$> "¦¦¦ 1 ¦ ^HPttr^^t'''' ' ' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Presented by Professor E, Loomis SPALDING MEMORIAL: GENEALOGICAL HISTORY Edward Spalding, OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY, AND HIS DESCENDANTS. SAMUEL J. SPALDING, NEWBURYPORT, MA.SS. BOSTON: ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRINTERS, No. 34 SCHOOL STREET. 1873. Entered according to Act of Ccngrcss, in the year 1872, by SAMUEL J. SPALDINa, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. IHis folumc Respectfully Dedicated, wtth many thanks for the assistance they have rendered in its publication, TO Hon. ISAAC SPALDING. Nashua, N H ; EDWARD SPALDING, M.D., Nashua, N.H.; SOLOMON K. SPALDING, ESQ., BOSTON, Mass.; HON. ELBRIDGE G. SPAL DING, BurFALO, N. T. ; JOHN V. SPALDING, ESQ., Boston, Mass. ILLUSTRATIONS. COATS OF ARMS. Nos. 1 and 2 •' 3 " 4 it 5 " 6 K 7 " 8 it 9 " 10 face the title-page. . face page 7 . " "8 . " " 34 . " " 62 ENGBA VINGS. Most Rbv. Martin J. Spalding, D. D., Archbishop of Bal TIMORE, Matthias Spalding, M. D. Edward Spalding, M. D. Hon. Rufus P. Spalding . Solomon U. Spalding, Esq. Hdn. Elbridge G. Spalding Joseph Spalding, Esq. Hon. Isaac Spalding Rev. Samuel J. Spalding Edward H. Spalding, Esq. face p. 13 79 146 167 179 274 325 359 457 460 TABLE OF CONTENTS. FRlil'ACE, pp. ix-xi. Introduction, pp. 1-13. Origin of the Name; Spaldings in Germany; Description of the town of Spalding, Lincolnshire, Eng. ; Spaldings in England; Coats of Arms ; Spelling of the name ; Letter of J. C. Dalton, M. D. ; Spaldings in Georgia; Letters of Charles Spalding, Esq., Georgia; Spaldings of Maryland; Letters of tlie Most Reverend Martin J. Spalding, Archbishop of Baltimore. First Generation, pp. 14-19 ; Nos. 1-8. Settlement in Chelmsford; Will and Inventory of Edward Spalding, the emigrant ancestor, p. 18. Second Generation, pp. 20-25 ; Nos. 9-54. WiU of Edward', p. 21 ; Will of Andrew', p. 24. Third Generation, pp. 26-34; Nos. 55-201. Inventory of JosSph', p. 80 ; Will of Andrew', p. 32. Fourth Generation, pp. 35-62 ; Nos. 202-668. Sketch and Will of Col. Simeon*, p. 39 ; Will of Henry*, p. 55. Fifth Generation, pp. 63-122; Nos. 664-1798. Sketch of Col. Dyer*, p. 64 ; Sketch of Dr. Matthias", p. 79 ; Sketch of Daniel*, p. 86 ; Sketch of Asa*, p. 94. Sixth Generation, pp. 123-230; Nos. 1799-4183. Sketch of Dr. Lyman^, p. 129; Sketch of Solomon", p. 160; Sketch of Hon. Rufus-Paine", p. 167 ; Sketch of Solomon-Robinson", p. 179. Seventh Generation, pp. 231-385; Nos. 4184-7506. Sketch of Hon. Elbridge-Gerry', p. 272 ; Sketch of Dr. James', p. 287 ; Sketch of Hon. Isaac', p. 359. Eighth Generation, pp. 386-471 ; Nos. 7607-9152. Sketch of Gen. Oliver- Lyman*, p. 423; Sketch of Col. Joseph- Whit man*, p. 442. Ninth Generation, pp. 472-484; Nos. 9153-9374. Tenth Generation, p. 485 ; Nos: 9375-9381. Appendix One, pp. 487-491 ; Nos. 9882-9492. Spaldings who are undoubtedly descendants of Edward of Massa chusetts, but whose connecting link cannot be positively deter mined. vm TABLE OF CONTENTS. Appendix Two, pp. 492-503; Nos. 9493-9753. Information received since the foregoing pages were prepared for the press. Appendix Three, pp. 504-512. Abstracts of Wills- of persons named Spalding in various parts of England, collected by H. G. Somerby, Esq. Appendix Four, pp. 513-521. Genealogy of the Toppans. Appendix Five, pp. 522-525. Genealogy of the Chase Family. Appendix Six, pp. 526-529. Graduates of Colleges, and those who have received honorary de grees from the same. Appendix Seven, pp. 530-547. Descendants of Edward Spalding who have been in the military ser vice of the country ; Spaldings on the Roll of Revolutionai-y pen sioners, p. 530 ; Spaldings on the Roll of Revolutionary pensioners by the census of 1840, p. 531 ; Soldiers of the name of Spalding on the Rolls of Massachusetts, p. 532; Bolls of those who marched to Cambridge, April, 1775, p. 5£f2; Eight Months' Ser vice, p. 533 ; Enlistments for long service, p. 534 ; Miscellaneous Rolls, p. 534; Volunteers, 1861-1865, p. 535; Soldiers of the name of Spalding on the Rolls of New Hampshire, p. 538 ; Soldiers of the name of Spalding on the Rolls of Maine, p. 541 ; Soldiers of the name of Spalding on the Rolls of Michigan, p. 545 ; Soldiers of the name of Spalding on the Bolls of Rhode Island, p. 547. Appendix Eight, pp. 548-557. Additions, Omissions, Corrections, etc. Index First, pp. 559-597. Given names of the Spaldings ; the figures refer to the consecutive numbers, at which the name flrst occurs. Index Second, pp. 598-619. Names of persons connected with the Spaldings by intermarriage, or otherwise ; the figures refer to the consecutive numbers, under which the name occurs. PEEFACE. The plan adopted in this work is mainly that of Rev. E. F. Slaften, in the Slafter Memorial. A series of consecutive numbers runs through the volume. Where a name appears a second time, as it always will appear when it stands at the head of a family, the place where it is given is designated bj'- a number in brackets, placed immediately after the name. To trace a line of descent, seek in the Index the name you wish to trace ; against it will stand a number. Turn to this number in the body of the work, where you will find the name, and above it the names of the parerfts ; at the right of the name of the father will be a number in brackets, to which, if you turn, you will find the name, and above it the names of the grandparents ; and so continue until the line is traced. The numbers in the Indexes always refer to the first appearance of the name ; and on turning to that number in the volume, it will be seen at a glance where it appears a second time. It was my original plan to trace the descendants of Edward Spalding in both the male and female lines. But it soon became apparent that it would require another volume as large as the present one to do this satisfactorily. The increased expense of preparing and publishing this additional volume compelled me to confine my labors principally to the genealogy of the male lines. The marriages of all female descendants of Edward Spalding bearing the family name have been given, also their dates of birth and death, so far as they co'ild be ascertained. As to the spelling of tfie name, I have followed the best author ity. Spalding is the uniform mode in Great Britain and on the Continent, and generally prevails in this country. Some prefer the PREFACE. other forms ; against these there is no law, for both surnames and Christian names are now frequently altered at the will and taste of those to whom they belong. There is no standard authority in the spelling of proper names. Mistakes will undoubtedly be found in the volume. But they exist, not for want of painstaking eflTorts to avoid them, but gen erally from imperfect manuscripts and contradictory statements sent by members of the same family. Many persons would be s.urprised to see the errors in their own letters, whicli are frequently the result, not of ignorance, but of carelessness. What is worth recording at all, is worth recording carefully atid correctly. I should esteem it a favor, when mistakes are .discovered, to have the corrections sent to me. The Historic, Genealogical Society is now, in an important sense, the foster-mother of almost every New-England genealogy. 1 ac knowledge my indebtedness to its library, and especially to the hearty and prompt assistance given me by so many of its members. I am under obligations to those who have sent me information, and take this opportunity to express to them all my sincere thanks. For special information I am indebted to Hon. R. P. Spalding, of Cleveland, Ohio ; Dr. Edward Spalding and E. H. Spalding, Esq., of Nashua, N. H. ; Miss Elizabeth P. Spalding, of Portsmouth, N.H. ; E.H. Somerbj"-, Esq., London, Eng. ; Mrs. C. F. Russell, of Towanda, Penn. ; Seth Savage, Esq., of Lancaster, N. H. ; Mrs. Susan Ball, of Townsend, Mass. ; George Spalding, Esq., of East Woodstock, Ct. ; Mrs. Elizabeth Winslow, of Evanston, 111. ; Mrs. M. A. S. Palmer, Cambridgeport, Mass. ; L. A. Spalding, Esq., Lockport, N. Y. ; William A. Spalding, Esq., of Ludlow, Vt. I must also add my obligations to Messrs. Alfred Mudge & Son, and to those gentlemen in their employ, whose ready co operation and suggestions have frequently aided me. The work has been one of great labor and expense, and is yet but partially accomplished. I would suggest the desirableness of making a Spalding fund of three or four thousand dollars, to be put into the hands of trustees, the interest of which should be ex pended in the prosecution of investigations and the publication of matters relating to the Spalding family. With this aid, a volume PREFACE. XI could be issued once in twelve or fifteen years at a price which would bring it within the reach of all who might desire it. It is a matter of regret, in the publication of this work, that, with all the generous contributions of friends, its cost is so great that it will practically fail to reach many who might desire to see it. With the assistance of such a fund as has been indicated, much information could be gathered, which is inaccessible for want of means to pay for copies of documents and registers. It would also encourage the making and the preserving of records in the difierent branches of the family. The mere asking of questions, with the possibility that a family book might be pub lished, has in many instances awakened interest and stimulated investigation. Mijch more would certainly be done, if it were known that the means for the publication of a volume were already in hand. The family is a very large one, and the representatives of it are found in all professions and in all departments of business and of industry. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the fresh materials for such a volume would be most abundant. The certain recurrence of such a record would be a moral stim ulus to all belonging to the family to carry the name forward untarnished. My correspondence has brought to me many pleasant acquaint ances whom it has never been my privilege to see. Their kindness and encouragement are among the cherished memories of the present life, and I trust our mutual sympathy in this work will form the basis of a higher and nobler friendship in the future. S. J. SPALDING. Nettbuhtport, Jan. 1, 1872. 2 INTRODUCTION. only three volumes, he died in 1811, and left his task to be com pleted by other hands. The name, so far as we' have any knowledge, first appeared in connection with the town in Lincolnshire, England This existed before Crowland ; for in Ethelbald's foundation charter of that place, part of the bounds of the monastery there are said to extend "usque sedificid Spaldeling." Ethelbald began to reign 716 A.D., and was killed 757 A.D. But whether the name was introduced by the Anglo-Saxons, or was brought over by a colony of Flemish people, or originated in that county, it is impossible to determine. In the Topographical Dictionary of Englaiid, by Samuel Lewis, vol. 4, pp. 138 and 139, published in 1831, we have the following sketch of the old Saxon town, Spalding : — Spalding, a market town and parish in the wapentake of Elloe, parts of Holland, county of Lincoln, 44 miles (S. E. by S.) from Lincoln, and 100 (N.) from London, Lat. 52°-51', Long. 0°-02' W., containing, according to the last census, 5,207 inhabitants, now supposed to amount to upwards of 6,000. This place is said to have derived its name from a Spd or spring of chalybeate water, in the market-place ; it is of considerable antiquity, being men tioned at an early period of the Saxon annals as one of the points on the boundary line of the estate belonging to Crowland Abbey, to which a subordinate cell for a prior and five monks was founded here in 1051, by Thorold de Buckenhale ; but at the conquest, on the presentation of this manor to Ivo Talbois, Earl of Anglers, a nephew of the Conqueror, who built a castle here, the society was so harassed by their new neighbor as to be compelled to abandon their cell, which, falling into his hands, was given, in 1074, with the church of St. Mary and the manor, to the abbey of St. Nicho las at Anglers, whereupon some Benedictine monks were sent over, and it became an alien priory to that monastery, being ded icated to St. Mary and St. Nicholas ; it did not share the fate of the other alien houses, but was raised to the dignity of an abbey, and so continued until the general suppression, when its revenue was valued at £878 18s. 3d. The town is situated on the river Welland, in a fenny district, but remarkably well drained; the streets are clean and well paved, the houses of neat appearance, and the inhabitants are well supplied with water. An Antiquarian Society was established here, many years ago, by Mr. Maurice Johnson, a native of the town, of which Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Hans Sloane, Dr. Stukeley, and several other distinguished persons were members ; many of the valuable books are still preserved,' some in the vestry-room of the church, and others in the grammar school, as are also some manuscripts, relics of antiquity, and nat ural curiosities ; the room is now used for a permanent subscrip tion library. A Uterary club has also been recently established. The theatre, a small and neat edifice, is open about three weeks in the year ; assemblies are occasionally held in commodious rooms in TOWN OF SPALDING, ENGLAND. 3 the town hall. The land in the vicinity is extensively appropriated to grazing ; and the fenny tracts have been drained by means of steam engines. Wool forms a principal article of trade, and some of the manu facturing towns of Yorkshire are supplied from this neighborhood. Since the river Welland was made navigable to Crowland and Stamford, Spalding has acquired a considerable traffic in corn and coal ; sloops from fifty to seventy tons burden come up to the cen tre of the town, and by these a regular coasting trade is maintained with London, Hull, Lynn, and other places ; there is a quay for landing goods, with spacious storehouses for their reception. The port is a member of the port of Boston. The market on Tuesday is the largest in the county for cattle. Fairs are Held April 27th, June 20th, August 28th, September 25th and December 6th, chiefly for live stock. Spalding has been the principal seat of jurisdiction for the parts of Holland for many centuries. In the Saxon times the courts of law were held by the earls, and, subsequently to the Conquest, the priors were invested with judicial authority, and they possessed the power of life and death. At present, the quarter sessions for these parts are held here, and petty sessions for the wapentake every week. Courts of Servers and of requests for the recovery of debts not exceeding £5, for the hundred of Elloe ; and also courts leet and baron, at which the Steward presides, are held. The town hall, situated at the northwest end of the market-place, was erected at the expense of Mr. John Hobson ; the lower part is let for shops, and the rental given to the poor, according to the will of the donor. A new House of Correction for the parts of Hol land was built in 1824 ; it is an airy and commodious edifice, under very good regulations. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln, and in the patronage of certain Trustees, who are seized of the rectory, which is of considerable annual value, in trust for the incumbent. The church, which is dedicated to St. Mary aud St. Nicholas, is principally in the later style of English architecture, with afine tower and crocketed spire ; it was erected in 1284, instead of the conventual church then pulled down, and considerable additions were made in 1466, amongst which was a very beautiful north porch. There are places of worship for Baptists, the Society of Friends, Independents, and Wesleyan Methodists. A free grammar school was erected in the reign of Elizabeth, and endowed, by the -will of John Blanch, with eighty-nine acres of land, for the support of a master to instruct the children of householders born in the parish ; the original endowment has been considerably augmented by Mr. Atkinson; the trustees are incorporated, and have a common seal. Another, called the Petit school, was founded in 1682, by Thomas Willesley, and endowed with nearly sixty acres of land. The Blue- coat school, founded by one of the Gamlyn family, is supported by a small endowment of land, aided by voluntary contributions. An almshouse for the reception of twenty-two poor persons, was 4 INTRODUCTION. fouoided and endowed, in 1590, by Sir Matthew Gamlyn ; and another for eight poor widows, in 1709, by Mrs. Elizabeth Sparke. There are also considerable estates vested in trustees, called " Town Husbands," for the benefit of the poor. A portion of the abbey buildings yet remains, which is partly in ruins. Many relics of antiquity have at different periods been discovered in the neighbor hood, and others taken out of the river Welland. There are many traces, existing in the neighborhood of Spalding, of the stupendous works executed by the Romans, in the various embankments for keeping out the sea, which still remain as monu ments of their industry and power. In the time of the Saxons, it flourished under the Mercian princes, and its particular lords and patrons were their kinsmen, some of whom were deputy-governors under the king, and had their residence in Spalding. There is a Spaldington, a township in the parish of Bu'iwith, Holme-Beacon division of the wapentake of Harthdl, East riding of the county of Torh, 4J miles ^^N. by E.) from Howden, contain ing 861 inhabitants. There is also a Spaldwick, a parish in the hundred of Lefghten- stone, county of Huntingdon, 3| miles (N. E. by N.) from Kimbol- ton, containing 332 inhabitants. There is also a hamlet called Spalford, in the parish of North Clifton, northern division of the wapentake of Newark, county of Nottingham, 7 miles (E. by S.) fromTuxford, containing-86 inhab itants. The following citations will show that the name Spalding, as a patronymic, has existed in Great Britain from very early periods. " Henry de Walpol sold lands by deed, sans date, to John de Spalding (Burgess of Lenn) in Tyrington and sealed as by his deed appears with a Fess between two Chevrons. About 51 Henry HI." (A. D. 1267). ^Collins' Peerage, vol. 5, p. 32.] ^ West' Hall Manor, Denver, Norfolk. " In 9th of Edward II. (A. D. 1316), Peter de Spalding was lord and presented to the Mediety of St. Michael's of Denver, as lord of this manor. " John, son df said Peter, was lord in the 13th of Edward III, (A. D. 1340) and had 30 messuages in this town, with 500 acres of land, 30 of meadow, and in Hilgey, Downham, Fordham, &c." [Blomfield's Hist, of the County of Norfolk, England, vol 7 p. 316.] ¦ ' " Berwick Castle, Sir Pierce Spalding delivered it up to Thomas Randall, Earl of Murray, April 2, 1318, in consideration of lands given him in Angus, in Scotland. It remained in possession of the Scots until 1333." [ WaUis' Northcumberland, England, vol. 2, p. 435.] In Lc'and, I. 547, it is expressly said, " James Douglas, by the SPALDINGS OP ENGLAND, A.D. 1318-1347. 5 help of Patrike, Counte of Marche and Peter Spalding of Berwike, got Berwike out of the EngUishmennes' handes." " Accidit ^ex tempore, ad malorum cumulum, quod quidam perfl- dus, dictus ' Petrus de Spaldyng ' cui custodia villse de BerewicO coramissa, fuerat, Scotis venderet dictam villam, et intrare permit- teret ; quod factum Regem graviter contristavit." March 28, 1318. \_Uistoria Anglicana, Thomce Walsingham, vol. 1, p. 155.] In Hade's Annals of Scotland, vol. II. p. 97, the following account is given : — " One Spalding, a citizen of Berwick, having been harshly treated by the governor (probably Robert Horsely) , resolved to revenge himself. He wrote to a Scottish lord (probably Patrick, Earl of March) whose relation he had married, and offered, on a certain night, to betray the post where he kept guard. The Scot tish lord durst not of himself engage in an enterprise so perilous and important ; he therefore communicated this intelligence to the king. " Troops were assembled under Randolph and Douglas, cautiously marched to Berwick, and, assisted by Spalding, scaled the walls, and in a few hours were masters of the town." Howard's Manor, Tyrington, Norfolk Co., England. " In the 20th of Edward III. (A.D. 1347), John Avenell and .loan his wife, held the fourth part of a fee, which Peter, son of John Spalding, formerly held ; and the said John and Joan, with Robert de Oanston and the heirs of Ida, late wife of William Bataile, held the third part of a fee of the Lord Bardolf ; and at the same time John de Tilney and his parceners held the twelfth part of a fee of the said lord, which John de Fitlon formerly held. Peter Spalding sold his part or manor (having infranchised several villains), to Sir John Howard, the elder." [Blomfield's Hist, of the County of Norfolk, England, vol. 9, p. 87.] ^ There was a William Spaldewic, incumbent of Eltisley, Cam bridgeshire, presented Nov. 10, 1394, resigned 1399. " A. D. 1453. Hen. 6. Pro Jacobo Domino de Hamilton. Rex, per Literas suas Patentes, per Tres Annos proximo futuros duraturas, de avisamento & matura deliberatione Concilii sui, suscepit in salvum & securum Conductum suum, ac in Protec- tionem, Tuitionem, & Defensionem Regis speciales. Jacobum Dominum de Hamylton Militem. Jacobum Dominum de Levingston, Archibaldum de Dundas. 6 INTRODUCTION. Dominum Gawinum de Hamilton, Praepositumde Bothvile, Johannem de Hamilton, Magistrum, Jacobum Inglis, Magistrum, Robertum de Hamilton, Capellanum, David Spalding de Dunde, David Flemyng, Robei tum de Hamilton, Willielmum Bailze, Magistrum Willielmum Bane, Patricium de Weddale. WilUelmum Banore, Adam Cosour, Et Thomam de Forest, Scotas, Volentes peregri Limina Apostolorum Visitare, cum Duo- decim Personis in Comitiva sua, etc., prout supra & de eadem Data." [Rymer's Foedera, vol. 11., 327 p.] In Blomfield's History of the County of Norfolk, Town of Brock- dish, there is a description of the church. " In 1518 Henry Baken- ham, of Brockdish, was buried in the church, as were many of the Spaldings, Withes, Howards, Grices, Tendrings, and Lawrences, who were all considerable owners and families of distinction in this town." In a>note on the above, there is the following : — " Spalding, per fess azure and or, a pale counterchanged, and three square iDuckles of the second. <' This family was originally of Spalding, in Lincolnshire. In the house belonging to the family, I saw a picfture of Samuel Spalding, town-clerk of Cambridge, in his alderman's gown with a book in his hand, Anno 1664, ce«. 74. Another of his wife. Anno 1664, cet, 63 ; her arms, argent an eagle displayed gules. Another of Frances their daughter, in her winding sheet ; this child being young, went into a garret in a remote part of the house, and the door shutting upon it, she was there starved to death, notwithstanding strict inquiry had been made after it ; this Samuel was father of Samuel, father of Daniel Spalding, Gent, deceased." [Vol. 5, p. 330.] In Rymer's Foedera, vol. 14, p. 510, Dominus Thomas Spalding is mentioned as Prior. ^ In Cough's British Topography, vol. 1, p. 208, Cambridgeshire, is the following : — " Samuel Spalding, town-clerk of Cambridge 1610, a good anti quary, being a fair writer and laborious collector, transcribed sev eral folio books of records relating to this town, which were in the hands of Mr. Blomfield." SPALDINGS IN ENGLAND, A.D. 1655-1686. 7 " Samuel Spalding was Mayor in 1630. Again in 1655 ; and in 1661, Thomas French was turned out of his office and Samuel Spalding put in his stead. The Mayor is annually elected on the 1 6th of August and sworn into office on the 29th of September." [Hist, of Cambridgeshire, England, by Edmund Carter, p. 59.] In Cough's British Topography — Aberdeenshire is the follow ing:— " In the same library [referring to that of King's College] is a copy in about 1000 folio pages of Spalding's History of Scotland. It begins 1624 and ends 1645. The author was commissary-clerk of Aberdeen, and has taken pains to commit to writing, as he has received them, such accounts of the public transactions as he could obtain in that remote corner. They are greatly misrepresented ; but the greater and more valuable part of the book relates to the particular occurrences in Aberdeenshire and the neighboring coun ties, which represent in a strong light the fermentations that pre vailed in the minds of their ancestors, and the barbarity of their manners. Spalding is a royalist, but speaks with great candor of the opposite party, and with particular respect of some covenant ing ministers, whom he extols as good preachers ; but of Mr. Andrew Cant, and the Presbyterian clergy in general, he loves to tell every prejudice that he can. The style is vulgar, but has merit. The account of Montrose's expeditions, and of the family of Huntley, might furnish matter for national history. The origi nal is in the hands of Lord Forbes. Sir James Reid of Barra had another copy." [Vol. 2, p. 645.] " Proposals for printing Mr. Spalding's history by subscription were dated Aberdeen, Dec. 1, 1765." [Vol. 2, p. 746.] Augustine Spalding graduated at Christ Church, M. A., May 14, 1686. Among the subscribers to Philip Morant's History of Essex, England, pub. 1768, was the name of Abraham Spalding. The following are descriptions of the coats-of-arms of families of the name of Spalding : — 1. Spalding (France, Lyon Register), Or, on a cross Azure five crosses crosslet of the first. Crest — a cross crosslet fitchee Or. Motto — Hinc mihi salus. 2. Spalding (Scotland). Or, on a saltire Azure five crescents of the field. Crest — a cross crosslet fitchee Or. Motto — Hinc mihi salus. 3. Spalding (Ashnillie, Scotland). Or, a two-handed sword in pale. Azure. — Berry. Burke says Argent instead of Or. 4. Spalding. Per fesse. Azure and Or, a pale counterchanged, three buckles of the second, two and one. Crest — A bishop's mitre Or, banded Gules, charged with a chevron Azure, and thereon three bezants. 8 THE SPALDINtS- MEMORIAL. 5. Spalding. Per fesse Azure and Or, a pale counterchanged, three bezants, two and one. 6. Spalding. Gules, two bars Argent ; in chief three annuletS' of the second. 7. Spalding (Lumlethen and Craigan, Fifeshire). Or, on a cross Azure five crosses crosslet of the first. This is the same as No. 1 without the crest. 8. Spalding. Or, on a cross Azure five crosses crosslet of the first. Crest — An elephant's head Or, crowned Gules. , 9. Spalding (Scotland). Or, on a cross Azure five crescents of the first. 10. Spalding. Or, on a bend sinister Azure, three crosses potent Or, two ravens ppr. Crest — A falcon belled and jessed ppr. From an old painting in possession of Col. Simeon Spalding [85] ; of doubtful authority. We have given these descriptions merely to illustrate the litera ture of the name. How Edward Spalding, of Massachusetts, was connected with either family in Great Britain entitled to bear these heraldic devices, we do not know. Further investigations it is hoped may throw more light on this point. These notes show that the name Spalding was very early intro duced and extensively used in England and in Scotland But whether the families were descended from one common ancestor, it is impossible to decide. The spelling of the name is quite uniformly the same — Spalding; and the given names, with the exception of one or two in the Maryland branch, like Benedict, are common to all the families, both in .this countr}"- and in Great Britain. It is also to be noted that in the coats-of-arms the prevailing colors are the same, which would indicate a common origin. The introduc tion of u into the name, as Spaulding, is an Americanism, and first appeals in the wills of some of the children of the emigrant ances tor. As Edward Spalding was among the settlers of Braintree, it might be inferred that he came over in their company. But as to the family with which he was connected, or the county in England from which he qame, nothing definite is known. The general tra dition is that he came from Lincolnshire. The following letter is from J. C. Dalton, M. D., of New York City:- Bevbrly Farms, Mass., September 23d, 1870. Rev. S. J. Spalding. Dear Sir: — Yom two letters of May 18th and 27th, to my brother, Mr. Charles H. Dalton, have been handed to me. I should be most happy to give you the use of the drawings in njy manuscript volume on the Spal ding family, or any other information relating to that subject, in my pos session. O V €) SPALDINGS OF GEORGIA. 9 You say, in one of your letters to my brother, that you particularly desire to know the reasons why I put the emigration of the ancestor of the Spaldings as early as 1630 to 1633. I find on reference to my manu script, that I say " Edward Spalding came to America in the earliest years of the Massachusetts Colony, probably between 1630 and 1633.'' He was certainly settled in Braintree in 1640, in which year he became freeman of the colony, and in which he lost his flrst wife, Margaret. I tried unsuccessfully to find any satisfactory record of the names of emigrants with the vessels in which they came, and the exact dates of their arrival at this early period ; but it is admitted, I understand, that the great bulk of the original Massachusetts colonization came within the few first years, especially from 1630 to 1633, so that for a colonist fliUy established in 1640 with a wife and three children, the probability is in favor of his hav ing arrived by 1683. I am fully aware, however, that it is nothina more than a probability. Most of the subsequent details relating to Edward Spalding and his immediate family, I obtained from the Town Records of Chelmsford. I think I found something in regard to Mm, previous to 1654, in the early Boston Records in the city cleric's oflice ; and I remem ber malsing a visit to Braintree on his account, which I think was alto gether fruitless, owing either to the incompleteness or inaccessibility of the Braintree Records. / But it is now six years since I was employed in this way, and I do not recollect all the particulars. I was much guided and benefited by some hints and advice from Mr. James Savage of Bos ton, author of the "Massachusetts (or New England) Genealogy," in regard to the means of tracing connections and identifying persons, in the nse of old or incomplete town records. Yrs. Very Respectfully, J. C. DALTON. The Spaldings in America," with the exception of a few that have recently emigrated to this country, are all descendants from three ancient families. One settled in Massachusetts, another in Mary land, and the third in Georgia. The Spaldings of Georgia are descendants from the Ashantilly Spaldings, county of Perth, Scotland, and they from Sir Pierce Spalding, who surrendered Berwick Castle to the Earl of Murray in 1318. Charles Spalding, Esq., of Sapelo Island, Ga., very kindly fur nished the pedigree of this family. The emigrant ancestor came to this country before the Revolutionary War, and in that struggle espoused the cause of the King. After the close of the war, he . returned to Georgia, where his descendants still live. These Spal dings are highly respectable, and have held important positions of iofluence and of trust in that State. I very much regret that my first communication from Charles Spalding, Esq., containing the genealogy of this family, was mislaid or lost. The following letters fumish the only additional information at command : — Bruro, McIntosh Co., Georgia, March 12, 1871. Rev. S. j. Spalding. Dear Sir : — Your favor of the 27th ultimo reached me a few days since. As regards your request that I would duplicate my letter of last year, which you have mislaid, I can only reply in substance, as I kept no copy. My grandfather, James Spalding, came to America about the year 1760 ; 10 INTRODUCTION. he was the only son of Capt. Thomas Spalding, an oflScer in a Highland regiment, who lost his life by drowning, while serving in Holland. From my grandfather's Bible, I make the foUowing extracts : — "Thomas Spalding and AnnaLermouth were married in the city of Edinburgh about the year 1734, — and afterwards his widow married Mur doch McLean, of the family of McLean of Loch Buy of the island of Mull, . a captain of the 84th regiment." James Spalding, the son of Thomas and Anna, was married Nov. 5th, 1772, to Margery Mcintosh at the house of her father, William Mcintosh, planter, on Sapelo River, Georgia. From this marriage was born at Frederica, on the island of St. Simon, March 25, 1774, Thomas Spalding, my father, an only child. Thomas Spal ding married, at the residence of her father, Richard Leake of Belleville, Sarah Leake, my mother, — and they had numerous issue, and many of their descendants still survive, — but as it is not necessary to your object that I should enumerate them all, I will only add that none of the male line of James Spalding remain, except myself, a man advanced in life and childless, and my two nephews, Thomas and Bourke Spalding (sons of Ran dolph Spalding, deceased) ; they are now living on Sapelo Island, the for mer recently married. From the above you will see that we are not connected with your family, or with that of Maryland, nor do I think we can be traced to any English family of our name, as my forefathers were established in Scotland, from a very remote period, early in the fourteenth century. Very respectfully and truly, Your ob't servant, CHARLES SPALDING. Sunny Side, Macon & Western R. R., June 7th, 1870. Rev. S. J. Spalding. Dear Sir : — Your favor of the 18th of May only reached me yesterday, or it should have received an earlier answer. I welcome your correspon dence, as taking us from a disagreeable present, to the past, where, in accordance with the instincts of advancing years, I like to linger. Your last communication found me in an old ruinous house by the sea side, where I sometimes resort, but do not permanently reside ; and I was able to answer you promptly, because I keep there my father's Bible, and some other relics, under the charge of an old Freedman, himself an heir loom, for he waited in his boyhood on my maternal grandfather. But I fear I cannot immediately give you the further information you ask for, as regards my brother Randolph Spalding's family, as his widow and her sons reside several hundred miles from me, and they have their family record with them. I propose, " Deo volente," to spend the next winter on the coast, in their neighborhood, and will then, if you wish it, furnish the fuller particulars you ask for. I notice your request to be allowed to make use of the hurried memoir I sent you of my immediate progenitors. I can have no objection to your doing so, although I feel that it was very incomplete, and particularly as regards my grandfather, James Spalding, whose return to Georgia was not mentioned. I should have stated that after the close of the Revolutionary war, the Legislature of Georgia made all the amends in their power to this ill-used man. They restored such of his property as had not already passed into other hands, and voted him some small Indemnity for the dam age done him. He returned to Georgia and lived there very much respected but greatly reduced in his circumstances. He died in Savannah, and was buried in the vault of his wife's uncle, Gen. Lachlan Mcintosh, of the Rev olutionary army. I have rot the date of his death at hand, but it is inscribed on the tablet, and it was towards the close of the last century. As you seem uncertain whether your ancestor, Edward Spalding, was of SPALDINGS OF MARYLAND. 11 Scotch or English origin, I will mention a few particulars of the family in Scotland, which may not have come to your knowledge. We trace to Andrew Spalding (I think that is the Christian name, but have not seen the records for so long, that I may have forgotten), a bur gess of Berwick on Tweed, who admitted Robert Bruce into that fortress during his war with Edward ; for this service rendered, he was given the lands Ashantilly in Perthshire, which remained with his descendants almost to our day. Consult Lord Halle's annals of Scotland, if you can get them ; probably the records of the Spalding Club, an antiquarian associ ation in Scotland, might furnish interesting matter; but I live too much out of the world to get access to them. I think our name was originally Flemish, for the town of Spalding, in England, was settled by a colony of Flemings, and history also tells us that, not long before the surrender of Berwick to the Bruce, a body of Flemings had been butchered by Edward in Berwick, and the same annalists also tell us that my, and perhaps your, ancestor was moved to open the gates to the Scotch, by a sense of wrong suffered under Edward. I am perhaps repeating to you what you know perfectly well already ; if so, excuse me, — if otherwise, I may have opened to you a pleasant field of exploration. Thanking you for your kind invitation, and reciprocating it, I am very respectfully and truly Yotir obt. servt. CHARLES SPALDING. GRnrpiN, Georgia, July 30th, 1870. Rev. S. J. Spalding. Dear Sir : — Having occasion to write to my brother Randolph Spal ding's widow, I bore in mind your request to be flirnished with the full records of her family, which she has obligingly furnished me, and which I here transcribe. Randolph Spalding married, in Russell county, Alabama, Mary Bass, on the 7th of December, 1843. Had issue — 1st, Sarah E. Spalding, born on the 16th of September, 1844, at The Forest, Mcintosh Co. 2d, Thomas Spalding, born on the 16th day of September, 1847, in Russell county, Alabama. 3d, Thomas Bourke Spalding, born on Sapelo Island, on the 23d of February, 1851. When, if ever, you publish any genealogical paper, I should be glad to receive a copy. My post-ofiice during the pres ent summer is Griffin, Georgia ; during the winter, Darien. I am, dear sir, very respectfully and truly Your obt. servt. CHARLES SPALDING. The following letters from the Most Rev. Martin John Spalding, D. D., Archbishop of Baltimore,will furnish information in regard to the Maryland branch of the Spaldings. Louisville, June 21, 1859. E. W. Spalding, Esq. Dear Sir : — Yours of the 30th ult. reached Louisville while I was absent, and it could not be attended to sooner. I regret that it is not in my power to furnish you with much information, especially in regard to the New England branch of our family, of Whom I may say I know nothing definite. I will give you some information in regard to the Maryland or Catholic branch, which is that to which I belong, though even in this my sources of information are by no means abundant. In a country where ancestry is so little regarded, and where every one is the artificer of his own fortune, our acquaintance with our forefathers is limited. The ancestor or ancestors of our family came out to Maryland either with Lord Baltimore, or very soon afterwards. The family settled orig- 12 INTRODUCTION. inally in St. Mary's county, Md., from which it branched off into Charles and the neighboring counties, and afterwards spread into Pennsylvania and Virginia. That the family is one of the oldest in Maryland, I infer from the fact that my grandfather had an uncle, Thomas Spalding, who, I believe, was born in Maryland, and who died more than fifty years ago at the advanced age of one hundred and twenty years. The family is still very numerous in Maryland; though all my more immediate relatives are in Kentucky or the West. For more particulars in regard to the Maryland branch, I beg to refer you to Basil R. Spalding, Esq., North Charles Street, Baltimore; also to James Spalding, Esq., Richmond, Va. You might also probably gain information by conferring with Mr. Davis, of Baltimore, author of the " Day-Star of Freedom," a work vindicating the Maryland Pilgrim Fathers, written by Mr. Davis, a Protestant lawyer. My grandfather, Benedict Spalding, came with his family to Kentucky, in the spring of 1791. He had a large family of twelve children, all of whom, except three, are now dead, most of them leaving large families. My own father, the oldest son of my grandfather, Pachard Spalding, died in 1850, leaving fourteen living children, I being the third son, having been born May 23, 1810. I was educated partly in Kentucky and partly in Rome, where I remained four years to complete my theological course, and where I was ordained priest in 1884. I was consecrated Bishop Coad jutor of Louisville on the 10th of Sept. 1848; and succeeded to the title of Bishop of Louisville on the death of my venerable principal, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Flaget. Feb. 11, 1850. I have at difierent times published five works, of which I will take pleasure in presenting you copies, should you require them, and conclude to go on with your work. It is almost needless to add, that all the members of our branch are Roman Catholics. They came, no doubt, originally from Spalding, in England ; and I believe that the original orthography of the name is that which we adopt. The family was originally German or Saxon ; and Spal ding is the name of a German philosopher of some standing, but tinctured, I believe, — for I never saw his works. — with infidel or rationalistic opin ions. Thfere was also an English Spalding, who was the author of a his tory of English literature, wliich is often quoted, but, from the account I have of it, is not very reliable or unprejudiced. From intimations which I have received from some of the older mem bers of the family, I infer that our ancestors came over to America from Wales, to which principality a branch of the family had probably removed from the English town of Spalding. This town was originally one of the great abbacies, which were suppressed under Henry VIII. or Edward VI. See 2d volume of Cobbett's History of the Reformation in England, where it is numbered among the suppressed abbacies. My relative, Basil R. Spalding, of Baltimore, to whom I referred above, has the coat-of-arms of the family, which he obtained many ye.ars ago from an English Professor of Heraldry. If he has returned from Europe, whither he went more than a year ago, he will take pleasure in showing you, or allowing you to copy, this curious piece of heraldry ; in which the mitre, probably that of an abbot, crowns the escutcheon. These meagre details contain almost all that lam able to say on the sub ject concerning which you ask information. I shall, however, take great pleasure in giving you any further aid or information which you may require, and which I may be able to furnish. I remain faithfully yours, M. J. SPALDING, Bishop of Louisville. MtlRPin' A 00. BALTIMORE SPALDINGS OP MARYLAND. 13 i 106 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Jan. 6, 1871. Rev. Samuel j. Spalding. Dear Sir : — I must commend you for your zeal in making genealogical researches in regard to the family of Spaldings ; the more so, as in our country and generation, men are so much taken up with current events and the present — and, I may add, with themselves — as to forget the past, especially their ancestors, proceeding apparently on the trite adage — alas, too true ! — " Out of sight, out of mind." In addition to what I wrote some years ago to E. W. Spalding, so far as I can recollect what I wrote, I beg to make the following remarks con cerning the Maryland branch of the family. 1. It is certain that the Spaldings of Maryland were fully established in St. Mary's Co. before the year 1650 ; for deeds and other papers of that date, in their name, are still found in Leonardtown ; though, if I mistake not. an accident of fire destroyed some of the documents. I incline to think that they came some years before this date, probably in the early com mencement of the colony, very shortly after the arrival of the first ship of emigrants. 2. As you very correctly spell your own name, no doubt Spalding is the correct orthography ; it is that of England, Scotland, and of Germany, whence the name originally came into England, probably with the Anglo- Saxons, in the fifth or sixth century. A great German writer, though far from orthodox, bears the name Spalding, an infidel philosopher. All other spellings are simply barbarisms, to be eliminated. 3. I believe that the head-quarters of the family in England was Lin colnshire, where one of them, at a very early period, founded and gave his name to the great Abbey of Spalding, one of the thirteen great ab beys of England spared by Henry VIII., but confiscated under his son Edward VI. I think, from my researches and whatever knowledge I may have in such matters, that the present town of Spalding grew up around and under the fostering infiuence of this abbey (not priory). Such is the origin of many flourishing European towns. The monks made desert places smile, and agriculture and population followed them 4. In order that you may have some further clew as to the origin and relations of your branch of the family, I will mention to you : 1st, that my grandfather, Benedict Spalding, had twelve children to survive and raise large families, all except one, who had no children. 2d. His sons were named Richard, Thomas, Benedict, Joseph, Lewis, and William; and the oldest, my own father, Richard, had twenty-one children, of whom fifteen were raised to become men and women. He married Henrietta Hamilton, whose father was Leonard Hamilton, the same who emigrated to Ken tucky with my grandfather in 1790. The names of my brothers were Leonard, Richard, Benedictj Clement, William, Joseph, Henry, and Thomas. The most current names of the family itself — not borrowed from side alliances — are still George, Samuel, Basil, Henry, John, Thomas, Richard, Edward, James, etc. i 5. In Kentucky alone, I know of no less than five branches of the fam ily from Maryland, all Catholics, evidently froL Committee, TiMOTHT Clarke, j He was appointed Justice of the Peace, Feb. 6, 1765. The depreciation of paper money during the Revolutionary War may be learned from the following items : In 1780, a horse bought •of Ephraim Spaulding, Esq., for the army, cost £911, and a blanket £100. Dea. Spalding resided in Chelmsford, Ms., and his children were all born in that town. 514. Lydia, b. Nov. 22, 1731 ; bap. Nov. 28, 1731. 515. Jonathan [1446], b. AprU 17, 1734. 616. Joanna, b. Oct. 4, 1737; d. Oct. 19, 1737. 617. SybU, b. Jan. 31, 1789 ; d. Sept. 9, 1747. 518. Dea. Isaac* [169] (Andrews, Andrew^, Edward'), b. Oct. 28, 1710, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. March 4, 1776; m. Sarah Barrett ; she was b. 1714, andd. Feb. 11, 1806,83.92. He removed to Townsend, Ms., soon after his marriage, and lived and died in that town. He was deacon of the church in Townsend. The farm on which he settled is still in the Spalding family. He signed a petition for protection against the Indians, sent to the Gen. Court of Mass., and dated Dec. 31, 1746. 519. Jonathan [1456], b. July 28, 1734. 520. Lydia, b. Aug. 20. 1737; m. Oliver Heald, of Temple, N. H. ; their son Daniel grad. D. C. 1793; she d. March 1802, ae. 65; lived and died in lemple, N. H. 521. Sarah, b. Aug. 22, 1789 ; m. John Craggin, of Temple, N. H. 622. Benjamin [1468], b. Aug. 14, 1743. 523. AbigaU, b. March 16, 1747. 624. Lucy, b. AprU 7, 1749; m. Eldad Spofi'ord, about 1768. FOURTH GENERATION. 53 525. Esther, b. Dec. 17, 1753; m. Jonathan Pierce, Nov. 27, 1788, in Townsend, Ms. 526. James* [172] (Andrews, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. Oct. 27, 1714, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. about 1790 ; 1st, m. Anna ^; she was admitted to the church of Westford, Ms., Sept. 4, 1737; d. May 24, 1770. 2d, m. Widow Eunice Fassett, of Westford, Jan. 15, 1771; pub. Dec. 25, 1770; she d. in New Ipswich, N. H., March 1812, se. 95 or 96. She was born in Lincoln, Ms. His children were all born in Westford, Ms. He removed to New Ipswich, N. H., but after a few j'^ears returned again to West ford, where he died. 627. Benjamin [1479], b. March 15, 1738; bap. March 26, 1738. 628. James, b. Feb. 16, 1739; bap. Feb 24, 1740; d. Aug. 30, 1747. 629. Susanna, b. Feb. 14, 1741; bap. March 28, 1742; d. Aug. 30, 1743. 530. SUas, b. May 11, 1744; bap. May 13, 1744; d. Oct. 17, 1762. 531. Caleb, b. Jan. 19, 1747; bap. March 16, 1747; d. Aug. 27, 1747. 582. C James [1491], b. Aug. 31, 1748; bap. Sept. 4, 1748. 633. I Susanna, b. Aug. 31, 1748; bap. Sept. 4, 1748; d. Oct. 12. 1748. 534. Anna, b. Sept. 13, 17r)0; bap. Nov. 18, 1750; d. young. 535. Susanna, b. Nov. 24, 1762; bap. Nov. 26, 1762. 536. Anna, b. June 23, 1754; bap. June 30, 1754; d. Feb. 1, 1777. 637. Silas [1503], b. March 25, 1757; bap. AprU 3, 1757. 538. Phinehas [1612], b. June 4, 1759; bap. June 10, 1769. 539. David* [173] (Andi-ewS, Andrew^, Edwardi), i,. gept. 28, 1717, in Chelmsford, Ms.; d. Nov. 9, 1793; m. Phebe ; she d. Dec. 20, 1795; they resided in Chelmsford, and all their children were born in that town. Jan. 11, 1773, at a town meeting called " to know the sentiments of the people, relative to certain grievances under which the Colony is laboring, particularly the extraordinary stipends of the Judges of the Superior Court ap pointed from home ; also to consider a bill of rights and a letter from the town of Boston, a Committee was raised to report upon this subject." This committee consisted of David Spalding, Jon athan W. Austin, Esqs., Capt. Oliver Barron, Samuel Perham, and Benjamin Walker. At an adjourned meeting of the town they reported as follows : ¦ — ¦ " We are fully of opinion that the inhabitants of this province are justly entitled to all the privileges of Englishmen & to all those rights inseparable from them as members of a free commu nity. We are sensible that some of these rights are endangered. In such unhappy circumstances, the only question that can arise is what method is most suitable to obtain redress. AVhatever doubts may arise about the particular mode, of this we are confident, that all rash, passionate procedures are unjustifiable, in so delicate a crisis. When a community thinks its rights endangered, they should always weigh consequences, & be very cautious, lest thej' run into a step that may be attended with the most deplorable effects. ' The cause of liberty,' says a fine writer, ' is a cause of too much dignity to be settled by turbulence and tumult. When 54 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. the passions of a people are infiamed, reason is too oiten silenced ; and they soon forget the cause, in which they originally embarked. Whereas the patriot on true principles always endeavors to keep those principles in view. Conscious that he is a Member of Com munity, he will endeavour to come up to all the obligations result ing therefrom, & keep every part thereof entire. Therefore while he coolly and firmly pleads his own right, he will not forget that of his Sovereign ; but will be always Sensible that loyalty to the Sovereign & regard to the liberties of the Subject are very con sistent things.' We are full & clear in these Sentiments & hope to regulate our conduct by them. We at present labor under grievances. We heartily concur with our brethren in Boston, that it is high time these grievances were redressed. But we think the General Court, who represent the province the only proper body to perform this task. We are therefore of opinion that We can do nothing consistent with that wisdom, which' should govern a free people ; but prepare the following instructions to our representa tive." [Sketch of Col. Simeon Spalding.] At a meeting of the freeholders. May 30, 1774, a committee of correspondence was appointed, consisting of nine persons. Of these, David Spalding and Simeon Spalding were two. Such committees were chosen in all the towns of the province for the more ready diffusion of information. The same year, 1774, an effort was made to arrest the growing iniquity of the community ; and an article was inserted in the town warrant, "to see if the town will empower Suitable persons to take Such measures as they shall think proper to punish & discourage vice & profaneness, & call to an account idle', disorderly persons, who waste their time & Substance in public houses at unlawful gaming, horse-racing & excessive drinking, frolicking & Sabbath-breaking " Of the five Selectmen that year, David Spalding and Zebulon Spal ding were two. Upon the foregoing article, "the Selectmen and fifteen others were empowered to devise and execute such measures as they may think proper for promoting a reformation among per sons of the above description." Of the committee of fifteen, Simeon Spalding was one. The Selectmen and Committee reported the adoption of the following measures. " That the Company of these dissolute persons be shunned ; & that people leave off dealing with them as far as is consistent with good reason & justice, not entertaining them in their houses by night or by day ; but manifest ing a dislike to their conduct, & bearing testimony against their vicious practices, look upon them as distm-bers of the peace & good order of Society ; that the Committee converse with such per sons, & use their endeavors to reform them ; & that those Con tinuing in such practices, be put out by the Committee to some honest & lawful employment ; & finally that the town wiU aid, assist & support said Committee in proceeding with such offenders accordingly." This report of the committee was unanimously FOURTH GENERATION. 55 accepted, and the measures it prescribed were found effectual to the desired reform. [Allen's Hist, of 'Chelmsford, pp. 63-64.] The children of David and Phebe were as follows : — 640. Deborah, b. Jan. 17, 1789; m. Reuben Gould, March 10, 1762. 541. Robert, b. March 12, 1741 ; d Sept. 28, 1749. 542. PhUip, b. March 31, 1743; d. Sept. 28, 1749; another record, Oct. 2, 1749. 548. Phebe, b. July 12, 1746 ; m. Benjamin Dunn. 644. Bridget, b. March 11, 1748; m. William Abbott, Dec. 28, 1769. 545. Robert, b Nov. 29, 1750; d. Jan. 26, 1771. 546. SybU, b. Nov. 8, 1753; ms John Eaton, April 26, 1774. 647. David, b. May 19, 1765 ; d. Aug. 28, 1776, of the smaU-pox, whUe in the army near Ticonderoga. His name is on the monument in Chelmsford, erected to the memory of the Revolutionary Patriots. 548. AbigaU, b. Feb. 25, 1757; m. Nathan Carlton, Nov. 5, 1776. 649. Sarah, b. Aug. 6, 1769 ; d. March 29, 1760. 550. Andrew [1513], b. Feb. 10, 1761. 551. Henry* [177] (HenryS, Andrew^, Edward'), b. Nov. 22, 1704, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. April 29, 1792, aged 88 years ; 1st, m. Lucy Proctor, Feb. 1, 1725 ; she was a descendant of Robert Proctor, one of the first proprietors of the town; she d. June 1, 1742 ; 2d, m. Marah Adams, April 27, 1743 ; she was a descendant of Henry Adams, the ancestor of the presidents of that name. When her husband's will went to probate; she signs her name Mary. There were five children by the first marriage, and five by the second. All the children were born in Chelmsford, and all set tled there but two. Samuel and Daniel settled in Merrimack, N. H., where they died. Mr. Spalding was a member of Capt. RolDert Richardson's snow-shoe Company in 1824. He was known in his native tiwn as Col. Henry Spalding. He left a will, and his wife survived him. The will went to probate June 12, 1792. The children mentioned init are Samuel, Zebulon, Daniel, Lucy, Sarah, Mary, and Thankful, a minor. In the Name of God, amen, The forth Day of September A. D : one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy & two, I Henry Spaulding of Chelmsford in the County of Middlesex and Province of the Masachusets Bay in New England Gentleman being week of Body But of Perfect mind & memory Thanks be given to God, Therefore Calling to mind the Mortal- lity of my Body, and Knowing that it is appointed to all men once to Die, Do make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say Princi- ply and first of all I Give and Recomend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it, and my Body I recomend to the Earth, to be Buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Decression of my j xecutor nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall R^eceive the Same again by the mighty Power of God, and as Touching Such Wourly Estate wherewith it hath Plea.sed God to Bless me in this"Life I Give Demise & Dispose of the Same in the foUowing manner &form. Imprimis. It is my Will That all my Just Debts and Funeral Charges Should be paid by my Executor hereinafter named out of my Live Stock & out Door moveables. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Dearly Beloved wife marah the whole 56 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. use and Improvement of the easterly end of my Dwelling house where I now Live to the middle o^ the Chimney, and also an Equal privilidge of the Well for Drawing Water and Likewise one Rod and an half of Grohnd in the Garden or wherever the Garden may be made on the said Place. Item : It is my WUl that my Son Zebulum Spaulding whome I make executor of this my last Will shall bring in yearly to my Beloved wife marah the Several Necessaries of Life hereafter mentioned, for her Com fort and Subsistence viz. Thirty Bushels of Good Indian Corn and Fifteen Bushels of Good Rie, Sixty five pounds of Good Beef, one Bushel of Good Beans, one Bushel of good Turnips, four Bushels of good Potatoes, three Barrels of good Syder, Six Bushels of good winter appels in Case the Orchard Bairs in a usual manner, one Bushel of good Salt, Ten pounds of good Sheeps Wool, Ten pounds of Good Flax from the Swingle, also a Suficientcy of Good fire wood Cut fit lor the fire Brought to the Door all these aforesaid articles to be Brought in to my said wife marah by my said son Zebulun yearly, and in each year in the Proper Season thereof for her use and Benefit also that my said wife Marah Shall have Liberty of Gerthering Green Sace in the field or garden in the Season thereof yearly. Item. I further Give to my said Wife marah the use and Improvement of Two of my Cows which She Shall Chuse to be well kept by my said Son Zebulum both Winter and Summer and also the Calls which may decend from them till they are one month old. It is also my will that my Said Son Zebulum shall find and Provide a horse for my 'Said wife marah to Ride to meeting on Sabbath Days, and other times, as She may have oc casion, and to Keep the Same at his own Cost, and it is my wUl also that my Said Son Zebulun bhall Pay the Cost of Doctoring and nursing &c for my Said wife marah, if any their be in Case of Sickness or Lameness &c. and also to pay to my Said wife marah the Sum of Twelve ShiUings Yeai ly and in each year in Case She Stands in need and Requirers the Same. Item : It is my WiU that if in Case my Said wife marah Should marry- away that then my Said Son Zebulum Shall not be obliged to tulfiU the Several articles above mentioned, and that my said son Zebulum Shall then Come in Pos.session of the Said easterly Part of my Dwelling House, but in Case my Said wife marah Should at any Time after be Left a widow again that then She may if She be Desierous Return into the Said House again, and that my Said bon Zebulum shall iXilfiU the Several articles as aloresaid. Item, 1 further Give to my Said wife maiah the whole Im provement of all my In door moveables my wareing apperel only Excepted During the Term of her Natural Life, and also a PrivUidge of the yard Room Round my Said House. Item. It is my WiU that my Said Son Zebulum ShaU be at the Cost of a Decent Buryal for my Said wife marah at her Death. Item. It is my Will that what 1 have heretofore Given to each of my Children Namely Samuel Zebulum & Daniel Lucy, Sarah, Mary & ThankluU with what I ShaU hereafter Bequeath to each of them in this my Last WiU ShaU be their fuU Portion in my Estate. Item. 1 Give and Bequeath to my beloved son Sa.. uel Spaulding of meriniick iu new hamp or his heirs the Sum of one pound six shillings and Eight peude to be paid by my Executor herein after named within two years after my Deces. Item. In Consideration of my Welbeloved Son Zebulum being obliged in this my Last WUl to perform the Several Duties before mentioned and also to pay the Several Legacies and Charges that are and Shall be here after mentioned in this my will to Inable him to Perform the Same also, as his lu.l Part in my Estate I Give and Bequeath to him my said Son Zebii- lum or his heirs all my Lands and BuUding of every Sort within the Town of Chelmsford aforesaid and to Come into Possession of the Sanje at my Deceas Excepting what is heretofore Resarved to my beloved wife and ako to Come into Possession of that also after her Deceas, and also aU my Live Stock of every Sort. Excepting the Two Cows Given to my Said wife, and also one of them after her Deceas. FOURTH GENERATION. 57 Item. I also Give and Bequeath to my Said Son Zebulum all my hus bandry tools of every Sort and all my out Door moveables. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Beloved Son Daniel Spaulding of the Town of Merimick or his heirs in the Province of New hampshire on- Lot of Land Lying and being within the Said Town of merimick and Ade joining to the Lot of Land whereon he now Liveth which I have hereto fore Given him however the said Lot may appear to be bounded. Item. 1 Give aud Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Lucy Read of the Town of Litchfield in said New harapshire widow or her heirs the sum of thirteen Shillings & four pence to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named within two years after my Deceas, and also one of my Cows after the Deceas of my Said wife. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Beloved Daughter Sarah Fletcher of said Chelmsford widow, or her heirs the Sum of thirteen Shillings and four pence to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named within two years after my Deceas. Item I Give and Bequeath to my Beloved Daughter Mary Parkhurst of said Chelmsford or her heirs the Sum of thirteen Shillings and four pence to be paid by my Executor herein after named within two years after my Deceas. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Beloved Daughter ThankfuU Spaulding of said Chelmsford a minor the Sum of Twenty Six pounds to be paid to her or her heirs when She arives at the age of Twenty one years, or upon her Marriage Day. I also Give to my said Daughter Thankfnll the Privi lidge of Liveirg in my Dwelling house During the time that She Shall Live a Single Life. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my three beloved Sons before named all my Wareing apperil to be EquaUy Divided Between them or their heirs after my Deceas. Item, It is my Will that all my household Good and Indoor moveables Shall be Equally Divided Between my four Beloved Daughters before named or their heirs after the Deceas of my said wife. Item, It is my will that all my wife's wairing apparril that she Shall Leave after her Deceas Shall be Equally Divided Between my two Daugh ters namely Mary Parkhurst and ThankfuU Spaulding aforesd or their heirs. And 1 Constitute, make and ordain my afore said Beloved Son Zebulum Spaulding my Soul Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disannul all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Lageces, and Bequests and Executors by me in any ways before named WiUed and bequeathed Rattifying aud Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and year above Writen. his HENRY X SPAULDING. [seal.] mark Signed, Sealed, Published Pronounced and Delivered by the said Henry Spaulding as his Last WiU and Testament in the Presents of us the Sub scribers. Josiah Hodgman. Abel Adams. David Spaulding. 652. Samuel [1521], b. Jan. 31, 1727, Chelmsford Record. Feb. 1, 1726, ISpalding Record. 653. Lucy, b. Feb. 1, 1728. 654. Sarah, b. June 10, 1734; m. Henry Fletcher, of Chelmsford, Ms., AprU 12, 1753. 565. Henry [1530], b. Feb. 11, 1736. 58 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 556. Abel, b. Feb. 1740; d. March 1, 1740. 557. Zebulon [1632], b. March 2, 1744. .558. Daniel [1544], b. June 21, 1746. 559. Mary, b. Feb. 10, 1749 ; m. PhiUp Parkhurst, of Chelmsford, Ms., March 14, 1771. 660. Thomas, b. Nov. 24, 1750, Chelmsford Record; Nov. 29, 175l/, Spalding Record. 661. Thankful. 562. Thomas* [178] (HenryS, Andrew^, Edward'), b. July 30, 1707, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Aug. 13, 1795, se. 88 years and three days; m. Mary Adams; she was b. July 1, 1707; and d. Oct. 1788, se. 81 years three months and six days. Both died in Car lisle, Ms., though for the greater portion of their lives they resided in Chelmsford, Ms. He left a will, admitted to probate Sept. 16, 1795 ;'he mentions his son Zebulon, also his granddaughter, Sybil Blood, and Ebenezer Shed, Mary Shed, Zachariah Shed, children of his granddaughter, Mary Shed. 663. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29, 1782; d. Sept. 16, 1736. 664. Mary, b. AprU 5, 1783. 665. Esther, b. Dec. 6, 1734 ; d. Sept. 19, 1753. 566. Thomas [1555], b Aug. 28, 1737. 667. Zebulon [1564], b. Nov. 12, 1741. 568. Hannah, b Oct. 31, 1746; d. May 16, 1754. 569. SybU, b. Feb. 14, 1749; d. May 6, 1754. 570. Amos, b. Dec. 17, 1760 ; d. Oct. 1, 1758. 571. William* [179] (HenryS, Andrew^, Edward'), b. March 17, 1711, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. June 21, 1790, se. 80 ; m Hepzi- bah Blood, of Groton, Ms., .Ian. 6, 1731 ; she was the daughter of Joseph Blood, and d. Feb. 1, 1787, aged 77. William Spalding was probably one of the earliest settlers on the west side of the Nashua River, then Groton, but now called Pepperell, Ms. He was a surveyor of land, and employed by " Groton Proprietors of Com mon Land," and had the offer from them of his choice from four farms located near the river ; and' the old " Spalding Homestead," with the " great Elm" in front (once magnificent), shows which of the four farms he selected for his future home. He went from Chelmsford, and settled in Pepperell, about 1730. He left a will, admitted to probate Sept. 21, 1790. In it he mentions his son Lemuel ; his two daughters, Hannah Shattuck and Elizabeth Blood; his grandson Oliver, son of Joseph [576] ; grand daughters, Rachel Spalding and Hepzibeth Spalding, daughters of Henry [579] ; and granddaughter Betty Spalding, daughter of Joseph [576J. In his will he directs that gravestones shall be put up for his deceased wife, for his son Joseph and wife, and for his sons Henry, Abel, and Seth. He gives portions to his sons William, Eleazer, Thomas, and AbeF". The children were all born in what is now Pepperell, Ms. FOURTH GENERATION. 59 672. WiUiam [1576], b. AprU 4, 1732. 678. Eleazer [1686], b. May 26, 1788. 574. Hannah, b. March 30, 1735; 1st, m. Ephraim Hall, Sept. 10, 1755; pub. June 28, 1766 ; he d. Nov. 6, 1768, whUe on his way from the army; 2d, m. Isaac Shattuck, Jan. 15, 1761. 676. EUzabeth, b. March 11 , 1787 ; m Blood. 576. Joseph [1593], b. AprU 26, 1739. 577. Lemuel [1597], b. Nov. 14, 1741. 578. Thomas [1607], b. Oct. 7, 1743. 579. Henry [1618], b. AprU 1, 1746. 580 Abel, b. June 12, 1749 ; d. Sept. 24, 1750 ; drowned in a weU. 581. Seth, b. ; bap Sept. 22, 1751; d. May 24, 1753. 582. Abel [1616], b. May 12, 1755. 583. Leonard* [180] (HenryS, Andrew^, Edward'), b. Dec.l, 1713, in Chelmsford, Ms.; d. Feb. 1758; m. Elizabeth ; she d. in BucUfield, Me., 1799, aged 80 ; she m. for her second hus band. Dr. Ezekiel Chase. I find the settlement of the estate of Leonard as being of Concord, Ms. ; he mentions his widow Eliza beth, his children Sarah, Abel, Esther and Lucy, under 14 ; Rachel and Thankful over 14. The date of the paper is Sept. 1 760. 584. Benjamin [1626:, b. Feb. 5, 1739. 585. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 29, 1740. 586. Rachel. 587. Thankful. 588. Sarah. 689. Abel. 690. Esther. 691. Lucy, b. ; m. WiUiam Spalding [3892], AprU 6, 1779; he d. Sept. 27, 1825 ; she d. AprU 16, 1821 ; res. in Carlisle, Ms. 592. Lieut. Jonathan* [183] (JohnS, Andrew^, Edward'), b. Nov. 11, 1705, in Chelmsford, Ms.; d. April 19, 1800, se. 95; 1st, m. Sarah ; she d. Nov. 14, 1752 ; 2d, m. Mary ; she d. Dec. 8, 1780 ; he resided in Chelmsford, Ms., and his children were born there. 598. Jonathan [1636], b. Jan. 18, 1733. 694. Oliver, b. April 27, 1736; d. March 29, 1760. 595. Samuel [1643], b. March 3, 1737; d. March 16, 1819, ». 82. ICar- lisle Records.] 696. Levi, b. June 9, 1739. 597. Silas, b Nov. 5, 1741. 698. Rachel, b. May 15, 1745. 6'./9. OUve, b. Sept. 18, 1747; d Oct. 1766. 600. Rev. Sampson* [186] (JohnS, Andrew^, Edward'), b. June 7, 1711, in Chelmsford, Ms ; d Dec. 15, 1796, se. 86 ; grad. at Harvard College. 1732 ; received a unanimous call from the town of Tewksbury, Ms., to settle among them Jan. 17, 1736-7; was oidained Nov. 23, 1737. He was a preacher at Tewksbury sixty or sixt^-one years, and its settled pastor more than fifty-nine 60 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. years. His ministry was not only remarkable for its length, but it was peaceful, happy, successful. [Coggin's Dedication Sermon.] He m. Mehetable Hunt, Feb. 12, 1740 ; she d. March 3, 1807, se. 86. 601. Mary, b. April 1, 1741; m. John Bridges, Oct. 21, 1762; Uved in WUton, N. H. ; she d. July, 1808. 602. Mehetable, b. May 16, 1742; d. Dec. 3, 1744. 603. Hannah, b. Nov. 28, 1744; d. Jan. 18, 1745. 604. Sampson [1646], b. Nov. 19, 1745; d. Jan. 1832, in Ohio. 605. Jonathan [1656], b. Sept. 15, 1747. 606. Mehetable, b. Aug. 7, 1849 ; 1st, m. Benjamin Burtt, Aug. 22, 1771 ; 2d, m. Samuel Manning, Nov. 2d, 1780. «07. John, b. Dec. 6, 1750 ; d. May 20, 1755. 608. Hannah, b. Aug. 7, 1752; m. Isaac French, of Tewksbury, Ms., Dec. 14, 1775. 609. Anna, b. Jan. 19, 1765; m. Rev. Abel Fiske, of Wilton, N. H., Aug. 19, 1783; she d. July 8, 1796. 610. John [1670], b. Oct. 2, 1756; d. May 27, 1843, in Tewksbury, Ms. , 611. Sarah, b. Sept. 28, 1758 ; m. Josiah Parker, of Hollis, N. H., Nov. 29, 1792 ; she d. Oct. 28, 1803, leaving no children. 612. .Job* [187] (JohnS, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. Oct. 19, 1714, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. Lydia Barrett, daughter of Joseph and Mary Barrett; she was b. Sept. 22, 1717; Mr. Spalding and his wife were followers of Whitefield, and favorable to the " New Lights." ¦This brought them into collision with the church, which con tinued twenty-six years. The matter was at last terminated satis factorily to all parties. They lived in Chelmsford, Ms. ; and all their children were born there. 613. Job [-1676], b. May 1, 1737. 614. Joseph, b. Oct. 22, 1739; he was killed in the Concord fight; d. unmarried. 615. Lydia, b. March 22, 1742; m. Aaron Parker, Jr., of Westford, Ms., June 3, 1766 ; they removed to Cavendish, Vt. 616. Mary, b. Aug. 26, 1744; m. Benjamin Spalding [1395], May 16, 1764; shed. Sept. 23, 1825. 617. Molly, b Nov. 3, 1746; m. John Frost, of BiUerica, Ms. 618. Jesse [1678], b. Dec. 30, 1748; d. May 28, 1813. 619. Jonas, b. March 31, 1751 ; d. Sept. 5, 1763. 620.. Sarah, b. April 8, 1753; m. .Tohn Laws, of Billerica, Ms., Dec. 29, 1774; they removed to Sharon, N. H. 621. Jonas [1693], b. abwut 1765. 622. Lucy, b. May 31, 1757; m. William Parker, Jan. 14,1781; they lived and died in Carlisle, Ms. 623. Susan, b. Jan. 14, 1761. 624. John* [189] (JohnS, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. Feb. 7, 1724- 5, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. Hannah Spalding, Sept. 10, 1761 He remained on the farm of his father in Chelmsford, where all his children were born. FOURTH GENERATION. 61 625. John [1703], b. June 8, 1762. 626. Henry [1715], b. May 25, 1764. 627. Hannah, b. Aug. 15, 1766; m. Benjamin Adams, Jan. 14, 1787. 628. Oliver [1722], b. Jan. 1, 1769. 629. Mary, b. March 16, 1772 ; m. Samuel Herrick, Jan. 22, 1795. 630. Sampson [1726], b. March 1, 1775. 631. Lot* [190] (JohnS, Andrew^, Edwardi), ]b. Sept. 24, 1737, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Jan. 15, 1822, aged 84, in Pelham, N. H. ; m. Esther Butterfield, of Chelmsford, Ms., June 27, 1764 ; she d. Dec. 30, 1842. They resided in Pelham, N. H. 632. Lot, b. June 23, 1766; d. July 21, 1844; unmarried. 638. Esther, b. Sept. 16, 1769; m Moses Colburn, Feb. 1, 1794; they removed to Bethel, Me. ; she d. Feb. 13, 1849. 634. Zacharias, b. Sept. 15, 1773; d. Aug. 23, 1888, unmarried. 635. Lydia, b. Nov. 16, 1781; d. Jan. 10, 1861; unmarried. 636. Sarah, b. May 1, 1786; m. Capt. Joseph Blodgett, of Hudson, N. H., Dec. 19, 1812. She d. AprU 26, 1865. 637. John [1737], b. Aug. 3, 1788. 638. Elijah* [192] (WilliamS, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. d. about 1762, in Sheflfleld, Ms., and his wifed. a few years after him. He is said to have removed from Glastonbury, Conn., to Dover, Dutchess Co., N. Y., in company with a brother, but I can find no record of the family on the town books of Glastenbury. He resided in Dover, N. Y. , until about the year 1760, when he removed to SheflBeld, Ms. A son of this brother of Elijah married the only daughter of Elijah. Chester Spalding [1768] thinks the name of this son was Abijah, or Abiathar. 639. WiUiam [1743], b. July 28, 1733. 640. Persis, b. ; m. her flrst cousin, Spalding. 641. Theophilus [1749]. 642. Jonathan [1762]. 643. Zachariah. 644. Elijah [1754]. 645. Zebulon [1764], b. Sept. 3, 1753. 646. C Joseph [1770], b. June 6, 1757. 647. I Benjamin [1773], b. June 6, 1757. 648. Edward* [197] (Benonis, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. May 8, 1727, in Billerica, Ms. ; d. ; m. Susanna Crosby, of Billerica, Jan. 1, 1750. 649. Susanna, b. March 15, 1753. 650. Jacob, b. May 19, 1766. 651. Rhoda, b. Nov. 27, 1758. 652. Enoch, b. Nov. 29, 1761. 658. Sarah, b. Feb. 18, 1767. 654. Asa* [198] (Benonis, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. May 26, 1729, in Billerica, Ms. ; m. Anna Crosby, of Billerica, Jan. 18, 1750 ; they resided in Billerica, and their children were born in that town. ' His will was admitted to probate April 4, 1815. 62 , THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 655. Anna, b. Nov. 12, 1751 ; m. Isaac Barron, of BiUerica; she d. 1819. 666. Rebekah, b. Dec. 81, 1758; d. Nov. 29, 1754. 667. Asa, b. Sept. 19, 1755 ; m. JuUa Danforth ; he d. 1839, without issue. 658. Rebeckah, b. Aug. 12, 1768 ; d. Jan. 31, 1763. 659. Benoni [1778], b. Dec. 1^, 1760. 660. Sibbel, b. Jan. 13, 1763 ; m. Ephraim Bobbins, of Carlisle, Ms., AprU30, 1782 ; she d. 1821. 661. Rachel, b. Nov. 8, 1764; m. Jeremiah Warren, of Chelmsford, Ms., Oct. 1, 1789 ; she d. 1837. 662. Esther, b. Oct. 1, 1767. 663. Thomas [1791], b. Dec. 25, 1770; d. June 30, 1849. 10 FIFTH GENERATION. 664. Johns [-203] (Sanjuel*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), b. April 2, 1707, in Plainfield, Conn. ; m. Hannah How ; the records of this family are very imperfect, and it is doubtful if any new facts will ever be gathered. His great-grandson. Julius Spalding, says, "I think my great-grandfather must have died young, for I remember hearing my grandfather talk of his step-father. My great-grand mother m. a man by the name of Campbell, a clergyman I think." 665. Stephen. 666. Samuel. 667. John [1799]. 668. Joseph [1808], b. about 1744. 669. Susan. 670. Sarah. 671. Hannah. 672. SybU. 673. JedediahS [204] (Samuel*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), b. April 1, 1709, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. July 8, 1776 ; m. Mary How, daughter of Samuel How. She was b. March 1, 1715; she d. March 17, 1794, aged 79. " He is said to have had three other children than those named below, John, Jedediah, and Lemuel." [Daniel Spalding, Pitcher, N, J,] Joseph Spalding, of Plainfield, Conn., says the names of the other three children were Lemuel, Jedediah, and James ; but neither of these left issue. The children of Jedediah and Mary were all b. in Plainfleld, Conn. 674. Ezekiel [1818], b. March 18, 1734. 675. Timothy [1829], b. Feb. 15, 1737. 676. Samuel [1834], b. March 26, 1749. 677. Asa [1842], b. Oct. 6, 1761. 678. Stephen [1866], b. Aug. 19, 1764. 679. Daniel [1864], b. Dec. 18, 1767. 680. Philips [213] (Jonathan*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), b. Feb. 26, 1726, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. March 22, 1810, aged 84 ; 1st, m. Parnell Champion, May 1, 1750 ; she d. May 25, 1756 ; 2d, m. Deborah Woodward, March 22, 1758 ; she d. March 20, 1825 ; their children all b. in Plainfield, Conn. The three oldest sons of Philip and their descendants have been noted for their musical abilities, both vocal and instramental. 64 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. They are tall and well-proportioned in form, and intelligent and enterprising in action. 681. SUas [1870], b. June 24, 1751. 682. Champion [1876], b. Sept. 28, 1758. 683, PhUip [l'^88], b. Nov. 22, 1755. 684. Parnel, b. Jan. 2, 1759 ; d. Oct. 26, 1761. 685. Darius [1898], b. July 24. 1760. 686. Jonathan, b. Oct. 23. 1762; d. 1767. 687. Betsey, b. 1766 ; d. 1787. 688. Parnel [1910], b. 1767. 689. Charles [1914], b. June 20, 1769. 690. Nathan [1922], b. June 20, 1769. 691. Sally, b. 1771 ; res. in Brighton, N. Y. ; d. 1839. 692. Jonathan, b. 1774 ; d. at sea, 1795. - 693. Anna, b. 1777; res. Norwich, Conn. ; d. 1847. 694. Curtis [1931], b. March 16, 1781. 695. AbelS [214] (Jonathan*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), b. July 10, 1728, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. after 1808 ; m. Mary Anderson, daughter of Robert Anderson, Nov. 23, 1749 ; she was b. in Ire land, May 2, 1730. He first lived in Conn., then in Cornish, N. H., where he died. His farm was half a mile below that of Col. Dyer Spalding, on the Connecticut River. 696. Ezra [1944], b. Dec. 11, 1751. 697. Joseph, b. March 11, 1753. 698. Abel [1951], b. Sept. 30, 1756. 699. Lucy, b. May 27, 1761. 700. James. 701. JesseS [215] (Jonathan*, JohnS, John^. Edwardi), i,. gept. 12, 1730, in Plainfield, Conn ; d. March 12, 1800 ; m. Mary Kim ball, Feb. 28, 1757. Their children were all born in Plainfield, N. H. 702. Lovel, b. Oct. 29, 1767. 703. Jabez, b. Nov. 6, 1761. 704. Nathan. 706. Juda. 706. Molly. 707. Col. DyerS [216] (Jonathan*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), b. Nov. 14, 1732, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. April 27, 1814, at Cornish, N. H,, aged 82. Dyer Spalding, the seventh child of Jonathan Spalding and Judah Billings, his wife, was a friend and neighbor of General Israel Putnam, who was a native of Pomfret, the town adjoining Plainfield. During the French and Indian War, from 1755 to 1760, when he was from twenty-three to twenty-eight years old, he was with Gen. Putnam, being one pf Putnam's Rangers. His commission as Cap tain was given by King George II. In after years, this commission became a plaything for his grandchildren, who destroyed it. He was in the battle of Bloody Brook. He has marched sixty miles in FIFTH GENERATION. 65 One day ; the compass which was his guide through the forest is still in the possession of the family. Once when out scouting in Connecticut, being short of provisions, a sheep was taken from a flock, dressed, and a quarter carried to General Putnam. " Spal ding, Spalding," said the General, who lisped, "put it all out of sight before daylight." Dudley Chase obtained a grant from Gov. Bowdoin of a town ship of land on Connecticut River, and called it Cornish, in honor of Cornwall in England, where his great-great-grandfather, Aquila Chase, was born in 1618. He emigrated to America, and settled in Newbury, Massachusetts. Dyer Spalding was one of the first three settlers in Cornish, 1766. No settlements then existed north of Charlestown, called Fort Number Four, and no other fort was between this and Canada. The whole country was covered by an entire forest of the largest and tallest trees. These three men went to the Mast Camp, opposite to where Windsor, Vermont, now is, and sixteen mijes north of Fort Number Four. Officers were appointed by the crown to select all trees suitable for his majesty's navy, and to mark them with the broad arrow.' This Mast Camp was one station of these officers. They had marked one tree on the land Dyer Spalding bought, but his majesty never got it. Mr. Spalding was particularly skilful in the management of a boat or an Indian canoe. On one occasion, when he went in his canoe to Fort Number Four for provisions, he found the wife of Dudley Chase, who had been left, with her seven children, in the Fort for shelter, and security from the Indians. She urged Mr. Spalding to take herself and the children in the canoe to Cornish, and flnally prevailed upon him to do so. Arriving near the Mast Camp, he made fast the canoe among the willows, went in search of Mr. Chase, and asked him what he supposed there was for him in the canoe. Not being able to guess, Mr. Spalding told him to come and see. Leading the way to the place of concealment, he then showed the astonished man his wife and children in the canoe. " Have you come to starve with us? Have you come to die here before your time ? We have no house to shelter you ; you will per ish before we can erect one ! " exclaimed the husband ; but the wife replied, " Cheer up, cheer up ; I have come to help you." The woods rang with shouts at the arrival of the flrst white woman and the flrst family on the banks of Connecticut River north of Number Four. Trees were quickly felled and peeled, and clean bark, in large sheets, was spread for a floor ; other sheets were raised for walls, or laid on cross pieces for a roof. In less than three hours the house was flnished, ahd a cheerful flre was burning in it. Having cleared the land and planted the crop for the following season, on the approach of cold weather Mr. Spalding returned to Connecticut to pass the winter. In Plainfleld, Connecticut, on the eleventh of March, 1767, Dyer Spalding was married to Elizabeth Parkhurst, daughter of Timothy 5 66 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Parkhurst and Elizabeth Cady, his wife ; she was born in Plain-, field, Connecticut, July 7, 1734. Then, taking his wife with him, he went back to Cornish to remain permanently. Their journey was made on horseback, and, from Number Four, they came by , marked trees. The bride " almost broke her neck," she said, " try ing to look up to the tops of the noble pine trees." Mr. Wilson, the husband of Mrs. Spalding's sister, had chosen a farm four miles south of the Mast Camp ; and in order that the two sisters might be neighbors, Mr. Spalding left the place he had at first occupied, and settled on the land next north of Wilson's. These two farms remained in the possession of the two families for a century. His house, the largest then in Cornish, is still standing, and until quite recently was the home of some of his descendants.* The location was chosen with much taste, being in a grove of very large butter nut trees, on a knoll, around two sides of which flowed " Colonel Spalding's Brook." The Connecticut River can be seen from the house, and Mount Ascutney rises on the opposite bank of the river. The farm consists of meadow and hill. " Col. Spalding's mountain " is flve hundred feet high. "Col. Spalding's Brook," full of falls and rapids in beautiful variety, comes down the moun tain, and after running parallel to the Connecticut for a mile, at last empties into it. On the flfth of March, 1769, their eldest child was born, and named Estter, for Esther, the daughter of Lois Spalding, and wife of Thomas Wilson, who lived on the Low Meadows opposite. On the fifth of May, 1772, their son Silas was born ; and on the flfth of June, 1775, their son Lyman was bom. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, Mr. Spalding again became a soldier. He placed his family in charge of his wife's brother, Timothy Parkhurst, a school-master, who was lame and unfit for military duty ; he was an excellent penman, as is shown by the family record, which he wrote in Mr, Spalding's large family Bible. " At the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, a great many of the people of Claremont, who sided with the King, removed to Canada, or to other places under the protection of the British. No favor was shown to the tories, or even to those suspected by the people in general. Public indignation was aroused to such an extent that it was not safe for the remaining ones to live at home, but they were obliged to resort to the woods as a means of safety, visiting their homes but with the utmost caution. About fifty rods below the Rich Place, on the right side of the road as you go to' Red Water Brook, there is a place known in revolutionary times to have been the resort of a band of tories, for this reason called Tory Hole. This place was peculiarly adapted to their purposes, being surrounded upon three sides by a swamp, covered -vyitli * t'li''^ growth of alders, and upon a fourth by a steep bank almost thirty feet in height ; there being several paths leading to and from the camp known to the tories only. There was at this time a small FIFTH GENERATION. 67 company of resolute men, among whom were Colonel Dyer Spal ding, Timothy Atkins, and one or two of his brothers, who deter mined, if possible, to find this retreat and to break up the band. It was customary for the unsuspected tories in the neighborhood to convey provisions to their more unfortunate brethren at the camp, and it was in performing this important duty that their retreat was discovered. One night in the autumn of 1780, a man with a large pack on his back, was seen to pass along the road by the Rich Place, and suddenly disappear in the woods. His mysterious movements attracting attention, the whigs in the neighborhood were soon informed of the fact. A large number of them having assembled, the secret way was discovered. But on account of the increasing darkness it was not deemed prudent to continue the search ; therefore a guard was stationed with orders to shoot any one who attempted to pass, and the remaining whigs retired for the night. Several hours before sunrise, the party again assembled to renew the search. As they approached the camp, several tories sprang from the bushes and started off, running towards the Con necticut River. The whigs rushed after them, — the pursued having the advantage of the pursuers by several rods the start, the dense forest, and the scanty light. However, they followed them to the Connecticut River, where they found that the" tories had crossed it ; they plunged in, and crossed to the opposite side ; there, finding the tracks of the fugitives, they followed them to the top of Ascut ney Mountain, where they were found fast asleep. T'hey imme diately surrendered, and were taken to Charlestown, from thence sent to Boston, and afterwards exchanged." The above is copied from an old number of the Claremont Eagle. It is a more minute account than I was able to give, when writing to you about Colonel Dyer Spalding. A gun, which " he at that time took from those tories, is now in possession of his great- grandson, John Lyman Spalding, of Amboy, Lee County, Illinois. Very truly yours, E. P. Spalding. Claremont, Aug. 1870. When Mr. Spalding received his commission as captain in the Continental army, he gave a dinner to his friends. The table was set on the level land beyond the Brook. There was dancing in the evening in the long north room. They danced to the tune of " The Captain's Lady." It must have been a popular tune then, for Burns wrote one of his songs to the same air. Dyer Spalding was with Colonel Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, May 1(3, 1775, when the surrender of that post was demanded " in the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress " Two days afterwards. Crown Point was taken without resistance. When a detachment of Burgoyne's army, under Col. Baum, entered Vermont, it was thought they would come to Windsor. Dyer Spal ding run bullets for the exp'ected encounter ; and being skilful in 68 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. boating, he conveyed the troops across the Connecticut. He was present at the battle of Saratoga, and at Burgoyne's surrender, October 10, 1777. During the Revolution, Dyer Spalding held successively the ranks ' of captain, major, and colonel. The war being ended. Col onel Spalding returned once more to his family in Cornish. The sword which he carried duiing the war is now in the possession of Lyman Dyer Spalding, of Portsmouth, N. H. Trinity Church was built in Cornish, probably in 1794. Colonel Spalding and his family worshipped there. When no clergyman was present, Lyman Spalding read the services. Colonel Spalding was an excellent farmer, and was so ingenious he could work as a blacksmith or a mason, understood boating, was a shoemaker for himself and family, and carved bowls and dishes from knots of trees. Having been a soldier so many years, he was equal to any work or any emergency. He had served his country in two wars, had proved himself a good soldier, and had seen the United States become independent. Having been a pioneer in the wilderness, he had seen the forests recede before cultivation, — - the effect, in part, of his own enterprise and industry. He had a very pleasant disposition, very lively and cheerful, and was a most affectionate father. His only daughter Esther was married in 1794 to Mr. Bill Barnes, of Claremont, N. H. Lyman graduated at Harvard University, and Cornish was his home no longer. Thus Silas alone was left with his parents. He brought his wife, Theodora Holton, there, in 1799. Colonel Dyer Spalding died April 27, 1814, aged eighty-two years. Elizabeth, his wife, died June 3, 1816, aged eighty-two years. Their remains lie in the grounds of Trinity Church, Cor nish, N. H. Esther Spalding, dg,ughter of Dyer Spalding, went On a journey to Plainfield, Conn., to visit her grandmother, Elizabeth Parkhurst. This was in 1789, when Esther was twenty years old. She was accompanied by her brother, Silas Spalding, her aunt Wilson (Patience Parkhurst), and Dr. Parkhurst, of Connecticut. The joumey was made on horseback ; there was no other way to go. The first day they went to Chesterfield, N. H., about forty miles. Esther was so tired when she dismounted she almost fainted, but she bore the rest of the journey very well. The grandmother was ninety years old, and nearly blind, so she felt how large and tall Esther was. The chimney of the house was very large, and the fireplace so capacious that benches were placed in the corners of the jambs ; Esther sat on them and looked out of the top of the chimney™ The party also went to Providence, R. I., where Esther bought a changeable red and blac^k silk dress, which in after years she gave to her daughter, Mrs. Eastman. Their children were aU born in Cornish, N. H. FIFTH GENERATION. 69 708. Esther, b. March 5, 1769; m. BiU Barnes, of Claremont, N. H., May 4, 1794; she d. 'April 19, 1863, aged 94, in Claremont, N. H. 709. Silas [1956], b. May 5, 1772. 710. Lyman [1961], b. June 5, 1775. 711. EleazerS [224] (Eleazer*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), b. July 3, 1721, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Sept. 17, 1805, at Windsor, Vt., aged 84 ; m. Lois Spalding [211], daughter of Jonathan [208] Spalding, his uncle ; she d. Jan. 8, 1790, at Windsor, Vt., aged 68. 712. Timothy [1967], b. Nov. 15, 1741. 713. Esther, b. May 30, 1744 ; m. Thomas Wilson ; they lived in Wind sor, Vt., on what was called the Low Meadows, opposite Col. Dyer Spalding, in Cornish, N. H. ; no children. 714. Jonathan, b. March 4, 1747. 715. AbigaU, b. March 6, 1750; d. July 6, 1752. 716. Darius, b. July 2, 1763; d. Sept. 11, 1764. 717. Willard, b. July 30, 1755; he lived in Windsor, Vt. ; was a lame man. He taught school, and wrote a fine hand. 718. Deborah, b. Oct. 30, 1758 ; m. Pearl Parkhurst, of Weathersfleld, Vt. 719. Leonard [1974], b. Aug. 8, 1761. 720. DavidS [226] (Eleazer*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), b. Dec. 23, 1728, in Plainfield, Conn. {Plainfield, Conn., Records); b. Dec. 25, 1731 {Letter o/ £nos [4581] Spalding); d Aug. 23, 1803, aged 71 ; m. Elizabeth Barrett, daughter of Joseph and Lydia Bar rett ; she was b. Oct. 28, 1736. 721. BarzilUa [1975], b. AprU 11, 1757. 722. MiUicent, b. Jan. 81, 1759 ; d. Jan. 10, 1788, aged 23 ; m. a Mr. Russell. 723. Abigail, b. Feb. 28, 1761 ; d. March 10, 1782, aged 21. 724. Eunice, b. May 7, 1764. 725. Phineas [1984], b. March 15, 1766. 726. Simon, b. March 17, 1769. 727. Alva, b. March 18, 1771 ; d- April 25, 1794, aged 23. 728. Elisha, b. March 28, 1773 ; d. May 17, 1804, aged 29. 729. BenaiahS [233] (William*, JohnS, John^, Edwardi), m. Mary Walker, of Killingly, Conn., Dec. 24, 1746. 730. WiUiam, b. Feb. 13, 1749. 781. Oliver [1994], b. May 31, 175L 782. Lydia, b. July 26, 1755. 733. Sarepta, b. Mar. 29, 1762. These two sisters lived near Killingly Pond, and took the three oldest chUdren of Barness, their nephew. 734. Stephen^ [235] (Edward*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Aug. 2, 1709, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. ; 1st, m. Mary Lawrence, of Plainfield, Conn., Nov. 1731 ; she d. Feb. 11, 1748-9 ; 2d, m. Sarah Ames, of Providence, R. I., A.pril 3, 1750 ; she d. Aug. 4, 1751. He was of Plainfleld, Conn., and removed to Killingly, Conn., where he lived and died. 735. Edward [2000] , b. Sept. 19, 1732, 736. Stephen, b. D ec. 25, 1734. 70 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 737. Lucy, b. May 3, 1737; m. Daniel Waters. „n -inAn rnij, 738. Davis [2004], b. Jan. 16, 1740 {Tovi% Record), June 27, 1740 {Old Bible Record). 739. Nathaniel [2016], b. Sept. 19, 1742. 740. i Ann, b. July 28, 1751. 741. i Sarah, b. July 28, 1751. 742. SimonS [237] (Edward*, Edwards, john^, Edwardi), b. Nov. 7, 1714, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; m. Annie Billings, June 1, 1737 ; she d. Nov. 10, 1754. 743. Rebecca, b. March 10, 1739 ; m. Reuben Shepherd, Feb. 27, 1760. 744. Unice, b. Feb. 23, 1740 ; she d. March 5, 1741. 745. Simon [2019,] b. Jan. 16, 1742. 746. Dennison, b. July 19, 1743 ; d. Oct. 10, 1749. 747. Ruth, b. AprU 21, 1745. 748. Sarah, b. Dec. 4, 1746; d. Oct. 11, 1749. 749. Nathan, b. Sept. 15, 1748; d. Oct. (date is gone). 750. Noah, b. Jau. 10, 1751. 751. Anne, b. May 12, 1753; d. Oct. 18, 1754. ChUd unnamed, b. Nov. 5, 1754 ; d. Nov. 5, 1754. 752. WillardS [238] (Edward*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. March 1, 1716-17, in Plainfleld, Conn.; d. Feb. 19, 1766, in Kil lingly, Conn., where he resided ; 1st, m. Hannah Bradford, Feb. 20, 1745 ; she was b. Aug. 29, 1724 ; she d. March 2, 1755, aged 29 years, 9 months : 2d, m. Jemima Witter ; children all bom in Kil lingly, Conn. » 753. Zadoc [2028], b. May 8, 1746. 764. Mary, b. Sept. 4, 1749 ; m. David Copp, June 9, 1776 ; resided in KUUngly, Conn., and d. leaving children. 755. Hannah, b. June 29, 1761; m. Jonathan Hunn, July 7, 1774; d. young, leaving no children. 756. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18, 1753 ; m. John Learned, June 23, 1774, 757. Capt. Johns [242] (Edward*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Nov. 27, 1732, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; m. Lucy — -. 758. Lucy, b. Oct. 17,' 1762. 759. JosiahS [246] (Josiah*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Oct. 27, 1715, in Plainfleld, Conn, ; m. Hannah Grover, Of Killingly, Conn., May 18, 1738. They removed from Plainfleld to Canter bury, Conn., about 1743. The three oldest children were bom in Plainfleld, the others in Canterbury. 760. Sarah, b. Feb. 8, 1739. 761. Josias, b. June 29, 1740; d. May 6, 1770. 762. Ziprah, b. March 6, 1742. 763. EUzabeth, b. Oct. 22, 1746. 764. Stephen [2037], b. July 23, 1748. 765. Hannah, b. July 26, 1750. 766. Leah, b. May 28, 1752. 767.- Sampson [2042], b. AprU 18, 1754. 768. Rachel, b. May 3, 1756. 769. Elijah, b. Nov. 2, 1758 ; d. Feb. 25, 1763. 770. Simeon [2044], b. July 21, 1760. 771. Joel-Dodge [2065], b. AprU 21, 1767, FIFTH GENERATION. 71 772. PhinbasS [257] (Isaac*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Jan. 23, 1719-20, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; he settled in Cornwall, Conn., from which place he removed in 1757, with a large family of chil dren, by way of Fort Edward and Lake George, to what he sup posed was Panton, Vt., of which town he was an original proprietor. He remained on the Swift farm, now in Addison, Vt., till Nov. 5, 1778, when his house and goods were burnt, and two of his sons taken prisoners. He escaped to Rutlaiid, Vt., but died there not long after. It is supposed that Oct. 1777, Phineas Spalding and eleven oth ers of Panton and Addison were taken and kept awhile on board a vessel in the vicinity. Phineas Spalding was employed to dress the animals brought on board for food, until an opportunity occurred to him to jump into a small boat alongside the vessel, when he pad dled for the shore, but before he reached it, he was observed and ordered back. KnoMng they would fire upon him, and thinking his body too large a mark to escape, he plunged into the water, and swam safely ashore, amid the bullets of the British. His son Nathan enlisted, and left home Jan. 20, 1776. He died at Quebec, the May following, of the smaU-pox, while being carried in a cart, when the army retreated. In 1778 Maj. Carlton made a descent from Canada, and took thirty- nine men and boys prisoners, among them Halcomb Spalding. I h ave been unable to establish a correspondence with any branch of this family. The names of the five sons of Phineas I believe to be, — 773. Phineas [2058], b. Dec. 26, 1749. 774. Philip [2062]. 775. George. 776. Timothy [2064]. 777. Halcomb. 778. Nathan. 779. Henry [2066]. 780. Edwards [258] (Isaac*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b, Aug. 18, 1722, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Aug. 23,1750; m. Ruth Kinsbury, July 9, 1744. He removed to Canaan, Conn., or near there, about 1750. N.A.Spalding, of Hudson, N. Y., says: "I knew the place in Canaan, Conn., where he lived many years ; he died before 1810." 781. Ezarah, b. AprU 25, 1745. 782. Sarah, b. AprU 7, 1748. 783. Isaacs [260] (Isaac*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. April 22, 1726, in Plainfleld, Conn. It is thought he d. at Hinsdale, Ms. After he d. his wife Mercy m. a man by the name of Wil liams, — a widower with two children, Samuel and Grace. They moved from Hinsdale, Ms., to Chenango County, N. Y., thence to Scipio, Cayuga Co., N, Y., where both died. 784. Samuel, b. ; he was the oldest child. 72 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 785. Edward [2067], b. June 13, 1761. _ 786. Amasa, b. . He or his descendants have lived in Niagara and Orleans Counties, N. Y. We believe some of them may be there now. 787. Nehemiah [2081]. 788. Ezrah [2090], b. July 17, 1769. He was the youngest boy. 789. Charlotte, b. ; she was the oldest girl ; she m. David Clark, in Hinsdale, Ms. Moved to Schoharie Co., N. Y., and there died. She has a son Isaac, living in West Fulton, Schoharie Co.,' N.Y. 790. Mercy, b. ; m. WiUiam Greene ; d. young; no children. 791. Sally, b. ; m. Isaac Skutt. 792. Chloe, b. ; m. Moses Smith; moved to Aurelius, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where both died ; they were childless. 793. Grace, b. ; m. Beman Salisbury, son of Gideon Salisbury. 794. Amy, b. ; youngest child of Isaac Spalding; m. Orange Stod dard. 795. JeremiahS [262] (fsaac*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Aug. 20, 1730, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; m, Elizabeth Day, of Kil lingly, Conn., Nov. 15, 1754 ; after the death of her flrst husband, she was twice married ; flrst to a man by the name of King, and then to a man by the name of Warner. It is said that Jeremiah Spalding lived and died in Worthington, or Chesterfleld, Ms. He d. about 1768. 796. Asa [9536], b. Oct. 5, 1754. 797. Jeremiah [2095], b. May 14, 1761. 798. SUas, b. July 23, 1763 ; was a soldier, and d. in the Revolutionary war. 799. David, b. ; d. in infancy. 800. Basha. 801. Rachel. 802. Betsey. 803. Jacobs [263] (Isaac*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Dec. 17, 1732, in Norfolk, Conn. ; d. April 30, 1814 ; res. for a time in Danbury, Conn., then moved to Norfolk, Conn. ; he was a farmer. The Plainfield (Conn.) Records say he was b. Dec. 6, 1733, but the date given above is that of the family Bible, in possession of Mrs. Wolcott N. Adams. He was in the French war, and was present at the taking of Quebec by General Wolfe. Both his sons were in the Revolutionary army, and, in addition, he hired a man by the name of Daniel , and paid him eight dollars per month all through the war, and took care of his wife and two children. He once collected one hundred and twenty cattle and took them to the army, five of which were his own contribution. His house was a retreat for sick and wounded soldiers ; thirty were sent to him to be kept for the winter, and in the spring twenty-eight went back to the army. He always went by the name of Ensign Spalding ; m. Rachel Knapp, of Danbury, Conn. ; she was b. July 27, 1737 ; she d. Aug. 2, 1821. Children both b. in Norfolk, Conn. 804. Isaac [2108], b. July 30, 1757. 805. Daniel [2118], b. July 25, 1768, FIFTH GENERATION. 73 806. SimeonS [266] (Jacob*, Edwards, JohnS, Edwardi), b. about 1719 ; d. Sept. 15, 1801, in the 82d year of his age ; m. Han nah Paine, of Pomfret, Conn., Jan. 23, 1744-5 ; she d. Sept. 8, 1771, aged 50 ; they resided in Killingly, Conn., and all their chil dren were born there. 807. Jacob [2124], b. Nov. 1, 1745. 808. Seth, b. Feb. 17, 1747 ; d. July 25, 1755. 809. Hannah, b. May 11, 1750 ; 1st, m. Knight ; 2d, m. Sander son ; 3d, m. Lewis. 810. Joshua, b. Sept. 19, 1758; d. May 15, 175-. 811. Mary, b. Aug. 22, 1756; m. Constant Weaver, then of Killingly, Conn. ; afterwards of Providence, R. I. 812. Judith, b. Dec. 1757; m. Danforth. 813. Joshua [2135], b. Dec. 14, 1760. 814. Anne, b. June 16, 1763; m. Dea. Joseph Gay, of Thompson, Conn., Dec. 28, 1785 ; he d. Aug. 4, 1837 ; she d. Nov. 5, 1847 ; they resided in Thompson, Qonn. 815. AzariahS [271] (Philip,* Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Jan. 19, 1724, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. March 3, 1795 ; m. Molly ¦Jearould, Sept. 7, 1744 ; she was b. July 8, 1725, and d. Oct. 2, 1769. 816. Molly, b. July 21, 1745 ; m. Aaron Wheeler. • 817. Magdalen, b. June 18, 1747; d. Dec. 2, 1768. 818. Martha, b. March 22, 1749; m. Waterman. 819. Rufus, b.May 16, 1751; d. July 26, 1772; unmarried. 820. Susannah, b. Sept. 20, 1763 ; m. Peter KendaU. 821. Hannah, b. June 21, 1755; m. Moses Wheeler. 822. ZUpah, b. Nov. 23, 1767 ; m. Cole. 823. Daniel [2147], b. Dec. 13, 1759; d. Dec. 81, 1798. 824. Esther, b. AprU 20, 1762; d. June 15, 1768. 825. Charles, b. March 12, 1764; d. Oct. 4, 1791. 826. MUle, b. March 5, 1767 ; d. May 27, 1790 ; unmarried. 827. CurtisS [272] (Philip*, Edwards, John*, Edwardi), b. April 11, 1726, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. Jan. 26, 1777 ; 1st, m. Hannah Shepherd, Dec. 19, 1750 ; she d. July 8, 1752 ; 2d, m. Bette Shep herd, Dec. 26, 1753 ; she d. Feb. 23, 1767. Children all born in Plainfield, Conn. 828. Denison [2155], b. July 8, 1752. 829. Hannah, b. Sept. 3, 1754; m. Samuel Barstow, of Canterbury, ' Conn. 830. Phinehas, b. March 10, 1766 ; d. May 29, 1758. 831. DoUe, b. July 14, 1758; d. May 13, 1769. 832. Andrew, b. July 11,-1760. 833. MoUe, b. Dec. 13, 1764. 834. Cate, b. Sept. 6, 1766 ; m. Augustus Barstow, of Canterbury, Conn. ¦ 835. Jacobs [274] (Philip*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Nov. 14, 1729, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. and was buried in Canterbury, Conn., where he lived. 1st, m. Matthew Gerould, May 2, 1753 ; the same marriage appears again on the Plainfield (Conn.) Records as May 1, 1753 ; 2d, pi. Thankful Burgess, Nov. 27, 1760 ; she lived with her son Joseph, after the death of her husband, on the banks 74 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. of the North River, and d. about 1815, very aged. Daughter, b. ; d. Sept. 23, 1755. 836. Anne, b. May 15, 1755 ; m. Brown. 837. Sally, b. Jan. 17, 1761 ; dt Sept. 12, 1848, at Newton Lower Falls, Ms., where she lived; unmarried. 838. PhUip [2157], b. Sept. 17, 1764. 839. Adolphus, b ; d. ; unmarried, in Canterbury, Conn. 840. Jacob, b. ; d. ; unmarried, in Sharon, Conn. 841. Rufus [2163], b. May 31, 1772, 842. Alpheus, b. ; lost at sea at the age of 25 ; unmarried. 843. Reuben, b ; d. of yellow fever, in Savannah, Ga., aged 25; unmarried. 844. Joseph [2173], b. July, 1781., 845. Thankful, b. ; m. John Storrs, of Royalton, Vt. ; 2d, m. Pitman. 846. Lucy, b. ; m. Elnathan Robinson ; lived In Homer, N. Y. ; d. at Phelpstown, N. Y. 847. PoUy, b. ; m. Stephen Allen. 848. DanielS [275] (Philip*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Dec. 12, 1731, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; of the descendants of this Daniel, I have no certain knowledge. 849. CharlesS [277] (Philip*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. Dec. 12, 1735, in Plainfield, Conn. ; m. Abigail Gates, Dec. 25, 1764. Rev. V. Spalding says he had children, Daniel, Maxwell, and six others ; he removed to New Hampshire or Vermont. His first child was iDorn in Plainfleld, Conn. 850. Dutee, b. Nov. 29, 1765. 851. Jonathans [278] (Philip*, Edwards, John^, Edwardi), b. July 30, 1738, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; 'm. Phebe Backus, March 20, 1765 ; the first four children were born in Plainfleld, Conn. 852. Anne, b. AprU 23, 1767. 853. Phebe, b. Feb. 6, 1769. 864. Elizabeth, b. March 7, 1771. 865. Hannah, b. May 1, 1773. 866. WiUiam. 857. Samuel. 858. Eunice. 859. Uriahs ["285] (Samuel*, SamueF, John^, Edwardi), b. Aug. 18, 1727, O; S. ; d. about 1778^ in Ms.; m. Susannah ; she was b. Sept. 23, 1725 ; d. Mar. 11, 1819, at St. Johns- bury, Vt. 860. Sybil, b, Dec. 16, 1742 ; m. Zebulon Dean. 861. Sarah, b. Jan. 12, 1744. 862. Uriah [2175], b. Feb. 27, 1745, N. S. 863. Jonas [2186], b. Feb. 27, 1747 ; d. Mar. 18, 1847. 864. Mehitable, b. May 13, 1748 ; m. Brown. 866. Mary, b. ; m. Amos Allen. 866. Rebecca, b. Mar. 17, 1768 ; m. Phineas Pomroy. 867. Samuel [2186], b. July 30, 1764, in New Marlborough, Mass. FIFTH GENERATION. 75 868. Susannah, b. Jan. 24, 1768 ; m. Jonathan Westcott. 869. Rachel, b. July 26, 1770; m. Bowers How; he was b. in Canaan, Conn. ; he d. June 8, 1849, aged 80 ; she d. June 14, 1846, in the 76th year of her age. 870. Reuben [2193], b. Mar. 22, 1772. 871. MosesS [286] (Samuel*, Samuels, John^, Edwardi), b. ; m. . 872. Phineas [2204], b. Feb. 24, 1760. 873. .Aaron [2215], b. July 12, 1762. 874. Calebs [288] (Zachariah*, SamueF, John^, Edwardi), ij. 1727; d. June 29, 1810, aged 83 ; m. Jerusha Cady; she was b. 1733, andd. May 13, 1816, aged 83; they resided in Pomfret, Conn., and in that part which is now a portion of Brooklyn. 876. Molly, b, ; m. Willard Pike, of Brooklyn, Conn. ; she removed to Holland, Ms., and d. about 1850 or '61. 876. Thankful, b. ; m. Stephen Buss, of Mansfleld, Conn. ; she d. 1814. • 877. Jerusha, b. ; m. Eliakim Cady, of Brooklyn, Conn., June 8, 1784. 878. Joanna, b. ; m. Warham Dexter, of Mansfleld, Conn., Oct. 30, 1783 ; he d. June 20, 1825; she d. Jan. 9, 1847. 879. Blodget, b. ; d. in the Revolutionary army. 880. < William [2216], b. 1767. 881. { Elisha, b. 1767; d. Nov. 10, 1791. 882. C Samuel-Augustus [2221], b. Oct. 1772. 883. i Hannah- Augusta, b. Oct. 1772 ; 1st, m. Ames, of Thompson, Conn. ; 2d, m. John Wilkes Gilbert, Nov. 1799 ; she d. Oct. 8, 1865 ; resided in Brooklyn, Conn. 884. Zachariah, b. ; d. young. 885. Mary, b. ; d. young. 886. AbelS [290] (Zachariah*, SamueP, John^, Edwardi), b. 1733 ; d. Oct. 26, 1814, aged 81 ; m. Mehitable Cady, June 82, 1770; she was b.in 1742, and d. Oct. 11, 1800, aged 58; they lived in Pomfret, Conn., and in that part which is now a portion of Brooklyn. 887. Zachariah, b. March 25, 1771 ; d. Aug. 8, 1852 ; unmarried ; he was a distinguished school-teacher in his early life, and taught thirty winters. He was town clerk for a great many years. Strict integrity and sterling worth were his peculiar characteristics. 888. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 26, 1773 ; d. Nov. 29, 1802, aged 28 ; m. BarzilUa Read, April 9, 1797; resided in Brooklyn, Conn. 889. Lieut. Roberts [297] (John*, Josephs, john^, Edwardi), b. Jan. 28, 1728-9 ; d. 1776, at Milford, Conn., while on his way to join the American army ; m. Hasadiah Johnson ; resided in Chelms ford, Ms., where all his children were born. 890. Joseph [2223], b. April 8, .1756. 891. Robert [2229], b. July 28, 1757. 892. Artemas, b. Feb. 19, 1759. 893. Lydia, b. March 3, 1761. 894. Hasadiah, b. May 22, 1763 ; m. Moses Woods, of Acton, Ms., April 16, 1793. 895. Asher, b. June 22, 1765. 76 THU SPALDING MEMORIAL. 896. Lavinia, b. June 10, 1768. 897. Anna, b. June 28, 1771. 898. Jonas, b. ; lived and died in Chelmsford, Ms. He was a bachelor. " He fought in the battle of Bunker HiU, and killed the first man, a lieutenant, much to his disgrace at the time. Sharpshooting was not then in repute, and his family apolo gized for his act as accidental. The orders were not to flre untU the command was given. These he disobeyed. While the British forces were advancing, a lieutenant was in the act of jumping over a stone wall, in the direct range of the musket of Jonas. The aim was so good, the excitement and fear of losing his man so great, that a curl of the flnger did the deed ; then foUowed an irregular flre. The officer in command struck him a stunning blow on the head with his sword, •and he was put under arrest for disobeying orders." 899. Stephens [298] (John*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. Apr. 20, 1731, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. Esther Richardson, Jan. 7, 1762 ; resided in Chelmsford, Ms., where all their children were born. 900. Ashbel [2240], b. AprU 7, 1763 (Chelmsford Records), b. AprU 27, 1765 (family Bible). 901. Levi, b. July 5, 1767. 902. Stephen, b. Aug. 12, 1772. 903. Patty, b. Oct. 15, 1775. 904. PeterS [300] (John*, Josephs, john^, Edwardi), b. May 26, 1734, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. March 16, 1801 ; m. Lucy Rich ardson, Feb. 24, 1763 ; she d. June 30, 1786 ; resided in Chelms ford, Ms., and their children were born there. 906. Lucy, b. March 13, 1764. 906. Eli, b. March 26, 1771 ; d. the same day. 907. Phebe, b. July 8, 1776. 908. Johns [307] (John*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. July 18, 1747, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. July 30, 1831 ; m. Joanna Warren, Feb. 13, 1777 ; she d. March 28, 1838. He went to Stoddard, N. H., with his brother WiUard, soon after his marriage, about 1778, and lived and died there. His children were all born in Stoddard, N.H. 909. Anna, b. AprU 21, 1778 ; d. July 30, 1831 ; m. Abraham Copeland, Nov. 1805 ; resided in Washington, N. H. 910. Sally, b. Feb. 13, 1781 ; m. Andrew Towne, Dec. 7, 1802 ; resided in Marlow, N. H. ; was living June, 1868. 911. Phebe, b. Oct. 2, 1784; m. John Wilson, AprU 11, 1804; lived in Stoddard, N. H. 912. Jemima, b. Feb. 10, 1786 ; d. Jan. 30, 1866 ; m. WUliam Shedd, June 21, 1814. 913. Hannah, b. Aug. 27, 1789 ; d. Sept. 26, 1851 ; unmarried. 914. Rebecca, b. Feb. 2, 1794; d. Sept. 24, 1861 ; unmarried. 915. WillardS [308] (John*, Josephs, john^, Edward'), b. July 10, 1750, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Oct. 12, 1822, aged 72, in Stod dard, N. H., to which place he went about 1778, and where he lived; m. Sarah Stearns, of Billerica, Ms.. Feb. 12, 1789 ; she was b. AprU 11, 1764, and d. Nov. 3, 1832, aged 68. ChUdren aU born in Stoddard, N. H. FIFTH GENERATION. 77 916. Sally, b. May 30, 1790 ; d. AprU 4, 1859 ; m. William Munroe, June 6, 1810; Uved in Stoddard, N. H. 917. Susan, b. Oct. 4, 1793 (the Stoddard records say 1792) ; m. Daniel Warren, June 6, 1816 ; lived in Stoddard, N. H. 918. Mary, b. Aug. 28, 1796 (Stoddard records say 1795) ; m. Jonah BaU, of Boylston, Ms., Sept. 3, 1828; he d. March 3, 1864; lived in Boylston, Ms. 919. WUlard [2245], b. Jan. 8, 1798; d. Oct. 6, 1866. 920. Betsey, b. July 80, 1800 ; m. Asa Andrews, F eb. 1834. 921. JesseS [310] (John*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. March 12, 1763, in Chebnsford, Ms. ; d. May 15, 1808 ; 1st, m, Nabby Adams ; she lived but one year ; 2d, m. Elizabeth Wood, Nov. 17, 1790 ; she d. AprU 30, 1796 ; 3d, m. Elizabeth Stevens, 1796 ; she was b. Feb. 29, 1772 ; d. Sept. 19, 1812. Children aU bom in Chelmsford, Ms. 922. John [2251], b. Aug. 16, 1793. 923. Rebecca, b. Oct. 3, 1794 ; m. Samuel Smith, Feb. 22, 1825 ; lived in West WUton, N.H. 924. Elizabeth, b. April 7, 1796 ; d. April 10, 1815. Suicide ; unmarried. 925. Nabby-Adams, b. Sept. 7, 1797; m. Jeremiah Stratton, June 13, 1822; lived in New Ipswich, N. H., then in Winchendon, Ms., where she d., May 18, 1847. 926. Jesse [2258], b. March 30, 1799. 927. Parker [2268], b. Dec. 6, 1800. 928. Lucy, b. Sept. 28, 1802; 1st, m. John M. Abbott, and lived in Salem, Ms. ; 2d, m. Simeon DurantHolt, and Uvedin Wisconsin ; she d. about 1841. 929. SewaU, b. March 7, 1804 ; d. June 29, 1805. 930. Sally, b. March 24, 1805; m. George Wilson, April 12, 1826; she d. Sept. 12, 1850; he d. Feb. 8, 1854; they lived and died in Cavendish, Vt. 931. Rachel, b. Jan. 11, 1807; m. Alfred Beckwith, July 12, 1829; they flrst lived in New Ipswich, N. H., then in Fitchburg, Ms., then in Stoddard, N. H. 932. Marah, b. Oct. 10, 1808 ; m. Daniel KendaU, July 1, 1834 ; they Uved in Cavendish, Vt. 933. AbelS [312] (Simeon*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. Sept. 2, 1737, in Chelmsford, Ms.; d. ; m. Mary Warren, AprU 29, 1767. 934. Abel, b. June 19, 1768. 935. Supply, b. Sept. 16, 1773. 936. Timothy [9499], b. March 28, 1779. 937. JoelS [314] (Simeon*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), i, March 12, 1742-3, in Chelmsfcird, Ms. ; d. July 26, 1823 ; 1st, m. Phebe Tyler, March 16, 1773 ; she was b. March 23, 1750, and d. Jan. 1, 1780 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Rebecca Carey, April 25, 1791 ; her maiden name was Rebecca Pierce ; she was b. 1747, and d. May 15, 1834, aged 87. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne. 938. Jonathan [2268], b. June 12, 1775. 939. Silas, b. ; d. young. 940. Otis, b. ; d. young. 78 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 941. Phebe, b. Dec. 26, 1779 ; m. Joseph Butterfleld Varnum, Dec. 28, 1800; she d. Nov. 5, 1857, aged 78; resided in Dracut, Ms. 942. SiLAsS [316] (Simeon*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. Oct. 30, 1746, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. March 7, 1827, aged 80 ; m. SybU Pierce, Jan. 8, 1775 ; she d. Nov. 6, 1834, aged 88. The flrst two childi-en were born in Chelmsford, Ms., the others in HolUs, N. H. 943. SybU, b. Feb. 14, 1776 ; m. Thaddeus Wheeler, Nov. 13, 1800 ; she d. Nov. 26, 1849, aged 73. 944. Sally, b. March 8, 1777 ; m. Josiah Blood, Jan. 1801 ; she d. Dec. 29, 1836, aged 60. 945. Silas [2275], b. May 30, 1779, in Hollis, N. H. 946. Simeon [2284], b. Feb. 7, 1782, in Hollis, N. H. 947. Rebecca, b. AprU 10, 1786, in HoUis, N. H. ; 1st, m. Charles East man, April 8, 1804 ; he d. June 26, 1836 ; 2d, m. Josiah Blood, Oct. 24, 1841. 948. Esther, b. Jan. 80, 1787 ; m. Jonathan Taylor Wheeler, June 7, 1809; he d. Jan. 29, 1849; she was living in 1867. 949. MicahS [317] (Simeon*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. Nov. 6, 1752, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. AprU 23, 1830, in Lowell, Ms., which was formerly a part of Chelmsford ; m. Mary Cham berlain, April 23, 1778 ; she was the daughter of Aaron Chamber lain, and was b. Aug. S7, 1755 ; d. June 4, 1847, aged 91 yrs. 9 m. 4 days. Children all born in what is now Lowell, Ms., where he lived and died. 960. Micah, b. Feb. 1, 1779 ; d. May 5, 1801, on the Island of Java; un married. 961. Mary, b. July 22, 1780; m. Benjamin Brown, of Tewksbury, Ms., Nov. 30, 1830; she d. Dec. 22, 1857; resided in Tewksbury and LovveU, Ms. 962. William [2293], b. July 22, 1782. 953. Simeon [2294], b. Dec. 9, 1785. 954. John, b. Dec. 21, 1787; d. Sept. 11, 1790. 955. Martha, b. Jan. 31, 1790; d. Aug. 15, 1868, at Lowell, Ms., unmar ried. 956. Sophia, b. June 22, 1792 ; m. John Symmes, of Woburn, Mass., May 81, 1836 ; she d. June 12, 1867, aged 75 ; resided in Win chester, Mass. 957. Rufus [2300], b. July 29, 1794. 958. Matthias, b. May 14, 1796; he studied medicine with Dr. Mat thias Spalding, of Amherst, N. H., his uncle; d. Aug. 16, 1831, at Montabello, 111., unmarried. 959. Noah [2308], b. May 14, 1796. 960. Sidney [2312], b. Nov. 14, 1798. 961. Jephthah s [318] (Simeon*, Josephs, john^, Edwardi), b. Nov. 10, 1754, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. June 10, 1834, aged 79, in Kensington, N. H. ; m Rebecca Barron, July 14, 1779 ; she d. Jan. 27, 1843, aged 87. 962. Prescott [2318], b. Jan. 23, 1780. 963. Oliver, b. about 1782; d. Dec. 24, 1853. 964. Matthias, b. about 1784 ; d. at Jamaica, aged 18. 965. Charles, b. about 1787. FIFTH GENERATION. 79 966. AzariahS [319] (Simeon*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. Feb. 2, 1757, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Sept. 13,' 1821 ; resided in Chelms ford ; was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne ; m. Lucy Barron, Sept. 24, 1782 ; she d. July 19, 1820. 967. WiUiam-Barron, b. Nov. 24, 1783; went to sea, and never heard from ; unmarried. 968'. Timothy, b.Aug. 17, 1786; d. in England in 1810; unmarried; he was of the Arm of Spalding & Richardson, Boston. 969. AbigaU, b. Jan. 11, 1789; d. 1809; unmarried. 970, Otis [2327], b. May 16, 1793. 971. SimeonS [320] (Simeon*, Josephs, john^, Edwardi), b. March 15, 1759 ; m. Olive Butterfleld, Dec. 21, 1784 ; resided in Chelmsford, Ms. 972. Orpha, b. Sept. 12, 1785 ; m. WiUiam Fletcher, of Chelmsford, Ms. 978. HaskeU [2331], b. Jan. 28, 1788. 974. Nancy, b. July, 1790; m. Frederick Remme, Nov. 1823; she d. Jan. 1868 ; no issue. 975. Clarissa b. ; d. young. 976. Weld [2334], b. March 16, 1798. 977. Prudence, b. ; m. Lovell Fletcher, of Chelmsford ; no issue. 978. Albert, b. ; d. about 20 years of age. 979. Caroline, b. ; d. when about 15. 980. Philip* [322] (Simeon*, Josephs, john^, Edwardi), b. June 4, 1762, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Oct. 5, 1799, at Wilmington, Del., where he resided. 1st, m. Clara Josslyn, of Wilmington, N. C. 2d, Margaret Fergus, of Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 25, 1795 ; she was m. a second time to Maj. James Bruff ; she had seven chUdren, and d. in Centreville, Md. 981. PhiUp- Jane, b. Oct. 26, 1797 ; m. WiUiam Tyler, of BiUerica, Ms. May 6, 1728. They lived in BiUerica, Ms., where he d. Nov. 27, 186 Ij Mrs. William Tyler is now residing with her son, William Tyler, at Chilllcothe, Ohio. She has another, son, George-Spal ding Tyler, residing in Fitchburg, Ms. William Tyler, senior, was the son of Joseph Tyler and Abigail Spalding [321]. 982. MatthiasS [324] (Simeon*, Josephs, john^, Edwardi), b. June 25, 1769, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. May 22, 1865, in Amherst, N. H., aged 95 years, 10 months, 28 days ; m. Rebecca- Wentworth Atherton, Sept. 16, 1806 ; she was b. July, 1779 ; d. Dec. 27, 1862, aged 84 yrs. 4 mos. 20 days. Dr. Matthias Spalding was the ninth son and thirteenth child of Colonel Simeon Spalding, of Chelmsford, Ms. His mother, Abigail Wilson, a second wUe, having children by a previous husband, was a Johnson of the fourth generation in descent from Captain Edward Johnson, of Woburn, who came from Kent County, England, in 1630. Colonel Simeon Spalding was an officer in the Revolutionary army, and on the moming of the battle of Bunker 80 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. HUl, he was ordered to the American catnp at Cambridge. JDr. Spalding used to say that he remembered the booming of the cannon on the day of that bloody battle. The early years of Dr. Spalding weire passed in agricultural pur suits. He worked on the farm of his father at Old Chelinsford, and on the land owned by him on the Merrimack, near Pawtucket FaUs, in what is now Lowell. He always retained the impress of these early labors ; and although very devoted to the profession he after wards chose, he was an enthusiast in farming, and in all its im provements, to the last days of his life. When a young man, his health became feeble, and he was advised to seek a liberal education. He accordingly commenced his studies at Westford Academy, under the tuition of the late Professor Hedge, and entered Harvard College a year and a half in advance. He graduated with honor in 1798, in a class having as its members such men as Stephen Longfellow, Rev. Dr. Channing, and Judge Story. Although the eldest member of his class, he survived all but two of his classmates. Having adopted the'"profession of medicine, he studied with Df. Benjamin Waterhouse, of Cambridge, Professor of Theory and Practice in Harvard University ; and subsequently with Dr. JBtol- yoke, of Salem. In 1801 he went to London, passing a year there in attendance upon medical lectures, and devoting himself with great industry to the professional advantages affoi-ded by the med ical schools and hospitals. He attended the lectures of Sir Astley Cooper and the younger Cline, and received from them many marks of personal attention. He knew Drs. Lettsom and Jenner, with the latter of whom he enjoyed a special acquaintance. From him he derived much valuable information relating to vaccination, a subject in which he was always greatly interested. His friend and former pupil. Dr. J. P. Batchelder, of New York, says in regard to Dr. Spalding's agency in the introduction of vaccination into the United States : " From his intimacy with Jenner, and knowledge of what had transpired in London during 'his residence there, in relation to the eflScacy of the vaccine matter to prevent smaU-pox, he on his return engaged most zealously in the practice of vaccination. Perhaps it would not be too much to say that he did more than any man, except Waterhouse, to introdn.ce that important practice into this country." On his retum from England, in 1802, he was the bearer of a let ter from Jenner to his former insti-uctor. Dr. Waterhouse, with the celebrated silver snuff-box, containing vaccine, and having on it this inscription : " From the Jenner of the Old World to the Jenner of the New." Dr. Waterhouse had been the flrst to introduce the great discovery of Jenner into practice in this country, in the face of great opposition. Soon after his return home, Dr. Spalding commenced practice in FIFTH GENERATION. 81 his native town, Chelmsford, where he remained four years, secur ing a large business, and a high reputation as a surgeon. In 1806 he removed to Amherst, N. H., at that time the prin cipal town in the southern part of the State, where he continued to reside during the remainder of his life. Here he married, in 1806, Rebecca- Wentworth, daughter of Hon. Joshua Atherton, a woman of reflned and superior nature. He had eight children, two oi whom are physicians. While living at Chelmsford, he had been called on several occa sions to Amherst, and other places in the vicinity. In the adjoin ing town of WUton, he had successfully performed trepanning in a case of fractured skull, an operation at that time practically unknown in that region, and which gave him a favorable reputa tion as a surgeon. His professional calls often compelled him to take long and fatiguing rides through a country poorly supplied with good roads, some of them being mere bridle-paths, in which the use of a carriage was out of the question. Although his con stitution was originally feeble, yet, by regularity of life, and a careful abstinence from all injurious indulgences, he was able to perform a large amount of professional labor. His ability to work hard and continuously on a small allowance of sleep was very unu sual. It was his habit to sit up until the midnight hours, and to rise before other members of the family began to move. Sensible of the advantage which would come to the profession and the public from a better acquaintance among medical men than their occasional meetings would afford, Dr. Spalding exerted himself to bring together the regular physicians in his neighbor hood, for the purpose of mutual improvement and professional cul ture. To him, more than to any other man, the Southern District Medical Society of the State owed its existence. This Society was instituted in 1816, and embraced the towns of Hillsborough County, with the adjacent parts of the counties of Rockingham and Cheshire. In the flrst year of its existence it had on its record the names of flfteen physicians who resided in fourteen neighbor ing towns, his own name being flrst on the list. Within three years, its members increased to more than thirty. Dr. Spalding was, for many years, its president and librarian. In 1809 he was elected a fellow of the New Hampshire Medical Society, in which he continued an active member until age and inflrmity rendered him exempt. He held the office of vice-president from 1815 to 1821 inclusive ; and that of president in 1822 and 1823. In 1817, the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred on him by Dartmouth College. He was elected an Honorary Mem ber of the New York Academy of Medicine, June 1, 1860. Favored with an education which, for the times, was superior to that of most of his medical brethren around him, he also possessed many natural qualities fitting him for the profession of his choice. In heart and manners he was a gentleman, with an integrity and purity of character which were never questioned. His equanimity 6 82 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. and cheerfulness rarely forsook him. As must be the case in an extensive country practice, it often happened that he was called in cases of emergency, which admitted of no hesitation or delay. He could not easily avaU himself of the counsel of learned and experi enced men, but he was fertile in resources, and had, in a rare degree, the ability to make a practical application of the fruits of previous study and careful observation. He was cabn and self-reliant, and impressed the minds of his patients with the feeling that he compre hended their situation, and that he would do all that a faithful, cau tious, and inteUigent physician could do. Dr. Batchelder, of New York, who was one of his first pupUs, remarks of him : " If he erred at all in the treatment of disease, it was in trusting -too much to the powers of nature, especially if the patient had a good constitution." The experience of half a century in throwing light upon the curative powers of the materia medica, would perhaps recognize, in this feature of his practice, evidence of sagacious observation in advance of his times. He undoubtedly possessed this faculty in an uncommon degree. In a practice ex tending over so long a period, among a rural population in which changes were comparatively infrequent, he became thoroughly acquainted with the idiosyncrasies o£ individuals, and their consti tutional or hereditary tendencies. It was interesting and instruc tive to notice how readily he comprehended the condition of patients with whose famUies he had been familiar through two or three gen erations. He had great faith in true science, and genuine contempt of all quackery in medicines or practice. His decision, cheerfulness, and gentleness of manner made him very acceptable in a sick room. The children who had been his patients became very fond of him ; indeed, he was a favorite with children generally. With all Dr. Spalding's habitual caution, he did not hesitate to make a change in received modes of treatment, when he saw suffi cient reason for it. This was strikingly proved at the time of the prevalence of spotted fever, many years ago. Hot applications were considered to be the true treatment, but he had warm bricks and blankets removed, and allowed cold water to be taken in mod erate quantity. This change proved of great advantage, not only to the patient's comfort, but to his recovery; and this form of treatment was afterward generally adopted. The genial presence and hopeful spirit of Dr. Spalding made him ever welcome to the sick chamber. His vigor continued so unim paired through a long series of years, that, at the age of threescore and ten, he performed some surgical operations. In the early part of his professional life, his office was the resort of students, some times sufficient in number to form quite a medical class. Many of these went into practice in neighboring towns, and through life they cherished with gratitude the remembrance of his instructions and his infiuence. Some of these attained distinction in other States, as physicians, surgeons, and professors in medical institutions. FIFTH GENERATION. 83 A sketch of Dr. Spalding's life would be incomplete without ref erence to his social qualities, and the high estimation in which he was held as a citizen and a Christian. His character attracted friendship and confidence. He was cordial in his feelings, and kept alive the glow and warmth of early attachments. He was fond of poetry and music, and could sing quite well. He had a rare gift at story-telUng, and his anecdotes never lost their freshness and point. As a citizen, he never sought political office, but he was always relied upon as the friend and supporter of such meas ures as akned to promote education, good morals, and the general welfare. His symmetrical and genuine Christian character was illustrated by the fruits of charity and good-wUl. He made a con scientious and judicious use of his professional opportunities to impress the minds of his patients with the claims of religion, and he was always ready to answer those calls for spiritual guidance and consolation which sometimes appeal to the Christian physician as to no other person. His church connection was with the Orthodox Congregational denomination, in which he maintained the ofl8.ce of deacon for nearly half a century. He was not a demonstrative Christian, but no one could know him well and not be convinced that religion held in his mind its place as most important of all mortal interests, and the controlling influence of his daily life. He was a constant and appreciative hearer of the gospel, and a studious reader of the Holy Scriptures. He was able to read the Bible until the ninety- fourth year of his age, after which time his faculties declined. A fortnight before his death, he spoke of his long life, of the depar ture before him, of his early friends, and of the comforting support of a Christian faith. In this faith he closed a long, useful, and hon orable life. His children were all born iu Amherst, N. H. 983. Frances-Rebecca, b. July 10, 1807 ; d. Jan. 5, 1808. 984. Abigail-Atherton, b. Dec. 3, 1809; m. Rev. Josiah-Gardiner Davis, D. D., Sept. 26, 1848. They reside in Amherst, N. H., and have one child, Bebecca-Atherton Davis, b. Aug. 20, 1849. Dr. Davis grad. at Y. C. 1836 ; S. T. D. Dartmouth Coll. 1866. 985. Frances-Rebecca, b. August 27, 1811; d. Sept. 8, 1815. 986. Edward [2338], b. Sept. 15, 1813. 987. Alfred [2342], b. Oct. 24, 1815. 988. George, b. Nov. 24. 1817 ; d March 21, 1837. 989. James, b. Dec. 11, 1820; d. Oct. 21, 1826. 990. Rebecca-Frances, b. Nov. 9, 1822; d. Oct. 20, 1826. 991. NoahS [325] (Simeon*, Josephs, John^, Edwardi), b. Feb. 4, 1771, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. May 9, 1849. He retained pos session of his father's homestead, and contintied through life his occupation as a husbandman. He was for several years a member of a cavalry company attached to the Seventh regiment of the State militia, and in June, 1807, he was commissioned captain of the company by Gov. Sullivan. He was also a constant participant in the affairs of the Congregational church in Chelmsford, and in 84 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. .1812 was chosen deacon, by which title he was generally known until the time of his death. He was a man of uniform and con tented disposition, of genial and hospitable manners, of thorough integi'ity, and devoted to his business ; m. Anne Parker, Dec. 26, 1799 ; she was the dajighter of Philip Parker, of Chelmsford, Ms. • 992. Julia-Ann, b. 1802. She had her training mostly at home, but divided a portion of her time between her relatives and friends in Cambridge, and the family of her uncle. Dr. Matthias Spalding, of Amherst, N. H. Feb. 21, 1822, she married Dr. John-Call Dalton, then estabUshed in his profession of medicine at Chelmsford. In her person and character, she was far above the standard of ordinary women. She d. Aug. 10, 1846, aged 44 years. Dr. Dalton d. in Boston, Jan. 8, 1864. The chUdren of Dr. J. C. Dalton and Julia-Ann Spalding were John CaU,b. July 13, 1822; d. Oct. 15, 18?4. John CaU, b. Feb. 2, 1825. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 25, 1826. Edward, b. Oct. 5, 1828; d. June 5, 1834. Julia Ann, b. Aug. 11, 1833. Edward Barry, b. Sept. 21, 1834. Henry Rogers, b. Oct. 12, 1838. Anne Parker, b. Nov. 21. 1841 ; d. May 1, 1846. 993. Philip Parker, b. 1805 ; d. Feb. 4, 1848, unmarried. 994. Leonards [328] (Timothy*, TimothyS, John^, Edwardi), h. Oct. 27, 1728, in Westford, Ms. ; d. ; m. Margaret Love. He was one of the early settlers of Putney, Vt., the charter of which had been given to Colonel Josiah Willard and others, by Benning Wentworth, Governor of New Hampshire, Dec. 26, 1753. He was an adherent of the jurisdiction of New Hampshire. On the 28th of Oct. 1774, he was committed to the common gaol, for high treason against the British tyrant, George III. All that they proved against him was that he said, "If the king has signed the Quebec bill, it is my opinion that he has broken his coronation oath." But the good people went and opened the prison door and let him go, and did no violence to any man's person or property. [Slade's Vt. St. Papers, p. 56.] He was distinguished for his patriotic exer tions in the Revolutionary war. The three oldest children born in Westford, Ms. 996. Reuben, b. Nov. 19, 1766; bap. Jan. 2, 1757, 996. Betty, b. .lune 22, 1758 ; bap. July 28, 1758. 997. Leonard [2348], b, March 14, 1760; bap. AprU 20, 1760. 998. Mary, b. ; bap. Nov. 15, 1761. 999. Sarah, b. July 19, 1768, in Westmoreland, N. H. 1000. John, b. 1766 ; d. March 26, 1798, aged 28. 1001. Esther, b. 1768 ; d. July, 1783, aged 15. 1002. Olive. 1003. Josiah [2365], b. March 31, 1772. 1004. Timothy, b. 1775; d. June 13, 1786, aged 20. 1006. Anna, b. ; m. Laughton, of Dummerston, Vt. 1006. Samuels [329] (Timothy*, TimothyS, John^, Edwardi), b. Sept. 4, 1730, in Westford, Ms. ; d. Aug. 29, 1760 ; m. Abigail FIFTH GENERATION. 85 . This Samuel and his family removed to Townsend, Ms., where his chUdren were born, and where their births and his death are recorded. He was a soldier in Capt. Jonathan Butterfleld's company, and his wife AbigaU receipts for the wages due him April 6, 1761, in Westford, Ms. 1007. Thankful, b. Aug. 6, 1758. 1008. Samuel [2360], b. Oct 5, 1760. 1009. JosiahS [330] (Timothy*, Timothys, JohnS, Edwardi), b. July 13, 1732, in Westford, Ms. ; m. widow Esther Adams, of Chelmsford, Ms. ; pub. Sept. 12, 1760 ; m. Nov. 25, 1760 ; she d. Jan. 21, 1790. 1010. Lieut. TimothyS [336] (Oliver*, TimothyS, John^, Ed wardi), b, Nov. 26, 1741, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. Nov. 29, 1741 ; he d. previous to Sept. 13, 1786, as his children, Timothy and Han nah, being over 14 years of age, chose a guardian at that date. His heirs also signed, to convey real estate ; m. Hannah 'Richard son, Aug. 4, 1763 ; pub. July 16, 1763 ; resided in Westford, Ms. ; she m. for her second husband, Joseph Jewett, of Westford, Nov. 12, 1795. The children of Lieut. Timothy Spalding were all bom in Westford, Ms. 1011. Oliver [2361],, b. Feb. 13, 1764; bap. AprU 29, 1764; he lived and died in Groton, Ms. 1012. Levi, b. July 13, 1766 ; bap. July 20, 1766 ; d. in Farmington, Me., unmarried. 1013. Timothy [2364], b. March 29, 1769 ; lived and died in (31roton, Ms. ; no children. 1014. Hannah, b. 1771 ; bap. June 30, 1771 ; m. Heni-y Wilson, May 5, 1792; lived in Westford, Ms., and d. there Aug. 29, 1816. . 1016. Sarah, b. ; bap. June 6, 1773; m. Abbott Jewett, July 22, 1797; lived and died in Westford, Ms.; d. before May 15, 1800, as'Mr. Jewett m. again at that date; no children. 1016. Amaziah, b. ; lived in Westford, Ms. ; unmarried. 1017. Joel, b. ; d. young in Westford, Ms. ; he left a wiU, admit ted to probate Sept. 1806. In this will he mentions his "hon oured Mother Hannah Jewet, his brother Timothy and his sis ters Hannah Willson andEde Cummings, and his brother Levi." 1018. Ede, b. ; m. James Cummings; pub. Oct. 7, 1804; lived and died in Farmington, Me. ; left one daughter. 1019 . Jonathans [343] (Jonathan*, TimothyS, john^, Edward') , b. May 2, 1769, in Westford, Ms. ; d. June 15, 1814 ; 1st, m. Lydia Upton, 1794 ; she was the dauarhter of William Upton, of Reading, Ms. ; b. AprU 16, 1769 ; d. Sept. 19, 1808 ; 2d, m. SybU Spalding, of Hancock, N. H., Aug. 3, 1809 ; resided in Temple, N. H. He had by his second wife two daughters that d, young. Children all born in Temple, N. H. 1020. Jonathan [2865], b. Aug. 5, 1796. 1021. Timothy, b. Feb. 3, 1798; d. in Arkansas Territory, Oct. 1, 1833 §6 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1022. Nathan, b. Dec. 22, 1801 ; d. young. „ „ , 1023. David-F., b. AprU 29, 1803 ; d. Sept. 4, 1836, in New HoUand, Ohio. 1024. DanielS [348] (Phineas*, Edwards, Edward", Edwardi), b. Nov. 5, 1737, in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. ; d. AprU 17, 1808, in Lancaster, N. H. ; m. Phebe Dustin; she was b. about 1740 ; d. June, 1828. They moved to Northumberland, N. H., from Londonderry, N. H., having one child, Edward. Of the ancestors of Mrs. Spalding we have no knowledge, except that, by her own statement to her children, she was the granddaughter of Mrs. Thomas Dustin, of Indian notoriety. She was a small woman, never exceeding in weight ninety-one pounds, but very robust. Mr. Spalding cleared up a piece of land, secured his crops, and built a hut or house, and then returned for his family. This d^reU- ing was constructed of four posts set in the ground, in which notches' were cut, and to which notches poles were fastened, and then cov ered with bark and^boughs. The fire was built on the ground, the smoke passing out through an opening in the roof. 'This single room was*parlor, kitchen, pantry, and sleeping apartment. On their way to Coos County, with their scanty fumiture, includ ing the little spinning-wheel, they spent the night at Haverhill, N. H. Their little boy, then a year and, a half old, while phaying around a smudge, made to keep off mosquitoes, was so badly burned that he could go no farther. Mr. Spalding went on alone. In a few days the child was so much improved that his wife started after him, taking a few light articles in a copper teakettle (which is now in the possession of Mr. Savage). The distance was flfty miles; there was no road, and the way was indicated by spotted trees. She went on, sometimes fording streams up to her armpits, and at night she scooped out a bed at the roots of a tree for her child, and, covering it with moss, sat watching by its side, the silence of the night being broken only by the bowlings and hootings of wild beasts. Near the close of the second day, she met her husband returning for her. One of the greatest trials of these settlers was the depredations of the Indians. Mrs. Spalding, by her tact and discernment, obtained their good-will and respect. Although a small woman^ her resolution and self-reliance were such that she always com manded obedience. On one occasion, a large Indian warrior, being troublesome and revengeful, put his hands upon her shoulders, intending evil ; she stepped back, saying, " You dirty dog, put your hands upon me again if you dare !" The Indian was com pletely cowed, and sneaked off. Mrs. Spalding's house was often the resort of the Indians to hold their powows. As it was not safe for a white man to be present . on such occasions, she secreted her husband and children away from home. She invariably demanded of the Indians the posses- FIFTH GENERATION. 87 sion of all their weapons before they commenced their carousal, and retained them until they were sober. At the opening of the Revolutionary war, the settlers of the town, with those of Lancaster adjoining, concluded, upon consul tation, that it was better to give up their new homes, and return to their former places of residence, the Indians being hostile. Mrs. Spalding alone objected. Supposing that she would consent, the others made then- arrangements to leave, again appealing to her to accompany them ; her answer was " Go, if you have not the cour age to stay at our homes." Her determination nerved the whole settlement, and they decided to remain. At one time one of the family of her son Edward was taken dan gerously ill. He went for his mother, twelve miles distant, and found her lying upon the floor before a large flre, unable to move, suffering from rheumatism. She insisted on going, and with diffi culty was placed upon the back of a three-years'-old colt, the only horse that could be procured. After riding two or three miles, she brightened up, rearranged her saddle, and said to her son, " I will leave the road behind me," and was soon out of sight. Mrs. Spalding was noted for her horsemanship. Three days before her death, being then nearly ninety, wishing to go from her grandson's to her son's house, three quarters of a mile distant, she was placed upon a spirited horse, her friends thinking to lead him. She demanded the bridle and a stick, and went off on a gallop. These incidents show that she was a true descendant of the hero ine of bustin's Island. First child b. in Londonderry, N. H., others in Lancaster, N. H. 1025. Edward [2367], b. Sept. 19, 1765. 1026. Jonathan [2874], b. Sept. 12, 1767. 1027. Sarah, b. Sept. 27, 1770; d. about 1795. 1028. Phinehas [2381], b. May 20, 1773. 1029. Daniel [2388], b. Dec. 7, 1775. 1030. Douglas [2393], b. July 13, 1784. 1031. PhinehasS [351] (Phinehas*, Edwards, Edward", Edwardi), b. AprU 27, 1745, O. S., or May 8, 1745, N. S., in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. ; d. Jan. 14, 1S09 ; m. Elizabeth Bailey, about 1772 ; she was b. July 17, 1751, and d. Sept. 1819, in Jaf- frey, N. H. His children were all born in Jaffrey, N. H. His father dying when he was young, he was bound out as an appren tice until twenty-one. When married, he settled in Jaffrey, N. H. 1032. EUzabeth, b. Feb. 21, 1774; ra. Moses Flint, of Townsend, Ms., Jan. 22, 1795 ; they settled that year in Lyme, N. H., and reared a large family ; she d. July 10, I860. 1033. Phinehas [2402], b. Feb. 28, 1776. 1034. Mary, b. Jan. 22, 1778; m. Samuel Flint, of Townsend, Ms., Feb. 2, 1801 ; settled in Lyme, N. H., where they lived and died; she d. Aug. 14, 1847. 1036. Sarah, b. Jan. 20, 1780; m. Abram Spoflford, of Jaffrey, N. H., Feb. 5, 1799; settled in Orange, Vt., about 1815, moved to Barre,Vt., then to Moretown, Vt., where both died. Had a fam ily of thirteen children ; she d. June 3, 1846. 88 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1036. Edward [2405], b. Oct. 17, 1781. 1037. Lydia, b. Sept. 20, 1783; m. Benjamin Moore Stanley, of Jaffrey, N. H., Nov. 1, 1810 ; Uved in Jaffrey untU 1842, then in Rindge, N. H., then in HarrisviUe, N. H., where both died; he d. March 19, 1852 ; she d. Aug. 20, 1858. 1038. Oliver, b. Aug. 10, 1785; d. July 29, 1807, whUe bathing in the Connecticut River. He was a member of the junior class. Dart. College. 1039. Daniel [2406], b. Dec. 26, 1788. 1040. Levi [2412], b. Aug. 22, 1791. 1041. Rhoda, b. May 22, 1793; d. Dec. 1, 1856; unmarried. 1042. David [2416], b. May 17, 17?5. 1043. LevjS [353] (Edward*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 23, 1737, in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. ; d. March 1, 1825, at Plainfleld, Otsego Co., N.Y. ; 1st, m. Anna Burns ; 2d, m. Lois Goodrich, Dec. 30, 1778 ; he flrst settled in Lyndeboro', N. H., from which place he removed about 1800, to Plainfleld, Otsego Co., N. Y. He was selectman in 1768, also in 1774, the year that an agent was appointed to go to Philadelphia to join the Congress. He was moderator of the annual town meeting in 1781-'82-'84- '85-86 and '91. He was chosen Representative to the General Court in Concord in 1 784, and was the second to flll that oflSce. He was captain of the 9th company, 3d regiment of the N H. troops. This regiment was present at the battle of Bunker HiU, under the command of Col. Reid. The flrst regiment was also pres ent, under the command of Col. John Stark. " The New Hamp shire troops took their position at the rail fence, betwixt the redoubt and the Mystic river. They immediately threw up a sort of breast-work of stones across the beach to the river, and con tinued the rail fence down the hill to this stone wall or breast work. This wall served a most exceUent purpose, as the sharp shooters behind it could take the most deadly aim at the advancing foe ; and it is a well-established fact that the British troops in front of this wall were almost completely annihilated." [Adj. Gen. Report of the State of N, H. 1866, vol. 2, p. 270 ] Capt. Levi Spalding was at the battle of Bunker HUl, also at Trenton and at Valley Forge during the terrible suffering in the winter of 1777-78. He was afterwards transferred and came under the immediate command of Gen. Washington He served through the war, and was present at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown. He received an honorable discharge from the War Department, and drew a captain's pension as long as he Uved. 1044. Betsey, b. Nov. 18, 1759; m. Holt. 1045. OUve, b. April 8, 1762 ; m. Lovell Lewis ; removed to Lewiston, Niagara Co., N. Y. 1046. Edward [2424], b. Nov. 19, 1764. 