rals Universii hi 39002015151690 f f i •:>',. ' > hi PA f"? K1- R AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF Walla Walla County STATE OP WASHINGTON BY PROrizSSOR W. D. LYMAN W. H. LEVER, Publisher 1901 DEDICATED PIONEERS OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY THE BRAVE MEN AND DEVOTED WOMEN THOSE WHO HAVE GONE AND THOSE WHO REMAIN " Yet never a doubt, nay, never a fear Of old, or now, knew the ftioiteer.'n PREFACE. The volume herewith presented speaks for itself, and extended preface is unneces sary. It is fitting, however, that special thanks be given here by the author of the historical portion of the work to those who have so kindly assisted, by information, suggestion, and encouragement, in its preparation. Among these may be named the committee of endorsement, Messrs. Frank Paine, Lewis McMorris, and W. S. Gilliam, to whose patient attention and invaluable corrections the author is especially indebted. Particular mention should be made of the assistance given by Prof. J. A. Keener, of Waitsburg Academy, in the elaborate account of that institution. Prof. O. A. Hauerbach, of Whitman College, should be credited with the author ship of the greater part of chapter twenty-three, and Mr. W. M. Proctor with that of chapter twenty-two. Many citizens of Walla Walla have given important information and have evinced an interest in the work, and a spirit of local patriotism which is one of the best auguries for a noble future in the historic county of Walla Walla. To these and all the hearty thanks of both publisher and author are due and are hereby mpst cordially tendered. AN ENDORSEMENT. We, the undersigned, after listening to the reading of the manuscript containing the "*' History of Walla Walla County," written by W. D. Lyman, bear testimony that it gives evidence of extensive reading and conscientious research, and presents to our best knowledge, an accurate, comprehensive and impartial record of events, and as such we endorse and commend it. Lewis McMorris, ,T7 ^ /- i Committee W. S. Gilliam, r „, „ \ of Citizens. F. W. Paine, ) J TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Discoveries on the North Pacific Coast. Strait of Anian — Sir Francis Drake— Juan de Fuca— Admiral de Fonte — Russian Exploration— Captain James Cook— Beginning of the Fur-trade— Troubles at Nootka— The " River of the West "—Captain Gray's Discovery — Explorations by land — Purchase of Louisiana — Lewis and Clark Expedition — Hunt's Expedition — The Tonquin Tragedy — Dawning ° f the Present 1 CHAPTER I. The Oregon Question. Great Britain's Claims — Hudson's Bay Company— Opinions of American Statesmen — Joint Occupation — Treaty of 1846 33 CHAPTER II. The Inception of American History in Washington. Michael T. Simmons — Founding of Seattle — Division of Territory — Appointment of Isaac I. Stevens as Governor — Boundaries of Washington Territory 37 CHAPTER III. Missions of Walla Walla and Whitman Massacre. The Missionary Impulse — Parker, Whitman, Spalding — Mission at Waiilatpu — Whitman's Ride — The Massacre — Mr. Osborne's Reminiscences — " The Christmas Dinner '' — Cayuse War — Reminiscences of L. T. Boyd 40 CHAPTER IV. Attempts to Organize Walla Walla County. The Original County Boundaries — First Appointment of Officers — First Settlements — Gold Discoveries. . . 55 CHAPTER V. Indian Wars of the 'Fifties. Troubles of 1853-54— Council at Walla Walla — Looking Glass vs. Lawyer — Treaty Ratified — Its Provisions — Kamiakin and Peupeumoxmox — Outbreak of War — Battle of Walla Walla— Colonel Kelly's Report — Governor Stevens' Report — Stevens and Wool 58 CHAPTER VI. Indian Wars of the 'Fifties— Continued. Campaign of '56— Battle of Grande Ronde— Colonel Shaw's Report— Second Walla Walla Council — Battle near Walla Walla — Trouble Between Stevens and the Regulars— Steptoe's Defeat— Its Avenging — Wool's Policy Reversed 77 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Definite Organization of Walla Walla and Political History, 1859-63. Early Settlers— First Appointments of Officers— Walla Walla Christened— Election of 1860— Effects of Gold Excitement— Sergeant Smith's Gold Discoveries— Beginnings of Business— Hard Winter of 1861- 62— Famine Prices— Rush of Gold Seekers in '62— Election of 1862— Development of the Wheat Industry : 86 CHAPTER VIII. Political History of Walla Walla County, 1863-66. Gold Discoveries in Boise— Stage Lines— O. S. N. Co.— Election of 1863— George E. Cole, Delegate— Effect of Rebellion on Politics— Founding of Waitsburg— Election of 1866 95 CHAPTER IX. General and Political History of Walla Walla County, 1866-74. New Routes to Idaho— Attempts at Annexation to Oregon— Exportations of Flour— Election of Alvin Flanders to Congress— First Court House— Philip Ritz's Flour Trade— Starting of Railroad Projects— Selucius Garfielde— Election of 1868— Investigating County Officials— Ambitions of Waitsburg— Census of 1870— Election of 1870— Renewal of Attempts at Annexation— Railroad Projects— Founding of Dayton— Election of 1872— New Court House — Election of 1874 99 CHAPTER X. Annals of the Years 1875-1881. Completion of Walla Walla & Columbia River Railroad— Division of County — Industrial Statistics — Election of 1876— Finances— Constitutional Convention—Election of 1878— Efforts at Statehood- Election of 1880 110 CHAPTER XI. Walla Walla County Elections, 1882-1900. Thomas H. Brents— " Bjssism "—Election Statistics to 1900— The Voting Precincts— Statehood— Walla Walla Men in Congress — Penitentiary Politics — Present Situation — Auditor's Report 115 CHAPTER XII. The Land We Live In. Variety of Resources — Selection from Post-Intelligencer — Inland Empire — Legend of the Walla Walla Valley — " Beautiful Walla Walla " — Selection from Hawthorne's History 120 CHAPTER XIII. A Journey Through Walla Walla County. Enter County from the North — Waitsburg — Wait's Mill — Town Government in 1881 — Churches of Waits burg — Fraternities of Waitsburg — Schools and Public Improvements of the Town — Farming Region Adjoining — Dixie — Farming Region Adjoining Dixie — Farms Between Mill Creek and Russell Creek — Eureka Junction — "Wheat Kings" — Wallula — Fort Walla Walla of Hudson's Bay Times — McKinley and Pambrun — Abandonment of Fort Walla Walla by the English — Establishment of Steamboats on the River — Touchet — Frenchtown — The Garden and Orchard Lands — Dry Creek Ranches — Prescott —The New Farming Lands— The Alto Hill 133 CHAPTER XIV. The Industries of Walla Walla County. View From Pike's Peak — Physical Characteristics of the County — Story of Wishpoosh — The Stock Business — Statistics — Agriculture — Beginnings of Wheat and Flour Exportations — Dr. Blalock's Big Crop — Horticulture and Fruit Raising — Nurseries and Orchards — Fruit Fairs — Markets for Fruit — The Flour- CONTENTS. ix ing Mills — Their Output— The Gilbert Hunt Factory — Roberts' Foundry — Whitehouse & Crimmins' Factory — Other Lumbering Establishments — The Weber Tannery — Creameries — The Cox & Bailey Manufactory — Ringhofer Bros.' Saddle-tree Factory — Marble Works — Summary of Other Business Establishments 145 CHAPTER XV. The Transportation Lines of Walla Walla County. Voyageurs and Bateaus — Early Steamboat Lines— Oregon Steam Navigation Company — Dr. D. S. Baker — — First Railroad Agitation — Grading at Wallula — Paper Railroads — Completion of Dr. Baker's Rail road — Bought out by O. S. N. Co. — Stage Lines — Transcontinental Railroads — Northern Pacific — The Hunt Road— The O. R. & N. System 165- CHAPTER XVI. Educational Institutions of Walla Walla County. Education in the West — Public Schools of Walla Walla County and City at Present — The High School — The Public School System in Early Days — Its Development — Whitman College — St. Paul's School — La Salle Institute — St. Vincent's Academy — Walla Walla College — Business College — Waitsburg Academy 174 CHAPTER XVII. Earlier History of Walla Walla County, 1862-83. Establishment of Fort Walla Walla — Beginnings of Business — Steptoeville, Waiilatpu, Walla Walla — First Election — Successive Elections — City Indebtedness — Division into Wards — First Efforts at Munic ipal System of Water Works 187 CHAPTER XVIII. Later History of City Government of Walla Walla, 1883-1900. Charter of 1883 — City Wards — Apportionment of Councilmen — Election Statistics to Present Time 194 CHAPTER XIX. The Churches of Walla Walla. Ancient Churches — Catholic Church — First Methodist Church — St. Paul's Episcopal Church — First Con gregational Church — Cumberland Presbyterian Church — Christian Church — Baptist Church — Method ist Episcopal Church, South — German Methodist Episcopal Church — First Presbyterian Church 198 CHAPTER XX. Fraternal and Other Organizations of the City of Walla Walla. Freemasonry — Odd Fellows — Odd Fellows' Home of Washington — Young Men's Institute — United Arti sans — National Union — Pioneers of the Pacific — United Workmen — Degree of Honor — Women of Woodcraft — Woodmen of the World — Foresters of America — Knights of Pythias — Rathbone Sisters — Ladies of the Maccabees — Modern Woodmen of America — Improved Order of Red Men — Degree of Pocahontas — Royal Arcanum — Good Templars — Grand Army of the Republic — A. Lincoln Relief Corps — Sons of Herman — Order of Washington — Spanish-American War Veterans — Fraternal Order of Eagles— Building Association— Walla Walla Gun Club— Walla Walla Club— Walla Walla City Library — Women's Reading Club — The Ladies' Relief Society — Walla Walla's Part in the Philippine War— Welcome Home 208 CHAPTER XXI. Journalism in Walla Walla County. The Pioneer Printing Press— The Walla Walla Press— The Washington Statesman— The Walla Walla Statesman — The Union— The Journal— The Garden City Gazette, the Watchman and the Walla Walla Record — The Argus — The Inland Empire — The Waitsburg Times— The Waitsburg Gazette 227 x CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXII. The Bench and Bar of Walla Walla. Old Times in the Circuit— The Days of Six-shooters in Court— Judge Strong's Court— Judge Wyche— Judge Oliphant and the Court " Getting Roused "—Judge Kennedy— Judge Lewis and his Peculiar Resigna tion—Judge Wingard and his Lengthy Term— Judge Langford, Last of the Territorial Judges— Law yers of the Olden Times— Superior Judges Since Statehood— Judge Upton— Judge Brents— Some Important Cases— The Thomas Murder Case— The Elfers Murder Case— Mrs. Pyle and J. T. Hum— The Royse Murder Trial— The Case of Isaacs vs. Barber— The Case of Denny vs. Parker— The Walla Walla Water Case - 233 CHAPTER XXIII. Walla Walla in the Olden Times. Richness of Material— Joe Lewis — The Vigilantes— Story of " Slim Jim "—The Story of Furth Patterson- Disunion Sentiment During the War— Union Flag at Milton— Political Business Men— Dr. Baker and his Railroad— "Wabash, "and his flag— " Gentle Eells— " Portuguese Joe"— Allen's Knowlege of Faro — Colonel George and his Plug Hat — Ditto with the Water Bottle— His Bet with the Priest — Floods in Walla Walla — Fires — Ancient Barrenness and Present Verdure 241 CHAPTER XXIV. Walla Walla City in 1901. By Way of Pasco — The State Penitentiary — The Sewerage System — Water Works — Law Suit Between Company and City — Establishment of Municipal Ownership of Water Works — The Hotels — The Banks — The Stores — The Residence Section — Suburban Homes— Visit to the Schools — The Telephone System — The Lighting System — Telegraphic Reminiscences — The Defunct Street Car System — Public Benefactions— Amusements and Entertainments— Condition of the Churches — The Postal Business— The City Fire Department— The Question of a New Charter— Opposing Opinions of the Press— Fort Walla Walla — Adjoining Attractions 252 GENERAL ILLUSTRATIONS page County Court House and Hall of Records 56 Combined Harvester 144 Main Street, Walla Walla, in 1877 264 Main Street, Walla Walla, in 1901 264 Odd Fellows' Home, Walla Walla 216 Walla Walla City Hall, Police and Fire Station 216 Walla Walla College 184 State Penitentiary and Warden's Residence, Walla Walla 252 Waitsburg Academy 136 Waitsburg Public School 136 PORTRAIT INDEX. page A. Abbey, Henry J 384 Abbott, John F 472 Aldrich, Newton 480 B. Baker, Dorsey S 288 Berryman, J. E 496 Blalock, N.G 472 Bowers, C. J 502 Bowers, Mrs. C. J 502 Boyer, John Franklin 296 Bradbury, George W 436 Brents, Thomas Hurley 304 C. Castleman, Nelson 432 D. Dacres, George 452 Delany, George 424 Denney, Nathaniel B 488 Denney, Mrs. Nathaniel B 488 Dewar, James M 476 Dinges, Solomon 496 E. Ellingsworth, William 392 H. Harbert, Joseph W 448 Hardman, Sol 492 Hardman, Mrs. S 492 Harmen, Charles T 472 Harmen, Mrs. Charles T 472 Hoffmann, John 360 PAGE Hoffmann, Mrs. John 360 Hood, John R 408 I. Isaacs, Henry Perry 312 J. Johnson, Alexander 496 Johnson, Samuel 502 Johnson, William C 496 K. Kershaw, James S 480 Kirkman, William 376 L. Loney, Samuel K 496 Lyman, W. I) 344 M. Manion, John 502 Masterson, Andrew C 400 McEvoy, Joseph 472 McMorris, Lewis 320 Miller, Joseph L 502 Miller, Mrs. loseph L 502 Mix, James D. ., 458 Mix, Mrs. Annie McC 458 N. Nelson, Cyrus T 480 Nelson, Hiram 480 Norman, Nelson R 492 t O. Osborn, Obadiah 456 PAGE Painter, William C 328 Parker, Hollon Frontispiece Pettyjohn, Jonathan 464 Picard, Tohn 496 Preston, Piatt A 468 Preston, Mrs. Piatt A 468 Preston, William G 468 Preston, Mrs. William G 468 Q. Quinn, Thomas 368 R. Reynolds, Rasselas P 416 Ritz, Philip 496 Rohn, J. T 476 Russel, Thomas A _496 S. Seeke, Marshall C 502 Singleton, John 460 Smith, J. C 464 Smith, Samuel J 440 Stewart, Daniel 352 Swan, John M 488 T. Taylor, John A 476 Taylor, Mrs. John A 476 W. Ward, Michael B 336 Wellman, Alfred C 444 Williams, Edward J 488 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. PAGE A. Abbey, Henry J 384 Abbott, John F 473 Achermann, Charles 366 Aldrich, Milton 490 Aldrich, Newton 481 Ash, Samuel A 441 B. Babcock, E. F 382 Babcock, George W 2^9 Bachtold, Alfred 362 Bachtold, John 368 Baker, Dorsey S 288 Baldwin, J. M 38O Barnett, Carrick H 475 Barnett, George E 358 Barrett, James S 348 Bauer, Robert E 482 Baumeister, Max 34I Beard, John A 466 Becker, Oswald 347 Becker, Philip A 3.J8 Berney, Ulysses H 4II Berryman, J. E 5OO Berryman, Richard J 5O6 Bingham, John E 296 Blalock, N. G 474 Blalock, Y. C 356 Blanchard, Mrs. Elizabeth J 399 Blandford, Henry S 326 Bogle, Richard A 345 Boston, Alvin g69 Bourgeois, Eugene 493 Bowers, C. J 5O5 Boyer, Eugene H 354 Boyer, John E 359 Boyer, John F ; : 296 Bradbury, George W 486 Bratton, Walter A 4O8 Brents, Thomas Hurley 3O4 Brewer, B. F 4O6 Brewer, John F 374 Brewer, John W 398 Brewer, Merton E 402 Brown, Alvah 281 Bruce, James W 378 Bryan, Milton E 403 Brzezowsky, Frank 342 Burns, Robert 372 Buroker, J 450 Buroker, William H 4S7 Burr, Daniel 307 Burrows, Charles E 303 Bush, John 428 C. Cain, Oscar 300 Callahan, William 439 Cameron, Alex 452 Cameron, John A 305 Caris, Matthias A 427 Carnes, William H 442 Castleman, Nelson 432 Cation, James 479 Cauvel, Austin Lynn 435 Chamberlain, P. B 462 Chamberlin, George Harris 445 Clancy, R. G 407 Clapp, Rufus 411 Clark, William A 366 Cochran, John G 403 Coffin, Delos H 338 Copeland, Thomas 471 Copeland, Wallace R 466 Corkrum, Francis M 421 Cox, Anderson 509" Cox, Fred O 382 Crocker, Benjamin D 341 Croup, Eli W 444 Crowe, George R 431 Crowell, Henry A 298 Cummings, Amos 447 Cummings, Charles F 433 Cummins, James 361 Cummins, Jesse 363 Cummins, Woodson 457 D. Dacres, George 452 Daniels, John H 300 Daulton, John W 325 Davin, Hippolyte 342 Davis, John A 479 Davis, Lorenzo A 308 Debus, Harry 357 Delany, George 424 Dement, Frank S 290 Denney, Nathaniel B 488 Dewer, James M 477 Dewitt, Oliver 461 Dickinson, A. S 422 Dinges, Solomon 497 Dooley, lohn 318 Dorris, Edgar A 463 Drumheller, Jesse 333 Dunlap, John K 386 E. Edgerley, Elron 412 Eichler, Charles H 346 PAGE Eldridge, Harlan D 422 Ellingsworth, William 392 Ennis, Christopher 303 Estes, Hugh P 385 Evans, Andrew J 349 Evans, Emmett 493 Evans, Mark A 507 Evans, Milton 482 F. Faucette, John 327 Ferguson, Walter S 443 Ferrel, Brewster 465 Ferrel, Joseph W 434 Ferrel, Seth A 442 Ferrel, Thomas J 432 Fix, A. J 459 Flohr, Michael 322 Foster, Frank 332 Foster, John H 351 Fuller, John H 413 G. Gaston, John 441 Genevay, Lucien 292 Gholson, Charles E 367 Gilkerson, Charles 429 Gilkerson, Harry 427 Gilkerson, Thomas 429 Gillham, Alonzo 356 Gilliam, Washington Smith 283 Ginn, Richard 438 Glasford, Wm 289 Goodhue, James P 280 Goodman, William S 349 Griffith, Robert M 428 Guichard, Ralph E 321 Guthridge, Benjamin G 334 H. Haggist, Fred 391 Hall, Jay H 314 Harbert, Joseph W 448 Hardman, Sol 492 Harer, John H 371 Harman, Urias S 448 Harmen, Charles T 472 Harper, Joseph L 361 Hart, Francis G 374 Hart, Thomas D. S 377 Hartness, Orlander W 325 Hastings, Henry W 397 Hauber, Martin H 381 Haynes, Oscar 355 INDEX. xm PAGE Hays, William H 419 Highley, D. K 389 Hill, J. M 340 Hodgis, John H 367 Hoffmann, John 360 Hood, Charles Edward 508 Hood, John A 508 Hood, John R 408 Howard, Joshua A 495 I. Ingalls, Henry 494 Ingle, Elijah 376 Isaacs, Henry- Perry 312 J- Jackson, Otis C 386 Jacobs, Charles A 450 Jaussaud, Leon F. C 290 Jennings, Jefferson 335 Jessup, Tbeadore H 308 Johnson Brothers 498 Johnson, Robert H 383 Johnson, Samuel 504 Jones, William R 385 K. Kauffman, John Jacob 316 Keefe, Dion 317 Kellough, George E 388 Kelly, Martin F 507 Kennedy, Robert 323 Kershaw, J. Frederick 403 Kershaw, James S 482 Kershaw, John H 411 Kirkman, William 376 Koger, Marion 409 Koontz, William A 327 Kralman, William 355 Kuhl, Henry 433 Kydd, John 285 Kyger, Daniel T 294 L. Lafortune, Joseph 449 LaGrave, Dennis 379 Lamb, James M 416 Lamb, John D 475 Lasater, Harry 406 Lasater, James H 404 Lee, Henry 495 Lewis, George F 429 Linn, Eathan A 437 Logan Edward 398 Loney, Samuel K 497 Loundagin, George W 387 Lovewell, Samuel Harrison 362 Lowden, Francis M 324 Lowden, Francis M., Jr 318 Lowden, Marshall J 318 Lyman, William D 344 Lynch, P. M 4*7 Lynch, Robert E 418 Lyons, Thomas ,. 494 M. Mabry, Mrs. Emeline J 3"9 Magallon, Adrien 358 PAGE Malloy, William S 486 Mangan, Edward H 417 Mangan, Joseph J 415 Manion, John 503 Mann, William H 405 Marcy, Benjamin W 365 Martin, Michael 390 Martin, Patrick 491 Masterson, Andrew C 400 Mathew, William L 432 Maxson, Samuel R 485 McAuliff, James 315 McCann, Edwin W 424 McCool, Robert 414 McCoy, John D 395 McCoy, Joseph H 401 McDonald, John B 425 McDonnell, Edward 363 McEvoy, Joseph 472 McGhee, John W., Jr 292 Mclnroe, Charles 483 McKinney, Thompson M 370 McKinney, William 393 McKinney, William E., Jr 390 McLean, Clark N 299 McMorns, Lewis 320 Meiners, Martin 426 Michel, Justus 399 Middleton, George H 449 Miller, Joseph L 502 Mills, Edward D 396 Mix, Mrs. Annie McC 458 Molkin.-, Iwa S 373 Moore, Miles C 282 Moore, Thomas 345 Morrow, J. H 420 Morse, Franklin B 339 Murphy, Horace J 364 N. Nelson, Cyrus T 480 Nelson, Hiram 481 Nicholas, Amander M 451 Noble, William A 395 Norman, Nelson R 493 O. O'Donnell, William 284 Offner, Winfield S 311 Osborn, Obadiah 456 Osborn, Robert H 394 Owens, S. A 391 P. Painter, William C 328 Parker, Hollon 273 Peck, Ebeneezer M 387 Perkins, Perry C 379 Perry, Alfred F 423 Peterson, William 350 Pettyjohn, Jonathan 464 Phillips, Charles W 455 Picard, John 499 Preston, Charles B 375 Preston, Dale 485 Preston. Piatt A 470 Preston, William G 468 PAGE Q- Quinn, Thomas 368 R. Rehorn, John 413 Reid, Albert E 439 Reser, John L 463 Reser, William P 457 Reynolds, Allen H 307 Reynolds, Almos H 810 Reynolds, Rasselas P 416 Roedel, Charles Ottmar 302 Rohn, J.Fred 451 Rohn, J. J 477 Richardson, Charles B 454 Riffle, ElihuG 354 Ritz, Philip 496 Rudd, Irby H 389 Rulaford, George A 380 Russel, Thomas A 499 Russell, Chailes 293 Russell, E. Shepard 350 Russell, Patrick 484 Russell, Walter E 412 Sanderson, Henry 285 Scholl, Louis 319 Schumacher, Carl 317 Seeke, Marshall C 503 Seil, Nicholas 419 Seitz, John P 454 Selland, Severt O 487 Sharpstein, Benjamin L 364 Shaw, Ellsworth E 314 Shaw, Le F. A 301 Shelton, William M 446 Simpson, Francis I 410 Singleton, John 460 Smails, George 311 Smith, Ezekiel 343 Smith, John C 464 Smith, Samuel J 440 Smith, William S 333 Smith, Winfield D 359 Stetson, Clinton 393 Stewart, Charles B 286 Stewart, Daniel 352 Stewart, Meredith E 331 Storey, John C 420 Strah p, John U 402 Strahm, Peter 394 .Straight, Zebulon K 326 • Stringer, Robert J 322 Struthers, William A 397 Sturgis, William P 484 Swaim, Moses 430 Swan, John M 489 Sweeney, Samuel B 414 Sweetser, Charles T 445 Swezea, Thomas J 501 T. Tash, Andrew J 426 Taylor, Charles M 371 Taylor, John A 476 Taylor, Thomas 306 Thompson, James B 509 XIV INDEX. PAGE Thompson, Robert 453 Townsend, William C 347 Truax, Henry C 343 Tyson, Charles A 446 V. Villa, Frank 417 W. Walker, Robert F. 392 PAGE Wallace, Herbert F 348 Ward, Michael B 336 Weaver, Jacob F 385 Wellman, Alfred C 444 Wheeler, Emerson L 373 Whitehouse, George W 295 Whitman, E. B 287 Whitman, E. S 287 Whitman, Stephen G 291 Wickersham, James 365 Wickersham, John 440 Wild, Philip A 383 Williams, Edward J 488 PAGE Wilson, Valentine 369 Wiseman, Jonathan T 409 Wiseman, William N 407 Woods, Joel 396 Y. Yeend, James A 491 Yeend, William 486 Yenney, L 0 501 Yenney, Philip 506 Yenney, W. H 495 Young, Samuel P 340 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA CODITY. INTRODUCTION. The opening of a new century is a fitting time to cast a backward glance in our local history, reconstruct to the eye of the present the interesting and heroic events of the past, and by comparison between past and present forecast something of the future. Old Oregon Territory, of which this coun ty and this state were once parts, with its isola tion, its pathos, its hospitality, has passed away. It had a strange history. It was the ignis fatuus of successive generations of explorers, luring them on with that indescribable fascina tion which seems always to have drawn men tc the ever-receding circle of the "Westmost West," and yet for years and years veiling itself in the mists of uncertainty and misap prehension. We do not usually realize how soon after the time of Columbus there began to be at tempts to reach the western ocean and to solve the mystery of the various passages, north west, southwest, and west, which" were sup posed to lead through the Americas to Asia. The old navigators had little conception of the breadth of this continent. They thought it to be but a few leagues across, and took for granted that some of the many arms of the sea would lead them through to another ocean that would wash the Asiatic shores. In 1500, only eight years after Columbus, Gasper Cortereal, the Portuguese, conceived the idea of entering what afterwards became known as Hudson's Bay and proceeding thence westward through what he called the Strait of Anian. That mythical Strait of Anian seems to have had a strange charm for the old navigators. One of them, Maldonado, a good many years later, gave a very con nected and apparently veracious account of his journey through that strait, averring that through it he reached another ocean in lati tude 75. But by means of Magellan's Straits and the doubling of stormy Cape Horn, a connection between the two oceans was actu ally discovered in 1519. In 1543 Ferrelo, a Spaniard, coasted along the shores of California, and was doubtless the first white man to gaze on the coast of Oregon, probably somewhere in the vicinity of the mouth of the Umpqua river. In 1577 that boldest and most picturesque of all English sailors and freebooters, Francis Drake, started on the marvellous voyage by which he plundered the treasures of the Span- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ish Main, cut the golden girdle of Manila, queen of the treasuries of the Spanish orient, skirted the coast of California, Oregon and Washington, and at last circumnavigated the .globe. But in 1592, just one hundred years after Columbus, comes the most picturesque of all those misty stories which enwrap the early .history of Oregon. This is the story of Juan de Fuca, whose name is now preserved in our northwest boundary strait. According to this romantic tale of the seas, Juan de Fuca was a Greek of Cephalonia, whose real name was Apostolos Valerianos, and under commission of the king of Spain, he sailed to find that Strait of Anian, whose entrance the Spaniards wanted to fortify and guard so as to prevent ingress or egress by the English freebooters who were preying on their commerce. Ac cording to the account given by Michael Lock, "he followed his course in that voyage, west and northwest in the South Sea, all along the ¦coast of Nova Spania, and California and the Indies, now called North America (all which voyage he signified to me in a great map, and a sea-card of my own, which I laid before him ) , until he came to the latitude of 47 de grees; and that, there finding that the land trended north and northwest, with a broad inlet of sea, between 47 and 48 degrees of. latitude, he entered thereinto, sailing more than twenty days, and found that land still trending northwest, and northeast, and north, and also east and southeastward, and very much broader sea than was at the said entrance, and that he passed by divers islands in that sailing; and that, at the entrance of the said strait, there is, on the northwest coast thereof, a great headland or island, with an exceedingly high pinnacle or spired rock, like a pillar, thereupon. Also he said that he went on land in divers places, and that he saw some people on the land clad in beasts' skins; and that the land was very fruitful and rich of gold, silver and pearls, and other things, like Nova Spania. Also he said that he being entered thus far into the said strait, and being come into the North Sea already, and finding the sea wide enough everywhere, and to be about thirty or forty leagues wide in the mouth of the straits where he entered, he thought he had now well discharged his office ; and that, not being armed to resist the force of savage people that might happen, he therefore set sail and turned home ward again toward Nova Spania, where he ar rived at Acapulco, Anno 1593, hoping to be re warded by the Viceroy for this service done in the said voyage." This curious bit of past record has been interpreted by some as pure myth, and by others as veritable history. It is at any rate a generally accurate outline description of the Straits of Fuca, the Gulf of Georgia and the shores of Vancouver Island and the mainland adjoining. And whether or not the old Greek pilot did actually exist and first look on our "Mediterranean of the Pacific," it is pleasant to imagine that he did, and that his name fittingly preserves the memory of the grand old myth of Anian and the northwest passage. There is one other more obviously myth ical tale concerning our northwest coast. It is said that in the year 1640 Admiral Pedro de Fonte, of the Spanish marine, made the journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific and return, through a system of rivers and straits, entering the coast at abcut latitude 53. Coming from Callao in April, 1640, and after having sailed for a long distance through an archipelago, he entered the mouth of a vast river, which he named Rio de Los Reyes. Ascending this for a long distance northeast- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ¦erly, he reached an immense lake, on whose .shores he found a wealthy and civilized nation, who had a capital city of great splendor called Conasset, and who welcomed the strangers with lavish hospitality. From this lake flowed .another river easterly, and down this Fonte descended until he reached another great lake, from which a narrow strait led into the At-> lantic ocean. There is one curious thing about these leg endary voyages, and that is the general accu racy of their descriptions of the coast. Al though these accounts are unquestionably mythical, it is not impossible that their authors had actually visited the coast or had seen those who had, and thus gathered the material from which they fabricated, with such an appear ance of plausibility, their Munchausen tales. We are briefly referring to these fascinat ing old legends, not for the purpose of discuss ing them here at any length, but rather to re mind the reader of the long period of romance -and myth which enveloped the early history of our state. Many years passed after the age of myth before there were authentic voyages. During the seventeenth century practically nothing was done in the way of Pacific coast exploration. But in the eighteenth, as by ¦ common consent, all the nations of Europe became suddenly infatuated again with the thought that on the western shores of Amer ica might be found the gold and silver and gems and furs and precious woods, for which they had been striving so desperately upon the eastern coast. English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian and American, entered their bold and hardy sailors into the race for the possession of the land of the Oc cident. The Russians were the first in the field. That gigantic power, which the genius of Peter the Great had suddenly transformed, like one of the fabled genii, from the propor tions of a grain of sand to a figure overtop ping the whole earth, had stretched its arms from the Baltic to the Aleutian Archipelago, and had looked southward across the frozen seas of Siberia to the open Pacific as offering them another opportunity of expansion. Many years passed, however, before Peter's designs could be executed. It was 1728 when Vitus Behring entered upon his marvellous life of exploration. Not until 1741, however, did he thread the thousand islands of Alaska and gaze upon the glaciated summit of Mt. St. Elias. And it was not until thirty years later that it was known that the Bay of Avatscha, in Siberia, was connected by open sea with China. In 1771 the first cargo of furs was taken directly from Avatscha, the chief port of eastern Siberia, to Canton. Then first Europe realized the vastness of the Pacific ocean. Then it understood that the same waters which frowned against the frozen bul warks of Kamtchatka washed the tropic isl ands of the South Seas and foamed against the storm-swept rocks of Cape Horn. Mean time, while Russia was thus becoming estab lished upon the shores of Alaska, Spain was getting entire possession of California. These two great nations began to overlap each other. Russians became established near San Fran cisco. To offset this movement of Russia, a group of Spanish explorers, Perez, Martinez, Heceta, Bodega, and Maurelle, swarmed up the coast beyond the present site of Sitka. England, in alarm at the progress made by Spain and Russia, sent out the Columbus of the eighteenth century, in the person of Captain James Cook, and he sailed up and down the coast of Alaska and of Washington, but failed to discover either the Columbia river or the Straits of Fuca. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Nevertheless his labors did more to estab lish true geographical notions than had the combined efforts of all the Spanish navigators who had preceded him. His voyages mate rially strengthened England's claim to Oregon, and added greatly to the luster of her name. The great captain, while temporarily on shore, was killed by Indians in 1778, and the com mand devolved upon Captain Clerke, who sailed northward, passing through Behring Strait to the Arctic ocean. The new com mander died before the expedition had pro ceeded far on its return journey. Lieutenant Gore, a Virginian, assumed control and sailed to Canton, China, arriving late in the year. The main purpose of this expedition had been the discovery of a northern waterway be tween the two oceans and the extending of British territory, but, as is so often the case in human affairs, one of the most important re sults of the voyage was entirely unsuspected by the navigators and practically the outcome of an accident. It so happened that the two vessels of the expedition, the Resolution and the Dis covery, took with them to China a small col lection of furs from the northwest coast of America. These were purchased by the Chin ese with great avidity, the people exhibiting a willingness to barter commodities of much value for them and endeavoring to secure them at almost any sacrifice. The sailors were not backward in communicating their discovery of a new and promising market for peltries, and the impetus imparted to the fur trade was al most immeasurable in its ultimate effects. An entirely new regime was inaugurated in Chi nese and East India commerce. The north west coast of America assumed a new import ance in the eyes of Europeans and especially .of the British. The "struggle for possession" soon began to be foreshadowed. One of the principal harbors resorted to by fur-trading vessels was Nootka, used as a rendezvous and principal port of departure. This port became the scene of a clash between Spanish authorities and certain British vessels which greatly strained the friendly relations existing between the two governments repre sented. In 1779, the viceroy of Mexico sent two ships, the Princesa and San Carlos, to convey Martinez and De Haro to the vicinity for the purpose of anticipating and preventing the occupancy of Nootka sound by fur-traders of other nations and that the Spanish title to the territory might be maintained and con firmed. Martinez was to base his claim upon the discovery by Perez in 1774. Courtesy was to be extended to foreign vessels, but the establishment of any claim prejudicial to the rights of the Spanish crown was to be vigor ously resisted. Upon the arrival of Martinez in the harbor, it was discovered that the American vessel Columbia, and the Iphigenia, a British ship, under a Portuguese flag, were lying in the har bor. Martinez at once demanded the papers of both vessels and an explanation of their presence, vigorously asserting the claim of Spain that the port and contiguous territory were hers. The captain of the Iphigenia pleaded stress of weather. On finding that the vessel's papers commanded the capture, under certain conditions, of Russian, Spanish or English vessels, Martinez seized the ship, but on being advised that the orders relating to captures were intended only to apply to the defense of the vessel, the Spaniard released the Iphigenia and her cargo. The Northwest America, another vessel of the same expedition, was, however, seized by Martinez a little later. It should be remembered that these British vessels had in the inception of the enterprise HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 5 divested themselves of their true national char acter and donned the insignia of Portugal, their reasons being: first, to defraud the Chi nese government, which made special harbor rates to the Portuguese, and second, to defraud the East India Company, to whom had been granted the right of trading in furs in north west America to the exclusion of all other British subjects, except such as should obtain the permission of the company. To maintain their Portuguese nationality, they had placed the expedition nominally under the control of Juan Cavalho, a Portuguese trader. Prior to the time of the trouble in Nootka, however, Cavalho had become a bankrupt and new ar rangements had become necessary. The Eng lish traders were compelled to unite their in terests with those of King George's Sound Company, a mercantile association operating under license from the South Sea and East India Companies, the Portuguese colors had been laid aside and the true national character of the expedition assumed. Captain Colnutt was placed in command of the enterprise as constituted under the new regime with instruc tions among other things "to establish a fac tory to be called Fort Pitt, for the purpose of permanent settlement, and as a center of trade around which other stations may be estab lished" One vessel of the expedition, the Princess Royal, entered Nootka harbor without mo lestation, but when the Argonaut, under com mand of Captain Colnutt, arrived, it was thought best by the master not to attempt an entrance to the bay lest his vessel should meet the same fate which had befallen the Iphige nia and- the Northwest America. Later, Col nutt called on Martinez and informed the Span ish governor of his intention to take pos session of the country in the name of Great Britain and to erect a fort. The governor re plied that possession had already been taken in the name of his Catholic majesty and that such acts as he (Colnutt) contemplated could not be allowed. An altercation followed and the next day the Argonaut was seized and her captain and crew placed under arrest. The Princess Royal was also seized, though the American vessels in the harbor were in no way molested. After an extended and at times heated con troversy between Spain and Great Britain touching these seizures, the former govern ment consented to make reparation and offered a suitable apology for the indignity to the honor of the flag. The feature of this corre spondence of greatest import in the future his tory of the territory affected is that through* out the entire controversy and in all the royal messages and the debates of parliament, no word was spoken asserting a claim of Great Britain to any territorial rights or denying the claim of sovereignty so positively and persist ently avowed by Spain, neither was Spanish sovereignty denied or in any way alienated by the treaty which followed. Certain real prop erty was restored to British subjects, but at transfer of realty is not a transfer of sover eignty. We pass over the voyage of the illustrious French navigator, La Perouse, as of more im portance from a scientific than from a political standpoint, neither can we dwell upon the ex plorations of Captain Berkley, to whom be longs the honor of having ascertained the ex istence of the strait afterward denominated Juan de Fuca. . , Of somewhat greater moment in the later history of the northwest are the voyages of Meares, who entered and described the above mentioned strait, and who, in 1788, explored the coast at the point where the great HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Columbia mingles its crystal current with the waters of the sea. In the diplomatic battle of later days, it was even claimed by some that he was the discoverer of that great "River of the West." Howbeit, nothing can be surer than- that the existence of such a river was ut terly unknown to him at the time. Indeed his conviction of its non-existence was thus started in his own account of the voyage : "We can now with safety assert that there is no such river as St. Roc (of the Spaniard, Heceta) exists, as laid down in the Spanish charts," and he gave a further unequivocal expression of his opinion by naming the bay in that vicinity Deception Bay and the promontory north of it Cape Disappointment. "Disap pointed and deceived," remarks Evans face tiously, "he continued his cruise southward to latitude forty-five degrees north." It is not without sentiments of patriotic pride, that we now turn our attention to a period of discovery in which the vessels of our own nation played a prominent part. The northern mystery, which had been partially resolved by the Spanish, English, French and Portuguese explorations, was now to be com pletely robbed of its mystic charm, speculation and myth must now give place to exact knowl edge, the game of discovery must hereafter be played principally between the two branches of the Anglo-Saxon race, and Anglo-Saxon energy, thoroughness and zeal are henceforth to" characterize operations on the shores of the Pacific northwest. The United States had but recently won their independence from the British Crown and their energies were find ing a fit field of activity in the titanic task of national organization. Before the constitu tion had become the supreme law of the land, however, the alert mind of the American had begun projecting voyages of discovery and trade to the northwest, and in September, 1788,. two vessels with the stars and stripes at their mastheads arrived at Nootka sound. Their presence in the harbor while the events culmi nating in the Nootka treaty were transpiring has already been alluded- to. The vessels were the ship Columbia, Captain John Ken- drick, and the sloop Washington, Captain Robert Gray, and the honor of having sent them to our shores belongs to one Joseph Bar rel, a prominent merchant of Boston, and a man of high social standing and great influ ence. While one of the impelling motives of this enterprise had been the desire of commer cial profit, the element of patriotism1 was not wholly lacking, and the vessels were instructed to make what explorations and discoveries they might. After remaining a time on the coast, Cap* tain Kendrick transferred his ship's property to the Washington, with the intention of taking a cruise in that vessel. He placed Captain Gray in command of the Columbia, with instruc tions to return to Boston by way of the Sand wich Islands and China. This commission was successfully carried out. The vessel ar rived in Boston in September, 1790, was re ceived with great eclat, refitted by her owners and again dispatched to the shores of the Pacific, with Captain Gray in command-. In July, 1 79 1, the Columbia from Boston and the Washington from China met not far from the spot where they had separated nearly two years before. They were not to remain long in company, however, for Captain Gray soon started on a cruise southward. On April 29, 1792, Gray met Vancouver just below Cape Flattery and an interesting colloquy took place. Vancouver communicated to the American skipper the fact that he had not yet made any important discoveries, and Gray, with equal HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. frankness, gave the eminent British explorer an account of his past discoveries, "including," says Bancroft, "the fact that he had not sailed through Fuca Strait in the Lady Washington, as had been supposed from Meares' narrative and map." He also informed Captain Van couver that he had been "off the mouth of a river in latitude forty-six degrees, ten minutes, where the outset, or reflux, was so strong as to prevent his entering for nine days." The important information conveyed by Gray seems to have greatly disturbed the equi poise of Vancouver's mind. The entries in his log show that he did not entirely credit the statement of the American, but that he was considerably perturbed is evidenced by the fact that he tried to convince himself by argument that Gray's statement could not have been correct. The latitude assigned by the American was that of Cape Disappointment, and the existence of a river mouth there, though affirmed by Heceta, had been denied; by Meares; Captain Cook also had failed to find it, besides had he not himself passed that point two days before and had he not observed that "if any inlet or river should be found it must be a very intricate one, and inaccessible to vessels of our burden, owing to the reefs and broken water which then appeared in its neighborhood." With such reasoning, he dis missed the matter from his mind for the time being. He continued his journey northward, passed through the strait of Fuca, and engaged in a thorough and minute exploration of that mighty inland sea, to a portion of which he gave the name of Puget Sound. Meanwhile Gray was proceeding south ward "in the track of destiny and glory." On May 7th he entered the harbor which now bears his name and four days later he passed through the breakers over the bar, and his ves sel's prow plowed the waters of that famous "River of the West," whose existence had been so long suspected. The storied "Oregon" for the first time heard other sound than "its own dashing." Shortly afterward Vancouver came to Cape Disappointment to explore the Colum bia, of which he had heard indirectly from Captain Gray. Lieutenant Broughton of Van, couver's expedition sailed over the bar, as cended the river a distance of more than one hundred miles to the site of the present Van couver, and with a modesty truly remarkable, "takes possession of the river and the country in its vicinity in his Britannic Majesty's name,. having every reason to believe that the sub jects of no other civilized nation or state had ever entered it before." This, too, though he had received a salute of one gun from an American vessel,' the Jennie, on his entrance to the bay. The lieutenant's claim was not to remain forever unchallenged, as will appear presently. With the exploration of Puget sound and the discovery of the Columbia, history-making maritime adventure practically ceased. But as the fabled Strait of Anian had drawn explorers to the Pacific shores in quest of the mythical passage to the treasures of the Ind, so likewise did the fairy tales of La Hontan and others stimulate inland exploration. Furthermore the mystic charm always possessed by a terra in cognita was becoming irresistible to adventur ous spirits, and the possibilities of discovering untold wealth in the vaults of its "Shining mountains" and in the sands of its crystal rivers were exceedingly fascinating to the lover of gain. The honor of pioneership in overland ex ploration belongs to Verendrye, who under authority of the governor-general of New HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. France, in 1773, set out on an expedition to the Rocky mountains from Canada. This explorer ¦and his brother and sons made many important explorations, but as they failed to find a pass through the Rocky mountains by which they could come to the Pacific side, their adventures do not fall within the purview of our volume. They are said to have reached the present vicin ity of Helena. If, as seems highly probable, the events chronicled by La Page in his charming "His- toire de la Louisiane," published in 1758, should be taken as authentic, the first man to •scale the Rocky mountains from the east and to make his way overland to the shores of the Pacific was a Yazoo Indian, Moncacht-ape or Montcachabe by name. But "the first traveler to lead a party of civilized men through the territory of the Stony mountains to the South Sea" was Alexander Mackenzie, who, in 1793, reached the coast at fifty-two degrees, twenty- four minutes, forty-eight seconds north, leav ing as a memorial of his visit, inscribed on a rock with vermilion and grease the words, "Alexander Mackenzie, from Canada by land, July 22, 1793." His field of discovery was also without the scope of our purpose, being too far north to figure prominently in the in ternational complications of later years. Western exploration by land, had, how ever, elicited the interest of one whose energy and force were sufficient to bring to a success ful issue almost any undertaking worth the effort. While the other statesmen and legis lators of his time were fully engaged with the problems of the moment, the great mind of Thomas Jefferson, endowed as it was with a wider range of vision and more comprehensive grasp of the true situation, was projecting ex ploring expeditions into the northwest. In 1786, while serving as minister to Paris, he had fallen in with the ardent Ledyard, who was on fire with the idea of opening a large and profitable fur-trade in the north Pacific region. To this young man, he had suggested the idea of journeying to Kamchatka, then in a Russian vessel to Nootka sound, from which, as a starting point, he should make an explor ing expedition easterly to the United States. Ledyard acted on the suggestion, but was ar rested as a spy in the spring of 1787, by Rus sian officials, and so severely treated as to cause a failure of his health, and a consequent fail ure of his enterprise. The next effort of Jefferson was made in 1792, when he proposed to the American Phil- osojDhical Society that it should engage a com petent scientist "to explore northwest America from the eastward by ascending the Missouri, crossing the Rocky mountains, and descending the nearest river to the Pacific ocean." The idea was favorably received. Captain Meri wether Lewis, who afterwards distinguished himself as one of the leaders of the Lewis and Clark expedition, offered his services, but for some reason Andre Michaux, a French botanist, was given the preference. Michaux proceeded as* far as Kentucky, but there re ceived an order from the French minister, to whom, it seems, he also owed obedience, that he should relinquish his appointment and en gage upon the duties of another commission. It was not until after the opening of the new century that another opportunity for fur thering his favorite project presented itself. An act of congress, under which trading- houses had been established for facilitating commerce with the Indians, was about to ex pire by limitation, and President Jefferson, in recommending its continuance, seized the op portunity to urge upon congress the advisabil ity of fitting out an expedition the object of HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. which should be "to explore the Missouri river and such principal streams of it as, by its course of communication with the waters of the Pacific ocean, whether the Columbia, Oregon, Colo rado, or any other river, may offer the most direct and practical water communication across the continent, for- the purposes of com merce." Congress voted an appropriation for the purpose, and the expedition was placed in charge of Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark (or Clarke). President Jeffer son gave the explorers minute and particular instructions as to investigations to be made by them. They were to inform themselves should they reach the Pacific ocean, "of the circum- siances which may decide whether the furs of those parts may be collected as advantage ously at the head of the Missouri (convenient as is supposed to the Colorado and Oregon or Columbia) as at Nootka sound or any other part of that coast ; and the trade be constantly conducted through the Missouri and United States more beneficially than by the circum navigation now practiced." In addition to the instructions already quoted, these explorers were directed to ascertain if possible on arriv ing at the seaboard if there were any ports within their reach frequented by the sea-vessels of any nation and to send, if practicable, two of their most trusted people back by sea with copies of their notes. They were also, if they deemed a return by the way they had come imminently hazardous, to ship the entire party and return via Good Hope or Cape- Horn as they might be able. A few clays before the initial steps were taken in discharge of the instructions of Presi dent Jefferson, news reached the seat of gov ernment of a transaction which added materi ally to the significance of the enterprise. Nego tiations had been successfully consummated for the purchase of Louisiana on April 30, 1803, but the authorities at Washington did not hear of the important transfer until the 1st of July. Of such transcendent import to the future of our country was this transaction and of such vital moment to the section with which our volume is primarily concerned, that we must here interrupt the trend of our narrative to give the reader an idea of the extent of terri tory involved and if possible, to enable him to appreciate the influence of the purchase. France, by her land explorations and the estab lishment of trading posts and forts, first ac quired title to the territory west of the Miss issippi and east of the Rocky mountains, though Great Britain claimed the territory in accord ance with her doctrine of continuity and con tiguity, most of her colonial grants extending in express terms to the Pacific ocean. Spain also claimed the country by grant of Pope Alexander VI. A constant warfare had been waged between France and Great Britain for supremacy in America. The latter was the winner in the contest, and, in 1762, France, apparently discouraged, ceded to Spain the province of Louisiana. By the treaty of Feb ruary 10, 1763, which gave Great Britain the Canadas, it was agreed that the western boun dary between English and Spanish possessions in America should be the Mississippi river, Great Britain renouncing all claim to the terri tory west of that boundary. In 1800, Spain retroceded Louisiana to France "with the same extent it has now in the hands of Spain, and which it had when France possessed it, and such as it should be according to the treaties subsequently made between Spain and other states." The order for the formal delivery of the province to France was issued by the Spanish 10 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. had not been established at that time, but some king on October 15, 1802, and, as above stated, the United States succeeded to the title by treaty of April 30, 1803. Exact boundaries idea of the extent of this purchase may be had when we remember that it extended from the present British line to the Gulf of Mexico and included what are now the states of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana, the territory of Oklahoma, Indian Territory, more than three-fourths of Montana and Wyoming, also parts of Colorado and New Mexico. Thus an enterprise which had its inception for its chief object to advance the commerical interests of the United States acquired a new purpose, namely, the extending of the geo graphical and scientific knowledge concerning our ozvn domain. Upon Lewis and Clark a further duty devolved, that of informing the natives that obedience was now due to a new great father. The world-old wizard of "Out West" stretched his wand over them, and under its magic sway they began, by mountain trail and river and open highway of the prairie, to follow it into the wilderness. That same impulse led them which drew the camel-drivers of Syria to the shores of the Mediterranean, which filled the sails of Roman galleys, which beckoned the Norse Viking to the desolate grandeur of Greenland, and which lit a signal fire in the tropic verdure of the Bahamas for the far- reaching vision of Columbus. . So our great grandfathers were chasing toward the sunset the shadow of their own coming greatness, a shadow gigantic but always growing, crossing the great plains with seven-league boots and stepping across the ridge-pole of the continent like a Colossus. It is not surprising that to minds just ad mitted to this atmosphere of boundless expecta tion, even this plain and common-place narra tive of Lewis and Clark should have had the fascination of a novel. This historic expedition had been pro jected and even partially fitted out by Jefferson before the purchase of Louisiana. But imme diately upon the completion of that most saga cious investment, the lingering preparations were hastened, and on the 14th of May, 1804, the party left St. Louis by boat, upon the muddy current of the Missouri, to search for the un known mountains and rivers between there and the Pacific. Their plan was to ascend the Mis souri to its source, cross the divide, strike the .headwaters of the Columbia, and, descending it, reach the sea. And what manner of men were undertak ing this voyage, fraught with both interest and peril? Meriwether Lewis, the leader of the party, was a captain in the United States army, and in Jefferson's judgment was, by reason of endurance, boldness, and energy, the fittest man within his knowledge for the responsible duties of commander. His whole life had been one of reckless adventure. It appears that at the tender age of eight he was already illustrious for successful mid night forays upon the festive coon and the meditative possum. He was lacking in scienti fic knowledge, but, when appointed captain of the expedition, had, with characteristic pluck, spent a few spare weeks in study of some of the branches most essential to his new work. Will iam Clark, second in command, was also a United States officer, and seems to have been equally fitted with Lewis for his work. The party consisted of fourteen United States regu lars, nine Kentucky volunteers, two French voyageurs, a hunter, an interpreter, and a ne gro. To each of the common soldiers the gov- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 1 1 ernment offered the munificent reward of retire ment upon full pay with a recommendation for a- soldier's grant of land. Special pains were taken to encourage the party to keep complete records of all they saw and heard and did. This was done with a vengeance, insomuch that seven journals besides those of the leaders were carefully kept, and in them was recorded nearly every event from the most important discov eries down to the ingredients of their meals and doses of medicine. They were abundantly provided with beads, mirrors, knives, etc., etc., wherewith to woo the savage hearts of the natives. After an interesting and easy journey of five months they reached the country of the Mandans, and here they determined to winter. The winter having been profitably spent in making the acquaintance of the Indians and in collecting specimens of the natural history of the plains — which they now sent back to the president with great care — they again embarked in a squadron of six canoes and two pirogues. On June 13th they reached the great falls of the Missouri. A month was spent within sound of the thunder and in sight of the perpetual mist- cloud rising from the abyss, before they could accomplish the difficult portage of eighteen miles, make new canoes, mend their clothes, and lay in a new stock of provisions. Of material for this last there was no end. The air was filled with migratory birds, and the party was almost in danger of being overrun by the enor mous herds of buffalo. The long, bright days, the tingling air of the mountains, the pleasant swish of the water as their canoes breasted the swift current — the vast camp fires and the nightly buffalo roasts — all these must have made this the pleasantest section of their long journey. The party seems to have pretty nearly ex hausted its supply of names, and after having made heavy draughts en their own with various permutatory combinations, they were reduced to the extremity of loading innocent creeks with the ponderous names of Wisdom, Philosophy,. and Philanthropy. Succeeding generations- have relieved the unjust pressure in two of these cases with the sounding appellations of Big Hole and Stinking Water. On the 1 2th of August the explorers crossed the great divide, the birthplace of mighty rivers, and descending the sunset slope found them selves in the land of the Shoshones. They had brought with them a Shoshone woman, rejoicing in the pleasant name of Sacajawea,. for the express purpose of becoming acquainted with this tribe, through whom they hoped to get horses and valuable information as to their proper route to the ocean. But four days were consumed in enticing the suspicious savages near enough to hear the words of their own tongue proceeding from the camp of the strang ers. When, however, the fair interpretress had been granted a hearing, she speedily won for the party the faithful allegiance of her kinsmen. They innocently accepted the rather general in timation of the explorers that this journey had for its primary object the happiness and pros perity of the Shoshone nation, and to these evidences of benevolence on the part of their newly adopted great father at Washington, they quickly responded by bringing plenty of horses and all the information in their poor power. It appears that the expedition was at that time on the headwaters of the Salmon river, near where Fort Lemhi afterward stood. With twenty-nine horses to carry their abundant bur dens they bade farewell to the friendly Sho shones on the last day of August, and com- 12 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. mitted themselves to the dreary and desolate solitudes to the westward. They soon became entangled in the savage ridges and defiles, al ready spotted with snow, of the Bitter Root mountains. Having crossed several branches of the great river named in honor of Captain Clark, and becoming distressed at the increasing dangers and delays, they turned to the left, and, having punished a brawling creek for its in- hospitality by inflicting on it the name of Colt- killed, commemorative of their extremity for food, they came upon a wild and beautiful stream, inquiring the name of which from the Indians they received the answer, "Kooskoos- kie." This in reality meant simply that this was not the stream for which they were search ing. But not understanding, they named the river Kooskooskie. This was afterwards called the Clearwater, and is the most beautiful tribu tary of the Snake. The country still frowned on them with the same forbidding rocky heights and blinding snow storms as before. It began to seem as though famine would ere long stare them in the face, and the shaggy precipices were marked with almost daily accidents to men and beasts. Their only meat was the flesh of their precious horses. Under these circumstances Clark decided to take six of the most active men and push ahead in search of game and a more hospit able country. A hard march of twenty miles rewarded him with a view of a vast open plain in front of the broken mountain chain across which they had been struggling. It was three days, however, before they fairly cleared the edge of the mountains and emerged on the great prairie north and east of where Lewis- ton now is. They found no game except a stray horse, which they speedily dispatched. Here the advance guard waited for the main body to come up, and then all together they went down to the Clearwater where a large number of Nez Perce Indians gathered to see and trade with them. Receiving from these Indians, who, like all that they had met, seemed very amicably disposed, the cheering news that the great river was not very distant, and seeing the Clearwater to be a fine, navigable stream, they determined to abandon the weary land march and make canoes. Five of these having been constructed, they laid in a stock of dog meat, and then committed themselves to the sweeping current with which all the tributaries of the Columbia hasten to their destined place. They left their horses with the Nez Perces, and it is worthy of special notice that these were remarkably faithful to their trust. In deed, it may be safely asserted that the first explorers of this country almost uniformly met with the kindest reception. The cruelty and deceit afterward characteristic of the Indians were learned partly of the whites. On the ioth of October, having traveled sixty miles on the Clearwater, its pellucid waters delivered them to the turbid, angry, sullen, and lava-banked Snake. This great stream they called the Kimooenim, its Indian name. It was in its low season, and it seems from their account that it, as well as all the other streams, must have been uncommonly low that year. Thus they say that on October 13th they descended a very bad rapid four miles in length, at the lower part of which the whole river was compressed into a channel only twen- five yards wide. Immediately below they passed a large stream on the right, which they called Drewyer's river, from one of their men. This must have been the Palouse river and rapid, and certainly it is very rare that the HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 13 mighty Snake becomes attenuated at that point to- a width of twenty-five yards. The next day, descending the worst rapids they had yet seen (probably the Monumental rapid) it re pelled their affrontery by upsetting one of the boats. No lives were lost, but the cargo of the boat was badly wetted. For the purpose of drying it they stopped a clay, and finding no other timber, they were compelled to use a very appropriate pile which some Indians had very carefully stored away and cov ered with stone. This trifling circumstance is noticed because of the explorers speaking in connection with it of their customary scrupu lousness in never taking any property of the Indians, and of their determination to repay the owner if they could find him, on their re turn. If all explorers had been as particular, much is the distress and loss that would have been avoided. They found almost continuous rapids from this point to the mouth of the Snake, which they reached on October 16th. Here they were met by a regular procession of nearly two hundred Indians. They had a grand pow wow and both parties displayed great affec tion for each other, the whites bestowing medals, shirts, trinkets, etc., in accordance with the rank of the recipient, and the Indians re paying the kindness with abundant and pro longed visits and accompanying gifts of wood and fish. On the next day they measured the rivers, finding the Columbia to be 960 yards wide, and the Snake 575. They indulge in no poetic reveries as they stand by the river which had been one principal object of their search, but they seem to have seen pretty much every thing of practical value. In the glimmering haze of the pleasant October morning they no tice the vast bare prairie stretching southward until broken by the rounded summits of the Blue mountains. They find the Sohulks, who lived at the junction of the rivers, a mild and happy people, the men being content with one wife, whom they actually assist in the family work. Captain Clark ascended the Columbia to the mouth of a large river coming from the west, which the Indians called the Tapteal. This was, of course, the Yakima. The people living at its mouth rejoiced in the liquid name of Chimnapum. Here Captain Clark shot what he called a prairie cock, the first he had seen. It was the sage hen, no doubt, a handsome bird nearly as large as a turkey and very common along the riyer at the present time. After two days' rest, being well supplied with fish, dog, roots, etc., and at peace with their own consciences and all the world, with satisfaction at the prospect of soon completing their journey, they re-embarked. Sixteen miles below the mouth of the Kimooenim, which they now began to call the Lewis river, they described, cut clear against the dim hor izon line of the southwest, a pyramidal moun tain, covered with snow — their first view of Mount Hood. The next day, being in the vicinity of Umatilla, they saw another snowy peak at a conjectured distance of one hundred and fifty miles. This they supposed to be Mount St. Helens, but it was, in reality, Mount Adams. Near here Captain Clark, having landed, shot a crane and a duck. Some Indians near were almost paralyzed with terror. At last they re covered enough to make the best possible use of their legs. Following them Captain Clark found a little cluster of huts. Pushing aside the mat door of one of them, he entered, and in the bright light of the unroofed hut discov- «4 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. •ered thirty-two persons, all of whom were in the greatest terror, some wailing and wringing their hands. Having by kind looks and gestures soothed their grief, he held up his burning glass to catch a stray sunbeam with which to light his pipe. Thereat the consternation of the In dians revived, and they refused to be com forted. But when the rest of the party arrived with the two Indian guides who had come with .them from the Clearwater, terror gave way to curiosity and pleasure. These Pishquitpaws — .such was their name — explained to the guides their fear of Captain Clark by saying that he came from the sky accompanied by a terrible noise, and they knew that there was a bad medicine in it. Being convinced now that he was a mortal after all, they became very affectionate, and having heard the music of two violins they be came so enamoured of the strangers that they stayed up all night with them and collected to the number of two hundred to bid them .good bye in the morning. The principal busi ness of these Indians seemed to be catching and curing salmon, which, in the clear water of the Columbia, the explorers could see swimming about in incredible numbers. Continuing with no extraordinary occurrence, they passed the river now called the John Day, to which they -applied the name Lapage. Mt. Hood was now almost constantly in view, and since the In dians told them it was near the great falls of the Columbia, they called it the Timm (this seems to be the Indian word for falls) moun tain. On the next day they reached a large river on the left, which came thundering through a narrow channel into the equally turbulent Co lumbia. This river, which Captain Lewis judged to contain one-fourth as much water as the Columbia (an enormous over estimate) answered to the Indian name of Towahna- hiooks. It afterwards received from the French the name now used — Des Chutes. They now perceived that they were near the place hinted at by nearly every Indian that they had talked with since crossing the divide — the great falls. And a weird, savage place it proved to be. Here the clenched hands of trachyte and basalt, thrust through the soil from the buried realm of the volcanoes, almost clutch the rushing river. Only here and there between the parted fingers can he make his escape. After making several portages they reached that extraordinary place (now called The Dalles) where all the waters gathered from half a million square miles of earth are squeezed into a crack forty-five yards wide. The desola tion on either side of this frightful chasm is a fitting margin. As one crawls to the edge and peeps over he sees the water to be of inky blackness. Streaks of foam gridiron the blackness. There is little noise compared with the shallow rapids above, but rather a dismal sough, as though the rocks below were rub bing their black sides together in the vain effort to close over the escaping river. The river is here "turned on edge." In fact, its depth has not been found to this day. Some suppose that there was once a natural tunnel here through which the river flowed, and that in consequence of a volcanic convulsion the top of the tunnel fell in. If there be any truth in this, the width of the channel is no doubt much greater at the bottom than at the top. Lewis and Clark, finding that the roughness of the shore made it almost impossible to carry their boats over, and seeing no evidence of rocks in the channel, boldly steered right through this Witches' Cauldron. Though no HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 15 doubt whirled along with frightful rapidity and flung like foam flakes on the crests of the boiling surges, they reached the end of the "chute" without accident, to the amazement of the Indians who had collected on the bluff ±0 witness the daring experiment. After two more portages the party safely entered the broad, still flood beginning where the town •of The Dalles now stands. Here they paused for two days to hunt and caulk their boats. They here began to see evidences of the white traders below, in blankets, axes, brass kettles, and other articles of civilized manufacture, The Indians, too, were more inclined to be .saucy and suspicious. The dalles seemed to be a dividing line be tween the Indian tribes. Those living at the falls, where Celilo now is, called the Enee- shurs, Understood and "fellowshipped" with all the up-river tribes. But at the narrows and thence to the dalles was a tribe called the Es- cheloots. These were entirely alien to the Indians above, but on intimate terms with those below to the cascades. Among the Esche- loots the explorers first noticed the peculiar "cluck" in speech common to all down-river tribes. The flattening of the head, which above belonged to the females only, was now the common thing. The place where Lewis and Clark camped while at the dalles was just below Mill creek (called by the natives Quenett), on a point of rocks near the present location of the car shops. The next Indian tribe, extending appar ently from the vicinity of Crate's point to the cascades, capped the climax of tongue-twist ing names by calling themselves Chilluckitte- quaws. Nothing of an extraordinary character seems to have been encountered between the dalles and the cascades. But the explorers had their eyes wide open, and the calm majesty of the river and the savage grandeur of its shores received due notice. They observed and named most of the streams on the route, the first of importance being the Cataract river (now the Klickitat), then Labieshe's river (Hood river), Canoe creek (White Salmon) and Crusatte's river. This last must have been the Little White Salmon, though they were greatly de ceived as to its size, stating it to be sixty yarda wide. In this vicinity they were much struck with the sunken forest, which at that low stage of the water was very conspicuous. They correctly inferred that this indicated a dam ming up of the river at a very recent time. In deed they judged that it must have occurred within twenty years. It is well known, how ever, that submerged trees or piles, as indicated by remains of the old Roman wharfs in Britain. may remain intact for hundreds of years. It is, nevertheless, evident that the closing of the river at the cascades was a very recent event. It is also evident from the sliding, sinking, and grinding constantly seen there now that a sim ilar event is liable to happen at any time. The cascades having been reached more portages were required. Slow and tedious though they were, the explorers seem to have endured them with unfailing patience. They were cheered by the prospect of soon putting all the rapids behind and launching their ca noes on the unobstructed vastness of the lower river. This was successfully accomplished on the 2d of November. They were greatly delight ed with the verdure which now robed the sraunt nakedness of the rocks. The island formed at the lower cascades by Columbia slough also pleased them greatly by its fertility and its dense growth of grass and strawberry vines. i6 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. From this last circumstance they named it Strawberry island. At the lower part of that cluster of -islands, that spired and turreted relic of the old feudal age of the river, when the volcano kings stormed each other's castles with earthquakes and spouts of lava, riveted their attention. They named it Beacon rock, but it is now called Castle rock. They esti mated its height at eight hundred feet and its circumference at four hundred yards, the lat ter being only a fourth of the reality. The tides were now noticeable. This fact must have struck a new chord of reflection in the minds of these hardy adventurers; this first-felt pulse beat of the dim vast of waters which grasps half the circumference of the earth. And so, as this mighty heart-throb of the ocean, rising and falling in harmony with all nature, celestial and terrestrial, pulsated through a hundred and eighty miles of river, it might have seemed one of the ocean's mul tiplied fingers outstretched to welcome them, the first organized expedition of the new re public to this westmost west. It might have betokened to them the harmony and unity of future nations, as exemplified in the vast ex tent, the liberty, the human sympathies, the diversified interests, industries and purposes of that republic, whose motto yet remains, one from many. The rest of their journey was a calm float ing between meadows and islands from whose shallow ponds they obtained ducks and geese in great numbers. They thought the "quick-sand river" — ¦ Sandy — to be a large and important stream. They noticed the Washougal creek, which from the great number of seals around its mouth they called Seal river. But strange to say they missed the Willamette entirely on their down trip. The Indians in this part of the river called themselves Skilloots. Drop ping rapidly down the calm but misty stream, past a large river called by the Indians the Cowaliske — Cowlitz — through the country of the Wahkiacums, at last, on the 7th of No vember, the dense fog with which the morn ing had enshrouded all objects, suddenly broke away, and they saw the bold mountainous shores on either side to vanish away in front, and through the parted headlands they looked into the infinite expanse of the ocean. Overjoyed at the successful termination of their journey, they sought the first pleas ant camping ground and made haste to land. The rain, which is sometimes even now ob served to characterize that part of our fair state, greatly marred the joy of their first night's rest within sound of the Pacific's billows. Six days passed in mouldy and dripping inactivity at a point a little above the present Chinook. They then spent nine much pleas- anter days at Chinook Point. This, however, not proving what they wanted for a perma nent camp, they devoted themselves to explo rations with a view to discovering a more suitable location. After many adventures of which lack of ¦ space forbids us to speak, they became settled. The party wintered in a log building at a point named by them Fort Clatsop, on the Lewis and Clark river, south side of the Columbia. On the 23d of March, 1806, they turned their faces homeward, first, however, having given to the chiefs of the Clatsops and Chinooks certificates of hospitable treatment, and posted on the fort the following notice : "The object of this last is, that, through the medium of seme civilized person who may see the same, it may be made known to the world, that the party consisting of the persons whose names HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. i7 are hereunto annexed and who were sent out by the government of the United States to ex plore the interior of the continent of North America, did penetrate the same by way of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, to the discharge of the latter into the Pacific ocean, at which they arrived on the 14th day of- November, 1805, and departed on their return to the United States by the same route by which they had come." Of this notice several copies were left among the Indians, one of which fell into the hands of Captain Hall of the brig Lydia and was conveyed to the United States. The expedition made its way with no little difficulty up the Columbia river. They dis covered on their return a large tributary of that river (the Willamette) which had escaped their notice on their downward journey, and made careful inquiries of the Indians concern ing it, the results of which were embodied in their map of the expedition. At the nKmth of the John Day river their canoes were abandoned, their baggage was packed on the backs of a few horses they had purchased from the Indians, and traveling in this manner, they continued their homeward march, arriving at the mouth of the Walla Walla river on April 27th. The great chief Yellept was then the leader of the Walla Walla nation, and by him the explorers were received with such generous hospitality that they yield ed to the temptation to linger a couple of days before undertaking further journeyings among the mountain fastnesses. Such was the treat ment given them by these Indians, that the journal of the expedition makes this apprecia tive notation concerning them : "We may in deed justly affirm that of all the Indians that we have seen since leaving the United States, the Walla Wallas were the most hospitable, honest and sincere." Of the return journey for the next hun dred and fifty miles, that venerable pioneer missionary, Dr. H. K. Hines, writes as fol lows: "Leaving these hospitable people on the 29th of April, the party passed eastward on the great 'Nez Perce trail.' This trail was the great highway of the Walla Wallas, Cayuses and Nez Perces eastward to the buffalo ranges, to which they annually resorted for game sup plies. It passed up the valley of the Touchet, called by Lewis and Clark the 'White Stal lion,' thence over the high prairie ridges and down the Alpowa to the crossing of the Snake river, then up the north bank of Clearwater to the village of Twisted Hair, where the ex ploring party had left their horses on the way down the previous autumn. It was worn deep and broad, and on many stretches on the open plains and over the smooth hills twenty horse men could ride abreast in parallel paths worn by the constant rush of the Indian generations from time immemorial. The writer has often passed over it when it lay exactly as it did when the tribes of Yellept and Twisted Hair traced its sinuous courses, or when Lewis and Clark and their companions first marked it with the heel of civilization. But the plow has long since obliterated it, and where the monotonous song of the Indian march was droningly chanted for so many barbaric ages the song of the reaper thrills the clear air as he comes to his garner bringing in the sheaves. A more delightful ride of a hundred and fifty miles than this that the company of Lewis and Clark made over the swelling prairie upland and along the crystal streams between Walla Walla and the village of Twisted Hair, in the soft May days HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. of 1806, can scarcely be found anywhere on earth. To trace the explorations of these trav elers further is not within the province of this work, but in order to convey a general idea of the labors and extent of the voyage we quote the brief summary made by Captain Lewis himself : "The road by which we went out by the way of the Missouri to its head is 3,096 miles; thence by land by way of Lewis river over to Clark's river and clown that to the entrance of Traveler's Rest creek, where all the roads from different routes meet ; thence across the rugged part of the Rocky mountains to the navigable waters of the Columbia 398 miles, thence down the river 640 miles to the Pacific ocean — making a total distance of 4,134 miles. On our return in 1806 we came from Traveler's Rest directly to the falls of the Missouri river, which shortens the distance about 579 miles, and is a much better route, reducing the dis tance from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean to 3-555 miles. Of this distance 2,575 miles is up the Missouri to the falls of that river; thence passing through the plains and across the Rocky mountains to the navigable waters of the Kooskooskie river, a branch of the Co lumbia, 340 miles, 200 of which is good road, 140 miles over a tremendous mountain, steep and broken, sixty miles of which is covered several feet deep with snow, on which we passed on the last of June ; from the navigable part of the Kooskooskie we descended that rapid river seventy-three miles to its entrance into the Lewis river, and down that river 154 miles to the Columbia, and thence 413 miles to its entrance into the Pacific ocean. About 180 miles of this distance is tide water. We passed several bad rapids and narrows, and one considerable fall, 268 miles above the en trance of this river, thirty-seven feet, eight inches; the total distance descending the Co lumbia waters 640 miles — making a total of 3,555 miles, on the most direct route from the Mississippi, at the mouth of the Missouri, to the Pacific ocean." The safe return of the explorers to their homes in the United States naturally created a sensation throughout this country and the world. Leaders and men were suitably re warded, and the fame of the former will live while the rivers to which their names have been given continue to pour their waters into the sea. President Jefferson, the great patron of the expedition, paying a tribute to Captain Lewis in 1813, said: "Never did a similar event excite more joy throughout the United States. The humblest of its citizens have taken a lively interest in the issue of this journey, and looked with impatience for the information it would furnish. Nothing short of the of ficial journals of this extraordinary and in teresting journey will exhibit the importance of the service, the courage, devotion, zeal and perseverance under circumstances calculated to discourage, which animated this little band of heroes, throughout the long, dangerous and tedious travel." Among many journeys of discovery by land which followed that of Lewis and Clark we select as the most interesting and typical that of the Hunt part)', which was the land division of the great Astor movement to estab lish the Pacific Fur Company. That com pany was established by John Jacob Astor for the purpose of making a bold and far-reach ing attempt to control the vast fur trade of the Pacific coast in the interest of the United States. The sea division set sail from New York in 1810 in the ship Tonquin. In the meantime AYilson Price Hunt, the second part- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 19 ner in the concern, was at St. Louis organizing a land party, which was to cross the plains and co-operate with the division by sea. Hunt had been merchandising for some years at St. Louis. His principal trade being with trappers and Indians, he had become very familiar with the requirements of the business. In addition to this primary requisite he possessed a character, native and acquired, worthy of more frequent mention in our early annals and of more fre quent emulation by his associates and suc cessors. Brave, humane, patient, cheerful and resolute, he rises from the mists of history and reminiscence as the highest type of the Jasons who vied with those of ancient story in their ¦search for the fleeces (this time of seal and beaver instead of gold) of the far west. To a powerful physique and iron nerve Hunt added a refinement and culture rare indeed among the bold, free spirits of the frontier. In company with Hunt from the outset was another partner, Donald McKenzie by name. He was a man insensible of fear, inured by years of hardship to the tips and downs of the trapper's life, and renowned even on the border for his marvelous accuracy with the rifle. The first thing for them was to get their men. To do this all the tact and patience of Hunt were brought into full play. For 'a proper under standing of his position it will be necessary to describe briefly the classes from whom he was obliged to fill his ranks. There were at this time two great classes of trappers. The first and most numerous were the Canadian voyageurs. These men were mainly of French descent. Many of them were half-breeds. They were the legacy of the old French domination over Canada. Cradled in the canoe or batteau, their earliest remem brance being the cold blue lake or foaming river, almost amphibious by nature and train ing, gay and amiable in disposition, with true French vivacity and ingenuity, gilding every harsh and bitter experience with laugh and song, with their quick sympathies and humane instincts easily getting on the best side of the savages, not broad in designing but not the less patient, courageous and indomitable in executing, these French voyageurs were the main dependence of traffic in the wilderness. The second class were free trappers; Booshaways they were sometimes called. These men were mainly Americans. Virginia and Kentucky were the original homes of many of them. They were the perfect antipodes of the voyageurs. Often with gigantic frames built up on prairie dew and mountain breeze, with buffalo steak and wild birds' flesh wrought into their iron sinews; with nerves of steel, on which it seemed might harmlessly play even the lightnings of Missouri storms, the drift ing snows of winter but a downy coverlid to them, and the furnace blasts of summer but balmy zephyrs ; gorging themselves in the midst of plenty, but mocking the power of hunger and thirst when in want; mighty braggarts, yet quick as lightning to make good their boasts ; patient and indefatigable in their work of trap ping, but when on their annual trips to the towns gjven to wild dissipations and savage rcvelings, "sudden and rash in quarrel," care less of each other's sympathy or company; harsh and cruel to the Indians when in power over them, but bold and recklessly defiant when weaker than they ; seizing without compunction the prettiest Indian women and the best horses as their rightful booty; with blood always in their eyes, thunder in their voices, and pistols in their hands, yet underneath it all many of them having hearts as big as buffaloes, could they but be reached, — this now vanished race of Booshaways has gone to a place in history be- 20 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. side the old Spartans, whose greatest boast it to be loosened by the golden lever of wages was that the city had no walls, their army in advance. Worst of all, Hunt found at being the wall and every man therein a brick, nearly every station where he tried to engage or beside the Spanish conquerors of Mexico men that the agents of the Missouri Fur Com- and Peru, like Orellana, who descended the pany, chief of whom was a Spaniard named Amazon on a raft and then put to sea with Manuel Lisa, were neutralizing his efforts by such a climax of audacity that even the stormy representing the dangers from the hostile Atlantic was frightened into acquiescence and tribes and barren wastes intervening between let him pass -in safety. the Missouri plains and the Pacific. But This old streak of brutality and tyranny, Hunt's patience and perseverance, backed1 by originally cast into the Anglo-Saxon nature and Astor's unstinted purse, overcame all obstacles, manifested in its best form in the savage and in April, 1811, the winter rendezvous at grandeur of the Norse Valhalla, and in the tire mouth of the Nodowa (four hundred and overpowering energy of the Vikings, and at eighty miles above St. Louis) was abandoned, every emergency breaking with volcanic fury and in four boats, one of large size, and mount- through the thin crust of modern culture, has ing a swivel and two howitzers, the party of shown itself in no way more notably than in sixty set forth up the almost untraveled Mis- the whole Indian management of the American scuri. Of the party five were partners, Hunt, Government. These free trappers executed Crooks, McKenzie, Miller and McLellan. One with a vengeance the unspoken, but not less was a clerk, Reed by name. There were two real, policy of our government. Humanity, English naturalists, Bradbury and Nuttall. and even shrewd policy, had little place in the Forty of the party were Canadian voyageurs. thoughts and actions of most of them. The They were to do the rowing, transporting, Indians were simply to be stamped on like so many rattlesnakes. In the trapper's code, for an Indian to look longingly at a white man's horse, or even to be seen in the vicinity of a carrying, cooking, and all the drudgery in gen eral. The remainder were American hunters and trappers. These were the fellows to hunt and fight and plan and explore, and, when the beaver trap, was sufficient warrant to send a proper place was reached, to cast themselves rifle ball ploughing its way through his heart, upon the mercy of the savages and wild beasts, The Gallic gentleness and sociability which endure hunger and thirst and establish trading enabled the Canadian voyageurs to go almost posts. The chief of these hunters was a Vir- anywhere unharmed among the Indians, found ginian named John Day. We shall meet him no counterpart in the sterner composition of the frequently. The party was in all respects great majority of American trappers and traders. Such were the men from whom Hunt had to make up his little army, and a vexatious job it was, too. The rivalries of opposing companies were the opportunity of the trappers. Big wages were demanded. Old whisky bills had to be paid off. The clutch of the sheriff had most bountifully equipped. They designed following as nearly as possible the route of Lewis and Clark. Many interesting and some thrilling and exciting scenes were encountered on the pas sage up the Missouri, especially on their way through the country of the Sioux Tetons. But they met with no serious hindrance, and on HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 21 the nth of June they reached a large village of the Arickaras, fourteen hundred and thirty miles above the mouth of the Missouri. It had been determined before this, on the advice of several hunters who joined the party in the wilderness, after they had left the Nodowa, to abandon their canoes at this point and, se curing horses, strike across the country south of Lewis and Clark's route, so as to avoid the dreadful Blackfeet, who, alike the terror of the other Indians as well as of the whites, dominated all the region of the upper Mis souri. So with eighty-two horses heavily loaded — the partners only, together with the family of Pierre Dorion, being mounted — on the 1 8th of July they set out hopefully, though with many gloomy prognostications from trappers remaining at the Arickara village, on their march across the Great American Des ert and through the volcanic defiles of the great divide. On the wide monotony of the sky-bordered prairie they seemed to make no progress. Day succeeded day, and every morning's sun shot up, hot and dry, on apparently the very land scape of the day before. They did not seem in fact, though taking a more direct route, to make so good time as did Lewis and Clark. Guided by the Crow Indians, they penetrated range after range of the stepping stones to the final ridge, supposing each to be the last, only to find when it was surmounted that one yet higher succeeded, and at last on the 15th of September— the summer already gone — they mounted a lofty peak whence the bound less wilderness over which they had come as well as that which they must yet traverse, lay like a map at their feet. Gazing attentively westward their guide finally pointed out three shining peaks ridging the western sky, whose bases he assured them were washed by a trib utary of the Columbia. These peaks are now known as the Tetons from their peculiar shape. A hundred miles evidently lay between the weary travelers and that goal. When there, they felt that they would be almost at the end of their journey, little realizing the character of the thousand miles of travel yet awaiting them. Passing the green banks of Spanish river, a tributary of the Colorado, they laid in a large stock of the plentiful buffalo, gave their horses five days' rest and grazing on the abundant grass, and on the 24th of September, crossing a narrow ridge, found themselves on the banks of a turbulent stream, recognized by their guide as one of the sources of the Snake. From the name of the guide the stream was called Hoback's river. Down the rugged promontories which flanked this stream the party descended, often in danger of fatal falls, to its junction with a much larger one, which so much exceeded the first in fury of current as to receive the name of Mad river. This seemed to issue from the midst of the Tetons, whose glacial and snowy immensity overtopped the camp of the trav elers at the junction of the two "streams. The all important question now arose, should they abandon the horses and make canoes with which to descend the river. It was evident that, though containing abundant water for large boats, it was so impetuous as to render navigating a dangerous business. But the Canadians insisted on making the attempt. Weary of the toilsome and rocky foot-paths of the mountains, and having all confidence in their well-tried ability in handling boats in any kind of water, they longed to betake them selves once more to their favorite element, and, paddle in hand, their gay French songs beating time to the music of the paddles, they 22 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. would be ready to shoot another Niagara, if it came in their way. The partners finally gave their consent to make canoes. Forthwith the voyageurs repaired with joyful hearts to the adjacent woods, which soon began to yield up its best timber for the projected boats. Meanwhile a party of three, of whom the re doubtable John Day was one, went down Mad river on a two clays' journey. They returned declaring that neither in boats nor with horses along the banks could the party possibly go. Disappointed in this plan they now took the advice of Hoback to go to a trapping post which had been established the year before by Mr. Henry, of the Missouri Fur Company. This post Hoback knew to be on one of the upper waters of the Snake and he thought that it could not be far distant, A violent storm of sleet, arising in the midst of their deliberations, admonished them that winter was near at hand and that they must hasten on one way or the other. The Snake Indians who had come to their camp before the storm and had professed to know the location of Henry's post, now agreed to guide them thither. Accordingly on the 4th of October, the hills all around being spotted with snow, they resumed their horseback march. Four days of cold and difficult journeying took them to a cluster of deserted log huts. This had been Henry's trading station, but was now entirely abandoned. Beside the huts flowed a beautiful river a hundred yards wide. It was to all appearance a fine navigable stream. Two weeks of industrious work pro vided fifteen canoes, and in these, hastily em barking, they pushed out into the stream. Their horses were left in charge of the two Snake Indians. Nine men also, including Miller, one of the partners, had been detached from the party at points between Mad river and Henry's river, as the new stream was called. These men were to divide up in squads and trap on the streams thereabout. Well pro vided with traps, clothes, horses and ammuni tion, they set out cheerfully into the unkno.wn and wintry recesses of the mountins, expect ing to issue thence in the spring with a great stock of valuable peltries. With these they could make their best way to Astoria. With the rapid current aiding the skillful paddles of the voyageurs, whose spirits rose to an unwonted height, even for them, as soon as they found themselves on the water, the canoes swept swiftly on toward the sunset. They soon came to the mouth of a stream which they took to be their old friend, the Mad river. They now considered themselves fairly embarked on the main body of the Snake, and already, in imagination, they began to toss on the vast current of the Columbia, and even to smell the salt breeze of the mild Pacific. Oc casional rocky points abutting on the river made rapids which alternated with calm stretches of water, whose banks, shallow and grassy, were enlivened with perfect clouds of wild geese and ducks. For nine days they swept gaily on, with comparatively slight in terruptions, making over three hundred miles from the place where they had first embarked. Then they met with a most lamentable dis aster. In the second canoe of the squadron were Mr. Crooks as bowman and Antoine Clappine as steersman. The first canoe hav ing safely passed a dangerous rapid, the sec ond essayed to follow. With a sudden lurch she missed her course and the next instant split upon a rock. Crooks and three of his companions succeeded, after a hard struggle, in reaching the land, but Clappine, one of the most popular and useful men in the company, was lost amid the boiling surges. They had HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 23 now arrived at an unboatable chain of rapids and frightful bluffs, among which neither boats nor horses, nothing, in short, but wings, were of use. At the beginning of this strait was one of those volcanic cracks peculiar to the rivers of this coast, in which the whole volume of the Snake is squeezed into a place thirty feet wide. This miniature maelstrom received from the disheartened voyagers the name of "The Caldron Linn." The whole squadron now came to a halt. It was evident that a portage at least would be needed. And from the shaggy volcanic ap pearance about and below them, they had great fear that the obstructions extended a long dis tance. This fear was realized when, after a forty-mile tramp down the river, Mr. Hunt discovered no prospect of successful naviga tion. Returning to the main body, therefore, and discovering that they had but five days' food and no prospect of getting more, he de termined to divide the party into four parts, hoping that some one of them might find abund ant game and a way out of the lifeless, vol canic waste in which they were. One party, under McLellan, was to descend the river; another under Crooks was to ascend it, hoping to find game or Indian guides on the way, but, if not, to keep on to the place where they had left their horses. Still another detach ment, under McKenzie, struck northward across the plains, having in view to reach the main Columbia. Mr. Hunt, left in charge of the main body, proceeded at once to cache a large part of their goods. Nine caches having been made to hold the large deposit, they took careful notice of the landmarks of the neighborhood for future return, and then got themselves in readiness to move just as soon as the word should come from any of the scouting parties. Within three days Crooks and his party returned. Despairing of success on their doleful, retro grade march, they had determined to share with their companions whatever might await them on the onward trip. Five days later, the party meanwhile beginning to see the ghastly face of famine staring at them, two of Mc- Lellan's party returned, bidding them aban don all thought of descending the river. For many miles the river ran through volcanic sluice-ways, roaring and raging, at many places almost lost from sight underneath im pending crags, generally inaccessible from its desert bank, so that, though within sound of its angry ravings, they had often lain down to their insufficient rest with parched and swollen tongues. To manifest their anger at the hateful stream they named this long volcanic chute the "Devil's Scuttle Hole." What now re mained ? Nothing, evidently, but to hasten with all speed, their lives being at issue, to some more hospitable place. The party was, therefore, divided in two. One division, un der Hunt, went down the north side of the river, and the other, under Crooks, took the opposite side. This was done in order to in crease the chances of finding food and of meeting Indians. It was on the ninth of No vember that they started on this dismal and heart-sickening march. Until December they urged on their course, cold, hungry, often near starvation. At occasional wretched In dian camps they managed to secure dogs for food, and once they got a few horses. These were loaded down with their baggage, but, through scarcity of food, began soon to be too weak to be of much service, and so their attenu ated carcasses, one .by one, were devoted to ap pease the hunger of the famished explorers. The country through which they were pass- 24 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ing presented an almost unvarying aspect of volcanic and snowy desolation. The few frightened and half-starved Snake Indians that they encountered could give no information as to the route. They signified, however, that the great river was yet a long way off. Hunt estimated that they had now put about four hundred and seventy miles between them and Caldron Linn. They were evidently approach ing something, for gigantic snowy mountains, lifeless and almost treeless, seemed to bar their further way. Nevertheless they persisted with the energy of despair and clambered painfully up the snowy heights until at a sufficient ele vation to command a vast view. Then, with s. waste of mountains in front and bitter winds whirling the snow and sleet in their faces, they first began to despair of forcing their way. The short winter's day shut in upon their despair, and they were compelled to camp in the snow. Timber was found in suf ficient quantity to prevent freezing, but dur ing the night another snow storm burst on them furiously, and daylight, sluggishly steal ing through the snow-clogged atmosphere, found them in a jierfect cloud. The roaring river far below them was their only guide to further progress. Down the slippery and wind swept mountain side they picked their way to the river bank. Here the temperature was much milder. Devouring one of their skin- and-bone horses, they crept a few miles along the rocky brink of the brawling flood and made a cheerless camp. On the following morning (December 6) they were startled by seeing, on the opposite bank of the stream, a party of white men more forlorn and desolate than them selves. A little observation convinced Hunt that these men were Crooks and party. Shout ing across the stream at last he made himself heard above the raging river. As soon as the men discovered him they screamed for food. From the skin of the horse killed the night before Mr. Hunt at once constructed a canoe. In this crazy craft one of the Canadians dar ingly and successfully crossed the fearful look ing river, taking with him part of the horse and bringing back with him Mr. Crooks and Le Clere. Appalled at the wasted forms and despond ent looks of these two men, and still further disheartened at the account they gave of the insurmountable obstacles to continuing down the river, Hunt determined to retrace his steps to the last Indian camp they had passed, there to make a more determined effort to obtain guides and horses. With dismal forebodings, therefore, on the following morning they took the back track. Crooks and Le Clere were so weak as to greatly retard the rest of the party. In this extremity the men besought Hunt to leave those two to their fate while they hast ened on to the Indian camp. But Hunt reso lutely refused to abandon his weakened partner. The men began to push ahead until by night but five remained to bear him company. No provisions were left them except four beaver skins. After a night of freezing coldness, one of them being badly frost-bitten, Hunt, finding Crooks entirely unable to travel, concluded that his duty to the main company demanded his presence with them. Accordingly, having made the exhausted men as comfortable as possible and leaving two of the men and all but one of the beaver skins with them, Hunt and the remaining three men hastened on. A day and night of famine and freezing brought them up with their companions. The pangs of hunger were beginning to tell in va cant looks and tottering steps. Some of them had not eaten for three days. Toward evening of that distressing day they saw with surprise HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 25 and profound gratitude a lodge of Shoshones with a number of horses around it. Hunger knew no law. They descended on the camp, and seizing five horses, at once dispatched one of them. After a ravenous meal had satisfied their immediate necessities, they bethought them of their deserted compan ions. A man was at once sent on horse back to carry food to them and to aid them in coming up. In the morning Crooks and the remaining three men made their appearance. Food must now be got to the men on the op posite bank. But a superstitious terror seemed to have seized their companions as they looked across the sullen river at them. Ghastly and haggard, the poor wretches beckoning across with bony fingers, looked more like spectres than men. Unable to get any of the Cana dians, overwhelmed as they were with ghostly fancies, to cross, one of the Kentucky hunters at last ventured the dangerous undertaking. Putting forth all his strength he at last suc ceeded in landing a large piece of horse meat. Encouraged by this, one of the Canadians ventured over. One of the starving crew, frantic by his long deprivations, insisted on returning in the canoe. Before they had got across, the pleas ant savor of the boiling meat so inspired him that he leaped to his feet and began to sing and dance. In the midst of this untimely festivity the canoe was overturned and the poor fellow was swept away in the icy cur rent and lost. John Day, considered when they started the strongest man in the company, also crossed the river. His cavernous eyes and meager frame showed well how intense had been the suffering of the detachment on the west bank of the river. Often the wild cherries, dried on the trees, together with their moccasins, were their only food. Thie mountains which thus turned back this adventurous band were no doubt that desolate and rather unnecessary range border ing the Wallowa country and the mouth of Salmon river. The detachments under Mc- Kenzie and McLellan, having reached these mountains before the heavy snows, and hav ing found each other there, had stuck to that route until they had conquered it. After twenty-one days of extreme suffering and peril they reached the- Snake at a point ap parently not far from the site of Lewiston, and building canoes there, descended the river with no great trouble, reaching Astoria about the middle of January. Hunt and his men, saved from starvation by the discovery of the horses, hastened on to find Indian guides. But first Hunt, with his usual honesty, left at the lodge (for the occupants had fled at their coming) an amount of trinkets sufficient to pay for the horses he had taken. A few days later they reached a small village of Snakes. This, the largest vil lage that they had seen on this side, of the mountains, they had observed on their down trip, but had not been able to get any assist ance from the inhabitants. Now, however, with a persistence born of their necessities, they insisted on a guide. The Indians de murred, representing that the distance to the river was so great as to require from seven teen to twenty-one days of hard traveling. They said that the snow was waist deep and that they would freeze. They very hospitably urged the party to stay with them. But as they also said that on the west side of the mountains was a large and wealthy tribe called the Sciatogas, from whom they might get 26 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. food and horses, Hunt determined to push on, if he could find a single Indian to accompany him. By a most bountiful offer this desid eratum was finally met. They were informed that they must cross to the west bank of the river, and enter the mountains to the west. With infinite tact and patience Hunt sustained the drooping spirits of the party. Many of them wanted to cast their lot for the winter with the vagabond troop of Snakes. They shrunk from crossing the chilly flood of Snake river with its huge ice blocks grind ing other with a dismal sound. Then to commit themselves again to the mount ains inspired them with terror. In fact, four of the Canadians, together with Crooks and John Day, were unable to go at all. But at last, in spite of doubt and weakness, everything was got together (though they were obliged to desert their six sick com panions) and in the bitter cold of the early evening (December 23) they crossed the river and at once struck for the mountains. They could only make about fourteen miles a day. Their five jaded horses floundered painfully through the snow. Their only food was one meal of horse meat daily. On the fourth day of their journey the mountains gave way to a beautiful valley, across which they journeyed twenty miles. This must have been Powder river valley. Leaving this valley and turn ing again into the mountains, a short but toil some march brought them to a lofty height whence they looked down into a fair and snowless prairie, basking in the sunlight and looking to the winter-worn travelers like a dream of summer. Soon, best of all, they dis cerned six lodges of Shoshones, well supplied with horses and dogs. Thither hastening eagerly, their hungry mouths were soon filled with roasted dog. This valley, which looked so much like a paradise, must have been the Grande Ronde. Beautiful at all times, it must have seemed trebly so to these ragged and famished wanderers. The next morning the new year (1812) burst in upon them, bright and cheerful, as if to make amends for the relentless severity of its predecessor. The Canadians must now have their holiday. Not even famine and death could rob them of their festivals. So with dance and song and dog meat roasted, boiled, fried and fricasseed, they met the friendly overtures of the newly crowned potentate of time. Rested and re freshed, they now addressed themselves to what their guides assured them was to be but a three days' journey to the plains of the great river. The time was multiplied by two, however, ere the cloudy canopy, which so enswathed the snowy waste as to hide both earth and sky from sight, parted itself be fore a genial breath from some warmer clime. And then, wide below their snowy eyrie, lay stretched the limitless and sunny plains of the Columbia. Not more gladly did Cortez and his steel-clad veterans look from their post of observation upon the glittering halls of the Montezumas. They swiftlv descended the slopes of the mountains and emerged upon that diamond of the Pacific coast, the Uma tilla plains. Here a tribe of Sciatogas or Tushepaws were camped, thirty-four lodges and two hun dred horses strong. AYell clad, active and hos pitable, these Indians thawed out, almost as would have a civilized community, the well nigh frozen energies of the strangers. Re joiced above all was Mr. Hunt to see in the lodges axes, kettles, etc., indicating that these Indians were in communication with the whites below. In answer to his eager questionings the Indians said that the great river was only HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 27 two days distant and that a party of white men had just descended it. Concluding that these were McKenzie and party, Hunt felt re lieved of one great anxiety. After a thorough rest the now joyful way farers set forth across the fertile plains and after a pleasant ride of two days on the horses obtained of the.Tushepaws, lifting their eyes they beheld a mighty stream, a mile wide, deep, blue, majestic, sweeping through the treeless plain, the Columbia. The hard and dangerous part of the journey was now at an end. In the absence of timber, however, and because of the unwillingness of any Indians that they met to sell canoes, they were obliged to wait till reaching the dalles before launching upon the stream. In the vicinity of the present Rockland (they had come from Umatilla on the north bank of the river) they had a "hyas wa wa" with the redoubtable Wishram In dians. Sharpened by their location at the con> fluence of all the ways down stream, these In> dians had clearly grasped the fundamental doctrine of civilized trade, to-wit : Get the greatest possible return with the least possible outlay. To this end they levied a heavy toll on all unwary passers. These levies were usu ally collected while the eyes of the taxed were otherwise engaged. In short, these Wishram Indians were professional thieves. Endeavoring at first to frighten Mr. Hunt into a liberal "potlatch," then to beg of him by representing their great services in pro tecting him from the rapacity of other Indians, but finding no recognition of their claims ex cept abundant whiffs at the pipe of peace, they gave up in disgust and contented themselves with picking up whatever little articles might be lying around handy. After considerable haggling several finely made canoes were pro cured of these people and in these the last stage of the journey was begun. Nothing extraor dinary marked the two hundred mile boat ride down the river. On the 15th of February, rounding the bluffs of Tongue Point, they beheld with full hearts the stars and stripes floating over the first civilized abode this side of St. Louis. Right beyond the parted headlands and the water bordering horizon, they recognized the gateway to the illimitable ocean. As they drew near the shore the whole population of Astoria came pouring down to the cove (near the modern site of "Dad's" saw-mill, now wharved over) to meet them. First in the crowd came the party of McKenzie and Mc- Lellan. Having no hope that Hunt and his men could escape from the winter and the fam ine they were the more rejoiced to see them. Their joy in reuniting was proportioned to the darkness of the shadow of death which had so long enshrouded them. The Cana dians, with French abandon, rushed into each other's arms, crying and hugging like so many school girls. And even the hard-visaged Scotchmen and nonchalant Americans gave themselves up to the unstinted gladness of the occasion. The next day was devoted to feast ing and story telling. No doubt, like the feast ing mariners of the ./Eneid, they discussed with prolonged speech the "amissos socios." These, as the reader will remember, were Crooks and John Day, with four Canadians, who had been left sick on the banks of the Snake. Little hope was entertained of ever seeing them again. But as their story is a natural sequel to that just ended, it shall be given now. The next summer a party under Stuart and McLellan, on their way from Okanagan to Astoria, saw wandering on the river bank near Umatilla two wretched beings, naked and haggard. Stopping their canoes to 28 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. investigate, they discovered to their glad sur prise that these beings were Day and Crooks. Their forlorn plight was quickly relieved with abundant food and clothes, and while the canoes went flying down the stream with speed accelerated in the joy of deliverance, the two men related their pitiful tale. Left in destitution of food and clothing, they had sustained life by an occasional beaver or a piece of horse meat given by the Indians, who, seemingly possessed of a superstitious fear, dared not molest them. With rare heroism and self-abnegation, Crooks remained by the side of John Day until he was sufficiently re cuperated to travel. Then, abandoned by three of the Canadians, they had plodded on amid Blue mountain snows, subsisting on roots and skins. In the last of March, hav ing left the other Canadian exhausted at a Shoshone lodge, Crooks and Day pressed on through a last mountain ridge and found them selves in the fair and fertile plain of the Walla Wallas. Here they were relieved by the kindness which marked the intercourse of those Indians with the whites. Fed and clothed they contin ued down the river with lightened hearts, only to find at the dalles that there are. differences in Indians as well as whites, for there the Eneeshurs, or Wishrams, as Irving calls them, first disarming suspicion by a friendly exterior, perfidiously robbed them of the faithful rifles which thus far in all their distress they had never yet lost sight of, and, stripping them, drove them out. More wretched than ever they now turned toward friendly Walla Walla. And just as they were striking inland they saw the rescuing boats. So with added grati tude they all paddled away for Astoria. But poor Day never recovered. In an insane frenzy he tried to kill himself. Prevented from this he soon pined away and died. The barren and bluffy shores of John Day river possess an added interest as we recall the melancholy story of the brave hunter who first explored them. The four Canadians were afterward found alive, though destitute, among the Sho- shones. The limits of this work forbid us to en large upon the subsequent fortunes of the great Pacific Fur Company's enterprise. We could hardly do justice, however, to the heroic age of Oregon history without a few addi tional words about the fur business and a brief description of that most dramatic event in all our early history, the destruction of the , Tonquin. Astor seems to have designed that Astoria should be the central depot of trade and sup plies; that from it parties should radiate by land and river, and trade with the Indians for furs as well as fit out trapping parties of their own ; that from Astoria, as headquarters, should proceed the annual supply ship (from New York) on fur trading trips to the bays and ports north of the Columbia; and that those supply ships having filled up partially on those trips should complete their lading at Astoria. Then away for China, the great market for furs at that time. In China the emptied vessel should reload with nankeens and teas and silks wherewith to clothe and exhilarate the fair inhabitants of New York. Two years would pass in completing this vast commercial "rounding up." For the still fur ther enlargement of his business, Mr. Astor had also made arrangements to supply the Russian posts at New Archangel. He wished to do this partly for the profits accruing therein and partly to shut off competition in FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 29 his own territory. This last he could accom plish through that semi-partnership with the Russians in furnishing them supplies. There were at that time three especially valuable fur-producing animals found in vast numbers in this country. The first, the bea ver, was found in all the interior valleys, the Willamette country, as was afterward found, being pre-eminent in this respect. The two others, the sea otter and seal, were found on the coast. The sea otter fur was the most valuable. Its velvety smoothness and glossy blackness rendered it first in the markets of the world of all furs from the temperate zones* of North America, and inferior only to the ermine and sable and possibly the fiery fox of the far north. The profits of the fur trade were such as might well entice daring and avarice to run the gauntlet of icebergs, starvation, ferocious savages and stormy seas. The profits of a single voyage might liquidate even the enor mous cost of the outfit. For instance, Ross, one of the clerks of Astor's company, and located at Okanogan, relates that one morn ing before breakfast he bought of Indians one hundred and ten beaver skins at the rate of five leaves of tobacco per skin. Afterward a yard of cotton cloth, worth, say, ten cents, purchased twenty-five beaver skins, worth in New York $5 apiece. For four fathoms of blue beads, worth, perhaps, a dollar, Lewis and Clark obtained a sea otter skin, the mar ket price of which varied from $45 to $60. Ross notes in another place that for $165 in trinkets, cloth, etc., he purchased peltries worth in the Canton market $11,250. In deed, even the ill-fated voyages of Mr. As-. tor's partners proved that a cargo worth $25,000 in New York might be expected to be replaced in two years by one worth a quar ter of a million, a profit of a thousand per cent. We cannot wonder, then, at the eager enterprise and fierce, sometimes bloody, com petition of the fur traders. With this outline of the business awaiting the Tonquin, let us pursue her fortunes to their terrible conclusion. A Frenchman, Franchere by name, one of the Astoria clerks, is the chief authority for the story. Irving seems to have taken some poetic license with this account. According to him, with a total force of twenty-three and an Indian of the Chehalis tribe called Lama- zee, for interpreter, the Tonquin entered the harbor of Neweetee. Franchere calls the In dian Lamanse, and the harbor, he says, the Indian called Newity. We shall probably be safe in following Bancroft and suppose tha place to have been Nootka. Nootka sound, on the west side of Vancouver's island, has been referred to on a previous page as a bad place for the traders. In 1803 the smP Bos ton and all her crew but two had been de stroyed there. But it is well worth noting that these In dians, like all others on the coast, were dis posed at first to be friendly, and only the in dignities and violence of traders transformed their pacific disposition to one of sullen treach ery. Captain Thorn had been repeatedly and urgently warned by Mr. Astor and his asso ciates against trusting to the Indians. One standing rule was' that not more than four or five should be allowed on the deck at once. But the choleric Thorn treated with equal con tempt the suggestions of caution and savage hucksters. A great quantity of the finest kind of sea otter skins had been brought on deck and to all appearance a most lucrative and am icable trade was before them. But twenty years of traffic with the whites and a long 30 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. course of instruction from the diplomatic and successful chief Maquinna had rendered the Nootka Indians less pliable and less innocent than Thorn expected. His small stock of pa tience was soon exhausted. At one cunning and leering old chief, who seemed to be urg ing the others to hold out for higher prices, the captain soon began to scowl with special rage. But the oily visage was scowl-proof, and the impatient sailor had the mortification to see that he was likely to be out-Jewed by one of those dirty and despised redskins. He could stand it no longer. In his most impres sive and naval manner he bids the Indians to leave. But the obnoxious chieftain stands mo tionless, a perfect statue of savage impudence. All sense and judgment vanished from the captain's mind. Seizing him by the hair he propelled him rapidly toward the ship-ladder. Then, with a convenient bundle of furs, snatched up furiously, he emphasized the chieftain's exit. Nor is it likely that he spared a liberal application of boot leather to the most accessible part of the savage trader's anatomy. Instantly, as if by magic, the Indians left the ship. In place of the babel of jabbering traffickers were only the hair-brained captain and his astonished and silent crew. Mr. Mc Kay, the partner on board, was very indignant when, on returning from a short trip ashore, he learned of the untimely cessation of trade. He assured Captain Thorn that he had not only spoiled their business but had endangered all their lives. He therefore urged making sail from the place at once. The Chehalis In dian, Lamanse, also enforced McKay's wish, asserting that further intercourse with the In dians could result only in disaster. But the stubborn captain would listen to no advice. So long as he had a knife or a handspike they needn't try to scare him into running before a lot of naked redskins. The night passed in quiet. Early the next morning a number of Indians, demure and peaceable as can be imag ined, paddled alongside. Bundles of furs held aloft signified their wish to trade. In great triumph Captain Thorn pointed out to McKay the successful issue of his discijiline. "That is the way to treat them," he said; "just show them that you are not afraid and they will behave themelves." The Indians were very respectful and exchanged their furs for what ever was offered. Pretty soon another large boat load, well * supplied with the choicest peltries, asked per mission to go aboard. The now good natured and self-satisfied skipper gladly complied. Then another canoe, and a fourth, and a fifth disgorged a perfect horde on board. But some of the more watchful sailors noticed with alarm that contrary to custom, no women left the canoes, and that certain of the fur bundles the savages would not sell at any price, while as to others they were perfectly indifferent. Pret ty soon it was noticed that, moving as if by ac cident, the Indians had somehow become massed at all the assailable points of the vessel. Even Captain Thorn was startled when this fact became unmistakable. But putting a bold front upon his sudden fear, he gave the order to up anchor and man the top-mast, preparatory to sailing. He then ordered the Indians to re turn to their boats. With a scarce perceptible flush darkening their listless faces, they picked up their remaining bundles and started for the ladder. As they went, their cat-like tread scarce audible even in the oppressive stillness their knotted fingers stole into their bundles. Out again like a flash and in them long knives and cruel bludgeons ! In an instant the wild war-yell broke the awful silence. And then the peaceful Ton- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 3i quin's deck saw a slaughter grim and pitiless. Lewis, the clerk, and McKay were almost instantly dispatched. Then a crowd with fiendish triumph set upon the captain, bent on evening up at once the old score. The brawny frame and iron will of the brave, though foolhardy old salt, made him a dangerous object of attack. And not until a half dozen of his assailants had measured their bleeding lengths on the slippery deck did he succumb. Then he was hacked to pieces with savage glee. Meanwhile four sailors, the only survivors, besides the interpreter.Lamanse, from whom the whole story is told, having gained access to the hold, began firing on the triumphant Indians. And with such effect did they work that the whole throng left the ship in haste and sought the shore. Lamanse, mean while, was spared, but held in captivity for two years. The next day the four surviving sailors attempted to put to sea.in a small boat, but were pursued and probably murdered by the Indians. And then, like a band of buzzards circling around a carcass, the Indian canoes began to cluster around the deserted ship. The night had been spent in savage mirth, and now in prospect of the rifling of an en tire ship their joy knew no bounds. All was silent. The hideous tumult of the .day before was succeeded by an equally hideous calm. Cautiously at first, then emboldened by the utter lifelessness, in throngs the Indians clamb ered to the deck. Their instinctive fears of strategem were soon lost in gloating over the disfigured forms of their vanquished foes, and in rifling the store-houses of the ship. Arrayed in gaudy blankets and adorned with multiplied strands of beads, they strutted proudly over the deck. Five hundred men, women and chil dren now swarmed the ship. Suddenly, with an awful crack, crash and boom, the luckless Tonquin with all its load of living and dead is flung in fragments around the sea. Her powder magazine had imitated Samson among the Phillistines, and she had made one common ruin of herself and her ene mies in the very scene of their triumph. Dis membered bodies, fragments of legs and arms, and spattered brains, stained and darkened the peaceful water far and wide. According to Lamanse, as quoted by Franchere, two hundred Indians were thus destroyed. Franchere also says that no one knows who blew up the ship though he thinks it most likely that the four sailors left a slow train on board when they abandoned her. Irving most thrillingly de scribes Lewis as having been wounded, and remaining on board after the four survivors had gone, for the purpose of enticing the sav ages on board and then letting off the train so as to destroy himself and them in one final and awful retribution. Bancroft, however, find ing no warrant for this in the narrative of Franchere, the only known authority, does not hesitate to accuse Irving of fabricating it. Whatever may have been the details, the general fact, with its horrible results to both whites and natives, rapidly spread abroad. Ere long it began to be whispered with bated breath among the Chinooks around Astoria. Then if reached the ears of the traders there. At first entirely disbelieved, it began to be painfully sure, after the lapse of months, and no Ton quin in sight, that there must be something in it. The floating fragments of story finally as sumed an accepted form, though not until the reappearance of Lamanse, two years after the event, was it fully understood. A more extended narration of that absorb ingly interesting era of discovery, exploration, and beginnings of trade, would lead us beyond the purpose of this work. We desire rather to 32 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. present a picture of our heroic age sufficiently full to make plain the steps of our subsequent evolution. The glimpses into our earliest his tory already given indicate to us something of the stages of our progress as a civilized Ameri can state. Exploration followed discovery; trade, exploration; settlement, trade. Develop ment is now treading on the pathway of settle ment. We have seen before our very eyes in the close of the nineteenth century, this devel opment assume a new form. The genius of our railroad age has realized the dream of the old navigators, and has created from rails of steel the Strait of Anian. The northwest passage has been found, but it is dry land instead of water. And not alone have we put a north west passage through our own land, but we have extended our hands into the Pacific ocean i for more land. Great already, our territory, by the events of the past few years, has become larger, and our international influence vastly wider. Our nation is entering now, with this new century, upon an epoch of international power which will transcend the previous epoch as much as that transcends the era of our old colonialism. In this new age of world development, our good state of Washington seems surely des tined to bear a conspicuous part. The treasures of the Orient and of tropic islands, the golden sands of Alaska, and the industries of the great states of our own Union, find their ex change point on Puget sound. Our queen city, Seattle, holds the keys to the golden caskets of Asia and of the north. In variety and quality of resources, in the thrift and energy of her population, and in the excellence of her system of education and social life, the state of Washington gives promise that she will prove adequate to the vast oppor tunities which her situation has placed within her grasp. Standing thus on the threshold of a ma terial development whose possibilities dazzle the imagination, we are in some danger of for getting the small and feeble advances of the first era of American settlement in this land, we are apt to forget the heroic striving which planted homes here and there in the wilder ness. In that epoch of the making of a state the county of Walla Walla bore no inconspicuous part. Containing the first settlement between the Cascades and the Rocky mountains, being the scene of more tragic and stirring events than any other community in this portion of Old Oregon, having for many years the largest population anywhere within the state, and in its later development possessing, in some respects, the highest results of industry and production to be found within the inland empire, Walla Walla county may justly be regarded as one of the foremost counties of the state, both from a historical and a present point of view. In the early history of Walla Walla county we find much of the pathos and tragedy which have marked the settlement of most pioneer American communities. In its present, with its unfolding industrial activity, we see a part of that great movement which we have already pointed out as marking the present epoch of our state. In its future we plainly read the fulfillment of the promise of growth which will outrun even the most eager imaginations of the present. We invite therefore to the perusal of this history both the old-timer and the new-timer. The old-timer will traverse again some of the difficult or dangerous or amusing experiences of the past, and by opening his eyes now upon one HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 33 scene, now upon another, he will comprehend before, and by contrasting what he reads with again something of the distance that he has what he sees about him will more clearly un- traversed. The new-timer will learn by the derstand what it has taken to make Walla perusal of these pages things unknown to him Walla county. CHAPTER I. THE OREGON QUESTION. While it is not within the distinct province of ' this compilation to enter into a detailed consideration of the early history of the Pa cific northwest, nor even of that section now in cluded within the boundaries of the present state of Washington, it is still but consistent that brief resume be given of the more salient points which marked the opening of this now fruitful and opulent section of our national domain to the march of civilization, — an ad vancement made under conditions and circum stances which bespeak the restless energy, the fortitude and the inflexible determination of those who constituted the forerunners of the star of empire. To the "Oregon question" Dr. Barrows re fers as the "struggle for possession," and cer tain it is that diplomacy never met a severer test without recourse to arms than was repre sented in the long drawn out disputations, the ambiguous concessions and the alert watchful ness which marked the history of that epoch. Fortunate, indeed, was it that the independence of the republic, the genius of the true Amer ican spirit, were eventually brought into high relief, saving to our national commonwealth the great and valuable territory which was at that time practically a terra incognita. As has already been intimated, there has, 3 perhaps, no question ever arisen that so nearly precipitated a war between the United States and Great Britain without the actual conflict of arms. The Oregon question was one that included all points of international diplomacy] and negotiations between the United States and Great Britain regarding title to the northwest country, and pertaining particularly to the ter ritory now included in the state of Washington, for the country north of the Columbia river was what the English crown particularly coveted. Prior to 1818 the Hudson's Bay Company, a powerful corporation holding charter from the British crown, the same having been granted by Charles II, in 1670, invaded the Oregon territory, including what are now the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and western Montana. The personnel of the invading force included hunters, traders and trappers, who proceeded to fortify their possessions with commercial and military establishments. While these aggressive move ments were under way a few persons from the United States found their way into the territory, and their interposition eventually led to the discussion as to the ownership of the country. Our great statesmen of the day naturally had very inadequate conceptions of 34 HISTORY' OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. the value and importance of the territory in volved in the discussion, and this fact was un mistakably indicated in their expressions. In the early '40s the National. Intelligencer gave utterance to the following statements, which will strike the reader of the present day as ludicrous in the extreme : "Of all the coun tries upon the face of the earth Oregon is one of the least favored by heaven. It is almost as barren as Sahara, and quite as unhealthy as the Campagna of Italy." Contemplating even the productive wealth of Walla Walla county alone at the present time, it seems almost impossible that official and popular judgment could even at that time have been so flagrantly in error. Further, Senator Dayton, of New Jersey, from the depths of his conviction and high order of intelligence, did not hesitate to speak as fol lows : "God forbid that the time should ever come when a state on the shores of the Pa cific, with its interests and tendencies of trade all looking toward the Asiatic nations of the east, shall add its jarring claims to our already distracted and overburdened confederacy." It is' beyond peradventure that the continental idea had not as yet pervaded the judicial body of the national government. As farther indicating the attitude main tained by the leaders of American thought and action at the time, we can not do better than to offer an excerpt from statements made by that gifted and venerated statesman, Daniel Webster, wdio said: "What do we want of this vast, worthless area, this region of savages and wild beasts, of deserts, of shifting sands and whirlwinds of dust, of cactus and prairie dogs ? To what use could we ever hope to put these great deserts or these great mountain ranges, impenetrable and covered to their base with eternal snow? What can we ever hope to do with the western coast, a coast of three thousand miles, rock-bound, cheerless and un inviting, and not a harbor on it? What use have we for such a country? Mr. President, I will never vote one cent from the public treas ury to place the Pacific coast one inch nearer Boston than it is now." One other opinion, voiced by Senator Ben ton, in 1825, may be, with undoubted propriety, incorporated at this juncture. What the re sult of the advice of this astute man might have been if followed is difficult to conjecture at this end of the century period : "The ridge of the Rocky mountains may be named as a convenient, natural and everlasting boundary. Along this ridge the western limit of the Re public should be drawn, and the statue of the fabled god, Terminus, should be erected on its highest peak, never to be thrown down." The significance of these expressions is un mistakable, and still we can scarcely wonder- that they were uttered and promulgated, when we take into consideration the fact that nearly all information in regard to the country — and that of a most fragmentary and unreliable character — had been received through repre sentatives of the Hudson's Bay Company or through persons influenced by them, either voluntarily or otherwise. The emissaries of the Hudson's Bay Company had advisedly, and for selfish purposes, looking to the aggrandize ment of the corporation, represented the region as a "Miasmatic wilderness, uninhabitable ex cept by savage beasts and more savage men." This action was taken in order to discourage the settlement of white people in the country, which accomplished they realized would ulti mately interfere seriously with their lucrative fur traffic with the aborigines of the land. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 35 JOINT OCCUPANCY TREATY A PRACTICAL FI ASCO. Both Great Britain and the United States being apparently unprepared for definite action, in 1818 a treaty of joint occupation was en tered into, by the terms and provisions of which "The northwest coast of America west ward of the Stony mountains shall be open to the subjects of the two contracting powers, not to be construed to the prejudice of any claim which either of the high contracting parties may have to any part of said country." This treaty was extended indefinitely in 1827, with the provision that after 1838 either party could abrogate it by giving to the other one year's notice. Under this somewhat equivocal treaty the shrewd representatives of the Hud son's Bay Company resorted to every conceiv able strategy to prevent immigration from the United States, and they succeeded in effecting their designs to a large extent for a consider able period of time. However, an increasing knowledge of the value of the country stim ulated the indomitable frontiersmen to move westward, and, despite the despicable efforts and questionable methods of the Hudson's Bay Company to arrest wagons, break plowshares, freeze out settlers, and by a .system of overland forts and seaport surveil lance prevent every movement that tended to ward the actual occupancy of the country, a sufficient number of Americans had effected settlement prior to 1844 to force upon the United States the question of title. In the year mentioned Mr. Calhoun, then secretary of state, demanded of the British government a specific statement of its claims to the Oregon territory. This overture elicited from Great Britain a reiteration of a claim already made in 1824, namely: "That the boundary line be tween the possessions of the two countries should be the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude to where it intersects the northeast ern branch of the Columbia river, then down the middle channel of that river to the sea." This claim, if allowed, would have given Great Britain not only British Columbia but also the greater portion of the state of Washington. Great Britain based its claim upon the explora tion of the Columbia by Vancouver after Gray had discovered it, and upon the occupancy of the country by the Hudson's Bay Company for traffic in furs. The United States rested its claim on Cap tain Gray's discovery of the Columbia river, on the Louisiana purchase, on the explorations of Lewis and Clark, tracing the Columbia from its source to its mouth, on the settlement of Astoria, on the treaty with Spain in 1819 and on the treaty with Mexico in 1828. Mr. Calhoun rejected the claim of Great Britain and proposed the forty-ninth parallel from the Rockies to the sea as the division between the two countries. The Democratic convention of 1844 declared for the annexation of Texas and also "that our title to the Oregon territory was clear and unquestionable, and that no part of the same should be ceded to Great Britain." The shibboleth of the Democratic party during that campaign, relative to the Oregon question, was "fifty-four forty, or fight." An effort was made to abrogate the treaty of 1827, and it seemed for a time that war between Great Britain and the United States was inevitable. The proposal of the British minister, Mr. Pack- enham, to submit the question in dispute to arbitration was respectfully declined, and the ultimate result of the negotiations was the treaty of 1846, whereby the forty-ninth paral lel originally proposed by Mr. Calhoun was ac cepted by Great Britain as the boundary 36 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. between the two countries. By the terms of the treaty provision was made that when the boundary line reached the waters of the Pa cific coast it should run down the middle of the channel which separates the continent from Vancouver island, and thence southerly through the same channel and Fuca straits to the sea. No map or chart being attached to the treaty, according to which the line could be drawn, a vexatious controversy arose which came very near involving the two countries in war. The contention related to the location of the middle of the channel which separates the continent from Vancouver island. Great Britain insist ed that it was in the Rosario straits or chan-> nel, while the United States contended that it was in the Canal de Haro. Each party ad hered to its position through a protracted and vehement correspondence upon the subject. Between these channels was an area- of about four hundred square miles, including several prominent islands, comprising land area of about one hundred and seventy square miles, which was the bone of contention on the part of the two nations involved. After a prolonged debate of the question, each party determined to have its own way; by the treaty of Washington in 1871 it was agreed that Emperor William of Germany, as arbitrator, should decide which of the two claims was most in accord with the treaty of 1846. He decided in favor of our claim, thus giving to the United States an undisputed claim to the island of San Juan and the other islands around it. Although the Hudson's Bay Company took possession of all the coun try west of the Rocky mountains and on both sides of the Columbia river, yet Great Britain did not assert possession of that part of the country now constituting the state of Oregon. It is evident, however, that if the title was good north, it was equally good south of the river. Furthermore, if the title of the United States was good as to what is now Washing ton and Oregon, why not equally good for all the territory, including British Columbia. Careful and candid students of the situation have contended that the proposition of Calhoun in 1844 to surrender to Great Britain all the ter ritory north of the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude was made in the interest of slavery. The less there was of this territory, the less would be the number of free states to be admit ted to the Union. If he had not committed our government to such an unfortunate, and what some have designated as "disgraceful," offer, it is quite probable that British Columbia would be to-day an integral part of the United States, a condition that many would consider desirable in view of the growing importance of that section. CHAPTER II. THE INCEPTION OF AMERICAN HISTORY IN WASHINGTON. It is a well authenticated fact that, aside from missionaries, the first American to set tle north of the Columbia river, or in any of the territory now comprising the state of Wash ington, was Michael T. Simmons, who emi grated to Oregon in 1844 and spent the first winter at Fort Vancouver. He is described as a stalwart Kentuckian, of splendid physique, great endurance and resolute mind, possessing all the qualifications of a successful pioneer. His stay at the fort enabled him to understand the disposition of the officials of the Hudson's Bay Company relative to American occupation of the northern country. He was doubtless convinced that it was their purpose to prevent, if possible, American settlement in that region. The desire to exclude American settlement was an evidence of the value of the country. This, with his patriotic spirit, prompted Mr. Simmons to make an investigation and dis cover all he could about the region and its pros pects. An attempt to explore the dense wilder ness between the Columbia river and Puget sound was made by him and a few of his com panions during the winter. In the summer of 1845 Mr. Simmons made an extensive explora tion of Puget sound, and was deeply impressed with the commercial value of the country. He selected a site for his future home at the head of Budd's Inlet, which is the most southern extension, at the falls of the Des Chutes river. In the fall, he and others, seven in all, located on- that spot, beginning the history of the per manent settlement of Washington by Ameri cans. It was an heroic attempt, and they were brave men who made it. They were among savages who gave no special evidence of hospitality, and they were separated from the nearest white settlers by one hundred and fifty miles of dense forests. But few were added to their number during the first year. Within two years a sawmill, was built at the falls of the Des Chutes. In 1848 a few immigrants settled along the Cowlitz river. Thomas W. Glasgow explored Puget sound as far north as Whidby island, where he took a claim, being soon joined by several families. But the unfriendly attitude of the Indians necessitated the abandonment of their claims. Several things retarded the progress of the occupation of this region, among them being its isolation, the discovery of gold in California, and the brutal, massacre of Dr. AVhitman and others at Waiilatpu. The scattered families spent several years amid great perils, which could not have been endured by people of less bravery. They found the Indians, as a rule, hostile and even threatening their extermina tion, but they met the insolence of the red men with heroic defiance. This, with the timely and decisive measures of Governor Lane, and the building of Fort Steilacoom, with the aid of some friendly Indians, saved them during these critical years and made American occu pation permanent. 33 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. About the year 1850 many who had left for California at the outset of the gold ex citement returned. Mr. Simmons had been in San Francisco and had brought with him a cargo of merchandise. With this basis he opened a store at Olympia, which was the be ginning of the first town in Washington. Set tlements began to extend, and Steilacoom came into existence, and soon Port Townsend. In 1 85 1 a company of resolute pioneers, after much exploration, selected claims on Elliott bay. Among these hardy men were some who exerted a potent influence during the formative periods of territory and state, — Terry, Denny and others. The first attempt to establish a city on Elliott bay was at Alki Point. The ambition and expectation of the founders are indicated in the name which they gave to their embryonic municipality, — New York. Some of them soon removed to the east side of the bay, and the information which they received from the Indians regarding the country, especially rela tive to the accessibility of the region east of the Cascades, led them to establish a rival, city. They gave it the name of the chief, Seattle. Thus the name of an honored, true and dig nified Indian chieftain has been perpetuated. After this settlements extended with in creasing rapidity. Many people of extraor dinary intelligence and enterprise and of ster ling character came into the country. We soon find milling and coal-mining op erations beginning and within a few years the former develops to immense proportions. At the same time the country to the south is developing — the lower Chehalis valley, and the Cowlitz valley clown as far as the Colum bia river. Attempts were made to establish great cities. So, at the close of 1852, we find in what was then known as northern Oregon, settlements from the Columbia river to British Columbia and from the Cascade mountains to the Pacific coast. In this territory we find the towns of Olympia, Vancouver, Steilacoom, Se attle and Port Townsend, with an aggregate population of three thousand. A resume of historical facts will lead us to consider briefly the circumstances and events leading to and connected with the DIVISION OF TERRITORY. Some of the earliest settlers north of the Columbia probably cherished the laudable am bition of being the founders of a state. They were men of vision, and planned great things. We find that active measures looking toward separate political existence from Oregon were inaugurated as early as the 4th of July. 1851. Independence day was celebrated at Olympia by those who had settled around the head of Puget sound. Mr. J. B. Chapman, who was- the orator of the day. took for his theme "The Future State of Columbia," and treated it in an eloquent and stirring manner. The orator struck a sympathetic chord in the hearts of his hearers, and the appeal for prompt action found a ready response. During the day a committee on resolutions was appointed, and in rendering- their report they recommended that representa tives of all the districts north of the Colum bia river meet in convention at Cowlitz Land ing, for the purpose, as expressed, "of taking into careful consideration the peculiar position of the northern portion of the territorv of Ore gon, its wants, the best method of supplying these wants, and the propriety of an early ap peal to congress for a division of the terri tory." The recommendation being in accordance with the will of the people, the various districts HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 39 responded and a convention was held on the clay appointed, with twenty-six delegates pres ent. As a result of the deliberations of said convention, a memorial to congress on the sub ject of division was adopted. The Oregon delegate to the United States congress was instructed to act in accordance with the memo rial, and congress was petitioned to construct certain roads necessary for the public good, also to extend to the new territory the bene fits of the Oregon land law. For some reason congress took no action on the memorial, and consequently the enthusiasm for territorial segregation lost its ardor for a season. But the agitation did not cease, for at Olympia was established a paper which had that for its ob ject. Under the lead of this paper, called the Columbian, another convention was planned, the same being held at Monticello, on the 25th of October, 1852. There were present forty- four representative citizens, and the action was in harmony with that of the previous conven tion. Cogent reasons were prepared and sub mitted to General Lane, the delegate to con gress, for the organization of a new territory. The Oregon legislature, meeting a few days afterward, exhibited an unusually magnani mous spirit by acting in harmony with the de sires of the convention. General Lane acted without delay in introducing the measure to congress, and on. February 10, 1853, it passed by a vote of one hundred and twenty-eight to twenty-nine. The name Washington was, however, substituted for Columbia. The bill passed the senate on the second day of March, at which time the population of the new ter ritory was somewhat less than four thousand. President Pierce appointed Isaac Ingalls Ste vens, of Massachusetts, as governor. He was a man eminently fitted for the position. Other official appointments were as follows : C. H. Mason, of Rhode Island, secretary; Edward Lander, of Indiana, chief justice; John R. Miller, of Ohio, and Victor Monroe, of Ken tucky, associate justices; and J. S. Clendenin, of Louisiana, United States district at torney. The act which created the territory gave to it an area more than twice as great as was asked for in the memorial, its boundaries be ing defined- as follows: "All that portion of Oregon territory lying and being south of the forty-ninth degree of north latitude, and north of the middle of the main channel of the Co lumbia river, from its mouth to where the forty-sixth degree of north latitude crosses said river near Fort Walla Walla, thence with said forty-sixth degree of latitude to the sum mit of the Rocky mountains." This included all of the state of Washington as it now stands and also a portion of the present states of Idaho and Montana. About the last of November Governor Stevens arrived, and issued a proclamation or ganizing the government of the territory and designating the 30th for the election of a dele gate to congress and of members of the ter ritorial legislature, and February for the con vening of said legislature. Good material for the offices was not wanting, nor a sufficient number ambitious to fill them. Columbus Lan caster, of Clarke county, was elected delegate to congress. Although a worthy man in many respects, he did not prove to be qualified for the position at such a critical time. Men of fair abilities were elected as legislators, and ac complished their mission creditably. The ma terial progress of the territory was slow for several years. The Cascade mountains were a great barrier to the extension of settlements eastward. CHAPTER III. THE MISSIONS OF WALLA WALLA AND THE WHITMAN MASSACRE. Few of the pioneer lands of the west have lacked their heroes. Few have lacked their martyrs. It has been the work of some to find the passes of the mountains, to blaze trails through the wilderness, to find the river cross ings. Others have found it their task to dis cover the materials and the routes of industry and commerce. Others yet again have had the grim destiny of meeting, fighting, killing, or being killed by the unfortunate natives. Still others, very few in comparison, assumed the yet harder, and, in most minds, the thankless duty of imparting the ideas of Christianity and civilization to those poor remnants of a doomed race. Most important of all, on yet others has been laid the weightiest task, that of forming national political policies and managing the in ternational questions arising out of the struggle for possession. Any one of the various lines of duty would have been thought hard enough. We find the strange spectacle in the annals of Walla Walla of one man performing them all. This man was Marcus Whitman. The pre eminent services of this man have begun to receive a tardy recognition, and in the west at least he is now acknowledged as without a peer in the importance of his work as the foundation builder of Americanism in Oregon. Properly to understand the history of the Whitman mission and the massacre, and the events growing out of these in their bearing on the history of Walla Walla and the Oregon country, we must turn back the pages of history and take our station in the year 1832. In that year a strange thing occurred. Four Flathead Indians came from what is now Idaho to St. Louis, seeking the White Man's "Book of Life," of which they had heard some vague report from some trappers or explorers in their own land. Two years were spent by them on their strange quest, years of suffering, danger and doubt. When at last they reached St. Louis they could not find words with which to make known their wants, and for a long time they wandered, tongue-tied, through the streets. Finally coming under the notice of Governor Clark, they were sent to a Catholic priest, and from him the story reached the country. It pro duced a profound interest among the churches; seeming to them a veritable Macedonian cry. Two missions were organized for the Oregon Indians, one by the Methodists under Jason Lee in the Willamette valley in 1S34. The fol lowing" year the American Board sent Dr. Marcus Whitman of Rushville, New York, and Dr. Samuel Parker of Ithaca, New York, to examine the field and report on the condi tions for missionary work. Having reached Green river, the general rendezvous of the trappers, it was decided that Dr. Parker should continue his journey to the Pacific and Dr. Whitman should return east and make ready to come back and locate some where in Oregon Territory. Accordingly in HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 4i the early spring of 1836, in company with his newly made bride, Narcissa (Prentice) Whit man, and Rev. H. H. Spalding and wife, Dr. Whitman started across the plains. From the Loup Fork of Platte river to Green river the missionary party traveled with the fur com pany's annual detachment, but at the latter point they committed their fortunes and lives to a body of Nez Perce Indians who had come to meet them. The letters and journals of Mrs. Whitman and Mrs. Spalding give us some conception of the heroic fortitude with which they met the hardships and dangers of that unprecedented bridal journey of three thousand miles across the American wilderness. Reach ing Fort Walla Walla, now Wallula, on Sep tember 1, 1836, and being in the general vi cinity of the region where they had expected to labor, it became apparent that they would need to establish friendly relations with the Hudson's Bay Company, the great autocrats of the Columbia valley. Accordingly they made the additional journey by boat to Vancouver, where Dr. McLoughlin, a true-born king of men, received them with the kindly courtesy which always characterized his treatment of those who came to him. By his advice Whit man was established at Waiilatpu, six miles west of the present Walla Walla. We must pass rapidly over the events of the next few years. Suffice it to say that they were years of great activity on the part of the missionaries. Travelers who visited the sta tion expressed their wonder at the amount ac complished by Dr. Whitman. He had brought over two hundred acres of land under cultivation, had built several large buildings, had put into running order a small grist mil] run by a water power from Mill creek, had also a small saw-mill on Mill creek about fourteen miles above the present site of Walla Walla, had gathered together a large number of Indian children for instruction, and with all this was acting as physician to all the whites in the country and to many of the Indians. He was a keen observer of the international politics which gathered about Oregon and could not fail to see that his plans were necessarily antagonistic to those of the great English fur company, whose Briarean arms reached to all parts of the land and whose evident and in fact necessary purpose was to keep the country in a state of savagery. Although the personal re lations between Dr. Whitman and Dr. Mc Loughlin were of the pleasantest sort, each was keen enough to see that success for the one meant defeat for the other. Busy as Whitman was with the multifari ous duties which he had loaded upon himself, he became more and more absorbed in the vital question as to who was going to own this coun try. Among a number of Americans coming to Oregon in 1842, was A. L. Lovejoy, a man of intelligence and force, who informed Whit man of the pending Webster-Ashburton treaty between England and this country, the effect of which many Americans thought would be detrimental to their country. The more Whitman thought of it the more he became possessed of the idea that it was his patriotic duty to go to Washington and inform the authorities of the nature of this country and its value, and assist the emigrants of the next year to cross the plains and mountains on their way to Oregon. That was the primary idea of that great winter ride in 1842-3, made by Whitman, Lovejoy accompanying as far as Fort Bent. The details of that grand, heroic ride, with the momentous results hinging upon it and the magnificent success achieved, have been many times narrated, have been discussed, 42 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. hotly disputed, exaggerated and belittled, and yet out of the general turmoil certain historical facts may be regarded as definitely established. First, it is now conceded by all that Whitman's idea was "to save Oregon to the United States." Many writers have questioned this in the past. One writer (we are glad to say but one), Mrs. F. V. Fuller, has the unenviable distinction of having attributed low and sordid motives to the hero, believing that his object mainly was to secure the continuance of the mission as a source of profit to himself. She even at one time went so far as to suggest a doubt whether Whitman was ever in Wash ington at all. Although those to whom Whit man had related his experiences, as well as men who actually recalled seeing him in Washing ton, had given their testimony, yet these per sistent efforts to depreciate him had produced a good deal of effect in the public mind. It was therefore a matter of profound interest when in 1891 there was made in the archives of the War department an extraordinary dis covery. This was a letter from Dr. Whitman himself to the department, proposing a bill for the establishment of a line of forts from the Kansas river to the Willamette. This entire letter and proposed bill appeared in the Walla Walla Union-Journal of August 15, 1891. A perusal of it will convince any one that Whit man's aim in his tremendous exertions was political, as well as that he had all the essential elements of statesmanship. His aspersers have scarcely "peeped" since the discovery of this letter. The question of "Why Whitman went east" has ceased to he debatable. We incor porate here the beginning and closing of this letter, adding only that reference to the Union- Journal referred to, or to Dr. O. W Nixon's book, "How Marcus Whitman Saved Oregon," will give to historical, students this final word on the controversy. To the Hon. James M. Porter, Secretary of War. Sir : — In compliance with the request you did me the honor to make last winter while at Washington, I herewith transmit to you the synopsis of a bill, which, if it could be adopted, would according to my experience and observa tion prove highly conducive to the best in terests of the United States generally; to Ore gon, where I have resided for more than seven years as a missionary, and to the Indian tribes that inhabit the intermediate country. The government will now doubtless for the first time be apprised through you, and by means of this communication, of the immense migration of families to Oregon, which has taken place this year. I have since our inter view been instrumental in piloting across the route described in the accompanying bill, and which is the only eligible wagon road, no less than families, consisting of one thousand persons of both sexes, with their wagons, amounting in all to more than one hundred and twenty, six hundred and ninety-four oxen, and seven hundred and seventy-three loose cattle. * * * * Your familiarity with the government pol icy, duties and interest, renders it unnecessary for me to more than hint at the several objects intended by the inclosed bill, and any enlarge ment 'upon the topics here suggested as in ducements to its adoption would be quite su perfluous, if not impertinent. The very ex istence of such a system as the one above recommended suggests the utilitv of postoffices and mail arrangements, which it is the wish of all who now live in Oregon to have granted them, and I need only add that contracts for this purpose will be readily taken at reasonable rates for transporting the mail across from Missouri to the mouth of the Columbia in forty days, with fresh horses at each of the con templated posts. The ruling policy proposed, regards the Indians as the police of the conn- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 43 try, who are to be relied upon to keep the peace, not only for themselves, but tp repel lawless white men and prevent banditti, under the solitary guidance of the superintendent of the several posts, aided by a well directed sys tem to induce the punishment of crime. It will only be after the failure of these means to procure the delivery or punishment of violent, lawdess and savage acts of aggression, that a band or tribe should be regarded as conspira tors against.the peace, or punished accordingly by iorce of arms. Hoping that these suggestions may meet your approbation, and conduce to the future interests of our growing country, I have the honor to be, Honorable Sir, your obedient servant, Marcus Whitman. The second fact established in regard to Whitman's work is that he did produce a pro found influence on the minds of President Tyler and Secretary Webster and others in authority, and as a result, other influences, perhaps, also reaching them, our government took an entirely new stand and began to raise the demand of "Fifty-four forty." A third fact is that he published broadcast in the spring of 1843, his intention to return and pilot the train across the mountains. It is also true that many immigrants, though by no means all, were induced to come by his pres ence and representations. A fourth fact is that he triumphantly suc ceeded in conducting a thousand people, with wagons and cattle, to the promised land of Oregon. The immigration of '43 was the deciding contest in the struggle for pos session between England and the United States. The American home vanquished the English fur-trader. A fifth fact may be added to the effect that Whitman's station on the Walla Walla became the rallying point for Americans, with all their interests, between the Rocky Moun tains and the Cascades. Waiilatpu was the eastern frontier of American settlement in Ore gon. For though the mission posts of Lapwai and Tchimakain were actually farther east, they had no bearing on the political question of the time. Such briefly summarizes the acknowledged facts in regard to Dr. Whitman and his work. As to the comparative value of his services, as to the controverted questions of what some have styled the "Whitman Myth," this is not the place to speak. Suffice it to say that by the uniform testimony of his contemporaries, as well as of the students of history, Whitman was one of the heroes of America and the chief factor in giving this "Valley of Many Waters" its high rank among the sacred places of our land. But Whitman's destiny was not yet ful filled. The missionary had become the patriot, the patriot had become the hero, the hero had become the statesman. Now the statesman must become the martyr. THE WHITMAN MASSACRE. After Whitman's return in 1843 tne ^n' dians had become restive and ugly. They could form no conception of the exalted sen timents which actuated the missionaries. They began to see in a rude way the logic of Amer ican occupation. It meant a change in their whole method of life. It implied farming, cattle-raising, houses, fixed and narrowed do mains, instead of the hunting and wild life of their ancestral habits. They saw also the an tagonism between the Americans and the Brit ish, and inasmuch as the latter were the more disposed to maintain the existing condition of savagery, the Indians generally inclined to 44 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. sympathize with them. Dr. Whitman per ceived the danger and during the summer of 1847 he had in contemplation a removal to The Dalles. He had arranged to purchase the Methodist mission there and was planning to remove thither in the spring. In the meantime sinister influences were gathering around his devoted head, all unknown to him. His two principal enemies were Tamsuky, a Cayuse chief, and Joe Lewis, a renegade half-breed who had wandered to the mission, had been befriended by Whitman, and then with the inequity which seemed to be inherent in his detestable nature, became a prime mover in the murderous plot. During the summer of 1847, measles, in troduced by immigrants, became epidemic among the Cayuses. Their native method of treating anything of a feverous nature was to enter into a sweat house, stripped of clothing, and remain there until thoroughly steamed, and then plunge naked and perspiring into a cold stream. Death was the almost inevitable result. Whitman was faithful and unremitting in his ministrations, but many died. At this critical moment the wretch Lewis perceived that his oportunity had come. He made the Indians think that Whitman was poisoning them. He went so far as to affirm that he had heard a conversation between Spalding and Whitman as to what they would do when they had got possession of the country. The Indians determined to make a test case of a sick woman, giving her some of Whit man's medicine, and agreeing that if she died they would kill the missionaries. The woman died, and the plot came to a focus. Istickus of Umatilla, who had always been a warm friend of Whitman, had felt some ink ling of the plot, and suggested to him his danger. He had never realized it before, but with his daring spirit had laughed off thoughts of harm. At the warning of Istickus, Mrs. Whitman, noble, intrepid soul that she was, felt the darkening of the approaching tragedy, and was found by the children in tears for the only time since the death of her beloved little girl eight years before. The doctor told her that if possible he would arrange to remove down the river at once. But the next day, the fatal 29th of No vember, 1847, dawned. Great numbers of Tamsuky's adherents were in the vicinity. Survivors of the massacre say that on the day before, the little hill on which the monument is now situated, was black with Indians look ing down upon the scene. Their presence and their unfriendly looks added to the alarm felt by Mrs. Whitman. At about 1 o'clock on the 29th, as Dr. Whit man was sitting reading, a number of Indians entered and having attracted his attention by the accustomed request for medicine, one of them, said afterwards by the Indians to have been Tamahas, drew forth a hatchet and buried it in the head of his benefactor. Another named Telaukait, who had received many fa vors from Whitman, then came up and pro ceeded to beat and hack the noble face that had never expressed any sentiment but kindness toward those children of darkness. The work of murder, thus begun, was followed with fiendish energy. None of the white men, scat tered and unsuspecting, could offer any ef fective resistance. They were quickly shot down, with the exception of such as were in places sufficiently remote to elude observation and glide away at night. Five men in that manner escaped and after incredible suffering reached places of safety. Mrs. Whitman was the only woman who suffered death. The other women were shamefully outraged, and HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 45 the children, both boys and girls, were held in captivity several days. William McBean, the Hudson Bay agent at Fort Walla Walla, displayed a dastardly spirit when he learned of the massacre, for instead of rescuing, he refused to harbor one man, Mr. Hall, who had escaped as far as the fort, but shut the door on him, with the result that he perished. A courier was sent by McBean to Vancouver, but he did not even warn the people at The Dalles of their danger, though happily they were not molested. As soon as James Douglas, then chief factor in the place of Dr. McLoughlin, heard of the massacre, he dispatched Peter Skeen Ogden with a force to rescue the sur vivors. Ogden showed a commendable zeal and efficiency, and by the expenditure of sev eral hundred dollars, ransomed forty-seven women and children. The names of the mur dered were Marcus Whitman, Narcissa Whit man, John Sager, Francis Sager, Crocket Bew- ley, Isaac Gillen, James Young, and Rogers, Kimball, Sales, Marsh, Saunders, Hoffman and Hall. A lock of long, fair hair was subse quently found on the site of the massacre which was undoubtedly taken from the head of Mrs. Whitman. It is now preserved among the precious relics in Whitman College. Such was this dreadful event which at the now peaceful site of the Waiilatpu desecrated all the sanctities of life and left a tragic stain on the heroic pages of Walla Walla's history. As one stands now upon the monument hill and views that entrancing rural scene, the sil very bend of the Walla Walla, the dark green belts of birch and Cottonwood, the bright fields of alfalfa, the continuous wheat-fields, green or gold with changing seasons, the gullied Um atilla highlands to the west, the roofs and spires of Walla W'alla, near at hand to the east, with the many-hued Blue mountains filling the back ground of the east and south, it is hard to realize how Waiilatpu was once torn and beaten with the relentless cruelty of savage warfare. Still harder is it to realize that the momentous world question of the ownership of Oregon came nearer its focus of settlement in this quiet spot than anywhere else. The people of Walla Walla are not greatly given to imagining or idealizing, and hence do not generally realize the historical significance of the old mission ground. The time will surely come when they wil.1 perceive that the richest products of field and orchard have played but a small part in making Walla Walla known compared with that tale of heroism and patriotism. Among many reminiscences of that time those of some of the hapless children are the most vivid and doubtless the most reliable, for a child's memory for details, as well as in genuousness and freedom from prejudices, gives such testimony the greatest value. Among the children was Mrs. Jacobs, now matron of Billing's Hall, Whitman College. Her re membrances of the horrors of the massacre, and the equally dreadful details of the escape of the Osborne family, of which she was a member, have the intensity of fire even after the lapse of these fifty-three years. Mr. Os borne gave to Mr. Spalding many years ago for publication an account of his escape, from which we take the following extracts. Mr. Osborne says : "As the guns fired and the yells commenced I leaned my head upon the bed and committed myself and family to my Maker. My wife removed the loose floor. I dropped under the floor with my sick family in their night clothes, taking only two woolen sheets, a piece of bread and some cold mush, and pulled the floor over us. In five minutes the room was full of Indians, but they did not discover us. The roar of guns, the yell of the savages 46 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. and the crash of clubs and knives and the groans of the dying continued till dark. We distinctly heard the dying groans of Mrs. Whitman, Mr. Rogers and Francis, till they died away one after the other. We heard the last words of Mr. Rogers in a slow voice call ing 'Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.' Soon .after this I removed the floor and we went out. We saw the white face of Francis by the door. It was warm as we laid our hand upon it, but he was dead. I carried my two youngest chil dren, who were sick, and my wife held on to my clothes in her great weakness. We had all been sick with measles.' Two infants had died. She had not left her bed for six weeks till that day, when she stood up a few minutes. The naked, painted Indians were dancing the scalp dance around a large fire at a little dis tance. There seemed no hope for us and we knew not which way to go, but bent our steps toward Fort Walla Walla. A dense cold fog- shut out every star and the darkness was com plete. We could see no trail and not even the hand before the face. We had to feel out the trail with our feet. My wife almost fainted but staggered along. Mill creek, which we had to wade, was high with late rains and came up to the waist. My wife in her great weakness came nigh washing down, but held to my ¦clothes. I braced myself with a stick, holding a child in one arm. I had to cross five times for the children. The water was icy cold and the air freezing some. Staggering along about two miles, Mrs. Osborne fainted and could go no further, and we hid ourselves in the brush of the Walla Walla river, not far below Tam- sukey's (a chief) lodges, who was very active at the commencement of the butchery. We were thoroughly wet and the cold fog like snow was about us. The cold mud was partially frozen as we crawled, feeling our way, into the dark brush. We could see nothing the dark ness was so extreme. I spread one wet sheet down on the frozen ground ; wife and children crouched upon it. I covered the other over them. I thought they must soon perish as they were shaking and their teeth rattling with cold. I kneeled down and commended us to my Maker. The day finally dawned and we could see the Indians riding furiously up and down the trail. Sometimes they would come close .to the brush and our blood would warm and the shaking would stop from fear for a moment. The day seemed a week. Expected every moment my wife would breathe her last. Tuesday night, felt our way to the trail and staggered along to Sutucksnina (Dog creek), which we waded as we did the other creek, and kept on about two miles when my wife fainted and could go no farther. Crawled into the brush and frozen mud to shake and suffer on from hunger and cold, and without sleep. The chil dren, too, wet and cold, called incessantly for food, but the shock of groans and yells at first so frightened them that they did not speak loud. Wednesday night my wife was too weak to stand. I took our second child and started for Walla Walla; had to wade the Touchet; stopped frequently in the brush from weakness; had not recovered from measles. Heard a horseman pass and repass as I lay concealed in the willows. Have since learned it was Mr. Spalding. Reached Fort Walla Walla after daylight ; begged Mr. McBean for horses to get my family, for food, blankets and clothing to take to them, and to take care of my child till I could bring my family in, should I live to find them alive. Mr. McBean told me I could not bring my family to his fort. "Mr. Hall came in on Monday night, but he could not have an American in his fort, and HISTORY" OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 47 he had put him over the Columbia river ; that he could not let me have horses or anything for my wife and children, and I must go to Uma tilla. I insisted on bringing my family to the fort, but he refused ; said he would not let us in. I next begged the priests to show pity, as my wife and children must perish and the In dians undoubtedly would kill me, but with no success. I then begged to leave my child who was not safe in the fort, but they refused. "There were many priests in the fort. Mr. McBean gave me breakfast, but I saved most of it for my family. Providentially Mr. Stan ley, an artist, came in from Colville, narrowly escaped the Cayuse Indians by telling them he w-as 'Alain' H. B. He let me have his two horses, some food he had left from Rev. Eells and Walker's mission; also a cap, a pair of socks, a shirt and handkerchief, and Mr. Mc Bean furnished an Indian who proved most faithful, and Thursday night we started back, taking my child, but with a sad heart that I could not find mercy at the hands of the priests of God. The Indian guided me in the thick darkness to where I supposed I had left my dear wife and children. We could see nothing and dared not call aloud. Daylight came and I was exposed to Indians, but we continued to search till I was about to give up in despair when the Indian discovered one of the twigs I had broken as a guide in coming out to the trail. Following these he soon found my wife and children still alive. I distributed what little food and clothing I had, and we started for the Umatilla, the guide leading the way to a ford. "Mr. McBean came and asked who was there. . I replied. He said he could not let us in; we must go to Umatilla or he would put us over the river, as he had Mr. Hall. My ¦wife replied she would die at the gate but she would not leave. He finally opened and took us into a secret room and sent an allowance of food for us every day. Next day I asked him for blankets for my sick wife to lie on. He had nothing. Next day I urged again. He had nothing to give but would sell a blanket out of the store. I told him I had lost every thing, and had nothing to pay; but if I should live to get to the Willamette I would pay. He consented. But the hip-bones of my dear wife wore through the skin on the hard floor. Stickus, the chief, came in one day and took the cap from his head and gave it to me, and a handkerchief to my child." Mr. Osborne and his family finally went to the Willamette valley, where they lived many years as honored members of the community, though Mrs. Osborne never entirely regained her health from the dreadful experiences of the massacre and the escape. A less distressing case of a few weeks later is presented in the following extract from some reminiscences of Mrs. Catherine Pringle of Colfax. Mrs. Pringle was one of the Sager children adopted by Dr. and Mrs. Whitman. The story of a Christmas dinner which fol lows was given by Mrs. Pringle to the Com moner of Colfax in 1893: "The Christmas of 1847," said Mrs. Prin gle, "was celebrated in the midst of an Indian village, where the American families who kept the day were hostages, whose lives were in constant danger. There is something tragic ally humorous about that Christmas, and I laugh when I think of some of the things that I cried over on that day. "When the survivors moved to the Indian village, a set of guards was placed over us, and those guards were vagabond savages, in whose charge nobody was safe. Many times we thought our final hour had come. They 48 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ordered us around like slaves, and kept us busy cooking for them. Whenever we made a dish, they compelled us to eat of it first, for fear there was poison in it. They kept up a din and noise that deprived us of peace by day and sleep at night. Some days before Christmas we complained to the chief of the village, who was supposed to be a little gener ous in our regard, and he gave us a guard of good Indians, under command of one whom we knew as 'Beardy.' The latter had been friendly to Dr. Whitman; he had taken no part in the massacre, and it was claimed to be through his intercession that our lives were spared. "We hailed the coming of Beardy as a providential thing, and so when the holiday dawned the elder folks resolved to make the children as happy as the means at hand would allow. "Mrs. Sanders had brought across the plains with her some white llour and some dried peaches, and these had been brought to our abode in William Gray's mission. White flour was a luxury, and so were dried peaches then. Mrs. Sanders made white bread on Christmas morning, and then she made peach pie. Beardy had been so kind to us that we had to invite him to our Christmas dinner. We had ever so many pies, it seemed, and Beardy thought he had tasted nothing so good in all his life. Fie sat in one corner of the kitchen and crammed piece after, piece, of that dried peach pie into his mouth. We were de termined that he should have all the pie he wanted, even if some of us went hungry, be cause Beardy was a friend on whose fidelity probably our lives depended. "And so we had our Christmas festival, and we sang songs and thanked heaven that we were still alive. After dinner and about an hour after Beardy went away, we were thrown into alarm by a series of mad yells, and we heard Indian cries of 'Kill them ! Tomahawk them !' A band of savages started to attack the Gray residence, and we saw- them from the windows. Our time had come and some of us began to pray. The day that opened with fair promises was about to close in despair. "To our amazement and horror, the Indian band was led by Beardy himself, the Indian we counted on to protect us in just such emer gencies. He was clamoring for the death of all the white women. "Fortune favored us at this critical junc ture, for just as the Indians were entering the house messengers arrived from Fort AYalla AYalla. The messengers knew Beardy well, and they advanced on him and inquired the reason of his wild language. ' 'Me poisoned,' cried Beardy; 'me killed. White squaw poison me. Me always white man's friend; now me enemy. White squaw must die.' "That would be a liberal translation of the Indian words. Then followed a colloquy be tween Beardy and the messengers, and from the language used we gleaned that Beardy had suffered from an overdose of American pie, and not knowing about the pains that lie in wait after intemperate indulgence even in pie, he rushed to the conclusion that the pie had been poisoned. "It required a long time for the messen gers to convince Beardy that the women were innocent of any intention to cause him pain, but that he was simply suffering- from the effects of inordinate indulgence in an indiges tible luxury. "The messengers talked Beardy into a reasonable frame of mind; he called off his HISTORY7 OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 49 horde of savages, and peace once more spread her wings over the William Gray mission. "We were all happy that night — happy that Mrs. Sanders' pie had not been the means of a wholesale slaughter of white families on Christmas day. "The messengers I speak of brought good news from the fort. Succor was at hand, and on December 29th we were moved to the fort, and started down the river to The Dalles, January 3, 1848. The Christmas of the year 1847, as it was celebrated in this territory, offers somewhat of a contrast to the Yule- tide merriment in all the churches and homes to-day." We have now described the Whitman mis sion, Whitman's midwinter journey, his work for Oregon, and the massacre. It now re mains to speak of the Cayuse war, which fol lowed as a natural sequence. THE CAYUSE WAR. The ransomed missionaries from Waiil atpu, Lapwai and Tchimakain reached the Willamette valley in safety. Concerning those from Lapwai and Tchimakain, it may be said here to the credit of the Indians, that though one band, the Cayuses, were murder ers, two bands, the Nez Perces and Spokanes, were saviors. Few things more thrilling ever came under the observation of the writer than the narrations by Fathers Eells and Walker of the circuit of the Spokanes at Tchimakain to decide whether or not to join the Cayuses. The lives of the missionaries hung on the decision. Imagine their emotions as they waited with bated breath in their mission house to know the result. After hours of excited discussion with the Cayuse emissaries, the 4 Spokanes announced their conclusion : "Go and tell the Cayuses that the missionaries are our friends and we will defend them with our lives." The Nez Perces made the same de cision. Bold though those Cayuses were — ¦ the fiercest warriors of the Inland Empire — their hearts must have sunk within them as they saw that the Umatillas, the Nez Perces and the Spokanes, and even the Hudson's Bay Company, were all against them and that they must meet the infuriated whites from the Wil lamette. For as soon as tidings reached the Willamette the provincial government at once entered upon the work of equipping fourteen companies of volunteers by an act of Decem ber 9. These volunteers mainly provided their own horses, arms and ammunition, without a thought of pecuniary gain or even reimburse ment. Cornelius Gilliam, father of W. S. Gilliam, of Walla Walla, was chosen colonel of the regiment, and with great energy pushing all necessary arrangements, he set forth from the rendezvous at The Dalles on February 27th, 1848. Several battles occurred on the way, the most severe being at Sand Hollows, in the Umatilla country. Five Crows and War Eagle, the great fighters of the Cayuse tribe, had gathered their braves to dispute the cross ing of the Umatilla river. The former claimed that by his wizard powers he could stop all bullets, and the latter agreed to swallow all that were fired at him. But at the first onset the "Swallow Ball" was killed, and the wizard was so severely wounded as to be obliged to retire from the war. Nevertheless the Indians maintained a- plucky fight and the whites suf fered several casualties. The Indians broke at last and the way to Waiilatpu was clear. Gilliam's command reached it on March 4th. They paused several days to recuperate and 5° HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. give a reverent burial to the remains of the martyrs, which had been hastily covered with earth when Ogden ransomed the captives, but were afterwards partially exhumed by coyotes. The Indians had now fallen back to Snake river. Following them thither the whites were somewhat outgeneraled. They surprised and captured a camp of Indians, among whom were, as afterwards discovered, some of the murderers themselves. But the wily Cayuses professed great friendship, and pointing to a large band of horses on the hill, said that the hostiles had abandoned them and crossed the river. Completely deluded, the whites sur rendered the camp and rounding up the horses started on their return. And now the released captives, mounting at once, began a furious attack which proved so harrassing that the volunteers were obliged to retreat to the Touchet, and finally, although they repelled the Indians, they let loose the captured horses. These the Indians seized, vanishing with them over the plains. But the Indians in general had no wish to fight, and finding that the whites insisted on a surrender of the murderers, the tribe scattered in various directions; Tamsuky with his friends going to the head waters of the John Day. There they remained for two years. In 1850 a band of Umatillas under took to capture them, and after a fierce fight killed Tamsuky and captured a number. Of the captives five were hanged at Oregon City on June 3d, 1850. The Cayuse Indians assert, however, that only one of those condemned was really guilty. That was Tamahas, who struck Dr. AA'nitman the first fatal blow. The claim that the others were innocent is very likely true, and if so is but another instance of the lamentable failure to apply either pun ishment or mercy accurately, which has char acterized all Indian wars on both sides. The innocent have borne the sins of the guilty in more ways than one. Many men afterwards famous in Oregon and Washington history took part in the Cay use war. Among those we may name James Nesmith, afterwards United States senator, and father of Mrs. Ankeny, of Walla Walla. William Martin, of Pendleton, was a captain in that war. Joel Palmer, Tom McKay, J. M. Garrison and many others bore. their part in that beginning, as later in the maturer de velopment of the country. Colonel Gilliam. who had shown himself a brave and capable commander, was accidentally killed on the re turn, a most melancholy end of a career which was full of promise to this countrv. In taking our leave of this great epoch in the varied history of AA'alla AA'alla, we can only say in the way of reflection, that, griev ous as this end of Whitman's career was, it will no doubt ultimately be seen to have pro duced greater results for this region and the world than if he had survived to enjoy a well- merited rest. For the subsequent development of this section, the founding of Whitman Col lege, and the whole train of circumstances arising from American occupation may be seen in some measure to have grown out of the tragedy of Waiilatpu. Here, as elsewhere, martyrdom seems a necessary accompaniment of the profoundest progress. While the offenses of the Indians cannot be condoned, yet charity compels the admission that the poor creatures were hardly more responsible than the wild beasts who also disputed the ground with civ ilized man, and though the progress of the world demanded the removal of both as ob stacles, yet the disposition of many people to indiscriminate hate and to hold savages to a higher standard of responsibility than we HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 5i would allow even for the best of ourselves, does little credit to our boasted civilization and Christianity. The following interview casts so vivid a light on our earlier time, and bears so directly on the Whitman epoch, that we preserve it here entire. INTERVIEW WITH L. T. BOYD. Mr. Boyd is a well-known pioneer of Vv alia Walla. He came to Oregon in 1843 ^*ith the famous wagon train led by Dr. Marcus Whit man. He drove Dr. Whitman's cart part of the way and was well acquainted with him. On October 5, 1900, he gave the following account of his experience at that time and of his subsequent life : "The way I came to get started was some what peculiar. My uncle with whom I was living gave me a tremendous thrashing one day, which riled me so that I gathered to gether my clothes and struck out afoot and alone. I came up into Jackson county, Mis souri, and got in with an old farmer and lived with him a couple of years. One day the farmer's daughter told me that my uncle had got wind of where I was and was coming after me, so I skipped out from there and in the spring, having heard that an immigration was going to start from this country, I joined it. AA^e started from Independence, JVJissouri, in the spring of '43 with about one hundred and fifty wagons which averaged about ten people to the wagon. It was commonly believed by the people in the wagon train that it was Dr. Whitman's influence that brought them to gether. "I was a lad of about nineteen years of age at that time and was assigned to drive Dr. Whitman's cart. The Doctor himself rode ahead with the captain of the immigration, Applegate, in a light wagon. They took with them when they started out each morning, a bundle of long sharp stakes with white rags tied to their tops. Every half mile or so they would set up one of these stakes and the driver of the lead teams of the wagon train took these as his guide posts. When they struck a good place to camp with plenty of grass and water, they would stop and the train when it came up would stay there for the night. I drove the Doctor's cart every other clay until we reached Fort Boise and from there I drove it all the way. "We had a good deal of rough weather along through the country near the Missouri river, but after we got to the Platte we had good weather all the way out. The first bad luck We had was in crossing the Platte. The water was so deep that it would get into the beds of the wagons and we were afraid that we would lose all our provisions. We had to stop and figure out a way of getting the provisions and things that water would spoil, across in some way. At last we hit upon the scheme of building buffalo boats. So we struck out and killed a lot of buffalo and made boats out of their hides in which to take the stuff across. To get the boats across was no small trick in itself. We made long ropes of hide, and when a boat was filled a man would swim his horse to the nearest island, taking the loose end of the rope with him. When he was securely on the island the boat would be swung from the shore and the current would help to put it over to the island. Then the man would go from that island to the next until the boat and its cargo were ferried across. This process took a lot of time but was the best we could do. There were some cattle lost by getting mired in the sand and two women came near getting 52 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. drowned. They had passed one island in safe ty and were just being swung to another when their raft sunk and they were left floundering in the water. They would certainly have per ished had it not been for the bravery of Char ley Applegate and Mr. Gilliam, who swam out from shore and rescued them just as they were being carried into the swift water above the rapids. "The wagons went in single file until we saw signs of Indians. Then they would form in a column of twos, and if Indians actually came in sight we drove four and four. At night we made a round corral by running the tongue of one wagon up on the hind wheel of the next wagon in front, and then camped in side of that. One wagon would take the lead one day and the next day the wagon behind it would take the lead and the first wagon would fall back to the rear. We had to break the sage brush and it would have been too hard for one team to break the road all the time. All along the Platte there was heavy sand. "We crossed the North Platte at the Cot tonwood grove and took across and struck the South Platte nearly one hundred miles be low Independent Rock, which is right in the gap of the Rocky mountains. We never saw an Indian on the plains except at Cottonwood grove. There we met a war party, and when they saw us coming they all formed in line be side the Indian trail and got off their horses. We came up to them four abreast and formed a corral and put the women and children in side of that. Then we made motions to the Indians to come down as we wanted to know what they were going to do. They made signs that they wanted to be friendly, so they came down and we gave them bacon, flour and meat and such things as we could spare. When they got ready to go they got up and raised a war whoop, got on their horses and away they went. This was the only party of Indians that we saw except the Indians at the forts. "We had hunting parties out nearly all the time. AYe laid over at Sweetwater gap for about a week and all the men went out and killed buffalo and antelope and laid in a stock of dried meat. There was plenty of game and we had no trouble in getting a big supply. One day when we were about forty miles this side of Sweetwater gap we saw a big cloud of dust rising away out to the south. Pretty soon we saw that it was a great herd of buffalo heading our way. We hurried up and drove as fast as we could, but the herd struck us about mid-way of the train. Dr. AA'nitman gave us orders to make a gap for them, for if we didn't they would make one for themselves and mash cattle, men and wagons into the dust. We made a gap about two hundred yards wide for them and killed a lot of them as they went through. The cattle of the front wagons got scared and ran for about a mile before they could be stopped. They turned one wagon right over on top of a family of three little children, but fortunately no one was hurt. Another time some buffalo came near camp and scared a team so that it ran away and ran over a woman and broke a little child's arm. "Not long after starting- we held an elec tion and elected Dr. Whitman guide, or pilot, as you might say, because he knew the route so well, and especially from Fort Hall down he knew it perfectly. Jesse Applegate was elected captain until we got to Fort Hall. There some of the wagons got to lagging be hind and we broke up into two trains. Lind say .Applegate took charge of the head train and Charley Applegate took charge of the hind HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 53 train. The trains arrived about a week apart. After we got this side of the Black Hills the wagons took their own gait, staying in companies of four or five wagons, and were scattered from that time until we reached the valley. Whitman stayed in the first train all the time. When his team fagged the com pany would furnish cattle and he would go on. "Dr. Whitman would give us family prayer every night and morning and preach once in a while, probably two sermons a week; nearly every Sunday evening he would have a sermon. He would give out word every morn ing that he would have family prayers, and as regular as the night came he would coma out to the guard tent and have prayer out there. Everyone thought a great deal of him. They thought that what he said was about right. Of course there were some that didn't like him, but that was only natural because there were so many of them. "I have heard him say that he went back to Washington on business, but he never talked much about it, or told what particular busi ness he went back on. "He was sandy complexioned, a man that would stand about five feet seven or eight, and when he talked he talked fast. His eyes, I think, were blue, his mouth tolerably small and his teeth very white and even. As well as I can recollect, his forehead was rather square and his temples came out full and his brows were shaggy. He had a heavy beard. He was raw-boned, broad shouldered and stood as straight as an Indian. He was a good horse man and had splendid powers of endurance. He could stand almost anything and was al ways ready to take the lead in clanger or work. If any one was out longer than usual, he was the first one to say: 'Come, boys, let's go and hunt for him.' Sometimes they would find the lost one and sometimes he would get back to the train before they did. He did most of the doctoring. There was not much sickness in the immigration, only two deaths ; a little child died on the way and a man named Rich ardson died at Fort Hall. "They looked to AATritman for everything; for orders and for directions to travel. AATien we came to the Black Hills he told us he would have to stop and make roads across the swamp. He superintended the making of the corduroy roads in person. It took us two weeks to cut poles and carry them in. AAre laid down three long poles or strings of poles for stringers and then laid other poles across them. There was about a mile of road in one place and a quarter of a mile in another that we had to build, but there were so many of us that it did not take long. Dr. AVhitman did the managing of it and stayed right with the company till they got it done, working right along with the rest of the men. I do not think a more willing man to do work ever drew breath, and if there was anything that needed attention anywhere in the camp, he would get up at any time of night to attend to it. He was always in the place where there was the greatest need of some one to take hold and do things. "At Fort Hall the Hudson's Bay officials and trappers tried to get us to turn and go to California. They were going in that way trapping and they did not want us in their hunting grounds ; but we had our heads set on Oregon and we made up our minds to go through. Then they tried their best to get us to leave our wagons and pack our stuff the rest of the way on horses. They said that we couldn't cross the rivers, that the Indians would scalp us and drive our stock off, and that even with pack-horses the trail was difficult, but with wagons it was impossible. HISTORY OF AA'rALLA AVALLA COUNTY. Dr. Whitman got up and told the men that they could get their wagons the rest of the way just as easily as they had gotten them to Fort Hall, and he told us that he had already taken his wagon there. AA^e told the Hudson's Bay people that w:e had made up our minds to fol low Dr. Whitman and wherever he went or said we could go we were going. "AA^e thought that Oregon belonged to the Indians and in the long run would belong to the United States unless the English got hold of it, and they were trying mighty hard to' get hold of it. The settlers made no difference between the land north of the Columbia river and south of it; it was all Oregon to the Sis kiyou mountains. It was the treaty of 1846 that really settled the Oregon question, and we all felt that it was our settling in Oregon in 1S43 that saved the country to the United States. "Along in the winter of 1842 Whitman made a speech at Independence, Missouri, and it was published and they got hold of it down in Franklin county and St. Louis. He made this speech at Independence on his way to Washington, D. C. It got spread around that there was to be an immigration the next spring, and a rendezvous was appointed at a place about ten miles from Independence. When AATiitman came back from Washington in April, he made another speech that he was going to take this immigration through to Oregon and that he would go all the way with them. "AATien we got to the Snake river an amus ing incident occurred that came well nigh being fatal in its outcome. At the first cross ing a Dutchman named Stemmerman tried to drive a cow across, as she would not lead. When the cow got to swimming water, he took hold of her tail to help himself along. The cow did not like this performance, and turning around gave him a jab in the ribs with her horns. He let go the cow's tail and sank. As he did not come up some of the men jumped in and brought him out, and then we had to roll him over a cottonwood log until he came to. "When we got to the Grande Ronde valley the Doctor was called up to the Clearwater to attend Mrs. Spalding, so he left us and we went on. We came right through Union and LaGrande and up past where Baker City now is. Coming through the Blue mountains we had a pretty hard time building, corduroy roads in many places, and in general- experi enced about the hardest part of the whole trip almost at its end. "If I recollect right it was about the mid dle of September when we struck the Whit man mission. AAre found an adobe house- about 30x40, some out-buildings and a corral made of willow brush. The flour mill had been burned by the Indians during the Doc tor's absence. "I believe that there were ten wagons thaf stopped at the station during the winter and the rest of the wagons went on down into the valley. AA'hen the cattle got rested up they came to The Dalles and came down in boats from there. "We settled in Yamhill county, Oregon, and I stayed there until a month or two be fore the massacre. "We got news that the Indians were get ting bad and we came up to kind of corral them. They all appeared to be friendly and we took a notion to take a little scout up around. the Snake and Clearwater. AAre roved around until the news came that the Indians had killed Whitman and all the family. A-Ve gathered together and came back again and stayed for HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 55 about eighteen months, ransacking the coun try all over. The Indians got word that we were hunting them and they brought the girls that they had captured to Wallula, then Fort Walla Walla. We had one skirmish up here about four miles this side of the mouth of the Clearwater. We killed "about forty of them and threw them in the river. While we were counting how many we had killed, we ran across one old Indian whose horse had fallen on him and pinned him to the ground. As we came along he pulled his bow and arrow on us, but he only shot a couple of his shafts before we fixed him and threw him in the river with the rest. Only two of our boys were wounded and they not enough to make them stay behind. "We got a lot of them corralled in the Big Bend about ten o'clock one night and waited until daybreak to pick our ground to fight. The next morning at daybreak we opened fire on them, and, as the saying is, 'the river ran red.' We didn't show any mercy on them and when the fight was over we took some scalps in regular Indian style and strung them to our saddle bows. The Indians fought with bows and arrows and old flint locks, but they were pretty good fighters. This was our last big fight and it occurred about eighteen months after the massacre. When we got back to AVallula they tried to get us to go back with the regulars to the valley, but we said we hadn't followed the regulars up here and weren't going to follow them back." CHAPTER IV. INITIAL ATTEMPT TO ORGANIZE WALLA WALLA COUNTY — ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES — OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS PROGRESS IMPEDED BY INDIAN OUTBREAK. Reference has already been incidentally made to the organization of Walla Walla coun ty, but it is clearly incumbent that further de tails be given in regard to the vicissitudes and circumstances which attended the efforts made to erect the county. At the first session of the legislature of the territory after its organization sixteen counties were created, among the num ber being Walla Walla, whose boundaries were described as follows: "Commencing its line on the north bank of the Columbia river, opposite the mouth of the Des Chutes river, and running thence north to the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude ;" and it took in all of Washington Ter ritory between this line and the Rocky mount ains. Thus it will be seen that the original county included what are now northern Idaho and northern Montana, the greater portion of Klickitat and Yakima counties, and all of the territory comprised within the present counties of Spokane, Stevens, AATiitman, Columbia, Garfield and A\ralla AA^alla. Of the counties of our great state AA^alla AValla may be most consistently designated as the "mother of coun ties." The population of this monster county was very small and widely scattered, so that it be came expedient to attach it to Skamania county, contiguous on the west, for judicial purposes. The county thus had assignment to the first judicial district, over which Judge Obadiah B. McFadclen presided. The counties of AA^alla 56 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Walla, Skamania and Clarke were jointly al lowed one member in the legislative assembly, and the county-seat was by enactment located on the land claim of Lloyd Brooke, who had, as previously noted, established himself at the old AATiitman mission. This first legislature, that of 1854, duly reinforced the political and official dignity of the new county, as is shown in the following extract from the proceedings of the session: "That George C. Bumford, John Owens and A. Dominique Pambrun be, and they are hereby constituted and appointed, the board of county commissioners ; and that Narcises Redmond be, and is hereby appointed sheriff; and that Lloyd Brooke be, and is hereby appointed, judge of probate, and shall have jurisdiction as justice of the peace; all in and for the county of AA'alla AArall.a." Of these ap pointments Gilbert's history speaks somewhat facetiously, as follows : "Some of these offi cials never knew of the honor that had been cast at their feet; and Mr. Pambrun, in 1882, insisted to the writer that hitherto he had been ignorant of this early application to himself of Shakespeare's fancy, when he wrote that, 'Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.' None of these parties acted officially in the positions to which they were chosen; and their appoint ment, in a region including less than a dozen American citizens, was a legislative absurdity." It will be readily inferred that the Indians yet held practical dominion in the county, and there had as yet been no enactment for the ex tinguishment of their title to the land within its environments. When this enactment was finally made, it may be said in passing, it gave slight evidence of the application of justice and was a veritable travesty. It must be admitted that there was but little to attract settlers to this section at that time, for land could be easily secured nearer the centers of civilization, where the hardships to be endured were far less and where the menace from the Indians was eliminated. Indeed, it is a matter of fact that the federal government as yet had no right to give title to any claim for lands in the region lying between the Rocky and Cascade mount ains. Yet such- were the opulent resources but waiting proper development, that the settle ment of the country could not be long de ferred. The next session of the territorial legisla ture was held in January, 1855, at which time a second attempt was made to bring about a genuine organization of the county. A statute was adopted on the -24th of January, and by the provisions of the same the following officers were chosen: Probate judge, Lloyd Brooke; county auditor, Lloyd Brooke; county treasur er, Lloyd Brooke; county sheriff, Shirley En sign; justice of the peace, George C. Bumford; county commissioners, John Owens, George C. Bumford, John F. Noble. The county was further authorized to elect two representatives to the territorial legislature. It is interesting to relate that none of the gentlemen mentioned seemed to desire the honors or emoluments of public office, since none of them qualified for the duties of the respective positions, thus leav ing the county organization one of merely nom inal character, as before. Thus it may be seen that Walla Walla county was born of sore travail and that her infant days were regarded with most apathetic interest. But the day of better things was even now dawning, for soon indisputable inducements were offered to the white settlers. But before the day was fairly to break it was necessary that there should precede, as there has in nearly every American settlement, that hour of darkness before the dawn, an In- COUNTY COURT HOUSE and HALL OF RECORDS. