernon, William Belitha Esq'8, and Stephen Hales, A. M., Are Impowered by Writing under their hands, to Order the issuing and paying out of Any Sum or Sums of Money on Account of the said Trustees, And to Adjust Accounts with the Bank, and discharge them from the same. Adjourn'd. ! COLONIAL RECORDS. 5 Palace Court October the 3d, 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Heathcote in the Chair Mr Hucks Mr More Mr Tower Lord Carpenter Mr Oglethorpe Mr Belitha Mr Hales Benjamin Martyn Esq1 was Sworn in Secretary. Agreed That Seventy and five pounds be Advanced Mr William Houstoun on his signing Articles for the Performance of his Proposals as delivered Viz' 1" To take his Passage in the first Ship that shall Sail from the River for Jamaica, by the way of Madera. While the said Ship lyes at Madera (which will be probably about three weeks) he designs to inform himself of the manner of cultivating the Vineyards and make- ing the wines there, and to carry with him to Jamaica Cuttings of their best sorts of Vines and Seeds, Roots, or Cuttings of any other usefull Plants he shall meet with on that Island, which are wanting in our American Colonies. 2d He intends to go from Jamaica to the several Spanish Colonies at Carthagena, Puerto Bello, Campechy & Vera Cruz, and for that end begs of the HonWe Trustees, to procure of Sir John Eyles and others of the Directors of the HonWe South Sea Company Letters of Recommendation to their respective Factors, that they may assist him in obtaining what he goes about. But particularly to Mess" Pratter & Rigby their Agents at Jamaica, that they may grant him his passage on board the Company's Vessels to the said Ports ; And to their Factors at Puerto Bello, that they may send him upon some pretext or other to Panama, because unless he goes as the Company's Servant he will not be allowed by the Spaniards to cross the Coun- trey. 3d He proposes to Stay at each of these places as long as shall be found necessary for obtaining all that can be gott from them ; and upon 6 COLONIAL RECORDS. his Return from one of them to Jamaica ; to leave the Plants he shall bring over, with the Person he shall Judge most capable and willing to take care of them, while he goes to the remaining Places in Search of others. As there are four different Voyages intended, besides that to Madera and Jamaica ; He is of Opinion that they may be finished in a year & half or two years. The Conditions of his Going are, the Paying him after the rate of 2001 a year half yearly for three years in Case the Sums Given for that purpose shall amount thereto ; and in Case they amount to less, then he to serve such a time only as shall be in Proportion to the said Sum of 2001 a year. He to send such Cuttings of Vines & other Plants as he shall be Able to Gett, to Mr S' Julian at Charles Town in South Carolina. And for the Remainder of his Term, after his Voyages are finished, he is to Go into Georgia. He agrees that during the Life of Lord Petre he will Serve for 1501 a year. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for the said 751 by Mr Heathcote, Mr Oglethorpe, Mr Belitha, Mr Tower & Mr Hucks N° 8603B & delivered it to Mr Heathcote until Mr Houstoun sign the articles. Agreed That an Imbarkation not exceeding Thirty five Men and their Fam- ilys be made for Georgia upon the Charity received by the Trustees. Agreed That 8001 be Lodged in Mr Heathcote's hands for the said Purposes. Ordered a Draught to be made out accordingly. Ordered That Lord Carpenter, Mr Oglethorpe, Mr Heathcote, Mr Hucks, Mr More, Mr Tower, Mr Belitha and Mr Hales or any Two of them do Treat with proper Persons for carrying on the said Imbarkation. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for 3001 to George Heathcote Esqr by Mr Hucks, Mr Tower, Mr Oglethorpe, Mr Belitha and Mr Hales N° 8, 604B . Ordered That a Draught be made on the Bank for 20' for the necessary Ex- pences of the Office payable to Robert Hucks Esqr. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for the said 201 by Mc Heathcote, Mr Tower, Mr Belitha, Mr Hales and Mr Oglethorpe N° 8, 605B . Adjourn 'd to Tuesday the 24th of October 1732 at four of the Clock in the afternoon. COLONIAL RECORDS. 7 Palace Court October the 24'" 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Tower in the Chair Mr Oglethorpe Mr Hales Mr Belitha Mr Hucks Mr Vernon Mr Heathcote Mr Eyles Lord Carpenter The Persons to go on the first Imbarkation attended, and were called in, Four excused themselves from going. The Articles of Agreement were read, And being asked, if they had anything to object to them, Four of them severally made the following Requests : 1st That the sending such Goods after their Persons as they would not be allowed to take with Them might be considered. 2 That Daughters might inherit as well as Sons. 3 That the Widows Dower might be consider'd. 4«iiy That they might go on Board themselves when their Goods went, and that Provisions might be granted them. Agreed That the Persons who now go over, and desire the same, shall h^ve the Priviledge of naming a Successor to the Lands granted them, Who, in case they dye without Issue, Male, shall enjoy the same to them and their Heirs Male for ever. Agreed That the Widows shall have their Thirds as in England. Order'd That the Persons who go shall send their Goods to Mr Plumstead pack'd up in one or more Chest or Chests, and mark'd N° 1. & 2. and that they may go on Board themselves at the same time. Order'd That Each Comerade ship shall be lodged on Board according to Lot. Agreed 8 COLONIAL RECORDS. That three hundred Pounds shall be lodged in Mr Heathcote's Hands to pay Mr Plumstead for Tools as f> Bill, and to defray other Charges for the Imbarkation. Sign'd a Draught for that Purpose by Thomas Tower, William Be litha, James Vernon, Robert Hucks, and Stephen Hales. N° 8606. B. Adjourn'd to Thursday October the 26 1732 at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon. Palace Court October the 26th 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Hucks in the Chair Mr Heathcote Mr Eyles Mr Vernon Mr Tower Mr Hales Mr Belitha Lord Carpenter Read a Lease and Release granting five thousand Acres of Land in Georgia in America to Thomas Christie, Joseph Hughes, and William Calvert in Trust. ReceivM the King's Instructions to the Governor at South Carolina. Order'd That Mr Hucks do pay two Guineas to the Clerk for his Extraordinary trouble in transcribing them and the Copy of the Charter. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the Lease and Release granting five thousand Acres in Georgia to Thomas Christie, Joseph Hughes, and William Calvert in Trust. Which was affix'd accordingly. Refer'd to Mr Hucks and Mr Tower the preparing a Chest of Medicines for the first Imbarkation. Adjourn'd to Wednesday No vember the 1st at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon. COLONIAL RECORDS. 9 Palace Court November the lBt 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr. Laroche in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Oglethorpe Mr Vernon Mr Hucks M, Tower Mr Hales Mr Belitha The Account of Benefactions, and how they were applied before the passing of the Charter, was read and approv'd. The Account of Mr Oglethorpe's Receipts and Disbursements, since the passing of the Charter to the 25th of October 1732, for the use of the Colony was read, and approv'd. An Account of the Associates of Dr Bray to the 31st of August 1732 was read and approv'd. On the whole ten Pounds fiveteen Shillings and five Pence due from Mr Oglethorpe. Which Mr Oglethorpe paid accordingly. Order'd That One hundred and One Pounds three Shillings and Seven Pence Surplusage of Mr Oglethorpe's Account of Receipts and Disbursements since the passing of the Charter to the 25th of October 1732 be transfer'd to the Account of the Associates of Dr Bray, the same arising from the application of the Associate Trust Money. Order'd That all these Accounts be enter'd in the Books together with the Ac count of the Associate's Effects. A Power to James Oglethorpe Esqr to set out, Limit, and Divide five thousand Acres of Land in Georgia in America, was read, approv'd, and order'd to pass the Seal. A Power to James Oglethorpe Esq' to grant Licenses to Persons to go out of Georgia, as Occasions shall require, was read, approv'd, and Order'd to pass the Seal. An Appointment of James Oglethorpe Esq1 to give Directions to 10 COLONIAL RECORDS. Thomas Christie, Joseph Hughes, and William Calvert concerning the Divisions of Lands in Georgia, was read, approv'd, and order'd to pass the Seals. The Seal was accordingly affixed to the aforesaid Powers. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Powers. Adjourn'd to Wednesday, No vember the 8th 1732 at one o' the Clock. Palace Court November the 8th 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Vernon in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Heathcote Mr Laroche Mr Oglethorpe Mr Tower Mr Hucks Mr Hales Mr Belitha Order'd That Six hundred Pounds be paid into Mr Heathcote's Hands and that a Draught be made on the Bank of England for it. Signed a Draught for the said Six hundred Pounds by James Oglethorpe, James Vernon, Thomas Tower, Stephen Hales, and William Belitha N° 8607. B. Adjourn'd to 4 o'Clock. Palace Court The same Day 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon Present in Common Council Assembled The same Gentlemen Agreed That Mr Oglethorpe do set out three hundred Acres of Land in Geor gia in America to be appropriated for the Use of the Church of the COLONIAL RECORDS. 11 Town of Savanah, and a Site for the Church, and the Minister's House in the Town, and likewise a Burial Place at a proper Distance from the Town. The following Deeds were read, and the Seal of the Corporation affix'd to Each of them. A Deed dated the 7th of November 1732 appointing Peter Gordon, William Waterland, and Thomas Causton Bailiffs of Savanah ; and Thomas Christie Recorder; Joseph Fitz waiter and Samuel Parker Consta bles ; John West and John Penrose Tythingmen of the said Town. A Deed of the same Date appointing Peter Gordon, William Water- land, Thomas Causton, Thomas Christie, George Symes, Richard Hodges, Francis Scott, and Noble Jones Conservators to keep the Peace in the said Town. Two other Deeds of the same Date Impowering James Oglethorpe Esqr to administer the Oaths of Allegiance Supremacy, and Abjuration ; and the Oaths of Office to the several Persons appointed officers in the two first mention'd Deeds. A Deed Dated the 8'" of November 1732 displacing Peter Gordon, and appointing George Symes in his Stead. A Deed of the same Date displacing William Waterland, and ap pointing Richard Hodges in his Stead. A Deed of the same Date displacing Thomas Causton, and appoint ing Francis Scott in his Stead. A Deed of the same Date displacing Thomas Christie, and appointing Noble Jones in his Stead. A Deed of the same Date displacing Joseph Fitzwalter, and appoint ing Richard Cannon in his Stead. A Deed of the same Date displacing Samuel Parker, and appointing Joseph Coles in his Stead. A Deed of the same Date displacing John West, and appointing Francis Mugridge in his Stead. A Deed of the same Date displacing John Penrose, and appointing Thomas Young in his Stead. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said several twelve Deeds. Mr Heathcote deliver'd in his Account and Vouchers of the two Draughts of three hundred Pounds Each, whereon the Balance in his hand is one hundred twenty Nine Pounds fourteen Shillings. 12 COLONIAL RECORDS. Mr John Salmon and Mr Charles Harrison attended, and desired twelve hundred acres of Land in Georgia in trust for twelve Persons to carry on the Pot Ash Trade. Which was agreed to on the following Terms. lBt The Grant shall be made to such Persons as they shall nominate in trust for twelve Persons, and their Heirs Male ; And no like Grant to any other Number of Persons in Partnership to be made for ten Years. 2dly Ten Men on their account shall arrive in Georgia within one Year, or the Grant to be void. 3d'7 They are to have Ground Plots for four Houses within the first Town; and they may make two thousand Pounds w' of Sope till further License. 4tMy The Lands shall be within the Precincts of the Town of Savanah, half a mile along the River, and into the Country sufficient to make up the twelve hundred Acres, and shall not be alienated without License from the Common Council. 5,hly Their Servants shall have the same Allotment of Land, as is given to others in the same Circumstances, at the Expiration of their Service.gthij They are to covenant to clear in three Years Sixty Acres of Land. 7thly No Private Person shall be prevented carrying on the Pot Ash Trade, if he thinks proper. gtuy if gjx hundred Acres be not cleared and improved within ten Years, the whole Grant shall revert to the Trustees, but if they clear Eight hundred within that time, the Common Council will grant them three hundred Acres more. gthiy They shall plant a thousand White Mulberry Trees on every hun dred Acres of Land. 10,lllj They shall pay a Quit Rent of five Shillings of the Money of Great Britain ^ ann. for every hundred acres for three Years after the Ex piration of seven Years from the Date of the Grant, and ten shillings $ ann. for every hundred Acres of Land for ever after. Mr William Roaker attended, and desired Leave to go over, and settle in Georgia, carrying four Servants with him, and paying the Expences himself. Agreed to on the following Terms. Is' On carrying four Men Servants able to work, and bear Arms to be landed in Georgia before Christmas 1733, he shall have five hundred acres of Land lying together in Georgia set out for him. COLONIAL RECORDS. 13 2d,y Thirty Acres of Land shall be cleared and improv'd within five Years from the Date of the Grant, and two hundred and Fifty within five- teen Years, and if they are not, the Whole shall revert to the Trustees. 3dly The Grant shall be to him and his Heirs Male for ever. 4""y His four Servants shall have the same Allotment of Land at the Expiration of their Service, as others have. 5""T He shall pay a Quit Rent of five shillings $ ann. of the money of Great Britain, for every hundred acres of Land for three Years, after the Expiration of seven Years from the Date of the Grant, and ten shillings <$b ann. for every Hundred Acres of Land for ever after. Adjourn'd. Palace Court December the 7* 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Percival in the Chair Lord Carpenter Mr Hucks Mr Digby Mr Heathcote Mr Tower Mr Vernon Mr Holland Order'd That One hundred Pounds be paid into the Hands of Mr Heathcote, and that a Draught be made on the Bank of England for it. Order'd That Twenty five Pounds be paid by Mr Heathcote to Mr Verelst for his great Care and Service. Sign'd a Draught for the above hundred Pounds payable to Mr Heath cote by Lord Percival, Edward Digby, James Vernon, Rogers Holland, and Robert Hucks N° 8608 B. Read a Lease of twelve hundred Acres in Georgia granted to William Reyner, John Salmon, Charles Harrison, Thomas Smith, and John Coates for ten Years to cultivate and improve the said twelve hundred acres in the Potash Trade, wherein is a Covenant for assuring the said twelve hundred Acres in Tail Male to them and seven others by them to 14 COLONIAL RECORDS. be nominated, at One hundred Acres each, on their Performance of Covenants, and a further Condition for granting the said Persons three hundred Acres more on condition that they cultivate Eight hundred Acres in ten Years. Order'd That the Seal be affix'd to the said Lease. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Lease. Read a Charter Party between the Common Council of the Trustees and Mr Samuel Wragg Part Owner and Mr John Thomas Commander of the Ship Ann. Order'd That the Seal be affix'd to the said Charter Party. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Charter Party. Mr Roger Lacy attended, and desired for himself and four other Persons five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia each, carrying over with them Each Man four Servants. Agreed to on the following terms. lBt The Trustees agree to give to Each Person, carrying over four Male Servants five hundred Acres of Land in Tail Male ; And to their Servants, upwards of Eighteen Years of Age, at the Expira tion of their Service such Quantity of Land, as shall be given to Other Persons Servants in the same circumstances. 2dly The Trustees will supply them with Arms not exceeding thirty Firelocks ; and Ammunition for the same, for their Defence as Oc casion shall require. 3dly The Trustees will also supply them with Provision for thirty Peo ple for twelve Months from the Day of their Arrival in Georgia ; That is, after the Rate of five Pounds of Flower, and Five Pounds of Meat for Each of them ^ Week. 4thIy They shall pay a Quit Rent after the Rate of ten Shillings, of Money of Great Britain, for every hundred Acres, the first Payment to be made at the Expiration of ten Years. 5tUy That if One hundred Acres of each five hundred Acres shall not be clear'd within the said ten Years, the Grant of the Whole shall be void, and all the Land shall revert to the Trustees. COLONIAL RECORDS. 15 gunj if tnev ^yg wjthout Issue Male, the Lands shall descend to their Wives in Tail Male. 7mj The Grant And all Articles therein contain'd to be of no Effect, Unless they arrive in Georgia in America, within twelve Months from the Date thereof. Adjourn'd. Palace Court December the 21s' 1732 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Digby in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Tower Mr Vernon Mr Laroche M1 Holland Mr Hales Lord Carpenter Mr Hucks Mr Heathcote Read a Grant of five hundred Acres in Georgia in America to Roger Lacey. Another Grant of five hundred Acres to James Lacey. Another Grant of five hundred Acres to Joseph Hetherington. Another Grant of five hundred Acres to Theophilus Hetherington. Another Grant of five hundred Acres to Philip Bishop. Order'd. That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to each of the said Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd. That the Secretary do countersign the said five Grants. Recd of Roger and James Lacey, Theophilus and Joseph Hethering ton, * five Guineas the Consideration Money, mention'd in their Grants, to be applied to the Purposes of the Charter. Order'd. That the Secretary do sign the Copy of the Grant of twelve hundred Acres to William Reyner, John Salmon, Charles Harrison, Thomas 16 COLONIAL RECORDS. Smith, and John Coates, in Order for the same being register'd in Georgia, and to be of equal Evidence with the Original. Mr Henry Pinkerton attended the Common Council, and desired leave to go over and settle in Georgia, carrying three Servants with him, and paying the Expences himself. Which was agreed to on the following Terms. 1" On carrying three Men Servants able to work, and bear arms to be landed in Georgia before Christmas 1732, He shall have three hun dred Acres of Land lying together in Georgia set out for him. 2dly His three Servants shall have at the Expiration of their Service, and his Certificate of their Good Behavior twenty five Acres Each. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Janry the 10th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Heathcote in the Chair Mr Digby Lord Percival Mr Laroche Mr Hucks Mr Vernon Mr Sloper Mr Hales Lord Carpenter Read a Grant of three hundred acres in Georgia to Mr Henry Pinker- ton in Tail Male. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the Same. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. Read a Power to James Oglethorpe Esqr to set out, limit, and bound twelve hundred Acres, and convenient Space for four Houses in Georgia to William Reyner, John Salmon, Charles Harrison, Thomas Smith, and John Coates, their Executors, Administrators, and Assigns. COLONIAL RECORDS. 17 Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Power. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Power. Read Articles of Agreement between the Trustees and Several Per sons Who are to embark on board the James Captain Yoakley. Adjourn'd Palace Court Janry the 31" 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Tower in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Hucks Mr More Mr Eyles Mr Holland Mr Laroche Mr Vernon M1 Digby Mr Heathcote Order'd That One hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Mr Heathcote, and that a Draught be made on the Bank of England for it. Sign'd a Draught for the said one hundred Pounds payable to Mr Heathcote by Thomas Tower, Lord Percival, Robert Hucks, James Vernon, and Rogers Holland N° 8609 B. Order'd That the following Gentlemen, Lord Percival, Mr Tower, MT Hucks, Mr Digby, Mr More, Mr Heathcote, Mr Eyles, Mr Holland, Mr Laroche, and Mr Vernon be a Committee of Accounts, and that Any three of them do make a Quorum. Adjourn'd. [2 c. r.] 18 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Febry the 21" 173$ Present in Common Council Assembled Mr More in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Hucks Mr Tower Mr Vernon Mr Holland Mr Laroche Mr Hales Mr Digby Mr Heathcote Lord Carpenter Mr Eyles Mr Sloper M1 John Pennefather attended, and desired leave to go and settle in Georgia paying the Expences himself, and carrying three Servants with him. Agreed to on the following Terms. 1" On carrying three Men Servants with Him able to work, and bear Arms to be landed in Georgia before Christmas 1733 he shall have three hundred Acres of Land lying together in Georgia set out for him. 2dly His three Servants shall have at the Expiration of their Service, and on his Certificate of their good Behavior twenty five Acres Each of them. 3dly The Grant shall be to Him and his Heirs Male, and he is to have a Power of disposing of it to His two Nephews Francis Sheerman and Robert Sheerman, and to His Daughter Mary Nary's Male Children. 4tbly He is to have a convenient Space of Ground to build a House in Savanah. Read a Grant of three hundred acres of Land in Georgia to the said Mr John Pennefather. Order'd That the Common Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was Affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. COLONIAL RECORDS. 19 Mr William Gough Sen1 and William Gough Junr attended, and desired leave to go and settle in Georgia, paying their own Expences, and carrying One Servant Each of them. Agreed to grant the said William Gough Sen' and Junr Eighty Acres of Land Each of them and twenty Acres to Each of their Servants at the Expiration of their Service. Read two Several Grants of Eighty Acres of Land to the Said William Gough Sen' and Junp. Order'd That the Common Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants. Read a Letter from Mr Quincy desiring a Servant may go over with Him as a Planter, And that the Trustees will defray the Expences, He not being able to do it himself. Agreed That the Common Council of the Trustees will defray the Expence of Mr Quincy's Servant's Passage, and give him at the Expiration of his Service twenty five Acres of Land. Mr Laroche acquainted the Board, that he had waited on Lord Carteret, and that his Lordship agreed to the Draught of his Convey ance of one undivided Eighth Part of Georgia to the Trustees, and his Lordship desired a Counterpart of it with the Corporation Seal affix'd to it, and a Copy of the Charter granted by the King, written on Parch ment.Order'd ' That a Counterpart of the Draught be writ out, and that the Corpor ation Seal be affix'd to it, and a Copy of the Charter be writ on Parchment for Lord Carteret, Mr Robert Hetherington attended, and desired leave to go and settle in Georgia, paying the Expences himself, and carrying four Servants with him. Agreed to on the same terms, on which Mr Lacy, Mr Joseph Hether ington and their Friends are to go over, except the Grant of Provisions And Arms. Adjourn'd to Wednesday Febry the 28th 173f at 4 o'Clock in the afternoon. 20 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Febry the 28th 173$ Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Holland in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Digby Mr Heathcote Mr Vernon Mr More Mr Sloper Mr Hales Read a Grant of five Hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to Mr Robert Hetherington Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the Same. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. Mr Amatis and Giacomo Ottone attended, and deliver'd to the Board Proposals for their going and settling in Georgia. Read the Counterpart of Lord Carteret's Grant to the Trustees of one Undivided Eighth Part of Georgia. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affixed to the said Counterpart to be Exchanged with Lord Carteret's. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Counterpart. Adjourn'd to Wednesday March the 7tL 173f at 4 o'Clock in the after noon. COLONIAL RECORDS. 21 Palace Court March the 7th 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Eyles in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Digby Mr Tower Mr Hucks Mr Vernon Mr Laroche Mr Hales Order'd That Six hundred of the Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia be bought for the Trustees. Order'd That Mr Heathcote do pay for the Same. Order'd That One hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Mr Heathcote, and that a Draught be made on the Bank of England for it. Sign'd a Draught for the said one hundred Pounds by Robert Hucks, John Laroche, James Vernon, Thomas Tower, and Stephen Hales N° 8610 B. Order'd That the Advertisement in the South Carolina Gazette of Janry 13"1 173f sign'd by the Governor, with the Extract of a Letter from thence be publish'd in One of the News Papers, Mr Amatis and Giacomo Ottone attended. Resolved That no more Persons do come from Italy at the Expence of the Trustees. Resolved That the Trustees will give a certain Sum to those who are arrived from thence for their Return to Italy, or will defray the Expence or their Passage to Georgia, where they will allow them five Pounds of Sic at and five Pounds of Flower ^> Week for Each head for the first Year, And give Mr Amatis One hundred and fifty Acres of Land, and ten Pounds for the first Year, and will grant to the Other Men one hundred Acres of Land Each of them. Adjourn'd 22 COLONIAL RECORDS. Vestry Room of S' Mary Le Bow Church Cheapside March the 15"1 173$ Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Laroche in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Vernon Mr More Mr Holland Mr Hucks Mr Sloper Mr Hales Mr Digby Mr Heathcote Mr Eyles Resolv'd That Nicolas Amatis, Jacques Camuse, and his Wife and three Chil dren be carried over to Georgia. Resolv'd That Giacomo Ottone be sent back to Italy, and that Mr Symmonds do advance a Sum not exceeding fifteen Pounds for that Purpose. Order'd That Mr Heathcote do pay to Mr Symmonds the money necessary for the said Purposes. Resolv'd That Nicolas Amatis, Jacques Camuse with his Wife and three Chil dren be (if they desire) brought back from Georgia at the Expence of the Corporation, if the Scheme of raising raw Silk do's not succeed. A Report from the Committee of Accounts, whereon the Ballance in Mr Heathcote's Hands appears to be One hundred and two Pounds, fifteen Shillings, and Eleven Pence one farthing, was read and approv'd of.Resolv'd That two hundred Acres of Land be given to Mr Henry Fletcher if he carries over a Man Servant with him, or if he do's not carry over a Man Servant one hundred and fifty Acres. Adjourn'd to Palace Court on Wed nesday March the 21st 173$ at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon. COLONIAL RECORDS. 23 Palace Court March the 218t 173$ Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Vernon in the Chair Lord Percival Lord Tyrconnel Lord Limerick Mr Chandler Mr Tower Mr Frederick Mr L'Apotre Mr Wm Heathcote Mr G. Heathcote Mr Hucks Alderman Kendal Mr More Dr Bundy Mr White Mr Nicolas Amatis attended, and agreed with the Common Council to go over to Georgia with Jacques Camuse, and his Wife, and three Boys. Resolv'd That Mr Symmonds be desired to provide Bedding for the said Persons, Shirts, Shifts and other Necessaries. Resolv'd That Lord Percival, Mr Hucks, Mr Heathcote, and all the Gentlemen who were in the Trust before March the IS"1 Instant be a Committee for preparing an Account of the Proceedings of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America. Order'd That Mr Burton and Mr Smith be desired to print the Sermons which they preach'd on the Subject of establishing the Colony of Georgia in America.Resolv'd That if any Person will carry over Six able Men Servants to Georgia, and pay all the Expences himself, without putting the Trustees to any Charge whatsoever, He shall be intitled to five hundred acres of Land, ,on the same terms on which others are settled there, and his Servants at the Expiration of their Service shall have twenty Acres Each Man. 24 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolv'd That twenty five Acres of Land be given to Each of the Servants going with Mr Lacy and Others on the Silk Trade in consideration of their early Application. Resolv'd That for the future no Servant going to Georgia, shall have more than twenty Acres of Land. Mr James Lacy applied to the Board for a License for his staying at home to transact the Business of his Brother, and the Others going on the Silk Trade. Resolv'd That James Lacy may have a License for staying at home for the said Purpose. Resolv'd That James, and Roger Lacy, Theophilus, Joseph, and Robert Hether ington, and Philip Bishop may have a License to enter into Copartner ship with Reyner, Salmon, and others to be concern'd in making Potashes. Adjourn'd t o Wednesday March the 28'" 1733 at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon. Palace Court March the 28"1 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Hales in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Lord Tyrconnel Lord Percival Mr More Mr Frederick Mr White Dr Bundy Read a Grant of two hundred acres of Land in Georgia to Mr Henry Fletcher. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. COLONIAL RECORDS. 25 Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. Order'd That the Revd Mr James Quincy be a Passenger in the great Cabin, -and that five Pounds be allowed him for refreshments in his Passage. Read a License for James Lacy's staying at home. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said License. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said License. > Resolv'd That fifty Acres of Land be given to Every Saltzburgh Family, who shall go and settle in Georgia. Mr Reyner attended on account of the Copartnership for carrying on the Potash Trade, and objected to the Proposal of Mr Lacy and the Rest concern'd in the Silk Business joining in Copartnership with them. Resolv'd That Capt. Coram be desired to attend the Muster of the thirty Ser vants going with Mr Lacys, Hetheringtons, and Philip Bishop on board the Pearl Capt. Thompson. That he be desired likewise to attend the Muster of the Passengers on Board the Peter and James Capt. Cornish. Order'd That Mr Symmonds do pay for three Machines for winding off Silk, and that one be kept in England for the use of the Trustees. Adjourn'd. 2b' COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Tuesday April the 3rd 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Tyrconnel in the Chair Lord Limerick Lord Percival Mr Vernon Mr Wm Heathcote Mr Sloper Mr G. Heathcote Mr White Mr Laroche Mr Hucks Mr More Mr Tower Mr Amatis attended the Board, and they came to a final Agreement with him under the following Resolutions. Resolv'd That the Charge of Passage to Georgia be defray'd for the said Amatis, and his Servants. Viz' Jacques Camuse, His Wife and three Sons as agreed the 15'" of March 173$ Resolv'd That a House be allotted for Him and his Family, and that one hundred Acres be granted him ; and fifty Acres to his Servant Camuse at the Expiration of his Service. Resolv'd That Provisions be allowed him, and his Servants for one Year in the same proportion as to those already sent. Resolv'd That proper Materials be furnish'd him for carrying on the Work of making Raw Silk. Resolv'd That the Profits of his Labour be for his own use. Resolv'd That a Salary be allowed him for four Years after the Rate of twenty five Pounds <$*> Ann. on Condition that he delivers as many Machines and Coppers as the Trustees or their Agents shall require, on the COLONIAL RECORDS. 27 payment of three Pounds for Each Machine and Copper, and shows how to use them; And discovers the secret of making Raw Silk to such Persons as shall be appointed for that Purpose. Resolv'd That the Charge of all their Passages from Georgia to any Port in England or Italy be defray'd (if required) he quitting all Rights and Pretensions to the Grant of House and Lands, except such as shall be cultivated at the End of five Years, which is to be at his own Disposal, with the Consent however of the Trustees, and under the usual Limita tions ; and leaving all the Machines, Coppers, and Materials which are, or shall be furnish'd him at the Expence of the Trustees. Resolv'd That a Sum not exceeding two Guineas be allowed Mr Nicolas Amatis for Linen. Adjourn(d. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill the 18th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Frederick in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Vernon Mr Wm Heathcote Mr L' Ap6tre Mr G. Heathcote Mr More Mr Hucks Mr Hales Lord Tyrconnel Mr White Mr Digby Mr Simond attended, and produced two Bills of Exchange drawn by James Oglethorpe Esq', Viz'. Cue for one hundred Pounds payable ten days after sight ; The Other for two hundred Pounds payable one Month after sight. Order'd That the said Bills of Exchange be accepted and paid when due. 28 COLONIAL RECORDS. The Committee of Accounts made a Report that two hundred and five Pounds Eighteen Shillings were due to Mr Simond. Order'd That three hundred and twenty Pounds be paid,into Mr Heathcote's hands on Account. Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for three hundred and twenty Pounds payable to Mp George Heathcote. Sign'd a Draught for the same by Stephen Hales, Thomas Frederick, Lord Percival, Robert Hucks and James Vernon. N° 8611 B. Order'd That two hundred and five Pounds Eighteen Shillings be paid to Mr Simond.Resolved That Lord Tyrconnel, Mr Hucks, Mr William Heathcote, and Mr White and any others of the Trustees who will attend be desired, and are deputed to apply for a Sum of Publick Money for the use of the Colony. Order'd That a Message be sent to James Gerard Agent for Merchants in relation to his publishing his hiring of Servants for the Colony of Georgia without the Trustees Authority. Read a Grant of two hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to Mr Samuel Holmes. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. Order'd That a Paragraph be publish'd in One of the News Papers with an account of the Collections in the Parish of S' Botolph Aldgate amount ing to thirty four Pounds Eight Shillings. Read a Letter from Mr Oglethorpe dated Febry the 10'" 173$ with a Copy of the Governor and Council of South Carolina Letter to him, and (sio) a Copy of the Assembly's Resolution on his Arrival with the Colony. Read a Letter from his Excellency the Governor of South Carolina to the Trustees. COLONIAL RECORDS. 29 Order'd That Extracts of the said Letters with the Copy of the Governor and Council's Letter to Mr Oglethorpe, and the Copy of the Assembly's Res olution be publish'd in One of the News Papers, Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill the 25th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr William Heathcote in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Lord Limerick Lord Percival Mr Vernon Mr Tower Mr Hucks M' George Heathcote M' White M' Holland Mr Sloper Lord Tyrconnel M' More M' Frederick Mr Laroche Order'd That Six hundred more of the Books call'd Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia &c. be bought and that one of them be deliver'd to Every Member of Both Houses of Parliament. Resolved That Mr Frederick be desired to return the thanks of the Trustees to James Hume Esq' Speaker of the Assembly at Charles Town in South Carolina, and to M' Whitaker for their generous assistance to M' Oglethorpe and the Colony of Georgia. Adjourn'd. 30 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Monday Aprill the 30"1 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Percival in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Mr Frederick Mr Sloper M' L'Ap6tre Mr Vernon M' Eyles Mr Wm Heathcote Mr Digby M' Holland Mr Laroche Lord Tyrconnel Mr Tho" Tower Mr Geo. Heathcote Mr Christopher and M' Charles Clifton attended and desired leave to go and settle in Georgia each of them carrying two Servants and paying the Expences themselves. Resolved That one hundred Acres of Land be given to Mr Christopher Clifton, and one hundred more to Mr Charles Clifton under the usual Limita tions ; and that twenty Acres be given to Each of their Servants at the Expiration of their Service. Sr Abraham Elton attended and desired three Several Grants of Land to Mr Rob' Williams, John Williams, and Cornelius Sanford of Bristol Each of them carrying six Servants, and paying the Expences. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to Each of the said Persons. Resolved That twenty five Acres of Land be given to each of the Servants of the said Persons at the Expiration of their Service. Resolved That an Account be prepared to be laid before the Board at the next Meeting of the Number of Acres already granted to Persons who have gone or are going at their own Expence. COLONIAL RECORDS. 31 Mr Thomas Fosset attended, and desired leave to settle in Georgia carrying five Servants at his own Expence. Which was not agreed to. Resolved That the Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Tyrconnel and Mr Vernon be desired to ask the Bishop of Londons Encouragement of Collections in his Diocese for sending over Saltzburghers to Georgia. Mr Simond attended and produced Mr Oglethorpe's Letter dated 8'" Feb'7 173$ with advice of two Bills drawn on Account of the Trustees to accept and pay. Viz' One for £100 Sterl. payable ten, days after Sight, and the Other for £200 payable One Month after Sight. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday May the 9th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Carpenter in the Chair Lord Percival Lord Tyrconnel Mr Hales Mr Vernon Mr White M' More M' Tho" Tower Order'd That the two Grants of Land to Mr Christopher Clifton and Mr Charles Clifton be postpon'd. Adjourn'd 32 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Friday May the 11th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Geo. Heathcote in the Chair M' Tho8 Tower Mr Laroche M' White Mr More M' Hucks M' Sloper M' Hales M' Holland Lord Limerick Mr William Heathcote M' Vernon M' Frederick Read three Several Grants of Land of five hundred Acres of Land Each in Georgia to Mr John Williams, M' Robert Williams, and Mr Cornelius Sandford, Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants. Order'd That Giacomo Ottone do make Another Machine for winding off Silk to be kept for the use of the Trustees. Order'd That M' Simond be desired to advance to the said Ottone from time to time such Sums of Money as he shall require not exceeding three pounds six shillings and sixpence for making the said Machine. Resolved That Mr Thomas Tower be desired to agree with an Engraver for making Another Seal for the Corporation. Order'd That M" Mary Overend, M" Elizabeth Bowling and her Daughter Mary Bowling Aged Eleven Years be sent over to their Friends in Georgia at the Expence of the Corporation. COLONIAL RECORDS. 33 Order'd That James Lacy's License for staying in England be enter'd. Order'd That two hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' to pay a Bill of Exchange drawn by James Oglethorpe Esq' on Mr Simond on Account of the Trustees for that Sum a Month after sight, which came to sight of M' Simond the 13th of last Month and for which the said Mr Simond is to produce Mr Oglethorpe's Advice to the said Trustees as well as of the hundred Pound Bill already paid him. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for the said two hundred Pounds by Mr Hucks, M' Hales M' Vernon Mr Tower and M' Frederick N° 8612 B. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Thursday May the 17'" 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Hucks in the Chair Lord Percival Lord Tyrconnel Lord Carpenter M' Vernon M' Wm Heathcote Mr Hales M' L' Apostre M' George Heathcote Read a Grant of One hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to Edward Jenkins, he carrying over two Servants at his own Expence. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. Adjourn'd. [8 c. r.] 34 COLONIAL RECORDS. ' ~''i Palace Court Thursday May the 24th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Holland in the Chair Lord Percival M' White M' Thos Tower Mr Wm Heathcote Mr Vernon > M'L' Apostre Alderman Kendal M' Sloper M' Hucks Lord Tyrconnel Mr More M' Frederick A Petition of Robert Hetherington and Theophilus Hetherington, setting forth, that Robert Hetherington having sent his Grant of five hundred Acres of Land with Mr Lacy's Grant to Georgia ; And being since married which prevents his going immediately ; and desiring that the said Robert Hetherington's Grant may be waved, and made to Thomas Fawsatt of Woodstock ; And, that Theophilus Hetherington having also sent his Grant of five hundred Acres of Land to Georgia, a Grant of two hundred and fifty Acres, Part of the said five hundred Acres may be made to his Brother Robert Hetherington ; was read. It appearing to the Board that Thomas Fawsatt had given, and was to give no other Consideration than twenty Guineas (the Charge at which the said Robert Hetherington had been,) the said Petition was agreed to. Order'd That an Entry be made of the said Petition, and that the said Petitioners do sign their Waver of the said former Grants and of all Benefit therefrom. Resolved That Mr Oglethorpe be desired to send back the said Grants, which the said Hetheringtons have sent as aforesaid. COLONIAL RECORDS. 35 Order'd That new Grants be made out agreeable to the said Petition, allowing three Years for Robert Hetherington to go over. Resolved That every Parish Boy or Girl who shall be bound to M' Roger Lacy to serve him as an Apprentice untill his or her Age of twenty four Years, and shall serve him accordingly, be intitled at th'e Expiration of that term and Service to twenty Acres of Land to be granted to such Boy or the Husband of such Female accordingly with the usual Limitations and Conditions. M' Roger Lacy desired that after his Wifes Decease the Limitations of his Grant may go to his Brother Theophilus Lacy and the Heirs Male of his Body. Order'd That the said Roger Lacy's Wife do appear at this Board to give her Consent.Resolved That fifty able Men be sent over to Georgia with all possible Expedi tion. Resolved That if Mr Vernon and the Gentlemen, who have collected for the Saltzburghers, deposit in the hands of the Trustees twelve hundred and fifty Pounds, to be put by the Trustees under a proper Security, They will engage the Payment of fifty Pounds <$> Ann to a Protestant German Minister to perform Divine Service for the Protestant Emigrants from Germany in Georgia, till such time as a Provision is made of cultivated Lands there for the said Minister, to the full value of fifty pounds $ ann and upwards. Resolved That half a Crown $ week be allowed to Atherton, and half a Crown to his Wife from the date of the last payment. Order'd That Giacomo Ottone's Bill be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Order'd That the Chalice and Patine for the first Church in the Town of Sa vanah be sent over by the first Ship. Adjourn'd. 36 COLONIAL RECORDS. '] Palace Court Tuesday May the 29th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Sloper in the Chair Mr Tho8 Tower M' Frederick M' White M' More Alderman Kendal M' Hucks M' Will™ Heathcote Mr Holland M' Geo. Heathcote M' Roger Lacy and his Wife Mary Lacy attended and the Covenant of the Trustees in the said Roger Lacy's Grant in favour of his Wife was read, and She gave her Consent, that in case her Husband should dye in her Lifetime without any Issue Male by her, that then after her Decease the five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia granted to the said Roger Lacy should be granted in Moieties ; One half to Theophilus the Brother of Roger Lacy and the Heirs Male of his Body ; and the Other half to Francois Guillart of Everdon in the Canton of Bern in Swisserland, and the Heirs Male of his Body. Mr John Tuckwell of Wallingford Berkshire attended and gave in proposals for furnishing the Colony of Georgia with Iron Monger's Ware. Order'd That Mr John Tuckwell do get ready with all possible Expedition the Iron Ware (mentioned in the account deliver'd him) for the Colony. Whereas at a Common Council held the 23d of August last, any five of the said Common Council then consisting of fifteen in Number were impower'd by writing under their Hands to order the issuing and paying out of any Sum or Sums of Money on Account of the said Trustees, and to adjust Accounts with the Bank of England, and to discharge them from the same. And Whereas William Belitha Esq' by reason of his ill state of health hath resigned being One of the said Common Council, and the Rev1 D' Bundy hath been elected in his room, and the Number of the said Com mon Council hath pursuant to his Majesty's Charter been increased, to COLONIAL RECORDS. 37 twenty four Whose Names are as follows. Viz' Anthony Earl of Shaftes bury, John Lord Vise' Percival, John Lord Vise' Tyrconnel, James Lord Vise' Limerick, George Lord Carpenter, Edward Digby Esq', James Oglethorpe Esq', George Heathcote, Thomas Tower, Robert More, Rob ert Hucks, Rogers Holland, William Sloper Francis Eyles, John Laroche, and James Vernon Esquires, Stephen Hales A M., Richard Chandler, Thomas Frederick, Henry L'apostre, William Heathcote, John White Esquires, Robert Kendal Esq', Alderman, and Richard Bundy D.D. Resolved That the said Order of Common Council of the said 23d of August 1732, and all Powers and Authorities thereby given shall from hence forth be, and are hereby declared Null and Void. And Whereas it is necessary to appoint some Persons to Whose Orders the Bank shall pay such Monies as the Common Council shall adjudge proper and necessary to be issued in pursuance of their Charter. Resolved That the Bank of England be desired to direct their Cashiers from time to time to pay all such sums of Money as shall by any five of the Common Council whose Names are subscribed be in writing under their hands order'd ; And such Orders shall for and as to such sums so paid be a sufficient Discharge to the said Bank. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Tuesday June the 5th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Frederick in the Chair Lord Percival M' Tho8 Tower M' More M' Hucks M' Holland Mr Geo. Heathcote Alderman Kendal. Order'd That a Letter be sent to M' Oglethorpe to give Joshua Sacheverel fifty Acres under Christie's Grant. 3 8 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That Mr Simond be desired to pay Giacomo Ottone two pounds, eight Shillings and three pence, the Balance of his Account, and One Pound Sixteen Shillings for work done since his Discharge and ten Shillings and sixpence for his trouble. Order'd That One hundred and fifty four Pounds Seven Shillings and One Penny be paid into Mr George Heathcote's hands on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for the said Sum by Lord Percival, Mr Frederick M' Thos" Tower, Mp Robert Hucks and Alderman Kendal N° 8613 B. Order'd Several Stores to be bought for the next Imbarkation. Order'd Several Trinkets to be bought for Traffick with the Indians to the value of twenty Pounds. Order'd That M' Brownjohn do buy Sage, Mint, and other Plants for the next Imbarkation. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday June the ll"1 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr White in the Chair Lord Limerick Mp More Mr Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' Hucks Mr Eyles Mr Laroche Read a Lease and Release granting two thousand Eight hundred acres of Land in Georgia to John Barnes, Henry .Parker and Joshua Sach everel in Trust. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same. Which was affix'd accordingly. COLONIAL RECORDS. 39 Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Lease and Release. Resolved That M' George Heathcote be desired to pay M' Adam Anderson One hundred and Nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings and four Pence being the Balance of the Associates Cash. Adjourn'd Palace Court Wednesday June the 13th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Percival in the Chair M' Hucks M' Laroche M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon Alderman Kendal Mr William Heathcote Mr Holland Mr Hucks acquainted the Board that Alderman Kendal M' White and he had been at the Bank of England and balanc'd the Account, and that it appear'd on exchanging the Vouchers, that the following Receipts were outstanding. Viz' One hundred Pounds paid in by M' George Jackson for an Unknown Person Sept' the 5th 1732., One hundred and fifty Pounds by John Page Esq' October the V2th 1732 ; fifty Pounds by. M' Barnard Frederick for the Earl of Derby Jan'y the 23 173$, Two Pounds two Shillings by the Reva M' Lister of Leverpool, five pounds five Shillings by M' Tho8 Hampson of the same Place both paid in Febry the 8th 173$ and sixty three Pounds by Sr Joseph Eyles March the 8th 173$; And that the said Alderman Kendal M' White and He had promis'd to deliver the said Receipts as soon as the Trustee shall receive them, or to indemnify the Bank for want of the same. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to perform the said Promise to the Bank. 40 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That One thousand Pounds be paid into Mr George Heathcote's Hands on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said sum by Tho' Tower, Robert Kendal Lord Percival, Rogers Holland and Robert Hucks N° 8615 B. Resolved That any three of the Common Council be a Committee of Accounts. Resolved That a Committee be appointed to settle the Account which shall be printed, and that any three of the Common Council be the said Committee. Read the General Account to be laid before the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, the Chief Justice of the King's Bench, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and the Chief Baron, or any two of them, pursuant to the Charter ; and Agreed thereto, and the Balance thereof on the 9"1 of June Instant, was One thousand four hundred Sixty Eight Pounds fifteen shillings and ten Pence. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday July the 4th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr George Heathcote in the Chair Lord Percival Mr Vernon M' Tho8 Tower Mr Chandler M' L'apostre M' Frederick Alderman Kendal Read a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to Thomas Fawsett. Another Grantof two hundred and fifty Acres to Robert Hetherington. Another Grant of two hundred and fifty Acres to Theophilus Hetherington. COLONIAL RECORDS. 41 Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants. Read a Power to James Oglethorpe Esq' to direct the granting and disposing of two thousand Eight hundred Acres of Land in Georgia. Another Power to the said James Oglethorpe Esq' to set out the same. Read four Several Appointments of Constables. Read an Agreement in favour of Roger Lacy's and his Wife's Rela tions further interest in the five hundred Acres granted to the said Roger Lacy. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Powers and Appointments and Agreement. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Powers and Appointments. Read a Letter from M' Oglethorpe with advice of his drawing One Bill for one hundred Pounds, and Another Bill for One hundred forty Eight Pounds payable to Mr Simond. M' Simond attended and produc'd a Bill for fifty two Pounds ten shillings dated Febry 12th 173$ Another Bill for ninety Eight Pounds nine Shillings and one Penny, dated May 14th 1733 and another Bill for Ninety nine Pounds twelve Shillings and three Pence of the same Date. Order'd That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That five hundred Pounds be paid into M' George Heathcote's Hands on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same sign'd by Lord Percival Tho8 Tower Henry L'apostre James Vernon and Robert Kendal N° 7626 I. Adjourn'd. 42 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday August the 1"' 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled ' M' Thos Tower in the Chair Lord Percival M' Laroche Mr Vernon M' L'apostre Mr Hucks D' Hales D' Bundy M' Geo. Heathcote Mr Frederick. Resolved That Mr Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' L'apostre Mr Frederick M' Hucks, Mr Geo. Heathcote and Dr Hales or any two of them be appointed to get a Saw Mill made from the Model given by Mess" Tibbalds. After reading the Minute of August the third 1732 appointing Mr Martyn Secretary of the Trustees &c for one Year. Resolved That the said M' Martyn be continued Secretary to the said Trustees &c during Pleasure. Read a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land to M' Patrick Houston. Read another Grant of four hundred acres of Land to M' George Moore. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants. Order'd That five Guineas be given to M' Harbin for his Services. Order'd That one Guinea and a half be given to M' Brown for his Service in the information relating to Bacon the Irish Roman Catholick. Resolved That the Members of the Common Council or any three of them be COLONIAL RECORDS. 43 a Committee of Embarkation for sending over such Saltzburghers as shall come to Rotterdam in order to go and settle in Georgia. Resolved That there be an Embarkation of English as soon as possible, and that the said Committee do manage the same. Resolved That three thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Resolved That any five of the Common Council do sign a Draught on the Bank of England for the said three thousand Pounds. Resolved That one hundred and Sixty Firelocks and Bayonets be purchas'd of M' Thomas Gregory at nine Shillings each . Adjourn'd. Palace Court Thursday October the 18'" 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Robert Hucks in the Chair Mr Vernon Mr Chandler M' L'apostre D' Bundy D' Hales M' Frederick Lord Carpenter. Read an Appointment of Robert Parker Sen' late of Lyn Merchant to be Chief Constable George Buckman of Leightenberg, and William Johnson Dalmas to be Constables, and Arthur Ogle Edgecombe and William Riley to be Tything Men of the Village of Thorpe part of the Precincts of the Town of Savanah. Read a Power to James Oglethorpe Esq' and in his Absence to James S' Julian Esq' in South Carolina and Francis Scott Gent, in Georgia to set out limit divide and bound two thousand eight hundred Acres of Land in Georgia. 44 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a like Power in the same Manner to direct the granting and disposing of the said two thousand Eight hundred acres. Read a Lease and Release of the said two thousand Eight hundred Acres to John Ambrose Isaac King Clarke, and Arthur Ogle Edgecombe in Trust. Read a Lease and Release of two thousand five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to George Buckman, Christopher Ortman and William Sale in Trust. Read a Power to James Oglethorpe Esq' and in his Absence to James S' Julian Esq' in South Carolina and Francis Scott Gent" in Georgia to set out limit divide and bound the said two thousand five hundred Acres. Read a like Power in the same Manner to direct the Granting and disposing of the said two thousand five hundred Acres. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of three hundred Acres of Land in Georgia and of Ground for a house in the Town of Savanah to William Sale of London Merchant. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of two hundred Acres of Land in Georgia, and of Ground for a House in the Town of Savanah to William Terry of Brentford in the County of Middsc* Merchant. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to Patrick Tailfer of Edinburgh Physician. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of four hundred Acres of Land to Andrew Grant of Edinburgh Merch* Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of four hundred Acres of Land to John Baillie of Edinburgh Merchant. Read a Ratification of the Articles of Friendship and Commerce between the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America and the Chief Men of the Nation of the lower Creeks. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the before mention'd several Deeds. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said several Deeds. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 45 Palace Court Wednesday November 14"1 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Holland in the Chair M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon M' Chandler M' More M' L'apostre M' Hucks Dr Bundy Mr Geo. Heathcote M' Frederick Lord Carpenter Alderman Kendal Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to William Stirling of Glasgow Merchant. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to Hugh Stirling of Glasgow Merchant. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to James Houston of Glasgow Merchant. Read a Power to James S' Julian Esq' and M' Francis Scott to execute in the Absence of James Oglethorpe Esq' such several Powers and Appointments made to him as shall remain Unexecuted by him. Read a Power to James Oglethorpe Esq' and in his Absence to James S* Julian Esq' and M' Francis Scott to set out, limit, and bound, and to take and deliver Possession and Seisin of several Parcels of Land to Patrick Tailfer, John Baillie, Andrew Grant, William Sale, William Terry, James Houston, Hugh Stirling, and William Stirling. Read a Power to James S' Julian Esq' and M' Francis Scott to grant Licenses in the Absence of James Oglethorpe Esq' to Persons to depart or pass out of the Province of Georgia without any forfeiture for such Departure or passing out. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said several Grants and Powers. Which was affix'd accordingly. 46 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants and Powers. Read a Petition of William. Sale of London Merchant setting forth, that as he is preparing to go and settle in Georgia with six able Men Servants pursuant to the Conditions in his Grant, he prays that two hundred Acres more may be granted to him on the same conditions as his present Grant on his producing Certificates of four other able Men Servants going over on his Account. Resolv'd That the said Petitions be comply'd with on his performing the Con ditions of the same. Read Several Letters from the Revd M' Urlsperger relating to the Saltzburgh Embarkation. Resolv'd That in case there be not a sufficient Number of Saltzburghers to make up the Number Seventy five for the present Embarkation, the said Number of Seventy five be compleated at home. Resolv'd That the Gentlemen of the Common Council or any three of them be a Committee for the said Purpose. Resolv'd That M' Vernon and D' Bundy be desired to propose to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, that on paying over three thousand Pounds to the Trustees, they will engage under their Seal to pay three several Salaries of fifty, thirty, and ten Pounds ^ Ann to the Minister, Catechist and School Master of the Saltzburghers in Georgia. Resolv'd That M' George Heathcote be desired to pay fifty Guineas to M' Martyn the Secretary and twenty five pounds to M' Verelst the Accomptant. Resolv'd That M' Callard be desired to pursue the Directions of M' Floyer in relation to M' Wilson's Estate. Adjourn'd COLONIAL RECORDS. 47 Palace Court Wednesday November 21s' 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Laroche in the Chair M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' Chandler M' L'apostre M' Geo. Heathcote Mr Holland Lord Carpenter Mr Hucks Read a Letter from Mr Oglethorpe dated August 12th 1733 Savanah, with an Account of the Death of Several Persons of the Colony which he imputed to the drinking of Rum. Resolved That the drinking of Rum in Georgia be absolutely prohibited, and that all which shall be brought there be staved. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of one hundred and fifty Acres of Land to Nathaniel Polhill of Southwark Upholsterer. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Saturday December 15th 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair Earl Egmont M' Tho" Tower M' Frederick M' Holland M' L'apostre Dr Bundy D' Hales 48 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Letter from Mr D. Wolters at Rotterdam with a Petition of Jean Lovis Poyas Vaudois to be sent over to Georgia with several Oth ers of the Vaudois, and setting forth that two hundred of the Vaudois at present in the Canton of Bern are desirous of going to Georgia, and that the Canton of Bern will defray the Expences of the said Vaudois to Rot terdam. Resolved That D' Bundy be desired to acquaint Mr Wolters that the Fund of the Trustees by their Engagement with the Saltzburghers is too small for them to undertake to send over Many of the Vaudois ; That the Trus tees think it proper for the said Vaudois to petition his Majesty the King of Great Britain to be sent over to Georgia, and to induce the Seigniory of Bern to recommend the said Petition by their Minister residing here ; That the Trustees will engage to send over to Georgia Jean Lovis Poyas with others of the Vaudois not exceeding forty in Number at their Ex- pence. Read a Letter from M' Van Reck acquainting the Board with his Resolution of conducting the Saltzburghers to Georgia, and with several Passages relating to the Behavior of the Captain of the Ship. Order'd That the Secretary do write a Letter of thanks to M' Van Reck for his Resolution to conduct the Saltzburghers to Georgia, and to acquaint him that the Trustees make him a Present of ten Guineas. Order'd That the Secretary do write a Letter to Capt. Coram at Dover return ing him thanks for his Orders to the Captain of the Ship in relation to his treatment of the Saltzburghers, and to desire him to give ten Guineas to M' Van Reels. Resolved That five hundred Pounds be paid into the Hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum of five hundred Pounds N° 7628 I by the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Tower M' L'apostre and Dr Hales. Resolved That the following Resolutions and Agreements in the Minutes of the Trustees October the 12"1 1732, and recommended to the Common Coun cil by the said Trustees May the 24'" 1733 be inserted as the resolutions of the Common Council in their Minutes of this Day. COLONIAL RECORDS. 49 Resolved " That the Trustees for Establishing a Colony in Georgia in Amer- " ica do greatly approve the Proposal of the Society for promoting Chris- " tian Knowledge for defraying the Expence of settling Certain of the " poor Saltzburghers in Georgia in America ; And will readily join and " concur in sending and settling so many of them, as by the Contribu- " tions which the said Society shall transmit to the Trustees, and what " other Money the Trustees shall for that purpose receive, they shall be " enabled to send and settle in the said Colony. Resolved "That the said Society be desired to inquire by their Correspondents "in Germany in the Names of the said Trustees, Whether any of the said " Saltzburghers will be willing to become British Subjects, and to settle ' ' in the said Colony of Georgia on the Terms to be ofier'd by the said "Trustees. Resolved " That the said Society be desired to publish such further Accounts of "the deplorable State of the poor Saltzburghers as they shall think "proper, and at the same time to make publick the Design of the said " Society jointly with the said Trustees to apply such Contributions as " shall be receiv'd for the Relief of the said poor Saltzburghers to the " settling as many of them as they shall be able as British Subjects in " Georgia in America. Resolved " That the Thanks of Mr Trustees be given to M' Vernon and the (sic) ' ' Reva Dr Bundy for the great Pains they have taken in this affair. "Agreed to the following Articles for the poor Saltzburghers to go to " Georgia. Viz* l8t "The Trustees will defray so far as their Contributions will enable " them the Charges of Passage and Provisions for the Voyage to Georgia " in America of such Emigrants, Tirnberghers, or Exiles from Bertolds- " goden as are persecuted for the Protestant Religion. 2dly " To all those Who want it some Allowance will be made for tools. 3«y a On their Arrival in Georgia Each Family will have Provisions " given them Gratis till they can take in their Harvest, and also Seed " will be there given them sufficient to sow the Lands they shall in the "first Year make ready for sowing. 4thly "Each Man shall be intitled to three Lots Viz' a Lot for House "and Yard within the Town, a Lot for Garden Plots near the Town, [4 c. T.] 50 COLONIAL RECORDS. ' ' and a Lot for Tillage at a small distance from the Town sufficient in " the Whole to give a comfortable Subsistence to themselves and Fam- " ilies; And that they shall have the said Lands Freehold to themselves "and their Heirs Male for ever. 5,hly " They shall obey such Orders and Regulations for the Mainte- " nance of Property Peace and good Government as the Trustees shall " think necessary from time to time to establish ; And on their Arrival " shall assist each other in clearing their Lands, building Houses, and "such Other Works as shall be necessary for their mutual Safety, in " common with his Majesty's Other Subjects there. gtuy << That they upon their settling in Georgia shall become Denizens ' ' and have all the Rights and Privileges of Englishmen. 7my " That they shall be protected in the free Exercise of their " Religion, and in the full enjoyment of all the Civil and Religious ' ' Rights of the Free Subjects of Great Britain. Resolved That the following Agreement in the Trustees Minutes of Nov' the Is' 1732 and recommended to the Common Council May 24th 1733 be inserted in their Minutes of this Day. " Agreed to allow M' Cox for a Case of Instruments and for Bedding. Resolved That the following Orders, the first in the Minutes of the Trustees Nov' 10'h 173$ and the two Last in their Minutes Feb'7 14th 173$ all recommended to the Common Council May 24th 1733 be inserted in their Minutes of this Day. Order'd " That M' Verelst do buy such seeds as M' Tho8 Tower shall direct. Order'd " That five hundred of the Designs be printed on Demy Paper with "the Maps. Order'd " That Mr Carman get the same Printed. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 51 Palace Court Saturday December 29 1733 Present in Common Council Assembled Mp L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Digby M' Heathcote S' William Heathcote Alderman Kendal M' Vernon M' Laroche D' Bundy. Resolved That M' Smith be desired to agree with some Person to get a Plate engrav'd for the Commissions (with the late Alterations) to take Subscriptions and collect Monies for the Purposes of the Charter. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Saturday Jan'y 5'" 173f Present in Common Council Assembled S' William Heathcote Earl of Egmont M' Heathcote Mr Vernon M' Frederick Mr L'apostre M' White D' Bundy. Read a Letter from Mr Oglethorpe with Advice of Several Bills amount ing to Eleven hundred Pounds; Of which Bills one of two hundred Pounds dated October 23d 1733 was produced. Order'd That the said Bill of two hundred Pounds be paid when due. Two Bills of fifty Pounds Each payable to Mr Isaac Chardon of 52 • COLONIAL RECORDS. Charles Town or his Order, of which no Letter of advice has been receiv'd, were produced. Order'd That the said Bills be paid on the Trustees being indemnify'd, or that Interest be allowed from the time of the Bills being due till Advice of them is receiv'd. Order'd That Six hundred Pounds be paid into the Hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Six hundred Pounds by the Earl of Egmont Sr William Heathcote M' Vernon Mr Frederick and M' White N° 7629 I. Order'd That the Secretary do subscribe in the Name of the Trustees to Mr Popple's Map Order'd That forty Shillings be paid to M™ Atherton for her trouble in taking care of the Silkworms. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Saturday Jan'y 19ft 173f Present in Common Council Assembled M' White in the Chair Lord Tyrconnel M' More Sr Willm Heathcote M' Digby Mr Heathcote M' L'apostre Mr Hucks D' Bundy M' Laroche M' Chandler Alderman Kendal It being represented That the two fifty Pound Bills drawn by M' Oglethorpe September the 17th & 18th 1733, of which no Advice was COLONIAL RECORDS. 53 received, have been paid in honour of the Drawer to prevent them being return'd without the Indemnity as was proposed. Resolved That the Common Council being satisfy'd the said Bills were duly drawn, do agree to such Payment so made, to avoid the Expence of Re-exchange, Commission, and Interest which would have attended the Bills being protested. A Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe September 17th 1733 was produced, of which No Advice has been re ceived, payable to M' Isaac Chardon or Order at ten days sight. Order'd That the said Bill be paid when due in honour of the Drawer and for the aforesaid Reasons. Read an Extract of a Letter from the Rev4 M' Urlesperger dated Augsburgh Jan17 7th 1734, proposing a Commission to be sent to Mr Goebel from the Trustees to demand the Effects due to the Saltzburgh Emigrants that are embark'd for Georgia. Resolved That Thanks be given to the Rev4 Mr Urlsperger and M' Goebel for their offer of Service; That it is apprehended no such Commission can be given without the Consent of the Emigrants ; That the Trustees will take care to transmit to Georgia whatever Effects belonging to the Baid Emigrants shall be convey'd to the said Trustees. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Jan17 23d 173f Present in Common Council Assembled D' Bundy in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel S' William Heathcote Alderman Kendal M' Sloper M' Laroche M' White Mr More M' Hucks 54 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That it be a standing Order that the Clause of the Charter requiring all Grants, or a Memorial of the Substance and Effect thereof to be reg ister'd with the Auditor of the Plantations be comply'd with, by regis- tring such Memorials of Each Grant instead of the Grants themselves in Order to reduce the Fee of a Guinea taken for registring each Grant to half a Guinea. Order'd That three half Guineas be paid for half fees on registring with the said Auditor the three Grants to James Houston, Hugh Stirling, and Wil liam Stirling, Their Attorney Dr Houston paying the other three half Guineas. On reading the Petition and Proposal of Jean Lovis Poyas Vaudois for an Allowance of his Charges in travelling thro' the different Towns to Belect proper Persons among the Vaudois to be carried over and settled in Georgia. Resolved That Dr Bundy be desired to acquaint M' D. Wolters at Rotterdam that the Trustees do give fifty Guilders to M' Jean Lovis Poyas ; and that the said Jean Lovis Poyas be empower'd to engage a Number not exceeding forty of the Vaudois, who are most fit for the raising and winding off Silk, and Wine Dressing ; And that he send over an Ac count of the Age and Sex of the said Vaudois. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Jan'y 30th 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Tower in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel Mr More Mr Vernon Mr Hucks Mr Laroche M' L'apostre M' Jacob Bell produc'd a Bill of Exchange for fifty Pounds dated COLONIAL RECORDS. 55 October 19th 1733 drawn by M' Oglethorpe on the Trustees, and paya ble to M' Isaac Chardon or Order ten days after sight. A Letter of Advice being received of the said Bill of Exchange Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred and fifty Acres of Land in Georgia to Joseph Wardrope. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant, and the Memorial of the said Grant in Order to be register'd in the Auditor of the Plan- (sic) tation Office. Order'd That the Secretary do give M' Wardrope a Letter to the Master of the Georgia Sloop to give the said M' Wardrope and his Servants a Pas sage from Charles Town to Savanah Town in Georgia. Read a Letter from the Revd Mr Burton proposing the Endowment of the Office of a Catechist in Georgia, and acquainting the Trustees that an Anonymous Benefactor had propos'd to give ten pounds <$)> Annum during the term of his Life or for the Space of five Years certain to any Person nominated by the Trustees for the said Office. Resolved That the Secretary do write to Mr Burton acquainting him that the Common Council of the Trustees will grant a competent Allotment of ' Land for the Use of the said Catechist, and that they desire to know whether he has fix'd on any particular Person for a Catechist. Order'd That the Secretary do write to M' Van Reck or in his Absence to M' Balzius to inquire what Effects the Saltzburgh Emigrants have left be hind them in Saltzburgh, and to make proper and particular Inventories of their Effects and to send over an Authority to the Trustees, or Who ever else the Trustees may appoint to demand the said Effects. Adjourn'd 56 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'y 6, 173| Present in Common Council Assembled M' Hucks in the Chair Lord Tyrconnel M' Digby M' Vernon M' White M' Holland M' L'apostre D' Bundy Earl of Egmont Earl of Shaftesbury Sr William Heathcote Mr Laroche M' More D' Hales Mess'8 Knight and Jackson produc'd a Bill of Exchange drawn by Mr Oglethorpe dated Savanah Nov' 15th 1733 for One hundred and fifty Pounds Sterl. payable to G. Morley Esq' or order of which Advice had been received. Order'd That the said Bill of Exchange be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heathcote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said five hundred Pounds by M' Hucks, Lord Shaftesbury, Lord Egmont, Lord Tyrconnel and M' Vernon N° 7630 1. Resolved — Nemine Contradicente That No Bills drawn by any Person Whatsoever on the Trustees be accepted or paid without proper Advice given to the Board by the Per- Bon Who drew the Bill. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 57 Palace Court Friday Feb'y 8th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled M' Holland in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Tho8 Tower Mr More Mr Digby M' Hucks M' L'apostre D' Bundy. Order'd That fifteen Guineas be paid into the hands of M' Callard on Ac count.Order'd That the Deer Skins and Rice which are at present in the office be sold to the best Advantage. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb17 13 173f Present in Common Council Assembled M' Laroche in the Chair Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote M' Digby M' White M' More M' Tower Mr Hucks D' Bundy' Mess'8 Heron and Arnold produced two Bills of Exchange drawn by M' Oglethorpe each for fifty Pounds sterl. One dated Oct' 6'" 1733 the other Oct' 17. 1733 of which Bills Advice has been receiv'd. 58 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. M' Rogers produced a Bill of Exchange dated Dec' 5. 1733 drawn by M1 Oglethorpe for One hundred Pounds payable to M' Isaac Chardon or Order ten days after sight. Mr Spering produced a Bill of Exchange dated Nov' 24 1733 drawn by M' Oglethorpe for One hundred Pounds payable ten days after Sight. Mess" Heron and Arnold produced a Bill of Exchange dated Novr 16'" 1733 drawn by Mr Oglethorpe for fifty pounds payable to M' Rich ard Woodward or Order ten days after sight. Of these three several Bills no Advice has been receiv'd, But the Com mon Council taking into consideration the Letter of M' Oglethorpe dated Nov' 15th 1733, in which he gives a general advice that he should draw for several Sums on the Trustees ; And taking into Consideration like wise the great Expence and many ill Consequences to the Colony which may attend the said Bills being protested Resolved That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'y 20th 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Vernon in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Digby Alderman Kendal Mr Sloper M' Eyles Dr Bundy M' Laroche M' More. S' William Codrington produced two Bills of Exchange dated Oct' 318' 1733 drawn by M' Oglethorpe One for fifty Pounds payable to Mess" Jenys and Baker or Order, the Other for fifty Pounds payable to Major Barnwell or Order, of which Bills Advice has been receiv'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 59 Resolved That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. M' Robert Millar attended with a Recommendation from S' Hans Sloane to succeed M' William Houston deceas'd as Botanist, and to serve for the Remainder of the term of three Years being two Years and forty six Days. Mr Miller of Chelsea acquainted the Board that the Earl of Derby, Lord Petre, the Duke of Richmond and Mr Dubois approved of the said Robert Millar, and would continue their Subscriptions for the time pro posed. Resolved That the Common Council will pay as they proposed at first fifteen Pounds <$>> Ann. for the remainder of the three Years, but will not be answerable for any Deficiency of the Other Gentlemen's Subscriptions. Resolved That Mr Robert Millar be appointed to succeed M' William Houston as Botanist, and to serve two Years and forty Six Days being the re mainder of three Years. Adjourn'd Palace Court Wednesday Feb17 27th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Tyrconnel in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Digby M' More Mr White M' Tho8 Tower M' L'apostre M' Vernon Mr Sloper M' Holland D' Bundy Mr Hucks M' Frederick 60 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred and fifty Acres of Land to James Haselfoot. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant, and the Memorial of the said Grant in order to be enter'd in the Auditor of the Planta tion Office. Resolved That an application be made to the R' Hon"16 the Lord High Chan cellor for some Preferment in or near London to be given to the Revd M' Samuel Smith for the great Service he has been of to the Trust. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday March 6th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled S' William Heathcote in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Mr Geo. Heathcote Mr Hucks M' Tho8 Tower Mr More M' White Mr Vernon Mr Eyles M' Digby M' Holland D' Bundy Read a Contract with Robert Millar Who is appointed to succeed M' William Houston as Botanist. Which was approv'd of. Read Instructions to the said Robert Millar for his Conduct in the sev eral Voyages to be made by him. COLONIAL RECORDS. 61 Order'd That the Secretary do sign the said Instructions. Receiv'd Letters from M' Jean Lovis Poyas and refer'd them to the Committee of Correspondence. Order'd That Humphry Bright be sent to Georgia by the first ship. Resolv'd That a Grant be made of Seventy five Acres to William Bateman. Resolved That half a Years Salary be advanced to Robert Millar the Botanist after the rate of one hundred and fifty pounds ^>> Ann. being Seventy five Pounds from Lady Day 1734 there being sufficient Money in the Bank paid in by the Subscribers to Botany and Agriculture for that purpose. Resolved That four Pounds thirteen Shillings be paid to D' Bundy being th e Value of fifty Guilders paid by M' Wolters to Jean Lovis Poyas which the said Dr Bundy had answer'd to the Account of the said M' Wolters. Read a Letter from Several Persons from Portsmouth and refer'd the same to the Committee of Correspondence. Resolved That thirteen Pounds ten Shillings and Eleven Pence be given to the Parish Officers of S' George's Hannover Square for their trouble in mak ing a Collection thro' the said Parish. Resolved That an Advertisement be published in some of the News Papers that Whereas the Trustees have been inform'd Several Persons have gone about the Country offering Money and Land in the Name of the Trus tees to any Persons Who are desirous of going to Georgia ; This is to certify that the Trustees have never given such Power to any Persons Whatsoever, and that they never use any Solicitations to induce any People to go over. Adjourn'd. 62 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday March 13th 173f Present in Common Council Assembled M' White in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Hucks M' Frederick Mr L'apostre Dr Bundy Resolved That Mr Tower be desired to draw up a State of the Case of the Jews being in Georgia in order to be laid before the next Board. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of Seventy five Acres of Land in Geor gia to William Bateman Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant, and the Memorial of the said Grant in order to be register'd by the Auditor of the Planta tions. Adjourn'd. Vestry Room of St. Bride's Church Thursday March 21s' 173 J Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair M' Hucks M' Laroche D' Hales Sr William Heathcote M' ThoB Tower M' Holland M' Heathcote M' Digby M' Belitha. COLONIAL RECORDS. 63 M' Reynolds produced a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Oct' 23 1733 drawn by M' Oglethorpe payable to M' Isaac Chardon or Order for One hundred and fifty Pounds Sterling, of which Advice has been re ceived. Order'd That the said Bill of Exchange be accepted and paid when due. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts whereon the Pay ments made by George Heathcote Esq' out of the Imprests made to him appear to be five thousand nine hundred and fifty seven Pounds, four Shillings and six Pence One farthing, and the Balance in the hands of the said George Heathcote Esq' appears to be One hundred and twenty Seven Pounds Six Shillings and One Penny, and the further Sum of fif teen Pounds Nine Shillings and four Pence three farthings is in the hands of M' Harman Verelst Accomptant. Order'd That five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday March 27,h 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Digby in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' Laroche M' White Mr Eyles M' L'apostre Alderman Kendal Sr William Heathcote The Common Council taking into consideration the Reference from the Board of Trustees March 13'h 173f That Where there shall be a failure of Heirs Male to inherit Lands in Georgia, the Trustees should 64 COLONIAL RECORDS. regrant those Lands to the Husband of an Heiress or Legatee who shall go and abide there. Read the Extract of a Letter from M' Dumont at Rotterdam. Resolved That it be an Instruction to the Committee of Correspondence, that that they do draw up an Answer to Mons' Dumont to inform him of the State of the Grants already made and what Interest Widows have now in the Lands granted in Georgia by the Law of England, tho' not specified in the Grants, in order to obviate the Objections in his Letter ; And that the Trustees propose to grant to any Younger Child Males, or to fe males, on their Marriage to any Persons not having Lands already in Georgia, (willing to covenant to reside there) Lands and to their Heirs Male. Read a Letter from M' F. Causton (by order of Mr Oglethorpe) with advice of Bills drawn for two hundred Pounds sterling paid for forty Servants, which two hundred Pounds appear to be part of the Sums paid without Advice ; with a Bill of Parcels also bought of Capt. Wood amounting to Seventy Eight Pounds two Shillings and four Pence; in discharge whereof M' Hyam produced a Bill of Exchange for Seventy Eight Pounds Sterling, dated Savanah Jan'y ll"1 173| drawn by M' Oglethorpe. Order'd That the said Bill of Exchange be accepted and paid when due. M' Simond produced a Bill of Exchange for two hundred and Eighty Eight Pounds Sterling dated Savanah Jan'7 21" 173f drawn by M' Oglethorpe of which no Advice had been receiv'd. Resolved That M' Simond be desired to keep the said Bill till Advice is receiv'd of the same. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for five hundred Pounds pur suant to an Order of Common Council March 21s' 173f by M' Digby, Lord Tyrconnel, Earl of Egmont, M' L'apostre and S' William Heathcote N° 7631 I. Order'd That Mr Thomas Hucks be desired to brew a Guile of the best strong Beer of fifteen Tons at Six Pounds "§, Ton for the use of the Colony. Read a Letter from M' Oglethorpe dated Sept' 17'" 1733 Savanah by Cap* Daubuz of the Georgia Pink. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 65 Palace Court Saturday Aprill 6"1 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Tho8 Tower in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel M' Digby M' Vernon M' Laroche Mr Chandler M' L'apostre Order'd That three hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Order'd That sixteen Guineas be paid to M' Peter Gordon as a Consideration for his Draught of Savanah. Order'd That twenty five Pounds be paid to M' Verelst as half a Year's Sal ary due Feb'7 23d Order'd That twenty Six Pounds fi fteen Shillings be paid to M' Smagge for a Mahogany Book Case and Table. Signed a Draught on the Bank of England for three hundred Pounds by the Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel Mr Tho8 Tower M' Vernon and Mr Laroche. N° 7632 I. Adjourn'd. [5 c. T.] 66 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Friday June 7,h 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Laroche in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Heathcote M' Frederick M' Vernon Mr T. Tower Mr Chandler Dr Bundy M' Jean Lovis Poyas attended, and delivered a Paper containing sev eral Conditions and Demands in favour of the Vaudois. After taking the same into Consideration Resolved That the said Demands made in the said Paper cannot be complied with. Resolved That the Trustees will defray the Expences of the said Poyas coming from and going back to Rotterdam, and of his Subsistance here, and will likewise give a Month's Subsistance to the forty Head of Vaudois from 29th May last. Resolved That the said Expences be defray'd out of Lord Tullamoore's Bene faction. M' Tower acquainted the Board that he had receiv'd a Letter from M' Callard of New Inn desiring to know what Name shall be made use of as Relator in the Bill of Relation about the Charity from M' Wil son's Estate. Order'd That M' Callard do name M' Benjamin Martyn as Relator in the said BUI. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of two hundred Acres of Land to S' Francis Bathurst of the County of Gloucester Baronet. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of seventy five Acres of Land to Henry Hardymand of (Slc) COLONIAL RECORDS. 67 Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said two Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants, and a Memorial of the said Grants in order to be register'd by the Auditor of the Plan tations. A Letter from M' Simond was read mentioning Mr Oglethorpe's Bills in his Hands to amount to One thousand two hundred thirty Eight Pounds and that two hundred Eighty Eight Pounds part thereof was for Goods sold and deliver'd by Capt. John Yoakley to M' Oglethorpe on the Colony's account. Which appearing to the satisfaction of the Board Order'd That the said Bill of two hundred Eighty Eight Pounds be paid. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Friday June 218' 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair M' Oglethorpe Earl of Egmont Alderman Kendal M' Hucks M' Tower M' Heathcote M' Frederick Mr L'apostre M' Chandler Read the General Account to be exhibited pursuant to the Charter and agreed thereto, And the Balance thereof on the 9"1 of June Instant was Six thousand one hundred and Eight pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence. Several Bills of Exchange amounting with the Interest and Noting to One thousand and fifty One Pounds and Eleven Shillings being pro duced. 68 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That the said Bills of Exchange be paid. Resolved That four thousand and four hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heathcote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mr Hucks Mr T. Tower and Alderman Kendal N° 76331. Several Bills being produced amounting to Eight hundred pounds payable July 2d 1733, two Bills amounting to One hundred and fifty Pounds payable July 4. , One Bill for Six hundred Pounds payable July 10, two Bills amounting to five hundred Pounds payable July 22, and several others amounting to One thousand two hundred and forty five Pounds payable July 24, in the whole two thousand Eight hun dred and ninety five Pounds. Order'd That the said Bills be paid when due. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday June 26,b 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Chandler in the Chair M' Vernon M' Hucks Earl of Egmont M' Oglethorpe Lord Carpenter M' L'apostre M' Laroche Alderman Kendal Order'd That two hundred Receipts be printed for the Use of the Bank. Read a Letter from Mons' De Pfeil dated Ratisbon June 14'" 1734 directed to M' Vernon, relating to a Settlement in Georgia desired by a German Baron. COLONIAL RECORDS. 69 M' Oglethorpe acquainted the Board that M' Poyas desired a further Gratuity for the trouble he has taken in relation to the Vaudois. After taking the same into Consideration. Resolved That it appears to the Board, that the said M' Poyas has receiv'd a sufficient Recompence, and that the Trustees will have nothing more to say to him. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Tuesday July 23d 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Oglethorpe Lord Carpenter M' Laroche Mr Hucks D' Hales D' Bundy Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to George Brigham. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant, and a Memorial of the said Grant in order to be register'd by the Auditor of the Plantations. Order'd That fifteen hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' L'apos tre, Earl of Egmont, Mr Laroche, Mr Hucks, and D' Hales N° 7634 I. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to a Recommendation to the Lords of the Treasury of M' Verelst for the first Vacancy of a King's Waiter in the Custom House. 70 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That Richard Millechamp be sent to Georgia in consideration of twelve Pounds to be paid by M' Digby for his going Over. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday October 7th 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled Alderman Kendal in the Chair Earl of Egmont M1 Oglethorpe Mr L'apostre M' Vernon Mr Heathcote Capt. Eyles Dr Hales. • Read a Charter Party between the Common Council of the Trustees and M' Simond and Company Owners, and George Dunbar Master of the Ship Prince of Wales. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Charter Party. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Order'd That the Grant and Enfeoffment of two hundred Acres of Land to S' Francis Bathurst Bar' dated June 7lh 1734 be cancel'd. Read a new Grant and Enfeoffment of two hundred Acres of Land to S' Francis Bathurst Bar'. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to Bullfinch Lamb. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to An dreas Godofredus Deitzius. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred Acres of Land to Ed ward Wade. COLONIAL RECORDS. 71 Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants, and Memorials of the said Grants in order to be register'd by the Auditor of the Plantation. Order'd That Jane Leake and her Daughter Catherine have a Passage in the Prince of Wales to Georgia Order'd That William Calloway, Francis Piercy and Joseph Smith have Each of them a Town Lot on the customary Tenure and Conditions. Order'd That William Calloway and his Servant be put on the Store and fur- nish'd with Tools. Order'd That Thomas Millidge Son of Thomas Millidge Deceas'd have a Li cence to lease his House and Lot to his Brother John Millidge that he may be enabled to take care of his two Sisters and Younger Brother in Georgia. Order'd That One hundred of D' Hale's Books against drinking distill'd Liq uors be sent to the People in Georgia. Resolved That James Oglethorpe Esq' George Heathcote Esq' and Henry L'apostre Esq' be impower'd to purchase Presents for the Indians to the Value of four hundred Pounds granted by his Majesty for the said Pur pose. Adjourn'd. 72 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday October 9th 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair M' Oglethorpe M' Vernon L* Hales Alderman Kendal M' Heathcote M' Eyles M' L'apostre William Crombie attended and agreeing to pay his own Passage and Capt. Dunbar answering for his Maintenance Order'd That the said William Crombie have a Town Lot on the customary Tenure and Conditions. Order'd That John Cunningham have a Town Lot on the customary Tenure and Conditions if Alderman Kendal reports that his Creditors are satis fied. Order'd That six Pieces of Cannon and thirty Balls for Each of them, and fo ur Barrels of Powder be bought of M' Simond at the Town of Savanah at the prime Cost, Order'd That William Calloway have a License to sell Beer Ale and all other Liquors except distill'd Liquors and all mixtures therewith. George Hows attended with his Father and desired to go to his Brother Robert Hows in Georgia. Order'd That the Passage of the said George Hows be defray'd, and that he be maintain'd for a Year in Georgia. Order'd That the Passage be defrayed of the following Persons. Viz' Peter Gordon his Wife and two Servants, Henry Loyd his wife and One Serv ant John Millidge and One Servant, Thomas Egerton Grandson to COLONIAL RECORDS. 73 Thomas Young, Henry Bishop Servant to M' Boltzius and two Servants for the Magistrates. Order'd That the said Persons be all maintain'd for a Year. Order'd That Bedding be provided for M" Leake and her Daughter and such of the Trust Passengers who want it. Order'd That Watch Coats be provided for such of the said Passengers Who want them. A Proposal was made for the Passage of M' Mackilvey back to Geor gia to be defrayed Which was not granted. The Indians attended about the Prices of Goods which they deal in, and desired to have such of them lower'd as may be and Tomochachi said he paid ten Pounds of Leather for a Blanket at Yamacraw. Refer'd the Consideration thereof to M' Oglethorpe. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday October 16'" 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Oglethorpe in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mr Thomas Tower Mr Heathcote Capt Eyles M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Hucks Read an Appointment of Thomas Causton to be second Bailiff of the Town of Savanah in the room of Richard Hodges deceas'd. Read an Appointment of Henry Parker to be third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah in the room of Thomas Causton. 74 . COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Appointments. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Lease and Release of two thousand five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to Peter Gordon Thomas Causton Henry Parker the three Bailiffs and Thomas Christie the Recorder in Trust for the Saltz burghers and Others. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Lease and Re lease. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. • Read an Indenture for binding Henry Bishop of the Charity School of S' Dunstan in the West London Labourer as Servant to the Trustees for seven Years in order to be assign'd over to Mr Boltzius. Read an Indenture for binding William Ewen as Servant to the Trustees for two Years in order to be assign'd over to M' Causton Resolved That fifty Acres of Land be given the said William Ewen when his Time is out. Order'd That the seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said two Indentures. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. A Bill drawn by M' Thomas Causton for two hundred sixty two Pounds Eight Shillings, Another Bill for fifty Pounds, And Another Bill for One hundred Pounds being produced by M' Simond and the Uses for which they were drawn being Specified Order'd That the said Bills be accepted and paid. M' Simond produced several Bills drawn by M' Chardon amounting to One thousand four hundred and Eighty five Pounds but there being no Account of the particular Services for which the said Bills were drawn Order'd That five hundred Pounds of the said One thousand four hundred COLONIAL RECORDS. 75 Eighty five Pounds be paid, it appearing probable that so much may have been expended in provisions for the Service of the Colony. Order'd That a Common Council be summon'd this day fortnight to consider further of the said Bills. Order'd That One thousand five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heathcote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Ogle thorpe, the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mr T. Tower and M' Hucks N° 7635 I. A Letter from Mr Oglethorpe dated Savanah Sept' 27'" 1733 recom mending M' George Dunbar of Inverness to a grant of Land being pro duced by M' Dunbar and read. Order'd That the same be refer'd to the Consideration of a future Common Council. Order'd That in the Charter Party sign'd October 7th Instant the Heads to be Ship'd be Eighty five, and the Water to be served be One Quart during the Beer ^> Diem, and two Quarts after the Beer is expended, and that no lime for paying the Freight should be mention'd. Resolved That One hundred Pounds part of the Money given by his Majesty for the Indians be given to M' Musgrave Interpreter to the said Indians. Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be given to the said Musgrave on the customary Tenure and Conditions Resolved That Elizabeth Cundell wife of John Cundell now in Georgia with her three Children be sent over to Georgia Resolved That Capt. George Dunbar be desired to visit the Southward Settle ments in Georgia. Adjourn'd. 76 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Saturday October 26. 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Tho8 Tower in the Chair Mr Oglethorpe Mr Hucks Mr Vernon Capt. Eyles M' L'apostre Lord Carpenter D' Hales Read a Power for the setting out, limiting, and bounding two thou sand five hundred acres of Land granted to Peter Gordon, Thomas Causton, Henry Parker, and Thomas Christie in Trust for the Saltz burghers and Others. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Power. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Order'd That five Guineas be given to M' Vat the Conductor of the Saltz burghers to Georgia for Conveniencies during his Passage. Resolved That M' John Vat be the Secretary in Georgia for the Saltzburgh af fairs under the direction of their Ministers, and that he from time to time do write to the Trustees about all transactions relating to them. That the said M' John Vat do keep such Accounts and write such Letters as shall be desired by M' Causton the" Storekeeper ; And as the Common Council of the Trustees see the Merit of the Work he does in keeping and writing such Accounts, Letters, and other things, they will reward him accordingly. That the said M' John Vat have a Lot in the Town of Savanah on the customary Tenure and Conditions, and a Servant to be upon the Stores. Resolved That if the said M' John Vat finds the Country disagrees with him, he is to have leave to return home, and have his Passage defrayed to his own Country by the Trustees. COLONIAL RECORDS. 77 Resolved That the Passage be defrayed of a Man and Maid Servant for M' Thomas Causton, and that they be put upon the Stores. Resolved That Alexander Ross, Thomas Baillie and Daniel Stewart have Each of them a Lot in the Town of JSavanah on the customary Tenure and Conditions. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday November IT"1 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Hucks in the Chair M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon Lord Carpenter Mr Chandler M' Heathcote M' L'apostre Capt. Eyles D' Bundy Order'd That Six hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Hucks M' Vernon M' L'apostre M' Tho8 Tower and M' Chandler N° 7636 I. Order'd That in the Summons for the next Common Council the following Words be Inserted Viz' to consider of a proper Reward for Mr Verelst's trouble in his Attendance on the Indians and the late Imbarkations, and likewise a proper Reward for the House-keeper. Adjourn'd. 78 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday November 20"1 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair M' Oglethorpe Earl of Egmont Lord Carpenter D' Bundy Mr Hucks M' Tho" Tower M' Heathcote Mr L'apostre Resolved That fifty Guineas be given to M' Verelst the Accountant for the trouble he had in attending on the Indians. Resolved That twelve Guineas be given to Mr Atherton and his Wife House keeper and Messenger for the trouble they had in attending on the In dians. Read a Letter from M' Samuel Eveleigh with a Bill for three hun dred twenty Seven Pounds five Shillings and Eight Pence. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That four hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Ver non, Earl of Egmont, M' Hucks M' T. Tower and M' L'apostre N° 7637 I. Resolved That the Sum of One hundred Pounds in the hands of George Heathcote Esq' assign'd for the payment of a Bill drawn by M' Ogle thorpe on Mess" Simond and C° dated October 24'" 1733 (which proves a Mistake; no such Bill being drawn) be assign'd for the pay ment of a Bill for One hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe on Mess" Simond and C° dated October 25th 1733, of which the Trustees have received Advice. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 79 Palace Court Wednesday December 11th 1734 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Hucks Mr Oglethorpe M' Heathcote M' Laroche D' Bundy M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon Order'd That the Bill of two hundred thirty Eight Pounds Nine Shillings and Eight Pence drawn by Mess" Jenys and Baker September 5'" 1734, and presented last Wednesday be paid when due. Order'd That One hundred and one Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence be paid to M' Simond for the freight of twenty heads one third of Pas sengers on Board the Prince of Wales ; Seventy Pounds for the freight of the Eight Indians in the Great Cabin : Six Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Six Pence for the Charge of inclosing the twenty One Cabins be tween Decks at Six Shillings and Six Pence Each for the Conveniency of the Passengers ; And Eight Pounds ten Shillings half Charge of the Awning upon Deck, in all One hundred Eighty Six Pounds Nineteen Shillings and ten Pence. Order'd That two hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by Mr L'apos tre M' Hucks M' Laroche M' Tower and M' Vernon N° 7638 I. Read a Petition of Bulfinch Lambe for a Lot of Land in the Town of Savanah sufficient to build a House and Storehouse there, and to have the five hundred Acres which are granted to him set out on the side of a River. Order'd That Instructions be sent to set out the said five hundred Acres as near a River as may be where Lands are not already taken up. 80 COLONIAL RECORDS. Rejected the Other Part of the Petition. Order'd That two Pounds two Shillings be paid to M' Harbin for his Bill, and in full of his trouble over and above the ten Shillings and Six Pence be fore paid to him. Order'd That the sum of forty three Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence be applied out of the Money contributed for Religious Uses for inclosing the Glebe for the Minister of Savanah, and that Mr Causton be directed to get the same done, and to draw on the Trustees as the Work is done, and that the Revd M' Quincy do certify on each Draught that the Work is so done. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Tuesday Jan'3' 7th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Lord Limerick Lord Carpenter M' Laroche M' Hucks M' Vernon M' Chandler M' L'apostre D' Bundy Mr Heathcote Capt. Eyles M' Oglethorpe Read the Case of John Roberts Esq' touching a Barony which he claims in Georgia. Resolved That it is the Opinion of the Board that the said John Roberts Esq' has no foundation for such Claim. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange from M' Isaac Chardon for One hundred Pounds Sterl. dated Charles Town Nov' 12th 1734 payable to M' John Baker thirty Days after sight. COLONIAL RECORDS. 81 Advice of the said Bill being Receiv'd. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That four hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by the Earl of Egmont Mr Hucks Mr Laroche Mr Vernon and M' L'apostre N° 7639 I. A Bill of Exchange drawn by Mr Isaac Chardon dated October 28th 1734 for forty Eight Pounds payable to M" Frances Watt at thirty Days after sight being produced and Advice of the said Bill being Receiv'd. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That thirty Seven Pounds ten Shillings a Quarter's Salary due at Christmas last to Robert Millar the Botanist be paid to Andrew Millar Attorney to the said Robert Millar. Order'd That M' Chardon's Letters dated October 24'" Nov' 4 and 18th 1734 be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to Nicolous Ludovicus./' Count of Zinzendorf and Pottendorf. Resolved That twenty Acres of Land be granted to Each of the said Count Zin- zendorf's ten Male Servants at the Expiration of their Service contigu ous to the Lands of the said Count Zinzendorf. Resolved That a Lot in the Town of Savanah be given to M' Spangenberg on '"' the Customary Tenure and Conditions. Adjourn'd. [6 c. r.] \ 82 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Friday Jan17 10th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Carpenter in the Chair M' Oglethorpe M' Vernon M' Sloper M' L'apostre M' Laroche Alderman Kendal Mr More Dr Bundy Resolved That the Earl of Egmont M' Digby, Lord Carpenter, James Ogle thorpe, George Heathcote, Thomas Tower, Robert More, Robert Hucks, Rogers Holland, William Sloper, Francis Eyles, John Laroche, James Vernon Esq" Dr Hales, The Earl of Shaftesbury Ld Tyrconnel, Lord Limerick, Richard Chandler Thomas Frederick, Henry L'apostre Esq" Sr William Heathcote, Alderman Kendal John White Esq' and D' Bun dy, Or any three of them be a Committee to settle the Imbarkation of the Swiss, Grizons and Germans with Capt" William Thompson of the Ship, call'd the Two Brothers ; And that they be impower'd to receive of the sd Swiss, Grizons and Germans Security for the repayment of their Passage to Savanah and Purisburgh. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to Nicolaus Ludovicus Count of Zinzendorf and Pottendorf. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. Resolved That the said Count Zinzendorf have Leave to be absent during Pleas ure in consideration of his sending over ten Male Servants to cultivate his Lands. Resolved That a Lot in the Town of Savanah be given to David Nitschmann on the customary Tenure and Conditions. COLONIAL RECORDS. 83 Order'd That a certified Copy of Count Zinzendorf's Grant be sent over to Georgia to be register'd in the proper office and that Possession of his Land be deliver'd to M' August Gottlieb Spangenberg Attorney for the said Count Zinzendorf, as if the Original Grant was produced. Order'd That M1 Child's Benefaction of Cheese be sent over to Georgia for the use of the Stores by Captn William Thompson. Order'd That four Barrels of Sope, And five Tuns of Strong Beer be sent by Capt" William Thompson for the Use of the Stores. Order'd That the Charge of Cask and Freight of One Tun of Strong Beer credited William Calloway by Thomas Hucks Esq' in Order to retail in Georgia be paid, and that William Calloway do repay for the same the Sum of four Pounds, whereof two Pounds to be repaid in the Casks themselves when empty, if he is desirous of returning them for the Use of the Colony. Order'd That the Magistrates at Savanah do grant a License to Bulfinch Lambe to be absent for a Year after he has built his House, and on his leaving two of the ten Servants (which he is oblig'd to carry over) to cul tivate his Lands. Refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to write a Letter to Count Zinzendorf. Adjourn'd. 84 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday Jan" 15th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Oglethorpe in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Lord Carpenter M' Digby S' William Heathcote M' White Mr Laroche Mr Hucks M' Holland Capt. Eyles M' T. Tower M' Vernon Mr Chandler D' Bundy M' More Resolved That Saturday Morning next be appointed a Common Council tor re - ceiving the Report whether the Swiss Grizons and Germans agree to the Articles proposed to them. Order'd That such of them who do agree to the said Articles do sign them. Resolved That the said Swiss and Grizons be dispens'd with from being bound One for Another for the repayment of the Money lent to them for their Passage. Order'd That the Reading of the Charter Party with Capt. William Thomson and the Owners of the Ship called the Two Brothers be put off till Sat urday next. Resolved That Mess" Bevan be desired to provide a Box of Medicines for the next Imbarkation. M' Vernon reported to the Board that the Laws to which the Seals were affixt on Jan'y 9th 1734, had been laid before his Majesty in Council COLONIAL RECORDS. 85 and had been refer'd to a Committee of Council, Who had taken the same into Consideration, and refer'd them to the Lords Comm" for Trade and Plantations for their Opinion. Resolved That Mr Oglethorpe M' Vernon Lord Tyrconnel, M' Tho8 Tower M' Chandler and M' More be desired to attend the Board of Trade when they take the said Laws into Consideration. Read a Letter from M' Tho8 Lowndes intimating a Scheme for raising a Fund for the Settling of the Colony, and desiring the Earl of Egmont M' Sloper Mr Vernon and M' Oglethorpe may be impower'd to treat with him. Resolved That the said Gentlemen be desired to receive the Proposal of the said M' Lowndes, and report the same to the Board. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Tuesday Jan'y 21" 173| Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Lord Tyrconnel Lord Carpenter M' Oglethorpe Mr White M' More Mr Hucks M' Digby S' William Heathcote M' Heathcote Read a Letter from M' Jere : Joge nominating M' Thomas Minnet of London Merchant to be engaged with M' John Rieusset in the Charter Party for the Ship Two Brothers. Order'd That M' Verelst the Accountant be directed to keep a Leidger Book after the Italian Manner. Order'd That thirty Seven Pounds Part of the Six hundred Pounds given by 86 COLONIAL RECORDS. his Majesty for a Loan to One hundred Swiss Grizons and Germans be lodged in the hands of M' Heathcote Resolved That M' Horner do examine the Several Swiss and Grizons, and Mr Spangenberg the Germans, who are to embark for Savanah and Puris- burgh, and certify to the Board Whether they are Protestants. Read a Charter Party between the Common Council of the Trustees and M' John Rieusset Merchant Owner, and William Thomson Master of the Two Brothers, and Thomas Minnet of London Merchant. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Charter Party. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Charter Party. Order'd ; That the Amount of ten shillings fi Head be sent for the Several Swiss Grizons and Germans being the Balance of their Bond for the Loan to them ; And that it be put in a Box deliver'd to M' Spangen berg consign'd to M' Causton Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'y 5'" 173| Present in Common Council Assembled M' Digby in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Lord Limerick M' Oglethorpe M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon S' William Heathcote M' Holland M' Laroche Lord Carpenter M' L'apostre M' Chandler D' Hales Lord Tyrconnel D' Bundy. COLONIAL RECORDS. 87 M' Oglethorpe laid before the Board an Account of Receipts and Dis bursements in Georgia from 1732 to 6th of May 1734 the Title of Which was read. Order'd That the said Account and all the Accounts refer'd to therein be re fer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Resolved That All the Gentlemen of the Common Council be Members of the Committee of Accounts. Ordei'd That the two Draughts presented this Day by Mr Oglethorpe to the Trustees (specified in the Minutes of the Trustees) be put in Frames with a Glass over them and hung up in the Office Order'd That a Committee of Accounts be appointed to meet on Saturday the 15th Instant at nine o'Clock in the Morning, and that Summons be issued to all the Members of the Common Council to give them Notice thereof. M' Oglethorpe laid before the Board an Account of the State of the Colony.Order'd That the said Account be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts Who are to meet on the 15'u Instant. Order'd That the Letter to Mr Chardon be refer'd to the said Committee A Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds dated August 23d 1734 drawn by M' Tho8 Causton payMe to Richard Woodward was presented to the Board. Order'd That M' Verelst the Accountant be impower'd to accept the said Bill for the Trustees in case he finds it necessary to avoid the said Bills being protested. Order'd That Eight Pounds be paid to M' D'aguillon for the use of the Daugh ter of the late M' De Ferron being the Value of the Improvements upon the Lands of the said M' De Ferron escheated to the Trustees by his Death without Issue Male. Adjourn'd. 88 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Present in Common Council Assembled Wednesday Febry 26'" 173| Earl of Shaftesbury in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Limerick Lord Tyrconnel M' Oglethorpe M' Vernon Mr T. Tower M' Hucks Mr Holland Mr Sloper M' Heathcote Order'd That Six hundred Pounds be reimbursed to M' Heathcote and M' Desmeth advanced by the said Gentlemen for the Imbarkation of the Swiss Grizons and Germans on board the Two Brothers Capt. William Thomson. Order'd That the Petition of Elizabeth Wood late Wife of John Warren be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Order'd That a Town Lot in Savanah be granted to Martin Eversen on the Customary Tenure and Conditions. Order'd That Summons to the Trustees to meet on Thursday March 20th 173f be printed. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for Six hundred Pounds payable to M' Heathcote and M' Desmeth by the Earl of Shaftesbury, Earl of Egmont, Lord Tyrconnel, M' Vernon and M' Holland N° 7641 1. Resolved That M' Oglethorpe M' Talbot M' Tower and any Gentlemen of the Common Council Who please be desired to attend the Lords Comm" of Trade and Plantations on a Conference desired by their Lordships in re lation to the Defence and Security of South Carolina. M' Verelst reported to the Board that he had waited on M' Stephen Winthrope in relation to the Bill of Exchange for one hundred Pounds COLONIAL RECORDS. 89 dated August 23d 1734 drawn by M' Thomas Causton payable to Rich ard Woodward ; And that M' Winthrope agreed to keep the Bill with out acceptance untill it becomes due. Which being reported to be due on Monday next being the third of March, and no Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd Order'd That in consideration of Mr Winthrope's great Civility the said Bill be paid when due in honour of the Drawer Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday March 5'" 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Tyrconnel in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Limerick M' Oglethorpe M' Vernon M' G. Heathcote M' L'apostre Earl of Shaftsbury M' Frederick M' Holland A Bill of Exchange for Seventy Pounds dated Savanah Dec' 7th 1734 drawn by Mr Thomas Causton on the Trustees payable to Richard Wood ward and C° thirty Days after Sight was presented to the Board. A Bill of Exchange for three hundred Pounds dated Savanah Dec' 17"" 1734 drawn by Mr Thomas Causton on the Trustees payable to Paul Jenys and C° thirty Days after sight was also presented Order'd That the said Bills be accepted in order for payment. There not being Money in the Bank for the general Uses of the Col ony sufficient for the payment of the said Bills, M' Heathcote offer'd to pay the said Bills when due in honor of the Trustees till there shall be Cash sufficient Adjourn'd. 90 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court ' Monday March 17'" 173| Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Mr Hucks M' Holland Mr Digby Mr Sloper Lord Carpenter Mr Oglethorpe S' William Heathcote Read a Letter from M' Thomas Causton dated Savanah Jan'y 16"' 1734 mentioning among other things a full Account of Watson's Be haviour in Savanah relating to the Death of Skee the Indian. Read Instructions to the Bailiffs and Recorder of the Town of Savanah in the Province of Georgia on the Case of the said Watson. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Instructions. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Instructions. Order'd That a Letter be immediately sent to M' Thomas Causton with the said Instructions inclosed, and with Orders to make M' Musgrove full amends for the loss of his Servant Justus, and for a Gift to be given to the Relations of Skee, and fifty Pounds Currency to be also given to Edward Jenkins and Others as a Reward for their apprehending the Murderer of Wise. Adjourn'd. * COLONIAL RECORDS. 91 Vestry Room of S' Bride's Church Thursday March 20th 173$ Present in Common Council Assembled Mr White in the Chair M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower Earl of Shaftsbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Lord Limerick M' Digby Mr Hucks Mr Laroche M' Holland D' Bundy Order'd That fifty Pounds be paid to the Secretary, and fifty Pounds to the Accountant as part of the Consideration for their past Services. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday March 26'" 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Lord Tyrconnel M' Sloper M' Hucks M' Laroche M' Holland Mr Oglethorpe M' Tho8 Tower Resolved That two hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said two hundred 92 COLONIAL RECORDS. Pounds by the Earl of Egmont M' Sloper M' Holland M' Hucks, and M' Tho8 Tower N° 7642. I Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 2d 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Oglethorpe in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Vernon Mr Sloper M' Laroche M' Hucks Sr William Heathcote M' Verelst the Accomptant reported that there was on Board the James Capt. Yoakley a Box containing three Sorts of Silk, weighing Box and all 158wt brought directly from Savanah. Order'd That the Accomptant do apply to the Commissioners of the Customs for a View of the said Silk, and for their Opinion whether it ought to be enter'd liable to a Duty or No. A Memorial of David Nitschmann Master of the Household to Nic- olaus Ludovicus Count of Zinzendorf and Pottendorf with a Proposal from the said Count to send over fifty five Heads of People to Georgia, and desiring the Trustees to lend the said Persons four hundred and for ty Pounds for their Passage thither, and several Necessaries ; was read. The several Paragraphs of the said Memorial being read over a second time, the seven first Articles were agreed to : And to the last the Board returned for Answer, that When the Money is repaid, the Trustees will be ready to receive new Proposals. Read A Memorial from Thomas Christie to the Trustees praying to be come a Tenant upon a Lease for twenty One Years for a Trust Lot now vacant in Savanah for building a Timber House paying ten Shillings