1047. George, b. Sept. 14, 1766 ; was drowned when a young man. 1048. Martha, b. AprU 6, 1768 ; m. Joseph Knights, of New Ipswich, N. H., AprU 11, 1793; moved to Ohio. 1049. Esther, b. July 7, 1770. 1050. Levi [2434], b. Jan. 25, 1772. 1051. John. FIFTH GENERATION. 89 1052. Benjamln-Goodrich, b. Sept. 9, 1799. 1058. SeweU [2436], b. March 1, 1782. 1054. Lois-Goodrich, b. Feb. 16, 1784; m. Stephen Abbot; moved to Nashville, Chautauque Co., N. Y. ; he d. about 1864 ; she is now Uving, 1870. 1055. EbenS [360] (Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. March 27,1750, in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N.H. ; d. July 1, 1808, in Lempster, N. H. ; m. Amy Roundy, Jan. 11, 1777 ; she was b. March 29, 1759, in Windham, Conn. ; and d. June 8, 1859, in Lempster, N. H., aged 100 years, 2 months, and 10 days. She was the daughter of Samuel Roundy and Anna Huntington. Her one hundredth birthday was celebrated by appropriate services, on the 30th of March, 1859. Rev. Willard Spalding, her grandson, and at that time the pastor of the Universalist church in Newbury- port, Ms., preached an eloquent and instructive sermon. Eben Spalding settled in Lempster, N H., about 1772. He was at the battle of Bunker Hill and also at Ticonderoga, His widow drew a pension for his services in the Revolutionary war. 1066. Naomi, b. Nov. 1, 1777; m. Samuel Danforth, 1809; she lived in HUlsborough, N. H., and died May 18, 1868. 1067. Asa [2439], b. 1779. 1058. Salome, b. Jan. 10, 1782 ; 1st, m. Amasa Vickary ; 2d, m. John Reed. 1059. Warren [2447], b. Jan. 1, 1785. 1060. Ira [2462], b. March 4, 1787. 1061. Ebenezer. 1062. Amy, b.* — =- ; d. when two years old. 1063. Harvey [2465], b. May 29, 1795. 1064. Gardner [2459], b. June 16, 1797. 1065. Reuben [2466], b. May 24, 1800. 1066. Josephs [354] (Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. Nov. 2, 1760, in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. ; d. May 1, 1852, at Dixmont, Me., aged 88 yrs. 6 months ; m. Mary Collins ; she was b. Sept. 19, 1762, at Weare, N. H., and d. Sept. 1841, at Dixmont, Me. The oldest child, Martha, was b. in Lisbon, Me. ; all the others were b. in Fairfleld, Me. They first settled in Lisbon, Me. ; in 1780 they moved to Fairfield, Me. ; in 1813 they removed to Durham, Me. ; in 1829 they removed to Dix mont, Me. They belonged to the Society of Friends. 1067. Martha, b. Nov. 17, 1788 ; m. Ebenezer McKenney of Durham, Me., 1819; both are dead. 1068. Hannah, b. Jan. 30, 1793 : 1st, ra. John Page Feb. 11, 1818 ; he was drowned Nov. 8, 1819, iu China, Me. ; 2d, m. Holway Allen, Nov. 2 1828. 1069. Esther, b. July 14, 1795; 1st, ra. Stephen C. Dyer, Dec. 31, 1821 ; he d. July 31, 1832, in Waterboro', Me.; they had three sons, Joseph-Spalding, WiUiara-Colby, and Daniel ; 2d, m. Joseph Por ter, Nov. 14, 1839 ; res. Veazle, Me. ; no children. 1070. Lydia, b. May 29, 1799 ; ra. John MitcheU, Nov. 1824. 1071. John-Douglass [2475], b. Aug. 14, 1801. 1072. Hope, b. July 19, 1803. 1073. Joseph [2481], b. June 22, 1805. 1074. Stephen, b. Sept. 13, 1807; left home in 1829 to follow the sea. He was last heard from in 1833 in New York, where he shipped for Calcutta. 90 THE SPALDING MEMOiaAL. 1075. SamuelS [365] (Stephen5,'EbenezerS, Edward^, Edwardi), b. March 27, 1763, in> Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. ; d. ; m. Eleanor Welch. Settled in the town of Jackson, Me. 1076. Levi. 1077. James. 1078. Chauncey. 1079. Samuel [2489]. 1080. Sarah. 1081. Thankftil, 1082. Elvira. 1083. Stephen-GkeeletS [366] J(Stephen*, EbenezerS, Ed ward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 28, 1766 ; d. Oct. 19, 1853, at Crown Point, N. Y., aged 88 yrs. He settled in N. H. ; removed to Crown Point in the winter of 1803. He was a Revolutionary patriot, and for the last thirty-three years of his life was a pensioner ; he served in the N. H. line ; m. Phebe Lawrence, Dec. 8, 1793 ; she was b, June 9, 1776, in Canaan, Conn. ; she d. April 9, 1815, in Salis bury, Vt. ; her father, Asa Lawrence, removed from Canaan, Conn., to Salisbury, Vt., about 1789. Fkst four chUdren b. in SaUsbury, Vt. ; others in Crown Point, N. Y. 1084. Esther, b. April 12, 1795; m. Asa Cone, Jan. 10, 1814; res. Lex ington, Ohio. 1085. Miles [2498], b. June 3, 1797; went to Richland Co., Ohio. Sidney, b. May 4, 1799 ; d. in infancy. 1086. Samuel-Sidney, b. Dec. 4, 1802; res. in CrowB Point, Essex Co., N. Y. 1087. Asa-Lawrence [2503], b. Oct. 12, 1804. 1088. Harriet, b. Nov. 26, 1806 ; m. Otis Bradford ; she d. Sept. 1, 1865. 1089. Ira-Newton [2504], b. AprU 16. 1809. 1090. JuUa, b. Dec. 22, 1811 ; m. Graves Baley, 1832 ; he d.Sept. 15, 1868. 1091. Clarissa-Phebe, b. June 30, 1814; res. Sigourney, Keokuk Co., Iowa. 1092. Nathaniels [367] (Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Ed wardi), b.May 18, 1769, in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. ; d. ; m. Eliza Ross. ¦They settled in Waldo, Me. 1093. Stephen. 1094. John. 1095. Nathaniel. 1096. Eliza. 1097. Rel^enS [372] (Reuben*, ^.benezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 6, 1761, in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. ; d. Nov. 20, 1798, aged 37. He lived in Hudson, N. H., on the same farm as his father ; m. Susannah Pierce, March 10, 1780 ; she d. Feb. 24, 1809. Children b. in Hudson, N, H. . 1098. Reuben [2613], b. March 2, 1781. 1099. Susannah, b. May 20, 1783 ; m. Jeremiah Smith, of Hudson, N. H., 1806; she d. Aug. 12, 1852. ' FI^'TH GENERATION. 91 1100. Sarah-Chandler, b. Jan. gl, 1785; 1st, m. Reuben Coburn, of Tyngboro', Ms., Oct. 21, 1808; he d. March 21, 1832; 2d, m. James Wilson, June 21, 1836; resided in Hillsboro', N. H. ; he d. Dec. 24, 1863; she d. Feb. 6, 1869. 1101. Joshna-Pierce, b. April 16, 1787; d. Jan. 1826; unmarried. 1102. Esther- Richardson, b. Feb. 21, 1789 ; m. Robert Patterson, Nov. 27, 1809 ; they moved to Westfield, or Perry, N. Y., as early as 1826, where she now lives with her son, Alfred Patterson. 1103. Suel [2621], b. AprU 6, 1791 [Hudson Records]; d. Aug. 10, 1851. 1104. WUlard [2631], b. March 18, 1793; d. Jan. 16, 1868. 1105. Dustin [2540], b. July 27, 1796; lived in Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Penn. 1106. Alfred, b. Aug. 1797; d.Dec. 1811. 1107. Benjamins [374] (Benjamin*, Edwards, Benjamin", Ed wardi), b. Feb 29, 1720-21, in Plainfield, Conn.; d. March 19, 1807, at Moretown, Vt. ; m. Rachel Crary (sometimes written McCrary, and also Crery), Jan. 29, 1756 ; she was the daughter of John and Prudence Crary, and was b. at Plainfield, Conn., Jan. 20, 1729 ; other records say Jan, 29, 1730 ; she d. July 14, 1824, at Saranac, N. Y. Mr. Spaldiag was a Quaker, and his wife was a Congregationalist. They moved from Connecticut, to Sharon, Vt., and from thence to Moretown, Vt. Mr Spalding was in the con tinental service. The six eldest chUdren are recorded as bom in Plainfield, Conn. 1108. Wright [2650], b. Feb. 5, 1757. 1109. David, b. May 23, 1759 ; d. Aug. 15, 1759. 1110. Ellen, b. Aug. 28 or 25, 1760; d. June 19, 1762, by falling into the river. Infant son, b. June 1762; d. 1762. 1111. ZUpah, b. Nov. 9, 1763, or Nov. 6, 1764; m. Azel Parkhurst ; she d. F6b. 6, 1818. 1112. Royal [2559], b. Aug. 23, 1766. 1113. AbigaU, b. Feb. 2, 1769; m. WUliam Ladd, of HaverhiU, N. H.; after the death of her husband she removed to Illinois, where she d 1114. Rachel, b. March 22, 1771; m. Durkee; removed to Waits- fleld, Vt. ; she d. Feb. 4, 1805, at Moretown, Vt. 1115. Versal [2570], b. July 15, 1773, or Aug. 15, 1773. 1116. Levi [2575], b. Aug. 15, 1777. 1117. AsaS [377] (Benjamin*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. March 26, 1729, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. about 1776 ; m. Grace Rowland, Sept. 4, 1755 ; she was the daughter of Samuel Rowland, of Fairfield, Conn. He grad. Y. C. 1752 ; settled in Fairfield, Conn., as an inn-keeper, and his children were all born in that town. At the time the place was laid in ashes by the soldiers of Gov. Tryon, July 8, 1779, the dwelling-house and buildings of Asa Spal ding were consumed. He was called a tory, but his property was not exempted. He kept a public house at the time, and among his effects destroyed were twelve feather-beds. His colored women picked up feathers enough to make one bed from those which were scattered. 1118. Alpheus, b. Aug. 31, 1756; d. the same day. 1119. Samuel, b. May 7, 1759 ; d. Nov. 29, 1778. 92 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1120. Rowland [2580], b. Nov. 19, 1762. 1121. PoUythea, b. Jan. 30, 1764, in Greenwich, Conn. ; d. Feb. 18,1774. 1122. Esther, b. Jan. 31, 1766. 1123. David [2681], b. July 24, 1768. 1124. Grace, b. July 30, 1770; m. Betts; she d. previous to 1794; left one child, which was adopted by her brother Rowland ; this child became a Presbyterian clergyman. 1126. AbigaU, b. May 9, 1772; d. Oct. 10, 1790. 1126. Asa, b. ; d. 1794; grad. Y. C. 1792. 1127. JohnS [384] (Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 8, 1724, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. May 29, 1768, from the kick of a horse ; m. Elizabeth Sanger, Jan. 22, 1744 ; she d. AprU 14, 1808, at Plainfield, N. H. Some of this family resided in Plainfield, N. H., and others in Morristowh, Vt. 1128. Dorcas, b. Dec. 26, 1744; d. unmarried. 1129. Olive, b. April 3, 1750; d. unmarried. 1130. John [2591], b! Dec. 13, 1751. 1131. Amasa [2594], b. Dec. 11, 1758. 1132. Rozel, b. Nov. 1, 1756; d. while in the Revolutionary army ; unmarried. 1133. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 21, 1759 ; m. Barzillai Spalding [1976J. 1134. Anna, b. Aug. 27, 1761 ; m. John Stevens ; they resided at Water- bury, Vt., where they died. 1135. PhineasS [385] (Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Ed wardi), lb. March 25, 1726, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. Aug. 18, 1751. " The widow of Phineas m. a Mr. Stow, of GranviUe, Ms. Mrs. Stow had a daughter Sarah, who m. John Bancroft, of said Gran ville. Phineas had a sister Abigail, who m. a Mr. Hall and resided about a day's journey from Lanesborough, Ms." [Mrs. Mabel Bishop, Woodbury, Conn.] 1136. Oliver. 1137. Jesse. 1138. Catharine, b. ; m. John Hicklin ; d. 1803, in Middletown, Conn. 1189. Jonas [2607], b. AprU 6, 1750, O. S. 1140. Reubens [386] (Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Ed wardi), b. Feb. 24, 1727, or Feb. 26, 1728, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Jan. 1755, in Tyringham, Mass. Of this latter fact there is only a tradition ; I can find no evidence that he ever lived in Tyringham; m. Mary Pierce, Oct. 1, 1747; she was the daughter of Timothy B. and Mary Pierce ; was born Nov. 15, 1728, and d. 1826. It is said they resided in Pomfret, Conn., but of this I have found no record. The birth of their first child is given on the Plainfield (Conn.) records. He had four children living when he d. ; a young son, Phineas, d. soon after his father. 1141. Mary (or Marah) [Plainfield, Conn. Records'], b. Jane 19, 1748; m. Ebenezer Parkhurst, and soon after marriage removed to Sharon, Vt. ; they had nine children. 1142 Azel [2611]. 1143. Reuben [2620], b. Dec. 15, 1758. 1144. Pedew, a daughter, who d. about four years old. 1145. Phineas, d. when about four years old. FIFTH GENERATION. 93 1146. JosiahS [387] (Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 7, 1729, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. Dec. 18, 1809, at Ash- ford, Conn., aged 80 ; m. Priscilla Paine, Dec. 24, 1755 ; she was b. Aug. 31, 1735, and d. Oct. 19, 1817, aged 87. Then- two old est children were b. in Plainfleld, Conn. ; the others in Ashford, Conn. 1147. PriscUla, b. Oct. 24,1766; m. Lemuel Warren ; she d. June 13, 1885. 1148. Reuben [2633], b. Dec. 20, 1768. 1149. Solomon [2642], b. Feb. 20, 1761. 1150. EUsha [2644], b. Feb. 28, 1763. 1151. Josiah [2653], b. March 12^ 1765. 1152. Cynthia, b. April 2, 1767 ; m. James Howe ; she d. Nov. 3, 1857. 1153. Ephraim [2656], b. Sept. 29, 1769. 1154. Solenda, b. Aug. 80, 1771; m. NeweU Spalding [2670]; she d. Oct. 27, 1858. 1155. John [2659], b. Jan. 10, 1774. 1156. AbigaU, b. March 28, 1778 ; m. Samuel Henry ; she d. Nov. 28, 1819, in Bloomington, N. J. 1157. EzekielS [388] (Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Ed wardi), |3_ Sept. 30, 1731, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. ; m. Sarah Morgan, March 26, 1754. . 1168. NeweU [2670]. 1159. Miner [2680], b. July 29, 1763. 1160. Squire, b. ; enlisted in the army, and died of the fever; un married. 1161. Parley [2688], b. AprU 7, 1766. 1162. Phebe, b. ; m. Elisha Litchfleld ; settled in Muskingum, Ohio. 1163. Mary, b. ; she is supposed to have d. young. 1164. Sarah, b. ; she is supposed to have d. young. 1165. Olivers ["391] (Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Ed wardi), ]3. Sept. 30, 1739, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. May, 1795 or 1796, in Scipio, N. Y. ; 1st, m. Mary Witter, of Preston, Conn., June 17, 1762 ; she was b. May 12, 1740, and d. AprU 24, 1781, being killed by her brother in a fit of insanity ; 2d, m. Rebeckah Bottom, May 9, 1784 ; she d 1816, in Scipio, N. Y. They re moved from Connecticut to Cayuga Lake, N. Y., about 1788. Oliver Spalding was a soldier in the " Old French War," and made the campaign of 1759 with the Connecticut troops in New York. His order-book is still preserved. It passed into the hands of his son Frederick, and is now held by his grandson, Frederick- Austin Spalding, of Ann Arbor, Mich. 1166. Hannah, b. March 22, 1763; d. Dec. 29, 1763. 1167. AbigaU, b. May 4, 1766 ; m. Roswell Jones ; she removed to Ohio, and d. there. 1168. William-Witter [2698], b. Nov. 18, 1767. 1169. Saviah, b. March 1, 1770; m. Ebenezer Witter. 1170. Frederick [2704], b. July 23, 1772. 1171. Erastus [2714], b. May 28, 1775. 1172. Ephraim [2727], b Sept. 21, 1777. 1173. Polly, b. Oct. 16, 1780; d. AprU 24, 1781 ; she was killed with her mother. 94 THE SCALDING MEMOfilAL. 1174. John [2738], b. July 4, 1784; in Plailifleld, Conn. 1176. Hannah, b. .July 23, 1786; m. Edmund Harris, 1822; went West, and aU trace of them is lost. 1176. Rebecca, b. July 27, 1791 ; 1st, m. WUUam Quigley, of Scipio, N. Y., June 17, 1808; he d. 1836; resided Genoa, Cayuga eo.,N. Y. ; 2d, m. William Clift, Aug. 1849; he d. 1864; resided in Sen- nett, N.Y. 11?7. Mary, b. 1794; m. Stephen Hopkins, Scipio, N. Y. ; res. Scipio, N. Y. She d. 1834, In Aurora, Cayuga Co., N. Y. 1178. EphraimS [393] (Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin^, Ed wardi), i3. May 24, 1747, in Plainfield, Conn.; d. 1811; 1st, m. Esther Snow, May 20, 1773 ; she d. July 17, 1806, in the 61st year Of her age ; 2d, m. Hannah Stowell, Sept. 1, 1808 ; she d. March 9, 1823, in the 65th year of her age. He resided in Ashford, Conn. 1179. Alva, b. May 80, 1773 ; d. April 27, 1796 ; unmarried. 1180. Betsey, b. Sept. 2, 1775; ra. Nicholas Aldrlch, or Aldridge, 1800; resided in ToUand, Conn., and d. in FultonviUe, N. Y. 1181. Sena, b. Sept. 29, 1780; m. Edward Holton, or Houghton; lived in Antwerp, N. Y. 1182. Dua [2746], b. Sept. 26, 1782. 1183. Edmond [2758], b. Sept. 27, 1784. 1184. Ebenezer [406] (Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Ed wardi), ^j July 13^ 1751, O. S., in Canterbury, Conn., but in that portion now called Brooklyn, the shire-town of Windham County. He was drowned Jan. 2, 1838 : in. Molly Payne, May 29, 1783 ; she was the daughter of Solomon and Polly (Bacon) Payne, of Canterbury, Conn., and d. Oct. 23, 1821. Mr. Spalding lived on the old family homestead in Brooklyn, Conn. He was a man of great will and self-control, never allow ing himself to show strong emotions of joy' or sorrow or anger. He used to say that the clergy preached the doctrine of forgetful- ness as well as forgiveness of injuries, but he added, " I can for give, but I see no sin in remembering." He was very positive in all his character, although unfortunately subject at times to men tal depression. He was very methodical in all his habits, and was rarely hurried or perturbed by the movements of others. He closed a long and useful life at the age of eighty-six years. 1185. Bela-Payne [2762], b. March 26, 1784. 1186. Polly, b. April 17, 1786; m. William Putnam, AprU 17, 1805; he was a grandson of Maj. -Gen. Israel Putnam ; he d. Dec. 5, 1846, in Brooklyn, Conn, where he res. ; she is now Uving in Hartford, Conn., with her daughter Annie. 1187. Luther [2767], b. Oct. 24, 1789. 1188. AsaS [409] (Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 20, 1757, in Canterbury, '^•onn., and in that portion now called Brooklyn ; d. Aug. 13, 1811, in Norwich, Conn. ; m. Lydia Shipman, of Norwich, Conn., Nov. 21, 1787, by Rev. Joseph Strong. She m. for her second husband Capt. Bela Peck. Asa Spalding grad. Y. C. 1778 ; received the degree of A. M. from Harvard in FIFTH GENERATION. 95 1791 ; studied law with Judge Adams, of Litchfield, Conn., and settled in Norwich, Conn., as an attorney in 1782. " He was without patrimony or any special patronage, but by the force of native ability, sound judgment, and integrity, he acquired an extensive law practice, sustained various offices of trust and honor, and by diligence accompanied with strict econ omy in his domestic affairs, amassed a handsome property. At the time of his death in 1811, he was reckoned one of the richest men in the eastern part of Conn. Yet it was no easy matter to grow rich in the practice of the law. The price for managing a case before the Common Pleas varied only from 6 to 30 shil lings, and before the Superior Court from 6 to 54 shillings." [Hist, of Norwich, Miss F. M, Calkins.] The following sketch is by his nephew, the Hon. R. P. Spalding, of Cleveland, Ohio : — " At the time of his settlement in Norwich, he was so poor that it is said he borrowed from Capt. Simeon Huntington, an indus trious blacksmith who lived near his office, a sufficient sum of money to enable him to pay for a plain silver watch. For many years he lived in a small house, and under a system of the most rigid economy. So much so, that he is said to haVe reproved a brother lawyer for his extravagance in giving six cents for an orange, remarking, with emphasis, that ' it was the interest of a dollar for a whole year.' " He was a sound lawyer, but by no means a polished advocate. It is related of him that, on one occasion, while arguing a ques tion of law before a judge of the Superior Court who liked his dinner better than recitals from ' Coke upon Littleton,' the hour for adjournment at noon having arrived, the judge became impa tient, and frequently, but without effect, presented the face of his watch to the advocate to induce him to take his seat. At last the judge in his wrath exclaimed, ' Mr. Spalding, you have talked three quarters of an hour, and have said nothing to the purpose yet.' ' Very well, your honor,' said the imperturbable lawyer, ' I expect to speak three quarters of an hour longer, and before I get through I hope I may say something to the purpose.' " Unremitting in his attention to business, and scrupulously just in all his dealings, it is not surprising that his services were sought for by parties at a distance. On one occasion he was employed by the Hon. John Hancock, of Boston, to collect a very consider able claim in Connecticut, growing out of a mercantile transaction that had occurred at the first-named place some years before. Pay ment of the claim was stoutly contested by the party in Connecti cut, so much so that, on two several trials, the jury had returned a verdict for defendant ; but the subject of our notice, ever tena cious of the rights of his client, and especially so in this instance, where the character of the plaintiff had, to some extent, become involved, procured from the court an order for a third and last trial. He immediately wrote to Boston, and urgently entreated 96 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Governor Hancock to attend court in person, believing the pres tige of his presence would favorably influence the jury. At the appointed time, Governor Hancock came in his coach, attended by a retinue of servants, to the place of trial in Connecticut. He was suffering intensely at the time from an attack of the gout, and was borne into the court-house wrapped in flannels. Impressed with a spirit of veneration for his lofty patriotism and long-continued ser vices in the councUs of the Confederacy, the judges, as a mark of distinction, invited him to a seat upon the Bench. The trial pro ceeded in his presence, but the result was no longer adverse or even questionable. " The jury, with great alacrity, retumed a verdict for the plain tiff in the full amount claimed, with interest. " Mr. Spalding died very suddenly, on the llth day of August, in the year 1811, at the early age of flfty-four. His only child, a daughter named Maria, the idol of his affections, and a young lady of the highest promise, died two years before him, at the age of twelve. For some years before his death,, he had owned and occupied as a residence the spacious mansion in Norwich Town, erected by Governor Samuel Huntington. This house, with its majestic portico and massive pillars, and its surroundings of lofty and umbrageous elms, presented, in 1811, the most imposing ap pearance of any structure in that ancipnt town. " Asa Spalding was, in politics, a democrat of the Jeffersonian school, and for many su^ccessive years was the candidate of the democratic party for Governor of Connecticut, without the remotest prospect of an election. " He left an estate of $150,000, the fruits of his industry, a great sum for those days, to be divided equally between his sister, Mary Cady, and his three brothers, Ebenezer, Rufus, and Luther, all of whom survived him. He was an honest man, and good to the poor. The descendants of Edward of Braintree may well respect his memory." 1189. Maria-Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1, 1797; d. Aug. 4, 1809. 1190. Dr. RuFusS [410] (Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Ed wardi), b. Jan. 8, 1760, in Canterbury, Conn., and in that portion now called Brooklyn ; d. Aug. 22, 1830, at Norwich Town, Conn. ; m. Lydia Paine, Jan. 10, 1782; she was the daughter of David Paine, Esq., of Canterbury, Conn., and d. Dec. 10, 1834. Dr. Spalding received a good common-school education, and studied medicine with Dr. Perkins, a physician of some celebrity, at Plainfleld, Conn. He commenced the practice of his profession at Mansfleld, Conn., but on the 23d of October, 1789, he fixed his residence upon the Island of Martha's Vineyard, in Dukes County, Massachusetts, where he practised physic with great success, until April, 1812, when he returned with his family to the State of Con necticut, and took up his abode at Norwich, in the county of New London, where he lived, greatly respected, until his death, which FIFTH GENERATION. 97 occurred on the 22d day of August, 1830, at the age of seventy years and seven months. Doctor Spalding is the individual alluded to in Kendall's Book of Travels, as attending to a nlultiplicity of avocations at one and the same time, while living on Martha's Viiieyard. In the year 1807 he lived at Holmes Hole, where, with a family of nine chil dren, ho found it necessary to resort to every means by Which he might "turn an honest penny." In addition to the most extensive practice on the island, as a physician, he kept a house of public en tertainment, was postmaster, justice of the peace, school director, viUage librarian, and master of the Lodge of F. & A. M. He was a man of genial temperament, and milch given to hospitality. He had an inexhaustible fund of anecdote, aud was quick at repartee. His visiting acquaintance was legion. Few persons have lived their threescore years and ten» who have left so small a number of enemies to rejoice at their depar-^ ture ' His children were well trained and faithfully educated, the eldest son being sent to Yale College, where he graduated in the class of 1817. Nine of them publicly professed Christ. Three more stately men, or nloie respected, than the brothers Asa, Rufus, and Luther Spalding, have seldom appeared on the stage of action. They lie near together in the old cemeteiy at Norwich Town. 1191. Sophia, b. Oct. 23, 1782 ; m. Henry Allen, of Chilmark, Ms., in the year 1801, at Holmes Hole, Ms. She d. at Akron, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1851. 1192. Sally, b. May 24, 1784; m. Capt. Thomas West, of Holmes Hole, Ms., March 24, 1804. He d. in 1863, in Cleveland, Ohio, aged 82 ; she d. June 19. 1869, at Cleveland, Ohio, aged 84 1193. Sophronia, b. Jan. 22, 1781); d. Sept. 19, 1803, at Holmes Hole, Ms. 1194. AUce-Fassett, b. Feb. 23, 1788; m. Benjamin Chace, of Holmes Hole, Ms., Feb. 14, 1806. He Was lost at sea about 1823; she d Jan. 22, 1864, in Georgia. 1195. Lydia-Paine, b. Jan, 11, 1791; m. Blderkin Potter, of New Lisbon, "Ohio, Nov. 16, 1831. He d.l845; she d, Jan. 3, 1861, at Cleve land, Ohio. 1196. Philura-Paine, b. March 6, 1793; m. Samuel Claghorn, of Holmes Hole, Ms., N"ov. 27, 811. He d. 1840, at Savannah, Georgia; she d. July 4, 1844, at Savannah, Georgia. 1197. Harriet- Byron, b. Aug. 22, 1795; m. Capt. Abner Bassett, of Rochester, Ms., July 18, 1820; he d. 1870, at New London, Conn. ; she d. March 7, 1861, at the same place. 1198. Rufus-Paine [2772], b. May 3, 1798, at Tisbury, Ms. 1199. Lnther-Paine [2780], b. July 6, 1800. 1200. Sophronia- Maria, b. July 27, 1804; m. WiUiam Quimby, of War ren, Trumbull Co., Ohio; she d. Sept. 30, 1859, at Cleveland, Ohio. 1201. LutherS [411] (Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. March 22, 1762, in Canterbury, Conn., and in that portion now called Brooklyn ; d. Feb. 3, 1838, in Norwich Town, Conn. The three brothers, Asa, Rufus, and Luther, repose in the 98 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. same burial-ground ; m. Lydia Chaffee, of Canterbury, Conn., March 24, 1796 ; she d. June 1, 1847. He studied law with his brother, Hon. Asa Spalding, and for many years was a highly respectable practitioner in Norwich, Conn. He was at one time a judge of the co«nty court of New London County. At the death of his brother Asa Spalding, he assumed the management of his estate as executor and principal trustee, and attended faithfully to the duties of the trust for a period of twenty years. He was a gentleman of great personal dignity, and was much respected in the circle in which he moved. In the spring of 1812 he moved into the " Huntington House," which he purchased from the heirs of Asa Spalding, where he lived until his death. His oldest son, George, was educated at Yale College, where he graduated in the class of 1818. His second son pre ferred the career of a tradesman and manufacturer, in which he was singularly successful. 1202.1 George, b. March 16, 1797; grad. Y. C. 1818; m. Heifn-Maria Cowles, daughter of Gad Cowles, of Farmington. Conn , Feb. 18, 1824 He d. Nov. 22, 1858. They had uo chUdren. 1203. Mary, b. Oct. 26, 1802 ; d. June 22, 1803. 1204. Charles [2786], b. Jan. 31, 1812. 1205. Eliza-Ann, b. Oct. 8, 1813; d. Jan. 12, 1838. 1206. Williams [418] (Thomas*. Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 1, 1754, in Canterbury, Conn.; d. Aug. 21, 1829 ; m. Mary Dunham in 1783 ; she was b Oct. 1759, and d. AprU 9, 1836. Mr. Spalding went to N. Y., and resided in Dutchess, ULster, and Delaware Counties ; he then removed to Hector, N. Y. ; thence to Seneca, and afterwards to Tompkins, now Schuyler County. 1207. William, b. about 1784. 1208. Thomas [2789], b. AprU 8, 1783. 1209. Samuel [2799], b. Jan. 7, 1785, in Kinderhook, N. Y. 1210. George Washington [2802], b. July 25, 1793, in Delaware or Dutchess Co., N. Y. 1211. Silva, b. about 1796; m. Obadiah Shepard; d. 1860. 1212. John, b. about 1798; d. 1828, unmarried. 1213, AmosS [422] (Amos*, NathanieP, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 25, 1744 ; d. 1830, in Grantham, N. H ; m. AbigaU Herrick ; she d. and was buried in Grantham, N. H. ; she was 77 years of age when she died. Mr. Spalding moved from Connecticut to Plainfield, N. H., in 1778, and settled on the Connecticut River, near Pulsifer's Ferry ; then moved to Grantham, N. H., where he died. The part where he lived is now annexed to Plainfleld, N. H. 1214. Daniel [2814], b. March, 1765. 1215. Joel [2819], b. Sept. 1766. 1216. Amos [2820], b. March, 1768. 1217. Polly, b. 1771 ; m. Josiah Fifleld ; d. in Plainfield, N. H. 1218. Zerviah-Lindsey-Cary, b. Feb. 19, 1777; m. Jonathan Spalding, [2853], Feb. 19, 1807. FIFTH GENERATION. 99 1219. John [2823], b. July 29, 1781, in Plainfleld, N. H. 1220. Samuel [2832], b. March 16, 1784. 1221. Abel [2843], b. Aug. 1, 1786. 1222. Andrew, b — — ; d. when flve years old. 1223. AbigaU, b. 1788; m. Reuben Stearns, of Grantham, N. H.; she d..l826. 1224. Charles [2847], b. 1790. 1225. JamesS [423] (Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Oct. 9, 1746 ; d. ; m. Hannah Neff, Oct. 22, 1771. They resided in Windham, Conn. They were buried in the Chewink burial-ground, formerly a portion of Windham, but now a part of Chaplin, Conn. 1226. Hannah, b. June 4, 1772 ; m. Daniel Spalding [2814] ; Uved in Cornish. N. H. 1227. Clyanna, b. June 6, 1773 ; ra. Jonathan Colburn, Feb. 17, 1791 ; lived in Chaplin, Conn. 1228 Rath, b. Sept. 30, 1774; m. Nathan Dean; lived in Chaplin, Conn. 1229. James [2849], b. Sept. 18, 1776. 1230. Francis [2850]. b. Ausr. 81. 1778. 1231. Jonathan [2853], b. Dec. 6, 1779. 1232. Anna, b. Jan. 22, 1781; probably d. young. 1233 Content, b. Sept. 30, 1782; m. S:unuel Smith; lived in Chaplin, Conn. 1234. Lydia, b. Oct. 8, 1783; m. Royal Ingalls; lived in Abington, Conn. 1235. Lucy, b April 24, 1785; m. Aaron Starkweather; lived in Plain fleld, Conn.; .she d. Jan. 23, 1870. 1236. Benjamin [2859], b. Aug. 8, 1786. 1237. .loseph [2871], b Jan. L5, 1788. 1238. AUrelia, b. Sept. 8, 1789; m. Marvin Ingalls;. lived in Hampton, Conn. 1239. Samuels [426] (Amos*, NathanieF, .loseph", Edwardi), b. Nov. 20, 1754 ; d. March 12, 1S31, at Hampton, Conn., but Was buried at Westminster, Conn. ; m. Mercy Starkweather, Feb. 24, 1811 ; they resided in Hampton, Conn. 1240. Josephs [431] (Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. June 7, 1745, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. Aug. 31, 1832, at Athens, Penn., aged 87; 1st, m. Eunice Shepard; she d. Dec. 6, 1790, at Sheshequin, Penn., aged 37 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Ann Snell. He removed to Sheshequin, Bradford Co., Penn., about 1786. He settled on the west side of the Chemung River. 1241. Welthy, b. Oct. 20, 1771 ; 1st, m. Benedict Satterlee, Feb. 20, 1788 ; he died Jan. 8, 1813, at Mt. Morris, N. Y.^ 2d, m. Jonathan Ellis, July 4, 1826; he d. March 16, 1836, at YpsUaati, Mich.; she d. AprU 28, 1860, at Ypsilanti, Mich. 1242. John [2876], b. Oct. 22, 1773. 1243. Howard [2887], b. April 24, 1776. 1244. Jared [2898], b. Oct. 20. 1778. 1245. Rachel, b. about 1779 ; d. 1868, aged 90 ; m. Daniel Snell. 1246. Sarah, b. ; m Dr. Amasa Hamblin ; moved to Ohio. 1247. Simon. 1248. Celestia, b. Aug. 10, 1795; m. Isaac Moriey, 1813; they resided in Athens, Bradford Co., Penn. ; she d. AprU 27, 1859. 100 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. ft 1249. RecbenS [433] (Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Dec. 7, 1748, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. Dec. 4, 1821 ; 1st, m. Rachel Knight. AprU 1, 1775; she was b. AprU, 1751, and d. Nov. 5, 1778 ; 2d, m. Lucy Shepard, AprU 8, 1781 ; she was b. AprU 22, 1751, and d. Dec. 27, 1815. They lived in Plainfield, Conn. 1250. Samuel-Knight [2914], b. 1778. 1251. Rachel, b. April 6, 1782 ; m. Nathaniel French, Feb. 22, 1809. 1252. RuLLTpS [440] (Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Joseph", Ed wardi), b. Nov. 13, 1750, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. in Plainfleld. N. H. ; m. Joanna Stafford, of Plainfleld, N. H., about 1770. 1253. Experience, b. ; m. Amos Challis, in Plainfleld, N. H ; left children. 1254. Joseph [2916], b. May 20, 1773, in Plainfleld, N. H. 1266. John [2926]. 1266. Caleb [2926] 1257. Thomas [2927]. 1258. EUas [2928]. 1259. Rulufl'. 1260. Zadoc. 1261. EzeaS [443] (Andrew*, ThomasS. Joseph", Edwardi), b. Nov. 5, 1754, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Jan. 1, 1828 ; m. Hannah Eaton, March 10, 1781 ; she, d. Aug. 1827. Went to reside in New York. Their children were born in Plainfleld, Conn. He moved to Tolland, Conn., in 1791 ; to Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1793 ; and to Canton, Bradford Co., Penn., in 1796. 1262. Lucy, b. March 6, 1782; she d. Feb. 14, 1814; m. David Bailey, Jan. 1, 1806; both died in Canton, Bradford Co., Penn., without issue. 1263. Horace [2929], b. July 25, 1783, in Plainfield, Conn. 1264. Betty, b. Feb. 26, 1785 ; m. John Griffin, July 5, 1810; res. Athens, Bradford Co., Penn, ; she d. Oct. 11, 1863. 1265. WiUiam-Pelrce [2937], b. Jan. 17, 1787; d. Feb. 22, 1867. 1266. Delight, b. March 17, 1790; m. William-Bela Spalding [7908], May 20, 1S16 ; res. Franklin, Penn. ; she d. May 11, 1844. 1267. CVEOsS [446] (Andrew*, ThomasS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Sept. 27, 1764, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; m. Thankful Cleveland, of Canterbury, Conn. Children : 1268. Mary-Ann, b. June 26, 1800; m. John Harding, of Utica, N. Y. 1269. Francis-Augustus [2940], b. Jan. 30, 1802, in Providence, R. I. 1270. Caroline- Augusta, b. Aug. 15, 1805; m. David Walding; res. in Hartford, Conn , and d. about 1842. 1271. Josephs [449] (Hezekiah*, ThomasS, Joseph", Edward'), b June 22, 1797, in Plainfield, Conn. ; he is still living in Plain- field, Conn. ; he writes his name Joseph W. Spalding for the sake of distinction, there being several Joseph Spaldings in the town. 1st, m. Mary Monroe, May 18, 1823 ; she was the daughter of Allen FIFTH GENERATION. 101 Monroe, of Seekonli, Ms., and d. June 23, 1845, aged 47; 2d,.m. Dolly-Amanda Geer, of Griswold, Conn., March 28, 1849 ; she d. Oct. 4, 1862, aged 49. His first child, John-Williams, was b. in Plainfleld, Conn. ; all the others in Pawtucket, Ms. 1272. John-WUliams [2944], b. March 6, 1824. 1273. Marv-Drown, b. Feb. 15, 1826; d. Sept. 12, 1826. 1274. Mary-EUzabeth, b. Aug. 3, 1827; d. Oct. 25, 1828. 1275. AUen-Monroe [2951], b. Jan. 17, 1830. 1276. Joseph-Francis, b. Oct. 9, 1834; d. Dec. 18, 1861, unmarried. 1277. George-Henry [2953], b. Dec. 4, 1838. 1278. JoelS [451] (Abel*, Josejihs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Dec. 13, 1761, in Westford, Ms ; res. Westford, Ms, ; m. Hannah Davis, March 31, 1785 {Nashua Records) ; pub. Dec. 23, 1784, in West ford, Ms. 1279. Calvin [2955], b. Nov. 14, 1801. 1280. Joel, b. ; d. unmarried. 1281. Charles, b. ; d. unmarried. 1282. JosiahS [452] (Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Feb. 27, 1764, in Westford, Ms. ; d. Nov. 28, 1857 ; res. and d. in Dunstable, Ms. ; 1st, m. Polly Shattuck ; 2d, m. Betsey Burroughs ; 3d, m, Mary Patch, of Groton, Ms., Dec. 1808 ; she d. AprU 26, 1864, in Dunstable, Ms. 1283. Josiah [2964], b. April 22, 1793. 1284. Polly, b. Dec. 14, 1794: m. Pratt; he is dead; res. Auburn- dale, Ms. They had three daughters, Mary, Jane, and Sarah. 1286. Sally, b. Feb. 6, 1797; ra. Daniel Jaques; res. Tyngsboro', Ms. ; they now live in Dunstable, Ms. ; he is dead; left a large family. 1286. Susan, b. June 25, 1799; ra. Caleb Cummings; they last res. in Holderness, N. H. ; she d. 1287. John [2974], b. Oct. 14, 1801. 1288. Charles-Wesley [2975], b. Jan. 4, 1804. 1289. Isaac-StiUman [2976], b. Marph 8, 1806. 1290. Betsey, b. Jan. 1, 1810; m. Thomas-Jefl'erson Sherburne, March 27, 1828; res. Westford, Ms. 1291. Jacob-Patch, b. Aug. 15, 1813; d. Sept. 24, 1818. 1292. Andrew [2981], b. July 1, 1819. 1293. Lydia-Emeline, b. AprU 12, 1822; m. Charles Bancroft, June 17, 1852; res. in Groton, Ms.; they have William- Amos, b. April 26, 1855; Cliarles-Herbert, b. April 24, 1857, d. Nov. 17, 1857; Frederick Bigelow, b. June 7, 1859. 1294. AbelS [457] (Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. AprU 28, 1783, in Dunstable, Ms. ; d. Dec. 7, 1850, in Dunstable, Ms., where he resided ; m. Anna Parker, of Groton, Ms., March 4, 1811 ; pub. Oct. 19, 1810. 1295. Abel-Parker [2983], b. Feb. 11, 1812. 1296. Jouas [29851, b. July 30, 1821. 1297. Hiram, b. Dec. 19, 1831; resides in Dunstable, Ms.; unmarried. 1298. BeniahS [459] (Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), ]3_ July 5, 1766, in Dunstable, Ms. ; d. Sept. 16, 1832, in Putney, Vt. ; 102 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. m. Hannah Robinson. She was b. Aug. 9, 1770 ; d. Nov. 29, 1850, in Fitzwilliam, N. H. ; she was admitted to the church in Putney, Vt., Oct. 14, 1804, and her husband was admitted April 21, 1805. 'Their children were all born in Putney, Vt., where they resided ; the flve oldest were all baptized Oct. 28, 1804, by Rev. Mr. Fisher ; the sixth was baptized by Rev. Mr. Tayler, July 14, 1805. 1299. .Tames [3989], b. June 26, 1793; d. March 29, 1865. 1300. Cynthia, b. Aug. 31, 1794; m. Charles Campbell; they resided in iPutney. and afterwards in Montgomery, Vt., where they both died; she d. Oct. 14, 1855. 1301. Hannah, b. Jan, 1797; m. Thomas French, of Boston, 1822; they resided in Boston, Ms. ; he d. Dec. 3, 1849 ; she d- . 1302. Sarah, b. Aug. 8, 1799; m. Aaron Blood, of Boston, Feb. 6, J831; they res. in Boston, Ms. ; she d. Feb. 8, 1834, in Boston, Ms. ; he d. Sept. 9, 1842, in South Woburn, Ms. 1303. Benjamin-Prescott [2993]', b. Dec. 17, 1802. 1304. Solomon-Robinson [2994], b. May 31, 1805. 1305. Alfred [2999], b. July 23, 1807 ; d. June 10, 1847. 1806. William- Andrews '[3004], b. March 15, 1814. 1807. Elmira, b. Nov. 8, 1811 ; d. Nov. 15, 1826. 1308. Josephs [464] (Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. May 15, 1785, in Dunstable, Ms. ; d. Dec. 17, 1850, at Saxton's River, Vt.; m Fanny Spalding [3315], Jan. 14,1812; she was daughter of WUliam^ (Williams, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi) ; she was b. May 5, 1791 ; she is now living at Saxton's River, Vt. 1309. Williara-Bradley, b. Oct. 6, 1812; d. Sept. 11, 1838; res. at Sax- ton's River, Vt. ; unmarried. 1310. Franklin. Crowley [3007], b. Nov. 28, 1814. 1311. Louisa-Maria, b. Jan. 7,1817; m. Alfred Mason, of Cavendish, Vt., May 3, 1841 ; res. Cavendish, Vt. 1312. Alfred-Parker [3010], b. Oct. 20, 1818. 1313. Leonards [465] (Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph^ Edwardi), b. Feb. 1, 1789, in Dunstable, Ms. ; d. June 23, 1844, in Boston, Ms., where he resided ; m. Eliza Brown, Feb. 18, 1818 ; she was b. July 17, 1796, in East Sudbury, Ms. ; she d. March 5, 1871, in Boston, Ms. Children all born in Boston, Ms. 1314. Eliza- Jane, b. May 4, 1819; 1st, m. Daniel-Baxter Prescott, Jan. 3, 1839; 2d, m. Andrew Atkinson, Pec. 26, 1849. 1815, EmeUne-Augusta, b. Nov. 1831 ; m. Thoraas-Jefferson Dunbar, Aug. 11, 1841. 1816. Elraira-Leonard, b. July 17, 1826; m. Alexander Burnside, AprU 23, 1846. 1317. Laura-Ann, b. AprU 1, 1828; ra. David^Albert Dunbar, April 23, 1845. 1318, f Leonard, b. June 20, 1830 ; d. July 29, 1835. 1319. I Lorana, b. June 20, 1830; m. Ira Potter, Dec. 25, 1851. 1320. SqujreS [466] (Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi). He resides in North Granville, Washington Co., N. Y. He has been married, and had issue ; but no children are now living. FIFTH GENERATION. 103 1321. AsaphS [471] (Philip*, EbenezerS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 14, 1774 ; d. Jan. 4, 1843 ; res. in Leominster, Ms. ; m. Eliza beth Tyler, AprU 2, 1801 ; she was b. Dec. 28, 1778 ; d. July 29, 1827. Children all b. in Leominster, Ms. 1322. Mira, b. June 19, 1801; d. March 22, 1842. l;!23. Sophia, b. Sept. 29, 1803; d. AprU 7, 1867; m. Luke Woodbury, March 13, 1846; res. Leominster, Ms. 1324. EUza, b June 15, 1805; d. June 15, 1853; ra. Jonas Walker, of » Charlestown, N. H., June 15, 1826. 1325. Asaph [3013], b. May 20, 1807. 1826. Melaria, b. May 20, 1808 ; ra. WUliam Chaflin, of Ashland, Ms., May 29, 1829 ; res. in Ashland, Ms. ; she d. AprU 21, 1844. 1827. Abigail or Abble, b. Aug. 19, 1814; m. PhUip Baldwin, of Essex, N. Y., July 2, 1840; res. Essex, Essex Co., N. Y. 1 328. Rev. Philips 1-472] (PhUip*, EbenezerS, Joseph", Edwardi) ^ b. Nov. 18, 1776, in Westford, Ms. ; d. May 25, 1834, aged 58. He was settled at Penobscot, Hancock Co., Me., Nov. 22, 1809 ; dis missed Aug. 1813 ; settled at Jamaica, Vt., Sept. 28, 1815 ; dis missed May 5, 1829. His ministry at Jamaica was one of great usefulness; m. Mrs. Tirza Tobey, Oct. 29, 1816; she was the widow of Rev. Alvan Tobey, who was settled in Wilmington, Vt., and d. Oct. 18, 1810. Her maiden name was Tirza Hoar ; she d. Sept. 29, 1848. 1329. Tirzah-Adeline, b. Aug. 18, 1817; m. Rev. Moses K. Cross, of Palmer, Ms., May 4, 1842; she d. 1851, at So. Deerfleld, Ms., leaving a child, Joseph-Henry, b. Oct. 17, 1851 ; d. Aug. 17, 1853. 13.30. Samuel-Thompson [3021 ], b. May 2, 1819. 1381. Pliny-Fisk [8024], b. AprU 10, 1821. 1332. Mary-Asenath, b. April 24, 1823; unmarried; res. with her bro ther Philip, in Amherst, Ms. 1333. Levi- Parsons, b. Feb. 14, 1825 ; d. AprU 22, 1828. 1334. Philip-Doddridge [3031], b. Dec. 29, 1826. 1335. Juliet-Parsons, b. Oct. 31, 1828 ; d. Sept. 22, 1830. 1336. Elijah-Plumb [3032], b. March 17, 1831. 1337. AndkewS [475] (Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Ed wardi), b. Jan. 6, 1729, in Westford, Ms., baptized Jan. 12, 1729 ; d. He moved from Westford, Ms., to New Ipswich, N. H. ; sold his farm, and took his pay in continental money, which was soon worthless ; m. Abigail Martin, of Pepperell, Ms., March 25, 1757. 1338. Andrew [3040], b. May 9, 1768. 1339. Hannah, b. about 1760 ; m. Moses Chase, of Cornish, N. H. ; re moved to Waitsfleld, Vt., where she died about 1807. 1340. Benjamin [3048], b. March 24, 1762. 1341. Abel [3058], b. Dec. 28, 1764. 1342. Jonas [306'7]. 1343. AbigaU, b. May, 1770; ra. Jonathan Huggins, Dec. 25, 1798; res. in Cornish, N. H., untU 1810; then in Craftsbury, Vt., tiU 1816; then in Cornish, N. H., where she d. March 9, 1849. He d. Sept. 29, 1848; they had six daughters. 1844. Noah [8077], b. about 1772. 1345. Nathan, b. about 1774; d. young. 104 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1346. SolomonS [484], (Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Ed wardi), b. Sept. 28, 1748 ; baptized Oct. 2, 1748 ; d. Aug. 6, 1826. He had the title and was usually known as Lieut. Solomon Spalding ; m. Jemima Read, of Westford, Ms., May 3, 1780 ; pub. March 4, 1780 ; she was b. Nov. 19, 1761 ; d. March 3, 1845, aged 84 ; children all b. in Westford, Ms. 1347. Solomon [3082], b. Oct. 29, 1780. 1318. Jemima, b. Sept. 30, 1782; m. WiUiam Worcester, of Tyngsboro', Ms., Sept. 30, ;804; he d. March 1, 1857; she d. March 3, 1861, in Randolph, Ms. ; they res. in Westford, Ms., Windsor, Vt., and Charlestown and Boston, Ms. 1349. James [3092], b. March 9, 1785. 1350. Andrew [3103], b. Feb. 5, 1788. 1351. Anna, b. May 7, 1790; d. May 19, 1790. 1352. Thomas [3113], b. July H, 1791. 1363. Mehitable, b. Oct. 5, 1793 ; ra. Theodore Woodward, AprU 11, 1816; he d. Oct. 16, 1844; she d. April 30, 1857; they resided in WestviUe, Otsego Co.,N. Y. 1354. George-Washington [3123], b. May 8, 1796. 1355. Susanna, b. Nov. 6, 1797; ra. Joseph Sraith, Jan. 30, 1821; they res. in Carver Co., Minn. 1356. Eli [8127], b. Aug. 4, 1799. 1357. Eliza, b. March 27, 1805 ; ra. Parker Woodward, of Tyngsboro', Mass., Nov. 17, 1827; res. Monona, Clayton Co., Iowa. 1358. HenbyS [485] (Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 5, 1 7.50, in Westford, Ms. ; baptized July 8, 1750 ; d. -— ; he was admitted, to the Lord's table, Westford, Ms., Sept. 1768. He lived in Westford, then moved, soon after the Revolutionary war, to Maine ; returned to Westford ; then removed to Benton, Me., where he died ; m. Betsey Tagart. 1359. John-Tagart, b. ; d. at the West Indies, aged 25, 1360. Henry [3129]. 1361. Andrew [3130], b. Sept. 10, 1786. 1362. Samnel [3141]. 1363. James. 1364. Josiah, b. ; d. in infancy. 1366. Martha-Miller, b. Dec. 1, 1793; m. Jonathan Carl, 1366. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 1, 1795; m. .Joseph Smith. 1>!67. Mehitable-Chandler, b. July 25, 1797. 1368. Josiah. b, Jan. 1799 ; d. in infancy 1369. Harriet, b. Aug. 13, 1800; m. Amos Woodman. 1370. Jacobs [488] (Jacob*, Andrews. Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 3, 1727. It is probable that this family removed to Town- send, Ms., about 1760, as I flnd the births of their last two chil dren recorded there. Mrs. Emeline Spalding, of Sidney, Me., says the family removed to Brattleboro', Vt., and that his wife's name was Deborah Fletcher. I have failed to trace them ; m. Elizabeth Fletcher, AprU 24, 1753. 1371. Jonathan, b. Dec. 20, 1753, },S72. Persis, b. Dec. 10, )765. 1373. Jerusha, b. Dec. 18, 1757. 1374. Jacob, b. May 6, 1764. 1375. Ephraim, b. Dec. 24, 17C5. FIFTH GENERATION. 105 1376. EleazerS [489] (Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edward'), b. Nov. 12,1728; d. Nov. 1, 1812, in Townsend, Ms., to which place he removed about 1753, and where he died; m. Elizabeth Proctor, Oct. 30, 1753 ; she was the daughter of Daniel Proctor, of Chelmsford, Ms. ; she d. Oct. 12, 1804 ; a private record says her name was Sibyl. Their children were all born in Townsend, Ms. 1377. Daniel [3145], b. Aug. 13, 1764. 1378. Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1756; m. Phineas Austin. 1379. Thaddeus [3151]. b. June 1, 1758. 1380. Bezaleel [3159], b. Aug. 3, 1760. 1381. Esther, b. Nov. 12, 1762; 1st, m. John Waugh, of Townsend, Ms., 1786 ; she d. April 16, 1835, in Townsend, Ms., aged 73 ; she ra. for her second husband Luther Gilbert, of Acton, Ms., Nov. 21, 1811. 1382. Eleazer [3167], b. Aug. 23, 1764. 1383. SybU, b. March 8, 1767 ; m. Josiah Spalding [3764], of PeppereU, Ms. 1384. Jesse [3176], b. Sept. 5, 1769. 1386. Gains, b. Oct. 14, 1771 ; d. March 20, 1779. 1386. Luther [3181], b. Oct. 16, 1774. 1387. JosEPgS [493] (Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 1, 1737. in Westford, Ms. ; d. Aug. 14, 1796, in Westminster, Ms., to which place he removed soon after his marriage. He com mitted suicide by shooting himself. He m. Bridget Crosby, of Westford, Ms.; pub. Jan. 6, 1764; she d. Jan. 15, 1831, aged 88 yrs. 10 months. Their children were all bom in Westminster, Ms. 1388. Jesse, b. June 8, 1766; d. Aug. 14, 1796; unmarried. 1389. Merari [3183], b. March 16, 1767. 1390. Joseph [3195], b. March 6, 1769. 1391. Zebina [3216], b. Sept. 16, 1771. 1392. Bridget, b. June 28, 1774; ra. Ephraim Heald, of Goshen, Me., Sept. 6, 1791 ; she d. Jan. 15, 1831. 1393. Mehitabel, b. June 3, 1776 ; m. Asa-W. Rand, of Westminster, Ms., Sept. 14, 1800; she d. March 21, 1860. 1394. Jonah [3224], b. Nov. 9, 1778. 1395. Benjamins [^495] (Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 6, 1741, in Westford, Ms. ; d. Aug. 6, 1806, in Chelmsford, Ms,, where he resided, and where all his children were born ; m. Mary .Spalding [616], of Carlisle, Ms., May 16, 1764 ; she was b. Aug, 26, 1744. in Chelmsford, Ms., and was the daughter of Job and Lydia (Barrett) Spalding (Job*, JohnS, Andrew", Edward'). She d, Sept. 23, 1825. 1396. Benjamin, b, Aug, 20, 1765; d. July 5, 1784. ' 1397. Jacob [3228], b. Dec. 13, 1767. 1398. Mary, b. July 5, 1769; m. John Perley. June 23, 1795; he d. May 15, 1848; res. in Winchendon, Ms. ; then removed to Unity, Me., where she d. Nov. 29, 1861 (private record says Nov. ^OJ. 1399. Ira [3238], b. .Tune 17, 1773. J40Q. Jeremisth [384S], b. July 30, 1775 (private record says July 31). 106 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1401. Jemima, b.Aug. 11, 1778; m. Henry Spalding [3254] (Henry«, Henry', Henry*, Andrew^, Andrew^, Edward'), March 1, 1801 ; she d. Aug. 17, 1859 (pri. rec. Aug. 16). 1402. Susanna, b. March 8, 1781 ; ra. Jacob Sheel, of Tewksbury, Sept. .11, 1803; res. in Andover, Ms. ; she d. March 26, 1820. 1403. Sally, b. Jan. 30, 1788 (pri. rec. Jan. 31); 1st, m WiUard Fletcher, AprU 22, 1808 ; 2d, m. Abel Stevens, Sept. 22, 1814; res. in Westford, Ms. 1404. Esther, b. Jan. 28, 1790; ra. Daniel Proctor, Aug. 19, 1811; he d. Sept 11,1822; res. flrst in Chelmsford, Ms. ; removed to Low- eU, Ms., in 1825, where she d. July 25, 1851. 1405. HenryS [505] (Henry*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 15, 1753, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. — ~ ; m. Mary Fletcher, of Westford, Ms., Nov 17, 1774 : they were pub. Oct. 28, 1774. Children all bom in Chelmsford, Ms. 1406. Mary, b. March 14, 1776; m. Jonathan Winn, Feb. 8, 1798; re moved to Ohio. 1407. Henry [3254], b. Nov. 20, 1776. 1408. Betsey, b. March 28, 1779. 1409. Rachel, b. March 2, 1781 ; d. Dec. 9, 1861, aged 80 yrs. 9 months ; unmarried. 1410. Elijah, b. Sept. 29, 1783; d. Oct. 14, 1798. 1411. Sarah, b. Sept. 3, 1786; 1st, ra. Sarauel Perham, Oct. 4, 1808; 2d, m. John Osgood, of Westford, Ms., Feb. 4, 1816; Mr. Osgood d. Oct. ], 1858; res. Westford, Ms. 1412. SybU. b. July 9, 1788; m. Artemas Parker, Jan. 20, 1807. 1418. Rebecca, b. June 29, 1790; m. David Perham; she d. July 30, 1847. 1414. Isaiah [3264], b. Aug. 16, 1792. Asa, b. Juue 15. 1794; d. ,Tuly 14, 1796. 1415. Joel [3271], b. June 23, 1796 ; d. Feb. 4, 1864. 1416. Hosea [3276], b. Sept. 20, 1798. 1417. JosiahS (507] (Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edward'), b. AprU 29, 1734, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. May 12, 1734 ; d. Nov. 2, 1791, in Westford, Ms., where he resided, and where all his chil dren were born ; 1st, m. Lydia Cleveland, of Acton, Ms., Feb. 15, 1763 ; pub. Dec. 24, 1762 ; 2d, m. Jemima Shattuck, of PeppereU, Ms., May 7, 1777 ; pub. Feb. 22, 1777 ; she was b. July 6, 1738. Mr. Spalding was admitted to the -Lord's table, in Westford, March, 1760 ; Lydia, his wife, was admitted Sept. 1764. 1418. Lydia, b. April 12. 1704; b^p. AprU 15, 1764; d. Oct. 14, 1817, in Pepperell, Ms. ; unmarried. 1419. Josiah [3283], b. Sept. 4, 17(i5; bap. Sept. 8, 1765. 1420. Rebecca, b. Dec. 20, 1767; bap. Dec. 28, 1767; d. Aug. 9, 1813, in Pepperell, Ms. ; unmai'ried. 1421. Sarah, b. March It;, 1770; bap. March 18, 1770; 1st. m. Noah Shat tuck, of Pepperell, Ms., Nov. 7, 1793; 2d, m. Jonathan Stevens, of HoUis, N. 11. ; removed to Hardwick, Vt. 1422. Moses [3291], b. March 3, 177S. 1423. Isaacs [508] (Josiah*, AiidiewS. Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 1, 1735, in Westford, Ms ; bap. Oct. 5, 1736; d. ; res. in Littleton, Ms., tmd all his children were born there; m. Susanna Lawrence, of Littleton, Ms., Sept. 15, 1761 (Law- FIFTH GENERATION. 107 rence genealogy says Oct. 15, 1761); pub. March 13, 1761 ; she was the daughter of Eleazer and Lucy (Tuttle) Lawrence, and was b. Nov. 3, 1740. 1424. Sarah, b. Oct. 17, 1762; d. Jan. 29, 1763. 1425. Peter, b. Jan. 23, 1764; d. Jan. 27, 1765. 1426. Mary, b. Nov. 2, 1766. 1427. David [3302], b. Jan. 23, 1768. 1428. Betty, b. AprU 28, 1770 ; d. Dec. 17, 1770. , 1429. Lucy, b. Dec. 28, 1771 ; d. AprU 8, 1772. 1430. Hannah, b. May 31, 1773; m. James Hildreth, of Pepperell, Ms., Nov. 25, 1798. 1431. Joel, b. Nov. 28, 1775; d. Jan. 16, 1776. 1432. Isaac, b. Dec. 4, 1776. 1433. Susannah, b. Feb. 26, 1779. 1434. Phene, b. Sept. 12, 1783; m. Thomas Stoddard, of Littleton, Ms., Jan. 1805; pub. Dec. 2, 1804. 1435. WilliamS [509] (Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1737, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. Sept. 18, 1737 ; d. June 28, 1805, in Cavendish, Vt., to which place he removed with his family in the winter of 1782--3. Children all b. in Westford, Ms. ; m. Esther Dutton, of Westford, Ms., Nov. 29, 1759 ; pub. Aug. 25, 1769 ; she was b. Sept. 22, 1738, at Westford, Ms., and d. Jan. 26, 1818, in Cavendish, Vt. They were admitted to the Lord's table in Westford, July, 1760. 1436. John [3303], b. Dec. 29, 1760; bap. Jan. 11, 1761. 1437. WUliam [3314], b. Oct. 15, 1762; bap. Oct. 17, 1762. 1438. Mary, b. Dec. 8, 1764; m, Sampson Hardy, ; he d. Nov. 29, 1831, inRushford, N. Y. ; she d. Feb. 24, 1852, in the same place. 1439. Esther, b. March 17, 1767 ; d, March 19, 1825, at Claremont, N. H. ; unmarried. 1440. Asa [3326], b. April U, 1769 ; bap. April 16, 1769 ; d. Feb. 9, 1860. 1441. Joseph [3331], b. July 31, 1771; bap. Aug. 4, 1771; d. Oct. 32, 1842. 1442. Zedekiah [3339], b. Feb. 21, 1776; bap. April 2, 1775; d. March 25, 1847. 1443 Betty, b. Jan, 31, 1777; d. Feb. 10, 1839, at Cavendish, Vt. 1444. Zacheus [8344], b. Nov. 20. 1779; d. Jan. 25, 1834. 1445, Jonas [3354], b. AprU 18, 1785. An adopted son. 1446. Jonathans [515] (Ephraim*, Andrews, Andrew", Ed wardi), b. April 17, 1734, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. Mary Parker, Dec, 17, 1761 ; she d. Jan, 4, 1817, aged 78. 1447. Ephraim, b. ; d. Deo. 8, 1762. 1448. Aaron, b. Jan, 23, 1764; m. ; went to Stoddard, N- H. ; had no chUdren. 1449. Ephraim [3364], b. Feb. 6, 1766. „ 1450. Mary, b. March 10, 1768; m. Jesse Stevens, of Fitchburg, Nov. 25, 17b0; settled in Richmond, N. Y. 1451. Betsey, b. Jan. 4, 1770; m. Samuel Stevens, Feb. 36, 1794; she d. 1453. Simon [3369], b. Feb. 4, 1772. 1453. ^echariah [3370], b. Sept. 14, 1774. 1454. Sarah, b. July 27, 1776; d. Jan. 4, 1816;' unmarried. 1455. Lydia, b. Aug. 14, 1778; ra. Nathaniel Farrer; settled flnally in Ohio, and d. there, Jupe 21, 1825, aged 47, 108 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1456. Jonathans [519] (Isaac*, Andrews, Andre^y", Edwardi), b. July 28, 1734, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. May 29, 1790, in Town- send, where he lived, and where all his children were born ; m. Elizabeth Sawtelle, March 19, 1760 ; she was the daughter of Dea. Sawtelle, of Groton, Ms., and d. Nov. 6, 1804, in Townsend, Ms. 1457. Isaac [3379], b. Jan. 1, 1761. 1458. Jonathan, b. July 16, 1762; d. Oct. 14, 1768. 1459. Rebecca, b. Aug. 6, 1764; m. Philip Foote, of Middlebnry, Vt., and d. there. 1460. Elnathan, b. April 15, 1766; he left horae about 1800, and was never heard from afterwards. 1461. Ephraim, b. Feb. 25, 1768; ra. Wood, of Middlebury, Vt., where he d., leaving no children. 1462. Esther, b. Jan. 29, 1770; m. Isaac Turner, Dec. 26, 1809; she d. in Ludlow, Vt. 1463. Jonathan [3389], b. Feb. 26, 1772; d. AprU 18, 1814. 1464. Hezekiah [3397], b. Feb. 27, 1774. 1465. Sarah, b. AprU 27, 1776; m. John Withington, of Mason, N. H., Nov. 2, 1801 ; resided and d. in Mason, N. H. 1466. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1779 ; ra. Capt. WUliam Harris, of Lunen burg, Ms., May 11, 1802; res in Lunenburg; she d, Nov. 15, 1819; hed. Oct. 11,1839. 1467. Obediah, b. Jan. 25, 1784; d. March 18, 1787. 1468. Lieut. Benjamins [522] (Isaac*, Andrews, Andrew", Ed wardi), b. Aug. 14, 1743, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. May 27, 1832, aged 89, in Townsend, Ms., where he resided, and where all his children were bom. He was successful in school-teaching, which occupation was followed by three of his daughters : m. Mary Heald, Dec. 5, 1765, in Townsend, Ms. ; she was b. July 27, 1746 ; and d. Jan. 24, 1826, aged 81. 1469. Benjamin [3409], b. AprU 17, 1767; d. May 21, 1812, aged 76. 1470. Peter [3422], b. June 10, 1769; d. Oct. 26, 1858, aged 89. 1471 Mary, b. May 27, 1771; m. Peter Lawrence, July 2, 1794; they res. in Ashby, Ms., Jaffrey, N. H., Chelsea. Ms., and Pittstown, N. Y. ; he d. AprU 16, 1827, in Ashby, Ms. ; she d. June 11, 1804, in Pittstown, N. Y. 1472 David [3434], b July 27, 1773; d. Oct. 1, 1827, aged 54. 1473. Joel [3444], b; July 26, 1775; d. Jan. 10, lfc65, aged 79. . 1474. Abel [8454], b. Sept. 6, 1777. 1475. Isaac [3466], b. Dec. 24, 1779; d. Dec. 15, 1834, aged 55. 1476. Sarah, b. Oct. 23, 1782; m. Peter Shumway, .March 8, 1803; she d. May 20, 1842, aged 59 1477. Ephraim [3476], b. July 15, 1786. 1478. Nancy, b. June 27, 1789; m. Gushing Wilder, .Tune 11. 1817; they res. in Townsend, Ms., untU their death; she d. June 2, 1852, aged 62. 1479. Benjamins [527] (James*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b March 15, 1738, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. March 26, 1738; WU Uam, his son, says '• that his father went from Westford, Ms., to Ashburnham, Ms., thes called Dorchester, Caflada, as the town was granted to tlie soldiers of Dorchester, in consideration of their FIFTH GENERATION. 109 serA'ices in an expedition against Canada, in 1690 ; from Ashburn ham he went to Jafirey, N. H. When he married his second wife, he removed to Marlboro', N. H., where he died and was buried ; he d. in 1810 ; 1st, m. Sarah Chandler, of Westford, Ms. ; pub Feb. 3, 1759 ; she ; was b. March 18, 1739, and d Oct. 3, 1796. 2d, m. Mrs. Betty Flood, of Marlboro', N. H. The children were all born in Jafirey, N. H. 1480. Susanna, b. Jan. 1, 1760; m. John Wheeler; she d. March 31, 1816, in JaflVey, N. H. 1481. Willard [3483], b. Dec. 37, 1761. 1482. Benjamin [3494], b. Sept. 6, 1763. 1483. Sarah, b. Sept. 1, 1765; d. Dec. 1, 1765. 1484. WiUiam, b. Aug. 24, 1766; d. Oct. 8, 1775. 1485. Reuben [3500], b. March 21, 1768. 1486. Moses [3506], b. Feb. 2, 1770. 1487. Jesse [3509], b. Sept 20, 1772. 1488. Peter, b. June 30, 1774; d. M.arch 8, 1776. 1489. Sarah, b. Nov. 6, 1778 ; m. William Bond ; she d. AprU 8, 1813. 1490. .William [3520], b. Dec. 24, 1780. 1491. JamesS [532] (James*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), ^^ Aug. 31, 1848, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. Sept. 4, 1748 ; d. Juue 8, 1832, in New Ipswich, N. H., He and his wife Hannah were admit ted to the Lord's table, in Westford, Ms., July, 1770, He flist removed to Lyme, N. I-L, but there being much profanity there, he removed to Ashburnham, Ms., where he setttled in the wilder ness, on the north side of Watatic, just over the Ashburnham line, about 1 773 Although without its limits, he was always socially connected with New Ipswich, N. H , where he was allowed to pay his minister and school rates, and participated in the religious and educational advantages of that town For sixty-flve years he was a constant attendant at church. When the alarm of " Concord fight " was given, he started immediately for the scene of action, while his wife and eldest son spent the afternoon of that day upon the summit of. Watatic, where they sa-s^ the smoke of the burning buildings, and distinctly heard the report of the British cannon. After his second marriage, he resided on his wife's estate, near the meeting-house in New Ipswich. Among the personal characteristics of the descendants of James Spalding and Hannah Barron, were that all arrived at the full growth of manhood and womanhood at flfteen years of age ; they were taU and well-built, with coal-black hair and eyes, inheiited from Hannah Barron. 1st, m. Hannah Barron, Sept. 26, 1769 ; pub. June 17, 1769 ; she was ta. July 17, 1747 ; d. Sept. 3, 1814 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Abigail Wilkins, widow of John Wilkins, of New Ip swich, N. H. ; she d. March 3, 1841. 1492. Jonathan [3538], b. Aug. 33, 1770, in Westford: Ms.; bap. Aug. 36, 1770. 1493. James [353S], b Jan. 17, 1772, in Lvme, N. H. 1494. Hannah, b. Sept. 26, 1774, in Ashburnham, Ms.; m. Abel Pres cott, of Groton, Ms. He d. Sept. 18, 1841; she d.- Aug. 17, 1864. 1496. Amy, b. July 29, 1776; d. Sept. 10, 1780. 110 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1496. Betsey, b. Aug. 10, 1778 ; m. Nathan Jones ; he d. May 14, 1842. She, with her youngest son, went to Salt Lake, before the death of her husband. 1497. Nathan-Barron [3553], b. AprU 30, 1780. 1498. J»olly, b. Nov. 35, 1781; m. Jonas Nutting, of Westford, Ms., June 1, 1805. He d. April 38, 1843, in Ashburnham, Ms. ; she d. May 1, 1857, in New Ipswich, N. H. 1499. Isaac [3563], b. July 8, 1783. 1500. Phineas, b. Jan. 16, 1785; d. Oct. 8, 1800. 1601. Sally, b. July 16, 1787; d. about Sept. 1, 1808. 1503. Joseph [3566], b. Aug. 5, 1791. There was also said to be an Anna, who was b. Feb. 19, 177-, and d. Oct. 9, 1777. 1503. SiLAsS [537] (James*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 25, 1757, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. AprU 3, 1757; d. Feb. 29, 1812, aged 55, at Fort Ann, N. Y. , He was a soldier of the Revolution, and was at the battle of Ben nington, Vt., and was also at the surrender of Burgoyne, and in the battles which preceded it. After his term of service in the army expired, he married, and settled in Granville, N. Y. He then moved to Fort Ann, where he died ; m. Hannah Brown, April 24, 1778 ; the rite was performed by Rev. Jonathan Searl, of Mason, N. H. She d. Aug. 22, 1833, at GranviUe, N. Y., aged 72 ; she was b. in 1760. 1604. Polly, b. Feb. 32, 1779, in AndoVer, Ms. ; 1st, m. Thomas Grover, of WhitehaU, N. Y., 1799; hed. 1807; 3d, m. David Young, 1810; 3d, m. Elihu Everts, of Granville, N. Y., May 30, 1830; he d. 1861, in Freedom, N. Y. ; she d. April 6, 1859, in Weeds- port, N. Y. 1506. Eunice, b. ; m. Josephus Child ; moved to Pennsylvania, where she d. about 1837. 1506. SUas [3567], b. April 14, 1786. 1607. Samuel-Brown [3578], b. Jan. 27, 1789. 1508. Ann, b. Oct. 13, 1797, at Fort Ann, N. Y. ; m. Nestor Baker, Nov. 28, 1817 ; she d. March 16, 1847. 1609. James [3683], b. June 3, 1800, in Fort Ann, N. Y. 1610. Eliza, b. ; m, John Larrabee, 1820; she d. 1840. 1511. Abiram [3596], b. May 9, 1807, at Fort Ann, N. Y. 1512. PhdjehasS [538] (James*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 4, 1759, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. June 10, 1759. He was a Baptist clergyman, went to Western Reserve, Ohio ; m. Rebecca Jaquith, of Dunstable, Mass., Nov. 18, 1779 ; pub. Aug. 25, 1779. 1513. Andrews [550] (David*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 10, 1761 ; m. Ruth Pierce, May 6, 1783. " Mr. Perham, who m. Anna Spalding, settled on Andrew's homestead. They lived on the same place occupied by the flrst family which came into the wilderness among the Indians. They built a garrison house for their ¦ protection, where they all went at night. The old building, or a part of it, stood when I lived there, but it was blown down Sept. 1817." [Letter of Sarah Osgood, Feb. 16, 1868.] FIFTH GENERATION. Ill 1514. Nabby, b. t)ec. 2, 1783; m. Thoraas Hutchins, of Carlisle, Ms. ; pub. Oct. 13, 1821. 1615. Anna, b. July 10, 1785; m. Samuel Perham, about 1804; she d. Oct. 1807. 1516. Polly, b. AprU 20,1792; m. Dr. Asa Byam, 1817; pub. April 11, 1817; d. Oct. 29, 1865, in Westford, Ms.; Dr. Byam d. 1838. 1517. Ruth, b. May 26, 1794; m. King Parkhurst. 1518. David, b. Jan, 15,1796; d. Feb. 34, 1798. 1519. Phebe, b. ; m. Benj. P. Hutchins, of Carlisle, Ms.; pub. March 18, 1830. 1520. Hannah, b. ; m. Oliver Hutchins, of Carlisle, Ms. ; pub. Jan, 18, 1823. 1521. SamdelS [552] (Henry*, HenryS, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. Jan. 31, 1726-7 (family record, Feb. 1, 1726). He was one of the flrst settlers of Merrimack, N. H., where he owned a large tract of land, from which he gave farms to several of his sons. He came up fiom Chelmsford, Ms., and cleared a piece of land and built a house, befoi'e he married. His original farm, lying north and west of Netacook Pond, is now in possession of the Reed family. He was a man of rather more than medium size, both in height and breadth, and had a very strong voice. It is said that it Could be distinctly heard at a distance of two miles. Plis mark for cattle and sheep, recorded in the town books of Mer rimack, Dec. 23, 1772, was a slit in the right eai', and a half-penny the under side of the same. He died in Merrimack, N. H., Sept. 11, 1797, aged 71 ; m. Sarah Woods, May 3, 1753. She was the daughter of Samuel and Mary (Parker) Woods, of Chelmsford, Ms. ; she was b. March 8, 1730, and d. in Merrimack, April 10, 1815, of spotted fever, aged 85. Her mother, Mary Parker, was daughter of John and Mary Parker, of Chelmsford, Ms. The chil dren of Samuel and Sarah (Woods) Spalding were all born in Merrimack, N. H. 1522. Samuel [3602], b. Ahg. 22, 1754. 1.523. Abijah [3612], b. June 18, 1756. 1624. Sarah, b. Oct. 14, ]758; d. Feb. 8, 1774. 1526. Henry [8616], b. Nov. 3, 1760 (the Merrim.ack records say Nov. 33. 1760). 1526. Oliver [8628]. b. Feb. 6, 1763. 1527. Isaac [3632], b. Aug. 20, 1765. 1528. Silas [3641], b. June 11, 1767. 1539. Asa [3661], b. April 5, 1769. 1530. HeneyS [555] (Henry*, HenryS, Andrei", Edwardi), b. Feb. 11, 1736 ; m. Mary . 1531. Thankful, b. Dec. 3, 1761. 1532. ZebulonS [557] (Henry*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi)/ b. March 2, 1744; m. Lydia Wright, of Westford, Ms., Feb. 12, 1767; pub. Sept. 4, 1766. Pie resided in Westford, Ms. He is called " Zebulon, Jr.," in the Westford records, which I suppose distinguishes him from Zebulon, the son of Thomas. 112 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1533. Lydia, b. Jan. 81, 1768; m. Ephraim Spalding [6495], of Fitch burg, Ms., AprU 5, 1792; hed. Feb. 4, 1836; shed. Aug. 28, 1852, aged 84. 1534. Zebulon [3663], b. AprU 9, 1770. 1535. Sarah, b. June 26, 1771; m. Dea. Timothy Howard, July 15, 1788; he d. Mar. 13, 1846 ; she d. Mar. 31, 1856, in Lunenburg, Ms. They left ten children and numerous descendants, all of the highest respectability. 1536. Henry, b. Oct. 10, 1772; d. AprU 36, 1776. 1537. JIary, b. May 33, 1774. 1538. Olive, b. Jan. 6, 1776; d. Aug. 30, 1778. 1639. DoUy, b. Oct. 13, l777. 1540. Sherebiah [3671], b. Feb. 4, 1779. 1541. Olive, b. July 31, 1780. 1543. Anna, b. June 30, 1783. 1543. Phinehas-Wright [3683], b. Jan. 18, 1784. 1544. DanielS psg] (Henry*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 21, 1746 ; 1st, m. Hannah Putnam, June 8, 1769 ; 2d, m. Mary Butterfleld ; children all born in Merrimack, N. H. 1646. Sarah, b. ; died young. 1546. Jonathan [8690], b. July 4, 1771. l.-,47. Willard [3702], b. Feb. 10, 1773. 1648. Putnam [8709], b. Feb. 22, 1778. 1549. Benjamin [3712], b. Aug. 28, 1780. 1550. Solomon [3718], b. Mar. 31, 1783. 1561. Daniel [3719], b. Ahg. 18, 1787. 1562. Mary, b. Jan. 24, 1790; ra. Benjamin Batchelder, May 2, 1813; res. Bridgewater, N. H. ; he d. July 80, 1859 ; she d. Sept. 16, 1849. 1553. David [3731], b. March 24, 1796. 1554.- Sally, b. Feb, 18, 1798; m. Siraeon Batchelder, Mar. 6, 1822; he was b. Aug 29, 1795; he d. Jan. 13, 1864; she d. July 14, 1852; res. in Bridgewater, N. H. 1555. ThomasS [566] (Thomas*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 28, 1737. He removed to New Ipswich, N. H., about 1760. He settled on the farm near Mill Village, afterwards owned by his son Stephen. On the tax list of New Ipswich, 1774, he paid 18s. Id. ; m. Rachel Chandler, of Westford, Ms., Aug. 29, 1757 ; pub. Aug. 13, 1757. All the children but Levi, born in New Ipswich, N. H. 1556. Levi [3738], b. Nov. 18, 17S8, in Westford, Ms. 1557. Rachel, b. 1761. 1558. Thomas [37.39], b. 1763. 1559. Stephen, b. 1766; d. 1826. 1560. Lydia, b. 1768. 1561. Ruth, b. 1769; m. Z. Taylor. 1562. Lucy, b. 1772. 1563. HaskeU [3740]. 1564. ZebdlonS [567] (Thomas*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi> b. Nov. 7 2, 1741, in Cailisle, Ms. ; d. AprU 11, 1829, aged 87; m. Mary i'letcher, Nov. 21, 1771 ; she was b. Dec. 10, 1748; d. June 9, 1803, aged 55. Res. in Carlisle, Ms., where aU their FIFTH GENERATION. 113 chUdren were horn. The unmarried sisters lived and died in the house in which they were born, the old homestead of their father and grandfather, in Carlisle, formerly part of Chelmsford, Ms. 1565, Mary, b. Sept. 21, 1772; m. Joseph Warren, of Carlisle, Ms., Feb. 27, 1794; she d. Oct. 25, 1841. 1566. Esther, b. AprU 7. 1774; d. Feb. 12, 1861, aged 86 yrs. 10 mos. 5 days; unmarried. 1567. Thomas [3746], b. Dec. 27, 1775. 1568. Huldah, b. June 21, 1777; ra. Henry Fletcher, of Chelrasford, Ms., Sept. 27, 1810; he d. Mar. 27, 1861; she d. Aug. 31, 1854. 1569. Zebulon [3747], b. Oct. 30, 1779. 1670. Solomon, b. AprU 15, 1781; d. AprU 25, 1783. 1571. Ruth, b. Aug. 25, 1783; d. Oct. 16, 1861. aged 78 yrs. 1 mo. 20 days ; unmarried. 1572. Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1785; d. Sept. 11, 1849, aged 64. She was a highly educated and talented lady ; unmarried. 1573. Amos, b. Nov. 80, 1788. in Carlisle, Ms., and d. there Nov. 6, 1865, aged 76. Grad. at D. C. 1808. He read law with Stephen Ross, of Troy, N. Y., from Sept. 1808 to 1811; began practice at LowviUe, N. Y., and was also at Copenhagen and Denmark, both in that State ; removed his office to Andover, Ms., April 8. 1814 ; represented that town in the Mass. Leg. In 1824, 1825, 1826, 1832, and 1833; Was also a Senator from Essex Co. iu 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1831; removed to Lowell, Ms., Sept. 30, 1833; went to Carlisle, his birthplace, in 1839; represented that town in the Mass. Leg. in 1840 and 1841, and then retired from pub lic life, afflicted in his last years with disordered health. Mr. Spalding never married. [Chapman's Alumni of D. C] 1574. Hannah, b. Oct. 26, 1790; d. Aug. 22, 1858, aged 68; unmarried. 1575. Arelise, b. Nov. 28, 1792; d. Feb. 15, 1861, aged 68 yrs. 2 raos. 18 days ; unraarried. 1576. Williams [572] (WUliam*, ' HenryS, Andrew", Ed wardi), b. AprU 4, 1732. He removed from Groton, Ms., to Norridgewock, Me., 1779.- He was a soldier in the Revolution, and drew a pension ; he was wounded in the wrist at Bunker Hill ; m. Mary Green, daughter of Jonathan Green, of Groton, Ms., 1758 ; she d. May, 1817, at Norridgewock, Me. 1677. Williara [3755], b. July 19, 1759. 1578. Polly, b. Oct. 14, 1760; m. Dr. Gilman, of Norridgewock, Me.; she d. Aug. 24, 1820. 1579. Sibyl, b. May 25, 1762; m. Abel Ware, of Groton, Ms., July 17, 1788; she d. Mar. 1852. 1580. Jonathan, b. Sept. 1, 1763; d. about 1850, unmarried. 1581. Josiah [3764J, b. May 15, 1766. 1582. Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1767 ; m. John Spalding [3800], 1795 ; she d. March 20,1864. 1583. Sarah, b. Nov. 13, 7768; m. David RoweU, of Madison, Me., 1794; she d. June, 1828. 1584. Mary, b. April 30, 1772; m. Joseph Vickere, of Norridgewock, Me., 1794: shed. 1838. 1585. EleazerS [573] (WiUiam*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 26, 1733, in Groton, Ms. ; d. June, 1813. He removed to Norridgewock, Me., in 1778. He was a soldier in the French 8 114 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. war, and, with his two oldest sons, was also in the Revolutionary war. He received a lieutenancy under Col. Prescott ; he was known in Maine as Old Lieutenant Spalding ; m. Mary Shepley, of Groton, Ms. ; she d. 1822. ChUdren all born in PeppereU, Ms. 1586. Eleazer [3772], b. Jan. 21, 1759. 1587. .losiah [3781], b. Oct. 23. 1760. 1588. Mary, b. Dec. 35, 1762 ; m. Jonas Parlin, of Korridgewock, Me. ; shed. 1853. 1589. Seth [3790]. b. May 7, 1765. 1590. Esther, b. Nov. 11, 1767; m. Robert Richards, of Norridgewock, Me.; shed.. 1862. 1591. John [3800], b. May 12, 1770. 1592. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 6, 1773 ; ra. Abraham Moore, of Norridgewock, Me., 1790; she d. Feb. 1868: 1693. Josephs [576] (WiUiam*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 26, 1739, in PeppereU, Ms. Lieut. Joseph Spalding d. June 17, 1775, killed in the battle of Bunker Hill ; shot from his horse. On a gravestone in Pepperell, Ms., is the following inscription: "In memory of Lieut. Joseph Spalding, who was slain in the memorable battle of Bunlier Hill on the 17th of June, 1775, in the 37th year of his age. Phebe Spal ding, wife of Lieut. Joseph, who departed this life Jan. 4, 1775, in the 38th year of her age " The sword and belt worn by him are now in the possession of his grandson, Oliver Spalding, of Rumney, N. H. He m. Phebe Spalding, daughter of John [295], Dec. 29, 1761 ; pub. July U, 1761 ; she d. Jan. 4, 1775, aged 38. 1.594. Oliver [3808], b. Sept. 16, 1762. 1696., Phebe, b. Oct. 14, 1764; d. Sept. 20, 1773. 1596. Betty, b. Sept. 16, 1766 ; m. David Pratt, Aug. 18, 1789, and Went to Hebron, N. H. 1597. Lemuels [577] (WiUiam*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 14, 1741, in PeppereU, Ms; ; d. July 20, 1801. In 1769, Lieut. Lemuel Spalding was in the Continental service, and was on the tax list of Mason, N. H., for that year, for 8s. 4d. At the annual town meeting, March 3, 1778, he was chosen one of a " Com mittee of Safety." Sarah, his wife, was admitted to the church in 1773, by letter, from Pepperell, Ms. He left a will, which was admitted to probate Oct. 1, 1801 ; in this will he mentions his wife Sarah, his four daughters, Esther, Saia,h, Jerusha, and Betsey ; also an adopted son, John-Harthhorn Sawtelle. He went down East, but returned .and resided in Pepperell, Ms. ; m. Sarah . 1698. C Lemuel, b. March 12, 1766; d. March 24, 1766. 1599. i Thomas, b. March 12, 1766; d. March 24, 1766. 1600. Esther, b. March 9, 1767 1601. Sarah, b. AprU 3, 1768 ; ra. Eleazer Spalding [3772], 1784; she d. Oct. 27, 1851. 1602. Hephzibah, b. Jan. 4, 1771 ; d. Feb. 11, 1772. FIFTH GENERATION. 115 1603. Jerusha, b. Dec. 19, 1772; m. David Elliot, Nov. 21, 1790; she d. Nov. 18, 1844. 1604. Lemuel, b. Jan. 28, 1774; d. Dec. 31, 1784. 1605. Elizabeth, b. May 16, 1776 ; d. Aug. 35, 1776. 1606. Betsey, b. March 7, 1784 ; m. WUliam CoUins, May 6, 1803 ; went to Lynn, Ms. 1607. ThomasS [578] (William*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 7, 1743, in PeppereU, Ms. ; d. Nov. 16, 1802. He went to Maine, but returned ; he was killed by a fall from a bridge at Law rence's MiUs. He m. Lydia Shipley, April 3, 1766 ; pub. Jan. 24, 1766; she d.Dec. 11, 1810 {Pepperell Records, Dec. 12, 1809). Children all born in Pepperell, Ms. 1608. Ithamar [3814], b. March 3, 1767. 1609. Thirza, b. May 13, 1769 ; ra. Sarauel-TarbeU Boynton, May 13, 1795 ; pub. April 7, 1795 ; moved to Brookline, N. H. 1610. Lydia, b. June 6,1771; m. Simon Stevens, Jan. 36, 1794; pub. Jan. 33, 1794; he d. Jan. 8, 1830; shed. May 37, 1817; res. Pep- 'DCl'cll Ms. 1611. Asher [3815], b. July 4, 1778. A son, h. Dec. 3, 1776 ; d. Dec. 10, 1775. 1612. Joseph [3824], b. Oct. 6, 1777. 1613. HenrtS [579] (WiUiam*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 1, 1746, in Pepperell, Ms. ; d. March 12, 1775, in Groton, Ms. ; m. Rachel Conant, Nov. 22, 1770 ; pub. Oct. 27, 1770 ; she d. Oct. 29, 1797. A daughter, b. March, 1771; d. April 4, 1771. A son, b. ; d. June 12, 1772. 1614. Rachel, b. June 18, 1773 ; ra. Abel Swallow, of Mason, N. H., Oct. 21, 1794, and probably settled in that place. 1615. Hephzibah, b. Aug. 13, 1775 ; m. John- Andrews Webber, of Rox bury, Ms., March 13, 1803; pub. Jan. 25, 1803; res. Roxbury, Ms. 1616. AbelS [582] (WiUiam*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 12, 1755 ; d. May 29, 1849, aged 94 yrs. 17 days. Res. on the homestead at Pepperell, Ms. ; m. Lucy Wetherell, 1781 ; pub. Jan. 13, 1781 ; she d. AprU 25, 1837, aged 75 yrs. 5 mos. 7 days. 1617. Abel [3839], b. March 3, 1783. 1618. Lucy, b. Feb. 39, 1784 ; ra. WiUiam Hutchinson, Jr., May 37, 1804 ; pub. May 1, 1804; he d. 1834; his widow lives In New Boston, N. H. 1619. Henry [3889], b. Feb. 38, 1786. 1620. Lucinda, b. July 22, 1788 ; d. May 3, 1790. 1621. Asa [3847], b. Nov. 1, 1790. 1633. Lucinda, b. Oct. 9, 1793 ; m. at the old homestead, Luther Wil liams, of Pepperell, Ms., June 13, 1823; pub. AprU 37, 1822; res. in PeppereU, and had six children. 1633. Charles- W. b. Sept. 39, 1797; d. Oct. 11, 1880; unmarried. 1624. WUliam [3848], b. June 2', 1800. 1635. Thomas [3853], b. AprU 36, 1804. • 116 THE SPALDING MEMORLVL. 1626. Benjamins [584] (Leonard*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 5, 1738-9. He made the flrst improvements in the town of Buckfleld, Me., in 1776 ; moved a part of his family there in 1778. There were two or three who moved their families there a short time before he did. He continued to reside in Buckfleld, and died there Oct. 14, 1811 ; m. Patty Barrett, of Chelmsford, Ms , Nov. 29. 1764 ; she was b. Jan. 31, 1740 ; d. Oct. 4, 1819. 1627. Patty, b. Sept. 14, 1766, in Ashby, Ms.; m. Joseph Robinson, March 2, 1784. 1628. Rebecca, b. Nov. 10, 1766, in Chelmsford, Ms.; m. Benjamin Heald; shed. June 10, 1858; he d. Oct. 12, 1841. 1629. Benjamin [3868], b. Aug. 15, 1768, in Chelmsford, Ms. 1630. Leonard [3868], b. Feb. 13. 1770, in Chelrasford, Ms. 1631. Elizabeth, b Jan 18, 1772, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. John Fletcher, of Sumner, Me. ; ^he d. May 17, 1851 ; he d. March 12, 1835. Res. Sumner, Me. 16.S2. Abel [3879], b. Oct. 16, 1777, in Chelmsford. Ms. 1633. Esther, b. Oct. 28, 1779, in Buckfleld, Me. ; m. Alexander Thayer, of Paris, Me., June 28, 1798; res. Paris, Me. 1634. Stephen [3883], b. Aug. 13, 1782, in Buckfleld, Me. 1635. Thankful, b. Aug. 16, 1787, in Buckfleld. Me. ; m. Caleb Cush man, Dec. 26, 1808 ; he d. Feb. 7, 1863 ; res. Paris, Me. 1636. Jonathans [593] (Jonathan*, JolmS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan 13, 1733; d. Feb. 27, 1817, aged 84; m. Mary Fletcher, Mar. 21, 1754. 1637. Mary, b. ; d. 1755. 1638. Benjamin, b. Aug. 26, 1756; d. Oct. 1756. 1639. Joseph, b. Dec. 26, 1757. 1640. William [3892], b. Sept. 30, 1759. 1(!41. Ephraim, b. Nov. 13, 1762. 1642. Sibyl, b.May 8, 1780; d. Sept. 3, 1783. 1643. Samuels [595] (Jonathan*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 3, 1737, in Chelmsford, Ms., and in that part which is now a portion of Carlisle, Ms. ; d. March 16, 1819, se. 82 ; m. Leafe Duren, of Carlisle, Ms., Jan. 21, 1790; she survived her husband, and mairied for her second husband, Philo Litchfield, May 8, 1823. Children born in Carlisle, Ms. 1644. Oliver [3900], b. AprU 30, 1793. 164S. AVilliam [i?909], b. June 19, 1795. 1646. Sampsons [604] (Sampson*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 19, 1746. He res in Tewksbury, Ms., a number of years ; he then removed to Heath, Ms., afterwards to the State of Ohio, where he died Jan. 1832 ; m. Experience Merrill, of Tewksbury, Ms. Children all born in Tewksbury, Ms. 1647. Sampson, b. Mar. 30, 1766. 1648. Eliza'beth, b. Sept. -23, 1766. FIFTH GENERATION. 117 1049. Sarah, b. Juue 37, 1768. 1660. Joseph, b. Feb. 9, 1771. 1651. Mehitable, b. Doc. 9, 1772. 1652. Molly, b. Jan. 20. 1775. 1658. Hannah, b. Feb. 26, 1778. 1654. Anna. b. July 29, 1779 1655. Amasa, b. Dec. 9, 1781. 1656. Jonathans [605] (Sampson*, JohnS, Andrew", Ed wardi j, ]3, yept. 15, 1 747 ; d. Sept. 30, 1832 ; res. Wilton, N- H. ; m. Mary MarshaU, Feb. 11, 1771 ; she was b. May 23, 1750 ; d. Dec 20, 1839. Children born in Tewksbury, Ms., except one. 1657. Abiel [3917], b. Sept. 14, 1771. 1658. Abel [3931], b. Nov. 27, 1778. 1659. Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1776; m. WUliam Kittredge, 1796; she d. Aug. 39, 1850. 1660. Anna, b. Nov. 30, 1777; m. James Hutchinson, of Wilton, N. H., Sept. 34, 1824; she d. Aug. 31, 1860. 1661. Jonathan [3939], b. Oct. 29. 1779. 1662. Asaph [3944], b.Aug. 2, 1782. 1663. Hannah, b. Sept. 14, 1784; m. Joseph Colburn, of Milford, JT. IL, Aug. 29, 1824; she d. July 7, 1842, 1664. Loarami [3953], b. Aug, 22, 1786. 1665. Achsah, b. Sept. 3, 1788 ; m. John KimbaU, of Wilton, N. H., 26, 1829. 1666. Sampson [3960], b. Aug. 14, 1790. 1667. Mehitable, b. Aug. 14, 1790; d. Julv 10, 1S3:<, unraarried. 1668. John [8968]. h. Oct. 18, 1792, in Hollis, N. H. 1669. Lucinda, b. Mar. 11, 1794; m. Oliver ShattucK, of Bakersfleld,Vfc., March 9, 1842 ; she was his secojid wife. 1670. JuhnS [610] (Sampson*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 2, 1756 ; d. May 27, 1.S43 ; res. Tewksbury, Ms. ; m. Mary Marshall, daughter of Thomas Marshall, of Chelmsford, Ms , Nov. 23, 1801 ; she d. Dec. 8, 1846. 1671. Ruth-Marshall, b. Aug. 10, 1802; d. Sept. 21,1847, in Tew.cs- bui-y, Ms., unmarried. 1672. John [3975], b. Aug. 17, 1804. 1673. Mary., b. May 11, 1806; d. ; res. in Tewksbury ; unmarried. 1674. Ann-Fiske, b. Nov. 29, 1808 ; m. Tlioraas MarshaU, of Chelms ford Ms., May 4, 1843; shed June 25, 1856. 1675. Benjamin-FrankUn [3979], b. AprU 6, 1811. 1676. JobS [613] (Job*, .JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), i,^ jyi^y l, 1737; m. AbigaU Pierce, of Billerica, Feb. 17, 1767. 1677. Job [3986], b. March 16, 1762. 1678. JesseS [618] (Job*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), ^_ Dec. 30, 1748, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. May 28, 1813 ; 1st, m. Mary Sen- ter, July 4, 1776 ; she was b. Jan. 31, 1752 ; d. AprU 1, 17J0 ; 2d, m. Hannah Clarke, March'24, 1791 ; she was b. March 25, 1767; d Feb. 3, 1840. 1679. Reuben [3994], b. AprU 10, 1777. 1680. Polly, b. Sept, 30, 177r> ; m. Johu Davis, of Goffitown, N. H. ; d. Dec. 16, 1802. 118 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 1681. Jesse [8995], b. Dec. 30, 1780. 1683. Sarah, b. March 8, 1783 ; d. June 14, 1783. 1683. John [3996], b. Feb. 18, 1784. 1684. Jonas, b. Jan. 11, 1786; d. May 6, 1846; unmarried. 1686. Joseph [8999], b. Dec. 7, 1787. 1686. Clark [4000], b. Dec. 38, 1791. 1687. Isaac [4005], b. AprU 16, 1794. 1688. Hannah, b. Feb 16, 1796; m. Artemas Arnold, Oct. 3, 1831; she d. Dec. 14, 1848. 1689. Ira [4006], b. Feb. 19, 1798. 1690. Sally, b. AprU 22, 1800 ; m. Ruel Lathrop, Nov. 6, 1821 ; she d. April 16, 1831. Their son, James- Winchell Lathrop, was h. Dec. 1833 ; d. June 9, 1849. 1691. StUlman, b, AprU 27, 1802 ; d. April 36, 1838 ; unmarried. 1692. Ransom, b. Jan. 22, 1806; d. Aug. 19, 1857; unmarried. 1 693. JoNAsS [621] (Job*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi) , b. March 31, 1751, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Nov. 7, 1825, aged 70 years. He lived and d. in Carlisle, Ms. ; m. Mary Wheeler, of Acton, Ms., Oct. 8, 1 . 89 ;- pub. Mar. 4, 1789 ; she d. Nov. 17, 1861. 1694. Polly, b. July 31, 1790; 1st, m. Philo LUchfield, of Carlisle, Ms., Oct. 1810; issue, Susannah-Spalding Litchfield; she m. Rev. StUlman Clarke, of Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 12, 1833. 2d, m. Sarauel Stone, of Lexington, Ms., Sept. 11, 1816; he d. Jan. 1, 1830. 8d, ra, Jonas-Clarke Kemp, of BiUerica, Ms., Aug. 16, 1836 ; he d. Feb. 7, 1859 ; she is living in BUlerica, Ms. 1695. Judith, b. April 25, 1792; d. Aug. 9, 1795. 1696. Jonas, b. Feb. 38, 1795 ; d. Nov. 1, 1800. 1697. Judith, b. Nov. 6, 1796; d. Oct. 31, 1800. 1698. Sarah, b. June 15, 1799 ; m. Jonathan Boutwell, of Wilmington, Ms., April 12, 1820; he d. Aug. 5, 1868; no issue; she is living in BUlerica, Ms., with Mrs. Kemp. 1699. Jopas, b. June, 1801; d. 1801. 1700. Esther, b. Jan 10, 1803 ; m. Otis Stearns, of BUlerica, Ms., March, 1829; pub. Oct. 9, 1830; he d. Aug. 7, 1864; res. BiUerica. 1701. Judith, b. May 24, 1804; m. Ebenezer AtweU, of Boston, Ms., Nov. 26, 1826; res. flrst in Boston, then in Memphis, Tenn. 1703. Rebecca, b. Nov. 36, 1805 ; 1st, m. Thomas-Perkins Condry, of Boston, Ms., Aug. 1833; res. Boston, Ms ; he d. April 9, 1839; 2d, ra. Moses Jordan, July 8, 1849; res. in Boston, Ms. 1703. Johns [625] (John*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 8, 1762 ; d. Sept. 13, 1835 ; res. in Chelmsford, Ms. He left a wiU, which was admitted to probate Nov. 3, 1835 ; 1st, m. Lucy Fletcher, of Westford, Ms., Jan. 26, 1786 ; she was b. Aug. 31, 1761; d. Mar. 20, 1802 ; 2d, m. Mary Hutchinson, of Carlisle, Ms., Dec. 23, 1802 ; she was b. Mar. 21, 1767 ; d. July 7, 1846. Children all born in Chelmsford, Ms. 1704. John [4012], b. July 30, 1786. 1706. Lucy, b. July 8, 1788 ; ra. John EUiot, of Boston, Ms., Jan. 22, 1807 ; he (J. Sept. 11, 1832 ; she d. Sept. 80, 1825, in Boston ; res. in Boston, Ms. 1706. Amos [4020], b. Dec. 28, 1789. 1707. James, b. Jiine IQ, 1793; d. Oct. 22, 1855, in Taunton; insane. 1708. Benjamin [403Q], h. May 22, 1795. 1709. Abel [4033], b. Oct. 28, 1797. 1710. Elijah, b. q¦^ly IS, iSQO; d. July 29, 1800, in Chelmsford. FIFTH GENERATION. 119 1711. Hannah, b. July 13, 1800; d. Oct. 28, 1801, in Chelrasford. 1712. Nathaniel-Hutchinson, b. July 11, 1805; d. unraarried. 1713. Varnum [4042], b. AprU 16, 1808. 1714. Mary- Ann, b. Nov. 25, 1811 ; d. Nov. 8, 1821, in Chelmsford. 1715. HeneyS [626] (John*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi) , b. May 25, 1764, in Chelmsford, Ms., where he d. about 1830, aged 62; m. Lydia Proctor, daughter of Lieutenant Elijah Proctor, of Chelms ford, Ms., Dec. 22, 1791 ; she d. 1840, aged 69, in LoweU, Ms. 1716. Lydia, b. Jan. 26, 1798; d. May 5, 1806. 1717. Harriet, b. June 28, 1804; she lived and died in Lowell, Ms. 1718. Henry [4050], b. Oct. 18, 1806. 1719. Adams [4051]. 1720. Maria, b. ; m. Simeon S. Stewart. 1721. Madison, b. May 5, 1818. 1722. Olivers [628] (John*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 1, 1769, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Aug. 11, 1825, at Milford, N. H. He held a commission for nine years as lieutenant in the New Hampshire militia. He came to Milford, N. H., from Chelmsford, Ms. ; 1st, m. Eunice Brown, of Concord, Ms. ; she was b. June 21, 1774 ; d. Sept. 9, 1821, at Milford, N. ^I. ; 2d, m. Mary Carmel, at Milford, N. H. ; she was b. Mar. 15, 1777 ; d. Aug. 2, 1867, at Waltham, Ms. 1723. Eunice, b. Sept. 30, 1796 ; m. Calvin AveriU, Oct. 18, 1814, at MUford, N. H. ; he was b. Sept. 18, 1787; she d. Oct. 9, 1868. 1724. Nancy-Whitney, b. Dec. 8, 1800; ra. Ebenezer Pearson, June 6, 1826, at MUford, N. H. ; she d. Sept. 23, 1859. 1725. Susan, b. Nov. 7, 1806 ; m. Dimon Pearson, June 1, 1830, at Mil ford, N. H. 1726 Sampsons [630] (John*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 1, 1775, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Feb. 19, 1835, aged 60, in Billerica, Ms. He left a will, in which, he mentioned his children, Hannah, Benjamin A., Martha R., Sarah .1., and Andrew .1. ; m. Susanna Skinner, of Billerica, Ms., March 27, 1804 ; she d. Aug. 1, 1849, aged 69, in Billerica. 1727. Hannah-Adams, b. Nov. 5, 1805; d. Nov. 21, 1805. 1728. Mary-Herrick, b. Sept. 1, 1807 ; d. Dec. 23, 1837. 1729. Susanna-Eliza, b. Sept. 26,4810; d. Nov. 15, 1825. 1730. Hannah, b. July 20, 1812; d. Nov. 29, 1836. 1731 Beniamin- Adams, [4052], b. Jan. 20, 1816. 1732. Josiah-Skinner, b. May 30, 1817; d. May 38, 1817. 1733. Martha- Rebeckah, b. June 31, 1819; m. James- WiUingtonNorris, July 27, 1861, in Otturawa, Iowa; res. Ottumwa, Iowa. 1734. Sarah-Joan, b. July 21, 1821 ; d. July 27, 1841. 1735. Andrew-Josiah [4059], b. Sept. 1, 1828. 1736. Edwin-Sampson, b. Feb. 18, 1826; d. Jan. 21, 1828. 1737. Johns [537] (Lot*, JohnS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 3, 1788 ; d. March 24, 1851 ; res. Pelham, N. H. ; m. Sarah Per ham, of Tyngsboro', Ms., Nov. 20, 1823 ; she is still living. 1738. Sarah, b. Aug. 2, 1834; m. Josiah Fox, of Pelham, N. H., Oct. 18, 1845 ; she d. Oct. 18, 1846 ; left no children. 120 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1739. Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1828; m. PhUander WeUes, of Monckton, Vt., Dec. 17, 1844. 1740. John, b. Feb. 26, 1830; d. March 7, 1830. 1741. Joanna, b. Jan. 13, 1833; d. Oct. 1, 1834. - 1742. John-Lot [4062], b. Dec. 16, 1833. 1743. Williams [639] (Elijah*, WiUiamS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 28, 1733 ; d. Aug. 15, 1802. He emigrated from Sheflield, Berkshire Co., Ms., to Hubbardton, Vt., where he res. at the time of the Revolutionary war. In 1777, the battle of Hubbardton was fought, and our troops defeated. He then retm-ned to Sheflfleld, and remained there until after peace was declared in 1784. when he went back to Hubbardton, where he d. ; m. Mary Shedd ; she was b. Aug. 25, 1740 ; she d. April 10, 1807. Another authority gives Mary Camp as the name of his wife, but it is evidently a mistake, as the old family Bible, in the possession of Mrs. Mary E, Way, Almont, Mich., gives the above record. 1744. Hiram [4065]. 1746. WiUiam [4072], b. May 3, 1768. 1746. Zebulon [4074], b. June 4, 1770. 1747. Martha, b. ; 1st, m. Davis ; 2d, m. William HUl. 1748. Polly, b. ; m. Sylvanus Slawson. 1749. TheophilitsS [641] (Elijah*, WiUiamS, Andrew", Ed wardi), it,_ . j.gg_ Sheffield, Ms., where he d. 1750. Jedediah, b. ; d. young. 1751. Hannah, b. ; m. David Burrell. 1 752. Jonathans [642] (Elijah*, WiUiamS, Andrew^, Edwardi), b ; m. 1753. Electa, b. - — ; m. Reuben Hickock, Oct. 9, 1788 ; they went to Vernon, N. Y. 1754. Elijahs [644] (Elijah*, WiUiamS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. ; went to Hoosick, N. Y. ; m. Deborah Scribner. 1756. Asa [4081], b. Jan. 24, 1771. 1756. Dyer [4086], b. July 14, 1777. 1757. Margaret, b. ; m. Philip Harrington ; res. and d. in Hoosick, N. Y. ' 1758. Sally, b. ; ra. Zeeb Lee; res. and d. in Schaghticoke, Rens selaer Co , N. Y. 1759. Jonathan [4093], b. Jan. 21, 1779. 1760. Roswell [4104], b. June 23, 1783. 1761, Sibyl, b. ; ra. Thomas Ford, in Hoosick, N. Y.; moved to Stedman, N. Y., and, whUe on a visit to Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y., d. 1762. Eliza, b. ; m. Beverly Chase ; res. and d. In Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y. 1763. David [4110], b. Aug. 25, 1793. 1764. ZebulonS [645] (Elijah*, WiUiamS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 3, 1753 ; d. May 26, 1840, aged 88 ; m. Rhoda Dewey, AprU 23, 1801 ; she was b. Aug. 8, 1766 ; she d. April 3, 1838. FIFTH GENERATION. 121 1765. Silas-Dewey [4120], b. Feb. 16, 1802. 1766. Sally-Persis, b. Feb. 16,1802; ra. James-CatUn Bartholomew, Nov. 17, 1830: res. Granby, Conn.; she d. June 27, 855. 1767. Myron, b. Aug. 7, 1805 ; d. AprU 8, 1841. 1768. Chester [4125], b. Jan. 25, 1807. 1769. Rhoda-Jane, b. Sept. 4, 1809; d. June 7, 1848, unmarried; res. in Sheffield, Ms. 1770. Josephs [646] (Elijah*, WiUiamS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 6, 1757 ; he removed to Attica, N. Y., about 1811, where he d. July 26, 1823. His father d. when he was flve years old, and his mother a few years after. He lived among his brothers until fifteen, then went to live with a widow Sears, in Sandisfield, Ms., until he was thirty-two years old. He then married, and went to Hubbardton, Vt., about 1793 ; m. Eleanor Camp, 1785, in Sandisfield, Ms. ; she was b. March 25, 1762, in or near New London, Conn. ; she d. June 24, 1830, in Alexander, N. Y. 1771. Parna, b. Nov. 8, 1793, in Hubbardton, Rutland Co., Vt. ; m. Dan iel Clark, Jan 19, 1820, in Attica, N. Y. ; he was b. Jan. 19, 1793 ; he d. July 4, 1825, in Bethany, N. Y. 1772. Sally, b. May 8, 1797 ; d. Aug. 11, 1797. 1773. Benjamins [647] (PUijah*, WiUiamS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 6, 1757 ; res. and d. in Sheffield, Ms. ; he was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and drew a pension ; m. Hannah Haskins, Oct. 9, 1783. " They all went from town some years ago, except Lucy, who d. in ShefiBeld." [Letter of Chester Spalding, Shpffl,dd.] 1774. Nathaniel [4138], b. March 24, 1784. 1775. Abigail, b. ; ra. Augustus Garrett. 1776. Lucy. b. ; m. Richard Spalding [6007], of Laurens, N. Y. 1777. Alraa, b. ; m. Sweet. 1778. BenoniS [659] (Asa*, Benonis, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 18, 1760, in Billerica, Ms.; d. Sept. 25, 1839; m. Lydia Duren, of Acton, April 1, 1790 ; she d, March 3, 1862, aged 95 yrs. 1 mo. 3 days, leaving 12 children, 62 grandchildren, more than 100 great-grandchildren, and some of the flfth generation. She retained her mental faculties to the last of her life. 1779. Asa [4142], b. June 25, 1790. 1780. Lydia, b. Sept. 20, 1791; ra. Jonas Brown, of BiUerica, Ms., May 7, 1811; shed. 1818; res. Billerica, Ms. 1781. Anna, b. Feb. 11, 1793; m. John Duren, of BiUerica, Ms., Feb. 10, 1819; she d. Feb. ; res BiUerica. 1782. Benoni [4150], b. Oct. 10, 1794. 1783. Abby, b. Aug. 15, 1796 ; ra. Anauiah Bohannon, of BiUerica, Ms., Oct. 1838; he d. May 23, 1859; she d. Aug. 24, 1856, leaving no children. 1784. Sally, b. April 80, 1798 ; 1st, m. Benjamin Searles, of Nashua, N.'H., Dec. 1828; res. Nashua; he d. Jan. 1858; 2d, m. Samuel Jenkins, of Bradford, Ms., Nov. 22, 1853; res. Bradford; he d. Sept. 10, 1850; 3d, m. Rodney Brown, April 17, 1860; she d. May 25, 1870. 1785. Abraham [4158], b. May 16, 1800. 122 ' THE SPALDING MEMORIAIj. 1786. Benjamin, b. Oct. 24, 1802; d. Oct. 30, 1828; unmarried. 1787. Olive, b. ,Tuly 3, 1805 ; ra. Edward Spalding [4178], Oct. 31, 1824. ¦ 1788. Warren, b. Feb. 9, 1807; d. Sept. 25, 1818. 1789. -Isaac, b. June 26, 1809; d. Jan. 22, 1810. 1790. Jacob [4168], b. .Tune 26, 1809. 1791. ThomasS [663] (Asa*, Benonis, Andrew", Edwardi), b. T)ec. 25, 1770 ; d. June 30, 1849 ; res. in Carlisle, Ms. ; afterwards removed to Billerica, about 1800 ; m. Prudence Shed, of BUlerica, JMs, Jan. 29, 1792. First three children bom in Carlisle, the others in Billerica, Ms. 1792. Rebecca, b. March 11, 1795 ; m. David Simonds, of Alexandria, N. H. ; pub. March 28, 1822 : she d. 1862. 1793. Thomas, Jr., b. July 11, 1797; ra. Harriet Houseley, of Boston, Ms. ; had no issue ; he d. April 6, 1850, aged 52 yrs. 8 mos. 15 days. 1794. Esther, b. Sept. 3, 1799 ; ra. WUliam Duren, of BiUerica, Ms., March 21, 1824; she d. 1828. 1795. Hannah, b. July 25, 1801 ; m. SUas Dudley, of Bedford ; she d. 1828 1796. Edward [4178], b. March 26, 1808. 1797. Asa, b. Aug. 28, 1805 ; m. Adaline Nichols, of Carlisle, Oct. 22, 1829 ; had no issue. . 17.9^. Sibyl, b. Feb. 14, 1808 ; m. Samuel-R. Duren, of Woburn, Ms., Dec. 13, 1826; shed. 1856. SIXTH GEXEEATION, 1799. Johns [667] (JohnS, Samuel*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. ; d. June 18, 1801 ; m. Sarah NeweU ; she d. Dec. 30, 1815, aged 81. They are said to have had four sons and four daughters, but the children are not given in the order of their births. 1800. Arial [4184], b. about 1764; d. Oct. 11, 1824, aged 60. 1801. Williara [4194], b. Feb. 28,1782; removed to Fort Ann, N. Y.; d. there. 1802. Abiram [4202], b. ; removed to Fort Ann, N. Y. ; d. there. 1803. John [4203], b. Nov. 18, 1787. 1804. Rebecca, b. ; m. Daniel Mix ; she d. June 4, 1801, in Canaan, Conn. 1806. Hannah, b. ; ra. Bruce; removed to Egremont, Ms. 1806. Sally, b. ; m. Pierce; removed to Claverack, Columbia Co , N. Y. 1807. Luranah, b. ; m. Benjamin Kellogg; she d. in Cazenovia, Madison Co.,N. Y. 1808. Josephs [668] (JohnS, Samuel*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. about 1744 ; d. Feb. 25, 1840, aged 96 ; he was buried in the churchyard, in Middletown, Vt. He removed from Middletown, Conn., to Middletown, Vt., in 1782. He was then thirty-six years of age. In 1784, he surveyed and laid out the town, and gave to it its present name. He taught the first school in town. He was an old teacher in Connecticut, and during his life taught more than forty winters. His last school he taught when more than seventy-five years of age. He was in the Revolutionary army, and received the commission of lieutenant, and acted as adjutant. He was the captain of the first company of mUitia in Middletown, Vt., and in 1786, he started, with his men, when ordered to sustain the courts at Rutland. He was the first representative of the town in the General Court of Vermont. He was a candid, judicious, intelligent, Christian man. At the time of his death he could read without the use of spectacles. 1st, m. Huldah Hubbard, Nov. 19, 1766 ; she d. Jan. 17, 1822, aged 82 ; 2d, m. Thankful Mehurin. 1809. Joseph [4209], b. Aug. 15, 1767. 1810. Lucy, b. May 9, 1769 ; m. William Buckingham. 1811. Jeremiah [4331], b. Feb. 3, 1771. 1812. John [4331], b. Oct. 1, 1773. 1813. Sally, b. June 24, 1774 ; d. young. 121 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1814. Huldah, b. AprU 9, 1776; m. Heman Whitney, April, 1797; res. Stillwater, N. Y., untU 1836. 1816. Abel [4237]. 1816. Esther, b. ; d. young. 1817. Hannah. 1818. EzekielS [574] (JedediahS, Samuel*, JohnS, ,Tohn", Ed-, wardij, b Mar. 18, 1734, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. 1809 ; left five sons and flve daughters. The daughters all married and had large families. He removed from Plainfleld, Conn., to Georgetown, Lincoln Co., Me., in the year 1764. The children are not arranged in the order of their births. 1819. Ezekiel [4246]. 1820. Samuel [4253]. 1821. Williara [4256], b. about 1775. 1822. John [4262], b. May 17, 1777. 1823. Asa [4264]. 1824. Polly, b. ; m. PhiUp Rackliff, of Lincolnville, Me. 1825. Huldah. 1836. Zehnda. 1837. Peggy. 1838. Betsey. 1829. TimothyS [675] (Jedediahs, Samuel*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. Feb. 16, 1737, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. 1822. He removed from Plainfield, Conn., to the town of Georgetown, Lincoln Co., Maine, Jn the year 1764. He removed from New Meadows to Thomaston, Maine, in 1 78 S ; m. Margaret Mathews. 1830. Jedediah [4366], b. about 1765. 1831. Sarah, b. Oct. 1767; 1st, ra. Anthony Mathews; pub. Dec. 25, 1788 ; he d. 1790-1 ; res. So. Thoraaston and Hope, Me. ; 2d, m. Daniel Snow; pub. Sept. 25, 1798; after 2d ra. removed to Lincoln, Me. 1833. James [4277], b. Aug. 23, 1768, at Phippsburgh, Me. 1838. Ruth, b. ; m. Capt. John Bryant; res. So. Thomaston, Maine. 1834. SamdelS [676] (Jedediahs, Samuel*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. Mar. 26, 1749, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; m. Joanna Kee, June 11, 1770. 1835. Lemuel [4287], b. Sept. 18, 1771. 1836. AbigaU, b. Oct. 27, 1773; d. 1840; unmarried. 1837. Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1775 ; d. Oct. 7, 1854 ; unraarried. 1838. Jedediah, b. Nov. 13, 1777. 1839. Sarauel, b. May 1, 1781; d. June 26, 1816; res. Plainfield, Conn., on the road to Sterling Hill. 1840. Lois, b. Jan. 20, 1784; ra. Asa Burroughs. 1841. Joanna [7662], b. June 25, 1787; d. Feb. 1, 1852. 1842. AsaS [677] (Jedediahs, Samuel*, JohnS, John",. Ed- wardi), b. Oct. 6, 1751, in Plainfleld, Conn.; d. Feb. 21, 1811; res. Stonington, Conn. He studied medicine with Elisha Perkins, of Plainfleld, Conn. ; then with Joseph Perkins, at Norwich, Conn. He went to Stonington, Conn., about the year 1770, and began SIXTH GENERATION. 125 practice. He was at the siege of Fort Griswold. He was ordained as an evangelist, in the Baptist denomination He preached, but never occupied the position of pastor. He was highly esteemed as a man and a physician ; m. Lucy York, daughter of John and Anna York, of Stonington, Conn., May 5, 1774 ; she was b. Aug. 23, 1758 ; d. Sept. 17, 1843, aged 86. Children all b. in Stonington, Conn. Son, b. Feb. 28, 1775 ; d. Mar. 7, 1775. 1843. Lucy, b. AprU 6, 1776; ra. Rev. Asher Miner, Nov. 1790; he d. Sept. 1836; she d. Sept. 17, 1843, aged 85 years; res. Stoning ton, Conn. 1844. Asa [4294]. b. Sept. 20, 1778. 1846. Jedediah [4805], b. Aug. 3, 1780. 1846. Nancy, b. Jan. 12, 1783 ; m. Capt. Thoraas Baldwin, AprU 16, 1801; he d. July 26, 1843, aged 66; she d. Aug. 6, 1866, aged 83 years. 1847. Jolin, b. Aug, 14, 1788 ; res. North Stonington, Conn. ; unmarried. 1848. Mary, b. Oct. 11, 1787; m. Dr. Shefleld Smith, 1804; she d. July 28, 1859. 1849. Araanda, b. Mar, 16, 1790; m. Hezekiah Baldwin, Mar. 22, 1812; res. New Baltimore, Green Co , N. Y. 1850. Martha, b. Aug. 26, 1792; m. Elisha Baldwin, Dec. 8,1808; res. Pitcher, N. Y. They had 13 children, and 11 lived to manhood and womanhood. 1851. Thoraas, b. Jan. 3. 1795; d. Aug. 19, 1808, aged 13 years. 1852. Benjamin [4306], b. Jan. 12, 1797. 1853. Lydja, b. Aug. 81, 1799; m. Adam StiUman, Mar. 18, 1824; he d. May 26, 1845 ; res. in Westerly, R. I., where his widow still lives. 1854. Daniel-Brown [4307], b. Sept. 7, 1802. 1855. Eunice, b. Feb. 7, 1805 ; m. Thacher Brown, 1821. 1856. Stephens [678] (Jedediahs, Samuel*, JohnS, John", Ed- .vardi), b. Aug. 19, 1754 ; d. Sept. 25, 1807 ; res. Plainfleld, Conn. ; n. Sarah Keigwin, of Voluntown, Conn., Feb. 1, 1782 ; she was b. \ug. 1759; d. Aug. 2, 1823. 1857. Nancy, b. May 10, 1783; d. Aug. 1856; unmarried. 1858. Cyril [4312], b. Nov. 9, 1784; d. Dec. 31, 1850. 1869. Joseph [4324], b. May 15, 1787. 1860. Stephen [4329', b. Feb. 19, 1792. 1861. Daniel [4336], b. July 16, 1795. 1862. Lj'man [4340], b. Mar. 30, 1799. 1863. Joanna. 1864. DanielS [679] (Jedediahs, Samuel*, JohnS, John", Ed ward'), b. Dec. 18, 1757, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Jan. 4, 1852, in Westerlo, N. Y. He removed from Plainfleld, Conn., to Stephen- town, N. Y., in the winter or early spring of 1792. He lived here two or three years, and then moved to Coeymans, N. Y., and the part of the town where he lived became a part of Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y. ; m. Mercy Hewit, Nov. 18, 1781 ; she was b. Nov. 14, 1758, in Preston, Conn. ; d. Feb. 6, 1828, in Westerlo, N. Y, 1865. Daniel [4346], b. April 25, 1784, in Plainfleld, Conn. 1866. Mary, b. June 17, 1786, in Stonington, Conn.; m. David Foster, Jan. 3, 1807; shu.d. AprU 3, 1850, at New Scotland, N. Y. 126 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1867. William, b. Sept. 18, 1791, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Oct. 80, 1792. 1868. Betsey, b. Sept. 21, 1794, in Stephentown, N. Y. ; unraarried and still living. 1869. Moses [4362,] b. Nov. 22, 1800, in Coeymans, N. Y. 1870. SiLAsS [681] (Philips, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. June 24, 1751, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. 1839; res. Roxbury, Vt. He was deacon in the Baptist church ; he was a private in the Conn. State troops during the Revolution, and drew a pension ; m. Alice Bliss ; she died about the time he removed to Roxbury, Vt. 1871. Alice, b. 1779; ra. Charles Cotton; d. 1881; res. Roxbury, Vt. 1872.' Sarauel- Bliss [4353], b. 1780. 1873. Silas, b. 1783 ; res. Lenox, N. Y. ; a Baptist clergyman. 1874. Lucy, b. 1786; m. Samuel Porter; d. ; res. Theresa, N.Y. 1876. Betsey, b. Feb. 17, 1788; m. Darius Spalding [4395]; d ; res. Roxbury, Vt. 1876. Champions [682] (PhUipS, Jonathan*, JohnS, JohnS, Ed wardi), b. Sept. 23, 1753 ; d. Sept. 7, 1846. He removed to Clare mont, N. H., and became a deacon ; his remains lie buried in Claremont, in the grounds near Trinity Church. He had a son Champion, who was in the army during the war of 1812, and died at a fort near Portsmouth, N. H. His remains were brought to Plainfield, N. H. He was very much respected. Dr. Spalding, of Claremont, was also a son of Dea. Champion Spalding ; m. Ruth Stevens ; she d. July, 1843. 1877. Lois, b. Sept. 15, 1781; m. Waldo, a clergyman; she d. Oct. 19, 1837 ; res. Orange, N. H. 1878. Experience, b. May 11, 1783 ; d. AprU 15, 1786. 1879. Solon, b. Nov. 30, 1784 ; d. Dec. 14, 178'4. 1880. Celinda, b. Dec. 6, 1786 ; ra. John Hunt ; res. Claremont, N. H. ; she d. May 25, 1856. 1831. Champion, b. Jan. 2, 1788 ; d. Oct. 38, 1814. 1882. OUve, b. Feb. 28, 1790; m. Chase; she d. May 11, 1828; res. Cornish, N. H. 1883. Colt, b. AprU 20, 1792 ; d. Oct. 18, 1800. 1884. John-Stevens [4357], b. Feb. 9, 1794. 1885. Annah, b. Feb. 15, 1796 ; m. Adams, a clergyman ; sha d. Nov. 26, 1862; res. Whitesboro', N. Y. 1886. Lyman, b. April 4, 1798 ; res. Plainfleld, N. H. ; became insane. 1887. , Ruthey, b. AprU 3, 1800; m. Brown; she d. Jan. 6, 1841; res. Little Falls, N.Y. 1888. Capt. Philips [683] (PhUipS, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 22, 1755, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. Jan. 29, 1847 ; he had two wives. His farm in Plainfleld, N. H., adjoined that of his brother Champion. He was captain of a trainband for sev eral years, and an officer in the Revolutionary army, and a pen sioner. He lived and died on the same farm, was a man of influence, and a wise counsellor ; 1st, m. Thankful Waterman, June 24, 1779, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; she was b. Oct. 30, 1760, and d. Jan. 22, 1821 ; 2d, m. Dorcas Baker, 1823 ; she was the widow of Dr. Oliver Baker, of Chesterfleld, N. H. All the chUdren, but the oldest, born in flainfleld, N. H. SIXTH GENERATION. 127 1889. Waterman [4364], b. Oct. 5, 1779, in Plainfleld, Conn. 1890. LoveweU [4875], b. Nov. 24, 1780. 1891. Nancy, b. Feb. 22, 1782; ra. Joseph Joslyn, Feb. 8, 1808; raoved to Waitsfleld, Vt. ; she d. March 13, 1813; he d. about 1865, aged nearly 90. 1892. Parnel, b. Jan. 31, 1784 ; d. AprU 2, 1806 ; unmarried. 1893. Bezaleel-Gates [4382], b. June 4, 1786. 1894. Orpha-M., b. Dec. 17, 1787; m. Andrew WUson, 1815; res. Kill ingly, Conn. 1895. Rhobey, b. Mar. 26, 1794; m. Dr. Ira Hunter, June 13, 1812; he d. Nov. 9, 1856, aged 71; his widow now lives in Sidney Centre, N. Y., with her daughter, Mrs. Rhobey H. Winans, wife of Isaac Winans. Dr. Hunter studied his profession with Dr. Ellas Frost, of Uxbridge, Ms. ; practised medicine in Roxbury, Vt., and Franklin, N.Y. 1896. Charlotte, b. Jan. 37, 1796 ; m. Ezra Waterman, Jan. 1, 1824 ; they Uved in Royalton, Vt. ; from there they moved to Hart- land, Vt., where she d. Dec. 26, 1867. 1897. Rosamond-Harris, b. Feb. 17, 1800 ; ra. James Hall, March 16, 1825 ; she d. Mar. 29, 1837 ; res. Plainfleld, N. H. An infant, b. 1802. 1898. DakiusS [685] (Philips, Jonathaii*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. July 24, 1760, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. May 13, 1835 ; res. Roxbury, Vt. , He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war ; a private in the Conn. State troops, and drew a pension ; 1st, m. Hannah Ingram, 1782 ; she d. May 19, 1814 ; 2d, m. Mary Fenton, May 10, lfcl7. 1899. Richmond [4894], b. May 24, 1784. 1900. Darius [4395], b. July 24, 1786. 1901. John-M. [4402], b. Nov. 14, 1788. 1902. Hannah, b. Oct. 35, 1790 ; m. Asa Simonds. 1903. Clarissa, b. Jan. 19, 1793 ; m. Josiah Clark. 1904. Samnel-G., b. AprU 34, 1795 ; d. May 13, 1835. 1905. Philip [4403], b. May 6, 1797. 1906. Erastus [4404], b. Juue 14, 1799. 1907. Allen [4405], b. Aug. 13, 1804. 1908. Elkanan [4412], b. June 11, 1807. 1909. EUza, b. Aug. 10, 1810; ra. Huntley Young, Jan. 1833. 1910. PaenelS [688] (Philips, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. 1767, in Plainfield, Conn. ; res. Sterling, Conn. 1911. David-S. [4413], b. 1796. 1913. James [4422], b. 1779. 1913. Charles-S. [4431], b. 1801. 1914. ChablesS [689] (PhiUpS, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. June 20, l769, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Oct. 17, 1850; res. Plainfleld, Conn. ; m. Lydia AUen, of Killingly, Conn., Dec. 26, 1801 ; she d. Nov. 6, 1849. 1916. Cordis [4439], b. March 11, 1804. 1916. Morey-Burgess [4442], b. Sept. 17, 1807. 1917. Nathan [4448], b. June 5, 1809. 1918. CaroUne, b. Feb. 17, 1811 ; m. Peter Farnham, Jan. 26, 1852; res. Philadelphia, Penn. 1919. Louisa, b. May 11, 1813; m. WUUam Kenyon, Oct. 21, 1852; he d. July 1, 1867 ; res. Plainfleld, Conn. 128 THE SPADLING MEMORIAL. 1920. Lo visa, b. May 11, 1813; m. Alston Weaver, Oct. 19, 1834; he d. Sept. 11, 1865; res. New Hartford, Conn. 1921. Phebe-Goff, b. Nov. 1, 1814; ra. John -William Grovesnor, June 24, 1838; he d. AprU 10, 1862; res. Pomfret, Conn. 1922. Nathans [690] (Philips, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Ed ward'), b. June 20, 1769, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Sept. 30, 1844, in. Pawlet, Vt. ; res. Danby, Vt. ; he lived in Pittsford, Vt., three years ; 1st, m. Elizabeth HiU, Dec. 4, 1792 ; she d. Nov. 23, 1818, in Danby, Vt. ; 2d, m. Catherine Mahan, of Pawlet, Vt., Mar. 18, 1821. Children all born in Danby, Vt. 1923. Deborah, b. June 13, 1795 ; she d. July 23, 1821, in Danny, Vt. 1924. Sally, b. Deo. 3, 1797; ra. Oratus Hulitt, Sept. 20, 1820; she d. March 20, 1829, in Danby, Vt. 1925. Philip [4454], b. Dec. 29, 1799. , 1926. Rhobey, b, AprU 7. 1802; ra. WiUiara Rogers, of Tinmouth, Vt., Dec. 25, 1821 ; she d. Jan. 27, 1826, in Danby, Vt. 1927. Oren [4460], b. Oct. 9, 1804. 1928. Aden, b. Jan. 16, 1808 ; d. July 8, 1850, in Pawlet, Vt.. unraarried. 1929. Phebe, b. Mar. 7, 1811 ; m. Reuben Fisk, of Danby, Vt., Dec. 24, 1829 ; res. Wonewoc, Wis. 1930. Eunice, b. Sept. 15, 1813 ; ra. Daniel Fisk, of Danby, Vt., Jan, 27, 1830; she d. in Wonewoc, Wis., AprU 3, 1860. 1931. CdetisS [694] (Philips, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), lb. Mar. 16, 1781, in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. June 14, 1866, aged 85 ; res. De Kalb, N. Y. ; m. Phila Sprague, of Cooperstown, N. Y., May 22, 1803 ; she d. Dec. 7, 1863, aged 80. 1932. Martha, b. Feb. 8, 1804 ; m. James Burnett, of De Kalb, Mar. 24, 1829 ; res. De Kalb, N. Y. 1933. Charles [4465], b. Feb 26, 1806. 1934. Louisa, b. June 27, 1808; m. Sylvanus-Simon Green, July 10, 1835 ; res. Berry, Mich. 1985. Schuyler, b. May 14, 1810; d. June 2, 1837, at Fort EurweU, Can ada; unmarried. 1936. Otis [4469], b. Sept. 6, 1812. 1937. John [4472], b. July 3, 1814. 1938. Alexander [4477], b. Nov. 28, 1816. 1939. Chloe. b. Sept. 1, 1818; 1st, ra. WiUiam-Alexander Parker, of Hermon, N. Y., Mar. 26, 1843; he d. Nov. 17, 1850; 2d, m. WU Uam Olsaver, of Haraburg, Mich., Dec. 9, 1851 ; res. Hamburg, Mich. 1940. Dwight, b. Jan. 12, 1821 ; d. April 2, 1837. 1941. Clarissa, b. Oct. 23, 1823 ; ra. John Hemenway, of De Kalb, N. Y. ; Sept. 9, 1844; res. De Kalb, N. Y. 1942. Wilson-Woodard [4483], b. Mar. 11, 1828. 1943. Lemira-Elsina, b. Sept. 20, 1830 ; 1st, ra. Charles-Jaraes Cahoon, of De Kalb, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1861; he d. Aug. 9, 1857; 2d, m. Andrew-Jackson Sawyer, of Hamburg, Mich., Dec. 28, 1866; res. Hamburg, Mich 1944. EzeaS [696] (Abels, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 11, 1751. He moved from Plainfleld, Conn., to Cornish, N. H., andd. there ; m. Lydia Fitch. The children are not given in the order of their births. SIXTH GENERATION. 129 1945. Roswell, b. — ; d. in Hartland, Vt. ; had three boys and two girls : , Hiram, Jesse, Fanny, Sarah. 1946. Lemuel, b. ; res. Westminster, Vt. 1947. William, b. ; res. unknown. 1948. Daniel-Fitch [4489], b. Oct. 13, 1781. 1949. Sarah, b. ; d. in Cornish, N. H. 1950. Fanny, b. ; res. Shipton, Canada East, whenlast heard from. 1951. AbelS [698] (AbeP, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1766. Nos. 1962-1955 dropped. See the record of this family at (9587). • 1956. SilasS [709] (DyerS, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. May 5, 1772, in Cornish, N. H. ; d. Sept. 20, 1844. He was a farmer, and passed his whole life in the house in which he was born, in Cornish, N. H. It was situated on the River road, two miles below the bridge which crosses the Connecticut to Wind sor, Vt. Having, at one time, been annoyed by a weasel that made many visits to his poultry yard, he determined to shoot it if possible. He found the weasel's home, and not far oflF lay a gos ling and a duck, which had just been killed. When the weasel put his head out of the hole, Mr. Spalding flred ; but the nimble creature had found time to run some distance, quite out of the range of the shot. Sanford, the son of Mr. Spalding, exclaimed, " Father ! that is not the way to shoot a weasel ; let me have the gun." So he took it, the animal, meantime, having gone home again ; and, aim ing at the hole, he fired ; the weasel was just coming out ; the shot entered his head, and he was dead in an instant. " Always flre at the spot a quarter of a second before the weasel comes to it ; that is the way to shoot a weasel, father." He m. Theodosia Holton, daughter of Samuel Holton, of Windsor, Vt., Jan. 29, 1799 ; she was b. Dec. 20, 1772, in Northfleld, Ms. ; d. Feb. 2, 1866, in Cor nish, N. H., aged 92 yrs. 1 m. 3 days. Children all born in Cornish, N. H. 1957. Sanford [4517], b. Mar. 30, 1800. 1958. Sophia, b. May 21, 1805 ; m. Thomas-GUbert Hayden, May 8, 1882. 1959. Lyman, b. Jan. 23, 1811 ; d. April 6, 1821, in Cornish, N. H. 1960. Orilla, b. Oct. 27, 1812; m. Horace-Grant-Powers Cross, Dec. 28, 1843 ; she d. June 15, 1845 ; no issue. 1961. Dr. LtmanS [710] (DyerS, Jonathan*, JohnS, John", Ed- .wardi), b. June 5, 1776, in Cornish, N. H. ; d. Oct. 30, 1821, in Portsmouth, N. H. He was graduated at Harvard University, in 1797, and com menced the study of medicine. In 1 798, while yet a student, he assisted Professor Nathan Smith in establishing the medical school at Dartmouth College, collected and prepared a chemical apparatus, delivered the first course of lectures on chemistry at the opening of the institution, and published a new nomenclature of chemistry, proposed by Messrs. de Morveau, Lavoisier, BerthoUet, and Four- croy, with additions and improvements. (1799.) His medical studies were afterwards continued at the medical schools of Cam- 130 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. bridge and PhUadelphia, and he entered upon the practice df medi cine at Portsmouth, N. H., in 1799. He devoted much attention to the study of the human structure, was a very skilful anatomist, and his admirable anatomical preparations, particularly of the lymphatics, are now in the cabinets of, our flrst institutions. In 1812, the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western Dis trict of the State of New York, at Fairfleld, Herkimer County, was incorporated. Doctor Spalding being elected president, and professor of anatomy and surgery, made annual visits to this school. In 1813, he removed to the city of New York, and a few years later resigned his position at the college. With Doctoi* Spalding originated the plan for the formation of the Pharma copoeia of the United States, by the authority of all the medical societies and medical schools in the Union. In January, 1817, he submitted the project to the New York County Medical Society ; in February, 1818, itwas adopted by the Medical Society of the State of New York, and ordered to be carried into execution by their com mittee, Doctor Spalding being one of the number. All the medical schools and societies appointed delegates, who at once commenced their labors, and the first edition of the work was published in 1820. To keep pace with the advance of medical science, a new edition is published every ten years. Dr. Spalding was a contributor to the New England Journal of Medicine, the New York Medical Reposi tory, Le Nouveau Journal de Medicin of Paris, and other medical and philosophical journals ; and besides several lectures and addresses, he published " Reflections on Fever, and particularly on the Inflam matory Character of Fever" (1817), " Reflections on Yellow Fever Periods" (1819), and "A History of the Introduction and Use of Scutellaria Lateriflora, as a remedy for preventing and curing hydrophobia "(1819). Doctor Spalding was active in introducing into the United States the practice of vaccination as a preventive of small pox, corresponding with Dr. Edward Jenner for that purpose. He was a trustee of the only free schools which New York then possessed, and aided in the establishment of the flrst Sunday schools in that city; m. Elizabeth Cowes, Oct. 9, 1802 ; she was the daughter of Peter Cowes, of Portsmouth, N. H. ; and d. June 2, 1838. 1962. Elizabeth-Parkhurst, b. Aug. 11, 1803. 1963. Adelaide-Cowes, b. Dec. 8, 1805; m. Joseph Foster, of Glouces ter, Ms., Sept. 2, 1838 ; res. Portsmouth, N. H. 1964. Lyman-Dyer [4522], b. July 2, 1810. 1965. Alfred-Peter, b. Dec. 27, 1815; d. Dec. 12, 1844, at sea. 1966. Edward-Jenner, b. Mar. 8, 1819 ; d. July 14, 1888. 1967, TimothyS [712] (EleazerS, Eleazer*, JohnS, John", Ed ward'), b. Nov. 16, 1741 ; res. in Cornish, N. H., on the next farm but one north of Col. Dyer Spalding. He was an old school-teacher ; m. Lucy Skillion, Dec. 35, 1766. 1968. Eunice, b. May 80, 1768. 1969. Lois, b. July 17, 1770. SIXTH GENERATION. 131 1970. Jonathan, b. July 25, 1772. 1971. David [4528], b. July 25, 1772. 1972. Esther, b. Sept. 16, 1774. 1973. Rachel, b. Jan. 9, 1777. 1974. Leonards [719], (EleazerS, Eleazer*, JohnS, John", Ed- wardi), b. Aug. 8, 1761 ; res. in Vermont ; m. Sarah Parkhurst, sister of Pearl Parkhurst. 1975. BarzilliaS [721] (Davids, Eleazer*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. April 11, 1757 ; reg. many years in Plainfleld, N. H. He was a private and drummer in the Conn, militia, in the Revolu tionary army, and drew a pension ; m. Elizabeth Spalding [1133]. 1976. Jared [4538], b. July 12, 1782. 1977. Annah, b. ' ; ra. — - Sinclair ; went West. 1978. EUzabeth, b. ; ra. Joseph Call; went West. 1979. Levi [4545]. 1980. Ozias [4550]. 1981. Alvah [4555]. 1982. John [4560], b. Aug. 21, 1796. 1983. Lucinda. 1984. PhineasS [725] (Davids, Eleazer*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. Mar. 15, 1766 ; m. Bethiah Rich, Nov. 26, 1786. The chUdren of Phineas and Bethiah are all dead but Bnos. 1986. Aquilla [4662], b. Sept. 10, 1787. 1986. AbigaU, b. Nov. 8, 1790; m. Zebina Spalding [4497]. 1987. WUliam, b. Oct. 3, 1792. 1988. EUsha [4569], b. Juhe 3, 1793. 1989. Calvin [4574], b. AprU 19, 1795. 1990. Phineas [4578], b. May 12, 1797. 1991. Enos [4581], b. AUg. 3, 1799. 1992. Ruth, b. Dec. 7, 1802; ra. Samuel Spalding [4611]. 1993. Bethiah, b. July 1, 1806 ; m, Joshua Dodge. 1994. Olivers [731] (Benaiahs, WiUiam*, JohnS, John", Ed wardi), b. May 31, 1751 ; m. 1995. Barness [4592]. 1996. Alfred, b. ; unmarried. 1997. Phebe, b-. ; m. Kingsley, of Plainfleld, Conn. 1998. Asahel, b. -; unmarried. 1999. Shubael, b. ; unmarried. 2000. EdwardS [735] Stephens, Edward*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. Sept. 19, 1732 ; res. Providence, R. I , where he died; m. Audery Staflbrd. 2001. Edward [4597]. 2002. John [4598]. 2003. Almy, b. ; ra. Sheldon, and had four chUdren, two sons and two daughters. 2004, DavisS [738] (Stephens, Edward*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. Jan. 16, 1740 {Tcmn Records), June 27, 1740 {Old Bible Records) ; d. Mar. 16, 1817 ; res. in Killingly, Conn. ; m. Sarah Denison, Dec. 20, 1764 ; she was b. Feb. 5, 1745 ; d. Mar. 16,1817. 132 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2005. WUlard, b. Oct. 20, 1765; d. Sept. 18, 1784; unmarried. 2006. Stephen [4599], b. Sept. 13, 1767. 2007. Mary, b. June 11, 1770; m. Zadoc Eaton, Oct. 16 or 17, 1793; she d. Dec. 21, 1796; res. Killingly, Conn. 2008. Zadoc [4608], b. Aug. 39, 1773. 2009. Hannah, b. Feb. 7, 1776 ; 1st, m. Jesee BushneU ; 2d, m. Archelaus White. 2010. Sarah, b. April 29, 1777 ; m. Zadoc Eaton, widower of Mary, Nov. 1797, Thanksgiving evening; she d. May 16, 1807; res. KU Ungly, Conn. 2011. Awdry, b. June 11, 1780; m. Diah BushneU (her name is some times written Audery) ; res. Lisbon, Conn. 2012. Ezekiel [4622], b. May 26, 1782. 2013. Almy, b. Feb. 7, 1785 ; m. Ezra-Hutchins Keyes, Mar. 1804 ; res. New York State. 2014. EUzabeth, b. Aug. 20, 1787 ; m. John Danielson, Sept. 29, 1812. 2015. Nathaniels [739] (Stephens, Edward*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 19, 1742 ; d. Feb. 1823 ; res. Killingly, Conn. His father, Stephen, gave to Nathaniel 70 acres of land, dated East Killingly, Jan. 19, 1771 ; m. Abilene Grover ; she d. Feb. 1823. 2016. Lucy, b. 1766; she d. Nov. 15, 1802; Mrs. Mary E. demons has a piece of ornamental penmanship, executed by Lucy, dated Jan. 1789, giving her age 23. 2017. Simon [4629], b. April 20, 1772. 2018. John [4634], b. Nov. 26, 1776. 2019. Gen. SimonS [745] (SimonS, Edward*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), x,. Jan. 16, 1742 ; d. Jan. 24, 1814. The colony of Conn, claimed, by virtue of its charter, a tract of land in Penn., over 120 miles in length and 60 in breadth. . Under this claim, the Susquehanna Company was formed in 1754, at Hartford, and purchased land on the Susquehanna River, of the Indians, and for many years there was a gradual emigration in progress from Conn. Among the emigrants was Simon Spalding, who removed to Wyoming with his family, at an early period of its settlement. His marriage, and the births of his three oldest chU dren, are recorded in Plainfleld, Conn. So that we infer he left soon after 1771. He removed from Wyoming with his family, and settled in Sheshequin, Bradford Co., Penn., May 30, 1783. In command of his company, he was with Gen Sullivan in his expe dition in 1779 ; and at that time, as the army passed through Sheshequin valley, he was so impressed with the appearance and location of the place, that he resolved to make it his future resi dence. He flrst bought of the Susquehanna Company, under the Connecticut title ; and' farms were allotted to himself, his sons, and sons-in-law, in the upper part of the valley, extending from the river back to the mountain. He was a large man, of imposing and pleasing appearance. He was a captain in the Revolutionary war, and was commissioned general in the militia, after he removed to Sheshequin. The following is an invitation from Gen. Simon Sp#lding, to Judge Obadiah Gore and family, to attend the wed- SIXTH GENERATION. 133 ding of his youngest daughter, who was married to Col. Joseph Kingsbury, late of Sheshequin : — Fbbeuaky, yb 1st, 1797. Dear Sir : — This evening I expect to have my last daughter raarrled. Could you and Mrs. Gore, and-Mr. Avery and wife, raake it convenient to call between sundown and dark? I shall esteem it a favor. Your humble servant, Obadiah Gore and faraUy. Simon Spalding. He m. Ruth Shepherd, AprU 15, 1761. 2020. Sarah, b. Jan. 31, 1768; m. Joseph Kinney. 2031. John [4646], b. Nov. 14, 1765. . , . ^. 2032. Ruth, b. July 2, 1771 ; m. -7^- Hutchins.V 7-^^dtU/ 2023. Rebecca, b. Dec. 16, 1773; m. WUliam- Witter Spalding [2693]. 2024. Mary, b. July 20, 1776 ; ra. Moses Park, of Stonington, Conn. ; he was a Baptist minister, and preached to a small Baptist church in Sheshequin, of which Joseph Kinney was deacon. They, with many others, afterwards embraced Universalism. 2025. Anna, b. AprU 21, 1779; m. Col. Joseph Kingsbury, Feb. 1, 1797. 2026. George, b. Sept. 5, 1782 ; d. May 26, 1800. 2027. Chester-Pierce [4661], b. June 18, 1784. 2028. ZadocS [753] (WiUards, Edward*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), X). May 8, 1746, in Killingly, Conn ; res. Killingly, Conn. ; m. Hannah .Learned, Feb. 16, 1775. Children all died of consumption, and were never married. 2029. WiUard, b. Nov. 28, 1775, 2030. EUsha, b. Oct. 30, 1778. 2081. James, b, Sept. 29, 1780. 2032. Henry. 2033. Edward. 2034. Hannah. 2085. Olive. 2036. Mary. 2037. Stephens [764] (Josiahs, Josiah*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), 'b. July 23, 1748, in Canterbury, Conn. ; m. Dinah Brown, Oct. 24, 1771. 2038. Elijah, b. Feb. U, 1773; d, Feb. 12, 1773. 2039. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1774; d. AprU 1, 1774. 2040. Josiah, b. Feb. 15, 1776. 2041. Lydia, b. AprU 7, 1777. 2042. Sampsons [767] (Josiahs, Josiah*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), X). April 18, 1754, in Canterbury, Conn. ; m. Temperance Nott, June. 27, 1779 ; she was the daughter of Stephen and Debo rah (Selden) Nott, and was b. Mar. 10, 1760 ; she d. at OrweU, Vt., about 1807. She was the sister of Rev. Samuel Nott, who died in Franklin, Conn., May 26, 1852. 2043. Temperance, b. June 12, 1780. 2044. SimeonS [770] (Josiahs, Josiah*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. July 21, 1760, in Canterbury, Conn.; d. Aug. 25, 1836, aged 76 yrs. 1 mo. 4 days ; m. Saviah ; she d. Sept. 1, 1828, aged 5. 134 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2045. Sarah, b. Oct. 22, 17.82 ; d. Jan. 25, 1786. 2046. Joseph, b. Oct. 29, 1783; d. Jan. 20, 1825. 2047. Hannah, b. May 17, 1787 ; she d. Jan. 29, 1829. 2048. Elijah, b. Jan. 20, 1789. 2049. Lucy, b. April 14, 1791 ; d. May 6, 1791. 2060. Polly, b. Nov. 29, 1798; d. July 12, 1831. 2051. Benjamin, b. AprU 3, 1796; d. Mar. 25, 1796. 3063. Simeon [4666], b. July 8, 1797. 2053. Hiram, b. AprU 8, 1799; d. June 18, 1836. 2054. Lucy, b. May 13, 17— ; d. Aug. 27, 1813. 2065. JoEL-DoDGpS [771 -j (josiafas, Josiph*, Edwards, John", Edwai'di), b. AprU 21, 1767, in Canterbury, Conn.; d. July 15, 1844. He went to Rutland Co., Vermont, with an older brother, soon after the Revolutionary war, and settled in OrweU, Vt. ; m. Lovisa Kelsey ; she d. June 13, 1854. Infant son, b. ¦¦ ; d. in infancy. 2066. Eon-Alonzo [4668], b. Jan. 2, 1797. 2067. Harry [4672], b. Aug. 4, 1798. 2058. PhineasS [773] (PhineasS, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. Dec. 26, 1749, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. July 17, 1825, in Panton, Vt. He was driven from his farm, and went to Rutland, where he enUsted for six months ; in the spring of 1779 he went to Canaan, Conn. ; late in the fall of 1788, he came back to Panton ; he was once taken prisoner, as before related. Of his descendants bear ing his name, Isaac and John, children of a third wife, remain in Panton, Vt. ; 1st, m. ; 2d, m. Sai'ah Holcomb, daughter of Phineas Holcomb ; 3d, m. . 3059. Phineas [4680], b. Oct. 30, 1781, in Canaan, Conn, 2060. Isaac. 2061 . John. 2062. Philips [774.-] (PhineasS, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Ed- , wardi). Philip and his brother George were captured on his father's farm, Nov. 5, 1778, and carried to Canada in company with other prisoners. They, however, managed to escape ; and Philip, with some others, wandered in the woods 21 days, when they struck the Connecticut River at the Great Ox-bow, in Newbury, Vt. George was retaken and put in irons, but afterwards he was offered his liberty if he would flrst go one trip in a vessel to Great Britain. Stopping at some port in Ireland, he availed himself' of his per mission to go ashore with the crew, when he was taken by a press- gang, and nothing more is known of him. Philip, after his return, enUsted and served through the Revolutionary -war ; then married and moved on to the farm, on which his son, Hiram Spalding, now lives ; m. . 3063. Hiram. SIXTH GENERATION. 135 2064. TiMOTHxS [776] (PhmeasS, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi). In the fall of 1778, a large British force came up the lake in several vessels, and thoroughly scoured the country on both sides, and every house in Panton was burnt but one. Timothy Spal ding's house escaped, for some reason not known, although the enemy came to the front, while he was escaping at the back ; m. . 2065. Tiraothy, b. 1773 ; he was the first child born in Panton, Vt. 2066. HenryS [779] (PhineasS, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi). Isaac Spalding relates that a few years before his father's death, a traveller (jailed at his house, who claimed to have been in the engagement at the Bay, and that he was onp of the British soldiers who followed Arnold some ways on land ; that his comrade, Mac- Donald, unable to go farther, was carried into a deserted house ; and Spalding's father told him that when the famiUes came back, soon after, Henry Spalding found a dead body in his house. The flrst public town-meeting was held in Panton, Vt., Mar. 30, 1784. Noah Ferris, Benjamin Holcomb, and Henry Spalding were chosen selectmen. 2067. EdwardS [785] (Isaacs, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. June 13, 1761 ; d. Feb. 25, 1813, aged about 66, in Steuben Co., N. Y. He moved from Chemung Point to Seneca Co., N. Y., about 1798 ; m. AbigaU Salisbury, May 11, 1781 ; she was the daughter of Gideon SaUsbury, and was b. Jan. 18, 1764 ; she d. Mar. 18, 1843. 2068. Isaac [4692], b. Oct. 10, 1782. 2069. EUzabeth, b. Mar. 4, 1787; d. 2070. Phebe, b. Sept. 4, 1786 ; d. 3071. Samuel [4695], b. Sept. 33, 1788. 2072. PriscUla, b. July 22, 1790 ; d. 2073. Charlotte, b. June 19, 1792; d. 2074. William [4706], b. Jan. 25, 1794. 2075. WiUis [4714], b. Feb. 29, 1796. 2076. Edward, b. May 28, 1798. 2077. AbigaU, b. Feb. 28, 1800; d. 2078. Daniel [4715], b. Mar. 4, 1804. 2079. Moses, b. July 10, 1808; d. unmarried. 2080. .John [4726], b. Sept. 19, 1809. 2081. NehemiahS [787] (Isaacs, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. ; d. Aug. 19, 1830, in Yates, N. Y. ; m. Betsey Tubbs. 2082. Betsey, b. Mar. 15, 1790; m. Thomas Woodin, Dec. 28, 1814; she d. July 9, 1861, in Selby, Bureau Co., IU. ; he d. AprU 25, 1860, at the same place; they had eight children. 2083. WiUlara-Avery [4734], b. July 21, 1796, in Union, Broome Co., N. Y. 2084. Orange-Stoddard [4745], b. July 15, 1798, in Scipio, N. Y. 2085. Almond [4758], 136 THE SPALDING^ MEMORIAL. 2086. Henry [4754], b. July 26, 1809, in Scipio, N. Y., now Ledyard, ' N.Y. 2087. Sally, b. ; m. Henry Davis, in Aurelius, Cayuga Co., N. Y. 2088. Nancy, b. ; m. Asa Brown. 2089. Wealthy, b. ; d. quite young. ' 209Q. Ezras [738] (Isaacs, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), b. July 17, 1769, in Hinsdale, Mass. ; d. June 30, 1858 ; he m. in Hinsdale, Ms. ; moved from there to Guilderland, N, Y., and from thence to Fulton, Schoharie Co., N. Y., where he and his wife died ; m. Hannah Fitch, of Norwich, Conn. ; she was b. May 23, 1777 ; d. Mar. 20, 1826. 2091. Ezra [4767], b. Oct. 5, 1794, in Hinsdale, Ms. 2092. Lucy, b. Sept. 18, 1796, in Hinsdale, Ms. ; d. Feb. 3, 1804. 2093. Sally, b. March 16, 1809, in Guilderland, N. Y. ; m. George 01m- stead, Feb. 36, 1833. 2094. Isaac, b. Nov. 2, -1812, in GuUderland, N. Y. ; d. AprU 4, 1818. 2096. JeeemiahS [797] (Jeremiahs, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), b. May 14, 1761 ; d. May 2, 1847. He flrst settled in Schagticoke, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., near Lansingburg ; there they had seven children. He moved from there to the town of Wells, Montgomery Co., N. Y. It is now Hamilton Co. ; 1st, m. Elizabeth Dwelle, Jan. 16, 1783, at Scit uate, Ms. ; she was b. Sept. 18, 1762, in Scituate ; d. April 15, 1822, at Galway, N. Y. ; 2d, m. Mrs. Eunice Howard ; she was b. Nov. 23, 1760. The children were all by the flrst wife. 2096. Minerva, b. Nov. 26, 1783 ; m. Joel-Johnson Sweat, Sept. 9, 1801 ; he d. Aug. 3, 1857, aged 81; she d. Dec. 16, 1846; res. TuUy, Onondaga Co., N. Y. 2097. Sarah, b. Aug. 14, 1785 ; m. Lewis Olmstead, Mar. 30, 1806 ; res. Haraburg, Livingston Co., Mich. 2098. Catharine, b. Jan. 39, 1788; m. Hugh Veder. 2099. George [4763], b. April 29, 1789. 2100. Dwelle [4775], b. AprU 15, 1791. 2101. David [4784], b. Nov. 20, 1792. 2102. Clarissa, b. Oct. 7, 1794; m. Richard Veder, Mar. 9, 1816; res. Medina, Orleans Co., N. Y. 2103. Jeremiah [4792], b. Jan. 9, 1797. 2104. SUas, b. Sept. 29, 1798 ; d. Oct. 28, 1820. A son without a name, b. AprU 25, 1800 ; d. April 26, 1800. 2105. Isaac [4799], b. Mar. 18, 1801. A daughter, b. Mar. 16, 1803; d. young. 2106. Mary, b. Mar. 15, 1803; m. Hiram Case, June 4, 1828; res. Clinton, Wis, .. 2107. William [4808], b. May 31, 1806. 2108. Isaacs [§04] (Jacobs, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), b. July 30, 1757, in Norfolk, Coun. ; m. Mercy Knapp, of Norfolk, Conn. ; she d. Oct. 13, 1823. 2109. Jeremiah [4816], b. Dec. 18. 1778. 2110. Jacob I 4827], b. June 1, 1780. 3111. Isaac [484J], b. Mar. 13, 1782. SIXTH GENERATION. 137 2112. Samuel [4841], b. May 1, 1784. 2113. Philo [4847], b. June 26, 1786. 2114. Rachel, b. Dec. 2, 1788. 2115. David [4852], b. Feb. 4, 1791 ; he lived and d. in Ellsworth, Ohio. 2116. Lockard [4857], b. Feb. 24, 1793 ; d. Feb. 14, 1827. 2117. Paulina, b. Jan. 27, 1796 ; d. Dec. 4, 1822 ; unmarried. 2118. DanielS [805] (Jacobs, Isaac*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. July 25, 1758, in Norfolk, Conn. ; d. June 4, 1813 ; m. Esther Austin ; she d. Aug. 1824. 2119. Sarah, b. 1783 ; m. Origin Harmon, and emigrated to Freedom, Portage Co., Ohio. 2120. Austin [4860], b. July 9, 1784. 2131. Daniel [4866], b. Aug. 13, 1788. 3133. Phineas [4873], b. Nov. 7, 1790. 3133. Anna, b. Dec. S3, 1792 ; m. Myron Barbour ; emigrated to Ohio about 1823, where she d. 2124. Jacobs [807] (SimeonS, Jacob*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), X). Nov. 1, 1746, in Killingl}^ Conn. ; d. June 29, 1828 ; res. Killingly, Conn. ; m. Lydia Low, April 11, 1775 ; she d. Feb. 9, 1817, in her 63d year. 2125. John-Wilson, b. Mar. 19, 1776; d. Sept. 38, 1808; res. Killingly, Conn. ; unmarried. 3126. Simeon [4881], b. Jan. 13, 1778. 2127. Paine [4884], b. Jan. 26, 1780. 2128. Lydia, b. July 19, 1782 ; d. Dec. 2, 1867 ; unmarried. 2129. Jacob [4886], b. Dec. 26 or 36, 1786. 2130. Seth [4886], b. AprU 25, 1788-9. 2181. Amy, b. Dec. 1, 1791 ; d. May 27, 1792. 2133 Joshua [4887], b. Dec. 4, 1793. 2133. Hannah, b. Oct. 16, 1796; m. Gorton Westcott, 1829; have lived in Killingly, Conn., Seneca Falls, Sheriden, Dunkirk, N. Y., and now live in Alexandria, Clark Co., Missouri. 2134. Laura, b. Feb. 9, 1801 ; d. young. 2135. I^ev, JoshuaS [813] (SimeonS, Jacob*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 14, 1-760, in KUlingly, Conn. ; d. Sept. 26, 1825, aged 65, He studied divinity with Rev. Mr. Bradford, of Rowley, Ms. ; settled over the Tabernacle church, Salem, Ms., Oct. 26, 1785 ; resigned April 23, 1802 ; settled over the Branch church, Salem, Ms., April 17, 1806 ; resigned 1814. He then removed to New- burg, N. Y., where he died. After leaving Salem, he was settled at North East, N. Y. ; 1st, m. Susannah Douglas, of Plainfleld, Conn., 1790 ; 2d, m. Elizabeth Bradshaw, of Salem, Ms. 2136. Olive, b. ; ra. Ichabod Doolittle, of South East, N. Y. 2137. John-Douglas [4894]. 2138. Susannah. 2139. Mary-Dewey, b. 1806. 2140. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 1808; she d. 1836. 2141. Hannah, b.»] 810; d. young. 2142. Jacih. h 1813; d. young. 2143, Joshua, b. 1816 ; d. 1846. 2144. Auna-Loulsa, b. 1818 ; she d. 1853-4. 2i45. AmaryUis. b. 1830. 2146. Susannah-Douglas, b. 1823. 138 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2147. DanielS [823] (AzariahS, Philip*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. Dec. 13, 1769 ; d. Dec. 31, 1798 ; res. Plainfleld, Conn. ; m. Mary Douglas, Mar. 23, 1786 ; she was b. Jan. 25, 1766 ; d. Sept. 29, 1844. 2148. Marcy, b. Mar. 31, 1788; m. Arnold Hawkins; res. Plainfield, Conn. 2149. Charles [4902], b. Nov. 7, 1791. 2150. MiUa, b. Oct. 3, 1793 ; m. Ambrose Frink, Mar. 3, 1822 ; res. Ster ling, Conn. 2161. Azariai [4903], b. July 12, 1796. 2152. ZUpah, b. Nov. 8, 1796; m. Grafton Wilson, AprU 11, 1820; res. Plainfleld, Conn. 2153. Rachel, b. Feb. 11, 1798; ra. Joseph Hawkins ; she d. Aug. 7, 1832 ; res. Plainfield, Conn. ¦2154. Daniel [4911], b. Mar, 28, 1799. 2155. DenisonS [828] (CurtisS, Philip*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), b. July 8, 1762, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; he d. when his son Andrew was a iChild. Andrew was his only child. His wife m. a Durfee, and had two sons and two da,ughters ; m. Patty . 2156. Andrew [4919], b. Aug. 11, 1779. 2157. Philips [§38] (Jacobs, Philip*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), X). Sept. 17, 1764; d. May 1, 1838, aged 73 yrs. 7 mos- 14 days ; m. Sylvia Dunham ; she d. Aug. 29, 1829, agod 64 yrs. 13 days. 2158. Harriet, b. Dec. 16, 1789 ; lives unmarried at Kinderhook, N. Y. 3159. Nicholas [4938], b. July 37, 1797. 2160. Dunham [4939], b. Aug. 1, 1799. .2161. Seth-B., b. July 4, 1801 ; d. ; was a merchant taUor in N. Y. city. 2162. Edward-PhUip, b. Oct. 4, 1807; unmarried; lives with Harriet his sister. 2163. RuFUsS [841] (Jacobs, PhiUp*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), lb. May 31, 1772, in Windham Co., Conn. ; d. Mar. 8, 1870, aged 98 ; res. Canterbury, Conn. ; removed from Canterbury, Conn., to Ehinebeck, N. Y., in 1800 ; and in 1810, removed from Rhinebeck to Lewiston, N. Y. The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser aUudes to his death as follows : — " He was one of the oldest settlers of Niagara County, with the history of which he has been closely identifled for over half a cen tury. For many years, and until the infirmities of age disqualified him for active pursuits, he occupied a leading position in business and polities. He was an eamest Henry Clay whig, and latterly :an equally earnest Republican. He had been a witness of our .country's progress and prosperity from soon after the Revolution, through the war of 1812, and the late rebellion; had seen Wash ington, Putnam. Lafeyette, and other Revolutionary heroes. In his last 'moments h« was surrounded and tenderly cared for by his sons, y.' ^.J^aiding, Esq.., late collector of customs for Niagara ©isfaicit, JJec. W.. Sjaalijiug, of Michigan, and his daughter, Mrs. ,' ;of LpwistOiiiL, ' N. Y, SIXTH GENERATION. 139 " He was one of the hardy pioneers of westem New York, the race of which is very nearly extinct. It is truly said of him that ' he was a kind father, a true friend, hospitable to the stranger, kind to the poor and needy, generous and upright, and just towards all men ; we shall not look upon his like again.' " Mr. Spalding was a favorite with both old and young ; and many a time has the writer of this seen the good, kind old man, when nearly fourscore years and ten, stop to say a pleasant word to the childi'en of the village — by whom he was most afiection- ately and respectfully regarded — when at their sports, and de mand in his hmnorous way. Why they didn't choose him on one side? " The funeral took place at Lewiston, yesterday, and was largely attended, among those present being several friends and relatives from this city." He m. AbigaU Palmer, of Canterbury, Conn., April 23, 1797 ; she was b. Feb. 24,- 1776, in Canterbury ; d. Mar. 26, 1843. 2164. Voltaire [4930], b. Dec. 30, 1798, in Clinton, N. Y. 2165. Volnev [4940], b. Mar. 28, 1801, in Rhinebeck, N. Y. 2166. Sterne [4944], b. Sept. 30, 1804, In Rhinebeck, N. Y. 2167. JuUa, b. Aug. 9, 1806 ; d. AprU 15, 1807. " 2168. Juiia, b. July 38, 1808, at Rhinebeck, N. Y. ; m. Joseph-E. Whit man, of Lewiston, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1844; res. Lewiston, N. Y. 3169. Jane, b. Oct. 7, 1811, at Lewiston, N. Y. ; m. Gustavus Shepard ; she d. July 16, 1836. 2170. Frankhn [4951], b. Aug. 8, 1815. 2171. Helen, b. Nov. 20, 1817, at Lewiston, N. Y. ; m. Gustavus Shep- • ard; she d. Sept. 13, 1838. 2172. WiUiam-Bassett, b. June 8, 1821, at Lewiston, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 22, 1828. 2173. JosEpgS [844] (Jacobs, Philip*, Edwards, John", Ed wardi), X). July, 1781 ; d, in Addison, Penn. ; m. Eunice Smith, she was b. Feb. 24, 1780 ; d. in Addison, Penn. A daughter, b. ; d. in infancy. 2174. CaroUne, b. Aug. 16, 1809 ; 1st, m. Peter Harvey ; 2d, m. Thomas-J. (.'ooper; res. Addison, j?enn. 2175. Uriahs [§62] (Uriahs, Samuel*, Samuels, John", Ed- wardi), b. Feb. 27, 1746, N. S. ; he is said to have been b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y. " He was a soldier in the American army for flve years and six months ; he enlisted for eight months' service, April 21, 1775, as a private from New Marlborough, Mass., in Capt. Moses Saul's Co., and in Col. John Fellows' Regt. He was at the battle of Bunker Hill, 17th of June, 1775. He was under Arnold at Sara toga, and at the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne. I have in my x^os- session his pOwder-hom as a keepsake. Soon after the cloa© of the Revolutionary war, he returned to New Marlborough, went to Westmoreland, Oneida Co., N. Y., Feb. 1802 ; thence, in 1804, to Rutland, Jeflerson Co., N. Y. He went back to Mass. for hisi 140 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. health, and d. at West Stockbridge, Mass., in March or April, 1806, at the house of Capt. Walter Dean. Mrs. Dean was his wife's sister. Soon after the death of Uriah Spalding, his wife and most of her sons moved to Jeflerson Co., N. Y. ; she lived with her eldest son Warren." [Evander Spalding, Binghamton, N, Y. Calvin Spalding, of Rutland, N. Y. says that he thinks his grandfather must have died before his father's marriage, as he does not recollect hearing his name. He remembers his father had two brothers, Samuel and Reuben, who moved to St. Johns- bury, Vt. ; also a sister who m. Jonathan Fosgate ; another sister of his father m. a Pomroy ; another Zebulon Dean, her name was Sibyl; another, Rachel, m. Bowers How. He, recollects that his father had an uncle, Moses Spalding [871], who lived in New Marlborough, Mass., and owned a grist mill, and had sons by name Phineas and Aaron ; m. Elizabeth Adams ; she was b. Mar. 21, 1757 ; she d. Oct, 1840, at Henderson, N. Y. 2176. Amanda, b. Feb. 9, 1778; m. Dea. Sullivan Brigham, of Vienna, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1804; res. Vienna, where she d. Feb. 3, 1849. 2177. Warren [4952], b. Mar. 19, 1780. 2178. Barney [4962], b. Mar. 21, 1782. 2179. Jleman [4964], b. Feb. 15, 1784. 2180. Xuther [4974], b. Oct. 19, 1786 {New Marlborough Rec,, Nov. 18, 1787). 2181. Calvin [4983], b. Feb. 16, 1790. 2182. Evander [4992]. 2183. WiUiam-CuUen [4993]. 2184. Uriah [4994]. 2185. JoNAsS [863] (Uriahs, Samuel*, SamueP, Johd", Ed wardi), b. Feb. 27, 1747; d. Mar. 18, 1847; m. Mallalial Cook, Feb. 25, 1768. 2186. Samuels [867] (Uriah*, Samuel*, Samiieis, John", Ed wardi), j3_ July 30^ 1764, in New Marlborough, Mass. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and drew a pension. He went to St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; afterwards removed to Waterford, Vt. ; m. Sarah Brooks ; she was b. July 27, 1767. 3187. Lotty, b. ; m. Perry Brigham. 2188. Orra, b. ; m. Elisha Whipple. 2189. Susannah, b. ; m. John Harvey. 2190. Siiedrick, b. ; m. Sarah Gaskell. 2191. Walter, b. ; m. Betsey Foot. 2193. Carlton, b. ; m. Miriam Blake. 2193. Reubens [870] (Uriahs, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Ed wardi), b. Mar. 22, 1772, in New Marlborough, Mass. ; d. July 13, 1819 ; res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; m. Sarah Swett, of Danville, Vt., Jan. 11, 1794; she was b. July II, 1772; she d. Jan. 25,1858. Children ad b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt. 2194. Rachel, b. Jan. 20, 1795; m. Elisha Whipple, Nov. 15, 1828; he d. Dec. 4, 1831; she d. April 11, 1856; res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. 2196, John [4995], b. Oct. 2, 1797. SIXTH GENERATION. 141 2196. Sibyl, b. July 4, 1798 ; m. Horace Burroughs, of Kirby, Vt., Oct. 16, 1821 ; she d. Mar. 9, 1858 ; res. in Kirby, Vt. 2197. Sally, b. Aug. 28, 1800; m. John D. Chase, of Concord, Vt., Jan. 7, 1829; res. Orange, Mass. (1869). 2198. Betsey, b. Feb. 18, 1803 ; m. Daniel T. Haskell, of Woodbury, Vt , Sept. 15, 1827; res. Woodbury, Vt. 2199. Chauncey [5006], b. Mar. 26, 1805. 2200. Mary-Ann, b. Feb. 16, 1807 ; ra. Reuben Moulton, of Wolcott, Vt., Jan. 4, 1829; she d. June 28, 1842; res. in Lyman, N. H. 2201. Almira, b. May 7, 1809 ; she d. June 23, 1861 ; res. in Concord, Vt. 2202. Julia- Ann, b. July 27, 1812 ; m. Levi Howe, of Concord, Vt., Sept. 10, 1839 ; res. Concord, Vt. 2203. Lucina, b. Mar. 9, 1817; m. George Matthews, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., May 12, 1886; he d. July 25, 1866; res. Concord, Vt. 2204. PhineasS [872] (MosesS, Samuel*, SamueF, John", Ed wardi), b. Feb. 24, 1760. He went west ; was a Revolutionary pensioner, and served as private in the Ms. contingent ; 1st, m. Elizabeth Bryan, Nov. 22, 1780 ; she was b. Jan. 24, 1763 ; she d. Oct. 8, 1790 ; 2d, m. Sarah Rice, of Norfolk, Conn., July 21, 1791 ; she was b. AprU 17, 1768, in Harwinton, Conn. 2205. Sally, b. Jan. 6, 1781. 2206. Richard [5007], b. Sept. 22, 1783. 2207. Spencer, b. Dec. 7, 1785. 2208. Moses, b. Mar. 22, 1788. 2209. Phineas, b. Mav 17, 1790. 2210. Betty, b. AprU 6, 1792. 2211. Phebe, b. Mar. 12, 1794. 2312. Anna, b. Feb. 27, 1796; d. July 5, 1797. 22i3. Alma, b. Feb. 27, 1796; d. Sept. 14. 1796. 2214. Mira, b. Oct. 12, 1797. The above names appear on the town records of New Marlborough, Ms. Chester Spalding, of Sheffield, Ms., mentions these others : Harriet, Laura, Jason, Julius, Celestia, but does not name Anna, Alma, and Mira. 2215. AaronS [873] (MosesS, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Ed wardi), b. July 12, 1762; d. Mar. 7, 1820; m. Phebe Bryan; pub. Aug. 5, 1788 ; she was b. Oct. 29, 1764. 2216. Williams [§80] (Calebs, Zachariah*, SamueF, .John", Ed wardi), b. X767; d. Aug. 16, 1849, aged 81; m. Amanda Cady, Oct. 7, 1792 ; she was the daughter of Dea. Nathan and Anna Cady ; b. 1771 ; d. Dec. 26, 1841, aged 70. 2217. Susan, b. Mar. 17, 1792 ; m. Benjamin-EeUs Palmer, Nov. 24, 1812 ; she d. Dec. 29, 1868, aged 65; res. Brooklyn, Conn. 2218. Lucretia, b. May 16, 1795; m. Jeremiah Hutchins, May 16, 1817; she d. April 1, 1855; res. East Haddara, Conn. 2219. Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1797; d. AprU 9, 1801. 2220. WiUiam-Elisha, b. June 27, 1801; d. in New York City, Mar. 24, 1864, aged 61 ; unmarried. 2221. Samuel-AugustdsS [882] (Calebs, Zachariah*, SamueF, John", Edwardi), X). Oct. 1772 ; d. . He married and moved into North Mansfleld, Conn., and had children ; m. Ursula Brigham. 142 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2222. Augustus, b. ; res. South Coventry, Conn. 2223. Josephs [890] (Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. AprU 8, 1756, in Chelmsford, Mass., where he resided. He was in the battle of Bunker HUl ; m. AbigaU Hodgeman, Feb. 19, 1783. 2224. Joseph [5009], b. June 17, 1784. 2225. Stephen-Hodgeman [5010], b. Aug. 4, 1786. 2226. AbigaU, b. Nov. 12, 1788 ; m. Daniel Parker, of Chelmsford, Ms. 2227. Alpheus [6011], b. Sept. 30, 1791. 2228. Abraham-Andrew [5019], b. Aug. 8, 1793. 