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 57 dian war. Fully to narrate this, with its causes and results, will require two long chapters. A few brief statements, however, as to- the first attempts at settlement may be fittingly connected with this chapter, though in chro nology they carry us somewhat beyond the Indian wars of the succeeding chapters. BEGINNING OF SETTLEMENT OF EASTERN WASH INGTON. Subsequent to the Whitman massacre, con cerning which special mention has been made on other pages of this volume, the country east of the Cascade mountains, in area the larger portion of the territory of AVashington, had been without any white settlers, excepting a few here and there. Therefore it had no part in the initiatory steps toward territorial organi zation. Prior to the '60s it had scarcely any history except that connected with the early ex plorations, the labors of the early missionaries, the Indians and Indian wars. The first settler in eastern Washington after the missionaries was Henry M. Chase, who entered the AA''alla Walla valley in 185 1. He was soon followed by Lloyd Brooke, George C. Bumford and John F. Noble, the three for a time occupying the AATiitman mission. They had to leave be tween 1855 ar,d 1858. After the Indians had been thoroughly subjugated through the vigor ous campaign of Colonel George Wright, the interdict of Major-General AA'ool against the oc cupancy of eastern Washington by white people was rescinded by his successor in command, General N. G. Clarke. Accordingly the whole country was thrown open to settlement in 1858. Soon we find a considerable number of families, farmers and stockmen in the AA'alla AValla val ley, and also along and adjacent to the streams flowing from the Blue mountains. Thus the development of the Inland Empire became as sured. In January, 1859, the territorial legis lature organized the county of AA^alla Walla, and a small village began to grow around Mill creek, about five miles from the Whitman mis sion. Its first name was Steptoeville, then Waiilatpu. It was selected as the county-seat, and when the commissioners assembled they gave it the' name of AValla Walla. The county was so large that one of the commissioners lived only about sixty miles from the present site of Missoula, Montana. It would have taken i him six weeks to reach his county-seat on horseback and return. He never qualified. In i860 the Salmon river gold discovery gave a wonderful, impetus to immigration and settlement north of the Snake river, and by the opening of the year 1861 the mining excitement in that region was at its height. Adventurous mining prospectors flocked in from all direc tions. It was a veritable and typical rush for the precious metal, and, as usual in such cases, misfortunes were more in evidence than suc cesses. The winter of 186 1-2 was an excep- . tionally severe one, and the gold-seekers on their way to the Salmon river country suffered great hardships, as did, indeed, the settlers of eastern \Arashington, also. But the influx of population was stopped for but a short time. In the spring of 1862 the people flowed in in a tide, estimated at from five to fifteen thousand, while some say they were twenty thousand strong. With all the misfortunes concomitant with this almost unparalleled gold excitement, it served as the means of ushering in a new civili zation, for it initiated the marvelous develop ment which has taken place in the upper Colum bia country. Lewiston, at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater rivers, was laid out early in 1862. The territorial legislature of 1859 created Spokane county, lying north of Snake HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. river to the British line. March 3, 1863, con gress passed an act organizing the territory of Idaho out of the eastern part of Washington, including nearly all the mining region. There were at that time in eastern Washington the counties of Walla Walla, Klickitat and Spokane. The increase in population north of the Snake river during the next decade was slow. This region had but few scattered set tlers, not including the United States soldiers. The limits of this work preclude the addition of details with respect to settlements other than those of Walla Walla. It may be sufficient to say here, that Walla Walla contained the only settlement worth mention in what is now Washington for some years after the opening of the country in 1859. CHAPTER V. THE INDIAN WARS OF THE 'FIFTIES. AVe have seen in the previous chapter the struggle for possession with England. Ameri ca won. Her home-builders outmatched the fur-traders. But there was, as there always has been in our national history, another inevitable struggle for possession. This was with the In dians. The so-called Christian nations have never stopped to consider much the rights of the native claimants of the land. This, too, though accompanied by needless cruelty, de ceit and treachery, is one of the necessary though seemingly hard and bitter laws of life. The thing greatly to be deplored in all Indian wars, however, has been the general practice on both sides of inflicting punishment upon any innocent person that might happen along. Some drunken and ferocious savages, as devoid of humanity as the wild beasts about them, would plunder, outrage and kill some family of immigrants or settlers, and forthwith, a band of the brave, manly, yet harsh and intolerant frontiersman, who have made our early history, would rush forth impetuously and kill some poor Indian wretches who had never heard of the outrage and had not the remotest concep tion of having committed any offense. In like manner, when some avaricious white had swindled the ignorant Indians out of land or some other valuable property, or some lustful and conscienceless white desperado had out raged Indian women or murdered unoffending- braves, a band of Indians, inflamed with whisky purchased of some post-trader, and armed with weapons from the same source, would go on the war path and torture, mutilate and murder some innocent, helpless women and children, who had never had a thought of injuring a liv ing thing. No one who has ever lived on the frontier can wonder at the bitter and intolerant hatred of whites for Indians. But if we, the civilized and the victors, coul.d put ourselves in the place of the natives and view life with their eyes, none of us would wonder that they had hated us with the fury and frenzy of wild beasts. For it is safe to say that for every pang suffered by whites, a score have been suffered FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 59 by Indians. And we, the higher race, must admit that we know better than they, and have less excuse for inhumanity and intolerance. Yet in the final summary there can be no other conclusion than that the extermination of the majority of the Indians and the total de struction of their claims as owners of this coun try, was "writ down in the book of fate." It was simply part of the irrepressible conflict of life. Moreover by reason of the necessities of existence the early settlers could not wait to argue abstract questions of rights. They had obeyed the fundamental law to subdue and re plenish the earth, and in pursuance of that con dition of all progress they could not stop to philosophize on the principles of human broth erhood. They had to live and with a tomahawk just leveled over their heads they had to repel. And if the right to repel existed, the right to counter attack followed as a matter of course; for extermination of their enemies was, gen erally speaking, the only effectual means of re pelling. It was sad but inevitable. And though we have lived a "Century of Dishonor," ir. is much easier now to condemn them than it would have been then to improve. By reason of the conditions just noted, we find the history of our Indian wars the subject of bitter controversy. Hardly any two writers or witnesses give the same version of supposed facts. One has a bias in favor of the volun teers and makes his facts conform to his opin ions, and hence represents the volunteers as al ways justifiable and the Indians as always to blame. Another gives the reverse impression. Nor are pioneers generally much disposed to qualify or smooth either their opinions or ex pressions. It is all one thing or all the other with them. The other fellow is a fool or a liar and that ends it. Compromise does not flourish in pioneer conditions. Al.l are angels on one- side and all devils on the other. We shall, use our best endeavor in these pages to present the facts without bias, ac knowledging the probable impossibility of sat isfying all readers, but believing that at this distance from the time, though not far from the scenes of the struggle, we can calmly view it and clearly see that its good or evil are not to be found exclusively on one side or the other, but, as with all human affairs, the tex ture of each is of a mingled warp and woof. After the Cayuse war had ended in 1850, by the execution of the supposed murderers of Dr. AA'hitman, there was a lull along the bunch- grass plains and sage-brush banks of the Col- lumbia and Snake rivers, and a few adventur ous explorers and ranchers began to seek lo cations on the streams hallowed by martyr doms. The most considerable settlement was at Frenchtown, ten miles below Walla AValla. According to the best information obtainable, there were eighty-five persons, the men entirely of French origin and former Hudson's Bay Company employes, with Indian wives and a good stock of half-breed children, living there and in the vicinity. There were a few men at what is now AA'allula. There were some fifteen men living at various separated points. Among them were Henry M. Chase, well known for many years in AAralla AArall,a, and Dr. AA' C. McKay, the most famous man of mixed white and Indian blood that ever lived in Oregon. There were three men, Brooke, Bumford and Noble, at Whitman station. On the 3d of March, 185.1,, AA'ashington became a separate territory. Major Isaac I. Stevens was appointed governor, and in the following summer he set out for his domain. Gold had been discovered in the Colville conn- 6o HISTORY' OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. try and there were many adventurers moving across the plains in that direction. The In dians were very restive. These explorations they regarded with well grounded suspicion as the entering wedge of the establishment of white sovereignty. There were at that time two remarkable In dian chiefs, chiefs who belong to that line of remarkable Red Men of which Philip, Pontiac, Red Jacket, and Tecumseh were more illus trious specimens ; whose qualities of mind and character contain a hint of what Indians might have been had the}' had any wide or long con tinued opportunity. These two Columbia val ley chiefs were Kamiakin of the Yakimas and Peupeumoxmox of the AAralla AArallas. Like all the Indian chiefs, he perceived the handwriting on the wall revealed by the entrance of the whites, and they determined to make a des perate effort to burst their tightening bonds while there was yet a chance of success. There was a general outburst of all the tribes of Oregon and AA'ashington in 1853 and 1S54, which led into the great war centering in AValla AValla in 1855. This series of troubles began in the summer of 1853 in the Rogue river valley, in southern Oregon. The usual bitter controversy raged as to who was to blame for this. It looks as though whites and Indians were both equally so. In 1854 occurred the horrible "Snake River Massacre," in which a number of immigrants who had offered no provocation whatever, were butchered in the most brutal manner. Norman Ward, of Pen dleton, then a boy of thirteen, was the only sur vivor. That massacre occurred on the Boise, a few miles above Fort Boise. Great excitement ¦ensued in the Willamette valley when this atrocity was known, and Major Haller was sent by General AA'ool, then commanding the Department of the Pacific, to the scene. Having partially punished the supposed perpetrators of the outrage, the command returned to The Dalles. All these things, with many smoulder ing causes of discontent, prepared the Indians for war. THE GREAT WAR OF 1855. This war had three fields of operation. One was southern Oregon, another Puget sound, a third the Yakima and Walla Walla valleys. In all there were probably four thous and Indians under arms, and many have be lieved that nothing but lack of intelligent co operation among these prevented the annihi lation of all the smaller settlements. But the various petty feuds and conflicting purposes, always characteristic of barbaric wars, pre vented such co-operation. Indian fought against Indian, and whites profited thereby. In May, 1855, Governor Stevens and Gen eral Joel Palmer met the representatives of seventeen tribes at AAralla AA'alla, to endeavor to make treaties for the cession of their lands. The council ground was on and around the identical place now occupied by AATiitman Col lege. The immemorial, council ground of the AValla Walla and other tribes of this country, lay between the college brook and the one north of it, and around the place now known as Council Grove. A fair, entrancing spot it must have been in its primeval luxury and wildness. The tents of the great chiefs were pitched, as nearly as can be ascertained, on the spot now occupied by the house of Mrs. E. H. Baker. FIRST COUNCIL OF WALLA WALLA. Lieutenant Kipp has preserved a graphic account of this important meeting. Governor Stevens and General Palmer had an escort of only about fifty men. The Indians gathered in HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 61 great numbers. Old Chief Lawyer led an army of Nez Perces, twenty-five hundred strong, and, as the sequel proved, it was well for the whites he did so. Two clays later three hundred Cayuses, those worst and most dangerous Indians, the "Spartans of the Columbia," reached the ground, surly and scowling as usual, led by several chiefs, of whom none was friendly ex cept Stechus. Two days later came over two thousand Yakimas, Umatillas and AA^alla AVal- las. Governor Stevens and his small squad must have been somewhat startled to see that in case of treachery their lives were not worth a dime. But with his characteristic nerve he maintained perfect dignity and composure. That was a meeting worthy of the pen of Irv ing or the brush of Bierstadt. Along the banks of Mill creek and on either side of those rip pling spring branches, whose clear cold waters lend beauty and freshness to the pleasant homes of Walla Walla, were stretched the camps of the flower of the warriors of the Inland Empire. The "Valley of many AA^aters" must have seemed blessed indeed to the tribes of the plains, after they had ridden across the arid wastes be tween Yakima and Walla Walla and emerged from the Touchet hills upon the fresh and grassy dales now consecrated to the memory of that very missionary whom the Cayuses slew. It seems poetic justice that AAnitman College should now hold the self-same spot which fifty years ago was the capitol of the confederated tribes. Poetic justice, and yet melancholy and pitiable, if we could by some magic wand ren der again visible and audible the savage mag nificence which was there out-stretched on the banks of Mills creek, and contrast it with the wretched remnant which now shambles aimless ly through this heritage of their fathers and look with inscrutable eyes toward their own certain fate. Governor Stevens opened the council on May 29th by a short speech setting forth his desire to purchase the lands of the Indians, leav ing to them in perpetuity certain reservations. On the 30th and 31st both Governor Stevens and General Palmer addressed the council in lengthy speeches. These had to be translated into both the Nez Perce and Walla Walla tongues and from these they gradually filtered down among the mass of Indians. The In dians were entirely unresponsive. Attempts were resumed unsuccessfully to get some sign of committal by the chiefs. On June 4th Law yer broke the ice by an address favoring the treaty. Many of the Nez Perces followed Lawyer, but Joseph swung a large faction in the other direction. All the eloquent portray al of Stevens and Palmer of the blessings of civilization was received by the Indians with gutteral grunts, an Indian's sign of attention, but no token of approval followed, aside .from the faction represented by Lawyer. Several days passed. The Cayuses bitterly opposed the treaty. Peupeumoxmox, the great Walla Walla chief, departed from his usual policy of taciturnity and openly opposed it. Peupeumoxmox had sufficient cause of griev ance. He had been a friend of the whites. His son had been educated at Whitman's mission. He had been friendly to Whitman. Then his son was taken by Sutter, of gold-discovery fame, to California. There the innocent and well-meaning boy was murdered by a crowd of those low, coarse, brutal white men, who have caused so large a part of Indian troubles. The father swore vengeance and bided his time. On June 9th came another great "AA'a AA,ra." Governor Stevens was pitted against Looking ¦62 HISTORY7 OF AArALLA WALLA COUNTY7. Glass, the great Nez Perce war chief, who had ai rived late to the council, with a Blackfoot scalp dangling beside him as a tropy of a re cent foray. The governor had decided to offer them three reservations, one for the Yakimas, one for the Nez Perces, and one for the Cay- rises, AA'alla AA'allas and Umatillas. He made a great speech, and aided as he was by the in fluence of Lawyer, felt sure that he had at tained his end. But the magnificent war chief Looking Glass leaped to his feet and poured forth a speech that soon had the tribes shout ing and applauding around him. He was the Demosthenes of the occasion and the gov ernor found all his work undone. But with the patience and skill which made him such a great figure in our annals, he again gathered up the broken threads of his work, and by private manipulations and persuasions, Lawyer being his right-hand man, he secured the assent of the chiefs to the signing of the treaties on the nth of June, and his work was complete. Lieutenant Kip asserts that they afterwards discovered that they had been all the time on the very verge of a volcano, for the Indians were spending most of their time discussing the question of whether they should massacre the whole detachment. The Cayuses, as usual, were the active originators of this plot. The firm opposition of the Nez Perces was the onlv thing that prevented its consummation. An un told debt of gratitude is clue the Nez Perces. No white man with a spark of humanity in him should forget these noblest of the red men. Had the plot been executed, the Indians would next have wiped out the soldiers at The Dalles, and after that the extermination of all the whites in the country east of Portland would have followed. The treaties negotiated at AAralla AAralla, June 12, 1855 (though dated June 9th), pro vided for the surrender by the Yakimas of the vast area of twenty-nine thousand square miles, being substantially Chelan, Y'akima, Kittitass, Franklin, Adams, and the most of Douglas and Klickitat counties. From that cession was to be excepted the princely domain, one of the finest bodies of land in the world, now known as the Yakima reservation. The Yaki mas, it may be said, constituted a "nation" composed of fourteen tribes, extending from the Cascade summits to the Palouse river. The Nez Perces agreed to relinquish almost as large an area, embracing what is now a good part of AAliitman, Garfield, Columbia and Aso tin counties in AArashington ; Union and AA'al- lcwa counties in Oregon; and AA'ashington, Idaho and Nez Perces counties in Idaho. A very large reservation was provided by the treaty for the Nez Perces ; being, in addition to that now embraced in the Nez Perce reserva tion, large tracts between the Alpowa and Snake rivers and the AArallowa valley. The retention of the AA'allowa was insisted on by Chief Joseph, and seems to have been the key to the ratification of the entire plan ; and it is the more to be deplored that the modification of the treaty in 1863 afterward precipitated the Nez Perce war of 1S77. That change in 1863 involved the surrender of the AArallowa and the reduction of the Nez Perce reservation to what it was prior to its recent opening. But few Indians seem to have been consulted, and young Joseph, son of the Joseph who took part in the treaty of 1855, insisted on their claim to the country, and the difficulty led to the memorable war of 1877. This is not the place to discuss the event, but we refer to it here in order to illustrate the lamentable results which follow a failure to adhere to a given agree ment from one administration to another. The treaty of 1855 should have been faithfully ob- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 63 served unless abrogated by the clear and gen eral agreement of both parties. And there was the deeper obligation on the government to do it in case of the Nez Perces, for to them Governor Stevens and his party owed their lives, and the settlers owed a debt of thankful ness not to be computed. Instead of remem bering this, the land-grabbers goaded those steadfast friends of the whites into a cruel and causeless war. In connection with this AAral- lowa matter, an interesting reminiscence was given the writer by John McBean, son of the Hudson's Bay employe of that name. Y7oung McBean was at that time a boy of twelve, and being a half-breed and knowing the Indian language perfectly, could pass at any time for an Indian. He related that while acting as a spy on the grounds, he heard the discussion about the treaties. And the whole matter de pended upon whether the Nez Perces would ac cept it. This they finally did on the distinct agreement that Joseph and his band should have permanent possession of the Wallowa. That point assured, the Nez Perces agreed. The others followed. That settled the whole mat ter. Otherwise the treaties would never nave been accepted. Yret eight years after, without general agreement by the tribe, the vital point was violated and the cherished AArallowa valley left out of the reservation to be demanded in later years by white settlers. It should be added that those immediate settlers were in no way personally guilty. Government was to blame. That is a sample of one kind of reason for Indian wars. So much for the Nez Perce part of the agreement. The Umatillas, Cayuses and Walla AVallas, tinder the terms of this treaty, relinquished their right to another magnificent territory, embraced substantially in the present limits of 'Walla AValla county in AArashington, and Uma tilla, Morrow, and part of Union and Gilliam counties in Oregon. Their reservation was es sentially that now known as the Umatilla reser vation. Which of these three superb domains was the best would puzzle a good judge to de cide. Any one of them is larger than most of the Atlantic states, and in point of opu lence of natural resources surpasses equal areas in most parts of the world. For their concessions the Indians were to receive what seems a just and even liberal compensation; though to the mind of civilized man ridiculously small; for the whole vast area of probably thirty million acres outside of reservations, was relinquished for about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars in all ; per haps, roughly estimated, two cents per acre. It is probably worth to-day, with its improve ments, nearly a quarter of a billion dollars. The compensation of the Yakima Nation was two hundred thousand dollars, paid in. an nuities, with salaries for the head chief of five hundred dollars for twenty years, also some special agreement in regard to houses, tools, etc. The compensation of the Nez Perces was the same. The Umatillas, Cayuses and Walla AA'allas were to receive one hundred thousand dollars; each of the head chiefs to have an an nuity of five hundred dollars for twenty years, and also to have the usual special donations for houses, tools, etc. Peupeumoxmox, whose favor was especially courted, was granted the unique privilege of beginning to draw his salary ac once, without waiting for the formal ratifi cation of congress. His remaining son was to receive an annuity of one hundred dollars a year, a house and five acres of land, plowed and enclosed. Peupeumoxmox was also to be given three yoke of oxen, three yokes and chains, one wagon, two plows, twelve hoes, twelve axes, two shovels, a saddle and bridle, a 64 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. set of wagon harness and one set of plow har ness. Having completed this great work, Governor Stevens passed on to the north and east to con tinue the same line of negotiations with the Indians there. AAre may say in brief, that he succeeded in making a treaty with the Black- feet, but was unsuccessful with the Spokanes. Meanwhile, during his absence, the great AAralla Walla and Yrakima war had burst with the sud denness of a cyclone upon the Columbia plains. A.nd not only here but throughout the Sound country the storm of war had -burst on all sides. WAR BEGINS. That the outbreak of hostilities should have occurred almost simultaneously at places so re mote from each other as Walla Walla, Puget sound and Rogue river has led many to sup pose that there was a definite and wide-spread conspiracy. Others have believed that there ' was simply an identity of causes, and that these produced like results at like times. While it is altogether likely that there may have been hints of outbreak in the air which spread from tribe to tribe, it is likely that the second is the true solution. Kamiakin, the Yakima chief, and Peupeu moxmox, the AA'alla AValla chief, were the ani mating force of the movement on this side of the mountains. Kamiakin was a natural gen eral and diplomat. He seems to have signed the treaty at AA'alla AValla only under great pressure and with the mental reservation that he would break it at the first opportunity. Flardly had the ink dried on the treaty when he was rounding up the warriors over the wide domain of the Yakima nation. These chiefs seem to have seen, as did Philip and Pontiac, that the coming of the whites, if not checked, meant the destruction of Indian rule. If they struggled against fate at. all they must do it then. From their standpoint they were adopt ing the only possible policy. As some of the Nez Perces told Governor Stevens, they were not afraid of explorers, or trappers or soldiers, but they were afraid of men with wagons and axes. They had now been watching for fifteen years a steady stream of immigrants passing clown to the AATllamette. Steamboats were running on the Columbia and Willamette rivers. Towns were springing up. It was now or never for them. One Indian only, and that was Lawyer, the Nez Perce, perceived the impos sibility of the Indians ever coping with the whites, and that therefore the only wise course for them was to yield to the inevitable as easily as possible and adopt the white man's mode of life and live on terms of amity with him. Though Looking Glass and Eagle-from-the- light had dissented very strongly from the first, they had finally yielded to Lawyer's powerful influence and the treaty had resulted. Now in the midst of the fury of war they remained true to their agreement. Kamiakin had gathered together a great council of the disaffected at a point north of Snake river. The fierce and intractable Cay uses were the most active in the movement of any except Kamiakin himself and his imme diate friends. Young Chief and Five Crows were the Cayuse chiefs leading the war, Stechus alone, with a very small following, holding aloof. The war broke out rather prematurely in September by the murder of miners who were traversing the Yakima valley. Agent Bolon having gone courageously into the valley to in vestigate the matter, was murdered and burned to ashes on September 23d. It is said that HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 65 Quelchen, son of Owhi and nephew of Kamia kin, committed this crime. Tidings of the outbreak of hostilities hav ing reached The Dalles, Major Haller with a hundred men started north at once and Lieu tenant Slaughter went from Steilacoom across the Natches pass to the Yakima to co-operate with Haller. But on October 6th, the Indians burst upon Haller with such energy that he was obliged to retreat with the Toss of a fourth of his men, besides his howitzer and baggage. At this stage of affairs Peupeumoxmox fell upon old Fort Walla Walla, now Wallula, and though it had no garrison the Indians plundered the fort of a considerable quantity of stores. The Walla Walla valley was swept of settlers. The regions also bordering Puget sound were ravaged by the Indians. At this time General Wool was the commander of the Department of the Pacific. It is not possible here to enter into any examination of the bitter and ran corous dispute that has arisen as to General Wool's conduct of this war. It was intensely unsatisfactory to the settlers. Wool seems to have decided that the whites in southern Oregon were more to blame than the Indians, and he felt disposed in consequence to let them meet the results of their own acts. Discovering from experience that there was little to be hoped for from the regulars, Governor Curry . and the Oregon legislature speedily equipped a strong force under Colonel J. W. Nesmith. Colonel Nesmith having gone to the Yakima country with four com panies under general charge of Major Rains of the regulars, on what proved to be a fruit less expedition, Lieutenant-Colonel J. K. Kelly, in command of five hundred men, inarched to AValla AValla. 5 BATTLE OF WALLA WALLA. There occurred the famous battle of the Walla Walla, on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th of December, 1855. The force of Oregon vol unteers having reached Wallula on December, 2nd, found that the Indians who they had hoped to meet there had eluded them, leaving the fort in ruins. Setting: forth in two divi- sions on December 5 th, the volunteers pro ceeded tip the Walla Walla river to the Tou- chet. Turning up the latter stream they had gone about ten miles when there suddenly ap peared, with a flag of truce, no less a personage than Peupeumoxmox himself. Captain Con- noyer, who was in the vanguard, entered into a parley with the Walla Walla chieftain, in which the chief stated that he and his people were anxious to make peace. He told Nathan Olney, the Indian agent with whom he con versed, that he had at first intended to make war on the whites, but on reflection had de cided that it would not be good policy. While the conference was in progress, the troops as well as the Indians had gradually gathered around in considerable numbers and finally passed on in the direction of an Indian village near at hand. Seeing that they were approaching- a dan gerous canyon, Colonel Kelly became suspi cious that the Indians were meditating treach ery, and he determined to return a short dis tance back upon the trail and camp without supper for the night. It was a cold, wretched night. Snow began to fall. Colonel Kelly, in his anxiety to make a forced march, had given orders to travel light, and they were so very light that they had no supplies. Much difference of opinion developed as to 66 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. the wisdom of pausing and camping on the trail. Captain Connoyer held the opinion, which he afterwards stated to Colonel Gilbert, that Peupeumoxmox was acting in good faith and that if the army had gone on with him, he being- entirely in their power, they would have reached the village in safety and would have found plenty of food, passed a comforta ble night, and that the war would have ended then and there. Colonel Kelly believed other wise and has left on record the following rea sons for his opinion : Colonel Kelly writes that Peupeumoxmox "stated that he did not wish to fight and that on the following day he would come and have a talk and make a treaty of peace. On con sultation with Honorable Nathan Olney, In dian agent, we concluded that this was simply a ruse to gain time for removing his village and preparing for battle. I stated to him that we had come to chastise him for the wrongs he had done to our people, and that we would not defer making an attack on his people un less he and his five followers would consent to accompany and remain with us until all difficulties were settled. I told him that he might go away under his flag of truce if he chose, but that if he did so we would forth with attack his village. The alternative was distinctly made known to him, and to save his people he chose to remain with us, a hostage for the fulfillment of his promises, as did also those who accompanied him. He at the same time said that on the following day he would accompany us to his village; that we would then assemble his people and make them deliver up their arms and ammunition, restore the property which had been taken from the white settlers, or pay the full value of that which could not be restored, and that he would furnish fresh horses to remount my command and cattle, to supply them with provisions to enable us to wage war against other hostile tribes who were leagued with him. Having made these promises, we refrained from mak ing the attack, thinking we had him in our power, that on the next day his promises would be fulfilled. I also permitted him to send one of the men who accompanied him, to his vil lage to apprise the tribes of the terms of the expected treaty, so that they might be prepared to fulfill it. "I have since learned from a Nez Perce boy who was taken at the same time with Peupeumoxmox, that instead of sending word to his people to make a treaty of peace, he sent an order to them to remove their women and children and prepare for battle. From all I have since learned, I am well persuaded that he was acting with duplicity and that he expected to entrap my command in the deep ravine in which his camp was situated, and make his escape from us." We will not now undertake to say who was correct, but all seem to have agreed in one thing, and that is that the men had a most wretched night and became exceedingly im patient, and rather blindly feeling- that Peu peumoxmox was to blame for all their discom-- fort, they were in the mood for the tragedy that followed. This move of the "Yellow Serpent" was hard to explain in any way. It seemed very strange that he would have put himself right in the hands of his enemies unless he really meant to act in good faith. Moreover, it is not easy to see how he could have expected to gain anything- by leading the whites to his village, so long as his own life was sure to be the instant forfeit of any treachery. But on the other hand, it is very strange that if he was perfectly honest the Indians should have made HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 67 the attack on the next day. However it may have been, it was plain that things were not going just according to program, for during the night Indians had gathered in great num bers about on the hills, and were evidently watching in great anxiety to see what might be the fate of Peupeumoxmox. The subsequent events made it seem likely that the Indians had made a change of policy •during the night. They shouted words in the Cayuse language evidently intended for the captive chief alone. When morning of that bleak December day dawned, Peupeumoxmox was very anxious to get some stay of proceedings. He said that his people needed time to prepare provisions, etc., in order to give the whites a fitting recep tion. It was nearly noon before the cold, hun- _gry, disgusted command got started, and after passing through the canyon in safety they reached the Indian village, but alas ! no warmth or food, or welcome awaited them. The village was deserted. Scouts were seen on the surrounding hills, and finally after much shouting and gesticulating one Indian was in duced to come to the camp. He proved to be the son of Peupeumoxmox. Having entered into conversation with his son, the old chief finally directed him to notify the people to come in and make peace. The son told him that they were only awaiting the arrival of Five Crows to do so. But they waited a long time and the famished and exhausted volun teers saw that they must return to the mouth of the Touchet to- join those there left with provisions and baggage. Doing so, night found them at the Touchet. In the morning early the force was under way with baggage and all available resources, moving toward Whitman mission where Col onel Kelly planned to make a winter camp. Peupeumoxmox with several companions were still with them. Soon after the volunteers had crossed the Touchet, the ball opened. AArho first fired is still a matter of dispute. Gilbert quotes A. P. Woodward as asserting that the whites fired first; a member of Company B, named Jont, being the One that fired the first shot. A running fight up the Walla Walla val ley ensued. At the mouth of Dry Creek, near the present Loudon place, the Indians made a brief stand, but being forced from their posi tion they broke again and pressed on hastily toward Frenchtown. There spreading across the valley they made a determined stand. Here Lieutenant J. M. Burrows, of Company H, was killed and a number of men were wound ed. Giving way again, the savages retreated to the location of the Tillier ranch, and there, near the present site of the Frenchtown church, the fight was renewed. There Captain Ben nett, of Company F, and Private Kelso, of Company A, were killed. The soldiers had found an abandoned how itzer at Wallula and this, under charge of Cap tain Wilson, was now brought to bear on the enemy. At the fourth discharge the piece burst, severely wounding Captain Wilson. But the Indians now broke again and fled. The fight was over for the time and the soldiers camped that night on the field of battle. The spot where the severest contest occurred here was marked a few years ago by a gathering, with appropriate exercises and the raising of a flag provided by Mrs. Levi Ankeny; a deeply interesting occasion in which veterans of that war took great joy. Prominent among these were General McAuliff, William Painter, Louis McMorris and A. G. Lloyd, all known to everyone in Walla Walla. During that first day's battle, at' about the hottest part of the action, Peupeumoxmox and 63 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. his four companions in captivity became des perately excited and seemed to be attempting to escape. Their guards, by a sort of common consent, without agreement or orders, began firing indiscriminately upon them. In a minute or two all was over and the great "Yellow Serpent" with all his companions but one was lying dead. The one that was spared was a Nez Perce. Only one made resistance. This was a powerful Willamette Indian called "Wolf Skin," who fought desperately with a knife, cutting one of the guards severely, until he was dispatched by a blow from the butt of a gun. It is asserted by some that the body of Peu peumoxmox was mutilated shamefully. It should be said that all the testimony shows that the volunteers as a body were in no sense re sponsible for any atrocities, but treated the In dians in an entirely humane manner. This massacre of the Indian captives (if it is to be considered as such) has been the sub ject of the most bitter dispute. Some, as Gil bert, have most strongly censured the troops, especially on account of the mutilation, as guilty of the "infamous acts of soulless men." Others have regarded the killing as necessary, on the ground that the Indians were trying to escape and rejoin their companions; that the battle was at a critical point and that self preserva tion justified the killing of the chief whom they believed to have been meditating treachery and making all the trouble from the beginning. Lewis McMorris, who is the only one living here who witnessed the event, tells the writer that he believes that "it was either kill them or let them escape," and they were apparently just on the point of doing the- latter. Mr. McMorris is confident that no one would have touched them if they had not tried to escape. Nobody now, however, justifies the mutilation of the body of the old AValla Walla chief, if it was really mutilated as asserted. Even Elwood Evans, in the "History of the Pacific North west," written for the express purpose of white washing everything that any volunteer or other white man ever did, admits that it was "in bad taste" for the troops to mutilate the body of the chief. We will not undertake here and now to decide the vexed question of the rights and wrongs of the Walla AValla chief. The likeli hood is that he or his people did meditate treachery, but whatever the plot may have been it failed to materialize. It is also probably true that some of the volunteers were bitter, intoler ant, excited and very willing for an excuse to get rid of the captives. On the next day the battle was renewed. Colonel Kelly thus describes the events of the next two days, and inasmuch as his official re port thus embraces the essential features of the case, we quote it at length. " Early on the morning of the 8th, the Indians ap peared with increased forces, ¦ amounting to fully six hundred warriors. They were posted as usual in the thick brush by the river, among the sage brushes and sand knolls, and on the surrounding hills. This day Lieutenant Pillow, with Company A, and Lieutenant Hannon, with Company H, were ordered to take and hold the brush skirting the river and the sage bushes on the plain. Lieutenant Fellows, with Company F, was directed to take and keep the possession of the point at the foot of the hill. Lieutenant Jeffries, with Company B, Lieutenant Hand, with Company I, and Captain Cor- noyer, with Company K, were posted on three several points on the hills, with orders to maintain them and to assail the enemy on other points of the same hills. As usual the Indians were driven from their position, al though they fought with skill and bravery. " On the 9ih they did not make their appearance un til about ten o'clock in the morning and then in somewhat diminished numbers. As I had sent to Fort Henrietta for Companies D and E and expected them on the 10th, I thought it best to act on the defensive and hold our positions, which were the same as on the 8th, until we could get an accession to our forces sufficient to enable us to assail their rear and cut off their retreat. An attack was made during the day on Companies A and H in the brushwood, and upon B on the hill, both of which were repulsed with great gallantry by those companies and with considerable loss to the enemy. Companies F, land HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 69 K also did great honor to themselves in repelling all ap proaches to their positions, although in doing so one man in Company F and one in Company I were severely wounded. Darkness as usual closed the combat by the enemy withdrawing from the field. Owing to the inclem ency of the night, the companies on the hill were with drawn from their several positions, Company B abandon ing its rifle pits, which were made by the men of that company for its protection. At early dawn of the next day the Indians were observed from our camp to be in possession of all points held by us on the preceding day. Upon seeing them, Lieutenant McAuliff, of Company B, gallantly observed that his company had dug those holes and after breakfast they would have them again; and well was his declaration fulfilled, for in less than an hour the enemy was driven from the pits and fled to an adjoining hill which they had occupied the day before. This posi tion was at once assailed. Captain Cornoyer, with Com pany K and a portion of Company I, being mounted, gallantly charged the enemy on his right flank, while Lieutenant McAuliff, with Company B, dismounted, rushed up the hill in the face of a heavy fire and scattered them in all directions. They at once fled to return to this battle field no more, and thus ended our long con tested fight. " In making my report I cannot say too much in praise of the conduct of the officers of the several companies and most of the soldiers under their command. They did their duty bravely and well during those four trying days of battle. To Second Major Chinn, who took charge of the, companies in the brush by the river, credit is due for bravery and skill; also to assistant Adjutant Monroe Atkinson, for his efficiency and zeal as well in the field as in the camp. And here, while giving to the officers and men of the regiment the praise that is justly due, I cannot omit the name of Hon. Nathan Olney, although he is not one of the volunteers. Having accompanied me in the capacity of Indian agent, I requested him to act as my aid on account of his admitted skill in Indian warfare, and to his wisdom in council- and daring courage on the battle field, I am much indebted and shall ever appreci ate his worth. "Companies D and E having arrived from Fort Henrietta on the evening of the 10th, the next morning I followed with all the available troops along the Nez Perces' trail in pursuit of the Indians. On Mill creek, about twelve miles from here, we passed through their village, numbering one hundred and ninety-six fires, which had been deserted.the night before. Much of their provisions was scattered by the wayside, indicating that they had fled in great haste to the north. We pursued them until it was too dark to follow, the track of their horses, when we camped on Coppei creek. On the 12th we continued the pursuit until we passed some distance beyond the stations of Brooke, Noble and Bumford on the Touchet, when we found the chase was in vain as many of our horses were completely broken down and the men on foot. We therefore returned and arrived in camp on yesterday evening with about one hundred head of cattle which the Indians had left scattered along the trail in their flight. " On the 11th, while in pursuit of the enemy, I re ceived a letter from Narcisse Raymond, by the hands of Tintinmetzy, a friendly chief (which I enclose), asking our protection of the French and friendly Indians under his charge. " On the morning of the 12th, I dispatched Captain Cornoyer, with his command, to their relief. Mr. Olney, who accompanied them, returned to camp this evening and reports that Captain Cornoyer will return to-morrow with Mr. Raymond and his people, who now feel greatly relieved from their critical situation. Mr. Olney learned from these friendly Indians what before we strongly be lieved, that the Palouses, Walla Wallas, Umatillas, Cay uses and Stock Whitley's band of Des Chutes Indians were all engaged in the battle on the Walla Walla. These Indians also informed Mr. Olney that after the battle the Palouses, Walla Wallas and Umatillas have gone partly to the Grande Ronde and partly to the country of the Nez Perces; and Stock Whitley, disgusted with the manner in which the Cayuses fought in the battle, has abandoned them and gone to the Yakima country to join his forces with those of Kamiakin. We have now the undisputed possession of the country south of Snake river and I would suggest the propriety of retaining this possession until such time as it can be occupied by the regular troops. The Indians have left muih of their stock behind, which will doubtless be lost to us if we go away. The troops here will not be in a situation for some time to go to the Palouse country, as our horses at present are too much jaded to endure the journey, and we have no boats to cross Snake river, no timber to make them nearer than this place; but I would suggest the propriety of following up the Indians with all possible speed, now that their hopes are blighted and their spirits broken. Unless this is done, they will perhaps rally again. "To-day (December 14, 1855) I received a letter from Governor Stevens, dated yesterday, which I en close. You will perceive that he is in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war. With his views I fully concur. " I must earnestly ask that supplies be sent forward to us without delay. For the last three days none of the volunteers, except the two companies from Fort Henri etta, have had any flour. None is here and but little at that post. We are now living on beef and potatoes, which are found en cache, and the men are becoming much discontented with this mode of living. Clothing for the men is much needed as the winter approaches. To-morrow we will remove to a more suitable point, where grass can be obtained in greater abundance for our worn-out horses. A place has been selected about two miles above Whitman station, on the same (north) side of the Walla Walla, consequently I will abandon this fort, named in honor of Captain Bennett, of Com- yo HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. pany F, who now sleeps beneath its stockade, and whose career of usefulness and bravery was here so sadly, but nobly, closed. "Very respectfully your obedient servant, "JAMES K. KELLY, " Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Left Column. "W. H. FARRAR, "Adjutant of Regiment, O. M. V." The winter following the battle of the Walla AAralla was one of the coldest and most trying ever known in this country. The vet erans among the volunteers have left on record accounts of their sufferings, which show that war in an Indian country was not a picnic in those times. The writer has heard the late W. C. Painter describe vividly the experience of sleeping, or trying to, with scarcely any cov ering and the mercury at twenty below zero. Meantime, while these events were occur ring in the Walla Walla and Yakima coun tries, what was Governor Stevens doing? As already noted, after having negotiated the treaty at Walla Walla in June, 1855, he passed on to the Blackfoot country where he also ne gotiated a successful treaty. Having reached Hellgate, in the present Montana, on his return, he was met by a detachment of Nez Perce In dians who informed him of the war and of the fact that he was thus cut off from any direct communication with his government. His own official report to the Secretary of AArar gives so clear and vivid an account of what followed that we reproduce it here. "The result of our conference was most satisfactory. The whole pnrty, numbering fourteen men, among whom were Spotted Eagle, Looking Glass and Three Feathers, principal chiefs among the Nez Perces, ex pressed their determination to accompany me and share any danger to be encountered. They expressed a desire that after crossing the moun tains I should go to their country where a large force of their young men would accompany me to The Dalles and protect us with their lives against any enemy. "Having replenished my train with all the animals to be had, on November 14th we pushed forward, crossed the Bitter Root mountains the twentieth, in snow two and a half to three feet deep, and reached the Coeur d'Alene mis sion the twenty-fifth, taking the Coeur d'Alenes entirely by surprise. They had not thought it possible that we could cross the mountains so late in the season. - "AATith the Cceur d'Alenes I held a council, ar.d found them much excited, on a balance for peace or war, and a chance word might turn them either way. Rumors of all kinds met us here : that the troops had fought a battle with the Yakimas and driven them across the Colum bia towards the Spokane, and that the AA'alla Wallas, Cayuses and Umatillas were in arms, and that they had been joined by a party of Nez Perces. The accounts were of so con tradictory a nature that nothing certain could be ascertained from them, excepting that the several tribes below were in arms, blocking up our road, and had threatened to cut off my party in any event. However, I determined to push to the Spokane. "The Spokanes were even more surprised than the Cceur d'Alenes on seeing us. Three hours before my arrival they had heard that I was going to the settlements by way of New York. I immediately called a council ; sent to Fort Colville for Mr. McDonald in charge of that post of the Hudson's Bay Company; sent also for the Jesuit fathers at that point. They arrived. A council was held, at which the whole Spokane nation was represented. The Cceur d'Alenes and Colville Indians also were present. "The Spokanes and Colville Indians evinced HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 7f extreme hostility of feeling; spoke of the war below ; wanted it stopped ; said the whites were wrong. The belief was current that Peupeu moxmox would cut off my party, as he had re peatedly threatened. They had not joined in the war, but yet would make no promise to remain neutral. If the Indians now at war were driven into their country they would not answer for the consequences; probably many of the Spokanes would join them. After a stormy council of several days the Spokanes, Cceur d'Alenes and Colvilles were entirely conciliated and promised they would reject all overtures of the hostile Indians and continue the firm friends of the whites. "Having added to my party and organized, etc., we thence made a forced inarch to the Nez Perce country. Mr. Craig had received letters which informed me that the whole Walla AAralla valley was blocked up with hostile In dians, and the Nez Perce said it would be im possible to go through. "I called a council and proposed to them • that one hundred and fifty of their young men should accompany me to The Dalles. Without hesitation they agreed to go. Whilst in the council making arrangements for our move ments news came that a force of gallant Oregon volunteers, four hundred strong, had met the Indians in the AValla Walla valley and after four days hard fighting, having a number of officers and men killed and wounded, had com pletely routed the enemy, driving them across Snake river and toward the Nez Perce country. The next day I pushed forward, accompanied by sixty-nine Nez Perces, well armed, and reached Walla AValla without encountering any hostile Indians. They had all been driven across Snake river below us by the Oregon troops. "It is now proper to inquire what would have been the condition of my party had not the Oregon troops vigorously pushed into the field and gallantly defeated the enemy. "The country between the Blue moun tains and the Columbia was overrun with In dians, numbering one thousand to twelve hun dred warriors, including the force at Priest Rapids under Kamaiakun, who had sworn to cut me off; it was completely blocked up. One effect of the campaign of the regulars and volunteers in the Yakima country under Brig adier General Rains, was to drive Kamaiakun and his people on our side of the Columbia river, and thus endanger our movement from the Spokane to the Nez Perce country. Thus we had been hemmed in by a body of hostile Indians through whom we could have only forced our way with extreme difficulty and at great loss of life. We might all have been sacrificed in the attempt. To the opening the way to my party, I am solely indebted to the Oregon volunteers. Peupeumoxmox, the cel ebrated chief of the Walla Wallas, entertained an extreme hostility toward myself and party, owing to imaginary wrongs he supposed to have been inflicted upon him in the treaty con cluded with the Cayuses and Walla Wallas last June, and had been known repeatedly to threaten that I never should reach The Dalles. He was the first to commence hostilities by plundering Fort Walla Walla and destroying a large amount of property belonging to the United States Indian Department. * * * "At Walla Walla I found some twenty-five settlers — the remainder having fled to The Dalles for protection. With these were one hundred friendly Indians. Special Indian Agent B. F. Shaw, colonel in the Washington Territory militia, was on the ground, and I at once organized the district, placed him in com mand and directed him, if necessary, to fortify, 72 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. at all events, to maintain his ground should the Oregon troops be disbanded before another force could take the field. The Nez Perce auxiliaries were disbanded and returned home." CHARGES PREFERRED AGAINST GENERAL WOOL. / "Thus we had reached a place of safety un aided, excepting by the fortunate movements of the Oregon troops. Not a single man had been pushed forward to meet us, although it was well known we should cross the mountains about a certain time, and arrive at Walla A Alalia about the time we did. Why was this? Arrangements had been made with Major Raines by Acting Governor Mason, to push forward a force tinder Colonel Shaw to meet me at Spokane about the time of my -arrival there. A company had been enlisted, organized and marched to Fort Vancouver to obtain equipments, rations and transportation, which Major Raines had promised both Governor Mason and Colonel Shaw should be promptly fi rnished them. Some little delay ensued, and in the meantime Major General AArool arrived who immediately declined equipping the com pany, as promised by Major Raines, and stated that he could not in any manner recognize vol unteers or furnish them equipments or trans portation, and declined to supply their place with regular troops, of whom, at Vancouver alone, were some three hundred and fifty men." Following this description of his journey Governor Stevens went on to prefer charges of gross negligence on the part of General AVool. All history abounds in instances of in tense personal feuds and disagreements, but our Pacific coast history seems to have been especially fruitful in them. That between Gen eral AVool, with some of the officers who echoed his opinions, the regulars in short on one side, and Governor Stevens supported by the vol unteers and the nearly united people of the ter ritory on the other, was peculiarly acrimoni ous. We insert the following extract from the report by Governor Stevens to the Secre tary of AVar : "When remonstrated with by Captain Will iam McKay, in command of the company, to push forward to my assistance, when informed of the object for which the' company was en listed, and that if it was not pushed forward ai once, or if some other force was not sent, Governor Stevens and his party would be in the most imminent danger, the general replied that in his opinion the danger was greatly exaggerated ; that probably Governor Stevens would be able to protect himself, but if he could not, then Governor Stevens could obtain an escort from General Harney. "AVhat a reply was that ! A moiety of the Indians now in arms had defeated a detach ment of one hundred United States regulars. Major Raines had placed on record his opinion that an insufficient force would be defeated by these Indians, and my party was supposed to number no more than twenty-five men. Yet Major General Wool very coolly says, 'Gov ernor Stevens can take care of himself.' So, too, in the remark that I could obtain aid from General Harney. Did General Wool know that the distance from Fort Benton to the supposed position of General Harney was greater than the distance from Fort Benton to The Dalles and that to obtain aid from him would require not less than six months, and that an express to reach him must pass through the entire breadth of the Sioux? Such ignorance shows great incapacity and is inexcusable. "Mr. Secretary — Major General Wool, commanding the Pacific Division, neglected and refused to send a force to the relief of my- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 73 self and party, when known to be in imminent danger, and believed by those who were less capable of judging, to be coming on to certain death, and this when he had at his command an efficient force of regular troops. He re fused to sanction the agreement made between Governor Mason and Major Raines for troops to be sent to my assistance, and ordered them to disband. It was reserved for the Oregon troops to rescue us. "The only demonstration made by Major Raines resulted in showing his utter incapacity to command in the field. As has heretofore been said, his expedition against the Yakimas ef fected nothing but driving the Indians into the very country through which I must pass to reach the settlements. "I therefore prefer charges against General Wool. I accuse him of utter and signal in capacity, of criminal neglect of my safety. I ask for an investigation into- the matter, and for his removal from command." And now that we have allowed the gov ernor to tell his own story of the final struggle in the Walla Walla, every reader asks, "And how did ilt' come out?" Gilbert pronounces that the Indians got all they wanted, and that so, the great Walla Walla war of '55 and '56 must go down in history as an Indian victory. After Stevens had reached The Dalles, Wright went back again for a short time to Walla Walla, with a force increased by one company. But having reached the scene of the council and the farewell fight, he held an amicable meeting with the hostile chiefs and assured them that "The bloody cloth shall be washed, past dif ferences thrown behind us, and perpetual peace must exist between us." He even went so far as to recommend that the AValla Walla treaties should never be confirmed. Steptoe, by Wool's orders, issued a proclamation that no whites should return to Walla Walla, except Hud son's Bay People and missionaries. Wool, in general orders of October 19th, expresses the hope that Wright, "warned by what has oc curred, will be on his guard against the whites, and prevent further trouble by keeping the whites out of the Indian country." But Step- toe had got his eyes partly open by the events of the season, and a little later he ventured tD suggest that a good, industrious colony be permitted to settle in the Walla Walla valley. Wool promptly stepped on the suggestion by de claring that "The Cascade range formed, if not an impassable barrier, an excellent line of da- fence, a most excellent line of separation be tween two races always at war when in contact. To permit settlers to pass The Dalles and occu py the natural reserve is to give up this advan tage, throw down the wall, and advance the frontier hundreds of miles to the east, and add to the protective labor of the army." Governor Stevens did not mince matters in summarizing this war and its results. His let ters, both to Wool directly and to the War Department, might, without putting too fine a point on it, be styled "vitriolic." To the f 1 ontiersmen of the country it seemed shameful surrender. After the bitter struggle of those frigid winters, after all the tedious traversing of dusty plains and snowy and precipitous mountains, after the lives lost and the many wounds received, and especially after the bril liant and well-deserved victories won, then to have the regulars step in and rob them of all the fruits of victory by a practical capitulation to the hostiles — that was a pretty hard dose for Stevens and his constituents. We need not blame the governor for some rather strong talk. Thus at the close of 1856 the Walla Walla valley was, by military order, remanded to bar- 74 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. barism. In 1857 the present Fort Walla Walla was established, and a force in charge of Lieu tenant-Colonel Steptoe lay inactive at the fort. One thing interesting to note in connection with mustering out of the volunteers is that the horses which they had captured on the Grande Ronde were sold at such a good price as to pay the entire cost of the expedition. Sales were for scrip issued by the territory, which depreciated but little. The total amount of script issued was $1,481,475.45. The gen eral testimony of witnesses of those times is that there was a remarkably high morale on the part of all the volunteer forces, and that this was clue very largely to the character, abil ity, and magnetic influence of AA^ashington's first governor, certainly the greatest man in the official history of those times. And so there was "quiet in the land by the space of a year." In 1858 the Yakimas became so troublesome that AATight began to conclude that they were not such desirable citizens after all. Major Garnett was accordingly sent into their country with a strong force, and he seized and executed a number of their chiefs and braves, killed seven hundred of their ponies, and secured quiet at last in the land of the sage-brush. And now, though no battle was to be fought again on AAralla AA'alla soil, it was the outfitting point for the most remarkable disaster in the history of the territory, one which'' if it had not been for the ever faithful Nez Perces, would piobably have anticipated the Custer massacre in completeness and horror. This was the STEPTOE DEFEAT OF 1 858. Steptoe set out in Alay, 1858, to go with two hundred cavalry to the Spokane country, though those powerful and independent Indians had warned the troops to keep out, alleging that they were neutral and would not allow either Yakimas or whites in their country. Steptoe, 01- more strictly speaking his subordinates, com mitted a most egregious and incomprehensible blunder in starting from AA'alla AA'alla. On account of the great weight of provisions and baggage, a brilliant quartermaster (said to have been Lieutenant Fleming) conceived the idea of omitting the greater part of the ammuni tion, by way of lightening the load. As Joseph McEvoy expresses it, the force was beaten be fore it left AValla AAralla. The expedition was made in Alay. The wild torrent of Snake river was running bank- full from the floods of summer as the com mand crossed. Timothy, a chief of the Nez Perces, with a few followers, was living then at the mouth of the Alpowa, and by his efficient aid the soldiers crossed the wicked looking stream in good order and good time, and con tinued on their way, the brave old Nez Perce accompanying them. On May 16th the force reached a point near four lakes, probably the group of which Medical Lake is one, though there seems to be a rather curious difference among the survivors as to where all this happened. But wherever it was, here the Indians gathered in strong force and evidently with hostile intentions. Steptoe, re alizing the dangerous odds, decided to return, the chief Salteese assuring him that if he would retire they would not attack. It is said that one of the friendly Nez Perces struck Salteese, telling him that he was speaking "two tongues." On the next day at nine o'clock as the sol diers were descending- a canyon to Pine creek, just about where Rosalia is now located, the attack was suddenly made. Throughout the forenoon the retreat and fight continued. The ghastly consequences of the blunder about the ammunition began to stare them in the face as HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 75 man after man had to cease firing. Captain O. H. P. Taylor and Lieutenant William Gas ton were in command of the rear guard, and Avith amazing courage and devotion they kept the line intact and foiled all efforts of the In dians to rush through. They sent word to Steptoe to halt the line and give them a chance to load. But Steptoe deemed it safer to make no pause, and soon after those gallant heroes fell. A fierce fight raged for possession of 'their bodies. The Indians secured that of Gaston, but a small band of heroes fighting like demons got the body of the noble Taylor. One notable figure in this death grapple was De May, a Frenchman, who had been trained in the Crimea and in Algeria, and who made havoc among the savages with his gun barrel used as a sabre. But at last he, too, went down before numbers, crying, "Oh, my God, for a sabre." At night fall they had reached a point said to be somewhere on the east flanks of Steptoe Butte, though there is a difference of opinion as to the exact location. Here the disorganized and suffering force made camp, threw out a picket line for defense, and buried such dead as they had not been forced to leave. In order to divert the Indians they determined to bury their howitzers and leave the balance of their stores, hoping that if the Indians made an attack in the night they might succeed in stealing away. The Indians, however, feeling sure that they had the soldiers at their mercy, made no effort a: a night attack. There was but one chance of salvation, and this was by means of a dif ficult trail through a canyon, which the Indians supposed to be entirely unknown to the whites. But by the good favor of fortune or Providence the Nez Perce chief Timothy knew this pass. Without him that next day would doubtless have seen a grim and ghastly massacre. Dur ing the dark and cloudy night the soldiers mounted and in silence followed Timothy over the unwatched trail. Michael Kinney, well known in Walla Walla, was in charge of the rear guard, and is our chief authority for this narration. The horrors of that night retreat were probably never surpassed in the history of In dian warfare in this state. Several of the wounded were lashed to pack animals, and were thus led away on that dreadful ride. Their sufferings were intense, and two of them, Mc- Crossen and Williams, suffered so unendurably that they writhed themselves loose from their lashings and fell to the ground, begging their comrades to leave some weapon with which they might kill themselves. But the poor wretches were left lying there in the darkness. During that night they followed, generally at a gallop, the faithful Timothy, on whose keen eyes and mind their lives depended. The wounded and a few whose horses gave out were scattered at intervals along the trail. Some of these finally reappeared, but most were lost. After twenty-four hours they found that they had ridden seventy miles, for the yel low flood of Snake river suddenly broke be fore them between its desolate banks. Here the unwearied Timothy threw out his own peo ple as guards against the pursuing enemy and set the women of his tribe to ferrying the force across the turbulent river. This was safely ac complished, and thus the greater portion of the command reached AAralla AValla in safety from that ill-starred expedition. Individual narratives of experiences on that expedition have been given by men long after living in AValla Walla. Among these was John Singleton, Sr., now deceased, who told the writer that being without a horse, he crawled on his hands and knees during the greater part 76 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. of two days, running at night, until he at last reached Snake river and was put across the stream by the Nez Perces. His knees and hands were worn to the bone. A soldier named Snickster reported that he and AA^illiams, rid ing one horse, had reached Snake river, when the Indians overtook them and in a spirit of grim pleasantry told them that if they could swim the river they might escape. Plunging into the river with their horse, they soon found the Indian bullets boiling around them. Will iams and the horse were almost immediately killed and Snickster, with an arm already broken, swam the rest of the way across Snake river. This story is told in several ways, and Michael Kinney considers it a fabrication. Mr. Singleton, however, told the writer that he con sidered it as true. Joseph McEvoy also regards it true, though he claims that Williams was killed in the battle. It was generally accepted as true in early times. But we would doubt the possibility of any one, even under the most favorable circumstances, swimming Snake river in flood time with a broken arm. WRIGHT'S EXPEDITION. The sequel to the Steptoe defeat furnishes a more creditable chapter in the history of our Indian warfare. General Clark at once ordered Colonel Wright to equip a force of six hundred men, proceed to the Spokane country and casti gate the Indians with sufficient severity to set tle the question of sovereignty forever. On August 15th Colonel Wright left Walla AValla on his northern campaign. In the battle of Four Lakes on September 1st, and in the bat tle of Spokane Plains on September 5th, Col or: el AVright broke forever the power and spirits of the northern Indians. The severest blow which he struck them was the killing of nearly a thousand horses. In his report Colonel AVright thus summarized the results of this campaign: "1. Two battles were fought by the troops tinder my command against the com bined forces of the Spokanes, Coeur d'Alenes and Palouses, in both of which the Indians were signally defeated, with a severe loss of chiefs and warriors, either killed or wounded ; 2. One thousand horses and a large number of cattle were captured from the hostile In dians, all of which were either killed or ap propriated to the service of the United States; 3. Many barns filled with wheat or oats, also several fields of grain with numerous caches of vegetables, dried berries and camas, were de stroyed or used by the troops; 4. TheYakima chief, Owhi, is in irons; and the notorious war chief, Oualchen, was hanged ; the mur derers of the miners, the cattle stealers, etc. (in all, eleven Indians), were hanged; 5. The Spokanes, Cceur d'Alenes and Palouses have been entirely subdued, and have sued most ab jectly for peace on any terms; 6. Treaties have been made with the above named nations. They have restored all property which was in their possession, belonging either to the United States or to individuals. They have promised that all white people can travel through their country unmolested, and that no hostile Indians shall be allowed to pass through or remain among them ; 7. The Indians who commenced the battle with Lieutenant-Colonel Steptoe con trary to the orders of their chiefs have been delivered to the officer in command of the Uni ted States troops ; 8. One chief and four men, with their families, from each of the above named tribes, have been delivered to the officer in command of the United States troops, to be taken to fort Walla Walla and held as hostages for the future good conduct of their respective nations ; 9. The two mounted howitzers aban- HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 77 cloned by the troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Steptoe have been recovered." The following words from General Clark's report show how completely the policy of Wool had been reversed. "Some time since I was persuaded that the treaties made by Governor Stevens, superintendent of Indian affairs for AVashington Territory, with the Indian tribes east of the Cascade range, should not be con firmed. Since then circumstances have changed and with them my views. The Indians made war and were subdued. By the former act they lost some of their claims to considera tion; and by the latter the government is en abled and justified in taking such steps as may give the best security for the future." Thus the land rested at last from strife, and no general Indian war thereafter disturbed the "Valley of Many Waters." CHAPTER VI. INDIAN WARS OF THE FIFTIES CONTINUED. Governor Stevens reached Olympia early in January, 1856, and found that the storm of war was in full blast from east to west. The Sound Indians, aided by the Yakimas, had ranged over the greajter part of the region adjacent to the sound and had killed many settlers. Governor Stevens, full of courage and resources, roused the dis heartened settlers and set on foot measures for saving the territory by the equipment of an army of one thousand volunteers, organizing forces of friendly Indians, issuing script for meeting expenses, seizing necessary stores and implements, inducing the settlers to get back again upon their farms and plant their crops, and sending Secretary Mason to Washington to acquaint the government with their plight and needs. In the very midst of his appeal the Indians by a sudden attack seized Seattle and destroyed the most of it. Nevertheless the brave words and acts of the governor roused the faint-hearted and the territory speed ily got itself into a better posture of defense and finally of attack. The Washington volun teers were equipped and the Second Regiment, under command of Colonel B. F. Shaw, started in the summer of 1856 for Walla Walla. Meanwhile the Oregon volunteers had been spending that dismal winter and spring at Walla Walla and vicinity. The first American fort of the regular army at Walla Walla was laid out on the location of McBride's stable, one of the old log buildings remaining there until a few years ago. The volunteers camped at a later time higher up the creek near the present location of the ranch of Patrick Lyons. During the spring Colonel Kelly returned to Portland, leaving Colonel T. R. Cornelius in command. The detachment set forth from their camp on Mill creek on March 10th and proceeded to the Yakima country, meeting and dispersing the Indians whom they met there, and then passing on to the Columbia ; they re turned to Oregon and disbanded. They had rendered signal service, having broken up the Indian forces of both the Walla Walla and Yakima countries. AVhile they were doing this one of the most HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. daring blows struck by any of the Indians fell upon the settlers up and down the Columbia, near the Cascades. The famous old block house there is a souvenir of that epoch. As sociated with it also is the memory of the fact that Phil Sheridan fought there one of his first battles, distinguished, as he later was, for dare devil courage and impetuosity. That Cascades disaster was one of the most cruel and severe that the settlements had suffered. The United States troops at that time made The Dalles their chief headquarters and the force there had their hands full with wars and rumors of wars from AValla Walla, Yakima and the Cascades. The officers more especially concerned with the campaign on the east side of the mountains were Colonel Wright, Colonel Steptoe and Major Raines. It is to be remem bered that there were three distinct forces op erating in the country, viz. — United States regulars, Oregon volunteers and Washington volunteers. Governor Curry, of Oregon, and Governor Stevens, of AA^ashington, were in en tire harmony, believing alike in a vigorous prosecution of the war, but the United States forces were entirely aloof from them in sym pathy of aim and action. AVe have already outlined the achievements of the Oregon volunteers. In May Colonel Wright moved from The Dalles to Yakima. There he found a force of twelve hundred or more defiant Indians, whose evident strength seems to have led Colonel Wright to crave peace without a battle. He shaped his policies in the direction of acceding to the demand of the Indians that he withdraw from the country and exclude settlers therefrom. In July the Second Regiment of AVashing- ton volunteers, under Colonel B. F. Shaw, moved up the river and on July 8th camped on the place now owned by the heirs of Alfred Thomas, about two miles above Walla Walla. Learning that the hostiles were in force in the Grande Ronde valley, Colonel Shaw determined to move thither and strike. Pushing rapidly over the mountains he encountered the savages on July 17th, and in the most decisive battle thus far fought he scattered them in all direc tions. The excellent Life of Governor Stevens, by his son, Hazard Stevens, contains a pictur esque account of how Colonel Shaw, with his long, red beard and hair streaming in the wind, swept down like a hurricane upon the foe and drove them fifteen miles, clear across the valley. Colonel Shaw's own version is so clear and vivid that we believe our readers will enjoy its perusal. More clearly than any present de scription could, this account preserves the flavor of the time in which it happened; that time, which, only forty-five years ago, seems so re mote from our own. BATTLE OF GRANDE RONDE, JULY I/, 1856. "AVe arrived in the Grande Ronde valley on the evening of the sixteenth, and camped on a branch of the Grande Ronde river in the tim ber, sending spies in advance who returned and reported no fresh sign. On the morning of the seventeenth, leaving Major Blankenship, of the Central, and Captain Miller, of the Southern battalions, assisted by Captain DeLacy, to take up the line of march for the main valley, I pro ceeded ahead to reconnoitre, accompanied by Major Maxon, Michael Marchmean, Captain John and Dr. Burns. After proceeding about five miles we ascended a knoll in the valley from which we discovered dust rising along the tim ber of the river. I immediately sent Major Maxon and Captain John forward to recon noitre and returned to hurry up the command which was not far distant. The command was HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 79 instantly formed in order; Captain Miller's company in advance, supported by Maxon, Henness and Powell's companies; leaving the pack train in charge of the guard tinder Lieu tenant Goodwin, with a detachment of Goff's company under Lieutenant Wait, and Lieuten ant Williams' company in reserve with orders to follow on after the command. "The whole command moved on quietly to this order until within half a mile of the Indian village, when we discovered that the pack train had moved to the left, clown the Grande Ronde river.. At this moment a large body of war riors came forward, singing and whooping, and one of them waving a white man's scalp on a pole. One of them signified a desire to speak, whereupon I sent Captain John to meet him and formed the command in line of battle. When Captain John came up to the Indians they cried out to one another to shoot him, when he retreated to the command and I or dered the four companies to charge. "The design of the enemy evidently was to draw us into the brush along the river, where from our exposed position they would have the advantage — they no doubt having placed an ambush there. To avoid this, I charged down the river towards the pack train. The war riors then split, part going across the river and part down toward the pack train. These were soon overtaken and engaged. The charge was vigorous and so well sustained that they were broken, dispersed and slain before us. After a short time I sent Captain Miller to the left and Major Maxon to the right, the latter to cross the stream and cut them off from a point near which a large body of warriors had collected, apparently to fight, while I moved forward with the commands of Captain Hen ness and Lieutenant Powell to attack them in front. The Major could not cross the river, and on our moving forward the enemy fled after firing a few guns, part taking to the left and part continuing forward. "Those who took to the left fell in with Captain Miller's company, who killed five on the spot and the rest were not less successful in the pursuit, which was continued to the crossing of the river, where the enemy had1 tc'ken a stand to- defend the ford. Being here rejoined by Captain Miller and by Lieutenant Curtis with part of Maxon's company, we fired a volley and I ordered a charge across the river, which was gallantly executed. In doing this Private Shirley, ensign of Henness' company, who was in front, was wounded in the face. Several of the enemy were killed at this point. We continued the pursuit until the enemy had reached the rocky canyons leading towards Powder river, and commenced scattering in every direction, when finding that I had but five men with me, and the rest of the command scattered in the rear, most of the horses being completely exhausted — I called a halt and fell back, calculating to remount the men on the captured horses and continue the pursuit after night. "I found the pack train, guard and re serve encamped on a small creek not far from the crossing, as I had previously ordered them to do, and learned that a body of the enemy had followed them up all day and annoyed them, but had inflicted no damage beyond cap turing many of the animals which we had taken in charge and left behind. "I learned also that Major Maxon had crossed the river with a small party and was engaged with- the enemy and wanted assist ance. I immediately dispatched a detachment under Lieutenants Williams and Wait sending the man who brought the information back with them as a guide. They returned after 8o HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA. COUNTY. dark without finding the major, but brought in one of his men whom they found in the brush, and who stated that one of the major's men was killed and that the last he saw of them they were fighting with the Indians. At day light I sent out Captain Miller with seventy men, who scouted around the whole valley with out finding him, but who unfortunately had one man killed and another wounded whilst pursuing some Indians. I resolved to remove camp the next day to the head of the valley, where the emigrant trail crosses it and con tinue the search until we became certain of their fate. The same evening I took sixty men under Captain Henness and struck upon the mountains and crossed the heads of the canyons to see if I could not strike his trail. Finding no sign, I returned to the place where the major had last been seen, and there made search in different directions and finally found the body of one of his men (Tooley) and where the major had encamped in the brush. From other signs it became evident to me that the major had returned to this post by the same trail by. which we first entered the valley. "Being nearly out of provisions, and unable to follow the Indians from this delay, I con cluded to return to camp, recruit for another expedition in conjunction with Captain Goff, who had, I presumed, returned from his ex pedition to the John Day's river. "I should have mentioned previously that in the charge the command captured and after wards destroyed about one hundred and fifty horse loads lacamas, dried beef, tents, some flour, coffee, sugar, and about one hundred pounds of ammunition and a great quantity of tools and kitchen furniture. We took also about two hundred horses, most of which were shot, there being but about one hundred ser viceable animals. "There were present on the ground from what I saw, and from information received from two squaws taken prisoners, about three hundred warriors of the Cayuse, Walla Walla, Umatilla, Tyh, John Day and Des Chutes tribes, commanded by the following chiefs : Stock Whitley and Simmistastas, Des Chutes and Tyh; Chickiah, Plyon, Wicecai, Watah- stuartih, Winimiswoot, Cayuses, Tahkin, Cay use, the son of Peupeumoxmox, Walla Walla and other chiefs of less note. "The whole command, officers and men, be haved well. The enemy was run on the gallop fifteen miles, and most of those who fell were shot with the revolver. It is impossible to state how many of the enemy were killed. Twenty-seven bodies were counted by one in dividual, and many others were known to have fallen and been left, but were so scattered about that it was impossible to get count of them. When to these we added those killed by Major Maxon's command on the other side of the river/we may safely conclude that at least forty of the enemy were slain and many went off wounded. When we left the valley there was not an Indian in it, and all the signs went to show that they had gone a great distance from it. "On the twenty-first instant we left the val ley by the emigrant road and commenced our return to camp. During the night Lieutenant Hunter, of the Washington Territory volun teers, came into camp with an express from Captain Goff. I learned to my surprise that the captain and Major Lay ton had seen Indians on John Day's river, had followed them over to Burnt river and had a fight with them, in which Lieutenant Eustus and one private were killed, and some seven Indians. They were shaping their course for the Grande Ronde valley and had sent for provisions and fresh HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. horses. I immediately sent Lieutenant Will iams back with all my spare provisions and horses and continued my inarch. On Wild Horse creek I came across Mr. Fites, a pack master who had been left in camp, who in formed me, to my extreme satisfaction, that Major Maxon and his command had arrived safe in camp and were then near us with pro visions and ammunition. These I sent on im mediately to Captain Goff. "I learned that Major Maxon had been at tacked in the valley by a large force of Indians on the day of the fight; had gained the brush and killed many of them; that at night he tried to find our camp and hearing a noise like a child crying, probably one of the captured squaws, had concluded that my command had gone on to Powder river and that the Indians had returned to the valley by another canyon. He moved his position that night and the next day saw the scout looking for him, but in the distance thought that it was a band of Indians hunting his trail. Conceiving himself cut off from the command, he thought it best to re turn to this camp, thinking that we would be on our way back to Grande Ronde with pro visions and ammunition." While Shaw was winning this very import ant victory, Governor Stevens was making every effort to sustain the friendly faction of the Nez Perces under Lawyer, aided by Will iam Craig, a white man who had been adopted by the Nez Perce tribe and who had been one of the greatest factors in sustaining Governor Stevens. To hold the Walla Walla country seemed to the governor the key of the situation, because thus only could he come in touch with these faithful Nez Perces. The moral effect of Shaw's victory proved so great that the gov ernor decided to go in person to Walla Walla to hold another great council of the friendly 6 and neutral tribes and to get as many as possible of the hostiles to attend the same. He seems to have had the double aim of giving the hos tiles every reasonable chance to make peace and also of refuting the slanderous charges of Wool to the effect that he was treating the hostiles cruelly and dishonestly. On August 3d he urgently advised Colonel Wright to es tablish a permanent garrison in the Walla Walla valley and requested also that he meet him in conference at The Dalles on September. 14th. He also called out two hundred more volunteers to take the place of Shaw's force, whose term had expired. And so Governor Stevens set forth again on another of those harrassing, exhaustive and dangerous expeditions to which fate seemed to have appointed him. Reaching Vancouver on August 13th, he met Colonel Wright, who in formed him that he could not attend the pro posed council, but would dispatch Lieutenant Colonel Steptoe with four companies of regu lars to reach AAralla Walla in season for the meeting. Ascending the river to The Dalles in com pany with Colonel Wright, and while there meeting the chief officers of the command, Gov ernor Stevens, with the ardor and enthusiasm of his nature, and with his personal ascendency over men, so influenced them that for the time being he seemed to have won them over entirely to hearty co-operation with him in his plans. In, reality, however, they -were at that very time tinder orders from General Wool to dis band the volunteers and expel them from the country and to forbid white settlers to remain anywhere in the upper country, and to allow the Hudson's Bay people only to occupy it. AArool's idea was to make the Cascade moun tains the eastern frontier of American settle ment; a very wooly idea, if one may be par- 82 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. cloned such a decrepit pleasantry. Wright and Steptoe were almost guilty of dishonesty in allowing the gallant governor to proceed into the heart of the Indian country with such an erroneous impression of their real orders. Leaving The Dalles on August 19th the in defatigable little governor pushed on ahead of Steptoe, attended only by Pearson, a trusty scout, and with no escort except the "Bull- punchers" of his ox train, he reached Shaw's camp, two miles above Walla Walla, on the 23d. On September 5th, Steptoe reached AAralla AAralla and established himself at a point four miles below Shaw's camp, said by Lewis McMorris to have been at the present garri son. The next day came Lawyer with a large force of Nez Perces, faithful still. Governor Stevens was exceedingly anxious to have perfect harmony of action with the reg ulars and thereby present a united front to the enemy, many of whom had drawn the con clusion that the regulars and volunteers were entirely different sets of people. He therefore requested Steptoe to move camp to a point near his own. On the next morning Steptoe got un der way and paused at the governor's tent, who supposed of course that he was going to make camp there. He was dum founded, as he well may have been, to discover that Step toe was passing on from sight up the valley. This was the more startling, for on account of a report that volunteers below were being attacked, Shaw had gone down leaving Stevens with but ten men. ITowever, it had now be come necessary for Shaw and his force to leave permanently, and with this in view the gov ernor requested Steptoe to return to his near vicinity; incredible as it may seem, Steptoe de clined to do so, alleging that General AA'ool's orders did not authorize him to make any such arrangements. The governor, though it must have made his hot blood boil, had to retain a detachment of sixty-nine men and left Steptoe to his own devices, at a camp which was on the island on the present Gilkerson place. And now opens THE SECOND GREAT WALLA WALLA COUNCIL. Space does not permit us to give the de tails of this ¦ remarkable meeting, fully as re markable as the one of the year before. The Nez Perces were in large force at first, and the faction under Lawyer was fully committed to the support of the whites. But a large num ber, even of the Nez Perces, led by Looking Glass, Speaking Owl, Joseph, Red AA'olf and Eagle-from-the-Light, were plainly at the verge of outbreak. Kamiakain, the redoubtable chief of the Yakimas, was coming out with a strong force. The scrowling Cayuses and the brawny Umatillas came whooping, yelling and firing the prairie grass. Murder was in the air. Gov ernor Stevens sent an urgent request to Step toe to come to the council with at least one company. Steptoe returned an answer to the effect that if the Indians were really meditating an outbreak he had not enough force to defend both camps, and therefore he deemed it neces sary for Stevens to move to him, instead of he to Stevens. The heart of the fiery governor was almost broken at this humiliation, but he had to yield to necessity, and he adjourned the council to Steptoe's camp. On the march Kamiakain and Owhi, with one hundred and five warriors under the immediate command of Qualchen, the murderer of Bolon, met them. The fierce and threatening looks of these Yaki ma braves did not reassure the little force and things looked exceedingly squally. On every day of the council but the first, Indians, armed to the teeth, took places near the governor, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. S3 "with the evident design of murdering him and then attacking the force, but the nerve and vigilance of the governor and those around him prevented. The faithful Nez Perces kept their drums beating all night and maintained a guard around Stevens' camp. As remarked before, the debt of gratitude to these Nez Perces is be yond computation. One of the remarkable features of the last days of the council was the speech of Spotted Eagle, a Nez Perce, and one of the warm adherents of the whites. Gov ernor Stevens mentioned this speech as one which, for feeling, courage and truth, he had never seen surpassed. And now the council was ended, and what had been accomplished ? Nothing. They stood just where they were at first. Half the Nez Perces were determined to stand by the treaty, the other half not. All the other tribes were hostile. The governor repeated to them the« terms of peace alone possible : "They must throw aside their guns and submit to the justice and mercy of the government, but as they were invited under safe conduct, they were safe in coming, safe in council, and safe in going." Governor Stevens naturally felt disap pointed at the failure of his hopes, but hav ing clone all that man could do he had no cause to reproach himself. AA'hatever impediments had fallen in his way were due to the position of General Wool and the officers who felt com pelled to echo his opinions. It may very prop erly be said here that AATight and Steptoe dis covered their errors soon and modified their policv. AA^ool never did and in the early part of 1857 he was relieved of his command and was succeeded by General N. G. Clarke, who gave, as we shall learn later, a "new deal" to the impatient pioneers of Walla Walla and Other parts of the Inland Empire. And now the governor and his retinue must move again westward. It must needs be that another battle be fought. Governor Stevens' own official report is the best summary of his return and of this last battle in Walla Walla : "So satisfied was I that the Indians would carry into effect their determination avowed in the councils in their own camps for several nights previously to attack me, that in starting I formed my whole party and moved in order of battle. I moved on under fire one mile to water, when forming a corral of the wagons and holding the adjacent hills and the brush on the stream by pickets, I made my arrange ments to defend my position and fight the In dians. Our position in a low open basin five or six hundred yards across (he was attacked on what is now known as Charles Russell's ranch) was good, and with the aid of our corral we could defend ourselves against a vastly su perior force of the enemy. "The fight continued till late in the night. Two charges were made to disperse the Indians, the last led by Lieutenant-Colonel Shaw in per son with twenty-four men; but, whilst driving before him some one hundred and fifty Indians, an equal number pushed into his rear, and he was compelled to cut his way through them towards camp, when drawing up his men, and aided by the teamsters and pickets who gal lantly sprang forward, he drove the Indians back in full charge upon the corral. Just be fore the charge the friendly Nez Perces, fifty in number, who had been assigned to hold the ridge on the south side of the corral, were told by the enemy they came not to fight the Nez Perces but the whites. 'Go to your camp,' said they, 'or we will wipe it out." Their camp, with the. women and children, was on a stream about a mile distant and I directed them to re tire as I did not require their assistance and was fearful that my men might not be able to 84 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. distinguish them from hostiles, and thus friend ly Indians be killed. "Towards night I notified Lieutenant-Col onel Steptoe that I was fighting the Indians; that I should move the next morning and ex pressed the opinion that a company of his troops would be of service. In his reply he stated that the Indians had burned up his grass and sug gested that I should return to his camp, and place at his disposal my wagons, in order that he might move his whole command and his supplies to the Umatilla or some other point, where sustenance could be found for his ani mals. To this arrangement I assented and Lieutenant-Colonel Steptoe sent to my camp Lieutenant Davidson, with detachments from the companies of dragoons and artillery with a mounted howitzer. They reached my camp about, two o'clock in the morning, everything in good order and most of the men at the corral asleep. A picket had been driven in an hour and a half before by the enemy, that on the hill south of the corral, but the enemy was im mediately dislodged and ground pits being dug, all the points were held. The howitzer having been fired on the way out, it was believed noth ing would be gained by waiting till morning and the whole force immediately returned to Lieutenant-Colonel Steptoe's camp. "Soon after sunrise the enemy attacked the camp, but was soon dislodged by the howitzer and a charge by detachment from Steptoe's command. On my arrival at the camp I urged Lieutenant-Colonel Steptoe to build a block house immediately ; to leave one company to defend it with all his supplies, then to inarch below and return with an additional force and additional supplies, and by a vigorous winter campaign to whip the Indians into submission. I placed at his disposal for the building my teams and Indian employes. The block house and stockade were built in a little more than ten days. My Indian store room was rebuilt at one corner of the stockade. • "On the 23d day of September we started for The Dalles, which we reached on* the 2d of. October. Nothing of interest occurred on the road. "In the action of the 19th, my whole force consisted of Goff's company of sixty- nine, rank and file, the teamsters, herders and Indian employes, numbering about fifty men. Our train consisted of about five hundred ani mals, not one of which was captured by the enemy. AAre fought four hundred and fifty Indians and had one man mortally, one dan gerously and two slightly wounded. AVe killed and wounded thirteen Indians. One- half the Nez Perces, one hundred and twenty warriors, all of the Yakimas and Palouses, two hundred warriors ; the great bulk of the Cayuses and Umatillas and an unknown num ber of the AValla Wallas and Indians from other bands were in the fight. The principal war chiefs were the son of Ouhi, Isle de Pere and Chief Quoltomee; the latter of wdiom had two horses shot under him, and who showed me a letter from Colonel AATight acknowledging his valuable services in bring ing about the peace of the Yakimas. "I have failed, therefore, in making the desired arrangements with the Indians in the AValla Walla, and the failure, to be attrib uted in part to the want of co-operation with me as superintendent of Indian affairs on the part of the regular troops, has its causes also in the whole plan of operations of the troops since Colonel Wright assumed command. "The Nez Perces, entirely friendly last December and January, became first disaf- HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. '5 fected in consequence of the then chief of the Cayuses, Umehowlish, and the friendly Cay uses going into the Nez Perce country con trary to my positive orders. I refused to allow them to go there in December last, sayi ing to them: T have ordered the Nez Perces to keep hostiles out of the country. If you go there your friends in the war party will come; they cannot be kept out. Through them disaffection will spread among a portion of the Nez Perces.' Umehowlish, my pris oner, was sent into the Nez Perce country by Colonel Wright, and from the time of his arrival there all the efforts made by Agent Craig to prevent the spread of ' disaffection were abortive. What I apprehended and predicted had already tome to pass. Look ing Glass, the prominent man of the lower Nez Perces, endeavored to betray me on the Spokane as I was coming in from the Black foot council, and I was satisfied from that time that he was only awaiting a favorable moment to join bands with Kamaiakun in a war upon the whites, and Colonel Wright's management of affairs in the Yakima fur nished the opportunity. "The war was commenced in the Yakima on our part in consequence of the attempt first to seize the murderers of the agent Bo- lon and the miners who had passed through their country; and, second, to punish the tribe for making common cause with them and driving Major Haller out of the country. It is greatly to be deplored that Colonel Wright had not first severely chastised the Indians, and insisted not only upon the rendition of the murderers, but upon the absolute and un conditional submission of the whole tribe to the justice and mercy of the government. The long delays which occurred in the Ya kimas, the talking and not fighting, this at tempt to pacify the Indians and not reducing them to submission, thus giving safe conduct to murderers and assassins and not seizing them for summary and exemplary punish ment, gave to Kamaiakun the whole field of the interior, and by threats, lies and prom ises he has brought into the combination one- half of the Nez Perce nation, and the least thing may cause the Spokanes, Cceur d'Alenes, Colvilles and Okanogans to join them. "I state boldly that the cause of the Nez Perces becoming disaffected and finally going into war, is the operations of Colonel AVright east of the Cascades — operations so 'feeble, so procrastinating, so entirely unequal to the emergency, that not only has a most severe blow been struck at the credit of the gov ernment and the prosperity and character of this remote section of the country, but the impression has been made upon th|e Indians that the people and the soldiers were a dif ferent people. I repeat to you officially that when the Indians attacked me, they expected Colonel Steptoe would not assist me, and when they awoke from their delusion, Kama iakun said, T will now let these people know who Kamaiakun is.' One of the good effects of the fight is, that the Indians have learned that we are one people, a fact which had not previously been made apparent to them by the operations of the regular troops. "Is, sir, the army sent here to protect our people and punish Indian tribes, who without cause and in cold blood, and in spite of sol emn treaties, murder our people, burn our houses and wipe out entire settlements? Is it the duty of General Wool and his officers to refuse to co-operate with me in my appro priate duties as superintendent of Indian af- 86 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. fairs, and thus practically to assume those issue edicts prohibiting settlers returning to duties themselves? Is it the duty of General their claims, and thus for at least one county Wool, in his schemes of pacifying the Indians, — the Walla Walla — make himself dictator of to trample clown the laws of Congress; to the country ?" CHAPTER VII. DEFINITE ORGANIZATION OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY AND POLITICAL HISTORY, 1859 TO 1863. It was not until the autumn of the year 1858 that the AAralla Walla country was for mally opened to permanent settlement or oc cupation by white men, and even yet it was not until the following spring that Congress ratified the Indian treaties made through the efforts of Governor Stevens in 1855. The Indians were, however, in a state of subjec tion and fear, owing to the successful work of Colonel George Wright in his recent ex pedition directed against the hostile savages in this section of the territory. This circum stance made it practicable for the white set tlers to come in and occupy the lands. A number of ranchers and cattle men soon es tablished themselves along the streams run ning forth from the western base of the Blue mountains. Among those who thus located in this section during the closing months" of 1858 may be mentioned Thomas P. Page, James Foster, Charles Russell, J. C. Smith, Christopher Maier, John Singleton, John A. Simms and Joseph McAvoy, all of whom long continued their residence there, being- well-known pioneers. Mr. Simms subse quently became Indian agent at _ the Colville reservation, where he served acceptably. The year 1859 showed a material influx of per manent settlers, ranchers filing claims to lands along the various streams as far north east as the present site of Dayton, located on the Touchet river, in Columbia- county. AValla Walla county was as yet hobbling along with essentially no political organiza tion, as has been noted in a preceding chap ter. The legislature, however, made another effort to look after the destinies of this ter ritorial offspring, and in 1859, under an act bearing date of January 19th of that year, once more appointed officers to serve the county, the incumbents to retain their posi tions until the election and qualification of their successors. The officers thus appointed were as follows : County commissioners, John Mahan, AValter R. Davis, John C. Smith ; sheriff, Edward D. Pearce; auditor, R. FI. Reighart ; probate judge, Samuel D. Smith; justice of the peace, J. A. Simms. Commis sioners Mahan and Davis met at Walla AAralla on the 15th of March, 1859, and, as author ized by the general law of the territory, ap pointed James Galbreath auditor and Lycur- gus Jackson sheriff, after which they ad journed. I. T. Reese was elected recorder in the following July, and upon him devolved the duty of properly entering upon the rec ords the minutes of the proceedings of this first, as well as subsequent meetings, of the FIISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. S7 commissioners. The second meeting of the board was held on the 26th of March, when E. H. Brown was appointed probate judge; Lycurgus Jackson, assessor; Neil McGlin- chey, county treasurer; and William B. Kelly, superintendent of public schools. At this session of the board was also made provision for a general election, to be held in July, for which purpose the county was divided into two voting precincts, — known respectively as Dry Creek precinct and Steptoeville precinct. In the former the polling place designated was the residence of J. C. Smith, the judges being E. Bonner, J. M. Craigie and William Fink. Many were advocating the name of Steptoeville as the appellation for the county- seat, and for this precinct the balloting was to be done at the church in "Steptoeville." The election judges for this latter precinct were J. A. Simons, William B. Kery and William McWhirk, while to Thomas Hughes were assigned the duties of clerk, and under such official supervision was duly held the sec ond election in Walla Walla county, the first having been held in 1855. The original board of commissioners met again prior to the election, their session hav ing been held on the 6th of June, at Steptoe ville. At this time were arrangements made for the renting of a court-house, for which accommodations the stupendous sum of twenty dollars per month was to be paid, while a tax levy of seven mills on the dollar was also made. At a meeting held on the 2d of July, the commissioners accepted the resignation of James Galbreath, county audi tor, appointing as his successor in the office Augustus Von Hinkle. At this meeting the name of Steptoeville was changed to Waii latpu. Of the election held in July, 1859, no rec" ords are extant, but that it occurred in due order is evident, for on the 5th of September following the new board of commissioners assembled and by ballot determined their re spective terms of service, — Charles Russell, one year; John Mahan, two years; and Will- Ham- McWhirk, three years. The records of this meeting give the essential data in re gard to the election, which, as above noted, had occurred, though no definite record of the same can now be found. The county offi cers, therefore, whose bonds were approved at this session of the board were as follows : Auditor, I. T. Reese; sheriff, Lycurgus Jack son; treasurer, Ne 1 McGlinchey; assessor, Thomas P. Page; surveyor, H. H. Case; jus-i tice of the peace, J. M. Canaday. To Mr.- Reese was voted the sum of forty dollars per month for the rent of court-house. THE COUNTY SEAT VILLAGE OF WALLA WALLA RECEIVES ITS NAME. The village of Walla Walla was so desig nated by the county commissioners at their meeting on November 7, 1859, and there was simultaneously granted to it a town govern ment. Here also was formally established the county-seat, — a due quota of glory and honor for one day. The great fire which occurred in 1865 destroyed many valuable records touch ing the early political affairs of the county, such as election returns, assessment rolls, etc. THE ELECTION OF i860. At a meeting held on the 7th of May, i860, the county commissioners placed the tax levy for the year at seven mills on the dollar, and preparatory for the election in July fol lowing divided the county into five voting 88 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. districts, — AAralla AValla, Dry Creek, Snake River, East Touchet and AArest Touchet. At this election there was submitted to the peo ple the question as to whether or not a tax should be levied for the erection of a court house and jail, and while the records, as pre viously mentioned, do not give the returns for said election in any respect, the fact that the two buildings were not built at that time offers adequate evidence as to the negative character of the vote of the qualified electors of the county. Prisoners of the county still continued to be sent to Fort Vancouver to languish in durance vile. The officers elected in Jul}-, i860, were as follows: Auditor and recorder, James Galbreath; sheriff, James A. Buckley; surveyor, M. J. Noyse; assessor. C. Langley; coroner, Almiron Daggett; jus tices of the peace, AVilliam J. Horton, John Sheets, Horace Strong, Elisha Everetts and AA^illiam B. Kelly. Of the transactions of this official corps no trace of record can be found, but at the county election held in July, 1861, the board of county commissioners 'con sisted of AAr H. Patton, S. Maxon and John Sheets. On the 5th of November Sheriff Buckley was appointed county assessor, S. Owens, who had been elected to the office in 1 86 1, having failed to qualify. The sheriff had been, by virtue of his office, tax collector, and his appointment as assessor was a con sistent action on the part of the board. That the citizens of the county still had certain yearnings for a bastile in which to confine malefactors, is shown in the fact that, on the 8th of November the commissioners awarded to Charles Russell the contract to build a county jail, at a cost of three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. The building was duly completed in the year 1862, the con tractor receiving in payment for his services six thousand seven hundred dollars in scrip. It is worthy of note in the connection that, in 1 88 1, Mr. Russell purchased from the county this historic old building, which had been the scene and center of many thrilling events, demolished it, and removed the debris to his ranch. For the building which he had thus erected at. the behest of the county I19 paid the sum of one hundred and twenty dol lars, and it was not criminal salvage at that. THE EFFECT OF THE GOLD EXCITEMENT IN i860. In a preceding chapter we have had occa sion to incidentally mention the gold excite-" ment of i860, which eventually had so pro nounced an effect upon the growth and de velopment of the eastern portion of the ter ritory of AVashington. Prior to 1861 there had been but little to encourage permanent settlements by emigrants in the vicinity of the Blue mountains, where now stretch far and wide some of the most productive and valua ble farming and fruit lands in the Union. In fact, it may be said that even as late as 1 86 1 there was obtained a very slight concep tion of the great intrinsic value of this sec tion as an agricultural district, land available for cultivation being considered as of limited extent. What a revelation has been made in less than a half century! Even had the art of agriculture been forced forward here at the time mentioned, there was practically no market for products, no shipping facilities be ing available, and aside from those connected with the garrison at Fort AAralla Walla there were no purchasers to be found for the prod ucts of the soil. Those who had come hither and taken up ranches along the various water courses devoted the same to grazing purposes, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 89 their plan being to utilize the lands for cattle- raising for an interval of a few years, rais ing small crops of grain for their own use in the meantime, and, perhaps, having a small residuum to sell. A well-known historian has said in regard to the conditions existing, that "had the military post been abandoned in i860 but few whites would have remained east of the Cascades, and stock-raising would have been the only inducement for anyone to remain there." But through an unexpected source there was to be given an impetus to the settlement and development of this region. That metal which men hold as the basis of all values was destined to draw its devotees to eastern Washington and to absolutely transform the character of the country. One of the most notable gold excitements known to history was soon to come. It is related that a Nez Perce Indian made his way to California at the time of the gold excitement there, form ing the acquaintance of some miners, whom he impressed by his intelligence and dignity of bearing. Among these miners was a some what visionary and enthusiastic man, E. D. Pearce, to whom the Nez Perce brave gave information as to his home in the far distant mountain fastnesses of what is now Idaho. He told a fantastic and romantic tale of the accidental discovery which had been made by himself and two companions while encamped for the night among the mountains which had been his haunt from childhood. A light of surpassing brightness was suddenly re vealed to them among the cliffs, having the appearance of a refulgent star. The super stitious Indians regarded the shining object with awe, deeming it to be the eye of the Great Spirit, but at daybreak they summoned sufficient courage to investigate, eventually finding "a glittering ball that looked like glass," the same being imbedded in the solid rock. They were unable to dislodge the ob ject, which they believed to be "great medi cine." Pearce became imbued with the idea that the red men had discovered a wonder ful diamond, and he determined to secure the same if possible. Upon this seemingly trivial circumstance hinged the discovery of gold in what was eastern Washington, in i860. Pearce eventually made his way to the dalles of the Columbia and thence came to AAralla Walla, where he took up his abode. He scouted through the mountains east of Snake river and finally associated himself with a party, who were animated by the hope of finding gold, by reason of his representations, while he himself had ever in mind the won derful diamond. The little exploring party comprised seven men, but they were eventually ordered out of the Nez Perce country by the Indians, who were suspicious of their plans. Pearce finally induced a Nez Perce squaw to lead them through to the Lolo trail by a route which the members of her tribe seldom utilized. They proceeded to the north fork of the Clearwater river, through the Palouse country, and even tually camped on a meadow among the moun tains. There one of the company, W. F. Bassett, tried for gold in the soil of a little stream which traversed the gulch. He found about three cents' worth of gold in his first pan, this being the original discovery of the precious metal in those mountains, and the place being the site of the famous Oro Fino mines, in the present state of Idaho. After washing out about eighty dollars in gold the party returned to Walla Walla, mak ing their headquarters at the home of J. C. Smith, on Dry creek, and finally so thor- 90 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY.. oughly enlisting his interest and co-operation that he fitted out a party of about fifteen men, largely at his own expense, to return to the new gold fields for the winter. Sergeant Smith's party reached the mines in November, i860, arousing the antipathy and distrust of the Indians, who appealed to the government officers for the protection of their reserve from such encroachments. A body of sol diers from Fort AValla Walla started out for the mines, with the intention of removing the interlopers, but the heavy snowfall in the mountains rendered the little party of miners inaccessible, so they were not molested. Dur ing the winter the isolated miners devoted their time to building five log cabins, the first habitations erected in Oro Fino, sawing the lumber by hand. They also continued to work for gold under the snow, and about the first of January, 1861, two of the men made a successful trip to the settlements, by the utilizing of snow-shoes, while in March Ser geant Smith made a similar trip, taking with him eight hundred dollars in gold dust. From this reserve he was able to pay Kyger & Reese, of Walla AAralla, the balance due them on the prospecting outfit which had been supplied to the adventurous little party in the snowy mountains. The gold dust was sent to Port land, Oregon, and soon the new mines were the subject of maximum interest, the ultimate result being a "gold excitement" quite equal to that of California in 1849, and within a few months the rush to the new diggings was on in earnest, thousands starting forth for the favored region. WALLA WALLA BENEFITED BY THE RUSH FOR GOLD. The budding city of AValla Walla profited materially by the influx of gold-seekers, who made their way up the Columbia river and thence moved forward to Walla Walla, which became the great outfitting headquarters for those en route to the gold country. At this point were purchased provisions, tools, camp accoutrements and the horses or mules re quired to pack the outfits to the mines. Through this unforeseen circumstance there was now a distinctive local market afforded for the products of the Walla Walla country, and the farmer who had produce of any sort to sell might esteem himself fortunate, for good prices were freely offered. Nearly all the grain that had been produced in the coun try was held, in the spring of 1861, in the mill owned and operated by Simms, Reynolds & Dent, the total amount not amounting to twenty thousand bushels. This surplus com manded a high price, the farmers receiving two and one-half dollars per bushel for their wheat, while at the mines the operators were compelled to pay one dollar a pound for the flour manufactured therefrom. The inade quacy of the local supply of food products was such that, had not additional provender been transported from Oregon, starvation would have stared the miners in the face. This fact gave rise to the almost unprece dented prices demanded for the products essen tial to the maintenance of life. New mining districts were discovered by the eager pros pectors and all was bustle and activity in the mining region until the fall of 1861. In No vember of that year many of the miners came to AA'alla AValla for the winter, bringing; their hard-earned treasure with them and often spending it with the prodigality so typical of the mining fraternity in the early days. Although many of the diggings yielded from six to ten dollars per day, many of the operators feared the ravages of a severe win- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 91 ter and fully realized the animus of the mer chants at Oro Fino, who refused to sell their goods, believing that starvation would ulti mately face the miners and that they could then secure any price they might see fit to demand. In November of the year noted the prices at Oro Fino were quoted as follows on certain of the necessaries of life: Flour, twenty-five dollars per one hundred pounds; beef, thirty cents per pound;' coffee, not to be had; candles, not for sale; and bacon and beans, exceedingly scarce. That the pros pectors and miners should seek to hibernate nearer civilization and take refuge in Walla Walla was but natural under the circum stances. During the rush to the mining districts, both in 1861 and 1862, Walla Walla was the scene of the greatest activity : streets were crowded; the merchants were doing a thriv ing business; and pack trains moved in a seemingly endless procession toward the gold fields. The excitement was fed by the glow ing reports that came from the mining dis tricts, and the natural result was to augment the flood of gold-seekers pouring into the mining districts in the spring of 1862, as will be noted later on. As an example of the allur ing reports entered in the latter part of 1861, we may appropriately emote from the Wash ington Statesman of that period, said paper being published in Walla Walla, and being the precursor of the Walla Walla Statesman of the present day. From an editorial in said publication we make the following extract: S. F. Ledyard arrived last evening from the Salmon river mines, and from him it is learned that some six hundred miners would winter there; that some two hun dred had gone to the south side of the river, where two streams head that empty into the Salmon, some thirty miles southeast of present mining camp. Coarse gold is found, and as high as one hundred dollars per day to the man has been taken out. The big mining claim of the old locality belongs to Mr. Wiser, of Oregon, from where two thousand, six hundred and eighty dollars were taken on the 20th, with two rockers. On the 21st, three thous and, three hundred and sixty dollars were taken out with the same machines. Other claims were paying from two to five pounds per day. Flour has fallen to fifty cents per pound, and beef, at from fifteen to twenty-five cents, is to be had in abundance. Most of the mines supplied until first of June. Mr. L. met between Slate Creek and Walla Walla, en route for the mines, three hundred and ninety four packs and two hundred and fifty head of beef cattle. In the issue of the Statesman for Decem ber 13, 1 86 1, appears the following interest ing information concerning the mines and the inducements there offered : The tide of emigration to Salmon river flows steadily onward. During the week past, not less than two hundred and twenty-five pack animals, heavily laden with provis ions, have left this city for the mines. If the mines are one-half so rich as they are said to be, we may safely calcu late that many of these trains will return as heavily laden with gold dust as they now are with provisions. The late news from Salmon river seems to have given the gold fever to everybody in this immediate neighborhood. A number of persons from Florence City have arrived in this place, during the week, and all bring the most extravagant reports as to the richness of the mines. A report, in relation to a rich strike made by Mr. Bridges, of Oregon City, seems to come well authenticated. The first day he worked on his claim (near Baboon gulch) he took out fifty-seven ounces; the second day he took out one hundred and fifty-seven ounces; third day, two hundred and fourteen ounces,, and the fourth day, two hundred ounces in two hours. One gentleman informs us that diggings have been found on the bars of Salmon river which yield from twenty-five cents to two dollars and fifty cents to the pan, and that on claims in the Sal mon river, diggings have been found where " ounces " won't describe them, and where they say the gulches are full of gold. The discoverer of Baboon gulch arrived in this city yesterday, bringing with him sixty pounds of gold dust, and Mr. Jacob Weiser is on his way with * mule loaded with gold dust. Within the year more than one and one- half millions of dollars in gold dust had been shipped from the mining districts, — a circum stance which of itself was enough 'to create a wide-spread and infectious gold-fever. An ticipating the rush for the mines in the year 92 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 1862, a great deal of live-stock had been brought to the Walla AA'alla country in the latter part of 1861, while the demands for food products led many ranchers to make provisions for raising greatly increased crops of grain and other produce to meet the de mands of the coming season. The winter of 186 1-2 was one of utmost severity, and its rigors entailed a gigantic loss to residents throughout the eastern por tion of AArashington territory, — a section practically isolated from all other portions of the world for many weeks. It has been said that this "was the severest winter known to the whites on the Pacific coast." The stock in the AValla AA'alla country perished by the thousands, the animals being unable to secure feed and thus absolutely starving to death. From December to March the entire country here was effectually hedged in by the vast quantities of snow and the severely cold weather. Not until March 22d do we find the statement in the local newspaper that warm rains had set in and that the snow had commenced to disappear. One result is shown in the further remark, that "Occasionally the sun shines out, when the sunny side of the street is lined with men." The loss of stock in this section during that memorable winter was estimated at fully one million dollars, hay having reached the phenomenal price of one hundred and twenty-five dollars per ton, while flour commanded twenty-five dollars per bar rel in Walla AAralla. It may not be malapro pos to quote a list of prices which obtained in the Oro Fino mining region in December, 1 86 1 : Bacon, fifty to sixty cents per pound; flour, twenty-five to thirty dollars per hun dred weight; beans, twenty-five to thirty cents per pound; rice, forty to fifty cents per pound ; butter, seventy-five cents to one dol lar; sugar, forty to fifty cents; candles, eighty cents to one dollar per pound ; tea, one dollar and a quarter to one and a half per pound; tobacco, one dollar to one and a half; coffee, fifty cents. RUSH OF GOLD-SEEKERS IN 1 862. Iii view of the recent gold excitement in Alaska, how familiarly will read the follow ing statements from the AArashington States-! man of March 22, 1862 : "From persons who have arrived here from The Dalles during the week, we learn that there were some four thousand miners in Portland fifteen days ago, awaiting- the opening of navigation to thq upper country. Hundreds were arriving by every steamer, and the town was literally filled to overflowing." Under date of April 5th, the same paper gives the following pertinent information : "From one hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty passengers, on their way to the mines, come up to AA'allula on every steamer, and the majority of them foot it through to this place (AValla Walla)." By the last of May it was estimated by some that between twenty-five and thirty thousand persons had reached or were en route to the mining regions east of the Cascades, but con servative men now in Walla AA'alla regard that a great overestimate. The merchants of AAralla AA'alla profited largely through the pat ronage of the ever advancing column of pros pectors and miners, but the farmers did not fare so well, owing to the extreme devasta tions of the severe winter just passed. Enough has been said to indicate the causes which led to the rapid settlement and development of eastern AArashington and Oregon, — an ad vancement that might have taken many years to accomplish had it not been for the discov- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 93 ery of gold, in so romantic a manner. The yield of gold reported through regular chan nels for the year 1862 aggregated fully seven million dollars, and it is certain that several millions were also sent out through mediums which gave no record. In February, 1862, food products and merchandise commanded the following prices at Florence: Flour, one dollar per pound; ba con, one dollar and a quarter; butter, three dollars; cheese, one dollar and a half; lard, one dollar and a quarter ; sugar, one dollar and a quarter; coffee, two dollars; Ibea, two dollars and a half; gum boots per pair, thirty dollars; shovels, from twelve to sixteen dollars. POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR. The status of affairs in Walla Walla county at the opening of the year 1862 was radically different from what it had been at the time of the last county election, and the matter of choosing incumbents for the vari ous official positions had become one of no little importance. The rapid increase in popula tion and the varying character of those who had taken up their abode, for a greater or less time, within the boundaries of the county rendered it imperative that men of ability and sterling worth should be selected to adminis ter the affairs of the county, where lawless ness and crime walked side by side with vir tue and rectitude. Many rough characters were attracted to the mining districts, and a large proportion of these had slight regard for the value of human life or for personal probity. Political affiliations had but little weight, under the circumstances, with the better element of the county's population; it was recognized as essential that good men should be chosen for office, rather than that the party lines should be strenuously drawn. A call for a mass convention was issued prior to the July election, the same bearing the signatures of the following named represent ative citizens: R. H. Archer, J. D. Agnew, Quin. A. Brooks, C. S. Bush, D. S. Baker, W. A. Ball, J. Buckley, O. L. Bridges, S. Buckley, A. J. Cain, H. J. Cady, E. P. Crans ton, F. A. Chenoweth, W. W. De Lacy, J. P. Goodhive, H. M. Hodges, W. P. Horton, J. Hellmuth, H. Howard, J. B. Ingersoll, AV. W. Johnson, R. Jacobs, Kohlhauff & Guich- ard, E. E. Kelly, A. Kyger, S. Linkton, M. Lazarus, N. Northrop, E. Nugent, J. M. Norton, W. Phillips, W. H. Pattern, R. R. Rees, I. T. Reese, A. B. Roberts, B. Sheede- man, J. A. Simms, A. Schwabacker, John Sheets, D. J. Schnebly, J. Van Dyke and D, Young. For some unknown cause the convention, . which assembled in Walla Walla on the 21st of June, 1862, failed to place candidates in nomination, but that various candidates were put forward is shown by the records. The election occurred on the 14th of July, the re sult being as follows : For representative in the territorial legislature N. Northrop received 355 votes; S. D. Smith 317, H. M. Chase 302, and F. A. Chenoweth 132; other officers elected being : Edward Nugent, district at torney; James McAuliff, treasurer; H. M. Hodgis, assessor; W. W. Johnson, surveyor; J. F. Wood, superintendent of schools; L. C. Kinney, coroner; and James Van Dyke, John Sheets and S. S. Galbreath, county commis sioners. James Buckley was appointed sheriff, serving until February, 1863, on the 7th of which month Isaac L. Roberts was appointed as his successor, holding the office only to the 17th of March, when he resigned, E. B. Whit man being appointed to fill the vacancy. James Van Dyke resigned the office of com-. 94 HISTORY OF AARALLA AVALLA COUNTY. missioner in August, 1863, and on the 5th of September of that year H. D. O'Bryan was appointed to the office. S. S. Galbreath failed to qualify as commissioner at the time of his election, but held the office by appoint ment, the same having been made on the 5th ¦of August, 1862. MATERIAL PROGRESS OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY IN l862. The onspeeding tide of gold-seekers did not fail to bring in its wake a due quota of permanent settlers, for the resources of the AA'alla AValla valley began to receive a more grateful appreciation. Quite a large number of emigrants settled along the creeks and rivers skirting the base of the Blue mount ains at the north and west. Farmers pro duced little to sell, and prices continued to be high. Sufficient grain had, however, been raised to warrant the erection of another flouring mill, the same having been built by A. H. Reynolds, on Yellow Hawk creek. This was originally known as the Frontier mill, later as the Star. Captain Medorem Crawford, wdio was in command of the emi grant escort of about eighty men, crossing the plains in 1862, and whose statements may be considered as authoritative as any data available, estimated the number of wagons on the road for Washington territory and Ore gon at sixteen hundred, and the number of persons at ten thousand. A large number of emigrants, principally from Iowa, settled in the Grande Ronde valley, being people of ster ling worth and invincible courage,^the true basic elements of a prosperous commonwealth. A saw-mill was erected at the head of the val ley, and the town of LaGrande sprung into being, having about fifteen houses in the fall of 1862. Flour sold there at fifteen dollars per hundredweight. In November, 1862, we have the authority of the Washington Statesman to maintain that the town of LaGrande had a population of one hundred, two stores, one hotel and a blacksmith shop. In March, 1862, Lewiston, at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater rivers, had been laid out as a town, Wallula gaining a similar prestige in the following month, being located on the Columbia river. At the close of the year 1862 A Alalia AValla, a city of less than one hundred houses, nest ling at the base of the Blue mountains; La Grande, in the mountain valley, as noted ; the military trading post at The Dalles ; Pinkney City (Colville), in Spokane county, consti tuted, with the two previously mentioned, the village settlements established between the Rocky and Cascade ranges. Besides these there were, of course, the primitive mining towns in the mountains, the same being, how ever, little more than camps. It was exceedingly gratifying to the in habitants of this section to find that the win ter of 1862-3 proved as mild and equable as had the previous one been austere and rig orous. Up to the beginning of February, 1863, there had been practically no winter, and a grateful Chinook wind cleared the val ley of snow, on the 16th of that month, the snow having, in fact, been in evidence for but a week. This represented the end of the win ter. CHAPTER VIII. POLITICAL HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY, 1863-1866. The legislature of 1858, by the erection of Spokane county, made the Snake river con stitute the north and east boundary line of Walla Walla county, which still included all the territory between the Cascade range and the Columbia river, with the exception of Klickitat county. In January, 1863, the legis lature of the territory created the county of Stevens, the same being taken from Walla AAralla county and located west of the Colum bia, along the borders of the British posses sions and north of the Wenatchee river. The new county was attached to Spokane for ju dicial purposes. The little city of Walla Walla had thus far been on the direct route to the mines and had grown and prospered through the influ ence of the pack trains which were fitted out within her gates and through the flocking of the miners to the place to spend their gold in various ways. But in the latter part of 1862 gold had been discovered in the famous Boise basin, in what is now the state of Idaho. This discovery deflected the line of gold- seekers from Walla Walla, which was now to one side of the most direct line for the trans portation to the new region of the passengers and freight coming up the Columbia river. The tide of emigration to the new mines set in in the spring of 1863, and this led to the establishment of a new town at the confluence of the Columbia and Umatilla rivers, the name -of the latter being given to the new village. From that point a line of stages was put in operation over the emigrant road to the Boise basin, and though Walla Walla suffered somewhat from the deflection of travel and traffic, yet the energy and progressiveness of her merchants and citizens proved adequate to maintain to a large extent her trade prestige, which attracted many over from the slightly more direct route to the mines. Two stage lines gave a daily service between Walla AAralla and Wallula, and these were taxed to accommodate passengers, who paid five dol lars fare, while the transportation of freight between the two points was effected by the payment of twenty dollars per ton. After July 1 a tri-weekly mail was received from and dispatched to The Dalles, this service proving of great value. Some idea of the amount of freight passing through the country may be gleaned from the fact that, upon the comple tion of their thirteen-mile Dalles and Celilo railway, the Oregon Steam Navigation Com pany sold to the government for the sum of forty-three thousand dollars the teams they had been utilizing for the transportation of freight. POLITICAL MATTERS IN 1863. At the time of the county election in 1863 a delegate to congress was to be chosen, and owing to the diverging opinions in regard to the Civil war, then in progress, party alle- 96 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. giance came to the front in the territory to a much greater extent than at any previous time. This led to a spirited campaign, the prime ob ject of each party being, of course, to secure the election of their congressional candidate. George E. Cole, of Walla AAralla, was the can didate of the Democratic party, and the Re publican party spared no effort to reduce to the greatest extent possible his home majority. The Radical vote of the county in the year 1863 constituted only a little over one-third of its voting population, but a ticket, was placed in the field for the sole purpose of maintain ing a party organization, for the influence it might have in a territorial election. The re sult of the election in the county, on July 13, 1863, was as follows, the total vote cast hav ing been a trifle less than six hundred : George E. Cole, the Democratic candidate for dele gate to Congress, received 398 votes, while the Republican candidate, J. O. Raynor, re ceived 146. Mr. Cole was ultimately elected by the vote of the territory. The only Re publican elected on the county ticket was S. B. Fargo, prosecuting attorney, and that the greater portion of the. voters must have re frained from balloting on this candidate is evident when we revert to the fact that only forty-seven votes were cast, of which Mr. Fargo secured all but two. The other officers elected were as follows : Joint councilman, Daniel Stewart; representatives, S. AV. Bab cock, F. P. Dugan and L. S. Rogers; sheriff, W. S. Gilliam; auditor, L. J. Rector; assessor, C. Leyde, who removed from the county later on, J. H. Blewett being appointed to succeed him, February 1, 1864; coroner, L. Danforth; and county commissioner, Thomas P. Page, The finances of the county at the close of the year 1863 were somewhat suspiciously in volved, and the investigation made by the grand jury resulted in various charges of official mal feasance, negligence and even peculation. The situation may be briefly summed up by the com parison of the figures representing the avail able assets and the total indebtedness of the county on October 10, 1863, the report of the jury having been rendered on the 22c! of that month. The total in the treasury at the date noted aggregated only $2,199.14, while the total amount due on county orders presented was $21,286.00, and on those not presented an additional $2,294.42, making a total of $23,- 580.42-. The jury caustically remarked in its report that "The county officers' books, pre vious to the present incumbents, have been so imperfectly kept that it is impossible to derive a correct conclusion from them." THE RECORD OF THE YEAR 1 864. The early spring of 1864, ushered in after an exceptionally mild winter, seemed to give a spontaneous revival to the trade and mining activities east of the Cascades. Walla Walla showed herself capable of holding her own, and though not a city that vaunted herself, no one could deny that her precedence was still assured. The first line of stages between AValla AValla and the Boise basin was put in operation in the spring of this year by George F. Thomas & Company, though within the preceding year three different companies had been operating express business over the route in question. AA'alla AAralla became, or continued, a central point for outfitting between the Columbia and the mining districts, notwithstanding the op position offered by Umatilla, as already men tioned. Near the headwaters of the Columbia river, in the British possessions, the Kootenai mines had been discovered, and this soon di verted much of the emigration from Boise to HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 97 the new mines. All this tended to beget a -greater confidence in the future of the Walla Walla valley, which was growing to be re garded as a most favorable place for permanent settlement. The progress of the war of the Rebellion brought about an enrollment for a draft in the county, in 1864, and this indicated that there were 1,133 men m the county eligible for and subject to military duty, but the Democrats made the claim at the time that fully three hundred of this number had been improperly enumerated, being simply transient residents, en route to the mines. This enumeration, how ever, taken in connection with the ballot list of the last election, offers the only available data relative to the population of the county in 1864. The Statesman was authority for the infor mation that the debt of the county at the close of the year 1864 aggregated seventeen thou sand dollars, of which three thousand should be charged to defaulting officials, and four thousand five hundred dollars to loss by de preciation in Ithe value of the county script, which was issued to pay for the county jail. The assessment rolls of the year give the property valuation of the county at $1,545,056, — an increase of more than four hundred thou sand dollars over that of the preceding year. AVhat was, perhaps, the most important event of the year, as bearing upon the develop ment and substantial growth of this section of the country, was the fortunate discovery to which another writer refers as follows : "It was also found in 1864 that the uplands of the AA'alla AAralla country would produce grain, one of the farmers having gathered thirty-three bushels to the acre from a field of fifty acres, sowed the previous fall, on the hills that here tofore had been considered useless for agri cultural purposes. This was a more important discovery than that of the mountain gold-fields, for it was a bread mine, opened for millions that are yet to come. The drouth of 1864 did not prevent a bounteous wheat harvest, and a larger surplus of grain than ever before in the valley, much of which was sold at from one and a half to two cents per pound." ELECTION OF 1 864 LOYALTY TO THE UNION. The Democrats of Walla Walla county held a convention in the city of Walla Walla on the 1 8th of May, at which time resolutions were adopted which indicated that at least the ma jority of those assembled were loyal to the Union cause. That there was a percentage of voters in the county in sympathy with the cause of the Confederacy was but natural, but these were not so rabid as to withdraw their al legiance from their party by reason of the reso lutions which signified the animus of the con vention mentioned. Under title of the "Reg ular Democratic Ticket" the Democrats of the county placed a county and legislative ticket in the field, the opposition being represented by a ticket whose caption was "Unconditional Union Ticket." The total number of votes cast was six hun dred and twenty-eight, — a gain of only twenty- six over the number polled in 1863. It was claimed that fully one hundred legal voters failed to avail themselves of the franchise. James McAuliff, who was later, and for many years, mayor of the city of Walla AAralla, of which he is still an honored resident, was candi date for the office of treasurer on both tickets, and the result of the election was as follows : HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. Office. Prosecuting Attorney Prosecuting Attorney Councilman Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Joint Representative. Probate Judge Treasurer Assessor Surveyor Coroner County Commissioner For special tax, Name. Politics. Vote. J. H. Lasater Dem 357 .S. B. Fargo Rep 219 .W. G. Langford....Dem 344 .A. L. Brown Dem 373 .F. P. Dugan Dem 324 .E. L. Bridges Dem 337 .O.P.Lacy Dem 325 B.N. Sexton Rep 280 .Alvin Flanders Rep 269 J. H. Blewett Dem 346 .James McAuliff Dem 581 .William H. Patton..Dem .... 323. .Charles White Dem 352 .A. J. Thibodo Dem 341 H. D. O'Bryan Dem 345 230; against special tax, 365. The early spring of 1865 was marked by a renewed rush of emigrants to the mining dis tricts in the north. As early as February it was reported that there were more than a thou sand miners congregated in Portland, where they awaited the opening of navigation on the Columbia that they might make their way on ward to the mines of the "tipper country." They were followed by many other eager searchers for the hidden aurific deposits. Ag riculture was gradually advancing in extent and importance in the AValla AA'alla country, and prices still continued high. In June eggs were selling in Walla AA'alla for forty cents per dozen and in September wheat commanded one dollar and a quarter per bushel. The city of AA'alla AAralla was visited by a disastrous fire on the 3d of August, and many valuable docu ments were destroyed, including the county as sessment rolls, town plats and city records. In this year the town of AVaitsburg, on the Touchet river, had its inception, the nucleus of the now prosperous municipality being a school-house and a flouring- mill. had hitherto been evidenced. The Democratic party girded its loins and claimed to have gained in numerical strength through the later immigration; while the Republican party per fected a thorough organization. The delegates of the latter to the territorial convention were instructed to support Elwood Evans for con gressional delegate, but the successful candi date for nomination was Arthur A. Denny, who had been for four years register of the land office at Olympia. While the Democratic convention of Walla Walla county conceded that political expe diency authorized the selection of a congres sional delegate resident west of the Cascades, they instructed their delegates to present the name of James H. Lasater for the office in case ot disagreement as to choice of a candidate from the coast country. James Tilton was, however, the nominee of the territorial convention. The result of the election in AA'alla AA'alla county was as follows, the election taking place on the 5th of June : Office. Name. Politics. Vote. Delegate Arthur A. Denny. Rep.. 336 Delegate James Tilton Dem 406 Prosecuting Attorney. .S. B. Fargo Rep 34.3 Joint Councilman Anderson Cox Rep 364 Representative J. D. Mix Dem 396 Representative James McAuliff. ...Dem 392 Representative A. G. Lloyd Dem 368 Representative T. G. Lee Dem 362 Representative B. N. Sexton Rep 354 Joint Representative. ..J. M. Vansyckle. . .Dem 3K7 Sheriff A. Seitel Rep 407 Auditor J. H. Blewett Dem 399 Assessor H. M. Hodgis Dem 393 Surveyor T. F, Berry 359 School Superintendent. J. L. Reeser Dem .... 386 Coroner A. J. Miner. ...:.. Dem 384 County Commissioner. .D. M. Jessee Dem 396 politics in 1865. At this election the total vote cast in the The political situation in 1865 was such as county was 749, a gain of 122 over the num- to arouse a more determined party interest than ber of ballots cast at the election of the preced- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ing year. The several precincts in the county were respectively represented in this total as follows : Walla Walla, 539 ; Wallula, 54; Upper Touchet, 96; Lower Touchet, 39; Pataha, 16; Snake River, 5. The average Democratic vote of Walla AValla city was 291 and the Republican 238. It is to be noted that in all the other precincts majorities were given to the Republican candidates, but the Democratic ticket was victorious, with the exception of two candidates, as is shown by the returns en tered above. The Republican candidate for ccngressional delegate was elected by a ma jority of over one thousand. Anderson Cox was elected joint councilman to fill a vacancy caused by the removal of Daniel Stewart from the territory, but the latter returned and claimed the seat when he was advised that a Republican had been elected. Singularly enough, he did not occupy the seat. CHAPTER IX. GENERAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY, 1 866- 1 874. In the winter of 1865-6 much snow fell in the Walla Walla country, the same having reached a depth of eighteen inches in December, 1865. This unusual precipitation worked great hardships to the stock-raisers and to teamsters on their way from the mountains. On January 16, 1866, began another snow storm, which continued three days, leaving to its credit fully eighteen inches of snow in the valley. This was practically obliterated by a Chinook wind which swept the valley in the opening days of February. Navigation on the Columbia was opened on the 22cl of the same month, and the spring opened early and fav orably, though cloudy weather of unusual per sistency cast its gloom over a portion of the month of March. The rush of gold-seekers to Montana mines was inaugurated in the early spring, this having been pronounced "the cul mination of the prosperous mining epoch that placed AValla Walla upon a basis of perma nence." Apropos of this, the Washington Statesman of April 13, 1866, speaks as follows : In the history of mining excitements, we doubt whether there ever has been a rush equal to that now going on to Montana. From every point of the compass, they drift by hundreds and thousands, and the cry is, "still they come." The excitement promises to depopulate portions of California, and from our own territory, as well as Oregon, the rush is unprecedented. The stages that leave here go out loaded down with passengers, all bound for Blackfoot. In addition to the usual conveyances, men of enterprise have placed passenger trains on the route between Walla Walla and Blackfoot, and those trains go out daily, with full passenger lists. Fare, with provisions furnished, eighty dollars. With the ever increasing population in the mining districts the problem of supplying the camps became one of great importance, and the question of transportation was one of utmost significance, since supplies would naturally be secured through the medium affording the minimum rates. Goods could be drawn from two sources of supply, San Francisco or Chi cago, and the rate war was on. The price per ton for the transportation of supplies from San Francisco to Helena, Montana, by way of Owyhee and Snake rivers, in 1865, was three hundred and forty-five dollars ; by way of Port- ICO HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA. COUNTY. land and the Snake river to Lewiston, thence by land to Helena, three hundred and twenty dollars ; by way of Portland to Wallula, thence by land to Helena, two hundred and seventy- five dollars ; and by way of Portland to White Bluffs, thence by land to same destination, two hundred and seventy dollars. This data is derived from information collected and pub lished by the San Francisco chamber of com merce. During the summer of 1865, according to reliable authority, more than one hundred pack trains, averaging fifty animals each, with three hundred pounds to the animal, thus aggregat ing seven hundred and fifty tons, were sent forth from different points on the Columbia river to Montana. The cost of transportation was fully two hundred and forty thousand dollars, and the value of the goods aggregated about one million, two hundred thousand dol lars. These data will afford an idea as to the vast amount of freight which was transported through the Walla Walla valley in 1865, and at the opening of the succeeding year the White Bluffs route was enabled to offer a rate of five dollars less per ton than was AAralla Walla. The Oregon Steam Navigation Company fav ored the former route, as they were desirous of building up a town at White Bluffs, but this aroused the protest of the teamsters of Walla AValla, twenty-six of whom appended their signatures to a card which stated that in prefer ence to any other point on the Columbia river, they preferred Wallula as the point from which to transport freight to Montana. This protest had due influence, and thus AValla Walla was enabled to hold her own. Within the year 1866 an unsuccessful at tempt was made to annex AAralla AValla county to Oregon, a memorial being presented to the Oregon legislature advocating such assimila tion. This movement was inaugurated by Anderson Cox, to whom reference has been made in connection with the election of 1865. He succeeded in pushing the enterprise through the Oregon legislature, and held it in the back ground in that of Washington. The scheme was headed off in large part through the efforts of Hollon Parker, who visited Washington City for the special purpose. It is a fact worthy of great interest that if the region south of Snake river had been annexed to Oregon its vote in presidential elections would have been sufficient to turn the scale in favor of the Democratic candidates, and the election of 1876 would have gone to- Tilden instead of Hayes. .The Democratic party elected every candi date at the annual county election held June 4, 1866, the result being as follows: Joint coun- cihnan (for Walla AA'alla and Stevens coun ties), B. L. Sharpstein; representatives, D. M. Jessee, R. Jacobs, R. R. Rees, H. D. O'Bryan and Thomas P. Page; treasurer, James Mc Auliff; assessor, H. M. Hodgis; school super intendent, W. G. Langford; county com missioners, T. G. Lee and H. A. Livingston. W. L. Gaston was appointed county surveyor in the following December. Commissioner Livingston met an accidental death, on the 24th of August, and on the 3d of December Elisha Ping was appointed to fill the vacancy. The county had as yet provided practically no ac commodations for the several officials, who la bored under great disadvantages by reason of their inadequate quarters, which were indif ferently shifted from place to place, with no provisions for property filing records and docu ments. The county jail, used jointly by the city, was a disgrace to the county and afforded so little surety against the escape of prisoners, who were occasionally placed in irons on this account, — a thing that should have not been HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. IOI required. In the year 1866 an abortive attempt was made to patch up the old building, the city enclosing the structure with a high board fence, for the privilege of using it, and the county magnanimously contributing a paltry sum, which was utilized in reinforcing the apertures made by escaping prisoners, and in fitting up, over the cells, a room for the jailor to occupy. INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY IN 1 867. The productive energies of the Walla Walla valley, along the lines which have in the full ness of time contributed most largely to the precedence and substantial prosperity of the section, began to be more self-assertive during the year 1867, since this year marked the in ception of exporting flour to the coast, thisjrep- resenting at the time thesole manufactured product of Walla Walla comity. A few bar rels were shipped in an experimental way, and , after the adjustment of freight rates by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, which appeared to have discriminated against such shipments at one time, the enterprise graciously expanded. The amount of flour shipped to The Dalles and Portland from April 19 to June 2, 1867, aggregated four thousand, seven hun dred and thirty-five barrels, the transportation rates being six dollars per ton to either point. The shipment of flour to the mining districts within the year was approximately the same in amount as that of preceding years. Later in the season a firm of Walla Walla merchants made the further experiment of shipping wheat to the coast, forwarding fifteen thousand bush els, and proving unquestionably that grain could be thus transported down the Columbia to the coast markets at a profit. It will be readily understood that these two experiments, if so they may be designated, were, with their legitimate and normal results, of transcendent importance to the rapidly developing Walla Walla valley. As has been justly said in a pre vious historical publication: "This was the beginning of the outward movement of the products of the county, made as a experiment, under circumstances that proved the practi cability of a steady exportation of flour by the millers of this valley, and a consequent market for the vast quantities of grain it was capable of producing." I POLITICAL. ' j ¦ ;J ¦ A review of the political situation in 1867 shows that there was an extraordinary interest and activity in the ranks of both the Demo crats and the Republicans. The principal point of contest and interest was in the selection of a delegate to congress, each party having a num ber of aspirants for the important office. The people east of the Cascades felt that they were entitled to have a candidate selected from their section of the territory, inasmuch as the honor had hitherto gone to a resident of the sound country. From the eastern section of the ter ritory were five Democrats and two Republic ans whose names were prominently mentioned in this connection, and while the Republican convention for Walla Walla county sent an tin instructed delegate to the territorial conven tion, a vigorous effort had been made in favor of the candidacy of Judge J. E. AAtyche. At the county Democratic convention the delegates chosen were instructed to give their support to AV. G. Langford, of Walla Walla, so long as seemed expedient. They were also instructed to deny their support to any candidate who endorsed in any degree the project of annex ing Walla Walla county to Oregon. In the 102 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. territorial convention Frank Clark, of Pierce county, received the nomination of the Democ racy for the office of congressional delegate, the balloting in the convention having been close and spirited. The Republican territorial con- i vention succeeded in running in the proverbial "dark horse," in the person of Alvan Flanders, ; a Walla AValla merchant, who was made the ; nominee, defeating three very strong candi dates. Owing to the agitation of the Vigilance question, referring to diverging opinions of the citizens as to the proper method of administer ing justice, the politics of the county were in a peculiarly disrupted and disorganized condi tion, and the Vigilance issue had an unmistak able influence on the election, as was shown by the many peculiarities which were brought to light when the returns were fully in. The Democrats of the county were particularly de sirous of electing certain of their county can didates, and it is stated that the Republicans were able to divert many Democratic votes to their candidate for delegate to congress by trad ing votes with Democrats and pledging their support to local Democratic candidates. The fact that such bartering took place is assured, for while the returns gave a Democratic ma jority of about two hundred and fifty in Walla AValla county for all other officers, the delegate received a majority of only one hundred and twenty-four. This action on the part of the AAralla AA'alla Democrats secured the election of the Republican candidate, whose majority in the territory was only ninety-six. The result of the election in the county, held on the 3d of June, was as follows : Frank Clark, the Democratic candidate for delegate, received 606 votes, and Alvan Flanders, Re publican, 482. The other officers elected were as follows : Prosecuting attorney, F. P. Du- gan; councilman, W. H. Newell; joint council man (Walla AValla and Stevens counties), J. M. Vansyckle; representatives, W. P. Horton, E. Ping, J. M. Lamb, P. B. Johnson and B. F. Regan; probate judge, H. M. Chase; sher iff, A. Seitel ; auditor, J. H. Blewett ; treasurer,. J. D. Cook; assessor, C. Ireland; surveyor, AAr. L. Gaston ; superintendent of schools, C. Eells ; coroner, L. H. Goodwin; county com missioners, S. M. Wait, D. M. Jessee (evidently an error in returns, as AA^ T. Barnes, a Demo crat, was elected), and A. H. Reynolds. The sheriff resigned on the 7th of Novem ber, 1868, and on the same day James Mc Auliff was appointed to fill the vacancy. A. H. Reynolds resigned as commissioner, in May, 1869, Dr. D. S. Baker being appointed as his successor. Of the successful candidates noted in the above list, all were Democrats except \\ P B. Johnson, J. D. Cook, C. Eells, S. M. ' AA'ait and A. H. Reynolds. THE FIRST COURT HOUSE. As the county dedicated its first court house in the year 1867, it is incumbent that we make a brief reference to the same at this juncture. As early as 1864, the grand jury had made a report on this matter, and from said document we make the following pertinent extracts : "\A'e, the grand jury, find that it is the duty of the county commissioners to furnish offices for the different county officers. This we find they have not done. To-day the offices of the officers are in one place, to-morrow in another, and we hope at the next meeting of the board of county commissioners that they will, for the sake of the integrity of Walla Walla county, furnish the different county officers with good offices." Notwithstanding this merited re proof, no action of a definite, character was HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. i°3 taken by the board of commissioners until the meeting of March 11, 1867, when it was voted to purchase, of S. Linkton, a building on the corner of Alder and Third streets, the same to be paid for in thirty monthly installments of one hundred dollars each. A further expendi ture of five hundred dollars was made in fitting up the building for the use of the county, and thus Walla AValla county was able to hold up a dignified head and note with approval her first court-house. That the structure was al together unpretentious, and devoid of all archi tectural beauty, it is, perhaps, needless to say. The executives of the county were at least pro vided with a local habitation. REVIEW OF THE YEAR I AVithin this year began the first logical jind active agitation of the transportation_jruestioii, and this probletninvc4vecl_tdie_ future £f Wajla„ AWdJacomuty^mjd_city to_a_greater degree than any _other. Within the year an organized effort was made to provide for railroad facili ties for shipping the products of the country to the markets of consumption. Philip Ritz, ap preciative of the results of the experiments of the previous year, consigned fifty barrels of flour to New York city, where he disposed of the same at the rate of ten dollars per barrel, netting him a profit of one dollar and fifty cents a barrel. This flour was the product of the old Phoenix mill. At the time, the cost of flour in AAralla Walla was three dollars and seventy- five cents per barrel, and the transportation charges to New York, with commissions, ag gregated four dollars and seventy cents a barrel. The cost of shipping wheat to San Francisco was too great to render it profitable to make shipments from Walla AValla, where the prod uct commanded only forty cents per bushel, and the same must be sold for one dollar and twenty cents per bushel in San Francisco in order to cover the expenses of shipment, made at the rate of twenty-eight dollars per ton, of which amount six dollars per ton represented the transportation charges between Walla AValla and Wallula. Thus the project of constructing a railway line between these two points became the topic of much discussion and consideration. After several enthusiastic public meetings had been held, the business men of this section manifest ing- a live interest, the AA'alla AAralla & Colum bia River Railroad was organized. Hon. Al van Flanders, the delegate in congress, secured from that body the right of way for the pro posed line and also permission for the county to subscribe three hundred thousand dollars for the support of the enterprise, with the pro vision that this should be done only upon sub mitting the question to the electors of the coun ty and securing a favorable result at the elec tion. No definite progress was made in the matter for a term of several years, and , the progress of the county was materially retarded on this account. A fuller description of the transportation facilities of the county, and the history of the various enterprises involved, may be found on other pages of this work. A BRIEF RECORD OF THE YEAR 1 869. Again in this year was there to be chosen a delegate to congress, and the Democracy of AValla Walla county instructed their delegates to the territorial convention to insist upon the nomination of a candidate resident east of the Cascade range, — the same desideratum that had been sought at the last preceding election. In the convention F. P. Dugan, J. D. Mix, B. L. Sharpstein and W. H. Newell, of Walla AValla,. 104 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. were balloted for, but the nomination went to Marshall F. Moore, ex-governor of the terri tory. The Republican nomination was secured by Selucius Garfielde, surveyor-general of the ter ritory. The names of two of AValla Walla county's citizens were presented 'before the convention, Dr. D. S. Baker and Anderson Cox. The nomination of Garfielde proved unsatisfactory to many of the party adherents, and dissension was rampant. The disaffec tion became so intense in nature that a num ber of the most prominent men in the party ranks did not hesitate to append their signatures to a circular addressed to the "Downfallen Re publican Party," .said document bearing fifty signatures in all. On the list appeared the name of the delegate in congress and the chief justice of the territory. The circular called for a radical reorganization of the party, charged fraudulent action in the convention and made many sweeping assertions. This action provoked a strong protest, and the dis affected contingent did not nominate a ticket of their own, and Mr. Garfielde was elected by a majority of one hundred and thirty-two. f He received in AAralla AA'alla county three hundred and eighty-four votes, while his op ponent, Mr. Moore, received seven hundred and forty. In the county election the Democrats elect ed their entire ticket, by an average majority of three hundred. The county had at this time the privilege of electing six representa tives to the lower house of the territorial legis lature, which body had, in 1868, granted one more representative to the county. The re sult of the election was as follows : Pros ecuting attorney, A. J. Cain; representa tives, N. T. Caton, Fred Stine, H. D. O'Bryan, J. D. Mix, J. H. Lasater, Thomas P. Page; probate judge, R. Guichard; sheriff, James McAuliff; auditor, H. M. Chase; treasurer. A. Kyger; assessor, M. C. McBride; surveyor, J. Arrison; superin tendent of schols, AVilliam McMicken; cor oner, L. H. Goodwin; county commission ers, AAr. T. Barnes, Daniel Stewart, C. C. Cram. The county gave two hundred and eighty-six votes in favor of a constitutional convention and only twenty-four in opposition. CONDITIONS AND EVENTS OF THE YEAR. The year 1869 found the AValla Walla valley in about the same status as the preced ing- year, though a severe drouth, extending over the entire coast country, had caused in this section a partial failure of crops, so that there was no surplus of grain or flour to ship out, save what was sent into the mining dis tricts. Wheat brought from seventy-five to eighty cents per bushel, and flour reached as high a figure as six dollars per barrel. The increased prices made the returning revenue practically as great as the year before, not withstanding shortage of crops. As has been mentioned previously, the financial affairs of the county were badly in volved at the time of the investigation inci dentally made in 1863, and an indebtedness of from five to twenty thousand dollars had been in evidence continuously up to the year of which we are now writing. The last board of county commissioners realized that the finan cial integrity of the county was in jeopard}', and they determined that of the officers of the county must be exacted a more careful and efficient discharge of their respective duties, while they also set vigorously to the task of placing the treasury department of the county upon a better basis — insisting that its" business FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 105 should be handled according to true business principles. The board were fortunately ena bled to effect a radical improvement along the lines mentioned, the evidence of this being conclusive when we revert to the fact that on the 1st of May, 1869, the obligations of the county amounted to $9,569.13, while in the treasury the cash deposit was represented by $9,209.18. In view of the fact that the sheriff who resigned in November, 1868, was indebted to the county, according to the re port of the board, to the amount of more than three thousand dollars, for delinquent taxes collected, the financial showing at this time was all the more creditable to the board and to the various county officials. waitsburg's ambition. The now thriving town of AVaitsburg be-' gan to cast about for new dignities and honors, its ambition leading it to agitate the question of dividing Walla Walla county and giving to the town mentioned the coveted boon of being the official center of the new county. Walla Walla county at this time had an area of three thousand four hundred and twenty square miles, including what are Columbia and Garfield counties, and had the region been more thickly populated it would have been too large and unwieldy for effective official control and management. In regard to the claims of Waitsburg and the matter of erecting a new county from AA'alla Walla, Gilbert's history speaks as follows : The seat of justice was in one corner far from the geographical center, though located in the midst of the most thickly settled district. Waitsburg at that time had a grist mill, saw mill, hotel, several stores and a good school. It was both enterprising and ambitious; and hav ing no paper of its own, ventilated its opinions in the Walla Walla journals. Had the upper position of the county been settled as it was a few years later, a division would have been desirable, but even in that event, Waits burg was too near Walla Walla to become an acceptable county-seat, being necessarily located in the extreme corner of the proposed county. That this was true and that it would be but a few years before the seat of justice would be moved to another place in a more central loca tion, were facts recognized by many of the business men of that village, nevertheless a petition was signed by one hundred and fifty residents, and was presented to the legislature in October, 1869, a delegation of citizens of the aspiring town accompanying it to Olympia. The county was to be divided so that about one-half the area and one- third the population and assessment valuation would be segregated. The fact that Waitsburg was not a natural center, together with the additional facts that no other existing town was, and the upper portion of the county was not thickly enough settled to demand a separate government, caused the legislature to decline to take any action in the matter. Waitsburg's dream of official honors was over, and the springing up of Dayton a few years later served to convince them that had they been conferred they would have been of a transitory character. THE YEAR 187O AND ITS RECORD. This year in Walla AValla county was marked by no events or conditions of special importance. Favorable climatic conditions having prevailed, the harvests were bounteous again, and the surplus of grain and flour was so large as to justify large shipments of these products, much of the same being transported down the Columbia river. The transportation charges were so heavy, however, that the prices on the commodities in AA'alla AValla were exceedingly low, particularly in compar ison with the prices ultimately paid at the? various points of destination. In the month of August the city council of AA'alla AAralla deeded to the county commis sioners the present courthouse square, on Main street, the same having been set aside for such purpose at the time the town was platted. The matter of erecting a courthouse had been under consideration, and not a little public interest was manifested in the question, The commissioners did not, as a matter of course, feel justified in making any expendi- io6 L1IST0RY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. tures of county funds or credit in this line un til the county had secured a clear title to the land upon which the proposed building was to be erected. But when the deed to the land was finally in their possession the question of building the court house remained in statu quo, the matter having been indefinitely post poned by the commissioners. A census of the county was taken in the year 1870, and certain data resulting there from will be worthy of perpetuation in this connection. The number of houses in the county was placed at 1,149; number of families, 1,150; white male inhabitants, , 2,999 ; white female inhabitants,, 2,111 ; colored male inhab itants,; 111} colored female inhabitants, 81. According to these figures the total population 'Uj.'-e, of the county aggregated 5,102.) The follow ing statistics will indicate to a degree the condition of the county at the close of the year 1870, and is worthy of reproduc tion : Average wages of farm hands, with board, $35.00; average wages of laborers, without board, $2.50; average wages of laborers, with board, $1.50; average wages of carpenters, $4.00; average wages of female domestics per week, $7.00 ; average price of board for labor er per week, $5.00; number of farms in coun ty, 654; acres of improved land, 52,620; bushels of spring wheat, 190,256; bushels of winter wheat, 2,667; bushels of corn, 25,487; bushels of oats, 114,813; bushels of barley. 21,654; pounds of butter, 99,780; pounds of cheese, 1,000; tons of hay, 6,815; number of horses, 5,650; number of mules, 627; number of milch cows, 4,772; number of work oxen, 292; number of other cattle, 8,046; number of sheep, 5,745 ; number of hogs, 4,768. It will be recalled that the history of growth and development in the county had covered at this time practically only one dec ade, in view of which fact the people of the lo cality had ample reason to congratulate them selves on the showing made. POLITICAL AFFAIRS IN 1870. According to all data available, the polit ical pot boiled furiously throughout the terri> tory as the hour of election approached. Lack of harmony was manifest in both parties, and, as before, the chief interest centered in the election of a delegate to represent the territory in the federal congress. Those office-holders who were most vigorously protestent and vis ibly disaffected, were summarily removed from office in January of this year, by the president of the United States, this action having been recommended by the congressional delegate, Mr. Garfielde, who thus drew upon himself still greater opposition and dislike. A change in the existing laws made it necessary to elect a delegate again this year, and a strong at tempt was made to defeat Mr. Garfielde, who was confident of being returned to the office. There could be no reconciliation of the war ring elements in the Republican party. The Republican territorial convention of 1869 had appointed an executive committee, whose pen sonncl was as follows : Edward Eldridge, M., S. Drew, L. Farnsworth, P. D. Moore, B. F, Stone, Henry Cock and J. D. Cook. In Feb ruary a circular was issued by Messrs. S. D. ITowe, A. A. Manning, Ezra Meeker, G. A. Meigs, A. A. Denny and John E. Burns, who claimed to have been constituted the ex ecutive committee. The convention as called by the regular committee met in April and re nominated Mr. Garfielde. The recalcitrant faction presented the name of Marshall Blinn in the convention, the bolters not being strong HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 107 enough to hold a separate convention, but hoping to gain sufficient votes to prevent the nomination of Garfielde. The Democratic convention was far more harmonious, the nomination going to Judge J. D. Mix, one of the most honored citizens of Walla Walla, and one enjoying a wide ac quaintance throughout the territory. The campaign developed considerable acrimony between the factions of the Republican party, but the results of the election showed that the disaffected wing gained but slight popular en dorsement. Six thousand three hundred and fifty-seven votes were cast in this election, rep resenting a gain of thirteen hundred over the preceding year. Garfielde was elected, secur ing a majority of seven hundred and thirty-six over Mix, the total vote for Blinn being only one hundred and fifty-five. Upon the ques tion of holding a constitutional convention there were one thousand one hundred and nine votes cast in opposition, and nine hundred and seventy-four in favor. By reason of the change in the law the county election also was held a year earlier than usual, occurring June 6, 1870. The Democracy were victorious in the county, electing their entire ticket with the exception of superintendent of schools. For delegate James D. Mix received in his home county 670 votes, while Selucius Garfielde had 527. The officers elected in the county were as fol lows : Prosecuting attorney, N. T. Caton ; councilman, Daniel Stewart; joint council man ( Walla Walla, Stevens and Yakima coun ties), N. T. Bryant; representatives, David Ashpaugh, James H. Lasater, John Scott, A: G. Lloyd, Elisha Ping and T. W. Whetstone; probate judge, R. Guichard ; sheriff, James Mc Auliff; auditor, H. M. Chase; treasurer, A. Kyger; assessor, A. C. Wellman; surveyor, A. H. Simmons (he was succeeded by Charles A. AVhite, who was appointed to the office May 1, 1871); school superintendent, J. L. Reser; coroner, L. H. Goodwin; county commission ers, C. C. Cram, F. Louden and I. T. Reese. The officials elected in the county this year did not assume their respective positions until the succeeding year. The officers elected in the preceding year had been chosen for a term of two years, and they contended that the change in the law of the territory which made it necessary to hold the election in 1870, in stead of 1871, did not invalidate their right to hold office until the expiration of their reg ular term. The matter was brought into the courts for adjudication, a test case being made in the contest between the prosecuting attor ney-elect against the incumbent of the office at the time of the last election. In July James W. Kennedy, judge of the first district, ren dered a decision in favor of the defendant, holding that officers elected in 1869 retained their positions until 1871, thus reducing the term of the officials last elected to one year. Oregon still cast covetous eyes upon the Walla AA'alla valley region, and in 1870 its legislature forwarded to congress another memorial, asking that there be annexed to Oregon such portion of AVashington Terri- toryas lay south of the Snake river. The res idents of the section indicated were not in formed of the action until after the memorial had been presented to congress, and the prop osition met with determined opposition here. RAILROAD PROJECTS TOWN OF DAYTON FOUNDED 187I-2. The problem of transportation facilities still continued the one which had most potent significance as determining the further growth io8 HISTORY OF WALLA AARALLA COUNTY. and permanent industrial prosperity of the county. In 1871 the matter of railroad facil ities was taken under consideration in an earnest way, some action having been taken, but little having been accomplished in a prac tical way. At this time the Northern Pacific Railroad Company made a proposition to sur vey a route from AA'allula to AA'alla AA'alla, contingent upon there being raised by the cit izens of the county a subscription of two thou sand dollars to assist in defraying the expenses of the survey. After the completion of the survey, in case the Northern Pacific decided not to build the road in accordance therewith, the plats and notes were to be turned over to the AValla AA'alla & Columbia River Railroad Company. The required subscription was raised, the survey was made, and a report and estimate of cost was given to the latter company in May, 1871, the Northern Pacific having deemed it expedient not to run its line to AA'alla AA'alla. A call for a special election, to vote on the question of subscription in county bonds, was called by the county com missioners, but in view of the fact that it would be a needless expense to hold the elec tion, the order was revoked. Later on they again called an election, under the act of Sep tember 18, 1 87 1, the former having been called under the act of 1869, but the proposi tion to bond the county was adversely met at the polls. In March, 1872, the railroad com pany began work at AVallula, grading several miles of the road within that year. A rail road from AA'alla AAralla to La Grande was surveyed as far as Umatilla, when the proj ect was abandoned. In the fall of 1871 S. M. Wait and Will iam Matzger had begun the erection of a large flouring mill on the Touchet river, near the mouth of the Patit, and this served as the nucleus of a town, which began to blossom forth in the spring of 1872, and grew so rap idly that by fall it had a population of five hundred people, with facilities in accordance. This town was Dayton, the present county- seat of Columbia county. The Republican territorial convention of 1872 again nominated Mr. Garfielde for dele gate to congress, the Democrats and Liberals placing the name of O. B. McFadden on their ticket, he being the candidate of the Democ racy, who had coalesced with the Liberals, this being the year of the memorable "green back" campaign in national politics. Mr. McFadden was elected by a majority nearly as great as Mr. Garfielde had received two years before. The holding of a constitutional convention was again voted on and defeated, AA'alla AA'alla county giving an adverse ma jority of seven hundred and fifty-two on the proposition. In the county election there were three candidates for some offices, and four for that of auditor. The Democrats elected their ticket, with the exception of one commissioner. At this election also the peo ple of the county voted in favor of the erec tion of a county court-house and jail, the ma jority in favor being two hundred and twelve. The officers elected in the county were as follows : Prosecuting attorney, T. J. Anders ; councilman, Fred Stine; joint councilman ( AValla AValla, Stevens, Yakima and Whitman counties), C. H. Montgomery; representa tives, N. T. Caton, O. P. Lacy, E. Ping, C. L. Bush, John Bryant and H. M. Hodgis; probate judge, I. Hargrove; sheriff, B. W. Griffin; auditor, R. Jacobs; treasurer, R. R. Rees; assessor, AVilliam F. Gwynn; surveyor, A. L. Knowlton; school superintendent, A. W. Sweeney; coroner, A. J. Thibodo; county commissioners, D. M. Jessee, W. P. Bruce HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 109 and S. L. King. The last named commis sioner resigned his position on the 4th of May, 1874, W. T. Barnes being appointed to fill the vacancy. THE YEARS 1 873 AND 1 874 IN WALLA WALLA COUNTY. The vote on the question of building the court house and jail had been taken for the express purpose of securing a definite expres sion of the opinion of the tax-payers rela tive to the much-needed improvement. Though the minority vote on the proposition was large, the commissioners felt justified in obeying the will of the majority, in harmony with which they caused plans and specifica tions to be prepared and presented, finally adopting those of F. P. Allen, in February, 1873, which provided for a brick court house on a stone foundation. Concerning this im portant matter another historical compilation speaks as follows : "The design was for a main building, with an ell that would give ample accommodations to all the county offi cers, court and jury rooms, and in the base ment a jail with twelve cells. There were two stories above the basement, and the whole was surmounted by a dome, making a struc ture of considerable beauty. Although the county now had a clear title to the court house square, on Main street, there were sev eral parties who desired to enhance the value of their property in the outskirts of the city, and therefore offered to donate land to the county upon which to erect the new building. These offers were considered and rejected, and the court-house square was selected as the building site. Two weeks later the commis sioners saw fit to rescind their former action and accept the offer of four blocks of land between Second and Fourth streets, and one- fourth mile north of Main street, much to the displeasure of the citizens who desired the building erected on the court-house square, where it would not take a Sabbath day's jour ney to reach it. The next step by the board was to alter the plans and reduce the size of the building, take off the dome, and prune the structure of all its ornamental features, leav ing it the appearance of a huge barn. The last act, and under the circumstances the most judicious one, was a conclusion not to erect the buildina: at all." POLITICAL. Within the year 1874 there was much dis cussion in regard to the annexation of a por tion of Idaho to Washington and the admis sion of the entire territory into the Union. Mass meetings were held in Walla Walla county and in Idaho, this section favoring the project with unmistakable tenacity, and me morials were presented to congress. The question of a constitutional convention was again defeated when submitted to popular vote. In Walla Walla county the total num ber of votes cast on this proposition was only two hundred and sixty, and of these only twenty-four were in favor of the convention. Two candidates for delegate to congress were nominated, one being a resident east and the other west of the Cascades, which mountains had long represented the line separating and individualizing the interests of the two sec tions of the territory. The nominee of the Republicans was Orange Jacobs, and the Dem ocrats presented as their candidate B. L. Sharpstein, of Walla Walla. Judge Jacobs was elected by a majority of twelve hundred and sixty. This was the era of the independ- / o IIO HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ent or "Grange" movement, which had an unmistakable effect upon national politics, its influence being felt in this section of the Union. In the local election of Walla Walla county, held November '3, 1874, there were three tickets in the field, and three candidates , were in line for nearly every office. The re sult gave the Democrats the victory in offices purely local in character, while the Republi cans elected their candidate for prosecuting attorney and a few members of the legisla ture. The officers elected were as follows: Prosecuting attorney, T. J. Anders; council man, E. Ping; joint councilman, AAA W. Boon; representatives, R. G. Newland, J. B. Shrtim, P. M. Lynch, John Scott, H. M. Flodgis and A. G. Lloyd; probate judge, R. Guichard; sheriff, George F. Thomas; audi tor, R. Jacobs; treasurer, R. R. Rees; assessor, Samuel Jacobs; surveyor, A. L. Knowlton (who resigned in November, being succeeded by P. Zahner) ; schools superintendent, A. W. Sweeney; coroner, A. J. Thibodo; county commissioners, Charles White, C. S. Brush and C. C. Cram. The coroner resigned in November, being succeeded by O. P. Lacy, who in turn resigned the office, in Novem ber, 1875, V. D. Lambert being appointed to fill the vacancy. Commissioner Charles White resigned in November, 1875, his suc cessor being Frank Louden. CHAPTER X. ANNALS OF THE YEARS 1875 TO l88l. The year 1875 was an important one in the annals of the city of Walla Walla, since it marked the completion of the line of the AA'alla AA'alla & Columbia River Railroad from Wallula to AValla Walla, the work of the energetic and far-seeing Dr. D. S. Baker, thus affording to the county-seat its first rail way connection with the outside world, and also affording shipping facilities far ahead of the primitive methods heretofore employed. The road had been slowly advanced toward completion by the intervention of private capital, the citizens generously coming to the rescue of the enterprise and subscribing near ly twenty-seven thousand dollars. In October of this year were made the first shipments of grain by railroad out Of AA'alla AA'alla, and it may well be imagined that the completion of the road was the cause of marked satisfaction to the merchants and farmers of this locality. Other railroad projects were brought up and thoroughly discussed, Dayton and Waitsburg having held mass meetings to consider the matter of securing railway connection with the county-seat, while other and more preten tious projects were agitated. In the fall of the year 1875 AAralla AA'alla was connected with Baker City, Oregon, by telegraph line. DIVISION OF THE COUNTY. Reference has already been made to the attempt of AYaitsburg to effect a division of the county in 1869, the effort being unsuccess ful. But the increase in settlement, the rapid development in agricultural and other indus- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. i n trial lines, made the proposition to form a new county not an unreasonable one in 1875. From a previously published history of Co lumbia county we make the following ex tracts, which will show clearly how the di vision of the county, by the erection of Co lumbia county, was effected: The springing up of Dayton and great increase in wealth and population of the country surrounding it, led the minds of people to the idea that a new county should be created. They were a portion of Walla Walla coun ty, but were so far from the county-seat that it was a matter of great inconvenience and expense to transact official business. Especially were the citizens of Dayton in favor of a new county, and the location of a seat of justice in their midst, as such a- step would help the town. Dayton was the only town in the proposed new county, yet, as it was near the western verge, those who could see into the future recognized the fact that settle ment of the Pataha, Alpowa and Asotin country would result in taking the county-seat away from Dayton in time, or in creating another county to accommodate the people of that region. This served only to spur them on in their effort to secure the prize for Dayton, hoping to retain it when the conflict came in the future, by creat ing a new county, thus leaving Dayton in permanent possession of what it had gained. The Democrats had elected Elisha Ping to the territorial council in 1874, and as this gentleman was a resident and property-holder of Dayton his services were assured in securing the desired legislation. Apetition was circulated and largely signed, in 1875, asking the legislature to divide Walla Walla county by a line running directly south from the Palouse ferry, on Snake river, to the Oregon line, thus leaving Waits burg just within the limits of the new county. The peo ple of Waitsburg objected. If they had to be the tail to any kite, they preferred Walla Walla to Dayton. They delegated Mr. Preston to visit Walla Walla and consult with the people there on this subject. He addressed a large meeting in that city in September, and a remon strance was prepared, which received many signatures, and was forwarded to the legislature. Representatives Hodgis,. Lloyd, Lynch and Scott, of Walla Walla coun ty, opposed a division with earnestness. The cause of Dayton was in the hands of A. J. Cain, who managed it in Olympia, with the assistance of Mr. Ping. The remonstrance sent in by the people of Walla Walla and Waitsburg called the attention of the legislature to the fact that the proposed line of division cut off two-thirds of the county, including the bulk of the agricultural land and all the timber, and suggested that if it was necessary to create a new county at all, that a line run ning from Snake river to the Touchet on the line between ranges 38 and 39, thence up the south fork of the Touchet to the Oregon line, be selected. This was twelve miles east of the other proposed line, and would leave Waitsburg in Walla Walla county, as well as a large belt of agricultural and timber land that otherwise would be set off to the new county. Walla Walla found herself helpless in the matter in the legislature. The members from the west ern side of the mountains were in the majority, and they were in favor of a division as desired by the people of Dayton. A bill to create Ping county was introduced and passed both branches, only to meet with a veto at the hands of Governor Ferry, who objected to certain features of it. Another bill was prepared, in accordance with his objections, to create the county of Columbia, and was hurried through the legislature in the last days of the session, receiving the governor's signature on the 11th of November, 1875. The line was a compromise between the two proposed, and struck the Touchet two miles above Waitsburg, then went south six miles, east six miles, and thsn south to the Oregon line. Though the opening of the centennial year, 1876, found Walla AValla county de prived of near two-thirds of its original ter ritory, still prosperity smiled upon the locality, and the prospects for the future were most flattering. That the county had not suffered appreciably in the amount of real valuations by reason of the segregation of the new county of Columbia, is clearly shown by a comparison of the assessed valuations of the years 1875 and 1876. In the former year the property in the county (then undivided) was assessed at $2,792,065, while in 1876 the total was nearly as great, being $2,296,870. Sta tistics gleaned by the assessor in this year afford the following data : In the county were reported 239 mules, 5,281 horses, 11,147 cat tle, I3>233 sheep, 4,000 hogs, 1,774 acres of timothy, 700 of corn, 2,600 of oats, 6,000 of barley, 21,000 of wheat, and 700 of fruit trees. The new railway was handling a large amount of the produce of the county, flour being now manufactured in six mills in full operation in the county. Prosperity was in dicated in divers ways, and the condition of the county treasury was gratifying. On the 1st of May the treasury had a balance on hand of $5,271.61, and the amount due on out- I 12 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. standing warrants aggregated only $2,816.56. The roof of the court house was raised five feet in this year, and a two-story addition was made to the building, the dimensions of this annex being twenty by twenty-four feet. Another much-needed improvement was ef fected, in that the commissioners constructed three vaults of brick to be used for the filing and preservation of the county records. The division of the county much dis pleased the citizens of Walla Walla county, who felt that their interests were not properly considered by the people of the sound, who seemed to discriminate against the territory east of the mountains and to have no concern about this section save in the matter of deriv ing therefrom as great a revenue as possible. Thus it came about that the matter of asking once more for annexation of this section of the territory to Oregon was taken up and vig orously supported by many who had hitherto strongly opposed the measure. James K. Kelly, United States senator from Oregon, introduced in the senate a bill which provided for the submission to the voters of Walla Walla and Columbia counties the question of their annexation to Oregon, the territory thus including all south of the Snake river. The annexation scheme was bitterly opposed by the citizens of the Puget sound district, by the territory of Idaho and particularly by the citizens of Dayton, who could see no reason for the change, maintaining that by reason of the rapid settlement of the country it would soon be possible to secure the admission of Washington to statehood according, to the plans originally outlined. Dayton accord ingly sent to congress a memorial objecting to the bill introduced by Senator Kelly, where upon Walla Walla took a definite action also, holding a mass meeting and also sending, in turn, a memorial to congress, favoring the bill in question. The bill failed to pass, as did also- the house bill, of similar character, introduced by Representative Lane, of Ore gon, and providing that the question should be voted on . at the November election. Al though this latter bill was favorably voted upon by the committee on territories, it met the same fate as had the senate bill. The an nexation idea being thus adversely considered, and realizing that nothing further could be done along the line noted, Walla Walla county finally accepted the situation gracefully and concluded to act in harmony with other sec tions of the territory in the matter of work ing to secure the admission of Washington to the sisterhood of states. COUNTY ELECTION OF 1876. The Republican nominee for delegate to congress was Judge Orange Jacobs, who was the incumbent of the office at the time. The Democrats nominated John P. Judson, who was defeated by a small majority, AA'alla Walla county having given him a majority of one hundred and fifty-two votes. The county election, held November 7th, gave a distinct victory to the Democracy, all its can didates being elected. The one Republican elected was the county surveyor, whose name appeared on both tickets. The result of the election was as follows : Prosecuting attor ney, T. J. Anders; councilman, Daniel Stew art; representatives, W. T. Barnes, William Martin, A. J. Gregory and H. A. Vansyckle; probate judge, R. Guichard; sheriff, George F. Thomas; auditor, Thomas P. Page; treas urer, AA'illiam O'Donnell; assessor, Samuel Jacobs ; surveyor, P. Zahner ; school superin tendent, A. W. Sweeney (who resigned in the HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. iL3 following May, being succeeded by L. K-. Grim); coroner, L. H. Goodwin; commis sioners, D. J. Storms, James Braden and Dion Keefe. In the county eighty-five votes were cast in favor of the constitutional convention and two hundred and ninety-two in opposi tion. The territory gave, however, a very satisfactory majority in favor of the holding of the territorial convention. The finances of the county were held in excellent condition during the succeeding two years, the report of the fiscal year ending April 30, 1877, showing the receipts to have been $46,657.11 and the expenditures $43,- 797.99. The cash on hand aggregated $8,- 130.73, while less than eight hundred dollars was due on outstanding county warrants. The advances made in the shipping of the products of the county is distinctly indicated by the following statistics in ' regard to the amount of freight handled by the Walla Walla & Columbia River Railroad in the year 1877. There were received eight thousand tons, of which thirty-five hundred were agri cultural implements. There were forwarded 19,884 tons of wheat, 4,653 of flour, 917 of oats and barley, 326 of flaxseed, 81 of wool, 172 of bacon and lard, and 280 of miscella neous freight, — a gratifying total of 26,313 tons shipped out from the territory tributary to Walla Walla. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Judge Jacobs, the territorial delegate to congress, urged upon that body, during the session of 1877-8, the passage of a bill admit ting Washington to statehood, its territory to include the three northern counties of Ida ho. Once again the old and dejected annexa tion scheme raised its weary head, Senator 8 Mitchell, of Oregon, presenting to congress another memorial advocating the annexation. Congress took no action on the memorial. In November, 1877, the legislature of the terri tory passed a bill providing for a special elec tion, to be held April 9, 1878, to choose dele gates to a constitutional convention, which was to be held in Walla Walla the second Tuesday in June. Fifteen delegates were to be chosen from Washington and one from Idaho, the latter to have no vote. The elec tion called out about one-half the popular vote of the territory. In the meantime the work of framing a constitution had been pushed forward. The delegates to the con stitutional convention were as follows : W. A. George, of Walla Walla ; Edward Eldridge, Whatcom; S. M. Gilmore, Klickitat; S. M. Wait, Columbia; B. F. Dennison, representing the second judicial district; C. H. Larrabee, third judicial district; C. M. Bradshaw, Jef ferson; Henry B. Emery, Kitsap; L. B. An drews, King; D. B. Hannah, Pierce; Frank Henry, Thurston; A. S. Abernethy, Cowlitz; G. H. Steward, Clark; O. P. Lacy, Walla Walla; G. V. O'Dell, Whitman; and Alonzo Leland, of Nez Perce county, Idaho. On June 11, 1878, these delegates assem bled at Science Hall, in the city of Walla AValla, and were called to order by W. A. George. A temporary organization was ef fected by the election of A. S. Abernethy as president of the convention. The committee on credentials made its report, after which the convention was permanently organized, with the following officers : A. S. Abernethy, pres ident; W. B. Daniels and William Clark, sec retaries; and Henry D. Cock, sergeant-at- arms. The convention continued in session for a period of forty days, and within this time had framed a constitution to be submit- 114 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. ted to the people for ratification or rejection at the next general election, to be held in No- -vember, 1878. It is recorded that but little enthusiasm was manifested in the subject of the constitution, the vote on this issue falling fully three thousand short of that cast for dele gate to congress. In favor of the adoption of the constitution 6,462 votes were cast, and against the same 3,231. Many were apa thetic in the matter by reason of the fact that they considered the adoption of the con stitution somewhat prematTire_ and felt that no genuine results could be attained at this time. The Democratic territorial convention of 1878 placed N. T. Cation in nomination for dele gate to congress, and Thomas H. Brents was the nominee of the Republicans. Both the gentlemen were prominent lawyers of Walla AA'alla, so it will be seen that the people east of the mountains received due recognition at this time. Judge Brents is at the time of this writing judge of the superior court in Walla AA'alla county, and a specific sketch of his life appears on another page of this work. The vote cast in the territory was nearly three thousand greater than that of the last elec tion, two years previous, the total being 12A42. Judge Brents received a majority of i,3o"i~and in his home county his majority was 146, the fact being particularly flattering to the successful candidate, since this wasjtlie first time that_the comity had everjnven a ma- h iriJy_io_a_R_epuhlican candidate for delegate to _ccaigress. The Republicans captured a share of the county offices at this election, held November 5th, electing the councilman, three representatives in the legislature, the auditor and treasurer, surveyor, school super intendent and one of the commissioners. The result of the election was as follows : Prose cuting- attorney, R. F. Sturdevant; council man, J. H. Day; representatives, John A. Taylor, D. J. Storms, J. M. Dewar and Mark F. Colt; probate judge, R. Guichard; sheriff, J. B. Thompson; auditor, W. C. Painter; treasurer, J. F. Boyer; assessor, Samuel Ja cobs; surveyor, P. Zahner (who resigned in February, 1880, F. F..Loeher being appointed to fill the vacancy) ; school superintendent, C. W. Wheeler; coroner, J. M. Boyd; com missioners, M. B. AA'ard, Amos Cummings and Samuel FI. Erwin. The vote in the county in\ favor of the adoption of the constitution was ( eighty-nine, against the proposition eight hundred and forty-seven. J The years 1879 and 1880 gave to AA'alla AValla an improvement in shipping facilities, since the Walla AA'alla & Columbia River Railroad was sold to the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, who changed the line to a broad gauge and otherwise so improved the equipment as to give the AA'alla AA'alla valley far superior transportation facilities to those hitherto enjoyed, thus tending to vitalize the industrial life of this section in a marked degree. Delegate Brents introduced in the national house of representatives a bill for the admis sion of AVashington into the Union, and though the matter was pushed forward with as much insistency as possible, yet congress refused to give it consideration, so that the agitation had to be abandoned until the next session of congress. Judge Brents was again nominated for delegate by the Republicans in 1880, 'the candidate of the Democracy being- Thomas Burke. The former was successful at the polls, his majority in AValla AValla county being one hundred and eighteen votes. By the county election of November 2, 1880, the various official positions were again di vided, the Republicans gaining a majority of HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. "5 the offices. The result was as follows : Mem ber of the board of equalization, T. C. Frary; councilman, B. L. Sharpstein; joint councils- man, Jacob Hoover; representatives, R. R. Rees and W. G. Preston; joint representa tive, J. M. Cornwell ; probate judge, R. Guich- ard; prosecuting attorney, George T. Thomp son; sheriff, James B. Thompson; auditor, W. C. Painter ; treasurer, J. F. Boyer ; assessor, Samuel Jacobs; surveyor, Francis F. Loehr; school superintendent, C. W. Wheeler; coro ner, Dr. H. G. Mauzey; commissioners, M. B. Ward, Amos Cummings and S. H. Erwin; sheep commissioner, Asa L. LeGrow. At this election the question of levying a tax for the purpose of building a suitable court house and jail, compatible with the wealth and dignity of the county, came up for decision, and it is gratifying to know that the voters of the county gave to the proposi tion an almost unanimous endorsement, 1,468 votes being cast in favor of the levy and only 158 against it. The fence law was also en dorsed at this election. CHAPTER XL WALLA WALLA COUNTY ELECTIONS 1882-I9OO. At the election of 1882 the following offi cers were elected : Representatives, H. H. Flungate, A. G. Lloyd and Milton Evans; attorney, George Thompson; auditor, William C. Painter; sheriff, J. B. Thompson; treas urer, J. F. Boyer; assessor, William Hark- ness; surveyor, F. H. Loehr; superintendent of public schools, J. AV. Brock; judge of pro bate, R. Guichard; commissioners, Amos Cummings, M. B. Ward and S. H. Erwin: sheep commissioner, A. S. LeGrow ; coroner, W. B. Wells. At the election of 1882 Judge Thomas H. Brents, of Walla Walla, was the Republican candidate for delegate to congress, and he was elected by a flattering majority. Of his serv ices in this capacity due record is made on other pages of this work, in which connection we are also pleased to direct particular atten tion to the sketch of his life, appearing on another page. He received in Walla AA'alla county at this election eleven hundred and thirty-one votes. It is to be noted that this election showed many "scratched" tickets, the reason assigned by the Walla Walla Daily Statesman being to "give 'bossism' its death blow," and to thus file a definite- objection to what was pronounced a "giant evil." Touching this election the Statesman (Democratic) of November 11, 1882, speaks as follows : "Last Tuesday the tolerant spirit of the people gave out, and it became a fight between right and wrong, between honest government and dishonest government, be tween bossism and the people. It was a ques tion whether the people or the bosses were to rule. The watchword was, 'The right thing must come to pass,' and it did come to pass. The people dropped their expressed wishes into the ballot boxes on Tuesday, and when they were counted 'bossism' died, as it should." The election of 1884 gave the following n6 FIISTORY OF WALIA WALLA COUNTY. results : Representatives, J. F. Brewer, AA'ill- iam Fudge and J. M. Dewar; attorney, E. K. Hanna; auditor, AVilliam C. Painter; sheriff, A. S. Bowles; treasurer, J. F. Boyer; assessor, L. H. Bowman; surveyor, J. B. AA'ilson; su perintendent of public schools, J. W. Mor gan; judge of probate, R. Guichard1; commis sioners, Amos Cummings, W. P. Reser and AA' G. Babcock; sheep commissioner, A. S. LeGrow; coroner, H. R. Keylor. The record of the election of 1886 is here noted : Representatives, P. _ A. Preston and W. M. Clark; auditor, L. R. Hawley; sheriff, A. S. Bowles; treasurer, J. F. Boyer; assessor, M. H. Paxton; surveyor, J. M. Allen; super intendent of public schools, Ellen Gilliam; judge of probate, R. Guichard ; commission ers, T. C. Taylor, Joseph Paul and Edwin AA'eary; sheep commissioner, Timothy Barry; coroner, H. R. Keylor. In 1888 the following officers were elected in the county : Representatives, E. L. Powell and L. T. Parker; auditor, L. R. Hawley; sheriff, J. M. McFarland; treasurer, John F. Boyer; assessor, M. H. Paxton; superintend ent of public schools, J. B. Gehr ; surveyor, L. W. Loehr; coroner, Y. C. Blalock; justice of the peace, John A. Taylor; probate judge, H. AA'. Eagan; commissioners, James McAu liff, Frank McGown and C. J. Laman; con stable, James A. Messenger. At the election of 1890 the following in cumbents of the county offices were chosen : Representatives, J. L. Sharpstein and J. C. Painter; attorney, H. S. Blandford; clerk, H. AV Eagan; auditor, W. B. ITawley; sheriff, J. M. McFarland ; treasurer, R. Guichard ; assess or, M. H. Paxton; superintendent of public schools, J. B. Gehr; surveyor, L. AA'. Loehr; justice of the peace, J. W. Cole; commission ers, J. AI. Hill, Milton Aldrich and Frank Lowden: The results of the election of 1892 were as follows : Representatives, A. Cameron and Joseph Merchant; senators, David Miller and John L. Roberts; superior judge, AA' H. Up ton; clerk, H. W. Eagan; attorney, Miles Poindexter; auditor, A\' B. Hawley; sheriff, C. C. Gose; treasurer, H. H. Hungate; super intendent of public schools, E. L. Brunton; assessor, T. H. Jesstip; surveyor, J. B. AA'il son; coroner, C. B. Stewart; justice of the peace, W. T. Arberry; constable, M. C. Gus- tin; commissioners, Edward McDonnell, J. B. Caldwell and Frank M. Lowden. In 1894 the following officers were elected in the county: Representatives, Joseph Mer chant and J. AA'. Morgan; attorney, R. H. Ormsbee; clerk, Le F. A. Shaw; auditor, A. H. Crocker; sheriff, AVilliam Ellingsworth; treasurer, M. H. Paxton; superintendent of public schools, E. L. Brunton; assessor, J. B. Wilson; surveyor, E. S. Clark; coroner, S. M. White; justice of the peace, E. H. Nixon; constables, M. C. Gustin and Ben T. AA'olf. The election of 1896 resulted as follows : Representatives, J. H. Marshall and A. Ma- thoit ; senators, David Miller and John I. Yeend; superior judge, Thomas H. Brents; attorney, F. B. Sharpstein; auditor, A. H. Crocker; clerk, J. E. Mullinix; sheriff, AA'ill- iam Ellingsworth; treasurer, M. H. Paxton; surveyor, E. S. Clark; assessor, J. B. AA'ilson; superintendent of the public schools, Grant S. Bond; coroner, AA'. D. Smith; justice of the peace, AA'. T. Arberry; constable, Ben T. AA'olf; commissioners, Milton Evans and Os car Drumheller. The following were elected to the various offices in 1898: Representatives, C. C. Gose HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. "7 and Grant Copeland; sheriff, A. Frank Kees; clerk, Schuyler Arnold; auditor, C. N. Mc Lean ; treasurer, John W. McGhee, Jr. ; attor ney, Oscar Cain; assessor, Walter L. Cad- man; superintendent of public schools, Grant S. Bond; surveyor, W. G. Sayles; coroner, Y. C. Blalock; justice of the peace, William Glasford; constable, Emil Sanderson; com missioners, Delos Coffin and D. C. Eaton. The election of 1900 gave the following results : Representatives, Grant Copeland and John Geyer; senators, W. P. Reser and O. T. Cornwell; superior judge, Thomas H. Brents; prosecuting attorney, Oscar Cain; auditor, C. N. McLean; clerk, Schuyler Arnold; sheriff, A. Frank Kees; treasurer, W. B. Hawley; assessor, Walter L. Cadman; surveyor, W. G. Sayles; superintendent of public schools, J. Elmer Myers; coroner, S. A. Owens; justice of the peace, William Glasford; constable, J. C. Hillman; commissioners, Edward Corn- well and Amos Cummings. At this election Judge Brents received the largest majority ever accorded a candidate in AValla Walla county, 2,324 -votes being cast in his favor and 1,295 in favor of the oppos ing candidate. At the present time the county is divided into twenty-six voting precincts. A list of these precincts, with the vote cast in each for the elections of 1896 and 1900 will be found interesting for comparison. 1896. Baker 93 Clarke 160 Clyde 103 Coppei 78 Dixie 167 Eureka 97 Fremont 283 1900. 101192LS2 79 162 78 251 Frenchtown 64 97 Hadley 59 47 Hill 59 80 Lewis 244 287 Lower Dry Creek 54 55 Lower Touchet 20 26 Mill Creek 77 66 Mullan 93 91 Prescott 155 170 Ritz 235 262 Russell Creek 55 49 Sims 124 168 Steptoe 123 127 Stevens 259 334 Small 207 216 Waitsburg 198 269 Wallula 105 94 Washington 123 112 Whitman 199 220 Total vote 3434 3785 Total vote in the city . . . 1485 1670 It may be of interest to readers desiring an accurate conception of the financial con dition of the county to have here presented a few statistics from auditor's report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900. By this statement it is shown that the number of acres of improved land in the county is 252,159.90; of unimproved land, 351,256.42; total num ber of acres assessed, 603,414.32; that the value of lands exclusive of improvements is $2,812,505; improvements on lands, $492,- 805 ; total value of lands and improve ments, $3,305,310; that the total value of railroad tracks within the county is $911,685; and of personal property, $2,126,945; that the total value of all taxable property as assessed is $8,245,852. These figures were so modi fied by state and county boards of equalization il8 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. and corrections by auditor as to make the total valuation of property $8,247,952. The report is authority also for the statement that the total county indebtedness in 1900 was $90,- 460.64, and that the cash in the county funds was $12,437.60, leaving a net indebtedness of $78,023.04. STATEHOOD. The statistical summary of elections just given makes no mention of the great event in the history of Washington state, to-wit, its birth. In 1889 Washington became a state. Some of the efforts to attain this consummation have already been noted in these pages. The government in general did not realize the rapid growth of this region. After 1883, with the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad, population increased very rapidly. The am bitious and energetic inhabitants of the terri tory felt eager to don the garb of statehood. The national administration, in 1888-9, began to see that it would be a suitable time to admit the largest group of states ever admitted at one time. The pressure from Washington, Mon tana and Dakota had been unceasing. The government became satisfied that these three great territories fulfilled all the requisites nec essary for statehood. Accordingly a bill was passed in 1889 providing for the creation of AA'ashington, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. This great change in the his tory of the territory stimulated all manner of enterprises, and turned the attention of home- seekers throughout the United States to Wash ington as a region where they might well cast their lot. It is a matter of interest and pride to Walla AA'alla to note that the last territorial delegate, John B. Allen, and the last territorial governor, Miles C. Moore, were citizens of this place. In the constitutional convention which was summoned to meet in 1890 for the purpose of framing a constitution for the new state, Judge B. L. Sharpstein, Dr. N. G. Blalock and D. J. Crowley represented Walla Walla. In glancing back over the political history of this state and territory it may be observed that Walla Walla county has been largely rep resented in state affairs. Of the congressional delegates from 1857 to 1888 four were citizens of Walla AA'alla county. These were George E. Cole, elected in 1863, Alvin Flanders, in 1867, Thomas H. Brents, in 1878, i8£o and 1882, and John B. Allen, in 1888. Three other citizens of AA'alla Walla, J. D. Mix, B. L. Sharpstein and N. T. Caton, were nominees by the Democrats, but not elected. Miles C. Moore, for many years an honored citizen of Walla Walla, was appointed by Presi dent Harrison to the governorship of AA'ash ington in 1889. Upon him, therefore, devolved the bowing out of the territory and the usher ing in of the state. Men of all parties united in testifying that both duties were performed with conspicuous ability. The political history since admission to statehood has been of a somewhat checkered character. The state has been in general strongly Republican, and yet all parties have been distracted with factional struggles The first state legislature was strongly Republican and chose as the first sena tors AV G. Squire, of Seattle, and John B. Allen, of AValla AValla. The first Republican state convention met in AA'alla AA'alla, and nomi nated E. P. Ferry for governor and John L. AA'ilson for representative to congress. The Re publican candidates were elected by a large majority. Of the subsequent bitter strife between the Allen and the Turner factions we will not here speak. Nor will we speak of the failure by reason of that strife to elect a senator in the year 1893, nor HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 119 of the appointment by Governor McGraw of John B. Allen to fill the vacant place and his subsequent rejection by the sen ate. These things belong rather to the his tory of the state than the county, although these conditions dominated the political affairs of the county. It was during this portion of the county history that the management of the state penitentiary became such a potent factor in both county and state politics. One ring after another got control of penitentiary affairs, and candidates for state or national offices found it wise to exercise great caution in deal ing with those penitentiary rings. The ap pointment by Governor McGraw of J. H. Cob- lentz to the wardenship of the penitentiary, the slashing manner in which the latter undertook t-> run the politics of the county, as well as the meekness with which the majority of the county statesmen submitted to the yoke, the frequent spreads and entertainments, some of a highly moral and religious character, the sub sequent defalcation, and at last the tragic sui cide of Warden Coblentz, — of these we need not speak at length, for are they not all written in the chronicles of the tax payers of AA'alla AValla? During the past five years the most intimate connection between the politics of AA'alla AValla county and the state has been through the candidacy of Levi Ankeny for the senatorship. Although the AA'ilson ring and allied influences have thus far been able to prevent the election of Mr. Ankeny, yet he has the hearty support of almost all the different parties in his own county. In the presidential election of 1896 the usual Republican majority was overcome by the fusion of the Democratic and Populist parties into the organization known as the Peoples' party. The vote was 1,596 Republican, 1,652 Peoples' party, 37 Prohibition, 64 Gold Demo crat. The presidential election of 1900 saw the tide turned the other way. In spite of the agricultural occupation of the people of this county the Populist party is not so strong as in other portions of eastern Washington. A generally conservative impulse has kept the independent elements from making any large accessions from the ranks of orthodox voters. Apparently financial and personal motives possess greater influence than political and independent ones. It is plain that the great desideratum in both county and state politics is some large general interest, which is capable of creating a genuine patriotism and true pub lic spirit. Such influences, though rare, and be lieved by some cynics not to act at all, never theless do come into existence at times, and are in reality the only salvation of republican in stitutions. It may well be expected that a region so highly favored by nature as AA'alla Walla, with so many influences tending to the creation of an intelligent, patriotic and liberty-loving pop ulation, will in due season create a high stand ard of patriotism and political rectitude. CHAPTER XII THE LAND WE LIVE IN. The preceding chapters have been mainly historical. Those remaining will be mainly de scriptive. In this chapter we propose to view some of the general physical aspects of this great state in which AA'alla AA'alla county is located. After such a view of the state as a whole we shall find it the more interesting to traverse in imagination our own county, and arrive at a clue conception of its rich resources. Of all peculiarities of the "Evergreen state," none is so impressive as its infinite variety. From the rolling grass plains of the eastern part to the arid flats of Yakima, from the aiguilletted and glacier-crested uplifts of Chelan or Okanogan to the smiling vales of AA'alla AA'alla, from the fog-shrouded shores of Puget sound to the drifting sands and perpetual sunshine of Ken- newick, with all the variety of products which conform to such differences of nature, — coal, gold, silver, wheat, cattle, fruit, wool, hay, lum ber, fish, hops, etc., ad infinitum, — we note that one predominant fact of variety. To stranger and resident alike this presents an indescrib able charm. In one sense AA'ashington has no characteristics, for it is both dry and wet, both clear and cloudy, both timbered and prairie, both mountainous and level, both barren and luxuriant, both beautiful and dismal. Equally contrasted are its products. All characters, then, may be said to belong to it. This grand and varied character of our great state has received its tribute of admira tion from both visitors and citizens. We can not render this chapter attractive in any better way than by quoting some of the best of these beautiful tributes. For a brief review of the progress and pres ent conditions of the great state of Washington there can perhaps be found no more reliable and incisive account than the following, which ap peared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer of Sun day, December 30, 1900: "It is not too- much to claim for the state of AA'ashington that it is at least the equal of any state in the Union for diversity of resources and magnificence of opportunity, and far sur passes most. Its location on the Pacific coast is shared by only two other states, neither of which contains within its boundaries all of the advantages possessed by the most northwestern of the states of the Union. Its great inland sea of Puget sound forms a harbor unrivaled by any other in the world. Its mountains are full of mineral, its forests will yield lumber for many years, its wheat fields produce as fine a quality of grain as any in the United States, its orchards are infinite in their variety, its meadows are richer than can be found any where else, and as a dairy state it has no equal. Of no less importance is the fact that its climate is the most conducive to sustained energy. The temperature runs to neither extreme, and is absolutely free from blizzard, drouth, tornado or flood. "The state of Washington owes its name HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 121 to a Kentucky member of congress named Stanton. The petition to be set off as a separate territory from Oregon was before congress as early as 1852, and the territory was created March 2, 1853. The name proposed was Co lumbia, but Stanton said : 'We have already a territory of Columbia. This district was called Columbia, but we never yet have dignified a territory with the name of Washington. I de sire to see a sovereign state bearing the name of the father of this country. I therefore move to strike out the work Columbia wherever it occurs in the bill and insert instead thereof the word AA'ashington.' v "It remained a territory until 1889. Acting under an enabling act passed by congress, the constitution of the state of Washington was framed by a convention of seventy-five dele gates chosen by the people of the territory, at an election held May 14, 1889, under the act of congress approved February 22, 1889. The convention met at Olympia July 4, 1889, and adjourned August 22, 1889. The constitution was ratified at an election held October 1, 1889, and on November 11, 1889, the president of the United States proclaimed the admission of the state of AA'ashington into the Union. It is worthy of note that the act of congress provid ing for the state of Washington was approved on Washington's birthday. "The state lies between the 46th and 49th parallels of north latitude and the 117th and 125th meridians of longitude west from Green wich. It has an area of 69,994 square miles, and is, therefore, greater in area than any state east of the Mississippi, and is greater than all six New England states combined. In i860 it had a population of 11,594; in 1870, 23,955; in 1880, 75,116; in 1885, 130,465; in 1890 its population was 349,390; and now it is 518,103. "The first settlements were trading posts of the Hudson's Bay and Northwestern fur com panies. There was a settlement of farmers from the Red river valley, who located at Nis- qually in 1841. There were also early mis sionary settlements at Walla Walla in 1835, and Spokane, then Fort Spokane, in 1838. The first American settlement on Puget sound was made in October, 1845, at New Market, now Tumwater. In 1880 the largest body of urban population in the state of Washington was found at Walla Walla, which had a population of 3,588. The next largest body was in Seattle, with its population of 3,533. "The early historical accounts of what is now the state of Washington are very meager. Most of the expeditions had some other object than possession of this part of the country. Expeditions by Juan de Fuca, Captain George Vancouver, Captain Robert Gray, by sea, and by Captain William Clark and Captain Meri wether Lewis, by land, have left their marks in now familiar names. There was also one unfortunate expedition undertaken in 1832, under Captain Bonneville, numbering one hun dred and ten men and twenty wagons, which, starting from Fort Osage, reached as far west as Fort Walla Walla. "Captain Nathaniel J. Wyeth, of Massachu setts, also in 1832, got as far west as Fort Vancouver. John Ball, a member of his party, opened a school — the first known — at that place. One of his teachers describes it as a primitive Babel. 'The scholars,' he says, 'came in talking in their respective languages — ¦ Cree, Nez Perce, Chinook, Klickitat,' and others whose names he did not know. Dr. Marcus AVhitman is another of the heroic pio neers who has impressed his personality upon the early history of the state. "President Pierce, whose vice-president was 122 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. named King, appointed Major Isaac I. Stevens the first governor, and all of these are remem bered in the names of counties. A subdivision of Stevens county was, in 1899, created a sep arate county under the name of the first gov ernor of the state, Elisha P. Ferry. By proc lamation, September 29, 1853, from the sum mit of the Rocky mountains, Governor Stevens announced his assumption of his executive duties, and soon after he arrived at Olympia, the selected capital. "The remoteness of the new territory made it? development very slow. The construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad, which it was intended to terminate at Olympia, but which was extended to Tacoma in 1880, is one of the great historical incidents in the development of the state. Even then it was supposed that Portland would be the real terminus, but work was pushed on, and on September 7, 1883, the last spike was driven. On Monday, the 5th day of July, 1887, the people of Washington com memorated the arrival the day before of the first overland train direct from Duluth to Ta coma. From that time the growth of the state has been rapid. The building of the Great Northern has placed the state on the line of another great transcontinental road, and many branches have since been added. "The surface of the state is separated into two great natural divisions by the Cascade range of mountains, extending from north to south, placing about two-thirds of the total area of the state in the eastern division. This division makes a great difference in climate, and the two portions differ very much also in soil and resources. The western side is much more thickly populated, and its climate is moist and far less variable than that on the east, where winter and summer are more distinctly marked. Eastern AA'ashington is the valley of the Columbia, while western AA'ashington is the valley of Puget sound, lying between the Cas cades and the Olympics. "In western Washington the strip of land bordering on the Pacific coast and extending back as far as the summit of the first mountain ranges has a wet climate ; the region between the coast range and the Cascades has a moist climate, varying in the amount of annual pre cipitation from twenty to sixty inches; in east ern Washington the annual precipitation varys only from fifteen to sixteen inches, although there is an irregular ring within which the rainfall varys from fifteen to twenty-five inches annually, and these diversities affect the char acter of the native productions. "The moisture of western AVashington re sults in wonderful richness of meadow prod ucts. Hay, oats and hops are the principal field crops, but the valleys are splendidly adapted to culture of fruits, vegetables and flax, and to the pursuit of the dairy industry. The drier climate of eastern AA'ashington has made the cultivation of wheat the principal source of wealth, but irrigation of the volcanic soil has resulted in a marvelous production of apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries and all small fruit. "The mountains of the state of AA'ashing ton are entitled to special mention on account of their grandeur of scenery and their timber lands. Beautiful though many of its mountains are, there is none anywhere which can com pare with Mount Rainier. AA'ith an altitude officially given as 14,444 test, although it is actually nearer 15,000, it is the third highest peak on the continent, but it stands first in grandeur and sublimity. The higher altitudes of these mountains give fir, hemlock and spruce; the tablelands fir and spruce; the val leys fir, cedar, spruce, cottonwood, maple and HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 123 alder. Much of this timber is surpassed in size only by the redwood forests of California. "At one time the mountains harbored the mountain lion, but he has almost disappeared, and of animals to be feared there are left only the bald-faced bear of the Cascade mountains, although on the east side there may be found occasionally a remnant of the wolf family in the gray wolf, the black wolf, and coyote. The cougar — the mountain lion — the lynx and wild cat are almost entirely extinct. The grand game of the state is the elk, which is still to be found in the Olympic mountains. On the eastern side of the Cascades the mule deer stands next to the elk in size and grace. White- tailed deer, black-tailed deer, wild goat and many fur-bearing animals are to be found, and occasionally the mountain sheep, or big horn, is to be seen. Of upland game, grouse, quail and snipe are plentiful. There is a sufficient quantity of water fowl, of Canada geese and of many varieties of cluck, plover and curlew to tempt the hunter. The waters of Puget sound, of the rivers and the coast teem with fish, including salmon, sturgeon, halibut, smelt, cod, flounders, oysters and clams. "Variety of resources is not more consid erable than quantity. The state of Washington produces the largest merchantable timber, and has the largest mill in the world ; it has the largest cannery in the world, and its produc tion of wheat, timothy hay, alfalfa and hops, to the acre, is greater than in any other state in the Union. Oats run from forty to eighty bushels per acre, and barley from thirty to seventy bushels per acre. "The wheat yield runs from twenty to thirty-five bushels per acre, and even more, reaching as high as sixty bushels in the famous Palouse belt, and three crops of alfalfa can be raised in one year. Hay cuts from two to four tons to the acre, two crops a season. "One of the great resources of the state, second only in importance to lumber, is its coal. In the southern part of King and in Pierce county the coal deposits are estimated to be practically inexhaustible. The character of much of the coal is bituminous and semi-bi tuminous, making 66 to 68 per cent. coke. "Mining has not yet been made a feature of the state industries, but gold, silver and lead mines are being developed rapidly. Copper is found in very large quantities, and tin has been discovered. Lime is of the finest quality, and good pottery clay is found in several counties. Apart from the advantages of warmth and moisture which cause grass, flowers and various kinds of vegetation to grow the winter through, and justify the application of the name of Ever green state as a distinctive description, the climate of the state of Washington is of vast importance in the consideration of personal comfort. The equability of temperature is due to the fact that the prevalent winds are from the Pacific ocean. Very rarely, during two months of the year, the wind blows from the north, for two or three days at a time, but the winters are made mild and warm and the sum mers cool and no less mild, through the action of the wind passing over the pathway of the Japan current. This breeze, coming from the westerly and southwesterly points, is called the Chinook wind, and its effect is that every in dustry can be followed with comfort through out the entire year. "A state possessing- this great natural temp tation to those who have suffered from the ex treme heat and extreme cold of other parts of the country, accompanied as it is by such mar velous resources, cannot fail to become one of 124 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. the wealthiest in the Union. To the settler the state offers great virgin forests, made up of trees two and three hundred feet high, some of them running over one hundred and fifty feet to the first limb; a soil which makes a farm of twenty to forty acres equal to one of eighty or one hundred and sixty in the middle or western states; orchards bearing fruit of the value of two dollars and three dollars to the tree; homesteads each of which will raise enough in variety to maintain a family within its own limits ; vast resources of mineral wealth ; opportunities for every kind of industry grow ing out of all this abundance ; a ready response to the efforts of the industrious and a rich harvest for intelligently directed capital." The general features thus belonging to the state as a whole find some of their most perfect developments in the vast area known as the "Inland Empire." THE INLAND EMPIRE. The city of AA'alla AA'alla is recognized as representing the garden spot of the immense territory fittingly designated as the Inland Em pire, and the old and historic county of similar name, AA'alla AA'alla, lays just claim to as mani fold attractions and as distinct a plethora of productive utilities as any section of the Pacific northwest. The Inland Empire is the vast and mar velous region of country between the Rockies and the Cascade range of mountains, compris ing all of eastern AA'ashington, northern Idaho, western Montana, northeastern Oregon and southern portions of British Columbia. It has an area of more than one hundred and twenty thousand square miles, — three times as large as the great Empire state, and with a popula tion exceeding half a million people and rapidly increasing. It is a region with hardly a rival in enchanting scenery and picturesque sublimity and varying forms of beauty. In it are found all the inspiring phenomena that any aspiring lover of nature can desire. He can find broad and rolling prairies stretching in all direc tions, verdure-clad plateaus, bordered by hills ci owned with sturdy pines ; and in the distance lofty and rugged mountains, rising higher and higher, pile on pile, the towering, majestic peaks wrapped in eternal snow. The moun tains, fixed and inflexible as the granite of the Everlasting AA'ill, — they "hurl oppression back; they keep the boon of liberty." Here one may witness with wondering- awe the results of the awful upheavals of primeval days, when the earth was twisted and tossed into a shapeless mass. He can look into the yawning, abysmal canyons and deep gorges worn out by rushing and foaming and ceaseless torrents for ages unknown ; or upon the massive glaciers whose origin history fails to record. The lover of nature can revel in the enjoyment of an ever changing landscape, amid scenes which the Al mighty alone could design and frame. It is be yond the potentiality of human hands to paint them, and words fail to describe their dazzling beauty. It is a region of plains and prairies, of fertile valleys and of thick forests. The grandeur of the ensemble is accentuated by wide contrasts. There are lakes and streams in great variety. Portions of it have been designated as the "paradise of the sportsman." In the streams and lakes the fish are sufficientlv plentiful to gratify the devotee of the rod and line, and the expert shot can scarcely fail to drop a curlew or chicken on the prairie, a grouse in the woods, a duck or goose on the lakes, and a deer or bear in the distant ravines or isolated valleys. This region is not only wonderful on account of its untold stores of HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 125 the rare and beautiful, where nature has spread her "banquets of health and beauty," but is also one hardly paralleled in diverse resources, which are almost limitless, and sufficient to maintain a population of many millions. There are rich agricultural sections, millions of acres in extent, such as the far famed Walla Walla valley, with the fine foot-hill farms of the Blue mountains, the Palouse country and the Big Bend, — each producing thousands of bush els of wheat and other cereals annually. The prospector has already unearthed hidden min eral wealth and treasures priceless to science and the uses of man. Wonderful discoveries have been made and are being made, and those yet to be made are inconceivable in the human mind. It is not within the province of this work to describe the mining districts of the Inland Empire, — they are almost too numerous to mention, and to adequately describe them a volume would be required. But consistency demands that reference be made to this im portant branch of industrial activity which has had so important a bearing upon the develop ment of all sections of the great Inland Em pire, of which Walla Walla county is an in tegral part and a glowing gem in its diadem. THE LEGEND OF THE WALLA WALLA VALLEY. In an attractive and valuable special edition of the Walla Walla Daily Statesman, issued under date of March 4, 1899, appears the fol lowing romantic old-time story of how the county became the most beautiful and fertile section of the state, — incomparable for the raising of cereals, fruit, grasses and live stock : "Once, long years ago, when the world was young and Dame Nature still in her 'teens, there was a beautiful lake. Brightly its blue waters gleamed in the sunlight, or moved re sponsive to the wooing of the winds. Above iti shining surface circled the eagles and from out its wooded shores the swarthy savage pushed his bark canoe. About it, held close by strong encircling arms, stood the mountains, stern, unyielding, eternal. "Long had the lake been captive here. Vainly had it beat against the rock for liberty, now in anger, now in soft entreaty. The moun tain heard in stony silence the pleading at his feet. "For many years the lake in patience waited. The sun kissed it, the winds caressed it, yet always did it long for freedom. One day the mountain's vigilance relaxed, a tiny rift ap peared within the rock and silently the lake crept through ; all the night so softly did it flee, the mountain did not know, but kept watch in peace until dawn revealed his desolation. "Great was the lamentation; seamed and seared with grief, the mountain gazed upon the naked valley upon whose bosom so late the lake had slept. Slowly great rivulets of tears rolled down the rugged face. One by one in pitying silence the valley gathered them upon its bosom, until the time should be the mountain might forget his grief and find comfort in its beauty. "As the years went on the valley grew so fair with the shining waters, worn like jewels on its breast, that day by day in the heart of the mountain the memory of the past grew dim, until at last the image of the lake was 4ost. Gladness spread over the face of the mountain, joy reigned in the heart of the valley. Then was the land of many waters fair as the day to look upon. "The above is a legend of the beautiful Walla Walla valley, about whose wealth and resources so much has already been written; about whose marvelous development so much 126 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. more will be written as the coming years un fold the tale. "There are many wonderful valleys in the world, — valleys so famous for one thing and another, the name of them is known the world over. It is not the purpose of this article to invite comparisons with the Old AA'orld, but i: is not too much to assert, that no where in these United States will a valley be found which exceeds this AA'alla AA'alla country in all that goes to make up natural beauty and nat ural wealth. It is an empire in itself. Its pos sibilities are practically illimitable. Every aid which nature could give is here bestowed with a hand so generous, so lavish, that one is lost in wonder at so rich an endowment. "The approach to this valley from the west is not prepossessing. Great fields of sand, like those which line the ocean beach, lead the way to it. A desert, the effect of which is to dampen the ardor of even the most enthused traveler. But not for long. "AA'hen the miles of sand stretch away be hind, and he sees before him the promise of tilings more fair, all the enthusiasms come thronging back, and he enters the valley only tc find his spirits mount higher and. higher as the beauty and fertility of the country unfold before him. "The fame of this valley as an agricultural center is abroad in the land, and justly so. Its record of the production of wheat and other ceroals is unparalleled anywhere in the United States. Even the great wheat-growing state of Dakota must take second place in a com parison of the yield per acre. Millions of bush els of grain are raised here yearly of as fine a quality as can be found anywhere in the world. The yield is astonishing. AVhen the average is placed at twenty-five bushels to the acre it is a very modest figure indeed. It might be put twenty bushels higher and still be within the limits of truth. "The other cereals grow equally well. Bar ley, oats, rye and buckwheat all yield immense crops of the best grade. In fact there is nothing the soil of this valley will not grow in abund ance, barring, of course, the tropical products and corn. The climate of AA'ashington is not adapted to the successful culture of corn. The nights are too cool. Many of the farmers do raise it, and some of the finest varieties of sweet corn are grown successfully, but among the great products of this valley corn really has no place. "Grasses of all kinds are raised with ad mirable success; alfalfa yielding the most per acre, and there are two, three and often four crops each year. Clover grows abundantly and timothy yields anywhere from one to three tons per acre. The native grasses run riot. The farmer who raises stock as well as wheat has nc need to worry about feed. "It is a great country for stock of all kinds, cows, sheep, horses, hogs, and the market is sure. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, A'ancouver and all the cities of western AA'ashington must get their supplies in large measure from the valleys across the mountains. The difficulty thus far has been, not in finding a market for stock or their products, but in filling the orders which flood the market. Thousands of dol lars go out of the state annually for butter, eggs, cheese, etc., which ought to remain at home. The valley of AA'alla AA'alla alone is wide enough and rich enough to supply all these things in abundance. It is not too much to believe that some day it will be so. "The AA'alla AA'alla valley is a great fruit country. It would be a matter of difficultv h> find anywhere in this country finer fruit than is grown in this valley. In point of size, color- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 127 ing, flavor and general all-round perfection of development there is no question but the Walla AA'alla fruits rank among the first. The east ern farmer, especially the man from Minnesota or the Dakotas, is familiar with grain fields. He knows all about the possibilities of wheat culture, the care of stock, the raising of poultry. But when he comes to AA'ashington and takes a good look at the famous orchards of the Walla AA'alla valley it is then that he marvels. He knows nothing like them. There is nothing like them even further east, where famous orchards do exist. This valley leads the world almost in the wealth and quality of its fruits. "Apples, surely the best all-round fruit which the Maker of the universe gave to man, are grown here in such abundance and in such perfection as to challenge the world to pro duce their equal. "There is just enough of real cold in the climate of this section of Washington to de velop and retain the fine flavor, which -is notice ably absent in the Sound country apples. Pears also reach the highest possible state of perfec tion, and prunes of all varieties, and plums. There is no state in the Union which grows finer fruit of this variety than are found in the AA'alla Walla valley. "All of the smaller fruits grow in the great est profusion. Strawberries are an immense crop ; certainly none of finer flavor or of greater size are grown anywhere in the world. They are superb, and cherries, they are perfect, large, luscious, finely colored, deliriously flavored. From the time the trees are in bloom until the last cherry is gone they are a source of pleas ure, satisfaction and profit. "As to grapes, the soil of this valley is per fectly adapted to their culture. Western Wash ington has no grapes practically, the climate is too cool to ripen them. But in the AA'alla Walla valley the vines groan with their weight of perfect fruit. Grapes from this valley rival the California product in all the eastern mar kets. "This is true of all the fruits except the purely tropical kinds. Whether it is pears or apples, plums or prunes, or any of the smaller berries, the soil fairly abandons itself to the growth of fruit, and the result is a perfection of development rarely excelled. "Vegetables of all kinds may be said to run riot. They mature early ; lettuce, radishes, asparagus, cauliflower and all of the green grocer's stock of edibles, which charm the eye and tempt the appetite, are marketable very early in the season. They seem to grow all the year round, for the markets are never without this supply of home grown green things. Mar ket gardening pays well. There is always a ready sale for fine vegetables and prices rule generally higher than in eastern markets. "The climate of this valley is almost ideal. The rainfall is not heavy. There is some snow for a few weeks, perhaps — and sometimes the mercury drops rather low, but never for long. In the valley it is rarely too cold for comfort. Farmers plough until Christmas time and the crops are all sown in the fall of the year. By March usually, often as early as February, work is again resumed and from then on there is mild, delightful weather with occasional rains. During the summer for a month or two, or perhaps three, the weather is warm and there is no rain. This season, owing to the dry weather, is a bit disagreeable on account of dust. This of course is obviated in the city, but out in the farm districts along the country roads it is so disagreeable as to occasion no little discomfort. But where may be found 128 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. a climate without even one defect? This one is but slight at the most, for the rest of the year the weather is without reproach. "Flistorically the valley is interesting. It was once the home of powerful tribes of In dians whose tepees dotted the green slopes, and whose ponies roamed at will over the beautiful undulating ground. Far and near rode the hunters in search of game, while the patient squaws remained in the valley gathering the fruits which grew almost without culture, dry ing roots and herbs and herding the vast num ber of ponies which made up a large part of the Indian's wealth. They were happy here and content. "But the white man came, as he always does, bringing with him energy and ambition and civilization, attributes which the Indian holds in supreme disdain. For years the few trading companies tried to gain a permanent foothold among the tribes, but the Indians were wary until the Hudson's Bay Company's men came on, then for the first time a treaty was effected and a permanent trading post es tablished. This was in 1828. A year or two later the old Fort Walla Walla, whose ruins are yet in evidence, was built. "Closely following the Hudson's Bay Com pany came Dr. Whitman, to whom, perhaps, more than to any other single agency belongs the credit of opening up this marvelous valley to civilization. Fie saw the wonderful natural advantages the valley offered to the home- seeker and it was not long before a tide of im- migation set in which has not yet begun to ebb. "Fremont also visited the Walla Walla country. Flis published statements regarding this mountain-girt Eden were widely read, in teresting thousands and inducing many to find here home and health and wealth. "So the fame of Walla Walla grew. As the years have come and gone, the valley has grown fairer and richer and more desirable, and the end is not yet. It already is one of the wealth iest sections of country of the great Pacific northwest. With the hands of commerce now reaching out to grasp new fields and to make new gains ; with markets constantly opening, the wealth of Walla Walla valley will one day surpass even the dreams of wealth which dazzle the imagination of men. If the state of AA'ash ington fufills its manifest destiny, and takes its rightful place among the most important of these United States, certainly ranking fore most in the Pacific group, a prediction like the above comes quite within the limits of prob ability. "There is no valley in the world which promises more to the home-seeker. Here is beauty, for nothing in nature could be fairer than this valley, stretching away for miles and miles, its green slopes reaching the summits of its mountain wall, its rivers making music as they ripple over the undulating ground. "On a midsummer day when the fields are bright with their wealth of grain, when the trees hang heavy with fruit, then it is that the valley seems fairly to exult in her beauty, and nature smiles at so rich a harvest. Here also is fertility of soil in a degree almost mar velous; there seems a magic in the ground, which year after year yields its bounty so free ly ; there are no barren lands, every foot of the millions of acres is productive. So generous has been the hand of nature in this regard that even the slopes of the mountains are available for cultivation. Even here may the farmer sow seed and reap his harvest. "Flere also is a climate than which it were hard to find a better. To the farmer of the east, weary with the heat of many summers, prostrating alike to brain and body, or worn HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 129 with the rigors of succeeding winters, whose bitter, biting cold seems to numb his very vitals, the climate of this valley is the next thing to paradise. It gives him a rarified at mosphere, which keeps him young. It gives him an equable temperature, which permits him to be comfortable at least for nine months of the year. During the other three, which comprise the few weeks of weather too hot and the few weeks of Weather too cold, he may have refuge from the one by flight to the mountains, a few miles distant, where blankets and fire-wood are much in demand. From the other he may have release by the light of his own fireside, from whose warmth and comfort he may view with indifference the snows which briefly fly about its walls, and may listen with complacency to the winds which beat against them. "It is a significant fact that those who come to the Walla Walla valley to build a home re main here, and more, they grow rich. This valley is noted for its prosperous farms, its well-to-do people. The whole valley has a look of thrift ; prosperity is written all over its broad acres. To the man of money seeking new fields of investment where profit and sure re turns are promised, the Walla Walla country offers opportunities unequalled. To the man who seeks a home, to the one whose only cap ital is his brain or his good right hand, it of fers a fair chance in the pursuit of all that men find dear. Industry, energy and ambition are all the capital a man need have ; the valley will do the rest." The following tribute to the "beautiful Walla Walla valley" is reproduced from the edition of the Inland Empire of August, 1900 : "When the unerring hand of nature made the fertile hills and beautiful valleys which com prise the territory now known as the Walla 9 Walla valley, and the All-Seeing eye looked upon them and said they were good, nothing short of infinite wisdom could have made an attempt at telling any thing of the greatness and value to the world which future genera tions would bring to the seemingly insignificant part of creation. And, even to-day when we look out upon a well developed country, when we see thousands of happy homes and pros perous farmers and business men, when we behold about us a rising generation of patriotic and energetic young people, and looking toward the setting sun we note the opening of a new era of expansion in commerce and new avenues of- industry, we have as little real idea of how future years will develop it as had our an cestors of hundreds of years ago. The past we have seen and heard of, the future is all hidden in mystery and expectation. "Centuries passed and man in all his wis dom and enterprising exploration pressed from the banks of Plymouth Rock to the westward across a country peopled by wild men, endur ing all the hardships of pioneer experience, before the hand of fortune pointed the way to the section of country of which we speak, and almost discouraged with the wilds of the west, the early pioneer could not make up his mind to cast his lot in so lonely a place. But when once he had tested nature and found the fer tility of the soil, the abundant supply of pure and wholesome water, the balmy climate and beautiful natural surroundings, he changed his mind and remained for a season. Imbued with the fact that he had made no mistake, at the end of the year the sturdy pioneer found him self more content and the future looked brighter and more promising. Others, of like sturdy natures, came and made friends with him, and — behold the change ! Where but yesterday was a vast expanse of hills and valleys, un- 130 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. productive and worthless, to-day were seen the foundations of homes, of firesides and of for tunes. "The constant and untiring tread of prog ress was westward and northward. Yet nature had so set apart from the other portion of the country the little valley that it was not found as readily as some other places, and when found was more isolated and difficult of ap proach. Surrounded by high mountain ranges, traversed by rivers which, with the means at hand, could not be crossed, the valley was so set apart that its neighbors were beyond the mountains, and must be ever so. Rugged nat ural conditions made the construction of high ways and railroads a difficult matter, and at first the progress of the new country was slow and made tinder great tribulation. But the people came, they saw, they conquered. "Fifty years ago a band of sturdy soldiers pitched their tents where to-day is the city of AA'alla AA'alla. They were sent by the gov ernment to protect the few white inhabitants from the incursions of the Indians, who abounded in all parts of the valley. The sol diers were good judges of conditions, and when they found an ideal camping spot there they stopped and waited.' The government or dered erected a garrison, and soon the busy mechanic was placing together the rough tim bers which were to constitute the first Fort AA'alla AA'alla. The signs of life brought to the place by the new order of things induced men of enterprise and foresight to come and es tablish themselves in the trade they saw in the new territory. Men came and began to build a city. Year after year they worked, and each recurring twelve-month made great improvements in conditions and in business. The little band of pioneers was strengthened and it grew into a commu nity. The community became a village, and the village developed into a town. Then the town became the leading trading place in the whole section of country from which it drew its business, and for hundreds of miles the name of Walla Walla meant the hub of com merce to the people as fully as New York does to us of this generation. "Success always brings decadence or lethargy in its wake. And for years after suc cess had come to AA'alla AValla the tinge of lethargy fastened itself upon the community, and it ceased to grow' and expand as it had in days past. Then a new era of progress and development came, and of that we of to-day know about all there is to be told. New life was infused into the city and growth took the place of dormant energies. New people came and made new homes, new industries took the places then vacant. After a few years of this energetic development we have the AA'alla AA'alla of to-day. "Great-hearted nature has done a great deal for the places which man has tried to build up. In fact, nature always lays the founda tion and man conies along and erects the super structure. New York was given a harbor, New Orleans a great river opening to the gulf, San Francisco was given the Golden Gate to the Pacific, Seattle and Tacoma were pre sented with a Puget Sound, Spokane, the queen of the northwest, was tendered by nature a wonderful cataract, yet AA'alla AA'alla was not neglected. The gifts were not parcelled out parsimoniously, yet in the distribution Walla AA'alla was given her share. No spot in all the broad land, no city -within the borders of our country has received from a kind nature more smiles than has our city. Surrounded by a most fertile section of country, stretch ing scores of miles in every direction, at the HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. L3i confluence of sparkling mountain streams af fording a bountiful supply of water for do mestic, irrigation and industrial purposes, the location is ideal. The Blue mountains frown down upon the city in grim sturdiness, remind ing one of the great sturdy men and women who have taken such an active part in the progress and development of the valley. With mountain and stream, the rugged hills and pleasant valleys present a landscape which for real beauty and picturesqueness of effect, is rarely equalled and never excelled. "In the early development of the valley the live-stock industry was an important factor, as stock fed all the year upon the luxuriant growth of bunch-grass which covered the hill sides from Snake river to the southward for a hundred miles or more. Great droves of horses, cattle and sheep were raised and from the sales of stock came fortunes easily and quickly. As the settlement became more gen eral the pasture disappeared and the produc tion of wheat began. The grain grew well and the yields reported in an early day were gen erally large. AA'hen transportation facilities were secured good money was made year in and year out by farmers and the business of the country was very good. The foundations . for the successful men and the many fortunes which are to be found now were laid in the early days of wheat raising in the valley of many waters. "As the years went by the lack of fruit was noted and men were led to consider the neces sity of planting orchards for the production of fruits for local consumption. The market was limited and the territory which could be drawn on was necessarily circumscribed. But orchards were planted, and from them has sprung the great horticultural interests of the section of to-day. The little tract of fruit trees has given way to the large orchards where hundreds of acres of land and scores of men and boys are employed in the production and packing of fruits for the markets which have now widened and broadened until the supply is not equal to the demand. Hundreds of carloads of fruits and berries are shipped from the city every years to points in Montana, Idaho, British Co lumbia and Sound cities, where AA'alla AValla fruits are in demand over the article sent in from California. "The AA'alla AA'alla valley proper is a large belt of agricultural land lying south of Snake river and west of the Blue mountains, extend ing across the Oregon line on the south. It comprises the valley lands, the Eureka Flat country, a high plateau where wheat grows as . naturally as weeds, the upper or foothill lands near the mountains and all of the lower bottom lands, used mostly for gardening. A great rich belt of land producing millions of bushels of wheat and barley and hundreds of carloads of fruit and vegetables annually, capable of maintaining a population of a million souls, is a brief description of the valley as it is to-day. "Fortunate is that community so favored by the gifts of nature that its descriptive story plainly told attracts and interests the wanderer in less favored climes. Strained efforts by deft penmen to show conditions which do not exist; elaborate effusions and exaggerations to draw attention to cities and districts possessing no particular advantages or charms, have long- since ceased to attract the home-seeker or in vestor. A simple rehearsal of what a commu nity possesses in natural and acquired wealth, like the sayings of the plain, blunt man, elicits more attention that the grandiloquent effort where boom propensities are all too apparent. "That section of the Walla AValla valley ad jacent to Walla AA'alla is indeed a favored sec- 132 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. tion. It is a vast expanse of fertile fields, bur dened orchards and prolific nature. To one even partially acquainted with its natural wealth there is an inspiration in the subject. Imagina tion does not have to be called into play, as the varied topics which the subject suggests give the writer a sufficient range upon which to dwell indefinitely. "Think! Orchards of luscious fruit and fields of waving grain ; hills of precious metals and dales of fertile soil; rain and sunshine; running brooks ; pleasant nooks in hidden dales, and busy marts of trade; swift rushing trains over transcontinental rail, — all these, and many more topics, are suggested to the mind when AA'alla Walla is mentioned. It is easy to begin but hard to end. "This growing city is yet in its infancy, — just beginning to assume metropolitan propor tions. The view of the city to' the stranger, particularly in the summer season, is most in viting. A panorama of wide and beautiful streets, lined with shade trees. The scene is one that never fails to inspire the weary traveler, after his dusty journey across the continent. On every hand he cannot but observe the evi dence of thrift and commercialism. He will find that nearly every person he meets is busy or intent on doing something. AA'hen the stranger shall have pursued his investigations further he will discover that this bustling little city is built for all time and is the natural trad ing center for a very rich and extensive country. "A mistaken idea prevails that society in the northwest is different from what it is in the older commonwealths of the country. This was partially true in times gone by, but happily it is no longer the case, only in the particttlar that it is only those of an enterprising turn of mind who seek homes in a new country ; con sequently, the general spirit of the new west is more active and liberal than the staid old commonwealths of the east." The following excerpt from the history of AVashington, edited by Julian Hawthorne and Colonel G. Douglas Brewerton, and issued in 1893, is worthy of reproduction in this con nection : "AA'alla AA'alla county, still Indian, and, alas, but too suggestive, as we turn the pages of AA'ashington's blood-stained history, of the war-whoop and the scalping-knife, conies next under our review. Its Astoria, AA'alla AA'alla and Vancouver are household words in the story of territorial strife and struggle and in delibly associated with the darkest of her early clays. They are to the native of AA'ashington 'to the manor born' what the tower of London is to the Englishman, — the repository of dread ful deeds and by-gone sorrows, — for we make history more rapidly in our days than in those vaunted 'good old times.' As we breathe the name, the syllables of AA'alla AA'alla trip glid- ingly over the tongue with the musical step o*f many another Indian appellation, as, for in stance, Minnehaha; it is appropriate, withal, for a.-, the latter means 'laughing water,' so Walla AA'alla signifies 'valley of waters,' which is even better, for we have seen Minnehaha in the arid season when it laughed not at all. It is de rived from 'AA'alatsa,' meaning 'running' — for it carries both the interpretations, — but this is the less mellifluous Nez Perce, the AValla AValla or AA'allula meaning the same thing, being taken from the language of the tribe whose name it bears, — the AValla AA'allas. This region is, in deed, well named the 'valley of waters.' From whence, we wonder, does the 'Siwash' get his poetical inspiration, for it would ofttimes puzzle the paleface to better either the beauty or ap propriateness of his nomenclature. It can not be inherent, still less inherited. It is, we fancy, HISTORY OF AA'ALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. 133 unconsciously absorbed from the surroundings (natural, we mean, not artificial) of his every day life. However he gets it, it may not be denied that the divine afflatus is held in most repulsive vessels, the filthy, unwashed jar of the red man's human clay. Of a surety poor Pegasus was never prisoned in a filthier stall. "To return to more prosaic themes, Walla Walla county was admitted in 1854, the only one of the southeastern Washington counties created with the establishment of the territory. It then embraced all the valley of the Columbia east of the Cascades, an area of nearly two hundred thousand square miles, — an imperial domain, as it has very properly been called. It has, however, suffered successive curtailments till reduced to its present dimensions of thirteen hundred square miles. 'What is left,' says Evans, 'is the oldest, best cultivated, and in every respect the most advanced part of Wash ington.' Yet this grand expanse of exceedingly desirable country, in all its original fullness and fertility, was shut out from settlement for an extended season, through the foolish or vin dictive actions of General AVool, who endorsed the equally short-sighted policy of his sub ordinate, Colonel Wright,— a policy that pro tected the Indian, neglected the white, and prac tically relegated to its primitive savagery this mighty and most productive domain. The original empire of AA'alla AA'alla, we are told, was recognized as a garden spot even long before some other regions, where the soil was equally good, were deemed eminently desirable. It is said to produce more money's worth of grown products than any other county of the state. AA'alla Walla derives its wealth from the, ground. So enriched is this county by nature that it is not improbable that her recorded pop ulation of the last census (1890) — 12,224 — will be doubled within the next decade. It is well watered, being bounded on the north- and east by the Snake and Columbia rivers, while its southern boundary is irrigated by the Walla AA'alla and its tributary streams. * * * * Take it all in all, it is a lively, progressive region, an example to all good counties in the state, prospering and likely to prosper." CHAPTER XIII. A JOURNEY THROUGH WALLA WALLA COUNTY. In this chapter we propose to invite the reader to accompany us upon a journey throughout Walla Walla county. In the prog ress of this journey we shall take time to drop in at every town or village in the county, as well as view in a general way the country through which we pass. We shall omit the city of Walla Walla from this chapter, inas much as we intend to make it the subject of a special visit. It is fitting that we should visit first the place next in size to- the capital, and this is Waitsburg. In order to see Waitsburg first of all we must enter the county from the northeast, and we will therefore suppose, if you please, that we have come from Spokane by the O. R. & N. Railroad. 134 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. WAITSBURG. Leaving the main line at Bolles Junction, we proceed by the AA'aitsburg and Dayton branch, and after riding about two miles find ourselves approaching a beautiful little city occupying a level tract of land along the junction of the Touchet and Coppei creeks. But before pro ceeding to speak of the attractive and beauti ful surroundings of the place and adjoining country, let us remember that our quest is not only descriptive but historical, and that we shall therefore desire to turn our glass back ward for a few moments upon the period of earliest settlement in this part of AA'alla AValla county. Claims were made substantially as early in the present vicinity of AA'aitsburg as of Walla AA'alla. In 1859 Robert Kennedy set tled at the junction of the Touchet and the Coppei. Above him on the creek were Abner T. Lloyd, George Pollard, Joseph Star and Samuel Galbreath. A string of claims were laid out up the Coppei by Messrs. Patten, Mor gan, Paine, Doolittle, Bateman and Cox. On the Touchet below the mouth of the Coppei were James AA'oodruff, Edward Kenton, Jona than Kenny, Martin Hober, Luke Henshaw, Andrew AA'arren and John Foster. The universal impression throughout the country at that time was that none but the bot tom lands were worth cultivating, and inas much as the area of bottom land i i that por tion of the county is very small the popula tion remained scanty. A faint attempt at a town was started on the Coppei about five miles from the present site of AVaitsburg. In Jan uary, 1863, this became a postoffice by the name of Coppei, Luke Henshaw being the first jjostmaster. Coppei apparently was in a fair way to become a town, when in 1865 the start ing of AA'aitsburg undermined it, and the pros pective city of Coppei died a natural death. The founder of Waitsburg was Sylvester M. Wait. Mr. AA'ait was a pioneer of the pio neers in this country, having lived for some years in southern Oregon and then at Lewis- ton. Having learned in 1864 that a quantity of wheat could be purchased for one dollar •and a half per bushel on the Touchet, he formed the project of putting up a grist mill and transforming this wheat into flour. This would evidently be good business, as flour was worth fourteen dollars per barrel. The farm ers very enthusiastically accepted Mr. AA'ait's plans. Mr. Bruce and Mr. AA'illard, who then owned most of what became the town site of AA'aitsburg, gave ten acres of ground for a mill and a residence and a right of way for the mill- race. The farmers contracted to sell all their grain to the mill at the rate of one dollar and a half per bushel. AA'ith this basis of opera tions Mr. Wait proceeded to get machinery from San Francisco and lumber from whatever source he might obtain it, mainly at a very high price. The mill cost about fourteen thousand dollars, which was a heavy debt to carry in that condition of the country. But it proved an ex cellent investment, as Mr. AA'ait rapidly dis charged the debt and laid the foundation of quite a fortune. AA'illiam N. Smith, a teacher by profes sion, came to the new town in the spring of 1865 and decided to open a school on the Touchet. This was the first school ever held in that portion of AA'alla AA'alla county, being opened on the first Monday in April, 1865. School district Number 3 was organized in the fall of that year. In the fall of 1866 a postoffice was estab lished, with Mr. Smith as postmaster. Up to HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 135 this time the place had been variously known as Wait's Mill, AA'aitsburg and Horsehead City, but when it became a postoffice it was necessary to select some definite name. Mr. Smith suggested the name of Delta, by which the place was known until 1868, when by vote of the people the name was changed to Waits burg. Up to this time there had been no attempt to lay out a town. Mr. W. P. Bruce, the chief owner of the location, had seemed disinclined to encourage the building of a town on his farm. But as it had become evident that the place was destined to become a business center, he made a survey and a plat of the beginning of the town, which was recorded on the 23d of February, 1869. The town grew slowly but steadily during the years that followed. The census of 1870 gave a population of 109. In that same year a notable event occurred in the arrival in AA'aitsburg of P. A. and AV G. Preston. They, in connection with Paine Brothers and Moore, bought out Mr. Wait's mill, of which they be came and are still the sole owners. The first newspaper of AA'aitsburg, the Weekly Times, was first published in March, 1878. The year 1881 was a notable one in the history of Waitsburg. For in that year a city government was organized, the railroad was constructed, and the greater portion of the business part of the town was destroyed by fire. The first town government was organ ized in February of that year. The first elec tion resulted in the choice of George W. Kel- licut, William Fudge, Alfred Brouillet, M. J. Harkness and E. L. Powell for trustees; W. H. George for marshal; J. W. Morgan for treasurer; and J. C. Swash for clerk. Accord ing to the census of 1880, Waitsburg had a population of 248. It will give the traveler of the present time some impression of the growth of the town to be informed that it then contained two hotels, four saloons, four general merchandise stores, one furniture store, two drug stores, one hardware store, one variety store, one brewery, one harness and saddlery shop, two livery stables, two blacksmith shops, one jewelry store, one meat market, one flour mill, one planing mill, one castor mill, one corn meal mill, besides a Ma sonic hall, postoffice, telegraph office, express office, railway station, school house and' two churches. The first pioneer church of AVaitsburg was of the Methodist denomination. This; was established in 1859 by Rev. George M. Berry. Like most pioneer churches it held its meet ings in school houses for some time, but an excellent church edifice was built in 187 1. A Presbyterian church was established by Rev. T. M. Boyd in 1877. The Christian church established itself in Spring Valley, four miles from Waitsburg, in 1876. The first pastor was Rev. Neil Cheatham, who has since be come quite noted in connection with Populist politics. In 1880 a Christian church was es tablished in AA'aitsburg itself. Still later a United Presbyterian church was founded, so that there are now four churches. AA'aitsburg, like most of our pioneer towns, has been well equipped with fraternal organi zations. The pioneer fraternities were AA'aits burg Lodge, No. 16, A. F. & A. M., organ ized March 23, 1870; Touchet Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F., organized September 12, 1871; Pioneer Lodge, No. 16, I. O. G. T., organized July 20, 1867; and Occidental Lodge, No. 46, A. O. U. W. The pioneer newspaper of Waitsburg was the Times, established in 1878. The very im portant educational institution, Waitsburg 136 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Academy, was established in 1886, though the name was first employed in 1869. Of many of these features of AA'aitsburg thus briefly referred to we speak at length elsewhere. Such is a general view of the pioneer life of Waitsburg. Having it in mind we are prepared to compare the present city with the past. AA'e find as we stroll through the pleas ant town that it has become an exceptionally well-built and well-equipped place of (accord ing to United States census of 1900) 1,059 inhabitants. AA'e discover a $16,000 public school building of brick, in which seven teach ers are employed, and there is an enrollment of 345 students. There is a high school de partment in connection with the common school work. The school also possesses a library of over two hundred volumes and an excellent equipment of physical apparatus. AA'e visit AA'aitsburg Academy and find it equipped with an elegant new building, erect ed in 1899 at a cost of $20,000. The acad emy is provided with an efficient and devoted faculty. AVe discover also four commodious and well-furnished churches, and these organi zations are usually influential in AA'aitsburg and vicinity. AVe discover the fraternal orders to have developed at equal pace with the rest of the town, the Masons and Odd Fellows each own ing a fine two-story brick building. AA'e see also an excellent system of water works owned by the town, which derives its supply of water from the Coppei creek, and which, being a gravity system, furnishes the town perfect protection against fire and a bountiful supply for domestic use. Telephones and electric lights are among the more recent acquisitions of Waitsburg. AA'aitsburg, for its population, is a very heavy railroad shipper. During a period of six months in 1895 there were shipped from the town 10,168 tons of freight, and there were shipped in 637 tons. This shows a far more remarkable disparity between exports and imports even than in the case of Walla AValla itself. AA'e find in Waitsburg the following list of stores and other business establishments : Three general merchandise stores, two gro cery stores, two hardware stores, one furni ture store, two jewelry stores, two drug stores, two saloons, two newspapers, one bank, a planing mill, two lumber yards, one bakery, two livery stables, three blacksmith shops, and two hotels. The city government of AVaitsburg con sists of a mayor and five councilmen, who are elected annually on the first Monday in April. The present incumbents of these positions are as follows : Mayor, J. H. Morrow ; council- men, J. L. Harper, B. M. Kent, J. B. Caldwell, AA'. J. Honeycutt, C. M. Taylor; attorney and city clerk, R. H. Ormsbee; treasurer, L. E. Johnson. One especially attractive feature of Waits burg is the profusion of flowers and trees throughout the town. Especially to one hav ing come across the dry and treeless plains to the north, the freshness and luxuriance of the town on the Coppei presents a striking and at tractive contrast. AVe may leave Waitsburg by either one of two railroads, the Oregon & Columbia River Railroad by way of Dixie or the O. R. & N. R. R. by way of Prescott. AA'e will, however, take our journey by way of Dixie. This route follows Coppei creek for several miles south and then climbs a high ridge which lies between that and Dry creek. This region contains some of the most magnificent farms in the state of AVashington. Although WAITSBURG PUBLIC SCHOOL % WAITSBURG ACADEMY. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. i37 somewhat high and rolling- and at first sight inconvenient to farm, the soil is of the most fertile quality, and the rainfall is heavier than in any other part of the county. Among the notable farms in this section may be men tioned those of Messrs. Cornwell, Phillips, Minnick and Connick. The Royce farm, which in 1900 had an undesirable notoriety by reason of the murder of the venerable owner by his grandson, is also in this general neighborhood. From Summit station a magnificent view can be obtained looking down the winding valley of the Coppei to the north, and the hazy plains of the Walla Walla to the west. At our feet we see a pleasant little village situated in the narrow and fertile valley of Dry creek. DIXIE. The first settler in Dixie was Herman C. Actor, who located a homestead at this point. The name was derived from the following circumstance : Three brothers of the name of Kershaw had become noted as musicians in the emigrant train with which they crossed the plains. A great favorite among the peo ple of the train was the song of "Dixie." Almost every night the Kershaw boys ren dered this song, to the delight of the immi grants. As a consequence the boys became known as the Dixie boys. Having subse quently settled in the vicinity of where Dixie now is, the crossing of the creek first became known as Dixie crossing, then a school-house was built and styled as Dixie school-house, then a cemetery was laid out which was des ignated as the Dixie cemetery, then a post- office was established which was called the Dixie postoffice, and finally Dr. Baker's rail road established Dixie station, and thus such has become its accepted name. Dixie became a genuine American frontier villa'ge, true to the ideal of an early establish ment of school, churches, postoffice and other elements of an American community. Among the pioneer preachers were Messrs. Granville Gholson, W. H. Robbins, Bailey, Hamilton and Hastings. There are at the present time three churches, Christian, Methodist and Bap tist. The pioneer school-teacher was John Ross. Mr. Storey, now one of the substan tial farmers of Dixie, was one of the stand- bys in the Dixie school-room. At the time of this publication the corps of teachers consists of J. E. Myers, Elmer Chase and Mrs. F. B. Faris. That Dixie also has an excellent spirit of fraternalism is shown by the fact that they have a number of lodges. The Odd Fellows' lodge is the strongest, having fifty-seven mem bers. There are two well-equipped stores in Dixie, one conducted by C. L. Cochran and J. F. Jackson, and the other by M. E. Demaris & Company. The population of the place is about 250. Leaving Dixie, we find immediately below it in the valley one of the largest fruit ranches in the county. It contains about sixty acres of trees, the great majority of which are prunes and apples. Mr. Clancy, one of the pioneer orchardists of the county, is the owner of this fine orchard. Unlike the large orchards in the near vicinity of Walla Walla, the Clancy orchard uses no water for irrigation. It is planted on a north hill slope of the rich est, deepest soil, and thus far its development seems to justify the opinion held by many that the finest fruits of the valley will be found in the foot-hills, where there is a sufficient amount of rainfall to dispense with irrigation. Below the Clancy place on Dry creek there extends a series of the finest farms of the county, among which may be named the Corn- 138 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. well, the Gillian, the Aldrich, the Yeend, and the Nelson places. As stated in another chap ter, the place of Milton Aldrich has the distinc tion of producing the largest known crop of any place in Washington. One of the finest farms in the vicinity of Dixie is that of Hollon Parker, south of the town. Between the line of railroad which we are following westward and the flanks of the Blue mountains, lies a magnificent body of farm ing land, in a belt of about seven miles wide by ten long, lying along Mill creek and Rus sell creek. This is the oldest, Wealthiest and most highly cultivated of the farming lands of the county or indeed of the state. In this belt may be found the places of the following well known farmers : Messrs. Thomas, P. Lyons, Kennedy, Kigler, Gilkerson, Patterson, Fields, Harbert, Riffle, Tash, Evans, Farrel, Yenney, Barnett, Maxson, McGuire, Russell, Maier, Copeland, Shelton, Reser, Toner, Fer guson, Delaney, and a number of others. It is safe to say that few bodies of grain land have jdelded as much money to their owners as this extraordinary body of about seventy or eighty miles square. Leaving this fair spot, in which clays might be pleasantly and profitably spent, we proceed to AA'alla AA'alla city; but leaving this for the present, we retain our seats in the cars and pass on bound for the great wheat country of Eureka flat. This is a very large body of farming land coming into profitable cultiva tion between AValla AA'alla and Eureka flat. Though at first sight not so attractive in ap pearance as the region east and south of AA'alla AA'alla, it has surpassed all expectation within the past few years by the wheat yield of its fat acres. EUREKA JUNCTION. AVe reach Eureka Junction, thirty miles from Walla Walla, and here we pause for more careful observation of this most extensive grain region of the county. Eureka flat con sists of a body of nearly level farming land, from two to five miles in width and about twenty-five miles in length. There are no towns in this region, though there are a number of stations, which are the home of consider able communities, and from which immense quantities of grain are shipped. The most im portant stations are Eureka Junction, Clyde, and Pleasant View. Even a cursory glance at Eureka flat will show the traveller that its history has been that of a canyon filled up with soil blown or washed from the surrounding vol canic hills. At some points soil has been found to extend unchanged to a depth of two hundred feet. It is of the most fer tile description, but on account of the dry ness of the climate and the frequent winds, together with the excessive dust, it bears a poor comparison as a home land to the ver dant and well watered tract in the southern part of the count)'. Nevertheless the most ex tensive wheat ranches in the state are found in Eureka flat. Here is found the ten-thousand- acre ranch of AA'. H. Babcock, the "wheat king" of AA'alla AA'alla county. Here also may be seen a number of other ranches whose sepa rate areas run into the thousands of acres, among- which may be mentioned, the Puffer, the Blanchard, the Struthers, the Atkins, the Upton, the Fall, the Painter, and many other ranches. Lack of water has been a serious impediment in times past in carrying on farm ing operations in this region. AA'ater was for- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 139 merly hauled in wagon tanks from the Touchet creek, an expensive and troublesome process. But latterly it has been discovered that abund ance of water of the best quality can be found by boring to a depth of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet. During the past year the area of grain raising has been ex tended from the level lands of the flat to the adjoining hills. If the present amount of moisture shall become a permanent climatic rule, thousands upon thousands of acres in the northern part of the county now used only for pasturage will become transformed into wheat fields. A student of the farming business, or any one interested in the development of industry, would find an object lesson in the great Bab cock ranch. From fifty to a hundred men are employed, and from one hundred to three hun dred horses. The yield of the ranch has been as high as a hundred and fifty thousand bushels in a year. Mr. Babcock has sufficiently got the start of the world to be free from the neces sity of selling at once upon harvesting, and it is in fact stated that he now has on hand the greater portion of two years' crops. But we shall find it necessary, without fur ther prolonging our stay upon Eureka flat, to turn our faces toward the Columbia river. After leaving Eureka Junction, we find that we are entering upon a heavy down grade, which rapidly takes us out of the fertile domain of the wheat belt into the barren and sandy tract bor dering the river. Hunt's Junction is the only station. The road connects at this point with a short branch leading to Pasco, where it joins the Northern Pacific. A mile below Hunt's Junction we reach the oldest and, aside from Waiilatpu, the most historic locality in the county. WALLULA. This musically sounding name signifies the same, though in a different dialect, as Walla Walla; that is, "abundance of water." AVallula was founded by the Northwest Fur Company. It was one of nine forts established or acquired by the English fur companies at various points in their vast domain. An examination of a map would show that these forts were established with great regard to their stra tegic and commercial importance. The en tire list of forts is as follows : Vancouver, Col ville, Okanogan, Kootenai, Walla Walla, Hall, Boise, Umpqua, and Nisqually. Fort Walla Walla, which was the original of Wallula, was at first named Fort Nez Perce. It was established in 1818, by Peter Skeen Ogden, who was at that time a member of the Northwest Fur Company, but after the union of that company with the Hudson's Bay Com pany he became, and for many years continued to be, the chief factor of the company in this part of their territory. From the first this location seems to have been of a warlike and violent character. The original fort was estab lished upon the bank of the river, near the house formerly occupied by Joseph Merchant, now of Walla Walla. Some of the remains of the buildings existed to within a few years, but were subsequently swept away by the great flood of 1894. It seems never to have been of great consequence as a trading post, but was very important as a stopping place for trains, ' and a point of defense against the Ind ans. The original fort consisted of an enclosure of pickets encompassing about an acre, with a platform inside, from which all the approaches could be commanded. At the northeast and southwest corners bastions were built. AA'ithin 140 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA. COUNTY. the enclosure there were four buildings, built of logs and adobe brick, one story high. As a means of subsistence for this fort there was established about twenty miles up the AA'alla AA'alla river a dairy farm of about twenty acres. This was in the region now known, from that farm, as Hudson's Bay. Soon after the establishment of Fort. AA'alla AA'alla, Mr. Ogden and his men were attacked by the Indians of the Walla AA'alla tribe, driven from the fort and compelled to retreat to the island in the Columbia river nearly opposite. Here the trappers completely defeated the In dians, and for some time there were no new attempts upon the fort. This point, however, was subsequently the scene of many thrilling Indian encounters. Among others, Archibald McKinley had an experience which shows something of the nerve necessary for maintain ing a post in Indian times. McKinley hap pened to be entirely alone at one time in the store, which was connected with the ammuni tion room. The Indians, finding but one man, were upon the point of making a rush upon him and looting the store. Mr. McKinley, perceiving their design, seized a lighted candle and held it directly over an open keg of pow der, assuring the Indians that if they did not pause he would drop it in and blow both them and himself to the four winds. The Indians knew enough about powder to understand what would happen. They quailed before the de termined eye of the fur trader and rapidly slunk from the room. Under the joint occupation treaty of 1818 between England and the United States, many Americans as well as Englishmen had occa sion to visit Fort Walla AA'alla. Among these were Captain Bonneville and Nathaniel J. AA'yeth. It was in 1834 that Bonneville, after a midwinter journey of excessive hardships, rode into Fort AA'alla AA'alla. Here he was kindly received by Mr. P. C. Pambrun, who at that time was in charge of the post. As il lustrative of the Hudson's Bay Company's methods, it may be said that, although the agent received Bonneville with the utmost courtesy, he flatly refused to sell him provis ions by which he might equip himself for a further journey. All the agents of the com pany had been instructed to do nothing which would facilitate the entrance of rival traders. Later in that same year of 1834 came the ad vance guard of American missionaries, in the persons of the Methodist missionaries, Jason Lee, Daniel Lee, Cyrus Shepherd and P. L. Edwards. In the next year a guest at Fort AValla AValla was Dr. Samuel Parker, and in 1836 there were received also at the Fort Dr. AVhitman and Mr. Spalding with their wives. In general it may be said that the Americans were treated by the authorities at Fort AA'alla AA'alla with great courtesy and consideration., . Vet it was contrary to the policy of the com pany that Americans, either missionaries or traders, should make permanent establishments, lest in so doing American settlement should fol low, and thus interfere with the business opera tions of the company. Of the part played dur ing the year of the AA'hitman massacre by AA'ill- iam McBean, then in charge of Fort AA'alla AA'alla, we have already spoken in the chapter on the AA'hitman massacre. The treaty between England and the United States by which Oregon became the territory of the latter, was ratified June 15, 1846. The Hudson's Bay Company, however, was allowed to retain possession of its forts until such time as they could make a proper disposition of their property and conclude their business. In con sequence of this Fort Walla AA'alla remained in possession of the Hudson's Bay Company LIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 141 until some time after the AVhitman massacre. It was abandoned about the year 1853. After the abandonment of Fort Walla Walla by the fur company it remained prac tically a desert until the beginning of settle ment of the country in 1860-61. It then be gan to be known as Wallula and became the landing place of the Columbia river steamers. The Oregon Steam Navigation Coihpany's steamboats ran regularly to Wallula in 1861, and in the spring of 1862 lines of stages began to run from that place to Walla Walla. During the same year a town site covering thirty-eight blocks was laid out by W. W. Johnson. Many believed at that time that Wallula would be a great city, but it never be came more than a. transfer point. With its burning heat and drifting sand, Wallula was not the most attractive place in the world, and at times during its early history its inhabi tants had the reputation of being about as hard as the natural features of the locality. A de scription by Bill Nye of his experiences in Wallula, and especially his attempt to sleep in the hotel provided for the delectation of strangers, gave Wallula a wide though perhaps not enviable notoriety throughout the United States. In 1872 the Walla Walla & Columbia River Railroad was begun and in 1875 great quantities of freight began to pass by this road from Walla Walla to Wallula, to be shipped thence down the Columbia. The junction of the Northern Pacific and the Oregon Railway & Navigation line in 1882 was the next great event in the history of AVallula. It has, how ever, never developed into anything more than a transfer and railway station, and has at the present time a population of probably not more than one hundred and fifty people. The chief business men are S. Ashe, A. E. Reed, and C. F. Cummings. There are a number of most excellent, intelligent people in Wallula. The principal event in Wallula in recent years has been the building of the cut-off line of the O. R. & N. R. R., up the Snake river to Riparia, and it is over this line that the main business of the railroad from Spokane to Port land now passes, leaving Walla Walla out in the cold. Although the country around Wallula has the appearance of a barren desert, it is, when irrigated, of a fertile character and susceptible of high cultivation. Perhaps the earliest and finest peaches raised in the entire state come from the ranch of Mr. Thrasher, at the mouth of the Walla Walla river. If any one desires to see what this desert can do in the way of production, let him visit the orchard of B. S. Simmons, about twenty miles above AA'allula, on the south bank of the Snake river. From this place were taken grapes which won the first award at the Chicago Exposition. We will not follow the Hunt line from Hunt's Junction westward to its terminus at Pendleton, inasmuch as the greater part of this distance is within Umatilla county, Ore gon. We will therefore transfer ourselves at Wallula to the cars of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, and turn our faces again toward Walla Walla. There is but one town to speak of between Wallula and Walla AValla, and this is TOUCHET. This place occupies a very fertile section of land at the junction of the Touchet and Walla Walla rivers. Its development has been en tirely the result of the irrigation system estab lished upon the Touchet during the past four or five years. The soil is of fine quality and 142 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. needs only water to make it highly productive. Fruits and vegetables mature at least two weeks earlier than at Walla Walla and this gives the region a very important advantage. There is a population of about two hundred people, equipped with school house, church, store and shops. Among the industrious and energetic men who have made Touchet what it is may be mentioned Mr. A. Zaring, John Zaring, AA'ood- son Cummings, James Cummings, AA'ill Cum mings, and Messrs. Gardener, Burnap and Cun ningham. The portion of Walla AA'alla county from Touchet to AA'alla Walla and extending south ward from the line of railroad up the Walla AValla river to the town of Milton in Oregon, is entirely different from anything we have .seen in our journey through the county hitherto. A level valley of from half a mile to two miles in width, covered more or less with timber and luxuriant grass, though with occasional spots of strong alkali, and with a great abundance of running water — it is pecu liarly adapted to orchard, garden, and. haying purposes. About four miles above Touchet we pass the famous Louden dairy ranch. It is one of the finest and most extensive ranches of this kind in the state. Two miles beyond Mr. Louden's we pass Frenchtown, marked by a large Catholic church and a number of closely connected ranches. These were established by Hudson's Bay employes, who, upon breaking up of that company, took up places at various points throughout the valley. Frenchtown is noted from a historical standpoint as being the site of the great Indian battle of 1856, else where described at length. Two miles east of Frenchtown, we pass a granite monument crowning a steep hill, and this we may recog nize to be the Whitman monument. If we have time to leave the railroad and climb the monu ment hill, we shall find ourselves looking down upon a historic spot. Not only history, but present beauty surrounds us, for a fairer scene rarely meets the eye of the traveler. To the west the sinuous course of the Walla AValla is lost among the rolling uplands and the barren looking steppes of the Umatilla highlands. To the south the luxuriant valley stretches its vivid green across the golden slopes and azure heights of the Blue mountains. Toward the east the spires and roofs of Walla Walla are framed against a background of farm land, checkered with alternate gold and black, which far beyond the line of ranches may be seen, at most seasons of the year, to break against the eternal frost of the highest peaks of the Blue mountains. If we should still further extend our side journey to the extent of taking a buggy drive from Whitman Mission up the valley of the AA'alla Walla, we should find ourselves pass ing through a line of beautiful gardens and orchards, which extend almost without a break to Milton. Here reside many well known old- timers, among whom we might name Messrs. AA'illis Reser, Cuskar, Newcomb, Harrer, Ben son, while just over the Oregon line is found the jewel of all the places, that belonging to Mr. O. R. Ballou, one of the foremost fruit men and promoters of all public enterprises to be found in this country. The country be tween AA'hitman station and AValla AA'alla, and for a number of miles south of the road joining the two, is rapidly becoming the garden of AA'alla AA'alla. In this region, which is about six miles in width by ten in length, may be found most of the large orchards, gardens, and nurseries of the county. Here are found, in addition to the places already mentioned, the great fruit ranch of Dr. N. G. Blalock. There HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. M3 are also found here the beautiful places of Mr. Ritz and Mr. Offner. Besides these may be mentioned the smaller though not less fertile farms belonging to Messrs. J. M. Goe, T. Ly ons, M. McCarthy, Dunham, Villa AA'hitney, Campbell, and many others worthy of more particular mention did space permit. A number of productive places around College Place should be named. About five miles west of Walla AA'alla the Oregon Railway & Naviga tion Company started an experiment station, which is now the property of the United States government. Hundreds of different plants, es pecially of the grasses, have been tested on this place, and found to be adapted to various special regions of this country. Again passing through Walla AA'alla with out stay, we find ourselves journeying swiftly over the Dry creek plains and hills toward the northern portion of the county. The country immediately north of Walla Walla consists of a magnificent bench of the finest farming land, a considerable portion of which is owned by the Baker estate, Thomas Moore, Chris Ennis, and George Dacres. Eight miles north of AA'alla AA'alla we reach Valley Grove on Dry creek. Up and down this valley stretches a beautiful scene of verdure, in contrast with the bare hills on either side. We say bare hills, but it must be observed that these bare hills are almost an unbroken wheat field. North and east of Valley Grove are found some of the most substantial farms in the coun ty. The Berryman, Hadley and Thomas ranches lie to the north, the Nelson place to the .south, the Drumheller, Burr, Robinson, Bowers, Loney, Paul and Paine ranches to the west. Several miles to the northeast, if we should journey over the rolling hills, we should reach the Hungate and Rondema ranches. This re gion, like most of the northern and western portions of Walla Walla county, was for many years supposed not to be fit for cultivation. The developments of the past few years have been a matter of great surprise. During the harvest of 1900, the region betwixt Valley Grove and Prescott far surpassed the supposed more fer tile foot-hill belt south and east of Walla Walla. Eighteen miles from Walla Walla we reach the only remaining town of the county. This is PRESCOTT. Prescott was founded in the year 1882, at the time of the extension of the O. R. & N. Railroad from Walla Walla northward. It was founded on land owned partly by Charles Buck, and partly by Mr. Fleanor. The town site was first occupied by Rev. H. H. Spalding in 1859. There he lived until 1862, when he went as Indian agent to Lapwai. The most important event in the history of Prescott was the erection in the year 1883, by H. P. Isaacs, of the great North Pacific Flouring Mills, at that time the most extensive flouring mill in the state. Prescott has become a well built and attrac tive village of three hundred inhabitants. There are four stores in the place, of which the pro prietors are Mr. Ibberson, Messrs. Watkins and Holmes, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. McSherry. These stores do an amount of business entirely disproportionate to the size of the town, for the surrounding country is prosperous and fairly well settled, and its trade is very heavy. There are two churches in Prescott, a Methodist and a Presbyterian. The schools of Prescott have deservedly been a source of pride to the people of the place. The school is under the charge of Prof. John AVoods, and his assist ants at the time of this publicaion are Mr. Rogers and Miss Malone. Prescott contains also a hotel, livery stable 144 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. and the various shops necessary to the ongoing of such a town. "The village blacksmith" is also notable as one of the leading politicians. This is Mr. James Haviland. Another notable character is Mr. John Geyer, elected in 1900 as a member of the Washington legislature. Still another of the most famous inhabitants of the vicinity of Prescott, as well as one of the most honored of the old-timers, is Mr. Petty john, who lives on a farm six miles west of the town. He is distinguished as being not only one of the genuine, whole-souled pioneers of the epoch, but as being the father of more human avoirdupois than any other man in Walla Walla county. The average weight of the male members of the Pettyjohn family is said to be about two hundred and sixty pounds, and of the female members about two hundred pounds. A vast and fertile wheat belt extends on all sides of Prescott. Perhaps the most fertile of all the tracts in the immediate vicinity is Whet stone Hollow, northeast of the town. A very extensive belt of land lying north west of Prescott and including the somewhat broken hill country as far as Eureka flat, was largely, until within two or three years, gov ernment land. The impression up to that time was that it was too dry for successful grain raising. The generally heavy rains of recent seasons turned the attention of settlers to the possibilities of this great region. It has now become settled, thousands of acres have been broken up, and thousands of bushels of wheat have been produced. Farther to the east, upon the road extending from Prescott to Lyons ferry on Snake river, are a number of old es tablished places which have long been noted for their large grain production. In the center of the great area lies the Malloy ranch. Both up and down the Touchet river from Pres cott are many well known and progressive places. Among these may be named the fol lowing : Those of Messrs. Brown, Hanson, Hayes, Flathers, Bowe, Routines, Sharp, Bar nett, Pettyjohn, Utter and Hart. After this examination of Prescott and its vicinity, we will resume our places in the cars and by a journey of a few miles find ourselves at Bolles Junction. From this point a branch road of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company extends to AA'aitsburg and Dayton. Continuing on upon the main line we find ourselves ascending the Alto hill. This tract of country, although quite elevated and some what broken, is of the most fertile soil, and produces immense quantities of grain. The grade from the summit of this hill down to Starbuck has long been a "terror" to railroad men. It averages over a hundred feet to the mile. Several serious accidents have occurred upon this portion of the road. It was largely the danger and expense of this hill which led the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company to build their line from Riparia directly down Snake river to AVallula. Having reached Star- buck, we find ourselves within the confines of Garfield county, and hence our journey through Walla AA'alla county is ended. If we should examine our journey with a map, we would find that the two railroads cross each other at AA'alla AA'alla, and between them cover pretty completely the different portions of the county. AA'e shall see evidence of the idea elsewhere expressed that Walla Walla is essentially an agricultural county. Many in teresting features of agricultural work would appear to the traveler, should he make his jour ney in the harvest season. Among other com paratively recent harvesting machines, is the ¦ immense combined harvester and thresher. This was formerly used largely in California, notrj I— * •zwd M> ^c Threshing 10,000 bushels, iyic. . .. Hauling to R. R., 2j^c per sack. . . Warehouse charg's to Jan, 1,1896.... Total cost. COST. $ 360 00 44 00 360 00 44 00 250 00 9 00 7 50 8 00 60 00 44 00 400 00 215 60 10 00 450 00 110 00 120 00 MOS. IN. PD. 20 15 14 8 2,492 10 008 60 7 33 54 00 5 87 1 12 94 1 00 7 00 5 14 13 33 7 18 33 15 00 3 66 % 181 90 420 00 51 33 414 00 49 87 250 00 10 12 8 44 9 00 67 00 49 14 413 33 222 78 10 33 465 00 113 66 120 00 5 2.674 00 154 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. AA'e have presented in previous pages of this chapter figures showing the wheat yield in years past. The reader will appreciate the vast gain in production when he is told that the yield of the year 1900 is estimated as follows : Wheat, four million bushels ; hay, five thousand, five hundred tons. The next of the great productive industries of AA'alla AA'alla county is that of HORTICULTURE AND FRUIT-RAISING. In fruit culture, as in other respects, Mar cus AA'hitman was the pioneer of AA'alla AA'alla. Whitman brought with him in 1836 apple seeds, which he planted in the following spring. Three of those ancient trees are still standing, objects of curiosity and veneration to the many pilgrims who visit that sacred spot. Some of the citizens of Walla AA'alla will remember that in 1896, a beautiful cane, made from a limb of one of those ancient apple trees, was pre sented by the city of Walla Walla to Dr. D. K. Pearsons, by whose philanthropy AA'hitman College so materially benefited. Rev. H. H. Spalding started apple trees also in 1837 on the Clearwater river, and at the same time, or perhaps the next, year, Mr. Spalding assisted Red Wolf, a Nez Perce chief, to plant apple trees at the mouth of the Alpowa, in what is now Garfield county. These trees are still standing in a fine state of preservation. The first attempt to start a nursery in the present limits of AA'alla AA'alla county was made by Mr. Ransom Clark, in 1859. In the fall of the same year Mr. J. W. Foster brought trees from the Willamette valley and planted them on his present place. The orchard on what is now the AVard place, in the city limits, was set out in i860 by A. B. Roberts. In 1 86 1 the greatest step in the progress of the fruit industry was taken by the coming of Philip Ritz from Oregon. He brought with him a number of fruit trees, which he sold to Messrs. Gilliam, Erwin, Dobson, McKay, Drumheller, Moore, and Short, all of whom succeeded soon in raising fine orchards. The next year Mr. Ritz started a nursery of about sixty thousand trees on the place now renowned as one of the most beautiful in Walla AA'alla. Mr. Ritz's stock of nursery trees reached one million in 1872, and continued at about that number so long as he remained in business. The gold excitement of the 'sixties created a great incentive, to fruit and garden culture. Apples brought almost incredible prices in Oro Fino, Florence, and other mining camps. AA'e have heard old-timers tell about big, red- cheeked Webfoot apples, each one nicely polished and wrapped in tissue paper, being sold for a dollar apiece. That was a great time for the fruit-raisers and nurserymen of the AA'illamette valley. Many of them laid the foundations of fortunes. It became plain to the first settlers of AA'alla AA'alla that on ac count of location and evident adaptability to raising fruit and "truck," they could hope to command that market. Accordingly many trees were set out, and though the bonanza prices of the early mining times did not long continue, the AA'alla AA'alla farmers were not disappointed in controlling- the markets. AA'alla AA'alla became the great outfitting point for the mines. Probably no better fruit has ever been raised than that in those first orchards. No pests as yet affected the trees. It was found that apples, pears, cherries, plums and prunes were peculiarly adapted to this country. Peaches, apricots, nectarines, and grapes were found also to do well, but were not so reliable as the first named. One of the best of those HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. i5S early orchards was that of W. S. Gilliam, on Dry creek. He had about twenty-five acres of assorted varieties of trees. Those early orchards succeeded excellently until that famous "cold day" of 1883, when the thermometer dropped to twenty-nine degrees below zero, by far the lowest temperature ever known in Walla Walla. The result was very disastrous. Many of the farmers lost all or nearly all their trees. Some who had hitherto taken great pride in their orchards, concluded that the danger of severe cold was so great that it was not worth while to reset trees. So for a number of years following the cold snap the fruit industry languished. It may be re marked in passing that never but once since the disaster of 1883 has there been any repetition, and that was in November, 1896, when the mercury descended to nine degrees below zero. The loss of trees was not then, however, so great as before. Early in the 'eighties began a new era in fruit-raising, cotemporary with the general in dustrial awakening inaugurated by the com pletion of the transcontinental railways. Shrewd men then began to build for the fu ture. Among many men whose energy and in dustry laid the foundation of the fruit industry a? at present developing, may be especially named : Dr. N. G. Blalock, O. R. Ballou, W. A. Ritz, Charles Whitney, W. S. Off ner, H. C. Chew, John Thoney, and U. H. Berney. Dr. Blalock began the development of his magnificent fruit ranch in 1885. The place originally contained an entire section of land. A donation of forty acres on the east end was made to the Walla Walla College, and around that quite a village has grown up. Of the remainder, the western part is still comparative ly undeveloped. The major portion of the place, some four hundred acres, now contains about sixty thousand trees, of which half are prunes, a fourth apples, and the remainder pears, cher ries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. Among other great public enterprises under taken by Dr. Blalock in connection with his- fruit ranch is his contract to receive and dis pose of the sewage from the city of AValla Walla. This is worthy of special note, both as being an interesting experiment in land enrich ment, also as being historically connected with this great step in the progress of the city by the- inauguration in 1900 of a sanitary and scien tific method of sewerage. In connection with Dr. Blalock's under takings it is fitting to mention here his vast enterprise on Blalock's Island, in the Columbia. There he has sixteen thousand acres which he proposes to put into trees. Ten thousand trees- are already out. The soil and climate are es pecially well adapted to peaches and apricots. The season there is so early that trees blossom ir February, and yet on account of the prox imity of the river and the constant movement of the air, there has never been a destructive- frost. Though not in Walla Walla county,, this is essentially a Walla AValla enterpriser and hence worthy of mention here. Of all the various beautiful, successful, and lucrative fruit ranches of Walla Walla county, time fails to speak in detail. No enterprises, perhaps, in the entire valley are so much ob jects of pride to residents and of curiosity to visitors. Nearly every one who visits Walla AA'alla is taken on a "little ride" in such a way as to pass the Ballou, Whitney, Ritz, Blalock, and Offner ranches. The position of Mr. O. R. Ballou in the history of fruit-raising is sec ond to none in our entire county. His ranch is one of exceeding beauty, about six miles- south of the city in a rich section, abounding in- springs. Mr. Ballou has been intimately con- 156 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. nected with all the fruit fairs of AA'alla AValla, and to his unselfish devotion much of the suc cess of the fairs has been due. The AVhitney and Ritz places are near to gether about two miles southwest of town, on one of the richest bodies of land out-doors. The AA'hitney nursery was established in 1884, now occupies a hundred acres of land, and gives employment to twenty or more men. The Ritz place is the most beautiful suburban place in this county and is of great historical in terest. The name of Philip Ritz is connected with almost every important event in the his tory of this region, farming, fruit-raising, rail- reading and general improvement. The active and useful life of Mr. Ritz was ended in 1889, since which time the place has been in charge of AA'illiam A. Ritz, who has been intimately connected with every feature of the fruit busi ness of this county. He has been for two years president of the Fruit Fair Association. The Offner place, of ninety acres, is lo cated about a mile west of town, and has been famous for its enormous productiveness, as well as for the beauty and convenience of the build ings and all the improvements. The dis tinguishing feature of Mr. Offner's connection with the fruit industry, however, has been his business as a shipper. The Thoney, Chew and Berney places are east of town on another rich spot of land. In deed all the spots of land on which these or chards and nurseries are located are so fertile that every one seems richer than the others. Mr. Thoney and Mr. Berney have for several years devoted their main energies to the busi ness of the AA'alla AA'alla Produce Company. Mr. Chew has for the past two years been conducting the Walla AA'alla nursery, and has made large sales of trees in all directions. Besides these places which have received this special mention there are many others which are equally worthy of notice, though not having yet come so conspicuously into public notice. No small amount of fruit is pro duced right in the corporate limits of Walla AA'alla itself. Part of its beautiful shade is' rich and fragrant with blossoms in spring, and weighted with luscious fruits in summer and autumn. The growth of the acreage of trees can be seen from the fact that in 1880 there were estimated to be but about four hundred acres of trees, while in 1895 there were 2,810 acres, of which 1,830 were in bearing, pre sumably about 325,000 trees in all. There has been no reliable estimate since 1895. Some good, observers think the acreage to be some thing over three thousand acres. AA'e have not given here any detailed ac count of the garden business of Walla AA'alla. Suffice it to say that many of the rich spots of land in the near vicinity of AA'alla AA'alla are worked by Chinamen and Italians, both of whom seem to have greater ability than Amer icans in that line of work, and that they pro duce a prodigious quantity of all the common vegetables, both for supplying- the town and for shipping in all directions. The vegetables, like the fruits, of the "garden city" are re nowned for excellence, as well as quantity. The following brief summary of statistics gives a conception of the present extent of the industry of fruit and vegetable-raising : The business of the AA'alla Walla Produce Company for 1900, about $150,000; of W. S. Offner, $150,000; of other dealers and ship pers, about $150,000; total, $450,000. The total number of car-loads shipped from AA'alla AA'alla in 1900 was about six hundred, and of this eighty-five per cent, was fruit. There are consumed at home probably the equivalent of about two hundred and fifty car- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. L57 loads. Some have estimated the total yield of the county at nearly one thousand car-loads. The Walla Walla Produce Company shipped in 1900 about fifty thousand boxes of apples. The Blalock Company, which handle only their own fruit, shipped in 1900 about five hundred tons of prunes, two hundred tons of apples, and one hundred tons of mixed fruits. The most notable recent event in the fruit industry is the consolidation of the Walla Walla Produce Company and W. S. Offner, and their engagement of the large warehouse erected in the first part of 1901 on Main street, adjoining the Washington & Columbia River Railroad depot. The consolidation of the two largest shipping houses of the place and the establishment of their business in such commodious and convenient quarters will mark an epoch in the history of this very important business. This review of the fruit and garden indus try of AValla AA'alla would be incomplete with out reference to the fruit fairs' which have now become an established feature of the autumn's enterprises. There have now been six of these fairs under various auspices, the first one being held at the court house in connection with the meeting of the fruit-growers associa tion, of which Dr. Blalock was then presi dent. The next two fairs were held in Armory hall. The display was so magnificent and the crowds so great that it became evident that larger quarters must be provided. Accordingly for three years the fairs have been held in a pavilion on Second street. Every one has more than paid for itself, and every one has had a display of a character which has astonished visitors. Concerning the fair of 1900, the fourth in order under the management of the Fruit Fair Association, we find the following excellent account in the Inland Empire of Oc tober, 1900: "The fourth Annual Fruit Fair of the Walla Walla valley was held in the city of AA'alla Walla October 1 to 7 inclusive, and was in every way the most successful and satis factory exposition ever attempted in south eastern AA'ashington. This was true as to the financial aspect of the fair, as to the attendance and as to the quality of fruit on display. "Nature was responsible for the latter feature of the success of the fair, as she is re sponsible for much that goes to make up the category of the virtues of the Walla AA'alla valley. Give our agriculturists and horticult urists a year with a well regulated rainfall, and frost which considerately stays away when not wanted, and they will with diligence and care ful culture produce grapes, pears, apples and al most every kind of fruits and vegetables of such quality and size as are seen in no other part of the Union. "In 1899 the fair continued six days, but this year a full week was given, and the at tendance exceeded that of previous years by over three thousand paid admissions. The vis itors were not restricted to Walla Walla and the immediate vicinity ; fully one thousand came from Waitsburg, Dayton and other neighbor ing towns, and five hundred from Pendleton, Milton, Athena, and various points in our sister state. The scope of the fruit fair is broadening and exhibits are received from an ever increasing extent of territory. "From a financial point of view, the officers of the exposition have every reason to be con gratulated. The gross proceeds of the fair were something over seven thousand dollars, and about eleven hundred dollars of this is profit, and is deposited as a nestegg for the ¦i58 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. fair of 1 90 1. This is the first year in the his tory of the fairs that any material profit has resulted in dollars and cents. Last year eighty dollars was taken in over and above expenses, .and the year before nothing. Better manage ment is responsible for this result, and a more thorough appreciation of the requirements of the fair. "T. H. AA'agner's military band, of Seattle, furnished music for the fair, giving concerts every afternoon and evening. "Mrs. Jennie Houghton Edmunds was the vocal soloist, and Herr Rodenkirchen, who is known to fame in the east and west, was their cornet soloist. "One of the special features of the pro gramme of the fair was an Indian war dance. A score of bucks and a half dozen squaws from the Umatilla reservation were the performers, and their presence recalled to many of the vis itors the days when the proximity of redskins was a consummation devoutly to be dreaded. "The woman's department was this year under the direction of Mrs. John B. Catron, and formed the most interesting and tasteful display at the fair. A part was devoted to collections of Indian curios and relics, and this department was always crowded with visitors. Lee Moorehouse, of Pendleton, had on exhibi tion many of his photographs of Indians and scenes on the Umatilla reservation, pictures which even now are of interest, and which fifty years hence, when the development of the country has crowded the redskins further to the wall, will be of great historical value. "More than ever before have the people of this valley appreciated the value of fruit fairs and industrial expositions. Here the farmers and those interested in the various lines of agriculture and horticulture have an opportu nity to see the results of each others' labors, and profit by their experience. They are en couraged by the success of others, and obtain suggestions which are invaluable in their work. They learn in what direction the efforts of their neighbors are being exerted, and keep in touch with the development of the various ag ricultural pursuits. "The Belgian hare exhibit, prepared by S. C. AA'ingard and E. A. Cotill, was a feature not before seen at these fairs. This exhibi tion, with its hundreds of dollars worth of valuable imported specimens of Belgian hares and fancy stock, was perhaps the most valu able at the fair, and of the greatest in terest because of its novelty. Belgian hare culture is yet in its infancy, and the gentle long-eared creature was the center of at traction for those who wished to know more of these animals which are monopolizing so much attention among breeders of pet stock. "The railroads doing business in AA'alla AA'alla took a most active interest in the fair. Two pretty and unique booths were erected and they proved among the attractive features of the event. "The Northern Pacific and AA'ashington & Columbia River Railways took the cue of the Boxers and a pretty fashoda was designed. The structure was erected near the band pa vilion and was provided with seats and accom modations for the ladies and children. The fashoda was built of native woods and finished with moss brought from Tacoma for the pur pose. The work was artistically done. At night a number of colored electric lights gave a finishing touch to the scene. The design was largely the idea of Manager McCabe and Pas senger Agent Calderhead, of the AA'ashington & Columbia River Railway. "The booth of the Oregon Railway & Nav igation Company was located near the main HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 159 -entrance and it was neatly planned. A com modious square booth was finished and trimmed with grains and fruits taken from the com pany's experimental farm near this city. The ceiling was made of a variety of handsomely' colored wools in the unwoven state, blended together with artistic effect. The walls of the booth were hung with pictures, and chairs and reading offered rest and entertainment to all. The booth was in charge of General Agent Burns and C. F. Van De Water." The officers of the association for 1900 were as follows : W. A. Ritz, president ; C. F. Van De AA'ater, secretary ; O. R. Ballou, super intendent; Mrs. J. B. Catron, superintendent of the woman's department. One final item of interest concerning which the reader is likely to desire information, and that is the location and character of the market for fruit. Mr. W. S. Offner, who is probably better qualified than any one else here to report, prepared a statement for the Walla Walla Union some time ago, which we insert here : "The markets for Walla Walla valley fruits and produce are world wide, as the past sea son has proven. Our market in days gone by has been confined to a small scope of country, owing to a lack of proper transportation fa cilities; the fruit industry being in its infancy, we were known only to our local markets in our own state and portions of Idaho and Mon tana. However, as our orchards and gardens have increased, so have our transportation fa cilities, and to-day we practically have four through or transcontinental lines, viz. : the . Union Pacific, Northern Pacific, Great North ern and the Burlington route, carrying our fruits into other states. This gives us a choice of the above named routes to all eastern mar kets. All these roads make every effort pos sible to supply us with suitable cars and accom modations for handling our fruits. "Our early fruits and vegetables are mar keted principally in what we term our local market — Washington, Idaho and Montana, the latter two being a good market the entire sea son. As stated before, we furnish a large por tion of our own state with early fruits and vegetables. As is well known of our valley, owing to its mild climate and early springs, we are able to bring our produce into the mar ket from two to three weeks earlier than other parts of the state. This gives us a great ad vantage, especially with strawberries, allow ing us to ship the bulk of the berry crop be fore they are in market elsewhere in the state. We have, until the past season, marketed most of our berries and cherries in the local mar ket, but experience has shown us that we have a market for berries in car-load lots in Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Paul, Minneapolis and other eastern cities. Our berries ripening at the time they do, do not come in competi tion with the home-grown berries of Kansasj Missouri, Nebraska and Minnesota. "When we come to our larger fruits, espe cially the prune, pear and apple, for which our valley is particularly adapted, I repeat the foregoing assertion that 'our market is the world,' having demonstrated the fact by ship ping a number of cars of. prunes and pears to St. Paul, Minnesota, Chicago, Kansas City, Indianapolis, Philadelphia and New York. We have had calls from many other eastern cities for our fruits that we cannot supply as yet, our output being too limited to supply the de mand. Another market unknown to us until the last season is British Columbia. They have been calling upon us for our fruits, and a great many cars of apples found their way i6o FIISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. to these markets the past year, which only made the purchasers give us orders which we were unable to fill. Right here I will state that the greatest trouble the fruit or commission men,- have is to get sufficient quantities of fruit to fill their orders. While the past season's fruit shipments from this valley have been numbered by the hundred cars, had we had a sufficient quantity of the right kind of fruits our car shipments would have been numbered by the thousands. AA'ith increased production and bet ter facilities for transportation to the eastern markets, we will soon be shipping our fruits by the train-load instead of car-loads, for it is a fact wherever our fruits have been tested they have met with favor and have created a demand which we have been unable to supply. "Another market opened to1 us is Texas, Arizona and Mexico, for it is a well-known fact that warm countries to not grow good apples, and even California, with all her wealth of fruit, orange groves, famous vineyards and big orchards in other fruits, comes to us in the spring for our fancy, well-kept winter apples. While California and Mexico may send us their gold, oranges and lemons, we will send them in return the famous winter apples of the AA'alla AValla valley. "Last, but not least, comes our market in England for apples, some having already been shipped there. AA'hen our apples are once well known we will have a market for more than can probably be raised in the state, as our win ter apples we would be glad to compare with the fruit of the most favored parts of the United States. "As to our fruit drying, it is yet in its in fancy, we having been able so far to dispose of our fruit in a green state. There were several cars of prunes dried here last season and they were eagerly sought for in our eastern markets. Our Italian prune (which is mostly raised here) commands a higher price than the famous California French or Petit prune, as it grows much larger and is of superior quality. An interview with any of the com mission men of this city will undoubtedly verify the facts that I have heretofore set forth and there is no question that we will find a mar ket for all the fruit we can possibly raise in the AA'alla AA'alla valley." AA'e have now spoken at length in regard to the three fundamental industries of this region. It remains to note more briefly the other lines of business which have become evolved from the necessities and opportunities of the country. It may be said that though it is yet too early to find extensive manufactur ing here, yet Walla AA'alla county has many of the natural facilities in abundance. Rapid and abundant streams may be made to furnish water-power in unlimited quantities. All the fruits of the earth and the products of animal life can be secured cheaply and of the finest qualities. The greatest drawback to manu facturing is that iron and lumber must be shipped in for every kind of work. The chief industries of a manufacturing nature in AA'alla AA'alla are the flouring mills, the Gilbert Hunt separator manufactory, the AA'eber tannery, the various creameries, the sash and door factory, and other wood work factories, the saddle-tree factory, and the marble works. First in order of time and capital come THE FLOURING MILLS. The first flouring mill in this county was built in 1859 by A. H. Reynolds, in partner ship with Dent and Simms, on the place owned now by Charles AA'hitney. The building was HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. [61 afterwards used as a distillery. It is still stand ing, being used by Mr. Whitney as a store house. In 1862 Mr. Reynolds built a second mill on the Yellowhawk, known as the Star mill. In 1862 H. P. Isaacs erected the mill in the eastern part of what is now Walla Walla, named it the North Pacific flouring mills, and thereby entered upon his long and successful career as the leading miller of this county. In 1883 he erected the mill at Prescott, then the largest in eastern Washington. Andrew Mc- Calley was another pioneer mill man, coming here in 1872, for some time superintending the North Pacific mills, then purchasing a mill west of town, erected by I. T. Reese in 1866. Mr. McCalley was burned out, but rebuilt, and the business was maintained by himself, and, after his death in 1891, by his sons, until the property was sold to AV. H. Gilbert, who lost it by fire in 1897. The Eureka (first known as the Agate) mills were built by Ritz and Schnebly and conducted by AV. C. Painter. Eventually they were sold to Welch and Schwabacher, who in turn sold them to Dement Brothers the date of the latter transfer being 1880. The grades of flour manufactured by this mill have become famous wherever used, and in fact they have found their markets in all parts of the world. The Washington Roller mill of Waitsburg was established in 1865 by S. M. Wait, the founder of that "burg," but was sold by him to Preston Brothers, who en larged and improved it, and now do a business in all quarters of the globe. Paine Brothers and Moore bought Mr. Wait's stock, and after wards owned an interest in the mill, but sold out to Preston Brothers. It will give one an added sense of the largeness of this industry, as well as of the commercial closeness of the rest of the world, to learn that flour from these various Walla Walla mills goes to England, 11 Italy, China, Japan, Philippine Islands, South Africa, Alaska and British Columbia. The City mills were erected by Scholl Brothers on Palttose street in Walla Walla in 1898. There is also a mill on the Yellowhawk, known as the Rising Star, erected by H. S. Kinzie, but now owned by Mrs. Rattlemiller. Several chop mills are also in operation in different parts of the valley. Such is a very brief summary of the flour ing mills of this county. As to their capacity it may be said that the North Pacific mills of Prescott can grind five hundred barrels per day. 'Its average output, however, is about three hundred, and it ordinarily runs about three hundred days in the year, thus representing about ninety thousand barrels per year. The Washington Roller mills of Waitsburg and the Eureka mills of Walla Walla have each- a capacity of two hundred and fifty barrels per day, aggregating in the year about sixty thou sands barrels each. The City mills and the Rising Star mills turn out about seventy-five barrels each per day, or a yearly output of about twenty thousand barrels. Their total output may thus be seen to amount to about two hundred and fifty thousand barrels an nually, or a business in flour alone of over three quarters of a million dollars. In addi tion to this it should be noted that for every barrel of flour there is, on an average, seventy pounds of bran and chop, or an aggregate of perhaps eighty-seven hundred and fifty tons. In addition to this, large quantities of break fast food, as farina, germea, whole wheat and graham, in addition to the ordinary standard brands, enumerated above, are sold at home and shipped abroad. It may doubtless be stated in round numbers that' the annual out put of mill products in Walla Walla exceeds a million dollars. l62 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Next in magnitude of the manufacturing industries of AA'alla AA'alla county is the "pride of Washington" factory of Gilbert Hunt & Company. This great industry originated in machine shops owned by Byron Jackson. Gilbert Hunt and Christopher Ennis bought the establishment in 1888. Its work at that time was little more than that of a repair shop. In 1891 Mr. Hunt bought out his partner and conducted the busi ness alone until 1893, when the business was reorganized under the firm name of Gilbert Hunt & Company, with Mr. Hunt as president and manager, and Walter McCalley as sec retary and treasurer. Associated also in the business are Frank Hunt and Jay Williams. The business was conducted in wooden build ings, seeming rather to invite disaster by fire, which was realized in 1898, when the entire works on the north side of Main street, to gether with the foundry of J. L. Roberts, were swept from the earth. Undismayed by the heavy loss the company at once proceeded to the establishment of a far more complete and elaborate plant than before. Large brick build ings were erected and every department of the enterprise was reorganized on a vastly larger scale than before. While the company makes the "Pride of AA'ashington" separator their specialty, they do a vast business in engines, pumps, wind-mills, hose, leather and rubber belting, water-tanks, and in fact pretty much everything concerned in farming, harvesting and irrigating- machinery. Their business ex tends all over AVashington, Oregon and Idaho. During the year 1900 they manufactured fifty threshers and employed an average of seventy- five men throughout the year. They now make all their castings, as well as every sort of wood work which enters into the construction of their various machines. It is fitting to mention here the Walla Walla foundry, conducted in 1879 by Messrs. Mar shall and Jones. J. L. Roberts, for many years prominent in business and political circles in Walla Walla, became a partner in the enter prise in 1879, and the entire owner in 1887. The business became extensive and lucrative, but the disastrous fire in 1898 destroyed it, and on account of inadequate insurance proved very unfortunate to Mr. Roberts. The foundry was not replaced, but the assumption of the same kind of work by Hunt & Company has filled the demand for that class of manufacture. Of the OTHER MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS of Walla Walla the sash and door factory of Whitehouse and Crimmins occupies a very im portant place. This extensive industry was founded in 1880 by Messrs. Cooper and Smuck. In 1888 George Whitehouse and D. J. Crim mins became chief owners of the establish ment, although Mr. Cooper has continued to be a partner to the present time. The mill is equipped with all the most recent and improved machinery, and turns out annually an immense amount of finished lumber, sash and doors, mouldings, lath, besides large supplies of cup boards, desks and other house furnishings. There is handled annually from two to four million feet of lumber. The number of men employed varies from twenty to thirty, accord ing to the season. Two other extensive lumbering houses in Walla AA'alla, the Chamberlin Lumber Com pany and the Oregon Lumber Company, deal in lumber, although not engaged in its manu facture. The supply of the former comes in part HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 163 ¦from Gray's Harbor, that of the latter in part from Bridal Veil Mills in Oregon. It is esti mated, however, that ninety per cent, of the lumber used in Walla Walla comes from Puget Sound, although these last named lumber com panies of the county. The lumber business of the amount of the lumber used in a commu nity is so large an index to its progress that we shall find it of interest to note the volume of business performed by the various com panies of the county. The lumber business of the city and county are performed substan tially by the three companies named in the city, together with two establishments at Waits burg, one at Prescott, and one at Eureka Junc tion. The entire amount of business is esti mated to amount to about ten million feet of lumber, five million shingles, fifty thousand cedar fence posts, and six thousand doors and windows annually. The Weber tannery was established by Frank Weber, Sr., in 1871. In 1879 it suf fered destruction by fire, but was at once re built on a larger scale, and since that time has continually broadened its business. An im portant part of the leather, as well as other of the harness-makers' and shoe-makers' supplies of all kinds for this entire upper country, come from the Weber tannery. There are three creameries in the county at: the present time, and their products in round numbers is estimated at 133,189 pounds of but ter, besides considerable cheese, representing a total value of probably over thirty thousand dollars. One of the most interesting and prospect ively important enterprises of recent establish ment is the Cox and Bailey Manufacturing Company. This company has been established by the purchase of the building and plant of the Walla AValla Fanning Mill Manufactory, which was started by Messrs, Carnahan and Fuller in 1898. Cox and Bailey acquired the property in the beginning of the year 1901 and are, at the present writing, actively engaged in equipping their factory with the best machinery and material. Their design is to do a general manufacturing and repair business, especially in the line of agricultural implements. They will also have a first-class sawing department, and will be prepared to furnish all kinds of scroll and bracket work of the best sort. They expect to ship logs directly from the Cascades. When fully equipped they will employ from twenty-five to thirty men. The inauguration of this enterprise at this time is not only of importance in itself, but is one among many indications of the broaden ing and ever enlarging business activity of this section. Another home manufacturing establish ment worthy of more extended notice than we can here give is the saddle-tree factory of Ringhofer Brothers. This was founded by Steve Ringhofer in 1880, his brother joining him in a few years. Few people in Walla Walla realize the amount of work done by these two industrious men with their assistants. Nor do they realize the wideness of the market reached by these Walla Walla saddle-trees. It is nearly as large as the market for Walla Walla fruits. In Calgary, Caribou, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and southern Oregon, to say nothing of points near at hand, cowboys, vaqueroes, prospectors and packers sit astride saddles whose frames were shaped right here in Walla Walla. This business is about as near ly a home enterprise as any here, for though wood must mainly be shipped in, the hides, which are an equally essential feature, are se cured from the Weber tannery in Walla Walla. The extensive marble and granite works of 164 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. two different firms here, those of Niles & Vin son, and Roberts & Son, are deserving of an elaborate description did space permit. The extent of the supply, as well as of the market of both these establishments, is as much of a revelation as are similar facts in regard to some of the other lines of business described. In a review necessarily limited as this is in space, it is not possible to present an ex haustive account of every worthy and interest ing industry. We have endeavored to present in the preceding pages a clear picture of the essential lines of constructive industry, to de scribe the basis of those agencies by which the people of this country actually create products A rough estimate would probably show the ag gregate value of the material thus made by the people of the county in 1900 at somewhere in the vicinity of four million dollars; certainly a very large amount to be produced by less than twenty thousand people. In addition to the true productive indus tries hitherto described, AValla Walla city has a correspondingly active list of mercantile and miscellaneous establishments, which may be summarized as follows : Three banks, of which two are national banks and one a savings bank ; three hotels, beside five lodging houses and a large number of boarding houses, and eight restaurants ; eleven general merchandise stores ; six hardware stores ; two furniture stores ; four house decorating and painting establishments; five watch and jewelry stores ; seven drug stores ; three shoe stores ; thirteen grocery stores; five regular meat markets, besides four fish and poultry markets ; four plumbing estab lishments ; four bakeries, besides a dozen con fectionery and fruit stands; four dressmaking and millinery establishments ; five agricultural implement houses, and these, it may be added, do extensive business not only in this but also in adjoining counties; two saddlery stores; three toy stores ; thirty-four saloons ; five cloth ing stores; three wood-yards; two bicycle and sporting goods stores; three music stores; four book stores; two breweries; ten barber shops, of which six have bath rooms connected; four photograph galleries; and seven livery stables. In addition to these, which may be called the standard lines of business, there are a large number of work shops and repair shops of various kinds, laundries, of which one is a large steam laundry, and various small, miscellaneous establishments. As an interesting evidence of the steady increase of manufacturing industries in this county, we may add the following statement with respect to a factory at AA'aitsburg, which appeared in a paper of that city, while this work was in preparation : "The Evans Harvester Manufacturing Company is the name of a new company or ganized in AA'aitsburg. The new company will erect a factory in that city in the near future for the manufacture of the combined harvester patented by J. G. Evans. The incorporators are J. G. Evans, Frank McCowti, A. Storie, Arthur Roberts, J. AV. Morgan, G. M. Lloyd and J. L. Harper. "The board of trustees for the first six months will be G. M. Lloyd, J. L. Harper, Arthur Roberts and Andrew Storie. Mr. Frank McCown is mentioned for president with J. G. Evans as secretary and Arthur Rob erts as manager. The arrangements will all be perfected within a few days. "Mr. AA'. E. Singer will have charge of the mechanical department, assisted by Mr. J. G. Evans. "The object is to perfect one machine this HISTORY OF AA'ALLA WALLA COUNTY. 165 season and get a perfect pattern from which it has been operated quite frequently of late to construct more. The machine has been set and gives every promise of being a complete up in Mr. Cox's wagon shop, and will con- success." vince the most skeptical that it will thresh, as CHAPTER XV. THE TRANSPORTATION LINES OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. As sufficiently developed already in prior pages, AValla Walla county was long isolated from other portions of Oregon territory. Yet even in the days of the fur-traders there were regular lines of transportation by which goods from vessels at Vancouver were distributed to all the posts of the Hudson's Bay Company throughout the Columbia valley, and by which the furs gathered along the thousand brawling streams of the interior, were transported to ship-board, and thence to the markets of the Old AVorld. The transportation lines of the fur-traders consisted of bateaus, with frequent portages on cayuse back or Indian back. That was the true age of romance in the history of traffic. No braver and more enduring knights of the wilderness ever existed than those French Canadian voyageurs. Bold, res olute, indefatigable, always ready for privation with laugh, and jest, and song, those Canadian boatmen were the very beau ideal of explorers. From the blue waters of the Athabasca they would enter the lake on the crest of the Rocky mountains from which the Columbia issues, and descend the mighty stream, through its succession of cataracts, lakes, and broad ex panses, until they whiffed the salt spray of the Pacific. AA'hen American immigration began to en ter Oregon, the bateaus were still a frequent means of transportation from The Dalles to the AA'illamette valley. Far-seeing men, like Whitman and others, even in the earliest period of settlement, plainly grasped the conception of the great steamboat lines along the rivers, and the railroad lines across the prairies and through the mountain passes, which would some time bring that majestic wilderness into communication with the rest of the world. STEAMBOAT LINES. The first steamship that ever ploughed the waters of Washington state was the Beaver, a Hudson's Bay steamboat, which entered the Columbia river in 1836 and afterwards went to Puget sound. She is still afloat somewhere on the waters of the gulf of Georgia. The first American steamship on the Columbia was the Carolina, in 1850. The first river steamer was a little double ender called the Columbia, also in 1850. On Christmas day, 1850, was launched the first river steamboat of any size. This was the Lot Whitcomb. It is interest- ing for Walla Walla people to remember that the purser of this boat was Dr. O. AA'. Nixon, who has been such a steadfast friend of Whit man College. In 185 1 a movement to estab- i66 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. lish traffic with the "Inland Empire" was in augurated by the building of the James T. Flint at the Cascades. The builders of this boat were Dan Bradford and B. B. Bishop, the latter of whom lived many years at Pendle ton and was well known at AA'alla AA'alla. In 1853 Allen McKinley brought the steamer Eagle to the cascades, where he had her taken to pieces to be carried by portage to the upper cascades, there to be put together again and relaunched. She was the first steamer to cut the sublime waters of the mid-Columbia. The year 1854 saw the launching of the Mary above the cascades. 1855 sa\v the AA'asco. In 1856 the Hassalo was built. In 1857 the first steam boat was built above The Dalles. This was the Colonel AA'right, built at Celilo by R. R. Thompson and Laurence Coe. Thus, as we see, the steamboat lines worked their way at an early day, while Indian wars were yet raging, toward Walla AValla. In 1859 the famous old Oregon Steam Navigation Company was organized. By 1861 its steamboats were running as far as Lewis- ton. The first steam railway lines in the north west were the portage lines of this company. The first of six miles was on the north side of the river at the cascades, and the second of fifteen miles was on the south side between The Dalles and Celilo. These enterprising steamboat men got into business just in time to reap the rich harvest of the mining trade of i860, '61, '62. Though something of a mo nopoly the Oregon Steam Navigation Com pany was a great affair, and old settlers enjoy pleasant recollections when they call to memory the owners, captains, pursers, and even some of the deck hands. Memory easily conjures up the polite and yet determined Ainsworth, the brusque and rotund Reed, the bluff and hearty Knaggs, the frolicsome and never dis concerted Ingalls, the dark and powerful Coe, the patriarchal beard of Stump, the loquacious "Commodore" Wolf, who- used to point out the "diabolical strata" of the Columbia banks to astonished tourists, the massive figure of Strang, the genial Dan O'Neil, the suave and graceful Snow, the handsome Sampson, Mc- Nulty, with his rich Scotch brogue, "Little Billy," the bold and much experienced Baugh- man, and especially two of the "kid captains" of that early epoch, now still comparatn young men, and even then, though boys, con sidered the best pilots on the river, Will Gray and Jim Troup. After the inauguration of the steamboat lines to Wallula and Lewiston, in 1861, traffic by prairie schooners began between AValla AA'alla and AVallula. In 1862 and '63 there bia and Snake rivers, while the opposition line the river. But the completion of the portage railroads gave the Oregon Steam Navigation Company such an advantage that they were enabled to make a compromise by which they were given the exclusive right to the Colum bia and Snake rivers, while the opposition line was to have a monopoly of the AA'illamette. After this compromise had been effected the following schedule of charges was established : Freight from Portland to Wallula, per ton, $50.00; freight from Portland to Lewiston, per ton, $90.00; fare from Portland to AA'al- lula, $18.00; fare from Portland to Lewiston, $28.00. Freight from Wallula to AA'alla Walla was $10, or $12, per ton, by wagon. In i860 there came to AA'alla Walla a man who was destined to become the greatest figure in both pioneer railroading and other business in the history of AValla AA'alla. This was Dr. D. S. Baker. Almost from his first landing in AA'alla AA'alla Dr. Baker, more fully than any HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 167 one else, formed a conception of the vast latent resources of the AA'alla AA'alla valley, and began to form plans of connection between it and the steamboat line, but after opposition had been destroyed on the river Dr. Baker determined to establish a portage road at the Cascades, with the expectation that this would encourage independent steamboats. But the O. S. N. Co., having secured a charter and right of way from Congress, Dr. Baker, for the only time in his life, found himself checkmated and had to sell out at a sacrifice. Agitation for the building of a railroad be came very active in Walla Walla between 1863 and 1868. On March 23, 1868, the citizens of Walla Walla gathered at the court house to discuss this question. As a result of the in vestigations which followed the Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad Company was incorporated. Its incorporators were D. S. Baker, A. H. Reynolds, I. T. Reese, A. Kyger, J. H. Lasater, J. D. Mix, B. Scheideman and W. H. Newell. Their plan was to get the Oregon Steam Navigation Company to take one hundred thousand dollars of stock, Walla Walla county two hundred thousand 'dollars, and the city fifty thousand dollars. An act of Congress of March 3, 1869, granted the right of way and authorized the county com missioners to issue three hundred thousand dol lars in aid of the road, provided the people approved it at a special election. After some delay the time of this election was set for June 26, 1 87 1. But it having become evident by the expression of public opinion that the subsidy would be defeated, the order for the election was revoked. The company then made a prop osition to the people of Walla Walla. They proposed, in case the people of the county would authorize the issuance of three thousand dol lars in bonds, to build a strap iron railroad within a year; to place in the hands of the county commissioners the money received from down freights as a sinking fund, and to allow the board to fix the rate on such freights pro vided it was not placed at less than two dollars per ton, nor so high as to exclude freight from the road ; to give a first mortgage on the road, to secure the county ; and to give security that the bonds would be used in constructing the road. An election was authorized by the board on September 18, 187 1. As a result of the election, out of a total vote of nine hundred and thirty-five, a majority of eighteen was cast against the measure and it was therefore lost. The people of Walla Walla of that time seemed to have been mightily afraid of some monopoly control.- Inasmuch as under the terms of the proposition they could have fixed down freights at two dollars a ton when they were at that time as a matter of fact paying over eight dol lars a ton by wagon, it would seem that they performed the feat sometimes described as "bit ing off one's nose to spite his face." At any rate it was a long time before they got a two dollar schedule. DR. BAKER'S RAILROAD. This project being thus defeated so far as AValla Walla county was concerned, Dr. Baker with a number of men prominent in Walla Walla then determined to build and equip the road themselves. A new company was organ ized, with the following directors : D. S. Baker, W. Stephens, I. T. Reese, L. McMorris, H. M. Chase, H. P. Isaacs, B. L. Sharpstein, O. Hull and J. F. Boyer. In March, 1872, he began grading at Wallula. Meantime many railroad. projects were in the air. Among these were the Northern Pacific, with a branch southward through the Walla Walla and i68 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Grande Ronde countries. In 1873 the Seattle and Walla AValla Railroad Company was or ganized. In 1874 the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad Company, which had been organized some years before, was revived amid great enthusiasm on the part of the people of AA'alla AA'alla and other points in eastern Oregon and AA'ashington, In the same year the Dayton and Columbia River Transporta tion Company was incorporated. This com pany proposed to build a narrow gauge road from Dayton to Wallula by way of Waitsburg and AA'alla AA'alla ; thence , by steamers and portage railroads to Astoria. These enter prises were stronger on paper than on the ground. On March 13, 1875, the report was circulated throughout the "Inland Empire" that arrangements had been made with English capitalists to advance money for building the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad and that it was to be completed in five years. There Avas a general period of jubilees throughout the country until it was learned that this an nouncement was premature, and that the ar rangements had collapsed, like many other rail road gas-bags. In the meantime Dr. Baker was working aAvay quietly and effectively upon the Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad. Fifteen miles of track had been completed from Wal lula to the Touchet by March, 1874. Wooden rails Avere at first used, upon Which strap iron was afterwards laid. Major Sewell Truax was the engineer in charge. In 1874 this little road carried from the Touchet to Wallula over four thousand tons of wheat and brought back in return over eleven hundred tons of merchandise. After much pulling and hauling over the ques tion of subscriptions by the people of the city, it was provided that if the railroads were im mediately completed to Walla Walla the people should give the company three acres of land for depot and side tracks, secure the right of way for nine miles west of the city, and a cash subsidy of twenty-five thousand dollars. At last the great day of completion came. On Oc tober 23, 1875, Walla Walla was connected by rail Avith the Columbia river. The building of Dr. Baker's railroad had involved a vast deal of work and enterprise. As an illustration of the peculiar expense of this road might be mentioned the difficulty of securing ties for its construction. These were first gotten out on the Grande Ronde river, floated down the Grande Ronde, Snake and Columbia rivers to Wallula, at an average cost of about a dollar apiece, from three to four times the ordinary expense of ties. But the supply from the Grande Ronde proved inad equate, and the projectors Ave re compelled to have recourse to the Yakima riA*er. In the year 1875 this railroad hauled 9,155 tons of wheat to Wallula. In 1876 contention broke out between Dr. Baker's railroad and the people of AA'alla AA'alla. Dr. Baker, apparently feeling — whether cor rectly or not we will not undertake to decide — that the people of AA'alla AA'alla had done very little to advance the interest of his road, had fixed the freight rate at $5.50 per ton. Though this Avas much less than had been paid to team sters before, it seemed extortion to some of the people, and a committee of citizens Avas ap pointed to request a reduction. The request was not granted. There Avas discussion by the Grange Council as to the possibility of making a canal from Whitriian Mission to AVallula. A number of merchants tried the wagon route again, freight being reduced to five dollars per ton, at one time even to four dollars and fifty cents. At the same time there began to be heavy shipments of grain by team from Day- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 169 ton and vicinity to "Grange City" at the mouth of the Ttikannon, whence it was transported to Portland by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company's boats for eight dollars per ton. An opposition boat, the Northwest, Avas run for two years from Lewiston to Celilo by Captain Stump and Small Brothers, the chief owners being Paine Brothers & Moore. It proved to be impossible for the teams to compete with the railroad, even at five dol lars' and a half per ton. The amount of freight steadily increased all that time. In 1876 there were hauled from AValla Walla to Wallula 16,766 tons, of Avhich teams hauled 1,500 tons, the railroad the residue. The return freight amounted to 4,034 tons, showing a very heavy balance of trade in favor of Walla Walla. It is, in fact, a remarkable feature of our county to-day that the exports exceed imports by prob ably three to one. Other railway projects were in the air in that same centennial year of 1876. Among them was the Walla Walla & Dayton Railroad, but it never got beyond the map stage. In 1877 the first steps were taken in the great government enterprise of the Cascade locks, an undertaking which should have vast influence on the industrial development of the Inland Empire, though it evidently will not until the dalles are overcome. It was nearly twenty years before the great canal and locks were finished. In 1877 there were 28,806 tons of freight shipped from AA'alla AValla by way of Wallula. The rate had then been reduced to four dollars and a half per ton. It is noticeable that in the same year 8,368 tons of freight were shipped in, and of this nearly half consisted of agri cultural implements, shoAving something of the great development of the industry of farming. In 1877 Dr. Baker had preliminary sur veys . and estimates on a branch from Whitman Mission to Weston, and this was ultimately completed as far as Blue Mountain station. But, as is nearly always the case with the pio neer raihvay enterprises which pay, the Walla AA'alla & Columbia River Railroad Avas destined to be absorbed by a larger. It had become a Avell paying property under Dr. Baker's skill ful and energetic management, and the Oregon Steam Navigation Company cast envious eyes upon it. They contemplated at that time mak ing a regular system of narrow-gauge roads through the Inland Empire, connecting Avith the boats on the Columbia and Snake rivers. After long continued negotiations Dr. Baker sold the larger part of his stock in 1879 to the chief stockholders of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, Messrs. Ladd, Ains- worth, Reed and Tilton. As we shall see later on, the Oregon Steam Navigation Company Avas in turn swallowed by the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, and that in succession became a part of the great Union Pacific sys tem. Dr. Baker's road, though thus temporary, performed an incalculable part in the trans portation developments of Walla Walla county. STAGE LINES. J AA'hile considering the pioneer steamboat and railroad lines, our survey would be incom plete if Ave did not notice the great pioneer stage lines, which for many years were the chief means of mail and passenger transporta tion. J. F. Abbott, whose family are still liv ing in Walla Walla, Avas the pioneer stage manager of this valley. In 1859 he put on the first stages between Wallula and Walla Walla. In the next year he effected a part nership with Rickey and Thatcher on the same 170 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. line. Stage lines, carrying the mails, Avere es tablished by Miller and Blackmore between The Dalles and AValla Walla in 1861. In the folloAving year Rickey & Thatcher established a line from Walla AValla to Lewiston, and in the same year Blackmore & Chase operated lines betAveen Wallula and Walla Walla. There were a number of independent stage lines run ning between all the points named during the years that followed. George F. Thomas, whose family are now well known in Walla Walla, ran a line from Wallula to Boise by way of AA'alla AA'alla and the Woodward toll road. The great transcontinental stage lines of Ben Holli- day Avere operating on the plains in 1864, and partly through them Walla Walla began to ccme into communication with the Avorld. That Avas the age of stages, hold-ups, Indians, and prairie-schooners, an age of romance and adventure which can never be repeated. The amount of business done by team in those times was something astonishing. A Washington Statesman of the year 1862 estimated the amount of freight landed at Wallula from the steamers, to be thence distributed by wheel throughout the upper country at one hun dred and fifty tons weekly, and the number of passengers from fifty to six hundred weekly. In 1 87 1 an extensive stage line began to operate throughout this region. This was the NortliAvestern Stage Company. It connected the Central Pacific Railroad at Kelton, Utah, with The Dalles, Pendleton, Walla Walla, Col fax, Dayton, LeAviston, Pomeroy, "and all points north and west." To illustrate the ex tent of its operations it may be said that it used three hundred horses, twenty-two stages, one hundred and fifty employes, and annually fed out three hundred and sixty-five tons of grain and four hundred and twelve tons of hay. Such were Avhat may be styled the pioneer transportation lines, — boats, railroads and stages, — of the Walla Walla country. We now turn to those of a maturer growth, the great transcontinental lines, Avhich now connect us with all parts of the world. TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROADS. The state of AA'ashington has been singu larly fortunate in the number and character of its transportation lines. Unlike California, it has never become the prey of one rapacious, never satiated transportation deA'Otirer, like the Southern Pacific Railroad. Three competing lines, lines, too, which may be said to be guided in general by broad policies and an intelligent public spirit, the Northern Pacific, the Union Pacific and the Great Northern, connect this state with all parts of the world. Besides these the Canadian Pacific on the north and the Southern Pacific on the south as near as Port land, add to our already generous railroad con nections. This system of railroads, unequalled in the Union for a new state, is an index of what may be anticipated in industrial develop ment here in the near future. Freight rates and passenger rates, under the influence of this wholesome competition have steadily declined, the incoming of immigration has been en couraged, the establishment of new industries has been fostered, and all phases of the activity of the state quickened. True, many farmers in the eastern part of the state feel that freight rates are too high, and every legislature Avrithes and struggles with one or more railroad rate bills. Some inland cities have had long con tinued fights Avith the railroads on "long haul" conditions, etc. Yet Avhen Ave come to balance up the general situation for the state Ave find our lot an enviable one as compared with most other Avestern states, and especially California. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 171 And it may be added, the sure prospect is of continued betterment. It is a noteworthy fact that the project of Pacific railroads was scouted at as visionary and preposterous by the most eminent men of the United States, such as Webster, Benton and others, though, as well known, Benton speedily discovered his mistake and became one of the foremost friends of the Pacific coast acquisi tion. But the pioneers of the Pacific coast un derstood better the resources and the possibil ities of communication. Governor Isaac I. Stevens performed one of his greatest achieve ments in the great exploration of the year 1853, which had in view the establishment of some practicable railroad line to Puget sound. It is interesting to note that Captain George B. McClellan was placed in charge of the western party in this Northern Pacific railroad survey. In the letter of April 5, 1853, from Stevens to McClellan we find the following gen eral outline of the proposed work : "The route is from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Puget sound by the great bend of the Missouri river, through a pass in the mountains near the forty-ninth parallel. A strong party will operate west ward from St. Paul ; a second but smaller party will go up the Missouri to the Yellowstone, and there make arrangements, reconnoitre the country, etc., and on the junction of the main party they will push through the Blackfoot country, and reaching the Rocky mountains will keep at work there during the summer months. The third party, under your command, will be organized in the Puget sound region, you and your scientific corps going over the isthmus, and will operate in the Cascade range and meet the party coming from the Rocky moun tains. * * * The amount of work in the Cascade range and eastward, say to the prob able junction of the parties at the great bend of the north fork of the Columbia river, will be immense. Recollect, the main object is a. railroad survey from the head waters of the Mississippi river to Puget sound. * * * * AVe must not be frightened by long tunnels or enormous snows, but set ourselves to work to overcome them." It is a curious historical fact that McClellan, although an engineer of the highest skill and ability, showed the same lack of daring and originality which during the Civil war ten years later obscured his conspic uous talents and caused such lamentable chap ters in the history of the Northern armies. For he quailed from the winter explorations neces sary to determine the depth of snow in the Cascade mountains. Such was the first elaborate attempt at the establishing of a railroad route across the con tinent. Though a long time elapsed, in the end- it bore abundant fruit. In the 'sixties the en tire country became interested in the project of railway connection between the Atlantic and Pacific. It was customary for political plat forms to demand government action tOAvard that end. This sentiment was the foundation of the subsequent immense land grant subsidies given to the transcontinental railroads. After the war was over and the country free to turn its pent up energies to industrial pur suits the grand popular dream of Pacific rail ways began rapidly to be realized. California naturally had the first through line, and the golden spike that joined the Central and Union Pacific Railroads was driven on the 10th of May, 1869. Meanwhile the Northern Pacific had been incorporated and granted the right of way by congress on the 2d of July, 1864. In 1870 a contract was made with Jay Cooke & Company to act as financial agent for the road and procure means for its construction. In all that agitation which resulted in this first 172 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. definite step toward building the northern road, a well known citizen of Walla Walla Avas one of the most influential factors. This was Philip Ritz. Messrs. Cass and Ogden, two of the most important of the early directors of the road, afterwards stated that it was a letter of Mr. Ritz that first called their attention to the enterprise. AA'ork Avas actually begun on the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1870. The division be- tAveen Portland and Puget sound was the first to receive attention in this state. It was nearly wrecked by the financial panic of 1873, Avhich carried down Jay Cooke & Company and many other great houses. It Avas, however, reor ganized two years later, and in 1879 construc tion was resumed not to be suspended until the iron horse had drunk both out of Lake Supe rior and the Columbia river. In 1881 Henry Villard, president of the Oregon Raihvay & Navigation Company, by means of his famous "blind pool," obtained a majority of the stock of the Northern Pacific Railroad and became its president. In 1883 he pushed the con struction of the road from Duluth to AVallula, and there it Avas connected by the O. R. & N. with Portland. The gorgeous pageantry of the Villard excursion, the great boom in Port land Avhich followed, together Avith the finan cial downfall of Villard, the re-establishment of the AVright interest in the Northern Pacific, and the general collapse at Portland, are still no doubt vivid in the minds of all persons who Avere living in the country at that time. Not until the summer of 1888 Avas the gigantic task of crossing the Cascade mountains by way of the Yakima valley and the Stampede pass fully accomplished. A year prior to that time, liOAvever, trains ascended and descended the Cascades by the dizzy zigzags of the Switch back, drawn by those gladiators of steel and steam, the mighty "decapods," which ground their way resistlessly up three-hundred-foot grades. Since the completion of the main line of the Northern Pacific, it has sprouted with branches in all directions. The most import ant of these to us of Walla Walla is the Wash ington & Columbia River Railroad, familiarly knoAvn as the Hunt line. This road was or ganized as the Oregon & AA'ashington Terri tory Railroad by Pendleton parties in 1887. G. W. Hunt contracted to build the road in that year. The original projectors having failed in their means, Mr. Hunt took posses sion of the road and in 1888 he built from Hunt's Junction to Helix and Athena, in Uma tilla county, and to AA'alla Walla. The branch up Eureka flat to Pleasant View was construct ed also in 1888. During the next year the road was extended to Dayton and in 1890 to Pen dleton. Then Mr. Hunt, having shown such conspicuous energy and ability, and having thus far apparently been favored by fortune, found himself embarrassed by the tightening grasp of the hard times, and sold the road to C. B. AA'right, of the Northern Pacific, in February, 1891. In December of that year the road Avas placed in the hands of a receiver. In 1892 it Avas reorganized tinder the name which it now bears. The present mileage of the AA'ashington & Columbia River Railroad is 162.73 miles. Of this the main line from Pendleton to Dayton covers 128.41 miles, the Athena branch 14.59 and the Eureka Flat branch 19.73; ll7-7& miles are in Washington and 44.95 in Ore gon. Considering the population of the coun try which it supplies, the amount of freight handled by this road is extraordinary. The amount of freight carried out for the year end ing June, 1900, Avas, in round numbers, about HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 173 one hundred and thirty thousand tons of grain and about twenty thousand tons of other freight. Of this amount 62,776 tons were shipped from Walla Walla county. The amount of freight brought in was, in round numbers, forty thousand tons, of which about half consisted of lumber, Avood and posts, and the other half miscellaneous merchandise. A little over half of this amount was discharged in Walla Walla county. By its connection with the Northern Pacific at Hunt's Junction, this line is the natural route from Walla Walla to Puget sound. The other transcontinental railroad upon which Walla Walla county is specially depend ent is the Union Pacific system, through the Oregon Railway & Navigation line. This line was the successor upon the river of the old Oregon Steam Navigation line, having pur chased that property in 1879. Henry Villard was its animating genius. He came to this country first in the interest of the German bondholders of the Oregon & California Rail road. With the quick grasp of a statesman Mr. Villard perceived here the opportunity of a lifetime. He saw that a railroad up the Columbia river with branches north, east and southeast, might be thrust like a wedge be tween the Northern Pacific and the Union Pacific and control both. He made three great steps in quick succession. The first was the incorporation of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company. The second was the formation of the "blind pool," and the Oregon & Transcontinental Company. The third was the acquisition of a controlling interest in the Northern Pacific Railroad. The years of building the railroad from Portland to Wallula, '8o-'83, were never sur passed in activity and in results in the history of railroad building in this country. To the untiring and sometimes destructive energy of Contractor Hallett, the speedy execution of the difficult and expensive line along the Columbia river was due. In 1883^ as already noted, the gap betwixt the Oregon line and the Northern Pacific was joined at Wallula, and the Pacific Northwest had its first through line to the east. Although Villard's financial downfall en sued almost at the moment of his triumph, and the Oregon & Transcontinental Company failed, and as a natural consequence the O. R. & N. lost permanent control of the Northern Pacific Railroad, Villard's scheme is fulfilling its destiny in part, by the fact that the O. R. & N. has become an essential portion of the Union Pacific system. As now constituted, the O. R. & N. sys tem is a vast and comprehensive combination of steamboat and railroad lines. It runs a magnificent group of ocean steamships from Portland both north and south, and it has a fleet of superb river steamers on the Columbia, Snake and Willamette rivers. It also has a line of steamers on Puget sound. The genesis of the railway division of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company has already been described. With Portland as a starting point, it radiates in all directions throughout the Inland Empire. The main line extends from Portland to Huntington, a dis tance of four hundred and four miles. At that point it connects with the Oregon Short Line, which extends five hundred and forty miles further to Granger, Wyoming, on the main line of the Union Pacific. The chief branch of the road diverging from the main road at Umatilla extends to Spokane. From this, as from the main line, branch out numerous important short lines. . Those in Walla Walla county are the lines from Pendleton to Walla Walla, from Walla Walla to Riparia, from Walla Walla 174 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. to Wallula, and from Wallula by river to Ri paria. There are also the narroAV gauge lines from AA'alla AA'alla to Dudley and Dixie. The aggregate mileage, not, counting the side tracks, is one hundred and sixty-four miles. The amount of freight shipped out of Walla Walla county by the Oregon Railway ¦& Navigation Company during the past year Avas about thirty thousand tons, and the amount of freight shipped in Avas about thirty-five thousand tons. The "in-freight" included an immense quantity of Avood and lumber, and hence exceeds "out-freight." This survey of the railroad connections of AA'alla AA'alla county would be incomplete without reference to the Great Northern line. Although this line does not touch Walla Walla county, yet by means of its traffic arrangements with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany it gives us practically the benefit of an other transcontinental line. And it must be stated that the Great Northern line, by the phenomenal energy, foresight and broad pol icy of its management, has brought benefits to all the regions it has touched, and its pres ence in this county is a proper subject of grati fication. Though Walla Walla has at times been embarrassed by not being on either one of the main lines, and though the connections have not at all times in the past been the most con venient, there has been a steady improvement during the past two years and we may look forward with confidence to a future of cheaper, more convenient and entirely satisfactory transportation service. CHAPTER XVI. THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. The larger portion of this Avork is occu pied Avith facts in respect to the political and industrial and military history of the county. But although these in the nature of the case are the most obvious and apparently import ant, it does not follow that there may not be other agencies of deeper import. One of the great foundation ideas of American states, an idea Avhich underlies all that Ave have and are as a people to distinguish us from others, is the great thought of popular education. Amid all the eager bustle of business and experiment which have characterized the west, there has ever been the eager determination that facili ties for education should be afforded the chil dren of the state. It need not therefore sur prise us to find that the western states in gen eral surpass older ones in provision for schools. Some of the people of the Atlantic states, ac- cutomed to look Avith something of a patron izing disdain upon the supposedly uncultured communities of the Avest, are greatly surprised Avhen they discover from statistics that the average of freedom from illiteracy is greater in the Avest than in the east. The three states Avith the least percentage of illiterates are IoAva, Nebraska and AA'ashington. While Ave thus claim a very high standard for our state and for the Avest in general, Ave should not arrogate to ourselves an ecjuality with some of HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 175 the picked communities of the eastern states in the organization and equipment of our schools. It takes time to accomplish the great results of a complete educational system. It is not yet possible that Washington should have schools equal in all respects to those of Ohio, Massachusetts or Michigan. But this we of the state of Washington can claim, that the people of no state surpass ours in general intelligence or in a disposition to accord the highest opportunities for edu cation for their children. We have been lay ing, broad and deep, the foundations for pop ular education. Our schools,- while not yet fully developed, contain within themselves the latent resources of a life and power equal to the best. What is true of the schools of the state in general is also true of those of this county. Considering the time that they have had, the schools of this county are a just source of pride to the citizens. Walla Walla city has become within the last few years an educa tional center, perhaps beyond any other place in the state. Aside from the excellent public school system, at the head of which stands the high school, we have here AVhitman College, AValla Walla College, St. Paul's Academy, St. Vincent's Academy, La Salle Institute, the Walla Walla Business College, and a privately conducted kindergarten. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. The following brief sketch, prepared by Superintendent G. S. Bond, gives an accurate impression of the public schools as now organ ized: It is the primary object of the writer, in preparing this -statement, to present to the public a brief recital of the present condition of the educational facilities of Walla Walla county, rather than attempt to give any account of the history and growth of those facilities. Were it even desirable to do so, it would, for -two reasons, prove a somewhat difficult undertaking. The records compiled by the earlier school officers are quite incomplete, if com pared with present requirements, and the subdivision of the original county into the present counties of Columbia, Garfield, Asotin and Walla Walla, occasioned many changes in the various school districts, and led to a com plete re-districting and re-numbering. This, the records in the county superintendent's office show, was done be tween the years 1879 and 1886. In 1891, the county superintendent, by order of the county commissioners, brought together in one book the plats and boundaries of the various districts, numbered consecutively from 1 to 53. Since that date, to meet the requirements of the constant increase in population, many changes in boundaries have been made and 13 new districts have been formed, making a total of 66. Six of these are joint with Columbia county. The subdivision of the county into 66 school districts brings nearly every section within easy range of school fa cilities. Especially is this true of the eastern and southern portions where the county is most densely populated. With but few exceptions these districts have good, comfortable school houses, furnished with modern patent desks, and fairly well supplied with apparatus. Six new school houses were built, and a considerable amount of furniture was purchased last year. A movement which is receiving considerable atten tion and which is proving of great service to the county is the establishment by private enterprise, entertainment or subscription, of district libraries. About twenty have received their books, which are eagerly read by both pupils and parents. Others are preparing entertainments to raise a library fund. It is greatly to be hoped that our legislature may pass some law at this session to encour age the district library. It is one of the measures most needed to improve our rural schools. Another feature that is proving of benefit to the country schools is common school graduation. An op portunity to take an examination for graduation is given at various times, to eighth-grade pupils in any of the schools. The diplomas admit to high school without further examination. Many take pride in having finished the common school course, and are induced to remain in school much longer than they otherwise would. Eight districts are at present maintaining graded schools. There seems to be a growing sentiment in some of the more densely populated sections to gather together their pupils for the superior advantages of the graded school. Walla Walla, No. 1, provides an excellent four year high school course. No. 3 (Waitsburg) also has a high school department. Were all the schools in session at the same time there would be required a force of 116 teachers. The districts- employing more than one teacher are: Walla Walla 30 Waitsburg 7, Prescott 3, Seeber 3, and Dixie, Wallula' Harrer and Touchet 2 each. Of those employed at this 176 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. time, seven hold life diplomas or state certificates, 18 normal diplomas, 25- first grade certificates, 21 second grade, and 15 third grade. Twenty applicants failed last year. If the present crowded condition of the Walla Walla and Waitsburg schools continues next year it will necessitate an increase in the teaching force of five or six at the former place and of one at the latter. The Teachers' Reading Circle was reorganized in lanuary, and meetings have been arranged for the more central points throughout the county. The sessions are well attended, the exercises carefully prepared. About 50 teachers have purchased one or more of the books and enrolled as members. All teachers have free access to a library of about 75 volumes, treating principally on theory and practice, or the history and philosophy of educa tion. Our school districts never began a year on a more solid financial basis than they did the present one. Fifty- one of the sixty-six had a good balance to their credit in the hands of the county treasurer. A comparison of the last financial statement with that of previous years is given to mark the increase. 1897. 1898. 1900. RECEIPTS. Balance in the hands of county treasurer. $ 9,521 43 $ 9,297 24 $ 25,838 81 Amount apportioned to districts by coun ty superintendent.. 32,104 54 Amount received from special tax 11,761 62 Amount from sale of school bonds 500 00 Amount transferred from other districts Amounts from other sources 131 54 56,210 31 58,574 66 26,346 81 26,503 99 1,410 00 500 00 82 69 2,212 15 Total $54,019 13 $93,347 05 $113,629 61 EXPENDITURES. 1897. Amount paid for teachers' wages .... $ Amount paid for rents fuel, etc 38,027 39 Amount paid for sites, buildings, etc Amount paid for in terest on bonds 2,578 00 Amount paid for in terest on warrants. 4,113 75 Amount reverting to general school fund 2 75 For redemption ot bonds Amount for other dis tricts 1898. 1900. 47,278 95 $ 38,691 71 10,697 78 13,653 06 2,902 68 32,152 61 2,645 55 4,301 00 5,649 78 1,650 94 500 00 12 86 Total 844,721 89 Balance on hand.. 9,297 24 $69,173 94 190,962 18 24,173 11 22,667 43 The hard times experienced two or three years ago materially affected teachers' wages in this county. The average amount paid male teachers, according to the annual report of the county superintendent in 1898, was $56.57; for female teachers, $39.54. For 1900, male teachers, S62.50; female teachers, $52.40. There seems, however, to be dawning a brighter future for the consci entious teacher. Rigid examinations for two years have lessened the competition from those who entered the work only because they had no other employment; the districts are able to hold longer terms and pay larger salaries now. The minimum salary this year is $40.00; other rural districts pay S45 and $50. Salaries in the graded schools are from 155 to $100 per month. The average length of term in 1898 was six and one-half months; the average for 1900 is seven and three-fourths months. The 'estimate in the county superintendent's annual report for 1898 places the total value of school houses and grounds at 8162,080; of school furniture, $15,317; of ap paratus, etc., $3,871; of libraries, $1,690. Amount of in surance on school property, 179,605; of bonds outstand ing, $45,300; warrants outstanding, $41,274. The last enumeration of children of school age shows 4,275 resided in the county June 1; of these 3,621 were enrolled in the public schools, and made an average daily attendance of 2,076. For 1900, school houses and grounds, $194,060; fur niture, $16,350; apparatus, $4,000; libraries, $2,450; insur ance, $100,650; bonds outstanding, $75,300; warrants out standing, $82,721.16; children of school age, 4,767; children enrolled, 4,102; average daily attendance, 2,322. Special mention should be made of the in stitution which is the crowning feature of the public school system, that is, the high school. THE WALLA WALLA HIGH SCHOOL Was inaugurated in the year 1889, under the superintendency of Professor R. C. Kerr, who also acts as city superintendent. The high school Avas located at the first in the Baker school, but in 1890 was quartered in the Paine school, and there it still continues. Its first class was graduated in 1893. The total num ber of graduates to 1900 Avas eighty. The course, Avhich at first required three years, now gives four years of thorough study, Avhich en ables its graduates to enter AAmitman College or any of the first-class colleges of the state. The number of students has increased rapidly HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 177 until at the present time there are enrolled about one hundred and sixty pupils. The present faculty of the high school consists of Professor R. C. Kerr, Miss Rose Dovell and Professor J. W. Shepherd. Miss Amy B. Richards, Miss Blair and Mrs. Minnie Cohn were at different times on the faculty. The school is acquiring a considerable quantity of apparatus, and a well-selected, though not large, library. The high school is a just cause of satisfaction to the people of the town, and it plainly contains within it elements of growth and improvement which will make it in time one of the best in stitutions of the kind in the state. As we consider our present excellent pub lic school system, our minds are naturally turned toward the schools and the school build ings of the old days. It is said that the first school-house Avas within the present limits of the garrison reserve, and the teacher was Harry Freeman, of troop E, first dragoons. The year has been said to have been '56, though it must have been '57, inasmuch as the fort was not provided with any buildings until that year. This school was attended by several persons afterwards well known in Walla Walla. Among these Avere James and Hugh McCool, and their sister Maggie, afterward Mrs. James Monaghan, mother of the gallant Lieutenant Monaghan, who perished recently in the Sa- moan islands: Robert Smith, Mrs. Mike Kenny, John Kelly, and the Sickler girls, are also said to have attended this school. The next school was started by Mrs. A. J. Miner. Her school was at first a private one, conducted in 1861-62 in a house on Alder street near the corner of First street, about where Mr. G. W. Babcock's house now stands. J. H. BleAvett Avas also one of those .early private teachers. Up to this time there had been no public 12 schools. A school clerk had, however, been appointed, together with other officers, on March 26, 1859, in the person of William B. Kelly. J. F. Wood was elected superintendent of schools at the election of July 14, 1862. In that year district No. 1, embracing the whole city, was organized, a room rented and a teacher employed. No building was put up for school purposes, and little attention seems to have been paid to education until the fall of 1864. At that time there were two hundred and three children in the district, of whom but ninety- three were enrolled. On December 12,. 