ann, and at the Expiration of every Seven Years One Years Value ac cording to the improvement made thereon. COLONIAL RECORDS. 93 Order'd That the said Memorial be refer'd to the Committee of Correspond ence. A Letter from M' John Pheasant with a Proposal to furnish the Col ony with shoes was read and refer'd to the said Committee. Henry Myer attended and presented a List of several Swiss Who are desirous of going as Servants to Georgia Order'd That the same be refer'd to the Consideration of the said Committee of Correspondence. Order'd That the said Committee of Correspondence do meet on friday next being Aprill 4th. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 16th 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Hucks in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Lord Limerick Mr Digby Mr White Alderman Kendal M' Holland D' Hales M' Oglethorpe M' Laroche Mr Tho8 Tower M' Vernon Order'd That M' Chardon's Letters and Accounts and the Answer to M' Char- don's Letters be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. A Complaint being made to the Board by William Littel Grandfather to William Littel an Infant at Savanah in Georgia, that the Father of 94 COLONIAL RECORDS. the said Infant being dead at Savanah, and the Mother of the said In fant being since married to John West and likewise dead ; That John West keeps possession of the House belonging to the late William Lit tel, to the prejudice of William Littel the Infant, and that the said House can let for ten or twelve pounds Sterling. Order'd That Instructions be sent to the Magistrates of Savanah that they do immediately inquire whether any Guardians have been already appoint ed by the Will of the late William Littel, And if not, that the Trustees do assign Samuel Marcer to be his Guardian at the request of William Littel the Grandfather ; That the house of the late William Littel by the In tail belongs to William Littel his Son, the, Rent of which must be in the first Place applied to the maintenance of the Infant, and the Res idue to the improvement of his Lot ; and that the Infant must in the mean time be kept at M" Parkers. As for the Personal Estate, if the said William Littel made any Will, and gave any Part thereof to the Infant, then the Magistrates are to take care to dispose of the same, and pay the profits thereof to the Guardian to be dispos'd of in the manner aforesaid. That if the said William Littel died intestate, then the Share belonging to the Infant by the Statute of Distributions of Intestates Estates, being two thirds of his late Father's personal Estates to be dis pos'd of and applied likewise for the maintenance of the Infant during his Minority, and the Improvement of his Lot ; And the said Guardian of the said Infant is to enter into a Bond with a sufficient enalty by way of Security for his application of the Rents an d Profits of the In fants real Estate, and of the Disposal of his Personal Estate as before directed. Resolved That it be refer'd to M' Oglethorpe M' Thomas Tower and M' Holland to consider of proper Grants to be made of Glebes for the several Min isters in Georgia. Read a Petition of Thomas Pratt for License to sell his House in Savanah Order'd That the said Petition be consider'd the next board. Read a Petition of Thomas Pratt for Rent for his House in Savanah which is used at present for the sick People there. Refer'd the same to the Committee of Accounts. Read a Bill of Exchange drawn by M' ThomaB Causton Dec' 24th 1734 COLONIAL RECORDS. 95 for sixty One Pounds ten Shillings for thirteen thousand Eight hundred and Sixty six Pounds of Rice and Casks bought of Nathaniel Barnwell and deliver'd at Savanah payable thirty Days after sight to Richard Woodward and Company ; Which Bill was presented by Acceptance by Richard Partridge Aprill 9th 1735. Read a Bill of Exchange drawn by M' Thomas Causton Janry 25th 1734 to supply the most Necessitous on the Reduction of the Stores for forty Pounds Which was presented for Acceptance by Mess" Heylin Rogers and C Aprill 9th 1735 payable thirty days after sight to the Or der of Mess" Paul Jenys and C°. Order'd That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. Read a Letter from the Revd Mr Elisha Millechamp desiring two Servants to be sent to his Brother Thomas Millechamp in Georgia. Order'd That the Charge of the Passage for the said Servants be paid by the Trust as a Loan to the said Thomas Millechamp. Order'd That two Silver Watches of six pounds Value Each be bought of M' Horseman Watchmaker and sent to the Captain of the Scout Boat and the Captain of the Rangers as Presents from the Trustees. Order'd That a Town Lot be granted to William Cookesey under the usual Limitations and Conditions ; And that he may have Liberty of having Provisions at the Storehouse for himself and two Servants in the same proportion as are granted to Others, for Which the Money is to be paid at the Office here Adjourn'd. 96 , COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 23d 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Sloper in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Thos Tower M' White Alderman Kendal Mr Vernon S' William Heathcote D' Bundy M' Oglethorpe M' Holland M' Digby The Board took into Consideration the Petition of Thomas Pratt for License to sell his House in Savanah. The said Thomas Pratt being called in, and ask'd why he returned from Georgia, he said it was for the Recovery of his Health Being also asked, if he had any proper License under hand and Seal or in Writing for his Return, He answer'd He had not. Being likewise asked, if he intended to return to Georgia to cultivate his Lands according to the Tenure of the Grant to him, He replied, That being in Service in Eng land he could not. Being also asked if he was married, he replied he never was married. Resolved That the said Thomas Piatt has forfeited his Grant. Resolved That the Lot in Savanah lately belonging to the said Thomas Pratt be granted to Margaret Bovy and the Heirs Male of her Body lawfully begotten under the same Limitations and Conditions. Read the Law to prevent the Importation and the Use of Rum and Brandies in the Province of Georgia ; the Law for maintaining the Peace with the Indians in the said Province, and the Law for rendering the Colony of Georgia more defensible by prohibiting the Importation and Use of Black Slaves or Negroes into Georgia, to which several Laws his Majesty has given his Royal Assent. COLONIAL RECORDS. 97 Order'd That fair Copies of the said Laws be made in order to be printed by. Order'd That One thousand of Each of the said Laws be printed. Read a Letter from M" S. Haselfoot setting forth that She is at a loss how to procure two Servants to be sent to her Husband James Hasel foot in Savanah, and desiring the Trustees to assist her in procuring them, and desiring likewise that Credit may be given her Husband for his Maintenance in Savanah for a Year if he wants it. Resolved That two foreign Servants be sent to the said James Haselfoot the first Opportunity, Mrs Haselfoot paying ten pounds for the Charge of the Passage of the said Servants at the Office here. Resolved That Credit be given in Savanah to the said James Haselfoot for a Year's Maintenance if he wants it. Resolved That it be refer'd to M1 Thomas Tower and Mr Holland to prepare a Draught of an Act for Powder Duty in Georgia. Resolved That it be refer'd to the said Gentlemen to prepare a Sumptuary Law to prevent the Use of Gold and Silver in Apparel furniture and Equi page in Georgia. Resolved That a Committee of Correspondence be appointed to meet o' friday Morning next at 10 o'Clock to consider of George Lewis Wentz's Pro posal for bringing over foreign Protestant Servants for the People in Georgia, and to take into Consideration any Letters that may be di rected to the Trustees. Adjourn'd. [7 C. v.] 98 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Monday May 5'* 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Vernon in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Oglethorpe Mr Geo. Heathcote S' William Heathcote M' Holland Mr L'apostre M' Hucks Capt. Eyles D' Hales M' George Lewis Wentz attended on his Proposal to engage One hundred German Servants for the Colony of Georgia to be brought into the River of Thames at twenty Shillings

Head, and the said Wentz desired to have such Money advanced to him from time to time as he may want to enable him to procure and bring over the said Servants Resolved That twenty Pounds be advanced to the said George Lewis Wentz before he sets out on his journey ; That twenty Pounds be further paid him at Worms in case he brings One hundred Servants thither, or lour shillings ^> Head for so many as he brings. That twenty Pounds be further paid him at Cologn under the same Conditions. That twenty Pounds be further paid him at Rotterdam under the same Conditions ; And that twenty Pounds be further paid for him to the Master of the ship who shall bring the said One hundred German Servants or four Shillings ^. Head for so many as he shall bring. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of the House and Lot in the Town of Savanah (lately belonging to Thomas Pratt and since forfeited to the Trustees) to M" Margaret Bovy and the Heirs Male of her Body. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant. COLONIAL RECORDS. 99 Read a Petition of Mary Bateman Mother of William Bateman now in Georgia, setting forth, That her Son William Bateman went to Geor gia by the way of Charles Town at his own Expence, with one Servant to take Possession of a Grant of Seventy five Acres of Land ; That his Servant left him at Charles Town ; That he has had great Illness, and been at extraordinary Expences on Other Occasions ; And praying Credit for a Year's Maintenance for himself and his Wife in Georgia and to have the Assistance of a Servant. Resolved , That Credit be given to the said William Bateman and his Wife for a Year's Maintenance, and that a Servant be sent to him. Read a Petition of John Strudwick Brandon desiring a Lot of fifty Acres in Georgia on his payment of ten Pounds for the passage of him self and a Servant ; And that his Servant may be maintain'd on the Stores for a Year. Agreed to the Prayer of the said Petition. Resolved That the Order for five Tuns of strong Beer Which was to have been sent by the two Brothers Capt. Thomson be enlarged to ten Tuns. And that the said Beer be sent by the James Capt. Yoakley. Order'd That three hundred weight of Gunpowder being One hundred weight of Cannon Powder and two hundred of treble ffs be sent by the said Ship for the Stores. Resolved That a Town Lot in Savanah be granted to Austen Weddell ; And that he and his Wife be sent over by the said Ship And that they be maintain'd for a Year. Resolved That a Town Lot in Savanah be granted to John Thomson who carries two Servants with him at his own Expence. Order'd That the Passage be paid to George Muir the son of James Muir at present in Georgia Order'd That John Robinson be sent as a Servant to M' Gronau, and Nicolas Carpenter as an Under Servant to M' Bolzius. Order'd That thirty Seven Pounds ten shillings be paid to M' Andrew Millar 100 COLONIAL RECORDS. ss Attorney for his Brother Robert Millar for a Quarter's Salary due at Lady Day last as Botanist. Resolved That Ann Bliss be sent by the James Capt. Yoakley to act as Nurse in Georgia. Order'd That One hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heathcote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by Lord Tyr connel M' Vernon M' Holland M' L'apostre and D' Hales N° 7643 I. Resolved That five Guineas be given to the Doorkeepers, Housekeeper and Messenger of the House of Commons. Order'd That One thousand weight of Copper Farthings be sent to Georgia in five Firkins ; One hundred Pounds Sterling (part of the Value of the said Farthings) being to make good so much Provisions for the first Em barkation of the Saltzburghers now in Georgia Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday May 7th 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Shaftsbury in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mr Vernon M' Holland M' Tho8 Tower Sr William Heathcote M' L'apostre M' Oglethorpe Order'd That the Bedding be prepared for the foreign Servants Who are to embark on board the James Capt. Yoakley consisting of four Yards and One Quarter of Canvas for ^allias, and a Bolster stuff'd with Straw, and a Blanket. COLONIAL RECORDS. 101 Order'd That Mr Verelst do provide the same Bedding for the English Pas sengers as usual. Instructions to George Lewis Wentz for his Conduct during his Jour ney to Procure One hundred German Servants for Georgia were read. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Instructions. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Instructions. Resolved That a Town Lot be granted to William Pitches under the usual Limitations and Conditions, and that he be maintained for a Year. Resolved That M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower Mr Holland and Mr Oglethorpe Or any others of the Common Council be a Committee to settle what Pro visions shall be bought at Philadelphia against the new People shall ar rive in Georgia Who are to embark in August ; And that the said Com mittee do meet on Saturday next at 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Saturday May 10ih 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Limerick in the Chair M' Oglethorpe M' Holland M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower Sr William Heathcote D' Bundy Mr L'apostre Lord Carpenter Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the following Indentures of Servants bound to the Trustees. Viz' Gasper Schumaker and Chris tian his Wife for five Years from the Date of the Indenture, Agatha 102 COLONIAL RECORDS. Bandley, Hans Frederick Christer and Maria Magdalena his Wife, Thomas Meyer and Ursula his Wife and Andreas Michell and Margaret his Wife, All for the same term, Henry Meyer Son of Thomas Meyer for ten Years, Margaret Maddis Widow of Peter Phizzel for five Years, Margaret Phizzel Daughter of Peter Phizzel for two Years. Barbara Phizzel Daughter of the said Peter for six Years, Katherine Phizzel Daughter of the said Peter for Eleven Years, Nicolas Carpenter for the same term, and John Robinson for nine Years from the Date of the In denture. Which was Affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Indentures. M' Peter Gordon attended and deliver'd in a Memorial to the Trustees with several Letters and Papers from several of the Inhabitants of Sav anah Viz'. A Letter from Robert Parker to M' Gordon dated March 2. 1734. A List of Goods brought into the Store by William Sale and Damages said to be receiv'd by Robert Parker Jun'. A Letter from Mr West to M' Gordon. March 10. 1734 A Letter from M' Quincy to M' Gordon. March 3. 1734. A Letter from Patrick Houston to M' Gordon March l8' 1734, with a Memorial of Grievances. A Memorial from Patrick Houston D' Tailfer and Others deliver'd to M' Gordon. A Letter from Patrick Houston Patrick Tailfer and Andrew Grant Jan'y 21" 1734. A Letter from Susan Bowling to M' Gordon March 20th 1734.* A Letter from Joseph Watson to M' Gordon March 10'" 1734. A Petition of the Freeholders of Georgia against frequent Courts. And a Petition of Robert Pringle to the Trustees about the Division of Elisha Dobrees Effects. Which were severally read. Adjourn'd. * Not clear in the original. COLONIAL RECORDS. 103 Palace Court Friday May 23d 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Limerick Lord Carpenter M' Tho8 Tower Mr Geo. Heathcote Alderman Kendal Sr William Heathcote M' Oglethorpe M' Hucks M' Frederick Lord Tyrconnel A Report was made from the Committee to whom it was refer'd to settle what Provisions should be bought at Philadelphia against the new People shall arrive in Georgia Who are to embark in August next. That M' Simond attended and offer'd to deliver Flower in Georgia at eleven Shillings Sterl. $ 100 pounds Weight, and that he could not do it cheaper because Flower is now twelve Shillings and six Pence ^> 112 pound Weight at Philadelphia. But in case the Price shall be fallen under twelve Shillings and Six pence <$>> 112 pd8 w' at Philadelphia he will make a proportionable deduction. And that M' Simond desired a Letter might be written to M' Penn to recommend the procuring flower for Lading and dispatch to the James Capt. Yoakley. Resolved That M' Simond be desired to procure seven hundred Barrels of Phil adelphia flower at the above mention'd Price. Order'd That a Letter be sent to Mr Penn to return him thanks for his Bene faction as ^ Invoice and to desire him to dispatch the James Capt. Yoakley by procuring seven hundred Barrels of Flower for his Lading. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the following Indentures of Servants bound to the Trustees Viz' Thomas Lee and Adalhait Hoff man. Which was affix'd accordingly. 104 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Order'd That a Grant be prepared for a Town Lot in Savanah to John Tuck well Rowland Pytt and William Donne to them and the Survivor of them and Heirs Male of such Survivors on condition of their sending over to Savanah and keeping there two Servants to be employ'd in Hus bandry on such Lot under the usual Limitations and Conditions. Resolved That Mr George Heathcote M' Vernon M' Hucks M' Oglethorpe and Mr L'apostre or any three of them be a Committee to adjust and deter mine M1 Chardon's and M' Amatis s Accounts. Resolved That a Grant be made to M' Paul Hamilton of Edistow in South Car olina of five hundred Acres of Land in that Place which is commonly known by the name of Scots Island, and lately mark'd out by Mr Jones the Surveyor for Capt. Francis Scot on the same terms on Which the first Grants were made the said M' Paul Hamilton having been a Con siderable Benefactor to the Colony. Order'd That three thousand four hundred Eighty Nine Pounds three Shil lings and Nine Pence half Penny being Money drawn upon the Trustees by Bills in M' Simond's hands be paid together with Interest for such of them as were due before this day Order'd That such other Monies be paid to M' Simond as are due to him for freight and Stores. Order'd That One thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of M' George Heathcote on Account. Order'd That the Sum of forty five Shillings be paid to Mess" Peter and James Theobald for one Quarter of a Hundred of Deals in dispute whether they were ship'd on board the Hopewell Capt. James Miffant Sept' 4'" 1733. Order'd That three Chaldrons of Coals be provided for the Office. COLONIAL RECORDS. 105 Order'd That half a Ton of half Pence be bought at the Tower for the use of the Colony at ten Pounds fourteen Shillings ^ Cw' (sic) M' Verelst reported the Muster taken on board the James Capt. Yoakley May 14. 1735 Whereby the Passengers on account of the Trust were twenty nine Persons making twenty three Heads of freight two thirds, Whereof five at five Pounds ^> Head and Eighteen two thirds being Servants bound to the Trust at four Pounds ^> Head. Order'd That two hundred Pounds be paid out of the Money granted by Par liament to Mr Benjamin Martyn the Secretary and two hundred Pounds to M' Harman Verelst the Accomptant fur their past Services. Resolved That any five of the Common Council when present be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the several Purposes order'd by the Common Council of this day. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday June 25th 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Lord Carpenter M' Geo. Heathcote M' Tho8 Tower Dr Hales Mr Holland M' L'apostre M' Hucks Mr Frederick M' Laroche Mr Vernon M' Oglethorpe Mr Simond attended and being called in and ask'd what the Charge would be of the Ship Prince of Wales sailing to North Britain to take in One hundred and thirty Heads of Passengers for Georgia ; He acquainted 106 COLONIAL RECORDS. the Board that the Charges of the said Ship would be two pounds thir teen Shillings and four pence ^ Day. Resolved That an Embarkation be appointed. Resolved That the Earl of Egmont M' Oglethorpe Mr Vernon Mr Thomas Tower or any three of the Common Council be a Committee to prepare the Necessaries for the said Embarkation. Resolved That the same Gentlemen be a Committee to settle the Terms of Peo ples going to Georgia. Order'd That a Bill drawn by M' Isaac Chardon on the Trustees for One hun dred Pounds dated Aprill 7th 1735 and payable thirty days after sight, of which a Letter of Advice was receiv'd the 4th of this Month be ac cepted and paid when due. Order'd That a Bill drawn by M' Thomas Causton on the Trustees for three hundred Pounds dated Aprill 14th 1735 and payable to Paul Jenys and C° or Order thirty days after sight produced the 18"1 of this Month be accepted and paid when due, M' Jenys having charged himself with a Bill of three hundred Pounds the 25th of Aprill 1735 in Account with the Trust. Order'd That Sev en Bills of Exchange drawn by James Oglethorpe Esq' on M' Simond and C° and paid by M' Simond be repaid him, amounting to three hundred Sixty three Pounds six Shillings being for the several Sums and of the Dates following. Viz' One of the 12th of Feb'y 1732 payable to M' Isaac Chardon for fifty Pounds. One of 23d March 1732 payable to the same Person for fifty two Pounds ten Shillings One of the 23d March 1732 payable to the same Person for fifty Pounds. One of the 3d Aprill 1733 payable to M' Thomas Farrington for thirty five Pounds. One of the 21st of Jan'y 1733 payable to Captain John Yoakley for fifteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings. One of the 27th of March 1734 pay able to Mr Isaac Chardon for One hundred Pounds. And Another of the 6th of May 1734 payable to the same Person for sixty Pounds. The said Bills having been drawn on Account and for the use of the Trust. Order'd That twenty Pounds for the freight of Francis Piercy, Joseph Smith, COLONIAL RECORDS. 107 Ann his wife, and Elizabeth his Daughter aged seven Months and John Jones his Man Servant, Passengers Who went to Georgia by the Prince of Wales Capt. Dunbar, be paid, being recommended by D' Hales and M' Oglethorpe. Mr Oglethorpe having presented to the Trust a large Cyprus Canoe, six Oars, One Mast, two Side Boards and two Cedar Planks to make a Rudder, Which came from South Carolina by the Carolina Galley Capt. Abraham Snelling. Order'd That the freight of the said Canoe be paid, and that it be clean'd and put in Order. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday July 2d 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Oglethorpe in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mr Vernon Mr Laroche Mr Thomas Tower M' L'apostre Dr Bundy D' Hales Mr Hucks A Bill of Exchange dated Charles Town May 13"1 1735 for four hun dred and fifty Pounds payable to Mess" Peter and I. C. Simond or Order thirty Days after sight was presented to the Board. Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That Interest upon the Bills of three hundred sixty three pounds and six Shillings drawn on Mr Simond and paid by him, and order'd by the last Board to be repaid to M' Simond, be paid from the respective times when M' Simond paid the said Bills. 108 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That a Town Lot of fifty Acres in Savanah be granted to William Woodrooffe. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to perform the Promise made by M' Thomas Tower M' Heathcote and Mr Eyles to the Bank of England to deliver up the out standing Receipt for ten Pounds ten Shillings paid in by an Unknown Person Sept' 26'" 1734 When the said Receipt shall come into the hands of the Trustees or to indemnify the Bank for the same. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for One thousand four hundred Pounds payable to George Heathcote Esq' on Account in pur suance of an Order of Common Council May 23d 1735 by the Earl of Egmont Mr L'apostre D' Hales M' Thomas Tower and M' Laroche N° 7644 I. Sign'd Another Draught on the Bank of England for three thousand Eight hundred and fifty Eight Pounds Seven Shillings and Eight Pence payable to M' Simond or Order in pursuance of an Order of Common Council May 23d 1735 by the Earl of Egmont M' L'apostre D' Hales Mr Thomas Tower and Mr Laroche N° 7645 I. Order'd That the Accomptant do inquire into the State of Exchanges between London and South Carolina, and make a Report thereof to the Trustees. Resolved That two thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of George Heath cote Esq' on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Ogle thorpe the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' L'apostre and M' Hucks N° 7646 1. The Board agreed to the Rules for the Year 1735 to be observed in the Embarkations which they send over to Georgia. Order'd That the Secretary do sign the said Rules. Order'd That five hundred of the said Papers of Rules be printed for the use of the Common Council. Read a Memorial from M' Simond for Demurrage on the Prince of Wales Capt. Dunbar. COLONIAL RECORDS. 109 Order'd That the said Memorial be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Order'd That fifty Pounds be given as a Reward for the services of William Kilbury late Commander of the Heathcote Sloop in Georgia, and that the said fifty Pounds be paid to Mr Harman Verelst to be applied by him as follows. Viz' in the first Place fifteen Pounds to M' Thomas Har bin being so much lent by the said Harbin to the said Kilbury in order to fit him out ; And that the Sum of twenty Pounds a further Part thereof be retained in the hands of Mr Verelst for putting out the Daughter of the said William Kilbury Apprentice to a Manteau Maker ; And that the Residue of the said fifty Pounds be paid to the Widow of the late William Kilbury. Order'd That One Ton of half Pe nee be procured at the Tower for the use of the Colony, the Cost of the said half Pence amounting to two hundred and fifteen Pounds. The Board agreed to Rules to be observed with relation to Persons going at their own Expences to Georgia. Order'd That five hundred Papers of the said Rules be printed for the use of the Common Council. Order'd That One Canoe Boat with ten Oars One Other Canoe Boat with Eight Oars, and one other Boat of Six Oars, all of the same Nature with the Scout Boat be order'd to be built in South Carolina for the use of Georgia, and that Orders for the same be sent by the first Shipping. Order'd That Thomas Siddon do attend the Board in relation to his Petition that his Niece Clarke be sent for from Georgia. (sic) Read a Petition of Nathaniel Polhill praying a License for staying longer in England. Resolved That License be granted to Nathaniel Polhill to stay six Months longer in England before he embarks for Georgia. Order'd That M' Causton be directed to receive of Mess" Jenys and Baker the Money now in their hands, or that shall from time to time be receiv'd 110 COLONIAL RECORDS. by them for the use of George Morley Esq' and that he do draw from time to time on the Trustees payable to George Morley Esq' or Order in London thirty days after sight for Each Value receiv'd of them as re ceiv'd amounting to about two hundred Pounds Sterl. ^ Annum. Resolved That the Loan of a Servant be allowed to William Heddon (recom mended by M' Piers) Who is to go over at his own Expence. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday July 16 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Thomas Tower in the Chair Mr Oglethorpe Earl of Egmont M' Laroche M' Frederick M' L'apostre Dr Bundy D1 Hales Mr Vernon Read Instructions for Lieutenant Hugh Mackay impowering him to agree with and bring together One hundred and ten Freemen and Serv ants to which fifty Women and Children are allowed from that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Instructions. Which was Affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Instructions. Resolved That Credit be allowed to the said Lieutenant Hugh Mackay for Eighty Pounds for the Charges of raising, marching and maintaining One hundred Men till put on board the Ship that is to carry them to Georgia. COLONIAL RECORDS. Ill Resolved That forty English Men with their Families be sent to settle in Georgia.Resolved That a Number of Persecuted German Protestants not exceeding One hundred Souls Men Women and Children be sent to settle in Georgia. Resolved That One hundred and Sixty Heads from Scotland whereof One hundred and ten to be Men be likewise sent to settle in Georgia. Resolved That twenty Eight Swiss, & Grizons be sent as Servants to Georgia. Order'd That a Letter be sent to George Lewis Weutz with directions to bring over no more than Eighty Heads from Germany. Resolved That the Trustees will advance such a Sum of Money as shall be necessary for discharging the Expence3 of the Journey and Voyage of a Number of persecuted German Protestants not exceeding One hundred Men Women and Children with their Baggage from the City of Ratis- bon under the Conduct of M' Philip George Frederick De Reck to the Port of London on their way to Georgia; The Society for promoting Christian Knowledge having engaged to reimburse within Six Months the said Money advanced by the Trustees for the Purpose before men tioned. A Bill of Exchange drawn by M' Thomas Causton dated Savanah May 8'" 1735 for two hundred Pounds payable to Paul Jeny's Esq' and C° thirty Days after sight was presented to the Board. Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That six hundred double sighted Guns be bought for the Indians be ing Part of the Presents to be made to them. Resolved That Mr Oglethorpe be desired to write a Letter to Col. Bull to desire him to purchase in South Carolina such live Cattle as may be necessary for the use of the Colony. 112 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That a Lot in the Town of Savanah be granted to Archibald Mackil- very under the usual Limitations and Conditions. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to M' Hugh Bailey Col lector of his Majesty's Customs at Orkney. Order'd That thirty Seven Pounds ten Shillings a Quarter's Salary due at Midsummer last to Robert Millar the Botanist be paid to his Attorney Mr Andrew Millar. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to Patrick Mackay Esq' of Cyder hall in the County of Sutherland, and to the Heirs Male of his Body, and in failure to the Heirs Male of the Body of Catherine Mackay his Daughter pursuant to a Letter of Recommendation from M' Oglethorpe Sept' 27. 1733. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to M' George Dunbar of the County of Inverness and to the Heirs Male of his Body and in fail ure thereof to William Dunbar pf the same County and to the Heirs Male of his Body in pursuance of the said Letter. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to Lieutenant Hugh Mackay. Resolved That forty Pounds Sterling be given to the Storekeeper and ten Pounds to M' Thomas Causton second Bailiff of the Town of Savanah ten Pounds to Henry Parker third Bailiff and ten Pounds to Thomas Christie the Recorder and ten Pounds to John Vanderplank and ten Pounds to Noble Jones the two Constables. Receiv'd a Packet of Letters from Georgia. Refer'd the same to the Committee of Correspondence. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 113 Palace Court Thursday July 24'" 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled M' \7ernon in the Chair M' Tho8 Tower M' Laroche D' Hales Mr L'apostre Earl of Egmont M' Oglethorpe M' Hucks Alderman Kendal M' Tower acquainted the Board that M' Vernon and he had waited on the Gov' and Directors of the Bank of Eugland about the Notes proposed to be issued in Georgia and that the said Gov' and Directors desired the word Notes might be alter'd to the Words Bills of Exchange. Resolved That Bills of Exchange to the Amount of four thousand Pounds be made out to be issued in Georgia payable in England in the form fol lowing. Viz'. Georgia Bill of ) Exchange payable [¦ A N° 1 Westminster 24 July 1735. in England j Thirty Days after Sight We the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America promise to pay this our Sola Bill of Exchange to James Oglethorpe Esq' or his Order the Sum of One Pound Sterling at our Office at Westminster to answer the like Value receiv'd by him in Georgia on the Issue hereof as testified by Indorsement hereon signed by himself. £1.0.0.Sealed by Order of the Common Council of the said Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America. Of Which said Sum of four thousand Pounds five hundred Pounds are to be in Bills of Exchange of twenty Shillings Each Bill, One thou sand Pounds in Bills of forty Shillings Each, five hundred Pounds in [8o. r.] 114 COLONIAL RECORDS. Bills of five Pounds Each, One thousand Pounds in Bills of ten Pounds Each, And One thousand Pounds in Bills of twenty Pounds Each, mak ing twelve hundred and fifty Bills to the Amount of the said four thou sand Pounds. Resolved That the said Bills be seal'd and that they be sign'd by the Accomp tant. Resolved That a Memorial be prepared to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury desiring his Majesty's License to suffer the Sum of One thousand Pounds of Silver Coin of this Kingdom to be shipt from hence for his Majesty's Province of Georgia in America. A Bill of Exchange was produced by a Letter from I. Gignoux Clerk to M' Simond for two hundred Pounds drawn by M' Chardon June the 5th 1735 at thirty Days Sight to Mess" Peter and I C Simond or Order. Resolved That the Acceptance and Payment of the said Bill be postpon'd till Mr Chardon has made good the Disallowances on his Account And that he be wrote to for that Purpose, and that M' Simond be acquainted therewith. Order'd That a Register Book be prepared with strong Paper Leaves and se cured with Parchment in the Joints and bound with Oak with Clasps. And that a Desk be got for it, and a Case of Mathematical Instruments with Pencils and Rulers for the Register, and that two Circumferenters and a Spirit Level be provided for the Surveyor. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to Leiutenant Hugh Mackay. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of fifty Acres of Land to William Woodrooffe.Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants, and a Memorial of the Grant to Lieutenant Hugh Mackay in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Order'd That the Surveyor at Georgia do make a Report what Persons have COLONIAL RECORDS. 115 enter'd upon their Lands pursuant to their Grants and how far the same have been cultivated. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday August 13'" 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Carpenter M' Laroche Mr Tho8 Tower M' Vernon M' Hucks D' Bundy D' Hales Mr Frederick. The Accomptant reported the Muster taken on board the Georgia Pink Capt. Daubuz. Whereby Seventeen Persons making thirteen Heads and one half are Passengers at five Pounds "$> Head on the Trust Account, And ten Persons Servants making Seven Heads and One third at four Pounds

Head. Resolved That John Brownfield be appointed Register for the Province of Geor gia during Pleasure, and that he do take no other fees but what are allotted by the Common Council. A Report was made from the Committee of Accounts which sat on the 15th of Feb'y 173| That they had examined M' Oglethorpe's Account from 1732 to 1734 And found the Charge therein mention'd to be fifty five thousand one hundred thirty Seven Pounds, thirteen Shillings and five Pence Currency of S° Carolina being Seven thousand Eight hundred seventy three Pounds four Shillings and Nine Pence One farthing Ster ling. And having examin'd the several Articles in the Discharge of the said Account by the respective Accounts and Vouchers relating thereto, and produced to the Committee ; the Committee did find thereby proper Discharges to all the Articles therein contain'd (* excepting to such Ar ticles the Vouchers for Which are refer'd to in the said Account to M' *No closing bracket. 116 COLONIAL RECORDS. Oglethorpe's General Book ; Which when produced to the Committee the Discharge of the said Account will amount to the Sum of fifty three thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds, Seven Shillings and five Pence three farthings Currency of South Carolina being Seven thousand Six hundred and fifty five Pounds Six Shillings and Nine Pence one farthing Sterling. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts which sat on the 21st of July 1735. That they had examin'd Mr Chardon's several Accounts, and the Objections made to several Items therein, and Accounts not properly Vouched, and the Committee did agree that M' Oglethorpe should be desired to call upon M' Chardon for his several Vouchers and to settle his said Accounts. That they had likewise resolv'd that the Allowance for Commission to £ £ Mp Chardon be 5