2229. Roberts [891] (Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), X). July 28, 1757, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Oct. 7, 1810, m Sharon, N. H., aged 63 yrs. 2 mos. He served three months in the Revolutionary army, at the age of sixteen. When flrst married he settled in Acton, Ms., then re moved to Chelmsford, Ms., thence to Ashby, Ms., thence to Sharon, N. H;, where he died; m. Hephzibah Ramond, of Dracut, Ms. ; pub. April 4, 1784 ; she was b. in Concord, Ms., 1761 ; d. 1836, in Greenfield, Ms. 2230. Hephzibah, b. Oct. 25, 1786, in Acton, Ms. ; d. Dec. 13, 1804, aged 20 yrs. 1 mo. 2281. Robert [6025], b. AprU 19, 1787, in Acton, Ms. 2232. Anna, b. June 7, 1789, in Acton, Ms. ; m. William Start, of New Ipswich, N. H. ; she d. Aug. 16, 1821, at Chelmsford, Ms., aged 33. 2233. Sarah, b. 1790, in Acton, Ms. ; d. July 6, 1810, aged 20 yrs. 2 mos.; unmarried. 2234. Varnum [6032], b. in Acton, Ms. 2236. John, b 1796; d. July 12, 1816, in Chelmsford, Ms., aged 21 yrs. 9 mos. 2236. Aaron [5035], b. July 20, 1797, in Acton, Ms. 2237. Joel [5043], b. Sept. 7, 1799, in Chelmsford, Ms. 2238. WUlard-Porter [5060], b. Jan. 28, 1801, in Chelrasford, Ms. 2239. Rebecca-Bartlett, b. Feb. 15, 1804, in Ashby, Ms. ; m. John-Put nam Swinerton, of Danvers, Ms., Mar. 12, 1829; res. Provi dence, R. I., and Taunton, Ms. 2240. AshbelS [900] (Stephens, John*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), b. AprU 7, 1763 {Chelmsford Records); AprU 27,1765 {Family Bible); d. Mar. 2, 1838, at Ludlow, Vt. He removed from Chelmsford, Ms , to Ludlow, Vt. ; m. Abial Parker, of Chelmsford, Ms., Sept. 30, 1801 ; she d. at Ludlow, Vt., AprU 11, 1858. 2241. Betsey, b. Feb. 1, 1802 ; m. EUsha Mayo, Nov. 13, 1823. 2242. Stephen, b. Oct. 11, 1804; d.Dec. 10, 1848; unmarried. 2243. Rebecca, b. Nov. 17, 1807; m. Martin SneU, AprU 16, 1833. 2244. Parker, b. Nov. 17, 1807; d. Feb. 27, 1868; unmarried. 2245. WillakdS [919] (WiUards, John*, Josephs, John", Ed ward'), b. Jan. 8, 1798, in Stoddard, N. H. ; d. Oct. 5, 1866, aged 68 yrs. 9 mos. He lived and died in Stoddard, on the old Spal ding place, where he was born ; m. Abigail Taylor, Nov. 23, 1823 ; she d. May 20, 1865, aged 66. Children all born in Stoddard, N. H. SIXTH GENERATION. 143 2246. Christiana-Adeline. 2247. Abigail-Louisa. 2248. Frances-Abigail. 2249. Willard-Benton, b. March, 1834; d. Sept. 11, 1864, aged 30 yrs. 6 mos. ; unmarried. 2250. John-Langdon. 2261. Johns [922] (JesseS, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 16, 1793, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. May 20, 1845 ; res. Bel grade, Me. ; 1st, m. Lydia Coombs, of Vinal Haven, Me., Nov. 1, 1827 ; she d. Nov. 2, 1835 ; 2d, m. Mary Yeaton, of Belgrade, Me., Nov. 10, 1836. Children all bom in Belgrade, Me. 2252. John-Franklin [5056], b. Aug. 26, 1828. 2253. Sylvanus-Coombs, b. Jan. 26, 1830 ; d. Sept. 18, 1847. 2254. Samuel-Young [5059], b. May 6, 1832. 2355. Rebecca-Ann, b. July 4, 1834; m. Israel Thorndike, of Camden, Me., Feb. 10, 1857; res. Camden, Me. 2256. Hiram-Yeaton, b. June 25, 1838; unmarried; res. San Francisco, Cal. 2257. Lydia-Jane, b. May 14, 1840 ; m. George Farnham, of Belgrade, Me., May 17, 1863; res. Belgrade, Me. 2258. JesseS [926] (JesseS, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 30, 1799, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Aug, 19, 1863 ; res. Lud low, Vt. ; m. Mary Parkhurst, April 16, 1829. 2259. Mary- Elizabeth, b. Oct. 13, 1830 ; m. Edwin Hosmer, AprU 14, 1852; res. South Acton, Ms. 2260. Susan- Abbie, b. Aug. 26, 1832; d. Sept. 11, 1840. 2261. Sarah-Maria, b. Mar. 3, 1884; ra. Andrew-Jackson Adams, Nov. 27, 1860; she d. May 14, 1864; res. Cavendish, Vt. 2262. Charles-Henry [5063], b. June 8, 1837. 2263. Parkers [927] (JesseS, John*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), X). Dec. 6, 1800, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. Nov. 5, 1862, in Belgrade, Me. ; last res. in Belgrade, Me. ; m. Elizabeth Danforth, of Eaton, N. H., Mar. 6, 1831. 2264. SeweU [5065], b. Feb. 28, 1832, in Dover, N. H. 2265. Alma, b. April 7, 1834, in Kennebunk, Me. ; ra. Albert Creasey, of Mt. Vernon, Me., Feb. 21, 1865. 2266. Marah, b. June 5, 1840, in Belgrade, Me. 2267. Jesse, b. Dec. 23, 1842, in Belgrade, Me. 2268. Jonathans [938] (JoeF, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), X). June 12, 1775 ; res. Lowell, Mass. ; m. Sarah Dodge, Mar. 11, 1819 ; she was b. 1788 ; d. Jan. 12, 1837, aged 49. 2269. Joel, b. Mar. 2, 1820 ; he is a physician, and resides in Lowell, 2270. Jonathan, b. Nov. 15, 1821 ; d. Dec. 27, 1826. 2271. John, b. Sept. 21, 1823; d. Feb. 9, 1825. 2272. Sarah-Rebecca, b. Sept. 10, 1''25. 2278. George-Otis, b. Aug. 11, 1827; d. July 17, 1828. 2274. Jonatlian-Tyler, b. Oct. 4, 1829. 2275. SiLAsS [945] . (SilasS, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed 144 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. I wardi), b. May 30, 1779, in Hollis, N. H. ; d. April 16, 1828, aged 48 ; res. HoUis, N. H. ; m. Dorcas Chandler, Nov. 27, 1806 ; she d. May 20, 1841, aged 62. 2276. Silas [5068], b. Sept. 15, 1807. 2277. Stillman [6060], b. Jan. 18, 1809. 2278. Sally, b. Nov 24, 1810; d. May 10, 1812. 2279. John-Bradley, b. Jan 8, 1813 ; d. May 17, 1821. 2280. Andrew-Jackson [6076], b. Jvily 8, 1816 ; d. May 11, 1867. 2281. Simeon-Alvln [5077], b. May 17, 1817, 2282. Jones, b. June 20, 1820; d. Oct. 5, 1841. 2283. John,b. May 21, 1822; d. Nov. 29, 1822. 2284. SimeonS [946] (SUasS, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), X). Feb. 7, 1782, in HoUis, N. H. ; d. Dec. 28, 1839 ; m. Hannah Dow, of HoUis, N. H., Feb. 2, 1814 ; res. (1867) in Wes ton, Vt. 2285. Simeon-D. [5080], b. Feb. 19, 1816. 2286. Hannah-Caroline, b May 27, 1818. 2287. Lucy-Maria, b. Sept. 1, 1820; m. James-M. Taylor, June 11, 1840. 2288. James-Gilbert, b. Sept. 21, 1822. 2289. Abbie-Dow, b. AprU 1, 1825; m. Ebenezer-B. Parker, Aug. 24, 1847; she d. July 25, 1«50. 2290. Lydia-Lawrence, b. Feb. 6, 1828; m. Dr. Micajah Martin, Feb. 9, 1847 ; she d. Oct. 20, 1851. 2291. Eliza-Ann, b. May 1, 1830; d. Jan. 22, 1851. 2292. Mary-Annette, b. Oct. 21, 1834; d. Sept. 28, 1852. 2293. Williams [952] (Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), X). July 22, 1782; d. Oct. 22, 1820; res. Albany, N. Y.; m. Laura- Ann Millard, of Albany, N. Y. No chUdren. 2294. SimeonS [963] (Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), b. Dec. 9, 1786 ; d. Aug. 13, 1855 ; res. LoweU, Ms. ; m. Rhoda-Bradley Hovey, of Dracut, Ms., July 21, 1816 ; she was b. Oct. 17, 1795. -2295. George [6084], b. May 15, 1817. 2296. Charles [5097], b. Feb. 9, 181;'. 2297. Edward, b. Mar. 27, 1821 ; d. May 30, 1825 ; was drowned. 2298. Francis [6099], b. Mar. 26, 1824. 2299. Edward-Augustus, b. Mar 31, 1832; d. Feb. 8, 1838. 2300. RuEDsS [957] (Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, .Tohn", Edwardi), b. July 29, 1794 ; d. July 30, 1871. He went to Maine and resided there four years, then he came to LoweU, thence to Charlestown, Ms., where he died; m. Harriet- Byron Hunt, of Tewksbury, Ms., Oct. 8, 1822. All the children but one Isorn in Lowell, Ms. o 2301. Rufus-I-Ienry [5100], b. Jan. 9, 1824, in MUford, Me. 2302, Harriet- Augusta, b. Dec. 14, 1827, in LoweU, Ms. 2303. Abigail- Warren, b. June 29, 1830; m. Sarauel-G. Spear, Nov. 9, 1869; res. Charlestown, Masss. 2304. Sarah-Caroline, b. Miir. 27, 18.83. 3305. Mary-Brown, b. Jan 23, 1836; d. Jan. 37, 1854, in Lowell, Ms. 3306. WiUiam [5105], b. Oct. 9, 1838. 3307. Martha, b. Feb 3, 1843. SIXTH GENERATION. 145 2308. NoahS [959] (Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed- wardi), X). May 14, 1796; res. Lowell, Ms.; m. Hannah Parker, of Chebnsford, Ms., Dec. 9, 1821. 2309, WUliam-Pliny [6106], b. Nov. 1, 1823. 2310. Hannah-Maria, b. Dec. 13, 1828; unmarried. 2811- Ann-Augusta, b. June 14, 1835; lived but a few hours. 2312. Sidneys [960] (Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, ¦ John^, Ed wardi), b. Nov. 14, 1798 ; res. in Lowell, Ms. When a young man he went to Georgia. From his observation of the influences of slavery, he retumed home thoroughly antislavery in principle, and was one of the first to enter the free-soil party. He purchased land in Lowell, and was made rich by the advance in its value. In 1847, he took an active interest in railroads, and was a large owner in the stock of the Salem and Lowell, and the LoweU and Law rence roads ; of the latter he is the President. 1st, m. Mary Brown, of Wilmington, Ms., April 20, 1831 ; she was the daughter of Dr. 8ilas Brown; d. July 27, 1833, aged 24 yrs. 6 mos.; 2d, m. Pamelia Clark, of Tewksbury, Ms., Nov. 11, 1834; she was b. Mar. 1806 ; d. Feb. 25, 1855 ; 3d, m. Mrs. Harriet-Maria Parker, May 19, 1869; her maiden name was Kimball; she was the widow of Frederick Parker, Esq. The two sons of Frederick Par ker have been adopted by Mr. Spalding, and have taken his name, — Charles-Parker Spalding, who is a graduate of Harvard College, class of 1870 ; and Frederick-Parker Spalding. 2313. Edward- Johnson, b. ; d. Aug. 7, 1832, aged 6 raos. 2314. William, b. ; d. Aug. 4, 1833, aged 6 weeks. 2315. Mary -Jane, b. Nov. 16, 1835 ; m. William Stark, of Manchester, N. H., June 21, 1857 ; she d. Aug. 15, 1857, aged 21 yrs. 8 mos. 2316. Dora, b. Dec. 13, 1860 ; d. Dec. 27, 1860. 2317. Harriet-Sidney, b. Aug. 7, 1865. 2318. PrescottS [962] (Jephthahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 23, 1780; d. Feb. 13, 1864; m. Hannah-Titcomb Cross, Nov. 23, 1806 ; she was the daughter of WUliam Cross, of Newburyport, Ms. ; d. Jan. 20, 1855. 2319. Prescott [6111], b. Nov. 8, 1807. 2320. Charles, b. May 30, 1810; d. AprU 19, 1834. 2321. Rufus [6119], b. Jan. 9, 1812. 2322. WUliam-Cross, b. Oct. 16, 1814; d. Oct. 30, 1817. 2323. William-Cross, b. Sept. 16, 1816 ; d. April 2, 1857, at Dorchester, Ms.; unmarried. 2324. Philip-Aubin, b. July 14, 1818 ; d. Dec. 29, 1837. A daughter, b. July 15, 1820; d. same day. 2325. Oliver-Barron [5128], b. Oct. 81, 1825. 2326. Ralph-Cross, b. May 11, 1828 ; d. AprU 2, 1848, at Calcutta. 2327. OtisS [970] (Azariahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), b.May 16,1793; res. Chelmsford, Ms.; he was captain of a company of cavalry ; m. Elizabeth Adams, of Chelmsford, Feb. 2, 1815 ; she d. Jan. 8, 1868. 2328. Augustus-Edwards [6128], b. June 23, 1818. 2329. Lucy-Abigail, b. July 2. 1820; unmarried. 2330. Mary- Elizabeth, b. May 10, 1823 ; d. July 5, 1867 ; unmarried, 10 146 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2331. HaskellS [973] (SimeonS, Simeon*, Josephs, Jolm", Ed wardi), X). Jan. 28, 1788 ; m. Harriet Blunt, of Mt. Desert, Me. 2332. Fitz-Henry, b. June 10, 1837; unmarried. 2333. WUUam-Eugene, b. Aug. 1, 1845 ; unmarried. 2334. WeldS [976] (StmeonS, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), X). Mar. 16, 1798; res. LoweU, Ms.; m. Mrs. Charlotte (Moore) Smith, of Chehnsford, Ms., May 11, 1825 ; she d. July 4, 1870, in LoweU, Ms, 2335. Sarah-Jane, b. June 26, 1828 ; d. Jan. 1, 1853. 2336. Henry, b. Nov. 29, 1833 ; d. Mar. 15, 1835. 2337. William-Barry, b. Oct. 21, 1844; unmarried. 2338. Dr. EdwardS [986] (MatthiasS, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), X). Sept. 15, 1813, at Amherst, N. H. ; grad. D. C. 1833. He studied medicine with his father, and at Harv. Univ. Med. School, graduating M. D. in, 1837 ; began practice immediately at Nashua, and there continues ; has been often a member of its municipal government, and was mayor of the city in 1864 ; he became a trustee of Dartmouth CoUege in 1866. It was mainly through the efforts of Dr. Spalding that the guarantees for the pub lication of this work were secured ; m. Dorothy-Everett Barrett, June 23, 1842 ; she was the daughter of Joseph Barrett, of New Ipswich, N. H. 2339. Mary-Appleton, b. Mar. 20, 1848, in Nashua, N. H. 2340. Edward- Atherton, b. Oct. 13, 1863 ; d. Nov. 10, 1863. 3341. Dora-Narcissa, b. July 25, 1867. 23 i 2. Alfreds [987] (MatthiasS, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Ed wardi), X). Oct. 24, 1815, at Amherst, N. H. ; res. Greenupsburg, Greenup Co., Kentucky ; he took the degree of M. D. at Dartmouth College in 1843 ; m. Rebecca Seaton, May 14, 1846 ; she was the daughter of Samuel Seaton, Esq., of Amherst, N. H. 2343. George-Atherton, b. Jan. 14, 1849. 2344. Hannah-Eddy, b. Nov. 2, 1853 ; d. July 28, 1854, 2346. Alfred-Matthias, b. AprU 13, 1854. 2346. Helen-Hockaday, b. Oct. 31, 1860. 2347. Rebecca-Wentworth, b. Sept. 15, 1863 2348. Leonards [997] (Leonards, Timothy*, TimothyS, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 14, 1760, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. AprU 20, 1760 ; d. Sept. 3, 1792, aged 32, in Dummerston, Vt., where he was buried ; m. Priscilla Gleason ; she was b. May 30, 1758 ; she d. about 1856, in Stockbridge, N. Y. 3349. Thomas-Didymus [5130], b. Oct. 17, 1780. 2350. Leonard [5135], b. July 10, 1783; d. about 1846, in Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y, 2351. Adam [5140], b. July 20, 1784; d. about 1825. 2862. John [5146], b. June 27, 1786; P. O. address, MansvUle, Madison Co., N. Y. 2353. WiUiara [5158], b. Sept. 28, X788, in Cambridge, N. Y. 2354. Squire [5167], D. May 12, 1790, s^^ c^^^Gl^/:^ ^ Cl£^ SIXTH GENERATION. 147 2355. JosiahS [io03] (Leonards, Timothy*, Timothys, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 31, 1772 ; d. Dec. 3, 1799, aged 27 yrs. 8 m. 4 days ; m. Eunice Skinner, July 8, 1792 ; she d. Jan. 21, 1856, aged 85 yrs. 6 m. 12d. ; after the death of Josiah Spalding, she m. Arad Holton, o/ Dummerston, Vt., Mar. 17, 1803, and by him had two chUdren, Dr. Joel Holton, of Jamaica, Vt., and Mrs. FrankUn Spalding (6272), of Chicopee Falls, Ms. 2856. Polly, b. Aug, 14, 1793; m. Wranslow Holton, a son of her father-in-law, Dec. 31, 1810; she d. Aug. 9, 1855. 2357. Timothy [5168], b. Aug. 19, 1794. 2368. Betsey, b Feb. 8, 1796; m. Calvin Heaton; res. FrankvUle, Win neshiek Co., Iowa. 2369. John, b. Nov. 14, 1797 ; d. Mar. 26, 1798. 2360. Samuels [1008] (Samuels, Timothy*, Timothys, John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 5, 1760 ; he d. January, 1843 or '45, probably in 1845. He went to Grafton, Vt., where he died ; he was a sol dier in the Revolutionary army ; he drew a pension, and was on the x)ension rolls in 1840; m. Patty Goodnow; she d. two or three years after the death of her husband. 2361. Olivers [1011] (Timothys, Oliver*, TimothyS, John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 13, 1764, in Westford, Ms. ; bap. AprU 29, 1764 ; d. Oct. 27, 1791, in Groton, Ms., aged 28 ; res. Groton ; m. AbigaU HaU of Westford, Ms., Aug. 14, 1787 ; pub. July 8, 1787 ; she was b. in Tyngsboro', Ms. ; when very young went to live with an uncle in Westford ; she d. Mar. 1, 1852, aged 90. 2362. AbigaU, b. Nov. 27, 1788 ; ra. JohnPeabody, Jan. 19, 1815 ; she d. July 10, 1828, in Groton, Mass. ; res. Groton. 2363. SaUy, b. Oct. 25, 1790 ; m. Aaron Lewis, Dec. 28, 1814 ; he d. Oct. 9,' 1849, aged 63 ; she d. AprU 19, 1832; in Groton, aged 42 ; res. Groton, Ms. 2364. TimothyS [1013] (Timothys, Oliver*, Timothys, John", Edwardi), X). Mar. 29, 1769, in Westford, Ms. ; d. Feb. 19, 1808, aged 38 yrs. 10 mos. 11 days ; res. Groton, Ms. He left a will which was admitted to probate. Mar. 22, 1808 ; he gave his property to his sisters Hannah and Ede, and to Sally, daughter of his brother Oliver, and to Betsey, his wife ;' m. Betsey — ^; she d. May 10, 1848, aged 76. They had no children. 2365. Jonathans [i020] (Jonathans, Jonathan*, Timothys, John", Edward'), b. Aug. 5, 1796, in Temple, N. H. ; m. Lydia Heald, 1823 ; she was the daughter of Daniel Heald, of Temple, N. H. ; she was b. Mar. 26, 1799. 2366. Lydia-Emeline, b. Jan. 1825; m. Simon B. Farrar, ofTeraple,N. H. 2367. EdwardS [1025] (Daniels, Phineas*, Edwards, Edward", Edwardi), X). Sept. 19, 1765, in Londonderry, N. H. ; d. Jan. 6, 1846, in Lancaster, N. H. ; m. Martha Weeks, of Lee, N. H., April S, 1790 ; she was b. Dec. 20, 1771. 14S THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Mrs, Spalding, now in her 97th year, is blind, and has not been able to walk for sixteen years (May, 1868). 2368. Bdward^Comings [6178], b. July 15, 1792. 2369. John- Weeks [6182], b. Aug. 7, 1795. 2370. WilUam-Dustin [6184], b. June 22, 1798. 2371. JamesrBrackett, b. Jan. 13, 1801 ; d. Sept. 16, 1834. 2372. Eliza-Weeks, b. July 17, 1803; m. WiUiam Moore, Feb. 5, 1823; she d. Feb. 19, 1827. 2373. Martha-Brackett, b. Oct. 29, 18Q7 ; m. Charles-Dennett Stebbhis, Mar. 10, 1831. 2374. Jonathans [1026] (Daniel*, Phineas*, Edward?, Edward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 12, 1767, in Lancaster, N. H. ; d. about 1847. About 1816, he moved to Concord, N. Y. ; since then little is known of them. Three of their children soon died ; they bad ten children ; from accounts, their ages correspond nearly with those of Edward Spalding's family ; m. Abigail Meader, about 1793; she was from a worthy Quaker family in Lee, N. H, Children aU b. in Lancaster, N, H, 2875. Daniel. 2376. Sarah. 2377. Meader. 2378. AbigaU. 2879. Adeline, b. ; m. Jones. 2380. GUmau. 2381. " PhineasS [1028] (Daniels, Phineas*, Edwards, Edwards', Edwardi), b. May 20, 1773, in Lancaster, N. H. ; d. about 1830; he settled in Stark, N. H. ; his family, after marrying, moved to various parts of the country, so that but little is known of them or their whereabouts ; m, Polly Baker, of Pawlet, Vt., 1789. 2382. Sarah-S., b. 1800; m. Peter Leavitt; theymoved to California, 2'383. Samuel^Fitch [6190], b. May 24, 1802. 2884. RulUs [6191], b. AprU 18, 1804. 2385. Sibyl, h. April 18, 1804 ; m. Joshua RoweU, of Stark, N. H. 3386. Phebe, b. 1806 ; m. EUsha Smith, of Munroe, N. H. 2387. Mary, b. 1812; m. Zenas Metcalf. 2388. Daniei,s [1029] (Daniels, Phineas*, Edward^ Edward", Edvyardi), x,. i>ec. 7, 1775, in Lancaster, N. H. ; d. Mar. 6, 1862. He m. Martha Curtis ; she was b. July 12, 1777 ; d. July 12, 1853. " It is supposed by our oldest inhabitants that Mr. and Mrs. Spalding had twents'^f our children. One boy six' or eight years old was scalded to death, the others c^ied in ii^fanoy, except the four mentioned below." [Seth Savage, Esq., Lancaster, N. H.] 2389. Martha, b. Sept. 8, 1808 ; m Thomas-Jefferson Perkins, May 4, 1827. 2390. Lucinda-E., b. Dec. 23, 1810; m. Daniel- A. Peaslee, Mar. 3, 1831; she d. Jan. 19, 1855. 2391. Loulsa-S., b. Aug. 1812 ; she d. Feb. 24, 1868. 2392. MatildaC, b. Oct. 8, 1814; ifl. .James Nevers, Sent. 3Q, 1831; he d. Nov. 4, 1856. SIXTH GENERATION. 149 2393. DotTGLAsS [1030] (DanieP, Phineas*, Edwards, Edward", Edwardi), b. July 13, 1784, in Lancaster, N.H. ; m. Nancy Balch, AprU, 1806 ; she was b. Dec. 8, 1784, in Northumberland, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Spalding now live in Lancaster, N. H. (May, 1868), their memory being such that little information can be had of them as to dates. 2394. Frederick-Balch[5192], b. Dec.9, 1806. 2395. Sophronia- WUlard, b. July 7, 1808 ; m. IsaaC-NevveU Cotton, IVtar. 23, 1835 ; he d. Aug. 12, 1858. 2396. Lydia-Harmony,b. AprU 1, 1810; m. Ezra Derby, Dec. 6, 1831, 2397. Phebe-Dustin, b. May 6, 1812 ; m. Zenas Snow, of Lunenburg, Vt. 2398. Daniel-Nathaniel [6201], b. Dec. 9, 1813. 2399. Cynthia- Char. otte, b. Aug. .23, 1818; m. Prescott Lovejoy, DeC. 7, 1840, at Lancaster, N. H. 2400. Martha-Jane, b. Oct. 17, 1820; d. Aug. 13, 1839. 2401. WiUiam-Franklin, b. Aug. 6, 1823. 2402. PhineasS [1033] (PhineasS, Phineas*, Edwards, Ed^ ward", Edwardi), x,. Yeb. 28, 1776, in Jaffrey, N. H. ; d. Feb. 12, 1858, in Medina, Mich. ; m. Sally Fisk, of Jaffrey, N. H., Feb. 23, 1802 ; she d. AprU 20, 1844, in Jaffl-ey, N. H. 2403. Lyman [5207], b.Aug. 27, 1803. 2404. Sarah-EUzabeth, b. Sept. 10,1817; m. Thomas A. Stearns, of New Ipswich, N. H., June, 1838 ; she d. Feb. 26, 1856, in Jaffrey, N. H., leaving two children. 2405. EdwardS [1036] (PhineasS, Phineas*, Edwards, Ed^ ward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 17, 1781, in Jafirey, N. H. ; d. June 20, 1843, in Jaffrey ; res. Jaffrey. He left no children of his own, but adopted a boy, and named him Ambrus [1571], and gave him the farm of his father, Phineas Spaldmg [1031], and all of his own property; this Ambrus still lives on the farm ; m. Nabby Newton, of Gerry, now PhUipston, Ms., Dec. 21, 1806 ; she d. 1860, in Jaffrey, N. H. 2406. DanielS [1039] (PhineasS, Phineas*, Edwards, Ed ward", Edwardi), b. Dec. 26, 1788, in Jaffrey, N. H. ; settled in Gardner, Ms., in Sept. 1825 ; removed to FitzwiUiam, N. H., where he stUl resides (1868) ; m. Lucinda Perkins, of FitzwUliam, N. H., May 11, 1819 ; she was b. June 14, 1796. 2407. Mary-EUzabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1822 ; she d. Oct. 9, 1848. 2408. Jared-Perkins, b. July 29, 1825 ; d. Aug. 25, 1827. 2409. Daniel-Robinson [5214], b. Aug. 8, 1828. 2410. Julia-Ann, b. Mar. 5, 1831 ; m. Oscar-H. Bradley, Nov. 19, 1853. 2411. Lucinda- Viola, b. Jan. 20, 1834. 2412. Levis [io40] (PhineasS, Phineas*, Edwards, Edward"^ Edwardi), X). Aug. 22, 1791. He graduated at Dartmouth College, in 1814 ; studied divinity at Andover Theo. Sem., graduating in 1818 ; was ordained as a missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., at Salem, Ms., Nov. 4, 1818 ; sailed from Boston, Ms., June 8, 1819 ; arrived at Ceylon, East 150 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. India, Feb. 18, 1820, and has there spent his Ufe at Manepy, Tilli- pally and OodooviUe, with the exception of a short visit to the United States. Dartmouth CoUege conferred on him the D. D., in 1864 ; m. Mary Christie, of Antrim, N. H., Dec. 10, 1818 ; she was the daughter of Samuel Christie, Esq. 2413. Sarah-Jane. 2414. Mary-Elizabeth, b. ; m. Charles-Edward Abbott, Nov. 25, ' • 1841; he wash. Dec. 24, 1811; graduated at Bowdoin College, in 1832 ; Andover Theo. Sem. in 1837 ; was a teacher in Boston and New York ; he was the son of Jacob and Betsey (Abbott) Abbott. 2415. Edward-Miltemore [6215], b. Aug. 2, 1827. 2416. DavidS [1042] (PhineasS, Phineas*, Edwards, Edward", Edwardi), b. May 17, l'(96, in Jaffrey, N. H. ; res. Jaffrey, where he d. Feb. 11, 1869 ; m. Hannah Foster, of Fitzwilliam, N. H., AprU 19, 1821 ; she was b. May 13, 1800 ; d. June 8, 1865. A son, b. Mar. 3, 1823; d. Mar. 6, 1823. A daughter, b. Feb. 3, 1825 ; d. Feb. 4, 1825. 2417. Laura-Maria, b. Mar. 15, 1826; m. Porter Piper, of Fitchburg, Ms,, Mar. 4, 1847. 2418. Hannah-Malvina.b. Oct. 30, 1827; d. Aug. 10, 1828. 2419. Elvira-Amanda, b. Oct. 29, 1829. 2420. Levi, b. Mar. 26, 1832 ; d. Aug. 20, 1848. 2421. Mary-Malvina, b. Dec. 19, 1833 ; m. Salmon-Maynard Scott, of Winchendon, Ms., Oct. 23, 1856. 2422. Alfred-Foster [5216], b. Sept. 11, 1836. 2423. Leander, b. Jan. 3, 1839. 2424. EdtvardS [1046] (Levis, Edward*, EbenezerS, Ed ward", Edwardi), b. Nov. 19, 1764, in Lyndeborough, N. H. ; d. Sept. 14, 1845 ; removed at an early day to Plainfleld, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; from thence to Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ; and from thence to Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y., where both he and his wife died ; he was a farmer ; m. Mehitable Goodrich, Oct. 30, 1788 ; she was the daughter of Rev. SewaU Goodrich, of Lynde borough, N. H., and was b. Sept. 25, 1770 ; d. July 31, 1838. 2425. Anna-Burns, b. Sept. 15, 1789, in Lyndeborough, N. H.; 1st, m. ' George Gray, of Summer HiU, N. Y., April'25, 1808 ; he d. 1814; 2d, m. Loren Hodges, Aug. 20, 1817; he d. Oct. 1, 1846. 2426. Phebe-Putnam, b. Sept. 1, 1791, in Lyndeborough, N. H.; m. SheiBeld Burdick, AprU 28, 1808; he d. Oct. 19, 1829; she d. Nov. 26, 1821. 2427. Mehitable, b. Nov. 16, 1793, in Lyndeborough, N. H. ; ra. Samuel Crosby. 2428. Nathaniel [5217], b. Aug. 28, 1795, in Lyndeborough, N. H. 2429. George [5229], b. Nov. 1, 1797, in Plainfield, N. Y. 2430. Elbridge-Gerry, b. 1802. 2431. Lucy, b. May 20, 1804; m. Clark Hammond, Jan. 16, 1823. 2432. Warren [5230], b. Nov. 10, 1808. 2438. Elbridge Gerry [5241], b. Feb. 24, 1809. 2434. Levis [1050] (Levis, Edward*, EbenezerS, Edward", Ed wardi), X). Jan. 25, 1772, in Lyndeborough, N. H. He was killed in faUing from a high load of boxes, the sleigh SLXTH GENERATION. 151 miming over him and breaking his neck ; he had several children ; m. Clara Goddard. 2436. SewellS [1053] (Levis, Edward*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), X). Mar. 1, 1782, in Lyndeborough, N. H. ; m. Nancy Burdick, Jan. 3, 1811 ; she was b. in New Hartford, Conn., Oct. 23, 1790. 2436. Louisa, b. Sept. 2, 1812. 2437. Amos-Burdick, b. Aug. 80, 1816, in Plainfield, N. Y. 2438. Melissa, b. Oct. 26, 1820. 2439. AsaS [1057] (EbenS, Stephen*, EbCnezerS, Edward", Ed wardi), b. 1779; d. Dec. 18, 1832 ; m. Nancy Woodward; she was the daughter of Caleb Woodward, and was b. June 17, 1788 ; she d. July 30, 1830, aged 42. 2440. Alpha [5245], b. AprU 4, 1809, in Lempster, N. H. 2441. WiUiam [6253], b. Aug. 4, 1818, in Lempster, N. H. 2442. Alanson, b. Aug. 4, 1815, in Lempster, N. H. ; d. Jan. 10, 1833, unmarried. 2443. Nancy, b. July, 1818; d. Jan. 6, 1840; unmarried. 2444. Asa [6255], b. Oct. 12, 1820. 2445. WiUaid [5267], b. Jan. 26, 1823. 2446. Gilman [5259]. 2447. WakrenS [1059] (EbenS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward^, Edwardi), x,. Jan. 1, 1785 ; d. Jan. 24, 1860, in Hillsborough, N. H., where he resided the last 25 years of his life ; his wife is still living ; m. Sarah Graves, Nov. 18, 1811 ; she was b. May 1, 1791, in Washington, N. H. ; she was the daughter of William and Lucy Graves, who were among the flrst settlers of what is now called East Washington, N. H. 2448. Corodon [6262], b. Jan. 1, 1812, in Washington, N. H. 2449.- Erastus-Gardner [5266], b. June 13, 1814. in NeWbury, N. H. 2450. Cynthia-Caroline, b. May 81, 1821, in Bradford, N. H. ; m. David- Perkings Jones, Nov. 1, 1851, in HilUsborough, N. H. 2451. George- Washington [6274], b. Aug. 20, 1825. 2452. IraS [1060] (EbenS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Ed wardi), X). Mar. 4, 1787; d. July 21, 1856, at Maquoketa, Iowa. He and his wife were members of the Cong. Church ; he moved to Crown Point, N. Y., in Mar. 1831 ; removed to Iowa Territory in Oct. 1843 ; arrived in Jackson Co., Iowa, Nov. 6, 1843 ; m. Ruth Taft, at Crown Point, Essex Co., N. Y. ; she was b.in Uxbridge, Ms. ; she d. Feb. 10, 1855, at Maquoketa, Iowa. 2463. Lorenzo [6278], b. April.l3, 1813, at Lempster, N. H. 2454. Ira-Alonzo [6289], b. July 30, 1824, in Washington, N. H. 2455. HarvetS [1063] (EbenS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. May 29, 1795. P.O. address. East Washington, N. H. ; m. Abigail Blood, Dec. 31, 1832 ; she wash. Feb. 6, 1805. 2466. Angle, b. July 19, 1835 ; m. Joel-U. Fisher, Mar. 4, 1857. 2457. Emraa, b. Feb. 13, 1838 ; m. Lorenzo Muzzy, Oct. 13, 1858. 2458: John [5296], b. Oct. 7, 1843. 152 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2459. Gardners [io64] (EbenS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edwari* Edwardi), b. June 16, 1797; d. Feb. 9, 1848; res. East Wash ington, N. H. ; m. Mrs. Rebeckah-Heald Woodward, Feb. 23, 1834 ; she was b. Jan. 26, 1806 ; her maiden name was Rebeckah- Heald Monroe, daughter of Abijah and Sarah-Caroline Monroe. Children aU bom in East Washington, N. H. 2460. Alanson-Monroe, b. Nov. 22, 1834; d. Jan. IS, 1835. 2461. Comelia-Heald, b. Jan. 26, 1836; m. Andrew- J. Cutting, March 6, 1858; res. East Washington, N. H. 2462. Lorinda-Jane, b. June 6,, 1839; m. Benjamin Franklin; res. East Washington, N. H. 2463. Loren, b. Aug. 30, 1841 ; d. Aug. 6, 1843. 2^64. Lovina- Augusta, b. Mar. 23, 1844 ; she d. Aug. 3, 1863. 2465. Francelia, b. May 26, 1846 ; m. Alfred- James Barney, March 2^ 1867 ; res. East Washington, N. H. 2466. Reubens [1065] (EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer^, Edward^, Edward*), b. May 2^4, 1800; res. East Washington, N. H. ; m. Martha Proctor, Aug. 29, 1824. 2467. Reuben, b. Dec. 10, 1825; d. Mar. 21, 1841. 2468. Ebenezer-Clark, b. April 13, 1828; d. Sept. 21, 1832. 2469. Sylvester-Hubbard, b. Jan. 11, 1832; d. Dec. 30, 1832. 2470. Clark- Sylvester [5297], b. Oct. 29, 1833. 2'471. Amy-Calista, b. May 2, 1836; m. Anson-S. Powers, Dec. 23, 1853. 2472'. Reriben-Ha,tch, b. AprU 21, 1839 ; d. 2473. Sullivan-Gage [5302], b. Sept. 11, 1842. 2474. Elmina-Sweet, b. Mar. 13, 1846 ; she d. July 24, 1863. 2475. JoHN-DouGLASsS [1071] (Josephs, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edlward^), b. Aug. 14, 1801, in Fairfield, Me. ; res. Port land, Me. ; 1st, m. Sally Strout, Dec. 2, 1824 ; she was b. Sept. 5, 1802, in Durham, Me. ; d. May 24, 1854 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Margaret Knight, Dec. 26, 1855 ; her maiden name was Crafts ; she was b. May 19, I8l3, in PhUadelphia, Penn. ; 1st, m. WiUiam Knight, m Baltimore, Md. Children all bom in Durham, Me. 2f476. Merrill-Strout [5304], b. May 30, 1835. 2477. Albert-Stetson [6805], b. July 18, 1836. 2478; George-Bates, b. Aug. 27, 1838 ; d. May 4, 1841. 2479. John-Fairfleld, b. Sept, 29, 1842; d. Oct. 2, 1842. 2480. George-Dallas, b. Nov. 9, 1845; res. Portland, Me. 2481. Josephs [1073] (Josephs, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. June 22, 1805, in Fairfield, Me. ; m. Mrs. Clarissa- Jewett Simpson, Jan. 17, 1838, in Dixmont, Me. ; her maiden name was GUdden ; 1st, m. Herbert Simpson ; no chUdren ; she d. Aug. 28, 1869. 2482. Melbern, b. Oct. 14, 1838 ; d. Jan. 1840. 2483. Albert-Prince, b. Dec. 14, 1839. 2484. Melbern-Collins, b. June 21, 1841. 2485. Esther-Porter, b. Dec. 29, 1843; d. Aug. 21, 1850. 2486. Clara, b. Aug. 5, 1846 ; d. Aug. 26, 1850. 2487. Winfleld-Scott, b. Sept. 5, 1852. 2488. iFrank-Monsoa, b. Aug. 9, 1855. SIXTH GENERATION. 153 2489. SamuelS [1079] (Samuels, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), x,_ . Hq was of Palmyra, Me. It is not certain that this Samuel is the son of Samuel [1075], but the presump tive proof is very strong that the two are the same person ; m. Sally Burgess ; she was the daughter of Thomas and Mary(Dickey) Burgess, of Vassalborough, Me., and was b. Mar. 22, 1800. 2490. Albert. 2491. Eliza. 2492. Mary-E. 2493. Thomas. 2494. Sarah. 2495. Samuel. 2496. Sophia. 2497. Benjamin. 2498. MiLEsS [1085] (Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), X). June 3, 1797 ; res. Lexington, Richland Co., Ohio. In early life he was in the lumber trade on North River ; moved to Ohio in 1837. He has flUed a number of important offices in the town and county ; has been justice of the peace, and mayor of the borough where he resides. He is in the live-stock business ; m. Thedatia Nichols, Feb. 24, 1820. « 2499. Minerva, b. Jan. 3, 1821 ; 1st, m. Chauncey Loveland, Oct.l2, 1837 ; he d. Sept. 19, 1845; 2d, m. Jacob Number, Nov. 24, 1846; res. Eaton Rapids, Eaton Co., Mich. 2500. John [5309], b. Jan. 23, 1822. 2601. Alphris-More [6311], b. Jan. 6, 1827. 2602. Zadoc-Nichols [5315], b. Dec. 1, 1829. 2503. AsaS [1087] (Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 12, 1804, in Crown Point, N. Y. ; res. Lexington, Richland Co., Ohio ; is proprietor of a large hotel ; m. Alma Beverstock, Dec. 8, 1858. No chUdren (1870). 2504. Rev. Ira-NewtonS [1089] (Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. AprU 16, 1809, in Crown Point, N. Y. In 1842 he embraced the doctrine of the Mormon church, and removed with his family to the city of Nauvoo, Hancock Co., 111. On the expulsion of the Mormons from that city by mob violence, in 1846, he crossed the Mississippi River, and in 1848 located him self in what is now Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. In 1851, he removed north about thirty miles to Weber County, and occupied a portion of land on the north side of Weber River. He now has charge of a branch of the Mormon church, which has been organ ized there. He has filled the offices of justice of the peace and county selectman ; m. Ann-Eliza Drake, Sept. 7, 1834 ; she was the daughter of David and Sally Drake, and was b. Sept. 2, 1817. First two children b. in Crown Point, N. Y. ; last four in Eas ton, Weber Co., Utah Territory. 154 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 2505. Ann-Eliza, b. AprU 7, 1836 ; d. AprU 8, 1836. 2506. Eli-David [5318], b. July 30, 1839. 2507. Lucinda-Evaline, b. Sept. 27, 1844, in Nauvoo, IU. ; m. George Lyman Corey, Jan. 1, 1863; res. Uintah, Utah Territory. 2508. Ira-Stephen [5324], b. May 19, 1849, in Salt Lake City, Utah Ter ritory. 2509. Julia- Adelaide, b. Jan. 22, 1862 ; m. Warren- Wright Corey, Jan. 1, 1866 ; res. Easton, Utah Ter. ; P. O. address, Uintah. 2510. JuUu.s-Caesar, b. Dec. 18, 1853. 2511. Sarah-EUzabeth, b. July 1, 1866. 2612. Elnathan, b. Mar. 25, 1858. 2513. Reubens [1098] (ReubenS, Reuben*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), x,. Mar. 2, 1781, in Hudson, N. H. ; d. Dec 30, 1863, aged 82 ; res. Hudson, N. H. ; m. Hannah Barrett, Mar. 6, 1806, 2514. Susan, b. Dec. 23, 1806; m. Moody Morse, of Londonderry, N. H., Feb. 22, 1826; he d. ; she now res. in Jasper City, Iowa. 2515. Hannah, b. Sept. 19, 1808; m. Jonas Hale, of Woburn, Ms., Nov. 5, 1833 ; she now res. in Springfield, 111., where her husband d. 2516. Reuben [5326], b. July 1, 1811. 2517. Sarah, b. Mar. 16, 1816; m. John-H.Moor, of Manchester, N. H., July 30, 1840; res. Washington, D. C. 2618. Jane, b. July 4, 1819 ; m. Greeley Cressey, of Bradford, N. H., July 13, 1843 ; res. Bradford, N. H. 2619. Elizabeth, b. July 10, 1824; d. Aug. 2, 1832. 2620. Bustin [6331], b. Aug. 16, 1830. 2521. SuelS [1103] (ReubenS, Reuben*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. AprU 6, 1791, in Hudson, N. H. ; d. Aug. 10, 1851 ; res. Vestal, Broome Co., N. Y. ; m. Sally BusweU, May 5, 1812 ; she wash. May 3, 1791. 2622. Sarah-AbigaU, b. Nov. 13, 1816, in Antrim, N. H. ; m. Nathan Grifiin, Mar. 29, 1834 ; res. Vestal, N. Y. 2628. William [6334], b. Feb. 21, 1818, in Penn. 2524. Daniel-Buswell [5839], b. May 21, 1819, in Penn. 2526 (erased). 2626. Thomas [5347], b. Oct. 9, 1821, in Vestal, N. Y. 2527. Reuben [6352], b. Sept. 8, 1823. 2528. Alfred [5368], b. June 13, 1826. 2529. Anson [5364], b. May 25, 1828. 2630. Phebe-Eraeline, b. AprU 21, 1831 ; m. Andrew RusseU, AprU 24, 1850. 2531. WillardS [1104] (ReubenS, Reuben*, EbenezerS, Ed ward", Edwardi), x,. Mar. 18, 1793, in Hudson, N. H. ; d. Jan. 16, 1868, in Hudson, aged 74 yrs, 10 mos. He m. Sally Marsh, AprU 24, 1816 ; she was b. AprU 10, 1798 ; d. Nov. 19, 1850. ^ ' " He had been very healthy and robust untU a few months before hi s death. He was a kind and affectionate father, an obhging neighbor, and a highly esteemed citizen. He was a very industri ous person, and had always lived on the farm on which he resided at the time of his death, and which he inherited, in part, from his grandfather, who was one of the eariiest settlers of the town, and who came upon the farm when the land was just as the Indians SIXTH GENERATION. 155 left it. The early settlers had a fort on the farm, where they went for safety in times of the Indian wars ; some traces of this are still to be seen. Possessed Of an unbending integrity and a genial dis position, he became a valuable townsman, and this x^osition beheld with increasing respect until his death ; he leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss." [Obituary Notice of Willard Spalding.] 2532. Esther-Patterson, b. July 29, 1817; she d. July 21, 1841. 2533. Sarah-Ann, b. Dec. 29, 1818; m. Gano Senter, Jan. 29, 1844; he d, Dec. 8, 1845 ; she d. Sept. 10, 1847. 2534. Susan, b. Sept. 10, 1821. 2535. WiUard, b. Aug. 19, 1823 ; d. AprU 25, 1825. 2536. Lucinda-Marsh, b. July 13, 1825 ; she d. August 1, 1854. 2537. Phebe-Fox, b. July 22, 1828 ; m. Robert Leviston, of Bradford, N. H., AprU 5, 1864; res. Bradford, N. H. 2538. Emeline-Tenny, b. Aug. 23, 1830; m. Robert W, Boyd, of Lon donderry, N. H., May 23, 1856; res. Londonderry, N. H. 2539. Charles- WiUard, b. Oct. 3, 1835. 2540. DustinS [1105] (ReubenS, Reuben*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. July 27, 1796, in Pludson, N. H. ; d. AprU 16, 1854, in Lewiston, Penn. ; res. Lewiston, Mifflin Co., Penn. He went to Lewiston, Penn., in 1823 or '4, and lived there till his death. His son-in-law, Richard Meredith, was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., taken prisoner, and d. in Libby Prison, Rich mond, Va., Dec. 20, 1862. His sons, William S. and Theodore S., were both in the late war. He m. Rachel Rupert, of Lewiston, Penn., June 3, 1825 ; she was b. Oct. 28, 1801 ; d. Jan. 7, 1867. 2641. Mary-Price, b. AprU 11, 1826; m. John Fink, June 27, 1844; he was b. AprU 11, 1819; she d. Oct. 6, 1856. 2542. Esther-Patterson, b. July 26, 1827; d. March 21, 1828. 2543. Sarah-Coburn, b. Feb. 6, 1829; m. Richard Meredith, May 8, 1864 ; he was b. Oct 20, 1828 ; he d. Dec. 20, 1862. 2544. Catharine-Ann, b. Oct. 3, 1831 ; m. John-M. Bowman, Aug. 22, 1848 ; he was b. March 13, 1827 ; she d. Jan. 29,. 1850. 2546. WiUiam-Smitmer [5371], b. March 5, 1884. 2546. Rachel-Jane, b. April 5, 1836; ra. Robert- J. McCurdy, Feb. 14, 1854; he was b. March 1, 1834. 2547. Theodore-Starks, b. May 2, 1838; he served in the late war, and was connected with the 12th Regt. of Pennsylvania Infantry ; he was in the battle of seven days before Richmond, the battle of Gainsville, and the second battle of Bull Run ; unmarried. 2548. ArabeUa-Eavens, b. July 18, 1841 ; d. Jan. 29, 1860. 2549. Emeline, b. Sept. 24, 1844 ; d. March 21, 1845. 2550. WrightS [1108] (Benjamins, Benjamin*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), x,, peb. 5, 1757„ in Plainfield, Conn. ; d. May 17, 1830 ; he removed to Clinton Co., N. Y., about eighteen miles from Plattsburg, N. Y., and died there ; he was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, a private in the Ms. line. 1st, m. Olive Warren, of Plainfleld, Conn., 1785 ; she was b. Dec. 5, 1766, in Plainfield; she d. Feb. 4, 1807; 2d, m. Mrs. Martha (Smith) Reed, Aug. 11, 1807; she d. 1846, in Mich. 156 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2551. Eoyal, b. Jan. 3, 1786, in Sharon, Vt. 2552. Newel, b. July 2, 1787, in Sharon, Vt. ; d. Mar. 3, 1796. 2553. David-W., b. Feb. 1, 1789, in Sharon, Vt. 2554. Lucinda, b. July 2, 1791, in Sharon, Vt. ; d. May 23, 1792. 2555. Lucy, b. Jan. 21, 1794, in Waitsfleld, Vt. ; m. David Lewis; res. Elizabethtown, Essex Co., N.Y. 2566. Abigail, b. Feb. 10, 1797, in Moretown, Vt. ; she d. Feb. 1828, o4 SloT'flnji.p "N" "V 2557. Jared, b. Feb. 3, 1799, in Moretown, Vt. 2668. Horace [6372], b. May 27, 1802, in Moretown, Vt. 2559. RotalS [1112] (Benjamins, Benjamin*, Edwards, Benja min", Edwardi), b. Aug. 23, 1766, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Mar. 6, 1813, in Moretown, Vt. ; m. Lucy Benton, Aug. 19, 1789 ; she was b. Feb. 20, 1771 ; d. Aug. 8, 1836. 2660. Wealthy-Parkhurst, b. Feb. 21,1791; m. Rufus Clapp, Feb. 28, 1811 ; she d. June 25, 1865, in Moretown, Washington Co., Vt. 2561. Olive, b. Oct. 28, 1793; m. Ira Burdick, of Waitsfleld, Vt.; she d. AprU 22, 1822. 2562. Benjamin-Harvey [5376], b. May 11, 1797, in Moretown, Vt. 2663. Newell- Stevens [5388], b. Dec. 3, 1798. 2664. Nathan-Benton [5387], b. Mar. 24, 1802. 2566. John-Rogers [5392], b. June 24, 1804. 2566. Lucy, b. AprU 16, 1806 ; d. Jan. 13, 1811. 2667. Sibyl, b. Mar. 22, 1809; d.Mar. 31, 1809. 2568. Azel-Parkhurst, b. June 27, 1810; d.Mar. 1, 1813. 2569. Chastina-Parkhurst, b. Aug. 24, 1813 ; m. Wright Harkins, of Faystown, Dec. 16, 1840; res. Hudson, Wis. (1868). 2670. VeesalS [1115] (Benjamins, Benjamin*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. July 16, 1773, or Aug. 15, 1773 ; d. July 14, 1866 ; res. Schuyler's Falls, N. Y., where he and his wife died; m. Lena Benton, 1798, in Vt. 2571. Armon, b. July 12, 1800. 2572. Lyman [5393], b. Nov. 20, 1802, In Moretown, Vt. 2673. Orin, b. 1806, in Moretown, Vt. 2674. Mary-Theresa, b. Sept. 1811, in Plattsburg, Vt. ; m. J. Douglas, Sept. 1836; shed. 1847. 2576. LeviS [1116] (Benjamins, Benjamin*, Edwards, Benja min", Edwardi), b. Aug. 15, 1777; d. Sept. 9, 1858, aged 81. He was a soldier in the war of 1812 ; he was commissioned June 7, 1814, Ueut. of the 4th Co., 4th Regt., 2d Brigade and 3d Division of the militia of Vermont. He m. Thankful Goodspeed, Jan. 5, 1802, daughter of EUsha Goodspeed; d. June 16, 1861, in Moretown, Vt., aged 80. 2676. Justin [5398], b. June 7, 1802. 2577. Elvira-Ladd, b. Jan. 23, 1804 ; ra. Cephas Carpenter, Jr., Oct. 16, 1827; she d. Oct. 2, 1831, at Coburg, Upper Canada. 2678. Enos-Wilder [5404], b. Oct. 6, 1812. 2579. Cyrus-Crary [5409], b. July 2, 1814. 2580. Rowlands [1120] (AsaS, Benjamin*, Edwards, Benja min", Edwardi), b. Nov. 19, 1762, in Fairfleld, Conn. ; res. in Lansingburg, N. Y. ; he had no children, but he educated the only child of his Bister Grace, who became a Presbyterian rhinister. SIXTH GENERATION. 157 2581. DavidS [1123] (AsaS, Benjamin*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 24, 1768, in Fairfleld, Conn. ; d. Nov. 26, 1853, in West Troy, N. Y., aged 84 ; res. in White Creek, Cambridge, Spafford, Otisco, Spafford again, MarceUus, and West Troy, N. Y. 1st, m. Ruth Close ; she was b. May 22, 1768, in Faii-fleld, Conn. ; d. 1812 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Hannah (Saunders) Atkinson, Jan. 1, 1817 ; she was the widow of John Atkinson, and had six children ; she was b. March 4, 1781 ; d. AprU 15, 1867, in Hoosick, N. Y. 2582. AbigaU-Rowland, b. Oct. 30, 1793 ; m. SUas Cox, Feb. 4, 1815 ; she d. Aug. 12, 1864; he d. July 29, 1856, 2583. Samuel [5414], b. Nov. 20, 1796. 2684. Grace-Ann, b. June 2, 1801 ; m. George Spalding [4763], March 25, 1848. 2585. Elvira, b. Oct. 2, 1803 ; m. Henry Hoag, 1827 ; she d. May, 1868. 2686. David [5417], b. Jan. 13, 1809. 2587. Asa [5422], b. Oct. 15, 1817. 2588. Edward [6428], b. March 23, 1820, in Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y. 2689. Angeline- Weston, b. March 29, 1822; m. John- Wills Spear, Jan. 1, 1846; res. North Adams, Ms. 2590. Rowland-Edgar [5432], b. Jan. 22, 1825, in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. 2691. Johns [1130] (JohnS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 13, 1761 ; d. "I believe John was married, at Spencertown, N. Y., to a Dutch woman ; resided there for a time ; then in Plainfleld, N. H., then in Shefford, Canada, where he died." [Letter of Josiah Spalding, Janesville, Wis.] He had two sons. 2592. Roswell. 2698. Joel. 2594. AmasaS [1131] (JohnS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 11, 1753, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. at Morris- town, Vt., Mar. 22, 1836, aged 83. When about 32 years of age he emigrated to Plainfleld, N. H., where he settled, married, and resided until Jan. 1815, when he removed to Morristown, Vt., and continued there the rest of his days. His family presents a case of remarkable longevity ; they all lived until the youngest attained the age of 55 ; m. Mary Roberts, of Killingly, Conn., Feb, 5, 1784 ; she was b. Sept. 14, 1769 ; d. Sept. 4, 1829, Children all born in Plainfleld, N. H. 2695. Polly, b Nov. 8, 1784 ; m. Jonathan GuUkey, of Plainfield, N. H. ; she d. Mar. 9, 1858, aged 73, at Morristown, Vt. 2596. Chauncey, b. April 13, 1786 ; d. Aug. 15, 1860, aged 74, at Mor ristown, Vt. 2597. Asaph [5439], b. Dec. 4, 1787 or 1788. 2598. Ziba, b. Oct. 10, 1789 ; d. Jan. 21, 1862, atljlmore, Vt,, aged 72; unraarried. 2599. Josiah [6447], b. Dec. 3, 1791. 2600. Amasa [5456], b, July 5, 1793, 158 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2601. Jason [5463], b. July 28, 1795 ; d. Nov. 22, 1865, at Beekman- town, N. Y. aged 69. 2602. Solomon [5471], b. AprU 19, 1797; d. Nov. 16, 1862, at Morris town, Vt., aged 66. 2603. Mercy, b. Mar. 30, 1 799 ; m. Lebbeus Spalding [9695] ; res. Mor ristown, Vt. 2604. Warren [5474], b. July 7, 1800. 2605. Esther, b. June 13, 1801 ; unmarried. 2606. RosweU, b. Jan. 15, 1804; unmarried. 2607. JoNAsS[1139] (PhineasS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjainin", Edwardi), b. AprU 6, 1750,0. S. ; d. July 7, 1816, ae. 66 ; res. Wood bury, Conn. He was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary war. " I think I have heard my father say that he had three brothers, whose names were Samuel, Solomon, Oliver or Jeremiah ; that one of them was named after their father." [Letter of Mrs, Mabel Bishop.] 2608. Mabel, b. Feb. 17, 1775 ; m. Ira Bishop, Mar. 3, 1795 ; he was b. Nov. 24, 1773; he d. May 1, 1846 ; a miUwright; res. Wood bury, Conn. 2609. Phineas [5480], b. May 2, 1776. 2610. Lucy, b. Oct. 11, 1788 ; m. Amasa Ives. 2611. AzblS [1142] (ReubenS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), X). ; d. at Fairfax, Vt. ; res. Sharon, Vt. ; ren^oved to Canada ; m. Mary Cole. 2612. Reuben [5487]. 2613. Sally. 2614. Jared. 2615. Azel [6496]. 2616. Ebenezer. 2617. Lucy.A son, name forgotten. 2618. Betsey. 2619. Ira. 2620. ReubenS [1143] (ReubenS, Ephraim*, ' Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), X). Dec. 16, 1768 ; d. Sept. 15, 1849, aged 91 years; m. Jerusha Carpenter, of Sharon, Vt., June 21, 1785 ; she was b. June 24, t768, in Coventry, Conn. ; she d. Dec. 7, 1827. Dea. Spalding entered the town of Sharon, Vt., on the 16th of September, 1769, and took up his residence on the farm which he occupied at his death, making a period of eighty years. At the time of his settlement there were only seven families in town, and no inhabitants in Royalton, Barnard, or Pomfret. In consequence, his early Ufe was passed amidst the hardships and sufferings incident to pioneers of the wilderness, and had much influence, no doubt, in forming that energy and fearlessness of character for which he was well known. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and drew a pension. His personal history is identifled with the his tory of the place of his residence. He knew it all, and was him self a part. He had twelve children, nine sons and three daugh ters, — a circle that was unbroken until November, 1847, when he was called to mourn the death of Dr. Jason C. Spalding. That event palled together under the paternal roof the whole family, SIXTH GENERATION. 159 and presented not a faint picture of " olden times." There was seen the beauty and power of religion : the aged father, venerable for his gray hairs, and yet more for his love and fear of God, like a patriarch, stood beside the remains' of the departed one, and urged upon the living, with great fervor of spirit, faithfulness in the service of that God in whom he trusted. Dea. Spalding had been a member of the Congregational church sixty-one years, during forty -two of which he sustained the office of deacon. He loved " the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob." Having become a member very soon after the church was organized, he had been with it through all its seasons of pros perity and adversity, and was prominent among the few upon whom devolved the responsibility of supporting the Gospel. His interest was a growing interest. Whilst old age removed him from the busy and attractive scenes of the world, it did not abate his devotedness to the cause of Christ. For that, there was a growing love ; it was the theme of thought and conversation ; the Bible was his daily companion ; he loved the doctrines of grace ; and the church, of which he was an honored member, is a witness to his faithfulness. Children all bom in Sharon, Vt. 2621. Pierce [5497], b. Feb. 9, 1786. 2622. Polly, b. Aug. 12, 1788 ; 1st, m. Benjamin VaU, Mar. 10, 1805 ; be d. Aug. 5, 1807 ; 2d, m. Oliver Fales, Aug. 15, 1814 ; she d. May, 1864, at Sharon, Vt. 2623. John [6502], b. Jan. 16, 1790. 2624. Jaraes [6508], b. Mar. 20, 1792. 2625. Eunice, b. Sept. 24, 1794 ; m. Gains Leonard, Aug. 6, 1816 ; res. Ripon, Wis. (1867). 2626. Susan, b. Oct. 24, 1796; m. Thomas Lovejoy, Mar. 2, 1818; res. Royalton, Vt. 2627. Phineas [5618], b. Jan. 14, 1799. 2628. Jason-Carpenter [5623], b. AprU 29, 1801. 2629. Azel [5529], b. Mar. 29, 1803. 2630. Levi [5533], b. Sept. 9, 1805. 2631. Reuben [6543], b. July 22, 1807. 2632. Charles [5647], b. Aug. 28, 1812. 2633. REtiBENS [1 148] (Josiahs, Ephraim*, Edwards, :penjaniin", Edwardi), X). Dec. 20, 1758, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. AprU 13, 1832 ; was buried in Eastford, Conn. ; res. Pomfret, Conn. ; m. Hannah Peabody, Nov. 25, 1784; she was b. Aug. 31, 1758; d. Mar. 9, 1823. 2634. AbigaU, b. May 19, 1786; d. Mar. 2,^788. 2636. Reuben [6552], b. May 24, 1788. 2636. Azubah, b. Oct. 19, 1790; d. June 7, 1810. 2637. Josiah [5558], b. Feb. 24, 1793. 2688. Erastus [5569], b. June 22, 1795. 2639. Lorancy, b. Oct. 30, 1797; m. Joseph RusseU, June 14, 1820; he d. Dec. 7, 1865, aged 78 ; she d. May 8, 1832 ; res. Pomfret, Conn. 2640. Phila, b. Nov. 6, 1799 ; d. Aug. 19, 1801. 2641. Priscilla, b. April 29, 1802; d. Jan. 24, 1848; unmarried. 2642. Sqlo?honS [1149] (Josiahs, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), x,. Feb. 20, 1761, at Ashford, Conn. ; d. Sept. 10, 160 THE SPAI4DING MEMORIAL. 1816, aged 55, in Pittsburg, Penn. ; other authority says Amity, Washington Co., Penn. "In youth, he was a soldier in the Revolutionary army, and, leaving it, read law with Judge Zephaniah Swift, of Windham, Conn., but on change of religious views, sought the ministry, and entered the sophomore class at Dartmouth College at the age of twenty-one. Graduating there in 1785, he studied divinity, and became a licentiate of the Windham, Conn., Cong. Associar tion, Obt. 9, 1787 ; preached eight or ten years, and, being in this time ordained an evangelist, received several offers to settle, that were declined, owing to Ul health. In 1795, he was mar ried, and soon after went into business with his brother Josiah, at Cherry VaUey, N. Y., but both removed the store to Richfield, N. Y., in 1799. Here they purchased large tracts of land in Penn sylvania and Ohio, to superintend which, Solomon moved to Salem, Ohio, but the war of 1812 deranged their plans and caused great losses. Josiah, then visiting his brother, found him in poor health and low spirits, writing a work of flction, suggested by the opening of a mound, in which was discovered human bones and some rel ics indicative of a former civilized race. He entitled his work a ' Manuscript Found,' and in it imagined the fortunes of the extinct people. Josiah left him thus employed. Not long after, probably in 1814, Solomon went to Pittsburg, Penn., where he was foUowed by Sidney Rigdon, then a printer and afterwards a noted Mormon. He told his employer of Spalding's novel, who borrowed the manuscript, and offered to print it. This was refused, and the author wandered to Amity, the place of his death. His widow returned to New York with the manuscript, and while absent from home, a stranger called on her and desired to examine it, that he might conflrm or refute a report current in the West, that it had become the Mormon bible. She permitted him to visit her house and obtain it from a certain chest. He went and reported that he could not flnd it. Mrs. Spalding never saw it after this. The probability is, that Rigdon copied the work at Pittsburg, and that the stranger purloined the original to avoid a future exposure. The uniform testimony of those who read the work is, that the ba sis, and in great part, the form thereof, now constitute the Mormon bible. And thus a clergyman was most unwittingly and innocently the medium of a delusion, whose dimensions have become so large, and its impostures so monstrous." [Dartmouth Alumni, p. 32.] The above facts are embodied in a letter from his brother, given below. Eastpoed, Jan. 6, 1855. Rev. Sir: — I received your letter ofthe 21st of December requesting me to give you a sketch of my brother Solomon's life. I should be pleased to oblige you satisfactorily, but my recollection and faculty of mind is so much impaired with age and infirmity, being within two months of ninety years of age, I can give but a broken narrative. He was born 1761. In the flrst part of the Revolutionary war he was in the array or at work on the farm. 1 do not recoUect when he commenced study for education at High School, SIXTH GENERATION. 161 nor how long he continued there, but when he left there he went to study with the celebrated Zephaniah Swift to prepare for the practice of law. How long he studied with him I do not recollect ; but before he got through, his mind changed from law to gospel, and he left and went to coUege ; but when I do not recollect. I believe he was in college about three years. He did not study theology at any public school after he left college. When he left college he was out of health, and was so for years. He was appro bated to preach as a Congregationalist, and followed that calling a nuraber of years, but never settled, on account of his health, though often urged. In 1795 he married. I went to Cheixy Valley and comraenced raerchandising. I had no wife. He followed soon afterwith his wife and joined me in part nership. He left the store to my care. He took the charge of an acaderay and preached occasionally for a while. We continued in Cherry Valley about four years, and then we moved our store sixteen miles, to Richfield. We soon after went into a large speculation in new land in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and after a few years he moved out there with his wife ; she never had any chUdren. He sold a large amount of land on credit principally to people in Ohio. The war that broke out with England seriously affected that country. That circumstance, with some other misfortunes that hap pened, placed us in dUficult circumstances. We were under the necessity to make great sacrifices to pay our debts. I went to see my brother, and staid with him some tirae. I found him unwell, and soraething low in spirits. He began to corapose his novel, which it is conjectured that the Mormons made use of in forraing their bible. Indeed, although there was nothing in it of Mormonism or that favored error in any way, yet I am ap prehensive that they took pattern from it in forming their delusion. You may flnd my reason in what follows. In the town where he lived, which I expect is now caUed Salem, Ohio, there is the appearance of an ancient fort, andneafbya large raound, which, when opened, was found to con tain huraan bones. These things give it the appearance of its being inhab ited by a civilized people. These appearances furnished a topic of con versation araong the people. My brother told me that a young man told hira that he had a wonderful dream. He dreamed that he himself (if I rec oUect right) opened a great mound, where there were human bones. There he found a written history that would answer the inquiry respecting the civ ilized people that once inhabited that country until they were destroyed by the savages. This story suggested the idea of writing a novel merely for amusement. The title of his novel, I think, was " Historical Novel," or " Manuscript Found." This novel is the history contained in the manu script found. The author of it he brings from the Old World, but from what nation I do not recoUect, I think not a Jew ; nor do I recollect how long since, but I think before the Christian Era. He was a man of supe rior learning suited to that day. He went to sea, lost his point of com pass, and flnally landed on the American shore, I think near the mouth of the Mississippi River. There he reflects most feelingly on what he suffered, his present condition and future prospects; he likewise makes some lengthy remarks on astronomy and philosophy, which I should think would agree in sentiment and style with very ancient writings. He then started and travelled a great distance through a wilderness country inhabited by savages, until he came to a country where the inhabitants were civilized. cultivated their land, and had a regular form of government which was at war with the savages. There I left him and never saw hira nor his writings any more. He soon after moved to Pittsburg, in Pennsylvania, where he lived awhile and then moved farther, to a place where he died. His widow then returned to the State of New York, and lived there awhile and then came to Connecticut. She informed me, if I recoUect right, that my brother continued his history of the civilized nation and the progress of the war until the triumph of the savages to the destruction of the civilized government. Likewise she informed rae that soon after they arrived at Pittsburg a man followed them, I do not recoUect his name, but he was 11 162 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. afterwards known to be a leading Mormon, He got into the employment of a printer, and he told the printer about my brother's composition. The printer called and requested the privilege of taking it home to read. He, ray brother, let hira take it ; he kept it some time, and then he urged hira, my brother, to let hira print it. He, my brother, would not consent, but took it back, and she said that she brought it to New York and put it into a chest Where she lived. And at a tirae when she was frora home a stranger caUed upon her and requested her to let him see the novel that her husband com posed. He said that he lived at the West, and it was reported there that it gave rise to Mormonism ; if not true he wished to counteract the report. She told him that he might go to the house ; it was in a chest, he mighttake it and examine it. He went to the chest, and I think she told me that he said that he could not flnd it, but it has never been found since. But what use could they make of it? I never saw the Mormon bible but once, and then only for a minute, no time to examine it. I have but little knowledge of Mormonism ; I have been out ofthe way of it. You, sir, no doubt, have more knowledge, but if I have been rightly informed, there is a striking resemblance between the first start and introduction of the Mormon bible and my brother's novel. They both claimed that the manuscripts from Which they pretend they copied were of very ancient date and written by men that came here from the Old World. The Mormon bible was not pub lished until after my brother's death. Yours respectfully, JOSIAH SPALDING. He m. Matilda Saljin, of Pomfret, Conn. They had no children, but adopted one called, 2643. MatUda-Sabin " Spalding." 2644. ElishaS [1150] (Josiahs, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), x,. Feb. 28, 1763, in Ashford, Conn. ; d.. June 11, 1834, in Monroe, Ohio. He settled in Chelsea, Vt., about the year 1787 or 8. In the fall of 1823 he moved to Conneaut, Crawford Co., Penn., with his fam Uy, and lived with his brother John, until the spring of 1824, when he settled in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, where he resided the remainder of his days ; m. Urania Woodard, July 1, 1789 ; she was b. Aug. 17, 1766 ; d. AprU 22, 1846. ChUdren all bom in Chelsea, Vt. 2645. John, b. May 18, 1790; d. June 5, 1821, in Chelsea, Vt. 2646. Solenda, b. Jan. 3, 1792 ; d. AprU 7, 1821, in Chelsea, Vt. 2647. Abigail, b. Jan. 17, 1794; d. May 16, 1867, in Monroe, Ohio. 2648. Cynthia, b. Jan. 9, 1797 ; m. Francis Kellogg, Jan. 16, 1826 ; he was b. Feb. 25, 1795 ; d. Aug. 5, 1862 ; she d. Nov. 8, 1862, in Monroe, Ohio. 2649. Elisha, b. AprU 15, 1799; d. Dec. 21, 1837, in Monroe, Ohio. 2650. Solomon [5564], b. Aug. 22, 1801 ; d. June 11, 1846, in Monroe, Ohio. 2651. Josiah [6568], b. Sept. 3, 1803 ; d. Oct. 19, 1848, in Monroe, Ohio. 2662. Urania, b. Aug. 11, 1806; ra. John Havilard, Aug. 9, 1849; res.^ Monroe, Ohio ; P. O. address. South Ridge, Ohio. 2663. JosiahS [1161] (JosiahS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 12, 1765, in Ashford, Conn, (other authority, Mar. 31, 1765) ; d. Nov. 16, 1859, aged 94 yrs. 8 mos. 4 days; res, and d. in Eastford, Conn., formerly a part of Ashford, Conn. SIXTH GENERATION. 163 At the birth of his son, Josiah, he lived in Richfield, N. Y. ; about 1818, he moved back to Ashford, Conn. ; m. Jemima Bosworth, Nov. 1806 ; she d. Aug. 23, 1837, aged 71. 2654. Josiah, b. ; d. ; he was their only child, and d. unmarried. 2655. EphraimS [1153] (Josiahs, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 29, 1769, in Ashford, Conn. ; d. Mar. 19, 1815 ; 1st, m. Betsey Gilbert, of Sunderland, Ms. ; she d. Mar. 29, 1801 ; 2d, m. Hannah Famham, of Ashford, Conn. 2666. Cynthia. 2657. Betsey. 2658. Solomon. 2659. JohnS [1155] (Josiahs, EphraimS, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Jan. 10, 1774, in Ashford, Conn. ; d. Mar. 22, 1857, in Lisle, Du Page Co., IU. He settled in Conneaut, Crawford Co., Penn. ; about 1842 he moved with his family, except his eldest son, to Illinois, where be and his wife died at an advanced age. He was a farmer, and his sons are all farmers. In his religious views he was a close-com munion Baptist ; m. Martha Denison, April 5, 1802 ; she d. Dec. 11, 1864. The flrst five children were bom in Richfleld, N. Y. ; the others are in Conneaut, Crawford Co., Penn. 2660. lola, b. Jan. 16, 1808, m. Orsaraus Hewit, June 30, 1825 ; he was b'. April 26, 1805; d. Feb. 15, 1860; res. Cass, Du Page Co., 111. 2661. Emeline, b. May 9, 1804; d. Mar. 11, 1820. 2662. Matilda, b. AprU 3, 1806 ; m. John McMeUen ; she d. May 8, 1855. 2663. Daniel-Denison, b. Oct. 3, 1807. 2664. Mary, b. Mar. 6, 1810 ; d. Dec. 4, 1856. 2666. Martha-Geer, b. Mar. 13, 1812; 1st, m. Henry C. Cross, Oct. 9, 1844 ; he d. Jan. 6, 1847 ; 2d, m. Luther-Clark Lee, Mar. 4, 1849 ; res. Aurora, 111. 2666. John [6575], b. Sept. 14, 1814. 2667. Ephraim [6579], b. Jan. 10, 1817; P. O. address, Vinton, Iowa. 2668. WiUiam, b. Oct. 27, 1819 ; P. O. address, Marion, Iowa. 2669. Sarah-Ann, b. July 26, 1821 ; m. Malcolm-Dunbar Morton, April 15, 1847 ; P. O. address, Vinton, Iowa. 2670. NewellS [1158] (EzekieP, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), X). ; d. Nov. 11, 1849, aged 80 ; res. East ford, Conn. ; 1st, m. Sally Joslin, Jan. 4, 1796 ; she d. Mar. 20, 1798 ; 2d, m. AbigaU Franklin, Jan. 5, 1800 ; shed. Feb. 14, 1818 ; 3d, m. Solinda Spalding, Oct. 7, 1818 ; she d. Oct. 27, 1853 ; she was the daughter of Josiah Spalding [1146]. 2671. OUve, b. Dec. 4, 1800 ; m. Cyrus Brown, AprU 9, 1819 ; he d. ; res. Mystic, Conn., and Worcester, Mass. 2672. Danforth-Keyes, b. March 23, 1802 ; res. Pomfret, Conn. ; un married. 2673. Mary-Bennett, b. Mar. 8, 1804 ; m. Thomas- Watson Delphi, Dec. 25, 1828 ; res. Willington, Conn. 164 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2674. Azubah, fe. Sept. 27, 1805 ; m. WiUiam Barber, Mar. 5, 1823 ; res. Thorapson, Conn. 2675. Lydia, b. April 4, 1808; d. Mar. 18, 1810. 2676. Abigail, b. Jan. 21, 1810; d. Jan. 1816. 2677. Benjamin Franklin [5683], b. April 23, 1812. 2678. Lorissa-Bennet, b. Dec. 29, 1815 ; 1st, m. Hezekiah Congdon, June 4, 1838 ; he d. Oct. 26, 1842 ; 2d, m. Welcome-B. Lewis, April 20, 1863 ; res. Mystic, Conn. 2679. Joseph-Raymond [5584], b. Mar. 23, 1817. 2680. Miners [1159] (EzekieP, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. July 29, 1763 ; d. March, 1840 ; res. Jewett City, Conn. ; m. Sarah Mott, of Stonington, Conn., 1787. Children all born in Preston, now Griswold, Conn. 2681. Miner [5689], b. May 3, 1788. 2682. Betsey, b. May 13, 1790; d. Oct. 28, 1854; unmarried. 2683. Ezra Morgan. [5590], b. July 29, 1792. 2684. Jerusha-Mott, b. Feb. 4, 1794; ra. Harris Keyes, Feb. 10, 1814 ; went to Pitcher, N. Y. ; she d. Feb. 24, 1861, at Pitcher. 2685. Ephraira [5592], b. July 29, 1797. ¦ 2686. Hannah-Tracy, b. Aug. 15, 1802; m. Samuel White, March 22, 1830 ; res. BurrUlsville, R. I. ; she d. Feb. 23, 1865, at East Douglas, Ms. 3687. Elisha-La,throp [5698], b. Dec. 10, 1805. 2688. Parleys [1161] (EzekieF, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edward'), b. April 7, 1766 ; d. Mar. 21, 1832, at Columbia, Herkimer Co., N. Y., aged 65 yrs. 11 mos. 14 days ; res. Co lumbia, N. Y. ; m. Abigail Joselyn ; she was b. Jan. 24, 1765 ; she d. Nov. 28, 1858, aged 94. 2689. Luther [5600], b. Aug. 7, 1791. 2690. Lucy, b. Feb. 4, 1793 ; m. George Martin. 2691. Nathan [5607], b. June 6, 1799. 2692. Parley-Josslyn [6611], b. Aug. 6, 1805. 2693. William-WitterS [1168] (Olivers, Ephraun*, Edward^, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 18, 1767 ; d. Oct. 16, 1845; res. Sheshequin, Athens, and Towanda, Bradford Co., Penn. He settled in Sheshequin in 1788 ; m. Rebecca Spalding, Aug. 23, 1789 ; she was the daughter of Gen. Simon Spalding [2019], of Sheshequin, Penn. ; she d. April 21, 1813, at Genesee, N. Y. 2694. Robert [5618], b. July 1, 1790. 2695. Morris [5625], b. Mar. 24, 1792. 2696. Anna, b. June 3, 1794 ; m. Henry Smith, of Avoca, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1814; hed. ; she d. 2697. Maria, b. Oct. 4, 1796; m. WiUiam Briggs, of Athens, Penn., Jan. 19, 1816; hed. ; she d. 2698. John-Adaras [5632], b. Sept. 7, 1799. 2699. Erastus, b. Oct. 17, 1802 ; unraarried ; res. TiskUwa, IU. 2700. Harriet-B., b. May 20, 1804 ; m. Cyrus M. Johnson, Dec. 26, 1824; he d. 2701. Ruth-Ann, b. May 8, 1806; m. Henry Marcy. 2702. Alexander-Hamilton [5638], b. Dec. 6, 1809. 2703. Jane-Rebecca, b. Mar. 8, 1813. 2704. Fredericks [1170] (Olivers, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben SIXTH GENERATION. 165 jamin", Edwardi), x,. July 23, 1772 ; d. AprU 19, 1823 ; he moved to Scipio, N. Y., in 1791, thence to Gorham, N. Y., in 1816 ; m. Elizabeth Morgan, of Preston, Conn., 1794 ; she was the daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Leeds) Morgan, and was b. Sept. 15, 1770 ; d. Aug. 5, 1824. Children all bom in Scipio, N. Y. 2705. EUzabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1795; m. Ezra Witter, of Gorhara, N. Y., Jan. 2. 1820 ; he d. Jan. 11, 1836 ; she d. Mar. 27, 1858, in Gor ham, N. Y. 2706. Mary, b. Mar. 22, 1797 ; m. Nathan Witter, of Gorhara, N. Y. , Jan. 2, 1820 ; res. St. Joseph's, Mo. (1868) ; she d. there AprU 12, 1842. 2707. Frederick-Austin [5641], b. Mar. 27, 1800. 2708. Ormand [5650], b. Feb. 1, 1802. 2709. Oliver [5651], b. May 6, 1804. 2710. Thomas-Morgan, b. June 12, 1806 ; d. Nov. 13, 1827, in New York; unraarried. 2711. WiUiam-Leeds, b. Sept. 8, 1808 ; d. July II, 1826, in Rochester, N.Y. 2712. Alexander-Hamilton, b. Aug. 8, 1810 ; d. Nov. 2, 1812. 2713. Volney [6653], b. Aug. 3, 1813. 2714. ErastusS [1171] (Olivers, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 28, 1775 ; d. July 16, 1830 ; res. Lockport, N. Y. ; m. Jennet Mack, of Londonderry, N. H., Dec. 13, 1798 ; she d. Mar. 13, 1836. First six children were bom in Scipio, N. Y. 2715. Lyman-Austih [5656], b. Feb. 28, 1800. • 2716. Erastus-Holmes [5661], b. Aug. 16, 1801. 2717. Jane-Louisa, b. May 6, 1803 ; 1st, m: Amos Dean, Feb. 2, 1825 ; he d. Dec. 18, 1833 ; no children ; res. Lockport, N. Y. ; 2d, m. John G. CrandaU, of Brockport, N. Y , Mar. 26, 1835 ; he d. 1842. 2718. Isabell-Baxter. b. Mar. 25, 1805 ; m. EUsha Dean, Oct. 27, 1826 ; res. Buffalo, N. Y. 2719. Alexander-Hamilton [5665], b. May 9, 1807. 2720. Mary- Ann, b. Dec. 3, 1808 ; m. Thomas Love, Oct. 1, 1832 ; res. Woodstock, Canada West, where she d. July 6, 1833. 2721. Frederick-Allen [5667], b. Feb. 26, 1812, in Charlotte, N. Y. 2722. Ann-Holms, b. Feb. 11, 1813; d. 1814. 2723. qharles-Hanford [5670], b. Feb. 8, 1816, in Rochester, N. Y. 2724. Martha-Ann, b. AprU 5, 1818, in Rochester, N. Y. ; m. Lucian-B. Garlinghouse, June 2, 1841 ; res. Canandaigua, N. Y. 2725. CaroUne-Elizabeth, b. Oct. 26, 1820, in Rochester, N. Y. ; m. Lindley-W. Sraith, of Canandaigua, N. Y. 2726. Nathaniel-Mack [5671], b. May 5, 1822, in Rochester, N. Y. 2727. EfhraimS [1172] (Olivers, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben- jamm", Edwardi), X). Sept. 21, 1777 ; d. Feb. 21, 1863, aged 85 yrs., 5 mos. He flrst emigrated to Scipio, N. Y. ; thence to Greece, Mom-oe Co., N. Y. ; thence, in 1828, to Murray, Orleans Co., N. Y., where he resided until his death ; 1st, m. Lydia Stevens, Jan. 1 , 1801 ; she was b. Jan. 18, 1781 ; d. May 23, I82i7 ; 2d, m. Mrs. — — Adams, 1839. All the children^ except the flrst two and Edwin-Stevens, were bom in Greece, Monroe, Co, N, Y. 166 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2728. AbigaU, b. Oct. 17, 1802 ; m. WiUiam Lowden, 1825 ; they have res. at Greece and Murray, N: Y. ; now res. at'Brownstown, Monroe Co., Mich. 2729. FloriUa, b. Nov. 19, 1805 ; m. Harry-S. Linbocker, a Free-will Baptist preacher, in 1830; res. Manhattan, Kansas. 2730. Erastus-Alsworth [5681], b. Nov. 28, 1808. 2731. Edwin-Stevens [5686], b. July 21, 1811, in Gates, Monroe Co., N.Y. 2732. Lyman- Witter [5693], b. Jan. 18, 1814. 2733. Ephraim-Hall [5700], b. AprU 18, 1816. 2734. Oliver [5705], b. July 6, 1818. 2735. Lydia-Jane, b. Sept. 9, 1821 ; d. Feb. 16, 1824. 2736. Matthew-Stevens [5706], b June 9, 1825. 2737. Albert, b. May 13, 1827 ; d. July 1, 1827. 2738. JohnS [1174] (Olivers, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjainin", Edwardi), b. July 4, 1785, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; d. Sept. 22, 1823, in Middlebury, Wyoming Co., N. Y., where he went to purchase a farm ; he was deacon in a Presbyterian church ; res. Scipio, N. Y. ; m. Julia Avery, Feb. 1813, in Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ; she wash. AprU 23, 1793, in Groton, Conn.; she d. Feb. 15, 1853, in CoUins, Erie Co., N. Y. ; after the death of Mr. Spalding, she married EUas Morgan, in 1832. Children all born in Scipio, N. Y. 2739. Rebecca-Maria, b. Dec. 25, 1813 ; m. Ebenezer Morgan, Jan. 9, 1834; res. Spring, Crawford Co., Penn. 2740. Nancy-A., b. Feb. 22, 1815; m. Erastus Morgan, Jan. 4, 1838; he d. Feb. 28, 1866; res. Belvidere, Boone Co., IU. 2741. John, b. July 2, 1816; d. Jan. 30, 1839, in Niles, Mich.; un married. 2742. Mary-Charlotte, b. Dec. 27, 1817; m. George Hussey,, Oct. 27, 1860 ;he d. July 4, 1865; res. North CoUms, Erie Co., N. Y. 2748. EUas. 2744. Hamilton [5707], b. Feb. 19, 1819. 2745. Julia, b. Dec. 19, 1823 ; m. Oliver Briggs, Sept. 3, 1848 ; res. Middleport, N. Y. 2746. DuaS [1182] (EphraimS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 26, 1782; d. Jan. 23, 1865; res. Eastford, Conn. ; m. Marcy Warren, AprU 30, 1807 ; she was b. Feb. 29, 1788. 2747. Warren [5709], b. Mar. 18, ; d. Mar. 1828. 2748. Erastus [5710], b. AprU 23, 1809. 2749. John-Warren [6711], b. May 25, 1811. 2760. EUza, b. AprU 12, 1813 ; m. Nelson Whitford ; res. WUlington, Conn. 2751. Lyman [5714], b. Mar. 26, 1815. 2752. Nelson [5715], b. Feb. 1817. 2753. Augustus [5716], b. Feb. 1, 1919. 2754. GUbert [5720], b. July 3, 1821. 2755. Ephraira [6721], b. Dec. 26, 1822. 2756. Edward [6722], b. Oct. 18, 1824. 2757. Mary Ann, b. April 8, 1827 ; d. unraarried. 2758. EdmondS [1183] (EphraimS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 27, 1784; res. Northampton, Fulton ~^-^" 1 rG-E.Perine HON. RUFUS P SPAIuDING, REPRESEHTATIVE FROM OHIO SIXTH GENERATION. 167 Co., N. Y. ; 1st, m. Mary Chandler, of Pomfret, Conn., Sept. 20, 1809 ; she d. June 8, 1819, at Ashford, Conn. ; 2d, m. Lodema Snow, Sept. 10, 1819 ; she d. Nov. 185S ; leaving no children. ChUdren all born in Ashford, Conn. 2759. Alva [5723], b. June 29, 1810. 2760. Andrew [6730], b. Dec. 12, 1814. 2761. Lucius, b. AprU 10, 1816 ; d. May 22, 1819. | 2762. Bela-PatneS [1185] (EbenezerS, Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 26, 1784; d. Jan. 19, 1871; aged 86 years and nearly 10 months. Having lived and mingled exten sively with his fellow-men in the various walks of life, he died at a venerable age, respected and loved by all who knew him, for the thoroughness of his honesty and the purity of his life ; m. Betsey Bacon, Mar. 26, 1806 ; she was the daughter of Benjamin Bacon, of Plainfleld, Conn. ; and d. April 16, 1851. 2763. Edward [5733], b. May 24, 1807; he was lost on the steamer " Central America," on her homeward voyage from California, Sept. 12, 1857. 2764. Maria-Elizabeth, b. June 4, 1809 ; m. James-Bedingfield Whit- comb, M. D., June 24, 1839; he studied medicine with Dr. Waldo Flint, of Leicester, Ms., and took his diploraa at Pitts- fleld, Ms., 1827; he served raost acceptably as surgeon, in the llth Conn. Volunteers, for more than four years, during the war of the Rebellion, not returning to his family until January, 1866. 2765. Benjamin-Bacon [5741], b. Oct. 6, 1811. 2766. Ebenezer [5747], b. Oct. 21,1816; d. of cholera in St. Louis, Aug. 17, 1866. 2767. Dr. LotherS [1187] (EbenezerS, Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 24, 1789, in Brooklyn, Conn. ; d. Aug. 16, 1825, at Stowe, Ohio. He graduated at Yale College, 1810 ; as A. M., 1822 ; attended lectures at the University of Pennsylvania in 1813 ; served for a time in the war of 1812, and was in the hospital at New London, Conn. ; he settled flrst at New Braintree, Ms. ; then removed to Brooklyn, Conn. ; thence to Windsor, Conn. He removed to Ohio about 1822 or 3, and settled at Stowe Corners, in (then) Portage County, where he died ; m. Maria Paine, Nov. 11, 1816 ; she was the daughter of Luther and Sibyl Paine, of Canterbury, Conn. ; she d. 1845. 2768. Henry-Paine [5753], b. Nov. 20, 1818, in New Braintree, Ms. 2769. John [5756], b. in Brooklyn, Conn. 2770. WiUiam-Putnara [5763], b. in Conn. 2771. Mary-EUzabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1825 ; m. C. P. Chamberlain, Sept. 1856 ; res. Canisteo, N. Y. 2772. Hon. Rueus-PaineS [1198] (RufusS, Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi). jj^ .^^g the eldest son of Dr. Rufus Spalding, and the fifth in lineal descent from Edward Spalding, of Braintree (1640) ; was bom on the 3d day of May, 1798, at West 168 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Tisbury, on the island of Martha's Vineyard, in the State of Mas sachusetts. His father belonged to the Connecticut Une of the family, and was the great-gi-andson of Benjamin Spalding, son of the flrst Edward, who emigrated from Chelmsford, Ms., and set tled in Plainfleld, Conn, in the latter part of the seventeenth cen tury. His mother was Lydia Paine, daughter of David Paine, Esq., of Canterbury, Conn., and a descendant, in the direct line, from Thomas Paine, who came over from England about the year 1639, and settled in Massachusetts. Elisha Paine, the son of Thomas, was an extensive landholder in the flrst settlement of the town of Canterbury. Rufus P. Spalding, the subject of this sketch, was pledged, by his father, from his infancy, to one of the learned pro fessions. He was therefore kept at school from the earliest dawn of his understanding. In preparing for college, he was sent suc cessively to the academies at Bridgewater, Ms., Plainfleld and Colchester, Conn. In September, 1813, he entered the Freshman class in Yale College, Connecticut, and in 1817 received from that institution the degree of Bachelor of Arts. His diploma was signed by Rev. Jeremiah Day, Doctor Timothy Dwight having died at the end of the first quarter of his senior year. Upon leaving college, he entered upon the study of the law with the Hon. Zephaniah S-«yift, Chief-Justice of Connecticut, who lived at Windham, the then seat of justice for Windham County. After completing his professional studies, he migrated to the State of Ohio, where he became eminent as a lawyer and as a statesman. On the 1st day of October, 1822, he was married to Lucretia A. Swift, daughter of Chief Justice Swift, of Connecticut. Having lost his flrst wife, the subject of our sketch was married, on the llth day of January, 1869, to Nancy-Sargeant, eldest daugh ter of Doctor Wm. S. Pierson, of Windsor, Conn. In December, 1841, being, for the second time, a member of the Legislature of his adopted State, Mr. S. was chosen speaker of the House of Rep resentatives, and served in a very acceptable manner during that session, and an adjourned session in 1842. In the winter of 1848-9 he was elected, by joint vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly, a judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio for the constitutional term of seven years, of which he served, however, but three years. The new constitution, then adopted, reorganized the judiciary, and he declined being a candidate in the popular canvass that followed. The Hon. Wm. Lawrence, at this time member of Congress from Ohio, and reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court while Judge Spalding was on the bench, thus speaks of him in a letter written to Prof. Wm. H. Barrows, the publisher of the work enti tled " The Fortieth Congress of the U. S." " The judicial service of Judge Spalding commenced March 7, 1849, and terminated Feb. 1, 1852. He brought to the exalted position the force of a vigorous and cultivated intellect, imbued with a profound knowledge of the law, and enriched with clas- SIXTH GENERATION. 169 sical attainments of no ordinary character. His opinions will be found in the 18th, 19th, and 20th volumes of Ohio Reports ; and it is, at least, no disparagement to others to say, that Judge Spalding has never had a superior on the bench of the State. " The generous and urbane deportment of the Judge was such that he enjoyed the profound respect and esteem of the bar and all with whom he was associated, as the writer of this has abundant means of knowing." On retiring from the bench. Judge Spalding resumed the practice of the law in the city of Cleveland,' and, as an advocate and coun sellor, maintained the highest rank in the State. In politics, he was an active and devoted member of the Demo cratic party from the days of Andrew Jackson until the passage of the Fugitive Slave law in 1850, when he threw all his energy and influence into the ranks of the Free-Soil or Anti-slavery party. He was a member ofthe Convention at Pittsburg, Perm,, in Feb ruary, 1852 ; and it was on his motion that Hon. John P. Hale was nominated for the Presidency. He was again a member of a con vention in Pittsburg in 1856, and it was here that the party adopted the name " Republican." He was, the same year, one of the dele gates at large, from Ohio, to the National Convention at PhUadel phia, which nominated John C. Fremont for President. In October, 1862, Judge Spalding was chosen a Representative to the 38th Congress of the United States, from the 18th district of Ohio, made up ofthe counties of Cuyahoga, Summit, and Lake. He continued in Congress six years, having been twice re-elected ; so that he participated in the important legislation of the two last years of the war of the Rebellion, and in the exciting work of reconstruction that followed, untU the 4th of March, 1869, when he retired, of his own choice, from the public service, very much to the regret of his constituents. " The determination of Judge Spalding to withdraw from active jKilitical life," says the author of a work recently published, enti tled, " Cleveland, Past and Present, its Representative Men," " was a matter of surprise and regret to his colleagues in Congress, who had leamed to value his sound judgment, ripe scholarship, earnest pa triotism, and great legislative abUity. It was a positive loss to the people ofthe Eighteenth Ohio District, for never had the interests of that district been better cared for. To Cleveland especiaUy he proved, in reality, a representative member. The wishes of his con stituents were promptly attended to,their interests carefuUy guarded, and ' no stone was left unturned ' in the endeavor to beneflt the city and^its people. The withdrawal of Judge Spalding from public political Ufe, was a loss to the national councils in which he had achieved distinction, but was a still greater loss to the constituency he represented. " He has retumed to the legal profession, in which he ranks among the brightest lights, and flnds in its practice, and in the quiet enjoy- 170 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. ment of social and domestic life, a satisfaction which his public career, briUiant as it was, failed to give." Judge Spalding has, for many years, been a communicant in the Episcopal Church, and one of the vestry of Trinity Church, Cleve land, where he is a constant attendant. Although in his seventy- second year, he is in the full enjoyment of all his faculties, and is the picture of sound health and mental vigor. Hon. Thaddeus Stevens once remarked to Hon. Benj. Wade, " Spalding is the right bower of intellectual liberty." 2773. Emily-Swift, b. July 4, 1824 ; m. Hon. Luther Day, of Ravenna, Ohio ; she d. AprU 10, 1852. 2774. Philura-Claghorn, b. April 4, 1827 ; m. Joseph-B. Wesener, of Akron, Ohio ; she d. July 6, 1852. 2775. Lucretia- Swift, b. May 8, 1829 ; d. Aug. 30, 1836. 2776. Willlam-Rufus, b. Sept. 11, 1832 ; d. July 1, 1849. 2777. Zephaniah-Swift, b. Sept. 2, 1887 ; late a Lieut-Col. in the Volun teer 27th Ohio Infantry ; he is now U. S. Consul at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. 2778. Lucretia-Swift, b. Nov. 16, 1839 ; ra. Charles Mcllrath, of St. Paul, Minn. 2779. George-Swift [5766], b. Oct. 19, 1844; now 1st Lieut, in 33d Reg. of U. S. Infantry. 2780. Ldther-PaineS [1199] (RufusS, Ebenezer*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 6, 1800 ; res. Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio ; m. Rebecca Ewalt, Nov. 10, 1831 ; she was the daughter of John Ewalt, of Howland, Trumbull Co., Ohio. 2781. Rufus- Claghorn [5767], b. Sept. 25, 1832 ; payraaster in the U. S. Navy. 2782. John- Ewalt, b. Feb. 4, 1835 ; res. Pittsburg, Penn. 2783. Hetty-Ewalt, b. Feb. 16, 1837; m. Lieut. John-Jacob Cornwell, . of U. S. Navy, AprU 15, 1862; res. St. Paul, Minn. (1867). 2784. Samuel-Claghorn, b. Feb. 11, 1840; res. Cincinnati, Ohio (1867). 2785. Luther-Paine [6770], b. August 28, 1844; res. Columbus, Ky. (1867). 2786. CharlesS [1204] (LutherS, Ebenezer*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. Jan. 31, 1812 ; res, Norwich, Conn. ; and is of the flrm of Barnes & Spalding, proprietors of the cork-cutting machine ; m. Juliet Hubbard, oif Norwich, Conn., June 6, 1837 ; she was the daughter of Russell Hubbard ; she d. April 2, 1865. Mr. Spalding has been very successful in business, and is highly esteemed in both the community and the church. 2787. Charles, b. Dec. 1838 ; d. same day. 2788. Russel-Hubbard, b. Mar. 19, 1850 ; d. June 2, 1860. 2789. ThomasS [1208] (WiUiamS, Thomas*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. AprU 8, 1783 ; res. Hector, Tompkins Co., N. Y., where he d. July 5, 1850 ; m. Elizabeth Ayers, of Tomp kins Co., N. Y., 1807 ; she d. Oct. 16,' 1852. 2790. Richard, b. Sept. 22, 1809 ; d. Mar. 22, 1812. 2791. WiUiam-Blackford [6771], b. Dec. 9, 1812. 2792. Samuel-Dunham [5775]. b. May 5, 1814. 2793. Mary- Ayers, b. Jan. 6, 1817; m. Jacob StillweU, of Hector, N.Y., Oct. 81, 1839 ; res. Ulysses, Tompkins Co., N. Y. 2794. Elmer [6782], b. AprU 30, 1819. SIXTH GENERATION. 171 2795. Lavina-Jeffers, b. July 5, 1822 ; m. David Goldsmith, of Hector, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1851 ; res. Hector, N Y. 2796. Harry, b. July 2, 1824 ; d. Dec. 11, 1845, in Hector, N. Y. ; was killed while working in a saw-mill. 2797. Daniel-Ayers [5785], b. Oct. 12, 1826. 2798. EUas-Jeffrey [5788], b. Feb. 10, 1885. 2799. Samuels [1209] (WUUamS, Thomas*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), X). Jan. 7, 1785, in Kinderhook, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 3, 1864, in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; m. Hannah Hanmer, of Ulysses, N. Y., 1809. 2800. Lewis-Bears [5791], b. Nov. 19, 1811, in Hector, N. Y. 2801. Lufanny, b. Sept. 6, 1818, in Hector, N. Y. ; ra. Alden Edwards; res. Ulysses, N. Y. 2802. George-WashingtonS [1210] (WilUamS, Thomas*, Ed wards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 26, 1793, in Delaware or Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; d. Oct. 5, 1863 ; m. Elizabeth Palmer, of Tompkins Co., N. Y., Dec. 1, 1813 ; she was b. Feb. 3, 1797, in Schenectady, N. Y. 2803. Luther [5793], b.-Feb. 15, 1816. 2804. Erastus [5795], b. July 1, 1818. 2805. Jane, b. Mar. 28, 1821; m. James Robinson, of Steuben Co., N. Y., June 4, 1845; she d. Dec. 19, 1847; res. Alraond, N. Y. 2806. Louisa, b. April 13, 1823; m. Miner Porter, of Howard, Steuben Co., N. Y., AprU 6, 1842; she d. Feb. 28, 1863. 2807. Asenath, b. Feb. 26, 1826 ; m. John D. Condermun, of Fremont, Steuben Co., N. Y. 2808. Maria, b. June 17, 1828; m. James Robinson, of Steuben Co., N. Y., June 18, 1850; res. Ithaca, N.Y. 2809. George, b. Mar. 21, 1881 ; d. Mar. 25, 1832. 2810. Hiram, b. Jan. 11, 1833; unmarried (1868). 2811. Mary, b. Jan. 18, 1886; m. Horace Hunt, of Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y., Oct. 20, 1857; he d. May, 1862. 2812. Lewis, b., Dec. 29, 1888; unmarried (1868) ; res. Howard, Steu ben Co.,,N. Y. 2813. Minerva, b. Feb. 13, 1842; d. June 26, 1842. 2814. DanielS [1214J (AmosS, Amos*, Nathaniels, Joseph", Ed wardi), X). March 1765 ; d. in Cornish, N. H. ; m. Hannah Spal ding [1226]. Two or three children died young. 2815. Hannah-Cary, b. Sept. 26, 1799 ; 1st, m. John P. CarroU ; 2d, ra. Moses Hutchinson, Sept. 22, 1868 ; res. Cornish Flats, N. H. (1870). 2816. Daniel [5799], b. Dec. 21, 1801. 2817. Amos [5800], b. June 21, 1804. 2818. Mary, b. Jan. 23, 1810 ; m. WiUiam Merritt ; res. East Hanover, N. H. 2819. JoelS [1215] (AmosS, Amos*, NathanieP, Joseph", Ed wardi), b. Sept. 1766 ; d. in Grantham, N. H., leaving no children ; m. Nancy Dunbar, of Grantham, N. H. 2820. AmosS [1216] (AmosS, Amos*, Nathaniels, Joseph", Ed wardi), X), Mar. 1768 ; m. Abigail Taylor. 172 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2821. Oliver, b. ; res. Waterford, Vt. j he has a son John at St. Johnsbury, Vt. 2822. Abigail, b. ; m. 2823. JohnS [1219] (AmosS, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Ed wardi), b. July 29, 1781, in Plainfleld, N. H. ; d. Sept. 8, 1869, aged 88 yrs. 1 m. 10 days ; m. Betsey Wheeler, April 5, 1807 ; she was the daughter of Herodine Wheeler, and was b. July 31, 1777, in Westmoreland, N. H. ; she d. Nov. 20, 1863, at Lebanon, N. H., aged 86 yrs. 3 mos. 20 days. Children bom in Grantham, N. H., except Eliza-D. and Johh- Mandeville. 2824. EUza-Dido, b. Dec. 6, 1807, in Orford, N. H. ; m. George Abbott, Aug. 25, 1836 ; he was b. Jan. 27, 1803 ; res. Concord, N. H. ; she d. Oct. 11, 1866, at Concord, N. H., aged 48 years, 10 mos. 6 days. 2825. John-MandeviUe [5806], b. Feb. 20, 1809, at Orford, N. H. 2826. Caroline, b. Dec. 27, 1810, in Granthara, N. H. ; ra. Henry C. Sanborn, of Concord, N. H., April 26, 1840 ; res. Concord, N. H. ; she d. Aug. 9, 1869, at Concord. 2827. Eraeline, b. Dec. 27, 1810; m. Augustus D. Shallies, Aug. 26, 1836 ; res. Concord, N. H. 2828. Cynthia- Wheeler, b. April 25, 1813 ; m. Ira W. Thorapson, Sept. 11, 1838; he d. July 24, 1866; res. Lebanon, N. H. 2829. .ffineas, b. July II, 1815 ; d. same day. 2880. Sophronia-Elvira, b. Jan. 29, 1818 ; d. Feb. 13, 1818. 2831. Milton-Ripley [6807], b. Mar. 5, 1819. 2832. SamuelS [1220] (AmosS, Amos*, Nathaniels, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 15, 1784 ; res. Westminster, Conn. ; 1st, m. PhUena Dodge, Oct. 1809 ; she d. 1826 ; 2d, m. Lucy Carter, of Canterbury, Conn., Jan. 19, 1829. 2883.' Samuel [5814], b. Aug. 10, 1810. 2834. Hiram, b. July 6, 1812. 2835. PhUena, b. Nov. 28, 1816 ; she d. June 5, 1859 ; m. Daniel Spal ding [5799]. 2886. Emily, b. April 29, 1818; m. James Tarbox; res. Hartford, Conn. 2837. Charlotte, b. Nov. 25,1820; m. Josiah Giles; res. Waterbury, Conn. 2838. Harvey [5816], b. Jan. 8, 1825. 2839. PUny-Pulaski, b. Mar. 10, 1830 ; d. Sept. 1831. 2840. Francis-Carter, b. Aug. 23, 1832 ; d. June 13, 1836. 2841. Stephen-Parraenas, b. June 26, 1834; d. June 30, 1860. 2842. Mary-Elizabeth, b. Oct. 20, 1837 ; ra. Francis Dewey, Feb. 28, 1867; res. San Francisco, Cal. 2843. AbelS [1221] (AmosS, Amos*, Nathaniels, Joseph", Ed wardi), b. Aug. 1, 1785; res. Grantham and Weare, N. H. ; 1st, m. Annie Andrus ; she d. Feb. 8, 1826 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Lucinda .(Andrews-) Cox. ^^^_^ 2844. Lucinda- A^few., b. May 17, 1820; m. Moses Dutton; res. Bar nard, Vt. 2845. EUsha-Andrus [5817],!b. Oct. 3, 1823. 2846. Henry-Hubbard [5818], b. Feb. 1, 1829. 2847. CharlesS [1224] (AmosS, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph"., Edwardi), x,. 1790 ; m. Lucy HubbeU. SIXTH GENERATION, 173 2848. Charles, b. — ;— ; res. New York City. 2849. JamesS [1229] (JamesS, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Ed wardi), b. Sept. 18, 1776 ; d. ; res. Chaplin, Conn, [other authority says Brooklyn, Conn.] ; m. Hannah Dean. 2850. FrancisS [1230] (JamesS, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 31, 1778 ; res. Hampton, Conn., where he d. Sept. 12, 1865 ; m. Martha Hibbard, Mar. 11, 1811. 2851. Martha-Maria, b. ; m. G. D. Spencer, May 26, 1839. 2852. Sarah-Sophia, b. ; m. Willard Hill, Mar. 11, 1838. 2853. Jonathans [1231] (JamesS, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Dec. 6, 1779 ; d. Aug. 29, 1861 ; res. Meriden Vil lage, Plainfleld, N. H. ; shoemaker and farmer. His father died when he was very young. He was adopted by his uncle, Samuel Spalding [1239], of Plainfield, Conn. ; m. Zer- riah-Lindsey-Cary Spalding [1218], Feb. 19, 1807. 2864. John-Langdon [6819], b. Jan. 15, 1808, in Granthara, N. H. .2855. Abel [5828], b. May 6, 1810, in Grantham, N. H. 2856. James, b. Mar. 4, 1812 ; lives with his mother in Meriden ViUage ; unraarried. 2857. Andrew [5831], b. July 11, 1815. 2858. Warren-Cafy [5834], b. April 23, 1820. 2859. Benjamins [1236] (JamesS, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 8, 1786 ; d. May 8, 1847 ; res. Abington, Conn. ; 1st, ra. Pamelia IngaUs, Mar. 20, 1816 ; she d. Jan. 16, 1824 ; 2d, m. Pamelia Carter, Mar. 28, 1825. 2860. Harriet-Gordon, b. Jan. 25, 1817; m. Sarauel-FuUer Bennett, AprU 12, 1841 ; res. Hampton, Conn. ; she d. Jan. 4, 1849. 2861. Susan-Sophia, b. Dec. 18, 1819 ; m. Pulaski Carter (brother of Paraelia Carter above), Aug. 6, 1839; she d. Nov. 1, 1841; res. Providence, Luzerne Co., Penn. 2862. Pamelia- Ingalls, b. Mar. 1, 1821 ; ISt, m. Francis Root ; 2d, m. Jaraes Macclaurin ; res. Attica, Wis. 2863. Mercy- Ann, b. Mar. 22, 1823 ; d. Oct. 7, 1823. 2864. Benjarain-Carter [6838], b. Mar. 6, 1826. 2865. Stephen-Francis, b. Aug. 19, 1827; res. Abington, Conn. 2866. Henry-Phineaa [5844], b. June 24, 1829. 2867. Cynthia-Ann, b. April 14, 1831 ; res. Abington, Conn. 2868. Mary-Maria, b. May 12, 1838 ; m. John- Archibald Murphy, Aug. 22, 1856 ; res. Ashford, Conn. 2869. OUve-JuUetta, b. Sept. 26, 1835 ; d. Feb. 21, 1864 ; in Providence, Luzerne Co., Penn. ; unraarried. 2870. Lucy- Ann, b. Feb. 14, 1837 ; d. Mar. 4, 1842, in Abington, Conn. 2871. Josephs [1237] (JamesS, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 15, 1788; d. Aug. 5, 1846; res. Hampton, Conn. ; m. Olive Farnham. 2872. Olive-H., b. May 13, 1818; m. PhUetus Farnham; res. Hampton, Conn. 2873. Chloe-S., b. Jan. 6, 1823. 2874. Joseph- W., b. Sept. 2, 1825. 2875. Charles, b. July 11, 1829; res. with his mother in Hampton, Conn. 174 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2876. JohnS [1242] (Josephs, Joseph*, NathanieF, .Joseph", Edwardi), x,. Qct. 22, 1773; d. Aug. 11, 1852; m. Elizabeth Prentice, 1799, she was the daughter of Dr. Amos Prentice, of Groton, Conn., and was b. Oct. 16, 1781 ; she d. Oct. 31, 1820. " He emigrate d from Conn, to the ' wilds ' of Bradford Co., Penn. (as it was then called), in 1790. He was the flrst sheriff of that county. He was a man of great flrmness and strong nerve. He died at 78, but not of old age. He lived at Athens, Bradford Co., Penn., opposite the village." 2877. George, b, AprU 8. 1801 ; d. Feb. 7, 1816. 2878 Owen [5846], b. Feb. 2, 1803. 2879. Amos-Prentice [5847], b. July 23, 1806. ¦ 2880. WUliam [6868], b. Aug. 1, 1807. 2881. JuUa- Ann, b. July 24, 1810 ; m. Rev. Curtis Thurston, April 15, 1846; res. Athens, Penn.; he is pastor of the Presbyterian church. 2882. Joseph [5865], b. Aug. 23, 1812. 2883. John [5872], b. July 29, 1814. 2884. Edward, b. Aug. 15, 1816 ; d. May 12, 1817. 2885. Harriet, b. Oct. 1, 1818; m. Alpha Warren, Dec. 20, 1887; res. Roscoe, 111. 2886. Jesse [5877], b. AprU 13,. 1828. 2887. Howards [1243] (Josephs, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. AprU 24, 1776 ; d. Dec. 17, 1857 ; res. Troy, Brad ford Co., Penn. ; m. Lucy Allen, Oct. 26, 1806 ; she was the daughter of Nathaniel Allen, and was b. Oct. 28, 1786 ; she d. May 8, 1860. Children all born in Troy, Bradford Co., Penn. 2888. Myron, b. July 31, 1807 ; d. Sept. 12, 1807. 2889. Eliza-Ann, b. Nov. 1, 1808; m. Orrin P. Ballard, at Troy, Penn., Oct. 4, 1826 ; res. Troy, Penn. 2890. Laura, b. Mar. 10, 1811; m. Francis Smith, AprU 13, 1834; res. Troy, Penn. 2891. Adolphus [5883], b. AprU 28, 1813. 2892. John-AUen, b. AprU 19, 1816; d. April 20, 1818. 2893. Sally, b. Aug. 26, 1818; d. Aug. 28, 1818. 2894. Howard [6888], b. Feb. 18, 1820. 2895. Nathanlel-Shepard [5895], b. Aug. 3, 1822. 2896. Orlando, b. Dec. 20, 1825 ; d. Feb. 15, 1826. 2897. Lucy-Helen, b. April 20, 1827; m. W. H. Peck, Sept. 22, 1853; res. Troy, Penn. 2898. JaredS [1244] (Josephs, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Oct. 20, 1778 ; d. Nov. 20, 1863 ; he settled in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., in Feb. 1808; m. Naomi Baldwin, 'of New town, Conn., Feb. 14, 1802 ; she d. Nov. 20, 1866. Harriet, b. AprU 11, 1803, in Mount Morris, N. Y.; m. Sarauel NeaUy, Jan. 29, 1824 ; he d. Mar. 23, 1865, aged 73 ; res. Bath, N. Y. ; she d. Aug. 17, 1839. 2900. Shepard [5898], b. Sept. 13, 1805, in Mount Morris, N. Y. 2901. Frances, b. Sept. 13, 1806, in Mount Morris, N. Y. ; m. Daniel Tilton, May 8, 1827 ; res. Bath, N. Y. 2902. Philo-Baldwin [5907], b. AprU 11, 1808, in Bath, N. Y. 2903. Simon-Franklin [5911], b. Mar. 11, 1810, in Bath, N. Y. SIXTH GENERATION. 175 • 2904. Samuel-KnightS [] 250] (ReubenS, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), xj. 1778; d. Jan. 31, 1847; 1st, m Nabby Cary, of Plainfleld, Conn., 1802 ; she d. Oct. 10, 1813 ; 2d, m. Lucy Prior, May 1, 1816 ; she d. Jan. 11, 1831. 2905. Joseph-Carey [5913], b. Sept. 4, 1804. 2906. Kezia, b. July 23, 1806; d. Sept. 23, 1809. 2907. Otis, b. Sept. 17, 1808, in Coventry, B. I ; d. Dec. 23, 1812. 2908. Lucy-Kezia, b. AprU 12, 1811; m. Charles Hubbard, Mar. 27, 1837 ; she d. 2909. Simon, b. Sept. 9, 1813; d. 2910. Olive-Prior, b. May 1, 1818; m. George Woodward, May 2, 1865; she d. May 4, 1867. 2911. Elisha-Knight, b. June 6, 1821. 2912. Reuben [5924]. . 2913. Benjamin-Hutchins [5925]. 2914. Abby, b. May 1, 1826; ra. Ruftis -Wheeler Kennedy, Jan. 29, 1861 ; res. Plainfleld, Conn. 2915. Edward-Gurley, b. ; res. Mystic, Conn. 29 16. Josephs [i264] (Ruluffs, Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. May 20, 1773, in Plainfleld, N. H. ; d. in Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 8, 1864. in his 84th year ; m. Mary Elkins, of Spring- fleld, N. H., Sept. 1, 1799 ; she was b. 1780. 2917. Royal-Crafts [6928], b. July 29, 1800, in Pomfret, Conn. 2918. Martha-Nichols, b. Sept. 24, 1801. in Corapton, Canada; m. Rev. Nathaniel Thurston, of Effingham, N. H., 1820; res. San Fran cisco, Cal. 2919. Joanna-Stafford, b. Aug. 6, 1806, in Corapton, Canada ; m. Frank lin-Monroe Arnold, Mar. 28, 1826 ; res. Salem, Iowa. 2920. Rufhs [6933], b. Dec. 12, 1808, in Compton, Canada. 2921. Experience,!). Mar. 26, 1808, in Compton, Canada; ra. Hanson Arnold, of Woonsocket, R. I., 1824; she d. July 1835. 2922. Mary-Elkins, b. Jan. 10, 1810; 1st, m. Samuel Beede, of Sand wich, N. H. ; he d. Mar. 24, 1834 ; 2d, m. Jeremiah PhiUips, of New York, Oct. 1836; she d. 1839, in Balsinore, India. 2923. Joseph [5937], b. Oct. 4, 1812. 2924. Sarah-Eliza, b. May 20, 1816, in Pomfret, Conn. ; m. Dr. James- N. Cassels, 1839. 2925. Johns [1255] (Ruluffs, Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. ; res. Plainfleld, N. H. ; m. Polly Gates, of Plain fleld, N H., about 1796; she was his cousin; they had a large family of children, and grandchildren. 2926. Calebs [1256] (Ruluflfs, Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. ; he married, and d. soon after in Plainfleld, N.H. 2927. ThomasS [1257] (Ruluffs, Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Jo seph", Edwardi), X). . " He married. I know of no particulars." [Letter of Mrs. Mary Elkins Spalding.] 2928. EliasS [1258] (RuluflP, Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. ; res. Compton, Canada ; m. Hittie Gates; she was his cousin. 176 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 2929. Horaces [1263] (EzraS, Andrew*, ThomasS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 25, 1783, in Plainfleld, Conn.; m. Harriet Chapel, July 23, 1809 ; she was b. Aug. 29, 1789. 2980. Lois-Delight, b. AprU 15, 1810; d. July 26, 1811. 2931. Lucy, b. June 24, 1812; m. John W. Griffin, Feb. 12, 1837; res. Canton, Penn. 2932. Horace-Frank [5941], b. April 2, 1815. 2933. Delight, b. July 20, 1818; d. Nov. 14, 1856. 2934. Laura, b. July 27, 1820 ; m. Sylvanus KendaU, Feb. 3, 1861 ; res. Canton, Penn. 2935. George-Cyrus [5946], b. Aug. 28, 1822; d. Oct. 30, 1869. 2936. Lois-Bradford, b. Oct. 27, 1829 ; m. Edwin Newman, May 17, 1863; res. Canton, Penn. 2937. William-PierceS [1265] (EzraS, Andrew*, ThomasS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 17, 1787, in Plainfleld, Conn; d. Feb. 22, 1867 ; m. 2938. Elizabeth, b. in Georgia ; ra. Loren Morse ; moved to Savannah, Ga. ; she had sons in the rebel army. 2939. Jane, b. ; m. Clendenin ; res. Indiana ; she had sons in the Union army. 2940. Francis- AuGUSTUsS [1269] (CyrusS, Andrew*, ThomasS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. j^n. 30, 1802, in Providence, R. I.; res. the latter part of his life in Voluntown, Conn., where he d. Aug. 17, 1839 ; he was a tailor ; m. Sarah-Elizabeth Bassett, of yolun- town, Conn., April 4, 1832. 2941. Sarlnda-Ellzabeth, b. April 13, 1834 ; m. Andrew Owen, July 8, 1852; res. Westerly, R. I. 2942. WiUiam- Augustus [6950], b. Jan. 27, 1836; in Jewett City, Conn. 2943. James-Francis, b. Aug. 30, 1838, in Voluntown, Conn. ; res. Wes terly, R. I. ; unmarried (1869). 2944. JoHN-WiLLiAMsS [1272] (Josephs, Hezekiah*, ThomasS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 6, 1824, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; 1st, m. Mary-EUzabeth Palmer, April 12, 1846; she was b. AprU 20, 1825 ; d. May 26, 1847, aged 22 ; 2d, m. Amanda-Martha King, Feb. 2, 1851 ; she was b. July 8, 1827 ; d. Dec. 20, 1859, aged 32' yrs. 2 mos.; 3d, m. Melissa-Bloomfleld Harvey, Mar. 21, 1860; she was b. Dec. 18, 1836. 2945. John-Palmer, b. April 20, 1847 ; d. June 17, 1847. 2946. Mary-Munroe, b. Mar. 10, 1852. 2947. Frank-Lucern, b. June 22, 1853. 2948. Ellen-Maria, b. Nov. 5, 1854; d. AprU 2, 1855. A daughter, b. May 15, 1867. 2949. Ida-Amanda, b. Aug. 20, 1869 ; d. AprU 13, 1860. 2950. Ella-Melissa, b. Aug. 23, 1861 ; d. Aug. 31, 1866. 2951. Allen-MonroS [1275] (Josephs, Hezekiah*, ThomasS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 17, 1830, in Pawtucket, Ms.; res. Plainfield, Conn. ; m. Mary-Maria Harvey, Dec. 3, 1862. 2952. Henry-Allen, b. Nov. 18, 1865. SIXTH GENERATION. 177 2953. Gborge-HenrtS [1277] (Joseph W.s, Hezekiah*, Thomas', Joseph", Eclwardi), b. Dec. 4, 1833, in Pawtucket, Ms. He enlisted in the 1st Regt. Heavy Artillery, Conn. Vol. MUitia ; d. and was buried at Harrison Landing, Va., July 18, 1862, aged 23 ; m. Elwin-E. Paine, of KUlingly, Conn., Sept. 8, 1861 ; after the death of her first husband, she m. Joseph- W. Qatley, March 4, 1866. 2954. Susan-A., b. Sept. 10, 1862. 2955. CalvinS [1279] (JoeF, Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Ed wardi), b. Noy 14^ 1801, in Westford, Ms.; d. Jan. 14, 1817, aged 45 yrs. 2 mos. 16 days ; m. Sally Wright, of Westford, Ms., Jan. 14, 1823 ; pub. Jan. 9, 1823. 2966. Joel-Davis [5951]. 2957. George [6967]. 2958. Charles-H. [6968]. 2959. Maria, b. ; m. Sarauel Guiles; res. South Boston, Ms. 2960. Calvin- Warren [5964]. 2961. Nancy, b. ; ra. Orin Carkin ; left her husband ; had two boys ; last hfeard from in Boston. 2962. Horace [5966]. 2963. Lucy-Ann, b. 1841; d. Sept. 13, 1843, aged 2 ye^rs. 2964. JosiahS [1283] (Josiahs, Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Ed wardi), X). AprU 22, 1793, at Dunstable, Ms. ; d. Jan. 19, 1862, at ZanesvUle, Ohio. He left Ms. for Pittsburg, Penn., in 1815, where he was engaged in a contract on the arsenal at that place. After having built the bridge across the Monongahela River, he moved to Washington, Penn., about the year 1818. He was at onetime sheriff of Wash ington County, Penn. During the time he lived in Washington, he was engaged on heavy contracts on the National road, which was then building (he being a stone-mason by trade) . He emi grated to ZanesvUle, Ohio, in 1827, having been engaged in the building of the roajl from Wheeling, Va., to that place, where he has left numerous monuments of his skill and energy, having built the whole of the canal around the falls of the Muskingum, and locks connected with it ; two wagon bridges and two railroad bridges across the Muskingum River. Having amassed a consid erable fortune, and flnding no more heavy works to accomplish, he .built a large iron furnace in Dresden, Ohio, where, after a long series of misfortunes, he lost all. He sacriflced all his prop erty, and, having paid every debt, to the last dollar, he found him self destitute of everything but his good name. Broken down in health, he died, regretted by all citizens, and especially by the large class of laboring men, to whom, by his untiring energy, he had given labor for so many years. A just, true, and kind man. He m. Susan Brown. Sepit. 24, 1816, at Feri-yville, Penn. ; she was b. Oct. 12, 1794, at Tyngsborough, Ms.; she is still living with her son, Albert-Josiah, at ZanesvUle, Ohio. 12 178 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL- ' 2965. Maria-Henrietta, b. June 8, 1817, in Pittsburg, Penn. ; m. James- Newman McMillen, M. D., June 29, 1839; hed. Jan. 17, 1852, aged 37 years. 2966. Susan-Brown, b. March 3, 1819, in Washington, Penn.; m. Mark Lowdan, March 2, 1837. 2967. Harriet-Theresa, b. Oct. 22, 1820, in Washington, Penn. ; ra. Rev. Geojrge-T. Flanders, D. D., March 30,1843; she d. Oct. 31, 1859, in Cincinnati, Ohio. 2968. William [5967], b. Nov. 13, 1822, in Washington, Penn, 2969. Charles- Wesley [5969], b. Dec. 29, 1824, in Washington, Penn. 2970. EUza-Jane, b. Dec. 16, 1827, in ZanesvUle, Ohio; m. Charles- Packard BaUey, March 6, 1849 ; he d. Jan. 5, 1863, in Zanes vUle, Ohio ; res. in ZanesvUle, Ohio. 2971. John-Quincy Adams [5976], b. Jan. 20, 1830, in ZanesviUe, Ohio. 2972. Louisa- Ann, b. Dec. 17, 1831, in ZanesvUle, Ohio; d Nov. 8, 1833. 2973. Albert-Josiah [5979] , b. Jan. 10, 1837, in ZanesvUle, Ohio. 2974. JohnS [1287] (Josiahs, Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Ed wardi), X). Oct. 14, 1801 ; d. He went to Ohio ; left two children ; it is thought their names were Josiah and Mary. His wife, after the death of her flrst hus band, m. again andwent West. 2976. Chaeles-WesletS [1288] (Josiahs, Abel*, Josephs, Jq. seph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 4, 1804, in Tyngsborough, Ms. He is an auction and commission merchant in ZanesvUle, Ohio. 1st, m. Achasia-C. Smith, Sept. 16, 1832, at Antrim, N. H. ; she d. Feb. 3, 1863, at ZanesvUle, Ohio. 2d, m. Emma Kalinbaugh, May 1,1864. No children. 2976. Isaac-Still]»ianS [1289] (Josiahs, Abel*, Josephs, Jq. seph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 8, 1806 ; d. in Milton, Ms. ; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Pierce, of Milton, Ms. ; she res. 1 Vernon Street, Bos ton, Ms. 2977. Susan. 2978. Eunice. 2979. Emma. 2980. Martha. 2981. Andrews [1292] (Josiahs, Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Ed wardi), X)i. July 1, 1819 ; res. Groton, Ms. He is a large manufac turer of vinegar and champagne cider ; m. Sarah-Elizabeth Park hurst, Nov. 24, 1842 ; pub. Oct. 29, 1842 ; she was b. March 16, 1819. 2982. Helen-May, b. June 20, 1844. 2983. Abel-ParkerS [1295] (AbeF, Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Edward^), b. Feb. 11, 1812 ; d. Nov. 9, 1843i-; rCs. Dunstable, Ms. ; m. "Sally Reed, of Dunstable, Dec. 2, 1836 ; pub. Oct. 23, 1836 ; after the death of her flrst husband, she m. Gilman Roby, July 2, ; she is still living (1868)- They bad but one child. E>i^'''^y.Obi,l>\ SIXTH GENERATION. 179 2984. Sarah-Angeline, b. Mar. 10, 1839; m. Owcn-A. Parkhurst, Nov. 16, 1866. 2985. JoNAsS [1296] (AbeF, Abel*, Josephs, Joseph", Ed wardi), X). July 30, 1821 ; m. Mary-Fletcher Iloit, of Dunstable, June 11, 1843 ; pub. May 20, 1843. 2986. William-Francis [5980], b. April 28, 1844. 2987. Clarence-Parker, b. July 8, 1859. 2988. Mlarcie-Isabel, b. Dec. 25, 1860. 2989. JamesS [1299] (Benaiahs, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph^, E(J. wardi), b. June 26, 1793, in Putney, Vt. ; d. Mar. 29, 1865 ; res. FitzwiUiam, N. H. ; m. Sarah-Cross Mansfleld, of Boston, Ms., Mar. 3, 1824. 2990. James-Francis [5982], b. June 14, 1825. 2991. George-Leonard, b. Feb. 10, 1830 ; d. Jan. 8, 1835. 2992. Edmund [5986], b. Jan. 21, 1834. 2993. Benjamin-PrescottS [1303] (Benaiahs, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Dec. 17, 1802, in Putney, Vt. ; res. Walpole, N. H. ; 1st, m. Mary-Bingley Alden, Jan. 15, 1840 ; she was b. Jan. 25, 1816, and d. Aug. 3, 1844 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Sarah-Jane (Stevens) Underwood, Oct. 28, 1850. No chUdren. 2994. Solomon-RobinsonS [1304] (Benaiahs, Joseph*, Joseph^, Joseph", Edwardi), x,. May 31, 1805, in Putney, Vt. ; res. Boston, Ms. He is a merchant in that city, and is at the head of the firm " S. R. Spalding & Sons." In early boyhood he was constantly occupied upon his father's ' farm, except two months in summer and three months in T^^inter, when he went to the district school. At the age of flfteen his father placed him under the instruction of the parish minister, thinking to prepare him for college, and subsequently for a pro fessional life, l^ut having become pecuniarily embarrassed by the failure of a local improvement, to which he had lent his credit, the college course for his son was abandoned. Solomon, now sixteen years of age, conceived the idea of seeking his fortune in Boston, but the project seemed to his parents extreme folly. He pressed the matter, and at last gained their consent. The next question was, where to find money to defray his expenses. At that time freight was moved through the country by the old-fashioned bag gage wagons, and in front of the Spaldings' house was a steep hill, up which many teams passed daily, frequently requiring extra assistance, and by rendering such, with a pair of oxen, he often received ten or twelve cents for each load. By this means he had now accumulated eight dollars ; to this his father added four dol lars and a half, making twelve dollars and a half to start with. With this amount in money, and his clothing all packed in a checked linen handkerchief woven by his mother, he set out on his long journey. 180 THE SFALDISTG MEMORIAL. In parting, his mother, taking him by the hand, warned him of his exposure to evil, and besought him, for her sake, to shun every path of vice. He started alone and on foot; reaching Boston, he secured a boarding-place at a dollar and a half jDer week, and began looking up employment by going from door to door through the business portions of the city. After many disappointments, he stopped at a store in Broad Street, and asked tbe usual question, and received the usual answer, no ! When near the door , going slowly away. One of the partners called him back, and asked what he could do ? " Anything you ask me to do " "¦ Will you set the store on flre if I employ you, and request you to do so ? " " Yes, sir." ''And would you put it out if I told you to?" "Yes, sir." "Well, boy," said he, "¦ you may go to work' for me.'" And here, at six dollars per month, boarding himself, he commenced his business career. When winter came, he had no overcoat, and no money to buy one ; so, rather than obtain one on credit, he endured the cold. At one time, when sweeping the store, he found a ten-cent piece) which he handed his employer, who said, " Why did you not keep it?" " Because it does not belong to me," answered the young man. By this and similar proofs of his integrity, and by his un wearied fidelity, he won the confidence of his employers, and soon bettered his finances. At the end of three years he obtained a vacation to go home, being able this time to take a seat in the stage-coach. Soon after returning to Boston, one of his employers died ; the other was an indiflerent business man, and in time the house failed, and Solomon was thrown out of his situation ; bnt, havipg made the favorable acquaintance of one of their customers, he was offered the position of bookkeeper and salesman. This gentle-' man was about to relinquish his country store, and open one in Boston- in the hide and leather business. From this time date the circumstances, which, in after life, have so frequently given S. R. Spalding the name of father of the hide and leather trade of Boston. He Continued with this employer for several years, when, in 1832, an older brother having come to the city, thCy started busi ness on their own account. They unfortunately connected them selves in the shipping business with a Philadelphia partner, who had considerable influence at the United States Bank, then in ex istence. This man proverl a disaster to them ; for, loading several vessels with the credit of the flrm, he escaped with them to South America, located at Buenos Ayres, and died after years of dissi pation, having squandered the substance of his villany. Mr. Spalding returned to his former business in leather and hides, and gradually established a successful trade between Balti more, Philadelphia, and Boston. As he travelled often between these cities, by the slow process of journeying then in vogue, he SIXTH GENERATION. 181 was told by his old-fogy neighbors, that they could not afford to spend so much money in traveUing, and he used to reply, " I can not afford to stay at home." About 1842, he associated with him another partner, when the flrm became Spalding & Bryant. In addition to their South,ern business, they engaged extensively in tanning, and soon took the lead in the trade. In 1847, Mr. Spalding went to Europe for the flrst time, and was the first in his trade to import hides, leather, and skins, to any large extent. "The same year, Mr. Spalding obtained the charter of the Ex change Bank, now the National Exchange Bank of Boston, and he has been a director in the institution since its organization. In 1853, with the assistance of several of his early Baltimore friends, he started a line of steamships between Boston, Norfolk, and Baltimore ; they have proved a success, and the line is yearly enlarging. Prior to the Rebellion, the company conferred the honor of nam ing one of the steamships the " S. R Spalding." This vessel was a transport and flag-shiiD, doing signal service during the war, and her name becariie as familiar along the coast as a household word. Later, he associated with him his two sons, the youngest of whom, Frank, died at Vichy, in France, in 1866, whither he had gone for the restoration of his health. He was a young man of rare qualities and of many friends, and had just arrived at the age to which he had been looking forward as the period when he might take a prominence in business life, after a dozen years of patient study and observation in mercantile usages His last words on leaving home, were to explain his plans for the future, which he was destined to leave uncompleted. S. R. Spalding has been one of the Vice-Presidents of the Bos» ton Board of Trade for several years. He attributes the success which he has enjoyed in business, and in its many collateral offiees, to the good advice received on leaving home, and to the strict economy and perseverance of his younger years. By these he has attained wealth and a high social and mercantile position. He m. Ann-Maria Kingsbury, May 23, 1833. 2995. Edward r5988], b. May 29, 1834. 2996. Francis-Eugene, b. June 28,1837; d. June I, 1866, at Vichy, France. 2997. Anna, b. July 10, 1843. 2998. Emma-French, b. July 11, 1853. 2999. Alfreds [1305] (Benaiahs, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 23, 1 80 7, in Putney, Vt. ; d. June 10,1847; res. Troy, Pike Co., Alabama, where he died. He removed from Eufala, Alabama, to Louisiana, s^bout 1841 ; m. Louisa-Jane HaU ; she was the daughter of Isaac N. Hall, of Orion, Alabama. 182 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 3O0O. Thomas-Benton [6990], b. Aug. 16, 1840, in Orion, Alabama. 3001. WilUam-Matthew, b. about 1842; d. about 1844. 3002. Elizabeth-Elmira, b. ; m. D.-Westbrook Hooter, Nov. 1862; he is a farmer and school-teacher; res. Water Landing, North Alabama. 3003. Alfred- Pastorah, b. — ; m. Elias-H. Locke, Feb. 1866 ; he is a dentist in Troy, Alabama. 3004. William-AndeewsS [1306] (Benaiahs, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 15, 1814, in Putney, Vt. ; res. Saxton's River, Vt. ; 1st, m. Sarah-Augusta Wait, Sept. 25, 1848 ; she d. May 2, 1856 ; 2d, m. Mary-B. Stearns, June 14, 1868. 3006. Anna- Augusta, b. July 27, 1849. 8006. Minnie-Wait, b. Feb. 8, 1856. 3007. Franklin-CbowletS [1310] (Josephs, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), X). Nov. 28, 1814 ; res. West Springfleld, Ms..; m. Martha-E. Wait, of Rockingham, Vt., Jan. 4, 1841. 3008. Cornelia- Augusta, b. AprU, 1847. 3009. Otis-Wait, b. Oct. 1, 1860. 3010. Alfred-PaekerB [ 1312] (Josephs, Joseph*, Josephs, Jq. seph", Edwardi), b. Oct. 20, 1818 ; res. Rockingham, Vt. ; P. 0. address, Saxton's River, Vt. ; m. Sophia Griffin, of Nelson, N. H., Sept. 18, 1849. son. Charles-AUTed, b. Nov. 16, 1852. 3012. Alice-Maria, b. May 5, 1857. 3013. AsaphS [1325] (Asaphs, PhUip*, EbenezerS, Joseph", Edwardi), X). May 20, 1807, in Leominster, Ms. ; res. in Holden, Ms., ten years ; in Leominster, Ms., twelve years; then removed to Fairview, Fillmore Co., Minn., where he has lived thirteen years. Fairview is his P. O. address, Forestville, his residence ; m. Mar tha Chace, of Leominster, Ms., April 23, 1835. First four children b. in Holden, Ms., others in Leominster, Ms. 3014. Martha- Sophia, b. Sept. 5, 1838; 1st, m. Arunah Clilford, Sept. 5, 1858; 2d, m. James-Milton Simonds, Jan. 10, 1866; res.Worces- ter, Ms. (1869). 8015. Sarah-Maria, b. June 4, 1840; m. Charles-H. French, Feb. 8, 1860; res. Lincoln, Washington Co., Nebraska. 3016. George-Sumner [6993], b. May 12, 1843. 8017. Asaph-Milton [5995], b. May 3, 1846. 3018. Walton-Selwin, b. Sept. 9, 1848 ; res. Forestville, Minn. (1869). 3019. Charles-Lester, b. Aug. 22, 1851; res. Forestville, Minn. (1869). 3020. Abbie-Melora, b. Nov. 26, 1853 ; d. Sept. 3, 1864. 3021. Samuel-ThompsonS [1330] (PhiUpS, Philip*, EbenezerS, Joseph", Edwardi), Xi. May 2, 1819; res. Northampton, Ms.; studied at Amherst Academy, under Simeon Colton, Amos Bullard, and Geo. C. Partridge ; graduated at Amherst CoUege in 1839 ; taught school about three years ; studied law in the office of Baker & Delano, at Amherst, Ms. ; was admitted to the bar of Hamp shire County, Mar, 1844 ; opened aix office. May, 1844, in Palmer, SIXTH GENERATION, 183 Ms. ; moved to Ware, Ms., April, 1846 ; moved to Northampton, Ms., July, 1856, and became a partner of Pon. Chas. E. Forbes, and remained in the partnership until 1864 ; was elected district attorney, 1862 ; re-elected 1865, and again in 1868 ; m. Maria-Sav age Gridley, Nov. 10, 1847 ; she was the daughter of Dr. Timothy J. Gridley, of Amherst, Ms. 3022. Jane, b. Jan. 28, 1849. 3023. Timothy-Gridley, b. July 30, 1861 ; he is a member of the junior class, Amherst College, (Feb. 1871). 3024. Plint-Fis?s [1331] (Philips, phiUp*, EbenezerS, Joseph", Edwardi), b. April 10, 1821 ; res. Brimfield, Ms. ; m. Laura- Ann Fenton, Jan. 25, 1849. Children all b. in Brimfleld, Ms. 3025. Charles-Fisk, b. June 27, 1850. 3026. Mary-AdaUne, b. July 31, 1852; d. Aug. 17, 1853. 3027. Abbie-Blizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 1854. 3028. Laura.-Maria, b. Feb. 18, 1857. 3029. WUlie-Henry, b. June 9, 1861 ; d. Jan. 22, 1862, 3030. Carrie-Amelia, b. Oct. 7, 1862. 3031. Philip-DoddeidgeS [1334] (Philips, philips EbenezerS, Joseph", Edwardi), X). Dec. 29, 1826 ; res. Amherst. Ms. ; m. Laura-Ann Day, of Warren, Ms., Sept. 10, 1861 ; she was b. Sept. 16, 1829. No chUdren (1871). 3032. Erijah-PlumbS [1336] (Philips, phUip*, EbenezerS, Joseph", Edward'), b. Mar, 17, 1831 ; res. Amherst, Ms. (1871) ; m. Lydia-Hart Baker, April 20, 1853, at Watertown, Washington Co., Ohio ; she was b. Sept. 13, 1833. 3033. Mary-Adeline, b. Mar. 1, 1855, at Marietta, Ohio. 8084. Lucy-Ai)n, b. Oct. 17, 1856, at Marietta, Ohio. 3036. Alvin-Herrick, b. Dec. 12, 1868, at Marietta, Ohio; he d. June 26, 1860. 3036. Sarah-AUace, b. May 21, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo. 3037. CharlesTPlumb, b. Aug. 19, 1864, at St. Louis, Mo. 3038. EUa-Tirzah, b. Feb. 11, 1867, at St, Louis, Mo. 3039. Maybell-Hart, b. Nov. 15, 1869, at Murfreesboro', Tenn. 3040. AnprpwS [1338] (Andrews, Andrew*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. May 9, 1768 ; d- AprU 19, 1846 ; res. Wind sor, Vt. ; nj. Sarah Jewet, Dec. 8, 1780 ; she d. Oct. 26, 1841. Children all born in Windsor, Vt. 3041. Nathan, b. May 16, 1784 ; d. Mar. 3, 1799. 8042. Junius, b. Aug. 29, 1786; d- April 7, 1863; was a Methodi.st minister; left a large family in Bridgewater, Vt. 3043. Sally, b. Jan. 12, 1788 ; ra. Josiah Whitney, June 22, 1820 ; she d. Sept. 22, 1868, aged 81 ; res Wolcott, Vt. 3044. Zebina, b. Jan. 20, 1790 ; d- AprU 15, 1810, unraarried. 3845. Abial [5996], b- AprU 5, 17i)2. 3046. Sylvia, b. April 6, 1794; m. Seth HubbeU, Jan. 19, 1823; res. Wolcott, Vt. 3047. Alvah, b. June 2;, 1798 ; d, Sept. 5, 1799. 184 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 3048. Benjamins [1340] (Andrews, Andrew*, AadrewS, An drew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 24, 1762, in New Ipswich, N. H. ; d. May llj 1838, in Craftsbury, Orleans Co., Vt. ; m. Azubah Gates, Mar. 18, 1790. 3049. Simeon [6006], b. Feb. 26, 1791. 3050. Noah [6014], b. Oct. 14, 1792. 3051. Laura, b. Oct. 28, 1794; m. Asher Percival, Nov. 17, 1812; res. Barton, Vt. 3062. Lemira, b. AprU 8, 1796; m. Eleazer Record, Aug. 20, 1816; she d. Mar. 17, 1838. 3053. PermeUa, b. May 9. 1798; m. Frederick Delano, Feb. 22, 1817; res. Milton, Wood Co., Ohio. 8064. Benjamin-Martin [6017], b. Jan. 14, 1800. 3055. Delight, b. Nov. 28, 1801; m. Henry Babcock, Dec. 1828; she d. Jan. 7, 1864. 3056. Finette, b. Jan. 4, 1804; d. Dec. 18, 1816. 3067. Lucy, b. Nov. 19, 1806; m. Nathaniel Larribee, AprU 17, 1828; res. Craftsbury, Vt. 3058". AbelS [1341] (Andrews, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 28, 1764; d. June 16, 1845, at Norton, Ohio. He was a Revolutionary pensioner, and served in the Vt. mili tia as a private ; he emigrated from Middlebury, Vt., in the winter of 1818 and '19, arriving at Dr. Noah Spalding's [3077], Dela ware, Delaware Co., Ohio, Jan. 16, 1819 ; m. Hannah Chase ; she was sister to Moses Chase [1339] ; she was. b. Dec. 27, 1769, at New Salisbury, N. H. ; she d. Mar. 8, 1832, at Delaware, Ohio. First two children b. in Cornish, N. H., others in Waitsfleld, Vt. \ 3059. Micah [6023], b. June 7, 1791. 3060. Prudence, b. July 7, 1792; m. Jeremiah Person, Feb. 26, 1816; res. Berlin, Vt. 3061. Mary-Chase, b. May 23, 1795 ; m. Ebenezer Baker, Feb. 1, 1815 ; res. Bradley, Allegan Co., Mich. ' < 3062. Chase, b. Jan. 25, 1798 ; d. Jan. 8, 1804. 3063. Martha, b. July 6, 1800 ; d. Jan. 12, 1804. 3064. Parnel, b. Nov. 25, 1802 ; d. Jan. 12, 1804. 3065. Chase, b. AprU 18, 1805 ; d. Jan. 25, 1810. 8066. Martha, b. Sept. 11, 1808 ; m. Matthew Thompson, Sept. 24, 1829 ; res. Elkader, Clayton Co., Iowa. 3067. JoNAsS [1342] (Andrews, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi). He lived awhile in Comish, N. H. ; then moved to Waitsfleld, Vt., and from thence to Delaware, Ohio, arriving there Oct. 1830 ; res. and d. in Norton, Ohio ; m. Susannah Simonds, of Hartland, Vt. 3068. FrankUn [6081]. 3069. Ira [6032]. 8070. Lyman [6042]. 3071. Stephen [6043]. 3072. AbigaU, b. ; ra. ; res. Middlebury, Vt. ; d. 3073. Orinda, b. ; d. young. 8074. Polly, b. ; d. young. 3075. C Martha- Almira, b. ; m. Mathlng : d. 8076. ( Mary-Alvira, b, ; m. CalviiR Qrifflth. SIXTH GENERATION. 185 3077. Dr. NoahS [1344] (Andrews, Andrew*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. about 1772 ; d. early in the spring of 1836 ; studied medicine with Dr. Nathan Smith, of Hanover, N. 'H. ; grad. at the Medical School in Dartmouth College, in 1800 ; prac tised medicine in several towns, and about 1804 went to JNl ari etta, Ohio, where, in 1810, he married ; afterwards he lived in Delaware, Ohio ; he had twelve children, biit reared only four ; m. Par Ihenia Root, 1810; shed, about 1851. They lost seven chil di-en : Clara, 7 years old ; Hannah, 3 years old ; and five infants. 3078. Rodney, b. ; he was a banker in Bureau Co., III. 3079. EUza, b. ; ra. Spelmau, a lawyer; she is now a widow, res. in Hardin Co., Ohio. 3080. Helen-Mar, b. — ¦ — ; m. — — Robinson, a printer; she d. about two years afterwards, leaving a son a few months old. 3081. Lyman, b. ; he graduated at the Wesleyan University, Dela ware, Ohio ; studied law in Upper Sandusky, Ohio ; went West, 3082. SolomonS [1347] (SolomonS, Andrew*, Andrews, An, drew", EdwardM, b. Oct. 29, 1780, in Westford, Ms. ; 1st, m. Polly' Peterson, Oct. 29-, 1804, in Charlestown, Ms.; she was b. April 19, 1784, in Brookfield, Ms. ; d. July 24, 1814, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; 2d, m. Sally Peterson, Oct. 30, 1814, at Saratoga, Springs ; she vvas b. Feb. 28, 1796, iu Brookfield, Ms. ; d. Oct. 4, 1826, at Saratoga Springs ; 3d, m. Mary Boynton, May 31, 1827, in Boston, Ms. ; b. July 9, 1781, in Gloucester, Ms. 3083. Ruxbey-Peterson, b. Oct. 11, 1805, in Windsor, Vt. ; m. Jaraes- D. Albin, in N. Y. City, May 28, 1826 ; she d. Oct. 10, 1849, in N. Y. City. 3084. Solomon-Bayley [6044], b. Jan. ?7, 1808, in Warner, N. H. 3085. Hiram-Turner, h- June 2, 1810, in Waitsfleld, Vt. ; d- Dec. 17, 1810. 3086. Laura-Mowry, b. Dec. 11, 1811, in Waitsfleld, Vt. ; 1st, ra. Jaraes Clark Jan. 29, 1837; he d. -^-; 2d, m, WUliam Sherburne, May 29,-1850. 3087. Nelson-Odion [6,050], b. Sept. 27, 1814, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 3088. Horace-Kelley [6056], b. May 12, 1816, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y, 8089. Polly-Peterson, b. Oct. 19, 1817, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; d. Mar. 12, 1826. ' ^,^ „, 3090. Harrjet-Susap, b. June 17, 1819, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; ra, Charles Boardman. May 4, 1842; res. Charlestown, Ms. 3091 Delia-Caroline, b. Nov. 27, 1821, in Saratoga Springs; m. AiiUrew Jackson, May 16, 1842; res. Charlestown, Ms. 3092. JamesS [1349] (SolomonS, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 9, 1785, in Westford, Ms. ; d. June 10, 1870 ; res. in Westford untU 1855 ; then removed to Dunstable, Ms. ; m. Anna Tenny, of Tyngsborough, Ms., March 10, 1806 ; pub. Jan. 9, 1806. ChUdren aU born in Westford, Ms. 3093. Evelina^Anvel, b, June 28, 1807 ; 1st, m. Pierce Dunn, of Chelms ford, Ms., Sept. 30, 1830; he d. ; 2d, ra. Sarauel Boynton, Jan. 2, 1842 ; res. Charlestown, Ms. 186 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 3094. Jemima-Read, b. AprU 12, 18^0; ra. John-Harper Smith, of New Hampton, N. H., Oct. 28, 1829; she d. July 27, 1866; res. New " Hampton, N. H. 3095. James-Sullivan, b. July 31, 1S12; d. Dec. 10, 1812. 3096. Solomon-Harrison, b. Oct. 22, 1818; unmarried (1868); res. 280 Washington St., Boston, Ms. 3097. EUza-Tetmy, b. July 13, 1816; ra. John IngaUs, of Tyngsborough, Ms., Nov. 27, 1837; she d. Sept. 12, 1861, aged 45; res. Tyngs borough, Ms. 8098. Andrew-Jackson, b. June 19, 1819; d. Aug. 26, 1834, aged 15. 3099. Sarah-Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1821 ; ra. Liberty-C. Raymond, of Box- boro', Ms., April 6, 1843; res. Dunstable, Ms. 31C0. Susan-Smith, b. Feb. 16, 1824; m. Eri-C. Raymond, of Boxboro', Ms., Dec. 4, 1848 ; res. Port Chester, N. Y. 3101. Samuel-Tenny [6059], b. Sept. 26, 1826. 3102. Esther-Palraer, b. Jan. 6, 1830 ; d. May 19, 1851, aged 21. 3103. Andrews [1350] (SolomonS, Andrew*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 5, 1788, in Westford, Ms. ; d. Mar. 26, 1862 ; res. Bangor, N. Y. ; m. PermeUa Place, of Shelburne, Vt., Jan. 1, 1815 ; she d. Mar. 13, 1856. i'irst child b. in Shelburne, Vt. ; others in Bangor, N. Y. 3104. John [6060], b. Oct. 30, 1815. 3106. James [6063], b. AprU 19, 1817. 3106. Charles [6071], b. AprU 9, 1819; d. Aug. 16, 1858. 3107. Sally, b. Feb. 17, 1820. 3108. Eliza, b. Oct. 20, 1824; m. Andrew Hastings, Oct. 26, 1863; res. Malone, N. Y. 3109. Thomas (6074], b. Jan. 26, 1826. 3110. EU [6085], b. Mar. 11, 1828. 8111. Andrew [6089], b. June 14, 1883. 3112. Laura-Marie, b. Nov. 8, 1835. 3113. Capt. ThomasS [1352] (SolomonS, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 11, 1791, in Westford, Ms. ; d. Oct. 15, 1844. Capt. Spalding enlisted in the U. S. service at the meeting house in Westford, Ms., and served five years in the last war with England ; 1st, m. Mary Hilton, of Lunenburg, Ms., Dec. 8, 1818 ; pub. Oct. 31, 1818 ; she was the daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (Stickney) HUton, and was b. July 4, 1803 ; she d. Nov. 12, 1839 ; 2d, m. Sarah-Loring Whiting, Mar. 30, 1841 ; she was the daughter of Nathl. and Lydia (Gardner) Whiting, and was b. Sept. 8, 1799, in Ltinenburg, Ms. First four children b. in Westford, Ms. ; the last four in Lunen burg, Ms. 3114. Lovina-Nichols, b. Dec. 8, 1819; m. Joseph Smith, Jr., of Lunen burg, Jan. 23, 1840; he d. Feb. 10, 1847; she d. April 18, 1846. 3115. Thomas-Winfield [6092], b. Oct. 23, 1821. 3116. Nancy -Brab rook, b. iDec. 25, 1823 ; d. AprU 26, 1842. 3117. Samuel-HUton [6099], b. Feb. 9, 1826. 3118. George-MarshaU, b. Mar. 26, 1828, in Boston, Ms. ; d. Feb. 20, 1845, in Lunenburg, Ms. 3119. Aaron-Bard, b. Aug. 8, 1830; d. AprU 1, 1851, in Boston, Ms. 3120. Mary- Stickney, b. Oct. 29, 1832; d. Mar. 31, 1833, in Lunenburg, 3121. Mary-Sophia, b. Jan. 3, 1834; m. Siraon Black, of Maiden, Ms., Jan. 3, 1860. 3122. Elizabeth-Melvina, b. Feb. 12, 1836; res. Maiden Centre, Ms. SIXTH GENERATION. 187 3123. Geoege-WashingtonS [1354] (SolomonS, Andrew*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 8, 1796, in Westford, Ms. ; d. July 9, 1868, aged 72 ; res. Westford, Ms. ; P. 6. address. North Chelmsford, Ms.; m. Rhoda-Frederick, of Tyngsborough, Ms., Dec. 6, 1821 ; pub. Nov. 8, 1821 ; she was b. Jan. 15, 1799. 3124. George-Frederick [6102], b. Aug. 22, 1822. 8125. Solomon [6111], b. June 20, 1828. 3126. John-Lifard [6112], b. Feb. 4, 1828. 3127. EliS [1366] (SolomonS, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew^, Edwardi), b. Aug. 4, 1799, in Westford, Ms. ; m. AbigaU Whiting, of Tyngsborough, Ms., AprU 3, 1825. This family are all dead. 3128. EU, b. ; d. 3129. HenryS [1360] (HenryS, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), m. Mrs. Polly (Reed) Spalding, widow of his brother, Samuel Spalding [3141]. 3130. Andrews [1361] (HenryS, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 10, 1786 ; d. Dec. 11, 1857 ; res. Benton, Me. ; m. Ruth Foss, of Winslow, Me., 1805 ; she was the daughter of Joseph and Hannah Foss, of Saco, Me. Children all b. in Benton, Me., except the eldest. 3181. John-Tagart [6117], b. Feb. 8, 1806, in Albion, Me. 3182. Isaac-Foss [612.3], b. Nov. 22, 1808. 3133. C Eli?a, b. Jan. 25, 1811 ; d. July 25, 1811. 3134. { Nancy, b. Jan. 25, 1811; d. Feb. 8, 1811. 3135. Evfins-Carle [6124], b. Sept. 12, 1812. 3186. Robert^Crosby [6125], b. Sept. 6, 1815. 3137. Harriet, b. Nov. 13, 1818; m. Arnold-Thayer Flagg; he was the son of George and AbigaU Flagg, of Benton, Me. 3138. Samuel-NeweU [6128], b. Nov. 21, 1821. 3139. Martha-Miller, b. June 7, 1884; ra. WiUiam Spalding [6186]; he was the soh of Samuel [8141] and Mary Spalding. 3140. Albert-Marshall, b. Sept. 22, 1827; was drowned July 4, 1842. 3141. Sa^iuelS [1362] (HenryS, 'Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. — — ; res. Clinton, Me.; m. Polly Reed, Dec. 31, J 812 ; pub, Dec. 5, 1812 ; she was the daughter of Lieut, Thomas and Polly (Spalding) Reed, and was b. April 10, 1795. [See Genealogy of the Reed family.] After the death of her flrst hus band, she m, his brother, Henry Spalding [3129], 8142. Henry [6135], b. July 25, 1815. 3143. WiUiam [6186], b. Jan. 8, 1819, in Westford, Ms. 3144. John [6143], b. Jan. 29, 1821, in Punstable, Ms. 3145, DanielS [1377] (Eleaziei-s, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 13, 1754, in Townsend, Ms. ; res. Brookline, N. H. ; m. Rebecca Osgood, of Rahy (now Brookline), N. H., March 16, 1778. 188 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 3146. Rebecca, b. — — ; m. -HaU. 3147. Sally, b.- ; m. SeweU Wetherbee, 3148. Betsey, b. — - ; m. Daniel Gassett. 3149. Daniel. 3150. Benjamin. 3151. ThaddeusS [1379] (EleazerS, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 1, 1758, in Townsend, Ms. Removed from Mason, N. H., in 1 782 ; m. Olive Blood, Dec. 29, 1790; shewasb. Dec. 1, 1765. " A patriot of the revolution and an eminent Christian ; died in Townsend, Ms., Feb. 10, 1836, aged 78. His wife, Olive Blood, d. Feb. 2, 1836, aged 70." [Allen's Biographical Dictionary.] 3152. Thaddeus [6148], b. Nov. 1, 1791. 3153. Olive, b. Aug. 12, 1796 ; d. Oct. 28, 1800. 3164. ( Sumner, b. May 6, 1800; d. May 12, 1800. 3165. i StiUman, b. May 6, 1800 ; d. May 11, 1800. 3166. Olive, b. May 1, 1802. 8157. Eliza, b. Oct. 11, 1804; m. Sarauel Haynes, of Townsend, Ms., Nov. 27, 182- ; she d. May 21, 1863. 3158. Lucy, b. Jan. 7, 1806; ra. Harvey Parker, of New Ipswich, Dec. 26, 1839. ? 3169. BezaleklS [1380] (EleazerS, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), X). Aug. 3, 1760, in Townsend, Ms. ; res. and d. in Hancock, N. H. ; m. Hannah Barrett, of Templeton, Ms. ; she was b. May 19, 1763. Special efforts have been made to obtain the record of this family, but without success. ^3160. Hannah, b. ; ra. Osgood, of Newport, N. H. 3161. Zacheus, b ; unraarried. 3162. Gains, b. ; m. in New York. 3163. Lucy, b. ; m. — — Gould, of Peterboro', N. H. 8164. Asa [6132], b. May 14, 1796. 3165. Daniel, b. ; m. ; res. Templeton, Ms. 8166, Esther, b. — — ; d. young. 3167. EleazerS [1382] (EleazerS, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 23, 1764,.in Townsend, Ms. Special eftbrts have been made to obtain the record of this fam Uy, but without success ; 1st, m. Sally Smith, of Fitchburg, Ms. ; 2d, m. Lucy Conn, of Ashburnham, Ms. ; 3d, m. Widow RusseU. 3168. Sally, b. ; d. young. 3169. Asa, b ; m. Sraith. 3170. Luther, b. . ; 1st, m. — - Gregory, of Ashby, Ms.-; 2d, m. Barrett; res. Ashby, Ms. 3171. Alfred [6155]. 3172. Lucy, b. ; ra Whitney, of Terapleton, Ms. 8173. Syrene, b. ; m. Page, of Fitchburg. 3174. John, b. ; d. young. 3175. Eleazer, b. ; res. Rindge, N. H. 3176. JesseS [1384] (EleazerS, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), x,. Sept. 5, 1769, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. Feb. 23, 1843 ; SIXTH GENERATION. 189 m. Abiah Blood, of PeppereU, Ms., March 1794; pub. Jan. 7, 1794 ; she was b. June 7, 1771 ; d. Aug. 23, 1865 ; she was insane. Children all born in Townsend, Ms. 3177. SaUy, b. Nov. 2, 1795; m. Aaron Blood; res. PeppereU, Ms., and Mason. N. H. ; she d. July, i860. 3178. Abi, b. Feb. 24, 1800; d. Sept. 1800. 8179. Jesse [6159], b. April lOi 1802. 3180. Calvin, b. Oct. 24, 1809; d. May, 1810. 3181. LutherS [1386] (EleazerS, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 16, 1774, in Townsend, Ms.; d. Sept. 23, 1841 ; m. Elizabeth Flagg ; she was the daughter of Elijah and Abigail Flagg, of Townsend, Ms., and was b. Dec. 17, 1779, in Townsend; d. Dec 25, 1841. 3182. Eliza, b. Sept. 10, 1804; 1st, m. John Howard, of Ashby, Ms.; 2d, m. John Searles, of Townsend, Ms.; she d. AprU 17, 1865. The following are their Children : — Spalding, b. April 10, 1822. Eliza, b. July 13, 1824; d. Sept. 14, 1839. Lucy, b. .luly 12, 1826. Jane, b. July 9, 1828. Fidelia, b. Sept. 20, 1830. Elmira, b. Jan. 2, 1833. ArviUa, b. Feb. 17, 1835v Edmund, b. July 7, 1837. Twins, b. Oct., 8, 1840. 3183. MerariS [1389] (Josephs, Jacob*, AndiewS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 16, 1767, in Westminster, Ms.; d. Oct. 11, 1850, aged 83 ; 1st, m. Betsey Heald, Nov. 26, 1789 ; pub. Aug. 23, 1789; she was the dalighter of Maj. Ephraim Heald, of Temple, N. H., and was b. Jan. 11, 1767; d. May 21, 1845, aged 78 yrs. 4 mos. 10 days ; 2d, m. Mrs. Lettice Newhall, June 11, 1846. Mr. Spahling was a prominent man in the town where he resided, and during forty years, he served in all the important offices ofthe town and the parish, and had all the honors that his fellow-citizens' could bestow. He served as executor ,|administrator, or guardian ip the settlement of twenty estates, and was the guardian of twenty orphans. 3184. Merari [6164], b. Jan 19, 1791. 8185. Betsey, b. AprU 11, 1^92; m. Israel Dickinson, Sept. 10, 1820; he d. April 1, 1860; res. Westminster, Ms. 3186. Ephraim [6167], b. June 8, 1794. 3187. Jesse [6179], b. Nov. 18, 1796. 8188. Sarah, b. Jan. 19, 1799, at Temple, N. H. ; 1st, m. John Pierce, of Embden, Me., Oct. 22, 1822; he d. Oct. 26, 1863; 2d, m. Asa C. Everett, of Ashby, Ms., Dec. 18, 1866. 3189. Walter [6181], b. Jan. 20, 1801. 3190. Rowena, b. Mar. 6, 1803 ; m. Asa-Cutting Everett, of Winches ter, N. H., Dec. 2, 1824; res. Ashby, Ms.; she d. Sept. 23, 1865. 3191. Anson, b. Feb. 11, 1805; d. July 13, 1806. 3192. Hannah, b Jan. 4, 1807; m. Jacob Colburn, of Lancaster, Ms., AprU 25, 1831; shed in Leominster, Ms, where she had resided. 3193. Adelia, b. Feb. 24, 1809; ra. Alexander-Hamilton Brown, of Fraraingh.am, Ms., Feb. 10, 1884; res. Leominster, Ms.; she d. July 27, 1842. 3194. Anson [6190], b. Jan. 6, 1812. 190 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 3195. Josephs [1390] (Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. g^ 1769, in Westminster, Ms.; d. Mar. 16, 1836, aged 67, atCarritunk,Me. ; removed from Westminster, Ms., to Carritunk, Somerset Co., Me., in Sept. 1803 ; 1st, m. Sarah Whit man, of Westminster, Ms., June 20, 1797; pub. Feb. 27, 1797; she was b. June 5, 1775 ; d. Mar. 13, 1816, aged 40, at Carritunk, Me. ; 2d, m. Olive Felch, of Wilton, Me., Nov. 2, 1817; she was b. Mar. 15, 1791 ; after the death of Joseph Spalding, she m. Almon Hardy and had two sons ; her second husband and her two sons died, and she then married Henry Robeson ; she d. May 18, 1868, aged 77. 3196. Joseph [6196], b. May 81, 1798, in Westminster, Ms. 3197. Zachariah [6208], b. Nov. 18, 1799. 3198. Sarah, b. Dec. 30, 1800; ra. Thomas Houghton, Jr., Oct. 2, 1823- he d. July 23, 1838; she d. Oct. 22, 1865, in Madison, Me. ' 3199. Jonathan [6216], b. Jan. 23, 1802. , 3200. AbigaU, b. June 28, 1803; d. Dec 18, 1826; unmarried. 3201. Mehitable, b. Jan. 8, 1806; m. Greenleaf-Longfellow Hill, Feb. 17,1832; res. Skowhegan, Somerset Co., Me., where she d' April 21, 1862. 3202. Anna, b. May 18, 1807 ; m. Zebina Houghton, Nov. 5, 1829 ; she d. Dec. 18, 1837, in Carritunk, Me. 3203. Susan, b. Oct. 30, 1808 ; m. Aaron Cowee, Dec. 25, 1828 ; res. Augusta, Me. 3204. DoUy, b. AprU 26, 1810; m. Elbridge-Geary Savage, Jan. 1, 1838- she d. Nov. 19, 1842; res. Embden, Me. 3205. Dorcas-Furbush, b. June 30, 1815; m. Charles-Benjamin Foster Nov. 2, 1887 ; res. Richmond, Me. ~ 3206. Alexander [6217], b. July 24, 1818.. 3207. David-Sylvester, b. Aug. 18, 1819 ; he left home when a young man, and was never heard from afterwards. 3208. Benjamin-Franklin [6224], b. Nov. 16, 1820. 3209. Jeremiah-Smith [6229], b. Mar. 80, 1822. 3210. Lucinda, b. June 13, 1823 ; ra. Royce Stevens ; res. ' Wilton, Wauseca Co., Minnesota. 3211. Fanny-Bunker, b. July 9, 1826; m. James Blocker, May 4, 1847; res. East Oasis, Wisconsin. 3212. Jonah-Crosby, b. Mar. 29, 1827; d. Aug. 20,>1852. 3213. Walter-Many [6283], b. Dec. 1, 1830; res. East Oasis, Wis. 3214. Solon, b. Aug. 4, 1832; d. Feb. 14, 1837. 8215. Silas, b. Feb. 29, 1836 ; d. same day. 3216. ZebinaS [1391] (Josephs, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 16, 1771, in Westminster, Ms. ; d. June 12, 1848 ; res. Westminster, Ms. ; m. Fanny Spring, of Westminster, Ms., July 2, 1794 ; pub. June 29, 1794 ; she d. Jan. 10, 1859, aged 85 jTS. 9 mos. 3217. Bridget, b. Oct. 26, 1795; m. Ezra Hudson, of Templeton, Ms., AprU 22, 1846; she d. Feb. 12, 1847. 3218. Zebina, b. Aug. 10, 1799 ; d. Oct. 5, 1805. 3219. Frederick- Washington, b. Jan. 28, 1804; d. Oct. 25 1805 3220. Asenath, b. Aug. 10, 1806 ; m. Levi Sherwin, of Fitchbu'rff Ms. Nov. 28, 1833; she d. Jan. 12, 1862. ^"uuife, ivis., 3221. Zeeb-Pitt [6239], b. May 17, 1809. 3222. Fanny-Mildred, b. July 25, 1813; m. Samuel-StUlman Swan, of Boston, Nov. 13, 1883. 3223. Amos-Person [6243], b. July 9, 1817. SIXTH GteNERATlON. 191 3224. l)r. JonahS [1394] (Josephs, Jacob*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 9, 1778, in Westminster, Ms. ; d. Nov. 6, 18-^0 ; res. West Moscow, Me. ; m. Betsy Hardy, of Wilton, Me., Dec. 10, 1812. He commenced the practice of medicine in Wilton, Me., in 1805 ; he practised in Lower Canada and Vermont, but mostly in the upper settlements on the Kennebec River, in the towns of Bingham, Concord, and Moscow ; he served the public eleven years as clerk, selectman, and assessor ; he held a commission as justice of the peace twenty-one years, during which time he solemnized forty- two marriages. He appeared twice before the pubUc as an au thor. The title of his second book was, " The Female Guide to Health." 3225. Jesse [6247], b. Mar. 12, 1814. 3226. Jonah [6262], b. Aug. 12, 1818. 3227. Sarah-Houghton, b. Sept. 17, 1822 ; ra. Nathan-Baker Moore, Oct. 31, 1889 ; res. Moscow, Me. 3228. Dea. JacobS [1397] (Benjamins, Jacob*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 13, 1767, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. May 14,1838. He removed to Hillsborough, N. H. ; 1st, m. Mary Bar ker, Jan. 6, 1791 : she was b. Dec. 18, 1767; d. Sept. 3, 1824; 2d, m. Susanna Robertson, 1826. 3229. Polly, b. April 21, 1792; m. Daniel Cooledge, 1808 ; removed to Antrim, N. H. 3230. Abigail, b. Mar. 24, 1794 (priv. rec. March 14) ; m. John Dunlap. 1837 ; she d. Mar. 2, 1861. 3281. Jacob, b. April 26, 1796; d. Oct. 4, 1818. 3232. Sally, b. May 8, 1798 ; d. June 9, 1820. 32.<68) Atlanta, Georgia ; Istj m. Lorena Alvord, of Lewiston, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1826; she was b May 18, 1806, at Lewiston, Niagara Co., N. Y ; d. Aug. 26. 1852, at Palmyra, Mich. ; 2d, m. Mrs. Mary (Kellogg) RamsdeU, of Providence, B. I. ; she was the widow of N. J. RamsdeU ; she was b. Sept. 23, 1816, in East Bloomfield, N. Y. 4941. CorneUa, b. Oct. 22, 1827; m. Jaraes-M. Corastock, of Toledo, 0., Jan. 24, 1850; she d. at Palmyra, Lenawee Co., Mich., leaving one child,Cornelia-Spalding Corastock, who was b. Mar. 11, 1852 SEVENTH GENERATION. 259 Infant son, b. June 12, 1880, in Lockport, N. Y. ; d. June 30, 1830. 4942. Edward, b. Oct. 20, 1832, in Lockport, N. Y, ; d. Oct. 22, 1832, at the same place. 4943. LUle-PauUna, b. Dec. 13, 1865 ; adopted. 4944. Sterne' [2166] (RufusS, Jacobs, PhUip*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1804, in Rhiiebeck, N.Y,; res. Palmyra, Mich, ; m. CaroUne Dewey. 4946. 4946. 4947. Palmer, b. ; m. ; res. Chicago, IU, Julia, b. ;d. Jane. 4948.4949. 4960. Truman, b. ; res. Chicago, IU.; ra. Helen. Sarah. 4951. Franiclin' [2170] (RufusS, Jacobs, Philip*, Edwards, John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 8, 1815, in Lewiston, Niagara Co., N. Y. He was U. S. Collector and custom house ofllcer for the port of Lewiston, N. Y. ; m. Sarah Jackson, of Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1839. ^ > . , No children (1863). 4952. Warren' [2177] (Uriahs, Uriahs, Samuel*. SamueP, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 19, 1780 ; res. Henderson, Jefferson Co., N. Y., where he d. Nov. 10, 1864 ; m, Polly Andrews, Oct. 2, 1806 ; she d. Dec. 14, 1862. Children all born in Rutland, Jefferson Co., N, Y, 4968. Eliza, b. July 28, 1807; ra. Matthias-C. Clark, May 12, 1834; she d. Nov. 23, 1349. 4964. Emily, b. July 6, 1809; m. Daniel- WUcox Richardson, June 17, 1845 ; she d. Aug. 13, 1865. 4965. Phebe, b. Jan. 12, 1812; ra. Samuel Sraith, June 12, 1883; he d. Sept. 14, 1865, in Watertown. N. Y., where he resided. 4956. Harrison [8216], b. Sept. 27, 1814. 4957. Hirara [8219], b. Feb. 19, 1817. 4958. Mark- Warren [8220], b April 27, 1819. 4969. May, b. Nov. 21, 1821 ; m. Leonard Wright, Dec. 19, 1849; she d. July 31, 1853. 4960. Martha, b. Feb. 19, 1824 ; m. Leonard Wright, June 6, 1844 ; she d. AprU 10, 1847. 4961. Araanda, b. Feb. 22, 1827; ra Philo-C. Scott, Jan. 1, 1844; she d. Oct. 18, 1850. 4962. Barney' [2178] (Uriahs. Uriahs. Samuel*, SamueP, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 21, 1782, He moved, the spring he was m., to Pinokney, Lewis Co., N, Y,, and lived there thirty years ; then moved to Rutland, N. Y., where he d. Dec. 7, 1866 ; he was a farmer ; m. Polly Brigham, Jan, 25, 1810, in Westmoreland, Oneida Co., N. Y. 4968. Darwin [8226], b. Mar. 18, 1812. 4964. Heman' [2179] (Uriahs, Uriahs, Sg,muel*, SamueP, John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 15, 1784; res, in Oneida Co,, N, Y., 260 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. until some of his chUdren had grown up ; removed thence to Jeffer son Co., N. Y,, where he remained one or two years ; then went to Dundee, Munroe Co., Mich., and d. there some thirteen or fourteen years ago ; m. Polly Myers. ; went to Illinois, and d. before his father. 4965, Heraan-MyerS; 4966, Sylvanus. 4967. Daniel-Witter. 4968. Cullen. 4969. Mary. 4970. John, b. ; 4971. Monroe. 4972. Norton-P. 4973. Elizabeth. ; d. under twenty years old. 4974. Dr. Luther' [2180] (Uriahs, Uriahs, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 19, 1786 {New Marlborough Rec, Nov. 18, 1787) ; d. Oct. 1, 1859, at Painsville, Ohio ; he was a physician ; 1st, m. Lois Stevens, April, 1805 ; she was the daughter of Sam uel Stevens, of Canaan Corner, N. Y., and was b. Mar. 6. 1788, in Canaan, Conn; shed. Sept 6,1828, at Groton, N. Y; 2d, m. Electa Allen, of Courtland, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1829 ; she d. June 4, 1832 ; 3d, m. Malvina Dickinson, of Vienna, Ontario Co.,N. Y. All the children, except the flrst, b. in Groton, Tompkins Co., N.Y, 4975. Louis, b. Nov. 22, 1806, in New Marlborough, Ms. ; d. May 30, 1831 ; unraarried. 4976. Albert, b. Nov. 11, 1808; d. in infancy. 4977. Evander [8229], b. Dec, 17, 1810. 4978, Charlotte, b. Oct. 25, 1812; m. WiUiam Greenleaf, Oct. 3, 1832; she d. Feb. 16, 1849, leaving a family of seven children. 4979. Calvin [8236], b. Mar. 8, 1815. 4980. Sally, b. Mar. 15, 1817; d. July 24, 1844. 4981. Joshua [8237], b. Sept. 4, 1820. 4982. Luther-Stevens, b. Jan. 17, 1823 ; kUled by ac accident at Penn Yan, N. Y., April 4, 1848; unmarried. 4983. Calvin' [2181] (Uriahs, Uriahs, Samuel*. SamueP, John", Edwardi), b, Feb. ig, 1790; res. Rutland, Jeflerson Co., N. Y. ; is a farmer ; m. Betsey Potter, Mar. 13, 1817, 4984. Cordelia, b. Sept. 20, 1818; d. May 6, 1820. 4986. Mason-Calvin [8238], b. Dec. 2, 1820. 4986. Lurancy, b. Sept. 17, 1823 ; d. July 24, 1826. 4987. William-Pitt [8242], b. Feb. 10, 1827. 4988. Electa-AUen, b. July 2, 1829; d. July 24, 1848. 4989. Mary-Elizabeth, b. July 1, 1834; m. Seymour EUlot, of Bombay, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1857. 4990. John-Hancock, b. Jan. 17, 1836; d. Aug. 22, 1838. 4991. Julia-Amelia, b. May 18, 1840; ra. WUliam-Orland Smith, Nov. 9, 1859. 4992. Evander' [2182] (Uriahs, Uriahs, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Edwardi), ]5, ; res, near Sackett's Harbor, N, Y. ; is a farmer ; has a family ; m. Betsey Van Hooser. SEVENTH GENERATION. 261 4993, William-Cullen' [2183] (Uriahs, Uriahs, Samuel*, Sam ueP, John", Edwardi), b. ; moved to Huron Co., Ohio; a farmer, a merchant, and a driver of cattle ; m. 4994. Uriah' [2184] (Uriahs, Uriahs, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Edwardi) ; m. 4995. John' [2195] (ReubenS, Uriahs, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 2, 1797, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; d. Dec. 4, 1861 ; res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; m. Catharine Rice, of Sutton, Vt., Nov, 26, 1820 ; she d. Aug. 5, 1837. Children all b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt. 4996. Zelotes-Hosmer [8247], b. June 24, 1823. 4997. Sarah- Araelia, b. Aug. 19, 1824; m. Barret Roberts, of St. Johns bury, Vt., April 12, 1846; res. St. Johnsbury. 4998. Emeline, b. Aug. 10, 1826 ; m. WiUiam Brewer, of St. Johns bury, Vt., July 2, 1848; res. St. Johnsbury, 4999. Bezaleel-Brooks [8260], b. Oct. 31, 1827. 5000. Ira- Webster, b. Jan. 19, 1829 ; d. AprU 24, 1839. 5001. Znlema-Araanda, b. Oct 2, 1830; d. April 16, 1834. 5002. Lavina- Harrington, b. Dec. 3, 1832; ra. Willard Brewer, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., May 2, 1852 ; res. St, Johnsbury. 6008. Reuben [8266], b. Sept. 80, 1883. 5004. FlaviUa- Almira, b. Mar. 31, 1835; m. Luther- Wood RusseU, of Concord, Vt., Nov. 27, 1864; res. West Concord, Vt, 5005. John- Watson [8259], b. May 7, 1836. 5006. Chauncey' [2099] (ReubenS, Uriah^, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 26, 1806, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; m. Amy- Ann Kent, of Waterford, Vt., Jan. 11, 1837. 