1864, a school meeting was held, in which it was determined to levy a tax of two and one- half mills for the erection of a school house. The block of land upon which the Baker school house now stands was donated by 'Dr. D. S. Baker, and a building costing; about two thousand dollars was erected. The new building proved inadequate for its purpose, and a new district was organized in 1868 in the southwestern part of the town. A site having been secured on the corner of Willow and Eighth streets, a building was erected, which, with some additions, served. its purpose until 1879. In that year the pres ent Park street school was erected at a cost of two thousand dollars. In 1881 the two school districts were consolidated by act of the legislature. The members of the consoli dated board of directors, consisting of the di rectors of the two separate districts, were H. E. Johnson, D. M. Jesse, B. L. Sharpstein, N. T. Caton, William O'Donnell and F. W. Paine. E. B. Whitman was clerk. By a vote at a school election of April 29, 1882, it was decided to levy a tax of seven teen thousand dollars for the purpose of erect ing a brick building upon the block occupied by the first public school building. This build- 178 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. ing was accordingly constructed in 1882, and very appropriately, from the name of the donor of the land, became known as the Baker school building. The elegant Paine school building appeared in 1888, the College Place public school house Avas added in 1897, and the Sharp stein school building was erected in 1899. Among the citizens of AValla Walla who have contributed much of their time and thought to the burdensome duties of school directors may be found some of the busiest and most active men. The names of two especial veterans in the service, Paine and Sharpstein, are fittingly preserved in two of the public school buildings. District No. 1 is now organized under the neAv system of cities of the second class. This provides for five directors. These five directors .are at present N. G. Blalock, Frank Dement, W. R. Criffield, J. B. Wilson and John Mun- tinga. A perusal of the facts given in the preced ing paragraphs will convince any one that the public schools of Walla Walla are in a highly satisfactory condition. WHITMAN COLLEGE. We have followed in an earlier chapter the thrilling- and tragic events which made Waii latpu memorable in the history of this state; the AVhitman mission, the struggle for posses sion, the planting of industry, the rallying place of the slowly incoming American immi gration, the midwinter ride of the hero Whit man, and then the yielding up before Indian .tomahawks of those noble lives, the massacre, the war, and then the long period of desolation and loneliness. During the era of danger the whites, with the exception of an occasional daring adven turer, disappeared from the Walla Walla country. Silence at last rested on the fair valleys which had for ten years resounded with sav age warfare. The Cayuses, the Walla Wallas, the Umatillas and the Yakimas yielded the scepter, and the stars and stripes Avaved ¦ from the Pacific to the Bitter Roots. As it became safe to venture into the land of battle, there came back land-hunters, cattle men, miners, explorers and adventurers gen erally, eager to seize some advantage among the bountiful resources which had been seen by the immigrants of the 'forties and the sol diers of the Indian Avars. But among the crowd of money-seekers there was at least one soul-seeker, and that was Father Eells. From the time when in the tragic year of 1847, he, with the rest of the missionary band, had fled from the murderous nathes, he had cherished the purpose to return. AVhen twelve years had passed the time seemed ripe. In 1859 Father Eells stood beside the grave at Waiilatpu in Avhich the dust of the fourteen martyrs was mingled indistinguishably, and as he there contemplated the past, Avith its sad ness and apparent failure, his mind turned to ward the future with its hopefulness and cer tain triumph. He made then a solemn vow that he would found a school of higher learn ing for the youth of both sexes, a memorial which he was sure his martyred friend AVhit man would prefer, if he could speak, to a mon ument of marble. In pursuance of his plan Father Eells pur chased the section of land on which the mis sionary tragedy had been enacted and there he prepared to erect the building and start AA'hitman Seminary. It soon became evident, hoAvever, that the town Avas going to grow about the fort, six miles east, and there, Father HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 179 Eells decided, would be the proper place for Lis cherished enterprise. Father Eels was en tirely alone in his work, except for the equally devoted and faithful efforts of his wife and his two sons. They plowed and reaped, cut wood, raised chickens, made butter, and de voted the proceeds, aside from that necessary to the essentials of life, to accumulating a fund for starting the seminary. It was a slow, disheartening task, with every external circum stance against them. It is hard to conceive of a more pathetic history than that of Father Eells and his family, slowly, patiently, saving every scrap secured by their wearisome toil, in order to give it away for this purely un selfish purpose. In about five years they had accumulated four thousand dollars, and then the seminary was located on ground donated by Dr. D. S. Baker. It was two years later, however, be fore the building was completed. That first building was dedicated on October 13, 1866. Though the few people of Walla Walla did not then realize it, that was the greatest event in the history of the place up to that time. Space is not sufficient to describe here the seminary. It did a sort of work necessary, but very trying to teachers, being ungraded, irregular, and without support, aside from the tuition. During that period Father Eells, Rev. P. B. Chamberlain, Professor William Mar iner and Professor W. K. Grim were the chief teachers, though there were many others who taught for short periods. Among these may be named as principals Professor Crawford, Mrs. Jennings, Miss Simpson, Professor J. W. Brock, Professor Horace Lyman, Professor W. D. Lyman, Professor Rogers and Rev. Mr. Beach. Of assistants may be named Mr. Sam uel Sweeney, now a well-known business man of Walla Walla; Miss Mary Hodgden, Miss Sylvester, Miss S. I. Lyman, Horace S. Ly man, Miss Clara Bergold, Mrs. M. A. Gustin, Mrs. Beach and W. A. Jones. It was a hard struggle to keep the life in the institution dur ing that period, but devotion and patience, such as has seldom been seen, triumphed, and in 1883 the next great step was taken; for in that year the seminary was made a college. Dr. A. J. Anderson, who had been one of the foremost educators of the northwest and had been for several years president of the State University, was elected to the head of Whit man College, and entered upon his nine years of faithful and efficient work. In 1883 the main building, noAV used as the conservatory of music, was erected, and Father Eells made a journey to the east to canvass for funds. He succeeded in raising sixteen thousand dollars. During the next year Mrs. N. F. Cobleigh, who gave several years of most effective service in charge of the girls' boarding hall, raised eight thousand dollars by canvassing in the east. During the presidency of Dr. Anderson there was a con siderable number of graduates, and the col lege took a high stand among the institutions of the northwest. A number of the present leading men in the city of Walla Walla grad uated during that period. But the resources of the college were then scanty and its work one of trial and hardship for the president and faculty. In 1891 Dr. Anderson resigned, having accomplished the most that had been done up to that time in the work of the insti tution. Then J. F. Eaton was appointed presi dent. The next three years were the severest and least satisfactory which had yet occurred in the history of Whitman. Owing to unfor tunate policies and management the college lost greatly in efficiency and public esteem, and the support so fell off that in the summer i8o HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. of 1894 it Avas seriously anticipated by many that it Avould never open again. It Avas saved by the devotion and efficiency of several of the trustees and faculty and by the election to the presidency in 1894 of Rev. S. B. L. Pen rose. President Penrose entered at once with tremendous and never-flagging energy upon his great task of raising money and placing the college upon a solid foundation. Dr. D. K. Pearsons, of Chicago, Avhose philanthropy had already wrought wonders for several col leges in the country, became interested in the heroic story of AA'hitman, and offered fifty thousand dollars as an endowment fund, in case one hundred and fifty thousand dollars Avere raised besides. Though that was in the very blackest part of the "hard times," the tOAvn of Walla Walla responded nobly, and the money Avas secured. Subsequently Dr. Pearsons made the offer of fifty thousand dol lars for a main hall, in case there Avere twenty- five thousand dollars raised for a young men's dormitory. This also was mainly secured, Mrs. Billings, of NeAv York, being the largest contributor. As a result there arose upon the college campus in the eastern part of Walla Walla the stately Whitman memorial building, the most beautiful structure in this part of the state, and Billings hall, a comfortable, con venient and commodious building, capable of accommodating seventy or seventy-five per sons. During these building years of 1899 and 1900 there was also a great groAvth in all other departments of the college. A great addi tion was made to the physical and chemical appliances. The library Avas greatly increased, having reached on January 1, 1901, nearly ten thousand volumes. The number of stu dents increased from about fifty in 1894 to about two hundred and sixty in 1900. The faculty increased during the same period from eight to sixteen. Although the resources of the college are yet limited in comparison with its needs and the ambitions and hopes of its faculty and friends, yet they have increased so much beyond any former mark as to place Whitman in the front rank of educational in stitutions in the state. In connection with Whitman College it is fitting to narrate the steps taken to mark the grave of Whitman and his associate martyrs. As already noted, Father Eells decided that Whitman would have preferred a memorial school to a monument of marble. And for many years it looked as though Walla AA'alla and the state of AA'ashington meant to take him at his Avord, and leave that grave Avith its sad, pathetic, tragic associations unmarked and un noticed. For years the graA-e Avas the burroAV- ing ground of badgers, and the dry west wind SAvept the dust of summer and the snoAV of Avinter around it, and cattle trampled it, Avhile aside from a white picket fence, Avhich Avas soon broken, there Avas no distinguishing mark of the heroic spot. But there were those in both Oregon and AA'ashington, as Avell as else where, who felt that the community's or the nation's self-respect required some due com memoration of that grave. In 1897 the mat ter was pushed in earnest by the college fac ulty and by the Historical Society of Oregon, with the result that funds Avere pledged and a contract made to erect a Avorthy memorial on the neglected but halloAved .ground. Accord ingly, on November 29, 1897, the fiftieth an- nhersary of the massacre, in the presence of a vast throng, the dedication services Avere duly performed. The monument consists of a beautiful, though plain and stately, granite shaft, erected on the hill overlooking the grave and all the surrounding country. The grave HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 181 itself is marked by a marble crypt in which are enclosed such human remains as the exca vation of the grave disclosed. And in con nection with these remains it is of interest to remember that among them, being mainly dis ordered and confused, there were several hu man skulls, one of which was pronounced by anatomists that of a female, doubtless that of Mrs. Whitman, and another was deemed to be without question that of Dr. Whitman. It was of the right age, and contained a gold-filled tooth. It was said by Perrine Whitman, a nephew of the doctor, that the latter had such a filling, a rare thing in those days. The most curious thing about these two skulls was that they were both sawed transversely from the forehead backward. This Avas thought by some familiar with Indian customs to have been done by the savages in order to let the "brave" out of the principal martyrs, which they thought might enter into the warriors and augment their power. So, though for long years the chief heroes and martyrs of Walla Walla seemed to be for gotten, their recognition came. And though their physical substance was the prey to sav ages and wild beasts and the waste of the ele ments, their lives live again in the lives of the youth whom they permanently influence. Whitman College has become their monument, one more lasting, it is to be hoped, than even the granite shaft or marble crypt of the grave. In completing this brief sketch of Whit man College it is proper to name here the present faculty: Rev. S. B. L. Penrose, presi dent and professor of philosophy; W. D. Ly man, professor of history and civics; Helen A. Pepoon, professor of Latin; L. F. Ander son, professor of Greek; B. H. Brown, pro fessor of physics and chemistry; H. S. Brode, professor of natural history; O. A. Hauer- bach, professor of English literature and ora tory; W. A. Bratton, professor of mathematics; J. AA'. Cooper, professor of modern languages; Louise R. Loomis, instructor in Greek and Latin; W. L. Worthington, instructor in Greek and Latin; S. H. Lovewell, musical di rector; Clarice Winship Colton, instructor in voice culture; Edgar S. Fischer, instructor on the violin; Mrs. Crayne, matron of girls' dor mitory; and Mrs. Jacobs, matron of the young men's dormitory. With this force and with the facilities and resources for work such as they are, the prospects of Whitman for the opening century are bright indeed. saint Paul's school. The history of Saint Paul's School is crowded with struggles and brilliant with suc cess. No educational institution of the north west can show a similar record. Some thirty years ago Bishop Wells planned to erect a first- class boarding school for girls on a picturesque piece of land donated for that purpose. The mason began his work. Three thousand dol lars worth of stone was laid into the founda tion of the coming edifice. The citizens of Walla Walla had pledged another three thou sand dollars to aid the enterprise. Success seemed inevitable. But Tacoma, at that time the leading city of the sound, offered large inducements if the Walla Walla project Avould be abandoned in favor of a girls' seminary in Tacoma. Money proved too great a tempta tion and Walla Walla had to leave its cher ished dream unrealized. But the Garden city of the northwest was not altogether ready to lose one of its noblest features. Dr. Lathrop, then rector of St. Paul's church, was a man of faith. He would not give up. And while he failed to build the lb'2 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. magnificent edifice, he used to greatest advan tage the old buildings, which Avere soon crowd ed Avith boarders from the surrounding coun try. At that time Mrs. Appleton made a do nation of three thousand dollars to be used as a foundation for an endoAvment fund. The outlook greAV brighter, but at the departure of Dr. Lathrop, Avho had been the soul of the enterprise, the doors of Saint Paul's had to be closed. For almost two years the school remained inactive. People had lost heart. The uncer tainty of affairs discouraged not only those who might consider the principalship, but parents would hesitate to send their daughters. If the diocese had sold the school property, none would have been surprised. But Miss Imogen Boyer, Avho Avas herself a graduate of the school, fully comprehended the high mission of a girls' seminary in this part of the coun try and bravely took hold of the situation. Since that time Saint Paul's has gone steadily forward. Rev. Andreas Bard advocated the sale of the old buildings and the purchase of some excellent property on Catherine street. This motion was carried and folloAved by an other Avhich suggested the sale of the original school grounds and the erection of first-class buildings. The day school doubled the number of its attendants; a boarding department was added. To-day Saint Paul's is one of the finest educational institutions of the northwest. It is located on the most beautiful spot in the heart of the city, has all modern conveniences and offers to the young Avomen of our state the highest advantages of culture. Among the members of its faculty are graduates of Smith College, Berkeley and Stanford Universities, and the most prominent citizens of Walla Walla constitute its board of trustees or give to their daughters the advantages of its broad and lib eral culture. If Saint Paul's school could find a wealthy patron, such as Whitman College found in Dr. Pearsons, its work for good could be infinitely expanded. The past has been a history of struggle and success — a continuous record of self-help and self-sacrifice. What the future- would be with an endoAvment fund behind the spirit of heroic enterprise, can only be imag ined. But there is reason to think that finan cial aid would place Saint Paul's School on a par with the old established institutions of the east. Walla Walla is to be congratulated on having in its midst such grand educational possibilities. THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. The Catholics of AA'alla Walla, through the zealous endeavors of their pastors and their own generous co-operation, have, for the last thirty-five years, been enabled to procure for their children the advantages of a Christian education. In 1864 Avas opened, where St. Mary's hospital hoav stands, by the Very Rev. J. B. A. Brouillet, a Catholic school for girls. This Avas conducted by the Sisters of Provi dence. One year later St. Patrick's Academy for boys flung Avide its portals. This educa tional establishment stood near the present site of the Catholic church. The first teacher was Mr. H. L. Lamarche. This excellent precep tor presided over the destinies of the academy for fifteen years. Among the other teachers were Mr. J. J. Donovan, Mr. A. M. Sommers, Miss Tina Johnson and Miss Eliza Sexton. Mr. J. J. Donovan organized a company of cadets among the pupils. Later a brass band was established in connection with the school. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 183. The positions of honor held by former stu dents of the academy and the creditable manner in which they have acquitted themselves of their responsible duties are convincing evidence of the superiority of their moral and intellec tual training. A new building- had to be erected to ac commodate the ever increasing numbers that applied for admission to the academy. Assist ed by the generous contributions of his par ishioners, especially by the magnificent bequest of Miss Maria O'Rourke, the Very Rev. M. Flohr was enabled to erect the elegant school building that stands on Alder street near Sev enth. Right Rev. E. J. O'Dea blessed the edi fice in May, 1899. August 15, 1899, three brothers of the Christian schools arrived in AValla Walla from San Francisco to manage the new school, henceforth to be knoAvn as De La Salle Institute. It was so named in honor of St. J. B. De La Salle, founder of the congregation of which the brothers are members. De La Salle Institute opened Sep tember 4, 1899, with one hundred pupils; the second year commenced with one hundred and thirty in attendance. St. Vincent's Academy is the Catholic school for girls. This noble institution was founded in 1864 by the sisters of charity from Montreal. The little band which undertook the arduous task of opening an educational establishment in the newly established terri tory was composed of Sisters Columbay, Paul Miki and Nativity, whose names are held in veneration by all who had the happiness of knowing them. Many and great were the difficulties to be overcome in the new and un civilized country, in which resources are few and customs and manners strange. But the zealous laborers, aided by their devoted pas tors, Vicar General Brouillet, Father Duffy, Father Flohr and kind friends, ' struggled on. With years the work greAV, and now many of the representative women of the northwest prove their gratitude to their alma mater by lives of highest Christian purpose ; they found that St. Vincent's had been for them an inspi ration. The present building, erected in 1879-80, is pronounced by all who visit it to be one of the finest structures in the state. It is spacious, well ventilated, convenient, and furnished with all modern improvements. The extensive grounds surrounding the institution offer every ' inducement to the young ladies to engage in healthful exercise. The plan of instruction is systematic and thorough, embracing all that could be desired for the highest culture. Besides the graduat ing department, a special course meets the wants of the young ladies who, not wishing to go through the course of graduation, are anxious to obtain a good practical education. Every facility is afforded for attaining pro ficiency in vocal and instrumental music. Stenography and typewriting are specialties. Plain and fancy needle work are taught free of charge. Two hundred and fifty day pupils and thirty-six boarders have been enrolled since September 1, 1900. Nine sisters are teaching. Parents and guardians wishing to secure for young ladies the benefits of a solid and re fined education, with maternal supervision over their health, morals and manners, will have no reason to regret their choice of St. Vincent's- Academy. WALLA WALLA COLLEGE. This institution is the center of a flourish ing community, the college itself owning one 1 84 FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. hundred acres of the town-site of College Place. It was founded in 1892, and has gained a reputable place among the educational insti tutions of the west. It is the only college of its kind in the northwest ; and that it is rightly located, is demonstrated by its liberal patron age, which has been enjoyed since its opening nine years ago. It is OAvned and operated by the Seventh- Day Adventists, and though denominational in character, its doors are open to all young peo ple of good moral character. On account of its high standard of morality, its Christian faculty, its atmosphere of culture and refine ment, its full and complete curriculum, it is certainly a safe place for parents to send their children, as well as an institution where a lib eral education can be received. The building is a substantial brick struc ture, four stories in height, of modern design and architecture. Two brick dormitories are connected Avith the main building where non resident students reside. These buildings are surrounded by a beautiful campus, and the whole by orchards and gardens which appear on every side. Spring water of the best quality is supplied to the building and also for irriga tion purposes in the college garden, consisting of several acres. As the managers aim to make the college a place Avhere young people of limited means may get their education, they have spared no pains to reduce all necessary expenses to a minimum. In fact the industrious student, by a wise use of his A-acation and the assistance of the college, is enabled to meet his own expenses. The man agers have learned that the self-sustaining stu dents are its best. AA'alla AA'alla College is so located that it is the most conspicuous building in the Walla Walla valley, and in it a thriving city has grown up Avith the college, known as College Place. It has two merchandise stores, which do considerable business with the farmers for several miles around. The college has become to be closely associated with the economic in stitutions of the community in which it is lo cated. But Walla Walla College has a far more important influence. The world needs educated men and women, who are truly educated. True education is the power of doing. Every faculty of the being is to be educated and trained for usefulness. One writer has truthfully de fined education as the "harmonious develop ment of all our powers, both physical, mental, and moral." Such an education will expand and define. Without it, the individual is more or less crippled. Correct education makes the essential difference in mental capacity, char acter and destiny between the simple child of nature and the man of giant intellect. Board of Managers — G. W. Reaser, H. W. Decker, T. H. Starbuck, Greenville Holbrook, T. L. Ragsdale, S. A. Miller and G. A. Nichols. Officers — President, G. AA' Reaser; Secretary, T. H. Starbuck; Treasurer, G. A. Nichols. Faculty — E. L. SteAvart, President; J. A. Hol brook, Ministerial Department; Bible, I. A. Dunlap, M. D., Medical Missionary; Nursing, T. H. Starbuck, General Bible Language; Higher Mathematics, J. L. Kay, Preceptor, Mathematics, Language ; Francis Ireland, Nor mal Department, English Language ; Luther J. Hughes, Science Department; H. E. Hoyt, Commercial Department; Mrs. -Helen C. Con rad, Preceptress, Bible and History; George W. Miller, Superintendent Music Department; Mrs. Emma Nichols, Art and Preparatory De partment; Laura L. Fisk, Assistant Prepara tory Department, Stenography; Mrs. Emma E. Cracker, Matron; George Nichols, business mm 'jfe. ^p" aWE 1 1 WALLA WALLA COLLEGE. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 185 manager ; Verah McPherson, Accountant ; Rose Ginther, Secretary; Church School Depart ment, Mrs. J. L. Kay. There are two hundred students in attendance at the present time. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Walla Walla has had also for a number of years a flourishing business college. It was founded in 1887, by A. M. and J. L. Cation and J. R. Stubblefield. After conducting this with great success for four years, the projectors sold out in 1891 to Merwin Pugh. He con ducted the school for another period of four years, and in 1895 J. W. Brewer became the owner and manager. In spite of the crippling effects of the hard times, the college was in the main well patronized through all those years. WAITSBURG ACADEMY. The founding of the Waitsburg Academy is a simple story, inseparably connected with the establishing of the United Presbyterian church of North America in eastern Washing ton. Early in the 'eighties there Avas an active movement among all the religious bodies of the eastern states for the evangelization of Washington territory. Rumors of vast re sources, and genial clime had made a deep im pression on the popular mind. It was felt by all religious denominations that this vast, pros pective state must be saved for Christ and the church — a work too heavy for the colonists alone, hence needing the support of friends ¦everywhere, in order that necessary church and school buildings might be erected and pastors and teachers adequately supplied. In response to the general call for mission ary and educational work in the region, the United Presbyterian church in the fall of 1884 sent out the Rev. Joseph Alter as general mis sionary to eastern Washington. He was suc cessful in organizing church work in different locations, one of which was Waitsburg. Here he established a congregation, now known as the United Presbyterian church, Waitsburg. To this congregation the Rev. W. G. M. Hays, now Dr. Hays of the United Presbyterian church at Pullman, Washington, was sent in the early spring of 1886, by appointment of the Home Mission Board of the church. During the first months of Dr. Hays in this field, the conviction was forced upon him, that Waits burg needed a high grade Christian school of secondary instruction — not a college; but a school distinctiA^ely Christian in methods, aims, and discipline, and of such a grade as would afford suitable training for the ordinary walks in life, or fit students for advanced work in colleges. Dr. Hays lent himself to this work. From a short historical article written by himself we copy the following : "We counseled with friends ; some shook the head doubtfully, others of a more sanguine temperament said that they would like to see il tried, for they believed that such a school, properly managed, would succeed. We re solved to put the matter to a practical test and laid our plans accordingly." The plans were well laid, the Board of Edu cation of the church, upon request, made an appropriation of six hundred dollars for the first year, and sent Professor J. G. Thompson, A. B., to take charge of the work. The business men of the city guaranteed two hundred dollars to be paid in case of need. With this for a basis, and without any formal organization of either Board of Directors or Trustees, the AVaitsburg Academy opened its doors to the 1 86 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. public, September 14, 1886, the first year's ses sion being held in the church building. Success attended the effort. The presby tery of Oregon adopted the infant, and later it was taken under the care of the synod of the Columbia of the United Presbyterian church of North America; and at length became a corporate body under the laws of the terri tory of Washington. The incorporators were, the Revs. Hugh F. Wallace, W. G. Irvine, W. A. Spalding, W. G. M. Hays, J. H. Niblock, and Messrs. A. W. Philips, David Roberts, Edward F. Sox, T. J. Hollowell, and John E. Evans. In May, 1887, a joint stock company was organized whose object is expressed in the fol lowing preamble to its constitution : "AVe, citizens of Waitsburg and vicinity, do hereby form ourselves into a joint stock company for the purpose of erecting an acad emy building, assisting in the maintenance of the school for three years, beginning September 1, 1887; and effecting an organization with the United Presbyterian church of North America for the permanent establishment of said acad emy." This company raised nearly six thousand dollars, four thousand dollars of which was used in the erection of a frame building, and the remainder going for the support of the school, during the three following years. Dr. Hays undertook to raise an endowment fund equivalent to the amount raised by the citizens for the erection of a building, and, as the result of a visit to the east, he succeeded in raising two thousand dollars. In the fall of 1889 the Rev. AV. R. Stevenson at the in stance of the presbytery of Oregon Avas sent east and succeeded in raising the endowment to four thousand dollars. In the spring of 1892, Miss Ina F. Robertson, then principal of the academy, went east and raised the remain ing one thousand dollars, together Avith six hun dred dollars for the improvement of the build ing. In 1 894, Miss Robertson again went east and succeeded in raising the funds necessary for the erection of a new building. This build ing is of brick, very commodious, and suitable for the Avork of the school. Its erection was completed before the end of 1896. The work done by the academy is grouped under the following heads or courses : Acad emic, normal, business, preparatory and music. Each of these courses is complete in itself and eminently practical. The time required for completing any of these courses varies from two to four years, depending upon the course, the previous schooling, and natural ability of the student. The academic is the highest course, and upon completion of this course the graduate receives a diploma. The first class to graduate from the aca demic department was the class of 1890, con sisting of Misses Mary A. Dixon, Anna Flinn, Emma McKinney, and Mr. Robert Jones. Since that time there have been graduated from this course, including the class of 1901, a total of thirty-two. This does not include graduates from the other departments. The graduates are found in all the principal walks of life — business, medicine, law, teaching, the army and the ministry — many of them having completed a course at some higher or more technical school. The following is a list of the principals with their respective terms of service : J. Given Thompson, A. B., -1886-89; T.M. McKinneyA. B., 1889-90; AV. G. M. Hays, A. M., 1890-91;. Ina F. Robertson, B. S., 1891-94. Rev. J. A. Keener has been principal since 1894. The academy looks forward Avith hope into the future. It noAv has an offer of ten thousand HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 187 dollars for endowment and five thousand dol lars for a dormitory, provided it raises five thou sand dollars. An effort will be made during the year to complete this amount. With the increased facilities which will come from the possession of this much needed money the faculty will make such a school as was con templated by the founders, and above all such a school as will, by its influence, help mightily in bringing in the kingdom of the Master. This sketch must not close without men tioning the names of the friends in the east who have so generously assisted in the work here. These are : Mr. James Law, of Shushan, New York, -and his sister, Miss Mary Law. Mr. Law has lately gone to his reward, but his sister still continues to be the good angel of the school, for to her generosity is due the afore mentioned offer of money to the endowment fund. Neither must we close without recall ing to the mind of the reader that to the energy, enthusiasm and faith of Dr. Hays and Miss Ina L. Robertson, generously assisted by the citizens of Waitsburg, is due all that the acad emy has accomplished as an institution for the bettering of mankind. May it long live to ful fil] its mission. CHAPTER XVII. EARLIER HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA CITY 1862-1883. In the preceding pages of this work we have been considering Walla Walla county as a whole. We shall now present matter belong ing more exclusively to the city. The civic life of the town has, to an unusual degree, con trolled the life of the county. With the excep tion of Waitsburg, no- town of much size has risen in the county. At the present time the population of the county, as shown by the United States census of 1900, is 18,630. That of the city is 10,049. Many of the farmers having interests in various portions of the county live in the city. The business of the county has, therefore, to a greater degree than in most of our agricultural counties, gathered at the city. Reference has been made at vari ous points in previous pages to the first estab lishment of settlements in what is now the city. We have not, however, given the consecutive story of the founding and incorporation of the town, and this we will here undertake to out line. Fort Walla Walla was established in its present location in 1857. The first business of the region grew up in connection with supply ing goods and produce to the post. William McWhirk was the first trader in the place. He came here in the spring of 1857 and set up a tent for a store near the present corner of Main and Second streets. During the fall of 1857 Charles Bellman set up another tent store near the present Jack Daniels saloon. There seems to be some difference of opinion as to who put up the first actual building. It is affirmed by some that. William McWhirk erected a cabin on the north side of what is now Main street and Second, in the summer of 1857. In the fall of '57 Charles Bellman put up a structure HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. of poles and mud a little farther to the east, near Ludwig's grocery store of the present. In. April of the next year, Louis McMorris put up a slab and shake structure for Neil McGlinchey, on the soutliAvest corner of Main street near the present corner of Third. In the fall of 185c- also various rude structures, some for residence and some for saloons, Avere put up by James Galbreath, W. A. Ball, Harry Howard, Mich ael Kinney, AA^illiam Terry, Mahan & Harcum, James Buckley, and Thomas Riley. The first building that contained a floor, doors and glass windoAvs stood on what is noAV the north- Avest corner of Main and Third streets. This was built by R. Guichard and William Kohl- hauff, and the location is still owned by the heirs of Mr. Guichard. There Avere two rival sites for the budding town. One Avas the point on the creek started by McWhirk, McGlinchey and Bellman, the other Avas at the cabin built by Harry Howard half Avay betAveen Mill creek and the fort and known as the HalfAvay House. Different opin ions arose as to the proper name for the town. It Avas first called Steptoeville, then Waiilatpu. The first step tOAvard a definite christening of the tOAvn was a petition to the county com missioners asking that a town be laid out to be known by the name of Waiilatpu. This peti tion Avas signed by the following names'. Charles H. Case, W. A. Ball, B. F. Stone, Jo seph Hellmuth, E. B.Whitman, J. Foresythe, F. L. AVorden, Baldwin & Bro., D. D. Baldwin, John M. Silcott, Francis Pierrie, R. H. Regart, I. T. Reese, P. J. Boltie, Dr. Thos. Wolf, Dr. D. S. Baker, N. B. Dutro, N. Eastman, A. G. P. Wardle, Neil McGlinchey, James Buckley, Frank Stone, Robert Oldham, Chas. Albright, William Stephens, R. G. Moffit, D. D. Bran- nan, Pat Markey, R. Warmack, John M. Can- nady, William M. Elray, J. Clark, John May, James McAuliff, A. D. Pambrun. A protest was filed, asking that the name of Walla Walla be given to the place and to this the following names were attached : Sam uel F. Legart, H. H. Hill, S. T. Moffit, John Cain, F. M. Archer, R. Powel, Louis A. Mul- lan, William B. Kelly. The protest prevailed and the commission ers, on the 17th of November, 1859, fixed the name of Walla Walla and laid out the town with the following boundaries : Commencing in the center of Main street at Mill creek, thence running north four hundred and forty yards (440), thence running west one half mile to a stake, thence running south four hundred and forty yards to a stake, thence running east one half mile to a stake, thence running north to the place of commencement; eighty acres in all. The town government was organized, by the appointment of a recorder, I. T. Reese, and three trustees, F. C. AA'orden, Samuel Baldwin, and Neil McGlinchey. The tOAvn was surveyed by C. H. Case, providing streets eighty feet wide running north and south, and one hundred feet wide running east and Avest. The lots Avere laid out Avith a sixty-foot front and a depth of one hundred and twenty feet. They were to be sold for five dollars each with the addition of one dollar for recording, and no one person could buy more than tAvo of them. Ten acres also were set aside for a town square and the erection of public buildings, but this Avas re duced to one acre. The first lots sold were those taken by I. T. Reese and EdAvard Evarts, both in block 13, the sale being recorded November 30, 1859. On De cember 22, of the same year, one hundred and fifty acres of land Avas surveyed into town prop erty for Thomas Wolf and L. C. Kinney, the HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 189 former soon selling his interest to the lat ter. The original plat of the town is not now in existence, having been destroyed, probably by the fire of 1865. The earliest survey on record is a plat made in October, 1861, by W. W. Johnson, which purports to be a correction of the Avork of C. H. Case. On November 5, 1861, the board declared the survey made by W. W. Johnson to be offi cial, and W. A. George was employed as an attorney to secure for the county a pre-emption title to the land on which Walla Walla was built. W. W. Johnson was appointed to take steps to secure the title at the Vancouver land office, but he did not do so, and thus the effort of the county to secure the site failed. This ended Avhat might be called the embryonic stage in the municipal life of Walla Walla, and we find the next stage to be actual incorporation. The city of Walla Walla was originally in corporated by an act of the territorial legisla ture, passed on the 1 ith of January, 1862. By the provisions of said act the city embraced within its limits the south half of the south west quarter of section 20, township 7 north, range 36, east, of the Willamette meridian. The charter made provision also for the 'election, on the first Tuesday in April, of each year, of a mayor, recorder, five councilmen, marshal, assessor, treasurer and surveyor, all vacancies, save in the offices of mayor and recorder, to be filled by appointment by the council, which was also given the power of appointing a clerk and city attorney. No salary was to attach to the offices of mayor or councilman until the population of the city had reached one thou sand individuals, when the stipend awarded these officers was to be fixed by an ordinance enacted by the council. The charter designated the folloAving officers to serve until the first reg ular election under said charter : Mayor, B. P. Standeferd; recorder, James Galbreath; coun cilmen, H. C. Coulson, B. F. Stone, E. B. Whit man, D. S. Baker, and M. Schwabacher; mar shal, George H. Porter. The council assembled on the 1st of March to perfect its organization, when it developed that Mr. ScliAvabacher was ineligible for office, as was also Mr. Coulson, who proved to be a non-resident. Mr. Stone presiding, the council proceeded to fill the two vacancies by balloting, and James McAuliff and George E. Cole thus became members of the council, S. F. Ledyard being appointed clerk. The council again met, pursuant to adjourn ment, on the 4th of the same month, when Mr. Cole was chosen chairman; Edward Nugent, city attorney ; and Messrs. McAuliff, Whitman and Stone Avere appointed to prepare a code of rules for the government of the council. Four hundred and twenty-two votes were cast at the first election, held April 1, 1862, the folloAving being the result : Mayor, E. B. Whitman ; councilmen, J. F. Abbott, R. Jacobs, I. T. Reese, B. F. Stone and B. Sheideman; recorder, W. P. Horton; marshal, George H. Porter; attorney, Edward Nugent; assessor, L. W. Greenwell; treasurer, E. E. Kelly; sur veyor, A. I. Chapman; clerk, S. F. Ledyard. "On the nth of April, W. Phillips was ap pointed councilman in place of J. F. Abbott, while in the succeeding year it appears that J. Hellmuth had been appointed in place of B. F. Stone. The recorder resigned in January, 1863, his successor, J. W. Barry, being chosen at a special election held on the last day of that month. H. B. Lane succeeded Mr. Greenwall as assessor; on the nth of April, 1862, Henry Howard Avas appointed treasurer, and W. W. DeLacy, surveyor, Avhile in January, 1863, H. B. Lane was noted as clerk. The city revenue for the first six months aggregated $4,283.25, igo HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. of Avhich sum liquor and gaming licenses con tributed $1,875. When it is remembered that this Avas at the height of the gold excitement, this last item may be well understood. During the last quarter of the year the revenue of the neAV city Avas $2,714.19, but so large Avere the expenditures that the opening of the year- 1863 found in the treasury a balance of less than five dollars. The value of property in the city Avas assessed in 1862 at three hun dred thousand dollars, the succeeding year wit nessing the increase of the same to five hun dred thousand dollars. The vote at the election of 1863 Avas light, there being but one ticket in the field. The folloAving officers were elected for the next fiscal year: Mayor, J. S. Craig; councilmen, R. Guichard, A. Kyger, E. E. Kelly, W. J. Terry (who Avas succeeded by A. J. Thibodo, appointed in November), and G. Linkton; re corder, E. L. Massy (who resigned, his suc cessor, W. P. Horton, being chosen at a special election, held November 21); marshal, A. Seitel; assessor, H. B. Lane; treasurer, J. AV. Cady; surveyor, AA'. W. Johnson. The council appointed E. L. Bridges city attorney, and H. B. Lane city clerk, the latter being later suc ceeded by A. L. Brown. Again in 1864 but one ticket was in evi dence at the municipal election, the result of Avhich was as follows : Mayor, Otis L. Bridges ; councilmen, George Thomas, Dr. A. J. Thi bodo, J. F. Abbott, George McCully and P. M. Lynch; recorder, W. P. Horton; marshal, A. Seitel; assessor, A. L. Brown; treasurer, J. W. Cady; surveyor, W. W. Johnson. A. L. Brown received the appointment as city clerk. At the close of the municipal year the city was free from indebtedness. The election of April 4, 1865, developed ¦somewhat of a contest on the offices of recorder and marshal, there being two candidates for the former and three for the latter, while there was only one for each of the other offices. The officials elected were as follows : Mayor, George Thomas; councilmen, Fred Stine, S. G. Rees (who resigned and Avas succeeded by John Dovell, in February, 1866), William Kohl- hatiff, W. A. Ball and E. H. Massam, the last two mentioned being later succeeded by O. P. Lacy and B. Sheideman ; recorder, S. B. Fargo ; marshal, E. Ryan; assessor, A. L. Brown; treasurer, H. E. Johnson; surveyor, W. W. Johnson; clerk (appointed), A. L. Brown. The end of the fiscal year showed a balance of $93.10 in the city treasury, a small amount in comparison Avith the revenue for the year, which had reached the very considerable total of $15,135.13, more than half of Avhich had been derived from licenses. It is to be recalled, however, that the sources from which emanated these license fees Avere of such order as to en courage lawlessness and great resulting expense to the city through its police and jail depart ments and the administration of justice. The municipal election of April 2, 1866, gave the following results, there being at this time three candidates for the mayoralty: Mayor, E. B. Whitman; councilmen, Colonel P. Winsett, J. J. Ryan, J. W. McKee, George Baggs and Fred Stine; recorder, W. P. Hor ton; marshal, AV. J. Tompkins; assessor, O. P. Lacy; treasurer, H. E. Johnson; clerk (by appointment), I. L. Roberts. The personnel of this official list had changed radically before the close of the fiscal year. Councilman Ryan Avas killed and was succeeded by B. N. Sexton, whose death occurred shortly after his appoint ment, whereupon J. D. Cook was chosen to fill the vacancy. Councilman McKee resigned and Avas succeeded by AVilliam Phillips ; B. F. Stone Avas chosen the successor of Councilman Baggs, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 191 in February, 1867; Mr. Stine resigned in the latter part of 1866, being succeeded by R. Guichard; while in September of that year H. M. Chase succeeded to the office of clerk. Owing to the fact that the city had been steadily increasing its indebtedness for the past two years, there came a demand for retrench ment, and the election of 1867, therefore, aroused more interest among the voters than had any previous one. In 1867 the municipal debt had reached nearly five thousand dollars, the receipts for the fiscal year 1866-7 having been $19,137.90, of which amount somewhat more than eight thousand dollars had been ex pended in street improvements and about thirty-two hundred in police services. A larger vote than usual was polled by reason of the issue mentioned, and the following officers were elected : Mayor, James McAuliff ; councilmen, C. P. Winsett, William Kohlhauff, N. Brown, I. T. Reese and J. F. Abbott; recorder, O. P. Lacy; marshal, E. Delaney; assessor, M. Leidy; treasurer, H. E. Johnson ; surveyor, W. L. Gas ton; city clerk (appointed), H. M. Chase. The office of city attorney had been temporarily abolished in 1863, but in January, 1868, Frank P. Dugan was appointed to this office by the council. The election of 1868 was held in July, in accordance with the provisions made in a re vision of the charter, which also made the re corder ex-officio clerk and provided other minor changes in the conduct of the municipal affairs. The election was held on the 6th of July, the result being as follows: Mayor, James McAuliff; councilmen, A. Kyger, J. F. Abbott, Fred Stine, William Kohlhauff and H. Howard; recorder and clerk, L. Day; marshal, E. Delaney; assessor, C. Leidy; treasurer, H. M. Chase; surveyor, Charles Frush. The debt of the city still continued to in crease, having nearly doubled at the close of the year ending June 30, 1869, the receipts for licenses having been reduced fully one-half, while taxes returned a revenue of slightly less than two thousand dollars. The expenditures of the year, though undoubtedly wisely made, largely exceeded the receipts. The election of July 12, 1869, gave the following results: Mayor, Frank Stone; councilmen, James Jones, W. S. Mineer, Thomas Tierney, P. M. Lynch and Thomas Quinn ; recorder and clerk, O. P. Lacy; marshal, Ed. Delaney; attorney (appointed), Frank P. Dugan; assessor, J. E. Bourn; treasurer, H. E. Johnson; surveyor, A. H. Simons. The result of the election held on the nth of July, 1870, was as follows: Mayor, Dr. E. Shed; councilmen, J. F. Abbott, N. T. Caton, H. M. Chase, William Kohlhauff and G. P. Foor; recorder and clerk, W. P. Hor ton; marshal, E. Delaney; assessor, James Rittenhouse; treasurer, H. E. Johnson; sur veyor, A. H. Simons. At the city election of July 10, 1871, the following officers were elected : Mayor, E. B. Whitman ; councilmen, R. Jacobs, P. M. Lynch, N. T. Caton, G. P. Foor and F. Orselli; re corder and clerk, W. P. Horton; marshal, E. Delaney ; assessor, M. W. Davis ; treasurer, H. E. Johnson; surveyor, A. L. Knowlton. F. P. Dugan was appointed city attorney by the council. The election of July 8, 1872, was someAvhat more spirited, there being contests for all of fices save those of mayor, treasurer and sur veyor, to which positions each of the former incumbents was re-elected. Other successful candidates were as follows : Councilmen, Sig. Schwabacher, M. C. Moore, N. T. Caton, J. H. Foster and John Stahl ; recorder and clerk, O. P. Lacy ; marshal, John G. Justice ; attorney 192 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. (appointed), Thomas H. Brents; assessor, M. W. Davis ; treasurer, H. E. Johnson ; surveyor, A. L. Knowlton. At the opening of the fiscal year in 1872 the indebtedness of the city was nearly eleven thou sand dollars, but this disconcerting total was by timely and far-sighted economy reduced to con siderably less than one-half within the year mentioned. The receipts had been $24,995.70, and the assessment valuation of property, near ly equaly divided between real and personal, in the spring of 1873 amounted to $988,682.00. Though the election of July 14, 1873, was one of lively contest, except for the offices of sur veyor and treasurer, it resulted in the re-elec tion of nearly all the officers incumbent the pre ceding year, the result being noted as follows : Mayor, E. B. Whitman; councilmen, N. T. Caton, William Neal, J. H. Foster, J. N. Fall and M. C. Moore; recorder and clerk, J. D. Laman; marshal, J. G. Justice; attorney (ap pointed), Ed. C. Ross; assessor, M. W. Davis; treasurer, H. E. Johnson; surveyor, A. L. Knowlton. The treasurer resigned in April, 1874, F. Kimmerly being appointed to fill the vacancy. Under the council thus elected the city debt Avas again materially reduced, being only $2,243.07 at the end of the fiscal year. By a change in the charter the city was divided into four wards, each of which was given one representative in the council, while the offices of clerk and recorder Avere again segregated and the council Avas empowered to appoint a clerk, who should also, by virtue of his office, serve as auditor. The city election of July 13, 1874, brought about a complete change in the official person nel, Avith the exception of the marshal, avIio was re-elected Avithout opposition. The result of the election Avas as folloAvs: Mayor, James McAuliff; councilmen, first Avard, F. P. Allen; second ward, Z. K. Straight ; third ward, Will iam Kohlhauff; fourth ward, Ed. C. Ross; re corder, O. P. Lacy; marshal, J. G. Justice; at torney (appointed), W. A. George; assessor, James B. Thompson; treasurer, C. T. Thomp son; surveyor, P. Zahner; clerk and auditor, C. E. Whitney. The election of July 12, 1875, resulted as follows: Mayor, James McAuliff; councilmen, first ward, O. P. Lacy; second ward, D. C. Belshee; third ward, William Kohlhauff; fourth ward, Ed. C. Ross (resigned in spring of following year, A. H. Reynolds being ap pointed his successor) ; recorder, J. D. Laman; marshal, J. G. Justice; attorney (appointed), W. A. George; assessor, S. Jacobs; treasurer, F. Kimmerly; surveyor, P. Zahner; clerk (ap pointed), C. E. Whitney. The result of the election of July 10, 1876, was as follows, the changes being few in num ber: Mayor, James McAuliff; councilmen, first Avard, O. P. Lacy; second Avard, G. P. Foor; third ward, William Kohlhauff; fourth ward, A. H. Reynolds; marshal, J. G. Justice ; attorney (appointed), W. A. George; assessor, S. Jacobs; treasurer, H. E. Holmes; surveyor, P. Zahner; clerk, C. E. AA'hitney (appointed). The office of recorder had been abolished and the duties of the office relegated to a justice of the peace. Result of the election of 1877 : Mayor, M. C. Moore; councilmen, first Avard, W. P. Winans; second Avard, AA' P. Adams; third ward, J. A. Taylor; fourth Avard, A. H. Rey nolds; marshal, J. G. Justice; attorney (ap pointed), \Y. A. George; assessor, Samuel Jacobs; treasurer, H. E. Holmes; surveyor, P. Zahner; clerk (appointed), C. E. AA'hitney. The city council called a special election for June 7, 1878, to decide upon the question of rejecting the old city charter and reorganiz- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 193 ing under the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of cities," which had been passed by the territorial legis lature the preceding year. By the provisions of the new law the council would be composed of seven members beside the mayor, while in creased governmental powers would be given to the body, including permission to extend the city credit to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars, and no more, and to appoint all minor officers except marshal. One hundred and six ty-three votes were cast in favor of the measure and one hundred and twenty-one against. The regular city election of July 8, 1878, gave the following results, under the new law : Mayor, James McAuliff; councilmen, first ward, Fred Stine and W. P. Winans ; second ward, F. W. Paine and Z. K. Straight; third ward, John Taylor and William Kohlhauff; fourth ward, M. F. Colt; marshal, J. G. Justice. Officers appointed by the council were : Justice of the peace, J. D. Laman; attorney, J. D. Mix; as sessor, Samuel Jacobs; treasurer, H. E. Holmes; surveyor, P. Zahner; clerk, C. E. Whitney; street commissioner, J. E. Berry man; health officer, Dr. J. M. Boyd. For the sake of convenience and the con servation of space, the appointed officers will in the following lists be incorporated directly with the elective, without special reference thereto. Prior to the annual city election of 1879 the city had been divided into three wards, in stead of four, each of the first two wards being given two councilmen and three to the third, while four of the incumbents were elected to serve one year and three for two years. Another change in this regard Avas made by ordinance in 1884, and the same is reproduced in a suc ceeding chapter, which has to do with the char ter under Avhich the city is operating at the 13 time of this writing. The explanation is made so that the results of the elections may be un derstood as recorded. City officers elected or appointed at the an nual election held July 14, 1879: Mayor, James McAuliff; councilmen, first ward, A. S. Legrow and H. M. Chase; second ward, J. M. Welsh and A. Jacobs; third ward, William Kohlhauff, William Harkness (succeeded by William Kirkman July 6, 1880) and George- T. Thomas; marshal, John McNeil; justice of the peace, E. B. Whitman ; attorney, J. D. Mix ;. assessor, Samuel Jacobs; treasurer, H. E„ Holmes; surveyor, H. D. Chapman; clerk, C. E. Whitney ; street commissioner, J. B. Brooks ; health officer, J. E. Bingham. The election of July 12, 1880, called out the largest vote that had ever thus far been cast in the city, the contest being principally on the office of marshal. The result was as follows : Mayor, James McAuliff ; councilmen, first ward, L. Ankeny ; second Avard, R. Jacobs ;. third ward, William Kohlhauff and John Dovell; marshal, J. G. Justice; justice of the peace, O. P. Lacy; attorney, J. T. Anders (re signed in October, 1880, W. G. Langford suc ceeding him) ; assessor, Samuel Jacobs; treas urer, H. E. Holmes ; surveyor, H. D. Chap man; clerk, J. L. Sharpstein (resigned Feb ruary 1, 1 88 1, Le F. A. Shaw being appointed to the vacancy) ; street commissioner, J. B. Brooks ; health officer, J. E. Bingham. At the election held July 11, 1881, the question of creating a municipal system of water-works was submitted to the people, the result being an adverse majority of sixty-five. The officers chosen were as follows : Mayor, James McAuliff; councilman, first ward, Will iam Glassford; second ward, Ed. Baumeister; third ward, A. H. Reynolds; marshal, J. G. Justice; justice of the peace, O. P. Lacy; at- 194 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. torney, AAr. G. Langford; assessor, Samuel Jacobs ; treasurer, H. E. Holmes ; surveyor, H. D. Chapman; clerk, Le F. A. Shaw; street commissioner, J. B. Brooks; health officer, A. N. Marion. At the election of July 10, 1882, there was another vigorous contest for the office of mar shal, and a large vote was polled, the of ficers severally elected or appointed being as follows : Mayor, James McAuliff ; councilmen, first ward, W. P. Winans; second ward, Thomas J. Fletcher; third ward, N. T. Caton and John Dovell; marshal, John G. Justice; justice of the peace, O. P. Lacy; attorney, W. G. Langford; assessor, Samuel Jacobs; treas urer, Richard Jacobs; surveyor, John B. Wil son ; clerk, Le F. A. Shaw ; street commissioner, J. B. Brooks; health officer, Dr. T. W. Sloan. CHAPTER XVIII LATER HISTORY OF CITY GOVERNMENT OF WALLA WALLA, 1803-1900. The city of Walla AValla was reincorporated "by an act of the legislative assembly of the ter ritory of AA'ashington during the session of 1883, the same receiving the approval of the •governor on the 28th of November, that year, .and bearing title as follows : "An act to in corporate the city of Walla Walla, and to par ticularly define the powers thereof." This charter is of special interest for the reasons that it is the only one of the kind in the state, and that Walla Walla having by the last census become a city of the second class is now considering the question of reincorpora tion under a new charter, using in that case the general form designated by the legislature for all cities of that class. CITY AVARDS AND APPORTIONMENT OF COUN CILMEN. Ordinance No. 185 passed the council of the city of Walla Walla February 22, 1884, receiving the approval of the mayor on the same day, and being entitled as follows: "An ¦ordinance to divide the city of AA'alla AValla into wards, and apportionment of councilmen." The text of the ordinance is as folloAVS : Section i. The city of AAralla Walla shall be and is hereby divided into four wards, to be known as the first, second, third, and fourth wards. Sec 2. The first Avard shall be bounded ar- follows : Commencing at a point Avhere the center of Main street intersects the center of Third street, thence southerly along the center of Third street to the center of Birch street; thence easterly along the center of Birch street to the center of Second street ; thence southerly along the center of Second street to the south boundary of the city; thence along the south boundary of the city easterly to the southeast corner of the city; thence northerly along the east boundary of the city to the center of Mill creek ; thence down Mill creek to the center of East Main street; thence along the center of East Main and Main streets in a Avesterly di rection to the place of beginning. Sec 3. The second ward shall be bounded as follows : Beginning at the intersection of Main and Third streets; thence soutliAvesterly HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. i95 along the center of Main street to the Avest boundary line of the city -thence south along the west boundary line of the city to the south west corner of the city; thence easterly along the south boundary of the city to the center of .Second street ; thence northerly along the center of Second street to the center of Birch street-; thence west along the center of Birch street to the center of Third street; thence northerly along Third street to the place of beginning. Sec 4. The third ward shall be bounded as follows : Beginning at the center of Main and North Third streets where they intersect, thence running northerly on the center line of North Third street to the center of Elm street ; thence northeasterly on the center line of Elm street to the center of North Second street; thence northerly on the center line of North Second street to the northern boundary line of the city; thence east along said northern boundary line of said city to the northeast cor ner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty (20), in township seven (7) north, range thirty-six (36) east; thence south to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the. northeast quarter of said section twenty (20) ; thence east to the northeast corner of the city; thence south to the center of Mill creek; thence down the cen ter of Mill creek to the center of East Main street ; thence westerly along the center of East Main and Main streets to the place of begin ning. Sec 5. The fourth ward shall be bounded as follows : Commencing at the center of Main and North Third streets where they intersect, thence running northerly on the center line of said North Third street to the center of Elm street; thence northeasterly on the center line of Elm street to the center of North Second street; thence northerly on the center line of North Second street to the northern boundary line of the city; thence west on said northern boundary line to the northwest corner of said city; thence south along said west boundary line to the United States military reservation; thence easterly and then southerly on the line of said military reservation to the center of Main street; thence easterly on the center line of Main street to the place of beginning. Sec 6. The number of councilmen to Avhich each ward is entitled shall be as follows : First ward, two councilmen ; second ward, two councilmen; third ward, two councilmen; fourth ward, one councilman. And they shall be elected as is provided in section 7 of this ordinance. Sec 7. There shall be elected from the first, second and third wards each at the next general election and at every general election thereafter, one councilman, and in the fourth ward at the next general election and thereafter biennially, one councilman. Sec 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances, so far as they conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. election precincts. The city is divided into eight election pre cincts, designated as follows : Lewis, Clarke, Whitman, Steptoe, Mullan, Fremont, Stevens and Sims. city elections — 1 883- 1 900. The results of the annual city elections from 1883 to 1900, both dates inclusive, are noted in the following paragraphs, said elections, ex cept the first, being held under the provisions of the charter of the year first mentioned : 1883.— Mayor, T. R. Tannatt; councilmen, first ward, William Glasford ; second ward, H. 196 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Wintler; third Avard, A. S. BoAvles; marshal, T. J. Robinson; attorney, W. G. Langford; treasurer, F. AA'. Paine; health officer, Dr. A. M. Marion; surveyor, J. B. AVilson; street com missioner, J. B. Brooks; assessor, William Harkness; clerk, Le F. A. ShaAv. 1884. — Mayor, T. R. Tannatt; councilmen, first Avard, A. M. Porter; second ward, Will iam O'Donnell; third Avard, Thomas Ottinn; fourth Avard, W. H. Kent ; marshal, T. J. Rob inson; clerk, Le F. A. Shaw; attorney, W. G. Langford ; treasurer, O. P Lacy ; justice of the peace, E. B. Whitman ; health officer, W. G. Alban; surveyor, J. B. Wilson; street commis sioner, J. B. Brooks; sexton, J. S. McNeil. 1885. — Mayor, J. M. Boyd; councilmen, first ward, J. AV. Esteb ; second Avard, J. Picard ; third Avard, L. H. Bowman; marshal, T. J. Robinson; clerk, Le F. A. Shaw; justice of the peace, J. D. Laman ; attorney, W. G. Lang ford; treasurer, Joel Chitwood; surveyor, J. B. Wilson ; street commissioner, J. B. Brooks ; assessor, J. B. AVilson; health officer, AA'. G. Alban; sexton, J. A. McNeil. 1886. — Mayor, J. M. Boyd; councilmen, first Avard, William Stine; second Avard, John Manion; third ward, J. M. Hill; fourth ward, H. G. Tobin ; marshal, T. J. Robinson ; clerk, Flenry Kelling; treasurer, R. G. Parks; at torney, J. L. Sharpstein; surveyor, L. A. Wil son; justice of the peace, J. D. Laman; street commissioner, Charles Berg; assessor, Will iam Harkness ; health officer, H. R. Keylor ; sexton, J. A. McNeil. 1887. — Mayor, James McAuliff; council- men, first ward, D. W. Small ; second ward, John Picard ; third Avard, George Dacres ; mar shal, T. J. Robinson; clerk, Henry Kelling; attorney, J. L. Sharpstein; treasurer, R. G. Parks; justice of the peace, A. J. Gregory; assessor, M. FI. Paxton; surveyor, J. B. Wil son ; street commissioner, Charles Berg ; health officer, H. R. Keylor; sexton, Henry Sander son. 1888. — Mayor, G. T. Thompson; council- men, first Avard, W. H. Upton; second ward, John Manion; third Avard, J. M. Hill; fourth Avard, R. M. McCalley; marshal, T. J. Robin son; clerk, Henry Kelling; attorney, J. L. Sharpstein; treasurer, R. G. Parks; justice of the peace, A. J. Gregory; assessor, M. H. Pax ton; surveyor, A. J. Anderson; health officer, Dr. Y. C. Blalock; sexton, Henry Sanderson. 1889. — Mayor, Dr. N. G. Blalock; council- men, first ward, D. W. Small and J. H. Stock- Avell (unexpired term) ; second Avard, Z. K. Straight; third Avard, J. L. Roberts and J. F. Brewer (unexpired term) ; marshal, T. J. Rob inson; treasurer, R. G. Parks; clerk, Henry Kelling; attorney, J. L. Sharpstein; justice of the peace, John A. Taylor; assessor, M. H. Paxton ; surveyor, AA'. G. Sayles ; health officer, Y. C. Blalock; sexton, Henry Sanderson. 1890. — Mayor, N. G. Blalock; councilmen, first Avard, J. H. Stockwell ; second Avard, John Picard; third ward, H. A. Reynolds; fourth ward, R. M. McCalley; marshal, T. J. Robin son; clerk, Henry Kelling; attorney, J. L. Sharpstein; treasurer, R. G. Parks; justice of the peace, V. D. Lambert; assessor, M. H. Paxton ; surveyor, L. A. Wilson ; health officer. Dr. Y. C. Blalock; street commissioner, D. A. McLeod ; sexton, Pardon Bentley. 1 89 1. — Mayor, John L. Roberts; council- y men, first ward, H. S. Young; second ward, Jacob Betz; third Avard, A. J. Evans; marshal, T. J. Robinson ; treasurer, R. G. Parks ; clerk, Flenry Kelling; attorney, AAr T. Dovell; justice of the peace, John A. Taylor ; assessor, M. H. Paxton ; surveyor, L. AA'. Loehr ; health officer, Dr. Y. C. Blalock; street commissioner, D. A. McLeod; sexton, P. D. Bentley. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 197 1892. — Mayor, John L. Roberts; council- men, first ward, B. D. Crocker; second ward, J. G. Muntinga; third Avard, E. H. Massman; fourth ward, J. L. Jones; marshal, T. J. Rob inson; clerk, Henry Kelling; attorney, W. T. Dovell; treasurer, R. G. Parks; justice of the peace, T. T. Burgess; assessor, M. H. Paxton; surveyor, L. W. Loehr; health officer, W. G. Alban; street commissioner, W. H. Brown; sexton, P. D. Bentley. 1893. — Mayor, John L. Roberts; council- men, first ward, Daniel Stewart; second ward, Jacob Betz ; third ward, N. F. Butler ; marshal, T. J. Robinson; clerk, Henry Kelling; attorney, W. T. Dovell; treasurer, R. G. Parks; justice of the peace, W. T. Arberry; assessor, J. B. Wilson; surveyor, E. S. Clark; health officer, W. M. Ely; street commissioner, W. H. Brown; sexton, P. D. Bentley. 1894. — Mayor, John L. Roberts; council- men, first ward, Milton Evans; second ward, M. Martin ; third ward, E. H. Massam ; fourth ward, Stephen Ringhofer; marshal, W. S. Halley; clerk, Henry Kelling; attorney, W. T. Dovell; treasurer, R. G. Paries; justice of the peace, W. T. Arberry; assessor, T. H. Jessup; surveyor, E. S. Clark; health officer, W. G. Alban; street commissioner, W. H. Brown; sexton, P. D. Bentley. 1895. — Mayor, John L. Roberts; council- men, first ward, A. K. Dice ; second ward, Jacob Betz; third ward, J. D. Lamb; marshal, M. Ames; clerk, Alex. McKay; attorney, W. T. Dovell; treasurer, R. G. Parks; justice of the peace, H. W. Eagan; surveyor, E. S. Clark; street commissioner, D. A. McLeod; health of ficer, W. G. Alban; sexton, P D. Bentley. 1896. — Mayor, Jacob Betz; councilmen, first ward, Milton Evans ; second ward, J. P. Kent ; third ward, E. H. Massam ; fourth ward, V. D. Lambert; marshal, M. Ames; clerk, J. E. Williams ; attorney, C. M. Rader ; treasurer, John W. McGhee, Jr.; surveyor, E. S. Clark; street commissioner, W. H. Brown; health of ficer, W. G. Alban; sexton, P. D. Bentley. 1897. — Mayor, Jacob Betz; councilmen, first Avard, A. K. Dice; second ward, F. M. Pauley ; third Avard, Oliver Cornwell ; marshal, J. J. Kauffman; clerk, C. N. McLean; attorney, H. S. Blandford ; treasurer, J. W. McGhee, Jr. ; justice of the peace, J. J. Huffman; surveyor, E. S. Clark; street commissioner, AV. H. Brown; health officer, W. G. Alban; sexton, P. D. Bentley. 1898. — Mayor, Jacob Betz; councilmen, first ward, E. H. Nixon ; second ward, Marshall Martin ; third ward, J. F. Brewer ; fourth ward, Albert Niebergall; marshal, J. J. Kauffman ; clerk, C. N. McLean; attorney, H. S. Bland- ford; treasurer, John W. McGhee, Jr.; justice of the peace, J. J. Huffman ; assessor, Fred A. Colt; surveyor, E. S. Clark; street commis sioner, D. A. McLeod; sexton, P. D. Bentley. 1899. — Mayor, Jacob Betz; councilmen, first ward, G. W. Babcock ; second ward, Fred M. Pauly; third ward, E. S. Isaacs; marshal, J. J. Kauffman; clerk, P. P. Reynolds; at torney, H. S. Blandford; treasurer, Le F. A. Shaw; justice of the peace, William Glasford; assessor, W. L. Cadman; street commissioner, AV. H. Brown; surveyor, E. S. Clark; health officer, W. G. Alban; sexton, P. D. Bentley. 1900. — Mayor, Jacob Betz; councilmen, first ward, J. F. McLean; second ward, Mar shall Martin ; third ward, J. F. Brewer ; fourth ward, Albert Niebergall; marshal, J. J. Kauff man; clerk, R. P. Reynolds; treasurer, Le F. A. Shaw; attorney, H. S. Blandford; justice of the peace, William Glasford; assessor, W. L. Cadman ; surveyor, E. S. Clark ; street com missioner, H. H. Crampton ; health officer, W. E. Russell; sexton, P. D. Bentley. CHAPTER XIX. THE CHURCHES OF WALLA WALLA. Walla Walla is sometimes called a city of homes. It may also fittingly be called a city of churches. There are nine strong churches in this place of something over ten thousand in habitants, .besides six other religious societies of less strength. Of the first may be named the Methodist Episcopal church, Methodist church, south, First Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian, Congregational, Baptist, Cath olic, Episcopal, Christian. Of the smaller or ganizations, there are the Lutheran, German Congregational, German Methodist, Seventh Day Adventists, Christian Science, and Salva tion Army. As to the first church building in Walla Walla, Ave find some reminiscences from one of the oldest of the old-timers, from which it appears that the first church was a Catholic church built in '59. The location of this Avas the old McGillivary place, where Jacob Betz now lives. The church Avas built of poles, stuck in the ground, and covered with shakes. It was Avithout a floor, and its seating facilities consisted of one long bench. The next church Avas built on the corner of Fifth and Alder, just back from the present location of the Odd Fellows' building. This was a Methodist church and Avas built by Father Berry. It subsequently Avas moved to where Bryan's stable now is, and Avas used as a house for the hose-cart of the fire department. Aftenvards, having been enlarged by a second story, it became the celebrated "Blue Front,"' which Avas burned a feAV years ago. First among the permanent churches we will name the CHURCH OF ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC. A second Catholic church was built in '61. Its location was near the present St. Vincent's Academy. This Avas erected tinder the general supervision of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Blanchet and ReA^. A. Younger was the first resident parish priest. A sketch of the Catholic church may fittingly be continued at this point by ref erence to the fact that Father Younger was succeeded by Rev. J. B. Brouillet. Father Brouillet had been in the AAralla Walla country a considerable part of the time from 1847. In 1864 he established St. Vincent's Academy, which at first Avas an institution for both sexes, but the boys Avere Avithin a feAV years provided Avith a new academy of their own, known as St. Patrick's Academy. In the year 1870 St. Mary's hospital Avas added to the already large interests of the Catholic church. Father Erouillet conducted Avith great energy and suc cess these allied and groAving interests of his parish, and after having been relieved at in tervals by Revs. Halde and Manz, he resigned his position in the year 1875 to take charge of the Indian bureau at AVashington. Rev. Thomas Duffy became his successor. The congregation had in the meantime expand- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 199. ed beyond the limits of the existing church, and a larger one had become a necessity. Therefore in the summer of 1881 the pres ent magnificent structure Avas erected. Two years later there was a commodious addi tion made to St. Vincent's Academy, and large and needed improvements were made in the hospital. Owing to a failure of health Father Duffy resigned and went to Cali fornia, Avhere he died. He was succeeded' by the present parish priest, Rev. Father Flohr. The Catholic church is especially distinguished for its fine organ and superb musical services. Its programs for Christinas and Easter are events which always attract great throngs, both of music lovers and devout worshipers. We append herewith brief sketches of the history and organization of each of the other principal churches in the city. THE FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF WALLA WALLA. As to the early history of Methodism in Walla Walla county, we can not do better than to reproduce in full a brochure issued in the year 1900 and entitled "Historical Report of the First Methodist Episcopal Church at AValla Walla, Washington: Its Organization and Work as Reported and Adopted by the Second Quarterly Conference held at Walla Walla February 7, 1900; by J. M. Hill and E. Smith, Committee." On page seventy-four of Rev. H. K. Hine's Mission ary History of the Pacific Northwest, we find that the first sermon preached west of the Rocky mountains was delivered by Rev. Jason Lee at Fort Hall, on Sunday, July 27, 1834. And in a book entitled Wild Life in Ore gon, on pages 176-7, we will find that the first Methodist sermon preached at or near Walla Walla was by the Rev. Gustavus Hines, on May 21, 1843, at Dr. Whitman's mission, six miles west of this city. Rev. Gustavus Hines also preached at Rev. H. H. Spalding's Lapwai mission, on Sunday, May 14, 1843. We find that the first Methodist Episcopal church organization that was perfected in Walla Walla, or in that part of the country known as eastern Oregon or east ern Washington, was in 1859, and at that time the Walla Walla valley was just commencing to be settled up with stock rais"ers and traders. The town of Walla Walla was the principal or most important point, the United States military post being located here, and this place having become the wintering place for miners, packers and freighters from the mines north and east of this country. The Oregon conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, having jurisdiction over the church work in this section, took up the matter of supplying it with the gos pel, and at the annual conference held at Albany in August, 1859, appointed Rev. J. H. Wilber as presiding elder of this field, calling it the Walla Walla circuit which took in most of that part of the country e^ist of The Dalles, Oregon, comprising the Grande Ronde, Walla Walla, Snake river and Columbia river valleys as far north as the British line and east to the Rocky mountains, and appointed Rev. G. M. Berry as pastor for Walla Walla circuit. Brother Wilber and Brother Berry at once started for their field of labor. They came to Walla Walla and commenced the work by holding meetings at different places, at the homes of some of the people and at times in the old log court house at the corner of Main and Fifth streets. Soon after taking up the work Brother Wilber and Brother Berry decided to organize a class at Walla Walla, and on Monday, October 11, 1859, met and organ ized the first class in the district; also held their first quarterly conference. The quarterly conference was called to order by the presiding elder, Rev. J. H. Wilber, and opened with singing and prayer. The pastor, Rev- G. M. Berry, was appointed secretary of the meetings The following named brothers were elected as the first board of stewards: S. M. Titus, William B. Kelly, John Moar, A. B. Roberts and T. P. Denney. A. B. Roberts was elected as the recording steward. In January, 1860, the class decided to build a church in the town of Walla Walla, and appointed a building committee to undertake the work, consisting of the pas tor, Rev. G. M. Berry, Brother Thomas Martin and Brother John Moar. At a meeting held in April, I860, the committee reported that they had selected for a church site lots 6 and 7, block 10, at the corner of Alder and Fifth streets, and that Rev. G. M. Berry had made- application to the board of county commissioners asking them to donate the lots to the church. At a meeting held on May 21, 1860, the first board of trustees of the church at Walla Walla-was appointed, being Brothers T. P. Denney, S. M. Titus, John Moar, Thomas Martin and William B. Kelly; and on May 22, 1860, lots 6 and T of block 10 of the original town of Walla Walla were trans ferred to the above named trustees for the church by the board of county co-nmissioners of Walla Walla county. The building committee— the pastor, Rev. G. M. Berry, as its chairman— with the few members, at once 200 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. took up the work of building the church, which was com pleted in the fall of 1860. It was the first church of any •denomination built in Walla Walla, and was built at a cost of $1,046.52, with unpaid bills to the amount of §131.02. These items are taken from the report of the auditor of the accounts of the building committee as reported at the third quarterly conference, held at Walla Walla on June 24, 1861, by Andrew Keys, auditor. The pastor, Rev. G- M. Berry, had practically been Sunday-school superin tendent, as well as pastor, ever since the organization of the class until the church was completed. We fail to find any record of the dedication of this church. The Oregon annual conference of 1861 created the Walla AValla district and appointed Rev. John Flinn as presiding elder and pastor at Walla Walla. At the Oregon annual conference held in 1867, the Walla Walla district was divided into one station and four circuits, viz: Walla Walla station; Walla Walla, Waitsburg, Grande Ronde and Umatilla circuits. In 1868 the class having become strong, and desiring a new location for their church building, the board of trustees procured lots on the corner of Poplar and Second streets. Bought on May 30, 1868, from W. J. and Abell Arner for $250.00, and deeded to the following named trustees: H. Parker, T. P. Denney, J. L. Reser, Joseph Paul and John W. McGhee. The old church was moved to the new location, repaired and enlarged, and a parson age was fitted up just east of the church, facing on Poplar street. At the Oregon annual conference held at Eugene, August 5 to 9, 1869, all the membership and appoint ments formally denominated Walla Walla station, Walla Walla circuit and Dry Creek were formed as one charge and called Walla Walla circuit, to which Rev. John T. Wolf was appointed as pastor and Rev. Charles H. Hoxie as assistant pastor. Rev. James B. Callaway was presiding elder of the district, and on September 18, 1869, called together at Walla Walla all of the official members of the new cir cuit and organized the first quarterly conference, electing the following board of trustees: Charles Moore, T. P. Denney, D. M. Jessee, M. Emerick, Benjamin Hayward, A. H. Simmons, M. McEverly, William Holbrook and Oliver Gallaher. At the Oregon annual conference held at Vancouver, on August 25, 1870, Walla Walla city was again made a station, separating it from the Walla Walla circuit, and Rev. H. C. Jenkins was appointed as pastor. Early in the spring of 1878, under the leadership of the pastor, Rev. D. G. Strong, the class undertook the erection of a new church building. The old church was sold to Mr. J. F. Abbott, for two hundred and fifty dol lars and moved off of the lots, and through the efforts of the pastor and his board of trustees, consisting of B. F. Burch, J. E. Berryman, H. Middough, John Berry and O. P. Lacy, together with the faithful members and friends, the new church was completed at a cost of about ten thousand dollars, receiving from the church extension society of the church a donation of one thousand dollars and a loan of five hundred dollars. The loan in due time was paid back. After the completion of the new church Rev. W. G. Simpson was the first pastor and Brother E. Smith was the first Sunday-school superintendent. For some reason not on record, the church was not dedicated until August, 1879. The collection and services at the dedication were in charge of Bishop Haven, he being the bishop for the annual conference held at Walla Walla August 7 to 12, 1879. It having been discovered in 1883 that the board of trustees had never been incorporated under the laws of the territory of Washington, the quarterly conference di rected that articles of incorporation should be prepared. B. L. and J. L. Sharpstein, attorneys, were employed to prepare incorporation papers, and on February 9, 1883, they were signed and acknowledged by the following board of trustees: Donald Ross, C. P. Headley, S. F. Henderson, J. M. Hill, H. C. Sniff, H. C. Chew, E. Smith and G. H. Randall, and filed with the territorial auditor and the auditor of Walla Walla county. At the first meeting of this board of trustees they elected the follow ing officers: J. M. Hill, president; Donald Ross, secre tary; C. P. Headley, treasure'r. During the summer of 1887, the class, under the leadership of the pastor, Rev. Henry Brown, with the ladies of the church and the trustees, consisting of J. H. Parker, C. P. Headley, S. F. Henderson, J. M. Hill, H. C. Sniff, H. C. Chew, G. H. Randall and E. Smith, under took the building of a new parsonage, and with the bequest of five hundred dollars from the estate of our departed brother, E. Sherman, designated by him to be used for a new parsonage and 45596.47 raised princi pally by the efforts of the ladies' parsonage com mittee, a two-story, seven-room parsonage was erected on the grounds of the old parsonage, facing Poplar street, and this was turned over to the board of trustees free of debt and fairly well furnished. During 1887, through the efforts of Rev. J. H. Wil ber, a small church was built in the eastern part of the city and called Wilber Chapel. Brother W.J.AArhite dona ted a lot for that purpose, three hundred dollars being received from the church extension society, part of the balance being subscriptions from friends ; but the greater part being given by Rev. J. H. Wilber him, self. The church cost one thousand five hundred dollars, and was deeded, to the trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Walla Walla: viz: J. H. Parker, J. M. Hill, C. P. Headley, S. F. Henderson, H. C. Sniff, H. C. Chew, G. H. Randall and E. Smith. The church was sold to the German Lutheran society for the sum of one thousand six hundred dollars, on September 5, 1892 returning to the board of the church extension about four hundred dollars due them in principal and inter est. The dedication of Wilber chapel was by Rev. N. E. Parsons, presiding eider, assisted by Rev. J. H. Wilber and Rev. Henry Brown. During 1894, the church under the leadership of Rev. V. C. Evers, the pastor, with the trustees, enlarged the present church by extending it to HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 201 the north line of the property, increasing the seating capacity of the church with lecture room to five hundred and twenty-five persons. Our church property at this time is free from debt and consists of: One church building and lot, value, $11,500.00; one parsonage and fraction of lot, value, $2,000.00 ; total, $13,500.00. The following are the names of the pastors at Walla Walla and time of service: 1859 to 1861, Rev. George M. Berry; 1861 to 1863, Rev. John Flinn; 1863 to 1865, Rev. William Franklin; 1865 to 1866, Rev. James Dear- doff; 1866 to 1867, Rev. John L. Reser; 1867 to 1869, Rev. John T. Wolfe; 1869 to 1870, Rev. C. H. Hoxie; 1870 to 1872, Rev. H. C. Jenkins; 1872 to 1873, Rev. J. W. Miller; 1873 to 1874, Rev. S. G. Havermale; 1874 to 1875, Rev. G. W. Grannis; 1875 to 1876, Rev. S. L. Burrell; 1876 to 1878, Rev. D. G. Strong; 1878 to 1880, Rev. W. G. Simp son; 1880 to 1882, Rev. G. M. Irwin; 1882 to 1883, Rev. A. J. Joslyn; 1883 to 1884, Rev. W. C. Gray; 1884 to 1885, Rev. J. D. Flenner; 1885 to 1886, Rev. D. G. Strong; 1886 to 1889, Rev. Henry Brown; 1889 to 1892, Rev. W. W. VanDusen; 1892 to 1896, Rev. V. C. Evers; 1896 to 1899, Rev. W. C. Reuter; 1899 to 1900, Rev. Lee A. Johnson. The following are the names of the presiding elders of Walla Walla district, and time of service: 1859 to 1861, Rev. J. H. Wilber; 1861 to 1864, Rev. John Flinn; 1864 to 1866, Rev. Isaac Dillon; 1866 to 1869, Rev. J. B. Calloway; 1869 to 1870, Rev. W. H. Lewis; 1870 to 1874, Rev. H. K. Hines; 1874 to 1878, Rev. S.G. Havermale; 1878 to 1882, Rev. D. G. Strong; 1882 to 1885, Rev. W. S. Turner; 1885 to 1886, Rev. Levi L. Tarr; 1886 to 1888, Rev. N. E. Parsons; 1888 to 1892, Rev. D. G. Strong; 1892 to 1898, Rev.T. A. Towner; 18y8 to 1900, Rev. M. H. Marvin. At this writing Rev. Lee A. Johnson is pastor and Rev. M. H. Marvin is presiding elder. The membership of the church is now over three hundred. ST. PAUL S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. This church was organized January 17, 1872, with Rev. Lemuel H. Wells, now bishop of the diocese of eastern Washington, first rector. Services of the Episcopal church were held in Walla Walla as early as 1864 in churches of other denominations by Bishop Scott, of Portland, and Rev. T. A. Hayland. For a. year Rev. Lemuel H. Wells conducted services in. the old court house, now the Star Brewery, corner of Alder and Third streets, when the present edifice was completed on the corner of Third and Poplar streets, at a cost of fifty-four hundred dollars. It is a cozy, comfortable building ; a happy exchange for the barren, un attractive room occupied at first. Rev. Mr. Wells' first congregations did not number more than a dozen persons, with not more than half of these Episcopalians, but the great-souled qualities of this pioneer disciple of St. Paul were as a magnet to the church, and that most appalling of all sights to a min ister, "empty benches," was a state of affairs of short duration. The court room in a short time was inad equate to the wants of the church, and the com fort of a church building was not a fact of as great importance as the necessity of more room. The seating capacity of the church is nearly three hundred and in its earliest days Avas often crowded to- overflowing. The Sunday-school, beginning with three or four children, increased in an equal ratio to the church congregation. These little Christian soldiers Avere phenomenal workers and aided in many ways in furnishing the church, espe cially did they contribute generously to the fund for buying the bell. Their Easter offer ings sometimes exceeded one hundred dollars. Most of this was earned by the giver or was the result of some sacrifice on the part of the donor. Mr. Wells was rector for ten years, with the exception of one and one-half years, which time was supplied by Rev. J. D. McCon- key. Rev. Wells was succeeded by Rev. Dr. Lathrop, a gentleman well adapted to continue the good work his predecessor had so heroically taken up. Those who have succeeded since then are 202 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Revs. McEAvan, Tichnor, Dr. Nevins White, Goss, Dr. Law, Palmer, and Bard, the present rector. The church has never enjoyed greater pros perity than at the present time. Its financial condition is good, the vestry is composed of enterprising men, whose management of the church affairs is most satisfactory. The rector, Rev. Andreas Bard, is young and enthusiastic, earnest in his Avork, of pleasing personality and high order of intellectuality, eminently fitted to increase the good work of the church. St. Paul's church considers itself the fortunate pos sessor of the most able minister in the state. The present building is uncomfortably croAvded, and the erection of a large stone church is contemplated in the near future. THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The following excerpt from a publication issued in 1894, entitled Manual of the First Congregational Church of Walla Walla, Wash ington, gives a very complete history of this church from the earliest times to the date of its issue: The story of the life of the First Congregational church of Walla Walla is not a story of uninterrupted ease on the part of its members, or of continuous suc cess and steady advancement on the part of the organi zation itself. It came into existence as the logical result of the most extraordinary efforts by its founders and it has lived only by the sacrifice and earnest prayer and labor of its members. The first resident Congregational minister to settle in the state was Rev. Cushing Eells, better known to us as Father Eells, who entered the valley August 29, 1838, as a missionary to the Indians, and on that date the his tory of our church commences, though no church organ ization was formed for nearly twenty-seven years later. The history of the time between those dates is the his tory of struggle, trial, privation, apparent failure, and abandonment of the field till 1860, when Father Eells returned to the valley and took possession of the Mission farm, where he lived for a number of years, working on the farm, preaching, teaching and spreading the gospel in various ways. In May, 1864, Rev. P. B. Chamberlain settled in Walla Walla for the purpose of occupying the field. This purpose he fulfilled by preaching occasionally in the Methodist church and by conducting a school. The growth of the school and the need of a place of worship led Mr. Chamberlain to buy ground and erect thereon a building for a school and for religious worship, a little west of the house now occupied by our good Deaconess Chamberlain. In this Congregational cradle the Con gregational infant of Washington, rocked by Congrega tional hands and fed on wholesome Congregational food, thrived until July 11, 1868, when the little church, which represented such great sacrifice on the part of its build er, was destroyed by fire. On January 1, 1865, the First Congregational church of Walla Walla, and the first in the state of Washington, was organized by Rev. Cushmg Eells and wife, Rev. P. B. Chamberlain and wife, J. W. McKee and wife, and Edwin Eells, and the " Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered to the new church and to the other Christians present." The church grew slowly but stead ily in numbers and strength, and when its place of wor ship was destroyed had sufficient energy to immediately undertake the task of building a new structure. The result of its labors, augmented by generous contribu tions from the citizens, we are now enjoying. The society was incorporated January 16, 1869, by Cushing Eells, John B. Stowell, G. W. Somerindyke,. Robert Thompson, P. B. Chamberlain and Edwin Eells, the first board of trustees being composed of G. W. Somerindyke, J. B. Stowell and Robert Thompson. Edwin Eells was the first church clerk. The church flourished for a year or two, till from the removal of members and other causes, its fortunes changed, and from 1870 its cause waned and weakened, and in 1880 its doors were closed,. to remain so until the arrival of Rev. N. F. Cobleigh in the spring of 1882. Interest was somewhat restored and the church prospered under his leadership for several years, until he was called to the missionary field of Eastern Wash ington. The most notable official event during his pas torate was the election of the first deacon of the church,. Dr. A. J. Anderson, who was chosen to fill the office for three months. Rev. Ezra Haskell succeeded to the pastorate July 8, 1894, soon after which the church seemed to receive a new inspiration and a new life, every member working vigorously and successfully for its interests. During this pastorate the amount subscribed for the pastor's salary by the church was raised fromS40.0j to $60.00 per month, the amount asked from the missionary society being correspondingly reduced. It was during this pastorate,. too, that the Christian Endeavor Society was formed, that valuable auxiliary to the church work being the result of special effort on the part of the pastor and the then few young people of the church. By reason of dis agreement between the pastor and the church the spirit ual health of the latter became impaired and the rela- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 203 tion of pastor and people ceased at the end of the second year. On September 8, 1886, Rev. H. R. Foster, one of God's most gilted and consecrated servants, was called to the pulpit, but was compelled to resign because of ill health on June 20th of the next year. During this short pastorate the spiritual power of the church was increased most marvelously and it seemed to the members that God was indeed smiling on their efforts. However, this was but God's preparation for the future conditions. In the early years of the pastorate of Rev. E. R. Loomis, who was next called to be our leader, the cause flourished to the great satisfaction of the members. Many important modifications were adopted during this period, notable among which were the adoption of the new con stitution by the church; a reincorporation by which the women were given the privilege of becoming members of the corporate body; the relief of the missionary soci ety from the burden it had so long, generously, and faith fully borne; the formation of a Junior Endeavor Society; and the closer union of the church and Sunday-school. After the resignation of Mr. Loomis the pulpit was sup plied by him for some time, and afterwards, for a few months, by Rev. Mr. Hague, of Maine. The church was fortunate enough to have among its members several preachers who conducted the services until we were blessed by the arrival among us of our present pastor, Rev. E. L. Smith, whose labors speak for him and require no comments. Here we are in the year 1894, as a strong man to run a race, well equipped for the work, earnest to do the Mas ter's bidding, laboring for the salvation of souls and desirous of building up the Christian sentiment of the community in every way possible, but especially in the way of building a solid foundation and superstructure of Congregationalism in this part of the great Northwest. It is only necessary to add that the hopes above expressed have been quite fully realized1 in the subsequent work of the church. Rev. E. L. Smith continued to minister unto the society until November, 1898, when he was suc ceeded by Rev. Austin Rice, the present pastor. In 1899 an elegant new church edifice was erected on the corner of Palouse and Alder streets, and the same has been occupied as a place of Avorship since January 1, 1900. The present structure, by reason of its convenient and commodious basement, is peculiarly well fitted for building up the social life of the church. The Sunday-school, under the super- iutendency of President S. B. L. Penrose, has become one of the strongest in the tOAvn, having an average attendance of about one hundred and fifty. The present officers of the church are : Standing Committee, Daniel Burr, A. H. Reynolds, John Baker, Mrs. Isabel Kirkman, Mrs. Eva Williams and Miss Anna Hill; Trustees, W. D. Lyman, H. A. Reynolds, F. J. McGougan; Clerk, W. S. Clark; Treasurer, Jay Williams. The present total membership of the church is two hundred and twenty-three. THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. On the 5th of January, 1873, was effected the organization of the First Cumberland Presbyterian church of Walla Walla, those primarily concerned in such organization being the Rev. Harrison W. Eagan and seven mem bers, the original elders of the church being Joel Hargrove, J. M. Reed and W. B. Simon- ton. Mr. Eagan became pastor of the new so ciety and ministered to the church continuously until the 1st of January, 1882. During the decade of his pastorate more than two hundred members were received into the church, in whose affairs he continued to maintain a deep and lively interest long after the conclusion of his pastoral functions. He was succeeded by Rev. J. N. Crawford, who was in turn suc ceeded by Rev. J. C. Van Patten. The Rev. W. W. Beck presided over the destinies of the society for two years, his pastorate having its inception in 1886, after which Rev. E. G. Mc Lean, D. D., was pastor for five years, being succeeded by Rev. R. F. Powell, avIio retained the position two years, after AAdiich the church was placed under the pastoral direction of Rev. Duncan Wallace, Avho resigned the charge in September, 1900, removing to California. The present pastor of the church is Rev. G. A. Blair. The present membership of the church 204 FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. L about two hundred. From the time of its organization the church has steadily grown not only in numbers but also in its influence for good. It has been signally awake to every moral and spiritual interest and its collateral organizations are active and beneficent, the same including the Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor, the Junior Endeavor and the Pilgrim and Missionary societies. The officers of the church at the present time are as folloAvs : Elders, W. P. Winans, N. F. Butler, J. AV. Armstrong, AV. S. Offner, Dr. N. G. Blalock, G. H. Sutherland and A. M. Cation; deacons, H. E. Johnson, George Star- rett, J. F. McLean, A. J. Evans, A. J. Beard, P. M. Winans, Sam McBride, Marvin Evans and M. E. Brewer. Recapitulating the history of this prosperous organization, we may say that services Avere originally held in the old court house, which, at the expiration of a year, proved inadequate to accommodate the society, and the city hall was therefore brought into requisition. Recogniz ing the exigent demand for a permanent house of worship, the society purchased a lot on the soutliAvest corner of Third and Poplar streets and erected thereon, in 1876, the present church edifice at a cost of six thousand dollars. The building Avas dedicated on the 4th of January, 1880, being at the time free from indebtedness. It is worthy of note at this juncture, as in dicative of the liberal and broad-minded at titude of the citizens of AValla Walla, that the sum demanded for the erection of the church building was secured by general subscriptions in the city and that these contributions were made without reference to religious affiliations, no aid from the missionary fund of the de nomination being called for. THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. In the fall of 1878 the Christian church of this city had its beginning in the temporary organization of eight people, for the purpose of worshiping and teaching according to their belief. Then on March 31st of the folloAving year a permanent organization of eleven mem bers Avas effected. Judge N. T. Caton was chosen clerk of the congregation and within a year the number of members was increased tc thirty-two persons. For some years the church had no regular minister, but was vis- ifed occasionally by the Waitsburg pastor and by other ministers who by chance came this way. Brother Neal Cheetem Avas frequently here and Avas very helpful to the struggling little band of disciples. For some years after the organization the meetings were held from time to time in several of the older church buildings, Avhich Avere very kindly tendered by their congregations. Then the old opera house Avas used for a short period. Later Baumeis- ter's hall Avas secured and used until the church moved into its own building, situated on Third street between Birch street and Stahl avenue. The organization Avas incorporated July 31, 1891, under the name of the First Christian church of AA'alla AA'alla, AA'ashington, Avith S. C. Calvert, F. N. Bowman and AA^illiam Pres ton as the first trustees. Previous to the build ing of the neAv church Neal Cheetem, J. H. Hollis, .A. H. Foster, J. B. Johnson and R. H. Lotz served the congregation as pastors. After preaching his regular sermon on Lord's Day morning, September 20, 1891, Pastor Lotz an nounced that Judge J. H. Lasater offered the congregation a lot suitable for a church build ing, providing the congregation Avould at once HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 205 erect such a building. Steps were immediately taken to accept this liberal offer. A building committee composed of S. C. Calvert, chair man, and F. M. Bowman, E. W. Thornton, B. AV. Schell and William Preston, was ap pointed, who were instructed to enter at once upon the work of raising funds and securing plans for the new church building. A. C. Dickinson, of the Waitsburg congre gation, very generously gave five hundred dol lars in cash toward the fund, and the Church Extension Society of the Christian church gave a loan of one thousand dollars. These amounts Avith the liberal contributions of the members and friends of the church enabled the commit tee to commence the building soon after the offer made by Judge Lasater. The plans were successfully carried out and the building com pleted, and on April 2d1 of the following spring William F. CoAvden, missionary in the northwest for the American Home Board of the Christian church, dedicated the commodious building noAv occupied by the congregation. Then Avith much enthusiasm the congregation began to increase its membership and repay the loan against its building. Again its friends and members Avere true to it and liberal in their gifts, so at this time the debt has all been paid and the building in a good state of re pair. The membership has steadily increased until there are now over two hundred and sev enty-five members in good standing and full fellowship. J. B. Daisley, C. P. Smith, J. F. Ghormley and O. J. Gist served as pastors in the order named since the dedication of the new building until January 1, 1897. Since that date the pulpit has been occupied by L. O. Herrolcl. The present board of trustees is composed of Messrs. C. I. Hall, Harry Lasater and D. W. Coward. The church in its early years has endured the usual struggles incident to starting and building a new work, but out of it all God has brought a strong and united church Avhich looks forward with great hope for the future. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Services according to the forms of the Baptist church Avere held in Walla Walla as early as 1870, by Rev. W. H. Pruett, but nearly a decade passed before a formal organ ization was effected. Of the genesis and growth of the First Baptist church of this city the historical edition of the Walla Walla Union of August, 1896, speaks as follows : "To attempt to write a history of a church now in the zenith of its glory is like trying to write the biography of a great and good man while he is still alive and in the prime of his usefulness. The history of the First Bap tist church of Walla Walla is a history of trials and triumphs. This church, .like most of the Avestern churches in early days, had a hard struggle for existence. The Baptists Avere late in effecting an organization in this city, which caused a great deal of hard work and patience to obtain a foothold. Many of the prominent families of the city were Baptists and had belonged to Baptist churches in the east, but on coming to Walla Walla found no Baptist church organization, so joined churches of other denominations. "On May 11, 1879, the First Baptist church of Walla Walla was organized, with five mem bers, and Rev. J. L. Blitch, of Dixon, Cali fornia, became the first pastor and served the church for a year and a half. After remaining pastorless for several months the church ex tended a call to Rev. D. J. Pierce, of Laramie, Wyoming, which was accepted. Air. Pierce Avas Avell knoAvn on the coast, having served 2o6 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. .the First Baptist church of Portland, Oregon, previous to this. It was during the tAvo years of Mr. Pierce's pastorate that the present church edifice was erected, at a cost of four thousand five hundred dollars, not including the lot, Avhich cost about two thousand dollars. With but tAventy-seven members, Mr. Pierce commenced the work of building, and carried it through to completion. After leaving Walla Walla Mr. Pierce became pastor of the First Baptist church of Seattle. Rev. A. B. Banks, pastor of the First Baptist church of Laramie, Wyoming, succeeded Mr. Pierce as pastor. During the tAvo years of Mr. Banks' pastorate the church continued to increase in member ship and influence. At the close of his pastorate the church extended a call, to Rev. S. AV. Beavan, during Avhose pastorate of a )rear and a half the church was greatly strengthened. Mr. BeaA'an Avas succeeded in his pastorate by his brother, Rev. J. H. Beavan, who served as pastor for five and a half years with great suc cess. The church then extended a call to Rev. J. W. Neyman, but at that time it was not accepted. A call was then given to Rev. M. C. Cole, of NeAv Orleans, Avhich he accepted. Mr. Cole served the church as pastor for nearly three and a half years. This church has made a steady groAvth from the first. The church has ahvays been liberal in its gifts to carry on mission Avork at home and in foreign lands. The property of the church is valued at about nine thousand dollars, including the parson- age." At the beginning of the year 1896 the church again extended a call to the Rev. J. W. Neyman, Avho accepted. Under his pastorate, Avhich terminated in 1898, the church showed a healthful growth in all branches of work, as well as in membership, and this has been signally true also during the regime of his successors, Rev. J. F. Huckleberry, who had pastoral charge for seven months, and Rev. H. B. Turner, the present pastor. The church maintains a mission chapel at the corner of Ninth and Rees streets, and its work in a spiritual way and in the matter of various benevolences is proving a' cumulative power for good. The various subordinate organizations maintained in the society are thoroughly vital and discharge their various functions with a high degree of efficiency. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. This church Avas organized by F. W. D. Mays in October or November, 1875, Avith a small class, chief among whom were the old pioneers, D. M. Jesse and J. M. Gose and their Avives. F. W. D. Mays used for some time the United Brethren church building for his religious services, as their class Avas then with out a pastor. Their property Avas offered for sale and Mr. Mays made arrangements to pur chase the same. Money Avas appropriated by his general Board of Missions in Nashville to make the purchase. The authorities of the United Brethren church concluded, however, not to sell their property, and the money do nated by the Nashville Board Avas used to buy tAvo lots at the present location on Fourth and Sumach streets. On one of these 'lots Avas a dAvelling house, still standing, the loAver front of which was turned into a hall for church services by removal of partitions. Here serv ices were held for tAvo years. In 1876 Mr. Mays Avas returned, by ap pointment of conference, to the charge for the second year. In September, 1877, the Annual Conference met in AAralla Walla in said hall, Bishop H. N. McTyiere presiding. J. W. Compton was appointed as pastor for the en- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 207 suing year. In 1878 F. W. D. Mays was again appointed pastor of the charge, and in the summer of 1879 he sold the lot on which the dwelling house stood and erected the pres ent church edifice. This was not entirely com pleted until several years later. For several years subsequent to the last date the charge Avas without pastoral oversight except such as could be given by the presiding elder of the district. During the succeeding twenty years a number of pastors served the charge, among whom were J. S. Burnett, W. T. Haggard, P. M. Bell, M. V. Howard, E. G. Michael, AV. M. Fancher, A. Y. Skee, C. T. McPherson and E. P. Greene. In September, 1900, J. W. Compton was again appointed pastor of the charge. The board of trustees consists of T. F. Ladd, J. B. Cash and J. M. Keeler. THE GERMAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first religious denomination to provide for the maintenance of German preaching in Walla Walla Avas the Methodist Episcopal, and for a number of years it was alone in its en deavor to maintain religious services in the language which constitutes the vernacular of so large a proportion of our citizens. The Ger man Methodist Episcopal church of this city was organized in the year 1884, Rev. William Esslinger being the first pastor and Rev. F. Baum the first presiding elder. At that time the membership was so small as to preclude the possibility of erecting a church edifice of their own, so that services were held in the First Methodist Episcopal church. During the two years following 1884, however, the German population increased rapidly, and the necessity of a building for worship began to be urgently felt, as the membership of the so ciety was also rapidly growing. Accordingly an effort to raise the required funds Avas in augurated and persistently maintained until the society was the owner of a neat and commo dious edifice, entirely free of debt. This build ing, with the ground on which it stands, is now valued at about five thousand dollars. The church is in a prosperous condition, although, on account of changes in residence and other causes, the membership is not large. The Sunday-school is attended by about thirty children, who are instructed in German. Rev. C. A. Wentsch is the pastor in charge at present. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Revs. E. N. Condit, F. M. Boyd and Robert Boyd, graduates of Princeton Theological Seminary of the class of 1877 and commis sioned as Home Missionaries by the Presby terian Board of Home Missions, arrived in Walla Walla, Washington Territory, on June 24, 1877. R-ev- Mr. Condit immediately com menced work, with the view of organizing a church, but after preaching six weeks with good prospects of success crowning his efforts he was called to another field of labor. The work so well begun was continued by Robert Boyd, who preached for the first time in Walla Walla in the court house on Sabbath, August 12, 1877. Rev. H. W. Stratton, synodical missionary for the Synod of the Columbia, with the assistance of the Rev. Robert Boyd, effected an organization in Walla Walla which con stituted the First Presbyterian church of Walla Walla. The organization was composed of nineteen members. Services were held in the court house from November, 1877, untll Jan uary, 1882, then in the United1 Brethren church until November, 1884, when the First Presby terian church was completed. From the organization of the church until 208 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. March, 1886, Rev. Robert Boyd acted as pastor. He Avas succeeded by Rev. T. M. Gunn, March, 1886, to June, 1888, Rev. E. M. Sharp from June, 1888, until March, 1891, Rev. L. M. Belden from March, 1891, until Novem ber, 1894. From that time until January, 1897, the church Avas without a pastor. The pulpit Avas supplied from time to time as the session could find supply. In January, 1897, the Rev. E. N. Condit accepted a call from the con gregation, which position he held until his death, in June, 1900. Since that time the church has been supplied by different ministers as the session could arrange. CHAPTER XX. FRATERNAL AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CIT OF WALLA WALLA. Walla Walla is pre-eminently a city of fraternal orders, and Avith very few exceptions the affairs of each are to be found in a flour ishing condition. The various social and be nevolent organizations in the city exercise their several functions and are numerically in harmony Avith the population of the "Garden City." FREEMASONRY. The time-honored order of Free and Ac cepted Masons is represented in Walla Walla by two lodges, one chapter, a commandery and a chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Walla Walla Lodge, No. 7, F. & A. M., Avas brought into existence October 19, 1859, when the neAvly organized grand lodge of the territory of Washington granted a dispensa tion to the following named citizens : C. R. Allen, Braziel Grounds, A. B. Roberts, H. N. Bruiting, Thomas P. Page, Jonas Whitney, Charles Silverman, J. Freedman and R. H. Reigert. On the 3d of September, i860, a regular charter Avas granted to the lodge, the first officers to serve under the same being as folloAvs : A. B. Roberts, Avorshipful master; J. M. Kennedy, senior warden; B. Sheidman, junior warden; T. P. Page, treasurer; W. B. Kelly, secretary; C. A. Brooks, senior deacon; J. Caughran, junior deacon; W. H. Babcock, tyler. In the summer of 1864 the lodge built a two-story frame structure on the corner of Third and Alder streets. Two years later the building was destroyed by fire and it became necessary for the lodge to hold its sessions in the assembly room of the Odd Fellows' Tem ple. At a later date rooms Avere fitted in the Dooley Block, in East Main street, Avhere the lodge has since had its headquarters, the same being knoAvn as the Knights Templar hall. At the present time the lodge has a mem bership of seventy-five, and its financial affairs are in excellent condition. The officers of the lodge at the time of this Avriting are as fol- Ioavs: T. S. Steel, Avorshipful master; Wel lington Clark, senior Avarden; L. S. AVilson, junior Avarden; Rev. Duncan AA^allace, chap lain; Joel Chitwood, treasurer; R. C. Gaston, secretary; H. J. Jones, senior deacon; Frank Jarvis, junior deacon; S. E. King, senior steward; J. D. Jones, junior steward; Mau rice Murphy, tyler. The regular meetings of HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 209 the Walla Walla Lodge are held at the Ma sonic hall on the first and third Mondays in each month. Blue Mountain Lodge, No. 13, F. & A. M., was organized April 20, 1868, by a number of members who withdrew from Walla Walla Lodge for this purpose. The first officers were as follows : Fred Stine, worshipful master ; Lewis Day, senior warden; William O'Donnell, junior warden; A. Kyger, treasurer; R. Guich ard, secretary; J. D. Laman, senior deacon; E. S. Crockett, junior deacon; C. Herzog, tyler. The lodge is financially strong and at the present time it has a membership of one hundred, its officers being : F. M. Pauly, wor shipful master; J. S. Schrock, senior Avarden; J. H. Stockwell, junior warden; H. E. John son, treasurer; Y. C. Blalock, secretary; Rich ard McLean, senior deacon; C. N. McLean, junior deacon; William Van Patten, senior steward; R. A. Horn, junior steward; James Dorr, tyler. The regular meetings of the lodge are held at the Masonic Hall on the first and third Mondays of each month. Walla Walla Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M. — A chapter of the Royal Arch Masons, known as Walla Walla Chapter, No. 1, was organ ized September 20, 1871, with the following charter members : E. S. Kearney, J. H. Blew ett, A. B. Elmer, Z. K. Straight, P. A. Pres ton, T. J. Peabody, A. B. Carter, J. B. Dexter, Alfred Thomas and H. C. Paige. The first officers of this capitular body were: E. S. Kearney, high priest; E. B. Whitman, king; W. P. Adams, scribe; E. S. Crockett, captain of the host; A. B. Carter, principal sojourner; R. P. Olds, royal arch captain; Fred Stencil, master of the third veil; J. Shepherd, master of the second veil; W. S. Mineer, master of the first veil; Z. K. Straight, guide; W. P. Adams, treasurer; R. Guichard, secretary. 14 The chapter now has a membership of one hun dred, and owns considerable property. Regu lar convocations are held at the Templar Hall on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. The present officers of the chapter are as follows : J. H. Stockwell, high priest ; Levi Ankeny, king; F. W. Rees, scribe; W. P. Winans, treasurer; W. E. Russell, secretary; Y. C. Blalock, principal sojourner; Henry Osterman, captain of the host; D. T. Kyger, royal arch captain; J. S. Schrock, master of the third veil ; F. M. Pauly, master of the first veil; Maurice Murphy, tyler. Washington C ommandery , No. 1, K. T. — By a dispensation granted April 19, 1882, and issued by M. E. Grand Master Benjamin Dean, of Massachusetts, authority Avas granted for the formation of a commandery of Knights Templar among the Templars in good stand ing in Walla Walla and vicinity. A short time afterward the commandery was instituted with a good charter membership. The present offi cers of the commandery (December, 1900) are as follows: J. L. Jones, eminent com mander; Henry Osterman, generalissimo; F. M. Pauly, captain of the guard; G. W. Bab cock, treasurer; Y. C. Blalock, secretary; G. H. Chamberlin, senior warden; W. E. Rus sell, junior warden; D. T. Kyger, standard bearer; Levi Ankeny, sword bearer; G. H. Snell, -warder ; Maurice Murphy, sentinel. The commandery meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Knights Tem plar hall. Alki Chapter, No. 25, 0. E. S.~ Alki Chap ter, No. 25, Order of the Eastern Star, was organized in Walla Walla May 21, 1892, with the following charter members: Le F. A. Shaw, Emma E. Shaw, C. L. Whitney, Lizzie E. Whitney, J. L. Roberts, Ollie Roberts, G. H. Snell, Clara J. Snell, D. T. Kyger, Addie ,2IO HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. .Kyger, F. M. Pauly, Mary Pauly, E. R. Parkes, Laura B. Parkes, Mary Masterson, Sadie R. McLean, J. C. Lewis, Mary E. Lewis, and H. E. Vannatta. At the present time the chapter has one hundred and one members, and is in an excellent condition financially. The regular convocations of the chapter are on the first and third Thursdays of each month at Knights Templar Hall. The officers (De cember, 1900) are: Nettie M. Gibson, W. M. ; F. M. Pauly, AV. P. ; Ida M. McLean, A. M. ; Stella M. HaAvley, conductor; Nora S. Rus sell, A. S.; D. T. Kyger, treasurer; W. E. Russell, secretary; Laura B. Parkes, chaplain; Ferdinanda Horn, Adah; Clara J. Snell, Ruth; Gertrude Parmela, Esther; Elizabeth Hill, Martha; Lutie M. Stiles, Electa; Sarah J. Smith, Avarder; AA^. E. Graham, sentinel; Ad die Kyger, marshal; Flora C. Stockwell, or- THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Odd FelloAvship has a very strong and en thusiastic folloAving in AAralla AA'alla, where the order is held in high estimation and its standard well upborne. In this city is located the Odd Fellows' Home of the state, a finely equipped and Avell-managed institution, and here also are maintained three lodges of the order, one encampment, one canton and tAvo lodges of the Daughters of Rebekah. The second lodge of Odd Fellows in the territory of Washington was established in Walla AValla nearly forty years ago and has enjoyed uninterrupted prosperity from the be ginning to the present time, Avhile from this mother lodge have sprung other organizations equally representative in nature. Indeed, it may be said that this lodge first instituted in Walla AA'alla really merits the distinction of being designated as No. 1, instead of No. 2, inasmuch as the first lodge in the territory, Olympia, No. 1, had surrendered its charter in 1 86 1 and did not resume it until 1865. Enterprise Lodge, No. 2. — On the 24th of January, 1863, A. G. Hovey, grand master of the grand lodge of Oregon, pursuant to an application, granted and signed a dispensation authorizing and empowering Messrs. A. H. Ptirdy, James McAuliff, William B. Kelly, L. A. Burthey and Meyer Lazarus to organize a lodge of Odd FelloAvs in the city of Walla AAralla, the same to be hailed and known as Enterprise Lodge, No. 2. The lodge Avas duly instituted on the 23d of February, 1863, Avith the gentlemen above named as charter mem bers. The officers Avho first presided over the destinies of the neAv lodge Avere as follows : James McAuliff, noble grand; AVilliam B. Kelly, vice grand; and A. H. Purdy, secre tary and treasurer. E. B. AVhitman was the first district deputy grand master and the first representative to the grand lodge. The fol lowing interesting record concerning the lodge is taken from an article Avritten by Alex. Mackay, in 1897: "As above stated, the first charter Avas issued by the grand master of Oregon, but the sovereign grand lodge subsequently decided that Oregon had no rights in a territory, so, on September 26, 1865, granted a neAV charter, under which the lodge Avorked until Washing ton became a state, Avhen a new charter Avas issued from our oavii grand lodge, Avhile H. E. Holmes Avas grand master and Le F. A. Shaw grand secretary. "When Enterprise Lodge was ushered into existence Odd Fellowship Avas a comparative stranger in the great northwest. . Our first meeting Avas held in James Conlan's building on Main street near Fourth. Here Ave Avere burned out in 1864, Avithout serious loss. AA^e HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 211 then removed to what was then known as Roberts' Grove, where we rented a building jointly with the Masons, but this being remote from the city, Brother J. F. Abbott fixed us up a lodge room on the premises noAv known as the Cayuse stable. Here the lodge Avas very prosperous for a time. Candidates were nu merous and our sick few. Everybody had money then, and if perchance Ave found one poor and destitute, he was usually so from choice. Since that time things have changed. In 1865 the Masons built a fine hall on the corner of Third and Alder streets, and as our quarters Avere becoming too small, we moved to this new hall, and again for a short season were prosperous and happy, until on the 4th of July, 1865, a fire broke out, which swept away that hall, together with our records, par aphernalia, and all we possessed, except our written constitution, signed by the members as they were initiated. We then secured new ¦quarters over Brechtel's bakery, procured a new outfit, and the good work continued. We husbanded our means, put our money where it ¦did the most good, and finally, in 1880, were enabled to build our present fine Temple, on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, at a cost of about twenty thousand dollars, which is at present worth at least twenty-six thousand dollars. But it is not for sale, for it is a monument which Enterprise Lodge has raised with its own hands and every Odd Fellow has •cause to feel proud of it. The erection of the building was commenced in July, 1880 (the corner-stone was laid July 4th), under the su pervision of the committee from the lodge con sisting of E. W. Eversz, Samuel Jacobs, D. J. Coleman and Julius Wiesick, assisted by the trustees of the lodge, H. Wintler, Edward Baumeister and Charles Able. The building was completed in December, 1880, and in Jan uary, 1 88 1, we held our first meeting in our new hall, Brother H. E. Holmes, N. G., pre siding. The lodge then had one hundred mem bers, and the present membership is one hun dred and fifty-three. Since the organization of Enterprise Lodge four hundred and five members have signed the roll. Of- the pioneer members feAV are now left, viz. : E. B. Whit man, Charles Besserer, Charles Able, Edward Baumeister, John Rehorn, H. Wintler and W. H. Brown. The pioneers and past grands, who took a prominent part in the early his tory of the lodge, and who have died since 1890, are: A. Schumacher, November 7, 1890; Peter Erickson, August 10, 1891 ; E. W. Ev ersz, January 3, 1892; D. J. Coleman, June 19, 1893; John Goudy, June 20, 1895; John F. Abbott, March 13, 1896. "Among those who may be classed as pio neer Odd Fellows, who have been initiated or joined Enterprise Lodge by card, and are still active members, are : E. B. Whitman, Charles Besserer, Henry Kaseberg, FI. E. Holmes, S. F. Henderson, Alex. Mackay, C. C. McCoy, Jacob Betz, Charles Able, W. H. Brown, John Rehorn, H. Wintler, Charles Cooper, James Mclnroe, Thomas Taylor, John H. Stahl and James Bryan. "At present the lodge has a number of young members who joined the order since 1880, many of whom are past grands, and all of whom take an active part in the workings of the lodge." The lodge convenes regularly every Wed nesday evening. Its present officers (De cember, 1900) are: W. Jessup, noble grand; Thomas Taylor, vice grand; Levi Ankeny, treasurer; Burt Moore, secretary; and John Cativel, permanent secretary. Washington Lodge, No. 10.— On the 7th of March, 1881, a dispensation was granted 212 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. for the organization of this lodge in Walla Walla, and on the 19th of the same month the lodge Avas formally instituted, the follow ing being the charter members: Le F. A. Shaw, James McAuliff, Christian Sturm, Jo seph Cherry, W. G. Alban, A. McAllister and L. J. Shell. The first officers were James Mc Auliff, noble grand; Christian Sturm, vice grand; and Joseph Cherry, secretary. A regu lar charter Avas granted to the lodge on the nth of May, 1882. Its present membership numbers one hundred and twenty, and its af fairs are in a most prosperous condition. Those incumbent of the official positions at the pres ent time (December, 1900) are: G. E. Bar nett, noble grand; C. W. Scott, vice grand; J. W. McGhee, Jr., recording secretary; and Le F. A. Shaw, financial secretary. The lodge meets on Thursday evening of each Aveek, at the Odd Fellows' Temple. The following facetious description of the institution of Washington Lodge was com posed by Dr. Belcher and read by him on the twelfth anniversary of the institution of the lodge. On March 19, in '81, At close of day, or set of sun, A band of seven determined men, And one old goat assembled then. When all were there, the door was shut. The goat prepared his hardest butt. The men were bound his butts to dodge, That all might live to form a lodge. The N. G, which is " Noble Grand," And not " no good, " you understand, Was James McAuliff, and his Vice, That is Vice Grand (now that sounds nice To speak of vice as being grand, In any place in Christian land) Was one Chris Sturm, who filled the place, And met the goat with smiling face. The next, I'm told, was Joseph Cherry, Our first recording secretary, And one you all know well, I ween Within these walls he's oft been seen. Le F. A. Shaw the goat then tried, And around the room he went astride, The hearts of all were in a flutter To see the strength of this old butter. * Stronger than any ever seen, Stronger than oleomargerine, And also here, the truth to tell, This goat could butt as hard as — well As any goat of solemn face, Who knows his business in this place. William G. Alban to the front, A butt, a yell, a groan, a grunt, Then James McAuliff took his turn, The name of Odd-Fellow to earn. He stepped out quick, he felt so glad, He met that goat and then felt sad. Alexander, not he called the Great, But McAllister, came to meet his fate. The last to meet the goat and yell, Was one all know, Larkin J. Shell. That old goat knew his business well, He'd served his time the truth to tell. This little band, this honored few, Joined hands, a noble work to do, And also then they swore, forsooth, To live in friendship, love and truth. Were called Odd Fellows, every one, And named their lodge for Washington, The father of our country, great, Likewise our great and growing state: A name I think appropriate, For Washington, like all great men, Was made the butt of tones then. But all we think, as time goes past, "That he laughs longest who laughs last." My muse is tired, likewise my throat, I'll stop before you bring the goat. Trinity Lodge, No. 121. — This lodge was instituted on the 30th of April, 1892, when W. G. Alban, then special deputy grand mas ter, assumed the chair, and with the aid of Le F. A. Shaw, grand secretary, and past grands from Enterprise Lodge, No. 2, and Washing ton Lodge, No. 19, conducted the work of institution. The charter members of the lodge were Past Grand James P. Goodhue (avIio was a member of the jurisdiction of British Co lumbia), C. C. Gose, AV. H. Flagg, F. W. Kaser, F. D. Kimmerly, M. H. Gilliam, P. B. Flawley, C. W. Fredericks and J. Carter Smith. After the new officers had taken their stations fifty-one propositions for membership by initiation and tAvo by card were received FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 213 and acted upon. Forty-seven candidates were initiated and given all the degrees and two were admitted by card. The first officers of the lodge were : W. H. Flagg, noble grand ; F. D. Kimmerly, vice grand; J. Carter Smith, secretary; and P. B. Hawley, treasurer. The lodge has flourished from the beginning, both numerically and financially, having eighty names upon its membership roll at the present time. The officers for the term ending De cember 31, 1900, are as. follows: Alvin Bos ton, noble grand; W. A. Koontz, vice grand; J. Carter Smith, secretary; and Victor Hun- ziker, treasurer. The regular meetings are held on Monday evening of each week, and are very interesting and instructing. The lodge is composed to a very large extent of young men, and they show an enthusiastic interest in its work. Walla Walla Encampment, No. 3. — The local camp of this branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was organized on the 28th of March, 1881, by W. D. Plants, the following named being the charter members : H. E. Holmes, E. W. Eversz, EdAvard Bau meister, W. H. Brown, Samuel Jacobs, Charles Abel, John Goudy and J. Q. Osborn. Since the organization of this encampment it has grown rapidly, and is now in a flourishing- condition, having one hundred and thirty bona fide members. The regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at the Odd Fellows' Temple. The present officers of the encampment are : O. T. Cornwell, C. P. ; J. A. Riffley, H. P. ; T. N. Bryan, S. W.; Alvin Boston, J. AV.; Le F. A. Shaw, scribe; and W. A. Koontz, treasurer. Canton Walla Walla, No. 1, Patriarchs Militant, was instituted April 12, 1886, by H. E. Holmes, grand patriarch, assisted by W. G. Alban, grand representative, and Le F. A. Shaw, past grand representative and grand scribe. The charter members were W. G. Al ban, captain; F. D. Boyer, accountant; N. Cas- tleman, sentinel; and C. H. Kaseberg, picket. The principal officers in charge at present are : W. H. Meyer, (acting) captain; Charles L. Whitney, clerk; Le F. A. Shaw, accountant. Narcissa Rebekah Lodge, No. 2, was in stituted October 31, 1885, by H. E. Holmes, then deputy grand master, the charter mem bership numbering thirty-five. The present membership is about one hundred and five, and the officers iioav in charge are: Mrs. Ratie McClees, noble grand; Mrs. Mary McKean, vice grand; Mrs. Lizzie Bellingham, record ing secretary; Herbert Osgood, financial sec retary; Mrs. Sarah Gray, treasurer. Bee Hive Rebekah Lodge, No. 70, Avas in stituted March 1, 1895, by Mrs. Emma E. Shaw, past president of the Rebekah assembly, with twenty-three charter members. The present membership is about one hundred and twenty. The officers in charge at present are: Mrs. Alma L. Krack, noble grand ; Mrs. Mar guerite Mullinix, vice grand; Mrs. Mary G. Vinson, recording secretary; Mrs. May Bos ton, treasurer. WELCOME LODGE, I. O. 0. F., OF DIXIE. It is fitting to include here a sketch of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Dixie. The names of members who compose the chartering of Wel come Lodge, No. 117, I. O. O. F., of Dixie, Washington, on March 26, 1892, Avere as fol lows: Officers — W. J. Cantonwine, N. G. ; R. G. Clancy, V. G.; Marion Koger, R. Sec; Charles Cochran, Per. Sec. ; Adelbert Coch ran, treasurer ;' R. A. Stockdale, warden ; J. E. Myers, conductor; Joseph Reed, R. S. N. G. ; J. M. Sanders, L. S. N. G.; N. J. Walters, R. S. V. G.; A. A. Magrunn, L. S. V. G.; 214 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. B. C. Roff, inside guard; G. W. Sanders, O. G.; L. Lanning, R. S. S.; Isadore Cochran, L. S. S. Members — P Demaris, J. W. Davis, Samuel Brooks, W. H. Johnson, Orin De maris and Orlando Demaris. The order of I. O. O. F. at this place has prospered, having added since organization fifty-nine members, and has iioav in good stand ing fifty-three members. A larger hall had to be built for the accommodation of its mem bers, Avhich Avas completed in 1893, size 30X 65, tAvo stories, the upper being used exclu sively for lodge purposes, the loAver for a gen eral merchandise store and doctor's office. The building cost about thirty-five hundred dollars complete, including furnishings. The Rebekah branch of Dixie, Washing ton, Avas instituted March 24, 1893, Avith a membership of about eighteen, having added since about forty members. They are doing a grand Avork, giving their time, talent and means in fitting up a room in the Odd Fel lows' Home at Walla Walla, furnishings to cost about one hundred dollars. ODD FELLOWS' HOME OF WASHINGTON. Crowning the system of Odd FelloAvship in the state of Washington is the noble insti tution which we now take briefly under re view, AAralla Walla being signally favored by having the home located within her corporate limits. At a session of the grand lodge of the state, held in 1893, a special committee Avas appointed to consider the advisability of estab lishing an Odd FelloAvs' home in this jurisdic tion, and to determine, so far as possible in an incidental Avay, some appropriate method for its establishment and maintenance. The committee rendered its report at the annual session of the grand lodge in 1894, recom mending the establishment of such a home and offering suggestions as to the most expedient way of establishing and maintaining the in stitution. The report of the committee, with slight modifications, Avas adopted, Avhereby the rule Avas established that to secure funds for the establishment and maintenance of the home a semi-annual per capita tax on subor dinate lodges be levied, and recommending that encampments, lodges and individuals make such voluntary contributions in aid of the home as their means and benevolence might prompt. At this session of the grand lodge that body elected a board of managers, con sisting of five of its members, the same to be known as the "Board of Trustees of the Odd. FelloAvs' Home," and to whom are entrusted the supervision and management of all mat ters pertaining to the home, under the direc tion of the grand lodge, to Avhich the board is required to make an annual report. Definite- plans for the securing of necessary funds for carrying forward the Avork Avere formulated, and the grand lodge also adopted a series of ten resolutions "defining the mode of proceed ings to the establishment of the home," from Avhich Ave quote as folloAvs : First — Resolved, That there is hereby authorized to be established and maintained in this jurisdiction an Odd Fellows' Home for the care and support of the aged, in firm and indigent members of the Order, who shall be in good standing in their respective subordinate lodges in this jurisdiction, and the dependent widows and orphans of Odd Fellow's in good standing of this jurisdiction. Ninth — Resolved, That any member of a subordi nate lodge domiciled in the Odd Fellows' Home as a beneficiary thereof, shall not be entitled to receive from his lodge the usual benefits paid by his lodge to sick and disabled members; neither shall he be required, while re maining at the home, to pay dues to his lodge. When a beneficiary member withdraws from the home, he shall,. equally as other active membt-rs, be subject to all provi sions of the constitutions and by-laws of his lodge. Tenth — Resolved, That while a member of a subor dinate lodge remains a beneficiary inmate of the home, he shall continue to be a silent or honorary member of his lodge, unless suspended or expelled for cause, under HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 215 the laws of the order, and his lodge shall be exempt from the payment of dues on his account for grand lodge revenue. Resolved, That for a beginning of the establishment of a fund for an Odd Fellows' Home, there be and hereby is levied a special semi-annual tax of ten cents per capita on each subordinate lodge in this jurisdiction, the first payment being due and payable December 31, 1894, on its membership for the preceding term ending June 30, 1894. The members of the board of directors were as folloAvs : J. M. Swan, F. A. Twichell, Z. M. Beebe, W. P. Harris and E. L. Powell, and upon their organization Mr. Swan was chosen president and Mr. Twichell secretary. At the session of the grand lodge in 1896 the board of trustees submitted its report, rec ommending, among other things, that the grand lodge should at that session select, or authorize to be selected, a site-location for the home and also "authorize such proceedings as may be necessary to establish and prepare the home for the reception and care of inmates." The report of the board was referred to a spe cial committee of five members, who, in sub mitting their report to the grand lodge, rec ommended that the board of trustees of the home be authorized and empowered to receive and accept the best proposition, in their judg ment, that may be offered them for the loca tion of the home. The committee also recom mended that one trustee be chosen from the Rebekah assembly, in place of the officer Avhose term expired that year. Later it was reported to the grand lodge that the 'Rebekah assembly had elected Emma E. Shaw, past president, as such trustee, her term to cover five years. The propositions for home sites tendered within the time prescribed by the grand lodge were from the Odd Fellows of Tacoma, Cen- tralia and Walla Walla, and as the last men tioned was eventually accepted, it is appro priate that we incorporate a description of the same, as quoted from the first annual report •of the board of trustees, issued in 1898: This consisted of five acres of land (in what is known as the H. P. Isaacs' tract, and is within the city limits) and four thousand dollars in cash, or six and one-hal6 acres with three thousand dollars in cash. The land in this tract, although limited in area, is superior in quality of soil. A stream known as Mill creek runs across it toward the rear end of the tract, with conditions favorable to placing there a hydraulic ram and elevating water to- any part of the premises for irrigating or other purposes. This tract of land fronts (465 feet) north on Boyer avenue,. from which it has a gentle and even slope southward toward the creek at the south end. The Walla Walla Water Company agreed to furnish. the home with a permanent supply of four hundred gal lons of water free, provided the buildings were located on the Isaacs tract of land. This supply was supposed suffi cient to meet domestic requirements. At a meeting of the board of trustees, held in Tacoma September 5, 1896, the Walla Walla proposition was accepted by a vote of four to one. Plans and specifications for the building were soon secured and the work was pushed vigorously fonvard, the contract for the erection of the home being eventually aAvarded to N. F. Butler, of Walla Walla. At a meeting of the board held in June, 1897,. J. M. Swan, then president of the board, Avas selected "to have the charge and care of the home and premises connected thereAvith, and to enter upon his duties as such as soon as conven ient after the home building, under present contract, shall be completed." The building- was completed in the summer of 1897, accord ing to the terms of the contract, and was duly accepted by the board of trustees. The home, Avas opened for the reception of inmates on December 1, 1897. The home premises and building are thus described in the first annual report of the board of trustees (1898), but since the issuing of the same many improvements have been made about the place : 2l6 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. The premises are located well within the city limits, fronting northward on Boyer avenue, with a frontage of four hundred and sixty-five feet, and extending south ward to include six and one-half acres ot ground. Mill creek crosses the property about two-thirds distance from front to rear. The grading that has been done lately on the grounds renders the surface now quite even, with a gentle slope from front towards the rear, as far as the creek. It lays well for irrigating when water is applied. The soil here is said to be moderately rich and product ive: it is permeated with more or less alkali, is of a very light texture, leaching moisture rapidly, and frequent rains or artificial irrigation is necessary to make it yield fairly of vegetables, or of any plants that do not root deeply. We have one No. 6 hydraulic ram now in use, ¦sending water to a tank in the top of the home building and to the barn also. This furnishes an ample supply for domestic purposes. We are now placing a No. 10 hydraulic ram and pipes to supply water for irrigating purposes. In this dry soil and climate this is necessary, as no amount of labor will produce abundantly — espe cially of vegetables — without a fair supply of water. A good sidewalk, six feet wide, and a neat fence are laid and built across the entire front, with a row of shade trees planted outside the walk. A good walk, six feet wide, extending from the building to the avenue, with a gate in front, is also placed. A front lawn, 80x150 feet area, on the space from the building to the avenue. Two gates suitable for carriage entrances, one at each end of the lawn, with drives to and around in front and rear of the building. A carriage entering at one gate may drive to the building at either front or rear, and by moving for ward depart by the other gate, or by making the full circuit of the building, depart by the same gate where it entered. These gates and drives are deemed as very convenient and appropriately laid out. The area of the home building is 42x90 feet, the basement is 8 feet 6 inches clear, floor to ceiling, the superstructure is two full stories and an attic story, which over its entire area is very suitable for dormitories, mak ing it practically a four-story building. Its construction was, by contract, let to Mr. Norman F. Butler for the sum of $5,609. The specifications for its construction (under the contract) called for the setting off of two rooms in the basement (one for kitchen and one for store room or any purpose desired), the complete finishing of the first story in accordance with specifications and plan of rooms, etc., flights of stairs from bottom to top story of the building, all windows put in place, the laying of under (or first) floor in the two upper stories, and setting the hall studding and some cross or partition stud ding; also that the building throughout should be wired for electricity and piped for water and gas, and a 460-gal- lon tank be placed in the upper part of the building ready for water connection. The contract for the con struction of the building excepted the inside finishing of the two upper stories, which was left to be done at a sub sequent time. The first story of the building is suitably divided. into convenient rooms and apartments as follows : Seven bed rooms, a spacious room for dining hall, a reception room, a well lighted and spacious room for general use of inmates as library, card room, smoking room and gen eral sitting room. A section is conveniently set off in one corner of the building, where there are two bath rooms, a recess with two fixed marble wash basins, a closet for storing linen, etc., and two toilet closets. The water system in its connections and distribution is very good and the supply for domestic purposes is more than ample for present needs. The original superintendent of the home, as has already been noted, was J. M. Swan, and during his regime Mrs. Dora Busbridge officiated as matron. The present superintend ent is E. J. Colvin and Mrs. Colvin is matron. The home has from the start been admirably conducted and is a distinctive honor to the Odd FelloAvs of the state. From: the time of the opening of the institution to the present date (December, 1900) there have been ad mitted as inmates eleven brothers of the order, one widow and thirteen orphans. Within this period three brothers, one AvidoAV and six orphans have left the home, and four brothers have died there. In conclusion we find it apropos to define the general object of the home, and this is succinctly given in Rule 1, adopted by the board of trustees. We also append Rule 2, which defines the qualifications for admission: Rule 1. -This home is not founded, and is not to be used, as a hospital for the care of persons temporarily disabled by sickness or accident. It is established for the care and maintenance of members of the order who are unable to earn a livelihood, by reason of infirmities of age and the chronic afflictions incident thereto; and are in indigent circumstances, without other means of sup port, and of the infirm and helpless wives or widows of brothers; and of helpless orphans of members of the order, who are without other and proper provision for their care and education. A member of the order who is in standing and has maintained membership for two consecutive years in some lodge in the jurisdiction of Washington, and who from protracted disease or accidental injury has become Odd-Fellows' Home, Walla Walla. Walla Walla City Hall, Police Headquarters and Fire Station. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 217 so enfeebled as to be incapacitated to earn a livelihood (and being without proper means of support), such inca pacity being seemingly permanent, and being certified to by a reputable physician, may be admitted to the home. as a member thereof, on due application and recommend ation of the lodge wherein such membership is held. Such persons upon being admitted to the home will be cared for jn sickness and in health, while they remain members thereof, and will be required to relinquish all ¦claims Upon their respective lodges for benefits, as a con dition of their admission to and support in the home. The funeral expenses required by the constitution and by-laws shall be paid to the home on the death of a mem ber of the order who is a member thereof; unless the lodge wherein the deceased held membership shall im mediately upon the death of such member remove the remains and conduct the funeral, or cause the same to be done. Rule 2. Members of the order to be entitled to ad mission and become members of the home, as of right must be infirm and indigent as herein above set forth. Each must be at the time of admission, and for at least two years previous to such admission, a member of the order in standing within the jurisdiction of the grand lodge of Washington, I. O. O. F., and such member must present to the board of trustees, or to its authorized com mittee on admission, a proper application to be admitted to, and become a member of the home, showing the fact of such membership in the order, date of admission to the lodge, rank therein, age of the applicant, and the fact of in ability for self-support by reason of infirmitv and being ¦without other means of support; requesting with the recommendation of his or her lodge to be admitted to the lome, and that as a condition of being admitted, all claims for benefits while there are relinquished by the applicant. All such applications for admission must be recommended by the lodge, certified by the signatures of the noble grand and secretary, and be attested with the seal of the lodge wherein the applicant holds member ship; and if admitted the application shall be preserved ¦among the records of the home. Aged, infirm and indigent wives of aged, infirm and indigent Odd Fellows in standing in this jurisdiction, and the aged, infirm and indigent widows of Odd Fellows who, at the time of their death, were members in standing •of lodges in this jurisdiction, may be admitted to the home upon satisfactory proof of the facts, by due appli cation as above required, and subject to the same condi tions as above provided for brothers. Orphans or half-orphan children of members of the •order who are, or who, at the time of their death, were members in standing in some lodge in the jurisdiction of the grand lodge, I. O. O. F. , of Washington, such children being under fourteen years of age, and without other suitable homes or means of proper care and support, may be admitted and cared for in the Odd Fellows' Home upon such proofs as shall be required by the board of trustees, to be furnished by either subordinate or Rebekah lodge. It is provided that all adult applicants for admis sion to the home shall be of good, moral and temperate habits. Blank applications for admission to the home, appropriate for the respective classes above named, may be obtained upon application to the secretary of the board of trustees or to the grand secretary. YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE. The local council of this fraternal order was organized on the 15th of January, 1896, with a charter membership of thirty-two. The first officers were: D. J. Morton, president; N. S. Sullivan, first vice-president; J. Mc- Quade, second vice-president; T. S. Scally, recording secretary; Byron Lutcher, financial secretary; Adolph Bischoff, corresponding sec retary; John Kremer, treasurer; Joseph Mc- Bride, inside sentinel; Alonzo Murphy, out side sentinel; W. H. Weber, John Dunnigan and M. J. Brennan, executive committee: The present officers of the organization are as fol- Ioavs: T. E. Mason, president; Leo Ferguson, first vice-president; Joe LaFortune, second vice-president ; Joseph McGrath, recording sec retary; William Ryan, financial secretary; John Wagner, marshal ; George Massam, treas urer; Matthew Mooney, inside sentinel; Dr. Y. C. Blalock, medical examiner; Rev. M. Flohr, chaplain ; and Joseph ¦ Charrier, J. F. McAndrews and John Dunnigan, executive committee. UNITED ARTISANS. The branch of United Artisans known as Crescent Assembly, No. 66, was organized in Walla Walla July 20, 1896, by Dr. Farnham, Avith twenty charter members. The assembly at the present time has a membership of fifty and is steadily growing. Following are the officers: J. E. Ireland, D. G. M.; Mrs. Etta Macy, P. M. A.; W. A. Williams, M. A.; Delia Johnson, S.; G. F. McGhee, I.; J. C. 218 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Jones, secretary; J. F. Stack, treasurer; Mrs. Lena White, S. C. ; A. S. McDaniels, J. C. ; Ralph White, AI. C; Dr. W. E. Russell, M. E. The lodge holds its meetings regularly on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. THE NATIONAL UNION. This fraternal insurance organization es tablished itself in the city of Walla Walla in March, 1897, the organizer being Mr. A. H. FoAvle, and the name by which the local body is knoAvn being Marcus Whitman Council, No. 730. At the present writing the membership numbers about forty, and the principal officers in charge of the council are: Fred Forrest, president; T. N. Bryan, vice-president; Her bert Osgood, secretary; C. E. Gilbert, treas urer. Like most of the orders in this city, the council is well supported, has plenty of money for expenses, and possesses a goodly supply of regalia and equipment. THE PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC. This flourishing young order, Avhose su preme lodge is located in Pendleton, Oregon, has firmly established itself in Walla Walla, the local organization being knoAvn as Valley En campment, No. 22. While membership is not confined to the first settlers of the Pacific coast, its degree Avork is commemorative of life on the plains during pioneer days, and one of its most important incidental advantages will be its keeping alive the memory of those stirring- times. The charter under Avhich the encampment exercises its authority bears date February 23, 1900, and Avas issued by H. K. Hines as supreme commander to the following persons, namely: Lillie M. Cox, commander; Edvrin G. Cox, captain; Candace C. Bishop, chaplain; A. A. King, treasurer; Herbert Os good, scribe; Emiline J. Mabry, north scout; A. M. Pence, south scout; Nelson D. Cox, ancient guide; Addie Rasmus, messenger; Wesley Bailey, sentinel; Mary F. Jett, picket; Nelson I. Blalock, Walter M. Ely, W. B. Mor gan, Ruth Hales, Carrie Rudd, Charles Ea gan, Milton B. Johnson, J. N. Jensen, Orsen R. Smith and others. The membership of the encampment at the present time numbers about forty, and the four principal officers now in charge are: E. G. Cox, commander; Mrs. Lillie M. Cox, captain; Herbert Osgood, scribe; A. A. King, treasurer. The organiza tion is in a flourishing condition financially, and possesses an abundant supply of regalia and equipment. UNITED WORKMEN. Integrity Lodge, No. 26, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Avas organized in Walla Walla March 17, 1880, the charter bearing the same date. The following Avere the first officers and charter members : Le F. A. ShaAv, P. M. W. ; H. H. Brodeck, M. W. ; H. D. Chapman,. F. ; J. F. McLean, O. ; C. E. AA'hitney, Rec. ; C. T. Thompson, Rec'r; C. S. Boyer, financial sec retary; M. Wagner, G. ; F. J. Starke, I. W. ; C. Sturm, O. W.; A. S. Nichols, A. L. Lor- enzen, W. B. CloAve, Charles Abel, E. S. Kel- log, J. C. Painter, William Jones, E. H. Mor rison, M. Ryan, E. L. Heriff, P B. Johnson, R. P. Reynolds, R. W. Mitchell, C. M. John son, H. M. Porter, H. G. Mauzey, R. Stoot, Thomas Taylor, J. B. Welch, B. L. Baker, B. W. Taliaferro, J. W. Gray, A. Brodeck, J. FI. Smith, W. C. Painter, J. N. Fall, Will iam Vawter. The lodge is in a prosperous condition and has a membership of two hun dred and seven. The regular convocations of the lodge are on the second and fourth Mon days of each month. The present officers (De cember, 1900) are: A. J. Gillis, G. R. ; D. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 219 Wertheimer, Fin.; H. A. Blackmail, master; J. W. Feilder, P. M. ; Samuel Maxon, Fore. ; P. P. Pearson, Rec. DEGREE OF HONOR. Ida Lodge, No. p, D. of H., derives its right to exist and perform its functions from a charter bearing date April 12, 1893, and signed by Oliver Hall, grand master workman, and J. M. Pickens, grand recorder. The per sons to whom the charter was originally grant ed are : Amelia Brodeck, P. C. of H. ; R. Wertheimer, L. of H.; Allie E. Sloan, record er; Jennie Sampson, receiver; K. B. Webber, I. W. ; Ida K. Parks, C. of H. ; Mary B. Eich- ler, C. of C. ; D. Deane, financier ; Agnes Vin son, S. U. ; and Mary Stern, O. W. Under its authority they and their successors in office and the members who have fallen in line with them have maintained a prosperous and flour ishing organization ever since. The place of meeting of this sorority is Knights Templar Hall, and the time the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. The local circle of this sorority, known as Woody Glen Circle, No. 176, had its incep tion on the 4th of February, 1898, Mrs. Carrie Van Orsdell, of Pendleton, Oregon, grand guardian, being the organizer. On the char ter are twenty-four names. The lodge has continued to prosper since its first meeting, and its membership has increased until it now numbers about forty-two. The order has re cently installed its officers for the year 1901, the personnel of whom is as follows : Mrs.. Eliza McDonald, past guardian; Mrs. Cath erine Munson, guardian neighbor; Mrs. Nancy Koontz, banker; Mrs. Lutie M. Stiles, clerk; Mrs. Ollie Burke, advisor; Mrs. Virgie Bacon, magician; Mrs. May Vinson, musician; Mrs. Katie Flail, attendant; Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper, inside sentinel; Z. Dimmick, outside sentinel; H. M. Hedrick, captain of the guard. The regular meetings of the circle are held in K. of P. hall on the first and third Saturdays of each month. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. The Walla Walla Lodge of the Woodmen of the World was instituted in October, 1891, with the folloAving officers : C. B. Stewart, C. C; Victor Wilson, A. L. ; R. T. Madrell, B.; S. W. White, C; W. C. Durham, E. ; T. S. Flowers, G. Since its organization the lodge has grown very rapidly and at the pres ent time has over one hundred members in good standing. The regular meetings of the lodge are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The officers (December, 1900) are: D. J. Fry, C. C. ; J. R. Street, A. L.; H. N. Hedrick, B. ; C. I. Hall, C. ; M. Stiles, E.; J. Vinson, W.; J. W. Cookerly, S.; board of managers, G. C. Harris, W. T. Kirk- man and M. Stiles. FORRESTERS OF AMERICA. Court Evening Star, No. 35, Avas organ ized in Walla Walla in January, 1896, with twenty-five charter members. Those who served as first officers were : J. W. Cookerly, C. R.; Marvin Evans, S. C. R. ; A. Mellin, treasurer; J. E. Thomas, F. S.; Herman Krack, R. S. Though quite young, the lodge is in excellent condition financially, and its membership has grown to about one hundred and forty. The lodge owns property valued at twelve hundred dollars. The officers are: A. K. Durant, C. R. ; J. H. McDonnell, S. C. R. ; Henry Sampson, treasurer; J. C. Cauvel, F. S. ; H. Osgood, R. S. The lodge is honored 220 FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. by the position of one of its members, J. W. Cookerly, Avho is at present grand chief ranger of the order for the state. Regular convoca tions of the members are held on Friday of each Aveek at Odd FelloAvs' Temple. THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Walla Walla was the first city north of San Francisco to be favored by the establish ment of a subordinate lodge of the Knights of Pythias. Of the organization and early his tory of this lodge, which Avas known as Ivan- hoe Lodge, No. I, but little can be said, as the same has long since surrendered its char ter and the records are not accessible to the compiler of this volume. Certain it is that it greAV and flourished for many years and did not go out of existence until another lodge had been established to which the interests of Pythian Knighthood in this locality could safely be entrusted. This is known as Colum bia Lodge, No. 8, and Avas instituted on the 23d of October, 1882, by authority of a dis pensation granted by the grand lodge of Ore gon, the organizer being Past Chancellor Jo seph Weitz, of Friendship Lodge, No. 9, of The Dalles, who Avas assisted in the Avork by members of the old Ivanhoe Lodge, No. 1. On the charter are forty-four names. The lodge has continued to prosper ever since its incipiency, and now has more than one hun dred members in good standing. It is one of the richest K. of P. lodges in the jurisdiction. The first officers were : Past chancellor, S. A. Deckard; chancellor commander, W. M. Geddes; vice commander, H. S. Young; prel ate, Robert Gerry; master of finance, P. P. Pearson; master of exchequer, Robert G. Parks; keeper of records and seal, E. P. Ed- sen; master at arms, William Leslie. The present officers are: C. C, Robert G. Parks, P. S. R. ; V. C, Joseph Lenderman; P., Jacob Schubert; M. of W., C. A. Walter, P. C; M. of Ex., A. P. Pearson, P. C. ; M. of F., H. E. Johnson, P. C. ; K. of R. and S., T. D. S. Hart, P. C; M. at A., W. R. Beattie; inner guard, N. P. Miller; outer guard, F. M. Up dike; trustees, Hans Romer, P. P. Pearson and T. J. Rose. RATHBONE SISTERS. Mistletoe Temple, No. 23, Rathbone Sis ters, Avas organized and instituted April 6, 1900, by Mrs. Mary Baker, of Colfax, M. Ex. G. C. of the state of Washington, assisted by members of Waitsburg Temple. The first and present officers are : Most excellent past chief, Sarah Lambert; most excellent chief, Lizzie Cames; most excellent senior, Susan Kees; most excellent junior, Annie Clement; M. of T., Gilliam Bartness; M. of R. and S., Agnes Halter; M. of F., Bertha Hart; G. of I. T., Maggie Mclnroe; G. of O. T., Elizabeth Schu bert. The membership of the order at the time of its inception numbered twenty-five. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Garden City Hive, No. 48, Avas organized February 1, 1899, by Mrs. Catherine PoAvers, state deputy. The original membership num bered twenty-eight persons, but the hive has increased numerically until there are now forty-five names on its roll. The officers in charge at present are : Mrs. Lizzie Crowe, lady commander ; Mrs. Mary Rogers, past lady com mander; Mrs. Mary Evans, lieutenant com mander; Mrs. Viola Harding, record keeper; Mrs. Lida Bentley, finance keeper; Mrs. Sally Smith, chaplain; Mrs. Abbie CaldAvell, ser geant; Mrs. Maden, mistress at arms; Mrs. Martha Ebert, sentinel; Mrs. Abbie Thomp son, picket. The hive exercises its authority HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 221 at the present time under charter bearing date November 5, 1900, and granted to the follow ing officers, namely: Mary M. Woodworth, past commander; Amy A. Rogers, lady com mander; Ellen M. Augustavo, record keeper; Lida Bentley, finance keeper; Sallie H. Smith, chaplain; May Evans, sergeant; Evie John son, mistress at arms; Martha Ebert, senti nel; Nancy Baker, picket. This sorority is in a prosperous condition financially, and pos sesses an abundant supply of regalia and equip ment. THE MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. This largest of all fraternal insurance or ganizations first established itself in Walla Walla on October 29, 1897, when Mountain View Camp, No. 5,096 was instituted under dispensation of the head camp of the United States, granted to J. I. Brown, one of its dis trict deputies. Forty-three persons were ini tiated into the mysteries of woodcraft on the first meeting night, and before all preliminar ies had been arranged ten more were induced to join the order, so that there are in all fifty- three names on the charter. The camp has grown steadily since its inception, its mem bership noAv numbering about one hundred and sixty-five neighbors in good standing. There are also at this writing perhaps twenty persons awaiting initiation and adoption. The personnel of the officers elected for the ensu ing year as follows : J. Jennings, venerable consul; B. S. Wadsworth, worthy advisor; G. S. Bond, clerk; C. S. Buffum, banker; Charles G. Shumway, escort; Drs. Russell, Owens and Stiles, camp physicians; A. C. T. Shelden, watchman; John E. Johnson, sentry; L. L. Reynolds, delegate to head camp. Under the efficient leadership of this able corps of officers the camp will undoubtedly continue to prosper, and a healthy growth in membership and influence may be confidently predicted. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. This fraternity established itself in Walla Walla on May 18, 1898, when Walla Walla Tribe, No. 23, was instituted and initiated into the mysteries of the order, the organizer being J. L. McMurray, deputy great incohonee. On the charter are sixty-eight names, and the membership has steadily increased until it now exceeds one hundred and forty. The per sonnel of the first officers was as follows : J. M. Hill, sachem; John R. Stockton, senior sagamore; A. W. Bennett, junior sagamore; Le F. A. Shaw, P. G. S., prophet;* J. Carter Smith, chief of records ; John Bachtold, keeper of wampum. Those presiding at present are : J. O. Snyder, sachem; J. M. Smith, senior sagamore; E. P. Palmer, junior sagamore; J. J. Schiffner, prophet; J. Carter Smith, chief of records; John Bachtold, keeper of wampum. The tribe is in a very flourishing condition financially and has regalia and equipment ga lore. Its membership continues to increase rapidly. DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS. Ioka Council, No. 10, D. of P., was insti tuted on April 14, 1900, by John M. Hill, great sachem of the great reservation of Washing ton, the charter membership numbering thirty four. The first and present officers are : Emma E. Shaw, prophetess ; Elizabeth B. Hill, Poca hontas; Flora C. Stockwell, Wenonah; Lula M. Schwarz, keeper of records; Fannie Bach told, keeper of wampum. This council is, not withstanding its youth, in a very prosperous and flourishing condition. 222 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. THE ROYAL ARCANUM. Walla Walla Lodge, No. 1594, was insti tuted on the 4th of May, 1896, and its char ter was issued on the 26th day of the same month, granting to John N. McGhee, Jr., Allen H. Reynolds, Joseph C. Scott, Albert L. Willis, William R. Criffield, Edwin S. Clark, Oliver T. Cornwell, William H. Kirkman, Ernest R. Stending, Walter M. Ely, John A. Beard, Osias P. Jaycox, William C. Dibblee, Harry O. Kelso, Herbert C. Gregg, Charles E. Burrows, Bazil W. Schell, Amos K. Dice, Thomas L. H. Bowman, LeAvis L. Tallman, Arthur C. Cornwell and Charles E. Nye the right to initiate persons Avho may be accepted for membership by ballot of the fraternity, and to do all other acts and things which a law fully constituted lodge of the Royal Arcanum may of right do. Under authority of this charter the lodge has been exercising its func tions ever since, and at present it is in a duly prosperous condition. It meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the S. of V. hall. The officers for the year 1901 are as follows : Regent, Edgar Lemman ; vice regent, AY. C. Dibblee; orator, W. D. Lyman; past regents, J. W. McGhee, J. C. Scott and Edgar Lemman; secretary, J. C. Scott; col lector, J. AV. McGhee; treasurer, B. W. Schell; guide, R. L. Brittain; Avarden, E. A. Knight; sentry, A. F. Kees. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. Morning Star Lodge, No. 236, I. 0. G. T., had its inception in the fall of 1899, and for some time thereafter a flourishing lodge was maintained. Latterly, however, no meetings have been held, but a movement is on foot to reA'iAre the organization, and it is hoped that before many days have elapsed the lodge will again be vigorously at work. Its charter, which is dated September 14, 1899,. was issued to the following persons, namely: M. E Brewer, Duncan Wallace, Eva Westfall, Nancy Wallace, J. C. Cornwell, Burt Owens, Mrs. A. M. Flannaman, W. J. White, F. Warren Jes- stip, J. L. Bauldwin, Mrs. A. C. Guinn, Victor Wilson, Hattie Chew, Maude Brewer, J. W. Brewer, Jennie M. Brewer, Fannie Gholson, Josephine Parker, George Hausman, Allen L. Winans, E. L. Waldron, Corwin AA'aldron, J. Kissler, Joseph Wallace and Emma May Bauldwin. The officers who had charge of the organization for the first quarter Avere : Mer- ton E. BreAver, chief templar; Nancy AVallace, vice templar; Duncan Wallace, chaplain; F. Warren Jessup, secretary; George Flausman, assistant secretary; J. Kissler, treasurer; E. L. AValdron, marshal; Joseph AArallace, deputy marshal ; J. L. BauldAvin, guard ; J. AA^. White, lodge deputy; Mrs. A. M. Hannaman, super intendent juvenile temple; Burt OAvens, past chief templar. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. A. Lincoln Post, No. 4, G. A. R., Avas or ganized in AValla AA'alla on the 8th of Febru ary, 1 88 1, by J. H. Smith, to Avhom a special dispensation had been granted. The folloAving names appear on the charter : John H. Smith, John F. McLean, Parish B. Johnson, James M. Coolidge, R. P. Reynolds, Abram Ellis, James Howe, John A. Neill, O. F. Wilson, H. O. Simonds, Samuel Nulph, Charles Heim, Isaac Chilberg, A. D. Rockafellow, AVilliam Lesslie, F. F. Adams, F. B. Morse, R. M. Corn- stock and Ambrose Oldaker, and the officers to Avhom authority was first entrusted were : J. H. Smith, commander; P. B. Johnson, senior vice commander; J. F. McLean, junior vice commander; O. F. AVilson, quartermaster; H. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 223 O. Simonds, officer of the day ; Isaac Chilberg, officer of the guard; R. P. Reynolds, adjutant. The post has been in a flourishing condition throughout the entire nineteen years of its his tory, and is at present well supplied with regalia and equipment. Though the rules for determin ing eligibility are such as to practically preclude an increase of membership, A. Lincoln Post, No. 4, has held its own well, the names on the muster roll at this date (January, 1901) numbering fifty-six. The officers installed for service during the year just opening are: B. C. Bedell, commander; S. Baker, senior vice com mander; Andrew Johnson, junior vice com mander; R. P. Reynolds, chaplain; Robert Jen kins, surgeon; E. W. Elliott, quartermaster; M. G. Parr, officer of the day; R. G. Coyle, officer of the guard; E. H. Nixon, adjutant; D. E. Earp, sergeant major. A LINCOLN RELIEF CORPS, NO. 5, AVas instituted in April, 1886, with twenty- five charter members, the officer in charge of the organization and initiatory ceremonies being Mr. H. Carnes, commander of A. Lin coln Post, No. 4, G. A. R. Some of trie prin cipal officers in charge of the corps during the first year of its existence were: Mrs. Jane Erickson, president; Mrs. Nancy Gregg, secre tary; Mrs. Lizzie Crowe, treasurer. The lodge has flourished from the date of its incep tion to the present, though the necessarily lim ited number of eligibles for membership for bid a rapid numerical growth. The persons -constituting the present corps number about thirty-three, twenty-eight of whom are in good .standing, and the officers who have been elected for the ensuing year are : Mrs. Abbie Caldwell, president; Mrs. Mary Baker, senior vice pres ident; Mrs. Susan Clark, junior vice president; Mrs. Frank Bedell, treasurer; Mrs. Lizzie Crowe, secretary; Miss Cora France, chaplain; Mrs. Edith Birdsill, conductor; and Airs. Lida Brock, guard. THE SONS OF HERMAN. Schiller Lodge, No. 12, 0. D. H. S., de rives its authority to exist and perform its distinctive functions from a charter dated June 5, 1900, issued to thirty-three persons. The organization has flourished since its inception, and has enjoyed a healthy growth in member ship. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Whitman Union, No. 19, 0. of W., was in stituted in Walla Walla in December, 1899, the date of its charter being December 26, of that year. The persons to whom the same was issued are the following, namely: Nancy Koontz, past president; Walter B. Brook, presi dent; Daniel Macy, vice-president; James Z. Smith, secretary; William Koontz, treasurer; William Powell, chaplain; Emma E. Rogers, Mary; Mrs. Margaret Mullinix, Martha; John H. Wallace, conductor ; Donna L. Thomas, as sistant conductor; Eva Magumm, assistant guard ; Thomas D. Foster, sentinel ; Dr. Walter M. Ely, medical examiner; John H. Bruer- statte, Matthew Wilkinson and John W. Foster, trustees. The lodge has been in active opera tion ever since its inception, meeting regularly twice per month. The present membership numbers about fifty. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR VETERANS. On Thursday evening, May 24, 1900, the resident members of Company I, N. G. W., met at Armory Hall and organized General Law- ton Post, S. A. W. V., with the following as officers: Commander, W. B. Buffurn; senior vice commander, T. D. S. Hart; junior vice commander, D. H. Roche; adjutant, L. P. Con- 224 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Avay; quartermaster, Benjamin Goldman; chap lain, Kennith McDowell; officer of the day, G. W. O'Neil; officer of the guard, C. S. Pres ton ; trustees, C. F. Bufftim and C. S. Timmons. At the present time the order in Walla Walla has sixty-two members. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. The Walla Walla Aerie, No. 26, was or ganized June 18, 1899, with a membership of fifty and in less than a year's time it had nearly three hundred members. The rapid growth of the order was due to the popularity of its enthusiastic supporters and the pleasant Sun day evening convocations. The lodge at the present time has three hundred and forty mem bers. The officers are : Oscar Cain, AV. P. P. ; John Smails, W. P. ; Adolph Swartz, W. T. ; W. G. Campbell, AV. S. ; H. S. Blandford, W. C. BUILDING ASSOCIATION. The Inter-State Building, Loan and Trust Association was formed in Walla Walla, in 1890, the main object being the mutual con venience of both borroAvers and lenders. The present officers of the association are: F. W. Paine, president; William O'Donnell, vice- president; J. M. Hill, treasurer; A. K. Dice, secretary; J. L. Sharpstein, attorney. THE WALLA WALLA GUN CLUB. The AValla Walla Gun Club was organized in March, 1900, with a large membership. Im mediately after the organization of the club grounds Avere procured at Fort AValla Walla and a gun house and targets Avere erected. The site is a typical one for the work of thee lub and is often frequented by visiting gun teams. The club holds shoots regularly on each Friday afternoon. On February 20, 1901, the annual election was held and other business done, as indicated in the appended newspaper excerpt. The Walla Walla Gun Club held its annual election of officers last evening. The meeting was well attended and much interest was taken in the election. The new officers are: Z. K. Straight, president; John Justice, vice president; Will G. Campbell, secretary; Fred Martin, treasurer; John L. Sharpstein, captain. The executive committee is composed of the following members: Z. K. Straight, W. G. Campbell, J. L. Sharpstein, H. S. Balder- sone, and Wellington Clark. The club was organized a year ago this month with a healthy membership and during that time has grown rapidly. The names of sixty-seven sportsman are now on the membership roll. The club is considered one of the best in the state and boasts of a number of excellent marksmen. To-morrow afternoon the rifle and shotgun teams, which will represent Walla Walla in the match shoot with Dayton next Sunday, will hold their last practice, and it is desired that all the members of the two teams be in attendance. The teams are confident of winning both events from Dayton. THE WALLA WALLA CLUB. On June 25, 1890, fifty of the enterprising citizens of Walla Walla assembled in the coun cil chamber for the purpose of organizing a club, the object of which should be the promo tion of, sociability and good fellowship among its members. Mr. F. AV. Paine Avas chosen chairman of the meeting and Mr. Henry Kel ling, secretary. A carefully prepared consti tution was offered for the consideration of the proposed club, and after due deliberation the same was adopted. In accordance Avith its provisions the following officers Avere elected, namely, AVilliam Kirkman, president; F. D. Boyer, treasurer; J. L. Sharpstein, vice-presi dent; Henry Kelling, secretary; Messrs. J. G. Paine, H. H. Turner, C. D. Ballou, J. L. Sharp stein, T. R. Eastman, R. G. Parks, Frank Foster and Flenry Kelling, governing commit tee. Club rooms Avere opened on the third floor of the Rees-AA^inans building, and fitted up with billiard, pool and card tables, reading room, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 225 etc. These have been maintained continuously since. The rooms are comfortably and taste fully furnished, and would be a credit to a similar club in a much larger city than Walla Walla. At present the membership numbers about sixty-five gentlemen, and the officers now in charge are : Levi Ankeny, president ; L. ' S. Wilson, vice-president; W. P. Winans, treasurer; Dr. W. E. Russell, secretary; R. C. Kerr, J. G. Paine, Dr. F. W. Rees, Dr. Y. C. Blalock, F. S. Dement, A. S. LeGrow, J. H. Stockwell, L. S. Wilson and Dr. W. E. Rus sell, governing committee. THE WALLA WALLA CITY LIBRARY. There are few institutions which can be more potent for good in any community than a well-chosen public library, the effect of which naturally is to enable one to employ for his own elevation the hour which might otherwise be squandered in frivolities or worse than wasted in the mischief which idle hands will always find to do. The city of Walla Walla is especially fortunate in the possession of a very good library, comprising about three thou sand five hundred volumes, and covering a wide range of subjects. As indicating the ex tent to which the library is patronized, we may say that there are at present over nine hundred cards in circulation and that about forty vol umes per day, on an average, are drawn out by the book-loving people of Walla Walla. One valuable feature of the library is its comforta ble and commodious reading room, upon the tables of which all the leading magazines and many newspapers and other publications are to be found. For this splendid educational force the city is indebted largely to the Ladies' Reading Club, through whose exertions the major part of the initial thousand dollars' worth of property was secured. The library 15 first opened its doors to the public in November, 1897, offering the free use of its 776 volumes to all residents of the city who would exe cute an agreement to make good all books bor rowed and not returned, to pay promptly any fines for over-detention or injuries, and to com ply with the rules. The library was and still is also available to those residing without the city limits upon payment of a nominal fee. The officers now in charge in the premises- are Mrs. Margaret Center, librarian; A. K. Dice, Dr. E. E. Shaw and J. L. Sharpstein, directors. THE WOMAN'S READING CLUB. This prosperous and efficient organization had its inception in 1894, and it has ever since proved a forceful factor in the intellectual life and development of the city. To it more than to all other agencies combined Walla Walla is indebted for its already very respectable and rapidly improving free public library, for, though a start toward the establishment of a library had been before made, it was through the exertions of this club that the thousand dollars' worth of books and equipments was secured, which was required by law as a con dition precedent to its receiving municipal aid, The club has always fostered among its mem bers a taste for the best literary productions of the best authors. Its announcement for the year 1901 outlines a thorough course of read ing in French history and literature. It shows a membership of twenty-nine, including many of the most intellectual and cultured ladies of the city. The officers now presiding are: Mrs. William E. Ritz, president; Miss, Grace Greenwood Isaacs, vice-president; Mrs. Alvah Brown, recording secretary; Miss Mary Gil liam, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Joseph Moore, treasurer. 226 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. THE LADIES RELIEF SOCIETY. The Ladies' Relief Society Avas organized in July, 1 88 1, Avith Mrs. A. H. Reynolds, presi dent; Mrs. J. H. Bauer, vice-president; Miss Martina Johnston, secretary; and Mrs. Rose Bingham, treasurer. The membership at the time of organization numbered sixty, and it has neither increased nor diminished since. In 1885, the society Avas duly incorporated tinder the laws of the territory of Washington, and it has remained a corporate body ever since. During these long years of work, the society has furnished relief to many persons and fatn- •ilies, Avho, from some unfortunate circum stances haA'e found themselves without the necessities of life and temporarily without the opportunity to obtain the same. The society's finances are maintained by yearly dues in part, though money is also raised in various other ways, the most successful being the annual charity ball. The officers in charge of the society at pres ent are : Mrs. Thomas H. Brents, president ; Mrs. E. H. Smith, vice-president; Mrs. George Thompson, treasurer ; Mrs. Levi Ankeny, Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mrs. AVilliams, Mrs. W. P. Winans and Mrs. H. Kershaw, trustees. WALLA WALLA'S PART IN THE PHILIPPINE. WAR. AVhen the call was made in the spring of the year of 1898 by the United1 States for vol unteers many young Americans responded to their duty Avithout the least hesitation, thou sands leaving their homes of comfort and social ties to defend the flag that was more clear to them than a mother's love. This fact Avas no more thoroughly felt than in Walla Walla when not only Company C, N. G. AV, was mustered into service but as many as fifty young men enlisted in companies of other tOAVllS. Company C, which had been organized a number of years and had its full quota of men, was mustered into the service of the United States at Tacoma, May 7, 1898. The com pany Avas officered as folloAvs : Captain, W i 1 1— iam B. Bufftim; first lieutenant, M. C. Gustin; second lieutenant, T. D. S. Hart. Prior to April 30, 1898, the date Avhen the company de parted for Camp Rogers at Tacoma, great preparations were made for the event. In speaking of the occasion the AAralla AA'alla Union in its issue of May 1, 1898, said: "The boys are off for the Avar. 'Old Glory' waA^ed in the breezes from every business house in the city and the spirit of patriotism pervaded the heart of every citizen of AA'alla AA'alla AA'hen the people turned out en masse to bid the vol unteers God speed. Either side of Main street was a mass of people and cheer after cheer went up as the soldiers proceeded. At the Washington & Columbia River Raihvay depot the regulars from Fort AA'alla AAralla came to a present arms and the volunteers passed up the line to the platform. There Avas hardly a dry eye in the multitude of people Avhen the train pulled away. AA'omen sobbed at the de parture of a son or brother and gray haired men buried their faces and Avept." After the company had arrived at Tacoma its name Avas changed from C to I and was known as Company I throughout the service. THE WELCOME HOME. On the morning of November 8, 1899, the city was wild with enthusiasm and anxious to Avelcome home the brave heroes. In reference to the day the Morning Union said: "Five thousand people assembled at the AA'. & C. R. depot to greet the volunteers and welcome them HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 227 to the home which eighteen months ago they left at their country's call, during which time they had served1 so nobly and gallantly. In recognition of their herioc services the citizens of Walla Walla prepared for them a reception on a gigantic scale never before attempted in this city, and every detail of the demonstration passed off successfully. The special train of six coaches pulled into the city promptly at eight o'clock and as the volunteers set foot on Walla Walla soil they received loud hurrahs from thousands of voices which echoed far and wide. After the hearty greetings had been exchanged a parade was formed and followed the course mapped out by the reception committee. Cap tain Cheever, of the Sixth Cavalry, was grand marshal of the procession, assisted by Ralph Guichard, W. A. Bratton, W. A. Ritz, J. W. Langdon, Zeno Straight, John Alheit, Jr., and A. B. Hughes, as aides. The Walla Walla band came next in order, playing appropriate selections, and was followed by representatives of the Grand Army of the Republic, Army and . Navy Union and veterans of the Indian wars. As these honored old men went plodding along trying to keep in step with the music they presented an impressive spectacle. "In direct contrast with these white haired veterans were the young volunteers who, so recently returned from the scenes of war, marched with quick, determined step and were received with a great demonstration. "Then came the most novel feature of the parade, the Chinese squad. Attired in rich colored costumes and bearing silk banners and big umbrellas thirty Celestials marched in the triumphial procession. The Chinamen ex pended several hundred dollars towards their demonstration, which was voluntarily done not only as an evidence of their appreciation for the gallant heroes but the action was prompted by a spirit of loyalty to their adopted country." CHAPTER XXL THE JOURNALISM OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Journalism is an especially strong American idea. Free speech, free press, and free men usually go together. Some glaring evils of American journalism are plainly to be seen. The sensationalism, the advertising dodges, the policy-mongering, the partisanship, the slippery ethics, — all these are easily seen and justly criticized, but where is the American who would . exchange the universal floods of light assured by a free press, in spite of tran sient abuses, for the censored papers of Russia or the lethargic calm of Turkey. Democratic America would not be, without her free press. The journalistic history of Walla Walla has been essentially like that of other frontier American communities. Hardly had the first settlers secured the necessities of existence, be fore some of them began to consider the advis ability of starting a newspaper. It should be remembered indeed that a printing press was not an unknown thing even long prior to the beginnings of permanent settlement. In fact the first printing press ever used upon the Pa cific coast found service in Walla Walla. This 228 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. printing press was of the kind known as a Ramage printing, copying, and seal press, No. 14. This press was sent from Boston by the American board of commissioners for foreign missions, to their missionaries at Honolulu in 1 8 19. After nearly tAventy years service in the Hawaiian islands, the press, Avith type and paper, was sent by the missionary board to the AVhitman mission. After a short period of service at the mission, it was moved again, this time to Lapwai, the mission in charge of Rev. H. H. Spalding. Mr. Spalding used it for nine years, and a remarkable use, too, he made of it. For he employed it to print trans lations of portions of the Bible and other re ligious literature in the Nez Perce tongue. In 1848 this printing press Avas moved to Hills- boro, Oregon. After use for some time in Oregon it found a permanent resting place in the museum of the Oregon State University, and there after its unique and adventurous ca reer, it remains on exhibition for the amusement of later generations. Such Avas the pioneer printing press of the Inland Empire. No- others were introduced into the country until after the beginning of settlements in i860. The pioneer newspaper of Walla AValla and eastern Washington was THE WALLA AVALLA PRESS. This Avas inaugurated by William N. and R. B. Smith. Smith Brothers had purchased a newspaper outfit of Asahel Bush, among the material being the old press of the Oregon Statesman, a paper published by Bush. Rather curiously, at that very time another old press, this one having belonged to the Orego- nian, Avas brought to Walla Walla by N. Nor- thrtip and R. R. Rees. The two outfits arrived within tAvo days of each other, but neither firm had had any knowledge of the other's inten tions. As soon as they recovered from their surprise they decided to unite and form what in modern times would be called a newspaper trust. As a result of the combination the first issue of the Washington Statesman ap peared November 29, 1861. This was a week ly paper, independent in politics, although Union in sentiment during the Civil war. One interesting thing to remember in regard to the launching of this paper is that in December of 1 86 1 W. N. Smith made a horseback tour throughout Umatilla and Walla Walla coun ties, and secured two hundred subscriptions at five dollars a piece, this number constituting nearly all the adult residents of this region. Smith brothers seemed to have made a success of their enterprise,. considering the condition of the country. In July, 1862, S. G. Rees became a partner in the enterprise. The greatest step in the history of the paper was taken Novem ber 10, 1865, when William H. Newell became editor and proprietor of the paper. The name was changed at that time to WALLA WALLA STATESMAN. Air. Newell Avas in many respects a remark able man. Although a Union man in politics, he supported President Johnson in the great struggle with Congress. The paper became from that time Democratic in politics. Quite early in the history of his connection with the Statesman, Mr. Newell undertook the policy, so often afterwards renewed, of establishing something more than a weekly paper. On Sep tember 7, 1869, he began to issue a tri-weekly. It proved to be somewhat in advance of the times, however, and he was obliged to return to a weekly issue. In October, 1878, Mr. Newell started the daily Statesman, the first daily paper published in eastern Washington. This proved, however, to be the last act in the HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 229 busy life of William H. Newell. He died sud denly on the 13th of November following. Air. Newell was probably the strongest journalist in the early history of eastern Wash ington. He was a man of very strong, pos itive character, with warm friends and bitter enemies. He was not in the habit of mincing matters or wearing soft gloves when he un dertook to reform an abuse or ventilate what he considered to be fraud or trickery on the part of his political or journalistic opponents. It is related by old-timers that on one occasion when he was stumping the country against Judge Caton he began his speech in this wise: "Fellow citizens, it is always a disagreeable task to skin a skunk. But sometimes this has to be done, and when the duty devolves on me I do not flinch, hard as the job may be. Fel low citizens, I have got to skin a skunk here to night. I propose to skin N. J. Caton." Caton, who was sitting on the platform, began to reach for his hip pocket, and the meeting broke tip in general confusion. Following Mr. Newell in charge of the Statesman came one who was his match in nnique and original qualities, and long recog nized as one of the foremost journalists of the state. This was Colonel Frank J. Parker. Colonel Parker was born in England, and has had about as varied an experience as miner, scout, soldier, correspondent, and politician, as often falls to the lot of man. The daily edition of the Statesman was continued for a short time afer Colonel Parker became proprietor, but was found to be too ex pensive for the patronage of the sparsely set tled region of that time, and was discontinued. But in February, 1880, Colonel Parker again determined to attempt a daily. At that time he obtained the first steam-power printing press ever used in Walla Walla. Colonel Parker was in control of the daily and weekly Statesman, with short intervals of absence, until June, 1900. At that time the paper passed into the hands of the Statesman Publishing Company, Dr. E. E. Fall being the chief owner. The paper was increased to an eight-page size, and is now the largest daily in the eastern part of the state or east of the mountains outside of Spokane. The present editor is Frederick R. Marvin, formerly of Spokane. The enterprise of the Statesman, in doubling its daily matter and in securing the complete Associated Press dispatches, and in providing in general a complete modern news paper, has been rewarded by a great increase in both its subscriptions and advertisements. It has long been felt by citizens of Walla Walla that the time had arrived for a first class paper in this portion of the Inland Empire. Various attempts have been made hitherto to reach this desirable end, but, by reason of the proximity of Spokane, Portland, and the Sound cities, it has not hitherto been possible for ah ambitious modern newspaper to gain financial support in Walla Walla. The present effort of the Statesman bids fair to meet with perma nent success, and is hailed with satisfaction by the citizens of this county. WALLA WALLA UNION. This paper has been the opponent and rival of the Statesman throughout its career. A number of able newspaper men have been con nected with the Union, but the one name which is at once suggested in connection with it is that of Captain P. B. Johnson. What Horace Greeley was to the Tribune, that Cap tain Johnson has been to the Union. The Union was founded by a company of Republicans, in November, 1868. The first number appeared on April 17, 1869. H. M. 230 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Judson Avas editor, though the paper Avas un der the control of a general committee com posed of P. B. Johnson, E. C. Ross and J. D. Cook. R. M. Smith and E. L. Herriff be came the owners soon after the inauguration of the paper and retained their ownership for ten years. E. C. Ross succeeded Air. Judson as editor, which position he held for some six or seven years, when, in 1876, Captain Johnson became editor. A feAV later Captain Johnson purchased Mr. Smith-'s interest, and a few years later still became sole owner and pro prietor. As a journalist Captain Johnson became noted for his vigor and energy and uncom promising position on most questions of pub lic concern. He was a Republican of the stalwart order. Under his energetic leader ship, Republicanism in the county became ag gressive and Avell organized, and the heavy Democratic majorities Avhich had marked the earlier history were succeeded by equally em phatic Republican majorities during the last two decades. In 1890 Captain Johnson disposed of his interest in the Union to Charles Besserer, who Avas then conducting the Walla Walla Journal, and for some time it was published under the name of the Union- Journal. Walla Walla has had the satisfaction of possessing ' newspaper men of uinqtte and strongly marked traits, but of all the peculiar and original char acters that ever appeared in AA'alla AValla jour nalism, it is safe to say that Mr. Besserer heads the list. Nature broke the mould after making him, and never created another such. A Ger man by birth, of Spanish descent, well educated in his native country, a soldier in the Crimean war, as also in the American Civil war and in Indian warfare afterwards, acting as manager at various times for a bakery, a distillery, a hotel, postmaster, justice of the peace, a sheep man, a farmer, and lastly an editor, Mr. Bess erer preserved his own unique personality throughout all his changes in circumstances. He was a Avriter of marked ability, and under stood well the requirements of the newspaper business. 'No one could ever tell, however, Avhat he might produce, especially if it Avas a notice of a death. It used to be said that death had a double terror in Walla Walla, lest Mr. Besserer should Avrite an obituary of the de parted. Mr. Besserer retained control of the Union until 1896, Avhen he sold out to Herbert Gregg and Harry Kelso. These gentlemen conducted the Union with vigor and success, as a bed rock, simon-pure Republican paper, having strong opinions of its own, and yet amenable to reason when party necessity seemed to ren der it judicious. In 1899 Messrs. J. G. Frank- land, Loyd Armstrong and Bert La Due pur chased the Union and conducted it successfully for a year. In 1900 it again changed hands, Levi Ankeny being the purchaser this time. J. Howard Watson, noted all over the state as the brilliant correspondent of the Seattle Post- Intelligencer, became editor during the political campaign of 1900, and he is still acting in that capacity. Air. Watson is an editorial writer of exceptional vigor and intelligence, and has "made things hum" since he took up his abode in AValla Walla. Since the Union is a morning paper and the Statesman an evening, their rivalry is not quite so intense as it might otherwise be. The very great improvements in both papers during the past year or two have caused a marked falling off in the number of subscribers to the papers in the large towns of this state and of Oregon. The Union and Statesman have both profited in like ratio. At the present time their good natured rivalry and occasional editorial FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 231 "scorchers" on each other, have afforded en tertainment to their readers, and have increased business for themselves. Although the Statesman and the Union have been emphatically the papers of Walla Walla, there have been a number of others of shorter life, but Avhich, in their own field are deserving of notice and commendation. Among these was the SPIRIT OF THE WEST. Founded in 1872 by J. W. Ragsdale. Charles H. Humphries was one of the editors, followed by L. K. Grim and Charles Besserer. In 1877 Mr. Besserer became proprietor of this paper, and changed its name to the Walla Walla Watchman. A few years later the name Avas again changed to that of the Walla Walla Journal, which ultimately became merged into the Union- Journal, as has already been stated. Among other newspaper ventures of the earlier time we may mention the Morning Jour nal, of 1881, and the Daily Events, of 1882, both published by M. C. Harris. In 1882 also appeared the Washingtonian, edited and pub lished by W. L. Black. Among the papers of a later period may be mentioned the Garden City Gazette, es tablished in April, 1894, by W. F. Brock, and the Watchman, which Avas developed out of it, by J. J. Schick, both of Avhich were conducted with much vigor and general success. During this period there were several short lived cam paign papers, which, produced no permanent effect on the journalistic history of the place. AVe present a more extended notice of the pa pers published at the present writing, in addi tion to those already described. THE SATURDAY RECORD. Among the newspapers the Saturday Rec ord stands apart as being the only distinctive ly local and society publication in the city of. Walla Walla. Established in April, 1894, by Wilbur Fisk Brock, under the name of the Garden City Gazette, it was two years later sold to J. J. Schick, who changed the name to the Watchman, and watched over the destinies of the paper until the early fall of 1900, Avhen Bert Eugene La Due and J. G. Frankland, late owners of the Union, came into possession of the plant. The name of the publication was changed to The Saturday Record and material improvements were made. The plant was at once moved to commodious quarters in the Bingham building, Alder street, and the old Watchman merged into an eight-page weekly; a typesetting machine was installed, and a complete job plant, besides other requisites to make an up-to-date office, purchased. The plant is equipped with one of the most modern dynamos, and every piece of machinery in the establishment is run by electricity. The Record enjoys a large circulation, both. in the city and also in the country, the subscrip tion list having doubled inside of a few months under the new management. The paper is ag gressive in the interests of home and home upbuilding, seldom touching upon other than local issues. The owners and publishers have in view, in addition to the many improvements already made, the bettering and enlarging of the paper and plant from time to time as con ditions warrant. THE WEEKLY ARGUS. The latest aspirant for journalistic distinc tion is the Argus. This was founded on Sep tember 22, 1898, by Walter Linger f elder and C. H. Goddord. The active and aggressive policy of the Argus, its fearlessness in attacking anybody and everybody whom it believes to be abusing the confidence of 232 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. the people, soon made it a marked force in the county. In February, 1899, J. E. Mullinix acquired the interest of Mr. Goddard, and he in turn sold out to Walter Lingen- felder, who thereby became sole proprietor. The Argus is published Aveekly and is inde pendently Democratic in politics. The Argus has been edited Avith marked literary ability, and in pursuance of its avowed policy has not scrupled to attack evils both high and low, thus incurring the enmity of many politicians as Avell as gaining the interest of the general reading public. THE INLAND EMPIRE. Among the very creditable productions of the past year, published jointly at Walla Walla and Spokane, is a monthly magazine, known as the Inland Empire. This is published by A. H. Harris. It is a magazine of twenty-four pages, and is a publication of which any com munity might Avell be proud. It contains elab orate articles, of both historic value and high literary merit, upon the great resources and educational and other institutions of those por tions of Oregon and Washington east of the Cascade mountains, together with the great state of Idaho. The papers of Walla Walla county, outside of the city, have of course not been numerous, inasmuch as Waitsburg is the only newspaper town in the county, outside of Walla Walla itself. THE WAITSBURG WEEKLY TIMES. This has been the leading and most of the time the only paper of Waitsburg for a period of twenty-four years. This paper orig inated in a joint stock company formed in 1878, for the purpose of "booming" that part of the county. The first publisher was B. K. Land, and the first issue appeared in March, 1878. It was leased for a short term to D. G. Ed wards, and later to J. C. Swash. In 1880 it be came the property of C. W. Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler has been for many years one of the marked characters of the county. He was first a teacher by profession, and served as superin tendent of schools in Walla Walla county, and also as territorial superintendent. After enter ing upon the management of the Waitsburg Times he devoted himself unremittingly to journalism. In 1900 his two sons, E. L. and Guy Wheeler, assumed entire charge of the paper, giving their father a much needed rest. The Times is provided Avith an excellent brick building, excellent modern presses., gasoline engine, and all the other conveniences of pres ent day journalism. In politics it is uncom promisingly Republican. As is necessary to the life of newspapers, the Times has a Democratic rival, in the form of the WAITSBURG GAZETTE. This newspaper Avas founded in 1899, the first issue appearing on the 29th of June, of that year. R. V. Hutchins was editor and propri etor. On the 7th of March, 1900, the paper passed into the hands of C. W. McCoy. On January 1, 1901, he in turn sold out to J. E. Houtchins, Avho is conducting the Gazette at this Avriting as an up-to-date paper in an up- to-date town. As already indicated, this paper is Democratic in politics. It has already ac quired a large circulation throughout Walla Walla and Columbia counties. In concluding this survey of the newspapers of Walla Walla, we may say that in no feature of the life of the county has there been a more marked elevation of standards, Avithin the past fe^v years, than in journalism. CHAPTER XXII. BENCH AND BAR OF WALLA WALLA. Iii going over the county records in search of data for this summary of the most import ant events in the legal history of Walla Walla county one is struck with the many changes that have taken place in the style and manner of pleadings and the form in which they are now and were then presented. Just as in the appointments of the court room with its con venient arrangement and commodious apart ments there has been a remarkable advancement in forty years, so in the manner of preparing and conducting a case and keeping the records there has been great progress. In the time of the old District court, when the First Dis trict comprised practically all of eastern Wash ington, holding sessions at Colville, Colfax, Yakima and Walla AValla, about all the lawyers made their homes in Walla Walla as did the Associate Justice of the Territorial Supreme ¦court. It was customary in those days for the judge to take a light wagon and a camping outfit and start out in company with the lawyers to hold sessions in the other parts of his district. Each county or sub-division of the district had its own local officers, as sheriff, clerk and prosecuting attorney, who in matters of im portance were assisted by the district attorney for the territory. Those who took part in these legal journeys tell many amusing stories of the times they used to have. Though par taking of the nature of an outing they were by no means pleasure trips, as at each town where a session was held, business had been accumu lating for from four to six months, and the train of lawyers who followed in the wake of the judge were under the necessity of getting up their pleadings and bringing the causes to issue in the short time alloted for that term of court. There was no time for dilatory meas ures, demurrers, and motions to delay pro ceedings, but every one had to get down to business. Sometimes as high as thirty or forty cases were disposed of, most of them be ing actually tried. This necessitated night and day labor on the part of the attorneys and they had to swim hard or sink under the loads im posed upon them. In Walla Walla the court used to be held in the building where Betz's Brewery now is and the site of the present court house was a pub lic square where executions took place. When we go into the offices of the lawyers now prac ticing in Walla Walla and see their well fur nished rooms, large law libraries with com plete sets of State and United States reports, encyclopedias and digests; with their stenog raphers and typewriters and other modern con veniences ; when we see all these appliances for doing accurate and expeditious work, we can not help contrasting them with the days when Frank Dugan was wont to read citations to fit any case out of the sole book that comprised his library, and Colonel George carried his briefs in the top of his silk hat, and all the legal 234 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. knowledge he needed in his spacious head. Then, too, as Ave listen to the orderly carrying forward of a trial in the presence of Judge Brents Ave are reminded of the contrast pre sented by a tumult of jangling attorneys, and Judge Oliphant vainly endeavoring to main tain order by shouting : "Gentlemen, the row must stop ! This conrt is getting roused, and when this court is roused, it's roused, and there's an end on't." Or we may be reminded of a scene in Judge Strong's court, where the attorneys are sitting with their feet cocked up on chairs and benches and the air is dense with' smoke. Suddenly the court becomes aware that proper decorum is not being observed and he declares : "There is too much smoke in this room. If you lawyers Avant to smoke you can go outside, but since the court has got to stay here it can smoke." Nor has there been in recent years such an exciting event as the run ning fight with six-shooters between Judge Langford and the Mullen Brothers, attorneys who practiced in Walla Walla fifteen or twenty years ago. The good old times when everyone wore red-flannel shirts and long six-shooters have passed aAvay, and with them have gone the days when all legal documents were written with pen and ink on foolscap paper, when pleadings Avere short and formalities were more honored in the breach than in the observance. But there Avas a sturdy manliness in those clays, bred of the rough surroundings, that atoned for many shortcomings, and was distinguished by a sense of justice, untrammeled by prece dents and hairsplitting legal distinctions. This trait Avas strikingly illustrated in one of the familiar sayings of Judge Wyche. Whenever the distinction was betAveen a close adherence to precedent and ethical right, he would decide in favor of the latter by the remark : "If I am not technically correct, I think I am giving you substantial justice." So Avhile we are rejoicing in the vastly improved general conditions, we must not sneer at the primitive methods of those Avho Avent before, nor overlook their ster ling virtues. Court was opened in the First Judicial dis trict of the territory of Washington, and the first order was signed on the ist'day of June, i860, with Associate Justice William Strong on the bench. The first order was one admit ting Edward L. and Otis L. Bridges to prac tice before the court. Edward L. Bridges was appointed first prosecuting attorney for Walla Walla county, and James Galbreath was the first clerk of the court. Judge Strong held the position until the 21st of October, 1861, when Judge J. E. Wyche was appointed. Under Wyche, Galbreath still continued as clerk, and J. J. McGilvra was appointed prosecuting at torney. Wyche was succeeded on April 4, 1864, by Judge Oliphant, Avho appointed B. N. Sexton as clerk and B. Fargo, prosecuting attorney. Oliphant only held until April 10, 1865, when Judge AVyche came back to the First Judicial district. In May, 1867, P. B. Johnson Avas appointed clerk and Frank Dugan prosecuting attorney. J. K. Kennedy was ap pointed judge in 1869, on August 14th of that year. Under him R. P. Reynolds was clerk of the court and A. J. Cain held the office of prosecuting attorney. On April 29, 1872, J. R. Lewis Avas appointed to succeed James K. Kennedy. Judge Lewis's appointment to Washington Territory was the result of a pe culiar circumstance. He Had been on the su preme bench of the territory of Idaho without any expectation of making a change. Some of his political enemies put up a job on him to oust him from his position. They made out a resignation, forged his name to it and sent HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 23S it on to Washington, D.C. Thinking that it was genuine the officials there accepted the resigna tion and President Grant appointed another man m. Judge Lewis's place. When later it was discovered that a forgery had been- com mitted and that Judge Lewis had not resigned at all, the president did not know what to do. It was at last straightened out by allowing the new man to take Lewis's place in Idaho and transferring' him to the First Judicial district of Washington Territory, W. H. Andrews was chosen clerk and N. T.' Caton, prosecuting attorney. S. C. Wingard was appointed on May 10, 1875, and held the office for ten years. During his term of office he sentenced twelve men to be hanged, and all of them were exe^ cuted, either legally or by the mob. Two of these legal executions took place in Walla Wal la, the remainder being divided up among the other towns where Judge Wingard held ses sions of his court. T. J. Anders was prosecut ing attorney under Judge Wingard and A. Reeves Ayres clerk of the court. T. J. Anders has since distinguished himself as a jurist, hav ing been on the Supreme bench of the state of Washington for nearly twelve years, and be ing at the present time chief justice. A. Reeves. Ayres held the position of clerk for ten years, the longest of any incumbent since the organi zation of the county, and his handwriting as it appears on the records is superb. George T. Thompson, who is still living in Walla Walla, was also prosecuting attorney for several years under Judge Wingard. W. G. Langford was appointed judge and took up his work on De cember 11, 1885. Judge Langford was the last of the district judges and held his office until November 18, 1889, when Washington became a state and the superior court took the place of the district court. Under Langford E. K. Hanna was prosecuting attorney and A. N. Marion clerk of the court. Turning from judges to lawyers, we find among the attorneys of the county many of brilliant minds, distinguished throughout the state and in some instances of national repute. AV. A. George, E. L. Bridges, O. L. Bridges, J. G. Sparks, and J. D. Mix, the most noted. The first named, Colonel George, was one of the greatest characters in his way in the states. Among the attorneys practicing in a little later time before the old territorial court who have since attained distinction the name of Honorable John B. Allen is most conspicuous. For a long time he was district attorney for the territory and upon the admission of the ter ritory to statehood he was elected as one of the first United States senators. In 1893 he came up for re-election, but the Turner forces caused a dead-lock and no senator Avas elected at -that session. Since that time Mr. Allen has-. been connected with the firm of Struve, Allen and McMicken in Seattle. D. J. Crowley, now of the firm of CroAvley, Sullivan & Grosscup of Tacoma, began his legal career before the district court in Walla Walla. Mr. Crowley now holds a leading position among the members of the bar of the state of Washington and enjoys a wide prac tice. Supreme Judge T. J. Anders has already been mentioned as having made his start in Walla Walla. Judges • Kennedy and Wingard are both living in Walla Walla at the present time, enjoying a well earned retirement from active life. Judge Lewis moved to California and has since become quite wealthy. The first Judge of the Superior court of AValla Walla county was William H. Upton, who held the position from November 18th, 236 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 1889, until January 14th, 1897. The clerks of the court under Judge Upton were E. B. Whitman, H. AAr. Eagan (four years), and Le F. A. Shaw. The prosecuting attorneys tinder Upton were Wellington Clark, H. S. Blanford, Miles Poindexter, and R. H. Ormsbee. On January 14th, 1897, Judge Thomas H. Brents assumed the duties of judge of the Superior court, and in November last Avas re-elected to a second term of four years. The clerks of the court tinder Brents have been J. E. Mullinix and Schuyler Arnold, and the prosecuting at torneys, F. B. Sharpstein and Oscar Cain. It Avill be found of interest to briefly outline here some IMPORTANT CRIMINAL CASES. A case that attracted Avide spread attention at the time of its trial was the Thomas murder case, which Avas tried at the April term of the district court in 1880 during Judge Wingard's term of office. Thomas and his wife, together with S. W. Brumfield and his wife, passed through Walla Walla early in the year 1880, on their way to the tipper country. They went up by way of Texas Ferry and had not been gone very long- when Thomas and his wife returned alone, saying that they had decided to go back to Kansas, and that Brumfield and his wife had gone on up to the upper country. Nothing was thought of it at the time although Brumfield Avas known to have had considerable money when he left Walla Walla. Early in April the bodies of Brumfield and his Avife Avere found near Texas Ferry, and suspicion at once rested on Thomas and his wife as the murderers. They Avere arrested in Kansas and brought to Walla Walla for trial. N. T. Caton and D. J. CroAvley defended them and R. F. Stur- devant and T. J. Anders conducted the case for the prosecution. The case was hotly contested on both sides and the de fense produced a witness who swore point blank that he had seen Brumfield alive and back in Kansas since the time when he was alleged to have been murdered. The evidence was so overwhelmingly against Thomas and his Avife that Judge Wingard called the prosecuting at torney to him before the Avitness had finished his testimony and told him to make out a charge of perjury against him, and not to let him get out of the court house. The witness seemed very nervous while testifying and was in con siderable of a hurry to get out of the court room when he had finished, but the sheriff met him at the door of the court room Avith a Avarrant and he Avas subsequently tried and sen tenced to five years in the penitentiary for per jury. Thomas and his wife had demanded separate trials. In Thomas's case the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first de gree and he was sentenced to be hanged on January 4th, 1881. The scaffold Avas erected in the present court house yard and the public schools Avere given a holiday to Avitness the execution. Before the fatal drop Thomas con fessed the crime and took all the blame of the murder upon himself, exonerating his Avife. In view of his confession and assumption of the blame the case against Mrs. Thomas Avas dismissed. Sheriff James B. Thompson per formed the execution. THE ELFERS MURDER CASE. The next criminal case resulting in an ex ecution Avas that of John Elfers for- the murder of Dan Haggarty. Haggarty owned a saloon hear Waitsburg. John Elfers, on October 27th, 1883, created a disturbance and1 got into an al- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 237 tercation with Haggarty's bar keeper. As he would not be quiet they put him out. He came back a second time in an ugly mood and was again ejected. Nothing more was heard of him for half an hour when without any warning a shot was fired from1 without and Haggarty fell forward dead. Although no one saw Elfers at the time of the shooting, yet he had been seen looking in at one of the windows just before the shot was fired. He was found in Walla Walla and put under arrest. He was defended by Ormsbee and Hanson, and the prosecution was conducted by George T. Thompson. He was convicted of murder in the first degree and hanged by Sheriff James B. Thompson on January 15th, 1884. Judge Win gard was the presiding judge. There is some thing gruesome about these old death warrants with their black border and sable seal when we think of the chill which they caused to pass over the condemned man's soul as he listened to the sheriff read the fatal Avords : "hanged by the neck until dead," and realized that his last hope Avas gone. As we look through the court records now we see these gloomy evidences of man's effort to mete our punishment to his fel low man for wicked deeds, and they stand out as dark birds of ill- omen to warn the would be criminal from- his dangerous path. The ex ecution of Elfers was the last legal execution to take place in Walla Walla county. THE TRIAL OF MRS. MARY PYLE AND JOHN HURN. lodging houses, one the Aurora hotel, on the corner of Rose and Fourth streets, and the other over near the Sisters' hospital. On the night of March 13th, 1888, both of these lodging houses were burned clown under very suspicious circumstances. A number of fires had happened about the same time that were believed to be of incendiary origin, and an in vestigation was instituted to discover the cause of the burning of the Aurora hotel, since the life of a young man named Harrold had been lost in consequence. It developed that the fire had been purposely set and Mrs. Pyle and her son, John Hum, were arrested on the charge of murder and arson. Mrs. Pyle stoutly main tained her innocence but the evidence was too strong and both she and her son were found guilty of murder in the first degree and sen tenced to be hanged. A strong effort was made to save them by some parties who believed them innocent, but without avail, until Mrs. Pyle got the endorsement of the prosecuting officers by making a confession in which she owned up to entering into a conspiracy to burn the build ing for the insurance. A stay of execution was subsequently granted and later Governor Sem- ple commuted the sentence of both prisoners to life imprisonment. J. L. Sharpstein and George T. Thompson conducted the case for the de fense and T. J. Anders for the prosecution. In January of this year (1901) Governor Rogers granted Mrs. Pyle a full pardon and she Avas set at liberty, but died soon after her release. Another case that resulted in a conviction and death sentence was that of Mrs. Mary J. Pyle and J. T. Hurn, her son, for murder and arson. Airs. Pyle and a man named Clink, who was paying court to her at the time, owned two THE ROYSE MURDER TRIAL. The trial of Frank Royse for the murder of his grandfather is still fresh in the minds of Walla Walla people. The farm of Benjamin F. Royse, deceased, is about ten miles from 238 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Walla Walla and situated near Dixie. On the 8th of February, 1900, the house was burned and the old gentleman's body Avas burned Avith it. At first it was thought to be an accident that the old man had been caught in the flames, but the coroner's inquest developed the fact that the charred remains bore evidence of having sustained a gun-shot wound. Frank Royse and his grandfather had had some trou ble about financial matters and Frank had been seen around the house before it was burned. He Avas arrested on the charge of murder in the first degree. Royse was defended by Grif- fits, Dovell, Ormsbee and McKinney, and the prosecution was conducted by Oscar Cain. The evidence that Royse had murdered his grand father when drunk and then to hide the crime had burned doAvn the house Avas too strong to be successfully opposed, so the defense con fined themselves to proving insanity, and en deavoring to at least secure a verdict in a less degree. Evidence was produced to show that James Saylor, a great uncle of the defend ant, Avas then in an asylum for the insane in Iowa, and that his mania was of a homicidal nature. Expert testimony Avas also produced as to Royse's mental condition at the time of the killing and subsequent thereto, tending to show that he was afflicted Avith the homicidal mania hereditary in the family. The jury brought in a verdict of murder in the second degree, stating that the crime was committed while Royse was in a sufficiently sane condi tion to knoAv what he Avas doing, but was with out premeditation or deliberation. Judge Brents sentenced him to twenty years in the penitentiary. An appeal was taken to the su preme court of the state, and pending a final decision granted the defendant the privilege of bail, which was set at the sum of ten thousand dollars. Royse was able to secure the required amount and is now at liberty. His case was argued before the court in February, 1901, but a decision has not yet been handed down. IMPORTANT CIVIL CASES. Isaacs vs. Barber. This was a case involv ing the rights of the prior appropriator of water upon public lands. The action Avas brought by H. P. Isaacs to restrain George H. Barber from interfering with a dam which had been erected for the purpose of diverting Avater from Mill creek into a race, or flume, which led to the Isaacs flouring mill. The defendant justified his action under the claim of the right to have the waters flow past his place situated on said creek between the point where the water was diverted and plaintiff's mill. Isaacs in the year 1862 had diverted the waters of Mill creek into his race and used it for the propelling power of his mill. At the time of the diversion the point at Avhich his flume be gan was on the public domain. Later when a man named Dodge purchased the land over which his flume ran he secured a ninety-nine year lease of the privilege of so conducting the Avater across the premises. He contended that he had the right to make the diversion by reason of his prior appropriation, and also from having secured the permission of the OAvners of the land to construct his flume and finally that there had been such open and noto rious and continuous use as to give title by pre scription. Barber claimed that the right of prior appropriation did not exist as a part of the laAv or custom of the locality, and next that the grantor, Dodge, acquired the title prior to the act of congress of July, 1866, under which Isaacs claimed his right by priority of appro priation. Isaacs Avon in the Superior court and it was HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 239 appealed to the Supreme Court of the state, where it was tried in the November term in 1894. The Supreme court held that the right of prior appropriation existed prior to the act of 1866, and that congress in that act simply rec ognized it. It was a part of the laws and cus toms of the locality when the diversion was made. To the second proposition of the appel lant (that the land having passed by absolute grant before the passage of the act of 1866, the title held for such riparian rights as were recognized by the common law of England), the court held that since the tract of land owned by appellant bad come to him through a con veyance from Dodge, who had for more than twenty years acquiesced in the appropriation made by Isaacs at a point upon his land, the appellant could not interfere with the appro priation. Thi lower court was upheld in its decision. THE CASE OF DENNEY VS. PARKER. This was a case involving the right of at torneys to compromise a suit without the con sent of the parties thereto, provided their action is afterward ratified; and also the right of an administrator to compromise a lawsuit involv ing title to realty, Avithout submitting the mat ter to the probate court for approval. Nathaniel B. Denney, administrator of the estate of Timothy P. Denney, deceased, was plaintiff and Hollon Parker, defendant. In the life time of Timothy P. Denney he conveyed the property in question, .together with several other tracts to the defendant. Later on an ac tion was brought by Denney to have it declared that the defendant Parker held these tracts of land in trust for him. The district court of the territory decreed as the plaintiff had asked and directed the defendant to make a deed of the property to plaintiff Avithin a certain time. An appeal to the supreme court of the terri tory was taken and the judgment of the dis trict court affirmed. An appeal was then taken by Parker to the Supreme court of the United States. While the cause was still pending in the supreme court of the territory, Timothy P. Denney died, and his wife, Elizabeth Denney, the executrix of his will, was substituted as plaintiff. Before the matter came to a decision in the Supreme court of the United States a compromise was agreed upon whereby one tract of land was to be deeded to Parker and the rest was to be deeded to Denney. The terms of the agreement Avere complied with and an order made by the Supreme court of the United States dismissing the appeal. In 1894 Natlhaniel B. Denney, as adminis trator of the estate of Timothy P. Denney, deceased, brought suit to recover title to the property that had been deeded to Parker under the terms of the stipulation above referred to. He claimed, First, That the attorneys who signed the stipulation were not authorized by their clients to do so. Second, that under the statutes an administrator or executor has no right to compromise a suit without authority from the probate court; and Third, that even if such a compromise could be made in a suit not involving realty, it could not be done Avhen the effect of the compromise is to pass title to real estate. The superior court of Walla Walla decided in favor of Parker in this instance and an appeal was taken to the supreme court of the state. The supreme court held that attorneys did have a right to make compromises affecting title to realty, provided their clients subsequently rati fied their actions; and in the case in :40 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. question the clients had so ratified the ac tions of the attorneys. As to the second proposition the court made a distinction be tween the compromise of claims by an ad ministrator which had not yet come into court for settlement, and those which prior to the compromise had become involved in a case in court, holding that in the latter event a com promise could be effected without reference to the probate court for ratification. The third contention of appellant was met by the court's holding that such power of compromising mat ters already in litigation was not necessarily limited to cases which did not involve the pass ing of title to realty. The decision of the superior court was af firmed and Parker retained possession of the tract that had been deeded to him in conse quence of the compromise. THE CASE OF THE CITY OF AVALLA WALLA VS. THE WALLA WALLA WATER COMPANY. This was a bitterly contested case and at tracted wide-spread attention on account of its public character and the large interests in volved. On March 15, 1887, the City Council of Walla Walla passed an ordinance to secure a supply of water, and granted, under certain re strictions, to the Water Company, for a period of twenty-five years, "the right to lay, place, and maintain all necessary water mains, pipes, connections and fittings in all the high ways, streets and alleys of said city, for the pur pose of furnishing the inhabitants thereof with water." The city also agreed not to erect water works of its OAvn during that period of twenty- five years. After this contract had been in force for about six years and on June 20, 1893, an ordi nance was passed "to provide for the construc tion of a system of water works" for the pur pose of supplying water to the city and its in habitants; to authorize the purchase and con demnation of land for that purpose, and to au thorize the issuance of bonds to the amount of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars to pro vide the necessary funds. This proposition was submitted to the freeholders and carried by a sufficient number of votes. The Water Company made application to the circuit court of the United States for the district of Washington for an injunction against the city to keep it from expending money or selling bonds to erect such a system of water works. The company won its case in the circuit court and the city appealed to the supreme court of the United States. The supreme court of the United States held that the case depended largely upon the power of the city under its charter. The ordi nance authorizing the contract, Avhich was passed in pursuance of the charter, stated that the contract could only be declared void by a court of competent jurisdiction, and that until it should be so voided the city could not erect, maintain or become interested in any water works except the one established by the com pany, while the ordinance of June 20, 1893, pro vided for the immediate construction of a sys tem of Avater works by the city. Upon the face of the two ordinances there Avas a plain conflict, — the latter clearly impaired the obligation of the former. The court therefore held that the original contract of the city should hold and that the city had no right to construct water works of its own until the twenty-five years were up. The decision of the circuit court Avas upheld. This decision made it necessary for the city to adopt other tactics in regard to the HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 241 Water Company. The only thing left for the city to do was to buy out the interests of the Water Company under a provision of the con tract, and in 1899 a proposition was presented to the voters to bond the city for a sufficient amount to buy out the Water Company and put the control of the water system in the hands of the city. The proposition was carried and the city now owns its own system of water works. There have been many cases involving greater amounts than those we have mentioned, but we believe that we have given a summary of the most important cases from a legal point of view; cases which involved far-reaching legal principles. CHAPTER XXIII. WALLA WALLA IN THE OLDEN TIMES. Early history in Walla Walla cptinty is rich in materials for the story teller. It abounds in incidents, striking, humorous, tragic, and in characters ranging from the religious fa natic to the missionary hero, from the wander ing vagabond and highwayman to the upholder of honor and law who might well fill the hero's place in any romantic novel. Many eyewit nesses of those stirring times are still living, and it is from the lips of such men that the material for this chapter has been collected. The earliest history of Walla Walla coun ty, as of the whole northwest, centers about the names of the old explorers, fur traders and mis sionaries. Of their lives and achievements we have already spoken at length in previous pages. But of one notorious character in our early tragic annals, we find an interesting rem iniscence, worthy of preservation here, given us by the kindness of Mr. John Seek, of Walla Walla. This pertains to the infamous Delaware half-breed, Joe Lewis, who was the chief in stigator in the Whitman massacre. It appears that this wretch had a place at one time on board a man-of-war, and for some reason had been put in irons. Having managed to escape, he landed, after many wanderings, in Califor nia, whence he came and made his home among the Indians of Walla Walla. He acquired an extraordinary influence over these Indians, and was the direct agent in the Whitman mas sacre, apparently impelled thereto by no other motive than pure villainy. After the massacre, Lewis told the Indians that he had been at Salt Lake City, and that the Mormons had promised to come and drive the whites from the Oregon territory. He said that he would go and bring the Mormons on this mission, if he were provided with the necessary number of horses. Accordingly the Indians gave him three hundred ponies. With three of four men to aid, he set out for Utah. While camping at Ameri can falls, on Snake river, in Idaho, he shot every one of his companions and alone made his way to Salt Lake City, where he sold the ponies. Such is the story of the doings of Joe Lewis, •242 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. as gathered by Mr. Seek from one McDofa, who had come to this country in 1834, m tne employ of the Hudson's Bay Company. No period in the early history of Walla Walla is more thrilling in character and inci dent than the time when the Vigilantes were in their glory. Like every other city of the nortliAvest in those days, Walla Walla had its quota of gamblers, thieves and general toughs. The courts soon became powerless to cope with the evil doers. There were regular gangs of cattle thieves organized, avIio avouM operate -much in this manner : Some one of the gang would start a bunch of cattle away to a certain point, Avhere another lay in wait, who would drive them on to still another relay, and so they would keep them in motion until they were clear out of the country. It became al most impossible to run down the thieves, and when caught, there Avere so many of their oavii number to Avitness in their favor that it was next to impossible to Secure conviction. In 1864 and 1865 the Vigilantes organized, and then came a reign of terror to the evil doer. It suddenly seemed as though nature had granted trees a new and startling fruit, for it became a very common thing to see dead men's bodies dangling from limbs. In one month during the busy season thirty-two men Avere reported as having been mysteriously hanged. The common expression as men met on the streets on a morning was, "Well, whom have Ave for breakfast this morning?" And it was a very rare thing when some unfortu nate's name Avas not served up for discussion as having suffered the vengeance of the dread society. There was no escaping its clutches "when once it set its seal upon a man. As one old-timer expresses it, "There was only one way to get out of their hands, Avhen once they had started for you, and that was to literally fly." Probably no one knows and remembers more concerning those tragic days than Mr. Richard Bogle, who is to-day living in Walla Walla. In the early days he kept a barber shop on Maine street, where Miss Beine's mil linery store is now located. In those days the citizens of the place made it rather hard for men of African descent. A negro could not get a room at a hotel. He Avas not allowed to eat in a public dining room. He could not buy a cigar or a drink in a gin room without first taking off his hat and showing due rev erence to the august vendor- of the booze. Consequently it was customary for Mr. Bogle, out of the kindness of his heart, to alloAv col ored strangers who happened to be in the town to occupy the rear of his shop, Avhere they could keep warm and sometimes cook a meal. Among the sojourners in the rear of Bo gle's barber shop Avas a young negro about twenty years of age, very tall and slender, but with muscles like steel. He had been dubbed Avith the appropriate title of "Slim Jim." He was a sort of pet among the gamblers and sporting men of the community, having been brought up as a general roustabout for the horse men, jockeys and sports. Two men had just garroted a man in the lot back of Charles Roe's saloon. This means that when that man was walking along he suddenly felt himself seized from behind and his arms securely pinioned, while in front his startled gaze fell upon a man with a long knife, ready to' slit him open if he offered resistance. Thus at the pleasure of the rob bers he Avas soon relieved of any gold dust or other valuables that he possessed. The tAvo gar- roters in the case just mentioned Avere "Six- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 243 toed Pete" and a pal. After being robbed the victim gave the alarm and officers were soon in pursuit. The criminals were finally captured and brought back and lodged in the jail, which was a small, weak structure stand ing on the present site of the court house Now the brother of one of the prisoners was a well-to-do saloon-keeper. Calling Slim Jim to him, he explained the predicament in which he was situated, and offered the negro a lib eral reward if he would secure and deliver to the prisoners tools Avith which they could saw their way out. Slim Jim, with probably no knowledge of the seriousness of his crime, readily assented. "Jim," said the briber, as the young negro was leaving, "swear to me that you will never tell who hired you to do this." "Yes, sah! Yo can 'pend 'pon me, sah." And away he went, his eyes growing big as he thought of the treasure that Avould soon be his. He made his way doAvn Main street to Dan Weston's blacksmith shop, which stood where now is Pauly' s cigar store. Here he secured a file, a hammer and other tools that might aid in sawing iron, and soon had them in the cells of the two prisoners. That night Six-toed Pete and his partner cut out and got away. They were traced to Wallula and re captured. Upon being locked up the sheriff took them aside and said, "Noav, you fellows probably realize ye're in a pretty bad fix. Ef ye want to save yer necks ye'd better 'fess up who give ye them tools. An' ye might as well do it now as any time." "Slim Jim," Avas the response that came with perhaps more alacrity than magnanimity. That afternoon the sheriff appeared at the barber shop. "I'm lookin' fer a feller named Slim Jim." "Dat's me," responded the negro promptly. "Well, I Avant ye to come along with me." Jim, without any sign of surprise or hesi tation, took his belt containing his pistol and "Arkansas toothpick" and handed it to the barber, saying as he did so, "Here, Dick, jes' keep these till I come back." At the jail he Avas confronted Avith the charge of having aided in the escape of pris oners. He promptly confessed, pleading for his excuse that he "didn't know as it Avas so wrong." "Well, I'll tell ye just one way to save yer neck," replied the sheriff. "Tell me who put ye up to this." "I's swore I wouldn't." "That don't make no diff." "When I promise a thing I ain't agoin' back on it. So you can shoot me or hang me or do anything else with me, but Slim Jim's agoin' to stick to his word." It was evident to everyone that, negro as he Avas, his life wasn't worth much. But the Avay in Avhich he carried himself throughout the whole matter had rather appealed to some of the citizens and so Ned James, agent for the express company, John Ryan and Ned Ryan interceded in his behalf and finally suc ceeded in getting him1 freed. "Well, we'll let you go this time," said the authorities, and Jim found himself once more free. If he had been wise he Avould have left immediately, but he stayed around town for a few days more. The fourth night after his experience with the officers he was sitting with some compan ions, listening to tales of adventure on sea and land. About eleven o'clock the proprie tor of the shop went home. Before leaving he said, "Now, boys, if I were you I'd be in early to-night. Someway or another your 244 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. stories have made me kind of nervous. You had better lock both front and back doors to-night." "Ah, go on, you joker," was the laughing reply he heard as he stepped out into the darkness. No one during the day time ever heard or saw a Vigilante. But at night it was different. Then they were everywhere. "Halt!" said a gruff voice in the dark ness. The barber stopped. A figure stepped up to him. He Avas clad in a large coat with an immense cape, which he held over his head and draAvn so across his face as to allow noth ing but his eyes to be seen. Peering closely into the face of his man he said, "We're not after you. Go on, and see to it you don't look back." On one occasion a citizen Avas stopped six times thus, while Avalking from Fourth street up to First and around to Poplar. Between one and tAvo o'clock the next morning all Avas quiet in the rear of the barber shop. Fifteen or sixteen negroes were lying sleeping in a row on the floor.. Disregarding their friend's advice, the rear door was left open. Suddenly down Main street there stole twenty-five or thirty dark figures. Each was masked and each carried a rifle. They stopped in front of the barber shop. Half of them remained here while the rest went quietly around to the rear door. Silently they filed in through the open door. They took their places at the feet of the sleeping negroes, each Vigilante covering a sleeper Avith his gun. Presently all the sleepers Avere aroused from their slumber by a rude voice, "Whoever moves Avill have his head blown off!" Some of the negroes, beside themselves Avith terror, began to plead for mercy, but were summarily silenced. "What's your name?" said the man who stood over the first negro. • "Jones.""We don't want you. What's your name?" to the next one. "Bill Davis." "We don't want you." And so on until they came to Jim. "What's your name?" "Slim Jim," was the quick response. "We want you. Put on your boots." Jim obeyed slowly and deliberately. Sud denly he turned to his companions and ex claimed, "Boys, these fellows mean to kill me. Stand by me." And with that he sprang upon the guard who stood over him and Avrenched the gun from his hands. Suddenly he felt a deadening blow upon the left side of his head. He reeled and fell towards the right, when "thump," another blow from the butt of a musket knocked him back the other way. In stantly a dozen hands had hold of him and he Avas dragged from the room. The next morning Avhen the proprietor of the shop returned to his place of business he came upon a strange scene. Huddled into a corner of the back room were fifteen or twenty negroes like a herd of sheep when chased by dogs. "What's the matter?" No one answered. He looked about and saw blood upon the floor and1 upon the arch way leading into the fore part of the shop. "The noise of battle hurtled in the air, Florses did neigh and dying men did groan, And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets," solemnly recited an old man Avho prided him self upon a knoAvledge of Shakespeare. "Come, you fellows. Where's Jim?" the barber asked. HISTORY OF WALLA AARALLA COUNTY. 245 Without saying a word they took him out and led him just outside the village to an old tree which to-day stands near Singleton's pond, in the front yard of Mr. McKenzie's place. There, swinging from a limb of that old tree, was all that was left of Jim. One of the strangest cases laid at the door of the Vigilantes was that of Furth Patterson, one of the most noted and most remarkable characters of the early days. To understand what happened to Patter son, we must recall an incident which took place in Portland about the year 1863. In one of the principal saloons of the city there Avere standing before the bar a group of men. One was a young officer wearing the uniform of a Union soldier, whose shoulder straps signified that he was a captain in rank. His name was Staple. It appeared he had just received his commission and was celebrating the event with his friends. There was in the company another man in whom we are interested. He was a model of physical beauty. Over six feet tall, full chested, broad shouldered, with a clear blue eye, and hair just turned gray, which he wore rather long, parted in the middle of the back and combed forward over the ears in the fashion then so popular. He was a southerner from top to toe and showed it in every move ment, look and word. His name was Pat terson. "I drink to the success of the Union and the flag," suddenly cried Captain Staple. All raised their glasses to their lips except Pat terson. As if in answer to the looks of inquiry of his companions, he exclaimed : "The Union and the flag be damned;" and he turned on his heel and walked up stairs. "Bring him back and make him drink," cried the excited men. "It's not only an in sult to you personally, but to your uniform and your flag. Bring him back and make him drink." Thus often a brave man is forced into the arms of death. In view of the situation and the remarks of his comrade, and considering that it was his maiden effort to keep unstained the colors he wore, the young captain felt that something must be done. He moved toward the stairs. From1 the landing above came -a voice rich and deep, but Avith a ring in it that meant death: "I'll kill the first who mounts those stairs." The young captain hesitated. His friends foolishly urged him on. With pistol in hand he ascended the stairs. One! Two! Three? A pistol shot rang out. The young man reeled, the blood spurting from a hole over his heart. He was dead before he touched the floor. Patterson Avas arrested, tried and acquit ted. He made his way to Hot Springs, now known as Bingham Springs. Bingham Springs was then on the main stage line from The Dalles to Boise, and was a place of some im portance, having a good sized hotel, bath house, etc. Unfortunately for all concerned, it hap pened that Patterson, whose reputation as a "bad man" was well established, and Pinkham, the sheriff of Boise, who was known as an overbearing bully, should meet at the springs. In politics they differed and had several dis putes. One day Patterson was just emerging from a bath when, after two or three words from1 Pinkham, the latter slapped Patterson in the face. "I'm all alone to-day without my gun," said Patterson. "One of these days I'll be fixed for you and we'll settle this matter." "The sooner the better," said Pinkham. It was some three or four days after this 246 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. that Patterson, meeting the sheriff, calmly walked up and slapped him in the face. Both men drew their guns. Patterson dropped his man, himself unscathed. Such Avas the history of the man when he came to Walla AValla. It was between eight and nine o'clock on the 15th of February, 1865, that Patterson entered the barber shop of Dick Bogle, which was then situated on Main street, tAvo doors below the "Bank Exchange," between Third and Fourth streets. "Dick, I want a shave," said he, as he re moved his coat and hung it up. He Avore no ¦vest. He rolled his shirt collar back so that his huge chest was partly bared as he lay back in the chair. The barber had been at work only a few minutes when he heard a man enter the rear of the shop. The man proceeded Avith the barrel of his gun to poke open the four doors of the bath rooms in the rear of the shop. He did the same with the door that led to a small bed room. Entering he carefully ex amined his revolver, clicking the cylinder as he revolved it to see that everything was right. After these overtures the man entered the room. It was Donnehue, the night watchman. He took his position behind the chair next to that in which Patterson lay with his eyes closed. There were four chairs in the room, and Pat terson occupied the last from the door. The barber, seeing that it was the night watchman, thought nothing about the matter and continued his Avork. Donnehue stood quietly behind his chair, looking quite uncon cerned and saying nothing. Patterson con tinued that exquisite half cloze, which is an accompaniment of the barber's chair. Finally the last touch (Patterson Avas very particular) had been given and the barber be gan combing his hair. Fie had just completed the operation and had his hands over his cus tomer's ears, giving the last touches to the peculiar method of Avearing the hair men tioned above. This of course acted like a pair ' of blinds over Patterson's eyes. At this point Donnehue stepped quickly over behind the barber and just at the right of his victim, say ing, "You kill me or I'll kill you," and with that he sent a ball crashing through Patter son's head. It entered just at the right cheek. bone and passed through into his left arm. Patterson uttered an exclamation of pain and jumped from his chair. His gun Avas in his coat pocket, hanging upon the Avail. There Avere two doors in the front of the store. Pat terson ran to the one on the right. It was locked. He dashed to the left one, but just as he Avas opening- it another ball struck him in the back. He did not fall, but staggered up the street toward John Lucas's saloon. Donnehue folloAved, shooting. Several balls took effect and Patterson fell. Donnehue fired the remaining shots into the prostrate form, reserving one cartridge with Avhich he kept- back the croAvd. He Avas soon in the hands of the officers and lodged in jail. A feAv days later he mysteriously disap peared, Avith his pockets lined with gold, it is said. As to Avhether he had been hired by Vigilantes or by friends of Captain Staple no one Avill ever know. Although the organization of the Vigi lantes -was in no sense political, yet, as indi cated in the Furth Patterson case, there was- involved more or less of the hot feeling en gendered by the great contest between north and south. The blood of men in those times was chronically hot and their hands were al- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 247- ways near their hip pockets. Southern senti ment Avas entirely in the ascendancy at the beginning of the war. It was about all a man's life was worth to speak out in favor of the Union. As an instance of the sentiment of that time the following incident may be related : In 1863 Delazon Smith and Dave Logan were candidates respectively on the Demo cratic and Republican sides in Oregon for representative to congress. They were billed to speak at a certain time in the community which is now Milton. Milton and vicinity Avere intensely Democratic. A number of Walla Walla Republicans, among whom were Frank Paine and Charles Painter, determined to go over to Milton to lend a little encour agement to the Republican side of the house. Reaching a sort of a public house in the vicin ity, they waved a flag which they had taken along and finally put it up on a corner of the building. The proprietor coming out and dis covering it, inquired of Mr. Paine if it was his, to which Mr. Paine made answer that, although the flag Avas not his, it had come with the company of which he was a member, and he presumed the intention was to let it remain Avhere they had put it until they were ready to take it down. The proprietor then demand ed that it should be taken down, and to this Mr. Paine replied that that flag would not go down so long as there was a man left of those who put it there. Perceiving that the "black Republicans" were in dead earnest, the proprie tor of the hotel, whose courage had, in fact, been of a somewhat spirituous nature, dropped his vaporings and let it stay. One of the striking facts in regard to that period in the history of Walla Walla was the degree to which politics were determined by the business men of the place. Coming in daily contact with the people of the town and vi cinity in the way of trade, and being familiar with the business interests of their customers as Avell as of the community, these men became the general framers of political ideas and poli cies. As a -matter of fact the majority of the business men of the town were of northern origin and sympathies, and although at first greatly outnumbered, yet as time went on they became more and more influential in affairs and the tide swung in the direction of a belief in the policy of the Union administra tion. Among the men prominent in the man agement of both business and politics, may be mentioned Dr. D. S. Baker, J. F. Boyer, A. Kyger, I. T. Reese, William Stephens, the Schwabacher brothers, Abe, Sig and Louis B. Scheideman, Judge Guichard, the Adams- brothers (Fred and Will), B. F. Stone, Hollon Parker, Frank and John Paine, M. C. Moore, H. P. Isaacs and the Jacobs brothers, Richardf and Sam1. These business men were ordinarily stronger than the newspapers or the lawyers of the place in managing politics. Two of the early delegates to congress from the ter ritory, George E. Cole and Alvin Flanders,. were business men of Walla Walla. The Statesman, under the management of Mr. Newell, was generally the headquarters for the Democrats of the place. The Republicans, until the establishment of the Union, had no> newspaper representation. They didn't seem? to need a newspaper. As B. F. Stone was in the habit of remarking, he would rather have his mouth than any ordinary newspaper, and those who heard him talking when he felt in an especially emphatic mood fully shared his opin ion. The Baker & Boyer store, on the ground! now occupied by the Baker-Boyer bank, was then headquarters for most Republican com 248 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. binations. Many Avere the deep-laid schemes, of both business and politics, which had their incubation on that corner. Whole volumes of incidents, tragic, comic, thrilling, suggestive, might be gleaned from the old political history of this country. Mention has already been made of the fact that in the early days Walla Walla was rife Avith the southern spirit of secession and rebel lion. There were men, however, who had the courage and nerve to speak out in favor of the Union. Such a one Avas an old gambler and sport, known by the name of "Wabash," for he Avas a Hoosier by birth. One day he rigged up a flag in the follow ing manner : To the barrel of his rifle he tied a piece of oilcloth, or rather hung it so that the barrel Avas covered and the oilcloth hung down on either side. Holding the impromptu banner over his head, he Avalked boldly down Main street shouting at the top of his voice, "Hurrah for the flag and the Union!" As he Avent along there appeared at doors and corners men, pistol in hand1, to inquire into the presumptuous proceedings, but when they recognized the character of the man who carried the flag and recalled his reputation as a dead shot, and also when they saw the mur derous nature of the flag-pole, they thought discretion the better part of valor and let the Union enthusiast alone. Yet old-timers say that scarcely another man had dared do the same thing. No one realized the lawlessness and spirit of rebellion against Uncle Sam's authority more than Edwin Eells, sometimes called "Gentle Eells," a son of Cushing Eells, who attempted to get the first census roll. Men played all manner of tricks upon him. It was not enough to give him all sorts of ridiculous and sometimes vile pseudonyms, but they even went so far as to take his enrollment book and use it for a football, arranged buckets of water on the eaves of the porch so as to give him a free bath, etc. Eells never lost his temper. He ahvays remonstrated in a gentle way until finally his patience won the day and he gained for himself the epithet "Gentle Eells." We must not get the impression that Walla Walla in the 'sixties Avas composed en tirely of toughs and gamblers. There were many men of sterling character, keen business sagacity; men who made money, not at the gaming table, but by careful investments and skillful business management. We have al ready spoken of Dr. D. S. Baker as promi nent among these. He was a man of unique personal appearance, slender, wiry and stooped in frame, a face deeply furroAved bv thought and care, a peculiar expression of his mouth in conversation, and an impressive deliberate- ness in his speech. With all his eccentricities he Avas a man of the highest integrity, the keenest intellect, and a genius in the Avorld of financial affairs. Many stories are told of the little railroad which he built and managed between Walla Walla and Wallula. People have recalled many times over the little cigar-box cars, the clumpy engine, the wooden rails and the strap iron with its everlasting tendency to turn up at ends and threaten to wreck the train; the dog Avhich some say was kept aboard to drive off the cows from the track. But the little railroad was a marvel in its own day and meant more to the AValla AAralla valley than any one thing that has happened since that time. Another character Avho could almost hold HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 249 his own with anybody, both in worldly pos sessions and eccentricities, was Joe Freeman, generally known as "Portuguese Joe," since he was supposed to have hailed from Portu guese stock. In about 1872 he made his ap pearance in Walla Walla with some sixty thousand dollars which he had got in the Oro Fino mines in Idaho. He was then a short, heavy-set man, of very dark complexion, black beard and hair just turning grav. He seemed to have been gifted with some powers of ex pression and at times tried his hand at ora tory. The most remarkable characteristic of his efforts in speech was a well-developed habit of circumlocution, coupled with the ner vous impetuosity of his southern blood. On one occasion he announced himself as a candidate for congressman, and gave notice of the fact that he would express his views on political matters on a certain afternoon on the corner of Third and Rose streets. Quite a crowd assembled, and when Por tuguese Joe mounted the bed of the wagon which was to serve as a rostrum, he was greeted with deafening applause. Flattered and excited, he was soon sailing along on the tempestuous flood of his oratory, and making a genuine impression. But alas for the aspirant after political powers. There was a Cassius in the crowd, who had bribed the driver of the team which was hitched to Joe's grandstand. At a most interesting and exciting period in the orator's address, a sig nal was given and the driver whipped up his horses, and the astonished audience was left standing watching the receding Demosthenes still spouting patriotism and madly gesticulat ing until a corner hid him from view. The story of Portuguese Joe reminds us of another joke with Avhich he was connected, and which involved two of Walla Walla's prominent lawyers. Joe had lost fifteen hundred dollars at a game of faro. He brought suit against the proprietor of the gaming house, James Chaun- cey, alleging that he had been cheated. Allen and Crowley were employed by the defendant. It was an interesting trial and the court room was crowded. Allen Avas then a young law yer and withal of a naturally gentle and inno- .cent character. He was trying to show that if luck had gone the other way, Joe would. have had no complaint to make as to the fair ness of the game; in fact, that he was playing ¦the baby act. Mr. Allen had asked several questions which showed that he did not .have an artistic conception of the fine points of the game, much to the amusement of the audience and to the consternation of his partner, Crowley. The climax was reached when Allen asked, "Didn't you hold good hands part of the time?" This was too much for Joe, who jumped from his seat and in great excitement began to draw diagrams on the floor and ex plain that "hands" had nothing- to do with it. Finally Allen, whose face had assumed the hue of a poppy, was relieved and the audience was convulsed when Crowley dryly remarked, "John, you had better let me examine this witness." Speaking of lawyers reminds us of one of the most interesting characters at the bar at that time, — Colonel Wyatt A. George. He was a southerner, with all that implies of grace, polish and gallantry. He was tall, slender, and erect even in his old age. He was always dressed in black and was never seen without his tall black silk hat. In this he always car- 250 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ried his papers and briefs, a thing which once saved his life. In company with Mr. Ankeny, he Avas trav eling on horseback, on his way toward Flor ence. Suddenly the horse he Avas riding be gan to buck and the colonel was thrown head long down the side of a hill, lighting squarely upon his head. His hat was crushed down over his ears, but the pad of papers proved such a good cushion that he came out of his difficulty unscathed. This recalls another incident when the colonel probably wished' for his old friend and protector. It seems he had become enamored of a woman Avhose husband Avas sick unto death. He had paid many visits to the place during the sick man's illness. One day the invalid asked his wife for a bottle full of hot water for his back. It was one of those old- time beer bottles, thick and solid as a brick. In the course of the evening in came the colo nel. After chatting a little while very pleas antly the sick man said : "Colonel, I wish you'd come close. I'm tired and can't talk loud. I want to whisper to you." The colonel, noth ing loath, bent his head over the man and pre pared to hear his parting words. The man affectionately put his arm around the colonel's neck, and having got a firm grip, reached for his bottle and before the astonished lawyer could break away he felt as though his head Avas a mass of shaking jelly. We must not treasure up this incident against the good colo nel, for his intentions were really good. He afterward married the widow. The colonel was an enthusiast at billiards. Indeed he had a very original way 'of spending his nights. Fie would begin to play at nine or ten o'clock, keep at it until three or four, then eat a meal such as would task the diges tive powers of two ordinary men, and then settle down in his chair for his night's rest. At daybreak he would take a long walk into- the country, and on his return be bright, wide awake and' ready for business. He was by no means all eccentricities. He had a fine mind; Avas possessed of real literary culture, being perfectly familiar with the works of the great masters and able to quote them bv the hour, while as to his legal training and acumen, par ticularly as to his knowledge of common law, he has never had a rival in this northwest country. For many years he was one of the well-known characters accompanying the court in its circuits. He Avas finally taken ill, and died in the Walla Walla hospital. On one occasion he was riding in a stage coach. On the seat next to him sat a Cath olic priest, and the two had gotten into a heated argument as to mortals' chances of en tering Heaven. The colonel argued that many a man not known for his sanctity Avhile on earth would stand a chance at the Pearly Gates. "You will never see Heaven," responded the priest. "I'll bet you fifty cents I will," promptly responded the colonel. Let us hope that long ere this the priest has had to pay the bet. Walla Walla has had her full share of floods and fires and other calamities. It is said by old-timers that formerly a larger por tion of Mill creek flowed through the town than at present. The bed of the creek also Avas much nearer the bank than at present. In consequence of this it was much more lia ble to disastrous overfloAv. A large stream flowed out at high Avater in nearly the pres ent location of the flume on Alder street. The greatest flood in the history of the town Avas HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 251 in November, 1861, immediately preceding the famous hard winter. That was a period of floods all over the Columbia valley. At that time George E. Cole had a log building nearly in the present location of the Model bakery. The creek then flowed farther east, nearly in the present position of Leroux's blacksmith shop. When the immense volume of water poured out of the mountains it cut right through the bank, undermining Cole's building and discharging an enormous flood right down Main street, causing about as much damage as Avas possible, considering the little that there then was to damage. There have been frequent floods since, but the diversion of so large a portion of the water into the Yellow hawk and Garrison creeks, together with the fact that Mill creek has cut its channel several feet deeper, has rendered its overflows less violent and destructive. Walla Walla has had many fires also. Soon after the organization of the city there began to be efforts to form a fire company. The first fire company is said to have been the Washington, organized in 1863, Mr. Fred Stine being the leader in its formation. Their engine was an old "Hunneman tub," as it was called. The first fire worthy of mention was on the 4th of July. The celebration of the day Avas just fairly under Avay when Smith & Allen's store, nearly where the Salvation Army is now located, caught fire. There was great excitement, for the fire company had been disbanded before this and there was no organization whatever. However, a number of men, led by John Justice, rushed out the old Hunneman tub, got it into a stream of water Avhich flowed- near there, and succeeded in preventing any very disastrous spreading. The greatest fire in the history of Walla Walla was in March, 1887, when almost the entire business portion of Walla Walla between Third and Fourth streets was destroyed. Since that time the fires, though numerous, have not been very extensive, those of the Stine House, the Hunt & Robert works, the States man building, the Farmers' Alliance building, and the Elevator having been the Avorst. Al though fires have been so numerous in Walla Walla, there have been only two cases of loss of life. One was in that of the Aurora Hotel, and the other in the Farmers' Alliance ware house. The greatest contrast between the Walla Walla of the past and that of the present is found in the condition of the yards and lawns. Aside from the verdure which fringed the creek and the various spring branches, the most of ancient Walla Walla Avas as bare and desolate as the Wallula of the present time. The streets, trodden by the feet of hundreds of Indian ponies and torn up by the rearing steeds of inebriated cow-boys, contributed clouds of dust to every passing breeze, and a universal grayish brown wrapped all objects, animate and inanimate. No fragrant locust trees or blushing roses or nodding snowballs or fresh, green grass relieved the dismal mo notony of dust. Yet the wild rose bushes bloomed along the banks of the rivulets which then as now gladdened the waste, and the cot- tonwoods which skirted the creek shed their sweet perfume upon the zephyrs of May the same as now. It was plain even then that Walla Walla had the making of a beautiful place. A person of imagination could look forward to the stately trees and verdant lawns which now make Walla Walla the pleasantest home city of the Inland Empire. One could then anticipate the yards full of tulips and lilacs, roses and chrysanthemums, and the yard 252 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. after yard of peaches, apricots, cherries, pears was possible thirty years ago for one of not and apples, whose floAvery treasures in spring even a very prophetic soul to foresee some- attract the buzzing bees by myriads, and whose thing of the verdure and brightness and lux- branches boAv in summer Avith the nectareous ury which these years of industry and groAvth distillations of the matchless soil and sunshine have created upon the old-time desert. of the Valley of Many Waters. In short, it CHAPTER XXIV WALLA AVALLA CITY IN I9OI. AA'e have presented in the preceding pages of this history the essential features of both the past and present of Walla Walla county and Walla AValla city. We have sliOAvn the evolution of the Avild Indian country of forty years ago into the productive and orderly homes of civilized men. We have exhibited the present industries and the intellectual and moral instrumentalities of the region. We have taken a journey throughout the length and breadth of the county, viewing its towns, its villages and its farms. To complete the picture it remains only to visit AValla Walla city and examine it as a stranger might, seek ing a permanent home for himself and family. In doing this Ave do not propose a repetition of facts already stated, but rather a series of such pictures of the town and such facts of its life as would present themselves to the eye of the traveler and investigator. A traveler approaching AValla Walla by the Northern Pacific and Hunt line encounters some risk of that strange and dreadful expe rience sometimes knoAvn as being "pascoed." It occasionally happens that the trains east or west are behind time, and as the Hunt line trains run on schedule time, the belated trav eler finds himself left. He then has no re course but to remain in Pasco until the train leaves for Walla Walla on the following day. It is said that some have walked rather than pass through that ordeal. But though Pasco has become in the minds of Walla Walla peo ple a synonym for all that is "weary, stale, flat and unprofitable," it would not be sur prising if some time in the near future is should become a beautiful and attractive place. It is admirably situated at the conflux of the 'two great rivers, the Snake and the Columbia, the soil in the vicinity is fertile, there is an area of prairie land of thousands upon thousands of acres adjacent to the place, and all that is necessary to make a town is water. Many schemes have been proposed for getting water upon these great Pasco plains. The magnitude of the undertaking has thus far staggered pri vate enterprise, but when the United States government undertakes the work of irriga tion on a great scale, as it doubtless will, the Pasco plains will furnish one of the most hope ful fields for development. A widespread scene of verdure will then greet the eyes of the traveler bound to or from Walla Walla, and he may then find a day or more spent at STATE PENITENTIARY and WARDEN'S RESIDENCE. FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 253 Pasco a pleasurable experience. Franklin county is at present having a boom1 of land- filings, and some time there will be a town. Walla Walla is unfortunate at the present time in not being on the main line of either road. There are, however, sleeping-cars upon both lines which convey the traveler directly to or from Walla AValla without change. If we come to Walla Walla by the O. R. & N. line, we find ourselves disembarked at a station in the northern part of the town. If it be daytime when we leave the train, we shall see on all sides around a level plain so thickly covered Avith trees that the city is hardly visible. This dense foliage is the most noticeable characteristic of Walla Walla to the stranger who has been making his way over the vast treeless prairies which lie between the Cascade and the Blue mountains. Our eyes are speedily attracted to a large group of brick buildings immediately north of the sta tion, and these we learn constitute the Wash ington State Penitentiary. The author once observed a party of strangers viewing the peni tentiary from the car windows and remark ing, "They have fine school buildings in Walla AAralla, don't they?" As one of the most prominent public in stitutions the penitentiary must be accorded a visit by every one who would thoroughly "do" the Garden City. The penitentiary became a Walla Walla institution in 1887, having been removed to this place from Seatco. It was largely due to the persistent interest of Mr. Frank Paine that this step was taken. Walla Walla people raised five thousand dollars toward expenses of removal. Governor Squire was favorable to it. The various wardens in charge in their order of service, are as follows : John Justice, F. L. Edmiston, John McClees, J. H. Coblent'z, Thomas Mosgrove and J. B. Catron. We meet a most courteous reception from Warden Catron, and from him and from an inspection of the ground and the buildings we soon gather more matter than our present space admits of presentation. We find in the first place that the state has made a generous appropriation of space to the uses of the peni tentiary. A farm of one hundred and fifty-five acres, with forty acres additional to be deeded to the state by the federal government, is now devoted to the uses of the institution. On this farm is raised a considerable part of the food supply of the penitentiary. The value of the products raised during the last year was $6,- 646.20. Had it not been for an unfortunate attack of hog cholera, it is estimated that the income of the farm would have amounted to about $9,000. We find within the enclosure of the peni tentiary a large number of well-equipped and well-furnished buildings, together with a jute mill and brick yard, the output of which con stitutes a great item in the income of the peni tentiary. The approximate valuation of the state's property here is $447,215.75, divided as fol lows: Farm real estate, $8,225.00; farm for age, stock and implements, $3,768.55; perma nent improvements, buildings, etc., $241,- 578.68; engine, boilers, light, etc., $9,497.28; jute mill, $144,704.00; brick yard, $5,- •930.23; store house, $2,569.19; steward's department, $11,556.46; hospital, $1,072.40; armory, $676.95; office furniture, $603.25; warehouse, $15,375-35; furniture, etc:, war den's residence, $1,658.41. We discover the population of the prison on February 21, 1 901, to be four hundred and 254 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. fifty. About three-fourths of the entire num ber are white males. During the past tAvo years there have been but five females con signed to the penitentiary. Nearly half of the convicts are between the ages of twenty and thirty. Of four hundred and five convicts on September 30, 1900, thirty-two only Avere illit erates. There Avere tAvo college graduates and one graduate of a theological seminary. Of the same four hundred and five two hundred and five were temperate, one hundred and ninety-six intemperate, and four were moder ate drinkers. In vie\v of the fact that the great majority of the convicts are less than forty years old, it is a somewhat melancholy fact that, of but one hundred both parents are liv ing. Of the four hundred and five tabulated on September 30, 1900, a hundred and five are farmers and laborers, twenty-four are min ers, and twenty-nine are sailors. This seems to disprove the somewhat common idea that contact with nature and the physical occupa tions is conducive to an upright and honest life. So far as we can judge, the Avhole ten dency of the prison discipline and manage ment is humane and sympathetic. Discipline is of necessity firm, and, Avhen occasion de mands, severe. The state has been liberal in appropriations for comfort's and conveniences in the penitentiary. The most important struc ture made during the past year was the neAV dining hall and kitchen. This cost1 but six thousand dollars, and the results are truly sur prising. AA'e find a brick building, first-class in eA'ery respect, one hundred and sixty-one feet long and forty-three feet wide, Avith a ceil ing of panelled steel, both substantial and ar tistic. This same building is also employed as a prison chapel. On January 7, 1900, it Avas dedicated to this purpose, Avith appro priate religious and musical services. AAre find an excellent hospital and a prison library of seven hundred and seventeen volumes. The convicts also have the conveniences of bath rooms and suitable lighting and heating. One of the most interesting features of the penitentiary is the parole system. This system, now of tAvo years existence, consists in the temporary and experimental setting at liberty of convicts Avhose record seems to offer hope that they are thoroughly reformed. While under parole each convict is obliged to have some person of standing in the state named as his first friend and advisor. The paroled prisoner is required to be at all times under the knowledge of this first friend and ad visor, and to be at any time subject to the call of the prison authorities. As a disciplin ary measure this system has yielded good re- ults. The governor has paroled, under the terms of the law, fifteen prisoners. Two of these ran away, of Avhom one has been recap tured and will be compelled to serve out his full time. The remaining thirteen have care fully observed the requirements of the law and have in the main been steadily employed with good Avages. The most important industrial feature of the penitentiary is the jute mill. This is the result of the thoughtful observation of Messrs. F Paine and AV. K. Kirkman, avIio observed the evil effects on the prisoners of lack of exercise and occupation. Messrs. F. Paine, P. Preston and Loudon were the commissioners at that time, and to them is due the jute mill. This is one of the most completely equipped manufactories of grain bags and other jute fabrics in the country. When operated to its full capacity the jute mill employed two hun dred and fifty-five hands. The output of the mill averages about one hundred and forty thousand grain bags per month, at the same HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 255 time considerable quantities of hop cloth, mat ting, special bags, twine, etc. For the period of two years ending September 30, 1900, the sales of jute fabrics, together with stock on hand, amounted to a total of $142,195.07, be ing a profit of $10,548.37. The output of the brick-yard was for the same two years $3,854.39, representing a net profit of $647.64. The state has now discon tinued making brick for public sale! One kiln of four hundred thousand brick was burned last year for the use of the penitentiary itself. The penitentiary is justly regarded as one of the best managed public institutions of the state. Having visited the penitentiary first of all (a certain proportion of the citizens of Wash ington register first in this institution and never visit any other), Ave will, if you please, proceed "up town." It is literally up town in this case, for, although AA'alla Walla seems to be upon a level plain, it is in reality upon a slope of about fifty feet to the mile. One of the advantages of this sloping site becomes apparent even to a stranger, for he sees evidences from Avorkmen and from accumula tions of material that Walla Walla is build ing a sewerage system, and the natural slope of "the town site gives it a special advantage in the construction of such a system. Among many improvements which have marked the growth of Walla Walla during the past two years we find none so great as that of the city ownership of the water Avorks, and the con struction of a seAver system. The question of this great step in the history of the city was for several years the burning subject of Walla Walla city politics. While we are mak ing our way to a hotel we may very properly notice a few of the interesting facts leading to this important consummation. In the year 1867 Mr. H. P. Isaacs, J. C. Isaacs and J. D. Cook undertook what seemed to most of the inhabitants of Walla Walla the extraordinary project of building waterworks. Their works were located on the present site of Armory Hall. ' The "outfit" consisted of a large pump, a huge wooden tank, and a quantity of wooden pipe. The water supply came out of Mill creek. The pipe consisted of logs, bored lengthwise by hand with augers. This water system seems not to have been altogether satisfactory, through its habit of Avorking only occasionally when it felt like it. Mr. Isaacs, with his usual energy, soon be came dissatisfied with such an inadequate equipment, and abandoned the Mill creek en terprise, turned his attention to the higher land on his own place east of town. He saw that on account of the rapid slope, a gravity system would be entirely feasible. Accord ingly, in 1877 he constructed reservoir No. 1 on his property, the same which now supplies the part of the town north of Mill creek. The water supply was derived from some of the large springs which abound in that region. Mr. Isaacs also built on the south side of Mill creek reservoir No. 2, which was in ex istence until 1898, when it was succeeded by the present large reservoir in the same place. Thus it will be seen that the general plan of the waterworks of Walla Walla was designed by Mr. Isaacs and has remained essentially unchanged, except for enlargement, to this day. In 1887 Mr. Isaacs sold out his interes*: in the waterworks to the Walla Walla Water Company. The company at once made great enlargement and improvement in the works, and in that same year made a contract with the city, by which they were to have exclusive right, under certain conditions, to provide the 256 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. city Avith Avater for tAventy-five years. As time passed on and the city grew, there de veloped a strong popular desire that the city own the Avaterworks and establish in connec tion Avith them a suitable system of sewerage. The pressure for this plant grew to overwhelm ing strength in the year 1893. On July 10 of that year, under the mayoralty of John L. Roberts, a special election was held upon the question of issuing bonds by the city for the purpose of constructing a city system. The result was an overwhelming majority in favor of city ownership of water. Plans were at once inaugurated by the mayor and city coun cil to enter upon the construction of a new system. Negotiations between the city and the Water Company for the purchase of the ex isting system having failed, the Water Com pany brought suit to restrain the city from building a new system. Their ground of action was the contract previously made, giving them exclusive rights for twenty-five years. After long litigation in the state courts, the case finally reached the supreme court of the United States. The Water Company Avon the suit. This left the city in a demoralized condition. It had failed in its purpose and had moreover expended several thousand dollars in the main tenance of a losing suit. Nevertheless, the purpose to secure possession of the Avater works and to carry out the plan of the sewer age system did not flag. By public meetings, frequent articles in newspapers, and general agitation, the necessity of municipal owner ship of these vital instrumentalities of a Avhole- some and prosperous town, was kept impressed upon the public mind. And at last in 1899 a proposition Avas submitted by the Avater com pany for the sale of their entire property, land and Avatenvorks. Accordingly on the twen tieth of June, 1899, a special election Avas held to determine the question of the purchase of the water system and the issuance of bonds for the establishment of a sewerage system. The affirmative won by an overwhelming ma jority. The purchase price of the water works was tAvo hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In part payment the city issued municipal bonds to the value of one hundred and thirty- three thousand dollars. These bonds are to run for twenty years and bear four and a half per cent interest. It is a fine evidence of the standing of Walla Walla in the money mar kets that these bonds were taken at a premium of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars on the issue. In addition to those municipal bonds, bonds for the construction of a sewer age system, secured by the income of the water works, bearing five per cent interest and sub ject to be called in by the city, were issued. It was a source of satisfaction to Walla Wallans that a number of responsible bidders appeared to make offers for these bonds. Both series of bonds were disposed of to Morris & White head, of Portland, Oregon. These indispensable prerequisites having been attended to, the city proceeded at once to advertise for bids for the construction of the sewerage system. A large number of bids were received from vari ous places, and it Avas decided by the council that the offer of G. H. Sutherland & Company of Walla Walla was most advantageous. Accordingly articles of agreement Avere en tered into, and in the spring of 1900 the con tractors began active work. The contract calls for twenty-three and one-third miles of sewers. A large part of the task is now completed, and it is expected that the entire work will be ac complished by August, 1 90 1. This will be considerably ahead of the contract time, which is October 15th. The sewer system is being constructed of first class material., and the work HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 257 is being done in a manner to command the con fidence of the city. One of the important features of the system is the disposal of the sewage. This has been settled by a contract Avith the Blalock Fruit Company, by which they agree to receive and dispose of the sewage in such a manner as to render it innocuous, and free from further expense to the city. The Bla lock company have given heavy bonds for the faithful discharge of their agreement, and in consideration thereof have the privilege of the exclusive use of the sewage for a period of fifty years. It is appropriate that we complete this part of our observation of the city by reference to the condition of the water works under municipal ownership. An extract from the Walla Walla Union of December 18, 1900, presents, in a better way than can otherwise be done, the condition of the system at that time. It may be added that there has been a steady gain since that time. "H. H. Turner, registrar of the Walla Walla waterworks, has submitted his first report for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1900. This report being the first since the city acquired possession of the property it is of considerable interest as it shows how the business of this department has been con ducted and its present financial condition. From all appearances the property is in an ex cellent condition. The report will be submitted to the council for its approval tonight. "The report shows that from all sources the revenue has been $34,443.77, which in cludes water rents, rents of water power, prop erty and the profit on material. Miscellaneous rents brought in $20,339.08; irrigation $5,- 665.10 and metered water $4,370.90. "The operating expenses and repairs amounted to $1,304.78, and general expenses 17 $619.69. The net gain for the year is given as $30,301.74. The expenditures of the distributing system amounted to $709.50 and $17,787.73 has been paid in to the city treasurer. The cash statement shows- receipts of $34,169.78, and disbursements of $31,072.32, leaving a cash balance of $3,- 097.46. "A total distance of 25 miles, 3,500 feet of water mains are shown to be laid in the city,. being an extension since the beginning of the year of 5,701 J4 feet. A total of 95 meters- are in operation which have been maintained at the rate of 41 cents per meter for the entire year, and the amount of water metered at 16,512,625 gallons. "The report goes on to state that the stand pipe formerly connecting with reservoir No. 2 near the Odd Fellows' home has. been moved to the reservoir near Whitman street and lo cated on the hill. 'Your committee,' the re port says, 'has wisely adopted the policy of declining to extend mains unless sufficient business is in sight to pay a liberal return ore the cost. Several applications have been re jected on this ground. " 'Some of our water rates are considerably higher than the neighboring cities of larger size, but our schedules compare favorably with those of cities in the northwest whose population is about the same as ours.' It is then recommended that as soon as busi ness will warrant that the schedule be revised. On the other hand it is suggested that exten sions of mains will have to be made to out lying districts, notably Bryant's addition, so* as to supply families living there." We have been proceeding in a very leisure ly manner to our hotel, while taking notes upon the water and sewerage systems of the city. But at last we reach the business part 258 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. of tOAvn and between the three principal hotels, the State, the Palace, and the Dacres, Ave re pair to the last named. This well equipped and comfortable hotel occupies the historic spot held for many years by the Stine House. The Stine House Avas one of the fixed insti tutions of AAralla AValla. It had held its po sition for so many years that no one had dreamed of the possibility of its being de stroyed by flood, fire, pestilence, or any other agency. AA'hen therefore on July 22, 1892, the Stine House deliberately went to work and burned up, the people of Walla Walla rubbed their eyes in astonishment, thinking it quite possible that the next event would be the burning of Pike's Peak. This unfortunate fire being in the very midst of the hard times, the OAvners felt little encouragement to re build, and hence the unsightly ruins of the historic old Stine House remained for years an eye-sore to the aesthetic and a menace to the timid. For the former could not look at it without danger of strabismus, and the lat ter could not pass it, especially at night, with out suspicion of foot-pads lurking within. Finally in the year 1899, which thus far may be considered the champion year for building, George Dacres, one of the moneyed men of Walla Walla, purchased the property and by erecting an elegant, first-class hotel, Avith all the modern improvements, supplied one of the greatest needs of the tOAvn. Having satisfied the inner man with the excellent menu provided at the table of the Dacres, and having rid the external man of some of the surplus dust which is sure to gather upon the traveler from AVallula to AA'alla AA'alla, Ave sally forth in search of further ex perience. The streets of AA'alla AA'alla give the stranger the impression of business solidity and activity, but it must also be confessed that they give the impression of a plentiful lack of cleanliness. For, during the greater portion of the year, the streets of the otherwise fair city are in such a condition from mud, dust, or other defilement, that sales of blacking are said to have ceased except to superlative dudes, and only the leisure classes make a regular practice of keeping their hands and faces clean. It should in justice, however, be noted that the past two years haA^e seen a consider able improvement in the condition of the streets. For a city of a little over ten thousand in habitants, Walla AValla shows evidence of a very large amount of business. This is due to the fact that it gathers to itself the trade of a comparatively well settled region, over an area of probably a thousand square miles. The streets are therefore thronged Avith coun try people and those from adjoining towns. This concentration of business has made AAralla Walla a very wealthy city. It is said to be surpassed in per capita wealth by only three cities in the United states. These are Hartford, Connecticut, Helena, Montana, and Portland, Oregon. It is therefore without surprise that Ave see evidence of the stability and largeness of transactions of the banks. There are three banking institutions in the place. Two of these, the First National and the Baker-Boyer bank, may justly be called pioneer banks. The third, the Farmers' Sav ings bank, is of later origin. The first of these banks Avas the Baker-Boyer, established in 1870. At first a private bank, it became re established as a national bank. Dr. D. S. Baker and J. F. Boyer for many years con stituted its management. At the present time ex-Governor Miles C. Moore is president, \Y. AA'. Baker, vice-president, H. E. Johnson, HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 259 cashier, and John M. Hill, assistant cashier. The deposits of the Baker-Boyer bank on Sep tember 5, 1900, Avere $670,090.83. The First National bank was established in 1872 as a private bank by A. H. Reynolds, Sr. The management Avas known at that time under the firm name of Reynolds & Day. It subse quently became a national bank and became largely the property of Levi Ankeny. At the present time Levi Ankeny is president, A. H. Reynolds, Jr., vice-president, A. R. Burford, cashier, and P. M. AA^inans, assistant cashier. The deposits of this bank on September 5, 1900, Avere $791,378.89. The Farmers' Sav- ing bank Avas founded in 1889 and has contin ued to be a savings bank to the present time. Its president is AA'. P. AVinans; vice-president, G. AV. Babcock, and cashier, Joel ChitAvood. The average deposits of this bank at the pres ent time may be stated in round numbers at $300,000.00. Thus it may be seen that the average deposits of the banks of Walla Walla are about one and three-quarter million dol lars, an immense showing for a place of the size of Walla Walla. Leaving the banks, duly impressed with the idea that where there is so much money there certainly ought to be a large amount of trade, we find our expectations confirmed by an examination of the mercantile establishments. AA'e find these in general heavily stocked with all kinds of new and standard goods. Some of the existing stores of Walla Walla are of peculiar interest on account of their antiquity. The Schwabacher store Avas founded in the 'sixties. The same is true of the hardAvare store of William O'Donnell, the merchandise store of Kyger & Foster, and the bakery of O. Brechtel. Some of the largest stores of the present time, however, are of recent origin, as the hardware and furniture store of Davis & Kasar, the dry goods and clothing store of O. P. Jaycox, and the agricultural imple ment houses of Criffield & Smitten and John Smith. The various grocery stores likeAvise do an immense business, both in purchasing supplies from the farmers and in disposing of their standard merchandise. AA^e have spoken so fully in the preceding chapter of the fruit dealers, the millers, and the manufacturers, that it is not necessary to consider them again here. Leaving these there fore Ave will saunter more leisurely through the rest of the business section, and then through the residence section of the city. AA'e find among the other semi-public institutions two excellent and Avell equipped hospitals. These are, first, the St. Mary's hospital, under control of the Catholic Sisters, Avhich Avas es tablished in 1870, and was extensively enlarged in 1899. The other hospital was built in 1899, and is owned and conducted by Dr. J. F. Cropp. Both these hospitals are equipped for the best surgical Avork and scientific nursing. Among recent acquisitions of the Walla AA'alla hos pital is an X-ray instrument, which has proved of great service in some recent cases. A ride through the residence portion of Walla Walla, especially if it be the leafy month of May, Avill convince the visitor that here is one of the most homelike of AArashington cities. The suburbs of the place are peculiarly attractive. AA^ithout entering into invidious comparisons, it may be said the homes of Ex- Governor Moore, AV. A. Ritz, Dr. Fall, AA' \V. Baker, Mrs. Stone, Max Baumeister, and the heirs of H. P.Isaacs, are of themselves suffi cient to give distinction to the outer circuit of the town. We have spoken of the pro fusion of trees Avhich decorate the streets and yards of the city. It may be added that it L also fairly emboAvered in shrubbery and 26o HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. flowers of all sorts. Of these, roses predom inate, though there are at proper seasons per fect banks of crysanthemums. To the old- timer avIio recalls the dismal and sun-parched desert Avhich from i860 to 1875 constituted the site of the town, and then views the pres ent verdure and gloAV of color, flowers, shrub bery, and fruit trees, redolent Avith the fra grance of spring, the change seems almost too striking for belief. Turning again from the solid comforts of the residence portion of the town to the public institutions, Ave shall find the schools worthy of an extended visit. The historic facts of these institutions have been presented else where, but Ave desire to observe here the hous ing and equipment provided for the young students of AAralla Walla. The three public school buildings, the Baker, the Paine, and the Sharpstein, are admirably built and equipped. The Baker school is the oldest of the three and less attractive and convenient than the others. The Paine school is the largest of the three, and in addition to the ordinary primary and grammar grades, contains also the high-school department. The Sharp stein school is the most recent of the three and the most thoroughly provided Avith all modern conveniences. We find Prof. R. C. Kerr, the city superintendent, Miss L. L. AVest, the principal of the Baker school, Prof. F. M. Burke, the principal of the Paine school, Prof. G. S. Bond, the prin cipal of the Sharpstein school, and Prof. J. W. Shepherd and Miss Rose Dovell, of the high-school, to be teachers of thorough train ing, large experience, and high ambition in their important profession. One excellent means of attaining their high standard has been the regular county and city teachers' in stitutes. The visitor having already become inter ested in the educational system of the town will desire to visit the other institutions of learning. He will very naturally make his way to the largest of these institutions, Whit man College. He will' find this college es tablished in five buildings. The oldest of these and one of the historical landmarks of the town is the rear portion of the Ladies' Hall. This building, subsequently enlarged, has be come a comfortable home for about thirty of the college girls. Adjoining this is the Con servatory of Music, formerly the main recita tion hall. A small building upon the left of this is used as a Y. M. C. A. hall. Upon the north side of the street we find the two prin cipal buildings of the college, Memorial Hall and Billings Hall. The former of these, the gift of Dr. D. K. Pearsons of Chicago, was erected at a cost of $50,000.00, in 1899. It is without question the finest school building in the Inland Empire, with the exception of the Idaho University and the Washington Agricultural College buildings and the Spo kane high school. Billings Hall received its name from the sons of Mrs. Frederick Bill ings, who was the largest individual donor, though many gifts, both in Walla Walla and in the east, were received for this noble pur pose. The most interesting contribution, how ever, was one of nearly a thousnnd dollars by the students of the college. The faculty them selves, though ill qualified to make such a con tribution, added to this another thousand, and these subscriptions together may be said to have insured the completion of both buildings, since subscriptions in the town had practically come to a standstill, and in order to secure the gifts of eastern benefactors it had become necessary to raise the entire sum for both buildings before commencement of 1899. The HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 261 jubilee in the college and among its friends everywhere, when it was known that this de cisive step in advancement had been taken, can never be forgotten by those who knew of it. We find Whitman College to have at the pres ent time in all departments about two hun dred and sixty students, with a faculty of fourteen capable and enthusiastic teachers, an excellent library of nearly eight thousand vol umes, and a well equipped physical laboratory. Walla Walla is evidently destined to take on more and more the character of an educa tional center. For we have only to pass a dozen blocks south from Whitman College to find ourselves in front of the beautiful grounds and buildings of St. Paul's school. Inasmuch as we have already learned in another chapter the facts in the history of this institution, we need not here do more than enter into the com modious and beautiful building erected in 1900, and see the excellent work that is being done by Miss Boyer and her assistants. We shall probably meet in this visit Rev. Andreas Bard, the rector of the Episcopal church, who has been a most important factor in the build ing up of this institution, as well as one of the brilliant lights of the Walla Walla pulpit. It would not do for the visitor to Walla Walla interested in educational matters to fail of a visit to Walla Walla College, whose fine brick building tOAvers conspicuously upon the plain, two miles west of the city. This also has been elsewhere described, and it may suffice to say here that a considerable village of honest and industrious people of the Sev enth Day Adventist faith has gathered around this college as a nucleus. Although devoted to the peculiar tenets of their faith, there is no question as to the excellence of the instruc tion along the lines of study provided. And whatever may be thought of the peculiar doc trinal views of this sect, no one around AValla Walla doubts their sincerity of purpose and all heartily endorse their ideas of hygiene, cleanliness, and wholesome food. In our peregrinations throughout the ir regular and picturesque streets of the Garden city, we discover that although, as already in timated, there is much to be desired in the way of improving those streets, yet that the town is well provided with telephone and electric service. It is said in fact that Walla Walla has more telephones according to its popula tion than any other town in the state. By a visit to Mr. F. J. McGougan, the present man ager of the city telephones, we gather the fol lowing interesting matter in respect to the tele phone system: Telephones were established in eastern Washington in 1886. There Avere at that time a mere handful of subscribers in AValla Walla, Colfax and Spokane. Upon the organization of the Inland Telegraph and Telephone Com pany in May, 1890, three long distance lines were established. One extended from Spokane to Davenport, another to the Cceur d'Alene, and one to Walla Walla by way of Colfax. The hard times affected the telephone business like others, but with the revival of 1896 the business of both local and long distance lines received an immense growth. At the present time there are six hundred and sixty telephone subscribers in Walla Walla. Any one of these can be placed in immediate communica tion with ninety thousand subscribers of the Pacific States' Telegraph and Telephone Com pany, besides many others in the territory of the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company, which comprises Idaho, Utah and Montana. There are also seventeen hundred public sta tions in the territory of the first named com pany Avhich can be reached by telephone. 262 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. Every city, tOAvn, and even village in the Avest is noAv reached by telephone. The equipment has been constantly improved, and conversa tions can iioav be carried on at a thousand miles distance more easily than at a hundred miles ten years ago. The increase of subscribers during the year 1900, in the territory of the Pacific State Telegraph and Telephone Com pany was 21,206. The lighting system is at the present time under the management of the Walla Walla Gas and Electric Company. The ancestor of this company Avas the AValla AAralla Gas Com pany, founded in 1881 by A. Pierce and C. M. Patterson. In 1887 Messrs. AVadsworth and BroniAvell, of San Francisco, and Mr. C. E. Burrows, of Walla Walla, became the OAvners of the gas plant. In 1888 the Walla Walla Electric Light and PoAver Company was incor porated. The business does not seem to have been a financial success until the city agreed to adopt the arc lamp for public lighting. In 1889, accordingly, the Walla Walla Gas and Electric Company Avas incorporated by a union of the tAvo companies Avith a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars. At that time a substantial stone and brick building Avas erected, and a 140-horse power engine was in stalled. This proved inadequate for the grow ing needs of the city, and in 1892 the com pany established a water poAver on Mill creek, upon the place of E. G. Riffle. After the es tablishment of this poAver excellent service was provided, but during the past tAvo years it has been found that the great increase in demand for lights has necessitated another in crease in poAver. The company is, therefore, planning to erect a stand pipe upon their prop erty on Mill creek, Avhich will, greatly increase the capacity of the plant. The number of arc lights now provided in the city is JJ. The immensely augmented demand for electric lights and the apparent financial suc cess of the present company has encouraged other capitalists to consider the advisability of a new system. The city has passed an ordinance granting a general form of franchise Avith certain privileges and certain requirements of any company which may choose to enter into the electric business. Under this general op portunity a plan for a very extensive electrical. apparatus at the forks of the Walla Walla river has been framed by several of the moneyed men of Umatilla county and of AA'alla Walla. This- company has already secured a franchise for the purpose of bringing light and electric poAver to the city. Gustavus N. Miller, the company's engineer, has recently given the fol lowing information in regard to the enterprise : "The plant is to be situated at the forks of the Walla Walla river, about twelve miles almost due south of this city and the buildings and machinery there to erected will cost in the neighborhood of tAvo hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. The poAver is almost unlimited and is by far the easiest acquired that I have ever seen Avhere so great a head could be ob tained. It Avill be necessary to pipe the water a distance of fourteen thousand, five hundred feet in a barrel flume and at the place of dumping a head of t\ATo hundred feet will be easily obtained. This will mean at least four thousand horsepower and the advantages of such a giant force Avhen chained and turned to the uses of the hands of man are too great to be realized at a single thinking. "The flume will be 54 inches in diameter and Avill be constructed of wooden staves, laid lengtliAvise. The minimum Aoav of Avater at the dry season will be fifteen thousand gallons per minute and during the other portions of the year much greater. The electricity gen- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 263 erated will be conveyed to this city by means ' of four Avires and the energy lost in transmis sion will, be practically nothing. There will be required in the city of AValla Walla a dis tributing station in order that the fluid can be sent out to the different portions of the city and transferred into light or power which ever the case might be. "It is also the intention of the company to run lines of wire to both Athena and Weston and I think to Pendleton, also. Also, it is high ly probable that a large amount will be used by the farmers both for the purpose of operat ing their farm machinery and to light their homes. Take for example during the harvest season. Any farmer can own an electric motor. AA^hen harvest comes around he will cut his grain and haul it all to one point in the field where his separator has been established and connected with his motor. It does away not only with. the necessity of having an en gine for this work but also with salaries which would have to be paid to both an engineer and a fireman. "An electrical line to Milton, Waitsburg, and other points would also pay, I think, and Avill probably be built within a comparatively short time. There is a fine chance for Walla Walla to improve along this line and it will undoubtedly be taken advantage of by some one Avithin the next few years." It is hardly necessary to say that in ad dition to its other means of communication with the rest of the world, Walla Walla has complete telegraphic communication, but as a historical item of interest we are reminded by an old-timer Avith whom Ave converse that it was on June 1, 1870, that Walla Walla was first connected by lightning with the outside world. This pioneer telegraph line was built by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. James Henderson was the first operator in Walla Walla, and the office was located on the southwest corner of Main and Third streets. The passage of the first messages Avas made a great occasion in the little city. A minute gun Avas fired and there was band music of a joyful" nature. The first message transmitted was from Mayor Stone to Mayor Goldsmith, of Portland, and read : To the Mayor of Portland — Greeting : Al low me to congratulate you on the completion of the telegraph that places the first city of Oregon in connection with the metropolis of Washington, and to express the hope that it is but the precursor of the iron rail that is to unite us still more indissolubly in the bonds of interest and affections. Frank Stone, Mayor of the City of Walla Walla. To which came back the following re sponse : Portland, June 1, 1870, Mayor Frank Stone, Walla Walla — Your sentiments are re ciprocated. May the completion of the tele graph between Walla Walla and Portland tend to still further the prospects and good feelings of both cities, and your territory and our state. B. Goldsmith, Alayor. While observing the lighting systems and the various communication systems of the city, our attention is called to the fact that there are no street-car lines in Walla Walla. Conversation again with an old-timer discloses the fact that during the boom year of 1889 a car line was built from the O. R. & N. station to Second street, where it divided, one branch going to Whitman College, the other branch to the city 264 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. cemetery. After the disastrous collapse Avhich folloAved so closely upon the heels of the boom (although it is proper to say that the collapse affected AValla AValla less than any other city on the Pacific coast), it became obvious that the street-car line was premature. Neverthe less the company continued operating it for several years, although at a loss, and then granted to a local company the privilege of using the line Avithout other expense than its maintenance for several years longer. Even under these conditions the company did not find the line sufficiently patronized to make it profitable. Accordingly in 1898 the line was entirely abandoned and the roadbed taken lip. This pioneer street-car line would doubt less have paid, even in spite of the hard times, had it not been for the great number of horses and carriages and bicycles in the town. On account of its having been for years a center of stock and agricultural interests, Walla Walla has abounded in horses. The people, moreover, have had the habit of both riding and driving to such an extent as not to "take" naturally to street-cars. By reason also of the large number of well equipped livery stables, carriage hire is very low. Visitors from the sea-board towns, where from a dol lar to a dollar and a half is the ordinary hack fare, are much astonished to discover that in Walla AA'alla hack fare anywhere Avithin the city limits is only "two bits." Furthermore, on account of the level site and wide streets of the tOAvn, it is an ideal bicycle town. And in spite of the fact, as Ave learn, that bicyclists haA'e had much tribulation from city ordi nances in regard to the use of sideAvalks, AValla Walla is said to contain more bicycles per capita than any other tOAvn in the state. The number of bicycle tags issued by the city mar shal to date is eleven hundred and fifty. These tags Avere issued in pursuance of an ordinance by the city council, imposing a tax of a dollar upon each bicycle. The announced purpose of this tax was to make a system of bicycle paths throughout the town. Thus far this laudable plan has languished, and many and violent are the anathemas which bicyclists of all ages and sexes pronounce upon the heads of the "town dads." Our observations thus far have extended over the business, educational, and communi cation phases of the life of the city. We can not do justice to our subject without learning something of the social, intellectual, and moral life of the place. AValla Walla is often called a "moss-back" town, and it is apparently true that the controlling influences are conservative and disinclined to venture into new schemes in either business or society. It appears also that the general spirit of the place is rather individualistic than co-operative, and that pub lic enterprises, looking to municipal betterment, are not readily adopted. The people therefore "abuse" each other for their supposed lack of public spirit. In spite of this Walla Walla is conspicuous for its simplicity, hospitality, and general sociableness of its people. As . noted elsewhere, there are numerous strong lodges of all the standard fraternities. The frequent entertainments and celebrations of these fraternities make occasions of interest and profit for all the people of the place. All manner of social gatherings are frequent and influential for good. One of the most potent public benefactions is the public library and reading room, Avhere strangers may find en tertainment, and young people of the place, who might otherwise acquire indolent and vicious habits, can gain solid benefit. The chief center of public entertainments and amusements in the place is of course the MAIN STREET, WALLA WALLA, IN 1877. MAIN STREET, WALLA WALLA, IN 1901. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 265 Walla Walla opera house. This very im portant feature of a town was erected by D. W. Small in the year 1884. ' In the next year, on account of a defect in the construction of the roof, a great weight of snow caused the building to collapse. It was but by the nar rowest margin that a great number of people escaped being crushed within the ruins, as the collapse occurred but an hour or tAvo be fore a large fair was to have been opened. In the year 1 894 the opera house came into the possession of Paine brothers, who made great improvements in it and equipped it in a first class manner. At the present time C. F. Van de Water is the lessee and manager of the opera house. There is an almost constant series of operatic and theatrical entertainments, mostly of a standard quality. We find a sentiment among the more cultured people of the place that the Shakesperian drama and other high class performances might be en couraged to a larger degree, with both greater benefit to the public and greater profit to the manager. For a comparatively new city, the church life of Walla Walla is active and efficient. A liberal stranger, however, is. impressed with the idea that there is too large a number of weak churches, and that therefore the moral and religious energy of the place is not utilized to the best advantage. We are told that a religious census by the pastors of the city pro duced the folloAving general result: Number of families visited, 1,622; number of persons reported, 6,042; number of church attendants, 3,733; number of church members, 2,146; number of Sunday school attendants, 1,677. A reliable index to the intellectual condi tion of a place is its amount of postoffice busi ness. A visit to this institution and an inter view with Postmaster E. L. Brunton reveals a number of interesting facts. It is estimated that over fifteen thousand people receive their mail through the Walla Walla postoffice. About thirty-five hundred receive their mail through the boxes. There are four carriers at present on the city routes, with great need of another. There were two new clerks added during the past year, and the business of the office warrants another. The gross receipts of the office for 1899 were $16,378.36. Those for 1898 were $15,178.29 and those for 1896 were $12,717.19. This record shows a steady and remarkable increase, and that for the year 1900 shows the same ratio of gain, being $17,437.17. There is reason to expect that, in the near future there will be established in Walla Walla a system of free rural delivery, and when this is done it will add for the farmers of Walla Walla one more reason for an affirmative answer to the question, "Is life worth living?" From the postoffice we proceed to the City Hall, and here by an interview with city clerk R. P. Reynolds we gather a number of in teresting facts in regard to the city work and finances, in addition to those already given un der the head of the water works and sewerage systems. Among them we learn that the gen eral receipts of the city for the year 1900 were $45,268.04, and the expenses $32,629.38. There is a floating indebtedness upon the city of $27- 806.41. In connection with the City Hall is the City Fire Department. And concerning this we find a very complete summary in a spe cial number of the Daily Statesman, which we quote. "In addition to a paid fire department, Walla Walla has what might be considered the most efficient volunteer fire service of any state in the country. It has a complete apparatus, consisting of two of the latest steam fire en- 266 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. gines and a modern chemical engine, one hose wagon, and one AVatrous aerial truck, and five paid men. "The city has a volunteer force of over 125 men who respond to every alarm. There are three volunteer companies in Walla Walla, each of Avhich is limited to a membership of 40 men. The entire department is under the direction of a chief, who, at the present time is Dr. Y. C. Blalock, one of the veterans of the volunteer service. Dr. Blalock is ably assisted by AV. H. Weber, as first assistant, and Frank Ennis, as second assistant. The several offi cers of the organization are : "J. AV. Mackay, president; John Smith, vice-president; Harry Debus, secretary, and J. F. Krepps, treasurer. "One of the oldest of the three volunteer companies is the Tiger No. 1, which has 40 members. Many of Walla Walla's oldest citi zens have at different times served with this company. The officers at present are : "Peter Werner, president; John Kremer, vice-president; W. H. Weber, secretary; Al bert Neibergall, treasurer ; James Corliss, fore man; William Ritter, assistant foreman; Ru dolph Seifke, second assistant foreman. Tiger No. 1 was organized February 22, 1877. "Rescue No. 1 is another efficient com pany, Avith a membership of 40, which was organized in March, 1894. The officers are: Harry Riffle, president; J. P. Scalley, vice- president ; Frank Ennis, secretary ; George Retzer, treasurer; William O'Rorke, foreman; R. AI. White, assistant foreman. "The third company is knoAvn as 'Our Boys No. 3,' Avhich was organized in July, 1895, and has a membership of 40. Its officers are : J. W. Mackay, president ; William Foster, vice-president ; AI Kelling, secretary ; J. F. Krepps, treasurer; John Bachtold, foreman. James AV. Mackay is one of the oldest members in the volunteer fire service, having joined in 1895, and served continuously since that time. He has been the president of 'Our Boys No. 3' company, since 1893, and was president of the Eastern Oregon and Washington Fire man's Association in 1898. "Harry Debus, the present secretary of the local organization, started as a torch-boy Avith Tiger No. 1, in 1879, and has served contin uously ever since that time. He has, at vari ous times, held the offices of president, secre tary and treasurer of his company. Mr. De bus was a prominent member of one of the early hose teams and has been on several of the teams which have won the state champion ship in the various contests of the Eastern Ore gon and Washington Fireman's Association. "Many of the oldest resident citizens of Walla Walla have served a full term in one of the three volunteer companies and are now on the retired list. Among them are : John Aheit, Sr., Jacob Betz, John P. Kent, A. SAvartz, Emil Sanderson, J. J. Kauffman and J. P. Justice. "The term of service in the volunteer fire department is seven years, during Avhich time and thereafter the members are exempt from the payment of poll tax and service as jury men. About one hundred are now on what is termed the retired list, having completed seven years of service and received honorable dis charges. Every member of each company is expected to respond to the alarm of fire, clay or night, and if an employe of any firm in the city, he is permitted to leave his work, Avithout a deduction of his salary. "The aim and object of the volunteer fire department is, in addition to providing a force for protection against fire, to hold annual tournaments, annual competitions and picnics HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 267 and to render assistance to any disabled per sons who have received injuries Avhile on duty. "The next meeting and tournament of the Eastern Oregon and Washington Fireman's Association will be held in Walla Walla, on June 13 and 14. During this meeting there will be various contests, and Walla Walla's cele brated hose team will again be a competitor in one of the competitions. This team under the captaincy of Emil Sanderson, has won the championship in all the contests since 1885, and there is but little doubt that it will carry off the laurels at the coming tournament. "AValla Walla has the distinction of having the first steam apparatus in the state of Wash ington. The volunteer fire department was or ganized in 1868, the Tigers being the first company, and operating an old-time hand en gine when the company was first organized, and for some time thereafter." Questions of sewerage and water-works having been satisfactorily settled, the greatest subject now looming up in municipal politics is that of a new charter. Walla Walla has existed under a unique charter, the only one of the kind in the state, bestowed upon the city in territorial days. As it appears that Walla AA'alla has now surpassed the population of ten thousand people, and become a city of the sec ond class, the question is being agitated as to reincorporation. It will be an interesting thing to future readers and historians to find here a statement of the requirements for such reincor poration, together with something of current public opinion in regard to it. An examination of the laws with respect to this elicits the fol- fowing facts : To become a city of the second c'ass there must be a petition signed by two hundred or more freeholders of Walla Walla presented to the council, and that body must call a special election to designate that at the next regular- election this question will be submitted to the voters of the city. In voting for this the mark ing on the ballot will be "For Advancement" or "Against Advancement." After it has been decided to become a second class city, there must be an election held at which the following officers are to be chosen by the people : Mayor, twelve councilmen, collector and street com missioner (combined), assessor, police judge, and city attorney. The changes resulting from passing into the second class would be many. The increase in the council would be followed by an in crease in the permissible expenses of the city government. There would be no necessary in crease in the expenses, but some of the salaries- might be made higher if the board of aldermen saw fit. One of the most important changes would be in the schools inside the city limits which, according to the law, have already ceased to exist as district schools and have entered the class of city schools. This form of school re quires a board of education consisting of five members instead of a school board of three members as at present. The members of this board are elected for a term of three years, the election occurring the first Saturday in the month of November. The board of directors of the public library is also changed from three to five, which are appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council. The other officers of the city shall be ap pointed by the mayor with the consent of the council and shall be: Chief of police, treas urer, clerk, surveyor, poundmaster, and, if so- desired, superintendent of irrigation. For these officers the salaries of only the chief of police, clerk and treasurer are stipulated. The chief of police cannot receive more than one 268 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. thousand dollars per year, the treasurer fifteen hundred dollars, and the city clerk the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per month. The salaries of the city attorney and the city justice are not stipulated and may be fixed at whatever the council may see fit. The as sessor Avill be paid the sum of five hundred dol lars per year and the collector and street com missioner cannot draAV more than fifteen hun dred dollars per year. No other salaries are stipulated. The chief of the fire department will be elected by the council and not by the volunteer firemen as at the present time. There may also be, if the council sees fit, a city jailor, to be appointed by the mayor. The city election is fixed for the first Mon day after the first Tuesday in December and six councilmen shall be elected each year after the first election,at which time the entire tweive will be chosen, the hold-overs to be decided by lot. The council must choose one of its number to act as president during the absence of the mayor and there shall be a board of three councilmen, whose duty it shall be to try all cases of com plaint against policemen or other city officers for neglect of duty, exceeding their authority and similar crimes whenever such charges shall have been preferred. The mayor shall have a vote in case of a tie in the council. Any officer shall have the power to select and appoint, subject to the approval of the council, such deputies as he may deem neces sary for the proper performance of the duties of his office. The salaries of these deputies must not exceed the sum of one hundred dol lars per month in any case. In connection Avith the question of a neAV charter a difference of opinion has developed, the central point of Avhich seems to be the poAvers of the mayor. The conflicting opinions have been represented by the Union and the Statesman, the former maintaining the con centration of poAver in the hands of the mayor, and the latter advocating a popular election for every officer and a consequent distribution of power, and consequently it favors the retention of the present charter. We present extracts from the tAvo papers, in the belief that such a preservation of current opinion will prove of permanent interest : From Walla Walla Union of February 16, 1 901 : Spokane is discussing the propriety of giving the mayor more authority on appointments. It is believed that in this way the expenditures can be kept under bet ter control. The idea is that the mayor is the general manager of a business, and that to be successful he should be given the widest scope in his management of affairs, and then be held responsible for results. There is something in this that should appeal to the people of Walla Walla. In Spokane the mayor is rec ognized as the head of the city government, but there is also a board of county commissioners, a board of public works and a board of fire commissioners. The individu als appointed by the mayor constitute these boards, one member being the head of each board and these boards select the appointees. By this act the mayor loses actual control and vests it in his appointees. In a measure this is a success, but it is not as successful as it would be in case the appointments were directly in the hands of the mayor. There is a chance for. the mayor to evade the responsibility for errors, which should not be. If the control of the city government is placed in the hands of the mayor, then the people can hold him re sponsible for the errors and by the same token he is en titled to the credit for a successful administration. The people should not divide the responsibility. For good work or bad it should be placed as nearly as possible in the head of the city government. It is proper and right that the mayor, the treasurer, the councilmen, the assessor, the police judge or city jus tice and the street commissioner should be elected by the people, and there would be no great harm done if the clerk and the attorney were also elected, though there is no doubt but the better government would be secured if the clerk and the attorney were appointed. This is not a new suggestion. It is the method which applies in a major ity of the cities, large and small, in all the cities of the United States. It is found to be good law in Spokane Seattle and Tacoma: why is it not good law here to ap point the head of the police department, and have him responsible to the mayor? As has been pointed out before, if the mayor is to be the bead of the city govern ment and is to be held responsible for the success of his HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 269 administration, he should have the police force under, not equal with, him. The attorney is largely counsel for the mayor and the council; thence he should be appoint ed and confirmed, for in this manner an attorney is always secured who is acceptable and in whom all parties have confidence. The clerk is very close to the council and could be appointed, as he should be chosen for his clerical ability rather than anything else, though as other duties are placed upon him it is largely a technical ques tion whether he is elected or appointed. From Statesman of February 18, 1901 : It is proposed to make for Walla Walla a new charter. There are not many reasons apparent for this change, but since we have reached the dignity of a city of the seeond class in point of population there are those who think we should cast aside our former official clothing and wear something different. There is a plot in this proposed program. One not seen by the people at a glance, and yet one which in future years may seem a great deal to everyone here. It is suggested by " some," and argued by the Union, the organ of these " some," that the offices of chief of police, attorney and clerk be appointed; that they be named by the mayor and held at his will. There is no reason in the world for such a move save a desire to build up a politi cal machine. And there is exactly the plot at this time. If the mayor can name the chief of police, the chief of the fire department, the attorney and the clerk, will he not name those who have used their pull to get him in office, and who, when they are once in, will use their offi cial positions to continue the machine of which they are then a part? Has this not been the history of all cities? Is it not the very thing which is causing trouble and scan dal in more than one city at this time? Is not this build ing of political machines the cause of forcing honest citizens in many cities to take the work of reform in their own hands. The city of Walla Walla may be metropolitan, but it is not metropolitan to the extent that it desires a corrupt machine in the city hall and a public scandal in the papers. Elect the officers. Bring every man who is connected with the management of city affairs as close to the people as possible. Have the people say whom they may want for chief of police, for clerk and for attorney . In county affairs are certain officers appointed that better men may be secured? More efficient men are secured by appointment than by election, argues the Union. Then why not, in county affairs, appoint the clerk and the at torney and the sheriff instead of electing them? The giving of too much power to the mayor is danger ous. It has so proven in every city in which it has been done, and Walla Walla ought to recognize the fact that she can gain much by the experience of others. One of the most important and historic in stitutions in or around the city is Fort Walla Walla. It is sometimes necessary to remind a stranger that Fort Walla Walla, under the Hudson's Bay regime, meant the old fort at the present site of Wallula. As elsewhere narrated, that was abandoned about the year 1853. In the winter of 1856-7 rude barracks were established by the soldiers within the present limits of Walla Walla city. During the fall of 1856 a considerable number of soldiers occupied huts constructed of poles and slabs set on end and roofed with dirt, brush, and rye grass. Several log cabins for the of ficers were put up in the same vicinity, which was the present location of McBride's livf stable. One of those buildings was standing until about six years ago. In October of 1856 General Wool directed Colonel Wright to es tablish a permanent military post at some point in the Walla Walla valley. In pursuance of these directions Colonel Wright issued orders from his post at The Dalles to Colonel Step toe to locate the post. The present location of the post (and a more beautiful and convenient one it would be hard to imagine) is due to Colonel Steptoe, assisted by Charles Russell and Joseph McEvoy. In the spring of 1857 per manent buildings were erected and Lieutenant- Colonel Steptoe took charge of the fort. By i860 the buildings were substantially as at present. Our space is insufficient to give any his torical narrative of Fort Walla Walla. Suffice it to say that it has been a prominent financial and social, as well as military, feature of the place. There have been usually about two hun dred soldiers established here. There has been much talk at times of abandonment of the fort, but it seems now that there is no reason to ap prehend such a step in the near future. Thou sands of dollars are spent yearly in the county for the purchase of provisions and equipment 270 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. for the fort. The gallant officers, together Avith the accomplished ladies of the fort, have be come almost indespensable to the ongoings of society in the town. For these and allied reasons the people of AA'alla AA'alla greatly de precate any talk of abandonment. AA'e have mentioned but a small part of the interesting features, historical and descriptive, Avhich an extended visit to the Garden city Avould reveal. Every visitor to Walla AValla must see the Whitman monument and old mis sion grounds. He must spend at least part of the day upon Dr. Blalock's great fruit ranch. It is equally incumbent upon him to go to the magnificent Avheat ranch of AA^. P. Reser and "see the elk." Nor could any one truthfully consider that he had seen AValla Walla unless he had ridden behind one of the spanking teams for Avhich the tOAvn is noted up the wild and picturesque canyon of Mill creek to the points Avhich are favorite resorts for camping parties during the hot AValla AValla summers. These and many more things must be deferred to a later Ansit. In concluding this chapter, and with it this history, Ave Avill only add : — If a period of forty years since the termination of bloody Indian Avars can effect all the changes Avhich greet our e'yes on all sides, Avhat will be accomplished by the next forty years? BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS HOLLON PARKER.— Not all men order their lives to their own liking; nor yet are all men true to their ideals and their potentiality for individual accomplishment. It is, therefore, ever gratifying to take under review the life history of one who has wrought earnestly and faithfully and has proved a power for good in various relations of human existence, maintain ing a high sense of his stewardship and having a constant recognition of the extraneous re sponsibilities concomitant with personal suc cess. Such a man is he whose name initiates this paragraph, and no compilation having to do with the annals of Walla Walla county or the present state of Washington would be con sistent with itself were there a failure to incor porate a summary of his active and signally useful career. The subject of this review is a native of the old Empire state, having been born in Ar- cada, near Palmyra, Wayne county, New York, October 2, 1832. His father, Preston R. Par ker, was numbered among the early settlers in the northwestern part of New York state, hav ing located his farm about thirty miles east of the city of Rochester. He rendered yeoman service in the war of 1812, after which he de voted his attention to the clearing and cultiva tion of his farmstead, which was as yet prac tically a primitive forest. With his own hands he felled the heavy timber, laboring assiduously to establish a home for his family. He was 18 united in marriage to Miss Lana Sanford, and they became the parents of six sons and four daughters, Hollon Parker being the sixth in order of birth. The father was a man of spot less character and marked intellectual strength, and for about half a century he rendered de voted and efficient service in the ministry of the divine Master. The preliminary educational discipline of our subject was attained through the somewhat meagre sources afforded in the early days, and through which so many of our most eminent men have risen to exalted station and high preferment. He attended the primitive log schoolhouse, where he laid the foundation for that broad general information and ripe intel lectuality which have marked his later years. His later successes in life are doubtless due not less to his own indomitable spirit and firmness of character than to the atmosphere of his early youth and the worthy example of his honored father and most estimable mother, the latter being a representative of one of the foremost families of the old Empire state. Endowed with sturdy independence of spirit and with a courage born of his recognition of 'his own powers to will and to do, Hollon Parker severed home ties at the early age of nineteen years and started for the far west, intending to re turn at the expiration of two years and to fit himself for college. Crossing the isthmus of Panama, part of the distance on foot, he ar- 274 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. rived in San Francisco on May 22, 1852, fol loAving the rush into the mines in the northern part of the state. Although fatigued from his long journey and emaciated by the fevers of the swamps of Panama, he finally succeeded in reaching the mines alive. It was here that the true grain and fiber of his most commend able nature manifested themselves to the best •advantage. Fully seven thousand miles from home, by the isthmus route, five hundred dol lars in debt, a veritable walking skeleton, alone and among strangers, Avith not a dollar in his pocket and Avith a hard, cold winter at hand, — the prospects were assuredly not alluring. After various efforts he finally secured an in door position for the winter, at fifty dollars per month. This stipend seems all the more diminutive when Ave take into consideration the circumstance that in the more remote min ing districts flour was at this time worth one dollar and twenty-five cents per pound, salt six teen dollars per pound, and other necessities in proportion. This Avas in the winter of 1852-3. Mr. Parker afterward taught school in the northern part of the state, saving his earnings, and finally, on October 28, 1853, engaged in business Avith a partner, under the firm name of Parker & Roman, in Yreka, Siskiyou coun ty, California, handling a line of books, sta tionery and notions. He continued in this line for over seven years, within which time he had accumulated about forty thousand dollars' worth of real estate and other property. These investments, mostly brick stores and merchan dise, were lost during the dry winters Avhich proved so disastrous to that country at that time, and by his being deceived in those in whom he trusted and had confidence. In August, 1855, Mr. Parker, accompany ing several others on an exploring expedition, made the ascent of Mount Shasta, a feat that had been declared impossible by Fremont. In the party were three physicians, two of whom were overcome with the gases and sulphurous vapors emanating from the boiling springs of the old crater at the summit of the mountain, several Aveeks elapsing before they were fully recovered from the effects of this ordeal. In 1856 Mr. Parker returned to his home in New York state, and while there was an active member of the Wayne county convention which supported James Buchanan for the presi dency. After the election Mr. Parker attended the inaugural ceremonies at the federal capital, and while there was one of over four hundred victims who, with President Buchanan, were poisoned at one of the leading hotels in the city, and of whom1 forty or more died, while many were left injured for life, Mr. Parker himself not recovering from the effects for many years. In the spring of 1862, after having closed his stores at Yreka, California, and Jackson ville, Oregon, Mr. Parker started north for the then celebrated Oro Fino mining camp in northern Idaho, arriving at Portland, Oregon, the following April. Continuing his journey northward, he arrived at AValla AA'alla about the middle of July, 1862, and here he has ever since maintained his home. His intention had been to visit his brother, Esbon B. Parker, who OAvned some valuable mining property at Oro Fino, and then to return to San Francisco, Avhere he had his dental instruments and stock, intending to go to Lima, South America, for the purpose of entering upon the practice of dentistry in that place, for he had become an expert in this profession. However, after looking about in AA'all AA'alla, he decided to again enter the mercantile business, handling his old line of books, stationery, etc. In 1863, having procured the requisite HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 275 papers, Mr. Parker effected in Walla Walla the organization of the Union League, whose ¦object Avas the promotion of a spirit of patriot ism among the citizens of the community, and he Avas an active and zealous Avorker in the Union cause throughout the entire period of the Avar of the Rebellion. Although it met Avith some opposition, the league proved a suc cess and gave to the country the impetus then necessary to clear it of the blacklegs and thieves Avho had secured such a vital hold upon the community that it had become necessary to organize a vigilance committee to protect the liAres and property of the citizens. During this time Mr. Parker, Avith the able co-operation of Messrs. Thomas K. McCoy and Anderson Cox, worked incessantly to secure for the people hon est and just government and a more favorable condition of judicial affairs. In the summer of 1863 Mr. Parker was ¦elected a delegate to the Republican territorial convention, held at Vancouver. While there he entered into a contract with the registrar and the receiver of the United States land of fice, and agreed to pay their expenses, which the United States refused to do, in order that they might come to AA'alla Walla and give set tlers an opportunity to secure titles to their land before the same could be bought by speculators, as there Avas to be a government sale of the same lands the following month. In this praise worthy undertaking he was successful and thereby saved for the community over fifteen thousand dollars which would have been lost had the settlers been obliged to go to the land office. In 1864 Mr. Parker, in connection with his other business, and at an outlay of sev eral thousand dollars, opened a private land of fice "in Walla Walla, the object being to enable the new settlers to file on their land claims without going to Vancouver and Oregon City land offices. Simultaneously he engaged in the practice of law. Although his business had now assumed such proportions as to require almost his entire time, he practiced one year in the United States district court, and became in terested very successfully in politics, so con tinuing until 1869. During this time there was vigorous agita tion of the question of annexing southeast ern AArashington to Oregon, the territory in question lying south of the Snake river and including what are noAv the counties of Walla Walla, Columbia, Asotin and Gar field. The measure was favored by An derson Cox and many other prominent men in both Washington and Oregon. Mr. Cox having been elected to the Washington legis lature, instead of approaching that body, ap peared at Salem, Oregon, and helped to secure the passage by the legislature of that state of a memorial praying congress that the territory mentioned might be annexed to the state of Oregon. Upon learning of this action Mr. Parker forthwith brought strong but secret forces to bear in opposition to the proposed scheme of annexation, and by his influence with the political leaders of Washington succeeded in preventing this consummation. The direct import of this movement may not haA^e been evident to those of less foresight, but had this portion of Washington been annexed to Ore gon, strongly Democratic in its political com plexion as it then was, it would have thrown Oregon into the Democratic fold, in which case the entire political status of the nation would have been changed, as the Democratic vote of Oregon, with such supplemental territory, would have elected Tilden to the presidency of the United States. For his services and zeal in behalf of the country and his party Mr. Par ker received the consideration and confidence 276 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. of the government, and it may safely be said that through such influence he could have pro cured almost any office or position pertaining to the territory of AA'ashington, had he so de sired. On the 4th of February, 1869, Mr. Parker started to attend the inauguration of Presi dent Grant. By means of a stage coach, a sled and a mud Avagon he succeeded in traversing a distance of eight hundred miles, reaching the western terminus of the Union Pacific Rail road, at a little town called Wasatch, Avhere he discoA'ered that the railroad was blocked by snoAV. After a short delay the railroad com pany transferred the party to Rawlins, where they found about two hundred other delayed passengers, many without provisions or money. From RaAvlins they telegraphed to the Con gressional committee on railroads at Washing ton a repeated message for aid, the cost of transmission being forty dollars. The pas sengers selected Mr. Parker as leader and as one of a committee of three to devise Avays and means of transportation and relief. After an unsatisfactory intervieAV, the railroad of ficials proposed that if the passengers would provide themselves Avith food for three days they themselves Avould furnish a carload of shovels for digging out the siioav, and would thus send them on. This proA^ed to be a gross deceit, for the engine Avas run into a snow- filled cut and the passengers Avere left without the implements for digging the snow, at the little coal mining place and station of Carbon. Realizing the danger of distress and even star vation Avith their scanty provisions, the able bodied men left the bulk of the food for the women, children and old men and set out afoot for Cheyenne, a distance of over a hundred miles. After much distress (some having feet and hands frozen) they reached Cheyenne and an open railroad and proceeded thence to Oma ha. One passenger died from exposure before reaching Omaha. From Omaha they proceeded to Washington, Avhere they arrived three days after the inauguration. Mr. Parker was introduced by Horace Greeley, May 18, 1869, to the Farmers' Club American Institute, New York city, and before this body was given a hearing as to the Walla Walla valley and its various resources. The report Avhich he thus entered was published in many of the leading papers throughout the east, in a circulation of over half a million (see report of said meeting in the New York Herald, Tribune, Sun, World, Times, Scientific Amer ican, Independent, Rural NeAv Yorker and many other papers), and this constituted the first legitimate advertising of the Walla Walla valley. As a result of this Mr. Parker re ceived a great many letters from various parts of the United States, and these were faithfully ansAvered. For tAvo months or more he worked at AA'ashington city, serving the public in his efforts to secure better mail facilities and to further other important measures. Realizing the immense value of such Avork to them, Le- land Stanford, president of the Central Pa cific Railroad, the authorities of the Union Pa cific Railroad and John Haley, Sr., of the stage lines, placed their transportation at the disposal of Mr. Parker, gratis. In the same year, in the month of May, Mr. Parker was an active member of the first national woman's suffrage convention, the same being held in New York city. It Avas through Mr. Parker's efforts while in Washington, in 1869, that the commissioner of the general land office so changed the rules of the department for all the United States land offices that the settlers on government land could prove up by deposition instead of HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 277 the personal appearance of witnesses, thus sav ing the cost of their journey to the land office, which was over one hundred dollars for each witness. Mr. Parker also succeeded, by the aid of Senator Wilson of Massachusetts, after wards vice-president of the United States, in securing the enactment of a provision of law whereby veteran soldiers could receive the hun dred dollars bounty to be paid to each by draft on the United States treasury without the ex pense of a journey to Oregon City, where the paymaster was located. For nearly tAvo years the judges of the supreme court of Washington Territory, the delegate to congress and others of unmistak able influence had made efforts to have ap pointed for the territory registrars in bank ruptcy, under the United States bankrupt law. All these efforts had resulted in failure, but Mr. Parker, through his private influence with Chief Justice Chase, succeeded in having three lawyers of his own selection appointed to fill the positions noted. For five consecutive years the Walla Walla Board of Trade elected Mr. Parker delegate to the Columbia river water way conventions, which were held at various places, the object in view being to aid and en courage the movement to open the Columbia river to navigation, and it was through his efforts that much was done toward agitating this important question. Its importance may be understood when we revert to the fact that the people now living in the great Columbia basin, which is drained by the Columbia river, and whose area is more than two hundred and fifty thousand square miles,-^equal in extent to the whole area of New England, New York and Ohio, and a portion of Pennsylvania, — could not but receive untold benefit by the opening up of the river to navigation, as this area is opulent with* the wealth of mines of gold, silver, copper, iron and other metals, also of timber and other products — an area capable of supporting many millions of people. (See Smalley's Magazine, St. Paul, Minnesota, Au gust, 1887, for information in regard to this.) In this connection Mr. Parker was on the com mittee for memorial to congress, the most im portant committee, and in October, 1890, he was unanimously elected its president, whicrk incumbency he has since retained. After nearly a quarter of a century of close application to sedentary business Mr. Parker found it necessary to seek employment in the open air, accordingly taking to the saddle and for four years superintending the fencing and cultivation of several thousand acres of land which he had acquired in various counties. His diligence rewarded him by a return of from thirty to forty bushels of wheat to the acre on land upon which ten years before he would not have paid the taxes. Wheat at this time was bringing only thirty cents per bushel, OAving to exorbitant transportation charges, and eight een per cent, interest paid on money secured from the banks. Mr. Parker has since con tinued to devote his attention to the superin tending of his farming and various other prop erties, his success in temporal affairs being ex ceptional and entirely the result of his own well directed efforts. After his arrival in the beautiful Walla Walla valley, although he had traveled extensively throughout the United States, in almost every latitude, the various and wonderful attractions of the valley, the mild, healthful, invigorating climate, the various prolific resources, implying the produc tion of almost every kind of vegetable, fruit and grain, — have kept him so charmed since first he found the Eureka of his travels that :78 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. no place on Puget sound, or in Oregon or Cali fornia, or in any part of the United States, has induced him to change his home. Among the tourist experiences of Mr. Par ker's life that Avhich he recalls Avith the keenest pleasure is his tour to Alaska in August, 1899, in Avhat Avas knoAvn as the "Presbyterian ex cursion." There were some tAvo hundred ex cursionists, and when they reached that marvel of marvels, Muir glacier, only fifteen of the number dared to scale its icy cliffs and cross its treacherous crevasses. Mr. Parker, active in spite of his years, Avas one of the fifteen to accomplish this feat. He regards the Muir glacier and its surroundings as the most sub lime and aAve-inspiring of all the scenes that he has Avitnessed. Mr. Parker is noAv in the ripe fullness of a perfectly matured life and has reached that point along the journey where he may pause and glance with calm retrospection upon the labors and vicissitudes of his past life, noting the obstacles he has surmounted, the efforts which it has been his to render in the cause of humanity, the successes which have been worth ily gained and the manifold blessings which have been his portion, feeling in the meamvhile the satisfaction which ever comes to one who has striven to do his duty to his fellow men. To him has come the tranquil leisure which is the crown of a Avell spent life, and in the com munity Avhere he has lived and labored he is held in high esteem by all Avho have apprecia tion of honest, sterling worth and character. His life has been exemplary, — his charity broad but discriminating, his benefactions to the pub lic of Avide scope and importance and his in fluence e\-er arrayed in support of the right. He has lived a strictly temperate life, even through the years of early settlement, while in temperance has hurried many of his acquaint ances and companions into untimely graves. He has ever kept in touch Avith the questions and topics of the hour, bringing to bear a ma ture judgment and rare discrimination in con sidering all matters of public polity, and his opinions as expressed through the press or by personal dictum, carry Aveight under all cir cumstances. Thoroughly convinced of the justice and value of the single tax principles as advocated by Henry George, Mr. Parker has given to the same the strongest indorsement, having given the matter careful and discriminating study and having become confirmed in the be lief that through the operation of these prin ciples, as practically applied, will result the greatest good to the greatest number. Never lacking the courage of his convictions, he made a very vigorous effort, in 1899, to secure a popular indorsement of this measure by the people of the state, and to provide for a better comprehension of it. His princely offers of financial contributions to the cause are a mat ter of history, and he is still hopeful that his oavii state may be enabled to introduce the meas ure in which he so earnestly believes. Mr. Parker, after forty years of actual litigation in the courts of the land, from the lowest to the highest, gives as his admonition to all the statement that it is far better if possible for all disputes to be settled by arbitration rather than in the courts. He has, however, been com pelled in his extensive practice, to secure two mandamuses from the supreme court of the United States. AA'hile residing in the east Mr. Parker identified himself with the time-honored fra ternity of Free and Accepted Masons. He rose to the degree of Master Mason in Palmyra Lodge, No. 248, in AVayne county, New York. He also took three degrees in Lodge No. 463, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 279: I. O. O. F., in East Palmyra. Some years afterAvard he secured a dimit and traveling card from each of these lodges, but so pressing have been the demands upon his time and attention that he has not maintained an active^ affiliation Avith these bodies during his residence in the Avest. On the 13th of January, 1872, was solem nized the marriage of Mr. Parker and Miss Laura Glenn, of NeAV Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio, she being a sister of the late Dr. J. G. Glenn, of Portland, Oregon. Of the three children of this union only one is living, Orrin Glenn Parker, who was born June 2, 1876, and Avho is now assisting his father in the management of their large interests. The beautiful twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Par ker died of diphtheria in the winter of 1878-9, aged six years. Among the mental characteristics of the subject of this review may be mentioned keen discernment of the meaning and measure of things about him, determination to accomplish Avhatever he undertakes, self-reliance, and in dependence of thought and action, and an imagination fervid and yet signally tempered by good judgment. In religion he has a deep and abiding reverence for those fundamental principles Avhich are the conservators of the Avelfare of men and the favor of the Deity. His faith in the Divine Master is fixed and un wavering and in the declining years of his long and useful life he will have the solace and con solation of the "faith that makes faithful." GEORGE W. BABCOCK.— It is with marked gratification that we accord representa tion in this work to one who has been so prom inently identified with the affairs of the Pa cific coast region and who has so materially, aided in its development as has the gentle-; man whose name introduces this paragraph. A native of the far east, he is yet a pioneer of the far west, and his life has been one of cease less endeavor in varied fields of activity, while his sterling worth has retained to him an un wavering respect and confidence. As one of the leading citizens of Walla Walla, where: he holds high prestige as an architect and builder, it is clearly consistent that a review of > his life should be entered in this compilation. . Mr. Babcock, whose pleasant home is lo-. cated at 109 Alder street, was born in the his-' toric old city of Providence, Rhode Island, in the year 1832, and that place continued to- be his home until he Avas a lad of six years,. when he accompanied his parents on their re-> moval to the Empire state, where he received his preliminary educational discipline in the: public schools, attending the same until the. age of fourteen. His parents then made a second removal, this time locating in the state of Illinois, where the young man again took up his school work, completing the same by one year's attendance at Hillsboro College. In that town also he gave inception to his business career, early proving his distinctive capacity for successful individual effort. For about five years he engaged in selling clocks, pumps, lightning rods, etc., at the expiration of which period he yielded to the western fever which animated him and in 1850 emigrated to California, making the long and weary journey across the plains with a team and wagon, the trip being of six months and nine - days duration. Arriving in the Golden state, he was there engaged in mining pursuits for a decade, his- headquarters being at Hangtown, now known as Placerville. From this point he proceeded 280 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. to San Francisco, Avhere he devoted his atten tion to Avork as an architect and builder for some time, meeting with success and eventual ly curtailing his operations to the functions of an architect only. From "Frisco" Mr. Backcock came for ward to identify his interests with those of the famed "Inland Empire," remaining in Spo kane for six months and coming thence, in 1885, to Walla Walla for. the purpose of lo cating the Washington state penitentiary, for the buildings of which he furnished the plans and specifications and personally superintend ed the erection thereof. He has ever since been a resident of this city, where he has erected many of the most important public and pri vate buildings and Avhere he has been contin uously engaged as an architect. Mr. Babcock has ever maintained a lively and discriminating interest in public affairs of a local nature, having been a member of the city council in Oakland, California, prior to his removal to AVashington, while in 1899 he was chosen to a similar incumbency in Walla Walla, being chairman of the finance commit tee of the council at the time of this Avriting. Fraternally he is very prominently identified with the Masonic order, in which he has at tained the Knights Templar degrees in the York rite and has advanced to the thirty-second de gree, as a sublime prince of the royal secret in the Scottish rite. He is also a noble of the Mystic Shrine, the social adjunct of Free masonry. In connection with other business associations he is vice-president of the Farmers' Savings bank, of Walla Walla. In Eldorado county, California, in the year 1856, Mr. Babcock married Miss Annie Shirley, whose demise occurred in 1864. In 1867, in San Francisco, he consummated a second marriage, being then united to Mrs. Anna J. Crosby. By the first marriage there was one child, Camilla, who is noAV at home with her father. JAMES P. GOODHUE.— The man whose life history it is now our task to briefly out line is one whose connection with the Pacific coast dates back to the earliest times, so he has naturally witnessed a great deal of the pio neer development of this section, and has had an opportunity such as falls to the lot of com paratively few men of assisting in the work of expelling the darkness of barbarism and usher ing in the light of civilization. Born in Salem, Massachusetts, on March 11, 1834, he was early taken thence to NeAV York, from which city, at the age of eighteen years he came to California, making the trip by the Cape Horn route, on the clipper ship Siren, Capt. Ed. Silsbee. After a short stay in the Golden state and a residence of a year in the Sandwich islands, he returned to his native city to visit his parents. In 1855, he crossed the Columbia river bar as mate of the brig Kingsbury, soon after going to Corval- lis, Oregon, where he remained until the out break of the Rogue river Avar, during the con tinuance of which he served as an employe of the quartermaster's department, of the Ore gon Volunteers. During a portion of the year 1856 he served as purser of the steamer Belle, and he subsequently spent some time with Captain. Ingalls in the quartermaster's depart ment of the regular army at Vancouver bar racks. In 1857 he was sent by the govern ment to the Cascades as transfer agent, and in i860 he came to Walla Walla to become wagon master at the fort. After his discharge from connection with the United States army he spent some years in HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 281 the mining districts of Idaho and Montana, but between the years 1868 and 1874, he served at different times as purser on the steamers Active, California, Idaho, George S. Wright and Gussie Telfair, plying between Oregon and British Columbia points and Sitka, Alaska. For the ensuing < seven years he was agent at Victoria, British Columbia, for the Oregon Steamship Company, and between the years 1881 and 1891 he held the position of ma terial and transfer agent for the N. P. R. R. Company. In the latter year he came to Walla Walla, where his home had been since i860, though his work was such as to keep him absent most of the time. His purpose was to establish an express office in this city for the Northern Pa cific Express Company, which he did and he has remained in charge of the same ever since. Mr. Goodhue has been twice married. On 'April 29, i860, he became the husband of Miss Anna Turnbull, a niece of Captain James Turnbull, the pioneer captain of the Columbia river. This lady died in Walla Walla in July, 1868, leaving three children, Frank, chief clerk in the quartermaster's department at Seattle, Washington ; James ; and Edith, widow of Lieutenant William Moffat, Second United States Infantry. His second marriage was ¦solemnized in Victoria, British Columbia, when Miss Fannie Cooper became his wife. To this union three children were born, namely : Charlotte H., Ada Putnam and Claude How ard, the last-named of Avhom is ticket agent for the N. P. R. R. Company in Walla Walla. Mr. Goodhue has the proud distinction of being a lineal descendant of the noted Israel Putnam, he being a grandson of Colonel Pur- ley Putnam of the war of 181 2, who was a near relative of the man whose name is so well known in history. ALVAH BROWN.— The esteemed and courteous gentleman whose name forms the caption of this article has been a resident of the Walla Walla valley for nearly twenty years, and during that time has held various positions both public .and private which have brought him into personal relations with a great num ber of men, and it is safe to say that he is one of the most widely acquainted of all the citi zens of the county. His unfailing faithfulness in the discharge of every duty entrusted to him has won the respect of those who know of his record, while his uniform kindliness and af fability have made him a universal favorite. Mr. Brown, popularly known as "Jerry" BroAvn, is a native of Silverton, Marion coun ty, Oregon, born October 20, 1855. His mental discipline was acquired in the public schools established in the vicinity of his home, while his physical man was developed to the fullest by vigorous early and late exercise on his father's farm. When his majority was attained, he received an appointment, signed by President U. S. Grant, to the office of post master at Silverton, and the duties -of that in cumbency were discharged by him faithfully and well for a period of four years. When his successor, Mr. T. R. Hibbard, took charge, our subject was appointed assistant postmater, continuing in the same position for three years thereafter. In May, 1883, he retired from the postal service and came to Walla Walla, where he en tered the employ of J. Jones, whose place of business was on the corner of Third and Main -streets, serving him in the capacity of a clerk for about eighteen months. He then took service as secretary of the AAralla Walla Water Company, from which position he retired two years later to accept an appointment on the city police force under Chief T. J. Robinson. 282 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. During the five years of his service as a police officer he made a record of which he has just cause to feel proud. When Chief Robinson died he resigned his appointment and became clerk and bookkeeper in the employ of H. Mc- Arthur, a cigar and tobacco merchant, and with him has remained uninterruptedly since, his personal magnetism and affability of man ner making him an especially successful man in that business. Mr. Brown's marriage was solemnized in Silverton, Oregon, on March 14, 1878, Avhen Miss Viola Davis, a schoolmate and childhood friend of his, became his wife. They have two children living, Gertrude and Gladys, both in the public school, also had one, Stanley D., who Avas accidentally killed while hunting, his demise occurring August 1, 1899. Mr. Brown's father, James M., came to Oregon in 1846, and died at Woodburn in that state, January 8, 1886. His mother passed aAvay in Silverton, on September 20, 1876. Mrs. Brown's father, Dr. P. A. Davis, arrived in Oregon in 1852, and still resides in Silverton. Her mother also died in Silverton, in April, 1866. EN-GOVERNOR MILES C. MOORE, president of the Baker-Boyer National bank, the oldest institution of its kind in the state of AA'ashington, is a native of Muskingum county, Ohio, born April 17, 1845. When twelve years old he accompanied the rest of the family to Point Bluff, Wisconsin, and he Avas educated in the Methodist Episcopal Institute, there located. In 1863 he came to AValla Walla, AA'ashington. He Avas first employed as a clerk in the store of Kyger and Rees. Thereafter, at the age of nineteen, he embarked in business on his own account in Blackfoot City, a mining tOAvn in Montana. He returned to Walla Walla in the fall of 1866 and became postmaster and a partner in the book store of H. E. Johnson & Company. In 1869 he opened a general store in company Avith Paine Bros., the firm name being Paine Bros. & Moore. This establishment Avas later convert ed into an agricultural implement house, the first in eastern Washington. Mr. Moore subsequently became associat ed with his father-in-law, Dr. D. S. Baker, in the grain business and in various other enter prises, and this connection was maintained until 1888, when Doctor Baker died. Mr. Moore then became one of the administrators of the estate. For many years he Avas an active participant and a leading spirit in the politics of Washington, but of late years he has given less attention to public and more to his OAvn private affairs. He was elected mayor of the city in 1877, and in 1889 he Avas appointed to fill the gubernatorial chair, during that period of our history Avhen the territory Avas donning the dignity of statehood. Comment ing upon his administration the Tacoma Ledger said, "Of all the able governors the territory has had, beginning with Isaac I. Stevens, who was a distinguished soldier, en gineer and political leader, no one has brought to the office more intelligence, dignity and grace than Governor Miles C. Moore." In 1889, when the Baker-Boyer National bank was organized, Governor Aloore became a stockholder and vice-president, and on the death of Mr. Boyer, in 1898, he was promoted to the presidency. He is also a stockholder in the First National bank of AAralla Walla, and senior member of the firm known as M. C. Moore & Sons, loans and investments. He is,. moreover, extensively interested in real estate HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 283 in various parts of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Mr. Moore was married in Walla Walla, in March, 1873, to Mary E. Baker, a native of East Portland, Oregon, and to them have been born three sons, Frank A. and Walter B., assistants in the bank, and Robert L., a student at Whitman College. The family live in a beautiful home on the southeast edge of the city, surrounded by beautiful grounds, and adorned with everything which good taste could suggest. Governor Moore's father, Amos L., was a native of Delaware, of English extraction, and his mother, nee Monroe, was a scion of the famous Virginia family to which President Monroe belonged. WASHINGTON SMITH GILLIAM, a retired farmer and well known citizen of Walla AValla, residing in a pleasant home at 315 Newell street, is a native of Clay county, Mis souri, where he was born on the 24th of Feb ruary, 1829. He continued to reside in his na tive state until he attained the age of fifteen years. His parents were General Cornelius and Mary (Crawford) Gilliam, his father having attained distinction in connection with the militia and through effective service in the In dian Avars. The subject of this sketch ac companied his parents on their journey over land from Missouri to Oregon, the transporta tion facilities being those afforded by an ox- team and the trip being protracted over a period of six months. They settled where Dalles, Polk county, Oregon, is now located, the family being the first to settle south of Rickreall creek. Our subject attended school for a brief interval prior to the removal of the family from Missouri and completed his edu cational discipline in the schools of Oregon, which were of somewhat primitive character, owing to the exigencies of place and period. Upon beginning a life of personal responsi bility Mr. Gilliam directed his attention to the basic industry of agriculture in varied phases, continuing to retain his abode in Oregon un til 1859, when he cast in his lot with the pio neer settlers of Walla Walla county, where he has ever since resided, being now recognized as one of the venerable and honored pioneers of this section. Upon coming to this county he secured land by both pre-emption and pur chase, and much of this land has since contin ued in his possession, — a period of more than forty years. Careful and discriminating in his methods, success attended his efforts and he became one of the extensive agriculturists of the county. In this connection it is grati fying to recall the fact that he has never swerved in his allegiance to husbandry, having been a farmer all his life and being at the present time identified with this line of in dustry through the leasing of his land to good tenants. Mr. Gilliam has been a man of marked pub lic spirit and has never failed to discharge the duties devolving upon him as a citizen, hav ing been called upon to serve in positions of distinctive trust and responsibility. He was sheriff of Polk county, Oregon, in 185 1-2, was a member of its territorial legislature in 1853-4; held a similar incumbency in the Washington legislature in 1861, while in 1863 he served with marked efficiency as sheriff of Walla Walla county. Mr. Gilliam is a man of marked in tellectual and executive force and has left an unmistakable impress upon the annals of this county, where he has lived and labored to such goodly ends. 284 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. On the 23d of February, 1854, in Polk county, Oregon, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Gilliam and Miss Esther A. Taylor, who came to the Pacific coast region in 1852. To them have been born six children, of whom we make brief record, as folloAvs : Ellen, AvidoAv of Jesse N. Day, is a resident of AA'alla AA'alla ; Lane C, a mining expert, resides in the city of Spokane; Mitchell is a resident of Seattle; J. Benjamin is one of the successful farmers of AValla Walla county ; Mary remains at the parental home; and Marcus H. is a miner in British Columbia. Of the children three Avere born in Oregon and three in AVashington. In conclusion Ave are pleased to record an interesting historical fact recalled by Mr. Gilliam, to the effect that the first settlers in this section came hither to secure pasture for their cattle, little imagining the great agri cultural Avealth and productiveness which Avere eventually to give the locality its greatest precedence. WILLIAM O'DONNELL, retired hard ware merchant of AA'alla AA'alla, a pioneer of 1862, is a native of Ireland, born January 16, 1836. A Amen a boy of eight he came Avith his father to America, landing in NeAV Orleans. He thence proceeded to St. Louis, Missouri, Avhere in 1845 ne was left an orphan by the death of his father, his mother having passed away in 1837. For the ensuing seven years he remained in St. Louis, solving the difficult problem of existence as best he could. In 1852, liOAvever, he Avent to Jacksonville, Illinois, where he learned ..the trade of a tinner, and where he lived until 1857. He then removed to Atchison, Kansas, and thence, tAvo years later, to GeorgetOAvn, Missouri, Avhich Avas his place of abode until 1861. In that year he set out with an ox-team for Salt Lake City, but upon arrival he and his party purchased a new outfit and proceeded to Carson City, Nevada. Here Mr. O'Donnell followed his trade for a short time, but soon came on to Placerville, California. He did not remain, however, but soon went to San Fran cisco, then by steamer to Portland, Oregon, where he and three other persons built a small boat. In this they proceeded to LeAviston, Idaho. After a residence of only fourteen days, Mr. O'Donnell returned to Portland, and en tered the employ of Messrs. A. M. and L. M. Starr, Avorking for them as a tinner until Au gust, 1863, Avhen he came to Walla Walla. In this city he has resided continuously since, except for a brief period during which he Avas on a mining expedition in British Columbia. He Avas employed by Mr. Phillips almost con stantly until 1872, in which year he engaged in business for himself, eventually becoming the OAvner of the old stand where his former employer started. He disposed of his hard- Avare establishment October 1, 1900, and re tired from active business. Mr. O'Donnell has been known as one of the most successful business men of Walla AA'alla, and he also ranks among its most high ly esteemed citizens. He has long taken a leading part in the municipal affairs of his home city, having served as county treasurer as early as 1880, and having since been a mem ber of the city council. Fraternally, he affil iates with the F. & A. M., the B. P. O. E., and the Catholic Knights. On May 7, 1869, Mr. O'Donnell married Miss Margaret Flaherty, a native of Ireland, Avho died in Walla AAralla September 25, 1889. They became parents of one daughter, Grace, born February 4, 1871, now deceased. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 285 JOHN KYDD. — Perhaps no other coun try on the face of the earth of equal size and population produces so many men who dis tinguish themselves for thrift, progressiveness and sterling character as does old Scotland. Her sons have Avon renown the world over for all those traits which go to make up true manliness and to win esteem and respect. Not the least worthy of those who claim for their fatherland fair Caledonia is the man whose name forms the caption of this brief article. He was born in Kincardine county, Parish of Fordoun, on February 9, i860, and there he resided until twelve years of age, attending the public schools. His father having died, he then removed with the rest of the family to Arbroath, where he received a high school training. Upon retiring from school he fol lowed farming with his brother until twenty- two years old, but the desire to try his fortunes in America had taken hold of him and in 1882 he set sail for the new world,- coming alone. He took up a temporary residence in the Red river valley in Minnesota, but not being satis fied with the rigorous climate, he soon came on to Walla Walla. He purchased a quarter section of land on the Touchet river, from Dr. Dorsey Baker, also homesteaded another quarter adjoining, and he has been increasing his realty hold ings from time to time since until he is now the owner of a magnificent farm of nine thou sand acres. He raises about one hundred and sixty acres of wheat annually and about sixty acres of alfalfa, retaining the remainder for pasture. He keeps four thousand head of sheep, forty head of cattle and horses enough for his own work. His annual wool clip aver ages about fifty thousand pounds. Mr. Kydd is essentially a self-made man, having arrived in America without much cap ital, and having acquired by dint of energy and good management, a rank among the moderate ly wealthy. The same qualities of mind which have enabled him to accomplish his industrial success have secured for him the esteem and respect of the community in which he lives, while his many good and neighborly charac teristics have won all hearts. Fraternally, he is identified with' Washington Lodge, No. 19, I. O. O. R, of Walla Walla, also with Walla Walla Tribe, No. 23, Improved Order of Red Men. On July 12, 1900, Mr. Kydd left his place in charge of a foreman and visited the Paris Exposition, visiting also his old home in Scot land where his mother and one of his brothers reside. He found his mother in excellent health though past seventy-five years of age. His other brother, William, is a farmer near the town of Harris Smith, Orange Free State, Africa. From him he recently received a let ter saying that the Boers had just recently made a raid on his farm and taken all his crops and stock, depriving him of the accumulations resulting from the assiduous efforts of twenty- one years and compelling a new start in life. HENRY SANDERSON, deceased, a pio neer of i860, was a native of Paris, France, where his early years were passed, and where he was married. He came to America about 1845, and located in San Francisco. He was engaged in the hotel business there and in Napa City for a number of years, but at length removed to Corvallis, Oregon, whence, in i860, he came to Walla Walla. He opened here Avhat was known as the Walla Walla hotel, the first in the city. In 1870, he went to Alaska, opened a bakery and restaurant there, 286 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. and operated the business for many years afterwards. He returned to Walla Walla in 1897, but died the folloAving year. He Avas an industrious, energetic man, successful in busi ness, and highly respected by all his neighbors. His Avife died in 1887. Emil Sanderson, their son, was born in Napa City, California, July 4, 1857. He was reared in Walla Walla, having been brought here by his parents when he Avas about three years old. He has lived in the city almost continuously since, engaged in the restaurant business and in various other enterprises. He has always taken a lively interest in the city's welfare, manifesting his desire to promote the public good in many ways, but especially by his activity in the fire department, in which he Avas for tAvo years first assistant chief. In politics he is a Demo crat. He Avas elected a constable in 1896, and the duties of that office are still being dis charged by him. In Denver, Colorado, he married Miss Mabel O. Crawford, a native of California, and they have become parents of one daughter, Grace. Mr. Sanderson is quite prominent in fraternal circles, being identified with the Odd Fellows, Elks, Eagles and Red Men. CHARLES B. STEWART, M. D.— The vocation of the physician and surgeon is one of the most exacting and responsible in the entire category of human undertakings, de manding of its votaries a most discriminating preliminary discipline and an alert human sympathy and unflinching nerve, since it touches most closely the ultimate issues of life and death. AA'alla AA'alla has been signally favored in the character and ability of her med ical practitioners, and among those who have won precedence through sterling professional and personal worth must certainly be men tioned the subject of this brief review, whose offices are located in rooms 1 and 2, post- office block. Dr. Stewart is a native of the Pacific north west, having been born in Jackson county, Ore gon, in 1858, a representative of one of the early pioneer families of this now opulent sec tion of the Union. He has passed practically his entire life in Walla Walla, having been brought hither when but four years of age, and here he received his preliminary educa tional discipline, attending the public schools and later Whitman College. Having deter mined to prepare himself for the profession of medicine, he matriculated in the time-hon ored Jefferson Medical College, at Philadel phia, Pennsylvania, Avhere he completed the required curriculum of studies, with the in cidental clinical and surgical work; but so earnest was his desire to thoroughly reinforce himself for his life work that immediately after his graduation he took two post-graduate courses, fortifying himself by the most care ful study and investigation. Thus well equipped for his work, the Doc tor returned to AValla Walla, where he forth with opened an office, in 1888, and prqDared to enter upon the active practice of his pro fession. No dreary novitiate awaited him, and he soon gained a position as one of the suc cessful and able physicians of the city, devot ing himelf to a general practice of medicine and surgery and securing a representative sup port. The Doctor is a member of the alumni association of Jefferson Medical College and also of the AA'alla Walla Valley Medical So ciety. He keeps well abreast of the advances made in the science to Avhich he devotes him self, being a constant and discriminating reader of the best medical periodicals and standard HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 287 publications. He served for a number of years as coroner. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In the year 1870 was celebrated the mar riage of Dr. Stewart to Miss Etta B. Wol- fard, the union being solemnized in Whitman county, of which Mrs. Stewart's parents are pioneers, as are they also of Spokane county. The Doctor and his wife are the parents of tAvo children, — Charles P. and Maggie M. JUDGE E. B. WHITMAN, deceased, a pioneer of 1858, was a native of Boston, Massa chusetts, born January 20, 1824. In that his toric city, his early youth, was passed, but on attaining his majority his adventurous spirit led him to cross the plains to Stockton, Cali fornia, where for some years afterwards he was engaged in the stock business. Failing health, hoAvever, at length compelled him to seek a more salubrious climate, and he moved to AValla AA'alla, arriving July 10, 1858. Short ly afterwards he engaged in the general mer chandise business with the Baldwin Bros. Subsequently Judge Whitman spent eight years in the employ of the Wells Fargo Ex press Company, as agent, then resigned to en gage in the insurance business, a line to which his best efforts were given until August 6, 1899, when he died. During the many years of his residence in Walla Walla, Judge Whitman took a very active part in promoting the development and prosperity of the city, presiding in its council chambers, and ever exerting- a. very sensible influence in its material and municipal ad vancement. His name was on the petition presented to the first board of county com missioners, praying that the town of Walla Walla be laid out and established, and to him belongs the distinction of having been the first mayor of the city. He was again elected to that responsible post in 1866, and for the third time in 1871. In 1872, the electors of Walla Walla again testified their faith in him by plac ing him in the mayor's seat, and the following year he was for a fifth time their choice. Judge Whitman also served as sheriff of the county for a time in 1863, and from 1889 to 1 89 1 he was county clerk. For many years he held the office of justice of the peace and for fourteen he was a director in school district No. 1. He was always prominent in the pro motion and encouragement of railroad build ing. Indeed no enterprise for the benefit of the city was without his generous support, and few men have a better right to the grateful remembrance of posterity. For more than fifty years Judge Whitman was a prominent Odd Fellow, and he also be longed to the Blue Lodge, the Chapter and Commandery in the F. & A. M. Religiously, he was an Episcopalian. He was married in Brooklyn, New York, to Maria I. Greenwood, a native of Portland, Maine, who died in Walla Walla, December 25, 1898, leaving two sons, Edward S. and Stephen G. Edward S., a pioneer of 1862, was born in Ware, Massachusetts, September 10, 1846, and there he passed his youth, and received his education. At the age of sixteen, he came with his mother and brother to Walla Walla, and for ten years thereafter he was engaged in packing to the various mining camps. During the Nez Perce war he had charge of a pack- train for General Howard, but as soon as the trouble was over he engaged in stock raising in Garfield county, Washington. He still owns a stock farm there, but owing to ill health was compelled to give up that occupation in HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 1897, and since that date he has been employed as secretary for Dr. Shaw of Walla Walla. He is one of the most highly esteemed and re spected citizens of the city. On April 14, 1887, Mr. Whitman was united in marriage to Miss Delphine A. Walker, a native of Mon treal, and they have one son, Mason G., born October 11, 1889. DR. DORSEY S. BAKER was born in Wabash county, Illinois, on the 18th of Oc tober, 1823. He came of Puritan stock, num bering among his ancestors General Ethan Allen, of Ticonderoga fame. While he was a boy in his 'teens his father was engaged in mill ing "and merchandising, and in the manage ment of these enterprises Dorsey S. assisted1, thus acquiring business experience and train ing that was useful to him in after life. In 1845 he- graduated from the Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia. After practicing his profession for a short time at Des Moines, Iowa, he determined to try his fortune in the Avest, and accordingly, in 1848, set out for Oregon, where he arrived in the fall of the same year, without friends or fortune. He began the practice of his pro fession immediately upon arriving at Port land, then a very small town. Gold was dis covered in California the following year, and the Doctor joined the rush for the famous El dorado. He remained in California until the spring of 1850, then returned to Portland and entered into partnership with L. B. Hastings in the general merchandise business. He again went to the mines the following spring, his objective point being Yreka, then a new mining camp. Returning to Oregon in May of the same year, he located in the Umpqua valley, where, for several years, he was variously en gaged in stock-raising, milling and the general merchandise business. The first flour mill built in southern Oregon was erected by him at the old town of Oakland, Douglas county. In 1858 Ave find him again in Portland, engaged in the hardware business. In 1869 he estab lished a store in Walla Walla and placed Will iam Stephens in charge of the business, but the following year he assumed personal man agement of it. In 1862 he entered' into part nership with his brother-in-law, John F. Boyer, establishing the firm of Baker & Boyer, so well and so favorably known in eastern Washington. In that year he also became associated with' Captain Ankeny, H. W. Corbett and Captain Baughman for the purpose of organizing a steamboat company to run a line of boats on the Columbia and Snake rivers. They built the steamer "Spray," for the upper river, and the "E. D. Baker" for the lower Columbia trade. These lines were sold the following year to the O. S. N. Company. Some nine years later we find the Doctor engaged in the construction of a line of rail way from Walla Walla to the Columbia. This he built almost entirely Avith his own personal resources. Despite many prophecies of friend and foe alike that this undertaking would end in disaster, the genius of Dr. Baker was equal to the task of carrying it to a successful termi nation. It not only greatly enhanced the private fortune of its promoter, but brought prosperity and Avealth to the entire AA'alla AA'alla valley and adjacent country. It was a source of no little gratification to the Doctor that during his ownership and management the Walla AAralla & Columbia River Railroad Avas never encumbered Avith a mortgage and never had a floating debt. This road Avas finally sold, in #v mm En9 ?hyF.G.Ko6 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 1890, however, he sold out and returned to Walla Walla, where the following year he was .given a position as guard in the state peniten tiary. He soon was promoted to the post of •deputy warden. In 1896 Mr. Cameron severed his connec tion with the official management of that insti tution, and in 1897, in company with Dr. C. B. Stewart, he went to Alaska to try his for tunes in the Eldorado of the north. He en gaged in freighting from Skagway and Lake Bennet, employing in his business eight horses and a dog team. He also gave a portion of his time and attention to prospecting in the Atlin mining region, where he still has a good claim. Returning to AValla AValla in November, 1899, 'he, a few months later, accepted a position as agent for the Pacific Coast Elevator Company at Spofford, and he has been in their employ ¦ ever since. Mr. Cameron is one of the sub stantial and thoroughly reliable men of the county, and enjoys the esteem and good will of his neighbors generally. He is an active worker in the Republican party, and quite a leader in its campaigns. He Avas married in Walla AValla to Ella, a daughter of Daniel and Margaret Stewart, and like her husband .a native of Walla AValla. THOMAS TAYLOR, electrical engineer, a pioneer of 1887, was born in England, on April 9, 1849. When ten years old, he em barked as cabin boy in the merchant marine service, and he continued to follow the sea for sixteen years thereafter, advancing through the various grades until he became captain. He spent nine years in the Chinese and Japanese trade, then seiwed as a joiner aboard the Great Eastern, the largest vessel ever built, in the lay ing of the French Atlantic cable. During his long experience as a sailor he visited France, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Germany, St. Vincent island, the Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, Bombay, Aden, China, Japan, the Philippine islands, Sumatra, Borneo, Australia and numerous other places. He was Avrecked three times : first off Dunge- ness, caused by a collision with a steamer; next off the north coast of England, where he was rescued by a life saving creAv, and lastly on a reef near Fern Island, where the father of the noted heroine, Grace Darling, served as lighthouse keeper. After leaving the sea Mr. Taylor sailed for two years as second mate on the Great Lakes, then went into contracting in the business of loading and unloading vessels at Racine, Wis consin. Four years were spent thus, then for five years he was employed by the J. I. Case machine shops as superintendent. He was sent by them to take charge of their business in Spokane, but shortly afterward was moved to Walla Walla to assume the management of their branch house here. When, some eighteen months later, the AValla AA'alla Gas and Electric Company was formed he accepted a position with them, and except for about tAvelve months he was in their service contin uously for the ensuing twelve years. When he first entered their employ, they had a thirty horse-power engine, but before he left they used in their business, 1165 horse-power, con sisting of water, electricity and steam. All the machinery for this large plant he, as chief en gineer, had to put in place and get ready for operation. For about eighteen month from October, 1898, he Avas engaged as general electrician in AA'alla Walla, but, in April, 1899, he assumed the managership of the Milton, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 307 Oregon, electric plant, which position he still holds. Mr. Taylor has been a very successful man both on the sea and as a contractor and en gineer. He possesses remarkable mechanical ability and skill, so that his services are in de mand wherever, in this section of the country, intricate electrical plants are to be established. In fraternal affiliations he is a Forrester and Red Man. He was married in Clinton, On tario, in April, 1878, to Miss Emma J. Rundle, a Cornish lady, who, when a girl, worked five years in a copper mine in England. They have six children, Richard T., Ethel, Edward J., Mattie E., Alice M. and Alfred O. DANIEL BURR, a farmer Avhose resi dence in this county dates back to 1886, was born in Mercer, Maine, on May 6; 1839. He acquired his: education in the public schools and in a private high school, then went to work on his father's farm, remaining until he was nine teen years of age. He then went to Worcester, Massachusetts, and worked on a farm' for a season, but later returned to New Sharon,. Maine, bought a farm, and, with his mother, followed farming for about ten years. But in 1868 he sold this place and moved onto an other which he had purchased in the same lo cality. After farming this for about seven years Mr. Burr removed to Franklin county, same state, where he continued in agricultural pur suits until, in 1886, he came to this county. Purchasing a farm on Dry creek, seven miles northwest of Walla Walla, he resumed his former occupation, adding to his real estate holdings a half-section of railroad land pur chased later. In 1899 he sold all this property, however, and the following year purchased three hundred and twenty acres near Rulo Station, where he now resides, and on which he is raising Avheat. Mr. Burr has the distinction of having served as a soldier in the Civil war, having enlisted in Company K, Twenty-eighth Maine Volunteer Infantry, in September, 1862. He participated in the Mississippi campaign, en countering many dangers, especially in one ex pedition after wounded men. His principal duty, hoAvever, was to serve as escort guard and provost guard, also to prevent the carry ing of contraband articles by a bayou to the Confederates. His father and grandfather also served in the war of the Rebellion and his great-grandfather was a captain in the Revo lutionary war. Mr. Burr was married in New Sharon, Maine, on June 13, 1867, to Miss Han nah G. Paine, one of his schoolmates. They have four children, Mary E., Sarah P., John F. and Nettie. ALLEN H. REYNOLDS.— As a promi nent member of the bar of Walla Walla coun ty, as a representative of one of the honored pioneer families of the city of Walla Walla, of which he is a native son, it is peculiarly compatible that in this compilation be given a resume of the genealogical and personal his tory of him whose name initiates this para graph. Mr. Reynolds, who is the senior member of the firm of Reynolds & Gillis, attorneys at law, with offices in the Reynolds building, Walla Walla, was born in this city on the 24th of January, 1869, the son of Almos H. and Lettice J. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds has passed his entire life in his native city, his pre liminary educational discipline being received 3o8 HISTORY OF AA'ALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. in a private school conducted by Rev. P. B. Chamberlain. He later matriculated in AA'hit man College, in this city, completing a course of study and then entering the laAV department of Boston University, where he graduated as a member of the class of 1893. Returning to Walla AA'alla he entered upon the active prac tice of his profession, being associated at this time Avith XV. H. Kirkman. Later he Avas for a time in partnership Avith his brother, Harry A., but in the spring of 1900 he entered into a professional alliance with his present asso ciate, Andrew J. Gillis. The firm are building up a large and representative practice. Mr. Reynolds has charge of the affairs of the family estate, is treasurer of AVhitman College and a member of its board of1 trustees. He is vice-president of the First National bank and is a member of the executive com mittee of the Farmers' Savings bank, while he holds much valuable realty in the city and county. On the 7th of November, 1894, Mr. Reynolds Avas united in marriage to Miss Fanny Kirkman, daughter of William H. and Isabella Kirkman, well known residents of Walla AValla, where Mrs. Reynolds Avas born. Our subject and his Avife are the parents of two children, William Allen, and Almos, the former of whom was born November 19, 1895, and the latter May 19, 1898. LORENZO A. DAVIS, one of the ener getic and progressive farmers and business men of the vicinity of AA'alla Walla, is a na tive of Indiana, born February 26, 1853. His education Avas received in the state of Wiscon sin, whither his parents moved Avhen he was about four years old. At the age of eighteen he set out for the Avest, and finally located in the vicinity of AA'alla Walla, Avhere he has re sided almost continuously since. He has al- Avays been a true friend of his neighborhood, and has ever manifested a Avillingness to do his full share for the general Avelfare. He is iden tified Avith Columbia Lodge, No. 26, F. & A. M., and Avith the F. O. E. Fie Avas married in AValla Walla, in 1878, to Aliss Ida Pettibone, a native of that city, and they are parents of one son, Cyrus A. Mr. Davis' father, Cyrus, a native of Ver mont, was born May 3, 1827, is both a glass- blower and a stone cutter, having learned those handicrafts in early youth. He folloAved stone- Avork in Ohio and Wisconsin until 1871, when he came out to AA'alla Walla, and pur chased Avhat is now known as the Davis ranch. He later purchased land on Whisky creek, and engaged quite extensively in stock-raising and general farming. In 1883, however, he moved to Pataha City and in 1888 to Dayton, where he noAv resides. He is one of the best known and most highly esteemed of the early pio neers, and deserves an honored place among those who have laid the foundations of our Avestern civilization. THEADORE H. JESSUP, of the real es tate firm of AA^orth & Jessup, has long been prominent in the civil administration of Walla AAralla county. He Avas born in Indiana July 29, 1848, but received his' education in Polk county, Iowa, his father having moved there Avhen he was four years old. For a number of years after leaving school he followed farm ing as an occupation. In 1878, however, he came out to this county, located at Waitsburg, and engaged in the butcher business. In 1883 he accepted a position as clerk for E. L. Powell HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 309 by whom he Avas employed for the ensuing three years. He AAas appointed postmaster un der Cleveland's first administration, and filled that office with credit to himself for a period of four years, after which he then accepted an other clerical position. In 1894 Mr. Jessup Avas elected county as sessor, but on the expiration of his term he again became a clerk, and so remained until 1896, when he was asked to accept a deputy- ship under County Assessor William Gholson. In 1898 he moved to Walla Walla and opened a real estate office in the quarters now occupied by the firm of vriiich he is a member. Mr. Jessup is one of the most highly es teemed of the citizens of Walla Walla county, and enjoys the entire confidence and hearty good Avill of all who know him. He is a very active man in fraternal circles, being identified with the A. O. -U. W., the I. O. O. F. and the F. & A. M. On April 18, 1867, he married Miss Sophronia M. Olds, a native of Ohio, and they now have three children living, name ly: Anna B., wife of W. C. Roach, of Seattle; Mary L., wife of J. W. McLean, of Waits burg; and Lethia Burrel Clare. The names of the deceased children are Frank, EdAvard and Lizzie. MRS. EMELINE J. MABRY, of Walla Walla, Avidow of Thomas Mabry, was born in Ontario, Canada, April 11, 1839. Her father, Stephen M. Herrett, was a courier for the Brit ish government in the war of 181 2. She ac quired her education in the public schools of her native land, remaining there until twenty- eight years old, when she moved to Detroit, Michigan. Flere she met and married Mr. John Clement, Avith whom she came to Rich mond, Illinois. They folloAved the shoe busi ness there and in Osage, Iowa, for about six years, then tried the same line in Carthage, Missouri, but soon returned to Bedford, Iowa, Avhere, for a number of years afterwards, they combined their former occupation Avith farm ing, Mrs. Clement superintending operations on the place, while Mr. Clement followed his trade in tOAvn. They aftenvards pursued the same dual oc cupation in Beloit, Kansas, but losing heavily in the grasshopper scourge, they at length de cided to come Avest. They were in business in Oregon about tAvo years, after Avhich they came to this valley, via the old portage route. Mr. Clement died here in 1880, and for a few years afterwards Mrs. Clement had some very trying experiences, but her stamina and energy enabled her to triumph over all adverse cir cumstances. In 1 88 1, she rented the place in which she now lives for the purpose of keeping boarders, also pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres twelve miles north of the city. By paying some cash and trading this land in as part payment, she obtained title to her present home in 1885, but it Avas quite heavily en cumbered, and after only one payment had been made, her second husband, Mr. Mabry, whom she had married in 1884, died, and she was left to struggle Avith heavy debts alone. Despite the prophesies of her friends, however, she suc ceeded in meeting her payments ; indeed she has also added wing after wing to the original house, until it has become one of the most com fortable and best equipped residences in the city. She might well retire iioav, but is too ambitious and active to care for a life of idle ness. Mrs. Mabry is an enthusiastic Christian Scientist, and she has good reason to be, having been restored to health through the agency of that faith after being given up by the physi- 3io HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. cians. She had a cancerous growth on her left cheek, Avhich defied all treatment until she put her case in the hands of the Christian Science healers, after Avhich it, and all attendant ail ments, quickly disappeared. Mr. Mabry, her last husband, Avas one of the well knoAvn and highly esteemed business men of AA'alla Walla, and Avhen he died in 1886, his loss Avas mourned by all who knew him. He Avas a prominent member of the local lodge, I. O. O. F. ALMOS H. REYNOLDS was born in Ma drid, St. Lawrence county, New York, on the 2 1 st of October, 1808, being the son of Nicho las Reynolds, who was a native of the state of Vermont, and Avho was a millwright by trade. After a temporary residence in several locali ties the family removed to Aurora, Erie coun ty, New York, where Almos was reared and educated, becoming a millwright by occupation, having learned the trade under the direction of his father. In the year 1838, he removed to the Avest, residing for a time in Illinois, whence he moved to Iowa. He Avas a resident of Davenport, the latter state for the greater por tion of the time up to the year 1850, Avhen he made his Avay across the plains to California. In the succeeding year he crossed the mountains to Oregon, and here he devoted his attention to mill building. In May, 1859, Mr. Reynolds became a resi dent of AA'alla AValla and Avith the upbuilding and progress of the Garden City his name was most conspicuously identified, and here he con tinued to make his home until his death, Avhich occurred on the 21st of April, 1889. He was a man of strictest integrity in all the relations of life, Avas endoAved Avith market business and executive ability, and Avas signally successful in temporal affairs, being known and recog nized as one of the leading citizens of the county, where he was held in the highest esteem as one of the valued and honored pioneers of this state. He erected many mills throughout the territory of Washington, two of therm in the immediate vicinity of Walla Walla. He also built, and for several years owned, the Avoolen mills at Dayton, now the county seat of Columbia county. He was associated with Dr. J. H. Day in the establishing of the first banking business in Walla Walla, the same be ing a private institution, conducted under the firm name of Reynolds & Day. He later be came one of the principal stockholders of the First National bank, in whose organization he was largely instrumental. He was public- spirited and ever maintained a lively interest in all that conserved the progress and substantial upbuilding of the city and county where he passed many years of a useful and honorable life. The marriage of Mr. Reynolds was solem nized on the 23d of May, 1861, when he was united to Miss Lettice J. Clark, nee Millican, the Avidow of Ransom Clark, who first crossed the plains to Oregon with Fremont, in 1843. Mrs. Clark Avas a resident of AValla Walla at the time of her marriage to Mr. Reynolds, and this city still continues to be her home. She is held in the highest esteem' as one of the ven erable pioneers of the county. By her mar riage to Mr. Clark she became the mother of three children, — Charles, born August 29, 1846; William, April 9, 1857; and Lizzie, Au gust 19, 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds became the parents of two sons, — Harry A., who was born October 14, 1863, and who is now one of the prosperous agriculturists of the county ; and Allen H., of whom more extended mention is elseAvhere made. HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 3ir GEORGE SMAILS, a pioneer of 1862, was born in West Virginia, April 27, 1838. His education, however, was acquired in Illi nois, to which state his parents moved when he Avas six years old. He accompanied the fam ily to Iowa in 1854, and followed farming in that state for a few years, but in 1862 he set out across the plains with ox-teams. Reaching AValla Walla in due time, he purchased one hun dred and sixty acres six miles south of the town, and again engaged in farming, buying more land at a later date. In 1883, he disposed of his holdings, moved into Walla Walla, and en gaged in • a hotel and livery business. He it was who built the Exchange hotel, of which he was proprietor until 1888. Shortly afterward he received an appointment as a member of the city police force. For the ensuing ten years, he served as such officer, invariably performing his duties conscientiously, and with skill and dispatch. He has been living in comparative retirement for the past few years. Mr. Smails is a very public-spirited man, and has ahvays donated liberally to every de serving public enterprise of both his money and his time. His fraternal affiliations are with the F. O. E. He Avas married in Iowa, in 1858, to Miss Mary E. Harvey, a native of that state, and to them have been born six children, Nancy, now Mrs. Felix Warren, Sarah, now Mrs. John Knifong, of Colfax, John F., in busi ness in Walla Walla, Harvey, also in business in Walla Walla, Robert E., in business at Lewiston, Idaho, and Bettie, wife of Frank Strong, of Spokane. WINFIELD S. OFFNER, who is at the head of one of the leading commercial enter prises of the city of Walla Walla, Avhere he conducts an extensive business as a wholesale dealer in fruit and produce, is a native of St. Joseph, Missouri, where he was born in the year 1847. He greAV up under the sturdy and invigorating discipline of the farm, under the guidance of his grandparents, his father and mother having, both died in his infancy. His educational advantages were those afforded by the public schools, which he was enabled to at tend somewhat irregularly. In 1864, when but seventeen years of ager he started across the plains with a party, the transportation equipment being that afforded: by ox-teams. They had reached a point near Fort Kearney, Nebraska, when the Indians- captured the train, killing several of the party and burning the wagons. Those who escaped were compelled to return to their starting place. In 1866 our subject made a second attempt,. being on this occasion successful in reaching- Denver Avith an ox train, transporting freight. In the succeeding year Mr. Offner again start ed out with an ox train from St. Joseph and in due course of time arrived safely in Sac ramento, California. He remained in the Golden state for a period of four years, after which he returned to Missouri for a sojourn of two years, was then again in California- four years, finally returning through the Chero kee strip to his native state, thence again to California in 1877, where he remained until' the following, year, in November of the same being_ united in marriage to Miss Frances E. Abbott, who accompanied him on his trip u> Walla Walla in the following month. The young couple took up land in the Ritzville country, where our subject put in one- crop, which failed, whereupon he abandoned his claim and returned to Walla Walla, which has ever been the field of- his well directed and successful operations. Here he engaged in 3'2 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. fruit growing and shipping, an enterprise which he has developed from modest propor tions until it is noAV one of wide scope and un mistakable importance. He has one hundred acres of fine fruit orchard, the principal prod ucts of which are apples, prunes and pears, of which he raises the finest varieties, shipping to the leading markets of the Union. Flis farm, which is located one-half mile west of the city limits, is one of the best in a section noted for its unexcelled productiveness as a fruit growing country. Here he employs in the sea son from fifty to sixty persons, and his business is one that has unmistakable influence on the •commercial precedence of the city of Walla AA'alla. Mr. Offner's prominence in his line of -industry may be understood more clearly when it is stated that he has held for the past six years, or since the inception of the organiza tion, the office of treasurer of the Northwest Fruit GroAvers' Association, Avhose province includes Oregon,. Washington, Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. In his religious proclivities Mr. Offner ad heres to the faith of the Cumberland Presby terian church, of which he is a consistent mem ber, while fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Mr. and Mrs. Offner became the parents of five children: Chester R. ; Myrtle, deceased; Lelah ; Winnie, and the baby, as yet unnamed. HON. HENRY PERRY ISAACS.— Every age and section has its beacon lights, men who rise above the general level of their kind as the mountain peak exceeds in loftiness the ex tensive plateau at its base. The forms in which this transcendent ability manifests itself are many and various, but in a neAV country great and unusual native power generally finds its field of activity in material lines, enabling its possessor to project and promote enterprises of broad design and far-reaching import. In the qualities Avhich characterize these geniuses of action, these giants of industrial achieve ment, feAV men can stand beside the Hon. H. P. Isaacs, Avhose activity and success in pro moting the material development of the section in which he had chosen his home was such as to justify the statement that "to some extent the history of Henry Perry Isaacs is the history of southeastern AA'ashington and northeastern Oregon." He certainly stands pre-eminent among the men avIio have made the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho what they are to-day. Our subject Avas born in Philadelphia March 17, 1822. In his veins mingled together in equal proportions were the blood of the hard- headed English race and of the sturdy and indomitable Scot. After receiving a common- school education he entered the employ of a large mercantile house in Philadelphia, there securing an insight into business methods which proved of inestimable value in later years. AA'hen tAventy-one years old he removed to In diana with the double end in view of seeing something of the outside country and of trying his hand in a general merchandise business of his own, thus testing his qualifications for in dependent enterprise in the commercial world. What the outcome of this first venture was we are not informed, but of this Ave are certain that the trip to Indiana and a later journey to NeAV Orleans enabled him to realize the real magnitude of the Avest and south and perhaps had an important influence on his later career. We find him. a few years later en route to the Pacific coast, the immediate lure which in- HENRY PERRY ISAACS. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 3L3 duced him Avestward being the California gold excitement. He Avas not especially successful in his mining ventures, but he saw a land of promise and his broad, clear vision enabled him to perceive clearly the true situation. In 1858 Mr. Isaacs gave substantial testi mony to his faith in the agricultural possibil ities of the country by erecting at Fort Col ville, AA'ashington, his first flouring mill. He demonstrated to the farmers that wheat could be produced profitably on the hills and uplands which in those early days had been given over to stock-raising, the supposition being that bunch grass Avas all that would grow in any abundance on them. In 1862 he built the North Pacific mills at Walla Walla, Washington; in 1864 he erected the AA'ar Eagle mills at Boise City, Idaho ; in 1865 the Middleton mills at Middleton, Idaho; in 1883 the North Pacific mills "B" at Pres cott, AArashington, and in 1898 the North Pa cific mills "C" at Wasco, Oregon. His large experience in milling made him the foremost miller on the Pacific coast; his knowledge of the manufacture and handling of flour became proverbial and he Avas recognized as an author ity on all matters pertaining thereto. The enormous output of his splendid milling system found a market in the Orient, much of it going to China. Mr. Isaacs was the first miller on the Pacific coast to adopt the roller system, the modern process of milling, his first rolls (of porcelain) being imported from Switzer land in 1877. "Outside of milling circles, however, Mr. Isaacs was best known for his public spirit. After demonstrating the possibilities of wheat raising he proceeded to blaze the Avay for the fruit-grower by setting out one of the first or chards in the vicinity of Walla AValla, in 1864, and later a vineyard. From this beginning he proceeded to successful experiments with al most every variety of fruit and vegetable grown in the north temperate zone. He was an espe cial devotee to progress in agriculture and horti culture, and gave liberally of his time and money to this cause." Neither did Mr. Isaacs neglect to take a place of leadership in political matters. He represented Walla Walla county in the terri torial council of 1885-6, at which session he introduced the bill establishing the state peni tentiary at Walla Walla. "Mr. Isaacs was the first to attempt to in duce G.. W. Hunt to try the construction of the Washington & Columbia river line from Dayton to Wallula, and thence to Pendleton, and the line Avas successfully built and op erated. He Avas the president of the Commer cial Club at the time, and used every effort to secure the early construction of the road. He lived to see it in a prosperous, condition, op erating with good stock and making money for the stockholders, as well as serving the farmers of a large stretch of country." "But few other men in all AVashington have become so thoroughly conversant with the state, with all its varied interests, or were so much enthused with the success of its enter prises as Mr. Isaacs; and but few men have been permitted to take so active a part in the development of the section of country in which he had chosen. his home." In the passing of Mr. Isaacs, which oc curred July 14, 1900, the state of Wash ington, and in fact the entire Pacific north west, lost a citizen of inestimable value, a true and sincere friend of progress and a man whose cherished aspirations were to promote their highest and best Avelfare. 3i4 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. JAY H. HALL, deceased, a pioneer of 1886, was born in Smith county, Virginia, on September 5, 1832. He received his education in a public school of that state, then worked on his father's farm until nineteen years of age, Avhen he went to Tennessee and engaged in farming on his own account. When the war broke out he removed to Irving, Kentucky, and he Avas engaged in running a ferry across the river at that point as long as hostilities lasted. He did an excellent business notwith standing the fact that he conveyed many sol diers across the river, from whom he received no recompense. After the war Mr. Hall went back to Clay- burn county, Tennessee, where he had a farm. He remained there until 1884, then removed to BroAvn county, Texas, where for some time he was engaged in raising oats, cotton and corn. Subsequently, hoAvever, he removed to Port land, Oregon, whence, the next spring, he came to the Walla Walla valley. After prospecting for land for almost the entire summer, he finally purchased three hundred acres of land on the Touchet river, two miles north of Touchet station, and he was engaged in farm ing this until his death, which occurred June 10, 1899. Air. Hall Avas one of the good, substantial citizens of the county, and while he never seemed to care for any office and displayed no ambition to be a leader among his fellow men, he Avas universally respected as a man of integrity and Avorth. He Avas married in Clay- burn county, Tennessee, on November 15, 1847, to Miss Eliza Nunn, a native of that county and state, and to their union were born thirteen children, eight of whom are living, namely : Thomas and John, with their mother ; AA'illiam, on a farm on the Touchet river; J. H., Jr., a cotton planter in Arkansas; Amanda B., wife of Albert Burns; Lucinda, now Mrs. Herbert Hanson; Mollie, Avife of Allen Burns, of Echo, Oregon; and Sally, wife of William Rand, of Wallula, Washington. ELLSWORTH E. SHAW, M. D.— Num bered among the representative and success ful physicians of Walla Walla is Dr. Shaw, who has been a resident of this city since 1888. Dr. ShaAv is a native of the old Pine Tree state, having been born in Palmyra, Maine, in the year 1859. His initial educa tional discipline Avas secured in the public schools, after which he matriculated in Bow- doin College and subsequently in Dartmouth, where he completed a course in the medical department, graduating with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, in the year 1884. He has still farther reinforced his professional train ing by a post-graduate course in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, in New York city. Dr. Shaw began the practice of his profes sion in Fort Fairfield, Maine, Avhere he con tinued to reside for a period of five years, Avhen he determined to avail himself of the superior opportunities afforded in the west. Accordingly, in 1888, he came to Walla Walla, as has been before mentioned. The Doctor is a member of the State Medical Society, the Inland Empire Medical Society and the Ore gon Medical Society, while in his fraternal re lations he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He has maintained a constant interest in the public affairs of a local nature and is at the present time a di rector of the public library, being chairman of the board. The marriage of the Doctor was solem- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 3i S nized in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1885, when he was united to Miss Mary Felker. Their home is at 222 Jones street. HON. JAMES McAULIFF, a pioneer of 1859, was born on the island of Malta, May 25, 1828. In 1842 he came with his parents to the United States, locating with them in Youngstown, New York. When Mr. McAuliff became seventeen, he enlisted in the United States army, as a musician, and before long he found himself in active service in the Mexi can war. He participated in the battles of Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, and in numerous skirmishes, and was 'active at the storming of Chepultepec and the taking of the City of Mexico, serving in the Second United States Infantry. At the close of hostilities he Avas sent to Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, whence, shortly afterward, his regiment was ordered to Benicia, California, but he with others was transferred and sent to Governor's Island, for assignment. He was assigned to Company K, Fourth Infantry, and sent to Fort Gratiot, Michigan, remaining there from that time until 1852, when his regiment was or dered to the Pacific coast. He remained in Van couver Barracks for a time, eventually going thence to The Dalles, Oregon, where in 1855 Mr. McAuliff was honorably discharged, with the rank of first duty sergeant. During the Mexican war he was twice wounded. The first was a saber cut on the left shoulder received in a hand to hand contest with four Mexicans, while he Avas carrying dispatches, and the sec ond was a gun-shot wound received in a street fight at the taking of the City of Mexico. After retiring from the army our subject opened a general merchandise store in The Dalles, which was maintained until 1861. In 1859 he opened a branch store in Walla Walla, hear which city he had some time before par ticipated in the famous four-days' fight at Whitman Station, in which three hundred and fifty volunteers under Lieutenant-Colonel James K. Kelly were surrounded by thousands of Indians. They suffered great hardships during this memorable campaign, at one time being compelled to live on horse-flesh alone for three weeks. Mr. McAuliff maintained the store in Walla Walla until 1862, though twice burned out prior to that time without insurance. The next year he opened a general merchandise store in Idaho City, but this also was burned out in 1865, proving a total loss. Misfortunes of one kind and another followed him for years after. In 1883 he opened a lumber yard in Walla Walla which was supplied by a large mill owned by him in the Blue mountains, twen ty-three miles south of town. The mill was burned and four hundred and fifty thousand feet of lumber, the loss being about six thou sand five hundred dollars, none of which was covered by insurance. He sent a pack train to the Kootenai mines in 1875, loaded with five thousand dollars worth of merchandise, all of which, except a case of gum boots, was lost in the Snake river by the overturning of a ferry. His great energy and business ability were, however, such as to enable him to, in large measure, defy misfortune, and he has done well financially in spite of disaster. For years Mr. McAuliff has been a very prominent man in political affairs of city, coun ty and state. From 1862 to 1867 he held the office of county treasurer, and on retiring from that position was at once called upon to fill an unexpired term as sheriff. He held this office by appointment and election for four years. 3i6 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. During the session of 1864-5, he represented the county in the territorial legislature, hav- ing been elected to do so on the Democratic ticket. He Avas a member of AValla Walla's first city council, and for ten years he sat in the seat of its chief executive, so that he has seen his share of public service. Our subject is a charter member of AA'alla AA'alla Lodge No. 7, F. & A. M., of AA'ashing ton Lodge, No. 2, I. O. O. F., and of the K. of P., and he also affiliates with the Eagles. He was married .in Port Huron, Michigan^ May 24, 1850, to Miss Isabella Kincaid, avIio died in AValla Walla November 19, 1889, leav- ing four children: Annie P., wife of Dr. AV. B. Clowe; Thomas, a resident of Spokane; AVilliam, a farmer in Toppenish, AA'ashington ; and Frank, a farmer in the same locality. JOHN JACOB KAUFFMAN.— Though a young man yet, the date of his birth being May 25, 1869, the man Avhose name forms the caption of this article has for several years been regarded as one of the leading spirits of AA'alla AA'alla. Fie has proved himself a man of ability, good judgment and faithfulness in the various positions of trust Avhich he has held, and his broad-minded public spirit and unselfish inter est in the Avelfare of the city have been mani fested by his long and faithful service as a member of the volunteer fire department. He is a nathe of AA'ayland, Henry county, IoAva, and there he took his first steps in the ac quisition of knoAvledge, but in January, 1883, he accompanied the remainder of the family to AA'alla AA'alla. He attended the local public schools here for some time, then entered the Empire Business College in Avhich he took a complete course, though forced to do all his studying and reciting at nights, his time during the day being devoted to clerking. His first employers were the firm of M. C. Wheelan & Company, for whom he worked six1* months. He then entered the service of John Albeit, remaining with him for one year. In 1886, he accepted a position Avith W. G. Cullen, the hardware merchant, who profited by his efficient service for many years. At the same time Mr. Kauffman Avas devoting his leisure moments to the volunteer fire department, Avith Avhich he became identified first in 1887, Avhen he joined Tiger Engine Company, No. 1. His enthusiam and devotion to duty soon be gan to be recognized and he Avas asked to accept several different offices, among them that of as sistant foreman, a position Avhich he held for several terms. In 1892, he was transferred to Rescue Engine company, No. 2; in 1895, he Avas elected chief engineer of the entire depart ment, and so efficient Avas his service that in 1896 he was re-elected. In September of the same year, he Avas appointed by the city council to fill the unexpired term of M. Ames, chief of police, and in 1897 he was chosen by a majority of the electors for the same responsible office. In his discharge of the duties of this post he has displayed unusual ability, and it may be doubted whether any city in the state can boast of a more efficient police officer than he has proven. As a direct result of his labors during the years of his incumbency of the position (for the citizens, recognizing his efficiency, have three times re-elected him) eighty-one laAV breakers guilty of penitentiary offenses have been apprehended and compelled to un dergo the penalty of the law. Space forbids specific notice of all his noteworthy arrests, but they include that of J. E. Stephens, who many times committed the crime of arson in AA'alla AA'alla, and that of Hamilton and Ken- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 3'7 nedy, notorious burglars, the interception of whom was compassed in May, 1897. Mr. Kauffman's well developed social tem perament inclines him to take great interest in fraternal organizations and he belongs to the Masons, the Elks, the Knights of Pythias, the Forresters, the Alaennerchor and the Eagles. Our subject's marriage was solemnized in AA'alla AA'alla on October 21, 1891, when he became the husband of Miss Stella M. Butler, a native of the valley, and a daughter of an old pioneer of the Coast, "a forty-niner," and a respected contractor of AA'alla Walla. DION KEEFE, contractor and farmer, a pioneer of 1872, was born in New York state, in 1838. He passed the first twelve years of his life there, attending the public schools, then went to Ontario, Canada, where he attended school for four years more. When twenty-one, he removed to Chicago. He lived in that city for the ensuing thirteen years, serving either as foreman or superintendent in the construction of various bridges, both for general traffic and for the railroads. He subsequently built bridges in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Mis souri, Kansas, Alabama and Florida. He was in the last-named state at Pensacola when the Avar broke out, but he then came home at once, and entered the employ of the Fox & Howard Company. Later he went to work on govern ment contracts, mostly in Missouri, for Chapin & Wells. Subsequently Mr. Keefe moved to Sioux City, Iowa, to accept a position from John I. Blair & Company, as bridge constructor on their raihvay. When that was completed he, with a Mr. Wattles, took a contract to build the bridges on the railroad between Sioux City and Fort Dodge. That completed, our subject worked for some time in grading and bridging on the Sioux and Yankton Railroad, and on the Elk Horn and Missouri Valley road, but in 1872 he came out to Walla Walla, bought a farm three miles south of town, and engaged in agricultural pursuits. Six years later, how ever, he sold this and moved into the town. Since that time he has owned several farms, and has done much contracting, getting out timber for the Great Northern Railroad Com pany, putting in the electric light plant, etc. He has also done some mining and has been in terested in the flour mill business both here and in Grande Ronde valley, Oregon. Mr. Keefe is a remarkably versatile man, possessing the ability to do a great many things, and to carry on a great variety of businesses successfully. In spite of the many calls upon his time he has found leisure to perform his duties as a citizen, ahvays taking a lively inter est in local politics, and at one time serving as county commissioner. He was married in Sioux City, IoAva, in 1870, to Elizabeth Kinzie, a native of Michigan, Avho accompanied him to Walla Walla in 1872. They became parents of one child, Ida A. Mrs. Keefe died at AA'alla Walla in November, i{ CARL SCHUMACHER, deceased, a pio neer of 1865, was born in Germany in 1831. He resided in his fatherland until nineteen years of age, receiving such education as is customarily given to German youth, and after wards learning the trade of a gunsmith. He then emigrated to San Francisco, Avhere for a number of years he followed his handicraft. In i860, he was married in Humboldt Bay to Mathilde Kruger, who, in 1865, accompanied 3i8 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. him to AA'alla AValla. Here he opened a gun shop and store. For many years afterwards he •continued in business as a gunsmith, meeting with great prosperity, and accumulating much valuable property. He built the Hotel State, which still belongs to the family, and he also left them several houses and much real estate. Mr. Schumacher was a thoroughly reliable, conscientious man, commanding universal es teem. He always endeavored to do his part part for the advancement of the common weal, and contributed his full share toward the groAvth and prosperity of the city. For a num ber of years he served as a member of the volunteer fire department. He died September 10, 1898, leaving one son, Walter, who now resides in Portand, Oregon, but intends soon to return to Walla Walla and make his permanent home here in order to be more conveniently lo cated as manager of his own and his mother's interests. FRANCIS M. LOWDEN, Jr., a farmer and stock raiser, member of the Lowden Com pany, was born in Walla Walla county, on January 21, 1876. He acquired his education in the public schools of the neighborhood and in Pullman College, in Avhich institution he took a three-years' course in civil engineering. After leaving school he returned to the farm, and Avhen the present firm Avas formed he was given charge of the stock raising department. He has been discharging his duties as such ever since 1898, and is still doing so. Mr. Lowden is a young man of ability and good judgment, thoroughly conversant with the business in Avhich he is engaged, and destined, as it would seem, to bear an important part in the future material and industrial development of the county. MARSHALL J. LOWDEN, president and business manager of the Lowden Co., was born in this county on February 25, 1870. He received his education in the public schools and in Whitman College, also took a course in the Empire Business College. He then returned to his father's farm and was engaged with him in the business of raising thoroughbred Clyde horses and Shorthorn cattle, until the Lowden Co. was formed. He then became president and business manager of the firm, a position which he still retains and the duties of which he has discharged successfully from' the first. He is a young man of energy, good judgment and unusual business ability, qualified by nature and educational training for the arduous and difficult tasks imposed upon him by his present situation. The firm have three thousand, eight hundred acres and while their principal busi ness is raising cattle and horses, they also keep about two thousand sheep and raise wheat and barley for feed and for sale. They are owners of "Bonhard," a fine Clyde stallion, imported from Scotland into Canada, and brought thence to the United States. His weight is one thou sand, six hundred pounds. Mr. Lowden was married in Walla Walla on March 3, 1898, to Miss Emma Thompson, a native of this city, whose father, Robert Thompson, was an early pioneer of Washington. His life history is briefly recorded in another part of this volume. JOHN DOOLEY, hay and grain farmer on the Walla Walla river, one-half mile east of Touchet Station, was born in county Cork, Ireland, in 1850. He acquired his education there, but when only twenty years old emi grated to Boston, Massachusetts, where he Avorked for wages a while, his first job being to HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 3i9 help clear away the debris after the big fire. For five years he made his home in that city, but he then removed to San Francisco, via the Panama route, and for the two years follow ing his arrival he was engaged in the meat business. He then worked in various parts of the state, mostly as a farm hand, for a number of years, but at length came to The Dalles, Oregon, where he entered the employ of the Oregon Raihvay & Navigation Company. He helped to build the Wallula branch through Walla Walla to the Snake river, also partici pated in the construction of the road to Hunt ington. Mr. Dooley then entered the employ of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and Avorked for them at the Cascade tunnel for a year and nine months, at the end of which time he came back to Walla Walla. He worked here for wages a while, but afterwards took a home stead near Touchet Station, where he has re sided for about sixteen years, engaged in farm ing. He is a thrifty, industrious man and a successful agriculturist. In this county, in 1884, our subject married Miss Kate Martin, Avho was born in Ireland but reared and edu cated in Glasgow, Scotland. They have three children, Mary C, John T. and Annie, all stu dents in the Catholic School in Walla Walla. The entire family are of the Catholic persua sion. LOUIS SCHOLL, architect at Walla Walla, was born in Germany in 1829, and there the first seventeen years of his life were passed. He received his education in the Lyceum Poly technic school, and in other institutions, study ing engineering and architecture. In 1848, he emigrated to the United States. He kept store two years in New York, then tried farm ing in St. Charles, Missouri, for a like period. In 1852 he crossed the plains to California, and the following spring he set out alone over the Sierra Nevada mountains to purchase cat tle from immigrants. He followed that plan for two sumimers, meeting with some exciting adventures, and at one time being robbed of his pack animals. During the winter of 1854-55, Mr. Scholl served as quartermaster's clerk under Captain Rufus Ingalls. The next spring, he went as guide, with Colonel Steptoe to Benecia, Cali fornia, where he passed the ensuing winter, making sketches of the overland road for the Sacramento Union. He subsequently went to The Dalles, Oregon, as a government architect, experiencing on the way up a perilous advent ure with a mutinous crew on board a burning vessel. For two seasons he served under Gen eral Harney, as leader and guide of forces sent out to discover shorter and better routes for overland immigrants into Pacific coast states. In the spring of 1861, he came to Fort Walla Walla, whence, in October, he was sent to Fort Worth, Texas, via California and Mexico, with fifty army wagons and three hundred mules. This trip, however, was abandoned, Mr. Scholl was summoned to Washington, and from that time until 1864 served as quartermaster's clerk, as harbor master, and in different other capaci ties in connection with the Union army, wit nessing several great battles and being more than once called upon to perform difficult and exacting duties. Upon retiring from the army, our subject returned to the coast. In 1866, he accepted a position as bookkeeper for Mr. H. P. Isaacs, at Boise, Idaho-, and he afterwards served for a number of years in the same capacity under George McBride. At the outbreak of the Chief Joseph war, he again became quartermaster's 320 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. clerk, -serving a Avhile at Fort Boise and later under Colonel Sumner, Avith Avhom he went to Presidio, near San Francisco, where he made General HoAvard's official map. Return ing to AA'alla AA'alla in 1879, he became book keeper for the Northern Pacific Flour Mills Company, and in 1882 he surveyed the canal and made the plans for their plant at Prescott. He then acted as superintendent for the com pany there until 1894, when he retired to enjoy a well earned repose. His has been a life of intense activity, among adventures and dangers such as few ever experience. His indomitable energy, together with great natural ability, de veloped by early educational advantages, has made him successful in every undertaking, and a real master among men. Mr. Scholl married, at The Dalles, Oregon, in 1864, Miss Elizabeth Fulton, a very early pioneer of that state, and they have three liv ing children ; Carl, a millwright of ability, and Louis, Jr., and Bismark, in the City Mills; also one, Mary Priszelli, deceased. LEWIS McMORRIS.— Among those who merit consideration as distinctive pioneers of the nortliAvest is he Avhose name initiates this review. Mr. McMorris is a native of the Buck eye state, having been born in Ohio on the 12th of August, 1 83 1. His practical experiences in the battle of life have, hoAvever, been met far from the classic old state of his birth. When he Avas a lad of eight years he accompanied his parents on their removal to Shelby county, Illinois, Avhere he received his educational dis cipline and greAV to man's estate. In the month of March, 1852, our subject started on the long and perilous journey across the plains and mountains, making the trip by means of the primitive ox-team equipment and arriving in the Willamette valley, Oregon, in the fall of the same year. There he was for a time engaged in mining, finally going from southern Oregon to Yreka, California, whence he returned to Oregon, in the year 1855, and engaged in packing for the troops during the Indian Avars, as an employe of the quarter master's department of the Oregon volunteers. In the fall of the year mentioned he accom panied the soldiers on an expedition to Yakima and thence to Walla Walla, where they had an engagement with the hostile Indians. Of this and other conflicts with the red men a detailed report may be found on other pages of this work. Eventually Mr. McMorris returned to The Dalles, Oregon, where he was employed in the quartermaster's department with the United States regulars, with whom, in 1856, he made another expedition to Yakima, under Colonel Wright of the Ninth Infantry, return ing with him to The Dalles, from which point he accompanied Colonel Steptoe to Walla Walla, their purpose being to establish an army post here. He continued in the government employ until the following year, when he again went to The Dalles, purchased an ox-team and en gaged in freighting, in company with Mr. AIcGlinchey and Captain Freedman, for whom he built the first house on the south side of Main street in Walla Walla, the same being then the third house in the town. It was located at the corner of Third. He continued ho be associated with the gentlemen mentioned until this section of the country was thrown open to settlement, whereupon he availed himself of the privileges accorded, by securing a pre-emption claim tAvo miles south of the town, Avhere he was engaged in stock raising for several years, simultaneously operating a pack train to Boise, LEWIS McMORRIS. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 321 Idaho. His" next venture was at Weston, Oregon, Avhere he Avas engaged in the mercan tile business Avith his brother. Subsequently he was for four years a contractor on the stage line operating between Dayton, Washington, and LeAviston, Idaho. Now venerable in years, crowned with the honors of a busy and useful life and secure in the esteem of all who know him as one of the pioneers of the Inland Empire, Mr. McMorris is practically retired from active business pur suits, though he gives his personal supervision to his real estate interests, a considerable amount of Avhich he owns in various parts of the country. He has ahvays maintained a pub lic-spirited attitude and has contributed his quota to the advancement and substantial up building of this favored section of our national domain. It should be mentioned in this con nection that Mr. McMorris laid out the town of AA'allula and also donated 'to the railroad com pany the land Avhich they use for depot pur poses there. He is a member of the Indian AA'ar Veterans of the Pacific Northwest, and his reminiscences of the early days are very inter esting. RALPH E. GUICHARD, proprietor of the AA'hitehouse Clothing Company, is prominent among the rising young business men of eastern AA'ashington. Born in Walla Walla on Jan uary 6, 1869, he has been a resident of that city almost continuously since. He received his preliminary education at the Catholic acad emy, then at the age of fifteen entered the drug store of Charles A. Hungate, as clerk. He remained there seven years, studying phar macy and in due time becoming a competent and registered druggist. He subsequently spent three years in the same store under J. W. 21 Esteb and one with James McAuliff, then be came a partner in the business, the firm name being Guichard & McAuliff. A few months later, however, this partnership was dissolved, and Mr. Guichard entered the employ of the Whitehouse Clothing Company, in which cor poration he subsequently became part owner. In 1900, the entire business passed into his hands. His shrewdness, industry, cautiousness of management, and untiring devotion to busi ness have won for him an honored place among the commercial leaders of this section, and his ic the leading clothing house in Walla Walla. In fraternal affiliations, Mr. Guichard is identi fied with the B. P. O. E. The father of our subject, Judge Rudolph Guichard, a man of fine intellectual attainments and unsAverving integrity, as was proven by his uniform faithfulness and honesty in all the re lations of his life, public and private, was a native of Zeitz, Prussia, born December 8,. 1830. He landed in Ncav York in 1854, and for a year thereafter resided in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, -going thence to West Vir ginia, and thence to NeAVport, Kentucky, where he enlisted in the United States army. On August 10, 1857, he Avas sent to Fort AValla Walla. On retiring from the army he established a mercantile business in this city, which he main tained with success until 1871. In 1884 he was admitted to the bar, and held many important offices, among them being those of probate judge, register of the land office, county treas urer and penitentiary commissioner. He was a leader in the Democratic party, and Avas es teemed by all. Fraternally he was a very prom inent Mason. For over thirty years the Judge was a great sufferer from a rheumatic ailment, but notwith standing severe bodily torture he always- 322 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. greeted those Avith AAhom he came in contact with a smiling countenance and a cheering word, and very naturally his friends were num bered by the hundreds. He Avas married in AValla AA'alla, October 14, 1866, to Miss Mary Morrison, and of their union three children were born, Ralph E., Albert and Mary. He died April 3, li ROBERT J. STRINGER, a pioneer of 1867, was born in Ireland, January 6, 1827, and in that country he grew to man's estate and was educated. In 1848 he emigrated to Amer ica, and in 1 850 he engaged in the meat market business in Cincinnati, Ohio. He followed that line of work in Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota, and IoAva until 1858, then Avent to Fort Leaven worth and secured a contract to furnish beef for the troops. This contract kept him em ployed until 1859, Avhen he Avent to Fort Albu- ¦querque, NeAV Mexico, with Colonel Critten den, in charge of the government cattle. Returning to Kansas City, Missouri, he se cured another contract from the United States government, for furnishing beef. During the first year of the Avar, he supplied meat to the troops of the Department of Missouri, but in 1862 he was appointed sutler for the Fifth Division, Missouri Regulars. He performed his duty as such until after the battle of Island No. 10, but Avas then forced to resign on ac count of failing health. He returned to St. Louis, Avhence, in 1864, pursuant to the advice of his physicians, he set out for California Ada the isthmus. He again engaged in the meat busi ness upon his arrival. A year later he Avas sent by General Steele to The Dalles, Oregon, ac storekeeper of the Fort, and in 1866 he Avas removed to Fort LapAvai, and given the posi tion of chief quartermaster's agent. Before long, however, he again received a government contract, and this brought him to Walla Walla, where he has since resided. He has been in the meat business continuously, building up an ex tensive general trade, and also, at times, supply ing the forts in his home town and Colville. He is the owner of a fine farm twenty-eight miles north of Walla Walla. Mr. Stringer has ahvays taken an active in terest in the general up-building of his locality, donating liberally to institutions of public bene fit, and ever exerting a sensible influence in the direction of progress. He was married in Iowa, in 1857, to Miss Susan M. Murphy, a scion of a noted Irish family, and to them have been born ten children: John, deputy United States marshal at Seattle; William; Andrew; Charles ; Anna, wife of Mr. Doyle ; Mary, now Mrs. P. Green; also four deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Stringer and their entire family are mem bers of the Catholic church. REV. MICHAEL FLOHR, priest of St. Patrick's parish, a pioneer of 1883, was born in Germany on October 29, 1857. He took a complete and thorough classical course of study at Cologne, then pursued the study of theology at Louvain, Belgium, graduating in 1880. In 1 88 1 he emigrated to Vancouver, Washington, to assume charge of the missions there located, and tAvo years later he came to AValla AValla, where he has ever since resided. During the seventeen years of his pastorate here Father Flohr has labored untiringly for the spiritual and educational Avelfare of his parishioners, Avinning their affections, and exerting a pOAver- ful influence for their upbuilding in all that is highest and best. His task is by no means a HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 323 light one, he having full charge of all the Catholic schools, hospitals and churches in the county. ROBERT KENNEDY.— It is a matter of gratification that Ave are enabled to incorporate in this compilation a review of the salient points in the career of Mr. Kennedy, who stands forth as one of the leading agriculturists and repre sentative citizens of AA'alla Walla county, his fine farm being located two and one-half miles east of the city of Walla Walla. In tracing the lineage of Mr. Kennedy we find that he is a native of Indiana, having been born in Rush county, that state, in the year 1830. He was, hoAvever, but three years of age when his par ents removed to the state of Illinois, where he grew to maturity under the invigorating dis cipline of the farm, receiving such educational advantages as were afforded by the common schools. He continued to be there identified with agricultural pursuits until 1852, when, at the age of twenty-two years, he determined to assume the responsibilities of life and to carve out an individual career, being fortified by due confidence in his powers and by an earnest de sire to win a success worthy the name. In the year mentioned Mr. Kennedy secured an ox- team equipment and started on the long and weary journey across the plains and mountains to the Pacific coast, his destination being the Willamette valley of Oregon, where he arrived after a tedious journey of six months' dura tion. In this famed and beautiful valley he was engaged in farming pursuits until 1859, when he decided to locate in the even more at tractive valley of Walla Walla, east of the Cas cades. After arriving in Walla Walla he dis posed of his property in Oregon. After look ing about for a time he finally secured by pre emption a claim of one hundred and sixty acres, upon which a part of the present city of Waits burg is now located. This claim, however. Mr. Kennedy disposed of before he had per fected his title to the same, the land at the time having been unsurveyed. In the meanwhile he had taken a claim of one hundred and sixty acres oh Dry creek, and after the surrounding land had been put on the market he purchased additional tracts contiguous to his original property and eventually became the owner of five hundred and forty acres, all in one body. He continued to engage in the cultivation and improvement of this place until 1881, when he sold the farm. As early as the centennial year, 1876, how ever, he had bought a section of land two and one-half miles east of Walla Walla, and upon this place he located after disposing of his Dry creek ranch, and here he has since maintained his home, the ranch being recognized as one of the best in this favored section of the great state of Washington. The place is principally given up to the raising of the great staple product of this section, — wheat, — and boun teous harvests reward the well directed and indefatigable efforts of this representative hus bandman. In addition to the homestead Mr. Kennedy owns a section of land near Lacrosse, Whitman county, and also one hundred and sixty acres of timber land in the mountains. In the year 1881 Mr. Kennedy built tAvo store buildings in the city of Walla Walla, eventually disposing of these properties. He still owns tAvo dAvelling houses in the city. He is knoAvn as one of the substantial men of the county, enjoying the respect and confidence of the com munity by reason of his integrity and sterling worth of character. In the early days, when Indian depredations were frequent and lawless ness prevailed to a greater or less extent, Mr. 324 HISTORY OF AA'ALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. Kennedy bore his part in the maintenance of law and order, being notably a participant in the Rogue river war. In the year 1868, in the Willamette valley, Oregon, Avas celebrated the marriage of Mr. Kennedy to Miss Annie Smith, and they be came the parents of three children, — Edward A., avIio died Alay 31, 1900; Kate; and Lewis L. The death of Mrs. Kennedy occurred on the nth of October, 1877, and on the 10th of December, 1879, in AA'indsor, Illinois, our subject consummated a second union, being then married to Mrs. Margaret AA'. Dennison, a native of the Old Dominion state of Vir ginia. Of this union seven children have been born: Rebecca A., the wife of Richard E. Stafford; Martha B., Robert P., Edna E., William B., Benjamin H. and Edith M. FRANCIS M. LOWDEN, a farmer and stock raiser, a pioneer of 1862, was born in Boone county, Kentucky, February 7, 1832. He resided there and in BroAvn county, Illinois, until 1849, then crossed the plains on horse back in a party of four, the travelers comeying their effects in a light Avagon draAvn by four horses. He Avent to Sacramento, thence to DoAvnieville, where he followed placer mining for a season, thence to Nevada City. In the fall of 185 1 he returned to Sacramento, in vested the proceeds of his successful mining ventures in mules, and engaged in packing, a business to Avhich his energies were given for the ensuing twenty-one years. His train con veyed freight into various parts of California, Nevada, Idaho, AA'ashington, Oregon and Mon tana. He was frequently in grave danger of losing his mules on account of the hostile bands of Indians, Avho Avere on marauding expedi tions throughout the country, but by dint of continual watchfulness he managed to avoid loss, standing guard himself, never trusting hired help for this duty and never allowing fires to be built near the herd. In 1878 Mr. Lowden sold his packing out fit, settled betAveen AA'alla AValla and Wallula, and engaged in the business of raising and dealing in cattle. In 1880 he lost about ninety per cent, of his herds, but he, nevertheless, came to this valley, Avhere he already had some property, and bought up about five thousand acres, Avith a view to engaging in the business again on a large scale. By means of ditches he brought Avater into every field of this vast tract, and before long he had an excellent stock ranch. This land is still in the family, being owned by the Lowden Company, a firm in corporated for the purpose of rearing cattle, horses, sheep and hogs. They have imported many costly thoroughbreds, sparing no expense in the effort to secure the best stock. Mr. LoAvden has been a very active, enter prising man, possessed of the courage, fortitude and resourcefulness, characteristic of the true pioneer, and of a degree of business ability , seldom given to men. NotAvithstanding his large private interests he has ahvays found time to perform Avell his duties as a citizen and member of society. He served as county commissioner for seven years, Avas a member of the State Penitentiary Board, Avhich built the third Aving and the outbuildings, stables, etc., of the penitentiary, and in spite of oppo sition succeeded, Avith the help of others, in building a jute mill here and making it a suc cess. He has also discharged his duty to the cause of education by serving as director for ten years. His fraternal affiliations are Avith AValla AA'alla Lodge, No. 7, F. & A. M. He Avas married in Alay, 1868, to Miss Mary E. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 325 Noon, a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, reared in California. They have three chil dren : Marshall J., president and business man ager of the firm; Francis M., Jr., stock man ager; and Hettie Irene, Avith her parents. JOHN AV. DAULTON, a farmer on the AA'alla Walla river, eleven miles west of Walla AA'alla, Avas born in Pulaski county, Kentucky, January io,- 1866. He, however, spent the greater portion of his early youth in Clinton county, Missouri, whither he had been taken by his parents when four years old. He at tended school until sixteen years old, then went Avith the remainder of his family to Cherokee county, Kansas, Avhere he farmed with his fa ther for three years. For the next half decade he Avorked for wages throughout the various surrounding counties, but in 1890 he removed to Umatilla county, Oregon, where for about two years he continued to work as a farm hand. In 1892, however, Mr. Daulton filed on a homestead and started to improve a place for himself, but in 1894 he commuted this into a pre-emption, sold out and came to the Walla Walla valley. He purchased sixty-seven acres of hay land, upon which he has ever since re sided, and in 1900 he bought a quarter-section of wheat land also. He is an enterprising and successful fanner, and his standing in the com munity as a man and a citizen is of the highest. In fraternal affiliations he is identified with the Modern AVoodmen of America, Mountain View Camp, No. 5096, of this city. In the city of Walla Walla on February 17, 1895, he mar ried Mrs. Amy E. Vanderburgh, a native of Oregon, whose parents, Harris and Mary Dent, were pioneers of that state. ORLANDER W. HARTNESS.— This re spected pioneer of the county was born in Mon roe county, Indiana, May 15, 1835. When a boy of seven years he went with his parents to Washington county, Iowa, whence, shortly aft- envards, he removed to Monroe county, same state, where the greater portion of his educa tional discipline Avas obtained and where he met and married Miss -Mary Wilson, their union being solemnized on inauguration day, 1858. Leaving Iowa in 1864, the subject of this review, accompanied by his wife, set out to find a home in the new and wild west. He arrived in the AValla Walla valley the same year and took a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, to Avhich he added several hun dred acres procured by purchase later on. On the original homestead he continued to reside uninterruptedly until about fourteen years ago, his occupation being farming and stock raising, combined with the more dan gerous business of freighting. In those clays he met with many adventures with Indians and several times narrowly escaped being robbed or killed by road agents, as they were called, the term having the same significance as highway men. In 1886 Mr. Hartness sold his entire hold ings in the valley and moved into the city of Walla Walla, where he engaged in the grocery business, stock dealing and also to some extent in mining. His energies were devoted to these varied industries until the beginning of 1900, Avhen he again sold out his possessions, this time investing a part of the proceeds in a small tract of land just outside the city, upon Avhich he is at present erecting a commodious and comfortable dAvelling, in Avhich he and his life partner hope to enjoy many years of life. Though five children have been born in the Flartness household, only one, Franke E., still 326 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. survives, the other four having passed away in infancy. Their living daughter is noAV the Avife ot Samuel lams. It may be of interest to men tion in this connection that Mr. and Mrs. Hart- nes's have journeyed together through life for almost forty-three years. Both are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of Walla AValla. Though our subject is a very public-spirited man, ever ready to assist with his means any commendable enterprise of general utility, he is not ambitious for leadership in politics, local or national, and has steadfastly refused to take an active part in any of the campaigns, even though urgently solicited by his friends so to do. It is a pleasure, however, to be able to add with truth that in all his relations with his felloAv men, whether in business or in society, his life has been so ordered as to win and re tain the confidence and esteem of all. ZEBULON K. STRAIGHT, jeAveler, a pioneer of 1870, was born in AA'ayne county, New York, in 1840. In 1846 the family moved to Wisconsin, and there Mr. Straight lived un til twenty years of age, acquiring such educa tion as a frontier log schoolhouse afforded. He then Avent to Minnesota, learned the jewelry business, and for eight years followed it as an occupation. On June 4, 1870, our subject landed in AA'alla AValla, Avhere he opened the only jeAvelry store in the then territory of Washington, Avhich has continued in business constantly ever since. With remarkable per tinacity he has devoted himself to his handi craft in the same city for over thirty years, and his hand has the skill and cunning, and his judgment the splendid development Avhich we would naturally expect from such concen tration. Mr. Straight is not, however, a narroAV or one-sided man, but has ahvays taken a lively and intelligent interest in the Avelfare of the city, and ever proved himself an efficient force in the promotion of its best interests. He was one of the original organizers of the Farmers' Savings bank, has served as a director in that institution, and still retains an interest in it. For two terms, also, he was a member of the AA'alla AA'alla city council. But his influence in politics is not circumscribed by the limits of his city or county. He Avas elected a member of the first state legislature, so that upon his shoulders fell the responsibility of participating in laying the foundation of our state govern ment. In politics, in business, and in private life alike, he has proved himself a trustAvorthy and reliable man, and he has the confidence and esteem of all. Ever since 186S Mr. Straight has been identified with the Masonic fraternity, in which he is quite a leader. In AValla Walla, during the month of April, 1871, he married Mrs. Alexander, who crossed the plains as a child in 1853, accompanying her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Robinson. Her father became a prom inent man in the early days of Oregon, serv ing one term in its state legislature. Mr. and Mrs. Straight have tAvo children : Maud, AvidoAV of Frank Foster ; and Zeno K, clerk in the store of Kyger & Foster, and business man ager for his sister, Mrs. Foster. Mrs. Straight also has one daughter, Adella, by her marriage with Air. Alexander. HENRY S. BLANDFORD, city attorney, AA'alla AA'alla, Avhose connection with the city dates back to 1885, Avas born in Maryland, in 1862, and in that state he Avas reared and edu cated. He came Avest in the United States HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 327 Signal Service, about 1881, to take charge of a station on a military telegraph line. In 1885 he Avas sent to AA'alla Walla for the purpose of establishing a Aveather bureau there, and the care of that bureau occupied his attention until 1890. He Avas, however, ambitious to become a lawyer, and accordingly devoted all his spare time assiduously to the study of that profession, with the result that in 1890 he was admitted to the bar. He then began what has proved to be a very successful career, for he is noAV and for some years has been considered one of the leading attorneys of Walla Walla county. In political matters also Mr. Blandford is a leader. He Avas one of the delegates sent from the state of Washington in 1892 to the first National Democratic convention held after the territory Avas admitted to statehood, and he Avas the candidate of his party for the joint senatorship of the senatorial district including Adams, Franklin and part of Walla Walla counties, but was defeated by John L. Roberts. He has ahvays been awake to the best inter ests of his home city, and Avas especially active in securing the water Avorks and sewer system, which are noAV being successfully operated. In 1897 he was elected city attorney of the city of Walla Walla, which incumbency he still holds, and the duties of which he is very creditably discharging. Mr. Blandford mar ried, in 1895, Marguerite Welch, a native of AA'alla Walla, and they are the parents of two sons, Joseph Harold and John S. where he learned the trade of a wagon-maker, As early as 1849 he crossed the plains to San Francisco, and in that city he pursued his trade for a number of years. . He at length went back to his home in St. Louis and engaged in the manufacture of trunks, etc. Subsequently returning west he went into the mining regiotts of Montana, Idaho anl British Columbia, where a number of years of his life were passed. Coming to Walla Walla in 1868 he there resumed his trade, also devoting a portion of his time to the erection of some of the first fine buildings of the city. He afterAvard engaged in wagon-making on his OAvn account, con tinuing in the same until 1891, Avhen he erected the Star bakery. That completed he Avent into a Avell-earned retirement, which lasted until the date of his death, February 19, 1896. Relig iously he was identified Avith the Roman Cath olic church. On November 6, 1872, he mar ried Sarah A. Mosier, a native of Missouri, and they became the parents of two children, Annie J. and Geoffrey J. Mrs. Faucette is a daughter of John H. Mosier, one of the early pioneers of Oregon, and one who was quite prominent in the po litical history of that state, having once served as representative from his district. The Jour de Mosier was built on his farm and named in his honor. He died in The Dalles, Oregon, in 1894. JOHN FAUCETTE, deceased, a pioneer of 1868, was a native of Galena, Illinois, born October 6, 1831. When about fourteen he moved with his parents to St. Louis, Missouri, WILLIAM A. KOONTZ.— Prominently identified with a line of enterprise of great im portance to the traveling public, the subject of this article merits specific recognition in a compilation which has to' do with the repre sentative citizens of Walla Walla county. He is a native of the state of Ohio, born on the 3d day of January, 1857. He received a part of 328 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. his early educational training in the public school there, but at the early age of twelve years left his father's home and started out to make his Avay in life, turning his steps toward the west. He soon arrhed in San Francisco, Cali fornia, Avhere he only remained about one month, after Avar d locating in AVaitsburg, this county, of Avhich he Avas a resident for eight een months. He then went to AA'eston, Ore gon, and passed the next year, going thence to Baker City, where he spent tAvo years. Dur ing this time he Avorked at Avhatever he could best succeed in, spending all of his spare time in study, and finally taking a course in the Will amette University. His headquarters thereafter were at Umatilla, Oregon, until the year of 1878, but in July of that year he Avas appointed by the government to carry dispatches under General Miles during the Snake and Bannock Indian wars. At the close of hostilities he Avent to Golden- dale, AA'ashington, Avhere he Avas again em ployed by the government as one of a survey ing party. He afterward acted as superintend ent of a lumber mill, but finally Avas appointed as deputy sheriff, and served in that capacity for one term. He then took up his abode in Ta coma, Avhere he engaged in the grocery busi ness, carrying on the same successfully until 1884. when he sold out and returned to Walla AA'alla, to accept a position as foreman of track building on the O. R. & N. R. R. Later he became superintendent of its buildings and bridges. In 1897 he Avent to British Columbia, where for fourteen months he gave his attention to carpentering and mining, after Avhich he re turned to AA'alla AA'alla, Avhere Ave noAv find him In charge of the Palace hotel. To those Avhose names appear on the register of that hostelry he extends such hospitality as makes, every guest his friend. His popularity as a first-class hotel man has secured for the house such an abundant patronage that he has been forced to annex several of the near-by rooming blocks in order to accommodate his increasing trade. He iioav controls no less than five large buildings, in Avhich he maintains between one and two hundred guest chambers. EndoAved Avith intellectuality and discrim inating judgment, Mr. Koontz has shoAvn a constant interest in affairs of public nature, several times serving as delegate to state con ventions Avhile in Oregon, and again in this state in 1900. His standing in business and social circles, indicative of his personal popularity, is also shoAvn in fraternal organizations, he being at the present time acting noble grand in Trinity Lodge, I. O. O. F., and treasurer of AA'alla Walla Encampment, which office he has held for several terms. He is also one of the managers in the AA'oodmen, and is supreme outer guard in the Order of AA'ashington. Fie was married, on April 13, 1885, to Aliss Emma Symons, a native of Minnesota, and they are the parents of one child, Edith Mary. WILLIAM C. PAINTER.— AValla AA'alla county may Avell be proud of the number of men of spotless integrity and sterling character who have been attracted to its territory, and of the part these have borne in the affairs of coun ty, state and nation. Dr. Marcus Whitman is of course the brightest star in the constellation of Walla AA'alla valley heroes, but around him cluster a great number of stars of but little less magnitude, avIio in their own spheres and en vironment Avere equally entitled to a rank among heroic men. The man whose name WM. C. PAINTER. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 329 initiates this brief and necessarily incomplete review was one in whose life and career the county and state may find reasonable cause for exultation. Mr. Painter's title to be long re membered by the people of the state of AVash ington in general and of AA'alla Walla and vicinity in particular rests not so much upon his achievements in advancing the material inter ests of his community, though they were very considerable, nor upon his political record, though that Avas a clean one and of no little importance, but rather upon the pure and lofty patriotism which formed the dominating trait of his character, and upon the Avork which that ennobling sentiment led him to accomplish. Mr. Painter was born in the old French settlement of St. Genevieve, St. Genevieve county, Missouri, April 18, 1830, and there the earliest years of his life were passed. His fa ther was a member of the Painter family of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, and his mother was Jean (Moore) Painter, daughter of Major Robert Moore, a veteran of the war of 1812, and Avell known in the early history of Oregon. In 1850 his father and the family started for Oregon, but when the Little Blue river Avas reached the head of the family and two of the sons succumbed to cholera, and the mother and surviving children continued their journey westward Avith sore hearts. They finally came to a halt in Washington county, Oregon, Avhere donation land claims were secured, and where William C. lived until 1863. When the Indian war of 1855 broke out, Mr. Painter was one of the first to enlist, becoming a member of Com pany D, First Oregon Mounted Volunteers, Avhich, it will be remembered, fought the In dians for four days near Walla Walla city, finally routing the redskins, who retreated to the Palouse country. In this and many other fights of that war, Mr. Painter distinguished himself for coolness and bravery. He con tinued to follow the fortunes of his company and to share its hardships and dangers until the close of hostilities. In 1855 certain young ladies of Forest Grove Academy (now Tualatin Academy and Pacific University) presented the company with a flag; comrades in arms voted that Mr. Painter should become its bearer; it finally came into his exclusive possession and is still carefully preserved in the Painter house hold as a family relic and heirloom. The flag was designed by Dr. S. H. Marsh, first presi dent of Pacific University, and "Grandma" Tabitha Brown, one of the founders of that institution, and. Avas executed by Misses Jane Kinney, Sarah A. Ross, Caroline Brown, Mary J Stott, Mary McGhee, Jane Robinson, Mary Ellen Reed, Georgia Reed, Ellen Robinson, Gus. Mulkey (now wife of U. S. Senator J. N. Dolph) and Mrs. Kitchen. It has only twenty-one stars, and upon its field in large let ters are ' inscribed the words, "Co. D, First Oregon Volls. 1855-6." In the war against the Bannock and Pah Ute Indians in 1 878, Mr. Painter again assumed the role of the Indian fighter. Governor Ferry appointed him captain of a company of forty-two men, and he was assigned to duty on the gunboat Spokane, un der command of Major Cress of the regular army. The first engagement in which he partic ipated was at Long Island in the Columbia river below Umatilla, in which the Avhites Avere successful. Major Cress, in a letter written to Mr. Painter from Jefferson Barracks, Mis souri, dated April 15, 1897, speaks very flat teringly of the assistance rendered him by Colo nel Painter. After this engagement, in recog nition of his very valuable services, our sub ject Avas made aid-de-camp on the staff of Gov ernor Ferry with the rank of lieutenant-colonel and placed in command of fifty-two men. He 330 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. Avas sent to eastern Oregon to assist in defend ing the people of that region against the on slaughts of the Indians recently defeated by General O. O. HoAvard, and passed south of the retreating bands to Camas Prairie with a view to intercepting their retreat. The hostiles, being advised of his position, got around him by a circuitous route and escaped, but the colonel brought back with him to Walla Walla captured horses enough to pay the entire expense of his command. Although no battle was fought in this campaign, it was considered so hazardous that an offer of ten dollars per day for guides Avas not sufficient to induce any to run the risk. In his official report, General O. O. Howard, quoting Captain John A. Cress, says : "Captain Charles Painter and the forty-two volunteers from Walla Walla deserve praise for good con duct and bravery, not excepting my Vancouver regulars and Captain Gray with officers and creAV of the steamer Spokane, Avho stood firmly at their posts under fire." But to return to the more ordinary pursuits of life, picking up the thread of the narrative with Mr. Painter's advent into AA'alla AA'alla county in 1863, Ave have to record that for four years from that date he was a clerk in the employ of Flanders & Felton, of Wallula. AVhen the senior member of that firm was elect ed to congress in 1867, Mr. Painter took charge of the business, becoming also post master at that point and the agent of the Wells Fargo Express Company. Eventually he re moved to AA'alla Walla, that he might the better discharge the duties of an important position, that of deputy collector of internal revenue for eastern AA'ashington, to Avhich he had been ap pointed. Fie resigned this deputyship in No vember, 1870, but his resignation was not ac cepted until the following May. After retir ing from the position, he made some unfor tunate investments in mill property, the result of Avhich was that he found himself at the foot of the financial ladder, but his courage and force made him master of the situation. He went cheerfully to Avork and continued a wage-earner until 1876, when fortune again favored him and he was appointed receiver of the United States land office. This position he retained until September, 1878, and in November of that year he was elected to the office of county audi tor. So faithful and efficient were his services that the electors retained him as their choice for that office for four consecutive terms. Speaking of his final retirement, the Waits burg Times of March 11, 1887, says: "After filling the office of county auditor for four con- secutive terms and giving better satisfaction than any of his predecessors — in fact making the best auditor Walla Walla county ever had — W. C. Painter steps out with clean hands and a good record to make room for L. B. Hawley, a AA'alla AValla bred young man fully capable of the duties of his office." The Walla Walla Statesman of the same date has this to say con cerning him : "Auditor Painter has given up the office of auditor of Walla Walla county, that he has held so many years. As a Repub lican he has proved capable, efficient and hon est, and has been very instrumental in saving the country from being imposed upon on nu merous occasions. AA'e do not candidly believe that a dishonest dollar has stuck to his fingers in all the years of his administration. He has been particular to a fault, but goes out of office with the reputation of being an honest man. 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant;. thou hast been faithful over a few things, I Avill make thee ruler over many things.' " HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 33i Upon retiring from the county service, Mr. Painter devoted his attention to farming his fifteen-hundred-acre ranch on Eureka flat, though he continued to reside in the old home on South Third street, where the family still live. Farming Avas his occupation until about tAA'o years before his death. It is recorded that every public demonstra tion of a patriotic nature saw Mr. Painter someAvhere in the lead with his battle-scarred Indian war flag. When the volunteers went to the Philippines, when they returned, on Mem orial day and other similar occasions, he and his flag were in evidence, and should he be de tained by any cause from participation in any such celebration, it Avas a sore disappointment tc all. His patriotic sentiments led him to take a prominent part in the Pioneer Associa tion of Oregon and he ahvays made a special effort to be present at every meeting of the organization. He was also active in the Indian War Veterans, of which he was first grand commander, and he belonged for years to the A. O. U. W. In politics, he was a stanch Republican, prominent in the councils of that party and an important factor in the political affairs of eastern Washington. On January 7, 1864, Mr. Painter was mar ried to Miss Caroline Mitchell, the only daugh ter of Judge I. Mitchell, of Multnomah county, Oregon, and their children are Philip M., de ceased, Joseph E., Charles S., Maude M., Har- rie AI., Bonnie Jean, Marguerite M., Roy R., Rex M., Caroline M., and Bruce I. Mr. Painter died of paralysis December 4, 1900. He was a pioneer, a soldier, a western nobleman — above all he was a true friend. During all that time when the crude model na ture made was being remoulded and recast as the demands of progress and civilization dic tated that it must, he was known throughout all the great northwest as the personification of loyalty and honor. In the memory of his friends, and he had many, he will live forever. MEREDITH E. STEWART, a farmer on Mill creek, four and a half miles west of Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1881, was born in Win chester, Virginia, on October 25, 1862. He Avas early taken by his parents to Greenton, Missouri, where his father followed the trade of a stonemason for a few years. Later, how ever, the family removed to Topeka, Kansas, and in that city Mr. Stewart completed his education. He came west with the remainder of his family in 1881, traveling overland, and upon arrival in this valley rented a farm and started raising hay on Dry creek. But after a brief residence here Mr. Stewart. removed to Umatilla county, Oregon, pur chased land and again engaged in farming. He was there three and a half years, then re turned to Walla Walla, rented another farm and remained upon it continuously until 1897, when he purchased the place upon Avhich he now resides. He also has a homestead eleven miles west of Walla Walla, taken by him in 1898, and he is raising wheat upon this claim, while the fifty-five acres on Mill creek, his place of residence at present, are farmed to hay and fruit. Mr. Stewart is an industrious, enterprising man, an obliging neighbor and a good citizen, and he enjoys the respect and good will of all. Fraternally he affiliates Avith the Modern Woodmen of America, Mountain View Lodge, No. 5096, of Walla Walla. He was married in this county, on February 26, 1890, to Miss Emma Ewing, a native of Walla Walla, daugh ter of pioneer parents. They have two chil- 332 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. dren, Harry E. and Pearl E. Mr. Stewart's father, AA'illiam SteAvart, avIio crossed the plains with him in the Topeka "AA'ashington Colony," Avent on Avith the rest of the party to Puget Sound, but he has not been heard from since the first year after his arrival there, despite the fact that his son Meredith has tried several times to locate him. . Mrs. SteAvart's father, AA'ashington M. EAving, Avho arrhred in this valley in 1862, died at Waitsburg on February 10, 1883. Her mother contracted a second marriage, in Walla AA'alla, on June 1, 1884, becoming the Avife of Frederick Thiel, of Dry creek. FRANK FOSTER, deceased.— Among those Avhom industry, force of character and unsAverving faithfulness to the duties in hand have placed in the forefront among successful business men, the subject of this brief bio graphical outline has merited a rank of great prominence, for his life is an exemplification of Avhat can be accomplished by one avIio pos sesses these qualities combined Avith natural aptitude for commercial pursuits. Mr. Foster Avas a son of the Pacific coast, his eyes having first opened to the light of day in The Dalles, Oregon, on November 15, i860. He AA^as, Iioav- ever, early taken by his parents to Fort Simcoe, ir Yakima county, Avhere he resided until nine years old, and where he took the initial steps in the pursuit of a liberal education. He then accompanied his parents to AA'alla AAralla, in the public schools of Avhich city he spent seA^- eral years more. AA'hen he became sixteen years old he en tered the dry goods store of Johnson, Rees & AA'inans, and so faithful Avas he to every trust, and so frugal of the Avages he received, that before he was thirty years of age he was the OAvner of a half interest in the business. A short time after he first became connected Avith the establishment his father bought the interest of Mr. Johnson, and the firm name Avas changed to Rees, AA'inans & Company. In 1889 D. T. Kyger bought out the entire business, but be fore the year was passed Mr. Foster became the owner of a half interest, and the firm Avas styled Kyger & Foster. The industry and faithfulness which had enabled him to achieve this success, together Avith the mastery of de tails and knoAvledge of the minutiae of the busi ness acquired concomitantly, made him master of the situation Avhen the proprietor's respon sibility Avas placed upon his shoulders, and the establishment continued to prosper and to yield gratifying returns. Mr. Foster Avas also ambitious to acquire farm lands, and at the time of his death his real estate holdings consisted of four hundred acres about eight miles north of Walla Walla, a quarter-section of land in Umatilla count)', Oregon, and forty acres of timber land in the mountains. He also had a fine home on Cath erine street, AValla Walla. In all the relations of life, and in all his dealings and associations Avith his fellow men, Mr. Foster's conduct Avas such as to Avin for him the respect and esteen} of those with whom he came in contact, and his untimely death, which occurred February 23, 1900, was re garded by hundreds of our citizens as a distinct personal loss, as Avell as a great loss to the community in general. Mr. Foster's marriage Avas solemnized in AA'alla Walla, January 10, 1894, the lady of his choice being Miss Maud Straight, a native of the county, and a daughter of Z. K. Straight, a respected pioneer and a man Avho has folloAved the jeAvelry business continuously for a longer HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 333 period of time in the state of Washington than has any other man. Of this marriage one child, Arthur Straight, was born. Mrs. Foster still owns the business inter ests Avhich her husband had at the time of his demise, and employs her brother, Zeno Straight, to assist her in the management of these in terests. JESSE DRUMHELLER, a pioneer of 1852, Avas born in Tennessee, in 1835, and there the first eight years of his life Avere passed. He then went Avith his parents to Mis souri, locating near Springfield, where he lived until 185 1. For about a year afterwards he resided in Savannah, Missouri, but in 1852 he ¦set out across the plains to Washington with ox-teams. He located in Cowlitz county, and turned his attention to the lumber, industry, but soon moved to California, where for several years he followed mining. In 1855 he came to Oregon, joined the Oregon volunteers and was sent to AA'alla AValla. During his eleven months' service he participated in several severe engagements Avith the Indians. After the cessation of hostilities Mr. Drum heller entered the service of the United States government, and assisted in building the gov ernment posts at The, Dalles, Walla Walla, Col ville and Simcoe. In 1859 he located on land two miles south of the city of Walla Walla, and embarked in stock raising and general farming, a business which has engaged his en ergies ever since until quite recently. Being an active, enterprising and progressive man, of the wealthiest and most influential farmers of the wealthiest and most influential farmers of the county. He is the owner of nearly six thousand acres of land, and in 1899 his crop of wheat amounted to about sixty-five thou sand bushels. Mr. Drumheller's fraternal con nection is with the Masonic order, Blue Moun tain Lodge, No. 13, and the Royal Arch. Fie was married in Walla Walla, October 8, 1863, to Martha A. Maxson, a pioneer of 1859. They have six living children: Samuel, a farmer; Oscar and Thomas J., hardware merchants; George, a farmer and stockman; Althea and Roscoe M. Mr. Drumheller has taken up his residence ir Walla Walla city, where we now find him living a retired life and enjoying the fruits of his well-deserved success. WILLIAM S. SMITH, deceased.— Al though but thirty-one years of age when sum moned to depart this life, the subject of this brief memoir had already achieved a degree of success in the commercial world not often at tained by men twice his years, and had won for himself a place in the confidence of those with whom he had business connections and in the esteem and respect of the community in Avhich he lived that might well be the envy of much older men. Born in Clinton, Prince Edward Island, Canada, on January 7, 1866, he received the benefit of the excellent public-school system there established, and passed his youth under most advantageous surroundings. Upon leaving school he engaged with his father in the flour mill industry, following that until he had attained his majority, but he thereupon removed to New Westminster, Brit ish Columbia, where for about two years he worked as a sawyer in a sawmill. At the end of that time Mr. Smith removed to the Walla Walla valley, arriving in 1889, and before long his mechanical abilities were discovered by FI. P. Isaacs, who was in need 334 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. of just such a man and who gave him a place in his flour mill in AA'alla AA'alla. Mr. Isaacs afterwards sent him to take charge of* another plant located at Prescott, but he had become desirous of trying his hand at farming, so, in 1890, disposed of a place on Eureka flat which he already had bought, and purchased a farm at the junction of Mill creek with the Walla Walla river. From that time until the date of his death his energies were for the most part given to the cultivation and improvement of this land, though he also held the position of agent for the Pacific Coast Elevator Company at AA'hitman station. He Avas active, indus trious, assiduous and possessed a force of char acter Avhich, combined Avith his splendid in herent abilities, made him a success in any line of enterprise in which he might engage. The manner of our subject's demise was rather peculiar and merits a brief narration. He had returned home to Prince Edward Island on a visit to his relatives, and appeared to be enjoying his usual good health. He retired on the 6th of May, 1897, Avithout making any complaint or giving any sign that anything was the matter, but on the morning of the 7th he failed to rise at the usual hour and examina tion proved that he had died in his bed some time during the night. Upon learning the sad neAvs Airs. Smith Avith her little daughter at once set out on the long journey and arrived in time to see his remains interred in the Mar gate cemetery, Avhich Avas the old family bury ing ground. In 1887 Mr. Smith married, in Charlotte- tOAvn, Prince EdAvard Island, Miss Margaret J. Gunn, a native of the island and one of his boyhood friends. They became the parents of one daughter, Emma M. Mrs. Smith Avas left with a fine farm of four hundred and seventy-four acres, also with a tract of eleven hundred acres in Adams coun ty. She sold the latter tract, but still retains the old home place at the confluence of Mill creek and the Walla Walla river. With the help of her brother, avIio acts as foreman, she farms this land together Avith about six hundred acres Avhich she rents from other parties. She is an ambitious, enterprising lady, successful in Avhatever she undertakes, and possessed of the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. BENJAMIN G. GUTHRIDGE.— Though noAv retired, the man Avhose life it is our task to here briefly revieAV has been one of the prom inent business men of the county for many years, and during the long period of his resi dence here (for he has the honor of being a member of that respected class whom we call pioneers) he has so ordered his life and rela tions with those with Avhom he has had deal ings or connections, as to Avin and retain the confidence and regard of all. He Avas born in London, England, on June 27, 1832, and in that land he remained until about fifteen years old, acquiring an elementary education. He then yielded to the adventurous spirit Avhich was prompting him to seek ad venture hi other lands and embarked aboard a sailing vessel. His seafaring experience lasted about thirteen years, and finally terminated in a shipAvreck on a bar in the Columbia river. From the scene of this disaster he went to Portland, arriving in 1861, and before the year Avas over he came thence to the Walla AA'alla valley. After a brief residence he removed to the Oro Fino mining region, Avhere for tAvo years he Avas engaged in the search for hidden treasure. Returning then to AA'alla AValla HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 335 county, he utilized the trade he had learned in earlier life and engaged in the butcher busi ness, but two years later he retired from this to try his hand in the restaurant business, tak ing charge of Avhat was known as the Donoval. He Avas thus engaged for about two and a half years, then returned to his meat market indus try, which continued to engage his energies un til April I, 1886, in Avhich year he accepted a position as steward in the penitentiary, retain ing the same for about two and a half years. On retiring from this he withdrew from active participation in the business activities of life. On November 26, 1866, in the city of AA'alla Walla, he married Helen Goss, a native of county CarloAv, Ireland, born December 25, 1832. She greAV to Avomarihood before leav ing her native land, but in 1857 came to Cali fornia, Avhence she afterward removed to Walla AA'alla, where, on July 22, 1885, she died. Mr. and Airs. Guthridge became the parents of two children : George W., now connected with the fire department of AA'alla Walla ; and Ellen J., Avho, on April 22, 1900, became the wife of Albert E. Guichard, of that city. JEFFERSON JENNINGS, a pioneer of 1865, is a native of Iowa, born in 1856. When only eight years old he accompanied the re mainder of the family on the long journey across the plains, traveling with ox-teams. They located in Walla Walla valley, and en gaged in farming. Mr. Jennings received his education in the public schools and in Whitman College, then followed farming for about twelve years. Coming to the city of Walla Walla at the end of that period, he embarked in the grocery business, a line which engaged his energies for the ensuing six years. He then followed the insurance business a while, then went into the business of handling second hand furniture. He is now engaged with Mr. U. G. Bean, pro prietor of one of the leading house furnishing stores in the city. Mr. Jennings also served a term on the police force and as constable, and has since been deputized for special service on several occasions. As a man and a citizen Mr. Jennings stands high in the community, enjoying the esteem and good will of all. His fraternal affiliations are with the I. O. O. F. and the Modern Wood men of America, of the latter of which orders he is venerable consul. He has been twice married. In 1877 he Avedded Sarah E. Cork- rum, and they became the parents of three chil dren : Olive Belle and Mary Minerva, living, 'and Rose Frances, deceased. This Mrs. Jen nings died in 1884, and in 1886 Mr. Jennings married Miss Clara Buckner, who now has one child, Hazel. HUGH P. ESTES, dealer in cigars and tobacco, No. ioj^ South Third street, is a na tive of Arkansas, born December 11, 1854. When six years old he accompanied his father on the long journey across the plains. They located on Dry creek, six miles north of Walla Walla, and there Mr. Estes grew to manhood, receiving such education as the primitive schools afforded. On reaching the age of eight een he went to Oregon and, subsequently, en gaged in stock raising. Returning to Walla Walla after three years' absence, he engaged in farming on Etireka flat, where his home was until 1898. In that year he sold his eight- hundred-acre farm and moved into town, in order to secure for his children the advantages of the city schools. He has since given his 336 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. attention to the line of business in Avhich we iioav find him. Mr. Estes is considerably interested in AA'alla AA'alla real estate and is one of the stockholders in the Statesman ; also still oaviis a farm and stock in Benton county, Oregon. He has long taken a very active interest in the political affairs of the county, and may well be ranked among its political leaders. As a man and a citizen he stands well Avherever he has lived, enjoying the confidence and good will of all. In fraternal affiliations he is an Odd FelloAv. He Avas married in Walla Walla, December 25, 1882, to Aliss Mary Woods, a native of Alissouri, and they have four chil dren, Mertie, Hazel, Mabel and Lloyd. His father, Thomas Estes, deceased, a pio neer of i860, Avas born in North Carolina, and in that state grew to manhood and was educated. On attaining his majority he re moved to Tennessee, and while there he met and married his first wife. He subsequently went to Arkansas, where for a number of years he Avas engaged in tilling the soil. In i860 he set out across the plains to' Washing ton, and finally settled at Dry creek, Avhere he lived about eighteen years, afterward moving to AA'alla Walla. After living a retired life there for several years he took up his abode on a farm on Eureka flat, and this continued to be his place of residence until August 20, 1886, Avhen he died. AA'hile in Arkansas he Avas married the sec ond time, the lady being Miss Irene Malone, a native of that state. Their union was blessed by the advent of thirteen children, ten of Avhom are still living, namely : Thomas, at Baker City: Hugh, whose name heads this article; L. AA'., a farmer; C. T., a carpenter; Sydney, a miner; Nancy. Avife of J. T. AA'iseman; Han nah, Avife of A AVilliam Cope, of Arkansas; Eliz abeth; Sarah; and Irene, wife of Frank Gif- fons, of Ritzville. Mrs. Estes died about two years after the decease of her husband. MICHAEL B. AVARD.— In this compila tion it is signally consistent that we incorpo rate a brief review of the career of the honored pioneer Avhose name initiates this paragraph, and such a memoir can not but prove of inter est to the readers of this volume. Mr. Ward Avas a native of the old Buckeye state, born near Zanesville, Licking county, Ohio, on the nth of June, 1818. He remained in his native county until he was about nineteen years of age, when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Squaw Grove, DeKalb county, Illinois, where he continued his educational discipline and greAV to maturity. He had grown up under the sturdy and invigorating discipline of the farm, and to the basic art of agriculture he contin ued to devote his attention after attaining his majority, continuing on the paternal home stead in Illinois until 1842, when he engaged in farming on his own responsibility, in the same county, his father having deeded him a quarter section, to which he added, by individ ual purchase, another tract. He continued his operations in this line until 1 85 1, when he crossed the plains to Cali fornia, making the trip with horses. He re mained until December of the following year, Avhen he returned to Illinois and purchased an other farm, of Avhich he disposed at the end of a year and again essayed the long overland journey to the Pacific coast, ox-teams being utilized at this time. He located in Linn county, Oregon, Avhere he arrived in Novem ber, 1853, settling on a tract of three hundred and tAventy acres, one-half of Avhich he had pur- MICHAEL B. WARD. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 337 chased, while the remaining quarter section had been taken up in the name of his wife, the privilege of thus holding having been at that time accorded by the land laws. Mr. Ward here engaged principally in the raising of live stock, cultivating sufficient land to provide fod der for the stock. In the fall of 1861 Mr. Ward came with his family to Walla Walla county, arriving in No vember, with a drove of cattle. The winter proved to be one of exceptional severity, and Mr. Ward lost the greater portion of his stock by reason of this condition. The winter in question was passed on the farm of Lewis Mc Morris, and the following spring Mr. Ward returned to Oregon, disposing of his interests there and bringing the remainder of his stock to Walla Walla county, where he bought a half interest in the farm of Mr. McMorris, purchas ing the remainder of the place two years later. To this tract he added by subsequent purchase until he was the owner of a valuable place of seven hundred acres. The family rema ned on the farm until the centennial year, 1876, when they took up their abode in the city of Walla Walla, locating in a beautiful home, at the head of Poplar street, where our honored subject continued to reside until the hour of his death, which occurred on the 12th of April, 1893, at which time he had attained the venerable age of seventy-four years. He was a man of strong intellectual and physical powers, and it is worthy of note that his final illness was of but two hours duration, He passed away in the fullness of years, secure in the esteem and af fection of the community where he had lived and labored so long. The home place in Walla Walla comprised originally a tract of ten acres, but of this sev eral lots have been since either sold or deeded to the children of the family. Mr. Ward never 22 aspired to political preferment, though such was his popularity and such the confidence re posed in him by the public, that he was called upon to serve in the important office of county commissioner, of which he was the incumbent for a period of six consecutive years. He was a man of inflexible integrity in all the relations of life, and as one of the worthy pioneers of the northwest his name will be held in lasting honor. In DeKalb county, Illinois, on the 20th of October, 1842, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Ward to Miss Amelia E. Harmon, a na tive of Wilkes county, North Carolina. In early childhood she accompanied her parents to Illinois, where she was reared and educated. Her father was by trade and occupation a gun smith and blacksmith, and it was in his shop that she made the acquaintance of Mr. Ward. She accompanied her husband on his second trip across the plains, and during all the years of their married life she proved his devoted helpmeet and companion. Mr. and Mrs. Ward became the parents of one child, Agusta M.,, who is the widow of Major R. R. Rees, the pioneer newspaper publisher of Walla Walla, in which city she still maintains her residence. Mr. Ward was a devoted member of the United Brethren church, as is also his widow, both having contributed liberally to the support of religious work and all other worthy causes. Mrs. Ward is a woman of refinement and gracious personality, and has been prominent in the social life of her home city for many years. She is a member of the Ladies' Relief Asso ciation of Walla Walla and was one of the lady commissioners to the world's fair at New Orleans, in 1885, she and her husband remain ing in the Crescent city for a month, in the interests of the Walla Walla valley. Mrs. Ward contributed five hundred dollars to the 338 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. building fund for the boys' dormitory of Whit man College. She has at all times had a lively interest in the Avelfare of the city and county. DELOS H. COFFIN, farmer, a pioneer of the AValla Walla valley of 1877, was horn in Boston, Massachusetts, August 1, 1854. In 1855 he Avas brought by his parents across the plains to the Willamette valley, Avhere his fa ther, George D., bought a squatter's right and engaged in farming. The family resided there seven years, then after proving up on their ¦place as a donation land claim, Avent to Marion county and again engaged in farming and stock raising. ¦ In this part of Oregon Mr. Coffin com pleted his public school education. He worked on his father's farm until twenty-one years old, but thereupon started to do for himself, choosing as his occupation the one Avhich he had previously followed at home, namely, farm ing and stock raising. For the first three or four years he was compelled to rent land, but in 1879 he purchased eighty acres in the Walla Walla valley, where he now resides. This formed a nucleus for further acquisition until he is now the owner of four hundred and forty acres of fine land, upon Avhich he raises stock,. cereals and, in fact, almost all kinds of farm products which thrive in this climate. Mr. Coffin is a very active man in local affairs, holding many offices of trust in the county. For four years he Avas school director, for six, he served as road supervisor, and he is iioav representing his district in the board of county commissioners. He is one of the lead ing and representative men of his neighbor hood, enjoying the respect and confidence of his felloAV citizens. In fraternal affiliations, Mr. Coffin is identi fied with the F. O. E. and the I. O. O. F. He was married at College Place, December 16, 1 881, to Miss Stella E. Sickler, a native of Minnesota, but a resident of this county since she was three years old. Mr. Coffin's father died in this valley in February, 1885, after a residence of eight years here, and his remains lie buried in the Walla Walla cemetery. PHILIP A. BECKER, a farmer residing on the Little Walla Walla river, one-half mile soutliAvest of the Whitman monument, a pio neer of 1878, is a native of Dundass county, Ontario, born January 28, 1858. He received his education in the excellent public schools of his native land, also took a course in a busi ness college there. AVhen twenty-one years old he came via San Francisco and Portland to the AValla Walla valley, Avhere he accepted a position as agent at Blue Mountain station, on the Blue Mountain division of the old Dr. Baker road, iioav a part of the Oregon Railway & Navigation system. He was thus employed for six months, after which he Avorked a year for the same road as brakeman, then for the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company. Mr. Becker remained with the latter com pany employed as a brakeman until 1882, then was promoted, becoming a conductor. In the fall of 1883 he decided to quit railroading, so he took a homestead where he noAV resides, also a timber culture. He afterwards purchased another quarter-section, so that he is now the OAvner of four hundred and eighty acres in all, on Avhich he raises cattle, cereals and other farm products of almost every variety suited to the climate. He is an industrious, thrifty and energetic man, possessed of the traits of char- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 339 acter necessary to insure success in any calling. He manifests his interest in the cause of edu cation by serving as school clerk, though he might well claim that he had done his share of such work, having previously held that office for six consecutive years. Mr. Becker was married in this county, in February, 1887, to Mrs. Martha E. Coffin, a pioneer of the valley of 1877. They have three children, Philip Ai, Dora May and George A., students in the Whitman district school. FRANKLIN B. MORSE.— A veteran of the Civil war as well as of the Indian struggles of later years, and a respected and esteemed pioneer of the county, the subject of this brief biographical review certainly merits representa tion in a volume of this character, and it affords us pleasure to accord the same to one who has made so highly honorable a record both in peace and in war. Mr. Morse was born in NeAV York on July 11, 1845, came thence to Ohio in 1853, and from that state to Iowa in 1856. He had no more than completed his public-school educa tion until the necessities of his war-scourged country began to appeal to him, and in 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Eighteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in Avhich he served until the goddess of peace again visited our land. Not long after his discharge he came from his old home in Iowa to Walla Walla county, ar riving September 3, 1868, it being his fortune to become one of the pioneer agriculturists of this valley. He followed farming and stock raising for the first seven years, and during that time took a prominent part in securing the formation of Columbia county, which was formerly a part of Walla Walla county. He subsequently removed to this city, where for the first three years he followed the dairy business. During the Bannock uprising of 1878 he served as second officer in command of the Walla Walla volunteers, and to him belongs a large share of the credit for the fortunate outcome of the engagement on the Columbia river, the result of which was to prevent the redskins from crossing the river and doing un told damage on this side. The Indian sup plies were captured and their canoes destroyed. In 1879 Mr. Morse sold his farm and ac cepted a position with the firm of Paine Broth ers & Moore as their shipping clerk, and on the completion of the O. R. & N. he entered the employ of the company, serving for two and a half years thereafter as their night police officer. In May, 1884, he was appointed by the county commissioners to the office of con stable, and he retained that post until the state penitentiary building in this city was com pleted, when his services were called into requi sition in connection with the removal of the prisoners from Seatico, now known as Bucoda, to this city. In 1889 he was appointed a police officer, and in the discharge of his duties as such found their field of operation. Mr. Morse has proven signally faithful to every trust, public or pri vate, in peace or in war, which has ever been reposed in him, and he is maintaining his good record in the work in. which he is now en gaged. Mr. Morse has been twice married. On November 14, 1869, in the city of Walla Walla, his first wedding was solemnized, and to this union two children were born: Charles F., noAv in DeLamar, Idaho; and Cora D., now Mrs. Edward Stanfield, of Walla Walla. On March 15, 1900, he was again married, the lady being 340 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Mrs. Emma J. Weathermon, a native of Bel mont county, Ohio, who came to Oregon in 1883. She lived near Milton, in that state, until 1897, then moved to AA'alla AValla, where she has ever since lived. SAMUEL P. YOUNG— This energetic confectioner and cigar merchant was born in Tennessee on the twenty-fifth of December, 1862. He greAV to manhood in the state of his nativity, completing his education in the community in which he was born, and in 1887 came to AA'alla Walla. He engaged in farm ing, an industry to which his best endeavors were given for the first seven years of his res idence in this valley, but he thereupon moved into the city and engaged in the business in which we iioav find him. He conducts his business on sound prin ciples, ever watching alertly to conserve the best interests of his patrons, and always keep ing on hand a full stock of everything in his line. His life and all his relations with his fellow man have been so ordered as. to win the respect and esteem of all those Avith Avhom he comes in contact. Fraternally he is iden tified Avith Court Evening Star, No. 35, For esters of America, located in Walla Walla, also Trinity Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Walla Walla of Avhich he is inside guard. He OAvns a com fortable home in this city and other property of value, including a farm of one hundred and sixty acres on Eureka flat. J. M. HILL.- — Prominently identified with two of the most important industries of the county, banking and railroading, the subject of this review has earned an honored place among the benefactors and builders of this section. He is a son of the west, having been born in Yamhill county, Oregon, in 1849. He was educated in the public schools of his na tive state and in Portland academy, and when he completed his academic trainirig, he en tered a commission house in Portland, where he worked for the ensuing five years. In the spring of 1872 Mr. Hill came to AValla Walla and Avent onto a cattle ranch for Baker, Green & Company. A few months later, however, he and Dr. Baker's son engaged in a mercantile business in Weston, Oregon, but through the fault and failure of another firm and without any dereliction on their own part, they Avere forced to retire. Mr. Hill then turned his attention to rail- Avay construction as an employe of Dr. D. S. Baker, taking charge of a supply store at Wal lula. AVhen the road Avas completed he became the first conductor, and he afterward served as agent at AA'allula and still later became su perintendent of the entire Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad. This last position he retained until the road was sold to the Ore gon Raihvay & Navigation Company. He then built a railroad to Dudley and Dixie for Dr. Baker, afterward operating the same until it also became a part of the Oregon Railway & Navigation system. His great energy and constructive abili ties Avere next utilized in the organization of the Blue Mountain Flume Company, the pur pose of Avhich was to transport lumber and wood for the supply of the market and fort at Walla Walla. He assisted in the organiza tion of the AA'alla AValla Street Railway Com pany, which had the benefit of his supervision until it went out of business. In 1892 he en tered the Baker-Boyer National bank '(of HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 34i which he was already a director), as book keeper, and shortly afterward he was given his present position, that of assistant cashier. Mr. Hill has also been for a long time connected with and is now treasurer of the Interstate Building and Loan Association. He is more over, extensively interested in farming, being the owner of four hundred acres south of town, besides considerable real estate in other places. His holdings also include much city property of value. For two terms our subject served as a member of the board of county commissioners, and for a like period he was one of the city councilmen of Walla Walla, discharging the duties of both offices with characteristic skill and good judgment. He is one of the many men in the Inland Empire who have worked incessantly for the development and upbuilding of the country, and very few anywhere have displayed greater capacity than he for manag ing large and intricate undertakings. Mr. Hill was married in Walla Walla coun ty, in 1876, to Lucinda H. Berry, and their union has been blessed by the advent of five children : Dorsey M., now with Blackman Brothers & Company; Harry B., who looks after his father's farm; and Bertha, living, and Harvey and Florence, deceased. BENJAMIN D. CROCKER, a pioneer of 1879, is a native of Washington county, New York, born September 8, 1854. He received his education in that state, graduating at Union College, at Schenectady, in 1876. He then turned his attention to civil engineering, and in 1879 came out to Walla Walla to engage in land surveying for the United States govern ment. Until 1884 he was in its employ, as sisting in the subdivision of all lands in eastern Washington, and for about a year thereafter be worked for the N. P. R. R., selecting their lieu lands. He then accepted a position as gen eral agent for the Oregon Improvement Com pany, by whom he was engaged until 1899. Since that date he has devoted his attention to the occupation in which he is now engaged, namely, acting as financial agent for corpora tions residing outside the state. He was one of the organizers of the Farmers' Savings bank, and served as a member of its executive com mittee. Mr. Crocker is one of the public-spirited and progressive men of Walla Walla, wide awake to all the best interests of the city, and ready always to contribute his full share to its material advancement. In politics he is now and always has- been active, and during the recent campaign was a member of the State central committee. He is a prominent Knight Templar and thirty-second-degree Mason. On July 25, 1880, he married, at Lewiston, Idaho, Miss Mary P. Truax, a native of Oregon City, Oregon. They have two sons, Porter and Sewall. Mrs. Crocker's father, Major Sewall Truax, a pioneer of the coast of 1850, was very promi nent as a soldier, as a surveyor, and as an ex tensive farmer, and his life history forms a part of the military and civil annals of the In land Empire. He died in 1893, leaving a wife and family of six children, all of whom are filling honorable stations in life. MAX BAUMEISTER, real estate and in surance agent, was born in Germany, in 1840. He attended the public schools there until four teen years old, then came to America. He lo- 342 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. cated on Long Island, following the barber trade there until 1859, Avhen he came via Pan ama to California. He spent some time in the mining region, but soon returned to San Fran cisco, and to the pursuit of his handicraft. After maintaining a shop for tAvo years he re turned to NeAV York, going thence to- Europe. Fie traveled extensively over the old world, returning at length to San Francisco. In 1862 he removed to Portland, Oregon, and a month later to Walla Walla, where he again engaged in the practice of the tonsorjal art, at first as an employe and later in a shop of his own. Since 1882, however, he has devoted his en ergies to real estate, loans and insurance, though he Avas formerly also a very extensive farmer, and he still gives considerable atten tion to that business. A man of unusual energy and executive ability, he has attained a high degree of success in the various enterprises in which he has been engaged, and he commands the respect ahvays paid to those Avho have the courage and sagacity to take advantage of every opportunity which may offer. He is thor oughly public-spirited, and ever ready to do what he can for the general good. In fra ternal affiliations he is a Mason. He was mar ried in AValla Walla, in 1866, to Anna Hauer, .since deceased. In 1880 he Avas again married, in Long Island, NeAV York,, to Albine ScliAvieker, and to them have been born five children, Charlotte, Alvin, Garfield, Max E., Olga S. and AA'erner AV. acquiring a public school education, and after wards following farming as an occupation. In 1853 he came to the United States, land ing in NeAV York, and from that city went to AA'isconsin, making the trip by team and sleigh in the Avinter season. He located in the vicinity of La Crosse, Avhere for many years he Avas engaged in farming. Subsequently, however, our subject came to AValla Walla, rented land on Dry creek and resumed, under new conditions, the business in which he had so long been engaged. After a year had passed he moved onto the place on which we now find him. He has one hundred and sixty acres of land, a school-quarter sec tion, and is engaged in raising wheat, barley and fruit. He was married in Bohemia, Aus tria, in 1850, to Aliss Mary Frana, a native. of that country, who died August 16, 1899, after having attained the ripe age of eighty- four years. Of their marriage three children were born : Theresa, Avife of Loren Kroll, of La Crosse, Wisconsin; Frances, wife of Charles J. Heffner, a farmer on the Oregon side of the state line; and Mary, now Mrs. Charles H. Eichler. FRANK BRZEZOAVSKY, a farmer on Spring creek, tAvo miles Avest of College Place, a pioneer of 1875, was born in Bohemia, Aus tria, August 17, 1825. He resided in the land of his nativity until twenty-six years of age, HIPPOLYTE DAVIN. — France, like many other countries of Europe, has furnished us numerous energetic and progressive citi zens, not the least important among whom is the man Avhose name forms the caption of this sketch. Mr. Davin Avas born on the 23d of September, 1857, and remained in the land of his nativity until he became about sixteen years of age, receiving a good common school educa tion. Landing in New York in 1874 he came thence directly to California, in which state he had his first experience in the sheep rais- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 341 ing industry, which he has followed so suc cessfully and with so much profit to himself ever since. In 1883 he sold his stock in Cal ifornia, came with the proceeds to Walla Walla county and invested the same in sheep here, and he has found the business under the conditions existing in this valley a very profit able one to a man who understands as thor oughly as he does the art of handling this species of stock in the most economical man ner. He OAvns four hundred acres and leases over eleven thousand acres of grazing land for pasturing his flocks. Mr. Davin has manifested a deep interest in the welfare of Walla Walla since he first established his residence here, and has contrib uted materially to the development and growth of the city, especially by investing a portion of the profits arising from his business in erect ing substantial buildings here. He is the owner of the Pearson building, a brick block, and other valuable property in the city. Our subject was married in Walla Walla on August 14, 1893, to Miss Sidonie Gondre, also a native of France, born in 1871. They have three children, namely: Phinix H. M., Blanche M. R., and Lionel V. N. Mr. Davin and his entire family are members of the Cath olic church. HENRY C. TRUAX, son of Major Truax, is one of the prominent young business men of Walla Walla. He is a true son of the west, having been born at Fort Lapwai, Idaho, April 28, 1870, and having spent his entire life thus far in the Occident. When two years old he was taken by his parents to Walla Walla, and in that city he received his education, which consisted of a complete public school course, supplemented by four years of hard study at Whitman College. In 1888 he went onto his father's farm twenty-five miles from Lewiston, Idaho, on Snake river,* and there he remained until in 1892 he was called to a position as clerk in the Spokane postoffice. He retained that situation until 1896, per forming his duties faithfully and skillfully. A desire to try his fortunes in the mines had seized Mr. Truax, however, and accord ingly he now turned his attention to that in dustry. In 1899 he opened a bookstore in Walla Walla, and began to build up his present flourishing business, but he still retains his interest in mining, and is helping to develop some very promising properties. He is one of the rising young business men of the Inland Empire, active, industrious and progressive, and it needs no prophetic eye to discern a very successful future before him. He was married in Seattle, January 10, 1900, to Miss Louise A. Fuller, a native of St. Cloud, Minnesota. EZEKIEL SMITH, carriage maker, Wal la Walla, was born in Canada in 1835, and hi that country he was reared and educated. H$ learned the trade of. a carriage maker at Brock- ville, Ontario, and worked at it there for some time, but at length removed to St. Lawrence county, New York, Avhere for two years more he devoted himself exclusively and assiduously to his handicraft. The ensuing three years were passed in the same occupation in western Can ada, and the next three in Berlin, Wisconsin. From that date until 1864, his place of business- was Ripon, in the same state, but he then re moved to Minnesota, arriving in time to par ticipate in the closing operations of the Sioux war. In 1873 Mr. Smith came to California, 344 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. whence, four years later, he removed to Walla Walla. He entered the employ of the govern ment here," but finding that all his time was not occupied, soon opened in business for him self. For more than twenty years he has di vided his time between the government, for which he works as a wheelwright, and his own carriage-making establishment on Alder street. Mr. Smith is one of the most highly esteemed and respected of Walla Walla's citi zens, and though not ambitious for personal preferment, stands high in the community where he is known. He is an active member of the First Methodist Episcopal church, hav ing joined that denomination in 1862, and upon arriving in Walla Walla he deposited his letter vrith the local society, of which he has been a trustee. He also held the responsible office of Sunday-school superintendent for twelve years. Mr. Smith has been thrice married. On July 4, 1856, in Ogdensburg, New York, he married Miss Juliette E. Hall, who died in De cember, 1867. On Christmas, 1872, he Avas married in Mankato, Minn., to Mrs. Fannie Shourds, who passed away at Walla Walla on Alay 3, 1892, and his third marriage took place in Walla Walla, the lady being Mrs. Sarah E. Ping. PROFESSOR WILLIAM D. LYMAN.— The prominent educator, whose life history it is the purpose of this article to briefly outline, is a son of the west, and he has long been con sidered among the intellectual leaders of the Pacific coast. His father and mother were among the earliest settlers of Portland, Oregon, having come thither in 1849 from an eastern state, making the journey by vessel, via Cape Horn. In the metropolis of Oregon, then a small village, Professor Lyman was born, the date of his advent upon the stage of action be ing December 1, 1852. His parents removed to Forest Grove when he was quite young and in the Public schools of that town he took his initial steps in the pursuit of a liberal educa tion. In due time, he matriculated at Pacific University, from- which institution he received the B. S. degree in 1873. He was not, how ever, satisfied with his scholastic attainments, so engaged in public school teaching with a view to securing funds necessary to enable him to further prosecute his studies. In the fall of 1875, he enrolled as a student in Williams College, where for the next two years he stud ied with assiduity and zeal, graduating in 1877, with the degree of bachelor of arts. He was thereupon appointed to the chair of history and literature in his alma mater, Pacific University. He taught there nine years, but failing health forbade his longer remain ing in the class room, so he sought recuperation in the mountain regions of California and New Mexico. He traveled for two years, his facile pen contributing the while to numerous maga zines and neAvspapers. In December, 1888, he accepted a position in Whitman College, and that institution has profited by his scholarship and ability almost continuously since, not a little of the credit for its phenomenal progress being due to him. The retrenchment necessi tated by the hard times, however, left him free for one year, and this he passed in Finney College. At present he has charge of the his tory and civics in Whitman College, and to his work there the major portion of his time is given, though he is also quite a prolific writer for the various leading periodicals. Indeed, Professor Lyman's reputation as a literary man is quite as extensive as is that which he has acquired as a result of his labors W. D. LYMAN. FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 345 as an educator, and articles written by him fre quently appear in the Overland Monthly, the Inter-Ocean, the Spokesman-Review, the Seat tle Times, the Oregonian and other publica tions both east and west. He was one of the contributors to the History of the Pacific NortliAvest, and some of the most interesting chapters of this volume were written by him. The professor is also widely known throughout this state and Oregon as a lecturer and public speaker. In 1882, in" Forest Grove,. Oregon, the mar riage of Professor Lyman to Miss Martha Clark was solemnized, and they have become parents of four children, namely : Hubert, Mar- jorie, Willena and Harold. Mrs. Lyman, who also belongs to one of the oldest and most widely known and respected of Oregon's pioneer families, takes an active interest in many of the ladies' organizations of Walla Walla, contributing not a little to the social and intellectual life of the city. THOMAS MOORE, one of the leading farmers of the county, was born in Franklin county, New York, near Fort Covington, in 1848. He resided there until sixteen years old1, receiving most of his education in the academy at Fort Covington. In 1864, he came to Cali fornia, via thj isthmus, and after spending a year in the employ of his brother, went into the mining region of Nevada, where he realized excellent results out of transactions in mining stock. He later went to Virginia City, Ne vada, and entered the employ of the Pacific (quartz) Mill. Mr. Moore worked there nearly four years, having charge of the engine during the last two, then returned to the east, making the trip on the first through passenger train, and taking six days' to go to Omaha, Nebraska, where the passengers received a royal welcome. Three months were passed in his old home, then he started on an extensive tour, on which he paid out over one thousand, six hundred dollars in railroad fare, and traversed all but three of the states of the Union. He finally ended his journeyings in 1869, in the city of AValla Walla, and turned his attention to farm ing- and stock raising, a business which he has followed continuously since with great success. He is the owner of four hundred acres in Spring Valley, and two hundred more across the Touchet river, upon all of which he is now raising wheat. Mr. Moore has always taken an active in terest in politics, and ever proved himself a true friend of progress. He has been especially earnest in his efforts to secure good roads throughout his county, thus giving his enthusi astic support to one of the most needed of re forms. In fraternal connections, he is an Elk, and a Catholic Knight. He was married in Bridgeport, California, to Nellie Bannon, who died in 1897, leaving four children, Corleen, Walter, Camille, and Clarence. In 1900 he was again married, the lady being Miss Maggie Bannon, a sister of his former wife. RICHARD A. BOGLE, proprietor of the tonsorial parlors at No. 3 Second street, was born in the AVest India Island's, September 7, 1835. When about twelve years old, he emi grated to- New York, and a year later, in com pany with one John Cogswell, he- removed to Michigan, whence, after but a brief residence, he and Mr. Cogswell crossed the plains to Oregon, arriving in the "land of promise," Oc- 346 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. tober 15, 185 1. He stayed three years, then moved to Yreka, California, Avhere he learned the trade of a barber, under a man named Na than Ferber, for Avhom he worked for the en suing three years. During the next three he was proprietor of a restaurant and barber shop in DeadAvood, California, but he subsequently engaged in mining. Returning at length to Roseburg, Oregon, he resumed his trade, and until 1862 he maintained a shop there. In that year, hoAvever, he emigrated to Walla Walla, whence he made an extensive mining tour, visiting Florence, Elk City, and Oro Fino. Upon his return, he bought an interest in a barber shop, and he has been engaged in that business unceasingly since, except for a brief period, during which he was in Oregon. Mr. Bogle has been quite successful finan cially and is interested in the Walla Walla Building and Loan Association, and other busi ness enterprises. He resides in a very pleasant and comfortable home at 122 E. Poplar street. In Salem, Oregon, in January, 1863, he mar ried Miss A. Waldo, and they have become parents of eight children, five of whom are now living, namely : Arthur Belle Warren, now in the Sanchvich Islands; Kate, wife of C. M. Duffy, Pullman, Washington; Porter, at St. Paul ; and AValdo, with his father. CHARLES H. EICHLER, a farmer, a pi oneer of 1870, was born in Bavaria, Germany, June 11, 1849. When eleven years of age he embarked as a cabin boy and visited Australia, Africa, Japan and the East Indies. In 1861 he disembarked at Norfolk, Virginia, and, though only tAvelve years old, began the struggle for existence alone. He Avorked as a butcher until 1869, then came west to the Walla Walla val ley, arriving early the folloAving year. He enlisted in the United States army in the First Calvary, Troop H, under command of Cap tain J. G. Trimble, and served in the Modoc war of 1872, also participated in several scout ing expeditions among the Piutes. In 1875 Mr. Eichler was discharged at Fort Walla Walla, and he thereupon entered the employ of Adams Brothers, as a clerk in their general merchandise store. He was with them continuously until 1882, then embarked in the grocery business for himself. In March, 1884, he closed out and again became a clerk, following that work uninterruptedly until 1889, when he was appointed steAvard of the peni tentiary, a position which he retained for a year and a half. From that until 1898 he was clerking again, but at the outbreak of the Span ish-American war, he offered his services, and was placed in charge of a government pack train of mules and sent to Jefferson barracks. From that point he was ordered to Tampa, Florida, thence to Cuba, arriving at Guanta- namo, below Santiago, June 28, 1898. He carried ammunition to the firing line at Qua- simo and San Juan Hill, encountering as many dangers in both these battles as the soldiers en"- gaged. He became well acquainted with The odore Roosevelt, for whom he has an ardent admiration. After his return to Walla Walla he served one year as driver of the chemical engine on the city fire department, then, in 1899, took charge of his father-in-law's farm, on which he has since resided continuously. Mr. Eich ler is Avidely knoAvn in this county, and enjoys the confidence, esteem and good Avill of a very large circle. In religious persuasion he is an Episcopalian, and fraternally he is identified Avith. the I. O. O. F., and the A. O. U. W. HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 347 He was married in Walla Walla, July 23, 1877, to Miss Mary Brzezowsky, a native of Austria. OSWALD BECKER, a farmer on Pine creek, fourteen miles southwest of Walla Walla, was born in Baden, Germany, February 25, 1854. He remained there until eleven years old, attending the public schools, but in 1865 he accompanied the remainder of the family to the United States. The parents engaged in farming in Calhoun county, Illinois, where they lived until 1877, when they removed to Greene county, in which they continued to re side until their death. The mother died in January, 1898, and the father in June of the following year. Mr. Becker remained with them until twenty-one years old,- completing his education in the district school, then went to work for wages in Greene county, of which he was a res ident for the ensuing four years. In 1879, he went to Logan county, Arkansas, purchased eighty acres of land and engaged in farming. Three years later, he sold this and returned to Illinois. He farmed there on rented land for another period of three years, then disposed of his stock and set out for Walla Walla valley, arriving in May, 1885. He rented a farm near the city of Walla Walla for one season, but the following fall took a pre-emption of one hundred and twenty acres in the foot hills near Waitsburg, where he resided continuously un til 1898. In that year, he sold his holdings, came over to Pine creek and homesteaded the quarter-section on Avhich he now lives. He also purchased a tract of two hundred and thirty acres near by, and upon the entire place he is raising grain, hay and stock. He has a fine herd of twenty-five Shorthorn dairy cows, and possesses a plant for separating his own cream. By dint of industry, perseverance and thrift, Mr. Becker has made for himself and family a very comfortable home, and has gained rank among the enterprising and successful farmers of his neighborhood. The fact that he is inter ested in the educational well-being of the county is manifested by his having served faithfully in . the capacity of school director for eight con secutive years on Coppei creek. In Illinois, on August 26, 1879, our sub ject married Miss Annie M. Pranger, a native of St. Louis, Missouri, and they became parents of eight children, Agnes, wife of Charles Strahm; Lucy E., Rosa A., Frederick, Gerty, Susan, Winnifrede, and Veronica S., at home with their parents. The entire family are members of the Catholic church of Walla Walla. Mrs. Becker's mother died July 28, 1897, while visiting at her daughter's residence on Coppei creek, and her remains lie buried in the family lot in the Catholic cemetery. WILLIAM C. TOWNSEND, a farmer re siding about thirteen miles southwest of Walla Walla, was born in Caledonia county, Vermont, October 20, 1865, and there the first five years of his life were spent. He was taken by his mother to Woodford county, Illinois, where,. thirteen months later, he was left an orphan by the death of his mother, his father having passed away shortly before they left Vermont. Air. Townsend was reared and cared for by an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kohl, with Avhom he lived until twenty-three years of age. They gave him a good public school edu cation, and he rewarded them by working on their farm in Illinois and again in Iowa until 348 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. twenty-tAvo years of age. The last year he was with them, he rented his uncle's place and farmed on his own account. In the fall of 1888, he came to Washington, took a homestead on Mud creek near Hudson Bay and began farming. To this he later added another quarter-section procured by pur chase, and is now raising wheat as his principal crop, though he also gives some attention to other farm products. He is enterprising and industrious and ranks among the thrifty and successful farmers of his neighborhood. He does not seem to- be ambitious for leadership among his fellows, and never has held any offices, except that of school director for one term, but his standing in the community is of the highest. In Pendleton, Oregon, on November 30, 1896, our subject married Miss Flora Cummins, a native of Appanoose county, Iowa, and they are the parents of one child, Luther C. Mrs. Townsend's parents came to this county in 1890, and her father now makes his home with her, but her mother died twenty-three days after their arrival. HERBERT F. WALLACE.— One of the energetic and progressive mechanics of this city and one of her intelligent and respected citizens is he who bears the name which initiates this brief revieAv. He was born in the state of Vermont on the 2d of July, i860, but was reared in the sunny South, having gone to El Paso, Texas, when seven years old. He acquired a high education, not only completing the public school course, but also matriculat ing in and in due time graduating from El Paso College. After receiving his degree he learned the trade of a painter and paperhanger, following that in Texas for a number of years. But the climatic conditions obtaining there seem to have undermined his heatlh, for in 1898 he re moved to California for the purpose of better ing, if possible, his physical condition. After remaining a short time in San Francisco under medical treatment, he came north to Seattle, removing thence to Spokane, where for five months he again gave himself vigorously to the pursuit of his handicraft. Finally, however, he disposed of his business interests there and removed to AA'alla AValla, in which city his home has since been and where he has again es tablished himself in business. He is still the owner of property interests in El Paso, Texas. Mr. Wallace's marriage was solemnized in NeAV York, on May 30, 1891, when Miss Issa- bella Tenney became his Avife. JAMES S. BARRETT, shoe merchant, AValla Walla, was born in Sumner, Oxford county, Maine, in 1838. He was reared on a farm in that state, receiving such education as the public schools afforded. On attaining his majority, he went to Massachusetts to learn the art of manufacturing shoes, and tAvo years" later (in 1861) he set out by steamer to the Pacific coast. Locating in the mining regions of California, he followed mining exclusively for about five years. In April, 1867, however, he purchased the Stetson & Buck boot manu facturing establishment, which business he con ducted, together Avith mining, for several years, at one time being absent for a brief period on a trip east. Finally selling out in 1875 he moved to San Francisco, California, where he purchased an interest in a boot and shoe • manufactory at 1208 Market street. HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 349 Shortly afterward he bought the remaining in terest and the entire business was conducted by him until July, 1878. Mr. Barrett then moved to Walla Walla where he purchased property and opened a store for the manufacture and sale of boots and shoes. He has devoted himself assid uously ever since to the building up and ex tending of this business, employing at times several men in his manufacturing industry, though he also handles custom-made goods. He is a thorough business man, possessed of the foresight and good judgment characteris tic of the successful in commercial pursuits. As a man and a citizen, his standing in the community is of the highest. He is a very prominent Odd Fellow, having been connected Avith that order for forty years, and having passed through all the offices and received all the honors in the gift of the fraternity. Mr. Barrett was married in Walla Walla in Jan uary, 1879, to Cora M. Parker, a native of Jay, Maine, and they noAV have two children, Annie M. and Parker. ANDREW J. EVANS, one of the leading- farmers of the county, residing now at 427 E. Alain street, Walla Walla, is a son of Ohio, born September 2, 1842. In 1858 the family moved to Iowa, whence three years later they started across the plains to the west, driving ox-teams. On August 29, 1861, they arrived in Walla Walla, where Mr. Evans' home has been ever since. For several years he was engaged in teaming, but he subsequently turned his atten tion to the more profitable business of stock- raising. In 1871 he located a homestead on Mill creek, three miles east of town, and this forms the nucleus of his present fine farm of eight hundred and twenty acres. Mr. Evans is an active, industrious, pro gressive man, and one whose influence in the1 moulding and development of the county has been very sensibly felt. His uprightness and integrity have never been questioned. For some years he served as a member of the Walla Walla city council, performing his duties with courage, faithfulness and good judgment. He has long been an active and consistent mem ber of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Miss Amata Williams, a native of Iowa, and they became the parents of three children, namely : Marvin, an attorney in Walla Walla; Emmet, a farmer; and Wesley, deceased. WILLIAM S. GOODMAN, a farmer and sheep and cattle raiser, proprietor of the "Hud son Bay farm," was born in Coles county, Illi nois, on June 2, 1844. When ten years old, he accompanied the family to Monroe county, Iowa, where he lived for two years on a farm, after which he went with his parents to Putnam county, Missouri. Here his father engaged in the dual occupation of farming and wagon- making, he working in the shop most of the time, Avhile his sons worked the farm under his directions. In May, 1862, the entire family set out across the plains to this state. They experi enced no real trouble with Indians, though they were at one time quite badly frightened, and corraled their wagons, but the braves, after riding around the extemporized fortification a few times, galloped away without opening fire. Arriving in the Walla Walla valley in Septem ber, they settled on what is known as the Hud son Bay farm. The father took a squatter's claim" in this vicinity, but after two years dis- .35° HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. posed of it to go to the Willamette valley, where he spent tAvo years. Returning then, he resided here until the time of his death, August 6, 1875. Upon his arrival at the Hudson Bay farm, Mr. Goodman, who had completed his educa tion in the east, spent a year in a store in Walla Walla, then engaged in teaming for a brief period of time, but in 1864, embarked in the livery business in Walla Walla. During the year 1865, he Avas quite extensively engaged in freighting to and from the Boise, Auburn, LeAviston and Colville mining regions, and in 1866 he began importing cattle from the Willa mette valley, a business which he followed con tinuously until 1873. For the ensuing two years, he Avas in the grocery business in Los Angeles, but in 1875 he returned to the "Bay," purchased four hundred acres of land and di rected his attention to the business in which he is now engaged. Besides the farm men tioned above, he is the OAvner of a one-thou- sand-seven-hundred-and-fifty-acre tract near by, which he uses for pasture. He is one of the most successful stock and sheep raisers in the valley, and is especially interested in the pro duction of fine Shorthorn cattle. His indus try and ability have found fitting reward, so that he is quite wealthy, being the owner of property in AA'alla Walla and Seattle and a ten-acre tract near the city limits of Los An geles, California. He has long been prominent in the Democratic party, though he is too broad- minded to be excessively partisan, and is very frank in bestoAving credit Avherever credit is due. At one time he was elected without effort ¦on his oavh part, to represent Umatilla county, Oregon, in the state legislature. Mr. Goodman was married in AVhitman county, AA'ashington, in October, 1879, to Miss Irene SteAvart, a native of Walla Walla, and a •daughter of pioneer parents. They have tAvo children: Myrtle, now a student in AVhitman College, and W. Dean, in the public school of his home district. WILLIAM PETERSON, a farmer two miles southwest of Waitsburg, was born in Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 1870. While yet a boy, he removed to Nebraska, where he completed the public-school education he had al ready begun to acquire in Chicago, and where, for a short time, he was engaged in farming. Coming to Walla Walla county, in 1889, he procured a fine little farm of one hundred and twenty acres in the vicinity of Waitsburg, and upon this his home has been ever since. He is, however, too ambitious to confine his ener gies to such narroAV limits, so he leases and farms four hundred and eighty acres more, raising principally wheat. He is very indus trious, enterprising young man and enjoys the good Avill and esteem of his neighbors gener ally. E. SHEPARD RUSSELL, a farmer resid ing on Mud creek, eight miles southwest of AA'alla AA'alla, Avas born in Belmont county, Ohio, on April 14, 1850. While still in his infancy, he Avas taken by his parents to Bureau county, Illinois, where his mother soon after ward died. He Avas adopted by a man named Rude, Avith AAhom he lived continuously until eighteen years old. He acquired a part of his education in the public schools, but recehed most of his instruction from Mr. and Mrs. Rude. In 1867 Mr. Russell removed to Miami county, Kansas, Avhere he had a married sister, but, after a visit of only three months, he HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 35i started overland through Missouri to his old home in Illinois, making the entire trip on foot. For two years after his arrival he worked as a farm hand, but he then returned to Kan sas, where he met with an accident which laid him up all winter. Early the next fall he homesteaded a quarter-section and began farm ing on his oavii account, but, a year later, he relinquished his claim, sold his improvements, .and returned to Miami county. He purchased .a forty-acre tract and farmed for two years, then, his health having failed, he returned to his old home. Shortly afterward, however, he removed to Oxford, IoAva, to become fore man for the gentleman who raised him, in the business of improving and selling farms. Dur ing the two years of his stay here he encoun tered two cyclones, both of which blew his houses to pieces, and one of which carried him and the building in which he then was over a considerable distance, but without injuring him in the least. Mr. Russell spent the winter of 1876 in Washington county, Kansas, and in the spring outfitted and started across the plains with mule-teams to the west. On Camass Prairie, Idaho, the party met the chiefs of the Bannock Indians, who Avere then holding a council of war and planning the outbreak which occurred the following year. Chief Eagan, on whose head a price was afterward set, took dinner with the party several times, and when that brave was finally killed he was identified by Mrs. Russell's brother, Jacob Frizzell, who was a member of the train. Mr. Russell finally settled on Mud creek, this county, where the following year he took as a timber culture one hundred and sixty acres of land. This he unfortunately lost in 1897 by going security for a friend. In that year he bought his present place, which consists of forty acres in this county, upon which he raises alfalfa hay, and forty acres just over the Ore gon line which he is farming to wheat. He is an industrious, thrifty man, deeply inter ested in the welfare of his community, and one of its representative citizens. He has held the offices of school director and road supervisor at different times. Fraternally our subject is affiliated with the M. W. A. and the K. of P. He married, in Washington county, Kansas, on January 8, 1 87 1, Miss Frances L. Frizzell, a native of Indiana, and they have five living children, Clara H., Elsie V., Frank, Harry and Marvin M. ; also one, E. Shepard, deceased. JOHN H. FOSTER.— There are few men still living whose connection with the Pacific coast dates back to an earlier period than does that of the man whose name initiates this sketch. Born in the state of Maine in 1828, he had no sooner completed his education and attained his majority than his adventurous spirit led him to Boston, and thence by water to San Fran cisco. He completed his trip around the Horn in December, 1849, and with the opening of the new year set out for the mines. He was in the Sacramento region during the exciting Squatter war, but soon after returned to San Francisco and began Avorking at the trade he had learned in his boyhood, carpentering. In the fall of 1850 Mr. Foster came to Port land, Oregon, whence, in 1852, he removed to the site of the present Chehalis, Washington, where he took a donation land claim. He was one of the signers of the historic petition sent to Washington, D. C, asking that the territory of Washington be set apart from Oregon. In i860 he went to The Dalles, Oregon, where 352. HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. tAvo years later he entered the employ of the United States government as a carpenter and wagon-maker. He continued to work in its employ until 1869, then came to Walla Walla and since that date his life has been linked with the history of this city. For a number of years he followed his trade, erecting some of the finest early buildings, but he subsequently be came identified Avith Rees, Winans & Com pany. Later he sold out and retired from active participation in business, though he is still a stockholder in the First National bank and in the Farmers' Savings bank. Mr. Foster possessed an unusual degree of the resourcefulness, energy and force of char acter of the early pioneers, and he has been a leader in the persistent warfare with opposing forces which has resulted in transforming a wilderness into a civilized commonwealth. He Avas married first in Portland, Oregon, in 1852, to Margaret J. Johnson, Avho died in Walla Walla in 1879, leaving eight children: Lewis; Henry ; Albert, who was a member of Company I, First Washington Volunteers, serving in the Spanish-American and Philippine wars ; Mary, AvidoAV of A. E. Isham; William; Frederick J., still living; and John and Frank, who died in 1893 and 1900, respectively. She also had one daughter, Margaret, who preceded her to the tomb. In 1881 Mr. Foster married Mrs. Sarah White, who has one son, Amos, by her first marriage. Mr. Foster is the owner of several tracts of good farm and grazing land, besides a beau tiful home in Walla AValla. DANIEL STEWART.— Residing in an attractive home at the corner of Park and Whit man streets, AA'alla AA'alla, is a venerable citizen to Avhom must be given precedence as a pioneer of the Pacific coast country, as a veteran of the Indian wars and as one who has led an active and eventful life, filled with interesting episodes concerning the early days. This hon ored pioneer is Daniel Stewart, the subject of this review, who is now practically retired from active business pursuits. He is a native of the old Buckeye state, where he was born April 26, 1825, the son of William H. and Patience (Denton) Stewart. At the time of his birth the parents were residents of Marion county, whence they removed to Warren county, in 1830. Ten years later Mr. Stewart returned to his native county, where he remained for a brief interval, going thence, in 1841, to Illinois, where he was associated with his brother, in farming pursuits until the year 1845, on April 2d of which year he started on the long and perilous journey across the plains, this being, of course considerably antecedent to the dis covery of gold in California. He proceeded with his ox team to Independence, Missouri, Avhere he joined an emigrant train of about two hundred and fifty wagons, subsequently subdivided into trains of about forty wagons each. They arrived at Oregon City on Octo ber 2d of the same year, the trip having been made under the direction of Captain Joel Pal mer. Our subject recalls that the company were permitted to listen to a discourse by Mar cus Whitman, Avho admonished them as to the line of conduct which they should pursue. He Avell remembers this revered historical char acter, who fell a victim to the crafty red men. After his arrival in the coast region, Mr. Stew art Avas engaged in diversified pursuits, having for some time engaged in boating on the Co lumbia and Willamette rivers, under Captain Gray and others. DANIEL STEWART. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 353 At Portland, in January, 1848, Mr. Stewart enlisted for service in the Cayuse Indian Avar, being chosen corporal of his 'company. He continued in the service for eight months, par ticipating in all the battles that were fought. He was on horse guard at the time Packwood and Jackson met death at the hands of the red skins; the first regular engagement with the Indians, however, having been at Sand Hollow, six miles beyond Wells Springs. He also took part in the Tuckannon battle. During the war he, Avith Captain Maxon's company, acted as escort for General Gilliam and while he was thus serving, the General was accidentally shot, at AA'ells Springs. In July, 1848, our subject went down to California on the vessel which had brought the first news of the discovery of gold in that state. He proceeded to Dry Diggings, subsequently known, in turn, as Hangtown and Placerville. There he mined for a time, then went to the middle fork and later the north fork of the American river, being fairly successful in his mining operations. He next proceeded to San Francisco, where he purchased a half-interest in the launch "Rainbow" and also engaged in the draying business for a short time. Dispos ing of his interests, he went to Sacramento, where he purchased of Colonel Sutter a feed stable, which he conducted for a time and then returned to Oregon, where he secured a claim of three hundred and twenty acres, on Parrot creek, four miles south of Oregon City. His next venture was the opening of a bill iard hall in Portland. In December, 1852, Mr. Stewart sold out his business and went to Missouri and Iowa to buy cattle, being asso ciated in this enterprise with James H. Fruit. They had about two hundred and forty head of cattle at the start and were engaged in cattle- raising until 1858, when Mr. Stewart came to 23 Umatilla river, Washington, Avhere he was en gaged in farming and stock-raising until about eighteen years ago. In 1861 he came to Walla AValla county, purchasing a farm of one hun dred and sixty acres, situated south of the city. About the year 1863 he Avas located for some months at Boise, Idaho, where he was engaged in gardening and fruit-raising, in Stewart's Gulch, which was named for him. In 1866 he bought about one thousand acres on Dry creek, for a stock ranch. As before stated, he has been practically retired from active business for the past eighteen years. Mr. Stewart was a member of the territor ial legislature of Washington for four terms, was postmaster of Walla Walla, under Cleve land's administration, for four years and four months, has teen a member of the city council and board of county commissioners, and has in every way shown a deep and abiding interest in the public welfare. In his fraternal relations he is an old and honored member of the Ma sonic order, into which he was initiated as an entered apprentice in 1850, at Oregon City, the lodge, known as Multnomah No. 84, having been the first organized on the Pacific coast and working under dispensation of the grand lodge of Missouri. In the town of Santa Fe, Monroe county, Missouri, in March, 1853, Mr. Stewart was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Fruit, who. was born in Callaway county, Missouri, on the 19th of September, 1830. His wife accompanied him across the plains when he drove his herd of cattle through, and she was his devoted helpmeet and companion until her death, August 13, 1896. They became the par ents of eight children, namely: Kate, wife of E. H. Nixon; Crassus, a farmer and trader; Dr. Charles B., a practicing physician and surgeon; Thales D., who is now engaged in 354 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. mining in Alaska; Irene B., wife of William S. Goodman, of Umatilla county, Oregon; Ella S., Avife of John A. Cameron; Ida S., Avife of Elmer AA'inans; and Robert L., a trader. EUGENE H. BOYER, a pioneer of 1862, is a native of Hillsboro, Arkansas. He was, however, reared on the Pacific coast, his father having come to California, via the isthmus, when he Avas but a feAV weeks old. At the age of three years he was brought by his parents to Walla Walla, in which city he has resided almost ever since, receiving a thorough educa tion in Whitman Seminary. AA'hen seventeen years old he entered the bank of Baker & Boyer as office boy, and early showing an unusual ability as an accountant was steadily advanced in position until the second year, Avhen he became chief clerk or cashier. This position he retained three years, after Avhich ill health compelled him to resign. He paid a visit to the east in search of health and a broader education, and upon his return turned his attention to farming and land spec ulations. In 1885 he was appointed receiver of the bank of Baker & Clark, of Moscow, Idaho, and a year later, after successfully wind ing up the business of the bank, became one of the directors of its successor, the First Na tional bank of that city. Sedentary life being his bane, he next en deavored to lure health and wealth from the mountains in and about Wardner, Idaho, and later in eastern Oregon. One year devoted to grain buying in Garfield county, Washington, and several years to his duties as deputy treas urer under his father, together Avith many other positions of trust, having fitted him' in a marked degree for a life of usefulness in the years to come. The most of his time during the past four years has been devoted to attending to the business of his late father's large estate, first as executor and latterly as agent. Mr. Boyer takes considerable interest in politics, though not an ardent partisan and not ambitious for political preferment. He was married, December 31, 1888, to Miss Frances A. Newcomb, of Waterbury Centre, Vermont. ELIHU G. RIFFLE, a pioneer of 1862, Avas born in AA'est Virginia, March 6, 1838. When eighteen years of age he started in life for himself, going to Iowa and engaging in the lumber industry there. In 1859 he Avent to the site of the present Leadville, Colorado, mined for a season, and finally bought a claim in California gulch, near by. He did not re main long, however, but soon Avent to St. Louis, Missouri, thence back to Iowa, whence, in 1862, he crossed the plains to Idaho. From the time of his arrival until 1867 he Avas engaged in mining and freighting, and he traveled quite extensively, visiting Elk City, LeAviston, Placer ville and numerous other points. In 1867, however, he returned to AA'alla AA'alla, Avhere for ten years he Avas an extensive stock raiser and dealer. About 1877 he purchased land four miles east of AA'alla AA'alla, and combined general farming Avith stock raising. For many years Mr. Riffle Avas one of the leading farmers of the county, but lately he has retired from active participation in that in dustry, though he still retains his fine eight- hundred-acre farm. He now resides in a beautiful home at 404 E. Sumach street, AA'alla AA'alla. By his industry, thrift and good man agement he has secured a fair share of this Avorld's wealth, and besides his farm is the HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 355 OAvner of some valuable city property. He was married, in Walla AA'alla, January 14, 1869, to Rebecca Morrison, who crossed the plains with her father in 1861 from Iowa. They have tAvo children, Harry, a farmer, and Elsie ; and Mrs. Riffle has one daughter by a former marriage, Alice, now Mrs. J. D. Lamb. WILLIAM KRALMAN, a farmer eight and one-half miles southwest of Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1878, was born in Prussia April 19, 1-839. When fifteen years old he came to America with his uncle and step-mother, his parents having both passed away when he was quite young. He came via New Orleans to St. Louis, Missouri, and went thence to Quincy, Illinois, where for four years he worked as a farm hand. Going then to Burlington, Iowa, he continued to follow farming there until 1858, when he removed to Kansas. He located a pre-emption near Osawatomie, the home of the noted John Brown, Avith whom he was on terms of intimacy. Here he farmed until, in 1878, he came to the AValla Walla valley. He purchased an eighty-acre tract, to which he afterAvards added twenty-five acres more, and on this farm he has ever since lived. To Mr. Kralman belongs the honor of hav ing served as a soldier in defense of his coun try, he having enlisted in Company C, Twelfth Kansas Volunteer Infantry, in August, 1862. From that date until the close of hostilities his best service was given to the cause of na tional union, and he fought many a hard battle and performed many an unpleasant military duty, making for himself a record of Avhich he may well be proud. He received a sunstroke in 1864, while on a foraging expedition, Avhich -permanently impaired his health and constitu tional vitality, but despite this fact he has been a very active man in the industrial development and social amelioration of the neighborhood in which he lives. In Osawatomie, Kansas, February 17, 1861, our subject married Miss Arminda Doty, a native of Ohio, whose father and mother were pioneers of the state of Kansas. They have become the parents of seven children: John, a farmer; Nellie, wife of Luther Van Winkle ; Frederick, with his father on the farm ; Lizzie, wife of William Maher, of Walla Walla; Edward L., Amy D. and Albert L., also at home with their parents. The family belong to the United Brethren church. OSCAR HAYNES, confectioner at Waits burg, was born in Johnson county, Missouri, July 5, 1872. He passed the first tAvelve years of his life in his native state, then accompanied his parents to Waitsburg, where, for several years, he was engaged in farm work. Later, however, he came into the town and embarked in the livery business on his oavii account. He followed that continuously and successfully until the outbreak of the Spanish-American Avar, then enlisted, becoming a member of the First Washington Volunteer Infantry, May 1, 1898. He was in the army for eighteen months, participating in all the principal bat tles of the Philippine insurrection. On No vember 1, 1899, he was mustered out in San Francisco, California, and returned forthwith to Waitsburg, where he resumed the business which he had left at the call of patriotism. He sold this business January 16, 1901, and en gaged in the confectionery business on Main street. He is an enterprising, progressive young man, possessed of excellent business 356 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. abilities, and the force of character necessary to carry whatever he undertakes to a success ful conclusion, if that is Avithin the range of possibility. His standing in the town as a man and citizen is of the highest. His fra ternal affiliations are with the Knights of Pythias, in which he is very active and pop ular. He Avas married, in Waitsburg, August 21, 1900, to Miss Bertha Foster, a native of this county. DR. Y. C. BLALOCK, physician and sur geon in the Rees- Winans building, was born in Mitchell county, North Carolina, August 3, 1859. He Avas early taken by his parents to central Illinois, where he resided until 1873, attending the public schools. He then started across the plains to Walla Walla, driving a four-mule team all the way from Macon coun ty, Illinois. For a number of years after his arrival he worked on his father's farm during the summer months, attending school in win ter, and at last, by dint of hard, patient effort in the face of difficulties which would have overwhelmed a less resolute man, he prepared himself for entrance to Jefferson Medical Col lege. Immediately after graduation Dr. Blalock began practice in Walla Walla, opening an office on April 1, 1884. Since that date he has devoted his energies assiduously to his profes sion, building up a large practice, and attain ing a high standing among his fellow practi tioners. At present he holds the office of county coroner, and for four terms he was health of ficer of the city. His interest in the Avelfare of AA'alla AA'alla is manifested in many ways, but finds more particular expression in his activity in connection Avith the Volunteer fire depart ment, of Avhich he has served as chief for six years. The Doctor is very active in politics. In 1898 he Avas elected chairman of the Re publican County Central Committee, and in the present year he Avas again chosen to fill that office. In fraternal circles the Doctor is intensely active. He has held many high offices in the Masonic order, both in the grand and sub ordinate lodges, and is also very prominent in the K. of P., and a member of the I. O. O. F. He was married, in April, 1883, in Walla AValla, to Julia Sanderson, a native of that city, Avho died in October, 1885, leaving one son, Jesse N. In 1890 he again married, the lady being Lillian Ballou, who resided just across the Oregon line from Walla Walla, and to this marriage was born one daughter, Phcebe I. ALONZO GILLHAM, a farmer on -the state line, southwest of AValla Walla, a pio neer of the northwest of i860, was born in Devonshire, England, March 30, 1834. He passed his first sixteen years in his fatherland, then was a sailor on the St. Lawrence river for tAvo years, after which he settled in Lon don, Ontario, where for some time he Avas manager of a hotel. When Mr. Gillham first came to the United States he engaged in the lumbering industry, but he afterwards accepted a commission from the American Fur Company as 'Svagon boss." He brought, at the instance of this company, the first wagon train which ever crossed the plains by the northern route. The winter of i860 was passed by Mr. Gillham at the com pany's trading post, at the mouth of the Poplar river, and in the spring it Avas his good for tune to witness the famous fight betAveen the CroAV and Gros Ventre Indians, in which each HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 357 side lost forty-five warriors killed, and which ended in a treaty of perpetual peace between the two tribes, a treaty never broken. Early in 1 86 1 he made a trip with dispatches down the Missouri river in flat-boats to St. Joe, where he arrived the day Fort Sumter was fired upon, thence by rail to St. Louis, Missouri. From that city he went back to St. Paul, Min nesota. The next spring our subject entered the employ of the government, which sent him to Fort Benton, Montana, to lay out a military road to Fort Abercrombie. He did not re main with the party until this was completed, however, but joined a prospecting company for the purpose of searching for hidden treasure in the Prickly Pear and Bannock creek districts. Selling out his interests in this company in 1863, he removed to Virginia City, Montana, where he was quite successful during the three years of his stay. He was employed from 1866 to 1870 as a contractor in quartz mining, but in the latter year be took a squatter's claim in Montana and turned his attention to farm ing, stock raising and freighting. In the fall of 1873 he drove his stock through to Boise City, Idaho, from which town, shortly after wards, he came to the Walla Walla valley. He followed freighting as a business until 1888, then took a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres on Basket mountain and again en gaged in farming. He has ever since made his home on this tract, on which he is at present raising wheat and hay. Few men have seen more of pioneer life and hardships than has Mr. Gillham, and few have done more than he to develop new regions and blaze the way for the advent of civilization. He has been active in several Indian wars, serving as a teamster to haul government sup plies in both the Nez Perce and Bannock wars, and as a guide to a train sent from Lewiston through the Palouse country under Colonel Whitten, for the purpose of heading off Chief Joseph. Mr. Gillham was married, in AValla Walla, April 30, 1876, to Miss Mary C. Frice, a native of Iowa, and an old pioneer of the Walla Walla valley. They have four children : Elizabeth E., wife of Charles Stribe; Harry J., a farmer; Alonzo C, a farmer; and Lidia, who resides with her father. HARRY DEBUS, Avhose connection with Walla Walla county dates back to 1875, was born in Baden, Germany, December 3, 1825. He grew to manhood and was educated in his fatherland, remaining there until 1849. In that year he emigrated to Philadelphia, where he secured employment as a tailor (that being his handicraft) from Wannamaker & Brown. He worked for this firm about twelve years. In 1875 he came but to Walla Walla and re sumed work at his trade, giving some attention also to farming. At present he is engaged in business on Fourth street, that city. Mr. Debus was married, while in Philadelphia, to Miss Elizabeth Besserer, a native of Baden, Germany, and to them have been born three children: Harry; Freno, wife of J. W. Wahn; and Lena, wife of William Ruddock. Harry Debus, Jr., was born in Philadelphia November 7, 1869. He came with his parents to Walla Walla, where he received a good ed ucation in the public schools and in St. Pat rick's Academy. He early learned the trade of a blacksmith, and for ten years worked at that craft in Walla Walla, but for the past five years he has been engaged in the liquor business. In 1879 he became connected with the fire de partment, a connection that has never been per- 358 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. manently severed, and he is at present acting secretary of the department. He is very active in politics, having served as delegate to every Democratic county convention since he be came of age. He also has the honor of having served in the Spanish- American Avar, and is now a leader in Lawton Post, Spanish-Amer ican Veterans. He Avas married, in AValla Walla, August 27, 1891, to Miss Dora Picard, a daughter of one of the old pioneers of this county, and they now have a family of three children, AVilliam R., Henry L. and Erma. Lodge, No. 19, in Avhich he is quite active. Ira 1890, in the city of AA'alla AA'alla, our subject married Miss Maude Kirkman, a scion of an. old pioneer family, and to them has been born one son, John Echvard. GEORGE E. BARNETT, dentist, 3 and 4 Post Office block, AA'alla Walla, was born in Oakland, Oregon, in 1866. He attended both public and private schools there until eleven years old, then came with the remainder of the family to Walla AValla. Here he completed his public-school education and took a course in Whitman College. He then entered the University of Pennsylvania as a student of dental surgery, graduating with distinction in the class of 1889. Returning home, he prac ticed in AA'alla AValla one Avinter, then spent two years as a practitioner of his profession in 'Seattle. Subsequently, however, he located in Walla AA'alla, Avhere his home and his business have ever since been. Dr. Barnett is a thorough student of his profession, and has attained the skill and pro ficiency in it which concentration and assiduity, coupled Avith good natural ability, are sure to bring. He is justly regarded as one of the leading dentists in the city, and enjoys a large patronage. The Doctor gives some attention to mining, being quite extensively interested in Lake Chelan properties. His fraternal connec tions are with the I. O. O. F., Washington ADRIEN MAGALLON, a pioneer of 1882, Avas born in France August 10, i860. When fourteen years old he emigrated to San Francisco, California, Avhence he moved to Los Angeles to secure a job as a shepherd. He was thus employed there and at Santiago for about nine years, during which time he ac cumulated considerable money, his ambition being to start in the sheep business for him self. He then came to AValla Walla and herded for Air. Sturgis a year and a half, at the end of which time he Avas master of sufficient funds to Avarrant him in embarking in the industry on his oavii account. So he purchased a num ber of sheep, and started in the business in Avhich we now find him. He has been re markably successful, and is at present the owner of about thirteen thousand sheep. He also has about eight thousand acres of land on the Snake river, besides some very valuable Walla AA'alla real estate. He resides in a magnificent home at 313 N. Sixth street, surrounded by all the comforts and conveniences of life. But above all Mr. Magallon is so fortunate as to enjoy the unwavering confidence and hearty good will of all who know him, and to command the respect ahvays bestowed upon those Avho work their Avay by industry and thrift from obscure beginnings to competency and comfort. In fraternal affiliations Mr. Ma gallon is identified with the I. O. R. M. He married, in AA'alla AA'alla, November 26, 1889, Mary Charrier, a native of Quebec, Canada,. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 359 and they have four living children, namely : Adrien, Marie, Lucy and Armand; also one, Bertha J., deceased. Mrs. Magallon has been a resident of Walla Walla for twenty-two years, coming via San Francisco Avith her parents, Avho made this county their home. WINFIELD D. SMITH, undertaker and embalmer, 130 E. Alder street, was born in Morgan county, Ohio, December 22, 1850, and there the first fourteen years of his life Avere passed. From that time until 1880 he Avas a resident of McLean county, Illinois. He received a thorough public-school education, supplemented by a course in the Wesleyan Uni versity, located at Bloomington, Illinois, then engaged in teaching, which profession he fol lowed for the ensuing five years. He then came west with a car-load of horses. These he disposed of at The Dalles, Oregon, where for the next three years he was engaged in stock raising. Coming to AA'alla Walla in 1883, Mr. Smith turned his attention to the manufacture of woven wire matresses, and in 1885 he became a shipper of fruit and produce. In 1890 he built the first fruit evaporator in the county, and this he still OAvns and operates. He has recently begun the manufacture of cider vin egar, and in November of this year he began the erection of a factory for that purpose, which will have a capacity of thirty-five hundred bar rels per annum, and which, he says, will be the first and only pure cider vinegar factory in the state. In addition to his extensive fruit business our subject has, since 1889, been the owner and operator of a suite of undertaking parlors on Alder street. He is also interested in mining in the Rocky Bar district in Idaho. Mr. Smith is one of the most enterprising and progressive business men in the county, and a man who stands high in the esteem of his fellow toAvns- people generally. In fraternal affiliation he is connected with the Masons, the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. He was married in Portland, Oregon, in 1893, to Miss Nathalie Grenier, a native of Ohio, and they have two children, Madeline and Laura. CAPTAIN JOHN E. BOYER is a native of the city of Walla Walla, born December 29, 1866. He received unusual educational ad vantages. In 1887 he took the degree of bachelor of arts from Whitman College, grad uating in the second class ever sent out by that institution. He then went to the University of Michigan and spent two years in the study of political science, history and law, taking the first year's work in the law department and receiving the degree of bachelor of arts from their liberal arts department. He next went to Columbia University, where, -in 1891, he finished the law course. He was admitted to the bar in NeAV York city, but began practice in Seattle in partnership with the Hon. E. Heister Guie, with whom he was associated until the death of his father called him to Walla Walla in 1897. He then gave up the practice temporarily to act as one of the executors of his father's estate, the affairs of which engaged his attention until, in April, 1898, the outbreak of the Spanish-American war called him into the military service of his country. For this service Captain Boyer had fitted himself by close study and application to military duties in the national guard of Washington. While 360 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. in Seattle he was identified with Company E, N. G. AV., of Avhich he was first lieutenant at the time his removal from the city led him to resign his commission. At the first call of the president on the na tional guard for volunteers, however, he ap plied to Governor Rogers for reinstatement as an officer in the N. G. W., but was refused, there being no vacancy. He thereupon enlisted as a private in the Walla Walla company and proceeded to the state rendezvous. Here, how ever, while the First Washington Regiment was in process of formation from the N. G. W., the governor found one of the companies so disorganized as to necessitate its disband ing, and Captain Boyer was called on to or ganize a new company from the material on the grounds. This company was mustered into the service of the United States as Company M, First Washington Infantry, United States Volunteers, on May 13, 1898, Avith Captain Boyer as commanding officer. It made a splendid record for itself both in garrison duty on the Pacific coast and campaigning in the Philippines until mustered out in San Francisco November 1, 1899. Captain Boyer was on duty constantly with his company except from September 29, 1898, to February 8, 1899, during which period he Avas disabled by an operation for acute ap pendicitis. His military service was of the most Avorthy character throughout. He re ceived special mention in orders from the head quarters of the army for "especially meritorious conduct in service," in saving, at the risk of his OAvn life, a soldier from drowning in the Pasig river. On being mustered out he returned to Walla AValla and to his duties as executor of the Boyer estate, on the settling of which, in the latter part of 1900, he expects to resume his practice of law in Seattle. He has recently been appointed judge advocate for the depart ment of Washington of the Spanish-American AVar Veterans. JOHN HOFFMANN, a farmer residing at 621 South First street, a pioneer of 1878, was born in Weinheim, Germany, March 18, 1852. He was reared on a farm and educated in the public schools until sixteen years old, then came alone to the United States. He spent five years in the city of New York, employed in a piano factory, afterwards going to San Francisco, where he folloAved the same occupa tion for five years longer. At the end of that time Mr. Hoffmann came to Walla Walla, arriving in August, 1878. He was engaged in freighting here for several years, but in 1883 took a pre-emption of one hundred and twenty acres on Eureka flat with a view to becoming an agriculturist. He proved to be an unusually successful farmer, and his real estate holdings have kept increas ing until he is now the OAvner of 2,560 acres, all except one quarter in one tract and adjacent to the original pre-emption. He also has an ele gant home in Walla Walla, and two fine ware houses of his own on Eureka flat. On his place is a well 945 feet deep, drilled, but the water rises only 245 feet, so that it has to be elevated full seven hundred feet by artificial means. Mr. Hoffmann has achieved that for which all are striving and Avhich comparatively few attain, namely, success in life, and he has done so, too, under the most unfavorable circum stances. Coming to this country when a mere boy, without means, without influence, without even a knowledge of our language, and with out experienced relatives to advise and direct, he has Avorked his way to a high standing in JOHN HOFFMANN MRS. THERESA HOFFMANN HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 361 the social and financial world. He is a promi nent fraternalist, being identified with Walla Walla Lodge, No. 13, F. & A. M., all the chairs of which have been occupied by him ; with Tribe No. 23, I. O. R. M. ; Avith Integrity Lodge, No. 4, A. O. U. W., and with the Sons of Her man. He also belongs to the Royal Arch and Commandery, branches of Masonry. Mr. Hoff mann married in Walla Walla, on April 25, 1 88 1, Miss Theresa Kirchner, a native of Min nesota, who Avas brought by her parents to the valley Avhen four years old. Her father, Mel- chior Kirchner, died in Florida, to which state he had gone for his health, in 1891, and her mother now lives at Uniontown, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann are the parents of nine children: Edward, Bessie D., Annie, Valline, Philip and John, all at home and pupils in the public schools; Joseph, Henry and Lena, all deceased. The family affiliate with the Cum berland Presbyterian church of Walla Walla. JAMES CUMMINS, of Cummins Bros. Livery Company, Walla Walla, was born in Henry county, Indiana, January 6, 1859. When three years of age he was brought by his parents to this county. He acquired a pub lic-school education, then engaged in raising, buying and selling horses and cattle near Touchet Station, on Touchet river, where he still owns seven hundred acres of land, fifty head of dairy cattle and five hundred range horses. Of this ranch his son, John R., is now foreman, Mr. Cummins giving his time to the management of the livery business owned by himself and brother in Walla Walla. Mr. Cummins is a man of ability and good judgment, possessed of the energy and de termination requisite to carry whatever he may undertake to a successful issue, and his stand ing in Walla Walla and wherever he has lived is an enviable one. His interest in the cause of education is manifested by the fact that for fourteen years he was school director in his district at Touchet Station. In Walla Walla county, on September 14, 1879, Mr. Cummins married Miss Addie E. Byrnes, a native of Minnesota, who died Au gust 16, 1900. Their children are John R., foreman of the ranch at Touchet; Lizzie, a student in Whitman College; Evelina, Albert, Lillie and Mary L., all in the public school; James H, the baby, now with his grandpar ents; and Floyd, deceased. In fraternal circles Mr. Cummins is a mem ber of the F. O. E., of Walla Walla. JOSEPH L. HARPER, secretary of the Preston-Parton Milling Company, of AVaits burg, was born in Iowa May 3, i860. After completing his education he followed the trade of a carpenter and the profession of teaching in his native state until 1882, then came to Waitsburg and turned his attention to farm ing. He was in that occupation until 1886, when he accepted a position in the mill, by which he is now and ever since has been em ployed. He is one of the silent partners in the business. Mr. Harper has always manifested a deep interest in the general development of Waitsburg, and ever shoAvn himself willing to do his share for the promotion of the general Avelfare. For the past three years he has repre sented his ward in the city council. He was married in Waitsburg, November 21, 1888, to Miss Anna Cox, who was born on the Cox homestead, six miles south of the town, March 30, 1867. They have one son, Wayne. Mr. 362 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. and Mrs. Harper and their little boy live in a comfortable home of their oavii in AA'aitsburg, supplied Avith all the conveniences of life, and very pleasantly situated. Mrs. Harper's father, Mr. Lewis Cox, is one of the oldest and most prominent settlers of this section. He Avas born in Illinois in 1840, but has been identified Avith the Pacific coast ever since he was about twelve years old, having crossed the plains to Oregon in 1853. He farmed for a number of years in Linn county, Oregon', near Albany, but later moved thence to Waitsburg, where he farmed until failure of health compelled him to retire. In 1897 he sold his farm and moved into the town of Waitsburg. He Avas married August 29, 1858. His children are Albert, deceased; Grant U. ; Bertie E. ; Annie M. ; Frank L., deceased ; Fred O. ; Nathan B. ; Anderson B. ; Elmer E. ; Lulu V. ; Jennie E. ; Tina J. and Grace. ALFRED BACHTOLD is a native of SAvitzerland, born in 1870. AA'hen only tAvelve years old, liOAA'ever, he came to America, locat ing first in South Dakota, Avhere for about six years he Avas engaged in farming. He then went to Wisconsin and directed his attention to the plumbing business, a line which he fol lowed until 1 89 1. The ensuing tAvelvemonth Avas spent in Dakota. Coming then to Port land, Oregon, he remained a few months in that city, but before the end of the year 1892 he became identified with Walla Walla. For the folloAving five years he was engaged in manufacturing Avire fencing and in various other enterprises, but in 1897, in company with Charles Ackerman, he opened a Avholesale wine and liquor establishment. His trade extends over a large section of country, including Port land, Seattle, The Dalles, Astoria and many other cities and towns. Mr. Bachtold is an enthusiastic man in fraternal circles, and is connected with the Red Men, of which he is past sachem ; the Eagles, and the Sons of Her man. He is also an active member of the fire department. Our subject was married, in Walla Walla, in 1897, to Mary Ganswig, and to them were born two children, the oldest now deceased. PROFESSOR SAMUEL HARRISON LOVEWELL, director of the Conservatory of Music, of Whitman College, was born in Wellesley, Massachusetts, March 9, 1865. He took a thorough public-school course, then en tered the NeAV England Conservatory of Music, from which he graduated in 189 1. A great part of his instruction was, however, re ceived from George E. Whiting, Otto Bendix and other private teachers of note. His first experience in the practice of the musical profes sion Avas acquired in Easton, Pennsylvania, Avhere he Avas engaged as organist and choir master of St. John's Lutheran church, and in private teaching. Two of his pupils while there were members of the family of Francis A. March, the great scholar and philologist. Subsequently Professor LoveAvell Avent to GeorgetoAvn, Kentucky, to become organist and choir master in the Christian church there located, and to further prosecute his work as a private instructor in music. In 1896 he re moved to Columbia, South Carolina, and took charge of the Trinity Episcopal church choir, also became director of music in the Presby terian College for AVomen, located in that city. He retained these positions until, in 1898, he v/as called to AA'alla AA'alla to take charge of the music teaching in AA'hitman College. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 363 The Professor is a thorough musician, fa miliar with all the great composers, and in spired with a great love for that which is highest and best in this most sublime of all arts. He is doing much to elevate and improve the musical tastes of his pupils and of all who come under the influence of the college. Pro fessor Lovewell was married, in 1893, in Easton, Pennsylvania, to Anna A. Sandt, and they have four children, Elizabeth, John S., Dorothy and Ruth. JESSE CUMMINS, of Cummins Bros. Livery Company, at 318 Main street, a pioneer of 1862, was born in Mahaska county, Iowa, January 17, 1853. The first nine years of his life Avere passed there but he then started with his parents over the long trail to the west. He came in the Canada train, consisting of two hundred and seventeen wagons, and experi enced no difficulty with the Indians. The family settled in this county, taking a home stead six miles southeast of Walla Walla. They resided here for about seven years, then sold out and moved over onto the Walla Walla river, Avhere they might have better pasture for their herds. Mr. Cummins received such educational privileges as the public schools of those early days afforded, and when nineteen years old began to work for wages. Two years later he homesteaded land near Dayton, where for the ensuing thirteen years he was engaged in farm ing. He then traded off his place and went to raising horses at Pine Tree Rapids, of Snake river, in Franklin county, at which he was em ployed for four years. Thereafter he traded a tract of two hundred and twenty-eight acres on the Snake river, which he had bought from the railroad company, for a farm of two hun dred acres in the Grande Ronde valley, Oregon. Upon this land he resided until July, 1900, when he sold out and returned to Walla Walla to become a partner of his brother in the livery business here. Mr. Cummins has always been a friend of progress and a promoter of the general welfare wherever he has lived. He is a great friend of education, and has served as school director in different places for a number of years. He was married, in Walla Walla, on November 1, 1876, to Miss Louisa C. Davidson, a native of Tennessee, who crossed the plains from Ar kansas in the 'seventies, and who died October 11, 1900, at Walla Walla, leaving five children, James R., Bert, Daisy I., Charles E. and Maude. EDWARD MCDONNELL, chief night turnkey at the state penitentiary, a pioneer of 1872, was born in Ireland May 6, 1844. He received his education in Iowa, to which state his parents emigrated when he was five years old. For several years he attended, college in Milwaukee, and thereafter was engaged in- farming and teaching until 1872, when he came out to Walla Walla. He took land here and at once embarked in the sheep business, an industry which continued to- engage his energies until 1878. When Columbia county was or ganized he became one of its first county com missioners, and in 1876 he was elected to rep resent it in the legislature. In 1879 he moved into Walla Walla, from which city he directed operations on his farm two miles out. For the two years folloAving 1883 he was a farmer in Spokane county, but he then returned b> Walla Walla. Mr. McDonnell has been very active in the 364 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. political history of state and county, serving a term in the legislature as above mentioned, presiding over the board of county commis sioners for four years, and leading the delibera tions of the Democratic party in many of its most important conventions. He Avas the nom inee of his party in the first election held under the state constitution for the state senate, and Avas appointed by Governor Rogers to the stewardship of the penitentiary in 1897, but was aftenvards given the post of chief night turnkey, which he still holds. Mr. McDonnell married, in Dubuque, Iowa, January 29, 1878, Miss Sarah A. Curran, a native of that city. They have a family of three children, Curran, Blanche and Shirley. Mr. McDonnell is the owner of a comfortable home at 109 Second street and of considerable other valuable city property. BENJAMIN L. SHARPSTEIN, of the laAv firm of Sharpstein & Sharpstein, a pioneer of 1865, Avas born in Bath, New York, October 22, 1827. In 1834 he accompanied his par ents to Michigan, and when nineteen years of age he moved to Wisconsin, Avhere he studied laAV, gaining admission to the bar in 1852. For the ensuing thirteen years he practiced his pro fession there, but in 1865 he set out across the plains to AA'ashington, traveling in the prim- ative fashion of those days, namely, with teams and wagons. Arriving in Walla Walla in due time, Mr. Sharpstein opened an office and again engaged in law practice. He seems to have come into prominence in his neAV home almost immediate ly, for in 1866 he was elected to the territorial legislature. As his subsequent career proved, the choice was a Avise one, and the people, ap preciating the faithfulness and ability of his public service, twice returned him. In 1889 he Avas elected a member of the state constitu tional convention. Aftenvard, for three suc cessive terms, he Avas chairman of the Tide Lands Commission, a most important post, for upon this board fell the burden and responsi bility of superintending the sale of tide lands. Air. Sharpstein has labored in many Avays for the development and upbuilding of AA'alla AValla, but it is in the educational work of the city that his beneficent influence has been most sensibly felt. For many years he was a faith ful and judicious member of the board of edu cation. He takes rank among the leading at torneys of the Inland Empire, and the firm of Avhich he is the senior partner is doing an ex tensive business. They are the owners of large tracts of land in Walla Walla and other coun ties, besides considerable valuable city property. In fraternal affiliations Mr. Sharpstein is a prominent thirty-second-degree Mason. In AA'isconsin, on December 27, 1855, he married Miss Sarah J. Park, and to them have been born five children: John L., a partner in the firm; Addie, now Mrs. C. B. Upton; Frank B., of the law firm of Sharpstein & Rader ; Charles M., in Chicago; and Arthur P., deceased. HORACE J. MURPHY, a retired farmer, residing in Waitsburg, is a son of the Avest, having been born in Oregon June 22, 1854. He lived in that state until fifteen years old, acquiring most of his education there, then came to Spring Valley, Washington, and en gaged in stock raising. He continued in that business until 1877, then took up land seven miles Avest of Waitsburg and commenced gen eral farming. For fifteen years thereafter he HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 365 was one of the most enterprising and success ful farmers in the valley, increasing his real estate holdings until they amounted in all to a full section, but in 1892 he rented his land and retired from active participation in any of the callings of life. He now resides in AA'aitsburg, where he has some valuable prop erty. native of Pennsylvania, and they have become the parents of nine children: Alcestes, de ceased ; James T., Florence M., Eliza J., Alta, Isaac E., Anna G., Hiram L. and Arrabella Gertrude. JAMES WICKERSHAM, a stone and brick mason at AVaitsburg, is a native of Ohio, born November 16, 1832. He acquired a com mon-school education and learned, his trade there, then Avent to Iowa, where he worked as a journeyman until the fall of 1865. He then went to east central Kansas, bought a farm of one hundred acres one and one-half miles east of OttaAva, the county seat of Franklin county, and turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and contracting. While there he was quite prominent locally, holding the positions of tOAvnship trustee and assessor for a period of five years. After farming there steadily for more than a score of years he, in the spring of 1888, came to Waitsburg, where for half a dec ade he was engaged in the dual occupation of farming and merchandising. In 1892 Mr. Wickersham sold both his farm and his store, and purchased a half interest in the Waitsburg planing mill, but he afterwards sold this also and returned to the pursuit of his trade. He took a trip east in the fall of 1899, visiting the old home place and eating apples from the trees he had himself planted in 1849. Though quite well advanced in life, Mr. Wickersham is so well preserved that he is able to hold his own with the average man on a brick or stone wall. He Avas married in IoAva, on October 18, 1855, to Miss Mary Smith, a BENJAMIN W. MARCY, a fruit grower, one-half mile west of McMinn's drier, a pio neer of 1 86 1, was born in Worcester, Massa chusetts, January 27, 1834. When he was but two years old the family moved to the vicinity of Beardstown, Illinois, then a very new coun try, and there Mr. Marcy grew to maturity and was educated. His mother died when he was seven years old and his father when he was seventeen. He then stayed with his sister about a year, after which he set out across the plains to California, traveling Avith ox-teams. The emigration from the eastern states was heavy that year, so that his train never was out of sight of Avagons ahead or behind. Arriving in California August 20, 1852, Mr. Alarcy at once proceeded to the placer mines, where for a short time he Avorked for wages, getting six dollars per day. Soon, how ever, he engaged in mining on his own ac count, following this as his occupation con tinuously for nine years. In August, 1861, he came to the Walla AValla valley. For the first three months of his residence here he busied himself in shooting prairie chickens for the market, and when winter came on he engaged in hunting deer for the same purpose. Next spring he went to Florence, Idaho, on a pros pecting trip, but that summer he and his part ner went to Camass Prairie, Idaho, and engaged in making hay, for which they got one hun dred dollars per ton. Returning to Walla AValla in the fall, Mr. Marcy squatted on a claim of one hundred and 366 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. sixty acres on Cottonwood creek, where for the next nineteen years he was engaged in ag ricultural pursuits. In addition to his home stead he also became the owner of a half-section of railroad land on the Oregon side of the line, and a quarter-section of school land. He sold the last of this real estate in 1890, and in 1892 purchased seventeen acres, upon which he is now raising fruits, berries, etc. Mr. Marcy possesses the true pioneer spirit. He has the resourcefulness, courage and ability to make the best of circumstances, for which the first settlers of any country are usually noted, and he has contributed his full share towards the subduing and civilizing of this section. In 1864 he married Miss Ellen Artheion, a native of Iowa, who died in 1873. Of this marriage five children were born, three of whom are still living : Carrie, Avife of John Savage; Charles, a farmer; and DAvight, also a farmer. Mr. Marcy Avas again married, in 1875, the lady being Mrs. Emma Lilly, nee Campbell, a native of NeAV Jersey, and they are the parents of six living children : Char lotte, now Mrs. Herman Flaherty; Martin, May M., Nellie C, Pearlie P. and George W. ; also of one named Claude, deceased. CHARLES ACHERMANN is a native of SAvitzerland, born in 1870. When twelve years old he went to France, where he remained for the ensuing eleven years, coming then to Amer ica, the date of his arrival being 1893. He located first in Coolman, Alabama, remaining, however, only a brief period. From that lo cality he Avent to St. Helena, California, where for three and a half years he Avas engaged in the manufacture of wines, thereafter coming to AAralla AA'alla. Shortly subsequent to his ar rival here he engaged in the Avholesale Avine and liquor business with Alfred Bachtold, like whom he is, in being energetic and progressive He affiliates with the Red Men, the Sons of Herman and the Maennerchor. He manifests his local patriotism by taking an active interest in the volunteer fire department. WILLIAM A. CLARK, a dairy farmer, seven miles southwest of AValla Walla, was born in Missouri August 10, 1850. His father died when he Avas eight years old, and when he reached the age of fifteen he and his mother started across the plains Avith ox-teams to the west. Mr. Clark, though so young, made the entire trip on foot, driving the oxen all the way. In their train were one hundred Avagons, so that, though they were compelled to sustain a running fight with the Indians all through the journey, they Avere too strong to be closed ir by their enemies. They settled first on Dry creek, this county, in the fall of 1865, rented land and began farming, but later they moved to Pine creek, where they had bought a small place. Having disposed of this shortly afterwards, they returned to Dry creek and purchased two hundred and sixty-five acres, which was their home until Mr. Clark bought his present forty- seven-and-one-half-acre tract. He is also the owner of a quarter-section of land on Blue mountain, which he took as a homestead that he might have a pasture for his cattle, of Avhich he has a fine band, all shorthorn Durham stock. He gives the major part of his attention to the dairy business. Mr. Clark has never been troubled in the least by Indians since settling in the valley, though during the war of 1878 he thought best to send his family to Walla AA'alla. He himself remained on his farm. Our subject has long been one of the repre- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 367 sentative men of his neighborhood, taking a .very deep interest in everything which promised to promote the general welfare. His interest in the cause of education is evinced by the fact that for nine years he was director in the Couse creek district. He Avas married, in this coun ty. July 3, 1873, to Miss Eliza P. Kinney, a native of Minnesota, whose parents were pio neers of 1859. They have seven children liv ing : Eva, wife of J. L. Rogers ; Myrtle, Willie, Louis, Elizabeth, Josephine, and one born Jan uary 16, 1 90 1, not yet named; also four de ceased, — EdAvin, Dora, Millie and Bessie. Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. Cyntha Clark, Avas born in Madison county, Kentucky, Jan uary 7, 181 1, and is still living and in good ¦health, though over ninety years old. At pres ent she is residing with her daughter, Mrs. Mildred Swaggart, at Heppner, Oregon. She is one of the earliest and most highly and uni formly respected pioneers of this section and is affectionately called "Grandma" by all her ac quaintances far and near. When the Methodist Episcopal church was divided by the forma tion of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, she, though she had been reared in that de nomination, withdrew her membership and joined the Baptist church, of Avhich she has ever since been a faithful and consistent member. JOHN H. HODGIS, a native of Walla Walla, was born March 2, 1863. He received such education as the primitive schools of the pioneer town afforded, then turned his atten tion to steamboating. For a number of years he was captain of steam vessels on the Colum bia river, and he also spent much time as an engineer on steamboats on Puget Sound. For the past two years, however, he was engaged in farming in the vicinity of Walla Walla, but at present is living a retired life. He is identi fied with the A. O. U. W. of that city. On October 2, 1890, he was married, in King county, this state, to Mary Christman, a na tive of Oregon. Mr. Hodgis' father, Hemen M., a native of Michigan, born in 183 1, crossed the plains in 1857 as captain of a wagon team, becom ing identified with the town of Walla Walla the folloAving year. He was quite prominent and active in the early political history of the city, filling several county and local offices. In 1857 he was married, in Linn county, Oregon, to Miss Irene Havird, who died in 1869, and lies buried in the Whitman Mission. Mr. Hodgis passed away in 1881, leaving four children, — Mary E., wife of W. H. Johnson, of Wallula; John H, whose name heads this article; Ida S., wife of William Huff; and Emma I., wife of F. D. Sharp, a farmer near Prescott. CHARLES E. GHOLSON, a farmer and fruit dryer, residing seven miles southwest of Walla Walla, was born in this city March 20, 1875. He has passed his entire life thus far in this county, receiving his education in the public schools and in Empire Business College, of Walla Walla. As soon as he had finished his course of business training he assumed charge of his father's farm, of which he is now the owner, having purchased it in 1896. He is also interested in a fruit drier, which he and his father erected together in that year, and which has a capacity of three tons daily. The drier is constantly rushed in the effort to handle the large quantities of fruit which are brought to it. Mr. Gholson, as might be supposed from 368 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. what has been already recorded, gives the major part of his attention to fruit raising and drying, and to finding markets for the products in eastern cities, but he is also interested in rais ing hay and dairy cattle. He is the owner of a beautiful herd of Jerseys, consisting of forty head, principally thoroughbreds. For a young man, Mr. Gholson is displaying remarkable en ergy, good judgment and business ability, and he has already given earnest of becoming one of the leading fruit raisers and handlers in the Inland Empire. He is quite interested in pol itics, too, and in the recent campaign was active in the counsels of the Democratic party, to whose county convention he was a delegate. He married, in Walla Walla, in 1895, Miss Mary McEvoy, a pioneer of the valley, and a graduate of the Catholic college established in this city. They have two children, Ralph W. and Alarion. Note. — On October 2, 1900, since the above was written, our subject's fruit drier and the entire year's product were destroyed by fire, but with his characteristic energy he at once began planning for the erection of a new drier in the early spring. He also recently purchased the livery business of the Cummins Bros., at 318 AA'est Main street, and is conducting this neAV business on plans that insure success. JOHN BACHTOLD, 124 W. Main street, AA'alla AA'alla, Avas born in SAvitzerland in 1865, but emigrated to America Avhen only fourteen years old. For nine years after his arrival in the neAV Avorld he folloAved farming in South Dakota. He then removed to Gray's Harbor, AA'ashington, Avhere for the ensuing two years he Avas clerk in a hotel. The next year he Avas proprietor of a hotel at OsAvego, Oregon, but in 1890 he came to Walla Walla and opened a restaurant. The following year he opened his present establishment, and his energies have been given to it continuously since. His interest in the city's welfare is man ifested by the intense activity he displays in maintaining the efficiency of the volunteer fire department, of which he is president. He is active in fraternal circles also, being identified Avith the Red Men, the A. O. U. W., the For esters, the Eagles, the Sons of Herman and the Maennerchor. He was married in Gray's Harbor, in 1892, to Miss Annie Schwich, and to their union have been born three children, Ida, Annie and George. THOMAS QUINN, deceased, was a native of Toronto, Canada, born March 7, 1837. He lived in his fatherland until twenty-five, re ceiving the advantage of the excellent public schools for Avhich that province is noted and also learning the trade of a harness-maker. He then removed to California, going by way of the isthmus, and followed his handicraft there for some time. Subsequently, however, he came to Walla AValla. He worked here two years as a journeyman, then started in business for himself and continued to devote his energies to the development and extending of his trade until the time of his death. Mr. Quinn Avas a true friend of the city, and took a lively interest in all local affairs. For two terms he Avas a member of the city council and discharged his duties as such faith fully, conscientiously and with an eye single to the city's Avelfare. He further demonstrated his interest in AA'alla Walla by serving as a volunteer fireman in the early days. For many years he Avas affiliated with the I-. O. O. F. THOMAS QUINN HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 369 but at the time of his death he belonged only to the Catholic Knights of America. He was married in Walla Walla, in 1868, to Clara Paris, and to them Avere born nine children, namely : Joseph, deceased ; Teresa, deceased ; Thomas, now in charge of his father's store; Catherine, deceased; John, also in the store; William, Albert, Edward and Clara. Mrs. Quinn has been a resident of Walla Walla for thirty- four years. At Mr. Quinn's death the entire estate came to Mrs. Quinn and she has ever since conducted the business left her by her husband in a most successful manner. She has always, however, retained her eldest living son, Thomas, in her employ as manager of the store. ALVIN BOSTON, dentist, 27 West Main street, was born in Hartland, Maine, in 1857. He acquired his early education in that city and in Boston, but in 1879 came out to The Dalles, Oregon, where for about two years he was engaged in a general stock raising and handling industry. He subsequently began the study of dentistry, and in the spring of 1 88 1 opened offices for the practice of that profession at Lone Rock, Fossil and Heppner, Oregon. He afterwards came to Colfax, where for nine years he maintained dental parlors. Seized with a desire to try his hand at mining, he then went to the Cceur d'Alene country, and during the next six years he was engaged there in the search for hidden treas ures. At the end of that time he came to Walla Walla, and again took up the practice of his profession. He enjoys; quite an exten sive patronage, being looked upon as one of the leading dental surgeons of the city. He is a stockholder in the Building and Loan 24 Association of Butte, Montana, Portland, Oregon, and Walla Walla. In fraternal affili ations he is an Odd Fellow, a Forester and a member of the Woodmen of the World. lie was married in Idaho, in 1894, to Miss May Anger, a native of Hancock, Michigan. VALENTINE WILSON, a farmer at Waitsburg, is a native of Virginia, born October 10, 1829. He was, however, reared and educated in Hancock county, Illinois, whither his parents took him when seven years old. After leaving school he clerked a while, then farmed two years, but in 1852 he started across the plains with ox-teams, determined to try his fortune in California. For two years he tried mining, then, in 1854, went to Suisun valley and resumed his for mer occupation of farming. Three years were given to that industry and three to the livery business, then he sold out and took a trip east in a steamer, via Panama, visiting Havana, also New Orleans, and all Mississippi river points as far north as Quincy, Illinois. Returning to Suisun City, California, after fourteen months absence, he secured stock in the City Water Works Company, and con tinued in that business for nine years. He was also quite active, during this period, in political and semi-political matters, and held different positions, such as road master, con stable, deputy sheriff and tax collector. In 1871 he removed to Two Rocks, California, where for the third time in his life he en gaged in farming, an occupation to which his energies were thereafter given uninterrupted ly for about seven years. The needs of a growing family then compelled him to seek better school advantages, so he spent a few 37o HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. years in Bloomfield and Santa Rosa, that his children might become thoroughly educated. In September, 1881, he came to Waits burg, Washington, took up land and again engaged in farming and stock raising. He was for many years one of the most enter prising and progressive agriculturists of his neighborhood, though he did not farm quite as extensively as some. Of late years, how ever, he has been living a retired life. Air. Wilson was married in Illinois March 28, i860, to Miss Eliza A. Tracy, a native of Ohio, and their union has been blest by the advent of nine children : Dr. George B., at Pullman, Washington ; Albert C. ; Isaac E. ; Luella, deceased; Valentine L. ; Gaston; Stella M. ; Walter, deceased ; and Harmon. THOMPSON M. McKINNEY.— Prom inent among the rising young attorneys of the county, and high in the esteem and regard of all of his fellow townspeople, stands the man whose name initiates this sketch. His naturally fine intellectual endowments have been fully developed by years of faithful and patient study, and he needs but the added ex perience and prestige which come only with greater age to place him among the leading barristers of the Inland Empire. Born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, on July 8, 1865, he was reared and educated in his native state, receiving the advantages of AVest Sunbury Academy, from which he grad uated in 1885, and of Westminster College, .at NeAV AVilmington, which conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1889. Immediately after graduation he set out for the Avest, believing that it offered greater advantages for a young man of education and ability than were to be had in the older civilization of his native state. He settled in Waitsburg, Avhere his services were soon called into requisition by the Waitsburg Academy,' but his inclination led him to seek entrance to a profession opening a wider sphere of activ ity to an ambitious person than is to be found in the school room or the professor's chair. Accordingly he went to Spokane, entered the office of Henley & Scott, one of the leading firms of that city, and began vigorously the study of law. In 1892 he was admitted to the bar of the state, and he at once opened an office in the city in which he had received his legal education. He practiced there until December, 1894, then decided to try his for tune in the town to which he had first come after arriving in the state. He opened a law office there and began building up the desira ble and lucrative practice he now enjoys. He is a leading man in politics, and is active in promoting in every way possible the best in terests of his town and county. Between the years 1895 and 1898 he served as city attor ney and city clerk of Waitsburg, and in 1900 he was the nominee of his party, the Demo cratic, for the office of prosecuting attorney, but, with most other Democratic nominees, was defeated. The majority received by his opponent was, however, very small. Though deeply devoted to his business, Mr. McKinney recognizes the fact that in times of need or danger his first duty is to the flag that protects him, and accordingly, when the war with Spain broke out, he quickly responded to the call of patriotism, and en listed as sergeant of Company K, First AVash ington Volunteers. He accompanied his regi ment on all marches, and was found at his post of duty in every battle in which the First AA'ashington participated. When the regiment HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 37 i was finally mustered out he returned to Waits burg, and to his practice of law. Mr. McKinney is quite a leader in frater nal circles, being a member of Touchet Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F., of which he is noble grand ; of Delta Lodge, No. 70, K. of P., of which he is chancellor commander ; and of Occidental Lodge, No. 8, A. O. U. W. He also be longs to all the societies auxiliary to the or ders above mentioned. CHARLES M. TAYLOR.— Among those Avho have attained marked success in agricult ural pursuits, and who have by their industry and toil forced the rich AValla Walla valley to bring forth the bountiful harvests of which it is capable, the subject of this brief sketch de serves an honored place. His early educational advantages were not such as to develop the powers of his mind to- their fullest extent, but were sufficient to prepare him for success in the line of activity in which he has engaged. Furthermore, he always possessed a degree of hard common sense and inherent force of char acter which, for all practical purposes, are often better than scholastic training. Born in Johnson county, Missouri, January 10, 1859, he grew to man's estate on a farm in that locality, and busied himself in assisting with the farm work when not attending the district school. On attaining his majority he came direct to Waitsburg, where for about two years he followed railroading, but he soon de cided to go back to the business he had fol lowed in his boyhood, so, renting a tract of land, he began farming, and so successful was he that before long he had saved enough to purchase land for himself. He has been adding to his original home from time to time since until he is now the owner of a very large farm in the vicinity of Waitsburg. He and his brothers cultivate about twenty-eight hundred acres, raising wheat mostly, though they also have considerable stock. Mr. Taylor is considered one of the repre sentative men of his community, and is quite active in promoting every enterprise which tends toward the general progress and the amelioration of conditions. At present he is serving as a member of the city council. He is a member of and noble grand in Touchet Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F., also belongs to Oc cidental Lodge, No. 11, A. O. U. W., and to the ladies' auxiliaries of both these fraternities. He was married in Missouri, February 5, 1880, to Miss Nannie E. AVhite, a native of that state, and their union has been blest by the advent of one daughter, Estella M. Mr. Taylor's father, Simon, who was born ir West Virginia in 1825, died in Walla Walla county in July, 1899, but his mother, Harriet, is still living and resides at Waitsburg. She also is a daughter of West Virginia, born in 1839. She has five sons living, all of whom are residents of Waitsburg, namely: Charles M., William M., John F., Garland B. and James W. She also had one daughter, Hen rietta, afterwards Mrs. Francis M. Wooldridge, who died in Missouri in June, 1900. JOHN H. HARER, a farmer residing near Whitman Chapel, six miles southwest of Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1865, was born in Lane county, Oregon, February 25, 1859. He was, however, reared and educated in this valley, having been brought here by his parents Avhen six years old. After leaving school he Avas engaged in farming and sheep and cattle 372 FIISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. raising Avith his father until the latter's death, which occurred in June, 1883, but he then re moved to Umatilla county, Oregon, Avhere he followed the same occupation until 1887. Returning in that year to his father's place near Valley Chapel, Mr. Harer farmed the entire estate until, in 1890, it Avas divided among the heirs, then he moved onto his own portion, consisting of one hundred and thirty acres, upon Avhich he is noAV raising timothy and alfalfa hay. His home is within sight of the place on Avhich the Whitman massacre oc curred, and is less than a mile distant from that historic spot. His OAvn family have seen their share of the unromantic side of pioneer life, being compelled to move into Walla AValla for safety during the war of 1878. Nor Avas danger from Indians the only draAv- back to life in an uncivilized region. Trans portation facilities were Avholly lacking, and as late as 1882 Mr. Harer had to drive his stock from Oregon and Washington all the way to Wyoming and Colorado before they could be loaded on board the cars for trans portation to the eastern markets. But the pioneers were a dauntless, hardy, persevering race, and finally conquered in spite of every difficulty. Mr. Harer was married in Walla Walla county February 15, 1892, to Miss Eva Wat erman, a native of the valley, and they are the parents of two children, Inez U. and Bertha. The family belong to the Christian church of Walla AValla. Mr. Harer's father, David, was born in Arkansas in 1820, and resided in that state until 1852, Avhen he crossed the plains by ox- teams' to the vicinity of Eugene, Lane coun ty, Oregon. In 1861 he drove his salable stock of sheep and cattle into Walla Walla, and thence to the mining regions of Oregon and Idaho, and in 1864 he returned to Walla Walla, that he might open a meat market there. He maintained this until 1872, then sold out to Kirkham & Dooley, and gave his entire attention to stock buying, going to Kansas and Texas for that purpose and driv ing his herds when purchased into Wyoming.' As before stated, he died in 1883, but his widoAv still lives and resides with her son John H. Though in her eighty-third year, she is hale and hearty, and as happy as any of her little grandchildren, whom she strives to amuse. Mrs. John H. Harer's parents were also among the earliest pioneers of the west, hav ing crossed the plains; from Iowa in 1859. (They lived a short time in California at first, then for many years were identified with the development of Walla Walla valley. ROBERT BURNS, general agent of the freight and passenger departments of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, is a native of Hamilton, Ontario, born in i860. He lived in his fatherland until fifteen years old, receiving his education in the public schools and in a collegiate institute, gradu ating from the latter. He learned telegraphy in St. Thomas, Ontario, and when competent accepted an agency on the Canada Southern, with which company he remained five years, eventually leaving that he might accept a like position with the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Railway Company, by which he Avas employed a year. Since that time Mr. Burns has been identi fied with railway development and operation in the west. He has served the Union Pa cific Railroad Company in one capacity or an- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 373 other for the past eighteen years, and at pres ent is in the employ of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, an affiliated line, as general agent in their freight and passenger department. Mr. Burns has devoted his entire life, since he became old enough for any kind of business, to. railroad work, and has that mastery of the details of that intricate and complex occupa tion which can be attained in no other way than by assiduous effort for many years. He is one of the most valued and trusted em ployes in the service of the company. As a man among men, also, Mr. Burns' standing is of the highest. He is affiliated with the Masonic order, in which he is quite promi nent, being a Knight Templar, and he also be longs to the Elks fraternity. In Glendale, Montana, on December 10, 1885, our subject married Louise Whitney, a native of Utah, and they have one child, Lewis A. EMERSON L. WHEELER.