Head and half freight for all short ship'd with four Beef Days, One Pork Day, and two Burgoo Days, on which Burgoo Days five Pints of Pease or Oatmeal Gritts, half a Pound of Butter and a Pound of Cheese to be the Allowance for Every five Heads, and for the Voyage to Scotland, and while there to be at Eighty Pounds (sic) a Month of thirty Days. 118 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That a Charter Party be prepared accordingly, and that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same, and that the Secretary do coun tersign the same. Refer'd to the Committee of Embarkation to consider to what Tonnage Freight of Goods shall be paid for on board the Ship Simond Capt. Cornish in consideration of there being no more than One hundred and twenty Heads of Passengers to be ship'd on board her. Resolved That a Charter Party be prepared upon the Resolutions of the said Committee.Resolved That Mp Simond do supply the Colony with six hundred and fifty Barrels of Beef clear of bloody Pieces, each Barrel containing two hun dred and twenty four Pounds Weight at twelve Shillings and Six pence Ton. Amounting in the Whole to the Sum of Six hundred thirty four Pounds nine Shil lings and four Pence. And on Examining the said Several Articles the Committee had agreed thereto. That they had likewise agreed, that two Pounds two Shillings be paid to the Pilot pursuant to M' Oglethorpe's Letter dated October 27th 1735. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. The Accomptant reported the Muster taken on board the Ship Simond Capt. Cornish to be One hundred and two Persons making Ninety three Heads and a half, of which Persons fifty two were Males above Sixteen, twenty Males under Sixteen, twenty Seven Females above Sixteen, and three Females under Sixteen, and that the Dead freight Short Shipp'd amounted to Seven Heads and a half. That Captain Mackay was to re pay the Trust for the freight of his Wife and Servant, and D' Tailfer for the freight of his Servant making three Heads, part of the said Heads ; And that four Heads more of the said Heads are paid for out of the Money for the Mission. Resolved That the Dead freight for Six of the Heads short shipp'd be paid out of the Money for the Mission, the same arising by accommodating the Gentlemen on board for that Service, having room for ten, and being but four in Number. The Accomptant reported the Muster taken on board the London Merchant Capt. Thomas to be One hundred and twenty Nine Persons making One hundred and twelve Heads and two thirds ; of Which Per sons Sixty three were Males above Sixteen, Seventeen Males under Six teen thirty two Females above Sixteen, and Seventeen Females under Sixteen.Resolved That Benjamin Brownjohn and Leonard Whiting, the Brother and Servant of William Brownjohn in Georgia be sent over by the two Brothers Capt. Thomson, and that their Passage be repaid to the Trust by the said William Brownjohn in Georgia. Resolved That a Maid Servant to Thomas Christie be sent over by the two 134 COLONIAL RECORDS. Brothers Capt. Thomson, And that her Passage be repaid to the Trust by the said Thomas Christie in Georgia. Read a Letter from Mr Harbin dated October 31" 1735. Order'd That a Letter with a Copy of the last be sent to him by the next Post. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday November 17"1 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Carpenter Mp L'apostre Mp Chandler Mp Hucks M' Tho8 Tower D' Bundy M' Laroche Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of November 10"' 1735 to the Purport following. That Mp Simond's Account for the Beef and Butter from Ireland had been laid before them ; As also the Muster of the Prince of Wales, to gether with M' Simond's Letters about his Accounts. And That they had resolved, that M' Simond should attend on his Accounts, and that in the mean time twelve hundred Pounds should be paid to him on Account. That they had likewise examin'd the General Account for the Year ending the 9*b of June 1735 and agreed thereto. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Resolved That M' Vernon be desired to ask the Lord High Chancellor and Master of the Rolls, when they will be attended with the Annual Account. Resolved That any three of the Common Council be desired to attend the De livery of the said Account. COLONIAL RECORDS. 135 Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of November 12'b 1735 to the Purport following. That M' Simond had attended on his Account of Six hundred and for ty Barrels of Beef and two hundred Firkins supplied the Trust from Ire land, which amounted to Eight hundred and twenty One Pounds fifteen Shillings and Six pence as ^> Invoyce and Bill of Lading, and on ex amining the same the Committee had agreed thereto. That M' Simond had likewise laid before them his further Account for the following Articles. Viz' Sixteen Shillings and Six Pence for Broker- idge on the Draughts on him from Ireland, One hundred and Seventy Pounds for freight of the said Beef and Butter, two Pounds ten Shil lings for the freight of John Ridley a Boy bound to the Trust ou board the Peter and James ; And thirty five Pounds for the Detention of his Ship about a License for loading Rice from Georgia; On Examining which the Committee had agreed thereto That the Whole Value of the Articles from Ireland for the said Ship amounted to One thousand and thirty Pounds and two Shillings. That Mp Simond had produced his Account of the following Charges on the Imbarkation from Scotland Viz' ten Pounds Sixteen Shillings for a Ton of Graft, Cask and Wateridge on board ; Eight Pounds three Shillings and five Pence for two Barrels of Gun Powder on board ; One hundred forty Nine Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence for the Charge of the Ship Prince of Wales going to Scotland and taking in the People there. Sixteen Pounds twelve Shillings and three Pence for PJaids, Bonetts, and Shoes ; And Sixteen Pounds Seventeen Shillings and one Penny for nets, the whole amounting to the Sum of two hun dred and One Pound fifteen Shillings and five Pence. That both the said Amounts made together the Sum of One thousand two hundred and thirty one Pounds Seventeen Shillings and five Pence ; Whereof twelve hundred Pounds had been paid to M' Simond upon Ac count ; and that the Committee had order'd the remaining thirty One Pounds. Seventeen Shillings and five Pence to be paid to M' Simond in full of the said two Accounts. And that the Muster Roll of the Passengers on board the Prince of Wales imbarked at Scotland having been perused by the said Commit tee, and it being Uncertain how Many the Heads thereof, amounting to One hundred Sixty five and two thirds, were to be paid for by the Trust ; They had order'd Six hundred and fifty Pounds to be paid to 136 COLONIAL RECORDS. M' Simond on Account of the freight of the said Passengers, untill the Account of the said freight can be settled. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land to William Bradley of London. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same, and a Memorial of the said Grant in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Order'd That One Pound Eleven Shillings and Six Pence be paid for the use of the said William Bradley for the Consideration Money of the said Grant, and the Register thereof, and that William Bradley be made Debtor for the same in Georgia. Order'd That One hundred and fifty Pounds be insured upon Richard Lawley's Goods shipp'd on board the two Brothers, and that the said Richard Lawley be made Debtor for the Charge thereof in Georgia. Order'd That William Bradley be made Debtor for whatever Expense the Trust shall be put to for John Hughes his Nephew not going by the London Merchant, after having been muster'd at Gravesend, and after his freight had been paid for by the Trust as if on board that Ship ; He being now to go by the two Brothers Capt. Thomson at the Expence of the Trust. Order'd That Watch Coats and Bedding be provided for Benjamin Brown john and Leonard Whiting, and that William Brownjohn be made Debtor for the same in Georgia Order'd That a Suit of Bedding be provided for Sarah Penkett, 'and that Thomas Christie be made Debtor for the same in Georgia, She going over as Servant to the said Thomas Christie Adjourn'd COLONIAL RECORDS. 137 Palace Court Wednesday December 10th 1735 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Carpenter M' Tho8 Tower Mp Vernon M' Laroche M' Hucks M' L'apostre D' Bundy. The Accomptant reported the Muster taken on board the two Brothers Capt. Thomson to be thirteen Persons making Eleven Heads and One Third ; And that there were Sixty Tons of Goods on board the said Ship Whereof thirty Seven Tons by Weight, and twenty three Tons by Measure. Resolved That Matthew Brown and his Servant be sent to Georgia by the Way of Bristol as part of the last Imbarkation. Resolved That no more Persons be sent on the Charity till the Trustees are en abled by a new Supply. Read a Letter from M' Thomas Causton dated October 15'" 1735 with the following Bills drawn by him on the Trustees. Viz'. One Bill of Exchange dated September 14th 1735 for three hundred and five Pounds and Six Shillings Sterl. payable to M' Samuel Eveleigh or Order thirty Days after Sight. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah September 14th 1735 for One hun dred Pounds Sterl. payable to Andrew Grant and David Douglass or Order thirty Days after Sight. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah September 27th 1735 for thirty Six Pounds fifteen Shillings Sterl. payable to Paul Jenys Esq' and C° or Order thirty Days after Sight. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Sept' 27th 1735 for twenty Seven Pounds Sterl. payable to Paul Jenys Egq' and C° or Order thirty Days after Sight. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Sept' 27'" 1735 for Sixteen Pounds 138 COLONIAL RECORDS. five Shillings Sterl. payable to Paul Jenys Esq' and C° or Order thirty Days after Sight. Resolved That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. The Board being inform'd that M' Simond had paid the freight of a Quantity of Tar consign'd to the Trust, the said freight amounting to Seventy three Pounds four Shillings and Seven Pence. Order'd That the Tar be sold, and that Mp Simond be afterwards paid for the freight of the same. Resolved That five Guineas be given to Mr Atherton for his past Services, and that One Shilling and Six Pence ^. week be added to his Allowance. Resolved That One thousand Six hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by Dp Hales M' Tho8 Tower, M' Vernon, the Earl of Egmont, and M' Hucks N° 7651 1. Order'd That as soon as the Annual Account ending at the 9"1 of June last is deliver'd to the Lord High Chaucellor and the Master of the Rolls, two hundred and fifty Copies of the said Account be printed by M' Baskett the King's Printer. Resolved That some of the printed Proposals for those that go to Georgia at their own Expence be given out to such Persons as any of the Trustees shall think proper. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Sept' 27th 1735 for fifty Pounds Sterl. payable to Paul Jenys Esq' and C° or Order thirty Days after Sight drawn on James Oglethorpe Esq' by M' Thomas Causton to be placed to his own Account, was presented to the Board. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Sept' 27tL 1735 for thirty Pounds Sterl. payable to Paul Jenys Esq' and C" or Order thirty Days after sight drawn on James Oglethorpe Esq' by Mp Thomas Causton being Money advanced to Robert Parker was presented to the Board. Resolved That the two said Bills be accepted and paid when due in honour of M' Oglethorpe Who is to account for the Value thereof to the Trustees. COLONIAL RECORDS. 139 Order'd That Plato's Works Greek and Latin and his Republique french be bought for the Use of the Mission in Georgia. Order'd That an Auger for boring the Earth value three Pounds be provided for the Use of the Colony. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Friday Jan'y 16'b 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Tyrconnel in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower Mp Hucks M' Laroche M' Holland D' Bundy Resolved That M' Vernon M' White M' Tho8 Tower the Earl of Egmont and such others of the Common Council as shall please to attend be a Com mittee to consider' of a proper Method to raise a Provision for the Main tenance of a Minister in Georgia, and that any three of them be a Quo rum ; and that ihe Committee do meet on Monday next at one o'Clock. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah August 12. 1735 for Sixty Nine Pounds Sixteen Shillings and three Pence drawn by M' Thomas Causton and payable to M' Richard Woodward and C" being the Balance of M' Woodward's Account for Sundries deliver'd for account of the Magazine was presented to the Board. Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Oct' 24. 1735 for One hundred Pounds Sterling drawn by M' Thomas Causton payable to Elisha Foster or Order thirty Days after sight was presented to the Board. No Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Acceptance of the said Bill be postpon'd till Advice comes of the same. Resolved That the Demurrage for the Ships Simond and London Merchant claim'd by the Owners from November l8' 1735 to the 10'" of December following, and the Victualling the Passengers on board the said Ships for the said time be allowed and paid. Peregrine Fury Esq' Agent for South Carolina attended and desired that such Money as is or shall be due to him from the said Province of South Carolina may be permitted to be paid by the said Province to the Use of the Colony of Georgia for Bills on the Trustees here to pay the same to him. Resolved That Mr Oglethorpe be desired to receive of the Treasurer or Commit tee of Correspondence of the Province of South Carolina the Money which is or shall be due to the said Peregrine Fury Esq' and that he do draw from time to time on the Trustees payable to the said Peregrine Fury Esq' or Order in London thirty Days after sight for Each Value receiv'd by him of the said Province for the said Mp Fury, Giving the Trustees a Letter of Advice of and with Each Bill so to be drawn. Resolved That the Money due to M' Chardon upon the State of his last Ac count ending October 25th 1735 be paid by M' Oglethorpe in Georgia, and that Mp Chardon's Bill for three hundred Pounds drawn June 26. 1735 be not paid by the Trust. Order'd That the said Resolution be sent to M' Oglethorpe, and that Mr Chardon's Account be likewise sent with it. Resolved That the Salary due to Mr Robert Millar the Botanist be paid up to Michaelmas last, when Money shall come in from the Subscriptions for Botany and Agriculture sufficient for the Payment of the same. Resolved That the Payment of Robert Millar's Salary for last Christmas Quar ter be postponed till Advice shall arrive of the said Millar's being alive at the end of the said Quarter. Read a Petition from Susannah Haselfoot on behalf of her Husband James Haselfoot in Georgia desiring leave for him to surrender his Town COLONIAL RECORDS. 141 Lot in Savanah, and to have the One hundred and fifty Acres granted to him Feb'7 27. 1733 set out together as near as may be to some River or Island, Notwithstanding he has not carried three Servants over with him according to the Conditions of the said Grant ; And also desiring a Loan of two Servants to make up with the Servant which he has the Number required by the said Grant. Resolved That if the Town Lot in Savauah has been convey'd to the said James Haselfoot he may have leave to surrender the same, bot if it has not been convey'd to him in consideration of his Improvemeuts thereon the Trustees will grant the same to such Person not having Lands in Geor gia as shall make him Satisfaction for his Improvements thereon, And that the One hundred and fifty Acres Granted to him the said Feb'7 27. 1733 be set out together according to the Prayer of the said Petition on his surrendring his Town Lot if already convey'd to him ; And That if there are any Servants undispos'd of in Georgia M' Oglethorpe be de sired to let the said James Hazelfoot have the Loan of two upon the usual Conditions. Read Articles of Agreement between the Trustees and William Brad ley dated October 7 1735. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Sec""7 do countersign the same. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of December 24"1 1735 to the Purport following. That they had read Mp Oglethorpe's Letter dated December 10th 1735 complaining that the Watch Coats bought of Mr Edward Robinson had shrunk intolerably, upon which they resolv'd that the said Edward Rob inson should be acquainted therewith, and should never be employ'd in serving the Trust with any thing for the future. That the Committee had taken into Consideration the Accounts of Demurrage for the Ships Simond and London Merchant claim'd by the Owners from November l8' 1735 to Dec' 10th following and of Victual ling the Passengers on board the said Ships for the said time. That Observing in the Account for the Ship Simond that the Victual ling of two Custom house Officers at Eight Pence a Day each was charged for forty Days when in the Account for the Ship London Mer- 142 COLONIAL RECORDS. chant the Victualling of two Custom house Officers was charged but for Nineteen Days. They resolved that no more than Nineteen Days Vict ualling of the said two Officers should be allowed. That the said Committee further observing in the Account for the said Ship Simond, that fourteen Pounds were charged for the Prime Cost of three Barrels And one hundred and One Pieces of Pork, Part of the Ships Provisions found unfit for use (being salted in the hot Season,) And that by Letter from M' Oglethorpe dated Cowes November 6 1735 three Barrels of the same were sent back by the Way of Portsmouth, which Mp Simond took ; They were of opinion that the said fourteen Pounds ought not to be charged to the Trustees. And They did further observe that in the Credic Part of the- said Account the Sums of four Pounds thirteen Shillings and Eight Pence, and four Pounds twelve Shillings and Seven Pence were credited for Flower and Raisins sup plied by Mp Oglethorpe by way of Replacing the said Pork which the Committee were of Opinion ought not to be Credited therein, but charged by Mp Oglethorpe to the Account of Refreshments for the Pas sengers on board the said Ship. That the said Committee on examining the several Articles in the Ac counts for the Ship London Merchant were of Opinion, That the Sum of ten Shillings and Six Pence Charged as paid to the Clerk of the Hawk Sloop of War ought not to be allowed, it not appearing for what Paid. That the Sum of five Pounds for the Passage of a Servant taken in at Cowes for M' Bradley ought not to be paid, because the Passage of John Hughes the said Bradley's Nephew has been already Paid, Who did not go by the said Ship. That the Sum of Seven Shillings for a Cradle for him should not be allowed because no Cradles are paid for till deliver'd in Georgia. That the Sum of One Pound Six Shillings and Eight Pence Charged for forty Days Victualling of One Head more than was on Board must be disallowed, And that the Sum of two Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence overcomputed in Seventy four Pounds One Shilling and four Pence in the Account of Victualling must also be disallowed. That the Committee on reading the Case of M' William Bradley did find thereby that three Passengers were left on Shore whose Victualling Charged at two Shillings for December 10"1 1735 must not be allowed ; And did observe that half freight for the said three Passengers amount ing to Seven Pounds ten Shillings must be charged to the Owners of the Ship London Merchant in the Account to be settled with them, they COLONIAL RECORDS. 143 having receiv'd whole freight for the said three Passengers who are now to be sent at the Expence of the Trustees. That Mr William Bradley attending the said Committee and repre senting the destitute Condition of himself, Son, and M' John Robinson and their Expences occasion'd by their being left behind by the Ship London Merchant tho' sent on Shore at Portsmouth to engage a Midwife to go to Georgia for the sake of Women Passengers near their time on board the said Ship and the Ship Simond ; The Committee had Agreed that twenty Pounds should be paid them for their said Expences, and that they should be sent Passengers to S° Carolina by Capt. Piercy's Ship at five Pounds > Head, and that Watch Coats and Bedding should be furnished them for use in their Passage. That Mp Oglethorpe having given to the Trust a fine Coach Stone Horse, and desired in his Letter dated Dec' 3. 1735 that the Trustees would send it by Capt. Piercy's Ship. The Committee had agreed that the said Stone horse should be sent accordingly, and that ten Pounds be paid for the freight of the said horse when deliver'd at Charles Town to Paul Jenys Esqp to be sent by him to Georgia for the use of the Trust. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Petition of Mr William Bradley desiring thirty Guineas may be advanced him for the payment of the Passage of two Servants and to defray other Expences : Col. Cecil having agreed to accept a Bill drawn on him by the said William Bradley for the payment of the same. Resolved That the said Petition be granted. Adjourn'd. 144 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Monday Feb'7 2. 173f Present in Common Council Assembled M' White in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Digby M' Vernon Mr Laroche Mp Tho8 Tower Alderman Heathcote M' Hucks Capt. Eyles D' Bundy Lord Tyrconnel A Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Nov' 25 1735 for One hundred and fifty Pounds Sterl. drawn by M' Thomas Causton payable to George Morley Esq' being Value receiv'd of Mess" Jenys and Baker was pre sented to the Board by Mr Morley. Resolved That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. A Bill of Exchange dated Octp 24 1735 for One hundred Pounds Sterl, drawn by M' Thomas Causton payable to the Order of Elisha Foster having been Noted for Non Acceptance for want of Advice, and being payable on the 4th Instant, and no Letter of Advice being yet receiv'd. Resolved ThatM' Fonnereau (who has the said Bill,) be desired not to return it Protested for Non-Payment ; and That in Consideration thereof he shall £ be allowed 5 $ Cent Interest from the time the said Bill shall become payable to the time of the Trustees receiving Advice of its being drawn. Mr Simond having sent an Account of the Money due to him on the Sale of two hundred and forty Barrels of Tar sent from Georgia and consign'd to the Trustees by the Ship Two Brothers Capt. Thomson, being more than the freight and Charges thereon, amounting to thirty three Pounds and One Penny, And for the freight and Wateridge of a COLONIAL RECORDS. 145 Barrel of Potash by the said Ship Eight Shillings and three Pence making together thirty three Pounds Eight Shillings and four Pence. Resolved That the said Sum of thirty three Pounds Eight Shillings and four Pence be paid And that if the Bounty shall be received on importing the said Tar the said Sum of thirty three Pounds and One Penny for freight and Charges exceeding the Money arising by the sale of the said Tar be repaid thereout, together with five Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eight Pence deducted out of the said freight by way of Surcharge on the Owners of the Ship two Brothers for half freight of Passengers who went on Shore after whole freight had been paid for them before they left England, making together the sum of thirty Eight Pounds Sixteen Shil lings and Nine Pence to be repaid out of the said Bounty. Mp Simond having sent an Account of thirteen Pounds four Shillings and three Pence the Value of Provisions received by Mp Thomas Caus ton of Capt. Yoakley. August 5th 1735 Resolved That the said Sum be paid. Resolved That five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Mr Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' White, Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Hucks and M' Digby N° 7652. I. M' Vernon made a Report from the Committee to consider of a proper Method to raise a Provision for the Maintenance of a Minister in Geor gia, That they had taken the same into Consideration and come to an Opinion that three hundred Acres of Land be granted to proper Trustees (who are to be changed at the Will and Pleasure of the Common Coun cil of the Trustees,) to be cultivated out of the Monies which are or shall be received for Religious uses ; And that out of the clear Monies arising from the Profits of the said Land so cultivated Such Sum as the Common Council of the Trustees shall think proper be in the first Place paid to the Minister Who shall from time to time be appointed by the Common Council for the time being to officiate in the Town of Savanah. That such a Sum as the Common Council shall think proper and direct be then paid to a School Master And that the Remainder shall be applied to the Repairs of the Church and such Other Uses and Purposes as the Common Council shall think proper and direct. [10 c. r.] 146 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. M' Harbin having had a Letter of Credit from Mp Simond during his Commission at Rotterdam and having made no use of the same return'd it at the Board. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'7 11 173| Present in Common Council Assembled D' Bundy in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Mp Vernon M' White Lord Carpenter M' Hucks Mp Holland M' Laroche M' Tho8 Tower The Board taking into Consideration the Minute of the last Board re lating to the Report from the Committee appointed to consider of a proper Method to raise a Provision for the Maintenance of a Minister in Georgia. Resolved That the same do not stand as the Resolution till it has been re- consider'd. Resolved That it be reconsider'd on AVednesday the 18th Instant at 11 o'Clock and that the Reconsideration thereof be specified in the Summons to the Common Council. Mp Simond having sent an Account of Seven hundred Eighty two Pounds three Shillings and Nine pence Sterl. due to him for Six hundred and Ninety Barrels of Flower, sixteen Barrels of middling Bread, five Barrels of Beef, One Barrel of Pork, thirty firkins of Butter, and twelve Casks q' forty two Gallons each of Beer deliver'd in Georgia from Phila- COLONIAL RECORDS. 147 delphia, as ^ Invoyce receiv'd inclosed in Mp Causton's Letter dated December 7. 1735. Resolved That the said Sum of Seven hundred Eighty two Pounds three Shillings and Nine Pence be paid to Mp Simond at the Bank of England. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for the same by Mp White Mp Tho3 Tower M' Hucks M' Laroche and M' Holland N° 7653 I. Resolved That two hundred acres of Land be granted to M' Thomas Ormston on his carrying over with four Servants. (sic) Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'7 18th 173-f Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Carpenter Lord Tyrconnel M' Vernon M' Tho" Tower Mp Holland Mp White M' Laroche Mp L'apostre D' Bundy M' Hucks D' Hales Alderman Heathcote. Resolved That the further Consideration of the Minute of Monday Feb'7 2. re lating to the Report from the Committee appointed to consider of a ^ proper Method to raise a Provision for the Maintenance of a Minister in Georgia be Adjourn'd to Thursday Feb17 26. Instant. Adjourn'd. 148 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Thursday Feb'7 26. 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Carpenter in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Thos Tower Mr Vernon Capt. Eyles M' Hucks S' William Heathcote M' Chandler D' Bundy D' Hales. The Common Council taking into Consideration the several Resolutions made by them on the 8th and 23d of November 1732 and on the 11th of December 1734 in relation to the setting out and cultivating Lands for the Religious uses of the Colony ; And Observing that no Grant hath as vy\ yet been made of any Lands for the said Purposes ; after mature Deliber ation and Debate of the Premises, and in pursuance and in Execution of the said former Resolutions Resolved That a Grant be forthwith made under the Seal of the Corporation of three hundred Acres of Land to certain Trustees to be appointed and from time to time to be changed and alter'd as the Common Council or the Major Part of Such of them as shall be for that purpose assembled shall think fit and proper ; And that all such Monies as has been or shall be receiv'd for the Religious Uses of the Colony shall be applied with all \ convenient speed towards the cultivating and improving the said three hundred Acres ; And that the neat Proceed arising from the Produce and Profits of the said Lands shall be from time to time applied to the Re ligious Uses of the said Colony in general only, in such manner, as the said Common Council or the Major Part of such of them as shall be for that Purpose assembled shall think fit and proper. Order'd That a Copy of the said Minute be immediately transmitted to M' Oglethorpe And that the Grant of the three hundred acres for Religious COLONIAL RECORDS. 149 Uses be so soon as it is under the Seal transmitted to M' Oglethorpe ac companied with a Letter to desire him to order the said three hundred Acres to be forthwith survey'd either together or in Parcels in the best Spots of Land unsurvey'd in the Neighbourhood of the Town of Sa vanah. Order'd That Mp Oglethorpe be acquainted at the same time what money the Trustees have in hand for Religious Uses in general, which may be ap plied to the cultivating of the three hundred Acres, and that he be de sired to propose a Method for the said Cultivation. And that he be acquainted what Money is in hand for building the Church, and be de sired to transmit immediately a Plan and Estimate for the said Church. Resolved That M' Alderman Heathcote be desired to pay the Sum of three hundred thirty six Pounds Eleven Shillings to the Accomptant in order to discharge the Expence of the Saw and Corn Mills and Nails to be shipt at Bristol for Georgia. Resolved That One hundred and fifty Acres of Land be granted to M' Rees Price of Landovery in Carmarthenshire South Wales under the usual Limitations and Conditions. Adjourn'd. Vestry Room of St. Bride's Church. Thursday March 18th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Hucks in the Chair. Earl of Egmont M' Holland M' Vernon D' Hales Lord Tyrconnel Lord Carpenter Mp Tho9 Tower Mp Laroche Dp Bundy. 150 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That Eight Guineas be paid to M' Amos Callard to reimburse him for Council's Fees paid by him on hearing the Cause for the Disposition of six thousand Pounds left by Mp Timothy Wilson among his Mother's nearest Relations, or to be laid out by his Trustees to Charitable uses whereof the Colony of Georgia is proposed to partake. Order'd That a Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds drawn by Mr Thomas Causton Oct1 24th 1735 payable to Elisha Foster which was pre sented Jan'y 2. 1735 and payable the 4,h of Feb'7 last be paid with Inter- £ est at 5 ^ Cent from the said 4th of Feb'7 a Letter of Advice being re ceiv'd of the said Bill. Order'd That a Bill of Exchange for two hundred Pounds drawn by Mr Thomas Causton Nov' 5 1735 payable to Paul Jenys Esq' and C° Which was presented Jan17 21" 1735 and payable the 23d of Feb17 last be paid s with Interest at 5 fi Cent from the said 23 of Febpy a Letter of Advice being receiv'd of the said Bill. Order'd That a Bill of Exchange for two hundred Pounds drawn by M' Thomas Causton Dec' 8. 1735 payable to Mp Hugh Brian, Which was presented the 13tb of this present March, be accepted and paid when due. a Letter of Advice being receiv'd of the said Bill. Order'd That a Bill of Exchange for two hundred Pounds drawn by Mp Thomas Causton Dec' 25 1735 payable to Paul Jenys Esqp and C° be accepted and paid when due. A Letter of Advice being receiv'd of the said Bill. Resolved That One thousand three hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by Mp Hucks, Lord Tyrconnel Mp Vernon D' Hales and M' Holland N° 7654 I. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 151 Palace Court Wednesday March 31s' 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Holland in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Mp Digby Mp Sloper M' Tho8 Tower Dp Bundy M' Vernon Lord Tyrconnel Sr William Heathcote Read a Grant of three hundred acres of Land to Thomas Causton Henry Parker Thomas Christie and John West in Trust to be cultivated for the Religious uses of the Colony. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of two hundred Acres of Land to Mp Thomas Ormston of Edinburgh Merchant. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred and fifty Acres of Land to M' Rees Price of Landovery of Carmarthenshire South Wales. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said two Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants, and a Memorial of the same in Order to be register'd by the Auditor of the Plantations. Resolved That a Catechist be appointed at the Town of Savanah in Georgia. - Resolved That James Oglethorpe Esq' be desired to find out among the Persons • settled at Savanah a proper Person for such Catechist. Resolved That the ten Pounds 3ft Ann the Benefaction of a Person Unknown 152 COLONIAL RECORDS. paid in by M' Burton for five Years certain or during the Life of the said Benefactor be applied to such Catechist. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 21s' 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Laroche in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Mp Digby Mr Chandler Alderman Heathcote M' L'apostre S' William Heathcote Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Carpenter Whereas M" Katherine Southwell has this day paid in by the hands of the Earl of Egmont One hundred Pounds, and desired to have the same applied in cultivating Lands for Religious Uses in Georgia towards the maintenance of a Catechist at Savanah out of the net Proceed of such Lands. Resolved That out of such Proceed an Allowance be made towards the Mainte- 'nance of a Catechist at Savanah. Resolved That the four Persons recommended by the Mayor and Aldermen of Liverpool be sent to Georgia at the Expence of the Trust Whereas there are already in Georgia more People than the Trustees know well how to support Resolved That no more Persons be sent to Georgia at the Expence of the Trust for the Year 1736. Order'd That the Secretary do sign the said Resolution and that it be posted up in the Hall. COLONIAL RECORDS. 153 Read a Petition of John Mosely and Robert Peck Slop sellers near Billingsgate to serve the Trust with Bedding Watch Coats and Cloath- ing. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Janry 20'h 173f for two hundred and Seventy two Pounds Sterling drawn by Mp Thomas Caus ton and payable to Mp Samuel Eveleigh or Order thirty days after sight. Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Charles Town Feb17 4 1735 for thirty Eight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and two Pence Sterl. drawn by M' Isaac Chardon being the Balance of his Account for Provisions pay able to Mess" Peter and I C Simond thirty days after sight. Resolved That the said Bill be returned to M' Chardon, and that M' Oglethorpe be desired to pay the said M' Chardon what is due to him. Resolved That the Account sent by M' Oglethorpe of Money due to the Own ers of the Ship Prince of Wales Capt. George Dunbar be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Charles Town Feb'7 27 173f for three hundred and forty two Pounds Seventeen Shilling and two Pence drawn by Mess" Jenys and Baker payable to Capt. James Pearce and C° or Order being for live Cattle provided for the Colony. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Jan'7 16 1735 for two hundred Pounds Sterl. drawn by Mp Thomas Causton payable to Paul Jenys Esqp and C° or Order thirty days after sight. Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Resolved That six hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Mp Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by Mp Laroche the Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote M' Digby and Lord Tyrcon nel N° 7655. I. Adjourn'd. 154 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday May 19 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled Mp Vernon in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Lord Carpenter Mp Laroche M' Thos Tower M' L'apostre Alderman Cater Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred Acres of Land to Pat rick Graham of Crieff in Scotland Apothecary. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred Acres of Land to Henry Pitts of Carlisle Carpenter. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said two Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said two Grants, and Memorials of them in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Feb'7 3. 1735 drawn by Mr Tho8 Causton for One hundred Pounds Sterl. payable to Robert Ellis or Order thirty days after sight. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Feb'7 3 1735 drawn by M' Thomas Causton for One hundred Pounds Sterling payable to Rob ert Ellis or Order thirty days after sight. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah Jan'7 26 1735 drawn by M' Thomas Causton for two hundred Pounds Sterl. payable to Paul Jenys Esq' and C° or Order thirty days after sight Resolved That the said three Bills be accepted and paid when due the Letters of Advice being supposed to be sent by way of Lisbon. Resolved That the Consideration of the three Bills of Exchange drawn by MP Oglethorpe March 3. 1735 be postpon'd. Resolved That Benjamin Deykin his Wife and Man Servant be sent to Georgia COLONIAL RECORDS. 155 by the two Brothers Capt. Thomson ; They being recommended by Dp Best and the Parish of St. Lawrence Jewry, and having the Promise of the Board to be sent previous to the Resolution of Aprill 21" 1736. Resolved That twenty Tons of strong Beer be sent to Georgia by the two Brothers Capt. Thomson. Resolved That the same Quantity of Spice and other Grocery, Sope, Rape Oil and Cotton Wick as was sent with M' Oglethorpe be sent by the two Brothers.Resolved That the Accounts of Demurrage and Victualling of the Passengers on board the Ships Simond and London Merchant and Provisions &c. be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Resolved That Capt. Thomson's Letter dated May 19 1736 be refer'd to the said Committee. Read a Letter from the Rl Hon"1" Lord Harrington One of His Maj esty's principal Secretary of State with an inclosed Letter from his Ex cellency Horatio Walpole Esq' and a Memorial of three hundred Pala tines desiring to be sent over to Georgia. Resolved That a Letter be immediately sent to Lord Harrington desiring his Lordship to represent to his Majesty the utter Inability the Trustees are in to engage in any Expence for the transporting of any more Forreigners or Others to Georgia. Adjourn'd. 156 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday June 2 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Shaftesbury in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Mp Tho8 Tower Mp Vernon M' Hucks M' Laroche M' Chandler Mp L'apostre Alderman Cater Resolved That a Town Lot in the Town of Savanah be granted to M' Hugh Anderson.Resolved That the said Mp Hugh Anderson be appointed Inspector of the Publick Gardens and of the Mulberry Plantations in Georgia. . Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of May 5 1736 that they were of opinion that M' Simond's Account of the Freight, Victual ling Demurrage and Pilotage of the Ship Prince of Wales could not be settled with the Trust untill Capt. Dunbar shall be examin'd thereupon. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of May 26 1736, that the Committee had taken into Consideration an Account of Demurrage and Victualling the Passengers on board the Ship Simond at Savanah River, and of Provisions and Goods deliver'd out of the said Ship for the use of the Colony amounting in the Whole to two hundred and Nine Pounds four Shillings and Seven Pence ; and having examin'd the same they were of Opinion that the said sum should be paid. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report, and that the said Sum of two hundred and Nine Pounds four Shillings and seven Pence be paid. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of May 26 1736 that the Committee had taken into consideration the Account of Demurrage COLONIAL RECORDS. 157 and Victualling the Passengers on board the Ship London Merchant at Savanah River Amounting to One hundred and fifty Pounds four Shil lings; That they found the said Sum overcharged Six Shillings and Eight Pence and therefore Reduced the same to One hundred forty Nine Pounds Seventeen Shillings and four Pence which they were of Opinion should be paid. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report and that the said Sum of One hundred and forty Nine Pounds Seventeen Shillings and four Pence be paid. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of May 26 1736 that they had consider'd the Memorial of Capt. William Thomson dated May 19. 1736 Praying an Allowance for twelve Days Detention of the Ship two Brothers, and for Victualling Seven Passengers on board the said Ship for that time at Savanah River ; And on perusing his Instructions to make the Island of Tybee and wait four days without Demurrage to deliver his Lading as M' Oglethorpe should direct, and considering the said Captains arrival before M' Oglethorpe ; The Committee submitted it to the Common Council whether the Specialty of the Case did not re quire a Consideration. Resolved That twenty Six Pounds sixteen Shillings be paid to the Owner of the said Ship two Brothers for the said Detention of the Ship and Vict ualling of the Seven Passengers. Resolved That Draughts be made on the Bank of England for the two several Sums of two hundred and Nine Pounds four Shillings and Seven Pence and One hundred forty Nine Pounds Seventeen Shillings and four Pence. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for two hundred and Nine Pounds four Shillings and Seven Pence payable to Mess" Peter and I C Simond or Bearer by the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Ver non Alderman Cater and M' Thomas Tower N° 7656 I. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for One hundred forty Nine Pounds Seventeen Shillings and four Pence payable to M' Joseph Wragg or Bearer by the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Mp Ver non Alderman Cater and Mp Thomas Tower N° 7657 I. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred Acres of Land to William Aglionby of Westminster. 158 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred Acres of Land to Isaac Young of Eslech Martin in the County of Gloucester. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said two Grants. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants, and Memorials of the said Grants in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Planta tions. The Board being inform'd that Bullfinch Lamb, Who had a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land dated October 7 1734, had not perform'd the Conditions of the said Grant in going over to Georgia within the time limited by the Common Council Resolved That the said Grant of five hundred Acres of Land to the said Bull finch Lamb is Void. Received a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah December 27'" 1735 for Eighty five Pounds ten Shillings and Seven Pence Sterling drawn by Mp Thomas Causton payable to Paul Jenys Esqp and C° or Order thirty Days after sight being so much due to Capt. Eneas Mackintosh on the Balance of Accounts for Pay and Provisions at Fort Prince George. Advice of the said Bill being receiv'd. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Tybee Road March 3 1735 for two hundred Pounds drawn by Mp Oglethorpe payable to Mp Charles Purry or Order thirty Days after sight. Advice of the said Bill being received Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Tybee Road March 3 1735 for One hundred Pounds drawn by James Oglethorpe Esq' payable to Mp Rich ard Woodward and C° or Order thirty days after sight. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Tybee Road March 3 1735 for two hundred Pounds payable to Paul Jenys Esqp and C° or Order thirty days after sight drawn by James Oglethorpe Esq'. No Advice of the said two Bills being receiv'd. Resolved That the said two Bills be not accepted for Payment. COLONIAL RECORDS. 159 Resolved That any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England from time to time for the payment of the Sola Bills of Exchange. Resolved That Six Reams of Paper for Sola Bills Value twelve Shillings ^ Ream be provided. Resolved That Eight Guineas be given to Richard Cooper the Millwright in consideration of his being out of Employment from Jan17 31 1735 in daily Expectation of going to Georgia with the Saw Mill. Resolved That Eight Pence <|ft Day be given to James Smitherd the Other Millwright for his Subsistance from Janpy 31st 1735 for the aforesaid Con sideration. Order'd That the Accountant do write an Account of the State of the Trust Cash, and the Estimate for the Expences for the Year 1736, and that the said Account and Estimate do lye upon the Table. Order'd That the Skins which were drest be sold. Resolved That out of the ten thousand Pounds granted in the last Session of Parliament One hundred Pounds be given to the Secretary, and that One hundred Pounds be given to the Accountant. Adjourn'd. 160 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday June 23 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Lord Carpenter M' Tho8 Tower Mp Laroche Alderman Heathcote Alderman Cater M' Hucks Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for four hundred and Sixty Pounds ten Shillings and Seven Pence payable to Mp Alder man Heathcote for two Bills paid by the said M' Heathcote in honour of the Trust, and in part of the freight and Goods on board the two Brothers. Resolved That any five of the Common Council be hereby impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for One thousand One hundred thirty three Pounds seventeen Shillings and Eight Pence out of the ten thousand Pounds granted last Session of Parliament when the same shall be re ceiv'd from the Exchequer, for the Payment of the following Bills and Expences. Viz'. A Bill of Exchange to Thomas Causton payable July the 18'" 1736 for two hundred Pounds. A Bill of Exchange to Thomas Causton payable July the 18"1 1736 for One hundred Pounds. A Bill of Exchange to David Prevost payable July the 19th 1736 for two hundred ninety nine Pounds ten Shillings and One Penny. A Bill of Exchange to David Prevost payable July the 19"1 1736 for Seventy Pounds. A Bill of Exchange to David Prevost payable July the 20th 1736 for thirty Pounds. A Bill of Exchange to Capt. Thomas Barnes payable July the 218' 1736 for One hundred and ten Pounds Eight Shillings and Six Pence. One hundred and Seventeen Pounds fifteen Shillings and and Nine (sic) COLONIAL RECORDS. 161 Pence being the Balance for freight and Goods on board the two Brothers. One hundred Pounds given to the Secretary June 2. 1736 One hundred Pounds given to the Accountant June 2. 1736. Six Pounds three Shillings and four Pence paid by the Accountant to Capt. Thomson for Primage and other Charges. Resolved That any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the further Sum of four hundred forty Seven Pounds for the payment of the following Bills (Whereof Advice is re ceiv'd,) when the said Bills shall come to hand. Viz'. A Bill of Exchange to Col. Bull dated March 2. 1735 for two hun dred Pounds. Two Bills of Exchange to Robert Ellis dated March 28 1736 for One hundred Ninety Seven Pounds. A Bill of Exchange to Caleb Davis dated Aprill 12. 1736 for fifty Pounds. Resolved That any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the further Sum of five hundred Pounds for the Payment of House Rent and other incident Charges. Seal'd an Indenture for binding John Sims Servant to the Trust for ten Years. Resolved That the Sum of five hundred Pounds be insured on board the two Brothers. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for four hundred Sixty Pounds ten Shillings and Seven Pence by M' L'apostre Earl of Egmont, M' Tho8 Tower M' Hucks and Mp Laroche N° 7659 I. The Accountant reported that pursuant to an Order of June 2 1736 a Draught had been made on the Bank of England for five hundred Pounds for the payment of Sola Bills to the said Amount sign'd on June the 10'" 1736 by M' Laroche Mr Vernon Mr Hucks the Earl of Egmont and M' L'apostre N° 7658 I. Adjourn'd. [11 c. r.] 162 COLONIAL RECORDS Palace Court Wednesday August 4th 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled. Alderman Cater in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Chandler M' Tho" Tower Mp Vernon Mr L'apostre Alderman Heathcote D' Hales Lord Carpenter M' Laroche. Resolved That Sola Bills of Exchange to the Value of three thousand One hun dred and fifty Pounds be made out, whereof One thousand Pounds to be in Bills of One Pound Each, One thousand One hundred and fifty Pounds in Bills of five Pounds each, and One thousand Pound in Bills of ten Pounds Each, making One thousand three hundred and thirty Bills Resolved That the said Bills be issued in Georgia by James Oglethorpe Esq' and that they be sent to him for the said Purpose with all convenient Speed in order to defray the Expences estimated and appointed in the Trustees Letter to him of June the 17th 1736 Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Sola Bills of Exchange. Order'd That the Accountant do sign the said Bills Resolved That the Common Council will perform the Promise made by Mr Vernon M' L'apostre and Alderman Cater to the Bank of England to indemnify them against an Outstanding Receipt for five Pounds five Shillings paid in by M' Joseph Burton August 2. 1735 Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred acres of Land to Mp David Blair of Gifford Land in the Shire of Aire in Scotland. Gent". COLONIAL RECORDS. 163 Read a Orant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to Mr Thomas Boyd of Pitcon in the Shire of Aire in Scotland Gent". Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said two Grants. Which was Affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grants and Memorials of the said Grants in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Planta tions. Mp Millar the Botanist attended and desired the Payment of his Salary due at Midsummer last. Besolved That When the Earl of Derby shall have paid in the fifty Pounds due from the late Earl of Derby on account of his Subscription for the im provement of Botany and Agriculture, Mr Oglethorpe be return'd ten Pounds insuper, and that Seventy five Pounds be then paid to the said Mr Millar the Botanist being so much due to him at Midsummer last, which determines the Contract between the Trustees and the said Millar. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah May 14. 1736 for One hundred Seventy three Pounds Seven Shillings and Nine Pence drawn by Mp Thomas Causton payable to George Morley Esq7 or Order thirty days after sight. Resolved That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. A Bill of Exchange having been presented the 16th of last July for five hundred Pounds drawn by James Oglethorpe Esq' May ll'h 1736 payable to Mp Samuel Eveleigh or order being for the Payment of Guns Duffels &c bought in Charles Town South Carolina as Express'd in the Letter of Advice dated May 11th 1736. Resolved That the said Bill be not accepted nor paid. Resolved That One thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account with Liberty to pay the same over into the hands of M' Alderman Hankey. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by Alderman Cater, the Earl of Egmont, D' Hales M' L'apostre and M' Tho8 Tower V 7663 I. 164 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read an Appointment of M' Hugh Anderson to be Inspector of the publick Gardens and Mulberry Plantations in Georgia. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Appointment. Which was Affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts setting forth, that Capt. Dunbar had attended, and being Examin'd concerning the freight of John Cuthbert and ten Servants as also the freight of the ten Serv ants belonging to John Mackay on board the Prince of Wales from Scotland to Georgia which was charged to the Trust. And Mp Ogle thorpe's Letter having been read relating to the Number of Heads shipp'd on board the said Ship and Which arrived in Georgia ; Which in the Account stated by him he made to be 163 Heads instead of 162$ as appeared by the Muster taken at Inverness where Mp Mackay's Daugh ter was enter'd of the Age of a Year and a half and carried out into the Column of Ages ; Whereas it was alledged that None under the Age of two Years were carried out, whereby the said Heads amounted to 163. That on considering the said freight of the Abovemention'd thirty One Passengers, and that such freight was covenanted by Grantees of five hundred Acres Lots to be born by them. The said Committee were of Opinion, that the same ought not to be charged to the Trust, but paid by the said Grantees or the labour of their Servants in Georgia untill One hundred fifty five Pounds shall arise from such labour to be paid to Mp Purry at Savanah for the use of Mp Simond. That the said Committee had also consider'd the Charter Party for the Ship Prince of Wales, whereby one hundred and thirty Heads were covenanted to be shipt by the Trust, or half freight paid for what should be short shipt. And that by Indorsement of the said Charter Party Leave was given to take on board to the Number of One hundred and Sixty, Yet the Instructions confining such Number to consist of Freemen and Servants whereof 110 were to be Men, and 50 allowed to be Women and Children, and not to be Gentlemen Grantees of 500 Acres Lots and their Servants, unless they paid their Passage themselves. The said Committee had therefore deducted the said 31 Heads from the said 163 Heads whereby the Heads remaining amount to 132, of which Number Seventeen having paid their own Passage ; They were of Opinion, that the Trustees were liable to pay lor no more than One hundred and fif- COLONIAL RECORDS. 165 teen Heads which with the said seventeen Heads make two Heads more than were covenanted to be shipt. That the said Committee having examin'd the other Articles of the £ Account stated by Mp Oglethorpe the 13th of FebT7 last of 12. 4. 0. £37. 4. 0. £5. 13. 4. £104. 0. 0. and £7. 0. 0. for Victualling, Demurrage and Pilotage of the Ship Prince of Wales ; Were of Opinion that the £ same ought to be paid ; Which together with 575. — for the freight of the said 115 Heads Amounts in the whole to the Sum of £741. 1. 4. Whereof £650 having been paid upon Account to Mr Simond by Order of a Committee of Accounts the 12'h of November last : There remain'd due to Mp Simond to balance the said Account with the Trust the sum of £91. 1. 4 and no more, Which they were of Opinion ought to be paid to the said Mp Simond ; And that the Sum of £155. 0. 0 appears to be overcharged to the Trust for the said 31 Passengers in the said Account stated by Mp Oglethorpe. That the said Committee had taken into Consideration an Account ot sundry Cannon Ordinance and Provisions deliver'd by Capt. George Dunbar at Georgia the 28"1 of February last, as by Mp Causton's Receipt, and charged by M' Simond to amount to £235. 8. 8. And having Ex amin'd the same did agree thereto. But it appearing to the said Com mittee, that the said Capt. Dunbar was Debtor for seven Casks of Pow der and two Casks of Cheese Value £12. 0. 2. They had deducted that Value from the said Sum of £235. 8. 8. Whereby there remains to be paid to M' Simond the sum of £223. 8. 6 in full of the said Account. Read another Report from the Committee of Accounts setting forth, that the said Committee had taken into Consideration an account de liver'd by Capt. Thomas for the Owners of the Ship London Merchant, a d for £17. 13. 6 due to the said Owners being 10. 6 paid by the said Capt. Thomas to the Clerk of the Hawk Sloop of War for sailing Instructions for the better keeping Company to Georgia ; and £17. 3. 0 for forty Nine Cradles landed with the People at seven Shillings each. And were of Opinion that the said sum of £17. 13. 6 ought to be paid. That Capt. George Dunbar had again attended the said Committee and presented a Memorial representing on his Owners behalf, that his sailing Orders (Which he had not with him when he attended the Com mittee the first time,) directed him to take in the Men that Lieutenant Hugh Mackay should bring down ; And that it appears thereby that M' 166 COLONIAL RECORDS. John Cuthbert was employed in getting the Freemen and Servants for Georgia ; And that it was proposed to Mp Oglethorpe that Mp Cuthbert's Servants should immediately begin to work out their Passage whom Mr Oglethorpe agreed to employ for that purpose as soon as he should find occasion for them. And that twenty of the Men which Lieutenant Mackay brought down were Servants to Mp Patrick Mackay and Mp John Mackay ; Which sailing Orders having been perused by the said Committee, and a Copy thereof annex'd to the said Report and consist ing of Directions to take in one hundred and thirty Heads of Passengers at Crommarty or Inverness, to give Lieut' Mackay notice of Capt. Dun bar's arrival, and to take in the Men with the Women and Children that the said Lieut' Mackay should bring down. And the said Committee observing by Mp Oglethorpe's Letter of the 13"1 of Feb17 1735, that he states, that the Trustees allowed to give Passage to One hundred and sixty Heads, Whereas by the Indorsement on the Charter Party Leave was only given for taking so many Heads on board. And further Ob serving by the said Letter that the Servants of Patrick Mackay and John Cuthbert were to be paid for to the Trust by them in Provision and Labour ; And the said Capt. Dunbar having represented, that the In dentures for the Servants of John Mackay were deliver'd for the use of the Trust, that such Servants shall be employ'd by the Trustees untill M' John Mackay shall pay their Passage and Charges relating to those Servants without accounting such Labor as Part. The said Committee have in this their second Report stated All the said Facts relating to the thirty One Heads objected to in their first Re port Special for the Common Council to consider and determine thereon. Resolved That the Sums of Ninety One Pounds one Shilling and four Pence and two hundred twenty three Pounds Eight Shillings and Six Pence contain'd in the first mention'd Report be paid according to the Opinion of the said Committee. ReEolved That it appears by the Accounts stated by M' Oglethorpe with the Owners of the Ship Prince of Wales, and his Draught on the Trustees at the foot of the said Account, and also by his Letter dated Feb'7 13th 1735, that he had lent the Passage of the said thirty One Heads to be repaid to the Trust by their labour in the Publick Works of the Colony, or in such Provisions as they shall raise more than will support them selves, and shall carry into the Publick Store. COLONIAL RECORDS. 167 Resolved That the Sum of One hundred fifty five Pounds be paid to M' Simond for the Passage of the said thirty one Heads ; And that M' Oglethorpe is accountable to have the same repaid to the Trust in Provisions and La bour in Georgia as aforesaid, and that he be acquainted with this Reso lution ; that a particular Account may be kept of such Provision and Labour as paid for the Discharge of the said Sum. Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for four hundred Sixty Nine Pounds Nine Shillings and ten Pence payable to Mp Simond being the Amount of the beforemention'd Sums. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum by Mp Alderman Cater the Earl of Egmont Dp Hales Mp L'apostre and Mp Tho8 Tower N° 7662. 1. The Accountant reported that a Draught had been made on the Bank of England the 7"1 of July last for two thousand and Eighty Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence pursuant to an Order of Common Council made the 23d of June last for the Payment of the Bills and Ex pences in the said Order mention'd, and that Mp Vernon the Earl of Eg mont, Mp L'apostre, Mp Laroche and Mp Hucks had sign'd the same N° 7660. I. The Accountant also reported That Another Draught had been made on the Bank of England the 28,h of July last for three hundred Pounds pursuant to an Order of Common Council made the 2d of June last for Payment of Sola Bills, and that the said Draught was sign'd by the Earl of Egmont Mp L'apostre M' Vernon D' Hales and M' Laroche N° 7661 1. Adjourn'd. 168 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Friday September 10 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled Dp Bundy in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mp Tho8 Tower Mp L'apostre Lord Carpenter M' Eyles Mp Hucks Dp Hales. A Bill of Exchange for one hundred Pounds drawn by Mp Oglethorpe June 5 1736 to Thomas Causton or Order for Currency to be deliver'd in the Magazine on Account of the Colony was presented August 10 by Mess" Robert and William Fead. A Bill of Exchange for One hundred and fifty Pounds drawn by Mp Oglethorpe June 2 1736 to Richard Woodward or Order for Provisions on Account of the Colony was presented August 12 by Richard Shubrick. A Bill of Exchange for fifty Pounds drawn by Mp Oglethorpe June 2 1736 to Richard Woodward or Order for Provisions on Account of the Colony was presented August 12 by Captain Nickleson. A Bill of Exchange for two hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 2 1736 to Richard Woodward or Order for Provisions on Account of the Colony was presented August 13 by Mess" Green and Tysus. A Bill of Exchange for two hundred and fifty Pounds drawn by Mr Oglethorpe June 2 1736 to Hugh Brian or Order Value receiv'd in Ac count for the use of the Colony was presented August 14 by Mess" El- ger and C°. A Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 4 1736 to James Williams or Order for Currency paid into the Magazine and Goods deliver'd there on Account of the Colony was pre sented August 14 by Mess" Victorin and C°. A Bill of Exchange for One hundred and Seventy five Pounds drawn by Mp Oglethorpe June 2 1736 to William Hazzard or Order being Value receiv'd of him in the purchase of Provisions as ^> Account and Advice was presented August 18 by John Govan. A Bill of Exchange for two hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 2 1736 to William Hazzard or Order being Value receiv'd of him COLONIAL RECORDS. 169 in the purchase of Provisions as <|ft Account and Advice was presented August 18 by M' Palmer. A Bill of Exchange for two hundred and Sixteen Pounds fourteen Shillings drawn by Mr Oglethorpe June 5 1736 to Samuel Eveleigh or Order for Goods deliver'd &c. for the use of the Colony was presented August 18 by Mess" Samuel and William Baker A Bill of Exchange for fifty Pounds drawn by Mr Oglethorpe June 4 1736 to Thomas Causton or Order for Currency to be deliver'd into the Magazine on Account of the Colony was presented August 18 by Allen Brett. A Bill of Exchange for forty Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 8 1736 to Thomas Causton or Order for Value receiv'd on Account of the Colony was presented August 18 by Allen Brett. A Bill of Exchange for One hundred and fifty Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 30 1736 to Thomas Causton or Order for Currency on Account of the Colony was presented August 21 by Mess" Robert and William Fead. A Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 4 1736 to Thomas Causton or Order for Currency to be deliver'd into the Magazine on account of the Colony was presented August 25 by M' James Martin. A Bill of Exchange for fifty Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 5 1736 to Thomas Causton or Order for Currency to be deliver'd into the Magazine on Account of the Colony was presented August 26 by Mess" Whitebred and Hoskins. A Bill of Exchange for ten Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 12 1736 to Robert Parker Sen' or Order for Value receiv'd on Account of the Colony was presented August 25. 1736 by Mess" Elger Smith and C°. A Bill of Exchange for twenty five Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe June 8 1736 to Thomas Causton or Order for Value receiv'd on Account of the Colony was presented Sept' 2 1736 by Mess" Elger Smith and 0>. A Bill of Exchange for two hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe July 3 1736 to John Hammerton Esq' or Order for Carolina Currency on Account of the Colony was presented Sept' 3 1736 by M' Taylor. A Bill of Exchange for forty Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe July 3 1736 to Patrick Houston or Order for Value receiv'd on Account of the Colony was presented Sept' 6 by M' Sheafe. , 170 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That the Aforesaid Bills be paid. Order'd That M' Bevan's Bill amounting to twenty three Pounds thirteen Shil lings be paid. Mp Thomas Causton having charg'd himself with two Bills drawn by Mp Oglethorpe March 3d 1735 (whereof no Advice was receiv'd with the said Bills) amounting to three hundred Pounds, and Mp Simond having paid them in honour of the Drawer Order'd That the said two Bills be paid with Interest on One hundred Pounds thereof from June 7. 1736. and on the remaining two hundred Pounds £ from the 17 of the said Month of June at the rate of 4 <$>> Cent ^ Ann. Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for Nine hundred Seventy four Pounds fourteen Shillings and two Pence payable to Mp Simond. Resolved That One thousand five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Alderman Heathcote on Account. The Accountant reported to the Board that the One thousand three hundred and thirty Sola Bills, amounting to three thousand One hun dred and fifty Pounds, which were order'd by the Common Council of August 4 1736 to be seal'd, had been sealed accordingly in presence of three Trustees at three several Meetings. Resolved That One thousand five hundred Pounds in the said Sola Bills be im mediately sent to Mp Oglethorpe. Viz' One thousand Bills at One Pound Each. And One hundred Bills at five Pounds Each. And that the Re mainder of the said Bills be lock'd up. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of Sept' 8. 1736. That Capt. Yoakley had attended, and being examin'd concerning his Detention in Savanah River from Nov' 28 1735, declared that he was detain'd by M' Thomas Causton, and sent up by him pursuant to the Directions contain'd in a Letter from Mp Oglethorpe for that purpose (as Mp Causton told the said Yoakley,) to sound the Inlets to the Alatamaha River, which kept him till the 2 of January following ; When he was further detain'd by the said M' Causton to wait for M' Oglethorpe's Ar- COLONIAL RECORDS. 171 rival ; And that on the 8'" of FebP7 following he agreed with Mp Ogle thorpe to go to the Alatamaha with Goods and Passengers, and to lye there as a Guard ship, in consideration of his being allowed Demurrage at sixty Pounds $ Month from Novp 28 1735 while in Savanah River : the said Captain Yoakley acquainting Mp Oglethorpe, that he would go directly to Charles Town in case he had not such Allowance made him. And That the Committee, having perus'd the Accounts of the Demur rage of the said Ship and Reward to the Captain, amounting to three hundred and Seventy Eight Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence ; and of Provisions shot and Bullets deliver'd by the said Captain Yoakley, whereon there is five Pounds Eighteen Shillings and ten Pence farthing due ; Were of Opinion that both those Sums should be paid on the said Captain's making an Affidavit of the said Declaration. An Affidavit to the said Purport being produced. Resolved That the Board do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of the same Day, That the Committee having perus'd the Accounts of Demurrage and Re ward to Captain Dymond amounting to two hundred Eighty Nine Pounds, and finding overcomputed in two Articles One Pound Sixteen Shillings ; They had deducted the same, and reduced the said Account to two hundred Eighty Seven Pounds four Shillings, which they were of Opinion should be paid. Resolved That the Board do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of the same Day, that the Committee, having consider'd of M' William Jeffrey's Account for Postage of Letters, and of keeping and sending six Couples of Hounds from S' Humphrey Howarth to Mp Oglethorpe, were of Opinion, that Eight Shillings and four Pence should be paid for the Postage of Letters and that the Consideration of the twelve Pounds Eighteen Shil lings and Seven Pence for the Charges of the Hounds should be post- pon'd ; it not appearing to the Committee at present how the Trustees can charge themselves therewith. Resolved That the Board do agree to the said Report. Resolved That One hundred Acres of Land be granted to John Gibson of Car lisle Merchant. 172 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Petition from Mess" Rowland Pytt and John Tuckwell setting forth, That they having sent over to Georgia large Cargoes of Goods to M' John Brownfield their Agent and Factor at Savanah ; and as it is possible their said Agent or Factor may happen to dye possess'd of large Effects belonging to the said Petitioners, which may fall into Unknown Hands and be imbezzled to their great Loss. For the prevention there of, they desire that an Instruction may be sent to the Magistrates of the Town of Savanah to take cognizance of their said Effects, and the Books and Papers of the said John Brownfield in case of his Death ; And in spect the same to find out and possess themselves of any Goods in the hands of Other Persons, which the said John Brownfield may have in trusted for Sale. And also to examine what Debts may be then due to the said Petitioners, and to cause Inventories of the said Goods, and Lists of the said Books and Debts to be made at the Expence of the said Petitioners, and sent to them inclosed to the Trustees. And that the said Magistrates be instructed to appoint some proper Person to dispose of the said Goods and collect the Debts for the use of the said Petition ers ; And to regulate themselves in the disposal of them According to Invoyce, and the last Prices the said John Brownfield sold for. Order'd That Instructions be sent to the Magistrates of the Town of Savanah pursuant to the said Petition. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for Nine hundred Seventy four Pounds fourteen Shillings payable to M' Simond by the Earl of Egmont M' L'apostre M' Tho8 Tower M' Hucks and Mp Eyles N° 7665 I. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for One thousand five hun dred Pounds payable to Alderman Heathcote by the Earl of Egmont M' L'apostre M' Tho8 Tower M' Hucks and M' Eyles N° 7666 I. The Accountant reported that a Draught had been made on the Bank of England the 8'" of this inst' September for five hundred Pounds pur suant to an Order of Common Council made June 2 1736, for payment of Sola Bills ; And that the said Draught was signed by M' L'apostre M' Tho8 Tower the Earl of Egmont xMp Hucks and Mp Eyles N° 7664 I Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 173 Palace Court Wednesday Novp 10 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Tho8 Tower Lord Carpenter M' Hucks Mp Laroche D' Bundy M' Vernon Mp Chandler. A Bill of Exchange for twenty two Pounds Nineteen Shillings and two Pence One farthing drawn by Mp Oglethorpe June 8 1736 to Thom as Causton or Order for Value receiv'd on Account of the Colony was presented October 2 1736. A Bill of Exchange for two hundred and ten Pounds drawn by Mr Oglethorpe July 22 1736 for Value receiv'd of Abraham Minoss in the purchase of Provisions and other Goods was presented Oct1 13 1736. A Bill of Exchange drawn by Mp Oglethorpe July 3 1736 payable to Patrick Houston or Order for Sixty Pounds Value receiv'd in Account for the Use of the Colony was presented Octp 26. A Bill of Exchange drawn by M' Oglethorpe July 24 1736 for three hundred Pounds Value receiv'd of Samuel Montaigut and C° on Account of the publick Magazine was presented Octp 26. A Bill of Exchange drawn by M' Oglethorpe July 24 1736 for four hundred Pounds Value receiv'd of Samuel Montaigut and C° on Account of the publick Magazine was presented Oct' 26. A Bill of Exchange drawn by M' Oglethorpe July 23 1736 for two hundred Pounds to Peregrine Fury Esq' or Order for Value receiv'd of Othniel Beal Esqp and C° for defraying the necessary Expences of the Colony was presented the 1" Instant. A Bill of Exchange drawn by Mr Oglethorpe July 29 1736 for two hundred Pounds to Peregrine Fury Esq' or Order for Value receiv'd of Othniel Beal Esq' and C° for defraying the necessary Expences of the Colony was presented the 1" Instant. A Bill of Exchange drawn by Mr Oglethorpe July 30 1736 for One 174 COLONIAL RECORDS. hundred and fifteen Pounds payable to William Roper for the purchase of sundry Provisions on Account of the Colony was presented the 3d Instant. Advice of the five last Bills on board Capt. Jewdevin's Ship which siil'd from Carolina August 19th. A Bill of Exchange drawn by Mp Oglethorpe March 27 1736 for One hundred Pounds payable to Robert Ellis or Order for Value in Account as f)> Advice dated March 28 1736 and receiv'd was presented the 9'" Instant by Jonathan Ellis. A Bill of Exchange drawn by Mp Oglethorpe August 7th 1736 for two ¦hundred Pounds not yet presented, but Advice of it receiv'd. Order'd That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. Resolved That One thousand six hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Al derman Heathcote for the' payment of the aforesaid Bills and on Ac count. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum by the Earl of Egmont M' Laroche M' Chandler D' Hales and M' Hucks N" '7667 I. Report was made to the Board that the Earl of Derby for the late Earl of Derby for One Year, the Duke of Richmond S' Hans Sloan Charles Du Bois Esq' Alderman Heathcote, James Oglethorpe Esq' and the Company of Apothecaries had resolved to continue their Subscrip tions for the improvement of Botany and Agriculture for two Years further, and to make up the Deficiencies of the late Earl of Derby for the second Year. Resolved That the Trustees will continue their Subscription of ten Pounds 1$> Ann for the said Purpose for two Years further. Resolved That When Seventy five Pounds shall be paid in by the Subscribers to the new Contract, so much be paid to the Botanist by way of Advance. Read a Contract with Robert Millar the Botanist for two Years from Midsummer last pursuant to the new Subscription. Read Instructions to the said Robert Millar for his Conduct during ¦the said two Years. Order'd That the Secretary do sign the said Instructions. COLONIAL RECORDS. 175 Read a Letter from M' Henry Newman Secretary to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge with a Letter inclosed from the Reva Dp Ayerst Prebend of Canterbury recommending three Women to be sent to Georgia. Resolved That a Letter be sent to the said D' Ayerst to acquaint him, that the Trustees have not ability to send any Persons at present to Georgia. Mp Robert Parker's Letter and Paper containing several Complaints against the Magistrates of Savanah dated Nov' 9 1736 being read. Order'd That the said M' Parker be acquainted 'that the said Paper of Com plaints shall be sent over to Georgia, And the truth of them inquired into ; And that the Trustees, so far from finding themselves indebted to him, do find there is a Charge of Eighty Pounds upon him. Resolved That the Accounts transmitted by Mess" Jenys and C° and by Mp Causton be refer'd to a Committee of Accounts Adjourn'd Palace Court Wednesday December 15 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Carpenter in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mp Laroche M' Tho8 Tower M' L'apostre Dp Hales Dp Bundy. The Secretary acquainted the Board that he had attended the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, Who order'd him to tell the Trustees, that their Lordships desired a conference with them on the Subject Matter of the Representation of the Council and Assembly of J3outh Carolina on the 13"1 of Jan17 next. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts October 20" 1736 to «the Purport following That they had examined the Annual Account 176 COLONIAL RECORDS. from June 9 1735 to June 9'h 1736 And that the Balance of the said Annual Account ending June 9 1736 remaining unapplied the said Committee did find to be the Sum of five thousand Seven hundred Nine ty Eight Pouuds Six ShiMings and Eight Pence. Which Sum the Ac comptant at the Bank has certified to be in the hands of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England on the said 9'h of June 1736. The said Annual Account was read and agreed to. Resolved That any three of the Common Council be desired to wait on the Lord High Chancellor and the Master of the Rolls with the said Annual Ac count.Order'd That the Secretary do wait on the Lord Chancellor and the Master of the Rolls to know when they will be attended with the said Account. Resolved That as soon as the Annual Account is presented two hundred and fif ty Copies of it be printed. Order'd That twenty five Pounds be paid to the Revd M' Charles Wessley for the Expences of his Passage to England. Resolved That M' Van Reck be employ'd to engage foreign Servants in Ger many for the use of the Colony. Resolved That thirty Guineas be advanced to the said M' Van Reck to enable him to go on the said Service. The Accomptant acquainted the Board that on Nov' 13 last Six hun dred Pounds were drawn on the Bank by a Draught to M' Alderman Heathcote for the payment of Sola Bills pursuant to the standing Order of the Common Council and that the said Draught was sign'd by Mp Thomas Tower Mp Vernon Mp Chandler M' Laroche and Mp L'apostre N° 7668 I. Adjourn'd COLONIAL RECORDS. 177 Palace Court Wednesday Jan'7 12 1736 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Tho8 Tower in the Chair Lord Tyrconnel Lord Carpenter M' Vernon Mr Laroche Mp Hucks Mp L'apostre Dp Hales Dp Bundy M' Oglethorpe The Common Council being acquainted that there are two hundred and Sixty Six Barrels of Rice and Seven Cases of Skins on Board the two Brothers Capt. Thomson for the use of the Trust. Order'd That the said Rice and Skins be enter'd as imported and sold. A Bill of Exchange dated Sept' 29 1736 drawn by M' Oglethorpe for two hundred Pounds to Mp John Crockat or Order for Value receiv'd having been presented yesterday, And Notice being taken that the said Bill was drawn four days after the Advertisement in the South Carolina Gazette, whereby the Trustees declared that they would pay no more Bills but the Sola Bills M' Oglethorpe acquainted the Board that he was at that time at Frederica, and had then no Notice of the said Ad vertisement, and that the said Bill was drawn for Services of great Im portance to the Colony. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. Order'd That One thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum by M' Tho8 Tower Mp Vernon Mp Laroche Mp Hucks and Mp L'apostre N° 7669 I. Order'd That One hundred Pounds be paid to the Accountant for his Extraor- [12 c. r.] 178. COLONIAL RECORDS. dinary trouble in attending the Trustees Business at the Custom house and in making, checquing and accepting the Sola Bills and Other Busi ness not relating to his Office of Accomptant. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for five hundred Pounds for the Payment of Sola Bills by Mp Tho8 Tower Mp Laroche Mp Vernon Mp L'apostre and Dp Hales N° 7670 I. Order'd That a Letter be sent by Capt. Nickleson to M' Jenys to send back the Sola Bills for fifteen hundred Pounds Which were sent to Mp Ogle thorpe but not receiv'd by him before he left Georgia. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Jan'7 19 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Laroche in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Lord Carpenter Mp Oglethorpe M' L'apostre Alderman Heathcote Sp Wm Heathcote Read a Letter of Advice of Six Bills drawn by M' Oglethorpe October 22. 1736 for Provisions amounting to the Sum of four hundred Seventy five Pounds thirteen Shillings and Eleven Pence half Penny payable to Robert Ellis ; And John Goodwin's Receipt for the same being produc'd as paid him by M' Oglethorpe ; And Notice being taken that the said Bills were drawn twenty Seven Days after the Advertisement was pub- lish'd in the S° Carolina Gazette, whereby the Trustees declared that they would pay no more Bills but the Sola Bills. M' Oglethorpe acquainted the Board that he was at that time at Fred erica, and had then no Notice of the said Advertisement, and that the said Bills were drawn for Provisions Order'd That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. On Examining the List of Bills drawn by M' Oglethorpe with those COLONIAL RECORDS. 179 that have been presented, and it appearing that a Bill for One hundred Pounds was drawn by him Septp 20 1736 to Capt. Mackpherson And be ing drawn before the aforesaid Advertisement was publish'd in the South Carolina Gazette. Order'd That the said Bill when presented be accepted and paid when due. The Board taking into Consideration the Bill for five hundred Pounds drawn by M' Oglethorpe May ll"1 1736 payable to M' Samuel Eveleigh or Order Which was protested for Non Payment pursuant to the Refusal of the Common Council August the 4th last: And M' Oglethorpe having acquainted the Common Council that the said Bill was drawn to prevent the Spaniards being supplied with Guns and Duffils for the Indians; and also acquainting the Common Council that Part of the Guns and Duffils bought had been deliver'd in Georgia and applied in Presents to the In dians in friendship with the English, And that the Residue was at Charles Town ready to be deliver'd on a future Occasion for Presents for the Indians or Other purposes. Order'd That the Accountant do pay the said Bill with five Shillings and Nine Pence the Charge of Noting and Protesting thereof together with Interest from the Day of the Protest ; And that M' Oglethorpe do account for the same as above. Lovis Gammot de la Lovissiana des Troupes Detachers de la Marine having been examin'd by the Trustees, and having given them an Ac count of the trench Settlements, and the Engagements between the Chickesaws and French Order'd That two Guineas be given to him. Resolved That M' Ferdinando John Paris be appointed Sollicitor for the Trus tees in their Cause with the Lieutenant Gov' the Council and Assembly of S° Carolina upon the Representation of the Latter about the Act for Maintaining the Peace with the Indians in Georgia Resolved That M' Sollicitor Gen1 Ryder Mp Murray Mp Charles Clarke of Lin coln's Inn and M' Taylor White be retain'd as Council in the said Cause. Resolved That One thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of Mp Alderman Heathcote on Account. 180 COLONIAL RECORDS. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by Lord Tyrconnel M' Oglethorpe M' L'apostre M' Laroche and S' William Heathcote N° 7672 I. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for Six hundred Pounds for the payment of Sola Bilk pursuant to a standing Order of Common Council June 2. 1736 by the Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Vernon M' Laroche and Mp L'apostre. N° 7671 I. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb17 9 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Dp Hales in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Laroche M' Hucks Alderman Heathcote Sp William Heathcote Alderman Cater M' Digby M' L'apostre Resolved That ten Guineas be advanced to M' Vat upon Account till his Claim can be settled. Agreed to the Payment of two hundred Pounds to the Owners of the Ship two Brothers upon Account of freight till their Claim can be settled. Resolved That ten Guineas be paid to M' Archibald Mac Baine Who was sent to England by M' Oglethorpe in order to go to Scotland for Servants, and left Georgia 12th July last. Resolved That Seventy five Pounds be paid to the Secretary for half a Year's Salary due at Christmas last. Resolved That Seventy five Pounds be paid to the Accountant for half a Year's Salary due at Christmas last. COLONIAL RECORDS. 181 Resolved That fifty Acres of Land be granted to John Venables upon his pay ing his own Passage and upon his Father's paying twelve Pounds to in demnify the Trust for his Subsistance for one Year. Resolved That twenty five Pounds be paid to Mp John Lewis Tschiffelly M" Causton having sent a Receipt of a Bond for the said Sum to be paid by the Minister at Purisburgh. Receiv'd an Account from Mp Thomas Causton of Provisions and Arms receiv'd for the Colony amounting to the Sum of two hundred Sixty three Pounds Eight Shillings and One Penny Order'd That the Accountant do compare the same with the Accounts he has receiv'd and pay the same if he finds it to be true. Read a Memorial of Capt. William Thomson on his last Voyage to Georgia and Return to England. Resolved That the same be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Received a Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds drawn by M' Ellis on Mp Oglethorpe dated Decr the 8th 1736. Philadelphia ; Which Bill Mp Oglethorpe acquainted the Common Council was drawn for the Use of the Colony on Account of Madeira Wine to be delivered to the Store. Resolved That the same be accepted and paid when due. Resolved That Seven hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Alderman Heathcote on Account. Signed a Draught for the same by the Earl of Egmont Dp Hales Lord Tyrconnel S' William Heathcote and Mp L'apostre N° 7673 I. Resolved That Mp Oglethorpe M' Tho8 Tower and M' Laroche, And any Others of the Common Council who will attend be a Committee to confer with Mp Paris on Monday next on the State of the Evidence that is to be brought before the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the Hearing of the Subject Matter of the Representation of the Lieuten ant Gov' Council and Assembly of South Carolina and to consider in what manner to perpetuate the said Evidence in case the said Hearing shall be put off. 182 COLONIAL RECORDS. Receiv'd a Receipt from M' Oglethorpe dated November the 3d 1736 for Eight Servants Whose Indentures were deliver'd to him by Lieuten ant Hugh Mackay. and for which he had agreed to pay him One hun dred and twenty Pounds for the use of the Trust. Order'd That the said Sum be paid when due being drawn payable one Month after sight. Agreed to the Payment of thirty One Pounds ten Shillings Decp 22 last as a further advance to M' Van Reck on his going to engage foreign Serv ants for Georgia. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday March 2d 173f Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Mp Vernon Mp Tho8 Tower Lord Carpenter M' Oglethorpe M' Laroche Mp Holland D' Hales Capt. Eyles. Read a Letter from M' Benjamin Berry dated Feb'7 19 1736 with a Proposal of Terms on which he is willing to serve the Trustees as their Instrument for converting Timber in Georgia. The said Mp Berry being called in, the Chairman acquainted him that the Board thought his Proposal very usefull to the Publick, but that it would engage the Trustees in an Expence too great for them to bear. Order'd That Another Saw Mill be provided for the use of the Colony. Order'd That fifty Muskets and Bayonets be bought for the use of the Colony. Resolved That a Credit be given to Mp Hugh Anderson of 12 Bushels of Corn, COLONIAL RECORDS. 183 and two hundred Pounds of Meat for himself and Each of his Servants for a Year in case he may want it. Order'd That M' Causton be directed to buy such a Quantity of Gun Powder as is at present wanted in the Colony Resolved That Count Zinzendorfs Request be refer'd to the Committee of Cor respondence who are to determine thereupon Resolved That M' Simond be desired to let M' Causton have a Credit on his Correspondents at Savanah in Money or Provisions not exceeding five hundred Pounds. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday March 21" 173| Present in Common Council Assembled Alderman Heathcote in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Mp Holland Mp Vernon Mp Tho8 Tower Mp Laroche Mp Sloper Mp Oglethorpe. The Minutes of the Common Council Assembled the 2d Instant being read, wherein Mr Simond was desired to let Mp Causton have a Credit on his Correspondents at Savanah in Money or Provisions not exceeding five hundred Pounds ; And the Common Council now Assembled being acquainted that the House of Commons on the 17"1 Instant had agreed to the Resolution reported from the Committee of Supply, that a Sum not exceeding twenty thousand Pounds be granted to his Majesty towards settling and securing the Colony of Georgia in America ; And the said Common Council having perused the Minutes of the Common Council held the 4'" of August last, when three thousand One hundred and fifty Pounds Sterl. Value was order'd to be made out in the following Sola 184 COLONIAL RECORDS. Bills, Viz' One thousand Bills of One Pound Each, two hundred and thirty of five Pounds Each, And One hundred often Pounds Each to be issued in Georgia by James Oglethorge Esq' and sent to him for that purpose with all convenient speed ; as also the Minutes of the Common Council held the 10th of September last, when only fifteen hundred Pounds Value in the said Bills was then order'd to be sent immediately to M' Oglethorpe. Viz' One thousand Bills of One Pound Each, and One hundred of five Pounds Each. And the remaining Value in the said Bills to be lock'd up. And it appearing by the Minutes of the Common Council held the 12th of Jan'7 last, that M' Oglethorpe had not receiv'd the said Bills before he left Georgia, And that the said Bills were sent for back by reason they could not be issued in Mp Oglethorpe's Absence, Resolved That Mp Oglethorpe be desired to issue to Francis Moore now in Eng land One thousand Pounds Sterl. Value in Sola Bills often Pounds Each, Part of the said Bills which remain lock'd up, And that the said Issue be dated upon a day in November last before Mp Oglethorpe and the said Francis Moore left Georgia ; And that the said Bills be sent by the Peter and James Capt. George Dymond to Mp Causton as Cash for the present Supply of the Colony. And that the five hundred Pounds Credit in Provisions or Money which Mp Simond was desired to give M' Causton be countermanded. And that out of the said Sum of twenty thousand Pounds voted in Parliament, after the same shall have been receiv'd and paid into the Bank of England, Any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw upon the Bank of England from time to time for the payment of the said Sum of One thousand Pounds in Sola Bills now order'd to be sent to M' Causton, as they shall become payable on their Return to England in the same manner as for the payment of the four thousand Pounds Sola Bills already issued in Georgia. Resolved That ten Pounds be advanced to Samuel Lacey's Wife for Necessaries And that She and her two Children be sent to Georgia, her Husband to repay the said ten Pounds and the Charge of their Passage in Georgia. Resolved That the Sola Bills that are paid be cancel'd by a Punch thro' the Seal in the presence of any One of the Common Council and two of the Trustees.Resolved That Six Pounds five Shillings be paid to M" Lawley being the Bal ance of her late Husbands Benefaction for her Son, She sending him COLONIAL RECORDS. 185 above that Value, and Agreeing the same should be answerable if the Money should have been Applied in Georgia. Read a Petition of Jacob Lopez de Crasto setting forth that he having (sic) married Ziporath late Wife of David Lopez de Paz who had allotted to (not clear) him fifty Acres of Land, and the said Lopez de Crasto being possess'd of fifty Acres of Land in his own Right desires leave to dispose of a Moiety of the One hundred Acres of Land to such Purchaser as he can get for the same. Order'd That the said Petition be refer'd to Mr Causton And that he do make a Report to the Trustees as soon as he can upon the Allegations of the said Petition. Resolved That ten Guineas be paid to M" Mary Cooper for One Year's Rent of her house in the Town of Savanah rented by M' Parker the third Bailiff of the said Town from the 1601 of June 1735 Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of Feb'7 23 1736. That they had read a Memorial from Capt. Thomson setting forth a Claim of twenty two Pounds for Eleven Days Detention on his Arrival in Georgia in August last, — of Eighteen Pounds thirteen Shillings for Sweet Oyl Cheese Sugar and Gun Powder deliver'd at Savanah the 8th of September last. — of three hundred and twenty Pounds for the Run of the Ship two Brothers from Georgia to London with Mr Oglethorpe and Goods and Passengers, — of thirteen Pounds One Shilling for fitting up Cabbins, filling the Water Casks, shifting and loading the Rice, and for two Barrels of strong Beer, and twenty Pounds of Sugar used in the Voyage, and of Sixty Pounds for thirty days demurrage of the Ship after Charter'd before she could sail, making in the whole four hundred thirty three Pounds fourteen Shillings, which the Committee having no Objec tion to, are of Opinion the same should be paid out of the Produce ot two hundred sixty six Barrels of Rice lately sold Which the said Ship brought over, and that the two hundred Pounds Which had been paid upon Account of the said Sum should be replaced by the said Produce. That an Account of Presents made by Capt. Dempsey the Agent sent to the Governor of S' Augustine to several Persons there being laid be fore the Committee and Amounting to Eighty three Pounds two Shillings Which the said Capt" had not been paid for by Mp Oglethorpe, the Com mittee have no Objection to the Payment thereof. 186 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. The Accomptant reported that he had examin'd the Account of Pro visions and Arms deliver'd in November last for the use of the Colony, and had paid two hundred sixty three Pounds in full in discharge of the same. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday March 30th 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled Mp Tho8 Tower in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Carpenter Mp Oglethorpe Mp Holland Mp L'apostre Dp Hales Mp Laroche M' Eyre Lord Tyrconnel. Receiv'd an Account of Guns and Duffils bought by M' Samuel Eve- leigh the Balance Whereof is fifty six Pounds Nine Shillings and Eight Pence for the use of the Colony. Receiv'd Another Account of Provisions and Necessaries bought by M' Samuel Eveleigh the Balance Whereof is Nine hundred forty One Eleven Shillings and three Pence for the use of the Colony. Order'd That the said Accounts be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Order'd That the Skins be sold at two Shillings and Nine Pence ^>> 8 w'. (SiC) Resolved That the Person, Who having by his care and diligence recover'd and brought to the Trustees a Survey of the Coast of Georgia Which had been taken at their Expence, and for the use of the Trust, but had been secreted from them, have five Guineas for his said trouble. COLONIAL RECORDS. 187 Read a Letter from Daniel Maclacklan containing a Plan for carrying over a considerable Number of Highlanders to Georgia. Resolved That the same be postponed for further consideration. Read a Proposal from M' Zouberbuhler for carrying over fifty Fami lies not exceeding One hundred and fifty Persons from Swisserland to Georgia. Resolved That the same be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence. Resolved That twenty five Pounds be paid to the Revd Mp Charles Wesley for officiating as a Missionary in Georgia. Resolved That the Attorney Gen1 be retain'd upon M" Watson's Petition. Resolyed That upon all Occasions Where the Trust may be engaged in Law Af fairs the Attorney Gen1 and Solicitor Gen1 be retain'd. Resolved That S. Hurst be employ'd as a Clerk to the Storekeeper in Georgia upon the same terms as John Pye is employ'd. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Friday Aprill the 1" 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled Mp Holland in the Chair Lord Tyrconnel M' Oglethorpe Mr Vernon Mp Eyre S' William Heathcote Alderman Heathcote D' Bundy. A Representation of James Oglethorpe Esq' in favour of M' Hugh Mackay late Lieutenant in his Majesty's Service was laid before the Board in the following Words. 188 COLONIAL RECORDS. Gentlemen As no Society can subsist without rewarding those Who do well, and punishing those Who do ill, the Common Council of Trustees are em- power'd by the Charter to give such Rewards as they shall think proper for Services perform'd ; I think I am in justice obliged to certify to You that Mp Hugh Mackay late Lieutenant in his Majesty's Service, was (pursuant to Powers granted by You to me for appointing Officers to train and exercise the Militia of Georgia) commission'd to command the Hundred of Darien, and brought over with him upwards of One hun dred Men from Scotland, That after that, I being very much pressed by the Alarms of the Spaniards order'd Mp Hugh Mackay to quit his Im provements in the Darien, and to come down with his Servants, and take the Command of the Militia at S' Andrews, and fortify the same, which he with great chearfullness did, undergoing with great Indefatiga- bleness the most severe fatigues, which naturally arose from want ol Shelter in hard Rains and hot Suns. That by his indefatigable labour he with a few and ignorant Men fortified that Place. That when he had just got himself shelter'd from the Injury of the Weather and the dan ger of the Enemy in that Settlement, I was forced to hurry him down to new Difficulties, for Capt. Hermsdorf, the German Who commanded at S' George's having forsook that Post, and I having myself been Obliged to carry back the Men thither, but being forced soon to leave the Place to go to Savanah to the general Conference of the Creek Indians to be there held ; It gave me great Uneasiness in what Hands to trust so important a Charge in the Southern Frontiers ; The exactness and knowledge of M' Mackay Which he had acquired by long Service made me wish for him, but I could not with any Justice expect his taking upon him a second fatigue of so severe a Nature as beginning a fortification where there was no Cover, bad Water, Neighbouring Enemies, and Men Who had lately mutinied and had not been accustomed to Discipline. He had already gone thro' the hardships of making two new Settlements, and as soon as by his Industry he had surmounted the first Difficulties, built houses, and begun to make the Place comfortable, to tear him away again from the enjoyment of those Improvements I thought too hard. He knew the difficulties I was under, and offer'd that Service which was what I could not in justice have asked. He knew at the same time the danger of sickness, and that no Constitution already wasted could hold out against so severe a fatigue. He knew also that his settlement at Darien by be ing neglected would suffer, and perhaps he be thereby disabled from COLONIAL RECORDS. 189 making any future Establishment. But he seeing the Necessities I was under, and the danger of the Colony, he preferring the Welfare of the Colony and the King's service to the hazard of his life, and private In terest, he stay'd at S' George's, discharging all the offices of a good Soldier, a Knowing Officer, and punctual Distributor of Provisions &c. He lost the greatest Part of his Servants, was himself given over with a burning Fever, and was at that time summon'd by the Spaniards, to which he return'd a proper Answer, and preserved the Place till my Re turn. I think therefore the Acquainting You with this is a publick Serv ice, since it gives You an Opportunity by rewarding him, to encourage that publick Spirit which must be the Support of all Societies, and with out which not only new Colonies, but even the most powerfull Nations must perish. James Oglethorpe. The Board having taken the said Representation into consideration Resolved That the thanks of the Trustees be given to M' Hugh Mackay for the many Services perform'd by him for the Trust. Resolved That One hundred Pounds Sterl. be given to the said Mp Mackay. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday Aprill 18th 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Tyrconnel in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Talbot Lord Carpenter Sp William Heathcote Mp L'apostre Lord Limerick Mp Oglethorpe Mp Laroche. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to contract 190 COLONIAL RECORDS. with the Owners of the Ship two Brothers to go to Inverness to take in forty Men for Georgia at five Pounds ^> Head. Resolved That twenty Shillings ^ Head be allowed for engaging the said forty Men and twenty shillings ^ Head be likewise allowed for Cloathing and Bedding for the said forty Men. Resolved That the Trustees will pay the Passage of forty Men from Inverness to Georgia at five Pounds <$>> Head by the two Brothers Capt. Thomson. Resolved That Capt. Thomson be oblig'd to stay fourteen days at Inverness for the reception of the forty Men, and in case he do's not receive them with in that time that he be at liberty to stay or go with such as he may re ceive. Resolved That the Committee be impower'd to give a reasonable allowance for so many of the forty Men as shall not be deliver'd in Georgia. Resolved That fifteen Barrels of Gunpowder for small Arms be sent by the Ship two Brothers for Georgia. Order'd That One hundred Muskets and Bayonets, two hundred Indian Arms, three hundred Weight of Musket Bullets, three hundred weight of In dian Gun Bullets, six hundred weight of Lead one Pair of Bullet Molds of nine holes Each for the Musket Bore, and two Iron Ladles be sent to Georgia by the Ship two Brothers. Order'd That three hundred Pair of Shoes be made at four Shillings