5007. Richard' [2206] (PhineasS, MosesS, Samuel*, SamueP, John", Edward'), b. Sept. 22, 1783 ; m. Lucy Spalding [1776]. She was the daughter of Benjamins [1773], of Elijah*, of WU- liamS, of Andrew", of Edwardi. 5008. Harvey-Nathaniel. 5009. Joseph' [2224] (Josephs, Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwai-di), b. June 17, 1784 ; d. Jan. 15, 1859, in Westford, Ms. ; a widower ; he was buried in South Danvers, Ms. 5010. Stephen-Hodgeman' [2225] (Josephs, Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 4, 1786. He became a physician, and was settled in Littleton, DubUn, Natick, Newton FaUs, Reading, LoweU, Reading, Natick, and Ded ham, where his widow now resides. He had one daughter, who m. a Dr. Stillman Wheeling. 5011. Alpheus' [2227] (Josephs, Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1791 ; m. Patty Osgood, of Westford, Ms,, Oct. 12, 1816 ; pub. Aug. 19, 1815. 6012. Alpheus, b. Mar. 31, 1816. 5013. Patty, b. Oct. 5, 1817. 262 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6014. Cynthia, b, Jan. 9, 1820. 6015. Abigail, b. Sept. 8, 1826. 6016. Joseph-Osgood, b. Oct, 1, 1827; d. Dec. 26, 1830. 5017. George [8261], b. Sept. 25, 1830. 5018. Martha, b. ; d. Feb. 10, 1848. 5019. Abraham-Andrew' [2228] (Josephs, Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 8, 1793 ; d. Sept. 8, 1836 ; res. Chehnsford, Ms. ; m. Polly Hunt, of Tewksbury, Ms., Feb, 17, 1820 ; she d, AprU 24, 1857, 6020. Abraham, b. Nov. 14, 1820. 6021. Mary-Eliza, b. Sept. 1, 1823; m. Milo Pierce; she d. Jan. 28, 1849. 5022. Hannah-EUzabeth, b. AprU 23, 1826 ; d. Feb. 15, i 851 ; unmarried. 6023. Sumner-Augustus [8263], b, June 21, 1828. 5024. James-Minot, b. Oct. 7, 1830; supposed to be dead; went to sea, Oct. 1856, and has not been heard from since. 5025. Robert' [2231] (Roberts, Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. April 19, 1787, in Acton, Ms. ; res. in Chelmsford 14 years ; then removed to Greenfield, Ms., where he d. Mar. 26, 1842 ; m. Joanna Snow, of Westford, Ms., Nov. 23, 1820 ; pub. June 19, 1820 ; she was b. 1801 ; d. Nov 15, 1834, in Chelmsford, Ms. 6026. Lucy- Ann. b. Sept. 10, 1821 ; m. Oliver-C. Wadsworth, AprU 23, 1851 ; she d. June 8, 1866, at the house of her brother John, in Lynn ; left issue. 5027. Martha-Maria, b. AprU 27, 1823 ; m. David-B. Gardner, in the spring of 1851 ; she d. April 4, 1855. 6028. George-Washington, b. AprU 12, 1825; d. June 26, 1848, in West ford, Ms. ; unmarried. 6029. Almira-Augusta, b. Mar. 4, 1827 ; d. Aug. 23, 1850, in LoweU, Ms. ; unmarried. 6030. John- Varnum [8268], b. June 16, 1829. 5031. Harriet-Rebecca, b. Dec. 26, 1831. 6032. Varnum' [2234] (Roberts, Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. in Acton, Ms.; d. 1858, in Conway, Ms.; res. in Kelley Vale, Vt (now called Lowell), Chelmsford and Greenfield, Ms. ; m, Mrs. Hannah Laselle, ''of Saco, Me., Mar. 16, 1819 ; she was the widow of a sea captain, of BiUerica Ms., with out children ; she d. in Greenfield, Ms., about 1843, 5033. John- Varnum, b. July 6, 1820, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; went to sea from New Bedford, Ms., when quite young; not since heard from, except that his name appeared on a subscription list, in San Francisco, Cal., in 1846. 5034. Charlotte, b. Sept. 8, 1822, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; res. PhUadelphia, Penn. 5036. Aabjon' [2236] (Roberts, Roberts, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. July 20, 1797, in Acton, Ms. ; d. AprU 21, 1848, in Oswego, 111. ; m. Eliza Pickett, of Greenfleld, Ms. ; Jan. 1, 1828 ; she was the daughter of Samuel and Mary Pickett, and was b. Aug. 10, 1801, in Greenfleld, Ms. ; d. Sept. 22, 1847, aged 46, in Oswego, 111. Children all b. in Greenfield, Ms. SEVENTH GENERATION, 263 5036. EUza-Rebecca, b. Feb. 6, 1829. 5037. Alraa- Augusta, b. Feb. 1, 1831; 1st, ra. Henry-B. Paine; 2d, m. Dr. Francis-Asbury Park, at Stockton, Cal., Aug. 1859. 5038. Willard-BaUey, b. Jan. 19, 18;33; d. Jan. 17, 1835. 5039. RoUln-Aaron [8272], b. Mar. 23, 18,%. 5040. Mary-Jane, b. June 26, 1837 ; m. Edward-E. Floyd, Feb. 11, 1868 ; res. Brookline, Ms. 6041. Samuel- Mourton-Pickett, b. July 28, 1839 ; d. AprU 11, 1858, at Belvidere, 111. 5042. Isabel-Izette, b. May 29, 1843 ; m. Francis-Wilbur Hackett, Feb. 16, 1865; res. Boston, Ms. 5043. Joel' [2237] (Roberts, Roberts. John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b, Sept. 7, 1799, in Chelmsford, Ms.; m. Henrietta- Chloe AUen, Oct. 3, 1830 ; she was the daughter of John Allen, and niece of Hon. Samuel C. Allen, of Bernardston, Ms. ; she was b. Dec. 4, 1805, in Bernardston, Ms. ; she is stiU living in Chi cago, 111. He removed to Greenfield, Ms., where he engaged as a woollen manufacturer. In 1836, he removed to Bennington, Vt., where he established a wadding mill. In the spring of 1839, he removed to Middlebury, Vt., where he established a woollen manufactory, under the firm of Aaron Spalding & Co. In 1843, he invented the flrst card-sharpening machine, which greatly facilitated labor in that branch of wool manufacture. In 1849, he removed with his family to Watertown, N. Y. He was a thorough machinist and an ingenious mechanic In July, 1857, he was struck with light ning, from the shock of which he never recovered. He died at Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1857. Mr. Spalding was an enterprising manufacturer, when it required almost a hero to engage in the business in competition with the manufactures of, England, AU this family are now residents of Illinois, 6044. Ida- Harriet, b. Dec. 24, 1831, in Greenfield, Ms. ; ra. John-A. Mar- . shaU, May 12, 1858, at Watertown, N. Y. ; res. Galesburg, IIU- nois. 5045. Clyraena-Gilbert, b. AprU 2, 1833, in Greenfield, Ms. 5046. Joel-Johnson [8273], b. Dec. 30, 1884, in Greenfleld, Ms. 6047 Charles-Lewis [8277], b. AprU 13, 1838, in Bennington, Vt. 5048. Jonathan-Cooley, b. AprU 30, 1841, in Middlebury ,Vt. ; d. July 24, 1857. 6049. Ira-Stuart, b. Nov. 6, 1844, in Middlebury, Vt. ; res. Chicago, 111. ; eng.iged in the sewing-machine business. 6060. Willard-Pokter' [2238] (Roberts, Roberts, John*, Jo sephs, John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 28, 1801, in Chelmsford, Ms. At the age of 21, he went to Watertown, N. Y., where he prac tised dentistry about twenty years. In 1853, he removed to St. Joseph's, Indiana ; thence, in 1868, to Fort Wayne, Ind. ; thence to De Kalb Co., Missouri; m. Almira Penniman, Aug. 22, ; she was the daughter of Uriel Penniman ; she d. May 31, 1861, in St. Joseph's, Ind. ' 5051. Loveria-Almira, b. May 26, 1840; d. Feb. 22, 1841. 5052. WUlard-Warren [8280], b. Oct. 4, 1842, in Watertown, N. Y. 264 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, . 6053. Josephine-N., b. Oct. 11, 1845, in Antwerp, N. Y. ; m. Oran-M. Clark, Aug. 28, 1867. 5064. Charles-Richard, b. Aug. 6, 1851 ; d. Feb. 22, 1852. " Little Pet," b. July 20, 1853 ; d. Oct. 5, 1863 ; infant daughter, never named. 6065. John-Jay, b. Nov. 4, 1867 ; d. Oct. 17, 1864, 5056, Rev, John-FeanklIn' [2252] (JohnS, JesseS, John*, Jo sephs, John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 25, 1>'2'^, in Belgrade, Me., Grad. at Bowdoin CoU., 1853 ; grad. from the Theological Sem inary, at N. Y. ; he was ordained deacon in the Episcopal church, July 8, 1857 ; ord. priest, July 14, 1868, in Christ's church, Gar diner, Me. ; two years of his ministry, ending Aug. 1859, were spent at Oldtown, Me. ; Aug. 1, 1859, he became rector of St, George's Church, Lee, Ms. ; Nov. 1, 1860, became asst. rector of Grace Church, Providence, R. I. ; April 1, 1862, became rector of St. Paul's Church, Erie, Penn. ; m. Lavinia-Deborah Spencer, of Erie, Peim., June 6, 1864, 6057. Franklin-Spencer, b. Mar. 13, 1865, in Erie, Penn. 6068. WUliam-Marvin, b. Aug. 26, 1866, in Erie, Penn. 5059, Samuel-Young' [2254] (JohnS, JesseS, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b, May 6, 1832, in Belgrade, Me., where he re sides ; m. Sarah-Anne Wentworth, of Camden, Me., Aug, 28, 1853, 6060. Erama-Florence, b. Sept. 18, 1854. 6061. John-Franklin, b. Aug. 28, 1866. 6062, Sarah-Lavinia, b. Oct. 28, 1868. 5063. Chaeles-Henrx' [2262] (JesseS, JesseS, John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. June 8, 1837 ; res. Springfield, Vt ; m. Jen- nie-L, Houghton, Dec. 21, 1863. 6064. George- Osgood, B. June 17, 1865; d. Aug. 12, 1868. 5065. Sewell' [2264] (ParkerS, JesseS, John*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 23, 1832, in Dover, N. H. ; res. Belgrade, Me. ; m. Lydia Cottle, of Mt. Vernon, Me., Aug. 16, 1857. 6066. Henry-Bond, b. Nov. 19, 1868, in Belgrade, Me. 5067. Frank-Parker, b. July 25, 1861, in Belgrade, Me. 5068. Silas' [2276] (SUasS, SUasS, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 15, 1807 ; m. Lucinda Wood, of HoUis, N. H. 5069.' STn.LMAN' [2277] (SUasS, SilasS, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 18, 1809 ; m. Ann Holden, of Charles town, Ms., Nov. 24, 1835 ; she was b. Oct. 24, 1809. 5070. Frances-Ann, b. Dec. 18, 1836; m. Henry-H. Huse, Esq., of Pitts- field, N. H., Feb. 11, 1867. 6071. Henry-StiUman, b. Mar. 20, 1841. 6072. Winslow-Jewett [8284], b. Mar. 19, 1843. 5078. EUzabeth-Jewett, b. Sept. 11, 1845 ; m. Henry-G. HUdreth, of Au- burndale, Mass. 6074. John-Newton- Worcester, b. July 11, 1848. 6076. Clara-Alice, b. Dec. 8, 1763. SEVENTH GENERATION. 265 5076, Andrew-Jackson' [2280] (SUasS, SilasS, Simeon*; Jo sephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 8, 1815 ; d. May 11, 1857 ; res, HoUis, N. H. ; m. Mary-Ann Wheeler, of Hollis, N. H.,Feb. 6, 1844, No chUdren, 5077, Simeon-Alvin' [2281] (SilasS, SilasS, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. May 17, 1817 ;d. Sept. 13, 1854. He was murdered by a party of Indians in CaUfornia, who mistook him for another man, upon whom they had sworn to be revenged ; m. Kath- erine-P, Sawtelle, of Brookline, N. H., Dec. 21, 1847, 6078. Charies-Alvin, b. Sept. 17, 1848 ; d. Feb. 17, 1849. 6079. Katie-Frances, b. July 18, 1862. 5080. SiMEON-D.' [2285] (SimeonS, SUasS, Suneon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 19, 1816 ; 1st, m. Dorothy-Maria Law rence, Aug. 17, 1843 ; shed. Aug. 30, 1859, aged 42 ; 2d, m. Eliza- Brown Work, Oct, 2, 1860, 6081. Melvin-Lawrence, b. Oct. 30, 1846. 5082. Mary-Ann-Eliza, b. Dec. 18, 1861. 6083. Harry-Simeon, b. Sept. 10, 1863 ; d. Oct. 10, 1865. 6084. George' [2295] (SimeonS, Micahs, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b May 15, 1817. He was licensed by the Alton Presbytery, at Greenville, Bond Co., 111., AprU 24, 1847. He was ordained as pastor of the Con gregational Church of Woodburn, and the New School Pres. Church of Brighton, Macoupin Co, IU., May 10, 1848. He re signed in April, 1849, the charge of the Pres. Church at Brighton, and April 26th was installed as pastor of the Congregational Church at Bunker Hill ; continued to preach to the two churches of Woodbum and Bunker Hill until May, 1852, when failing health compelled him to resign, and he retumed to Lowell, Ms. ; com menced preaching again in October of that year, and supplied the church at Rochester, N. H., until Oct. 1853, when the state of his health compelled him to decline further service. Since then he has been located, for short periods, at various places. For the last few years he has been at West Eau Claire, Wis. ; m. Emeline- Augusta Larcom, of Beverly, Ms., April 6, 1843. 5085. Emeline-Augusta, b. Feb. 20, 1844; d. AprU 18, 1845. 6086. George-Francis, b. July 7, 1846 ; d. Oct. 23. 1846. 5087. Charlotte-Elizabeth, b. May 10, 1847; d. May 31, 1870, in Lowell, Ms. ; buried at Beverly, Ms. 6088. George-llerbert, b. Dec. 27, 1848 ; d. Sept. 17, 1849. 6089. Edward-Heber, b. Jan. 16, 1850; d. Aug. 8, 1851. 6090. Theodore-Norton, b. Aug. 20, 1851. 6091. Frances, b. Sept. 8, 1853 ; d. Oct. 17, 1854. 5092. { Louis-Simeon, b. June 14, 1855 ; d. Nov. 1856. 6093. I Lucy-Larcom, b. June 14, 1855. 6094. Agnes-Louisa, b. Sept. 5, 1857. 6095. Henrietta, b. AprU 2, 1859. 6096. Grace- Adeline, b. AprU 6, 1861. 266 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 5097. Charles' [2296] (SimeonS, Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 9, 1819 ; res. Benicia, Cal ; m. Mary- Ann Silsbee, of Boston, Ms., AprU 30, 1843. 6098. Charles-Edward, b. April 7, 1847; drowned Aug. 26, 1856. 6099. Francis' [2298] (SimeonS, Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 26, 1824. He is a physician; took his degree at St. Louis, Mo ; res. Colusa, Cal. ; m. Rosa N. Howe, 1869 ; she was the daughter of John and Rosanna Howe, and niece of Gen. Geddes, formerly governor of South Carolina. He has led a somewhat varied Ufe. He was educated in the pub lic schools of Lowell, Ms He has measured cloth in a dry goods store ; wielded a pen in the counting-room of a flrst-class city jour nal ; peddled milk and chopped wood ; caught shad in the Merri mack ; taught school on an Illinois prairie ; studied medicine and been a sub-professor in a western college ; carried a compass and chain in the wilds of our border lands ; practised medicine, and been iu the employ of " Uncle Sam " in the surveyor general's office ; crossed the Plains in 1850, not actuated so much by a thirst for gold as by the love of adventure. In California, he has " prospected " for gold, kept a drug store and a hotel, prac tised medicine, and run a ranch ; has been a government contractor and U. S, assistant marshal. For the last ten or twelve years he has been so much of an invalid as to almost unflt him for the ac tive duties of his profession ; at the present time he is judge of Colusa County, after having flUed almost every other ofllcial posi tion in the county, where he settled in 1851. He attended medi cal lectures at Harv. Univ. in 1845 and '46, and grad. from the Univ. ofthe State of Missouri at the session of 1846-'47 ; he also holds an Ad Elundem degree from Toland Med. College in the State of Cali fornia. 1 5100. Rufus' [2301] (RnfusS, Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. jan. 9, 1824, in Milford, Me. ; res. Boston, Ms. ; m. Mary-Roberts Hobbs, of Norway, Me., Dec. 18, 1860, in Boston, Ms. Children all b. in Boston, Ms. 6101. Mary-Erama, b. Oct. 7. 1851 ; d. Oct. 9, 1851, in Boston. 6102 Ida-Isabel, b. Mar. 2, 1853. 6103. Frederic-Henry, b. Feb. 26, 1857; d. Nov. 22, 1860, in Boston. 6104. Maud, b. Nov. 12, 1863. 5105. William' [2306] (RufusS, Micahs, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b Oct. 9, 1838, in Lowell, Ms ; res. Charlestown, Ms. ; he enlisted in Co. H, 5th Ms. regt., Aug. 1862, as a private ; was appointed sergt. and mustered into service Sept. 16, 1862; went with the regt. to North Carolina, and was attached to the 18th army corps ; mustered out July 2, 1863 ; commissioned as 1st lieut, in the same Co. July 16, 1864 ; mustered in July 19, 1864 ; attached to the 8th arijay corps serving in Maryland ; mus- SEVENTH GENERATION. 267 tered out Nov. 16, 1864 ; m. Mary-Augusta Janes, of Charlestown, Ms., July 31, 1866, in Charlestown. 6106. William-Pliny' [2309] (Noahs, Micahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", PMwardi), b. Nov. 1, 1823 ; res. Harvard, McHenry Co., IU. ; 1st, m, Mahala Lawton, of Me., Oct. 20, 1846 ; she d. AprU 1, 1862, aged 26 ; 2d, m. Ellen-Ann Oakman, of Poultney, Vt., Mar. 31, 1853. 6107. Jane, b. Mar. 18, 1848. 6108. William-Parker, b. Sept. 5^, 1849. 5109. Maria, b. July 31, 1854. 5110. Henry, b. Mar. 20, 1856. 6111. Prescott' [2319] (Prescotts, Jephthahs, Simeon*, Jo seph', John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 8, 1807, in Newburyport, Ms. ; m. Susan-Elizabeth Oakes, Dec. 2, 1837 ; she was the daughter of Israel Oakes, of Holton, Me. He followed the sea from 1815 to 1830, and was a master mariner for a number of years. After leaving the sea he resided in Holton, Me. ; removed thence to Kensington, N, H. ; thence to Newburyport, Ms., where he now resides, 5112. Rufus, b. June 5, 1839; d. Mar. 31, 1870. 6118. Anna-Louisa, b. Jan. 18, 1841 ; m. Alvah Sargent, of Newton, N. H., May 29, 1866; she d. AprU 19, 1868. 5114. George-Prescott [9714], b. Jan. 8, 1842; he is a successful ship- 5116. William-Cross, b. Nov. 11, 1846; lost at sea, Sept. 11, 1867. 6116. Ruth-Ella, b. Sept. 13, 1848. 5117. Charles-Philip, b. Mar. 17, 1851 ; d. Aug. 14, 1856. 6118. May-Carrie, b. Nov. 6, 1852. 5119. Rufus' [2321] (Prescotts, Jephthahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Jan. % 1812 ; d. June 22, 1842 ; 1st, m. Frances-Ellen Lawson, Feb. 23, 1836; she was the daughter of Thomas Lawson, of Newburyport, Ms. ; she d. Nov. 12, 1838 ; 2d, m. Mary-Hanson Moody, June 16, 1840 ; she was the daughter of John Moody, of Newburyport, Ms. 5120. Frances-EUen, b. Jan. 27, 1837 ; ra, Moses-P. Brown, May 4, 1857 ; she died June 24, 1866, at East Boston, Ms. 5121. Ciiarles-Philip, b. Nov. 2, 1838; d. when nine years old. 6122. John-Moody [8285], b. Aug. 21, 1841. 6123. Oliver-Barron' [2325] (Prescotts. Jephthahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 31, 1825; res. Newburyport, Ms. ; m. Harriet-EUen Orne, April 23, 1848 ; she was the daugh ter of Capt, William Orne, of Newburyport. 5124. Ralph-Cross, b. Nov. U, 1849. 6125. Carrie-Weld, b. Dec 27, 1852. 5126. Rebecca, b. Jan. 23, 1861; d. Mar. 2, 1861. 6127. Charles-Cushraan, b. Oct. 15, 1868. 5128. Augustus-Edwards' [2328] (Otis^, Azariahs, Simeon*, Josephs, John", Edwardi), b. June 23, 1818 ; res. LoweU, Ms. ; m, Maria-Augusta Burtt, of Chelmsford, June 4, 1850 ; she was b. May 25, 1830, in Hancock, N. H. 6129. Edward-Francis, b. June 26, 1861, 268 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 5130. Thomas-Didtmcs' [2349] (Leonards, Leonards, Timothy*, TimothyS, John", Edwardi), b. Qct, 17,1780; d. AprU 16, 1829, in Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y. ; he sei-ved through the war of 1812; was fife-major at Plattsburg; 1st, m. Jerusha Smedley, of Vt, ; she d. ; 2d, m. Betsey Richmond, of Ms., 1815 ; she d. Nov. 29, 1825, in Troy, N, Y. 5131. Leonard, b. Jan. 21, 1808. 5182. Eleanor, b. June 4, 1810. 5133. Horace [8291], b. April 1, 1817. 5134. Harrison [8292], b. Feb. 17, 1819. 5135. Dr. Leonard' [2350] (Leonard"', Leonards, Timothy*, TimothyS, John", Edwardi), b. July 10, 1782 ; d. March 4, 1846, aged 63, in Stockbridge, N. Y. ; he removed from Vermont to Smithfleld, Madison Co., N. Y., in March, 1830. This family wiU be found again at [9651]. Numbers 6136-5139 have been dropped. 6140. Adam' [2351] (Leonards, Leonards, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. July 20, 1784; d. about 1825 ; he emigrated to Lincoln, N, Y. 6141. John. 6142. Simon. 6143. Reuben, b. ; d. in the Mexican war. 6144. Polly. 5145. Cynthia. 5146. John' [2352] (Leonards, Leonards, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. June 27, 1786 ; res. Munsville, Madison Co., N. Y. ; m. Margaret Peterson, of Lmcoln, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1814 ; she d. Dec. 6, 1868. 5147. Lois, b. Feb. 6, 1817; d. AprU 11, 1837. " 5)48. PhUander-Adara [8297], b. Feb. 9, 1818. 6149. Roxy, b. Dec. 26, 1820. 6150. Sarauel [8298], b. Oct. 8, 1822. 5151. Betsey, b. Feb. 17, 1824; d. July 31, 1846. 6152. Margaret, b. Nov. 20, 1826 ; m. MUes Parker, Nov. 21, 1848. 5153. Lyman [8299], b. Mar. 20, 1828. 6164. Ervilla, b. April 23, 1830 ; ra. Jaraes Peterson ; emigrated to Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich. 5155. Solomon [8300], b. Oct. 24. 1832. 5156. John-Gilbert [8301], b. June 30, 1835. 5167. Ira [8302], b. July 9, 1837. An infant, b. Dec. 21, 1841 ; d. Dec. 23, 1841. 6168. William' [2353] (Leonards, Leonards, Timothy*, Tim othys, John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 28, 1788, in Hebron, N. Y, ; d, Nov. 9, 1863, in Chatham, Penn. ; m. Mary Briggs ; she was b. Dec. 4, 1790. First six children b. in Dummerston, Vt, 5159. Leonard. 5160. Seth-Briggs, b. Feb. 23, 1812. 6161. WiUiam, b. Mar. 8, 1814 ; d. Dec. 11, 1825, in Dummerston, Vt. SEVENTH GENERATION, 269 5162. Luther [8303], b. Feb. 23, 1818. 6163. John, b. Aug. 12, 1820. 6164. Sarauel-G., b. May 15, 1822. 5165. Siraeon, b. June 5, 1825, in Londonderry, Vt. 6166. Samuel-Seymour, b. Mar. 15, 1827. 5167. Squire' [2354] (Leonards. Leonards Timothy*, Tim othys, John", Edwardi), b. jyi^y 12, 1790; d. about 1844; re moved to New Hampshire ; had a family of three boys and four girls ; m, PoUy Cathern, 5168, Rev. Timothy' [2367] (JosiahS, Leonards, Timothy*, TimothyS, John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 19, 1794 ; d. Aug 3, 1838, aged 43 yrs. 11 mos. 16 days. He flrst studied medicine, afterwards became a Baptist minister ; preached about ten years in Fairlee and Thetford, Vt. ; in Jericho, Vt., some three years ; then removed to La Porte, La Porte Co., Indiana, where he died; 1st, m. Martha Stocker; she d. Feb. 23, 1817, aged 23 ; 2d, m. Sylvia Cheney, of Jamaica, Vt., Dec. 16, 1819, at Jamaica. 5169. Amanda, b. 1816; d. May 25, 1817. 5170. Celestia-Ermina, b. Dec. 23, 1820; ra. Cyrus White, of South Hadley, Ms., Nov. 27, 1846; res. South Hadley. 6171. Nathaniel-Cheney, b. June 8, 1822, in Thetford, Vt. ; drowned Aug. 27, 1845. 6172. Martha-Amanda, b. Mar. 15, 1824; ra. Rev. Eliphalet Owen, of Warsaw, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1842; he is a Baptist. 5173. Timothy-Chase [8307], b. Mar. 26, 1826. 5174. Elizabeth-Allen, b. AprU 16, 1828; d. May 25, 1855. 6175. Henry- Martin, b. June 20, 1830; d. Mar. 6, 1831. 6176. llenrietta-Maria, b. May 14, 1882 ; ra. Alpheus-S. Dinsmore, Oct. 26, 1863 ; res. Springfield, Ms. Twinboys, b.Aug. 6, 1834; oned. Aug. 16, the other, Aug. 21, 1834. 5177. Esther-Stanton, b. May 20, 1836; d. Sept. 5, 1850. 5178, EowARD-CoMrNGs' [2368] (Edwards, DanieP, Phineas*, EdwardS, Edward", Edwardi), b July 16, 1792 ; d. June 19, 1860 ; m. Sally Moore, Dec. 1, 1814, in Lancaster, N. H. ; shewasb. Mar. 14, 1794. 6179. Martha-Louisa, b. Mar. 23, 1816; m. Seth Savage, Esq., Feb. 27, 1834; res Lancaster, N. H. We are greatly indebted to Mr. Savage for materials kindly furnished in respect to the Spal dings of Northern New Hampshire. Children, — Edward, b. July 11, 1836. Cyrus, b. Mar. 10, 1838; U. S. service, Feb. 15, 1862. Sarah, b. June 20, 1841. Lucy, b. Dec. 7, 1843. Hubbard, b. June 4, 1846. Henry, b. Oct. 4, 1849. Charlotte, b. Dec. 18, 1851. Martha, b. Oct. 9, 1855. John, b. May 16, 1858. 5180. Madalon-De Forest, b. Jan. 20, 1819 ; m. Charles Plaisted, March 30, 1843. 6181. James-Brackett [8310], b. Sept. 19, 1828. 270 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6182. John-Weeks' [2369] (Edwards, DanieP, Phineas*, Ed ward', Edward", Edwardi), b. Aug. 7, 1795 ; d. Oct. 26, 1824 ; m. Electa Stebbins, Mar, 29, 1820, in Lancaster, N. H. ; she d. Mar, 31, 1824. 6183. John-Hubbard [8316], b. Aug. 17, 1821. 5184. William-Dustin' [2370] (Edwards,. DanieP, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b. June 22, 1798 ; 1st, m. Debby- Turner Stephenson, Feb. 11. 1821, in Lancaster, N. H. ; she was b. Sept. 1 799 ; d. Nov. 16, 1824 ; 2d, m. Sarah-Ann Goss, of Green land, N. H., Jan. 23, 1826, in Lancaster, N. H. ; she was b. July 14, 1793. 5185. Eliza-Turner, b. April 9, 1823 ; m. Benjamin-Franklin Whidden, June 17, 1851 ; he grad. at Dart. College 1840. 6186. Debby-Ann. b. Feb. 28, 1827; m. Nelson Kent, July 16, 1850. 6187. Edward [8318], b. Sept. 11, .1829. 6188. John-Weeks [8321], b. Nov. 8, 1833. 5189. WiUiara-Comings, b. July 11, 1836. 5190. Samuel-Fitch' [2383] (PhineasS, DanieP, Phineas*, Ed wards, Edward", Edwardi), b. May 24, 1802 ; res Lancaster, N. H. He has had a family of ten children, several of whom have been noted school-teachers ; m. Lucy Cole, of Stark. N. H. 6191. Rufus' [2384] (PhineasS, DanieP, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b April 18, 1804 ; m. Mary RoweU, of Stark, N.H. 6192. Feedbrick-Baloh' [2394] (Douglass, DanieP, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b. Dec. 9, 1806 ; d. Dec. 8, 1850; m. SaUy Derby. " After the death of Mr. Spalding, his widow and children went to the far West, where the children all died. ' It is not known here whether there are descendants still living or not." [L'.tter of Seth Savaye], 5193. Reuben-BeU, b. Mar. 24, 1828. 5194. Madalon-Cordelia, b. May 7, 1831 ; d. AprU 22, 1840. 5195. David-Stickney, b. Sept. 9, 1833; d. May 11, 1839. 5196. Sarah-Adelaide, b. April 29, 1836. 5197. Nancy-Charlotte,- b. Nov. 12, 1838; d. July 19, 1839. 5198. Douglas-Edwin, b. July 24, 1840. 5199. Frederick-Lambert, b. Oct. 12, 1843. 5200. Maryette, b. May 1, 1846; d. May 1, 1850. 5201. Dantel-Nathaniel' [2398] ( Douglass, DanieP, Phineas*, EdwardS, Edward", Edwardi), b.Dec 9, 1813; 1st, m. Caroline Lovejoy, July 5, 1840 ; she was b. April 10, 1826 ; 2d, m. Jane Winters, 1860 ; she was b. AprU 20, 1831. 5202. Mary-Lovejoy, b .June 3, 1842. 5203. Etta-LiUy, b. Jan. 24, 1861. 5204. Kate-Pray, b. Nov. 16, 1863. 5205. George-NeweU, b. Jan. 3, 1865. 5206. Lula-May, b. Mar. 18, 1867. SEVENTH GENERATION, 271 6207, Lyman' [2403] (PhineasS, PhineasS, Phineas*, Edwards, Edward", Edwardi), b. Aug. 27, 1803 ; res. in Jaffrey, N. H.,untU June, 1861, when he moved to Medina, Mich., where he stiU lives (1868) ; m. Susan MarshaU, of Jafl'rey, N. H., Sept. 13, 1831. ChUdren all b. in Jaffrey, N. H. 5203. Oliver-Lyman [8323], b. Aug 2, 1833. 5209. Eliza-Sophia, b. Aug. 30, 1835; m. Frank GaUup, of Medina, Mich., Dec. 16, 1865 ; res. Medina, Mich. 5210. Susan-Maria, b. Oct. 28, 1837 ; m. Jaraes-W. Lewis, of Roraulus, N. Y., June 15, 1866; res. Medina, Mich. 5211. Thoraas-Hastings, b. Jan. 26, 1840; d. .Jan. 11, 1861, in Medina, Mich. 5212. Edward-MarshaU, b. May 5, 1842 ; enlisted in Co. G, 23d Regt. Mich, vol., and was mustered in Sept. 12, 1862, as 5th sergt.; was promoted Jau. 1863 to 1st, sergt. ; went with his company to Bowling Green, Kentucky,where he d.Feb. 10, 1863,oftyphoid- pneumonia. 6213. Hattie-Jane, b. AprU 1, 1844; d. April 27, 1847, in Jafl'rey, N. H. 6214. Daniel-Robinson' [2409] (DanieP, PhineasS, Phineas*, EdwardS, Edward", Edwardi), b. Aug. 8, 1828 ; m Mary-EUzabeth Adams, Oct. 23, 1860. No children. (lJ-68). 5215. Edward-Miltemore' [2416] (Levis, PhineasS. Phineas*, EdwardS, Edward", Edwardi i, b. Aug. 2, 1827, in Ceylon; m. He came to this country about 1842 ; studied medicine and be fore the Rebellion broke out went South and married a Southern lady and settled in Florence, Alabama. When the Rebellion shut the South from the North, he was caught as a Northern sym pathizer, and subjected to constant outrages by day and by night. He was twice robbed, and twice arrested for his Northern proclivities, and his wife, being a Southern woman, was forced by her relatives to elope from him when he was absent, taking with her their little boy and only child. Weary and worn, harassed and bereaved, he lived to see the end of the Rebellion ; but died on thie flrst of Au gust, 1866, and was buried on the 2d, his 38th birthday. 5216. Alfred-Foster' [2422] (DavidS, PhineasS, Phineas*, Edwards. Edward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1836; m. Theresa- Ophelia Browne, of Northfield, Vt., Dec. 1864. 5217. Nathaniel' [2428] (Edwards, LevP, Edward*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Aug. 28, 1795, in Lyndeborough, N. H. ; res. Ithaca, N. Y. ; manufacturer of joiners' tools ; Ist, m. Susan Stage, of Groton, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1817 ; she was b. Aug. 8, 1797 ; she d. May 11, 1841 ; 2d, m. Julia-Bradley Milliken, June 23, 1842 ; she was b. July 21, 1806 ; d. Sept. 1, 1864 ; 3d, m. Esther-Jane Johnson, Nov. 5, 1857 ; she was b. Nov. 14, 1816. Oldest child b. in Locke, N. Y. ; others in Groton, N. Y. 6218. Thomas-Spencer [8326], b. Mar. 28, 1818. 6219. James-Orr, b May 7, 1820; he was in the Mexican war, and re turned as far as Louisville, Ky.. fvom which place he wrote home and has not since been heard fiom ; supposed to be dead. 272 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. • 6220, WiUiam-Henry [8327], b. June 17, 1822. 5221. Clarissa- Araanda, b. Dec. 24, 1824; m. Isaac Southworth, Oct, 13, 1849 ; res. Groton, N. Y. 5222. George, b. AprU 6, 1827 ; d. Sept. 4, 1862, in Ithaca, N. Y. ; un married. 6223. Olive-Selover, b. Feb. 29, 1829 ; unraarried (1868) ; res. Owego, N.Y. 6224. Sewall-Goodrich [8329], b. Oct, 80, 1830. 5225. Marcus-Harrison, b. Jan. 18, 1838 ; d. Jan. 15, 1867 ; unmarried, 5226, Phebe-Burdick, b. AprU 28, 1885 ; m. Harvey-HaU Ward. 5227. Edward-Gerry, b. Dec. 24, 1843 ; d. Jan. 21, 1867 ; unmarried. 5228. Ellen- Augusta, b. April 14, 1847 ; m. Israel-Lee Upson, Sept. 4, 1867 ; res. Waterbury, Conn. 5229. George' [2429] (Edward®, Levis, Edward*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. Nov. 1, 1797 in Plainfield, N. Y. ; m. Olive Selover, of Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1828 ; she was b. Nov. 21, 1802 ; she d. Nov. 18, 1862. 5230. Warren' [2432] (Edward®, LevP, Edward*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Nov. 10, 1806 ; d. Sept. 11, 1863 ; 1st, m, Caroline Stillson, of Auburn, N, Y,, May 8, 1827 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Lavinia Chesley, Nov, 20, 1859, at Burlington, Calhoun Co., Mich, 5231. Chauncey-Higley, b. Jan. 17, 1828 ; d. Mar. 17, 1828. 5232 Margaret-Ann, b. Feb. 1, 1829; d. Feb. 19, 1841 6233. WUliam- .Morgan, b. Oct. 6, 1830; d. Oct. 15, 1831. 6234. WilUam-Seward, b. July 13, 1832; d. Sept. 26, 1834. 6235. Edward-James [8330], b. July 13, 1834. 6236. Mary-Jane, b. June 2, 1836; m. Willard McClellan, Dec. 26, 1853; shed. AprU 22, 1855. 6237. Caroline-Crosby, b. April 5, 1839; d. AprU 21, 1866; unmarried. 6238. Anna-Margaret, b. June 6. 1841 ; m. Byron Reading, Mar. 25, 1866. 5239. Charlotte-Ambrosia, b. July 6, 1843 ; m. William Tracey, Aug. 26, 1865. 5240. Henry-Clay, b. Aug. 29, 1845 ; d. Dec. 4, 1846. 6241, Hon. Elbridge-Geret' [2433] (Edward®, LevP, Ed ward*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Feb. 24, 1809, at Sum mer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He has resided in Buffalo, N. Y., since 1834. He has been mayor of the city, treasurer of the State of New York, a member of the canal board, and six years a membef of Congress, serving four years on the committee of Ways and Means ; and he was the author of the legal tender act, passed during the late Rebellion. When about twenty years of age, he commenced the study of the law in the office of Fitch & Dibble, at Batavia, Genesee County, N. Y. He taught school in the winter, and other portions of the year, and also acted as recording ¦ clerk in the county clerk's oflSce, during the first two years of his law studies, in order to pay his board and other expenses. In 1832, he entered the law office of Hon. Harvey Putnam, at Attica, in _ the same county, where he pursued his law studies until admitted to practice in the court of common pleas of Genesee County, In 1.834, he removed to Buff'alo, and continued the study and , SEVENTH GENERATION. 273 practice of the law in the office of Potter & Babcock. At the May term of the supreme court in 1836, he was admitted to prac tice law as an attorney of the supreme court of the State of New York, and as a solicitor in the court of chancery ; and in 1839, as a counsellor of the supreme court, and in the court of chan cery. Aftei: his admission to practice as an attorney in the supreme court, he entered into partnership, first with George R. Babcock, and afterwards with Heman B. Potter, and continued to practise law until 1844, when the partnership was dissolved. He afterwards received into partnership the Hon. John Ganson, with whom he continued until 1848. From the time he entered the pro fession of the law until he retired from it, he was laborious and unremitting in his exertions, and enjoyed an extensive and lucra tive practice. In 1836 he was appointed city clerk of Buffalo, and in 1841 was elected alderman, and served as chairman of the flnance committee. In 1847 he was elected mayor of Buff'alo, and during his term many important measures were inaugurated. Among these, he took a very active part in the adoption by the State of the Erie and Ohio basins for enlarging the facilities of lake and canal commerce at Buff'alo ; the organization of the Buffalo Gas Light Company for lighting the city ; and the adoption of an extensive system of sewerage. In 1848 he served one term as a member of the New York legislature, and was chairman of the canal committee. In the fall of the 'same year, he was elected a member of the thirty- first Congress, which assembled in December, 1849. In the long contest for the speaker, he voted on every balloting for Robert C. Winthrop, but owing to some defection among the Whig members, Howell Cobb was finally elected. He was placed on the commit tee on foreign relations. He opposed the extension of slavery on all occasions ; supported the policy of General Taylor for admit ting California and New Mexico as free States, and opposed the fugitive slave law and the compromise measures Eidopted at the very long session in 1850, and which received the approval of Mr. Fillmore after the death of General Taylor. In i853 he was elected treasurer of the State of New York, and ex officio a member of the canal board, serving two years from January 1, 1854. During this term he performed important ser vice as a member of the canal board, in adopting the plans and contracting for the work of enlarging the Erie and Oswego canals, involving an expenditure of $9,000,000, which was borrowed on the credit of the State of New York. He opposed the repeal of the Missouri compromise in 1864 ; took an active part in organizing the Republican party ; was for several years a member of the State central committee ; and in 1860 he was an active member of the congressional executive committee in conducting the political campaign which resulted in the election of Abraham Lincoln for president. In 1858 he was elected to the thirty-sixth Congress, and in 1860 18 274 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. re-elected to the thirty-seventh Congress, and served four years on the important committee of ways and means. He was one of the most active members of this committee during a most eventful period in the history of the country. As chairman of the sub committee of ways and means, he drafted the national currency bank bill, and originated the legal tender act for the issue of treas ury fundable notes to circulate as money, which he introduced in the House of Representatives, December 30, 1861. He advocated it as a war measure, and opened the debate upon it in an exhaus tive speech, shovring the imperative necessity of the measure to sustain the army and navy. This speech was the first official exposition of the necessity of the legal tender notes as a war measure, the constitutionality of that measure, and a full statement of the grounds on which it should be supported, in order to provide the 'means for carrying on the war. It received very general comment from the press, as well ¦ as from individuals. The opponents of the measure criticised it in severe terms, but the positions he took in the speech, legally and otherwise, have never been successfuUy controverted, and it stands to-day as one of the best arguments in favor of legal tender fund able notes, as a war measure, that has ever been presented. It had great influence in carrying the bill through Congress. Nearly all the most important loan laws for carrying on the war originated under the supervision of the sub-committee of ways and means, of which he was chairman. In a letter to him, dated Aug. 3, 1869, Hon. Charles Sumner says : " In all our early flnan- cial trials, while the war was most menacing, you held a position of great trust, giving you opportunity and knowledge. The flrst you used at the time most patriotically, and the second you use now (in preparing a financial history of the war) for the instruc tion of the country." The history alluded by Mr. Sumner, as having been prepared by Mr. Spalding, was pubUshed at Buff'alo, N. Y., 1869, entitled, " History of the Legal Tender Paper Money issued during the Great RebeUion." Mr. Spalding has been engaged in banking since 1852. He organized the Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank of JBuff'alo in 1864, and he owns more than three fourths of its stock, and is its president. By industry, frugality, and economy he has accu mulated a handsome fortune. Hem. 1st, Jane Antoinette Rich, Sept. 5, 1837; she d. Aug. 6, 1841 ; 2d, m. Nancy Selden Strong, Sept. 5, 1842 ; she d. May 4, 1862 ; 3d, m. DeUa Strong (widow of Clark Robinson), May 2, 1854. Children aU b. in Buff'alo, N. Y. 521-2, Chariotte, b. July 17, 1843; ra. Franklin Sidway, Feb. 27, 1866; res. Bufi'alo, N. Y. 5243. Edward-Rich, b,. Nov. 7, 1846. 6,244. Samuel-Strong, b. June 26, 18'19. 6245. At.pha' [2440] (Asa®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Ed ward", Edwa,r4*), b. AprU 4, 1809, in Lempster, N. H. ; res, Han- Sngd '^S''irAu^ast!is-Bjil%n.:S.t- '^'^^,7^X SEVENTH GENERATION. 275 over Centre, N. H. ; m. Betsey Moore, April 4, 1833 ; she was b. AprU 29, 1813. 6246. Lucian [8331], b. July 27, 1835, at Washington, N. H. 5247. Lucius-Page, b. July 26, 1887, at Washington, N. H. ; d. Aug. 16, 1862, 5248. Ahinson [8333], b. AprU 17, 1839, at Lerapster, N. H. 5249. GUraan, b. June 27, 1841, at Lempster, N. H. ; unmarried. 6250. Jackson [8834], b. Aug. 5, 1843, at Lerapster, N. H. 5251. Nancy-Jane, b. July, 11, 1850, at Lebanon, N. H. ; unmarried. 5252. Asa, b. Nov. 9, 1863, at Lebanon, N. H. ; unraarried. 5253. William' [2441] (Asa®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi). b. Aug. 4, 1813, in Lempster, N. H. ; res. in 1869, West Acton, Mass. ; former residence, Lempster, N. H. ; m. Emma-Eliza Miner, Mar. 27, 1838 ; she was the dauo;hter of Ben- ajah-Ames and Amanda (Cary) Miner, and was b. Feb. 9, 1817, 5254. WUUam-Waldemar [8339], b. Mar. 10, 1846, at Lempster, N. H. 6255. Rev. Asa' [2444] (Asa®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 12, 1820, in Washington, N. H. He was a clergyman of the Universalist church, and was settled in Stoddard, N. H., in Brewster, Ms., and in MUford, Ms. ; he d. of consumption in Walpole, N. H., Nov. 28, 1848; m. Mary- Ann Hodgkins, April 8, 1847 ; she was the daughter of Asahel-Bundy and Cynthia Hodgkins, and was b. Aug. 11, 1827; she d. Dec. 23, 1848. 5256. Mary- Ann, b. April 14, 1848, in Walpole, N. H. ; unmarried. 5257. Rev. Willard' [2445] (AsaS, EbenS, Stephen*, Eben ezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Jan. 26, 1823, in Washington, N. H, He is an eloquent clergyman of the Universalist denomination, and commenced his ministry in 1844 ; settled in Methuen, Ms., in 1845 ; he was afterwards settled in West Cambridge, Ms., Essex, Ms., West Haverhill, Ms., Newburyport, Ms., Salem, Ms., and Cincinnati, Ohio, where he now resides ; m. Mary-Brooks Howe, April 4, 1848 ; she was the daughter of Robinson and Katy (Rich ardson) Howe, and was b. May 19, 1822, in Methuen, Ms, 6258, Willard, b, Dec. 22, 1851. 6259. Gilman'' [2446] (AsaS, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Ed ward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 4, 1812, at Lempster, N. H, ; he d Jan. 21, 1837, aged 26 years ; m. Catharine Jones, Nov. 6, 1834, at East Washington, N. H. ; she was b. Feb. 22, 1814, in HiUsboro', N. H., and was the daughter of Moses and Catharine Jones ; she m. for her second husband Stephen-Franklin Farrar, Oct. 19, 1848 ; he was of Washington, N. H. 6260. GUman-Gordon [8340], b. June 17, 1836, in Lempster, N. H. 6261. Cemantha, b. Sept. 2, 1835; d. Feb. 19, 1851. 5262. Corodon' [2448] (WarrenS, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Jan. 1, 1812, in Washington, N. H. ; res. Canton, Ms. ; m. AbigaU Tolman, of Sharon, Ms., April 20, 1836 ; 276 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. She was the daughter of Joseph and Abigail Tolman, and was b. Nov. 28, 1808, in Sharon, Ms. 5263. Corodon, b. Aug. 10, 1838, in Sharon, Ms. ; d. Nov. 30, 1841, in Canton, Ms. 6264. Sarah-AbigaU, b. Aug. 2, 1844, in Canton, Ms., where she d. Feb. 16, 1845. 6265. Sarah-Abigail, b. June 16, 1846, in Canton, Ms. 5266.' Eeastus-Gardnee' [2449] (Warren®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. June 13, 1814, in Newbury, N. H. ; d. Jan, 3, 1867, in Boston, Ms, ; 1st, m, Harriet Fisher, of Warwick, R. I., Nov, 11, 1839 ; she d, Nov, 8, 1860; 2d, m, Mrs, Frances-Maria (Brickett) Kilborn, of Concord, N. H. ; she was the danghter of James-Eent and Charlotte-Maria Brickett; she res. in Dedham, Ms. 5267. Henrietta, h. Aug, 21, 1840, in Warwick, R. I. ; d. Oct. 17, 1862, in Dedham, Ms. . 5268. Erastus-Warren, b. June 29, 1843, in Canton, Ms.; d. Oct. 30, 1846. 5269. Harmon-Fisher, b. Sept. 23, 1845, in Warwick, R. I. ; d. Nov. 24, 1860. 6270. Harriet-EUzabeth, b. AprU 8, 1848, in Warwick, K. I. ; d. AprU 18, 1849. 5271. Hope-Anna, b. Jan. 4, 1854, in Dedham, Ms. ; d. June 21, 1860. 6272. Frances-Gardner, b. April 7, 1865, in Dedham, Ms, 6273, Alice-Maud, b. AprU 9, 1866, in Dedham, Ms. 5274. Geokge-Washington' [2451] (WarrenS, Eben^, Ste phen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edw^ardi), b. Aug. 20, 1825; res. Taunton, Ms. ; m. Sarah-Jane Tolman, Dec. 20, 1850 ; she was the daughter of WUUam and Mary Tolman, and was b. Dec. 20, 1832. 6376. Georgianna, b. Nov. 14, 1852, in Sharon, Ms. .6276. Emma-Louisa, b. Oct. 13; 1866, in Dedham, Ms, 6277. Etta-Maria, b. July 10, 1858, in Norton, Ms. 5278. Lorenzo' [2453] (Ira®, EbenS, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. April 13, 1813, at Lempster, N. H. ; res. Centreville, Lake Co., Colorado ; he is a surveyor and farmer ; m. Amanda Taylor, at Canton, Jackson Co., Iowa, July 4, 1839. Children all b. in Maquoketa, Jackson Co., Iowa. 5279. Warren, b. Sept. 7, 1841 ; enlisted in Co. A, 9th Regt. Iowa Volunteer MUitia, in July, 1861 ; d. Aug. 1, 1863, at Vicksburg. 5280. Hannah, b. Nov. 23, 1842; m. F.-L. Newberger, Dec. 8, 1869; res. Weston, Lewis Co., West Virginia. 6281. Almira, b. Sept. 11, 1844; m. T.-M. Belknap, Nov. 1862; res. Amasa, Jones Co., Iowa. 6282. Geoige-Wilber, b. Oct. 12, 1847 ; d. July 13, 1855. 5283. Oran, b. June 7, 1850; d. May 7, 1869. 52^4. Margaret-Ruth, b. Nov. 27, 1852 ; res. Pueblo, Colorado 5285. Mary-Lovina, b. June 13, 1865 ; d. in the autumn of 1855. 5286. Ella, b. June 28, 1868. , 5287. WiUard, b. Oct. 11, 1860. 6288. MilQ, 1?, Sept. 2, 1863. SEVENTH GEENRATION. 277 5289. Iea-AlonzoI' [2454] (Ira®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', ¦ Edward", Edwardi), b. July 30, 1824, in Washington, N. H. He removed with his father's family to Crown Point, Essex Co.,, N. Y., in March, 1831 ; thence in October, 1843, to Jackson Co., Iowa. He was greatly prospered until 1857, when, incurring heavy losses, he surrendered his entire property to his creditors, yet was still in debt. In 1859, he removed to Anamoza, Jones Co., Iowa, and for ten years devoted all his earnings, save what was absolutely necessary for the support of his family, towards the payment of his old liabilities. He has lived to see them all can celled. He is now residing at Anamoza, Iowa ; he is a large and successful contractor, and the tide of his earlier prosperity seems to have returned to him; 1st, m. Mary Lamson, Aug. 1, 1846; she was an adopted daughter of Stephen and Katherine-Buri'ell Lamson, formerly of Crown Point, N. Y., who went to Iowa in 1846 ; she d. Nov. 23, 1862, at Anamoza, Iowa ; 2d, m. Mrs. Ann- Judel Fall, Nov. 15, 1864 ; she was b. in Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 29, 1834 ; she had one son by her flrst husband, Ed ward Hall, b. Aug. 5, 1867, at Anamoza, Iowa, First three children b, in Maquoketa, Iowa ; next two in Anar moza, Iowa. 5290. James-Lamson [8341], b. May 1, 1847. 6291. Adaline-Brown, b. May 1, 1850. 6292. Mary, b. July 28, 1866 ; d. June 10, 1868. B293. Edgar-Alonzo, b. June 23, 1860. 6294. Merritt-C, b. Nov. 21, 1862 ; d. when a few weeks old. 5295, Lena-Kelmond, b, AprU 18, 1866, 5296, John' [2458] (Harvey®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 7, 1843 ; P. 0. address, South New bury, N. H. ; m. Mary-Jane Barker, Dec. 16, 1860. 5297. Clark-Stlvesteb' [2470] (Reuben®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezei-s, Edward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 29, 1833 ; P. O. address, Washington, N. H. ; m. Lucy-Proctor Wheeler, March 12, 1856 ; she was the daughter of Rev. Frederick and Lydia Wheeler, and was b. May 16, 1838. 6298. Wisnor-Elforna, b. Aug. 7, 1858 ; d. July 28. 6299. Lillie-Ett, b. Sept. 21, 1862. 6300. Henry- Wisnor, b. Aug. 25, 1866. 6801. Rosa-NeU, b. Aug. 29, 1868. 5302. Sullivan-Gage'' [2473] (Reuben®, EbenS, Stephen*, Eb enezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1842; P.O. address, Washington, N. H. ; m. MatUda-Mary Hewlett, Sept. 6, 1865 ; she was the daughter of John and Susan Hewlett, and was b. May 7, 1844. 6303. Emma-Almina, b. June 14, 1868. 5304. Meerill-Strout'' [2476] (John-Douglass®, Josephs, Stephen*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. May 30, 1835, in 278 the SPALDING MEMORIAL. Durham, Me. ; d. Oct. 15, 1862, of chronic diarrhoea, contracted in the army; m. Mary-Jane Belding, Sept. 30, 1861, in Portland, Me. No children. 5305. Albert-Stetson' [2477] (John-Douglass®, Josephs, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. July 13, 1836, m Durham, Me. ; res. Portland, Me. ; a printer ; m. Elizabeth Fagan, June 8, 1865, in Portland, Me. ; she was b. Sept. 2, 1845. 6306. Fred-Merrill, b. June 30, 1866. 6307. John-Douglass, b. Aug. 30, 1868 ; d. AprU 7, 1870. 6308. Arthur-Edward, b. Aug. 11, 1870. 5309, John' [2500] (MUesS, Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, Eb enezer', Edward", Edwardi), b, Jan, 23, 1822 ; res, Iowa ; m. Eliz abeth Papeno, Sept. 8, 1842. 6310. Isadora. 5311. Alphoeis-More' [2501] (MUes®, Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Jan. 6, 1827; res. Brushy Prairie, La Grange Co., Ind. ; he is postmaster ; m, La vina Holton, Oct. 10, 1850. 5312. Isidore, b. Dec. 19, 1851. 6313. ( Frank, b. Aug. 13, 1857. { 6314. I Fred, b. Aug. 13, 1857. 5316. Zadoc-Nichols' [2502] (MUes®, Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Dec. 1, 1829 ; res. Blooming Grove, Morrow Co., Ohio ; P. O. address, Corsica, Ohio ; m. Catharine Fenley. 5316. Minerva, b. June 4, 1861. 6317. Miles, b. Sept. 4, 1867. 5318. Eli-David' [2606] (Ira-Newton®, Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. July 30, 1839, in Crown Point,. N. Y. ; res. Mountain Green, Utah Ter. ; P. 0. ad dress, Morgan City, Morgan Co., Utah Ter. ; m. Eliza- Ann Wads- worth, Jan. 1, 1861 ; she was the daughter of Abiah and Eliza- Ann Wadsworth, and was b. Jan. 4, 1842. All the children but the oldest b. at Mountain Grove, Weber Co., Utah Ter. 6319. Clara- Ann, b. Oct. 26, 1861, in Riverdale, Weber Co., Utah Ter. 5320. EUza-EUen, b. Nov. 10, 1863. 5321. Lucinda- ArUne, b. June 22, 1866. 6322. Eli, b. Nov. 23, 1868 ; d. same day. 6328. David-Abiah, b. Dec. 2, 1869. 5324. Ira-Stephen' [2508] (Ira-Newton®, Stephen-GreeleyS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. May 19, 1849, in Salt SEVENTH GENERATION. 279 Lake City, Utah Ter. ; res. Uintah, Utah Ter. ; m. Phebe-Zelnora France, May 29, 1868. 5325. EUen-Zelnora. 5326. Reuben' [2616] (ReubenS, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. July 1, 1811 ; he res. a number of years in Nashua, N. H. ; now resides in Hudson, N. H. ; 1st, m. Emily Brooks, of Townsend, Ms., Jan. 17, 1839 ; she d. July 26, 1849, aged 32 ; 2d, m. Sarah Laton, of Nashua, N. H., Oct. 15, 1851. ChUdren aU b. in Nashua, N. H. 5827. Reuben-Leander [8342], b. Feb. 3, 1844. 6328. George-Edward, b. June 11, 1849 ; d. July 20, 1849. 6329. Charles-Laton, b. AprU 5, 1864. 5330. Sarah-Maria, b. July 12, 1858. 5331. Dustin' [2520] (ReubenS, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b.Aug. 15, 1830; res. Manchester, N. H. ; m. Samantha Putney, of Manchester, N. H., Dec. 15, 1858. 6382. Susan-EUen, b. Dec. 24, 1859. 5388. Florence-LiUan, b. July 17, 1861. 6334. William' [2523] (SueP, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Feb. 21, 1818, in Penn. ; res. Vestal, N. Y, ; m. Mary Wright, Sept. 12, 1840, 6336, Sarah'.lbigaU, b. July 15, 1841 ; m. Orin Lindsey, June 11, 1861 ; res. Montrose, Susquehanna Co., Penn. 5386. Mantle, b. Dec. 9, 1846 ; m. June 8, 1865, 5337. FrankUn [8348], b. July 29, 1847. 6338. Gertrude, b. June 13, 1851. 5339. Daniel-Buswell' [2624] (SueP, ReubenS, Reuben*, Eb enezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. May 21, 1819, in Penn. ; res. Des Moines, Iowa, where he d. Feb. 27, 1862 ; m. Malvina-Fitcarland Merical, Sept. 20, 1842 ; she was b. Sept. 24, 1820 ; she m. Robert Shannon for her second husband, Nov. 2, 1867. 5340. EmeUne-MeUssa, b. July 22, 1843 ; d. Oct. 7, 1847. 6341. Harrlet-Persilla, b. July 31, 1845 ; d. Jan. 17, 1863.. 5342. Emma-Euphemia, b. Sept. 27, 1848; d. Oct. 11, 1855. 5348. Catharine-Elizabeth, b. Mar. 14, 1852 ; d. Sept. 25, 1853. 5844. Sarah-AbigaU, b. May 31, 1855. 5345. Melvina, b. Dec. 27, 1857. 5346. Sewell-Jacob, b. July 19, 1859. 6347. TnoiLis' [2526] (SueP, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 9, 1821, in Vestal, N. Y., where he resided for some time ; afterwards res. in MUan, Bradford Co., Penn. ; m. Narcissa Fisher, Feb. 24, 1844. 5348. Zelinda, b. AprU 25, 1846. 5349. Annatie-Viola, b. Dec. 22, 1847. 6350. Effie-Ann, b. Nov. 15, 1849. 6351. Lydia, b. AprU 27, 1853. 280 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 5352. Reuben' [2527] (SueP, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 3, 1823 ; m. Susan Dergen, April, 10, 1853. 6363. Licinia, b. Dec. 26, 1863. 6354. Anthony, b. AprU 12, 1855, 6356. Dustin, b. Feb. 12, 1867. 6866. Carrie-BeU, b. Feb. 15, 1859. 6367, Frederick, b, July 6, 1866. 5358. Alpeed' [2528] (SueP, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezei'S, Edward", Edwardi), b. June 13, 1826; res. Vestal, Broome Co., N. Y. ; m. Louisa Moulton, Oct. 26, 1850. 6859. Daniel, b. Mar. 13, 1852. 5360. Emraa, b. Dec. 1, 1864. 5361. Deliyett, b. Jan. 81, 1856. 6362. Lauretta, b. Sept. 11, 1860. 6363. Lodina, b. Mar. 16, 1868. 5364. Anson' [2529] (SueP, ReubenS, Reuben*, EbenezerS, Edward", Edwardi), b. May 25, 1828 ; res. Vestal, N. Y. ; he en listed Sept. 1, 1862 , d. Jan. 28, 1864, in New Orleans, La. ; he was in 161st Regt. N. Y. vol. ; m. Belinda Whitaker, Jan. 2, 1849. 6365. Frances-Adelaide, b. April 6, 1850. 5366. Suel, b. AprU 26, 1851. 6367. Hugh, b. June 19, 1858. 6368. Asa, b. Aug. 23, 1865. 6369. Melvina-Euphemia, b. Mar. 20, 1868. 6370. Anson-Wesley, b. May 22, 1863. 5371. William-Smitmer' [2545] (DustinS, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Mar. 5, 1834 ; he served during the Rebellion, in Co. C, 21st Penn. Cavalry ; m. Caroline Taylor, Sept. 30, 1862 ; she was b. Oct. 13, 1832, in CornwaU, Conn. 5372. Rev. Horace' [2558] (Wrights, Benjamins, Benjamin*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 27, 1802, in Moretown, Vt. ; res. Jacksonville, Morgan Co., 111. ; m. Elvira-M. Ladd, June 19, 1826 ; she was his cousin, and the daughter of WUliam and Abigail (Spalding) [1113] Ladd, and was b. June 12, 1799, in HaverhiU, N. H. 6373. WiUiam- Wright, b. Feb. 17, 1833, in Lynn, Ms. ; d. May 14, 1866, in Virginia, 111. 6374. Martha-M.-L., b. Oct. 81, 1836, in New Bedford, Ms. ; m. Samuel Jumper. ' 6375. Harriet-Abigail Smith, daughter of Abigail, the sister of Rev. Horace, was adopted by him and called Harriet-Abigail Spal ding; she was b. Dec. 11, 1827, at Saranac, N. Y. ; m. Morris Lanpher; res. St. Paul, Minn. 5376. Benjamin-Harvey' [2662] (RoyaP, Benjamins, Benja min*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 11, 1797, in More- town, Vt. ; res. Essex, Vt. ; 1st, m. Mary Freeman, of Brookfield, SEVENTH GENERATION. 281 Vt,, Jan. 12, 1824 ; she d. May 30, 1857 ; 2d, m. Sophia Wood, of Jay, Essex Co., N. Y., Dec. 26, 1857. Children b, in Moretown, Vt. 6377. James-Hervey, b. Feb. 10, 1826 ; d. Mar. 21, 1826, in Moretown, Vt. 5378. Caroline-Semantha, b. March 12, 1826 ; m. Herman-D. Hopkins, June 20, 1849 ; res. Montpelier, Vt. 5379. Olive-Diantha, b. Sept. II, 1827; d. Oct. 14, 1838. 5880. Levi- Parsons, b. Aug. 11, 1829; d. Sept. 21, 1830. 6381. Cynthia-MarUla, b. April 23, 1832 ; m. Henry- W. Drew, Dec. 26, 1854 ; res. Burlington, Vt. 6382. Joab-Seely [8344], b. Mar. 31, 1841. 5383. Rev. Newell-Stevens'' [2563] (RoyaP, Benjamin®, Ben jamin*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 3, 1798, in More- town, Vt. ; m. Laura-Jerome McGinley, of New London, Conn., Oct. 20, 1826. 5384. Charies-Wesley [8346], b. Oct. 27, 1828, in Groton, Conn. 5385. Alonzo-Newell [8846], b. June 19, 1831, in Wellfleet, Ms. 5386. Aunie-Eliza, b. Jan. 7, 1886, in Ipswich, Ms. ; m. Gardner HaU, ' of Sutton, Ms., AprU 6, 1859. 5387. Rev. Nathan-Benton'' [2664] (RoyaP, Benjamin®, Ben jamin*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 24, 1802 ; d. Jan. 22, 1863 ; he was a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; m. Mrs. Mary (Almy) White, of Little Compton, R. I., Aug. 11, 1830; she was b. Nov. 16, 1794; her first husband's name was Christopher White. 5388. Mary- Almy, b. June 25, 1881, in Ashburnham, Ms. ; m. Isaac-Dan- forth Robinson, of Jonesville, Vt., June 4, 1867; res. Jones ville, Waterbury, and Moretown, Vt. 6389. Nathan-Royal [8347], b. Sept 80, 1833, in WUbraham, Ms. 6390. Christopher [8351], b. AprU 8, 1836, in Newton, Ms. 6391. Emily-Lorinda, b. Sept. 16, 1839, in Weston, Ms.; m. Denison- Franklin Freeman, Jan. 1, 1860; res. Moretown, Vt., where she d. Jan. 3, 1867. 6392. John-Rogers' [2666] (RoyaP, Benjamin®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. June 24, 1804; res. Rutland, Vt. ; m. Eveline Wait ; she was the daughter of Judge Wait, of Waitsfleld, Vt. 5393, Ltman' [2572] (Versal®, Benjamin®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov, 20, 1802, in Moretown, Vt. ; m, Mary Moare, Feb. 15, 1838 ; she was b. June 21, 1816. 6394. Mary-Jane, b. Feb. 19, 1840, in Aurora, IU. ; m, Benjamin-J. We ver, of Schuyler's Falls, N. Y. 6395. Versal, b. AprU 15, 1842, iu Plattsburg, N. Y, 5396. Charlotte-Maria, b. June 12, 1846. 5397. Lyman, b. Oct. 16, 1848. 5398. Rev. Justin' [2576] (Levis, Benjamin®, Benjamin*, Ed ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. June 7, 1802 ; d, July 8, 1866 ; 282 THE SPALDESTG MEMORIAL. m. Susan Porter, June 4, 1828 ; she was b. June, 1807, at Athens, Vt ; d. Dec. 7, 1866. " He received license to exhort in the Meth. Epis. Church, and went on to the- Barnard Circuit, Vt., in 1822, when 20 years of age. He received a local preacher's license in June, 1822, and joined the New England Conference on trial. In 1823, he Was stationed with Rev. A. D. Merrill, on Unity Circuit, N. H. His next appointment was at Craftsbury and Derby Circuit, Vt. ; the next at Lyndon and Sutton, Vt. ; the next at Weston, Vt., two years. Here he married Miss Susan Porter, was transferred to the Maine Conference, and stationed at Gorham, Bath, and Gardiner, Me. He was then appointed Presiding Elder on Somerset Dis trict, Me. Here his health failed him for se-yen months, and On recovering, he was stationed at Augusta, Me. At this time, Jan uary, 1835, he received the appointment of Missionary to Rio Janeiro, South America. In his missionary labors, he spent six years, and had the entire confidence Of the Missionary Board. "He returned from South America in 1841. His subsequent appointments were Winchester, N. H., 1842 and '3 ; HaverhUl Dis trict, 1844 ; agent of the Biblical Institute, 1845 ; Claremont, 1846 ; HaverhiU District again, 1847-8-9 ; Dover District, 1850- 51 ; Manchester, 1862 ; Portsmouth, 1853-4 ; Salem, 1855. This was his last appointment ; his health was seriously impaired. In 1856, he received a superannuated relation ; lived for some time at Manchester, N. H., then removed to Moretown, Vt., where he died." • [Zion's Herald.] 5399. Lucy-Neal, b. May 25, 1829, at East EUiot, Me. ; d. Sept. 1, 1830, at Gorham, Me. 5400. George-Levi [8852], b. Jan. 24, 1832, in Bath, Me. 6401. Justin- Wilder, b. April 30, 1887, in Rio Janeiro, Brazil. 6402. Cyrus-Porter [8355], b. Oct. 14, 1840, in Rio Janeiro, BrazU. 5403. Wesley- Perkins, b. 1843, in Winchester, N. S. ; d. Feb. 29, 1847, at Claremont, N. H, 5404, Enos-Wilder' [2678] (Levi®, Benjamin®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, Oct. 6, 1812 ; m. Charlotte- Durgin Dunlap, July 12, 1849. He was educated at the Wesleyan Seminary, Readfleld, Me. ; studied for the ministry at Newbury, Vt., and Was licensed to preach in the Meth. Epis. Church. He was for many years con nected with the press. He edited the Western Cataract, a temper ance paper, at Buff'alo, N. Y. ; also the Buffalo Impetus. During the last years of his life he was a resident of New York City, where he d. Dec. 10, 1868, aged 67. He was much interested in gathering materials for a history of the Spalding family, which he proposed to publish in the form of a magazine. These papers, after his death, were purchased by the compiler of this work. They consisted almost entirely of sketches, but, with the excep tion of the details of his own immediate branch of the Spaldings, these papers added very little to what had already been gathered respecting the genealogy of the family. SEVENTH GENERATION. 283 640S. AUen-D. [8356], b. Feb. 20, 1847; adopted. 5406. Elect-Thankful, b. June 6, 1860. 5407. Charlotte-Eliza, b. Oct. 20, 1854. 5408. Samuel, b. AprU 17, 1856 ; d. Dec. 8, 1856. 5409, Ctrus-Ceaet'' [2579] (Le-vi®, Benjamin®, Benjamin*, Ed ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, July 2,1814; res. Bloomington, 111, He taught school several winters, and for some years was one of the selectmen of Moretown, Vt. ; m. Chastina-Blynn Thornton, Oct. 23, 1833 ; she was the daughter of Jesse and Betsey Thorn ton ; she d. June 29, 1868, in Bloomington, 111, Children all b, in Moretown, Vt. 6410. Justin, b. Oct. 81, 1834; d. Mar. 11, 1835. 6411. Susan-Klvira, b. Sept. 8, 1838. 5412. Justin-Levi [8358], b. June 17, 1841. 5413. Jesse-Thornton, b. May 7, 1848. 5414. Samuel' [2583] (David®, AsaS, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov, 20, 1796 ; 1st, m. Ellen Smith; 2d, m. Mabel Pettis. 6415. EUen- Adelia, b. •¦ ; she is a school teacher ; P. O. address, Concord, Jackson Co., Mich. 5416. Lewis, b. ; res. Chicago, 111. Another son, b. ; res. California. 5417. David' [2586] (David®, Asa®, Benjamin*, Edwards, Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. Jan. 13, 1809 ; he was killed by an accident, April 11, 1840; res. Sennet, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ; m. Harriet- Girly Fuller, Dec. 31, 1829; she is living; her P. 0. address is Horton, Bremer Co., Iowa. 5418. Huldah-Blvira, b. Jan. 29, 1831; ra. Albert Austin, Oct. 8, 1850; res. Sennet, Cavuga Co., N. Y., and Horton, Iowa, in 1869. 5419. Mason-FuUer [«359], b. Oct. 30, 1832. 6420. David [8363], b. Sept. 21, 1834. 5421. John-Fuller [8366], b. Nov. 13, 1838. 5422. Asa' [2587] (David®, Asa®, Benjamin*, Edward', Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 15, 1817 ; he has resided in West Troy, Albany, Saratoga Springs, and Hoosick, N. Y., where he now lives ; m. Catharine-Maria Shultes, June 2, 1842. 5423. Sarah-Augusta, b. Dec. 10, 1843, in West Troy. N. Y. ; m. Isaac- Saunders Bixby, May 8, 1865 ; res. Hoosick, N. Y. 5424. Willis-Urann, b. Mar. 16, 1846, in West Troy, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 2, 1847. 5425. Christina-Catharine, b. Oct. 7, 1849, in Albany, N. Y. ; d. Nov. 18 1849. 5426. Ro-wland-Asa, b. Oct. 28, 1851, in Albany, N. Y. 5427. Charles-Atkinson, b. Oct. 15, 1854, in Albany, N. Y. 5428. Edward' [2588] (David®, AsaS, Benjamin*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 23, 1820, in Cambridge, Washing ton Co., N. Y. He has res. in Marcellus, Skaneateles, BaldwinsvUle, and West 284 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Troy, N. Y. In 1845, he went to Litchfield Co., Conn. In Sept. 1845, went back to West Troy, thence to Rensselaerville, Marcel lus, Troopsville, N, Y,, North Adams, Ms., thence to Hoosick, N. Y., where he now res. ; m. Almira Arnold, May 23, 1843 ; she was b. in Frenchto-wn, Conn. 6429. Mary-Louisa, b. Feb. 16, 1846, In West Troy, N. T. j m. John- Henry Priest, April 23, 1868 ; res. Hoosick, N. Y. 5430. David-Edward, b. Oct. 18, 1851, in MatceUus, N. Y. 6431. EUa-Maria, b. July 7, 1861, in Hoosick, N. Y. 5432. Rowland-Edgar' [2590] (David®, Asa®, Benjamin*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Jan. 22, 1825,- in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. ; he res. in Skaneateles, West Troy, Rens selaerville; removed back to West Troy, thence to Pownal, Vt., thence to Pittsfleld, Ms., thence to Hoosick, N. Y., where he now resides. His father and mother . died at his house ; m. Susan Brickie, of West Troy, N. Y., July 3, 1845. 6433. Thayce-Elizabeth, b. April 6, 1846 ; m. Alexander Larman, of Cambridge, N. Y., Oct, 24, 1866. 5484. John-Atkinson [8369], b. Jan. 25, 1848. 6435. 3arah-Jane, b. Jan. 12, 1851. 6436. Angeline, b. March 27, 1854. 6437. WUUam-Thomas, b. May 10, 1858. 6438. May, b. July 14, I860. 5439. Asaph' [2597] (Ama^a®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 4, 1787 (other authority, 1788), in Plainfleld, N. H. ; res. North Hyde Park, Vt. ; m. Nancy Gaylord, of Hartland, Vt. ; she d. Mar. 26, 1864. 5440. Huldah-Arnold, b. AprU 6, 1815, in Elmore, Vt. ; m. George Hol land, Oct. 18, 1854; res. Annapolis, Nova Scotia; P. O. address, Moose River, Clemmentsport, Nova Scotia. 6441. Asaph-Gaylord [8372], b. July 27, 1817, in Elmore, Vt. 6442. JnUa-Ann, b. May 24, 1819, in Stowe, Vt. ; m. Julius-Theodor Stroelin, frora the city of Stuttgart, Germany, AprU 1, 1850; res. Boston, Ms. ; his place of business is 179 Washington St., Boston. 6443. Mary-Minerva, b. June 6, 1820, in Stowe, Vt. ; d. Oct. 1, 1848 j unmarried. 6444. Lucetta- Alexander, b. Oct. 7, 1824, in Stowe, Vt. ; m. Carlos-B. Sargent, Dec. 23, 1849 ; res. Boston, Ms. ; he d. Mar. 8, 1862. 6445. Rodolphus [8374], b. Sept. 10, 1827, in Stowe, Vt. 5446. George- Washington, b. April 19, 1829 ; d. unmarried. 5447. Josiah' [2599] (Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 3, 1791, in Plainfield, N. H. ; res. in JanesvUle, Wis. ; d. Aug. 15, 1870, in Piermont, N. H., whUe on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Hibbard ; m, Hannah Cole, Jan, 3, 1820 ; she was the only daughter of Daniel Cole, and Was b. Feb, 28, 1795, He lived with his parents untU he was 22 years of age. On the 20th of Sept. 1814, just after the battle of Plattsburg, he enUsted in the army for five years. He served as sergeant, quartermaster's SEVENTH GENERATION. 285 sergt., sergt. major, which last rank he held at his discharge, Sept. 20, 1819, He purchased a farm at his native place, where he re mained until Oct. 1837, when he removed to Piermont, N, H, From thence he removed, Oct, 1857, to Janesville, Wis, He was seven times chosen a selectman, twice was representative in the general court of New Hampshire, and for flfteen years held the commission of justice of the peace. Children all b. in Plainfield, N. H., except the youngest, who was b, in Piermont, N, H, 6448. Ephraim- Wheeler [8376], b. Nov. 10, 1820. S449. Fernando [8377], b. Dec. 3, 1822. S450. Stephen-Cole [8379], b. Sept. 16, 1824. 5451. Hannah-Cole, b. Aug. S, 1826 ; m. Benjamin Hibbard, Dec. 18, 1850; res. Piermont, N. H. 5452. Josiah-Roberts [8381], b. Dec. 12, 1829. 5463. John [8883], b. Sept. 10, 1832. 5454. Mary-Grannis, b. Jan. 11, 1835; d. Sept. 24, 1865, at JanesvUle, Wis. ; unmarried. 5455. Herbert-Eustis [8884], b. Nov. 23, 1837, 5456. Amasa' [2«00J (Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edward'), b. July 5, 1793, in Plainfield, N. H. ; res. Morristown, Vt. ; m. Maria-Colmaa Dunham, of Morristown, Vt., June 7, 1827. 6457. Ezariah- Wright, fe. May 8, 1828. 6458. Laura-Maria, b. March 13, 1831; m. Hervey-C. Boardman, Sept. 30, 1852; res. Morristown, Vt. 6469. Myron-HoUis, b. Dec. 14, 1833. 5460. Andrew-Lucius, b. July 19, 1836; d. July 5, 1868. 5461. Esther-Elvira, b. Feb. 11, 1840; m. Ira-D. Skiller, Oct. 18,1860; res. Morrisville, Vt. 5462. Mary-Angeline-Eliza, b. Aug. 4, 1845. 5463. Jason' [2601] (Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edward^), b. July 28, 1795, in Plainfield, N. H. ; d. Nov. 22, 1865 ; m. Lucy GoodeU, of Morristown, Vt., Dec. 16, 1818. 6464, Harriette, b. Jan. 30, 1819; m. Horaee-Chaflfey GoodeU, Feb. 18, 1838 ; res. Mount -Vernon, Iowa. 5465, Lovisa- Warren, b. May 1, 1821; m. Boardman-Osias Shaw, in Stowe, Vt., Feb. M, 1842; res. Stowe, Vt, ; she d. Sept. 22, 1866. 5466. Nathaniel-Goodell [8386], b. Ang. 24, 1826 ; a Methodist preacher in N. Y. 6467. Caiista, b- Aug. 14, 1831; d. Jaai. It, 1835. 5468. Jason-StUes [8390], b. Dec. S, 1836, 5469. Lucy- Jemima, b. Aug. 7, 1838 j ni. Jacob-Prouty Atwood, Aug. 26, 1860 ; res. Delhi, Iowa. 5470. Ann-Eliza, b. May 28, 1840 ; d. May 14, 1861. 5471. Solomon' [2602] (Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. April 19, 1797, in Plainfield, N. H. ; d. Nov. 16, 1862, at Morristown, Vt,, aged 66 ; m. ArviUa-Ann Harris. They had two children. 286 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6472. Lovel, b. ; res. Minnesota. 6478. Albert, b. ; d. in the U. S. service. 5474. Warren' [2604] (Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 7, 1800, in Plainfleld, N. H. ; res. Morristown, Vt. ; m. Mary Drew, of Tunbridge, Vt., Mar. 1, 1827; she was b. Mar. 20, 1797, in Strafl'ord, Vt. 6475. Mary-Eliza, b. Jan. 19, 1828; m. Isaac-Dennis Davis, Jan. 20, 1846 ; she d. Nov. 8, 1857. 6476. Abial- Warren [8391], b. Nov. 1, 1829. 6477. Portas-FrankUn [8396], b. Ang. 11, 1831. 6478. Waterman, b. Jan. 13, 1833 ; d. Sept. 24, 1834. 6479. ArviUa- Ann, b. Jan. 13, 1835 ; m. Lyman-Ziba Woodworth, Sept. 27, 1853; res. Morristown, Vt. 5480. Phineas' [2609] (Jonas®, Phineas®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edward'), b.May 2, 1776; d. June 4, 1850; he res. in Woodbury, Conn., till 1825, then went to New York ; m. Eunice Miner, of Woodbury, Conn., Mar. 28, 1797 ; she d. Dec. 21, 1825. Children all b. in Woodbury, Conn. 5481. PoUy, b. June 26, 1800 ; 1st, m. Henry- W. Gibbs ; 2d, m. Matthew- M. Rising. 5482. Simeon [8399], b. Nov. 26, 1802. 6483. Nancy, b. Feb. 19, 1805; m. Joseph Hadger, of Port Byron, N. Y. ; she d. Sept. 26, 1826. 6484. Truman [8405], b. Sept. 25, 1808 (other authority, 1809). 5485. Prudence, b. July 17, 1811; m. Joseph Hadger; she d. Feb. 16, 1833. 5486. Eunice, b. May 14, 1813 ; d. AprU 28, 1825. 5487. Reuben' [2612] (Azel®, ReubenS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), lives in Vermont ; m. 6488. RusseU. 6489. John. 6490. Charles. 5491. Reuben. 6492. Edward. 6493. Alice. 6494. Melissa. 5496. Sarah. 5496. Azel' [2615] (AzeF, ReubenS, Ephi-aim*, Edward', Ben iamin", Edwardi), res. Bridgewater, Vt. ; stiU living (1869) ; m. 6497. Pierce' [2621] (ReubenS, ReubenS, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 9, 1786, in Sharon, Vt. ; d. Sept. 10, 1852 ; res. Warren, Vt. ; m. Sarepta Vail, of Sharon, Vt., Mar. 16, 1809 ; she was b. Sept. 12, 1788 ; she is stiU living (1868). 6498. CaroUne, b. Dec. 22, 1809; 1st, m. James-F. Eldredge, Mar. 1832; he d. Feb. 13, 1836, aged 26 ; 2d, m. Horace Fales, Mar. 30, 1841 ; res. Sharon, Vt. 6499. Horatio [8413], b. Feb. 9, 1812; d. Dec. 3, 1864. 5500. Pierce [8420], b. July 27, 1819. 6501. Charles-Edwin [8425], b. Mar. 15, 1828. SEVENTH GENERATION. 287 5502. Hon. John' [2623] (ReubenS, ReubenS, Ephraim*, Ed wards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Jan. 16, 1790, in Sharon, Vt. He entered upon mercantile business in Montpelier, Vt., in 1813, and continued actively and successfully engaged in trade until 1840, when he transferred his business to his brother, Charles Spalding. For seven years he served as treasurer of the State, at the same time ofliciating as president of the Bank of Montpe lier, and of the Vermont Mutual Insurance Company. For sev eral years he was an assistant judge of Washington County Court. He d. at Montpelier, AprU 26, 1870, aged 80 jrs. 3 mos. 10 days ; m. Sarah Collins, July 10, 1815 ; she was b. June 17, 1793. 5508. Maria- WUder, b. Sept. 18, 1816 ; m. Charles Lyman, of Montpe lier, Vt., Dec. 6, 1836; res. Washington, D. C. ; he was Supt. of the Dead Letter Office in 1869. 5504. Ann-Eliza, b. Aug. 6, 1818; m. Gustavus-H. Loomis, M. D., June 24, 1846 ; he d. May 22, 1858, aged 40 ; his widow Uves in Mont pelier, Vt. 5505. Charles-CarroU [8433], b. Sept. 23, 1826. 6506. Sarah-Rebecca, b. Jan. 8, 1828; d. Aug. 8, 1843. 6507. John [8435], b. Feb. 9, 1830. 5508. Dr. James' [2624] (Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Ed wards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 20, 1792, in Sharon, Vt. ; d. Mar. 16, 1858. His father. Deacon Reuben Spalding, was one of the early set tlers in the State, whose life was not more remarkable for his toils, privation, and energy as a pioneer in a new country, than for his unbending integrity and for the best qualities of the old New England puritanism. James was the third son of twelve children, all of whom reached maturity, and were settled in life with fami lies. At the age of seven years he received a small wound in the knee-joint, which was succeeded by an acute inflammation and suppuration, confining him for more than six months, and attended with extreme suffering. During this sickness Dr. Nathan Smith, of Hanover, was called ; the knee had been opened at several difl'erent points, but still there was no improvement. This eminent surgeon discovered matter deeply seated in the ham, and made a free incis ion, after which the limb healed, leaving the knee partially anchy- losed, to recover from which required years. It was while confined that he entertained the idea of becoming a physician and surgeon, probably in consequence of his high esti mation of Dr. Smith, which was retained through life. Hence he received from his companions the title of " doctor." and retained it, until by his scientific and literary attainments he became justly entitled to it. His early advantages were limited, having never attended a high school or academy, but still his love of study enabled him to obtain a good common school education, besides storing his mind with much general knowledge. Alone and without instruction, he had acquired that mental discipline which so highly distinguished him in after life. He commenced 288 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. his medical studies at the age of seventeen, with Dr, Eber Car penter,^ of Alstead, N. H., stipulating that the expenses of his education should be defrayed by his practising one year with the doctor after he had graduated. He applied himself with uncom- • mon assiduity to his medical studies, taking at the same time private lessons in Greek and Latin. At the age of twenty, he graduated at the Dartmouth Medical Institution, having heard the lectures from those celebrated teachers. Smith and Perkins. It may not be improper to remark, that while a student, his opportunities for practice were very extensive. It was then that the spoMed/ewr prevailed so generally throughout New England. This epidemic was truly appalling in Alstead and the neighboring towns. Dr. S. had an opportunitj' of studying the disease under all its varied aspects, and brought his discriminating mind to the subject with all the candor and close observation of a veteran in the science, and arrived at the same conclusions as to its pathol ogy and treatment, as others who had the best opportunities for observation, and stood the most eminent in the profession. His position was very embarrassing, being called the boy physician, having to meet men renowned in the profession, for whom he enter tained an exalted opinion. Modesty would hardly permit him to differ from them, yet he had so carefully studied the epidemic that in most cases his views and treatment were adopted. After practising two years in Alstead with Dr, Carpenter, he commenced business in Claremont ; but having friends in Montpe lier, he was induced by their urgent solicitation to remove to that place. Though but a boy, he had seen much practice, and per formed many surgical operations, and therefore it required but a short time for him to gain general confidence as a physician, and more especially as a surgeon, which he retained -without abate ment through life. His fixed purpose seemed to be improvement in his profession, having ne-ver engaged in any other business or sought any political preferment. Others may have done more under other circumstances ; yet, by his example, integrity, indus try, communications for the medical journals, and dissertations before the county and State medical societies, from time to time, it may with propriety be said he added something to the general stock of knowledge in his profession. As a surgeon, Dr, S. was successful above most others. The distinguishing trait of his mind was a sound judgment based upon a careful and discrim inating examination of all the evidence which gave to each case its peculiar character. Being well informed in the books and the general principles of his profession, and having an extensive intercourse with his medical brethren, he was well prepared to impart to others the results of his extensive experience. With propriety it may be said he was an original thinker, as was not only manifested in his medical and surgical practice, but in other departments of science. Few men had occasion to change their opinions, when formed, SEVENTH GENERATION. 289 so seldom, as Dr. Spalding. Others might come to conclusions more readily, but, when his opinions were formed, the evidence upon which they were based was in his own mind ; and for this reason he was much sought for in consultations. It was a maxim with him, that there should be no guess-work in his profession, and more especially in surgery. In consultations, due respect was paid to the opinions of his professional brethren, but still he would sufiler his judgment to be influenced only as the evidence in the case affected his own mind, never evading responsibility, and always governed by his own independent conclusions. Dr. S. retained through life the confidence and respect of his professional brethren. From his commencement in practice until his death, he was much engaged in consultations. Though often differing from others in his diagnosis and treatment of disease, yet he succeeded in having the confidence of patient and friends in the attending physician unabated ; thus discharging his duty to his patients without injury to the feelings or reputation of any one. It was the settled maxim of his life, that strict, integrity was the true and only policy which should govern every man who desires his own interests or that of others, and therefore he never sought to appropriate to himself what justly belonged to them. For more than forty years he was an active member of the Ver mont State Medical Society, and through it he labored to advance the best interests of the profession he so much loved. He thus became acquainted with most of the distinguished physicians of the State, among whom he had many personal friends. In 1819 he was elected secretary, which office he held for over twenty years. In 1842 he was appointed chairman of a committee to draft a petition to the Legislature for a geological survey of the State. He was elected vice-president in 1843, treasurer in 1844, chairman of the committee on the history of the society in 1845. He read a thesis in 1846, " On Nature as manifested in Disease and Health," which was very highly commended. He was elected president in 1846-7-8, and delivered a dissertation on typhus fever in 1848, which was published by vote of the Society. He was elected corresponding secretary in 1850, and librarian in 1854, which office he held until his death. He was also a member of the Board of Fellows of the Vermont Academy of Medicine, besides holding many offices in the State connected with science, literature, tempera,nce, etc. But few men in the country have seen such an amount of disease, and so carefully observed the peculiarities of the various epidemics occurring for nearly half a century ; and it is to be regretted that so little is left on record of his extensive observations and experience, both as a physician and a surgeon. Not only as a professional man would we lament our departed friend, but as a Christian, father, citizen, and philanthropist would we remember him. His life was that of the Good Samaritan, a life of toil, prayer, and sympathy for others. His principles were deeply rooted in the heart, and his faith manifested by his works. 19 290 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. We love to contemplate his character, and hope his mantle will fall on many who wUl as faithfully devote their lives to the best interests of their fellow-beings, and as highly honor their adopted profession. [Communicated to the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.] 1st, m. EUza Reed, of MontpeUer, Vt., Nov. 2, 1820 ; she was b. Oct. 13, 1798, at Hampstead, N. H. ; she d.'Aug. 8, 18f 3, at Montpelier, Vt. ; 2d, m. Mrs. Anna (Lyman) Dodd, April 18, 1855, at Springfield, Ms. ; she was b. Nov. 28, 1798, at Harford, Vt. ; she d. Dec. 11, 1856, in Montpelier, Vt. Children all b. in Montpelier, Vt. 6509. James-Reed [8440], b. Nov. 16, 1821. 5510. Martha-Eliza, b. Aug. 29, 1823; d. Sept. 26, 1823. 6511. WilUara-Cowper [8442], b. Sept. 4, 1825. 6612. Martha-EUza, b. Oct. 6, 1827; d. Oct. 30, 1848; unmarried. 6513. Elizabeth, b. May 6, 1831 ; d. Oct. 25, 1832. 6514. Jane-Maria, b. May 27, 1883; m. Dr. Abner-S. Warner, of Wethersfleld, Conn., June 7, 1869. 5615. George-Buriey [8443], b, Aug. 11, 1835. 5516. Isabella, b. Nov. 26, 1837; ra. Cooke Lounsbury, June 8, '864; res. Meriden, Conn. 6517. Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1841 ; d. Aug. 29, 1841. 5518. Dr. Phineas' [2627] (Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Ed wards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b_ jan. 14^ 1799, in Sharon, Vt. • res- HaverhiU, N. H. ; M. D. Dart. CoU. 1823 ; Mr. Univ. Vermont, 1836 ; lecturer on Surgery in the Med. Coll. Vermont ; 1st, m. "'aro- line-Bailey Lothrop, of Lyndon, Vt., Sept. 24, 1826 ; she was b. Aug. 5, 1803 ; d. Aug. 27, 1842, at HaverhiU, N. H. ; 2d, m. Char lotte MerriU, Sept. 7, 1843 ; she was b. Dec. 6, 1814. 5619. Caroline-Anastatia, b. July 12, 1827, in Lyndon, Vt. 6620. Mary-Greenleaf, b. Sept. 12, 1834, in Lyndon, Vt. ; ra. James-H. Towle, of N. Y., Sept. 12, 1865; res New York City. 5521. Ada-Louisa, b. Sept. 16, 1844, in Haverhill, N. H. ; ra. Henry-D. Jones, of New York City, Sept. 16, 1870. 6622. Frank-Merrill, b. June 1, 1848, in Haverhill, N. H. 5523. Dr. Jason-Caepenter' [2628] (Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b, April 29, 1801, in Sharon, Vt., where he d. Nov. 14, 1847. He was the fifth of nine sons of Dea. Reuben Spalding, whose eleven surviving children were all present with their vene-^able father at the funeral in the home mansion, the place of their birth, childhood, and youth ; their ages ranged from thirty-two to r-'xty- one years. It was the first and the last time they were all gathered around the paternal table. Dr. Spalding took the degree of M. D. at Dart. Coll. 1828 ; first settled in Dixfleld, Me., then in Spencer, Ms., where he re mained some four years ; in 1836, he went to the old homestead in Sharon, Vt., to take charge of his parents, and remained there until his death. His family reside in Worcester, Ms. ; m. Susan- Haven Trask, of Millbury, Ms., 'April 27, 1831 ; she was b, Feb. 21, 1804. SEVENTH GENERATION. 291 6624. Jason-Carpenter [8448], b. Mar. 16, 1832. 6625. Julia-Trask, b. June 30, 1834 ; d. Sept. 13, 1834. 5526. Helen-Trask, b. June 11, 1837. 5527. Edward-Leland, b. AprU 7, 1839. 5528. George-Kilby, b. June 19, 1841 ; d. Oct. 11, 1841. 5529. Azel' [2629] (Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. March 29, 1803, in Sharon, Vt. ; res. Grasshopper FaUs, Kansas. He received the degree of A, M. from Middlebury CoU. in. 1835. He practised law in MontpeUer, Vt. ; m. Maria-Theresa Wain- wright, of Middlebury, Vt., July 14, 1834 ; b. June 20, 1810. 6530. Azel-Wainwright [8449], b. May 29, 1887. 5681, Agnes-Maria, b. Feb. 19, 1839; d. Jan. 11, 1853. 6632. Theresa, b. July 28, 1844; d. Aug. 14, 1844. 5533. Levi' [2630] (Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 9, 1805, in Sharon, Vt. ; res. Derby Line, Vt. ; a merchant ; m. Julia- Ann Caldwell, of Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 17, 1833 ; she d, about 1853, 6684. William, b. July 27, 1834. 6535. Levi-Lincoln, b. July 16, 1836; d. July 29, 1837. 6536. JuUa-Maria, b. Aug. 28, 1887 ; m. Almiron-W. Ovitt, Dec. 16, 1861 ; res. Derby Line, Vt. 6537. Stephen-Foster, b. June 25, 1840 ; grad. at the University of Ver mont in 1860. He at once began the study of law in the office of J. L. Edwards, Esq., at Derby, Vt. His father being anxious to give him the best opportunities for the prosecution of his pro fessional education, he was sent to New York. WhUe engaged in his studies there, the rebellion opened. Fort Sumter fell on the 13th of April, 1861, and the next day he enlisted in the 7th N. Y. Battery, and was on his way to Washington. In this three months' service, he not only becarae attached to the profession of arras, but skUled in the practical duties of the soldier. His term of enlistment having expired, he returned to Vermont, and commenced recruiting for the " Butler Bri gade." attaching himself to the 8th Vt. Regt., he was chosen 1st Lieut, of Co. B. Arriving at New Orleans, the captain of the corapany was almost immediately assigned to detached service, leaving Lieut. Spalding in the command of the com pany in the active operations under Butler, and also under Banks. Early in the spring of 1868, he was promoted to be ad jutant of the Regiment, at the same time assuming comraand of his corapany when in action. While performing these duties he fell in the second assault on the strong works of Port Hud son on the 14th of .Tune, 1863. He was a brave officer, a courte ous gentleman, and met his death as he wished, in the front of his command. 5588. Clara-Augusta, b. AprU 4, 1842; m. Charles-0. Brigham, Feb. 14, 1867 ; res. Cambridgeport, Ms. 5589. Sarah-Jerusha, b. Aug. 26, 1844; ra. William-S. Hall, June 15, 1865 ; res. Chicago, III. 5540. Lyraan, b. Nov. 14, 1846. 5541. Cornelia-CaldweU, b. July 21, 1850. 5542. Gertrude- White, b. Oct. 80, 1852. 5543. Dr. Reuben' [2631] (Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Ed ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 22, 1807, in Sharon, Vt. 292 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. He grad. at Dart. CoU. 1832 ; M. A., Middlebury CoU. 1835. He taught in Canada two years ; studied medicine with his brother, Dr. James Spalding, at Montpelier, Vt., also at Dart. Med. CoU. and Harv. Univ. Med. School ; grad. M. D. at the latter in 1836 ; soon began practice at Spencer, Ms. ; was then at Brattleboro', Vt., from 1837 to 1857 ; that year moved to Dedham, Ms., thence to Phillipston, Ms., in F'eb. 1859 ; thence to Worcester, Ms., where he n,ow res. ; 1st, m. Electra-Goodenough Clark, of Brattleboro', Vt., May 16, 1836 ; she was the daughter of Hon. Henry Clark, and was b. Feb. 7, 1814, in Brattleboro'', where- she. d;. Feb,. 5, 1856 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Mary-Ca,rolin,e (Sanderson) Powers, Noy. 18,, 1857^ in. Dedham, Ms. 5544. Hen,ry-.Qeorge [8452]', b. May 28, 1837, in Spencer, Ms- 6545. Frederick [8454], b. June 14, 1839, in Brattleboro', Vt. 6546. Edward-Reynolds, b. Aug. lOs 1844, in Brattleboro', Vt. ; grad. at Harv. Univ. in 1867 ; is studying medicine in Harv. Med. School, and has been a medical assistant during the past two years in the Insane Asylum at Hartford, Conn., and Northamp-. ton, Ms. 5547. Charles' [2632] (Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Ed-. -ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 23, 1812, in Sharon, Vt. ; d. April 8, 1867 ; res. in Montpelier, Vt. ; m. Rebecca-Poole Hunt, of Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 1, 1839; she was b. Feb. 2, 1815 ; d. July 20, 1855. 5648. Susan-Rebecca, b. Jan. 6, 1840; m. William Burke, July 18, 1867 ; he is a lawyer ; res. New Milford, Conn. 6549. Charles-Henry, b. July 4, 1841; d. Aug. 14, 1844. 5660. Edward-Prescott, b. June 17, 1843 ; grad. at Middletown, Conn. ;¦ res. Boston, Ms. ; unmarried (1868). 6561. Richard-Poole, b. July 20, 1855; d. Aug. 1855. 5552. Reuben' [2635,] (Reuben®, Josiah®, Ij^hraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 24, 1788 ; d. Nov. 26, 1861, in East ford, Conn., aged 73 yrs. 6 mos. 2 days; 1st, m. Maria Lawton, Sept. 6, 1830 ; 2d, m. Ruth Lawton, March, 1834 ; 3d, m. Catha rine-Rebecca Paine, April 13, 1846 ; she was b. Dec. 14, 1813. 5558. Azubah. 5554. WUliam-Lawton, b. July 16, 1833; d. May 16, 1864, on the battle field near New Market, Va. ; he was a captain in the 18th Regt. Conn.. Vol. Infantry. In early life, he resolved to obtain a liberal education, and, wishing to be thoroughly prepared for college, he took a course of study at Wesleyan Academy, Wil braham, Ms. He grad. at Middletown, Conn., in 1860, bearing off the highest honors of the institution. He studied law in the office of Judge Elisha Carpenter, then at Killingly. Conn., who says : " I never knew any young man who possessed such aptness to learn, with such quick perceptions and sound judg ment He had natural abUities of the very flrst order, and must have attained a high place at the bar." While the battle was raging, after expressing satisfaction and confidence in a future life, he asked Chaplain Walker, ''Are they driving us?" and soon expired. SEVENTH GENERATION. 293 6555. Martha, b. July 26, 1889; m. Eugene-E. Latham, Jan. 2, 1862; res. South Windham, Conn. 5656. Maria, b. July 26, 1839. 5557. EUen, 5558. Josiah' [2637] (Reuben®, Josiah®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 24, 1793 ; d. May 14, 1852, m St. Louis, Mo. He grad, at Yale CoU, in 1813, where he pronounced the vale dictory ; went West, and became an eminent lawyer in St, Louis, Mo, ; m. Gay, 5569, Rev. Erastus' [2638] (Reuben®, Josiah®, Ephraim*, Ed wards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b, June 22, 1796, in Pomfret, Conn, ; d, Dec, 19, 1853, at Phelps, N, Y, ; grad, at Brown Univ. 1821 ; studied law with McClellen, Esq., of Woodstock, Conn., and was admitted to the bar. Removed to Rochester, and commenced practice of law sometime about 1828. Laying aside the practice of law, commenced the study of theology in the Protestant Epis copal church, in 1831, under Rev, Henry-Bowen Whitehouse, D. D. ; was ordained deacon by Rt. Rev. Benj.-F, Onderdonk, in St, Peter's Church, Oneida Castle, N. Y., June 9, 1833 ; ord. Priest by the same in Trinity church, Utica, Oct. 1, 1835. His earnest, faithful, and self-denying labors were mainly in Western New York ; m. Laura-Maria Wooster, Jan. 25, 1831, in Auburn, N. Y, ; she d, AprU 2, 1853, 5560, Henry- Whitehouse [8456], b. AprU 14, 1832, at Rochester, N. Y, 5561, Erastus-Wooster, b. Sept. 29, 1834, at Sodus Point, Wayne Co., N. Y. ; grad. at Hobart CoU., Geneva, N. Y., 1855; ord. Deacon in the Protestant Epis. church, at Evansville, Ind., by Bishop Talbot, D. D., LL. D., in 1867; ord. Priest in 1868, by Bishop Kemper, D. D., LL. D., at Milwaukee, Wis.; unmarried; res. Evansville, Wis. 5562. Charles-Nelson, b. AprU 20, 1836, in Phelps, N. Y. ; grad. at Ho bart CoU., Geneva, N. Y., 1857; Prof, of Math., Shelby Coll., Ky., 1868; ord. Deacon JProt. Epis. church, 1863; appointed asst. minister of St. Paul's church, Evansville, Ind., 1864; took charge of Discipline and Dept. of Math., Burlington Coll., N. J., 1865 ; now Prof, of Math., Racine Coll., Wis. ; unraarried. 5563, Edward-Bigelow, b. June 18, 1839, in Phelps, N. Y. ; ord. Deacon in Prot. Epis. Church, Nov. 4, 1870; Head-raaster of Racine Coll., Racine, Wis. 6564. Solomon' [2650] (EUsha®, Josiahs, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 22, 1801; d. June 11, 1846, in Monroe, Ohio, where he res. ; m. Sophia Abbott, April 1, 1833 ; she was the daughter of Benjamin and Betsey Abbott, and was b. June 30, 1808, in Lower Canada ; she d. May 6, 1863 ; she m. for her second husband, Alonzo-George Ferguson, by whom she had two children, b. in Monroe, Ohio ; Sarah-Hortensa, b, July 18, 1849 ; d. May 6, 1865 ; Annie-Sophia, b. AprU 29, 1851. Children by Solomon Spalding, all b. in Monroe, Ohio. 294 THE SP^ILDING MEMORIAL, ' 6565, I/ouisa-Aurora, b. Feb. 21, 1834. 5566. EUsha- Abbott, b. Dec. 7, 1837; when the Rebellion broke out, he was on the last term of his second year's course in Antioch Coll., Yellow Springs, Ohio. On the 17th of April, 1861, he enUsted in the 2d Regt. Ohio Vol. Militia. He was in the first Bull Run battle, returned with his Regt. and was mustered out. A severe sickness prevented his re-enlisting. In the spring of 1862, he began the study of medicine, but in July, 1862, he assisted in recruiting a company and was commissioned 2d Lieut. Co. G, 105th Regt. Ohio Vol. MiUtia ; left home Aug. 12, 1862 ; was in the battle of PerryvUle, Ky. ; Oct. 8, was promoted to 1st Lieut, from that date, and assigned to Co. E of the same Regt. ; in Feb. 1863, he was commissioned Capt. in the same corapany, which position he held till his death. He was wounded by a rifle baU, Sept. 20, 1863, in the battle of Chickamauga. He d. on the raorning of Sept. 26, 1863. 6567. Asa- Blodget, b. June 22, 1843 ; he enlisted as a private in Co. G., 106th Ohio Vol. Militia, about the 26th of June, 1862 ; he was kUled at thebattle of PerryviUe, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862. No nobler heart or truer Ufe was laid on the altar of freedom. Thus fell the two only sons of Solomon Spalding, leaving his only daugh ter the sole survivor of his family. 5568. Rev. Josiah' [2651] (Elisha®, Josiab®, Ephraim*, Ed ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 3, 1803 ; d. Oct; 19, 1843, in Monroe, Ohio, while on a visit to his kindred there. He was a preacher of the Gospel in the Christian connection. The early part of his ministry was in the vicinity of Royalton and Pembroke, N. Y. In 1837, he settled in what was then Jackson, Mich., and in that part now called Summit ; m. Lorinda Sawyer, Oct, 14, 1833. She was b. May 14, 1812. 6569. Josiah- Sawyer, b. Aug. 12, 1834, in Monroe, Ohio; he enlisted in Co. K, 17th Mich. Infantry, as Corporal and Color-guard, Aug. 11, 1862; he was wounded in the battle at South Moun tain, Md., Sept. 19, 1862; participated in the siege of Jackson, Miss., from July 10 to July 17, 1868. He was wounded and taken prisoner at Turkey Creek, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1863 ; recap tured after the siege of Knoxville ; was in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864, and was in constant action tiU the 12th Inst., when he was wounded at Spottsylvania ; was in the hospital most of the time at Philadelphia, Penn., tUl discharged on account of disability, AprU 12, 1865, His address is Newton, Jasper Co., Iowa. 6570. Caroline-Matilda, b. July 21, 1836, in Parma, Ohio; m. Joseph- Rodney Little, Feb. 17, 1864. Mr. Little enlisted in Co. I, Penn. Regt. Cavalry, Oct. 6, 1861 ; was appointed Quarter master Sergeant, Nov. 25, 1861 ; participated in the second BuU Run Battle; promoted to 1st Lieut., Nov. 5, 1862; was in the battle of Gettysburg, July 2 and 3, 1863, aud other engage ments ; was in the battle of the Wilderness from May 4th to 7th, 1864, on which last day he was captured at Mine Run, Va. ; confined flrst at DanviUe, Va. ; while being reraoved to Macon, Ga., escaped frora the cars, but vras retaken three days after with dogs; was raoved from Macou to Savannah, Ga., July 24, 1864; then to Charieston, S. C, Sept. 12; confined iu jail-yard under tire until Oct. 5, when he was ordered to Carap Sorghum, Colum bia, S. C. ; Dec. 11, ordered to Camp Asylum, Columbia, S. C; left Asylum prison-yard, Feb. 15, 1865; reached Wilmington, SEVENTH GENERATION, 295 N, C, where he was paroled March 1, 1865 ; discharged May 16, 1866;- his address is Newton, Jasper Co., Iowa. 5571. Solomon, b. July 4, 1839, in Summit, Mich. ; d. Oct. 28, 1839. 6572. Solomon-Porter [8468], b. Nov. 8, 1840, iu Summit, Mich. 557 J. Urania- Asenath, b. July 2, 1842, in Summit, Mich. ; m. Lorenzo- Dow Bean, Mar. 4, 1860 ; res. Jackson, Mich. 557'. Louisa- Valonia, b. AprU 23, 1844, in Monroe, Ohio; d. April 10, 1864, in Summit, Mich. 55 .'5. John' [2666] (John®, Josiah®, Ephraim*, Edward', Ben jamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 14, 1814; res. Blackberry Station, Kant Co., HI. ; m. Emma-Rebecca Hooker, May 28, 1843, in St, Charles, Kane Co., 111. 5576. Mary-Isadore-Amanda, b. Aug. 3, 1845, in St. Charies, IU. ; m. Fergus-O'Conor-Frost- Williams- Jones Bentley, frora Yorkshire, England, Dec. 30, 1863; res. Corapton, Kane Co., IU. 5577. NeUie-Mallssa, b. Aug. 9. 1849, in Corapton, IU. 5578. John-Eddy, b. Jan. 12, 1860, in Compton, IU. 5679, Ephraim' [2667] (John®, Josiah®, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benj£,min", Edwardi), b, Jan. 10, 1817 ; res. in Conneaut, Craw ford Co., Penn., until 37 years old ; then removed to Du Page Co., 111. ; i-es. there 11 years ; then emigrated to Iowa ; now res. in Tay lor, Benton Co., Iowa, three miles from Vinton ; the last-named place is his P. O. address ; m. Marv-Eth Harris, Jan. 6, 1865 ; she was b. Sept. 29, 1835. 5580. Judson-Franklin, b. Nov. 27, 1856. 6581. Oren-Chester, b. Aug. 17, 1861. 6582. Albert-Luther, b. June 28, 1867. 5583.. Benjamin-Franklin' [2677] (NeweU®, Ezekiel®, Eph raim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b.- AprU 23, 1812 ; res. in Eastford, on the farm owned by Lieut. Josiah Spalding [1146] ; m. Caroline Pratt, 1843: No ChUdren (1868). 5684. Joseph-Raymond' [2679] (Newell®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 23, 1817 ; res. East Spring Creek, Warren Co., Penn. ; m. Jane-Bennet Franklin, Jan. 31, 1839, in Hampton, Conn. ; she was b.-Dee. 11, 1819, in Ashford, Conn. 5586. Albert-NeweU [8466], b. Feb. 9, 1841, in Westerly, R. L 5586. William-Pendleton, b. Aug. 11, 1842, in Abington, Conn. ; d. Aug. 16, 1843. 6587. Annah-Hoppin, b. June 20, 1844, in Abington, Conn. ; d. Dec. 19, 1844, in Abington, Conn. 5588. Clara-Colby, b. May 26, 1848, in Avon, Conn. ; m. Thomas-Bur roughs Alden, July 26, 1868, in Northeast, Penn. 6589. Miner' [2681] (Miner®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benj-^-inin", Edwardi), b. May 3, 1788, in Preston, now Griswold, Conn. ; d. Mar. 20, 1866, at Superior, Buchanan Co., Iowa. He emigi-atedto Chenango Co., N. Y., thence to Iowa; m. Eliza Champlin, 1811 ; she d. Mar. 9, 1866. No children. 296 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. '5590. Ezra-Morgan' [2683] (Miner®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 29, 1792, in Preston, now Griswold, Conn. ; res. Jewett City, Conn. ; m. Eunice Olin, Oct. 20, 1822. 6591. Henry, b. Mar. 7, 1824 ; unmarried (1868) ; clerk in the Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. 5592. Ephraim' [2685] (Miner®, Ezekieis, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 29, 1797, in Preston, now Griswold, Conn. He emigrated to the State of Indiana, and m. his wife there ; he had several children. 5593. Elisha-Lathrop' [2687] (Miner®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 10, 1805, in Preston, now Griswold, Conn. ; d. Oct. 18, 1868 ; res. South Woodstock, Conn. ; m. Maria Aldrich, Mar. 21, 1830 ; she was b. April 18, 1810. 5594. Alraira-Maria, b. May 10, 1831 ; 1st, m. WiUard Barber, Nov. 1860; 2d, m. Joseph Morse, Mar. 19, 1867. 5596. George-Aldrich, b. May 2, 1888. 5696. Dwight-Morgan, b. Aug. 1, 1835. 5597. Edwin, b. AprU 2, 1887 ; d. AprU 4, 1838. 6698. Judson [8468], b. Mar. 13, 1843. 6699. Denison-Henry, b. Feb. 4, 1846 ; d. June 18, 1868. 5600. Dr. Luther' [2689] (Parley®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, Ed ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 7, 1791 ; d. Sept. 23, 1860, at WiUiamsville, Erie Co., N. Y. He was a physician, and prac tised for twenty years in Erie County, N. Y. ; m. Sally-Maria Stocker, Jan. 30, 1823 ; she was b. Feb. 3, 1804 ; d. Oct. 28, 1867. 5601. Albert [8469], b. AprU 5, 1824. 5602. Loren [8472], b. Aug. 25, 1825. 6G03. Lucy, b. March 22, 1827; 1st, m. PhUip CampbeU, of WiUiams ville, N. Y., April 22, 1848; 2d, ra. George Martin; res. Busti, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. 6604. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1829 ; m. William HaskeU, of WilUams- viUe, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1847. 6606. Ellen-Jane, b. June 10, 1831 ; d. Mar. 15, 1833. 5606. Charlotte, b. July 17, 1883 ; d. Oct. 10, 1833. 5607. Nathan' [2691] (Pariey®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. June 6, 1799 ; d. Jan. 26, 1867, aged 68, at Richfield Springs, N. Y. He resided on the old homestead in Columbia, Herkimer Co., N. Y., untU 1866 ; then moved to Richfield Springs, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; he remained there one year, then moved to Batavia, 111. ; m. Mary Clapsaddle, Nov. 5, 1838 ; she is now living (1868). 6608. George-Henry, b. Aug. 10, 1840; d. Mar. 28, 1854. 6609. Lucy, b. Jan. 29, 1845; d. Aug. 8, 1845. 1^5610, Mary-Romanda, b. July 5, 1848; ra. Leonard-B. Reynolds, Jan. 16, 1867 ; res. Batavia, IU. SEVENTH GENERATION. 297 5611. Dr. Parley-Josslyn' [2692] (Parley®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 6, 1805 ; res. Adrian, Mich. He commenced the study of medicine with his brother. Dr. Luther Spalding ; took his degree of M. D. at Fairfield Medical College, N. Y., at the close of the session of 1838 and *39 ; prac tised two years -with his brother near Buflalo, N. Y. In 1832, went to Adrian, Mich., then a small village, «where he has since continued in the practice of his profession ; m, Romanda Tefit, of Genoa, Cayuga Co,, N, Y,, Jan. 19, 1832 ; she Was b. Oct. 28, 1808. ChUdren all d. in infancy, 6612, Libbie-Romanda, b. June 3, 1842, in Adrian, Mich. ; d. June 7, 1867; adopted. 5613, Robert' [2694] (WilUam-Witter®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, July 1, 1790 ; m, AureUa Sat- terlie, July 2, 1814. Children all b, in Athens, Penn, 6614. Cynthia-Satterlie, b. Mar. 22, 1815; m. F.-A. Tyler, b. Mar. 19, 1840; res. Athens, Penn. 5616. Alexander-Hanson [8475], b, Aug. 27, 1816. 6616. Chester-Pierce [8479], b. Oct. 12, 1818. 6617, Rebecca, b. Sept. 27, 1820; m. S.-P. Gore, Oct. 22, 1840; res. Sheshequin, Penn. 6618. Lemira-Kinney, b. Sept. 13, 1822 ; m. M.- J. Coolbaugh, Nov. 10, 1847 ; res. Knox, Penn. 5619. Israel-Putnam [8483], b. Jan. 22, 1825. 5620. Aurella, b. Feb. 11, 1827 ; m. Jerry-M. CoUins, June 12, 1855 ; res. Towanda, Penn. 5621. Mary-Park, b. AprU 26, 1829 ; m. Chauncey-S. Russell, Sept. 20, 1853; res. Towanda, Penn. 6622. George, b. Feb. 28, 1831. 5623. Robert-Morris, b. Mar. 27, 1882. 5624. Helen-Mar, b. Dec. 17, 1834; m. WiUiam Elwell, Jr., Feb. 12, 1861 ; res. Plymouth, Wis. 5625. Morris' [2695] (WilUam-Witter®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 24, 1^92 ; d. May 6, 1865 ; m. Corassa Cash, of Bradford Co., Penn., Sept. 19, 1819 ; she d. April 7, 1869. 6626. WiUiam- Witter [8487], b. July 11, 1820. 5627. Adelaide-Delpush, b. Aug. 19, 1822; 1st, m. Timothy-K. Ferrel, of Ms., Jan. 6, 1842; he d. Oct. 2, 1850; 2d, m. George CatteU, .of Fiskilwa, IU., Aug. 22, 1868; he d. Oct. 21,1862. 5628. Cordeliai-EUza, b. Nov. 21, 1824; m. Fleming Dunn, of FiskUwa, IU., Jan. 25, 1844; he d. June 18, 1849; she d. Sept. 21, 1849. 5629. Isaac-Cash [8491], b. Nov. 19, 1827. 6680. Lyman-Morris [8492], b. June 24, 1885. 6631. Newcomb-Kinney, b. Sept. 22, 1839; d.Jan. 22, 1847, 6632. John- Adams' [2698] (WiUiam-Witter®, Olivers, Eph raim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 7, 1799 ; d. April 298 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 7, 1847 ; res. in Baltimore, Md., formerly in Towanda, Penn. ; m. Elizabeth Miller, widow of Aaron West, of Albany, Indiana, AprU, 1824 ; she d. Oct. 29, 1846. 6638. Rebecca-Rosetta, b. March 8, 1825 ; m. Ezra Turner, of Placer- vUle, Cal , June 9, 1867. 6684. Miller- West, b. Mar. 11, 1827; d. Jan. 29, 1842. 6636. IsabeUa-Richason, b. Oct. 17, 1829 ; 1st, m. Thomas-J. Patti- son, of Baltimore, Md., Mar. 21, 1847; 2d, m Solomon-MitcheU Tarlton, of Baltimore, Md., Oct. 26, 1855. 5636. Rose-Julia, b. Mar. 31, 1838 ; m. Charles-Kingsbury Ladd, M. D., Dec. 4, 1852 ; res. Towanda, Penn. ; they have one son, Charles- Kingsbury Ladd, b. Nov. 16, 1856. 6637. Emma-Cecilia, b. Dec. 81, 1835; m. Abraham Darlington, July 15, 1860; res. Placerville, Cal. Children: Sarah, b. AprU 21, 1861 ; d. same day ; Sarah, b. Nov. 29, 1862 ; Abe, b. Nov. 7, 1867. 5638. Alexander-Hamilton' [2702] (WilUam-Witter®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 5, 1809 ; d. 1839, in Athens, Bradford Co., Penn., where he res. ; m. Jane Gardner. " Of this family, we know little, except that Delos is a noted musician and composer, and lives in or near Chicago, 111., known as ' Frank Howard.' Emma moved with her mother to Jefferson Co., N. Y., in 1841, and what became of her since is not known here." [Letter of Mrs, C. S, Russell, Towanda, Penn.] 5639. Delos. 5640. Emma, b. 1839. 5641. Frederick- Austin' [2707] (Frederick®, Oliver®, Eph raim*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 27, 1800, in Scipio, N. Y. He removed to Gorham, N. Y., in 1816 ; thence to Greece, N. Y., in 1826 ; thence to East Broomfleld, N. Y., in 1840 ; thence to Gorham, N. Y., in 1849 ; thence to Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1864 ; 1st, m. Lucinda Morse, of Gorham, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1823 ; she d. Jan. 16, 1842, in East Broomfleld, N. Y. ; 2d, m. Almina-Shaw, of Canandaigua, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1843. 6642. Harriet- Marlon, b. Mar. 7, 1825, in Gorham, N. Y. , 5643. Frederick-Thomas, b. May 10, 1827, in Greece, N.Y. ; d. Oct. 21, 1828. 5644. Thomas-Morgan, b. July 25, 1829, in Greece, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 28, 1848, in East Broomfleld, N. Y. 6646. Margaret, b. Sept. 14, 1833, in Greece, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 10, 1842, hi E. Broomfleld, N. Y. 5646. EUzabeth, b. June 19, 1836, in Greece, N. Y. ; m. Charles-Edson Pickett, of Gorhara, N. Y., May 20, 1858; res. Ypsilanti, Mich. (1868). 5047. Lucinda-Georgianna, b. Oct. 19, 1839 ; m. Marcus-Ebenezer Pickett, of Gorham, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1862; res. Gorhara, N. Y. Infaut daughter, b. Jan. 6, 1842 (other authority, Jan. 1), in E. Uroomfield, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 13, 1842. 5648. Frederick- Austin, b. Jan -22, 1844 (other authority, Jan. 27), in B. Broomfleld, N . Y. 6649. Volney-Morgan, b. Jan. 29, 1849, in East Broomfleld, N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION, 299 5650. Ormand'' [2708] (Frederick®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Ed wards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 1, 1802, iu Scipio, N. Y. ; d. June 27, 1826, in Rochester, N. Y. ; he was a printer in Roches ter ; m. Olivia Stearns, of Gorham, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1825. No children. 5651. Oliver' [2709] (Frederick®, Olivers, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 6, 1804; he d. Aug. 1-^33, in Tole do, Ohio ; he was a hatter in Toledo ; m. Nancy Stearns, of Gor ham, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1828. 6652. Olivia, b. Dec. 23, 1830, in Geneseo, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 8, 1883, in To ledo, Ohio. 5653. Dr. Volnet' [2713] (Frederick®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edwards, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 3, 1813 ; 1st, m. Pamela Grant, of MaysvUle, Ky., June 20, 1841 ; she was o-svn cousin of Pres. Grant, and the daughter of Peter and Rachael Grant ; she d. May 12, 1845, at Fort Madison, Iowa; 2d, m. Lydia Burnham, of Brooklyn, N. Y., May 4, 1862. 6654. Anna-EUzabeth, b. AprU 19, 1842; ra. Amadie Vincent, March, 1862, at New Orleans, La. ; he was a rebel officer; she d. May, 1864. leaving one child ; all else of her last days is shrouded in painful mystery to her father and friends. 6656. Volney, b. July 4, 1866, in Virginia City, Nevada. 5656. Ltman-Austin' [2715] (Erastus®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 28, 1800, in Scipio, N. Y. ; res. Lockport, N, Y. He is a highly respected member of 'the Society of Friends, We are greatly indebted to him for much cheerful encouragement and for unfla,gging zeal in the collecting of materials. He is now postmaster in Lockport, N, Y. ; m. Amy Pound, of Farmington, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1824. 5657. AUce-Jane, b.May 1, 1826; m. Charles Evans, Aug. 6, 1845; res. Lockport, N. Y. 6658. . Aray-Ann, b. Sept. 10, 1827; d. Sept. 15, 1831, in Lockport, N. Y. 5659. Catharine-Elizabeth, b. Oct. 8, 1829. 5660. Lyraan-Austin [8498], b. Dec. 20, 1882. 5661. Erastus-Holmes' [2716] (Erastus®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, EdwardS, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 16, 1801, in Scipio, N. Y. ; cl. Mar. 18, 1869 ; res. Dowagiac, Cass Co., Mich. He removed to Dowagiac in the summer of 1833, where he res. until his death. He built the flrst flouring mill erected in that village, and followed the business of milling for a long series of years, and by close attention and fair dealing accumulated a respectable competence. He was a man of strong convictions, which he never sacrificed to policy ; he preferred defeat to yielding to an error. He was a genial and kind friend, whose virtues will ever live in the remem brance of those who knew him; 1st, m. Aurelia Alvord, of Lew iston, N. Y,, Dec. 12, 1827 ; she d. 1829 ; 2d, m. Mary-Amelia Barker, of Cassapolis, Mich., June 10, 1836. 300 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6662. Lyman-Barker [8496], b. July 15, 1839, in La Grange, Cass Co., Mich. 5663. Erastus-Holmes, b. May 4, 1846 ; res. Dowagiac, Cass Co., Mich. (1869). 5664. Frederick-Erie [8500], b June 16, 1848. 5665. Alexander-Hamilton' [2719] (Erastus®, Oliver®, Ephra im*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 9, 1807, in Scipio, N, Y, ; res, Lockport, N, Y,, where hei d. June 23, 1838 ; m. Rebecca MUler, 1834. 6666. Isabella. 6667. Frederick-Allen' [2721] (Erastus®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, Feb. 25, 1812, in Charlotte, N. Y. ; res, Albany, N. Y. He is a coal dealer; m. Emily WiUard, Oct, 1, 1832, at Lock- port, N, Y, 5668. Ednah, b. Aug. 1888. 5669. Delphina, b. 1837. 5670, CharLes-Hanford' [2723] (Erastus®, Olivers, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 8, 1816, in Rochester, N. Y, ; res. CassapoUs, Mich., where he d. July 6, 1844 ; m, Elizabeth Burnham, Sept. 1842, No children (1868). 5671. Nathaniel-Mack' [2726] (Erastus®, OUver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 5, 1822, in Rochester, N, Y, ; res in Lock[jort, N. Y., since 1828, where he d. Jan. 27, 1868 ; m. Sarah-'E. EUicott, of Batavia, N. Y., June 25, 1845. 5672. EUicott ; d. in infancy. 5673. Elizabeth ; d. in infancy. 5674. Florence-ElUcott, b. AprU 23, 1849. 5676. Kate-ElUcott, b. Jan. 10, 1861. 6676, Hamilton-Mack, b. Dec. 14, 1852. 5677. Sarah-Maria, b. Nov. 17, 1857. 5678. Isabella, b. Feb. 25, 1859. 5679. George, b. Sept. 14, 1860 ; d. in infancy. 6680. Willie, b. Dec. 7, 1861 ; d. in infancy. 5681. Erastus-Alsworth' [2730] (Ephraim®, Oliver®, Ephra im*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, Nov. 28, 1808, in Greece, Monroe Co., N. Y. ; in Sept. 1835, he removed to Augusta, Wash tenaw Co., Mich., where he d. Sept. 30, 1839 ; m. Eliza Dickerson, Aug. 21, 1832, at Murray, Orleans Co.,.N. Y. 5682. Henry- Corridon [8502], b. July 27, 1833, in Murray, N. Y. 6683. Phebe- Almira, b. March 30, 1835, in Murray, N. Y. ; m. John- Franz Shefler, July 1, 1858; res. Ypsilanti, Mich. 5684. Erastus-Hamilton, b. Sept. 22, 1837, in Augusta, Mich. ; he d. Jan. 31, 1849. 6685. Fannie-Matilda, b. Sept. 21, 1839, in Augusta, Mich. ; m. Samuel- Dolson Emmett, April 7, 1864 ; he d. Jan. 1, 1868 ; res. Augusta, Mich, ; she now (1869) res. in Kalaraazoo, Mich. SE-VENTH GENERATION. 301 5686. Edwin-Stevens' [2731] (Ephraim®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 21, 1811, in Gates, Mon roe Co., N. Y. ; Uved there tiU 1828, then moved with his father to Murray, N. Y. ; now res. in Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y. ; m. Clarissa Billings, Feb. 27, 1835, in Murray, N. Y, 6687. Araarett, b. Dec. 26, 1836, in Murray, N, Y. ; m. Edward WeUer, Oct. 30, 1857. 6688, Diania, b. Dec. 26, 1837; d. in infancy. 5689. Rush, b. July 1, 1840, in Gates, N. Y. 5690. Maryett, b. Oct. 9, 1843; d. in infancy. 6691. Edwin, b. Feb. 20, 1845, in Gates, N. Y, 5692. Marcus-Albert, b. May 12, 1848, in Murray, N. Y, 5693. Ltman-Witter' [2732] (Ephraim®, Olivers, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edward'), b. Jan. 18, 1814, in Greece, Mon roe Co., N. Y, In Oct, 1836, they removed to Ypsilanti, Mich, ; Jan. 1844, to Ann Arbor, Mich., thence to Holly, Oakland Co., Mich., where he now Uves (1868) ; 1st, m, Adaline Warren, Sept. 27, 1834, in Murray, N. Y, ; she was b. July 26, 1814 ; she d. Feb. 12, 1861 ; 2d, m. Mary-Louisa Warren; she was b. July 29, 1832; she d, Feb, 3, 1867 ; 3d, m. Mrs, Sarah-Jane (Gaggle) Webber, Oct. 27, 1867. 5694. Lydia-Jane, b. Mar. 15, 18;'6; d. Aug. 30, 1841. 5695. Augustus, b. Mar. 12, 1837; d. AprU 23, 1837. 5696. Alfonzo [8508], b. Sept, 9, 1839. 6697. Charles-Henry, b. July 25, 1844. 5698. Jay, b. Mar. 9, 1849 ; d. AprU 25, 1865. 5699. MajorrMay, b. June 16, 1851. 5700. Ephraim-Hall' [2733] (Ephraim®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. April 18, 1816, in Greece, Mon roe Co., N, Y, He went to Ypsilanti, Mich., when about 17 years old, thence to Ann Arbor, Mich. ; thence in 1865- to Kansas, Missouri, where he now resides ; m. Jane McCormick, Oct. 23, 1834, in Superior, Washtenaw Co,, Mich. 5701, James-Franklin [8510], b. July 28, 1885, in Ypsilanti, Mich. 5702. Martha- Ann, b. Aug. 5, 1839, in Superior, Washtenaw Co., Mich. ; d. Jan. 24, 1846. " 6708. Lydia-Jane, b. Oct. 10, 1843, in Ann Arbor, Mich. ; m. Sylvester- H.-C. Langworthy, Feb. 23. 1865 ; now res. in Kansas City. 5704. WUUam- Andrew, b. Oct. 3, 1852, in Ann Arbor, Mich. 5705. Oliver' [2734] (Ephraim®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 6, 1818, in Greece, Monroe Co., N. Y. ; d. Oct. 6, 1845, in Murray, N. Y. ; m. MaUnda Perry, 1;^41, in Murray, Orleans Co., N. Y. He had a daughter born to him, but his wife and child survived him only a short time; all d. in Murray, Orleans Co., N. Y., and rest in the cemetery grounds at Sandy Creek, 302 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 5706, Matthe-w-SteVens' [2736] (Ephraim®, Oliver®, Ephra im*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. June 9, 1825, in Greece, Monroe Co., N, Y, ; m. Eliza Bayen. 5707. Hamilton' [2744] (John®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 19, 1819, in Scipio, N. Y. ; res. An gola, Erie Co., N. Y. ; 1st, m. Lucy Giffl'ord, of ColUns, Erie Co., N Y., May 8, 1850 ; she d. Sept. 12, 1853, in Eden, N. Y. ; 2d, m. EmeUne Huyck, June 15, 1856, in Springfleld, Williams Co., Ohio ; she d. Sept. 15, 1862 ; no issue ; 3d, m. Jane-Ann Gazlay, of Ev ans, Erie Co., N. Y., May 7, 1865 ; no issue (1870). 6708. Julia, b. Jan. 21, 1863. 5709. Warren' [2747] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwai-di), b. Mar. 18, 1808 ; d. Mar. 1828. 5710. Erastus' [2748] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. AprU 23, 1809 ; res. Eastford, Conn. ; 1st, m. Sally Copeland, June 26, 1837; she d. Oct. 30, 1843 ; 2d, m. Mary Parkhurst, May 22, 1844. No ChUdren (1868). 5711. John-Warren' [2749] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Ed- ' ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 25, 1811 ; d. March 27, 1851 ; m. Isabella Plymadore ; she now res. in Williamsburg, N. Y, They had three sons. 5712. Francis. 6713. George. 5714. L-tman' [2751] (Dua®, EphraimS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. March 25, 1815; d, Jan, 25, 1858; m, Adelphi Hitchcock ; she now res. in Ware, Ms. No children. 6715. Nelson' [2752] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 1817; res. Providence, R. I. ; m. Susan-E. Preston, of Ashford, Conn., Mar. 13, 1841. 5716. Augustus' [2763] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 1, 1819. He is a farmer and res. in Eastford, ' Conn. ; m. Abigail-Catha rine Richards, Nov. 7, 1843 ; she was the daughter of Ebenezer and Catharine-Newell Richards, of Dedham, Ms., and was b. Nov. 12, 1824. 5717. Albert-Augustus, b. Oct. 14, 1854. 5718. George-Richards, b. April 2, 1867. 5719. Carrie-NeweU, b. Sept. 23, 1862. 5720. Gilbert' [2754] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 3, 1821; res. Stamford, Conn. ; m. Mary-R.'Rose, of Eastford, Conn., Nov. 11, 1843. SEVENTH GENERATION. 303 5721. Ephraim' [2755] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephi-aim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 26, 1822. At the time of his marriage, res. in Ashford, Conn. ; thence re moved to Eastford, Conn., in 1863, where he now res. (1868) ; m. Elizabeth-Holt Glazier, Nov. 11, 1849 ; she was b. Mar. 24, 1830. No children (1868). 5722. Edmund' [2756] (Dua®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 18, 1824 ; res. Worcester, Ms. ; m. Susan Bolls (or; Boles), Mar. 18, 1851. 5723. Alva' [2759] (Edmond®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b_ June 29, 1810, in Ashford, Conn. ; res, Sturgis, Mich, (1869) ; m, Ruth Allen, of Hoosick, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1828. 5724. WiUian»-WaUi^ce [8513], b. Oct. 4, 1829, in Northampton, N. Y. 5725. Alexander [8518], b. Feb. 6, 1831, in Mayfleld, N. Y. 5726. Alva, b. Nov. 4, 1834, in Lansingburg, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 1, 1835. 5727. CharlesrAlva, b. March 10, 1837, in New York City ; d. Feb. 10, 1841. 5728, Charies-Chandler [8521], b. Aug. 28, 1842, in New York City; d. Feb. 7, 1864. 6729. Mary-Frances, b. Dec. 24, 1849, in New York City. 5730. Andrew' [2760] (Edmond®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Ed- -ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 12, 1814, in Ashford, Conn. ; res. Buflalo, N, Y., 562 Niagara Street ; m. Emeline Hamilton, of R. L, July 17, 1834. 5731. Lucius, b. Nov. 8, 1837; d. July 17, 1839. . 5732. Mary- FranceUa, b. June 1, 1840 ; m. Lewis-Jackson Bennett, Oct. 6, 1867; res. Buffalo, N. Y. (1869). 5733. Edward' [2763] (Bela-Paine®, EbenezerS, Ebenezer*, Edward', .Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 24, 1807; he was lost on the steamer " Central America," on her homeward voyage from California, Sept. 12, 1857; 1st, m. Sarah Johnson, May 5, 1835 ; she was -the daughter of Levi Johnson, of Windham, Conn. ; she d. Sept. 6, 1839 ; 2d, m. Sybil-Maria Adams, May 6, 1841 ; she was the daughter of Roswell Adams, of Lisbon, Conn. ; she d, Feb. 10, 1854. 5784. Charles, b. April 6, 1836; d. Mar. 14, 1842. 6785. SarahrEUzabeth, b. Dec 2, 1838; d. Jan. 20, 1843. 6736. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 6, 1842; d. April 11, 1842. 6787. Mary-Adaras, b. April 25, 1848; d. Oct. 9, 1843. 6788 Edward-Adaras, b Dec. 27, 1844; d. Mar. 18, 1846. 6789. Maria-Elizabeth, b. Mar. 12, 1846. 5740. Henry- Wright, b. Sept. 1, 1850. 5741. Dr. Benjasiin-Bacon' [2765] (Bela-Paine®, Ebenezei-s, Ebenezer*, Edward', Benjaniin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 6. 1811. He studied medicine with Doctors Andrew Harris, of Canter bury, Conn., J. B, Whitcomb, of Brooklyn, Conn., and Thomas 304 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Hubbard, Prof, of Surgery in Yale College'; received the degree of M. D. in Yale College in 1835 ; m. Elizabeth Putnam, Oct. 5, 1836 ; she was the great-granddaughter of Gen. Israel Putnam, and daughter of WiUiam and Mary (Spalding) [1186] Putnam, of Brooklyn, Conn. ; she was b. Dec. 11, 1813. 5742. Benjamin-Putnam [8523], b. Aug. 30, 1837. 5743. George-Brinley, b. April 10, 1839 ; d. Nov, 29, 1839. 6744. Luther [8527], b. Sept. 24, 1840. 6746. Harriet-Putnam, b. Jan. 14, 1849; d. Aug. 26, 1850, 5746. Mary-Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5, 1863 ; d. July 6, 1853. 5747. Ebenezer' [2766] (Bela-Paine®, Ebenezer®, Ebenezer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct, 21, 1816 ; d. of cholera, August 17, 1866, at St. Louis, Mo., which was the place of his residence at his death. He was a la-wyer by profession ; a graduate of Yale College in 1838, and of the Cambridge Law School in 1839 ; he studied law with Judge Andrew T, Judson, of Canterbury, Conn. ; m, Frances-Louisa Day, Feb, 1 1, 1844 ; she was the daughter of Seth Day, Esq., of Ravenna, Ohio. 5748. Charles-Lewis, b. Dec. 11, 1844. 5749. Helen-Maria, b. Mar. 8, 1848 ; d. Jan. 8, 1849. 6750. Elizabeth-Bacon,, b. April 26, 1850. 5751. RulUs-Paine, b. Feb. 27, 1856. 6752. George-Messenger, b. Dec. 10, 1863, 5753, Henrt-Paine' [2768] (Luther®, Ebenezer®, Ebenezer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 20, 1818, in New Brain tree, Ms, ; d. May 14, 1846, in Cincinnati, Ohio ; m. Jane Cole, 1849. 6754. WiUiara, b. 1842. 5756. John, b. 1844. 5756. John' [2769] (Luther®, EbenezerS, Ebenezer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. in Brooklyn, Conn,; res. Cleveland, Ohio ; was a master of a Lake Superior steamer ; now retired to a farm ; 1st, m. Eliza Ashman, Dec. 21, 1848 ; she was the daughter of Samuel Ashman; she d. Oct, 17, 1862 ; 2d, m. Achsah John son, Oct. 24, 1855, 5757, EUa-Maria, b. Sept. 22, 1849, in Sault de Ste. Marie, Mich. 6758. Charles-Henry, b. Oct. 29, 1851, in Sault de Ste. Marie, Mich. 5759. Ida-EmeUne, b. Sept. 22, 1856. in Sault de Ste. Marie, Mich. 5760. John-Luther, b. Nov 23, 1858, in Cleveland, Ohio. 5761. Julia, b. AprU 4, 1861, 6762. Mary-Charlotte, b. Nov. 29, 1865. 5763. William-Putnam' [2770] (Luther®, EbenezerS, Ebene zer*, Edward', Benjaniin", Edwardi). b. in Conn. ; res. Marquette, Mich. ; m. Miranda-Brockway Sexton, Feb. 22, 1848 ; she was the daughter of Charles Sexton,. of Ellington, Conn, 5764. WiUiara-Luther, b. Sept. 10, 1849. 5766. Alfred-Eugene, b. Nov. 24, 1861. SEVENTH GENERATION. 305 5766. George-S-wift' [2779] (Rufus-Paine®, RufusS, Ebene zer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 19, 1844. He was but 16 years old when he entered the U. S. service. His flrst campaign was under Gen. Fremont in Missouri. He was commissioned 2d Lieutenant in the 27th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, to date from the battle of Corinth, Oct. 4, 1862. He entered the regular army July 28, 1866, and is now Brevet Captain and 1st Lieut, of what was formerly the 33d Regt. of U. S. Infantry, now the 8th Regt. He is, at present, not attached to any regiment ; m. EmUy-Mary Coleman, Aug. 31, 1869, at St. Paul, Minn. ; she was the daughter of Thomas W. Coleman, Esq., of Paris, Canada, formerly of London, England. Her mother was CaroUne Hewing- ton, of Sussex, Eng. 5767. Rupus-Claghorn' [2781] (Luther-Paine®, RufusS, Eben ezer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 25, 1832. He is paymaster in the U. S. Navy ; m. Martha- Augusta Breese, June 16, 1858 ; she was the daughter of Vanvacton Breese, of New York, and was b. Dec. 16, 1837 ; she d. Jan. 9, 1869. 6768. WilUam-Ruftis, b. Jan. 23, 1859. 6769. Percival-Breese, b. Sept. 29, 1863 ; d. Jan. 5, 1869, at Panama, Central America. 5770. Luther-Paine' [2785] (Luther-Paine®, RufusS, Ebene zer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 28, 1844 ; res. Co lumbus, Ky, (1867) ; m. Lizzie King, of Columbus, Ky., Sept, 29, 1869, 5771. William-Blackpord' [2791] (Thomas®, WUliam®, Thomas*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec.9, 1812. His P. O. address is Mecklenburg, Schuyler Co., N. Y. He has res. in Hector, N. Y., for more than flfty years (1869) ; m, Clarissa-Amanda Howell, of Hector, Schuyler Co.,N. Y., Oct. 31, 1839, Children aU born in Hector, N, Y, 6772. David-HoweU [8529], b. Aug. 19, 1842. 6773. Emmet, b. Jan. 26, 1849 ; d. in infancy, 5774. Frances-EUzabeth, b. June 1, 1862. 5775, Samuel-Dunham' [2792] (Thomas®, WiUiamS, Thomas*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 5, 1814 ; res, Bloomville, Seneca Co., Ohio ; 1st, m. Mary-Ann Traill, of Seneca Co., Ohio, May 9, 1844 ; she gl. April 17, 1864 ; 2d, m. Frances-Ann McMel- len, of Seneca Co., Ohio, June 13, 1867. Children all b. in Bloomville, Seneca Co., Ohio. 5776. Milo, b. Feb. 3, 1846. 5777. Mary-Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1848; m. Samuel Newman, Mar. 21, 1867. 6778. Elmore, b. Dec. 19, 1860. 5779. Madison, b. Jan. 3, 1852 ; d. Aug. 4, 1853. 5780. Alford, b. June 23, 1859. 5781. Alvada, b. April 5, 1864. 20 306 THE SPAiDING MEMORIAL. 5782. Elmer' [2794] (Thomas®, WiUiamS, Thomas*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. April 30, 1819 ; res. Burdett, Schuyler Co., N. Y. ; m. Tenney Jones, of Hector, N. Y., June 17, 1845. Children all b. in Hector, N. Y. 6783. Arrietta, b. June 3, 1847. 5784. Oliver, b. Dec. 6, 1849. 5785. Daniel-Aters' [2797] (Thomas®, WUUam®, Thomas*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 12, 1826 ; res. Hector, N. Y. ; 1st, m. Jane StUlweU, of Hector, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1849 ; she d. Dec. 28, 1855 ; 2d, m. Hester -Darling, of Hector, N. Y., Mar. 26, 1859. ChUdren b. in Hector, N. Y. 6786. Ira, b. April 4, 1852. 6787. George, b. Jan. 26, 1854. 5788. Elias-Jeppret' [2798] (Thomas®, WUUam®, Thomas*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, Feb, 10,1836; res. Hawley- ¦yille. Page Co., Iowa ; 1st, m. Lucy-Ann Davis, of Hawleyville, Page Co., Iowa, May 1, 1860 ; she d. Jan. 25, 1865 ; 2d, m, Mary- Eliza Madden, of ShelbyvUle, Shelby Co., Ind., Oct. 26, 1865, 5789. Laura-Jane, b. Mar. 10, 1862, in Hawleyville, Iowa. 5790. Charles-Harry, b. Aug. 11, 1866, in Hawleyville, Iowa. 5791, Lewis-Bears' [2800] (Samuel®, WUUam®, Thomas*, Ed ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov, 19, 1811, in Hector, N, Y, ; res. Covert, Senecg, Co , N. Y, ; m. Eliza Horton, of Ulysses, N, Y,, Dec. 28, 1846, 5792, Harriet, b. Mar. 25, 1849, in Ulysses, N. Y. 5793. Luther' [2803] (George -Washington®, WiUiam®, Thom as*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b.Feb. 15, 1816 ; res. Fre mont, N, Y. ; m. Roxey Beverly, of Howard, Steuben Co., N. Y., Aug. 30, 1841. 6794. Jesse, b. June 1, 1846, 5795, Dr- Erastus' [2804] (George- Wa,shiugton®,. WiUiam®, Thomas*, Edwards, Benjaniin", Edwardi), h, J^ly 1, 1818; res. Grand Rapids, Mich, ; nj, EUz^ Walker, of Steuben Co., N, Y., Sept, 4, 1839, 5796. Eliz;abeth, b. Aug. 15, 1840; m. Charles Burleson, of Saginaw City, Mich., Sept. 17, 1862. 6797. George- Walker, b. Dec. 16, 1847. . 5798. Frank-David, b. Jan. 20, 1852. 5799. Daniel' [2816] (Daniel®, Amos®, Amos*, NathanieP, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Dec. 21, 1801 ; m, PhUena Spalding [2836], Both are dead (1870). 6800. Amos' [2817] (Daniel®, Amos®, Amos*, Nathaniel', Jo seph", Edwardi), b. June 21, 1804; res. Grantham, N, H. ; m, Annie Packard, Dec, 16, 1827. SEVENTH GENERATION. 307 5801. Betsey- Ann, b. July 7, 1830 ; m. John Poole, AprU 28, 1853 ; res. East Plainfield, N. H. 5802. Edwin, b. April 9, 1833 ; unraarried (1870) ; res. Grantham, N. H. 6803. Janette, b. Sept. 22, 1886 ; m. EUas Moores ; res. East Plainfleld, N.H. 6804. Edgar [8530], b. Mar. 4, 1840. 5805. Amos, b. Dec. 1, 1844; unmarried (1870); res. Grantham, N. H. 5806. John-Mandeville' [2825] (John®, Amos®, Amos*, Na thaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Feb. 20, 1809, at Orford, N. H. ; res. Hartford, Vt. ; m, Rosina Tone, April 16, 1840, No children. 5807, Milton-Riplet' [2831] (John®, Amos®, Amos*, Na^ thaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. March 5, 1819 ; res. Burlington, Vt. ; m. Fanny Low, Oct, 27, 1841. 6808, Charles-Henry, b. Dec. 9, 1842 ; enlisted and served in the war of the Great Rebellion. 5809. Solon-Edward, b. Dec. 19, 1844; kiUed in the battle at Savage Station, Va., June 29, 1862. 6810. George-Alfred, b. Feb. 18, 1848. 6811. Isabel-Coustant, b. Jan. 27, 1850, 6812, Frank-Lucius, b. Mar. 17, 1858. 5813. John-MUton, b. Oct. 14, 1861. 5814. Samuel' [2833] (Samuel®, Amos®, Amos*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 10, 1810; res. Hartford, Conn, ; m, Joanna Sawtelle, Dec. 3, 1840 ; she was the danghter of Ama ziah and Joanna (Weatherby) Sawtelle, and was b, Feb, 14, 1817, 6815. Nellie-Margaret, b. Nov. 12, 1848. 5816. Harvey' [2838] (Samuel®, Amos®, Amos*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan, 8, 1825; res, Jamaica, N, Y. ; m, Diana Fowler, July 20, 1845, 5817, Elisha-Andrus' [2845] (Abel®, Amos®, Amos*, Na thaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Oct, 3, 1823 ; m, Susan Colby, 5818. Henrt-Hubbard' [2846] (Abel®, Amos®, Amos*, Na- thanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. February 1, 1829; res. Boston, Ms, ; m. 5819. John-Langdon' [2854] (.Jonathan®, James®, Amos*, Na thaniels, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 15, 1808, in Grantham, N. H. ; res. Cornish, N. H. ; P. O. address, Claremont, N. H. ; he is a farmer ; m. Rhoda Jewett, of West Windsor, Vt., June 28, 1829 ; she was the daughter of James and Hannah Jewett, and was b. Nov. 8, 1804, at Windsor, Vt. 6820. John-Orvis [8532], b. Mar. 28, 1880, in Meriden VUlage, Plain fleld, N. H. 6821. Martha-Sophia, b. Jan. 27, 1832; d. Nov. 4, 1848i! 6822. Nancy-Dunbar, b. April 18, 1834 ; ra. Aaron L. Kirk, of Spring field, Vt., June 14, 1856; she d. AprU 22, 1869. 5823. Maria-PUie, b. Dec. 26, 1835 ; m; Festus Whitcomb, of Spring field, Vt., Mar. 18, 1860; res. Toulon, Stark Co., IU.; they have one child, Ida-Bell Whitcomb, b. Jan. 1, 1861. 308 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 5824. EUen-Clays, b. AprU 6, 1838 ; m. Tracy-L. Hall, of Claremont, N. H., Aug. 15, 1868; P. O. address, Keene, N. H. 5825. Emily-Bryant, b. Jan. 28, 1840; res. Shirley ViUage, Ms. 6826. George-Washington [8535], b. Sept. 22, 1842. 6827. Elsie-Marianna, b. April 10, 1844 ; m. Albert Dean, Jan. 10, 1862 ; 1862; P. O. -address, Claremont, N. H. 5828. Abel' [2855] (Jonathan®, James®, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. May 6, 1810, in Grantham, N. H. ; res. Meriden, Sullivan Co., N. H. ; a shoemaker ; m. Maria-Annette Hutchinson, of West Windsor, Vt., Aug. 6, 1842; she was the daughter of Samuel Hutchinson, a soldier of the Revolution, who came over from France with Gen. Lafayette. He served flve years, then three years for his brother Edward. He d. May 15, 1843, aged 96 (other authority. May 2, 1843). 5829. Caroline-Zophia, b. Aug. 30, 1843; m. Newell-Colby Chapman, Dec. 27, 1858; he was b. Jan. 2, 1840; res. Meriden, N. H. 5830. Frederick-Orvis, b. Dec. 17, 1846 ; d. June 6, 1855. 5831. Andrew' [2867] (Jonathan®, James®, Amos*, Nathan ieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 11, 1815 ; a shoemaker ; res. Mer iden ViUage, PlaUifleld, N. H. ; m. Mary-Whiton Thompson, of Comish, N. H., Feb. 17, 1848 ; she was b. June 24, 1822. 5832. Martha-EUa, b. Nov. 13, 1849; m. Henry BucEman, of Cornish, N. H., Mar. 1869. 6833. Sarah-Emma, b. Jan. 30, 1866. 5834. Warren-Cary' [2868] (Jonathan®, James®, Amos*, Na^ thaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. April 23, 1820 ; d. June 23, 1868. He was a teacher of penmanship ; he was married in Worcester, Ms, His widow and two sons res. No. 17 Milford Street, Boston, Ms, ; m, Mary-Ann Briggs, of Keene, N. H., Nov, 9, 1842, 5836. Francis-Henry, b. Oct. 21, 1843; d. Dec. 31, 1844. 6886. Frank-Warren [8536], b. Oct. 4, 1846. 6837. Eugene-Herbert, b. Aug. 8, 1847. 5838. Benjamin-Carter' [2864] (Benjamin®, James®, Amos*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b, March 6, 1826 ; res. AUentown, Monmouth Co., N, J. ; m. Mary-R. Vaunderbeck, April 24, 1856. 5839. Edward-Carter, b. Dec. 4, 1869. 5840. Charles-Andrew, b. July 11, 1861. 6841, EUzabeth- Vaunderbeck, b. Oct. 12, 1863. 6842. Susan-Thorn, b. AprU 14, 1866. 6843. Robert- Vaunderbeck, b. Mar. 14, 1867. 5844, Henrt-Phinbas' [2866] (Benjamin®, James®, Amos*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. June 24, 1829 ; res. Attica, Green Co,, Wi^, ; m. Henrietta Hazen, April 29, 1868, 5845. Anna-Juliette, b. June 1, 1869. 5846, Owen' [2878] (John®, Joseph®, Joseph*, NathanieF, Jo seph", Edwardi), b. Feb. 2, 1803 ; res. Waverley, N. Y. ; m. EUza DutiUs, Jan. 13, 1825 ; she d. AprU 23, 1869. SEVENTH GENERATION. 309 5847. Amos-Prentioe' [2879] (John®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Na thaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 23, 1805 ; res. Cameron, Clin ton Co., Missouri ; 1st, m. Statira-Bartlett Hoyt, May 2,1827; she was b. Mar. 19, 1807 ; d. July 28, 1855 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Cornelia Clark, of Hoboken, N. J., April 23, 1856 ; she was the widow of Stephen Clark. First child b. in Athens, Penn., others in Waverley, Tioga Co., N.Y. 6848. Edward [8637], b. Feb. 1, 1828. 5849. John-Prentice, b. Aug. 24, 1829; went to California, April 11, 1851; now in Virginia City, Nevada; unraarried (1868). 5850. Elizabeth-Prentice, b. Aug. 12, 1831 ; d. Nov. 28, 1839. 5851. Amos, b. AprU 11, 1834; d. Feb. 9, 1849. 6862. WiUiam-Henry [8542], b. Jan. 16, 1836. 5853. Francis-Jaraes, b. July 15, 1838 ; d. Mar. 1, 1841. 6854. Charles- Warren [8544], b. June 15, 1840. 6855. Frederick- Hoyt, b. Mar. 19, 1842 ; d. May 12, 1862, in the army. 5866. Percival, b. Oct. 2, 1848 ; d. sarae day, 6857. Frank- Warner, b. AprU 11, 1867. 5858. William' [2880] (John®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 1, 1807; res. Janesville, Wis. ; 1st, m. Alma-HaU Wright, Aug. 1, 1838, in Smithfleld, Bradford Co., Penn. ; she was b. Mar. 18, 1809, in Sharon, Conn. ; d. Sept. 1, 1860 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Lucy-Maria (Skinner) Richardson, Jan. 28, 1862 ; she was b. AprU 29, 1825. Children b. in Janesville, Rock Co., Wisconsin. 6869. Julia-Elizabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1839 ; d. May 22, 1853. 6860. Charies- Wright, b. Nov. 16, 1840; d. Mar. 25, 1845. 5861. Owen, b. May 2, 1844. 5862. WiUiam- Wright, b. Feb. 12, 1847. 5863. Harriet-Maria, b. July 20, 1851. 6864. Edward-Eugene, b. July 25, 1865. » 5865. Joseph' [2882] (John®, Joseph®, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 23, 1812; ses. Janesville, Wis.; m. Lydia-Stoughton Ellsworth, Feb. 7, 1839 ; she was b. Nov. 4, 1807, in Ellington, Conn. 5866. Martha-Stoughton, b. Feb. 5, 1840 ; m. Newton-Calvin Dow, of Cresco, Iowa, Feb. 24, 1863. 6867. Mary-Prentice, b. Sept. 9, 1841 ; m. John-Bolivar Cassoday, of JanesvUle, Wis., Feb. 26, 1859. 5868. Erama-EUsworth, b. Aug. 26, 1844 ; m. Edwin-D. Coe, of Water- town, Wis., Sept. 16, 1865. 5869. Anna-Sophia, b. Sept. 19, 1846; m. Gerando-M. Hanchett, of Cresco, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1866. 5870. Laura-Harriet, b. Mar. 18, 1849 ; d. June 3, 1849. 5871. EUa-Minerva-Carew, b. Dec. 16, 1851; d. April 19, 1854. 5872. John' [2883] (John®, Joseph®, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 29, 1814; d. Nov. 20, 1846; res. Janesville, Wis. ; m. Mary Pierce, Sept. 12, 1838, at Smithfleld, Bradford Co., Penn. 310 . THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 5873. Sarah-Elizabeth, b. July~21, 1839, in Athens, Bradford Co., Penn. ; d. Sept. 7, 1852, at Troy, Bradford Co., Penn. 6874. John-Abiram [8548], *. May 3, 1841, in Smithfleld, Bradford Co., Penn. 6875. Jane-Prentice, b. April 1, 1845, in Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis. ; m. Leroy-Frederick HoUoway, Sept. 5, 1864, at JanesviUe, Wis. ; res. Harmony, Rock Co., Wis. ; P. O. address, Janesville. 6876. Frances-Eliza, b. May 24, 1847, in JanesvUle, Rock Co., Wis. 5877. Jesse' [2886] (John®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. AprU 13, 1828 ; res. Chicago, IU. 5878. Rev. Henrt-Harrison' (Howard®, Joseph®, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Nov. 26, 1803, in Bath, N.Y. ; his early life was spent in Wheeler, Steuben Co., N. Y. He became a Christian under the ministry of the excellent Rev. James H. Hotchkin, and united with the Pres. ch. at Prattsburg, N. Y. He educated himself by his own exertions and the help of friends ; grad. at Western Reserve College in 1833, and at Lane Theo. Sem. in 1835 ; ord. missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., by the Bath Presbytery of Tioga Co., N. Y., Aug. 1835, and in 1836 crossed the Rocky Mountains with his wife, and in company with Dr. and Mrs. Whitman. (For an account ofthe labors and sufler- ings of the early missionaries of Oregon, see Senate Ex. Doc. No. 37, 41st Congress, 3d session.) He is now a missionary in Oregon, U, S, ; res. Brownsville, Linn Co., Oregon ; 1st, m. Eliza Hart, of Berlin, Conn., Oct. 12, 1833, at Hudson, Ohio ; she was the daughter of Capt. Levi and Martha Hart, and was b. Aug. 11, 1807, in Berlin, Conn. ; she moved with her parents to Holland Patent, Oneida Co., N. Y., in 1816 ; she d. Jan. 7, 1851, in Brownsville, Linn Co,, Oregon, a lingering victim of the Waulatpu tragedy of Nov, 29, 1847 ; 2d, m. Rachel-Jahonnet Smith, May 12, 1853. A daughter, b. Oct. 25, 1835, in Prattsburg, N. Y. ; d. same day, 6879. EUza, b. Nov. 15, 1887, at Lapwai Mission, now Nez Perces Co., Idaho Ter. ; she was the second white child born on the N. W, Pacific shores ; ra. Andrew- Jackson Warren, May 11, 1864; res. Brownsville, Oregon; chUdren b. in Brownsville; America- Jane, b. Nov. 7, 1856 ; Martha-Elizabeth, b. Jan. 9, 1859 ; AmeUa- Alraira, b. Sept. 12, 1862; James-Henry, b. Aug. 6, 1866. 5880. Henry-Hart [8560], b. Nov. 24, 1889, at Lapwai Mission, Idaho Ter. 5881. Martha- Jane, b. March 10, 1845, at Lapwai Mission, Idaho Ter, ; ni. William Wigh, AprU 13, 1860 ; res. BrownsviUe, Oregon. Children: John-Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1861; Ida-Ellen, b. AprU 28, 1863 ; Minnie-Laura, b. July 15, 1866 ; Albert-Lee, b. June 10, 1868. 6882. Amelia-Lorena, b. Dec. 12, 1846 ; m. John Brown, Nov. 9, 1863. Children: Florence, b. Aug. 7, 1866 Loretta, b. Ang. 6, 1867; a son, b. AprU 13, 1870. 5883. Adolphus' [2891] (Howard®, Josephs, Joseph*, Nathan ieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. April 28, 1813, in Troy, Bradford Co., Penn., where he res. He usuaUy writes his name A. D. Spalding ; 1st, m. Laura Morse, Nov. 2, 1842 ; she was the daughter of Solomon and Polly SEVENTH GENERATION. 311 Morse; she d. July 25, 1847; 2d, m. Sarah-Conklin McDoweU, Dec. 17, 1851 ; she was the daughter of Addison and Louisa Mc DoweU, and was b. Oct. 7, 1832. 6884. Dallas-Finnimore, b. Oct. 25, 1843, in Troy, Penn. 5886. Morell-Guy, b. Oct. 7, 1852, in Towanda, Penn. 6886. George-Munroe, b. Dec. 12, 1860, in Troy, Penn. 6887. Fannie-Louisa, b. Nov. 3, 1866, in Troy, Penn. 5888. Howard' [2894] (Howard®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Nathan ieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Feb. 13, 1820, in Troy, Bradford Co., Penn. ; res. Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Penn. ; m. Susan Smith, Dec. 6, 1838. Children all b. in Troy, Bradford Co., Penn. 5889. Sarah-Eliza, b. May 27, 1840; d. Jan. 17, 1841. 6890. Florid-F., b. Dec. 6, 1841; d. Oct. 18, 1859. 6891. Lucien-H., b. May 27, 1843 ; d. Mar. 11, 1860. 6892. Lucy-Emma, b. May 14, 1845. 5893. Alice-Gertrude, b. Dec. 5, 1858. 5894. Florence-Helen, b. Oct. 6, 1861. 5895. Nathaniel-Shepard' [2895] (Howard®, Joseph®, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 3, 1822, in Troy, Bradford Co., Penn., where he res. ; m. Sarah Ward, July 11, 1865. Children b, in Troy, Bradford Co., Penji. 6896. Myron-Shepard, b. April 25, 1856. 5897. Douglass-Howard, b. Dec. 19, 1859 ; d. AprU 3, 1862. 5898. Shepard' [2900] (Jared®, Joseph®, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Sept. 13, 1805, in Mount Morris, N. Y. ; d. June 15, 1865 ; res. Elgin, Kane Co., 111., where he settled in 1843 ; m. OUve Walker, of Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., Jan. 14, 1830. First flve children b. in Bath, Steuben Co , N. Y. 6899. Susan-Tryphena, b. Dec. 5, 1832; m. Alanson Haines, of Elgin, 111., Oct. 14, 1849 ; res. La Plata, Macon Co., Missouri. 5900. Marion, b. April 20, 1835 ; m. Archibald Maitland, Oct. 15, 1855 ; res. La Plata, Macon Co., Mo. 5901. Harriet-Naomi, b. Mar. 15, 1837 ; m. George Shannon, Sept. 20, 1867; res. Ervington, Warren Co., Penn. i 6902. Edwin-Eugene, b. AprU 16, 1839 ; he lenUsted in the 127th Regt. IU. Vol. ; d. at or near Memphis, Tenn., in the hospital, in '1865 (month and day unknown). 6903. Jared-Frank [8551], b. Mar. 8, 1841. 5904. Clarence-Shepard [8652], b. Mar. 28, 1844, in Hanover, Cook Co., IU. 5905. Edward-Albert, b. Oct. 25, 1846, in Hanover, 111. ; he enlisted in Co. B, llth IU. Cavalry, lS6th Regt. ; d. June 16, 1868, in the Hospital at Memphis, Tenn. 6906. Abrahara-Arthur, b. Fob. 22, 1849, in Hanover, IU. ; res. at Elgin, IU., with his mother (1869). 5907. Philo-Baldwin' [2902] (Jared®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Na thaniel', .Joseph", Edwardi), b. April 11, 1808, in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., where he res. ; m. Catharine Metcalfe, of Bath, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1831. 312 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6908. Mary-Catharine, b. Sept. 28, 1838, in Bath, N. T. ; d. May 26, 1889, in Elgin, IU. 5909. Ellen-Frances, b. Nov. 27, 1843, in Elgin, III. ; d. Jan. 21, 1861, in Bath, N. Y. 5910. AUce-Mertine, b. June 6, 1850, in Bath, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 7, 1851, in Bath, N. Y. 5911. Simon-Franklin' [2903] (Jared®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Na thanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 11, 1810, in Bath, N. Y. He res. for some time in St. Louis, Mo.,; now res. in Staunton, Macoupin Co., IU. ; m. Mertine Brawner, of Florisant, St, Louis Co., Mo., Feb. 14, 1844. 6912. Mary-Naomi-Kate, b. May 14, 1864 ; d. Aug. 28, 1864. 5913. Joseph-Caret' [2916] (Samuel-Knight®, Reuben®, Jo seph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Sept. 4, 1804 ; res. Plain fleld, Conn, ; 1st, m. Sarah Westcott, Oct. 6, 1834 ; she d. June 23, 1848 ; 2d, m. Susan-Emeline Westcott (sister ofthe flrst wife), Sept, 3, 1849 ; d. ChUdren all b. in Plainfleld, Conn. 6914. Henry-Otis [8658], b. Oct. 19, 1835. 5915. Charles-Hubbard [8554], b. Oct. 1, 1837. 6916. Frank-WUUs [8555], b. Nov. 26, 1839. 5917. Emma-Sophia, b. Aug. 4, 1841 ; m. Charles HiU, of Ellisburg, N.Y. , April 18, 1866 ; res. EUisburg, N. Y. 6918. Lucy, b. Mar, 28, 1844; unmarried (1868). 6919. John-Knight, Mar. 81, 1851 ; res. in. Plainfleld, Conn. (1868). 6920. Walter-Clark, b. Mar. 6, 1858 ; res. in EUisburg, N. Y. 5921. Joseph-Cary, b. July 10, 1856. 5922. Freddie, b. Sept. 2, 1858; d. Oct. 1, 1869. 5923. Sarah, b. Sept. 2, 1858 ; d. July 21, 1860. 5924. Reuben® [2912] (Samuel-Knight®, ReubenS, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. • res. Plainfleld, Conn. ; m. Susan-0. Popple, of Plainfleld, Conn., May 2, 1866. No children (1868). '5925. BENJAinN-HuTCHiNs' [2913] (Samuel-Knight®, Reuben®, Joseph*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwai-di), b. ; d. July 31, 1856, in Plainfleld, Conn., where he res. ; m. Lucinda Irons, of Che- pachet, R. I. 6926. Josephine-A., b. Dec. 24, 1849. 5927. Hattie. 5928. Rotal-Crapts'' [2917] (Joseph®, Ruluff®, Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. July 29, 1800, in Pomfret, Conn. He is now a Baptist Home Missionary in Houlton, Me. He removed from Corinth, Me., to Houlton in 1844, where he has re sided since ; m. Jerusha-Barstow Bryant, of Bangor, Me., Oct. 7, 1828. SEVENTH GENERATION. 313 5929. Henry-Martyn [8566], b. Nov. 16, 1829, in Kenduskeag, Me. 5930. Annie-Judson, b. Dec. 1, 1838, in Corinth, Me. ; m. James-Tyler Bradbury, of Waterville, Me., Nov. 22, 1866; he d. June 14, 1863, at West Liberty, West Virginia, where they resided ; she now lives in Houlton, Me. (1869). 6931. Howard-Clarkson, b. Feb. 26, 1838, at Corinth, Me.,where he d. Aug. 4, 1840. 5932. Boardman-Cary [8658], b. Sept. 27, 1843. 5933. Rupus'' [2920] (Joseph®, Ruluflfs, Nathaniel*, NathanieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Dec. 12, 1803, in Compton, Canada; m. Nancy Jones, of Lunenburg, Ms., July 2, 1832 ; she d, Oct, 4, 1868, 6934. MelviUe-Cox [8659], b. Jan. 3, 1836, in Boston, Ms. 6935. WiUiam-Edward, b. July 5, 1889, in Platteville, Wis. ; d. Deo. 25, 1846. 5936. Helen-Maria, b. July 9, 1840, in PlattevUle, Wis. ; d. Oct. 8, 1862 ; unmarried. 5937, Joseph' [2923] (Joseph®, Ruluffs, Nathaniel*, Nathan ieF, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Oct. 4, 1812 ; m. PoUy Bryant, of Woonsocket, R. I., 1842. The children are all dead. 5938. Polly. 6939. Adeline. 6940. Everard. 5941. Horace-Prank' [2932] (Horace®, Ezra®, Andrew*, Thomas', Joseph", Edwardi), b. April 2, 1815 ; res. Canton, Brad ford Co,, Penn. ; m. Hannah Huntington, Oct. 23, 1841. 5942. Mary-Toucy, b. Sept. 11, 1843 ; m. John Kelce, Sept. 2, 1869. 6943. Volney-Hiram, b. Sept. 28, 1845. 5944. Harriet, b. May 4, 1849. 5945. Rose- Virginia, b. AprU 28, 1865. 5946. Gborge-Ctrus' [2935] (Horace®, Ezra®, Andrew*, Thom as', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 28, 1822 ; d. Oct. 30, 1869 ; res. Canton, Bradford Co., Penn. ; m. Mary-Jane Sellard, June^ 1, 1851. 5947. Charles-Paris, b. Mar. 4, 1852. 6948. EUen-EUzabeth, b. May 10, 1853 ; m. Almeron Burt, July 3, 1870. 6949. John-Griffin, b. AprU 10, 1860. 5950. William-Augustus' [2942] (Francis-Augustus®, Cyrus®, Andrew*, Thomas', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 27, 1836, in Jew ett City, Conn. ; res. AUenton, R, I. ; he is a wool-carder ; m, Hannah Gardiner, of North Kingston, R, I., June 26, 1862. No children (1869). 5951. Joel-Davis' [2956] (Calvin®, Joel®, Abel*, Joseph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. ; d. July 1, 1866, in Groton, Ms., where he lived ; m. Phebe-Maria Kelley, Nov. 4, 1847. 6952. Charles-Franklin, b. Sept, 17, 1848 ; enlisted April 14, 1867, in Co. I, 9th Regt. regular army. 314 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6963, Henry-Albert, b. May 11, 1850. 6964. Frank- Eugene, b. July 19, 1862. 6956. Herbert-Ashley, b. April 24, 1856 ; d, June 17, 1868. 6956. Susan-Eda, b. May 16, 1866. 5957, George' [2957] (Calvin®, JoeF, Abel*, Joseph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. ; he married and lived for some time in Woburn, Ms. ; he went away, and has never been heard from since ; he had a son and daughter, 5958, Chaeles-H,' [2958] (Calvin®, Joel®, Abel*, Joseph', Jo seph", Edwardi), b. ; res. Graniteville, Ms^ ; m. Sarah-EUza beth Richardson ; pub, Dec. 27, 1850. 6959. Selwyn-Evardo, b. Nov. 29, 1852. 5960. Ernest, b. Jan. 26, 1864 ; d. Aug. 6, 1864. 5961. Jane-Sabra, b. May 14, 1857; d. Sept. 29, 1857. 6962. LUian-P., b. Nov. 22, 1860. 5963. Albert-R., b. Feb. 13, 1863. 5964. Calvin-Warren' [2960] (Calvin®, Joel®, Abel*, Joseph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. — = — ; res. Graniteville, Ms. ; m. Mary-Jane Harris, Aug. 7, 1862 ; pub. Ang. 7, 18^ ; she was Iborn in Mon mouthshire, England. 5966. John-Frederick, b. Aug. 18, 1866, in Westford, Ms. A boy. 5966. Horace' [2962] (Calvin®, JoeF, Abel*, Joseph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. ^; he went into the army, and has never been heard from ; his wife has married again, and lives in Townsend, Ms. ; he left a boy. 5967, William' [2968] (Josiah®, Josiah®, Abel*, Joseph', Jo seph", Edwardi), b. Nov. 13, 1822, in Washington, Penn. ; d. June 1, 1860, near the village of Hartford, Guernsey Co., Ohio, by the explosion of a portable steam boiler ; m. > 5968. John. 5969. Chaeles-Weslet' [2969] (Josiah®, JosiahS, Abel*, Jo seph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Dec. 29, 1824, in Washington, Penn. ; d. Aug. 19, 1864, in Louisville, Ky. ; m. Catharine Brown, in Cin cinnati, Ohio ; she was the daughter of Isaac Brown. 5970. Charies-Wesley. 6971. WUliam. 6972. Albert. 6973. Charles. 5974 Hari7. 5975. Winfield-Scott. 5976. John-Qcincy-Adams' [2971] (Josiah®, Josiahs, Abel*, Joseph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 20, 1830, in ZanesvUle, Ohio; d. Aug. 20, 1870, in ZanesvUle, Ohio ; m. Annie-H. CaUaghan, Jan. 4, 1863, in ZanesvUle, Ohio ; she was b. in Scotland ; she d. June 16, 1867, at ZanesviUe, Ohio, aged 27 years. SEVENTH GENERATION. 315 6977. Linnle, b. May 23, 1864, in ZanesvUle, Ohio. 5978. John-Alexander, b. Dec. 28, 1866, in ZanesviUe, Ohio. 6979. Albert-Josiah' [2973] (Josiah®, Josiahs, Abel*, Jo seph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 10, 1837, in ZanesviUe, Ohio. He is a civil engineer by profession, and has been extensively engaged in construction of railroads and other public works, in Ohio and other States ; was engaged in the survey of public lands in Kansas and Nebraska from 1854 to 1858 ; m. Louisa-P. Smith, Dec. 25, 1867, in Londonderry, Guernsey Co., Ohio ; she was the daughter of Samuel-B. and Lydia-Ann (Wood) Smith, and was b. Sept. 18, 1847 ; they are members of the Society of Friends. 