— No line of enterprise in which a young man may engage offers better opportunities for exerting a pow erful influence for good in the community than journalism. The orator holds his audi ence spell-bound by the beauty and force of his diction and the magnetic influence of his personality, but his words can reach only a few hundreds or thousands, while the influ ence of the press goes wherever the mails go, and reaches even to the humblest dwellers in the humblest homes of our land. It must follow, then, "as the night the day," that a calling thus potential in moulding the opin ions and sentiments of a community is worthy the best talent which can be found anywhere,. and it is pleasing to see young men of as fine intellectual powers and as bright prospects as is he whose name -initiates this sketch engaged in such an important profession. Our subject is quite a young man, having been born March 22, 1878, but he has already been a leader of public thought and a moulder of public opinion for nearly a decade. His entire life thus far has been passed in Waits burg, and in the public schools of that town and in Waitsburg Academy he received his education. After retiring from school he taught a year, then became editor of the Waits burg Times. His paper, like many other im portant enterprises, had an humble beginning, but it has steadily advanced in power and in fluence, keeping pace with the development of the town and county, nay, rather taking a po sition in the advance guard of the progressive forces which have wrought that development, and contributing a lion's share toward the general progress. Mr. Wheeler is a member of Delta Lodge, No. 70, K. of P. He is possessed of excel lent musical talents, and for several years has been president and manager of the Waitsburg Military band. He was married in his home town, June 5, 1900, to Miss Myrtle Duncan, a native of California. IWA S. MOLKINS, a farmer on Whit man road, five miles west of Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1871, was born in Des Moines county, Iowa, on September 4, 1855. He lived there until the spring of 1864, then accom panied his parents on the long journey across the plains with ox-teams to Yamhill county, Oregon, where he lived about six years, work ing on his. father's farm and attending public school. In 1 87 1 the family moved to what 374 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. is noAV known as College Place, on the old Daniel SteAvart farm, and the father took a homestead near Dayton, onto which he moved his wife and children in 1872. They were en gaged in raising grain there for the next ten years, but in 1882 they sold out and removed to trie vicinity of Rathdrum, Idaho, whither our subject had gone the year before. Both father and son Avere engaged in farming for about four years, but on April 12, 1886, the old gentleman died. Air. Molkins had taken a homestead beside the father's place in 1882, and after the death of the latter, having been appointed adminis trator of the estate, he fanned both places. In 1895 he sold out and returned to the val ley, where he has ever since resided. He is a thrifty, progressive farmer, and one of the most highly esteemed and respected citizens of his part of the county. Mr. Alolkins was married in Rathdrum, Idaho, October 12, 1890, to Miss Mary E. Adkins, a native of Missouri and a pioneer of Idaho. They have four children, Arthur W., AVayne E., Henry Clay and Lester. Mr. Molkins Avas traveling alone on the road to LeAviston the day the great battle was fought betAveen the volunteers and the Indians on Camas Prairie, but got through without molestation, and helped to guard the town that night. FRANCIS G. HART, a miner, is a na tive of NeAV York, born October 19, 1832. He lived in the state of his nativity until about twenty years old, receiving a public-school education, then came by steamer to San Fran cisco, Avhence he went into the mining region. He Avas there for six years, engaged in a search for hidden treasure, but later came to. Oregon and took charge of a stage line from Jacksonville to Roseburg. In 1866 he came to Lewiston, Idaho, where for two years he devoted his energies to carrying express packages on horseback from Lewiston to Warren's for the Wells- Fargo Express Company. In 1869 he embarked in a livery business in Waitsburg, and his time was thus occupied until 1895, Avhen he accepted a position as superintendent for a mining company operat ing in the Okanogan mining region, in whose employ he has continued ever since. Mr. Hart is a man of unusual ability, as is evinced by the fact that he has been uniformly successful both in business and as a mining expert. He Avas married in 1863 to Miss Isabella M. Thorm, a native of IoAva, born in March, 1844. When nine years old she made the long trip across the plains to Oregon, and in Douglas county, that state, she grew to avo- manhood and was educated. She and Mr. Hart are parents of five living children, Adel- bert, EdAvard, Fred G., Charles A. and Harry H. The family reside in their own comforta ble home in Waitsburg. HON. JOHN F. BREWER, member of the AA'alla AA'alla city council, Avas born in Scotland county, Missouri, November 9, 1842. When ten years old he crossed the plains Avith ox-teams, arriving in Salem, Ore gon, in 1853, after a six months' journey. He had attended the public schools for sev eral years in his native state, and he continued his education in his new home, completing the common-school course and taking a term in Sublimity College. For the first five years HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA - COUNTY. 375 after leaving the college he Avas engaged in teaching. In 1871 he came to Walla Walla county, but before long he received employ ment as a teacher in Umatilla county, Ore gon, just across the line. The following spring he went to Whitman county and lo cated as a homestead the site of the present tOAvn of Garfield, but the next fall he was called back to the school he had taught the preceding Avinter. He had been elected as sessor of Whitman county, but thought best not to qualify. For the ensuing three years Mr. Brewer folloAved the teaching profession in the vicin ity of AValla Walla, but in 1876 he purchased land and turned his attention to farming, a business which has engaged the greater por tion of his energies ever since. He was, how ever, a resident of Seattle most of the time during the seven years prior to 1897, and while there gave much attention to the real estate business, though without neglecting his farming interests. He is now the OAvner of a section of fine land in this county, and takes rank among the most successful and enter prising-farmers of this section. In political matters our subject has long been a leader. He served in the city council as early as 1889, and in 1898 he was again called upon to assume the duties of that office. His popularity as a councilman may be judged from the fact that in the present year he was re-elected. Indeed, he has had experience enough in municipal government to render him very expert in that difficult branch of civil administration, having also served as councilman in Seattle for four years. He was also a member of the board of education in the same city for -two years, resigning the latter office when he returned to Walla Walla in 1897. In 1884 he was elected to the terri torial legislature from AValla Walla county, and he served as its representative during the session of 1885- 1886, displaying much political acumen and legislative ability. His reputation as a man and a citizen is most flat tering wherever he is known. In fraternal affiliations he is prominently connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and the Royal Arcanum. In Marion county, Oregon, March 31, 1872, Mr. Brewer married Adora B. Stan ton, a native of that state, and to their union have been born eight children: John W., mail carrier; Merton E., bookkeeper; B. Frank, clerk in the City drug store; M. Maude, Ber tha A., Adora B., Rob Roy and Lula May. CHARLES B. PRESTON.— Among the young men who have been born, reared and educated in the thriving town of Waitsburg, and who, by their industry and business abil ity, have reflected credit upon the place of their nativity and the home of their child hood, Mr. Preston is deserving of special men tion. He was born on the nth of September, 1877, and, as soon as he became old enough, entered the public schools of his native town. He was, however, too ambitious to be content with a common-school education, and did not allow the attractions of commercial life to lure him from school until he had completed a thorough course in Waitsburg Academy. He then engaged with his father in the latter's flouring mill, and has ever since contributed largely to the success and prestige of the busi ness. Being a young man of excellent intel lectual development and good executive abil ity, he promises in due time to become one of the leading business men of the town. 376 HISTORY- OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. In his fraternal affiliations Mr. Preston is a member of Enterprise Camp, No. 5209, M. AV. A. In Walla Walla, October 12,1898, he married Miss Virgie Nelson, daughter of James. E. Nelson, who is one of the early and respected pioneers of the coast. Mr. Pres ton's father is also a pioneer, and has long been a leader in the industrial development of AA'aitsburg. AVILLIAM KIRKMAN, deceased, was a native of England, born December 7, 1831. In 1 85 1 he emigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, and the next year he removed to San Francisco, via the isthmus. For a time he followed min ing, but he soon took to the sea and made a trip on a sailing vessel to Australia and the SandAvich Islands. On his return he joined an expedition to the Fraser river country. For four years he remained under the British flag, meeting with varied fortunes and some thrilling adA'entures. In i860 high water carried away a bridge belonging to him and left him finan cially at the foot of the ladder to start life again, shadowed by heavy indebtedness. In 1862 he returned to San Francisco and the folloAving year purchased cattle on the Umpqua river for the Boise (Idaho) market. He re mained in Idaho until 1865, engaged in the stock business, with a meat market at Pioneer City. In 1866 he took an eighty-mule pack train of goods from Walla Walla to Montana, where he disposed of all and became interested in a milk ranch. He prosecuted the dairy busi ness for six months there, then returned to San Francisco, California, Avhence a year later he came to AA'alla AA'alla. Here, in company with Mr. John Dooley, he engaged extensively in stock-raising, and the meat market business, a line Avhich he fol lowed successfully for many years afterwards. About 1890 he purchased the interest of Mr. Dooley and formed a corporation known as the Walla Walla Dressed Meat Company, of which he was president. He also gave a por tion of his attention to the real estate business. Soon, however, failing health compelled him to seek a change of environment, so he went back to Europe. He died near St. Paul while re turning home, April 25, 1893. A natural leader, Mr. Kirkman exerted a powerful influence in the development of Walla Walla, and few of her public enterprises have not benefited by his encouragement and support. He was president and one of the founders of the Walla Walla Club and one of the directors of Whitman College, to which latter institu tion he bequeathed five thousand dollars. His interest in education was further testified by the faithfulness with which for several years he discharged the duties of school director in his district. He' was also a leader in the Re publican party, serving as a delegate to the Minneapolis convention, and on the Notifica tion committee of 1892. Mr. Kirkman was married in San Fran cisco, February 4, 1867, to Miss Isabella Potts, a native of Ireland, and they have four living children: William H., an attorney at Walla Walla; Fannie, noAv wife of Allen H. Rey nolds; Myrtle B. and Leslie Gilmore. Their deceased children are George D., Agnes A., Robert J., Grace F., Mabel and Dasie. ELIJAH INGLE, a fruit grower and farmer on the stateYbad, five miles southwest of Walla Walla, a pioneer of September, 1862, was born in Henry county, Kentucky, April 23, 1824. He was left an orphan in early in- WILLIAM KIRKMAN. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 377- fancy, and was reared by an uncle, who took him to Illinois when he was seven years old. He received a public-school education in Ed gar county, that state, then worked on a farm until twenty-one, after which he started farm ing for himself. He followed that industry renting land for the purpose, for a number of years, then removed to Iowa, where he Avas engaged in the same occupation ten years longer. In 1862 Mr. Ingle started to California, but so many of the train to which he belonged were coming to this valley that by the time they reached Green river he had decided to come along, too. Arriving here in Septem ber, he rented land one year, then purchased a squatter's right to the place on which we now find him, and which he took as; a home stead as soon as the survey had been made. He kept increasing his holdings until he be came the owner of five hundred acres, but in later years he sold off all but seventy acres. Half of this is in orchard and the remainder is producing alfalfa hay. Our subject is also the owner of some real estate in Milton, Ore gon, and seven acres of highly improved land within the city limits of Walla Walla. Mr. Ingle has always shown himself a public-spirited man, ever ready to do all in his power for the promotion of the general wel fare, and considerably interested in local, state and national politics. He has served as constable two terms and commissioner of his own county, Umatilla, one term, but his in terests center rather in Walla Walla than in any town in his own county. While crossing the plains the train to which Mr. Ingle belonged was at one time hard pressed by Indians, but their safety lay in their strength, the train consisting of two hundred and ninety-two wagons. Mr. Ingle has not, however, experienced any difficulties Avith the aborigines since settling in the val ley, having always treated them kindly and received like treatment at their hands. He was married in Vermilion county, Illinois, on May 5, 1865, to Miss Mary Ann Hanson, a native of Virginia, who died in Milton, Ore gon, on July 24, 1879, leaving nine children, all of whom are doing well in life. The Couple also became parents of two children now deceased, namely, J. Lemuel and Mel- vina. Mr. Ingle was married again at Pendle ton, Oregon, on August 5, 1880, the lady be ing Mrs. Amanda McElrath, a native of Ten nessee and a pioneer of this valley of 1878. LIEUTENANT THOMAS D. S. HART, deputy county auditor, was born in Louisville, Kentucky, July 6, 1865. He has, however, been a resident of the west nearly all his life, having accompanied his parents to Albany, Oregon, when only six years old. He ac quired his education in the public schools and in Albany College, also learned the printer's trade in that city. In 1879 he moved to? Goldendale, Washington, in which town and in North Yakima he passed the ensuing five years, his business being printing and news^ paper work in general. In 1884, however, he became a citizen of Walla Walla, and in that city he pursued his calling until 1889, when he removed to Seattle. Returning in 1 89 1, he again entered the journalistic pro fession here. In 1900, however, he retired temporarily from the pursuit of his vocation to accept a position as deputy county auditor, a post which he still retains.- Lieutenant Hart is a very successful news- .378 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. paper man, and his work in connection Avith different periodicals has made him quite well knoAvn in many parts of the state. He is, howeA^er, fully as well known as one who had a prominent part in the Philippine war. Leav ing Walla Walla as second lieutenant of Com pany I, he went with them to Camp Rogers, thence to San Francisco and thence to the scene of hostilities. His company formed a part of the first division of General King's brigade, commanded by General Anderson. Lieutenant Hart was in command of the com pany in every engagement, distinguishing himself in the very first encounter with the foe, at the battle of Santa Anna, and win ning special mention for meritorious service. That his good record was maintained through out succeeding conflicts is evinced by the fact that on August 25, 1899, he was promoted to the first lieutenancy. He returned with his company in November, 1899, and the follow ing January received the appointment to his present situation. He is a prominent and en thusiastic member of the Knights of Pythias, being a major in the second regiment, Uni form Rank. He is also, at present, com mander of Henry W. Lawton Camp, Spanish- American AVar Veterans. In May, 1896, Lieutenant Hart married, in AValla Walla, Miss Bertha Malone, and to their union has been born one child, Arline. JAMES AV. BRUCE.— Among the enter prising and respected agriculturists and stock raisers of the vicinity of Waitsburg Mr. Bruce holds a prominent and leading place. He is a son of the Avest, having first opened his eyes to the light of day in Oregon, the date of his birth being April 17, 1856. He is one of the earliest pioneers of Waitsburg, in fact, he was on the site of the town as early as 1861, long before the establishment of an organized and incorporated tOAvn had been thought of. He greAV to manhood in this locality, re ceiving his education in the Waitsburg schools, and when he engaged in business for himself he naturally drifted into the enterprise which his father had followed before him and in Avhich he had been reared. He is a man of energy and good judgment, thoroughly inter ested in everything pertaining to his business and ready to profit by any new method or improvement Avhich his own experience or that of others may bring to light. At the present time he is the OAvner of a fine farm of about a thousand acres, also an elegant brick resi dence in Waitsburg. He is quite prominent in fraternal circles, being an active member of the United Artisans, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. On November 17, 1885, was solemnized, in Columbia county, Washington, the mar riage of our subject and Miss Addie L. Har mon, the latter being a native of Iowa, born October 23, 1864. Three children were born of this marriage: William E., on September 18, 1886; Zula E., on Janury 31, 1888; and Hobart O., on November 4, 1895. Mr. Bruce had been previously married to Miss Lottie M. SeAvard, the date of their union being in August, 1874, and the issue one daughter, Carrie B., now wife of Ralph Lloyd. Our subject's father, AVilliam P. Bruce, Avas a very old pioneer of the west, having crossed the plains to Oregon in 1850. In 1 86 1 he became identified with Waitsburg, of which he continued to be a respected and rep resentative citizen until his death, which oc curred November 17, 1888. He Avas long an active worker in the political campaigns of HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 379 the county, and for some years served on its board of county commissioners. His widow, Caroline Bruce, nee O'Neal, survived him un til January, 1891, residing on the old home. The couple became parents of five children, namely: Mary E., widow of the late H. J. Abbey, of Waitsburg; J. W. ; Dora E., wife of E. L. PoAvell, of Spokane; also Edward, who Avas drowned when two years old, and John H., avIio died near Vancouver, Wash ington, in 1898. To Mr. William P. Bruce belongs the honor of pioneership in Waitsburg, he having been the man Avho secured from the govern ment by homestead the place where that city now stands, the date of his homestead entry being 1863. Mr. Perkins was married in Waitsburg June 15, 1896, to Miss Iny Mitchel, a native of Washington, and a member of a pioneer family. They have three children, Voyle L., Eldon M. and Ethel M. PERRY C. PERKINS, a drayman in Waitsburg, was born in Iowa December 13, 1868. He attended the local public school, and worked betimes on his father's farm until about nineteen, then decided to try his fortune in the west. Accordingly he came to this county, located at Waitsburg, rented land, and began farming. For the ensuing five years he Avas a successful tiller of the soil here, then he tried the same occupation in Idaho for a year. In 1893, however, he went to Cali fornia, where for about four years he worked on the John Bidwell farm, near Chico. Re turning then to Waitsburg, he engaged in the transfer business, and to that he has devoted his energies ever since. By his careful atten tion to the interests of his customers and strict application to business he is building up a very good trade. He is one of the solid and substantial men of Waitsburg, and enjoys an enviable standing among the people of that city. DENNIS LA GRAVE, a retired farmer residing at College Place, a pioneer of the val ley of 1873, was born in Massena, New York, on May 29, 1844. He resided there, attending school after he became old enough, until sev enteen years old, then enlisted in Company A, Ninety-second New York Infantry. He remained in the service until 1864, as a mem ber of that company, then re-enlisted in Com pany F, One Hundred and Ninety-third New York Infantry, serving with them till the close of the war. He was in the thickest of the fight from the first year of the war till the last disloyal gun was silenced, and naturally participated in some very stubbornly contest ed and sanguinary engagements, among which may be mentioned the battles of Mud creek, Fair Oaks, Kingston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Richmond, Petersburg, Cold Harbor, the cap ture of Fort Harrison, and the seven days' fight at Malvern Hill under General McClel lan. He was wounded in the terrible battle of Cold Harbor, where the Union forces lost ten thousand men in twenty-two minutes, and he was again injured in the blowing up of the mines after the capture of Petersburg. His eyes also were permanently injured in the service, and have never been strong since. Upon being mustered out, in January, 1866, Mr. La Grave returned to New York state and engaged in farming. He followed that industry there four years and in Wiscon sin four years more, afterwards coming to 38o HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. the Walla AA'alla valley. He took a home stead and pre-emption in what is now Columbia county, and farmed there for twenty consecu tive years, but in 1893 sold out, moved to College Place, bought a lot containing an acre and a quarter, built a comfortable home and retired. He is, hoAvever, indulging to some extent his fancy for mining and has some very promising gold and silver claims in the Okanogan country. Mr. La Grave has long been one of the solid and substantial men of the west. He is a good citizen in every respect, thoroughly loyal to the flag for which he fought so long and so well, and ever ready to do what he can for the promotion of the general Avelfare of his locality. He is a member of Excelsior Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Day ton. He was married in Eau Claire, AAriscon- sin, in April, 1873, t0 Miss Mary E. Palmer, a native of Pennsylvania, and to them have been born five children: F. Leslie; Cora E., wife of Edward Miley, a mining- man in the Okanogan; Verna E. ; Verta E., wife of James Granger, of Sumpter, Oregon; and Myrtle. Verna and Myrtle are still at home with their parents. J. M. BALDAVIN, formerly superintend ent of the Union Publishing Company's job office, at present a partner in the Inland Em pire Printing Company, is a native of the Avest, having been born in AA'alla Walla in 1870. He is the son of David S. Baldwin, a pioneer of 1858. He attended the public schools until about sixteen years old, then Avent to The Dalles, Oregon, and engaged in the printing business. He Avorked at his trade continuously there until 1892, in Avhich year he returned to AA'alla AValla to accept the po sition on the Union above referred to. This he retained until the beginning of 1901, when he severed his connection with that paper and, in partnership with Messrs. Harris and Arm strong, established an extensive job printing concern on the corner of Alder and East streets, the firm name being the Inland Em pire Printing Company. They have every facility for turning out first-class work with quickness and accuracy. In fact, the combina tion of energetic, progressive young men is looked upon as one of the strongest in its line in the state. Mr. Baldwin is a very skilled tradesman and a thoroughly reliable young man, one Avhose influence in the future will be very sensibly felt. In fraternal affiliations he is identified with the Woodmen of the AA'orld. GEORGE A. RULAFORD, a carpenter and builder at College Place, a pioneer of the valley of 1875, was born in Clark county, Ohio, on December 7, 1848. He remained in his native town until about eighteen years old, acquiring his education in the public ¦schools, then learned the trade of a carpenter, serving- his apprenticeship at Columbus, Ohio. He aftenvards followed his trade in different parts of the state until 1868, in which year he removed to Colorado City, Colorado, Avhere he clerked and worked at his handicraft for a couple of years. Returning to Ohio in 1870, he followed his trade [there for five years longer, then enlisted in Company L, First United States Cavalry. He was sent to Fort AAralla AValla and remained there three years, going thence to Fort Klamath, Oregon, where he remained during the rest of his en listment. During the Avar of 1878 the com- HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 381 pany to which he belonged fought many bat tles and sustained heavy losses in killed and wounded, but he was not permitted to partici pate, having been selected to remain in charge of the company's property at the fort. Upon being discharged1 Mr. Rulaford set tled in Walla Walla. He worked at his trade there until 1884, then removed to Medical Lake to reap the benefit of the boom. He continued in the pursuit of his handicraft there for seven years, coming thence to College Place, Avhere he has since resided. When he came there Avere only two houses in the vil lage, and he has Avitnessed its growth from that time to the present day. Nor has he been in any sense a passive spectator of this development, for by far the greater part of the houses in the town were built by him. He is one of the progressive forces of the place and is esteemed as one of its representa tive citizens. In Walla Walla, on June 18, 1880, Mr. Rulaford married Miss Martha Ford, a na tive of Walla Walla valley and the first white girl born in it. They are parents of three children, Cecil C, Burnham S. and Ernest E., all students in Walla Walla College. The family own and occupy a comfortable home in the town. MARTIN H. HAUBER.— This respected pioneer and successful ranchman of the vicin ity of Waitsburg is a native of Indiana, born May 7, 1837. He, however, spent most of his life before coming west in Missouri, to which state his parents moved when he was about three years old and in which his educa tion was obtained. In 1854 he crossed the plains with ox-teams to Benton county, Ore gon, and before he was there a year his serv ices were required in the Rogue river Indian war. Fie continued with the army in volun teer service for about eight months, then re turned to Benton county, whence in 1857 he came to Walla Walla. Finding the valley an excellent place for cattle raising, he re turned the following year to Oregon, bought a number of cattle, brought them here and en gaged quite extensively in the stock business. He met with excellent success for several years, but the severe winter of 1861-62 caught him unprepared for its rigors and he lost prac tically all his herds. He then bought a bunch of sheep and turned his attention to that in dustry, continuing in the same for a period of fifteen years. In 1858 he took a homestead on the Touchet river about three miles Avest of Waits burg, and this afforded him a home and a base of operations during the many years in Avhich he folloAved cattle and sheep raising. After disposing of his sheep he again engaged in the business from which he had been compelled to retire on account of his bad fortune in 1862, and he continued for many years to raise and handle large numbers of cattle and horses annually, gradually retrenching in this direction and giving more and more attention to agriculture as the country began to settle up, and the range became correspondingly di minished. He now has a fine farm of about six hun dred acres, well improved and cultivated, its natural fertility fully developed by his skillful husbandry. Evidences of his thrift and care ful management are everywhere visible on his premises, and he justly ranks among the lead ing farmers in that community. As a man and a citizen his standing in the neighborhood is of the highest, his life being in all things 382 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. so ordered as to compel respect and Avin es teem. The marriage of our subject Avas solem nized in AA'alla AA'alla county in 1865, when Miss Phebe A. Saylor, a native of Indiana, became his wife. The issue of their union was seven children : Charles, a physician in Cali fornia; Kate, wife of E. Allen, in Idaho; Dora and Henry, living; also three deceased. E. F. BABCOCK. — Prominent in the de- velopment of an industry, the importance of Avhich to the future of the county is as yet scarcely realized, is the man whose name gives caption to this review. A nurseryman and fruit grower from the time he left the parental roof to inaugurate independent action, he thor oughly understands everything pertaining to the business, and the county of AValla AValla is especially fortunate in having Avithin its borders a man so eminently qualified to give an impetus to the fruit raising industry. Born in New York on the 8th of January, 1 83 1, he passed his early youth in that state, but upon the advent of young manhood he removed to AA'ashington, D. C, but it was in Rochester, NeAV York, that he took his initial lessons in the nursery business. In 1857, he migrated to St. Louis, Missouri, and thence to Illinois, Avhere he established what is known as the St. Clair nursery. He busied himself in connection Avith this until the outbreak of the Civil Avar, Avhen, obedient to the voice of pa triotism, he rallied to the support of the flag. Enlisting in Company E, Second Illinois CaA-alry, he served a year at the front as first lieutenant, but he Avas thereupon sent home on recruiting service. He Avas connected Avith the federal army until the close of hostilities, but Avhen peace again visited our land, he returned to his former home and to his former business. He subsequently established nurseries at Mem phis, Tennessee, and in Arkansas. While serving as pomologist in the World's Fair, in 1893, he became so impressed with the excellent fruit on exhibition in the Washington state building and from other Pacific states that he decided to try his fortune in the rising young commoiiAvealth. Accordingly, he came out to AValla Walla county. In due time he located near Waitsburg and began to employ his herculean energies in the establishment and upbuilding of the Columbian orchard and nur sery- He has about ten thousand trees, bearing all the leading varieties of fruits, especially high-grade apples, and his nursery stock covers fifteen acres of land. AA'e are pleased to record that experience has only served to strengthen the good opinion he had formed of Washing ton as a fruit country, until he has come to re gard it as without a peer in the world for the production of apples. Mr. Babcock has for twenty years been re garded as an expert in the art of preparing fruit exhibits for expositions. He selected the fruit from this state which won second and third premiums at the Paris Exposition, also made a shipment from his own orchard to Paris in September last. Thus he is performing a great Avork for the future of this valley not only in assisting to build up the fruit industry directly, but in advertising the possibilities of the country to the outside world. He also won tAvo gold medals for fruit produced in the year 1900. FRED O. CON, a dairyman and fruit groAver, residing in AA'aitsburg, is a native of the state of AA'ashington, born May 22, 1870. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 383 He was educated in the schools of this county, then accepted a position with the Preston- Parton Milling Company, for whom he worked for six consecutive years. He then engaged in the business in which we now find him.< He gives most attention to small fruits, his crop of blackberries in the current year, 1900, exceeding five thousand pounds, and of straw berries twenty-five hundred pounds. He has, however, a choice lot of pears, apples, plums and prunes. His dairy stock consists of fif teen head of Jersey and Durham milch cows. Mr. Cox is an energetic man and a suc cessful farmer. He is quite comfortably cir cumstanced for a young man, being the owner of ten acres of fruit land Avithin the city limits of Waitsburg, a fine residence, and other city property, in addition to his farm and stock. He Avas married in Waitsburg February 28, 1893, to Miss Ada Harmon, a native of Ore gon, born April 28, 1874, and they are the parents of one son, Merrill, now five years old. Mr. Cox is a member of the A. O. U. AV., Occidental Lodge, No. 11, and Mrs. Cox belongs to the Degree of Honor. ROBERT H. JOHNSON, hay and grain ¦dealer, 105 North Third street, was born in Liverpool, England, in 1861. He received his education in that country, but early emigrated to America, being only fourteen years old at the time of his arrival in the United States. He came via Cape Horn in a sailing vessel to Portland, Oregon, where for the ensuing five years he followed steamboating. He then came to Walla Walla, entered the employ of Marshall, Jones & Roberts as a hand in their machine shops, and established a connection with that firm which lasted fourteen years. Since retiring from their service he has been engaged continuously in the business in which we now find him. He handles large quanti ties of grain annually, and keeps constantly in operation the electric feed mill, in which all kinds of cereal products are ground for fodder. Mr. Johnson is an active, enterprising and successful business man and the leader in his line in Walla Walla. As a citizen his stand ing is of the highest, and though not ambi tious for political honors, or personal prefer ment of any kind, he is one of the great body of men who work unostentatiously, but none the less effectively, for their own and the com munity's welfare. Fraternally he affiliates with the Elks. He was married in Walla Walla in January, 1892, to Kate AIcGeary, daughter of Mrs. Margaret McGeary, one of the early settlers of Walla Walla. Their union has been blest by the advent of .three children, Marguerite, Robert and Helen. PHILIP A. WILD, farmer, a pioneer of the Pacific coast of 1880, is a native of Ray county, Missouri, born January 13, 1834. When two years old, he was taken to Grundy county, Missouri, where his father followed farming and stock raising as a business, and where he learned his first lessons in that in dustry. He Avas educated in the public schools and in Grand River College. In 1861, he en listed in Company C, Thirty-fifth Cavalry Mili tia of Missouri for six months' service. At the end of his term of enlistment, he returned home and raised one crop, then, on September 10, 1862, again enlisted, becoming a member of Company C, Thirty-fifth Missouri Infantry, which was in the regular United States service. From that time until the close of hostilities he 384 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. was engaged constantly in active campaigning. He participated in numerous skirmishes and battles, among Avhich Avas the fierce conflict at Helena, Arkansas, July 4, 1864, in which four thousand Federals were pitted against twelve thousand Confederates. The battle lasted nine hours and resulted in a glorious victory for the "Boys in Blue." After being mustered out at Little Rock, Arkansas, on June 10, 1865, Mr. Wild returned to his old home and to his former occupation, farming, continuing in that until 1880, when he came to Umatilla county, Oregon. He filed on a homestead there and busied himself in rais ing stock until 1895, when he sold out and moved to the vicinity of Starbuck, Columbia county, where he farmed until 1897. In that year, hoAvever, he moved to College Place, pur chased a home, and became a resident of the town, and is noAV one of the reliable and sub stantial men of that neighborhood, highly es teemed and respected by all. Our subject was married in Grundy county, Missouri, on August 20, 1857, to Miss Mary E. Sandlin, a native of Boone county, Indiana, who Avas taken by her parents to Iowa, while still a young child. They have seven children living: Elsie, iioav Airs. James Power, of Pen dleton, Oregon; John, a farmer in Mercer county, Missouri; William H., at Pendleton; Sallie, now Mrs. John Montgomery, of Pendle ton; Eddie, Rebecca and Charlie M., at home with their parents ; also two deceased. HENRY J. ABBEY, deceased, Avas one of those sturdy pioneers Avho have changed the primeval "AA'alla AA'alla valley into well-culti vated fields, and caused its naturally fertile soil to "blossom and the rose." He Avas born in the state of New York June 8, 1835. In 1843 his parents moved to Michigan, where they both died, leaving him an orphan at ten, years of age. He was therefore compelled to support himself as best he could Avithout the aid of anyone upon whom he had a natural claim, and to acquire unassisted what education he might. Of those early struggles but little specific information can be given, but certain it is that they developed in him a strong, self-reliant character, and a resourcefulness which made him the equal of every emergency. In 1 86 1 he crossed the plains, traveling in the usual primitive fashion of those days, namely, with ox-teams. Locating in the AA'alla AValla valley, he engaged in freighting as a business, and it fell to his lot to haul the lum ber used in the construction of the first store ever erected in Walla Walla, which was built by the noted Dr. Baker. Subsequently he spent three years in the Warrens mining region, then ran a ferry at LeAviston for two years, after Avhich he re turned to the valley and settled on a homestead three and a half miles northwest of Waitsburg. Being a thrifty, enterprising man, he naturally extended his realty holdings as time passed, eventually becoming the OAvner of six hundred acres, all of which is excellent wheat land. In 1897 he moved into Waitsburg, where he had a fine home, but he Avas not permitted to long enjoy the luxury of retirement, for on Au gust 19 of that year he died, and his remains lie buried in the city cemetery. Mr. Abbey Avas married in AA'aitsburg, No vember 25, 1 87 1, to Miss Mary E. Bruce, an early pioneer of the county, and to their union eight children have been born, namely : Perry H, a merchant in AA'aitsburg, Oscar W., Caro line M. and Bruce, living; and Jennie, Fred eric, Lillian and Henry, deceased. HENRY }. ABBEY. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 38S Mr. Abbey was a communicant in the Meth odist Episcopal church, and Mrs. Abbey also belongs to that denomination. WILLIAM R. JONES, a retired school teacher and merchant, a pioneer of the coast of 1864, was born in Green county, Kentucky, on November 25, 1840. He was taken by his parents to Gentry county, Missouri, in 1846, and there acquired his public school education. Upon completing his course he engaged in farming, which industry he followed contin uously until 1864, when he crossed the plains with ox-teams to Eugene, Oregon. He taught in the public schools a year, then went to Linn county, and engaged in the pursuit of the same profession. He taught there twenty-one terms, afterward removing to Whitman county, Washington, where he was engaged in public school teaching until 1.885. He then homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres of land, and resumed the business he had followed in early manhood, namely farming. In 1 89 1 Mr. Jones sold out and the fol lowing year came to College Place that his children might enjoy the advantage of the school which was just being established there. He was one of the first settlers in the town and helped to survey it and build it up from the very foundation. In 1892, the first year the college was in operation, he had seven children in attendance. In the spring of 1901 the fam ily removed to their farm of one hundred and sixty acres eight miles southeast of Dixie, where their home now is and where they are again engaged in tilling the soil. Air. Jones was married in Scio, Oregon, September 9, 1873, to Miss Mary R. Ethel, 25 a native of St. Louis, Missouri, who died in September, 1880, leaving two children. On November 25, 1885, he was again married, the lady being Mrs. Sarah A. Thornton, and to this union have been born two children. Mrs, Jones also had seven children by her former marriage. Her daughter, Miss Minnie Thorn ton, is a medical missionary nurse, having completed the course in the Medical Mission ary Training School of Chicago. Mr. Jones- is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist church, to which he has belonged since 1881, and he was clerk of the Farmington church for seven years. For the past two years he has served as deputy county assessor. JACOB F. WEAVER, secretary and treas urer of the Upper Columbia Tract society, re siding at College Place, was born in Illinois, March 21, 1865. He attended school there from the time he reached school age until he- was fifteen, then moved with his mother and! brothers and sisters to Caldwell county, Mis souri, first, however, selling the old homestead- which his grandfather, Louis Weaver, had- taken up six years before Springfield, Illinois, was- founded, and upon which his father, Sam uel, had raised fruit and nursery stock until his death, which occurred October 10, 1879, Upon arriving in Missouri, Mr. Weaver en gaged in farming and stock raising, remain ing in that industry until 1885, when he re moved to southwestern Kansas. He followed the same occupation in the latter state, except. that in winter he also taught school. Event ually coming west, he located at Portland, Oregon, where he accepted a position as super intendent of the large stone quarry. He spent a year in that, then in 1892 came as a student 386 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. to College Place. He studied in Walla Walla College for a number of years, and in 1897 Avas appointed secretary and treasurer of the Upper Columbia Tract society, Avhich position he has ever since retained. Mr. AA'eaver is a very active worker in the Seventh-Day Adventist church of College Place, of which he has been a deacon and elder, and to which his entire family belong. He was married in Rollins county, Kansas, on De cember 24, 1887, to Aliss Myrtle Berry, a native of Iowa, and they have a family of two children, Freddie E. and Eber, both students in AValla AValla College. Mr. Dunlap is affiliated with the Ancient Or der United Workmen Lodge, No. 79, of Pres cott, and his wife is a member of the Degree of Honor, its auxiliary society. JOHN K. DUNLAP, a blacksmith at Prescott, is a native of Oregon, born Novem ber 19, 1853. After completing his educa tion he engaged in milling, and that was his business for the ensuing three years. He then went into farming, folloAving that occupation uninterruptedly in his native state until 1877, then farmed for a year near Prescott as an em ployee, but he afterwards moved to Willow valley, where he took a homestead and engaged in stock raising. He continued in that in dustry five years, then sold his land and let his stock out to other parties on shares. Re turning- then to Prescott he worked awhile as a farm hand, but in 1897 he engaged in black- smithing in the town, and has given his ener gies to that handicraft ever since. Mr. Dunlap is an industrious, thrifty, sub stantial man, and his standing in Prescott is of the highest. He Avas married in Dayton, AA'ashington, March 14, 1888, to Miss Ida F. Wilmot, a native of Idaho, reared and educated in that state. They have four children, Cora L., Edith J., Rea E. and Ida L. Fraternallv OTIS C: JACKSON, druggist at 19 West Main street, Walla Walla, Avas born in Albany, Oregon, July 16, 1867. His father had crossed the plains with ox-teams in a 862, experiencing six or seven battles with Indians, one of which took place within sight of Shoshone Falls, Ida ho. In 1868 the family moved to southern Oregon, but in 1871 they came north as far as Eugene, where Mr. Jackson received a good public school education, supplemented by a course in the University of Oregon. When sixteen, Iioav ever, our subject started with the remainder of the family for this side of the Cascades, traveling by wagon to Port land and thence by steamboat to The Dalles, and from that town by wagon to Farm- ington. Here his father purchased a farm, and for the three years following the time of his -arrival Mr. Jackson was occupied in taking care of it. He then went to Tacoma, where for several years he was employed by the Stew art & Holmes Drug Company. In 1899 he came thence to Walla Walla, purchased from his former employers the store which he now occupies and started in business for himself. The business is, at present, conducted under the firm name of the Green & Jackson Drug Com pany. They have a magnificent assortment of drugs and photographic supplies, in fact their stock is the largest carried by any firm in the state outside of Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane. Mr. Jackson is a thoroughly progressive and up-to-date business man, and seems likely to long remain in the lead in his particular HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 3§7 line. He bears an excellent reputation in his community as a reliable and upright gentle man. In Tacoma, Washington, in October, 1899, he married Miss Agnes F. Manion. EBENEEZER M. PECK, a farmer resid ing three miles southwest of Walla Walla on Ritz creek, a pioneer of 1878, was born in Os wego county, New York, December 29, 181 7. His father, Russell Peck, had been a gunsmith in the Revolutionary war. The old gentleman had volunteered as a soldier, but the govern ment, discovering his ability, transferred him to one of its gun factories, and there he labored for a period of five years. When Ebeneezer M. Peck was six months •old, the family removed to Ohio, where the father followed blacksmithing and gunsmith- ing five years. They next moved to Michigan, and in that state eleven years were spent in farming and blacksmithing, after which they removed to Van Buren county, Iowa. It Avas here that Mr. Peck, then eighteen years old, received his education, though the facilities were not very good, that being the first year that whites were allowed in the territory. The next mov'e of the family was to Oskaloosa county, and here Mr. Peck lost both father and mother by death. He remained in Iowa con tinuously, engaged in farming, until 1878, then came to Walla Walla for the benefit of his wife's health. He did not remain at first, how ever, but went to the vicinity of Pendleton, where he resided three years, afterward moving to his present place of abode. He has one hundred and thirty acres in the home place and one hundred acres on the Oregon side of the state line and is engaged in diversified farming. Mr. Peck Avas for many years one of the leading and representative men of Oskaloosa county, Iowa, and while there held several local offices. While acting as constable, it fell to his lot to- arrest the first man ever placed under custody in that county for wife-beating. The man remained in jail six months, after which Mr. Peck himself paid his fine and had him released. Since coming to the coast, the desire of our subject to benefit those with whom he comes in contact has found expression in his activity in church and Sunday-school work. When he settled near Pendleton, there was no Sabbath school in his neighborhood, and he immediately set to work to organize one. He found on his return to Walla Walla county, that his neigh borhood here was also Avithout such an institu tion, and again he assumed the role of an or ganizer. He Avas superintendent of this school until eventually forced, by the failure of his hearing, to give up the work. Mr. Peck was married at Oskaloosa, Iowa, on December 23, 1862, to Miss Polly DeWitt, a native. of Ohio, but a pioneer of Iowa. They have five children living : Emma P., Ai J., Ella E., Nellie AI., and Myrtle S., also two, Franklin C. and Elmer C, deceased. The family affili ate with the Old United Brethren church, of Walla Walla. GEORGE W. LOUNDAGIN.— This re spected pioneer and leading agriculturist of Walla Walla county is a son of Tennessee, having first opened his eyes to the light in that state on the 20th of September, 1832. He attained to years of maturity in the locality wherein he was born, but when the time came for him to inaugurate independent action, he removed to the state of Arkansas, where for a number of years he lived the life of an agri- 388 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. culturist, also Avorking betimes at carpentering, a trade Avhich he had learned in early youth. A desire to try his fortunes in the west had, hoAvever, taken possession of him, and accordingly, in 1861, he started across the plains to the Walla Walla valley, braving the dangers and vicissitudes incident to the long journey, a journey which had to be made with ox-teams. Arriving in due time he settled on a farm in the vicinity of AValla Walla, but be fore many months had passed he secured by the exercise of his homestead privileges the place upon Avhich we now find him. He set vigorously to work improving and cultivating his land, also took the initial steps to secure a start in the business of cattle raising, and be fore long he began to feel the necessity for a larger sphere of activity. To meet the exi gencies of the case he purchased other lands, and to these in due course still others were added until he became the owner of a gener ous tract of seven hundred and forty acres in the home farm and land in other localities aggregating four hundred and forty acres. He continues to raise large quantities of wheat annually, and still handles a great many head of cattle in the course of a year, but he has also become one of the successful fruit groAvers in his section of the county. An assiduous worker, a careful manager, a good citizen and an obliging- neighbor, Mr. Loundagin naturally stands high in the esteem of all Avith whom he is associated, enjoying a standing in the community which can be se cured and retained only by a man of integrity and intrinsic Avorth. On January 31, 1856, in the state of Ar kansas, his marriage to Miss Rhoda J. Stew art, a native of Indiana, was solemnized, and to them have been born fourteen children, tAvelve of Avhom are still living, namely : Will iam J., residing in Dayton; Robert W., a farm er; Eva I., wife of H. M. Hoover; John B., a photographer at Waitsburg; Mary E., wife of John Meimburg, of Waitsburg; Minnie M., wife of S. W. Hester, of Dayton; James O. ; Alvin G. ; Rebecca J., wife of Ralph P. Riggs, a resident of Oregon; Cora B., a teacher; Los- sen A. ; and Myrtle M. The deceased children Avere named Ollie A. and Isaac H. Referring more particularly to Alvin G. Loundagin, we may say that though only a young man, the date of his birth being April 24, 1872, he is one of the leading and suc cessful farmers of Waitsburg. He is a son of Walla Walla county, and in the local schools and in Waitsburg Academy he acquired his education, after which he engaged at once in farming, the industry in which he has been so signally successful since. Mr. Loundagin Avas married at Dayton, Washington, No vember 14, 1897, the lady of his choice being Miss Addie Rae, a native of Illinois, and a daughter of one of the old and respected set tlers of the vicinity of Dayton. The couple are parents of one child, Laretta. GEORGE E. KELLOUGH, 206 West Alain street, was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1872. When six years old, he moved with the family to Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he re ceived the major part of his education, and where he lived until 1891. He then came to AA'alla Walla, where for the first three years he worked on a farm. During the ensuing five years he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for himself, homesteading part of his land and acquiring part by purchase. Although very successful as a farmer, Mr. Kellough's ambitions prompted him rather HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 389 to mercantile pursuits, and accordingly in No vember, 1899, he bought out the interest of Mr. John A. Taylor in the Taylor-Merrill Company, an establishment handling a general stock of gents' furnishing goods, boots and shoes, etc. He is, however, still interested in farming, not having sold any of his land. Mr. Kellough is a young man of excellent business ability, and his partners, recognizing this fact, have elected him president and treasurer of the firm. He gives promise of becoming one of the leading business men of the Inland Em pire. In his fraternal affiliations he is an Odd Fellow and an Eagle. He was married in Wal la Walla, November 28, 1893, to Miss Viola Purdy, a native of Michigan, and they have a family of two children, Lance E. and Erma G. IRBY H. RUDD, retired merchant, is a native of East Tennessee, born October 10, 1822. He acquired a common-school educa tion, then became a contractor on the East Tennessee and Virginia' Railroad, and after ¦spending several years in that occupation he was tendered a position as conductor on the road. From 1856 to 1863, he served in this Capacity, and from the latter date until 1868, he gave his attention to agricultural pursuits. His health having failed, he then started west with teams. He stopped for short spaces of time in Nebraska, Colorado and Soda Springs, Idaho, but made no permanent halt until he reached Asotin county, Washington. He was in the milling business there continuously un til 1880, when he came to Walla Walla county. In 1882, Mr. Rudd located in Prescott, and became a wheat merchant in connection with Mr. H. P. Isaacs. This was his business un til 1897, when, his health having again failed, he was forced to retire. He has ahvays been an intensely active man, despite his rather deli cate health, and has been in the front rank of the progressive forces wherever he has lived. He owns one hundred and sixty acres north of Prescott, and some town property. Frater nally, Mr. Rudd is identified with the Masonic order. He was married in East Tennessee, January 1, 1862, to Miss Angie Temple, daugh ter of Major S. and Marguerite Temple, of Greenville, Tennessee. They became parents of one child, Leona, deceased. D. K. HIGHLEY.— Among the indus trious and well-to-do farmers of this section — ¦ the men whose brain and- brawn have contrib uted so materially to the industrial develop ment of the valley — the subject of this article has earned an honored place. An old pio neer, he has always shown himself possessed of the energy, resourcefulness and courage for which that stalwart class is noted, and has ever proven a not inconsiderable factor in the build ing of the valley. Born in Indiana on August 25, 1846, he grew to maturity in that state, receiving such education as its public schools afford ed. In 1875, he came thence to AValla Walla valley, and established his residence on the Coppei river. In 1 882, he removed to Lin coln county, wherein the scene of his activities for the next four years was located. Return ing at length to Walla Walla county, he bought what is known as the Spencer ranch, containing two hundred and forty acres, and in 1891 he purchased a place three miles south of Waits burg, upon which he now resides. He is the owner of a fine farm of three hundred and fifty-four acres, furnished with machinery, 39Q HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. buildings and equipment, and is engaged in producing Avheat and stock principally, though not exclusively. As a farmer, he is industrious and progres sive, the results of his thrift and good man agement being everywhere in evidence upon his premises, while as a man and a citizen, his life has been so ordered as to win the esteem and regard of his fellowmen. Mr. Highley was married in Walla Walla county, on March 21, 1883, to Miss Martha J. Spencer, daughter of W. W. Spencer, a pioneer of i860, and a respected citizen of the valley. Their union has been blest by the advent of six children, Liona, William C, and Thelma, living, and Anslem, Helen and Inez, deceased. WILLIAM E. McKINNEY, Jr., a farmer near AA'aitsburg, is a native of Washington, born April 6, 1868. After completing his edu cation, he went to Lincoln county, and engaged in stock raising, handling both cattle and horses. Nine years Avere passed in that in dustry, then he sold out both his land and his stock and came to Waitsburg, Avhere he en gaged in farming on his father's place, a mile west of the town. He is an industrious, thrifty young man, a good citizen, and an agreeable and obliging neighbor. Mr. McKinney was married in Lincoln county, April 30, 1 891, to Miss Lelia V. Brown, a native of California, born April 28, 1875. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brown, na tives, respectively, of Maine and Missouri, Avere old pioneers of California. Her father had folloAved the sea for many years, but on set tling in the Golden state had turned his atten tion to farming. In 1884 they moved to Washington, bringing a large band of cattle and horses Avith them, and locating, eventually, in Lincoln county, near Harrington. Mr. BroAvn was' engaged in farming and stock- raising there until his death, which occurred in 1885, and his widow still pursues the same occupation on the old place. Air. and Mrs. McKinney are parents of three living children: William E., Jr., born April 6, 1892; Loenra, born November 16, 1893, and Imogen, born June 19, 1900. MICHAEL MARTIN, a farmer and stock raiser, residing on Ritz creek, three and a half miles west of Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1879, was born in county Galway, Ireland, in 1835. He resided there until thirty-two years of age, Avorking on his father's farm after he completed his education, but he then set sail for America. After a short stay in New York, he Avent to South Glastonbury, Connecticut, where he ob tained employment as a furnace fireman in an anchor factory. He was thus employed for about eight months, after which he went to San Francisco, via the Panama route. He fol lowed grade work there a year, then went over land to Helena, Montana, where, in company with his brother, Patrick, he worked at placer mining for three years, doing quite well. From the mines, he came direct to Walla Walla val ley. He and his brother Patrick purchased one hundred and sixty acres on Dry creek to Avhich they subsequently added a full section more of railroad land, making their entire farm include eight hundred acres. They lived upon and Avorked this large tract until 1891, when our subject sold his share to his brother John, and purchased his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres on Ritz creek. Mr. Alartin is a very energetic man and HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 39i one of the successful diversified farmers and stock raisers of the county. He was married in Ireland, in 1890, while back on a visit to his old home, to Miss Julia Kellehar, a native of county Gahvay, who died August 28, 1900, leaving three children living: Emmett AI., at the Brothers' school in AA'alla Walla engaged in study; Mary E. and Stella S., at home with their father. The entire family are members of the Catholic church. DR. S. A. OWENS, physician and sur geon, Quinn Building, Walla Walla, was born in ATorth Salem, Indiana, in 1866. When eleven years old, he accompanied the rest of the family to Fort Worth, Texas, where he com pleted his public school training. He also graduated from the Texas Western College. His first employment, after finishing his educa tion, was in the capacity of freight clerk for the Texas Pacific Railroad Company. After three months he was appointed to the position of way bill clerk, and at the end of his first year of service he was made cashier. Two years were given to the duties of that situation, then he became assistant ticket agent at Union de pot, Fort Worth. However, it had always been his ambition to become a physician, and as soon as he had money enough to pay the expenses of a pro fessional course, he quit the employ of the rail road and matriculated in Fort Worth Univer sity, in which institution he was a student for the ensuing four years, graduating in 1895. He then spent a year as surgeon in St. Joseph's hospital, an infirmary belonging to the Texas Pacific Railroad Company. During the fol lowing summer he .spent three months in New York and three in Chicago, studying, as a specialty, diseases of women and children. Desiring then to find a suitable location, he traveled quite extensively throughout the south and west, even going to the City of Mexico. On his way back from the sound to Texas, he stopped in Walla Walla, and being impressed with the richness of the surrounding country, the beauty of the city, and the general appear ance of prosperity, he decided to locate here. Accordingly, he opened an office. His abili ties as a physician soon became appreciated, and he iioav enjoys a large and desirable pat ronage. In the recent election he Avas the nominee of his political party for the office of county coroner. Fraternally, Dr. Owens is affiliated with the I. O. O. F., the Rebekahs, the Foresters and the M. W. A. FRED HAGGIST, whose office is at 27 Main street, Walla Walla, was born in Switzer land in 1872. He was, howeAfer, reared in America, having been brought by his parents to this country, when only six years old. His first home in the new world was in Quincy, Illinois, where he resided continuously for fif teen years. He was educated in the public schools and in a German private school, receiv ing very thorough instruction. Upon attain ing his majority, he came out to Walla Walla, and entered the employ of Mr. AI Lowe, for whom he worked as a drayman for about three and a half years. During the next two and a half years he served as supervising agent for a sewing machine company, but he then retired from that position to become the partner of his former employer in the draying business, in which industry he is still engaged. They have five large teams, and do all kinds of heavy hauling. Mr. Haggist is a very industrious, 392 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. enterprising and reliable young man, and one whose standing in the community is of- the highest. ROBERT F. AVALKER, deceased.— Among the respected pioneers and builders of the northwest, those to Avhose industry, energy and perseverance its greatness is largely due, the Avarmhearted son of Kentucky whose name forms the caption of this article, is entitled to a rank of no little prominence. Born on the 6th of February, 1830, he was early taken by his -parents to Illinois, in which state he passed his early youth, receiving a thorough common- school education supplemented by a term in college. In 1 85 1 our subject crossed the plains with ox-teams to the Willamette valley, Oregon, where he at once distinguished himself as a pioneer teacher. He aftenvard gave some at tention to mining and for a number of years was a successful farmer and stock raiser in the ¦valley. Once he Avas called upon to serve a term as sheriff of Lane county. Coming to the Walla Walla valley in 1865, he located on the Touchet river, beloAv Prescott, where for ten years he continued to prosper in the business of cattle raising and farming. At the end of that time, he sold out his realty and purchased a place east of Waitsburg, which remained the scene of his activities for tAvo years. His next home Avas located six miles south of Waitsburg on the Coppei river, where he farmed uninter ruptedly until the 5th of March, 1890, on which date he was summoned to depart this life. Air. Walker was a man of integrity and -sterling Avorth, faithful to every trust reposed in him by the public, true ahvays to the highest and best impulses of his nature. His life and relations with his fellowmen were always so ordered as to retain the confidence of those with whom he became associated in pioneer days and to win the respect and esteem of those who came to the valley at a later period. He was married in Oregon in 1855, to Miss Arimethy Scott, a native of Indiana and an estimable pioneer woman, who had crossed the plains in 1853. The couple became parents of nine children, namely: Alice B., wife of A. Bishop, of Columbia county; Harriet H., wife of P. Bishop, also of Columbia county; Joseph W., a farmer six miles south of Waits burg; Laura, wife of Frank McCown, of Walla Walla county; James W:, a miner in Republic; Steward F., deceased; Marion C, a farmer in this county; Lillie M., deceased, and Adelaide. WILLIAM ELLINGSWORTH, a farmer and stock-raiser two miles east of Wallula, a pioneer of 1882, was born in Missouri July 21, 1847. Upon completing the elements of a com mon-school education he engaged in farming there. In 1878 he removed to Brown county, Kansas, whence, in 1882, he came to Walla AValla county. His first home in the valley was located ten miles Avest of Wallula, in Yakima county, but, after a residence of only a twelve month there, he came into the town and en gaged in hotel keeping. He still owns the hotel, but of late years has given his own time and energy mostly to farming and stock-rais ing on his farm of one hundred and sixty acres on the Walla Walla river, also to the duties of the county offices he has been appointed or elected to fill. He served as deputy sheriff for a number of years prior to 1894, in which year he was elected sheriff, and he was so fortunate as to please the electors of the county in such a degree that they called upon him to accept the office again in 1896. WILLIAM ELLINGSWORTH. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 393 Mr. EllingsAvorth has the honor of having served in defence of his country in the Civil war, having enlisted in Company B, Twelfth Missouri Cavalry, September 9, 1863. He par ticipated in the battles of Franklin, Nashville and many others, also Avas present in several fights Avith the Powder river Indians in Wy oming in later years. He is a member of Lin coln Post, G. A. R., of Walla Walla, which sent him as its delegate to the national en campment at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1894; also affiliates with the B. P. O. E. and the I. O. O. F. He married in Missouri, on Sep tember 9, 1869, Miss Maria Graham, a native of that state. AVILLIAM McKINNEY, a farmer in the vicinity of AA^aitsburg, is a native of Warren county, Indiana, born May 5, 1836. He was taken to Iowa when three years old, and five years later to Missouri, whence, the next spring, he crossed the plains to Hillsboro, Oregon, where for a number of years he was engaged in farming. He also did some mining in the Yreka region in California, in 185 1. He spent six months in and around the Walla Walla valley in the winter of 1855 and '56, performing his duties as a volunteer in the Indian war of that date, but as soon as discharged returned to Oregon. In 1858, however, Mr. McKinney again came to this state, and after spending one year in the service of the government as a packer, located in Walla Walla county. He was en gaged in stock raising, packing and mining for about two years, then took a homestead, and gave his Avhole attention to farming and cattle. A thrifty, industrious man, he has prospered from the start, and has continued to increase his real estate holdings, until he is now the owner of five hundred and fifty-three acres, with all buildings, implements, and stock necessary for farming it in a first-class manner. On December 14, 1865, Mr. McKinney married Miss Sarah Poulson, a native of Illi nois, and a pioneer of the west of 1864. They have four children, Frank, a bookkeeper ; Will iam E., a farmer; Thomas V., a' clerk; and Emma, a dressmaker. CLINTON STETSON, deceased, a pio neer of Walla Walla valley of a very early date, was born in the vicinity of Racine, Wisconsin, in 1828. He received his education in the public schools of his native state and in Racine College, then taught school for several years. Finally, he came via the isthmus of Panama to California, but after a brief residence there, re moved to the Walla Walla valley, homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres on the Tumalum river, and engaged in farming. He had been a leading man in Wisconsin, and the same qualities which gained him prominence there soon began to be realized in his neAV home. He was one of the representative men of the Republican party, and in 1868 was its candi date for the legislature, but was defeated by a very narrow majority, though the county was at that time strongly Democratic. He served as school director and clerk in his district for several terms, and always did everything in his power to advance the cause of education in which he was a thorough believer. Mr. Stetson was married on January 10, 1863, to Mary A. Dutton, a native of Fulton county, Illinois, who came to the valley in 1862. They became parents of four children, Amy O., Avife of Henry Sexton, of Enterprise, Oregon; Augusta H, wife of Harve Hodgen, 394 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. of Adams county, Washington; Susan M., Avife of A. Frank Keys, sheriff of Walla Walla county; and Orlando C, iioav working his mother's place. At the time of the Cayuse war, Mr. Stetson furnished horses for the use of the state government. He died March 26, 1873, and his remains are at rest in Ford cemetery. . The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. ROBERT H. OSBORN, proprietor of the Bazaar at 223 W. Main street, Walla Walla, was born in Illinois in 1837. He resided there until, in 1852, the family started across the plains to Oregon, then he, of course, came with them. After six months of continuous travel they finally came to a halt in the beautiful Yamhill county, Oregon. Mr. Osborn com pleted his education in Salem Academy, where he studied for tAvo years, then engaged in farming. Later he turned his attention to stock raising. For many years that was his business, and he followed it successfully both in Yamhill and in Wasco counties, Oregon; indeed, for the first two years after coming to Walla Walla county, Washington, he devoted his energies to the same industry. But in 1891 he embarked in the mercantile business, start ing with a stock of candy and afterwards add ing notions. He is a good business man, and carries a large stock of merchandise. Being a very old pioneer of the Avest Mr. Osborn has seen his share of Indian warfare. In 1864 he enlisted in Company B, First Ore gon Volunteer Infantry, for service in Idaho against the Snake river Indians and their al lies. He participated in several severe engage ments, but the principal duty assigned to his company Avas to guard the passes for the pur pose of preventing the Cayuses from entering the Willamette valley. Mr. Osborn has always been a progressive, enterprising man, and has contributed not a little to the material and industrial develop ment of the coast, in the nearly half a century of his residence in Oregon and Washington. He was married in Yamhill county, Oregon, in 1858, to Miss Martha Lady, Avho died in 1870. By this wife he had four children: Frank, now a farmer; Ada, now Mrs. Griffith, a resident of California; Emrel, deceased; and Lincoln, an undertaker in San Francisco. In 1870 Mr. Osborn was again married, the lady being Mrs. Orton, and in 1887 she also died. PETER STRAHM.— Among those prom inently identified with the agricultural develop ment of the section of the country contiguous- to Dixie, Mr. Strahm is deserving of especial mention. He was born on the 7th of July, 1836, in the vicinity of that Ohio town, Avhich has since become so well known as the home of William AIcKinley. As soon as his public school education was completed he began work Avith his father, a millwright of ability, con tinuing in the employ of the latter until the in tricacies of that difficult handicraft were thor oughly mastered. In 1864 Mr. Strahm came out to Oregon, working his way on the railroad as far as that extended and making the remainder of the journey overland. During the three years- subsequent to the date of his arrival he fol- loAved his trade in Salem, Oregon, but he thereupon removed to Walla Walla county, took up land, and engaged in farming. Pros perity attended his efforts from the very be ginning; he soon became a leader among the HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 39S agriculturists of his section, and he has con tinued to occupy a position of prominence among them ever since. At the present time he is the owner of six hundred acres of land, situated about two miles northeast of Dixie. The air of thrift which everyAvhere pervades his premises bears eloquent testimony to his industry and good management, and confirms his title to a rank among the eminently suc cessful in his particular branch of industry. As a man and citizen his standing in the com munity is of the highest. Mr. Strahm was married in AValla Walla county on the 7th of April, 1873, to Miss Sarah Arthion, a native of Iowa, and a mem ber of an old and respected pioneer family. They have six children, namely : Lydia A., noAV Mrs. John Bane; Charles E., a farmer; Ella, Avife of Augustus Augustavo, of Walla Walla; William, Emma and Jennie. Mrs. Strahm' s father died in the valley some years ago, but her mother still resides on the Touchet. JOHN D. McCOY, son of Thomas K. and Alargaret A., Avas born in Umatilla county, Oregon, on October 9, i860, on his father's homestead on the Tumalum river. He greAV to man's estate in the valley, receiving the advantage of a thorough education in Mrs. Chamberlain's private school and in Whitman Seminary. After leaving school he engaged in stock raising in Wasco county, Oregon, near The Dalles, and he followed that indus try there for six or eight years, afterwards moving his stock to the Snake river, where opportunity was afforded for taking homestead land, and where there was abundance of range for cattle. Mr. McCoy took a quarter-section of gov ernment land, and remained on it continuously until May 24, 1900, when he sold his place and stock and moved permanently to his. present residence on the Telephone road, where is the portion of his father's estate that fell to him. He also has one hundred and sixty acres of land on the Tumalum river, a part of the pa ternal homestead, and upon these two places he is raising hay principally. It is his intention to work into the dairy business, and he already has quite a herd of milch cows, all fine Jersey stock. Mr. McCoy is uniformly esteemed and re spected wherever known, his standing in this community being an enviable one. For three years he has been school director of his dis trict. In Umatilla county, on July 18, 1882, he married Miss Rose D. Olmstead, a native of Oregon, and they have four children living, namely : Rowena A., G. Pauline, J. Leon and Marcus R., all at home. Mrs. McCoy's par ents were early settlers on the Tamalum river, and were well known and respected in Walla Walla, where her mother still lives and oaviis property, though her father died on the old home place in March, 1877. WILLIAM A. NOBLE, 112 W. Main street, Walla AValla, Avas born in Illinois in 1865, and in that state he was reared and edu cated. For several years after leaving school he was engaged in farming with his father, but in 1887 he came out to Walla Walla. For the four years following the date of his arrival here, he spent most of his time in warehouse work, but when not engaged in that line he busied himself in other directions. In 1890,- however, he opened a place of business in the city, and he has been in commercial pursuits 396 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. ever since, only once changing locations in that time. In fraternal affiliations Mr. Noble is identified Avith the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Eagles. He Avas married in AValla Walla in 1889 to Miss Sarah J. Rags- dill, a native of Tennessee, and to their union have been born five children, namely: Grace, Orva, Ethel, AVilliam A., Jr., and Charles Ed ward. JOEL AVOODS, one of the enterprising farmers and extensive real estate owners of AValla Walla county, is a native of New York, born August 3, 1844. While in early infancy he was taken by his parents to Michigan. The family, however, soon returned to NeAV York, and in 1850 they made quite an extensive tour via Canada to Detroit, thence by steamer to Chicago, from that city direct to Janesville, Wisconsin, and back to New York. They farmed in the last mentioned state four years, then Avent to Michigan and Avere engaged in the dual occupation of farming and lumbering for three years more. Their next move Avas to Iowa, but after spending a few months there and a few in Michigan they again returned to NeAV York; only on a business trip, how ever. AAmen the object of the trip had been accomplished they came back to Michigan and again engaged in farming and teaming. After a continuous residence of four years in that state Mr. Woods rejoined his father, who had gone to Indiana tAvo years before, and after another two years had passed father and son both Avent to Wisconsin, the father to lo cate a homestead, the son to assist in clearing and improving it. In 1868 the young Mr. AA'oods moved to Minnesota and made use of his OAvn homestead right. He farmed there until 1877, then set out across the plains to Grande Ronde val ley, where for two and a half years he followed farming and stockraising. He next came to the vicinity of Waitsburg, bought land, and continued his former occupation in his neAV home. A thrifty, industrious man, he took advantage of every opportunity offered by the newness of the country, and the natural fertil ity of the soil, Avith the result that he is now one of the leading farmers in Walla Walla county, his farm consisting of four thousand acres of excellent Avheat land. -Mr. Woods was married in Wisconsin, in March, 1871, to Miss Viola M. Hull, a native of that state, and of their marriage eleven chil dren have been born: Morris A., Walter J., Harriet E., Mary M., Ethel V., Chester J., Charles A., Elmer L., Ruth S., Emerson E. and Harry L. EDWARD D. MILLS, a farmer at Waits burg, is a native of IoAva, born January 29, 1842. When two years old, he was taken by his parents to Kentucky, and there the next decade of his life was passed. He then spent five years on a farm in Missouri, after which he crossed the plains to Shasta county, Cali fornia, arriving in 1859. He Avas engaged in mining and teaming there until 1865, then came to the vicinity of Dixie, Washington, took a homestead and engaged in farming and stock raising. He lived in that locality several years, but finally sold his farm, bought an other near AA'aitsburg, and resumed his accus tomed occupation. He has a fine farm, join ing the city on the west, and valuable not only for its natural productiveness, but es pecially so on account of its favorable location. Mr. Mills is one of the solid and substantial citizens of that section, and enjoys the conn- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 397 dence and good will of his neighbors generally. He was married in this county, November 30, 1870, to Miss Mary M. Dickinson, a native of Indiana, who crossed the plains with her par ents in 1863. The family located four miles south of Waitsburg, and in the district school of that neighborhood she completed her educa tion. She is an active member of the Women of Woodcraft, Circle No. 157, of Waitsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are parents of six chil dren, living, Abbie B., Frank P., Charlie A., Florence L., Harlan F., and Harvey D. HENRY W. HASTINGS, deceased.— Though the man whose name initiates this re- vieAv was not permitted to live to a great age, he assisted in the early development of two Avestern states, stamping upon the communities in which he lived the impress of his vigorous personality. He was born in Arkansas in 1842, and in that state the first nineteen years of his life were passed and his education was ac quired. In 1 86 1, however, he crossed the plains with ox-teams to Benton county, Ore gon, bringing with him the courageous young woman who had recently become his bride. The couple arrived in due season and be gan tilling the soil of the new country, Mr. Hastings also giving some attention to the more exciting occupation of mining. They met with excellent success in their initial ef forts to secure a competency, but thought they could do better in the rich Walla Walla val ley, so in 1865 moved over to this section. Se curing land three miles east of Dixie, they be gan to develop a home for themselves, and there they lived and toiled together until, in 1884, death overtook the head of the family. Mrs. Hastings lived on the original home for sev eral years longer, but at present she is a resi dent of Whitman county. Recapitulating briefly the history of this respected family we may say that the marriage of our subject and Miss Sarah E. Hubbard, to Avhom we have hitherto referred as Mrs. Hastings, was solemnized in 1861, in Arkan sas, the birthplace of both the contracting parties, and that the issue of their union was nine children, namely: William T., a farmer; Minnie, wife of Frank McGhee, of Walla Walla; Thomas J., a farmer in Whitman coun ty; Alice M., wife of George McCrosky, of AVhitman county; Ethel, wife of Frank Van AVinkle, of Walla Walla; also Henry C, Al bert L., Richard W. and Elmer F., residents of Whitman county. William T., who now has charge of the parental farm, was born in Oregon on the 6th of January, 1863. He was, however, reared and educated in this valley, his parents hav- ing, as before intimated, brought him here in 1865. He early engaged in farming and stock raising, and to these industries his ener gies have been devoted continuously since. He is a successful farmer, a good citizen and an esteemed and respected member of society. He was married in Walla Walla county, De cember 18, 1885, to Martha J. Smith, a native of the valley, who died July 26, 1897, leaving five children, namely : Thomas O... Joseph E., William H., Albert W. and Frank A. ' WILLIAM A. STRUTHERS, a farmer near Eureka Junction, was born and reared in the state of Minnesota. He received a public school education. When the time came for him to start in life for himself, he naturally turned to farming, having been brought up 398 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. from boyhood in that occupation, and he has clung closely to that calling ever since. In 1889 he came to Walla Walla county and pur chased three hundred and twenty acres half a mile south of Eureka Junction. This he has been farming ever since continuously, but his energy and ambition are too great to be con fined even in the generous limits of a half-sec tion, so he rents and farms nine hundred acres more. He is a man of integrity, and enjoys an enviable standing in the community in which he lives. Mr. Struthers Avas married in Walla Walla county, on August 27, 1893, to Miss Maggie McDonald, a native of Nevada, who died Alay 8, 1900, leaving one daughter, Hazel M., born September 6, 1894, and now living with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McDonald. JOHN W. BREWER, a mail carrier in AValla Walla, was born in Wasco county, Ore gon, in 1873. When very young he was taken by his parents to the Willamette valley, whence two years later he was brought to Walla Walla county. He lived on the farm with his parents until ten years old, attending school during term time,' then moved with the remainder of the family into Walla Walla, where he finished the grammar grade. In 1889 the entire family moved to Seattle, and here Mr. Brewer took a high-school course, graduating in 1895. While pursuing his studies he organized the High School Cadets, a company Avhich under his captaincy became the banner cadet company of the state. After graduation he took a course in bookkeeping in Wilson's Modern Business College, then taught in the same institution for a year. Re turning to AA'alla AA'alla in 1897 he purchased the Empire Business College, Avhich Avas owned and controlled by him until the close of the term in 1889, when he sold out and accepted a position as carrier in the postal service. He is also bookkeeper for U. G. Bean, a furniture dealer. In April, 1898, responding to the call of patriotism, Mr. Brewer enlisted in Company I, Washington Volunteers, for service in the Philippines. He went as far as San Francisco, but while awaiting orders to proceed he was called home by the illness of his father, leav ing at first on a furlough, but eventually being discharged. Mr. Brewer is a young man of unusual ability, and possesses a degree of energy and force of character which enables him to make good use of his other natural endowments. Prophetic vision is not necessary to enable one to discern before him a career of success and usefulness. He is quite a prominent member of the I. O. G. T., of which he is at present grand treasurer for this state. On March 29, 1899, he was married, in Walla Walla, to Miss Jen nie M. Markham, a resident of this city, and they are the parents of one child, John W., Jr. EDWARD LOGAN, a carpenter and builder, Avas born in Guernsey county, Ohio, July 4, 1847. He greAV to manhood in his native state, receiving a good education, and subsequently learning the trade of a carpenter. He Avorked at his handicraft there for a num ber of years, but in 1879 removed to Colorado, located at Loveland, and again engaged in car penter work. After a residence of a year there he came to AA'alla Walla county and home steaded one hundred and sixty acres of land in the vicinity of Eureka Junction, pre-empting another one hundred and sixty acres adjoining. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 399 This he fanned for about seven years contin uously, raising wheat. Preferring to work at his trade, however, he has rented his land most of the time since 1887, and given his attention to building. He has devoted the assiduous efforts of many years to acquiring a mastery of the intricate handicraft Avhich he chose for his own, and has, as might be expected, a high degree of skill, so that his services are constantly in de mand. AVhile living in his old home in Ohio Mr. Logan Avas a member of the Presbyterian church established in his neighborhood, but since coming Avest he has never connected him self with any church society. JUSTUS MICHEL, deceased.— A very early pioneer and an industrious, thrifty agri culturist, the man whose name gives caption to this article is well deserving of representation in a volume of this character for the liberal contribution which he made to the industrial development of the county, while his life and relations with his fellow men were always so ordered as to procure for him the esteem and regard of those Avith whom he was associated. Like many other respected citizens of the west, he was born in Germany, the date of his advent onto the stage of action being Decem ber 9, 1833. He received the customary public- school education, and complied with the re quirements of his fatherland with regard to service in the German army, but when this duty was discharged he at once set sail for the new world. Locating in Baltimore, Maryland, he worked as a cooper, also learned the trade of a cigar-maker. He afterward followed these lines of activity in Missouri and Iowa for a number of years. In 1865 he crossed the plains in the customary fashion of those days to Walla Walla county, homesteaded a place four miles southeast of Dixie, bought a quarter-sec tion of railroad land adjoining "and directed his energies to agricultural pursuits and stock raising. In these industries he was successful from the beginning, soon becoming one of the leading ranchmen of the section. He continued in the business of farming and stock raising uninterruptedly until his death, the date of Avhich is September 7, 1894. Mr. Michel was married in Missouri, Oc tober 24, 1858, to Miss Martha Dodge, a na tive of Illinois, and to them were born seven children, namely : A. Anna, wife of John W. Burkhart; Ella J., wife of Orville France, of Whitman county; Justus I., residing at Sunset; Charles H., Alice M. and Otto B., living; and Thomas, deceased. Mrs. Michel's father, Thomas E. Dodge, was an early pioneer of Illinois, being the sec ond white man to settle in St. Charles, that state. Her mother was a member of the old and respected Upton family, the founders of which in America came to the new world in the sixteenth century. MRS. ELIZABETH J. BLANCHARD, a hotel keeper and farmer, residing at Eureka Junction, was born in Arkansas July 7, 1844. She crossed the plains with, the remainder of her family in 1859, and since that date her life has been linked with the destinies of Walla Walla valley. There were only eight white women in the valley at this time, and not a school or a church closer than The Dalles, Oregon. 400 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Her father bought a squatter's right and engaged in farming and stock raising, and she lived with him until June 27, 1861, when she married Mr. A. A. Blanchard. The latter also bought a claim and engaged in farming, stock raising and teaming, while Mrs. Blan chard, wishing to contribute her share toward the establishment of a home, attended to the butter making. They lived on the original homestead for thirteen years, then moved to the town of Walla Walla, continuing, hoAvever, in their former occupation, that of stock rais ing. Fourteen years were passed in this lo cality, and during that time they witnessed the gradual growth and development of the town, there being only one store in the place when they first moved into the valley. About 1888 they sold their interests in the vicinity of Walla AAralla, moved to Eureka Junction, bought more land and engaged in the dual occupation of farming and hotel keep ing. In 1898 Mr. Blanchard died, but his widow, having learned self-reliance in the hard school of a pioneer country, has carried on both the farming and the hotel keeping suc cessfully alone, personally managing her wheat farm of six hundred and forty acres, the same being the land upon which- Eureka Junction is located. Mrs. Blanchard is an active member of the Free Baptist church. She is deeply interested in the establishment of a first-class institution of learning in the Junction, under the auspices of that denomination, and has shown her in terest in a very substantial Avay, donating ten acres of her land for the use of the school. She is a thoroughly sincere, good Avoman, de voted heart and soul to the advancement of the cause of Christ and the uplifting of hu manity. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard had no children of their own, but have reared and educated four, taking them in childhood and training them to become respected members of society. The first was the infant child of an esteemed friend. She is now Mrs. Fredelle Sharp, wife of a farmer on the Touchet river; the second, a daughter of Mrs. Blanchard's brother, is now the wife of William Mann, of Eureka; the re maining two are Clara and Dora McElhaney, Avho still reside with Mrs. Blanchard. ANDREW C. MASTERSON, deceased, a pioneer of 1866, was a native of Kentucky, born December 14, 1840. He was, however, reared in Illinois and Iowa. In 1864 he crossed the plains with mule teams to Oregon and located in the vicinity of Albany, Linn county, where for a couple of years he was engaged in farm ing. He then removed to this county, located a homestead on Cottonwood creek, six miles south of Walla Walla, and again embarked in farming and stock raising. An industrious thrifty man, he was very successful in this industry, and soon took rank among the lead ing farmers of Walla Walla county. In 1880 Mr. Masterson retired from the farm, moved into the city of Walla Walla, and directed his attention to the loan business, in which he was afterwards engaged until May 6, 1883, when he died. In fraternal affiliations he was a Ma son and a United Workman. On February 23, i860, he married, in Davis county, IoAva, Miss Sinah AVorkman, a native of that state, and to them Avere born eight children : Emma J., Avife of A. J. McManis; Sarah I., widow of AA'allace Smith ; AndreAV C. and John, living ; and Willie, Hattie, May and Joseph, deceased. Mrs. Masterson crossed the plains with her husband in 1864, exemplifying the self-reliance jm ANDREV/ C. MASTERSON. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 401 and resourcefulness of those early pioneer women by driving a four-mule team all the way. She noAv resides in a comfortable home in Walla Walla, and is supported by the rev enues from over one thousand acres of farm land and some valuable city property. JOSEPH H. McCOY, a farmer on the Tumalum, eight and a half miles southwest of AA'alla AValla, a pioneer of the valley of 1859, was born in Linn county, Oregon, on January 15, 1856. AVhen a small child he was brought by his parents to this valley, and he now re sides on the place which his father homesteaded on coming here. He received his education in Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain's private school, and in the old Whitman Academy, which he attended two years. His first business after leaving school was raising Norman Percheron horses in Umatilla county and later in Wasco county, Oregon, in company with his 'brothers, E. O. and John D., a line of activity which he followed until 1884. He then sold out, returned to the pa ternal homestead and took charge of the farm. AA'hile thus employed he received an appoint ment from Mr. Zoeth Houser as chief deputy sheriff of Umatilla county, Oregon, and for two years thereafter he was engaged in the performance of his duties as such officer. Returning then to his farming, he devoted the summer and fall seasons to that industry, but as soon as harvest time was passed he in dulged his passion for travel, visiting every state and territory in the Union except those along the Atlantic seaboard. Latterly he has given his entire time and attention to his farm, and is now one of the most successful diversi fied farmers in the valley. He enjoys an en- 26 viable standing in his community, the natural consequence of his uniform fairness and in tegrity in his dealings with his neighbors. His fraternal connections are with the Damon Lodge, No. 4, Knights of Pythias, of Pendle ton, and with Lodge No. 23, F. O. E., of Walla Walla. Mr. McCoy was married, at Cowl's Cross ing, of the Walla Walla river, October 26, 1882, to Miss Mary A. Cowl, a native of Illi nois, who was brought by her parents across the plains in 1866. They have a family of four children, Joseph O., Kate M., and George T. and Mattie A., twins. Mr. McCoy's father was a prominent man in the early pioneer days of this valley. He has the distinction of hav ing started and for a time operated the first meat market ever established in this section, and one surprising thing in this connection is that the market has been maintained contin uously as such ever since, though started in 1858. It is now the property of Mr. Chris. Ennis. When the family first settled on the farm here they were neighbors to the Cayuse In dians, but by uniform fair treatment they kept the good will of the red men and experienced no trouble with them. On one occasion an In dian stole a horse from Mr. McCoy, but the other Indians followed the thief to Idaho, over took him, beat him unmercifully and compelled him to bring back the stolen property. Mr. McCoy tells many amusing anecdotes of the false Indian scares of early days, one of which is to the effect that a neighbor, while on a mad drive to Fort AValla Walla to alarm the soldiers, lost one of his children out of the wagon, and when the others set up a cry of alarm his imagination construed the turmoil to be the shouts of approaching red skins and he drove all the harder. Mr. McCoy's father 402 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. died in Menard county, Illinois, February 19, 1877, Avhile back there on a visit, and his mother passed away in October, 1896, and lies buried in the Walla Walla cemetery. While Mr. McCoy's farm is just over the Oregon line, he considers AA'alla AA'alla his home town and always has his mail directed to that post- office. spects one of Avhich he has just reason to be proud. Fraternally he is connected with the Foresters of America, the Artisans and the Good Templars. AIERTON E. BREWER, lately book^ keeper for William Jones, was born in Walla Walla county in 1875. He lived in this vicin ity until 1 89 1, then went to Seattle, where he completed a high-school course and graduated. He also took a complete course in bookkeep ing in one of the business colleges of that city, after Avhich he returned to Walla Walla. He taught in his brother's business college during the winter of 1898-9, but in the spring re turned to Seattle to accept a position in the Board of Education building. At the outbreak of the Philippine war he enlisted in Company B, First Washington Volunteer Infantry, with which he went as far as San Francisco. He remained there until shortly before they left for Manila, then, his father -being ill, he was dis charged by courtesy and allowed to return to AA'alla Walla. - For about three months after coming here he Avas employed in the county auditor's of fice, then he became city assessor by appoint ment. In the campaign of 1898 he was a candidate for the office of city clerk, but failed of election. On July 14, 1899, he accepted the position in which he was until quite recently engaged, taking charge of Mr. Jones' books and accounts. Mr. BreAver is a young man of ability, energy and force of character, and his reliability and integrity have never been ques tioned. His standing in this city is in all re- JOHN U. STRAHM, deceased.— An early and respected pioneer of the county and one who has contributed his full share toward its development, the subject of this article has earned the right to be counted among the bene factors and builders of the county, and it is clearly incumbent that he should be accorded representation in a volume of this character. He was born in Berne, Switzerland, on July 30, 1837, but was reared and educated in the state of Ohio, whither his parents brought him when he was six years old. In 1853 he crossed the plains with ox-teams to California, where for three years he was engaged in the endeavor to find a key to nature's vaults and to Avin therefrom her hidden treasure. Returning to the middle west in 1856 he farmed in Iowa and Missouri for about eight years, after which he again crossed the plains, his objective point this time being Walla Walla county. He located a homestead two miles southeast of Dixie, upon which he resided con tinuously, engaged in farming and stock rais ing until February 11, 1895, Avhen death over took him. He had a fine farm of two hun dred acres and upon this his widow and some of the children are still living. Mr. Strahm was married, in Princeton, Missouri, in 1864, to Miss Mary J. Farley, a native of that state, and to their union four teen children were born, namely: 'Josephine, widow of the late John Byrd ; -William H. ; Sarah E., Avife of D. F. Strohm, of Pendleton, Oregon; Rosa B., wife of Thomas B. Hast- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 403 Ings, of Thornton; Mary E., wife of Eldon Buroaker, of AA'aitsburg; Nora J., a resident of Walla Walla ; John U. ; Nannie, wife of A. W. Brown, of AValla AA'alla; Lucretia R., Viola, Edna and Alma. J. FREDERICK KERSHAW, railroad agent at Dixie, is one of the comparatively feAV who can claim AA'ashington for the state of their nativity. He Avas born in this county April 8, 1878, and here he passed his early youth and Avas educated. Reared on his fa ther's farm near Dixie, he acquired habits of industry and thrift which are invaluable to any ambitious young man, and his career thus far, though so brief, gives promise of his becom ing a prominent railroad man and a powerful factor in the carrying trade of the coast. As soon as he had completed his education he set vigorously to work to learn telegraphy, and soon found employment with the Washington & Columbia River Railroad, for which he is now agent at Dixie. Mr. Kershaw is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kershaw, well known and highly esteemed pioneers of Walla Walla -county. His father died April 5, 1891, but his mother still lives on the old home place near Dixie. Her real estate interests in the county are very extensive. Besides the sub ject of this sketch, she has two other children, Emma Kershaw and Mrs. J. H. Fuller. MILTON E. BRYAN, proprietor of a livery barn, corner Second and Alder streets, was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, in 1859. For the first twenty-five years of his life he lived in the neighborhood in which he first saAV the light, receiving the advantages of a public-school training, and later engaging in agricultural pursuits. In 1884, however, he moved to Walla Walla and turned his atten tion to the livery business, an industry to which his energies have been given ever since. For the past twelve years he and his part ner, Mr. T. N. Bryan, have been in business together, and during the past two they have occupied their present quarters. By their in dustry, judicious management and careful at tention to the wants of their customers, com bined with a degree of progressiveness, which has kept them always fully abreast of the times in equipment and stock, they have secured an excellent trade, and a reputation of which they may well be proud. They have seventy-five head of horses and run hack lines, baggage and transfer wagons, etc., besides, performing all the other functions of a first-class livery. In fraternal affiliations Mr. Bryan is identified with the I. O. O. F. He married, in Iowa, in 1890, Margaret E. Chalfant, a native of that state. JOHN G. COCHRAN.— This prominent pioneer farmer of Dixie was born in Missouri in September, 1839. He grew to manhood and acquired his education in the state of his na tivity, and when the time came for him to initiate independent action, and to begin the struggle for existence on his own account, he engaged in the business in which he had been reared, namely, farming. He continued to prosper in that industry for many years, but thinking he could do better on the Pacific coast came to Walla Walla in 1871. Locating at Dixie, he resumed the occupation in which he had been engaged Avhile a resident of Missouri, and he has been among the progressive and 404 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. respected agriculturists of that section ever since. In 1 86 1, in the state of Missouri, he mar ried Miss Elizabeth Eagen, and the issue of their union Avas eleven children, nine of Avhom are still living, namely: James W., in Ore gon; Jasper, in Oregon; Charles L., postmas ter and merchant at Dixie; Jesse D. ; Robert L.; Ida Pearl, wife of F. M. Marks, of Dixie; William, Mamie and Edison. The deceased children were named Luvina and Minnie. Their son, Charles L., a merchant at Dixie, who also serves as postmaster there, is one of >the leading spirits of the place, and an effective force in its upbuilding. He was born in Mis souri on September 13, 1868, but was reared and educated in the Walla Walla valley, whither his parents brought him when he was about three years old. After completing a course in the local public schools and in Em pire Business College, of Walla Walla, he en gaged in farming, but in 1892 he opened a mercantile establishment in Dixie, and in 1893 he was appointed postmaster. Mr. Cochran is a public-spirited man, ever ready to contribute his share tOAvard the gen eral progress, and ahvays among the leaders in every forward movement. He is quite prom inent in the I. O. O. F., being a charter mem ber of Welcome Lodge, No. 117, all the chairs of which have been occupied by him, also identi fied with Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. 56. HON. JAMES H. LASATER, deceased. — No Avork Avhich purports to review the lives of those avIio have taken a prominent part in the upbuilding of the Avest or any section of it could escape the imputation of incompleteness should it omit to make due mention of such men as the one Avhose name forms the caption of this article. While Mr. Lasater's character was too positive and aggressive to render all men his friends, his sincerity, unimpeachable integrity and uncompromising devotion to his- convictions of right won for him the respect even of his opponents and gained him the sin cere regard of all who admire true force of character. Born in McMinn county, Tennessee, on October 19, 1823, he spent the first twenty- seven years of his life in that locality. His early desire Avas to become a physician, and writh characteristic energy he applied himself to the mastery of that profession. He graduated with the degree of M. D., but after practicing a short time and discovering that he had mis taken his tastes abandoned the profession and set out for California. Returning to the east the following year, 1851, be began the study of laAV under Judge William Kellogg, his places of residence during the years of his law read ing being Canton and Bloomington, Illinois. In October, 1852, Mr. Lasater arrived in Oregon City, Oregon, and on February 22, 1855, he Avas admitted to the bar of that state. He continued in practice there until April, 1863, then came to Walla Walla, of which city he became a representative citizen, taking the same unselfish interest in promoting the wel fare of this locality which had characterized him in his relations with Oregon affairs. One of his first public acts after arriving here was to assist in the organization of the Democratic party, of Avhich he Avas a prominent and influ ential member, and which, shortly afterward, elected him to the office of prosecuting attorney. He, however, refused to qualify. In 1869 Mr. Lasater was elected to the ter ritorial legislature, and it Avas here that his deep-seated sincerity and uncompromising FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 405 fidelity to what he conceived to be right was brought into full relief. He had previously served in the Oregon legislature, and the ex perience there gained enabled him to maintain a place of leadership among his compeers and to become an efficient force in shaping legisla tion. As indicating in some measure the ex tent of Mr. Lasater's achievement after com ing to the west, we may call attention to the fact that when he landed in Oregon his worldly wealth consisted of just one dollar. This he expended for bread. He managed to secure a job at manufacturing rails, then found employ ment as a teacher, afterward working into the practice of law, in which he became very successful. For a number of years before his demise he was compelled to devote his entire time and attention to his real estate interests, so extensive had they become, and when he died he was possessed of some nineteen hun dred acres of land in this county and in Uma tilla county, Oregon, besides valuable realty in AValla Walla, the whole being worth probably forty thousand dollars. As a man, as a lawyer and as a legislator Mr. Lasater deserves the highest distinction, and posterity will accord to him an honored place among the builders and moulders of the northwest. On February 22, -1856, our subject became the husband of Mrs. Emily Scudder, nee Moore, a most estimable lady, possessed of the qualities of heart and mind for which pioneer women are famous. She crossed the plains with ox-teams in early days, experiencing many difficulties with Indians, and more than once narrowly escaping the cruel vengeance of the red men. The train discovered the remains of a dwelling that had been burned by the savages, after all the inmates had, as was supposed, been cruelly massacred. Search shoAved, however, that a baby and a girl about fourteen years old, whose scalp had been removed, were still alive, and these were brought west with the emigrants. Mr. and Mrs. Lasater became the parents of six -children, of whom three are still living: Julia A.; Alice M., now Mrs. Elron Edgerley; and Harry, all residing near Walla Walla. Mrs. Lasater died in December, 1875; her husband followed her to the tomb on August 20, 1896, and their remains lie side by side in the Walla Walla cemetery. WILLIAM H. MANN, one of the enter prising young farmers of the vicinity of Eureka Junction, is a native of Indiana, born April 12, 1878. When only six years old he started traveling with his invalid father, and was a constant attendant upon the latter for four years. On July 13, 1888, at Hot Springs, Arkansas, the father died, and William H. then came direct to this county. Before long he lo cated at Eureka Junction, where for several years he has been engaged in farming. He is an industrious, thrifty, self-reliant young man, and possesses those traits of character which insure success in any calling. He is at present farming six hundred and forty acres, raising wheat principally. His mother, now Mrs. George Struthers, is at present residing in Walla Walla. She was born and reared in Indiana, but came to Cali fornia as early as 1879, and has lived in this state since 1882. She has six children living, three, Maude, Bessie and William H., by her marriage with Mr. Mann, and three by her union with Mr. Struthers, namely, Harry, Guy and George. Mr. William H. Mann Avas married on De- 406 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. cember 24, 1899, to Miss Lanna AIcElhaney, a native of Walla AValla county. Mrs. Mann is a graduate of the Walla AValla high school. B. F. BREAVER, a clerk in Tallman's drug store, was born in Walla Walla county in 1879. He lived in the vicinity of this city until about eleven years old, then accompanied the re mainder of the family to Seattle, where he con tinued his public school studies. He was in the high school there a while, but before com pleting his course the family returned to Walla Walla, and he continued his studies in the high school of this city. He organized the High School Cadets, a military company, and was their captain as long as he remained in the in stitution. Upon completing his education he. entered the drug store of Mr. Tallman, where he has been clerking and studying pharmacy ever since. It is his intention to take a course in a pharmaceutical college, so as to make him self thoroughly master of his chosen profession. He is a very bright and capable young man, already possessed of an excellent education, and he needs but a course of systematic pro fessional training to insure a successful career as an apothecary. HARRY LASATER.— Born on May 18, 1865, in the county with Avhich this volume is primarily concerned, the son of one of the old est and most prominent pioneers of the west, the subject of this brief biographical outline has groAvn up to be a credit to his illustrious father and to the noble valley in which he was nurtured and educated. Though his tastes and disposition inclined him to adopt the independ ent life of an agriculturist, he realized that whatever his calling it was advisable that he should cultivate to the extent of his abilities the poAvers of his mind, so continued in study until he had completed a thorough course in AVhitman Academy and passed through the' freshman year in the college. He thereupon engaged with his brother AViley in managing his father's farm, contin uing in this employment until 1890, when the farm Avas divided equally between him and his sister, Julia, the brother, who hadv been his co-worker for the first few years after he left college, having died December 1, 1885. Mr. Lasater has been giving his undivided atten tion to agricultural pursuits on his own account ever since, and has long been regarded as one of the eminently successful ranchmen of the county. His place, Avhich is known as the old Mullen farm, and which consists of three hun dred and fifty-four acres of excellent wheat land within about three miles of the city of AA'alla AAralla, is one of the first farms that Avere cultivated and improved in the valley, and it is now Avell supplied with buildings, fences and equipments, while its fertile soil has been developed to the fullest by careful and intel ligent tilling. While Air. Lasater is a thrifty and assid uous farmer, he never neglects his duties as a citizen, but takes an active interest in politics, local and general, manifesting a willingness to contribute his mite toward the general wel-. fare, and to bear his portion of the public burdens. For three years he discharged the duties of road supervisor, which duties were imposed upon him by the suffrages of his neigh bors. Fraternally he is prominently identified with the I. O. O. F., of Avhich order he is a past conductor. On October 29, 1897, he married Miss HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 407 Jessie B. Crawford, also a native of Walla Walla, and a member of a respected pioneer family. They have one daughter, Thelma May, noAv about two years old. AVILLIAM N. WISEMAN, a farmer, is a native of AA'ashington, born February 5, i860. He had the distinction of having been the second child of Avhite parents to be born in AA'alla AA'alla county. He received his edu cation in the local schools, then engaged in farming, renting his father's place. He also embarked in the livery business in the city of AA'alla AValla, following that for two years. He was, hoAvever, ambitious to become a farm er on his own land, so, as soon as he con veniently could, located a homestead and turned his attention to its development. He is thrifty, energetic and ambitious, and is now one of the successful and prosperous farmers of the county. Mr. Wiseman's father and uncle were old pioneers of the valley, and the first to home stead lands on Eureka flat. The former was for many years one of the leading agriculturists of his section of the state, but he has now retired and is living in AValla AValla. Mr. William N. Wiseman, whose life his tory Ave are endeavoring briefly to outline, has long taken an active interest in the political and industrial well-being of the county, ever manifesting a willingness to do what he can for the general progress. He was a delegate to the last territorial Democratic convention which was held in Spokane. So earnest was he in his convictions and so skillfully did he rep resent the sentiment of those who sent him that he was chosen for the next convention, and he has been honored by being elected delegate to every convention since. He once served in the capacity of deputy county assessor. Mr. Wiseman was married in Walla Walla, November 1, 1888, to Miss Lizzie A. Wight- man, also a native of this state, bora June 17, 1865. She was educated in the St. Paul school, of AValla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman are the parents of two children living, namely : Ada A., born August 12, 1890, and Grace L., born April 26, 1893. Mr. Wiseman is a mem ber of Clyde Lodge, No. 8896, M. W. of A., of which he is clerk. R. G. CLANCY, a fruit grower at Dixie, a pioneer of 1863, was born in Missouri Sep tember 23, 1850. AVhen he about two years old the family crossed the plains to Oregon, located in the Willamette valley and remained about a decade. When thirteen, however, he accompanied them to Walla Walla, and here he received the greater part of his education. His first occupation after leaving school was freighting to Lake Pend d' Oreille and various other points, but he afterwards engaged in farming. He gave his attention to agricult ural pursuits in general until 1884, then bought his present place and confined his energies to fruit raising. He has a magnificent orchard of sixty-five acres, the second largest in the coun ty, and is producing excellent fruit of all va rieties. Mr. Clancy is a very active, energetic man, deeply interested in the welfare of his commu nity, though apparently not ambitious for per sonal preferment of any kind, and not an as pirant for any public office. His standing in the neighborhood is of the highest. He is quite prominent in the I. O. O. F., has passed through all the chairs in the subordinate lodge, and is 408 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. now a member of the grand lodge. He also affiliates with the K. O. T. M. Mr. Clancy was married, in Walla Walla county, November 22, 1875, to Miss Sarah J. Sanders, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of pioneer parents. They have five children, Albert C, John Floyd, Alice A., Paul B. and Elva D. Mr. Clancy's father, Cornelius, who crossed the plains with ox-teams in 1853, and who became identified with Walla Walla coun ty in 1863, died at Dixie in 1897. His wife had preceded him to the grave by about five years. PROFESSOR WALTER A. BRATTON, A. B., teacher of mathematics in Whitman College, was born in Stamford, Vermont, in 1874. He resided in his native state until twelve years old, receiving the advantages of the local public schools, then went to Drury Academy, North Adams, Massachusetts, a classical preparatory school, where he was a student for four years. Subsequently he matriculated at AVilliams College, completed the course and graduated, receiving the degree of A. B. in 1895. He then came to Whitman College to accept the chair of mathematics, and has been discharging the duties of that posi tion ever since. Professor Bratton is a young man of un usual ability, scholarly in every respect/ and endoAved with an excellent faculty of impart ing- information. His zeal for the progress of the institution in which he is employed is mani fested not alone by the faithfulness with which he discharges his oavii particular duties, but b} the Avillingness he shows to be of service in other Avays. For two years he Avas librarian of the college, making during that time the first card catalogue of its library. He next served as registrar, for two years, and then as assist ant treasurer and purchasing agent. He ex pects to receive the degree of A. M. as soon as he returns to Williams College. His Greek letter fraternity is the Phi Beta Kappa, and he also belongs to the Washington State Phil ological Association. JOHN R. HOOD, deceased.— No country of Europe has sent to our shores a larger num ber of men Avho have distinguished themselves for their sterling integrity and sublime force of character than has "the land o' a Burns and the land o' a AVatt," and no part of that coun try has been more prolific of men who have Avon distinction under our flag than that which is known to the muses as "Caledonia." In one of the most favored towns of this "fair and wild" section the subject of this brief memoir was born, the date of his advent into this world being June 27, 1833, and the location of the parental hearthstone being Inverness, that his toric city around which cluster events of past ages which have become familiar to all who have dipped even superficially into Scottish his tory and Scottish lore. Not less chivalrous than the heroes of his tory and romance, Mr. Hood early conceived a passionate longing for adventure in distant lands, and this propensity grew with approach ing manhood until at seventeen it forced him from the city which witnessed his birth and in which his education and early training had been received. He passed a year and a half in Glasgow as an academic professor, then, true to his ruling passion, took service aboard a sailing vessel bound for the East Indies. Two years later he was second officer on an East India merchant ship, and rising by dint of apti tude and faithfulness to the position of first of- JOHN. R. HOOD. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 409 ficer he continued to follow the high seas for ten years, experiencing adventures which would, if recorded, fill a large volume. Retiring from the sea in i860, our subject settled at Vancouver, British Columbia, where he met and married Miss Catherine Moar, the date of their wedding being September 20 of that year. In April, 1861, the couple moved to the AAralla Walla valley, where the home of the family has ever since been. The same fear less daring which had characterized Mr. Hood while ploAving the seas with his East India merchantman made him a typical pioneer, and an efficient force in the work of bringing order out of primeval chaos and civilization out of barbarism. He became the owner of a fine farm of three hundred and twenty acres, all of which has been enclosed and brought to a high state of cultivation. This tract of land was the scene of his activities until January 14, 1892, when he succumbed to the foe which no man can conquer. On October 26, 1893, his wife followed him to the tomb. Mr. Hood's life had been so ordered in all respects as to win for him the esteem and con fidence of those whose good fortune it was to know him, and his memory is cherished by all who were neighbors to him in the early days. of Walla Walla valley. In religion he was a consistent and active member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Hood became the parents of two sons, John A. and Charles Edward, both of whom are represented more particularly in this work. Avas brought by his parents across the plains to Linn county, Oregon. He lived there until 1864, then went to Union county, where he grew to manhood. He acquired his educa tion in the Columbia Commercial College, of Portland, Oregon, then engaged in farming, a business which he followed uninterruptedly until 1877, when he came to Walla Walla. Lo cating subsequently at Waitsburg, this county, he again became a tiller of the soil, and that continued to be his business until 1884, in which year he moved to Dixie to engage in merchandising. Shortly afterwards he retired from that branch of trade and turned his at tention to the business of buying, selling and storing wheat as the agent of the Pacific Coast Elevator Company, by which he is still em ployed. Mr. Koger is an energetic, industrious business man, a good citizen, and an esteemed member of society. He is prominent in Odd Fellowship, having passed through all the chairs in Welcome Lodge, No. 117, and once served as representative to the grand lodge of the state. He is also financial secretary of the K. O. T. M., of Dixie, and record keeper of Sunshine Lodge, No. 56. He was married, in Walla Walla, December 8, 1884, to Miss Sarah E. Eurgess, a native of Indiana, and a pioneer of 1873. They have four living children, John W., Cassie M., Ernest and Uva Irena; also one, Marvin, deceased. Mrs. Koger is a member of the Baptist church of Dixie. MARION KOGER, agent for the Pacific Coast Elevator Company at Dixie, a pioneer of 1877, was born in Polk county, Iowa, Feb ruary 12, 1853. Before he was a year old he JONATHAN T. WISEMAN, a farmer residing in Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1853, AAas born in Warren county, Tennessee, Sep tember 5, 1833. He was reared and educated in Arkansas, whither his father had taken him when he was five years old. His mother had died in 1836, and his father, one of the earliest 4io FIISTORY OF AARALLA WALLA COUNTY. settlers of Arkansas, also passed aAvay in 1848. When Mr. AA'iseman reached the age of twenty years he started in life for himself, and knoAving that the opportunities for a young man were better in the west', he at once started for California, making the trip with ox-teams. When the party reached Fort Bridger, just east- of Salt Lake, Utah, they decided to come to Oregon, so directed their journey northward a little. Mr. AViseman stopped three months at Whitman station, then proceeded to Port land, Avhere he remained until April, 1855, en gaged as steAvard on the "Belle" and the "Lot Whitcomb," steamboats plying on the Colum bia and Willamette rivers. After leaving their service he Avent to California to engage in placer mining in the Yreka district. In this ht Avas fairly successful, but in June, 1857, he started on a return trip overland to Arkansas, the state in which his early youth had been passed, where he farmed for two years, there after coming overland again, his objective point being Walla Walla. This was the third time he had crossed the plains. Upon arriving here Mr. Wiseman took a homestead on Dry creek and engaged in the business of stock raising, an industry which he folloAved successfully for fifteen consecutive years. He then resided in AA'alla AA'alla for five years, thereafter purchasing a six-hundred- and-forty-acre farm on Eureka flat, which he still oaviis and farms, and on which he lived un til 1898, Avhen he moved back to the city. Our subject is the owner of an elegant home and six lots on Second street, and is passing the evening of his life in peace and abundance. He has long been a leader in the industrial develop ment of the county, and has manifested an active interest in the public institutions of his vicinitv and in the cause of education. He served as school director in his district for twelve years. Mr. Wiseman married, on March 20, 1859, Miss Nancy E. Estes, a native of Arkansas, and their union has been blest by the advent of eleven children : William N. ; Jeff Davis ; Jo sephine, now Mrs. Harry Abbott, of Walla Walla; Irene F., Avife of Thomas Cope, of Clyde, Washington; Mary E., wife of Joseph Harvey, of this city; Charles H., deceased; Dollie E., B. Ethel, Martha E., Thomas Arthur, Elmer E., all at home with their par ents. The family are members of the First Christian church of Walla Walla. Mrs. Wiseman's father, Mr. Thomas Estes, Avas born in North Carolina in March, 1799. He came to this valley in 1861, and died here in August, 1886. His good wife followed him to the tomb on November 19, 1889, and the two lie buried together in the cemetery on Eureka flat. Mr. Estes was a strong southern Democrat, but Avas always an opponent sf slavery and never owned a slave. Both he and Mrs. Estes Avere highly esteemed by all, and possessed the sincere affection of not a few. FRANCIS I. SIMPSON, farmer and blacksmith, is a son of the west, having been born in the state of Oregon on June 6, 1864. He received such education as the public schools. afforded, then engaged in the stock business, an industry Avhich he folloAved until 1893. He then came to Spokane and engaged in farm Avork for a couple of years, but in 1895 he moved to the vicinity of Clyde, purchased land and engaged in farming. He now owns and cultivates three hundred and eighty acres of land in that neighborhood, on which he raises wheat principally. He is one of the good, sub- FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 411 stantial citizens of the county, public-spirited, liberal and progressive, and highly esteemed and respected by those who know him best. In fraternal affiliations he is connected with the A. O. U. W. at Prescott. He was married in Oregon, December 24, 1886, to Miss Nellie Perry, a native of California, and they have become the parents of two children : Lela E., born June 29, 1887, and Oval, born December 22, 1889. cease he remained a widower, but on April 2, 1899, he married Miss Gertrude E. Fuller, a native of Wisconsin. RUFUS CLAPP, a farmer at Prescott, Avas born in North Carolina April 19, 1846. AA'hen six years old he accompanied his par ents to Tennessee, where for five years his fa ther Avas engaged in the grist mill industry. In 1857 they came north to Iowa and turned their attention to farming, and this was Mr. Clapp's business until 1864, when he enlisted in the Union army. He served during the final year of the war, then returned home for a visit, but shortly afterwards started with ox- teams across the country to Central City, Col orado, where he was engaged in mining until 1882. In that year he came to Washington, via San Francisco and Portland, finally lo cating in what is known as Manion Hollow, five and a half miles east of Clyde. He home steaded a quarter-section of land and engaged in stock raising and general farming. Being an ambitious, enterprising man, Mr. Clapp has steadily extended his real estate hold ings until he is now the owner of about one thousand acres, all good farm land. He is one of the most extensive and prosperous tillers of the soil in Walla Walla county. Mr. Clapp was married first in June, 1872, and his wife died July 5, 1882, leaving three children, Francis M., Leroy D. and Dora M. For more than sixteen years after his first wife's de- JOHN H. KERSHAW, a farmer and stock raiser at Dixie, a pioneer of 1861, was born in England on December 29, 1838. In 1 84 1 his mother, who was a widow, brought him and his two brothers and sister to Amer ica. They lived in New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Massachusetts for varying periods of time until 1856, the boys working in factories and wherever they could find employ ment to support themselves and help their mother. In 1856 they removed to Illinois, where for over four years they were engaged in farming. In 1861 the mother and her three sons (the sister had been accidentally drowned in New York) came across the plains in the primitive fashion in vogue in those days to Walla Walla valley. They located at Dixie, took up land and began farming and raising stock. The mother died in 1875, and was the first person buried in Dixie cemetery. One of the brothers, Willam J. Kershaw, was accident ally killed in 1891, and the two surviving mem bers of the family are still farming and rais ing cattle in the locality in which they first settled. They are among the oldest and best known residents of their neighborhood, hav ing lived there before the town of Dixie came into existence. ULYSSES H. BERNEY is a native of Switzerland, born in 1862. He spent the first eighteen years of his life in his fatherland, ac quiring a thorough public-school education there. In 1881 he came to St. Paul, Minne- 412 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. sota, Avhere for six months he Avorked in a store during the day and attended school at night. He then moved to California and after spending a year on a fruit farm came to Walla AA'alla, Avhence, soon aftenvards, he removed to Klickitat county. He Avas in the stock rais ing industry there for six years, then sold out and returned to Walla Walla" Here he im mediately engaged in fruit raising, and a feAV years later started the shipping-house in part nership with his brother-in-laAV, John Thonney. The house has acquired an enviable reputa tion and their goods are in demand all over the nortfiAvest, also in many eastern cities and some of their fruit even goes to Europe. Thus their industry, progressiveness, business abil ity and alertness to know Avhat the demands of the times are and to provide for them have enabled them to build up a large and profitable business. Mr. Berney was married, in 1887, to Miss Anna Rochat, of St. Paul, Minnesota, and he and Mrs. Berney are iioav the parents of eight children. The entire family left their home in the fall to see the Paris Exposition and visit Mr. Berney's relatives in French SAvitzerland. DR. WALTER E. RUSSELL, physician and surgeon, 25 E. Main street, Avas born in Milledgeville, Illinois, in 1858. He was reared in the tOAvn of his birth and educated in the local public school. During the time inter vening betAveen his tAventieth and twenty-fifth year he Avas engaged in the dual occupation of farming and school teaching, but he then en tered the Hahnemann Medical College, of Chi cago, from Avhich institution he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1889. He has since spent tAvo years in post-graduate work, being ambitious to become very proficient in his chosen profession. Immediately after grad uating he came out to Walla Walla county and located at Waitsburg, but in January of the ensuing year he removed to Walla Walla, Avhere he has maintained offices for the prac tice of medicine ever since. Dr. Russell is a thorough and diligent student of his profession, devoting his entire time to it alone, and he has long been recog nized as one of the leading practitioners of his system in the state. At present he is dis charging the duties of city health officer of AA'alla Walla. The Doctor is a very active man in the Masonic order, being identified with all of its branches from the blue lodge to the com mandery, also district lecturer of the fraternity and one of the five custodians of the work. He is, moreover, quite prominent in the A. O. U. AV.. being grand foreman for the state. Dr. Russell Avas married, in this city, in 1898, to Mrs. N. S. Garrahan, a native of California, and a member of a pioneer family of that state. ELRON EDGERLEY, a farmer residing on the upper Milton road, three miles south of AAralla Walla, Avas born in Princeton, Wash ington county, Maine, and in that town he greAV to manhood and Avas educated. He re mained at home with his father on the farm until 1883, Avhen he came to California. For eight years after his arrival in the Golden state he folloAved logging as an occupation, but in 1 89 1 he came to Walla Walla, settled on the farm on which we iioav find him and engaged in raising Avheat, hay and stock. Fie is a thrifty, industrious man, successful in his business and highly esteemed as a man and a citizen. He manifests a lively and intelligent interest in HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 413 all local affairs, but is not ambitious for po litical preferment, and has never held any of fice except that of road supervisor. In fraternal affiliations Mr. Edgerley is identified with the Woodmen of the World. He was married, in Walla Walla, on January 26, 1890, to Miss Alice M. Lasater, a native of the valley, whose parents, J. H. and Emily Lasater, Avere early pioneers of the county. Her father died in 1896, and her mother in 1875. Mr. Edgerley 's father is still living at Princeton, Maine, and is enjoying good health, though seventy-eight years old, but his mother passed away in January, 1871. Both were early pioneers of their section and highly re spected by all with whom they came in contact. Mr. and Mrs. Edgerley have a family of three children, Emily E., Elron E. and Harry L., all at home with their parents. The family have real estate interests near Princeton, Maine, in Oregon and in the town of Eureka, Hum boldt county, California. JOHN H. FULLER, a farmer four miles north of Dixie, a pioneer of 1883, was born in Arkansas March 17, 187 1. He passed the first twelve years of his life in that state, and be gan his education there, but his father and mother then came overland to Walla Walla county and of course he accompanied them. He completed his education here, then pro cured a tract of land and engaged in farming, an occupation which he has followed contin uously since. He is a young man of push and energy and is rapidly coming to the front as one of the well-to-do and comfortable farmers of his neighborhood. He was married in Dixie, in April, 1896, to Miss Mary Kershaw, a na tive of that town, and they have one son, Em erson H. Mr. Fuller's father, John W., was a native of Missouri, born in 1844. He was reared on a farm and followed that business all his life except during the Civil war, when, true to his convictions of what patriotism and duty re quired, he took up arms in defense of the Union and served four full years. Coming to Walla Walla in 1883, he engaged in farm ing in the vicinity of this city, following the same until his death, which occurred February 25, 1887. He was married, in Arkansas, to Miss Elizabeth Underwood, a native of that state, and to their union seven children were born, two of whom are still living : John H. ; and Anna, wife of Garland Taylor, of Waits burg. Mrs. Fuller followed her husband to the tomb December 31, 1900. JOHN REHORN, a carpenter residing at 416 W. Alder street, a pioneer of 1871, was born at Niederkleen, near Wetzlar, Germany, March 1, 1846. He resided there until twenty years old, receiving the customary public-school education, and learning the carpenter trade. In 1866 he came with his mother and sisters to the United States, landing in New York, whence, after remaining only ten days, they came via Panama to Canyon City, Oregon, Avhere Mr. Rehorn worked in the placer mines until 1869, washing out the gold on his own account. Returning then to San Francisco he followed his trade in that city as a journey man for two years, after which he came direct to Walla Walla, where he has worked at his handicraft continuously since, except between the years 1886 and 1892, when he was operat ing a brewery owned by him at Pomeroy, Washington. Mr. Rehorn learned his trade thoroughly 414 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. in the first place, as all must who serve an ap prenticeship in Germany, and he has followed the same line assiduously and almost uninter ruptedly for more than thirty years, so that, as would naturally be expected, he has at tained a skill and thoroughness in his craft seldom found in carpenters on the coast. As a man and a citizen, also, his standing is of the highest. He has given substantial evidence of his interest in Walla Walla by serving for nine full years as a member of Tiger Volunteer Fire Department. He is prominently identi fied Avith Enterprise Lodge, No. 2, I. O. O. F., of Avhich he is a past noble grand. In AA'alla AA'alla, on September 25, 1877, our subject married Amalia Anchutz, a native of Waco, Texas, and to their union seven chil dren have been born: John H., a farmer; Frederich C, a clerk; Walter R., a graduate of the high school, at present learning the trade of a machinist; Frank, a lumber handler; and Henry, Louisa and Christina, in school. Mrs. Rehorn's father was killed in Texas during the Civil Avar on account of his Union prin ciples. ROBERT McCOOL, a farmer and stock raiser, a pioneer of 1859, Avas born in county Donegal, Ireland, in 1818. He remained in his fatherland until 1858, receiving a public school education, and then engaging in farm ing. AA'hen he arrived in New York, he found to his dismay that he had to return to Liver pool, his money having been retained there by mistake, and the complications being such that the matter could not be adjusted Avithout his presence. Mr. McCool came right back to America, however, and started via the Panama route for AA'alla AA'alla, Avhere he arrived, April 29, 1859. He has ever since been engaged in farming and stock raising, his home being not far from the fort. He now has four hundred acres on Stone creek which is still owned by the family and farmed by his sons. Mr. McCool is a thrif ty, industrious man, and an esteemed member of society. He was married in Bar Head, Scotland, in 1847, to Miss Maggie O'Donnell, a native of his home county in Ireland, whose death occurred in Walla Walla, December 11, 1896. To their union were born six children, Hugh, a miner and mine owner, at present engaged in buying horses for the United States government; James, a farmer at the head of Birch creek, in Oregon ; Mary Ann, who died in Ireland ; Margaret, later Mrs. James Monna- ghan, of Spokane, now deceased; Ellen, who was the Avife of EdAvard O'Shea, of Spokane, deceased; and one that died in infancy. The family are members of Rev. Father Flohr's church in Walla Walla. SAMUEL B. SWEENEY, a grain buyer, residence 444 Crescent street, Walla Walla, Avas born in Marion county, Oregon, in 1858. He passed the first six years of his life there, then three years in LeAviston, Idaho, then a short time in California, Avhence he removed Avith his parents to Albany, Oregon. He had been a pupil in the public schools of all these places, also enjoyed the advantages of a college in California, and the Albany Collegiate Insti tute. Coming to AA'alla Walla county, at an early date he, Avith L. K. Grim, took charge of AVhitman Academy, now in connection with Whitman College, and he Avas thus employed for two years. Fie aftenvards entered the em ploy of the Oregon Raihvay & Navigation HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 415 Company, taking, in Mr. Hill's place, charge of the transfer at Wallula. Three years later, he moved the transfer to Umatilla, and assumed charge of it in that town, his duties being to oversee the removal of freight from the trains to the steamboats and vice versa. Later, he was given similar duties to perform at The Dalles, and he distinguished himself there, as he had done in other places, by accomplishing more with the same number of men than could be accomplished by the other overseers who Avere given a trial. A year afterwards, he was moved by the company to Sand Point, and promoted to the assistant superintendency, and after a year's service there he went to Port land to settle the construction report for the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. That task required three and a half months, and Avhen it had been carried to a successful termi nation he came back to the city of Walla AA'alla. For a number of years, he has been oc cupied as a grain buyer and shipper here, hand ling immense quantities of wheat and other cereals every year. He recently returned from a trip to Cape Nome, where he has some good mining property. Mr. Sweeney is one of the best and most successful business men of this section, being- possessed of the foresight and good judg ment requisite for success in the difficult branch of commerce in which he is engaged. He was married in Walla Walla, March 1, 1891, to Miss Adna Fudge, a member of a pioneer family. They have two children, Philips Brooks, and Elynore Frances. JOSEPH J. MANGAN, excavating and street grading contractor, residing at 435 S. Seventh street, was born in Fond du Lac, Wis consin, November 1, 1858. He remained there until twenty-two years old, acquiring a good public school education, and afterwards work ing on his mother's farm. In the fall of 1880, the family started for Walla Walla, ar riving in November, and Mr. Mangan turned his attention to teaming, an occupation which he followed for two years. Removing then to Garfield county, he purchased a homestead right, and on the land thus secured he lived and farmed continuously until 1896, when he sold out, moved into AValla Walla, and engaged in the business in which we now find him. While on the farm, he also had charge for three years of the warehouse and tramway, near Wawawai . ferry, and he is still a stockholder in the com pany. Mr. Mangan has been and is a very success ful man in whatever he has undertaken. He is one of the reliable men and esteemed citi zens of the city in which he lives, enjoying the confidence and respect of those who know him. He is quite active in fraternal circles, being identified with the Modern Woodmen of America, guide of the A. O. U. W., and a mem ber of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. He was married in Walla Walla, January 10, 1884, to Miss Mary Whooley,.a native of Wisconsin, and they have had eight children: Cornelius D. ; Mary E. and Joseph L., twins; M. Louisa, M. Agnes, and George M. Dewey, all at home and attending De La Salle and St. Vincent's Academy; also Daniel and John T. E., both deceased. Mr. Mangan's mother, Mrs. Mary Mangan, was born in New Brunswick, August 19, 1819. She became identified with Walla Walla in 1880, after spending a great many years in Wisconsin. When her family was quite young, she was deprived of her husband by death, but, by judicious management and great effort. 416 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. she succeeded in rearing and educating the young people and in bringing them up to be come useful and esteemed members of society. Mrs. Mangan was a devout Catholic, and all her children are also members of that church. At the time of her death, Avhich occurred on March 12, 1900, at the home of her son Joseph, she being then eighty years and six months old, she had twenty-three grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. HON. JAMES M. LAMB, deceased, a pioneer of 1859, Avas born in Logan county, Kentucky, February 19, 1835. He was reared and educated in his native state and in Oregon, Alissouri, but in 1854 came Avith his parents over the long trail to Cali fornia, traveling with ox-teams. They lived where the present AA-'oodland is for five years, then came to AA'alla AValla county, and located on a farm on Dry creek, one mile south of Dixie, where Mr. Lamb's home was continuously thereafter until his death, which occurred in Lodi, San Joaquin county, Califor nia, March 5, 1898. He was the owner of three hundred and sixty acres of land in the vicinity of Dixie and was engaged in farming and stock raising, also in general blacksmithing during all the years of his residence there. Mr. Lamb Avas a prominent man in political circles, and a leader of the Democratic party, Avhich elected him to the territorial legisla ture in 1867. He Avas active, energetic, industrious and public-spirited, ever ready to do Avhat lay in his pOAver for the advancement of the general welfare and the cause of good local government. Religiously, he Avas identified Avith the Christian church. Mr. Lamb married, in Sonoma county, Cali fornia, December 17, 1856, Miss Jane Pearce, a native of Kentucky, who came with her par ents to California by the overland route, shortly before her wedding. To their union were born eleven children, John D., in Walla Walla; Georgia Ann, vrife of G. W. Howard, of Oak land, California; Martha E., wife of A. H. Johnson, of Potter valley, California; Cora, Avidow of James Cation, Walla Walla; and AVilliam T. and Daniel W., living; also five deceased. The family still own and farm the land near Dixie, and they also have title to some valuable residence property in Walla AValla. RASSELAS P. REYNOLDS, city clerk of Walla Walla, was born in Fort Wayne, In diana, January 23, 1843. He was reared there and in Whiteside county, Illinois, whither his family moved in 1854. He received his edu cation in the public schools, and in the State Normal University of Bloomington, Illinois, from Avhich institution he would doubtless have graduated had not the call of patriotism sum moned him to fight the stern battles of the re public. To that call he, Avith most of the teach ers and other students, responded promptly. On August 21, 1 86 1, he enlisted in Company A, Thirty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and from then until December 24, 1865, his connection with the army of the Union was never severed. He participated in the Vicks- burg campaign, the siege of Mobile and other great operations of the Avar, being present in numerous engagements. In the spring of 1866 Mr. Reynolds started for AA'ashington Avith a government surveying party, and in the fall of that year he reached AA'alla AA'alla. In 1869 he Avas appointed clerk of the United States district court, a position RASSELAS P REYNOLDS HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 417 which he retained for the ensuing three years. He then became bookkeeper in Reynolds and Day's bank, and was employed by them until 1879. The next year, 1880, he moved to Al- powa, Washington, where for the following six years he kept a general store and a ware house. Returning to Walla Walla he engaged in the business of painting roofs with a special material of his own manufacture. In January, 1899, he was appointed city clerk to complete an unexpired term ; in July of the same year he was elected to that office, and in July, 1900, he was re-elected. Mr. Reynolds is one of the leaders in the local politics of the city and county. He is public spirited and enterprising, and has earned an honored place among the progressive men of that section. Fraternally he is a charter member of A. Lincoln Post, No. 4, G. A. R., of which he is past commander. He was mar ried in Walla Walla, on October 28, 1888, to Miss Carrie M. Baker, a native of Maine. FRANK VILLA, a gardener residing one mile south of the city limits of Walla Walla, was born near Genoa, Italy, in May, 1837. He remained in his sunny fatherland until eighteen years old attending the local public schools, then decided to try the more rigorous New York, so emigrated to that city. After a residence of only fifteen days, however, he embarked on a vessel bound for the south, and came via Nicaragua to Calavera county, Cali fornia, where he worked in- the placer mines for seven years. He then followed market gar dening in East Portland, Oregon, about eight years, after which he took a trip to his native land. In November, 1878, Mr. Villa came to 27 Walla Walla, and bought a place of thirty-five acres, upon -which he now resides, his business being to raise fruits and vegetables for the supply of the local markets. He is an indus trious, thrifty man, possessed of the skill in gardening and fruit culture for which men of his nationality are noted. He took his first citizenship papers in California in October, 1858, and at the time of the Snake river Indian war, he testified his willingness to defend the country to which he then swore allegiance by offering his services to the government. He participated in the battles at Camp Crook and Camp Warner, also in the last fight near the mouth of Malheur river, where the Indians surrendered, but he escaped without a wound. He endured a great deal of hardship in this campaign, the winter being unusually severe, but his excellent constitution prevented any serious effects upon his health. Mr. Villa was married in Portland, Ore gon, April ,2, 1872, to Miss Marie Reible, a native of Switzerland, and they have five chil dren, Frank G. R., an attorney, now at Cape Nome; Mamie, residing with her parents; Amelia C, a trained nurse; Harriet, a school teacher; and Eleanor, a student in St. Paul's Academy. Mr. Villa and his children are members of the Catholic church, but Mrs. Villa belongs to the German Lutheran church. EDWARD H. MANGAN, a contractor residing at 115 North Fifth street, a pioneer of 1880, was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, May 13, 1854 He received a public school education, then worked on his father's farm until twenty-six years of age, after which he came direct to the Walla AValla valley, where he homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres, 41 8 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. situated between Dry creek and the Touchet. He resided on it three years, then proved up, paying the government price. Shortly after wards he sold out, and went to Montana to become an employe of the N. P. R. R., helping to construct its track through that state and Idaho. After remaining with the company ten months, Mr. Mangan took service Avith the O. R. & N. Company, in Washington and Oregon, as a carpenter. He assisted in building numerous depots for that company, and put in the first turn table at Pendleton, also the first turn table at Blue Mountain station, after the road was changed to a broad gauge and con- tiued through to Pendleton. After serving that company about twenty- tAvo months, he returned to Walla Walla, and went to Avork as a journeyman carpenter, which ¦was his business for about four years, during which time he assisted in the construction of the Catholic church and many other imposing structures. But since 1887 he has been con tracting for himself. He has erected many of the finest buildings in the valley, among them, Mr. John Martin's elegant residence on Dry creek, Mr. Ryan's residence, Air. Joseph Fal lon's residence, and Mrs. Fasset's brick biuld- ing, in Avhich is Prendergast Bakery, also Mr. McCool's beautiful residence. During the wheat season, Air. Mangan busies himself in building elevators, using on an average four hundred thousand feet of lumber in that indtis- trA' per annum. He is a very enterprising, ener getic man, and one of the most skillful and successful builders in this section of the North west. His time and attention for many years have been devoted almost exclusively to his 'handicraft and to contracting, with the natural result that he is now able to succeed Avhere .others less experienced Avould fail. Mr. Mangan is identified with the Y. M. I. and the I. O. E., of AValla AValla. He mar ried in this city, on June 18, 1888, Mrs. Katie Smith, a member of the Roman Catholic church, to which he also belongs. ROBERT E. LYNCH.— An enterprising young business man, a mechanic of no mean ability, and a citizen who commands the res pect and confidence of the community in Avhich he was born and in which his home has always been, the man whose name forms the caption of this article is deserving of representation among the forces which have made and which will continue to develop the county with the history of which our volume is concerned. Mr. Lynch was born in this city in 1872, and in the public schools here established he acquired his education. Shortly after gradua tion, he succeeded in passing "the teachers' ex amination, receiving the highest grade certifi cate which could be laAvfully awarded to one Avithout experience in teaching. He then learned the plumbing trade, taking his initial lessons under a firm now out of business and com pleting his apprenticeship in Portland, Oregon, to Avhich city he went for the purpose in 1889. After an absence of eighteen months he re turned to this part of the country, Avhence he shortly afterward moved to Moscoav, Idaho. He Avas in charge of a plumbing establishment there one year, then returned to AA'alla AAralla to accept a position with G. H. Sutherland, by Avhom he was employed for a period of three years. Desiring then to see more of the country, he started on a trip east, going as far as Chica go, and working in different toAvns on the road. A year later, he returned to AA'alla AAralla and HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 419 opened a shop, equipped with all things neces sary for an effective business in plumbing, steam and gas fitting, etc. He was alone in this venture for three years, after which he took Mr. O'Rourke into partnership and con solidated his business with that of W. J. Mc- GraAV. They have enjoyed an excellent patron age, and have been instrumental in bringing about many valuable improvements in the sani tary condition of the city. Fraternally, Mr. Lynch is identified with the Catholic Knights, and the Young Men's Institute, and he also belongs to the volunteer fire department. NICHOLAS SEIL, proprietor of the shoe store at No. 20 Main street, a pioneer of 1878, was born in the province of Luxemburg, August 19, 1846. He Avas brought by his parents to the United States when eight years old, but had the misfortune to lose his father by death shortly after their arrival in New York state. He Avas kindly cared for by an uncle, avIio took him to Massillon, Ohio, educat ed him in the parochial schools of the Catholic church, and also taught him the trade of a shoemaker. When he became about twenty- three years old, he emigrated to Oregon. For the tAvo years following his arrival, he resided in Portland, but in 1873 he returned to Mas sillon, Ohio, and purchased an interest in a shoe establishment, his partner being Mr. Nich olas Hanson. After being in business there for a year, -our subject sold out to Mr. Hanson, and worked at his trade there about three years, aftenvard returning to Scio, Oregon, where he became foreman of a shoe shop. He later pur chased all the tools and equipments, and moved to Walla Walla, Avhere, in 1876, he opened a custom-made shop. His business increased until he was soon able to keep six men em ployed. He later added ready-made shoes, and gradually built up and extended his trade until his quarters became inadequate and he moved to the quarters in which we iioav find him, and which have been occupied by him for the past sixteen years. In business, Mr. Seil is careful and conservative, yet progressive, and to these qualities, together with an untir- devotion to the mastery of details, his success is largely due. He is public-spirited and ever ready to contribute his share toward the fur therance of worthy public enterprises or to charity, but is especially active in the affairs of the Catholic church, to which he has always belonged. In fraternal affiliations, he is identified with the C. K. of A. and the German Maennerchor. In May, 1886, he married Miss Susan Schrantz, a native of Wisconsin, Avhose home was in Portland, Oregon, at that time. To their union have been born tAvo children, Emma C. and Echvard F. AVILLIAM H. HAYS, a farmer at Pres cott, is a native of Missouri, born May 3, 1858. He grew to man's estate there, his busi ness after he became old enough being farm ing. In 1886, he went to Colorado, and after a very brief residence there removed to AArash ington. He passed one winter in this state, but in the spring returned to his old home in the east. He seems to have been pleased Avith the Avest, however, for in the spring- of 1889 he sold the old Missouri home, and returned to the Inland Empire. Locating at Prescott, Mr. Hays Avas en- 420 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. gaged as a laborer there for a year, but he subsequently Avent to the Big Bend country, and took a homestead. The next year, how ever, he returned to Prescott, rented land and engaged in farming, an occupation Avhich he has ever since followed. In 1898, he purchased a fine tract of 494 acres, two and a half miles northeast of Prescott, Avhere his home iioav is. He is one of the thrifty and substantial citi zens of that neighborhood, and bears an en viable reputation wherever he is known. He has served for the past tAvo years as road su pervisor of his district, and in numerous other ways has at all times manifested his interest in the general Avelfare. He is, in fraternal connection, a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs. In August, 1877, Mr. Hays married Miss Mary A. Wheatly, a native of Missouri, and to their union have been born tAvo children, Henry A., and Minnie M. Mrs. Hays is a member of the Degree of Honor, the ladies' auxiliary to the United Workmen. J. FI. MORROW, of the firm of Morrow & Son, proprietors of the AA'aitsburg Department Store, Avas born in Randolph county, Mis souri, in 1853. He resided in the state of his nativity until tAventy years old, acquiring his education in the public schools, and in McGee College, Avhere he took a complete classical course. In 1874, he removed to California, and for the ensuing three years he was en gaged as a teacher there. He then came to AA'alla AA'alla and accepted the principalship of what is noAv knoAvn as the Baker district, his assistants being Miss Martin and Miss John son. In July, 1878, he accepted a position with Preston PoAvell & Company, of AA'aits burg, by whom he Avas employed for five or six years. He then engaged in the notion business, but in 1887 he embarked in his pres ent line, namely, general merchandise. Mr. Morrow has always met with good suc cess in his business ventures, being a man who combines industry and strict attention to de tails with shrewdness and sagacity. He is, moreover, a public-spirited citizen, ever ready to do his share for the general welfare, and for the progress and development of the town in which he resides. For several years he was a member of the city council. Six years ago he served a term as mayor, and at present he is again serving in that capacity. He belongs to all branches1 of Masonry up to and includ ing the Commandery, also affiliates with the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Morrow married, in California, in 1876, Miss Emma C. Glotzbach, a native of that state, and they had three children, Piatt Preston, Calla and Clara. JOHN C. STOREY, a farmer at Dixie, a pioneer of 1870, Avas born in Pennsylvania, December 24, 1841. He grew to man's estate and was educated there, but no sooner was he ready to start in life for himself than the voice of patriotism summoned him to fight the battles of the republic. Enlisting in August, 1861, as a member of Company H, 102nd Pennsylvania Volunteers, he served from that time until the close of hostilities, participating in almost all the battles and campaigns of the famous Army of the Potomac, including the AA'ilderness and those preceding the downfall of Richmond. He Avas in the firing line when the Confederate capital hung out the Avhite flag. In all these battles, he escaped Avithout injury, except at Petersburg, where he received a bullet Avound in the right thigh. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 421 After being discharged on July 3, 1865, Mr. Storey returned to Pennsylvania, where for tAvo years he worked in the oil regions. He then went to Missouri and followed school teaching for a couple of years, then to Mon tana, Avhence, in 1870, he came to Walla Walla county. He taught school here for fifteen years, spending fifty-four months in one dis trict in Spring Valley. At length, however, he decided to try farming, so took a homestead on Pataha prairie, near Pomeroy, where he resided for a number of years. He also farmed for some time, five miles east of Dixie, but finally sold out. Mr. Storey was a very active man in former years, and has done an incalculable amount for the cause of education in this part of the state ; indeed, he ranked among the most successful educators of the early days. He has been twice married. In 1877, in Dayton, Washington, he wedded Miss lone White, a native of Oregon, who died in 1879, leaving one son, Mark. He was again married in 1881, the lady being Georgie E. Look, a native of California. They have five children, Flora, Carl, Clarence, Ralph and DeAvey. FRANCIS M. CORKRUM, a farmer, a pioneer of 1865, was born in Kentucky in October, 1834. His father died when he was an infant, and his mother moved with him to Spring Garden, Illinois, where he grew to manhood on a farm with his uncle. When twenty years old, he tried farming in Jeffer son county one year, after which he worked for wages a while, but soon went onto a place for himself again, and the next year bought a farm. Mr. Corkrum lived on this place for a num ber of years, but finally decided to come west, so sold out and started across the plains with a team consisting of oxen and cows. He at first intended to locate in either Oregon or California, but changed his plan and came to Walla Walla valley. He purchased a squat ter's right to a claim on the Spring branch for $20 in greenbacks, then worth about fifty cents on the dollar. He afterwards added to this three tracts of forty acres each, and the entire farm sold fourteen years later for eleven thousand and two hundred dollars. Of course much of the increase in value was due to the improvements which Mr. Corkrum made, and it testifies to his industry and enterprise as much as to the development of the country. After selling his first home, our subject purchased Mr. Kennedy's ranch of five hundred and twenty acres, and this he still retains, to gether with one hundred and sixty acres on Dry creek, and one hundred and sixty acres of timber in the mountains, purchased later. Mr. Corkrum also bought a farm for each of his three boys. He noAV resides in a fine home in Walla Walla, and owns the house and lot ad joining. Few of the early pioneers of the county have had more to do with the develop ment of its industrial resources than has Mr. Corkrum and feAV have shown greater acumen in discerning- hoAv best to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the neAV and fer tile valley. About twenty-three years ago, he and his wife and two children were converted in the school house he had helped to build, and since that time he has had the pleasure of seeing all of his children, except one, become members of the same church to which he belongs, and in which he has been an active worker for so many years. He has also demonstrated his in terest in the cause of education in a very sub- 422 HISTORY OF AVALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. stantial Avay, serving as director and helping to organize the district in Avhich he lived and to build and equip the first rude school building. In Spring Garden, Illinois, February n, 1857,0111" subject married Miss Alary Killebrue, a native of Jefferson county, Illinois, and to their union have been born ten children : AVilliam J. ; Rosalie, Avife of AA'illiam York, of AA'alla AA'alla; Nora, Avife of Thomas AA'il son, a farmer near Dayton; Uriah, Eva and Leo, at home Avith their parents; Sarah, after wards Mrs. Jeff Jennings,- deceased ; David, deceased, and tAvo that were taken aAvay by death before being named. Mr. and Mrs. Corkrum are also the proud possessors of tAventy-four grandchildren. The couple are enjoying excellent health and are fine specimens of well presented old age. A. S. DICKINSON, postmaster at AA'aits burg, Avas born in AA'alla AA'alla county, in 1868. Fie recehed a thorough education in the public schools and in AA'aitsburg Academy, then took a business course in the Empire Business College at AAralla AA'alla. In 1892, he embarked in the hardAvare business at Waits burg, and for two years thereafter he folloAved that branch of commerce, but in 1894 he turned his attention to farming. One year Avas spent in tilling the soil and one in a grain Avare- house. In 1897 he received an appointment as postmaster of AA'aitsburg and he has been serving- in that capacity ever since. He is also interested in mining, being the OAvner of stock in Republic and Sumpter camps. For some time he acted as local treasurer of the Equi table Loan & Savings Company, of Portland, Oregon, and of the Aetna Loan and Trust Com pany, of Butte, Montana. Mr. Dickinson has always manifested a lively interest in local affairs, and may be fairly counted among the progressive forces of the tOAvn. He served one term as a member of the city council. In fraternal affiliations, Mr. Dickinson is identified Avith the Knights of Pythias, and the Ancient Order of United AA'orkmen. He Avas married in Waitsburg, in 1896, to Miss Addie E. Denny, a native of the state of AA'ashington, Avho received her early education in the public schools here and later graduated from the San Jose, California, Normal school. She has been teaching in the public schools of AA'aitsburg ever since comr pleting her educational discipline. HARLAN D. ELDRIDGE, a farmer one and a half miles southeast of Dixie, a pioneer of 1880, is a native of IoAva, born April 6, 1858. He greAV to manhood and Avas educated there, folloAving teaching as his profession for some time after attaining- years of maturity. In 1880, he came out to AA'alla Walla county, took a homestead near Starbuck, and engaged in farming. He resided there for several years, but in 1890 removed to the place upon Avhich AA-e iioav find him. He oaviis at present over five hundred acres of land and is one of the most extensive and successful farmers in the vicinity of Dixie. Mr. Eldridge is quite active in the affairs of his community, and takes an intelligent in terest in politics, local, state and national, but displays no ambition to become particularly prominent in political circles and has never been a candidate for any office. He is an ac tive member of and one of the elders in the Christian church of Dixie. In fraternal affilia tions, he is identified Avith AA'elcome Lodge, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 42 3" No. 117, I. O. O. F., and Avith the Rebekahs. He is very prominent in the subordinate Odd Fellows' lodge, having passed through all the chairs. Mr. Eldridge was married in this coun ty, September 14, 1884, to Miss Etta Barnes, a native of the county, and they have become parents of fhe children: Whipple, Taylor B., Earl, Geneva M., and Bonnie G. ALFRED F. PERRY, a retired farmer and contractor, residing at 525 North Sixth street, is a native of St. Benoit, province of Quebec, Canada, born on June 7, 1853. He was early taken to California, whither his father had gone in 1849, becoming so enamoured of the country that he could be content nowhere else. They lived a short time in San Jose, then moved to Oroville, in Butte county, where the father engaged in mining. When Mr. Perry arrived at the age-of seven years, he severed his connections with the re mainder of his family, and accompanied a number of miners overland from Los Angeles. He passed through the famous Death Valley, and had the pleasure of seeing the Avonderful petrified ship, as it is called, which is a large rock the exact shape of a ship, and is supposed by some to have been an actual ship at one time and to have been sunk in the days Avhen the valley Avas an inland sea. There are also other curious remains such as (ap parently) petrified cities and even the form of a man with a pen behind his ear, and a bunch of papers in his hand. The company of miners to which Mr. Perry belonged located in the White mountains eighty miles from the present Tucson, Arizona, and our young hero learned to read and spell as best he could with the news paper and such other literature as might chance to reach the camp for text-books and the rude miners for instructors. Mr. Perry remained in this camp, far from the haunts of civilization, for thirteen and a half years, locating five mines, one of which, the Mariposa, is a well-known gold and silver producer at this day. He then returned to his old home, recrossing the Death Valley, and confirming the observations of his childhood.. Three days after his arrival at home, he set out for San Francisco, and took a contract to supply the Pacific Coast Distilling Company with, potatoes. He Avas thus employed for five years. On March 2, 1877, our subject arrived in Walla Walla. He purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land three miles beloAv town, where he engaged in diversified farming and gardening. He has been adding to his original. home from time to time until he is iioav the owner of seven hundred acres in two tracts, on which he, at present, raises timothy and al falfa mostly, his annual crop averaging about thirteen hundred tons. Mr. Perry has also been a successful contractor for the past fifteen years. He built the penitentiary, finishing the walls in sixty-nine days, also graded many of the Walla Walla streets, and did much con tract work on the various railroads running into the city. Mr. Perry is in every sense of the word a. self-made man, having started to work out his own destiny when seven years old without capi tal or education, and having achieved, in spite of obstacles ¦ which would have overwhelmed a less resolute spirit, the high standing in the social and financial world which he now enjoys- He is a man of truly remarkable abilities and giant force of character. He was married at Lewiston, Idaho, on July 11, 1879, to Miss Nettie V. Coffin, a native of Oregon, Avhose 424 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. parents came overland from Massachusetts to that state in 1855. Mr. and Mrs. Perry have had two children, Fred D., deceased, and Will iam C, a student in AA'hitman College. On February 5, 1901, Mr. Perry had the misfor tune to lose his Avife, Avho had been ill for over sixteen months previous to her demise. Her remains lie buried in the AValla AValla ceme tery beside those of her son. EDWIN W. McCANN. lately dealer in hardware and implements, at AVaitsburg, is a native of Dodge county, Wisconsin, born in 1847. When he was quite young, his family moved to a different part of the state, to Omro, and here Mr. McCann resided until fourteen years old. In 1862, he moved to Filmore county, Minnesota, where he completed his public school education. He then engaged in farming. In 1869, he moved to Chippewa county, took a homestead, and engaged in farming there. In 1878, he entered the employ of L. K. Stone as a wheat-buyer and elevator man and this was his occupation until April, 1887, when he sold out his holdings and came to AA'aitsburg, AVashington. Shortly after his arrival here, he formed a partnership with Mr. Macomber, for the pur pose of starting a harchvare and implement store and to that business his energies have been given ever since nutil quite recently, but he lately sold out. He is an excellent business man, being possessed of the shrewdness, fore sight and unerring judgment characteristic of the truly successful in commercial life. He is also a public-spirited man, ever ready to do Avhat lies in his power for the social and ma terial amelioration of the neighborhood in Avhich he lives. In 1889, he Avas elected a school director, and has served as such ever since except for a period of two years. In 1897, he Avas elected1 to the mayoralty of Waits burg. His re-election followed in 1898, and in 1899 he declined renomination. In politics Mr. McCann was a Democrat until 1896, when his gold standard principles compelled him to support McKinley, and he has since belonged to the Republican party. In fraternal affiliations he is a Mason, a Knight of Pythias and a Workman. He was married at Montevideo, Minnesota, in 1879, to Mary G. Anderson, a native of Minnesota, and to their union have been born two children, Elma L. and Josephine. . GEORGE DELANY, farmer, 422 Rose street, Walla Walla, was born in East Tennes see in 1 83 1. When eight years old he removed with his- parents to southwestern Missouri, whence seA^en years later he set out on the jour ney across the continent to Oregon, traveling by team. He resided in the Willamette valley, that state, engaged in farming until 1858, then came to Walla Walla and turned his attention to freighting and handling stock. His teams conveyed supplies into Montana and Idaho, and he drove cattle into British Columbia. In 1880 he again became a tiller of the soil, this time on an extensive scale, for he rented five thousand acres of land and purchased twenty- three hundred, the latter tract being just over the Oregon line from Walla Walla. He is still farming and stock raising in Yakima and Columbia counties. Mr. Delany has made his Avay in the Avorld under difficulties, having been denied all the school privileges ordinarily enjoyed by Amer ican boys, for he has never been Avithin the GEORGE DELANY HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 425 walls of a schoolhouse in session time. He has, hoAvever, by his oavii efforts largely overcome these early disadvantages, and his industry, good judgment and splendid business ability have enabled him to attain a success in life which may well be the envy of many who have been much more unfortunate in their early en vironment. He Avas married in Marion coun ty, Oregon, in 1870, to Olive Day, a native of Illinois, but an early pioneer of the west. They have six children, namely, Sarah, Roxie, Henry, Burton, George and Harvey H. JOHN B. McDONALD,. deceased, a pio neer of 1882, was born in Green Lake county, Wisconsin, January 2, 1845. He Avas the first Avhite child born in that county. His father was an officer in the United States army, and in 1830 had been sent into Wisconsin to keep the Indians quiet. Mr. McDonald resided in the neighborhood in which he Avas born until nineteen years old, receiving a public school education, then started to do for himself. He visited New York state and Vermont, and finally entered the service of the United States government, his duty being to take horses to the front for the use of the army. He was present in Washington at the time of Lincoln's assassination, and was detailed for a short time to guard the city limits in order, if possible, to prevent the escape of the assassin. A little later Mr. McDonald went to Bal timore, where he was taken sick with fever and ague, and practically laid up for two years, but at intervals he was able to do a little at the business he then followed, namely, putting in lightning rods for the protection of buildings. In 1867, he returned to his old home in Wis consin and farmed a year, aftenvards going to Blue Earth county, Minnesota. He followed farming there one summer and in the fall pur chased a threshing machine and engaged in that industry. A serious accident befell him, how ever. His foot was caught in the cogs of the power, laying him up for two years completely and making him permanently lame. In 1871 he bought railroad land, and for a while fol lowed farming and teaming, but eventually sold out and engaged in selling farm imple ments, wagons, etc., for an eastern firm. Two years later, he was called home to take charge of his father's farm, and he was engaged in agricultural pursuits there and at Fond du Lac for the next four years, but in 1878 he removed to Petaluma, California. After farming there also for a number of months Mr. McDonald started via Portland, for this valley, but, owing to the Indian out break, wintered on the Lewis river, where the next spring he engaged in the dairy business. Shortly afterwards, he moved to a place thirty miles from The Dalles, and here Mr. McDonald worked in a sawmill until 1882. He then tried farming again, but lost everything by grasshoppers. In the fall of 1882 he reached Walla Walla, the point he had started for so many years before, and the next spring he took a home stead on Eureka flat. He was a farmer in that neighborhood until 1891, when he moved into the city of Walla Walla for the benefit of his children. He died on March 27, 1893. Mr. McDonald was for many years one of the leading men in his part of the county serv ing in almost all the local offices and once re fusing the nomination for county commis sioner. He was married in Fond du Lac, Wis consin, February 27, 1873, to Miss Eliza L. Sharratt, a native of Wisconsin, who assisted her husband by teaching and in every way in 426 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. her poAver to acquire the competency they en joyed before his death. She is iioav the OAvner of one thousand one hundred and tAventy acres of land in the county. Mr. and Airs. McDonald became parents of five children: John H, an attorney in Walla AA'alla, avIio has the honor of having served in the Philippine Avar as a member of the First AA'ashingtons ; Elsie M., iioav Mrs. EdAvard H. Bradbury; Jessie E., a student in the AA'ashing ton Agricultural College, at Pullman; and Lila G, a student in the public schools, also AVill iam F., Avho died at the age of eighteen. The family affiliate Avith the First Presbyterian church of Walla AA'alla, and Mrs. AIcDonald also belongs to the AAtoody Glen Circle, AA'omen of AA'oodcraft, and to the Order of AA'ash- ington. AIARTIN MEINERS, one of the prosper ous and well-to-do farmers of the county, re siding ten miles east of AA'alla Walla, was born in Germany, March 6, 1847. Like most Ger man youth, he enjoyed the privileges of the public school until fourteen \-ears old. In 1864, he, Avith his father and the remainder of the family, except his mother, Avho had died some years before, came to America. They located in Illinois, where Mr. Meiners lived until 1883. In that year, hoAvever, he came out to AA'alla Walla county, invested the savings of the nineteen years he had passed in Illinois in a section of land, and engaged in farming. He has folloAved the same occupation on the same place contin uously since, and iioav has a pleasant home and surroundings. Mr. Meiners is a thrifty, industrious farm er, possessed of those neighborly qualities Avhich render a man esteemed and respected in the communitv in Avhich he lives. He is not especially active in politics, though he takes a lively and intelligent interest in local affairs. He Avas married in Illinois in 1874, to Miss Ettje Beenders, a native of Germany, and they have a family of four children, Cornelius M., John E., Grace AA^., and Elsina M. ANDREW J. TASH, a farmer residing ten miles east of AA'alla Walla, a pioneer of 1 86 1, Avas born in the state of Indiana, Jan uary, 15, 1839. He resided there until nine years old, then accompanied his parents to Mis souri, in which state the ensuing five years were passed. During the next six years, he Avas a resident of IoAva and there he com pleted his education. About that time the emigration to the Avest Avas at its height, and the prospects of realiz ing a fortune in a day were becoming very at tractive to the adventurous mind of the youth ful Mr. Tash, so, in 1859, he joined the rush for California. He made the long journey Avith ox-teams, and in due season reached the prom ised land. He remained in California two years, but, failing to find conditions as he had hoped, he came to AA'alla AA'alla county in 1861. For the next half decade, he was operating in the various mining regions of Idaho, among them, Oro Fino, but in 1866 he took a home stead where we iioav find him and settled down to the life of a farmer and stock raiser. He is, at present, the OAvner of three hundred and tAventy acres of fine land, Avell improved, and everyAvhere bearing eloquent testimony to the thrift and industry of its OAvner. Mr. Tash Avas married in AA'alla AA'alla county, on September 16, 1866,- to Miss Mary E. Brooks, a native of Missouri, who died April 30, 1874, leaving one child, Frank E. On FIISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 427- September 16, 1876, he Avas again married, the lady being Lucy M. Klemgaard, a native of Utah. Of this union, seven children have been born: Harry A., Hattie E., Elmer E., Neoma D., Gertrude, Raymond and Clifford AA'atson. HARRY GILKERSON, a farmer resid ing about seven miles east of Walla Walla, Avas born in this county in 1866. He received such education as was to be had in the public schools of the neighborhood, then went to the Big Bend country, Avhere for four years he was engaged in farming. At the end of that period, he came to the section in which we now find him, and purchased one hundred and thirty acres of land, twenty acres of which are now under cultivation, the remainder being grazing and timber land. He has a fine home nicely lo cated and supplied with all the improvements necessary for comfort. For the last six years, he has been agent at the Dudley warehouse for the Pacific Coast Elevator Company, hand ling about seventy thousand sacks of grain per annum. He is a young man of energy, pro gressiveness and force, and possesses moral good qualities Avhich win for him the respect and confidence of the community in which he lives. He belongs to the local camp, Modern AA'oodmen of America. In February, 1890, in AValla Walla county, he married Malina J. Rohn, and they have had three children, two of Avhom are iioav living, Freddie and Jessie May. The deceased child was named Harry Lewis. MATTHIAS A. CARIS, contractor, a pioneer of 1864, was born in Portage county, Ohio, January 8, 1834. He resided with his father on a farm there until seventeen years. of age, receiving a public school education, then engaged in brick making with a brother, and this Avas his business for the next five years. In 1855 he Avent to Illinois, and nine months later he removed thence to Alount Pleasant, Iowa, where for four years he fol lowed the lightning-rod business. He then crossed the plains with ox-teams, his objective point being Boise City, Idaho, but three Aveeks after his arrival he started north to the Walla Walla valley. The first season after coming here Mr. Caris farmed a rented place on the Touchet river, then joining the rush, he Avent to the Cceur d'Alenes and opened a provision store in the mount ains among the Indians, tAventy-five miles from any other white settler. For four years thereafter he spent his summers in the Cceur d'Alenes and his winters on the Touchet river, where he collected his supplies. Visiting his old home in the east in 1869, he passed the winter there, and in the spring brought a car load of wagons to Boise City and disposed of them there. He ordered another car shipped to Walla AAralla, and as soon as they arrived opened an agricultural implement and w^agon establishment here, the first of its kind in the city. After remaining in this business tAvelve years he sold out and began farming on a ten-hundred-and-sixty-acre ranch, Avhich he had secured by using his pre-emption and tim ber-culture rights and by purchase. For ten years he Avas one of the leading farmers of the county, but in 1890 he moved back into the city and engaged in his present business, teaming and contracting. Mr. Caris is a very energetic, progressive man, possessed of a degree of executive ability which has enabled him to achieve excellent 428 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. success in the various lines of activity in which he has been engaged. He Avas married first in Mount Pleasant, IoAva, March n, i860, to Miss Rachael Johnson, who died in Walla Walla July 30, 1869, leaving one son, Charles F., in business with his father. He was again married at Athena, Oregon, on May 16, 1880, the lady being Miss Maria M. Blum, a native of Pennsylvania, but reared and educated in Wisconsin. She has been a resident of this valley most of the time since 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Caris are both members of the First Congregational church of Walla Walla, Avhich they joined in 1895. ROBERT M. GRIFFITH, a farmer re siding twelve miles east of Walla Walla, a pioneer of September, i860, was born on the island of Barbadoes January 6, 1832. He came to the United States in 1841, landing at Phila delphia, and before long embarked on a vessel and went to sea. Young though he Avas, he stuck to that rigorous occupation four years, but, disembarking in Massachusetts in 1845, he accepted a position as overseer of a cotton mill. He Avas employed thus for thirteen years, then as a napper of cotton flannels in a mill in New York for four years. Influenced by a desire for the Avild, free life of the west, he then came out to Minnesota and Dakota, and thence in course of time made his Avay to the mining regions of Idaho. In i860 he came to Walla AValla county, whence for several years he freighted into the various mining regions, Oro Fino, Florence, the Nez Perce country and other places. He took an active part in repressing the various Indian uprisings of this period. Subsequently he engaged in farming, an occupation to which his best energies have been given ever since. For the past nine years he has resided on his present place, where he has established a com fortable home for himself and his family. Mr. Griffith has always taken the interest that every good citizen should in the affairs of county, state and nation, and though he has never held or coveted any office, he is recog nized as one of the representative men in politics. He was married in Walla Walla county in 1882, to Miss Annie Sorrenson, a native of San Pete county, Utah, and now has a family of two children, Catherine A. and Robert W. While in Utah Mr. Griffith experienced some trying adventures, being at one time fired upon by Mormons; and once robbed by Indians in the neighborhood of Burnt river, losing thirteen hundred dollars' Avorth of property. The family belong to the Method ist church. JOHN BUSH, a retired farmer and stock raiser of Eureka, is a native of Germany, born January 29, 1832. He remained in the land of his nativity until twenty years old, receiving the customary education, but in 1852 he emigrated to NeAV York. After a residence of only a few months he removed to Chicago, Illinois, and enlisted in the regu lar army. He Avas sent to NeAA-port Barracks' in Kansas, thence to Fort Worth, Texas, Avhere he remained a year, being thereupon sent to the Rio Grande to protect a gang of sur veyors avIio were locating artesian Avells in NeAV Mexico. Eighteen months were thus passed, then he spent a brief period of time in San Antonio, Texas, from Avhich city he was sent to Fort Meyers, Florida, to assist in settling the Indian difficulties there. He was next or- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 429 dered to Salt Lake, where he resided until 1857, when he was honorably discharged. However, he served during the next seven months as a volunteer in the United States army in the Mormon war, then hired to a quartermaster as a teamster, coming with him to Fort Walla in 1859. In 1 86 1 Mr. Bush retired from the army entirely, took up land and engaged in farm ing and stock raising. For a number of years thereafter he was one of the thrifty and sub stantial farmers of the county, but of late years he has retired from active participation in any business, and is enjoying a av ell-earned rest. He was married in August, 1872, to Miss Lena Myer, a native of Germany, Avho came to this country after she had groAvn to womanhood. They have one daughter, Anna, born in August, 1873. GEORGE F. LEWIS, one of the thrifty, enterprising farmers of the vicinity of Dixie, a pioneer of 1862, was born in Iowa Novem ber 11, 1842. He grew to man's estate there, receiving good educational advantages, and when twenty years old started across the plains with ox-teams, determined to try his fortunes in the west. He in due time came to a halt in Walla Walla county, secured an outfit, and en gaged in the business of hauling freight to the different mining regions in Idaho. In this sturdy occupation ten full years were spent, but in 1870 he located his present place and settled down to the life of a ranchman. He has one hundred acres of excellent land, well improved and furnished with all buildings' and machinery necessary to a well-equipped little farm. He raises stock principally, but is a diversified farmer, and does not entirely neg lect anything- which can be produced at a profit in this section of the county. Mr. Lewis married at Oakland, Oregon, in 1872, Miss Effie Williams, a native of that state, who was taken from him by death a few years ago. By this marriage he has had two children, David W., deceased, and Dollie F., wife of Samuel Adwell, of Dixie. In 1898 Mr. Lewis again married, the lady being Mina Jackson, a native of Iowa. CHARLES GILKERSON, a farmer re siding seven miles east of Walla Walla, is a native of this county, born in 1864. He re ceived a public-school education, and, having been raised on a farm, naturally turned to that occupation when he went into business for himself. He spent about four and a half years in Whitman county, engaged in tilling the soil, then returned to his home county and purchased a two-hundred-and-forty-acre farm, all wheat land, on which he has ever since re sided. He is an enterprising man, and ranks among the prosperous and well-to-do farmers of his part of the county. He was married in Walla Walla county in 1898, to Miss Cath erine Tracy, a member of one of the oldest pioneer families of the Inland Empire. Her father was an Indian war veteran of note. Mr. and Mrs. Gilkerson are parents of one son, Eddie. THOMAS GILKERSON, a farmer re. siding on Mill creek, six miles east of Walla Walla, was born in England October 19, 1837. When a boy of four he was brought by his parents to New York state. His father located in Homer, and in that town Mr. Gilkerson -430 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. passed his early youth and acquired his edu cation. In 1859, influenced by a commenda ble desire for larger and better opportunities than Avere to be had in his home tOAvn, he started, via Panama, to the coast. Landing in British Columbia, he spent a brief period of time there, but, failing to find anything to his liking, he soon came to AA'alla AA'alla county. During the first two years of his stay here Mr. Gilkerson Avorked as a farm hand for his Avife's first husband, and, by industry and fru gality, managed to accumulate enough to pur chase a quarter section, and to start, in a small Avay, in farming on his OAvn account. Indus trious and frugal, he Avas also, as his venture in farming soon proved, a careful and con servative, yet progressive, man, and he con tinued to prosper and to increase in Avealth until he became one of the comfortable and Avell-to-do farmers of the county. He iioav has four hundred acres of land and is raising grain and stock. Unlike many farmers in this county, Mr. Gilkerson is a believer in diversified farming, so he keeps and raises cattle, hogs, horses, sheep and other live stock, not, however, neglecting Avheat, barley, fruits and other farm products. In this Avay he ahvays has something for sale in every season of the year. He has ahvays taken an active, intelligent interest in the af fairs of county, state and nation, though he has never manifested any ambition for per sonal preferment, and has never held an office. His party affiliation is Avith the Democrats. In this county, in 1863, our subject mar ried Mrs. Eliza McAA'hirk, nee Sickley, a na tive of Pennsylvania, and a pioneer of 1859. Fler first husband died in 1862, leaving one son, George H. She and Mr. Gilkerson have four children living, Charles, Harrv, Thomas and LeAvis. By her marriage Avith Mr. Mc AA'hirk, in i860, Mrs. Gilkerson gained the distinction of being the first white lady mar ried in AA'alla Walla county. The solemniza tion was by Judge Kennedy, avIio gave her a black silk dress in recognition of her being the first to take upon herself matrimonial bonds within the limits of the county. It is worthy of mention, as illustrating the condi tions obtaining at that time, that Judge Ken nedy had to send to The Dalles, Oregon, for the dress, there being nothing of so expensive a nature in AValla AA'alla or any tOAvn nearer at that early period. MOSES SWAIM, one of the leading farmers of the county, is a native of Indiana, born September 15, 1840. When nine years old he accompanied his parents to Illinois, and there he grew to manhood and received his education. He enlisted for service in the Civil Avar in the fall of 1861, and Avas a mem ber of Company I, Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, until after the close of hostilities. He was honorably discharged at Quincy, Illinois, in 1866, after a military career of Avhich he and his family have just reason to be proud. Our subject then located at Fort Scott, Kansas, where, during the ensuing seven years, he followed farming as a business. In 1873, however, he removed thence to Missouri, where he farmed for seven years more, after Avhich he passed six years in the same business in South Dakota. In 1886 he set out for the Avest, but did not reach AVashington till the spring of 1887, having stopped ' for the Avin- ter at Rollins, AA'yoming. He finally located in the vicinity of AA'alla AA'alla, Avhere he rent ed land and farmed until 1893. In that year, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 43i hoAvever, he, in company with the Bass Bros.,. purchased a tract of land on the Touchet river, and they have ever since resided there, en gaged in stock raising and general farming. They are thrifty, industrious, energetic men, possessed of the good judgment and force characteristic of those Avho are really success ful in any calling. On July 25, 1875, Mr. Swaim was mar ried to Mrs. Sarah A. Bass, by whom he has two children, Mary A., born August 2, 1876, and Leona M., born January 22, 1884. Mrs. Swaim also has two sons by her former mar riage, Frank L., born January 20, 1871, and John L., born August 25, 1873. They are in partnership with Mr. Swaim in the farming and stock-raising business. Their father, Mr. John F. Bass, died in Vernon county, Mis souri, February 11, 1873. GEORGE R. CROWE, a retired house painter residing at 433 North Fifth street, Walla Walla, a pioneer of March, 1862, was born in London, England, April 27, 1836. He attended the public schools of his father land until fourteen years old, then went to sea as an apprentice aboard the sailing bark "Harold," engaged in the East India trade. For five years thereafter he sailed continu ously, visiting South Africa, Australia and all far eastern ports. He spent two years in South Africa, engaged as a shore whaler, his busi ness being to take the Avhales when, at certain seasons, they came to the mouths of the rivers to calve. He also passed two years in Aus tralia in the gold diggings of Ballaratt and Bendigo, and while there Avas often attacked by Avhite bushrangers under the famous bush ranger chief "Black Pete." Fortunately, how ever, he escaped without a wound. Mr. Crowe came thence to California, ar riving at San Francisco in March, 1859, and went direct to Nevada City. He Avas engaged there and at Grass Valley and Forest City in the business of placer mining about tAvo and a half years, then returned to San Francisco, and about three months later we find him en listing as a member of Company A, First Washington Territorial Volunteers, for serv ice under Captain Taylor and Colonel Stein- berger, in guarding the British frontier dur ing the Civil war. He continued to perform this duty for three years, participating in sev eral skirmishes. After being discharged at Walla Walla, in 1865, Mr. CroAve opened a house painting shop on the corner of First and Alder streets, where he did business continuously until 1896, in which year he sold out and retired. Mr. Crowe has ahvays proven a good neighbor and citizen, an industrious, thrifty man and a highly estimable member of society. He en joys an enviable standing in the community in which he has lived so long. He is quite prominent in the A. Lincoln Post, No. 4, G. A. R., to which he has belonged for the past fifteen years, and of Avhich he has been senior vice commander. In Walla Walla, on April 19, 1875, Mr. Crowe married Miss Elizabeth Calvert, a na tive of Illinois, and a pioneer of 1864. She is a leading member of the W. R. C, which has bestowed upon her all the honors in its gift, and she also belongs to Lodge No. 48, L. O. T. M., of which she is a charter mem ber and lady commander. Her father is a farmer on Mill creek, Avhere she was educated and where she lived until the time of her mar riage. Mr. and Mrs. Crowe are parents of 432 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. three children living: John E., a clerk; Harry B. and Lizzie A.; also of one, George R., Avho died at the age of three years and seven months. THOMAS J. FERREL, a farmer resid ing about nine miles east of Walla Walla, is a native of AVayne county, Iowa, born in 1862. When he was but two years old his family started across the plains with mule-teams to Walla Walla county, so that he has been prac tically reared in the Avest. The family located on Russel creek, and there Mr. Ferrel grew to man's estate and was educated. He early engaged in farming for himself, and has fol lowed that industry continuously for many years. At present he is the owner of a splen did little farm of ninety acres, and is raising- wheat and horses. He is a progressive, enter prising man, and enjoys the confidence and good Avill of all his neighbors. He was mar ried in this county, in 1884, to Miss Percilla EdAvard, and they are parents of three chil dren, Nettie P., Carrie E. and Elphe B. WILLIAM L. MATHEW, a stock raiser near Clyde, is a native of Indiana, born Janu ary 4, 1832. When thirteen years old he came with his parents to IoAva, where for many years afterwards his father, James D., fol lowed farming as an occupation. Upon at taining his majority Mr. Mathew set out across the plains to AA'alla AA'alla. He pur chased a number of horses and engaged in raising that species of stock, a business- Avhich he has ever since folloAved. He takes great pride in the production of high grade road sters and draft horses, and has a large num ber of fine animals, Avith Avhich any connoisseur of thoroughbred horses would be delighted. To him belongs the honor of having been the first to engage in fruit raising in the Snake river country, thereby introducing an industry Avhich has proved a great blessing to the entire Inland Empire. At present he is the owner of two hundred and ten acres of fine land on the Snake river. During the early days of Walla Walla Mr. Mathew, like other raisers and dealers in horses, was greatly harrassed and suffered frequent loss by a gang of horse-thieves which scoured the country in the pursuit of their nefarious vocation. At length, when patience ceased to be a virtue, a committee was organ ized, of which Mr. Mathew was a leader, and Avhich soon proved successful in driving out the obnoxious intruders. At one time thirty renegades were driven into Montana, where they afterwards suffered death at the hands of a vigilance committee. NELSON CASTLEMAN was born in Canada December 21, 1849. Both of his par ents died within a feAV years after his birth, and he was taken into the home of an uncle, but the cruel treatment he received drove him away when ten years old. He came to the United States and located at Massena Springs, in New York, where he made his home with various families as he could find opportunity to Avork for his board and schooling. He fol- loAved this life for seven years, but in 1866 Avent to LoAvell, Massachusetts. He worked in the cotton mills there, also, by special effort, learned the painter's trade. He remained in the mills for several years and by close applica tion to business secured promotion after pro- NELSON CASTLEMAN HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 433 motion until he held the second highest posi tion in the mill. In 1870 Mr. Castleman moved to Denver, Colorado, and a few days later found em ployment as a quarryman at Golden, twenty- eight miles from Denver. Here he remained a year and a half, after which he returned to Lowell, passing through Chicago a short time after the big fire. He again took employ ment in the mills, working in them during winter and following painting and paperhang- ing in summer. In April, 1877, he came west again, landing in San Francisco. A few days later he started north to Oregon and located in Portland, where he worked at his trade until August of the same year, when he came to Walla Walla. He has been engaged ever since in painting and paperhangirig. In March, 1898, Mr. Castleman was seized with the Klondike fever and made the then dangerous journey to DaAvson City, Avhere he remained for eleven months. When he came out in the spring of 1899 he walked all the way from Dawson to SkagAvay over the ice on the Yukon river, a distance of six hundred miles, making the journey in thirty-three days, but actually traveling only thirty, as they stopped three days to rest. One day when the thermometer registered sixty-five degrees below zero his party traveled thirty miles. Mr. Castleman is an Odd Fellow of thirty years standing. At present he is identified with Enterprise Lodge, No. 2, of Walla Walla. He belongs also to the city volunteer fire depart ment, and has done so constantly since its or ganization, being a charter member of Vigi lance Hook and Ladder Company. He has some real estate interests in Seattle and three houses and lots on West Chestnut street, Walla Walla, in one of which he himself resides. 