Pair according to the Pattern John Cox made the Shoes that were order'd Aug. 13. 1735. Read the Proposals of Mp William Stephens of the terms on which he is willing to serve as Secretary for the Trust within the Province of Georgia. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Proposals. Resolved That Mp William Stephens be appointed Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within the Province of Georgia. COLONIAL RECORDS. 191 Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to prepare and settle proper Instructions for M' Stephens before his setting out. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 27 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled Mp L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Mp Tho8 Archer S' William Heathcote Alderman Heathcote M' Holland M' Laroche Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to William Stephens Esq' of the Isle of Wight and to his third Son Thomas Stephens with the Preamble of the Agreement with the said William Stephens to act as Secretary for the Trust within the Province of Georgia. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same, and sign a Memorial of the said Grant in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Planta tions.Resolved That the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mp Tho8 Tower M' Oglethorpe Mp L'apostre and any of the Common Council Who will attend be a Committee to prepare Instructions for M' Stephens as Secretary for the Trust within the Province of Georgia, and any three to be a Quorum. Resolved That it be refer'd to the same Committee to prepare a Device for a Town Seal for the Town of Savanah. 192 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That a Town Lot of fifty Acres within the Town of Savanah be granted to John Warwick. Mp Stephens was sworn in Secretary for the Trust within the Province of Georgia. Resolved That three hundred Acres of Land be granted in Trust to be set out at Frederica for raising a Maintenance for a Minister and School Master there and for other Religious uses. Seal'd Articles of Agreement with John Pye to be a Clerk in Georgia for writing and keeping Accounts there. Seal'd Articles of Agreement with Samuel Hurst to be a Clerk in Georgia for writing and keeping the Accounts there. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the aforesaid Articles. Resolved That forty Servants be employ'd in clearing and cultivating a Farm Lot of Lands reserved for the Publick to be call'd Bouverie's Farm in discharge of Sp Jacob Des Bouverie's Benefaction for sending over Serv ants to Georgia, which forty Servants at twenty five Pounds Each for all Charges will make the Expence of One thousand Pounds. Order'd That an Account of the Annual Produce of the Said Lands be kept distinct, and enter'd as the Produce of Bouverie's Farm to be applied for the Benefit of the Colony. Read a Constitution for William Stephens Esq' to be Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within the Province of Georgia. Read Instructions to the said M' Stephens for his Conduct as Secretary. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Constitution and Instructions. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Paper of Private Instructions to the said M' Stephens. Ordered That the Secretary do sign the same. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 193 Palace Court Friday Aprill 29"1 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled S' William Heathcote in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mp Vernon Mp Oglethorpe Mp Tho8 Archer Mp Laroche M' Holland M' L'apostre Mp Digby Earl of Shaftesbury. Resolved That One hundred and fifty Acres of Land be granted to Mp Thomas Upton. Resolved That a further Sum of five Guineas be given to the Person Who by his care and diligence recover'd and brought to the Trustees a Survey of the Coast of Georgia, Which had been taken at their Expence, and for the Use of the Trust, but had been secreted from them. Read Proposals of Mp John Matthias Kramer Secretary to Count Zin zendorf to translate some Part of the Book call'd Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia into High Dutch at the Trust's Expence ; And to engage a Number of Persons in High Germany to go over to Georgia and to conduct them from Worms to Rotterdam at the said Persons Ex- pence ; And he submits it to the Trustees to give him such Allowance for his trouble as they shall think fit. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to consider the same, & to settle Instructions to the said Mp Kramer ; and to contract with Mess" Hope for the Passage of Sixty Heads of twelve Years of Age and upwards to be repaid to the Trust in six weeks after their Arrival in Georgia, or they to be indented to the Trust for Servants. The Board taking into consideration the following Memorial of Capt. Charles Dempsy. [13 c. r.l 194 COLONIAL RECORDS. To the Honble Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America. HonbIe Gentlemen. Being employ'd by Mp Oglethorpe in carrying his first Letter to the Governor of S' Augustine relating to the English and Scotch Settling on the Alatamaha River near the Province of Florida, occasion'd may sub sequent Correspondences Conferences and Negotiations before the Treaty was concluded in October 1735, which Services took me up nine Months, in which time I was three times cast away between Georgia and S' Augustine in going backwards and forwards, and my Person was often threaten'd and in danger whilst there. Mp Oglethorpe remitted me by Caleb Davis fifty Pounds Sterling, by John Crokatt two hundred Pounds Sterling, which with further Credit of One hundred Pounds Sterl. I had from Caleb Davis's House at S' Augustine defray'd my Expences of Launches Hire, Port Charges, Main tenance of myself, Major Richards, MpHorton, and several other Persons at S' Augustine, where all Provisions are excessive dear, gaining and sending Intelligence to M' Oglethorpe from and by safe Hands, accom panying the Spanish Officers to and from Georgia, and other extraordi nary Charges untill my Return for England in November 1736. Which was at M' Oglethorpe's Request to testify the said several Correspond ences, Conferences, and Negotiations, Which occasion'd my refusing an honourable and profitable Employment in the Spanish Service on the Recommendatory Letters I carried over with me for that Purpose. My Constitution has suffer'd so much by all those Catastrophes that since my Return to England I have been obliged to keep my Bed for most part of the time And Advices And Other Attendance having been to me so expensive, and as I neglected my own Affairs for the Service of the Colony, I humbly represent the Whole to Your Consideration, and am. Your Hon" most faithfull and Obed' Serv' 6th of Aprill 1737. Ch8 Dempsy. Resolved That the thanks of the Trustees be given to Capt" Charles Dempsy for the many Services perf orm'd by him for the Colony. Resolved That One hundred and fifty Pounds be given to Capt. Charles Dempsy COLONIAL RECORDS. 195 in consideration of his Services and the many hardships and hazards he met with in performing the same. Resolved That four hundred and twenty-five Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account. The following Sola Bills being sent to be issued by Mr Oglethorpe in pursuance of the Order of Common Council Sept' 10th 1736. Viz' One thousand of One Pound Each from N° 501 to 1500 Inclusive, And One hundred of five Pounds Each from N° 101 to 200 Inclusive. Which Mr Oglethorpe did not receive before he left Georgia ; But they being safe arrived in Georgia, And by Letters from Mr Causton dated Jan'7 27 1736 several of them appearing to have been paid away in discharge of Certified Accounts, tho' there was no Indorsement on the Back sign'd by M' Oglethorpe, but fill'd up to M' Causton, and wherewith he has charg'd himself in Account with the Trust as by his said Letters. Resolved That fifteen hundred Pounds out of the twenty thousand Pounds granted this Session of Parlament be appropriated for the payment of the said Sola Bills, or so many of them as shall happen to have been paid away before the Order of Jan'7 12 1736 for returning them to England was receiv'd ; And that after the said twenty thousand Pounds shall be receiv'd and paid into the Bank of England any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw upon the Bank of England from time to time for the payment of the said Sola Bills tho' M' Oglethorpe has not sign'd the Indorsements thereon, they being return'd with Accounts at tending them, or for Value paid to M' Causton to account for. Resolved That untill the twenty thousand Pounds granted by Parlament in this Session shall be receiv'd four hundred and thirty three Pounds out of the Unappropriated Money be paid into the hands of M' Oglethorpe to pay the following of the Abovemention'd Sola Bills, Which M' Causton as ^ Advice has paid away as receiv'd of M' Oglethorpe. Viz'. To Mess'8 Minis and Salomons from A. N° 501 to ) £ 715 at One Pound each dated Jan'7 27 1736 . . [¦ 215. 0. 0. To Capt. Barnes from C N" 101 to 108 at five 1 40 0 0 Pounds Each, dated Jan'7 27. 1736 J To John Brownfield from A N° 1001 to 1178 at ) 17a 0 n One Pound Each Feb'7 9th 1736 } 1/0. u. u. £433. 0. 0. 196 COLONIAL RECORDS. And that after the said twenty thousand Pounds are receiv'd the said Sum of four hundred and thirty three Pounds be replaced, and that M' Oglethorpe be discharg'd from the said sum by the delivery of the said Bills to be cancel'd. Read M' Causton's Letter of Advice to Mr Oglethorpe dated Feb'7 lO'" 1736 of his drawing the following Bills on him Viz'. One for fifty Pounds dated Jan'7 10 1736 to M' Cha. Purry One for fifty Pounds dated Feb'7 10. 1736 to Mess" Pytt and Tuck well. And One for thirty Pounds dated Feb'7 10. 1736 to Thomas Hucks Esq'. Which Bills were drawn in part of two hundred Pounds do enable M' Causton to settle his new Farm ; And it appearing that the said M' Causton has been employ'd four Years and upwards as Storekeeper and one of the Magistrates ; And M' Oglethorpe acquainting the Board that M' Causton had not taken Credit for the fifty Pounds voted for him by the Common Council. Order'd That the said Bills be accepted and paid when due. Read a Proposal from M' Zouberbuhler the Execution Whereof would amount to two thousand and thirty two Pounds ten Shillings besides One hundred Pounds c$> Ann Expence to the Trust. Resolved That M' Zouberbuhler be acquainted that the Trustees cannot comply with the said Proposal. Receiv'd a Bill of Exchange dated Savanah June 7th 1736 drawn by M' Oglethorpe for twenty five Pounds Sterling for Value receiv'd on Ac count of the Colony. Order'd That the said Bill be accepted and paid when due. M' David Provost having transmitted to M' Rodrigues Pacheco a cer tified Account of One hundred and twelve Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Eleven Pence Sterling for Provisions deliver'd in Georgia Dec' 1" 1736 before the fifteen hundred Pounds Sola Bills arrived in Georgia ; And it being observ'd that some of the said fifteen hundred Pounds Sola Bills might happen to be paid in discharge of the said Certified Account Which M' Bland the Goldsmith offer'd to secure the Trust from any double Payment of. COLONIAL RECORDS. 197 Resolved That on M' Bland's giving such Security the said Account of One hun dred and twelve Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Eleven Pence be paid. Read a Letter sign'd Lachlan Maclachlan and Donald Cameron giving Account of several Considerable Families of the Highlanders in Scotland Who are desirous to go to Georgia. Resolved That some Papers of the Terms which the Trustees have settled for People going to Georgia at their own Expence be sent to the said Mess" Lachlan Maclachlan and Donald Cameron. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for four hundred and twenty five Pounds payable to M' Alderman Heathcote by the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' L'apostre and M' Laroche N° 7675 I. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank for four hundred and thirty three Pounds payable to James Oglethorpe Esq' by the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mr L'apostre and M' Laroche. N° 7674. I. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday May 11'" 1737. Present in Common Council Assembled. D' Bundy in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Laroche S' William Heathcote Alderman Heathcote M' Holland M' L'apostre M' Vernon M' Oglethorpe. Resolved That fifty Pounds be paid to Francis Moore in consideration of his acting Storekeeper and Clerk to M' Oglethorpe from October 1735 to Jan'7 173f Resolved That twenty Pounds be paid to M" Frances Watt to be receiv'd out 198 COLONIAL RECORDS. of the Rent of her house at Savanah by M' Causton to whom she has given a Letter of Attorney, and repaid to the Trust. Read a Letter of Francis Harbin praying for some Consideration for his going to Holland in order to procure Servants for the Colony. Resolved That twenty Pounds be given to the said M' Harbin in full for his Services. Read a Memorial of Captn William Thomson setting forth that Where as John West of the Town of Savanah and Elizabeth his Wife have nom inated him for a Grant of the Town Lot in Savanah late belonging to Joseph Hughes deceas'd with the Deed of Sale annext thereto he prays for a Grant of the said Lot, and leave to alienate the same. Resolved That John West and Elizabeth his Wife have leave to alienate the said Lot to a Person duly qualified and recommended by Capt. William Thomson. Resolved That two Guineas be lent to M" Elizabeth Stanley to be repaid by her Husband in Georgia. Resolved That the Trustees will give to M' Wragg six Guineas Sterling ^ Head for Eighty foreign Servants to be deliver'd in Georgia from Rot terdam provided None be under twelve Years of Age or above forty. Resolved That One hundred Pounds be paid to M' Paris upon Account of Coun cil's Fees and Charges of the Carolina Representation. Resolved That the Charge of the Servant sent to James Haselfoot by the Peter and James Capt. Dymond be paid by the Trust to be repaid by the said James Haselfoot. Receiv'd a Certified Account from M' Causton to Mess" Minis and Salomons dated December 29 1736 before the Sola Bills were receiv'd amounting to two hundred and Eighteen Pounds seven Shillings and five Pence Sterling. Resolved That the same be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Resolved That fifty Acres in the Town of Frederica be granted to George Fos ter Who go's at his own Expence by Capt. Thomson. COLONIAL RECORDS. 199 Receiv'd a Bill of Mr Richard Wilson Gun Maker for Arms amount ing to One hundred and two Pounds five Shillings and Nine Pence. Resolved That the Accomptant do examine and pay the same if he finds the Account to be true. Resolved That the remaining twenty five Pounds of the fifty Pounds formerly order'd to the Revd M' Charles Wesley be paid him here. Order'd That two hundred and fifty Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Al derman Heathcote on Account. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of One hundred and fifty Acres of Land to Thomas Upton. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same, and likewise sign a Memorial of the said Grant in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Read Instructions to M' John Matthias Kramer to engage Sixty for eign Servants for the Service of the Colony. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd to the same. Which was Affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That ten Pounds be given to the said Mr Kramer in consideration of his having waited here and his carrying the said Instructions into Exe cution. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for two hundred and fifty Pounds by the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' L'apostre M' Holland and M' Oglethorpe N° 4576. O. A Proposal being made by Daniel MackLachlan for engaging One hundred Highlanders to go to Georgia and that the Trustees will allow to Each Man Servant carried over by the ten Gentlemen mention'd in the said Proposal twenty Bushels or five Scots Bolls of Meal and a Stand of Arms And that the Trustees will defray his Charges down to Scotland. 200 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Trustees will allow to Each Man Servant carried over by the ten Gentlemen mention'd in the said Proposal the twenty Bushels or five Scots Bolls of Meal and the Arms as desired, but will not advance any Money for the said Daniel Macklachlan's Expences. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday June 6th 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled. Earl of Egmont in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Carpenter M' Vernon Mr Oglethorpe M' Holland M' Laroche Mr L'apostre Read a Grant of three'hundred Acres of Land in Trust to William Horton Thomas Hawkins Willes Weston and Thomas Hird of Frederica to be cultivated in order to* raise a Maintenance for a Minister at Fred erica and for other Religious^Uses. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant. Which was Affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Petition of M' John Vat setting forth that October 26 1734 he was appointed by the Trustees to be the Secretary in Georgia for the Saltzburgh Affairs, and to be rewarded by the Trustees according to the Merit of the Work which he was to do in writing Letters and keeping their Accounts. That he arrived in Georgia the 28th of December following, and was employ'd by Mr Causton to receive and keep an Account of Provisions Tools &c for the Saltzburghers That there remains due to him for Provisions for his Servant forty Six Pounds Eight Shillings and Seven Pence S° Carolina Currency COLONIAL RECORDS. 201 And therefore prays that the said Balance of forty Six Pounds Eight Shillings and Seven Pence be paid to Rubrecht Kalcker his Servant in Georgia And that an Allowance be given to him the said Vat for his said Service and time. Resolved That M' Causton be directed to pay the said Balance to the said Rubrecht Kalcker. Resolved That Sixty Pounds Sterling be given to the said Mr John Vat which with the sum of twelve Pounds paid to him by M' Causton in Georgia and fifteen Pounds fifteen Shillings receiv'd by him of the Trustees since his Arrival in England is in full for his Services in Georgia, and his At tendance here since his Arrival. Resolved That Skins imported from Georgia by the two Brothers weighing three thousand and Sixty Eight Pounds Weight be sold to M' Simond for four hundred and fifteen Pounds Nine Shillings and two Pence being two Shillings and Eight Pence half Penny a Pound. Seal'd Articles of Agreement with Samuel Smallwood to serve the Trust as Clerk to the Storekeeper at Frederica for three Years. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Receiv'd from M' Causton a Bill of Parcels ^mounting to One hundred and Eighty Eight Pounds Eight Shillings and four Pence made payable to William Clay dated Feb'7 22. 1736. Resolved That any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England after the 9'" of June in order to pay the said Bill in case Mess" Knight and Shuttleworth will give their Note to be answer able for the same in case Sola Bills shall appear hereafter to have been given in payment for the said Account upon or since the said 22d of- Feb17. Receiv'd from M' Robert Ellis three Accounts Which by his Letter of March 21st 1736 amount to three hundred and Seventy two Pounds Nineteen Shillings and two Pence half Penny Sterling. Resolved That the same be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Resolved That it be refer'd to a Committee to consider of a Plan for the Churches 202 COLONIAL RECORDS. Which are to be built in Georgia Any three of the Common Council to be the said Committee. Adjourn'd Palace Court Wednesday July 6. 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Carpenter in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Talbot S' William Heathcote M' Vernon Mr L'apostre M' Laroche M' Holland The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to an Order of the 2d of June 1736 a Draught had been made on the Bank for five hundred Pounds for the payment of Sola Bills and was sign'd the 10'" of June 1737 by the Earl of Egmont M' Holland M' Oglethorpe M' L'apostre and M' Laroche N° 4577. O. M' L'apostre acquainted the Board that on the 13th June the last Year's Vouchers to the 9th Instant included were exchang'd with the Bank, And that the Balance of the Trustees Cash in the Bank on that day amounted to three thousand five hundred and Nineteen Pounds thirteen Shillings and Eleven Pence M' L'apostre further acquainted the Board that the following Sola Bills paid in the last Year were cancell'd and affix'd to their Checques amounting in the whole to the sum of two thousand six hundred and sixty seven Pounds. Viz' two hundred and sixty Nine which were of One Pound Each part of five hundred made out ; three hundred and twenty Nine which were of two Pounds Each part of five hundred made out; Sixty Eight which were Bills of five Pounds Each Part of One hun dred made out ; fifty two which were of ten Pounds Each Part of One hundred made out ; And forty four which were Bills of twenty Pounds Each Part of fifty made out. The Accomptant acquainted the Board that of the aforesaid Balance of three thousand five hundred and nineteen Pounds thirteen Shillings COLONIAL RECORDS. 203 and Eleven Pence, One thousand three hundred and thirty three Pounds stand appropriated for the payment of Outstanding Sola Bills the residue of the four thousand Pounds made out ; One thousand Nine hundred and twenty Pounds fourteen Shillings and Eight Pence farthing for Partic ular Uses ; and two hundred sixty five Pounds Nineteen Shillings and two Pence three farthings for Establishing the Colony. Resolved That a Committee of Imbarkation be appointed to consider what Pro visions and Tools may be necessary to be provided for the Colony of Georgia for the Year 1737, And that any three of the Common Council be a Committee for the said Purpose. Resolved That Capt. Dunbar's Memorial be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. M' Vat presented a Memorial desiring a further Gratuity for his At tendance and Services. The same being Read. M' Vat was call'd in and acquainted by the Chairman that the Trus tees could make him no further Allowance. Resolved That M' Robert Howe's House be rebuilt as it was before it was burnt down out of the Fund for Religious Uses. Resolved That when the twenty thousand Pounds granted the last Session of Parliament shall be received from the Exchequer Any five of the Com mon Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank for Six thousand two hundred and Eighty Eight Pounds Nine Shillings and four Pence One farthing to make good the following Demands. Viz'. Three hundred and Eighty Nine Pounds Eight Shillings and Nine Pence One farthing to be paid over to make good the application of S' Jacob Bouverie's Benefaction. Two hundred Pounds to answer a Bill drawn by Mr Oglethorpe Aprill 27 1736 to Paul Jenys Esq' and C° not yet come to hand. One hundred Pounds for a Bill drawn by M' Oglethorpe Sept' 20 1736 to Capt" Macpherson payable July 7 1737 One hundred Pounds for a Credit on Caleb Davis at S' Augustine in October 1736 not yet drawn for. One hundred and five Pounds three Shillings and Eleven Pence being so much paid by M' Verelst for the Trust since the 9"1 of June 1737 204 COLONIAL RECORDS. One thousand five hundred Pounds for Sola Bills paid away by M' Causton without M' Oglethorpe's Indorsement, for which the said Sum was appropriated by the Common Council Aprill 29th 1737 And for the following Certified Accounts. Viz*. To M' Samuel Eveleigh Nine hundred and Ninety Seven Pounds Six Shillings and Nine Pence. To M' William Bellinger two hundred and thirty four Pounds Seven teen Shillings and three Pence. To M' Hugh Brian five hundred and Seventy Eight Pounds two Shil lings and Eight Pence. To Col. William Hazard Sixty Nine Pounds twelve Shillings To M' Samuel Montaigut and C° two hundred and Sixty Six Pounds One Shilling and Eight Pence. To Mess" Minis and Salomons two hundred and Eighteen Pounds Seven Shillings and five Pence. To Mr Robert Ellis three hundred and Seventy One Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Eleven Pence. For half a Year's Salary to the Secretary due at Midsummer last Seventy five Pounds. For half a Year's Salary to the Accountant due at Midsummer last Seventy five Pounds. For a Quarter of a Year's Rent for the house Seven Pounds ten Shillings. For One thousand Pounds for Sola Bills sent for the Service of the Colony since Lady Day 1737 Order'd by the Common Council March 21" 173f Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 205 Palace Court Wednesday August 10th 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Oglethorpe in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Eyre S' William Heathcote D' Bundy D' Hales M' Chandler Alderman Heathcote. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Order of the 6tb of July last the six following Draughts had been made upon the Bank of England, and sign'd by the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' L'apostre D' Hales and M' Holland, and dated the 14th of the said Month. N° 4579 O. To M' Alderman Heathcote to pay outstanding Orders Seven hundred Pounds. N° 4580 O. To Mess" Samuel and William Baker in full of two Cer tified Accounts from Georgia. Nine hundred and Ninety Seven Pounds Six Shillings and Nine Pence. N° 4581. O. To Mess" Pomeroy and Sons in full of two Certified Ac counts from Georgia Eight hundred and twelve Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Eleven Pence. N" 4582. O. To M' Simson Levy in full of a Certified Account from Georgia two hundred and Eighteen Pounds Seven Shillings and five Pence. N° 4583. O. To M' Lawrence Williams in full of three Certified Ac counts from Georgia three hundred and Seventy One Pounds Eight een Shillings and Eleven Pence. N° 4584 O. To Mess" Peter and I. C. Simond in full of four Certi fied Accounts three hundred and thirty Pounds thirteen Shillings and Eight Pence. And for Sola Bills Part of the fifteen hundred Pounds sent by Capt Keat One thousand and Seventeen Pounds. A Certified account being brought for payment dated May 4, 1787. Whereon M' Causton has stated Seventy five Pounds Nine Shillings and 206 COLONIAL RECORDS. Eleven Pence Sterl. due to Mess" Minis and Salomons. And M' Caus ton having certified the 2d of May 1737 to have receiv'd fifty Pounds f^ their Account Currant for fifty Pounds in Sola Bills, And no Other Ac count appearing, so that it is reasonable to conclude the said fifty Pounds were paid them in part of the said Seventy five Pounds Nine Shillings and Eleven Pence. Resolved That twenty five Pounds Nine Shillings and Eleven Pence be paid to the Order of Mess" Minis and Salomons in full of the said Account Un less Any Other Account shall be produced for the said fifty Pounds. Resolved That to Each of the Servants Who are out of their time before Christ mas next fifty Acres of Land be granted, (the Land to be set out in Vil lages) on proper Certificates of their good Behaviour; And that a Cow and a Sow be given to Each of them. Resolved That M' Oglethorpe be desired to issue to Francis Moore now in Eng land Six hundred and fifty Pounds Sterl. Value in Sola Bills of five Pounds Each ; Being the Residue of three thousand One hundred and fifty Pounds Value in Sola Bills made out by Order of the Common Council August 4'" 1736 which remain lock'd up. And that the said Issue be dated upon a Day in November last before M' Oglethorpe and Francis Moore left Georgia ; And that the said Bills be sent by the Mary Ann Capt. Thomas Shubrick under Consignment to Paul Jenys Esq' at Charles Town to be forwarded by him to M' Causton as Cash for the sup ply of the Colony ; And that any five of the Common Council be im power'd to draw upon the Bank of England from time to time for the payment of the said Sum of Six hundred and fifty Pounds in Sola Bills now order'd to be sent to M' Causton, as they shall become payable on their Return to England in the same manner as for the payment of the four thousand Pounds Sola Bills already issued in Georgia. Resolved That Sola Bills of Exchange to the Value of four thousand Eight hun dred and fifty Pounds be made out, Whereof One thousand Eight hun dred and fifty Pounds to be in Bills of One Pound Each ; One thou sand five hundred Pounds in Bills of five Pounds Each, And One thou sand five hundred Pounds in Bills of ten Pounds Each, making two thousand three hundred Bills. COLONIAL RECORDS. 207 Resolved That the Plates for printing the said Bills be altered in such man ner as James Oglethorpe Esq' may sign them whether in England or in Georgia ; And that the said Bills be issued in Georgia by James Ogle thorpe Esq' or his Order to defray the established Expences in Georgia to Lady Day 1738. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Sola Bills of Exchange. Order'd That the Accomptant do sign the said Bills A certified Account from Georgia being laid before the Common Coun cil whereon the Sum of three hundred Sixty Eight Pounds five Shillings and ten Pence South Carolina Currency appears to be due to Jemmet Cobley And a letter of Attorney being produced impoweringM' Thomas Bishop to receive the same. Order'd That forty Nine Pounds two Shillings and One Penny be paid to the said M' Thomas Bishop in discharge thereof being at the rate of Seven hundred and fifty Pounds Currency for One hundred Pounds Sterling. An account being received of the Delivery of Seventy Pipes of Ma deira Wine at Frederica at thirteen Pounds Sterling a Pipe, and of five Pounds five Shillings for the Pilotage amounting to Nine hundred and fifteen Pounds five Shillings demanded by Captain James Pearse as due to M' Robert Ellis for the same ; But it appearing that One hundred Pounds Sterling having been paid to M' Lawrence Williams for a Bill drawn on James Oglethorpe Esq' the 8th of December last by the said Robert Ellis on Account of his Contract for the said Wine. Order'd That the Sum of Eight hundred and fifteen Pounds five Shillings be paid to Captain James Pearse the Order of the said Robert Ellis in full of the said Account. And that a Draught be made on the Bank of Eng land for the payment thereof. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for Eight hundred and fif teen Pounds five Shillings to Capt. James Pearse by M' Oglethorpe the Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote M' Eyre and D' Hales N° 4586 O. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to an Order of the Common Council of the 29'" of Aprill last a Draught had been made on the Bank for fifty Pounds to David Salomons for the pay- 208 COLONIAL RECORDS. irent of Sola Bills and was sign'd the 20th of last Month by the Earl of Egmont M' L'apostre M' Holland M' Laroche and M' Vernon N° 4585 O. Resolved That as the Town of Savanah is very much increas'd Gowns be sent over for the Magistrates to wear in Court, And that those for the Bailiffs be Purple edg'd with Furr, And that for the Recorder be black tufted. Resolved That thirty One Pounds ten Shillings be paid to M' William Stephens for his Expences, he having waited three Months at the Request of the Trust before he was order'd to imbark for Georgia. A Certified Account from Georgia being laid before the Common Coun cil amounting to One hundred and Eighty One Pounds Seven Shillings and three Pence for Provisions deliver'd by M' Thomas Ware. Order'd That the said Account be paid to the said M' Thomas Ware or his Order. A Certified Account from Georgia being laid before the Common Coun cil Amounting to two hundred and fifteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings and five Pence for Provisions and Necessaries deliver'd by M' Lawrence Wessels.Order'd That the said Account be paid to the said M' Lawrence Wessels or his Order. M' Daniel Booth having sent an Account of the Charges of making the Piece of Georgia Silk, and of Silk added for the Shute &c. amount ing to twenty Six Pounds. Order'd That the said Sum be paid to M' Booth for the said Charges. Resolved That the Sum of three thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote for the Use of the Trust. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Ogle thorpe the Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote M' Laroche and D' Hales N° 4587 O. Adjourn'd COLONIAL RECORDS. 209 Palace Court Wednesday October 5 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Vernon in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote Col. Oglethorpe M' L'apostre D' Hales D' Bundy Lord Carpenter. A Report was made from the Committee appointed for the Settling and Determining the affair of M' Peter Gordon's Memorial, that they had taken the said Memorial into Consideration, wherein he set forth, that by an Illness which he had contracted in Georgia, be had been obliged to go to Carolina and afterwards to return to England ; That he afterwards return'd to Georgia, and had under his Care the Indian Chiefs and the Passengers in their Voyage to Georgia, That upon his coming back again to represent the State of the Colony, he had applied soon after to the Trustees for leave to dispose of his House and Land and an Allowance for the great Expences he had been at in the Service of the Colony, And that he never had receiv'd above two Months Provisions from the Pub lick Stores, nor the Arrears of Provisions due to him which was offer'd to him by Mr Causton the last time he was in Georgia. And That the Committee were of Opinion, that thirteen Pounds Seven Shillings and One Penny should be given to him as an Allowance for the Arrears of One Year's Provisions for himself and his Wife. That they were likewise of Opinion that the said Peter Gordon should have leave to dispose of his House and Land to such Person as on his appearing before the Trustees should be approv'd of by them. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Orders of the Common Council a Draught had been made on the Bank of England for One thousand Pounds the 21" of September 1737 to M' Alderman Heathcote N° 4588 0. and sign'd by the Earl of Eg- [14 c. r.J 210 COLONIAL RECORDS. mont Col. Oglethorpe, M' L'apostre M' Eyre and M' Thomas Tower for the payment of Sola Bills. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that the four hun dred and thirty three Pounds Imprest to James Oglethorpe Esq' to an swer the like Sum in the Payment of Sola Bills paid away by M' Causton as Cash receiv'd of M' Oglethorpe, part of the fifteen hundred Pounds Sola Bills paid away without M' Oglethorpe's Indorsement has been ap plied in discharge of the said Sola Bills to that amount whereby the said whole fifteen hundred Pounds Sola Bills are paid. Order'd That fifteen hundred Pounds of the four thousand Eight hundred and fifty Pounds Sola Bills directed to be made out the 10th of August last be sent immediately to Georgia, And that any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw for the payment thereof on their Return. Order'd That the Residue of the Sola Bills directed to be made out for the Service of the Colony be sent to Georgia from time to time as Any five of the Common Council shall think fit ; And that any five of the Com mon Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the Pay ment thereof on their being return'd to England after their having been issued in Georgia. The Accomptant made the following Report of the State of the Trustees Cash as it stood the 30"1 of September last. The Sola Bills order'd to be made out and yet unsent to Georgia will provide for an Exceeding of the Establish'd Allowance to Lady Day 1738 as far as the Sum of £700. And after Appropriating Money for all the Sola Bills sent and to be sent, and for all particular uses besides. The Balance in the Bank for the Colony this 30'" of £ September 1737 amounts to 5977. 6. 0|. And in M' Alderman Heathcotes hands 1452. 6. 7 Total to be Applied for the Colony .... 7429. 12. 7|T Whereof for the following Demands. The Balance of the Account of Ser- ~\ £ vants from Scotland yet Un- >¦ 30. 0. 0 settled, About ) For 99^ Heads of Foreign Servants ~) sent from Cowes, and for the V 619. 15. 0. Ships delivering them at Tybee ) COLONIAL RECORDS. •211 [.1256. 18. 0. J 331. CO. 10. 0 0. 0 10. 7. 16. 13. 1 49. 18. 6 173. 18. 5 7. 13. 3 223. 9. 8 96. s 3 0 6 For Cloathing and Maintenance of them, and the 40 Servants from £ Scotland at 6. 10. 0 a Year }. 1813. 10. 0. Each head for two Years untill their Labour can defray that Charge J For the Beef Butter and Tallow from ") Ireland and Flower and Beer from England, and Freight and Primage thereof to Georgia . . For the Saw Mill and freight and Primage thereof to Georgia . . For 300 pair of Shoes .... For 6 p8 of Strouds 40 p" of Duffils, \ and for Dying the Strouds and > 185. 0. 0 Package J For 300 Indian Guns in List Cases . . 127. For 500 w' of Bullets and a Barrel of Powder for the Darien . For Freight thereof and of the 50 ) i in 0 Mu.-quets for them . . . . j For Freight of M' Stephen's Son ") and three Men Servants to >- 25. 0. 0 Georgia j For Working tools for One hundred ~\ Men Servants at 20 Shillings [ 100. 0. 0 Each ) To the following Persons as ^ Account. £ Mess" Crokatt and Sea- \ man ) M' Simond D° for Mess" Montaigut ") &&.... j Capt. Daubuz . . Mess'8 Pytt and Tuck- ") well . . . . j M' Ball for Mess" Wil- \ liams & C° . . } ~567. 16. 2. 212 COLONIAL RECORDS. For the Office and Charges in Eng- ) land for 6 Months to Lady [ 300. 0. 0 Day 1738 ) 5426. 16. 8. Balance remaining . . . 2002. 15. llf Whereout the Expence of the Carolina and Georgia Disputes must be £ defray'd, whereof 100 has been paid. Resolved That any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw upon the Bank of England for any Sum not exceeding four thousand Pounds as Occasion shall require for the Payment of Provisions from England and Scotland, Servants from Cowes, and Otter Charges in pursuance of the Orders of the Committee for providing Necessaries for this Year's Service in Georgia. Order'd That twelve Pounds be repaid to M' John Venables which he paid in the 15th of Feb77 last tor the Subsistance of his Son then going to Geor gia, he staying only four days in Georgia, and being now return'd to England. Order'd That fifteen Barrels of Herring from Scotland each Barrel containing One thousand at sixteen Shillings Each Barrel be bought and sent to Georgia. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to M' Robert Hay late of Edinburgh Cooper recommended by Patrick Linde- say Esq' Provost of Edinburgh. Read a Grant and Enfeoflment of One hundred and fifty Acres of Land to John Amory of Boston in the County of Lincoln Yeoman. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants. Which was Affix'd accordingly Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same And Memorials of the said Grants in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Order'd That One Pound Eleven Shillings and six Pence the Consideration Money and charge of registring the Grant to Mr Robert Hay be paid by the Accountant the same to be repaid by M' Hay in Georgia on execut ing the Counterpart there and receiving the Grant. COLONIAL RECORDS. 213 Mr Oglethorpe acquainted the Common Council that in pursuance of the Trustees Memorial to his Majesty dated August 10 1737, setting forth the State of the Colony of Georgia, and the Inability of the Trustees to protect his Majesty's Subjects settled there against the Dangers Which they are Apprehensive of from the late Increase of Spanish Forces at Havanah and S' Augustine. And praying that his Majesty will order a ' necessary Supply of Forces for the Protection of the Province; That his Majesty had order'd a Regiment of six hundred Effective Men to be rais'd for the Defence of the Colony and to be sent thither, And that his Majesty had appointed him Colonel, James Cochran Esq' Lieut. Col1 and William Cook Esq' Major of the said Regiment. M' Oglethorpe acquainted the Board that Lieut. Col. Cochran was de sirous of a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land in the Southern Part of the Province he resolving to carry ten Servants over with him to Georgia. ' M' Oglethorpe likewise acquainted the Bo.ird that Major Cook was de sirous of a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land in the Southern Divis- < ion of the Province, he resolving to carry ten Servants over with him to Georgia.Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land be made to the said Lieut Col James Cochran. Resolved That a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land be made to the said Major William Cook Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grants, And that the Secretary do countersign the same, and do sign Memorials of them in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. M' Oglethorpe moved the Board that a Trust Grant might be order'd ; to be made out for three thousand Acres of Land to be parcel'd out in" five Acre Lots to the Soldiers of his Regiment that shall desire the same, to hold to them during the time of their continuance in his Majesty's Service in Georgia. Order'd That a Grant be made out accordingly for three thousand Acres of Land to three Trustees Who shall be named by M' Oglethorpe. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant, and that the Secretary do countersign the same. 214 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That a Copper gilt Mace be provided for the Court of the Town of Savanah. Order'd That a Bill of Exchange drawn by M' Causton dated May 18"> 1737 on M' Oglethorpe for fifty Pounds be accepted and paid, it being in Part of Recompence to the said M' Causton for his acting four Years and up wards as Storekeeper And One of the Magistrates in Georgia ; And be ing Part of two hundred Pounds to enable the said M' Causton to settle his new Farm. Resolved That the Memorial of John Vat praying a further Recompence for his Service and Attendance be rejected Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to an Indenture to Samuel Landers, and that the Secretary do countersign it. Read a Letter from the Revd M* Charles Wesley desiring his Salary for the last Year may be paid to him. Order'd That fifty Pounds be paid to the said M' Wesley as Missionary, and for a Year's Salary due at Michaelmas last. A Certified Account for Steers and Cows deliver'd by Robert Perry- man amounting to One hundred and thirty two Pounds five Shillings and four Pence was laid before the Board. A Certified Account of Necessaries deliver'd by Samuel Montaigut and C° between Nov' 26 1736 and Lady Day 1737 Amounting to One hundred and Seventy three Pounds Eighteen Shillings and five Pence was laid before the Board. A Certified Account of Tools and Necessaries deliver'd by John Brownfield Factor for Mess" Pytt and Tuckwell between Jan'7 7 1736 and Midsummer 1737 amounting to two hundred and twenty three Pounds Nine Shillings and Eight Pence one farthing was likewise laid before the Board. A Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries deliver'd by Mess" Robert Williams and C° between June 14 1736 and June 1737 the Bal ance whereof is Ninety Six Pounds three Shillings and three Pence far thing was likewise laid before the Board. An Account of Eleven Casks of Flower and ten Hhd8 of Beer which Capt. Dymond deliver'd to M' Causton June 24 1737 Which M' Simond COLONIAL RECORDS. 215 has computed to be forty Nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six Pence was likewise laid before the Board. An Account deliver'd by M' John Crokat of Melasses deliver'd in Georgia by M' Oglethorpe's Order August 20th 1736 which has not been paid for, amounting to Sixteen Pounds thirteen Shillings and One Penny farthing was laid before the Board. Order'd That the said Accounts be paid. Resolved That Seven hundred and fifty Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Vernon, the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont D' Hales and S' William Heath cote N° 4589 O. Read a Petition of John Amory and Sarah his Wife (now going to Georgia,) praying a Credit if Occasion should require of fifty Pounds Sterl. in Provisions or Necessaries in Georgia. Resolved That a Letter of Credit be given to the Petitioners on their giving a proper Security for the payment of the same out of their Estate in Lin coln Shire. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Nov' 23 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Carpenter Col. Oglethorpe M' Vernon M' L'apostre M' Holland M' Laroche The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Order of the 5th of October last. Viz' That any five of the Common Coun cil be impower'd to draw upon the Bank of England as Occasion should 216 COLONIAL RECORDS. require for any Sum not exceeding four thousand Pounds for the pay ment of Provisions, Servants from Cowes, and Other Charges iu pursu ance of the Orders of the Committee for providing Necessaries for this Year's Service in Georgia, Seven hundred and Seventy Pounds had been drawn for upon the Bank the twenty sixth of last Month for payment of five hundred Pounds in Bills from Ireland on Account of Provisions bought there, two hundred and ten Pounds for the Saw Mill, and Sixty Pounds for three hundred Pair of Shoes And that the said Draught was sign'd by M' Vernon, M' Eyre, M' Chandler M' L'apostre, and Alderman Cater N° 4590 O. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council, that pursuant to the Order of the 5"1 of October last, four hundred and thirty Pounds had been drawn for upon the Bank the 9th Instant for payment of Provisions, Indian Guns and Other things provided for this Year's Service in Geor gia, and the said Draught was sign'd by the Earl of Egmont M' L'apos tre M' Holland M' Vernon and Lord Carpenter N° 9796 '. Receiv'd a Certified Account from Pettiaugua hire freight and Pro visions dated August 22 1737 Whereon One hundred sixty Six Pounds Nineteen Shillings and four Pence Sterl. is stated due to Samuel Lacy Receiv'd a Certified Account for Provisions and Necessaries dated July 23 1737 amounting to three hundred Eighty One Pounds four Shillings and five Pence due to Francis Johonnot with a Letter of Advice thereof. Read a Letter from Mr Causton dated August 10th 1737 advising of two Certified Accounts to Mess" Minis and Salomons for Provisions from New York dated August 10"1 1737. the One for One hundred forty One Pounds Eighteen Shillings and ten Pence half Penny. And the Other for three hundred and Seventeen Pounds fifteen Shillings and Eleven Pence. Making together four hundred and fifty Nine Pounds fourteen Shillings and Nine Pence half Penny Sterl. Whereof the Account for three hun dred and Seventeen Pounds fifteen Shillings and Eleven Pence is come for Payment. Receiv'd a Letter of Advice from M' Causton dated July 26 1737 advising of a Certified Account to Benjamin Appelbe dated July 26 1737 for One hundred and forty Eight Pounds two Shillings and Eleven Pence half Penny Sterl. Which is brought for Payment. Receiv'd a Certified Account for Necessaries dated July 21s' 1737 amounting to Seventy Six Pounds five Shilling and two Pence due to Mess" Samuel Montaigut and C°. Receiv'd a Certified Account for Steers deliver'd in Georgia dated Au- COLONIAL RECORDS. 217 gust 1" 1737 amounting to One hundred and forty Seven Pounds due to William Bellinger. All which Certified Accounts receiv'd and advised of amount together to the Sum of One thousand three hundred and Seventy Nine Pounds Seven Shillings and four Pence. Order'd That the said Accounts be examin'd by the Accountant, And if they are found to be truly computed aud cast, that they be severally paid. Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for the said Sum of One thousand three hundred and Seventy Nine Pounds Seven Shillings and four Pence payable to M' Alderman Heathcote for the Payment of the said Bills. Sign'd the said Draught N° 9797 ' by Dr Hales the Earl of Egmont M' Laroche M' Holland and M.' L'apostre. Order'd That it be an Instruction to the Committee for sending over to Geor gia the Sola Bills Order'd to be made out the 10th of August last. That they be careful of keeping back so many Sola Bills as the Amount of any Certified Accounts that may hereafter come to hand, and be dated after the Arrival of M' William Stephens in Georgia, Who sailed the middle of August last with the Establish'd Allowances. Of which Sola Bills One thousand Eight hundred Pounds Part of four thousand Eight hun dred and fifty Pounds have been already sent, and three thousand and fifty Pounds remain. And that the said Committee do also consider, Whether the Supply of Provisions and Necessaries receiv'd in Georgia from July last to the time of M' William Stephen's Arrival, Which is or shall be known, will not be so far Assisting to the Colony, as to lessen the Necessity of sending the Whole Sola Bills remaining, five hundred Pounds f>> Month being the computed Expences abroad One Month with Another Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land in Geor gia to George Preston Jun' of Valyfield in the County of Perth Esq' Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd to the said Grant. Which was Affix'd accordingly Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Grant, and do sign a Me- 218 COLONIAL RECORDS. morial of the same in order to be registered with the Auditor of the Plan tations. Resolved That the said George Preston have leave to be Absent during Pleasure in consideration of his sending over ten Servants to cultivate his Land. Seal'd Grants and Enfeoffments of five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia to Lieut. Col. Cochran and to Major William Cook which were Order'd the 5th of October last. Resolved That Each Soldier of Col. Oglethorpe's Regiment shall have an Allot ment of five Acres of Land in Georgia, to cultivate for his own Use and Benefit, and shall hold the same during his continuance in his Majesty's Service in Georgia. And for a further Encouragement to the said Soldiers good Behaviour. Resolved That Each Soldier who shall at the end of seven Years Service from his inlisting in the said Regiment be desirous to quit his Majesty's Serv ice, And shall have his regular discharge, and shall settle in Georgia, shall on his Commanding Officer's Certificate of his good Behaviour, be intitled to a Grant of twenty Acres of Land, to hold to himself and the Heirs Male of his Body for Ever. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said two Resolutions, and that the Secretary do sign the same. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 219 Palace Court Wednesday December 7th 1737 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont Col. Oglethorpe M' Laroche S' William Heathcote D' Bundy M' Holland D' Hales Mr Vernon M' Eyre. Receiv'd a Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries deliver'd by Mess" Woodward and Flower dated August 3. 1737 the Balance Whereof amounts to two hundred and sixty Six Pounds fourteen Shil lings and Seven Pence Sterl. brought by M' Peter Flower. Receiv'd Another Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries de liver'd by Mess" Samuel Montaigut and C dated August 17. 1737 the Balance Whereof amounts to two hundred Eighty five Pounds three Shil lings and Nine Pence Sterling, brought by M' Simond Receiv'd Another Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries de liver'd by M' Eveleigh dated Sept' 9 1737 the Balance Whereof amounts to One hundred Ninety Seven Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence brought for Payment by M' Baker. Receiv'd Another Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries de liver'd by Mess" Minis and Salomons dated October 7th 1737, the Bal ance Whereof amounts to three hundred Ninety three Pounds Eighteen Shillings and four Pence brought for Payment by M' Simson Levy. Read a Letter of Advice from M' Thomas Causton which mentions Another Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries deliver'd by Mess" Minis and Salomons amounting to Seventy Eight Pounds Nine Shillings and Six Pence Sterl. Receiv'd Another Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries de liver'd by Mr Robert Ellis dated August 6'" 1737 brought for Payment by Mr Lawrence Williams amounting to four hundred Ninety four Pounds One Shilling. Receiv'd Another Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries de- 220 COLONIAL RECORDS. liver'd by M' Robert Williams and C° dated August 8"1 1737 brought for payment by M' Lawrence Williams the Balance Whereof amounts to forty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and four Pence. Read a Letter of Advice from M' Causton which mentions Another Certified Account of Provisions and Necessaries deliver'd by M' William Clay amounting to One hundred forty Nine Pounds Sixteen Shillings and two pence. Order'd That the said Certified Accounts be paid. Resolved x That five hundred whole Deal Boards be bought and sent to Georgia for the building of the Church at Savanah. M' Burrington (late Governor of the Province of North Carolina) at tended and desired the Trustees would pay to him here in England such Sums as may be due to him in Carolina, and order their Officers in Georgia to receive the same Sums there in lieu of what may be paid to him here. Resolved That Governor Burrington be acquainted that the complying with his Request is inconsistent with the Method which the Trustees have pre- scrib'd for their Conduct, and that they cannot therefore do it. The Chairman accordingly acquainted the Governor with the said Resolution.Order'd That a Bill drawn by M' Thomas Causton on James Oglethorpe Esq' for twenty Pounds dated August the 10th 1737 in full of the two hundred Pounds, order'd by the Common Council Aprill the 29th 1737 to be placed to the Account of M' Causton's four Years Service in Georgia from Feb77 1732 (Col Oglethorpe having then acquainted the Common Council that the first fifty Pounds Order'd for M' Causton's Service had not been taken Credit for by him,) be paid. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to Capt. William Wood recommended by Lieut. Col. Cochran. Order'd That a Grant of the same be made out and that the Seal of the Cor poration be affix'd to the same. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same and do likewise sign a COLONIAL RECORDS. 221 Memorial of the same in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for two thousand five hundred and Eighty three Pounds being for the payment of the above Certified Accounts being One thousand Nine hundred and fourteen Pounds twelve Shillings, and for the Residue and freight of the Irish Cargo being Six hundred Sixty Eight Pounds Eight Shillings. Sign'd a Draught for the same by M' L'apostre the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon S' Willm Heathcote and Mr Eyre N° 9798 '• Read a Memorial of M' Hugh Anderson desiring a Lot of fifty Acres may be granted to his Younger Son a Minor Resolved That a Lot of five hundred Acres be granted to the Son of the said M' Hugh Anderson if he desires the same Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Jan'7 25th 173| Present in Common Council Assembled. S' William Heathcote in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' Eyre Dr Bundy M' Sloper M' L'apostre. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Order of the 5th of October last for any five of the Common Council to draw upon the Bank of England as Occasion should require, for Any Sum not exceeding four thousand Pounds for the payment of Provisions &c. Six hundred and sixty Eight Pounds Eight Shillings, Part of two thousand five hundred Eighty three Pounds had been drawn for upon the Bank the 7th Instant. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council also that pursuant to the Orders of the Common Council a Draught had been made upon 222 COLONIAL RECORDS. the Bank of England for five hundred Pounds the 14"1 of December 1737 to M' Alderman Heathcote for the payment of Sola Bills. N° 9799 ' and sign'd by the Earl of Egmont M' L'apostre M' M' Vernon M' Hol- (sic) land and Mr Laroche. The Accomptant also acquainted the Common Council That pursuant to the Order of Common Council of the 5th of October last for any five of the Common Council to send the Residue of the four thousand Eight hundred and fifty Pounds Sola Bills directed to be made out for the Serv ice of the Colony the 10th of August last; five hundred Pounds had been sent, and that in the whole two thousand Pounds of the said Sola Bills have been sent. A Certified Account for Provisions and Necessaries amounting to forty three Pounds Sixteen Shillings and four Pence due to M' David Provost dated July 15 1737 with a Letter of Advice thereof being brought to the Board for Payment. A Certified Account for Provisions amounting to two hundred twenty Six Pounds four Shillings and Nine Pence due to M' Thomas Ware and dated August 10th 1737 with a Letter of Advice thereof being brought for payment. A Certified Account for Provisions and Necessaries amounting to two hundred Ninety three Pounds three Shillings and Eleven Pence due to M' William Van Der Spiegel and dated Sept' 29 1737 with a Letter of Advice thereof being brought also for payment. A Certified Account for Provisions and Necessaries amounting to One hundred thirty Eight Pounds twelve shillings and Eleven Pence due to Benjamin Appelbe and dated Sept' 28th 1737 (of which no Letter of Ad vice) being brought also for payment. A Certified Account for Pettiaugua Hire amounting to Sixty two Pounds Seventeen Shillings and One Penny due to James Searle to Bal ance, and dated 20th Sept' 1737 with a Letter of Advice thereof being brought for payment. A Certified Account for Provisions and Necessaries amounting to One hundred Sixty Six Pounds three Shillings and Eleven Pence due to Sam uel Montaigut and C° and dated 4th October 1737 with a Letter of Ad vice thereof being brought also for payment. A Certified Account for payment of the Southern Rangers at Fort Ar- gyle amounting to four hundred twenty five Pounds and four pence due to Capt. James Mackpherson to Balance, and dated 2d of October 1737 with a Letter of Advice thereof being brought also for payment. COLONIAL RECORDS. 223 A Certified Account for Pay and Provisions at Fort Prince George and of Expences for the Indians amounting to two hundred twenty One Pounds ten Shillings and Six Pence due to Capt. tineas Mackintosh to Balance, and dated 14'" October 1737 with a Letter of Advice thereof being brought also for payment. A Certified Account for Provisions and Necessaries amounting to three hundred Eighty four Pounds Seven Shillings and ten pence due to Rob ert Ellis and dated 17 October 1737 with a Letter of Advice thereof being brought also for payment. Resolved That (Advice being come that since the Dates of the foregoing Certifi cates One thousand Six hundred and fifty Pounds in Sola Bills are ar rived in Georgia for which Money is appropriated to answer on their Re turn,) The aforesaid Certified Accounts be return'd to Georgia for pay ment there, they being in themselves only Bills of Parcels for Goods sold and deliver'd to be paid for in England or Georgia as the Trustees shall think proper. Order'd That publick Notice be given in Georgia that the Trustees having supplied, and intending to supply the Colony with Sola Bills in order to answer the Expences thereof ; No Bills of Parcels or Certified Accounts whatsoever for Provisions or Necessaries sold and delivered in Georgia for the use of the Trust, or Money due or to grow due there on their Ac count will be paid in England, That their Storekeepers have receiv'd Or ders to defray all Expences and Charges of the Colony by the Trustees Sola Bills remitted to them to be issued there for that purpose. And That no Other Payments will be made by the Trustees for the Charges abroad, but by the payments of the Sola Bills sent from England to de fray such Charges. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Orders of the Common Council a Draught had been made upon the Bank of England for One hundred and fifty One Pounds the 11'" Instant to Peregrine Fury Esq' for the payment of Sola Bills N° 9800 ' and sign'd by the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote Mr Laroche and M' L'apostre The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Order of the 5'" of October last for Any five of the Common Council to draw upon the Bank of England as Occasion should require, for Any Sum not exceeding four thousand pounds for the payment of Provisions &c. two 224 COLONIAL RECORDS. hundred and fifty Pounds had been drawn for upon the Bank the 1 i'" Instant N° 9801 ' and sign'd by the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Laroche and M' L'apostre. Resolved That no more Sola Bills be sent to Georgia till the Trustees are enabled by a new Supply to answer them. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts to the Purport follow ing ; That they had examin'd the Annual Account from June 9*" 1736 to June 9th 1737, And that the Balance of the said Account ending June 9'" 1737 remaining unapplied, the Committee did find to be the Sum of three thousand five hundred and Nineteen Pounds thirteen Shillings and Eleven Pence ; Which Sum the Accomptant at the Bank has certified to be in the hands of the Governor and C° of the Bank of England on the said 9'" of June 1737. The said Account was read and agreed to. Resolved That any three of the Common Council be desired to wait on the Lord high Chancellor and the Master of the Rolls with the said Annual Account. Order'd That as soon as the Annual Account is presented One hundred and fifity Copies of the same be printed Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'7 8'" 173| Present in Common Council Assembled M' Eyre in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Tho8 Tower Mr Vernon M' Sloper Col. Oglethorpe M' Laroche. Resolved That the Persons Who are in possession of any Certified Accounts from Georgia be acquainted, that the Trustees have sent Sola Bills to COLONIAL RECORDS. 225 Georgia to answer the Expences for which the said Accounts were Cer tified ; And that if they will stay till the Trustees can hear from thence relating to the application of the said Sola Bills sent thither, the Trus- £ tees will allow them from this day 4 tp. Cent Interest for the said Accounts till they are paid in England Resolved That five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Eyre the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Sloper and M' Tho8 Tower N° 9802 ' Adjourn'd. Vestry Room of S" Bride's Church Thursday March 16. 173$ Present in Common Council Assembled. Earl of Egmont in the Chair Lord Tyrconnel M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon Col. Oglethorpe Mr Eyre D' Hales Mr L'apostre M' Smith Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to James Carteret Esq'. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same, and do sign a Memorial of it in Order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Adjourn'd. [15 c. r.] 226 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday March 29a 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Tho8 Tower in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mr Vernon gr Wm Heathcote M' Ch. Tower M' Tracy Lord Tyrconnel M' Laroche M' L'apostre M' Smith Resolved That it be an Instruction to the Committee of Correspondence to in quire how the Servants who have been sent to Georgia for the use of the Trust have been and are employ'd. Resolved That it be an Instruction to the said Committee to inquire how the Silk Winders have been employ'd and what they have done ; And how the Directions of the Trustees from time to time relating to the cultiva tion of the Mulberry Plants and the Delivering them out to the People have been complied with. Resolved That it be an Instruction to the said Committee to consider the con duct of M' Noble Jones the Surveyor and report their Opinion thereon to the Board. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts. The Board taking the same into consideration. Resolved That the following Advertisement be sign'd by the Secretary, and that it be forthwith publish'd in the London Gazette ; And that it be publish'd in the South Carolina Gazette, and affix'd upon the Door of the Storehouse at Savanah, and the Door of the Storehouse at Frederica. The Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, out 6f a due regard for Publick Credit, do hereby give Notice, that they have resolved that all Expences Which the Trustees have already order'd or shall hereafter order to be made in America for the use of the COLONIAL RECORDS. 227 said Colony, shall be defray'd and paid for in Georgia in Sola Bills of Exchange only under the Seal of the said Trustees. And They do further give Notice that no Person whatsoever has Any Authority from them, or in their Name or on their Account to purchase or receive any Cargoes of Provisions, Stores or Necessaries, or to contract any Debt or create any Expence Whatsoever in America, And that no Persons may be ig norant thereof, the Trustees have order'd, that this Notice shall be affix'd and remain on the Door of the Storehouse at Savanah, and on the Door of the Storehouse at Frederica in the Province of Georgia in America ; and shall be publish'd in the London Gazette, and South Carolina Gazette. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 12. 17?8. Present in Common Council Assembled. D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Ch. Tower M' Tho8 Tower S' William Heathcote Col. Oglethorpe M' Tho8 Archer M' Henry Archer M' Digby M' Tracy M' L'apostre Mr Smith. Read a Letter from M' William Stephens dated Jan'7 19 173|- Wherein he acquaints the Trustees of the Dissatisfaction among several Persons upon the Tenure of their Lots being confin'd to Heirs Male. Order'd That the Secretary do write to M' Stephens and insert in his Letter the Clause in the printed Terms (settled by the Common Council and offer'd to such Persons Who go at their own Expence,) relating to the Females, And that he do acquaint him that the Trustees think proper to 228 COLONIAL RECORDS. adhere to the Covenants which have been made in their several Grants, and that they will take the forfeit of Grants of those Persons who neglect to cultivate their Lands. Read a Petition of Abraham DeLyon of the Town of Savanah, setting forth that he hath been a Freeholder of the said Town upwards of four Years without any charge to the Trust, That he hath expended the sum of four hundred Pounds in the Improvement of his Lot, and the culti vation of the Vines which he carried with him from Portugal, which he hath brought to great Perfection, But as the carrying this Business on requires a greater Stock of Cash than he can at present command, he desires a Loan of two hundred Pounds, and proposes several Persons as Securities for the repayment of it within the term of six Years. Order'd That the said Petition be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to report their Opinion thereon. Order'd That the several sorts and Quantities of Drugs, which M' Hawkins has sent an Invoyce of, be bought, and sent over to Frederica. Order'd That 90 Tons of Flint Stones be bought for the Churches at Georgia. Order'd That Two Tons of Swedish and two Tons of of Siberia Iron in Bars and (sic) two hundred Weight of Steel be bought for the use of the Churches at Georgia. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts that they were of opinion that the amount of the Cargo of Provisions from Philadelphia may be properly paid for out of the Money reserved for the maintenance of the Servants sent to and arrived in Georgia, and the Account thereof being received amounting to Eight hundred forty seven Pounds five Shillings and Eight pence half Penny. Order'd That the said sum of Eight hundred forty seven Pounds five Shillings and eight Pence half Penny be paid out of the said reserved Money. Order'd That the sum of forty five Pounds Nineteen Shillings be paid for the Mace which is to be sent over for the Magistracy at Savanah. The Board being acquainted that the Ship three Sisters Which de liver'd One hundred and twenty Heads and a half of Servants in Georgia is arrived in England. COLONIAL RECORDS. 229 Order'd That the further Sum of two hundred Pounds be paid to M' Wragg upon Account of the said Passengers untill the extraordinary Charge for want of a Pilot at Tybee can be settled. Order'd That the Account of the said Charge be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. A Certified Account of Provisions and Fire Stones deliver'd by M' Robert Ellis dated Feb17 1" 1737 amounting to five hundred and four Pounds nine Shillings and Eleven Pence was brought for payment. On reading the Letter of Advice of the said Account the said Provis ions appear to be rather deposited for sale than wanted for the Trust. Order'd That the said Account be return'd. Order'd That the sum of ten Pounds ten Shillings be paid to M" Mary Cooper for the Rent of her House for a Year due to her June 16. 1737. The second Bailiff of Savanah renting the said House, and Mr Causton hav- •ng a Letter of Attorney from the said M" Cooper to receive the rent. Read a Petition from M' Peter Gordon and his Wife setting forth that in pursuance of the Trustees leave they do surrender to the Trust their House, Garden Lot, and Farm Lot situate at Savanah ; And that they propose for their Successors M" Ann Cook and M" Susannah Cook Daughters of Major William Cook, and the Heirs Male of their Bodies to be joint Proprietors thereof, and the Survivors of them and praying the Trustees approbation thereof. Resolved That the said House, Garden Lot, and Farm Lot be granted to M" Ann Cook and M" Susanah Cook pursuant to the Prayer of the said Pe tition. Resolved That Eleven hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for One thousand Eight hundred and fifty Pounds being Eleven hundred Pounds order'd as above, and seven hundred and fifty Pounds for the payment of Sola Bills by D' Hales the Earl of Egmont, Lord Tyrconnel M' L'apostre and Col. Oglethorpe N° 9804' 230 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Letters and Papers receiv'd this day from the Colony of Georgia be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 26th 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Digby S' Wm Heathcote M' Tho8 Tower M' Tracy M' Tho8 Archer M' Henry Archer M' Smith. Read a Grant and Enfeoffment of five hundred Acres of Land to Capt" Alexander Heron of Col. Oglethorpe's Regiment. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same. Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same And a Memorial of it in Order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations. Order'd That a Lease and Release of three thousand Acres in Trust for fifty Acre Lots to Men Protestants Who shall desire to have them within three Years from the Date thereof, be prepared Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same after its being perused by the next Board of Trustees. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to a Lease and Release ot three thousand Acres of Land in Trust lor five Acres to each Soldier of COLONIAL RECORDS. 231 Gen1 Oglethorpe's Regiment after its being perused by a Board of Trustees. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Adjouru'd. Horn Tavern Monday May 1" 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled Sr William Heathcote in the Chair Lord Tyrconnel Col. Oglethorpe M' Digby M' Vernon M' Alderman Heathcote M' Sloper M' Tho8 Archer M' Henry Archer M' Thomas Tower M' Tracy M' Smith M' L'apostre. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts to the following Pur port, That they had examin'd several Accounts Currant lately received from Georgia ; Whereby they find that large Credit had been given to several Persons by M' Causton for which no Orders had been sent from the Trustees, And were of Opinion, That he must be called upon to give an Account to the Trustees Why such Credits were given. That they had likewise consider'd of the List of Servants transmitted to the Trus tees by M' Stephens, Wherein the first Article consists of forty Servants upon Account of the Trust brought into the Colony by Capt" Thomson n November last and order'd to the Darien for the sawing of Plank un- \ to der the Direction of Lieutenant Moore Mackintosh ; Which being a Charge upon the Trust ; They submitted it to the Consideration of the Common Council, Whether it is not necessary to appoint some other In spectors to take care that the Servants under his Direction be so em ploy'd, And an Account taken of what they have done, and shall con- 232 COLONIAL RECORDS. tinue to do ; And how the Produce of their Labour has been Applied for the Benefit of the Trust. That fifty six more Servants on board the Ship Two Brothers (tho' brought into the Colony at the Owners Risque, and forty four of them contracted for by private Inhabitants selling at their own Expence) have been placed by Mr Causton to the Account of the Trustees, And have all but twelve been distributed by him to private Persons without any Authority for such Proceedings : And therefore were of Opinion that the Charge of the said forty four Servants must be answer'd for by M' Causton. That by the Ship Three Sisters Capt" Hewitt One hundred and twenty Heads and a half of Foreign Servants were brought into the Colony the 24'" of December last ; Whereof sixty seven Heads were put under the care of M' Bradley, and the Committee submitted it to the consideration of the Common Council, whether it is not necessary to appoint some other Inspectors to take an Account how those Servants are employ'd, and how the Produce of their Labour shall be accounted for to theTrust. That Nine Heads and a half more of the said Servants were ^indented to M' Causton withoutany Authority for his so doing ; Wherefore / the Charge of them must be answer'd for by him. And That they had ex amin'd the Sums paid in, and applicable for building Churches in Geor gia, which amounting to Eight hundred and forty three Pounds fifteen Shillings and four Pence, besides Sixty five Pounds more subscrib'd for, making together Nine hundred and Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and four Pence. They submitted it to the consideration of the Common Coun cil to desire Captain Tomas the Ingineer on his Arrival in Georgia to \ make an Estimate for building a Church at Savanah, and send the same Vto the Trustees by the first Ship. Which Report was agreed to, and the several Matters therein submit ted to the Consideration of the Common Council were judg'd to be nec essary and order'd accordingly. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 233 . Palace Court Wednesday May 3 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Col. Oglethorpe M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon M' Laroche M' Tracy M' L'apostre M' Smith M' Ch. Tower. Resolved That Robert Gilbert be appointed third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah in the room of John Dearne deceased. Resolved That a Lot of fifty Acres in the Town of Savanah be granted to M' Andrew Logie. Resolved That a Lot of fifty Acres in the Town of Frederica be granted to M' Holiday Lawes. Resolved That M' John Clarke be appointed Secretary for the Indian Affairs in the room of the Rev" M' Charles Wesley. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the Appointments of Robert Gilbert as third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah and John Clarke as Secretary for the Indian Affairs ; And that the Secretary do counter sign the same. Adjourn'd. 234 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday May 10th 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Laroche in the Chair Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote M' Tho8 Tower M' Tracy M' Henry Archer Mr Vernon Mr L'apostre M' Smith Col. Oglethorpe Lord Tyrconnel. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts dated March 23. 173-J to the Purport following. That the Accountant had acquainted the Committee, that by the Accounts received from Georgia the Expences for the Colony in America for seven Months from November 1736 to Midsummer 1737 amounted to five thousand nine hundred and five Pounds five Shillings and nine Pence half Penny. Which is Eight hun dred forty three Pounds twelve Shillings and three Pence Month. That besides these Expences paid and appropriated for Payment, there are Demands for Certified Accounts of Stores, Necessaries, and Pay still due and unpaid to the amount of two thousand two hundred and twenty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and five Pence ; Which when paid out of the Eight thousand Pounds granted this Session of Parliament, the said Stores Necessaries and Sola Bills now in the Colony will be more than sufficient to supply the Expence thereof upon the foot of the last Estab- lish'd allowances sent over with Mr Stephens untill the end of July 1738, the said Allowances not amounting to five hundred Pounds a Month. Which Establish'd Allowances being twice read over the following Articles thereof the Committee were of Opinion ought to be immediately struck off, and be no louger defrayed by the Trustees, they relating to COLONIAL RECORDS. 235 the Defence of the Colony, Which the Trustees are no further concern'd in the providing for, because the Money granted in this Session of Parlia ment is only towards settling the Colony. Which several Articles are as follow.The Expence of Capt. Mackpherson and twenty ) £ ^> Ann five Rangers at Fort Argyle j 629. 14. 4 The Expence of M' John Cuthbert and six Rangers 168. 0. 0. The Expence of M' Willy and three Rangers . . 96. 0. 0 The Expence of M' Tho8 Jones and two Men . . 35. 2. 8 The Expence of Capt. Mackintosh and ten Men ) 041 7 n at Fort Prince George The Expence of the Captain Lieutenant and fif- "j 004 n n teen Men at Fort Augusta j The Expence of the Ingineer Gunner Master of ) the Pettiaugua two Men and four Labourers [- 143. 17. 10 at Frederica j The Expence of an Ensign, Overseer of the Works, ~\ ten Men a Storekeeper and Surgeon and two V 257. 2. 10 Carpenters at S' Andrews J The Expence of the Carolina Scout Boat consist- ") ing of a Patroon and twelve Men and Pro- [¦ 308. 2. 6. visions for them ) Total relating to Defence of the Colony . £ 2203. 7. 2 That the Committee were further of Opinion that the two Persons employed in the Store at Frederica the Expence Whereof is forty Eight Pounds a Year ; And the Storekeeper and Cattle Keeper at the Darien the Expence whereof is twenty Six Pounds a Year ought also to be struck off, the time of Maintenance of the Inhabitants in the Southern Division of Georgia expiring in February last. And that for the keeping of such Stores as may be necessary hereafter for the said Division the Care of them should be under the Direction of One Storekeeper for the whole Province. That the Committee afterwards took into Consideration the future Expences of the Colony in America ; And were of Opinion that they should be limited to the following Articles and Sums for One Year to commence from Midsummer next. For the Services of the three Bailiffs and the ) £ Recorder at Savanah and the three Bailiffs r 80. 0. 0 and Recorder at Frederica 236 COLONIAL RECORDS. For the Services of the six Constables and twenty four Tything Men in the said Towns for six Wards in Each and a Constable and four Tyth- V 300. 0. 0 ingmen to Each Ward at five Pounds a Year Each J For the Service of a Storekeeper at thirty pounds ^| a Year and a Clerk to him at ten Pounds a I 4g_ q q Year and Eight Pounds a Year more in lieu j of Provisions J For the Services of two more Clerks engaged by ") the Trust to be employ'd as the Trustees shall j 3g_ q q order at ten Pounds a Year each, and Eight \ Pounds a Year more each in lieu of Provisions. J To an Overseer for his Services in looking after ) 10 0. 0 the Millwright &c j For the Maintenance of the Secretary for the Af- ") fairs of the Trust in Georgia and his Son at ten Pounds a Year and of his ten Servants at }- 120. 0. 0 Six pounds a Year each, and for his extra- | ordinary Charges at forty pounds a Year . J For four Ministers in Georgia at fifty Pounds a ) 200 0 0 Year each j For the necessary Support of the Sick, the Widows ") and Orphans in the Northern Part of the [¦ 100. 0. 0 Province J For the necessary Support of the Sick, the Widows aud Orphans in the Southern Part of the 50. 0. 0 Pro vince For a Messenger to maintain a Correspondence ) 50 0 0 between Savanah and Charles Town . . . j For a Messenger to maintain a Correspondence ) 80 0 0 between Frederica and Savanah . . . . j For the two Millwrights to be paid as employ'd at a rate not exceeding four Shillings a day each and to be hasten'd in bringing their Work to a conclusion For M' Auspourger the Surveyor to be employ'd ") 54 15 0 in surveying the Lands j And an Assistant to him as Occasion shall require at twelve Pence a day (Bio) The Smith for the repair of the Indian arms and ) other Repairs at twenty five pounds a Year [¦ 50. 0. 0 for Each ) The Charge of the Italian Silk Winders ... 70. 12. 11 COLONIAL RECORDS. 237 The Gardiner in the publick Garden at one shil- ) 23 9 6 ling and six pence for each working Day . j A Cow keeper at Ebenezer ...... 24. 12. 7. And One Shilling f*, Cow for all to One hundred, but All above to be sent to Ebenezer (SiC) A Sea Boat at Tvbee ) Jnsteid of the hire of two . o tj i ti -i ¦ r Fcttiauguas which Charge ., „ _ _ A bea rsoat at H redenca J amounted to £ 113. 9. 0 And for Contingencies to include all Charges of the Indians (except Presents which are to be sent from England only,) and all other ac cidental (except extraordinary) occasions not i on n n £ ' exceeding 5 <$ Month for the Northern Part £ and 5 "§> Month for the Southern Part of the Province Which several Expences the Committee were of Opinion should be de frayed by the Issues of Sola Bills in Georgia for that purpose to be sent over under the Trustees Seal and to be fill'd up to William Stephens Esq' M' Thomas Causton and M' Henry Parker ; To Each of Whom an Ac count of the said Expences to be defray'd therewith should be sent ; And that any two of them should be impower'd to issue the said Bills from time to time as Occasion for those Expences should arise ; And that they should be directed to send the Trustees an Account sign'd by both of them on Every Issue shewing to whom and for what Services agreeable to the Ex pences order'd by the Trust each respective Issue was made, with a List of the several Bills so issued Resolved That the Common Council do agree with the said Committee in every Article of the said Report. Order'd That the sum of five hundred Pounds be appropriated out of the Eight thousand Pounds granted in this Session of Parliament when received to answer the like sum in one hundred Sola Bills of five Pounds each to be immediately sent over to Georgia (being part of the two thousand eight hundred and fifty Pounds residue of the Sola Bills order'd to be made out the 10'" of August last and still unsent,) towards defraying the above establish'd Allowances for One Year from Midsummer next ; And that by Indorsement on the said Bills Colonel Oglethorpe be desired to order the same to be issued by Wm Stephens Esq' M' Thomas Causton and Mr Hen ry Parker or any two of them ; And that they be directed to send the 238 COLONIAL RECORDS. Trustees an Account sign'd by both of them who shall issue the said Bills, shewing on every Issue to -whom and for what Services agreeable to the above Expences each respective Issue was made together with a List of the several Bills so issued. Resolved That Col. Oglethorpe be indemnified against the Indorsements of the said One hundred Sola Bills And all Other Outstanding Sola Bills in dorsed by him And that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to such act of Indemnity and that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That when any of the said Sola Bills shall be returned to England for payment after having been so issued in Georgia any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for payment thereof. A further Report was made from the said Committee of Accounts, That they had taken into consideration the Services of M' Thomas Causton the Storekeeper employed upwards of five Years at an Allowance after the rate of forty Pounds a Year ; And that the Business of the Store keeper being now much reduced, and M' Causton being also otherwise employ'd They were of Opinion, That he should have a Month's time after the receipt of the Trustees next Letter to make out the Remain of Stores, and his Several Accounts both of Cash and Stores to be forwarded to England ; And that his Salary of forty Pounds a Year should be continued from February last (to Which time it had been paid,) to the end of the said Month after the Receipt of such Letter, And that he should be assisted by the Clerks Whom the Trustees have sent over untill his said Accounts are perfected ; Which when perfected and received (if al lowed of by the Trustees after Examination) the said Committee were of Opinion that M' Causton should be further gratified for his past Services. Resolved That the Common Council do agree with the Opinion of the said Committee A further Report was made from the Committee of Accounts That they proposed M' Thomas Stephens Son of William Stephens Esq' to take possession of the remaining Stores at Savanah and the care of the remain ing Storesat Frederica to have an Account thereof sent to him from thence, and to be under the Trustees Orders thro' him at the end of the said Month after the Receipt of such Letter. And that they were of Opinion that he should be allowed from that time thirty Pounds a Year, and a COLONIAL RECORDS. 239 Clerk at ten Pounds a Year and eight Pounds a Year more in lieu of Provisions for his said Clerk. The Common Council taking the said Report into Consideration, and that the future Stores would be chiefly kept at Frederica, and that M' Thomas Stephens is of great Use to his Father ; And mention being made That M' Thomas Jones Citizen and Cloth Worker of London was going over with Col. Oglethorpe to be employ'd by him, And that Security was to be taken for the faithfull Performance of those Trusts Which should be committed to the care of the said Thomas Jones, And that he would be a very fit Person to take Possession of the Remain of Stores on his Arrival- Resolved That the said Thomas Jones be appointed Storekeeper for the Whole Province at the Yearly Allowance of thirty Pounds ; And that he be impower'd to take possession of the Remain of Stores on his Arrival in One Month after the Receipt of the Trustees next Letter in Georgia and be allowed from that time the said thirty Pounds a Year for himself be sides a Clerk at the Allowances reported by the said Committee. Read a Petition of Major William Cook setting forth, that his Sta tion in Col. Oglethorpe's Regiment being at Frederica Where he designs to build a good House, And that his Daughters Ann and Susannah being joint Proprietors of the House Garden Lot and Farm Lot at Savanah late ly belonging to Peter Gordon ; He therefore prays leave for his Daugh ter Ann when of Age to be permitted to surrender her Interest in the Abovemention'd Lot at Savanah to her Sister ; Whereby his said Daughter Ann may be enabled to hold as her Property the House Garden Lot and Farm Lot at Frederica Which he shall build and cultivate for her. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the Prayer of the said Petition. Read a Letter from the Revd M' Whitefield at Gibraltar desiring some Stationary Ware. Order'd That a Box of Stationary Ware be sent to Mr Whitefield. Col. Oglethorpe's Account towards discharging the Balance of One thousand and Ninety three Pounds, and Nine Pence half Penny Sterling stated to be due from him the 9'" of June last was deliver'd in, and the Vouchers thereto belonging. Order'd That the said Account and Vouchers be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to examine and settle the same with the Colonel. Adjourn'd. 240 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday May 17. 1738. Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Laroche M' Hen. Archer M' Smith Lord Tyrconnel S' William Heathcote M' L'apostre Earl of Shaftesbury Resolved That the Expence of the Georgia Scout Boat consisting of a Patroon and ten Men and Provisions for them being two hundred and fifty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and one Penny stand Part of the future Ex pences of the Colony from Midsummer 1738 to Midsummer 1739. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to draw up an Advertisement for preserving a safe Method of Correspondence for the Inhabitants of Georgia and their Friends in England, And that the said Advertisement be sign'd by the Secretary. A Petition from the Inhabitants of Highgate in Georgia complaining of the Sterility of their Lands was read. Resolved That William Stephens Esq' and M' Hugh Anderson be desired to go to Highgate, and take a View of the Premises and make a Report there of to the Trustees. Read a Report from the Committee of Correspondence Aprill 26th 1738 to the following Purport, That they were of Opinion That M' Hen ry Parker be allowed two Men Servants belonging to the Trust under M' Bradley's care, such as he shall chuse to be for his own Use and to be maintain'd by the Trust, untill further Order, and that Linen, and Woolen Cloth and Shoes and Stockings and other Cloathing to the Value of twenty Pounds be sent him in consideration of his Services as sec ond Bailiff of the Town of Savanah, and that if the said Servants are married, their Wives to go with them and to be maintain'd by the Trust. And That they were further of Opinion that Mr Thomas Christie in case COLONIAL RECORDS. 241 he continues in the Office of Recorder of the Town of Savanah be allowed two Servants belonging to the Trust now under M' Bradley's Care to be for his own use and maintain'd by the Trust. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts Aprill 19'" 1738 That they had read the Petition of Abraham DeLyon of the Town of Savanah refer'd to the said Committee by the Common Council Aprill 12'" pray ing a Loan of two hundred Pounds for carrying on his Improvements of Vines in Georgia, and had read several Certificates of his Improvements of Vines already made, and of the Abilities of the Securities offer'd by the said Abraham DeLyon for the repayment of the said two hundred Pounds within six Years ; And that they were of Opinion that Col. Oglethorpe be impower'd to lend two hundred Pounds to the said Abra ham DeLyon out of the Money in his hands unaccounted for to the Trust, and take Bond from the Securities propos'd by M' DeLyon for re payment of the same in six Years in the name of the Trustees. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Order'd That a Letter be sent to M' Thomas Causton pursuant to the Report of the Committee of Accounts and Correspondence of March 23d last, ac quainting him that the Trustees will allow and defray no other Expences but those estimated for the Service of One Year from Midsummer 1738 to Midsummer 1739 ; And that Notice be taken in the said Letter of the great Expences incurr'd by him for which he has given no satisfac tory Account ; And that therefore he be directed to send over Copies of all his Journals or Day Books and Leidgers from Lady Day 1734 and that he continue to send the same every three Months. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts May 3. 1738 That they were of Opinion that Col. Oglethorpe be desired to direct a Remain of Stores to be taken immediately on his Arrival and to know of M' Causton What Demands Any Person has upon the Stores, That the Trustees may be made acquainted with the State of their Affairs before they create any new Expence, and that the said Remain of Stores and Account of Demands upon the Stores be Certified to the Trustees. That M' Wragg's Account of Freight and Charges of One hundred and twenty one half Heads of Palatine Servants landed in Georgia at [16 c. r.] 242 COLONIAL RECORDS. five Pounds five Shillings $ Head freight And One hundred Eighty seven Pounds Sixteen Shillings for extraordinary Charges was consid- er'd ; And Capt Hewitt's Protest and Certificate was read to support the extraordinary Charge for Want of a Pilot coming off from Tybee, And it being agreed that M' Wragg should be allowed One hundred Pounds for the Ships putting in to Tybee in her Way to Charles Town ; And That the Committee were of Opinion that the said Sum and no more ought to be allowed besides the freight, unless any further Reason can be given upon Col. Oglethorpe's Inquiry into the case when he arrives in Georgia. And there being a Demand upon Mr Wragg for thirty Seven Pounds Seven Shillings and nine Pence receiv'd of the Passengers deliver'd in Georgia When he shall receive from South Carolina the freight and Charges of Detention of the Ship Three Sisters at Cowes ac cording to the Duke of Newcastle's Letter, the Committee were of opin ion that the Claim of the Exceeding of the One hundred Pounds shall be kept open untill the said Inquiry and Demand upon Mr Wragg shall be completed ; And That he having receiv'd Seven hundred Pounds in part there remains due to him thirty two Pounds twelve Shillings and six Pence. Which the Committee were of Opinion ought to be paid, as also the further sum of thirty Nine Pounds two Shillings and six Pence for Provisions deliver'd to M' Causton by Capt Hewitt making together Seventy One Pounds fifteen Shillings That they had read Capt Dunbar's Memorial dated Jan'7 2. 1737 set ting forth a Claim of Primage for two Voyages of the Ship Prince of Wales in the Years 1734 and 1735 to Georgia Of Which Ship One hun dred and forty Tons were used for Stowage for the Imbarkations in Each Voyage ; And That his Primage at two Shillings ^ Ton cjj), Voyage amounted to twenty Eight Pounds. Which he had never receiv'd ; And praying that the same may be carried to his Credit in discharge of the Balance of fourteen Pounds fourteen Shillings and four Pence half Penny due from him. And That the Committee were of Opinion upon tak ing the same into consideration and examining into the Allowance of Primage to other Captains for Goods Shipt on Account of the Trust When the Whole Ship has been Charter'd, That the said twenty Eight Pounds ought to be allowed, And the Balance of thirteen Pounds five Shillings and Seven Pence half Penny be paid to Capt Dunbar in dis charge of all Accounts between the Trustees and him. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. COLONIAL RECORDS. 243 Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to determine finally the Application of the Trust Servants and make the proper Disposition of them. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the Letter to M' Caus ton, Which was drawn up by the Committee of May 16'" Instant. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts and Correspondence of May 16. Inst. That they were of Opinion that the Plan for the Church at Savanah Which was drawn by M' Flitcroft be put into the hands of Capt. Tomaz Ingineer And that he be desired When he arrives in Geor-. gia to make such Alterations in the Plan as he may judge most necessary to answer the intention of the Trustees, and to make an Estimate of the Expence of building the Church, and to send the said Estimate over to the Trustees by the first Opportunity and to inquire of M' Causton What Number of the Trust Servants can be spared for the Work of building the Church. Resolved ;;' That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts to whom Col. Ogle thorpe's Account and Vouchers towards discharging the Balance of One thousand and three Pounds and nine Pence half Penny stated due from him to the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia upon the 9th Instant was refer'd to examine and settle the same with him ; setting forth That they had examin'd into the said Discharge deliver'd in by Col. Oglethorpe amounting to the Sum of five hundred Seventy Eight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and ten Pence three farthings and were of Opinion that four several Sums therein contain'd which were paid by Col. Ogle thorpe upon Account to Capt Cornish and Capt. Thomas, And Which amounted to forty Pounds ten Shillings should be accounted for by the said Captains. Vizt. twenty Pounds ten Shillings by Capt. Cornish and twenty Pounds by Capt. Thomas And that the Sum of One hundred and fifteen Pounds five Shillings the Average of three Pence ^> Head > Diem in lieu of Refreshments. And all other Extraordinary Charges of two hundred and thirty Heads One half of Passengers on board the Ships Simond and London Merchant for forty Days at Cowes when the said Ships were detain'd from the first of Nov' 1735 to 10'" December follow ing is a reasonable and just allowance, the Nature of the Service not be ing able to produce particular Vouchers for it ; And that the said Com- 244 COLONIAL RECORDS. mittee did find that when the two hundred Pounds shall have been ad vanced to Abraham DeLyon by Col. Oglethorpe on Account of the Trustees as desired ; the Balance due from Col. Oglethorpe to the Trus tees Which remains to be accounted for amounts to the Sum of four hundred twenty four Pounds two Shillings and ten Pence three farthings. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report ; And that when the Sum of two hundred Pounds shall have been advanced to Abraham DeLyon the sum due from and remaining to be accounted for by Col. Oglethorpe to the Trustees is four hundred twenty four Pounds two Shillings and ten Pence three farthings to balance his whole Ac counts with the Trust. The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that Col. Oglethorpe desired to stand charg'd with the Sum of forty Pounds ten Shillings paid to Captain Cornish and Capt" Thomas upon Accouut it being doubtfull that Sum might have been included in the Sum of forty Eight Pounds two Shillings credited Col. Oglethorpe the 21" of Jan'7 1735 being paid by him to the said Captains in part of Demurrage of their Ships and Victualling their Passengers Which their Owners had given the Trustees Credit for ; And That thereby the sum remaining to be accounted for by Col. Oglethorpe will be increas'd to four hundred Sixty four Pounds twelve Shillings and ten Pence three farthings. Which the General agrees to stand charg'd with. Resolved That the Common Council do agree with Col. Oglethorpe in the said Sum of four hundred Sixty four Pounds twelve Shillings and ten Pence three farthings remaining to be accounted for by him. Order'd That these Resolutions be sent to Col. Oglethorpe under the seal of the Trustees, and that they be sign'd by the Secretary. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 245 Palace Court Wednesday May 31" 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Smith in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Lord Tyrconnel M' Tho8 Tower S' William Heathcote Mr Laroche M' L'apostre M' Ch. Tower. Resolved That four hundred thirty four Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence be paid to Capt. William Thomson in discharge of M' Causton's Certificate of fifty six Servants receivd of the said Capt. Thomson for the use of the Trust. Mr Causton's Certificate of Stores and Necessaries amounting to four hundred and sixty Nine Pounds One Shilling and One Penny half Penny deliver'd by Capt. Thomson was taken into Consideration. Resolved That the Trustees will not pay the same, but that it be return'd to Capt Thomson in order to recover of M* Causton. Resolved That untill Capt. Thomson do recover the same of M' Causton four huudred Pounds be lent to Capt. Thomson upon his giving a joint Bond with his Owners and an Assignment of the Policy upon his Ship out and home ; That he will use all proper Means for recovering the same from M' Causton pursuant to the Instructions Which shall be given him by the Trustees. Resolved That fifty Pounds be paid to M' Simson Levy being so much deducted out of a Certified Account to Mess" Minis and Salomons for Seventy five Pounds Nine Shillings and Eleven Pence in August 1737 payable to him. The said Sum of fifty Pounds having been paid in Sola Bills and thought to be part of the Seventy five Pounds nine Shillings and Elevens, but now appearing to be Otherwise. (sic) 246 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That M' David Provost be the Person Who shall succeed the late M' Joseph Hughes in his Lot at Savanah he being nominated by Capt Thomson to the same. Resolved That the two Sea Boats which were purchased by Col. Oglethorpe be paid for, they being to be employed for the Pilotage in Georgia, the Ex- pence of them amounting to fifty Eight Pounds four Shillings and five Pence. Resolved That Any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank for a Sum not exceeding five hundred Pounds after the 9'" of June for the future Service of the Colony to be paid into the hands of M' Al derman Heathcote. Order'd That the sum of One hundred Pounds be paid to the Accountant for his extraordinary trouble in attending the Trustees Business at the Cus tom house, and in making checquing and accepting the Sola Bills and Other Business not relating to his Office of Accountant. Resolved That tweDty five Pounds be given to M'John Brailsford for his Serv ice in attending on the Trustees Account And that his Passage back to Georgia be paid at the Expence of the Trust. Order'd That the Accounts of August Gotlieb Spangenberg on behalf of the Moravian Brethren be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Received'a Certified Account to Mess" Minis and Salomons for Nine ty Eight Pounds six Shillings and two Pence half Penny And Another to the same Persons for four hundred thirty four Pounds Eight Shillings and three Pence half Penny making together five hundred thirty two Pounds fourteen Shillings and six Pence both dated Jan'7 22 1737. Received Another Certified Account to Mess" Minis and Salomons for Parcels deliver'd Jan'7 24 1737 amounting to One hundred twenty four Pounds two Shillings and Eight Pence three farthings dated March 7 1737 Receiv'd Another Certified Account to the same Persons for Parcels deliver'd March 6th 1737 amounting to Ninety Pounds fifteen Shillings and five Pence dated March 7'" 1737 Receiv'd Another Certified Account to Samuel Tingley for One hun- COLONIAL RECORDS. 247 dred forty four Pounds Sixteen Shillings and five Pence half Penny the amount of Parcels deliver'd March 13 1737 dated March 20. 1737. Receiv'd Another Certified Account to David Provost for three hun dred forty Eight Pounds two Shillings and One Penny half Penny the Amount of Parcels dated Feb'7 28 1737. Resolved That the said several Accounts be return'd. Adjourn'd Palace Court Wednesday June 7'" 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Holland M' Ch. Tower M' Laroche M' Hen. Archer M' Smith. Seal'd a Deed Poll removing M' Thomas Causton from the Office of first Bailiff of the Town of Savanah and appointing M' Henry Parker in his room. Order'd That in the Absence of the Secretary the Accountant do countersign it. Read the Trustees Letter to Gen1 Oglethorpe of the 2d Instant. Order'd That the said Deed Poll be sent to Gen1 Oglethorpe to be used ac cording to the Trustees Letter. Resolved That Gen1 Oglethorpe be desired to have M' Causton arrested and kept in safe Custody or on sufficient Security until his Accounts from Lady Day 1734 are examin'd into and approv'd of; And that he may remain in Georgia in custody or on Sufficient Security, and that he be not sent over to England untill the Trustees give further Directions concerning him. The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that to compleat the it 248 COLONIAL RECORDS. Payments order'd to be made One hundred thirty two Pounds fifteen Shillings and three Pence was wanting. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum to Mr Alderman Heathcote N° 6511 by Mr L'apostre the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Laroche and M' Holland. Adjourn'd Palace Court Wednesday June 28th 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled. S' William Heathcote in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Laroche Mr L'apostre M' Hen. Archer M' Holland Mr Smith M' Ch. Tower. M' L'apostre acquainted the Common Council that on the 13th Instant in the presence of M' Vernon M' Laroche and himself the last Years Vouchers to the 9'" Instant included were exchang'd with the Bank ; And that the Balance of the Trustees Cash in the Bank on that day amounted to four thousand two hundred twenty six Pounds and Six Pence. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that of the Above mention'd Balance One thousand nine hundred and forty One Pounds stand appropriated for the payment of Outstanding Sola Bills sent to be issued in Georgia for the Service of the Colony. One thousand seven hundred Sixty Nine Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Six Pence for partic ular Uses. And five hundred and fifteen Pounds four Shillings for Establishing the Colony, Which last Sum will be increas'd when the Payments of the last Year are posted off to the Heads of Service. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Orders of the Board a Draught had been made on the Bank of Eng land to M' Alderman Heathcote for One thousand Pounds for the pay ment of Sola Bills, and was sign'd the 10'" Instant by the Earl of Eg mont M' Vernon M' L'apostre M' Holland and M' Laroche N° 6512 w. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council That pursuant to COLONIAL RECORDS. 249 the Order of the Board May 31" to draw upon the Bank for five hun dred Pounds for the future Service of the Colony, A Draught had been made on the 26'" Instant for that Sum payable to M' Alderman Heath cote and sign'd by M' L'apostre Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote M' Holland and M' Smith N° 6513 w. A Certified Account for two hundred twenty seven Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six Pence three farthings dated March 27'" 1738 being brought from Rhode Island for payment. Another Certified Account for three hundred forty Nine Pounds Sev enteen Shillings and Six Pence dated Aprill 17. 1738. to Robert Wil liams and C° being brought for payment with a Letter of Advice. Another Certified Account for two hundred forty One Pounds Nine teen Shillings and Nine Pence dated Aprill 28. 1738 to Mess" Ellis and Ryan being brought for Payment by M' Lawrence Williams. Resolved That the said Accounts be sent back to Mr Thomas Causton, they be ing Certified contrary to the Orders of the Common Council. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts June 14 1738 (on the Reference from the Common Council made the 17 May 1738 for the said Committee finally to determine the Application of the Trust Serv ants, and make the proper Dispositions of them,) to the Purport follow ing. That they do find that forty Men Servants Which arrived in Georgia on the Trust Account the 20'" of November 1737 by the Ship two Brothers were sent to the Darien to Lieut. John Moore Mackintosh in pursuance of the Trustees Letter dated May 27 1737, Who by the said Letter was authoris'd to offer to each Freeholder there to take One, on their giving Security by Bond to pay Eight Pounds Sterl. in twelve Months time ; And to employ the Remainder of the said forty Servants in sawing and cutting up Timber in any of the Ungranted Lands near the Darien for the use of the Publick. And that ten Women One Girl and One Boy Part of the Other Servants brought in the same Ship at the Owners Risque were put under the care of the said Lieut. Mackin tosh for the use of the Trust to be employ'd in the Publick Work. And the said Committee are of Opinion that an Account should be sent from Lieut. John Moore Mackintosh to be Certified by the Magistrates at Frederica to shew to Which of the Freeholders at the Darien Any of the said forty Servants have been dispos'd of, And how Many of them ; And to shew in what Service the Others of the said Servants And the ten 250 COLONIAL RECORDS. Women One Boy and One Girl have been employ'd, And how the Profit of their Labour is accounted for to the Trust. That the Committee taking into Consideration that the Grant of three hundred Acres of Land to M" William Horton, Thomas Hawkins, (sic) Willes Weston, and Thomas Hird dated 6'" June 1737 to be cultivated for the Religious Uses of the Colony, and set out in the Southern Part of the Province, was now sent over with Gen1 Oglethorpe to be set out accordingly; They were of Opinion that Seven of the said Servants from Scotland under the care of Lieut Mackintosh should be immediately em ploy'd in the Cultivation thereof: And that the then Residue of all the said Servants not dispos'd of to private Persons at the Darien should be offer'd for the supplying the People at Frederica Who want Servants, On each of them giving Bond to the Trustees for the payment of Eight Pounds the Expence of Each of them in One Year unless that Sum can be lessen'd by the Profit of their Labour for the time past being ac counted for to the Trust. That of the Other Servants brought from Scotland by the said Ship at the Owners Risque, And which the Trus tees have paid Eight Pounds

Head, or Any Part thereof for the said Thomas Upton. That the Committee do also find by a List of Servants from Germany Who arrived at Georgia Dec' 24 last by the Ship Three Sisters, which List was sent to the Trustees by M' Tho8 Causton Is' March last, twenty nine Men, twenty seven Women Sixteen Boys and fifteen Girls making Seventy Oue Heads two thirds are under the care of M' Bradley, ten Men ten Women Seven Boys and thirteen Girls were employ'd at the Crane and in the Garden making thirty Heads One Sixth, two Men two Women and One Boy were assign'd to Capt Gascoigne making five Heads, two Men two Women two Boys and two Girls were sent to the Millwrights at Ebenezer making five Heads One Sixth. And that Mr Causton had Nine Heads and a half of the said Servants Which he took to his own Use. And they do further find That of the Seventy One Heads two thirds of Servants under the care of M' Bradley, several of them have been freed by Masters Who had leave to repay the Charges of send ing them ; Wherefore the Committee are of Opinion that such of the said Seventy One Heads two thirds as shall not be freed before the end of the six Weeks granted for that Purpose, after providing the seven for . cultivating the three hundred Acres for Religious Uses at Savanah, the '; \ two which are Order'd with their Wives for M' Henry Parker, and the/ two for M' Thomas Christie, should be employ'd in the Cultivation of Bouverie's Farm Which must be set out to discharge S' Jacob Bouverie's Benefaction for that Purpose. That the Committee taking into Consideration that M' De la Motte had serv'd as Catechist without having receiv'd any Gratification, are of^y' Opinion that ten Pounds out of the Catechist Money should be paid him for his Service. 252 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report, And that Mr Thomas Causton be made Answerable to the Trustees for the Eight Pounds paid for Each of the Servants with which he intrusted Archibald Mac Bean. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of June 5'" Instant, That they had taken into Consideration'.the two Certified Accounts re ceiv'd from M' August Gotlieb Spangenberg for Work done by the Moravian Brethren in Georgia dated the 10th of August, and 25th* of Feb'7 last amounting to two hundred and sixty Pounds and ten Pence ; And stating the same against the freight and Other Charges paid for the said Moravians for which they jointly gave Bond to the Trustees amount ing to two hundred and fifty six Pounds fifteen Shillings and six Pence, Whereof Sixty Pounds were to carry Interest from Lady Day 1735 When they arrived in Georgia ; And finding a Balance of three Pounds five Shillings and four Pence towards the said Interest to make up the Amount of the said Certified Accounts, The Committee are of Opinion that the two Bonds enter'd into to the Trustees the 21" Jan17 1734 and 14*" of October 1735 should be deliver'd up to the said Moravians and stand Discharg'd by the said Certified Accounts. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Receiv'd an Account from M' Paris the Sollicitor of the Money paid to him, and due to him for the Law Expences in hearing the Cause be tween the Trustees and the Lieut. Gov' Council and Assembly of South Carolina, and the Cause between the Trustees and M" Watson. Resolved That the said Account be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts, And that in the mean time fifty Pounds be paid to him on Account. Read a Petition from Mess'8 Belanger and Nunez with Proposals for raising Cochineal in Georgia. Resolved That the said Petition be rejected the Proposals being too Extravagant for the Trustees to comply with. Read a Letter from M' Adam Anderson setting forth That the Incor porated Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge are willing to bestow a Sum of Money on their Missionary at Darien in Georgia (over and above his present Annual Allowance of fifty Pounds) * Supposed 25— the 2 Is half smeared out. COLONIAL RECORDS. 253 to enable him to procure Servants to cultivate the Lauds allow'd him, on condition that the Land so improv'd be declared by the Trustees to belong to their Missionary so long as the said Society shall continue to send and support a Person duly Qualified to be their Missionary at that Place. Resolved That M' John MacLeod have leave to surrender his present fifty Acre Lot at the Darien to the Trustees. Resolved That a fifty Acre Lot be granted for or towards the Maintenance of a Missionary Minister at the Darien for so long a time as the Incorporated Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge shall continue to send and support a Person to be Missionary there, the said Missionary to be approv'd of, and Authoris'd by the Trustees. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday July 17. 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Eyre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' L'apostre Sr William Heathcote M' Hen. Archer M' Tho8 Tower D' Hales M' Smith Resolved That out of the Money appropriated for the Service of the Mission aries twenty Pounds be advanced to the Revd M' Norris for cloathing &c. And that his Passage in the Cabin of Capt. Thomson's Ship with the charge for Refreshments in his Passage be paid for out of the said Money. A Proposal was made for sending over to Georgia the Wife and Chil dren of Marcus, a Jew at present in the Colony. Resolved That as the said Marcus went to Georgia at his own Expence, the Trustees cannot charge themselves with the Expence of sending them. 254 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Certified Accounts which were order'd on the 8'" of Feb'7 last £ to carry an Interest of 4 ^> Cent and which will be due on the 8'" of August next be paid. Resolved That any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw upon the Bank of England for the Sum of two thousand two hundred and Seventy two Pounds and Eight Pence for the payment of the said Certified Ac counts with the Interest due upon them And one Certified Account of Sixty five Pounds ten Shillings and five Pence dated before M' Stephens's Arrival in Georgia. The Common Council taking into consideration that the several certi fied Accounts hitherto sent over to England have been so sent by way of Remittances to Merchants on the Credit of the Certificate of the Trustees Storekeeper having received the Value according to the Particulars in the said Accounts mention'd ; And that the Trustees may be liable to many Suits and Expences, And the Credit and future Support of the Colony be greatly hurt by not paying the said Accounts, Which must at last be paid, if no fraud shall appear to the contrary. Resolved That the four thousand two hundred and Nine Pounds thirteen Shil lings and Nine Pence due upon the remaining certified Accounts be paid. And that any five of the Common Council be impower'd to determine Which of them shall require a Security to be given to the Trustees against Frauds or double Payments ; And be also impower'd to draw upon the Bank of England from time to time for the payment thereof. Resolved That surveying Instruments be purchas'd for Mr Auspurger the Sur veyor. Resolved That One thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote on Account. An Account stated in favour of M' Thomas Jenys and M" Elizabeth Jenys Executor and Executrix of the late Mr Paul Jenys and certified by M' Causton was laid before the Board. Order'd That the Accountant do attend the Merchants Who are Owners of the said Account with an offer of the Balance Which appears to the Com- COLONIAL RECORDS. 255 mon Council to be due upon the same. And that the Accountant do write to M' Thomas Jenys and M' Causton, And state the Account as it stands between the Trustees and the late M' Paul Jenys. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for One thousand Pounds payable to Mr Alderman Heathcote by M' Eyre, the Earl of Egmont Mr L'apostre S' William Heathcote and D' Hales N° 6514". Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday December 20'" 1738 Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Henry Archer in the Chair Earl of Egmont Sr William Heathcote M' L'apostre M' Laroche M' Tho8 Tower D' Hales M' Smith M' Vernon M' Eyre. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts to the Purport following that they had examin'd the Annual Account from June 9'" 1737 to June 9'" 1738. And that the Balance of the said Account ending June the 9'" 1738 remaining Unapplied, the Committee did find to be the Sum of four thousand two hundred and twenty six Pounds and six Pence. Which Sum the Accomptant at the Bank has certified to be in the hands of the Gov' and C° of the Bank of England on the said 9'" of June 1738 The said Account was read and Agreed to. Resolved That Any three of the Common Council be desired to wait on the Lord high Chancellor and the Master of the Rolls with the said Annual Account. Order'd That When the Annual Account is presented One hundred Copies of it be printed. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts to the Purport fol- 256 COLONIAL RECORDS. lowing. That they had examin'd the Account Currant sent the Trus tees by the Executors of M' Isaac Chardon together with a Letter from the said Executors dated the 27'" of August 1737. Desiring the Trustees to settle the said Account with Mess" Peter and I C Simond. That they had been attended by M' Simond for that purpose, Who acquainted the Trustees, That M' Chardon's Estate paid him Interest at five Pounds ^ Cent

Ann. for Money due to him ; And therefore hoped the Trustees would allow Interest at the same rate for what should appear due from them to the said M' Chardon's Estate, That on the 25'" of June 1735 M' Chardon by several Disallowances made him appear'd indebted to the Trustees four hundred forty Six Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence three farthings South Carolina Currency. Which by his Letter Feb'7 4'" lollowing and his Subsequent Account to that time he submitted to. That from June 25'" 1735 to July 30 1736 his Payments for the Trust amounted to three thousand One hundred and thirty Nine Pounds Nine teen Shillings and two Pence S° Carolina Currency, As by four several Accounts thereof approved by the Committee, Whereout Deducting this Debt on the 25th of June 1735, The Balance due to his Estate from the Trustees was found to be two thousand six hundred Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings and five Pence half Penny S° Carolina Currency, and in Sterling at three different Rates of Exchange three hundred and Eighty Pounds Seventeen Shillings. That it appearing a Bill of three hundred Pounds was presented Jan'7 16 1735 And Another Bill of thirty Eight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and two Pence Aprill 21st 1736. to the Trustees for Acceptance And both drawn by M' Chardon on Account of the Above Payments ; Which were not accepted by the Trustees, but returned to Charles Town with Directions for his Applying to M' Ogle thorpe then in Georgia for payment of what should really appear due to balance M' Chardon's Account, according to the Commission the Com mon Council had agreed to allow him ; But M' Chardon afterwards re quiring One hundred and fifty Pounds more, And Mr Oglethorpe not consenting thereto, the said Direction were not executed. The Commit- sio tee were therefore of Opinion that three hundred Pounds of the said Sum of three hundred and Eighty Pounds Seventeen Shillings should carry £ Interest at 5 $ Cent. $ Ann. from 16 Jan'7 1735 And also thirty Eight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and two Pence more from Aprill 21" 1736 being the Account of the said two Bills so presented : And that the Residue should carry no Interest because from October 1735 to Jan'7 30 COLONIAL RECORDS. 257 following M' Chardon had above One hundred Pounds Sterling in his hands in Account with the Trust. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. The Accomptant then acquainted the Common Council that he had computed the Interest on the Abovemention'd two Sums from the re spective Days they were to carry Interest to this Day, And that the same amounted to the Sum of forty Nine Pounds One Shilling and ten Pence, Which being Added to the Balance reported due to the Estate of the said M' Chardon made the Sum payable pursuant to the Above Report to be four hundred twenty Nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings and ten Pence. Resolved That the said Sum be paid by a Draught on the Bank of England to Mess" Peter and I C Simond. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by the Earl of Egmont S' William Heathcote, M' L'apostre M' Laroche and D' ' Hales N° 6518". Read an Extract of a Letter from the Revd M' Urlsperger to the Revd M' Ziegenhagen dated 15th Sept' 1738 desiring That a Smith a Shoe Maker And Other Saltzburgh Trades Men with some of the same Coun try Unmarried Women, which are wanted at Ebenezer might be sent to Georgia on the Trustees Account. M' Bolzius from Ebenezer having in his Letters certified how necessary such People would be in the Saltz burghers present Circumstances. Resolved That a Sum not exceeding One hundred Pounds be applied for send ing over to Georgia the said Trades Men And Unmarried Women. And that M' Ziegenhagen be made acquainted therewith to communicate the same to M' Urlsperger. And that the Persons so to be sent should be at London by the middle of Feb'7 next. The Committees of Any five of the Common Council impower'd the 17'" of July last to draw upon the Bank of England from time to time for the payment of four thousand two hundred and Nine Pounds thir teen Shillings and Nine Pence the remaining Certified Accounts then di rected to be paid made the following Reports. That on the 23d of August following a Draught was made upon the Bank of England N° 6516 w. for three thousand Nine hundred and sixty Seven Pounds to M' [17 c. r.] 258 COLONIAL RECORDS. Alderman Heathcote for payment of all the said Certified Accounts (except One for two hundred forty One Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Nine Pence for Which a Security was necessary for the Trustees to be indemnified against a double Payment) And that the said Draught was sign'd by the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon, M' L'apostre D' Hales and M' Smith. That on the 6'" of September foil the Draught of the Condition of a proper Bond of Indemnity being approved of, the said Other Account was order'd to be paid on M' Lawrence Williams signing such Bond. And that a Draught was made on the Bank of England the same Day N° 6517 w. for two hundred and forty One Pounds to the said Lawrence Williams for Payment thereof ; And was sign'd by the Earl of Egmont Mr Vernon M' Laroche M' Thomas Tower and D' Hales. The Committee Who attended the cancelling of the Trustees Sola Bills returned to England and paid within the last Year ending the 9'" of June 1738. made the following Report. That on the 30'" of October and 4th of November last One thousand Eight hundred and forty Six of the said Sola Bills were cancell'd in their Presence, and affix'd to their respective Checques, And That the Value in the said Bills so cancell'd and filed amounted in the whole to the Sum of four thousand five hundred and thirty two Pounds. Received a Certified Accompt for Provisions and Necessaries dated 7 March 1737 amounting to fifty Seven Pounds and Seventeen Shillings due to Recompence Stanberry, Which was brought for payment soon after the Order of the 17'" of July last for paying the Certified Accounts then directed to be paid ; And the Accomptant acquainting the Common Council That this Account was certified before M' Causton had acknowl edged the Receipt of the Trustees Orders for certifying no more Accounts. Order'd That the said Account be paid. An Application from M' John Francis Fressin by Letter of Attorney from the Heirs of Samuel Wagner Deceased late of Hampstead in Geor gia for leave for Adrian Loyer of Savanah and Peter Morelle Officer and Inhabitant of Highgate in Georgia as Executors appointed by the Will of the Deceased to dispose of the Testators Lot at Hampstead was read. Order'd That the same be refer'd to a Committee of Any three of the Com mon Council, to report their Opinion thereon. Read a Petition from Samuel Hurst and John Pye Clerks employ'd in COLONIAL RECORDS. 259 the Store in Georgia for increasing their Salaries, or their being discharged from their Contracts. Order'd That the said Petition be refer'd to a Committee of Any three of the Common Council to report their Opinion thereon. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that a Certified Ac count for Provisions and Necessaries dated the 20'" of August 1738 amounting to five hundred Eighty Seven Pounds and thirteen Shillings due to Mess" Robert and John Williams was brought for payment the 2d of this Month. And That another Certified Account dated 5'" of August 1738 amounting to four hundred twenty six Pounds and two Pence due to Mess" Samuel Montaigut and C° was brought for payment the 7'" of this Month. Resolved That an Answer be given to the Proprietors of the said Accounts. That the Trustees will not pay them, but they must send them to Geor gia for payment. Read the several Proposals of the Revd M' George Whitefield return'd from Georgia for Priest's Orders, relating to his going back, and being settled by the Trustees a Missionary in Georgia. Which Proposals were inclosed in his Letter to the Accomptant from Kilruth in Ireland dated 16'" of last Month. Read also the said Mr Whitefield's Letters of the 16th of this MoDth, and of this Day explaining the said Proposals and adding a further Proposal.Resolved That the said M' Whitefield be appointed Missionary at Savanah in Georgia with an Allowance of fifty Pounds a Year, And that the said Resolution be certified to the Bishop of London that he may be pleas'd to admit the said M' Whitefield into the Holy Order of Priesthood Resolved That the Revd M' William Norris appointed the 12'" of July last to perform all Religious and Ecclesiastical Offices in Georgia in the Room and Stead of the Revd Mr John Wesley be appointed Missionary at Frederica in Georgia with an Allowance of fifty Pounds a Year. And that he be directed to go to Frederica on M' Whitefield's Arrival at Savanah. Resolved That Directions be given for building a House at Frederica for the said. yj 260 COLONIAL RECORDS. M' Norris to live in ; And that a proper Place be made fit for the Inhabi tants to Assemble in for Divine Service until a Church can be built there.Resolved That the Benefactions to be collected by M' Whitefield under the Commission he desires shall when Collected be particularly applied for erecting an Orphan House in Georgia, and building a Place of Worship for the Saltzburghers at Ebenezer. Resolved That Supplies to M' George Whitefield shall be in Money Resolved That a five Acres Lot at or near Savanah be granted to the Revd M' George Whitefield to be fenced and cleared by the Trustees Servants ap pointed to cultivate the three hundred Acres for Religious Uses at Savanah.Resolved That a five Acres Lot at or near Frederica be granted to the Revd M' William Norris to be fenced and cleared by the Trustees Servants ap- , pointed to cultivate the three hundred Acres for Religious Uses at Frederica Resolved That six Pounds be paid to the Revd M' Whitefield as desired to buy Necessaries for M' Habersham the SchoolMaster for the Year ensuing. Resolved That the Church Yard at Savanah be new fenced, that two Christening Basons and two Burying Cloths for Savanah and Frederica, and some handsome brass Candlesticks for Candles at Evening Publick Worship be bought as desired by the Revd M' Whitefield. Resolved That the Offer of the Young Gentleman from Bristol proposed by Mr Whitefield to be an Universal Apothecary at Savanah to serve the Poor Gratis, and those that can pay at Prime Cost, be accepted of. And that he be desired to send the Trustees a Particular of the Drugs Food, and Rayment Which he shall require in Order to make an Estimate thereof. Resolved That fifteen Pounds be paid to the Revd M' Whitefield Which he fur- niah'd M' De la Motte with who was late School Master at Savanah on his Return to England Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 261 Palace Court Wednesday Jan'7 31" 173s Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont President Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' Thos Archer M' L'apostre M' Tracy Lord Tyrconnel M' Smith M' Hen. Archer M' Digby. Read a Report from the Committee of Any three of the Common Coun cil to whom was referr'd the Application of M' John Fressin by Letter of Attorney from the Heirs of Samuel Wagner late of Hampstead in Georgia for leave for Adrian Loyer of Savanah and Peter Morelle Officer and Inhabitant of Highgate in Georgia as Executors appointed by the Will of the Deceased to dispose of the Testator's Lot at Hampstead afore said. That they were of Opinion that in pursuance of the Direction of the Testator's Will his Executors may be impower'd to dispose of the said Lot for the Benefit of his Heirs to any Person or Persons not having Land in Georgia in Possession or Reversion under the same Tenure and Covenants as held by the Deceased such Purchaser being first Approved of by William Stephens Esq' Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within the Province of Georgia. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the said Committee that they had read the Peti tion of Samuel Hurst and John Pye Clerks employ'd in the Store in Georgia for increasing their Salaries or being discharg'd from their Con tracts ; That they were of Opinion that the said Clerks should continue to be employ'd untill the Accounts of the Store are made up ; And that a Gratification for Cloathing them should be given over and above the ten Pounds a Year ; if such a Gratification has not already been paid by way of extraordinary Service ; And that then they may be discharg'd from their Contracts if they shall at that time desire it. 262 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to Orders of the Common Council, a Draught had been made on the Bank of England to M' Alderman Heathcote for three hundred Pounds for the payment of Sola Bills and was sign'd the 20'" of last Month by the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' L'apostre M' Thomas Tower and D' Hales N° 6519'. Order'd That five hundred Pounds in Sola Bills directed to be issued by Wil liam Stephens Esq' M' Thomas Causton, and M' Henry Parker or Any two of them which were sent over by Gen1 Oglethorpe consisting of One hundred Bills of five Pounds Each from N° 531 to 630 be issued. And that Money be reserved in the Bank out of the Unappropriated Money remaining Unapplied for Establishing the Colony to answer the same. And that such Bills are to be issued for defraying the most necessary Services of the Colony in the supporting and assisting the Industrious and helpless. And that an Account thereof be sent over sign'd by the two Who issue them, for what services they were so issued in order to discharge them therefrom. Order'd That fifteen Tons of strong Beer be bought and sent over to Gen1 Oglethorpe, And the Produce thereof be applied for the cloathing and maintaining the Trustees Servants to be employ'd in cultivating Lands for Religious Uses ; And be accounted for to the Trustees in the same manner and by the same Persons as their Sola Bills are to be accounted for. Read a Petition of William Cookesey, setting forth that he went over to Georgia in 1735 with five Servants but not being able to get Land run out he took a five Acre Lot of M' Causton at the yearly rate of twenty Pounds