5980. William-Francis' [2986] (Jonas®, AbeF, Abel*, Joseph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. AprU 28, 1844. He always signs his name Frank W, ; m, Emma-Adelaide Long- ley, Feb. 22, 1866. 6981. Mabel-EsteUe, b. June 3, 1867. 5982. James-Francis' [2990] (James®, Benaiah®, Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph", Edwardi), b. June 14, 1825 ; res. Fitzwilliam, N, H, ; m. Ellen Taylor, AprU 8, 1856 ; she was b. Dec, 18, 1835, 6988. EUagene, b. Mar. 15, 1856. 5984. Minnie-Lincoln-Sarah, b. April 15, 1865. 5985. Edmund' [2992] (James®, Benaiah®, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 21, 1834 ; res. Fitzwilliam, N. H. ; m. Martha-Louise Drury, Sept. 3, 1854 ; she was b. Jan, 13, 1841, 5986, Ernest-Linwood, b. Dec. 16, 1855 ; d. Dec. 17, 1855. 5987, Mary-Ida, b. AprU 14, 1859. 5988. Edward' [2995] (Solomon-Robinson®, Benaiahs, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. May 29, 1834 ; res. Boston, Ms. He is a merchant, of the flrm of " S. R. Spalding & Sons " ; 1st, m, Louise-Darwin MiUer, Oct. 3, 1860 ; she. d. Jan. 23, 1867, without children ; 2d, m, Henrietta-S, Rogers, of MUton, Ms,, Sept, 23, 1868, 5989, Arthur-Rogers, b. Sept. 2, 1869, 5990. Dr. Thomas-Benton' [3000] (Alfred®, Benaiah®, Joseph*, Josephs, Joseph", Edwardi), b. Aug. 16, 1840, in Orion, Alabama. He studied medicine with Dr. John E. Lewis, of De Soto Parish, Louisiana ; attended medical lectures at the New Orleans School of Medicine in 1859 ; joined the Confederate Army, April 27, 1861, as a private in the Pelican Rifles of De Soto, 2d regt. Louisiana Vol. ; served until Feb. 28, 1863, when he was appointed hospital steward, and assigned to duty with the 15th regt. Louisiana Vol., where he served until Jan. 6, 1864, when he was appointed asst. surgeon in the same regt., and served until the close of the war. He was in the practice of his profession for some years on 316 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Red River, at Grand Bayou, Mansfleld, De Soto Parish, La. About 1870, he bought land near Greenville, Hunt Co., Texas, where he now resides, and which is now his P. O. address ; m. Dolly-Jane WUliams, of Montgomery, Alabama, Nov. 28, 1866 ; she was the daughter of Thomas J, and Evelina (Young) Wil liams, and was b. May 30, 1844; she was educated' at Mansfleld Female College, De Soto Parish, La, ; grad, July 4, 1860, 5991. Annie-EUzabeth, b. Dec. 7, 1867, in Mansfleld, De Soto Parish, La. 6992. Lonisa-EvaUna, b. Oct. 4, 1869, in Mansfleld, De Soto Parish, La. ; she d. Aug. 19, 1870. 5993, George-Sumner' [3016] (Asaph®, Asaph®, PhUip*, Eben ezer', Joseph", Edwardi), b. May 12, 1843 ; res, ForestyiUe, FiU more Co,, Minn. ; m. Josephine-B. Baldwin, July 16, 1863, 5994. Eva-Melora, b. Mar. 15, 1867. 5995, Asaph-Milton' [3017] (Asaph®, Asaph®, PhUip*, Ebene zer', Joseph", Edwardi), b, May3, 1846 ; res. ForestvUle, FiUmore . Co., Minn. : m. Sarah GiU, Dec. 30, 1867. 5996. Abial' [3045] (Andrew®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 5, 1792, in Windsor, Vt, ; res. West Windsor, Vt. ; he is now Uving (Aug, 1869) ; m, Abigail Mack, of Woodstock, Vt., Mar. 3, 1814 ; she d. Oct. 14, 1858, Children all b, in Windsor, Vt. 6997. Laura, b. Feb. 10, 1815; d. Jan. 24, 1816. 6998. Parthenia- Abigail, b. Dec. 2, 1816; m. Elbridge-G. Cross, of Bradford, Vt., Dec. 2, 1841 ; res. Guilford Centre, Vt. ; she d. Feb. 3, 1867. 6999. Abial [8660], b. Nov. 28, 1818, 6000. Alva [8564], b. June 9, 1820. 6001. Laura, b. Sept. 28, 1822 ; m, Clark Newton, of Queechy, Vt., Feb. 28 1853. 6002. Wil'ber [8566], b. April 18, 1825. 6008. Harvey [8667], b. Feb. 10, 1827. 6004. Sarah, b. June 16, 1829 ; m. Jacob Holt, of Woodstock, Vt., June 7, 1847; res. Bufi'alo, Wilson Co., Kansas. 6005. Oilman [8670], b. May 23, 1831. 6006. Simeon' [3049] (Benjamin®, Andrew®, Andrew*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 26, 1791 ; d. Aug. 27, 1866 ; m. Betsey Chamberlain, Dec. 3, 1815, 6007. Zetus-NeweU [8571], b. Aug. 13, 1819. 6008. Azubah, b. Sept. 24, 1821 ; ra. Nelson-Edmund Pratt, Dec. 18, 1840 ; he is the youngest brother of the Mormon Elder Parley Pratt. 6009. Carlos [8579], b. May 21, 1823. 6010. Noah [8586], b. Mar. 5, 1827. 6011. Chancy-Martin-Stanley [8690], b. June 28, 1829. 6012. WUbur-Fiske [8595]. b. July 13, 1833. 6013. Mary-Delight, b. Sept. 17, 1886; d. July 6, 1869. 6014. Noah' [3050] (Benjamin®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew' SEVENTH GENERATION, 317 Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 14, 1792 ; res. West Glover, Vt. : m. Phebe PendeU, of Saratoga, N. Y., AprU 17, 1817. 6016. Benjamin-PendeU [8599], b. Oct. 13, 1820. 6016. Alonzo-John [8604], b. Oct. 20, 1822. 6017. Benjamin-Martin' [3054] (Benjamin®, Andrew®, An drew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 14, 1800 ; res. South Albany, Vt. ; m. Judith-Gale Woods, June 10, 1830 ; she was b. AprU 22, 1810 ; d. Oct. 30, 1864. 6018. Mary-EUza, b. Mar. 7, 1881. 6019. Martha-Salome, b. Mar. 13, 1883; d. Sept. 19, 1857. 6020. John-RusseU, b. Jan. 8, 1837 ; d. July 24, 1853. 6021. Abigail-Martin, b. Oct. 6, 1839. 6022. Judith-Azubah, b. Feb. 2, 1851 ; d. Jan. 11, 1866. 6023. Micah' [3059] (AbeF, Andrews, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 7, 1791, in Cornish, N. H, ; res, Del aware, Delaware Co,, Ohio, He taught vocal music till he was advanced in life ; m, Welthy Pratt, April 6, 1819 ; she is stUl living. Children all b, at Delaware, Ohio. 6024. Amanda, b. Dec. 30, 1819; m. Henry Green; res. Delaware, Ohio. 6026. Adoniram-Judson [8606], b. Jan. 8, 1822. 6026. Martha, b. Mar. 16, 1825 ; m. PhUip Vaughn ; both d. 6027. David-Dudley [8616], b. Dec. 6, 1827. 6028. Mary, b. Oct. 25, 1829 ; m. WUUam Naphus. 6029. Prudence, b. July 6, 1881; m. Matthew McMahan; res. Jackson Co., III. 6030. John [8617], b. Dec. 25, 1834. 6031. Franklin' [3068] (Jonas®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b, ; res. Delaware, Delaware Co., Ohio ; m. Patience Munson. No children. 6032. Ira' [3069] (Jonas®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. ; d, in Westfleld, Delaware Co,, Ohio, about 1835. He removed to Ohio ; m. Matilda Ellis, in Warren, Vt. ; she d. 6033. George. 6084. Norman. 6085. EUen. 6086. Warren. 6037. Mary. 6038. Susan. 6089. Celinda. 6040. Barthena, b. ; d. young. 6041. Sarah. 6042. Ltman' [3070] (Jonas®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b, ; he had no sons. 6043, Stephen' [3071] (Jonas®, Andrew®, Andi-ew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), 318 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6044. Solomon-Baglet' [3084] (Solomon®, Solomon®, An drew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 27, 1808, in Warner, N. H. ; res. Lysander, Onondaga Co., N, Y, ; m, EUza Schanck, of Lysander, N, Y., July 14, 1832. 6045. Burns [8618], b. Mar. 26, 1833. 6046. Mary-Cenette, b. Oct. 80, 1837; m. Maj. F. Phelps, of Granby, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1860; res. Granby, N. Y. 6047. Harriet-Eliza, b. AprU 2, 1841 ; d. AprU 26, 1842. 6048. Ann, b. April 28, 1843 ; m. James-Edward Perkins, of Lysander, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1863 ; res. Lysander, N. Y. 6049. Delia, b. Feb. 2, 1850. 6050. Nelson-Odion' [3087] (Solomon®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andi-ew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 27, 1814, at Saratoga Springs, N, Y, ; res. Phcenix, Oswego Co., N. Y. ; m. Hannah- Esler Briggs, of Patterson, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1836, ia Patterson, N.Y. 6051. Solomon-Clayton [8620], b. May 17, 1838, in Patterson, N. Y. 6052. James-Clark [8623], b. AprU 18, 1841, in Patterson, N. Y. 6063. John-Eramons, b. Jan. 22, 1844, in Boston, Ms., where he d. AprU 6, 1846. 6054. John-Alvin, b. June 27, 1847, in Boston, Ms. 6055. WiUie-Sherburne, b. Nov. 5, 1864, in Sharon, Ms. 6056. Horace-Kelley' [3088] (Solomon®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 12, 1816, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; res. Easton, Ms. ; m. Harriet-NeweU Keith, of Easton, Ms., AprU 29, 1840. 6057. Sarah-Ann, b. Nov. 29, 1847. 6068. Hiram-Kelly, b. Jan. 7, 1852. 6059. Samuel-Tennt' [3101] (James®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 26, 1826 ; res. Dunstable, Ms. ; m. Mrs. Caroline^E. (Jewett) Dunn, of Danvers, Ms., 1866. 6060. John' [3104] (Andrew®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Oct. 30, 1815, in Shelburne, Vt. ; res. Ban gor, N. Y. ; m. Harriet-Evans Gibbs, of Norfolk, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1843 ; she d. Dec. 12, 1868. 6061. Fidelia-Janette, b. Jan. 8, 1848 ; m. Albert Perkins, June 16, 1866 ; she was an adopted child. 6062. Hannibal-Hamlin, b. Aug. 15, 1860. 6063. James' [3105] (Andrew®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 19, 1817, in Bangor, N. Y., where he res. ; 1st, m. Lydia-Ann AUen, of Panton, Vt., Sept. 8, 1843 ; she d. AprU 4, 1857 ; 2d, m. Marion Hoadley, of WestvUle, N, Y., Nov. 16, 1858. All the children, except the first two, b, in Bangor, N. Y. 6064. John-MUes, b. Sept. 17, 1844, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 6065. Charles-Henry, b. Nov. 21, 1845, in Fort Covington, N. Y, 6066. William-AUen, b. Oct. 29, 1847, SEVENTH GENERATION, 319 6067. George-James, b, Sept. 22, 1851. 6068. Lydia-Iola, b. July 4, 1859, 6069. Llncoln-EUsworth, b. Sept. 4, 1860. 6070. Eva-May, b. Oct. 26, 1864. 6071, Charles' [3106] (Andrew®, SolomonS, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 9, 1^19, in Bangor, N. Y. ; d. Aug, 16, 1858 ; res, Chicago, IU, ; m. Mary McAllister, of Chicago, 111., Oct. 22, 1853. 6072. WiUiam-Henry, b. Feb. 6, 1855. 6073. Mary-Permelia, b. AprU 7, 1858. 6074, Thomas'" [3109] (Andrew®, Solomon®, Andrew*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Jan. 26, 1826, in Bangor, N. Y,, where he res, ; m. Mariah-Hattie Hooker, of Bangor, N, Y., Oct. 31, 1848. 6076. Betsey-Permelia, b. July 8, 1850. 6076. Maria-Ophelia, b. June 23, 1862. 6077. Eli-Darius, b. Sept. 25, 1853. 6078. Henry-Roger, b. May 23, 1865. 6079. John-Arnold, b. Dec. 6, 1856. 6080. James- Walter, b. Dec. 25, 1857. 6081. Halleck-Thomas, b. Aug. 17, 1860. 6082. Clarissa-Elizabeth, b. Mar. 15, 1862 ; d. Sept. 1, 1862. 6083. George-Paschal, b. Nov. 16, 1864. 6084. Amy-Marie, b. Oct. 17, 1866. 6085, Eli' [3110] (Andrew®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 11, 1828, in Bangor, N. Y., where he resides ; m, Minerva-Adelia Berry, of Bangor, N. Y., March 6, 1860. 6086. Marvin-Andrew, b. Jan. 16, 1852. 6087, Helen-AdeUa, b. Dec. 20, 1854. 6088. Betsey-Melenda, b. Sept. 23, 1868. 6089. Andrew' [3111] (Andrew®, Solomon®, Andrew*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 14, 1833, in Bangor, N, Y, ; res, Chicago, IU. ; 1st, m. Judith HaU, -July 29, 1858 ; she d. Oct, 20, 1861 ; 2d, m. Louisa Sunderlin, Feb, 8, 1865, 6090. Charles-Cassius, b. June 26, 1860. 6091, George-Horatio-Grant, b. Feb. 21, 1866. 6092. Thomas-Winpield' [3115] (Thomas®, SolomonS, An drew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Oct. 23, 1821, in West ford, Ms. ; m. Mary-Ann Warner, of Bolton, Ms., July 9, 1843. 6093. Mary- Ann, b. Nov. 10, 1844, in Rochester, N. H.; d. Aug. 17, 1847. 6,094. Sarah-Elizabeth, b. May 31, 1846, in Rochester, N. H. ; d. Aug. 12, 1847. e096. Thomas-Andrew, b. Jan. 13, 1849, in HaverhiU, Ms. 6096. James-Henry, b. June 16, 1861, in HaverhUl, Ms. 6097. Mary- Ann, b. June 3, 1859, in HaverhiU, Ms. 6098. Sarah-Chase, b. Feb. 19, 1866, in Madrid, Me. 320 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6099, Samuel-Hilton' [3117] (Thomas®, SolomonS, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Feb. 9, 1826, in Westford, Ms. ; res. Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., Iowa ; m. Mrs. Hannah (Clapp) Han son, May 4, 1861 ; she was b. in South Scituate, Ms., and was the widow of William A. Hanson. 6100. Georgianna-Hilton, b. July 12, 1852, at South Maiden, Ms. 6101. EUzabeth-Hannah, b. June 10, 1854, at South Maiden, Ms. 6102. George-Frederick' [3124] (George-Washington®, Solo mon®, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b, Aug. 22, 1822, in Westford, Ms. ; m, Eliza-Elizabeth Downing, of Alexandria, N, H,, June 24, 1848 ; she was b. Nov. 5, 1829, 6103. Georgo- Alonzo, b. June 1, 1861, in Nashua, N. H. 6104. Solomon, b. July 2, 1853 ; d. Mar. 29, 1864, at Westford, Ms. 6105. Rhoda- Ann, b. Sept. 27, 1865 ; d. same day at LoweU, Ms. 6106. Eliza, b. Sept. 27, 1856; d. Oct. 4, 1865, at LoweU, Ms. 6107. EUa-Amanda, b. June 26, 1859, in North Chelrasford, Ms. 6108. Emma-Rhoda, b. May 18, 1861, in Westford, Ms. 6109. Susan-Calisky, b. Nov. 27, 1864, in Biddeford, Me. 6110. Josie-Angelia, b. June 8, 1867, in Portsmouth, N. H. 6111. Solomon' [3125] (George-Washington®, Solomon®, An drew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 20, 1823. No children. 6112. John-Lifard' [3126] (George-Washington®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b, Feb. 4, 1828 ; res. 4 Arnold Street, Boston, Ms. ; 1st, m. Susan-Calista Pingrey, Dec. 5, 1850 ; she was b. July 16, 1830, in Mt. Holly, Vt. ; d. May 26, 1 859 ; 2d, m. Mary-Jane Gordon, Aug. 28, 1865 ; she was b. Aug. 5, 1832, in Hermon, N, Y. Children aU b. m Mt. Holly, Vt. 6113. John-Lifard, b. Mar. 20, 1852. 6114. George-Washington, b. Sept. 23, 1863. > 6116. Charles-Frederick, b. July 16, 1865. 6116. WiUiam-Reed, b. Mar. 3, 1858. / 6117. John-Tagart' [3131] (Andrew®, Henry®, Andrew*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 8, 1806, in Albion, Me. ; res. one year in Newry, Me., one year in Township Letter B, Oxford Co., Me., one year in Andover, Me.; in 1830, moved to CUnton, now East Benton, Me. ; in 1841, moved to Orono, Me. ; in 1845, moved to Bangor, Me. ; in 1869, to Lewiston, Me. ; in 1860, to Bangor, Me., where they now res. ; m. Elvira Webber, Oct. 6, 1827, in Newry, Oxford Co., Me. ; she was the daughter of Joel and Rhoda Webber, of Vassalborough, Me., and was b. AprU 16, 1803. 6118. Albert-MarshaU [8625], b. June 24, 1828, in Newry, Me. 6119. Ruth- Adaline, b. July 8, 1830, in Andover, Me, ; m. Henry Gould, of Providence, R. I., 1856; he d. 6120. John-Frederick [8628], b. Aug. 4, 1832, in Albion, Me. SEVENTH GENERATION, 321 6121. James-Chandler, b. Nov. 5, 1834, in Clinton (now East Benton Me.) ; went to sea July 13, 1854; left the ship at Providence, R, I., and has not been heard from since. 6122. Rhoda-Ann, b. Mar. 17, 1887, in Clinton, Me. ; res. Bangor, Me.; m. John-Scammon Rogers, of Anson, Me., Dec. 2,1859; she was divorced Oct. 22, 1867, on account of her husband's bad habits ; he was a bugler in the 3d Me. Battery. 6123. IsAAC-Foss' [3 132] (Andrew6,HenryS,Andrew*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 22, 1808, in Benton, Me. ; d. Dec. 20, 1866, aged 68 ; resT Orono, Me. He was a lumberman untU he entered the army : he enlisted in the 3d Me. Battery, and went South in 1862 ; returned July 1863, discharged for disability; m. Eliza Hodgdon, Sept. 27, 1832 ; she was the daughter of Simon and Hannah (Nowell) Hodgdon, and was b. Sept. 17, 1808, in Waterboro', Me. No children. 6124. Evans-Carle' [3135] (Andrew®, Henry®, Andrew*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 12, 1812, in Benton, Me. ; m, Elizabeth Rollins, of Wesley, Me. A full account of the children of this family may be found at No, 9526, 6126. Robert-Crosbt' [3136] (Andrew®, HenryS, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 6, 1816, in Benton, Me., where he res. ; P. O. address East Benton, Me. ; m. Eliza-Read Richardson, Oct. 9, 1837 ; she was the daughter of Capt. An drew and Lois Richardson, and was b. Dec. 1, 1818. Children b. in Benton, Me. 6126. Charles Edwin, b. Feb. 11, 1839 ; d. AprU 5, 1841. 6127. Mary-Jane, b. Feb. 11, 1842; m. Albert-Benjarain Foss, Feb. 1, 1867 ; he was the son of Amos and Sophronia Foss, of Albion, Me. ; res. East Benton, Me. 6128. Samuel-Newell' [3138] (Andrew®, HenryS, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew",. Edwardi), b. Nov. 21, 1821, in Clinton, Me., afterwards called Sebasticook, now called Benton ; res. East Ben ton, Me. ; m. Abigail-Bigelow Flagg, Sept. 2, 1842 ; she was the daughter of George and Abigail Flagg, of Benton, Me., and was b. Sept. 22, 1822. 6129. Albert-Marshall, b. July 8, 1843; d. March 12, 1862, in camp at Winchester, Va., of typhoid fever; he enlisted in 1862, as a recruit in Co. F, 7th Me. Regt. 6130. Frances- Ann, b. July 20, 1845 ; d. Jan. 20, 1846. 6131. George-Flagg, b. Dec. 26, 1847; d. Sept. 7, 1850. 6132. Adeline-Elizabeth, b. Jan. 23, 1851; ra. Franklin-A. Keef, May 1, 1868 ; res. North Anson, Me. ; P. 0. address, East Benton, Me. 6138. Gershom-Flagg, b. Feb. 13, 1854. 6134. Abby-Jane, b. Sept. 9, 1856. 6135. Henry' [3142] (Samuel®, HenryS, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 25, 1815 ; res. Lowell, Ms. ; m. Har riet-Byron Fletcher, of Cariisle, Ms., May 2, 1844. No children. 21 322 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6136, William' [3143] (SamueF, Henry®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 8, 1819, in Westford, Ms. ; res. Ben ton, Me. ; m. Martha-Miller Spalding [3139], Dec. 22, 1842 ; she was b. June 7, 1824, in Benton, Me. •Children all b. in Benton, Me. 6137. Mary-Mehitable, b. March 22, 1844 ; m. John Carle, of Benton, July 8, 1866. 6138. Charles-Henry, b. Aug. 13, 1847. 6139. Andrew- WiUie, b. June 3, 1853. 6140. EUza-Hodgdon, b. April 1, 1856. 6141. Lois-Jane, b. June 4, 1859. 6142. Ednah-AUce, b. Mar. 2, 1866. 6143. John' [3144] (SamueF, Henry®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 29, 1821, in Dunstable, Ms, ; res. Ben ton, Me. ; m. SUence-Cushon Flagg, May 18, 1843 ; she was b. Feb. 15, 1818. 6144. Henry-Edwin [86?9], b. Aug. 9, 1847. 6145. Kate- Woodman, b. June 8, 1850. 6146. OUve-Ann, b. Sept. 12, 1856. 6147. James, b. Feb. 9, 1859. 6148. Dr. Thaddeus' [3152] (Thaddeus®, Eleazer®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 1, 1791 ; d. April 14, 1844 ; res. in South Reading, Ms. He studied his profession with Dr. Ma-tthias Spalding, of Am herst, N. H., and commenced practice in South Reading some time in 1815. He was a man of large influence in the town, and in the chm'ch of which he was a member. His religious fervor was deep and sincere, and every cause, looking towards the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom, was very dear to him. He was a mem ber of the Governor's Council for the years 1842 and 1844. He mar ried two sisters, daughters of Dr. John Hart, who had an extensive practice in- So. Reading and the adjoining towns. Dr. Spalding left a will, which was admitted to probate Mar. 15, 1836 ; 1st, m. Sarah Hart, of So. Reading, Ms., May 1, 1817 ; she d. June 24, 1829 ; 2d, m. Lucinda Hart, of So, Reading, Ms., July 22, 1830. Children b. in So, Reading, Ms. 6149. Sarah-Hart, b. Oct. 7, 1818 ; m. Dr. Nathan Allen, of LoweU, Ms., Sept. 14, 1841 ; she d. AprU 6, 1855 ; res. LoweU ; no issue. 6150. OUve-Christiana, b. April 18, 1820 ; m. Dr. Josiah Norcross, of Fitchburg, Ms., May 16, 1848 ; he practised medicine a few years in Fitchburg, Ms., as partner of Dr. Boutelle, with whom he studied his profession. Losing his health from a severe typhoid fever, he retired in 1849 to So. Reading, Ms., where he d. Jan. 15, 1866. They had two chUdren: Sarah-Hart Nor cross, b. May 6, 1850; Walter-Spalding Norcross, b. Oct. 1, 1854. 6161, John-Thaddeus-Hart, b. AprU 26, 1828 ; d. Sept. 15, 1829. Infant son, b. Dec. 28, 1832 ; d. same day. 6152. Asa' [3164] (BezaleeF, Eleazer®, Jacob*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. May 14, 1796 ; res. Nelson, N. H, ; m. Betsey Whitney, of Nelson, N. H. ; she was b. Jan. 4, 1801. SEVENTH GENERATION. 323 6153. Sylvester [8630]. 6154. Alfred [8631]. 6155. Alfred' [3171] (Eleazer®, EleazerS, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. ; res. in Ashby, Ms., where he died. His will was made in 1837, admitted to probate July 27, 1837 ; his father Eleazer was then living. Eleazer Price was made guar dian of his chUdren, Nov. 5, 1838 ; m. Betsey Lawrence, of Ashby, Ms. 6166. Betsey- Augusta. 6167. John-Alfred. 6168. Angenette-Price. 6159. Jesse' [3179] (Jesse'', EleazerS, Jacob*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. April 10, 1802, in Townsend, Ms. ; res. Fitchburg, Ms, ; m Mary-Moor Hutchinson, of Fitchburg, Ms., Oct. 20, 1831 ; she was b. AprU 13, 1804. 6160. Daniel- Hutchinson [8632], b. Aug. 12, 1832. 6161. Jesse-Calvin [8633], b. Dec. 4, 1837. 6162. Blijah-Gibbs [8636], b. May 20, 1841. 6163. Ebenezer- Whitney, b. Aug. 81, 1848. They had two other children who d. very young. 6164. Merari' [3184] (Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 19, 1791 ; July 13, 1834, drowned in the Kennebec River ; he lived and d. in Concord, Me. ; m. Lucy Clark, of Ashburnham, M;s., Feb. 11, 1818; she was b. Feb, 15, 1792, 6165. Merari, b. July 12, 1820 ; res. Concord, Me. ; P. O. address, Bingham, Me. ; unmarried. 6166. Levi, b. Dec. 8, 1825 ; he enlisted about Sept. 10, 1862, in Co. H, 24th Regt. Maine Volunteers ; d. March 21, 1863, at Bonnet Carre, St. John Baptist Parish, Louisiana. 6167. Ephraim' [3186] (Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 3, 1794 ; d, Nov, 25, 1851, in North Anson, Me,, where he res. after marriage. He was a very worthy and highly esteemed man. About the time of his death the ex periment was being made in the State of Maine, of the cultiva/- tion of winter wheat, and Mr. Spalding was greatly interested in the result. In his sickness his pastor called, and among other in quiries asked him if he felt reconciled to leaving this world. Mr. Spalding replied that he thought he felt so, " but, if the Lord was willing, he would like to see how this matter of winter wheat turned out." He m. Mary Weston, of Madison, Me,, Dec. 26, 1820 ; she was b. May 28, 1800, in Madison, Me. 6168. Jesse [8637], b. Sept. 30, 1821. 6169. Hannah, b. Nov. 11, 1822; m. Dean-Elbridge Reed, of Madison, Me., Oct. 24, 1848; res. Madison, Me. 6170. Eunice, b. AprU 20, 1824; m. Sarauel-Cephas Brown, of Corinna, Me., .luly 10, 1855; res. Corinna, Me. 6171. Mary, b. March 17, 1826 ; ra. Sanford Stevens, of Embden, Me., Sept. 22, 1860; res. Madison, Me. 324 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6172. Electa, b. Nov. 11, 1827; 1st, m. Jonah Howes, of Bingham, Me., March 4, 1847; he d. at San Diego, Cal., May 6, 1852; 2d, ra. Webster Reed, of Madison, Me., Sept. 13, 1855 ; she d. June 27, 1866, -at Madison, Me. 6173. Tilson-Heald [8642], b. Aug. 14, 1829. 6174. Betsey, b. AprU 20, 1882 ; d. July 1, 1838, at North Anson, Me. 6175. John, b. AprU 4, 1884 ; d. June 19, 1864, at Andersonville, Geor gia ; mustered in Co. E, 2d Ms. Cavalry, March 17, 1863. 6176. Susan-Church, b. May,2, 1836. • 6177. Ann, b. Feb. 6, 1838; d. Aug. 15, 1851, at North Anson, Me. 6178. Ephraim, b. July 28, 1840. 6179. Jesse' [3187] (Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 18, 1796 ; d. March 6, 1860, in West minster ; a carpenter by trade ; m. PoUy Smith, of Westminster, Ms., Dec. 13, 1822 ; she was b. Aug; 29, 1799, and was the daugh ter of Charles and Polly Smith. 6180. Charles-Harrison, b. Dec. 31, 1826; he m. Marietta Palmer, of Leominster, Ms., Oct. 6, 1854; he d. July 19, 1866, without issue. 6180J. Mary-Maria, b. Feb. 19, 1830 ; m. Hulbert-LoveU Harris, of HarrisviUe, Cheshire Co., N. H. 6181. Walter' [3189] (Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Jan. 20, 1801 ; he d. Dec. 8, 1857; res. North Anson, Me, ; m. Lydia Spalding [9500], of Westminster, Ms., Oct. 29, 1828 ; she was the daughter of Timothy Spalding [936] ; their family consisted of eight boys ; she d. Aug. 27, 1869. Children all b. in North Anson, Me. 6182. Nathan Weston [9575], b. Sept 24, 1829. 6183. Charjes-Hudson [9583], b. Mar. 12, 1831. 6184. Marcellus-Moores [9493], b. Nov. 2, 1833. 6185. Dennis [8645], b. Feb. 11, 1835. 6186. Jerome [9584], b. Dec. 12, 1836. 6187. Madison [8648], b. Sept 16, 1838. 6188. Addison, b. Sept. 16, 1838; d. June 1, 1860, in Monterey Co., Cal. ; emigrated to Cal. in 1859. 6189. Walter-Carter, b. May 31, 1840 ; d. Feb. 26, 1862, in San Fran cisco, Cal. ; eraigrated to Cal. in 1861. 6190. Anson' [3194] (Merari®, Joseph®, Jacob*,- Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 6, 1812, in Westminster, Ms. ; d. June 5, 1866 ; res. Westminster, Ms. ; m. Harriet Rugg, July 3, 1834 ; pub. May 26, 1834; she was the daughter of Joseph and Mary Rugg, and was b. Jan. 22, 1815, in Lancaster, Ms, 6191. Harriet-Martineau, b. April 6, 1835; m. Andrew-Burr Derby* Sept. 10, 1800, In Sacramento, Cal. ; res. Petaluraa, Cal. 6192. Eliza, b. June 17, 1838; res, Petaluraa, Cal. 6193. Julia- Ann, b.Aug. 4, 1840; m. Charles-Jeft'rey Smith, Jan. 13, 1864, in Petaluraa, Cal. ; res. Stockton, Cal. 6194. Henrietta-Maria, b. Feb. 9, 1843 ; m. Jonas-W. Gates, June 11, 1867 ; res. Leominster, Ms. 6195. Francillia, b. Oct. 18, 1844; m. Harrison-B. Whitney, Dec. 26, 1866 ; res. Worcester, Ms. ^iecLTeMcN SEVENTH GENERATION, 325 6196. Joseph' [3196] (Joseph®, Joseph®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 31, 1798, in Westminster, Ms. ; res. Richmond, Me. ; the engraving is made from a photograph taken in 1863; 1st, m. Sophia Chase, of Concord, Me., Jan. 1, 1824; she d. April 5, 1833, at Carratunk, Me. ; 2d, m, Elvira Chase (sis ter of flrst wife), June 1, 1835 ; she was b. Oct. 30, 1812. Infant, b. AprU 8, 1826. 6197. FlaviUa, b. Mar. 6, 1827; d. Sept. 16, 1836. 6198. Elvira, b. Feb. 12, 1830; d. AprU 17, 1830. 6199. Hadassah-Webber, b. Aug. 1, 1831 ; m. Isaac-Alexander Merri- raan, of Richraond, Me., Sept. 1, 1856; res. Richmond, Me. 6200. Charles-Foster, b June 10, 1836 ; he enlisted May, 1861, in Co. F, 9th N. Y. Regt. State Militia ; he lost his right arm at Fred ericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1852; unmarried (1868); res. New York City. 6201. Abner-Coburn [8650], b. Dec. 29, 1837. 6202. FlavUla-Hortense, b. Sept. 6, 1839, in Carratunk, Me. ; ra. Alfired- Lithgrow Theobald, of Dresden, Me., May 6, 1863. 6203. Joseph- Whitman [8663], b. Aug. 11, 1841, in Carratunk, Me. 6204. Lauretta-Jefferson, b. June 28, 1843, in Carratunk, Me. ; 1st, m. Frederick-Ernest Theobald, of Dresden, Me., Jan. 1, 1865; he d. AprU 7, 1865; 2d, m. George-Bradley Randlette, of Rich mond, Me., Nov. 17, 1867. €205. Dorcas-Foster, b. Nov. 6, 1844; d. Sept. 22, 1864, at Richmond, Me. 6206. Zachariah Sraith, b. April 9, 1847; unmarried (1868); res. New York City. Infant boy, b. June, 1860. 6207. Milford-Ellmore, b. Oct. 22, 1852 ; lives at home (1868). 6208. Dr. Zachariah' [3197] (Joseph®, Joseph®, Jacob*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 13, 1799 ; d. Nov. 16, 1865. He received his degree of M. D. from Bowdoin College, in 1827. He established himself in his profession at Bingham, Me., where he d. ; m. Asenath Wood, of Bingham, Me., Oct. 19, 1830. Children all b. in Bingham, Me., and those who died, d. in Bingham, Me. 6209. Sarah- Whitman, b. Mar. 27, 1832 ; d. Nov. 1, 1850. 6210. Danville-Crosby, b. Oct. 14, 1833; d. Mar. 26, 1853. 6211. Ephraira-Wood, b.Aug. 19, 1836; d. Nov. 11, 1842. Infant son, b. Sept. 2, 1838 ; d. Oct. 9, 1838, 6212 Joseph-Payson, b. Sept. 19, 1839. 6213. Eva- Miranda, b. Nov. 25, 1841 ; d. Nov. 25, 1864. 6214. Frank- Wood, b. AprU 29, 1844. 6215. Clara- Asenath, b. Nov. 15, 1848. 6216. Jonathan' [3199] (Joseph®, Joseph®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 23, 1802. He res. at " The Forks," Somerset Co., Me, ; he settled there when flrst married. The name of the P. 0. is " The Forks " ; m-. HaiTiet Baker, Mar. 26, 1829 ; she d. April 16, 1863. No children. 6217. Alexander' [3206] (Joseph®, Joseph®, Jacob*, Andrew', 326 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 24, 1818 ; P. O. address, East^asis, Wis. ; m. Mehitable-Fletcher Longley, Aug. 2, 1846. 6218. Amaziah-Murray, b. Nov. 9, 1847 ; d. Feb. 3, 1848. 6219. Mary-EUza, b. Jan. 24, 1849. 6220. Olive-Ida, b. Feb. 2, 1851. 6221, Llewellyn-Alberto, b. Dec. 29, 1852, 6222. Clara- Lodema, b. Jan. 15, 1857. 6223. Florence-Eva, b. Sept. 4, 1866. 6224. Benjamin-Franklin' [3208] (Joseph®, Joseph®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov, 16, 1820 ; P. O. address, Rockford, lUinois ; m. Eliza Dunning, Oct. 17, 1849, ,6226. Olive-Josephine, b. Feb. 21, 1851. 6226. Oscar-FrankUn, b. AprU 10, 1852; d. May 16, 1858. 6227. Oscar-Franklin, b. Oct. 8, 1854. 6228. Dexter-Dunning, b. Nov. 4, 1857. 6229. Jeremiah-Smith' [3209] (Joseph®, Joseph®, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 30, 1822. He has been school supervisor, flrst assessor, plantation clerk and treasurer ; he was appointed agent by the county commissioners and State land agent, to expend all moneys assessed and appro priated for the improvement of highways in the unincorporated townships. He is post-master at " The Forks." His business is land and log surveyor. In 1868, his family moved to Dexter, Me. ; m. Hannah-Baker Pierce, of Carratunk, Me., Aug. 12, 1851. 6280. Olive-Frances, b. Dec. 12, 1852, In Carratunk, Me. 6231. Henry-Foster, b. July 31, 1858, in Richmond, Me. 6232. Charles -Beecher, b. May 12, 1868, at " The Forks," Me. 6233. Walter-Manx' [3213] (Joseph®, Joseph®, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 1, 1830 ; res. and P, 0,, East Oasis, Wis. ; 1st, m. Angeline-Augusta Bray, June 21, 1856 ; she was b. Aug. 20, 1839 ; d. May 14, 1862, aged 23 yrs. 7 mos. 25 days ; 2d, m. Lucy-Maria Spencer, Feb. 15, 1863 ; she was b. June 28, 1845, 6234, Olive- Augusta, b. Nov. 28, 1857; d. Jan. 25, 1868, 6235. Adaline-Aipanda, b. Oct. 16, 1860; d. Feb. 23, 1861. 6236. Julia-Adelia, b. Aug. 1, 1861. 6237. Charles-Franklin, b. Aug. 18, 1864, 6238. RoyseMelvin, b. Dec. 21, 1866, 6239. Zeeb-Pitt' [3221] (Zebina®, Joseph®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 17, 1809 ; d. Nov. 28, 1869. He res. in Boston, Ms., a number of years, then removed to Fitchburg, Ms., where he d. ; m. Sarah-Smith Paine, of Charles town, Ms., Jan. 26, 1834. 6240. Sarah-Spring, b. Sept. 20, 1834, in Boston, Ms. ; d. Nov. 13, 1836. 6241. WilUam-Pltt [8655], b. Oct. 29, 1835, iu Boston,, Ms. 6242. Sarah.Eliza, b. Sept. 1, 1842, in Ashburnham, M.S.; m. Charles- Wesley Hebard, of Neponset Village, Dorchester, Ms., Sepi. 4, 1866; she d. Aug, 7, 1870; res. Neponset, Ms. SEVENTH GENERATION. 327 / 6243, Amos-Person' [3223] (Zebina®, Josephs, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, July 9, 1817; res. Westminster, Ms. ; m. Dolly Gates, of (3-ardner, Ms., AprU 6, 1841 ; pub. Mar, 19, 1841, 6244. Asenath-Frances, b. Nov. 1, 1844. 6245. Frederick-Person, b. Feb. 10, 1850; d. Oct. 9, 1862. 6246. Otis-Maroni, b. Mar. 16, 1859. 6247, Jesse' [3225] (Jonah®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 12, 1814 ; res. Concord, Me. ; m, Esther Moore, of Concord, Me., Nov, 21, 1844. 6248. WiUiara-Henry, b. Dec. 18, 1844 ; enlisted Sept. 1862, in Co. H, 24th Regt. Maine Vol., for 9 raonths ; was wounded in the as sault on Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863, and died three days after. 6249. Nathan-Franklin-Moore, b. Feb. 9, 1846. 6250. Jonah, b. May 5, 1856. 6261. Elmore, b. June 22, 1857. 6252, Jonah' [3226] (.Tonah®, Joseph®, Jacob*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 12, 1818 ; res. Carratunk, Somerset Co., Me. ; m. Diana Witham, July 21, 1842 ; she was b. Jan. 11, 1823. 6263. Thales, b. June 1, 1843. 6254. Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1845 ; m. Samuel Moore, Jan. 2, 1863 ; res. Carratunk Plantation, Me. 6256. Crosby, b. Oct. 31, 1847. 6256. Maria, b. Oct. 24, 1849 ; m. WiUiam-Henry Starling, Sept. 25, 1867 ; res. Carratunk Plantation, Me. 6257. Jonah, b. Nov. 9, 1852. 6258. Nathan-Moore, b. Jan. 12, 1864 ; d. Mar. 12, 1854. 6269. Reuel-Reeves, b. Feb. 7, 1855 ; d. Feb. 27, 1863. 6260. Joseph, b. Mar. 28, 1867. 6261. Charles, b.-Feb. 2, 1863. 6262. WUUam, b. AprU 8, 1866. 6263. Benjamin' [3233] (Jacob®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 27, 1800 ; he removed to Hudson, N. H. ; m. Hannah Barker, of Milford, N. H., Dec. 25, 1837 (pri. rec. 1838) ; she was b. July 16, 1810. 6264. John-Barker, b. Jan. 18, 1840 ; d. Feb. 10, 1840. 6266. Warren-Foster [8668], b. Jan. 14, 1841. 6266. Jacob-Franklin [8669], b. June 11, 1843. 6267. Ctrus' [3234] (Jacob®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 28, 1802 ; res. Chicopee FaUs, Ms. ; m. Susan-Smith Grant, Sept. 29, 1831 ; she was b. Sept. 6, 1807. 6268. Mary-EUzabeth, b. Oct. 18, 1832; m. Albert-Baton, Oct. 4, 1856; she d. July 11, 1863. ChUdren: Albert-CampbeU, b. May II, 1857; Franklin-Spalding, b. Aug. 27, 1858. 6269. Benjamin-Franklin [8662], b. Feb. 17, 1884. 6270. Cyrus-Grant [8666], b. Sept. 26, 1835. 6271. Susan-Thirza, b. June 17, 1837; m. Watson-H. Robinson, July 18, 1859. ChUdren : Mary-S,usan, b. July 22, 1861 ; Cyrus-Har vey, b. Jan. 23, 1863. 328 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6272. Franklin' [3235] (Jacob®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew",, Edwardi), b. Jan. 30, 1806 ; res. Chicopee Falls, Ms. ; 1st, m. Thirza-Eunice Kidder, 1831 ; 2d, m. Eunice Holton, 1852. 6273. Benjamin' [3241] (Ira®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 21, 1799 ; 1st, m. Patty Day, of Nel son, N. H., Jan. 14, 1823 ; she was b. June 24. 1800 ; 2d, m. PoUy- F. Prescott, of Westford, Ms., Feb. 18, 1830 ; pub. Jan. 15, 1830 ; shewasb. Aug. 2,1799. 6274. Benjamin-Judson [8668], b. Dec. 6, 1823. 6275. Rufus-D.,b. June 18, 1825. 6276. Ira-D. [8671], b. Mar. 2, 1827. 6277. Martha- J., b. July 2, 1829. 6278. Mary-M., b. Nov. 11, 1830. 6279. Olive, b. Oct. 6, 1832; d. May 18, 1883. 6280. Francis- W., b. Mar. 25, 1836; d. Feb. 4, 1849. 6281. Ira' [8242] (Ira®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 17, 1801. He lived at home till of age ; when m. he settled in Rome, Me. ; about 1828, went to Augusta, Me. ; about 1838, removed to Bel grade, Me. ; in 1848 went to New Sharon, Me. ; removed to Skow hegan, Me., about 1860 ; removed to CUnton, Me. in 1862, where he now res. (1868) ; 1st, m. Mahala Swallow, of Dunstable, Ms., Nov. 3, 1823, at Chelmsford, Ms. ; b. Sept..28, 1804 ; she d. Aug. 28, 1840 (Mr. Swallow's rec. 1841), in Belgrade, Me. ; she was the daughter of Sampson and Ruth Swallow, and granddaughter of Benjamin and Joanna Spalding (479) ; 2d, m. Hannah Swallow, of Dunstable, Ms., Dec. 2, 1840, in Belgrade, Me. ; she was sister of the above, and was b. Sept. 20, 1813. 6282. Asaph, b. Aug. 19, 1827, in Rome, Me. ; d. July 16, 1840, in Bel grade, Me. 6283. Henry- WiUiams [8676], b. July 30, 1830, in Augusta, Me. 6284. Mary, b. Mar. 10, 1833, in Augusta, Me.; ra. Marshal-J. Wood ard, of New London, N. H., Oct. 8, 1865 ; res. Watertown, Wis. 6285. John, b. July 4, 1838, iu Augusta, Me. ; d. Mar. 31, 1868, at He lena, Ark., in the army. 6286. Silas-Curtis, b. Nov. 19, 1841, in Belgrade, Me. 6287. Emeline-Frances, b. July 31, 1844, in Belgrade, Me. 6288. Ellen-Augusta, b. Aug. 22, 1848, in Belgrade, Me. 6289. Charles-Ira, b. June 27, 1853, in New Sharon, Me. 6290. Charles' [3243] (Ira®, Benjamm®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Eldwardi), b. Jan. 8, 1803 ; res. Bedford, Ms., since his marriage ; m. Elizabeth-Colburn Wilson, of Bedford, Ms., May 4, 1826 ; she was b. Sept. 23, 1808, in Bedford, Ms. 6291. Lewis [8679], b. June 10, 1828. 6292. George, b. Dec. 17, 1831 ; d. July 13, 1832. 6293. Augustus, b. July 13, 1833; d. July 31, 1834. 62iU. CaroUne-Augusta, b. Jan. 13, 1839; d. Aug. 23, 1852. 6295. John-Milton' [3252] (Jeremiah®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Sept. 6, 1810 ; d. Mg,r, 1855, SEVENTH GENERATION, 329 He removed to GriflSn's MiUs in 1832 ; thence to Wisconsin in 1843 ; m. Laura Henshaw, of GriflSn's MiUs, N. Y., 1833 ; she d. 1860, in IlUnois. 6296. Charlotte- Augusta, b. Aug. 1836 ; d. 1860, in Illinois. 6297. Hattie, b. Mar. 1838 ; d. 1839. 6298. Charles-Wesley, b. 1842; d. 1861, in lUlnois. 6299. CeceUa, b. 1850; d. 1864. 6300. Ephraim-Parkhurst' [3261] (Henry®, Henry®, Henry*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 23, 1813 ; res. Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. Nancy-Barker Spalding [3236], of Hillsborough, N. H., Nov. 22, 1835. Children all b. in Chelmsford, Ms. 6301. Henry, b. Sept. 6, 1836 ; d. Dec. 24, 1859. 6302. Lucinda, b. Mar. 18, 1839 ; d. Oct. 7, 1840. 6803. John-Barker, b. Sept. 11, 1841; d. Sept. 15, 1854. 6304. Joel' [3262] (Henry®, Henry®, Henry*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 2, 1816 ; res. Sidney, Me. ; P. O., Cen tre Sidney, Me. ; m. EmeUne Spalding [3237], AprU 15, 1839 ; she was the daughter of Jacob Spalding [3228], of Hillsborough, N. H., where she was b, Dec. 1, 1812. 6305. Mary-Barbour, b. Jan. 18, 1840; unraarried. 6306. Edward [8685], b. May 29, 1842. 6307. Thirza-Ann, b. Dec. 31, 1843; d. Nov. 13, 1858. 6308. Jane-Annette, b. Nov. 1, 1846; d. AprU 19, 1866. 6309. Joel-Albert, b. Aug. 9, 1852 ; d. May 4, 1867. 6310. Benjamin' [3263] (Henry®, Henry®, Henry*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 7, 1818 ; res. Augusta, Me. (1868) ; m, Clarissa Cooledge, of Antrim, N H,, April 9, 1840. 6311. Sarah-Maria, b. AprU 6, 1842; d. Aug. 26, 1864. 6312. Jennie-Mary, b. May 23, 1844; ra. Dennis-Barker Jewett, now of Kent's HiU. Me., Feb. 12, 1868. 6313. George-Henry, b. Mar. 2, 1847. 6314. Isaiah-Btam' [3267] (Isaiah®, Henry®, Henry*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 20, 1818 ; m, Mary-Ann Rich ardson, of Townsend, Ms., July 1, 1846, 6316. Joel-Orin, b. July 15, 1850. 6316. Lucretia-B, b. June 8, 1852. 6817. Martha-E., b. Aug. 3, 1854. 6318. Joel' [3272] (Joel®, Henry®, Henry*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. May 26,1818, in Belgrade, Me., where he now res. ; m, Mary-A, Trask, of Belgrade, Me,, Jan. 1, 1845. 6819. Elnora-PhUena, b. Dec. 27, 1846. 6320. Alpheus-MiUard, b. Sept. 6, 1849. 6321. Albion-King, b. Feb. 16, 1851. 6822. Abby -Caroline, b. Sept. 20, 1857 6828. Mary-Angella, b. Aug. 9, 1861. 330 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6324. Joseph-Watson' [3274] (Joel®, Henry®, Henry*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov, 10, 1826 ; d. Feb. 26, 1861, in Cleveland, Ohio ; m. Elizabeth-A. Crocker, of Cleveland, Ohio, Aug, 25, 1851. 6326. Albern-Estella, b. Dec. 26, 1858. 6326. Flora-Dorothy, b. Feb. 25, 1860. 6327. Hosea-Henrt' [3279] (Hosea®, Henry®, Henry*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 6,- 1827, in Rome, Me. ; res, Foxborough, Ms. ; 1st, m, Julia^Maria Wilson, of Foxborough, Ms., Oct. 31, 1847; she d. Sept. 21, 1851, in Foxborough, Ms.; 2d, m. Hannah-Evans Sumner, of Foxborough, Ms., June 5, 1852, Children b. in Foxborough, Ms. 6328. WUUara-Frank, b. Sept. 15, 1850. 6329. Eva-Sumner, b. June 27, 1863; d. Aug. 15, 1863. 6330. Katie-Alma, b. Nov. 5, 1864. 6331. Benjamin-Hartwell' [3280] (Hosea®, Henry®, HenryS, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 18, 1830, in Rome, Me. ; res. Milford, Ms. (1867) ; 1st, m. Elvira-Cordelia Corney, of Fox borough, Ms., Dec. 16, 1853 ; she d. July 13, 1864, in MUford, Ms. ; 2d, m. Elvira-Daniels Ballon, of Milford, Ms., Oct. 24, 1865. 6332. Isaiah-Reddington' [3282] (Hosea®, Henry?, Henry*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 21, 1837, in Rome, Me. ; res. Milford, Ms. (1867) ; m. Mary-Elizabeth Bu-d, of Foxbor ough; Ms., Nov. 27, 1866. 6333. Ella-Frances, b. July 81, 1860, in Foxborough, Ms. 6334. Herbert-Reddington, b. Aug. 9, 1862, in Upton, Ms. 6336. Etta-BeU, b. Aug. 8, 1866, in Milford, Ms. ; d. Nov. 29, 1866. 6336. Josiah' [3284] (Josiah®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. AprU 14, 1795 ; res. Townsend, Ms., where he d. May, 1853 ; m. Fanny Hildreth, May 24, 1817 ; she was b. Aug. 21, 1790, in Townsend, Ms.; she d. Oct. 12, 1865, at North ampton, Ms. Children all b. in Townsend, Ms. 6337. Fanny, b. Nov. 28, 1818. 6338. Lucinda, b. Oct. 18, 1820. 6339. Josiah [8686], b. Oct. 6, 1822. 6340. Lydia-Keyes, b. Aug. 28, 1824 ; she was a missionary of the Epis copal church, and d. in Africa, Cape Palmas, April 7, 1861 ; she sailed in Sept. 1859, arrived in Jan., and d. ofthe fever com- raon to that climate. 6341. EUzabeth-HUdreth, b. Sept. 17, 1825; m. David Ingalls, of Ches ter. N. H. ; she d. 6342. Mark-Harry [8687], b. Mar. 20, 1827. 6843. Charles-Elwin [8692], b. July 8, 1831. 6344. Elisha' [3288] (Josiah®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 31, 1804; P. O., East Lexington; m. SEVENTH GENERATION. 331 Amelia-Margaret Twist, of Baltimore, Md., May 19, 1839, in East Lexington, Ms.*; she was b. Dec. 20, 1809. 6345. WilUara-Austin [8695], b. Jan. 27, 1841. 6346. Mary- Virginia, b. Feb. 13, 1847; unmarried (1868). 6347. Joel' [3290] (Josiah®, Josiahs, Josiah*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 19, 1809 ; d. Aug. 10, 1869 ; res. in Townsend, Ms. ; m. Mary StUes, May 11, 1837 ; she was b. Feb. 19, 1820. 6348. Albert, b. May 19, 1839 ; d. Oct. 16, 1863. 6349. Stephen-Augustus, b. Dec. 16, 1841 ; d. Nov. 12, 1863. 6360. Henry, b. JuneJlO, 1844. 6351 Everett, b. June 19, 1846 ; d. Dec. 3, 1861. 6362. Asenath, b. July 15, 1848. 6353. Mary-Elizabeth, b. July 22, 1861. 6364. Lorin-Everett, b. Oct. 3, 1859. 6355. John' [3293] (Moses®, Josiahs, Josiah*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 29, 1807, in Townsend, Ms. ; res. Brook line, N. H. (1867) ; 1st, m. Sirlinda- Washington Cole, of Grafton, Ms., Dec. 15, 1831 ; she d. Nov. 7, 1847 ; 2d, m. Louisa Hobert, of Brookline, N. H., May 6, 1849. No children (1867). 6356. Moses' [3294] (Moses®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 29, 1810, in Townsend, Ms, ; res, Graf ton, N, H. (1867) ; 1st, m. Roxana Baily, of Springfleld, N. H., June 6, 1839 ; she d. Mar. 29, 1861 ; 2d, m, Dotothy Prescott, of Grafton, N. H., July 6, 18—. 6387. John-Fields [8697], b. Nov. 1, 1840, in Enfleld, N. H. 6358. Arra-Baily, b. June 13, 1845 ; d. Mar. 8, 1847? 6359. Sarah-Ann-Farnum, b. Mar. 21, 1848. 6360. Charies-EU, b. Jan. 21, 1855 ; d. Jan. 22, 1856. 6361. Walter' [3295] (Moses®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 19, 1812, in Townsend, Ms. ; res, Pepperell, Ms. (1867) ; m. Emeline-Coflln Lee, of Douglass, Ms., AprU 24, 1838 ; pub. AprU 5, 1838. 6362. Ezekiel- Wood [8698], b. Feb. 26, 1839, in PeppereU, Ms. 6863. Walter-MarceUus, b. Oct. 17, 1846 ; res. Worcester, Ms. 6364, Eli'' [3296] (Moses®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrews, An- . drew", Edwardi), b. July 11, 1814, in Townsend, Ms, ; d, Dec. 2, 1850, in Enfield, N. H. ; res. in Pepperell, Ms., Nashua, N. H., and Lowell; 1st, m. Hattie Eastman, of Hollis, N. H., Oct. 6, 1839 ; pub. Sept. 15, 1839 ; she was b. July 7, 1819, in HolUs, N. H. ; d. Sept. 14, 1848, in LoweU, Ms. ; 2d, m. Nancy Baily, AprU 24, 1849, in Enfleld, N. H. ; she was b. AprU 25 1827, in Springfield, N. H. 6365. William-Franklin [8699], b. July 3, 1842, in Pepperell, Ms. 6366. Georgiana- Augusta, b. Dec. 18, 1844, in Nashua, N. H. , m. Thomas-M. Holmes, Nov. 7, 1866 res. Londonderry, N. H. 332 the SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6367. Henet' [3301] (Moses®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 16, 1827; res. Townsend^Ms., on WaUis HiU ; m. Amanda Perkins, of BrookUne, N. H., Nov. 23, 1853. 6868. Ida-Estelle, b. July 1, 1857. 6369. EmUy- Amanda, b. May 30, 1860. 6370. Samuel' [3304] (John®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 3, 1789, in Cavendish, Vt. ; d. Dec. 2, 1851, in Massena, N. Y. ; 1st, m. Hannah Haggett, of Caven dish, Vt., Sept. 9, 1810 ; she d. Mar. 7, 1839, in Massena, N. Y. ; 2d, m. Mrs. Betsey Hovey (widow of John Hovey), of Magsena, N. Y., July 22, 1839. 6371. Hannah, b. Jan. 30, 1812, in Fairhaven, Vt. ; m. Riley Wright, of Louisville, N. Y.,Dec. 9, 1838; he d. Dec. 2, 1867; she nowres. in Chapin, Franklin Co., Iowa. A son and a daughter, b. Mar. 17, 1814 ; both d. same day. 6372. Samuel-StUlman [8700], b. July 2, 1815, in Cavendish, Vt. 6373. Annett-Melisse, b. Oct. 6, 1817, in Cavendish, Vt. ; m. Charles Trager, of Lake Station, Lake Co., Ind., Feb. 4, 1862; he was drafted Sept. 28, 1864 ; d. in the hospital at Washington, June 16, 1865 ; she now lives in Chapin, Iowa. 6374. Mary-Ann, b. July 11, 1821, in Massena, N. Y. ; m. David-Dake Miller, of Massena, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1842; res. Ross Station, Lake Co., Ind. 6375. Salome, b. May 8, 1826, in Massena, N. Y. ; m. John-Tilman Morse, of Lake Station, Ind., Mar. 16, 1856. 6376. Rhoda, b. Sept. 3, 1827, in Massena, N. Y. ; d. May 7, 1833. 6377. Solomon-Edmond [8706], b. Sept. 7, 1829, in Massena, N. Y. 6378. William' [3305] (John®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 25, 1791 ; m. Catharine Smith, Oct, 24, 1819, in New York City ; she was b. Dec. 28, 1799, in Brook lyn, N. Y. ; she d. Oct. 5, 1856, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 6379. WiUiam [87081, b. May 29, 1821. 6380. Hannah-Maria^ b. Nov. 5, 1822 ; d. July 11, 1828. 6381. John-Lindsley [8721], b. April 17, 1824. 6382. Robert-Henry [8722], b. Sept. 11, 1826. 6383. Joseph- Adam [8723], b. Nov. 1, 1829. 6384. Catharine-Maria, b. Jan. 11, 1830. 6386. Samuel-Sraith [8724], b. Dec. 10, 1832. 6386. Mary-Jane, b. Nov. 1, 1886; m. Augustus TiUotson, Jan. 2, 1867; res. Port Clinton, Ohio. 6387. Ann-Josephine, b. Sept. 9, 1841 ; m. Robert Welch, May 14, 1859 ; res. Florence, Iowa. 6388. John' [3307] (John®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 3, 1799, in Cavendish, Vt. ; d. Dec. 11, 1858, in Cavendish ; 1st, m. Mrs. Esther Howe, of Chester, Vt., Mar. 31, 1829; she d. Sept. 1, 1831, in Cavendish, Vt. ; 2d, m, Lucy Marsh, of Cavendish, Vt., Jan. 5, 1832 ; she d. May 4, 1861, in North Springfield, Vt. 6389. Maria-Esther, b. Feb. 13, 1830 ; m. Freedom-Seaver Proctor, of Cavendisli, Vt., Feb. 8, 1862. SEVENTH GENERATION, 333 6390. John-Bzekiel [8727], b. June 8, 1831. 6891. Lorenzo-Quimby [8730], b. Feb. 26, 1834. 6392. Rosetta- Armenia, b. Aug. 31, 1836; m. Chauncey Delano, of Pom fret, Vt., Feb. 14, 1855 ; he was killed by faUing from the roof of a building in Worcester, Ms., Nov. 28, 1867 ; she is living in Hubbardston, Ms. (1867). 6893. Lucy-Ann, b. Sept. 11, 1839 ; m. Joseph Davis, of Rutland, Ms., July 15, 1860. 6894. George-Perham [8732], b. Mar. 30, 1843. 6396. Isadore-Amanda, b. June 14, 1850; res. Worcester, Ms. (1867). 6396. Nathaniel' [3308] (John®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 7, 1801 ; res. Springfleld, Vt. Mr. Nathaniel Spalding, his sons, and sons-in-law,- are all far mers, and agriculture has been the occupation almost universally in this branch of the family ; m, Anna Swift, Jan. 4, 1826. 6397. MaUnda-Ann, b. Aug. 7, 1829 ; d. Mar. 9, 1831. 6398. JuUa-Ann, b. Oct. 2, 1881 ; m. Sarauel-H. Nutting. Nov. 25, 1851 ; res. Andover, Vt. (1867). 6899. Charles-ElUot [8733], b. July 24, 1833; res. Cavendish, Vt. (1867). 6400. Henry [8788], b. July 7, 1835; res. Cavendish, Vt. (1867). 6401. Francis-Proctor [8741], b. June 18, 1837; res. Springfleld, Vt. (1867). 6402. Elizabeth, b. March 8, 1839 ; she is a teacher ; res. Springfield, Vt. She has generously contributed ranch inforraation for this volume. 6403. Emily-Janette, b. Feb. 14, 1841 ; m. John-Henry Martin, Nov. 7, 1861 ; res. North Springfleld, Vt. 6404. Sarah-Jane, b. Aug. 3, 1843 ; ra. Alhert-DeLos Herrick, Mar. 7, 1865; res. Andover, Vt. (1867). 6406. James-Alman, b. July 13, 1846; d. Jan. 31, 1866. 6406. Jefferson' [3309] (John®, William®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 10, 1803; d. Aug. 10, 1862, at Brasher, N. Y. ; m. Betsey . 6407. Eunice, b. June 13, 1829 ; d. 6408. Thomas, b. Feb. 3, 1831; d. 6409. George- Washington, b. Juue 18, 1832; res. Canton, N. Y. 6410, Charles-Eldad [8744], b. June 27, 1834; res. Theresa, N. Y. 6411. Hannah, b. Mar. 1, 1836 ; d. 6412. Joseph, b. July 12, 1837 ; went to California fourteen or fifteen years since (1869). 6418. Hannah, b. Sept. 20, 1838 ; m. ; res. Brasher FaUs, N. Y. 6414. Malinda, b. Nov. 6, 1841; m. ; she d. 6415. Henry, b. Nov. 7, 1843; he is soraewhere in Vt. 6416. Thomas, b. Sept. 6, 1846 ; he enlisted in the navy, and has not been heard from for many years. 6417. John, b. June 30, 1849 ; he is soraewhere in Vt. 6418. Warren' [3316] (WiUiam®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 20, 1793 ; he d. some years ago in Wis. ; 1st, m. Louisa Sanders, of Cavendish, Vt., Jan. 1827 ; 2d, m, Elmira Spofibrd, of Ludlow, Vt. He had children, and one of his sons, Merrick-S. Spalding, has resided at Windsor, Dane Co., Wis. 334 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 6419. Merrick-S, 6420. Franklin' [3319] (WiUiam®, WilUamS, Josiah*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 6, 1799, in Cavendish, Vt. ; res. Bloomington, 111,, 1867 ; m. Azubah-Howard Cole, of W;eathers- fleld, Vt., Sept, 18, 1826. 6421. I Mary-Melvina, b. June 26, 1830, in Weathersfleld, Vt. ; m. Henry- Lewis-Shafter HaskeU, of Metamora, IU., Sept., 1861; she d. Nov. 2, 1864. 6422. Ann-Eliza, b. Aug. 18, 1832; d. June 24, 1857, in Bloomington, IU. 6423. Am9S-Cole, b. Aug. 25, 1837; d. Feb. 6, 1867. 6424. Ryland' [3323] (WiUiam®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 28, 1810 ; res. Randolph, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. 6425. Steadman' [3329] (Asa®, WUliamS, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 16, 1804, at Plymouth, Vt. ; res. Lud low, Vt. ; m. Arterista Haven-, April 28, 1831, at Ludlow, Vt. 6426. Leonora- Arterista, b. Sept. 29, 1832 ; m. Thomas-Curtis Bagley, Jan. 30, 1849 ; res. Ludlow, Vt. 6427. Ella- Elizabeth, b. Aug. 14, 1835; ra. Joseph- WiUard Reed, Sept. 5, 1854; she d. July 12, 1868, at Glendale, Wis. 6428. Darius' [3332] (Joseph®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 10, 1794, in Cavendish, Vt. Soon after his marriage, he reinoved to Rushford, N. Y., thence to Ohio in 1824 ; now res. in Cedar Springs, Trent Co., Mich. ; m. Elvira LoveU, of Cavendish, Vt., Oct. 1, 1818 ; she d. Sept. 24, 1868, in Geneva, Ohio. 6429. Joseph-LoveU [8746], b. July 6, 1819. 6430. Irene-Maria, b. AprU 28, 1820 ; m. Renben-R. Pitney, Sept. 12, 1841 ; she d. June 30, 1853, in Pierpont, Ohio. 6431. Hannah-Sophia, b. Feb. 28, 1823 ; m. Charles Stevens, of Pier pont, Ohio ; she d. July, 1853. 6432. Udoxy-Angerone, b. Juue 24, 1825; m. John-W. Helmer, of Conneaut, Ohio ; res. in Indiana (1867). 6433. William- WaUace [8757], b. Feb. 24, 1828. 6434. Kimball-Chapman [8758], b. Jan. 16, 1881. 6435. Adin' [3333] (Joseph®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Oct. 24, 1795 ; d. about 1864, in Indiana. He was divorced, and m. a second wife in Murray, N. Y. They have six or seven children, some of them are m. and live in To ledo, Ohio ; m. Eliza Watch, of Pomfret, Vt., Aug. 31, 1823. ,6486. DeWitt-Clinton, b. July 10, 1824 ; now res. somewhere in Iowa. 6437. Mary- Ann, b. June 14, 1826 ; m. Dr. Wolcott; res. NUes, 111. 6438. Joseph-Adams' [3336] (Joseph®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, An drewS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 9, 1800 ; m. Julia-Ann West, of Strafibrd, Vt., Oct. 12, 1828. SEVENTH GENERATION. 335 6439. Charles-West [8766], b. Sept. 8, 1829. 6440. Jane-AmeUa, b. AprU 4, 1832 ; m. Asa Merrill, of Elgin, 111. 6441. Hannah- ArabeUa, b. May 27, 1834 ; m. Franklin Bessie, of Como, IU. 6442. Mercy-BacheUer, b. Jan. 16, 1886 ; d. Feb. 18, 1840. 6443. Mary-Ann, b. Nov. 27, 1838. 6444. Joseph-Albert, b. Aug. 8, 1841. 6446. Sarah-Eliza, b. Dec. 4, 1842. 6446. Hem-y-Uriel, b. Mar. 3, 1844. 6447. WUber-Fisk, b. June 16, 1845. 6448. Uriel' [3338] (Joseph®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 26, 1807 ; res. Quechee, Vt. ; m. Eliza-Baldwin Dewey, May 27, 1833. 6449. Nancy-Taylor-Johnson, b. April 19, 1844; ra. Thomas-Orvillo Seaver, June 30, 1861 ; he is a lawyer in Cavendish, Vt. 6450. Mary-EUza, b. Aug. 12, 1846 ; res. with her father, in Quechee, Vt. (1867.) 6451. Aaron-Wheeler' [3340] (Zedekiah®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 21, 1797 ; d. Feb, 7, 1868, at Cavendish, Vt., where he resided ; P. O. address, Proctorsville, Vt. ; m. Dolly Ives, of Ludlow, Vt., AprU 5, 1824, 6462. Ozro-Ives [8767], b. June 13, 1826. 6453. Sarah-Lorinda, b. Jan. 11, 1827; m. Dr. John-Quincy Adaras, of Carmel, Putnam Co., N. Y., Aug. 16, 1863; she d. Dec. 30, 1867, at Carrael, N. Y. 6454. Charles-Forest [8770], b. Sept. 3, 1839. 6455, Salmon' [3342] (Zedekiah®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi)-, b. May 10, 1801 ; d. Jan. 24, 1858, in TaylorsviUe, Ontario Co., N. Y. ; m. Louisa-Augusta Smith, of Clarendon, Vt., Feb. 14, 1826 ; she res. in TaylorsviUe, N. Y., (1867). 6456. Seneca-Smith, b. July 4, 1827, in Cavendish, Vt, ; d. Oct. 3, 1856, in TaylorsviUe, N. Y. ; he was a physician. 6467. JamesrDennison [8772], b. Mar. 30, 1831, in Cavendish, Vt. 6458. Augusta-Louisa, b. June 12, 1843, in Hubbardton, Vt. 6469. Allen' [3343] (Zedekiah®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 3, 1805 ; res. South Reading, Vt. ; m. Cynthia Goddard, of Reading, Vt., Feb. 18, 1830. 6460. Laura-Goddard, b. May 6, 1832 ; m. Frank- Marvin Robinson, of Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 3, 1857 ; he is a lawyer. 6461. Marcus-Aurelius [8776], b. Feb. 17, 1835. 6462. Nathan-Paine' [3346] (Zaccheus®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 20, 1806, in Cavendish, Vt. ; res. Windsor, Dane Co., Wis. ; m. Maria Spalding, of Claremont, N. H., Sept. 20, 1831. 6463. Jerusha-Maria, b. Aug. 9, 1882 ; m. John-MarshaU Combs, of Ohio, April 10, 1862; he was kiUed at Fort Donelson. 6464. Elbert [8777], b. Nov. 26, 1833. 336 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6465. Lucy-EUza, b. Aug. 28, 1885; m. James-Fletcher PliU, of N. Y., July 2, 1863; res. Rose Lake, Minn. (1867). 6466. Charles-Henry, b. Nov. 30, 1851. 6467, George-Adams' [3347] (Zaccheus®, WUliam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept, 16, 1808, in Cavendish, Vt. ; d. Oct. 9, 1870 ; res. Burke, Wis, (1867) ; m, Mary Law rence, May 11, 1833, 6468. Lucy- Ann, b. April 11, 1834; m. George- Winston Harris, Jvdy 21, 1850. she d. Mar. 15, 1858 ; res. in Burke, Wis. 6469. Mary-Ellen, b.Feb. 4,1837; m. James-Harvey Conley, Nov. 9, 1864; res. Newton Co., Missouri. 6470. Emily-Eliza, b. Aug. 23, 1839 ; m. Henry- Harrison Colbry, June 26, 1859 ; res. Newlisland, Wisconsin. 6471. Malvina-Melinda, b. Oct. 31, 1843; d. Feb. 6, 1844. 6472. Jane-Amanda, b. Jan. 17, 1845 ; m. Matthew-A. ThraU, May 18, 1862. 6473. George-Adams, b. Sept. 28, 1851. 6474. Zaccheus- Alonzo' [3353] (Zaccheus®, William®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Ajig. 24, 1825 ; P. O. address West Claremont, N. H. ; m. Louisa-Liscomb Matthewson, Jime 6, 1866, 6475. Clarence-Elraer, b. May 31, 1866. 6476. Ada-Faustina, b. Oct. 26, 1869. 6477. Hattie-Maria, b. Oct. 1, 1863. 6478. Artemas' [3365] (Jonas®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew^ Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 24, 1809 ; 1st, m. Mary French, of Cavendish, Vt., Mar. 29, 1836 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Sarah-Angelia Emery, May 14, 1865 ; she was the widow of James Emery, of Plymouth, Vt. 6479. Allen-Bushrod [8779], b. Nov. 23, 1886. 6480. Colraan, b. Sept. 16, 1839 ; d. Sept. 7, 1841. 6481. Suraner, b. Dec. 3, 1844; d. Mar. 15, 1863. 6482. Mary-Brigdon, b. Sept. 26, 1853 ; res. Cavendish, Vt. 6483. Stillman-Dutton' [3358] (Jonas®, WiUiamS, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 18, 1813 ; res, Tyson Fur nace, Vt. ; m. Sally Farr, of WaUingford, Vt. 6484. Charles-Rensselaer' [3361] (Jonas®, William®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 29, 1820 ; d. Oct. 15, 1865, at Rutland, Vt He was thrice married ; flrst to Alzina Paine, of Cavendish, Vt., who left two daughters. He had sons by his second or third marriage. 6485. Hannah. 6486. Achsah. 6487. Randall' [3362] (Jonas®, WUliam®, Josiah*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 17, 1822; res. Cavendish, Vt, ; m, Isabel Stuart, of Cavendish. Vt. They have children. SEVENTH GENERATION. 337 6488. Jonathan'- [3365] (Ephraim®, Jonathan®, Ephraim*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 22, 1806 ; res. Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. Mary-Ann Harwood, April 29, 1831 ; she is the grand daughter of Lucy Spalding [622] and William Parker. 6489. Charles-Barbour [8780], b. Oct. 21, 1832 ; res. Chelmsford (1867). 6490. Lydia-Ann, b. Dec. 22, 1834. 6491. Mary-Parker, b.. Dec. 8, 1839 ; d. 6492. EUen-Lucinda, b. May 21, 1842; d. Oct. 9, 1846. 6493. George-Ephraim [8786], b. Aug. 31, 1844. 6494. Emma-Leora, b. May 22, 1855. 6495. Ephraim' [3367] (Ephraim®, Jonathans, Ephraim*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 14T 1809, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; d. July 4, 1861 ; m. Betsey Parkhurst, Mar. 16, 1837 (other author ity. Mar. 26) ; she d. Sept. 19, 1859. 6496. Sardine-Parkhurst.b. Feb. 16.1839(others, Feb.15) ; d. Feb. 2, 1854, 6497. Araos-Parkhurst, b. April 25, 1841 (others, AprU 17). 6498. Betsey-Lydia, b. Sept. 17, 1842 (others, Sept. 25). 6499. Rev. Ephraim' [3371] (Zechariah®, Jonathan®, Ephraim*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 10, 1802 ; d. June 28, 1840, He fitted for college at Chester,Vt. ; grad. at Middlebury Coll. 1828 ; studied theology at Andover, and grad. in 1831. He was ord. as a missionary to the Sandwich Islands, Nov. 21, 1831 ; sailed Nov. 26, 1831. He left on his return, Dec. 31,1836 ; arr. in Boston June 27, 1837. His health was broken by the service, andhewas able to preach only a portion of the time. The sermon preached at his funeral by Rev. Rufus Anderson, D. D., " The Christian Missionary desiring to be with Christ," was published in 1840 ; m. Julia Brooks, of Buckland, Ms., Nov. 11, 1831. 6500, Mary-Grant, b. May 10, 1833 ; ra. Jaraes-F. Lesley, Sept. 20, 1858 ; she d. April 22, 1861. Cornelius-Ogden, b. Sept. 22, 1834; d, AprU8, 1835, atLahaind,, Sandwich Islands. 6501. Cornelius-Ogden [8787], b. Sept. 30, 1836. 6502. Julia-Sophia, b. Mar. 4, 1839, in Ludlow, Vt. ; ra. George-Fred erick Stone, June 26, 1861, in Newburyport, Ms. Mr. Stone is a raerchant ,of the flrra of Stone, Denny & Co., Boston, Ms. ; res. Melrose, Ms. Children: Mary-Spalding, b. Sept. 2, 1862, d. Dec. 21, 1863; EUza- Atkins, b. Feb. 12, 1864; Julia-Brooks, b. Aug. 28, 1866, d. 1866: George-Goodwin, b. AprU 7, 1867 j Cornelia- Spalding, b. Oct. 1870. 6503. Benjamin-Parker' [3373] (Zechariah®, Jonathan®, Ephraim*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 26, 1807; res. Ludlow, Vt. ; 1st, m. Anna-W. Whitcomb, of Ludlow, Vt., Jan. 6, 1835 ; she d. Jan. 6, 1838 ; 2d, m. Miriam Read, of Ludlow, Vt., Mar. 10, 1841. 6504. JuUa- Ann, b. AprU 13, 1836 ; d. Oct. 13, 1846. 6505. Silas-Barron' [3374] (Zechariah®, Jonathan®, Ephraim^ Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 26, 1810 ; res. Ludlow, Vt, ; m. Cyrena-B. Gilbert, Oct. 4, 1834. 22 338 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 6606. EmUy-Cyrena, b. July 9, 1836 ; d. Jan. 16, 1856. 6507. Elmina-EUzabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1889. 6508. Mary-Ellen, b. June 4, 1846. 6509. Anson' [3375] (Zechariah®, Jonathan®, Ephraim*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b, July 3, 1813 ; d. ; res. in Lud low, Vt. ; m, Lucy-AmeUa Brown, AprU 11, 1839 ; she d, Dec. 25, 1852. 6610. AmeUa-Brown, b. Sept. 17, 1841; m. Abel-H. Johnson, Jan. 23, 1866; she d. Sept. 4, 1868, at Grand Rapids, Mich. 6611. JuUa-Ann, b. Sept. 3, 1850. 6512. Obadiah' [3381] (Isaac®, Jonathans, Isaac*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 14, 1789 ; m. Jane Kennedy. 6513. John-FrankUn [8788], b. Mar. 20, 1820. 6514. George-Benjamin [8794], b. Aug. 22, 1822. 6516. Silvia, b. Jan. 19, 1825; m. Edward Doyle, Sept. 21, 1842; res. West Bridgewater, Vt. (1867). 6516. Betsey-Ann, b. Aug. 8, 1829 ; m. Albert Persons, March 11, 1849 ; res. Plymouth, Vt. (1867). 6517. Hosea-Houston [8798], b. June 4, 1888. 6518. Joseph-Kennedy [8802], b. June 20, 1837. 6519. Isaac' [3382] (Isaac®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 13, 1791. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He lived one year in Bristol, Vt., then went to Canton, N. Y. ; now res. in South Can ton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; 1st, m. Chloe Vradenburgh, of Bristol, Vt., June, 1816 ; she d. Jan. 1821 ; 2d, m. Charlotte Kil- boume, of Shrewsbury, Vt., Oct. 6, 1825 ; she was b. Dec. 23, 1792; d. Mar.. 26, 1865. 6520. Hannah, b. May 26, 1818; d. Nov. 16, 1869. 6621. Lucy, b. June 17, 1819; d. Nov. 29, 1847. 6522. Fanny-Elizabeth, b. June 30, 1826 ; unmarried (1869) ; res. So, Canton, N. Y. 6523. Washington [8805], b. Sept. 27, 1827. 6624. Wallace, b. Aug. 11,1829; unmarried (1869) ; res. So. Canton, N.Y. 6526, John, b. April 18, 1831 ; he is m. and res. in Virginia City, Nevada ; has not been heard from for years. 6526. Frederick, b. July 13, 1883 ; d. Feb. 28, 1834. 6627, Chloe, b. Aug. 20, 1885 ; m. Heman-Benedict Mead, AprU 15, 1860; res. Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 6528. James' [3390] (Jonathan®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrews, Andrew?, Edwardi), b. Oct. 22, 1798, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. Aug. 14, 1864, in Mendham, N, J, ; m.^Betsey Smith, of Mason, N. H., 1829, No children, 6529, Ephraim' [3391] (Jonathan®, Jonathans, Isaac*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 15, 1801 ; d. June 13, 1850, at Pontiac, Mich. He moved from Vermont to Troy, Mich., in 1845. He was a marble dealer; m, AuriUa Frank, Dec. 25, 1821 ; she was the SEVENTH GENERATION, 339 daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah-Chatsy Frank, of Middlebury, Vt., and was b. June 30, 1802. Children all b. in Middlebury, Vt. 6530. WiUiam-Frederick [8810], b. AprU 29, 1828. 6531. Sereno-Spring, b. Feb. 21, 1825; d. Feb. 13, 1852, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; he was a member of the graduating class, in the medi cal department, of the Mich. University at the tirae of his death, and bid fair to be an honor to his profession. 6632. Laura-Ann, b. Dec. 9, 1827; d. Jan. 7, 1862, at Ann Arbor, Mich. 6538. Eliza-Adaline, b. April 13,1832; m. Edwin- Alonzo Stedman, Nov. 6, 1853, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; she d. at Owasso, Mich., AprU 15, 1868. 6534. JuUa-Maria, b. Dec. 10, 1834; d. May 25, 1851, at Ann Arbor, Mich. 6535. Charles-Almou [8813], b. Nov. 26, 1839. 6536. Jonathan' [3392] (Jonathan®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi) , b. June 14, 1 803 ; res. Townsend, Ms. He is the third Jonathan Spalding who has occupied the old home stead ; m. Mary Warner, of Townsend, Ms., April 10, 1828. 6587. Alfl-ed-Stearns [8815], b. June 21, 1829. 6538. Sarah- Hemenway, b. Oct. 27, 1832. 6639. Gilman-Warner, b. Mar. 13, 1840. 6540. John' [3395] (Jonathan®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 2, 1809 ; d. Feb. 11, 1860, in Pepper ell, Ms., aged 61 ; m. Elizabeth Kinsman, of Oxford, N. H., May 1, 1833 ; she now lives in Pepperell, Ms. He left no children. 6541. Mary-Caroline-Augusta, b. May 12, 1850; d. Aug. 1860. 6542. Rev John' [3399] (Hezekiah®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 30, 1800, in Mason, N, H. He fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Ms. ; grad. at Middlebury College in 1825 ; completed his theological course at Andover Theo. Sem., Sept. 24, 1828, and the next day was ordained as an evangelist at Newburyport, by the Presbytery of Newburyport, under commission as a missionary to the valley of the Mississippi ; was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Athens, O., 1828-33, during which time 118 persons were admitted to the church, most of them on a profession of their faith ; of a Bible class numbering 87, all but 9 became professors of religion ; 21 of them entered the ministry of the Gospel ; 2 became foreign missionaries, and flve or six of them the wives of ministers. He was corresponding secretary of the Western Education Society, Cincinnati, O., 1833-37 ; pastor of the Main Street Presbyterian church, Peoria, IU., 1837-41 ; during which time 69 persons were received into the church, 33 of them on a profession of their faith. Removed to the city of New Yorlc, where he still res., and was corresponding secretary of the American Seamen's Friend Society, 1841-67, when the state of his health required the resig- 340 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, nation of his office ; res. 342 West 28th St., N. Y, City ; 1st, m. Olive-Catharine-Butterfield Kendall, of Dunstable, Ms., Sept, 25, 1828 ; she d. Mar. 14, 1852 ; 2d, m. AdeUne- Johnson McMartin, of New York City, Mar. 22, 1853. 6543. Abel' [3400] (Hezekiah®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrews, Andrew", EdWardi), b. Nov. 20, 1802, in Groton, Ms., where he res. ; 1st, m. EUzabeth Kendall, of Dunstable, Ms., May 28, 1829 ; she d. July 25, 1865; 2d, m. ^ Mary-Jane Parker, of Dunstable, Ms., Nov. 20, 1866. 6544. Sarah-Olivia, b. Sept. 1, 1880, in Charlestown, Ms. ; m. Nathan- Wait-M. Perkins, of St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 1865. 6645. Arthur-Kendall, b. Sept. 21, 1861, in Groton, Ms. 6646. George' [3403] (Hezekiah®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 4, 1807, in Shirley, Ms. ; res. Harvard, Ms., where he d. June 12, 1847 ; m. Lavinia Conant, of Shirley, Ms., Oct. 3, 1830 ; she now res. in Townsend, Ms. Children all b. in Shirley, Ms. 6547, Charles-Lewis [8816], b. May 8, 1881. 6648. Lorenzo- Woodbury [8820], b. Sept. 8, 1888. 6549. Sarah-Lavinia, b. Dec. 26, 1836. 6560. Hezekiah' [3407] (Hezekiah®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 14, 1818, in Shirley, Ms., where he res. ; m. Lucy- Ann HartweU, of Shirley, Ms., May 2, 1844, Children all b. in Shirley, Ms. ; none of them m. in 1870. 6551. Catharine-Lucretia, b. April 1, 1845. 6552. Abbie-Ann, b. Jan. 20, 1847. 6553 Justin, b. Aug. 21, 1849. 6554. Nathaniel-HartweU, b. Sept. 28, 1854 ; d. Sept. 13, 1865. 6555. John-Edwards, b. July 11, 1852. 6556. Hezekiah, b. Aug. 2, 1858. 6557, Dea. John' [3412] (Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 10, 1794; d. May 15, 1866; res. in Townsend, Ms., where he d. ; 1st, m. Mrs. Eleanor Bennet, of Boston, 1814 ; she d. Feb. 19, 1828 ; 2d, m. ElizarLawrence Spalding [3398], of Shirley, Ms., June 3, 1830 ; she d. March 20, 1832 ; 3d, m. Esther Pierce, of Townsend, Ms., May 22, 1834 ; she was b, July 16, 1811. 6658. Elizabeth- Ann, b. Oct. 1, 1814 ; unmarried (1868) ; res. Boston, Ms. 6559. John [8823], b, Aug. 8, 1817. 6560. Mary-Heald, b. AprU 6, 1820; m. Seth-Straw Jones, of Effing ham, N. H., Oct. 18, 1848; he d. June 24, 1856; 2d, m. HartweU Graham, of Townsend, Ms., March 11, 1858; res. Townsend, Ms. 6561. Sibyl, b. Sept. 12, 1822 ; m. Abel-Jones Barrett, of Concord, Ms., Feb. 1841 ; res. some tirae in Concord, Ms. ; now res. in Wil- raington, Del. (1868). 6562. -Caroline-Matilda, b. Oct. 18, 1824. 6568, Abel [8824], b. Sept. 21, 1831. SEVENTH GENERATION, 341 6564. Ellen-Maria, b. Nov. 21, 1838 ; d. Dec. 30, 1853. 6566. Isabella- Albertine, b. Nov. 13, 1842 ; m. Leander RoweU, of Lan caster, Ms., May 1, 1868 ; res. Lancaster. 6666. Theodore-Lyraan, b. AprU 21, 1845 ; d. Oct. 12, 1846. 6667. Lyman-Beecher, b Feb. 26, 1847. 6668. Theodore-Eddy, b. May 3, 1849. 6669. EUen-Rebecca, b. Feb. 23, 1854. 6570, Benjamin' [3413] (Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b, Aug. 17, 1798 ; d. June 12, 1857; res. Townsend, Ms. ; m. Eliza Evans, of Townsend, Ms., Oct, 8, 1824 ; she was b. Dec. 24, 1807 ; she d. Dec. 24, 1867, 6571. Adaline-Elizabeth, b. July 25, 1826; m. Richard GUchrist, of Townsend, Ms., July 3, 1848 ; he was b. Oct. 13, 1826 ; res. Lunenburg, Ms. 6672. Benjamin-Minot [8826], b. AprU 30, 1827. 6573. Mary-Antoinette, b. Sept. 13, 1829 ; ra. John-Pierce Tyler, of Townsend, May 27, 1850; he was b. 1827; d. Sept. 7, 1857; she d. Feb. 19, 1859 ; res. in Townsend, Ms. 6574. EmUy-Augusta, b. Feb. 19, 1837; m. WUliara-Manly Ward, of Calais, Me., May 27, 1865; he was b. April 17, 1843; res. Lunen burg, Ms. 6575. Levi' [3415] (Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 28, 1801 ; res. Townsend, Ms., where he d, Aug. 5, 1843 ; m. Milly Wallace, Oct. 19, 1820 ; she was b. Nov. 8, 1802 ; d. Dec. 19, 1868. 6576. Asa-Davis [8830], b. Aug. 2, 1822. 6577. Nelson-RusseU, b. Sept. 12, 1824; d. Oct. 16, 1838. 6578. Jonathan-WaUace [8831], b. Aug. 8, 1827. 6579. Levi-Lincoln, b. Oct. 30, 1829 ; res. unknown. 6680. Benjamin-Brooks [8834], b. Jan. 22, 1832. 6681. MUo-Franklin, b. Jan. 17, 1838; d. Oct. 25, 1858. 6682. Ai-Harrison [8835], b. July 4, 1841. 6583. George-Nelson, b. Sept. 18, 1843; he is out West, place un known. 6684. Peter' [3416] (Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew' , Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 19, 1803 ; d. AprU 20, 1851 ; res. Putnam, N. Y. ; m. Polly Fish ; she d. 6685. Nancy, b. ; d. 6686. John, b. ; d. 6587. Elizabeth- Jane, b. ; m. 6588. Benjamin-Oatman. 6589. Nancy- Jane. 6590. Clarissa, b. ; m. Carr. 6591. Martha. 6592. Jonas' [3417] (Benjamin®, Benjamins, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 28, 1805; res. Townsend, Ms. ; m. Lydia-Chadwick Nowell, of Worcester, Ms., April 4, 1832; she was b. Nov. 30, 1806, in Lynn, Ms. Children all b. in Townsend, Ms. 6593. Jonas [8886], b. Feb. 6, 1833. 6594. Sarah-Ann, b. Aug. 8, 1834; m. Luther Fitch, of PeppereU, Ms., April 13, 1858 ; res. PeppereU. 342 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL 6595. Charies [8839], b. May 4, 1836. 6596. Catharine-Nowell, b. Jan. 13, 1838. 6597. Leonard-Gates, b. Dec. 6, 1889. 6598. Frederick-Foster [8841], b. May 8, 1843. 6599. Isaac-Waldo [8842], b. Mar. 29, 1845. 6600. Edward-Franklin, b. July 24, 1848. 6601. Maria-Lydia, b. Dec. 25, 1850. 6602. Samoel' [3420] (Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 7, 1810 ; res. Townsend, Ms. (1868) ; 1st, m. Rebeckah Fan'ar, of HUlsborough, N. H., Jan. 30, 1834 ; she was b. Mar. 6, 1807 ; d. April 8, 1842 ; 2d, m. Emily Kimball, July 6, 1847 ; she was b. April 11, 1812, in Manchester, N. H. 6603. Elmina-Kiblen, b. Oct. 5, 1835, in Benson, Vt. ; unraarried (1868). 6604. Samuel-Elberton [8843], b. Nov. 21, 1887, in Benson, Vt. 6605. Emily-Rebeckah, b. March 12,' 1839, in Lansingburg, N. Y. ; m, Hiram-Newton Dedrick, July 21, 1858; he was b. Dec. 12, 1833, in Putnam, N. Y. ; he d. Feb. 1, 1869; res. Putnam. 6606. Sarah-Ann, b. AprU 3, 1842, in Monroe, N. Y. ; m. Myron-Lean- der Belden, Mar. 2, 1866 ; he was b. July 80, 1887, in Dresden, N. Y., where they res. 6607. Angeline-EUzabeth, b. April 3, 1842; m. Abellino- Jackson De- mary, Oct. 21, 1860; he was b. Feb. 14, 1887, in Rindge, N. H.; res. Ludlow, Vt. 6608. Almus-HaU, b. June 5, 1848, in Putnam, N. Y. 6609. Calista-Jane, b. AprU 19, 1853, in Putnam, N. Y. 6610. Amos' [3421] (Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 7, 1813 ; res. Townsend, Ms., where he d. Jan. 1, 1856 ; m. Lurena Evans, of Townsend, Ms., Oct. 22, 1840 ; she was b. Aug. 9, 1811, 6611. Amos- Fletcher, b. July 7, 1842. 6612. Benjamin [8846], b. Jan. 8, 1844. 6613. Asaph-Evans, b. AprU 22, 1845; d. July 25, 1846, 6614. John-Bertram, b. Jan. 5. 1847. 6616. Warren-Everett [8848], b. AprU 12, 1848. 6616. Lurena- Elizabeth, b. June 21,1849; ra. Charles-E. Oliver, June 19, 1869, at Groton Centre, Ms. ; res. Groton Junction, Ms. 6617. Asaph-Evans, b. Oct. 27, 1850. 6618. Henry- Albert-Garry, b. Aug. 29, 1852. 6619. Leona-Arathusa, b. Dec. 4, 1858. 6620. Clara-Frances, b. Mar. 20, 1856. 6621. Peter' [3427] (Peter®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 7, 1803 ; res. Montague, Ms. ; m. Lucy-P. Lamed, Jan. 18, 1829 ; she wash. Nov. 28, 1806, 6622, Lucy-F., b. Oct. 23, 1829 ; ra. Dwight Ingram, April, 1850. 6623. Adaline, b. May 18, 1831 ; m. James-M. Matthews, 1851 ; he d. Nov. 9, 1864, in the army at Winchester, Va. 6624. Frederick, b. Jan. 9, 1835; d. Nov. 9, 1864, at Winchester, Va.; enUsted Sept. 18, 1861, sergt. in Co. K, 26th regt. Ms. Vols. ; the rolls say killed Sept. 19, 1864, at Winchester, Va. 6625. Stephen-F., b. Feb. 18, 1842; enUsted Sept. 18, 1861, in Co. K, 26th regt. Ms. V. 6626. Daniel- W., b. Dec. 20, 1847. SEVENTH GENERATION. 343 6627, Rev. Erastus' [3430] (Peter®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 18, 1806, in Oxford, Ms, He is a Methodist clergyman ; removed to Webster, Ms., April, 1834, where he remained until April, 1861, when he removed to Worcester, Ms., where he now res. (1867) ; m. Lucy Locke, Aug. 6, 1833 ; she was the daughter of David Locke, of Ashby, Ms., and was b. Jan. 25, 1807 ; she d. May 10, 1867, in Worcester, Ms. 6628. Cyrus [8850], b. AprU 17, 1835. 6629. Andrew, b. Jan. 6, 1838; d. Sept. 9, 1838, in Webster, Ms. 6630. Mary-EUzabeth, b. Sept. 6, 1839". 6631. Emraa, b. Jan. 3, 1842; m. Capt. Araos Bartlett, of Webster, Ms., Oct. 14, 1863; now res. iuRockville, Conn. (1867). 6632. Stephen' [3433] (Peter®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 28, 1815. He settled in Thompson, Conn. ; now lives in Putnam, Conm. (1868) ; m. Maria Sly, Sept. 22, 1840 ; she was b. July 9, 1818. 6683. Laura-J., b. Oct. 6, 1841 ; d. Oct. 6, 1841. / 6634. Francis-Marion, b. March 25, 1843 ; served three years in the army. 6635. Ruth- Ann, b. Feb. 21, 1846 ; m. Charles-H. Warner, Feb. 23, 1864 ; res. Oxford, Ms. .6636, Davud' [3436] (David®, Benjamins, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 30, 1800 ; d. June 12, 1838 ; m. Lucy Billings, Oct. 19, 1827 ; she was b. Jan. 14, 1803 ; she d. May 12, 1856, aged 57. 6637. Joshua-Kingsbury' [3438] (David®, Benjamins, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1806 ; m. Patty-Pres- cott Parker, of PeppereU, Ms., Nov. 18, 1830 ; pub. Oct. 7, 1830 ; she was b. Oct. 14, 1805, 6638. Harriet-Augusta, b. Oct. 15, 1831; m. Christopher Morgan, June 3, 1861 ; res. LoweU, Ms. 6639. Mary-Ann, b. Dec. 1, 1833; m. Ruftis-Atwood Maxfleld, of Low ell, Ms., May 10, 1856; pub. May 3, 1856,; res. LoweU. 6640. Parker-Prescott [8851], b. AprU 1, 1837, in'Canton, Ms. 6641. David Sumner [8853], b. Jan. 14, 1841. 6642. Martha-Elizabeth, b. Oct. 25, 1845 ; m. WUliam-Henry GUbert, Aug. 26, 1866; res. LoweU, Ms. 6643. CarUsta-Irene, b. May 24, 1848 ; unmarried (1868) ; res. Pepper eU, Ms. 6644. Edward-Hui-chinson' [3442] (David®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 1, 1814 ; res. North Bridge- water ; m. Catharine Hayward, Dec. 13, 1839 ; she was the daugh ter of Maj. Nathan Hayward. 6645. Adelaide-Esthmur, b. Feb. 27, 1841 ; d. Oct. 4, 1869, in North Bridgewater, Ms. 6646. Charles-Edward, b. Feb. 12, 1844; mem. of Co. I, 47th Regt. Ms. Vol. MUitia. 6647. George-Elmer, b. Dec. 12, 1847 ; d. AprU 5, 1864, aged 17 yrs. 3 mos. 26 days. 344 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 6648. Benjamin-Sumner' [3443] (David®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 4, 1818 ; d. Oct. 1868 ; m, Mary Clark, Aug. 2, 1840 ; she was the daughter of Luther Clark, of Stoughton, Ms., and was b. Nov. 26, 1821. None of the children m. (Oct. 1867). 6649. Edward-Sumner, b. Feb. 10, 1842, in Stoughton, Ms. ; d. April 7, 1842. 6650. Edward- Augustus, b. Mar. 13, 1848, in Pepperell, Ms. 6661. Meric-Suraner, b. Ang. 2, 1847, in Stoughton, Ms. 6652. Mary-Stetson, b. Aug. 2, 1847, in Stoughton, Ms. ; d. AprU 3, 1850. 6663. AngeUne-Augusta, b. July 10, 1851, in Stoughton, Ms. ; d. Aug. 7, 1852. 6654. Alraira-Johnson, b. Oct. 15, 185?, in Haverhill, Ms. 6655. Irene-Parker, b. Mar. 28, 1855, in HaverhiU, Ms. 6666. WUlis, b. Feb. 18, 1857, in Neenah, Wis. ; d. Mar. 18, 1857. 6667. WUlie-Forest, b. .Tune 27, 1860, in North Bridgewater, Ms. ; d. Nov. 22, 1863. 6658. Joel' [3446] (Joel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 1, 1802 ; d. Dec. 19, 1853 ; res. in Town- send, Ms. ; m. Mary-Prescott Cook, AprU 15, 1828 ; she was the daughter of Samuel and Sarah-Jewett Cook, of Lunenburg, Ms. No children. 6659. Peter-Lawrence' [3447] (Joel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An dre vv', Andrew", fidwardi), b. July 18, 1804 ; res. Lunenburg, Ms. He has been selectman, and is a prosperous farmer ; 1st, m. Lucy Adams. Oct. 19, 1830; she was the daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Gary) Adams, and was b. March 4, 1807, in Lunen burg, Ms. ; she d. Sept. 11, 1833 ; 2d, m. Eliza Hyde, AprU 24, 1834 ; she was the daughter of William and Eunice (Stearns) Hyde, of Leominster, Ms. ; she d. Mar. 3, 1869, 6660. Sanford-Benton, b. AprU 24, 1833 ; d. Oct. 27, 1838. 6661. Osraon-Lawrence [8855], b. June 9, 1837, in Shrewsbury, Vt. 6662. Laura-Ann, b. Jsm. 25, 1846 ; d. Aug. 29, 1847. 6663. Esmah-Eliza, b. April 16, 1850. 6664. Israel-Heald' [3448] (Joel®, Benjamins, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 6, 1806 ; res. Townsend, Ms. ; m. Lucy Porter, Oct. 18, 1829 ; she was the daughter of WiUard Porter, of Shirley, Ms. 6665. Elbridge-Heald, b. Sept. 4, 1830; d. Aug. 26, 1831. 6666. Edwin-Adolphus [8858], b. Sept. 13, 1832. 6667. Maria-Hartwell, b. Dec. 22, 1834; m. Edwin-Nathaniel Cum mings of Townsend, Ms., Nov. 28, 1860; res. Keene, N. H. (1867)- 6668. Mary-Frances-Brown, b. AprU 3, 1887; m. Charies-WUUam Par ker, of Townsend, Ms., June 13, 1854; she d. May 6, 1862; res. in Townsend. 6669. Lucy-Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1888; d. Aug. 23, 1849. 6670. Harriet-Augusta, b. April 24, 1841 ; m. Francis-Augustine Laws, AprU 10, 1860; res. Townsend, Ms. (1867). ' 6671. Sara-Jane, b. Feb. 2, 1844 ; m. Gilbert Cook, Dec. 1, 1868. SEVENTH GENERATION, 345 6672. Martha-Lee, b. AprU 20, 1847 ; d. July 6, 1848. 6673. Martha-Adelaide, b. July 26, 1848 ; d. Oct. 5, 1848. 6674. EsteUa-Adelaide, b. May 12, 1861 ; d. Sept. 16, 1851. 6675. Henry- Wright' [3450] (Joel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 19, 1811 ; d. Feb. 19, 1866, in Shirley, Ms. He res. in Lunenburg until a few years before his death ; m. Bet sey Farrar, of Townsend, Ms., AprU, 1833 ; she d. AprU 8, 1856. 6676. Arnold, b. June 12, 1833 ; d. Dec. 23, 1849. 6677. Ann-Maria, b. May 23, 1885 ; m. George- Abbott Cook, of Lunen burg, Ms., Aug. 17,1856; she d. Aug. 5, 1858; res. Shirley, Ms. 6678. Elvira, b. June 8, 1887; m. Charles-Otis Adaras, of Shirley, Ms., Sept. 30,1856; shed. Sept. 26,1857; res. West Chelmsford, Ms. 6679. Marcus-Morton, b. Jan. 8, 1889 ; he was corp. in Co. G, 16th Ms. Regt. ; d. Nov. 11, 1862, in the hospital at Washington, D. C. 6680. Dana-P. [8860], b. Aug. 16, 1842. 6681. Eliza-Ann, b. June 10, 1843; d. Sept. 4, 1849. 6682. Walter, b. May 4, 1845 ; d. Aug. 20, 1849. 6683. Orpha-Smith, b. Oct. 1, 1847; d. Aug. 26, 1849. 6684. Milo, b. Mar. 4, 1852. 6686. William' [3453] (Joel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 4, 1820 ; res. Lunenburg, Ms. ; m. Ab igail-Sylvester DivoU, Feb. 4, 1845 ; she was the daughter of Jonathan DivoU, of Townsend, Ms. 6686. Anson, b. Sept. 19, 1847. 6687. Martha, b. Jan. 22, 1852. 6688. Abel' [3455] (Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew®, An drew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 14, 1803, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. June 11, 1850. He was removed to Jaffrey, N. H., in 1808, and res. there untU death ; 1st, m. Mary Templeton, June 4, 1833 ; she d. Oct. 30, 1833 ; at the time of marriage, her family lived in Boxford, Ms. ; 2d, m. Mary-Ann Stoughton, of GiU, Ms., Dec. 3, 1836, Children all b. in Jaffrey, N, H. 6689. Frederick [8862], b. Dec. 11, 1836. 6690. Mary-Terapleton, b. Mar. 20, 1838 ; m. James-Burnham Robbin« of Rindge, N. H., June 9, 1864; res. Rindge. 6691. Anna-Stevens, b. July 11, 1889. 6692. Louisa-Dorothy, b. Mar. 16, 1841; d. Feb. 14, 1861. 6693. Nancy-Eliza, b. Sept. 10, 1842 ; d. Oct. 6, 1845. 6694. Elmina, b. Oct. 18, 1844 ; d. Sept. 9, 1847. 6695. Ermina, b. Oct. 18, 1844. 6696. Richard' [3456] (Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Oct. 10, 1804, in Townsend, Ms. ; 1st, m. Nancy French, Jan. 17, 1833 ; she was the daughter of Thomas French, of Jaffi-ey, N. H. ; she d. Sept. 18, 1856 ; 2d, m. Elvira Stratton, Feb. 4, 1867 ; she was the daughter of Isaac Stratton, of Jafirey, N. H. Children b. in Jafl'rey, N. H. 346 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 6697, Nancy-EUzabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1884 ; unmarried (1868), 6698. Richard-Edwin [8864], b. Feb. 17, 1837. 6699. Leonard-Erastus [8865], b. May 20, 1840. 6700. Austin-Abel, b. Oct. 28, 1843; he enUsted Aug. 11, 1862; was mustered in Sept. 23, 1862 ; started for the seat of war Oct. 18, 1862, in Co. G, Uth Regt. N. H. Vols. ; he was wounded in the knee, Sept. 19, 1864, in a battle near Winchester, Va., and was several months in the hospital; was discharged July 26, 1865. 6701. Rev. Alvah' [3467] (Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Sept. 9, 1807, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. sud denly. May 11, 1868, in Weathersfleld Centre, Vt., where he res. ; m. Ambra Tower, of Fitzwilliam, N. H., Nov. 13, 1835, " In his infancy, his parents removed from Townsend, Ms,, to Jaflfrey, N, H., where he had his home untU he commenced his academical and professional studies. His preparatory course was at Meriden, N. H., and he graduated at Amherst College in 1831, After leaving coUege he taught two terms at Appleton Academy, New Ipswich, N. H,, from which place he went to the Theological Seminary at Andover, Ms., where he graduated in 1834. He preached several Sabbaths in Marlboro', Ms., six months in Troy, N. H., and about four months in Chesterfleld, N. H. In 1835, he was invited to preach in Cornish, N. H., and at the end of three months' ' probation,' he was ordained, Oct. 1, 1835. He remained pastor at Comish nearly thirty years. He was dismissed Feb. 7, 1866, to accept a call from the Congregational church at Weathers fleld Centre, Vt., where he was installed, June 28, 1866. He was a man of buoyant feeling, genial manner, and naturally a flne mind. He was a kind pastor and a faithful preacher. His theol ogy was thorough and clear, giving prominence to the doctrines of sin and atonement, yet he was no polemic. His funeral was held at his church in Weathersfleld, May 14. His body sleeps in the cemetery at Cornish, N. H., among the people of his flrst charge." [Cong. Quar., vol. 10, p. 381.] Children all b in Cornish, N. H. 6702. Lysander-Tower[8866], b. Sept. 6, 1836. 6703. Ellen-Maria, b. June 25, 1839 ; m. Edwin-C. Johnson, of Cornish, N. H., June 4, 1864. 6704. Ambra-Louisa, b. AprU 20, 1848 ; d. Sept. 16, 1847. 6705. Fidelia, b. Oct. 1, 1846. 6706. Abbie-Loulsa, b. Nov. 3, 1847. 6707. Lucia-Francena, b. Aug. 20, 1850. 6708. Erastus' [3460] (Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 31, 1815, in Jafirey, N. H. ; d. suddenly March 20, 1868 ; res. in Keene, N. H. ; 1st, m. Mahala Baker, of Marlboro', N. H.. Nov. 6, 1839; she d. Nov. 18, 1847; 2d, m. Mary-Elizabeth Bush, of Templeton, Ms., June 28, 1848. 6709. Lucy-Pierce, b. April 4, 1842 ; res. Keene, N. H. 6710. Edward, b. Nov. 2, 1846; res. Boston, Ms. 6711. Eri-Jonathan' [3463] (Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 17, 1821, in Jafflrey, N. H. ; SEVENTH GENERATION, 347 res, for many years in Troy, N, H. ; now (1869) res. in Milford, Ms. ; 1st, m. Betsey-Farrar Holt, of JaflTrey, N. H., Sept. 3, 1844 ; she was b. March 16, 1819, and d. Aug. 8, 1847 ; 2d, m. Lucy- Ann Jones, of DubUn, N. H., May 28, 1848 ; she d. Feb. 14, 1861 ; 3d, m. Maria-Ruth EUis, of Springfleld, Vt., Jan. 22, 1868. 6712. Diantha-Rebecca, b. Sept. 1, 1845; m. George-A. Merrifleld, of Winchendon, Ms., Sept. 25, 1866; res. Winchendon. 6713. Medora-Frances, b. April 19, 1847. 6714. Lucy- Ann, b. Mar. 19, 1849 ; d. June 18, 1862. 6715. Lorenzo-Charles, b. Sept. 25, 1850 ; d. Sept. 30, 1850. 6716. EUen-Cornelia, b. Aug. 16, 1851. 6717. Albert-Eri, b. May 9, 1853. 6718. Abbie-CaroUne, b. Aug. 24, 1857. 6719. Capt. Isaac' [3468] (Isaac®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew^, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 4, 1807; res. Harmar, Ohio; 1st, m. Elmina Kibling, of Chester, Vt., Jan. 13, 1831 ; she d. July 29, 1838 ; 2d, m. Cynthia-Ann Matthews, of Pittsburg, Penn., Oct, 24, 1839. 6720. Elmina, b. July 24, 1840 ; m. John- Atkinson Livesay, of Harmar, Ohio, June 1, 1866. 6721. Cynthia-Matthews, b. Nov. 6, 1842; d. June 23, 1846. 6722. Oscar, b. Jan. 16, 1845; d. June 17, 1847. 6728. Harriet- Newton, b. Jan. 80, 1847; d. Jan. 3, 1848. 6724. Isaac-Emery, b. Nov. 12, 1848; d. AprU 24, 1852. 6725. Abbie-Barbour, b. July 1,1850; ra. Alexander-Selkirk Hale, of Harmar, Ohio, July 25, 1867. 6726. Mary, b. May 6, 1852. 6727. Ella, b. Feb. 22, 1854; m. Charles-Washington Jenvey, June 23, 1870 ; he was b. in Cincinnati, O., Feb. 22, 1852 ; res. Harmar, O. 6728. Sarah, b. Nov. 28, 1855. 6729. Isaac, b. Sept. 11, 1857. 6730. John' [3469] (Isaac®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 6, 1809 ; res. Townsend, Ms. (1867) ; m. Permilla Wright, Dec. 12, 1832. 6731. Martha-Ann, b. July 4, 1836; ra. Wellington Bartlett, of Lowell, Ms., Nov. 13, 1858. 6732. Harriet-Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1838; m. George Parker, of Pep perell, Ms., AprU 29, 1863 ; pub. AprU 26, 1863. 6733. Abbie, b. June 6, 1841 ; d. Nov. 16, 1841. 6734. Simon-Dollver, b. Aug. 24, 1844. 6735. Marshall-DeRoy, b. Feb. 28, 1846. 6736. Francis- Wellington, b. June 20, 1863. 6737. Daniel' [3471] (Isaac®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 14, 1814; res. Townsend, Ms.; m. Lucy-Wyer Clement, of Townsend, Ms., July 6, 1815. 6738. Hannah-Clement, b. Nov. 11, 1843. 6739. Randall, b. Feb. 3, 1845. 6740. Wayland, b. Sept. 26, 1850. 6741. Nancy- Adams, b. Aug. 15, 1851 ; d. Jan. 80, 1852. 6742. Dr. Miles' [3473] (Isaac®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andi-ew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 4, 1819, 348 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. He studied medicine with Drs. Hitchcock and Bertram, and grad. at the Berkshire Medical School in 1842 ; commenced the practice of medicine in Dunstable, Ms., in 1843 ; in 1851, he removed to Groton, Ms., where he now res. ; 1st, m. Sophia-Louisa Millar, of New Haven, Conn., Jan. 12, 1848 ; she d. Oct. 4, 1852 ; 2d, m. Mary-Mehitable Stickney, Aug. 27, 1863 ; she was the daughter of Stephen and Mary (French) Stickney, and was b. Mar. 13, 1834. An infant son, b. and d. Oct. 2, 1852. 6743. Reuben' [3484] (WiUard®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 2, 1787, in Cavendish, Vt. ; m. Proctor. 6744. John' [3485] (WiUard®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 22, 1789 ; m. 6745. Moses' [3487] (WiUard®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 28, 1793 ; m. Anna Proctor. 6746. Daniel' [3489] (WiUard®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 6, 1796 ; d. May 21, 1827 ; m. Lydia Downs, of Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 2, 1824; she d. Feb. 3, 1830; after the death of her first husband, she m. Lewis Belknap, of Springfield, Vt. 6747. Harriet-E., b. June 27, 1826; m. Dr. Chamberlain, of Cavendish, Vt. ; went West, and d. there. 6748. EUza-Ann, b. June 17, 1827 ; d. July 17, 1827. 6749. Joseph' [3493] (Willard®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 2, 1803; res. Clarence, Cedar Co., Iowa ; m. 6750. Asa' [3496] (Benjamin®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 27, 1786, in Jafirey, N. H. ; res, Springfield, Vt. (March, 1867) ; 1st, m. Clarissa Ives, of Ludlow, Vt., Sept. 5, 1810, in Ludlow ; she d. 1813, in Cavendish, Vt. ; 2d, m. Doraxa Lovell, of Cavendish, Vt., March 2, 1814; shed, Sept. 16, 1850, aged 68, in Cavendish, Vt. ; 3d, m. Sarah Bennett, of Springfield, Vt., Sept. 13, 1863, in Charlestown, N. H. Children all b. in Cavendish, Vt. 6761. Alonzo-G., b. Aug. 11, 1811. 6752. Peter-LoveU, b. May 5, 1816 ; d. May 19, 1816. 6753. Charles-LoveU [8868], b. June 11, 1817. 6764. Peter-KimbaU [8875], b. Aug. 15, 1821. 6755. Sarah-Maria, b. Mar. 30, 1829 ; m. Charles-B. Eddy, of Chester, Vt., Oct. 30, 1849, in Chester; res. Bellows Falls. 6756. Benjamin' [3603] (Reuben®, Benjamins, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 27, IHOO ; d. 1868. He res. in Bellows Falls, Vt. (1867), and has communicated the information relating to his father's family, and that of his descend ants ; m. Hannah Weston, May 30, 1829 ; she was b. July 2, 1807, in Springfleld, Vt. No children (1867). SEVENTH GENERATION. 349 6757. Reuben' [3505] (Reuben®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. May 3, 1805 ; d. July 29, 1838, aged 33 ; 1st, m. Nancy-Raymond Stearns, of Newton, Ms. ; she was b. Feb. 20, 1810 ; she d. Sept. 24, 1834 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Hannah Stearns. 6758. Reuben-Loring, b. May 6, 1830 ; d. March 5, 1882 ; he was burnt so badly by his clothes taking flre that he lived but a few days. 6769. Nancy-Louisa, b. Feb. 16, 1834 ; she was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Parker Lewis, of NewtonvUle, and took their name, being called Nancy-Parker Lewis ; she m. Asa-T. Ring, of Yarraouth, Me., Jan. 19, 1854; she d. Sept. 9, 1866, aged 82. She had two children : Louisa, b. Sept. 4, 1855, d. Sept. 6, 1855 ; Carrie- LlUa, b. AprU 10, 1859, now (1868) living with her father in the family of Mr. Lewis, at NewtonvUle. 6760. Jesse' [3512] (Jesse®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 15, 1802 ; d. May 22, 1838, in LoweU, Vt. ; m. Zilpha Rice, of Reading, Vt., Sept. 6, 1832. 6761. Roxana-Kimball, b. ; d. in Reading, Vt., in her 18th year. 6762. Horace'. [3513] (Jesse®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 22, 1805 ; m. Sarah-C. Bridge, of West Windsor, Vt., Feb. 7, 1832. 6763. Addison' [3514] (Jesse®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 20, 1807, in Cavendish, Vt. ; m. Nancy Thompson, of Alstead, N. H. 6764. Luther' [3516] (Jesse®, Benjamins, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 9, 1810, in Cavendish, Vt. ; d. Nov, 1868, in California ; m. Sarah Dodge, of Lowell, Ms., May 11, 1841, 6766, Benjamin' [3517] (Jesse®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 16, 1815, in Cavendish, Vt. ; d. June 13, 1870, in Cavendish, Vt. ; m. Elvira Rogers, of Granville, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1837. 6766. Forest, b. Sept. 19, 1838, in Lowell, Vt. ; d. Oct. 26, 1868, in Cav endish, Vt. 6767. EUa-Ann, b. July 81, 1844, in LoweU, Vt. ; m. Milton- Weaver Adams, of Cavendish, Vt., Oct. 8, 1863 ; she d. Feb. 6, 1869. 6768. Henry-Lowrin, b. Oct. 27, 1848, in Lowell, Vt. 6769. Alvin, b. Dec. 3, 1854, in Reading, Vt. 6770. Erama-Alvira, b. Dec. 23, 1856, in Cavendish, Vt. 6771. Otis' [3518] (Jesse®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 20, 1817, in Cavendish, Vt. ; m. A. Rich mond, of Andover, Vt., Sept. 7, 1838. 6772. William-Augustine' [3521] (William®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 12, 1811, in Jaf frey, N. H. ; res. Ludlow, Vt. ; m. Rachel-Armenia Spalding [3685], of Ludlow, Vt., Sept. 15, 1839. 6773. Maria-Armenia, b. Jan. 17, 1846, in Ludlow, Vt. ; m. Merrill 350 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Stevens, of LoweU, Ms., AprU 6, 1864; res. Ludlow, Vt.; they have one chUd, Waldo-MerrUl, b. Aug. 28, 1867. 6774. Granville-Proctor' [3622] (WiUiam®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 7, 1815, in Caven dish, Vt. ; res. North Chester, Vt. ; m. Aurora-Lunette Kenney, of Cavendish, Vt., Nov. 28, 1839, No children, 6775. John-Greenwood' [3624] (WiUiam®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 10, 1820, in Cavendish, Vt. ; res. Lewis, N. Y. (1867) ; m. Betsey-W. Burpee, of Lewis,. N. Y., Nov. 9, 1846. 6776. Orange-Henry, b. May 31, 1860. 6777. Oscar- Augustine, b. Jan. 4, 1853, in Cavendish, Vt. ;. d. June 29, 1855, in L^wis, N. Y. 6778. James- Granville, b. Jan. 26, 1859, in Lewis, N. Y. 6779. Oscar-Willard' [3525] (William®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 7, 1822, in Cavendish, Vt. ; res. North Chester, Vt. ; m. Martha-Ann Parker, of Chester, Vt., May 28, 1846. No children. 6780. Sewell' [3529] (Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 18, 1792 ; res. and d. in Underbill,. Vt., AprU 5, 1843. In the fall of 1814, a requisition was made by the governor of New Hampshire for a detachment of nine men to be sent to Ports mouth. The militia were called out on the 12th of September, and mustered in the old meeting-house. The selectmen offered a bounty of one dollar, and twelve dollars per month wages to volun teers. The drum and the flfe struck, and a march commenced through the aisles of the old church, reviving within its walls the scenes of " Seventy-six." The required number soon joined in ; Sewell and James Spalding were two of the nine ; m. Abigail Gilman, of Underbill, Vt., 1820 ; after the -death of her flrst husband, she m. Kapha Woodworth ; res. Underhill. No children 6781. Hosa' [35 :0] (Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew',, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 27, 1794 ; res. Jericho, Vt. ; m. Lucy Kidder, Jan. 20, 1»20 ; she was the daughter of John Kidder, or Ashby, Ms. Children all b. in Jericho, Vt. 6782. WiUiam, b. Jan. 28, 1821; res. with his father; unraarried (1868). 6783. Albert-Clark, b. Nov. 2, 1824 ; d. Aug. 31, 1847 ; unmarried ; he entered the University of Verraont iu the thirteenth year of his age, but, on account of ill health, relinquished his studies ahd commenced mercantile business in Orange, Ms. ; he d. in that place of typhoid fever, aged 24 ; he was a talented and esti mable young man. 6784. Cyrus-Miller [8879], b. Mar. 2, 1827. SEVENTH GENERATION. 351 6785. James'' [3531] (Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1796 ; res. New Ipswich, N. H. He volunteered with his brother Sewell in the war of 1812, and suffered so much from a severe contagious fever, contracted in the ai-my, that he lost his sense of hearing. We are greatly indebted to him for the records of the descendants of his grandparents, James and Hannah (Barron) Spalding ; 1st, m. Sophia Kidder, Oct. 14, 1819 ; she was the daughter of John Kidder, of Ashby, Ms., and was b. Aug. 21, 1800, in Littleton, Ms. ; she d. Feb. 20, 1864 ; 2d, m. Caroline Wetherbee, Jan. 6, 1859, at BartonviUe, Vt. ; she was b. July 3, 1807, in Grafton, Vt. 6786. James-Munroe, b. May 19, 1824; d. Nov. 6, 1854, at Stf Louis, Mo. ; unmarried. 6787. Harriet, b. Dec. 9, 1826; m. Elbridge-HolUs Amsden, March 16, 1848 ; was divorced frora hira in 1859. 6788. George [8883], b. Dec. 16, 1828. 6789. Henry [8886], b. Feb. 25, 1830. 6790. EraUy-Pingree, b. Aug. 30, 1835 ; m. George Greenwood, Deo. 14, 1854; res. South Gardner, Ms. 6791. Maria-Houghton, b. Nov. 1837; d. Oct. 27, 1854. 6792. Alva' [3632] (Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 11, 1798. After many wanderings, he settled in Luzerne, N. Y., and owned an extensive lumbering establishment. He was found dead in the canal at Glen's Falls, N. Y., April 9, 1866 ; m. Lydia Taylor, Jan, 28, 1818. 6793. Austin [8888], b. Aug. 8, 1820. 6794. Harriet, b. Sept. 28, 1821 ; m. Charles Day, of Essex, Vt., Oct. 24, 1844. 6796. SeweU [8892], b. Sept. 12, 1823. 6796. George- Washington [8893], b. Sept. 12, 1826, 6797. Melvin-J. [8898], b. Feb. 15, 1827. iS798, AbigaU-Bennett, b. Oct. 23, 1831 ; m. Jaraes Taylor, of Canada West, Aug. 5, 1851. 6799. GUraan [8899], b. Oct. 4, 1833. 6800. Mary-Elizabeth, b. Jan. 13, 1886. 6801. Charles- Warren [8902], b. AprU 11, 1888. 6802. Nathan-Perly' [3633] (Jonathan®, James®,- James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 27, 1800 ; d. .Jan. 23, 1850 ; he was a farmer ; m. Mabel Bentley, of Jericho, Vt. ; after the death of Mr. Spalding, she m. Wheelock, a planter in Mississippi. No children. 6803. Amasa-Adams' [3535] (Jonathan®, James®, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 15, 1806; d. July 23, 1839, from an accident, while rolling logs into Onion river ; a large pine caught the buttons of his coat, drew him over and rolled upon him, crushing him so that he d. ; m. Isabel-Lavinia Hyde, of Grand Isle, Vt., Jan. 10, 1833; she was b. AprU 26, 1812; after the death of her flrst husband, she m. Robert Garland, Feb. 1846, 6804. Sarah-A., b. AprU 12, 1834. 6806. JuUa-Maria, b. Oct. 7, 1836 ; d. 1843. 352 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6806. Clement' [3544] (James®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 26, 1804 ; d. May 7, 1856 ; after his second marriage he moved to Wisconsin, where he d. ; 1st, m. Lucinda Stowel, of New Ipswich, N. H. ; she d. April, 1835 ; 2d, m. Hannah Youngman. 6807. Susan-M., b. Sept. 13, 1830, in Acworth, N. H. ; m. Ames-K. Wilson, Nov. 7, 1849. 6808. Phineas-Barron' [3646] (James®, James®, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 9, 1807. He settled first as a farmer in Goshen, N. H., then removed to ' Nashua, N. H. He started with a large company in 1849, overland to California ; while near the Colorado river, he and a comrade left the camp for the purpose of fishing. They were probably taken by the Indians, as they have not been heard from since. Their death, it is supposed, took place in April or May, 1849 ; m. Han nah Darling. 6809. Solyman' [3647] (James®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 7, 1809 ; m. Mary-M. Fletcher, Dec. 27, 1839. 6810. George, b. Jan. 29, 1840 ; d. Mar. 4, 1842. 6811. Henry, b. AprU 25, 1843; d. May 13, 1864. 6812. Lorenzo' [3550] (James®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 1, 1814; m. Mary-Ann Sandy, of Goshen, N. H. 6813. EUen-M., b. Aug. 22, 1840; ra. Oren Farr. 6814. Vesta, b. Oct. 1, 1843; d. May 26, 1861. 6816. Viola, b. Jan. 12, 1847; m. Alvin-A. Youngman. 6816. Albert-E.' [3562] (James®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 8, 1821 ; res. Charlestown, N. H. ; m, Mercy-Asenath Keyes, of Acworth, N, H,, Dec. 6, 1840. 6817. Ellen-Maria, b. Feb. 11, 1842; m. Henry Kimball, of Charles town, N. H., Aug. 6, 1861. 6818. Sarah-Josephine, b. Aug. 2, 1844; d. Sept. 14, 1865. 6819. George-Fish'' [3560] (Nathan-Barron®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 4, 1822. He was engaged for some years as agent of difierent journals. He is now one of the proprietors of the Traveller, Boston, Ms., and res. at West Medford ; m. Joanna Small, Oct. 6, 1844, 6820. Mary- Ann-Louisa, b. July 17, 1845; d. Mar. 14, 1846. An infant, b. Aug. 6, 1847 ; d. same day, 6821, Charles-Hanson, b. AprU 4, 1849. 6822. Laura-Ann, b. Feb. 19, 1852. 6823. Clara-Ella, b. Oct. 16, 1853 ; d. Oct. 8, 1864. 6824. George, b. Feb. 14, 1856, in Dracut, Ms. 6826. Frank, b. Dec. 28, 1858. 6826. Rev. William-Safeord' [3663] (Isaac®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 4, 1809, in Ashburnham, Ms, SEVENTH GENERATION. 353 He received his academical education at New Ipswich, N. H. ; at twenty-six years of age, he entered Marietta College, 0., and grad. July, 1839. During the years 1841 and '42, he had charge of the Academy at East Brooklyn, N. Y. ; for two years was prin cipal of the Brooklyn Female Collegiate Institute, N. Y. ; then of the Academy at Salisbury, N. H., for two years ; then of Bos- cawen Academy for two years, where he devoted a portion of his time to the study of theology with Rev. C. B. Tracy. He was ap probated to preach the Gospel by the Hopkinton Association, at a meeting in Concord, N. H., Sept. 18, 1848. He was soon after ordained an evangelist, at Salisbury, N. H., and removed with his family to Ohio. He preached or taught at Delhi, Berlin, Mt. Gilead, Plymouth, Wellville, Nelson, where he was stated supply in 1855, and Mesopotamia, Ohio. About 1859, he returned to New Eng land ; has preached in various localities and been useful in different capacities ; now res. in Hanover, N. H. ; m. Harriet B. Nettleton, Dec. 22, 1841 ; she was b. July 19, 1810, in Montpelier, Vt. 6827. WilUam-Abial, b. Oct. 11, 1842, in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; d. April 9, 1845. 6828. Harriet-Loanda, b. June 16, 1844. 6829. WiUiam-Abial [8906], b. Mar. 2, 1847. 6830. Edwin-Isaac, b. June 2, 1849, in Berlin, Ohio ; d. Aug. 10, 1860. 6831. Josiah-Worcester' [3564] (Isaac®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Nov. 14, 1810, in Danvers, Ms. ; res. in Pepperell, Ms. ; thence removed to Ancora, N. J. ; m. Eme line Wright, Nov. 29, 1832 ; she was b. Sept. 24, 1810, in Dun stable, Ms. 6832. EmeUne-Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1833 ; ra. Henry Wood, Feb. 22, 1853. 6833. Ellen-Maria, b. Aug. 16, 1835; m. Josiah-Taylor WUson, of Brighton, Ms., June 11, 1861. 6834. Harriet- Annette, b. May 7, 1838; m. David-Brainard Shattuck, Dec. 1865 ; pub. Dec. 18, 1855. 6835. Ann-Frances, b. Nov. 1889. 6836. Sarah-Brown, b. Jan. 10, 1848. 6837. Mary-Harriet, b. Jan. 16, 1849. 6838. Phineas-Brown' [3565] (Isaac®, James®, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Oct. 14, 1815, in Ashburnham, Ms. ; res. Beloit, Wis. ; m. Lydia Fish, about 1838. 6839. Alfred, b. 1849, in Byron, IU. 6840. Charles, b. 1851. 6841. Lizzie, b. Dec. 25, 1855. 6842. Lorenzo' [3570] (SUas®, SUas®, James*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. June 7, 1812, in Fort Ann, N. Y. ; res. Eagl Harbor, N. Y. ; m. Lois Esgett, Mar. 3, 1833. 6843. Maria, b. Nov. 23, 1835. 6844. Ann, b. Nov. 2, 1837. 6846. Nettie, b. Nov. 20, 1842. 23 354 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6846. Sidney' [3671] (SUas®, Silas®, James*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Julv 21 , 1814, in Fort Ann, N. Y. ; res. Brock- port, N. Y, ; m'. Delia Warren, AprU 10, 1839. 6847. Alice, b. Mar. 11, 1841. 6848. Kate, b. AprU 10, 1858. 6849. Morel' [3572] (SUas®, SUas®, James*, Andrew', An drew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 10, 1816, in Fort Ann, N. Y. ; m. Sarah- Jane Laws, Sept, 11, 1836. 6850. Edward-B. 6851. Marcus-B. 6852. Josie. 6853. Emma. 6864. Silas-Fayette' [3576] (SUas®, SUas®, James*, Andrews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 10,1827, in Clarkson, N. Y. ; res. Wataga, Knox Co., IlUnois ; m. Mary . 6865. Henry-Foster' [3680] (Samuel-Brown®, Silas®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 25, 1817, in Brandon, Vt. ; res. New York City. He is of the firm of Spalding, Hunt & Co., New York. His home is at a beautiful place upon the Hudson, called Riverdale ; 1st, m. Rose Thompson, of Penn's Manor, Bucks Co., Penn., March 4, 1850 ; she d. Sept. 9, 1864, in the twenty-ninth year of her age ; 2d, m. Catherine-Devereux Beckwith, of Petersburg, Va., June 16, 1857, 6856. Thomas-Hunt, b. June 11, 1851, in New York City. 6857. Margaret-Thompson, b. Sept. 24, 1852, in New York City. Rose- Thompson, b. Sept. 1, 1854, in New York City; d. Jan. 7, 1861. 6858. Samuel-Gray' [3681] (Samuel-Brown®, SUas®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 26, 1822, in Brandon, Vt. ; res, Chicago, IU. ; m. Marcia-Isabella Hawkins, Mar. 12, 1857.- 6859. Mabel-Hawkins, b. July 18, 1859, in Milwaukee, Wis. 6860. Howard-Henry, b. Mar. 5, 1864, in Milwaukee, Wis. 6861. Silas' [3586] (James®, SUas®, James*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. June 22, 1826 ; d. Nov. 22, 1866. His family live in Amity, N. Y. ; m, Amanda-Lwanchey Eaton, of Alfred, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1853. Children b. in Amity, N. Y. 6862. Chauncey-Elbert, b. Feb. 14, 1862. 6863. Ida-Cornelia, b. May 1, 1856. 6864. Mary-Viola, b. July 13, 1859. 6865. LiUian-Amanda, b. Sept. 1, 1861, 6866. George' [3687] (James®, SUas®, James*, Andrews, An drew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 1, 1830; m. Eliza Smith, of Andover, AUeghany Co,, N, Y,, May 22, 1846. No children. SEVENTH GENERATION. 355 6867. Harvey' [3688] (James®, SUas®, James*, Andrew", An drew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 8, 1832 ; res. Amity, N. Y. ; m. Electa Mix, of Eldred, McKean Co., Penn., Jan. 1, 1860. 6868. Frances-ArabeUa, b. AprU 26, 1866. 6869. Henry-Abiram' [3599] (Abiram®, SilasS, James*, An drews, Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 11, 1837, in New York City. He is of the flrm of Browne & Spalding, jewellers, 568 and 570 Broadway, New York. He was taken by his father at an early age to Illinois. Being bereaved of his mother, he was committed to the kind care of a faithful aunt, Mrs. Ann Baker. In 1856 he went to Chicago, but, during the disastrous winter of 1857, the firm by whom he was employed failed, and he returned home. In June, 1858, with forty dollars of borrowed money, he started for New York City, where he arrived with but twenty-flve cents in his pocket. He soon secured a situation, and, unaided pecuniarily, he has grad ually worked his way up into an honorable position among the mer chants of that great metropolis. He was for some time a worker in the Five Points Mission, and carried the same energy and enter prise into the doing of good, which characterized him in business. His home is at Lafayette, N. J.; m. Cornelia Russell, Dec, 17, 1863. 6870. RusseU. b. July 26, 1866, in Glen Cove, Long Island. 6871. Jennie-Kingsland, b. Oct. 18, 1867, on Staten Island. 6872. Abijah' [3605] (Samuel®, Samuel®, Henry*, HenryS, Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 18, 1787, in Merrimack, N. H. ; d. Saturday, Sept. 21, 1867, at 1 1-2 o clock, aged 80 yrs. 6 mos. 3 days. The funeral was on the next day, the Sabbath, and the service was performed by the Rev. E. C. Hooker. Mr. Spalding purchased a farm in Andover, Vt., and went there to reside imme diately after his marriage. After remaining a short time, he removed to Amherst, N. H. ; thence to Litchfleld, N. H. ; thence to Lyndeborough, N. H. ; and thence, in April, 1824, to Dunstable, N. H., now called Nashua. This was the year that work was commenced upon the foundations of the factories. And he lived to see the growth of that city, from its beginning to its present sturdy and enterprising maturity. The life of Mr. Spalding was one of great changes and some heavy misfortunes. He was genial in his natm'c, kind-hearted in all neighborly relations, and gener ous even to a fault. He m. Hannah Eastman, of Francestown, N. H., Ang. 31, 1813 ; she was the daughter of Nicholas and Olive (Barnes) Eastman, and was b. April 4, 1792, in Francestown, N. H. ; Olive Barnes was the daughter of Dr. Joseph and Sarah Barnes, of Litchfleld, N. H. ; Nicholas and Olive (Barnes) East man had the foUowing children : Rachel, who m. John Clgugh ; Olive, who m. Joseph Clough ; Joseph, who m. Sarah Warren, of Shirley, Ms. ; Betsey, who d. at 16 ; two sons, who d. in infancy ; Sarah and Mary, twins ; Sarah, d. unmarried ; Mary, m. Shepherd Leonard ; Hannah, the youngest. 356 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 6873. Eleanor-Meriel, b. Nov. 16, 1816, in Litchfleld, N. H. ; d. July 29, 1825, in Nashua, N. H. 6874. Sarah-Heald, b. Sept. 2, 1818, in Merrimack, N. H. ; m. WUliam Stanley, of Francestown, N. H., Nov. 26,1835. Children: A son, b. Dec. 26, 1836, d. ; Sarah-EUzabeth, b. July 18, 1838, m. George-A. Duncklee. of Francestown, N. H., March 17, 1857; WiUiam-Henry, b. AprU 9, 1848; John-Edward, b. Sept. 14, 1846. 6875. Samuel-Jones [8907], b. Dec. 11, 1820, in Lyndeborough, N. H. 6876. Elizabeth-Goodrich, b. March 27, 1824, in Lyndeborough, N. H. ; m. Rev. Roger-Moses Sargent, June 5, 1850; he was b. Sept. 7, 1824, in Barton, Vt., and was the son of Stephen and Fanny (Noyes) Sargent; grad. D. C. 1846, Andover Theo. Sera. 1849; preached at Farmington, N. H., from 1850 to 1852; ord. at Gilraanton, N. H., April 27, 1852; dis. Jan. 31, 1860; installed at Farmington, N. H., March 27, 1860; dis. May 2, 1869; in stalled at Princeton, Ms., June 10, 1869; dis. Sept. 13, 1871, and removed west. Children: Mary-Ann, b. April 1, 1851, d. Sept. 25, 1851; Roger-Moses, b. May 7, 1852 d May 16, 1852; Howard-Merton, b. July 24, 1853 ; Clarence-Spalding, b. July 29, 1855; Edwin-Charlton, b. June 10, 1857; Fanny-EUzabeth, b. May 17, 1859,, d. Jan. 22, 1864; Roger-Moses, b. Oct. 30, 1862, d. Jan. 1, 1863. 6877. Mary-Bowers, b. June 16, 1827, in Nashua, N. H. ; m. WiUiam Wheeler, of Merrimack, N. H., Ang. 26, 1851. ChUdren : Wil- Uara-Edward, b. Jan. 7, 1854, d. Oct. 19, 1854; Mary-AUce, b. Sept. 9, 1855; Frederick-Spalding, b. Sept. 26, 1856, d. Oct. 30, 1860; Charles-Frank, b. Nov. 6,1868. They now reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 6878. Josiah-Oscar, b. July 5, 1829; d. Mar. 28, 1830. 6879. Gershom-Fay, b. Feb. 1, 1831; d. Mar. 11, 1862; unmarried. 6880. Luther' [3607] (Samuel®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 29, 1790 ; he removed to B., 1870 ; res. Worcester, Ms. 7687. Mary^Martha, b. Sept. 8, 1846; m. Charles-Edward Lyon, of Woodstock, Conn., Mar. 9, 1868; res. Woodstock, Conn. 7688. Sumner- Vernon, b. Jan. 16, 1849, in West Sutton, Ms. ; d. Aug, 5, 1857. 7689. EUen-Marcia, b. Mar. 7, 1851. 7690. Charles-Edward, b. Mar. 31, 1854. 7691. Emma-OliVe, b. Aug; 29, 1856. 7692. Ada-Arabella, b. Aug. 20, I860. 7693. James-Eddie, b. AprU 11, 1866. 7694. Harvey® [4319] (Cyril', Stephen®, Jedediahs, Samuel*, JohnS, John", Edwai-d'), b. Se^t. 7, 1821 ; res. GreenviUe, Conn. ; m. Christiana-Mercer Blaisdell, of Franklin, Me., Sept. 8, 1846. All the children but the flrst two b. in GreenviUe, Conn. 7696. Georglanna-Adelaide, b. .July 7, 1847, in Providence, R. I. 7696. James-Hatvey, b. July 3, 1849, in Sterling, Conn, ; d, July 1, 1852. 7697. Charles-Irving, b. April 15, 1852. 7698. Harvey-Addington, b.Aug. 81, 1854. 7699. Emma-Augusta, b. Jan. 25, 1867. 7700. FrankUn, b. Sept. 18, 1860. 7701. Edwln-AUen, b. April 21, 1862. 7702. Alfred-Lyman® [4330] (Stejphen', Stephen®, JedediahS, Samuel*, John', John", Ed\Yard'), b. Feb. 18, 1832 ; res. Plainfleld, Conn, ; m. Sarah-A, Brown, of Griswold, Conn., Aug. 27, 1855. 7708. Henry- Arthur, b. July 12, 1866 ; d. Nov. 5, 1863, 7704, Chestee-TildeS® [4333] (Stephen'', Stephen®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John®, John", Edward'), b.Aug. 2, 1837 ; res. Plainfield, Conn. ; m, Mary-EUzabeth Robbins, Jan. 28, 1866 ; she was b, Feb. 14, 1845, 7706. Stephen- Archibald, b. Jan. 25, 1867. 7706. Stephen® [4335] (Stephen', Stephen®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John®, John", Edward'), b. Nov. 12, 1840 ; res. Portland, Me. ; m, Eliza-Ellen LoveU, Nov. 16, 1869. 894 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 7707, Daniel-Denison^ [4342] (Lyman'', Stephen®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John®, John", Edwardi), b. July 24, 1832; res. Jackson, Mich. ; 1st, m. Almira White, of KiUingly, Conn., Sept. 6, 1854 ; she d. Dec. 9, 1857 ; 2d, m. Lida-Serena Moore, of Wilmington, Vt., Mar. 5, 1861. Children all b. in Jackson, Mich. 7708. Edward-Clement, b. Dec. 6, 1861, 7709. Leola-Ethel, b. Feb. 10, 1864. 7710. Walter-Daniel, b. Jan. 4, 1866. 7711, Rev. Cyril® [4347] (Daniel', DanieP, Jedediahs, gam- nel*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. June 14, 1818; m. Cornelia- Esther Settle, of Berne, Albany Co., N. Y., May 14, 1861, He grad, at Rutger's CoUege, in 1841 ; spent two years in teaching before entering the Theo. Sem. at New Brunswick, N. J. ; finished his theological course in that seminary in the summer of 1846; was licensed by the Classis of New Brunswick; was or dained by the Classis of Schoharie, and installed pastor of the churches of New Rhinebeck and Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., N. Y., Feb. 1847 ; continued until 1849, when he resigned the charge of the church at Cobleskill, and retained that of New Rhinebeck, until 1852 ; was pastor of the churctf in Blooming Grove, N. Y., from 1852 to 1856 ; was pastor of the Second Church of Rotter dam, N. Y., from 1866 to I860; took charge of the First and Second churches of Athens, N. Y., from Nov. 1860 to 1866 ; then resigned the charge of the Second church, but continued the pastoral care of the First church until April, 1868 ; ou the 1st of April, 1868, he commenced his labors at Shawangunk, N. Y. 7712. CorneUa- Walden, b. Mar. 8, 1852, in LawyersvUle, N. Y. 7713. Lucia-Dwight, b. Mar. 14, 1854, in Defreestville, N. Y. 7714. Jacob-Settle, b. June 11, 1858, in Rotterdam, N. Y. ; d. July 4, 1858. 7715. C Reuben-Coffin, b. June 9, 1864, in Athens, Greene Co., N. Y. 7716. I Arthur, b. Nov. 18, 1866, in Athens, Greene Co., N. Y. 7717. Samdel-Waterbury® [4350] (Daniel', Daniel®, Jede diah®, Samuel*, John®, John", Edwardi), b, Feb. 4, 1827; res. Binghamton, N. Y. ; m. Mary-Lucretia Wass, Nov. 10, 1850. 7718. Frank-Wass, b. July 28, 1854. 7719. C Mary-Eloise, b. July 24, 1860; d. Nov. 17, 1860. 7720. I Mira-Loisa, b. July 24, 1860. 7721. Silas-Bliss® [4355] (Samuel-BUss', SUas®, Philip®, Jon athan*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. May 5, 1817 ; res, Northfleld, Vt. ; 1st, m. Emily-Mereeny Sprought, July 28, 1840 ; she d, April 18, 1855 ; 2d, m. Harriet Salter, Sept. 8, 1857, 7722. Lucian-Woodard, b. Nov. 25, 1844. 7723. Lena-Emma, b. Aug. 10, 1862. 7724". Moses-Sargent® [4356] (Samuel-Bliss', Silas®, Philip®, Jonathan*, John®, John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 2, 1821 ; res. North- EIGHTH GENERATION. 395 field, Vt. : 1st, m. Cornelia Sprought, Jan 2, 1843 ; she d. Jan. 2, 1853 ; 2d, m. Lucy-Ann Reed, Jan, 3, 1854. 7725. Ethel- Jane, b. Oct. 30, 1847. 7726. Frank-MUo, b. April 2, 1855. 7727. Edwin® [4366] (Waterman', PhUip®, Philip®, Jonathan*, John®, John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 20, 1806 ; d. AprU 1, 1858 ; res. in Scituate, Ms. ; m. Mrs. Almeda (Colman) Otis, of Scituate, Ms., April 6, 1834; her first husband was James-Little Otis, by whom she had one daughter, Almeda, who m. Samuel-P. Baker, of Scituate, Ms. ; Mrs. Edwin Spalding now res. in Scituate. 7728. Maria, b. Jan. 3, 1835; d.AprU 14, 1853. 7729. Edwin-James, b. Sept. 26, 1837; d. at sea, Sept. 6, 1861. 7730. Henry-Otis, b, AprU 1, 1840; res. Boston, Ms. 7731. George-Webster [9215], b. Aug. 26, 1842. 7732. Charles-Austin [9216], b. Sept. 7, 1848. 7733, Dr. Christopher-Waterman® [4377] (Lovewell', PhUip®, PhUip®, Jonathan*, John®, John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 15, 1814 ; he removed to St. Louis, Mo., in 1849 ; res. Kirkwood, a suburb of St. Louis ; m. Cornelia- Anna Herb, of Providence, R. I., Nov. 11, 1838 ; she was b. May 20, 1^16, in Savannah, Ga. 7734. John-HolUman, b. Aug. 12, 1889, in the vUlage of Clyde, War- .wick, R. I. 7736. Henry-Rhodes® [4380] (LoveweU', Philip®, PhUip®, Jon athan*, JohnS, John", Edwardi), b. July 12, 1823 ; res. Rockford, HI. ; m. Ann-Maria Chapman, June 6, 1849 ; she was the daughter of William-H. and Eliza-C, (Spink) Chapman, and was b, Sept. 30, 1827. 7736. Eugene-Chapman, b. AprU 6, 1860, in Troy, N. Y. 7737. Silvester-Edson® [4383] (Bezaleel-Gates', PhUip®, Philips, Jonathan*,' JohnS, .John", Edwardi), b. AprUl 6, 1809 ; res. Roxbury, Vt. ; m. Sarah-Pauline Spalding [4364], of Roxbury, Vt., Mar. 29, 1832, 7738. Marshall- Silvester, b AprU 28, 1838; unmarried (1869); res. Roxbury, Vt. 7739. Sarah-Lucetta, b. June 15,1836; ra. Joseph-H. Harris, of Rox bury, Vt., July 18, 1857 ; res. Roxbury, Vt. 7740. C ,Tohn-Perhara [9217], b. June 11, 1840. 7741. ^Edgar-Myron [9219], b. June 15, 1843. 7742. ( Eduor-Mariah, b. June 15, 1848 ; m. George Williams, of Brook field, Vt., AprU 28, 1864; res. Brookfield, Vt. 7743. Sylvanus-Fisher® [4387] (Bezaleel-Gates', Philip®, PhUipS, Jonathan*, John®, John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 14, 1814; d. Aug. 20, 1848 ; res. in Roxbury, Vt. ; m, Emily MerriU, of Rox bury, Vt., Jan. 8, 1843. 7744. Denison-Fisher [9220], b. Nov. 8, 1844. 7745. Henry-Morton [9221], b. April 25, 1847. S96 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 7746, Gsrssom-Newton® £4388] (Bezaleel-Gates^, Philips, Philips, Jonathan^, Jolin', John", Edward*), b, Jan. 22, 1816 ; res, for a time in Roxbury, Vt., now (1869) res. Canada ; m. Mary-Ann Worthington, of Northfleld, Vt, ; she d. Aug, 4, 1857, 7747. SosiUa, b. June 7, 1840 ; m. WiUard-Dinsmore, of Northfield, Vt., June IS, 1860. 7748. Mary-EUen, to. Sept. 10, 1843. 7749. Melvin, b. Feb. 22, 1846. 7730. Lucy- Ann, b. Mar. 26, 1849. 7751. Sscloam-Short® [4389] (Be^aleetGates', Philip®, Philip®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edward*), b. Jan. 2€«, 1817 ; d. AprU 8, 185® ; m. Nancy-FloriUa Joslin, of Waitsfleld, Vt., Nov. 16, 1839 ; she mow (18(69) res. in St. Albans, Vt. ; she was b. Jan. 9, 1812, and was 'the daughter of Joseph and NanCy (Spialding [1891]) Joslm, 7752. .Julias-Siloam, b. Oct. 18, 1840; unmarried (1870). 7-753. Hattie-E., b. Mar. 27, 1848; ra. Denison-Fisher Spalding [9220], Nov. 29, 1866 ; res. St. Albans, Vt. 7754. James-Waterman® [4390] (Bezaleel-Gates'', Philip®, Philips, Jonathan*, John', John", Edward^), b, Jan. 25, 1818, res. Lowell Ms. ; a shuttle-maker ; 1st, m. Elmira .WUder ; 2d, m. CaliStarJane Newton, of Northfield, %t., Nov, 26, 1855 ; she was lb. Not. 1, 1827, No children. 7755. BEZAXEEL-GAtES® [4892] (Bezaleel-Gates', PhUip®, Philips, Jonathan*, John', John^, Mward'), b. Mar. 6, 1822; d. Aug. 31, 1858; res. Roxbury, Vt. ; m, Lydia Kendall, of Rox bury, Vt. After the death of her fii'st liuUaud, she m, again ; now tes, in Braintree, Vt, 7756. Adeline, b. 1848. 7767. Ai, b. 1849. 7758. Annette. 7759. Edward- Willai'd, b. June 21, 1851. 7760. Georgianna, b. Oct. 28, 1862. 7761. Frank- Pielrce, b. Oct. 8, 1864. 7762. Susan-Amanda, b. July 28, 1867. 7763. Lovewell® [4393] (Bezaleel-Gates^ PhUip®, PhUip®, Jonathan', John', John", Edwardi), b. May 2, 1826 ; res. Roxbury, Vt. ; m. Hannah Bean, of Northfleld, Vt., Mar. 4, 1847. 7764. Algenor-Sweidon, b. Sept. 12, 1847, 7766. Elroy-Eugene, b. Jan. 24, 1849. 7766. Forrand, b. Dec. 6, 1860. 7767. Amelia-Arabella, b. Oct. 28, 1851. 7768. Susan-CorUla, b. Nov. 26, 1853. 7769. C Lizzie-Isadore, b. Aug. 6, 1857. 7770. i Linnie-Isabella, b. Aug. 6, 1857. 7771. Samuel-Gladden® [4397] (Darius', Darius®, Philip®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 27, 1815 ; m. Marv A. Persons, Nov. 28, 1837. "^ EIGHTH GENERATION,^ 397 7773, Edward-iL.., Is, Oct. 17, 1838, 7773. Doras-L., Tu. Mar. 29, 1841. 7774. -S , b. ¦Wy28,1849. 7775- )GiTlraa)n-a3., b. June 20, 1852. 7776. Lillie, b. -June 8, 1859. 7777. HoiRACE-PHiLipS [4398] (DariU;s', Darius®, PhUip®, Jona than*, John', Jiohn", Edwardi), b. May 26, 1816;; m. Frisbee, Jan. 10, 18^. No'ciiildrea (1870), 7778. Chakles® [4401] (Darius', Darius®, PhUipS, Jonathan*, John', Jolm", Edward.i), b. March 27, 1824 ; m. Altina Snow, May 28, 184«6, 7779, Be1sey-0., b,. Nov. 7, 1847; d. Oct. 28, 18,60. 7780. Isaidore-E., b. Feb. 28, 1851; d. Aug. 29, 1860, 7781. (ClaTCnce-E.., b. Sept. 22, 1856. 7782. Nellie-A., b. Feb. 2, 1863; d. Oct. 24, 1866. 778S. Niellie-J., b. Sept. 19, 1867. 7784. IsAAC-H.® [4417] (David-S.', ParneP, Philips, Jona- ithan", J«ha', John", Edward^), b. 1823 ; res. Providence, R. I. 7765. Stanley-A., b. 1849. 7786, WiLLiAM-E.® [44ia] (David-S.', PameP, PhUip®, Jona- :than*, John', John", Edward*.), b.. 1828 ; res. Providence, R. I. ^7787, Ida-T., b. 1851. 7788. Nathan® [4458] (PhiUp', Nathan®, PhiUp®, Jonathan*, Joka^, John", EdwaixJi), bi- Nov. 30, 1843; res. Brookfield, Linn vOot Mo. ; m. Amelia Barden, Aug. 2(), 1864. 7789, John® [4462], (Oren', Nathan®, Philip®, Jonathan*, •John', John", Edwardi),' b. AprU 9, 1837, in Rutland, Vt. ; res. ifu* a time in Columbus, Penn.; no,vvf (1869) res. Cedar Rapids, 3k>wa; m. Ann-Maria Rogers, Sept. 20, 1865. No children (Mar! 1869). * 7790. Barnice® [4491] (Daniel-Fitch', Ezra®, AbeP, Jona than*, .John', Jphn", Edwardi), b. July 1, 1806, in Elmore, Vt. ; res. Morrisville, a village in Morristown, Vt. ; m. Mary-Ann Cut ler, of Stowe, Vt., Dec. 7, 1832.' Children b» in Mprristown, Vt^ 7791. Mary-Jane, b. April 7, 1836 ;. m. ^enjamin-Brown Howesv Not 14, 1850 ; res. Wolcott, Vt. 7792. Daniel-Cutler [9222], b. Aug. 19, 1841, 7793. :^oswell-Gilbert'' [4496]t (Daniel-Fitch', Ezra®, AbeP, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 3, 1814, in Elmore, Vt. ; res, Jonesville, Hillsdale Co., Mich. ; m. Calista) Famswoi'th, of BurUngton, Vt., Mar. 3, 1839. FMjs^t three chUdren b. in BurUngton, Vt. ; last, in Dunn, Dane Co.,"«yi,s. ¦¦ 398 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 7794. Richard-Henry, b. Sept. 14, 1840; d. Sept. 9, 1842. 7795. Calvin- Lathrop [9224], b. May 16, 1842. 7796. WilUara-Ford, b. Sept, 1, 1846; d. Feb. 28, 1847. 7797. Francis-Ashbury, b. Oct.-30, 1849; d. Sept. 17,1850, in Dunn, Wis. 7798. John-Lyman8 [4518] (Sanford', SUas®, Dver®, Jona than*, John', John", Edi^ardi), b. Aug. 30, 1834, in West Clare mont, N. H. ; m. Ruth Hyler, April 10, 1860, in Amboy, Lee Co., HI. ; she was b. in England. 7799. James-Sanford, b. Nov. 4, 1861, in Amboy, IU. 7800. Luther® [4637] (David', Timothy®, EleazerS, Eleazer*, John', John", Edwardi), b. ; d. July 1, 1860. He removed from Marcy, N. Y., to Illinois, in 1840 ; m. Char lotte . 7801. Henry-Aifred [9226], b. Oct. 3, 1829, in Marcy, Oneida Co., N. Y. 7802. eharles. 7803. Jenette, b. ; m. George-M, Lease ; res. Horton, Iowa. 7804. Mary, b. ; m. Sarauel-J. Bradbury, 1852. 7805. Charles. 7806. Chariotte-Augusta, 7807. Lemuel-Granger® [4539] (Jared', BarzillaP, DanieP, Eleazer*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Juno 10, 1807, in Cambridge, Vt. ; m. Betsey Robinson, of Swanton, Vt., .Jan. 18, 1831. First flve children b. in Swanton, Vt. 7808. Harriet-Lucinda, b. May 24, 1883; m. Spooner P. Gates, Oct. 6, 1852. 7809. Sarah, b. Dec. 26, 1836; d. July 30, 1838. 7810. Martha-Maria, b. Sept. 2, 1838; ra. Sherraan Spalding, Aug. 22, 1866; he was b. July 30, 1838. 7811. Henry, b. Nov. 3, 1840; d June 6, 1863, on David's Island, N. Y.; he was a soldier in Co. K, 6th Regt. Vt. Vol. ' 7812. Lucy-Eliza, b. Sept. 17, 1844. 7813. Franklin-Granger, b^ Mar. 3, 1846. 7814. Irene, b. July 11, 18*8 ; m. July 20, 1865. 7815. Justin-White® [4641] (Jared', BarzillaP, Davids, Eleazer*, John', John", Edward'), b. Feb. 13, 1818 ; he has res. in Swanton, Vt., and Franklin, Vt. ; now (1669) res. in Wilton, N. H. ; m. JnUa-Fassett Mears, May 9, 1841 ; she was b. Julv 29, 1820, in Georgia, Vt. ChUdren b. in Swanton, Vt, 7816. Jared-Means [9232], b. Mar. 1, 1842. 7817. Lucy-Lucinda, b. May 16, 1850; m. George-Washington Horton Nov. 27, 1867; res. Newburyport, Ms. (1869). 7818. Harlow-Edwin®' [4542] (Jared', BarziUaP, Davids, Eleazer*, John=, John", Edward'), b. Feb. 10, 1824, in Swanton, Vt. ; res. Franklin, Vt. ; carriage and sleigh manufacturer ; m. Jane-Louisa Mears, Oct, 27, 1847, EIGHTH GENERATION, 39i> 7819, Clarence-Merton, b. Oct. 17, 1849, in St. Albans, Vt, 7820, Charles-RosweU, b. July 20, 1856, in Franklin, Vt. 7821, Maynard -Harlow, b. Feb. 26, 1862, in Franklin, Vt. 7822. Henry-Horace, b. Feb. 22, 1864; d. Mar. 18, 1864. 7823. Lorenzo-White® [4543] (Jared', BarziUai®, David®, Eleazer*, John', John", Edward'), b. June 8, 1818, in Swanton, Vt. ; res. South Troy, Vt. ; m. Eliza Rodimoud, of Burlington, Vt., Jan, 30, 1846. 7824. Morillo, b. Oct. 29, 1846, in Essex, N, Y. ; d. Aug. 28, 1848, in Burlington, Vt. 7825. Mary-Jane, b. AprU 8, 1851, in FrankUn, Vt. 7826. Ezra-Monron, b. Sept. 5, 1856, in North Troy, Vt. ; d. Feb. 10, 1860. 7827. Charles-Ferdinand® [4544] (Jared', BarziUai®, Daniel®, Eleazer*, John', John", Edward'), b. ; m. Arminda Patterson, of BurUngton, Vt. 7828, Lorenzo-'Georgb® [4554] (Ozias', BarzillaP, David®, Eleazer*, John', John", Edward'), b, . Sept. 10, 1825; res. Hyde Park, LamoiUe Co., Vt. ; m. EflSe-Florilla Bean, May 30, 1H62. 7829. EUen-Maria, b. Jan. 10, 1868. 7830. Merritt-Ira, b. May 25, 1865. 7831. Merton-Elbert, b. Oct. 22, 1867. 7882. Everett-Lorenzo, b. May 7, 1869. 7833. Alva-W.® [4556] (Alva', BarziUaP, Davids, Eleazer*, John', John", Edward'), b. Mar. 1, 1826. He is sherifi"s deputy, and keeps a livery stable in New Britain, Conn. (1867) ; m. Josephine Beckley, Sept. 4, 1864 ; she was b. Oct. 26, 1837, in Berlm, Conn. 7834. Justin-White® [4561] (John', BarziUaP, Davids, Eleazer*, John', John", Edward'), b. June 18, 1823, in Meriden, N. H. ; d. Sept. 28, 1865, aged 42, at Atkinson, N. H. He grad. Dartmouth CoU. 1847 ; taught at West Boscawen ; also at Kimball Acad., Meriden, several terms ; was Principal of Bradford Acad., Vt., from Aug. 1849, to July, 1852 ; visited Ken tucky and Tennessee on business, from Sept. 1852 to June, 1853 ; became principal of Myrickville Acad, at Taunton, Ms., from Aug, 29, 1854, to June 24, 1867 ; was principal of Atkinson Acad, from Aug. 31, 1857, until his death; m. Eliza- Velzora Eastman, Aug. 15, 1855 ; she was the daughter of Hon, Benjamin-Franklin Eastman, of Phillips, Me, 7835. Aquila-Rich® [4565] (AquUa','" Phineas®, Davids, Eleazer*, John', John", Edwarai( b. May 17, 1814, in Morris town, Vt. ; m. Jerusha-Cushman Cobb, Mar. 18, 1837 ; she was b. Jan. 15, 1815. 7886. George-Fernando [9283], b. Jan. 16, 1839. 7837. Leonard® [4566] (AquUa', Phineas®, David®, Eleazer*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 12, 1816, in M.onTstown, Vt., 400 THE SPALDING MEMOKTAL^ where he resides ; 1st, m. Eliza-C. Spaldii^. o£ Plainfleld, N.. H..,, April 15, 1839 ; she was b. June 15, 1821, fm Plainfield, N, H, ;; she d. Nov. 7, 1860 ; 2d, m. Almira. Dunham^ S«jrf;,- 8,. 186.1.. Children all born in Reading-, Vt. 7838. Timon-HartweU, b. AprU 11, IMO; d. Msg. 2; 1862, 7839. Marcia- AdaUssa, b. Sept. 30. 18M; d.. Aug 31, 1852:^ - 7840., Oel, b. Oct. 24, 1849; d. Dec. 17, 1849), 7841. Albert, b. April 5, 1856. 7842. Enos-R.® [4582] (Enos'', Kiineais®, David®, Eleazer*;. John', John", Edwardi), b. juiy 23, 1SI9>, m, Plain£el(S, N.H.,, where he res. ; m. Elvira Spalding, 1844. 7843, WUliam-HartwelL, b. 1847. 7844. RoswELL-0.® [4583] (Enos^, Phineas®', Dbvi'd®,. Eleazer*,, John', John", Edward*), b. Nov. 9, 1821, in Bainfieldr N, H. ; m, Nancy Pelham, 1847. 7845. Dr. Asa-Leffingwell^ [4603] (Stepfeen?, Havis^; Ste* phen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Sept.. 1'8, 1800 ; d„ Jan. 7, 1864 ; 1st, m. Mary-Raynolds Dixon, of EmfieM, Conn., Mar, 31, 1834 ; she d, Aug, 28, 1841 ; 2d, m, Sarah-Howe FieSJVofSprmg- field, Vt., 1843 ; she d. Mar. 7, 1864. His parents removed to Colchester, Conn., soon afte his' birthi, There he fitted for college at " Bacon Academy."" He- relinquished,, however, the idea of a collegiate education, and entcBfed! upon the- study of medicine, whhich he pursued in part under tbe ibstructioiu of Dr. North, of Hartford, Coijn., and subsequently in lie' medicaL school at Yale College, from which he received his degree- fw 1832 ;, he also received the same frpm the Berkshire Medical Sehix)! im 1833. He comme.ij.ced practice in M.arlborough, Conn. ; tliifince he- removed to East H^iddam, Conn,, continuing but a short time im «ach of these places. He came in the spring of 1839, to Eafiield,, Conn., where he spent the remaining twenty-fivt> years of hi* life,. constantly engaged in the duties of his professio n. He was a mam of marked energy of character, — a quality which showed itselE iui the vigorous support he rendered in church and religious matters,, no less than in his successful professional life. His two oldest. sons are graduates of Williams College. First child b. in East Haddam, Conn. ; ipthers uin Enfleld, Conn. 7846. William-Dixon, b. Oct. 7, 1836; gra,d,- at W.Uliams CoU. 1860; was four years in the civil service in tijie offic e of the Senate at Washington ; since then has been in journs illsm, and res. in Loudon frora Jan. 1867, to the autumn pf 1870 ; now res. in New York. 7847. James-Field [9235], b. Dec. 5, 1839. 7848. Sarah-L., b. May 24, 1844; d. July 11, 1866: j:es. Enfleld, Conn. 7849. John-Edward, b. Jan. 27, 1847 ; res. New Yof'k < :ity. 7860. Davis-Cleaveland® [4611] (Zadoc', DaA .'is®, Stephens, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. March 19, 1798; d. June 9, 1864 (other authority Jan. 9, 1865) ; res. Killing] 'y, Conn, ; m. Marcia RusseU, 1823, " '^ EIGHTH GENERATION. 401 7861. Mary-Ann,b. May, 1825. 7852. Edmund-W. [9238], b. Aug. 1827 7863. Lorena. 7864. Horace, b. Jan. 1883. 7855. Elizabeth. 7856. Elisha-Paine® [4613] (Zadoc', Davis®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 8, 1801 ; d. Sept, 30, 1837 ; res. West Killingly, Conn. ; m. Jane Kimball, March 31, 1824 '{KUUngly Records, April 5), 7867, William-Paine [9239], b. Jan. 23, 1825, 7858, James-Harvey® [4616] (Zadoc', Davis®, Stephens, Ed ward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. May 24, 1807 ; d. Jan. 12, 1837 ; m. Julia-Ann Fields, Feb. 22, 1831, 7859. Jaraes-Lucius [9248], b. Dec. 9, 1831. 7860, John-Augustus [9247], b. Sept. 10, 1833. 7861. Henry® [4617] (Zadoc', Davis®, Stephens, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar, 22, 1809 ; res. Uxbridge, Ms. ; m. PameUa Hoar, of Monson, Ms., Nov. 27, 1831. 7862. Marcus-Henry [9251], b. Sept. 27, 1833. 7863. Zadoc- Hutchins [9253], b. Mar. 16, 1835. 7864, Lucy-Elizabeth, b. April 23, 1837 ; 1st, ra. James Duffey, Aug. 31, 1863 ; be d. Sept. 17, 1860 ; 2d, m. Edwin Carter, AprU 22, 1865 ; res. Uxbridge, Ms. 7865. Sarah-Dennison, b. June 27, 1839 ; m. Albert- Augustus Sherraan, Sept. 25, 1858 ; res. Uxbridge, Ms. 7866. Ezra-Knowlton [9255], b. Mar. 22, 1841. 7867. Mary-Cady, b. Jan. 27, 1848. 7868. James-Harvey, b. April 28, 1844. 7869. Joanna^Pamelia, b. Dec. 5, 1846. 7870. WiUiam-Francis, b. Oct. 26, 1848. 7871. Willard-Danielson® [4619] (Zadoc', Davis®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 6, 1813 ; res. Provi dence, R. I. ; m. Clarissa-Da,nforth BaUard, June 10, 1838. 7872. Alraira-Mahala, b. Aug. 6, 1889. 7873, Clarissa-Cady, b. Jan. 26, 1841. 7874. George- WiUard, b. June 29, 1848. 7fi75, Leroyr Augustus, b. July 7, 1846 ; d. Jan. 15, 1849. 7876, G-iRDEN-RoBiNSON® [4620] (Zadoc', Davis®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. July 24, 1816 ; res, Uxbridge, Ms. ; m. Irene-Capron Taft, of Uxbridge, Ms , May 26, 1843. 7877. Jaiqes-Harvey, b. Mar. 26, 1846 ; d. Mar. 26, 1846. 7878. Frederick-Augustus, b. Jan. 20, 1867, in Thorapson, Conn.; adopted. 7879. Joseph-Dexter® [4624] (Ezekiel', Davis®, Stephens, Ed ward*, Edward^, John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 2, 1810 ; res. Putnam, Conn. ; m. Flora Adams, of Brooklyn, Conn,, Feb, 2, 1835 ; .she was b, Dec. 8, 1804, 26 402 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 7880. Ellen, b. AprU 9, 1886; m. Nelson-Lewis EandaU, Sept, 29, 1857; res. Worcester, Ms. 7881. Adeline, b. Feb. 18, 1838; d. Oct. 10, 1840. 7882. Eraily, b. Jan. 10, 1840. 7888. EUison, b. June 28, 1848; d. Mar. 29, 1844. 7884. Elisha-Adams, b. Feb. 23, 1847 ; res. Worcester, Ms. ; unmarried (1868). 7885. George-Wanton® [4630] (Simon'', Nathaniel®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 3, 1816 ; m. Sarah- M. Fanning, of Jewett City, Conn., June 19, 1856 ; she d. Oct. 7, 1866. 7886. Dr. John-Willlam® [4635] (John', Nathaniel®, Stephens, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 28, 1802,inKUlmgly, Conn. He was engaged in various kinds of business until he read med icine in Western New York. He grad. at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111. He practised medicine in the State of New York, and in Knox Co., IU., -between thirty and forty years He was commissioned surgeon with the rank of major of the 112th Regt.. 111. Vol. He is now examining surgeon for pensions ; 1st, m. Ann- Maria Davison, May 3, 1825, at Norwich, Conn. ; 2d, m. Melissa- Dermot Lee, Aug. 11, 1833, in Stonington, Conn. 7887. Emily, b. Aug. 8, 1827; m. Capt. Alex.-W. Albro, Feb. 19, 1846; res. Galva, Henry Co., 111. 7888. WUUam-Lee [9256], b. July 7, 1834. 7889. John-Asa [9260], b. June 10, 1836. 7890. Charles- White, b. Aug. 10, 1889; d. Sept. 18, 1846. 7891. Helen- Isabella, b. AprU 30, 1842; d. Aug. 29, 1846. 7892. Florence-Araanda, b. Feb. 5, 1844; d. Nov. 8, 1862; she furnished several articles for tbe Ladies' Department of the N. T. Mer cury, signed F. S. ; one, " Sea of Life," with her full name. 7893. Edward-Martin, b. April 3, 1846; d. 1859. 7894. Helen-Melissa, b. Oct. 1, 1848 ; m. T. Baker. 7895. Isabella-Huldah, b Feb. 2, 1851; m. Martin Conner. 7896. Ida-May, b. Jan. 10, 1853. 7897. Frank-Lilian, b. Nov. 18, 1855. 7898. Charles-Wiston, b. AprU 7, 1856 ; d. July 9, 1860. 7899. Col. Harry® [4647] (John', Sunon®, SimonS, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1784, in Sheshequin, Penn. ; d. May 22, 1821, in Towanda, Penn. ; m. Lemira Satterlee, of Athens, Bradford Co., Penn., Dec. 25, 1806 ; she d. Nov. 1, 1855. First two chUdren b. in Sheshequin, Penn. ; others in Towanda, Penn. 7900. John-FrankUn, b. Nov. 7, 1807 ; d. Sept. 20, 1838. 7901. Asa-Gore [9261], b. Aug. 10, 1809. 7902. Harry -Nelson [9268], b. Sept. 4, 1811. 7908. James-Lawrence [9270], b. Sept. 15, 1818. 7904. Simon-Shepard [9275], b. Aug. 28, 1815. 7905. Elisha-Satterlee, b. Sept. 11, 1817; d. Sept. 25, 1817. 7906. Wealthy-Ann, b. Jan. 10, 1819 ; m. U.-Marvin Warner, Jan. 21, 1841 ; res. Rockford, 111. 7907. Louisa-Kinney, b. May 24, 1821; d. Sept. 21, 1822. EIGHTH GENERATION. 403 7908. William-Bela® [4648] (John', Simon®, SimonS, Ed ward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Ang. 24, 1786, in Sheshe quin, Penn. ; d. Sept. 10, 1848, in Texas ; m. Delight-Spalding [1266], May 20, 1816 ; she d. May 11, 1844, at Franklin, Brad ford Co., Penn. First three chUdren b. in Franklin, Penn. ; others in Towanda, Penn, 7909, Sarah, b. July 10, 1817; m. Francis-Sneakenberger Rice, Nov. 8, 1840. Children as follows : Harry-Lynian, b. July 17, 1841, d. Dec^ 24, 1862; MatUda- Amanda, b. July 19, 1843, d. Jan. 15, 1852; Francis-Sneakenberger, b. July 7, 1845, enlisted in 8d Battery N. Y. Light Artillery, Sept. 15, 1864, dis. July 18, 1865 ; Orin-Bela, b. May 5, 1849 ; Wealthy, b. Jan. 12, 1851 ; CUnton, b. June 29, 1858; John-Murry, b. Aug. 20, 1856. 7910. Ezra [9288], b. Dec. 31, 1818. 7911. Hannah, b. Mar. 28, 1821; m. John Beidleraan, Dec. 30, 1846; res. Towanda, Penn., where their children were b. : Anson- Spalding, b. Sept. 18, 1847, d. May 13, 1851 ; Anna-Delight, b. Aug. 15, 1851; Elizabeth, b. May 7, 1864, d. May 11, 1857; Flor ence, b. Nov. 7, 1856 ; Eda, b. Dec. 3, 1857 ; Charles-Newcomb, b. Dec. 2, 1858. 7912. Joseph-Eaton [9286], b. July 22, 1826. 7913. Anna, b. May 8, 1828; ra. WiUiara Scott, May 19, 1846. ChUdren as follows : Morgan-Henry, b. Oct. 20, 1847, m. Eraraa-D. Vin- cient, Dec. 14, 1869 ; WUliara-Spalding, b. March 22, 1850, d. AprU 7, 1851; Anna-Delight, b. Sept. 1, 1853; Clinton, b. Sept. 29, 1865 ; Charles-LeGrande, b. Oct. 2, 1858 ; Mary-Amelia, b. Feb. 10, 1861. 7914. Noah® [4649] (John', Simon®, Simon®, Edward*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b, June 28, 1788, in Sheshequin, Penn, ; d. Feb. 5, 1835, in Towanda, Penn., where he resided ; m. Huldah KeUogg, Aug. 24, 1812, 7915. Henry-Darwin [9289], b. Oct. 8, 1813. 7916. Simon, b. AprU 26, 1815; d. Aug. 10, 1840. 7917. Mary-Lebanon, b. May 30, 1817; m. GUbert Seaman, July 1, 1840. 7918. Amanda, b. Aprils, 1819; 1st, m. Zeruiah Cross, Dec. 22, 1841; he d. May 17, 1851. Children: Charles-F., b. July 28, 1843; George-W., b. June 1, 1849; 2d, m. Maj. John Horton, Aug. 9, 18.53 ; he d. Feb. 21, 1867. Child : Araanda-BeU, b. Aug. 8, 1860. C.-F. Cross, cora. 2d lieut. in the 60th Penn. Vol., Aug. 8, 1861; com. 1st lieut. in the Signal Corps, U. S. A., Oct. 20, 1863, with rank from March 30, 1863. He was honorably dis charged the service of the United States as 2d lieut., 50th Regt. Penn. Vols., AprU 21, 1864, to date from Jan. 16, 1864, having accepted his appointment in the Signal Corps, Jan. 17, 1864 ; was breveted Capt. March 13, 1865 ; was breveted Major, dating Mar. 18, 1866. Maj. Gen. A. H. Terry, in recommending Lieut. Cross for the rank of Captain by brevet, says : "A more intelligent, active, and faithful officer I never met, and he re peatedly distinguished himself by the courage and composure with which he performed his duties under flre." 7919. George-Addison [9300], b. Feb. 20, 1821. 7920, Elizabeth-Lemira, b. April 17, 1828 ; m. John Moore, June 22, 1847. 7921. Richard-Eush [9801], b. Nov. 8, 1826. 404 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 7922, Warren-Brown, b. Jan. 27, 1829 ; d. Aug. 6, 1848, 7923. Emily-Matilda, b. Feb. 26, 1831 ; d. June 21, 1836. 7924. Noah-Martin [9312], b. AprU 23, 1838. 7925, Obadiah-Gore® [4660] (John', Simon®, Simon®, Ed ward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug, 11, 1790, in Sheshe quin, Penn, ; d, Dec, 1847, in Munroe, Mich, ; m, Clotilda Hoyt,, July 3, 1814 ; she was b, J 1, 1795 ; she d. Sept, 3, 1834,, 7926. Jane, b. April 21, 1815; m. James Williams; she d, June IL, 1870. 7927. Lemira, b. June 25, 1817 ; m. John Rodney. 7928. Ellen, b. Feb. 4, 1819; m. Hiram Kelley; she d. June, 1847. 7929. EUza, b. Feb. 18, 1821 ; d. Aug. 12, 1839 ; unmarried. 7930. Julius-H. [9315], b. Jan. 16, 1828. 7981. Ulysses, b. Mar. 4, 1825 ; d. Aug. 26, 1884. 7982. David [9816], b. AprU 6, 1827. 7933. Obadiah-G., b. Mar. 9, 1829. 7984. Susan-C, b. Mar. 5, 1881 ; m. WiUiam Corbet. 7935. Ulysses® [4653] (John', Simon®, SimonS, Edward*,,Ed"r ward', John*?, Edwardi), b. July 3, 1796, in Sheshequin, Penn. ; d.. in Peru, 111, ; m. Jane-A. Smith. 7936. Margaret, b. ; m. William Dresser. 7937. Jane. 7938. Owen. 7939. Clinton. 7940. Jaraes. 7941. George-W.® [4655] (John', Simon®, Simon®, Edkard*V Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 18, 1800, in Sheshequin,, Penn.; d, Aug, 24, 1840; res, in Byron, IU, ; m. Prudence Brown, 7942. Harry. 7943. Horace. 7944. Kirk, 7946. Emma, 7946. JoHN-AvEKY® [4656] (John'', Simon®, Simon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b, Aug, 14, 1802, in Sheshequin, Penn. ; res. near Penn Yan, N, Y, ; d. Aug, 7, 1842, at his resi dence in the town of Jerusalem, Yates Co., N, Y, ; nu Amanda Tracy, Dec. 21, 1826, in Scipio, N. Y. ; she now res. in Moravia, Cayuga Co,, N, Y, ; she was the daughter of Alanson andi Martha Tracy. 7947. Martha- Ann b. Dec. 4, 1827, in Scipio, N. Y. ; m. Caleb Cranson, Oct. 11, 1860; res. Venice, Cayuga Co., N. Y. 7948. John [9817], b. July 13, 1831, in Jerusalem, N. Y. ; res. Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ' 7949. Mary-Mandania, b. Aug. 7, 1836, in Jerusalem, N. Y. ;. m. Frank Un Hand, Sept. 8, 1864; res. New Lebanon Springs, Columbia 7950. Wealthy-Amanda, b Feb. 21, 1839; m. Benjamiu-Branklin Barnes, Feb. 13, 1866; res. Venice, N. Y 7951. I'^«'i?;Tra«y, b. Au^ ^7 1841; m. Charles-Denison-Eitch Smith, Jan. 24, 1861 ; res. Moravia, N. Y. EIGHTH GENERATION. 405 7952. Charles-Miner® [4657] (John'', Simon®, Simon®, Ed ward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 20, 1804, in Sheshe quin, Penn. ; d., Jan. 20, 1858, in Texas ; res. Alum Creek, Texas ; m. Jane Crawford. He was with the Indians seven months, and meanwhile never saw the face of a white man ; he found a white woman with them, and, conversing with her, he ascertained that she was a prisoner, the Indians having killed her husband, and taken her and her baby and two small brothers prisoners. Mr. Spalding ransomed them, and they were six weeks getting to the white settlement. This woman he afterwards married, 7968. Wealthy-Ann, 7964, John. 7965. George. 7956. William-Bela. 7957. Sarah.Charles. 7958. Zebulon-Butler® [4658] (John'', Simon®, Simon®, Ed ward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 30, 1807, in Sheshequin, Penn. ; d, Nov. 19, 1870 ; res, Athens, Penn, ; m, Kezia-B, Oren- shire, Dec. 21, 1837, 7969. Mary-Adele, b. Nov. 1, 1838 ; d. April 6, 1842. 7960. George-W., b. Mar. 30, 1841, 7961. Charles-Henry, b. Dec. 17, 1842, 7962, Sarah-Aurelia, b. Nov. 19, 1848. 7963. Edward-Clayton, b. Nov. 28, 1850. 7964, Chester® [4664] (Chester-Pierce^ Simon®, SUnonS, Ed ward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. June 15, 1811, in Palmyra, N. Y., where he d, Dec, 8, 1850 ; he removed from Palmyra, N. Y., to Mount Clemens, Mich., when a young man ; he was a cabinet-maker ; m. Fanny Fish, of Mount Clemens, Mich., Mar, il, 1838. Children all b. in Mount Clemens, Mich, 7965. MatUda-Fanny, b. Oct. 22, 1840 ; m. Israel-Demlng Carlton, Aug. 18, 1864 ; res. Port Huron, Mich. 7966. Edgar-Goldsmith, b. Dec. 28, 1843; he is Deputy CoUector and Cashier, Custom House, Port Huron, Mich., where he res. 7967. Clara-M., b. Jan. 26, 1846; m. Harrison-Orlando Wood, Jan, 16, 1867 ; res. Little FaUs, N. Y, 7968, Alonzo® [4666] (Simeon', Simeon®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. April 2, 1821, in OrweU, Rutland Co., Vt. ; he has resided in Washtenaw Co., Mich., Leoni, Jackson Co., Mich. ; now res. WoodhuU, Shiawassee Co., Mich. ; P. O. address, WUliamstown, Ingham Co., Mich. ; 1st, m, Louisa Rudd, Nov. 3, 1844 ; she d. Mar, 13, 1862 ; 2d, m, Amanda Townsend, Mai-. 8, 1863. 7969. Martha-EsteU, b. Sept. 12, 1845. 7970. Simeon-Alonzo, b. Sept. 6, 1847. 406 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 7971, Louisa-EdeU, b. April 3, 1850. 7972. Lamond, b. Mar. 23, 1852 ; d. June 8, 1862. 7973. WiUis-Adelbert, b. Feb. 12, 1854. 7974. Charles-Arthur, b. Aug. 30, 1856. 7975. Mary-Antoinette, b. Aug. 6, 1860. 7976. Albert-Elton, b. July 27, 1866. 7977. Josiah® [4667] (Simeon', Simeon®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 2, 1823, 7978. Henrt-Staer® [4669] (Don Alonzo'', Joel-Dodge®, Jo siahs, Josiah*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b, Nov, 29, 1821 ; res. Cape May, N, J. ; m. Anna-Marie McMahan, July 10, 1855 ; she d. Nov, 16, 1865, in Vineland, N, J, He entered Shurtlefl' Coll., Upper Alton, 111., but his health fail ing, he was compelled to relinquish his studies. He was for three years a clerk in the surveyor-general's oflice at St. Louis, Mo. He then res. in Alton, 111., from which place he removed in 1862 to Vineland, N. J. That year he enlisted as a private in Co. B, 24th Regt. N. J. Vol. He soon after became 2d sergt., then orderly sergt., and after the battle of Fredericksburg received a commission as 2d lieutenant, Co. I, in the same regiment. In the history of the New Jersey troops he is specially mentioned for his gallantry. In 1864, he raised a company and went out as capt. in the 38th Regt. N. J. Vol. He was mustered out of service July, 1865. His wife was a person of rare intellectual gifts and fine poetic tastes, A volume of her poems was collected by herself and published in New York, by James Miller, 1866, 7979. Alice-Marie-Hawthorn, b. AprU 21, 1866. 7980. LiUian-Winfred, b. Sept. 7, 1868. 7981. Merritt-Clark® [4675] (Harry', Joel-Dodge®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Sept, 18, 1824, in Rutland, Vt, ; res. Quincy, IU. (1869) ; m. Louisa White, April 29, 1849, in St, Louis, Mo, ; she was b, Oct, 3, 1827, in Hancock Co., IU, 7982. Francis-E., b. Jan. 19, 1850. 7983. George-Henry, b. Dec. 7, 1851, in Quincy, IU. 7984. Ann-Rosette, b. Mar. 29. 1864, in Quincy, 111, 7986. Mary- Olive, b. Feb. 20, 1866, in Quincy, HI. 7986. Clara-Ella, b. Feb. 24, 1858, in Quincy, III. 7987. Lydia-Caroline, b. May 4, 1861 ; d. Sept. 19, 1862, in Quincy, IU. 7988. Hugh-Harry, b. May 29, 1865. 7989. Don Alonzo, b. Nov. 8, 1868. 7990. George® [4677] (Harry', Joel-Dodge®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b, June 14, 1829, in Rutland, Vt, ; res, (1869) Omaha, Neb. ; m. Lydia Evans, AprU 22, 1855, at Alton, IU. ; she was b, Feb. 22, 1834, in Saratoga Co., N. Y. 7991, Lydia-ZuUona, b. Feb. 18, 1856; d. Feb. 26, 1864. 7992. Julia-Josephine, b. May 28, 1858; d. AprU 11, 1867, 7993. Charlotte, b. Aug. 11, 1861. 7994. Charles-Harvey, b. July 25, 1863 ; d. Jan. 14, 1864. 7995. George-Henry, b. July 18, 1866; d. AprU 1, 1867. A son. EIGHTH GENERATION. 407 7996. Horace-Clark® [4679] (Harry', Joel-Dodge®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 8, 1836 ; res. Mill wood, Macoupin C)o., 111. ; m. Margaret-Jane Henry, of Erie, Penn. ; she was b, Aug, 2, 1843, 7997. Mary-Bell, b. Nov. 22, 1864, in Shipman, Macoupin Co., IU. 7998. Ida-May, b. Feb. 28, 1866, in MitcheU, Madison Co., IU. 7999, George-NeUis, b. Mar, 12, 1868, in Millwood, Macoupin Co., IU, 8000. Phinbas-Sargent® [4681] (Phmeas', Phineas®, Phineas®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 18, 1807, in Addison, Vt. ; res. Elmira, Eaton Co., Mich; m. Maria Butler, of Seneca, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1832, 8001. George, b. Aug. 23, 1835 ; unmarried (1869). 8002. Louisa-Maria, h. Mar. 2, 1839 ; ra. Dexter-E. Cole, Feb. 27, 1867 ; he d. April 24, 1868 ; res. Elraira, Mich. 8003. MatUda-Jane, b. Feb. 10, 1841 ; m. John-G. MUler, Mar, 10, 1863 ; res. Elraira, Mich. 8004. Almira, b. Sept. 7, 1843 ; m. George-E, Woodbury, Oct. 20, 1867 ; res. Elmira, Mich. 8005. Phineas-Albert, b. Aug. 23, 1846 ; unmarried (1869), 8006. Frank, b. May 15, 1852. 8007, John-Hoover® [4697] (SamueF, Edward®, Isaacs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 11, 1812, in Romulus, Seneca Co., N. Y. (other authority, Feb, 19) ; res. Austerlitz, Kent Co., Mich, ; m, Matilda-Almira Petchpr, AprU 7, 1836, 8008, Margaret- Ann, b. March 14, 1837 ; m. Seth-Thompson Hall, May 14, 1862 ; res. Grand Rapids, Mich. 8009. John-Emerick[9320], b. Oct. 22, 1838. 8010. Joseph-Hoover, b. Sept. 27, 1840 ; d. June 19, 1845. 8011. WiUiam-Petcher, b. May 2, 1842 ; d. June 6, 1845. 8012. WiUiam-Montgomery, b. Oct. 5, 1845 ; d. AprU 2, 1867. 8013. Samuel® [4699] (Samuel', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. July 18, 1817, in Romulus, N, Y. ; res. Plainfield, Mich, ; P, 0. address, Austerlitz, Kent Co., Mich, ; m, EUzabeth-Ann Kingon, Oct, 23, 1843, 8014. Charles, b. Aug. 2, 1844, in Suffleld, Portage Co., Ohio. 8015. Louisa, b. Oct. 6, 1846, in Coventry, Summit Co., Ohio ; m. James Sedgwick, Sept. 1, 1867 ; res. Plainfleld, Mich. 8016. Joseph, b. Oct. 2, 1848, in Coventry, Summit Co., Ohio. 8017. Augusta, b. July 6, 1862, in Brimfleld, Portage Co., Ohio, 8018. JosEPH-HooYBR® [4701] (Samuel', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. May 1, 1822, in Seneca, Ontario Co., N. Y, ; res, Franklin, Mich. ; P. O, address, Clinton, Mich, ; 1st, m. Flora Meacham, of Portage Co., Ohio, Feb. 22, 1844 ; she d. Nov. 6, 1856 ; 2d, m, Susannah-Paulina Lee, of Summerfield, Mun roe Co., Mich., June 20, 1857, First three children b, in Summit Co,, Ohio ; others b. in Frank lin, Lenawee Co., Mich. 8019, Sarah-Almeda, b, Aug. 14, 1846. 8020, Francis, b. Sept. 9, 1848. 4:08 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL- 8021, Homer, h. Aug. 8, 1861 ; d. Jan. 28, 1862- 8022. Lois-Cordelia, b. July 17, 1854. 8023. Joseph-Irwin, b. Oct. 7, 1856. 8024. Ida-Flora, h. May 7, 1859. 8025. Nora-Ettie, b. Sept. 22, 1860. 8026. WUUam-Ernest, h. April 28, 1862. 8027. Thomas-Edward, b. May 29, 1866. 8028. Oscar-Daniel® [4716] (Daniel', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b, June 5, 1828 ; res. Hastings, Barry Co., Mich. ; m. Harriet-Maria Mason, Aug, 10, 1851. 8029. Harriet-BeUe, b. Oct. 21, 1862. 8030. Fred-Oscar, b. Dec. 25, 1866. 8031. John- Alonzo® [4718] (Daniel', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. June 5, 1833 ; m. Sar ah- Ann Fitzger ald, Dec. 6, 1865, 8032. George-Gary, b. Jan. 29, 1858. 8033. Reuben-Orson, b. May 27, 1863; d. Aug. 25, 1856. 8034. Thaddeus-Denison® [4720] (Daniel', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug, 25, 1837; res. Hast ings, Barry Co., Mich. ; m, Frosina Mason, May 1, 1861, 8035. Theron, b. Jan. 5, 1862. 8036. Edward-Russell® [4727] (John'', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edward'), b. Oct. 29, 1834 ; res. Bellevue, Eaton Co., Mich. ; m. Hannah-Maria Andrews, Jan. 5, 1854. 8037. Phebe-EUzabeth, b. AprU 4, 1862. 8038. Harriet-Emma, b. May 1, 1865. 8039. John-Wesley® [4732] (John', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b, Oct, 26, 1846; res, Bellevue, Eaton Co,, Mich. ; m. Sarah Graman, Dec. 24, 1868, 8040. William-Avery® [4737] (WUUam-Avery', Nehemiah®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 25, 1825, in Yates, N, Y,, where he res. ; m. Rachel Coon, Nov, 17, 1847, 8041. Erastus-Mason® [4739] (WUUam-Avery', Nehemiah®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward®, John", Edwardi), b. June 14, 1828, in Yates, N. Y. ; res. Albion, Orleans Co., N. Y. ; he was sherifi" of Orleans Co. three years. He enlisted July, 1862 ; elected captain of Co. C, 8th N.Y. Heavy ArtiUery; promoted to 1st major; honorably discharged on account of sickness, Sept. 1864 ; served two years and two months ; he was in the battles of Cold Harbor, Mine Run, and at the commencement of siege of Richmond ; m. Harriet Bedford, Aug. 1862. 8042. Henry-Harrison® [4744] (William-Avery', Nehemiah®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 31, 1842, in Yates, Orleans Co., N. Y,, where he res. ; m. Eliza HaU, Dec. 14, 1868. EIGHTH GENERATION, 409 8043, Joseph-Smith® [4746] (Orange-Stoddard', Nehemiah®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. May 11, 1829, in Aurelius, N. Y, ; res, Lyndonville, Orleans Co., N, Y, ; m. Jane- Bebecca Frost, of Yates, N, Y., Oct. 31, 1850. 8044. Edgar-Lincoln, b. Nov. 16, 1864, in Sylvania, Lucas Co., Ohio ; adopted. 8045. Ira® [4760] (Ezra', Ezra®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan, 2, 1825; d. Sept, 20, 1861 ; m. Caroline Bur- gett, of Breakabeen, Schoharie Co., N. Y. A son, b. ; d. Sept. 10, 1861. 8046. Jonathan® [4764] (George', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 3, 1811, in WeUs, N. Y. ; res. Onondaga Valley, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; m. Mary- Ann WeUs, Mar. 10, 1836, in Onondaga, N. Y. Children b. in SpaflTord, Onondaga Co.,.N. Y. «047. Russell-Ross [9321], b. Oct. 23, 1837. 8048. Lyman-Patchin, b. May 8, 1841; res. in Michigan; a farmer. 8049. Helim® [4766] (George', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 27, 1814, in WeUs, N. Y. ; d. Nov. 1, 1865 ; m, LoAdna Ralston, Nov, 8, 1836 ; she now lives in Manchester, Mich. 8060. George-Ralston [9328], b. AprU 15, 1837. 8051. Jane-Ann, b. Nov. 13, 1839; m. Charles Gofi", of Syracuse, N. Y., Mar. 1865. 8052. Renett, b. June 9, 1844; m. Emerson AnnabU, Dec. 25, 1862. 8058. Helen, b. Sept. 28, 1845 ; d. Oct. 7, 1845. 8(354. George-Washington® [4773] (George', Jeremiah®, Jer emiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 26, 1830, in Otisco, N. Y. ; res. Onondaga Valley, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; a far mer; m. Frances-Mary Sherwood, Oct. 16, 1853; she was daughter of Daniel Sherwood, of the town and county of Onondaga, N. Y. ChUdren b. in Spaflford, N. Y. 8056. Mary-Elizabeth, b. Feb. 10, 1857. 8066. George- Washington, b. Oct. 9, 1861. 8067. Fannie-Cuddeback, b. Dec. 8, 1868. 8058. Jerry® [4774] (George', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar, 1, 1834, in Otisco, N. Y, ; res, first in Spafford, Onondaga Co,, N, Y, ; removed to Kent Co,, Mich., in the spring of 1863 ; now res. in Plainfleld, Kent Co., Mich. ; P. O, address, Austerlitz, KentCo,, Mich. ; m. Cynthia- Maria MiUer, Nov. 14, 1854, 8069. Henry, b. Mar. 27, 1857, in SpaflTord, N, Y. 8060. Mary, b. Jan. 5, 1860, in Spafford, N. Y. 8061. Charles, b. Mar. 6, 1864, in Oakfleld, KentCo., Mich. 8062. George, b. Feb. 6, 1866, in Plainfleld, Kent Co., Mich, 410 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8063. William® [4777] (Dwelle'', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 26, 1819 ; m. Jane Sweet, July 19, 1842. 8064. Silas-Woodworth® [4778] (Dwelle'', Jeremiah®, Jere miah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 16, 1821 ; m. Euretha Harris, Feb. 10, 1847. 8065. Selah® -[4779] (DweUe', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct, 18, 1824 ; m, Sarah Maclntke. 8066, DbWitt-Clinton® [4781] (DweUe'', Jeremiah® Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b, AprU 8, 1829 ; m. Hester Covel, May 2, 1859, 8067, Francis-Clark® [4786] (David', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar, 12, 1818, in Northamp ton, N. Y, ; res, in Onondaga Co., N. Y., till Sept. 12, 1862 ; thence removed to Erie Co., Ohio, where he res. till Dec. 1'7, 1867 ; thence to Warren Co., Tenn. ; now res. in McMinnville, Warren Co., Tenn. (1869); a farmer; m. Elizabeth Leverick, of Otisco, N. Y,, July 1, 1840, 8068. Eugene, b. Nov. 19, 1841 ; he added the letter D to his name when he enUsted, Aug. 28, 1862, in the 122d Reg., Co. F, N. Y. Vol. ; he was in 16 battles without injury; wounded May 6, 1864, in the battle of the Wilderness ; d. June 17, 1864, at Alexandria, Va., where his body now lies. 8069. Patience, b. July 30, 1843; m. Franklin Bowker, of Berlinvllle, Ohio ; have res. in Des Moines, Iowa, and Sheriden, Mich. ; they now live in Calhoun Co., 111. 8070. Emmett, b. Feb. 20, 1845 ; dropped the name Spalding, took that of Robert Emmett ; enlisted in the 4th Wis. Cav. ;' was taken sick and d. May 6, 1864, at Baton Rouge, La., where his body lies. 8071. Harriet, b. Jan. 21, 1846; m. Albert Albee, of BerlinsviUe,'0., Dec. 28, 1867 : res. Norwalk. 8072. Libbie, b. July 16, 1848 ; m. John . 8073. Garrison, b. Mar. 80, 1860 ; d. AprU 11, 1850. 8074. David-Lee, b. Feb. 4, 1864. 8075. Isaac® [4787] (David', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 12, 1820 ; res. Otisco Centre, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; m. Phebe Barker, of Otisco, N, Y., Dec. 1839, 8076, Rev. David-Leland® [4790] (David', Jeremiah®, Jere miah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 3, 1825, in North ampton, N, Y. ; res, Lafayette, Yam Hill Co., Oregon (1869) ; m, Harriet-E. Smith, of Spafl-ord, N, Y., Feb. 11, 1860, 8077. Lewis® [4791] (David', Jeremiah®, Jeremiahs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 8, 1835, in Otisco, N. Y, ; res. Ithaca, N. Y, He is ass't prof, of agriculture in Cornell tlniv, and manager of the University Farm ; m. Lizzie-Sarah Haight, of Cazenovia N, Y,, May 12, 1860 ; she was b, AprU 22, 1840, in Homer, N, Y. ; she d, Aug. 24, 1868. Children b. in Spafl'ord, N. Y. EIGHTH GENERATION. 411 8078. Marian-Ida, b. June SO, 1863. 8079. Lucy- Winifred, b. Jan. 19, 1865. Infant daughter, b. Dec. 16, 1867 ; d. July 13, 1868. 8080, Asa-Laneear® [4795] (Jeremiah', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 20, 1831 ; res. Newfane, Niagara Co., N, Y, ; m, Isabell Hess, Aug. 24, 1855. 8081. Frank-Norton, b. AprU 14, 1867. 8082. Cora-Isabell, b, July 3, 1861. 8083, William-Jay® [4798] (Jeremiah', Jeremia,h®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. March 13, 1842 ; m. Sarah Porter, Jan. 1, 1863. 8084. Grant, b. Mar. 14, 1868. 8085. Day® [4800] (Isaac', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 18, 1824, in Mayfleld, FuUon Co., N. Y. ; P. O. address, Preble, Cortland Co., N. Y. ; m. Elizabeth Watson Feb. 15, 1849. ChUdren b. in Spafl'ord, Onondaga Co., N. Y. 8086. Henry-O'Brian, b. N6v. 15, 1849. 8087. John-Charles-Fremont, b. Oct. 26, 1864. 8088. Perry, b. Feb. 22, 1857. 8089. Perry® [4803] (Isaac', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 9, 1829, in Otisco, N.Y. ; res. Muir, Ionia Co., Mich. ; m, Cheny Norton, Feb, 28, 1863. First three and last two children b. in Ionia, Mich. ; the other two in North Plains, Mich. 8090. Cora-AUda, b. Feb. 16, 1854 ; d. July 14, 1855. 8091. Ella, b. Oct. 17, 1856 ; d. Oct. 19, 1855. 8092. Ida-Florence, b. Oct. 4, 1866. 8098. Charlie, b. Dec. 20, 1862; d. Oct. 11, 1866. 8094. Daisy, b. AprU 4, 1866 ; d. Sept, 12, 1866. 8095. Jennie-Clare, b. Mar. 3, 1867. 8096. Fannie-Ethel, b. Aug. 10, 1869. 8097. Jeremiah® [4804] (Isaac', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 14, 1832, in Providence, Sara toga Co., N, Y. ; P, 0. address, Muir, Ionia Co., Mich. ; m. Clara- Matilda Everest, Sept, 11, 1856, Children b. in Ionia, Mich. • 8098. PhUo-Lee, b. Sept. 23, 1862. 8099. Nelson-Julius, b. Mar. 23, 1866. 8100. AdeUa- Clarissa, b. June 7, 1868, 8101, Earl® [4805] (Isaac', Jeremiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct, 27, 1834, in GlenvUle, Schenec tady Co., N. Y. ; P, O, address, Skaneateles, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; m, Sarah Fish, Jan, 3, 1864. 8102. Minnie, b. Mar. 26, 1866, in Ionia, Mich. 8108. Miles, b. Feb. 6, 1868, in Marcellus, Onondaga Co., N. Y. 412 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8104. G.-W.-Montgomery® [4807] (Isaac^, Jeremiah®, Jere miahs, laaac*, Edward', John", Edward*), b. Oct. 23, 1839 ; P. O. address, Muir, Ionia Co., Mich. ; m. AdeUa Crippen, AprU 6, 1864. Children b. in North Plains, Ionia Co., Mich. 8106. EUa-MatUda, b. Mar. 6, 1865. 8106. AUce-Edith, b. Mar. 29, 1869. 8107. William-Wallace® [4811] (WiUiam'', Jeremiah®, Jere miahs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 1, 1833 ; res. Wheatfleld, Ingham Co., Mich, ; m. Mary-Jane Litchfield, Sept, 15, 1861. 8108. Jay, b. May 6, 1862. 8109. WiUiam, b. Sept. 5, 1864. 8110. Hugh-HanniBal® [4813] (WUUam', Jeremiah®, Jeremiahs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. May 5, 1837 ; res. WilUams town, Mich. ; m. Jane Cummings, Aug. 16, 1859. 8111. Fred-Edward, b. Nov. 24, 1860. 8112. George® [4815] (WUliam', Jeremiah®, Jeremiahs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 17, 1846 ; res. WUliamstown, Mich. ; m. June 22, 1869. S'US. Isaac-Churchill® [4818] (Jeremiah'', Isaac®, Jacob®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 7,1805; res. Black River Falls, Wis. ; 1st, m. Rebecca Bard, of Johnstown, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1832 ; 2d, m. Emma Clark, Feb. 27, 1861, at St. Louis, Mo. ; she d. AprU 8, 1866 ; 3d, m. Marietta RoUoson, Jan. 3, 1867. 8114. Minnehaha, b. May 10, 1862, in St. Louis, Mo, 8116, EUa, b. June 8, 1863, in Kenosha, Wis. 8116. Mary-Emma, b. Feb. 6, 1866, in St. Louis, Mo, 8117, Jacob® [4820] (Jeremiah', Isaac®, Jacob®, Isaac*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. July 2, 1810 ; res. Black River FaUs, Wis, ; 1st, m. Nancy-Jane Stickney, Mar, 15, 1833 ; she was b. June 15, 1811, in Saratoga, N. Y. ; she d, July 25, 1849 ; 2d, m, Lucinda-B, Tyler, of Hebron, Conn., .Tan. 20, 1852 ; she d. Feb. 7, 1868 ; 3d, m. Mrs. Eliza- VanScoyke (Robertson) Spalding [8121], widow of his brother David, Mar. 26, 1869. 8118. Dudley-Jeremiah, b. July 13, 1884, 8119. Mary-Jane, b. Dec. 16, 1841 {Stickney Qen, Dec. 25, 1847). 8120. Lorain-Angeline, b. Feb. 25, 1852. 8121. David® [4821] (Jeremiah', Isaac®, Jacobs, Isaac*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 12, 1812 ; d. Mar. 13, 1868. He was a manufacturer of gloves and mittens, and spent most of his life in Johnstown, N. Y. He served in the late war as captain, was appointed colonel, but retired and moved his family to Mis souri ; returned to Johnstown, N. Y., on a visit, and d, there ; 1st, m. Jane-Ann Brown, Sept, 1, 1836 ; she was b, in Gloversville, EIGHTH GENERATION. 413 N. Y. ; she 1860, at Claverack, N. Y. ; she was the daughter of Solomon-Caleb and Anna Barton, and was b. Mar. 12, 1820, in Kinderhook, N. Y. 8185. Owen-Barton, b. May 23, 1868, in Eochester, N. Y, 8186, Fannie-EsteU, b. Aug. 14, 1856, in Oramel, N. Y. 8187. Amy-Thankful, b. Oct. 20, 1862, in Oramel, N. Y. 8188. James-Benedict® [4871] (Daniel', Daniel®, Jacobs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct, 19, 1824 ; 1st, m. Mary- C. Smith, Jan. 1, 1848 ; she d. May 13, 1862, aged 26 ; 2d, m. Cynthia-Annie Ewing, Sept. 20, 1854 ; she was b. Dec. 13, 1836. 8189. Lewis-Herbert [9355], b. Aug. 14, 1849, in New Hudson, N. Y. 8190. Milton-Edwin, b. Oct. 26, 1851, in New Hudson, N, Y. 8191. Frank-Ewing, b. AprU 12, 1857, in Oramel, N. Y. 8192. Emma-Cynthia, b. AprU 30, 1863, in Springfleld, 111, 8193. Albert-Star, b. Jan. 23, 1866. 8194. Irving-Easton, b. Dec. 23, 1867, in Springfleld, 111. 8195. John® [4882] (Simeon', Jacob®, Simeon®, Jacob*, Ed ward', John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 2, 1823; res. Killingly, Conn. ; P, O, address, either South or West Killingly, as he Uves between the two offices ; m. Ann-Maria Young, of Killingly, Conn., March 23, 1848 ; she was the daughter of Jonah-S. and Marcy (Colvin) Young ; she d. May 22, 1866, aged 34. 416 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8196. Seth-Colvin, b. July 8, 1849. 8197. Aria, b. Aug. 7, 1851. 8108. Cnarles-PeUessier, b. Sept. 6, 1855. 8199. Jacob-Leonidas® [4891] (Joshua', Jacob®, Simeon®, Jacob*, Edwai-d', John", Edwardi), b. Sept, 8, 1827 ; m. Margaret- E, Motiey. 8200. Leonidas-M., b. May 19, 1861. A son, b. Sept. 7, 1863. 8201. Florence, b. Mar. 26, 1865. 8202. Erastus-Lester® [4907] (Azariah', Daniel®, Azariah®, Philip*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 6, 1825 ; 1st, m. Julia. Spalding (4913), Mar, 19, 1848; 2d, m, Hannah Medbery, Nov. 13, 1862, 8203. Julius-Erastus, b. July 26, 1856 ; d. Oct. 8, 1856. A son, b. Dec. 6, 1865. 8204. Efpingham-Waener® [4921] (Andrew', Denison®, Cur tisS, Philip*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. May 12, 1816 ; d. Jan, 20, 1841 ; m. Laura Stearns, Dec. 1837. Children b. in Danville, Vt, 8205. Almira-Drew, b. ; m. Alonzo Walcott, of New Hartford, Iowa;: d. in same place, June 1, 1868 ; had been married two years. 8206. Elmore, b. June 4, 1889; d. 1863. 8207. Charles-Wesley® [4927] (Andrew', Denison®, Curtis®,. Philip*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 5, 1832 ; d. Nov. 16,. 1860, and was buried in Burke, Vt., where he res. ; m. Calista- Sherman Kimball, Dec. 24, 1865 ; she was b. Dec. 25, 1837, im Lyndon, Vt. ; she d. Dec. 17, 1860, in Burke, Vt. 8208. Luna-Cylena, b. Nov. 26, 1866 ; d. Dec. 28, 1869. 8209. William® [4933] (Voltaire', Rufus®, Jacob®, Philip*,, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 19, 1828, in Lockport, N. Y. ;. res. Chicago, IU. (1868) ; m. Maria Sedgewick, Oct. 31, 1853 ;. she- was b. Sept. 18, l'<'61, at Rochester, N, Y. 8210. Frank, b. Dec. 20, 1854 ; d. 8211. Katy. 8212. Ely-Parker.Infant daughter, b. .; d. 8213. Rurus® [4934] (Voltaire', Rufus®, Jacob®, PhiUp*',' Ed ward', John", Edwardij, b. Sept. 20, 1830, in Lockport, N. Y,;, res.. Mankato, Minn. ; m. Mary Hammond, Nov. 1, 1853. 8214. Joseph, b. 1854. Lucy. 8216. Oliver-Langworthy® [4937] (Voltaire', Rufus®, Jacob®,. PhUip*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 22, 1837, in Lewiston, N. Y. ; res. Chicago, 111. ; he has been through the war ; ¦ m., Kate. .Sedgwick, Sept. 1862. EIGHTH GENERATION. 417 8216. Harrison® [4966] (Warren', Uriah®, Uriah®, Samuel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 27, 1814 ; d. Mar. 17, 1849 ; m. Eunice Heath, Sept. 27, 1842 ; she is now living in New Lis bon, Wis. 8217. Alaee-J., b. Aug. 19, 1844; m. George Capstlck, Jr., March 29, 1863 ; res. New Lisbon, Juneau Co., Wis. 8218. Candace-C, b. Sept. 7, 1847. 8219. Hiram® [4957] (Warren', Uriah®, Uriah®, Samuel*, Sam uel', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 19, 1817 ; he d. in the service of 'his country at Washington, D. C, March 24, 1863 ; m. Mercy-Ann Hatch, Oct. 1, 1840. For the full account of his family, see No. 9669. 8220. Mark-Warrbn® [4958] (Warren', Uriah®, Uriahs, gam- uel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 27,1819, in Rutland', Jefferson Co., N. Y. ; res. Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. He was for some years a successful teacher, but his health failing, he left that profession and engaged in business. He has resided at Ogdensburg, Edwards, and Canton, St, Lawrence Co., N. Y. He has flUed many of the most important offices in the county in which he resides, and, from his early life, has been identified with the antislavery cause. He is now the proprietor of a flour-mill at Rensselaer Falls, N. Y. ; m. Venila Armsbury, May 22, 1845. George-Arrasbury, b. Feb. 19, 1846, in Henderson, Jefferson Co., N. Y. ; d. AprU 12, 1849. 8221. Venila-Arrasbury, b. Dec. 13, 1848, at Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; ra. Howard-Rice Burrington, A. M., Aug. 18, 1870 ; he is principal of Jefferson Liberal Institute at Jefferson, Wis., where they now rssidG Mark- Warren, b. May 26, 1850 ; d. AprU 18, 1851. 8222. Sarah-Dorliska, b. Oct. 2, 1851, Harrison, b. May 2, 1853 ; d. April 10, 1855. 8223. Mark- Warren, b. AprU 10, 1855. Clara-EsteUa, b. June 2, 1856 ; d. March 15, 1861. 8224. Ida-May, b. Jan. 4, 185&. 8225. Mary-Frances, b. AprU 7, 1861. 8226. Darwin® [4963] (Barney', Uriah®, Uriahs, Samuel*, Sam uel', John", Edwardi), b. March 18, 1812; d. AprU 1, 1844; m. Cynthia-Ann Wheeler, of Henderson, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1841. 8227. Delia-Mary, b. Jan. 27, 1842 ; m. Newell Matthews, of Rutland, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1861; res. Watertown, N. Y. 8228. Manly, b. July 7, 1843 ; d. AprU 10, 1844. 8229. Evander® [4977] (Luther', Uriah®, Uriah®, Samuel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. Deo. 17, 1810, in Groton, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; res. Binghamton, N. Y. ; painter of carriages by trade ; 1st, m. Martha Daniels, of Ithaca, N. Y., Dsc. 16, 1836 ; 2d, m. Sally-Chandler Sweet, of Gibson, Penn., July 22, 1852. 8280. Luther-Edgar, b. Dec. 28, 1837. 8231. Judson-Morris, b. Aug. 7, 1839 ; unmarried (1868) ; res. Bing- bamton, N. Y. 27 418 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8232. A'masa-Dana, b. Nov. 7, 1841 ; unmarried (1868) ; res. Bloom ington, 111. * 8233. Ellen-Mar, b. Mar. 25, 1844; unraarried (1868). 8234. Martha-Jane, b. Feb. 28, 1847 ; d. July 24, 1865 ; unmarried. 8235. Jabez-Francis, b. Feb. 20, 1850; res. at home; unmarried (1868). 8236. Calvin® [4979] (Luther', Uriah®, Uriah®, Samuel*, Sam ueF, John", Edwardi), b. March 8, 1816, in Groton, N. Y. ; res. Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y. ; a tailor; m. Sarah Holms, of Ithaca, N.Y. '8237. Joshua® [4981] (Luther', Uriah®, Uriahs, Samuel*, Sam uel', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 4, 1820, in Groton, N. Y. ; m, Lu cinda Berry, of Owego, N. Y. 8238. Mason-Calvin® [4986] (Calvin', Uriah®, Uriahs, Samuel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. Dee. 2, 1820; m. Eliza Putnam, •Sept. 9, 1857. 8239. Jessie, b. July 1, 1858 ; d. July 28, 1860. 8240. John, b. July 1, 1862 ; d. July 4, 1862. 8241. Nelly-Jane, b. May 20, 1867. 8242. William-Pitt® [4987] (Calvin', Uriah®, Uriahs, Samuel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 10, 1827; m. Susan-Mary Fonda, Feb. 15, 1864, 8243. Alice-EUzabeth.b. June 80, 1857. 8244. Isaac-Heman, b. May 21, 1859 ; d. Nov. 5, 1862. 8245. Frank-Calvin, b. Feb. 8, 1861 ; d. Nov. 12, 1862. 8246. Lillle-Gertrude, b. Oct. 15, 1862. 8247, Zelotes-Hosmer" [4996] (John', Reuben®, Uriah®, Sam uel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. June 21, 1823, in St. Johns bury, Vt. ; res. Concord, Vt. (1869) ; m. Amanda Stevens, of North Enfleld, N. H., Mar. 25, 1849. 8248. Catherine-Tracy, b. Sept. 27, 1851, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. 8249. George, b. Dec. 4, 1857, in East Canaan, N. H. A son, b. Dec. 26, 1868, in Concord, Vt. 8260. Bezaleel-Brooks® [4999] (John', Reuben®, Uriah®, Samuel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. Qct. 31, 1827, in St. Johns bury, Vt., where he res. (1869) ; m. Seraphina- Hudson Kellogg, Mar 20, 1863 ; she was b. Mar. 20, 1833. 8251. Edward-Moses, b. Feb. 10, 1855, in Concord, Vt. 8252. Milton-Ira, b. Feb. 28, 1856, in Concord, Vt. 8258. George-Clinton, b. Feb. 25, 1858 ; d. AprU 5, 1859, in Concord, Vt. 8254. Jennie-Amanda, b. Mar. 18, 1862, in Concord, Vt. 8255. Cora-Estella, b. Jan. 2, 1865, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. 8256. Reuben® [6:)03] (John', Reuben®, Uriah®, Samuel*, Sam uel', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1833, in St. Johnsbury, Vt., where he res. (1869) ; m. Susan-Lodocia Brigham, of Concord, Vt., May 1, 1860. Children b. in St, Johnsbury, Vt. EIGHTH GENERATION. 419 8257. Herbert-Clinton, b. Oct.' 23, 1861. 8258. Elwin-WUlie, b. Aug. 26, 1866. 8269. John-Watson" [5006] (John', Reuben®, Uriahs, Samuel*, Samuel', John", Edwardi), b. May 7, 1836, in St. Johnsbury, Vt., where he res. (1863) ; m. Elizabeth-Cornelia Kellogg, of Concord, Vt., Feb. 20, 1861. 8260. John-Mark, b. Jan. 12, 1864; d. June 26, 1864. 8261. George® [5017] (Alpheus', Joseph®, Robert®, John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 26, 1830 ; m. Julia-A. Proctor, Dec. 12, 1861. 8262. George-Osgood, b. Nov. 4, 1862. 8263, Sumner- Augustus® [5023] (Abraham- Andrew', Joseph®, Roberts, John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. June 21, 1828; m. Mary-EUzabeth Bickford, of Epsom, N. H., Dec. 11, 1850 ; she was b. June 28, 1832. Infant son, b. May 9, 1852; d. May 10, 1852. 8264. Helen-E., b. May 9, 1852s d. Mar. 20, 1854. 8265. James-Sumner, b. ApvU 12, 1858 ; d. Mar. 10, 1859. 8266. Charles-Edward, b. Dec. 20, 1859. 8267. Willie-S., b. Mar. 4, 1867. 8268. John- Varnum® [5030] (Robert', Robert®, Robert^, John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. June 15, 1829; res. Boston, Ms.; he is of the flrm of Spalding, Hay & Wales, 9 and 11 Winter St., Boston, Ms. Mr. Spalding has been a successful merchant, and is highly esteemed for his worthiness of character and business abilities. The house of which he is the senior partner is among the best of its class. He has manifested great interest in the publica tion of this work. He m. Josephine Spule, of Lowell, Ms., Oct. 20, 1857 ; she was b. Sept. 26, 1834. 8269 George-Frederick, b. Mar. 22, 1859. 8270. Frank-Rollin, b. Sept. 25, 1861. 8271. John- WiUard, b. Dec. 29, 1863 ; d. AprU 17, 1868. 8272. Rollin-AakonB [5039] (Aaron', Robert®, Robert®, John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 23, 1835; res. Lynn, Ms. ; a dry goods merchant ; m. Georgie-F. Floyd, of Brookline, Ms., Dec. 2, 1869. 8273. Capt. Joel-Johnson® [6046] (JoeF, Robert®, Roberts, John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b'. Deo. 30, 1834, in Greenfield,. Ms. ; res. Chicago, 111. He served in the war during 1862-3-4 and 6. In 1862 he raised a company in Chicago for the 88th 111. Vols., popularly known as the 2d Regt. of the Board of Trade. He was commissioned as Captain and went into active service under command of Col. F. T. Sherman. He participated in the battles of Perrysville, Nashville, Stone River, Chattanooga, and all the battles fought by the arm}- of the Cumberland. During one of the forced inarches, he sank exhausted. He was picked up by an ambulance, and lodged at a small cabin. The next d.iy he was sent to the hospital, and. as soon as his fever abated, he was 420 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. sent home on furlough. When he thought himself sufllciently recovered, he retumed to active service. Once, when acting as reserves, the order was given to Ue down ; a shell exploded, kUling a man near Capt. S. instantly, and covering him with dirt, turf, etc., and tearing the heel from his boot, but he was uninjured. His health gave out late in the summer of '64, and he was sent to Lookout Mountain hospital. From there he was sent on de tached service to Chattanooga, as Superintendent of the Topo- grapical Engineer's Office, which position he filled until his term of service expired, Joel Johnson and his brother, Charles Lewis, are at present doing business in Chicago, where they have the largest job-prints ing office in the Northwest ; they alSo operate a first-class bindery, and have an extensive stationery store ; m. CorneUa Pettis, Feb, 13, 1866, in Berkshire, N. Y. 8274. Harriette-Isabelle, b. Mar. 15, 1867, in Chicago, IU. 8276. Cornelia-Adelaide, b. Sept. 29, 1868, in Chicago, 111, 8276. Maud-Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1870, in Evanston, IU. 8277. Charles-Lewis® [5047] (Joel', Robert®, Roberts, .John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b, AprU 13, 1838, in Bennington, Vt. ; res. Chicago, III. He served in the quartermaster's department at Fortress Mon roe and Norfolk, Virginia, from the spring of 1864, until the close of the war ; m. Martha- Virginia Chestnut, June, 1862, in New York City. 8278. Frederick-Charles, b. Mar. 27, 1863, in New York City. 8279. Edward- Allen, b. Mar. 22, 1867, in Chicago, 111. 8280. Willard-Warren® [6052] (WiUard-Porter', Robert®, Roberts, John*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 4, 1842, in Watertown, N, Y, ; m. Adaline-S. Gillett, of St. Joseph, Ind., Feb. 11, 1864 ; she was the daughter of Wilkes Gillett. 8281. William-AUen, b. Nov. 10, 1864 ; d. Sept. 12, 1865, in St. Joseph, Ind. 8282. EsteUa-May, b. Mar. 7, 1867, in Lafayette, Ind. 8288. Josephine- Almira, b. Dec. 23, 1868, in Cameron, Missouri. 8284. Winslow-Jewett® [6072] (StiUman', SUas®, Silas®, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 19, 1843; m. Lizzie- M. Pool, of Hollis, N. H., May 27, 1869. 8285. JoHN-MooDY® [5122] (Rufus', Prescott®, Jephthah®, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edward"), b. Aug. 21, 1841 ; res. New buryport, Ms. ; m. Emily-Weston Titcomb, Mar. 29, 1860. 8286. John, b. Dec. 31, 1860. 8287. William-Cross, b. Dec. 24, 1861. 8288. Lewis-Henry, b. Feb. 24, 1804, 8289. Mary, b. May 3, 1866. 8290. Sarah-EUen, b. Jan. 9, 1868. Annah, b. July 21, 1870. EIGHTH GENERATION. 421 8291. Horace® [5133] (Thomas-Didymus', Leonard®, Leon ard®, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 1, 1817; m. Lydia Peasley, of De Ruyter, N. Y., July, 1868. 8292, Harrison® [6134] (Thomas-Didymus', Leonard®, Leon ards, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 17, 1819, Moved to Troy, N, Y., 1825 ; thence, in 1827, to Oneida Co., N. Y. ; thence in Jan. 1866, to Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y. ; m. Desdemona-Annis Howard, of Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., Mar. 2, 1841 ; she was b. Dec. 11, 1823 ; she d. Oct. 3, 1869, in Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y, ; she was the daughter of Tisdale and Deborah Howard. „ Children b, in Volney, N, Y, 8293. Harriet- Annis, b. Jan. 19, 1842; m. Peter Vanhoren, of Volney, N. Y„ Sept. 12, 1862. 8294. Charlotte, b. July 18, 1847 ; m. Frank Stevens, July, 1870, iu Sodus, N. Y. 8295. Howard-Harrison, b. Sept. 17, 1850. 8296. Harry-Sidney, b. Nov. 12, 1853 ; d. Oct. 13, 1854. 8297. Philander-Adam® [5148] (John', Leonard®, Leonard®, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 9, 1818 ; 1st, m. Moranda Parker, Mar. 1842 ; she d. 1855 ; 2d, m. Sarah Marshall, Dec. 25, 1856 ; she d, Oct, 4, 1867 ; 3d, m, Libbie Kirk, Feb, 6, 1870, EosaUa-A., b. AprU 9, 1843. Idalia-A., b. July 9, 1845. Sarah-B., b. Nov. 25, 1847. Emraa-M., b. Aug. 30, 1850, WilUam-P., b. May 2, 1858. Jud, b. Aug. 3, 1860. 8298. Samuel® [5160] (John', Leonard®, Leonards, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 9, 1822; m, Fanny Parker, Oct, 18, 1846 ; she was b. May 7, 1826, Emegene, b. May 5, 1848. Delevan, b. Oct. 15, 1851, Ruthey, b. Aug. 20, 1857. Leathey, b. Aug. 31, 1859. 8299. Lyman® [5153] (John'', Leonard®, Leonards', Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. March 20, 1828, in Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y. After his marriage, he emigrated to Fort Atkinson, Jefl'erson Co., Wis. ; he enlisted Feb. 19, 1865, in Co. H., 49th Wisconsin Regt. ; discharged Nov. 8, 1865 ; m. Olive-Malissa Beach, Feb. 27, 1850 ; she was the daughter of Lyman and Patty Beach, and was b. June 10, 1833, in Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y. John-Lyraan, b. Mar. 8, 1851. Madora-Genevra, b. AprU 3, 1853. Ira, b. Aug. 4, 1855. Margaret-Olive, b. Sept. 25, 1857. 422 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Martha-Rosel, b. April 19, 1860. Joseph-Burton, b. Sept. 18, 1869. 8300. Solomon® [5155] (John', Leonard®, Leonard®, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 24, 1832, in Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y. ; 1st, m. Calfirna Baker, Mar. 1&57 ; she was b. Dec. 1840 ; she d. May 8, 1866 ; 2d, m. Alice Foster, Nov. 1866 ; she d. July 1870 ; 3d, m. Mary Harns, Jan. 22, 1871. Gertie, h. Jan. 27, 1858. Devillo, b. Nov. 4, 1859 ; d. 1859. ¦ , Jay, b. July 13, 1862. Jessie, b. June 4, 1864; d. Mar. 1866. Daisey, b. Aug. 23, 1867. Freddie, b. Feb. 1869; d. June, 1*70. 8301. John-Gilbert® [5156] (John', Leonard®, Leonard®, Tim othy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. June 30, 1835, in Stock- bridge, N. Y. ; emigrated to Fort Atkinson, Jeff'erson Co., Wis. ; 1st, m. Adelia-Cornelia Crawford, April 10, 1864; she was the daughter of John and Nancy Crawford, and was b. July 24, 1847, in Angelica, Alleghany Co., N. Y. ; she d. Feb. 27, 1867 ; 2d, m. Miriam Francisco, Nov. 21, 1869 ; she was the daughter of Levi and Esther Francisco, and was b. in Augusta, Oneida Co., N, Y, Jaraes-Suel, b. Sept. 14, 1865. Edward-G., b. Dec. 27, 1870. 8302. Ira® [5157] (John', Leonard®, Leonard®, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. July 9, 1837, in Stockbridge, Mad ison Co., N. Y. ; he was born on the old homestead, and has spent his days thus far upon it ; he purchased the farm of his father in March, 1860 ; m. Lovisa-G. Kelley, of Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., March 14, 1860 ; she was b. Sept. 30, 1839, Jeffie, b. June 80, 1862. Nettie-Bell, b. AprU 22, 1867. John-Edwin, b. May 30, 1869. 8303.* Luther® [5162] (WUUam', Leonard®, Leonard®, Timo thy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. Feb, 23, 1818, in Dummers ton, Vt. ; res. Black River Falls, Wis, ; m. Phebe , Oct. 13, 1839. 8304. Francis, b. May 16, 1841. 8305. Luther, b. Oct. 13, 1852. 8306. Albert, b. July 8, 1855. 8307. Capt. Timotht-Chase® [5173] (Timothy', Josiah®, Leon ard®, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. Mar. 26, 1826 ; res. South Hadley, Ms. He has foUowed whaling since 1844; he has been successful, and is now master-mariner; 1st, m. Rebecca- Frances Stuart, of Fairhaven, Mass., Dec. 24, 1855 ; 2d, m. Fanny- Lurinda StoweU, of Windham, Vt., Dec. 2, 1865. Mr. Spalding has in his possession the order-book of his great-grandfather Leonards, who served in the French and Indian war in 1757. Charles-Timothy, b. Jan. 6, 1857. 8809. Leonard-Josiah, b. Oct. 18, 1866. EIGHTH GENERATION. 423 8310. James-Brackett® [5181] (Edward-Coming,?', Edward®, DanielS, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 19, 1828 ; 1st, m. Mary-Ann Plaisted, of Jeff'erson, N. H., Oct. 15, 1852 ; she was b. Aug. 10, 1831 ; d. Nov. 10, 1854 ; 2d, m. Louisa Marden, Sept. 13, 1856 ; she was b. Jan. 31, 1835. 8311. Mary-Ella, b. May 15, 1853. 8312. WUbur, b. May 12, 1866, in Maidstone, Vt. 8318. Harry, b. Oct. 8, 1868, in Northumberland, N. H. 8314. Herbert, b. Aug. 9, 1865, in Northumberland, N. H. 8315. JoHN-HuBBARD® [5183] (John-Weeks', Edward®, Daniels, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b. Aug. 17, 1821; m. Emeline Courson, of GuUdhall, Vt., Dec. 10, 1848 ; she^ was b. May 9, 1826. 8316. John-Hubbard, b. Mar. 7, 1850. 8317. Debby-Ann, b. Nov. 28, 1842. 8318, Edward® [6187] (WilUam-Dustin', Edward®, Daniels, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1829; res. Lancaster, N. H. ; a farmer ; m. Julia-Augusta Moore, June 15, 1862 ; she was b. AprU 22, 1830. 8319. Alice, b. June 8, 1860. 8320. Frank- Whidden, b. Nov. 6, 1862. 8321. John- Weeks® [6188] (WiUiam-Dustin', Edward®, Daniels, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b. Nov. 8, 1833 ; m. Eliza- M. Rix, May 6, 1856 ; she was b. May 5, 1836. 8322. James-Rix, b. Aug. 20, 1859. 8323. Oliver-Lyman® [6208] (Lyman', Phinehas®, PhinehasS, Phinehas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi), b. Aug. 2, 1833, in Jaf frey, N. H. ; res. St. John's, Clinton Co., Mich. ; 1st, m. Mary- Jane Mead, of Hillsdale, Mich., May 29,* 1856 ; she d. Nov. 9, 1857 ; 2d, m. Martha-Minerva Mead (sister of flrst wife), April 12, 1859 ; she d. Nov, 20, 1861 ; 3d, m. Mary-Cecelia Swegles, Aug. 12,1863, He was fltted for college at Melville Academy, Jaffrey, N, H,, intending to enter Dartmouth, but his father removing West in 1851, he entered Oberlin Coll, that year, and grad. in 1856. After teaching a short time, he settled at St. John's, Mich., studying law with James W. Ransom, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. In the fall of that year he was elected a Regent of the State Univ, from the 8th Judicial District, for the term of six years. In July, 1862, he entered the U. S. service as Capt. in the 23d Regt. Mich, Inft, Soon after he was made Major, and subsequently held the commission of Lieut. Col. and Brevet-Brig. Gen. He was mus tered out of service in July, 1865, and returned to the practice of law at St. John's. In 1866, he was elected Secretary of the State of Michigan, re-elected in 1868, and again in 1870. ^ He is of the flrm of Spalding & Cranson, attorneys-at-law. 424 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8324. Frank-Mead, b. Nov. 4, 1861. 8325. Edna, b. Nov. 17, 1870. 8326. Thomas-Spencer® [5218] (Nathaniel', Edward®, Levi®, Edward*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Mar. 28, 1818, in Locke, N. Y. ; res, Elmira, N. Y . ; attOrney-at-law ; m, Sarah Carpenter, 8327. William-Henry® [6220] (Nathaniel', Edward®, Levi®, Edward*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. June 17, 1822, in Groton, N, Y, ; res, Waverly, N, Y. ; has a millinery store ; m, Eliza Davidson, Sept. 27, 1847. 8828. Mary-Louisa, b. Dec. 1854. 8329. Sewall-Goodrich® [5224] (Nathaniel', Edward®, Levi®, Edward*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Oct. 30, 1830, in Groton, N. Y. ; m. 8330. Edward-James® [5235] (Warren', Edward®, Levi®, Ed ward*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. July 13, 1834; be is a captain in the U. S. cavalry ; m. Helen-Jannette Ellis, March 2, 1865. 8331. LuciAN® [6246] (Alpha', Asa®, EbenS, Stephen*, Eben ezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. July 27, 1835, in Washington, N.H. ; m, Mary-Maria Patterson, Oct, 9, 1860, 8332. Virginia-MontiUa, b. AprU 12, 1869. 8333. Alanson® [5248] (Alpha', Asa®, Eben®, Stephen*, Eben ezer', Edward", Edwardi),' b. April 17, 1889, in Lempster, N, H, ; m. Clara Holmes, July 29, 1865. , 8334, Jackson® [5250] (Alpha', Asa®, Eben®, Stephen*, Eben ezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Aug. 5, 1843, in Lempster, N, H. ; m. Mary-Thesda Camp, Oct. 26, 1860. ChUdren all b. in Hanover, N, H, 8835. EUa-Betsey, b. Jan. 8, 1861. 8336. WiUiam-Alanson, b. Dec. 29, 1862. 8337. Laura-Emraa, b. June 6, 1865. 8338. Frank-Lucius, b. April 7, 1868, 8339, William-Waldemar® [5254] (WUUam'', Asa®, EbenS, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Mar, 10, 1846, in Lempster, N, H. ; res. Boston, Ms. ; a teacher. He grad. from Tufts CoUege, July, 1867; m. Evelyn-Alcie Harris, Nov. 24, 1868 ; she was the daughter of Lucius-Munroe and Armella (Emerson) Harris, and was b. Nov. 10, 1845, in West Boylston, Ms. 8340. GiLMAN-GoRDON® [5260] (Gilman', Asa®, Eben®, Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b, June 17, 1836, in Lempster, N. H, ; he is a farmer, and res. in HUlsborough, N. H. ; P. O. address. East Washington, N. H. ; m. Susan-Claramond EIGHTH GENERATION. 425 Hamden, Nov. 21, 1860 ; she was the daughter of Williara and Elizabeth Harnden, and was b. Dec. 13, 1834, at Stoddard, N. H. 8341. James-Lamson® [5290] (Ira-Alonzo', Ira®, Eben® Stephen*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. May 1, 1847, in Maquoketa, Iowa ; m. Mary Martin, Jan. 14, 1870. He is station and express agent at Palo, Linn Co., Iowa. He enlisted in 1864, in the 44th Iowa Regt., for 100 days. In the same year he was appointed cadet to West Point, by Hon. Mr. Price, but he was absent at Memphis, Tenn. He afterwards en listed in the 31st 111. Cavalry. He received a second appointment to West Point ; dis. from his regt. March, 1865. He again joined his regt., and was employed for two months by Gen. Washburne as a carrier of orders. In June, 1865, he entered West Point and stood 64 ; at the end ofthe flrst year, stood 21. His health failing, he resigned June 1, 1869, 8342. Reuben-Leander® [5327] (Reuben', Reuben®, Reuben®, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. Feb. 3, 1844, in Nashua, N. H., where he res. (1868) ; m. Abbie-Electa Winn, of Hudson, N, H., Jan. 1, 1866. 8343. Franklin® [5337] (WUUam', Suel®, ReubenS, Reuben*, Ebenezer', Edward", Edwardi), b. July 29, 1847; res. Vestal, N, Y. ; m, Eliza Hines, Nov, 10, 1867, 8344, Joab-Seely® [5382] (Benjamin-Harvey', Royal®, Ben jamins, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar, 31, 1841, in Moretown, Vt. ; m. Emma Gibbs, of Westport, N. Y,, April, 1865. 8346, Charles-Wesley® [5384] (Newell-Stevens', Royal®, Benjamins, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 27, 1828, in Groton, Conn. ; m. EUen-M. Stratton, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 1855. 8346. Alonzo-Newell® [5385] (Newell-Stevens', Royal®, Ben jamin®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. June 19, 1831, in Wellfleet, Ms. ; m, Sarah-Elizabeth Sanders, of New York, Dec, 11, 1867. 8347. Nathan-Royal® [5389] (Nathan-Benton', Royal®, Benja mins, Benjamin*, Edward'jBenjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1833, in Wilbraham, Ms. ; res. Moretown, Vt. ; m. Delia-Florinda Belding, Mar. 31, 1863 ; she was b. Sept. 4, 1836. Children b. in Moretown, Vt. 8848. Gertrude, b. Jan. 2, 1864, 8349. Josephine, b. Oct. 18, 1865. 8850. David-Nathan, b. June 7, 1867. 8351. Christopher® [5390] (Nathan-Benton', Eoyal®, Benja mins, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. April 8, 1836, in Newton, Ms. ; res. Moretown, Vt. ; m. Emeline-Lucretia Ash ley, May 1, 1864 ; she was b. July 19, 1840. No chUdren (June, 1868). 426 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 8352. George-Levi® [5400] (Justin', Levi®, Benjamin®, Benja min*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Jan. 24, 1832, in Bath, Me. ; res. Lowell, Ms. ; a dry goods merchant ; m. Octavia Picker ing, Mar. 27, 1859. 8353. Charles-Edward, b. ApfU 12, 1864. 8364. Susan-Ida, b. June 5, 1866. 8355. Cyrus-Porteb® [5402] (Justin', Levi®, Benjamin®, Benja min*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 14, 1840, in Rio Janeiro, Brazil ; res. East New York, Kings Co., Long Island ; m. Eliza-Jane Jackson, Sept. 4, 1865, inBrooklyn, N.Y. 8356. Allen-D.® [5405] (Enos-Wilder', Levi®, Benjamin®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 20, 1847; he was an adopted son of Enos-Wilder Spalding ; m. Kate-H, Noe, Sept. 6, 1867. 8357. AUen-Noe, b. Dec. 23, 1868. 8358, Justin-Levi® [5412] (Cyrus-Crary', Levi®, Benjainin®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. June 17, 1841, in Moretown, Vt. ; res. Bloomington, IU. ; m. Adra Stiles, May 18, 1863. No children (1868). 8359. Mason-Fuller® [6419] (David', David®, AsaS,. Benja min*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 30, 1832 ; res. Har- ton, Iowa (1869) ; m. Mary-Augusta Terry, June 16, 1861. 8360. Fontie, b. Mar. 16, 1862. 8361. Farry, b. Jan. 12, 1863. 8362. May, b. Feb. 9, 1868. 8363. Dr. David-C.® [5420] (David', David®, Asa®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 21, 1834 ; res. Lyons, Ionia Co., Mich. ; grad. at the Medical Department, Univ. of Mich., Mar. 25, 1858 ; he was asst. surgeon of the 6th Regt. Mich. Vol. Cavalry, from Sept. 1862, to Sept. 1863, when he was pro moted to surgeon of the 10th Mich. Cavalry, with which regiment he remained as surgeon untU the close of the war ; m. Martha- Angeline IngersoU, May 10, 1859, at Marshall, Mich. ; she was b. Jan. 27, 1835, Children b. in Lyons,. Ionia Co., Mich. 8364. Edward-Cox, b. Dec. 19, 1861. 8365. Lizzie-BardweU, b. Sept. 14, 1866; d. July 27, 1870. 8366. John-Fuller® [5421] (David', David®, Asa®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edward^), b. Nov. 13, 1838 ; res. Horton, Iowa; m. OUve-AdeUa Patridge, Mar.' 21, 1863; she was b, Oct. 16, 1846. 8367. Charles-Clifton, b. Nov. 5, 1865. 8868. WilUara-Clyde, b. Feb. 18, 1867. EIGHTH GENERATION. 427 8369. John-Atkinson® [5434] (Rowland-Edgar', David®, Asa®, Benjamin*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Jan. 26, 1848; m. Miriam Surdam, April 5, 1865. 8370. Edgar-Henderson, b. Jan. 18, 1866, in Hoosick, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 14, 1867. 8371. Theron, b. Aug. 9, 1867. 8372. Asaph-Gaylord® [5441] (Asaph', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 27, 1817, in Elmore, Vt. ; res. Anoka, Minn. ; m. Abbie Jackman, of Newbury, Ms., Nov. 24, 1846. 8373. Ella-Minerva, b. Dec. 4, 1847 ; d. Jan. 8, 1848. 8374. RoDOLPHUs® [5445] (Asaph', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 10, 1827, in Stowe, Vt. ; res. 44 South 5th Street, Philadelphia, Penn. ; m.' Susan-M. Marr, of Bath, Me., Jan, 8, 1861, They have had two children; both dead (1868). 8375. Ephraim-Wheeler® [6448] (Josiah', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 10, 1820, in Plainfleld, N. H. ; res. St. Louis, Missouri ; m. Kalista-Lucretia Dyer, Aug. 25, 1863, at Plainfleld, N. H, 8376. Kaludy, b. July 26, 1866, in St. Louis, Mo. ; the name is formed from the first syUables of the mother's name. 8377. Fernando® [5449] (Josiah', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 3, 1822, in Plainfleld, N. H. ; res. Chicago, 111, ', m. Clarissa Phelps, March 18, 1862, at Chicago, III, 8878. Frank, b. Mar. 12, 1867. 8379, Stephen-Cole® [5450] (Josiah', Amasa®, JohnS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 16, 1824, in Plainfield, N. H. ; res. Cobden, III. ; m. Eliza-Jane Richardson, Sept. 14, 1862, 8380, Clarence-Cole, b. AprU 21, 1860. 8381. Josiah-Roberts® [6462] (Josiah', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 12, 1829, in Plainfleld, N. H. ; d. June 6, 1864, at Garden VaUey, Cal. ; m, Melvina Clinton, July 2, 1863, at Elk Grove, Cal, 8382. Mary-Frances, b. AprU 26, 1864. 8383, John® [5453] (Josiah', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Ed ward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 10, 1832, in Plainfield, N. H. ; res. JanesviUe, Wis. He enlisted in the 4th Vt. Regt. Sept. 4, 1861, and shared all the battles of the retreat to Harrison's Land ing ; he was injured in building a bridge in Chickahominy swamp, and discharged Oct. 31, 1862; m. Jane Felch, May 1, 1865, in Plamfleld, N. H. 428 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 8384. Herbert-Eustis® [6455] (Josiah', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 23, 1837, in Piermont, N. H, He enlisted in a California regt. ; went to New Mexico, and remained until the expiration of his term of service. He was clerk, sergeant, sergeant-major, and for some time was acting adjutant. Just after his discharge, he received a commis sion as 1st lieut., but chose to leave the service ; m. 8386. Rev. Nathaniel-Goodell® [6466] (Jason', Amasa®, JohnS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b.Aug, 24, 1826; m, Harriet Dorr, of Chatham, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1863, He grad. at Union Coll. 1852 ; ordained and settled as pastor of the Meth. Epis. church, Ohio St., West Troy, the same year ; then in 1854 at FultonviUe, N. Y. ; then at Greenbush, Gloversville, Pearl St., Albany, and Saratoga Springs ; then elected principal of Amenia Seminary, N. Y. ; then elected president of Fort Plains Female College. In 1866, his health becoming impaired, he resigned and purchased " Fountain Dell," at Schodock Landing, where he now resides. He is now General Agent of the Home Life Insurance Co. ; office No. 4 Tweddle Hall, Albany N. Y. Dorr, b. Mar. 15, 1855, in FultonviUe, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 14, 1860. 8887. Warren-Glyde, b. Jan. 31, 1858, in Greenbush, N. Y. 8388. Hattie-Mabel, b. Jan. 10, 1860, in GloversvUle, N. Y. 8889. Nathaniel-Bull, b. AprU 5, 1864, in Saratoga Springs. 8390. Jason-Stiles® [5468] (Jason', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 6, 1836 ; res. Milo, Iowa; ni. Sarah-Ann Learned, Mar. 4, 1869. 8391, Abial- Warren® [5476] (Warren', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, Nov, 1, 1829; res, MorrisvUle, Vt. ; m. Mary-PhUena Tenny, Sept. 11, 1850. 8392. MoriUo-Abial, b. Feb. 13, 1852. 8393. LoeUa, b. May 13, 1854; d. Oct. 13, 1856. 8394. Fred-EUsworth, b. April 30, 1856. 8895. Charles-Augustus, b. May 11, 1858. 8396. Portus-Franklin® [6477] (Warren', Amasa®, John®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi). b. Aug. 11, 1831 ; res. Morristown, Vt. ; m. Sarah McManaman, Feb. 6, 1855, in Bakers fleld, 8397. Lettie, b. Nov. 14, 1858. 8398. Mary-Eliza, b. June 27, 1867. 8399. Simeon® [6482] (Phineas', Jonas®, Phineas®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 25, 1802, in Woodbury, Conn. ; res. Geddes, N. Y., on Furnace St., near Bridge St. ; m, Charlotte-Wealthy Kasson, of Bethlehem, Conn., July 21, 1825. Children all b. in Geddes, N. Y. 8400. George- WUUam, b. Mar. 8, 1828; unraarried (1870). 8401. Kalph-Phineas, b. Oct. 8, 1829 ; unmarried (1870). EIGHTH GENERATION, 429 8402. John-Dixon [9357], b. June 10, 1832. 8408, Charles-Kasson, b. Mar. 26, 1835 ; unmarried (1870). 8404. D wight-Miner, b. Mar. 12, 1839; unmarried (1870). 8405. Truman® [6484] (Phineas', Jonas®, Phineas®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept, 25, 1808 (other authority, 1809), in Woodbury, Conn. ; res. Albion, Mich. ; m. Almeda Dur kee, in Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 9, 1830 ; she was b. Aug. 23, 1809, in Fort Edward, N. Y. 8406. Albert-Henry [9362], b. Mar. 7, 1831. 8407. Nancy-Maria, b. Jan. 20, 1834 (other authority, June 10). 8408. Mary-Ann, b. May 25, 1837. 8409. Chauncey-Perry, b. Oct. 12, 1889. 8410. Charlotte- Almeda, b. June 1, 1843. 8411. Truraan-DeWitt, b. Dec. 13 or 14, 1844. 8412. Erama-Eliza, b. June 27 or 28, 1849. 8413. Horatio® [6499] (Pierce', Reuben®, ReubenS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 9, 1812 ; d. Dec. 3, 1864 ; res, in Sharon, Vt. ; m. Mary Parkhurst, Dec. 4, 1839. 8414. Lucretia, b. Nov. 13, 1840. 8415. Henry, b. Dec. 12, 1842. 8416. Mary, b. May 27, 1845. 8417. Jason, b. Mar. 19, 1847. 8418. Caroline-Fales, b. Dec. 1, 1849; d. Aug. 5, 1860. 8419. Caroline, b. Jan. 15, 1853. 8420. Pierce® [6600] (Pierce', Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 27, 1819 ; m. Augusta Miller, Nov, 23, 1848. 8421. Millard-Pierce, b. Jan. 23, 1850; d. Nov. 20, 1860. 8422. George-Lester, b. Nov. 10, 1853; d. Nov. 20, 1860. 8423. John-Aliston, b. Sept. 10, 1859 ; d. Dec. 5, 1860. 8424. Hattie-AdeUe, b. Sept. 28, 1863. 8425. Charles-Edwin® [5501] (Pierce', Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 15, 1828. He enUsted in the 6th Vt, Regt., Sept. 15, 1861 ; discharged Nov. 27, 1862. 8426. Caroline- Susan, b. Sept. 6, 1851. 8427. Daniel-Horatio, b. AprU 10, 1865 ; d. Mar. 21, 1859. 8428. Mary-Frances, b. Jan. 9, 1856. 8429. NeUie-Lucretia, b. AprU 9, 1859. 8430. Emraa-Jane, b. May 23, 1860. 8431. Daniel-Charles, b. July 5, 1862. 8432. Melvin-Oliver, b. Aug. 6, 1864. 8433. Charles-Carroll® [5605] (John', Reuben®, ReubenS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 23, 1826 ; res. Boston, Ms. He grad. at the University of Vermont, in 1847 ; he is now con nected with the Boston Post; m. Zillie Richters, April 11, 1855. 8484. Gustavus-Loomis, b. Nov. 16, 1858. 430 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8435. John® [6507] (John', Reuben®, ReubenS, Ephraim*, Ed ward', Benjainin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 9, 1830 ; res. in MontpeUer, Vt. ; moved to the West in 1869 ; m. Esther Davis, Oct. 12, 1851. 8436. Franklin-Reuben, b. June 24, 1852. 8437. Sarah-Mercy, b. Feb. 6, 1854; d. .Ian. 7, 1865. 8438. Eliza-Loomis, b. Sept. 20, 1855 ; d. Mar. 30, 1857, 8439. Albert, b. Aug. 24, 1857 ; d. Oct. 15, 1857. 8440. James-Reed® [5509] (.lames', Reuben®, ReubenS, Eph raim*, Edward', Benjainin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 15, 1821, in Mont pelier, Vt. He grad. at the University of Vermont in 1840. He was one of the editors of the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer; he established the N, Y. World, and was then connected with the N. Y. Times; m. Mary-EUzabeth Atwater, Jan. 18, 1865; she was b. June 5, 1837, in CatskiU, N. Y. 8441. Mary-Atwater, b. Oct. 24, 1866. 8442. Dr. William-Cowpbr® [5511] (James', Reuben®, Reu ben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 4, 1825, in Montpelier, Vt. He grad. at the N. Y. University in 1 347 ; was surgeon in the 29th Regt, Wis. Vol. Infantry ; he is now in the practice of his ' profession at Watertown, Wis. ; 1st, m. Isabella McLaughlin, Aug. 2, 1«55 ; she was b. in Greensburg, Penn. ; she d. Nov. 1855, at Watertown, Wis., leaving no children ; 2d, m. Anna-Amelia Pot ter, March 10, 1857 ; she was b. July 4, 1836, at Potter's Mills, Penn. 8443. Rev. George-Burley® •[6516] (James', Reuben®, Reu ben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 11, 1836, in Montpelier, Vt. He grad at the University of Vermont in 1866 ; studied law in Florida ; grad. at Andover Theo, Sem. in 1861 ; ord. at Vergennes, Vt., Oct. 5, 1861; dis. Aug. 1, 1864; installed over the North Church, in Hartford, Conn., Sept. 28, 1864 ; dis. March 23, ]869 ; instaUed over the 1st Ch. in Dover, N.H., Sept. 1, 1869 ; res. Dover, N. H. He m. Sarah-Livingston Olmstead, of Roxbury, Ms., Aug. 6, 1861 ; she was the daughter of Rev. J. W. Olmstead, D. D., editor of the Watchman and Reflector, and was b. Oct. 28, 1838, in Little Falls, N.Y. 8444. Mary-Livingston, b. Dec. 6, 1862, in Vergennes, Vt. 8445. Martha-Reed, b. June 17, 1864, in Boston, Ms. 8446. Katharine-Olmstead, b. Oct. 22, 1866, in Hartford, Conn. 8447. Gertrude-Parker, b. Jan. 19, 1869, in Hartford, Conn. 8448. Jason-Carpenter® [5524] (Jason-Carpenter', Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Mar. 15, 1832 ; res. Worcester, Ms. ; 1st, m. 'Eliza-Ann Evans, of Haver hiU, N. H., May 7, 1857 ; she. d. Aug. 11, 1862 ; 2d, m, Emma- Ann Burnham, of Epsom, N. H., June 3, 1863. No children (1868). EIGHTH GENERATION, 431 8449, Azel-Wainwright® [5530] (Azel', Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 29, 1837 ; res. Atchison, Kansas. He is a lavsyer by profession and a judge ; has represented the district in the State Senate ; m. Levia-M. Parker, June 2, 1863 ; she was b. Dec. 18, 1844. 8450. Wilber- Parker, b. June 15, 1864. 8461. James-Azel, b. Oct. 8, 1867. 8462. Rev. Henry-George® [5544] (Reuben', Reuben®, Reuben®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. May 28, 1837, in Spencer, Ms. ; m. Lucy-Warland Plympton, Nov. 6, 1867 ; she was the daughter of Sylvanus Plympton (M. D., and a graduate of Harvard Univ. 1818) and Mary (Bell) Plympton, of Cambridge, Ms. He grad. at Harvard Univ. 1860 ; taught in Baltimore, Md., two years ; was nine months in the employ of the U. S. Sanitary Commission in 1862-3 ; grad. at the Divinity School, Harvard Univ. 1866 ; ord. .pastor of the First Parish Ch. (Cong.-Unitarian) in Framingham, Ms., Feb. 19, 1868. He has written tracts pub. by the Amer. Unit. Association ; contributed articles to the Con- tinental Monthly, ^ the Monthly Journal of the American Unit. Association, and a number of literary and theological articles and reviews to the Christian Examiner. In 1870, he pub. a pam phlet entitled, " Rational Temperance," and a volume of biographi cal sketches of the class of 1860, Harvard Univ. 8453. Henry-Plympton, b. Sept. 16, 1868, in Cambridge, Ms. 8464. Frederick® [5545] (Reuben', Reuben®, Reuben®, Eph raim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), Jd. June 14, 1839, in Brat tleboro', Vt. ; res. Waterville, Kansas ; m. Hattie-Josephine Vel- sey, June 14, 1869, at Atchison, Kansas ; she was the daughter of Philander-Doty Velsey and Harriet-Ann Green, and was b. Sept. 16, 1846, in Gansevoort, Saratoga Co.., N. Y. In Oct. 1861, he received the commission of a 1st lieut. in the 2d U. S. Sharpshooters, and served in McDowell's corps until the fall of 1862, when he resigned on account of a serious injury from a railroad accident. He soon after went into the service of the War Department, where he remained until 1864, when he was appointed assistant paj^master in the Navy, but did not serve on account of physical disabilities. 8455. Rev. Henry- Whitehouse® [5560] (Erastus', Reuben®, JosiahS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. April 14, 1832, in Rochester, N. Y. ; res. Madison, Wis. ; m. Henrietta-Gal loway Fitzhugh, July 28, 1856 ; she was the fourth daughter of Beunet-Chew Fitzhugh (deceased) and Sarah (Phelps) Fitz hugh, and was b. Mar. 13, 1836, at Sodus Point, N. Y. Mrs. Fitzhugh was a daughter of the late Rev. Davenport Phelps. He grad. at Hobart Coll., Geneva, N. Y., 1855 ; ord. deacon in 432 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. the Prot. Epis. Ch., 1857, at MUwaukee, Wis., by the Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper, D. D. ; also Priest in 1868, by the same and at the same place ; was for several years a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Wisconsin ; represented the Diocese of Indiana in the General Convention held in Philadelphia in 1865 ; he received the degree of Doctor in Divinity from Hobart Coll., in July, 1870. 8456. Laura-Henrietta, b. June 30, 1857, in Milwaukee, Wis. 8457. Sarah-Fitzhugh, b. Sept. 15, 1859, in MUwaukee, Wis. 8458. Henry-Kendric-Metcalf, b. Nov. 28, 1861, in Janesville, Wis. 8459. CorneUa-Woodle, b. Dec. 7, 1863, in Milwaukee, Wis. 8460. Mary-Anna, b. May 13, 1866, in Evansville, Wis. 8461. Charles-Edward, b. Sept. 16, 1868, in Madison, Wis. 8462. Henrietta-Fitzhugh, b. Sept. 26, 1870, in Madison, Wis. 8463. Solomon-Porter® [5672] (Josiah', EUsha®, Josiahs, Eph raim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 3, 1840, in Summit, Mich.; m. Anna-Florence Jenkins, Sept. 1, 1864; she was the daughter of Vernel and LyoUa-EUzabeth Jenkins, and was b. June 17, 1846. 8464. Elizabeth-Daphne, b. June 20, 1865, in Summit, Mich. 8466. Louisa-May, b. Feb. 28, 1868, in Jackson, Mich.' 8466. Albert-Newell® [6585] (Joseph-Raymond', NeweU®, Ezekieis, Ephi-aim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 9, 1841, in Westerly, R. I. ; m. Hatty-Maria Dorr, May 12, 1864, in ElmUa,N. Y. 8467. Fred-Franklin, b. AprU 18, 1866, in Elmira, N. Y. 8468. Judson® [5598] (Elisha-Lathrop', Miner®, EzekieP, Eph raim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. March 13, 1843 ; res. Providence, R. I. ; mu Elizabeth Plummer, of Chepachet, R. L, June 23, 1868. 8469. Albert® [5601] (Luther', Pariey®, Ezekiel®, Ephraim*. Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. AprU 5, 1824; res. Leroy City, Genesee Co., N. Y. ; m. Mariett Grant, of MorgansviUe, Genesee Co., N. Y., Oct. 31, 1848. 8470. Helen-Ann, b. Mar. 14, 1851, at Black Rock, N. Y.; d. Sent, 9, 1852, at Morganville, N. Y. 8471. Sanford-Edward, b. July 8, 1853, in MprganvUle, N. Y. 8472. Loren® [6602] (Luther', Pariey®. Ezekiel®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 25, 1825 ; res. Williams- vUle, N, Y. ; m. Martha Johnson, of Bertie, Canada, Sept. 30, 1851, ' I' ) 8478. Bertha-Eltzabeth, b. May 9, 1853. 8474. Calvin-Parley, b. May 12, 1855. 8475. Alexander-Hanson® [5615] (Robert', WilUam-Witter®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjainin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 27, EIGHTH GENERATION. 433 1816, in Athens, Penn. ; m. Clara-F. Overshu-e, Oct. 18, 1838, The children aU b. in Athens, Penn. 8476. Edwin-Alexander [9363], b. Jan. 20, 1840. 8477. Belle, b. ,Tune 5, 1844 ; m'. J. W. Mix, Dec. 18, 1867. 8478. Mahlon-Mar, b. Jan. 10, 1846. 8479. Chester-Pierce® [5616] (Robert', WiUiain- Witter®, Ol ivers, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", ICdwardi), b. Oct. 12, 1818, in Athens, Penn. ; res. Rockford, III. ; m. Mary Smith, of Bath, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1842, 8480. Florence, b. Nov. 26, 1844. 8481. Henry-Kingsbury, b. Nov. 12, 1846; d. Sept. 8, 1852. 8482. Eomna-Kingsbury, b. June 29, 1858. 8483. Israel-Putnam® [5619] (Robert', WiUiam-Witter®, Ol iver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edward'), b, Jan. 22, 1825, in Athens, Penn. He was Major of the 141st Regt. Penn. Vols., and was mortally wounded in the battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, and d. July 28, 1863 ; res. in Wysox, Bradford Co., Penn. ; m. Elizabeth-R. Cooley, Dec. 2, 1862. Childi-en all b. in Wysox, Penn. 8484. EUa-Aurelia, b. AprU 30, 1855. 8485. Frederick P., b. AprU 7, 1857. 8486. Israel-Putnam, b. Jan. 18, 1861. 8487, William-Witter® [6626] (Morris', WUUam-Witter®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward?, Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 11, 1820; m. Electa Wilkinson, of Fiskilwa, IU , AprU 27, 1854; she was b. Mar. 24, 1836, at White Pigeon, Mich ; she was the daugh ter of Benaiah and Prudence Wilkinson. 8488. WiUiam-Morris, b. Dec. 29, 1856. 8489. Jessie-Oraerae, b. Nov. 1, 1860. 8490. EvarLorena, b. Jan. 24, 1863 ; d. May 13, 1866, 8491, Isaac-Cash® [6629] (Morris', WiUiam-Witter®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Nov. 19, 1827; m. Lucinda-Bacon Pratt, of Fiskilwa, III., Oct. 1, 1867. 8492. Lyman-Morris® [6630] (Morris', William-Witter®, Ol iver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwtirdi), b. June 24, 1835 ; m. Lucy Donaldson, of Maple Grove, Mich., Sept. 22, 1864. 8493. Lyman-Austin® [5660] (Lyman-Austin', Erastus®, Ol iver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Dec. 20, 1832 ; res. Lockport, N. Y, ; m. Caroline-Ann Lapham, May 15, 1867, 8494. Lyman-Austin, b. Feb. 11, 1868. ^ 8496. WiUiam-Gray, b. Mar. 9, 1870. 8496. Lyman-Barker® [6662] (Erastus-Holmes', Erastus®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 15, 28 434 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1839, in La Grange, Cass Co., Mich. ; res. Dowagiac, Cass Co., Mich. ; m. Mary-EUza Reneston, Feb. 20, 1862. ChUdren all b. in La Grange, Mich. 8497. William- Holmes, b. Nov. 17, 1864 ; d. Dec. 4, 1864. 8498. Eva-May, b. July 28, 1866. 8499. Ida-Isabella, b. June 10, 1868. 8500. Frederick-Erie® [5664] (Erastus-Holmes', Erastus®, Olivers, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. June 16, 1848 ; res. Dowagiac, Cass' Co., Mich. ; m. Exene-Melinda Enos, June 24, 1868. 8501. Ada-BeUe, b. Aug. 10, 1869. 8602. Henry-Corridon® [5682] (Erastus-Alsworth', Ephraim®, Olivers, Ephraim*, Edward-", Benjamin", Edwardi), b. July 27, 1833, in Murray, N. Y. ; res. Augusta, Washtenaw Co., Mich. ; m. Sarah-Jane Boylan, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 15, 1854. 8503. Erastus-Henry, b. Oct. 29, 1866. 8504. Margaret-EUza, b. Jan. 19, 1860. 8505. Luella-Anna, b. Aug. 12, 1863. 8506. Ida-Jane, b. May 20, 1866. 8507. WiUiam-Franklin, b. May 6, 1867. 8508. Alponzo® [5696] (Lyman-Witter', Ephraim®, Olivers, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 9, 1839; res. Ann Arbor, Mich. ; m. Mary-Jane Harrison, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 9, 1865, 8509. Lillie-Adaline, b. Mar. 10, 1868, in Ann Arbor, Mich. 8510. James-Franklin® [6701] (Ephraim-HaU', Ephraim®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b, July 28, 1835, in Ypsilanti, Mich. He removed from Ann Arbor, Mich., to Albion, Mich. ; thence to Kansas City, Missouri, where he now res. He is the founder of Spalding's Commercial College ; 1st, m. Mariett Lennon, Dec. 25, 1859 ; she d. Dec. 14, 1863, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; 2d, m. Janett Carr, Oct. 5, 1864, at Romulus, Wayne Co., Mich. Children b. in Ann Arbor, Mich. 8511. Ida^May, b. Nov. 30, 1860. 8512. George-Edgar, b. Aug. 22, 1863. 8613. William-Wallace® [5724] (Alva'', Edmond®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Oct. 4, 1829, in Northampton, N. Y. ; res. New York City ; m, Amelia Johnson, Oct. 4, 1851, in New York City, 8514. George-Alva, 8515. Ruth-Ann. 8516. Daniel-Young, 8517. Mary-Eiizabeth. EIGHTH GENERATION, 435 8518. Alexander® [5725] (Alva', Edmond®, Ephraim®, Ephra im*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Feb. 6, 1831, in May- field, N. Y. ; res. New York City ; m. Keziah Vanhouten, Sept, 15, 1849, 8519. Alva. 8520. Alexander. 8521, Charles-Chandler® [5728] (Alva', Edmond®, Ephraim®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 28, 1842, in New York City ; d. Feb. 7, 1864 ; res. in Sturgis, Mich. ; m. Har riet Billings, Nov. 14, 1863, in Sturgis, Mich. 8522. Charles-Alva, b. Sept. 14, 1865 ; d. June 29, 1866. 8523. Benjamin-Putnam® [5742] (Benjamin-Bacon', Bela- Paine®, EbenezerS, Ebenezer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 30, 1837 ; res. Brookline, Conn. ; m. Anne Day, March 7, 1H58 ; she was the daughter of John Day, of Dajrville, Conn, 8624. Sarah-Elizabeth, b. Nov. 9, 1860. 8525. George-Dexter, b. Dec. 28, 1868. 8526. WiUiara-Piitnara, b. AprU 17, 1865. 8527. Luther® [5''44] (Benjamin-Bacon', Bela-Paine®, Eben ezerS, Ebenezer*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Sept. 24, 1840 ; res. Troy, Wis. ; m. Emily-Putnam Day, June 3, 1868 ; she is the great-great-granddaughter of Gen. Israel Putnam, and daughter of Willard Day, Esq., of Brooklyn, Conn. 8528. Frank-Bela, b. Jan. 21, 1870. 8529. David-Howell® [5772] (WiUiam-Blackford', Thomas®, William®, Thomas*, Edward', Benjamin", Edwardi), b. Aug. 19, 1842, in Hector, N. Y., where he res. ; m. Malinda Devoe, of Hector, N, Y., Mar. 9, 1868. 8630, EdgarP [6304] (Amos', Daniel®, Amos®, Amos*, Na thaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar, 4, 1840; res. Croydon, N. H. ; a blacksmith ; m. Josephine-Lucy Huntly, of Newington, Conn., Feb. 11, 1861 ; she was b. May iS, 1846, 8531. Fred-Elias, b. Dec. 17, 1861. 8532, John-Orvis® [5820] (John-Langdon', Jonathan®, JamesS, Amos*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 28, 1830, in Meri den ViUage, Plainfleld, N. H. ; res. Neponset, Bureau Co., Ill, He went to lUinois in 1858 ; he enlisted June, 1861, in Co. B, 19th Regt. 111. Vols. ; served three years, — one year 'in the ranks; and two years as forage and wagon master ; m. Alice-Lovina Huckins, July 11, 1857, in Concord, N. H. ; she was b. May 29 1841, in Stanstead, Canada East. Children b. in Osceola, Stark Co., IU. 8533. Elsie-Maryetta, b. April 25, 1859. 8634. Cora-BeU, b. July 26, 1861. 436 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8535. George-Washington® [5826] (John-Langdon', Jona than®, James®, Amos*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Sept. 22, 1842 ;¦ res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. He enUsted at Weathersfleld, Vt., June 29, 1862, in Co. D, 9th Regt. Vt. Vols, ; served three years ; m, Ellen-Maria Davis, of Unity, N. H,, Sept, 14, 1868, 8536. Frank-Warren® [6836] (Warren-Caiy', Jonathan®, JamesS, Amos*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b.Oct. 4,1845; res. No. 17 Milford Street, Boston, Ms. ; m. Florence Brookhouse, Dec, 10, 1868 ; she was the daughter of John-Henry and Mary- Gregg-Winthrop (GUson) Brookhouse, of SomerviUe, Ms, 8537. Edward® [5848] (Amos-Prentice', John®, Joseph®, Jo seph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Feb. 1, 1828, in Athens, Penn. ; res, in Williamsport, Penn., until Sept. 1869, when he went to Cameron, Mo. ; m. Amanda-E. Ballard, of Troy, Bradford Co., Penn., April 10, 1050. 8688. Lucien- Richard, b. May 12, 1851. 8539. Edward-Prentice, b. Aug. 17, 1854. 8540. Orrin-Porter, b. Dec. 7, 1859. 8541. Amos-Owen, b. Nov. 8, 1863. 8542. William-Henry® [5852] (Amos-Prentice'', John®, Jo seph®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Jan. 16, 1836, in Waverly, Tioga Co., N. Y. ; res. "Cameron, Mo. ; m, Sarah-A. Elliott, Feb, 13, 1861 ; she was b. Oct. 12, 1839. 8543. FrediElUott, b. Nov. 21, 1861, in Canton, Penn. 8544. CfiARLES-WARREN® [6864] , (Amos-Prcutice'', Johu®, Jo sephs, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. June 15, 1840, in Waverly, Tioga Co., N, Y, ; res, Cameron, Clinton Co., Mo. ; m, Helen Lindley, Mar, 6, 1862, at Canton, Bradford Co., Penn. ; she was b. Jan. 1, 1840. 8546. Tyra-Hoyt, b. Dec. 18, 1862 ; d. Dec. 22, 1862. 8546, Owen-Clifford, b. AprU 18, 1866. 8547. Lorenia-Maud, b. «ept. 16, 1868. 8548. John-Abiram® [5874] (John', John®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. May 3, 1841, in Smithfleld, Bradford Co., Penn. ; res. Lima, Rock Co., Wis. ; P. O. address, Milton, Rock Co., Wis. ; nj. Sarah-Isabella Carnochan, Jan. 25, 1866, at Troy, Bradford Co., Penn, 8649. Mary, b. Sept. 1, 1867, in Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis. 8560. Henrt-Hart® [6880] (Henry-Harrison', Howard®, Jo seph®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b, Nov, 24, 1839, at Lapwai Mission, Idaho Ter. ; res. Walla Walla Co., Washing ton Ter. ; m. Lucy Lapong, of WaUa WaUa Co., Washington Ter., Feb. 2, 1868 ; she d. and was buried Feb. 2, 1870, leaving no children. EIGHTH GENERATION. 437 8551. Jared-Frank® [5903] (Shepard'', Jared®, Joseph®, Jo seph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 3, 1841 ; res. Elgin, Kane Co., III. ; a miUer ; m. Addie-Eliza Anderson, of Chicago, III., AprU 24, 1866. 8552. Clarence-Shepard® [5904] (Shepard', Jared®, Joseph®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edwardi), b. Mar. 28, 1844, in Han over, Cook Co., III., where he res. ; m, Margaret-Isabella Shavers, of Vkginia, Mar, 5, 1868, 8663, Henry-Otis® [5914] (Joseph-Carey', Samuel-Knight®, Reuben®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edward'), b.Oct. 19, 1835, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; res. Providence, R. I, (1868) ; m. Lucy-Mar tin RusseU, of North Branford, Conn., Dec 25, 1866. 8654.' Rev. Charles-Hubbard® [5915] (Joseph-Carey', Samuel- Knight®, ReubenS, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edward'), b. Oct. 1, 1837, in Plainfleld, Conn. He is pastor ofthe High St. Baptist Church, Pawtucket, R. I. ; m, Annie-Eliza Carpenter, of Pawtucket, R, 1,, Jan, 15, 1868, 8555. Frank-Willis® [5916] (Joseph-Carey', Samuel-Knight®, Reuben®, Joseph*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edward'), b. Nov. 26, 1839, in Plainfield, Conn., where he res. (1868). He was a lieutenant in the army ; m. Frances- Atala Whitmore, of Killingly, Conn., Nov. 14, 1865. 8556. HENRy-MARTYN® [5929] (Royal-Crafts', Joseph®, Ruluft®, Nathaniel*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edward'), b. Nov. 15, 1829, in Kenduskeag, Me. ; res. Kutztown, Berks Co., Penn. ; m. Isabel Mould, of Covington, Kentucky, Aug. 16, 1867. 8557. Edith, b. June 15, 1868. 8558. Boardman-Cary® [5932] (Royal-Crafts', Joseph®, Ruluff®, Nathaniel*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edward'), b. Sept. 27, 1843 ; res. Houlton, Me. ; attorney and counsellbr-at-law ; m. Mary-Annie Macbrien, of Houlton, Me., AprU 26, 1868. 8559. Melville-Cox® [6934] (Rufus', Joseph®, Ruluff®, Na thaniel*, Nathaniel', Joseph", Edward'), b. Jan, 3, 1836, in Bos ton, Ms, ; res. Dubuque, Iowa ; m, Elvira Wetherbee, of South Yarmouth, Ms., Dec, 18, 1866, 8660. Abial® [5999] (Abial', Andrew®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov, 28, 1818, in Windsor, Vt., where he res. ; m. Lucia-Lull Blanchard, of Windsor, Vt., Feb, 24, 1845. 8561. Warren-Alphonso [9365], b. Dec. 9, 1845. 8562. Francelia-Isidore, b. Nov. 28, 1846 ; m. Frederick- WUUam Cady, of Windsor, Vt., Dec. 22, 1868 ; res. Windsor, Vt. 8563. Emraa-LueUa, b. Sept. 15, 1851. 8664. Alva® [6000] (Abial', Andrew®, Andrew®, Andrew*, An drew', Andrew", Edward'), b. June 9, 1820, m Windsor, Vt. ; j-es. 438 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, Marshalltown, Iowa ; m. Charlotte Bagley, of Windsor, Vt., Jan. 1, 1844. 8565. Isabella-Charlotte, b. Oct. 2, 1850. 8566, Wilber® [6002] (Abial', Andrew®, Andrews, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 13, 1825, in Windsor, Vt. ; res. West Windsor, Vt. ; m. Hattie Perkins, of Hartland, Vt., Mar. 16, 1859, No children (1869). 8567. Harvey® [6003] f Abial', Andrew®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 10, 1827 ; res. Washington, D. C. ; m. Sophia-H. Hutchinson, of West Randolph, Vt., Jan. 10, 1854. Children b. in Lawrence, Kansas. 8568. Jaraes-Hutchinson, b. Aug. 12, 1862. 8569. Edwin-WUUs, b. Nov. 11, 1866. 8570. Gilman® [6005] (Abial', Andrew®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 23, 1831 ; res. Providence, R. I. ; m. Elizabeth Rogers, of Hartiand, Vt., Oct. 26, 1868. 8671, Dr. Zetus-Newell® [6007] (Simeon', Benjamin®, An drew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 13, 1819, in Albany, Orleans Co., Vt. ; res. SusanvUle, Cal. ; m. Mary-Ann Brown, of SusanvUle, Cal., Aug. 11, 1857; she was b. July 16, 1840, in Sussex, England. He res. a short time in Craftsbury, Vt. ; moved with his parents, in 1826, to Peru, Huron Co., Ohio ; afterwards lived in North Nor wich, a little town on the Sandusky and Mansfleld RaUroad, subse quently called Havana ; here he received his education in common schools, and at the Norwalk Academy. In 1840, he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Hugh F. Prouty, of Monroeville, Ohio, and flnished his studies under Dr. Moses C. Sanders, of Max- ville, Ohio, one of the censors of the Cleveland Medical College, where he took his degree in 1846. He left Roxana, Eaton Co., Mich., April 6, 1852, for California, byway ofthe Plains; he arrived in Sierra County, Aug. 1-^, 1852 ; he labored in the mines with varied success, until the spring of 1865, when he went into the mercantile business, and continued until July, 1857, when he was burned out and lost all his property ; during his mining and mercantile life, he res. in St. Louis. Sierra Co., Cal. He was acting ^assistant surgeon in the U. S. army, during the war on the California coast, among the Indians, from 1857 till the close of the war of the Rebellion. He is now county physician, coroner, and public administrator for the County of Lassen. Children b. in SusanvUle, Cal. 8572. Ella-Grace, b. April 18, 1858; d; AprU 5, 1860. 8573. Ida-Frances, b. Oct. 15, 1859. 8574. Inez-Imogene, b. Oct. 5, 1861. EIGHTH GENERATION. 439 8576. Mary-Alace, b. Dec. 17, 1862 ; d. Oct. 6, 1869. 8576. John-Bridger, b. Oct. 11, 1864. 8577. Wilber-Neale, b. Aug. 15, 1866. 8578. Jennie-Elizabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1868. 8579. Carlos® [6009] (Simeon', Benjamin®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 21, 1823 ; res. Roxana, Eaton Co., Mich., to which he removed in 1849 ; P. 0. address, Sunfield, Eaton Co., Mich. ; he is a farmer. He enlisted April, 1861, in the 6th Mich. Inft., changed to Heavy Artillery ; discharged in July, 1863, for disability ; 1st, m. MariUa-Dimmic GUson, May 26, 1846 ; she d. May 9, 1866 ; 2d, m. Helen Andrews, June 21, 1856. Children, all except the flrst, b. in Roxana, Eaton Co., Mich. 8680. Giles-Gilson, b. Oct. 8, 1847, in Norwich, Huron Co., Ohio; he enUsted Feb. 1864, in Co. G, 12th Mich. Inft. ; he d. Jtily 27, 1864, at Little Rock, Ark., in the General Hospital. 8581. Frances-EUen, b. Sept. 17, 1852. 8582. Howard-Malcolm, b. Aug. 13, 1857. 8583. MariUa-AUene, b. July 20, 1860. 8584. Carlos-Hartraar, b. Mar. 7, 1864. 8585. Giles-GUraan, b. Feb. 20, 1866. 8586. Noah® [6010] (Simeon', Benjamin®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 5,1827; res. Roxana, Eaton Co., Mich. ; a farmer ; m. Catherine-Ann Dow, Dec. 12, 1861. 8587. William-Zetus, b. .Tune 15, 1853. [ 8588. AUce-Ida, b. Oct. 10, 1854. 8589. John-Simeon, b. April 24, 1866. 8590. Chauncy-Martin-Stanly® [6011] (Simeon', Benjamin®, Andrews, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 28, 1829 ; d. Dec. 30, 1863 ; he was a carpenter and joiner; m. Cor delia-Augusta Pratt, Jan. 1, 1866. 8591. Alice-MoriUa, b. Jan. 1, 1857. 8692. Emma-Maria, b. Dec. 10, 1868. 8593. Clara, b. June 5, 1862; d. May 26, 1863. 8594. Chauncy-Mortimer, b. Dec. 29, 1863. 8695, WiLBUR-FiSK® [6012] (Simeon', Benjamin®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 13, 1833 ; d.Nov. 1, 1864, on his way home from the army on sick furlough. He enUsted Sept. 1862, in Co. I, 6th Mich. Inft. ; changed to 6th Mich. Heavy ArtUlery ; was present at the storming of Port Hudson, May 27 and June 14, 1863 ; m. Hannah Cazier, July 25, 1865, in Vermontville, Eaton Co., Mich. ; after the death of Mr. Spalding, she m. again ; now res. in Sunfield, Mich, 8596. Nancy-EUzabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1866. 8597. Inez- Viola, b. Dec. 1858. 8598. MUton-Schuyler, b. Mar. 6, 1862 ; d. Mar. 1866. 440 THE SPALDINa MEMORIAL, 8599, Rev, Benjamin-Pendell® [6015] (Noah', Benjamin®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 13, 1820 ; 1st, m. Ann Folsom, Mar. 3, 1863 ; she d. Oct. 11, 1862 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Sarah (Bean) Poole, Aug. 27, 1868 ; she was b. May 24, 1815, in Candia, N.H. He joined the Vt. Conference of the Meth. Epis. Church, in 1858 ; he was appointed to the Westfleld and Troy Circuit, and remained two years ; he was, in 1860 and '61, at Norwich and Hartford, Vt. ; in 1862 and '63, at Corinth, Vt. ; 1864, at Wait's River, Vt. ; 1865, at Randolph, Vt. ; 1866, at Waitsfleld, Vt. ; at conference in 1867, he took a location ; in 1869, he went to North Grantham, N. H. 8600. Burleigh-Folsom, b. Dec. 3, 1863. 8601. Lizzie-Lemira, b. Sept. 6, 1865. 8602. Phebe-EsteU, b. Mar. 13, 1869. 8603. John-Noah, b Jan. 6, 1862. 8604. Alonzo-John® [6016] (Noah', Benjamin®, Andrew®, An drew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Oct, 20, 1822 ; m. Amanda Gleason, Sept. 18, 1864, 8606. George-Omer, b. Nov. 16, 1866. 8606. Adoniram-Judson® [6025] (Micah', Abel®, Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 8, 1822, in Dela ware, Ohio ; res. Norton, Ohio ; he served in the Union army from Dec. 5, 1863, to the close of the war ; m. Mary-Matilda Bailey, Dec. 13, 1849 ; she was b, June 2, 1832. 8607. Elizabeth-Alace, b. Feb. 7, 1851. 8608. Esta-EUen, b. Jan. 18, 1853. 8609. Albert-Dudley, b. Mar. 6, 1855 ; d. Dec. 23, 1861. 8610. Kate-Ada, b. June 2, 1857. 8611. Carrie, b. Dec. 11, 1859 ; d. June 2, 1861. 8612. Emma, b. Sept. 13, 1862. 8613. C Jane, b. May 16, 1867. 8614. i Clarrie, b. May 16, 1867. 8615. Benjamin, b. Mar. 28, 1869. 8616. David-Dudley® [6027] (Micah', Abel®, Andrew®, An drew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 6, 1827 ; res. Kansas City, Mo. , He served in the Union army in a cavalry squadron, and in the portion known as Lincoln's body guard ; m. EUzabeth Cartwright. 8617. John® [6030] (Micah', Abel®, Andrew®, Andrew*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 26, 1834 ; m. Rosa Hartman, Nov. 7, 1869. 8618. Burns® [6046] (Solomon-Bagley', Solomon®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andi-ew", P;dwardi), b, March 25, 1833 ; res. Rochester, Munroe Co., N. Y. ; m. Caroline-Amelia Phelps, of Granby, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1856, 8619. Inez-Eudora, b. Nov. 22, 1867, in PlainviUe, Onondaga Co., N, Y. EIGHTH GENERATION. 441 8620. Solomon-Clayton® [6061] (Nelson-Odion', Solomon®, Solomon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. May 17, 1838, in Patterson, N. Y. ; res. Georgetown, D. C. (1869) ; m. Sarah Cummings, of Fall Church, Va., April 12, 1863. 8621. Frank- Lamott, b. AprU 1, 1864, in Fairfax Court House, Va. 8622. Frederick-Bruce, b. Mar. 5, 1868. 8623. James-Clark® [6062] (Nelson-Odion'', Solomon®, Solo mon®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew"', Edwardi), b. April 18, 1841, in Patterson, N. Y. ; res. Phcenix, N. Y. ; m. Mary-Ann Lapoint, of Phoenix, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1867. 8624. Floyd-Nelson, b. Jan. 10, 1868. 8625. Albert-Marshall® [6118] (John-Tagart', Andrew®, HenryS, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 24, 1828, in Newry, Me. ; res. Bangor, Me. ; m. Isannah Jackson, of An dover, Me., Oct. 16, 1853, in Bangor, Me. 8626. EUa-EUza, b. Aug. 15, 1854. 8627. James- Albert, b. July 20, 1862. 8628. John-Frederick® [6120] (John-Tagart', Andrew®, Hen rys, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 4, 1832, in Albion, Me. ; res. Bangor, Me. He enlisted in the 2d Me. Regt., May 14, 1861 ; was taken pris oner at the first Bull Run battle ; was confined in Libby prison five months and twenty-three days, then exchanged and sent home for injuries received in the service ; a cannon-ball struck a fence near him, and a rail fiew and struck him across the back ; he also had a knee and ankle thrown out of joint on the battle-field ; he draws a pension ; m. Augusta Pomroy, of Levant, Me., Mar. 27, 1853. 8629. Henry-Edwin® [6144] (John', Samuel®, Henry®, An drew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 9, 1847; m. Edith- Jane Foss, July 18, 1867, 8630, Sylvester® [6163] (Asa', Bezaleel®, Eleazer®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. ; res. Keene, N. H. ; m. Sarah Searles, of Townsend, Ms. 8631. Alfred® [6154] (Asa'', Bezaleel®, Eleazer®, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. ; res. Keene,N. H. ; m. C.-Ann Bromley, of Danby, Vt. 8632. Daniel-Hutchinson® [6160] (Jesse', Jesse®, Eleazer®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 12, 1832 ; res. Boston, Ms. ; m. Hattie Hutchinson, of Groton Junction, June, 16, 1865. 8633. Jesse-Calvin® [6161] (Jesse', Jesse®, Eleazer®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Dec. 4, 1837; res. Fitchburg, Ms. He enlisted in Co, F, 25th Ms. Regt. ; wounded at the battle of 442 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Cold Harbor ; served 3 yrs. 1 mo. 4 days ; m, Mary-Ann Bumap, of Ashby, Ms., AprU 18, 1866. 8634. Charles-Lincoln, b. Mar. 27, 1867. 8635. Esther-May, b. Sept. 22, 1868. 8636. Elijah-Gibbs® [6162] (Jesse', Jesse®, Eleazer®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 20, 1841 ; res. Fitchburg, Ms. ; is a clerk in the RoUstone Machine Works ; m. Hattie- Frances Vining, Feb. 8, 1871, at Lynn, Ms. ; she was the daughter of Warren and Octavia Vining, and was b. in Portland, Me. 8637. Jesse® [6168] (Ephraim', Merari®, Joseph®, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1821 ; res. North Anson, Me. ; m. Ella Nevelle, of Salem, Ms., June 24, 1856. 8638. Mary- Weston, b. Oct. 7, 1857. 8639. George-Washington, b. June 2, 1859. 8640. Susan-Ann, b. Mar. 4, 1861. 8641. Flora-BeU, b. Oct. 12, 1868. 8642, Tilson-Hbald® [6173] (Ephraim', Merari®, Joseph®, Ja cob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1821 ; res. North Anson, Me. ; m, Belle-Boardman Powers, of Norridgewock, Me., Feb. 6, 1862. 8643. Fanny, b. June 23, 1863. 8644. Harry, b. May 16, 1867. 8645. Dennis® [6185] (Walter', Merari®, Joseph®, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 11, 1835 ; emigrated to Cal. ia 1856, but now res. in Chicago, 111. ; m. Mary-Ann Snoad, of Hastings, England. 8646. Arthur-Dennis, b. Dec. 24, 1866. 8647. Leo-Wallace, b. Dec. 6, 1867. 8648. Madison® [6186] (Walter', Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 16, 1838, in Anson, Me.; res. Chicago, IU. ; m. Mary-Louisa Leiter, Nov. 21, 1867, iuMans- field, Ohio ; b. Sept. 21, 1846, in Mansfield, Ohio. 8649. Ethelyn-Frances, b. Sept. 13, 1868, in Chicago, IU. 8650. Abner-Coburn® [6201] (Joseph', Joseph®, Josephs, ja- cob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 29, 1837 ; res. Rich mond, Me. (1868) ; m. Mary-Alettice-Bowers Waldron. of Bow- doinham. Me., Nov. 8, 1860 ; she d. AprU 5, 1866, at Richmond, Me. 8651. Annie-Cleora, b. June 6, 1862. 8652. Joseph, b. Feb. 12, 1865 ; d. Nov. 13, 1865. 8653. Joseph-Whitman® [6203] (Joseph', Joseph®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 11, 1841, in Carra tunk, Me. ; res. Richmond, Me. ; attorney and counsellor at law ; EIGHTH GENERATION. 443 member of the House of Representatives in Me., 1868 ; m. Mary- Jane Clark, of Bristol, Me., Nov. 4, 1864. In July and August, 1862, he assisted in raising Company A, 1 9th Regt. of Maine Infantry Volunteers, and was mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut, of the company, Aug. 26, 1862, at Bath, Me., having just arrived at the age of twenty-one. The cap tain of the company was taken sick, and he assumed command at Frederick City, Md. Oct. 3, 1862, the Regt. joined 1st Brig. 2d Div. 2d army corps, army of the Potomac, to which it ever after belonged. Nov. 10, 1862, he was promoted to captain of Co. A, 19th Me. Regt. Dec. llth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 1862, he was with his company at Fredericksburg, Va. The Regt. was on the ex treme right and not engaged ; had a few men slightly wounded. At the fight at Chancellorsville, his regiment was detailed to guard the telegraph from the battle-field to Falmouth, Va. June 26, 1863, was in skirmish at Haymarket, Va. ; had one man killed ; July 2d and 3d, 1863, was with his company at Gettysburg, Penn. ; suf fered heavily. Sept. 13, 1863, participated in the advance of the 2d corps and cavalry across the Rappahannock, and pushed the enemy across the Rapidan. Oct. llth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 1863, 2d corps was rear guard of the army, when falling back from Culpep per to Centreville, and had a flght, Oct. 14, with the enemy at Bristoe Station, in which the enemy was severely punished. Oct. 16, 1863, he was on skirmish line at Bull Run; had two men wounded. Nov. 20th to 26th, 1863, had command of the regiment camp near Brandy Station. Nov. 26th to Dec. 1st, participated in the Mine Run Campaign, which was very severe on the regiment, though they had lost none ; for sixty-six hours the regiment had but ten and a half hours for eating and sleeping. From Jan. 28, 1864, to Feb 12th, '64, served as member of general court-martial. From April 23, '64, to May 3, '64, was a member of the 2d Corps Board for examination of applicants to attend the military school at Phil adelphia, preparatory to receiving commissions in colored troops. May 6, '64, he was in the Battle of the Wilderness ; May 9, skir mishing with the enemy. Maj^ 10, Battle of Spottsylvania ; at night he was sent to the rear by the surgeon ; went to Naval School Hospital, Annapolis, Md. Rejoined his company, June 20, '64, in front of Petersburg, and took command of regiment, and retained command until Sept. 7, '64. June 22d, '64, was in the flght at Jerusalem Plank Road ; four regiments of the brigade were taken prisoners, and 80 men of his regiment ; they lost heavily, three colo'r-bearers of the regiment were killed one after another, but they saved the colors. June 23, skirmishing. From July 9tli to 19th, he was a member of corps court-martial for trial of oflS cers, From July 26th to Sept. 4th, he served as member of divi sion court-martial, except when moving or during engagements. July 27, participated in the engagement at Deep Bottom. Aug. 14, participated in the engagement at Strawberry Plains ; Aug. 15, skirmishing all day. Aug. 25, participated in the flght at Ream's 444 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, Station, Sept. 7, '64, returned home on sick leave. Sept. 30, was detailed by the War Dept, as Inspector to the Asst. Provost- Marshal-Genersll of Maine, at Augusta. Nov. 5, received from the Governor of Maine a commission as Major of 19th Me. Vol. Re joined his regiment Dec, 1, and found a commission awaiting him as Lieut.-Colonel of the regiment. Dec, 2, was mustered as Lieut.- Col. Feb. 6, 1865, to Feb. 10th, participated in the Hatcher's Run Campaign, in command of the regiment ; only engaged with the enemy the first day. Mar. 13th to 28th, commanded the 59th Regt. N, Y. Vet. Vols. ; relieved upon his own request. Mar. 29th to April 9th, participated in the final campaign. Mar. 29th and 30th, his regiment as skirmishers led the Division, took two lines of the enemy's works, and were stopped by the rebels at the fort near the Crow House ; the regiment relieved on the night of the 30th. Mar. 31st, the regiment again advanced as skirmishers, captured the rebel skirmishers, and got within four rods of the fort. April 2d, advanced with the whole line, took the enemy's works, put them to flight, and followed in pursuit. April 7th, the regiment in advance of the corps was attacked by a large force of the enemy at High Bridge, which bridge the enemy had set on fire, and they were trying to put it out. The enemy pressed them hard ; they had no chance to fall back, and the men fought Uke tigers, main taining their position until support arrived, thus saving the bridge upon which two army corps crossed the Appomattox on that day. The colonel was severely wounded in this engagement, and Lieut.- Col. Spalding ever after had command of the regiment, April 9th, he participated in the general rejoicing of the army upon the sur render of Gen. Lee. The regiment was mustered out at the defences of Washington, May 31, '65 ; returned to Augusta, Me., where it was finally paid, June 7, '65. 8654. Mary-Clara, b. Nov. 27, 1866. 8655. William-Pitt® [6241] (Zeeb-Pitf, Zebina®, Joseph®, Ja cob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 29, 1836, in Boston, Ms. ; m. Georgia-Elizabeth Dean, of Chicago, IU., AprU 14, 1864. 8656. Charles-WiUiam, b. Jan. 20, 1866, in Fitchburg, Ms., where he d. Oct. 6, 1866. 8657. Emma-Dean, b. Sept. 14, 1869. 8658. Warren-Foster® [6266] (Benjamin', Jacob®, Benja min®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Kdwardi), b. Jan, 14, 1841 ; res, Nashua, N, H, ; m. Sarah-Elizabeth Rawson, of Nashua, N. H., Mar. 16, 1864 ; she was b, 1842, 8659, Jacob-Franklin® [6266] (Benjamin', Jacob®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 11, 1843 ; res. Hud son, N. H. ; m. Delia Annis, of Londonderry, N. H., AprU 7, 1864, 8660. Ephraim, b. Sept. 27, 1866. 8661. Albert, b. Nov. 29, 1867. EIGHTH GENERATION. 445 8662. Benjamin-Franklin® [6269] (Cyrus', Jacob®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 17, 1834; m. Mary- E. Darling, Aug. 1854, 8663. Mary-Isabel, b. AprU 10, 1856; d. 8664. Charles-Franklin, b. Feb. 17, 1869. 8665. Cyrus-Grant® [6270] (Cyrus', Jacob®, Benjamin®, Ja cob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 26, 1835. Mr. Spalding is now residing in Boston, Ms., and is the highly esteemed and urbane clerk at the Revere House ; m.' Emily-Clark Swart, Dec. 15, 1859, 8666. Susan-Emily, b. Oct. 6, 1860. 8667. Mary-EUzabeth, b. Aug. 20, 1866 ; d. Oct. 29, 1870. 8668, Benjamin-Judson® [6274) (Benjamin', Ira®, Benjamins, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec, 6, 1823 ; m. Mary- A. Richardson. 8669. Francis-Judson, b. May 1, 1851. 8670. Charles-H., b. June 7, 1867. A daughter, b. Dec. 12, 1862. 8671. Ira-D.® [6276] (Benjamin', Ira®, Benjamin®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 2, 1827, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; now res. (June, 1867) in South Boston, and is of the firm of Spalding & Coflan, Mechanical Engineers, and Manufacturer's of Patterns, No. 383 Federal St., Boston, Ms. ; 1st, m. Laura-Ann Ewell, of Boston, Ms., Oct. 16, 1847; she d. Jan. 24, 1860; 2d, m. Charlotte-Louisa Jenkins, of Boston, Ms., Jan. 28, 1861 ; she d. Sept. 6, 1864; 3d, m. Betsey-Brown Coflin, of Newton, Ms,, Sept. 19, 1855 ; she d. July 17, 1861 ; 4th, m. Mary-Jane South- worth, of Townsend, Ms., Jan. 1, 1863. 8672, Charlotte-Louisa, b. Mar. 30, 1854. 8673. Albert-Day, b. Mar. 10, 1859. 8674. Frederick- Henry, b. Oct. 26, 1863. 8675. WUUam- Wayland, b. Jan. 19, 1865. An infant, b. June 15, 1866. 8676. Henry-Williams® [6283] (Ira', Ira®, Benjamins, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 30, 1830, in Augusta, Me. ; res. Norridgewock, Me. ; m. Susan-Paine Butler, of New Sharon, Me., Jan. 4, 1855. Children b. in HalloweU, Me . 8677. Frank-WiUie, b. Sept. 6, 1858. 8678. Fred-Alton, b. May 20, 1864. 8679. Lewis® [6291] (Charles', Ira®, Benjamins, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 10, 1828; d. June 11, 1870; res. in Arlington, Ms. ; m. Annie-Bacon Cutler, of Lexington, Ms., Nov, 15, 1853 ; she was b, Aug. 16, 1832 {Cutter Gen, says 1.834). 446 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 8680. Annie-Caroline, b. Aug. 31, 1864. 8681. Elizabeth-Maria, b. Nov. 17, 1855. 8682. Charles-Leonard, b. AprU 12, 1862; d. Oct. 3, 1862. 8683. Helen-Harris, b. Oct. 7, 1863. 8684. Hiram-Lewis, b. May 4, 1870. 8685. Edward® [6306] (Joel', Henry®, Henry®, Henry*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 29, 1842 ; res, Washington, D. C. ; a clerk in the Treasury Department ; m. Angie-Marion Barr, AprU 29, 1866. 8686. Josiah® [6339] (Josiah', Josiah®, Josiah®, Josiah*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 6, 1822, in Townsend, Ms. ; now res. in Fitchburg, Ms. ; m. Nancy-Jane Downing, of Marlow, N. H., May 1, 1850. No children (1867). 8687. Mark-Harry® [6342] (Josiah', Josiah®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. March 20, 1827, in Townsend, Ms. ; res. Northampton, Ms. ; m. Sylvia Sanders, April 4, 1856, in Townsend, Ms. He was a Union soldier in the late war. Children all b. in Northampton, Ms, 8688. Sylvia-Sanders, b. Feb. 25, 1858. 8689. Maria, b. June 1, 1861. 8690. Nellie-BaUey, b. May 20, 1863. 8691. Mary-Lincoln, b. Sept. 2, 1866. 8692. Charles-Elwin® [6343] (Josiah', Josiah®, Josiah®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 8. 1831, in Townsend, Ms. ; res. Sandown, N. H. ; m. Laura-Etta Page, Nov. 20, 1859 ; she was b. AprU 13, 1834, in Danville, N, H, 8693. LilUas-Etta, b. Mar. 7, 1861. 8694. Allora-Agnes, b. May 11, 1865. H695. William-Austin® [6345] (Elisha', Josiah®, Josiah®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 27, 1841 ; res. Mai den, Ms. ; m. Lizzie Rand, June 8, 1861 ; she was b. May 20, 1843, in Newton, Ms. 8696. Frederick-Elmer, b. July 1, 1862; d. Dec. 8, 1866. 8697. JoHN-FiELDs8 [6367] (Moses', Moses®, Josiah®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 1, 1840. in Enfield, N, H. ; res. Waltham, Ms. (1867) ; m. Almira-W. Stevens, of Springfleld, N. H., Oct. 19, 1862. 8698. EzEKiEL-WooD® [6362] (Walter', Moses®, Josiah®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 26, 1839, in Pep perell, Ms. ; res. Clinton, Ms. (1867) ; m. Fanny-Augusta Stone, of Clinton, Ms., Jan. 1, 1866. 8699. William-Franklin® [6365] (Eli', Moses®, Josiah®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 3, 1842, in Pepperell, EIGHTH GENERATION. 447 Ms. ; res. Maiden, Ms. ; m. Mary-EUen Farley, of HoUis, N. H,, Oct. 9, 1861. 8700. Samuel-Stillman® [6372] (Samuel', John®, William®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, July 2, 1815, in Caven dish, Vt. ; res. Theresa, N. Y. ; m. Phebe-Almeda Hovey, of Plattsburg, N, Y., Sept, 22, 1839. 8701. Cynthia-Ann, b. May 7, 1841 ; m. Williara-Harrison Steamburgh, Oct. 21, 1861; he d. June 7, 1866; she is with her parents at Theresa, N. Y. (1868). 8702. Judson-Levi [9866], b. June 11, 1843. 8703. Mandana-Malvina, b. Oct. 18, 1846 ; m. Amos Weller, Aug. 10, 1862; shed. Nov. 20, 1864. 8704. John-Franklin, b. Aug. 30, 1856. 8706, Solomon-Edmond® [6377] (Samuel', John®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b Sept. 7, 1829, in Mas-_ sena, N. Y. ; res. Cedar Falls, Iowa (1867) ; m. Caroline-Amelia Mansfield, Oct. 11, 1848. 8706. Clarence-Eugene, b. Aug. 12, 1869. 8707. Florence- FideUa-Helena, b. Sept. 24, 1865 ; d. Oct. 20, 1866. 8708. William® [6379] (WiUiam', John®, William®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 29, 1821 ; res. Port Clinton, Ohio ; m. Martha-Ann Wilber, Oct. 19, 1841. 8709. WiUiam-Franklin [9867], b. Oct. 22, 1842. 8710. Mary-EUen, b. May 31, 1844; d. sarae day. 8711. ( John-Frances, b. Nov. 28, 1845. 8712. I Jaraes-Edward, b. Nov. 28, 1846. 8713. Mary-Teresa, b. Feb. 20, 1848. 8714. Martha-Ellen, b. Nov. 8, 1849 ; d. Sept. 15, 1850. 8715. Robert-Wilber, b. Jan. 25, 1852. 8716.. Annie-Elizabeth, b. Feb. 2, 1854; d. Jan. 5, 1865. 8717. George-Henry, b Dec. 28, 1855; d. sarae day. 8718. Catharine-Eugenia, b. Dec. 25, 1856. 8719. George-Washington, b. Feb. 22, 1860. 8720. Susan-Sherman, b. July 25, 1868. 8721. JoHN-LiNDSLEY® [6381] (William', John®, WilUamS, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 17, 1824 ; res. East Saginaw, Mich. ; m. Margaret McCarty, Oct. 1847, at Saginaw, Mich. 8722. Robert-Henry® [6382] (WUUam', John®, WilUamS, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andi-ew", Edwardi), b. gept. 11,1826; res. San dusky, Ohio ; m. Jane Cole, July, 1851, at Detroit, Mich. 8723. Joseph-Adams® [6383] (WUUam', John®, WiUiam®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 1, 1829 ; res. Belle vue, Seneca Co., Ohio; m. Mary Cox, July, 1851, at Sandusky City, Ohio. 8724. Samuel-Smith® [6385] (William', John®, WiUiam®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 10, 1832 ; res. Cedar 448 THE SPALDESTG MEMORIAL, Rapids, Iowa ; m, Annie WaUis, April 6 , 1859 ; she was b, Oct, 30, 1840. 8725. WiUiam-Smith, b. Aug. 14, 1860. 8726. Charles-Henry, b. Mar. 30, 1862. 8727, JoHN-EzEKiEL® [6390] (John', John®, WUliam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 3, 1831, in Cavendish, Vt, Early in Ufe he went to Worcester, Ms., where he still res. (1867); he is an architect; 1st, m. Louise Mann, of Orford, N. H,, Jan, 14, 1857 ; she d. Feb. 9, 1859 ; 2d, m. Elvira Kmg- man, of North Bridgewater, Ms., Sept. 30, 1862. 8728. Sarah-Louise, b. July 25, 1863. 8729. George-Davis, b. Jan. 25; 1867. 8730. Lorenzo-Quimby® [6391] (John', John®, WUliam®, Jo ¬siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 26, 1834, in Caven dish, Vt., but went to Worcester, Ms., where he now res. (1867) ; sells sewing-machines ; m. Harriet-Reed Rice, of West Boylston, Ms., Nov. 27, 1857. 8731. NeUie-Gray, b. May 20, 1866. 8732. George-Perham® [6394] (John', John®, WiUiam®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar, 30, 1843 ; res. Rut land, Vt. (1867) ; m. Maggie-Ann Sullivan, of Cavendish, Vt., Feb. 2, 1864. 8733. Charles-Elliot® [6399] (Nathaniel', John®, WUliam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 24, 1833 ; res. Cavendish, Vt. (1867) ; m. Amantha Putnam, Mar, 25, 1856. 8784. Addle-Cora, b. Jan, 20, 1^58. 8736. Ida-Jennie, b. June 27, 1860; d.Feb. 19, 1863. 8736. Anna-Eraraa, b. Sept. 10, 1862. 8737. Alice-Jennie, b. Aug. 17, 1866. 8738. Henry® [6400] (Nathaniel', John®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 7, 1835 ; res. Cavendish, Vt. (1867) ; 1st, m. Sarah-Minerva Hadley, Oct. 27, 1857 ; she d, July 23, 1862 ; 2d,m. Adelaide Legacy, Oct. 27, 1863. 8739. Charles-Henry, b. Aug. 12, 1868. 8740. Annie-Minerva, b. Oct. 16, 1861 ; d. Sept. 4, 1862. 8741. Francis-Proctor® [6401] (Nathaniel', John®, WiUiam®, .Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b June 18, 1837 ; res, Springfleld, Vt. (1867) ; m. Florence-Harriet Myrick, Oct. 13, 1862. 8742. Fred-Madison, b. Aug. 15, 1868. 8743. Morton-Myrick, b. AprU 12, 1867. 8744. Charles-Eldad® [6410] (Jefl'erson', John®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 27, 1834; res. EIGHTH GENERATION. 449 Theresa, N. Y. ; m. Esther-Ann Irvin, of Theresa, N. Y., April, 1861. 8745. Cora-Eraeretta, b. Dec. 30, 1865, in Theresa, N. Y. 8746. JosEPH-LovELL® [6429] (Darius', Joseph®, WUUam®, Jo siah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. .July 6, 1819; P. 0. ad dress, Wayne P. 0., Perth Co., Ontario, C. W. ; 1st. m. Mary Hepinstall, of Yorkshire, England, Oct. 2, 1841 ; she d. Aug. 1, 1843 ; 2d, m. Sarah Hepinstall, of Yorkshu-e, England, Oct. 19, 1844. 8747. Elizabeth-Ann, b. Mar. 8, 1843, in Pierpont, Ohio. 8748. Lavina, b. Sept. 10, 1846. 8749. Albert, b. Dec. 26, 1848, in Darlington, C. W. 8750. Charlotte, b. Mar. 1, 1861, in Darlington, C. W. 8751. Wesley, b. May 29, 1853, in Darlington, C. W. 8752. Mary-Jane, b. Mar. 13, 1855, in WaUace, C W. 8753. Sarah-Emma, b. Aug. 30, 1858, in WaUace, C. W. 8754. John, b. Aug. 7, 1860, in Wallace, C. W. 8755. George, b. Sept. 19, 1862, in Wallace, C. W. 8766. Phebe, b. June 2, 1865. 8757. William-Wallace® [6433] (Darius', Joseph®, WiUiamS, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 24, 1828 ; d. 1865 ; res. in Galesburg, 111. ; 1st, m. Mary Calkins ; she d. July 4, 1864 ; 2d, m. 8758. Kimball-Chapman® [6484] (Darius', Joseph®, WUUam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 16, 1831 ; 1st, m. Phebe-Altheara Heath, of Andover, Ohio, Sept. 15, 1852 ; she d. ; 2d, m. Sarah-Ann Hoyt, AprU 20, 1862. 8759. Kate-Eraelia, b. Aug. 22, 1853. 8760. C Caroline-Welthy, b. Aug. 16, 1856. 8761. \ Claridon- WeUington, b. Aug. 17, 1856; d. Jan. 17, 1857. 8762. ( Clarind- Washington, b. Aug. 17, 1856. 8763. Mary-Elvira, b. Mar. 7, 1864. 8764. Charles-Darius, b. July 2, 1866. 8765. Charlbs-West® [6439] (Joseph-Adams', Joseph®, Wil liams, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 8, 1829 ; res. Peoria, 111. (1868) ; he is a printer; m. Eliza Rogers, of St. Charles, III. 8766. George, b. Feb. 1853. 8767. OzRO-IvES® [6462] (Aaron-Wheeler', Zedeldah®, Wil liam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), Id. June 13, 1825 a res. Cavendish, Vt. ; m. Catharine Bond, Jan. 29, 1852. 8768. Arianna, b. Dec. 7, 1863 ; m. Joseph- White Eaton, of Cavendish, Vt., Dec. 8, 1868. 8769. Nellie-Jane, b. Feb. 11, 1869; d. May 27, 1865. 8770. Charles-Forest® [6454] (Aaron-Wheeler', Zedekiah®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 3, 1839 ; 29 450 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. res. Rutland, Vt. (1867) ; m. Sarah Haines, of Rutland, Vt., May 31, 1865. 8771. Henry-Elmer, b. April 19, 1869, in Rutland, Vt. 8772. James-Dennison® [6457] (Salmon', Zedekiah®, WiUiam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 30, 1831, in Cav endish, Vt. ; m. Louisa-C. Bucklin, of Sudbury, Vt., Sept. 5, 1864. 8773. Seneca-Bucklin, b. June 5, 1859, in TaylorsviUe, N. Y. 8774. James-A., b. Oct. 23, 1861. 8775. Marcus- Aurelius® [6461] (Alien', Zedekiah®, WiUiamS, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 17, 1836; res. South Reading, Vt. ; 1st, m. Cleora-Isadore Hapgood, Feb. 3, 1863; shed. Dec. 17, 1863; 2d, m. VictoriarEunice Fullam, of Ludlow, Vt., Mar. 20, 1867. 8776. Cleora-Isadore, b. Nov. 9, 1863 ; d. May 17, 1864. 8777. Elbert® [6464] (Nathan-Paine', Zaccheus®, WUliam®, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 26, 1833 ; res. Windsor, Dane Co., Wis. ; m. Harriet Bartholomew, Oct. 15, 1855. 8778. Frank, b. Mar. 19, 1858. 8779. Allen-Bushrod® [6479] (Artemas', Jonas®, WiUiamS, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 23, 1836 ; res. Cav endish, Vt ; m. Georgianna Hastings, of Bridgewater, Vt. They have one child. 8780. Charles-Barbour® [6489] (Jonathan', Ephraim®, Jona than®, Ephraim*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 21, 1832 ; res. Chelmsford, Ms. (1867) ; m. Minerva-J. ' Walker, of Ohio, Sept. 30, 1856. 8781. Phebe-A., b. Nov. 15, 1857, in Ohio; d. Sept. 15, 1859. 8782. Flora-B., b. Feb 8, 1859, in Mo. 8788. Eldon-E., b. Mar. 14, 1861, in Kansas ; d. June 21, 1862. 8784. Clifford-J., b. Dec. 19, 1862; d. Aug. 7, 1863. 8785. Ella-J., b. Jan. 14, 1865, in Ms. 8786. George-Ephraim® [6493] (Jonathan', Ephraim®, Jona thans, Ephraim*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug.- 31, 1844 ; res. North Chelmsford, Ms. ; m. Lydia-Ann Whittemore, Sept. 27, 1866. > f ' 8787. Cornelius-Ogden® [6502] (Ephraim', Zechariah®, Jona thans, Ephraim*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept, 30, 1836 ; res. m New York City (1867) ; m, Mai-y-Bradford Smith, of Provi dence, R, I., Nov. 1, 1866 ; she was the dauarhter of Rev. Francis Smith. 8788. John-Franklin® [6513] (Obadiah', Isaac®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 20, 1820; res. EIGHTH GENERATION. 451 Granville, Vt. (1867) ; 1st, m. Almira-Casindance Backus, Dec. 12, 1841 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt, Sept. 5, 1867. 8789. Adelaide-Lucy, b. July 7, 1842. 8790. Alden- Anderson, b. June 4, 1846 ; kUled in the battle of Win chester, Sept. 19, 1864; enlisted in Co. C, 6th Regt. of Vt. Vols. 8791. Ann-Maranda, b. Dec. 20, 1847; d. April 22, 1860. 8792. Minerva-Jane, b. Aug. 27, 1849. 8798. Nahum-Wallace, b. June 24, 1854. 8794. George-Benjamin® [6514] (Obadiah', Isaac®, Jonathans, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 22, 1822; res. Sherburne, Vt. (1867) ; 1st, m. Mary-Jane Aikin, May 20, 1858 ; she d. Jan. 24, 1865 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Emily Shannon, of Pittsfleld, Vt., Dec. 5, 1867. 8795. Fred-George, b. Feb. 16, 1859. 8796. Frank- WUlshire, b. Nov. 22, 1860. 8797. Sarah-Jane, b. Nov. 30, 1882 ; d. Nov. 1, 1863. 87P8. Hosea- Houston® [6517] (Obadiah', Isaac®,, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 4, 1833 ; res. West Bridgewater, Vt. (1867); m. Susan-Minerva Maxham, .Jan. 7, 1858. 8799. Wilbur-Arthur, b. May 1, 1868. 8800. Warren-Ransom, b. July 5, 1859. 8801. Minerva-Eliza-Jane, b. Sept. 19, 1860. 8802. Joseph-Kennedy® [6518] (Obadiah', Isaac®, Jonathan®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 20, 1837 ; res. West Bridgewater, Vt. ; postmaster (186'7) ; m. Sarah-Buswell Akin, Oct. 6, 1864. 8803. Carrie- AdeUa, b. Mar. 4, 1865. 8804. Charles- WUUe, b. Aug. 24, 1866. 8805. Washington® [6523] (Isaac', Isaac®, Jonathans, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 27, 1827; res. South Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; m. Helen-Maria Benton, of Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Mar. 12, 1854. 8806. Lucy, b. Nov. 16, 1869. 8807. Evle-Charlotte, b. Nov. 10, 1862. 8808. Frank, b. Mar. 23, 1865. 8809. Anna-Maria, b. July 23, 1868. 8810. William-Frederick® [6530] (Ephraim', Jonathan®, Jon athan®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 29, 1823, in Middlebury, Vt. ; res. Jackson, Mich. ; he is a dealer in crockery, glassware, etc., 219 Main St., Jackson, Mich. ; m. Mrs. Mary- Elizabeth Kelsey, Feb. 17, 1856, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; she was the daughter of Dill and Lucy Sawyer, and was b. April 25, 1828. 8811. Albert-Arthur, b. July 12, 1860, in Ann Arbor, Mich. 8812. Willie, b. Mar. 8, 1868; d. Oct. 17, 1868, at Jackson, Mich. 452 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8813. Charles-Almon® [6635] (Ephraim', Jonathan®, Jona than®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 26, 1839, in Middlebury, Vt. ; he is ofthe firm of C. A. Spalding & Co., dealers in Staple and Fancy Goods, 41 Chicago St., Coldw^ater, Mich, ; 1st, m. Mary-Elvira Ball, Aug. 10, 1864; she was b. Feb. 1842; she d. Dec. 22, 1865, at Coldwater, Mich. ; 2d, m. Grace Gilbert, Jan. 20, 1869 ; she was the daughter of Henry-Clark and Harriet- Champion Gilbert, and was b. Aug. 24, 1849. 8814. Freddie, b. Dec. 16, 1865, at Coldwater, Mich. 8815. Alpred-Stearns® [6537] (Jonathan', Jonathan®, Jona than®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 21, 1829 ;' res. New York City ; m. Sarah-Frances Davis, of WUliamstown, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1864. 8816. Charles-Lewis® [6547] (George', Hezekiah®, Jonathans, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 8, 1831, in Shirley, Ms. ; res. Townsend, Ms. ; he euRsted in Groton, Feb. 1, 1864, Co. B, 26th Regt. Ms. Vols., for Townsend quota, and d. Oct. 15, 1864; m. Mary-EUzabeth WUUams, of Harvard, Ms., Aug. 7, 1849, 8817. Catharine-Lewis, b. May 7, 1850, In Lancaster, Ms. ; d. July 21, 1850. 8818. Harriet-Lewis, b. Aug. 28, 1851, in Attleboro', Ms. ; d. Aug. 10, 1863. 8819. Augusta-Maria, b. Mar. 3, 1864. 8820, Lorenzo- Woodbury® [6548] (George', Hezekiah®, Jona than®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 8, 1838, in Shirley, Ms. ; res. Townsend, Ms. ; m. Eliza-Ann Parker, of Townsend, Ms., July 24, 1866. 8821. Lizzie-Lavinia, b. Sept. 10, 1867, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. Oct, 20, 1867. 8822. Winnie-BeUe, b. AprU 18, 1869. 8823. John® [6559] (John', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Ang. 8. 1817 ; res. Groton Junction, Ms.; he is a lawyer; grad, Harv. Law School, 1850; m. Char- lotte-A.-NeweU Bigelow, Jan. 7, 1862; she was the daughter of Alpheus Bigelow, Esq., late of Weston, Ms. 8824. Abel® [6563] (John'', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi). b. Sept. 21, 1831 ; res; Townsend. Ms.; m. Sarah-EUzabeth Twining, Nov. 11, 1862; she wash. AprU 1, 1832, in Shrewsbury, Vt, 8825. Alice-Miranda, b. Oct. 30, 1866. 8826. Benjamin-Minot® [6572] (Benjamin', Benjamin®, Benja min®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 30, 1827; res. Groton Junction ; m. ArvUla-Ann Tyler, of Townsend, Ms., Feb. 6, 1853 ; she was b, Jan. 11, 1832. EIGHTH GENERATION. 453 8827. NeUie-Anna, b. AprU 28, 1858. 8828. Bertha-Rush, b. Oct. 15, 1861; d. AprU 8, 1863, 8829. Eda-Lincoln, b. June 17, 1866. 8830. Asa-Davis® [6576] (Levi', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edward'), b. Aug. 2, 1822 ; res. New London, Conn. (1868) ; m. Susan Roby, in Candia, N. H. No children (1868). 8831. Jonathan-Wallace® [6578] (Levi', Benjamin®, Benja min®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 3, 1827 ; res. Biddeford, Me. ; m. Lois Grant. 8832. . Charles-Sumner, b. 1859. 8833. Frank-Ellsworth, b. 1868. 8834. Benjamin-Brooks® [6580] (Levi', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 22, 1832 ; res. Town- send, Ms. ; m. Ellen-Maria Sargent, of Straflbrd, Vt., Sept. 14, 1854. No children (1868). 8835. Ai-Harrison® [6582] (Levi', Benjamin®, Benjamins, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 4, 1841 ; res. Town- send, Ms. ; m. Amanda-Maria Ballon, of Fitchburg, Ms., Dec. 19, 1866 ; she was b. May 3, 1839. 8836. Jonas® [6693] (Jonas', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 6, 1833, in Townsend, Ms., where he res. ; m. Emma Cummings, of Townsend, Ms., Mar. 6, 1866 ; she was b. Aug. 28, 1837. 8837. Leon-Cummings, b. Mar. 23, 1868. 8888. Huntley-NoweU, b. Oct. 80, 1869. 8839. Charles® [6595] (Jonas', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 4, 1836, in Townsend, Ms. ; d. Xov. 23, 1867 ; res. in Townsend, Ms. ; m. Henrietta-Alzorah May, of Pauling, Dutchess Co., N. Y., June 20, 1866 ; she was b. June 4, 1838. 8840. Charles-Lester, b. Mar. 25, 1867. 8841. Frederick-Foster® [6598] (Jonas', Benjamin®, Benja mins, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 8, 1843, in Townsend, Ms., where he res. ; m. Iowa Lee, of Philadelphia, Penn., June 8, 1868 ; she was b. Mar. 22, 1842. 8842. Isaac-Waldo® [6699] (Jonas', Benjamin®, Benjamins, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 29, 1845, in Town- send, Ms., where he res. ; m. Marietta-Boynton Haynes, June 2, 1870, in Townsend, Ms. ; she was b. Sept. 5, 1845, in Townsend, Ms. 8843. Samuel-Elbbrton® [6604] (Samuel', Benjamin®, Benja min®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 21, 1837, in 454 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, Benson, Vt,; res. Troy, N. Y. (1868); m. IsabeU Best, of Put nam, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1864 ; she was b. Feb. 28, 1837. 8844. Willis Carlton, b. May 19, 1865, in Putnam, N. Y. 8845. Anna-BeU, b. Dec. 12, 1866, in Troy, N. Y. 8846. Benjamin® [6612] (Amos'", Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 8, 1844; res Leominster, Ms.; m. Eliza Sherwin, of Townsend, Ms., May 31, 1868; she was b. Aug. 28, 1844, 8847. Annie-Louise, b. Aug. 25, 1870. 8848. Warren-Everett® [6615] (Amos', Benjamin®, Ben jamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 12, 1848; res. Chester, N. H. ; m. Hattie Storer, April 22, 1869, in London derry, N. H, 8849. Ida-Lurena, b. May 4, 1870, in Chester, N, H. 8850. Cyrus® [6628] (Erastus', Peter®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 17, 1835 ; res, Webster, Ms. (1867) ; m. Elizabeth Harrington, of Lunenburg, Ms., April 18, 1856. No children (1867), 8861, Parker-Prescott® [6640] (Joshua', David®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 1, 1837; res, in Lowell, Ms. " His wife died a few years ago, and it is feared he is dead " [Mrs. S. S. Ball] ; m. Harriet-Ames Senter, of Hudson, N, H,, Mar. 30, 1857 ; she d. Oct. 7, 1861. 8852. Chariey-Atwood, b. July 17, 1858. 8853. David-Sumner® [6641] (Joshua', David®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 14, 1841 ; res. Lowell, Ms. ; m. EUen-Mary Green, of Lowell, Ms., June 10, 1861 ; pub. June 8, 186 1 ; she was b, Sept. 17, 1839. 8854. Parker- Sumner, b. Mar. 28, 1867. ' 8866. Osmon-Lawrenoe® [6661] (Peter-Lawrence', Joel®, Ben jamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andi-ew", Edwardi), b. June 9, 1837, in Shrewsbuiy, Vt ; res. Lunenburg, Ms. ; he is a member of the school committee ; m. Lucinda-Rosana Wheeler, Oct. 7, 1860 ; she was b. June 9, 1844, in Weston, Vt. ; she was the daughter of Isaac-GUman and Emily (Sawyer) Wheeler, of Shrewsbury, Vt. 8866. Ida-Emily, b. Aug. 10, 1861. 8857. Eva-Eliza, b. Nov. 1, 1869. 8858, Edwin-Adolphus® [6666] (Israel-Heald', Joel®, Benja min®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Sept,-13, 1832 ; res. Townsend, Ms. ; m. Catharine-Sophia Blood, May 6, 1864 ; she was the daughter of Joseph Blood, of Townsend, Ms. EIGHTH GENERATION. 455 8859. Harold-Edwin, b. Nov. 22, 1857. 8860. Dana-P.® [6680] (Henry- Wright', Joel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew". Edwardi), b. Aug. 16, 1842. He enlisted in Co. B, 26th Ms. Regt. ; served four years ; res. in Pepperell, Ms. ; m. Mary-Ann Adams, Nov. 15, 1866 ; she was the daughter of Joel Adams, of Shirley, Ms. 8861. Mary-Lizzie, b. Mar. 22, 1868. 8862. Frederick® [6689] (Abel', Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 11, 1836, in Jafl'rey, N. H., where he res. ; m. Mary-Ann-Elizabeth Eddy, of Rindge, N. H., Feb. 16, 1864. Emraa-Louisa, b. Feb. 12, 18G5. 8864. Richard-Edwin® [66.98] (Richard', Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 17, 1837, in Jafl'rey, N. H. ; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y., from 1864 to 1866, then removed to Union, Ocean Co., N. J., where he now res. (1868) ; m. Jose phine-Maria Shattuck, Nov. 24, 1864 ; she was the daughter of Vryling-Davis Shattuck, of Jafl'rey, N. H,, and was b. April 3, 1837, 8865, Leonard-Erastus® [6699] (Richard', Abel®, Benjamin®, Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 20, 1840, in Jafl'rey, N, H. He enlisted Aug. 11, 1862 ; mustered in Sept. 23, at Concord, N. H. ;. Oct. 18, 1862, started for the seat of war, Co. G, Uth Regt. N. H. Vols. He was in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, under Gen. Sheridan ; honorably dis charged, July 26, 1865 ; res. South Vineland, N. J. ; m. Mary- Abbie Shattuck, of Jafl'rey, N. H., Feb. 25, 1868 ; she was b. Sept. 1, 1840. 8866. Rev. Lysander-Tower® [6702] (Alvah', Abel®, Ben jamin®. Isaac*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 6, 1836, in Cornish, N. H. ; grad. at Amherst College, 1861. He was ordained at West Stafl'ord, Conn., Dec. 28, 1864 ; dis. from there Ang. 27, 1867 ; installed at Essex, Conn., Oct. 2, 1867 ; m. Elvertine-M. Hawley, of South Amherst, Ms., Dec. 7, 1864. 8867. Annie-Gertrude, b. Aug. 21, 1868. 8868. Charles-Lovell® [6753] (Asa', Benjamin®, BenjamihSj^ James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 11, 1817, in Cav endish, Vt. ; m. Emily-A. Heald, of Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 16,. 1838, in Cavendish. 8869. Augusta-AdeUa, b. Aug. 17, 1839. 8870. Charles-Hale, b. Sept. 20, 1841 ; m. EUa-E. Shippee, Feb. 20, 1862; he enlisted in U. S. service, Feb. 11, 1862; discharged, with a broken constitution, after eight months' severe illness, June 6, 1868. 456 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8871. George-Reed, b. Oct. 8, 1843 ; d. Mar. 16, 1847. 8872. Josephine-Maria, h. June 13, 1848; d. May 14, 1852. 8878. Maria-Ann, b. May 26, 1854; d. Feb. 15, 1859. 8874. EUa-Eraigene, b. Aug. 2, 1860. 8876. Peter-Kimball® [6764] (Asa', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Ang. 15, 1821, in Cav endish, Vt. ; m. Emma-A, Ordway, of Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 18, 1845, in Cavendish.. 8876. Anna-Emery, b. Oct. 21, 1849, in Cavendish, Vt. 8877. Clara-Emma, b. Oct. 3, 1853, in Cavendish, Vt. ; d. Feb. 4, 1860, inRiverton, Floyd Co., Iowa. 8878. Albert-Lyman, b. May 20, 1860, in Eiverton, Floyd Co., Iowa. 8879. Cyrus-Miller® [6784] (Hosa', Jonathan®, JamesS, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 2, 1827, in Jericho, Vt. He is one of the directors of the First National Bank, Burling ton, Vt., and a produce merchant and trader in Lawrence, Ms. ; has always res, in Jericho, Vt. ; m, Abby Gould, Sept, 24, 1849, 8880. Albert, b. June 10, 1850. 8881. Frederick-Kidder, b. AprU 1, 1863; d. Sept. 30, 1856, 8882. NelUe, b. Feb. 14, 1859. 8883. George® [6788] (James', Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 16, 182». He res. some years in Fitchburg, Ms. ; is a printer ; now res. in San Francisco, Cal. ; m. CaUsta Nichols, of Gardner, Ms., Sept. 17, 1847. 8884; James, b. Sept. 15, 1848. 8885. Henry® [6789] (James', Jonathan®, James®, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 26, 1830 ; m. Sarah Jaquith, Feb. 26, 1862 ; she was b. in LoweU, Ms., Aiag. 19, 1832. 8886. Ellen-Henrietta, b. Mar. 11, 1858; d. Sept. 11, 1863. 8887. George, b. June 27, 1862. 8888. Austin® [6793] (Alva', Jonathan®, James®, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 8, 1820. He removed to Wisconsin ; P. O. address, Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis. ; m. MatUda WeUs, of UnderhUl, Vt., May 13, 1846. 8889. Homer. 8890. Elsie. 8891. Ida. 8892. Sewell® [6795] (Alva', Jonathan®, James®, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 12, 1823 ; he was killed by the fallmg of a tree in Luzerne, N. Y. ; P. 0. addres.s of his widow, Mrs. Lodema HaU, Hadley, Saratoga Co., N, Y, ; m, Lodema Levens, of Jericho, Vt., May 26, 1846, No children. EIGHTH GENERATION. 457 8893, George- Washington® [6796] (Alva', Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 12, 1825 ; res, Greenfleld, N. Y. ; 1st, m. Sarah Barns, May 11, 1854, at Sandy HiU, N. Y. ; she d. Nov. 5, 1858 ; 2d, m. Mary-EUen Wood, of Broome, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1859. 8894. George- Alva, b. Mar. 14, 1856. 8895. Hattie, b. June 30, 1861. 8896. Elmer-Nelson, b. Jan. 18, 1868. 8897. WiUis-Everett, b. Nov. 11, 1865. 8898, Melvin-J.® [6797] (Alva', Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 16, 1827. P. O. address, Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis. ; m. Elizabeth TuUer, of Canada West, June 13, 1860. No children (1868). 8899. Gilman® [6799] (Alva', Jonathan®, James®, James*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct 4, 1833. P. O. address, Kingsborough, Fulton Co., N.Y. ; 1st, m. Martha Jones, of Luzerne, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1856 ; she d. Oct. 23, 1856 ; 2d, m. Elvira HaU, of Luzerne, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1860. 8900. Charles-W., b. Dec. 9, 1861. 8901. Freddie, b. Feb. 22, 1863. 8902. Charles-Warren® [6801] (Alva', Jonathan®, James®, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 11, 1838; P.O. address, Greenfleld Centre, Saratoga Co., N, Y, ; m, Caroline Sherman, of Galway, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1860. 8908. Carrie-L., b. Mar. 20, 1862. 8904. Erama-A., b. Dec. 7, 1864; d. Feb. 22, 1866. 8906. Nellie-L., b. May 6, 1867. 8906. Rev. William- Abial® [6829] (WilUam-Safi'ord', Isaac®, JamesS, James*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 2, 1847. He grad. at the Bangor Theo. Sem., 1870 ; m. Georgie-M. Da vidson, July 29, 1870. 8907. Rev. Samtjel-Jones® [6876] (Abijah', Samuel®, Samuels, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 11, 1820, in Lynde borough, N. H. He prepared for college in Nashua, N. H., under the instruction of David Crosby, Esq. ; entered Dartmouth College in 1838 ; graduated in 1842 ; entered Andover Theological Seminary in 1842, and graduated in 1845. He was ordained pastor over a new parish in Salmon Falls, N. H., Oct. 28, 1846. Having accepted a call from the Whitefleld Congregational Church in Newburyport, Ms., he was dismissed from his first charge, June 9, 1861, and was installed at Newbury port, June 30, 1861, where he still remains. On leave of absence from his people, he was commissioned Chaplain of the 48th Ms. Regt., and mustered into service Dec. 458 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 29, 1862 ; served with his regiment in the 1st Brigade and the 1st Division of the army of the Gulf, under the command of Maj .-Gen. Auger. This regiment was at the battle of the Plains Store, May 21, 1863, at the siege of Port Hudson, being actively engaged in the flrst and second assaults, on that stronghold. May 27, and June 14, and also in the flght at Donaldsonville, July 13. Was mus tered out Aug. 30, 1863. Mr. Spalding is a member of " The New England Historic-Genealogical Society," and also corresponding member of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. He prepared the History of the Essex North Association, con tained in the " Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Essex Co., Ms.," pub. in Boston, 1865 ; 1st, m. Sarah-Lydia Met calf, of Medway, Ms., June 27, 1848 ; she was the daughter of Hon. Luther and Sarah-Brown (Phipps) Metcalf, of Medway, Ms., where she was b. Aug. 3, 1829 ; she d. Sept. 1, 1849, at Salmon Falls, RolUnsford, N. H. ; 2d, m, Sarah-Jane-Parker Toppan, of Hampton, Ms,, Sept. 16, 1851 ; she was the daughter of Hon. Ed mund and Mary (Chase) Toppan, of Hampton, N. H., where she was b. Sept. 7, 1822. For sketches ofthe Toppan and Chase gen ealogies, see Appendices No. 4 and No. 5 at the end of the volume. Children all b. in Newburyport, Ms, 8908. Mary-Toppan, b. Dec. 22, 1856; bap. AprU 12, 1857, by Rev. Daniel Dana, D. D. 8909. Annie-Toppan, b. Mar. 28, 1860 ; bap. July 22, 1860, by Rev. Leon ard Withington, D. D. 8910. Edmund-Samuel, b. Jan. 5, 1866; bap. AprU 16, 1866, by Rev. Leonard Withington, D. D. 8911. William-Moore® [6883] (Ira', Samuel®, SamueP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Nov, 10, 1823, in Merri mack, N. H. He went to Texas in Dec. 1845 ; res. until 1866, in Matagorda Co., Texas ; since then in Courtney, Grimes Co., except part of the spring of 1868, and of the summer of 1870, when he was in Galveston. Present address and res., Courtney, Grimes Co., Texas ; m. Ada-Rebecca Callaway, April 25, 1866 ; she was the daughter of Milton and Caroline-Mercy (Smith) Callaway, and was b. Oct. 18, i837, in Greenboro', Green Co., Alabama. Children b. in Courtney, Texas. 8912. Carrie-Belle, b, June 15, 1867; d. Dec. 16, 1867, in Courtney, Texas. 8918, Nancy-Olivia, b. Dec. 16, 1868. 8914. George-Franklin® [6888] (Ira', Samuel®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 12, 1833, in Merri mack, N. H. ; res. on the old homestead in Merrimack, N. H. ; m. Eunice-Augusta Parker, of Merrimack, N. H., June 8, 1858 ; she was the daughter of Nathan Parker, Esq. 8916. Frank-Clarence, b. AprU 19, 1864, in Merrimack, N. H., where he d. Dec. 22, 1865. EIGHTH GENERATION. 459 8916. CaribeUa-Frances, b. May 22, 1867, in Merrimack, N. H. 8917. George-Franklin, b. Dec. 17, 1870. 8918. Josiah-Chapman® [6894] (Josiah', Samuel®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 29, 1827, in Salem, Ms.; m. Elizabeth Irwin, June 24, 1851 ; she was a native of 'Woolwich, England, and daughter of Joseph and Mary Irwin. 8919. Edward-Irwin, b. June 3, 1854, at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. 8920. Isabel, b. Nov. 20, 1860. 8921. Arthur-Everett, b. Mar. 25, 1864; d. Mar. 29, 1865. 8922. Edith-Mary, b. May 10, 1866. 8928. Elizabeth-Chapman, b. Nov. 9, 1868. 8924. John-Henry® [6901] (Samuel', Abijah®, SamueP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 2, 1828 ; res. Amite City, St. Helena Co., La. ; m. Mary-Louisa Hopkins, of Mobile, Alabama, Oct. 11, 1856 ; she d. Aug, 10, 1869, aged 23. 8925. Samuel-Hopkins, b. Aug. 31, 1856, in Wilton, N. H. 8926. Clara-Lavinia, b. July 10, 1858; this name has been changed to that of Mary-L. Tufts. 8927. Horatio-Augustus® [6904] (Abijah', Abijah®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 20, 1832, in Wilton, N. H. ; m. Fanny Batchelder. 8928. Leonard® [6910] (Leonard', Henry®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 26, 1832; res. HaverhUl, Ms. ; m. Mary Morrison, of Loudon, N. H., Oct. 2, 1863. 8929. Dr. Ebenezer-Farrington® [6911] (Leonard', Henry®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 28, 1835 ; res. {1868) Georgetown, Ms. ; m. Ada-H. Pearson, of Janesville, Wis., AprU 28,.1864; grad. H. U, Med. School, 1866. 8930. H.-Curtis, b. June 9, 1865. 8931. Levi-Page® [6918] (Edward-Page', Henry®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 25, 1835; res. Mount Vernon, N. H, ; a farmer ; m. P'rances-Mudge Fiske, of Lynde borough, N. H.,,July 1, 1863. 8932. Fred-WiUis, b. AprU 26, 1864. 8938. Mary-Lizzie, b. July 23, 1865. 8934. Henry-Edward, b. Mar. 8, 1868. 8985. Herbert-Fiske, b. Feb. 25, 1870. 8936. George-Edward® [6919] (Edward-Page', Henry®, Sam uel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 8, 1838 ; res, Lyndeborough, N. H. ; m. Abbie-Jane Jones, of Lyndeborough, N, H., June 12, 1866. 8937. WUUam-Page, b. Mar. 4, 1867. 8938. Dr. Henry-Edwin® [6921] (Edward-Page', Henry®, Sam uel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 24, 1843 ; res. 460 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Hingham, Ms. ; m. Annie Frye, of Dorchester, now Boston, Ms., June 1, 1870. 8939. Christopher-Henry® [6927] (Samuel', Henry®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 5, 1842, at Green Bay, Wis. ; res. Pewaukee, Waukesha Co., Wis. ; he is a dealer in agricultural machinery, implements, -stoves, etc. ; m. Laura-Jane Everts, of Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 18, lf^67; she was b. Jan. 12, 1848, at Rochester, N. Y. 8940. John -Lund® [6940] (Oliver', OUver®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 19, 1821, in Merrimack, N. H. ; m. Sarah-Sawin-Barrett Bowers, of Merrimack, N. H., Mar, 16, 1846 ; she was b. July 4, 1820, 8941. Sarah-Frances, b. Nov. 7, 1848. 8942. John-Oliver, b. May 11, 1856. 8943. Hosea-Ballou® [6941] (Oliver', Oliver®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 22, 1824, in Merri mack, N. H. ; res. Nashua, N. H. ; m Dorcas Marshall, June 10, 1848 ; she was b. Dec. 5, 1820, iu Tunbridge, Vt. 8944. Abby-Parker, b. May 19, 1849; m. Moses-Herbert Chase, Sept. 15, 1870 ; res. Litchfleld, N. H. 8945. George-Miner, b. Dec. 20, 1850. 8946. A.senath-Danforth, b. June 26, 1856. EUa-Dorcas, b. May 21, 1862. 8947. Edward-Henry® [6947] (Moses', Isaac®, SamueP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 12, 1825, in Wilton, N. H. ; res. Nashua, N, H. ; he is Treasurer of the City Savings Bank, Nashua, N. H. ; 1st, m, Lucy- Ann Fletcher, April 5, 1849 ; shewasb. Nov, 11, 1826; shed. Feb. 13, 1869, aged 32 years ; 2d, m. Emma Holt, of Lyndeborough, N. H., Aug. 20, 1860 ; she d. Dec. 2, 1860, aged 22 ; 3d, m. Harriet-S. Holmes, of London derry, N. H., Dec. 6, 1861 ; she d. May 22, 1866, aged 28. Children all b. in Nashua, N. H, 8948. George Edward, b. Mar. 26, 1850; d. Nov. 30, 1860. 8949. Lucy-Ann, b. Dec. 7, 1851 ; d. Dec. 8, 1860. 8950. Henry-Moses, b. May 15, 1864. 8951. Waldo-Ritter, b. Dec. 12, 1856 ; d. Dec. 4, 1860, 8952. Isaac, b. Feb. 8, 1859 ; d. Dec. 22, 1860. 8963. EUzabeth-Combs, b. Dec. 12, 1862. 8954. Harriet-Ritter, b. Mar. 26, 1866. 8955. WiLLiAM-RiTTER® [6949] (Moses', Isaac®, Samuel®,, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 8, 1828, in Wilton, N. ' H. ; res. Lawrence, Ms., to which place he removed in 1846. He is a prominent merchant in Lawrence ; Treasurer of the Lawrence Savings Bank ; Director in the Pemberton Bank, and a Director in the Concord R. R. ; m. Mary- Abby Ham, Aug. 1, 1850 ; she was b. Aug. 4, 1831, in Rochester, N. H. Children all b. in Lawrence, Ms. EIGHTH GENERATION. 461 . 8956. WUliam- Walter, b. Dec. 29, 1863. 8957. Anna-EUzabeth, b. Oct. 8, 1856. 8958. Abbie-Kiraball, b. Sept. 14, 1858. 8959. Mary-Ritter, b. May 18, 1861. 8960. Charles-Edward, b. Mar. 8, 1863. 8961. John-Augustine® [6950] (Moses', Isaac®, SamueP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 29, 1837; res. Nashua, N. H. ; he is cashier of the First National Bank, Nashua ; Director of the Concord R. R. ; m. Josephine-Estelle Eastman, Oct. 13, 1859 ; she was the daughter of Joseph and Abigail East man, and was b. July 7, 1841, in Rumney, N. H. Children b. in Nashua, Ms. 8962. WiUiam-Edward, b. Dec. 13, 1860. 8968. Harry-Eastman, b. June 11, 1862; d. Sept. 6, 1862. 8964. CHARLES-CAfeROLL® [6956] (Charles', Isaac®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 4, 1838 ; res. Wilton, N. H. ; he was in Co. F, 45th Ms. Regt. ; m. Emma-Caroline Parkhurst, May 7, 1868 ; she was the daughter of Jonathan and Sarah-W. Parkhurst, of WUton, N. H., and was b. Aug. 22, 1847. 8965. Charles-Leonard-Alexander® [6961] (Leonard-Wood', Silas®, SamueP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 9, 1836, in Nashua, N. H. ; m. Eleanor-Augusta Weld, April 21, 1860 ; she was b. Jan. 13, 1834, in Brighton, Ms. 8966. Eleanor- Weld, b. Nov. 6, 1864, in San Francisco, Cal. ; d. Mar. 6, 1865. 8967. Charles-Weld, b. June 26, 1867, in San Francisco, Cal. 8968. Samuel-Woods® [6974] (Asa', Asa®, Samuel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 1818, in Meirimack, N. H. ; he settled in Danvers, Ms., where he now res.; 1st, m. Rebecca Smith, of Danvers, Ms., Nov. 23, 1845 ; 2d, m. Julia-S. Cross, of Danvers, Ms., Nov. 7, 1870, in Lawrence, Ms. 8969, Asa-Langdon® [6976] (Asa', Asa®, SamueP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 27, 1821, in Merrimack, N.H, He writes his middle name " Jefl'erson " ; 1st, m, Martha-E. WaUace, of Beverly, Ms., Oct. 17, 1848 ; she was b. AprU 3, 1829; she d, Aug. 19, 1850; 2d, m. Edith Burnham, of Essex, Ms., Nov. 6, 1861 ; she was b. Jan. 6, 1831. 8970. Allen-Francis, b. June 16, 1850. 8971. George-Wallis, b. Dec. 18, 1852, in Beverly, Ms. 8972. Martha-EUen. b. May 6, 1860, in Danvers, Ms. ; d. Aug. 19, 1860. 8978. Charles-Leighton, b. Mar. 6, 1862, in Danvers, Ms. 8974. Page-Burnham, b. Jan. 31, 1867, in Newton Centre, Ms. 8975. Albert-Jefferson® [6977] (Asa', Asa®, Samuel®, Bemj^, Hemy', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 5, 1824, in Merrimack, N. H. ; res. Danvers, Ms. ; m. Sarah Dodge, of Danvers, Ms., Oct. 7, 1850 ; she was b. Nov. 6, 1832. 462 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 8976. Abel-Dodge, b. Nov. 6, 1861. 8977. Aroline-Etti, b. Mar. 9, 1855. 8978. Philemon-Clifford® [6989] (Owen', Zebulon®, Zebulon®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 19, 1833, in Ludlow, Vt. ; res. Woburn, Ms. ; m. Julia-Ann Pearson, of Woburn, Ms., Junes, 1862. 8979. Nathaniel-Henchman" [6991] (Owen', Zebulon®, Zebu lon®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b.Feb. 7, 1837, in Lud low, Vt. He left Ludlow, Vt., for California, Nov. 16, 1866 ; res. now in Columbia, Tuolumne Co., Cal. ; m. Marion Stewart, of Boston, Ms., Nov. 4, 1866. 8980. Col. Oscar-Jefperson® [6995] (Thomas-Jefferson', Zeb ulon®, ZebulonS, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b, April 20, 1823, in Ludlow, Vt. ; res. Lima, Lima Co., Ind. ; m. Mary- Ann Tyler, of Trenton, Mich., Sept. 27, 1846. Children all b. in Lima, Ind, 8981. Monar- Eleanor, b. Sept. 3, 1848 ; m. Sheldon WUliams, of Sprhig- fleld, Ind., Nov. 27, 1868. 8982. Jonathan-Llewellyn, b. Nov. 15, 1850 ; d. Nov. 30, 1852. 8983. De Alton-Fernando, b. Dec. 19, 1855. 8984. Florence-Ardetta, b. Jan. 1, 1867. 8985. Prof. Wesley-Jephthah® [6996] (Thomas-JeflTerson', Zebulon®, Zebulon®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 18, 1827, in Newark, N, Y, ; res. in Lima, Lima Co., Ind., but he is for the present in Minnesota. He is a Methodist preacher, and has been a principal in a college in Iowa ; m. Martha- Alvira Berry, of New Trenton, Ind., Nov. 13, 1854, First three children b. in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. 8986. Cora, b. Feb. 14, 1856. 8987. Ida, b. Sept. 26, 1858. 8988. Wilber-Berry, b. Feb. 21, 1861. 8989. Stella, b. Nov. 13, 1865, in Lima, Ind. .8990. Calvin-Wright® [7001] (Elijah-Mears', Zebulon®, Zebu lon®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edward'), b. Oct. 13, 1827, in Ludlow, Vt. ; res. Cavendish, Vt, (1868) ; m, Roxey Benton, of Andover, Vt., AprU 26, 1848. 8991. Fred-Henry, b. Mar, 9, 1852, in Cavendish, Vt. 8992. Joel-Barrett® [7002] (Elijah-Mears', Zebulon®, Zebu lon®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edward'), b. Oct. 8, 1829, in Mt, Holly, Vt. ; res. New Chester, Adams Co., Wis. ; he was adopted at the age of two years by Joel-B. Wright, and bears his name ; m, Ann Ware, of Hillsboro', N, H., AprU 11, 1850. Childi-en b. in Chelmsford, Ms. 8993. Joel-Jefferson, b. Dec. 2, 1861. 8994. Annette-Sarah, b. Sept. 28, 1863. EIGHTH GENERATION. 463 8995. Elijah® [7004] (Elijah-Mears', Zebulon®, Zebulon®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 3, 1835, in Mt. Holly, Vt. He was adopted, at the age of sixteen months, by Lee Wilder, and took his name; res, Shrewsbury, 'Vt. ; m. Rebecca Harley, of Ludlow, Vt., Oct. 16, 1858 ; she d. Nov. 28, 1867, Children b, in Shrewsbury, Vt, 8996. Emraa-Mary, b. Oct. 27, 1869. 8997. Carrie-Rebecca, b. Mar. 19, 1868. Lucy-Augusta, b. July 26, 1865. 8999, William-Wallace® [7010] fSherebiah', Sherebiah®, Zebulon®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 4, 1839. They removed from Boston to Portland, Oregon, where they now res. ; they have one child, b. about 1867, in Portland, Oregon ; m. Hephzibah-Lee Ford, of Boston, Ms., June 10, 1862, 9000. Richard® [7046] (Richard', Willard®, DanieP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 24, 1801 ; res, Carritunk, Me, ; m, Susan Crosby, Dec. 18, 1823. 9001. Alonzo [9368], b. Sept. 2, 1828. 9002. Mary-Ann, b. Jan. 28, 1832; m. Justus Adams; res. North Anson, Me. 9003. Barrett [9378], b. Sept. 6, 1886. 9004. Albert, b. Oct. 81, 1842; unraarried (1869). 9005. Putnam-Frost® [7054] (Putnam', Putnam®, DanieP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 15, 1842, in Bridge- water, N. H. ; res. New York City ; m. Mary-EUzabeth Ferrin, of Hebron, N. H., June 9, 1866. 9006. Charles- Warren® [7061] (Solomon', Solomon®, Daniel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 11, 1843 ; m. Lizzie- K. Mitchell, Sept. 1, 1864 ; she wash. .Ian. 30, 1842. 9007. Charles-Rawson, b. Aug. 7, 1867. 9008. William® [7094] (Union', WiUiam®, WiUiam®, WUUam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 16, 1806, in Norridgewock, Me. ; res. in South Norridgewock, Me. ; moved to Skowhegan, Me., in. 1868 ; m. AbigaU Atwood, of Fairfleld, Me., Oct. 3, 1844. 9009. Reuben, b. Aug. 25, 1845. 9010. EUa, b. Aug. 30, 1848. 9011. Millard, b. Aug. 24, 1850. 9012. Jaraes, b. Feb. 22, 1858. 9013. Vesta, b. Sept. 26, 1856. 9014. Epheaim-H.® [7095] (Union', WUUam® WiUiam®, Wil liam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 11, 1809, in Norridge wock, Me. ; d. Jan. 23, 1851 ; res. Dover, Me. ; m. Mary Woodman, of Norridgewock, Me., 1836.. Children all b. in Dover, Me. 464 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9015. Albert, b. July 25, 1837. 9016. Annette, b. May 26, 1839. 9017. Sarah-Harvell, b. Jan. 16, 1840. 9018. William, b. Jan. 3, 1842 ; d. 1858. 9019. Edward, b. Aug. 8, 1844 ; d. 1858. 9020, Albert® [7097] (Union', WiUiam®, William®, WiUiam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 10, 1813, in Non-idgewock, Me. ; res. Cape Elizabeth, Me. ; m Rachel-Y. Fickett, of Cape Elizabeth, Me., June 29, 1846 ; she was b, Oct, 26, 1823, Children b. in Cape Elizabeth, Me, 9021. George-Nelson, b. Aug. 9, 1847. 9022. Marshal, b. Oct. 21, 1849. 9023. Marshal® [7098] (Union', WiUiam®, WUUam®, Wil liam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 1, 1816, in Norridge wock, Me. ; res. South Norridgewock, Me. ; m. Frances-Theodosia Lynde, of Norridgewock, Me., Nov. 9, 1848. 9024. John-Lynde, b. June 22, 1851. 9025. Nelson® [7101] (I[nion', WUliam®, WilUamS, WiUiam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 21, 1822. He is living in New Zealand ; m. an English lady, of London ; has no children (1868), 9026. Sullivan® [7102] (Union', WiUiam®, WilUamS. WU Uam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 2, 1825 ; res. Starks, Me, ; m. Eliza Usher, of Norridgewock, Me., June, 1860. 9027. Joseph® [7104] (Otis', WiUiam®, WiUiam®, WiUiam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 18, 1817 ; m. Juliette Chase, of Painesville, Ohio, Oct. 11, 1846. Children all b. in Oak Grove, Wis, 9028. Charles-H., b. Dec. 2, 1847, 9029. Henry-0., b. Aug 27, 1849; d. Sept. 1, 1852. 9030. Mary-Ann, b. Nov. 18, 1851; d. Sept. 12, 1862. 9031. Harriet-E., b. Dec. 12, 1853. 9032. Nelson, b. Feb. 2, 1855. 9033. Samuel-E., b. Sept. 26, 1858. 9034. Edward, b. May 17, 1861. 9085. WUllam-L., b. July 27, 1863. 9036. Nellie-May, b. 21, 1866. 9037. Francis® [7106] (Otis', WiUiam®, WiUiam®, WUliam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 23, 1821 ; d, Nov, 18, 1863 ; m. Almeda Higgins, of Pittsfleld, Me. 9038. Philander® [7108] (Otis', WiUiam®, WiUiam®, WU Uam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 31, 1826 ; m, Mary Fanshaw, of England, April 10, 1855, Children all b. in Oak Grove, Wis. 9089. Almeda, b. July 15, 1850. 9040. WUliam, b. Jan. 7, 1854. 9041. Emraa, b. Sept. 20, 1855. EIGHTH GENERATION. 465 9042. Frances, b. Jan. 7, 1864. 9043. Otis-W., b. AprU 15, 1866. 9044. Ai-Parlin® [7117] (Joseph', Eleazer®, EleazerS,WiUiam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 14, 1832, in Dover, Me., where he res. ; m. AUce-Emma HaU, May 24, 1866 ; she was b. Mav 31, 1846. •" No children (1870). 9045, Joseph-Bonaparte® [7119] (Joseph', Eleazer®, Elea zerS, -WUliam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 5, 1838, in Dover, Me., where he res. ; m. Sarah-Aloenzea Diffen, Oct, 1865 ; she was b. Oct, 25, 1846, 9046. Joseph-Elry-Foxcroft® [7126] (Artemas', John®, Eleazer®, WUliam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 2, 1824, in Dover, Me. ; res. Alleghany Bridge, McKean Co., Penn. ; m. Nancy-Jemima Ames, April 11, 1862 ; she was the daughter of Abel and Mary Ames, and was b. Oct. 11, 1832, in LouisvUle, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y, 9047. Charles-Nahum, b. April 29, 1853, in Amity, N. Y. 9048. Mary- Josephine, b. Nov. 26, 1854, in Araity, N. Y., where she d. Aug. 28, 1864. 9049. Walter-Abel, b. Mar. 7, 1859, in Dover, Me. 9050, Asher-William® [7134] (Artemas', John®, Eleazer®, William*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Feb, 18, 1840, in Dover, Me. ; res, Charlestown, Ms. ; m. Fanny-Eliza Tyler, Sept, 1 1 , 1869, 9051. Gilman® [7136] (Asher', John®, EleazerS, WiUiam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 22, 1824, in Dover, Me. ; res. Makee, Iowa ; P, O, address, Waukon, Allamakee Co., Iowa ; m. Celia-Johnson Waterman, of Poland, Me,, Nov. 27, 1861. 9052. Lizzie-Waterman, b. Sept. 1, 1859. 9053. Edwin-Josiah, b. July 28, 1862. 9064. Randall-Hutchinson® [7137] (Asher', John®, Eleazer®, WUUam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 16, 1826, in Dover, Me. ; P. 0. address, Foxcroft, Me., formerly of Dover, Me., now of Waukon, Iowa. He enlisted in Foxcroft, Me., July 16, 1862, as a private in Co. B, 20th Regt. Maine Vols., and served until the close of the war. He was at Gettysburg, and before Petersburg ; in the pursuit of Lee, andvpresent at his surrender. He was in a great many bat tles, but never wounded ; he was on duty all the time, except a few weeks in the winter of 1864, when he was sent to the hospital on account of lameness, brought on by hard marching and ex posure ; m, Calista-Rich Bearce, of Foxcroft, Me., Nov. 16, 1851 ; she was the daughter of Syria and Abigail-M. Bearce, and was b. Dec. 17, 1833, ChUdren aU b. in Foxcroft, Me, 30 466 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9055. Emma-Bearce, b. Mar. 22, 1853. 9056. Albina-Betsey, b. Jan. 24, 1855. 9057. Ella-Estelle, b. Mar. 18, 1857. 9068. Abbie-Permela, b. Jan; 4, 1859. 9059. Henry-Herbert, b. May 13, 1861. 9060. Charles-RandaU, b. June 29, 1866. 9061. Henry-Dwinal® [7145] (Asher', John®, Eleazer®, Wil liam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 19, 1842, in Dover, Me. ; res. Lansing, Iowa ; he is a dentist. He served three years in the 5th Regt. Iowa Vols. ; m. Emma Hathaway, of Waukon, Iowa, Nov. 1864. 9062, Joseph-Lyman® [7150] (Joseph'', OUver®, Josephs, Wil liam*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Aug. 29, 1821 ; 1st, m. Caroline-E. Harris, of Rumney, N. H., Nov, 16, 1848 ; she d. July 31, 1849 ; 2d, m, Mary Ordway, of Hebron, N, H., Mar. 17, 1852. Children all b. in Rumney, N, H, 9063. WiUiam-Joseph, b. Oct. 21, 1858. 9064. Effle-May, b. Feb. 10, 1857. 9065. Frank-Leverett, b. Oct. 27, 1858. 9066. Mary-EUa, b. Oct. 14, 1861. 9067. Quincy, b. Nov. 10, 1864. 9068. George-Cummings® [7152] (.Joseph', Oliver®, Joseph®, William*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. AprU 23, 1826 ; res, Rumney, N. H. ; m. Angenette Holden, of Groton, N. H, 9069. Henry-Augustus® [7167] (Samuel- Augustus', Henry®, AbeP, William*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 23, 1845, in Cambridge, Ms. ; res. Hudson City, N. J. ; m. Delia-E. KendaU, Jan. 1, 1867. 9070. Adrian® [7178] (Increase', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Leon ard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 4, 1824; d. Feb. 25, 1850 ; res. Freeport, Me. ; m. Betsey Davis, Dec. 1849. No children, 9071, Francis-Emery® [7179] (Increase', Benjamin®, Benja min®, Leonard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar, 21,1827; d. Mar. 23, 1868 ; res. Corning, N. Y. ; m. Mary Record, Oct. 20, 1860 ; she was the daughter of Ezekiel and Elmira Record, of Buckfleld, Me. 9072. Charles, b. June 22, 1833 ; d. Sept. 28, 1868. 9073. William-Franklin® [7185] (Jonas', Benjamin®, Ben jamins, Leonard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 29, 1821, in Buckfleld, Me., where he res. ; ra. Eraily Warren, Jan. 1, 1852 ; she was the daughter of David and Phebe Warren. 9074. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 10, 1854. 9075. Frederick-Augustus® [7188] (Axel', Benjamin®, Benja mins, Leonard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 27, 1825, in EIGHTH GENERATION. 467 Buckfield, Me., where he res. ; he d. June 12, 1856 ; m. Amanda- Malvina Bisbee, Jan. 7, 1850 ; she was the daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth Bisbee. 9076. Lewis-Bisbee, b. Dec. 11, 1851. 9077. Cyrus-Cole® [7193] (Sidney', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Leonard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 18, 1838, in Buck- field, Me., where he res. ; he was corporal in Co. C, 20th Maine Regt. ; mustered into service, Aug. 29, 1862 ; discharged Jan. 31, 1863 ; m. Mrs. Ellen-Maria Tuttle, of Turner, Me., AprU 25, 1856 ; she was the daughter of Lucius Young, of Buckfield, Me. Infant, b. Mar. 2, 1867; d. Sept. 12, 1867. 9078. William-Cole® [7194] (Sidney', Benjamin®, Benjamin®, Leonard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 18, 1841, in Buck fleld, Me., where he res. ; m. Lovina-Jane Sterling, July 26, 1865, at Fort Fairfleld, Me. ; she was the daughter of John Sterling, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and was b. April 14, 1842. 9079. John-Sterling,, b. July 21, 1869, in Buckfleld, Me. 9080. James-Greenleaf® [7204] (.lames', Leonard®, Benja min®, Leonard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 4, 1834, in Buckfield, Me., where he res., though rarely there ; he is connected with the U. S. Coast Survey, and is now stationed at North Haven, Me. ; m. Nancy-Woodsum Hines, of Buckfleld, Me., Jan. 9, 1866. A daughter, b. Feb.15, 1866, in Washington, D. C. ; d. Mar. 1866. 9081. Dexter® [7207] (Affrica', Leonard®, Benjamins, Leon ard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1836 ; res. Swan Creek, Fulton Co., Ohio ; m. Mary Bowles, May 6, 1868. 9082. John-A., b. Oct. 20, 1869. 9083. Charles-Orson® [7255] (Leonard', Abial®, Jonathans, Sampson*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 16, 1836, in Dun stable, N. H. ; res. Medford, Ms. ; ra. Eliza-Ann Boxer, of PhUa delphia, Penn., Aug. 26, 1861. 9084. Henry-Dawes, b. June 13, 1862. 9085. George-Leonard, b. April 3, 1864. 9086. Sarah-Erama, b. AprU 7, 1867. 9087. Daniel-Bailey® [7267] (Leonard', Abial®, Jonathan®, Sarapson*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 14, 1840, in Dun stable, N. H. ; res. East Carabridge, Ms. ; enlisted in the Navy, April 14, 1861, at New York ; served on board the Quaker City and the AVhitehall ; went to Fortress Monroe, and was in the en- gageraent with the Rara Merrimack. The Whitehall was burned .ifter that flight. He afterwards served on board of the Commodore Perry, the Underwriter, the Hetzel, and the Whitehead ; from the latter he was discharged Sept. 1864. In Dec. 1864, he enlisted for 468 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. one year in Co. D, 4th Regt. Ms. Cav. ; m. DelUe Bean, of Win chester, Ms., May 12, 1867. 9088. Charles-Hervey® [7270] (Abel', AbeP, Jonathan®, Sampson*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 16, 1828 ; res, Mil ford, N. H. ; m, Mary-Kneeland Felt, of Peterborough, N. H., May 25, 1852, 9089. Mary-Helen, b. Aug. 8, 1853; d. July 16, 1865. 9090. Willis-Hervey, b. Dec. 18, 1856. 9091. Lizzie-Edna, b. Aug. 12, 1861. 9092. Louis -Felt, b. Oct. 12, 1867. 9093, Henry-Whitney® [7271] (Abel', Abel®, Jonathans, Sampson*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 3, 1833 ; res. Mil ford, N, H, ; m, Charlotte Farmer, of Nashua, N, H., Aug. 16, 1856. 9094. Otis-Sherburne, b. Oct. 21, 1867. 9096. Conie-LueUa, b. June 7, 1860. 9096. Arthur-Henry, b. Mar. 19, 1864. 9097. Mary-Jane, b. Mar. 18, 1868 ; d. May 27, 1868. 9098. John-Wells® [7272] (AbeF, AbeP, Jonathan®, Samp son*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct, 9, 1836 ; res. in Milford, N. H. He entered the 6th Regt. N. H. Vols, in 1863 ; was in several battles, and was wounded at Fredericksburg ; appointed 2d Lieu tenant Feb. 1, 1864 ; was wounded while charging on the enemy's works at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, of which wound he d. Sept, 2. 1865 ; m. Helen-Maria Lovejoy, of Amherst, N. H.. Oct. 18, 1860. 9099. Helen-Frances, b. Oct. 20, 1861. 9100, William-Henry® [7276] (Ira', AbeP, Jonathans, Samp son*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 26, 1840, He was a member of Co, G, 6th Regt, Mass, Vols., during their nine months' campaign, and was quartermaster-sergeant of the same regt. during their one hundred days' campaign ; ra. Helen-Porter Cushing, of LoweU, Ms., Oct. 8, 1867. 9101. Augustus-Herbert® [7279] (Eri', AbeP, Jonathans, Sampson*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. May 11, 1836, in Chelms ford, Ms. ; res, Peterborough, N. H. ; m. Candace-Jane Holt, Nov. 13, 1862. 9102. Edwin-Granville, b. Oct. 5, 1864. 9103. Frederick-Augustus, b. Aug. 31, 1866. 9104, Chaeles-Sumner® [7287] (Asaph-Sumner', Asaph®, Jon athans, Sampson*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Dec. 23, 1830, in HolUs, N. H. ; m. Mercian Barton, of North Chelmsford, Ms., June 30, 1863. 