Annum. That M' Oglethorpe was pleas'd to give him a forfeited Town Lot ; But there being a Mortgage upon the said Lot, it did not prove of any Advantage to him, the House (upon Which he had laid out a considerable Sum,) being seiz'd by the Mortgagee. And there fore praying the the Trustees to give him a Grant of the said House. (sic) And the said Petition setting forth that by sickness and Death of his Servants he was become in debt to the Trust he prays the Indulgence of the Trustees for his making Annual Payments of ten Pounds till it is COLONIAL RECORDS. 263 discharg'd. That he has settled the Remains of his Family upon a Tract of Land of One hundred and Eighty Acres yielded to him by Jacob Matthews, for Which he prays the Trustees Grant, he having cleared above eight Acres of it, and built an Hut, which cost him above twelve Pounds. And as his Expences have been so great, he prays the Trustees to grant him One Year's Provisions towards his Settlement upon the new Tract, and to assist him in his Passage over to Georgia. Resolved That the Trustees will accept of the Petitioners Payment of his Debt at ten Pounds A Year, the first Payment to commence at the End of two Years after his Arrival in Georgia on his intended Return thither. With respect to the Town Lot said to be forfeited And the House thereon Mortgag'd. Resolved That, as no Person has Power to mortgage or alienate either their House or Lot without License first had and obtain'd from the Common Council of the Trustees, such pretended Mortgage is void ; And if the Petitioner has the One hundred and Eighty Acres pray'd for to be granted in Tail Male of his Body, he cannot possess the said Town Lot. Resolved That William Stephens Esq' do inquire into the Title which Jacob Matthews had to the one hundred and eighty Acres of Land yielded to the Petitioner, whether the same is part of the five hundred Acres granted to John Musgrove the 23d of October 1734 (Whose Widow the said Jacob Matthews married) or is a distinct Tract ; And if it shall ap pear that the Petitioner may possess the said One hundred and Eighty Acres without prejudice to any Claiming under the said Grant to John Musgrove.Resolved That in case M' Stephens shall find the Petitioner may possess the said One hundred and Eighty Acres without prejudice to any claiming under the abovemention'd Grant to the said John Musgrove ; Mr Stephens is hereby impower'd to put the Petitioner into Possession thereof; And M' Stephens is to send over a Description of the Premises in a Plott to the Trustees with his Report thereupon to intitle the Petitioner to have a Grant of the said one hundred and Eighty Acres sent to him under the Seal of the Corporation to hold to him and the Heirs Male of his Body with the usual Covenants and Conditions. 264 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Trustees cannot pay the Expence of his Passage nor allow the Provisions desired. Order'd That six hundred Pounds in Sola Bills be immediately sent over to Georgia (being Part of the two thousand three hundred and fifty Pounds .'Residue of the Sola Bills order'd to be made out the 10'" of August .' 1737) to be Applied in cloathing and Maintenance of the Trustees Servants Whose Services are to answer the Expence thereof, And be Appropriated towards building a Church at Savanah and for cultivating Lands for Religious Uses in the Northern and Southern Parts of Geor gia ; And that by Indorsement on the said Bills Gen1 Oglethorpe be de sired to order the same to be issued by William Stephens Esq' Mr Henry Parker and M' Thomas Jones or Any two of them. And that they be directed to send the Trustees an Account sign'd by both of them Who shall issue the said Bills shewing on Every Issue to whom, and for what Services, agreeable to the above Directions Each respective Issue was made, together with a List of the several Bills so issued. And that the said Bills consist of twenty of ten Pounds Each and four hundred of One Pound Each. And that six hundred Pounds be reserved in the Bank to answer the same out of the following Appropriated Monies remaining unapplied. Vizt four hundred Pounds out of the Money for building of ; Churches, And two hundred Pounds out of the Money for the Religious Uses of the Colony. Resolved That Any five of the Common Council on the Return of these Sola Bills (now order'd to be issued) to England for payment have power to draw on the Bank from time to time for that purpose. M' Adam Anderson having paid in forty Pounds from the Hon"18 i Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge to be paid over to the Revd M' John MacLeod their Missionary at Darien in Georgia. Order'd That Sola Bills to the Value of forty Pounds be likewise sent over to answer the same, And that any five of the Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank for the payment of the same on their Return. Resolved That General Oglethorpe be indemnified against the Indorsements of the aforesaid Bills. And that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to such Act of Indemnity and that the Secretary do countersign the same. COLONIAL RECORDS. 265 Resolved That it be recommended to the Committee of Correspondence to send over Instructions for a special Application of the Sola Bills for the Pur poses for which they are sent. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'7 7'" 173f Present in Common Council Assembled M' Tho" Tower in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel M' Vernon M' Tho8 Archer M' Henry Archer M' Tracy M' Smith Order'd That Stationary Ware to the Value of twenty five Pounds be purchased out of the Money for Religious Uses to be carried over by the Revd M' Whitefield. Read a Letter from the Revd M' Bolzius dated Ebenezer Nov' 6. desir ing the Trustees will contribute towards the erecting an Orphan House at Ebenezer, and pay for the passage of two Families of Dutch Servants for their Use. Read a Letter from the Revd M' Gronau Nov1 6'" 1738 desiring the Trustees Allowance of thirty Pounds disburst in building the Minister's House.Order'd That it be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to consider the said Letters, and report their Opinion thereon to the Common Council. Read a Letter from the Revd M' Urlsperger to M' Ziegenhagen Jan'7 29'" 173| setting forth that on Jan'7 27 N S. Seven Colonists design'd for Georgia with their Baggage set out from Augsbourgh for Franckfort ; intimating his Desire that the Trustees will defray the Charges of their Passage from Franckfort to London and Georgia ; And desiring that a Letter may be sent to him acknowledging that the Trustees have heard 266 COLONIAL RECORDS. with pleasure of the Charitable Contributions of the Family Van Hoeslin towards the relief of the Saltzburghers ; And desiring likewise that a Letter may be sent to the English Minister in Holland requesting his Protection of them ; And to M' Dan1 Wolters at Rotterdam desiring his Assistance to them and his providing them a speedy and convenient Pas sage to England. Resolved That as the Passage of the said Colonists will be paid for out of the One hundred Pounds Appropriated for the Saltzburghers. Letters be sent as desired. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Feb'7 28* 173| Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Sloper in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Christopher Tower M' Tho8 Tower Lord Tyrconnel M' Henry Archer D' Hales. Read a Report from the Committee to Whom the Letters from M' Bol zius and M' Gronau dated Nov' 6. were refer'd that with the twenty Pounds receiv'd from M' Vernon for the Use of the Saltzburghers, the Balance Unapplied of the Benefaction to them was Seventy Six Pounds two Shillings and Six pence. And that they proposed thirty Pounds to be sent in Sola Bills to be issued to M' Gronau to make up the Charges of building his Dwelling House from ten Pounds to forty Pounds. And that forty Pounds should be sent in Sola Bills to be issued to M' Bolzius towards the maintenance of Saltzburgh Widows and Orphans out of the said Balance Unapplied. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Resolved That Seventy Pounds in Sola Bills be sent over to Georgia for the afore- COLONIAL RECORDS. 267 said Purpose ; And that Col. Oglethorpe be indemnified for the Indorse ments of the said Bills in the same manner as those which were order'd the 31s' of last Month, Which will make the whole Sola Bills to be now sent amount to Seven hundred and ten Pounds. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday March 28th 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair. Earl of Egmont Lord Sidney Beauclerk Sr William Heathcote M' Sloper M' Tho8 Tower M' Tracy M' Hen. Archer M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith Lord Tyrconnel. Read a Report from the Committee of Correspondence that they were of opinion that Eighty Sacks of flower be sent to Georgia, with the Saltz burghers who are to go by the way of Charles Town. That the said flower be consign'd to M' Thomas Jones. And that he do receive the same by Bill of Lading in the presence of William Stephens Esq' and the first and second Bailiff of Savanah, or two of them (M' Stephens to be constantly One) Who are to witness to the receipt of them, thereby to be a Charge on M' Thomas Jones the Keeper of the remain of Stores, Who by written Orders (and no Otherwise) from M' Stephens and one of the said Bailiffs is to issue them. And that the said Store keeper should make up a Monthly Account in kind of his Receipts, Issues and Remains to be testified by M' Stephens And One of the said Bailiffs, and trans mitted by every Opportunity to the Trustees. And that such part thereof as shall be thought necessary should be sent to the Southward Part of the Province, M' Richard White should be appointed to receive in the Presence of William Stephens Esq' and the first and second Bailiff of 268 COLONIAL RECORDS. Frederica, or any two of them, Who are to witness to the receipt of them, thereby to be a Charge on M' Richard White the Keeper of them, Who by written Orders from any two of the said three should issue them, And that he should make up a Monthly Account in kind of his Receipts, Is sues, and Remains to be testified by two of the said three, and transmit ted by every Opportunity to the Trustees. That an Account should be made up in Georgia of the Provisions of all kinds that shall appear to remain in the Stores at the time the present Stores shall arrive there, distinguishing the respective Species, and Per sons in whose hands the same shall appear to be. That the Issues of the Stores should be in the first Place to the Trus tees Servants, In the second to the Widows and Orphans, And after wards to such Planters, Who are in necessity from sickness or any un avoidable Calamity. That the Keeper of the Stores should keep an Account of the Sex Age and Circumstances of every Person to Whom the Provisions shall be distributed with the Quantity thereof to Each Person, and should set down the Number of days in the respective Monthly Accounts in proper Columns. That they were of Opinion likewise that thirty Firkins of Butter, and about twenty hundred weight of Cheese should be sent with the flower and under the same directions. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for two hundred and fifty Pounds for the above Provisions and freight of them. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Vernon, Earl of Egmont, Lord Sidney Beauclerk Lord Tyrconnel and M' L'apos tre N° 6520'- Resolved That out of the five hundred Pounds Sola Bills carried over by Col Oglethorpe twenty Pounds be paid to William Stephens Esq' for the Ex pences he has contracted by the Sickness of his Family : And that thirty Pounds more be given him in consideration of his Losses by his Servants Sickness.Resolved That the Revd M1 Norris's Salary now due to him be paid out of the COLONIAL RECORDS. 269 five hundred Pounds in Sola Bills and that the fifty Pounds <$i Ann be paid to him quarterly for the future. Order'd That Copies of all Certified Accounts demanded here and unpaid be sent over to William Stephens Esq' Mr Henry Parker and M' Tho8 Jones te examine and return back to the Trustees with their Opinion if the said Accounts are true, and still due, and unpaid, or if otherwise, to state the same.Resolved That it be refer'd to a Committee to consider of proper Persons to be Commissioners for examining and stating the publick Debts of the Col ony, and inquiring into the Evidence for proving of the said Debts. And that the Committee do prepare the Commission and Instructions for the Commissioners. And that M' Tho8 Tower Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' Sloper M' Henry Archer M' L'apostre Sr William Heathcote and Any Others of the Common Council or Any three of them be the said Comittee.Resolved That it be refer'd to the said Committee to give Instructions to the said Commissioners to examine and state M' Causton's and M' Bradley's Accounts. Resolved That it be refer'd to the said Committee to prepare an Estimate for the future Expence of the Colony from Midsummer next for One Year to Midsummer 1740. Resolved That it be refer'd to the said Committee to consider in what manner the forfeited Lots may be regranted. Order'd That the Surveyors do send to the Trustees by every Opportunity Maps of the Lands which they survey, for Whom, in what places, the Number of Acres, and the time when survey'd. Read a Report from the Committee of Correspondence March 21s' 173-| that they were of Opinion that in the next Letter to M1 Stephens, he should be inform'd that the Trustees, (having observ'd in his Journal that Joseph Hetherington Henry Bishop and Francis Elgar (Servant of M" Lacy) had been indicted of Felony in killing some Cattle belonging to Henry Parker, and had been found guilty of the Indictment : And that the Magistrates had suspended passing a Judgement upon them till 270 COLONIAL RECORDS. they had the Trustees Direction ;) were surpris'd that the Magistrates had sent no Account thereof, and made no Application to the Trustees by any Letter for their Opinion, That if the Matter had been laid before the Trustees, they would have been inclinable to think that the said Per sons should not have been indicted of Felony. That upon a clear con viction of any Persons stealing or killing any Cattle that appear to be the Property of any Other the proper Punishment for the same would be a pecuniary Mulct of three times the Value. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Correspondence of 26'" March that, after taking Col. Oglethorpe's Letter 7*" October 1738 into consid eration ; they were of Opinion, that an attested Copy of M' Horton's Ac count of Cattle and Corn advanced to the Inhabitants of Frederica, and attested Copies of Accounts between the Trust, and any Other Persons in Georgia, as well of their Demands upon the Store, as of the Store's Demands upon them, (whether by Money, Servants, or Goods) which have hitherto been perfected in pursuance of Col. Oglethorpe's Orders, as signified in his Letter October 7. be sent over with all convenient Speed. That the Committee, taking into consideration the Petition of the old Freeholders at Frederica, desiring a Loan of two pounds of Meat, six pounds of Bread kind, and One Pint of Melasses, Each Head

Week, Which by Col Oglethorpe's Letter is reduced by their own consent to two pounds of Meat each Head ^> Week, Were of Opinion, that Col. Oglethorpe should be desired to advance to the Petitioners in Money the Value of two pounds of Meat each Head f> Week till Mich8 1739 and no longer ; towards which it may be necessary to send to Col. Oglethorpe Sola Bills by the first Opportunity to be accounted for by him. That the Committee, taking into consideration a Petition of five Per sons newly arrived at Frederica, desiring to be supplied on Loan till they are able to supply themselves otherwise were of Opinion, that Col Ogle thorpe should be desired to make the same Advance to them in Money as to the old Freeholders, till Michaelmas 1739 and no longer. That the Committee taking into consideration likewise that Part of Col Oglethorpe's Letter wherein Mention is made of an Establishment at S' Andrews consisting of Nineteen of the Trust Servants and ten hired Men ; that he has made a reduction of the ten Men upon hire, but thinks it necessary to allow them One Month's pay to return home, do suppose COLONIAL RECORDS. 271 the Pay of these ten Men has already been defray'd by Col. Oglethorpe, and may be allowed, But do not know what Services the Nineteen of the Trust Servants are employ'd upon ; Nor What is meant by the Establish ment at S' Andrews, Unless they are employ'd upon the Fortifications, Which do not belong to the Trust, and therefore are of Opinion cannot be allow'd. That the Committee, observing that Mention is also made of a Sur veyor Deputy Surveyor and Labourers to attend them ; but it not ap pearing what Lands M' Auspurgor has yet laid out, or where he was at the Writing of the Letter, they think it convenient that M' Auspurgor be desired to write to satisfy the Board therein. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday May 2. 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel Mr Tho8 Tower M' Ch. Tower Sr William Heathcote M' L'apostre M' Smith M' Tracy Lord Sidney Beauclerk Resolved That it be an Instruction to the Committee appointed to prepare a Law relating to the Tenure of Lands in Georgia, that in case of no Issue Male or Female, the Proprietor of any Lot may be impower'd to appoint any Other Person (not professing the Errors of the Church of Rome) as his Successor. Resolved That the Presents for the Indians be purchas'd in England, and that 272 COLONIAL RECORDS. it be refer'd to the Comittee of Correspondence to consider the Quality and Quantity of what will be necessary to be sent over. Resolved That it be refer'd to the said Committee to consider What Shoes and working tools will be necessary to be sent over for the use of the Colony. Resolved That forty Sacks of flower of Household Second and Midlings be pur chas'd for the use of the Southern Part of the Province. The Accomptant acquainted the Board that there were several of the Sola Bills which Col. Oglethorpe had indorsed in the wrong place, and which were thereby spoilt. Order'd That the Accomptant do inspect them and report to the Board the Number and Value of them. Read an Account from Col. Oglethorpe of Presents deliver'd to the Indians out of the Parcels brought over to Georgia by him, of things bought of M' Purry for Presents to the Indians, and of Cash paid on the sh. Trustees Account amounting to One hundred fifty Seven Pounds 15. as by Prices of some Parts, and Calculations of other Parts Order'd That fifteen Tons of strong Beer in Barrels be bought and sent by the Ship Two Brothers, the Freight thereof to be paid as Col. Oglethorpe desired, And the Amount thereof to be charged as a Payment to him. .\ Read a Letter from the Rev4 Mr George Whitefield acquainting the Board that he had collected upwards of five hundred Pounds for the Or phan House in Georgia, and praying a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land in trust for the use of the said Orphan House, with the privilege of naming Who shall succeed him in it Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres be made out accordingly subject to a Quit Rent of three Pounds ^ Ann to commence ten Years from the Date of the said Grant. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 273 Palace Court Wednesday May 9'" 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Smith in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mr Henry Archer M' Thomas Tower Mr Laroche S' William Heathcote M' L'apostre Lord Sidney Beauclerk The Revd Mr George Whitefield attended and acquainted the Board that he declin'd the Acceptance of any Salary as a Minister at Savanah, or for the management of the Orphan House in Georgia. He likewise acquainted the Board that the Trustees Commission to him not being for the purposes for which he had applied to the Trustees, he never had made use thereof, and therefore beg'd leave to return the same. Adjourn'd Palace Court Wednesday May 30'" 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled Lord Tyrconnel in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' Thomas Tower S' William Heathcote M' Tracy M' L'apostre M' Smith The Revd M' George Whitefield having acquainted the Board that M' Robert Hows of Savanah in Georgia is willing to alienate his fifty Acre Lot to the said M' Whitefield for building an Orphan House. [18 c. r.] 274 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That Robert Hows have liberty to alienate his said Lot to the Revd Mr George Whitefield, and that a License be made out for his Alienation of the said Lot. Read a Draught of a Grant of four hundred and fifty Acres to the Revd M' George Whitefield in Trust for the Orphan House subject to a Quit Rent of three Pounds $ Ann. Order'd That the said Draught be engross'd, And that the Seal of the Corpo ration be affix'd thereto, and to the aforesaid License in the presence of any three of the Trustees. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same when seal'd, and a Memo rial of the same in order to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plan tations. Resolved That five Pounds be given to Richard Atherton for a Suit of Cloaths. Order'd That the Secretary do write a Letter to William Stephens Esq' ac quainting him with the Trustees Grant to the Revd Mr George Whitefield and Robert Hows's Alienation of his fifty Acre Lot for the use of the Orphan House ; And that as the Trustees have this Design very much at heart they desire him to see M' Whitefield put in possession of the said fifty Acre Lot as soon as conveniently can be, and to expedite the lay ing out of the four hundred and fifty Acres, the remaining Part of the Grant to the said M' Whitefield for the use of the Orphan House ; That the Trustees desire likewise that he will direct the Necessary Repairs be made to the Parsonage House at Savanah. Resolved That a Sum not exceeding ten Pounds be laid out in building a Jury "'" Room adjoining to the Church at Savanah Which may be also us'd as a Vestry Room. Read a Report from the Committee appointed to prepare an Estimate for the Expence of the Colony from Michaelmas 1739 to Michaelmas 1740 that they had prepared the same as follows. Estimate of the Expence for the Colony of Georgia for one Year to commence from Michaelmas 1739. COLONIAL RECORDS. 275 At Savanah Salary to the first Magistrate D° to the second and third Magistrate and the Re- £ corder at 20 Each D° to the Secretary and Post Master for himself Clerk, &c D° to the Register upon transmitting an exact Ac count of all the Grants pursuant to his In structions D° to two Ministers Viz' One at Savanah And One £ for the Out Settlements at 50 Each . . . N. B. The Expence of the Minister at Sa vanah will be saved this year. M' Whitefield going at his own Expence. D° to the School Master at Savanah in lieu of Food Salary to the School Master of the Saltzburghers a Gratuity D° to the Parish Clerk at Savanah D° to the publick Midwife at Savanah for the Poor and Trust Servants besides five Shil lings ^P> laying ; and to be obliged to go on all Occasions when required D° to the publick Overseer of the Garden and Mulberry Trees, for keeping an Horse to see what Plantations are made, and to attend the Garden at transplanting time ; And for tak ing an Account of Every Man's planting, and sending the same Over D° to the Head Gardiner, having no land and to find himself ; besides having liberty to sell the the Seeds at rates to be enumerated . . . D° to the Overseer of the Trust Servants employ'd in cultivating Trust Lands, and lands for Re ligious Uses ; to have no land and find him self, to keep a Weekly Book of Labour by Task'd Work, and make Monthly Returns to the Secretary in the Province .... D° to the publick Blacksmith for mending Militia Arms. £15. And for mending Indian Arms. £20 £ 30. s0. 60. 0. 0 0. 100. 0. 0. 20. 0. 0. 100. — . — 10. — . 5. — . 5. — . 5. — . 10. 20. — . 30. — . 35. 276 COLONIAL RECORDS. Salary to the Italian Family employ'd in the pro ducing Raw Silk ........ Allowance to the Recorder for a Clerk .... D° to the four Constables at Savanah, their Duty frequently calling them away from their Oc cupations. In lieu of Provisions formerly given them. £10. Each D° to the Chief Magistrate for publick Rejoicings ) Anniversary Days &c j D° to the Cowpen Keeper for the Trust and ) People's Cattle, for Cloaths Wages and Pro- ! vision £25 : and for keeping two Horses, J Farrier &c. £10 j D° to the Pilot at Tybee to be obligd to give strict Attendance, to have the Boat and sufficient Hands always upon the Spot (not less than two besides the Pilot) and to keep the Boat in repair, being first supplied with the Boat and its Appurtenances. And to be allowed besides for Pilotage in and out to Sea again by the Captain of each Ship so piloted, as fol lows. Viz' for every Ship drawing eleven feet Water and under twelve feet four Shillings ^> Foot Draught, And for Every Ship ex ceeding twelve feet Draught five Shillings

Foot Draught for every Foot so Exceeding, besides the four Shillings

laying ; And to be oblig'd to go on all Occasions when required Allowance to the Chief Magistrate for publick Rejoicings, Anniversary Days &c . . . . 15. — . — 5. — . — 50. — . — £1785. — . 40. — . 30. — . 20. — . 50. — . 25. — . 15. 10. 5. 5. 4. COLONIAL RECORDS. 279 D° To the two Constables at Frederica, their Duty frequently calling them away from their Occupations £10. Each D° for the care of the Widows of Trust Servants till married or in service (due regard being had to their Age and infirmities) not exceeding D° for the care of the sick. Vizt. Food Apothe caries Drugs, Attendance, Midwife, Nurses, burying the Dead &c. being for such only as are on the poor Account and Trust Servants, not exceeding For a Coasting Boat to be work'd by a Coxon at £2. a Month and four hands at One Pound five Shillings a Month each, for repairs of the Boat at fifty Shillings a Year ; And for the purchase of the Boat value ten Pounds . Allowance to the Pilot at Jekyll or S' Simons to be oblig'd to give strict Attendance, to have the Boat and sufficient hands always upon the Spot (not less than two besides the Pilot) and to keep the Boat in repair ; being first sup plied with the Boat and its Appurtenances. And to be allowed besides for Pilotage in and out to Sea again by the Captain of each Ship so piloted as follows Viz' For every Ship drawing eleven feet Water and under twelve feet four Shillings ^ foot Draught, and for every Ship exceeding twelve feet Draught five Shillings ^> foot Draught, for every foot so exceeding besides the four Shillings <§>> foot under twelve feet Draught . 20. 50. — . — 75. 96. 10. — 40. — . — Servants Allowance to the first Magistrate, and the Minister ") for the maintenance and cloathing of one I Servant each in sickness and in health at | £12. 3. 4. a Year Each j 24. 6. 280 COLONIAL RECORDS. For the Charge of twenty One Men Trust Servants to be employ'd as follows. Viz* seven in cul tivating lands for Religious Uses, seven in cultivating Trust Lands at Frederica, And seven in cultivating Trust Lands at S' Simons Bluff for the use of the Colony. And these Servants to have Lands set out for themselves And to labour by weekly Task Work to be settled by their Overseer, to encourage them to finish such Task Work and have the re mainder of the Week to themselves ; To be paid by the Week after the rate of Eight pence ^ day each to maintain themselves in provision and cloathing therewith, But upon not performing their weekly Task Work, then to be paid in proportion to the Work they do To Seventeen Women Servants to be employ'd in labour as the Overseer shall direct, And to be paid by the Week after the rate of six pence a day each, to maintain themselves in Pro vision and cloathing therewith ; But upon not performing their work as directed then to be paid in proportion to the Work they do . . N. B. The Children' of these Servants are all under six Years of Age, and are to be maintain'd by their Parents out of their Allowances. N. B. The Charge of the Servants for cul tivating the Lands for Religious Uses and the Use of the Colony will (it is hop'd) if good Seasons happen, gradually be eased by the Produce, or by setting the reduced Lands to (sio Farmers at settled Rents. N. B. All Savings on the head of Trust Servants for Non performance of their Task Work, by Idleness, running away, Sickness &c. must be accounted for to the Trust, Which the Overseer is to be carefull of, and keep a Weekly Account of. Total Expence of Frederica Division (besides the Purchase of the proper Pilot Boat at Jekyll or S' Simons Value about sixty Pounds amounts to 355. 10. 0. 155. 2. £1020. 9 2. COLONIAL RECORDS. 281 500. 0. 0 100. 100. — . General Charges. Surveying Lands to be paid <$& Acre, not exceeding 50. 0. 0. Incident Expences Vizt. erecting publick Build ings and Bridges, raising Banks, purchase of new Boats when lost or worn out, occasional Pettiaugua hire to Frederica or Charles Town from Savanah at four Guineas Each hire to each place, purchase of Seeds for Trust Lands, Supply of Trust Cattle, Hogs, Poultry. &c. Excess of Dearness of Provision. Which may make it necessary to increase Servants Allow ance, Repair of Mills, Light House, Crane, and all publick Civil Buildings and Works not exceeding Towards building and repairing Churches, buying furniture, Books for the School &c. not ex ceeding To execute Justice, pursue fugitive Servants and Felons not exceeding For Paper Books and Other Stationary Ware for ~\ the Colony, with charges of sending not ex- v 30. — . — ceeding ) For Presents to the Indians including the Charges ") of sending and Insurance, and for entertain- V 500. — . — ing them when they come down. Not exceeding ) For encouraging usefull Inventions and Arts, as "j q-m m O Silk, Wine, Pot Ash Pottery Ware &c. . . } ° ' Charges in England Salary to the Secretary Salary to the Accomptant Wages to the Messenger at four Shillings a Week Wages to the Housekeeper at two Shillings six pence ^> Week Extraordinary Clerkship One Year with Another Reward to the Accomptant for his extraordinary trouble in attending the Trustees Business at the Custom house, and in making, checquing and accepting the Sola Bills; And other Busi- }- 100. ness not relating to the Office of Accomptant I being the same as allowed in each Year for j Years past j Stationary Ware and Printing One Year with Another. 40. — . ItiU.150. , _ 10. 8. 0 6. 10. 0 48. 2. 0 282 COLONIAL RECORDS. Incident Charges One Year with Another. . . . 40. — . — House Rent 30. — . — Sola Bills One Year with Another 25. — . — 600. 0. 0. Resolved That the Common Council do agree that the aforesaid be the Estimate for the ensuing Year. Order'd That a Copy of such Part of the said Estimate as relates to the for eign Expences of the Colony be sent over immediately to M' Stephens, that the People may regulate themselves accordingly. Resolved That M' John Fallowfield be appointed second Bailiff of the Town of Savanah in the room of M' Robert Gilbert. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday June the 6. 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair. Earl of Egmont M' Hen. Archer M' Tho8 Tower Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' Tracy S' William Heathcote Mr Smith M' Holland. Resolved That M' William Williamson be appointed Recorder of the Town of Savanah in the room of M' Tho8 Christie Resolved That M' Thomas Christie be appointed third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah Resolved That M' Thomas Jones be appointed Overseer of the Trust Servants in the Northern Division of the Province. COLONIAL RECORDS. 283 Read a Letter from M' John West, dated (Si0) desiring leave to re turn home (he being very much indispos'd) and a License to dispose of his Lot. Resolved That M' John West have License to dispose of his Lot to such Person as Mr Stephens shall approve of, and to return home. A Report was made to the Common Council that Robert Hows, instead of alienating his fifty Acre Lot to the Revd M' George Whitefield, had surrender'd the same to the Trustees, in order to be a Part of the five hundred Acres granted to the said M' Whitefield in Trust. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the same. Read a Letter to Col Oglethorpe ; Which after several Alterations was approved of. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday June 20'" 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled. Lord Sidney Beauclerk in the Chair. Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Laroche M' Hen. Archer M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith M' Holland S' William Heathcote Resolved That One of the best forfeited Lots at Savanah be granted to M' Thomas Jones. Resolved That Henry Parker be removed from being first Bailiff of the Town of Savanah. Read aT)eed for removing and displacing Thomas Christie from the 284 COLONIAL RECORDS. Office of Recorder of the Town of Savanah and Appointing William Williamson Recorder in the room of Thomas Christie. Resolved That Thomas Christie be appointed first Bailiff of the Town of Sa vanah in the room of Henry Parker. Order'd That a Deed for the same be prepared, and that the Seal of the Cor poration be affix'd to the same and that the Secretary do countersign it. Read a Deed for appointing John Fallowfield second Bailiff of the Town of Savanah. Read a Deed for removing and displacing Robert Gilbert from the Of fice of third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah and appointing Thomas Jones to be third Bailiff in his room. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the aforesaid Deeds in the presence of any three of the Trustees. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. The Common Council taking into consideration the present absolute Necessity of providing a Scout Boat at Amelia for the safety and Pro tection of the Province by preventing any surprise, and a Boat at S' Andrews in order to give Intelligence and keep open the Communication with S' Simons. Resolved That in the Estimate of the Expences from Michaelmas 1739 to Mich8 1740 two hundred and fifty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and One Penny be inserted for a Georgia Scout Boat consisting of a Patroon and ten Men and Provisions for them And that forty Eight Pounds be in serted for Eight Hands for the Boat at S' Andrews for Provisions and Shoes at six pounds Each. Resolved That two hundred Pounds be paid to Col1 Oglethorpe for the Bill Which he took up from Mr Jenys for that Sum drawn on the Trust Aprill the 27'" 1736, and accounted for by Col. Oglethorpe tho' never paid by the Trust ; M' Jenys having acquainted the Board with the reason why the said Bill was not demanded because Col. Oglethorpe had taken it upon himself. A Bill was brought for payment for six hundred thirty six pounds Seventeen Shillings and three Pence drawn the 7'" of Aprill last by the COLONIAL RECORDS. 285 Executors of the late Paul Jenys on the Trustees for the Balance of their Account. Resolved That the said Account be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts ; and that the Acceptance of the said Bill be postpon'd till the Report of the said Committee Resolved That Samuel Davison be appointed Overseer of the Trust Servants in the Southern Part of the Province. M' Holland reported to the Board that Himself, M' L'apostre and Mr Smith had exchang'd the last Year's Vouchers with the Bank when it appear'd that the Balance of the Trustees Cash in the Bank of England on the 91" Instant amounted to two thousand three hundred and fifty two Pounds five Shillings and Nine Pence. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that of the above Balance One thousand five hundred and thirty four Pounds stand ap propriated for the payment of Outstanding Sola Bills sent to be issued in Georgia for the service of the Province, three hundred and Eighty One Pounds Eleven Shillings and five Pence for particular Uses, And four hundred thirty six pounds fourteen Shillings and four pence for Estab lishing the Colony. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to the Orders of the Common Council a Draught had been made on the Bank of England to M' Alderman Heathcote for five hundred Pounds for the payment of Sola Bills dated the 11*" Instant and was sign'd by the Earl of Egmont M' Laroche Sr William Heathcote M' Tho8 Tower and Mr Vernon N° 6521 \ Order'd That two Tons of half Pence be bought and sent to Georgia by the two Brothers Capt. Thomson towards defraying half a Year's Expence of the Estimate from Mich8 1739 And the Charge thereof to be replaced out of the twenty thousand Pounds when receiv'd there not being Money sufficient for the Colony at present to answer the Purchase, and the said Half Pence not being to be had after the ensuing Week. Order'd That One thousand Pounds be paid into the hands of M' Alderman Heathcote to be accounted for. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Holland D' Hales and M' L'apostre N° 6522 w. 286 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Petition of Capt. William Thomson setting forth that in May 1738 he demanded Payment of- four hundred sixty Nine Pounds One Shilling and three half Pence certified by M' Thomas Causton in Jan'7 before to be due to thp Petitioner for Stores and Necessaries deliver'd at Savanah in Georgia. That the Trustees return'd the said Certificate to the Petitioner in order to receive the same of M' Causton and advanced four hundred Pounds in the mean time on the Petitioner's Bond jointly with his Owners towards Answering Cash to the Petitioner Which had been disburs'd in the said Stores and Necessaries And Which the Peti tioner was to repay in case he receiv'd the said four hundred sixty Nine Pounds One Shilling and three half Pence of M' Causton. That the Petitioner has applied to Mr Causton for payment of the said Certificate and was answer'd by him that he had not any Money to pay it with. Therefore the Petitioner prays the Trustees to deliver up his said Bond and pay the remaining Sum of sixty Nine Pounds One Shilling and three half Pence due to him on the said Certified Account. Resolved That the Payment of the Sum of Sixty Nine Pounds One Shilling and three half Pence be postpon'd and that his Bond be kept in hand till the Commissioners in Georgia make their Return of the said Account. Read a Memorial of Capt. William Thomson setting forth, that before Col. Oglethorpe left England, he sailed for Georgia with German Serv ants at his own and joint Owners Risque in order to supply the Inhabit ants with white Men, that he carried over One hundred and Seventeen Heads, Whereof he receiv'd for One Head seven Pounds from Mr Haw kins, And that for the rest whom he could not dispose of amounting to One hundred and sixteen Heads, Whereof One Head at Eight Pounds, And the rest at seven Pounds Each He deliver'd to the Orders of Col. Oglethorpe. And that he took over sundry Goods Part Whereof amounting to two hundred and thirteen Pounds Nine Shillings and Eleven Pence One farthing he deliver'd pursuant to the Orders of Col. Oglethorpe. That One thousand and twenty Six Pounds Nine Shillings and Eleven Pence One farthing were due to him for the same, Which he desired might be paid to such Attorney as he should appoint out of the Money granted by Parliament when receiv'd. Resolved That the said Memorial be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. COLONIAL RECORDS. 287 Resolved That the Supply to William Stephens Esq' by Col. Oglethorpe be not accounted as part of the twenty Pounds and thirty Pounds Order'd to be paid to him in the Trustees Letter of the 2d of Aprill last for defraying the Expence of his Family's Sickness and the loss sustain'd by his Serv ant's Sickness. Order'd That twenty five Pounds be paid to William Stephens Esq' for his Services from Midsummer to Michaelmas 1739 before the Estimate takes place. And that Sola Bills be sent over to Georgia for that purpose. Resolved That Peter Emery be appointed Pilot at Tybee if he approves of the Terms propos'd in the Estimate. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday June 27. 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair M' Tho8 Tower M' Vernon M' Holland M' Laroche Mr L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith. Read a Petition of Ann Emery the Wife of Peter Emery lately ap pointed Pilot at Tybee in Georgia setting forth, that She was the Widow of Michael Germain, and possess'd for her life in an House and One Moiety of the Improvements of a fifty Acre Lot upon the back of the Town of Savanah N° 78. And that the Other Moiety of the said Im provements is the Property of her Son Michael Germain aged Nineteen with remainder to him of the said House, And the Petitioner's Moiety of the said Improvements after her Death. That the Petitioner has a Daughter aged Eleven Whom the Petitioner is desirous should be nominated as Successor to the said House and fifty 288 COLONIAL RECORDS. Acre Lot in case of the Death of her Brother Michael Germain without any Issue Male of his Body. That the Petitioner came to England in expectation of receiving a Benefit upon the Death of her Brother, in which She was disappointed, And being on her Return to Georgia, has occasion for some Assistance for Necessaries ; And as her Husband is station'd as Pilot of Tybee prays for twenty Pounds to be advanced upon Account of her Husband's in tended Service, And a fifty Acre Lot of Land may be granted to her said Husband situated on Tybee ; And that She may have a License to sell Beer in the House to be built thereupon. Resolved That the Petitioner's Daughter nam'd Mary Germain be nominated as Successor to the fifty Acre Lot upon the back of the Town of Savanah N° 78 in case of the Death of her Brother Michael Germain without any Issue ; And that a fifty Acre Lot be granted to her Husband Peter Em ery upon the Island of Tybee And that the Petitioner may have a Li cense to sell Beer there, But that the Trustees cannot advance her any Money for Necessaries. Read a Petition of Mary Crowder Widow of Joseph Cooper late of Sa vanah in Georgia, setting forth that M' Henry Parker of Savanah has rented her House from the 16'" of June 1735 at the rate of ten Pounds ten Shillings Sterling a Year. That the Trustees on the 23d of March 1736 advanc'd One Year's Rent, And that on the 14'" of Aprill 1738 Advanc'd another Year's Rent, That on the 16'" Instant two Years more Rent was become due. And therefore prays the Trustees to assist her with half a Year's Rent Which may have been paid into the hands of M' Thomas Causton her Attorney to receive her Rent of the said Henry Parker.Resolved That as Bailiff Parker has not paid the two Years Rent to M' Causton, the said Petition be rejected. Read a Petition of Isaac Young setting forth, That he arrived in the Province of Georgia August 21 1736, That he had often applied to have his Grant for One hundred Acres run out. That at last he with some Others was pitch'd upon by M' Causton to settle a Village. And that after some trouble he could get but fifty Acres set out. That by sick ness he was indebted to the Trust about twenty five Pounds, And that he is working himself out of Debt in the Bricklayer's Business and prays COLONIAL RECORDS. 289 the Assistance of the Trustees. That he has taken possession of a Tract of Vacant Land, Which he desires may be confirm'd to him. Resolved That M' Stephens be desired to inquire into the Allegations of the said Petition. Whether the vacant Land Which the Petitioner has taken possession of be good, And that One hundred Acres be set out for him ; And that M' Stephens be again inform'd of the Negligence of the Surveyors Whom he must again call upon to do their Duty. Resolved That the Trustees cannot advance the Petitioner any Money. Read Proposals from Andrew Duche desiring the Trustees to procure from his Majesty a Patent for the sole making of Porcelain in Georgia, and praying the Trustees to send him One Ton Weight of Pig lead, and two hundred Weight of blew Smalt, three hundred Weight of Block Tin, and an Iron Mortar and Pestle. Resolved That a Sum not exceeding twelve pounds be laid out in the purchase of a Pestle and Mortar, and Lead, Smalt, and Block tin ; And that Andrew Duche be instructed to send over a Specimen of all the Porcelain he makes. But that the Trustees cannot say any thing to the Other Part of his proposal about the Patent till they see some proofs of his Works. Read a Memorial of I. Hamerton Receiver General of the Quit Rents in South Carolina setting forth ; That he being to pay some Money in Great Britain for the use of the Crown, And as he is authoris'd to draw upon the King's Quit Rents for two hundred Pounds in South Carolina for the King's Service, And desiring the Trustees to pay him two hun dred Pounds on his giving Bills on his Deputy at Charles Town to be punctually paid to the Trustees Order at Charles Town. The Accomptant acquainted the Board that Peter Le Heup Esq' in form'd him that the Deputy Receiver had always sufficient Money in his hands to answer two hundred Pounds Value. And that the said Re ceiver had a right to draw for that sum for the King's Use to pay the Auditor's Salary and other Charges here. Resolved That two hundred pounds be paid to the said Mr Hamerton for his Bills on his Deputy at Charles Town for the said sum of two hundred Pounds payable to William Stephens Esq' M' Thomas Christie and Mr Thomas Jones or the order of any two of them. [19 c. v.] 290 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Letter from Samuel Holmes setting forth that when he went over to Georgia with two Servants in the Year 1733, his two Servants were inticed from him at Charles Town That he has carried on the Bricklayer's and Brick Maker's Business there, and has made as good Bricks as can be made in England, and desires a Credit of Servants. Resolved That M' Stephens be inform'd that if any of the Trust Servants are not engaged, and are not provided for by the Estimate, that Samuel Holmes have two Servants upon condition that he instructs them in the Brick Maker's Business and maintains his Servants himself. The Common Council taking into consideration the difficulty of find ing proper Persons to oversee the Trust Servants Who have no land, thought it proper to change that Part of the Estimate by which the Overseers are restrain'd from having any lands in the Province of Geor gia ; And to appoint Thomas Jones the third Bailiff of Savanah to be Overseer of the Trust Servants in the Northern Part of the Province, (notwithstanding the Order of the last Common Council for revoking the Appointment of him,) and Samuel Davison to be Overseer of the Trust Servants in the Southern Part of the Province, Who are severally to en ter into Recognizances to the Trustees in the respective Town Courts of Savanah and Frederica, That they will not employ any of the Trustees Servants upon their own lands on pain of forfeiting their Employments and one Year's Salary. Resolved That Appointments be sealed for the said Overseers, And that Instruc tions be sent to them under the Trustees Seal to be settled by the Com mittee of Correspondence agreeable to the several Resolutions of the Com mon Council, And that the Secretary do countersign the said Appoint ments and Resolutions. Resolved That two hundred Copies of the Trustees Answer to the Representa tion from Savanah about the Tenure of Lands and Negroes be printed and sent to Georgia for the Information of the Inhabitants. Resolved That if Robert Hows now returning to Georgia shall appear indebted to the Trustees, that no Proceedings be made against him untill his case be known, and Directions given by the Common Council thereupon. Resolyed That William Stephens Esq' M' Thomas Christie and Mr Thomas Jones COLONIAL RECORDS. 291 or any two of them be the Persons who are to issue the Trustees Sola Bills for the service of the Colony. Resolved That Eight Barrels of Gunpowder fourteen hundred weight of Indian Gun Bullets, and four hundred weight of Swan Drop Shot be purchased and sent as part of the Presents to the Indians estimated to be sent from England. Read a Memorial from M' Peter Simond setting forth that by three several Accounts remitted to him from Georgia One thousand six hun dred and sixty seven Pounds Eight Shillings and nine pence was due to him ; That it might be some time before the Commissioners Report there upon would be received from Georgia ; That he had been out of this Money a long time, and was in present want thereof, and praying in the mean time an Advance of fourteen or fifteen hundred Pounds in part thereof. Resolved That twelve hundred Pounds be advanced to M' Peter Simond on his Note to answer to the Trustees any Sum Which may be short of twelve hundred Pounds to be reported due on the said One thousand six hun dred and sixty seven Pounds Eight Shillings and nine Pence in case any just Objections or Deductions should reduce the same on the Commis sioners Report when received from Georgia under the sum of twelve hundred Pounds. Read a Petition of Mess" Pytt and Tuckwell setting forth that by three several Accounts remitted them from Georgia four hundred and seven Pounds five Shillings and nine pence half Penny was due to them ; That they having no reason to doubt but the said Accounts are true ; And that the Non Payment of them tho' remitted as Cash was a great Inconvenience ; And praying an Advance of three hundred Pounds on the credit of the said Accounts untill the Trustees are satisfied therein. Resolved That three hundred Pounds be advanced to the said Mess" Pytt and Tuckwell on their Note to answer to the Trustees any sum which may be short of three hundred Pounds to be reported due on the said four hun dred and Seven Pounds five Shillings and nine Pence half Penny in case any just Objections or Deductions should reduce the same on the Com missioners Report when received from Georgia under the sum of three hundred Pounds. 292 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That any five of the Common Council do draw upon the Bank of Eng land (after the twenty thousand Pounds granted by Parliament shall have been received) for payment of the said sums of two hundred Pounds to John Hammerton twelve hundred Pounds to M' Peter Simond and three hundred Pounds to Mess'8 Pytt and Tuckwell by an Imprest to M' Alder man Heathcote for that purpose. Read a Letter from Kennedy Obrien Esq' dated Augusta in Georgia 1. Aprill 1739 desiring a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land accord ing to the Plot inclosed in his said Letter, and recommended by Col. Oglethorpe for that purpose. Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres according to the said Plot be made out to the said Kennedy OBrien Esq' and sent over to him under the seal of the Corporation countersign'd by the Secretary together with a Counterpart thereof to be executed in Georgia by the said Kennedy OBrien. Resolved That the Secretary do sign a Memorial thereof to be register'd with the Auditor of the Plantations : And that One Pound Eleven Shillings and six Pence the Consideration Money of the said Grant, and the Charge of registring it be advanced to be repaid in Georgia by the said Kennedy OBrien before the Delivery of the Grant to him. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday July 11 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Tho8 Tower in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Laroche Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' Holland M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith COLONIAL RECORDS. 293 Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts that they had read a Memorial from Capt. William Thomson, relating to German Servants and Goods receiv'd and deliver'd by the order of Col. Oglethorpe in Jan'7 1738, refer'd to them by the Common Council the 20'" of June last ; And it appearing to them that the German Servants dispos'd of by order of Col Oglethorpe and unpaid for amounted to One hundred and sixteen Heads, Whereof forty seven Heads appear'd to be payable by the Trus tees as dispos'd of for the following Uses. Viz' twelve Heads and a | half for cultivating Lands for Religious Uses in the Northern Part of/ the Province, Which Col. Oglethorpe mention'd in his Letter to the Ac comptant dated Jan'7 13. 1738 were then wanted. Seven Heads to cul tivate Lands at Fort Argyle clear'd by Capt. Mackpherson's Rangers. One head to the Revd M' Norris the Trustees Missionary, four Heads to ,' be employ'd in the publick Garden under the care of Joseph Fitz Walter, five Heads and One third employ'd as Cow Herds to the Saltzburghers. One Head to attend the Saltzburgh Orphans. Two Heads to the Saltzburgh School Master. One Head to William Stephens Esq' Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust in Georgia. And thirteen Heads One sixth to be employ'd in cultivating Lands for Religious Uses ; in the South Part of the Province, if not already provided, Otherwise to be employ'd in the cultivation of Trust Lands at Frederica. And the other Sixty Nine Heads the Committee were of Opinion did not appear chargeable on the Trust by any Evidence at present produced to them. That the Committee then proceeded ta consider of the Account of Goods deliver'd by the said Capt. Thomson pursuant to the Orders of Col. Oglethorpe amounting to two hundred and thirteen Pounds Nine Shillings and Eleven pence farthing ; Whereof One hundred and two Pounds Sixteen Shillings and four pence farthing is enter'd as the Amount of sundry Goods receiv'd for the Trustees Store including three pounds three Shillings a Part thereof for the Cabin o'Board the two Brothers us'd by John Brailsford in his return from England ; After the Hearing on the Dispute relating to the Indian Trade was over. Which sum the Committee were of Opinion ought to be paid and no more, the remaining Sum being for Articles design'd for Presents to the Spanish Messengers When they come to Georgia, for Encouragement of Shop keepers, and Other Credits ; Which the Committee were of opinion ought not to be a Charge upon, or any Concern of the Trust, but that the Sum of One hundred and two pounds Sixteen Shillings and four Pence together with three hundred and twenty Nine Pounds for the forty 294 COLONIAL RECORDS. seven Heads of Servants beforemention'd, making four hundred thirty One Pounds Sixteen Shillings and four Pence the Committee were of Opinion ought to be paid to the said Capt Thomson. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Resolved That four hundred thirty One Pounds sixteen Shillings and four Pence be paid to Capt. William Thomson. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of July 4'" 1739 that they having examin'd the Accounts of the late Paul Jenys Esq' sent over by his Executors, with the Accounts lately receiv'd from M' Causton do find in them the following Differences. Vizt. In the Account of the Duty on Rum M' Jenys's Executors have enter'd five hundred ninety two Pounds Nine Shillings Currency to M' Causton's Account of Goods taken from Capt Price, not accounted for in the Certificate Which Goods were paid for by M' Causton in the following manner. Viz' Sept' 27. 1735 by two Bills of Exchange on James Oglethorpe Esq' the One for fifty Pounds, and the Other for thirty Pounds Sterl. making in Currency at that time at 700 $ Cent, five hundred and Sixty Pounds. And 4'" of November following by two Certificates of James Mackpherson for the pay of Arthur Ogle Edgecomb and William Finley for Eighty four pounds Currency ; Each making together Seven hundred and twenty Eight pounds Currency, Which are not mention'd in M' Causton's said Certificate dated Aprill 15. 1738, And the said Goods by Capt. Price are enter'd by M' Causton to be receiv'd in December 1734 ; Whereon he states a Balance due to him of One hundred and thirty five Pounds Eleven Shillings Currency. The said Executors have also enter'd One hundred and seventeen Pounds ten Shillings Currency to M' Causton's Order to themselves Au gust 15 1738 Which M' Causton mentions to be for eight thousand Bricks at five pounds ^ 1000 and Cash paid, Whereof the Bricks were not de liver'd amounting to forty Pounds ; And therefore they ought not to be paid for in Credit to the said Executors. And the Committee do find that in the Account of Cash paid by the late Paul Jenys two hundred Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings Currency are enter'd July 24 1736 as paid for M' Causton's Draught to .William Butler N° 79, Which by the Accounts lately receiv'd from him s an Over Charge of One hundred Pounds Currency. The said Bill COLONIAL RECORDS. 295 having been drawn only for One hundred Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings Currency. The said Executors have also charg'd Sixty three Pounds thirteen Shillings and Nine Pence Currency paid to Mr Causton by Mary Hodges Which is not mentioned in his Account ; But in their Letter to the Trustees they write that the Addition of that sum was because M' Caus ton had sign'd to have receiv'd it, Which may be properly applied as part of the One hundred thirty five Pounds Eleven Shillings Currency beforemention'd to be due to him ; And therefore not chargeable on the Trustees in the said Executors Account. All Which Sums of five hundred Ninety two Pounds, Nine Shillings, forty Pounds, One hundred Pounds, and Sixty three Pounds thirteen Shillings and Nine Pence, amount together to Seven hundred Ninety Six pounds two Shillings and nine Pence Currency, Which in Sterling at 700

Cent for Six hundred ninety Six Pounds two Shillings and Nine Pence Part thereof; And at 740 ^> Cent for One hundred Pounds the Residue thereof makes One hundred and twelve Pounds Nineteen Shillings and two pence half Penny Sterl. And the Committee by the said Accounts receiv'd from M' Causton do find that he had drawn two Bills on the late Paul Jenys Esq' Which have not been taken Credit for in Any of the Accounts received by the Trustees from the said Paul Jenys or his Executors ; The One for three hundred Pounds Currency Sept' 27 1735 to Andrew Grant, And the Other for two hundred and sixty Pounds Currency the 5'" November following to Samuel Lacey making five hundred and Sixty Pounds Currency, And in Sterling at 700 ^> Cent Eighty Pounds. Which must be examin'd into, Whether the said Draughts were paid out of any of the present Sums in Charge on the said Paul Jenys. Wherefore the Committee were of Opinion that Copies of all the said Accounts' should be sent to the Commissioners appointed to examine and state the publick Debts in Georgia with the Observations of the Committee thereupon. And the Committee, observing an Article of four hundred Pounds £ charged by the said Executors for Commission at 5