9105, Andrew-Herbert® [7291] (Asaph-Sumner', Asaph®, EIGHTH GENERATION. 469 Jonathan®, Sampson*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. April 23, 1841, in Hollis, N. H. ; m. Mary-L. Boutelle, of Amherst, N, H., Oct. 9, 1861, 9106. Mary-Isabel, b. Aug. 25, 1862. 9107. Herbert-Everett, b. Jan. 19, 186,5. 9108. Nathaniel-Edward® [7325] (StiUman', Job®, Job®, Job*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 23, 1829 ; res. Boston, Ms. ; m. Henrietta-D. Palfrey, of Boston, Ms., June 14, 1858. 9109. John-Butterfield® [7327] (Stillman', Job®, Job®, Job*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1836; m. Mary-Bates SaviUe, of Gloucester, Ms., Oct. 3, 1861. 9110. Benjamin-Franklin® [7374] (Daniel', WiUiam®, Wil liam®, Elijah*, WiUiam', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 8, 1817, in Bethany, Genesee Co., N. Y, ; in 1846, he moved to Flowerfleld, St. Joseph's Co., Mich. ; in 1849, he moved to Dowagiac, Cass Co., Mich., where he engaged in mercantile business with Erastus- Holmes Spalding, of Lockport, N. Y. ; in 1853, he moved to Giard, Clayton Co., Iowa, where he d. Dec. 22, 1862. The place where he d., and where his family now res., is a station on the St. Paul and Milwaukee R. R., and is called, in his honor, Spalding, He was Deputy U, S. Marshal for Northern Iowa. Mr. Spalding was a man of medium height, of light, sandy complexion, blue eyes, features all large, and of a sanguine temperament. He was rather visionary in his plans, and had more speculations than power of accomplishing. He made friends easily, and was very active, which quality sometimes passed over into restlessness. Withal he was of a poetic turn of mind, and sometimes appeared in verse. He m. Melissa Marsh, of Covington, N, Y., Aug. 11, 1840 ; she was the daughter of Jonathan and Clarissa Marsh, of Pavilion, Genesee Co., N. Y. 9111. Helen, b. Dec. 7, 1841 ; d. Mar. 8, 1845. 9112. Arabel-Bathsheba, b. Nov. 8, 1848. 9113. Walter-Delos, b. Dec. 9, 1848. 9114. Clayton-Marsh, b. July 4, 1868 ; d. Jan. 3, 1861. 9115. Clarence-Fred, b. Oct. 10, 1854. 9116. Franklin-Fremont, b. Sept. 29, 1856. 9117, Carl-Saxe, b. Mar. 26, 1863. 9118, Mylen-Monroe® [7376] (Marcus', Zebulon®, WUliamS, Elijah*, William', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 7, 1819, in Alex ander, Genesee Co., N, Y, ; m. EmeUne Vanostrand, 9119, Merritt® [7377] (Marcus^, Zebulon®, WUliam®, Elijah*, William', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 23, 1822, in Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y, ; m. Jane Frink, Oct. 2, 1853, in Harbor Creek, Erie Co., Penn. ; she was b. Sept, 30, 1832, 9120, WUlie-Lawrence. b. April 3, 1858, in Erie, Penn. 9121. Hatty, b. May 11, 1861, in Corry, Erie Co., Penn. 470 THE SPALDING MEkORIAL. 9122. Warren® [7378] (Marcus', Zebulon®, WUliamS, Elijah*, William', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 29, 1825, in Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y. ; res. St. Paul, Minn. ; ra. Harriet Goodrich. 9123. Almen® [7380] (Marcus', Zebulon®, Williams, Elijah*, WUliam', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 11, 1828, in Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y. ; res. St. Paul, Minn. ; ra. Catharine Landon. 9124. James® [7387] (WiUiam', Zebulon®, WiUiara®, Elijah*, WiUiam', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 4, 1826 ; d. Oct. 6, 1867; m. Mrs. EUen Andrus, Nov. 13, 1864. 9125. Anna, b. Dec. 20, 1866. 9126. Orlando-Fitch® [7398] (Abiram', Asa®, Elijahs, Elijah*, WUliam', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 9, 1821 ; res. Canton, Bradford Co., Penn.; ra. Lillie- Sophia Packard, March 3, 1847; she was b. Mar. 21, 1820. 9127. Asa-Medwin, b. Sept. 30, 1856. 9128. Silas-Urr, b. AprU 21, 1859 ; d. July 8, 1860. 9129. Elmer-E.-EUsworth, b. Oct. 10, 1863. 9130, Lewis-Hanferd® [7400] (Abiram', Asa®, Elijah®, Elijah*, William', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 12, 1825 ; res. Leroy, Bradford Co., Penn., on a part of the old homestead farm ; 1st, ra. Lucinda Packard, Dec. 31, 1846 ; she d. April 9, 1851 ; 2d, m. Sarah-Lydia Shuraaker, Dec. 26, 1851 ; she was b. May 31, 1831. 9131. Ida- Viola, b. Mar. 31, 1851. 9132. Albert-Allen, b. May 9, 1853. 9133. Francina, b. AprU 17, 1855. 9184. Florence, b. Feb. 17, 1857. 9135. Martha-Ella, b. Mar. 19, 1859. 9136. Lewis-Hanferd, b. Aug. 5, 1861. 9137. Sarah-EUzabeth, b. May 1, 1863. 9138. AmmeriUa, b. Sept. 12, 1869. 9139. Aaron-Nelson® [7401] (Abiram', Asa®, Elijah®, Elijah*, William', Andrew", Edwardi), b. July 14, 1827; res. Canton, Bradford Co., Penn. ; he is of the flrm of Spalding & Dartt ; m. Martha-Elizabeth Pickens, Dec. 31, 1866 ; she was b. May 12, 1827, in Reading, Penn. No children (1870), 9140, Daniel-Dunbar® [7404] (AbiraraT, Asa®, Elijah®, Elijah*, WUUam', Andrew", Edwardi), b, Dec. 10, 1833; res. Appanoose, Hancock Co., HI. ; m. Charlotte Reynolds, Jan, 1, 1857, 9141. Carson- Abiram, b. Feb. 15, 1862, In Appanoose, Hancock Co., IU. 9142. Hiram® [7407] (Abijah', Asa®, Elijahs, Elijah*, WiUiam', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 22, 1831 ; res, Oneonta, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; ra. Ann-Eliza Barlow, Oct. 20, 1858. 0143. Myrtle-A., b. Sept. 16, 1868. EIGHTH GENERATION. 471 9144. Delos-Asa® [7416] (Russell-Johnson', Asa®, Elijahs, Elijah*, WiUiara', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 2, 1842; res. Chicago, IU. ; ra. Kate-Maria Andrus, Oct. 13, 1864. 9145. Charles-Willis, b. July 18, 1866. 9146. William-Henry® [7443] (Elijah', RosweU®, Elijahs, Elijah*, WiUiara', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 21, 1831; res. Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y. ; m. Jane Brown, May 8, 1856. 9147. Lavinia- Arselia, b. Mar. 8, 1857. 9148. Cynthia, b. Dec. 10, 1860. 9149. Preston, b. Oct. 10, 1867. 9150. Fayette-Washington® [7444] (Elijah', Roswell®, Elijah®, Elijah*, William', Andrew", EdwaixV), b. Dec. 2, 1832; res. Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y. ; m. Elizabeth Henshaw, April 5, 1867, 9151. Clara-Eveline, b. May 26, 1861. 9162. Charles, b. Jan, 25, 1867, NINTH GENEEATION, 9153, Alvah-Leonard9 [7514] (Horace®, Joseph', Joseph®, JohnS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b, Oct, 23, 1837; m. Harriet Quimby, April 4, 1865, 9154. Frances-Almira, b. Nov. 6, 1866 ; d. Oct. 29, 1867. 9156. Loomis-Charles^ [7616] (Asabel®, Joseph', Joseph®, .TohnS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b, Aug. 11, 1833, in Middletown, Vt. ; res. Poultney, Vt. ; 1st, m. Helen-Emily Har rington, Oct. 30, 1856 ; she d. June 27, 1858 ; 2d, m, Fanny SwaUow, of Poultney, Vt., Mar. 1, 1859, Children b, in Poultney, Vt, 9166. Fred-Whitcomb,b. Sept. 12, 1862. 9157. Frank-Asabel, b. Sept. 29, 1864. 9168. William-Baily9 [7517] (Asabel®, Joseph', Joseph®, JohnS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Aug, 16, 1842, in Middletown, Vt., where he res. ; a farmer ; m. Martha- Wealthy Mehurin, of Ira, Vt., Aug. 29, 1864. 9159. Reuben-Redman^ [7519] (Harley®, Joseph'', Joseph®, JohnS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. July 31, 1836; res. Middletown, Vt. ; m. Sally-C. Lewis, Jan. 25, 1864. 9160. F-mma, b. Sept. 27, 1864. 9161. Wallace, b. AprU 5, 1866. 9162. Carrie, b. Mar. 1, 1868. 9163. Georges [7521) (Harley®, Joseph', Joseph®, John®, Sam uel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 18, 1840 ; res. Middletown, Vt. ; m. Elizabeth Irving, of Tinraouth, Vt., Mar. 7, 1867. 9164. Ella, b. .Ian. 6, 1868. 9165. Dr. Edwin-Clement9 [7530] (Julius®, Joseph', Joseph®, JohnS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 29, 1839 ; res. Lake City, Minn ; a physician ; m. Anna Petitt, Sept. 25, 1867, 9166. Edwin-Jay9 [7644] (Henry®, Jeremiah', Joseph®, John®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 29, 1825 ; res. in Ash ford, N. Y. ; removed to Fenton, Mich., July 15, 1854 ; now i-es. in FentonviUe, Genesee Co., Mich. ; 1st, m. Eraeline Woodruff, of Ashford, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1849 ; she d. AprU 26, 1854 ; 2d, m. Helen-Clarke Shaw, Oct. 16, 1856 ; she d. Mar. 4, 1869. NINTH GENERATION. 473 9167. Clark-Dwight, b. June 25, 1858. 9168. WUliam-Eldridge, b. AprU 2, 1860, in Detroit, Mich, 9169. Ada-Margrette, b. Jan. 22, 1867, in Clarkson, Monroe Co., N. Y, 9170, Edwin-Shaw, b. Feb. 1, 1869, in Fenton, Mich. 9171. Melancthon-TurnerS [7546] (Henry®, Jeremiah', Jo seph®, John®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. July 21, 1828 ; res. FentonviUe, Mich. ; ra. Sarah Dnnhara, Oct. 20, 1856. 9172. Frank-Dunham, b. Nov. 26, 1857. 9173. Annie, b. Mar. 15, 1860. 9174. Daniel- Vliet, b. Oct. 21, 1862. 9175, Martin-Henry^ [7646] (Henry®, Jereraiah', Joseph®, John®, Sarauel*, John', John", Edwardi), b, Jan. 30, 1829 ; res. Otto, N. Y. ; m. Mary Briramer, Sept. 21, 1853, 9176. Charles-Dudley, b. Feb. 7, 1866. 9177. DeWitt-ClintonS [7652] (Henry®, Jeremiah', Joseph®, JohnS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 28, 1842 ; res, Detroit, Mich. ; m, Martha-Barnes Clarke, Oct. 17, 1867 ; she d. AprU 18, 1871. Eay-Clarke, b. Mar. 10, 1871. 9178. Frank-Parmelee^ [7661] (Hervey®, Jeremiah', Joseph®, JohnS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. July 12, 1834; res. Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. He served in the 36th N. Y. Regt. for twenty-two months, as a musician ; ra. Isabel-Louise Robinson, May 29, 1866, at Jackson, Tioga Co., Penn. Children b. in Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. 9179. Clara-Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1867. 9180. Frances-CaroUne, b. June 28, 1869. 9181. Stephen-Eugene^ [7563] (Hervey®, Jeremiah', Joseph®, John®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. June 15,1842; res. Springville, Erie Co., N. Y, ; he served as a musician in the army ; he is now a photographic artist ; m. Ellen-Salome Greene, March 8, 1869, at Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. A son, b. Oct. 17, 1870, at SpringvUle, N. Y. 9182. Capt. Charles^ [7573] (Robert-Rogers®, Ezeldel', Ezekiel®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edward'), b. Feb. 7, 1818, in LincolnvUle, Me.; res. Rockland, Me. ; a mariner; 1st, ra. Harriet-NeweU Bucklin, Oct. 1, 1841 ; she d. May 15, 1864 ; 2d, m. Diana-Jones Jameson, Nov. 7, 1864. Children all b. in Rockland, Me. 9183. Sylvanus-Charles [9375], b. Feb. 8, 1843. 9184. Helen-Harriet, b. AprU 3, 1845 ; m. WiUiam-Roscoe Pendleton, Dec. 1, 1861 ; res. Rockland, Me. 9185. Ada-Alena, b. Jan. 1, 1849 ; d. Sept. 16, 1861. 9186. Ada-Alena, b. Aug. 16, 1852. 9187. Mary-Thomas, b. July 27, 1856. 474 THE SPAiDING MEMORIAL. 9188. James-Langdon9 [7576] (Robert-Rogers®, Ezekiel', Ezekiel®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 25, 1822 ; ra. Mary-M. Kenniston, Sept. 8, 1857, 9189, John-Robert9 [7578] (Robert-Rogers®, Ezekiel', Ezekiel®, Jedediah®, Sarauel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. May 30, 1832; res. Rockland, Me. ; a raariner ; ra. Susan- Ann Pettie, of Rock land, Me., Dec. 31, 1863. No children (1870). 9190. Stephen-H.9 [7584] (John®, Ezekiel', Ezekiel®, Jede diahs, Samuel*, John', John", Edward'), b. Nov. 12, 1829; res. East Boston, Ms. ; m. Helen Kenniston, of Rockland, Me,, about 1860, 9191. WilliamS [7592] (WUUam®, Samuel', Ezekiel®, Jede diahs, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 15, 1834; res, Rockland, Me. ; ra, Sarah Ames ; pub, Oct. 29, 1853. 9192. Eva-D., b. about 1855. 9198, Lizzie-E., b. about 1867. 9194. George-W., b. about 1869. 9196, Capt, Edward-C.9 [7610] (Josiah®, Jedediah', Timothy®, JedediahS, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 26, 1821; res. So. Thomaston, Me. ; a master-mariner ; ra. Sarah-H, Cooper, May 11, 1847. 9196, E. -Cooper, b. about 1848. 9197. Clara-0., b. about 1860. 9198. JoslahS [7611] (Josiah®, Jedediah', Timothy®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 29, 1826; res. So. Thomaston, Me. ; m. EUza-S. Palraer, Oct. 18, 1849. 9199. Henry-ClayS [7648] (Jedediah®, Lerauel', Samuel®, Jed ediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 1, 1832; res. Norwich, Conn. ; a farmer ; ra. Eraily-Cory Allen, Jan. 3, 1853. 9200. Clarence-Elmer, b. Jan. 11, 1854. 9201. Henry-Irving, b. Feb. 19, 1859. 9202. William-HaydenS [7650] (Jedediah®, Lemuel', Samuel®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 31, 1836; res. Norwich, Conn. ; m. Emraa Spofford, Dec. 10, 1858. 9203. John-Lewis9 [7661] (Jedediah®, Lemuel', Samuel®, Jed ediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. May 21, 1838 ; P. 0. address, Norwich, Conn. He grad. at the academy in Norwich, Conn., in 1857, at nineteen years of age. April 19, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the 1st Regt. Conn. Vols. ; April 20, was promoted corporal ; April 21, was promoted sergeant ; April 25, sergeant-major. On the mus tering out of that regiment, which enlisted for tliree months, he was commissioned captain in the 18th Ms. Regt. After nearly two years service, he was honorably discharged on account of wounds NINTH GENERATION. 475 and disability. In 1864, he again entered the service as adjutant of the 29th Coun. Vols., a colored regiraent, and served until the close of the war. In 1866, he was appointed by the President a 2d lieut. in the Regular Army, for gallant service during the war. He was engaged in all the battles of the army of the Potomac, and wounded twice. He has been adjutant-general of the Dist. of Louisiana, and aide-de-camp on the staff of the gallant Gen. Mower ; post-adjt. of New Orleans, La. ; he commanded all the troops in the Parish of St. Bernard, and the lower Parishes of La., during the riots of 1866 and '67. He remained in New Orleans during the yellow fever, where nearly one half of the oflicers died at his post ; he was soon after promoted to 1st lieut. in the Regu lar Array, and was sent as an Indian Agent into the northern part of California ; 1st, ra. Mary-Eliza Wheeler, June 17, 1857; she was the daughter of Joshua-Sraith and Marcelia (Spalding [4290]) Wheeler ; she d. July 15, 1860 ; 2d, ra. Lucy-Horatia Billings, Oct, 10, 1862 ; she was the daughter of Capt. Nelson BUlings, of North Stonington, Conn. ; her parents were of English descent ; her grandparents held commissions as Colonels under King George III,, and her great-grandfather commanded the province of Conn,, and resigned his commission to take part in the struggle for freedom. Under the nom de plume of " Louise Billings Spal ding," she has written a volume of poems, which have been pub lished by Lippincott, of Philadelphia. 9204. Franks [7660] (James®, Lemuel', Samuel®, Jedediahs, ' Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. July 25, 1846 ; res. Norwich, Conn. ; m. Amity HaU, Mar. 14, 1867. 9206. James, b. Dec. 19, 1869 ; d. Nov. 25, 1870. 9206. LuzurneS [7664] (Elisha®, Joanna', Sarauel®, Jedediahs, Sarauel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. May 8, 1834; ra. JuUette- Araanda Buddington, Jan. 2, 1861. 9207. Alice-Angela, b. Oct. 12, 1861. 9208. Belle-Graves, b. Dec. 3, 1864. 9209. Edwin-SpioerS [7665] (Elisha®, Joanna', Sarauel®, Jede diahs, Sarauel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 22, 1836 ; m, Sarah- Sebra Burdick, Nov. 26, 1857. 9210. Allen-Laraartine, b. Oct. 11, 1858; d. Dec. 7, 1860. 9211. Willie-Stedman, b. Sept. 19, 1869. 9212. Charles-WaldqS [7666] (Elisha®, Joanna', Samuel®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Mar, 13, 1838 ; m. Frances Tracy, Mar. 31, 1862, 9213. Kate-Louise, b. May 30, 1868. 9214. John-Tracy, b. Nov. 28, 1868. 9216. George- WebsterS [773 1] (Edwin®, Waterman', Philip®, Philips, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 26, 1842- 476 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. res. Boston, Ms. ; m. JuUa Clapp, Dec. 29, 1870 ; she was the daughter of Elijah and Harriet Clapp, of Scituate, Ms, 9216. Charles-AustinS [7732] (Edwin®, Waterman', PhiUp®, PhiUp®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 7, 1848 ; res. Boston, Ms. ; m. Helen Cole, Nov. 26, 1866. 9217. John-PerhamS [7740] (Silvester-Edson®, Bezaleel-Gates', Philip®, Philip®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. June 11, 1840; res. in Calais, Vt. ; now res. in Des Moines, Iowa; m. Rachel-Adelia Ainsworth, of Calais, Vt., July 2, 1862 ; she was a granddaughter of Waterman Spalding [4364], 9218. Nora-Dell, b. Dec. 14, 1866; d. AprU 11, 1869. Twins, b. May 1870. 9219. Edgar-MyronS [7741] (Silvester-Edson®, Bezaleel-Gates'., Philip®, PhiUpS, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. June 15, 1843 ; res, Roxbury, Vt. ; m. Lizzie-Maria Wheeler, of Brook field, Vt., Sept, 30, 1868, 9220, Denison-FisherS [7744] (SUvanus-Fisher®, Bezaleel- Gates', PhUip®, Philip®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b, Nov, 3, 1844 ; res. St. Albans, Vt. ; ra. Hattie-E. Spalding [7753], of Roxbury, Vt., Nov. 29, 1866. 9221. Henry-MortonS [7745] (SUvanus-Fisher®, Bezaleel- ¦ Gates', Philip®, PhUip®, Jonathan*, John', John", PMwardi), b, AprU 25, 1847 ; res. Roxbury, Vt. ; m. Ellen WUUams, of Rock- field, Vt., Nov. 18, 1866, 9222. Daniel-CutlerS [7792] (Barnice®, Daniel-Fitch', Ezra®, AbelS, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 19, 1841, in Morristown, Vt. ; res. Morrisville, a village in Morristown, Vt. ; m. Marion-Augusta Hall, July 27, 1864. 9223. Carroll-Benjamin, b. Nov. 14, 1867, in Walcott, Vt. 9224. Calvin-LathropS [7795] (Roswell-Gilbert®, Daniel- Fitch', Ezra®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. May 16, 1842, in Burlington, Vt. ; res. Jonesville, Hillsdale Co., Mich. ; ra. Arietta-CorneUa Gaylord, of Jonesville, Mich., April 7, 1864. 9225. Fred-Gaylord, b. Sept. 23, 1865, in JonesvUle, Mich. 9226. Henry-AlfrbdS [7801] (Luther®, David', Tiraothy®, Eleazer®, Eleazer*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 3, 1829, in Marcy, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; res. Horton, Breraer Co., Iowa ; P. O., Waverly, Bremer Co., Iowa; ra. Mary Sheehan, Feb. 12, 1859. 9227. WiUiara-Henry, b. Mar. 28, 1860 ; d. Aug. 29, 1860. 9228. Olive-Elcy, b. June 12, 1861. 9229. Francis-Irving, b. Sept. 24, 1863. 9230. George-Edwin, b. Dec. 24, 1866. 9231, Laura-Ann, b. Feb. 20, 1869. NINTH GENERATION. 477 9232. Jared-MearsS [7816] (Justin-White®, Jared', BarzilUa®, DavidS, Eleazer*, John', John", Edwardi), b. March 1, 1842, in Swanton, Vt. ; res. Wilton, N, H. (1869) ; m. Abby-Caroline Kent, of Pelhara, N, H., Sept, 23, 1867. 9233. George-FernandoS [7836] (Aquila-Rich®, AquUa', Phineas®, David®, Eleazer*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 16, 1839 ; m, Janet-Thompson Lang, Sept. 11, 1863 ; she was b. Sept. 8, 1844, in Scotland. 9234. Henry-Clay, b. May 5, 1866, in Plainfield, N. H. 9235, James-FieldS [7847] (Asa-LeflSngwell®, Stephen', David®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 6, 1839, in Enfleld, Conn. He was fltted for college at WilUston Seminary, Easthampton, Ms,, and graduated at Williams College in 1862, He was one year tutor of Greek in Williaras College, and, beginning with 1865, was one of the principals of the Round Hill School for boys at Northarapton, Ms. ; admitted to Deacon's orders in the Epis. Church, May 21, 1869, and at once began ministerial work in St. John's Parish, Northampton, Ms. ; became Rector of the Par ish, Sept. 1, 1869 ; admitted to Priest's orders, Sept. 28, 1869 ; became Rector of St. John's Parish, Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1870 ; m. Mary Harper, of Enfleld, Conn., AprU 28, 1864, * ChUdren b, in Northampton, Ms, 9286, Walter-Raymond, b. May 23, 1865. 9287, Henry-Dixon, b. July 16, 1869, 9238. Edmund-W.s [7852] (Davis-Cleaveland®, Zadoc', Davis®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 1827 ; ra. 9239. William-PaineS [7857] (Elisha-Paine®, Zadoc', Davis®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 23, 1825 ; m. Fanelia- Aldrich Carpenter, Jan. 19, 185) ; she was b. July 19, 1833. 9240. Fred-Elisha, b. Oct. 18, 1853. 9241. Charles-Cady, b. Dec. 23, 1859. 9242. Grace-Amelia, b. AprU 16, 1867. 9243. James-LuciusS [7859] (James-Harvey®, Zadoc', Davis®, . Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec, 9, 1831 ; m. JuUa-Huntington Fay, of Norwich, Conn., July 18, 1853. 9244. Carrie-Fay, b. May 15, 1854, in KUUngly, Conn. 9245, Nellie-Mabel, b. Dec. 18, 1866, in Norwich, Conn. 9246. James- Augustus, b. May 28, 1859, in New London, Conn. 9247, JoHN-AuGUSTUsS [7860] (Jaraes-Harvey®, Zadoc', Davis®, Stephens, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 10, 1833 ; ra, Hannah-Sharpe Kingsley, of Canterbury, Conn., Jan. 2, 1854 ; she was the daughter of Hezekiah Kingsley. 478 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9248. Frederick- Augustus, b, Aug. 4, 1855, in Killingly, Conn. ; d. Oct. 25, 1865. 9249. John-Edward, b. July 8, 1859, in Worcester, Ms. 9250. Ruth-Isabel, b. Oct. 6, 1867, in Hartford, Conn. ; d. July 17, 1868. 9251. Marcus-HenryS [7862] (Henry®, Zadoc', Davis®, Stephens, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 27, 1833 ; res. Jewett City, Conn. ; ra. Charlotte-Minerva Lee, Nov. 5, 1856. 9252. Minna-Adel, b. June 25, 1859. 9253. Zadoc-Hutchins" [7863] (Henry®, Zadoc', Davis®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edward'i), b. Mar. 15, 1835 ; res. Pittsfleld, Ms. ; ra, Sarah Aldrich, Sept. 14, 1866. 9254. Lizzie-May, b. Sept. 30, 1858. 9255. Ezra-KnowltonS [7866] (Henry®, Zadoc', Davis®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b..Mar. 22, 1841 ; res. Pittsfleld, Ms. ; ra. Maria-Elizabeth Stokes, of Burrillville, R. I., AprU 1, 1864. 9266. William-LeeS [7888] (John-WUliam®, John', Nathaniel®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. July 7, 1834. He was lieut. in the 112th Regt. III. Vols. His flrst active ser vice commenced in Kentucky, when Scott and Pegram were driven frora the State. He was in the severe carapaign of East Tennes see under Burnside, also in the Atlanta carapaign under Sherman, and was regarded as a brave and gallant officer. He was mortally wounded at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 9, 1864, and d. in the Hospital ; m. Martha-H. Cooper, Dec. 25, 1866, at Galesburg, III.; she d. Sept. 25, 1863. 9257. John- WiUiam, b. Feb. 5, 1857. 9258. Cata-Ada-BeU, b. Dec. 16, 1859. 9259. George-Lexington, b. Dec. 23, 1862. These are all under the guardianship of Maj. John-William Spalding [7886], and in his family at Galesburg, Knox Co., III. 9260. John-AsaS [7889] (John-WiUiara®, John', Nathaniel®, Stephen®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. June 10, 1836; res. Galesburg, 111. He served during the war, one year in the 57th Regt. III. Vols. ; transferred to the 1st Regt. Alabama Cav. ; promoted to 1st Ueut. Co. C ; engaged in desperate service in Miss , in the Atlanta cam paign to the sea, and to Raleigh, N. C, in Kilpatrick's Surprise, and in many other desperate conflicts ; ra. Maria-Fontana Coe, June 10, 1868, at Galesburg, 111. 9261. Asa-Gore9 [7901] (Harry®, John', Siraon®, Simon®, Ed ward*, Edward', John«, Edwardi), b. Aug. 10, 1809, in Sheshe quin, Penn. ; res. Rockford, IU. ; m. Susau-Burson Welding, of Stroudsburg, Penn., April 26, 1834 ; she was the daughter of John and Ann Welding, and sister of the wife of Simeon-Shep- ard Spalding [9275], her husband's brother. Last four chUdren b, in Byron, III. NINTH GENERATION, 479 9262. Ann-Louisa, b. Mar. 19, 1835. 9268. Frances-Irene, b. Oct. 22, 1836, in Peru, IU. 9264. Sarah-Myer, b. AprU 29, 1888 ; m. Wilbor-Adison Daniels, June 4, 1867 ; res. RocheUe, IU. 9265, Edward-Burson, b. Feb. 2, 1840; he enlisted in the Union Army, Oct. 1861; was sergeant' in Co. E, 52d IU. Inft.; he was at the taking of Fort Henry, also in the battle of Fort Donaldson; - at this battle he was detaUed by Gen. Lew Wallace on his staff; after the battle of Fort Donaldson, be was ordered back to his company, and embarked on transports for Pittsburg Landing ; in this battle, AprU 6, 1862, he was wounded and brought down to Mound City Hospital. On the 15th of August, he'reported at Chicago for duty, and was sent back to Corinth, Miss., to join his regt., and was promoted 2d Lieut. ; he was in the battle of Corinth, Oct. 1862 ; thence the regt. was ordered to Ger- mantown, Tenn., in the summer of 1863, when he was promoted 1st Lieut. ; frora that place they were ordered to Chattanooga, to take part in the Atlanta carapaign. The captain of tbe company being detaUed as Provost Marshal, the command of the company devolved on Lieut. Spalding during that eventful campaign ; he was in almost daily flght frora the time of start ing, until the fall of Atlanta ; after the surrender of Atlanta, they returned to the north of Georgia, and there the capt. was ordered back to his corapany, and Lieut. Spalding was detailed from his company, and promoted to Acting Asst. Adjt. Gen. on Brig. Gen. Rice's staff, 1st Brigade. 4th Division, 15th Array ¦Corps. He went with the array through to Savannah, Ga., where he, with the rest of the commissioned officers of the regt., was mustered out, Dec. 17,1864; their time had expired the October previous. In May, 1865, he again entered the ser vice as clerk in the Commissary Dept. ; went to Sioux City, and was clerk at that point, until the military post was discon tinued, in the summer of 1866 ; at present resides there. 9266. James-David, b. Jan. 12, 1844; res. Sioux City, Iowa. 9267. Anna-Burson, b. Sept. 21, 1852. 9268. Harry-NelsonS [7902] (Harry®, John', Simon®, Simon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 4, 1811, in Towanda, Penn. ; d. Feb. 9, 1868, at Rockford, IU., aged 57. In Oct. 1844, Mr. Spalding, with his wife and only son, removed to Byron, HI. In 1862, he entered the army, although exempt by age, and served as master of transportation two years in Chat tanooga, Tenn. ; ra. Ethelinda Warner, of Wysox, Penn., Oct. 10, 1839 ; she was the daughter of Dr. Adonijah Warner, 9269. Clarence-Mahlen, b. June 5, 1841, in Wysox, Penn.; grad. at the Chicago Medical College, Mar. 1865 ; was commissioned Asst. Surgeon, 8th 111. Inft., and was sent to Alabama, serving iu his profession until May, 1866, when his regt. was discharged in Texas. He is now practising medicine in Chemung, N. Y. 9270. James-LawrenceS [7903] (Harry®, John', Simon®, Siraon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 16, 1813, in Towanda, Penn. ; d. Jan. 23, 1859, at Byron, IU. ; emigrated in the spring of 1836, to Rock River, with his brothers, Simon-Shep ard and Asa-Gore ; m. Mrs. Harriet-I. (Goodwill) Wright, June 6, 1848 ; she was b. 1820. 480 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9271. Henry-CUnton, b. Jan. 20, 1849 ; d. Sept. 2, 1849. 9272. Albert-GoodwiU, b. Sept. 2, 1850. 9273. Mary-Lorett, b. Oct. 14, 1854. 9274. Walter-James, b. ^uly 28, 1856. 9276. Simon-ShepardS [7904] (Harry®, John', Simon®, Si mons, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 23, 1 815, in Towanda, Penn. ; res. in Byron, 111., where he d. Jan. 29, 1869. He emigrated to Rock River in the spring of 1836, with his brothers, James-Lawrence and Asa-Gore. The country was new, and there were many more Indians than whites ; 1st, m. Lydia^ Ann Welding, of Stroudsburg, Penn., April 2, 1839 ;, she was the daughter of John and Ann Welding, and was b. Oct. 4, 1810 ; she d. Oct. 24, 1860 ; 2d, m. Mrs. Elizabeth-R. (EUis) Gore, Nov. 1861. ' Last five children b. in Byron, III. 9276. Lemira, b. Oct. 21, 1841, in Rockford, IU. ; d. Feb. 16, 1865, 9277. John-Franklin [9376], b. Jan. 80, 1843, at Rockford, IU. 9278. David-Welding [9378], b. Dec. 26, 1844. 9279. Alice, b. Mar. 24, 1847. 9280. Susan-Stroud, b. Aug. 20, 1849; m. Herbert- George Stout, July 7, 1869, at Byron, 111. ; they have one child, Alice-Irene-Spal- ding, b. Jan. 9, 1871. 9281. Josephine, b. June 4, 1852 ; d. AprU 29, 1864. 9282. Nellie, b. Aug. 4, 1867. 9283. EzraS [7910] (WilUam-Bela®, John', Simon®, Simon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 31, 1818, in Frank lin, Penn. ; was killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863 ; he enlisted Sept, 21, 1861, as 1st lieut., under Capt. Davis, of Burlington, Bradford Co., Penn. ; he was transferred to Co. H, 67th Regt. Penn. Vols. ; m. Susan Arnot, Nov. 26, 1842, at Mon- roeton, Penn. ; she was b. Sept. 14, 1826, in Monroe, Bradford Co., Penn, 9284. John-Jay [9381], b. AprU 22, 1847, in Franklin, Penn. 9285, Joseph-EatonS [7912] (William-Bela®, John', Simon®, Simon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. July 22, 1826, in Towanda, Penn. He enlisted Oct. 24, 1862, for nine months, as 3d sergt. Co. C, 171st Penn. Regt. He was at the bombardraent of New Berne, N. C, Mar. Uth, 15th, and 16th, 1863, also at the siege of Little Washington, N. C, AprU, 1863 ; discharged Aug. 8, 1863. He enlisted again, and was enrolled Sept. 3, 1864, in Co. B, 3d Regt. of New York Light Artillery, to serve one year, or during the war. He was stationed at Fort Shaw, on Morris Island, near Charleston, S. C. ; was in the raid on Jaraes Island, Feb. 10, 1865 ; was at the taking of Charleston, S. C, Feb. 18, 1865 ; dis charged July 13, 1865. He is a land surveyor ; now res. at Frank- lindale, Bradford Co., Penn. ; ra. Louisa Kelder, of Belle Isle, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Jan. 31, 1855. NINTH GENERATION. 481 9286. Susie-May, b. Aug. 24, 1857. 9287. Anna-Dehght, b. Mar. 4, 1869. 9288. William-Scott, b. July 22, 1861. 9289. Hbnry-DarwinS [7916] (Noah®, John', Simon®, Simon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 8, 1813. He was 1st Lieut. Co. K, 18th Mich. Inft. ; resigned on account of iU health; 1st, m. 'Clyraena Root, Nov. 9, 1837; she was the daughter of Jonah Root, and was b. Aug. 21, 1814, in Strafford, Vt. ; she d.Jan, 16, 1865, in Monroe, Mich. ; 2d, ra. Amelia-A. Adaras, Sept. 21, 1867 ; she was the daughter of A.-G. and Esther (Sackett) Adaras. ChUdren all b. iu Monroe Co., Mich, 9290, Mary-E., b. Sept. 6, 1840; m. WUliam Ross, Nov. 18, 1867. 9291. EUen-L., b. Jan. 21, 1842; ra. George-S. Wakefleld, Sept. 20, 1865. 9292. Amanda-Elizabeth, b. Oct. 23, 1843 ; d. Feb. 28, 1844. 9293. Amanda-Clymena, b.Aug. 1, 1845; d. Feb. 17, 1846. 9294. Charles-Henry, b. Aug. 1, 1845 ; d. Dec. 25, 1862 ; a soldier in the llth Mich. Inft. 9296. Chester, b. Sept. 8, 1847. 9296. George, b. Aug. 27, 1849. 9297. Warren, b. AprU 16, 1851; d. Mar. 17, 1860. 9298. Eliza-C, b. Sept. 9, 1866; d. Mar. 11, 1860. 9299. Elva- Viola, b. June 25, 1868; d. Oct. 30, 1870. 9300. George-AddisonS [7919] (Noah®, John', Siraon®, Si mon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 20, 1821 ; m. Irene Whitney. 9301. Richard-RushS [7921] (Noah®, John', Simon®, SimonS, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 3, 1825. Mr. S. enlisted in the service of his country, Aug. 9, 1862, in the 18th Mich. Inft. ; dis. Nov. 25, 1863 ; 1st, m. AroUne-MeUssa DeLand, Dec. 7, 1846 ; she was the daughter of Hall and Laura DeLand, and was b. Oct. 14, 1826, in Batavia, N. Y. ; she d. Aug. 24, 1863, in Whiteford, Mich. ; 2d. m. Hattie-Adaline Pomeroy, Dec. 27, 1863 ; she was the daughter of Elbridge and Nancy Pora- eroy, and was b. July 18, 1841, in Thorapson, Geauga Co., Ohio. First two children b. in Bedford, Monroe Co., Mich. ; others, excepting the youngest, b. in Whiteford, Mich. 9302. Edwin-DeLand, b. July 1, 1848; he was a soldier, andd. in the service of his country, Oct. 7, 1864, at Decatur, Ala. 9308. Lucy-Emma-Jane, b. March 20, 1850 ; d. Jan. 4, 1860, in White ford, Mich. 9804. WiUiara-HaU, b. Feb. 8, 1858 ; d. Jan. 3, 1860, in Whiteford, Mich. 9305. Clarence-Eugene, b June 16, 1855. 9306. Henry-Darwin, b. Feb. 18, 1858. 9307. Mary-Elva, b. Mar. 6, 1860. 9308. Laura-Evaline, b. Feb. 24, 1862. 9309. WUliam-Edwin, b. Sept. 6, 1865. 9310. Ada-Mahala, b. Sept. 13, 1867. 9311. Arthur-Pomeroy, b. Dec, 17, 1869, in Lambertville, Mich. 31 482 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9312. Noah-MartinS [7924] (Noah®, John^, Simon®, SimonS, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 23, 1833 ; m. Mary- A. Carey. 9318. Warren. 9314. Charles, b. Sept. 1868. 9315. JuLius-H.9 [7930] (Obadiah-Gore®, John', Simon®, Si-. monS, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 16, 1823 ; m. Mary Daily. They have had eight children, five of whom are dead. 9316. DavidS [7932] (Obadiah-Gore®, John', Simon®, SimonS, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 6, 1827; m. OrviUa Bowlsby. They have had eight children, three of whom are dead. 9317. Johns [7948] (John-Avery®, John', Simon®, SimonS, Ed ward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. July 13, 1831, in Jerusalem, N. Y. ; res. Lock, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ; 1st, m. Lucy Lockwood, Feb. 16, 1860 ; she d. Dec. 19, 1866 ; 2d, m. Helen Lockwood, June 10, 1868. 9318. Bessie-Belle, b. Sept. 16, 1865. 9819. John-Avery, b. Mar. 16, 1870. 9320. John-Emeriok9 [8009] (John-Hoover®, Samuel', Edward®, Isaac®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 22,1838; res. with his father, in Austerlitz, Kent Co., Mich. ; m. Ella-Maria HaU, Dec. 25, 1868, 9321. RussELL-RossS [8047] (Jonathan®, George', Jereraiah®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward®; John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 23, 1837, in Spafford, Onondaga Co., N. Y, He is a wholesale hardware merchant, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; m. Emma Ackerly, Feb. 27, 1868 ; she was the eldest daughter of Curtis Ackerly, Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y, 9322. Curtis-Ackerly, b. Dec. 4, 1868. 9323. George-RalstonS [8050] (Helim®, George', Jeremiah®, JeremiahS, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. April 15, 1837; res. Manchcister, Mich. ; ra. Harriet Hoag, of East Hamburg, N, Y., Jan. 1, 1861 ; she was the daughter of Henry and Elvira (Spalding) [2686] Hoag. 9324. Mary, b. Sept. 6, 1863. 9325. Grace-Ann, b. July 5, 1866. 9326. William-BolivarS [8135] (Noah-AUen®, Jacob', Isaac®, Jacob®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b.Feb. 19, 18^6. in Claverack, N. Y. ; d. Mar. 13, 1862, at Hudson, N. Y. ; m. Eme- Une-Aurelia Van Valkenburgh, Mar. 17, 1850, in Hudson, N. Y. ; she now res. with her children at 249 Diamond St., Hudson, N. Y. NINTH GENERATION. 483 9327. William-AUen, b. Dec. 17, 1850. 9328. Henry-Pierce, b. Ang. 26, 1852. 9329. Edward-Thomas, b. May 6, 1854. 9830. John-Frank, b. Sept. 18, 1867. . 9331. Noah-Allen9 [8137] (Noah-AUen®, Jacob', Isaac®, Ja cob®, Isaa:c*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 14, 1830, in Claverack, N. Y, ; res. cor. of North Fourth St. and Prison AUey, Hudson, N. Y. ; m, Elizabeth-Alice Pulver, at Hudson, N. Y. ; she d. May 25, 1869. 9882. C Jane-EUen, b. Dec. 26, 1846 ; d. Sept. 21, 1848. 9338. I Elizabeth-Helen, b. Dec. 25, 1846 ; d. Sept. 19, 1843, 9334. Esther-Alice, b. Feb. 18, 1849 ; m. Depew-C. Wildey. 9336. Margaret-Anna, b. May 28, 1861. 9336. Noah-AUen, b. June 24, 1853 ; d. May 7, 1857. 9337. Robert-Giles, b. AprU 24, 1856. 9338. James-Martin, b. Mar. 18, 1858; d. July 22, 1860. 9339. Minnie-Elizabeth, b. Mar. 13, 1860 ; d. AprU 25, 1862. 9340. Isaac-DanielS [8152] (Isaac®, Jacob', Isaac®, Jacob®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 12, 1833, in Johns town, N, Y. ; res. in Waverley, Van Buren Co., Mich., where he d. Dec. 1, 1869 ; ra. Arteraesia-Angeline Whelan, June 1, 1856 ; she was b, Dec, 6, 1842, in BurUngton, Racine Co., Wis. 9341. Charles- Augustus, b. AprU 3, 1858; d. Aug. 17, 1869, 9342. Frank-BurdeU, b. Feb. 17, 1861. 9843. Alice-Iantha, b. Aug. 18, 1862. 9844. John-Albert, b. Jan. 30, 1864. 9345. Fred-Lincoln, b. AprU 4, 1865 ; d. Aug. 29, 1865. 9346. Mary-EUen, b. Dec. 25, 1866. 9847. Clara-Ann, b. AprU 13, 1868. 9348. Martha-Jane, b. Aug. 5, 1869 ; d. Sept. 30, 1869. 9349. Jacob-LutherS [8156] (Edward®, Jacob', Isaac®, Jacob®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 7, 1833 ; d. Nov. 1, 1863, aged twenty-one ; ra. Lucy-F. Howard, Aug. 17, 1861. 9350. Merritt-SackettS [8176] (Daniel-Roberts®, Austin', Daniel®, Jacob®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 6, 1837 ; m, Jane-F. Lawrence, Feb. 14, 1'860. 9361. Charles-Merritt, b. July 9, 1862. 9352. Homer-Lawrence, b. July 25, 1864. 9353. Mary-Maria, b. Dec 12, 1866. 9354. Mabel-Jane, b. May 14, 1869. 9355. Lewis-Herbert^ [8189] (James-Benedict®, Daniel', Daniel®, Jacobs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug. 14, 1849, in New Hudson, N. Y. ; ra. Mary-Frances Johnson, Feb. 19, 1868 ; she was b. Feb. 10, 1847, in Springfleld, IU. 9856. Clara-Lucinda, b. Dec. 9, 1868, in Springfleld, III. 9357. John-Dixon9 [8402] (Simon*', Phineas', Jonas®, PhineasS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjarain", Edwardi), b. June 10, 1832; res. Port Byron, N.^Y, ; ra. Mary Carr, of Port Byron, N. Y., May 8, 1858, 484 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9858. George-Sim'eon, b. May 13, 1859. 93.59. John-Douglas, b. Mar. 10, 1861. 9360. Lottie-Mary, b. Nov. 27, 1862. 9361, Katie-Ida-BeU, b. Aug. 8, 1865. 9362. Albert-Henry^ [8406] (Truman®, Phineas'', Jonas®,. PhineasS, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjarain", Edwardi), b. Mar. 7, 1831 ; res. Albion, Mich. ; m. 9363. Edwin-Alexander9 [8476] (Alexander-Hanson®, Rob ert', Williara- Witter®, Oliver®, Ephraim*, Edward', Benjamin", Ed wardi), b. Jan. 20, 1840, in Athens, Penn., where he res. ; m,. Frances Kirby, June 7, 1864, 9364. Robert-H., b. April 6, 1865, in Towanda, Penn. 9365. Wakren-AlphonsoS [8661] (Abial®, Abial', Andrew®;. Andrew®, Andrew*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 9, 1846;: res, Pittsfleld, Ms. ; ra, Myra Sanborn, of Northarapton, N. H., Mar, 14, 1868. 9366, Judson-Levi9 [8702] (Samnel-StiUman®, SamueP, John®,, WilliamS, .Tosiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June II, 1843 ;. P. O. address, Theresa, N. Y. ; m. Josephine Derrol, of Norfolk, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1866. 9367. William-Franklin^ [8709] (WUUam®, William'?,. John® >¦ WilliamS, Josiah*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Oct. 22, 1842 ; m. Ann-Janette Bain, Feb. 1, 1866. 9368. Alonzo9 [9001] (Richard®, Richard', WiUard®, Daniel®, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept, 2, 1828 ;. res. Har mony, Me. ; ra. Sophronia Loomis. 9369. Julia. 9870. Benjamin. 9371. Charles. 9372. Warren, 9373, Barretts [9003] (Richard®, Richard'^, Willard®,, DanieP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", 'Edwardi), b. Sept. 6, 1836; res. Carri- tunl5:,.Me. ; ra. Olive Turner, of Moscow, Me^.Nov, 6, 1865i. 9874. George- Wilber, b. AprU 21, 1868. TENTH GENEEATION. 9375. Sylvanus-CharlesIO [9183] (CharlesS, Robert-Rogers®, Ezekiel', Ezekiel®, Jedediah®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b, Feb. 8, 1843, in Rockland, Me., where he res. ; m. Jane-Eliza Her rick, of Northpoi-t, Me., July 16, 1867. 9376. John-Franklin" [9277] (Simon-Shepards, Harry®, John', Simon®, Siraon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Jan. 30, 1843, at Rockford, IU. He served three years in the 92d III. Mounted Infantry, Co. B ; was wounded at Jonesborough, during a charge, Aug. 30, 1864 ; res. Byron, Ogle Co., III. ; m. Emily-Lucia Read, Dec. 20, 1866 she was the daughter of Lucius and Emily-Newell (Kimbali' Read, and was b. Nov. 1, 1847, in Byron, IU. 9877. Carlton-Simon, b. Mar. 6, 1869, in Byron, IU. 9378, David-Welding" [9278] (Siraon-Shepards, Harry®, John'', Siraon®, Siraon®, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b, Dec, 26, 1844, in Byron, IU., where he res. He served one year in the array ; ra. Erama-Isadore Canterbury, March 18, 1867 ; she was the daughter of WUliara and Hannah (Stetson) Canterbury, and was b. Mar. 8, 1846. 9879. Frank-Leon, b. June 8, 1868, in West Bend, Iowa. 9380. Alice-Maud, b. Aug. 4, 1870, in Byron, IU. 9381, John-Jay" [9284] (EzraS, WiUiara-Bela®, John', Siraon®, SinlonS, Edward*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. April 22, 1847, in FrankUn, Penn. ; res. Troy, Bradford Co., Penn. ; m. Aurissa Angle, Dec. 14, 1869. APPENDIX ONE. SPALDINGS WHO ARE UNDOUBTEDLY DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD OF MASSACHUSETTS, But whose connecting link cannot be positively determined. 9382. Curtis, res. Sullivan, N. H. ; m, Jerusha Mason, 9383, Sarah-Louisa, b. ; m.jW.-H. Brooks ; res. Keene, N. H. (1867). 9384. Charles-Curtis. 9885. James-Franklin [9887], b. May 25, 1833. 9886. George-Herbert. « 9387. James-Franklin [9385] (Curtis), b. May 25, 1833 ; res. Fitchburg, Ms. (1867) ; a machinist ; m. Mary-EUzabeth Dudley, of Mount Holly, Vt., June 7, 1854. 9888. George- Wesley, b. July 23, 1856. 9389. Edgar-Franklin, b. Dec. 11, 1858. 9390. Carrie-EUzabeth, b. July 7, 1861. 9391. Louis-Everett, b. Sept. 3, 1865. 9392, Willard, b, Oct. 16, 1783, in Weathersfleld, Vt. ; d, 1825 ; m, Rebecca Winn, of Westford, Ms., Aug. 8, 1805 ; she d. Sept. 14, 1862. 9398. Bethuel-Houghton [9899], b. Aug. 5, 1807, in Essex, N. Y, 9394. Curtis-C. [9408], b. June 28, 1810. 9395. General-Eaton, b. Oct. 15, 1813 ; d. Mar. 19, 1815. 9396. Joseph-Gilbert [9409], b. Feb. 11, 1815. 9397. Esther, b. 1817; res. Chester, Vt. ; unmarried (1868). 9398. Jackson [9411], b. Nov. 28, 1821. 9399, Bethuel-Houghton [9393] (WUlard), b, Aug, 5, 1807, in Essex, N. Y, ; m, AbigaU-Greenwood Davis, of Plymouth, Vt,, Oct. 25, 1842. 9400, EUen, b. Oct. 13, 1844, in Hyde Park, Vt, 9401. GUbert-Davis, b. May 11, 1846, m Hyde Park, Vt. 9402. Charles-Torrey, b. Jan. 30, 1848, in Cavendish, Vt. ; d. Feb. 23, 1849. 9403. Charles-Torrey, b. May 28, 1850. 9404. Jane, b. Mar. 8, 1853. 9405. Herman, b. Mar. 29, 1856, 9406. Emma, b. July 24, 1860. 9407. Frank, b. Sept. 10, 1864. 9408, CuRTis-C. [9394] (Willard), b. June 28, 1810 ; d. June 9, 1861, in Salem, N. Y. ; m. Phebe LoveU. 488 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. ¦ 9409. Joseph-Gilbert [9396] (Willard), b. Feb. 11, 1815 ; res. Proctorsville, Vt, ; m, Olive-Maria Blanchard, of Cavendish, Vt,, Oct, 1847, 9410. George-Jephthah, b. May 80, 1849. . 9411. Jackson [9398] (Willard), b, Nov, 28, 1821 ; res. Caven dish, Vt. ; m. Victoria-Maria Whitcomb, of Cavendish, Vt., Jan. 2, 1850. No chUdren (1868). 9412. Isaac, b. in HolUs, N. H. ; res. in Pepperell, Ms., where he d. July 22, 1848, aged 58 ; ra. Mary Lawrence, of Pepperell, Ms., June 9, 1816 ; pub. April 21, 1816, 9418. Mary- Jane, b. April 1,1817; m. Joel-J. Shattuck, of Pepperell, Ms. ; pub. Nov. 7, 1845. 9414. Elizabeth-Lawrence, b. ; m. Leonard Stark, of Fitchburg, Ms. ; pub. April 12, 1845. 9415. Sarah-B., b. ; m. Charles-M. Borman, Aug. 8, 1846; pub. Aug. 2, 1^46. 9416. Obed, b. Sept, 14, 1743 ; d, Jan, 13, 1819 ; ra. Margaret Ames, Dec, 30, 1784 ; she was b. May 18, 1760 ; she d. Sept. 20, 1792. 9417. Eleazer-M. [9421], b. Oct. 8, 1785. 9418. Candace, b. Dec. 13, 1787 ; m. WUlard Parks, Feb. 28, 1813 ; res, Charlton, Ms. 9419. John, b. Nov. 19, 1789 ; d. AprU 6, 1795. 9420. Jesse, b. June 8, 1792; d. Dec. 4, 1808. 9421. Eleazer-M. [9417] (Obed), b. Oct, 8, 1785 ; d, AprU 18, 1822 ; ra, Sarah Parks, AprU 13, 1809 ; she was b. AprU 16, 1784; shed. May 21, 1860. 9422. Chandler-Ames [9424], b. AprU 24, 1810. 9423. Mary-Ann, b. Mar. 24, 1812; m. George-W. Keith; res. Putnam, Conn. 9424. Chandler-Ames [9422] (Eleazer-M., Obed), b. AprU 24, 1810 ; res. Putnam, Conn. ; 1st, ra. Charity-Maria Gilbert, Feb„ 11, 1835 ; she d, Jan. 4, 1861 ; 2d, m. Eraily Williams, Jan. 27, 1862 ; she was b. June 10, 1827. 9425. Caroline-Cornelia, b. Nov. 15, 1835 ; d. Nov. 7, 1863 ; unraarried. 9426. Albert, b. AprU 24, 1840 ; d. Nov. 2, 1863 ; unmarried. 9427. EmUy, b. Mar. 17, 1844 ; d. Jan. 3, 1866, 9428. Loren, b. Feb. 21, 1848. 9429. Charles, b.May 16, 1852. APPENDIX ONE. 489 9430, Jedediah, b. Sept. 7, 1797, in Norwich, Vt. ; d. May 23, 1863 ; res. in WiUiarastown, Johnstown, and Kittley, C. W., Wash ington Island in St. Lawrence River ; from thence to Greece, N. Y., Rochester, Lockport, and Pendleton, N. Y. ; frora thence to Port Huron, Mich., May 17, 1838 ; ra. Sallie Tallman, Nov. 29, 1821, in Canada West ; she d. May 7, 1836, in Pendleton, N, Y., aged 35 yrs. 6 mos. 22 days. His boyhood was spent with relatives, through whose influence he w:as placed at the West Point Military Academy, where he remained about sis months. On the breaking out of the war of 1812, he left West Point, and without the knowledge of his friends, and only in his sixteenth year, enlisted as a private in the army, where he served during the war. He was one of the heroes of Lundy's Lane, assisted in the reduction of Fort Erie, and participated in various other engagements on the northern frontier. When peace was proclaimed, he settled in Montreal, where he learned the trade of a stone-cutter. After his marriage, in 1821, he removed to Rochester, N, Y., where he established himself as a contractor and builder. He was the contractor for constructing the aqueduct at Rochester, and all the stone bridges on the Erie canal between that city and Lockport. In 1837, he started for Michigan to flnd a home for himself and six young children. He located in Port Huron, and, in 1840, became the purchaser of the tract of land lying between Sixth and Tenth Streets, known as " Spalding's Ad dition," Though at that tirae straitened for raeans, he perse vered untu he converted the tract frora a wilderness to a garden, and it now forms one of the most attractive portions of that city. In the later years of his life, Mr, Spalding enjoyed an easy compe tence, but he was long a sufferer from inflararaatory rheuraatisra, and for the last six years of his Ufe withdrew frora business. He was an ardent democrat of the Jeffersonian stamp, and an uncompromising States' rights man, regarding the inviolability of the State as the only efficient security of the citizen. Though early left fatherless, and only favored with smaU advantages of education, he left honorable raeraorials of what a strong mind and an inflexible will can accomplish, 9431. EUza-Ann, b. Dec. 9, 1822, in WUliamstown, C. W.; m. Perry- Hazard Dale. 9432. Angeline, b. June 29, 1824, in Johnstown, C. W. ; m. Araos James ; res. Lexington, Mich. 9433. Jedediah [9437]. 9434. SaUie-Maria, b. Aug. 6, 1829, in Greece, N. Y. ; m. Charles Ferga- son ; res. Fremont, Ohio. 9436. Minerva, b. Nov. 5, 1882, in Rochester, N. Y. ; m. John DiUon April 13, 1846 ; res. Port Huron, Mich. 9486. Elizabeth-Experience, b. Sept. 10, 1835, in Pendleton, N. Y. ; m. Henry Howard, Feb. 25, 1856 ; res. Port Huron, Mich. 9437, Jedediah [9433] (Jedediah), b, ; res. Port Huron, Mich, ; m, SaUy-Ann Harrmgton, of Port Hm-on, Mich. 490 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9438, Jonathan, b.May 12, 1748, in Plainfield, Conn.; d. May 20, 1798, He is probably the same person as Jonathan [714], son of Eleazer [711], but there is a slight discrepancy in the dates of birth ; ra. Abigail, Children all b. in Monson, Ms. 9489. Erastus, b. Jan. 8, 1772; d. Mar. 11, 1817. 9440. Hannah, b. Oct. 23, 1773. 9441. Jonathan, b. Nov. 26, 1776. 9442. Asa, b. Nov. 11, 1777. 9443. Riel, b. Jan. 31, 1781; d. June 31, 1810. 9444. Rufus, b. Sept. 1, 1784. 9445. Rodolphus [9446], b. Mar; 19, 1787. 9446. Rodolphus [9445] (Jonathan), b. Mar, 19, 1787; m. Roxana Peck, of Ashford, Conn., April 22, 1807 ; she was b. June 22, 1777 ; she d. Aug. 29, 1850. Children all b. in Monson, Ms. 9447. Lucinda, b. Oct. 18, 1809 ; m. Gay GoodwUl, June 5, 1833. 9448. George [9464], b. Nov. 16, 1811. 9449. Lovina, b. May 19, 1815 ; m. Albert Stanton, Jan. 1, 1840. 9450. Hannah, b. Aug. 11, 1817; m. Eber-W. Sraith, Jan. 5, 1842. 9451. Sarah, b. Mar. 11, 1821 ; m. Lorenzo-W. Ferry, Jan. 6, 1842. 9452. John [9460], b. Nov. 16, 1823. 9453. Mary.b. Aug. 17, 1825; m. Joel-C. Thompson, April 28, 1866; he d. Jan. 12, 1866. 9454. GisoRGB [9448] (Rodolphus, Jonathan), b, Nov, 16, 1811 ; res. some years in Stafford, Conn., then removed to Worces ter, Ms., where he d. Feb. 17, 1862, aged 50 yrs. 3 mos. ; m. Lucia Vinton, Sept. 13, 1836 ; she was the daughter of Calvin and Re becca (Moulton) Vinton, and was b. June. 8, 1807 ; she d. Dec. 30, 1869, aged 62 yrs. 6 raos. 22 days, at Worcester, Ms, First two children b. in Stafford, Conn, ; others in Worcester, Mass, ^ 9455. George-Henry, b. May 20, 1889. 9456. Charles-E., b. Oct. 13, 1840; d. Sept. 28, 1841. • 9467. Sarah-L., b. Dec. 5, 1846. 9468. Jaraes-H., b. Oct. 9, 1847. 9459. Frank-F., b. Mar. 17, 1863. 9460. John [9452] (Rodolphus, Jonathan), b. Nov. 16, 1823 ; res. Lebanon, Conn. (1869) ; ra. Nancy-P. Randall, May 1, 1849. First child b. in Monson, Ms. ; others in Lebanon, Conn. 9461. Dwight, b. Sept. 24, 1850. 9462. Emma, b. Aug. 13, 1866. 9463. Mary, b. Jan.. 16, 1868. 9464. Luther, b. Dec. 21, 1860. 9465. Rev. .Josiah, "b. Jan. 10,1751, in Plainfleld, Conn. ; grad. Yale CoU. 1778 ; ord. at Uxbridge, Ms., Sept. 11, 1782 ; dis. Oct. 28, 1787 ; was instaUed in Worthington, Ms., Aug. 21, 1778 ; dis. Mar. 1794 ; installed in Buckland, Ms., 1794, where he d APPENDIX ONE. 491 May 8, 1823." [Congi Quar.] He m. Martha WUUams ; she was the daughter of Judge Williams, of Taunton, Ms. 9466. Josiah, b. ; as he was nearly ready for college, being twenty- one years of age, he became violently and hopelessly insane ; he d. at the age of 81, having been a maniac for sixty years. 9467, Polly, b. ; m. Pomroy. 9468, Nancy, b. ; m. Colman. 9469. Deborah. 9470. Lydia. I have not been able to decide whether the following famiUes are from an emigration frora New England, or an offshoot from the Maryland Spaldings, 9471. Daniel, b. April 15, 1748, in Accomack Co., Virginia ; 1st, m, Mary Broadwater ; 2d, m, Sinai Tapman, ChUdren all b. in Accoraack Co., Va, 9472. Susan, b. Dec. 26, 1785. 9478. George, b. Mar. 16, 1788 ; went West. 9474. William, b. Feb. 29, 1790 ; went West. 9475. Samuel [9480], b. Jan. 18, 1797 (other authority, Dec. 29, 1798). 9476, James-Henry, b. Mar. 16, 1800 (other authority, Mar, 15, 1804) ; d. 1865. 9477. John, b. Mar. 1, 1803 (other authority. Mar. 1, 1806) ; res. Bal timore, Md. . 9478. Edward-Broadwater, b. June 15, 1805 (other authority, 1807) ; he went away Aug. 30, 1829 ; has never been heard from since. 9479, Mary- Ann, b. Sept. 30, 1810 ; m. John Tapman, Nov. 8, 1882 ; res. Baltimore, Md. 9480. Samuel [9475] (Daniel), b. Jan, 18, 1797 (other au thority, Dec. 29, 1798) ; d. Sept. 10, 1853, in Accomack, Vir ginia ; res. in Baltimore, Md. ; 1st, m. Elizabeth Hall, Mar. 14, 1826 ; she d. Dec. 17, 1836 ; 2d, m. Ann Larisson. 9481. Mary-Ann, b. June 6, 1827. 9482. John-Edward, b. Sept. 18, 1828. 9483. Elizabeth-Frances-Ann, b. June 1, 1829 (other authority, June 14). 9484. Susa, b. Jan. 7, 1832. 9485. Daniel-James [9488], b. Aug. 2, 1833. 9486. Samuel, b. Sept. 12, 1836. 9487. Rebecca-Ann, b. AprU 30, 1888. 9488. Daniel-James [9485] (Samuel, Daniel), b. Aug. 2, 1833 ; res. Washington, D. C. ; m. CeciUa Downey, of Washington, D. C, Nov. 3, 1858. ChUdren b. in Washington, D. C. 9489. John-Henry, b. July 29, 1859. 9490. Mary-Ann, b. AprU 3, 1862. 9491. Katie-Correta, b. Nov. 18, 1864. 9492. Daniel-James, b. Jan. 23, 1866. APPENDIX TWO. INFORMATION RECEIVED SINCE THE FOREGOING PAGES WERE PREPARED FOR THE PRESS. 9493. Marcellus-Moores® [6184] (Walter', Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 2, 1833, in Anson, Me. ; he eraigrated to Cal. in Jan. 1854, but now res. in Chicago, III.; ra. Louisa-Frances Hararaer; she was b. Oct, 21, 1838, in Mansfleld, Ohio. 9494. Clarence-Marcellus, b. Oct. 13, 1862, at Sacramento, Cal. 9495. Herbert-Wakefleld, b. Nov. 20, 1868, at Sacramento, Cal. 9496. Flora-Ella, b. Mar. 15, 1866, at Chicago, III. 9497. Lester-Hararaer, b. Mar. 26, 1869, at Chicago, IU. • 9498. Frank, b. Jan. 2, 1871, at Chicago,^ III. ; d. Jan. 21, 1871. 9499. Timothy® [936] (Abel®, Siraeon*, Joseph', John", Ed wardi), b. Mar. 28, 1779 {Chelmsford Rec); b. Sept. 1,1778 {Family Rec) ; d. Jan. 2, 1845 ; ra. Lydia Moore, Oct. 8, 1801 ; she was b. July 31, 1782, in Bradford, N. H., and was the daugh ter of P^dmund Moore ; d. Dec. 16, 1838, in Embden, Me. Children all born in Francestown, N. H. 9500. Lydia, b. July 17, 1802 ; m. Walter Spalding [6181], Oct. 29, 1829 ;. she d. Aug. 27, 1869, in Oakland, Cal. 9501. Betsey, b. Sept. 29, 1808; m. WiUiam Carter, Nov. 17, 1825; res. Leominster, Ms. 9602. Mary, b. May 4, 1805; ra, Thomas-Curtis Litchfleld, May 16, 1830 ; res. Charlestown, Ms. 9503. Oliver, b. Mar. 1, 1807. 9504. Sally, b. Mar. 25, 1809; 1st, m. Jeremiah-K. Gates, Jan. 8, 1835; he d. June 21, 1845; 2d, m. Benjamin Bracket!, AprU 18, 1866; res. Peterboro', N. H. 9506. Nancy, b. Feb. 5, 1811 ; ra. Charles Coolidge, of Westrainster, Ms., May 12, 1831 ; he d. May 23j 1866, in Westminster,, Ms. ; she now res. in Brattleboro', Vt. 9506. Harriet, b. Jan. 24, 1813; d. AprU 7, 1855; m. ^ewis Litchfleld;. removed to Kansas early in its settlement, and died there. 9507. Edmund [9683], b. AprU 14, 1815. 9508. Orrissa, b. AprU 18,1817; m. Joseph-C. Patten, Feb. 27, 1834; she d. June 16, 1857 ; res. in Anson and in North Anson; Mev 9509. Orinza, b. AprU 13, 1817 ; m. Charles PuUen. 9510. Emily-Clark, b. Mar. 2, 1819 ; ra. Leonard Townsend. 9511. Timothy-Clark [9675], b. Mar. 27, 1821. 9512. Abel-Warren [9679], b. AprU 29, 1823. 9513. Horace-Moore, b. July 9, 1826 ; res. Embden, Me. ; unmarried. APPENDIX TWO, 493 9514, Tyler® [4223] (Jereraiah'', Joseph®, John®, Sarauel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. July 12, 1797, in Stillwater, N, Y. ; d. Jan, 11, 1857, at Otto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. He was a deacon in the First Cong. Church, of East Otto, N. Y. ; m. Sa repta Chadwick, of Fort Ann, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1820. 9515. Leonard-Chadwick [9524], b. Dec. 28, 1820, at Painted Post, Steuben Co., N.Y. 9616. Harley, b. Aug. 28, 1822, at Painted Post, N. Y. ; d. Mar. 18, 1823. 9517. Lydia, b. Mar. 18, 1824, at Painted Post, N. Y. ; ra. James-L. Dewey, 1847, in Otto, N. Y. ; P. O., Medina, Lenawee Co., Mich. 9518. Tyler, b. June 5, 1826, at Painted Post, N. Y. ; d. May 11, 1827, in Otto, N. Y. 9519. Achsah-Eleanor, b. July 28, 1828, in Otto, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 1842. 9520. Calista, b. July 25, 1830 : ra. Paris Armstrong, May, 1858, in Otto, N. Y. 9521. Alexander, b. Aug. 14, 1832, in Otto, N. Y. ; d. Mar. 24, 1833. 9522. Sylvester-Coales [9525], b. May 24, 1835, in Otto, N. Y. 9523. Hanakett, b. Nov. 14, 1840, in Otto, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 1, 1865. 9524. Leonard-Chadwick^ [9616] (Tyler®, Jeremiah''', Joseph®, John®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Dec. 28, 1820, at Painted Post, Steuben Co., N. Y. ; res. Sugartown, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. ; ra. Robey-T. Larrabee, Feb. 14, 1850, in Otto, N. Y. 9525. Sylvester-Coalbs^ [9522] (Tvler®, Jeremiah'', Joseph®, John®, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), "b. May 24, 1835, in Otto, N. Y. ; P. O. address, East Otto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. ; ra. Lucy Tuller, 1859, in Otto, N. Y, 9526. Evans-Carle'' [3135] (Andrew®, Henry®, Andrew*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 10, 1812, in CUnton, Me. ; rea, Wesley, Me. ; ra. Elizabeth-Anna Rollins, May 13, 1844, in North fleld, Me. ; she was b. July 29, 1822, in Union, Me., and was the daughter of Job and Margaret (Collins) Rollins. 9527. Elzina-Bernice, h. Oct 25, 1845 ; d. May 3, 1868. 9528. EUzabeth-Anna, b. June 27, 1848 ; d. Jan. 13, 1850. 9629. Elizabeth- AbigaU, b. Dec. 4, 1850; d. Dec. 22, 1857. 9580. Maggie-Tryphena, b. Nov. 11, 1852; d. July 13, 1870. 9531. Isaac-Foss, b. Feb. 19, 1855. 9532. Edwin-Longfellow, b. May 20. 1857. 9538, Martha-Roxana, b. AprU 11, 1859. 9584. Granville-Loamrai, b. Sept. 8, 1862. 9585. Victoria, b. Feb. 20, 1867. 9536. Maj. Asa® [796] (Jeremiahs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 5, 1754, in Massachusetts; d.,in Peru, Berk shire Co., Ms., about 1832 ; m. Mary Ross ; she d. in Elbe, N. Y. \ 9587. Silas, d. in Ms. 9538. Alfred [9552]. 9539. Harvey [9544], b. Aug. 24, 1780, in Worthington, Ms. 9540. Alanson. 9541. Asa [9551]. 494 THE SPALDmG MEMORIAL. 9542. Laura, b. May 8, 1798 ; m. Ellas WUder, Oct. 2, 1815 ; she had seven children, and d. in Akron, N. Y., May 3, 1866. 9643. Paulina; m. Alfred Brown, of Worthington, Ms. 9644. Harvey' [9539] (Asa®, Jereraiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. Aug, 24, 1780, in Worthington, Ms. ; d. Jan, 21, 1837, in Vicksburg, Miss. ; ra. Teraperance Worthington, in Worthington, Ms. ; she was b in Belchertown, Ms., Feb. 12, 1778 ; d. 1821, in Elbe, N. Y. 9546. Eliza-Shepherd, b. Nov. 24, 1808 ; m. Jonathan IngaUs, Jan. 1, 1835, in Royalton, N. Y. Children : Charles-E., b. Jan. 6, 1836 ; George-A., b. Jan. 24, 1840; George-H., b. Oct. 23, 1841; Mary- Eliza, b. Oct. 27, 1845. 9546. Charles-Austin, b. Dec. 12, 1810, in Worthington, Ms. ; d. Oct, 6, 1830. in Byron, N. Y. 9647. Samuel- Worthington, b. 1813; d. 1818. 9548. Emily-Teraperance, b. Oct. 80, 1816; m. David-S. Worthington, Mar. 27, 1842. Children : Lizzie-S., b. Nov. 30, 1842 ; Mattie-G., b. Aug. 9, 1845 ; Mary-Emily, b. Jan. 27, 1848 ; Nettie, b. Aug. 10, 1857 ; the last is the only one living. 9549. Laura- WUder, b. May 9, 1818 ; 1st, ra. David-R. Dunn, Nov. 19, 1840. Children : George-R., b. Oct. 7, 1841 ; Frances-E., b. July 8, 1843; Laura-S., b. July 18, 1846 Mr. Duiin d. Feb. 24, 1850. 2d, m. M.-M. Southworth, Aug. 12, 1851; child, Charles-M., b. Mar. 6, 1853. 9560. David- Worthington [9655], b. June 2, 1820. 9551. Asa'' [9541] (Asa®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. ; d. in Flushing, N. Y. ; ra. Green, a daughter of Dr. Green, of Pittsfleld, Ms. They had two daughters. 9652. Alfred'' [9538] (Asa®, Jereraiahs, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. ; m. BaUou, of Peru, Ms, 9558. Alflred. 9654. Dorcas. 9655. David-W.® [9650] (Harvey'', Asa®, Jeremiah®, Isaac*, Edward', John", Edwardi), b. June 2, 1820; m. Lovisa Ross, of Ms. 9556. Charles. 9557. Jeddy. 9558. D.-Dunn. 9669. Temperance. 9560. William' [3870] (Leonard®, Benjamin®, Leonard*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi) ; ra. Rebecca SwaUow. Children of WiUiam and Rebecca (SwaUow) Spalding, see [7200]. 9561. WiUiam-Crocker, b. June 17, 1821, in Hebron, Me. ; d. Jan. 26, 1846, in Swanton, Ohio. 9562. Charles-Granderson, b. Jan. 17, 1824; d. March 21, 1840. 9663. Frederick-Mortimer, b. Nov. 25, 1826; d. May 24, 1847. 9564. Martlia-Maria, b. March 24, 1830; m. Lafayette Horton, Oct. 12, 1851 ; res. Des Moines, Iowa. 9666, Mary-Margarette, b. March 24, 1830; ra. Samuel-D, Johnson, Nov. 17, 1861 ; res. Des Moines, Iowa. APPENDIX TWO. 495 9666. Charles® [9657] (Leonard', Leonard®, Leonards, Tim othy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 2, 1822, in Chesterfleld, N. H. ; res. Madison Co., N. Y. ; P. O., Erieville, Madison Co., N. Y, ; ra. Harriet-Maria Howard, Feb. 6, 1850. Children all b. in Volney, Oswego Co., N. Y. 9567. Charles-Leonard-Tisdale, b. May 21, 1851. 9568. George-AlUson, b. Feb. 2, 1853. 9569. Frank- Edward, b. May 21, 1856 ; d. Oct. 7, 1868. 9670. EUanora-Eoseltha, b. Feb. 10, 1863. 9571, Ambrus-Warren, b, Feb. 17, 1818 ; he was the adopted son of Edward® [2405] (PhineasS, Phineas*, Edward', Edward", Edwardi) ; he res. in Jaffrey, N. H. ; 1st, m. Caroline- Barbour Benjamin ; she was b. 1822, in Rindge, N. H. ; she d. Dec. 31,1860; 2d, ra. Lizzie-Adelia Robinson, Jan. 2, 1852; she was of Royalton, Vt. ; was b. Nov. 7, 1824. Children all b. in Jaffrey, N. H. 9672. Charles-Arabrus, b. AprU 30, 1843. 9673. Carrie-Lizzie, b. Oct. 11, 1858. 9674. Minnie- Josephine, b. May 3l", 1864. 9675. Nathan-Weston® [6182] (Walter', Merari®, Joseph®, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), ]y_ ggpt. 24, 1829, in North Anson, Me. ; left Maine July 7, 1851 ; arrived in San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 7, 1851 ; he was the flrst of the brothers who went to Cal. ; Mar. 6, 1871, he was elected Maj^or of the city of Oakland, Cal. ; ra. Mary-Therrissa CUnkingbeard, May 26, 1854, in Campo Seco, Calaveras Co., Cal. ; she wash. Feb. 25, 1838, in St. Louis, Mo., and was the daughter of William and Nancy-Mildred (Stone) CUnkingbeard ; she emigrated with her parents from Mo. to Cal. in 1862. 9576. Madora, b. July 29, 1856, in Clinton, Araador Co., Cal. 9577. Lydia, b. Jan. 25, 1857, in Clinton, Araador Co., Cal. 9578. Nancy- Victoria, b. Mar. 19, 1860, in Sacramento City, Cal. 9579. Addie-Augusta, b. AprU 22, 1862, in San Francisco, Cal, 9680. Mary-Therrissa, b. July 17, 1864, in San Francisco, Cal. 9581. Nathan- Walter, b. Mnr. 28, 1866, in San Francisco, Cal. 8582. Esther, b. Nov. 7, 1869, in Oakland, Alameda Co., Cal. 9683. Charles-Hudson® [6183] (Walter', Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, Andrew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mslt, 12, 1831, in North Anson, Me. ; emigrated to Australia, April, 1862 ; ra. Joanna Breen, May 4, 1869, in Australia. No children (1870). 9684. Jerome® [6186] (Walter', Merari®, Josephs, Jacob*, An drew', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Dec. 12, 1836, in North Anson, Me. ; eraigrated to Cal. in 1864, and now res. in San Francisco ; m. Celestia Williams, Dec. 31, 1861; she was b. Dec 29, 1841, in Embden, Me., and was the daughter of Araos and Albrina (Rowe) WUUams, of Embden, Me, 496 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, 9585. Walter-Amos, b. July 31, 1863, in Embden, Me. ; d. Aug. 2, 1866. 9586. Hadassah-May, b. May 11, 1869, in San Francisco, Cal. 9587. Abel® [698] (AbeP, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 30, 1756. Children all b. in Clareniont, N. H, 9588. Lovell. 9589. Lebbeus [9695], b. Dec. 16, 1785. 9690. Joshua. 9691. Samuel [4511]. 9592. Zebina [4497]. 9598. Betsey. 9694. Nancy. 9595. Lebbeus' [9689] (Abel®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), ]b. Dec. 16, 1785, in Claremont, N. H. ; d. Sept. 25, 1868, in Morristown, Vt. ; he lived in N. H. until 1810, then raoved to Vt. ; bought a farm in the wilderness, cleared it up, and remained upon it until his death ; m. Mercy Spalding [2603], Oct. 20, 1816 ; she was b. Mar. 30, 1799, and was the daughter of Amasa and Mary (Roberts) Spalding ; she d. Children all b. in Morristown, Vt. A son, b. Aug. 28, 1817; d. Sept. 5, 1817. 9596. Abel [9604], b. Oct. 10, 1818. 9597. Isaac [9619], b. Dec. 80, 1820. 9598. Charles [9624], b. Mar. 14, 1824. 9699. Joseph-Warren [9627], b. July 7, 1825. 9600. Oliver [9629], b. Sept. 29, 1828. 9601. Mercy, b. Mar. 14, 1882; m. Amaziah Kidder, May 15, 1850. Lyman, b. May 10, 1834 ; d. Mar. 8, 1885. 9602. Jefferson [9633], b. May 4, 1886. 9603. Freeman [9637], b. June 18, 1839. 9604. Abel® [9596] (Lebbeus', Abel®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), i,_ Qct. 10, 1818, in Morristown, Vt. ; res. Wol cott, Vt. ; ra. Hannah-Morgan Cutler, Jan. 17, 1842. 9605. Lucius-Washington [9612], b. Nov. 7, 1842. 9606. Alvaro-Alvenus [9615], b. Oct. 19, 1844. Ahira-Lebbeus, b. July 2, 1846 ; d. April 15, 1847. 9607. Herbert-Orphenus [9617], b. Jan. 29, 1848. 9608. Mary-Olive, b. April 30, 1849; d. Feb. 29, 1854. 9609. Louisa-Jane, b. Mar. 27, 1857. 9610. Emma-Annette, b. Aug. 5, 1862. 9611. Hattie-May, b. Feb. 28, 1866. 9612. Lucius-WashingtonS [9605] (Abel®, Lebbeus', Abel®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Nov. 7, 1842; m. Anna-Sophia Bugbee, July 21, 1861. 9618. Henrietta, b. Dec. 4, 1868 ; d. Oct. 16, 1867. 9614. Lucian-Henry, b. Mar. 19, 1868; d. Sept. 12, 1868. 9615. Alvaro-Alvenus^ [9606] (Abel®, Lebbeus', Abel®, AbeP, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Oct. 19, 1844; ra, Flora- Emma Downer, July 10, 1864, 9616. Lillie. APPENDIX TWO. 497 9617. Herbert-Orphenus" [9607] (Abel®, Lebbeus', Abel®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwai-di), b. Jan. 29, 1848 ; m. Eraeline- Amelia , Aug. 4, 1866. 9618. Bertie-Bell. 9619. Isaac® [9697] (Lebbeus', Abel®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edward'), b. Dec. 30, 1820 ; res. Wolcott, Vt, ; ra. Thankful-A. Foss, July 4, 1849. .Children all b. in Morristown, Vt. 9620. Wallace- W., b. Mar. 27, 1860. 9621. Alice, b. April 16, 1851 ; m. Henry May. 9622. Martha-Ann, b. Jan. 30, 1863. 9623. EUa-C, b. Sept. 23, 1854. 9624. Charles® [9698] (Lebbeus', Abel®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. March 14, 1824, in Morristown, Vt. ; res. Craftsbury, Vt. ; ra. Lydia Glines, May 23, 1847. ChUdren all b. in Elraore, Vt. 9625. Mary, b. June 18, 1852. 9626. Adelbert-E., b. Aug. 12, 1866. 9627. Joseph-Warren® [9699] (Lebbeus', Abel®, Abel®, Jona than*, John', John", Edwardi), b. July 7, 18?6, in Morristown, Vt., where he res, ; P. O. address, Morrisville, Vt. ; ra. Livona- RandiUa Poor, July 4, 1852. 9628. Dora-Etta, b. Sept. 22, 1861. 9629. Oliver® [9600] (Lebbeus', Abel®, Abel®, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. Sept. 29, 1828; res. Stowe, Vt, ; ra. Clarissa-Ann Cady, April 3, 1853, 9630. Martin, b. April 6, 1864. 9681, Gertie-Eldora, b. April 4, 1859. 9682. Elmer-Ellsworth, b. Sept. 20, 1861. 9633. Jefferson® [9602] (Lebbeus', Abel®, AbeP, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. May 4, . 1836, in Morristown, Vt. ; m. Martha-E. Pai-ker, Nov. 2, 1856. 9S34. Lizzie-Alzethy, b. Oct. 29, 1861. 9636, Sarah-Sophia, b. Aug. 30, 1863. 9686. Carrie-OUve, b. Nov. 20, 1865. 9637. Freeman® [9603] (Lebbeus', AbeP, AbeP, Jonathan*, John', John", Edwardi), b. June 18, 1839, in Morristown, Vt. ; m. Abby Patch, Oct. 12, 1868. A son, b. May 24, 1870; d. same day. 9638. Oren, b. May 24, 1870. 9639. Benjamin' [3695] (Jonathan®, DanieP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Mar. 22, 1803, in Farmington, Me. ; d, 'Dec, 3, 1839 ; res. in Madison, Me., at the time of his death ; l;e 32 498 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. was a merchant of extensive business, and was also largely inter ested in the lumber trade ; m. Mary McLaughlin, of Starks, Me., Oct. 23, 1826 ; she was b. in Starks, Me., Sept. 3, 1805 ; she is still living on the old homestead at Madison, Me. 9640. Mahlon-Day [9644], b. Aug. 18, 1827, in Anson, Me. 9641. FrankUn, b. June 13, 1829, in Anson, Me. ; d. Mar. 2, 1832. 9642. John-Perrin, b. July 10,~ 1832, in Starks, Me. ; he is now a resi dent of Boston, Ms., and a member ofthe flrm of Nash, Spalding &Co. 9643. Justin [9660], b. Feb. 27, 1838, in Madison, Me. 9644. Mahlon-Dat® [9640] (Benjamin', Jonathan®, DanieP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug. 18, 1827, in Anson, Me. ; he now resides in Boston, Ms., and is a .meraber of the flrm of Nash, Spalding & Co. ; he was the projector of the iron vessel " Novelty " which was built by that flrm, and designed to carry liquid cargo in bulk. This has been a complete success, and it is the first vessel of the kind ever built and sailed successfuUy, It prom ises to lead the way to a great revolution in the carrying of liquids all over the world ; 1st, m. Araelia-Caroline Steward, of Anson, Me., Sept. 3, 1851 ; she d. Nov, 3, 1853, without issue ; 2d, m, Emily-Steward Smith, of Anson, Me., May 12, 1856 ; she was b. May 7, 1837, in Anson, Me, Children all b, in Boston, Ms. 9645. Frank-Perrin, b. Dec. 24, 1860 : d. Jan. 7, 1867. 9646. William-Steward, b. Feb. 17, 1866. 9647. George, b. May 21, 1866 ; d. Dec. 4, 1866. 9648. Alice-Ormond, b. Sept. 26, 1867. 9649. John-Taylor, b. April 24, 1870. 9650. Justin® [9643] (Benjamin', Jonathan®, DanieP, Henry*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 27, 1838, in Madison, Me. ; he now resides in Chicopee, Ms, ; m, Sarah-Elizabeth Cooley, of Springfield, Ms., Oct, 23, 1866, 9651, Dr.LEONARD' [5135] (Leonard®, Leonards, Timothy*, Tim othy', John", Edwardi), b. July 10, 1782; d. March 4, 1846, in Stockbridge, N. Y. ; he removed from Vermont to Smithfield, Madison Co., N. Y., in March, 1830 ; m. Sarah Fuller, of Rhode Island ; she was b. Jan, 23, 1785 ; d, Dec, 9, 1848, 9662. Rinda, m, Asa Baldwin ; res. in Wardsboro', Vt. 9653. Anna, b. ; ra. John Cudworth ; res. Courtland, N. T. 9664. PriscUla, m. GUraan How ; res, Jamaica, Vt. 9666. Arba [9666]. 9656. Harriet, m. Samuel-N. WUder; res. Saxton's River, Rockingham, 9657. Charles [9566], b. Oct. 2, 1820, in Chesterfleld, N. H, 9658. Lucina, b. Oct. 7, 1822. 9659. Lovina, b. Aug. 18, 1824. 9660. Alvin-Knapp [9661], b. March 15, 1827. 9661, Alvin-Knapp® [9660] (Leonard', Leonard®, Leonard®, Timothy*, Tunothy', John", Edwardi), b. March 15, 1827, in Ches terfield, N. H. ; m. Polly-A, Tuttle, Jan. 21, 1849 ; she was b. APPENDIX TWO. 499 Feb, 8, 1828, in Columbus, Chemung Co., N, Y., and was the daughter of Stephen-H, and Polly Tuttle, 9662, Alvin-Randolph, b, AprU 9, 1851, in Sangerfleld, Oneida Co., N.Y. 9663. Addison-Arba, b. July 23, 1853, in Sangerfleld, N. Y. 9664. Leonard- William, b. July 7, 1860, in Sherburne, Chemung Co., N.Y. 9665. Arba® [9666] (Leonard', Leonard®, Leonard®, Timothy*, Timothy', John", Edwardi), b. 1814 ; d. May 1, 1855, aged 41; res. Dummerston, Vt. ; 1st, m, Emeline Esterbrooks ; she d, about 1843 ; 2d, m, Margaret Boyden ; she d. Sept. 14, 1870. There were flve children, — two by the first marriage, and three by the second. 9666. Hoyt. 9667. Anna. 9668. NelUe. 9669. Hiram® [4957] (Warren', Uriah®, Uriah®, Samuel*, Sam uel', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 19, 1817 ; he d. in the service of his country, at Washington, D. C, March 24, 1863 ; he enlisted in Co. L, 9th New York Cavalry, as sergeant ; m. Mercy- Ann Hatch, Oct. 1, 1840. 9670. Eleanor-Maria, b. Nov. 30, 1841, in Bennington, Wyoming Co., N. Y. ; m. Ira-0.. Chadwick, July 10, 1860. 9671. Emraa-Jane, b. Nov. 16, 1843; m. James-M. Powers, March 17, 1864. 9672. Everell-Andrus, b. June 18, 1846 ; enlisted in Co. H, 20th New York Cavalry, Aug. 6, 1868 ; during his seivice, was trans ferred to Co. I, and again back to Co. H; d. at Fort McGrunder Hospital, near WUUamsburg, Va., Nov. 14, 1864; he was a bugler. 9673. Byron-Hatch, b. Dec. 1, 1848. 9674. EmUy-M., b. Oct. 1, 1854. 9675. Timothy-Clark' [9511] (Timothy®, AbeP, Simeon*, Jo seph', John", Edwardi), b. March 27, 1821 ; removed to Michigan ; m. Helena , in Maine. 9676. Lydia-M., b. Aug. 31, 1846. 9677. Timothy-A., b. March 9, 1849. 9678. Elmore-C, b. May 6, 1852. 9679. Abel-Warren'' [9512] (Tiraothy®, AbeP, Simeon*, Jo seph', John", Edwardi), b. AprU 29, 1823 ; m. Cynthia , 9680, Adelbert-C, b. July 18, 1847. 9681. Ada, b. Oct. 22, 1849. 9682. Jerome, b. July 3, 1851. 9683. Edmund' [9507] (Timothy®, AbeP, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b, AprU 14, 1815, in Francestown, N, H. ; res. Buchanan, Berrien Co., Michigan; he removed to Michigan in 1851 ; 1st, m. Susan Pierce, of Bingham, Me., Jan. 17, 1837 ; she 500 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, was b. Sept. 26, 1804, in Bingham, Me, ; she was the daughter of Calvin and Deborah (Blackwell) Pierce ; she d, Sept. 19, 1845 ; 2d, ra. Eleanor Quint, Oct. 30, 1845, in Concord, Me. ; she was the daughter of John-C. and Abigail (Bickford) Quint, and was b. July 20, 1820. The flrst six children b. in Binghara, Me. ; the others in Bu chanan, Mich. 9684. Levi- Woodbury [9696], b. Feb. 3, 1838. 9685. Lydia-Moorcs, b. March 17, 1839 ; ra. HolUs-M. White, Oct. 30, 1859; res. Stewartsville, De Kalb Co., Missouri. 9686. Ezekiel-Pierce [9703], b. June 23, 1841. 9687. Lavinia-Pierce, b. June 28, 1848; m. Hiram Bennet, Jr., Jan. 4, 1862; res. Galena, La Porte Co., Indiana. 9688. Susan- Jane, b. Sept. 5, 1846; d. July 8, 1847. 9689. Oliver, b. May 27, 1848. 9690. Esther-Eleanor, May 13, 18.50; ra. Henry-Emerson Bradley, Nov. 15, 1868; res. Dayton, Mich. 9691. Abbie-Jrancis, b. July 11, 1852; d. AprU 28, 1857. 9692. Edmund-Clark, b. Sept. 7, 1854; d. Oct. 6, 1865. 9693. AbigaU-FlavUla, b. Sept. 25, 1858. 9694. LlevfeUyn-Quint, b. Sept. 7, 1860. 9695. Charles- Walter, b. Feb. 25, 1863. 9696. Levi-Woodbury® [9684] (Edmund', Timothy®, AbeP, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. Feb. 3, 1838, at Bingham, Me. ; res. Buchanan, Berrien Co., Michigan ; he is a justice of the peace in that township ; occupation, a farmer ; m. Mary-Catharine Ingleright, Sept. 24, 1857, at Oronoco, Mich. ; she was the daugh ter of Andrew and Elizabeth (Weaver) Ingleright, and was b. Sept. 5, 1836. Children all b. at Buchanan, Mich. 9697. Mary-Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1859. 9698. Laura-Catharine, b. March 24, 1861. 9699. Ward- Lincoln, b. Aug. 3, 1863. 9700. Amos-Clark, b. Feb. 17, 1866, 9701. Ella, b Jnlv 16, 1868. 9702. Susan, b. June 1, 1871. 9703. Ezekiel-Pierce® [9686] (Edmund', Timothy®, AbeP, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b. June 23, 1841, in Bingham, Somerset Co., Me. He served four and a half years in the late war ; enlisted as private in Co. K, 12th Mich. Infantry, Oct. 16, 1861 ; was in the battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7, 1862 ; was at the siege of Vicks burg, at the capture of Little Rock, Ark., and in several smaller battles. After serving two years as orderly sergeant in Co. K, he was promoted and becarae second lieut, 'in Co. A, in the same regiment. He is a farmer, and res. in Buchanan, Berrien Co., Mich.; ra. FlaviUa Quint, Oct 16, 1866; she was the daughter of John-Clark and Abigail (Bickford) Quint, and was b. Jan. 19, 1843, in Concord, Me. Mrs. Spalding was a, public school-teacher for nine years, APPENDIX TWO. 501 9704. Alma-Evelyn, b. Dec. 8, 1867, in Buchan."in, Mich. 9706. EsteUa-Lunette, b. Feb. 15, 1870, in Buchanan, Mich. 9706. John-Franklin' [4044] (Varnum®, JohnS, John*, John', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Jan. 26, 1834, in Chelmsford, Ms. ; he is a musician, and resides in San ITrancisco, Cal. He was the originator of the celebrated " Spalding Brothers' Swiss Bell Ringers." In early life, his parents not wishing him to become a musician, sent him to a popular institution of learning at Francestown, N, H. But they were soon informed that he neg lected everything but his violin, upon which he continually prac tised from morning until night He was consequently taken frora the school, and placed under the tuition of Prof. Herman Eckhardt, a graduate of the Leipsic Conservatory, then residing in Boston. Young Spalding lived in the family of his teacher, and received from him careful and thorough instruction, both in the art of violin playing, and in composition ; enjoying the privilege of listening to, and being instructed in, the works of the great masters. After being six months with his instructor, he was placed as second vio linist in the orchestra at the theatre. Not long subsequently he was made chief of the orchestra, which position he well sustained, being a quick reader and familiar with the score. At the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861, he was among the first to volunteer, and was for a tirae band raaster in the 1st Regt. of Mass. Infantry. After the war was over, he joined the " Original Swiss Bell Ringers " as " solo violinist," and continued with thera five years. He then wentto New York, and organized a corapany of his own, " Spalding's Swiss Bell Ringers," which stiU exists. The violin playing of Mr. Spalding is characterised by wonder ful execution, taste, sweetness of tone, originality, and pathos. He has soinetiraes been called " The Ole BuU of Araerica " In rendering the " Carnival de Venice " by Paganini, and in his imita tion of the organ, the tones of his violin are said to be sometimes surprising. 9707. Frank-Abbott9 [4321] (OUve®, Cyril'. Stephen®, Jede diahs, Samuel*, John', John", Edwardi), b. July 6, 1847, in Plain fleld, Conn. He took the family name, and made his home in his earlier years with his grandfather Spalding. He is now a photographic artist in Putnam, Conn. 9708. Oliver® [963] (Jephthahs, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Ed wardi), b. Dec. 1782, in that part of Chelrasford, Ms., which is now caUed LoweU. He died in Charlestown, Ms., at the house of A.- H. White, Esq., his son-in-law, Dec. 24, 1853 ; m. Ruth Lurvy, of Amesbury, Ms., June 9, 1808. 9709. Harriet, b. Mar. 15, 1809 ; m. Ambrose-HaskeU White, AprU 21, 1834; she d. June 2, 1865, in Dorchester, Ms. 9710. Rebecca-Barron, b. Jan. 30, 1813; d. 502 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 9711. Sarah-EUzabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1818; m. Edward E. Wo^od; res. Bedford, Ms, 9712. Oliver- Prescott, b. Dec. 29, 1826 ; res. Newburyport, Ms. 9713. WiUiam, b. Aug. 4, 1831 ; d. young. 9714. George-Prescott® [5114] (Prescott', Prescott®, Jeph thahs, Simeon*, Joseph', John", Edwardi), b, Jan. 3, 1842, in Hol ton, Me. He is a successful ship-master, and at this time (1871) is sail ing for Weld & Baker, Boston, Ms. ; res. Newburyport, Ms. ; m. Hannah-Prescott Wormstead, of Newburyport, Ms., Feb, 16, 1871 ; she was the daughter of Michael and Mary Wormstead. 9715. Levi® [3738] (Thomas®, Thomas*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Nov. 18, 1758, in Westford, Ms. ; d. at Fairfax, Vt., Dec. 31, 1822 ; raoved from Chelmsford, Ms., to Stoddard, N. IL, where he lived until 1818, when he raoved, with his son Haskell, to Fairfax, Vt. ; occupation, a farmer ; ra. Mrs. Rebecca Robbins, Aug. 26, 1784 ; she d. May 31, 1821, in Fairfax, Vt., aged 61. They had flve sons b. in Stoddard, N. H. 9716. Stephen [9721], b. Aug. 27, 1786. 9717. Levi. 9718. Thomas [9743] (see Thomas [3739]. He is not the son, but the grandson of Thomas*, and the same as Thomas, son of Levi'). 9719. Ami; he went to New York State, nearly flfty years ago, and has never been heard frora since. 9720. HaskeU (see Haskell [3740]. He is not the son, but the grandson of Thomas*, and the sarae as Haskell, son of Levi"). 9721. Stephen' [9716] (Levi®, Thomas®, Thomas*, Hemy', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Aug, 27, 1786, in Stoddard, N. H., where he res. until 1819 ; he moved to Fairfax, Vt., soon after his mar riage, where he res. until his death, which occurred Mar. 30, 1863 ; m. Nancy Robbins, of New Ipswich, N, H. Mar, 1819 ; she d. Dec, 21, 1863, aged 76 yrs, 6 raos. ChUdren all b, in Fairfax, Vt. 9722. Levi-Robbins [9728], b. Feb. 11, 1816. 9723. Charles-Wesson [9736], b. Sept. 16, 1816. 9724. Eliza- Vacy, b. April 23, 1819. 9726. Susan- Sabrina, b. Mar. 4, 1822. 9726. Suel-Platt [9788], b. ,Iune 5, 1823. 9727. Harriet, b. Jan. 15, 1825. 9728.' Levi-Robbins® [9722] (Stephen', Levi®, Thomas®, Thomas*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Feb. 11, 1815, in Fair fax, Vt. ; d. Nov. 2, 1863 ; occupation, a farmer ; m. Cyrena Cox, Sept. 9, 1838 ; she was b. Jan. 8, 1816, and was the daughter of Joseph Cox, one of the early settlers of Fairfax, Vt. ; he was a soldier in the last war with England, and was at the battle of Plattsburg. Children all b. in Fairfax, Vt, APPENDIX TWO, 503 9729. Stephen- Wesson, b. June 80, 1839 ; enUsted Aug. 6, 1862, in Co, K, llth Vt. Vols. ; d. Feb. 22, 1868, at Fort Totten, Washmg- ton, D.C. ; buried in Fairfax, Vt. 9780. Everiine- Annette, b. Nov. 29, 1840 ; d. July 7, 1842. 9731,. Bradley-Jerome, b. Mar. 29, 1844; d. Nov. 16, 1853. 9732. George-Norman, b. Aug. 4, 1850 ; d. AprU 28, 1851. 9733. Dwlght-Levi, b. Feb. 11, 1853. 9734. Melissa-Jane, b. Aug. 22, 1855 ; d. Dec. 16, 1863. 9735. Charlbs-Wesson® [9723] (Stephen', LevP, ThomasS, Thomas*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 16, 1816, in Fair fax, Vt. ; d. Sept. 1843 ; m. Catharine Walker, of Fletcher, Vt., Oct. 1838. 9736. Emily. 9737. SiUssa. 9738. Suel-Platt® [9726] (Stephen', Levi®, ThomasS, Thom as*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. June 5, 1823, in FaUfax, Vt. ; d. Aug. 23, 1867 ; m. 9739. Edgar, b. about 1846. 9740. Harry, b. about 1850. 9741. Effle, b. about 1853. 9742. Cora, b. about 1860. 9743, Thomas' [9718] (Levi®, Thomas®, Thomas*, Henry', An drew", Edwardi), b. in Stoddard, N, H. ; adopted by his uncle, Aaron Spaldihg ; 1st, m. Sarah Champney, April 20, 1813 ; she d. Oct. 12, 1843 ; 2d, m. Nancy Brockney, Feb. 18, 1845. 9744. Rachel, b. Dec. 16, 1815; m. Otis Philip, of Massachusetts ; he d. 1868. 9745. Henry [9746], b. Sept. 21, 1818. 9746. Henry® [9745] (Thomas', Levi®, Thomas®, Thomas*, Henry', Andrew", Edwardi), b. Sept. 21, 1818 ; res. Enfleld Cen tre, N. H. ; m. Charlotte Spalding, 1839. She was the daughter of HaskeU [9720] and Sarah Spalding. 9747. Charles-Henry, b. July 23, 1842, in Stoddard, N. H. ; m. Jennie Hendrick, about 1863 ; enlisted and served two years in the late war; he was wounded and discharged for disabUity ; res. East Fairfleld, Vt. 9748. Martm, b. Jan. 22, 1847, in Stoddard, N. H. 9749. Alfred-Hines, b. Oct. 20, 1849, in Fairfax, Vt. 9760. Viola-Annette, b. May 20, 1861. 9761. Ida-May, b. Oct. 25, 1856. 9752. George-Washington, b. Aug. 12, 1867. 9753. Sarah-Dorcas, b. Aug. 8, 1860. APPENDIX THEEE. ABSTRACTS OF WILLS OF PERSONS NAMED SPALDING IN VARIOUS PARTS OF ENG1.ANI). [Collected by H. G. Somerby, Esq.] SPALDING, OF LONDON. 1443. John Spalding, will dated April 11, 1443. Bequeaths his soul to God omnipotent, the blessed Virgin Mary, and to AU Saints, and desires to be buried in the cemetery of the church of St. Stephens, in Coleman street. Speaks of his sisters Dompne, and wife of William Thorneys, Mercer. — In Latin. 1467. Robert Spalding, citizen and writer of London. Will dated September 30, 1467 ; proved Oct. 24, 1467. Bequeaths his soul to God, the Virgin Mary, etc. etc., and desires to be buried in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, near his father. Bequeaths a legacy to the high altar of St. Gregory's, next St. Paul's. Names his wife, Katherine, and daughters, Katherine and Margaret. Son, Edward Chamber. Brother, William Spalding. Appoints his wife executrix. Had lands in Dusford, Co. Carabridge. — In Latin, SPALDINa, OF SUFFOLK. 1521. John Spalding, of Fornham AU Saints, the Elder, WiU dated April 21, 1521 ; proved May 23, 1521. Sons, Henry and John. Daughters, Beatrice Stocking and Agnes Prince. Had freehold land in Fornham, Risby, and Hengrave. 1636. John Spalding, of Tj'mworth, near Bury St. Ed- raunds. llusbandraan. Will dated June 19, 1636 ; proved Novem ber 18, 1535. Wife, Anne. Sons, Robert, John, WiUiam, and Thomas, and daughter Ellen, all under 21 years of age. Sisters, Margaret and Isabel. Appoints his wife and John Talbot, of Tym- worth, co-executors. Had a houSe called Howletts, and land caUed Bokenams. 1646. Gilbert Spalding, of Fornham All Saints. Husband man. WiU dated July 27, 1546; proved July 12, 1646. Wife, Anne. Sons, Henry and Robert, both minors. Daughters, Anne and EUzabeth. Appoints his wife executrix, and William Spal ding the younger, supervisor. APPENDIX THREE, 505 1546. JohnSpalldynge, of Sylehara. WiU dated Sept. 12, 1546 ; proved in December, 1546. Bequeaths his soul to Almighty God, to our Lady St. Mary, and to all the holy company of heaven, and his body to be buried in the church of Syleham. Makes bequests for the reparation of the churches of Syleham, Brodishe, and Rewsale Provides for an honest priest to sing in the church of Syleham, for hira and his wife for one year, to begin within a quar ter of a j^ear next after his burial To every servant and poor person in Syleham, one penny. To the poor of the parishes of Brodish, Rewsale, Thorpe, Billingforth, Horon, Wingfield. Wey- bred, and Needham. Desires that his bell child, John Fuller, be taught to read and write a man's name. Daughters, Margerj^, Margaret, Sibyl, Katheriue, and Alice. Son-in-law, William Nor ton. Appoints his wife, not named in the will, executrix, 1526. RoBEuT Spalding, of ¦ Barton, next Bury St. Edmunds. WiU dated June 8, 1626; proved Dec. 18, 1525. Wife, Joan. Daughter, Agnes. To .John Spalding, living with hira, four combs of barley. Appoints William Cook, of Hengrave, and John Sad ler, of Barton, executors 1661. Thomas Spalding, of Walshara. Will dated July 28, 1651 ; proved April 27, 1552. Wife, Margaret. Son, John Spal ding, of Bury St. Edraunds, Capper. Daughter, Alice, wife of Robert Cook, of Hoxton. Appoints his wife and son John, co- executors. 1557. William Spaldinge, of Spexhall, Yeoman. Bequeaths his soul to God, the Virgin Mary, etc. etc. Wife, Ellen, Children, John, William, Jane, Thomasine, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Joan ; all minors. Sister-in-law, Alice Spalding. Had houses and lands in Spexhall, Walderswich, and Bulcome. Appoints his wife execu trix, and George Spalding, of Fraralingham, supervisor, 1564, Alice Spaldinge, of Wilberwick. Will dated May 11, 1564 ; proved May 18, 1564. No Spaldings raentioned. 1566. William Spalding, of Fornham St. Martin. Will dated April 10, 1565; proved May 13, 1566. Wife, Margaret. Sons, W^illiam, John, and Christopher. Appoints his wife, and son Wil liam, co-executors. 1565. Thomas Spalding, of Bury St. Edmunds, Malster. WiU dated Aug. 24, 1666 ; proved June 23, 1671. Of the parish of St. James. "Sons, WiUiam, Robert, Thomas, and John. Ap points son Robert executor. 3671-2. Henry Spalding, of Ickworth. Husbandman. Will dated Jan. 2, 1571-2; proved Feb. 23, 1571-2. To each of his children a hive of bees. Hon, William. Daughters, Barbara and Katherine. Wife, Agnes, executrix. 1568-9. Robert Spalding, of Wortham, Yeoraan. WiU dated Jan. 12, 1568-9; proved Feb. 16, 1568-9. Desires to be buried in the church. Gives to the church his organs now standing in the 506 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. chancel, and makes provision for the playing them. A marble stone to be laid over his grave. Wife, Alice, Daughter, Kath erine Notter, Godson, Robert Spalding. 1573. Thomas Spalding, of Tymworth. Husbandman. Will dated April 21, 1573. No date to probate. Wife, Agnes, Sons, Augustine and Robert, Speaks of other children. Appoints his wife executrix, William Spalding was a witness. A nuncupative will, 1578. John Spalding, of Bury St, Edmunds, Gives all to his wife Agnes. 1687. William Spalding, of Fornham All Saints. Husband man. WUl dated Jan. 13, 1587-8 ; proved Feb, 2, 1587-8, Nun cupative, Daughter, Joan, wife of William Amner, Son, WU liara, executor and residuary legatee, 1591, Robert Spalding, of Bury St. Edmunds, Yeoman. Will dated Aug. 5, 1591; proved Sept. 13, 1591, Bequeaths to the poor of the parish of St. James, to his wife Alice, certain houses during her life, then to Edward, son of his brother William, Mary, Susan, and Agnes, daughters of brother William, Brother, John, Godson, John, son of Barrett, of Bury St. Edmunds. 1599, William Spalding, of Tymworth, Yeoman. Will dated January 25, 1699-1600 ; proved February 8, 1599-1600. Wife, Alice. Brother, William, and his sons, William and Thomas, and daughters, Margaret, Mary, and Anne. Brother John, and his children Margery, Bridget, Tryfane, William, and Gilbert. An thony Ashe, son-in-law of brother William. Bequeaths to his brother William, his houses in Bury St. Edmunds, called the Swan, and Lumpkins. Provides for educating scholars at Cam bridge from the grammar school of Bury. Kinsman, Henry Kent, of Bury. To his brother John, lands in Fornham St. Martin's, purchased by testator. WUUam, son of brother John. Appoints his wife and brother WiUiam co-executors. A large niunber of legacies, some of them of value, 1613-14, Francis Spalding, of Framlingham, Will nuncupa tive, dated Jan. 7, 1613-14; proved Feb. 9, 1613-14, Bequeaths to his brother George Spalding, his lumber at Spexhall, and other goods for him and his children. 1613-14. Francis Spalding, of Framlingham, at the castle, Yeoman. Bequeaths to his executors, in trust for specified pur poses, all his houses and lands. To his brother George Spalding, 100 marks, and to his wife Mary, 50 shillings to buy something to keep in remembrance of him. To George, eldest son of brother George, £40, when 21 years of age. To Francis, youngest spn of brother George, 100 marks. To Ann, Mary and Margaret, daugh ters of brother George, each £20. To brother Thomas, £100. To sister Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Hayward, £40. To sister Mary Spalding, 100 marks. To his mother, Ann Spalding, 40 marks. APPENDIX THREE. 507 Legacies to his Uncle Richard Spalding and his children, not named. Richard, son of Thomas Spalding. Wife, Mary. Ap points his father, George Spalding, senior executor. Will dated January 7, 1613-14; proved July 11, 1614. 1616. Thomas Spalding, of Framlingham, at castle. Yeoman. WiU dated July 6, 1615 ; proved January 22, 1616-17. Wife, Jane. Son, Robert, and his daughter, Ann. Son, Richard. Daughters, Joan and Mary. Ann, daughter of William Spalding. Speaks of the will of his late father, George Spalding. A long will entailing the property, etc. 1616. George Spalding, the elder, of Framlinghara, Yeoraan. WiU not dated ; proved January 22, 1616-17. Sons, Thomas and John ; wife, Anne ; to cousin Roland Glover's wife, 10s. Wife Anne and son John, executors. Short will, 1620. George Spalding, of Spexhall, Yeoman, Will dated June 21, 1620 ; proved July 21, 1620, Wife, Sarah ; to son John, £100; to sons Thomas and Robert, each £80, when 21. To daughters Sarah and Elizabeth, each £50. Appoints his brother- in-law, John Sagar, clerk, and kinsman Williara Spalding, of Westhall, executors. A large quantity of household fumiture named in the bequests, 1617, John Spalding, of Spexhall, Yeoman. Will dated June 4, and proved Dec. 13, 1617. Wife, Alice ; sons, John and George. Daughter, Mary, now wife of Henry Lawrence, and their chil dren', John and Robert, Appoints Robert Mighells, of Wisset, executor, 1622. Ann Spalden, of Framlingham, WUl nuncupative, dated May 21, and proved June 14, 1622. Bequest to George Spalden, £7, 3s, 6d. ; he to pay out of that sum 10s. to each of his chUdren. To Dennis Browne, 10s., and to each of her two chUdren 10s. ; to Sarah Spaldinge, 10s. Her fumiture she gives to Thoraas Spaldinge, 1644, William Spaldinge, of Rendhara, Yeoman. Will dated May 13, 1644 ; proved Oct. 10, 1644, To his wife, Frances, an an nuity of £20, out of his lands. Children, William, Jane, Elizabeth, Ann, Frances, and Margaret, The daughters to have each £100 when 21 years of age, and the son the real estate. 1627. William Spalding, the elder, of Rendhara, Yeoman. WiU proved March 22, 1627-8, Son, Richard, and his son WiUiam, Daughters, EUen, Rose, aud Joan. Grandson, WUUam Letherhall, Appoints his grandson William, executor, and his own son WU Uam, supervisor. Gave to the poor of Rendham, Framlingham, BUbdrough, Sweflyn, and Saxmundhara, 1627-8. Sarah Spalding, of Friston, Widow. WiU dated Jan- U9,ry 4, 1627-8; proved January 2, 1630-1, Eldest son, John; sons, Thomas and Robert. Eldest daughter, Sarah Peterson; daughters, EUzabeth and Mary, Son-in-law, Wm. Battellee. 508 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1644-5. Richard Spalding, of Rendhara, Yeoman. WiU dated March 14. 1644-5 ; proved May 1645. Wife, Persis. Grand children, Williara, Jane, E^lizabeth, Anne, Frances, and Margaret Spalding. Appoints his daughter-in-law, Frances Spalding, widow, executrix. 1646. Robert Spalding, of Framlingham, Butcher. Will dated Sept. 27, 1646; proved March 29, 1617. Gives aU to his wife, Mary. 1642 Francis Spalding, of Cransford, Linen Weaver. Will dated Sept. 28, 1642; proved Nov. 16, 1648. Speaks of George Spalding, the elder, late pf Framlinghara, deceased, and his wife, Mary, also deceased, and their eldest son, George, and son Francis. He bequeaths all his property to Mary Baldry. 1630. Edward Spaldinge, of Exninge. Will dated Oct. 19, 1630; proved March 1, lf'30-1. Bequeaths to his wife. Matthew, his dwelling-house, land, and corn, during her life, then to son Williara. To son Richard, lease lands occupied by Thoraas Tor- ladie, carpenter. To son Edward, the house that Johnson dwells in, and lands purchased of John Redewlon. during his life, then the same to son WiUiara. Daughters, Margaret and EUzabeth. Appoints his wife and his son Williara, executors. 1630. Francis Spalding, of Tuddenhara. Will dated Dec. 10, and proved Dec. 20, 1630. Wife, Alice. Sons, William, Thomas, and John. Daughter, Ann Spalding. Grandchild, Elizabeth Spalding. Son John, executor. « 1650. William Spaldinge, of Exninge, Husbandman. Will dated March 26, and proved May 10, 1650. Nuncupative will raade four days before his death. Appoints his wife. Christian, executrix, and makes her sole legatee. 1647. John Sp.alding, of Rysbye, Yeoman. Will dated April 9, 1647 ; proved May 15, 1650. Bequeaths to his sister, Elizabeth Hammond, widow, all his lands and houses in Boxted, Shimpling, Hartest, Stansted, and Somerton, during her life, then to her eldest son, Thomas Hammond; to his nephew, Robert ' Spalding, £100. Speaks of his houses and lands in Bury St. Edmunds. Appoints his brother-in-law, William Hall, the older, of Risby, and nephew, Philip Hammond, executors. 1649-60. Henry Spaldin, of Wicken, Co. Cambridge, hus bandman. WiU dated March 23,1649-50; proved Oct. 9, 1660. Wife, Mary. Daughters, Annis and Alice. Brother Robert, to be guardian to daughter Annis. Wife, executrix. 1637. Samuel Spalding, of Bury St. Edmunds, Yeoman. Will dated Sept. 3, and proved Dec. -29, 1637. Brother Robert, of Hepworth. Brother-in-law, ,Iohn Gilley, of Hansted. Sister, Bridget Spalding. Bequeaths all his goods, etc., at Hunington, to his mother, Bridget Spalding, and appoints her executrix. APPENDIX THREE, 509 1639. Bridget Spalding, of Homingsheath, Widow. Will dated July 10, and proved Dec. 4, 1639. Son-in-law, John Gilley, and his wife, Elizabeth. Daughter, Bridget Spalding ; son, Gil bert, deceased, and his sons, Gilbert and George, not 21. To sister-in-law, Elizabeth Hammond, of Boxted, a jug tipped with silver. To Ann, wife of son Robert, one of her silver bowls, etc. Legacies to the poor of several parishes. Appoints her son Rob ert, executor. 1632. Gilbert Spalding, of Hawsted, Yeoman. Will dated Nov, 8, and proved Nov. 22, 1632. To his eldest son, Gilbert, the reversion of lands settled on testator's father, Gilbert Spal ding. Youngest son, George. Wife, Susan, executrix. 1634. Gilbert Spalding, of Halsted, Yeoraan. Will dated June 8 ; proved Ang. 9, 1634. Wife, Bridget; sons, Robert and Samuel ; daughter, Bridget ; son-in-law, John Gilley. Speaks of lands forraerly belonging to his raother, Elizabeth Spalding, de ceased. Son Robert, executor. 1606, Ann Spalding, of Risby, Singlewoman. Will dated July 18 ; proved Aug. 4, 1606. To each of her brothers, Gilbert and John Spalding, £20 ; and to her brothers-in-law, Philip Ham- raond and William Hall, each £20. 1608. John Spalding, of Fornham St. Martin, Yeoman. Will dated May 8 ; proved July 27, 1608. Wife, EUzabeth; son, GU bert ; daughter, Margery Baker ; daughter, Bridget, wife of George Derisly ; daughter, Tryphena. Son John, executor. 1624. William Spalding, of Great Barton, Yeoman. Will dated Nov. 2, 1624; proved July 10, 1626. Sons, WiUiam, Henry, of Bury St. Edmunds, Christopher and Robert. To daughter, Alice Spalding, £100. 1626. Augustine Spalding, of Tymworth, Hnsbandraan. Will dated Nov. 29; proved Dec. 11, 1626. Wife, Elizabeth. Sons, Thomas. John, and WiUiam. Daughters, Margaret, Ann, Eliza beth, Alice, Susan, and Sarah. Speaks of his lands in Fornham. Wife and son Thomas, executors 1604. Elizabeth Spalding, of Hawsted. W Ul dated AprU 3 ; proved April 23, 1604. Sons, John and Gilbert. To daughter Ann Spalding, £100. Legacy to little Gilbert Spalding. Had twelve grandchildren. Appoints her son, GUbert Spalding, of Hal sted, and Williara HaU, of Risby, executors. Had lands in Boxted, Shirapling, Hartest and Somerton. 1663. William Spalding, of Wortham, Linen Weaver. WiU dated July 22 ; proved Sept 4, 1663. Wife, Mary. Daughters, EUzabeth and Margaret. 1663. Edward Spalding, of Exning, Basket Maker. WUl dated July 18; proved Aug. 8,1663. Desires to be buried with his forefathers, in the churchyard of Exning. Wife, Jane, to bring up the childten. Sisters, Joan, Alice, and Mary. 510 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. 1645. Robert Spalding, the elder, of Moulton, Husbandman, WiU dated March 27, 1645 ; proved July 6, 1650. Ellen Spal ding, daughter of son John, deceased. Sons, Henry and Robert, 1655. John Spalding, of Wisset, Yeoman. Will dated May 3, 1655 ; proved Dec. 10, 1659, Wife, Margaret, Son, Thomas. Son, Richard. To his youngest son John, £3, 6s, 8d., left him by the will of his grandfather, testator's father. To Tabitha, widow of eldest son John, deceased, and her chUdren, £140, Daughter, Elizabeth Barwick. Grandchild, Elizabeth Wodd, Grandchild, William Fuller. Legacies to his wife's three children. Extracts from the Parish Register of St. James, in Bury St, Edmunds, County of Suffolk. The registers begin in 1568. baptized, 1676. April 4. Mary, daughter of Thomas Spalding. 1582. July 23. John, son of WUliam Spalding. 1584. Oct. 26. WiUiam, son of WUliam Spalding. 1685, June 22. Thomas, son of Spalding. 1622. May 21. Grace, daughter of Henry Spalding. 1623. Oct. 2. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Spalding. 1625. Nov. 2. Mary, daughter of Henry Spalding. 1626. Oct. 19. Eoger, son of Henry Spalding. 1628. Nov. 13. Ann, daughter of Henry Spalding. 1634-5. Jan. 24. Susan, daughter of Henry Spalding. MARRIED. 1621. July 16. Henry Spalding and Grace Sharp. SPALDING, OF CAMBRIDGESHIRE. 1543, John Spaldynge, of Stetchworth. WiU dated Oct, 17, 1543 ; proved January 26, 1643-4. Wife, Janp. Son, John, Daughter-in-law, Ursula Dawson. Daughter-in-law, Margaret Onge. Had lands in SwaflTam Prior. 1582, John Spaldinge, of Swaflf ham Prior, Laborer. WiU dated April 17 ; iJroved AprU 28, 1582, Wife, Ann. Sons, William, Thomas, and Robert. 1576. William Spalding, of Wittlesey St. Andrew. Hus bandman. WiU dated Feb. 21, 1576-7; proved July 24, 1577. Wife, Margaret. Sons, John and Ralph. Daughter, Joan. 1619. Thomas Spaldinge, of Leverington, in Parson Drove. WiU dated Aug. 30, 1619; proved Oct. 30,1629. Wife, Ellen. Daughter, Alice Spalding, not 21. Sister, Alice Borough, of Lev- erinton. Brother, John, and his daughters, Joan and Thomazine. Brother, William. 1669. Samuel Spalding, of Cambridge, Gentleman. Will dated August 16, 1669; proved Feb. 12, 1069-70. Now wife, Eliza beth. Son, Samuel, and his son Daniel, not 21. Son, Nicholas Jacob, Esq. Son-in-law, Wm. John Goach. Daughter, Mary, APPENDIX THREE. 511 wife of Nicholas Jacob, Daughter, Elizabeth, wife of John Goach, Gent. Wife's brother, Wm. Thomas Martyn. Cousin, Wicksted Weld, Esq. Cousin, Lionel Spalding, of Southwark, SPALDING, OF YORKSHIRE. 1638, Michael Spalding, of Boswick, Clerk, WiU dated March 14, 1638 ; proved AprU 28, 1660, by Mary Spaldmg, one of the surviving executrixes. Desires to be buried in the chancel of the church of Kilwick, Wife, EUzabeth. Brother, Thomas, Brother, Alexander Spalding, late of Beverly, deceased. Brother Richard, " Children, Frances, Mary, Katherme, and Elizabeth, aU young. SPALDING, OF LINCOLNSHIRE. 1571. John Spalding, of Lowth, Yeoman. Will dated Oct. 20, 1571 ; proved Feb. 7, 1671-2. To his brother Stephen, the house he now occupies, during his life, then to his son Richard. Wife, Jenet. Brother Richard, of West Rasen. Kinsman, John Hop- kin. Kinsman, Thomas Spalding, of Wragby. Appoints his brothers, Stephen and Richard, executors. 1658. Richard Spalding, of Bicker, Husbandman. Will dated Dec. 20,1658; proved June 3, 1659. To the flve children of Thomas Mode, which he had by his wife Frances Spalding, £10, to be equally divided between them. SPALDING, OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1570. Edmund Spaulding, of Camerton. Will dated Dec. 26, 1570; proved April 4, 1571. Wife, Katherine. Sons, John, Si mon, Richard, and William. Daughters, Edith, Joan, Anne, and Mary. SPALDING, OF SUSSEX. 1625. Robert Spaldinge, Bachelor of Divinity, parson of Slaugham. WiU dated Aug. 1, 1625; proved May 13, 1626, Desires to be buried in the church near the pulpit. Wife, Sibilla, Brother, Mr. Doctor Dee, Brother, Daniel, Son, Robert, Daugh ters, Mary and Jane, SPALDING, OF HEREFORDSHIRE. 1651, Alice Spalden, of Orleton. Will dated Nov, 25, 1651 ; proved July 23, 1652, No Spaldings named, SPALDING, OF BRISTOL. -..1412. Richard Spaldyng, Esq., Burgess, of Bristol, Will da!ted' March 20, 1412-13 ; proved Oct. 31, 1413. Bequeaths his ^\ .to God, St. Mary, and all the Saints, and desires to be buried before the altar of St. George, the Martyr, in the Carraelites church, at Bristol. A legacy to Redclifle Church. Wife Marga ret, executrix. 512 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, SPALDING, OF ESSEX. 1608. Edward Spaldinge, of the parish of St. James, in Col chester, Carpenter. WiU dated December 4, 6th James I. To his wife, Margaret, the house where he resides, during her life ; she to keep it in repair to the amount of 20s. a year. After her death, the house to son Robert ; if be dies without issue, the house to be sold and the proceeds to be divided between his daughters. To his daughter, Mary Lies, wife of John Lyes, of Colchester, 20s., and to their daughter Priscilla, 20s, To daughter Frances, wife of Daniel Huson, 20s., and to their daughter Frances, 20s. To Susan Spalding, 50s. ; to daughter Anne Spalding, 50s. Wife, executrix. A nuncupative will of Margaret Spalding, without date of mak ing or probate ; gave all her property to be divided among her children. Her daughter Susan to have beside, her mother's gown, a petticoat and hat. A note states that she was buried on the 19th of March [Quaere, 1608-9]. APPENDIX FOUE, GENEALOGY OF THE TOPPANS,* The family of Toppan, variously written Topham, TopJian, -and Tappan, derive their surname from the village of Topham, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, in which county they resided from a remote period. That branch from which the American Toppans are descended resided at Linton, vyhere, in 1650, Robert Topham died, leaving a son Thomas, of Arnclifie, near Linton, whose death occurred in 1589, and he was buried in the church of ArncUfle. His son Ed ward, who wrote his name Toppan, resided at Aiglethorpe in the same neighborhood, and had his pedigree with armorial bearings recorded in the College of Arras. William, the fourth son of Ed ward, was of Calbridge, where his son Abrahaih, the subject of our notice, was baptized on the 10th of April, 1606, and after he becarae of age, reraoved to Yarmouth, where two of his chUdren were born, his wife, whom he married at Norwich, being Susannah Taylor. In the month of May, 1637, he embarked on board the " Mary Anne " for New England, and took up his residence at Newbury, in October of the same year. A docuraent still pre served in the Public Record Office in London, has the following entry respecting his having taken the oath of allegiance and con formity to the church of England, which was exacted of every one before they were permitted to leave the country : — - "May the 10th, 1637. The examination of Abraham Toppan, of Yarmouth, Cooper, aged 31 years, and Susannajhis wife, aged 30 years, with 2 children, Petter and Elizabeth, and one mayd sarvant, Anne Goodin, aged 18 yeares, are desirous to passe to New England to inhabitt." In October, 1637, Abraham Toppan was in Newbury, as appears by the following extract from the town records : — " Abraham Toppan being licensed by John Endicott, Esq., to live in this jurisdiction, was received in the town of Newberry, as an inhabitant thereof, and have promised under his hand, to be sub ject to any lawful order that shall be made by the towne." Oct. 1637, Abraham Toppan. * All that relates to the Toppans in England, and much relating to them in America, has been fumished by H. G. Somerby, Esq. He has collected a large amount of material m regard to this family, which it is hoped he may put into a permanent form. 38 514 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. ChUdren of Abraham and Susanna Toppan. Peter, b. 1634; m. Jane Batt, AprU 8, 1661. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 16, 1636 {Savage, vol. 4, p. 253) ; m. Samuel MighiU, Mar. 21, 1667. Abraham, b. 1644; m. EuthPike, Nov. 9, 1670. Jacob, b. 1645 ; m. Hannah SewaU, Aug. 24, 1670. Susannah, b. June 13, 1649. John, b. AprU 23, 1651; 1st, m. Martha Brown, Sept. 3, 1688 ; 2d, m. widow huth Heard, in 1717. Isaac, b. ; 1st, m. Hannah Kent, Sept. 29, 1669; 2d, m. Mary March, Mar. 27, 1691. Abraham Toppan resided a few rods north of the 1st parish meeting-house in Newbury, He d. Nov.. 5, 1672, His widow d. Mar. 20, 1689, The following is a copy of Abraham Toppan's WiU: — In the name of God, Amen. * I Abraham Toppan, of Newbury, in the county of Essex, being through mercie at present in good health, and of sound memory, and understand ing, blessed be God, doe make this, my last will and testament, in manner following : First, I commit my soulboth in life and death, in the hands of Almighty God, roy most merciful Creator, through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, my alone Saviour, and ever blessed Redeemer, through the power and presence of his holy and good spirit, and my body to the earth whence its original was taken, to be decently buried by my executors hereafter named, in hope of a happy resurrcL'tion in the great day of the man Christ Jesus, to whom be glory forever, amen. And for the good things of this world, which it hath pleased God to commit to my care and management during my pilgrimage in the present life, I doe as much as in me lieth, give and dispose as followeth : First, whereas by a certain agreement or covenant in writing, hearing date the 80th of July, 1661, I have granted to my son Peter Toppan, one half or moiety of the home lott consisting of 26 acres of orchard, plow ing, and pasture land, with the one half of all my other land, dividend, meadow and marsh in Newbury, aforesaid with the clear half of all the liberties, privileges, and appurtenances to the same belonging with half of the barn and outhouses as in the said covenant is expressed, wherein men tion also is made of his having the other half after my own, and my wife's decease in considerations tlierein provided and performed ; yet forasmuch as my son Jacob is shortly by God's permission to enter marriage with Hannah, the daughter of Henry and Jane SewaU, and to live in the bouse with myself and wife, and that my son Peter is through God's blessings on his labours and the estate he received from me and raised betwixt us, otherwise well provided of housing and otherwise, my full m:nd and desire is that my son Peter be content to let fall bis claime unto the other, the half part of the houses, land, and others the premises before expressed mentioned in the said covenant to the end my son Jacob may inherit the salne; and.in case my son Peter be willing to answer my desire, I then give and bequeath unto him the sum of £20 payable in 12 months by my son Jacob in corne or neate cattle not exceeding 7 years old, or over, both at pr-ice current ; but if my son Peter shall refuse to grant my desire herein, then my will and mind is as hereafter expressed. First, that the legacy of £20, payable unto him by my son Jacob be voyd, and as if it had never been mentioned. Secondly, that my son Peter shall pay unto my son Jacob his heirs or assigns the full price which the sayd half house, lot, and all other the APPENDIX EOUR, 515 premises before and in the aforesaid covenant mentioned shall amount unto within £10, as they shall be valued at by indifferent and'experienced men with respect to the station, situation, and qualities of the said hous ing, and lands, and other the premises aforesaid, the appraisers to be ap pointed by my overseers or the surviver of them, and in case of tlieir de cease before that time, the valuation to be made or appraisers to be appointed by Stephen Greenleaf, Sen., and John Webster, Sen., or the surviver of them. Thirdly, my will and mind is that the foresaid pay ment to my son Jacob to be made within six months after my own and my wife's decease one third part in merchantable wheat sound and well dressed, and one third part in neat cattle not exceeding seven years old, and the sayd wheat, barley and cattle at money rates or prices. These things I conceive just and equal, having done for my son Peter beyond what I have done or can doe, in proportion for the rest of my children, and some other considerations respecting my son Jacob, who is now to match with one who hath a considerable sum or estate, and the good service by him done for the beneflt of my whole, family, and more especially in my elder years ; and it is my will and mind that in case of non-payment as aforesaid, unto my son Jacob, his heirs and a.ssigns, that the said home lott and all other the premises aforementioned, shall be the proper inheritance of my son Jacob, and Hannah, his wife, and the heirs of their two bodies, lawfully to be begotten betwixt them, their heirs and assigns forever ; and for the want of such issue at the desease of my said son Jacob, and Hannah, his wife, I give and bequeath the said home lott and all other the premises aforesaid, unto my sons Abraham, Isaac, and John Toppan, equally to be distributed among them, or the survivers of the'm, their heirs and assigns forever. Also I give and bequeath unto my son Jacob, my hay-lot at Plum Island, which I purchased of Richard Dum- mer, sometime the lot of David Wbeeler. Item, I give unto my sons Abraham, Isaac, and John, £10 apiece, and to my son-in-law Samuel Mlghill and his wife, to be paid by my son Jacob, in 12 months' time after my decease, and to my grandchildren, Elizabeth £20, and to Peter and Samuel, £10 apiece, payable also ia 12 months after iny decease, and for the better encouragement of my said son Jacob, and Hannah, his wife, I hereby promise and grant unto my sayd son Jacob, and his wife Hannah, equal use, beneflt and advantage of my housing, land, appurtenances and privileges, household goods, and stocks of cattle of all sorts, equal with myself and wife during our lifes, and after our decease the whole, not formerly bequeathed in this, my will, excepting as ehaU out of my said stock and other estate be by me disposed of in my lifetime unto my other children, not exceeding £75 in the whole, and for the sure performance of this, my last will and testament irrevocable, I do constitute and appoint ray beloved wife Susanna, and my son Jacob, my executors, or the surviver of them to be sole executor, and my Christian friends, Archelaus Woodman, Tristian Coffin, overseers thereof, to whom I give 6 ShiUings apiece, and, in case of any difference arising betwixt my sons Peter and Jacob, or any other of my children respecting this my will, it is my wiU and mind that it be determined by my overseers before mentioned. Witness my hand and seal the 20 day of June, 1670. ABRAHAM TOPPAN. Signed, sealed and delivered, in presence of Mary Last, Joseph Hills, Henry SewaU. Also before the signing hereof, it is declared that £50 of the £75 re ferred to in this my last wUl, is for my son John, in case he lives to the full age of 21 years, if not, £25 of it I give to Abraham and Isaac, also a feather bed and furniture belonging to my sons after my own and my wife's decease. 516 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Dr, Peter Toppan^ was b, in 1634, in England {Savage, vol, 4, p, 253) ; m. Jane Batt, AprU 3, 1661, He was a physician, and d. Nov, 3, 1707. Children, Peter, b. Dec. 1662 ; d. young. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 13, 1666 ; m. Nathl. Clark, Dec. 1685. Peter, b. Dec. 22, 1667 ; m. Sarah Greenleaf, April 28, 1696. Samuel, b. June 5, 1670 ; m. AbigaU Wigglesworth, in 1702, Christopher, b. Dec. 15, 1671. Jane, b. Jan.- 4, 1674, Rev. Christopher Toppan' was b, Dec. 15, 1671, in New bury, Ms.; '1st, m. Sarah Angler, Dec. 13, 1698; she was daughter of Edraund Angler, of Cambridge, Ms. ; 2d, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Dumnfer, Jan, 28, 1739 ; grad, H, U, 1691 ; ord. pastor ofthe 1st church in Newbury, Ms., Sept. 9,1696; d. July 23, 1747. Rev. John Tucker, D. D., was settled as his colleague, Nov. 20, 1745. There was only the ordinary course of events in the ministry of Mr. Toppan, until the establishment of an Episcopal church in Newbury, about 1711 (see letter of Mr. Toppan to Cotton Mather, dated Nov. 28, 1712, in tbe Library of the Amer. Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Ms.). [Coffin's Hist. p. 184.] The town granted certain flats above Holt's rocks to Moses Chase and others to flsh on, on condition they pay as an acknowl edgment to the town two salmon per year, one to Mr. Toppan, ye other to Mr. Tufts, if they catch them. [Coffin's Hist. p. 189.] July 9, 1724, Mr. Toppan wrote a long letter to Cotton Mather, concerning the Araphisbena (see extract in Coffin's Hist. p. 195). The whole letter is in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Ms. In 1741 and '42 commenced the great excitement on the subject of religion. See Boston Evening Post, May 3, 1842, also May 7, May 22 ; Boston Gazette, June 29, [Coffin's Hint, pp, 212-217,] On the monuraent of Mr, Toppan is the following inscription : — "Here lyes the Body of the Rev. Mr, Christopher Toppan, Master of Arts, fourth Pastor of the Pirst Church in Newbury, a Gentleman of good Learning, conspicuous Piety and Virtue, shining both by his Doctrine and Life, skUled and greatly improved in the Practice of Physic and Surgery, who deceased July 23, 1747, in the 76th year of his age, and the 51st of his Pastoral Office." [Covin's ZKsJ. pp. 376 and 377.] Children, Christopher, b. Feb. 24, 1700. Edmund, b. Dec. 7, 1701. Bezaleel, b. Mar. 7, 1705; grad. H. C. 1722; m. Sarah Barton, of Salem, Ms. Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1707 ; m. Ezekiel MighUl, Oct. 2, 1735. Susanna, b. ; m. Benjamin Woodbridge, AprU 12, 1739. Eunice, b. Sept. 1, 1710; m. Eleazer Pierce, Sept. 6, 1789, Dr, Edmund Toppan^ was b. Dec, 7, 1701, in Newbury, Ms, ; d. Nov, 28, 1739, aged 38, of consuraption ; grad, at H, C, 1720; APPENDIX FOUE. 517 res. in Hampton, N. H., ; m. Sarah Wingate, June 29, 1727 ; she was the daughter of Capt. Joshua and Mary (Lunt) Wingate, of Hampton, N, H, She was b. Nov. 28, 1705 (see account of the Wingate family in the Gen. Reg.,yo\. 9, pp. 143-145). In this account Sarah is said to have been bom Dec. 8, 1705. The other date is taken from an old Concordance in Hampton. She was buried in the ground near the Academy in Hampton, N, H, The foUowing inscription is upon her grave-stone : — In Memory of SARAH TOPPAN, Relict of Dr. Edmund Toppan, who died July 10, 1811, in the 96th year of her age. Having uniformly adorned her early profession of the Gospel, she en joyed for a long time, and to an uncommon degree the consolation of God, and hopes of immortal life. If we believe that Christ rose from the dead, them also who sleep in Jesus, shaU God bring with him. ChUdren. Sarah, b. AprU 12, 1728; 1st, m. Jabez Smith; 2d, m. Col, John Webster. Mary, b. May 18, 1730; d. Aug. 14, 1745. Ann, b. Sept. 15, 1732 ; d. May 22, 1751. Christopher, h. Jan. 18, 1735. Edmund, b. 1739 ; d. Peb. 9, 1740. Col. Christopher Toppan^ was b, Jan. 8, 1735, in Hampton, N. H. ; res. in his native town, and in the house of his father. He represented Hampton in the General Court, in 1762, '65, '68, '71, '74, '83, and 1789. He was chosen delegate to the Conven tion to revise the Constitution, Aug. 8, 1791. He was one of a company of gentlemen in Hampton, who engaged to flnd, each of them, a man to join the army in the field, Sept. 1776 ; he d. Feb. 2^, 1818, aged 83 ; he lies in the ground near the Academy, Hampton, N. H, "The following is the inscription on his grave stone : — In Memory op the ¦ Hon, CHRISTOPHER TOPPAN, who died Feb. 28, 1818, aged 88. He m. Sarah Parker ; she was b. in Portsmouth, N. H., and was the daughter of Hon. Williara and Elizabeth (Grafton) Parker ; she d. July 26, 1837, aged 91 (see Rambles about Portsmouth, 518 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. N, H.) ; she is buried in the ground near the Academy, in Hamp ton, N. H, The following inscription is on her gravestone : ^ SARAH, relict of the Hon. Christopher Toppan, daughter of the late Judge Parker, of Portsmouth, Ob. July 26, 1837, aged 91. " Her life adorned the Christian character." Christopher and Sarah Toppan were admitted to full communion in the church at Hampton, N, H., Mar. 12, 1769. ChUdren. Abigail, b. May 1, 1770; bap. May 6, 1770; d. Sept. 11, 1866, In Hampton, N. H., aged 96 yrs. 4 m. 10 days, unmarried. Sarah, b. May 18, 1775 ; m. Rev Nathaniel Thayer, D.D., Oct. 22, 1795 ; he grad. H. U. 1789 ; she d. June 22, 1857, aged 82 yrs. 1 m. 4 days. Edmund, b. Sept. 26, 1777. Mary-Ann, b. Oct. 27, 1780; m. Hon. Charles-Humphrey Atherton, Oct. 80, 1803; she d. Oct. 15, 1817, aged 36 yrs. 11 m. 18 days. Hon. Edmund Toppan^" was b, Sept. 25, 1777, in Hampton, N. H. ; grad. at H. C. 1796 ; studied law with Hon. Theophilus Parsons, in Newburyport ; Went into the practice of law in Ports mouth, N, H., in 1799; removed to Deerfleld, N. H., in 1800; after his house was burned, in which he lost his entire library, he removed to Hampton in the autumn of 1803 ; he represented Hampton in the Gen. Court, in 1809, '18, '22, and 1826. He was selectman in 1808. He was, for a number of years, postmaster of Hampton, and attended somewhat to the practice of his profes sion, though he rarely was at court. He d. very suddenly, July 29, 1849, aged 72 ; he m. Mary Chase June 22, 1799 ; she was the daughter of Stephen and Mary (Frost) Chase, and was b. Nov. 15, 1776, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; she d. in Hampton, N. H., Dec. 2, 1857, aged 81 (see the Chase Genealogy, App. Five, pp. 522-526). Children. Christopher-Stephen, b. June 16, 1800, in Portsmouth, N. H. Elizabeth-Grafton, b. July 27, 1802, in Deerfleld, N. H.; d. Mar. 17, 1885. Mary-Chase, b. Mar. 17, 1804. in Hampton, N. H- Edmund Willoughby, b. Sept. 14, 1808, in Hampton, N. H. ; m. Abigail-March Pickering, of Greenland, N. H., May 17, 1832; he d. May 17, 1846. Sarah-.Tane, b. Aug. 27, 1810, in Hampton, N. H. ; d. Feb. 17, 1816. Sarah-Jane-Parker, b. Sept. 7, 1822, in Hampton, N. H. ; m. Rev. Samuel-Jones Spalding [8907], Sept. 16, 1851. Hon. Christopher-Stephen Toppan^i, b. June 16, 1800, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; ra. Ann-Elizabeth Salter, April 10, 1827 ; she was b. AprU 5, 1799 ; she d, Feb. 1, 1868 ; he d. Oct. 3, 1861, at Gorhara, N. H, APPENDIX FOUR. 519 HON. CHRISTOPHER 8. TOPPAN, The foUowing sketch is frora the Portsmouth Journal, Saturday Oct. 5, 1861 : — The sudden and unlooked for death of Mr. Toppan has raade a profound impression upon our city. He had been faltering for some months, but not enough to arrest general notice, though the fears of his friends had been for some time awakened. He left town a few days ago with Mrs. Toppan, and two of his relatives, for the region of the White Mountains for the beneflt of his health. He had been a short time at Gorham, N. H., and on Wednesday even ing, having raade au arrangement for an excursion on the follow ing day, retired apparently in his usual health, and died in a short time. Mr. Toppan was born in this city, and was connected with one ¦ of the most prominent families in the State. He was the son of the late Hon. Edraund Toppan, for raany years one of the most sound and influential members of our State Legislature. Mr. Toppan in early life received a regular mercantile education in Boston. About the time of his majority he came to this city and became connected in business as a ship-owner and merchant, with his relative, the late Theodore Chase, — one of the raost able and successful ship-owners in the country. As a business man and a merchant, he was sagacious and pru dent, avoiding alike the timidity and the recklessness which so often occasion failure. He soon took his place among the most prominent business men of this city ; and he has been among the most successful and liberal of our merchants. He was for nearly forty years ¦ a director in some one of our banks, in which position he rendered valuable services. His busi ness education and habits, his caution and sagacity, rendered him a valuable bank director. He has been for a long time one of the Trustees and one of the Investment Committee of the Portsmouth Savings Bank, In this last named institution, so valuable to this city and this neighborhood, Mr, Toppan took a great interest, and the value of his services was commensurate with the interest he felt. He was gratifled to witness the beneflcent eflect of this insti tution upon the young and upon people of small raeans ; and was untiring in his efforts to raake it the source of good to the public. He was the efllcient financial manager of the funds of one or more of our benevolent institutions. He was formerly Mayor of the city, and in effect for several years superintendent and direc tor of our public schools. In aU "these trnsts and positions he ex hibited that sagacity, ability, and fidelity which have uniformly marked his life. In the death of Mr. Toppan, not only the city has sustained a great loss, but almost every benevolent and corporate association will feel this bereavement. Few men in our community enjoyed so 520 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. entirely the confldence of the public. So far from desiring to at tract public notice, he sought to avoid it. He was at as much pains to conceal from the public that kindness of heart and real benevolence which were an ineradicable part of his nature, as many men are to exhibit the appearance of what they do not pos sess. When any of his acts of benevolence accidentally became known, and few men did more of them, he seemed to be as much annoyed as most men are if detected in a fault. He had a strong religious feeling, which he was at much pains to conceal. His at tachments to his family and relatives was as much a necessity of his nature as a duty. His adherence to his friends was as unwavering as his integrity. His fidelity to every trust seemed to be an im pulse as well as a principle. He would have been willing longer to have continued his valua ble and acceptable services as Maj'or, if he could have served the city without its being known to the public that he was an ofllcer. Our schools, Sunday and secular, our churches, and all institutions to promote the moral, intellectual, and economical interests of our city, found in Mr. Toppan an ardent friend and supporter. He was among our raost prorainent and valuable citizens, and will live in affectionate respect of his townsmen. ACT OP the city council ON THE DEATH OP EX-MATOR TOPPAN. On Thursday evening, Oct. 3d, a joint committee of the City Council, to whom was referred the subject of the decease of Ex- Mayor Toppan, reported the following series of resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Portsmouth, That we have learned with deep sorrow and regret, the death of our esteemed fellow- citizen, the Hon. Christopher S. Toppan, Ex-Mayor of this City. Resolved, That we sincerely deplore the loss of the deceased ; a loss to his family, and to his fellow-citizens ; and that we tender our heartfelt sympathies to his distressed family in their sad bereavement. Resnlved, That the City Government attend his funeral, and that an in vitation be extended to the Ex-Mayors of the city to unite with them. Also that the flags of the city be displayed at half-mast on the day. Resolved, That his Honor the Mayor be requested to communicate a copy of these resolutions to the afflicted family of the deceased. A very large concoiuse of people attended the funeral of Hon, Christopher S. Toppan, on Monday afternoon, at the Stone Church. The services were by Rev. Dr. A. P. Peabody, late pastor of the church. They were brief and appropriate. The lodges of Odd Fellows, the City Council, and the train of carriages contain ing mourners, formed a very solemn and imposing funeral proces sion. Flags were hoisted at half-mast throughout the city, [Portsmouth Journal, Saturday, Oct. 12, 1861.] Ex-Mator Toppan. — Our New York correspondent, in a private note accompanying his last letter; thus speaks of the above gen tleman : — APPENDIX EOUR, 521 " I have seldom been more impressed with the uncertainty of Hfe, than in noticing, in the Journal, the decease of Ex-Mayor Toppan. I often met him, at midsummer, in his accustomed daily walks, and no one then seemed more likely to survive for many years to come. The Shakspearean idea, " ' The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones,' flnds a reversal in at least one act of Mr. Toppan's. I refer to his benevolence, in devoting his salary, as raayor, to provide, for all future tirae, a Thanksgiving dinner for the inraates of the almshouse. That annual feast, to which will be called ' the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind,' while a literal fulfilment of our Saviour's comraand to all on whora he has bestowed the means of doing good, will perpetuate his meraory in a way that should excite others, by deeds of equal kindness, to follow his example, " It is gratifjdng to me to know that there is at Portsmouth an , overflowing stream of delicate and reflned charity, not half of which ever reaches the public ear, that does equal credit to the city, and to those who thus, by sweet experience, " ' Learn the luxury of doing good.' " [PoHsmouth Journal, Saturday, Oct. 20, 1861. J Town Farm, — On Thanksgiving day, with several others, we visited the almshouse at noon, and had an opportunity of wit nessing its general appearance. There are now in the house 92 inraates. The whole appearance of neatness and good order, in and around the house and in the inmates, reflect ranch credit on the Superintendent, Mr. Norton, and his worthy wife. We were shown the four tables spread for the Thanksgiving dinner. Two were in the dining-room for males, and two in the female department. The tables were bountifully spread with turkeys, geese, pies, puddings, apples, bread, butter, cheese, pickles, and vegetahles, — nice enough for the Mayor and Aldermen of any city. We noticed in each room cards put up conspicuously, with this inscription, — We bless the memory of HON. C. S. TOPPAN, Mayor of Portsmouth, who, in 1857, gave $300 to constitute a perpetual hind to provide annually for the inmates of the Aims-House a Thanksgiv ing dinner. [Portsmouth Journal, Saturday, Nov. 30, 1861 .] APPENDIX FIVE GENEALOGY OF THE CHASE FAMILY. From a genealogical memoir by George B. Chase, Esq. Extract from the Parish Register of Chesham Bucks, Eng land, made bt H, G. Somerbt, Esq. Thomas Chase, of Hundrich, in the Parish of Chesham. John' Chase, of Hundrich, bap. Nov. 80, 1640. Richard" Chase, of Chesham, bap. Aug. 3, 1542, Agnes', bap. Jan. 9, 1551. William^, born in reign of Queen Mary. Christian', born-in reign of Queen Mary. Richard^ Chase, of Chesham, m. Joan Bishop, April 16, 1564. Their children were, — Robert', bap. Sept. 2, 1565. Henry'*, bap. Aug. 10, 1567. Lydia", bap. Oct. 4, 1673. Ezekiel', bap. AprU 23, 1576. Dorcas', bap. March 2, 1578. Aquila', bap. Aug. 14, 1680. Jason', bap. Jan. 13, 1583. Thomas', bap. July 18, 1585. Abigail', bap. Jan. 12, 1588. Mordecai', bap July 31, 1591, The discovery of the unique name of AquUa, found nowhere else in England, before or since, in any records of families bearing the name of Chase, was deemed conclusive proof by Mr, Somerby, as it has been since by other distinguished antiquarians, of the identity of the American with the English families. The date of birth coincided with another tradition lingering in some branches of the American family, that Aquila Chase, of Newbury, had called his flrst son, but the fifth child that was born to him, after his father's name as well as his own, " that Aquila the first was Aquila the second, too." The register at Chesham contains no other mention of Aquila, Thoraas, and Moi-decai than the record of their births. Of the seven remaining children of Richard Chase, their marriages or deaths, in some cases both, are recorded. This shows that three of the younger sons left Chesham, and lived and died elsewhere. APPENDIX EIVE. 523 Aquila^ Chase married ,* and had Thomas*. AquUa*, b. 1618, . It is probable that Thomas* and AquUa* acquired a knowledge of navigation in the employ of Thomas Chase, who in 1626 was part owner of the " John & Francis," and is named in a warrant of letter of marque issued in that year for that vessel, according to the Records of the State Paper OflSce, We now come to New England, and give herewith the AMERICAN GENEALOGY, Thomas* Chase, one of the original settlers of Hampton, was in New England as early as 1636, In 1639, he vvas, together with his brother Aquila*, afterwards of Newburj', one of the original settlers of Hampton, where he died in 1653, He married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Philbrick. His children were, I. Thomas', born 1643. In 1670 he had a grant of land of 100 acres in Hampton, and was chosen selectman in 1695. He died Octo ber 23, 1714, unmarried. n. Joseph*, born 1645, was also of Hampton. He was taken prisoner at Dover, in the assault on Major Waldron's house, 27th of June, 1689. He married Dec. 31, 1671, Rachel, daughter of WUliam Partridge, of Salisbury. He died January 12, 1718. ni.. Isaac', born in 1647. He was sometime of Hampton, but removed to Edgaitown, wliere he died May 9, 1727. He married Mary, daughter of Isaac Perkins, of Hampton IV. James*, born in 1649. He married September 2, 1675, Elizabeth Greene. V. Abraham*, born August 6, 1652. He " was slaine In ye warres " in 1676, and his estate was divided among his brothers. Aquila* Chase, of Newbury, was one of the flrst settlers or grantees of Hampton, 1639 or '40. He married Anne, daughter of John Wheeler. About the year 1646 he reraoved to Newbury, and received several grants of land there. He made frequent voyages from Newbury as master. He made his will on the 19th of Sep tember, 1670, and died on the 27th of December following. His children were, — I. Sarah*. II. Anne*, b. July 6, 1647. m. PriscUla*, b. March 14, 1649. IV. Mary*, b. February 8, 1661. V. Aquila*, b. September 6, 1652. VI. Thomas*, b. July 25, 1654, vii. John*, b. November 2, 1655. VIII. Elizabeth, b. September 13, 1657. IX. Ruth*, b. March 18, 1660. X. Daniel*, b. December 9, 1661. XI. Moses*, b. December 24, 1663. •Tradition has handed down the name of Sar.ih as the wife of Aquila^ Chase of Chesham, and it here conforms to the rule of baptism, curiously general, if nol in the gi-eiit majority of cases absolute, which prevailed among the early colonists, of naming the iiihl- born son after the paternal grandfather, the first-born daughter after the paternal grand mother, the second son after the mother's father, and so on. 524 THE SPALDING MBMORIAl, AquilaS Chase, of Newbury, a Sergeant in the Essex Regiment, was bom September 26, 1652, and died July 29, 1720, He mar ried Esther, daughter of John Bond, of Newbury, His children were, — I. Esther', b. January 16, 1674, n. Joseph^ b. March 25, 1677. m. PriscillaS b. October 16, 1681. rv. Jemima'. V. Rebecca', VI. Anne'. vn. Hannah'. vin. Abigail'. IX. Benjamin'. Joseph^ Chase, of Newbury, was born March 25, 1677, About the year 1726, he sold his extensive estates in Newbury, and removed to Littleton, Ms. He is usually styled Planter, He mar ried November 8, 1699, Abigail Thurston, His chUdren were, — I. Nathan', b. August 2, 1701. II. George', b. February 17, 1708. III. Stephen', b. October 26, 1705, ' rv. Anne', b. February 11, 1707. V. Abigail', b. March 27, 1709. VI. Hannah', b. February 25, 1711. VII. Rebecca', b. November 16, 1714. vui. Benjamin', b. June 21, 1717. IX. Joseph', b, December 8, 1719. His son, the Reverend Stephen'' Chase, was graduated at Har vard College in 1728, and was ordained at Lynn, now Lynnfield, Nov. 24, 1731. He was resettled over the parish at Newcastle, December 5, 1750, where he died January, 1778. He was distin guished for great scholastic attainraents, and enjoyed the repute of being a profound theologian. He married in 1732, Jane, daughter of Colonel Joshua Wingate of Hampton, who, as Captain Wingate, comraanded a corapany at the siege of Louisburg, and died at Harapton in 1769, having filled raany oflBces of trust in the County and Province. The children of Reverend Stephen Chase were, — I. Abraham", b, March 25, 1734 ; d. same day, II. Stephen', b. Feb. 22, 1735 ; d, December 1, 1739. ni. Joshua", b. March, 1738. IV. Jane', b. January 7, 1740, V. Stephen', b. June 22, 1742. VI. Mary', b- October 19, 1744. vn. John- Wingate', b. August 14,1749. Stephen^ Chase, raerchant, of Portsraouth, was graduated at Harvard College in 1764. In 1778, he reraoved frora Newcastle to Portsmouth, where he died in 1805. He was a gentleman of much literary culture, and was one of the founders of the Portsmouth Atheneeura, for which he drew up the constitution and by-laws. APPENDIX FIVE. 525 He married Mary, daughter of Joseph Frost, Esquire, of Newcas tle, and granddaughter of the Honorable John Frost, who was born at Kittery, March 1, 1683, and who in early life, as an ofl3cer in the Royal Navy, commanded a British ship-of-war, and was of the Governor's Council in 1727. Hon. John Frost married Mary, danghter of William, and sister ofthe first Sir William Pepperrell, Baronet. The mother of Mary (Frost) Chase was Margaret, danghter of Samuel Colton, of Springfield; The children of Stephen^ Chase, of Portsraouth, were, — I. Joseph', b. April 22, 1772; m. Margaret Chesley, of Durham. ii. William', b. Feb. 10, 1774, a merchant of Portsmouth; m. Sarah Blunt, of Portsmouth ; died, s.p., Aug. 30, 1834. ni. Mary', b. Nov. 15, 1776; m. Edmund Toppan, Esq., of Portsmouth. For the children of Mary Chase and Kdmund Toppan, see Appen dix Four, p. 518. rv. Harriet', b. Aug. 14, 1778 ; m. Oliver Crosby, Esq., of Dover, N. H. - V. Sarah', b. Oct. 23, 1780; m. J. H. Woodman, Esq., of Rochester, N. H. VI. Theodore', b. March 16, 1786; was fitted for Harvard CoUege at Exeter Academy under Dr. Abbott, from 1796 to 1800, but did not enter as candidate, as the condition of his father's health necessitated his return to Portsmouth. He became a large ship owner, and in 1831 removed to Boston, wherehe died March 13, 1859. He married AprU 26, 1831, Clarissa Andrews, daughter of Tyler Bigelow, Esq., of Watertown. Stephen^ Chase was b. in Lynn, Ms., Jan. 22, 1842 (other au thority June), and d. Mar. 31, 1805. He m. Mary Frost, July, 1771. She was b. Jan. 29, 1752, in New Castle, N. H., and d. Sept. 15, 1819, in Portsmouth, N. H. , See Memoir of Maj. Charles Frost {Gen. Reg. vol. 3. pp 249-262) ; also Frost Gene alogy {Gen. Beg. vol, 5, pp. 165-170), APPENDIX SIX. GRADUATES OF COLLEGES, AND THOSE WHO HAVE EECEIVED HONORAET DEGREES FROM THE SAMK. harvard TNIVERSITT. Sampson [600], 1732, Matthias [982], 1798, Benjamin-Adams [4052], 1840. Henry-George [8452], 1860, Edward-Reynolds [5546], 1867. Lyman [1961], medical, 1797, Reuben [5543], medical, 1836. Edward [2338], medical, 1837. Ebenezer-Farrington [6911], medical, 1866. Joseph [7674], medical, 1867, John [8823], law, 1850, Francis-Mason [4029], law, 1859. Asa [1188], honorary, 1791. TALE COLLEGE. Asa [1117], 1752, Sarauel [1119], 1777, Asa [1188], 1778, Josiah [9465], 1778. Asa [1126], 1792. Luther [2767], 1810. Josiah [5558], 1813. Rufus-Paine [2772], 1817. George [1202], 1818, Ebenezer [5747], 1838, Asa- LefflngweU [7845], medical, 1832. Benjamin-Bacon [5741], medical, 1835. / WILLIAMS COLLEGE. WiUiam-Dixon [7846], 1860, James-Field [9235], 1862, BROWN UNIVERSITY, Erastus [5559], 1821, Amos-Fletcher [7348], 1847. APPENDIX SIX. 527 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. Solomon [2642], 1785, Araos [1573], 1808. Levi [2412], 1815. Reuben [5543], 1832. Edward [2338], 1833, Jacob-Shedd [7293], 1841, Samuel-Jones [890/], 1842, Justin-White [7834], 1847, James-Alfred [4524], 1866. Noah [3077], medical, 1800, James [5508], medical, 1814, Adin [6435], medical, 1822. Phineas [5518], medical, 1823, Jason-Carpenter [5523], medical, 1828. Alfred [2342], medical, 1843. Joshua [2135], honorary, 1786, Lyman [1961], honorary, 1798, Matthias [982], honorary, 1817. Isaac [6943], honorary, 1866, Charles-W., scientiflc, 1863. MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. John [6542], 1825. Ephraim [6499], 182S. StiUman [7322], medical, 1823. James [5508], honorary, 1824. Azel [5529], honorary, 1835. Reuben [5543], honorary, 1835, Americus-V,, honorary, 1867, UNION COLLEGE, Joshua-P, [2143], 1833, Clergyman ; res, Newburg, N, Y. ; d, 1844. ' Nathaniel-GoodeU [8385], 1852, RUTGERS COLLEGE. CyrU [7711], 1841. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. John-Franklin [5056], 1853. Zachariah [6208], medical, 1827, Joseph-Payson [6212], medical, 1866. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. James-Reed [8440], 1840. Charies-CarroU [8433], 1847. George-Burley [8443], 1856. 528 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Stephen-Foster [5537], 1860. Phineas [5518], honorary, 1835, AMHERST COLLEGE. Alvah [6701], 1831. Samuel-Thompson [3021], 1839. ; Lysander-Tower [8866], 1861. TUFTS COLLEGE. Edward-Everett [7026], 1858, Williara-Walderaaf [8339], 1867, WESTERN RESERVE COLLEGE. Henry-Harrison [5878], 1833, MARIETTA COLLEGE, WilUam-Saflbrd [6826], 1839, WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, MIDDLETOWN, CONN, WiUiam-Lawton [5554], 1860, HOBART COLLEGE, Henry-Whitehouse [5560], 1855. Erastus-Wooster [5561], 1855, Charies-Nelson [5562], 1857. Edward-Bigelow [5563], 1861. OBERLIN COLLEGE. Oliver-Lyman [8323], 1855, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, David-C. [8363], medical, 1858. HAMILTON COLLEGE. George, 1824. Alexander, 1846, FAIRFIELD MEDICAL COLLEGE. Parley-Josslyn [5611], 1839, UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. William-Cowper [8442], medical, 1847, RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE, John- WiUiam [7886], ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Levi [2412], 1818, John [6542], 1828, Ephraim [6499], 1831. APPENDIX SIX, 529 Alvah [6701], 1834, Benjamin-Adaras [4052], 1843, Sarauel- Jones [8907], 1845. George-Burley [8443], 1861. THEO. SEM. OF REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH. CyrU [7711], 1846, THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, BANGOR. WiUiam-Abial [8906], 1870, CHICAGO MEDICAL COLLEGE, Clarence-Mahlen [9269], 1868, CLEVELAND MEDICAL COLLEGE. Zetus-NeweU [8571], 1846, BERKSHIRE MEDICAL SCHOOL. MUes [6742], 1842. 34 APPENDIX SEVEN. DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD SPALDING WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE COUNTRY. These Rolls are very incomplete, even of the few States given, and include only those persons who have borne the Spalding name. They cover the various struggles of the people of this country, from the war of King Philip in New England, 1675, to our late Rebellion. Are there not Spaldings who will do for the respective States in which they reside, what has been done for Michigan by Gen. Oliver L. Spalding, and for Maine, by Col. J. W. Spalding? SPALDINGS ON THE ROLLS OF REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS. Eleazer, of the Massachusetts line ; placed on the roll, Sept. 6, 1819; age, 77. Samuel, of the New Hampshire line ; placed on the roll. May 1, 1818 ; age, 71 ; res. Waldo Co., Me. William, of the Massachusetts Contingent ; placed on the roll, April 23, 1818 ; age, 75 ; res. Somerset Co., Me. Josiah, of the Massachusetts Contingent : placed on the roll, April 10, 1818 ; age. 84; res. Somerset Co., Me. James, of Putnam's Militia; placed on the roll, Nov. 25, 1815. Joseph, of Cheshire Co., N. H. ; d. Feb. 18, 1829, aged 80. Philip, placed on the roll, Dec. 10, 1832 ; age, 79. Benjamin, of the Massachusetts MUitia ; placed on the roll, June 3, 1833 ; age, 79. Job, placed on the roll, June 21, 1819 ; age, 73 ; res. Middlesex Co., Ms. John, placed on the roll, June 30, 1818 ; res. Middlesex Co., Ms. Thaddeus, of Massachusetts Militia ; placed ou the roll, Mar. 13, 1833 ; age, 76 ; res. Middlesex Co., Ms. WiUiam, of the Revolutionary Array; d. May 4, 1807. Ezekiel, of the Revolutionary Array. Josiah, placed on the roll, Sept. 4, 1794 ; d. in 1799 ; res. Con necticut. Oliver, Continental ; placed on the roU, Mar. 29, 1833 ; age, 78. Samuel, of the Massachusetts Continental line ; placed on the roU, Oct. 18, 1818 ; res. Caledonia, Vt. •APPENDIX SEVEN, 531 BarziUai, of the Connecticut Militia ; placed on the roU, Sept 6, 1833 ; age, 77 ; res. Orieans Co., Vt. Benjamin, of the New Hampshire State troops ; placed on the roU, Dec. 27, 1833 ; age, 72. Joseph, of the Connecticut Militia ; placed on the roll, AprU 17, 1833 ; age, 89 ; res. Rutland, Vt. Isaac, of the Connecticut Militia ; placed on the roU, April 17 1833 ; age, 73 ; res. Rutland Co., Vt. Darius, of the Connecticut State troops ; placed on the roll. May 16, 1833 ; age, 74. Silas, of the Connecticut State troops ; placed on the roll, May 16, 1833 ; age, 83 ; res. Washington Co., Vt. Samuel, of the Vermont Militia ; placed on the roll, July 8, 1834 ; age, 73 ; res. Windham Co., Vt. Ezra, of the New Harapshire Militia ; placed on the roU, Jan. 9, 1834 ; age. 81 ; res. Windsor Co., Vt. John, of the Massachusetts Militia ; placed on the roU, Sept. 23, 1833 ; age, 73 ; res Windsor Co., Vt. Edward, of the New Harapshire line ; placed on the roll, April 1, 1818 ; age, 69 ; res. Cayuga, N. Y, Wright, of the Massachusetts line ; placed on the roll. May 22, 1819 ; age, 74 ; res. Clmton Co., N. Y. ; d. May 17, 1830. Stephen, of the New Harapshire line ; placed on the roll, Oct. 13, 1818 ; age, 69 ; res. Essex Co., Vt. Joseph, of the Massachusetts line ; placed on the roll, July 21, 1819 ; age, 72 ; res, JeflTerson Co., N. Y. Levi, of the New Hampshire line ; placed on the roll, July 31, .1818 ; age, 89 ; d. Mar. 1, 1835. Samuel, of Schoharie Co., N. Y. ; placed on the roll, Oct. 2, 1833. John, of the Connecticut Contingent ; placed on the roll, Nov. 4, 1819. Phineas, of the Massachusetts Contingent ; placed on the roll. May 27, 1833 ; age, 73 ; res. Tioga Co., N. Y. Abel, of the Verraont Militia ; placed on the roll. Mar. 22, 1833 ; age, 70 ; res. Delaware Co,, Ohio. SPALDINGS ON THE ROLLS OF REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS BT THE CENSUS OF 1840. Joseph, of Dixmont, Me. ; .age, 79. Josiah, of Norridgewockj Me. ; age, 79. William, of Norridgewock, Me. ; age, 82. Philip, of Plainfleld, N. H. ; age, 85. Benjamin, of SheflSeld, Mass. ; age, 85. Samuel, of Waterford, Vt. ; age, 76. Samuel, of Grafton, Vt. ; age, 79. Reuben, of Sharon, Vt. ; age, 82. John, of Cavendish, Vt. ; age, 79, 532 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Stephen, of Crown Point, N, Y, ; age, 63. Phineas, of Newark, N. Y. ; age, 80. Abel, of Norton, Ohio,; age, 75, SOLDIERS OP THE NAME OP SPALDING ON THE ROLLS OF MASSA CHUSETTS. John, in Capt. Maning's Company in King Philip's war, [" Hull's Colony Journal, 1675-6," Library of Gen. and Hist. Society.] ROLLS or THOSE WHO MARCHED TO CAMBRIDGE, APRIL, 1775, Eleazer, from Groton, Joseph, from Pepperell, Abel, from Pepperell. Asa. Asa, Capt. Jonathan Stickney's Company, Col. Bridge's Regt. Asa, Capt. Pollard's Company. Asa, Capt. Robert Webster's Co., Gen. Pomroy's Regt. He was of Chesterfleld, N. H. Silas, John, Benjamin, Henry, Jr., Joseph, Benjamin, Sergt., of Townsend, Capt. James Hasley's Co., Col, William Prescott's Regt. Benjamin, Sergt., of Ashby, Capt. Samuel Howe's Co., Col. WU Uam Prescott's Regt. James. Daniel, in David Sherwin's party. Col, Jaraes Prescott's Regt. David, 1 Jephthah, I All of Chelmsford, in Col, Moses Parker's Micah, I Co, Joseph, Jr., } Ebenezer, of Camden, N. H,, Capt. Archelus Town's Co,, Col, Ebenezer Bridge's Regt, Eleazer, 1st Lieut,, Capt, Joshua Parker's Co. ; entered service June 23, 1775, EphT£l, mfr" leapt, Joshua Parker's Co.; entered service, Silas, i April 19, 17^5, Jesse, Sergt., of Patridgefleld, Capt. Nathan Watkins' Co. Timothy, Sergt., of Westford, Capt. Timothy Underwood's Co., Col. Williara Prescott's Regt, Philip, Capt, Timothy Underwood's Co., Col, William Prescott's •Regt, All of Chelrasford, in Capt. Oliver Barron's Co, APPENDIX SEVEN. 