Cent ^> Ann on the Amount of the said Account from Dec' 19 1738 to Oct' 19 1739. And fifteen Shillings and six pence for the Costs of Protest in London and Georgia, making together the Sum of One hun dred thirty seven Pounds Seventeen Shillings and ten pence in consider ation that the Trustees should allow him the forty Pounds he claim'd for his twelve Months Attendance in inspecting the Labourers on the publick Roads in Georgia and his paying them, and being in Advance on that account. And also that the Trustees should then pay the Balance of his new Account made out for himself and Brother amounting to Sixty seven pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence half penny in full of all COLONIAL RECORDS. 309 Demands to Mess" Papillon and Benjamin Ball for his use, on their being answerable jointly with himself to make good to the Trustees any Article thereof, Which on Examination in Georgia may reduce the said Balance by any just Objections or Deductions ; And the Committee ob serving by the Minutes of the Common Council the Articles contain'd in the last mention'd Account have been refer'd to the Commissioners in Georgia for such Examination, And being of Opinion that the Security Offer'd is sufficient for the Trustees Acceptance have no Objection to the Payment of the said Sum of Sixty seven Pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence half penny. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts Nov' 16 1739 to the fol lowing Purport. That the Committee having pursuant to the reference from the Common Council examin'd the Account sent over by General Ogle thorpe to the Trustees of sundry Disbursements made in Georgia by his Or der from the 22 Sept' 1738 to the 23d of June 1739 by Francis Moore with the Vouchers and the General's Explanations in his Letter to the Trus tees Accountant dated the 5'" of July last, They cannot but observe the great Exactness and satisfactory manner in which the said Account is made out. As to the first Total of One thousand and two Pounds Sixteen Shil lings and five pence One farthing the following Sums having been already paid to General Oglethorpe's Order in England out of the Money appro priated for the particular uses hereafter mention'd are to be deducted from the said Total. Vizt. For building a Church May 5'" 1739 paid to John Robinson for Bricks three pound May 19 1739 Paid to Do for Do three Pounds. For Religious Uses. June 18 1739 Paid to Thomas Upton in part for an House and Eight Acres of Land for the Minister at Frederica ten Pounds. Paid Thomas Jones to purchase Provisions for the Trustees Servants to be repaid to the Religious Uses by the Produce of the said Servants Labour Sixty Pounds. For the Saltzburgers Paid to Mr Bolzius for the Orphan House forty Pounds. Paid to M' Gronau for his House thirty Pounds. 310 COLONIAL RECORDS. For the Spotch Minister. Paid to Mr Mac Leod being remitted by the Society in Scotland forty Pounds.Which several Sums making One hundred and Eighty Six pounds, duce the first Total to Eight hundred and sixteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings and five pence farthing ; And that either Duplicates or Attested Copies of Vouchers for Every Article thereof have been produc'd to the Committee except for twenty One Articles amounting to forty Seven Pounds and six pence ; But the Whole Account being sign'd by the Gen eral, and the Disbursements made thereby Certified the Committee have no Objection to the Allowing thereof. But Observe that in this Account there are several Sums paid to hired Men for labour, at the same time that there are a great Number of Trust Servants now within the Province. That there is also an Article of ten Pounds paid to M' Carteret for Cedar Posts for fencing in the Storehouse concerning which the Commit tee is not able to judge why the Trustees own Timber was not cut down, and their own Servants not employ'd in making the said Posts. And that this leads the Committee to observe that Cattle to the Amount of two hundred Pounds sterling had been bought and deliver'd to the People of Darien upon Loan to enable them to furnish fresh Meat to the Regiment and Men of War ; When at the same time there are one thousand Head and more of Trust Cattle in the Province. And the Committee submit it to the Common Council whether it may not be proper to inquire what hinder'd the Applying some of the said Trust Cattle for the service beforemention'd ; Whereby the Loan of fresh bought Cattle might have been avoided, And also to inquire What Profit has yet arisen to the Trustees from keeping so large a stock of Cattle to answer so great an Expence of Cattle Hunters and Pindars. That as to the next Article of two hundred and fifty Pounds, Seven teen Shillings and One Penny remaining due from several Inhabitants for Loans to them made by General Oglethorpe to encourage them to set up various Trades. Receipts for the said Amount have been produced to the Committee ; except for Nineteen Shillings Part thereof ; But the Committee believe the Whole to have been so advanced. That as to the next Total of Eleven Pounds Seventeen Shillings and One Penny for Work at the Watch house at Pike's Bluff ; Receipts for the said Amount have been produc'd to the Committee except for two Pounds seven Shillings and six Pence Part thereof; But they believe the COLONIAL RECORDS. 311 whole to have been paid and can see no Objection to the Allowance thereof. As to the next Total of twenty two pounds five Shillings on Account of the Chappel at Frederica, Receipts for the said sum have been pro duc'd to the Committee, And the same has been already paid to the Or der of General Oglethorpe in England out of the Money appropriated for building Churches in Georgia. As to the other Totals of One hundred and seven Pounds sixteen Shil lings and two Pence for Pettiaugua hire. Eleven Pounds five Shillings for the Amelia Scout Boat. Fifty Pounds ten Shillings and Eight pence for the Passage Boat, And Sixty Pounds Nine Shillings for the Cutter making in the Whole Two hundred and thirty Pounds and ten Pence. The Committee finding twenty Pounds Part thereof paid John Hunt to be for Pettiaugua Hire for the King's Troops before the General's Arrival in Georgia, are of Opinion, that the same ought to be disallowed being a Regimental Expence ; Which will reduce the said four Totals to two hundred and ten Pounds and ten Pence, Receipts for Which have been produced to the Committee except for Eighty Eight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and two Pence Part thereof Enter'd for Wages to the Men in the Passage Boat and Cutter. But the Committee doubt not but the Whole has been paid General Oglethorpe having sign'd thereto. All Which Sums unpaid by the Trustees to the Order of General Oglethorpe in England in discharge of the said Account of Disburse ments in Georgia beforemention'd amount together to the Sum of One thousand two hundred and Eighty Nine Pounds Eleven Shillings and five pence farthing. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Resolved That the Secretary do acquaint General Oglethorpe with the Observa tions made by the last Committee. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the Sum of One thou sand three hundred and fifty seven Pounds four Shillings and Eleven pence payable to M' Alderman Heathcote for the payment of the Afore said Sums of Sixty Seven Pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence half Penny, And One thousand two hundred and Eighty Nine Pounds Eleven Shillings and five Pence farthing by D' Hales the Earl of Eg mont M' Digby Mp L'apostre and M' Smith N° 6530 w. The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to Or- 312 COLONIAL RECORDS. ders of the Common Council two Draughts had been made on the Bank of England since the 11'" of June last to M' Alderman Heathcote for the payment of Sola Bills, Vizt One for three hundred the 28'" of August last N° 6527 ' sign'd by M' L'apostre M' Digby Mr Eyles M' Smith and M' Eyre, And the Other for five hundred Pounds the 8'" of October last N° 6528 " sign'd by the Earl of Egmont M' Laroche M' L'apostre D' Hales and M' Smith. Adjourn'd. Earl of Egmont's House in Pall Mall Saturday Dec' 8 1739 Present in Common Council Assembled. Lord Tyrconnel in the Chair Earl of Egmont Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' Digby M' Vernon M' Eyre Mr Sloper M1 Hen. Archer M' Laroche M' L'apostre Resolved That the Additional Sum of twenty five Pounds be allow'd to William Stephens Esq' for a Clerk in consideration of his Increase of Business as Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within the Province of Georgia. Read a Paragraph in M' Stephen's Journal August 9'" that upon the Commissioners examining the Accounts in Georgia refer'd to them by the Common Council They had found the following Certified Accounts to be Unexceptionable Vizt. An Account Certified June 12 1738 for Seven hundred thirty two Pounds fifteen Shillings and Nine pence to David Provost. An Account Certified August 12'" 1738 for three hundred and forty five pounds Nineteen Shillings and three Pence to David Provost. And an Account Certified August 17. 1738 for two hundred twenty One Pounds Eight Shillings to Thomas Ware. COLONIAL RECORDS. 313 Resolved That the said Certified Accounts be paid the two first to M' Roderigo Pacheco and Benjamin Tavarez and the last to M' Joseph Mico. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for One thousand three hundred Pounds for the payment of the said Certified Accounts by Lord Tyrconnel Earl of Egmont Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' Digby and M' L'apostre N° 706 '. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Jan'7 16 17f$ Present in Common Council Assembled M' L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Digby M' Laroche Lord Tyrconnel M' Sloper M' Smith M' Henry Archer. Resolved That two hundred Sola Bills of five pounds Each And One thousand of One pound Each be made out and seal'd and sign'd by the Accountant, And that they be fill'd up to William Stephens Esq' M' Thomas Christie and M' Thomas Jones Or any two of them to issue for defraying the Es timated Expences in Georgia from Lady Day to Michaelmas 1740 Amounting to two thousand Pounds. And that the same be sent by two different Ships Vizt. One thousand Pound in Each Ship as soon as pos sible, And that any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the payment of the said Bills as soon as they return. Resolved That twenty five Guineas be given to M' Samuel Auspourger as a Gratification for his Map of S' Simon's Island in the Southern Part of Georgia. 314 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the said Samuel Auspourger be allowed two Years time for his Return to and Arrival in Georgia. Resolved That the said Samuel Auspourger be permitted to leave one third Part of the Wood standing upon his five hundred Acres of Land if he shall think proper so to do. Resolved That Every Man Servant of the Age of twenty One Years and up wards which the said Samuel Auspourger now employs or shall carry over and hereafter employ in the cultivation of his five hundred Acres of Land be entitled to a Grant of fifty Acres of Land in the Province of Georgia under the usual Limitations and Conditions; When such Serv ant shall be out of his time, and shall obtain a Certificate from the said Samuel Auspourger, or such other Person as shall be intitled to the said five hundred Acres, of his Good Behaviour. Resolved That no Person shall hunt or shoot in or upon the said five hundred Acres of Land belonging to Samuel Auspourger without a Licence from him or such Person as shall be intitled to the said five hundred Acres of Land except the Native Indians Who may be desirous thereof. Resolved That at the End of ten Years the said Samuel Auspourger or such Other Person as shall be intitled to the said five hundred Acres of Land shall and may alien the same or any Part thereof, but not in less Quan tities than fifty Acres in One Lot, to any Person or Persons Whatsoever ; Who thereby will not become possess'd of more than five hundred Acres ; Such Person or Persons being first approv'd of by the Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within the said Province of Georgia for the time being. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 315 Palace Court Tuesday March 25'" 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Ch. Tower in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Digby Lord Tyrconnel M' Eyre M' L'apostre M' Smith M' Tracy M' Henry Archer. Read a Deed for removing and displacing Thomas Christie from the Office of first Bailiff of the Town of Savanah and for constituting and appointing M' Henry Parker first Bailiff of the said Town. Read a Deed for removing and displacing Mr William Williamson from the Office and Recorder of the Town of Savanah, and for consti tuting and Appointing M' John Pye to officiate as Recorder of the said Town during the Suspension of Thomas Christie from the said Office Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Deeds Which was Affix'd accordingly Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Order'd That Sixty Eight Pounds thirteen Shillings and Eleven Pence be paid to M' Recompence Stanberry due to him for provisions and Necessaries deliver'd in Georgia June 15 1738 Which Account the Commissioners for examining and stating the Debts in Georgia believe to be just. Read a Report from the Commissioners for examining and stating the publick Debts of the Colony That they had examin'd the Demands of Capt James Mackpherson upon the Trustees and found that there was due to him the said Mackpherson for his own and Nineteen Men's Serv ice under his Command to the 29'" of September 1738 the sum of One hundred Eighty Nine Pounds thirteen Shillings and three half Pence. 316 COLONIAL RECORDS. And that there was due to him also for the said Service from that time to Nov 16 1738 the further Sum of Sixty One Pounds four Shillings. That the said Mackpherson demanded also for his Service for the said time an Advanc'd Sum Which the Commissioners refer to the Considera tion of the Trustees. Vizt. For a Balance due for his Service to Nov' 29'" following three hundred Eighty One Pounds fifteen Shillings and three half Pence. And for his Service from that time to Nov' the 16'" following One hundred and Nine Pounds four Shillings and six pence, making in the whole four hundred and Ninety Pounds Nineteen Shillings and seven Pence half Penny. So that the Sum of two hundred and forty Pounds two Shillings and Six pence being the Difference between the Sum allowed by the Com missioners to be remaining due to the said Mackpherson and the Sum de manded by him as above the Commissioners must wait for the Trustees Opinion thereupon before they can allow the same. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report of the Com missioners.Resolved That the Sum of two hundred and forty Pounds two Shillings and six pence be disallow'd to the said Captain James Mackpherson Resolved That the Remainder of the Account being two hundred and fifty Pounds Seventeen Shillings and three half Pence be paid to the said Capt. James Mackpherson when regularly demanded. Resolved That the Memorial of Lieut. Philip Delegal be refer'd to the Commit tee of Accounts. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of this day to the fol lowing Purport Vizt. That the Committee having examin'd an Account of sundry Expences made in Georgia by General Oglethorpe before the Estimated Expences settled by the Common Council of the Trustees took place amounting to six hundred and Eighty four pounds ten Shillings and two pence Whereof he has plac'd to his own Account One hundred and twenty three pounds Nine Shillings and four pence half Penny Which reduces that sum to the sum of five hundred sixty One Pounds and Nine Pence half Penny of Which twenty Pounds is a Loan to Richard Kent to be stopt out of any Money paid to the Trustees by his Relations in England COLONIAL RECORDS. 317 and twelve pounds is another Loan to Henry Overstreet he having a numerous Family and being recommended by the People of Augusta to buy six Cows with Which are to be as Security for the Money. And the Remainder being five hundred twenty Nine Pounds and Nine Pence halfPenny is the Amount of the Charges of General Oglethorpe's Jour ney to and from the Indian Nation (when sent for by the Indians in July last) and of extraordinary Presents made to them on that Occasion ; for all which Vouchers have been produc'd to the Committee, And from which Account the Trustees have been enabled to apply to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the reimbursement thereof as necessary for the Security of the Colony ; Wherefore the Committee have no Ob jection to the payment thereof. But as to the two Loans amounting to thirty two Pounds the Committee are of Opinion they ought not to be made good by the Trustees, But the same should be plac'd to the Gener al's own Account to be repaid to him in the maner above prescrib'd. That the Committee then examin'd a List of Bills drawn by General Oglethorpe for the following particular uses and for Which M' Thomas Jones gave his Receipt the 20'" of October last amounting to One thou sand two hundred and thirty four pounds three Shillings And as to the first of them for Eighty pounds to pay forty Pounds for Cattle as a Loan to M* Burnside, And forty Pounds to pay Noble Jones for building a Watch house. And to pay M' Pepper for sixty Bushels of Wheat. The Committee are of Opinion that the forty Pounds Loan ought not to be paid by the Trustees because they cannot enter into any Loans of their Money. But as to the Other forty Pounds, When the Trustees know what Part thereof was for the Watch house, and Where the same was built, and for what use the Wheat was purchas'd it may then be consid- er'd of. As to the next Article of One hundred and Seven Pounds ten Shillings to buy fifteen hundred Bushels of Corn for the Cherokee In dians, the Occasion and Necessity of it being so fully made out by Gen eral Oglethorpe's Letter of the 19th of October last, And the Benefit flow ing to the Colony by the Affection of the Indians thereupon ; The Com mittee are of Opinion that the same ought to be paid by the Trust, but to be reimbursed them by the Publick as Necessary for the Security of the Colony. As to the next Article of One hundred and fifty Pounds Pounds to pay a Bounty upon Corn rais'd within Savanah District, this (sic) being a Promise made by General Oglethorpe, and very seasonably after the Trustees Store was shut up to encourage the Inhabitants to plant, 318 COLONIAL RECORDS. and having had a good Effect. The Committee are of opinion the same ought to be paid by the Trust. The next Article of two hundred twenty seven Pounds Nine Shillings is included in the before mention'd Sum of five hundred twenty Nine Pounds and Nine Pence half Penny. As to the next Article of Sixty three Pounds to pay the Garrison at Fort Au gusta the Committee finding more than that sum mention'd in the List of Debts from the Store the 10'" of October 1738 as due to Fort Augusta are of Opinion that as the said Sum of Sixty three Pounds is part of that Debt the same ought to be paid by the Trust As to the next Article of Sixty One Pounds four Shillings in order to advance Capt. Mackpher son on Account of his Pay, the Committee finding that Sum reported by the Commissioners in Georgia to be due to him for himself and Nineteen Rangers under his Command from Michaelmas 1738 to the 16'" of Nov' following, When they were reduced (besides Another Sum of One hun dred Eighty Nine Pounds thirteen Shillings and three half Pence re ported due to him for the same Service to Michaelmas 1738) And being Part of the Debts owing the 10'" of October 1738 the Committee are of Opinion the same ought to be paid by the Trust. As to the next two Articles of fifty Pounds for Provisions &c to be deliver'd to the Store, And of two hundred and twenty Pounds for Molasses to be deliver'd to the Store, the Committee are of Opinion that a new Stop must again be put to the keeping of any publick Store Whatsoever at the Trustees ex- pence for the future, let the Exigencies be ever so great ; Since there are or by this time will be private Storehouses to supply the Inhabitants for their Money : But as the Trustees estimated Expences in Georgia, and Orders for paying them in Money there were but then lately arrived ; And General Oglethorpe fearing a Communication might be cut off on the present Rupture with Spain ; The Committee are of Opinion the said two Sums ought to be paid by the Trust ; But that M' Stephens and Mr Jones be acquainted that those Sums must be accounted for as part of the Supply for defraying the Estimated Expences in Georgia from Michaelmas last ; And that General Oglethorpe should be acquainted, that the Trustees having provided for the Discharge of those Expences by their own Sola Bills; his defraying the Expences of the Colony ceased at the said Michaelmas ; And that the Trustees are very much obliged to him for having defray'd them so long, even at his own Risque before the twenty thousand Pounds were granted by Parliament. As to the next Article of One hundred and ten Pounds to pay to M' Anthony Willy on Account of his Pay, The Committee find by a Letter from COLONIAL RECORDS. 319 General Oglethorpe that the said Mr Willy was Lieutenant of the Garri son in the Indian Nation, and that M' Jones One of the Commissioners for examining the Publick Accounts had acquainted the General there was One hundred and forty Nine Pounds Eight Shillings and Eight Pence due to him the said Willy. Which occasion'd the General to pay this Sum of One hundred and ten Pounds in part, but the Committee also finding only forty Pounds mention'd in the List of Debts the 10th of October 1738 to be due to that Garrison, They are of Opinion that only forty Pounds of the said One hundred and ten Pounds ought to be now paid by the Trust, And the Remainder may be consider'd of, When the Commissioners Report of the Money due to the said M' Willy shall be received. As to the next Article of forty five Pounds to be paid to M' Bradley, the Committee are of Opinion the same ought not to be paid by the Trust, he being already so much indebted to them. As to the next Article of Eighty Pounds being an Order on M' Montaigut in favour of Caleb Davis it not appearing to the Committee on What Account the same was given, The Committee are of Opinion an Explanation thereof must be first received before any Payment of that Sum can be made by the Trust. And as to the last Article of forty Pounds on Account of Money due to Jacob Lewis Camuse the Silk Winder from the Trust, the Committee are of Opinion the same ought to be paid ; All Which sev eral Sums, together amount to the Sum of One thousand two hundred and Sixty Pounds fourteen Shillings and Nine Pence half Penny to be now paid to the Order of General Oglethorpe. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Order'd That the sum of One thousand three hundred and twenty Nine Pounds Eight Shillings and Eight Pence be paid into the hands of M' Harman Verelst to pay M' Recompence Stanberry Sixty Eight Pounds thirteen Shillings and Eleven Pence, and the sum of One thousand two hundred and Sixty Pounds fourteen Shillings and Nine Pence reported due to General Oglethorpe. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Chris topher Tower the Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont Lord Tyrconnel and M' Digby N° 708 f. The Accomptant reported that on the 22d of March a Draught had been made on the Bank of England for five hundred Pounds to S' Joseph 320 COLONIAL RECORDS. Hankey and C° for the payment of Sola Bills sign'd by the Earl of Eg mont Lord Tyrconnel M' Vernon Mr Eyre and Mr L'apostre N° 707 f. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 23 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Digby M' Tho8 Tower M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith Read a Minute of the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge, That Whereas the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia had made a Grant of three hundred Acres to the Revd M' John MacLeod appointed by the said Society for propagating Christian Knowl edge a Missionary at Darien. and to his Successors upon Condition that the said Society advanc'd a sufficient Sum of Money to their said Mis sionary to cultivate the said three hundred Acres, The said Society were advis'd that it was not thought proper for them to advance any Money for the cultivation of the said Land under the condition that the same shall return absolutely to the Trustees and become forfeited upon their Missionary's failing at any time to pay the Annual Sum of One Pound Sixteen Shillings for six Months after it becomes due, or upon his failing to cultivate sixty of the said three hundred Acres within the Space of twelve Years from the Date of the Indenture or upon his failing to enter a Copy or full Memorial of the Indenture with the Auditor of the Plan tations within a Month of the Date thereof; And that they thought that the said three hundred Acres ought not to be forfeited by the Society up on any failure or Neglect by their Missionarys but only upon some fail ure or Neglect of their Own. Resolved That in consideration of the said Society's agreeing to pay the sum of forty Pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain for four Servants to cul- COLONIAL RECORDS. 321 tivate the Lands granted for the Maintenance of their Missionary in Georgia And of their said Missionary's surrendering up to the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia the Grant made to him of three hundred Acres of Land in Georgia bearing date the 10'" Day of October in the Year of our Lord 1739, the Trustees will grant the said three hundred Acres of Land to the said Society to hold to them and their Successors in trust for the Maintenance of a Missionary in Georgia from time to time to be nominated by the said Society upon the Death Resig nation or Removal by the said Trustees of any such Missionary for the time being licensed by them under the Yearly Rent of One Pound six teen Shillings of lawfull Money of Great Britain payable within twelve Calendar Months after any Day of payment on Which the same ought to be paid , having been first lawfully demanded of the Said Society's Agent in London, Provided That the said Society will covenant to pay their said Missionary and his Successors fifty Pounds a Year Salary untill two third Parts of the said three hundred Acres shall be clear'd and cultivated. Adjourn'd. ' Palace Court Wednesday Aprill 30'" 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Digby in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mr Vernon Earl of Shaftesbury M' Tho8 Archer Lord Tyrconnel M' L'apostre M' Smith. Read a Letter from Mr Tho8 Causton dated Savanah Nov' 22 1739 and likewise a Petition, setting forth the Nature of the Employment which the Trustees Service demanded of him, with an Abstract of the Reasons for the Expences which attended it. That his Accounts remain in the Custody of the Commissioners for examining and stating the publick Debts of the Colony, Who had refus'd him access to them, by which means the sums were not known by him ; And setting forth likewise Com [21 c. r.] 322 COLONIAL RECORDS. plaints of several kinds against M' Thomas Jones ; And praying that a Power be granted to him of being present when his or any of the Store Accounts are in virtue of the Commission under their Examination ; And that the Commissioners may be oblig'd to take cognizance of what he shall from time to time offer concerning his Accounts That other in different Persons, Who have no Interest in the good or bad Issue of his particular Account, and also of his Cash Account be appointed to ex amine them ; And that the Trustees will take into consideration all the several Facts charg'd and complain'd of in his Petition, and grant such relief as to the Trustees shall seem just. Resolved That if any Evidence is to be sent to the Trustees fixing any Criminal Charge on M' Thomas Causton concerning his Accounts ; That the said Causton be present When the Evidence is given, and that he have the liberty to cross examine it. Resolved That the Commissioners do take cognizance of what the said Thomas Causton shall offer from time to time concerning his Accounts ; And it they do not agree that they do transmit to the Trustees his Objections in his own Words and their Remarks on them. Resolved That as the Trustees are well satisfied in the Integrity and Ability of the Commissioners ; And do not see that they can have any Views in doing Injustice to the said Causton ; They will not make any Alteration in the said Commission. Resolved That the said Thomas Causton be acquainted That after his Account is settled, and the Trustees are satisfied that he has done his utmost to adjust them, they will have a regard to his Services and any Claims he may have for them. Order'd That the Account which the said Thomas Causton has sent over in To tals be sent to the Commissioners and a Copy of what is writ to them on that Account be sent to the said Causton. Read a Letter sign'd Thomas Christie without a Date complaining that his Commission for first Bailiff has been refus'd to him ; And setting forth that he had deliver'd to Mr Stephens the Proceedings of the Town Court of Savanah from the 22d of November 1738 to the 30*" of Novem ber 1739. COLONIAL RECORDS. 323 Order'd That a Letter be sent to M' Thomas Christie to acquaint him that the Trustees have revoked his Commission of first Bailiff ; And that his Sus pension from the Recordership do continue till his Accounts with the Stores are adjusted, and to acquaint him likewise that the Court Roll was not compleat, there being still wanting from the 11'" of July 1738 to the 22" of November. Read a Letter from William Stephens Esq' dated Jan77 29'" 17f§ recommending Henry Parker to be reinstated as first Bailiff, Resolved That the Petition of Samuel Davison be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts.Resolved That the Other Letters receiv'd on Monday last be refer'd to the Com mittees of Accounts and Correspondence. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday May 7'" 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Tho8 Tower in the Chair Earl of Egmont Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' L'apostre Mr Holland D' Hales M' Smith M' Digby Lord Sidney Beauclerk Resolved That all the Letters, Papers, and Accounts brought over and deliver'd by Capt. Thomson be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence and Accounts for them to consider and make their Report thereupon. Read a Letter from the Revd M' Whitefield to the Accomptant dated Jan'7 16'" 1739 relating to the Orphan House, and desiring an Altera tion in the Grant of Land to him in Trust for the Orphan House, to be 324 COLONIAL RECORDS. made to him and his Successors forever, And that it may be free from Quit Rents &c. and signifying his Intentions to resign his Ministry both at Savanah and Frederica, and to apply himself only to the care of the Orphan House. Read Another Letter from Mr Whitefield to the Accomptant dated Jan'7 28'" 1739 relating to the Orphan House, and desiring that the Money for building of the Church may be put into his hands. Read Another Letter from M' Whitefield to the Trustees dated March 10'" 17|^ acquainting them that he had been in the Southward Part of the Province to fetch all the Orphans he could meet with ; And that he brought with him four from the Darien (and inclosing a Letter from General Oglethorpe to M' Mackintosh Moore, and M' Macleod with their Answer) and desiring to know whether Orphans, tho' fourteen or fifteen Years old, are not to reap the Benefit of the Orphan House, and desiring again that the Money to be expended in building of the Church may be paid into his Hands. An Answer to the said Letters was drawn up and Approv'd of. Order'd That the said Answer be inclos'd to M' Stephens with Directions that it be deliver'd to M' Whitefield at his Return from New England. (sic) Adjourn'd. Palace Court Wednesday May 21" 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair Earl of Egmont Earl of Shaftesbury M' Hen. Archer M' Eyre M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of May 10'" Instant to the following Purport. That the Committee, perusing a former Opin ion of the Committee of Accounts concerning an Article of One hundred and ten Pounds paid by General Oglethorpe in part of the Money due to COLONIAL RECORDS. 325 Anthony Willy Lieutenant of the Garrison in the Indian Nation, Which the said Committee by the List of Debts in Georgia made out the 10'" of October 1738, then finding only forty Pounds enter'd as due to that Gar rison ; And the Committee by the Report of the Money due to the said Anthony Willy since receiv'd from the Commissioners for examining and stating the Publick Debts, finding not only the said Sum of One hundred and ten Pounds to be credited the Trustees as paid in part, but also a further Sum of forty Nine Pounds and seven pence three farthings re ported due ; Are of Opinion that the Sum of seventy Pounds, residue of the One hundred and ten Pounds ought now to be paid by the Trust to the Order of General Oglethorpe. That the Committee then proceeded to examine the Commissioners Report on the several Accompts following Viz'. The Accounts of Samuel Montaigut and C° for seven hundred seventy two Pounds four Shillings and seven Pence from Christmas 1737 to Lady Day 1738. for four hundred twenty six pounds and two Pence from Lady Day 1738 to Midsummer following, And for four hundred sixty Nine Pounds and four Shillings from Midsummer 1738 to the 11"' of Septem ber following. Amounting in the whole to One thousand Bix hundred and sixty seven Pounds Eight Shillings and Nine Pence. The Account of Abraham Minis and C° from August 6. 1737 to Sept' 11'" 1738, Whereon Seven hundred and Seventeen Pounds two Shillings and three pence was claim'd as the Balance due to them. And the Account of Capt" William Thomson from Nov' 22. 1737 to Jan'7 19'" following amounting to four hundred sixty Nine Pounds One Shilling and three half Pence. As to the Accounts of Samuel Montaigut andC0 from Christmas 1737 to Midsummer 1738, the said Commissioners have made no Deductions from them. But as to the Other Account for four hundred sixty nine Pounds four Shillings from Midsummer 1738 The following Particulars are enter'd by the Commissioners to have been paid in part at the several times hereafter mention'd being since the Determination of the said Ac count. Vizt. Nov' 2. 1738 to Sundries deliver'd to the Order of Samuel Montaigut and C° as <|p> Account three Pounds Nine Shillings and ten Pence. To the Balance of M' Charles Purry's Account Nineteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings and five Pence. And the 4'" of June 1739 to sixteen hundred Nails deliver'd to their Cooper at six pence a hundred. Eight Shillings, making together the Sum of twenty three Pounds sixteen Shillings and three pence to be deducted from the said Sum of four hun- 326 COLONIAL RECORDS. dred sixty Nine Pounds four Shillings, Which reduces the same to four hundred forty five Pounds Seven Shillings and Nine Pence, And thereby reduces the Amount of the said three Accounts to One thousand Six hundred forty three Pounds twelve Shillings and six pence, Whereof One thousand two hundred Pounds having been paid to Mess" Peter and I C Simond the 12'" of July 1739 on the Credit of the said Accounts, to Whom they were remitted by the said Samuel Montaigut and C° there remains due from the Trust to discharge the said Accounts the Sum of four hundred forty three Pounds twelve Shillings and six pence to the payment whereof the Committee have no Objection. As to the Account of Abraham Minis and C° the Commissioners having charg'd several Errors in the said Account, Which being allov/d by the said Abraham Minis and C°, They have reported only Six hundred and Eighty Pounds One Shilling due thereon instead of seven hundred and seventeen Pounds two Shillings and three pence which was claim'd, Of which Six hundred and Eighty Pounds One Shilling, Six hundred pounds having been paid to Simson Levy their Attorney August 8'" 1739 on the Credit thereof, there remains due from the Trust to discharge the said Account the Sum of Eighty Pounds One Shilling, to the payment of which the Commissioners have no Objection. As to the Account of Capt. William Thomson, the Commissioners have not made any Deductions, But have reported him indebted to the Trust after payment of the said Account the Sum of One Pound Eleven Shillings. But there being five Shillings and seven pence halfpenny over computed in One of the Articles of the said Account Which is de ducted therefrom by the Committee, the said Debt from Capt. Thomson will be thereby reduced to One Pound five Shillings and four pence half penny. And the said Account will be also reduced to four hundred sixty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and six pence instead of four hun dred sixty Nine Pounds One Shilling and three half pence from which Account his said Debt being deducted, the Balance due to Capt. Thom son will be four hundred Sixty Seven pounds ten Shillings and three half pence, Whereof four hundred Pounds having been advanced him June 6, 1738 on his and his Owners Bond, there remains due from the Trust to discharge the said Account the sum of Sixty Seven Pounds ten Shillings and three half Pence to the payment Whereof and the Deliver ing up of the said Bond the Committee have no Objection. That the Committee then proceeded to take into consideration a Letter from General Oglethorpe to the Trustees dated December 29'" 1739 re- COLONIAL RECORDS. 327 lating to sixty nine Heads of German Servants imported into Georgia by the Ship Two Brothers, and deliver'd by Capt Thomson the Master of the said Ship to different Persons in Georgia upon Credit Jan'7 19th 1738, Which the Committee of Accounts June 27'" 1739 were of opinion did not then appear chargeable on the Trust by any Evidence at that time produced ; And on considering every Reason assign'd for the Delivery of the said Servants upon Credit ; And finding that three Heads of them have been paid for to the said Captain, Which reduces the number of Heads unpaid for to sixty six ; And they consisting of a Distribution to several Persons, the Committee are of the following Opinion concerning the payment thereof, That is to say. The 5f Heads deliver'd to M' Thomas Christie, the Committee finding by a Letter to M' Stephens dated August 11'" 1738 that two Servants were to be assign'd to the said Chris tie, if he then continued in his Office of Recorder ; And by the List of Servants lately sent over it do's not appear that such two Servants had been deliver'd before those in January following ; And he having re turn'd to the Trustees the 3f Heads exceeding, Which by the said List do's also appear ; the Committee are of Opinion that the same ought to be paid for by the Trust. The Servant deliver'd to M' Matthews, Who married the Widow of M' Musgrove Interpreter to the Indians, being as a Recompence and in lieu of her Indian Servant kill'd in the Dispute with M' Watson, the Committee are of opinion ought to be paid for by the Trust. The two Servants deliver'd to Andrew Duche the Potter, the Committee are of Opinion that the Trust should pay for them, and re ceive it again from him. The Servant deliver'd to Bailiff Parker the Committee are of Opinion should be paid for by the Trust And the Amount thereof being seven pounds should be accounted as part of his present Salary. The Eleven five sixth Heads of Servants deliver'd to the Revd M' Bolzius at seven pounds ^ Head, the Committee are of Opinion to apply the sum of Six pounds two Shillings and Six Pence the Balance of Benefactions for the Saltzburghers in the Trustees hands as part of Pay ment thereof, And that the Residue should be paid by the Trust, and repaid to M' Bolzius by the several Persons who had the Servants, if hereafter able, to be applied, as receiv'd, with the consent of the Trustees, for the Benefit of the Saltzburghers at Ebenezer, The four Heads of Serv ants deliver'd to M' Fallowfield the Committee are of opinion should be paid for by the Trust, And the Amount thereof being twenty Eight pounds should be accounted as part of his present Salary as second Bailiff at Savanah. The three One third Heads of Servants deliver'd to Noble 328 COLONIAL RECORDS. Jones the Committee are of opinion should be paid for by the Trust, and his Bond be taken for repaying the Amount of them. The two Servants deliver'd to the late M' West the Committee are of opinion should be paid for by the Trust, One of them a Wheelwright being return'd to the Trust, and M' West dying Insolvent, the Other becomes an Increase to the Colony, and being deliver'd him as on Credit from the Trust, the Cap- ain cannot now recover the same from his Effects. The Servant to M' Mouse at Skidoway the Committee are of opinion ought to be paid for by the Trust as an Encouragement to him for remaining on that Island. The two Heads and an half of Servants deliver'd to M' Perkins the Com mittee are of opinion should be paid for by the Trust, and the Amount thereof being seventeen Pounds ten Shillings, should be accounted as part of his present Salary as a Magistrate of Frederica. The Servant de liver'd to M' Thomas Walker the Committee are of Opinion should be paid for by the Trust, and made good to them by his Bond for the same. The two Heads of Servants deliver'd to Andrew Walset the Committee are of opinion should be paid for by the Trust, and made good to them by his Bond for the same. The twenty five Heads and two thirds settled upon Village Bluff at S' Simons the Committee are of opinion should be paid for by the Trust and made good by their Bonds for the same as they can pay. And the Servant deliver'd to Mr Mackintosh Moore the Com mittee are of opinion should be paid for by the Trust, And the Amount thereof being Eight pounds should be accounted as part of his present Salary as Overseer of the Trust Servants at Darien. All which several Heads of Servants amount to sixty four Heads of Freight and seventy nine Persons, Whereof sixty three Heads at seven pounds each, and One Head at Eight Pound make in the Whole four hundred forty nine Pounds. Which the Committee are of opinion ought to be paid by the Trust. But as to the two Servants deliver'd to M' Causton being the Residue of the said sixty six Heads, the Committee are of opinion that as M' Causton has not made up his Accounts with the Trust, and is already greatly indebted, the freight of those Servants ought not to be paid for by the Trust, But that Capt. Thomson may have power to re ceive back the Servants so deliver'd to him, or the Money for them as he can himself. That the Committee then consider'd General Oglethorpe's Letter to the Accomptant dated Dec' 29 1739 relating to Goods deliver'd by Capt. Thomson in Jan77 1738 (Which the Committee of Accounts June 27. 1739 were of opinion ought not to be a Charge upon or any Concern of COLONIAL RECORDS. 329 the Trust) Which amounted to One hundred and ten pounds thirteen Shillings and Seven pence, Whereof Gen1 Oglethorpe by his said Letter has consented to have the Sums of Seven pounds One Shilling and seven pence, design'd for Presents to the Spanish Messengers and Six pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence for a Boat and Oars for M' Cart eret to be plac'd to his Account. And having given his reasons for the Loan of thirty Eight Pounds Nine Shillings and two pence to several Persons to set up shops at Frederica, And of fifty Eight Pounds Nine Shillings and four pence to M' Mackintosh Moore for the use of the In habitants of Darien, And that there is some part repaid, and a reasona ble Expectation of the Residue, the Committee are of opinion that the said sums should be now paid to Capt. Thomson and repaid to the Trustees by the Persons themselves ; But as Loaus to the Inhabitants are no way pro vided for by any Estimated Expences of the Colony ; The Committee are of the Opinion that General Oglethorpe should be acquainted by the first Opportunity, That none for the future will be allowed by the Trust, let the Reasons assign'd for them be ever so plausible. That a Bill for One hundred and sixty pounds drawn by M' Ste phens and M' Jones on the Trustees Accomptant the 15'" of March last to Capt. William Thomson and a Letter of Advice thereof being pro duced to the Committee, And it being for Value receiv'd towards sup plying the necessary Expences of the Colony, as the two hundred Pounds Bill on M' Saxby out of the Quit Rents of South Carolina remitted for that purpose was return'd under a Protest, the Committee are of opinion the same ought to be paid the said two hundred Pounds When paid be ing to be then applied towards the future estimated Expence of the Colony. That a Bill for One hundred and sixteen pounds Eight Shillings drawn by General Oglethorpe on the Accomptant December 29. 1739 to Thomas Jones, and the Letter of Advice thereof being produced to the Commit tee Whereby it appears to have been drawn for payment of the Arrears reported by the Commissioners in Georgia to be due to Capt. iEneas Mackintosh, And the said Report being receiv'd which amounts to fifty pounds more, the Committee are of Opinion the said Bill ought to be paid by the Trust. That a Bill for One hundred thirty nine Pounds sixteen Shillings and ten pence drawn by Gen1 Oglethorpe on the Accomptant the same day to Thomas Jones, and the Letter of Advice thereof being produced to the Committee, stating it to be drawn for payment of the Arrears re- 330 COLONIAL RECORDS. ported by the Commissioners in Georgia to be due to William Francis the Messenger, and for his Services, But the said Report stating no more than One hundred twenty two Pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence half penny due to the said William Francis, the Committee are of opin ion that the said Sum last mention'd ought to be paid by the Trust and no more, And the Exceeding should be made good to Gen1 Oglethorpe by the said William Francis or Thomas Jones to Whom the Bill was so much overdrawn. That a Bill for twenty Eight Pounds drawn by General Oglethorpe on the Accomptant Nov' 16. 1739 to Peter Emery, and the Letter of Advice thereof being produced to the Committee, Whereby it appears to have been drawn for a Pilot Boat bought of the said Peter Emery for the North side of S' Simons Island, the South Side of said Island having been before supplied with a Boat, And the Pilot's Allowance being di vided between two. Vizt. One for Each side, Whereby the Service is betted perform'd, the Committee are of opinion that the said Bill ought to be paid by the Trust. That a Bill for forty Pounds being drawn on the Accountant the 15th of March last to Capt. William Thomson by the Revd Mr Norris, and the Letter of Advice thereof being produced to the Committee, Whereby it appears that it was drawn for his Salary as a Missionary in Georgia, the Committee are of Opinion the said Bill ought to be paid by the Trust out of the Money receiv'd for the Missionaries in Georgia. That a Bill for One hundred and twenty four Pounds ten Shillings drawn by Isaac Nunes Henriques on the Trustees the 6*" of March last to Rodrigo Pacheco and the Letter of Advice thereof being produced to the Committee Whereby it appears to have been drawn with the appro bation of M' Stephens and M' Jones for payment of the Money reported by the Commissioners in Georgia to be due to the said Isaac Nunes Hen riques Which Report being receiv'd and amounting to One hundred twenty four Pounds, Nine Shillings and Eleven Pence three farthings the Committee are of opinion that the said Bill ought to be paid. That the Committee read a Petition from James Searl at Port Royal in South Carolina dated the 5'" of January last setting forth that forty Eight Pounds ten Shillings was due to him for the hire of his Pettiaugua in Georgia, and that for want of the said sum he had been arrested, and praying that he may not be a Sufferer ; And the Commissioners in Geor gia having reported the sum of forty Pounds four Shillings and Eleven pence to be due to him, the Committee are of opinion that a Letter COLONIAL RECORDS. 331 should be written by the Accomptant to the said James Searl to acquaint him therewith, and to give him a Credit for the said Sum of forty Pounds four Shillings and Eleven pence by leave to draw for the same. That the Committee read a Letter from James Lewis Camuse dated the 20'" of March last desiring payment of the Money due to him, and also to have a Cart and horse and some Servants ; And the Commission ers in Georgia having reported Seventy Eight Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eight pence due to him ; The Committee are of Opinion that a Letter should be sent to the said Camuse acquainting him with the said Report, And that the whole Sum or so much thereof as is unpaid M' Stephens and M' Jones may draw on the Trustees for the payment of, and give him the Money in Georgia. That a Cart and horse should be allowed him, And that the Magistrate should have directions to get proper Serv ants for him, And in case these are young, they should be bound Ap prentices to him, to be instructed in the production of Raw Silk, which the Committee are of opinion ought to be done. That the Committee read a Petition of Samuel Davison of Frederica Freeholder and Constable, setting forth his being indebted to the Store at Frederica in the Sum of forty six pounds Eleven Shillings and One Penny and stating several Demands on the Trust for the payment thereof, and were of Opinion that the several Allowances following may be made to him for his Services in Georgia Vizt. For his Services as Constable at Frederica from March 15'" 1735 to Michaelmas 1739 Six teen Pounds Eleven Shillings and One Penny. For four Years Salary as Searcher of Ships &c. from Aprill 1736 to Aprill 1740 at five pounds a Year twenty Pounds ; And for his Service in seizing two Negroes in Georgia in December 1738 ten Pounds ; Making together the aforesaid Sum of forty six Pounds Eleven Shillings and One Penny, Whereby the said Samuel Davison is discharg'd from his said Debt. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of May the 15'" In stant to the following Purport. That they had read a Letter from Gen1 Oglethorpe Dated Dec' 29. 1739 wherein he mention'd his having re ceiv'd from Capt. Thomson several things amounting in the whole to six hundred Eighty six pounds sixteen Shillings and four pence, Whereof Part was for the service of the Trust, and that he will send a further Ex planation how those things are applied pursuant to the Trustees Orders. That the Committee then took into consideration the Account of the 332 COLONIAL RECORDS. several Particulars so deliver'd by Capt. Thomson in order to distinguish What Part thereof might be a Charge on the Trustees to answer their Estimated Expences, and be accounted as Part thereof, Whereby so much less Value in their Sola Bills need not be sent over ; And What Part thereof is chargeable to the Defence of the Colony on Account of the present War with Spain, Which Gen1 Oglethorpe is to be reimbursed by the Goverment. The Residue being for the General's own private Account. As to that Part chargeable on the Trust the Committee are of opinion the same will amount to two hundred and twenty Eight Pounds Nine teen Shillings and two pence in the following particulars. Vizt For Plad Oznabrigs and Shoes for the Trustees Servants at the Darien For Plad for their Servants at Amelia . . . For Cloathing for the Orphans at Darien . . For Musleburgh Stuff, Oznabrigs, Shoes, Tar Brushes Paint Oyl and Rope for the Colony Boats, and for Calve Skins deliver'd at the Store to be issued in kind, or as payments in part of the Estimated Expences from Mich aelmas 1739 For a Pilot Boat in lieu of one lost For Gunpowder and Ball for Guard Duty . £ 28. 4.2. 5. 17. 146. 4. 4 20.27. 11. 0. £. 228. 19. 2 And as to that Part chargeable to the Defence of the Colony, The Committee are of Opinion it consists in the following Articles Vizt The Refitting of Boats us'd in the late Expedi tion to the Southward . . . - } 70. 2. 0i The Goods deliver'd for the use of the Rangers 1 n „ lately establish'd . . • J 33. 0. b. The Parcels for the Indians lately establish'd ) oq„ 1Q _ into arm'd Companies j l66- 16, 8 £ 336. 16. 1\ That a Bill drawn by General Oglethorpe on the Trustees Accomptant COLONIAL RECORDS. 333 Dec' 11th 1739 for forty five Pounds to Thomas Holmes, And the Letter of Advice thereof being produced to the Committee Which meutiou'd that Sum to have been advanced on the Trustees Account as would ap pear by Mr Moore's Letter, Which being also produced, and mentioning the same to be Part for sundries issued to the order of M' Thomas Eyre whom the General sent as Agent up to the Cherokee Nation, amounting to One hundred sixty One Pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence South Carolina Currency ; And Part for Cash supplied M' Kent Com mander of the Trustees Garrison at Fort Augusta, And a Letter irom the said M' Eyre dated Dec' 1 1'" 1739 to the Accomptant being pro duced to the Committee Wherein he mention'd his having been in the Cherokee Nation as Deputy Agent to the Trustees, and made a full In quiry about the use of Rum there, And that None had been sold while he was there, and that he should have seiz'd it if any had been there, That he heard Rum was going up, which he intended to stave to prevent the Destruction of that Nation ; And that the General had order'd him a Credit of fifty Pounds of which he had expended about forty Pounds and would send the Account, the Committee are of Opinion that the said Sum of One hundred Sixty One Pounds fourteen Shillings and three Pence South Carolina Currency making twenty Pounds four Shillings Sterling at 700 ^ Cent Advance, ought to be paid by the Trust, And the Residue of the said forty five Pounds supplied M' Kent in Garrison at Fort Au gusta ought not to be paid by the Trust. That the Committee read a Letter from M' William Woodrooffe to the Trustees relating to M' Causton's Draught on the Executors of the late Paul Jenys Esq' for One hundred Pounds South Carolina Currency dated May 6'" 1738 in favour of Thomas Andrews, the Value in Sterling being thirteen Pounds six Shillings and Eight Pence, Which for want of Effects in the said Executors hands was not accepted but return'd, And also re lating to the Sum of Nine Pounds fourteen Shillings Sterling due to him from the Trustees. And the Committee thereupon examin'd the Report of the Commissioners in Georgia made on the said Woodrooffe's Account, and found the Sum reported due to him to be Nine Pounds fourteen Shillings and One Penny to the Payment of Which the Committee have no Objection, nor to the payment of the said thirteen Pounds six Shil lings and Eight pence drawn upon the Trustees Account. But as to the ten f)> Cfent Damages and ten $ Cent Annum Interest from the Date, the Committee are of opinion that the said Expence cannot be a Charge on the Trust, But should be a Charge on Mr Causton for having over- 334 COLONIAL RECORDS. drawn the said Sum Which he ought not to have done, but to have known better if he had kept a regular Account. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Resolved That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for One thousand Eight hundred Pounds to S' Joseph Hankey and C° which with the Bal ance not wanted for Sola Bills before the next 9th of June will be suffi cient to discharge the aforesaid Sums, reported, to be 'paid, by the Com mittee of Accounts. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' Eyre, Earl of Egmont, Mr L'apostre D' Hales and M' Smith N° 710 f. Order'd That Sola Bills for five thousand Pounds be printed and marbled this Summer for future use, And that they consist of three thousand of One Pound each, two hundred of five pounds Each, And One hundred of ten Pounds Each. Resolved That M' Millar's Petition be refer'd to M' Eyre M' Hen Archer and Mr Holland or any two of them to make a Report thereon. Read a Petition dated June 1" 1739 from Mess" William Stirling An drew Grant Thomas Baillie and David Douglas setting forth their Inca pacity to proceed in the Improvement of their Plantations, which have not answer'd their Expectations, and Desiring they may be settled to gether upon that Part of Wilmington Island which lies towards Wacsaw Sound.Resolved That the Magistrates do survey the Lands in Wilmington Island and make a Report thereupon ; And that Plans be made of the four Grants to lye together in separate Plans, And that the Petitioners upon being put in possession of their new Grants do make surrender of their former Ones. Resolved That two Pounds fifteen Shillings be paid to Antonio de Salis for Cloaths promis'd him by Gen1 Oglethorpe for his Work in the Trustees Garden. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 335 Palace Court Friday June 6. 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Laroche M' Eyre M' Hen Archer M' Smith M' L'apostre Order'd That Sola Bills for the Value of One hundred and fifty Pounds be seal'd and sign'd by the Accomptant and sent to M' Stephens towards building a Church at Savanah. And that any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for payment of the said Bills when return'd to England. Resolved That any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England at any time after the 9'" Instant for an Imprest of five hundred Pounds to S' Joseph Hankey & C° to answer Occasions of the Trust. Order'd That the Cask of Skins sent over by M' Thomas Jones from the Store at Savanah by the Ship Two Brothers be sold. Resolved That the Letter of Attorney from the Common Council of the 28'" of August 1739 relating to forfeited Lots within the Province of Georgia be revoked. Resolved That an Instruction be prepared to direct the Magistrates within the Province of Georgia to take an Account of any forfeitures of Lots in curred, and to transmit the same to the Trustees with the Allegations and Reasons of the Possessors of the said Lots Why they should not be forfeited in order to release such forfeitures and give such further Relief as the Trustees shall think proper ; And if any Covenants in the former Grants shall be found impracticable or inconsistent with the Interest of the 336 COLONIAL RECORDS. Colony that an Account thereof be certified to the Trustees to the end that they may be farther consider'd and varied as Occasion shall require. Read a Letter from M' James Dormer dated March 15'" 1739 setting forth that he has settled his Accounts with M' Thomas Jones in the Stores of Savanah, And that there is a Balance due to him of thirty Pounds Eight Shillings and five Pence, And an Order upon the Trustees for the said Sum payable to M" Ann Woodroofe, And the said Sum ap pearing by the Commissioners Report to be due to the said James Dormer Order'd That the said Sum of thirty Pounds Eight Shillings and five Pence be paid to M's Ann Woodroofe the Order of the said James Dormer. Resolved That Every Freeholder of the Province of Georgia be impower'd to let out any Part of his or her Lot at an improv'd Rent to a Tenant for seven years certain upon Condition of the Tenants residing upon and improving the same. Adjourn'd Palace Court Monday July 7'" 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Smith in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mr Vernon M' Thomas Tower M' Hen. Archer M' Laroche M' Eyles M' L'apostre Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' L'apostre reported that M' Vernon and M' Eyre with himself had been af, the Bank of England and exchang'd the last Years Vouchers of the Trustees with the Bank, And that the Balance of the Trustees Cash in the Bank of England on the 9th Instant amounted to the sum of five thousand Nine hundred and Nineteen Pounds Seven Shillings and seven pence. And the Accomptant acquainted the Common Council That the said COLONIAL RECORDS. 337 Balance stands appropriated to the following Uses. Viz' For Payment of the Trustees Sola Bills sent to Georgia before the 9'" of June 1740 to be issued to answer all the Trustees Expences there till Michaelmas 1740. three thousand One hundred and fifty One Pounds. For building of Churches the Balance of Benefactions paid in. One hundred and Eighty four Pounds fifteen Shillings. And appropriated by the Trustees as part of the twenty six thousand Pounds granted by Parliament One hundred sixty six Pounds five Shillings and Seven Pence For the Missionaries in Georgia thirty three Pounds ten Shillings and two Pence One farthing. And for Payment of Outstanding Debts And for the further Establishing the Colony from Michaelmas 1740. two thousand three hundred and Eighty three Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Nine Pence three farthings. Order'd That Gen1 Oglethorpe's Bill for One hundred and fifty Pounds towards building a Church at Savanah, being part of three hundred Pounds Ap propriated for that purpose so many less Sola Bills to the Value of One hundred and fifty Pounds having been sent to Georgia, be paid. Order'd That a Grant of five hundred Acre* of land be made out to M' Wil liam Seward to be set out with his consent and cultivated as he pleases to hold the same for his Life with a Power to leave the same to the Orphan House or to such Others as he shall think fit, by Will ; With a Proviso That if he do's not leave it to the Orphan House but any particular Per son, it shall be liable to the usual Limitations. Order'd That the said Grant be seal'd before the Trustees, And that the Secre tary do countersign it, And a Memorial of the same in order to be regis ter's' with the Auditor of the Plantations. Order'd That One thousand Pounds in Sola Bills be sent to Georgia by Capt. Thomson for the Estimated Expences of the Colony from Michaelmas 1740, And that any five of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for payment of them on their Return. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to examine the De mands of Lieutenant Col. Cochran, and Lieutenant Horton concerning the Barrack Money payable by the Treasury, And to report their Opinion thereupon. [22 c. r.] 338 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That Mr Thomas Christie's Memorial be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts.Resolved That M' Thomas Jenys's Letter and Accounts be refer'd to the Com mittee of Accounts. The Accomptant acquainted the Common Council that pursuant to an Order of the Common Council of the 6'" of last Month a Draught had been made on the Bank of England to S' Joseph Hankey and C° for five hundred Pounds to answer the Occasions of the Trust, and was dated the 26'" of last Month, and sign'd by .the Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mr Eyles M' L'apostre and M' Laroche N° 712 f Resolved That no Advantage be taken against any of the present Possessors of Land in Georgia for any Breach of Covenants, or Forfeitures incurr'd at any time before the 24'" of June last in relation to the Tenure or Culti vation of their Lands ; And that a proper Release in Law be prepared and Executed by the Trustees for that purpose Resolved That in the Proviso, in the Resolutions of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, relating to the Grants and Tenure of Lands with in the said Colony, of August 28th 1739. Viz' That no Daughter or Other Person shall be capable of enjoying any Devise, Which may there by increase his or her former Possession of Lands within the said Colony to more than five hundred Acres, but such Devise to be void, And the Lands thereby given to descend in such Manner, as if no such Devise had been made, the Words five hundred be left out, and the Words two thou sand be inserted instead thereof. M' Henry Archer reported that he and M' Eyre (to Whom M' Andrew Millar's Memorial was refer'd) had consider'd the same and the Circum stances of it, and were of Opinion that the Trustees were not liable in point of Law to make good any Deficiencies of the Sums subscrib'd by the Apothecaries Company and others for the Botanist. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 339 Palace Court Monday July 21" 1740 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr L'apostre in the Chair Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' Eyles M' Ch. Tower M' Henry Archer M' Smith Lord Sidney Beauclerk. Resolved That One thousand Pounds in Sola Bills besides those order'd the 7" Instant be sent to Georgia by Capt. Thomson. Resolved That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for two hundred Pounds to be paid into the hands of S' Joseph Hankey and C° for the Occasions of the Trust. Resolved That Patrick Houston in Georgia be appointed a Conservator of the Peace within the Province. Resolved That the Recorder of Savanah and the Recorder of Frederica be ap pointed Conservators of the Peace. Order'd That three several Appointments for the same be made out, And that the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd thereto, And that the Secretary do countersign the same Resolved That Thomas Christie be removed from being Recorder of the Town of Savanah.Resolved That John Pye be appointed Recorder in his Room, that an Appoint ment for the same be made out, and the Seal of the Corporation be Af fix'd thereto, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Petition of James Smith desiring Leave to dispose of his House and fifty Acre Lot at Savanah. 340 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That upon the said James Smith'6 surrendering the said Lot to the Trustees A Grant be made of the same to Capt. William Thomson, And that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Grant, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for two hundred Pounds payable to S' Joseph Hankey and C° by M' L'apostre, Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' Christopher Tower and M' Smith N° 713 f Resolved That the Conditions in the Grants already made concerning the Cul tivation of Land and planting of Mulberry Trees be revok'd, And that the following Conditions be inserted in their Stead. Viz' That the Possessors of fifty Acres of Land in Georgia shall not be oblig'd by their Grants to cultivate more than five Acres of Wood- Ground Part thereof, and plant more than fifty White Mulberry Trees or Plants on their Lands in ten Years from the Date of their Grants, And all Possessors of Land under fifty Acres to be in the same Pro portion. That the Possessors of five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia shall not be oblig'd by their Grants to cultivate more than sixty Acres of Wood Ground Part thereof in ten Years from the Date of their Grants in the manner following. Viz' twenty five Acres Parcel thereof within four Years from the Date, And Other twenty five Acres within Eight Years from the Date, And the remaining ten Acres before the Expiration of the said Term of ten Years, And sixty Acres more of Wood Ground Other Part thereof within the further space of another ten Years next immediately following the first Term of ten Years beforementioned, And That they shall not be oblig'd to plant on their Land more than One thousand White Mulberry Trees or Plants in the first term often Years, And one thousand more white Mulberry Trees or Plants in the second term of ten Years beforemention'd, And all Possessors of Land under five hundred Acres and above fifty Acres to be in the same Proportion. Resolved That in all future Grants the aforesaid new Conditions be inserted. Resolved That a General License be granted for two Years from Christmas 1740 for all Possessors of Land in Georgia to make Leases of any Part of their Lots for any Term not exceeding five Years from the Date of the COLONIAL RECORDS. 341 Lease to any Person or Persons residing in Georgia, And Who shall con tinue resident there during the Term of such Lease, Order'd That Draughts of the following Deeds be prepared, And if approv'd of by M' Henry Archer M' Robert Eyre and M' Thomas Tower or Any Two of them, that the Same be written out fair, And that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd thereto, aud that the Secretary do countersign them. Viz' A Deed to revoke the Power granted August 28th 1739 to the Magis trates of the Town Courts in Georgia to reenter upon the Lands of those Persons who have neglected or refus'd to perform the Conditions or Pro visos in their Grants. A proper Release in Law to declare that no advantage shall be taken against any of the present Possessors of Land in Georgia for any Breach of Covenants or Forfeitures incurr'd at any time before Midsummer 1740 in relation to the Tenure or Cultivation of their Lands. A Deed to revoke the Conditions in the Grants already made concern ing the Cultivation of Land and Planting of Mulberry Trees ; And to substitute in their Stead the new Conditions of Cultivation and Planting Mulberry Trees. And a Deed of general License for two Years from Christmas 1740 for leasing Lands in Georgia as beforemention'd. Resolved That the Apothecary's Bill for the Housekeeper amounting to One Pound fourteen Shillings and Six Pence be paid. Read a Letter from M' John Sharpe relating to the Account of Capt. Roger Lacy Order'd That a Copy of the said Account be sent to M' John Sharpe. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts of July 12. 1740 to the following Purport. That they had taken into consideration a Letter from Elizabeth and Thomas Jenys at Charles Town in South Carolina dated the 27'" of Aprill last relating to the several Disallowances in the Accounts of the late M' Paul Jenys, (sent by them as his Executors, and claim'd of the Trustees) Which the Committee of Accounts, held the 4t" of July 1739, had made thereon, And, having consider'd the several An swers given to Each of them in the said Letter, are of the following Opinion, concerning the particular Articles thereof, Viz' As to the Article of five hundred Ninety two Pounds Nine Shillings 342 COLONIAL RECORDS. Currency claim'd by the said Executors as not included in the Trustees Account with the said Paul Jenys Certified by Thomas Causton the 15'" Day of Aprill 1738. The Committee find that by the particular Account of the said Sum transmitted with the Letter now under Consideration, it appears to be a Transaction with the said Paul Jenys and his Partner Baker on the private Account of the said Thomas Causton as long ago as in the Year 1735, And therefore it could not be charg'd to the Trustees, nor at all become any Article in the said Certified Account. As to the Executors representing that two Bills drawn on James Oglethorpe Esq' by the said Thomas Causton amounting to Eighty Pounds Sterling was by him placed to two different Transactions as Payment in both. That is a Matter to be settled between the said Thomas Causton and them, And not any Concern of the Trustees. As to the forty Pounds Currency for the. Eight thousand Bricks not deliver'd They alledge that the Orders for them were to buy and keep them till a cheap freight offer'd for Georgia, Which has not happen'd, And that by their lying on a publick Wharf, Many of them are stolen and gone, But as they were paid for, they ought not to lose their Money, The Committee are of opinion That Whatever Quantities of them shall be deliver'd in Georgia ought to be paid for, on their Delivery there, together with the Charge of carrying them ; And submit it to the Com mon Council, Whether the Trustees ought to pay for those not deliver'd. As to the Over Charge of One hundred Pounds Currency, stated by the said Thomas Causton to have been made in the Amount of his Bill drawn July 24'" 1736 on the Trustees Account to William Butler N° 79, which occasion'd the Committee of Accounts to deduct that Sum as so Overcharg'd ; The Committee have perus'd a Copy of the said Bill, transmitted by the Executors of the said Paul Jenys Whereby the Bill appears to have been drawn for the Sum of two hundred Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings Currency claim'd in Account with the Trust, and not for only One hundred Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings Currency stated by the said Thomas Causton to have been the Amount thereof; But as the said Copy was not attested by a Notary Publick at Charles Town to have been examin'd with the Original produced to him ; And Thomas Causton, Who drew the Bill, representing this as an Over Charge in the Account of the said Paul Jenys ; Tho' the Committee are far from thinking that the said Executors would send an untrue Copy of the said Draught, Yet they think it necessary for the Justification of the Trustees in the Application of publick Money, such Testimony of the COLONIAL RECORDS. 343 Original Bill being so produced ought to be had to intitle the said Execu tors to the payment of thirteen Pounds ten Shillings and three Pence Sterl. the Produce of the said One hundred Pounds Currency at seven hundred and forty Annum be given to the President of Each County. Resolved That twenty Pounds <$>> Annum be given to Samuel Mercer the fourth Assistant for the County of Savanah, Resolved That ten Pounds

annum be allowed to the fourth assistant of the County of Frederica. Resolved That a Number of Men Servants not exceeding Sixty be sent to the Colony for the Freeholders at Savanah under Contract to serve the Trust for five Years at Wages, not exceeding four Pounds $ Annum to be paid by the Freeholders, by Whom they shall be taken together, together with One Pound ^ Annum for the said five Years towards repaying the Charge of the said Servants Passage. Resolved That a Bounty be given of One Shilling <$>> Bushel upon Corn, six pence <$i Bushel upon Pease, and three Pence ^ Bushel upon Potatoes rais'd and produced in the Province between Christmas 1741 and Christ mas 1742. Resolved That the Sum of Seventy Seven Pounds be paid to the Revd M' Bolzius towards defraying the Charge of erecting the Corn Mill at Ebenezer. Adjourn'd COLONIAL RECORDS. 369 Palace Court Monday Aprill 20'" 1741 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Bathurst in the Chair Earl of Egmont Mr Vernon M' Eyre M' Frederick M' L'apostre Dr Hales M' Smith Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel M' Tracy M' Digby. Resolved That ten Pounds ^> Annum be given to the second and likewise to the third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah in consideration of their acting as Assistants for the County of Savanah. Resolved That the Recorder of the Town of Savanah be Appointed Clerk to the President and Assistants for the said County. Resolved That five Pounds ^ji Annum be allowed to the said Recorder in con sideration of his acting as Clerk to the President and Assistants. Order'd That the Laws relating to the Plantation Trade be purchas'd and sent over to the President of the County of Savanah for the use of the Province.Resolved That a Deed be prepared constituting William Stephens Esq' Presi dent, and Henry Parker Thomas Jones John Fallowfield and Samuel Mercer the four Assistants for the County of Savanah. And that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Deed in presence of the Trustees, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Read Instructions to the said President and four Assistants Read further Instructions to the President. [24 e. r.] 370 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Earl of Egmont Mr Bathurst and M' Eyre to arrange the said Instructions, And that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to them in presence of the Trustees, and that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That Thomas Marriot be appointed Second Bailiff of the Town of Frederica in the room of Samuel Perkins. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the appointment of the said Thomas Marriot in presence of the Trustees, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That all the Letters and Papers lately receiv'd from the Province be refer'd to the Committees of Correspondence and Accounts. Adjourn'd Palace Court Thursday September 10 1741 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Egmont in the Chair M' Vernon M' Digby M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith M' Eyre M' Laroche Seal'd an Appointment of John Terry to be Recorder of the Town of Frederica in the room of Francis Moore. Order'd That the Secretary do sign the said Appointment. The Common Council being inform'd that Mr Riemensperger had brought over thirty three Heads and two thirds of a Head of Freight of Swiss and Germans more than he was authoris'd, Which Heads intended to pay their own Passage, but exhausted their Substance in assisting the Poor brought down on the Trustees Account. COLONIAL RECORDS. 371 Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Embarkation to do what they shall find necessary in this Case, as it shall appear Circumstanc'd to them. Receiv'd Accounts from James Lewis Camuse and William Ewen claiming Demands on the Trust. Order'd That the said Accounts be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. M' John Gray attended and claim'd the Sum of twenty three Pounds and six Pence for Charges of bringing over the Highlanders from Scot land to Gravesend exceeding the Sum of One hundred and twenty Pounds, Which being consider'd as likewise his Attendance on the said Highland ers at Gravesend since August the 10'" Resolved That twenty five Guineas be paid to the said John Gray in full for his said Claim, and all his trouble to the time of the Embarkation, in com ing over with, and attending the said Highlanders. Read a Memorial of Thomas Christie praying to be nam'd Naval Officer at Savanah, and Offering to give Security for executing the said Office. Resolved That the said Thomas Christie be recommended to the Commissioners of the Customs for the said Office. Resolved That two Commissioners be appointed for the Licensing Persons to trade with the Indians in Georgia, and for the better Regulating such Trade, And That General Oglethorpe and William Stephens Esq' be the said Commissioners. And That the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd to a Constitution for that Purpose, And That the same be Countersign'd Adjourn'd. 372 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Saturday Nov' 21. 1741 Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Laroche in the Chair. Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mr Frederick M' Bathurst M' Eyre M' L'apostre M' Smith Resolved That the Order of Common Council of July 21" 1740 appointing Patrick Houston a Conservator of the Peace within the Province of Georgia be revoked the Commission for the same having never been made out. Resolved That Captain Richard Kent of Augusta be appointed a Conservator of the Peace in the Town of Augusta and the Precincts thereof within the Colony of Georgia Order'd That a Commission be made out for the said Purpose, And that the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd thereto in the presence of a Board of Trustees, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That it be refer'd to William Stephens Esq' to gratify Mr William Hopton for his Services done from time to time in taking care of and conveying the Trust Letters. Resolved That M' John Brownfield be remov'd from being Register of the Prov ince of Georgia, Resolved That M' John Dobell be appointed Register of the Province of Geor gia in the room of John Brownfield with a Salary of twenty five pounds ^> Ann: Order'd That a Commission for the same be seal'd in the presence of a Board of Trustees, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. COLONIAL RECORDS. 373 Resolved That John Pye be remov'd from the Office of Recorder of the Town of Savanah. Resolved That M' Charles Watson be appointed Recorder of the Town of Sa vanah in the room of John Pye. Order'd That a Commission for the same be seal'd in the presence of a Board of Trustees And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Letter from M' Francis Moore praying the Trustees to allow him a Salary as Recorder of Frederica, from March 1736 to Michaelmas 1739 ; and claiming Payment of five Pounds two Shillings and Eight Pence advanc'd to Alexander Mack Gruer on Account of his Wages of five Pounds a Year Who was an indented Servant and kill'd at Moosa. Resolved That twenty Pounds be allow'd to Francis Moore in full of all Claims and Demands Whatsoever from Michaelmas 1738. he having receiv'd fifty Pounds for his Services from the Month of October 1735 to Janu ary 1736. and having been absent from the Province from the Month of January 1736 till his Arrival in September 1738. Resolved That the Sum of seven hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of S' Joseph Hankey and C° on account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by M' La roche the Earl of Egmont M' Eyre M' L'apostre and Mr Smith. N° 6149 L. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held Nov' 16. 1741 to the following Purport. Viz' That they having read a Certificate from Gen1 Oglethorpe dated May 6'" 1741 that Capt. William Thomson by his Orders had deliver'd to Mr Thomas Hawkins Drugs and Medicines to the Amount of twenty Nine Pounds nine Shillings and Six pence; Part whereof being to replace Medicines taken out of the King's Chest for the Trust Service ; And the residue to answer the Trustees Orders ; Were of Opinion that the said Sum of twenty Nine Pounds Nine Shillings and six pence ought to be paid to Capt. Thomson ; But that Gen1 Oglethorpe and Dr Hawkins should be acquainted that Nothing should for the future be receiv'd for the Trustees Use without being paid for at the same time with the Money appropriated for such Service by the Trustees Estimate; And that Mr 374 COLONIAL RECORDS. Stephens and the Court of Assistants at Savanah should be acquainted with this payment to Capt. Thomson, And a Copy of the Particulars should be sent to them, that the same may be accounted for as Part of the Estimated Expences. That Capt Thomson having furnish'd Henry Hamilton his Wife and Child with Necessaries in October 1740. And having carried them at his own risque to deliver to M' Bolzius in case the said Henry Hamilton should be found a fit Person for a School Master at Ebenezer in the room of M' Ortman ; And that M' Bolzius having certified on the 28'" of May last, that the said Henry Hamilton and Begina Charlotta his Wife were receiv'd by him and the Indentures for their serving four Years had been transfer'd to M' Bolzius by Capt. Thomson ; And that they were by M' Bolzius's Direction employ'd in teaching English in the Saltzburgh Con gregation ; And Capt Thomson having demanded twenty Pounds for the said Risque and Charges the Child being One Head of Freight ; the Com mittee were of Opinion that the said sum of twenty Pounds ought to be paid to Capt. Thomson. That the Commissioners for stating the publick Debts in the Colony of Georgia having sent over Ensign Hugh Mackay's Account with the Trust from November 22 1736 to November 15'" 1738 for Pay of a Party of Rangers to the time of their being reduced ; And as Overseer of the Serv ants at Fort S' Andrews ; Whereon the Balance due to him appear'd to be One hundred and fourteen Pounds Six Shillings and three Pence the Committee were of Opinion that the said Sum ought to be paid. That the said Commissioners having sent over James Anderson's Ac count with the Trust from June 16'" 1736 to Michaelmas 1738 for Work done and services perform'd in Georgia Whereon the Balance due to him appear'd to be Sixty four Pounds Nineteen Shillings and four Pence, the Committee were of opinion that the said Sum ought to be paid. That the said Commissioners having sent over John Latter's Account with the Trust from August 15 th 1738 to the 10'" of October following for the Charge of a Scout Boat Whereon the Balance due to him ap pear'd to fifty Eight Pounds four Shillings and Seven pence the Com- (sic) mittee were of Opinion that the said Sum ought to be paid. That the said Commissioners having sent over Patrick Graham's Ac count with the Trust from November 30'" 1737 to October 4'" 1739 for Physick administer'd at Savanah Whereon the Balance due to him ap pear'd to be forty Pounds Seventeen Shillings and six pence, the Com- COLONIAL RECORDS. 375 mittee find the said Account includes the following Sums of two Pounds three Shillings and five pence, thirty Six Pounds Eight Shillings and three pence, Two Pounds thirteen Shillings and Seven Pence and Twelve Shillings and two Pence for Medicines for Soldiers left sick at Savanah Part of the first Detachment of Gen1 Oglethorpe's Regi ment Whilst those in health went to their Station at Frederica under the care of Lieut. Col. Cochran. However as this Case is Circumstanc'd, it being for the service of the Colony that the health of the said Soldiers should be restor'd ; And no further Expence of that Nature arising ; And the said Patrick Graham having duly administer'd Medicines to the Sick at Savanah, and having no other means of Payment The Committee were of Opinion that the said Patrick Graham ought not to be a Sufferer, but should be paid the said Sum of forty Pounds Seventeen Shillings and six pence reported due to him as aforesaid. That the said Commissioners having sent over Samuel Lacy's Account with the Trust from Aprill 9th 1734 to September 21s' 1738 for Pettiau gua hire Whereon the Balance due to him appear'd to be fifty Pounds Nine Shillings and four Pence ; The Committee were of Opinion that the said Sum ought to be paid. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a further Report from the said Committee of Accounts That they had read a Letter from M' Thomas Hawkins to the Trustees Accomptant claiming the sum of fifty Pounds for two Year's Charges of a Boat and two Hands from November 6*" 1736 to November 6'" 1738. Which Claim was disallow'd by a former Committee of Accounts, They having then allowed him all his Extraordinary Fees in his Bills to that time in consideration of the Expence of his Boat. And further Claiming the Sums of One Pound two Shillings, and Sixteen Shillings as wrong charg'd to his Account in the Store Books at Savanah ; And also Claim ing the Sum of three Pounds for the loss of a Canoe Which attended the Spaniards Who came to Pike's Landing ; And the said Committee were of Opinion to adhere to their former Disallowance ; But in consideration of the said Thomas Hawkins's past Services in general, the Sum of thir teen Pounds thirteen Shillings should be paid to him in full of all Claims and Demands Whatsoever to Michaelmas 1739. That the Committee then took into Consideration the said Thomas Hawkins's Claims of Seventy four Pounds two Shillings and four Pence for Medicines and attendance on the Sick ; for a Coffin Wine Nurses 376 COLONIAL RECORDS. fresh Provisions and extraordinary Necessaries from Michaelmas 1739 to Michaelmas 1740. And of Fourteen Pounds and ten Pence for a Quarter's Salary as Magistrate at Frederica and Correspondent with Mr Stephens. And the said Committee were of Opinion that Copies of the said Claims should be sent over to the President and Court of Assistants at Savanah Authpris'd by the Trustees to pay the Estimated Expences in the Province, for them to examine the Services really perform'd, and de termine the Allowances proper to be made out of the Estimated Sums appropriated for those Purposes, And to pay the said Thomas Hawkins What they shall find to be due to him , And the Committee were further of Opinion that no Encouragement for the future should be given to any Persons to apply in England for the payment of Services order'd to be defray'd in Georgia. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Adjourn'd. Palace Court Saturday December 5'" 1741 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair Earl of Egmont Earl of Shaftesbury M' Bathurst M' Frederick M' Henry Archer Mr L'apostre Mr Smith. Read a Deed for removing John Pye from the Office of Clerk to the President and Court of Assistants at Savanah, and for appointing Charles Watson to be Clerk in his room. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Deed Which was affix'd accordingly. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Read a Petition of John Dobell setting forth that he was iemploy'd COLONIAL RECORDS. 377 almost three Years in teaching the Children of the Free School at Sa vanah to read and cast Accounts And that from December 1739 to Janu ary 1740 he was intrusted with the sole Charge and Direction of the said School, and praying to be appointed School Master there. Resolved That Mr John Dobell be appointed School Master of the Free School at Savanah. Resolved That for the greater Encouragement of Industry among the Inhabi tants of the Colony of Georgia ; Upon any Freeholder of a fifty Acre Lot making appear that any Part of his said Lot consists of Land com monly call'd the Pine Barren : The President and Court of Assistants for the Northern Part of the Province or the Bailiffs of Frederica upon his Application be empower'd and required immediately to assign to Every Person so Applying such a quantity of Good Land (not already granted) as the Pine Barren appears to be in his Lot (over and above the said Pine Barren Land) subject to the usual Reservations and Conditions in any Place that the Freeholder may desire and find most convenient for him Resolved That for the greater Encouragement of Industry among the Inhabi tants of the Colony of Georgia Upon any Freeholder of a fifty Acre Lot making appear that the Lot already granted to him is fenc'd and culti vated according to the Conditions of his Grant The President and the Court of Assistants for the Northern Part of the Province or the Bailiffs of Frederica be empower'd and required immediately to assign to Every such Person Another such Lot of Good Land in any Place that the said Freeholder may desire and find most convenient for him. Order'd That Copies of the said Resolutions be affix'd upon the Doors of the Court of Savanah and Frederica, And such other proper Places in the Province as may make the Intentions of the Trustees known to all the Inhabitants. Adjourn'd. 378 COLONIAL RECORDS. Palace Court Wednesday January 6th 174^- Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Egmont Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Bathurst M' Eyre M' L'apostre M' Smith. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held December 19'" 1741 to the following Purport. Viz' That the Committee having examin'd the second Volume of the Pay ment Book with the Vouchers from Page (127) to Page (146) and ending the 9'" of June 1741 did find that Vouchers were produced for all the Payments therein mention'd amounting to four thousand and fifty seven Pounds six Shillings and ten Pence. And having examin'd the General Receipt Book containing the Monies contributed and receiv'd in England did find that between the 9'" of June 1740 and the 9th of June 1741 The Sum of Four thousand thirty three Pounds twelve Shillings and Six Pence had been receiv'd ; And on Ex amining the Balance Unapplied the 9'" of June 1740 on the Determina tion of the last Year's Account The Committee did find the same to be the Sum of Five thousand Nine hundred and Nineteen Pounds Seven Shil lings and seven Pence Including the Sum of Three thousand One hun dred and fifty One Pounds appropriated to answer outstanding Sola Bills sent over for defraying the Trustees Estimated Expences in Georgia, Which Balance being added to the said Receipt make together the Sum of Nine thousand Nine hundred fifty three Pounds and one Penny; Whereout Deducting the Payments beforemention'd, Being all the Pay ments made in England between the 9th of June 1740 and the 9th of June 1741 The Balance for the Trustees General Account for the Ninth Year ending the 9'" of June 1741 remaining Unapplied by the Trust The Committee did find to be the Sum of Five thousand Eight hundred Ninety five Pounds thirteen Shillings and three Pence Whereof the Sum of Four thousand Six hundred Ninety three Pounds is appropriated to COLONIAL RECORDS. 379 answer Outstanding Sola Bills sent over for Defraying the Trustees Esti mated Expences in Georgia. Resolved That the General Account for the Year ending the Ninth of June 1741 be exhibited pursuant to the Directions of the Charter and that the Earl of Shaftesbury the Earl of Egmont and M' Vernon be desired to deliver them to the R' Hon"10 the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, or the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Order'd That after the said Account is exhibited pursuant to the Directions of the Charter, One hundred Copies of the same be printed. Order'd That One thousand Copies of the State of the Colony in the Year 1740 Attested upon Oath in the Court of Savanah be printed. Resolved That the Sum of forty Poundsbe allowed to M' Bolzius for building his House at Ebenezer in consideration that the said House shall remain for the Minister for the time being as was the Condition of allowing forty Pounds before to M' Gronau. The Common Council taking into consideration that Lieutenant Dela gal had receiv'd fifty Pounds in part of his Claim of Eighty five Pounds over and above the sum of thirty Pounds he was in debt to the Store at Frederica ; And his said Claim having been sent over above a Year to be examin'd and return'd from the Commissioners for stating the Publick Debts in Georgia. Resolved That upon Captain Horton's making Affidavit of the Service being perform'd in the beginning of the Year 1737 When the Trustees had the Security of the Province under their Care, and Captain Horton was Super Intendant at Frederica ; And upon Lieutenant Delagal's making Affidavit that his Debt to the Store was no more than thirty Pounds, The Balance of the Account being thirty five Pounds be paid to Lieuten ant Delagal. Resolved That the Sum of forty five Pounds be paid to Mr William Bowler Sur geon's Mate to General Oglethorpe's Regiment for his Service in attend ing the Trust Servants under the care of Ensign Hugh Mackay Who has Certified the said Service. 380 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That a Commission appointing John Terry to be first Bailiff at Freder ica in the room of Thomas Hawkins be sent over to the Care of William Stephens Esq' to be made use of in case of the said Thomas Hawkins's Death or Resignation ; And that the said Commission be first Seal'd in the presence of a Board of Trustees, and Countersign'd by the Secretary. Resolved That the Sum of ten Pounds be paid to Mr Charles Watson the Re corder of Savanah upon Account of his Salary the Sum of fifteen Pounds paid to him before for Necessaries before his Departure not being sufficient. Order'd That three hundred Pair of Mens Shoes and two hundred Pair of Wo- mens Shoes be purchas'd and sent over to the care of M' Stephens to be issued as a Part of defraying the Estimated Expences in the Province besides those which were order'd by the Committee of Embarkation June 15'" 1741 Order'd That five hundred Copies of the State of the Tenures of Lands be printed for the use of the People in the Province. The Accomptant acquainting the Common Council that the House in Which he lives in Queen's Square Westminster is large enough to keep the Georgia Office there ; And that he is willing to take Charge of all the Books and Papers belonging to the Office, And to find a Messenger for the Office. Resolved That the Georgia Office be removd to Queen's Square Westminster at Lady Day next ; And that the Committee of Accounts do consider of a proper Allowance to the Accountant for keeping the Office at his House, finding a Messenger and all other House Necessaries for the Trust, the present Messenger being Super Annuated, And the present Housekeeper unfit for the Service. Read a Report from the Committee of Embarkation held Aprill 25'" 1741 to the following Purport. Vizt. That M' John Gray recommended by Captain Hugh Mackay offer'd his Service to collect twenty five Men and fifteen Women from the High lands in Scotland (Which Number the Common Council had resolved to send to Georgia) and convey them to Gravesend to be there in July fol- COLONIAL RECORDS. 381 lowing ; And upon Encouragement to take the Charge of them to Geor gia, And that he had made the following Proposals Vizt That a Credit should be given to Captain Hugh Mackay of fifty Pounds to answer the Necessaries Such Persons might want before their Embarkation for England in their Way to Georgia, and all other contin gent Expences till their arrival at Gravesend, exclusive of their Month's Subsistance in Scotland and their freight to England. That Six pence a Day Subsistance be allowed to Each of the said People from the respective Days of their agreeing to go to Georgia to the time of their Embarking in Scotland not exceeding One Month in the Whole. That twenty Shillings a Day

Head, to be taken COLONIAL RECORDS. 385 up for their Voyage to Georgia, the Trustees paying for the Cradles Which are to be landed with the Passengers in Georgia That the said Committee had order'd One thousand Pounds more in Sola Bills to be sent by the Loyal Judith Capt. Lemon for payment of the Sums allowed to the Swiss and Germans on their Landing, and for subsisting the Saltzburghers and Highlanders ; the said Bills to consist of One hundred of One Pound Each and One hundred and Eighty of five pounds Each. That Any five of the Common Council having been empower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the Charges of the present Embarka tion and for payment of Outstanding Debts The Committee had order'd a Draught to be made on the Bank of England for One thousand pounds payable to S' Joseph Hankey and C° on that Account. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Embarkation held September 15'" 1741 to the following Purport. Viz'. That they had order'd the sum of ten Pounds to be paid to the Rev" M' Orton appointed Missionary at Savanah he having occasion for the said sum for some Necessaries. That M' John Terry being appointed Recorder at Frederica in the room of Mr Francis Moore, and taking the care of the Highlanders upon him, he had desired that an Instruction might be sent over for his Salary of twenty pounds <$i Annum to commence from Lady Day last, the said Office being vacant some time before ; And the Committee had order'd that an Instruction should be sent over for that purpose. That the Committee having taken into consideration the Reference from the Common Council concerning the Number of Swiss and Germans brought over by M' Hans Jacob Reimensperger he having exceeded his Instructions ; And it appearing that the said Number exceeds only twenty Six Heads, And that these were willing to settle in Georgia ; were of Opinion that if the said twenty six Heads should agree to settle in the Province their Passage should be paid ; And if any Part of them should not agree thereto, that the Charge of their Passage should be de ducted out of the Money payable on their Arrival in Georgia. That the Committee having read a Memorial of M' Hans Jacob Reimensperger and Others concerning his Expences to Rotterdam over and above the thirty Pounds paid him in England, amounting to the Sum of Seventy two Pounds Eighteen Shillings and four Pence; Which appear'd [25 c. r.] 386 COLONIAL RECORDS. to to the satisfaction of the said Committee to have been expended They (sic) were of Opinion that the said Expences ought to be paid. That Mr Kirkman having represented that he had paid the Sum of Nineteen Pounds five Shillings to make up the Sum of Sixteen Pounds for the passage from Holland of the Exceeding the Ninety Seven Heads on the Trust Account. Which being in the same Circumstances as the other Expences the Committee were of Opinion that the said Sum of Nineteen Pounds five Shillings should be paid to M' Kirkman. That the Committee being acquainted that as there was no English Passenger to go with the Europa Capt. Wadham taken up for the Swiss and Germans, and one Thomas Louch a Butcher, Who has a Wife and Child, was recommended to go to Gen1 Oglethorpe ; They were of opin ion that in consideration of the said Thomas Louch's taking an Account of the Provisions being duly serv'd to the Passengers, and of the Captain's Behaviour towards the said Passengers ; the Passage of himself his Wife and Child should be paid. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Report from the Committee of Embarkation held November 2 . 1741 to the following Purport. Vizt. That the Committee being acquainted that Captain Norwood has claim'd the Sum of Sixty Pounds twelve Shillings and Six pence as due to him for his Contract for bringing over from Rotterdam Ninety Seven Heads of Swiss and Germans to be ship'd by Richard Wolters Esq' Which he came too late to receive, And it appearing that it was no wilfull Neg lect of the said Captain Norwood, And that he was detain'd by contrary Winds, and made the best of his Way ; They were of Opinion that the Accomptant should be order'd to adjust the Affair with the said Capt. Norwood and conclude the same at a Sum not exceeding forty Pounds for all Costs and Damages on Account of the said Agreement. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 387 Palace Court Tuesday February 2. 174^ Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Vernon Mr Eyre M' Thomas Tower M' Henry Archer M' L'apostre D' Hales. Read Heads of Instructions for preparing a Draught for the Alteration -of Tenures in Georgia and Agreed to the same. Resolved That it be refer'd to M' Thomas Tower Mr Eyre M' Bathurst and M' Henry Archer to adjust and finally settle the said Draught Read a Letter of Attorney from Jacob Matthews and Mary his Wife appointing S' Richard Everard Bar' and Robert Williams to apply for a Grant of a Tract of Land given by the Creek Indians to the said Mary Matthews for sundry Services done by her in being their Interpreter and for further Rewards for her said Services. Read a Copy of the Talk between the Creek Indians and his Excel lency James Oglethorpe at Which the said Indians agreed to give the said tract of Land to the said Mary Matthews Order'd jfe That a Copy of the said LeMjgr of ^Attorney and a Copy of the Talk be sent over to Gen1 Oglethorpe And that he be desired to make a Re port to the Trustees how tn&J@fem stands as to the tract of Land ; and to acquaint the said'Maj^^pprlfrews that as to her further Claim for Re wards for Services done q»her as Interpreter, the Trustees do not thiuk she has a right to any.lpliowance from them for the same. Read a Petition of Robert Williams Merchant claiming the sum of forty Nine Pounds Sixteen Shillings for a Bounty on Potatoes Pease and Corn rais'd on his and his Brother's Lands in Georgia. Resolved That the said Petition be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Read a Petition of Charles Watson appointed Recorder of the Town of Savanah setting forth the Expence he has been at since his Appoint- 388 COLONIAL RECORDS. ment in waiting for his Passage ; The Ship in which he was to have gone having been detain'd ; And praying such Allowance as the Trus tees shall think reasonable. Resolved That the Sum of ten Pounds be given to the said Charles Watson in consideration of his said Expences. Resolved That George Elliot Nephew to the said Charles Watson be sent over to the Colony of Georgia with his Uncle. Read a Memorial of Capt. William Horton setting forth That having Charter'd the Ship Success Frigate Capt. William Thomson Commander to carry over his Company of Grenadiers added to Gen1 Oglethorpe's Regiment together with several Men Servants to the Number of twenty. And that there are several Women and Children Who are inclinable to go on board the Ship in order to remain and settle in Georgia, Whereby the Colony will be increas'd to the Number of thirty Heads of Freight of such Women and Children ; But as he has no fund Appropriated for bearing that Expence, And the Colony being to receive such an Increase of Usefull Inhabitants; He prays the Trustees to take into consideration the Premises, and order their Passage to be defray'd and some Allow ance for bringing up from the Country and subsisting Every such Person.Resolved That Six pence a Day be allowed to Each of the said thirty Heads for every Day from this second Day of February till the time of their Embarkation Provided that they embark within the present Month of February. And that Six Pounds for the freight and Provisions for Each of the said thirty Heads be paid to Capt. Thomson. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 389 Palace Court Saturday February 13 I74| Present in Common Council Assembled M' Eyre in the Chair Earl of Egmont Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Laroche M' Digby M' L'apostre Mr Smith Resolved That Notwithstanding the Order of the Common Council November 21" 1741 that John Pye should be removed from the Office of Recorder of the Town of Savanah, It be left to the consideration of William Stephens Esq' Whether it will be proper to confirm the said John Pye in his Office or to appoint Charles Watson Recorder in his Room and to settle it accordingly Order'd That a Commission be seal'd and countersign'd by the Secretary ap pointing Thomas Jones Second Bailiff of the Town of Savanah and one of the four Assistants in the room of John Fallowfield. Order'd That a Commission be seal'd and countersign'd by the Secretary ap pointing Charles Watson third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah and One of the four Assistants in the room of Thomas Jones. Order'd That the said Commissions be sent over to William Stephens Esq' to be made use of as he shall see proper. Order'd That One hundred Copies of M' Stephens's Journal from September 22. 1741 to October the 28'" following be printed. And that seventy five Copies of the third Volume of M' Stephens's Journal be printed for the use of the Trust. Resolved That the Sum of two hundred Pounds be laid out in purchasing Pres ents of the usual sort for the Indians. 390 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That William Stephens Esq' be appointed a Conservator of the Peace within the Province of Georgia. Read a Commission for the said Purpose. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the same And that the Secretary do countersign it. Read a Petition of John Hennery Henry Myreover Abraham Greeney and Christian Gambert, setting forth That They were emply'd in the Serv ice of the Trust the whole time charg'd in their Accounts (Which were Annex'd) at the rate of ten Pounds Currency ^> Month as by Agree ment ; And that they did truly discharge their Duty, Each in his Em ployment order'd by the Master appointed over them ; And Desiring the Balance of their several Accounts. Viz' fifteen Pounds Nine Shillings and six pence Sterling due to John Hennery. Thirty five Pounds Eleven Shillings and three pence three farthings due to Henry Myreover. Two Pounds Seven Shillings and two Pence due to Abraham Greeney. And thirty Pounds twelve Shillings and One Penny three farthings due to Christian Gambert may be paid to them. Order'd That the Petitioners be inform'd that Each of them may draw upon the Trustees for the sum specified to be due to him. Read a Letter from Gen1 Oglethorpe setting forth that he had purchas'd six thousand Mulberry Trees to be distributed among the Inhabitants of Frederica and the Neighbourhood, And that he had drawn for Seventy five Pounds for payment thereof. Order'd That the said Sum of Seventy five Pounds be paid. Resolved That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for the Sum of five hundred Pounds for the payment of the freight of thirty Heads of Wo men and Children, their Subsistance this Month, the freight of Charles Watson, and his Nephew, and John Dobell, and for the payment of Mr Meadow's Bill, and other things. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum by Mr Eyre the Earl of Shaftesbury the Earl of Egmont Mr Digby and M' Laroche N° 2062 q Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 391 Palace Court Wednesday March 3d 174£ Present in Common Council Assembled. Earl of Egmont in the Chair Earl of Shaftsbury M' Vernon M' Digby M' Thomas Tower M' Holland M' Page M' L'apostre M' Smith Read a Letter sign'd Henry Eggerton setting forth that he is inform'd his Son Thomas Eggerton Who is with his Grandfather Thomas Young in the Province of Georgia is used very ill by his Grandfather and there fore Desiring that an Order may be sent for his Son to be sent home. Order'd That a Copy of the said Letter be sent over to M' Stephens with Di rections for him to inquire into the truth of the Facts set forth in the Letter, and endeavour to prevent any ill treatment Thomas Eggerton may meet with from his Grandfather. But if he finds That the said Thomas Eggerton desires to leave the Province, his Grandfather must not detain him, but he has free Liberty to return home to his Father. Read a Letter sign'd William Spencer setting forth that he has above thirteen Years kept the Accounts of the Vintner's Company, and is de sirous of going with his Family (Which consists of a Wife and three Daughters) to settle in the Province, And therefore prays for some Em ployment under the Trust. Resolved That M' Vernon be desired to make an Inquiry into the Character of the said William Spencer ; And that if the said William Spencer appears to be a fit Person that he be appointed a Bailiff of the Town of Savanah And one of the Court of Assistants in case M' Thomas Jones resigns the said Employments. Resolved That Sola Bills to the Value of two thousand Pounds be made out to be issued by William Stephens Esq' M' Henry Parker M' Thomas Jones and M' Charles Watson or Any two of them for the Estimated Expences 392 COLONIAL RECORDS. of the Colony from Lady Day 1742. And that they be seal'd and sign'd by the Accountant. And sent to the Custody of the President and Assistants of the County of Savanah, And that the said Bills do consist of One thousand of One Pound Each, and two hundred of five Pounds Each. Order'd That, When the Resolutions relating to the Tenure of Lands in Geor gia shall be settled, the Secretary do sign them. And that two thousand Copies of the same be printed, Whereof five hundred to be sent to Geor gia. And the Remainder be kept in the Office to be annex'd to the new Grants and Counterparts as they shall be wanted. Order'd That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for the sum of two hundred Pounds for the Presents order'd to be purchas'd for the Indians. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum by the Earl of Egmont Earl of Shaftesbury M' Digby M' L'apostre and M ' Holland N" 2063 q Adjourn'd. Palace Court Monday March 8'" 174^ Present in Common Council Assembled M' Digby in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Egmont M' Vernon M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Smith M' Page Mr Henry Archer M' Laroche M' Holland M' Vernon acquainted the Board that he had inquir'd about the Char acter of William Spencer, and that M' Bedell Clerk of the Vintners Company assured him that the said William Spencer had behav'd him self with great Integrity and Ability, Whilst he was employ'd in keeping COLONIAL RECORDS. 393 the Accounts of the Vintners Company, And that the Master and War dens of the said Company were ready to sign a Testimonial of his Character. Resolved That M' Charles Watson be appointed second Bailiff of the Town of Savanah And One of the four Assistants for the Northern Part of the Province in the room of M' Thomas Jones. Resolved That M' William Spencer be appointed third Bailiff of the Town of Savanah And One of the four Assistants for the Northern Part of the Province in the room of M' Charles Watson. Resolved That the Wife and three Daughters of the said William Spencer be sent with him to the Province of Georgia at the Expence of the Trust. Resolved That a Sum not exceeding ten Pounds be allow'd for the Freight and Refreshments of Each Head of freight of the said William Spencer his Wife and three Daughters in their Passage to Georgia. Resolved That the Constitutions for appointing Charles Watson and William Spencer Bailiffs of the Town of Savanah be seal'd in the presence of the Trustees. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That Provision be made for a Minister for the Swiss Palatines and Others of the Calvinist Persuasion in the Northern District of the Prov ince of Georgia, Resolved That the Sum of forty Pounds

Annum And that he be inform'd that a Chest of Medicines will be sent every Year to be kept in M' Stephens's custody for the use of the sick. M' Henry Archer reported from the Committee appointed to settle the 394 COLONIAL RECORDS. Draught for the Alteration of Tenures in Georgia, that they had pre pared the said Draught. Which was read. Resolved That the following do stand as The Resolutions of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America in Common Council Assembled this eighth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One thou sand seven hundred and forty one relating to the Grants and Tenure of Lands within the said Colony. Whereas the Common Council of the said Trustees did on the First case twenty Eighth day of August in the Year of our Lord One A ™e thousand seven hundred and thirty nine come to several Resolu- or more tions relating to the Grants and Tenure of Lands within the said Chi dren. Q0]ony# Now for the removing any Doubts which may arise thereupon and for the better explaining and Establishing the Grants and Tenure of Lands within the said Colony. It is this day unanimously Resolved by the Common Council of the said Trustees assembled for that purpose. That the Grants of Land or Tenements within the said Colony heretofore made and here after to be made by the said Trustees to any Person or Persons whatsoever shall be alter'd made and establish'd in manner and form following. That is to say. That if Tenant in Tail of Lands or Tenements within the said Colony shall happen to die leaving a Wife and one or more chil dren such Wife shall have the Dwelling House with the Out Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and a Moiety of such Lands and Tenements for the Term of her Life, And the Other Moiety (if not exceeding fifty Acres) shall descend immediately to the Eldest Son in case there be a Son. But if such Moiety happen to exceed fifty Acres. Then it shall be lawfull for such Tenant in Tail being of the Age of twenty one Years or upwards to Devise by his last Will in writing duly executed in the presence of three or more credible Witnesses so much thereof as shall exceed the said fifty Acres to or amongst any of his other Children And the said Wife's share shall imme diately after her Decease descend to such eldest Son. And in case there be no Son, Then it shall be lawfull for such Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to Devise by his last Will in Writing executed as aforesaid the said other Moiety, And also the Wife's Share after her Decease to or amongst any of his Chil- COLONIAL RECORDS. 395 dren and in default of any such Devise then the same shall de scend to the Eldest Daughter in Tail. And if such Tenant in Tail happen to die leaving a Wife and second no Child, such Wife shall have all his said Lands and Tenements a. wile xf not exceeding one hundred Acres in the Whole for the Term and no of her Life. But if such Lands amount to two hundred Acres Child- Qr moi.6) tnen sucn w;fe shall have the Dwelling House with the Out Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto be longing and a Moiety of the said Lands for the Term of her Life, And it shall be lawfull for such Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to devise the other Moiety and also the Wife's Share after her Decease by his last Will in Writing executed as aforesaid to any Person or Persons. And if such Lands exceed one hundred Acres and be less than two hundred Acres in such case the Wife shall have the said Dwelling House with the Out Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and one hundred Acres of such Lands for the Term of her Life And it shall be lawfull for such Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to Devise the Residue thereof and also the said Wife's Share after her Decease in manner aforesaid And in default of such Devise as aforesaid such Lands and Tenements shall descend to the Heir at Law And if such Tenant in Tail happen to die leaving One or Third more Children and no Wife the Dwelling House with the Out OnTor Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging to- more gether with Fifty Acres of Land nearest to the said House shall and n<>en descend immediately to the eldest Son And it shall be lawfull for Wile. such Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to Devise by his last Will in Writing executed as aforesaid the residue of bis Lands and Tenements to or amongst Any of his Other Children. And if there be no Son Then it shall be lawfull for such Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to Devise in manner afore said all his Lands and Tenements to or amongst any of his Daughters. But in default of any such Devise the Whole shall descend to the Eldest Son. And if there be no Son then to the Eldest Daughter. And if there be neither Son nor Daughter then it shall be lawfull for such Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to Devise in manner aforesaid all or any of his said Lands and Tenements to any Person or Persons as he shall think 396 COLONIAL RECORDS. fit, And in default of such Devise then the whole shall descend to the Heir at Law. And if a Female Tenant in Tail of Lands or Tenements Fourth within the said Colony shall happen to die leaving a Husband a^us- And One or more Children Such Husband shall have the Dwel- band and ]jng House with the Out Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances more thereunto belonging And a Moiety of such Lands and Tene- Chiidren. ments for the Term of his Life and the Other Moiety (if not ex ceeding Fifty Acres) shall descend immediately to the Eldest Son in case there be a Son. But if such Moiety happen to ex ceed Fifty Acres then it shall be lawfull for such Female Ten ant in Tail being of the Age of twenty One Years or upwards to Devise by her last Will in Writing duly executed in the pres ence of three or more credible Witnesses so much thereof as shall exceed the said Fifty Acres to or amongst any of her other Chil dren And the said Husbands Share shall immediately after his Decease descend to such Eldest Son, And in case there be no Son Then it shall be lawfull for such Female Tenant in Tail be ing of the Age aforesaid to Devise by her last Will in Writing executed as aforesaid the said other Moiety and also the Hus band's Share after his Decease to or amongst any of her Chil dren And in default of any such Devise then the same shall de scend to the Eldest Daughter in Tail. And if such Female Tenant in Tail happen to die leaving a Filth Husband and no Child such Husband shall have all her said ctfe' Lands and Tenements if not exceeding One hundred Acres in a Hus- ° hand and the whole for the Term of his Life But if such Lands amount to no child. £W0 hundre(i Acres or more, Then such Husband shall have the Dwelling House with the Out Buildings Gardens and Appurte nances thereunto belonging And a Moiety of the said Lands for the Term of his Life. And it shall be lawfull for such Female Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to Devise the Other Moiety and also the Husband's Share after his Decease by her last Will in Writing executed in manner aforesaid to any Per son or Persons. And if such Lands exceed One hundred Acres and be less than two hundred Acres in such case the Husband shall have the said Dwelling House with the Out Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging And one hun dred Acres of such Lands for the Term of his .Life. And it COLONIAL RECORDS. 397 shall be lawfull for such Female Tenant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to Devise the residue thereof and also the said Husband's Share after his Decease in manner aforesaid And in default of such Devise as aforesaid such Lands and Tenements shall descend to the Heir at Law. And if such Female Tenant in Tail happen to die leaving one sixth or more Children and no Husband the Dwelling House with the One or ^ut Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging more together with Fifty Acres of Land nearest to the said House and no sna^ descend immediately to the Eldest Son. And it shall be Husband, lawfull for such Female Tenant in Tail being of the Age afore said to Devise by her last Will in Writing executed as aforesaid the Residue of her Lands and Tenements to or amongst any of her other Children, And if there be no Son Then it shall be lawfull for such Female Tenant in Tail of the Age aforesaid to Devise in manner aforesaid all her Lands and Tenements to or amongst any of her Daughters. But in default of any such De vise the Whole shall descend to the eldest Son And if there be no Son then to the Eldest Daughter, And if there be neither Son nor Daughter then it shall be lawful! for such Female Ten ant in Tail being of the Age aforesaid to devise in manner afore said all or any of her said Lands and Tenements to any Person or Persons as she shall think fit. And in default of such Devise then the whole shall descend to her Heir at Law. None to Provided always that no Person shall be capable of having have more claiming or enjoying by virtue of any Device or Otherwise a thousand greater Quantity of Lands or Tenements at one and the same Acres. time within the said Colony than two thousand Acres. But that every Devise Title or other Claim shall be void for so much thereof as shall with the other Lands or Tenements of such Person within the said Colony exceed two thousand Acres. And so much of such Lands or Tenements as shall exceed two thousand Acres shall descend to the Heir at Law in such man ner as if there had been no Devise thereof or any other Claim or Title thereunto. And it is also further Provided That no De- No Devise vise shall be made of any Lands or Tenements within the said i° ^th'n Colony in pursuance of any Power given by any of the before- fiity mention'd Resolutions which shall be of a less Quantity than Acres. Fifty Acres but that Every such Devise shall be null and void 398 COLONIAL RECORDS. How to set out the Shares ol Lands. The Time lor mat ing Claims. SecuritylorRepairs. And such Lands shall descend to the Heir at Law as if no De vise had been thereof made. And if any Dispute shall arise touching the setting out any of the Shares Proportions or Claims to the said Lands or Tene ments by virtue of any Devise or of any Limitations or Provis ions herein beforemention'd. Then and in every such case the Magistrates of the Town Court in Georgia nearest thereto or any one of them shall within the space of three weeks after Applica tion in Writing to them made for that Purpose summon seven of the neighbouring Freeholders Who are hereby required to take an Oath to be administer'd to them by such Magistrate or Magistrates justly and equitably to sett out such Shares Propor tions or Claims to the said Lands or Tenements dividing the Cultivated and Uncultivated Lands proportionably between the Parties entitled thereunto. And the Award so made by them or the Major Part of them shall be returned by them to the next Town Court to be kept among the Records of the said Court which Award shall be final. Provided always That all and every Person and Persons enti tled to or claiming any such Lands or Tenements in possession do from time to time within the Space of twelve Calendar Mouths next after such his her or their Right or Title respectively shall accrue personally appear it residing in America, and claim the same in any of the Town Courts in Georgia, and if residing out of America then within the space of Eighteen Calendar Months next after such his her or their Right or Title respect ively shall accrue. And in default of such Appearance and Claim as aforesaid Then that all and singular the said Lands and Tenements shall be Forfeited enure and remain to the said Trustees and their Successors for ever. And in case the Widow of any such Tenant shall marry again after his Decease Then such Person whom She shall so marry shall within the space of twelve Calendar Months next after such Marriage give sufficient Security to the said Trustees and their Successor to be taken by the Magistrates of the Town Court in Georgia nearest thereunto for maintaining and keeping in Repair during such Marriage the said Dwelling House with the Out- Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging And other the Premisses to Which She shall be so entitled in right COLONIAL RECORDS. 399 Powers lor makingLeases. of her former Husband. And if such Security shall not be given in manner aforesaid within the space of twelve Months next after such Marriage Then and in every such Case the Pro vision hereby made or intended to be made for the Benefit of such Widow shall cease determine and be absolutely void to all Intents and Purposes. And the said Dwelling House with the Out-Buildings Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging And all and singular the Premisses shall be and enure to such Child or Children or to such other Person or Persons who would be entitled to the same in case the said Widow was naturally dead. ( And that it shall be lawfull for Every Tenant in Tail of Lands or Tenements within the said Colony from time to time to Lease or Demise in Possession and not in Reversion all or any Part of such Lands or Tenements for any Term or Terms of Years not exceeding twenty One Years in the Whole from the seal ing and Delivery of such Lease or Demise on which shall be reserved the best and most improved Rent that can be gotten for the same and for which no Sum of Money or Fine shall be taken. And that it shall be lawfull for all and Every Person who Bushel on Corn and Pease raised by them in the said Year. Resolved That the said Sum of One hundred Sixty Nine Pounds three Shillings be paid in Georgia to the said Inhabitants intitled thereto ; And that it be referred to the President and Assistants at Savanah to consider about the furnishing the Saltzburghers lately Arrived with a little Stock of Cattle Hogs and Poultry as requested by M' Bolzius. Read a Letter from General Oglethorpe dated February 25th 1741 advising of a Bill of Forty Six Pounds Eight Shillings drawn by him on the Trustees Accountant to James Smithers or Order for Work per formed on the Saw Mill at Old Ebenezer And it appearing by a Certifi cate under the hand of George Tyrrell that the said Mill and the Materi als belonging to it were deliver'd in good Repair ; And by Another Cer tificate of the Millwright's that the said Mill had sawed upwards of twenty thousand feet of Board, Plank, and Scantling. And did not fail by any fault of Workmanship, or in the foundation, but by an extraordinary high Flood. Resolved That the said Bill be accepted and paid. Read Another Letter from General Oglethorpe dated Aprill 27th 1742 Advising of a Bill of thirty Pounds drawn by him on the Trustees Ac countant to William Atchison Finlay or Order for Service as Constable among the Creek Indians. Resolved That no such Officer having been Appointed by Any Order from the Trustees the said Bill be not paid. Read Several Letters and Petitions from John Lyndall John Pye William Elbert Edward Townsend and Thomas Ellis in Georgia for Grants of Land. Resolved That the said Letters and Petitions be referred to the Consideration of the Beforenam'd Gentlemen to whom M' Avery's Proposals are referred or to any Five of them Who are to report their Opinion thereupon. Resolved That the Sum of Six hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Sr Jo seph Hankey and C° for the Charges of the Trust in England. COLONIAL RECORDS. 405 Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the said Sum by M' Vernon Lord Sidney Beauclerk M' Digby M' Thomas Tower and Mr L'apostre N° 2068 q Adjourn'd. Queen's Square Westminster Monday Aprill 18* 1743 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Mr Vernon M' Digby M' Laroche M' L'apostre M' Smith Lord Tyrconnel M' Tuffnel. Read a Report from the Trustees dated July 16. 1742 That having taken into consideration the Petition of Christian Steinhavell, Theobald Kiefer, and Johannes Berrier in behalf of themselves and the rest of the Trustees German Servants at Savanah, Setting forth, That by Indenture bearing Date September 21st 1737 They bound themselves to serve the Trustees or their Assigns in Georgia for the space of five Years after their Arrival there ; And that their Children Who were Males and under the Age of twenty Years were to serve untill they arriv'd to the (sic) Age of twenty five Years ; And their female Children above the Age of six Years were to serve untill they arriv'd at the Age of Eighteen Years. And as the Time of the Petitioners Indenture as to themselves is growing near to a Conclusion, And they are desirous and willing to settle in the Colony (having procured already a small Stock of Cattle for that Pur pose) They must unavoidably labour under great Difficulties by being depriv'd of the Freedom of their Children ; without whose Assistance it will be impossible for them to make any Progress in cultivating of Land, being most of them Advanced in Years ; And Therefore Praying the Trustees to grant them the freedom of their Children at the Expiration of the five Years for which the Petitioners were bound ; They had Re- 406 COLONIAL RECORDS. solved to recommend the said Petition to the Common Council as proper in their Opinion to be granted. Resolved That Christian Steinhavell, Theobald Kiefer, and Johannes Berrier and the rest of the Trustees German Servants, Who were bound to the Trustees for five Years by Indenture bearing date September 218' 1737 have the freedom of their Children granted them according to the Prayer of their Petition. Upon Reading Another Report from the Trustees dated August 7'" 1742 recommending the following Particulars to the Consideration of the Common Council Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land lying Southward of Thunderbolt be made to James Anderson he appearing to be a diligent Man and able to cultivate the same. Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land be made to Michael Bourghatter and his five Sons in order to be divided among his Sons as he shall see proper ; Besides the two Lots of fifty Acres Each Which he and One of his Sons hold at present. Resolved That the Grants of Lots of fifty Acres Each to Jacob Harbeck, Gas per Harbeck, Brothers, Samuel Lyon John Erinxman and the Other Dutch Servants (Whose time of Service expired last Year) Which Grants were made by the President and Assistants, be Confirmed. Resolved That the Grants of Lots of fifty Acres Each, to Christopher Burgo- mister, Joachim Schad, Rudolph Burgie, Leonard Rigler, Jacob Dan- ner, Henry Curraudy, Ulrick Beltz, Ezekiel Stoll, Johannes Torgler, Nicholas Hanner Sen', Nicholas Hanner Jun', Hans Stutz, and Joseph Wachster thirteen German Swiss ; Which Grants were made by the President and Assistants, be Confirm'd. Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land be made to Thomas Sal ter on a Piece of Marsh near Augustine Creek. Provided That the said Land is not any Part of the two hundred Acres granted by Lease to Thomas Christie. It appearing that the said Thomas Salter was permit ted by the President and Assistants to sit Down on the said Land ; And that he has already made good Improvements on it. COLONIAL RECORDS. 407 Resolved That the Grants of Lots of fifty Acres Each to John Robe, William Scales, John Evans, Samuel Clee, Thomas Morris, Jacob Truan, William Barbo, and Anthony Gautier, Which Grants were made by the President and Assistants be Confirm'd. Resolved That James Anderson be appointed Coadjutor to William Stephens Esq' in inspecting the Building of the Church. Resolved That it be refer'd to M' Henry Archer M' Eyre, M' Thomas Tower, Mr Philipps M' Bathurst, M' Holland and M' Wright or any two of them to consider of the Proper Means for enforcing the Guard Duty in the Province. Upon Reading Another Report from the Trustees dated March 12'" 174-f recommending the following Particulars to the Consideration of the Common Council Resolved That no Trust Servants be employ'd for the future, As the Expence of maintaining them has been very great, and the Profits arising from their Labour has been very small. Resolved That the Trust Farms be Appropriated for the Support of the Magis tracy and the Ministry in Georgia ; And As they are divided into several Lots of fifty Acres Each That these be Annex'd to the Offices in the Civil Government. And that the President and Assistants be directed to send over an Account of the Situation of the said Farms, of the Quantity of Land belonging to them, the Nature of the different Soils, And the Improvements Which have been made on them ; And to send with this Account a proper Plan for the Disposal of them in the manner propos'd. Resolved That three hundred Acres of Land near Savanah and three hundred Acres of Land near Frederica be appropriated for the use of residing ' and Officiating Ministers Resolved That the Trust Farm Which was Design'd for a Mulberry Orchard consisting of fifty Acres of Land be Part of the three hundred Acres for the Minister at Savanah ; And that the Remaining Part be set out of the best sort of the Reserv'd Uncultivated Trust Lands, as contiguous to the Town of Savanah as can be conveniently ; And that two Servants 408 COLONIAL RECORDS. with their Maintenance be allowed to the Minister for the Cultivation of the said Land for the aforesaid Uses. Resolved That the Remaining Part of the Reserv'd Uncultivated Trust Lands be dispos'd of in common with any Other Lands, as the President and Assistants shall think proper ; Since a Reservation of the same is no ways necessary, and the Want of Cultivating them is prejudicial to the Lands of the Adjoining Planters. Resolved That as Several Persons have not Ability to pay for the Education of their Children at Savanah, Ten Pounds ^> Ann be added to the Allow ance of the Schoolmaster on Condition that he shall not take any Gratu ity from his Scholars or their Friends. Upon Another Report being read from the Trustees Dated Saturday March 25'" 1743. recommending the following Particulars to the Consid eration of the Common Council Resolved That a Cow Calf and Sow with the usual Working Tools to Each Man ; And Eight pence a Day to Each Man, and Six pence a Day to Each Woman for twelve Months be allow'd to all Servants in the Colony In dented for four Years and not under, at the Expiration of their Service, And upon its Appearing to the President and Assistants, that the Terms of their Service were perform'd. Resolved That M' Bevan be directed to prepare a Chest of Medicines to the Value of Sixty Pounds for the Use of the Colony. Upon Reading Another Report from the Trustees Dated Aprill 9'" 1743, Wherein they recommended to the Consideration of the Common Council the Necessity of Supporting in a proper Manner the Civil Gov ernment of the Province and of having a due Information from time to time of the State of the Southern Part ; And that it might be necessary for this purpose to appoint the President and Assistants for the County of Savanah President and Assistants for the Whole Province. Resolved That the President and Assistants for the County of Savanah be the President and Assistants for the Whole Province, And That the Bailiffs at Frederica be consider'd only as local Magistrates, And that they be subordinate to the Authority of the President and Assistants. Resolved That the Recorder of Frederica for the time being be directed to cor- COLONIAL RECORDS. 409 respond with the President and Assistants, and lay before them from time to time the Proceedings of the Town Court of Frederica, and such other Occurrences and transactions as may be necessary for them to know. Resolved That ten Pounds ^> Ann. be added to the Salary of the said Recorder for his trouble in carrying on the said Correspondence with the President and Assistants. Read Another Report from the Trustees, dated Aprill 16'" 1743. Wherein they recommended that the Several Exchanges, Purchases, and Assignments of Lots between the following Persons should be Confirm'd agreeable to the Recommendation of the President and Assistants. Resolved That the Exchange of Lots between Peter Baillieu and John Greedy be confirm'd Resolved That Isaac Young's Purchase of Daniel Nunez's Lot be Confirm'd, Resolved That Isaac Young be permitted to assign over his former Lot to a Younger Brother of his as he desires. Resolved That the Exchange of Lots between Peter Morelle and James Wilson be Confirm'd. Resolved That the Exchange of Lots between James Dormer and James Car- wells be Confirm'd. Resolved That James Campbell's Purchase of John Provost's Lot be Confirm'd. Resolved That Charles Watson's Purchase of John Lyndall's Lot be Confirm'd. Resolved That it be refer'd to M' Henry Archer M' Thomas Tower Mr Eyre Mr Philipps M' Bathurst M' Holland and M' Wright or any Two of them to prepare proper Forms and Instruments by Which Sales, Purchases, As signments, and Exchanges of Lots may be made in the Province. Resolved That after the Law relating to the Tenures shall be approv'd of by his Majesty in Council The Opinion of M' Attorney and Mr Sollicitor Gen eral be taken as to the Trustees Power of Disposing of Vacant Lots ; And What Time will be proper to allow Such Persons as have deserted the 410 COLONIAL RECORDS. Province to return and take Possession of their Lots before they be de clared forfeited. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts on their Proceedings at five several Meetings to ascertain the Demands on the Trust and set tle an Estimate for the further Settling and Improving the Colony from the Experience of the Trustees last three Years Expences in Georgia ; And that iu the first Place The Committee thought proper to lay before the Common Council the following List of Debts reported due by the Commissioners for Stating the Publick Debts in Georgia and not yet claim'd. Viz' £. To Samuel Eveleigh 55. 4. 10J To Benjamin Adams 28. 1. 9£ To John Penrose 13. 12. 10£ To Eneas Mackintosh 50. 0. 0 To James Searles 40. 4. 11 To M' Spangenburgh and the Moravians ... X 4. 6. 4J (sic) To Samuel Mercer 24. 1. 11£ To John Miller X 48. 5. 8. (sic) To John Ray 42. 11. 10. To John Teesdale 28. 0. 6 To Robert Scroggs 18. 4. 0 To Widow Harris 10. 6. 6f To Effa Langford 13. 11. 0. To Peter Mallier 8. 1. 2. To Hugh Marks 6. 19. 3 To David Codet 4. 15. 4 To John Cuthbert 1. 2. 3J To Henry Myrehover 35. 11. 3| To Christian Gamphert 30. 12. If To John Smallwood 18. 1. 0. To John Henry 15. 9. 6. To Archibald Hamilton 8. 13. 5 To Abraham Greening 2. 7. 2. To Theobald Kiefer 2. 10. 6 To Michael Hert . . . • 0. 4. 10. To Christian Steinhavell 0. 8. 3 To Conrade Densler 1. 4. 8 £ 512. 13. 2£ COLONIAL RECORDS. 411 £ 512. 13. 2i The Committee also represented that the Claim of Revd M' Norris Which had been consider'd as due to him by a former Committee of Ac counts, and Which he has refus'd to accept is . 67. 4. 2 By M' Thomas Bosomworth as Executor to the late Revd M' Christopher Orton Minister at Savanah Who died in August 1742, and was paid to the 14'" of June before, and a Quar ter of a Year's Allowance for himself and the Maintenance and Cloathing of a Servant being claim'd ; Whereon five Pounds had been paid upon Account to the Claimant, and ten Pounds ten Shillings and ten Pence re main'd for the said Quarter : The Committee were of Opinion that in consideration of the late M' Orton's good Behaviour and his other Services in the School ten Pounds ten Shil lings should be paid to the said M' Bosom worth in full thereof 10. 10. 0. By Mess'8 Skinner and Simson Attorneys to Dan iel Mackay for One Year's Service as Store keeper for the Trustees Servants at Amelia from Nov' Is' 1738 to Nov' l8' 1739 amount ing to One hundred Sixty Eight Pounds South Carolina Currency. Value twenty one Pounds Sterling. Certified by Hugh Mac kay Overseer of the said Servants : Which Appearing to the Committee to be Over Cer tified for fourteen Days of the said Year amounting to Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence Sterling reduces the said Claim to twenty Pounds two Shillings and Six Pence Sterling to the Payment of which the Com mittee have no Objection 20. 2. 6 By Andrew Grant Attorney to Thomas Dawson Carpenter for One hundred and Eighty four Days Work in raising and finishing the Store house in Fort S' Andrew on Cumberland 412 COLONIAL RECORDS. Island between May 15'" 1737 and Decem ber the 15*" following Which Storehouse was used by the Trustees ; And being duly Cer tified and the Service Incurr'd whilst the Se curity of the Colony was in the Care of the Trustees; The Committee have no Objection to the said Claim. Amounting at three Shil lings a Day to the Sum of 27. 12. 0 By John Terry in consideration of his Care of the Highland Passengers on board the Loyal Ju dith in the Year 1741. represented in his Let ter dated June 17'" 1742 Mr Vigera being al lowed twenty five Pounds for his Care of the Saltzburgh Passengers on board the said Ship ; And it Appearing to the Satisfaction of the Committee that the said John Terry was very carefull and instrumental in preserving the healths of the Passengers during the Voyage. They are of Opinion that the same Allow ance should be made to the said John Terry as was made to M' Vigera 25. 0. 0 The Committee reported also that Mess'8 Peter and James Cleopas Simond had produc'd a Bill of Exchange drawn on the Trustees by Capt. Patrick Mackay August 18'" 1741 for Eight hundred Eighty Eight Pounds three Shillings and five Pence Sterl. of Five thousand Sev en hundred Seventy three Pounds One Shil ling and Nine Pence half Penny South Car olina Currency computed at Six hundred and fifty <|$> Cent Exchange. Whereof Three thousand four hundred and Seventy three Pounds One Shilling and Nine Pence half Penny is claim'd as a Balance due to the said Capt. Mackay for an Independent Com pany from March 1" 173| to March Is' 173|. And two thousand three hundred Pounds the Residue is claim'd for the said Captain Mac- kay's Pay as Agent for Indian Affairs from COLONIAL RECORDS. 413 Aprill 27'" 1734 to Feb'y 27 173f . Which respective Claims were taken into Considera tion by the Committee; And it Appearing by a Report of the Committee of the Assem bly of South Carolina on Indian Affairs upon a Conference with M' Oglethorpe March the 9th 173| at Charles Town in South Carolina Whom the Assembly sent for to advise with concerning the State of the Indian Nations, and the proper Method to render both South Carolina and Georgia more secure by increas ing a Strength in the Indian Countries in Establishing a Garrison, among the . Upper Creeks ; That M' Oglethorpe was desired by them to countenance and engage in Exe cuting the said Design, and that he did en gage therein upon the Condition that the Province of South Carolina would grant to the Trustees of Georgia an Equivalent for two Years, Which the said Committee on In dian Affairs computed would amount to four thousand Pounds the first Year 1734, and four thousand Pounds the second Year And it Appearing that by the Act for raising Money for the Charges of the Government of the said Province of South Carolina for the Year ending March 25* 1734 The Sum of Two thousand three hundred and twenty Pounds only was granted to the Trustees for the Colony of Georgia for settling a Garrison in the Creek Nation ; Which Sum has never been receiv'd from the Province of South Carolina, Nor have they ever granted any further Sum for the said Service ; The Com mittee are therefore of Opinion, That if any thing shall appear due to the said Capt. Mackay on Account of such Independent Company, The Province of South Carolina (at whose Request the said Company was 414 COLONIAL RECORDS. Established by M' Oglethorpe) is answerable for the same ; And That if any Difficulties shall arise therein the said Capt. Mackay must apply to Brigadier General Oglethorpe concerning the same For the Trustees are only Nominal for facilitating the said Serv ice and are no ways concern'd therein . And with respect to Capt. Mackay's Claim as Agent for Indian Affairs, Which he would endeavor to support under M' Oglethorpe's Instructions Dated Aprill 27'" 1734. The Committee are of Opinion that the said In structions appear no Other than a Connection with those Instructions Which Mr. Oglethorpe gave him the same Day relating to the Fort and Garrison in the Creek Nation ; And if Capt. Mackay was in the Character of such Agent for Indian Affairs at all, it could not be otherwise than by the Authority of the Province of South Carolina under their Act for regulating the Trade with the Indians ; For the Trustees had at that time no Au thority, nor could Mr. Oglethorpe have any to appoint such Agent ; There being no Act for Regulating the Trade with the Indians in Georgia subsisting till after Midsummer 1 735 to Authorize any Appointment of an Agent for Indian Affairs in Georgia, And the Com mittee are therefore of Opinion that there is not the least foundation for any such Claim on the Trustees ; But if Capt. Mackay has done any Service therein, he must claim a Satisfaction for the same from the Province of South Carolina And the Committee taking into consideration What Allowance may be proper for the Trustees t© make for House Rent, Messenger Coals and Candles for their Office in Queen's Square Westminster from Lady Day 1742, COLONIAL RECORDS. 415 When it was remov'd from Palace Court ; And it appearing that the said Charge upon an Average amounted before to Sixty four Pounds Nineteen Shillings and two Pence a Year ; They are of Opinion to allow in lieu thereof after the rate of Sixty Pounds a Year, Which for one Year to Lady Day 1743 is . 60. 0. 0 And the Committee further state that there is due to the Secretary and Accountant for their Salaries for half a Year to Christmas last 150. 0. 0 The Committee finding by the Secretary's Letter from England Dated Aprill 4'" 1741 That the Servants out of their time, Who had been indented to the Trustees, and Who should settle in the Colony, should be assisted with a Cow a Calf and a Sow and the usual Work ing Tools to Each Man; And with One Year's Maintenance whilst going on in their Cultivation at the rate of Eight Pence a Day Each Man and Six Pence a Day Each Wo man ; Which Encouragement may be neces sary, and is so reported by the Trustees to be extended to all Servants, Whose Service, having not been less than four Years, shall expire in the ensuing Year ; They are of Opinion that the least Appropriation for this Service must be stated at 800. 0. 0. And it further Appearing to the Committee by the aforesaid Letter that to encourage Cultiva tion a Bounty was promis'd of One Shilling a Bushel upon Corn, six Pence a Bushel upon Pease, And three Pence a Bushel upon Pota toes raised in Georgia between Christmas 1741 and Christmas 1742, Claims whereon may have been made, But no Accounts there of being yet arrived, The Committee could not state the same, But were of Opinion from the Accounts return'd to England of the Charges defray'd in Georgia compared with 416 COLONIAL RECORDS. the Amount of the Sola Bills sent over for that purpose ; That there is a sufficient Re mainder to answer such Bounties and the Ex pences of the Colony till Midsummer 1743. But the Committee are of opinion that no such Bounties ought to be given hereafter ; And the rather as Assistance with Servants will prove a better Encouragement to Indus trious Inhabitants and will sooner advance the further Settling and Improving the Colony. That in the next Place the Committee have prepared the following Estimate of the Ex pences Which they are of Opinion will be necessary to be continued for a Year in Geor gia in lieu of the former Estimate Which commenc'd at Michaelmas 1739, and which they think ought now to cease. The Administration of the Civil Govern ment of the Whole Province being propos'd to be vested in a President. The Allowance to be. £ To the President 80. 0. 0 The first Bailiff at Savanah having a larger Salary than the Other two to act as first Assistant without any further Allowance. To the Second and third Bailiff at Sa vanah, Who are to act as two more of the Assistants at ten Pounds Each for this trouble . . 20. 0. 0. To a fourth Assistant 20. 0. 0. To the Clerk to the President and Assistants 5. 0. 0 To the Secretary to the Trust within ' the Province 100. 0. 0 To a Clerk to him 25. 0. 0 125. 0. 0 125. 0.. 0 COLONIAL RECORDS. 417 To the first Bailiff at Savanah at thirty Pounds a Year and for the main tenance and Cloathing of two Servants at twelve Pounds three Shillings and four Pence Each . To the Second and Third Bailiffs at Savanah at twenty Pounds a Year Each and for the Mainte nance and Cloathing of two Serv ants for Each of them at twelve Pounds three Shillings and four Pence Each of them .... To the Recorder at Savanah at twenty Pounds a Year his Clerk at twenty Pounds a Year and for the Maintenance and Cloathing of a Servant at twelve Pounds three Shillings and four Pence To two Constables at Savanah at ten Pounds a Year Each of them . . To ten Tything men at Savanah at five Pounds Each To a Schoolmaster at Savanah ... 10. 0. 0. And in consideration of his teaching all the Children sent to him without any Expence to them or their Friends a further Allowance of 10. 0. 0 54. 6. 8. 13. 4. 52. 3. 4 20. 0. 0. 50. 0. 0 195. 3. 4 To the Parish Clerk at Savanah . . To the Publick Midwife at Savanah besides five Shillings Each time for laying [27 c. r.] 20. 0. 0 5. 0. 0. 5. 0. 0 418 COLONIAL RECORDS. To the Gardiner at Savanah ... 20. 0. 0 For mending the Militia Arms at Savanah 15. 0. 0 135. 0. 0 To the Schoolmaster at Ebenezer 5. 0. 0 To the Pilot at Tybee 40. 0. 0 And to One Man with Provisions for assisting him 10. 0. 0 To the first Bailiff at Frederica at thirty Pounds a Year and for the Maintenance and Cloathing of a Servant at twelve Pounds three Shillings and four Pence ... 42. 3. 4. To the Second and third Bailiffs at Frederica at fifteen Pounds a Year Each 30. 0. 0 And in consideration of the smallness of that Allowance, and to encour age them to discharge their Duty faithfully, Each of them to be al low'd twelve Pounds three Shil lings and four Pence for the Maintenance and Cloathing of a Servant 24. 6. 8 To the Recorder of Frederica at twenty Pounds a Year and for the maintenance and Cloathing of a Servant at twelve Pounds three Shillings and four Pence . 32. 3. 4 To him as Correspondent with the President and Assistants . . . 10. 0. 0. And for his Additional Trouble in the said Correspondence since the 50. 0. 0 96. 10. 0 COLONIAL RECORDS. 419 President and Assistants are ap pointed for the whole Province . 10. 0. 0 To the Parish Clerk at Frederica . . 5. 0. 0 To the Publick Midwife besides five Shillings Each time for laying . 5. 0. 0 To two Constables at Frederica at ten Pounds a Year Each .... 20. 0. 0 To the two Pilots at Jekyll and S' Simons One at Each Entrance at twenty Pounds a Year Each For Repairing the Indian Arms For Relief of the Sick and Poor in the Province . For an Allowance to Widow Vanderplank (Whose husband was Naval Officer) for the Maintenance and Cloathing of a Servant . For Expences in the Execution of Justice in Cap ital Cases in the whole Province .... To M'8 Camuse and her Family in consideration of their winding off the Silk annually pro duc'd and sending it over to England For all Extraordinaries necessary in the winding off the said Silk not Exceeding For Charges of the Indians When they come to the Towns in Georgia For Presents to the Indians to be sent from Eng land, including all Charges thereof . For Charges at the Cow-Pen at Ebenezer not ex ceeding N B. An Account to be sent of the Stock of Cattle there, and the use of the said Cow pen to the Trust, And whether the Expence thereof is necessary to be born by the Trust. For a Chest of Medicines For a Surgeon and Apothecary to dispense the same N. B. a House and fifty Acres of Land for him besides. 52. 3. 4 30. 0. 0 40. 0. 0. 20. 0. 0 50. ' 0. 0 12. 3. 4. 50. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 15. 0. 0. 100. 0. 0 250. 0. 0 70. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 420 COLONIAL RECORDS. For all other Incident Charges Whatsoever in the whole Province not exceeding 350. 0. 0 N. B. The Register and Surveyor of Lands are not yet provided for. The Committee on considering what Encourage ment might be necessary for the Production of Raw Silk in Georgia were of the following Opinion. That a Bounty of One Shilling and sixpence a Pound for One Year on Coquons or Silk Balls raised in Georgia and Deliver'd duly attested to the President and Assistants to be so raised, should be allow'd and paid by them ; And that the said Coquons should be deliver'd by order of the President and Assistants to M'8 Camuse to be winded off, in consideration of the Allowance granted to her ; And That the Silk produc'd from the said Coquons should be sent over by the President and Assistants to England for sale by order of the Trustees to make good the said Bounty, And that the Appropriation for this Service should be 100. 0. 0 They were likewise of opinion that the President and Assistants should be directed to appoint ten Persons in the Province to be plac'd with M'8 Camuse in order to be instructed in the Art of winding off the Silk And that two Pounds should be paid to M'a Camuse for Each of them at their Entrance, And five Pounds more for Each of them when per fectly Instructed 70. 0. 0 And that during the several times such Persons shall be under the said Instruction, An Al lowance of five Shillings a Week should be paid for the Maintenance of Each of them not exceeding six Months in the Whole, or six Pounds ten Shillings for Each of them . . 65. 0. 0 The Committee having also consider'd the Main tenance of Servants in Georgia, indented to COLONIAL RECORDS. 421 the Trustees, Whose Services are not yet ex pired, are of Opinion to appropriate for their Maintenance and Cloathing untill their Serv ices expire, or they are freed, or otherwise dispos'd of, the Sum of 300. 0. 0 And in order to assist the Industrious Inhabitants and advance the further settling of the Col ony, The Committee think it necessary to send over thirty Servants to be deliver'd to such Persons as the President and Assistants shall appoint, Which Persons are to engage to maintain and cloath them in consideration of their serving five Years from their Arrival in Georgia, the Servants being to be allow'd One Day in a Week to work on their own Land ; And to be so deliver'd at the Expence of Eight Pounds each Servant free of all other Charges 240. 0. 0 And to facilitate the getting of the said Servants and encourage foreign Protestants to go over at their own Expence to settle in Georgia ; The Committee propose that they should be assisted on their beginning to cultivate in the following manner Viz' Each Person of four teen Years old and under sixty to be allow'd fifty Shillings ; And Each Person of six years old and under fourteen twenty five Shillings to be paid them in four Payments within the first Year after their Arrival, and the first Payment to be made on their going to settle, and the Others according to the use they make of the former, as the President and As sistants shall appoint ; Which for thirty at fifty Shillings, and forty at twenty five Shil lings Each amounts to 125. 0. 0 £ 4484. 1. 101 In order that a Supply may be sent in due time to answer the Ex pences in Georgia, The Committee are of Opinion that Directions should 422 COLONIAL RECORDS. be given for the preparing and making out (after the Money granted this last Session of Parliament for the further settling the Colony shall be re ceiv'd at the Exchequer) Sola Bills for two thousand Pounds to be dated, seal'd and sign'd on such Days, and sent over at such times as the Com mittee of Accounts shall direct and appoint. The Committee on Examining the Sums depending on several Persons in America for want of their Accounts being transmitted of the Appli cation of the said Sums have inserted the Names (as follow) of the Per sons so Accountable And the Sums they are charg'd with in order that Directions may be given for requiring them immediately to account for the same. Viz' James Oglethorpe Esq' expended for £. s. d. the Colony before Michaelmas 1739 for Which Accounts have not yet been receiv'd .... 3670. 13. 1| And in the Maintenance of Servants to be made good to the Fund for building of Churches .... 371. 15. 0 And in like Maintenance to be made good for the Religious Uses of the Colony 130. 0. 0. Thomas Jones 12. 0. 0 And in the Maintenance of Servants to be made good to the Religious Uses of the Colony .... 60. 0. 0 4172. 8. If 72. 0. 0 Francis Moore for furnishing the Storehouse at Frederica in the Year 1736 1489. 10. Oi And upon Account for defraying the Estimated Expences at Frederica from Michaelmas 1739 . . . 400. 0. 0. 1889. 10. 01 Thomas Causton expended before October 1738 270. 0. 2\ Richard White Storekeeper at Frederica ... 17. 7. 0. COLONIAL RECORDS. 423 And the Committee find that Thomas Jones had paid at Savanah to Mess'8 Whitefield and Seward towards building a Church there, Which the Trustees paid out of the One hun dred Seventy One Pounds five Shillings and Seven Pence appropriated for that Service, Which M' Whitefield is accountable for . . 150. 0. 0. £.6571. 5. 4f Resolved That the Common Council do agree to this Report of the Committee of Accofunts. Resolved That the Several Persons Who are charg'd as Accountable to the Trust for the foregoing Sums be immediately call'd on to Account for the same. Resolved That When the Money granted in the last Session of Parliament for the further Settling of the Colony shall be receiv'd from the Exchequer. Sola Bills to the value of two thousand Pounds be prepared ; And that they be Dated Seal'd and sign'd on 6uch Days as the Committee of Ac counts shall Direct, and sent over to the Colony at such times as they shall think proper. Order'd That a fair Transcript be made of that Part of the Report from the Committee of Accounts Which relates to Capt. Patrick Mackay's Claim, and that it be given to Mess'8 Simond. Resolved That thirty Men Servants be sent over to Georgia And that the Ac countant do make an Inquiry among the proper Persons about the Means of procuring them. Adjourn'd 424 COLONIAL RECORDS. Queen's Square Westminster Monday May 2 1743 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Smith in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel M' Vernon M' Digby M' Eyre Mr Tuffnel M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Henry Archer. Read a Report from the Trustees dated Aprill 30*" 1743 That they having taken into consideration M' Stephens's Letter of January 22. 174| in which he refers to his Journal of the 23d 24'" 25'" and 26'" Days of August 1741 containing several Passages relating to the Ship Caesar, Which was found in the Offing at Tybee, and brought in by James Dor mer, Which Ship had been taken by a Spanish Privateer on the Coast of Virginia, and afterwards quitted by the Spaniards, and had no other Goods in her but some Rum Melasses Flower and Biscuit, and Eighteen Persons Who had been taken in other Ships by the Spaniards, and dis pos'd of by them in this Ship, Which is worth about four or five hun dred Pounds ; were of Opinion that Extracts should be made of all the Passages in the Aforesaid Letter and Journal and laid before a Civilian for his Advice in what manner the said Ship ought to be dispos'd of. Resolved That Extracts be made of all the Passages in M' Stephens's Letter and Journal aforesaid relating to the Ship Csesar, and laid before some emi nent Civilian for his Advice in what manner the said Ship is to be dispos'd of. Read a Report from the Trustees recommending Lieutenant Patrick Sutherland, and Lieutenant Charles Mackay for Grants of five hundred Acres of Land to Each of them ; They having been recommended for the same by Brigadier General Oglethorpe in a Letter dated August 5'" 1742. COLONIAL RECORDS. 425 Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land about sixteen Miles from Darien be made to Lieutenant Patrick Sutherland Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land be made to Lieutenant Charles Mackay. Read a further Report from the Trustees That having receiv'd a Peti tion of Thomas Sumner Praying for a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land on a River side near Frederica, and the Passage of six Servants to cultivate the same They had Resolved to recommend it to the Common Council. Resolved That in consideration of the Services of the said Thomas Sumner in having rebuilt the Light House at Tybee A Grant of five hundred Acres of Land on a River Side near Frederica be made to the said Thomas Sumner in Trust for himself and such Men Servants as he shall carry over with him ; Whereof fifty Acres shall be set out for Each Servant Indented to him for the Term of five Years, Who shall be Allow'd by his Master One Day in the Week for Working on his own Lands. Resolved That the Passage of his Servants not Exceeding the Number of Six be paid by the Trust on condition that he shall stipulate to employ the said Servants in his own Service, and not to let them out for hire to Others. Read a further Report from the Trustees recommending the Memorial of Capt. George Dunbar ; And Upon Reading the said Memorial Resolved That the Passage of Sixty Freights of Women and Children belonging to the Recruits Which the said Capt. George Dunbar shall carry over with him be paid by the Trust ; And that Six Pence a Day be Allow'd for Each Freight for two Months before their Embarkation. Upon Reading the State of Ebenezer sign'd John Martin Bolzius De cember the 4'" 1742 Wherein it appears that the Sum of thirty Seven Pounds Sterling was due from the People at Ebenezer to the Trust Store. Resolved That for the Encouragement of the Saltzburghers the said Sum of thirty Seven Pounds be remitted. Resolved That the Letter from M' Bolzius and M' Gronau dated December 18'" 1742 And the State of Ebenezer be printed in One of the publick Papers, 426 COLONIAL RECORDS. And that printed Copies of the same be sent to the Revd Mr Ziegenhagen in order to be transmitted to the Rev* M' Urlsperger. Resolved That the Grant of a Freehold Lot in the Town of Savanah to Col Heron Which was made by the President and Assistants be confirm'd. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts on their Proceedings Aprill 23d and 30'" 1743 to the following Purport. Viz' That they were of Opinion, That an Allowance for the Maintenance and Clothing of two Servants at twelve Pounds three Shillings and four Pence a Year Each to be Employ'd in the Cultivation of three hundred Acres of Land Appropriated for the residing Minister at Savanah was proper to be made. That they had consider'd of Joseph Avery's Claim to execute the Office of Register as Part of the Duty of Land Surveyor, and were of Opinion that such Claim should not be Agreed to, because the said Offices are proper Checks on Each Other, and ought to be Executed by different Persons ; And therefore that the Salary of twenty Pounds a Year should be continued to a Register. And as to the Allowance proper to be made to the Land Surveyor, And the Instructions necessary to regulate the Execution of the said Office, The Committee were of Opinion, That an Allowance of four pence an Acre should be paid to the Land Surveyor by the President and As sistants for the setting out all such Lands, making Plots thereof for the Register, and delivering a Book of Duplicates to the President and As sistants as they shall direct ; And in case the Land Surveyor shall not absent himself without leave from them, nor neglect the Necessary Work they shall employ him in, And proceed in making a General Survey of the Province in such manner only, and at such times and Places as they shall direct ; And at the end of Each Year the said Allowance of four pence an Acre shall in any One Year fall short of One hundred Pounds ; The Committee were of Opinion, that the President and Assistants may on such Conditions being perform'd be Authoris'd to make up any such Deficiency to the Sum of One hundred Pounds ; And The Committee recommend it to the Consideration of the Common Council to refer it to the Committee of Correspondence to prepare proper Instructions for the Executing the said Office of Land Surveyor ; And that after the Law is ratified for settling the Tenures of Land in Georgia The said Commit tee of Correspondence may be directed to prepare proper Instructions likewise for the Executing of the Office of Register. 150. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 150. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 £550. 0. 0 COLONIAL RECORDS. 427 That the Committee then proceeded to consider of the Trustees Charges in England and have computed the same as follows Viz' £ To the Secretary at One hundred and fifty Pounds a Year More to him for Extraordinary Services . To the Accountant at One hundred and fifty Pounds a Year More to him for Extraordinary Services . For House Rent Messenger Maid Servant and Coals and Candles for the Office at sixty Pounds a Year as before reported .... For Ordinary Clerkship at fifty Pounds a Year . And for Stationary Ware and printing and Mar bling Sola Bills That the Committee Observing by M' Stephens's Letter March the 20'" 174-5- That he recommends it as an Encouragement to the Register of the Province for him to be appointed also Secretary under the Act for reg ulating the Trade with the Indians, They are of Opinion that M' Dobell the present Register should be Appointed Secretary for Indian Affairs under the said Act. That the Committee recommend it to the Common Council to order a Case to be drawn out from the Letters Journals and Papers in the Office relating to the Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds paid into the hands of M' Whitefield in Georgia towards building a Church, and by him alleg'd to be paid over to M' Habersham there, and showing how they shift off accounting for the same the One to the Other. And that such Case be refer'd to the Consideration of the following Gentlemen in the Trust, Vizt M' Henry Archer M' Thomas Tower M' Eyre M' Philipps M' Bathurst Mr Holland and M' Wright or any two of them for their Opinion in what manner the said Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds may be recover'd from M' Whitefield in England, or M' Habersham in Georgia. That the Committee observing that a Clerk under the Direction of the President and Assistants is necessary to be Employ'd for keeping the Cash Accounts in Georgia, and entering the Payments there under the different Heads of Service, And making Copies thereof for the President 428 COLONIAL RECORDS. and Assistants to send to England ; They are of Opinion, that thirty Pounds a Year should be allow'd for that service. That the Committee on perusing M' Stephens's Journal of May 26'" 1742 do find by an Experiment made pursuant to the Directions of the Trustees ; That One Pound of Coquons or Silk Balls produces two Ounces of Silk wanting half a Quarter of an Ounce ; Whereby Eight Pounds of Coquons will produce fifteen Ounces of Silk ; And as the Encouraging this Produce by a Bounty on the Coquons is very necessary ; The Committee propose that the Bounty of One Shil ling and Six Pence a Pound mention'd in the last Report (Which was computed on the Calculation of twelve Pounds of Coquons producing only One Pound of Silk, Whereas as appears by the said Experiment it will produce twenty two Ounces and an half) be increas'd to two Shillings a Pound of Coquons or Silk Balls raised in Georgia. And the Committee further propose as an Encouragement to M'8 Cam- use (the Only Piedmontese in Georgia Who understands the Art of wind ing Silk) That in Case She shall perform Every thing required from her, in the Committee's last Report, to the Satisfaction of the President and Assistants, and shall hereafter become incapable of carrying on that Work, Whereby the Allowance of Sixty Pounds a Year (Which is made by the Estimate to her) shall cease, That then some Provision shall be made for her future Support, in consideration of her said Services. That M' Stephens having lately sent over the Account of Payments in Georgia for the Month of December last, and it appearing by his Jour nal in that Month, That the Trust Servants were out of their time, and by the said Account that twenty five Pounds had been paid for Working Tools for twenty five of them to proceed in the Cultivation of their Lands ; The Committee are of Opinion that the Sum of three hundred Pounds Appropriated pursuant to their last Report for the Maintenance of Trust Servants untill their Service should expire, need not now be reserv'd. That the Committee having computed the Additional Annual Ex pences in Georgia propos'd by this Report to the One thousand seven hundred and Eleven Pounds a Year therein Resolv'd on by the Common Council pursuant to their former Report, They amount together to the Sum of two thousand and Eighty five Pounds six Shillings and Eight Pence a Year ; Whereof two hundred and fifty Pounds in Presents to the Indians and Sixty Pounds for a Chest of Medicines are to be provided in England, Which reduces the Account of the said Expences to be sent COLONIAL RECORDS. 429 over to Georgia to the Sum of One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy five Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence ; And the Committee are of Opinion that the said Account should be sent over to Georgia as soon as may be with positive Restrictions, neither to create, nor defray any Other Expences Whatsoever, than What are provided for ; And to be carefull not to exceed any Article of such Expence, but to make all possible Savings in the general Articles therein provided for. That the Committee having a Letter laid before them from M' Thomas Eyre setting forth that he had receiv'd only forty three Pounds in part of a Credit of fifty Pounds Sterling Allow'd to him on his going into the Indian Nation as Deputy Agent to the Trustees in the Cherokee Nation in the Year 1739 in relation to the use of Rum among the Indians ; They are of Opinion that the Sum of Seven Pounds the Residue thereof ought to be paid to the Attorney of the said M' Thomas Eyre. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to this Report of the Committee of Accounts. Resolved That M' John Dobell (the Register of the Province) be appointed Secretary for Indian Affairs under the Act for Regulating the Trade with the Indians. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to prepare proper Instructions for Executing the Office of Register of the Province after the Law is ratified for settling the Tenures of Lands in Georgia Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to prepare proper Instructions for Executing the Office of Land Surveyor. Resolved That the two Trust Grants of three hundred Acres of Land in Each for Religious Uses at Savanah and Frederica be Revoked ; And that two Grants of three hundred Acres Each of the best kind of Land as before Order'd be made out in Trust for the use of residing and Officiating Ministers at Savanah and Frederica ; And That the Trustees be empow er'd to affix the Seal of the Corporation to the said Grants, And that the Secretary do countersign the same ; But that the sending over of the Grant for Frederica be postpon'd. Resolved That proper Deeds and Instructions be prepared for Appointing the 430 COLONIAL RECORDS. President and Assistants at Savanah President and Assistants of the Whole Province agreeable to the Appointments and Instructions for the Northern Part ; And for Appointing (in case of M' Stephens's Death) the Assistants to exercise the full Power of President and Assistants ; And the first Assistant to preside till they receive the Trustees further Orders ; And that the Trustees be empower'd to affix the Seal of the Corporation to the said Deeds and Instructions, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That it be refer'd to Mr Henry Archer M' Thomas Tower Mr Eyre M' Philipps M' Bathurst M' Holland and Mr Wright or Any two of them to prepare a proper Form for new Grants of Land to the Inhabitants of Georgia Agreeable to the Act for settling the Tenures of Lands When Ratified. Resolved That the Trustees be impower'd to affix the Seal of the Corporation to such new Grants as shall be prepared in pursuance of the Act for Set tling the Tenures in lieu of the Grants heretofore made, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That the Trustees be empower'd to affix the Seal to all the Several Grants to be made out pursuant to the Resolutions of the Common Coun cil of the 8'" of March the 18'" of the last Month, and of this Day. And that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That Orders be sent to the President and Assistants to direct that a true and exact Register be immediately made of all the several Grants of Land in Georgia, A Copy Whereof is to be sent to the Trustees ; And that Copies of the particular Grants When Register'd be deliver'd to the Respective Grantees Resolved That publick Notice be given in the Province of Georgia of the said Order, that all the Grantees of Land may set forth their respective Claims and their Interest therein. Resolved That William Stephens Esq' do appoint the proper Assistance to the Register of the Province in carrying on the said Work, And that he do see it perform'd without Delay, And that he do pay What shall appear to him and the Assistants a proper Allowance for the said Service COLONIAL RECORDS. 431 Resolved That Directions be sent to M' Stephens to use the utmost Diligence and Dispatch in building of the Church at Savanah. Resolved That three hundred Pair of Mens Shoes and two hundred Pair of Wo- mens Shoes be bespoke of William *Holliock to be sent to Georgia, as Part of the Estimated Expences in Georgia. Resolved That the Committee of Accounts consisting of at least five in Number be empower'd to draw on the Bank of England for Sums not exceeding the Debts and Services, Which are already Approved of by the Common Council, at such time6, and in such Proportions as the said Committee shall think fit. Resolved That the Accountant do wait on the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and desire that they will accept of a Letter of Attorney from this Corporation to receive the twelve thousand Pounds granted in the last Session of Parliament, and place it to the Account of this Corporation. Adjourn'd. Queen's Square Westminster Monday December 5'" 1743 Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Shaftesbury in the Chair M' Vernon M' Chandler S' John Philipps S' John Barrington General Oglethorpe M' Laroche M' Holland M' Digby M' Tuffnel D' Hales M' Smith. The H is not quite clear— it may be a K. 432 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Petition of Thomas Hird first Constable of the Town of Fred erica setting forth his Improvements on an Island first Discover'd by him and call'd Hird's Island ; And Praying the Trustees Confirmation to him of the said Island, And that he may be assisted with a Man Servant to improve his Plantation, and likewise Praying the Payment of such salary as the Trustees shall please to allow for the Discharge of his Office for such time as he has not receiv'd any. Resolved That the said Petition be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Resolved That the Memorial of Robert Ellis and Edward Jones dated Novem ber 9'" 1742 relating to the Ship Caesar at Savanah be refer'd to the Com mittee of Accounts. Resolved That the Letter from M' Robert Ellis dated November 4'" 1742 about his Account with the Trust be refer'd to the said Committee Resolved That Capt Mark Carr's Claim of Bounty Money amounting to the Sum of fifty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings, And M'8 Elizabeth Harrison's Claim for Eight Pounds Nine Shillings for Acting as Publick Midwife at Frederica from November Is' 1741 be refer'd to the said Committee. Resolved That a Letter from John Brownfield dated August 2. 1743 Desiring leave of Alienation of his Houses to Messieurs John and Joseph Tuckwell or their Assigns till such time as his Debts to them, And his Account in the Trustees Books shall be discharg'd be refer'd to the said Committee. Resolved That no Draughts be made at any time on the Bank of England for any Sums of Money for the payment of Sola Bills unless at a Meeting of Five Members at least of the Common Council in a Committee of Accounts, Who are all to sign the same, And a Report thereof to be made to the next Common Council. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 433 Queen's Square Westminster. Monday December 19'" 1743 Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Chandler in the Chair. Earl of Shaftesbury Mr Vernon M' Eyre M' Laroche M' Holland S' John Barrington M' Smith M' L'apostre M' Tuffnel Read a Report from the Trustees Wherein they recommend it as their Opinion that Capt. Andrew Breading should be engag'd to go over im mediately to Audierne in France ; and use his utmoit Endeavours for recovering a Box of Papers mark'd C G Consign'd to the Trust, Which was in his Ship the Britannia when taken by the Spaniards and carried into Audierne ; As the said Box may contain some Plans and Descrip tions of the Country, The Discovery of Which by the Spaniards may be dangerous to the Colony, and prejudicial to the Publick. Resolved That forty Guineas be given to Captain Andrew Breading on condition that he shall set out Directly in order to go to Audierne in France, and use his utmost Endeavours to regain the aforesaid Box mark'd C G. con sign'd to the Trust, and left in his Ship the Britannia, which was taken by the Spaniards October 19'" 1743 and carried into the said Port ; And That if the said Capt Breading brings the said Box to the Trustees a fur ther Consideration shall be given him for his trouble. The Accountant acquainted the Board that the Revd Mr Norris at tended in relation to his former Claim. Order'd That the Accountant do acquaint Mr Norris that the Subject Matter of his Claim has been already consider'd and determin'd by the Commit tee of Accounts and the Common Council Aprill 18'" 1743; And the Money Appearing to be due to him was then order'd to be paid ; And the Common Council do not find any Reason for reconsidering his Claim. Adjourn'd. [28 c. r.] 434 COLONIAL RECORDS. Queen's Square Westminster Monday January 30'" 174| Presen^ in Common Council Assembled. M' Eyre in the Chair. M' Vernon Earl of Shaftesbury M' Digby S' John Philipps Gen1 Oglethorpe Sr John Barrington M' Holland M' Smith Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held this day Janu ary 30'" Setting forth That they had taken into consideration the Claim of Mr Thomas Hawkins as first Bailiff of Frederica, Which he stated at Ninety four Pounds four Shillings ; That on examining the same They find that his Allowance as first Bailiff is thirty Pounds a Year, and twelve pounds three Shillings and four pence a Year for the clothing and maintenance of a Servant ; And four pounds a Year for the Expence of rejoicing Days amounting together to Forty six pounds three Shil lings and four pence a Year ; Which for two Years amount to Ninety two pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence. And it also appearing to them that Two pounds ten Shillings more became due to him at Lady Day 1742 for three Months Allowance as Correspondent with William Stephens Esq' ; The Whole appears to be Ninety four pounds sixteen Shillings and Eight pence, Which Sum exceeds his Claim the sum of twelve Shillings and Eight pence. On Which Claim the Committee finding by Accounts from Georgia That upon the fifth of May 1742 Fourteen Pounds and ten pence is en ter'd as paid to M' Hawkins for One Quarter's Salary and Allowances to Lady Day 1742 as ^> Receipt (alledg'd to be in Georgia) The Committee are of Opinion that the said Claim of M' Hawkins should commence from Lady Day 1742 with this Reserve That if such Payment is not proved by Receipt to be then made M' Hawkins is to receive the same. And General Oglethorpe mentioning that he brought M' Hawkins over with him in order to state right the misrepresented Facts of the Colony. Therefore the Committee submit it to the Common Council how far the said Salary and Allowances ought to be paid as so claim'd to Christmas COLONIAL RECORDS. 435 last ; Which for the said One Year and three quarters from Lady Day 1742 at Forty six pounds three Shillings and four pence a Year amounts to Eighty Pounds fifteen Shillings and ten pence. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report, and that the Salary be paid to M' Hawkins to Christmas last for the special Reasons set forth in the Report from the Committee of Accounts. Read a further Report from the said Committee That they had taken into consideration M' Thomas Hawkins's Claim of Two Pounds for the Bounty of Forty Bushels of Corn raised in the Year 1739, And Five Pounds Eighteen Shillings for the Bounty of One hundred Bushels of Corn, six Bushels of Pease and sixty Bushels of Potatoes raised in the Year 1742 Which the Committee have no Objection to, the said Produce being duly Certified That the Committee had likewise considered M' Hawkins's Claim of Fifty pounds for two Years Service of a Boat and two Hands ; And Reading the Proceedings of the Common Council November 21s' 1741 on the said Claim, The Committee were of opinion to adhere thereto. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Read a Letter from Mr. John Read dated Custom House Cowes Jan'y 2 i8' 1743 relating to Capt. Andrew Breading, Whom he saw at his first land ing from France after his being taken by the Spaniards ; That he saw him likewise the 22d of- last Month, When Capt. Breading said he was going to hire a Vessel to carry him to France in order to ransom his Ship ; That he did accordingly hire a Vessel and sail'd the 26th. That before he sail'd he told another Captain that his Chief Business was to try to get some papers relating to Georgia, that were on board his Ship. That M' Read spoke with the man who carried Capt. Breading over, who said he had landed him at Morlaix ; And that Capt. Breading carried nothing with him except a very small Cloak Bag which might hold two or three Shirts, and that the Captain gave him ten Guineas. That Capt. Breading landed again at Cowes the 9'" Instant out of a small Sloop that took him as the Master and Captain Breading said out of a Brigantine about a League to (sic) the West of the Needles. The same Person Who saw him go off saw him soon after he came on Shore, before Whom he related several Par ticulars concerning his getting a Parcel of Papers relating to Georgia out of the Ship at Audierne, And that he was in great hazard of his Life. 436 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read Another Letter from Captain Nicholas Gribble Master of a Brig- antine Dated Bideford January 20'" 174f that he sail'd out of Morlaix the 7" Instant and had Captain Breading on board with a Portmanteau and a Deal Box the Edges of which were lac'd round with tarr'd Can vass. That he landed the said Captain at the Needles Point on the Isle of Wight the 9'" Instant with the Box and all he had on board. Then Captain Andrew Breading's Narrative sign'd by him was like wise Read. Resolved That sixty Guineas be given to Capt. Andrew Breading as a further Consideration for his trouble in recovering the Box of Letters and Papers consign'd to the Trustees out of his Ship at Audierne. Order'd That the Secretary do draw up a Certificate to the Lords Commission ers for Executing the Office of Lord high Admiral of the Conduct and Services of the said Capt Andrew Breading, in order to be laid before the Trustees next Saturday. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held this Day Janu ary 30*" That they were of opinion that Twelve pounds twelve Shillings should be given to M' John Thomas Engineer for his Plan of the Fortifi cations intended for the Province of Georgia ; And That they were of opinion that ten Pounds should be given to the Rev4 M' Driesler, who is gone to Frederica, in order to instruct the Germans at that Place. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Adjourn'd. Queen's Square Westminster. Saturday February 11'" 174| Present in Common Council Assembled S' John Barrington in the Chair M' Vernon M' Eyre Gen1 Oglethorpe M' Holland M' Tuffnel M' Smith M' Digby M' Chandler COLONIAL RECORDS. 437 Resolved That a Special Committee of Accounts be Appointed And that Mr Laroche Mr L'apostre and M' Smith be the said Committee, And Any Gentlemen of the Common Council to have Votes in it ; And that M' Anderson be desired to assist the said Committee. Resolved That the Account of the Bounty upon Corn Pease and Potatoes raised in the Northern Part of the Province in the Year ending December 1742. Amounting to Two hundred Seventy three pounds two Shillings and Seven pence half Penny be refer'd to the said Committee. Resolved That the Petition of the last Transport of Saltzburghers to be Assisted with six Months further Allowance in lieu of Subsistance amounting to two hundred twenty Six pounds twelve Shillings and One Penny be re fer'd to the said Committee. Resolved That Mr Thomas Causton's Petition of January 28'" 1743 and his Pa pers be refer'd to the said Committee. Resolved That Mr Thomas Jones's Account be refer'd to the said Committee. Resolved That the Claim of M' Thomas Andrews be refer'd to the said Com mittee. Resolved That the Table of Fees prepared by the President and Assistants Jan uary 28'" 1741 to be hung up in the Town Court be refer'd to Mr Hol land to report his Opinion thereon. Read Extracts of Several Minutes in the Book of the Proceedings of the President and Assistants relating to their Clerk. Resolved That John Pye be dismiss'd from being Clerk to the President and Assistants. Resolved That Nicholas Rigbye be appointed Clerk to the President and Assist ants in the room of John Pye. Adjourn'd. 438 COLONIAL RECORDS. Queen's Square Westminster. Saturday Aprill 7th 1744. Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Tuffnel in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon Gen1 Oglethorpe Sr John Philipps S' John Barrington M' Digby M' Eyre M' Cornewall M' L'apostre M' Smith. Resolved That M' Patrick Graham be appointed One of the Assistants in the Civil Government of the Province of Georgia with a Salary of twenty pounds ^> Annum. Adjourn'd. Queen's Square Westminster Friday November 30'" 1744 Present in Common Council Assembled S' John Philipps in the Chair M' Vernon M' Digby M' Laroche Lord Tyrconnel S' John Barrington M' Tuffnel M' L'apostre D' Hales M' Tracy Mr Smith Read a Report from a Special Committee of Accounts Appointed to take into consideration Mr Thomas Causton's Accounts, held on Saturday February 25'" 174|, to the following Purport. Viz' COLONIAL RECORDS. 439 That they had read a Petition of Thomas Causton Dated January 28'" 174f , Setting forth, That he hath executed divers Trusts repos'd in him by the Trustees from January 19'" 1732 to October 10'" 1738. That during the said Term it was required from him to issue certain Stipulated Stores, to administer publick Justice, to receive and pay the Cash trans mitted to him, to take the Charge of and provide for the Safety and Welfare of the Colony &c. That by the Trustees Authority the said Thomas Causton was on Oc tober 10*" 1738 Divested of his said Trust, and the several Powers before that time committed to him. That M' William Stephens and M' Thomas Jones did in the Name of the Trustees on or about the 4'" of November 1738 arrest the said Thomas Causton, and oblige him and two Sureties to execute a Bond under the Penalty of two hundred Pounds not to depart the Colony with out License. That the said Thomas Causton on or about the 13th of February 1738 made a Voluntary Oath in Georgia with respect to his just Actings, as also to protest against the illegal Proceedings of William Stephens and Thomas Jones against him. That the said William Stephens & Thomas Jones and M' Henry Par ker, being appointed Commissioners for Accounts in Georgia, have us'd their utmost Endeavours to prevent his just Actings being made manifest to the Trustees. That Notwithstanding he had little Reason to expect any Relief from an Appeal to the Board of Assistants in Georgia, of Which the said William Stephens is President, and his known Enemy ; Yet he did at tend the said Board, and produc'd the same there, And receiv'd for An swer, that they had transmitted to the Trustees a Certificate sign'd by William Stephens and Henry Parker, and would not proceed any fur ther in the Examination of his Account. Whereupon the said Thomas Causton resolv'd to come to England and complain to the Trustees ; And he desires the Trustees will make him a reasonable Allowance to defray his Expences in coming to England That the said M' Thomas Causton being call'd in before the Committee. A Certificate drawn up by him in order to be sign'd by the Commis sioners of Accounts in Georgia was read. A Memorial sign'd by Mr William Stephens and M' Henry Parker dated Aprill 30'" 1743 on Account of the said Certificate was likewise read. 440 COLONIAL RECORDS. The Establishment of Payments to be made in the Colony and In structions to M' Thomas Causton thereupon dated August 11'" 1737 were likewise read. Some Paragraphs out of a Letter from the Accountant dated August 4'" 1738 to M' Thomas Causton relating to his Certifying Accounts after he had acknowledg'd the Receipt of Orders from the Trustees not to cer tify any more, were likewise read. And the said Committee thereupon Order'd that M' Thomas Causton should attend the Accountant before the Saturday following being March the 3d 174f and produce the Orders at any time given to him for issuing any Sums exceeding the Establishments sent to him. Read Another Report from the Special Committee on M' Thomas Causton's Accounts, held on Saturday November 17th 1744, to the fol lowing Purport. Viz' That they had read the Minutes of the last Committee on the Petition of M' Thomas Causton dated January 28'" 174f , Wherein M' Causton was order'd to produce to the Accountant his Orders for issuing any Sums exceeding the Establishment sent to him ; And the Accountant laying before the Committee a Narrative by way of Letter which he re ceiv'd from M' Causton Dated the 6'" of March last. The same was read. And the following State of his Accounts made out from the Materials the Trustees Accountant was furnish'd with being also laid before the Committee and read Viz' An Account of Cash receiv'd and paid by him from Lady Day 1734 to February the 5'" 1735 When M' Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia, and accounted with the Trust to the twenty second of November following. An Account of Cash receiv'd and paid by M' Thomas Causton from November 2. 1736 When M' Oglethorpe sail'd for England to October 10'" 1738, When M' Causton deliver'd up the Trustees Store at Savanah to M' Thomas Jones. An Account of Cargoes received by M' Thomas Causton, and a Gen eral Abstract of the whole Transactions That then the Committee came to the following Resolutions. Viz' That it was their Opinion That the Books and Vouchers in Georgia supporting the said Accounts should be forthwith sent for, And That Mr Thomas Causton should be directed to make out a List of those particu lar Books and Papers which were necessary for that Purpose. And That it was their Opinion, That in consideration of M' Causton's Attendance to make out the Accounts that day presented the Sum of COLONIAL RECORDS. 441 twenty Pounds should be allow'd him, And half a Guinea a Week from that Day November 17'" 1744 for his Subsistance during the time his At tendance may be required by the Trustees for making up his Accounts. A Memorial of Mr Thomas Causton's Dated this present 30'" of No vember Stating his Demands on the Trust, And Offering either to go over to Georgia and settle his Accounts with the Commissioners there, or to stay and settle them here as it shall seem most proper to the Trus tees was likewise read. Then the Common Council proceeded to take into Consideration the said Memorial and the two Reports from the Committee of Accounts ; And having duly consider'd the Danger Which might attend the bring ing over in a time of War the Books and Vouchers at present in Geor gia, Which may be necessary for settling the said Thomas Causton's Ac counts. Resolved That M' Thomas Causton be directed to return to the Colony of Geor gia in order to settle his Accounts there with the Commissioners for Stat ing the Publick Accounts. Resolved That the Trustees will defray the Passage of M' Causton to Georgia by Capt. William Thomson or by the first Ship that go's thither. Resolved That the Trustees will give the said Thomas Causton the Sum of twenty Pounds and will allow him ten Shillings and Six Pence a Week for his Maintenance till he go's. Provided he shall go with Capt. Wil liam Thomson or the first Ship that go's to Georgia. Resolved That the President and Assistants be impower'd to pay to Mr Thomas Causton the Sum of twenty Pounds when he shall have settled his Ac counts with the Commissioners. Resolved That the Commissioners be directed to allow Nothing in Mr Thomas Causton's Accounts for Which he do's not produce proper Vouchers. Order'd That the Accountant do wait on General Oglethorpe and lay before him the several Items in M' Thomas Causton's Accounts, for Which the said Causton has declared that he received Orders from General Ogle thorpe ; And That the General be desired to give the Accountant some 442 COLONIAL RECORDS. time next Week an Account of What Orders he has given from time to time to the said Thomas Causton, in order to be laid before the Trustees. Resolved That M' William Spencer be appointed One of the Commissioners for Stating the Publick Accounts in the Province of Georgia. Resolved That One hundred Muskets and ten half Barrels of F Gunpowder be purchas'd for the use of the Colony. Resolved That, in pursuance of the Recommendation of the Trustees September 13th 1744, M' John Martin Bolzius and Mr Israel Christian Gronau be Appointed Conservators of the Peace in the District of Ebenezer within the Province of Georgia Adjourn'd. Queen's Square Westminster Saturday January 19'" 174| Present in Common Council Assembled M' Cornewall in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel Gen1 Oglethorpe M' Vernon M' Tho8 Tower M' Laroche M' Tuffnel M' L'apostre M' Smith Resolved That in pursuance of a Recommendation from the Board of Trustees held this present Nineteenth of January The Secretary do acquaint Mr John Calwell third Bailiff of the Town of Frederica and M' John Terry Recorder of the said Town, That the Powers of the Town Court of Fred erica having been suspended ever since M' Thomas Hawkins and Mr Thomas Marriot first and second Bailiff of the said Town left the Colony, Their Powers as Bailiff and Recorder of the said Town are likewise sus pended ; And That if the said Calwell and Terry shall think proper to COLONIAL RECORDS. 443 leave their Settlements at Frederica, the Trustees will grant to them suf ficient Lots of good Land in some Other Part of the Colony, And that the Expences which they shall be at on such Removal being laid before the Trustees, They will consider the same. Order'd That the Secretary do write to the President to direct the proper Offi cer to allot to the said John Calwell and John Terry (upon their Appli cation) the same Quantity of Land within the District of Savanah as they are now possess'd of at Frederica under the usual Limitations and Conditions.Resolved That the said M' John Calwell and M' John Terry be required to send over to the Trustees by the first Opportunity the Instruments Whereby they were respectively Appointed Bailiff and Recorder of the Town of FredericaResolved That M' Thomas Hawkins and M' Thomas Marriot be required to de liver up to the Trustees the Instruments Whereby they were respectively appointed first and second Bailiff of the Town of Frederica , Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd to the Appointments of the Revd Mr John Martin Bolzius, and the Revd M' Israel Christian Gronau as Conservators of the Peace within the District of Ebenezer. Which was Affix'd accordingly Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Gen1 Oglethorpe dissented from all the Resolutions but the last, and de sired leave to enter his Dissent in the Books. I James Oglethorpe do Dissent from the resolutions of this day except ye Last Adjourn'd. 444 COLONIAL RECORDS. Queen's Square Westminster Wednesday January 30. 174£ Present in Common Council Assembled Gen1 Oglethorpe in the Chair M' Vernon Sr John Philipps M' Chandler M' Thomas Tower M' Laroche M' Holland Earl of Shaftesbury S' John Barrington M' Tuffnel M' Christopher Tower Read a Petition of M' Hugh Rose Surveyor That having been Ap pointed by Gen1 Oglethorpe to be Surveyor of Ebenezer, he had survey'd One thousand four hundred and Eight Acres into Commons and Paths. That the Agreement was made so that he could not defray the Charges of the Survey, if he had not had two White Servants of his own ; That he put the Inhabitants of Ebenezer three times in possession of their Lands, and had not anything for it. That upon his applying to Col. Stephens, he would pay him no more than One Penny ^> Acre for the Lands survey'd by him ; And that tho' Gen1 Oglethorpe said he would make him Recorder of the Surveys, and Surveyor of the Place, yet M' Avery was appointed to survey the County of Savanah ; And therefore prays the Trustees to grant him such an Allowance for his trouble as they may think proper. Resolved That the said Petition be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. In pursuance of a Recommendation from the Trustees. Resolved That if any Person, being Bailiff or Recorder of any Court of Judica ture shall accept of Any Military Employment in the Province of Geor gia Such Person shall from such time be incapable of holding or exercis ing his said Office Resolved That Comissions be granted to particular Persons as Bailiffs and Re corder of the Town Court of Savanah to be lodg'd in the hands of the COLONIAL RECORDS. 445 President for the time being, and issued by him for the supplying any Vacancy in case of Death or the Acceptance of such Military Employ ment, till the Trustees can be acquainted with such Vacancy. Mr Thomas Marriot attended and deliver'd up the Instrument Where by he was constituted Second Bailiff of the Town Court of Frederica. Resolved That the Minute of the Common Council of Aprill the 18'" 1743. re lating to the Claim of Capt. Patrick Mackay be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts for them to reconsider. Read a Letter from the Revd D' Philip Bearcroft Secretary to the So ciety for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with a Letter inclos'd from the Rev4 M' Bosomworth giving some Account of his Mission in Georgia, and D' Bearcroft said that the said Society had order'd Five pounds worth of Bibles, Common Prayer Books, and other Religious Tracts to be sent over to Georgia in pursuance of M' Bosom worth's Letter, and they make no doubt but the Trustees will appoint a Schoolmaster at Frederica. Order'd That the Secretary do return Mr Bosomworth's Letter to D' Bearcroft, and acquaint him, that the Common Council of the Trustees return their thanks for his communicating the same, and will take the Contents into Consideration. Gen1 Oglethorpe dissented from the third and fourth Resolutions of this Day, and desired leave to enter his Dissent in the Book. Adjourn'd. Queen's Square Westminster. Saturday February 23 174£ Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Eyre S' John Philipps Sr John Barrington M' Tuffnel Lord Tyrconnel M' Laroche 446 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held on February 16'" Instant to the following Purport. Viz' That they had read a State of the Expences Estimated for the Province of Georgia, and how provided for from Michaelmas 1743 Whereby it appears that the said Expences were provided for to Michaelmas 1744 with a Surplus in the Province of three hundred Ninety Nine Pounds Sixteen Shillings and a half Penny to wards the half Year to Lady Day 1745 ; And that a Parcel of Shoes Value One hundred and One Pounds fourteen Shillings, being ready to be sent in further Aid of the said Expences, the Deficiency of the Es timated Expences to Lady Day 1745 appears to be Three hundred Eighty six Pounds three Shillings and three Pence half Penny That the Committee then went over the Estimate Which took place from Michaelmas 1743 Amounting for One Year for the Whole Prov- £ ince to 1775. 6. 8 Whereof the following Articles the Com mittee were of Opinion should be reduced from Lady Day next on the Suspension of the Town Court of Frederica. Viz' The Allowance to the first Bailiff The Allowance to the second and third Bailiff being £27. 3. 4. Each The Allowance to the Recorder and for being Correspondent And as the Indians at Frederica are engag'd in his Majesty's Service The Charge of the Repair of Indian Arms there is also taken off ... . £ 42. 3. 4 54. 6. 8 52. 3. 4. 148. 13. 4 - 20. 0. 0 Which reduces the said Estimate to . . . To Which the Allowance to M' Patrick Graham 1 a fifth Assistant being added of j The Year's Estimate for said Expences to Lady ) Day 1746 will then amount to j 168. 13. 4. 1606. 13. 4 20. 0. 0 1626. 13. 4. COLONIAL RECORDS. 447 Which Sum of One thousand Six hundred and twenty six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence being added to the Deficiency Stated to Lady Day 1745 makes together the Sum of Two thousand and twelve Pounds Sixteen Shillings and seven Pence half Penny necessary to be Appropriated out of the Sum of Five thousand and Sixty two Pounds One Shilling and Eleven Pence this Day in the Bank of England Over and above the Appropriations already made for Sola Bills sent over to Georgia And yet Outstanding. That the Committee therefore Resolved to recommend to the Common Council to order Sola Bills to the Value of Two thousand Pounds to be made out and sent over for Defraying the said Expences to that Amount, And to Appropriate so much Cash in the Bank for that Purpose. And that the said Sola Bills be sent over to Georgia from time to time as a Committee of Five of the Common Council shall direct. That the Committee then took into Consideration that Claims of Bounty on Corn Pease and Potatoes rais'd in Georgia between Christmas 1741 and Christmas 1 742 being One Shilling a Bushel on Corn, Sixpence a Bushel on Pease and three Pence a Bushel on Potatoes are made, and are due as appears by a List of the Claims made by the Inhabitants in the Northern Division amounting to Two hundred and Seventy three Pounds two Shillings and Seven Pence half Penny And by the Inhabit ants in the Southern Division (exclusive of Capt. Mark Carr's Claim) amounting to Sixty One Pounds One Shilling and Nine Pence making together the Sum of Three hundred thirty four Pounds four Shillings and four Pence half Penny. That the Committee were of Opinion that Copies of the said Lists should be sent over to the President and Assistants in Georgia to be paid there with Sola Bills to such Persons in the said Lists as shall be then resident, and in such manner as the President and Assistants shall direct in Discharge of the said Claims of Bounty. That it Appearing to the Committee by the Affidavit of John Brad ford Servant to Capt. Mark Carr that there was rais'd in the said Year ending at Christmas 1742 on the said Captain's Lands called the Her mitage One thousand Bushels of Indian Corn two hundred Bushels of Indian Pease and three hundred Bushels of Potatoes And that Captain Mark Carr had by Letter of Attorney duly Authoris'd Capt. William Thomson to claim and receive the Bounty due thereon, Which by Com putation amounts to Fifty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings ; They were of 448 COLONIAL RECORDS. Opinion that the Sum of Fifty Eight Pounds fifteen Shillings is due to the said Capt. Mark Carr and payable to his said Attorney. That the Committee had read a Letter from Elizabeth Harrison to the Trustees Accountant claiming the Sum of Eight Pounds Nine Shillings for officiating as Publick Midwife at Frederica from November l8' 1741 to July 9'" 1743 Which being Certified by the first Bailiff of Frederica to be so due, And She Desiring the same may be paid to Capt. William Thomson for her use ; The Committee were of Opinion that the said Sum of Eight Pounds Nine Shillings should be paid Accordingly. That the Committee had read a Petition of Hugh Rose for surveying Lands at Ebenezer and Other Services for which he had not receiv'd full Satisfaction ; And he being called in and Acquainted with the Intentions of the Common Council to allow him the Sum of twenty One Pounds in Consideration of his Services heretofore applied for, if he was willing to accept thereof, And he Agreeing thereto ; The Committee were of Opin ion that the said Sum of twenty One Pounds should be paid to him in full for his Services in Georgia. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Resolved That Sola Bills for One thousand Pounds be forthwith made out, and fill'd up, seal'd, and sign'd as the last Sola Bills were, and Dated this Day, Consisting of five hundred of One Pound Each N° 9501 to N° 10000. And One hundred of five Pounds Each N° 1651 to N° 1750. And that the said Bills be sent oyer to the Care of the President and Assistants in Georgia by the first convenient Opportunity by way of South Carolina. Resolved That the Sum of two hundred and fifty Pounds be paid into the hands of S' Joseph and M' Thomas Hankey on Account. Resolved That the Claims of Thomas Andrews and Thomas Jenys be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts. Resolved That M' Bosom worth's Letter to D' Bearcroft relating to a School Master at Frederica be refer'd to the said Committee. Resolved That Mr Causton's Letter to the Secretary Desiring a Copy of the Minutes relating to his going over to Georgia in order to settle his Ac counts be refer'd to the said Committee. COLONIAL RECORDS. 449 Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for two hundred and fifty Pounds by Mr Vernon, the Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel M' Eyre and M' Laroche N° 105 G. Resolved That twenty five Books of M' Boreman's Compendious Account of the Art of breeding nursing and right Ordering of the Silk Worms be sent over to the President in order to their being distributed among those Inhabitants of the Province Who are most intelligent and desirous of being instructed in the said Art, And that the President be directed to send some of the said Books to the Rev" M' Bolzius for the use of the Saltzburghers.Resolved That two Models of the Reel in the Office be made and sent over to the President in order to have Others made by them in the Province. Adjourn'd. Queen's Square Westminster Thursday May 23 1745 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Smith in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Laroche M' Tho" Tower M' Digby M' Eyre M' L'apostre M' Tracy M' Chandler. In pursuance of a Recommendation from the Trustees Aprill 12'" 1745 Order'd That a List of all such Grants Whereon Quit Rents are now payable ; or shall be within one Year, be made out and sent over to the President and Assistants in the Province of Georgia with a Copy of the Clause in the Charter requiring the Payment of the Quit Rents ; And that They be directed to appoint a proper Person to demand and receive the same for the use of the Trust, Such Person giving a proper Security. [29 c. r.] 450 COLONIAL RECORDS. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held March 16'" 174|- to the following Purport. Viz' That The Accountant acquainted the Committee that he had Examin'd the Vouchers sent over from Georgia in support of the Accounts receiv'd from December Is' 1741 to Michael mas 1742. And that the said Vouchers are examin'd Copies compar'd with the Originals in Georgia, And Certified by John Dobell, Patrick Graham, and Noble Jones, Who were appointed by the Trustees for that Purpose, And do all agree with the Sums enter'd in the said Accounts, and amount to Three thousand three hundred forty three Pounds Seven teen Shillings and Six Pence half Penny. And That by the Affidavit of William Russel the Clerk appointed to keep the said Accounts, it ap pears that the Amount of Four hundred twenty five Pounds ten Shil lings and Nine Pence was paid by him to the several Persons, and for the particular Purposes therein Specified, for Which in the Nature of Pay ments no Receipts were taken ; Both Which Sums amounting together to the Sum of Three thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Nine Pounds Eight Shillings and three Pence half Penny Appears to be the total Amount of the Payments made in Georgia between December l8' 1741 and Michaelmas 1742 according to the Abovemention'd Accounts. That the Committee therefore were of Opinion that the said Accounts amounting to Three thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Nine Pounds Eight Shillings and three Pence half Penny expended within the before mention'd time are fully Supported. And the Committee perusing the Minutes of the Common Council of January 30'" 1743. Wherein a Reserve is made That if the Payment of Fourteen Pounds and ten Pence to M' Thomas Hawkins for One Quar ter's Salary and Allowances to Lady Day 1742 Enter'd as paid May 5*" 1742 was not proved by Receipt to be then made, Mr Hawkins was to receive the same ; Did find that the said Payment is fully proved to have been then made to John Brownfield for the use of M' Hawkins, And that there was no foundation for the said Claim. That M' Thomas Causton attended the Committee and desired that a Special Commission might issue to M' James Habersham Mr Francis Harris and M' William Spencer for the Examining and Stating his Ac counts with the Trustees ; And That Instructions might be prepared for them to make his Return to Georgia effectual for this Work in order to obtain a full Report thereof. That the Committee recommended the same to the Common Council COLONIAL RECORDS. 451 Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. Resolved That a Commission and Instructions be sent to Messieurs Habersham, Harris and Spencer for Examining and Stating Mr Thomas Causton's Accounts. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held Aprill 12'" 1745 to the following Purport. Viz' That They having read a Minute of the Common Council held the 30th of January last " That the Minute of the "Common Council of Aprill 18'" 1743 relating to the Claim of Capt. " Patrick Mackay be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts for them to "reconsider" And having read the Report of the Committee of Ac counts Whereon the said Minute of Aprill 18'" 1743 was made and re- consider'd the same, The Committee found it arose from the Nature of the Services and the Occasion of incurring them ; And that if anything should appear due on such Claims, the Conditions Whereon the Services were undertaken were first to be perform'd. But M' Thomas Causton arriving in England since the said Report, in whose time the said Services incurr'd, And having attended the Account ant to explain and make out the Transactions of the Store in Georgia with the said Captain Patrick Mackay, and to compare the same with the Accounts made out by the said Captain himself, Wbereon his Claims of Money due to him were alledg'd. The Accountant laid before the Committee the following Over Charges in the Debit Side, and Omissions in the Credit Side of the said Capt. Patrick Mackays Accounts. Vizt Over Charges on the Debtor Side of the Account of the Independent Company.First Article. To the Establish- "} £ Currency ment of the Company from ! OQ08 March Is' 173f to March Is' 173| Stated at Which by the Establishment sign'd and Accounted for by him to said 1" March 173^ agreeable to what M' Ogle thorpe establish'd amounts only to 2802 120. 0. 0 452 COLONIAL RECORDS. Second Article. To an Express . Which not being chargeable to the Account of the Company is carried to the Agency Ac count Fourth Article. To particular Ac counts of Incidents for that Year Whereout the following Ar ticles are deducted being no ways incidental but receiv'd as Value towards the Pay of the Company Viz' Twenty Gallons of Melasses at s d 12. 6 Thirty Nine Pounds of Sugar . Twenty One Pounds of Butter ") 3. 13. 6 and Five Pounds [¦ Cheese. 1. 5. 0 . . . ) Three Gallons and half of Vin- ) egar j Thirty seven pounds of Salt. 0. 12. 6 Fifty One Pounds of Oatmeal 1. 9. 9 Forty two Gallons of Beer 14. 14. 0 ....... . One Pound three Quarters of Hops 0. 17. 6 One Gallon of Wine 1. 0. 0. . 11'" Sept' Paid Michael Peartree being for Pay 8 Nov' Paid M'8 Hodges for Diet and Lodging for John Barton Liuguister, he receiving Pay as such And the following three Ar ticles being not included in his Account of'Incidents from May 27'" 1734 to May 18'" 1735 Sign'd by the Captain and 150. 150. 0. 0 452. 16. 11. 12. 10. 0. 4. 11. 0 4. 18. 6 1. 15. 0 2. 2. 16. 11. 6. 11. 8. 8. 7. 7. 9 COLONIAL RECORDS. 453 sent over from Georgia Sept' 8. 1735 Nor being charg'd on him in the Store Account Viz' Boat hire from May 15th to No vember 8'" at Seven Shillings and three Pence ^ Diem . Thirty light Deer Skins bought of John Gray for Hobbles for Horses Boat Hire for transporting the "1 Men, their Accoutrements &c I from Joseph's Town to Uchie Town Fifth Article To Sundries being for Horses and other Particu lars furnish'd by Samuel Sleigh Paul Jenys and C° Account of which was transmitted by them to the Trustees with the Vouch ers and paid tho' carried to my Account by Thomas Causton Whereout the following Ar ticles must be taken for the Reasons following. Viz' Paid Samuel Sleigh for a Horse for Capt. Mackay .... N. B. A large Sum was laid out for Horses and this may reasonably be judg'd was for himself. Three pair of Shoes . . 4. 10. 0 Seven pair of Wo- mens Shoes . . .25. 10. 0 To be us'd or sold by the Captain to the Men as Pay. Cash paid Capt Mackay by M1 Oglethorpe's Order .... N. B. This was a Payment on Account to have been Cred ited by the Captain. 61. 19. 0 12. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 150. 3. 8 ? 1082. 19. 8 65. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 200. 0. 0 454 COLONIAL RECORDS. And the three following Sums are on Account of Pay Charg'd in the Establishment Viz' Capt. Patrick Mackay's Order to John Lawrence D° to Cattel and Austin . D° to William Mackensie . . . Sixth Article To Establishment of D° Company from March Is' 173$ to March l81 173f . . N. B. It must be made appear that theCompany was compleat for the Whole of the said Year, And the Establishment is then overcharg'd as before . . Seventh Article To One Express according to Instruction . N. B. This is carried to the Agency Account .... Eighth Article. To a particular Account of a Bill drawn for the Subsistance Money of the Com pany from 173f to 173-f on the Trustees, Which They allow'd to return with Protest . . . N. B. Capt. Mackay had no Authority to draw the said Bill, And therefore the Charges do not belong to the Trustees to pay amounting to ... . Ninth Article. To a Particular Account of Incidents for a Year Whereout the following Ar ticles are jdeducted being no ways Incidental but receiv'd as Value towards Pay. Viz' 4'" Oct' Paid William Small for Pay 71. 0. 0 28. 0. 0 40. 5. 0 434. 5. 0 2928. 0. 0 150. 0. 0 120. 0. 0 150. 0. 0 ? 915. 5. 7i 439. 4. 9 215. 5. 7i 10. 0. 0 COLONIAL RECORDS. 455 Cash paid Edward Townshend for Diet and Lodging of William Clark the Indian Messenger at sundry times N. B. This is not chargeable to the Account of the Company but considered in the Agency Account Tenth Article. To John Barton Linguister his particular Ac count Which Charge is already made sign'd and Allow'd by the Cap tain in the Account of the Es tablishment of the Company from March l8' 173f to March Is' 173$ and carried on to July 8'" 1735 Which was sent from Georgia September 8th 1735 And amounted only to Twelth Article. To Goods and Provisions left with Anthony Willy in the Indian Nation for the Use of the Company . . N. B. This do's not appear in Charge on Capt. Mackay nor bought and paid for by him but is a transaction between him and Anthony Willy . 27. 15. 6 331. 19. 37. 15. y 301. 6. 8 30. 12. 5 244, 13. 244. 13. 2. £1652. 15. 4i Omissions on the Credit Side of the Account of the Independ ent Company. 1734 2. May. Receiv'd of M' Ogle thorpe a Draught on M' Char don to Account for , . 20. Nov' A Balance in Capt Mackay's hands of the £ 1219 receiv'd of Mess'8 Jenys and Baker to purchase Horses with 350. — . — [ 35. 10. 0. J 456 COLONIAL RECORDS. V 1309. 2. 11. Charg'd to Capt Mackays proper Account with the Store Sev eral Articles in Currency not included in his proper Account with the Store from Mich8 1733 to Nov' 19 1736 as by the Par ticulars thereof appear . D° in Sterling from Nov' 19. 1736 to May 20 1738 Debtor more than Creditor as by the Particulars thereof appear £204. 8. 8| Which at 750

Cent the Rate, Agreed as a Medium for the Whole Claim to be computed at, amounts to two hundred and twenty five Pounds Currency ; And with the said One hundred Seventy One Pounds Currency, Makes the Sum of three hundred Ninety Six Pounds Currency, receiv'd in part of the Abovemention'd Sum of Eight hundred Sixty four Pounds Eight Shil lings and Nine Pence Currency, and reduces the Balance payable to the said Thomas Andrews to the Sum of Four hundred Sixty Eight Pounds Eight Shillings and Nine Pence Currency. Which at Seven hundred and fifty <$)> Cent makes the Sum of Sixty two Pounds Nine Shillings and two Pence Sterling. That the Committee were of Opinion That if the Common Council approve of the Abovemention Sum of Sixty two Pounds Nine Shillings (sic) and two Pence Sterling being paid to the said Thomas Andrews in full of his Demand, Directions should be given to William Stephens Esq' in whose bands the Note of the said Thomas Andrews for thirty Pounds Sterl. lent him by M' Thomas Jones as beforemention'd on the Credit of his Demand now lies, to deliver up the same to the said Thomas An drews or his Order, it being allowed of and Deducted by the Trustees as a Payment to him in part of his Demand. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. 460 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That a Committee of Accounts consisting of at least five in Number of the Common Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for Sums for the payment of Sola Bills and Such Debts and Services as are already Approved of by the Common Council at such times and in such Proportions as the said Committee shall think proper Read a Commission to M' James Habersham, M' Francis Harris and M' William Spencer to examine state and report to the Trustees M' Thomas Causton's Accounts. Read Instructions to the said Mess'8 Habersham Harris and Spencer And Approv'd of the same. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd to the said Commission and Instructions Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd to a Commission for Ap pointing M' Patrick Graham One of the Assistants in the Province of GeorgiaOrder'd That the Secretary do countersign the said Commissions and Instruc tions. Read a Commission Appointing the President and Assistants of the Province of Georgia Commissioners for Examining and Stating the Ac counts of Capt. Patrick Mackay and Approv'd of the same. Order'd That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the said Commission. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to settle Instructions to the said Commissioners Agreeable to the Reports made on the said Capt. Patrick Mackay's Accounts by the Committee of Accounts, And that the said Instructions be seal'd, And that the Secretary do counter sign them. Resolved That M' John Ulrick Driezler be appointed School Master at Frede rica with a Salary of ten Pounds $ Ann. And that the Rev4 Mr Bur ton be desired to appoint the said M' Driezler to Officiate for him as Chaplain to Gen1 Oglethorpe's Regiment. COLONIAL RECORDS. 461 Read a Memorial of M' Thomas Causton Dated March 20'" 1744 Set ting forth ; That having transmitted and presented to the Trustees divers Petitions Letters and Memorials relating to the ill treatment he has met with from the Trustees Officers in Georgia, and those Claims Which he thinks himself intitled to : And that being inform'd he is order'd to return to Georgia and attend there the further Examination of the said Accounts, And that his Passage is to be paid, and that he is to be allowed twenty Pounds for his Attendance here, and ten Shillings and Six pence a Week for Maintenance untill he embarks and that twenty Pounds more are to be paid him in Georgia, when his said Ac counts are settled there ; He humbly offers to the Trustees Considera tion, that he thinks it impossible for him to execute their Orders as aforesaid Where hie Enemies have acted with such Power, that the Al lowances order'd for his Attendance here and in Georgia are unequal to the Expence Which he has and must be expos'd to ; And he prays that he may have Copies of all Orders and Instructions made by the Trustees relating to the said Premises, as also Directions for Copies of any Re ports, Which may be made in Georgia concerning any Proceedings to be had in Georgia. Resolved That over and above the Sums order'd to be paid to M' Thomas Caus ton (by the Common Council Nov' 30 1744) for his Attendance and Subsistance here till the time of his Embarking for the Colony of Geor gia, Ten Pounds more be paid to him a Week before his Embarking, And that Orders be sent to the President and Assistants to pay him ten Pounds on his Arrival in Georgia, besides the sum of twenty Pounds order'd (November 30'" 1744) to be paid on the finishing of his Accounts there.Order'd That Directions be sent that Copies of any Reports Which may be made in Georgia by the Commissioners for Settling his Accounts be de liver'd to the said Thomas Causton. Read a Letter from M' Thomas Causton dated this present 23d of May, setting forth, That in the Year 1737 he transmitted a Petition to the Trustees, Praying that a Lease might be perfected of those Lands Which M' Oglethorpe had in the Year 1736 order'd Noble Jones the Surveyor to put him in possession of, And with the said Petition did lay before the Trustees a Certificate from the said Noble Jones setting forth the Bound aries and Contents of the said Land, as also a Proof that the same was 462 COLONIAL RECORDS. not under any Grant to any other Person ; And therefore he desires that the said Petition may be consider'd of, he having been at much expence in improving the said Lands, and not having receiv'd any full Title thereto.Order'd That Directions be sent to the President and Assistants that a Survey be made of the said Lands and return'd, And if the said Lands are not in the possession of any other Person, that a Lease of them be perfected as the said Thomas Causton desires. Resolved That M' Thomas Clendon Attorney at Law do employ proper Council for Defending the Trust in the Cause at the Suit of the Rev4 M' Norris, and that he do pay any Charges arising from that Suit. Read a Report from the Committee of Accounts held this present 23d of May to the following Purport Viz* That the Accountant acquainted the Committee that he had examin'd the Vouchers sent over from Geor gia in support of the Accounts receiv'd from Michaelmas 1742 to Michaelmas 1743. And that the said Vouchers are examin'd, Copies compar'd with the Originals in Georgia and Certified by John Dobell, Pat rick Graham, and Noble Jones Who were appointed by the Trustees for that Purpose, and do all agree with the Sums enter'd in the said Ac counts, and amount to the Sum of Two thousand Ninety One Pounds Eight Shillings and Six pence three farthings And that by the Affidavits of William Russel and Charles Watson it appears that the Amount of Two hundred twenty three Pounds fifteen Shillings and a farthing was paid by them to the Several Persons and for the particular Purposes therein Specified ; Whereof Sixty four Pounds fourteen Shillings and Eleven Pence by the said William Russel from October 2 1742 to the 30'" of the same Month One hundred and six Pounds Eight Shillings and Six pence three farthings by the said Charles Watson from November 6. 1742 to the 318' of January following, And Fifty two Pounds Eleven Shillings and Six pence half Penny by the said William Russel from February l8' 1742 to September 30'" 1743 for Which no Receipts were taken ; Which Sums together amount to the Sum of Two thousand three hundred and fifteen Pounds three Shillings and Seven Pence Sterling being the Total of the Payments made in Georgia between Michaelmas 1742 and Michaelmas 1743 According to the Abovemention'd Accounts. And that the Committee were of Opinion that the said Accounts COLONIAL RECORDS. 463 amounting to the Sum of two thousand three hundred and fifteen Pounds three Shillings and Seven Pence within the beforemention'd Time were fully supported. That the Committee had read a Letter from M' Thomas Jenys to the Trustees Accountant relating to their Account against M' Thomas Caus ton ; And on Examining the Claims of the Executors of Paul Jenys Esq' relating to the Sum of five hundred Ninety two Pounds Nine Shil lings Currency M' Causton's Account of Goods taken from Captain Price in December 1734 And One hundred Pounds Currency Surcharg'd on them by M' Causton on a Bill for two hundred and Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings to William Butler the 24'" of July 1736 from his Cash Book entring the said Bill only One hundred Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings, It appear'd to the Committee that the Sum of five hundred Ninety two Pounds Nine Shillings Currency was a Transac tion of M' Causton's upon his own Account, and paid for in the Year 1735 with two Bills on Mr Oglethorpe And two Orders on the Treasurer of South Carolina making Seven hundred and twenty Eight Pounds Currency so paid, and Exceeding the Value of the said Goods by One hundred thirty five Pouuds Eleven Shillings Currency As by the State of that Transaction sign'd by M' Causton appears, A Co py of Which the Committee are of Opinion should be sent over to M' Thomas Jenys. But in the Account with the Trustees made out by the Executors of Paul Jenys Esq' They have omitted to take Credit for the two following Bills drawn by M' Causton on their Testator Which M' Causton has charg'd himself amounting to five hundred and Sixty Pounds Currency Viz' A Bill dated September 27 1735 to Andrew Grant for three hun dred Pounds And a Bill dated November 5'" 1735 to Samuel Lacey for Two hundred and Sixty Pounds. Which Sum of five hundred and Sixty Pounds Currency being short Claim'd tho' now Appearing due to their Testator's Estate, And the Above Over Payment of One hundred thirty five Pounds Eleven Shillings being Deducted therefrom Which M' Causton consents to, The Balance due to the said Executors by such their Omission appears to be the Sum of Four hundred twenty four Pounds Nine Shillings Currency And in Sterling at Seven hundred "$, Cent the then Exchange Sixty Pounds twelve Shillings and Eight Pence Which the Committee are of Opinion ought to be paid them. And M' Causton consenting to be charg'd with the Sum of two hun dred and Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings Value of his Bill N° 79 Drawn on Paul Jenys Esq' and C° to William Butler July 24'" 1736 Which by Mistake he had enter'd in his Cash Book only One hundred 464 COLONIAL RECORDS. Ninety three Pounds twelve Shillings, he having seen the Copy of the said Bill Mr. Thomas Jenys sent over to prove the same ; One hundred Pounds Currency more is payable to the Executors of the said Paul Jenys for the wrong Surcharge made on them by the said M' Causton Which in Sterling at Seven hundred and forty