533 Jonathan, in Capt, Freeborn Moulton's Co., Col, Danielson's Regt, Leonard, of Fulham, Capt. John Nutting's Co., Col, WiUiam Prescott's Regt, Reuben, of PeppereU, Capt, John Nutting's Co., Col. Williara Prescott's Regt. Abel '' > ^^^ "^ PeppereU, in Capt, John Sawtelle's Co., Col. Thomas, ) James Prescott's Regt, Jonathan, of Tewksbury, Capt, Jonathan Brown's Co., Col. David Green's Regt. Solomon, Sergt., of Westford, Capt, Oliver Bates' Co., Col, James Prescott's Regt, Silas, Capt. Oliver Bates' Co., Col. Jaraes Prescott's Regt. Eleazer, Sergt., ) Both of Groton, in Capt. Josiah Sawtelle's William, ) Co. Sampson, Sergt., of Tewksbury, Capt, John TruU's Co,, Col, Ebenezer Bridge's Regt, EIGHT months' SERVICE, Job, of Concord, Capt. Abisha Brown's Co., Col. John Nixon's Regt, Deliverance, of New Marlborough, Capt. John Stebbens' Co., Col. John A. Brewer's Regt. Uriah, of New Marlborough, Capt. Moses Saul's Co., Col. John Fellows' Regt. ; enlisted AprU 21, 1775. Asa, of Chesterfield, Capt. Robert Webster's Co., Col, John Fel lows' Regt, Daniel, of Townsend, Capt. Henry Farwell's Co., Col. Williara Prescott's Regt. Solomon, Sergt., ^ All of Westford, Capt. Joshua Parker's Co., Ephraim, Fifer, > Col. Williara Prescott's Regt. ; enlisted Silas, ) AprU 19, 1775. William, of Raby, N. H., Capt. Joseph Moors' Co., Col. Wil liam Prescott's Regt. ; wounded. William, Jr., of Rahy, "N, H., Capt. Joseph Moors' Co,, CoL Williara Prescott's Regt, Jacob, of Hollis, N, H., Capt. Reuben Dow's Co., Col. Williara Prescott's Regt. Lyman, i Both of Julion. Capt. John Nutting's Co., Col. Reuben, ) WiUiara Prescott's Regt. Eleazer, of Pepperell, Capt. Asa Lawrence's Co., Col. WiUiam Prescott's Regt, Jesse, Sergt., of Gageboro', Capt. Nathaniel Watkins' Co., Col. John Patterson's Regt, '^"^^•P^' I AU of Chelrasford, Capt, John Ford's Co,, Col. Eben- h, ) h, \ s, } James ) ^^^^ Bridges' Regt, 534 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Asa, of Billerica, Capt. Jonathan Sticknejr's Co., Col. Ebenezer Bridges' Regt. ENLISTMENTS FOR LONG SERVICE. Wright, of WUliamstown. Enlisted in Capt. Ashley's Co., 1st Regt., for three years ; served three years. Ezekiel, of Georgetown, Me. Enlisted in Capt. Reed's Co., 7th Regt., for three years ; served seven months, nineteen days. Job, of Concord. Enlisted in Colonel's Co., 10th Regt., during thp war ; served two years, twenty-two days. Job, of Marlboro'. Enlisted in Capt. Munro's Co., 15th Regt,, for three years ; served three years. John, of Chelmsford. Enlisted in Major's Co., 16th Regt., for three years ; served three years,- twenty-eight days, ".MISCELLANEOUS ROLLS." Uriah, Sergt., ) CaUed out Oct. 13, 1781 ; Capt. Simon Adams' Aaron, ) Co., Col. John Collers' Regt. Jesse, Capt. Asa Barns' Co. ; called out July 13, 1777, to march to Manchester. By roll of Capt. Joseph Barns' Co., Col. Benjamin Symond's Regt. of railitia from county of Berkshire, Mass. Bay, called ont by order of Maj .-Gen. Gates, and ordered to march to Saratoga. Philip, Corp. ; called out, AprU 26, 1777. Samuel, Capt. John Baron's Co., Col. Caleb Hyde's Regt., Gen. Rossiter's Brigade ; called out Oct. 20, 1781. Aaron, Lieut, in Capt. Enos Parker's Co., Col. Jacob Gerrish's Regt. ; called out July 1, 1778, for six months, to guard stores at Springfleld; from Berkshire Co. Aaron, Sergt. ; frora Berkshire Co., Lieut. Eleazer Taylor in coramand of Co., Col. John Ashley's Regt. ; called out Aug. 17, 1777. Aaron, Sergt. in Capt. Zenas Wheeler's Co., Col. John Ashley's Regt. Abel, of Pepperell, Capt. Henry Hasl^eU's Co., Col. Prescott's Regt., Jan. 13, 1776. A'^pmni (.Capt. Edward Turner's Co., Col. Jacob Gansh's Jonas ) ^®St- ; guard at Bunker HUl, Feb, 20, 1778. Andrew, of Dedhara. Received £50 for bounty for service three years in Continental army, July 13, 1782. Thaddeus, in service in Rhode Island, Capt. Joseph Boynton's Co., Mar. 14, 1778. Asa, in Capt. Ebenezer Webber's Co., under Gen. Schuyler, July 10, 1777. Asa, from Worthington; called Aug. 15, 1777, to reinforce Gen. Stark, under Lieut. Constant Webster. APPENDIX SEVEN. 535 All of Chelrasford, in Capt. Zacheus Wright's Co., in camp at White Plains, Oct. 31, 1776. Robert, Lieut., Jephthah, in camp., Artemas, Zebulon, Joseph, Samuel, at Weatherfield, 'joseph, I ^"^ ^^P*- Joshua 'Parker's Co., July 5, 1777. Phineas, ) In Capt. John Nutting's Co., in the expedition to William, ] Blood Island, July 30, 1778. Asa, of Billerica, 1 In service three raonths frora Aug. John, of Chelmsford, ! 18, 1781, in Capt. Samuel Fay's Benjamin, of Chelmsford, | Co., to reinforce Continental Asher, of Dunstable, j army. Asa, Corp., ) In service in Capt. Joseph Varnum Bradley's Co., William, \ in expedition to Rhode Island, July 29, 1778. Ashbel, in service three months, to reinforce Continental army m 1780. Azariah, of Chelrasford, and Joseph, of Billerica. In service in Rhode Island, May 10, 1777 ; Capt. John Minot's Co., Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt. FROM THE "records OF THE MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS, 1861- 65," VOLS. I. AND II. George N., of Townsend. Enlisted June 19, 1861, in Co. B, 6th Regt., for three raonths. Cyrus G., of MUlbuiy. EnUsted May 10, 1864, in the 10th Unattached Co. for three raonths. WiUiam, of Charlestown, 1st Lieut, in Co. H, 5th Regt. ; enUsted July 20, 1864, for three raonths. William H., of LoweU, Q. M. Sergt. in 6th Regt. ; enlisted July 17, 1864, for three raonths. Benjamin B., 1 Charles, ! All of Townsend. EnUsted July 17, 1864, in John B., I Co. B, 6th Regt, MarshaU D., j Charles F., of Groton. Enlisted July 17, 1864, in Co. B, 6th Regt. Solomon, of Tyngsborough, Corp. in Co. D, 6th Regt. ; en listed July 17, 1864. Henry H., of Melrose. EnUsted July 17, 1864, in Co. E, 6th Regt. G. Warren, of LoweU. Enlisted July 17, 1864, in Co. G, 6th Regt. Alfred S,, of Abington. Enlisted July 18, 1864, in Co. A, 60th- Regt. Charles E., of Cambridge. EnUsted July 23, 1864, m Co. I, 60th Regt, 536 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. William, of Charlestown. Sergt. Co. H, 5th Regt. ; enlisted Sept, 16, 1862, Solomon, of Tyngsborough. Enlisted Aug, 31, 1862, in Co, D, 6th Regt. F. Martin, of Tewksbury, EnUsted Aug. 31, 1862, in Co, G, 6th Regt, William H., of LoweU, EnUsted Aug. 31, 1862, in Co. G, 6th Regt. Asa J., of Danvers. Enlisted Oct. 1, ,1862, in Co. K, 8th Regt. William A., of Maiden. EnUsted Sept, 20, 1862, in Co. H, 43d Regt, Charles C, of Sudbury, Enlisted Sept, 26, 1862, in Go. F, 45th Regt. Samuel Jones, of Newburyport, Chaplain of the 48th Regt. ; enUsted Dec. 29, 1862. Lorenzo Q,, of Worcester, Enlisted Sept. 25, 1862, in Co. C, 51st Regt. Mark H., of Northampton, Capt. Co, C, 52d Regt. ; enlisted Oct. 2, 1862. Josiah, of Fitchburg. EnUsted Oct. 17, 1862, in Co, A, 53d Regt. -Benjamin B,, of Townsend. EpUsted Oct. 17, 1862, in Co. D, 53d Regt, Frederick F., of Townsend. EnUsted Oct. 17, 1862, in Co. D, 53d Regt. ; re-enlisted. Joseph, of Boston. EnUsted Jan. 16, 1864, in 2d Bat, L, A, Winfield S,, of Boston, EnUsted Jan, 16, 1864, in 2d Bat, L.A. G. Warren, of LoweU, EnUsted Dec, 5, 1864, in 7th Bat, L, A. ; d. Oct. 15, 1865, in New Orleans, La. Alfred A., of N, Bridgewater. Enlisted Aug. 10, 1862, in the 9th Bat. L, A, William H, of Lawrence. Enlisted Dec, 1, 1863 ; Sergt, Co. F, 1st Regt, H. A, ; re-enUsted July 5, 1861 ; killed June 16, 1864, at Petersburg, Penn, James H,, of Worcester, EnUsted Dec, 7, 1863, in Co. G, 2d H. A. ; missing in action, AprU 20, 1864, Albert, of Danvers, EnUsted Dec. 22, 1863, in Co. K, 2d H. A, Chick J., of Fall River. Hospital Steward, 4th Regt, H, A. ; enUsted Dec. 31, 1864. Jacob C, of Danvers, Enlisted Aug, 22, 1864, in Co. A, 4th Regt, H, A, Benjamin B,, of Townsend. Corp. Co. H, 4th Regt. H. A. ; enlisted Aug, 24, 1864, . George W., of Townsend. Enlisted Oct. 6, 1861, in Co. ,L, 1st Regt. Cav. ; transferred to Co. L, 4th Regt, Cav. John, of Somerset Co., Me. EnUsted Mar. 17, 1863, in Co. E, 2d Cavalry ; d. June 19, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. APPENDIX SEVEN, 537 Charles A,, of LoweU, EnUsted Nov. 11, 1861, in Co, M, 3d Cav, Alpheus, of LoweU, Enlisted Nov. 14, 1861, in Co. M, 3d Cav, Daniel S,, of South Reading. Enlisted Dec. 31, 1864, in Co D, 4th Cav, George W., of Townsend. Enlisted Oct, 5, 1861, in Co. L, 4th Cav. John F,, of Boston. Band, 1st Regt. ; enUsted May 25, 1861. Oscar, of LoweU. Enlisted May 25, 1861, in Co, A, 2d Regt. ; d. of wounds, Aug, 1862, John B., of Tewksbury. Corp. Co, D, 13th Regt. ; enlisted July 16, 1861. Calvin W., of Westford, Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, in Co. C, 16th Regt. ; transferred V. R. C, AprU 29, 1863. Marcus M., of Shirley. EnUsted July 2, 1861, in Co. C, 16th Regt. ; d, Nov, 10, 1862, in Washington, D, C. John L., of Boston, Capt. 18th Regt. ; enlisted Aug. 20, 1861, Alfreds., of Pembroke. Enlisted Aug. 24, 1861, in Co. G, 18th Regt. George H., of Worcester, Lieut, 25th Regt. ; enUsted Oct. 12, 1861. J. Calvin, of Fitchburg. Sergt, Co, F, 25th Regt. ; enUsted Sept, 16, 1861, John A., of Ashburnham, Corp, Co. F, 25th Regt, ; enlisted Sept, 19, 1861, Ai H., of Townsend. Enlisted Sept. 2, 1861, in Co. B, 26th Regt. ; re-enUsted Feb. 1, 1864. Charles L., of Townsend. EnUsted Sept. 12, 1861, in Co. B, 26th Regt. ; re-enUsted Feb. 1, 1864 ; d. Oct. 16, 1864, at York, Penn, Dana, of Lunenburg, Enlisted Oct 29, 1861, in Co, B, 26th Regt, ; re-enUsted Jan, 4, 1864. Henry S., of Chelmsford. Enlisted Sept. 6, 1861, in Co. E, 26th Regt. ; d, June 22, 1862, in New Orleans, La, Frederick A., of Montague, Enlisted Sept, 18, 1861, Sergt. in Co. K, 26th Regt. ; kUled Sept. 19, 1864, at Winchester, Va. Stephen F., of Montague. EnUsted Sept. 18, 1861, in Co. K, 26th Regt. Mark H., of Northampton, 1st Lieut. 27th Regt. ; enlisted Oct. 16, 1861. Charles B., of Amherst, EnUsted Sept. 20, 1861, in Co D, 27th Regt. John, of Winchendon. EnUsted Nov, 30, 1861, in Co, D, 30th Regt, Benjamin M., of Groton. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, in Co. B, B2d Regt. ; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864, Ezekiel W., of PeppereU, Enlisted Nov. 5, 1861, in Co, B, 32d Regt. Stillman C, of Newton, Coip. Co, K, 32d Regt, ; enlisted Aug, 13, 1862 ; re-enUsted, 538 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Fitz-Henry, of Chelmsford. EnUsted Aug. 5, 1862, in Co. G, 33d Regt. ; transferred to V. R. C. Lorenzo, of Shiriey. Enlisted July 31, 1862, in Co. E, 34th Regt. Leonard V., of HaverhiU. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862, in Co. G, 35th Regt. Charles S., of Northfleld. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, in Co. K, 36th Regt. Alpheus, of Cambridge. EnUsted Aug, 21, 1862, in Co, F, 38th Regt.; d. June 16, 1863. Charles A., of Boston, Musician ; enlisted Sept, 2, 1862, in Co. F, 39th Regt. William A., of Lenox. EnUsted Jan. 25, 1864, in Co. D, 57th Regt. ; deserted Jan. 29, 1864, Silas D., of Pittsfleld. Enlisted Sept. 12, 1864, in Co. A, 61st Regt. Alfred A., Of North Bridgewater. EnUsted in V, R. C, Sept, 12, 1864. P , Hospital Steward, Reg. Army; enlisted May 24, 1864. .Tosiah-Chapman was appointed acting assistant paymaster in the Navy, July 4, 1863 ; served during the war on the iron-clad Paw-Paw and Peosta on the Mississippi and Tennessee rivers ; re ceived an honorable discharge, Aug. 1867, since which time he has been in the Pay Department of the U. S, Navy. SOLDIERS OF THE NAME OP SPALDING ON THE ROLLS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. haniel, in John Ladd's Company, at No. 4 (now Charlestown, N. H.), in 1757. The committee of safety of N. H., appointed by Congress, May 19, 1775, were Hon. Matthew Thornton, Josiah Barlet, Esq., Capt. Williara Whipple, Nathaniel Folsom, Esq., and Ebenezer Thomp son, Esq. June 3d, they gave out enlisting orders to ten persons, to enlist each a corapany of sixty-two soldiers ; araong these per sons was Levi Spalding. [N. H. Hist. Col. vol. 7, p. 3.] Levi, of Lyndeborough, N. H., Capt. of the 9th corapany in the 3d Regt. of N. H. troops. Samuel, Lieut, in Col. Baldmn's Regt. Of N. H., sent to rein force the Continental array in New York in Sept. 1776. Dyer, was Quartermaster in Col. Chase's Regt., called out by order of Gen. P'olsora, May 7, 1777, to defend Ticonderoga. Abel, Lieut, in Col Chase's Regt. , when it marched to Ticon deroga, in July, 1777, and continued in service, and was in the fleld at the surrender of Burgoyne. Oliver, Lieut, in Col. Bedel's Regt., raised in Nov. 1777, for frontier duty or continental service as occasion might require, Benjamin, Capt. in Col. Moses Nichol's Regt., raised in 1780, for defence of West Point. APPENDIX SEVEN, 539 Milan D., 1st Lieut. Co. C, 2d Regt. N. H, V. Res. Keene, Date of commission, Nov. 4, 1864 ; mustered in ^.s private. Sept, 17, 1861, Res. then Sullivan, N. H. Promoted to Sergt. ; re-en listed Jan 1, 1864. George C, recruit in Co. B, 2d Regt. N. H. V. Mustered in, Dec. 26, 1862 ; transferred from 17th N. H. V., AprU 16, 1863, He was mustered into the 17th N, H., and this was consolidated with the 2d N. H. Alanson, Co. K, 3d N. H. V. Res. Hanover, N. H. Mustered in Aug. 24, 1861 ; re-enUsted, Feb. 13, 1864 ; wounded, Aug. 27, 1864. Stephen A., Co. C, 4th Regt. N. H. V, Res, Brooklme, N, H, Mustered in, Aug. 18, 1862. Albert, Co. C, 4th Regt. N. H. V. Res. Brookline, N, H. Mus tered in, Aug. 18, 1862. Amos F., Co. C, 4th Regt. N. H. V. Res. Brookline, N. H. Mustered in, Sept. 18, 1861 ; re-enlisted Feb. 25, 1864. Charles W,, Co. I, 4th Regt. N. H. V. ; re-enlisted veteran. Res. Andover, N. H, Mustered in, Sept. 18, 1861. Mustered in, Dec. 25, 1863. William, recruit, Co. G, 5th Regt. N. H. V. Res. Bristol, N. H. Mustered in, Aug. 23, 1864 ; missing, AprU 7, 1865 ; gained from missing. Charles, recruit, Co. H, 5th Regt., N. H. V. Res. Lyme, N. H, Mustered in, Sept. 9, 1864 ; pei-iod of service three years. William F.,Co. H, 7th Regt. N. H. V. Mustered in, Dec. 14, 1861, Res, Hollis, N H. Promoted Sergt. Dec. 14,1861; promoted to 1st Sergt., Oct. 9, 1862; promoted to 1st Lieut. Co. C, July 18, 1863. Winslow J, Co.H, 7th Regt. N.H. V. Mustered in, Dec, 14, 1861, Res, unknown. Promoted to Corpl, Oct. 10, 1862; captured at Fort Wagner, S. C, July 18, 1863; exchange Jan. 21, 1864; pro moted to Sergt., Aug. 25, 1864. Sidney C, Co, E, 9th Regt. N. H. V. Res. Cornish, N. H. Mustered in, Aug. 8, 1862, for three years ; died of disease at Paris, Ky., Oct. 4, 1863. Daniel, Co. E, 9th Regt., N. H. V. Mustered in, May 15, 1862, for three years. He first enlisted in an unattached company, sta tioned at Fort Constitution ; transferred to Co. E, 9th Regt. N, H. Vol., Aug. 23, 1862. Res. given as Warner, N. H. Henry E., Co. A, 13th Regt. N. H. V, Res. unknown. Mus tered in, Oct. 4, 1862, for three years ; transferred to Co. B, same Regt., Feb. 9, 1863, John E„ Co, G, 3d Regt. N. H, V. Res. Greenfield, N. H, Mustered in, Sept. 19, 1862, for three years; wounded slightly, June 1, 1864 ; discharged by special order 239, Ex. 50, War De partment, July 16, 1864 ; promoted to 2d Lieut. 116th U. S, C. T., Aug. 12, 1864. Henry D., Co. A, 14th Regt, N. H, V, Res, Surry, N, H, 540 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Mustered in, Sept. 22, 1862 ; died of disease at Natchez, Miss., July 11, 1864, Dauphin, Co, C, 14th Regt, N. H. V, Res. Keene, N, H, Mustered in, Sept. 22, 1862, for three years ; died of disease at Washington, D. C, Feb. 7, 1864. Austin A,, Res. Jaffrey, 'N. H. Mustered in, Sept. 23, 1862 ; musician Co. G. ; wounded Sept. 19, 1864. Leonard E., Co. G, 14th Regt. N. H, Vol, Res, Jafirey, N, H. Mustered in. Sept, 23, 1862, for three years, Lucian A., Co, A, 16th Regt. N. H. V. Res, Comish, N, H. Mustered in, Oct, 16, 1862, for nine months ; left sick at Vicks burg, Miss,, Aug. 3, 1863. Silas L., Co. A, 16th Regt. N. H. Vol. Res. Cornish, N. H, Mustered in for nine months, Oct, 18, 1862 ; sick at Cornish, N. H. George C, 17th N. H. V. Res. unknown. Mustered in, Dec. 26, 1862, for nine months ; consolidated with Co. B, 2d N. H. Regt., AprU 16, 1863. Lester, Co. G, 1st Regt. N. H. V. Cavalry for three years. Mus tered in, Feb. 24, 1865. George E., Res. Manchester, N. IL, Ward 8. Mustered in. Mar. 7, 1865, for three years. MerriU T., Co. A, 1st Regt. N. H. Heavy Artillery. Mustered in, July 22, 1863, for three years. Orlando W., Co. F, 1st Regt. N. H. Heavy Artillery. Res. Pelham, N. H, Mustered in, Sept. 6, 1864, for one year. Warren F, Res. Nashua, Ward 7. Mustered in. Sept, 6, 1864, for one year, Orlando C, Co. G, 1st Regt. N. H. V. I. Res. unknown. Mus tered in. May 3, 1861 ; private. John L., private, Co. B. Res. unknown ; date of muster un known. Benjamin, Co. E, 4th Regt. N. H. V. Res. Manchester, N. H. Mustered in, Sept. 18, 1861. Fernando C, Corporal Co. K, 4th Regt. Res. Manchester, N. H. Mustered in Sept. 18, 1861; missing at Drury's Blufi', Va., May 16, 1864. John W., 2d Lieut, of Co. C, 5th Regt. N. H. V. Commis sioned Feb. 1, 1864. Mustered in private Co. K, 5th Regt., Aug. 1, 1862 ; wounded June 3, 1S64. Res. Claremont, N. H. Alfred, Co. C, 5th Regt. N. H. V. Res. unknown. Mustered in, Oct. 12, 1861 ; proraoted corporal. Paige. Res. unknown. Mustered in, Oct. 12, 1861 ; died in hospital, Aug. 16, 1862. George M., Res. Peterborough, N. H. Mustered in, Oct. 12, 1861 ; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864, Henry J., Co. E, 5th Regt. N. H. V, Res, Concord, N. H, Mustered in, Aug. 24, 1863 ; kiUed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. APPENDIX SEVEN. 541 Rufus, Recruit in Co, B, 7th Regt. N. H. Vols., Sept, 17, 1862. Res. Concord, N. H, Transferred to Invalid Corps, Sept, 1, 1863. Sylvester, Corporal Co. K, 9th Regt. N. H. V. Res. Newport, N.H, Mustered in, Aug. 15, 1862; promoted Sergt,; kUled m action. May 18, 1864. Samuel, Co. C, 10th N. H. V. Res unknown. Mustered in, Aug. 25, 1863 ; promoted corporal ; wounded severely. May 12, 1864 ; captured at Fair Oaks, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. Henry E., Co. A, 13th N. H, V. Res. unknown. Mustered in, Oct. 4, 1862, Chester, Co, H, 16th N. H. V. Res, Sutton, N, H." Mustered in, Oct, 23, 1862. SOLDIERS OF THE NAME OF SPALDING ON THE ROLLS OF MAINE. CompUed by Lieut. -Col. J. W. Spaldins, of Ridlimond, Me. Melbourne C, of Newport. Pri. in Co, E, 16th Regt, Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862 ; deserted Dec. 1, 1862 ; single ; age, 21. Ambrose, of Lincolnville. Sergt. Co. G, 26th Regt. Enlisted Oct, 11, 1862 ; discharged Aug, 17, 1863, David M., of New Vineyard. Pri Co. A, 17th Regt. Enlisted Aug, 18, 1862 ; discharged Jan. 15, 1864 or '65. James L., of Anson. Pri. Co. A, 17th Regt, Enlisted Aug, 18, 1862 ; discharged June 5, 1865, Liberty B., of Sprmgfleld, Pri, Co. E, 22d Regt. EnUsted Oct, 10, 1862 ; discharged Aug. 14, 1863 ; re-enlisted in Co. G, 1st Cav,, Dec. 4, 1863 ; d. at City Point, Va., Sept. 5, 1864. MerriU S., of Portland, Pri, Co. E, 7th Regt. EnUsted Jan, 1, 1862 ; discharged 1863, Daniel, of Pittsfleld, Pri. Co. K, 16th Regt. EnUsted Aug, 18, 1862 ; d, of wounds May 20, 1864 ; age, 26 ; married. Charles, of Springfleld, Pri. Co. E, 22d Regt. Enlisted Oct. 10, 1862 ; discharged Aug, 14, 1863, John W,, of Springfleld. Pri. Co. E, 22d Regt, EnUsted Oct, 10, 1862; discharged Aug. 14, 1863. Joseph Whitman, of Richraond. 1st Lieut, in Co. A, 19th Regt, Enlisted Aug, 25, 1862 ; proraoted Capt. Nov. 10, 1862 ; Lieut. Col. Dec. 2, 1864; discharged May 31, 1865. Benjamin, of Abbott. Pri. Co: G, 13th Regt. Enlisted Deo. 31, 1861 ; transferred to Co. C„ re-enlisted Feb. 29, 1864 ; trans ferred to Co. K, 30th Inft, Greenleaf W., of MUan, N. H. Pri. Co. H, 13th Regt, EnUsted Dec, 12, 1861 ; d. at Fort Jackson, La., Aug. 13, 1862, Joseph P., of Bingham, 1st Sergt. Co. F, 20th Regt. EnUsted Aug, 29, 1862 ; discharged April 4, 1863 ; disability, Isaac F,, of Orono. Pri. 3d Bat., 1st Mounted Art'y. Enlisted Dec. 11, 1861 ; discharged July 16, 1862. 542 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, Albion, of Burnham, Pri, Co, A, 1st Cav, EnUsted Oct. 19, 1861 ; discharged July 13, 1862, Randlett H., of Foxcroft. Pri. Co. B, 20th Regt. Enlisted Aug. 29, 1862 ; discharged June 5, 1865. Gyrus C, of Buckfleld.. Corp. Co. C, 20th Regt. EnUsted Aug. 29, 1862 ; discharged Jan. 31, 1863. Edward K., of Bangor. Pri. Co. H, 2d Regt. EnUsted Nov. 29, 1861 ; transferred to Co. D, 20th Regt. ; deserted July 1, 1863, Chauncey, of Frankfort. Pri. Co. A, 13th Regt. Enlisted Nov. 20, 1861 ; discharged Jan. 19, 1863, for disability. ^Z&eri/S., of Portland. Pri. Co. B, 10th Regt, EnUsted Oct, 4, 1861 ; discharged May 8, 1863, Benjamin M., of Abbott, Pri. Co. C, 13th Regt. EnUsted Dec, 31, 1^61; re-enlisted Feb. 29, 1864; transferred to Co. K, 30th Regt. ; discharged Aug. 20, 1865. John H., of Augusta. Pri. Co. I, 3d Regt. Enlisted July 3, 1861 ; transferred to Co. H, 17th Regt. ; discharged July 4, 1864, Levi, of Concord, Pri. Co. H, 24th Regt. EnUsted Oct, 13, 1862 ; d. at Bonnet Carre, La., Mar. 21, 1863. William H., of Vle&s&nt Ridge Plantation. Pri, Co. H, 24th Regt. Enlisted Oct. 13, 1862 ; d. at New Orleans, La., May 31, 1863. Isaac L., of Frankfort. Musician Co. E, 19th Regt. Enlisted Aug. 25, 1862 ; discharged May 31, 1865 ; now res. at Richmond. Alpheus, of Oldfown. Pri. Co. K, oth Regt. Enlisted Sept. 7, 1861 ; discharged Aug. 2, 1862. William, of Oldtown. Pri. Co. K, 8th Regt. EnUsted Sept. 7, 1861 ; re-enUsted Feb. 29, 1864; killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. John A., of Oldtown, Pri, Co. K, 8th Regt, EnUsted Sept. 7, 1861 ; discharged Srpt. 16, 1864. John L., of Oldtown. Pri. Co. K, 2d Regt, Enlisted May 28, 1861 ; discharged June 4, 1863, Samuel H., of Springfleld. Pri. Co. D, llth Regt. Enlisted Sept. 30, 1862 ; discharged June 12, 1865 ; wounded. Jonathan C, of Bradford. Pri. Co. D, llth Regt. Enlisted Nov. 4, 1861 ; discharged Oct. 30, 1862 ; re-enlisted Mar. 1, 1864, Co. A, 31st Regt. ; discharged for disability, Jan. 2, 1865. Franklin, of Oldtown. Pri. Co. E, llth Regt. Enlisted Mar, 13, 1862 ; discharged June 3, 1863 ; re-enUsted Dec. 11, 1863, Co. G, 2d Cav. ; discharged Dec. 6. 1865. A. Riley, of Clinton. Pri, Co. I, Uth Regt. EnUsted Jan. 10, 1862 ; discharged 1862. James P., of Clinton. Pri. Co. I, 14th Regt. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1862 ; cUscharged July 1, 1862. Joseph B., of Dover. Pri. Co. I, 22d Regt. EnUsted Oct, 10, 1862; discharged Aug. 14,1863. John S., of Palrayra, Pri. Co. K, 22d Regt, Enlisted Oct. 10, APPENDIX SEVEN. 543 1862 ; wounded in action, June 14, 1863 ; discharged Auc. 14, 1863, * ° Amasa, of Winslow. Pri. Co. B, 14th Regt. Enlisted Dec. 4, 1861 ; discharged May 23, 1863. G'eorg'e L., of China. Pri. Co. B, Uth Regt. Enlisted Dec 10, 1861 ; re-enUsted Jan. 1, 1864 ; prisoner. Henry, of Winslow. Pri. Co. B, 14th Regt. EnUsted Dec. 4, 1861 ; re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864 ; discharged Aug. 2S, 1865 T/iomas 0., of New Orleans. Pri. Co. B, Uth Regt. Enlisted June 1, 1862 ; deserted July 7, 1862. Albert M., of Benton. Pri. Co. F, 7th Regt. Enlisted Jan. 23, 1862 ; d. at Camp Griffin, Mar. 12, 1862, Cyrus, of Madison. Pri. Co. F, 7th Regt. Enlisted Feb. 5, 1862 ; transferred to Co. F, 1st Vet. Vol. Inft. Thomas J., of Milo. Pri Co. H, llth Regt. EnUsted Nov. 4, 1861 ; d. at Washington, D. C, Jan. 25, 1862. (jharles S., of Burnham. Pri. Co. C, 24th Regt. Enlisted Oct. 13, 1862 ; discharged Aug. 25, 1863. Ai, of Dover. Corp, Cfo. I, 22d Regt. Enlisted Oct. 10, 1862 ; promoted Sergt. ; discharged Aug. 14, 1863. James G., of Buckfleld. Pri. Co. A, 5th Regt. Enlisted June 24, 1861 ; discharged July 27, 1864. Alonzo, of Carratunk. Pri Co. F, 7th Regt. Enlisted Sept. 10, 1862 ; transferred Co. F, 1st Vet. Vol. Inft. ; discharged June 16, 1865. WaUis, of Biddeford. Pri, Co. F, 27th Regt. Enlisted Sept. 30, 1862; discharged July 17, 1863 Jesse, of Belgrade. Corp. Co K, 28th Regt. Enlisted Oct. 13, 1862 ; discharged Oct. 31, 1863. Henry J., of Sidney. Pri Co. K, 28th Regt. EnUsted Oct. 13, 1862 ; supposed transferred to 24th Inft. ; discharged Oct. 31, 1863. Edward, of Portland. Pri. 5th Bat., 1st Mounted Art'y. En listed Sept. is, 1862 ; dropped from the Rolls ; he was a recruit, and never reported to Battery. ^ John F.. of Bangor, Pri. Co. C, 2d Regt. Enlisted May 28, 1861; discharged .Jan. 22, 1862. William M., of Gorhara. Pri. l^t Bat. Mounted Art'y. En listed Dec. 18, 1861 ; discharged, Dec. 18, 1864. Charles H., of Rockland. Pri. 2d Bat. Mounted Art'y. En listed Nov. 30, 1861 ; re-enlisted Dec. 5, 1863; discharged June 16, 1865. Robert, of Rockland. Pri. 2d Bat. Mounted Art'y. Enlisted Nov. 30, 1861 ; discharged June 16, 1855. Geor(7e^., of Deer Isle. Pri. Co. B, 4th Regt. Enlisted June 15, 1861. George W., of Palmyra. John, of Benton. 'Pri. Co, C, 19th Regt, EnUsted Aug. 25, 1862 ; transferred to Vet. Res, Corps. 544 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. William, of Benton, Pri. Co. C, 19th Regt. Enlisted Aug. 25, 1862 ; discharged May 31, 1865. Henry J., of Sidney. Pri. Co. H, 21st Regt. EnUsted Oct. 11, 1862 ; discharged Aug, 25, 1863, Alonzo, Pri. 3d Regt. Probably same man as Alonzo, Co. F, 7th Inft., before raentioned. Albert, of Newport, 2d Lieut, Co, E, 1st D, C, Cav, EnUsted Oct. 15, 1863 ; further military record of this man can be obtained only frora War Dept. at Washington. Charles T., of Springfleld. Pri. Co, A, 2d Cav. EnUsted Nov, 30, 1863 ; discharged June 1, 1865, Chauncey, of Monroe, Pri, Co F, 16th Regt, Inft. EnUsted Oct. 6, 1864 ; transferred to Co. F, 20th Regt, ; discharged July 16, 1865, Daniel, of Ellsworth, Pri, 12th Co., unassigned. Enlisted Feb. 23, 1865 ; transferred to Co, F, 12th Regt, ; discharged Mar, 3, 1866. Daniel, of New Vineyard, Pri, Co. A, 17th Regt. EnUsted Feb. 26, 1864 ; transferred to Co. A, 1st Me, Heavy Art'y. ; dis charged Sept. 11, 1865. Henry, of Greene. U, S, Navy. EnUsted Mar. 9, 1865, Henry E., of East Benton, Pri, Co, F, Coast Guards. En Usted Jan. 6, 1865 ; discharged July 7, 1865, Hollis B., of Oldtown, Pri, Co, I, 3d Regt, Enlisted Aug, 21, 1863; transferred to Co. H, 17th Regt,; d, of disease Nov, 2, 1864. James C, of Clinton, Pri, Co. B, 9th Regt, EnUsted Sept, 17, 1864 : discharged July 13, 1865, Joel, of Belgrade, Pri, 25th Co,, unassigned. Enlisted April 1, 1865 ; transferred to Co, C, 1st Bat, Inft, ; discharged April 5, 1866. John L,, of Oldtown. Pri. Co, F, 9th Regt, EnUsted Oct, 30, 1864 ; discharged July 13, 1865, Lewis B., of Clinton, Pri, Co, D, Coast Guards. EnUsted Jan, 6, 1865 ; discharged Sept, 6, 1865, Martin W., of Milo, Pri. 4th C, unassigned. Enlisted Oct. 4, 1864 ; transferred to Co. L, 31st Regt. ; discharged July 15, 1865, A'ixiAan Jl, of Pleasant Ridge Plantation, Pri, 24th Co., unas signed. Enlisted Mar. 30, 1865 ; transferred to Co, B, 1st Bat, Inft, ; discharged July 24, 1865, Nathaniel, of Hampton. Pri. Co. G, 1st Heavy Art'y. Enlisted Dec. 16, 1863 ; discharged Sept. 11, 1865, Simon, of Vassalboro', Pri, 28th Co., unassigned. Enlisted Mar. 28, 1865 ; discharged May 17, 1865. William, of Rockland. Pri. Co. F, 1st Sharpshooters, Enlisted Dec. 29, 1864 ; transferred to Co. F, 20th Regt, Inft. ; discharged July 16, 1865, Freeman S,, drafted in 1863 ; paid comrautation. Jerome, drafted in 1863 ; paid coramutation. APPENDIX SEVEN. 545 Charles H., of East Benton, Pri. Co. F, Coast Guards. En Usted Jan. 6, 1865 ; discharged July 7, 1865. Albion, of Clinton. Co. I, 2d Cav. EnUsted Dec. 22, 1863 ; discharged Dec. 6, 1865. SOLDIERS OF THE NAME OF SPALDING ON THE ROLLS OP MICHIGAN. Compiled by Gen. OtiVEB L. Spalding, of St. Johns, Mich., Sec. of State. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Oliver L., of St. Johns, Mich. Captain 23dlnft., Aug. 1, 18G2 ; Major, Feb. 3, 1863 ; Lieut.-CoL, April 6, 1863 ; Colonel, April 16, 1865 ; Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols., June 25, 1865 ; mustered out June 28, 1865. George, of Frenchtown. Sergt. 1st Lieut. 4th Inft., Aug. 5, 1861 : Capt. Jan. 3, 1862 ; Lieut.-CoL 18th Inft!, July 18, 1862, Resigned Feb. 24, 1864, to accept proraotion in 12th Tenn. Cav alry. David C, of Lyons. Asst. Surgeon 6th Cav., Oct. 15, 1862 ; Surgeon 10th Cav., Sept. 28, 1863. Mustered out May 23, 1865. James W., of Monroe. Sergt. 2d Lieut. 18th Inft", Sept. 28, 1863 ; Capt. i2th Tenn. Cav., April 30, 1864 ; date of muster out unknown. Henry D., of Munroe. 1st. Lieut. 18th Inft, July 27, 1862. Resigned Dec. 27, 1862. Calvin S., of Scipio. Sergt. 2d Lieut. 18th Inft., Feb. 18, 1863 ; 1st Lieut., AprU 17, 1864 ; mustered out June 26, 1865. Edgar G., of Port Huron. Sergt 2d Lieut. 22d Inft., Dec. 15, 1862 ; 1st Lieut., Juue 17, 1864 ; mustered otit Mar. 1, 1865. Ezekiel, of Buchanan. Sergt. 2d Lieut. 12th Inft., Aug. 23, 1865 ; mustered out Feb. 15, 1866. ENLISTED MEN. Charles, Co. B, 1st Lt. Art. Discharged June 14, 1865. William M., of Grand Rapids. Co. B, 1st Lt. Art. Discharged June 14, 1865. Lester C, Co. H, Merrill Horse. Discharged Sept. 19, 1865. Minor P., of Grand Rapids. Co. A, 3d Inft. Discharged Oct. 13, 1862. Samuel S., of Grand Rapids. Co. A, 3d Regt. Discharged Mar. 18, 1865. Carlos, of Kalaraazoo. Musician, 6th Regt. Discharged Sept. 1, 1862. Fittwr J'., of Richraond. Co. I, 6th Regt. Died Nov. 1, 1864, Phineas, of Tuscola Co, Co. E, 7th Regt. Discharged Mar. 11, 1862. Wesleij B., of Tuscola Co, Co. E, 7th Regt, Killed at Antie tara, Sept. 17, 1862. 35 546 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL, Samuel P., of Munroe. Co. I, 7th Regt. Discharged Nov, 10, 1862, DeWitt C, of Flint. Co. G, 8th Regt, Discharged July 30, 1865. Simeon, of Corunna. Co. F, 9th Regt. Discharged Sept. 15, 1865. Samuel, of Dundee, N. C. S., llth Regt, Date of discharge unknown. (7/jarZes S"., of Monroe, Co, I, llth Regt. Discharged Dec, 9, 1862. Giles G,, of Jackson, Co. G, 12th Regt, Died Aug, 31, 1864, .<4i te/, of Fairgrove. Co, A, Uth Regt. Discharged July 18, 1865. George, of Pontiac, Co. G, Uth Regt. Discharged July 18, 1865. Andrew, of Grand Rapids. Co. 1, 14th Regt. Discharged July 18, 1865. Norton P., of Monroe. Co. C, I5th Regt. Discharged June 7, 1865. David P., of Monroe. Co. K, 15th Regt. Discharged Aug. 13, 1865. George, of Monroe. Co. B, 17th Regt, Discharged Nov, 13, 1864. Josiah L., of Jackson. Co. K, 17th Regt. Hiram, of Munroe. Co. E, 17th Regt. Died Sept. 25, 1864. Edwin D., of Whiteford. Co. A, 18th Regt. Died Oct. 7, 1864. Jidius H., of Exeter. Co. K, 18th Regt. Discharged May 21, 1863. Rush R,, of Exeter, Co, K, 18th Regt, Discharged Oct. 21, 1863. ,foel, of Newberg. Co. A, 19th Regt. Discharged May 19, 1865. Herman, of Nelson. Co. H, 21st Regt. Edward M., of Medina. 1st Sergt. Co. G, 23d Regt. Died Feb, 10, 1863. George H, of Livonia. Co. H, 23d Regt. Killed Nov. 10, 1863. Filhurn A., of Livonia. Co. K, 24th Regt. Discharged June 30, 1865. William H., of Inghara Co. Co. B, 26th Regt. Died Oct, 27, 1864, David, of Deerfleld, Co. E, 26th Regt. Discharged June 4, 1866. Alvah C, of GaUen. Co, G, 26th Regt. Discharged June 4, 1865. ^\hner P., of Chesaning. Co. G, 26th Regt. Discharged June 4, 1865. APPENDIX SEVEN. 547 J. W., of Ovid, Co, K, 30th Regt. Discharged June 30, 1865. John Q., of Madison, Co, E, 1st Cav, Discharged June 17, 1865, Albert M., of Calhoun Co, Co, M, 2d Cav, Died Sept. 23, 1863. Isaiah, of Ottawa. Co. C, 2d Cav. Discharged Aug. 17, 1865. (Jharles, of Saginaw, Co. K, 4th Regt. Discharged Dec. 30, 1864, Orleans, of Grand Rapids, Co, H, 6th Regt, Discharged June 20, 1865. Cornelius, of Grand Rapids. Co. H, 6th Regt, Died Jan, 19, 1863, Ezra, of Grand Rapids, Co, H, 6th Regt. Discharged Aug, 5, 1865. SOLDIERS OF THE NAME OP SPALDING ON THE ROLLS OF RHODE ISLAND. Thomas A., of HaverhUl, Mass, Enlisted Jan. 14, 1865, in Co. G, 2d Regt. George A. Enlisted AprU 13, 1865, in Co. H, 2d Regt. Ezra R,, of Killmgly, Conn, EnUsted Oct, 12, 1862, in Co, K, 12th R, L George H,, of Lonsdale, Enlisted Dec, 14, 1861, in Co. B, 1st Cav. ; re-enlisted Jan, 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co, C, Dec, 21, 1864, and was made Sergt. in the new organization, John A,, of Lonsdale. Enlisted Dec. 14, 1861, in Co. B, 1st Cav, ; re-enlisted Jan, 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, Dec. 21, 1864, George, of Smithfield, EnUsted in Co. B, 3d Regt. APPENDIX EIGHT. ADDITIONS, OMISSIONS, CORRECTIONS, ETC, STRAY ITEMS. William Taebell, of Milford, N. H., and Lydia Spalding, of Milford, N. H. ; m. Dec. 17, 1812, WilUam-Coit Sraith, son of Francis and Eunice (Spalding) Sraith; b.in Plainfleld, N. H., June, 1778; d. there, Nov. 17, 1860, aged 82 ; grad. D. C. 1801. John Fairman and Hannah Spalding; ra. Feb. 8, 1715, Kil lingly, Conn., Records. Siraeon Spalding and widow Fanny Sparks ; ra. Feb, 10,1822, Killingly Ri'cords, Seth Spalding, son of John Spalding, b. Aug. 1849. Killingly Records. Mrs. Eunice P. Spialding, widow of Roswell L., No, 4 Pe*rl Street, Concord, N, H, Concord Directory, The Episcopal Church of old Windsor was organized Dec., 14, 1842 ; one of its original raembers was George Spalding, Charles Hyde m. Anna Spalding, He was b. Aug. 14, 1799, at Paris, N. Y. ; she,d. Feb. 1, 1832. They had four children. He raarrled a second wife. Hyd.e Gen, i. 241, Sept. 29, 1870, at St. Jaraes Church, ra. by Rev. George S. Con verse, Mr. John J. Spalding, and Miss Lizzie C, daughter of John Trull, Esq., all of Boston. Mr. Spalding's father was a ship-mas ter, who emigrated from England to Boston within the present century. George-H. was in the 1st Regt. Heavy Artillery, Conn. Vol., formerly 4th Regt. Inft. He d. in the service. Rev. Andrew Jaquith, who d. in Langdon, N. H., Aug. 27, 1864, was son of Benjamin and Rebecca (Spalding) Jaquith. He wash. in Ashby, Mar. 7, 1816. See Cong. Quarterly, 1865, p. 207, " At the flrst council of war on the 20th," says Frothingham, "there were present Generals Ward, Heath and Thoraas ; Colonels Bridge, Frye, Jaraes Prescott, Williara Prescott, Bullard and Bar rett ; Lieutenant-Colonels Spalding, Nixon, Whitney, Mansfield and Wheelock." They were soon joined by General Putnam and Colonel Stark, Hist, of Lexington, p, 245. APPENDIX EIGHT, 549 Mr, Wyraan, aged 45, from BiUerica, arrived in Spalding's Regi ment, under Capt. PoUard, at FishkUl, June 19, 1778. Fanny Spaldmg ra. John Cushraan, of Hartland, Vt., June 2, 1830. He was b. July 1 1, 1808 ; d. Nov. 11, 1848. Bathsheba Spalding, b. Sept, 23, 1756 ; d, Jan. 17, 1805, at Goshen, Mass. ; ra. Caleb Cushraan; b. Oct. 21, 1849, at Wood stock, Conn. ; bap. Nov, 5, 1749 ; d. Jan. 3, 1809, at Goshen, Ms. He was a farmer ; removed to Goshen, Mass. ; had ten children, four sons, six daughters. Spalding, ra. Franklin Simonds. He was b. June 10, 1799 ; went to Walpole, N. H., where he was married. Providence, Dec. 22, 1868. John Spolden was born in the county of Roscommon, Ireland, 1811, and wa.s married in 1831, and came to this countrv about nineteen year.s ago. My wife's name, Mary Brennan. My father's name was John Spol den. My grandfather's name was John. He had four sons, their names were Michael, Patrick, Edward and John, and one daughter. His wife's name was Catharine Peeny. That is all the information I am able to give. John Spolden. Letter of Thoraas Spooner, dated at Reading, Hamilton Co., Ohio, Ofct. 24, 1868, Eliakim Spooner, b. Mar. 1777; d. July, 1818; son of Daniel and AbigaU (Munro) Spooner, of Hartland, Vt. ; m. Amelia Gil- sum; she was b. Mar. 13, 1789; d. Feb." 2, 1854; daughter of Peter and Esther (Spalding) Gilsura. Children, Phila-Amelia, b. AprU 17, 1809 ; Araelia-Eloisa, b. Sept. IS, 1812, Clarissa Jenkins, b. Dec. 29, 1805, daughter of Ephraira Spooner and Elizabeth (Gurney) Jenkins ; m. June 9, 1834, Abington, Ms. Enoch Powers, b. Feb. 13, 1811, son of Joseph and Esther (Spalding) Powers. Children, Henry- Webster, b. Sept. 8, 1837; George, b, June 11, 1841 ; d. Mar. 4, 1852. Lucy M. Spooner, b. Oct. 30, 1836 ; daughter of Wing and Alsa (Wilcox) Spooner, Jamestown, N. Y. ; ra. May 31, 1860, Ephraim Spalding, b. Aug. 21, 18 — , son of William and Electa (Romley) Spalding ; no children. KiUingly, Conn,, Records. Jeremiah Law and Achsah Spalding, ra. 6, 1855. Benjarain Humes and Lucy P, Spalding, ra. July 4, 1857. Rev, Joshua Spalding preached in Bennington, Vt., in 1803 and 1804, though not regularly settled. Vt. Hist Mag, p. 161, Stephen Spalding settled in Hinesburgh, Vt., in 1787. Histori cal Gazetteer, p. 794. Stockwell and Spalding, of Springfleld, Mass. ; made a comrau- nication to the Boston Board of Trade. Boston Journal, Oct. 5, 1869, Spalding and Ripley, Proprietors of the Natidhal Theatre, Wa.sh ington, D. C. EUzabeth, widow of Zaccheus, d. 1812; left children, minors; guardians of children, Henry Spalding and Samuel Stevens. 550 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Eliza, Stephen and Asa, all minors above fourteen years of age, children of Stephen Spalding, late of Chelmsford ; petition (Feb. 25, 1826, Elbridge under 14), that Sarauel Davis be guardian, 1824 John Butterfleld appointed guardian to Marah Spalding, minor above U, daughter of Jesse, of Chelrasford, Oct. 3, 1826. Sarah-F., rainor daughter of Asa and Prudence, Ashby, June 27, 1836. Stephen, of Chelrasford ; wife Elizabeth, appointed admin., Feb, 6,1786. In 1853, there was a house " Adot, Spalding & Co," Havana, Cuba ; G. F. Guild, of that house, d. of yellow fever, June 24, 1853. Gen. Req. vol. 7, p. 375. William Bradford, b. Mar. 4, 1745; ra. Anna Spalding; he d, 1800. Gen. Reg. vol. 4, p. 244. John O. McKinstry, Esq., of Southbridge, Mass. • raeraber ofthe House of Representative of Mass., in 18;)8, from Southbridge ; m, Elizabeth R. Spalding, b. in Thompson, Conn. ; had flve children. Gen. Reg. vol. 13, p. 46. Henry C. Spalding, of New York City, and Mary Wilcox, of Middletown, Conn., were m. at Middletown, Conn., Jan. 12, 1868. Middletown, Conn., Records, Frank Spalding, of Ashford, and Concurrance M. Morgan, of Durham, were ra. May 5, 1863. Spalding m. Asa Lewis Holt. He d. Mar. 29, 1829, aged 33. WiUiara Read, b. Feb. 25, 1724 ; m. Lucy Spalding, of Merri mack, N. H. Stephen Read, b. Dec. 15, 1770; m. Eunice Spalding; had a child, b. Sept. 4, 1 800. Abel Spalding, of Francestown, N. H. ; ra, Deborah Clark, of Merrimack, N, H. ; shewasb. Aug. 29, 1765, and ra. Jan. 16, 1788; removed to Chester, Vt. She was the daughter of Hugh and Lydia (Gardner) Clark. Clark Gen, Spalding, of Penn. ; m. Nancy Gilbert ; she d. 1844 ; she was of New Lebamon, Conn. ; moved to Norwich, N, Y, Abbott Gen. p. 176. Ariel K. Spalding m. Cynthia A. Rand, of Bridgewater, Vt. ; moved to Morristown, Vt. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Abbott) Rand ; she was b. Oct. 1, 1814, and ra. May 20, 1839. A. K, Spalding is a farmer in Morristown, Vt. Abbott Gen. p. 60. Ira W. Abbott, of Orange, N. H., b. Jan. 22, 1816 ; m. Cynthia W. Spalding, of Lebanon, N. H, She was b. AprU 25, 1813". .^^16- bott Gen. p. 91. Chloe, daughter of John, Jr., and Rebecca (Ives) Roclrsvell, b. Nov. 17, 1785; ra.Tl. Spalding. Abi, sister of the above, m. William Spalding. Hist. Cornwall, Tt. , ' ¦ APPENDIX EIGHT. 551 SHATTUCK FAMILT. WiUiam Shattuck, of HoUis, N, H., ra. Experience Spalding for his second wife, after Nov. 4, 1 744 ; had two children, Nathan iel and Experience. Eight of the Pepperell Company were killed at the battle of Bunker Hill, araong thera Joseph Spalding; eight were wounded, and among them William Spalding. Sarah Shattuck, b. Sept. 16, 1727 ; m. Moses Spalding ; said to have had one child, but neither are mentioned in her father's or brother's wills. They probably died before 1769. She united with the church in 1758. PLAINFIELD, CONN., RECORDS, Samuel Warren and Abigail Spalding, ra, Feb. 8, 1753, Simon Shephard and Rachel .Spalding, m. Dec. 25, 1751. Lerauel Paine and Dorcas Spalding, m. Feb, 10, 1756. Stephen Kingsbury and Sarah Spalding, m. Dec. 10, 1755. Ebenezer Gollup and Abigail Spalding, ra. Mar. 27, 1755, John Bennet and Dorcas Spalding, m. Jan. 22, 1767. Ephraim Wheeler and Mehitable Spalding, ra. Dec. 31, 1776. David Reynolds and Prudence Spalding, m. Oct. 19, 1828. George Ney and Rosilla Spalding, m. Feb. 1, 1832. Ebenezer Copp and Deborah Spalding, m. Sept. 18, 1773. Caroline Spalding, d. Aug. 3, 1849. Eunice-C, Spalding, d. Aug. 5. 1849. Lydia Spalding, d, Nov. 6, 1849, aged 73. Charles Spalding, d. Aug. 20, 1850, aged 81, WESTFORD, MASS,, RECORDS, Justus Fletcher, son of Samson Fletcher and Olive Spalding, wash. AprU 8, 1785; m. Sally Glyn, of Tyngsborough, Mass., Sept. 1806. Henry Wright, Jr., and Sarah Spalding, both of Westford ; pub, Jan. 13, 1753. Siraeon HUdreth and Hann.ah Spalding, both of Westford ; pub. Nov. 12, 1757; m. Feb. 8, 1758. Samuel Lawrence aud Rebecca Spalding, both of Westford ; pub. Nov 7, 1761 ; ra. Jan. 28, 1762, Ezra Jewett, of Littleton, and Lucy Spalding, of Westford ; pub. Dec. 18, 1767 ; ra. Jan. 14, 1768. Sarauel Adaras and widow Hannah Spalding, both of Westford ; pub. Sept. 30, 1769 ; ra. Nov. 14, 1769. Silas Pierce, of Chelmsford, and Lucy Spalding, of Westford ; pub. Feb. 26, 1771. Caleb Putnara, of Wilton, N. H., and Anna Spalding, of West ford; pub. Nov, 5, 1774 ; m. Mar, 8, 1775. 552 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. Thomas Richardson and Abigail Spalding, both of Westford ; pub. Nov. 12, 1774 ; ra. Nov. 28, 1774, Lieut; Thomas Read and Molly Spalding, both of Westford; pub. June 2, 1792 ; ra. June 17, 1792 ; he was b. Mar. 14, 1766. Caleb Putnam, of Wilton, N. H., and Lydia. Spalding, of West ford : pub. Feb. 23, 1801 ; m. Feb. 24, 1801. Willard Fletcher, Jr., of Westford, and Sally Spalding, of Chelms ford ; pub. Feb. 13, 1808. William O. Carkin, of Westford, and Nancy S. Spalding, of Reading ; pub. May 21, 1858 ; m. May 21, 1858. Joseph Blanchard and Betty Spalding, both of Dunstable ; m. Sept. 19, 1748. Ephraim Spalding d. Jan. 5, 1831. Mrs. Spalding (supposed to be his wife) d. June 27, 1832, CARLISLE, MASS., RECORDS. Nathaniel Tuttle, of Chelmsford, and Abigail Spalding, of Car lisle ; pub. Feb. 10, 1788. Oliver Spalding and Ruth Wheeler, both of Carlisle ; pub. May 1, 1816. WESTMINSTER, MASS., RECORDS. Charles Coolidge 2d and Miss Nancy Spalding, both of West minster ; pub. April 23, 1831. Hurlburt L. Harris, of Leorainster, Mass., and Miss Mary M. Spalding, of Westrainster; pub. Nov. 12, 1852. Jeremiah K. Gates and Miss Sally Spalding, both of Westmin ster, Mass. ; ra. Jan. 8, 1835. DUNSTABLE, MASS., RECORDS. Thomas Spalding, of Westford, Mass., and Rebecca Jaquith, of Dunstable, Mass. ; pub. Aug. 25, 1719 (a raistake I think for 1819), NASHUA, N. H., RECORDS, Joseph Powers, of Dunstable, N, H,, and Esther Spalding, of Hollis, N. H. ; ra. Sept. 22, 1803. Asa Spalding, of Charlton, Mass., and Hannah Ward; m. Mar. 7, 1803 ; she was b. Sept. 22, 1781, BILLERICA, MASS,, RECORDS. Thomas Spalding represented BiUerica in the Gen. Court of Mass. • APPENDIX EIGHT. 553 CHELMSFORD, MASS,, RECORDS, Ebenezer Spalding, d. April 14, 1845. Eunice Spalding, widow of Ebenezer Spalding, d. May 7, 1849, Benjamin Fletcher and Rachel Spalding ; m. Dec. 4, 1770. Nathaniel Tuttle and Abigail Spalding, of Carlisle, Mass. ; ra. Feb. 27, 1788. WUliam Gload and Sally Spalding ; m. AprU 29, 1794. Samuel Davis and Phebe Spalding; ra. Feb. 8, 1798, Ebenezer Varnum, of Tyngsboro', Mass., and Lucy Spalding ; m. Nov, 29, 1792, Williara Frost, of BUlerica, Mass., and Molly Spalding ; ra. June 14, 1775. Jonathan Hildreth and Hannah Spalding ; m. June 13, 1738. Daniel Nichols, of Reading, Mass., and Susanna Spalding ; m. Dec. 1, 1760. Silas Pierce and Lucy Spalding, of Westford, Mass. ; ra. Mar, 26, 1771, Simeon Blodget and Lydia Spalding ; ra. Oct. 8, 1751. Abijah Goold and Sarah Spalding ; ra. Oct. 29, 1766, Jonathan Adaras and Esther Spalding ; ra. June 8, 1869, John Dutton and Elizabeth Spalding ; ra, Jan. 14, 1779, TOWNSEND, MASS., RECORDS, Boaz Brown and Hannah Spalding ; ra, Nov. 24, 1795. PEPPERELL, MASS., RECORDS. Josiah Shattuck and Lydia Spalding ; pub. June 20, 1793 ; Shat tuck Genealogy says Jan, 20, 1793. Daniel Fisk and Mrs. Sarah Spalding ; pub. Dec, 10, 1803 ; m, AprU 19, 1804. Jacob Spalding, of HoUis, N. H., and Esther Shed ; pub. March 9, 1782 ; m. March, 1782. Peter Gilsura and Esther Spalding; m. May 11,1785. GROTON, MASS., RECORDS. Ephraira Nutting and Lydia Spalding ; ra. May 31, 1731. Mrs. Sophia L. Spalding, d. Oct. 21, 1853, aged 25, EUsworth Palraer, son of Charles H, and Maretta Spaldmg, b, July 19, 1861 ; d. Aug. 20, 1863. Joseph Spalding and Betsey Wood, of Dracut, Mass. ; m. Dec, 25 1792, Jonathan Spalding, of CarUsFe, and Thankful Emery ; m, June 20, 1781. Josiah Spalding and Mary Welch, both of Westford ; pub. Oct. 31, 1772 ; m. Dec. 1, 1772. Westford Rec. 554 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. William Spalding and Jerairaa, his wife, had one child Rhoda, b, Jan. 24, 1810. Elbridge G. Spalding and Hannah J. Richardson, of Pelhara, N. H., ra. Children : Hannah Elizabeth, b. May 13, 1857 ; Elbridge G., b. July 21, 1861 ; d. Sept. 22, 1861 ; Mary Dora, b. June 27, 1863. Joseph Spalding, of Chelmsford, Mass., and Hannah Stearns, of Billerica, Mass. ; ra. May 4, 1779. Billerica Rec, Stephen Spalding and Betsey Fletcher ; ra. some tirae between Sept. 8, 1805, and June 11,' 1806. She petitions for a dower, March 7, 1821 ; no children. Joseph Spalding and Mary Charaberlain ; ra. Dec. 1, 1808. Joseph Spalding and Lucy Varnum, of Dracut ; ra. March 28, 1816. Andrew Spalding and widow Rebecca Maclntire ; m. Nov. 7, 1830. Noah T. Joy and Mrs. Martha A. Spalding ; m. Feb. 6, 1852, Hudson Rec, Benjamin Spalding, m. Martha ; child, Edward A., b. March 13, 1843. Jonathan, son of Elizabeth Dyer, b. May 1, 1738, Dr, John Spalding and Mrs. Elizabeth Chamberlain, of Wood stock, Conn. ; ra. Jan. 8, 1771 ; child, John, b. Jan. 6, 1772. Henry Spalding, m. Elizabeth ; child, John, b. Oct. 25, 1780. Stoddard, N, H, Rec Sarauel Spalding, ra. Lucinda ; children, Anna, b. April 20, 1813, in Springfl"eld; Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1815, in Springfield; Lucinda, b. June 20, 1817, in Middletown, Conn. ; Hannah-Maria, b. Dec. 14, 1819 ; Sarauel Charles, b. Jan. 18, 1822. Ebenezer D. Spalding, ra. Cemantha ; he was b. about 1818 ; res Rockland, Me ; a brick-maker ; child, Alice-J., b. about 1852. Cornelius Wright Hayes, of Belchertown, Mass. ; ra. Mary Paraelia Spalding, March 28, 1 853. She was daughter of Amos S. Spalding, of R. I., and Ruhamah Cary, of Brookline, Mass. Strong Gen. p. 409. Alfred Helme Strong, of Springfield, Penn., m. Jane Spalding, Nov. 20, 1835. She was daughter of Phineas and Jane (English) Spalding, of Spencer, N. Y. She was b. Oct. 22, 1807, and d. March 17, 1842, Strong Gen. p. 682. CORRECTIONS. No. 303, Mrs. Rebeccah Varnum, d. p-eb. 11, 1806, No, 421, for Sarauel, read Lemuel. No. 436, for Edwards, read Edward ; for Mariah, read Marah. No. 680, for Parnell, read Parnel. No. 742, for Annie Billings, read Anne Billings. APPENDIX EIGHT. 555 No. 835, for Matthew Gerould, read Mathew Gerould, No, 888, for BarzilUa Read, read BarzUlai Read, No. 1402, for Jacob Sheel, read Jacob Shed. No. 1922, for Catherine Mahan, read Catherine Maharr. No. 1961, for " He was graduated at H. U. in 1797, and com menced the study of medicine," read, He graduated at the Medical school of H. U., in 1797. No. 2396, for Lydia-Harmony, read Lydia-Hemenway, No, 2405, for Ambrus [1571], read Ambrus [9571], No 2412,for 1814, read 1815, No. 2501, for Alphris-More, read Alphoris-More. No. 2688, for AbigaU Joselyn, read Abigail Josslyn. No. 2729, for Harry-S. Linbocker. read Harry-S. Limbocker. No. 2756, for Edward, read Edmund, No. 2807, for Condermun, read Conderraan. No. 2844, for Lucinda- Andrew, read Lucinda-Andrus, No. 3013, for Martha Chace, read Martha Chase, No. 3045, instead of 3845. No. 3084, for Soloraon Bayley, read Solomon Bagley. No. 3522, for Granville-Procter, read Granville-Proctor, No. 3648, L3'dia-Hills, d. June 29, 1871. No. 4127, for Joanna-Tayler, read Joanna-Taylor. No. 4256, for Pendegras, read Pendegrass. No, 4696, for Ires Badger, read Ines Badger. No. 4713, for Erastes-Harrison, read Erastus-Harrison. No. 4768, for Cuddebark, read Cuddeback. No. 4816, for Bennet, read Bennett. No. 4832, for Fabric, read Fabric, No. 4943, for LiUe, read Lillie. No. 5406, for Elect, read Electa. No. 5461, for Skiller, read SpUler. No. 5625, for Corassa, read Carassa. No. 5747, omit " and of the Cambridge Law School in 1839." No. 5842, for Thom, read Thorn. No. 5913, [2916] should be [2905]. No. 5950, for Gardiner, read Gardnier, No. 6011, for Chancy, read Chauncy, No. 6194, for Henrietta, read Harrietta. No. 6259, for Reuel, read Rewil. No. 6402, Elizabeth, m. Rev. George-Waitstill Winslow, Meth, Epis. clergyman, of Evanstown, IU., July 10, 1871. Mr. Winslow is principal of the Preparatory Department, in the Northwestern University, located in Evanstown, 111,, where they reside. No. 6943, for Is.aac, read Hon. Isaac. ' No. 6963, Amy D., wife of Alfred Spalding, d. -June 12, 1871, No. 6967, in Chicago, IU., Henry-Servetus, m. l.ottie-A, Marsh, 1871. No. 7071, for Clemnntha, read Cemantha. Nos. 7715 and 7716, omit bracket. 556 THE SPALDING MEMORIAL. No. 7740, should not be included in the bracket. No. 7743, for Sylvanus, read Silvanus. No, 7846, for Loudon, read London, Eng. No. 8150, for Whalen, read Whelan. No. 8711, for John-Frances, read John- Francis. No. 9235, read Rev, James-Field ; and to his children, add PhUip-LefflngweU, b. June 27, 1871, in Ithaca, N. Y. No. 9717. Levi' [9717] (Levi", Thomas^, Thomas*, HenryS,, An- drew^, Edwardi), occupation a farmer; removed to N, Y. State soon after his first marriage ; then, in a year or two, to Fletcher, Vt. ; in 1846, removed to Fairfield, Vt., where he d. in June, 1850, He was in the war of 1812. 1st, m. Anna Dodge, of Stoddard, N. H. ; 2d, m. Rhoda Dodge, of Stoddard, N. H. She is now residing with her son, Curtis Spalding, in Georgia, Vt., aged about 75, Children of the first wife. Rebecca.Joanna.Stillman. Children of the second wife, Salina, Matilda. Jane. Lucinda. Curtis. Stillman^ (Levi'', Levi^, Thomas^, Thomas*, HenryS, Andrew^, Edwardi) . He served two years with the U. S. Army in the Mexican War ; being discharged, he returned to Fletcher, Vt. ; in 1853, he reraoved to N. Y. State ; in 1862, he enlisted and served in the army until disabled by a wound in tbe left shoulder ; he is now liv ing in Milton, Vt. ; m. Annis Maxfleld, of Milton, Vt., June, 1853 ; they have no children. Curtis^ (Levi', Levi^, Thomas^, Thoraas*, HenryS, Andrew®, Edwardi), b. May, 1831 ; in Sept. 1856, he went West; returned in about one year ; now resides in Georgia, Vt. ; ra. Jane Delaware, of Fau-fax, Vt., June, 1856 ; she d. July, 1859. Adelberti b. May, 1857. A daughter, b. 1859 ; d. in infancy. No. 9720. Haskell'? [9720] (Levi^, ThomasS, Thomas*, HenryS Andrew^, Edward^). He removed to Fairfax, Vt., and settled on a farm, where he reraained untU his death, Sept. 24, 1863 ; m, SaUy Richardson, of Stoddard, N, H. Ami. Jonas, b. ; d. Jan. 1854. (Charlotte, b. ; ra. Henry Spalding [9746]. Martin-R., b. June 8, 1822. Obed, b. ; d. May, 1861. Sophronia, b. ; d. Nov, 30, 1840. Maria. Harrison, b. ; d. Jan* 2, 1867. APPENDIX EIGHT. 557 Ami^ (HaskelF, Levi^, Thoraas^, Thomas*, HenryS, Andrew^, Edwardi). He was b, in N, H. ; removed to Fairfax, Vt., when a child. In 1869 he removed to Canaan, N. H, ; occupation, farmer ; m. Mary Lamb, of Fletcher, Vt,, in 1837. Alvira. Sophia. Victoria. JoNAs^ (HaskelP, Levi^, Thomas^, Thoraas*, HenryS, Andrew®, Edwardi), ,j. 1354 ; m. ClothUda Squarse, of Fletcher, Vt. Wesley. Sophronia, b. ; d. Jan. 1854, Matilda, Annette. Sarah.Bedford. Weslet^ (Jonas^, HaskelF, Levi^, Thomas^, Thomas*, HenryS, Andrew®, Edwardi), j-jg i^ag three daughters and one son ; ra. Abby Taylor, of Fletcher, Vt. Martin-R.8 (HaskelF, Levi^, ThoraaS^, Thomas*, HenryS, An drew®, Edwardi), ij. June 8, 1822 ; he has the home place and takes " care of his mother ; m. AuriUa-M. Wood, of Fletcher, Vt., Mar. 6, 1845 ; she was b. May 15, 1828, Albert-Martin, b. Sept. 10, 1846. Prancenla, b. May 7, 1850; d. June 30, 1850. Sarah-Jane, b. Aug. 29, 1851 Florence-Lillian, b. Nov. 23, 1855. George-Herbert, b. Jan. 17, 1860. Leona-Adelia, b. May 27, 1862. Jennie-Lamira, b. Nov. 15, 1866. ObedS (HaskelF, Levi^, Thomas^, ThOmas*, HenryS, Andrew®, Edwardi). He went to Stoddard, N. H., when a young man ; raade his horae in N. H. ; d. in 1861, leaving a widow and two daughters ; m. in 1853. Ida, b. about 1854 ; now living in New Jersey. A daughter, b. ; is now dead. Harrison^ (HaskelF, Levi", Thomas^, Thomas*, HenryS, Andrew®, Edwardi), a farmer ; he died Jan. 2, 1867 ; m. Mary Maclntire, of Fletcher, Vt., in 1855, ¦ • Nellie, b. 1855, Almeron, b. 1857. INDEX I, [The Figures refer to ihe consecutive Numbers.'] Aaron 873 Abel 3875 Abigail 2226 Aaron 1448 Abel 3899 Abigail-Louisa 2247 Aaron 2236 Abel 3932 Abigail- Warren 2303 Aaron-Bard 3119 Abel 4034 Abigail 2362 Aaron-Wheeler 3340 Abel 4095 Abigail 2378 Aaron-Leland 4004 Abel 6563 Abigail 2556 Aaron-Nelson 7401 Abel-Walter 7364 Abigail-Rowland 2682 Abbie-Dow 2289 Abel-Dodcje 8976 Abigail 2634 Abbie-Melora 3020 Abel-Warren 9512 Abigail 2647 Abbie-Blizabeth 3027 Abel 9596 Abigail 2676 Abbie-Ann 4176 Abi 3178 Abigail 2728 Abbie-Ann 6552 Abi 3492 Abigail 2822 Abbie-Louisa 6706 Abiah 414 Abigail 3072 Abbie-Caroline 6718 Abiah 444 Abigail 3200 Abbie-Barbour 6725 Abial 3046 Abigail 3230 Abbie 6733 Abial-Warren 6476 Abigail 3418 Abbie-Kilbourne 8174 Abial 6999 Abigail 3629 Abbie-Kimball 8958 Abial-Mitchel 7120 Abigail 3707 Abbie-Permela 9058 Abial-Lawrence 7264 Abigail 3711 Abbie-Pranois 969; Abiel 1667 Abigail 3820 Abby 1783 Abiel 3919 Abigail 4378 Abby 2914 Abiel 3929 Abigail 4498 Abby-Prost 3720 Abigail 124 Abigail 6015 Abby-Jane 6134 Abigail 150 Abigail-Martin 6021 Abby-Caroline 6322 Abigail 170 Abigail-Bennett 6798 Abby-Frances 6953 Abigail 205 Abigail-Nourse 6939 Abby-Ann 7491 Abigail 321 Abigail-Plavilla 9693 Abby-Parker 8944 Abigail 376 Abi, ab 309 Abel 165 Abigail 390 Abi, ah 1623 Abel 214 Abigail 9417 Abijah 3605 Abel 290 Abigail 462 Abijah 3615 Abel 312 Abigail 477 Abijah 4083 Abel 457 Abigail 486 Abiram 1611 Abel 556 - Abigail 492 Abiram 1802 Abel 580 Abigail 623 Abiram 4082 Abel 582 Abigail 548 Abner-Milton 4728 Abel 689 Abigail 715 Abner-Coburn 6201 Abel 698 Abigail 723 Abraham 1785 Abel 934 Abigail 969 Abrah am- Andre w 2228 Abel 1221 AbigaH-Atherton 984 Abraham-Moore 3794 Abel-Parker 1295 Abigail 1113 Abraham 6020 Abel 1341 Abigail 1126 Abraham- Arthur 5906 Abel 1474 Abigail 1156 Abram 4159 Abel 1617 Abigail 1167 Achsah 1665 Abel 1632 Abigail 1223 Achsah 3617 Abel 1658 Abigail 1327 Achsah 3948 Abel 1709 Abigail ¦ 1343 Achsah-Mary-Ann 4862 Abel 1816 Abigail 1776 Achsah 6486 Abel 2865 Abigail 1836 Achsah-Sophia 7289 Abel .3400 Abigail 1986 Achsah-Eleanor 9519 Abel 3456 Abigail 2077 Ada-Louisa 5521 560 Ada-Faustina Ada-Louisa Ada- Arabella Ada-Belle Ada-Margrette Ada-Alena Ada-AlenaAda-Mahala AdaAdaline Adaline Adaline-BrownAdaline-AmandaAdaline-ElizabethAdaline Adaline Adam Adams Addie-EstelleAddie-Cora Addle- Augusta Addison Addison-John Addison Addison-ArbaAdelaide-Cowes Adelaide- Mary Adelai de-Delpu sh Adelaide-EsthmurAdelaide-ElizaAdelai de-Luoy Adelbert-E.Adelbert-C. AdeliaAdelia-ClarissaAdeline Adeline-Eliza AdelineAdelineAdeline Adeline-Elizabeth Adeline-DelphineAdelineAdeline Aden AdinAdna-ParsonsAdolphusAdolphusAdoniram-Judson Adrian Adrian.^rieasAffrica AgnesLeonoraAgnes-Louisa Agnes-MariaAholiabAi Ai-Harrison Ai-Parliu Ai Alace-J. Alanson Alanson-MonroeAlansonAlan.sonAlbern-Bstolla 6476 7412 7692 850191699186 9186 93109681 343;4625629162356571662375362351 1719 7438 873495793514396661889663196346215627 6646 81818789 96269680 3193 8100 2.379 3349 4361 4579 5939 6132 741377567881 19283333 7143 839 2891 60263862 7178 28293873 4725 5094 5531 282 40376582 7117775782172442 246062489540 6325 raDEX I. Albert 978 Alfred 987 Albert-Stetson 2477 Alfred 1106 Albert-Prince 2483 Alfred 1305 Albert 2490 Alfred-Parker 1312 Albert 2737 Alfred-Peter 1965 Albert-Josiah 2973 Alfred 1996 Albert-Marshall 3140 Alfred-Matthias 2345 Albert-E. 3552 Alfred-Foster 2422 Albert- Jefferson 3658 Alfred 2528 Albert 4071 Alfred-Pastorah 3003 Albert-Green 4144 Alfred 3171 Albert-Gibson 4162 Alfred 3646 Albert-Fletcher 4174 Alfred 3832 Albert-Mason 4755 Alfred 3913 Albert 4976 Alfred 4079 Albert 5473 Alfred-Lyman 4.S30 Albert-Luther 6582 Alfred-Eugene 5765 Albert-Newell 6685 Alfred 6154 Albert 6601 Alfred-Stearns 65.37 Albert- Augustus 6717 Alfred 6839 Albert-R. 5963 Alfred-Byron 6922 Albert 5972 Alfred 7379 Albert-Marshall 6118 Alfred 7658 Albert-Marshall 6129 Alfred 9538 Albert 6348 Alfred 9653 Albert-Erl 6717 Alfred-Hines 9749 Albert-Clark 6783 Algenor-Sweidon 7764 Albert-Jefferson 6977 Alg'rnon-Sherburne 7076 Albert 6979 Alice 382 Albert 7097 Alice-Fassett 1194 Albert-Eugene 7169 Alice 1871 Albert-Marshall 7299 Alice-Maria 3012 Albert 7652 Alice 3940 Albert 7841 Alice-Maud 6273 Albert-Elton 7976 Alice 54f'3 Albert-Star 8193 Alice-.Jane 6657 Albert 8306 Alice-Gertrude 6893 Albert-Henry 8406 Alice-Mertine 5910 Albert 8439 Alice 6847 Albert-Dudley 8609 Alice-Jane 7073 Albert 8661 Alice-Elvira 7451 Albprt-Day 8673 Alice-Maria 7496 Albert 8749 Alice 7639 Albert- Arthur 88U Alice-Marie-Haw Albert-Lyman 8878 thorn 7979 Albert 8880 Alice-Edith 8106 Albert 9004 Alice-Maria 8172 Albert 9015 Alice-Elizabeth 8243 Albert-Allen 9132 Alice 8319 Albert-Goodwill 9272 Alice-Ida 8588 Albert 9426 Alice-Morilla 8591 Albina 7141 Alice-Jennie 8737 Albina-Betsey 9056 Alice-Miranda 8825 Albibii-King 6321 Alice-Angela 9207 Alden- Anderson 8790 Alice 9279 Alexander 1938 Alice-Iantha 9.343 Alex.- Hamilton 2702 Alice-Maud 9380 Alex.-Hamiltou 2712 Alice 9621 Alex. -Hamilton 2719 Alice-Ormond 9()48 Alexander 3206 Allen-Mouro 1275 Alexander-Thayer 3886 Allen 1907 Alexander-Hanson 6615 Allen 3343 Alexander 6725 Allen 4,534 Alexander 17220 Allen-D. 5405 Alexander 8620 Allen Bushrod 6479 Alexander 9521 AUen-Noe 8357 Alfonzo 5696 Allen-Francis 8970 Alford 5780 AUen-Lamartine 9210 5'<3'5'5'5'3'5'S'-5'a 5'5'<'<'5'5'^g^Sg-.a'.5".5'.5'.5''a'5'>a-a o's's SS's's'BS'i'g's'BBBBS'B's'B'BBBBB'BB'BB'B'B'BBBBBBo' h &i-&&&&&r r ^ '^ ^ ^ %§ i i rrrrr iiFi 1 1 1 1 1 § ' - 1 § i? Is ? ??s|||||||i Ullv ^^^ i CJTi^cowbcairf^toooooc»'qaiCnCrtO;rfs.^MWWM-J^gwp;WCDOt^^b3W cooiOoooa:*'ObDi--ocBa>oib30wi--'co-j-^tooapcnQc;-^oj^K;jt^b2S0imWW0COat0l^H^t0hP^hl^(--'C0 0itS--i^hpH-'OC000M^h^--10it0CTW-^#" to UI )_. Ui efi CO (!.3 -a -a d til ilfc Oi Si ul K3 C3T O) 03 M M M O tO -^ -^ .-1 ~^ O^ C:t H^ ?^ rf^ i4^ fcO M CO CD OS S.^5Eoi*.u'5s^i^5uiSSSSr;qpas3-jE3oSjEiiqf3wwh2S3E5boWM)r;!ri!rtt:iK £3 SJ ;S^O(CoSorSoDS^C7itOW^O;l--'ScnaiCcgi05yiC?WOM rr P 00 ca K O ^ ?^ W S ^ ^ M ^ M oS^ ^ o =5 S S ^^ c5 So S fcO S P^ O 1^ Ol ^ Ol w ot o w 5;'-'^r-r^jzlj4i.cocit30aH^OT-^ta--^MOOrti»oo3i--ic»cowooot3oii--»ti^c»ociOooou>w-^ 562 INDEX I, AuDa 221 Anna 306 Anna 534 Anna 636 Anna 609 Anna 656 Anna 693 Anna 897 Anna 909 Anna 1005 Anna 1134 Anna 1232 Anna 1351 Anna 1616 Anna 1542 Anna 1654 Anna 1660 Anna 1781 Anna 2026 Anna 2123 Anna-Lonisa 2144 Anna 2212 Anna 2232 Anna-Burns 2425 Anna 2696 Anna 2997 Anna-Augusta 3006 Anna 3202 Anna 3246 Anna 3337 Anna 3483 Anna 3523 Anna 3893 Anna 3927 Anna-Maria . 4056 Anna-Douglas 4897 Anna-Louisa 6113 Anna-Margaret 6238 Anna-Elizabeth 6664 Anna-Juliette 6845 Anna-Sophia 5869 Anna-Stevens 6691 Anna-Sarah 7087 Anna 7913 Anna-Mary 8124 Anna-Maria 8163 Anua-Emma 8736 Anna-.VIaria 8809 Ann a- Bell 8846 Anna-Emery 8876 Anna-Elizabeth 8967 Anna-Elizabeth 9125 Anna-Burson 9267 Anna-Delight 9287 Anna 9653 Anna 9667 Annah 1885 Annah 1977 Annah-Hoppin 5587 Annatie-Viola 5349 Anne 761 Anne 814 Anne 836 Anne 852 Annett-Melisse 6373 Annette-Elizabeth 7686 Annette 7768 Annette-Sarah 8994 Annette Annie-ElizaAnnie-JudsonAnnie-Elizabeth Annie-MariaAnnie-CleoraAnnia-Caroline Annie-Elizabeth Annie-MinervaAnnie-LouiseAnnie-GertrudeAnnie-Toppan Annie AnnisAnson Anson AnsonAnson Anson-Wesley Anson AnsylAnthonyAntoinette-Harriet Aquila 1986 Aquila-Rich 4566 Arabel 7226 Arabel-Bathsheba 9112 ArabeUa-Eavens 2648 Araette 3363 Arba 96.55 Archibald-Campbell 4282 901663866930 5991 69258651868087168740884788678909917333242529 3191319433755370 668672245354 Ardelia ArdeliaArdeU AreliseAria Aria Arial Arial ArialAriannaArmon ArnoldAroline-Melissa Aroliue-BttiArpha-Danforth Arra-Baily Arrietta ArtemasArtemusArtemua Arthur Arthur-Edward Arthur-Rogers Arthur-KendallArthurArthur ArthurArthur-DennisArthur-EverettArthur-HenryArthur-PomeroyArvilla ArviUa-KendaU Arvilla-Louisa Avilla-Anu Asa Asa 4328 4481 762616764883 81971800 41904500 87682571 667671448977 48896358 5783 892 3355 3801 378963086989 6545 7433 7604 7716 86468921 9096 9311 3881 4368 44795479 198377 Asa AsaAsa AsaAsa 409667677796 1067 Asa-Lawrence ' 1087 Asa 1126 Asa 1440 Asa 1529 Asa 1621 Asa • 1755 Asa 1779 Asa 1797 Asa 1823 Asa 1844 Asa 2444 Asa ' 2587 Asa 3164 Asa 3169 Asa 3327 Asa 3496 Asa 3652 Asa 3880 Asa 3943 Asa 4175 Asa 4255 Asa-Albert 4303 Asa-Leffingwell 4603 Asa-Lanfear 4795 Asa 6252 Asa 5368 Asa-Blodget 5567 Asa-Davis 6576 Asa-Langdon 6976 Asa-Gore 7901 Asa-Medwin 9127 Asa 9442 Asa 9">41 Asabel 4214 Asahel 1998 Asaph 471 Asaph 1326 Asaph 1662 Asaph 2597 Asaph-Milton 3017 Asaph-Fletcher 3244 Asaph 3924 Asaph-Sumner 3945 Asaph-Gaylord 5441 Asaph 6282 Asaph-Evans 6613 Asaph- Evans 6£17 Asenath 2807 Asenath 3220 Asenath 3767 Asenath-Frances 6244 Asenath 6352 Asenath 7581 Asenath-Danforth 8946 Ashbel 900 Ashbel-Button 4135 Asher 895 Asher 1611 Asher 3804 Asher-William 7134 Asmet-C 4407 Atta-Emeline 7235 Augusta-Louisa 6458 INDEX I, 563 Augusta-Caroline 6914 AugustarMaria 7258 Augusta 8017 Augusta-Maria 8819 Augusta-Adelia 8869 Augustus 2222 Augustus-Edwards 2328 Augustus 2753 Augustus- Washing ton 3891 Augustus - Butter field 4049 Augustus-L. 4645 Augustus 4848 Augustus 5696 Augustus 6293 Augustus-Washing ton 7181 Augustus- Washing ton 7228 Augustus-Herbert 7279 Aurelia 1238 Aurelia 6620 Austin 2120 Austin-Abel 6700 Austin 6793 t Avery-M. 4436 Avery-Gore 4659 Avis 4586 Awdry 2011 Axel 3863 Azariah 271 Azariah 319 Azariah 2151 Azariah 4904 Azel 1142 Azel-Parkhurst 2568 Azel 2616 Azel 2629 Azel-Wainwright 6530 Azro-W. 4569 Azubah 2674 Azubah 6553 Azubah 6008 BarnessBarneyBarnice Barrett Barthena BarzillaiBashaBela-Payne Belle Belle-Graves BenaiahBenaiahBenjamin Benj'aminBenjaminBenjamin BenjaminBenjaminBenjarainBenjamin Benj'aminBenjaminBenjamin 1996 21784491 9003 6040 721 800 118584779208 2.33 469 5 29 118174196 374 482 495522627 4 BenjamiBeiyam Benjam Benjam;Benjam Benjam Benjam;Benjam;Ben.jam;Benjam:Benjam: Benjam:BenjamBenjam Benjam;Benjam:' BeiyamBenjam; BenjamBenjam; Benjam Benjam BenjamBenjamiBenjam'Benjam BenjamiBenjam; BenjamiBenjami BenjamiBenjamiBenjamiBenjami Benjam: Benjam; Benjam;' Benjam: BenjamiBenjamiBenjamBenjam: Benjam;Benjami Benjam' Benjam: Benjam;Benjam:Benjam'Benjam; Benjami BenjamiBenjam' BenjamiBenjam BenjamBenjam Benjami Benjami Benjami BenjamiBenjami Benjam'Benjam"Ben'jam;Benjam- Benjam- Benjam: in 647 n-Goodrich 1062 n 1236 n-Prescott 1303 1340 n 1396 n 1469 n 14821549 n 1629 n 1638 n-Franklin 1676 n 1708 n-Adams 1731 1786 n 1852 n 2051 n 2497 n-Harvey 2562 n-Franklin 2677 n-Baoon 2765 n-Carter 2864 n-Hutchins 2iil3 n-Martiu 3054 n 3150 n-Franklin 3208 n 3233 n 3241 n-Franklin 3253 n 3263 n-HartweU 3280 n-Parker 337333883411 n 3413 n- Sumner 3443 n-Fred' rick 3465 n-HiU 3478 349935033517 3696 n-Daniel 3722 n 3792 n-Franklin 3877 n-Everett 3901 n 3986 n-Judson 4028 n- Judson 40314036 n-Edward 4157 u-Franklin 4612 n 4900 n-Putnam 5742 n-Pendell 6015 n-Frauklin 6269 n-Judson 6274 n-Minot 6572 n-Brooks 6580 n-Oatman 6588 in 6612 n-Berry 6981 n 7)92 n-Franklin 7374 n-GUson 7495 u-Franklin 7551 n 8615 n 9370 BenoniBenoniBenoniBerthaBertha-ElizabethBertha-Rush Bertie-BelleBessie- Belle Bethiah Beth uel-Houghtou Betsey Betsey Betsey BetseyBetsey BetseyBetseyBetsey ' BetseyBetsey Betsey Betsey Betsey BetseyBetseyBetseyBetsey Betsey Bi'tse.y Betsey-Betsey Betsey Betsey BetseyBetseyBetseyBetsey-AnnBetsey BetseyBetsey Betsey Betsey BetseyBetseyBetseyBetsey-Celinda BetseyBetsey Betsey-MariaBetsey-Anseline Betsey-Butts Betse.7 Betsey-Ann Betsey-Parmelia Betsey-Melenda Betsey- Augusta Betsey Betsey-LydiaBetsey-AnnBe tsey-Chandler Betsey Betsey-Spalding Betse,y-AlmiraBetsey Betsey-O.Betsey 63 659 1782 4901 8473 8828 9618 9318 1993 9393 153 292 305 687 802 920 1044 118012901408 1451 1496 1606 18281868 18752082 2198 2241 2368 2618265726823148 3185 3249 3268 .3285 3387 3510 3542 3606 3774 3805 39924295 4502 4618 4676 47354747 48644922 6151 680160766088 61566174 6498 6516 688970507126 73827383 7779 9501 564 Betsey Betty BettyBettyBettyBetty Betty Bezaleel Bezaleel-Gates Bezaleel-GatesBezaleel-Brooks BlodgetBoardman-Cary Bowman Bradl ey- Jerome Braton Bridget BridgetBridget Bridget BridgetBridget Bridget Burleigh-Folsom Burns Burton- Willis Byron- Jephthah Byron-Hatch 9593 996 1264 1428 1443 1696221013801893 43924999 879 6932 70969731 4478 8094 108 338 644 1392 321786011 60454488 70079673 Caleb 288 Caleb 531 Caleb 1256 Calista 3440 Calista 4217 Calista 4573 Calista 6467 Calista-Jane 6609 Calista 7512 Calista 9520 Calvin 1279 Calvin 1989 Calvin 21S1 Calvin-Warren 2960 Calvin 3180 Calvin 3816 Calvin-Daniel 4496 Calvin 4531 Calvin 4979 Calvin-WrigEt 7001 Calvin-Eugene 7161 Calvin-Lalbrop 7795 Calvin-Parley 8474 Candace 8218 Candace-C. 9418 CaribeUa-Frances 8916 Carl-Saxe 9117 Carlista-Irene 6643 Carlos 6009 Carios-Hartmar 8584 Carlton 2192 Cirlton-Simon 9377 Caroline 979 Caroline-Augustus 1270 Caroline 1918 Caroline 2174 CaroUue-Ehzabeth 2726 Caroline 2826 Caroline-Augusta 3275 INDEX I. Caroline 3360 Celestia-Ermina 5170 Caroline 3441 Celia-Ann 4134 Caroline 3575 Celia-Ann 4626 Caroline 3972 Celia 7381 Caroline-Jane 4039 Celina 3590. Caroline-Eliza 4379 Celinda 1880 Caroline-Deborah 4467 Celinda 4259 Caroline 4546 Celinda 6039 Caroline 4920 Celindia 4249 Caroline-Crosby 5237 Celutha- Abigail 4708 Caroline-Semantha 6378 Cemantha 5261 Caroline 5498 Champion 682 Caroline-Anastatia 6519 Champion Chandler- Ames 1881 Caroline-Matilda 5570 9422 Caroline-Zophia 6829 Charles 277 Caroline- Augusta 6294 Charles 689 Caroline-Matilda 6562 Charles 825 Caroline 7109 Charles 965 Caroline-Rogers 7164 Charles 1204 Caroli ne-Do wning 7410 Charles 1224 Caroline 7537 Charles 1281 Caroline-Amelia 7548 Charles-Wesley 1288 Caroline-Fales 8418 Charles-W. 1623 Caroline 8419 Charles-S. 1913 Caroline-Susan 8426 Charles 1933 Caroline-Welthy 8760 Charles 2149 Caroli ne- Cornelia 9426 Charles-Henry 2262 Carrie-Amelia 3030 Charles 2296 Carrie-Farnum 4453 Charles 2320 Carrie-Weld 5125 Charles-WiUard 2539 Carrie-BeU 6366 Charles 2632 Carrie-Newel! 5719 Charles-Hanford 2723 Carrie-Julia 7361 Charles 2787 Carrie-Fidelia 7464 Charles 2848 Carrie-Rebecca 7479 Charles 2875 Carrie 8611 Charles-H. 2958 Carrie- Adelia 8803 Charles-Wesley 2969 Carrie-L. 8903 Charles- Alfred 3011 Carrie-Belle 8912 Charles-Lester 3019 Carrie-Rebecca 8997 Charles-Fisk 3025 Carrie 9162 Charles-Plumb 3037 Carrie-Fay 9244 Charles 3106 Carrie-Elizabeth 9390 Charles 3243 Carrie-Lizzie 9573 Charles 3.300 Carrie-Olive 9636 Charles-Rancelaer 3,S61 CarroU-Augustus 7240 Charles-Lord 3594 Carroll-Benjamin 9223 Charles 3635 Carson- Abiram 9141 Charles 3728 Cata-Ada-BeU 9268 Charles-Green 3823 Cate 8.S4 Charles- Weatheral 3842 Catharine 1138 Charles-Thomas 3845 Catharine 2098 Charles- Henry 3852 Catharine- Ann 2544 Charles-WitheriU 3855 Catharine-T. 4414 Charles 3928 Catharine-EUzabeth 4444 Charles 3952 Catharine-Blizabeth5343 Charles-Clark 4002 Catharine-Elizabeth 5669 Charles-Henry 4064 Catharine-Maria 6384 Charles 4102 Catharine-Lucretia 6551 Charles 4276 Catbarine-NeweU 6696 Charles 4401 Catharine-Means 6890 Charles-H. 4434 Catharine 7384 Charles-Henry 4446 Catharine-Cordelia 7549 Charles 4486 . Catharine-Tracy 8248 Charles-Ferdinand 4544 Catharine-Eugenia 8718 Charles-D. 4642 Catharine-Lewis 8817 Charles-Miner 4657 Cecelia 6299 Charles-Edwin 4733 Celestia 1248 Charles 4899 INDEX I. 565 Charles-Wesley 4927 Charles-Edward 7072 Charles-Dudley 9176 Charles-Lewis 5047 Charles- Alexander 7074 Charles-Cady 9241 Charles-Richard 6054 Charles-Daniel 7081 Charles-Henry 9294 Charles- Alvin 6078 Charles-H. 7112 Charles 9314 Charles-Edward 6098 Charles-Louis 7162 Charles-Augustus 9341 Charles-Philip 5117 Charles-Eugene 7168 Charles-Merritt 9351 • Charles-Philip 5121 Charles-Henry 7171 Charles 9371 Charles-Cushman 5127 Charles-Franklin 7214 Charles-Curtis 9384 Charles-Laton 5329 Charles-Orson 7255 Chailes-Torrey 9402 Charles-Wesley 5384 Charles-Hervey 7270 Charles-Torrey 9403 Charles- Atkinson 6427 Charles-Sumner 7287 Charles 9429 Charles 5490 Charles- Augustus 7298 Charles-E. 9456 Charles-Edwin 6501 Charles 7456 Charles- Austin 9.546 Charles-Carroll 5505 Charles-Alden 7483 Charles 9556 Charles-Henry 5549 Charles 7623 ' Charles-Granderson 9562 Charles-Nelson 5562 Charles 7673 Charles-Leonard-Tis Charles-Henry 6697 Charles-Henry 7695 dale 9567 Charles- Alva 6727 Charles-Frederick 7661 Charles- Ambrus 9572 Charles-Chandler 5728 Charles-Waldo 7666 Charles 9598 Charles 6734 Charles-Edwards 7671 Charles , 9667 Charles-Lewis 6748 Clharles- Whipple 7673 Charles- Walter 9696 Charles- Henry 6758 Charles-Edward 7690 Charles-Wesson 9723 Charles-Harry 6790 Chavle.s-Irving 7697 Charles-Henry 9747 Charles-Henry 5808 Charles- Austin 7732 Charley- At wood 8852 Charles- Andrew 5840 Charles 7802 Charlie 8093 Charles- Warren 5864 Charles 7805 Charlotte 789 Char!e3-Wri,ght 5860 Charles-RosweU 7820 Charlotte 1896 Charles-Hubbard 5915 Charles- White 7890 Charlotte 2073 Charles-Paris 5947 Charles-Wiston 7898 Charlotte 2837 Charles-Franklin 5962 Charles-Henry 7961 Charlotte 3250 Charles-Wesley 6970 Charles- Arthur 7974 Charlotte 3743 Charles 6973 Charles-Harvey 7994 Charlotte 4978 Charles-Henry 6065 . Charles 8014 Charlotte 5034 Charles-Cassius 6090 ' Charles 8061 Charlotte-Elizabeth 5087 Charles-Frederick 6115 Charles-Eldridge 8131 Charlotte- Ambrosia 6239 Charles-Edwin 6126 Charles-Stoddard 8167 Charlotte 5242 Charles-Henry 6138 Charles-PeUessier 8198 Charlotte-Maria 5396 Charles-Harrison 6180 Charles-Edward 8266 Charlotte-Eliza 5407 Charles-Hudson 6183 Charles-Timothy 8308 Charlotte 5606 Charles-Foster 6200 Charles- Ed ward 8353 Charlotte- Augusta 6296 Charles-Beeoher 6232 Charles-Clifton 8367 Charlotte-B. 69.30 Charles-Franklin 6237 Charles- Augustus 8395 Charlotte- Augusta 7806 Charles 6261 Charles-Kasson 8403 Charlotte 7993 Charles-Ira 6289 Charles-Edward 8461 Charlotte 8294 Charles-Wesley 6298 Charles-'Alva 8522 Charlotte- Almeda 8410 Charles-Elwin 6343 Charles-Lincoln 8634 Charlotte-Louisa 8672 Charles-Eli 6360 Charles- William 8656 Charlotte 8760 Charles-Elliot 6399 Charles-Franklin 8664 Chase 3062 Charles-Eldad 6410 Charles-H. 8670 Chase 3065 Charles-West 6439 Charles-Leon ard 8682 Chastina-Parkhurst 2569 Charles-Forest 6464 Charles-Henry 8726 Chauncey 1078 Charles-Henry 6466 Charles-Henry 8739 Chauncey 2199 Charles-Barbour 6489 Charles-Darius 8764 Chauncey 2596 Charles-Almon 6535 Charles- Willie 8804 Chauncey 4080 Charles-Lewis 6547 Charles-Sumner 8832 Chaunce.v-Higley 5231 Charles 6595 Charles-Lester 8840 Chauncey-Elbert 6862 Charles-Edward 6646 Charles-Hale 8870 Chauncey-Perry 8409 Charles-LoveU 6753 Charles-W. 8900 Chaunoy-Martin- CharleSrWarren 6801 Charles-Edward 8960 Stanly 6011 Charles-Hanson "6821 Charles-Weld 8967 Chauncy- Mortimer 8594 Charles 6840 Charles-Leighton 8973 Chester 1768 Charles 6937 Charles-Jlawson «007 Chester-Pierce 2027 Charles-Carroll 6965 Charles-H. 9028 Chester 4234 Charles-Leonard- Charles-Nahum 9047 Chester-Tilden 4334 Alexander 6961 Charles-Randall 9060 Chester 4536 Charles-Marion 6968 Charles 9072 Chester 4664 Charles-Mellen 7015 Charles- WiUls 9145 Chester-Pierce 5616 Charles-Warren 7061 Charles 9152 Chester 9295 566 INDEX I. Chloe 792 Chloe 1939 Chloe-S. 2873 Chloe-Abigail 4748 Chloe • 6527 • Christania 3592 Christiana-Adeline 2246 Christiana 4386 ChrLstina-CatherinQ 6425 Ciiristine 3674 Christopher- Colum bus 3693 Christopher-Water man 4377 Christopher 5390 Christopher-Henry 6927 Clara 2486 Clara-Adelaide 4164 Clara-Alice 5075 Clara-Ann 6319 Clara-Augusla 6538 Clara-Colby 5588 Clara-Asenath 6215 Clara-Lodema 6222 Clara-Frances 6620 Clara-EUa 6823 Clara-M. 7967 Clara-EUa 7986 Clara 8593 Clara-Emma 8877 Clara-Lavinia 8926 Cbira-Eveline 9151 Clara-Elizabeth 9179 Clara-0. 9197 Clara-Ann 9347 Clara-Lucinda 93.56 Clarence-Parker 2987 Clarence-Shepard 5905 Clarence-Elmer 6476 Clarence-E. 7781 Clarence-Merton 7819 Clarence-Cole 8380 Clarence-Eugene 8706 Clarence-Fred 9116 Clarence-Elmer 9200 Clarence-Mahlen 9269 Clarence-Eugene 9305 Clarence-Marcellus 9494 Clarind- Washingt'n 8762 Clarindon-WelUng- ton 8761 Clarissa 975 Clarissa-Phebe 1091 Clarissa 1903 Clarissa 1941 Clarissa 2102 Clarissa 3265 Clarissa 3750 Clarissa 4399 Clarissa-Davis 4605 Clarissa 4771 Clarissa-Amanda 5221 Clarissa-Elizabeth 6082 Clarissa 6690 Clarissa 7189 Clarissa-Cady 7873 Clark 1686 Clark-Sylvester 2470 Clark 7388 Clark-Dwig'nt 9167 Clarrie 8614 Clayton-Marsh 9114 Clement 3544 Clement - 4513 Clement-Cady 4909 Cleora 3749 Cleora-Isadore 8776 Clementine 7613 Clifford-J. 8784 Clinton 7939 Clury-Jane 7446 Cl,yanna 1227 Clymena-Gilbert 6046 Coit 1883 Colman 6480 Conie-LueUa 9095 Content 1233 Cora-Susan 7302 Cora-Gertrude 7313 Cora-Isabell 8082 Cora-Alida 8090 Cora-Estella 8255 Cora-Bell 8534 Cora-Emeretta 8745 Cora 8986 Cora 9742 Cordelia 4984 Cordelia-Eliza 6628 Cornelia-Heald 2461 Cornelia-Augusta 3008 Cornelia-Livingston 4345 Cornelia-Maria 4484 Cornelia 4627 Cornelia 4941 Cornelia-CaldweU 5541 CorneUa 6972 Cornelia- Walden 7712 CorueUa-Adelaide 8275 Cornelia- Woodle 8459 Cornelius-Ogden 6501 Corodon 2448 Corodon 6263 Crosby ' 6255 CuUen 4968 Curtis 272 Curtis 694 Curtis-Ackerly 9322 Curtis 9,382 Curtis 9394 Cylena-Holbrook 4926 Cynthia 1152 Cynthia 1300 Cynthia-Charlotte 2399^ Cynthia-Caroline 2450 Cynthia 2648 Cynthia 2656 Cynthia-Wheeler 2828 Cynthia-Ann 2867 Cynthia 3657 Cynthia 4076 Cynthia 4529 Cynthia-Parthena 4759 Cynthia 6014 Cynthia 6145 Cynthia-MariUa 5381 Cynthia-Satterlie 5614 Cynthia-Matthews 6721 Cynthia 7138 Cynthia-Emery 7177 Cynthia-Marah 7209 Cynthia-Ann 8701 Cynthia 9148 Cyril 1858 CyrU 4315 Cyril 4347 Cyius 446 Cyrus-Crary 2579 Cyrus 32;J4 Cyrus-Porter 5402 Cyrus-Grant 6270 Cyrus 6628 Cyrus-Cole 7193 D Dunn 9658 Daisy 8094 Dallas-Finnimore 5884 Dameras 267 Dana-P. 6680 Danforth-Keyes 2672 Daniel 275 Daniel 348 Daniel 658 Daniel ] 679 Daniel ' 805 Daniel 823 Daniel 1029 Daniel 1039 Daniel 1214. Daniel 1377 Daniel 1551 Daniel-Brown 1854 Daniel 1861 Daniel 1865 Daniel-Fitch 1948 Daniel 2078 Daniel 2121 Daniel 2154 Daniel 2375 Daniel-Nathaniel 2398 Daniel-Robinson 2409 Daniel-BusweU 2524 Daniel-Denison 2663 Daniel-Ayers 2797 Daniel 2816 Daniel 3149 Daniel 3166 Daniel 3471 Daniel 34891 Daniel 3691 Daniel 3717 Daniel 3784 Daniel 4073 Daniel-Burrows 4309 Daniel-Burrows 4310 Daniel 4318 Daniel-Nelson 4339 Daniel-Denison 4342 Daniel-Burgess 4441 Daniel-Hitchcock 4631 Daniel 4707 Daniel 4837 Daniel-Roberts 4863 Daniel-Benjamin 4869 Daniel 4916 Daniel-Witter 4967 Daniel 6359 Daniel-Hutohiuson 6160 Daniel-W. 6626 Daniel-Bailey 7257 Daniel-Dunbar 7404 Daniel-Cutler 7792 Daniel-Horatio 8427 Daniel-Charles 8431 Daniel- Young 8616 Daniel- Vliet 9174 Daniel 9471 Daniel-James 9485 Daniel-James 9492 Danville-Decatur 3888 Danville-Crosby 6210 DanviUe-Decatur 7176 Darius 685 Darius 716 Darius 1900 Darius 3332 Darwin 4963 Dastine 3866 David 173 David 226 David 381 David 547 David 799 David-P. 1023 David 1042 David 1109 ^David 1123 David 1427 David 1472 David 1518 David 1553 David 1763 David-S. 1911 David 1971 David 2101 David 2115 David-W. 2563 Davd 2586 David-Sylvester 3207 David 3435 David 3700 Da\>id 3732 David-Prankliu 3736 David-Greene 3771 David-O. 4418 David-Hathaway 4738 David-Leland 4790 David 4821 David-Stickney 6196 David-Abiah 6323 David 6420 David-Edward 64.30 David-Howell 6772 David-Dudley 6027 David-Sumner 6641 David 7459 David 7932 David-Lee 8074 David-Augustus 8129 David-Nathan 8350 David-Welding 9278 David- Worthington 9560 Davis 738 INDEX I. Davis-Cleaveland 4611 Day 4800 DeAlton-Fernando 8983 Debby-Ann 5186 Debby-Ann 8317 Deborah 15 Deborah 20 Deborah 59 Deborah 70 Deborah 90 Deborah 164 Deborah , 432 Deborah 540 Deborah 718 Deborah 1923 Deborah 4087 Deborah-Lyford 7118 Deborah-Dow 7139 Deborah 9469 DeUa-CaroUne 3091 Delia-Jane 4468 DeUa- 6049 Delia-Lucinda 7571 Delia-Mary 8227 Delight 1266 Delight 2933 DeUght 3055 Deliverance 139 Deliyett 5361 Delmoca ,7580 Deloma 7588 Delos 5639 Delos-Asa 7416 Delphina 5669 Denison 828 Denison 4600 Deni36n-Henry 6599 Denison-Fisher 7444 Dennis 6185 Dennison 746 DeWitt 4536 DeWitt-Clinton 4781 DeWitt-CUnton 6436 DeWitt-CUnton 7552 Dexter-Dunning 6228 Dexter 7207 Diania 6688 Diantha 3878 Diantha-Rebecca 6712 Dinah 7 Dinah 61 Dinah 212 Dinah 231 DoUe 831 DoUy 1539 Dolly 3204 DoUy-Theresa 7331 Don Alonzo 2066 Don Alonzo 7989 Dora 2316 Dora-Narcissa 2341 Dora-Louisa 8128 Dora-Etta 9628 Doras-L. 7773 Dorcas 219 Dorcas 232 Dorcas 1128 Dorcas-Furbish 3203 567 Dorcas 3662 Dorcas 3753 Dorcas 4765 Dorcas-Foster 6205 Dorcas 9554 Dorothy 19 Dorothy- Woodman 3273 Dorr 8386 Doty-Ann 7128 Douglas 1030 Douglas-Edwin 5198 Douglass-Howard 6897 Dua 1182 Dudley-Jeremiah 8118 Dunham 2160 Dustin 1105 Dustin 2520 Dustin 5356 Dutee 850 Dwelle 2100 Dwelle 4794 Dwight 1940 Dwight-Morgan 6696 Dwight-Miuer 8404 Dwight 9461 Dwight-Levi 9733 Dyer 216 Dyer 1756 E Cooper 9196 Earl 4806 Eben 360 Eben-Brown 3723 Ebenezer 22 Ebenezer 40 Ebenezer 125 Ebenezer 161 Ebenezer 403 Ebenezer 406 Ebenezer 1061 Ebenezer-Clark 2468 Ebenezer 2616 Ebenezer 2766 Ebenezer 3646 Ebenezer-W. 4601 Ebenezer-Whitney 6163 Ebenezer-Farring ton 6911 Eda-Lincoln 8829 Edath 395 Eddie-Oscar 7343 Ede 1018 Edgar-Nathan 4452 Edgar-Alonzo 6293 Edgar 6804 Edgar-Myron 7741 Edgar-Goldsmith 7966 Edgar-Lincoln 8044 Edgar-Henderson 8370 Edgar-Franklin 9389 Edgar 9739 Edith 3735 Edith 3762 Edith 8893 Edith-Mary 1122 Edmond 1789 Edmund 2567 Edmund 2599 568 INDEX I. Edmund 3401 Edmund-W 7852 Edmund-Samuel 8910 Edmund 9507 Edmund-Clark 9692 Edna 8325 Ednah-Shedd 3957 Edna-Esther 3958 Edna 6668 Edna- AUce 6142 Eduor-Mariah 7742 Edward 1 Edward 3 Edward 12 Edward 21 Edward 28 Edward 64 Edward 107 Edward 197 Edward 258 Edward 347 Edward 736 Edward 786 Edward 986 Edward 1025 Edward 1036 Edward 1046 Edward 1796 Edward-Jenner 1966 Edward 2001 Edward 2033 Edward 2076 Edward-PhUip 2162 Edward 2297 Edward-Augustus 2299 Edward-Johnson 2313 Edward-Atherton 2340 Edward-Comings 2368 Edward-MUtimore 2415 Edward 2588 Edward 2763 Edward 2884 Edward-Gurley 2915 Edward 2995 Edward 3429 Edward-Hutohinson3442 Edward-Page Edward-Everett Edward Edward-Clark EdwardEdward-RusseUEdwardEdward Edward-Heber Edward-Francis Edward Edward-Mar.shallEdward-Gerry Edward-James Edward-RichEdward Edward-LelandEdward-Reynolds Edward-Prescott Edward-BigelowEdward- Adams Edward-Carter 36253682 3834 4341 4709 47274834 4942 5089512951876212 522762.35 62435492 6627 554665505663 5638 6839 Edward 5848 Elbridge-Gerry Edward-Eugene 6864 Elbridge Edward-Albert 6905 Elbridge-Gerry Edward 6.306 Elbridge-Porter Edward-Franklin 6600 Elbridge-Gerry Edward-Sumner 6649 Elbridge-Heald Edward- Augustus 6650 Elbridge- Austin Edward 6710 Eldora-Philena Edward-B. 6850 Eldron-E. Edward-Heald 6896 Eleanor-Peabody Edward-Heald 6898 Eleanor Edward-Francis 6944 Eleanor Edward-Henry 6947 Eleanor-Meriel Edward-Clarence 7064 Eleanor-Weld Edward-Parker 7082 Eleanor-Maria Edward-MarshaU 7310 Eleazer Edward-RusseU 7418 Eleazer Edward 7478 Eleazer Edward 7506 Eleazer Edward-C. 7610 Eleazer Edward-Clement 7708 Eleazer Edward-WiUard 7759 Eleazer Edward-L. 7772 Eleazer Edward-Martin 7893 Eleazer Edward-Clayton 7963 Eleazer-M. Edward-R. 8158 Electa Edward-Moses 8251 Electa Edward-Allen 8279 Electa-AUen Edward-Cox 8364 Electa-Thaukful Edward-Prentice 8639 Electa Edward-Irwin 8919 Eli Edward 9019 Eli Edward 9034 Eli-David Edward-Burson 9265 Eli Edward-Thomas 9329 Eli Edward-Broad water 9478 Eli Edwin-Sampson 1736 Eli Edwin-Stevens 2731 Eli-Darius Edwin 4366 Elias Edwin-W. 4433 EUas Edwin 6597 Eltas-Jeffrey Edwin 5691 Eli. ah Edwin 5802 EU ah Edwin-Eugene 6902 Elijah Edwin-Adolphus 6666 Eli. ah-Plumb Edwin-Isaac 6830 Eliiah Edwin-Rufus 7037 Elijah Edwin-Gilbert 7266 Elijah Edwin-Sanders 7311 Eli. ah Edwin-Clement 7530 Eli ah-Mears Edwin-J. 7544 Elijah Edwin-Warren 7621' Eliiah Edwin-Spicer 7665 Eli' ah-Gibbs Edwin-AUeu 7701 Elijah Edwin-,Tames 7729 Eliphalet Edwin-Alexander 8476 Elipbalet-MorriU Edwin-Willis 8569 Elisha Edwin-Josiah 9053 Eli.sha Edwin-Granville 9102 Elisha Edwin-Shaw 9170 , Elisha Edwin-De Land 9302 Elisha Ed win-Longfellow •9632 Elisha Effie-Ann 6350. Elisha-Lathrop Effie-May 9064 Elisha-Andrus Effie 9741 Elisha-Knight E ffingham-Warner 4921 Elisha Elbert 6464 Elisha-Paine Elbridge-Gerry 2430 Elisha-Abbott 243336443677 3679 3926 6665 701963198783 33523611 5132687389669670 60 181224 489573 13821586 3176 3 6 94171753 447449885406 6172 906 1356250631103128 3296 5322 6077 1258 27432798 192644 769 1336 14101710 20382048 3668 4105 4113 6162 70043384 ,7237 728881 115019882030 2649 268728452911 3288 4613 5566 INDEX I. '569 Elisha 7662 Elisha-Adams 7884 Elisha-Satterlee 7905 Elisha-Yale 8125 Eliza 1096 Eliza- Ann 1205 Eliza-Jane 1314 Eliza 1324 Eliza 1357 Eliza 1510 Eliza 1762 EUza 1909 BUzar-Ann 2291 EUza^Weeks 2372 Eliza 2491 EUza 2750 Eliza-Dido 2824 Eliza- Ann 2889 ElizafJaue 2970 Eliza 3079 Eliza-Tenny 3097 EUza 3108 Eliza 3133 Eliza 3157 Eliza 3182 EUza 3321 Eliza-Lawrence 3398 Elizas-Lawrence 3480 EUza 3504 Eliza 3593 Eliza-Jeanette 3601 Eliza 3647 Elizar-Pields 3721 Eliza 4097 Eliza 4114 Eliza 4173 EUza 4196 EUza 4244 Eliza 4283 Eliza- WUson 4365 Eliza 4580 EUza CarroU 4628 Eliza-L. 4639 Eliza-Ann 4703 Eliza-Jane 4796 EUza 4963 Eliza-Rebecca 6036 EUza-Turner 6186 EUza-Sophia 6209 Eliza-EUen 5320 EUza 5879 EUza 6106 Eliza-Hodgdou 6140 Eliza 6192 EUza-Adaline 6533 Eliza-Ann 6681 Eliza- Ann 6748 Eliza-Jane 6886 Eliza-Herrick 6954 Eliza-Jane 6986 Eliza-Jane 6993 Eliza 7040 Eliza-Ann 7543 Eliza 7929 Eliza-Loomis 8438 EUza-C. 9298 Elizar-Ann • 9431 EUza-Shepherd' 9545 Eliza-Vacy 9724 EUzabeth 5736 EUzabeth 30 EUzabeth-Bacon 5750 Elizabeth 82 Elizabeth 5796 Elizabeth 119 EUzabeth- Vaunder Elizabeth 146 beck 5841 Elizabeth 206 Elizabeth-Prentice 5850 Elizabeth 241 Elizabeth-Hannah 6101 Elizabeth 256 EUzabeth-HUdreth 6341 Elizabeth 354 EUzabeth 6402 EUzabeth 398 Elizabeth-Ann 6558 EUzabeth 442 Elizabeth-Jane 6587 Elizabeth 468 Elizabeth-Goodrich 6876 Elizabeth 604 Elizabeth 7107 EUzabeth 610 Elizabeth 7186 Elizabeth 663 Elizabeth-Green 7480 EUzabeth 675 Elizabeth 7641 Elizabeth 685 Elizabeth-Ranlett 7642 Elizabeth 756 Elizabeth 7856 Elizabeth 763 Elizabeth-Lomira 7920 Elizabeth 854 Elizabeth-Daphne 8464 Elizabeth 888 Elizabeth-Alace 8607 EUzabeth 924 Elizabeth-Maria 8681 EUzabeth 1032 Elizabeth Ann 8747 Elizabeth 1133 Elizabeth-Chapman 8923 EUzabeth 1366 Elizabeth-Combs 8953 EUzabeth 1378 EUzabeth 9074 Elizabeth 1466 Elizabeth-Helen 9333 EUzabeth 1682 Elizabeth-Lawrence 9414 Elizabeth 1692 Elizabeth-Experi Elizabeth 1606 ence 9436 Elizabeth 1631 Elizabeth-Franees- Elizabeth 1648 Ann 9483 Eli zabeth-Parkhurstl 962 Elizabeth- Anna 9628 EUzabeth 1978 Elizabeth-Abigail 9529 Elizabeth 2014 Elkanan 1908 Elizabeth 2039 Ella-Melissa 2950 Elizabeth 2069 EUa-Tirzah 3038 Elizabeth 2140 EUa-E. 4060 Elizabeth 2619 Ella-Adelaide 4136 Elizabeth 2705 Ella 4756 EUzabeth 2938 EUa 5286 Elizabeth-Elmira 3002 EUa-Maria 6431 Elizabeth-Melvina 3122 Ella-Minerva-Carew6871 Elizabeth 3405 EUa-Amanda 6107 Elizabeth 3432 Ella-Frances 6333 Elizabeth 3621 EUa-EUzabeth 6427 EUzabeth-Gordon 3733 EUa 6727 EUzabeth 3766 EUa-Ann 6767 Elizabeth-Ann 3830 Ella- Agnes 7369 EUzabeth 3912 EUa-Calista 7627 Elizabeth 3920 EUa-Eudora 7654 Elizabeth-Owen 4124 Ella 7676 Elizabeth-Rebecca 4153 EUa-Maria 7829 Elizabeth 4293 Ella 8091 Elizabeth 4456 Ella-Matilda 8105 Elizabeth-Mary 4619 EUa 8115 Elizabeth-Toscan 4527 EUa 8133 Elizabeth 4577 EUa-Betsey 8335 Elizabeth-Butler 4684 Ella-Minerva 8373 Elizabeth 4698 EUa-Aurelia 8484 iJlizabeth 4788 Ella-Grace 8572 Elizabeth 4973 EUa-EUza 8626 BUzabeth-Jewett 6073 Ella-J. 8785 EUzabeth- Allen 5174 EUa-Emigene 8874 Elizabeth 5613 EUar-Dorcas 89461 Elizabeth 5604 EUa 9010 Elizabeth 5646 EUa-EsteUe 9057 EUzabeth 5673 EUa 9164 570' INDEX I. EUa-C. 9623 Elvira-Ladd 2577 Emma-Almina 5303 EUa 9701 Elvira 2586 Emma-Eupheuia 5342 EUagene .5983 Elvira 3507 Emma 5360 EUanora-Roseltha 9570 Elvira 4623 Emma-Cecilia 6637 Ellen 1110 Elvira 6198 Emma 6640 EUen-Maria 2948 Elvira 6678 Emma-EUsworth 6868 EUen-Mary 4032 Elwin-WiUie 8258 Emma-Sophia 6917 Ellen-Augusta 5228 Ely-Parker 8212 Emma-Rhoda 6108 EUen-Zelnora 5325 Elzina-Bernice 9627 Emma-Leora 6494 EUen-Adelia 5415 Emeline-Augusta 1316 Emma 6631 Ellen 5557 Emeline-Tenny 2538 Emma- Alvira 6770 Ellen-Jane 5605 Emeline 2549 Emma 6853 EUen-Maria 6757 Emeline 2661 Emma 7051 EUen-Clays 5824 Emeline 2827 Erama-Aroline 7147 Ellen-Frances 5909 Emeline 3237 Emma-Frances 7205 EUen-EUzabeth 5948 Emeline 3821 Emma-Augusta 7215 Ellen 6035 EmeUne 3887 Emma 7245 EUen- Augusta 6288 Emeline 4300 Emma^Caroline 7349 EUen-Lucinda 6492 Emeline 4575 Emma 7677 EUen-Maria 6564 Emeline-Ann 4782 Emma-Olive 7691 EUen-Rebecca 6669 Emeline 4998 E mma- Augusta 7699 EUen-Maria 6703 Emeline-Augusta 5085 Emma 7945 EUen-Cornelia 6716 Emeliue-Melissa 5340 Emma-C.ynthia 8192 EUen-M. 6813 Emeline-Frances 6287 Emma^Eiiza 8412 EUen-Maria 6817 E meUne-EUzabeth 6832 Emma-Jane 8430 Ellen-Maria 6833 Emeline 6928 Emma-Luella 8563 EUen-Maria 6891 EmeUne 6936 Emma-Maria 8592 EUen-Rebecca 6897 Emeline-H. 7025 Emma 8612 EUen-Maria 7564 Emeline 7321 Emma-Dean 8657 EUen-Marcia 7689 Emeline 7618 Emma-Louisa 8803 EUen 7880 EmUy-Swift 2773 Emma-A. 8904 Ellen 7928 Emily 2836 Emma^Mary 8996 Ellen-Betsey 8164 Emily 3377 Emma 9041 EUeu-Keturah 8170 EmUy 3634 Emma-Bearce 9055 Ellen-Mar 8233 Emily-Desdemona 3596 Emma 9160 Ellen-Henrietta 8886 Emily-Persis 4129 Emma 9406 EUen-L. 9291 Emily 4241 Emma • 9462 Ellen 9400 Emily 4367 Emma- Annette 9610 EUicott 6672 Emily-Alvira 4466 Emma-Jane 9671 EUison 7883 Emily-Cozzens 4797 Emmet 5773 Elmah-W. 4438 Emily 4964 Emmett 8070 Elmer 2794 Emily-Lorinda 5391 Enoch 652 Elmer-Nelson 8896 Emily-Bryant 5825 Bnos 1991 Elmer-E.-EUsworth 9129 Emily-Amanda 6369 Enos-Wilder 2578 Elmer-Ellsworth 9632 Emily-Janette 6430 Enos-R. 4582 Elmina-Sweet 2474 Emily-EUza 6470 Ephraim 120 Elmina 4825 EmUy-Cyrena 6506 Ephraim 168 Elmina-EUzabeth 6607 Emily-Augusta ' 6574 Ephraim 393 Elminar-Kibleu 6603 Emily-Rfibeckah 6605 Ephraim 481 Elmina 6694 Emily-Pingree 6790 Ephraim 1163 Elmina 6720 Emily-Wilder 6959 Ephraim 1172 Elmira 1307 Emily-Button 7470 Ephraim 1375 Elmira-Leonard 1316 Emily 7882 Ephraim 1447 Elmore 6778 Emily 7887 Ephraim [1449 Elmore 6251 Emily-Matilda 7923 Ephraim 1461 Elmore 8206 Emily 9427 Ephraim 1477 Elmore-0. 9678 Emily-Clark 9510 Ephraim 1641 Elnathan 413 Emily-Temperance 9548 Ephraim 2667 Elnathan 1460 Emily-M. 9674 Ephraim 2685 Elnathan 2512 Emily 9736 Ephraim-Hall 2733 Elroy-Eugene 7766 Emma 2457 Ephraim 12755 Elsie-Marianna 5827 Emma 2979 Ephraim 3186 Elsie-Maryetta 8533 Emma-French 2998 Ephraim-Parkhurst 3261 Elsie 8890 Emma 3638 Ephraim 3367 Elva^ Viola 9299 Emma-Eugene 4485 Ephraim 3371 Elvina 3619 Emma-Eliza 4814 Ephraim 3391 Elvira . 1082 Emma-Florence 6060 Ephraiju 3603 Elvira- Amanda 2419 Emma-Louisa 5276 Ephraim 3653 INDEX I. 571 Ephraim-Wheeler 6448 Esther 1590 Ephraim 6178 Esther 1600 Ephraim-Wood 6211 Esther 1633 Ephraim-Heald 6884 Esther 1700 Ephraim-H. 7096 Esther 1794 Ephraim 8660 Esther 1816 Erastus 1171 Esther 1972 Erastus 1906 Esther-Porter 2485 Erastus-Gardner 2449 Esther-Patterson 2532 Erastus 2638 Esther-Patterson 2542 Erastus 2699 Esther 2605 Erastus-Holmes 2716 Esther-Palmer 3102 Erastus-Alsworth 2730 Esther 3166 Erastus 2748 Esther-Dutton 3313 Erastus 2804 Esther 3394 Erastus 3430 Esther 3758 Erastus 3460 Esther 3770 Erastus 3837 Esther 4327 Erastus-Harrison 4713 Esther-Austin 4870 Erastus-Mason 4739 Esther-Stanton 6177 Erastus-Lester 4907 Esther-Elvira 5461 Erastus-Warreu 5268 Esther-May 8635 Erastus-Wooster 6561 Esther-Alice 9334 Erastus-Holmes 6663 Esther 9.397 Erastus-HamUton 6684 Esther 9582 Erastus-Henry 8503 Esther-Eleanor 9690 Erastus 94,39 Ethan 3785 Eri 3461 Ethel-Jane 7726 Eri-Jonathan 3463 Ethelyn-Frances 8649 Eri 3936 Etta-Lily 5203 Ermina 6695 Etta-Maria 5277 Ernest 5960 Etta-BeU 6336 Ernest-Lin-wood 5986 Eugene-Herbert 5837 ErviUa 6154 Eugene-Rodolphus 7233 ErvUla i 7482 Eugene-Chapman 7736 Esmah-EUza 6663 Eugene 8068 Esta-EUen 8608 Eugenia- Antoinette 7554 EsteUa-Adelaide 6674 Eunice 11 EsteUa-May 8282 Eunice 33 EsteUa-Lunette 9706 Eunice 147 Esther 23 Eunice 220 Esther 89 Eunice 445 Esther 113 Eunice 724 Esther 168 Eunice 744 Esther 236 Eunice 858 Esther 341 Eunice 1605 Esther 366 Eunice 1723 Esther 370 Eunice 1855 Esther 525 Eunice 1930 Esther 565 Eunice 1968 Esther 590 Eunice 2625 Esther 633 Eunice 2978 Esther 662 Eunice-Jones 3306 Esther 708 Eunice 4232 Esther 713 Eunice 4400 Esther 824 Eunice 4789 Esther 948 Eunice 4906 Esther 1001 Eunice 5486 Esther 1049 Eunice 6170 Esther 1069 Eunice 6407 Esther 1084 Eunis 280 Esther-Richardson 1102 Eva 4411 Esther 1122 Bva-Mobelia 4752 Esther 1381 Eva-Melora 6994 Esther 1404 Eva-May 6070 Esther 1439 Eva-Miranda 6213 Esther 1462 Eva-Sumner 6329 Esther 1566 Eva-Lorena 8490 Eva-May Eva-Eliza Eva-D. Evander EvanderEvans-CarleEvelina- Anvel EvelineEverardEverell-Andrus Everett Everett-Sargent Everett-LorenzoEverline-AnnetteEvie-Charlotte Experience ExperienceExperienceExperienceExperience EzarahEzariah-Wright Ezekiel Ezekiel Ezekiel EzekielEzekielEzekielEzekielEzekiel- Wood Ezekiel-PierceEzraEzra Ezra.Ezra-Mo,rgan Ezra-MonronEzra-KnowltonEzra EzrahEzrom Fannie-Matilda Fannie-Louisa Fannie-CuddebackFannie-Ethel Fannie-EsteUFanny Fanny-Bunker Fann.y-Mildred FannyFannyFanny-Esther Fanny Fanny FannyFanny-Elizabeth Fanny-CopelandFanny Farry Fayette-Washing ton FayetteFernando Fidelia Fidelia-Janette FideUa Fielder-Chapman Finetta 8498 886791922182 4977 31353093 4292 5940 9672 636170657832 97308807 109137 1253 1878 2921 781 6457 122 388399674 1819 2012 426163629686 443 696 2091 26837826 7866 7910 788 4111 568568878057 8096 81861960 3211 3222 3316 3356 4301 4557 4768 63376522 76318643 8361 7444 7522 544936886061 6706 3508 3056 572 INDEX I, Fitz-Henry 2332 Francis-Mason 4029 FlaviUa- Almira 5004 Francis-Edward 4637 Plavilla-Almira 6197 Francis-P. 4644 FlavUla-Hortense 6202 Francis-Clark 4786 Flora-Dorothy 6326 Francis 5712 Flora-Augusta 7195 Francis-Henry 6836 Flora-BeU ' 8641 Francis-James 6853 Flora-B. 8782 Prancis-W. 6280 Flora-EUa 9496 Francis-Proctor 6401 Florence-Lilian 5333 Francis-Marion 6634 Florence-EUicott 5674 Prancis-WeUington 6736 Florence-Helen 5894 Francis 7106 Florence-Eva 6223 Francis-Emery 7179 Florence-Atwood 7196 Francis-Marion 7218 Florence-Eugenia 7216 Francis-Ashbury 7797 Florence-Delia 7528 Francis-E. 7982 Florence-Amanda 7892 Francis 8020 Florence-Orrilla 8165 Francis 8304 Florence 8201 Francis-Judson 8669 Florence 8480 Francis-Irving 9229 Florence-FideUa- Prank-Monsou 2488 Helena 8707 Frank-Luoeru 2947 Florence-Ardetta 8984 Frank-Parker 5067 Florence 9134 Frank 6313 Florid-F. 5890 Frank-Merrill 5522 FloriUa 2729 Frank-David 6798 Pioyd-Nelson 8624 Frank-Lucius 5812 Fontie 8360 Frank-Warren 6836 Forrand 7766 Prank-Warner 6857 Forest 6766 Frank-Willis 6916 FranceUa 2465 Frank-Eugene 5954 Fraucelia-Isidore 8562 Frank-Wood 6214 FranceUa 4690 Frank 6825 Frances-Rebecca 983 Frank-Newton 7088 Frances-Rebecca 985 Frank-Benjamin 7356 Frances-Abigail 2248 Frank 7626 Frances 2901 Frank Parmelee 7561 Frances 3822 Frank 7660 Frances-Louisa 4743 Frank-Wase 7718 Frances-Olive 4896 Frank-MUo 7726 Frances- Ann 5070 Frank-Pierce 7761 Frances 5091 Frank-LiUau 7897 Frances-EUen 6120 Frank 8006 Frances-Gardner 5272 Frank-Norton 8081 Frances-Adelaide 5366 Frank-Ewing 8191 Frances-El izabeth 5774 Frank 8210 Frances-Eliza 6876 Frank-Calvin 8245 Frances- Ann 6130 Frank-RoUin 8270 Frances-ArabeUa 6868 Frank-Whidden 8320 Frances-Emily 6965 Frank-Mead 8324 Frances-EUen 6971 Frank-Lucius 8338 Frances-Eveline 7466 Frank 8378 Frances-M. 7687 Frank-Bela 8528 Frances-EUen 8681 Prank-Lamotte 8621 Prances 9042 Frank-WiUie 8677 Frances-Almira 9164 Frank 8778 Frances-Caroline 9180 Frank-Willshire 8796 Frances-Irene 9263 Frank 8808 FrancUlia 6195 Prank-Ellsworth 8833 Francina 9133 Frank-Clarence 8915 Francis 425 Frank-Leverett 9065 Francis 1230 Frank-Asabel 9157 Francis-Augustus 1269 Frank-Dunham 9172 Francis ' 2298 Frank-BurdeU 9342 Francis-Carter 2840 Prank-Leon 9379 Francis-Eugene 2996 Frank 9407 Francis-Oliver 3902 Frank-F. 9459 Francis 3967 Frank 9498 Frank-Edward 9569 Prank-Perrin 9645 PraukUn-Crowley 1310 Franklin 2170 Franklin 3068 FrankUn 3235 Franklin 3.319 Franklin 3856 Franklin-Martin 3982 FrankUn-Witter 4137 Franklin 4409 Franklin 4632 FrankUn 4671 Franklin-Spencer 5067 Franklin 5337 Franklin-Abram 7373 Franklin 7700 Franklin-Granger 7813 FrankUn-Reiiben 8436 Franklin-Fremont 9116 Franklin 9641 Fred-Mortimer 4476 Fred-Merrill 5306 Fred 6314 Fred-Albion 7036 Fred-Oscar 8030 Fred-Edward 8111 Fred-EUsworth 8394 Fred-Franklin 8467 Pred-Elias 8531 Fred-EUiott 8543 Fred-Alton 8678 Fred-Madison 8742 Fred-George 8795 Fred-WUlis 8932 Fred-Henry 8991 Fred-Whitcomb 9156 Fred-Gaylord. 9225 Fred-Elisha 9240 Pred-Lincoln 9345 Freddie 5922 Preddie-Munroe 7086 Freddie 8814 Freddie 8901 Prederic-Dabney 4636 Frederick 1170 Prederick-Balch 2394 Frederick-Austin 2707 Frederick-Allen 2721 Frederick- Washing ton 3219 Frederick- WiUiam 4311 Frederick-H. 4425 Frederick-Austin 4861 Frederick-Henry 6103 Frederick-Lambert 5199 Frederick 5357 Frederick 5545 Predeirick-Thomas 5643 Frederick-Austin 5648 Frederick-Erie 5664 Frederick-Orvis 5830 Frederick-Hoyt 5855 Frederick-Person 6245 Frederick 6626 Frederick-Foster 6598 Frederick 6624 Frederick 6689 INDEX I, 573 Frederick- Frederick Frederick- Frederick- Frederick-Frederick-Frederick-Frederick' Frederick-FrederickFrederick-Frederick-Prederick-PreeloveFreelove Freeman ¦Augustus7188 7659 Augustus 7878 -Spencer 8183 -Charles 8278 ¦P. 8485 •Bruce 8622 ¦Henry 8674 -Elmer 8696 -Kidder 8881 -Augustus 9 103 -Augustus9248¦Mortimer 956341074917 9603 G.-W.-Montgomery 4807 Gains 1386 Gains 3162 Gardner 1064 Gardner-Edwin 7493 Garidus 4239 Garrison 8073 General-Eaton 9396 George 776 George 988 George 1047 George 1202 George- Washington 1210 G«orge-Henry 1277 George- Washington 1354 George 2026 George 2099 George-Otis 2273 George 2295 George-Atherton 2343 George 2429 George- Washington 2451 George-Bates 2478 George-Dallas 2480 George- Swift 2779 George 2809 George 2877 George-Cyrus 2935 George 2967 George-Leonard 2991 George-Sumner 3016 George-MarshaU 3118 George-Frederick 3124 George 3299 George-Adams 3347 George 3403 George-Henry 3626 George- Washington 3659 George-Fish 3560 George 3587 George- Washington 3649 George-Putnam 3729 George-Greenleaf 3890 George-Barron 3910 George-Benton 3977 George-Theron 4008 GeorgerButterfield 4048 George-Albert 4056 George 4092 George-Hazen 4166 George 4198 George 4316 George-Robert 4316 George-S. 4437 George 4464 George-Duane 4471 George-Wanton 4630 George-W. 4655 George 4673 George 4677 George-Gary 4717 George-Gary 4729 George- Washington 4773 George 4816 George-H. 4851 George- Washington 4910 George-Warner 4925 George 4938 George 5017 George- Washington 6028 George-Csgood 6064 George-Francis 5086 George-Herbert 5088 George-Prescott 5114 George-NeweU 6205 George 5222 George-Wilber 6282 George-Edward 6328 George-Levi 5400 George-Washington 5446 George-Burley 5515 George-Kilby 5528 George- Aldrich 6596 George-Hetry 6608 George 5622 George 6679 George 5713 George-Richards 5718 George-Brinley 5743 George-Messenger 6752 George 5787 George-Walker 5797 George-Alfred 6810 George- Washington 5826 George-Munroe 5886 George 6033 George-James 6067 George-Paschal 6083 George-Horatio- Grant 6091 George-Alonzo 6103 George- Washington 6114 George-Flagg 6131 George 6292 George-Henry 6313 George-Perham 6394 George-Washington 6409 George-Adams 6473 George-Ephraim 6493 George-Benjamin 6514 George-Nelson 6583 George-Elmer 6647 George 6788 George- Washington 6796 George 6810 George 6824 George- Washington 6887 George-Franklin 6888 George-Henry 6895 Georgfe-Edward 6919 George-Clinton 6966 George 7047 George-Sumner 7057 George-Daniel 7070 George-Chandler 7079 George-Eben 7086 George-W. 7111 George-Curamings 7162 George-Danville 7226 George-Franklin 7244 George-Homer 7274 George-Warren 7277 George-Marshal 7280 George-Newman 7296 George-Hunter 7314 George-Stevens 7353 George-Edward 7365 George 7394 George-Henry 7494 George 7521 George 7632 George 7679 George-Edwin 7684 George-Webster 7731 George-Fernando 7836 George-Willard 7874 George-Addison 7919 George 7965 George-W. 7960 George-Henry 7983 George-Henry 7995 George-NeUis 7999 George 8001 George-Gary 8032 George-Ralston 8050 George- Washington 8056 George 8062 George 8249 George-Clinton 8253 Gcorge-Osgood 8262 George-Frederick 8269 George-William 8400 George-Lester 8422 George-Edgar 8512 George-Alva 8514 George-Dextet 8525 George-Omer 8605 George-Washington 8639 George-Henry 8717 George-Washington 8719 George-Davis 8729 George 8755 George 8766 George-Reed 8871 George 8887 George-Alva 8894 George-Franklin 8917 George-Miner 8945 George-Edward 8948 George-Wallis 8971 George-Nelson 9021 George-Leonard 9085 George-W. 9194 George-Edwin 9230 George-Lexington 9259 George 9296 George-Simeon 9358 574 George-Wilber 9374 George-Herbert 9386 George-Wesley 9388 George-Jephthah 9410 George 9448 George-Henry 9456 George 9473 George-Adison 9568 George 9647 George-Norman 9732 George- Washington 9752 Georgiana- Augusta 6366 Georgianna 6275 Georgianna-Hilton 6100 Georgianna-BUa 6992 Georgiannar Julia - 7241 Georgiann a-Rebecca 7276 Georgianna- Ade laide 7696 Georgianna • 7760 Gershom-Newton 4388 Gershom-Flagg 6133 Gershom-Fay 6879 Gertie-'Bldora 9631 Gertrude 6338 Gertrude-White 6542 Gertrude 8348 Gertrude-Parker 8447 Gideon 105 Gilbert 2754 Gilbert-Davis 9401 Giles-Gilson 8580 Giles-Gilman 8585 Gilman 2380 Gilman 24Hi-Hi-(T-(iHr-li-liH(NC4,M a a a a .a.aj=ja OOOO blhshjhs £l a a a O ;. o hshshs .a a'S'S's .a a a a > O O o o |hshsi-shs o a a a . o o o o o hshshsP^hs aaaaaaaaaaaBKKHCBHBaHSPwgHHiahiywH^^swiM^oooooocooooooooooooosoooooooooo o a o c o o o ihshshshshshihshshshshshshshshshshsrshshshshshshihihshshshshsl-shshshihshsh^hs 1 tfi » (/) a; a! w ! a a ^ a c€ a .. - -1 a a a a a a agaaacaBBaaaaPPf^o? " a a a a a ^ S o3 K ^ +3 -4.3 +3 -fj +3 ri cS ri 03 ri H fl fl fl S O O O O O INDEX I. Josiah 3284 Julia-Maria 6536 Josiah-Worcester 3664 JuUa 5708 Josiah 3610 JuUa 5761 Josiah 3798 iTuliar-Elizabeth 6859 Josiah-Russell 3971 Julia- Ann 6193 Josiah 4269 .Tuliar-Adelia 6236 Josiah 4667 Julia-Ann 6398 Josiah-Roberts 6453 JuliarSophia 6502 Josiah-Sawyer 5669 Julia-Ann 6504 Josiah 6339 JuUa-Ann 6511 Josiah-Oscar 6878 Julia-Maria 6534 Josiah-Chapman 6894 Julia-Maria 6805 Josiah Dow 7140 Juliarjrosephiue 7992 Josiah-Eckley 7367 Julia 9369 Josiah 7611 Juliet-Parsons 1335 Josiah 9465 JuUett 4016 Josiah 9466 J uliette- Amanda 4229 Josias 761 Juliette-Amanda 7568 Josie-Angelia 6110 Julius-Csesar 2510 Josie-Angelia 6852 Julius 4219 Joshua 810 Julius 4839 Joshua 813 Julius-Siloam 7752 Joshua-Pierce 1101 Julius-H. 7930 Joshua 2132 Julius-Erastus 8203 Joshua 2143 Junius 3042 Joshua-Kingsbury 3438 Justin 2576 Joshua 3914 Justin- White 4541 Joshua-Adams 4281 Justin-White 4561 Joshua 4981 Justin- Wilder 6401 Joshua-Pearsons 7645 .Tustin 5410 Joshua 9590 Justin-Levi 5412 Juda 705 Justin 6553 Judith 812 Justin 9643 Judith 1695 Judith 1697 Kaludy 8376 Judith 1701 Kate- Pray 5204 Judith 3788 Kate-EUicott 5675 Judith 3793 Kate-Woodman 6146 Judith-Azubah 6022 Kate 6848 Judith-J. 7113 Kate 7644 Judith-Dennett 7127 Kate- Ada 8610 Judson-Franklin 5580 Kate-Emelia 8769 Judson 5598 Kate-Louise 9213 Judson-Morris 8231 Katharine-Russell 7153 Judson-Levi 8702 Katharine-Olm Julia- Ann 992 stead 8446 Julia 1090 Katie-Frances 5079 JuUa 2167 Katie- Alma 6330 Julia 2168 Katie-Ida-BeU 9361 JuUa-Ann 2202 Katie-Correta 9491 JuUa-Ann 2410 Katy 8211 Julia-Adelaide 2509 Kezia 249 Julia 2745 Kezia 2906 Julia-Ann 2881 Kimball-Chapman 6434 Julia-Granby 3350 Kirk-Wheeler 7236 Julia-Maria 3527 Kirk 7944 Julia-Ann 3600 Kitty ,3708 Julia-Maria 4041 Julia 4058 Lamond 7972 Julia-B. 4440 Larkin 4278 Julia 4530 Laura- Ann 1317 Julia-G. 4640 Laura ' 2134 Julia-Ann 4711 L-aura-Maria 2417 Julia 4913 Laura 2890 Julia 4946 Laura 2934 Julia- Amelia 4991 Laura-Maria 3028 Julia- Ann 5442 Laura 3051 Julia-Trask 5525 Laura-Mowry 3086 581 Laura-MarieLaura-RachelLauraLaura- Ann Laura- Ann LauraLaura-MariaLaura-JaneLaura-HarrietLauraLaura Laura-GoddardLaura- Ann Laura-J.Laura- Ann Laura- Ann Laura-Emma Laura-Henrietta Laura- Ann Laura-Evaline Laura Laurar-WilderLaura-Catharine LaurettaLauretta^Jefferson Lavina-JeffersLavina-HarringtonLavina Lavinia LaviniaLaviniaLavinia- Arselia Lavinia-Pierce Lavony Leah LeanderLebbeusLeland-AthertonLemira-Elsina LemiraLemira-Kinney LemiraLemuelLemuelLemuelLemuelLemuelLemuel Lemuel Lemuel-Granger Lena-Kelmond Lena- Amanda Lena-EmmaLeo-WallaceLeola-Ethel Leon-Cummings Leona-Arathusa Leonard LeonardLeonard LeonardLeonardLeonardLeonardLeonard LeonardLeonard- Woods Leonard 311232813393 3556 4046 48886458678958705997 6001 6460 6632 6633 6662 6822 83378466 9231 93089542 95499698 63626204 279550028748 896 3699 379591479687 4480 766 24239589 7337 1943 3052 56187927 421 577 16981604 1835 1946 377545396295734477238647 7709 8837 6619 180 328 465719997 1318 1630 2350 36243643 3921 582 INDEX I. Leonard 4143 LiUie-Paulina 4943 Leonard 4177 Lillie-Ett 5299 Leonard 4227 LUlie 7776 Leonard 4533 Lillie-Gertrude 8246 Leonard 4566 Lillie-Adaline 8509 Leonard 5131 LiUie 9616 Leonard 5159 Linnie 6977 Leonard-Gates 6597 Linnie-Isabfella 7770 Leonard-Erastus 6999 Lizzie 6841 Leonard 6910 Lizzie-Isadore 7769 Leonard-FrankUn 7262 Lizzie-BardweU 8365 Leonard 7447 Lizzie-Lemii'a 8601 Leonard-Josiah 8309 Lizzie-Lavinia 8821 Leonard-Chadwick 9615 Li zzie-Waterman 9052 Leonard- William 9664 Lizzie-Edna 9091 Leonidas-M. 8200 Lizzie-E. 9193 Leonora 3330 Lizzie-May 9264 Leonora^ Arterista 6426 Lizzie-Alzethy 9634 Leroy-Augustus 7875 Llewellyn- Alberto 6221 Leslie-Davis 7303 Llewellyn-Quint 9694 Lester-Hammer 9497 Loammi 1664 Lettie 8397 Loammi-Bradley 3956 Levi 353 Lockard 2116 Levi 696 Lockwood 4843 Levi 901 Lodina 5363 Levi 1012 Loella 8393 Levi 1040 Lois 211 Levi 1060 Lois-Goodrich 1054 Levi 1076 Lois 1840 Levi 1116 Lois 1877 Levi-Parsons 1333 Lois 1969 Levi 1666 Lois-Delight 2930 Levi 1979 Loi.s-Bradford 2936 Levi 2420 Lois 3326 Levi 2630 Lois 3895 Levi 3311 Lois 4609 Levi 3415 Lois 4819 Levi 3627 Lois 6147 Levi 4197 Lois-Jane 6141 Levi-Parsons 5380 Louis- Alethia-Orett 6999 Levi-Lincoln 6535 Lois-Cordelia 8022 Levi 6166 Loomis-Charles 7616 Levi 6579 Lorana 1319 Levi-Page 6918 Lorena 7853 Levi-Woodbury 9684 Lorain-Angeline 8120 Levi 9717 Lorain-Amelia 8177 Levi-Robbins 9722 Loraine 7566 Lewis-Bears 2800 Lorancy 2639 Lewis 2812 Loren 2463 Lewis 4090 Loren 5602 Lewis 4791 Loren 9428 Lewis 5416 Lorenia-Maud 8647 Lewis 6291 Lorenzo 2453 Lewis-Hanferd 7400 Lorenzo 3550 Lewis-Herbert 8189 Lorenzo 3570 Lewis-Henry 8288 Lorenzo-White 4543 Liewis-Bisbee 9076 Lorenzo-George 4554 Lewis-Hanferd 9136 Lorenzo-Quimby 6391 Libbie-Romanda 6612 Lorenzo-Woodbury 6548 Libbie 8072 Lorenzo-Charles 6715 Licinia 6363 Loretta 3803 Lincoln-Ellsworth 6069 Lorette 4678 Lilia-Platt 8130 Lorin-Everett 6354 Lilian-P. 5962 Lorinda-Jane 2462 Lilias 7622 Lorissa-Bennet 2678 Lillian-Amanda 6865 Lot 190 LiUian-Winfred 7980 Lot 632 LiUias-Etta 8693 Lottie-Mary 9360 LottyLouisLouis-SimeonLouis-FeltLouis-EvetettLouisa-MariaLouisaLouisa Louisa-S. Louisa LouisaLouisa- Anil LouisaLouisa LouisaLouisaLouisaLouisaLouisaLouisaLouisaLouisaLouisaLouisa-AuroraLouisa Valonia Louisa-Bvalina Louisa-Dorothy Louisa-AugUstaLouisa-ButterfieldLouisaLouisa-KinneyLouisa-EdeULouisa-MariaLouisaLouisa-MayLouisa-JaneLouiseLouise-JaneLovel LovelLovell LoveweU LoveweULoveria-AlmiraLovina- Augusta Lovina-NicholsLovinaLovinaLovisaLovisa-MariaLovlsa-WarrenLucena-Sarah Lure ttar Alexander LuciaLuciaLucia-FrancenaLucia-DwightLucianLucian-Woodard Lucian Henry Lucien-H.Lucien-RichardLucilia-TracyLucinaLucina LucindaLucinda Lucinda 21874.->756092 9092 9391 13111919 1934 2391 24362806 2972327834373648356836743698 401341454230430447046565 5674 59026692701273267434 7907 7971800280168465 96094587 7159 702 64729588 1890 4.393 6051 2464 3114 9449 96591920 4670 6465 4026 5444461545886707 7713 6246 7722 9614 5891 8538795122039668 1620 16221669 Lucinda 1983 Lucinda-E. 2390 Lucinda-Viola 2411 Lucinda-Evaline 2507 Luoinda-Ma»sh 2636 Lucinda 2554 Lucinda-Andrus 2844 Lucinda 3210 Lucinda 3256 Lucinda 3622 Lucinda 3716 Lucinda-Reed 3737 Lucinda 3762 Lucinda 3935 LuCinda-'WTiite 4540 Lucinda-Arline 5321 Lucinda-Georgi anna 5647 Lucinda 6302 Lucinda, 6338 Lucinda 6931 Lucinda 9147 Lucius 2761 Luoius-RoUin 4549 Lucius-Lyon 4936 Lucius-Page 5247 Lucius 6731 Lucius-Washington 9605 Lucretia 2218 Lucretia-Swift 2775 Lucretia-Swift 2778 Lucretia 3266 Lucretia-B. 6316 Lucretia 8414 Lucy 93 Lucy 217 Lucy 273 Lucy 337 Lucy 356 Lucy 611 Lucy 524 Lucy 653 Lucy 591 Lucy 622 Lucy 699 Lucy 737 Lucy 758 Lucy 846 Lucy 905 Lucy 928 Lucy 1235 Lucy 1262 Lucy 1429 Lucy 1562 Lucy 1618 Lucy 1705 Lucy 1776 Lucy 1810 Lucy 1843 Lucy 1874 Lucy 2016 Lucy 2049 Lucy 2054 Lucy 2092 Lucy-Maria 2287 Lucy-Abigail 2329 Lucy 2431 Lucy 2665 INDEX I. 583 Lucy 2666 Lucy 8806 Lucy 2610 Lucy-Ann 8949 Lucy 2617 Lucy-Augusta 8998 Lucy 2690 Lucy-Eraraa-Jaue 9303 Lucy-Ann 2870 LueUa-Harriet 7069 Lucy-Helen 2897 Luella-Anna 8506 Lucy-Kezia 2908 Lufanny 2801 Lucy 2931 Lula-May 6206 Lucy-Ann 2963 Luna-Cylena 8208 Lucy-Ann 3034 Lupira 3860 Lucy 3067 Luranah 1807 Lucy 3158 Luraucy 4986 Lucy 3163 Lurena 4208 Lucy 3172 Lurena-Elizabeth 6616 Lucy 3292 Lurenda-Hutoh'soU 4371 Lucy 3317 Lury-Emma 7681 Lucy 3380 Luther 411 Lucy 3458 Luther 1187 Lucy 3470 Luther-Paine 1199 Lucy-Davis' 3659 Luther 1386 Lucy 3769 Luther 2180 Luoy-Weatheral 3846 Luther 2689 Lucy 3894 Luther-Paine 2785 Lucy 3897 Luther 2803 Lucy-Ann 3906 Luther 3170 Lucy-Adaline 4040 Luther 3,515 Lucy 4094 Luther 3607 Lucy-Amanda 4133 Luther 4222 Lucy-Lucinda 4156 Luther 4537 Lucy 4297 Luther-Stevens 4982 'Lucy-Ann 4308 Luther 6162 Lucy 4416 Luther 5744 Lucy-A. 4423 Luther-Edgar 8230 Luoy-M. 4435 Luther 8305 Luoy-Jane-Goff 4447 Luther 9464 Lucy-Sophia 4632 Luzerne 7666 Lucy 4758 Luzurne 7664 Lucy-Evlyn 4812 Lydia 43 Lucy 4831 Lydia 103 Lucy 4932 Lydia 151 Lucy 4935 Lydia 345 Luc.y-Ann 5026 Lydia 350 Luoy-Larcom 5093 Lydia 401 Lucy-Neal 5399 Lydia 407 Lucy-Jemima 5469 Lydia 428 Lucy 5603 Lydia 430 Lucy 5609 Lydia 454 Lucy-Emma 6892 Lydia 514 Lucy 6918 Lydia 520 Lucy-Ann 6.393 Lydia 616 Lucy-Eliza 6465 Lydia 636 Lucy-Ann 6468 Lydia 732 Lucy 6621 Lydia 893 Lucy-F. eem Lydia 1037 Lucy-Ann 6669 Lydia 1070 Lucy-Pierce 6709 Lydia-Paine 1195 Lucy-Ann 6714 Lydia 12,34 Lucy-KendaU 6956 Lydia-Emeline 1293 Lucy-Parker 7017 Lydia 1418 Lucy-M. 7591 Lydia 1466 Lucy-S. 7609 Lydia 1633 Lucy 7636 Lydia 1560 Luo.y-Ann 7750 Lydia 1610 Lucy-Eliza 7812 Lydia 1716 Lucy-Lucinda 7817 Lydia 1780 Lucy-Blizabeth 7864 Lydia 1853 Lucy-Winifted 8079 Lydia 2041 Lucy-Ann 8145 Lydia 2128 584 Lydia-JaneLydia-LawrenceLydia-EmeUneLydia-Hemenway Lydia Lydia-JaneL.ydiaLydia L.ydiaLydia Lydia Lydia Lydia-Hills Lydia-Wright LydiaLydiaL.ydia-TylerLydia-Green Lydia-Maria Lydia-Clarissa Lydia-HarrisLydiaLydia-Jane Lydia-Jane Lydia-Iola Lydia-Keyes Lydia-Ann Lydia Lydia-Caroline Lydia-ZulionaLydia LydiaLydia Lydia Lydia-M. L.vdia-MooresLymanLyman L.yman Lyman Lyman-Dyer Lyman LymanLyman-Austin Lyman-WitterLymanLyman Lyman LymanLyman-Greenleaf Lyman LymanLymanLyman-MorrisLyman-AustinLyman-BarkerLyman-BeecherLyman-PatchinLyman-AustinLyndaLysander-TowerMabelMabel-EsteUeMabel-HawkinsMabel-EUen Mabel-Jane Madalon-DePorest 225722902366 2396 2675 27353,3453,3663,368 338334,52 346236483675.37633987 412841464161 44434918535156945703 6068 63406490760479877991 947095009517 957796769685 710 1862188619591964 240325732715 27,S2 2761 307030813639452351,635.3975540 6640666066626567 8048849448326702 2608 69816869 75009354 5180 INDEX I. Madalon-Cordelia 5194 Maria 4119 Madison 1721 Maria 4216 Madison 6779 Maria 4634 Madison 6187 Maria-Palmer 44,50 Magdalen 817 Maria-Flagg 4682 Madora 9676 Maria 4686 Maggie-Belle 7441 Maria 4740 Maggie-Tryphena 9530 Maria- Antoinette 4893 Mahala 4568 Maria 4931 Mahlon-Mar 8478 Maria 6109 Mahlon-Day 9640 Maria- Wilder 5503 Major-May 5699 Maria 5556 Malinda 4240 Maria-Elizabeth 6739 MaUnda- Ann 6397 Maria-Pike 5823 Malinda 6414 Maria 6256 Malvina 3687 Maria-Esther 6389 Malvina-Melinda 6471 Maria-Lydia 6601 Mandana-Malvina 8703 Maria-Hartwell 6667 MandeviUe 7390 Maria Armenia 6773 Manly 8228 Maria-Houghton 6791 Mantle 5336 Maria 6843 Marah 437 Maria-Louise 7265 Marah 932 Maria 7391 Marah 2266 Maria-Jane 7437 Maranda 4296 Maria-N. 7628 Marcelia 4290 Maria 7728 Marcellus-Moores 6184 Maria 8689 Marcia 4516 Maria-Ann 8873 Marcia-Cummings 6990 Marian-E. 7421 Marcia- AdaUssa 7839 Marian-Ida 8078 Marcie-Isabel 2988 Marietta-Catharine 6997 Marcus 4075 Marietta 7068 Marcus-Harrison 5225 Marietta 7285 Marcus-Albert 5692 Mariette 3573 Marcus-Aurelius 6461 Marilla- Aliens 8583 Marcus-Morton 6679 Marion 5900 Marcus-B. 6851 Marion-Cordelia 7445 Marous-Morton 7011 Mari on-Lafayette 7555 Marcus-Morton 7013 Mark-Newman 3955 Marcus-Henry 7862 Mark-Warren 4958 Marcy 2148 Mark-Harry 6342 Marcye 143 Mark-Warren 8223 Margaret 25 Maroa-Ophelia 6076 Margaret 17,57 Marshal 7098 Margaret 4267 MarshaU 9022 Margaret 4284 Marshall 3962 Margaret 6152 Marshall-DeRoy 6736 Margaret-Ann 6232 Marshall-Silvester 77.38 Margaret-Ruth 5284 Martin 4687 Margaret 5646 Martin-W. 7043 Marg' t-Thompson 6857 Martin-Henry 7546 Margaret 79,36 Martin 96,30 Margaret-Ann 8008 Martin 9748 Margaret-Eliza 8504 Martha 2,50 Margaret- Anna 9336 Martha 362 Margaretta-Jaue 7202 Martha 818 Maria-Elizabeth 1189 Martha 955 Maria 1720 Martha 1048 Maria 2697 Martha 1067 Maria-Elizabeth 2764 Martha-MUler 1,365 Maria 2808 Martha-Rebeckah 1733 Maria 2969 Martha 1747 Maria-Henrietta 2966 Martha 1850 Maria 3744 Martha 19,32 Maria 3964 Martha 2307 Maria-Susan 40,53 Martha-Brackett 2373 Maria-Paulkner 4057 Martha 2389 Maria 4099 Martha-Jane 2400 INDEX I. 585 Martha-Geer 2665 Martha-Ann 2724 Martha-Maria 2851 Martha-Nichols 2918 Martha 2980 Martha-Sophia 3014 Martha 3063 Martha 3066 Martha-Almira 3076 Martha-Miller 3139 Martha-Cummings 3479 Martha 3577 Martha-McClure 3734 Martha-Ann 3860 Martha-EUen 4047 Martha 4108 Martha-Elizabeth 4132 Martha 4182 Martha 4298 Martha-Louise 4451 Martha 4960 Martha 5018 Martha-Maria 5027 Martha- Amanda 5172 Martha-Louisa .5179 Martha-M.-L. 5374 Martha-EUza 5510 Martha-Eliza 6512 Martha 6.5,55 Martha-Ann 6702 Martha-Sophia 5821 Martha-EUa 58,32 Martha-Stoughton 5866 Martha-Jane 5881 Martha-Salome 6019 Martha 6026 Martha-42 Phineas-Brown 3565 Rachel 60 Rebecca-Roscoe 4683 Phineas 4663 Rachel 71 Rebecca 4690 Phineas-Sargent 4681 Rachel 136 Rebecca-Dunh^on 4780 Phineas-Albert 8006 Rachel 199 Rebecca 5126 Phinehas 638 Rachel 261 Rebecca 6617 Phinehas 830 Rachel 283 Rebecca-Rosetta f633 Phinehas 1028 Rachel 363 Rebecca- Ann 9487 Phinehas 1033 Rachel 368 Rebecca-Barron 9710 Phinehas-Wright 1643 Rachel 491 Rebeccah 303 Phinehas-Wright 3684 Rachel 586 Rebeckah 195 Pierce 2621 Rachel 698 Rebeckah 656 Pierce 5500 Rachel 661 Rebeckah 658 Pliny-Fisk 1331 Rachel 768 Rebeckah .3933 Plin.y-Pulaski 2839 Rachel 801 ReUef 3672 PoUy 847 Rachel 869 ReUef-Webber 7016 Polly 1173 Rachel 931 Renett 8053 Polly 1186 Rachel 1114 Reuben 110 Polly 1217 Rachel 1246 Reuben 115 Polly 1284 Rachel 1251 Reuben 327 Polly 1498 Rachel 1409 Reuben 372 Polly 1504 Rachel 1557 Reuben 386 Polly 1616 Rachel 1614 Reuben 433 PoUy 1678 Rachel 1973 Reuben 843 Polly 1680 Rachel 2114 Reuben 870 PoUy 1694 Rachel 2153 Reuben 995 Polly 1748 Rachel 2194 Reuben 1065 Polly 1824 Rachel-Jane 2546 Reuben 1098 Polly 2050 Rachel-Armenia 3685 Reuben 1143 Polly 2366 Rachel-AdeUa 4374 Reuben 1148 PoUy 2695 Rachel 48,38 Reuben 1485 PoUy 2622 Rachel 4916 Reuben 1679 PoUy 3074 Rachel-Maretta 7292 Reuben 2467. Polly-Peterson 3089 Rachel 9744 Beuben-Hatqh 2473 PoUy 3229 Ralph-Cross 2326 Reuben 2516 PoUy 3414 Ralph-Cross 5124 Reuben 2527 Polly 3467 Ralph-Phiueas 8401 Reuben 2612 Polly 3486 Randall 3362 Reuben 2631 Polly 3613 Randall 6739 Reuben 2635 Polly 4215 RandaU-Hutohinson7137 Reuben 2912 PoUy-M. 4396 Ransom 1692 Reuben 3484 Polly 5144 Rebecca 88 Reuben 3505 Polly 5481' Rebecca 340 Reuben 4212 Polly 5938 Rebecca 323 Reuben 6003 INDEX I. 591 Reuben 5143 Reuben-Bell 5193 Reuben-Leander 5327 Reuben 5491 Reuben-Loring 6758 Reuben-Redman 7519 Reuben-Coffin 7716 Reuben-Orson 8033 Reuben 9009 Rewil-Reeves 6269 Rhobey ; 1896 Rhobey 1926 Rhoda 371 Rhoda 460 Rhoda 661 Rhoda 1041 RhodarJane 1769 Rhoda 3259 Rhoda 3373 Rhoda-Jane 4131 Rhoda 4193 Rhoda-Ann 6105 Rhoda-Ann 6123 Rhoda 6376 Richard 3306 Richard 2790 Richard 3456 Richard 3703 Richard-Poole 5551 Richard-Edwin 6698 Richard 7046 Richard-Henry 7794 Riqhard-Rush 7921 Richmond 1899 Riel 9443 Rinda 9652 Robert 297 Robert 641 Robert 645 Robert 891 Robert 2331 Robert 2694 Eobert-Crosby 3136 Robert-Rogers 4247 Robert-Morris 5623 Robert- Vaunder beck 5843 Robert-Henry 6382 Robert-Emmett 7525 Robert-Barrett 7579 Robert-Wilber 8715 Robert-Giles 9337 Robert-H. 9364 Rodney 3078 Rodolphus 6445 Rodolphus-Ryland 7031 Eodolphus 9445 Roland 3322 Eollin- Aaron 5039 Romna-Kingsbury 8482 Eosa-NeU 5301 Rosa-A. 7424 Rosamond-Harris 1897 Rosamond-Lucia 4373 Rosarah 4685 Rose-Julia 6636 Rose- Virginia 5945 Rosetta 4455 Rosetta- Armenia EosiliaRosilla Rosina RoswellRoswell RoswellRoswell Roswell Roswell-GilbertRoswell-0. RowenaRowland Rowland-Edgar Rowland- Asa Roxana Roxana RoxanaRoxanaRoxana-KimballRoxinda Roxy Royal RoyalRoyal-CraftsRoyse-Melvin . Rozel RubyRviby-AnnRufusRufusRufusRufusRufus-PaineRufus-HenryRufus EufusRu fus-Claghorn RufusRufus Rufus EufusRufus Eufus Rufus-PaineRufu.s-D. Eufus EuluffEuluff RushRussell-Hubbard Eus.seU-JohnsonEussellEussellRussellRussell-Ross RuthEuth Ruth Ruth EuthEuth EuthEuth RuthEuth EuthEuth-Marshall 6393 Euth 1833 4258 Euth 1993 7747 Ruth 2033 4391 Ruth-Ann 2701 1760 Euth 3289 1945 Euth 3472 2592 Ruth 4260 2606 Euth-Hutohins 4621 4115 Ruth-Ella 5116 4495 Ruth-Adaline 6119 4583 Ruth-Ann 6035 3190 Ruth- Ann 8515 1120 Euth-Isabel 9250 2590 Ruthetta-Ann 8142 5426 Ruthey 1887 3386 Ruxbey-PetersonRyland 3083 3516 3323 3714 Eyland-Rodolphus 3686 3885 6761 S. 7774 3802 Saber-Salen 8143 5149 Salina 4761 1112 SalUe-Maria 9434 2551 Sally 293 2917 SaUy 691 6238 SaUy 791 1132 Sally 837 4191 Sally 910 70.33 SaUy 916 410 Sally i930 819 SaUy 944 841 Sally 1192 957 SaUy 1286 1198 SaUy 1403 2301 SaUy 1501 2331 Sally 1554 2384 Sally 1690 2781 SaUy 1768 2920 Sally-Persis 1766 3689 Sally 1772 4661 Sally 1784 4694 Sally 1806 4934 Sally 1813 6112 SaUy 1924 6751 SaUy 2087 6275 SaUy 2093 9444 SaUy 2197 440 Sally 2205 1259 SaUy 2278 6689 Sally 2363 2788 Sally 2613 4084 Sally 2893 4236 Sally 3043 5488 Sally 3107 6870 Sally 3147 8047 Sally 3168 123 Sally 3177 239 Sally 3232 299 Sally 3246 419 Sally 3286 439 Sully 3328 483 Sally 3341 747 Sally 3428 1228 S:iUy 3490 1517 Sally 3502 1661 SaUy 3641 1571 Sally 3869 1671 Sally-Jane 3973 592 INDEX I. Sally 3991 Samuel 3614 Sarah SaUy 4077 Samuel 3619 Sarah Sally-Jane 4091 Samuel 3626 Sarah Sally 4326 Samuel-Woods 3654 Sarah SaUy 4610 Samuel 3696 Sarah Sally 4652 Samuel 3726 Sarah Sally-P. 4855 Samuel- Augustus 3841 Sarah Sally 4980 Samuel 3903 Sarah Sally 7182 Samuel 3915 Sarah Sally-Ann 7402 Samuel 3937 Sarah Sally-Amanda 7408 Samuel- Walker 3998 Sarah SaUy 9604 Samuel-Varnum 4043 Sarah Salmon -3342 Samuel-Waterbury 4350 Sarah Salmon 4188 Samuel-Gladden 4397 Sarah Salome 1068 Samuel . 4699 Sarah-Chandler Salome 6375 Samuel-Mourton- Sarah Sampson 186 Pickett 6041 Sarah Sampson 604 Samuel 5150 Sarah Sampson 6,30 Samuel-G. 6164 Sarah Sampson 767 Samuel-Seymour 6166 Sarah Sarapson 1647 Samuel-Strong 6244 Sarah Sampson 1666 Samuel 6408 Sarah Samuel 14 Samuel-StUlman 6372 Sarah Samuel 67 Samuel-Smith 6385 Sarah Samuel 76 Samuel-Elberton 6604 Sarah Samuel 329 Samuel-Jones 6875 Sarah Samuel 365 Samuel-Arthur 6923 Sarah Samuel 404 Samuel-E. 6933 Sarah Samuel 426 Samuel-Woods 6974 Sarah Samuel 473 Samucl-Romain 7032 Sarah Samuel 662 Samuel-Bigelow 7261 Sarah Samuel 695 Samuel-Percival 7570 Sarah Samuel 666 Samuel-E. 8123 Sarah Samuel 676 Samuel-Putnam 8147 Sarah Samuel 784 Samuel-Austin 8160 Sarah Samuel 857 Samuel-Hopkin s 8925 Sarah-Joan *: Samuel 867 Samuel-E. 9033 Sarah Samuel- Augustus 882 Samuel 9475 Sarah Samuel 1008 Samuel 9486 Sarah Samuel 1079 Samuel- Worthing Sarah Samuel-Sidney 1086 ton 9547 Sarah Samuel 1119 Samuel 9591 Sarah Samuel 1209 Sanford 1957 Sarah Samuel 1220 Sanford-Benton 6660 Sarah Samuel-Knight 1250 Sanford-Edward 8471 Sarah Samuel-Thompson 1330 Sara-Jane 6671 Sarah-Maria Samuel 1362 Sarah 24 Sarah-Rebecca Samuel-Brown 1507 Sarah 27 Sarah-CaroUne S.amuel 1622 Sarah 112 Sarah-Jane Samuel 1820 Sarah 130 Sarah Samuel 1839 Sarah 140 Sarah-S. Samuel-BUss 1872 Sarah 144 Sarah-EUzabeth Samuel-G. 1904 Sarah 175 Sarah-Jane Samuel 2071 Sarah 245 Sarah Samuel 2112 Sarah 269 Sarah-EUzabeth Samuel-Young 2254 S'arih 313 Sarah Samuel-Fitch 2,383 Sarah 333 Sarah-Abigail Samuel 2495 Sarah 349 Sarah- Ann Samuel 2583 Sarah 357 Sarah-Coburn Samuel-Claghorn 2784 Sarah 380 Sarah-Ann Samuel-Dunham 2792 Sarah 408 Sarah-SophiaSarah-Ehza Samuel 2833 Sarah 466 Samuel-Tenny 3101 Sarah 602 Sarah-Angeline Samuel-Hilton 3117 Sarah 521 Sarah-Maria Samuel-Newell 31,38 Sarah 549 Sarah-AUace Samuel 3304 Sarah 654 Sarah-Ann Samuel 3420 Sarah 688 Sarah Samuel-Gray 3581 Sarah 611 Sarah 620636 653 670 741 748 760 782 861999 10151027 10351080 11001164 1246 13031411 1421 1424 14,54 14651476 1483 14891624 1535 1545 15721583 1601164916821698173417381831 1949 2010 202020452097 211922332261 2272 23042335 237623822404 2413 24942,511 251725222533 2543 266928522924298430153036 309931883198 INDEX I. 593 S arah-Houghton 3237 Sarah-Hart 6149 Sardine-Parkhurst 6496 Sarah 3403 Sarah-Whitman 6209 Sarepta 733 Sarah 3436 Sarah-Spring 6240 Sarinda-Elizabeth 2941 Sarah 3586 Sarah-EUza 6242 Saviah 1169 Sarah-Jane 3597 Sarah 62,54 Schuyler 1935 Sarah 3604 Sarah-Maria 6311 Sedge 4139 Sarah 3661 Sarah-Aun-Parnum 6359 Selah 4779 Sarah-Jane 3730 Sarah-Jane 6404 Selah 4890 Sarah 3757 Sarah-EUza 6445 Selissa 7041 Sarah 3773 Sarah-Lorinda 6453 Selwyn-Evardo 6959 Sarah- Shipley 3827 Sarah-Hemeuway 6538 Semantha-Sophia 4923 .Sarah-Shepard 3843 Sarah-Olivia 6544 Sena 1181 Sarah-Jane 3861 Sarah-Lavinia 6549 Seneca-Smith 6456 Sarah-Emma 3857 Sarah- Ann 6594 Seneca-Bucklin 8773 Sarah-BUzabeth 3907 Sarah-Ann 6606 Serena-Spring 6531 iSarah-Ann 3946 Sarah 6728 Seth * ^ ^ 681 Sarah- Amanda 4010 Sarah-Maria 6755 Seth 808 Sarah-Lucena 4023 Sarah-A. 6804 Seth 1589 Sarah •4070 Sarah-Josephine 6818 Seth 2130 Sarah 4117 Sarah-Brown 6836 Seth-B. 2161 Sarah-Bryant 4121 Sarah-Heald 6874 Seth 3799 Sarah-Ann 4161 Sarah 6908 Seth-Briggs Seth-Calvm 6160 Sarah 4171 Sarah-Maria 6915 8196 Sarah-Ann 4201 Sarah-AbigaU 7005 SewaU 929 Sarah-NeweU 4207 Sarah-Greeley 7062 Sewall-Goodrich 6224 Barah-Ann 4238 Sarah-Dennett 7129 SeweU 1063 Sarah-Mathew 4263 Sarah-EUen 7160 Sewell 2264 Sarah 4273 Sarah-Jane 7180 SeweU 3529 Sarah 4323 Sarah-Elizabeth 7260 Sewell-Jacob 6346 ¦Sarah-Ann 4337 Sarah-Lucinda 7290 SeweU 6796 ;Sarah-Pauline 4364 .Sarah-Theresa 7333 Shedrick 2190 ^arah-G. 4426 Sarah-Eoxana 7339 Shepard 2900 Sarah 4457 Sarah-Jane 7427 Shepherd 4662 Sarah-Jane 4705 Sarah-Jane 7490 Sherebiah 1640 Sarah-Matilda 4730 Sarah-Henrietta 7653 Sherebiah 3669 Sarah-Emeline 4741 Sarah-F, 7624 Sherebiah 3676 Sarah-Almina 4762 Sarah-E. 7629 Sherebiah 7003 Sarah 4769 Sarah-Prances - 7670 Shubael 1999 ;Sarah-Cornelia 4810 Sarah-Lucetta 7739 Sibbel 660 Sarah-Paulina 4826 Sarah 7809 Sibyl 1679 Sarah-Jerusha 4859 Sarah-L. 7848 Sibyl 1643 Sarah 4877 Sarah-Dennison 7866 Sibyl 1761 Sarah-Grace 4939 Sarah 7909 Sibyl 1798 Sarah 4960 Sarah 7957 Sibyl 3196 ^arah-Amelia 4997 Sarah-Aurelia 7962 Sibyl 3385 Sarah-Lavinia 6062 Sarah-Almeda 8019 Sibyl 2667 Sarah- Adelaide 5196 Sarah-Maria 8161 Sibyl 3410 Sarah-Abigail 6264 Sarah-EUzabeth 8180 Sibyl 4180 Sarah-AbigaUSarah-Maria 5265 Sarah-Dorliska 8222 Sibyl 6561 5330 Sarah-EUen 8290 Sibyl-Parker 7130 Sarah-Abigail 6335 Sarah-Mercy 8437 Sidney 960 Sarah-Abigail 6344 Sarah-Pitzhugh 8467 Sidney 3571 .'Sarah- Augusta 5423 Sarah-EUzabeth 8624 Sidney 3864 Sarah-Jane 5435 Sarah-Louise 8728 Sidney-Johnson 7624 Sarah 6496 Sarah-Emma 87S3 Silas 316 Sarah-Rebecca 5506 Sarah-Jane 8797 SUas 630 Sarah-Jerusha 5539 Sarah-Frances 894 L Silas 637 Sarah-Maria 5677 Sarah-Harvell 9017 Silas 597 Sarah-EUzabeth 6736 Sarah-Emma 9086 SUas 681 Sarah-Emma 5833 Sarah-EUzabeth 91,37 Silas 709 Sarah-EUzabeth 6873 Sarah-Myer 9264 Silas 798 Sarah-Eliza 6889 Sarah-Louisa 9J83 Silas 939 Sarah 5923 Sarah-B. 9415 SUas 945 Sarah 6004 Sarah 9451 Silas 1506 Sarah 6041 Sarah-L. 9457 Silas 1628 ,Sarah-Ann 6057 Sarah-Sophia 9636 Silas-Dewey 1765 Sarah-Elizabeth 6094 Sarah-Elizabeth 9711 Silas 1873 Sarah-Chase 6098 Sarah-Dorcas 9753 SUas 2104 38 594 INDEX I. Silas 2276 Silas 3216 SUas-Baron 3374 SUas-Fayette 3576 Silas 3685 SUas 4067 Silas-Dewey 4122 SUas-Bliss 4365 Silas-Woodworth 4778 Silas-Curtis 6286 Silas-Urr 9128 SUas 9637 Silissa 9737 Siloam-Short 4389 SUva 1211 Silvanus-Pisher • 4387 SUvester-Edson 4,99 Poor, Livona-E. 9627 Popple, Susan-O. 6924 Porter, Joseph 1069 Porter, Samuel 1874 Porter, Miner 2806 Porter, Susan 5,398 Porter, Lucy 6664 Porter, Willard 6664 Porter, Sarah 8083 Potter, Blderkin 1195 Potter, Ira 1319 Potter, Dennis 3548 Potter, Susannah 4093 Potter, Mercy 4104 Potter, Dan-P. ' 4208 Potter, Betsey 4983 Potter, Anna-A, 8442 Pound, Am.y 5656 Powers, Lydia 460 Powers, Anson-S. 2471 Powers, Mary-C. 5543 Powers, Albert-S. 7289 ¦Powers, John-A. 7290 Powers, Belle-B. 8642 Powers James-M. 9671 Pratt, 1284 Pratt, David 1596 Pratt, Sherman 3357 Pratt, Martin 3383 Pratt. Martin 3386 Pratt, Polly 3500 Pratt, Rufus 3500 Pratt, Caroline 5583 Pratt, Nelson-E. 6008 Pratt, Welthy 6023 Pratt, Lucinda-B. H491 Pratt, Cordelia-A. 8.i90 Pratt, Elizabeth 8788 Prentice, Elizabeth 2876 Prentice, Amos 2876 Prentice, Leroy 4906 Prescott, Thankful 326 Prescott, Jonas 326 Prescott, Daniel-B. 1314 Prescott, Abel 1494 Prescott, PoUy-P. 6273 Prescott, Dorothy 6356 Preston, Susan-E. 5716 Priest, John-H. 5429 Prince, Job 3871 Prince, Caroline 6936 Prior. Lucy 2904 Proctor, Lucy 5,51 Proctor, Robert 551 Proctor, Elizabeth 1376 Proctor, Daniel 1376 Proctor, Daniel 1404 Proctor, Lydia 1715 Proctor, Elijah 1715 Proctor, Martha 2466 Proctor, Solomon 3495 Proctor, Phebe 3879 Proctor, Sarah 3986 Proctor, Thomas-P. 4026 Proctor, Freedom-S. 6389 Proctor, 6743 Proctor, Anna 6746 Proctor, Sabea • 6994 Proctor, Julia-A. 8261 Pnllen, Chartes 9509 Pulver, Elizabeth- A. 93,31 Pulvet, Jane-A. 8134 Putnara, WiUiam 1186 Putnam, Hannah 1544 Putnam, Elizabeth 5741 Putnam, Eliza 8238 Putnara, Araantha 8733 Putney, Samantha 5331 Quigley, WiUiam 1176 Quimby, WiUiam 1200 Quimby, Racbel-P. 7616 Quimby, Harriet 9153 Quint, Eleanor 9683 Quint, John-C. 9683, 9703 Quint, PlavUla 9703 Rackliff, PhUip 1824 Ralston, Lovina 8049 Ramond,Hephzibah 2229 Rand, Asa-W. 1393 Rand, Lizzie 8695 Randall, Nelson-L. 7880 RandaU. Nanoy-P. 9460 Randlette, Gteorge- B. 6204 RamsdeU, Elbridge- B. 3912 Eamsdell, Mary 4940 Eamsdell, N.-J. 4940 Rawson, Edward 4207 Rawson, Sarab-B. 8658 Eavmond, Liberty- C. 3099 Raymond, Bri-C. 3100 Eaynolds, Peter 4763 Read, Sarah 332 614 INDEX II. Eead, BarziUai 888 Read, Jemima 1346 Eead, Hannah 4578 Eead, Oscar 4586 Read, Miriam 6503 Read, Frances 7170 Eead, Emily-L. 9376 Eead, Lucius 9.376 Reading, Byron 5238 Record, Eleazer 3053 Eecord, Cyrus 3881 Eecord, Lewis 3882 Eecord, Bethiah 3883 Eecord, William 7184 Record, Mary 9071 Eecord, Ezekiel 9071 Reddington, Jacob 4371 Eeed, William 95 Eeed, Joshua 478 Eeed, John 1058 Reed, Martha 2,5,50 Reed, Sally 2983 Eeed, Polly 3129 Eeed, Polly 3141 Eeed, Thomas 3141 Eeed, Bethiah 3283 Eeed, Joseph 33,30 Eeed, John 3715 Eeed, Lydia-T. 3814 Eeed, Eliza 6,508 Eeed, Dean-E. 6169 Eeed, Webster 6172 Reed, Joseph-W. 6427 Reed, Lucy-A. 7724 Eeed, John-B. 8177 Eemington, .Tere- miah 4215 Renirae, Frederick 974 Reneston, Mary-E. 8490 Ee.ynolds, Enbecca 3968 Reynolds, Olive 4672 Eeynolds, Leonard- B. 6610 Eeynolds, Charlotte 9140 Ehodes, John 4470 Eice, Sarah 2204 Eice, Catharine 4995 Eice, Zilpha 6700 Eice, Francis-S. 7909 Eice, Harriet-E. 8730 Rich, Bethiah 1984 Rich, Jane-A. 6241 Richards, Robert 1590 Richards, Pbebe 3781 Richards, Judith 3790 Richards, Abigail- C.5716 Richards, Bbenezer 5716 Richardson, Henry 102 Richardson, Lydia 340 Richardson, Susanna 499 Richardson, Esther 899 Richardson, Lucy 904 Richardson, Hannah 1010 Richardson, Sally 3740 Eichardson, Daniel- W. 4954 Eichardson, Katy 5257 Eichardson, Lucy-M. 5868 Richardson, Sarah E. ,5959 Eichardson,Elizar-E. 6135 Eichardson, Andrew 6125 Richardson,Mary-A.6314 Richardson, Sarah- B. 7078 Richardson, Eliza-J.8379 Eichardson,Mary-A.8668 Eichmond, Betsey 5130 Eichmond, A. 6771 Eichters, ZiUie 8433 Eiley, Esther-C. 4062 Eing, Asa-T. 6759 Eipley, Hannah 3303 Eipley, John-H. 4639 Eising, Matthew-M. 5481 Eitter, Mary 3632 Rix, EUza-M. 8331 Robbins, Ephraim 660 Robbins, Rebecca 3738 Robbins, James-B. 6690 Robbins, Mary-E. 7704 Robbins, Rebecca 9715 Robbins, Nancy 9721 Roberts, Mary 2694 Roberts, Barret 4997 Eoberts, Mary 9695 Eobertson, Susanna 3228 Eobertson, Eliza- Van-S. 8117 Robertson, Eliza- Van-S. 8121 Robeson, Henry 3196 Robinson, Elnathan 846 Robinson, Hannah 1298 Robinson, Joseph 1627 Robinson, Jaraes 2806 Robinson, Jaraes 2808 Robinson, 3080 Robmson, MyrtiUa .3858 Robinson, Increase 3858 Robinson, Israel 4546 Robinson, Delia 6241 Robinson, Clark 5241 Robinson, Isaao-D. 5388 Robinson, Watson- H. 6271 Robin.son, Prank-M. 6460 Eobinson, George-P. 6997 Eobinson, Betsey 7807 Robinson, Isabel-L. 9178 Robinson, Lizzie-A. 9571 Robv, Gilman 2983 Eob.V, Susan 8830 Eodimond, EUza 7823 Rodney, John 7927 Rogers, WiUiam 1926 Rogers, WiUard 3539 Rogers,Henrietta-S. 5988 Rogers, .Tohn-S. 6122 Rogers, Elvira 6765 Rogers, EUride-G, 6988 Rogers, Ann-M. 7789 Eogers, Elizabeth 8570 Eogers, Eliza 8765 Rollins, Elizabeth 6124 Rollins, Eliza 7053 ! RoUins,Elizaheth-A.9.526Rollins, Job 9526 EoUoson, Marietta 8113 Eoot, Francis 2862 Eoot, Parthenia 3077 Eoot, Clymena 9289 Eoot, Jonah 9289 Eose, Mary-E. 6720 Ross, Eliza ]0!(2 Eoss, WUliam 9290 Eoss, Mary 9636 Eoss, Lovisa 9655, Roundy, Amy 1055* Roundy, Samuel 1055 Rowe, Albrina 9584 RoweU, David 1583 RoweU, Joshua 2385 RoweU, Mary 6191 RoweU, Leander 6565 Rowland, David-S. 379 Rowland, Grace 1117 Rowland, Samuel 1117 Rudd, Louisa 7968 Rugg, Harriet 6190 RundeU, Semantha 4465 Rupert, Rachel 2540 Russ, Stephen 876 Russell, 722 Eussell, Andrew 2530 EusseU, Joseph 26,39 Eussell, 3167 Russell, Benjamin 3573 Russell, Joanna 3616 RusseU, Sarah 3755 RusseU, Bunice-S. 3968 Russell, Luther- W. 5004 Russell, Chauncey- S. 6621 Russell, Cornelia 6869 Russell, Marcia 7850 Russell, Lucy-M. 8553 Sabin, MatUda 2642 Sabin, Martha 4312 Sackett, Samuel 4069 Sackett, Eunice 7368 Sackett, Mary 8176 Sackett, Rhoda 8175 Sackett, Esther 9289 Safarmire, Robert- M. 3349 SaUsbury, Beman 793 Salisbury, Abigail 2067 Salisbury, Gideon 2067 Salter, Harriet 7721 Samson, Hannah 4405 Sanborn, Henry-C. 2826 Sanborn, Myra 9365 Sanders, Siljyl 3409 Sanders, Louisa 6418 ¦ Sanders, Sarah-E. 8346 Sanders, Sylvia 8687 Sanderson, 809 Sanderson, Moses 3380 Sanderson, Mary-C. 6543 Sanderson, Caroline- E. 7.348 Sandy, Mary-A. 6812 INDEX II. 615 Sanford, Mary 8150 Sanger, Elizabeth 1127 Sanger, Mary-E. 7685 Sargent, Sarah 4363 Sargent, Alvah 5113 Sargent, Carlos-R. 5444 Sargent, Roger-M. 6876 Sargent, Stephen 6876 Sargent, EUen-M. 8834 Satterlee, Benedict 1241 Satterlee, Lemira 7899 Satteriie, Aur.ella 6613 Saunders, Hannah 2581 Savage, Elbridge-G. 3204 Savage, Seth 6179 SaviUe, Mary-B. 9109 Sawtelle, EUzabeth 1456 Sawtelle, Katherine- P. 5077 Sawtelle, Joanna 5814 Sawtelle, Amaziah 6814 Sawyer, Andrew-J. 1943 Sawyer, Lorinda 5668 Sawyer, Dill Sawyer, Emily Scales, Sally Schanck, EUza Scribner, Deborah Scott, Salmon-M. Scott, Philo-C. Scott, WiUiam Scovill, Rhoda Scudder, Clarissa Seaman, Gilbert Searle, I3etsey Searles, Benjarain Searles, John Searles, Warren-D. Searles, Sarah Seaton, Rebecca Seaton, Samuel Seavey, Charles-L. Seaverj Thomas-0. 8810 8865 3291 6044 1754 2421 4961791336677442 7917 3409 1784 3182 39488630 2342 2342416464498015 8209 82152042 5i)46622916782533 88517711 7462 Sedgwick, James Sedgwick, Maria Sedgwick, Kate Selden, Deborah Sellard, Mary-J. Selover, OUve Senter, Mary Senter, Gaho Senter, Harriet-A. Settle, Comelia-E. Sevems, Polly Sexton, Miranda-B. 6763 Sexton, Charles 5763 ShalUes, Augustus- D. 2827 Shannon, Robert 5339 Shannon, George 5901 Shannon, Emily 8794 Shattuck, Isaac 674 Shattuck, PoUy 1282 Shattuck, Jemima 1417 Shattuck, Noah 1421 Shattuck, Oliver 1669 Shattuck, Eliab-B. 3298 Shattuck, Nathaniel 3651 Shattuck, Anna 3829 Shattuck, David-B. 6834 Shattuck, Josephine- ^ M. 8864 Shattuck, Vryling- D. 8864 Shattuck, Mary-A. 8866 Shattuck, Joel-J. 9413 Shavers, Margaret- I. 8552 Shaw, Boardman-O. 5466 Shaw, Almina 5641 Shaw, Ellen 6924 Shaw, Helen-C. 9166 Shaylor, Egbert-J. 6971 Shecutt, Elizabeth 7497 Shed, Samuel 305 Shed, Ebenezer 562 Shed, Mary 662 Shed, Zachariah 562 Shed, Jacob 1402 Shed, Prudence 1791 Shed, Rebecca 3641 Shedd, WiUiam 912 Shedd, Mary 1743 Shedd, John-H. 3481 Shedd, Araos 3673 Shedd, Ednah 3953 Shedd, Lurena- A. 7008 Shedd, Mary 7309 Shedd, Sarah-A. 7329 Shedd, FideUa 7342 Sheehan, Mary 9226 Sheffer, John-F. 6683 Sheldon, 2003 Sheldon, Tamar 7535 Shepard, Samuel 244 Shepard, Daniel 254 Shepard, Obadiah 1211 Shepard, Eunice 1240 Shepard, Lucy 1249 Shepard, Gustavus 2169 Shepard, Gustavus 2171 Shepardson, Allen 4750 Shepherd, Reuben 743 Shepherd, Hannah 827 Shepherd, Bette 827 Shepherd, Ruth 2019 Shepley, Mary 1586 Shepley, James-R. 4349 Sherburne, Thomas- . J. 1290 Sherburne, WiUiam 3086 Sherman, Sarah-O. 7486 Sherraan, Albert- A. 7865 Sherman, Caroline 8902 Sherwin, Levi 3220 Sherwin, Eliza 8846 Sherwood, Frances- M. 8055 Sherwood, Daniel 8055 Shipley, Lydia 1607 Shipman, Lydia 1188 Shippee, EUa-E, 8870 Short, WiUiara 267 Shultes Catharine- M. 5422 Shumaker, Sarah-L. 9130 Shumway, Obediah 469 Shumway, Peter 1476 Sidway, Franklin 5242 Silsbee, Mary-A. 5097 Simonds, 368 Simonds, David 1792 Simonds, Asa 1902 Simonds, James-M. 3014 Simonds, Susannah 3067 Simonds, Strong 3760 Siraonds, Abel 4149 Siraonds, Thomas 4182 Simonds, Leander 6992 Simons, Royal 4832 Simpson, Clarissa-J. 2481 Simp.son, Herbert 2481 Sinclair, 1977 Sisson, Henry-D. 4129 Skillion, Lucy 1967 Skiimer, Susanna 1726 Skinner, Eunice 2355 Skinner, .Tacob 4151 Skinner, Charles-L. 4153 Skinner, Lucy-M. 5858 Skutt, Isaac 791 Slade, Phebe 4726 Slawson, Sylvanus 1748 Sleeper, Kezia 7406 Sleeper, Joseph 7406 Sly, Maria 6632 Small, Isaac W. 4284 SmaU, Joanna 6819 SmaUey, Samuel-D. 7547 Smart, Ruth 7149 Smedley, Jeru.sha 5130 Sraith, Eichard 416 Smith, Agnes 468 Smith, Moses 792 Smith, Samuel 923 Smith, Jeremiah 1099 Smith, Samuel 1233 Smith, Joseph 1355 Smith, Joseph 1366 Smith, Shefleld 1848 Smith, Eunice 2173 Smith, Charlotte 2334 Smith, EUsha 2386 Smith, Martha 2650 Smith, Henry 2696 Smith, Lindley-W. 2725 Sraith, Francis 2890 Smith, Achasia-C. 2975 Smith, John-H. 3094 Smith, Joseph 3114 Smith, Sally 3167 Smith, 3169 Smith, Abigail .3731 Sraith, Johu 3935 Smith, Irem 4124 Smith, Lucy 4305 Smith, Samuel 4966 Sraith, William-0. 4991 Smith, EUen 6414 Smith, Rachel-,T. 5878 Sraith, Susan 5888 Smith, Louisa-P. 6979 Smith, Samuel-B. 6979 Smith, Polly 6179 616 INDEX II. Smith, Charles 6179 Smith, Chartes-J. 6193 Sraith, Catharine 6378 Smith, Louisa-A. 6455 Smith, Betsey 6528 Sraith, Eliza 6866 Sraith, Annie 7465 Smith, Jane-A. 7935 Smith, Charles-D.-F. 7951 Smith, Harriet-E. 8076 Smith, Mary-C. 8188 Smith, Mary 8479 Smith, Mary-B. 8787 Smith, Francis 8787 Smith, CaroUne-M. 8911 Smith, Rebecca 8968 Smith, Eber-W. 9460 Smith, Braily-S. 9644 Snell, Ann 1240 Snell, Daniel 1246 Snell, Martin 2243 Snoad, Mary-A. 8646 Snow, Esther 1178 Snow, Daniel 1831 Snow, Zenas 2397 Snow, Lodema 2758 Snow, Mary 4277 Snow, Joanna 5026 Snow, Frances 6969 Snow, Altina 7778 Snyder, Thomas-B. 4939 Somers, Almira 7647 Somers, Nancy 7062 Sones, Henry 4700 Soper, Oren 3273 Soule, Josephine 8208 Southworth, Isaac 5221 Southworth, Mary- J. 8671 Southwortli, M.-M. 9549 S])ear, Samuel-G. 2303 Sjiear, Johu-W. 2589 Spear, DoUy 3996 Spelraan, 3079 Spencer, G.-D. 2851 Spencer, Maria ' 4483 Spencer, Lavinia-D. 6056 Spencer, Luoy-M. 6233 Spiller, Ira-D. 5461 Spink, EUza-C. 77:« Spofford, Eldad 524 Spofford, Abram 1035 Spofford, Elraira 6418 Spofford, Eraraa 9202 Sprague, Phila 1931 Sprague, Celah 4886 Sprague, Phebe 7435 Spring, Fanny 3216 Sprought, Emily-M. 7721 Sprought, Cornelia 7724 Stafford, Amos 137 Stafford, Joanna 1252 Stafford, Audery 2000 Stafford, Ealph 4108 Stafibrd, Diana 7426 Stage, Susan . 5217 Stanley, Benjamin- M. 1037 Stanley, William Stannard, Phebe Stannard, Jehiel Stanton, Albert Staples, John-H. Stark, WiUiam Stark, Leonard Starkweather, Aaron Starkweather, Mercy Starling, William- H. Start, William Steamburgh, Wil- Uam-H. Stearns, Sarah Stearns, Reuben Steams, Otis Stearns, Thomas-A, Steams, Mary-B. Stearns, Olivia Stearns, Nancy Stearns, Eunice Stearns, Nancy-R. Stearns, Hannah Stearns, Laura Stebbins,Chartes-D. Stebbins, Electa Stedraan, Edwin- A. Stephens, George- W. Stephenson, Debby- T. Sterling, Lovina-J. Sterling, John Stetson, Charlotte- M.-A.-C. Stetson, Edward Stetson, Hannah Stevens, Marah Stevens, Elizabeth Stevens, John Stevens, Abel Stevens, Jonathan Stevens, Jesse Stevens, Samuel Stevens, Simon Stevens, Ruth Stevens, Lydia Stevens, Sarah-J. Stevens, Royce Stevens, Betsey Stevens, Isaac Stevens, Lois Stevens, Samuel Stevens, Sanford Stevens, Charles Stevens, MerriU Stevens, Amanda Stevens, Prank Stevens, Alraira-W. Steward, Amasa Steward, Amelia-C. Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Simeon-S. Stewart, EUzabeth- A. 6874 41384138 9449 41562316 9414 1235 12396256 22328701 915 1223 1700 2404 30045650 56616669 6767 67678204 237351826633 4867 5184 9078 907872467246 9378 436921 113414031421 1450 1451 1610 18762727 29933210 436443644974 49746171 6431 6773824782948697 7049 9(i44 256 1720 4340 Stewart, Marion Stickney, Rebecca Stickney, Alvah Stickney, Mary-M. Stickney, Stephen Stickney, Nancy-J. Stiles, Mary Stiles, Adra Stillman, Adam Stillson, Caroline StillweU, Jacob StillweU, J,ane Stocker, Martha Stocker, Sally-M. Stocking, Lucy Stoddard, Orange Stoddard, Thomas Stodder, Isaiah Stokes, Maria-E. Stone, Samuel Stone, Thoraas-S. Stone, Clarissa Stone, Persis Stone, George-F. Stone, Salome Stone, Fannie- A. Stone, Naucy-M. Storer, Hattie Storrs, John Stoughton, Samuel Stoughton, Mary-A. Stout, Herbert-G. Stow, Stowel, Lucinda Stowell, Hannah Stowell, Fanny-L. Stratton, Jeremiah Stratton, Elvira Stratton, Isaac " Stratton, Ellen-M. Straw, .Tames StroeUn, Julius-T. Strong, Naucy-S. Strong, Delia Strout, SaUy Sturtevant, Mary Stuart, Isabel Stuart, Rebecoa-F. SuUivan, Maggie- A. Sumner, Hannah-E. Sunderland, Anna Sunderlin, Louisa Surdam, Miriam Swallow, Benjamin Swallow, Abel SwaUow, Mahala Swallow, Hannah SwaUow, Sampson Swallow, Rebecca Swallow, Leonard SwaUow, Fanny Swallow, Rebecca Swan, Samuel-S. Swart, Emily-C. Sweat, ,Toel-J. Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, Frank 8979 3113 3451674267428117 63478358 18535230 2793 5785516866007369 794 1434332192551694 3320 4574' 45746502 7586 869896768848 845 3464 668892801135 6806 1178 8307 925 669866988345 4365 fi442 52415241 2475 3858 648783078732 6327 423160898369 479 1614 628162816281 720072009155 9560 32228665 2096 445 17774719 INDEX II. 617 Sweet, Jane 8063 Sweet, Sally-C. 8229 Sweetland, Freder ick-S. 7686 Swegles, Mary-C. 8323 Swett, Sarah 2193 Swett, Harriet 7206 Swift, Lucretia-A. 2772 Swift, Winifred 3509 Swift, Anna 6396 Swinerton, John-P. 2239 Sylvester, Mary-L, 7614 Symmes, John 956 Taft, Rath 2452 Taft, Ireue-C. 7876 Tagart, Betsey 1358 TaUman, Sallie 9430 Tanner, Oscar-M. 3597 Tanner, John-H. 4328 Tapman, Sinai 9471 Tapman, John 9479 TarbeU, Mary 3848 Tarbox, James 2836 Tarlton, Solomon- M. 5635 Tay, John-B. 6993 Taylor, OUver 486 Taylor, Z. 1561 Taylor, AbigaU 2245 Taylor, James-M. 2287 Taylor, Abigail 2820 Taylor, Amanda 5278 Taylor, Caroline 6371 Taylor, EUen 5982 Taylor, Lydia 6792 Taylor, James 6798 Taylor, Mary-W. 7293 Taylor, Hannah- W. 7294 Tefft, Romanda 6611 Templeton, Mary 6688 Tenny, Anna 3093 Tenny, Mary-P. 8391 Terry, Mary-A. 8359 Thayer, Alexander 1633 Theobald, Alfred -L. 6202 Theobald, Frederick- E. 6204 Thomas, John 3608 Thompson, Susanna 450 Thompson, Ira-W. 2828 Thompson,Matthew 3066 Thompson, Job 4494 Thompson, Mary- W. 5831 Thomi)Son, Nancy 6763 Thompson, Rose 6855 Thorapson, Joel-C. 9453 Thorndike, Israel 2255 Thornton, Lydia 3595 Thornton, JuUa-A. ,3595 Thornton, Chastina- B. 5409 Thornton, Jesse 5409 Thrall, Matthew-A. 6472 Tliurber, Enos 3334 Thurston, Curtis 2881 Thurston,Nathaniel 3918 40 Tichenor, Matilda 4680 TiUotson, Augustus 6386 Tilton, Daniel 2901 Titcomb, EmUy-W. 8285 Tobe.y, Tirza 1328 Tobey, Alvan . 1328 Toby, Altana 4841 Todd, Adeline-B. 4357 ToUs, Phileraon 3507 Tolman, Elijah 3441 Tolman, James 4780 Tolman, Abigail 5262 Tolman, .Toseph 6262 Tolman, Sarah-J. 6274 Tolman, WilUam 5274 Tone, Eosina 5836 Toppan, Sarah-J. -P. 8907 Toppan, Edmund 8907 Tourtelotte, George- D. 7663 Tower, Ambra 6701 Towle, James-H. 5520 Towne, Andrew 910 Townsend, Amanda 7968 Townsend, Leonard 9610 Tracey, WiUiam 5239 Tracy, 3549 Tracy Amanda 7946 Tracy, Alanson 7946 Tracy, Frances 9212 Trager, Charles 6373 Traill, Mary-A. 6775 Trask, Susan-H. 6523 Trask, Mary-A. 6318 TraveU, Eufus 8138 Truesdale, Hayden- M. 4131 Trubbs, Betsey 2081 Tuck, Elizabeth-A. 3264 Tucker, Johu 4593 Tufts, Mary-L. 8i'26 TuUer, EUzabeth 8898 Tuller, Lucy 9525 Turner, Isaac 1463 Turner, Ezra 5633 Turner, Olive 9373 Tuttle, Lucy 1423 Tuttle, Isaac 3885 Tuttle, EUen-M. 9077 Tuttle, Polly-A. 9661 Tuttle, Stephen-H. 9661 Twist, Araelia-M. 6344 Twining, Sarah-E. 8824 Tyler, 142 Tyler, Joseph 321 T.yler, Phebe 937 Tyler, William 981 Tyler, EUzabeth 1321 Tyler, Sally 4661 Tyler, F.-A. 6614 Tyler, Jobn-P. 6573 Tyler, Lucinda-B. 8117 Tyler, Arvilla-A. 8826 Tyler, Mary-A. 8980 Tyler, Panuy-E. 9050 Tyrrel, Sarah 7463 Ulmer, Catharine 7602 Underwood, Pris cilla 18 Underwood, Sarah- J. 2993 Upham, Jaraes 460 Upson, Israel-L. 6228 Upton, Lydia 1019 Upton, WiUiam 1019 Usher, Eliza 9026 Vail, Sarepta 5497 Vail, Benjamin 2622 Van Hooser, Betsey 4992 Vanhoren, Peter 8293 Vanhouten, Keziah 8518 Van Nostrand, Isaac 4817 Vanostrand, Eme Une 9118 Vansyckel, Daniel- V. 7548 Van Valkenburgh, Bmeline-A. 9327 Varnum, Jonas 303 Varnum, Joseph-B. 941 Vaughn, Epenetus 4195 Vaughn, Philip 6026 Vaunderbeck, Mary- R. 5838 Veder, Jacob-M. 7560 Veder, Hugh 2098 Veder, Eichard 2103 Velsey, Hattie-J. 8454 Velsey, Philander- D. 8454 Vickary, Amasa 1068 Vickere, Joseph 1684 Vincent, Amadie 6664 Vincient, Emma-D. 7913 Vining, Hattie-F. 8636 Vining, Warren 8636 Vinton, Lucia 9454 Vinton, Calvin 9454 Vradenburgh, Chloe 6519 Wadsworth, Oliver- C. 6036 Wadsworth, Bliza- A. 5318 Wadsworth, Abiah 6318 Wainwright, Maria- T- 6529 Wait, Sarah-A. 3004 Wait, Martha-E. 3007 Wait, Eveline 6393 Waite, George 3933 Wakefield, George- S. 9391 Walcott, Augustus 4089 Walcott, Alonzo 8205 Walding, David 1270 Waldo, 1877 Waldo, Nathan 4368 Waldo, Jerome-B. 4810 Waldo, Jerorae-B. 4814 Waldron, Mary- A. - B. 8650 Walker, Mary 729 Walker, Jonas 1324 618 INDEX II. Walker, EUza 5795 Walker, Olive 6898 Walker, Lydia-S. 7484 Walker, Minerva-J. 8780 Walker, Catharine 9735 Wall, Mary-A. 7172 Wallace, Sibyl 3409 WaUace, Benjamin 3419 Wallace, MiUy 6576 Wallace, Martba-E. 8969 WaUis, Annie 8724 Ward, Langdon-S. 4032 Ward, Lucy 4827 Ward, Jabez 4827 Ward, Harvey-H. 5226 Ward, Sarah 5895 Ward, WiUiara-M. 6574 Ware, Abel 1679 Ware, Ann 8992 Warner, 796 Warner, Abner-S. 5614 Warner, Mary-A. 6093 Warner, Mary 6536 Warner, Charles-H. 6635 Warner, U.-M. 7906 Warner, Ethelinda 9268 Warner, Adonijah 9268 Warren, Abigail 163 Warren, Sarah 243 Warren, Joseph 323 Warren, Jeremiah 661 Warren, Joanna 908 Warren, Daniel 917 Warren, Mary 933 Warren, Lerauel 1147 Warren, Joseph 1565 Warren, Olive 2650 Warren, Marcy 2746 Warren, Alpha 2885 Warren, Sarah 3476 Warren, Peggy 3868 Warren, Mary 4020 Warren, Sarah 4030 Warren, Edward-S. 4931 Warren, Adaline 5693 Warren, Mary-L. 5693 Warren, Andrew-J. 5879 Warren, Delia 6846 Warren, Sarah 6872 Warren, Abijah-H. 7127 Warren, Emily 9073 Warren, David 9073 Wass, Mary-L. 7717 Watch, Eliza 6436 Waterbury, Esther 4346 Waterman, 818 Waterman, Thank ful 1888 Waterman, Ezra 1896 Waterman, CeUa-J. 9051 Waters, Daniel 737 Waters, Alexander 4864 Waters, Oliver 7434 Watson, Dorothy 3271 Watson, Celia 4816 Watson, Joseph-S. 4868 Watson, EUzabeth 8086 Waugh, John 1381 Way, Roderick 3641 Way, Henry 7372 Weatherby, Joanna 5814 Weaver, Constant 811 Weaver, Alston 1920 Weaver, EUzabeth 9696 Webber, John-A. 1616 Webber, ReUef 3671 Webber, Sarah-J. 5693 Webber, Elvira 6117 Webber, Joel 6117 Webber, Mary-E. 7585 Weber, Jacob-M. 4230 Webster, William- W. 7446 Weeks, Martha 2367 Weeks, Nathaniel- C. 4920 Welch, Eleanor 1076 Welch,'Robert 6387 Weld, EUas 291 Weld, Eleanor-A. 8966 Welding, Susan-B. 9261 Welding, John 9261 Welding, Lydia-A. 9276 Welding, John 9275 Weller, Edward 6687 Weller, Araos 8703 Welles, Philander 1739 WeUs, Harry 4652 Wells, Mary-A. 8046 Wells, MatUda 8888 Welsch, Marcye 142 Welsch, James 142 Wentworth, Sarah- A. 6059 Wesener, Joseph-B. 2774 West, Thomas 1192 West, Aarou 5632 West, JuUa-A. 6438 Westcott, Jonathan 868 Westcott, Gorton 2133 Westcott, Sarah 5913 Westcott, Susan-E. 5913 Westgate, Mary 4763 Weston, Mary 6167 Weston, Hannah 6766 Wetherbee, SeweU 3147 Wetherbee,Caroline 6786 Wetherbee, Elvira 8559 WethereU, Lucy 1616 Wever, Benjamin-J. 5394 Whalen, Mary 4262 Wheeler, Ephraim 30 Wheeler, Thankful 326 Wheeler, Deborah 373 Wheeler, Lydia 429 Wheeler, Aaron 816 Wheeler, Moses 821 Wheeler, Thaddeus 943 Wheeler, Jonathan- T. 948 Wheeler, John 1480 ¦Wheeler, Mary 1693 Wheeler, Betsey 2823 Wheeler, Herodine 2823 Wheeler, Euth 3900 Wheeler, Joseph-A. 3974 Wheeler, Joshua-S. 4290 Wheeler, John-M. 4293 Wheeler, Mary-A. 6076 Wheeler, Lucy-P. 5297 Wheeler, Frederick 6297 Wheeler, WiUiam 6877 Wheeler, Oynthia- A. 8226 Wheeler, Lucinda- R. 8855 Wheeler, Isaac-G. 8856 "Wheeler, Mary-E. 9203 Wheeler, ,Toshua-S. 9203 Wheeler, Lizzie-M. 9219 WheeUug, StiUman 5010 Wheelock, 6802 "Whelan, SaUy 8150 Whelan, Peter 8150 Whelan, Artemesia- A. 9340 Whidden, John 108 Whidden, Benjamin- F. 6185 Whipple, EUsha 2188 Whipple, Elisha 2194 Whitaker, Belinda 5364 Whitcomb,James-B.2764Whitcomb, Festus 5823 Whitcomb,Anna-W.6503 Whitcomb, Victoria- M. 9411 White, Archelaus 2009 White, Samuel 2686 White, Rhoda 3325 White, Sarah 4538 White, Cyrus 6170 White, Mary 5387 White, Christopher 5387 White, Charles-H. 6953 White, Henry-J. 7128 White, Emma-A. 7341 White, Almira 7707 White, Louisa 7981 White, HoUis-M. 9685 White, Arabrose-H. 9709 Whitford, Nelson 2750 Whiting, Sarah-L. 3113 "Whiting, Nathaniel 3113 Whiting, Abigail 3127 Whiting, George-0. 3568 Whiting, David 3638 Whiting, Jeneson-J. 4869 Whitman, Joseph-E. 2168 Whitraan, Sarah 3195 Whitmore, Frances- A. 8555 Whitney, Daniel 185 Whitney, Heman 1814 Whitney, Josiah 3043 Whitney, 3172 Whitney, Boylston .3317 Whitney, John 3665 Whitney, Mary 4042 Whitney, 4237 Whitney, Betsey 6152 Whitney, Harrison- B. 6195 "Whitney, Sarah 7084 INDEX 11.^ 619 Whitney, Irene 9300 Whittemore, Lydia- A. 8786 Wickoff, JuUa-A. 7164 Wicks, Kent , 4114 Wicks, Nancy 7457 Wigh, WiUiam 5881 Wilber, Martha-A. 8708 Wilcox, A.-G. 4196 Wilder, Cushing 1478 Wilder, Sarah-C. 7318 WUder, C.-B. 7318 Wilder, Elmina 7754 Wilder, Lee 8995 Wilder, EUas 9542 Wilder, Samuel-N. 9656 Wildey, Depew-C. 9334 Wiley, WilUara-G. 4386 WUkins, AbigaU 1491 Wilkins, John 1491 Wilkins, George 4152 Wilkinson, Electa 8487 Wilkinson, Benaiah 8487 WiUard, EmUy 5667 Willard, Marcena 7618 WiUiams, Mary 447 Williams, John 447 WiUiams, Mercy 783 Williams, Luther 1622 WiUiams, Charity 4734 Williams,Nathamel 4734 Williams, Fanny 4753 Williams, Sarah 4754 WUliams,Nathaniel 4754 WiUiams, DoUy-J. 5990 Williams,Thomas-J.5990Williams, JuUa-J. 7066 WiUiams,Walter-J. 7133 WUliams, Pearl 7670 WUUams, George 7742 WUUams, James 7926 Williams, Mary-E. 8816 WiUiams, Sheldon 8981 WUUams, EUen 9221 Williams, EmUy 9424 WiUiaras, Martha 9465 Williaras, Celestia 9584 WiUiams, Amos 9584 Willson, EUzabeth- C. 6290 Wilson, James 209 Wilson, Abigail 311 Wilson, Thomas 713 Wilson, John 911 Wilson, George 930 Wilson, Henry 1014 Wilson, James 1100 WUson, Andrew 1894 WUson, Grafton 2152 Wilson, Horace-N. 4180 Wilson, Eunice 4902 WUson, Anna 4903 Wilson, Julia-M. 6327 Wilson, Ames-K. 6807 Wilson, Josiah-T. 6833 Winans, Isaac 1895 WindeU, — 4191 WindeU, 4193 Winn, Rebecca 86 Winn, Jonathan 1406 Winn, Abbie-E. 8343 Winn, Eebecca 9393 Winters, Jane 6201 Witham, Diana 6252 Witham, Nathaniel- L, 7628 WitheriU, Obediah 3783 Withington, John 1465 Witter, Jemima 763 Witter, Mary 1165 Witter, Ebenezer 1169 Witter, Ezra 2705 Witter, Nathan 2706 Wolcott, 6437 Wolcott John 7180 Wood, EUzabeth 931 Wood, — - 1461 Wood, Jonathan 3289 Wood, Grace 3339 Wood, Hannah 3354 Wood, Lucinda 6068 Wood, Sophia 5376 Wood, Lydia-A. 5979 Wood, Asenath 6208 Wood, Henry 6832 Wood, Hannah 7263 Wood, Hannah-B. 7515 Wood, Harrison-O. 7967 Wood, Mary-E. 8893 Wood, Edward-B. 9711 Woodard, Urania 2644 Woodard, Marshall- J. 6284 Woodbury, Luke 1323 Woodbury, George- E. 8004 Woodin, Thomas 2082 ¦Woodman, Amos 1369 Woodman, Mary 9014 Woodruff, Emeline 9166 Woods, Moses 894 Woods, Sarah 1521 Woods, Samuel 1521 Woods, Juditt-G. 6017 ¦Woodward, John 188 Woodward, Eunice 394 Woodward, David 394 Woodward,. Deborah 680 Woodward, Theo dore 1353 Woodward, Parker 1357 Woodward, Nancy 2439 Woodward, Caleb 2439 'Woodward, Eebec- kah-H. 2459 Woodward, George 2910 Woodward, Eebecca 3302 Woodward, L. 3536 Woodward, John-E. 7667 Woodworth, Cyn thia 4775 Woodworth, Lyman- Z. 6479 Woodworth, Kapha 6780 Wooster, Laura-M. 6569 Worcester, William 1348 Worden, Bzekiel-S. 3582 Work, EUza-B. 5080 Wormstead, Han- nah-P. 9714 Wormstead,Miohael 9714 Worthington, Mary- A. 7746 Worthington, Tem perance 9544 Worthington, Da^ vid-S. 9548 Wright, AbigaU 373 Wright, Ebenezer 373 Wright, Lydia 1532 Wright, SaUy 2955 Wright, Artemus 3643 Wright, Esther 3953 Wright, 4051 Wright, Leonard 4959 Wright, Leonard 4960 Wright, Mary 53.34 Wright, Alnia-H. 5858 Wright, Eiley 6371 Wright, Permilla 6730 Wright, Emeline 6831 Wright, Eliza 6986 Wright, Lucy 7000 Wright, Mary-A. 7284 Wright, Joel-B. 8992 Wright, Harriet-L 9270 W.yman, Benjamin 108 Wyraan, Francis 3326 Wyman, Polly 3612 Yeatman, Hiram 4826 Yeaton, Mary 2251 Yeaton, PhiUp 3275 York, Lucy 1842 York, John 1842 Young, David 1604 Young, Huntley 1909 Yonng, Tamison 3690 Young, Henry 4615 Young, Evelina 5990 Young, Emma 7045 Young, Ann-M. 8196 Young, Jonah-S. 8195 Young, Lucius 9077 Youngman, Hannah 6806 Youngman, Alvin- A. 6815 Youngs, William 4722 Youngs, Harrison 4723 3 9002 ^ •' ?, 1 '» iS„ *!.? - 1" ;f • "fi V " ** *• "3 K „ -,..J"< V j_it- , .V-*,^^^ >J>,.^_^ . ; ^ ;•]