Cent the then Exchange is Thirteen Pounds ten Shillings and three Pence Which being added to the Sixty Pounds twelve Shillings and Eight Pence Sterling beforemen tion'd. makes the Sum of Seventy Four Pounds two Shillings and Eleven Pence due to the said Executors. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the said Report. The Accountant laid before the Common Council the Claim of Wil liam Munroe for Fourteen Pounds Nine Shillings and four Pence Ster ling, being Six Pounds Eleven Shillings and One Penny for Service done by him in building Huts at S' Andrews in the Year 1738. Which Service was certified by Capt. Hugh Mackay, And Seven Pounds Eighteen Shillings and three Pence for the Service done by Alexander Mackensie Servant to the said William Munroe in the Trust Service in the Year 1738, Which Service was certified by Mr Samuel Augspourger. Resolved That the Sum of fourteen Pounds Nine Shillings and four Pence Ster ling be paid to the said William Munroe. Resolved That a Sum not Exceeding ten Pounds Sterling be laid out in pur chasing Plow Shares &c for the Use of the Saltzburghers. Resolved That the Sum of three hundred Pounds be paid into the Hands of S' Joseph Hankey and C° And that a Draught be made on the Bank of England for the same. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for that Purpose by the Earl of Shaftesbury M' Digby Mr Tracy M' Vernon and M' L'apostre N° 107 G. Kead a Petition of Francis Moore dated June 4th 1744 setting forth that John Humble late Pilot at S' Simons in the Southern Part of Georgia having stav'd his Boat to Pieces in a Storm in the Year 17ff And being unable to provide Another, the Petitioner advanced the Sum of Nine Pounds Sterling in order to help him to purchase Another Boat. That the Petitioner receiv'd three Pounds of the said John Humble in part of the Abovemention'd Nine Pounds soon after Which the said Hum- COLONIAL RECORDS. 465 ble died, at which time there remain'd a Sum of Money due to him on Ac count of Salary as Pilot, Which the Trustees may soon be satisfied in. That the Petitioner therefore hopes as the Money was by him Advanc'd for the Service of the Colony, and as he can make it appear that Money was due to the said Humble at the time of his Death on Account of Sal ary that the remaining Sum of Six Pounds due to him from the said Humble may be paid. Resolved That Whatever Claim the legal Representative of the late John Hum ble may have on the Trustees, the same is to be made out in Georgia, and laid before the President and Assistants there for them to examine and report thereon. Read Another Petition of the said Francis Moore Dated June 4'" 1744 Setting forth that William Moore a Farmer of the Town of Frederica has been an Inhabitant there ever since the Year 173f and is greatly de sirous of having his Family carried from Ireland over to him. That the said William Moore has by Warrant from General Oglethorpe acted as Constable of Frederica ever since the 20'" of January 174-J for Which Service he has not receiv'd any Part of the ten Pounds "$> Ann Which the Trustees allow to each Constable. That the Petitioner hath a Power of Attorney to receive from the Trustees Whatever Sum of Money is due to the said William Moore on Account of Salary. He therefore hopes that the Trustees will be pleased to order the said Salary to be paid. Resolved That if the said William Moore hath any Claim on the Trustees, the Same is to be made out in Georgia and laid before the President and As sistants there for them to Examine and report thereon. Read a Petition of Frances Watts Widow of William Cox late of Sa vanah in the Province of Georgia, and of William Cox her Son Dated March 4'" 174$ setting forth That by Virtue of a Power given by the Petitioners to William Stephens Esq' not only to receive the Rent of their House and fifty Acres Lot in Savanah aforesaid, but also to sell and dispose of the said House and Lot, the said William Stephens Esq' (as they have been inform'd) hath dispos'd of the same and executed a Conveyance and deliver'd Possession thereof to James Habersham of Bethesda in the said Province in consideration of the Sum of fifty five [30 c. v.] 466 COLONIAL RECORDS. Pounds Sterling payable to the said William Stephens Esq' the 10'" of December last for the Use of the Petitioners. That the said Mr. Stephens has agreed to Debit himself with the said Purchase Money as so much Cash receiv'd for the use of the Trustees, Upon Advice that the Same was paid to the Petitioners as a Remittance to the said William Stephens, in the same manner as the Trustees have been pleas'd to do, in regard to the Rent receiv'd for the Petitioners by the said William Stephens. That the Petitioners have wrote to M' Stephens, Desiring that he will pay himself a small Acknowledgement of five Pounds out of the said Purchase Money as a Token for the Pains and Care he has taken in the Affair and Debit himself with only the remaining fifty Pounds as a Re mittance for the Use of the Petitioners The Petitioners therefore humbly pray the Trustees to confirm the said Transaction of William Stephens Esq', and to pay them the Sum of fifty Pounds, to be Applied to the Use of the Trust in Georgia, as a Re mittance made to William Stephens Esq' for that Purpose. The Accountant then acquainted the Common Council, that M' Ste phens had wrote to him concerning a Demand of the Nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings and three pence made on him for building M'8 Watts's House by joint Labour of several Persons, and desired the Trustees Senti ments thereon. Resolved That the sale of the Petitioners House and Lot to M' James Haber sham be confirm'd, And that the Sum of Forty Pounds One Shilling and Nine Pence be paid to the said Frances Watts and William Cox (being the Balance of the fifty Pounds propos'd to be receiv'd) as a Re mittance to William Stephens Esq' for the use of the Trust ; And that the Claim of Nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings and three pence is the Matter for the Petitioners to instruct M' Stephens upon, and is no Con cern of the Trust. Read a Letter from Margaret Avery Dated Savanah October 26 1744 Setting forth, that her Husband Joseph Avery died on the 16*" of the said October. That he having been Surveyor to the Trust has left be hind him a fair and finish'd Plan of the Land Surveys of all the North ern Part of the Province, Which is now in her hands ; That She is sen sible, from the Articles agreed on between the Trustees and her said De- > Ann to the Rev4 M' Joachim Zubli to officiate for him at Vernonburgh and Acton, Which are at too great a Distance, for the Women and Children especially, to go to Divine Worship at Savanah ; And that the said Servant be main tain'd no longer than M' Zouberbuhler shall continue the said Allowance to M' Zubli. That the President and Assistants at Savanah be directed to order the Surveyor to lay out two Acres being part of the vacant Land between Vernonburgh and Acton, in order to erect a Tabernacle for Divine Worship, Which may serve likewise for a School. That the Application of forty Shillings by the President and Assist ants in the purchase of Necessaries for the said Building be approv'd of. That if the Settlers at Vernonburgh and Acton shall agree to culti vate by joint Labour any Land for the Subsistance of a Minister there (as an Assistant to the Minister at Savanah) the President and Assist ants do direct Fifty Acres of the aforesaid Vacant Land to be run out, and Appropriated for the Religions Uses of the said Settlements, or if there is not such a Quantity of good Land there, in the most convenient Place that can be found. In pursuance of a Recommendation from the Trustees Dec' 29'" 174|- Resolved That Orders be sent to the President and Assistants, that Whatever Plank may be necessary for compleating the Church at Savanah, and other Publick Buildings, be purchas'd of the Saltzburghers at Ebenezer ; And that the Outside of the Church be with the utmost dispatch feather boarded, then tarr'd and Sanded ; And that the Inside Walls be boarded and painted. Order'd That a Letter be sent to the Rev4 Mr Bolzius, Desiring him to procure such a Quantity of Cypress, or the most durable sort of Plank, as may be wanted by the President and Assistants for the Church and other Publick Buildings ; And that he be acquainted that when the Accounts COLONIAL RECORDS. 479 for the same shall be settled between him and the President and Assist ants, the same shall be immediately paid. In pursuance of Another Recommendation from the Trustees on the same Day. Order'd That the Sec""7 write to M' Stephens and acquaint him that the Trustees cannot resolve to grant five hundred Acres of Land to M' John Milledge, because He as President and the Assistants have not repre sented Millidge's Substance and Ability to cultivate the same, Which they ought to have done, since his Town Lot at Savanah has been en tirely neglected. If it shall appear however, that the said John Mil lidge has sufficient means (independent of his Military Command) to cul tivate Five hundred Acres, the Trustees will have no Objection to grant ing the same, on condition that the said John Millidge shall relinquish his Town Lot at Savanah. In pursuance of Another Recommendation from the Trustees on the same Day. Resolved That the Grant of a Town Lot at Savanah to M' John Dobell be con firm'd, on condition that the said John Dobell returns from Charles Town to Savanah within a Year to cultivate the said Lot, and that he occupy the same by himself or Servants, and that the Secretary write to M' Do bell to acquaint him therewith, and invite him back to Savanah to exe cute the Office of Register, and take care of the School. In pursuance of Another Recommendation from the Trustees on the same Day. Resolved That the Allowance of twenty pounds a Year in the Estimate for a Surgeon to dispense Medicines to such poor People as cannot employ One (Which has never been accepted by any Person) be given to M' Patrick Graham One of the Assistants. In pursuance of Another Recommendation from the Trustees on the same Day. Order'd That the Secretary write to M' Stephens, and acquaint him, that the Trustees entirely disapprove of and disallow the Settlement of twelve pounds a Year made on M' Christopher Ortman, for acting as School Master at Vernonburgh and Acton, by the President and Assistants. That the Trustees are surpris'd at the Resolution, Which the President 480 COLONIAL RECORDS. and Assistants came to, Viz' "That the said M' Ortman had been mis represented to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge" without their hearing Any Body on that Subject but M' Ortman himself. And that the Trustees cannot but take notice of, and condemn the Inference drawn by them, that the Placing M' Ortman at Vernonburgh and Acton, is a Saving to the Trust, as if they were oblig'd to maintain Every Body Who for Misbehaviour may have been discharg'd. In pursuance of Another Recommendation from the Trustees on the same Day. Resolved That the following Grants made by the President and Assistants be confirm'd Viz' A Grant of a fifty Acre Lot made July 26'" 1745 at the new Village on Skeedaway Island to Thomas Sparnel ' A Grant of a fifty Acre Lot in the Town of Savanah to Christian Camphire made July 26 1745. A Grant of a fifty Acre Lot at Abercorn to James Grant made June 7. 1745 A Grant of a fifty Acre Lot at Abercorn to Christian Dasher made November 22. 1745 And a Grant of a Lot in the Town of Savanah to Jacob Holbrook made December 23. 1745. And that the Purchase made by John Lawrence of Frederica of the Lot N° 2. in the first Tything of the lower New Ward of Samuel Clee, be confirm'd Provided that the said John Lawrence occupies the said Lot by himself or Servants. Read a Memorial from M' John Vernon Dated Feb'y the 10*" Instant setting forth his having brought a Model of a Machine from France for winding Silk pursuant to an Agreement with some of the Trustees. Resolved That the Agreement made with M' John Vernon be confirmed. Viz' That One hundred Pounds should be paid to him on his Embarking for Georgia And a further Sum of One hundred Pounds on his Arrival in Georgia with the aforesaid Model, And that his Passage to Georgia be defray'd, and two Servants be maintain'd for him. And that the said M' John Vernon do forthwith embark on board a Ship under the Con voy of the Adventure Man of War. Resolved That, in case M' John Vernon neglects or refuses to embark, the Sum COLONIAL RECORDS. 481 of two hundred Pounds be given to him as a full Compensation for all his Trouble, and for the aforesaid Model of a Machine for Winding Silk. M' Patrick Graham having sent over a Catalogue of Medicines want ing in the Publick Store for the use of the Sick, Who cannot afford to purchase them. Order'd That the said Medicines be provided and sent over to the Care of the President and Assistants to be deliver'd out to M' Graham as they may be wanted. Order'd That the same Quantity of Stationary Ware as the last be sent to Georgia for the use of the President and Assistants, the Secretary and the Magistrates in the Province Order'd That some Paint and Oil be sent to Georgia for the use of the Church at Savanah, And that some be likewise sent to M' Bolzius for the Inside of the two Churches at Ebenezer, and that he be acquainted that the Outsides should be feather boarded, then tarr'd and sanded to preserve them from the Weather. Orderd That some Chains for the Blocks to be dragg'd from the Saw Mill at Ebenezer and some strong Cords of an Inch thick or thicker as desired by M' Bolzius be provided and sent over to him. Order'd That a Pair of Mill Stones for the Corn Mill at Ebenezer and some strong Leather for making two or three Dozen of Horse Collars for the Use of the Saltzburghers as desired by M' Bolzius, be provided and sent over to him. Resolved That the Sum of twenty Pounds be paid to the Rev4 M' Ziegenhagen to be laid out by him for a new Gown and Cassock and some Clothing for the Rev4 M' Bolzius as a Reward for his great Care and good Conduct in the Religious and Civil Concerns of the Saltzburghers in Georgia. The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that the Sola Bills to the value of five hundred Pounds sent to M' Stephens the 12'" of April last in a Box on board the Loyal Katharine Capt. White in order to compleat the Estimated Expences in Georgia to Lady Day last, and Number'd 10501 to 11000. of One Pound Each were taken with the said Ship and carried to the Havanah. [31 c. r.] 482 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the President and Assistants be directed to use their Endeavours for the recovery of the said Box and Sola Bills, Which are of no other Use but what they were design'd for. Resolved That in the mean time Five hundred Pounds in Sola Bills be sent over on board the Adventure Man of War Capt. Hamar in order to supply the want of those taken as above, And that they do consist of three hundred of One Pound Each N° 11701 to N° 12000 and Forty of five Pounds Each N° 1811 to N° 1850; And that they be dated this Day, and be made out, seal'd, and sign'd, as the last for One thousand Pounds were.Order'd That, if the Sola Bills for five Hundred Pounds be recover'd from the Havanah, The abovemention'd Five hundred Pounds now order'd, to gether with the One thousand Pounds last sent, be applied for defraying the Estimated Expences in Georgia to Lady Day next ; And that the Sur plus be applied for the Expences in Georgia, Which shall be estimated for the ensuing Year. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to consider of such Estimate, Where any Savings can be made in it, by reducing or altering any of the present Expences in Georgia. The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that Capt. Quarme, before he sail'd from Gosport with the German Servants for Georgia in November 1745, had wrote to him for Primage on the Freight of the Passengers, Which he was not entitled to ; Yet it was propos'd to con sider of some Allowance for him on his Return, in case he took proper Care of the Passengers, Which the Accountant reported he had done, and that he died in his Passage, and that the Widow had sent to him for a Consideration for the same. Resolved That ten Guineas be paid to the Widow Quarme for her Husband's said Service. Order'd That Another Model of the Machine, used at Montalban in France for Winding Silk, be made, to be kept at the Office. Order'd That Some Books, entitled Boreman's Compendious Account of the COLONIAL RECORDS. 483 Art of breeding, Nursing, and right Ordering the; Silk Worms, be sent over to the President, in order to be distributed among the Inhabitants of Vernonburgh, and Acton, Resolved That a Draught be made on the Bank of England for the Sum of Four hundred and fifty Pounds payable to S' Joseph Hankey and C° on Account, for the several Purposes order'd by the Common Council. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by S' John Barrington, Earl of Shaftesbury, M' Chandler, M' Tho8 Tower, and D' Hales N° 7843.0. Resolved That Major William Horton and M' John Calwell be appointed Con servators of the Peace at Frederica. Read a Letter from M' John Calwell Dated Sept' 14'" 1746 Wherein he gives an Account of his Improvements at Frederica, and desires two Town Lots for two of his Children, and a Grant of five hundred Acres for himself. Resolved That two Town Lots at Frederica be granted to two Sons of the said John Calwell, provided They are old enough to cultivate the same, that is, if they are sixteen Years of Age ; And that M' Calwell be required to transmit to the Trustees the Ages and Christian Names of his said Sons. Resolved That so much more Land contiguous to Frederica be granted to the said John Calwell, as may make up five hundred Acres with the Lot he is at present in possession of, And that M' Calwell be acquainted, that the Trustees cannot grant more than five hundred Acres to any One Person. Adjourn'd. 484 COLONIAL RECORDS. Friday May 29 1747 Present in Common Council Assembled Mr Tuffnel in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon Mr Tho8 Tower Gen1 Oglethorpe Mr Eyre M' Cornewall M' Smith M' Chandler Read a Letter from Samuel LLoyd Esq' That the Silk belonging to the Trust had been Organzin'd by him, That the Quantity Which he S oz 8 oz receiv'd from the Office was 95. 6. raw, Which produc'd 93 1 clean, work'd into Organzine Tram and Singles. That the Charges of working the same amounted to £ 22. 12. 3. and that his Valuation of the Silk is at One hundred and ten Pounds Nineteen Shillings and five pence. Resolved That so much of the Warp be wrought into some Quality of Silk as there is at present Shute enough to work up therewith ; And that the Care of the same be entrusted to M' LLoyd. Resolved That M' LLoyd's Bill amounting to twenty two Pounds twelve Shil lings and three Pence for Organzining the Silk be paid. It appearing by the Accounts from Georgia transmitted by the Presi dent and Assistants, That the Expences there to Lady Day last were near provided for by the Sola Bills already sent, exclusive of the Sola Bills for five hundred Pounds taken by the Spaniards on board the Loyal Catharine Capt. White, Which have been replac'd by others sent since to the Colony ; And that if the said Bills for five hundred Pounds are recover'd, the said Expences in Georgia to Lady Day last will not only be campleated thereby, but the Estimate for the present Year (Which amounts to upwards of twelve hundred Pounds) will be in part supplied Resolved That, towards defraying the current Year's Expences in Georgia, Any Five of the Common Council be empower'd to order Sola Bills to be made out, sign'd, and seal'd, not exceeding the Sum of One thousand COLONIAL RECORDS. 485 Pounds, to be sent over to Georgia, in such Proportions, and at such times, as they shall find necessary. Resolved That any five of the Common Council Assembled together shall have Power to draw upon the Bank of England for the payment of Sola Bills return'd from Georgia, And as far as the Sum of four hundred Pounds for the Charges of the Trust in England, for such Sums, and at such times, as they shall find necessary for those Services Read a Memorial from M' John Vernon Proposing to go over with his Family and two Servants to settle in Georgia, and desiring that the Ex- pence of their Passage may be defray'd by the Trust. Resolved That the Passage of Mr John Vernon, of his Family and two Servants to Georgia be defray'd by the Trust. A Return being made by the Register of Georgia of the Grants of Lands made by the Trustees in England, shewing which of them have been taken up, and by whom Occupied, and how Improved. Resolved That it be refer'd to M' Eyre M' Chandler and Mr Thomas Tower, or any two of them, for their Opinion, Which of the said Grants appear to be forfeited, and What Method is most proper to be taken for the Trus tees repossessing the Lands so forfeited. Resolved That it be refer'd to the same Gentlemen to consider of the Extending the Grants of Lands in Georgia from the present Tenure of Heirs Male to Heirs General Resolved That it be refer'd to the same Gentlemen to prepare a proper Form of Grants to be printed and sent to Georgia impowering proper Persons thereby to convey to the Land holders in Georgia the several Allotments of Lands they are to stand possess'd of, to hold to them and the Heirs Male of their Bodies (but not to assign without proper Licenses) with Covenants for the payment of the Quit Rents, and for Cultivation, and registering the Grants in Georgia. Read M' Stephens's Journal May 30'" 1746 June 13. and 16, July 2, 5, and 19th and November 14th and 20'" 1746 relating to the Behaviour of the Rev4 M' Thomas Bosomworth. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Correspondence to prepare a 486 COLONIAL RECORDS. Letter to the President and the Assistants thereupon, and to order the same to be sent. Read a Petition of Archibald Campbell Dated March 14'" 174f De siring a Tract of five hundred Acres of Land in the Southern Part of the Province, within a small Distance of S' Simons. Resolved That the same be granted under the usual Limitations and Conditions. Read a Petition of James Campbell Esq', Chief Engineer for the Provinces of South Carolina and Georgia, Dated March 14'" 174^-, De siring a Grant of the Lot of Land on the Island S' Simons (formerly the Property of Capt. Albert Desbresay, Which is lapsed to the Trustees, he dying without Issue) on the same Terms and Conditions, as other Land8 are granted. Resolved That Orders be sent to the President and Assistants to {inquire if no Person is in possession of the said Land, or claims the same as Heirs to Capt Desbresay, and, in case there is none, to put the Petitioner in pos session thereof. Gen1 Oglethorpe acquainted the Board that M' James Billinghurst ap plied for a Grant of the Island near the Orphan House, and he had laid before them the following Extract of a Minute of the President and As sistants relating to the said Island. "The Board are of Opinion that "there is no Objection to Your having a Grant of the Island You peti- "tion'd for, either with regard to its Situation, or of its ever being "granted to any Other Person By Order of the Board in Council Assembled Feb'7 12, 174| Nichs Rigby Clerk To M' James Billinghurst. Resolved That the said Island be granted to M' James Billinghurst under the proper Limitations and Conditions. Provided that the same do not ex ceed five hundred Acres. Resolved That the Sum of five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of S' Joseph and S' Thomas Hankey for the use of the Trust. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by the Earl of COLONIAL RECORDS. 487 Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Thomas Tower Mr Eyre and M' Smith N°7844\ Adjourn'd Saturday March 19 174£ Present in Common Council Assembled D' Wilson in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Gen1 Oglethorpe M' Vernon M' Cornewall M' Tracy M' Holland M' Smith M' Tufinel. Resolved That M' Joann Lodvick Meyer be appointed a Conservator of the Peace at Ebenezer. Resolved That the Trustees will allow a Sum not exceeding twenty Pounds Sterl in one Year for the expences of a Person in going between Savanah and Ebenezer as an Agent for the Affairs of the Settlement at Ebenezer, upon M' Bolzius certifying the Services and Expences of the said Agent from time to time. Resolved That a Sum not exceeding twenty One Pounds Sterl. be allow'd for purchasing Plows, Sythes, &c for the use of the People at Acton and Vernonburgh. Resolved That (in pursuance of a Recommendation from the Trustees) the Sum of five Pounds Sterling be given to Each of the two Saltzburgh Women at Ebenezer who have learnt the Art of winding Silk from the Coquons. Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Aces of Land be given to Capt. Patrick Sutherland in the Southern Part of the Colony (the Island of S' Simon excepted) on condition that he carries over and maintains ten Servants for cultivating the same. 488 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That a Grant be made to M' Thomas Hawkins of so much Land in the Southern Part of the Province as will with his present Possession make five hundred Acres on condition that he maintains ten Servants for cultivating the same. Resolved That the Lot late in possession of M' Falkner at the Town of Frede rica, if lapsed to the Trustees, be granted to Mr John Hawkins. Adjourn'd. Tuesday May 24 1748 Present in Common Council Assembled. Gen1 Oglethorpe in the Chair. Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Thomas Tower M' Cornewall Mr Chandler M' Eyre M' Smith. Resolved That any five of the Common Council (for that purpose Assembled) be empower'd to receive any Proposals from the Secretary of State, or Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, for enabling them to make Remittances to America ; And to issue the Trustees Sola Bills of Exchange to the Amount of such Sums as shall be received for that pur pose by the Trustees. Resolved That towards defraying the Expences in Georgia to Christmas next, Any five of the Common Council be empower'd to order Sola Bills to be made out, sign'd and seal'd for a Sum not exceeding three hundred Pounds Sterling, to be sent over to Georgia, in such Proportions, and at such times, as they shall find necessary ; And that on the Return of the said Sola Bills to England, Any five of the Common Council (for that Purpose assembled) shall have power to draw upon the Bank of England for the Payment thereof; And shall have power likewise to draw for as far as the Sum of three hundred Pounds Sterling, for the Charges of COLONIAL RECORDS. 489 the Trust in England, in such Sums, and at such times, as they shall find necessary for those Services. Order'd That the Sum of four hundred Pounds Sterling be paid into the hands of S' Joseph and S' Thomas Hankey on Account. Sign'd a Draught for the same by Gen1 Oglethorpe, the Earl of Shaftes bury, M' Vernon, M' Thomas Tower, and M' Smith N° 3365. Z. Read a Letter from William Stephens Esq', Dated Jan'T 12. 1747, re lating to the Effects of M' James Bull deceas'd And, by the Account thereof, they producing the Sum of Ninety One Pounds, nine Shillings and two Pence Sterling for the Benefit of the Widow Theodosia Bull of Evenjob* in Radnorshire, Which Sum is now in the hands of the Trustees Cashiers in Georgia ; And M' Stephens proposing that the said Balance might be paid to the Proprietor in England by the Trustees, and charged in their Account in Georgia as a Remittance for the Service of the Trust ; And the said M'8 Theodosia Bull having made Affidavit to her being the Widow and Relict of the said James Bull, & to her having by Letter of Attorney empower'd M'8 Margaret Pennant to receive the same. Resolved That the said Sum of Ninety One Pounds Nine Shillings and two Pence Sterl. be paid as propos'd, and charg'd by the Trustees Cashiers in Georgia, as a Remittance towards the estimated Expences there. The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that the Sum of Nine Pounds ten Shillings Sterling, was due to Messieurs LLoyd and C° for working thirty three Pounds of raw Silk into Organzine. Order'd That the same be paid. Resolved That all the Silk imported from Georgia be sold ; And that M' LLoyd be desired to dispose of the same. Gen1 Oglethorpe declar'd his Dissent to the Proceedings of the Day, and will enter the same. Adjourn'd. * Or Erenjob, "but we think it must be a Welsh word misspelt. 490 COLONIAL RECORDS. Monday Jan17 19 174f Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Vernon in the Chair M' Tracy Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Tyrconnel Gen1 Oglethorpe M' Chandler M' Smith D' Wilson. The Accountant acquainted the Common Council that on the 29'" of last Month, he was applied to by Captain George Dunbar, going to Georgia, for the Trustees Sola Bills of Exchange, as a Remittance for Cash to be paid into the Bank of England, to answer their Value ; Which the said Captain had Occasion for, to pay as Sterling Money to the Men to be disbanded in Georgia, Which he chose to do rather than to pay them in South Carolina Currency ; And That thereupon he had prepared Bills to the Value of two hundred Pounds Sterl, of one Pound Each, Letter A N° 12801 to 13000, Which he had dated the 2d Instant, and filled up as the former Ones were, in order for a Committee of five Council Men that day to have order'd their being seal'd ; But they hav ing no Power to receive Proposals from private Persons for Sola Bills for Cash to make Remittances, the same was then postpon'd. Resolved That Captain Dunbar's Name be added by an Interlineation in the said two hundred Pounds Sola Bills to the Names of William Stephens Esq' M' Henry Parker and M' William Spencer, that in case two of the three last mention'd Persons should not be living to fill up their Indorse ments to the said Captain Dunbar, When he shall arrive in Georgia, the Survivor of the said three and Captain Dunbar may issue them as he shall direct. Order'd That the Seal be affix'd to the said Sola Bills for two hundred Pounds, And that the Accountant do sign them. Order'd That on the Sum of two hundred Pounds Sterl. being paid into the Trustees Account at the Bank of England by the said Captain Dunbar, or by his Order, the said Sola Bills be deliver'd to him. COLONIAL RECORDS. 491 Order'd That the Accountant do sign a Receipt to Captain George Dunbar for the said Sum of two hundred Pounds, so to be received by the Trustees for their said Sola Bills to produce to the President and Assistants in Georgia, for their ordering the Indorsements on the said Bills to be filled up in Georgia, as Captain Dunbar shall desire, that they may answer the Use he has to make of them ; And that a Letter be sent to the Pres ident and Assistants acquainting them, how Captain Dunbar became the Proprietor of the said Sola Bills, and to authorise the Directions neces sary for them to give on this Occasion. Resolved That M' James Habersham of Savanah in Georgia be appointed an additional Assistant to the four Assistants already in Georgia Adjourn'd ' Monday May 29'" 1749 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair M' Vernon M' Eyre Earl of Shaftesbury M' Ewer Mr LLoyd M' Hooper M' Smith M' Tho8 Tower. In pursuance of a Recommendation from the Trustees dated February 22. 174| Resolved That the Sum of five Pounds Sterling be given to a third Saltzburgh Woman, Who has acquir'd the Art of winding Silk, as a Reward for her Industry ; And that the Sum of forty Shillings Sterl. be given to Every Woman in the Province, Who shall Acquire the said Art of winding within One Year. Resolved That in order to encourage the People to be industrious in the raising of Silk, They be paid immediately for this, upon their producing it, in 492 COLONIAL RECORDS. the following proportions. Viz' Fourteen Shillings Sterl. for Every pound, (of sixteen Ounces,) of Net Silk of the superfine Sort made from five or six Cocoons ; twelve Shillings Sterl. for every such pound of the second sort of Silk made from seven or eight Cocoons ; And six Shillings Sterl for every such Pound of the worst sort made from Cocoons, in which two or three worms had intermix'd. Resolved That, whereas Some of the People may be able only to raise Cocoons, and others only to wind the Silk, They be paid upon the Spot, upon pro ducing the Silk, in the following proportions. Vizt For Every Pound (containing sixteen Ounces) of Cocoons (Wherein is only one Worm,) Which produce the superfine Sort of Silk, the Sum of One Shilling Sterl ; And as about Eleven Pounds of these Cocoons will make one Pound of Silk, the Sum of three Shillings Sterl be paid to the Winder of it. For Every such Pound of the Cocoons, (Wherein only One Worm is contain'd) Which produce the second sort of Silk, One Shilling Sterl be paid ; And that the Sum of two Shillings Sterl be paid to the Winder for Every Pound, of sixteen Ounces, of the said Silk. For Every Pound of the Cocoons, Which produce the worst sort of Silk, that is, those Cocoons Wherein two or three Worms had intermix'd, the Sum of four Pence Sterl be paid, And One Shilling Sterl to the Winder of Every Pound, (containing sixteen Ounces) of such Silk. Resolved That Directions be sent to the Issuers of Sola Bills, that they do sup ply M' Bolzius with sufficient Sums from time to time, for paying the Saltzburghers upon the Spot for the Silk rais'd by them, he producing the proper Vouchers that it was made by them. Resolved That the Sum of Oue thousand Pounds in Sola Bills be sent over to Georgia by the' first Opportunity, to consist of five hundred Bills of One Pound each. Letter A N° 13001 to 13500, and One hundred Bills of five Pounds Each Letter C N° 1951 to 2050, the said Bills to be dated this day, and filled up to William Stephens Esq' M' Henry Parker, William Spencer and James Habersham, to be issued by them or any two of them ; And that the said Bills be seal'd and sign'd as usual. Resolved That the Sum of three hundred and four Pounds three Shillings and four Pence is granted by Parliament for certain Allowances in Provis- COLONIAL RECORDS. 493 ions to the Detachments order'd to be station'd in Georgia besides their Pay, M' James Habersham be authoris'd to supply the said Detachments with Provisions, as follows, (being the Plan on Which M' Revel fur- nish'd the Regiment) he taking Receipts from the Commanding Officer, Whether Commission'd or Non Commission'd, for the Quantities deliver'd him, to be by him distributed as undermention'd. Vizt. For seven Days to Each Person, Two Pounds and one third of a Pound of Bread or Flower, and not less than one Moiety of the latter. Two Pounds and one third of Beef One Pint of Pease, two Ounces of Butter, and a quarter of a Pint of Rice. Resolved That M' James Habersham be acquainted, that the King will order a Boat with a Coxswain and ten Men for carrying Provisions from Place to Place, and relieving the said Detachments, Which Boat is to be under the Trustees Directions. In pursuance of a Recommendation from the Trustees dated the 17'" of May 1749 Resolved That the Sum of fifty Pounds Sterling Ann be given to the Revd M' Bartholomew Zouberbuhler (besides the fifty Pounds e-jf>> Ann Which the Incorporated Society for propagating the Gospel are to pay him) And that two Servants be allow'd him ; And that the President and Assistants be directed to get the Parsonage House at Savanah repair'd and made convenient for him on his Return to Georgia. Read a Petition from the Rev4 M' Bartholomew Zouberbuhler, setting forth, that He, having reason to expect that many People from the Neighbouring Provinces will come and apply for Land in Georgia ; de sires, that a new Tract of Land may be allotted for a Glebe, since so many Inconveniencies attend the former ; And as there is none good or Vacant near the Town of Savanah, except that Which was at first re served for the Indians, he hopes the Trustees will give orders for the pur chase thereof. That he desires on the behalf of his two Brothers Sebastian Zouber buhler, of New England, and Melchior Lieckenstaiger of South Carolina, a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land to each of them, adjoining to the Glebe ; And as, by the Trustees Resolution to give him fifty Pounds ^ Ann, he is encourag'd to continue in Georgia, Where he thinks of set tling for Life and changing his Condition, he desires a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land for himself. ,/.¦ 494 COLONIAL RECORDS. Order'd That Directions be sent to the President and Assistants, to inquire whether the Yamacraw Indians have abandon'd that Tract of Land, Which they formerly inhabited, lying near to the River Savanah, and Whether those Indians may be inclin'd to surrender the said Land to the Trust ; and that they acquaint the Trustees therewith by the first Oppor tunity, that the Glebe Land may be order'd to be laid out on part of the said Tract, Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land be made to the Rev4 M' Bartholomew Zouberbuhler. Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land be made to M' Sebastian Zouberbuhler of New England, if it shall appear to the President and Assistants that he has Abilities to cultivate the same. Resolved That a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land be made to M' Melchoir Lieckenstaiger of South Carolina, if it shall appear to the President and Assistants that he has Abilities to cultivate the same. Order'd That Directions be sent accordingly to the President and Assistants. Resolved That half a Year's Salary be paid to the Rev" M' Zouberbuhler before he embarks for Georgia. Resolved That William Russel be recommended to the Commissioners of the Customs to be appointed Naval Officer in Georgia. Resolved That M' Nicholas Rigby, Clerk to the President and Assistants be ap pointed Secretary for the Indian Affairs The Common Council being inform'd, that Lieutenant Col. Heron has sent to the Duke of Bedford, Principal Secretary of State, some Accounts of Expences incurr'd in Georgia, to be examin'd and paid there ; And that the Duke of Bedford is to send a Letter to the Trustees to acquaint them therewith, and to assure them, that Whatever Sums shall be paid by them on such Account, His Majesty will immediately, by Warrant from the Treasury, make good the same. Resolved That any five of the Common Council, assembled together, be author- COLONIAL RECORDS. 495 is'd to consider of such Proposal, when signified to the Trustees by the Secretary of State, and to do therein (they all agreeing) what in their Opinion may be safe and proper for the Trustees to undertake Resolved That towards defraying the Expences in Georgia, subsisting the Dis banded Soldiers for a Year, Who shall stay and settle in the Province, and furnishing Provisions for the Detachments doing Duty in the Prov ince, Any Five of the Common Council, for that Purpose Assembled, and all Agreeing, be empower'd to order Sola Bills to be made out, sign'd, and seal'd for a Sum not exceeding two thousand Pounds Sterl, to be sent over to Georgia in such proportions, and at such times, as they shall find necessary. Resolved That, on the Return of Sola Bills to England, Any Five of the Com mon Council be impower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the pay ment of the same, and likewise for a Sum not exceeding three hundred Pounds for the Charges of the Trust in England, in such Sums, and at such times, as they shall find necessary for those Services. Resolved That for the payment of outstanding Sola Bills, and other Services of the Trust, the Sum of Five hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of Sr Joseph and S' Thomas Hankey. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by D' Hales, M' Thomas Tower, the Earl of Shaftesbury, M' Eyre, and M' Smith, N° 3368 Z. M' Balthazar Zoller, and several German Protestants attending, ap plied to the Common Council, and alledg'd, that they had been prevail'd on by one Mr Riemensperger to leave their Habitations in Germany, and come over at their own Expences to England, in order to go and settle in South Carolina ; And they, not being provided for by him as they ex pected, are left in great Distress, and therefore pray the Trustees will send them to Georgia as Servants. Resolved That, as the said German Protestants are but Seventy in Number, are in great Distress by which they may become burthensome here, and ap pear to be fit Persons to be sent for Servants, the Passage of them to Georgia be paid ; And that they be sent by the very first Opportunity, as they must be maintain'd by the Trust till they embark. That the said Germans are to serve for four Years, but that it be left to be settled with 496 COLONIAL RECORDS. their Masters ; at the time of entring into their Service, whether they shall be allow'd one Day in the Week to work for themselves, or shall have so much time (amounting to so many Days) deducted at the end of their Service. Order'd That a Paragraph be publish'd in the News Papers, taking notice of the Application of the said Germans, stating their Case, and that the Trustees from a Consideration of their Distress, have resolved to send to Georgia the seventy, being the utmost Number their present Circum stances will enable them to send. Order'd That a Letter be sent to his Grace the Duke of Bedford, Principal Secretary of State, to acquaint him therewith, and that the Trustees are inform'd a Great Number of German Protestants are coming over. Resolved That the same Quantity of Land be allotted for the Germans, the Trustees have resolv'd to send, as has been usually given to Servants. Resolved That it be refer'd to any five of the Common Council to examine the Accounts to the ninth of June next, when ready, and to present the same as soon as possible to the Lord high Chancellor. Resolved That, if any Proposition be made to the Trustees by the Government, to send over to Georgia any number of German Protestants, Who may come to England ; Any Five of the Common Council be empower'd to receive and consider the said Proposition, and to act therein, as the Trustees shall be enabled by the Government. The Common Council being inform'd that the Countess of Huntington is desirous of a Tract of Land, not less than twenty thousand Acres, to be granted to her in Trust, in order to be set out by M' Habersham and Others, to be parcel'd out to such Families, as She intends to settle there at her own Expence, to whom She desires a Fee simple may be granted in such Lands as they shall cultivate, under proper Quit Rents and Cov enants for Cultivation ; And that She desires the said Land may be fit test for Culture, and near a River. Resolved That When Any Application shall be made, in the usual Manner, by the Countess of Huntington for such Grant of Land it be refer'd to any Five of the Common Council to consider of the same, and act therein, as COLONIAL RECORDS. 497 they shall think most consistent with the Trust, and for the Benefit of the Colony ; But that the Countess be acquainted, that no one Person can have a Grant of more than five hundred Acres ; And that the Names of the Persons to whom Lands are to be parcel'd must be previously sent to the Trustees. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee, appointed by the Trustees May 17. 1749, in relation to Negro's, or any three of them, to prepare a proper Form of Grants to be made in Georgia by the Authority of the Common Council, to entitle the present Inhabitants to the Possession of their Lands under the Charter, the former Trust Grants not having been regularly executed, and the Possessors of fifty Acre Lots having nothing to shew their Titles by; And likewise to consider whether the Tenures should be in Fee tail alienable by Licenses to be applied for, with Rea sons assign'd, or in Fee simple, as to such Parts of their Lands as are, or shall be cultivated ; And also to consider What Quit Rents shall be re- serv'd, the Charter reserving four Shillings Proclamation Money. Acljourn'd Monday March 19'" 17$$ Present in Common Council Assembled Earl of Shaftesbury in the Chair M' Vernon M' Tracy S' John Barrington ¦M' Ewer D' Hales Mr Hooper D' Wilson M' Lloyd M' Smith M' Tuffnell. Read a Report from the Committee of Correspondence dated March 13'" 17$$, that they had taken into Consideration the State of the Cor respondence with William Stephens Esq' as President, and as Secretary within the Province of Georgia, and found that several Orders had been sent from time to time to him as President and to the Assistants, to [R2 c. r.] ; 498 COLONIAL RECORDS. Which no Returns had been made, the Want of Which has been of great prejudice by keeping the Trustees in the Dark in relation to several important Affairs in the Province. Resolved In pursuance of a Proposal from the Committee on Correspondence, That William Stephens Esq' be continued President of the Province of Georgia with the Salary formerly allotted to him of Eighty pounds 1*> Annum. Resolved That the Salary of One hundred Pounds <$i Ann as Secretary be dis continued to M' Stephens. Resolved That M' Henry Parker be appointed Vice President of the Province of Georgia with a Salary of fifty pounds $ Annum. Resolved That M' James Habersham be appointed Secretary within the Prov ince of Georgia to correspond with the Trustees with a Salary of fifty pounds Ann. Resolved That Mr Nicholas Rigby be continued Clerk to the Secretary within the Province with a Salary of twenty five pounds ^> Ann. Resolved That Duplicates of the Instructions formerly sent to M' Stephens as President and as Secretary be sent to M' Henry Parker as Vice Presi dent, and to M' James Habersham as Secretary with such further In structions as shall be thought necessary. Read a Report from the Committee of Correspondence dated March 13 Instant. That They having taken into Consideration that many Settle ments are made in different Parts of the Province, the true State of Which in particular, as well of the Province in general it is necessary the Trustees should from time to time be acquainted with, the better to enable them to procure all the Advantages They can for the Good of the People, and provide for the Welfare and Security of the Province ; had resolv'd upon a Proposal to be offer'd to the Common Council. Which Proposal being read. Resolved That an Assembly be form'd and authoris'd to meet in the Town of Savanah in Georgia every Year at the most leisure time ; And such COLONIAL RECORDS. 499 time as shall be appointed by the President and Assistants ; No such Meeting to continue longer than three Weeks or a Month at furthest. That Every Town or Village or District in the Province, Where ten Families are settled, be empower'd to depute One Person, and Where thirty Families are settled to depute two Persons to the said Assembly. That for the Town of Savanah there be four Deputies, for the Town of Augusta there be two Deputies, for Ebenezer there be two Deputies, and if thirty Families are settled at Frederica, They be empower'd to send two Deputies. That the Power of making Laws being by his Majesty's Charter vested solely in the Trustees, The Assembly can only propose, debate, and rep resent to the Trustees What shall appear to them to be for the Benefit, not only of each particular Settlement, but of the Province in general. That the Deputy or Deputies from every Place shall deliver to the Assembly within three days after their Meeting an Account in Writing of the State of his or their Settlement, sign'd by such Deputy or Depu ties ; Which Account shall contain the Number of People, as well of Ne groes as of Whites (distinguishing Men Women and Children of either kind, and the Children's Sex and Age) the Quantity of Land cultivated by each Inhabitant of such Settlement and in what Manner, the Num ber of Negroes kept, and the Number of Mulberry trees standing (prop erly fenc'd) on each Plantation ; And the Progress made by each Man or Family in the culture of Wine, Silk, Indigo, Cotton, &c. That the said Accounts as likewise the Proposals and Representations of the Assembly shall, when sign'd by the Person presiding in it, be de liver'd to the President and Assistants in order to be transmitted to the Trustees for their Consideration. That the Person to preside in the Assembly be chosen by them, to be approv'd or disapprov'd of by the President ; And if disapprov'd of the President be oblig'd if it is demanded by any three of the Assembly, to give his Reasons for so doing, and transmit the same in Writing to the Trustees. That the Assembly be empower'd, and call'd to meet as soon as conven iently may be ; But that from and after the twenty fourth day of June One thousand seven hundred and fifty One, No Person shall be capable of being chosen a Deputy, Who has not One hundred Mulberry trees planted and properly fenc'd upon fifty Acres of Land, and the same Pro portion of Mulberry trees so planted and fenc'd upon every fifty Acres he possesses ; And That from and after the twenty fourth Day of June 500 COLONIAL RECORDS. One thousand seven hundred and fifty three, No Person shall be capable of being chosen a Deputy, Who has not strictly conformed to the Limita tion of the Number of Negro Slaves in proportion to his White Servants ; Who has not at least one Female in his Family instructed in the Art of reeling Silk ; And Who do's not yearly produce fifteen Pounds of Silk upon fifty Acres of Land, and the like Quantity upon every fifty Acres he possesses. But as the Trustees are desirous of seeing some immediate good Effects from this Assembly, and are sensible that at present there are not many in the Province, Wrho may have the aforesaid Qualifica tions ; They do not insist on requiring any of these in the Deputies, Who meet in the Assembly within the Year One thousand seven hun. dred and fifty. Read a Report from the Committee of Correspondence, that the Soci ety for promoting Christian Knowledge had intimated by M' Vernon, That they had set apart the Sum of two thousand five hundred Pounds in order to provide Salaries for the two Saltzburgh Ministers, at Ebe nezer, One of fifty pounds a Year, and the Other of forty pounds a Year ; But that the Reduction of Interest would occasion a Deficiency of twelve pounds ten Shillings in the said Salaries from Christmas 1750 to Christmas 1757, and a further Reduction of twelve pounds ten Shillings from Christmas 1757. Resolved That the said Deficiency be made good by the Trust as long as the Parliament shall enable the Trustees so to do. Resolved That the Tenures of all Grants of Land Whatsoever already made to any Persons within the Province of Georgia be enlarg'd and extended to an absolute Inheritance, And that all future Grants of Land shall be of an absolute Inheritance to the Grantees, their Heirs, and Assigns. Order'd That Instructions be sent to the President and Assistants, that they give proper Notice to all the People in the Province, of the enlarging and extending the Tenures to an Absolute Inheritance, that They may apply for and have the proper Grants accordingly. Resolved That the Gentlemen, to Whom it is refer'd to prepare the proper Form of the Grants, be empower'd to consider upon and do everything necessary for carrying the above Resolutions into Execution. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 501 Tuesday March 27'" 1750 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Tracy in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Laroche M' Lloyd M' Ewer D' Wilson M' Smith M' Hooper The Accountant acquainting the Common Council that, pursuant to the Authority given by the Common Council by a Resolution dated May 29'" 1749 to any five of their Members for that purpose Assembled the Sum of Sixteen hundred pounds Sterl, part of the two thousand pounds order'd to be sent to Georgia in Sola Bills, had been sent thither, (besides the Sum of One thousand Pounds the Common Council order'd the said 29*" of May) towards defraying the Expences of the Civil Government, and encouraging the raising of Raw Silk in Georgia, subsisting the Dis banded Soldiers for a Year settled in the Province, and for furnishing certain Portions of Provisions for the Detachments of Soldiers, doing Duty in Georgia, for the Year 1749. Resolved That the Sum of four hundred Pounds, the residue of the two thou sand pounds order'd to be sent in Sola Bills, be sent by the first Oppor tunity for the said purposes, and that they be made out and dated this day to be fill'd up as the last were, to consist of forty of five pounds Each N° 2211 to 2250 Letter C and two hundred of One Pound Each N° 14301 to 14500 Letter A and to be seal'd and sign'd as usual. Resolved That any five of the Common Council, for that purpose Assembled and all Agreeing, be authoris'd to order Sola Bills to be made out, sign'd and seal'd for a Sum not exceeding two thousand Pounds, to be sent over to Georgia, in such proportions and at such times as they shall find necessary for compleating the Service of the Year 1749, if it shall ap pear there is any Deficiency unsent in Sola Bills ; And upon Account of defraying the Expences of the Civil Government, and encouraging the raising of Raw Silk in Georgia, and furnishing certain Portions of Pro- 502 COLONIAL RECORDS. visions for the Detachments of Soldiers, doing Duty in Georgia, for the Year 1750. Resolved That on the Return of Sola Bills to England Any five of the Common Council be empower'd to draw on the Bank of England for the payment of the same, and likewise for a Sum not exceeding three hundred pounds for the Charges of the Trust in England in such Sums, and at such times as they shall find necessary for those Services. Resolved That it be refer'd to the Committee of Accounts to review and settle the Estimate for the Year 1750, and particularly to consider What Use the Trust Cattle in Georgia are of, And to order what shall be done with them, and with the Cow pen keeper. Read a Memorial from M' William Williamson, Administrator to the Estate and Effects of the late Mr Thomas Causton, Setting forth the prog ress made by the said Thomas Causton when in England towards set tling his Accounts with the Trust ; And that, on the Computations made thereon Which were to be examin'd by the Books and Papers in Georgia, a Balance was on such Computations stated in favour of M' Causton ; But that he dying in his Voyage to Georgia no further Exam ination could be had; And the Accountant acquainting the Common Council, that M' Causton had settled with him, in case the computed Articles should prove right on the Examination Which was to be had in Georgia ; that the Sum of two hundred Ninety and five pounds Sixteen Shillings and six pence half penny would appear a Balance of his Cash Account in his favour, But the Accountant having since surcharg'd the Sum of One hundred Eighty five pounds thereon, the said Balance is re duced to the Sum of One hundred and ten pounds sixteen Shillings and Six pence half penny. Resolved That the Sum of One hundred and ten pounds sixteen Shillings and six pence half penny be paid to M' Causton's Administrator in full of all Claims and Demands whatsoever either to the said Causton's Lands in Georgia (they having been cultivated at the Trustees Expence) or on any other Account Whatsoever ; And that a General Release be taken from the said William Williamson, as Administrator to Thomas Causton, and his Wife. Read a Petition from Capt. George Dunbar, setting forth, that on the 3d of September 1735 he had a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land in COLONIAL RECORDS. 503 Georgia, Which being set out in Joseph's Town, and overflow'd with Water from the Rivers Savanah and Ness, he could not occupy the same. That on the 25'" of March 1748 he desired to surrender his former Grant in lieu of five hundred Acres upon the Island contiguous to Darien, and a Right of Common upon the remaining Part thereof; Which the President and Assistants in Georgia represented June 15'" 1749 his being disappointed of, and recommended him to another Situa tion ; And therefore Praying two Lots of five hundred Acres Each One for himself, and the Other for a Friend, on Argyle Island. Resolved That if there are two Lots of five hundred Acres Each on Argyle Is land unset out, the same be granted One to the said Captain George Dunbar, and the Other to such Other person as he shall name, to be ap prov'd of by the Trustees, to hold to them, their Heirs, and Assigns, un der the usual Rent6 and Conditions. M' John Welch having represented that he came to England some time since with One of his Sons to endeavour to receive some Money he was intitled to ; But being disappointed and desirous to return, with his Son, to his Wife Son and Daughter at Frederica, if he could obtain his Passage, Which he is not able to defray. Resolved That the Passage of the said John Welch and his Son aged twenty be defray'd to Georgia. Resolved That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the Commission for ap pointing Mr Henry Parker Vice President in the Province of Georgia, in the presence of three Trustees, and that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That the Seal of the Corporation be affix'd to the Constitution of the Assembly in the presence of three of the Trustees, if they find the same necessary, and that the Secretary do countersign the same. Resolved That the Sum of four hundred Pounds be paid into the hands of S' Joseph and S' Thomas Hankey on Account. Sign'd a Draught on the Bank of England for the same by the Earl of Shaftesbury, M' Anthony Ewer D' Thomas Wilson, M' Samuel Lloyd and M' Samuel Smith N° 2637 Q. Adjourn'd. 504 COLONIAL RECORDS. Wednesday April 11th 1750 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Wilson in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Tracy M' Lloyd M' Ewer D' Hales M' Smith Read a Letter and Representation sign'd by all the Magistrates, and a great Number of the People of the Province of Georgia setting forth the several Regulations and Restrictions, under which They desire an Act may be pass'd for permitting the Importation and Use of Negroes in the Province. Resolved That the said Letter and Representation be refer'd to the Committee appointed to prepare an Act to be laid before his Majesty in Council for permitting the Importation and Use of Negroes in the Colony of Geor gia under proper Regulations and Restrictions. Resolved That it be an Instruction to the said Committee, That in the first Ar ticle, the Possessors of Negroes be not confin'd to have indented white Servants only, but that White Servants be either indented or hired for a Year certain. That in the second Article an Exception be made for Coopers after the Word Artificers. That in the 6'" Article, If a Master of Negroes shall oblige or even suffer his Negro or Negroes to work on the Lord's Day, A Penalty of ten pounds Sterl. be inserted in the Act ; And that in the said Article The Omission of a Master's obliging his Negro or Negroes to attend at some time on the Lords Day for Instruction in the Christian Religion, be deera'd a Misdemeanour ; And the Courts of Justice in Georgia on con viction of such Misdemeanour be empower'd to adjudge a Penalty of a Sum not less than five pounds Sterl. for every such Misdemeanour. That the Common Council agree to the seventh and eighth Articles in the said Representation Read a Letter from the President and Assistants to the Secretary dated COLONIAL RECORDS. 505 January 18'" 1749 in relation to the Boat order'd to be station'd in the Colony under the Direction of the Trustees, and reciting a Minute of the President and Assistants of the Transactions of Gov' Glen and Lieut Col Heron relating to the said Boat and the Interruption of the Trustees Cor respondence. Order'd That the Secretary write to M' Aid worth Under Secretary to his Grace the Duke of Bedford Secretary of State, and insert a Copy of the said Letter from the President and Assistants, and desire that he will lay the same before the Duke. A Proposal being made to the Common Council that a Commission should be sent to Georgia, empowering a proper Person or Persons to in quire into and examine the State of the Accounts of the President and Assistants, and the Condition of the several Settlements in the Province, as well as of the Province in general, and to promote the culture of Silk in the most effectual Manner ; And M' Andrew Faesch and Mr Picker ing Robinson together with Mr James Habersham being recommended for the same. Resolved That M' Andrew Faesch, M' Pickering Robinson, and M' James Hab ersham be appointed to execute the said Commission. Resolved That The Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds be given to M' An drew Faesch, half of the same to be paid him by a Draught on Samuel Lloyd Esq' from Italy, and the other half on his Arrival from Italy, and when he is ready to embark for Georgia ; And that the further Sum of two hundred Pounds be paid to him in Georgia at the end of the Year commencing from his embarking for Georgia. Resolved That the Sum of fifty pounds be given to M' Pickering Robinson, and the further Sum of One hundred Pounds be paid to him in Georgia at the end of the Year commencing from his Embarking for Georgia. Resolved That the Committee, (to Whom it is refer'd to prepare the Form of the Grants, and the Constitution of the Assembly) or any three of them, be empower'd to prepare such a Commission, as aforesaid, and such Instruc tions, as They shall think most effectual for procuring a due Obedience to the same ; And that the Trustees do affix the Seal of the Corporation thereto, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. 506 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That M' Ewer and Mr Smith be added to the said Committee. Adjourn'd Thursday April 25'" 1751 Present in Common Council Assembled S' John Philipps in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Sr John Barrington M' Eyre M' Tracy M' Frederick M' Ewer M' Lloyd M' Hooper. S' William Heathcote a Trustee present. The Board being acquainted that the Money petition'd for by the Trustees for this Year had been refus'd in the Committee of Supply. Resolv'd That it be refer'd to the Earl of Shaftesbury Sr John Philipps S' John Barrington M' Eyre M' Tracy M' Hooper M' Frederick M' Ewer Mr Lloyd M' Vernon M' Chandler, and S' William Heathcote, or Any three of .them, to adjust with the Administration the proper Means for sup porting and settling the Colony for the future, and to take from time to time all such Measures as They shall find necessary for its Well Being ; And to frame, set the Seal of the Corporation to, and present such Rep resentation or Representations, Memorial or Memorials, as They shall think proper for that purpose. Resolved That it be referr'd to the same Gentlemen or Any three of them to or der the Letters necessary to be sent on this Occasion to the Colony and to dispatch the same. Resolved That the same Gentlemen or Any three of them be a Committee for inspecting and settling forthwith the Accounts and Papers in the Office. Resolved That it be referr'd to the same Gentlemen or Any five of them to con- COLONIAL RECORDS. 507 sider of and prepare a Constitution of the Assembly in Georgia for the future, in such manner as shall by them be thought most proper ; And to affix the Seal of the Corporation to the same. Adjourn'd Tuesday May 24'" 1751 Present in Common Council Assembled M' Vernon in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury S' John Philipps M' Ewer M' Lloyd Mr Frederick Dr Hales Lord Tyrconnel. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees May 24. 1750 Resolved That the Sum of twenty Pounds be given to M' Bolzius towards the Repair of his House at Ebenezer. Resolved That the Application by M' Bolzius of the Sum of Eighteen Pounds Sterl., Which was receiv'd by him for Redemption from Servitude of three Servants lately sent to Georgia by Cap' Bogg be allow'd of, in considera tion of some Expences he had been at in relation to the German Servants. Resolved That the President and Assistants be directed to accept the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling instead of four hundred Pounds de manded by them for the Stock of Cattle at the Cowpen purchas'd by the Saltzburghers at Ebenezer, in order to encourage these people in their Industry. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees June 15'" 1750. Resolved That the Allowance of forty Shillings to Each White Woman in Geor gia, Who shall acquire, the Art of reeling Silk, be continued for One Year from Midsummer 1750. 508 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the Passage of James Woolford (Who has serv'd an Apprentice ship of eight Years in the Colony) be paid on his Return to Georgia, And that his Lot of twenty Acres be enlarg'd to fifty upon the River Ogeeche. Resolved That tbe Passage of Anthony Pages, Margaret his Wife, and her Son Michael Lucas, And of Anthony le Sage be paid ; And that the two Men have each of them fifty Acres of Land, And all Provisions for twelve Months, They being experienc'd in the Culture of Silk. Resolved That two dozen of Copper Basons for the Use of the Silk Reelers be provided and sent to Georgia. Resolved That M' Henry Parker be appointed Vice President in and for the Province of Georgia And that the Sum of One hundred Pounds Sterling be given him in consideration of his past Services in acting for the Pres ident in Georgia. Resolved That M' James Habersham be appointed Secretary for the Affairs of the Trust within the Province of Georgia in the Room of William Ste phens Esq' with a Salary of fifty pounds ^> Ann. Resolved That if it shall appear to the Vice President and Assistants, that M™ Anderson has been of Service in reeling of Silk, and instructing the People ; They do give her the Sum of twenty pounds Sterl. as an Encouragement to her to persevere in her Industry ; And that They be directed to procure her a larger house, (in which She is to live without Rent) and such Accommodations and Materials as shall be found neces sary for keeping the Worms, and for reeling of Silk. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees June 26'" 1750. Resolved That the Passage of such of the Germans from Swabia, (notified by M' Ziegenhagen to be arriv'd from Rotterdam) as cannot pay their own passage, be defray'd, And that the Others be assisted with some neces sary working Tools not exceeding ten pounds Value ; And that Each Man of twenty one Years of Age, of those Who pay their own passage, be intitled to fifty Acres of Land ; And that those Who go as Servants COLONIAL RECORDS. 509 have Land allotted for them contiguous to their Masters, with a Liberty of working on the same one Day in the Week. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees July 13'" 1750, Resolved That Henry Parker Esq' the Vice President be the Commissioner for licensing Persons to trade with the Indians, and for the better regulating such Trade, and that the Constitutions of the former Commissioners be revok'd. Resolved That M' Noble Jones be appointed an Assistant in and for the Prov ince of Georgia. Resolved That M' James Frazer be appointed Conservator of the Peace at Au gusta. Resolved That M' John Penrose is approv'd of for Pilot at Tybee in the room of David Cunningham displac'd for neglect of Duty. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees August 8th 1750. Resolved That the Sum of twelve Guineas be paid to M' Joshua Geekie for his trouble in preparing several Draughts relating to the Release of the Tenures in Georgia from the Conditions in them, and an Act for per mitting the Importation and Use of Slaves in Georgia under proper Re strictions and Regulations. Resolved That in consideration of M' Pickering Robinson's going over to Geor gia without M' Faesch the Sum of One hundred Pounds be allow'd him on his Embarkation for Georgia instead of fifty pounds before order'd ; And that the Sum of twenty pounds be allow'd him for a Clerk at the end of one Year from his Arrival in Georgia, besides the Sum of One hundred Pounds M' Robinson is further intitled to at the end of the said Year. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees August 16'" 1750. Resolved That a proper Conveyance be made of the Ground upon Which the Church is built at Augusta, and of the Church Yard to belong thereto, and that three hundred Acres of Land be granted in order to be culti vated for the Support of a Minister there. 510 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That some Glass be sent over for the Windows of the said Church, as also a Pulpit Cloth and Furniture for the Communion Table under the Care of the Missionary. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees April 8*" 1751 Resolved That Henry Parker Esq' be appointed President of the Province of Georgia in the room of William Stephens Esq'. Resolved That the Sum of Eighty pounds 'p Ann be continued to be paid to M' Stephens in consideration of his great Age and Infirmities and his past Services ; And that, in case of the Death of Mr Stephens, the Sum of fifty pounds <$>> Ann be added to the Salary of M' Parker as President. Resolved That M' Pickering Robinson and M' Francis Harris be appointed As sistants in and for the Province of Georgia, Each of them to have a Salary of twenty pounds ^> Ann. Resolved That M' Noble Jones be appointed Register of the Province. Resolved That the President and Assistants be directed to purchase of M' Bol zius as many Mulberry Plants as he shall have to dispose of, in order to distribute them among such of the Proprietors of small Tracts of Land, as They shall find most disposed to cultivate the same, and to promote the Culture of Silk ; And that Payment for the said Plants be made out of the Money owing to the Trust from M' Bolzius and the Saltz burghers for the Cattle purchased by them. Resolved That the Sum of thirty pounds be given to M' Joseph Otholengi (Who is gone to reside in Georgia as a Catechist for the Instruction of the Ne groes) in lieu of the Maintenance of a Servant for three Years, Which was at first agreed to be allow'd him ; Especially as M' Otholengi is to re ceive no Other Gratuity from the Trustees, except the Passage of him self his Wife and a Servant to Georgia, he being allow'd an Annual Stipend from the Society for propagating, the Gospel, and the Associates of the late D' Bray. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees the 1 8'" Instant. Resolved That M' Samuel Marcer be removed from the Offices of Bailiff and COLONIAL RECORDS. 511 Assistant, on Account of the Obstruction he has given to the Publick Service, and his countenancing Mr. Thomas Bosomworth in his illegal Attempt to purchase of the Indians Lands within the Bounds of his Majesty's Charter. Resolved That some Standard Weights Scales and Measures be provided in order to be sent over to Georgia. Resolved That a Fire Engine be purchas'd in order to be sent to Savanah in Georgia. Resolved That M' Joshua Geekie be engaged to prepare the Draught of an Act for declaring Lots of Land, Which have been taken up, and are now Unoccupied and abandon'd to be forfeited. Resolved That the Allowance of forty Shillings Sterling to Each White Woman in Georgia, Who shall acquire the Art of reeling Silk, be continued for One Year from Midsummer 1751. Resolved That the President and Assistants or Any two of them be appointed and empower'd to meet and confer with the Indians in Georgia, in order to confirm and enlarge the Treaties made with the Assembled States of the lower Creek Nation in the Years 1733 and 1739. Resolved That it be referr'd to the Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Frede rick M' Ewer M' Lloyd D' Hales M' Tracy M' Chandler and Mr Hooper or Any three of them to prepare and settle the said Appointment and Authority, And to see the Seal of the Corporation affix'd thereto ; And likewise to prepare and settle Instructions to the President and Assistants for their Conduct in the said Conference. Resolved That if it shall be found necessary to add any Presents to those, lately sent over by Order of his Majesty, to give the Indians for the purchase of the reserved Lands, the aforesaid Gentlemen, or Any three of them, be empower'd to expend a Sum not exceeding four hundred Pounds for the same, When the Money pray'd for by the Trustees is granted by his Majesty ; And that Any five of the Common Council be empower'd to send over Sola Bills to the value of two thousand pounds Sterl. for the 512 COLONIAL RECORDS. Service of the Colony, and to draw on the Bank of England for the payment of the said Bills when return'd. Read a Representation of the Assembly relating to the District of Augusta, setting forth that the Indian Trade in the Province is almost en tirely monopoliz'd by a Company of Seven Persons at Augusta, Who have not only a general Store at Augusta, but have likewise Each of them a License for different Towns in the Indian Nation, And setting forth the Inconveniences attending such a Monopoly. Read a Letter from the President and Assistants dated Feb'T 28'" 175f with Observations on the said Representation, and proposing that the Licensing Traders with the Creeks, Chickesaws And Other Nations to the West and South West should be confin'd to the Province of Georgia, And with the Cherokees, Cuttawbaws, and other Nations to the North ward should be confin'd to South Carolina. Resolved That the Same be drawn out in order to be laid before the Lords Com missioners for Trade and Plantations. Read a Letter from Capt. Kent late of Augusta recommending M' Martin Campbell, (Who has a fifty Acre Lot in Augusta) to have a Grant of four hundred and fifty Acres, in order to make up his Lot five hundred Acres, and recommending M' Francis Macarton to have a Grant of five hundred Acres, both on Kiowcaw Creek there being vacant Lands, And the said Campbel and Macarton being of Substance to im prove the same. Resolved That proper Instructions be sent to the President and Assistants for laying out the same, if there are vacant Lands sufficient in the said Creek. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 513 Wednesday January 8'" 1752 Present in Common Council Assembled D' Hales in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury M' Vernon M' Chandler M' Ewer Mr Frederick M' Tracy M' Lloyd M' Tuffnel The Earl of Shaftesbury reported from the Committee appointed by the Common Council on the 25tb of April 1751 for Adjusting with the Adminis tration the proper Means for supporting and settling the Colony for the future, and for taking all such Measures as They should find necessary for its Well Being, That, being informed, that the Lords of the Council had appoint ed Thursday Evening December the 19'" to take into Consideration the Trustees Memorial to his Majesty, and the Reports thereon from the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury and the Lords Commis sioners for Trade and Plantations, The said Committee had, at a Meeting December the 14'", desired and empower'd the Earl of Shaftesbury, M' Hooper, M' Vernon, M' Lloyd, M' Tracy, and M' Frederick to attend and deliver to the Lords of the Council the following Paper in the Name of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, in case They should be called upon by their Lordships. Viz' To the R' Hon"16 the Lords of his Majesty's most honble Privy Council. The Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, Who are ready, for the Service of the Crown, to surrender their Trust for Granting the Lands in the said Colony, think it their indispensable Duty to offer the following Considerations to your Lordship on behalf of the People settled there. That the Colony of Georgia be confirmed a Separate and Independent Province, as it is expressly declared in his Majesty's Charter it shall be (in confidence of Which the Inhabitants both British and Foreign have gone thither) And as the Assembly of the Province of Georgia have peti- [33 c. r.] 514 COLONIAL RECORDS. tioned for in a Representation to the Trustees dated January the 15'" 1750. That the Inhabitants of the Colony be confirmed in their Titles and Possessions Which have been granted to them under the Charter. That the Arrears of Quit Rents, due at this time, be remitted, since Most of the Inhabitants have been prevented by the War, and the vari ous Obstacles that always occur at the first Settling of a Colony, from cultivating so much of their Lands, as it might be expected They would have done ; And that the Quit Rents for the future be reduced from four to two Shillings for Each hundred Acres ; this last Sum being as much as is usually reserved in Any of his Majesty's Provinces in America. That, as there will be Occasion for a Secretary or Agent in England to transact the Affairs of the Province here, and to carry on the Corre spondence with the Government in Georgia ; And as the Trustees Secre tary Mr Martyn has served them ably and faithfully in that Capacity from the very Date of the Charter, and is much better acquainted with the State of the Colony than any Other Person residing in England ; And as the Trustees have the greatest Reason to believe it will be very agreeable and encouraging to the People there, They humbly desire Your Lordships will be the Means of recommending him to his Majesty for the said Employment, with such an Appointment as may be thought proper. The Earl of Shaftesbury further reported, that on the 19'" of Decem ber, the Committee attended the Lords of the Council, and being called in, They were acquainted that the Lords had read the Trustees Memorial to his Majesty, And the Reports thereon from the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, and the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations ; And that the Lords of the Council had observed in the Report from the Lords Commissioners for Trade, that the Trustees, Who attended them, had said, that if it should be expected that, for the Service of the Crown, They should surrender their Trust for granting the Lands in the Colony, They should have some Conditions to offer to the Council on behalf of the People settled there ; And therefore the Lords of the Council desired to know if the Trustees had such Conditions ready to lay before them ; Upon Which the Committee deliver'd, in the Name of the Trustees, the aforesaid Paper drawn up by the Committee December the 14'", And then order'd to be delivered in case it should be called for. After Which the Committee withdrew, And, after some time, being called in again, They were acquainted "That the Lords of "the Council could not advise his Majesty to recommend to Parliament COLONIAL RECORDS. 515 "the granting any Sum of Money to the Corporation of the Trustees, "unless They were desirous to make an absolute Surrender of their Char- "ter ; And if so, They were asked in What Manner They proposed to "make the Surrender" — Upon Which the Committee again withdrew, And then taking into Consideration the present State of the Colony, and the total Inability of the Trustees to defray the Civil Government there of from Lady Day 1751, to furnish the Troops stationed in Georgia with provisions, or to give any Encouragements for the Produce of Raw Silk without a further Supply, — They immediately drew up the following Paper, and severally signed the same. Viz' We, Whose Names are here underwritten, being a Committee ap pointed by the Common Council of the Trustees for Establishing the Col ony of Georgia in America, And being fully Authorised by them, do hereby signify, that We are ready and willing to make an absolute Sur render of all the Powers, Rights, and Trusts, vested in the said Trustees by his Majesty's Royal Charter, bearing Date the 9'" Day of June 1732 without any Condition or Limitation, humbly recommending the Rights and Privileges of the Inhabitants of the said Colony to his Majesty's most gracious Protection. Shaftesbury Rob' Tracy John Frederick Sam1 Lloyd December 19'" 1751. Edward Hooper. That the Committee were then called in again, And ,They presented the said Paper to the Lords of the Council, and then withdrew, And were soon after acquainted by M' Sharpe, Clerk of the Council, that he was order'd by their Lordships to inform them, that they had referred the said Paper to the Attorney and Solicitor Gen1 to consider thereof, and report to their Lordships in what manner the same might be most effectually carried into Execution. Resolved That the Common Council do concur with, and approve of all the sev eral Steps taken by the Committee, and do in a particular manner ap prove of, ratify, and confirm (as the Act of the Common Council) the Paper respectively signed by the Earl of Shaftesbury, and the Other four Members of the Committee December the 19'", and by them deliver'd to the Lords of the Council 516 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That the thanks of the Common Council be given to the said Com mittee for their Conduct in general, and in particular, for their Care in recommending the Rights and Privileges of the Inhabitants of the said Colony to his Majesty's Protection. Resolved That it be referred to the said Committee to consider What Papers may be necessary, on behalf of the Inhabitants of the Colony, to lay before the Attorney and Sollicitor Gen1 When They take the Reference from the Lords of the Council into Consideration, and to order the same to be laid before them. Resolved That M' Joshua Geekie be engaged to act as Sollicitor for the Trust on this Occasion, and to attend the Attorney and Sollicitor Gen1 with the said Papers, And on all such further Occasions as shall be found necessary.Resolved That the said Committee be empower'd to gratify M' Geekie for his trouble as They shall think proper. Resolved That the said Committee be empower'd to take all such further Meas ures, as They shall judge necessary, in order to perfect the Surrender of the Trust, in confidence, that his Majesty's Subjects inhabiting the Col ony of Georgia will suffer no Diminution in their Rights and Possessions by the Trustees Delivering into his Majesty's hands the Trust, Which They received from his Majesty on behalf of, and for the Benefit of his said Subjects. Resolved That any five of the said Committee have power to draw on the Bank of England for the Sums of Money (when received from the Ex chequer, being the Grant of Parliament) Which may be wanted for defraying any Services on the Trust Account, as They may think neces sary from time to time. Resolved That M' Lloyd be desired to dispose of the Silk in his Possession to be applied to the Use of the Trust. Resolved That M' Henry Yonge and M' Thomas Ellis be joint Surveyors of the Province. COLONIAL RECORDS. 517 Resolved That it be recommended to the Committee before mentioned to con sider the Services of M' Henry Yonge in his Survey of the River Sa vanah, and for his Drawing of the Filature &c. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to M' Pick ering Robinson. Resolved That the Magistrates be directed to give M' Robinson the Preference for the same on the Reserved Indian Lands near Savanah, And that When the Indians shall have ceded the same, M' Robinson be put in immediate possession of five hundred Acres of the said Lands, and in case the Treaty with the Indians shall not take effect, that he be put in possession of five hundred Acres in any other Place, not already granted , where Mr Robinson shall chuse. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to M' Thomas Robinson. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to M' William Robinson. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to M' Samuel Barker. Resolved That the three Lots before mentioned be laid out as near to M' Pick ering Robinson's Plantation as conveniently may be. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to M' William Backshell of South Carolina. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted in Georgia to Capt Philip Delagal, and laid out as near to his Son's as may be conveniently. Resolved That in the aforesaid Grants there be a Condition for the putting the proper Number of Servants on the several Lots within twelve Months from the Survey in order to cultivate the same. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees June l8' 1751 518 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That M' John Rae, and Mr James Campbell be appointed Conservators of the Peace at the Town of Augusta. Resolved That Capt John Mackintosh be appoinetd a Conservator of the Peace for the District of Darien, And M' Audley Maxwell a Conservator of the Peace for the District of Midway River and great Ogeeche. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees August 12. 1751. Resolved That fifty Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to Each of the Ger mans of twenty One Years of Age, Who went over in August last. Resolved That the Sum of Eight Pounds expended in Vinegar for their Cabins, and in Medicines during their Voyage be allowed. In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees August 24'" 1751 Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to Mr David Kraaft Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to Mr Gerard Von Brahm (sic) Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to M' Chris tian Von Munch of Augsburgh. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to M' Thomas Von Munch of Ausburgh Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to M' Charles Von Munch of Augsburgh. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to M' Christian Von Munch Jun' of Augsburgh. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land be granted to M' Remigius Von Munch of Augsburgh. Resolved That fifty Acres of Land be granted to Each of the White Male Serv ants of the aforesaid Persons at the Expiration of their Service. COLONIAL RECORDS. 519 Resolved That Orders be sent to the Magistrates in Georgia to give the Germans, Who went over in August last some Working Tools out of the Store house at Frederica In pursuance of Recommendations from the Trustees November 5'" 1751. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in Georgia be granted to Each of the ten following Persons Viz' M' Richard Oswald Merchant of N B London, M' John Stevenson, M' James Dennistonne, M' Michael T^* (sic) have not Herries, M' Alexander Walker, M' Andrew Blackburn, M' ?^£°0rmed James Johnson, M' William Crawford, M' John Crawford, and nor made M' James Walker, Merchants of Glasgow ; On condition that c"t7iorXP *" they send to Georgia within twelve Months a sufficient Number smee- of Hands to cultivate the Lands. And that Directions be sent to the Magistrates to lay out their Lots in the Southern Part of the Province. Resolved That in all Grants of Land Care be taken that Conditions be inserted for the payment of Quit Rents. Resolved That a Sum not exceeding three hundred Pounds Sterl. be expended in erecting Another Filature at Savanah, with a Place to lodge and as sort the Cocoons in, an Oven, a Well &c. Another Filature with the same Conveniences at Ebenezer. Resolved That twenty four Copper Basons be purchased and sent to Georgia, Of Which twenty are to be nine Inches Deep, Eleven Inches Wide, and twenty Seven Inches long, and the other four Which are for double Balls, are to be Eighteen Inches Deep, exactly round, and twenty four Inches Diameter. Adjourned, 520 COLONIAL RECORDS. Saturday March 218t 1752 Present in Common Council Assembled. Earl of Shaftesbury in the Chair M' Vernon M' Frederick M' Ewer D' Hales M' Hooper M' Lloyd M' Tuffnel. Read Minute of the Trustees January the 11'" That the Common Council having on March the 10'" 17|$ Resolved to make good, from Christmas 1750, as long as the Parliament should enable them, a Defi ciency of twelve pounds ten Shillings ^> Ann, in the Salaries allowed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge to the Revd M' Mar tin Bolzius, and the Revd M' Lemke the Saltzburgh Ministers, Which Deficiency was occasioned by the Reduction of Interest ; And as the Trustees Power to make good such Deficiency will soon cease by the Sur render of their Trust ; They therefore recommend it to the Common Council, that in consideration of the aforesaid Engagement, and the not making it good any longer, the Money due from the Salzburghers to the Trust, and Unpaid by them for the Cattle purchased from the Cowpen be remitted on their Undertaking to make good the said Deficiency to their Ministers. Resolved That the Common Council do agree to the same. Resolved That Mr William Russel be appointed third Bailiff of the Town Court at Savanah in the room of Mr Samuel Marcer. Resolved That the Seal of the Corporation be Affix'd to the same, And that the Secretary do countersign the same. In pursuance of a Recommendation from the Trustees March the 6'" Instant. Resolved That the Freight of M' Holt the Schoolmaster at Savanah, and his Wife's Passage from Georgia to England be paid by the Trustees, in case They desire the same and return during the Existence of the Trust. COLONIAL RECORDS. 521 Read the Copy of a Report from the Attorney and Sollicitor General, in Answer to a Reference from the Lords of the Committee of his Maj esty's most PIon"le Privy Council for Plantation Affairs, Directing them to consider in What Manner the Trustees Offer to surrender their Trust into the hands of his Majesty might best be carried into Execution, Setting forth, That it was their Opinion a Deed of Surrender should be executed by the Trustees with the privity and by the Direction of the Common Council under their Common Seal, thereby to surrender their Charter, and likewise to grant to his Majesty the One Eighth part of the Lands in Georgia granted and sold to the Trustees by the R' Hon1'1" John Lord Carteret. Resolved That the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, or any three or More of them do at such time, and in such manner as They shall think fit surrender and yield up to his Majesty the Charter granted by his Majesty to the said Trustees bearing Date the 9'" of June 1732, And likewise that They do grant to his Majesty the One Eighth Part of the Lands and Territories lying within the Limits described in the said Charter granted and sold to the Trustees by the R' Hon"1" John Lord Carteret, by an Indenture bearing Date the 28'" of February 1732. Resolved That the Trustees, Or any three or More of them be empower'd, And They are hereby empower'd accordingly to affix the Seal of the Corpora tion to such Surrender and Grant Which shall be prepared by the Attor ney and Sollicitor General in pursuance of an Order of the Lords of the Committee of his Majesty's most Hon"10 Privy Council for Plantation Affairs, bearing Date the 19'" Day of December 1751. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in the Province of Georgia be granted to M' James Campbell. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in the Province of Georgia be granted to M' John Williams. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in the Province of Georgia be granted to M' Roderick Gwynn. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in the Province of Georgia be granted to M' William Aldridge. 522 COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in the Province of Georgia be granted to M' Edward Mountague. Resolved That five hundred Acres of Land in the Province of Georgia be granted to M' George Applebee. Resolved That the said Grants be of an absolute Inheritance, and subject to no Conditions but the payments of the Quit Rents and the usual Conditions of Cultivation observed in America. Resolved That, When the Accounts shall be received of the several Lots grant ed out to Persons in Georgia with the Descriptions of the Boundaries and situation of the same, and the Number of Acres on Each, Grants of an absolute Inheritance be made to all the several Persons Who are now in possession of Lands in Georgia, or Who are intitled to Lands by Virtue of Grants from the Trustees, or from the President and Assistants in Georgia, and subject to no Conditions but the payments of the proper Quit Rents, and the usual Conditions of Cultivation observed in Amer ica, And that the proper Description of the Situation and Boundaries of the Lands be inserted in each Grant. Resolved That the Seal of the Corporation be affixed to all such Grants in the presence of Any three or more of the Trustees. Order'd That the Secretary do countersign the same. Adjourn'd. COLONIAL RECORDS. 523 Wednesday April 29 1752. Present in Common Council Assembled. M' Cavendish in the Chair Earl of Shaftesbury Dr Hales M' Ewer M' Hooper M' Frederick M' Tuffnel M' Lloyd D' Wilson The Accountant having made out a List of Sola Bills Which have been issued in Georgia, but not returned to England for Payment, amounting in the Whole to One thousand one hundred and forty Nine Pounds Sterl. Resolved That the said List be deliver'd to Samuel Lloyd Esq', And that the Sum of One thousand One hundred and forty Nine Pounds Sterl, being so much formerly appropriated, and now lying in the Bank of England for the payment of the said Bills, be paid into the hands of Samuel Lloyd Esq' for the payment of the aforesaid Sola Bills. Resolved That Notice be immediately given by written Advertisements at the Carolina Coffee Houses and other proper Places, that Whoever is, or shall be possessed of any of the said Bills in England, do for the future produce them to Mr Lloyd for payment. Resolved That Publick Notice be given by Advertisements in the several Ga zettes of the different Provinces in America, that Whoever is, or shall be possessed of Any of the Trust Sola Bills shall produce thesame to Sam uel Lloyd Esq' for Payment on, or before the 318' Day of December 1755. Resolved That the Trust Account from the 9'" Day of June 1751 be made out, and deliver'd to the Lord high Chancellor, and the Master of the Rolls. Resolved That all the Papers, Written and printed Books, Charts, Maps, Pic tures, Presses, Boxes, and all other Goods and Effects of What kind so- 524 COLONIAL RECORDS. ever belonging to the Trust, be immediately deliver'd over to the Care Custody and Power of the Earl of Shaftesbury, Richard Cavendish, Ed ward Hooper, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Anthony Ewer, John Fred erick, Robert Tracy, and Samuel Lloyd Esq'8 or Any three of them, Who are hereby empower'd to do and perform all Requisites therein, and dispose thereof as They shall think proper. Resolved That Mr Lloyd be desired, and he is hereby empower'd to pay the Sal aries due to the several Officers belonging to the Trust, and the Rent of the Office, and other incidental Expences to such time as the Earl of Shaftesbury, Richard Cavendish, Edward Hooper, James Vernon, Rob- bert Eyre, Anthony Ewer, John Frederick, Robert Tracy, and Samuel Lloyd Esq'8 or any three of them shall think fit, Who are hereby em power'd to do all and every necessary Act previous to or concerning the Surrender of the Trust. Resolved That as soon as the Sum of four thousand Pounds shall be received from the Exchequer in pursuance of a Grant in the last Session of Par liament, the same be paid over to the Earl of Shaftesbury, Richard Cav endish, Edward Hooper, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Anthony Ewer, John Frederick, Robert Tracy, and Samuel Lloyd Esq'8 Who, or any three of them, are to dispose of and apply the same ; And likewise the Sum of five hundred Eighty three Pounds and four pence half penny Which is to be demanded of the Treasury, and all other Sums and Ef fects the Trustees may be possess'd of or intitled to, for such Services, and in such Manner as they or any three of them may think proper. Resolved That, after the Receipt of the aforesaid four thousand Pounds, the Trustees Or any three of them be empower'd to present a Memorial to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, setting forth that the Services, for Which the said Sum was granted, cannot be settled nor known so as to pay and expend the said Sum before their Trust is to be surrender'd to the Crown, And therefore the Trustees humbly propose, and pray their Lordships will be pleased to authorise and empower the R' Hon"16 the Earl of Shaftesbury, James Vernon, Edward Hooper, Richard Cavendish, Robert Eyre, Anthony Ewer, John Frederick, Rob ert Tracy, and Samuel Lloyd Esq'8, or Any three of them to dispose of the Remainder of the said Sum of four thousand Pounds, not expended at the time of the Surrender, in like Manner as if the Trust had been COLONIAL RECORDS. 525 still subsisting, and to deliver their Account of the said Sum, as the Trustees annually did during the Continuance of their Trust, or in such other Manner as to their Lordships shall seem proper, so as They may be discharged of the same. Resolved That the Trustees, or any three of them, do present a Memorial to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, praying their Lordships will please to order the Sum of five hundred Eighty three Pounds and four pence half penny to be paid to the Trustees or their Assigns being Money certified by the Auditor of the Imprest to have been expended for Military Services, but paid out of the Trust Money, And that the Trustees do acquaint their Lordships at the same time, that They are ready to assign to such Person or Persons, And in such manner, as their Lordships shall think proper, all such other Debts as are due to the Trust. 0998