28 HENRY KUHL; a farmer nine miles east of Walla Walla, was born in Germany in 1854. He was, however, practically reared in this country, having come to America with his par ents when seven years old. His first home in the United States was in Indiana, thirty miles east of Chicago, and there he resided for twenty-eight years, engaged, after he be came old enough, in farming. He also ope rated for three years the first creamery ever erected in Indiana, and for some time was landlord of a hotel. Coming west in 1889, he became a farmer on the Hudson Bay farm-, nine miles east of Spokane, where he resided for three years. He then moved to Walla Walla county, bought land near his present home and engaged in wheat raising. At pres ent he is the owner of a very fine farm, on which he produces wheat, barley, oats and corn. He also handles considerable stock. Mr. Kuhl is one of the best farmers in the county, and the evidences of his industry and thrift are everyAvhere to be seen on his prem ises. His farm is highly cultivated and is improved with good buildings, fences, etc. He was married in this county in 1896, to Nartcy, daughter of Henry Smith, one of the early pioneers of the state of Oregon. They have three children, Mabel, Jessie and Ber- ner T. CHARLES F. CUMMINGS, postmaster and merchant at Wallula, a pioneer of 1862, was born in Kansas September 5, 1861. He was, however, reared and educated in this county, his parents having brought him across the plains when he was only one year old. Upon attaining years of maturity, he engaged in the livery business at Wallula. He was 434 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. in that line for a number of years, then tried farming a Avhile, but finally entered the em ploy of the AA'. & C. R. R. R. Company as stationary engineer in their shops. Upon re tiring from that he embarked in the mercan tile business, and to this his energies have been given ever since, his location being Wallula. He is the proprietor of a fully equipped and nicely arranged establishment, and commands a good trade. He also has a fruit farm in the vicinity. In 1898 Mr. Cummings was appointed postmaster, and he has since been performing his duties as such to the entire satisfaction of all the patrons of the office. He was married in the Puget Sound country, March 13, 1887, to Miss Mary J. Lindley, a native of IoAva. They have a family of five children, Leon E., Walter F., Flora E., Ula M. and Richard F. Mr. Cummings' father, Gideon, a farmer three miles east of Wallula, a pioneer of 1862, was born in Indiana June 12, 1839. When tAvo years of age he Avas taken by his parents to AA'isconsin, and he resided in that state and Iowa and Linn county, Kansas, successively, for different periods of time until 1862, Avhen he crossed the plains to Walla AValla. Having purchased an interest in the missionary farm of Rev. H. H. Spalding, he resided thereon until 1865, Avhen he went to the AA'alla AA'alla river and engaged in the business of keeping stage station. For a Avhile, also, he Avas him self the proprietor of a stage line to Lewis- ton, but in the early days he opened a mer cantile establishment at AA'allula, in company with his brother Amos. They conducted this business successfully for a full decade. Mr. Cummings Avas also engaged for a number of years in the business of buying, selling and storing Avheat, one season handling- four thou sand tons, all raised in Umatilla countv, Ore gon. He was the first to attempt to farm the hills south of AA'allula, and for many years has folloAved that occupation there Avith good success. He is the OAvner of about tAvo hun dred and sixty acres of land, on which he raises a little of everything, though hay is his principal crop. In the state of Kansas, on January 1, 1861, he married Miss Lucy A. Whetstone, a na tive of Illinois, and they have five children : Charles F. ; M. Elizabeth, iioav Avife of George J. McAvoy, an engineer on the O. R. & N. ; Amos G, a farmer; Rose E., Avife of Mar shall R. Hill, engineer on the W. & C. R. Raihvay; M. Catherine, Avife of D. E. Smith, a fireman on the N. P. R. R., residing at Genesee, Idaho. Mr. Cummings has long been one of the leading men of the county, and he is Avell knoAvn and very highly esteemed by all the older and many of the newer residents of this section. His life has been successful finan cially, as Avell as in other Avays, and in addi tion to his farm he has some valuable prop erty in AA^allula, AA'alla AA'alla and Seattle. JOSEPH W. FERREL,. a farmer resid ing about ten miles east of Walla AValla, was born in this county in 1872. He acquired his education in the public schools and in Whit man College, then Avent onto his father's farm, Avhere he remained until last year. He then bought a farm of his OAvn. Heretofore he has given most of his attention to cattle raising, but he is iioav going into the production of Avheat more particularly. He is a thrifty, en terprising, industrious young man, and prom ises to become one of the leading farmers of AA'alla AA'alla county. He Avas married in 1897 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 435 to Miss Belle De Batin, a native of Walla Walla county, and a member of a family which crossed the plains Avith ox-teams in 185 1. They have had one daughter, Bernice C, now deceased. AUSTIN LYNN CAUVEL, who resides at 806 Alder street, Walla Walla, is one of the early settlers of this city, having lived here since January 1, 1880. He was born near Oil City, Venango county, Pennsylvania, Sep tember 1, 1852, and there received his educa tion and grew to manhood. In December, 1873, he removed to Belief onte, Pennsylvania, Avhere he served an apprenticeship of two years, learning the trade of a carriage painter. Returning then to his old home he main tained a shop on his father's farm, at the same time giving some attention to agricul tural pursuits, but in 1879 he started for this valley, coming west over the Union Pacific and Central Pacific to San Francisco, thence by steamer to Portland,' and thence by water and team to Walla Walla. Though the dis tance from The Dalles to this city is only one hundred and ninety miles, it took them six days to make the journey, owing to the almost impassable condition of the roads and the scarcity of water. At one place a man who owned a well charged them twenty-five cents per head for the privilege of Avatering their horses. On his arrival in Walla Walla Mr. Cauvel went to work for his brother and Mr. Gardner in the old Ritz nursery, where he remained six months. He then went into the service of William Kent, who owned a carriage shop in Walla Walla, remaining with him also six months; then, after working two months as an employe of Mr. Baxter, another carriage painter, he purchased the latter's shop and started in business on his own account. A year later he sold out and removed to Pendle ton, where he, with Messrs. M. B. Johnson and J. A. Ross, purchased eighty acres of rich land and started a nursery. The business did not, however, agree with his health, so he sold out within eight months and returned to Walla Walla, where he found employment as a hack driver for Small & Miller, with whom ' he remained about three years. He then vis ited his relatives in Pennsylvania, and upon his return to Walla Walla bought a shop on East Main street and resumed work at his trade. He continued in this uninterruptedly for four teen years, afterward selling out. Our sub ject and Charles Kurdey aftenvards bought the property, but the former removed the shop to 503 South Second street, where he still maintains a carriage painting establishment. Shortly after his arrival here Mr. Cauvel took a timber culture of one hundred and sixty acres about nine miles northwest of the pres ent Ritzville, retaining the same until Janu ary, 1900, when he sold it for two thousand dollars. In 1888 he purchased a fifteen-acre tract about seven miles south of Walla Walla, on which he planted a choice selection of fruit trees, and for which, in 1899, ne received eleven hundred dollars. Mr. Cauvel is identified with the Ancient Order of Foresters, Court Walla Walla, No. 81 14, and Avas elected to represent that body in the subsidiary high court, which met at Oakland, California, in 1898, and in the one which met in San Francisco in May, 1900. He is also prominent in Odd Fellowship, be ing a past grand of Enterprise Lodge, No. 2, and a past chief patriarch of Walla Walla Encampment, No. 3. He was married March 20, 1887, to Miss Mary E. Todd, a native of 436 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. Indiana, avIio came to AAralla AValla in 1879. They have two children, Grace Camille and Stanley M., both in school in Walla Walla. Mr. Cauvel's parents reside near Oil City, Pennsylvania, and are enjoying good health, though aged, the father seventy-five and the mother seventy years. His grandparents Avere among the earliest pioneers of Avestern Penn sylvania. Mrs. Cauvel's parents are old and respected pioneers of the Walla Walla valley. Among the heirlooms of the Cauvel fam ily is the staple of the ox-yoke used by Mar cus Whitman when he drove info Walla Walla county. It was found in the ruins after the massacre and fire. Mr. Cauvel also has a stuffed mountain lion presented to him by the Walla Walla Volunteer Fire Department, in recognition of the fact that he served that or ganization as president for a longer period than any other man. The lion had been pre sented to the company as an appropriate mas cot, the name of the organization being the "Tiger" engine company. GEORGE AV. BRADBURY, a farmer re siding near Clyde, a pioneer of 1872, was born in OldtOAvn, Maine, October 8, 1846. While yet in infancy he was taken by his parents to St. Anthony, Alinnesota, a tOAvn Avhich has since been incorporated into Minneapolis, although at that time Minneapolis consisted of a gov ernment grist mill, and a cabin with a blanket for a door. At the time of the Minnesota mas sacre, perpetrated by the Sioux, Mr. Bradbury was a member of the expedition Avhich was sent out from Fort Snelling against the In dians, proceeding up the Mississippi river to Fort Ridgely. He remained at St. Anthony until seven teen years old, attending the local public school, then Avent Avith General Sully on his campaign against the Sioux Indians, and during this campaign assisted in building Fort Rice, which stands on the Missouri river near the mouth of the Cannon Ball. He participated in a seven-days fight in Avhich six thousand whites Avere pitted against three times that many red skins. The loss of Avhite men was, however, very slight; not exceeding ten or fifteen. On the Little Missouri river they also had a three- days fight, but without serious loss. The most distressing thing Avhich happened here was the accidental shooting of a man by his own brother, the latter mistaking the former for an Indian in the darkness of night. The Indian guide Avas also Avounded in this battle, and, as might be guessed, he received careful nursing, for he Avas the only man in the expedition who kneAV Avhere the command was. They con tinued their journey across the Bad Lands of South Dakota to the YelloAvstone river, forded this Avhere Glendive, Montana, noAV stands, losing many men and mules by drowning, fol- loAved the YelloAvstone to the Missouri, forded that river, pushed on to the site of the present Fort Buford, and thence to Sioux City, Iowa. Here Mr. Bradbury quit the service and Avent on a trapping expedition. He had good success, but on his return Avas overtaken by a blizzard, Avhich Avould haA'e cost him his life had he not taken refuge in a sheltered spot and alloAved himself to be covered over with snow. Returning at length to Minneapolis he engaged in the lumbering industry Avith his father. He folloAved that business in Avinter and rafting in summer for three or four years, then en gaged in saw-milling at Deer Lodge, Montana, but soon moved to Silver Boav, same state, and started a meat market for the purpose of sup plying surrounding towns. He remained in GEORGE W. BRADBURY HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 437 that business until 1872, then came, A'ia the Mullen road, to AA'alla AA'alla. He farmed a rented place for one year, then began freight ing, but as soon as the Nez Perce Avar broke out he again offered his services to the govern ment. He was in the Pendleton fight, and though not present at the Cottomvood and Bird Canyon battles Avas on the ground in time to assist in burying the dead. At the close of hostilities Mr. Bradbury en gaged in freighting into Oro Fino, but subse quently took a homestead and timber culture on Eureka flat, where he resided until 1893. He then sold out and purchased his present tAventy-five-hundred-acre farm. He is now ex tensively engaged in raising wheat, cultivating, for that purpose, not only his OAvn mammoth farm but also twenty-nine hundred acres of rented land. Mr. Bradbury is a typical pioneer; possessed of the indomitable courage characteristic of those Avho have occupied a place in civiliza tion's van, and of a resourcefulness Avhich has enabled him to conquer or find a way around all difficulties. He is iioav one of the most progressive and successful farmers in the coun ty, bringing to his agricultural pursuits the same invincible spirit which he displayed in the stern battles of former days. In Deer Lodge, Montana, in 1871, he mar ried Miss Milly Harrison, a native of Missouri, who died in Walla Walla in 1882, leaving two children : Edward H., noAv a resident of Walla Walla, and Maude, wife of Thomas Lyons, of Walla Walla. EATHAN A. LINN, deceased, a pioneer of May, 1862, was born in Somerset, Ohio, August 25, 1832. He resided in the town of his birth until nine years old, then accompa nied his parents to NeAV London, IoAva, Avhere he completed his education and grew to early manhood. In 1852 his ambitious and venture some spirit led him to undertake the long journey across the plains, though the route Avas beset with dangers and had to be traveled Avith ox-teams. He went to Salem, Oregon, and thence south to California, Avhere for ten years he followed mining with varying for tunes. In 1862 he visited Walla Walla on his Avay to the mines of Florence, Idaho, and in the fall he returned to this city. The next spring he decided to try his fortune in Boise basin, so went into that section and spent a year or tAvo there, mining and packing. He returned to Walla Walla in 1864. The next year Mr. Linn and his brother Homer came to Old Wallula for the purpose of starting in the livery business and in dray- ing. They met with excellent success in this* undertaking, and f olloAved it continuously for a fifth of a century. Mr. Linn then moved to his present place of abode, built tAvo steam ferry boats on the Columbia river and estab lished himself in the transportation industry at that point. He also followed stock raising for a number of years, but some time before his death he retired from active business and enjoyed a quiet evening of life. Air. Linn always took a lively interest in all matters of local concern, and Avas ever an active Avorker in political campaigns, his party affiliations being Avith the Republicans. He was a member of Walla Walla Lodge, No. 7, F. & A. M. In Walla Walla valley, on July 4, 1870, our subject married Caroline James, a native of Kansas, and an old pioneer of the coast. They became parents of six chil dren: John E., manager of the warehouse at Wallula; Elizabeth, wife of W. F. Burger, of Dayton; William H., deceased; and three that 438 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. died in infancy. Mrs. Linn passed away in 1882, and her remains lie buried in the Ma sonic cemetery. Mr. Linn's death occurred at his residence in AVallula on December 4, 1900. His demise Avas very sudden, his last illness being of but one hour's duration. RICHARD GINN, deceased, of Walla "Walla, Avas born in Fife, Scotland, January 4, 1820. His father died Avhen he was quite young, and in 1836 he came Avith his mother to Cormvall, Ontario. He Avas reared on a farm and received his education in the com mon schools. He followed the occupation of a farmer in Canada for tAventy years, then removed to Fairpoint, Minnesota, purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres and for ten years was engaged in wheat raising there. Mr. Ginn then came to Umatilla county, Oregon, and located one hundred and sixty acres of land near the town of Weston. To this from time to time he added by purchase of school and railroad land and by taking a timber culture claim until he had six hun dred and forty acres. He Avas the first farmer to raise wheat in the hills near AVeston, and threshed his product by using horses to tramp it out on the ground. He aftenvards sold part of his land and purchased four hundred and eighty acres in Sherman county, Oregon. After a residence of twenty-eight years near AA'eston, Mr. Ginn Avas compelled, on account of failing health, to abandon the hard life of a farmer and remove to Walla Walla. He purchased a beautiful home at No. 626 AA'hitman street, Avhere he resided until the date of his death, April 8, 1899. Two of his sons continue to operate his large farm, Avhich he deeded to them before his death, also one of two hundred acres seven miles south of AA'alla AA'alla, in Oregon. While a resident of Minnesota Mr. Ginn Avas active in establishing the public-school system of that state, serving as school director and aiding in the building of school houses. While a resident of Oregon he Avas for a time road appraiser. In Scotland he Avas a mem ber of the Orangemen, and while living in Minnesota he joined the Grange, becoming a charter member of Fairpoint Lodge some thirty-six years ago. Mr. Ginn married, on March 19, 1857, Miss Catherine Kinnear, a native of Cornwall, Ontario. Her father, avIio landed in Canada May 23, 1819, Avas born in Ireland of Scotch extraction, and her mother in England. Mr. and Airs. Ginn were both members of the Congregational church of AValla Walla, and Mrs. Ginn still continues to take an active in terest in the work of that society. In the family are ten children: Robert J., at present a merchant in Moro, Oregon; Eliza J. died December 16, 1872; Ella M., now Mrs. J. R. Morrison, of Fort Langley, B. C. ; Annie S., now Avife of William Elliot, of Walla Walla; Caroline A., now Mrs. Thomas Thompson, of Pendleton, Oregon; John A., deceased; AValter T., on his father's old farm; Maggie J., Avife of Alexander Brady; George A., also on the farm; Minnie A., with her mother. Three of the children, Maggie, George and Minnie, are graduates of the Weston Normal School. The entire family are benevolently disposed people, and have assisted liberally in the building of churches Avherever they have lived and in the support of all charitable in stitutions. As illustrative of the conditions under which many of the early pioneers began life HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 439 in the valley we may note that when Mr. and Mrs. Ginn arrived in Weston their earthly be longings consisted of a wagon and two horses and nineteen dollars in greenbacks, then worth about ninety per cent, of their face value. Their nearest trading point was Walla Walla, tAventy miles distant, and thither they had to go for the provisions and household articles necessary for their first rude home. But such Avas the dauntless spirit which characterized these early pioneers that they overcame every obstacle and mastered every opposing force, though the manner of achieving their victories is often a mystery to the rising generation. ALBERT E. REID, a pioneer of 1882, and now one of the leading business men of Wallula, is a native of Ontario, Canada, born November 1, 1847. He acquired his educa tion in the excellent schools for which that province is noted, then engaged in railroading, an occupation which he followed until about tAventy-five years old. In 1872, he removed to Washington, D. C, but failing to find con ditions as he expected, he soon went thence to Virginia, where for about four years he fol lowed the dairy business. On retiring from that, he revisited Canada, not to remain, how ever, for before long we find him in Dakota, and again in railroad work. In 1882, he de cided to try his fortune further west, so came out to Walla Walla county, took pre-emption where Wallula now is, and performed such duties in connection Avith it as the law required for perfecting his title, at the same time work ing in the employ of the N. P. R. R. Company. He remained with that company until 1894, and took a prominent part in the big railway strike, serving as chairman of the striking committee. Since the date mentioned Mr. Reid has given his attention to the mercantile business, and now has a good establishment and an ex cellent trade in the town of Wallula. He held the position of postmaster of the tOAvn for a time under appointment by President Cleve land. Mr. Reid is quite extensively interested in Wallula property, a considerable portion of the site being his, so that he naturally takes an active interest in promoting in every honor able way the welfare of his home town. He is, however, too broad-minded and public- spirited to confine his interests to merely local matters, the larger affairs of state and nation receiving a share of his attention. He is one of the representative men of the Democratic party in his part of the state, and was appointed by that party a delegate to the convention that nominated Charles S. Vorhees for congress in territorial times. Mr. Reid was married in Wallula, Decem ber 25, 1888, to Miss Emma S. Kuechen, a native of Burlington, Iowa, whom he met while she was visiting her uncle, Mr. C. A. Linn, in 1883. To their union have been born two children, Martha and Albert. WILLIAM CALLAHAN, one of the lead ing farmers in the vicinity of Pleasant View, is a native of West Virginia, born in 1867. His parents were natives of Ireland, but both came to America while young, and they Avere is a native of West Virginia, born in 1867. quired his education in his native state, and when nineteen set out for the west. He came as far as Colorado, stopped there a year, then came on to Bakersfield, California, where he also passed a year. Subsequently he engaged in railroad work for the Southern Pacific 440 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Railroad Company, by Avhich he was employed until 1890. In that year he entered the serv ice of the Northern Pacific Company at Cen- tralia, where he resided until 1892. He then took a trip to Montana. In 1893 he returned to this state, going first to the sound country, whence the same year he came to Walla Walla county. Locating at Pleasant VieAV, he pur chased a quarter section of land, homesteaded another adjoining, and began wheat raising. By industry and good management he has Avon for himself a comfortable home and a rank among the best farmers of his neigh borhood. SAMUEL J. SMITH, a farmer at Clyde, is a native of Tennessee, born August 2, 1871. He lived in his native state until ten years old, then came with his parents to the state of AA'ashington, where he greAV to manhood and received his education. The family bought land on Eureka flat in 1881 and engaged in farm ing, and Mr. Smith remained at home assist ing his father until the latter's death, then took full charge of the farm. He now ranks among the most extensive and successful tillers of the soil in AA'alla AA'alla county, being the owner of about three thousand acres of land. He is an industrious, enterprising and progressive young man, enjoying the respect and esteem of all his neighbors. He is, in fraternal connec tion, a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, No. 8, of AA'alla AA'alla. On December 4, 1898, he Avas married in Walla Walla to Miss Nora Ebert, a native of Illinois, who came Avith her parents to Eureka flat in 1895. They have one daughter, Florence E., born De cember 10, 1899. Mrs. Smith is a member of the M. E. church of AA'alla AA'alla. Mr. Smith's mother, Mary E. Ebert, Avas born in Tennessee November 26, 1828. She resided in Knox county, that state, until 1881, then came Avith her husband to Eureka flat, where they took up land. On January 12, 1898, she was left a widow. Her land includes a fine tract of eighty acres, adjoining the town of Clyde. Mrs. Smith has eight living children, AVilliam G., Oliver T., Robert M., Samuel J., Harvey L., John W., Laura A. and Victoria. JOHN WICKERSHAM, a farmer resi dent about ten miles east of Walla Walla, is a native of Belmont county, Ohio, born in 1 83 1. He lived in that state until twenty-five years old, engaged in farming, then went to Iowa, where his home was until, in 1862, he came to Walla Walla. His first winter in the new country was passed on Birch creek. In the spring he moved into the city of Walla Walla, and from that time until 1866 he was employed in teaming- to the mines, but he then purchased what was known as the old Bab cock place, and again became a farmer. Be fore long, however, he sold out and moved to Touchet, where he spent a year. Subsequently Mr. Wickersham came to the neighborhood in which he noAV lives, and ac quired land by pre-emption and purchase until he had a farm of over a thousand acres. For a number of years afterwards he was one of the most extensive wheat raisers in the coun ty, but latterly he has operated on a someAvhat smaller scale. ' He is a man of energy and in tegrity, and his standing in the community in Avhich he resides is of the highest. He has been quite active in the campaigns and coun sels of the Populist party since its organiza tion, and has served as a delegate to its state conventions. His fraternal connections are SAMUEL J. SMITH HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 441 with the Pioneers of the Pacific, an insurance order, of which he is an honorary member. In Iowa, in the month of October, 1856, our subject married Christina Albertson, and of their marriage have been born ten children, namely: Isaac Newton, George M., May E., Charles C. (deceased), Cora B., John S., Will iam T. (deceased), Alfred L., Mary (de ceased), and Rosetta (deceased). county he served as deputy under that officer, in Wallula precinct. He was married June 18, 1892, to Miss Mitta Doke, a native of Wallula, daughter of one of the old pioneers of the valley. They have one adopted child. SAMUEL A. ASH, a pioneer of 1877, was born in Vermont on July 17, 1856. He resided in his native state continuously until twenty- one years old, receiving a common school edu cation, but as soon as he had attained his ma jority he came direct to Walla Walla county, located at Wallula, old tOAvn, and engaged in the business of handling sheep, taking charge at first of Mr. Charles Buck's herds. He after wards entered the employ of Legrow & Adams, for whom he was manager for fifteen consecutive years. He invested his earnings in sheep, soon acquiring quite a large herd of his own, and though he now gives his time to other pursuits, he still owns three thousand eight hundred head. He has been interested in the saloon business in Wallula since 1891, also in a mercantile establishment in the same town since 1898. Though without money or influential friends when he arrived in Walla Walla coun ty, he has by industry, frugality and careful management succeeded in accumulating a mod erate fortune. Besides his Wallula property and his stock, he is the owner of seven thousand acres in the county, mostly hay and pasture land. Mr. Ash now is and for several years has been deputy county sheep commissioner, and while Mr. Ellingsworth was sheriff of the JOHN GASTON.— The respected pioneer whose name gives caption to this brief bio graphical review was born in county Antrim, Ireland, on December 24, 1827, and in his veins, mingled together in equal proportions, are the blood of that energetic, impulsive race and the no less energetic but more staid and serene Scot. Mr. Gaston remained in his na tive land until eighteen years of age, receiving the advantage of the excellent public schools of Belle Mene. On July 11, 1845, however, he, with his father and all his brothers and sis ters (his mother having died some eight years before), set sail for the new world, and after a stormy voyage lasting about two months, they at length arrived in Castle Garden, New York, whence they at once removed to Balti more. In that historic city the family made their home for a number of years, and there, on April 23, 1853, they were deprived of pa rental guidance entirely by the death of the father. Mr. Gaston had been employed prior to this time as a porter in P. T. Barnum's hotel, at that time supposed to be the largest in the United States, but shortly after his father's demise he resolved to try his fortunes in Cali fornia. Accordingly, he took passage on a vessel bound for the south with a view to. reaching his destination by the Nicaragua route, and on October 31, 1853, he landed in San Francisco. After a short stay, he went to the Nevada City mines, where for several years he was engaged in the effort to pene- 44^ HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. trate nature's vaults, and Avin therefrom the hidden treasure. Later, he established a vege table garden in that region, a venture Avhich turned out Avell and continued to net him con siderable revenue until the mines closed down. Mr. Gaston thereupon moved to Walla AA'alla, Avith Avhich city he has been identified ever since the date of his arrival, June 6, 1862. His first business in the neAV country was packing and freighting into the mines of Ida ho, in Avhich industry he used mule-teams. He continued to devote his energies to this, making several trips into Montana, also, for about eight years, after Avhich he engaged in the lodging house business at No. 10 South Fourth street, Avhere he has ever since resided. He is quite extensively interested in Walla Walla realty, being the OAvner not only of the house in Avhich he lives and maintains his business, but also of several lots on Knob Hill, and of other property. Mr. Gaston has seen a great deal of pioneer life in the Avest, and in him are developed fully all the best traits Avhich characterize that hon ored class. During his long residence in Walla AA'alla, his life has ever been so ordered as to secure and retain the confidence, esteem and good will of those Avith Avhom he has had business or social relations, and he is the fortunate possessor of an enviable reputation and standing in the city. Fraternally he is affiliated Avith the Masonic order, being a member of AA'alla AA'alla Lodge No. 7, and also of the Chapter. On June 6, 1892, the marriage of our sub ject and Mrs. Mary J. Evans Avas solemnized in this county. Mrs. Gaston is a native of Ireland, but has been a resident of the United States ever since her nineteenth year. Mr. Gaston Avas reared and has ever remained an old school Presbvterian. SETH A. FERREL, a farmer residing about eleven and a half miles east of AA'alla Walla, was born in this county in 1868. He received such education as the local public schools afforded, then gave his time to the cultivation of the paternal farm until about 1888. He then purchased one hundred and twenty acres, and started farming for himself. At present he is farming and raising stock on this land, and on one thousand acres which he rents from his father for use as pasture. He has a splendid orchard of ten acres, and many other improvements, Avhich bear testimony to his industry and thrift. He is the owner of one hundred and seventy head of cattle and horses, and besides his real estate holdings in this county has title to some very good residence property in Seattle. In fraternal affiliations, he is identified Avith the Modern Woodmen of America. He was married in Walla Walla county, in 1888, to Miss Elysia Wickersham, daughter of one of the early pioneers of the county, and their union has been blest by the advent of three children, Clyde B., Edith Flor ence and Harry. AVILLIAM H. CARNES, a saddle and harness maker Avith C. E. Nye, is one of the pioneers of AValla AA'alla, having lived in that city since 1880. He Avas born in Louisville, Kentucky, December 27, 1843. In 1853, his parents removed to Indianapolis, Indiana, Avhere they remained for five years, then remov ing to Danville, Indiana. At the age of eighteen years, Mr. Carnes responded to the first call of President Lincoln for volunteers. He enlisted in Company A, Seventh Indiana Infantry, under Colonel Du- mont for the three months service, taking part HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 443 in the first fight at Phillippi, West Virginia, Avhich occurred several days before the battle of Bull Run. At the expiration of his three months enlistment, he re-enlisted for three years or during the war, in the Fifty-third Indiana Infantry, under Colonel Walter Q. Gresham, late secretary of state in the cabinet of President Cleveland. Mr. Carnes served with his regiment through the entire war, being- tinder General Grant until after the surrender M Vicksburg, then under General Sherman /through the Atlanta campaign and the famous march to the sea. At the close of his three years, Mr. Carnes re-enlisted for three years more in the veteran service. He was with Sherman's triumphant army in the campaign from Savannah through South Carolina and 'North Carolina, terminat ing in the surrender of General Joe Johnston, near Raleigh, in April, 1865. He also was with the army in its march to Washington city and took part in the grand review in the national capital. His regiment was then returned to Indianapolis, where they Avere mustered out. Mr. Carnes was wounded at the battle of At lanta, being shot in the left foot during a charge, and was incapacitated for active service for about two months, but being a mounted courier, did not take a discharge. He par ticipated in the battle of Shiloh, the siege of Corinth, battle of Hatchie river, the Vicksburg campaign and siege, the raid on Meridian, Mississippi, in the winter of 1863 and '64, and in the engagement at Jackson, Mississippi, after the Vicksburg surrender. Upon being mustered out, he removed to. Fairbury, Illinois, where he served an appren ticeship of three years to a harness maker. He then went to Princeton, Arkansas, and opened a grocery store in connection with a harness shop and saddlery. In the spring of 1873 he removed to San Francisco, where he followed his trade until March, 1880, removing then to Walla Walla. For two years he Avas employed in the harness shop of Thomas Quinn, after which he opened a shop of his own on East Main street. In 1891, his place Avas destroyed by fire and he lost his shop with his- entire stock and tools, and he then accepted his present position with C. E. Nye. Mr. Carnes is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Columbia Lodge, No. 8, of Walla Walla, and of Lincoln Post, No. 4, G. A. R.,. in which he is a past commander. He has represented his post as a delegate to the depart ment encampment and has "served as aide-de camp on the staff of the commander in chief of the G. A. R. He Avas married in Danville, Indiana, November 10, 1869, to Miss Elizabeth Kempton, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER S. FERGUSON, a farmer, re siding about seven miles east of Walla Walla,. is a son of the Avest, having been born in Doug las county, Oregon, in 1866. He came with the remainder of the family to Walla AAralla coun ty, in 1872, and his first home in this section was about three miles east of the place where he now resides. He received a good education, enjoying the advantages both of the public- schools and of Whitman College, then engaged in farming as an occupation. He is now the owner of three hundred' and twenty acres of fine land, and is engaged in raising wheat principally, though he also gives some atten tion to other farm products. He is one of the solid and substantial citizens of the county, and though not ambitious for leadership or personal preferment, enjoys an abundant measure of the esteem and good will of his neighbors. He 444 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. married, in this county, in 1895, Miss Jessie May Foster, a member of one of the earliest pioneer families and they have tAvo children, Cecil AAr. and Bessie L. The family are mem bers of the Methodist Episcopal church. ELI AV. CROUP, D. D. S.— AA'alla AValla, like most other Avestern cities, is supplied with a large corps of able and efficient professional men many of Avhom are among the choicest products of the finest colleges, universities and professional schools in the land. Prominent among them is Eli AV. Croup, one of the leading dental surgeons in eastern AVashington. He was born in Butler, Pennsylvania, on April 18, 1852, and in the public schools of that town he took his initial steps in the pursuit of an education. He supplemented his thorough common school training by a complete course in Witherspoon Seminary, and immediately after graduation began the study of dentistry under Dr. S. R. Diffenbaucher. Five years were given to the study and practice of dentist ry, and at the end of this protracted appren ticeship Dr. Croup became a partner of his former preceptor. This partnership continued until the death of Dr. Diffenbaucher, Avhere- upon Dr. Croup purchased his partner's inter ests and continued the business alone. His skill and assiduity brought him a very large patron age, and the net annual earnings of his office ran up into the thousands of dollars, but failing health soon compelled him to seek a more salubrious climate. Accordingly, Dr. Croup placed his business in charge of an assistant and came Avest, arriv ing in AA'alla AA'alla August 6, 1884. He found the conditions and prospects very favor able, and, though he could not do so Avithout material sacrifice, he soon decided to make this city his permanent home. He sold his business in the east, brought his family to Walla Walla and prepared to engage in the practice of his profession here. Until 1896, he maintained an office in the Kirkman building, but the growth of his practice rendered larger and more con venient offices necessary, so he then moved to the Quinn building, where we now find him. The present firm, Croup Bros., was formed in 1895, when the Doctor took his younger brother, who had also become a dentist of abili ty, into partnership. Dr. Croup is thoroughly devoted to his profession, and has given the assiduous efforts of many years to the mastery of everything per- taing to diseases of the mouth and teeth and to their treatment. In furtherance of this end he, in 1893, took an extended post-graduate course in Haskell's Prosthetic School of Dent istry in Chicago. In fraternal affiliations, the Doctor is iden tified Avith the Woodmen of the World, Camp No. 96, of AAralla Walla, while in religious persuasion, he and his entire family are Metho dists, their membership being in the First Methodist Episcopal church of this city. Dr. Croup Avas married on the 28th of March, 1879, to Miss Susan D. Eshingbaugh, a native of Butler, Pennsylvania, and to their union two children have been born : Estella May, Avho will graduate jn vocal music from a musical college in Chicago in June, 1901 ; and Myrtle Gail, a pupil in the public schools of AValla Walla. ALFRED C. WELLMAN, a farmer near Clyde, is a native of Alabama, born No vember 3, 1835. When a year old he Avas taken by his parents to Missouri, Avhere his father became an extensive farmer and mer- ALFRED C. WELLMAN HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 445 chant. Mr. Wellman attended the public schools until he acquired a good general educa tion, then in 1855 took charge of his father's eleven-hundred-acre farm. In 1862 the father died. The next year the family started across the plains with ox-teams to Walla AValla coun ty, Avhere, shortly after his arrival, Mr. Well- man took a pre-emption on Dry creek. He also engaged in mining in Idaho, and succeeded in locating some very rich claims. In 1 87 1 Mr. Wellman was elected county assessor of Walla Walla county, and at the ex piration of his term he became deputy sheriff, serving for two years. He then made a trip east in the interest of a patent calculator, one of his own invention. On his return he went to Silver City, Idaho, where he mined until 1876. He then located a timber culture on Eureka flat, and became one of the pioneer ag riculturists of that section. He now owns and farms six hundred and forty acres on Eureka flat, raising wheat. He is an energetic and progressive man, highly esteemed in his community, and re spected as one who may be relied upon to do as he agrees at all times. He was married in April, 1855, to Miss Helen M. Merritt, a native of Missouri, and to them have been born seven children, Charles V., Alice C, Richard H., Percy L., Mary J., Mark A. and AI C. In fraternal affiliations Mr. Wellman is identified Avith the Elks. Mrs. Wellman is a member of the Christian church, having joined the so ciety of that faith in New London, Missouri, in 1855. was taken by parents, when a small boy. His father followed lumbering and milling in Mich igan, but, in 1855, he and his son, Charles T., together came to Iowa, where they bought land, and turned their attention to the business of tilling the soil. In the fall of 1879, Mr. Sweetser came, via San Francisco, to Looking' Glass valley, and embarked in the lumber in dustry, but, the following spring, he moved to Prescott, took a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, and a timber culture of one hundred and sixty more four miles north of that town and started farming. He has been engaged in that industry continuously since, with excellent success, and has a fine, well cultivated farm. His home and surround ings bear eloquent testimony to his thrift, energy and progressiveness. Fie was mar ried in Iowa, in 1874, to Miss Ella M. Haviland, a native of Illinois, but a resident of Iowa from her twelfth year until the date of her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Sweetser are parents of three children, living : Viola, born September 8, 1875; Grace, born September 3, 1886; Pansy, born January 9, 1889; also one, Archie, deceased. CHARLES T. SWEETSER, a farmer near Prescott, is a native of Maine, born De cember 10, 1849. He was reared and educated in Port Huron, Michigan, to^ which city he GEORGE HARRIS CHAMBERLIN, one of the most respected business men of Walla AValla, is the present secretary and manager of the Chamberlin Lumber Company, No. 213 East Rose street. He is the son of George H. Chamberlin and was born at Rock Falls, Wis consin, July 5, 1865, Avhere he grew to man hood., receiving his education in Galesville University of Wisconsin, from- which he grad uated in 1886. He engaged in the lumber busi-. ness in Wisconsin as an employee of the Eau Claire Lumber Company, with whom he re- 446 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. mained tAvo years. After this, he spent about a year in traveling, but finally decided to come Avest and in December, 1888, settled at Bucoda, AA'ashington. There he Avas employed by the Seatco Manufacturing Company for about eighteen months. On June 30, 1890, Mr. Chamberlin came to Walla AA'alla to look after the interests of the Bucoda company, and that he continued to do until March, 1889. When, on that date, the company Avas reorganized and the present firm formed, he was elected secretary and manager. He OAvns a large part of the stock of the com pany and to his efforts its success has been largely due. Their business has been liberally patronized and the gi'OAvth of their trade is very gratifying and satisfactory. Mr. Chamberlin Avas married March 10, 1887, in Meridian, Wisconsin, to Harriet E. Garland, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Garland. Her father Avas manager of the Eau Claire Lumber Company's interests at Merid ian, Wisconsin, and a highly respected citizen of that community. Mr. Chamberlin is a mem ber of Blue Mountain Lodge, No. 13, F. & A. M., and belongs also to Walla AValla Chapter, No. 1, Royal Arch Masons, and to AA'ashing ton Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar, also to the Society of Colonial AA'ars, in the state of Minnesota. Air. and Mrs. Chamberlin and their tAvo children, Louise and Helen, reside at 421 Lincoln street. They are members of St.. Paul's Episcopal church. where he resided until 1862, engaged in farm ing. In that year, hoAvever, he started across the plains Avith ox-teams, taking six months to make- the journey. He, with his family, lived on Cottomvood creek the first winter, but the folloAving spring they bought land seven miles southeast of AA'alla Walla, where Mr. Shelton passed the remainder of his days, and Avhere his Avife still lives. He Avas for many years engaged in the nursery business, and sup plied the stock for many a fine orchard. Mr. Shelton Avas ahvays looked upon, dur ing his lifetime, as one of the leading spirits of his community, and was frequently elected to local offices. For several seasons he served as director of the school district in Avhich he re sided, and he also held the offices of road overseer, justice of the peace and constable at different times. Mr. Shelton was married in Davis county, IoAva, in 1850, to Margaret Earnst, avIio survives him and lives on the home Avhich they had at the time of his death. They had one son, AA'illiam Allen. WILLIAM M. SHELTON, deceased, was born in Indiana in 1827. He passed his early youth and received his education in that state, but AA'hen nineteen years old moved to Iowa, CHARLES A. TYSON, a pioneer of 1877, is a native of New York, born May 4, 1846. He was taken by parents to Illinois while still in his early youth, and in that state and the state of Nebraska he grew to manhood and Avas educated. He removed to Calfornia in 1873, and in 1877 came north to Oregon, Avhence, three years later, he proceeded to the AA'alla AA'alla valley. Locating in the vicinity of AA'allula, he secured some land and engaged in farming and stock raising, and that occupa tion he has folloAved continuously since Avith good success. Mrs. Tyson owns a half section near AA'al lula, and a quarter section in Umatilla county, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 447 Oregon, upon which they keep, besides other stock, a large bunch of horses. Our subject is a prosperous ranchman, a good neighbor, and an estimable member of society. In the state of Nebraska, in 1867, he married Loretta Sapp, Avho died in 1872, leaving two children, Belle, wife of Frank Alartin, and James F. He married again in January, 1880, the lady being Mrs. Matilda A. AVarner, a native of Ohio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burdett, and of this union two children have been born, Robert and Charles R. Mrs. Tyson's first husband, George AVarner, Avas an early pioneer of the coast, having come to California in 1852. In 1861, he settled in AA'alla AA'alla county, a half mile east of Wallu la, where he resided until death overtook him, March 22, 1877. He is survived by two chil dren, Jessie, now Mrs. Gustavus Kuhlenkomp, and George W. Mr. AVarner was quite promi nent in local affairs during the years he spent in the neighborhood of Wallula, serving as jus tice of the peace, and at different times hold ing municipal offices. AMOS CUMMINGS, a pioneer of 1867, and a man Avho has long been very prominent in the development of Walla Walla county, is a native of Indiana, born January 9, 1832. AVhen ten years old, he accompanied his parents to Rock county, Wisconsin, where he resided until man's estate had been reached and Avhere he completed his public school education. In 1850, he crossed the plains to California, ex periencing considerable trouble with the In dians, two of his party being killed and many head of cattle stolen. On his arrival in the Golden state, he engaged in mining on the Feather river, where, by an unfortunate acci dent, he was crippled for life. He was caught under a falling tree, and had an arm and a leg broken. In 1852, he returned, via the isthmus, to Wisconsin, and in 1853 he engaged in the mer chandise business in Mitchell county, Iowa, where he lived and prospered until 1857. In that year he moved to Linn county, Kansas, and for the next decade Avas a farmer there. He also served as a member of the militia dur ing the final years of the Avar. In August, 1867, he again set out across the plains, and early the next year he Avas established in a hotel business in Old Wallula. He was, for several years afterwards, one of the popular hotel men of the town, but in 1870 he started a mercantile establishment there. Subsequent ly, he removed to AVallula Junction, and entered into partnership Avith his brother in a general merchandise business in that tOAvn, but this they long since sold out. For seventeen years prior to 1892 he served as postmaster in AVal lula, but since withdrawing from that office he has lived in practical retirement, at least from business. Since 1896, he has been living on his two-hundred-acre farm, engaged in raising alfalfa hay and some stock. Mr. Cummings has long held a place of leadership in the county government, serving in all about ten years on the board of county commissioners, and being chairman of that board which built the court house. Recently he has been again elected as a commissioner to serve until 1903. Mr. Cummings has been a Mason for thirty-five years, his membership at present be ing in the Walla Walla Lodge, No. 8. He was married in IoAva, May 3, 1857, to Aliss Susan E. Babb, a native of Indiana, and they have six children, three of Avhom are living, namely : 448 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. Alice M., iioav Avife of AI. L. Johnson; Joseph J., and Edgar, at present a soldier in the Philip pines. URIAS S. HARMAN, one of the pioneers of Walla Walla, was born near the Canadian line in the state of New York, April 18, 1840. When he Avas seven years of age, the family removed to NeAV Bremen, Cook county, Illi nois, whence they later moved to Joliet, going thence twelve months afterward to Davenport, Iowa, where for ten years they lived on a farm, and where Mr. Harman completed his educa tion. From his sixteenth to his twenty-first year he was employed as a farm laborer. In Sep tember, 1 86 1, he enlisted in Company E, Sec ond Iowa Cavalry, under Captain Hendricks, and served three years and one month. He took part in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, AVhite Station, West Point, Franklin, Nash ville and others and in numerous skirmishes. At Pittsburg Landing, his regiment charged a Confederate battery of six guns and lost twen ty men and about two hundred horses, but silenced the battery. After being mustered out in September, 1864, Mr. Harman located in Clinton coun ty, Iowa, and again engaged in farming. In 1869 he removed to Sioux City, Iowa, and in the spring of 1877 emigrated to California. He Avas employed about four months there as a farm hand, but then came to Portland, Oregon, whence, shortly after wards, he removed to AA'alla AValla valley. He settled on a farm on Mill creek Avhere he lived until 1897, but in that year he removed to AA'alla AValla, in which city he has since resided. He is iioav employed as janitor of the Sharp stein school. Mr. Harman Avas married at Grand Mound IoAva, June 28, 1868, to Miss Sarah A. Great- trax, a native of Massachusetts, whose parents were pioneers of Illinois and Iowa. Their chil dren are Francis E., an engineer in the mines of the John Jay district; Charles W., a farmer in this county; and Lester L., a printer on the Walla Walla Union. Mr. Harman is a member of Abraham Lincoln Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Walla Walla. The family are members of the Episcopal church. The son, Charles W., was a member of the First Washington Volunteers in the Spanish-American war, belonging to Company I, commanded by Captain Buffam, and he was all through the Philippine campaign, taking part in all the engagements in which his regi ment participated, prominent among which Avere the battles at Pasig river and Paco church. JOSEPH AV. HARBERT, one of the old est pioneers of Walla Walla county, was born in Montgomery county, Indiana, September 25j 1835. He passed the first nine years of his life there, then moved with his father to Dubuque, IoAva, Avhence tAvo years later he went to Linn county, same state. Here he re mained until May 10, 1859, when he set out across the plains to the Avest, making the trip with ox-teams. On the twenty-fourth anni versary of his birth he arrived in Walla Walla, and from that time until the present day he has been a very efficient factor in the upbuild ing and development of the county. Mr. Harbert busied himself during the win ter of 1859-60 in riving the first shingles ever put upon a house in this city. His next em ployment Avas freighting Avith ox-teams from The Dalles to AValla Walla for the Bagleys, and after making tAA'o trips he entered the em- J. W. HARBERT HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY 449 ploy of Mr. Charles Russell, who had a contract to deliver one hundred tons of freight to Pend d'Oreille Lake. While on his third trip in this delivery he and his partner were the only white men between that lake and the Snake river. Our subject worked for Mr. Russell for about a year and a half, then was in partnership with him in the freighting industry one summer, but in the fall of 1862 they dissolved partner ship, dividing the teams, and from that time until 1866 Mr. Harbert hauled freight on his own sole account. In that year, however, he bought land four miles east of Walla Walla, where he has ever since resided. He now has a fine farm of twelve hundred acres, well im proved and cultivated, and furnished with ex cellent buildings, and the magnitude of his in dustry may be imagined when it is remembered that he keeps about seventy-five head of horses for his own use. His principal crop is wheat, though he is also more extensively interested in the production of corn than any other man in the county, having raised over one hundred acres per year of this product for the last twenty years. He has ten acres of prunes and four acres planted to other varieties of fruit. Mr. Harbert is a very industrious, enter prising man, possessed of a sturdy pioneer spirit, and, as before intimated, has borne an important part in the industrial development of Walla Walla county. He deserves an honored place among the builders of the west. On July 13, 1866, in Lewiston, Idaho, he married Miss Emma Evans, who died in January, 1878, leaving six children, Henry F., Ida'H., Alvin L., Floy, Homer L. and Liberty. Mr. Har bert was again married, on April 8, 1884, in Cheney, Washington, to Lizzie C. DeGroff, and of this union three children have been born, Cora, deceased, Clifford and Hazel. 29 JOSEPH LAFORTUNE, whose connec tion with the city and county of Walla Walla, dates back to 1883, was born in Canada in i860. He acquired his education in the public schools of his native land, then removed to Michigan, where he was employed in the iron mines and in the lumber camps until he came to the state of Washington. For a number of years after his arrival here, he busied himself with various kinds of work, but in 1889 he received a permanent position from Mr. D. H. Henroid, by whom he was employed until 1894. He then engaged in business for himself in com pany with Mr. Genevay. Our subject's interest in the town is mani fested in many ways, but finds more specific expression in the fact that for years he has belonged to the volunteer fire department. He is quite a prominent man in fraternal circles, being an active member in the Catholic Knights of America, the Young Men's Institute, the Eagles, and the Improved Order of Red Men. On February 5, 1894, he was united in mar riage to Miss Elmira Bergevin, a native of Walla Walla, daughter of early pioneer parents. They have three children, Lucille, Joseph, and Lester. GEORGE H. MIDDLETON, a hotel- keeper at Waitsburg, was bora in Sheffield, England, April 7, 1855. He attended the schools of his fatherland for a time, but when only sixteen, emigrated to America, accom panied by his mother, a widow, and by his uncle and sister, all of whom have since died. He located in Kansas, but was not there many years before the call came for volunteers for the Indian war, and he en listed. He served under General Canby three 450 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. years. At the close of hostilities, he took a homestead and timber culture in Lane county, Kansas, where he farmed uninterruptedly until 1 88 1, Avhen he came to Walla Walla. For the first five years after his arrival here, Mr. Middleton Avas engaged in the restaurant business, but in 1886 removed to Rulo Sta tion on the Hunt railroad, fifteen miles north of AA'alla AA'alla, and resumed farming. He Avas there until 1893, then returned to Walla AAralla, renting a farm. He tried the dray busi ness in this city for three years, but at length tiring of that, returned to his place at Rulo, and again became a tiller of the soil, remaining in that occupation until quite recently. Since September 22, 1900, however, he has been proprietor of the leading hotel in AA'aits burg. His farm of one hundred and sixty acres he lets out to other parties. Mr. Middle- ton is one of the respected men of the town in Avhich he lives, and stands well in every other neighborhood in the county in which he has resided. He Avas married in Milton, Oregon, January 1, 1893, to Miss Eleanor L. OAven, a native of California, and they have one living- child, Lorena G, born October 27, 1893. J. BUROKER, a farmer, residing five and a half miles east of AA'alla AA'alla, Avas born in Ohio, January 18, 1845. He lived there until tAvelve years old, then moved Avith the remain der of the family to Montgomery county, Mis souri, Avhence, three years later, he Avent to Iowa. He Avas a resident of that state until April, 1S64, then set out across the plains with teams to AA'alla AA'alla. He remained here from the time of his arrival until September, 1865, Avhen he Avent to Linn county, Oregon, Avhere the ensuing three years Avere passed. Returning, then, to this county, he took a homestead and purchased a quarter section of land on Mill creek, not far from his present place of abode. In June, 1883, he bought the farm on which he now lives. He is the owner of three hundred and seventy-five acres of fine land, and is en gaged principally in producing Avheat. An in dustrious, progressive, enterprising man, he stands Avell in the community in which he re sides, though he does not seem to be specially ambitious for personal preferment, or leader ship among his confreres. He Avas married in AA'alla AA'alla county, December 9, 1877, to Miss Josephine Patterson, also a pioneer of the Avest, and they have one child, Claudia. CHARLES A. JACOBS, proprietor of the Perfection creamery and dairy, half a mile Avest of Touchet, is a pioneer of 1862, having been brought to this valley from Oregon by his parents in that year. His father crossed the plains to Oregon at a very early date, and was connected Avith the early development -of various parts of the nortfiAvest until his death, Avhich occurred in AValla AA'alla. His mother, noAv Mrs. J. H. Lasater, still lives in this city. Mr. Jacobs Avas born in Oregon in i860, Avas brought to the county, as before stated, Avhen tAvo years old, and after a brief stay was taken to Boise, Idaho, Avhere he lived until 1870, and Avhere he took his first steps in the pursuit of an education. He has, hoAvever, re sided in this county since that date, complet ing his public school training here. He began his career as a merchant at Touchet, but Avas also interested in farming, so took up seme land in the vicinity, and bought more from time to time until he is now the owner of eight hundred acres. HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 4Si For about eight years past, Mr. Jacobs has been quite extensively engaged in the dairy business, and so important did his interests in this industry become that in 1897 he sold out his mercantile establishment that he might give his Avhole time and attention to it. He estab lished a creamery in connection, and is iioav making about two hundred and twenty-five pounds of butter per week. He keeps a fine herd of picked dairy cattle. Mr. Jacobs is a bright, business-like man, wide awake to every opportunity to better his condition in life, and usually successful in Avhat he undertakes. He was married in Touch et in 1882, to Miss Rachael Cummins, a native of Iowa, and they have a family of four chil dren, Arthur M., Mabel R., Alice R., and Nellie M. AMANDER M. NICHOLAS, a retired farmer, came to AValla AValla November 10, 1877. He was born at La Porte, Indiana, September 1, 1854. In his infancy his parents removed to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his father engaged in general express Avork, and Avhere he received his education. At the age of seventeen years, his father having died, he removed with his mother to Cerro Gordo, Piatt county, Illinois, and he was engaged at farm Avork for wages there until 1877, when he went to Kansas, seeking a place for settlement, Not finding the country satisfactory, Mr. Nicholas came to AValla Walla, and shortly after his arrival engaged to work for Dr. Bla lock, by Avhom he was employed in construct ing a flume and on the farm for a period of eighteen months. He then rented land and be gan farming for himself, following that indus try successfully for several years. In March, 1888, he purchased two hundred and fifteen acres of land six miles southwest of AAralla Walla, which he still owns, and in 1891 he purchased a cosy home in Walla AValla, No. 353 West Maple street, where he now resides. He also owns two houses and three lots on Sprague and Chestnut streets, has a house and two lots on Seventh street and a fine house and lot on Seventh and Willow streets. He also owns a ten-acre tract near the O. R. & N. depot. on which he is constructing a small distillery which will soon be in operation. Our subject is a member of the I. O. F., of Walla Walla, and also of the Fraternal Union of America. He was married in AAralla Walla November 9, 1887, to Susan Bashore, a native of Ohio, whom he met in Illinois, and avIio came in the same immigrant party Avith him to AValla Walla. They have four children, Addie C, Alice M., Lillie B., and David D. Mr. Nicholas has been a school director of his district for two years in Oregon and is an active friend of education. J. FRED ROHN, a farmer, residing ten miles east of Walla Walla, Avas born in this county in 1871, so he has the distinction of being one of the comparatively few grown men who are sons of the Evergreen state. He ac quired his education in the public schools of this county, then worked on the farm for a time, but is now the owner of land of his own, and is engaged in business on his own account. His place is already fairly well improved, and, as a natural effect of his industry and toil, is rapidly being reduced to submission. He is en gaged principally in raising wheat, but is also starting a fine young orchard, and is giving at tention to other farm products. A young man of energy and ambition, he is speedily becoming- 452 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. one of the leading farmers of his section. He was married in Dayton, AA'ashington, in 1894, to Miss Lulu Beeson, and they have three chil dren, Elmer F., Gladys AI., and John J. HON. ALEN CAMERON, a farmer re siding three miles southeast of Walla Walla, is a native of Rosshire, Scotland, born in 1834. He lived in his fatherland until eighteen years old, receiving the advantage of the thorough common schools for Avhich Scotland is noted. In 1852, hoAvever, he came to Quebec, Canada, and after a residence of about six months in that province he travelled quite extensively through Alichigan, also visiting Chicago, Cleve land and other cities in the neighboring states. When the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail way Company began the construction of its road, he entered its employ, and remained Avith them for several months, but he at length quit their service, settled in Stark county, Illinois, and turned1 his attention to farming. He was thus employed for eight or nine years, at the end of which time he Avent to Jefferson coun ty, IoAva, and secured a position in the coal mines there located. In April, 1863, Mr. Cameron set out across the plains to this county. He experienced some little trouble Avith the Indians, on ac count of their interfering Avith the stock, but found them for the most part disposed to be friendly. For a year after his arrival in Walla AA'alla county he lived on a rented farm, but he then homesteaded a quarter section Avhere he now resides. To this he has since added an other one-hundred-and-sixty-acre tract, ac quired by purchase, and he is iioav engaged in raising Avheat, barley, corn and other cereals. He has long been a prominent man in the local affairs of the county, ever manifesting a Avill ingness to bear his portion of the public bur dens, and to do Avhat he can for the promotion of the general welfare. For five years he was road overseer and for about ten he had a place on the board of trustees of his district. In 1893, he was elected to represent his county in the state legislature. While on his way to the west, he was mar ried in Council Bluffs, to Miss Janet McRae, the ceremony being performed on May 18, 1863. Air. and Mrs. Cameron became parents of nine children: John A.; Jane S., deceased; Daniel, deceased ; Bessie, Belle, Maggie, Jessie, George and Hattie. Mr. Cameron is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. GEORGE DACRES.— The respected pio neer Avhose name forms the caption of this article is a son of the Emerald Isle, the land from Avhich came so many of the men whose restless energy and resistless force have Avrought the development of the Inland Em pire. A man of great native ability, indomit able Avill power and above all of unsAverving integrity, Air. Dacres ranks among the "true and the tried" citizens of Walla Walla, and his faithfulness to every trust, public or private, which has been reposed in him has won him the esteem and confidence of the entire community. Mr. Dacres Avas born in 1829. He grew to man's estate and acquired his educational dis cipline in his Irish home parish, but Avith the advent of manhood came the desire to try his fortunes in the new Avorld, so in 1849 we mi(i him embarking aboard a vessel bound for America. He landed in NeAV York in due course and in 1852 came thence via the isthmus GEORGE DACRES HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 453 route to California, Avhere for five years he served as a clerk in a store, thereafter coming to the state of Washington, whence in 1858 he made a trip into the Fraser river region. Im mediately upon his return he entered the em ploy of the United States government as an assistant in making the survey between this state and British Columbia, a task which kept him busy until i860. From that date until about 1875 Mr. Dacres Avas employed in packing Avith mules into the various mining camps of this section, and since that date he has given his attention almost ex clusively to farming. His methods in this in dustry have been conservative yet progressive, the sphere of his control gradually widening until at present he is the owner of one one- thousand-acre tract, a portion of which is with in the city limits of Walla Walla, and of real estate located elsewhere in the county suf ficient to bring his entire holdings up to a grand aggregate of three thousand acres. In 1899 our subject erected in Walla Walla the Hotel Dacres, the finest and best equipped hotel in the city. But it is not alone in material things that Mr. Dacres' interest in the general well-being has found expression. He has ever manifested much concern for the social advancement of the city and taken an active part in promoting the cause of good local government, himself serv ing at one time for two years as a member of its city council. Mr. Dacres has been twice married. In Walla Walla, in September, 1864, he wedded Margaret Russell, a native of Ire land, who died in this city in 1887, leaving two children, James and Mary. In 1889 he was again married, the lady being Margaret Don nelly, also a native of Ireland, and she, too, passed away, after having borne him his third child, George. ROBERT THOMPSON, a retired farmer, was one of the early pioneers of the Walla Walla valley. He Avas born in Ireland, July 17, 1827, but when he was but four years old his parents brought him to the United States, arriving in 1 83 1 . They located in Center coun ty, Pennsylvania, where his father engaged in iron mining. Here Robert spent his boyhood life and was educated. In 1846, with his parents, he removed to what was then the far Avest, settling on a claim near Dubuque, Iowa, which claim, when it was surveyed and placed on the market, they pur chased from the government. In those early days of pioneer life in that country, they en dured the privations common to early settlers. Their first cabin was built of logs, with the old fashioned, puncheoned floor and clapboard roof, the entire structure being of oak, with out a single nail to hold it together and the roof being held in place by ridgepoles. The gold excitement in California lured Robert in 1853 to the Pacific coast. He crossed the plains with a four-horse team, making the trip from Omaha, Nebraska, to Beckwith val ley, California, in a little less than three months, going over the Truckee route. In the "76" camp on Jamieson creek, he worked in the mines for a month and nine days, for which he was not paid. Later he located in Deadwood camp, nine miles from Yreka, where for three years he was engaged in placer mining, on his own account, with good results. He then de cided to visit his parents in Iowa, so returned via the Panama route. After his arrival in Iowa, he followed lead mining in that country, until 1864, when the attractions of the Pacific Coast country again induced him to cross the plains. This time he came via Salt Lake and the "Oregon trail," and settling in the Walla Walla valley, pur- 454 HISTORY OF AA'ALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. chased a farm of one hundred and tAventy acres beloAV the army post and Avithin a mile of the city of AA'alla AValla. Air. Thompson lived on this farm for seventeen years, then sold out and removed into the town, building for himself and family a cozy home at No. 630 South Ninth street, Avhere they have since resided. Mr. Thompson has ahvays manifested a deep inter est in the public schools and Avas school clerk of his district for several years, in that and other ways aiding largely in the creation of the present splendid school system of Walla Walla. Mr. Thompson was married in Dubuque, IoAva, April 19, i860, 'to Miss Mary H. Mal low, avIio Avas born in NeAV Madrid county, Missouri, and has accompanied her husband in all of his travels since their marriage, cross ing the plains with him in 1864. They have four children living: Sarah E., Avife of James Johnson, of Caldwell, Idaho ; Emma J., wife of Marshall J. Lowden, a farmer on loAver Dry creek; Esther J.; George H, a resident of AA'alla AA'alla; also Mary C, deceased. Air. Thompson and Avife are members of the Con gregational church of Walla AValla. CHARLES B. RICHARDSON, a car penter and builder at AVaitsburg, is a pioneer of 1874. He was born in Maine in Decem ber, 1854, and remained in the Pine Tree state until eighteen years old, acquiring a public-school education and also learning the trade of carpenter. In 1872 he came to Cali fornia, and, settling in San Francisco, began the pursuit of his handicraft there. After re maining tAvo years he moved north to Tacoma to become one of the builders for the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, by Avhich he Avas employed steadily for several years. He after wards worked for the Oregon Raihvay & Navigation Company, helping to build their road from Wallula Junction to Dayton. Quitting their service in 1881, Mr. Rich ardson came direct to Waitsburg, bought a quarter section four miles Avest of the tOAvn and began farming. But, though he Avas a farmer for three years, he did not give up his trade entirely, but Avorked at it betimes, erecting the public school building and many other of the finest structures in the tOAvn. For several years he has followed his handi craft exclusively, having sold his farm in 1884. Mr. Richardson enjoys an enviable stand ing in the city with which he has been identi fied so long and in which he has ever taken a deep interest. He Avas once called upon to represent his district in the city council, and while in that office he used all the power that was vested in him for what his judgment told him was for the highest welfare of the town. In the state of Michigan, on October 15, 1884, Mr. Richardson married Miss Martha E. ToAvsley, a native of Michigan, born April 6, 1 86 1. Mrs. Richardson is one of the leading ladies in her neighborhood, and for fifteen years was a successful milliner here. She is affiliated with the Artisans, and the Women of AA'oodcraft, and Air. Richardson is identi fied Avith the Ancient Order of United Work-. men and the Woodmen of the World. The family live in an elegant home of their own in AA'aitsburg. JOHN P. SEITZ, a farmer near Walla AA'alla, is a native of Germany, born in 1826. He spent his early youth in the land of his nativity, receiving a common-school educa tion, but Avhen nineteen years old emigrated to HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 455 America. He located first in New Orleans, Avhere for a brief period he followed the trade of a blacksmith. Subsequently, however, he came north to Illinois, and worked at his han dicraft there for two years longer. Thence he went to Gentry county, Missouri, where the ensuing fourteen years of his life Avere passed. He afterwards moved to Jackson county, in the same state, and farmed there uninterruptedly for twenty years. Mr. Seitz then came out to Walla Walla, arriving in 1887, and settled first on Birch creek, but before long he negotiated the pur chase of a three-hundred-and-twenty-acre farm three and a half miles' southeast of Walla Walla, and upon this he has ever since lived. He is engaged principally in the production of wheat and alfalfa. He is one of the most highly esteemed men in his community, and enjoys the confidence and good will of all his neighbors. In 1867, Avhile still in the state of Missouri, he was married to Miss Lydia Chambers, a native of that state, and they have three children, namely : James P. ; George G. ; and Minnie, noAV Mrs. John C. Martin. CHARLES W. PHILLIPS, a florist and nurseryman of Walla Walla, is a son of Will iam and Pauline (Roland) Phillips. He was born in Salem, Oregon, May 27, 1855, and at the age of five years was brought by his parents to Walla Walla, where he grew to manhood and has since resided. He was edu cated in Whitman Seminary and later attended the Bishop Scott Grammar School, of Port land, Oregon, where he took a preparatory course with the intention of entering Yale College, but was prevented from doing so by his father's sickness and death. He finished his education in 1873. After his father's death Mr. Phillips as sisted his mother in managing the deceased's estate until 1881, but he then engaged in the hardware business in La Grande and Island City, Union county, Oregon, in Avhich he con tinued four years. Selling out then, he re turned to Walla Walla, where he entered into the business of landscape gardening and floriculture, an industry which he has fol lowed ever since. He has splendid green houses, a large garden and several acres of ornamental nursery stock. He has re cently shipped very largely from Port land and has the largest florist establish ment in the county. He has clone all of the landscape gardening for the finest homes in the city and adjoining toAvns, and will have charge of laying off and ornamenting- the city park. Mr. Phillips was married at Meacham Toll Gate, in the Blue Mountains, to Miss Nellie S. RockfelloAV, a native of Oregon, and they now have eight children, William R., Charles F., Pauline, Harriet, Edgar H., Es ther F., Richard B. and Rodney M. The six older ones are in school in Walla Walla. Mr. Phillips and his entire family are members of St. Paul's Episcopal church, of Walla Walla. In the Nez Perce Indian war of 1877 Mr. Phillips and his brother Frank E. were scouts and couriers under General O. O. Howard. They never failed in a mission or received a wound, Avhich speaks well for their knoAvledge of the country and of Indian character and methods, of warfare. Mr. Phillips was one of the first to respond to Governor Ferry's call for volunteers in 1878, after the beginning of the Bannock war. He was a member of the company of volunteers commanded by 456 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Captain Charles Painter, Avhich, together with a company of regulars under Major Cress, pa trolled the Columbia river and repeatedly pre vented the Indians from crossing the river from the south, joining Chief Moses' band and getting into British territory. They had several severe engagements with the Indians, capturing their horses and driving them back south, Avhere they were finally captured. Mr. Phillips decorated the Spokane Indus trial Exposition in 1899 with fruits, grains and grasses. He gathered and arranged the AA'alla AA'alla county exhibit for the Paris Ex position in 1900, and is to furnish the fruits, grasses and grains for the Pan-American Ex position in Buffalo, NeAV York, in 1901. He also gathered the county exhibit which at tracted so much attention at the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893, and is acknOAvledged to be one of the most thorough and reliable men in that line in this country. Mr. Phillips will soon have published a book of poems Avhich he has compiled under the nam de plume of Jo Keon, and on which he has the endorsement of Joaquin Miller, who recently visited him in his home and read his work. The father of our subject was one of AA'alla AA'alla's most respected and progressive citizens, arriving as early as i860, Avhen he engaged in the hardware business. In 1865 he built the AAralla AA'alla foundry and machine shops, Avhich he operated in connection Avith his harchvare business until the time of his death. He also had branch harchvare stores in Bannock City and Placerville, Idaho, Avhere he did a lucrative business with the mines. He Avas frequently urged to accept official po sition, but ahvays refused. He Avas always liberal in his gifts to all Avorthy enterprises, both religious and charitable, and Avas noted for his broad-minded public spirit. His death occurred March 2, 1873, and Walla Walla then lost one of her most enterprising, far- seeing and worthy citizens, and one who had friends among all, enemies among none ex cept the lawless element which he was always active in suppressing. REV. OBADIAH OSBORN, a preacher and farmer, residing seven miles northwest of AA'alla AA'alla, on Dry creek, Avas born in Exe ter, Scott county, Illinois, in 1835. He ac quired his early education in the public schools of his native town, Avhere the first seventeen years of his life were spent. In 1852 he crossed the plains Avith ox-teams to the Willamette val ley, and there the ensuing thirteen years of his life were passed. He spent two years in Will amette University as a student and two in the ministry, but the remainder of the time Avas devoted to farming. When, in 1865, our subject came to Walla AValla valley he did so for the purpose of taking charge of a circuit as its pastor, and he has preached a great deal of the time since. He now has charge of the United Brethren work in AValla Walla and at other places through out the county, but such is his capacity for labor that he is also able to supervise his mam moth farm, and to take a lively interest and a leading part in political campaigns. In 1869 he purchased four hundred acres between Mill creek and Russell creek, also added one hun dred and twenty acres to a tract he had pre viously bought in Oregon, a short distance southeast of AAralla AA'alla. These interests he sold in 1875, only to purchase a five-hundred- and-twenty-acre tract Avhere his place of resi dence iioav is. He has bought adjoining places OBADIAH OSBORN HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 457 from time to time until he is now the OAvner of one thousand six hundred and eighty acres. For years he has handled a large number of horses, and at present he has about tAvo hun dred head, besides one hundred and fifty head of cattle. Few men in the county have manifested their interest in the public weal in so many aa ays. Mr. Osborn has been for years a leader in politics, in religion and in the material de velopment of the county. For tAvo terms he served his denomination in the capacity of pre siding elder, and tAvice he stumped the county in political campaigns. Once he Avas the can didate of his party for the legislature, but was defeated. And Avith all these interests he has yet found time for local duties such as serving as road supervisor, etc. Mr. Osborn has been tAvice married. In 1857, in the state of Oregon, he wedded Sarah Ann McCain, who died in 1859. Of this union one child was born, but it died when only nine months old. In 1864 he Avas again married, the lady being Mary C. Mayfield, a native of Tennessee, who crossed the plains in 1862, and they have one child, Dollie Frances, now Mrs. Charles I. Dean. WOODSON CUMMINS, a farmer and stock raiser two miles west of Touchet, a pio neer of 1862, was born in Iowa July 6, 1855. He was, however, practically reared in the northwest, having been brought here by his parents when only seven years old. His first home in the new country was located seven miles southeast of Walla Walla, where his father was engaged in farming and stock rais ing until 1870. Mr. Cummins received the advantages of the local public schools, then engaged in farming, an occupation which he has followed exclusively since, though he is also the owner of a store in Touchet. When he was about fifteen years old his father and family left their original abiding place and procured land in the vicinity of Touchet, where Mr. Cummins now lives, and has lived ever since except for a period of three years spent in Oregon. He is now the owner of the old home place of six hundred and forty acres, besides considerable other land in the county. He is unquestionably one of the very best and most prosperous farmers in the valley, and evidences of his thrift and energy are everywhere to be seen about his premises. He has a fine dwelling house and commodious and capacious barns and outbuild ings, and a goodly supply of machinery and implements essential to convenient and suc cessful farming. He keeps about sixty head of cattle, but makes a specialty of producing alfalfa hay, fourteen car-loads of which he this year (1900) shipped to Idaho. Mr. Cummins has always taken an active interest in the affairs of the county, and is ever ready to exert his influence for what he deems the best interests of the general public. He was married in Union county, Oregon, Sep tember 12, 1880, to Miss j. J. Weaver, a na tive of Missouri, whose father was one of the earliest settlers on the Touchet river, near Waitsburg. They have five children, Hettie J., Clarence E., Walter R., Lela M. and El mer R. WILLIAM P. RESER, a farmer four miles southeast of Walla Walla, was born in Quincy, Illinois, in 1843. When two years old he was taken by his parents to Missouri, where he grew to man's estate and received 458 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. his education. In 1863 he crossed the plains to AA'alla AA'alla, making the six months' trip in the customary primitive fashion of that period, and for ten or tAvelve years after his arrival he followed the dual occupation of farming and freighting. He then devoted his energies to farming and sheep raising, in Avhich tAvo industries he has been employed ever since. In 1867 he homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres, where he now resides, and to this he has been adding at different times since until he now has a tract of sixteen hundred and twenty acres, on which he is raising Avheat and barley principally, though he also keeps about one hundred head of cattle and one hun dred and fifty head of horses. He also has ten thousand sheep, Avhich he pastures on the Touchet and Snake rivers, on each of Avhich he has about seven thousand acres of land. He is also the OAvner of about six thousand acres of mountain land in Umatilla county, Oregon, Avhere he summers his flocks. Mr. Reser is one of the most thrifty and progressive farmers of the county, and one Avho has contributed no small share to the in dustrial development of this portion of the In land Empire. He lias also for many years taken a leading part in the political cam paigns of the county and state, and ranks as one of the representative men of his party. He served one term as county commissioner, and in the campaign of 1900 was the nomi nee of the Democrats for the state senator- ship, to Avhich he Avas elected Avith a plurality of about five hundred votes, Avinning the dis tinction of being the only Democrat in the county successful in the last campaign. Mr. Reser married, in Missouri, in 1863, Miss Emma Gray, avIio died May 16, 1895, leaving four children: Clara; Annie; Frank, who died August 28, 1896; and Philip. He Avas married again in Umatilla county, Ore gon, in 1897, to Miss Linda Davis, a mem ber of a pioneer family of this county, and to them' has been born one child, Byron. MRS. ANNIE McC. MIX.— In the com pilation of the biographical department of this history of Walla Walla county there is manifest propriety in incorporating a review of the life of Mrs. Mix, who is one of the honored pio neers of the city of Walla AValla and the widow of one Avho was for many years one of the representative citizens of this place, Avhere his demise occurred. Mrs. Mix, whose maiden name was Anna Dwight, Avas born in the famed old Crescent city, NeAV Orleans, Louisiana, in the year 1831. At the age of six years she entered the excellent school at Bethlehem, Louisiana, Avhere she continued her studies for about six years, after Avhich she returned to her home, and there continued her educational discipline under most favorable auspices. There also, in the year 1849, was solem nized her marriage to James D. Mix, avIio Avas born in Georgetown, Virginia, in 1818, being, like his wife, a representative of sterling old southern families. He accompanied his parents to NeAV Orleans in his early childhood, and there he Avas reared and educated, preparing himself for the legal profession and engaging in the practice of law in New Orleans until he had attained the age of thirty years. Dur ing the Mexican Avar he Avas engaged in con tracting in that country, being successful in his efforts along this line. At the close of hostil ities he returned to NeAV Orleans, Avhere he Avas married and Avhere he remained four years, after which, in company Avith his Avife, he made the long journey to San Francisco, California, JAMES ? M\Y. nc tw Henry'TBy c r.'r Chirn.np MRS. AIINIE M?C. MIX. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 459 by the isthmus route, the A^essel landing at the Golden Gate in clue course of time, the date of arrival in the new Eldorado being about May, 1854, this being at a time when the gold excitement was still at its height. Mr. Mix was engaged in the practice of his profession in San Francisco for a period of tAvo years, after which he removed to Shasta, that state, Avhere he was in practice for a num ber of years, being one of the leading attorneys and representative citizens of the locality and being accorded marked preferment in the gift of the public, having served in the offices of dis trict attorney and probate judge. In the year 1863 Mr. and Mrs. Mix be came residents of Walla AValla, with whose history both Avere destined to be conspicuously identified, aiding materially in its progress and material upbuilding. Here Mr. Mix remained until the hour of his death, Avhich occurred on the 6th of June, 1881. He Avas a man of marked ability and distinct individuality, im pressing himself upon the community and gain ing precedence in public affairs and in the work of his profession. He was for many years one of the leading members of the Democratic party in the territory, being frequently the standard- bearer of the same. He was twice a member of the territorial legislature, and in 1870 was the Democratic nominee for delegate to con gress, his defeat being primarily due to the opposition of the citizens of the Puget Sound district, who spared no effort to elect a candi date of their own section for many years, as is previously noted. Mr. Mix also served as city attorney and as a member of the city council of Walla Walla, and after his term had expired in the latter office he became extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising, having become the owner of much valuable agricultural land in the vicinity of his home. He left to his family a very comfortable competency and the heritage of a good name. To Mr. and Mrs. Mix three children Avere born, — Sallie, who is iioav the wife of Major O. I. Converse ; and William A. and Stonewall W., who are largely interested in mining op erations. Mrs. Mix still retains her residence in the attractive family home in Walla Walla, where a gracious hospitality has ever been ex tended, and over which she has presided with grace and dignity for a long term of years. She owns much valuable realty in Walla Walla, including a business block at the corner of Birch and Second streets, and the Palace Hotel property, a substantial brick building of mod ern architectural design. She is well knoAvn and highly esteemed in the city where so many years of her life have been passed, and, while a true daughter of the sunny south, her deepest and most hallowed memories cluster about the old home here. In an incidental. Avay it is interesting to recall the fact that Mrs. Mix had the distinction of being the owner of the first family sewing machine brought into the city of San Francisco. A. J. FIX, a pioneer of the west of 1857, at present a farmer living four and a half miles southeast of AValla Walla, is a native of Ohio, born in 1840. He was, hoAvever, reared and educated in Claire county, Illinois, whither he was taken by his parents when five years old. In March, 1857, he started across the plains to the west, traveling with ox-teams. He stopped a brief period in Livingston county, Missouri, but in May set out again, making the journey without casualties, though a train only six miles ahead of him was massacred, only three persons escaping alive, and one of these, a woman, had been scalped. 460 HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. Mr. Fix remained a Avhile in California, then came north to Hillsboro, Oregon, where for the ensuing four years he was engaged in farming. In 1862 he made a trip into the Florence mining region, in Idaho, but returned in time to pass the Avinter in Hillsboro. Dur ing the summer of 1863, however, he came to Walla AA'alla county, Avhence, for the next three or four years, he made freighting trips to different outlying districts. In 1865 he took a pre-emption near Dixie, and this Avas his home till the spring of 1890, when he pur chased a four-hundred-and-eighty-acre farm near Walla Walla, and began farming there. He is a thrifty, progressive man, and one of the most enterprising farmers in his section. He is also a thresherman, and keeps a machine at work on his oavii Avheat and that of his neighbors during the harvest season. Public- spirited and ever ready to contribute his mite to the general welfare, he has served for sev eral years as road supervisor and as a member of the board of school trustees. Mr. Fix was married in AAralla Walla county in the fall of 1866, to Nancy M. San ders, a native of Indiana, and a pioneer of 1865. They have had eight children : Roder ick R., deceased; Wayne W; Arminda L.; Milam R., deceased; Weldon T. ; Maude; Ma bel, deceased; and Jake E. JOHN SINGLETON, now deceased, was a pioneer of the AValla Walla valley, coming here 111 1857. He Avas born in county Cork, Ireland, in 1824, and received a private-school education. April 22, 1847, in Queen's county, Ireland, he married Aliss Frances Jane GoAvan, and in 1849 they came to America and settled in New York. He at once enlisted in the United States army and Avas sent to Texas as quartermaster's clerk under Major Belger. The command was stationed in the Alamo, at San Antonio, Texas, his office being in the very room where Colonel Davie Crockett was killed. He remained in Texas in the United States service six years, then was discharged and re turned to AA'ashington, D. C, where he served for six months as a clerk in the old arsenal. Mr. Singleton then went to Baltimore, and in 1856 again enlisted for service on the Pa cific coast, believing the change would benefit his failing health. He came via Panama to Vancouver, where he was stationed ten months. His company afterwards took part in the war against the Yakima Indians and had several sharp engagements with them in the Cascade mountains. The whites Avere led by Captain Winder and the Indians by Chief Camiachan. After subduing the Indians, Captain Winder's command built a fort and remained in the Cas cades about a year, afterwards being trans ferred to The Dalles, Oregon, and thence in the spring of 1857 to Fort Walla Walla. Here Mr. Singleton remained in the service until 1 86 1, when he was honorably discharged. While he was serving as a soldier here the Indians of several tribes joined in their hostile efforts, to prevent Captain Mullen opening an emigrant and military road across the Rocky and Cceur d'Alene mountains to the Columbia river. Mr. Singleton was in the command of Colonel Steptoe Avhich met the allied savages in the memorable engagement of Steptoe Butte, Avhich lasted several days. The whites, being largely outnumbered, suffered a disastrous de feat and were driven back to the Snake river in great disorder. In this engagement Mr. Single ton had a very narrow escape from death. He became separated from his comrades, in the re- JOHN SINGLETON HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 461 treat, and after wandering around nearly all night came upon a squad of friendly Nez Perce Indians, who conducted him to the Clearwater river, ferried him across and directed him to the camp of his company, who had reported him to his wife as dead. Colonel Wright soon came up from The Dalles with a thousand men and, reinforced by the troops at Walla Walla, began an active campaign against the Indians. In a short time he had scattered, cap tured or killed the entire force. Some were hanged in the mountains, but the most noted leaders were brought to Walla AValla, where seven of them were hanged in public in the rear of the garrison. During his service in Fort Walla Walla Mr. Singleton did most of the work of keeping the records of the post, in the performance of which duty he was com pelled to use the old-fashioned quill pen. Mrs. Singleton had purchased a squatter's right of Captain Pierce, and to this, on being discharged from the army, Mr. Singleton re paired. We may mention that the money re ceived for this right by Captain Pierce enabled him to open the Oro Fino mining district, of which he was the first prospector. Mr. Single ton died on the farm December 28, 1893, but Mrs. Singleton still resides on the old home place, which is now within the city limits of Walla Walla. She is seventy-four years of age, but has the clear mind and vivid memory of a person many years younger. Six chil dren were born in the Singleton home : Cath erine, widow of Thomas Tierney, and a resi dent of San Francisco ; Frank E. ; William H, deceased; Elizabeth; Eudora M., a compositor on the La Grande Sentinel ; Esther Belle, wife of J. W. Brooks, an attorney of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Singleton always held to the Catholic faith. OLIVER DEWITT.— It is hardly possi ble to overestimate the magnanimity, force of character and wealth of worth which have made the pioneers of Walla Walla county, taken as a class, the recipients of the esteem and honor of all in whose bosoms a sincere love for the heroic finds lodgment. Possessed of all the characteristics which made the Puritan fa mous, except the deep-seated religious fervor, and not wholly devoid of that, they were su perior to that honored race in the breadth of their sympathies and charity. To affirm, therefore, that our subject was a pioneer and that a very early one, is in itself almost equivalent to an assertion of his strength of purpose, integrity and real grandeur of char acter, it being only necessary to add that the gentleman in question is a worthy representa tive of the honored class to which he belongs. Mr. Dewitt made his advent onto the stage of this life in the good old state of Ohio, the date of his birth being January 7, 1847, but shortly after his fifth year had been completed he was removed by his parents to Iowa, in which commonwealth he received his educa tional discipline. When only seventeen years old a desire to try his fortunes in the west took hold of his being, and on the anniver sary of the nation's birth, 1864, we find him in Walla Walla valley, having traversed the trail of many moons behind a pair of patient oxen. His first home in the county Avas at a point about six miles nearly due west of Walla Walla, and the first industry which engaged his energies was freighting, a business which he followed uninterruptedly until 1878. He then decided to try a line of enterprise which would allow him to enjoy the comforts of home life, so turned his attention to farming and stock raising. He purchased a tract of 462 HISTORY OF AA'ALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. land about eight miles north of the county seat, to Avhich he has added betimes since until he is iioav the possessor of a fine farm of five hundred acres. His industry and energy have Avorked out for him an abundant indus trial success, his property interests including not only his farm, but considerable city realty and a share in more than one of our most promising mines. Air. DeAvitt has been several times called upon to perform the duties of local and county offices, and in 1887 the electors of the county testified to the confidence and esteem in Avhich they held him by nominating him as their representative to the territorial legislature. In his fraternal affiliations he is identified with AA'ashington Lodge, No. 19, I. O. O. F., on Avhose charter his .name may be found. On May 31, 1874, in the city of AA'alla AA'alla, Mr. Dewitt Avas married, the lady who became his Avife being Miss America A. Roff, a native of Missouri. The issue of their union is four children, namely : Ella, Avife of G. E. Hobbs; Harry E., in Umatilla county, Ore gon; Arthur C. ; and Essie R., Avife of Clifford Hughes, of AA'alla AValla. The family reside in a comfortable and elegantly furnished home at 601 East Sumach street. Mr. and Airs. DeAvitt affiliate Avith the Methodist Episcopal church of AA'alla Walla. REV P. B. CHAMBERLAIN, deceased, one of the earliest pioneer missionaries of the coast, Avas bora in Barre, Vermont, October 16, 1824. He attended the public schools of his native tOAvn and later the academic school at Derby, Vermont, receiving his professional training in the theological seminary of Ban gor, Alaine, from Avhich institution he grad uated in 1855. He began his ministerial labors in Oregon as a home missionary of the Con gregational churches, having come to the Pa cific coast via Panama in the fall of 1855. Taking charge of the First Congregational church of Portland, Mr. Chamberlain contin ued to serve as its pastor for the ensuing eight years, then, after traveling and teaching for about a tAvelvemonth. he came to Walla Walla, Avhere he set vigorously to Avork to establish a church. He erected, entirely at his own ex pense, a building suitable in every respect for a place of worship, but it was destroyed by fire in 1866. The citizens of AA'alla AA'alla then built the present church and presented it to him, but he aftenvards deeded it over to the Congregational Association. For sixteen years our subject labored faith fully and zealously for the spiritual and moral eleA-ation of AA'alla AValla, and the good that he has done can never be fully known this side the great beyond. On October 31, 1889, he Avas called to his reward. Mr. Chamberlain Avas married in Derby, Vermont, On August 16, 1855, to Miss Alice E. Abbott, a native of Hatley, Quebec. They became parents of four children : Alice C, Avife of Ira Small, a farmer near Lewiston; Felicia H., wife of Dr. A. L. Willis, of AValla AA'alla; Mary E., a graduate of Whitman Col lege and a teacher; and EdAvard P., deceased. Airs. Chamberlain Avas herself a very prom inent missionary lady in pioneer days. She Avas brought from her native province to Der by, Vermont, Avhile quite young, 'her parents desiring to get aAvay from the Canadian re bellion of 1837, and she became a schoolmate of Air. Chamberlain's at Derby, Vermont. After completing her course there she taught in Vermont and NeAV Hampshire about eight years. She and Air. Chamberlain started for HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 463 Portland on their wedding day, and she shared his journeys and his labors thenceforth to the time of his death. Finding no schools in Walla Walla at the time of their arrival, Mrs. Chamberlain at -once prepared to educate her own children at home, and the residents, learning of this, de sired her to do what she could for some of theirs also. Soon the attendance became so large that a more commodious building Avas required, and they removed to the church, which had been so constructed that it could be used for school purposes also without incon venience. After the fire, above referred to, the school was conducted in the building in which Mrs. Chamberlain now resides, until eventually removed to the building on Whit man College grounds, iioav knoAvn as "Ladies' Hall." After its removal the school was named for the first time, its appellation being Whit man Seminary. The Rev. P. B. Chamber lain was its first superintendent, and Mrs. Chamberlain Avas one of its first teachers. They watched over the infant institution care fully, guarding it as a tender plant, until some of its most trying times were passed, then turned it over to Father Eells. This is in brief the origin of the noAV far-famed Whit man College. Mrs. Chamberlain is certainly to be congratulated on the grand results which have followed from her humble efforts to "do what she could." JOHN L. RESER, deceased, a pioneer of 1863, was born in the state of NeAV York in 1823. He Avas early taken to Michigan, in Avhich state and in Illinois he was reared and educated. In 1845 he removed to Missouri, and he was engaged in farming in that state until, in 1863, he started across the plains to Walla Walla county, during which trip he lost his daughter, Mary, on the North Platte river. He took a homestead here and again began farming, but did not, however, devote his entire time to that pursuit, giving much attention to other duties. An intensely philan thropic man, he labored with might and main for the good of his fellows, taking a very active interest in church and educational Avork. Dur ing a part of his time he Avas a local preacher, and part of the time he traveled in the same calling. For several years he was county su perintendent of schools, and discharged the duties of that office with characteristic faith fulness and ability. Mr. Reser was married in Illinois in 1841, to Miss Clarisa CallaAvay, a native of Alary- land, and they became parents of thirteen chil dren, namely: William, Leah Ann, Elvira, Susan, Henry, Louisa, Augusta, Edward L., James, Julia, Mary, John and Laura. Of these Susan, James and Laura are buried in Walla AValla, Elvira at Kingston, Missouri, and Henry at Memphis, Missouri. Mary, as above stated, died on the trip across the plains, and the remainder of the children are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Reser sleep in the AA'alla AAralla cemetery. EDGAR A. DORRIS, a pioneer of 1878, was born in Illinois May 2, 1862. He lived there seven years, then resided in Kansas and Missouri until 1878, when he started across the plains with teams to Washington. His party was surrounded by Indians on the Snake river and besieged for a month. After relief arrived Mr. Dorris came to AAralla AValla, where he worked on a farm for W. P. Sturgis, Tom Evans and Mr. Jones for hvo and a half 464 HISTORY OF AVALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. years. He afterwards engaged in farming for himself, near by, following that occu pation uninterruptedly until 1891, Avhen he removed to the Palouse country. He farmed there two years, then went to Harrison, Idaho, to become engineer of a saw-mill in that tOAvn. He Avas in the lumbering industry until 1896, when he came to Walla AValla again and turned his at tention to railroading. For a short time he Avas one of the partners in the Fourth street fish and poultry market. Mr. Dorris is a man of enterprise and ability, and possesses the faculty of succeed ing in whatever he undertakes. He is quite a lodge man, being connected with both the M. AV. A. and the I. O. R. AI. On Decem ber 25, 1887, he Avas married in Walla Walla to Miss Leola Estotip, a native of Umatilla county, Oregon, whose father, Mitchell Estotip, came west in an early day as a member of the American Fur Company. Mr. and Mrs. Dorris are parents of five children, Ida L., Rena A., Elzata, Alice and Oscar L. Airs. Dorris' father is a native of France, about sixty-seven years of age. SERGEANT JOHN C. SMITH, farmer, a very early pioneer of the west, Avas born in NeAV Jersey, in 1828, and in that state the first eighteen years of his life Avere passed and his education obtained. In 1846 he sailed Avith his uncle, an employee of the American Fur Com pany, to the Pacific coast. He lived in Cali fornia for a time, but in 1848 he came north to Oregon, Avhence he soon departed into the mining region of California again. He was there until 1850, reaping very rich harvests, and making money at times Avith Avell nigh in credible rapidity. ¦ Returning to Oregon Sergeant Smith en gaged in raising horses and cattle, but, in 1853, he removed to Walla AValla, where he con tinued his former business of rearing mules, cattle and horses. He purchased land in this vicinity, and now OAvns six hundred or seven hundred acres. Of late years he has given his attention to raising wheat and hay mostly, though he still raises some stock, especially thoroughbreds. He has long been a prominent man in the county, working earnestly for its Avelfare, and tAvice representing it in the legis lature. Indeed, he was one of the men to Avhom Walla Walla county owes its organiza tion. Being so long a resident on the Pacific coast he has, as Ave might expect, experienced his share of Indian Avarfare. He participated in the Rogue river and Kayouse Avars, earn ing the title of sergeant in the latter struggle. Prominent alike in peace and war, in the days Avhen the country was in a state of barbarism and in the days since civilization has brought its blessings to the wild west, Mr. Smith de serves and receives the applause and good will of the country he has so efficiently helped to redeem. In fraternal affiliations our subject is identi fied with the Oregon Pioneer Association, and Avith the Indian War Veterans. He married, in Walla Walla, in 1865, Amanda Sheets, also a pioneer of a very early date, and they have eight children, — John A., Delia, Marguerite, EdAvard, Mabel, Bessie, Hattie and Genie. JONATHAN PETTYJOHN.— This ven erable pioneer and respected and influential citizen of AA'alla AA'alla county Avas born in Ohio in 1827. He lived there until ten years J. C. SMITH and J. PETTYJOHN HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 465 old, then accompanied the remainder of the family to Illinois, where he remained until 1849. Iu that year he moved further west, and the following year he came on to Cali fornia, crossing the plains by ox-teams. After residing in the Golden state for a twelvemonth, he came north to Oregon, whence, in 1859, he removed to Prescott, Washington, where his home has ever since, been. He homesteaded a quarter section of land, also availed himself of his pre-emption and timber culture rights, securing by this means four hundred and eighty acres from the government. By making good and skillful use of the land thus acquired, he so augmented his wealth as to enable him to purchase more, and he kept adding to his holdings from time to time un til he became the OAvner of a mammoth three- thousand-acre farm. Unlike many Walla Walla county ranchmen, he has given little or no attention to wheat culture, confining his atten tion almost entirely to the more attractive and under favorable circumstances more lucrative business of rearing cattle and horses. In this industry he has been unusually successful. In the early days it was quite common for Indian scares to spring up in different parts of the valley, and the thoroughly terrified people would leave their homes and farms and fly for refuge to Walla Walla, remaining until the real or imaginary war-clouds had cleared away. At all such times, Mr. Pettyjohn and his family were among the few who refused to become refugees until they were sure that the necessity for flight existed, and the fact that they are alive and well to-day is pretty good evidence that they were never seriously mis taken in their reading of Indian character and their penetration of Indian intentions. While Mr. Pettyjohn has not been as active as some in political matters, he has sometimes 30 assumed the role of political leadership, and at such times has exhibited rare sagacity, acumen and skill. He was once the nominee of his. party for representative in the territorial legis lature, but was not on the victorious side. At one time also he held the important local office of justice of the peace. It may be of interest to mention in this connection as indicating the. extent of our subject's connection with Pacific Coast matters, that he three times voted on the question of adopting or rejecting constitu tions for proposed new states, in each instance- voting in the affirmative, the constitutions of California, Oregon and Washington all being recipients of his support at the polls. Mr. Pettyjohn gave evidence of his public-spirit and interest in what he conceived to be for the general welfare, by suing out an injunction restraining the county commissioners from vot ing a bonus of three hundred thousand dollars. to a proposed new railroad, and he proved to- all who are cognizant of the facts in the case that he is a man Avho "stands four square to. every wind" by refusing a large sum offered as a species of bribe to induce him to raise the: injunction- In 1853 was solemnized the marriage of our subject and Miss Hannah Warner, a na tive of Indiana. Mrs. Pettyjohn died in Janu ary, 1892, after having borne him eight chil dren, seven sons and one daughter. BREWSTER FERREL, a pioneer of. 1864, was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, August 22, 1838. When quite young he was; taken by his parents to Athens county, where he took the initial step in his education. In 1853 the family removed to AVayne comity,. Iowa, and here Mr. Ferrel completed his com- .466 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. mon-school course. On attaining his majority he engaged in farming on his own account, folloAving- that occupation there until tAventy- five years of age. Coming then across the plains to Walla Walla county, Mr. Ferrel homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres of land eight miles -east of town on Russell creek, which he still owns. It forms the nucleus of his fine tAvelve- hundred-and-fifty-acre farm, on which he is noAv raising crops of Avheat and barley. He is also the owner of a one-thousand-acre tract of pasture land, and upon this he indulges Ibis fancy for raising thoroughbred Jersey cat tle. He also owns thirty acres just beyond the AA'alla Walla race course, and one hundred .and twenty acres in Oregon, besides some real -estate in Seattle. AA'hen it is remembered that Mr. Ferrel ; started Avithout means, a mere mention of his •various properties conveys some idea of his -thrift, energy and ability, for he has wrought his oavii Avay in the Avorld entirely unaided. The fact that he served as school director for thirty years is conclusive evidence that he is a firm believer in the utility of education. We may mention in passing that Air. Ferrel -at one time harvested Avith a Haynes Hauser combined harvester one thousand and eight sacks of Avheat in ten hours, thereby winning the distinction of beating all other knoAvn records. Our subject Avas married in IoAva, on his twenty-third birthday, to Miss Caroline Bott, a native of Zanesville, Ohio, and they have seAen children: Thomas J., a farmer; Rosalie E., Avife of AA' S. Barnett; Seth A., on the stock farm; David B., managing the Avheat farm; Joseph AA'., also on the farm; Fidelia C Avife of Charles Alaxson; and Alinnie M., with her parents. WALLACE R. COPELAND, a farmer residing six miles southeast of Walla AValla, is a son of the west, having been bora in Yam Hill county, Oregon, in i860. When tAvo years old he was brought by his parents to Walla Walla, and here he Avas reared and educated. He worked on his father's farm from the time of his leaving school until he became tAventy-two years old, then rented a farm and started to cultivate the soil on his OAvn account. Six years later he bought the place he had previously rented — four hundred and sixteen acres on Cottomvood creek — and to this he has since added two hundred and forty acres of pasture land purchased from the government. He also oaviis a half interest in another tract of one hundred and ninety acres. At present he is engaged principally in raising wheat and barley, but he also gives considera ble attention to thoroughbred Clyde horses and thoroughbred Durham cattle. He is now the owner of twenty head of cattle and twen ty-five horses. Mr. Copeland is an energetic, thrifty man, and a prosperous, well-to-do farmer, while as a man and a citizen his standing in the com munity is of the highest. In AA'alla AValla county, in 1884, he married Aliss Augusta Kaseberg, a native of Ohio, and to their union have been born five children, Henry, Laura, Lizzie, Ella and Echvin, the last four of whom are all attending the public school. JOHN A. BEARD. — Prominent among those Avhose industry and toil have wrought the industrial and agricultural development of this county is the man Avhose name forms the caption of this brief and necessarily incom plete article. He possesses the sturdy man- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 467 hood and great native daring which form the most striking characteristics of the true pio neer, and is not lacking in any quality of heart or mind essential to the typical advance agent of civilization. Born in Illinois on February 14, 1854, he spent the first eleven years of his life there, aftenvard coming Avith his parents over the long trail to the Walla Walla valley. The re mainder of the family engaged in farming on a place five miles southeast of the city of AA'alla AValla, but our subject turned his mind to freighting. From the year 1866 until the advent of the year 1876 he drove a ten-mule team almost constantly, but in the latter year he took a pre-emption in Columbia county and engaged in farming, to Avhich, in 1879, he added stock raising also. In 1889 he re tired from the farm temporarily, came to AAralla Walla, and later became a member of the Walla Walla Dressed Meat Company, con tinuing in that until 1898, in which year he sold out his interest and again engaged in farming and handling stock. He is the owner of a fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres on Dry creek, and resides in a comfortable and handsomely furnished home on East Su mach street, Walla Walla, the title to which is in him. Mr. Beard is a prominent man in frater nal circles, having passed through all the chairs in Trinity Lodge, I. O. O. F., of which he is a charter member, and being also actively identified with the K. of P. and the United Artisans. Near the city of Walla Walla, on October 8, 1876, the marriage of our subject and Miss Clarinda A. Wood was solemnized. Mrs. Beard is a native of Iowa, and a pioneer of this county, having been brought here by her parents in 1863. She is a very active lady in social circles, and a prominent member of Beehive Lodge, D. of R., all the chairs of which have been occupied by her. Outlining the life of Mrs. Beard's father briefly, we may say that he was born in Ten nessee January 11, 1809, and grew to man's estate and married there, afterward removing to Iowa, in which state he lost his first wife. He married again, and by his. second wife, Mrs. Beard's mother, who died May 31, 1900, he had eleven children, six of whom are liv ing. He passed away in this county on August 3, 1877, and Mr. Beard's father died in Day ton March 17, 1891. HON. P. M. LYNCH, deceased, a pio neer of 1 86 1, was born in Gault, Canada, in 1834. He came to the United States In 1858, locating in Nevada City, California, where for two years he followed mining. He then removed to Portland, Oregon, and engaged in blacksmithing and carriage making, a trade which he had learned in his native toAvn. About a year later he removed to Walla Walla and opened here the first carriage making shop in the city. HoAvever, he did not confine his attention to that business alone, but also en gaged in pack freighting to the mines of Sil ver City, Florence and the Oro Fino districts, also maintaining a hardware store in AAralla AValla, on Main street, between Second and Third streets. His freighting business grew until he was encouraged to add three ten-mule wagons to his train. After about four years Mr. Lynch sold his freighting outfit that he might confine his energies to his blacksmithing, carriage making and hardware business, and he continued to 468 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. do so from that date until the time of his death, December 12, 1881. Air. Lynch was a broad-minded, public- spirited, benevolent man. He was three times elected to a seat in the AValla Walla city coun cil, and in 1874 Avas elected on the Demo cratic ticket to represent the county in the territorial legislature. He was one of the or ganizers of the Washington Volunteer Fire Department, the first fire company in Walla Walla. Air. Lynch Avas ahvays a devout Catholic, but Avas too broad a man to confine his. sympathy and benevolence to any one organization. He subscribed liberally to all religious sects, and no worthy cause ever solicited his aid in vain. In ¦ Port land, Oregon, June 18, 1861, he mar ried Miss Mary Byrne, a native of Ireland, reared and educated in the county of Roscom mon. When eighteen she came Avith neighbors to Chicago, Illinois, and made her home with her brother, a business man there. In 1859 the brother died, and she came via Panama to Vancouver, AVashington, where she lived with another brother until her marriage, since which she has been a resident of AA'alla AA'alla. She and her husband became parents of eight chil dren: Edward M. and Elitia Alay, deceased; Sarah A., Avife of Hon. D. J. CroAvley, of Ta- ' coma, counsel for the Northern Pacific Rail way; Gertrude AI., iioav Airs. A. C. Marcon- nier; Eliza Margaret, iioav Airs. W. A. Fergu son, of AValla AA'alla; Charles H, a bookkeeper for his brother in this city; Alartin M., a clerk in AA'alla AValla; and Robert E., a plumber in AA'alla AA'alla. Since Air. Lynch's death his AvidoAv has done all in her poAver to carry out his charita ble desires, assisting every Avorthy cause to the full extent of her ability. She is a mem ber of the Ladies' Relief Society, a society incorporated under the laws of the state of AVashington in March, 1885, though organ ized in 1880. It is devoted to general charita ble purposes, recognizing no sect or creed in the furtherance of its noble work. Mrs. Lynch is one of the oldest members of the organization, and has always been a hard Avorker for the good of the cause. HON. WILLIAAI G. PRESTON.— It is Avith great pleasure that we now essay the task of outlining the life history of one whom an adventurous spirit early led to the sea, and afterAvards kept on the forefront of civiliza tion's march during the decades of a long and successful career. Our subject has always been a giant in achievement and one before whom difficulties that would overwhelm a less resolute man vanished like the dew before the rays of the morning sun. Mr. Preston Avas born in Galway, Sara toga county, NeAV York, on the 23d of Novem ber, 1832, and his education was acquired in Gahvay academy, located in the tOAvn of his birth. When eighteen years old, he went to live Avith his uncle, Rev. A. AV. Piatt, a Pres byterian minister, residing in Tompkins coun ty, NeAV York, with Avhom he remained until 1852. He then Avent to sea, visiting New Brunswick, New Orleans, Liverpool and other points in Great Britain and America, and re turning to Gahvay, via Boston, in 1854. That year witnessed the opening for settle ment of the territory of Nebraska, and thither our subject went in the fall, making the jour ney by Avay of Chicago and Rock Island, down the Alississippi to St. Louis, and up the Mis souri river, there being no direct raihvay con nection at that time. Locating at Bellevue, WILLIAM G. PRESTON. MRS. WILLIAM G. PRESTON. PLATT A. PRESTON. MRS. PLATT A. PRESTON. HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 469 he became captain of Colonel Sarpee's large ferry-boat in 1855, and Avhen the territorial capital Avas moved to Omaha, and the boat sold to the Council Bluffs and Nebraska Ferry Company, he Avent Avith it to Omaha. In 1857, he removed to Steubenville, Ohio, and built the Omaha City, a double engine, side- wheel boat, designed to carry freight on the river. In 1858, leaving the ferry industry in charge of his brother, he Avent to Pike's Peak, Colorado, and was among the first on the site of Denver, building one of the first houses. He Avas engaged in mining in the Gregory mines for a couple of years but, meeting with only indifferent success, he resolved to try his fortunes in northern Idaho, then a part of the territory of AA'ashington. He Avent in by the upper Snake river, crossing the stream in a wagon bed, and by old Fort Lemhi at the head of the Salmon river. Mr. Preston's connection with the town of Waitsburg dates back to 1866. Shortly after his arrival he purchased a half interest in the Washington Flouring mills, adding also a general merchandise business. He and his brother, Piatt A., bought out Mr. Wait, the original owner, and has continued in the busi ness ever since, at times having other asso ciates in both milling and merchandise. He is a director in the Merchant's Bank of Waits burg, a stockholder and director in the Schwa- bacher Company's general merchandise store at Walla Walla, was prominently connected with the Puget Sound Dressed Meat Company when that was in existence, and is very largely in terested in farming lands and in stock. While evidences of Mr. Preston's wonderful enter prise and great executive ability are every where manifest, they are especially to be found in the Washington Mills, which have . long been the leading industry of Waitsburg, and which have ever been so successfully man aged as to win for their products the first place for excellence and a very enviable reputation the state over. The plant is in all respects equal to the best, and the people of the city are justly proud of it. Notwithstanding the exacting nature of his many duties in connection with his private busi ness, Mr. Preston has always found time to take an interest in politics, and, Avhen called upon to perform the public duties for Avhich his fine intellectual endowments so well quali fied him, to attend to the same with faithful ness and care. When in the legislature in 1 88 1, he was appointed chairman of the very important AVays and Means committee. Preston Avas married, in 1869, to Miss Matilda Cox, a daughter of the noted Hon. Anderson Cox, and perhaps the first white child born in Idaho. Their union has been blest by the adA'ent of three children, Bert and Dale, in the Preston Grocery Company of Walla AValla, and Charles, in the mills at AVaitsburg. As an interesting reminiscence, we may record that in 1862, Mr. Preston and his brother, while on their way to the Idaho min ing region, crossed the Snake river above Fort Hall Avhen the stream Avas swollen by melting snoAVS, using their wagon bed as a boat. The experiment was a very dangerous one, but they managed to thus safely ferry across the camp equipments and wagons of a large train of immigrants, swimming the stock. On reach ing Fort Lemhi, as wagons could be taken no further, they traded their cattle and wagons to some of those in the train who became dis couraged and turned back, receiving mules in exchange. Pack saddles were made and their first experience in the most primitive form of transportation where beasts of burden are used 470 HISTORY OF AVALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. was had. One of the mules rolled down the mountain and landed in the brush hundreds of feet beloAV, but further than that no great losses Avere sustained. After experiencing such hardships as only a packer knoAvs anything about, they at length reached the Elk City mines, where the search for the key to na ture's vaults began. HON. PLATT A. PRESTON.— Among the representatives of nature's nobility, who in early days made their Avay to the Pacific coast, is the man Avhose name forms the cap tion of this article, and fortunate it is for the industrial and social life of the Walla Walla valley that it was so long favored by the pres ence and influence of such a man. His great executive ability and capacity for managing a multiplicity of enterprises at the same time enabled him to perform tasks Avhich Avould have been far beyond the power of ordinary men, while his splendid intellectual develop ment and sterling integrity made him many times the choice of the electors for high of fices of trust and emolument. In the per formance of every duty, whether it would be classed as important or otherwise, he Avas sig nally faithful, and his broad-minded charity and umvavering disposition to treat everyone with Avhom he came in contact Avith fairness and courtesy made him friends by the hun dreds. Our subject Avas born in Saratoga county, NeAV York, in 1837. His father, Calvin, a physician by profession, Avas also a son of the Empire state, and his mother, nee AIcAlister, Avas likeAvise born there. Air. Preston received his education in the public schools and in Princeton Academy, and when the time ar rived for him to leave the parental roof and to initiate independent action, came out to Oma ha, Nebraska, Avhere for four years he Avas employed by the Council Bluffs and Omaha Ferry Company. In i860, Ave find him mining m Colorado and, in 1862, in that part of Wash ington territory iioav included in the state of Idaho, his business still being to hunt assidu ously for the hidden treasure. In 1866 he became identified Avith the town of Waitsburg, Avhere he turned his attention to milling, pur chasing an interest in the plant of Mr. Wait, the city's founder. Success attended his efforts in the neAV tOAvn from the first, his property in terests increased steadily and his wealth grew unceasingly. He became the owner of one of the finest residences in the city, besides much other realty within the corporate limits, and, to gether with his brother, AVilliam G., held the title to some five thousand acres of excellent Avheat land, all of which Avas fully utilized in the production of cereals. He and his brother OAvned most of their property in common and ahvays looked carefully after each other's in terests. Air. Preston Avas a member of the last terri torial legislature, and so satisfactory to the constituency was his service that the electors thereof honored him by keeping him in the state senate for four years. One singular cir cumstance connected Avith his public life is that though he Avas so prominent in many hotly contested political campaigns, he seems to have made no enemies, the charm of his per sonality being such as to disarm hostility. He Avas appointed penitentiary commissioner by Gov. Ferry, and at different times served as city councilman and school director, and in numerous other capacities. In 1869, he became the husband of her who had been Aliss Laura Billups, a native of HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 471 IoAva, and the issue of their union was four children. Mrs. Preston died in 1897. About three or four years ago, Mr. Pres ton bought a home on Portland Heights, Port land, Oregon, and there his family were resid ing at the time of his sudden demise. He died of heart decease on March 12, 1900, while traveling in Texas for the benefit of his daugh ter's health, but though that melancholy event took place in Galveston, at the home of his youngest brother, Calvin W. Preston, his re mains lie buried in Waitsburg cemetery. He had been a prominent Mason, having once served as Grand Master, and at the time of his funeral the members of that fraternity in Walla Walla testified their esteem and regard by chartering a special train and attending en masse. All the papers of the state with one accord bore testimony to his exalted character, splendid abilities and great service, and the memorial tribute of love, prepared by Waits burg Chapter, No. 9,Order of the Eastern Star, so admirably indites the regard and esteem in Avhich the deceased was held not alone by the members of that order but by the entire com munity that Ave cannot refrain from reproduc ing it in full. It reads as follows : "Any at tempt to express the very high esteem in which Brother Piatt A. Preston was held by the members of this chapter or the consequent sor- roAV because of his death can only prove futile. The official position he has held among us, while it is an intimation of our regard, fails to voice our love for him as a brother, com panion and fellow-laborer in carrying forward the benevolent and fraternal purposes of our beloved order. He has been with us from the beginning and has shared all our labors, has borne with us our sorrows and participated in our joys and pleasures. But yesterday he was with us, and suddenly, before we can fully realize it, he has taken his silent and final de parture. We can only hold him in our fond remembrance, only recall the pleasant hours of social intercourse enjoyed while he was with. us and hope for a happy reunion bye and bye- when partings never come to sadden the heart and bedim the eye. Brother Preston was a man of many excellent qualities. He was a well poised man, one who was not spoiled by positions of honor, trust or emolument. He never forgot that he himself was human and. that others were entitled to the same rights as. he. This made him companionable, made him. friends, and it is with no little pride Ave say with confidence that notwithstanding his long residence in this community, though it was one of activity in business of various kinds. and -in political life, yet his friends were legion,, while no man called him 'enemy.' No stain ever rested upon his character. We cannot say more, for words are weak. Human speech cannot be formed to adequately express the heart's deep emotions at the loss of a trusted'. and beloved friend such as Brother Preston to each and every one of us. His memory is enshrined in our hearts and while Ave cherish that memory, let us strive to emulate his many virtues and bow in humble submission to 'Himr who doeth all things well.' We can only tend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved children and relatives, commending them to God and His promises in their great sorroAv. Dear Brother, farewell !" THOMAS COPELAND, a farmer resid ing six miles southeast of Walla Walla, was born in the state of Oregon in 1861. He was, however, reared in Walla Walla county,. whither his parents brought him in April, 472 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 1863. He acquired a public-school education, then Avent to Avork on the parental farm. On attaining his majority he rented a portion of his father's land and engaged in agricultural pursuits on his own account. In 1887 he bought a two-hundred-and-forty-acre tract which formed the nucleus for his present mag nificent ranch of tAvelve hundred acres, the remaining nine hundred and sixty being ac quired by pre-emption and purchase. He has fine, well-bred horses, cattle and hogs, and ex cellent improvements, in fact everything about his premises bears eloquent testimony to his thrift and energy. On his place is a Avater plant costing upwards of one thousand dol lars, and one of the finest barns in the county. His principal production, as is the case with most of the other large farmers of that -sec tion of the Inland Empire, is Avheat. In addition to his real estate holdings, Mr. Copeland has some quite valuable mining in terests, and he is also the owner of stock in the AA'arehouse & Elevator Company at Walla Walla. He has held a feAV local offices, among them those of road overseer and school trus tee. Fraternally he is identified with the In dependent Order of Odd FelloAvs, into Avhich order he Avas initiated about tAvelve years ago. In this county, in 1889, he married Miss Min nie Harman, a member of an old and respected pioneer family, and a native of New York state. They have three children, namely, Ralph, Clara and Martha. CHARLES T. HARMEN, deceased, a pioneer of 1873, Avas born in Berlin, Germany, April 19, 1828. He Avas educated in the pub lic schools of his native land, and learned the trade of a Avagon maker there, also worked at his handicraft as a journeyman for several years. In 1862, however, he came to NeAV York, opened a shop of his own and started to build up a business. He Avas there for sev eral years, but finally tiring of the line in which he Avas engaged, he removed to IoAva and turned his attention to farming. After pursuing that industry there for three years, Mr. Harmen came to Walla Walla, arriving in October, 1873. He bought a place south of the city, not far from the fort, and on this he lived and farmed until, on July 17, 1892, he Avas called to depart this life. He had been an industrious, thrifty and frugal man, and left his family in good circumstances. Mr. Harmen was married in Volgest, Ger many, in November, 1859, to Miss Caroline Moll, a native of that country, and their union Avas blest by the advent of five children, Charles and William, with their mother on the farm, George and Frank, residents of the valley, and Minnie, now Mrs. Thomas Copeland. Mr. Harmen was a member of the German Lutheran church, and his avIcIoav also belongs to that denomination. JOSEPH McEVOY, a farmer on the Old Dalles road, four miles soutliAvest of Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1856, Avas born in county Kilkenny, Ireland, on May 26, 1832. He passed the first eighteen years of his life in his native land, receiving his educational training in a private school, but in 1850 he sailed for New York. He remained in that city five months, then enlisted in the United States army for general service. He was soon transferred to Company E, First Regiment Mounted Rifles, and sent Avest. He served with that branch of the army for tAvo and a CHARLES T. HARMEN. MRS. CAROLINE HARMEN, JOHN F. ABBOTT. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 473 half years on the plains of Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming, but in 1854 was transferred to Company E, First Regiment Dragoons. He participated in the Rogue river Avar, in the Yakima war, and in 1856, while on his way to take station at Fort Walla AA'alla, had a hard fight with Indians on the Umatilla river, Avhere his company was surrounded after res cuing Governor SteA^ens and escort, who had been previously surrounded on Russell creek. Some time before this, also, Mr. McEvoy was Avith Captain Gunnison, of the engineer corps, on a surveying expedition in Utah. He, with the remainder of the escort except eight men, was ordered to proceed further up the Survey river, where they were then working, the captain instructing them to search out a good camping place, and aAvait his arrival a few days later. The next morning one of the men who had remained behind came into camp bringing the melancholy news that the cap tain and the other seven men had been mas sacred by Indians. At the expiration of his term of service, Mr. McEvoy hired out to the quartermaster of Fort Walla Walla to herd government cattle. He was thus employed two years and for three years thereafter he Avas in charge of the quar termaster's stables. He then took a homestead of eighty acres and a pre-emption of the same proportions adjoining, the land for which he had expressed a desire when he first marched into Walla Walla. He still owns and works this land, raising a variety of farm products, and exhibiting the same courage and forti tude in his battle Avith opposing forces which characterized him while battling with the red men on the plain. He affiliates with the In dian War Veterans. Mr. McEvoy was married in Portland, Oregon, on March 10, 1859, to Miss Eliza Benn, a native of county Limerick, Ireland, and a pioneer of the coast of 1858. They had nine children, one of whom is deceased. Of the eight living children, two daughters are residing with their husbands in this valley, tAvo sons, Patrick A. and Charles H. (the former of whom was the first white child born in this county, the date being March 13, i860), are married and residing in Nevada and Farmington, Washington, respectively, and three sons and one daughter are at home with their father. Airs. McEvoy died in Walla Walla on May 26, 1898, after a residence of forty years in the valley. She lies buried in the Valley Chapel cemetery, beside her son. JOHN F. ABBOTT, deceased, a pioneer of 1859, belonged to that class of men whom adventurous spirit's and love of nature in its wildness and variety have kept constantly in the forefront of civilization's march. He Avas bora in New York, March 25, 1823, and there he spent the first thirteen years of his life. He then started to make his own way in the Avorld, and sought his fortunes in various states, final ly settling in Wisconsin, where he had his initial experience in the stage-line business. In 1849 ^r. Abbott crossed the plains to California, where he at once engaged in min ing, following that occupation for two years. He subsequently came to Laf ayette,Oregon, and established a stage-line between that town and Portland, and also another between Jackson ville and Sterlingville. In 1859 he removed to Walla Walla, only to resume staging on a route extending from that town to Wallula. He also became interested in a livery business, and with Thomas & Ruckle in the hercu lean task of establishing a stage line from 4 74 HISTORY OF WALLA AA'ALLA COUNTY. Walla AA'alla over the Blue mountains to Boise, Idaho. He busied himself in connection with this route until 1873, when he sold out his in terests, purchased land and turned his attention to farming. In this neAV calling Mr. Abbott seems to have been very successful, for at the time of his death he had large real estate holdings in the county. He Avas a public-spirited, pro gressive man, ever ready to contribute liberally of his means to any deserving enterprise, and when he died on March 14, 1896, the city and county of Walla Walla sustained a great loss. Fraternally, he Avas a prominent Odd Fellow. While in Oregon he married Susan Creighton (nee Snyder), a native of Ohio, the Avid'ow of N. M. Creighton, and to them were born three children, John H., a farmer; Belle, Avife of Dr. Manzey, of Spokane; and Anna, Avife of Major W. H. Miller, formerly chief quartermaster in Cuba, now stationed at Boston, Massa chusetts. John H. Abbott, the oldest son, whose con nection Avith AValla AA'alla dates back to i860, was born in Lafayette, Oregon, March 5, 1854. He received his education in the public schools of Walla Walla, in Whitman College and in the Bishop Scott's grammar school of Port land. For many years he Avas his father's manager, but he has since engaged in farm ing, becoming one of the extensive tillers of the soil of the county. At present he is the OAvner of about one thousand acres in this vicinity, besides a stock ranch on Snake river and some tOAvn property. Like his father, he affiliates Avith the I. O. O. F. He was mar ried in AA'alla AA'alla, March 16, 1884, to Miss Josephine V. AA'iseman, a native of Idaho, and a pioneer of 1858. They have four children liv ing, namely : Byra, Verna, Emily, and Susan, also tAvo deceased, Annabel and Lisle. DR. N. G. BLALOCK, physician and sur geon, is a native of North Carolina, born in 1836. He received his primary education there and studied in the Tusculum College for two years. He also began the study of medicine in that state, but completed his professional training in Jefferson Medical College, from which he graduated in March, 1861. The next year he entered the army as assistant surgeon of the One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Volunteers, remaining with his regiment until 1863, when he Avas compelled to resign on account of ill health. For the ensuing twelve years he practiced medicine near Decatur, Illi nois, but at length he decided to try his fortunes ir the west, and accordingly set out Avith teams to Walla Walla. Upon his arrival Dr. Blalock at once re sumed his practice, and he has given a share of his attention to that ever since, though he has also been quite extensively interested in farming. He was the first to raise wheat in the foot hills of the Blue mountains, produc ing crops which would seem almost fabulous to those unfamiliar with the fertility of the soil of that region. One thousand acres in a square yielded, under his skillful husbandry, fifty-one thousand bushels of wheat. At pres ent he is an extensive fruit-raiser, owning what is now known as the Blalock fruit farm, two miles west of AValla Walla, upon which are sixty thousand fruit trees. He also has the title to an island in the Columbia river, containing four thousand acres, which he is now developing into an immense fruit and al falfa farm. Despite the demands of his medical practice and the cares of his extensive real estate hold ings, Dr. Blalock has always found time to perform Avell and faithfully his duties as a citizen. He rendered efficient service in 1889 N. G. BLALOCK HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 475 as a member of the Constitutional convention; for several years he was mayor of Walla Walla, and in many other Avays he has taken his place as a leader in the political affairs of city, county and state. He stands high in his profession, and belongs to the United States, county and state medical associations. He was married in North Carolina, in 1858, to Miss Panthea A. Durham, who died in 1864, leaving two chil dren, one of Avhom, Dr. Y. C. Blalock, still survives and is a practicing physician in Walla AValla. In 1865 the Doctor married again, the lady being Marie E. Greenfield, and by this union he has two daughters. JOHN D. LAMB, a farmer residing at 304 East Sumach street, Walla Walla, is a native of this county, born March 8, 1861. He has passed his entire lifetime thus far in the valley, receiving his education in the local public schools. On arriving at years of ma turity he entered the hardAvare and furniture business in this city, but in 1893 he sold out and invested in a six-hundred-and-forty-acre farm on Eureka Flat. He has farmed this ever since, though his residence is in the city. He also owns considerable garden land in the vicinity of Walla Walla, and has, in addition to his elegant home, considerable city real es tate of value. Mr. Lamb is a man of unusual ability, as is evinced by the fact that he has been re markably successful, both as a business man and a farmer, while others Avith opportunities as good or better have failed. He is quite prominent in political circles, and may well be ranked as one of the leaders of the local Democracy. He served two years on the city council, and in the current year, 1900, was the nominee of his party for the responsible office of police judge. Mr. Lamb was mar ried in Walla Walla, July 2, 1887, to Miss Alice Morrison, also a native of this county, born November 1, 1864. Mrs. Lamb's father, John Morrison, was a native of Michigan, but came to Walla Walla in very early days. He died in February, 1866, and his remains lie buried in the city cemetery. Her mother is now Mrs. E. G. Riffle. CARRICK H. BARNETT, a pioneer of Walla Walla of 1877, was born at Athens, Tennessee, July 17, 1836. When quite young he was taken by his parents to Wright county, Missouri, where his mother died and Avhere he resided until tAvelve years old. The father, who was for four years sheriff of the county, died before completing his second term, and our subject removed to Dallas county, to the home of his uncle, Mr. Frederick Hale. He remained with that gentleman until seventeen, working on the farm and receiving such edu cation as was obtainable in a frontier public school. Mr. Barnett, in 1854, crossed the plains, having been employed to drive a band of four hundred head of cattle to Marysville, Cali fornia. He made the trip in four months. That task accomplished, he went to Napa val ley, where he worked on a wheat farm for ten months. He then rode on mule back to Oak land, Douglas county, Oregon, and secured from the well-known Dr. Dorsey S. Baker a job of freighting from that town to the south ern Oregon mines. He soon became a third owner in the teams and equipments. Mr. Barnett participated in the Rogue river Indian war of this period, serving under Cap- 476 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. tain AA'illiam Chapman, avIio organized a com pany of his OAvn. In 1858, he, in company Avith other parties, bought a flour mill from Dr. Baker, and he Avas engaged in the dual oc cupation of milling and farming until about 1862, when he sold his interest and gave his exclusive attention to agriculture and stock raising. In 1877, he came to the AA'alla AValla valley, bought tAvo hundred and forty acres of land on Russell creek, and again engaged in farming. Being an ambitious man and possessed of those qualities Avhich insure suc cess in farming or almost any other business, he naturally increased his realty holdings from time to time, until he became the owner of nearly one thousand acres. This mammoth farm he and his sons are iioav cultivating for wheat and barley, raising large crops an nually. Mr. Barnett made his home on the farm until 1890, but since that year he has been living on a fine. tract of city land comprising about four lots, upon which he erected a con venient and elegantly furnished modern home. He and Mrs. Barnett both belong to the M. E. church of AAralla Walla. Air. Barnett Avas married first in Oakland, Oregon, in Octo ber, 1858, to Miss Sarah E. Reed, avIio died in that town Alarch 13, 1870, leaving four children: William H., Walter S., iioav on the farm, Ida, deceased, and George E., a dentist in AValla AA'alla. On May 25, 1873, Mr. Barnett married Mrs. Sarah E. BroAvn, a na tive of Illinois, who is also one of our early settlers, having come to AA'alla AA'alla valley in June, 1871. JUDGE JOHN A. TAYLOR is a pioneer of AA'alla AA'alla, of 1876, but he has taken an important part in the development of the AA'est for nearly half a century. He was born in NeAV York, September 12, 1825. When thirteen years old, he came Avith his father to Lancaster, AVisconsin, and there he resided until 1852. In that year he set out with ox-teams on the long journey across the plains, landing in Portland, Oregon, October 6, after a six months' trip. His first undertaking in the new country Avas the establishment of a ferry about eleven miles south of Portland, on the Tualatin river. This he operated until 1863,' in which year a toll bridge Avas built by him at a cost of four thousand dollars. In 1874 Air. Taylor became proprietor of a hotel at Amity, Yam Hill county, but this he disposed of in 1876, to come to AValla Walla, Avhere he has since resided. Upon his arriA-al here, he engaged in selling farm ma chinery for the HaAvley-Dodd Company. He remained Avith them nearly three years, then Avitli Paine Bros, three years, and then Avith AArilliam Jones for fourteen months. In 1882 he Avas elected justice of the peace and police judge of the city, Avhich offices he retained for the ensuing tAvelve years. For the three years prior to 1899, he maintained a gents' furnishing store in AValla AValla, but since that date he has been enjoying a Avell earned re tirement. Judge Taylor has long been active in the councils and campaigns of the Republican party, and to him belongs the honor of having been the first Republican elected to the legis lature from Walla Walla county. He was also elected a member of the city council in 1878, and, being reelected the next year, served two terms. He is a man of probity, independence, and force of character, and Avell fitted to oc cupy a position of prominence among his fel low men. For forty years he has been an acth-e and esteemed member of the Masonic JOHN A. TAYLOR. MRS. JOHN A. TAYLOR. JAMES M. DEWAR. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 477 fraternity. He was married in Lancaster, Wisconsin, October 25, 1846, to Miss Sarah McKinzie, a native of Kentucky, and to their union have been born six children, namely: Lucetta, now Mrs. S. C. Kelley ; Frank ; Annie, deceased; Ella, now Mrs. R. F. Mead, a banker in Spokane; Jennie, wife of Daniel Wann, and John E., a traveling salesman for a Seattle firm. Mrs. Taylor Avas born June 11, 1825, in West Liberty, Morgan county, Kentucky. While a small girl she left her native state Avith her parents and removed to Lancaster, Wisconsin, Avhere she was educated in the common schools (the only available schools at the time). There she met and mar ried Mr. Taylor, with whom she removed to this country. She has been his life partner fifty- four years, sharing Avith him all his trials and hardships and enjoying Avith him his suc cesses. J. J. ROHN, one of the thrifty farmers and pioneers of the county, residing nine miles east of Walla Walla, was born in Baden, Germany, in 1835. He Avas left an orphan Avhen ten years old; but was cared for and educated by his uncle. When seventeen years old, he emigrated to the United States, realiz ing that the opportunities for a young man of energy and ability were far superior here to those offered in the old world. He worked at his trade, wood gilding, in New York for a Avhile, and then spent ten months in Balti more, in the same occupation, subsequently en listing in the United States army as a mem ber of the First Dragoons. He was sent to California at once, and before long found him self engaged in Indian warfare, During the five years of his army life he was almost con stantly in conflict with the red men, not only in California, but in Oregon and AVashington, as well. Upon receiving his discharge at Vancouver in i860, Air. Rohn proceeded direct to Walla , Walla county, took up a claim of one hundred and sixty acres on Mill creek, invested five hun dred dollars, which frugal living had enabled him to save out of his soldier's pay, in stock, and engaged in the business of cattle raising. He Avas unfortunate at first, and lost heavily, but, Avith commendable perseverance, moved further down the creek, purchased more land, and started again. He has prospered eA^er since, adding to his real estate holdings from time to time until he is now the OAvner of four hundred and seven acres, highly improved and most of it in an excellent state of cultivation. Our subject is entirely a self made man. Starting in a neAV land, without even a knoAvl- edge of our language, he has, by his own un aided efforts, Avrought his way to a competency, and to a rank among the leading farmers of the county. Few men enjoy a greater degree of the esteem and good will of their neighbors, than does Mr. Rohn. He married, in 1866, Miss Sarah E. Sanders, a most estimable lady, Avho unfortunately died in 1872. She left four children : Katie, wife of Thomas Bryant ; Ma- line, iioav Mrs. Harry Gilkerson ; Fred, noAV liv ing on his father's old homestead on Mill creek ; and Sarah J., who died in 1874. HON. JAMES M. DEWAR, deceased, Avas a native of Scotland, born February 12, 1824, in the county of Perth, near the ancient castle of Doune. His parents Avere farmers on the northern slope of the Grampian hills, and he was cradled among the scenes of Scottish legend, and passed his early years by the banks 478 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. of the Avaters of the beautiful river Teith, Avhich is fed by the pure Avaters of Lakes Cath erine and Vennacher, Avhere Fitz James, the Scottish king, first met his "Lady of the Lake." Not less adventurous by nature than the storied heroes of Scottish romance, Mr. Dewar early conceived the desire to look beyond the scenes of his native hills, and to have a part in the struggles of the new country to emerge from barbarism to civilization. This desire greAV in intensity Avith the advent of manhood until, in 1853, it forced him from the home roof and across the ocean to America. For the five years following the date of his arrival, Air. DeAvar traveled over the northern states of the American union, and in 1858 we find him on the Pacific coast. AA'hile sojourn ing at Champoeg, on the AA'illamette river, he met a relative of his named Archibald Mc- Kinlay, the man Avho is so well knoAvn to all the pioneers of the northwest as a fearless leader of trapping expeditions, and a valued employe of the Hudson's Bay Company. Mr. McKinlay advised his young relative to seek his fortunes in the Walla AAralla valley, point ing out to him the many advantages and bright prospects for a grand future Avhich that region possessed, but at the same time Avarning him that he could not enter the valley Avithout for a time at least risking his scalp. But the man avIio had in his veins the blood of Bruce and AArallace, and Avhose ideas of manly courage had been developed by reading of the stirring deeds of his AA-arlike ancestors, Avas not to be deterred by any possible danger from Indians, so on the 4th of January, 1859, he entered the valley Avhich Avas his home until Alarch 27, 1892, AA'hen death called him, as Ave believe, to a higher sphere of usefulness. His first home in this county Avas a log cabin on Cottonwood creek. The picturesque surroundings of this primitive dwelling place had taken his fancy, and he had purchased it Avith the land claim on which it Avas built, paying the original owner fifty dollars for the . Avhole. During the first years of his occupancy, he did not intend to make it his permanent home, but rather a temporary base of opera tions, his business being to raise large herds of cattle and horses for the Pacific coast mar ket. As time Avent by, however, he greAV to like the locality, and as the country was set tled up and his range began to narrow, he sold off his surplus stock, turning his attention to agricultural pursuits. His farm originally comprised three hundred and twenty acres, but it was afterAvards increased by the purchase of one hundred and seventy-four acres more near by. All of this land has been enclosed by fence and brought to a high state of cultivation, and, as may be supposed, the log cabin has long since given place to a cosy and comfortable modern home. The oldest orchard in the county, Avith one exception, is upon this farm. Although never an ardent partisan, Mr. Dewar always took such interest in political matters as becomes a good citizen, and he Avas more than once called upon to perform the duties of very important offices. In 1878 he Avas elected by the Republican party to a seat in the territorial legislature, and Avhile there became the author of the celebrated rail- Avay freight bill Avhich bore his name. He Avas again elected to represent the county in 1882, and yet again in 1888, but did not serve the last time as that legislature never met owing to the fact that in 1889 the territory was ad mitted to statehood. He also served as a dele gate to the convention which nominated can didates for membership in the body to which the drafting of our state constitution Avas en trusted. In all his public services he proved HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 479 true to those avIio had reposed confidence in him, discharging his every duty honestly and with an eye single to the general benefit, and earning for himself an honored place among the builders of the state. Mr. Dewar was married in Walla Walla January 27, 1864, the lady of his choice being Miss Margaret McRae, who still survives, and who is fortunate in being the recipient of the esteem and respect of all. Seven children were born of this union, three of Avhom, Alexander, Elida and Gorden M., are living, but the re maining four, John, James M., Elizabeth and David, have passed away, the last two having died of diphtheria on the same day. In re ligious persuasion, the family are Presby terians. JOHN A. DAVIS, a farmer residing -about eight miles southeast of Walla Walla, a pioneer of 1863, is a native of Owen coun ty, Indiana, born in 1839. The first nine years of his life were passed in the state of his na tivity, but in 1848 the family moved to south ern IoAva, and there Mr. Davis completed his education. He worked on the paternal farm until twenty years old, then engaged in that occupation on his own behalf. In 1863, he .started with ox- teams on the long and danger ous trip across the plains, and on the 4th of September of that year he arrived in Walla Walla. He experienced several Indian scares, but had no trouble with the red men. Mr. Davis worked for wages here for a while at first, but in 1864 homesteaded a place nine miles east of Walla Walla, and be gan farming. He resided on this quarter sec tion continuously until 1882, then sold out and purchased a tract of six hundred acres eight miles southeast of the city, on Cottonwood creek. This he farmed until about four years ago, but of late years he has been letting it out to renters. For many years he was an extensive producer of wheat and barley, and handled large numbers of stock every season, but he is now retired to his magnificent rural home to enjoy a Avell-earned rest. He has in addition to his real estate an interest in the Davis Kaser Furniture Company. For many years Mr. Davis Avas a very efficient force in the industrial development of this country, and he has certainly done his share towards redeeming the primeval, wild and unsubdued Walla Walla valley, and mak ing it a fit dwelling place for civilized hu manity. He was married in Iowa, in January, 1862, to Caroline Snoday, and they have be come parents of twelve children, Margaret A., James W., Mary M., Laura E., Frank A., William M., Stella, Clara, Edna, Gertrude, and Elmer, living, and Nellie, avIio died in March, 1899. JAMES CATION, deceased, whose con nection Avith Walla Walla dates back to 1886, was bora in Illinois, April 7, 1863. He re ceived a good general education and took a very thorough'course in the Gem City Business College. When twenty-three years old, he was tendered a position in the Walla Walla Business College, and he taught in that insti tution a year, then, in connection with A. M. Cation and Prof. James F. Stubblefield, found ed the Empire Business College, in Avhich he was instructor in bookkeeping until about 1889. He then became bookkeeper and after wards paying teller in the Baker-Boyer bank, with which he was connected until, in 1894, he was compelled by failing health to resign. 480 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. He afterAvards audited the books of the city as an expert, but his health continued poorly, and on Alarch 14, 1898, Avhile trying the effect of a more southerly climate, he died in Phoenix, Arizona. His remains Avere sent back to AValla Walla, and lie buried in the city cem etery. Air. Cation was a man of integrity and worth, highly esteemed by those with whom he came in contact, and his untimely demise was a cause of deep regret to hosts of friends and acquaintances. On April 22, 1891, in the city of Walla Walla, he married Miss Cora Lamb, a native of this city, daughter of James M. and Jane Lamb, early pioneers of the county. Air. Cation was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and his AvidoAV is identified Avith that denomination. CYRUS T. NELSON.— Among those who are devoting their attention to the great basic art of agriculture in AValla Walla county is the gentleman whose name initiates this para graph, his fine farm being located six miles north of the city of Walla Walla and the same! being under excellent cultivation. As one of the representative agriculturists of the county, it is but consistent that Ave accord in this work a review of the life of Mr. Nelson. Born in the year 1839, our subject is a native of Ohio, and he continued to make his home in the old Buckeye state until he had at tained the age of tAventy years, receiving his educational training in the public schools and early becoming familiar with the practical du ties of life, in which connection it may be said that he Avas engaged in Avork on the farm and in a saAV mill. Having determined to try his fortunes in the NeAV Eldorado, Air. Nelson left his old home in the year 1859 and came to California by Avay of the isthmus of Panama. Upon arriving in the Golden state he made his way into the mining districts, where he con tinued operations until November, 1861, when he made his way to Walla Walla and thence proceeded on a prospecting trip in Idaho, from Florence City as headquarters. In June, 1862, he went to the Oro Fino mining district, where he was engaged until 1879, having in the meantime passed the winters in Walla Walla, which he looked upon as his home, he having purchased land in the vicinity as early as 1870 and having rented the same until 1879, which year stands as the date of his permanent loca tion in AValla Walla county. His ranch is lo cated on Dry creek, comprises eight hundred acres and is well improved and under a high state of cultivation, his entire attention hav ing practically been given to its improvement since he located on the place in the year men tioned. Mr. Nelson raises large crops of wheat and alfalfa and also devotes considerable atten tion to the raising of live stock, — principally cattle and hogs. Though his farming interests are of distinct importance and value, our sub ject still maintains his association with the mining industry and passes the summer months in the Oro Fino mining districts, where he has a valuable quartz mine. He has recently erect ed a five-stamp mill, which is now ready for operation. In connection with his farming op- , erations Air. Nelson owns a threshing machine, Avhich during the harvest season is in requisi tion throughout the farming districts con tiguous to his home place. On the ranch is a fine orchard of about five acres from which an excellent yield is obtained. The marriage of Air. Nelson was solem nized in AA'alla AA'alla county, in the year 1873, C. T. NELSON. HIRAM NELSON. J S. KERSHAW. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 481 when he was united to Miss Julia Mclnroe, who became a resident of the county in 1871. Of this union seven children were born and only one of the number is deceased. The names of the children, in order of birth, are as fol lows : Carrie L., George U., Lawrence F., Lora A., Cyrus M., Edith Blanche (who died March 18, 1900), and Ruth. The family en joy a distinct popularity in the community and represent the sterling element which enters into the makeup of the population of the favored county of Walla Walla. NEWTON ALDRICH, deceased, a pio neer of 1858, was born in New York state, June 28, 1833. When quite young he was taken by his parents to Michigan, where he received his public school training and where he lived until about nineteen years old.' He then came out to California, via the isthmus, and engaged in teaming and mining. In 1858 he came to Walla Walla county with a band of stock, and before he disposed of the herd he had decided to make his home in this sec tion. Accordingly he took a pre-emption about two miles southwest of Dixie, and settled down to the task of preparing a home for himself and family. He bought more land from time to time until he became the owner of five hun dred and twenty acres in the locality of his home, and another farm two miles away. He was engaged in raising wheat and horses until the time of his death, January 26, 1888. Mr. Aldrich was a good, substantial citi zen of the county, and though he seems to have never been especially ambitious for leadership among his fellows, and never accepted any public office, he was, nevertheless, well thought of and highly respected in the community in 31 which he lived. He was married in this coun ty, November 16, 1865, to Miss Annie Shoe maker, who still lives on the original home place. They had three children, Minnie Serepta, Ida Estella, who died June 30, 1869, and Clara Etta. HIRAM NELSON, a farmer, was born in Stark county, Ohio, in 1836. He was reared on a farm in his native state, acquiring his education in the local public school. When nine teen he went to work on the railroad. The next year, however, he went to California, via the isthmus, and for the four years following the date of his arrival he was engaged in mining. In 1 86 1 he came to what is now known as Pierce City, Idaho, where he and his brother followed the business of putting in ditches until 1865. Mr. Nelson then purchased a farm where he now resides, about six miles north of the city of Walla Walla, and settled down to the life of a farmer. As a result of his labors, he is now the owner of a fine eight- hundred-acre ranch, supplied with good build ings and all manner of farming implements. He produces splendid crops of wheat, alfalfa, timothy and fruit, also raises and handles a great many hogs each season, and a number of cattle and horses. He is a very industrious,. energetic, progressive man, and deserves a place among the leading farmers of the county. He is, moreover, a public-spirited man, ever ready to do what he can for the promotion of the general welfare, and he has at different times served as road oyerseer and school di rector. In Walla Walla, on March 4, 1866, our subject married Miss Sarah Ann Mclnroe, a native of New York state, and to them have been born five children : William T. ; Addie* 482 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. -wife of Frank Smith, of AA'alla AA'alla county; "Ellery J.: Clark S., deceased; and Hyram G., Jr. Mr. Nelson has been interested to a greater or less extent in mining eA^er since his arrival in California and at present is the OAvner of some properties in the Oro Fino region. JAMES S. KERSHAW, a pioneer of 1861, is a native of England, born July 5, 1836. His father died Avhen he was quite young, and in 1841 his mother brought him to Amer ica. They lived a while in Pennsylvania, then on the Hudson river and finally in Rhode Island, Avhere Mr. Kershaw completed his ed ucation and entered man's estate. In July, 1856, they went to Illinois, Avhere, for the en duing five years, Air. KershaAv worked as a •carpenter and builder. But in the spring of 1861 he crossed the plains with ox-teams to 'Walla AA'alla valley and located on the site of the present town of Dixie. A couple of years later he took a homestead just east of the tOAvn -and upon this he has been farming and rais ing cattle ever since. He increased his real es tate holdings by purchase from time to time, until he iioav has a -farm of four hundred acres. A thrifty, industrious man, he has made for himself an excellent home, highly improved, and supplied with almost everything Avhich has a tendency to render rural life pleasant and comfortable. As a man and citizen his stand ing in the community is of the highest, and he enjoys an abundant measure of the good will and esteem of his neighbors. In Dixie, December 8, 1875, Air. KershaAv married Alary A. Cook, a native of England, and to their union have been born tAvo children; Bessie, iioav Airs. Ernest Cantomvine ; and Ar thur C, recently married. ROBERT E. BAUER.— This respected pioneer was born and reared in La Belle France, receiving a good common school edu cation. With the advent of manhood came also the desire to try his fortune in the new world, and in 1870 he emigrated to AValla AA'alla, Avhere he found employment Avith his brother, avIio had come to this city as a soldier in 1856. He Avorked in the latter's Avholesale and retail tobacco house until 1890, except for about three months of the year 1873, dur ing which time he maintained a barber shop of his OAvn at Baker City, Oregon. His brother died in 1890. For the past feAV years our sub ject has been living in comparative retirement, though he has been frequently called upon to serve as court bailiff. He is a public-spirited man, ahvays solicitous for what he conceives to be the best interests of the city and county and quite active in politics. MILTON EVANS, of AA'alla AValla, a pio neer of August 31, 1861, is a native of Pike county, Ohio, born November 9, 1833. He Avas reared on a farm in Scioto county, receh- ing only a "log cabin" education. On arriv ing at the age of tAventy-six, he went to Fre mont county, IoAva, Avhere he farmed a year, but in 1 86 1 he set out across the plains Avith a mixed team, consisting of cows and oxen. Arriving in the AA'alla AA'alla valley in the fall of 1 86 1, he forthwith engaged in farm ing, renting land for the purpose at first, but aftenvards purchasing four hundred acres, to Avhich he later added another tract of tAvo hun dred acres. Air. Evans Avas a farmer and stock raiser on a quite extensive scale until 1883, but he then sold the four-hundred-acre tract and HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 483 moved into Walla Walla, locating on a three- acre garden spot Avithin the city limits. Dur ing the past fifteen years Mr. Evans has de voted a considerable portion of his time to introducing and experimenting with different varieties of ornamental and forage grasses, his purpose being to encourage the beautify ing of farms and to render diversified farm ing pleasant and profitable, by finding a .species of grass Avhich Avill do well on lands of which little use can be made at present except for Avheat raising. Air. Evans remained on the garden spot above mentioned until 1889, when he moved to his present comfortable home at 216 S. First street. He is the OAvner of two hundred and fifty-five acres of land in this county, be sides real estate in Seattle and Ballard, and stock in the Farmer's Savings bank of this city. Mr. Evans has been a valuable man to this county in many ways, but his greatest service consisted in what he has accomplished for the reduction of freight rates. To effect an equitable reduction in transportation ¦charges he has exerted herculean efforts, both in the courts and in the legislature. As a re sult of a two-years legal battle Avith the O. R. & N., he succeeded in reducing their charges for transporting wheat six and one-half cents per bushel, thereby putting millions into the pockets of the farmers. He attended the leg islature during the session of 1896-97 and personally intervieAved each member of that body on the freight rate question, thereby se curing material reductions on farm products shipped from1 this section. Mr. Evans has also filled many important local offices, among them that of justice of the peace, school clerk, county commissioner, and city councilman. He is a prominent member of the Masonic order, having joined Blue Mountain Lodge, No. 13, as early as 1870. Religiously, he Avas reared a Methodist, but for many years past he has affiliated with the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He is very liberal in his theological views, as he is in politics and every thing else. In this county, in June, 1871, Mr. Evans married Miss Alice Braman, a native of Mas sachusetts, and a daughter of Palmer and Julia Braman, pioneers of their section of this state. To the gentle influence and ever kind ly sympathy of Mrs. Evans he attributes what ever success he has made of his life, and ad vises all young men to select a good and noble woman and marry. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are both passionately fond of music and dancing, and in a social way are ever surrounded by a coterie of congenial spirits, young and old, and are thus passing the afternoon of their lives in a manner delightful to themselves and their friends. CHARLES McINROE, a farmer resid ing six miles north of Walla Walla, was born in Steuben county, NeAV York, and there the first nine years of his life were passed. In 1855, however, he Avent with the remainder of the family to northern Wisconsin, Avhere he greAV to manhood and completed his edu cation. His father was a farmer, but Mr. Mclnroe early engaged in logging, lumbering, river-driving, etc., an occupation which he followed until, in 1879, he started for the west. He came to Walla Walla, via San Francisco, and for the first three years after his arrival here he worked as a laboring man. At length, he managed to accumulate enough to buy a small farm. To this he has added from time to time until he is noAv the owner of a full 484 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. section, all well improved and brought to a high state of cultivation. He produces Avheat and barley principally, but also handles quite a large number of cattle and horses. He deserves an honored place among those who, by industry and toil, have Avorked their Avay to positions of comfort and respectability in their communities, and who, in Avorking out their own destinies, have also contributed no small amount to the general progress. For a long time he has held the offices of road over seer and school director. In fraternal connec tions, he is identified Avith the I. O. O. F., the K. P. and the Elks. Mr. Mclnroe Avas married in Wisconsin, in February, 1887, to Miss Maggie White, and they have tAvo children, Charles and Blanchie. Mrs. Mclnroe Avas postmistress of the Valley Grove postoffice, which has since been discontinued, for a period of seven years. PATRICK RUSSELL, a farmer four miles north of AValla AA'alla, Avas born in Ire land in 1849. He acquired his education in a national school in his fatherland, receiving a degree at the conclusion of his course. AA'hen twenty-tone years of age he emigrated to AA'alla Walla, coming via San Francisco. From the date of his arrival until 1880 he Avas employed as a teacher in the various public schools of the county, but in that year he purchased land and began farming. He kept increasing his real estate holdings from time to time until in 1894 he had sixteen hundred acres. Since then he has been disposing of his lands, until his farm is now reduced to six hundred and forty acres. He raises Avheat as his principal crop, but also produces the other cereals in considerable quantities, and gives some atten tion to stock raising. Air. Russell takes an active interest in po litical matters, and is quite a leader in his party. He Avas chairman of the Walla AAralla county delegation to the state Democratic convention of 1900. Fraternally he is identified with the Catholic Knights of America. In May, 1883, in the city of AA'alla AAralla, Mr. Russell was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ann Poi- riora, a native of Umatilla county, Oregon, and their union has been blessed by the advent of nine children: Alary E., Catherine, Annie, Francis J., Gertrude, William P., Agnes and James E., living; and Margaret, deceased. AVILLIAM P. STURGIS, a pioneer of 1 87 1, Avas born in Gorham, Maine, on Septem ber 4, 1818, and in that tOAvn he grew up and Avas educated. His father died in 1826, and he, like the rest of the family, had to begin life's battle young. AA'hen fifteen years old, he en gaged in general trading, and from that he later went into the real estate business, which he fol lowed continuously for the ensuing thirty- seven years. But in 1870 he set out for the AA'alla AValla valley, and upon his arrival he formed a partnership with A. S. Le Grow for the purpose of engaging in the sheep business on Wild Horse creek, about twenty miles south of AA'alla AA'alla, Avhere they purchased a quar ter-section of land. They afterwards moved to the old Hudson's Bay trading post, about tAvelve miles south of the city. Air. Sturgis was in this industry for twen ty-three years, but Avhen the tariff was removed during Cleveland's administration, the profits of the business Avere so materially reduced that he decided to try something else. Accordingly, HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 485 he moved into AValla Walla with his family, and engaged in the money loaning business. Mr. Sturgis has ahvays been a very efficient force in the development and up-building of the city and county, subscribing liberally to all worthy charitable organizations and educa tional projects. But he is not ambitious politi cally, and never has accepted any office, though frequently urged to do so. In January, 1842, he married Miss Susan M. Creassy, a native of Maine, and a schoolmate of his. They had tAvo children : Helen, afterwards Mrs. A. S. Le GroAv, deceased; and Samuel P., Avho died in Pendleton, where he was serving as cashier of the first bank ever opened in the city. He was a very prominent Mason. It. may be of interest to record that Mr. Sturgis' birthplace, Gorham, was named after. his grandmother's brother, Capt. John Gorham. Mr. and Mrs. Sturgis adhere to the Congrega tional church of Walla Walla. DALE PRESTON, of the Preston Grocery Company, of Walla Walla, is a native of this county, born December 15, 1879. He has al ways resided in the valley, acquiring his educa tion in the public schools, Waitsburg Academy and Whitman College. Shortly after complet ing his studies he entered into partnership with his brother, Herbert, for the purpose of opening a grocery store in Walla Walla, and they have been in business together since April 6, 1900. The brother, Mr. Herbert Preston, is also a native of the county, born December 21, 1876. His early life was much the same as was Dale's, except that he completed his education in Bishop Scott's Academy, of Portland, Oregon. He was with the Schwabacher Company for a few years after leaving the Academy, and went from their employ directly into the grocery business in Avhich Ave now find him. The broth ers are sharp, quick and decisive young men, thoroughly business like, and their success in commercial life seems in no sense problemati cal. Herbert Preston was married in this county in 1894 to Aliss Josephine Corliss. In fraternal affiliations, he is identified Avith the A. O. U. W. SAMUEL R. MAXSON, retired farmer, a pioneer of 1859, was born in Rock county, Wisconsin, January 7, 1843. He attended school there until fifteen years old, then accom panied his parents to Omaha, Nebraska, where he lived for two years, attending school and farming. In the spring of 1859 he and the rest of the family crossed the plains with ox- teams intending to go to Pike's Peak, Colora do, but learning that the gold excitement was groundless, they changed their course a little, and came on over the old Platte river trail to Walla Walla valley. The family settled on a pre-emption, but, though he made his home with his parents for the first four years, Mr. Maxson engaged in freighting from the Columbia river to all in land points, using ox-teams. He afterwards purchased a quarter section of land and became a tiller of the soil, continuing in that occupation constantly until 1898. In that year, however, he came into town, intending to retire, but he still retains his farm which consists at present of two hundred and thirty-five acres on Rus sell creek, six miles east of AValla Walla. It is one of the best improved farms in the neighbor hood, and has on it a splendid orchard of choice fruits. Mr. Maxson was long regarded as one of 486 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. the most enterprising and industrious farmers in the county, and the general air of thrift which is perceptible about his premises goes far to convince one that this is not a mistaken esti mate. He has borne his share of the public burdens at all times, serving as road overseer for three years and as school director four terms. He married, in this county, in July, 1864, Miss Mary Elizabeth Paul, a native of Iowa, and their union has been blessed by the advent of ten children: Luellen, now Mrs. D. G. Ferguson; Charles; Alice; May, now Mrs. Glen Harris ; Stephen ; Myrtle ; Walter ; Ralph", all living in the county; also Benjamin and Samuel, deceased. Mr. Maxson affiliates with Lodge No. 4, A. O. U. W., of Walla Walla, and the entire family are members of the Meth odist Episcopal church. Mr. Maxson's father, Stephen, died in AAralla Walla in September, 1879, and his mother, Lois Maria, in Spokane Falls in 1882, and both are interred in the Wal la Walla cemetery. WILLIAAI S. AIALLOY, one of the most extensive and successful wheat raisers in the county, a pioneer of 1870, Avas born in NeAV Brunswick, June 17, 1844. AA'hen nine years old' he accompanied his parents to Stillwater, Minnesota, where he completed his education and greAV to maturity. In 1864 he crossed the plains to Virginia City, Montana, and engaged in mining in that locality, and at Deer Lodge, becoming interested in several valuable proper ties. Coming Avest in 1870, he settled in Whit man county, and engaged in the business of stock raising. In 1876, however, he moved into AA'alla AA'alla, having sold his stock and ranch in AA'hitman county, but, though his home Avas in that city, he Avas, for a short time, occupied chiefly in mining in Utah. At length Air. Alalloy again engaged in- farming and the stock business, securing land for the purpose tAventy-four miles northeast of AA'alla Walla (in Columbia county), Avhere he noAv has a tract of about nineteen hundred acres. His residence is No. 702 AVhitman street, AValla AValla, but he spends enough time on the farm each year to care fully supervise all operations. Mr. Malloy does not seem to be especially ambitious for preferment in politics, and in that respect is not a leader, but he has been a poAver- ful factor in the industrial development of the county, and deservedly ranks among the pro gressive forces. In fraternal circles, he is also quite prominent, being identified Avith the F. & A. M., and the A. O. U. AV. In the city of AValla Walla in May, 1874, our subject married Aliss Mary P. Lyons, daughter of Daniel Lyons, a prominent pio neer, avIio came to California in 1854, and to Walla Walla in 1865. He was proprietor of the Lyons ferry on Snake river until his death, Avhich occurred in 1893. His remains lie bur ied beside those of his wife, who passed away in 1879, and Avas interred in the AValla Walla cemetery. Both of Mr. Malloy's parents died in Stillwater, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Malloy are parents of six children : William, a farmer ; Ralph ; Elizabeth ; Minnie ; Thomas and Ange lina AA'ILLIAM YEEND, a farmer seven miles north of Walla Walla, is a native of England, born in 1830. He received his education in the public schools of his fatherland and in a private academy, then engaged in farming, an occupa tion Avhich he folloAved continuously for the en suing eighteen years. In 1870 he emigrated to America, and before the year Avas over he had HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 487 located on the place on Avhich Ave noAv find him. He homesteaded eighty acres and purchased another one hundred and sixty acres adjoining, and to this nucleus he has kept adding lands obtained by purchase from the railroad and from private individuals, until he is iioav the OAvner of over eight hundred acres. He raises wheat as his principal crop, but devotes some attention to other farm products, especially fruit. Mr. Yeend is a thrifty, enterprising, indus trious man, possessed of the courage and force of character well suited for overcoming diffi culties and for winning success in any indus try to Avhich he may turn his attention. He has manifested his interest in the general Avelfare in every Avay in his poAver, and always shown a Avillingness to bear his full share of the pub lic burdens. He has been the choice of the elec tors in his district both for school director and road overseer. Mr. Yeend was married in England in 1853 to Miss Ellen Surman. Their children are William S., James Augus tus, John Isaac, Surman N., Dessie M., Ellen S. and Alary Florence, living, and Roland, Ar thur, Ernest, Anna Laura, Ocenia, Frank, and tAvo unnamed, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Yeend and most of the family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1885. In that year he emigrated to Moscoav, Idaho, and went to work as a laboring man for a Avhile, but as soon as an opportunity offered he opened a paint shop, carrying also a line of wall paper. He soon succeeded in building up a flourishing trade, but in 1897 sold out and Avent back to Minnesota on a visit. Returning shortly to the west Mr. Selland. sought for a suitable location along the Pacific coast, but failing to find a place to his liking, he returned to Walla Walla, arriving in December, 1898, and entered the employ of Mr. Burt OAven. He worked for that gentleman contin uously until quite recently, then bought the business, and again started on his oavh account- He in an energetic, decisive, business-like man,. ever alert to anticipate and supply the Avants of his customers, and he is making every effort to- increase his stock and build up his trade along all lines. Besides his holdings here Air. Stel- land is the owner of some very desirable prop erty in Moscoav, Idaho. SEVERT O. SELLAND, one of the enter prising business men of Walla AValla, was born in Norway, June 10, 1852. He passed his early youth in his native land, receiving a pub lic-school education, and learning the trade of a house painter, then went to sea on vessels ply ing between the United States and England. In 1877 he located at Waicca, Minnesota, where he folloAved his trade and farming until WILLIAM H. BUROKER, son of David and Sarah (Jenkins) Buroker, a farmer, a pioneer of 1864, was born in Champaign coun ty, Ohio, in 1856. When only a feAV months old he Avas taken by his parents to Missouri, where he lived for about three years. Five years were then passed in Davis county, IoAva, after which the family made the long trip across the plains to Walla Walla county, Wash ington. Mr. Buroker finished his education in the public schools here, then went to the Willa mette valley, where he lived on a farm for three years. Returning then to Walla Walla he took charge of a farm for his father, and he was thus employed for several years. Subsequently 488 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. he moved to Umatilla county, Oregon, took a hbmestead and pre-emption, and began farm ing there. After a residence of seven years in that county, he returned to Walla Walla, and purchased a farm six miles northeast of that city, where he has- lived continuously since. He is, at present, the owner of a fine tract, containing seven hundred and sixty acres, and is engaged in raising wheat and barley prin cipally, though he also handles cattle and hogs. His place is splendidly improved, and well supplied with good buildings, fences, etc., in fact the evidences of his thrift and energy are -everyAvhere to be seen around his premises. Mr. Buroker takes an active and intelligent interest in the public affairs of his neighbor hood, ever displaying a willingness to do his full share for the promotion of the general well being. He is especially interested in the main tenance of a good public school in his district, and for the past ten years has faithfully dis charged the duties of school director. Our subject's marriage was solemnized at a place three miles east of his present residence, on May 14, 1882, the lady being Miss May Gallagher, who Avas bora on the site of the present Dayton, now in Columbia county, but at that time a part of Walla Walla county. They have four children in their family, name ly, Zenna AI., Ina J., Forest L. and Mary E. EDAVARD J. WILLIAMS, deceased, a pioneer of 1863, Avas born in Bridgeport, Con necticut, August 7, 1849. He Avas, when quite young, taken by his parents to NeAV York, and some time later he moved with them to Chi cago, where he Avitnessed the great fire. He received his education mostly in a private school. AA'hen sixteen years old, he started across the plains Avith ox-teams to the west, and for a number of years after his arrival he was engaged in mining, packing and freight ing, but he also kept a sutler's store in Walla Walla, and was post trader there. He was one of the substantial and respected citizens of this section and enjoyed the confidence and good will of all who knew him. In fraternal affiliations, he was a Mason. He was married in Walla Walla, in 1872, to Miss Mary Gavan, a pioneer of Walla Walla, and a daughter of a Hudson's Bay Company employe. Mrs. Williams has four children, Ida J., Kate H., Edward J., and Walter W. H. NATHANIEL B. DENNEY, deceased, a pioneer of 1859, was born in Delaware, Febru ary 20, 1840. He came to Illinois when thirteen years old, and a year later moved thence to Iowa, where he passed the ensuing five years and completed his education. He then crossed the plains direct to Walla Walla, traveling with ox-teams. He Avas engaged in mining at Oro Fino, Florence and other points until 1865, in which year he paid a visit to his native state. Coming thence to IoAva, he married and set tled down to the life of a farmer. He remained there nearly four years, then sold out and re turned to Walla Walla county. Purchasing a farm on what is known as Whisky creek, east of AA^aitsburg, he started farming and stock raising in that locality, and, except for two years spent in Iowa, followed that industry continuously until his death, which occurred' September 11, 1894. Mr. Denney was a man of energy and push, and contributed his full share to the material and social development of the vicinity in Avhich he lived. MRS. N. B. DENNEY. N. B. DENNEY. JOHN M. SWAN. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 489 His widow, nee Hawks, lives in a nice home in Waitsburg, and directs operations on her four-hundred-acre farm in Spring valley. She is a very active lady and quite a leader in the social life of the town. She is prominent in the Eastern Star, the Rebekahs, and the United Artisans, also takes an active part in the Avork of the Methodist Episcopal church, to which she belongs. She and her husband were par ents of seven children, India A., Addie E., Annie M., Clarance L., deceased, Otis L., Rob ert T., and Mary E. JOHN M. SWAN.— In the town of Greenock', in Scotland, that little country whose sons are noted for their aggressiveness and in tegrity the world over, the man whose name initiates this paragraph Avas born, the date of his advent upon the stage of this life being April 17, 1823. When his school education had been completed and his eighteenth year attained he began serving an apprenticeship to the trade of ship-building, continuing in the same until twenty-three years of age and learning all the details of his handicraft with a thoroughness which is seldom found in those who learn their trades on the American con tinent. In the year 1843 he emigrated to the British provinces, and for two years after land ing he Avorked as a journeyman ship-builder in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick. In the latter part of the year 1845, he embarked aboard the Athol, that he might serve that ship in the capacity of car penter on a voyage from St. John, New Bruns wick, to Valparaiso, Chili. While in the latter city, the ship was sold and his connection with it terminated. After a brief stay on shore, Mr. Swan shipped as carpenter on one of the British royal mail steamships plying along the west coast of South America. (This was an extension of the British mail line from England to the West Indies and extending to Chagres on the isthmus of Panama.) In this employ he remained un til the exciting news of the gold discovery in California became the general topic of conver sation along the coast, then, on January 13, 1849, t00k passage at the port of Callao on a vessel bound for San Francisco. Upon his arrival he set out at once for the mines, but he was not very successful in his search for treas ure. He took sick and Avas compelled to re turn to San Francisco in September. Finding that the brigantine Orbit, then in port, was go ing to the sound, he took passage aboard her, sailing on November 2, 1849, and after a long, tempestuous voyage, delayed by a two Aveeks' stay in Neah Bay at Cape Flattery, a call at Victoria, British Columbia, and a pause of a few days under the lea of Protection Island, whither they were driven by the storm, they at length gained, entrance to the inner waters of Puget sound, and arrived at Fort Nisqually on the 1st of January, 1850. On the 3d the vessel reached the head of the sound, the site of the present Olympia. There was no town then, but our subject, a la pioneer, at once set to work to erect a house with a view to build ing one there. Thus to Mr. Swan belongs the honor of having taken the initial steps toward founding the first town ever laid out in the state of Washington. All right minded men are desirous of do ing something for the amelioration of condi tions and the good of humanity. For this rea son they band themselves into organizations of various kinds in the hope that by intelligent and well directed co-operation with others of like disposition with themselves they may 49Q HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. the better accomplish the end in vieAv. Many Avork through the churches of the various denominations, others unite them selves Avith fraternal organizations or Avith other benevolent societies. Our subject Avas naturally disposed to do his share for the betterment of humanity, and when, on Febru ary 10, 1857, he Avas initiated into Olympia Lodge, No. 1, I. O. O. F., the first lodge ever instituted in the territory, the date of its in ception being July 13, 1855, he found that the teachings of the order were such as he could heartily endorse, and saAV in it an efficient force for the promotion of humanity's Avell being. Its fundamental principle, the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man, and its consequent aim, a universal fraternity in the family of mankind, as Avell as its motto, "Friendship, Love and Truth," and its imperative mandate, to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, edu cate the orphan, and imbue all men Avith a proper conception of their capabilities for good,— these made a profound impression on the mind of Air. SAvan, and he has been an ardent and acthe participant in the work of the fraternity ever since. That his labor has been appreciated by his brethren and co-work ers is evinced by the fact that he has been placed in all the positions of honor and trust in the subordinate and grand bodies of the lodge and encampment. He is a past member of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, the highest body of the order, and a past lieutenant-colonel of the Patriarchs Alilitant. The Avork of our subject in connection Avith the Odd Fellows' home, of Avhich institution he Avas the ardent and assiduous promoter, has entitled him to the gratitude, not alone of his fraternity and the distressed therein, but to the people of AA'alla AA'alla in particular and the entire state in general. To him as the prime and moving spirit in the establishment of the institution, the success of the same has been largely due. Of his work in this connection and of his highly valuable services as president of the first board of trustees and as the first superintendent thereof, it is unnecessary to speak here at length, as these topics are quite fully treated under the caption "Odd Fellows'" Home" on other pages of this volume. MILTON ALDRICH.— Few men in Wal la Walla county are more widely known throughout the entire valley than is he whose name forms the caption of this brief review, and still fewer are they whose good fortune it is to enjoy such a high degree of the respect and confidence of the people. One of the earli est settlers of the valley, having come here in 1858, he long ago secured a place of honor in the opinions of the residents of this entire sec tion, and his subsequent life has ever been so ordered as to retain the high standing he then secured. This fact in itself would entitle him to representation in a volume of this character, but he also has the more substantial claim of having been an efficient force in the indus trial development of the county, the history of Avhich Ave have attempted to chronicle. Our subject Avas born in NeAV York state in 1830, but received his educational training in the good old state of Michigan, which Avas his home from the time he was six years old until he attained nis majority. As soon, how ever, as man's estate Avas reached his adventur ous spirit began to assert itself, and before long Ave find him on his Avay across the contin ent, traveling the "trail of many moons to the land of the setting sun" Avith horse-teams. After arriving in California early in 1852, he Avorked at mining and freighting there un- HISTORY OF AVALLA WALLA COUNTY. 49i til the spring of 1858, when he became identi fied with the famous Walla Walla valley. It was not a particularly safe place to live in those days, as the Indians were numerous and fre quently hostile, but fear seemed to find no lodgment in the brain of the pioneer, and Mr. Aldrich was a typical representative of that honored class. Shortly after his arrival he pre-empted a quarter-section of land about seven miles north east of Walla Walla, but his energies Avere not to be long restrained within limits so narrow. He kept adding tract after tract to his real estate holdings, expanding always in a conser vative and safe way, but keeping pace with his increasing facilities for handling the land prof itably, until he became the owner of a fine farm, the generous proportions of which may be real ized when one is informed that it includes sev enteen hundred acres. Originally Mr. Aldrich gave much attention to stock raising, but since the range has been fenced up he has confined himself pretty closely to wheat raising. Recent issues of the papers inform us that he has just sold some sixty thousand bushels of that cereal. Notwithstanding his large business interests Mr. Aldrich has ahvays taken time to per form well his duties as a good citizen, serving ten years in the thankless but important office of school director, also as road overseer and once as a member of the board of county com missioners ; but wheatever the trusts imposed in him by the people, he has discharged the du ties of each, whether large or small, with an eye single to the general good. The marriage of our subject Avas solem nized in this county in 1863, when Miss Sarah Stanfield, a member of a respected pioneer fam ily, became his wife. Their union has been blessed by the advent of three children : Dora, Frederick J., and Shelly P. JAMES A. YEEND, a farmer residing seven miles north of Walla Walla, is a native of England, born in March, 1856. He ac quired his education in the common and gram mar schools of his fatherland, then, in 1870, came to America. He located in Walla Walla county, where he Avorked on his father's farm until he became of age. As soon as he had attained his majority he took a pre-emption and bought railroad land until -.he was the owner of two hundred and eighty acres, but he later sold a portion of this to his father. In 1883 he moved over into Whitman county, took a homestead and timber culture, and began farming there. He was a tiller of the soil in that county until 1895, then he came back to Walla Walla county, where he has since re sided continuously. He now farms about four hundred acres of land, raising wheat as his principal crop. Mr. Yeend is a thrifty, enterprising man, and a good citizen, ever ready to contribute his part toward the general progress. His standing in the community is of the highest. In fraternal connections he is a United AVork- man. He was married in Idaho, in 1883, to Aliss Lydia Chandler, a native of England, and they have eight children: Ernest E., Edith M., Fred J. and Frank S., twins, Flora E., Will iam A., Olive and Esther A. PATRICK MARTIN, deceased, was a native of county Galway, Ireland, born De cember 3, 1830. He received his education from a private teacher at home. When about nineteen he came to California, and for a number of years he Avas engaged in mining there, but in 1870 he removed to Walla Walla county. He had been quite successful in min- 492 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. ing ventures, both in California and in Mon tana, and he now decided to invest some of the proceeds in farm land. Accordingly he bought a quarter section six miles north of AA'alla AA'alla, and to this he added more from time to time until he became very extensively interested in agricultural lands. He engaged extensively in wheat raising, becoming one of the largest producers of that cereal in the Inland Empire, and so continuing for a great many years. Mr. Martin was a very thrifty, enterpris ing, energetic man, and a highly esteemed and respected citizen, and Avhen, on February 25, 1897, he departed this life, he Avas mourned by a large circle of friends and neighbors. He married, in Vancouver, Washington, in 1882, Miss Anastasia S. Sinnott, a native of Milwau kee, Wisconsin, Avho still lives on the place where the family first settled after coming to this county. She has the title to eighteen hundred acres of land, about thirteen hundred of Avhich she rents to other parties, Avhile she and her sons farm about five hundred acres themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Martin became parents of five children, Thomas E., John J., Nellie, Annie T. and Joseph F. SOL. HARDA1 AN.— Among the early pio neers of Walla AAralla county those avIio came here Avhen the territory Avas an untamed wilder ness, the haunt of the savage red man, and avIio by their perseA^ering efforts and indomitable energy have developed its great natural fer tility and ushered in the light of ch'ilization, the man Avhose name gives caption to this para graph is certainly deserving of an honored place, and it is with pleasure that Ave accord him representation in this volume as one of the builders of the valley. Mr. Hardman was bora in Indiana in 1844, and in the Hoosier state a few of his early years were passed. When only eight years of age, however, he accompanied the re mainder of the family on the long, tiresome and dangerous journey across the continent, the transportation facilities being those afford ed by the ox-team and wagon. Arriving eventually in Linn county, Oregon, he was there permitted for a few brief years to enjoy the advantages afforded by the primitive pub lic schools there established, but perhaps his most valuable education consisted of the les sons of industry learned in cultivating the pa rental farm. In May, 1859, our subject came to the site of the present city of Waitsburg, and. from that date until 1880 he was actively engaged in the basic industry of agriculture. He then moved into the town of Waitsburg and en gaged in the business of handling stock, con tinuing in the same until 1887, Avhen he em barked in the business in which we now find him. Mr. Hardman has long been a factor in the public affairs of the county, and once served as deputy sheriff. He also has held the office of city marshal of Waitsburg. A pub lic-spirited man and Avilling to do everything in his power for the advancement and de velopment of the county, he has, in the half century of his residence here, frequently con tributed to public enterprises, and the com munity has many times experienced material benefit from his being in it. In November, 1882, Mr. Hardman was married in Waitsburg to Miss Caroline A. Bruce, a member of a pioneer family of the county. They became parents of three chil- SOLOMON HARDMAN. MRS. SOLOMON HARDMAN. NELSON. R. NORMAN. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 493 dren, namely: Maggie M., Nellie M. and Aaron F. Mrs. Hardman died August 6, I* NELSON R. NORMAN, Avhose residence in Walla Walla dates back to 1884, is a native of Denmark, born September 10, 1850. He Avas reared on a farm in his native land and given the advantages of the superior public schools for Avhich that country is noted. After becoming a man, he followed farming as an occupation until 1879, when he emigrated to the United States. His first home in the new Avorld was in Fillmore county, Minnesota,where for three years he was engaged in tilling the soil. The next two years were passed in the same occupation near Mapleton, North Dakota, in the Red River valley. Mr. Norman then came to Walla Walla, and entered the employ of Dr. Baker, for Avhom he worked until 1893. In that year he opened in business at 109 E. Main street, where he is still to be found. His fraternal connections are with the Eagles and the Red Men. In 1886, he was married in Walla Walla, to Miss Kittie Nelson, a native of Germany, and they have one son, Grover Cleveland, who is an un usually bright boy. His parents, with com mendable generosity and wisdom, are giving him the advantage of a course of instruction in languages and music under the best teachers in Germany, and his progress thus far gives promise that he will become extraordinarily proficient in both these branches. ty, in 1864. Fle Avas educated in the public schools, then took a business course in Whit man College, extending over a period of six full years. After leaving that institution he engaged in the grocery business, a line which he followed for four years. During the en suing three years he Avas a dealer in hay and grain^ but he afterwards turned his attention to farming. He is iioav one of the well-to-do, thrifty tillers of the soil and is engaged in pro ducing wheat, alfalfa and barley, and in hand ling stock. As a man and a citizen his standing in the community is of the highest. He takes a lively interest in all public affairs, ever manifesting a willingness to contribute his share toward any enterprise which promises to advance the general welfare, and at different times serving as school director and as road overseer. In 1894, in Walla Walla county, Mr. Evans married Miss Anna Ingraham, a native of Ripon, Wisconsin, and they have two chil dren, AValter and Lloyd Emmett. EMMETT EVANS, a farmer residing six miles northeast of Walla Walla, is a son of the west, having been born in Walla Walla coun- EUGENE BOURGEOIS, one of the thrifty and enterprising farmers of AAralla Wal la county, residing nine miles northeast of the city of Walla AA'alla, is a native of Paris, France, but was brought to the United States Avhen quite young. The family located in Illi nois, and there Mr. Bourgeois grew to man's estate and received his education. As soon as he became old enough to do for himself he en gaged in farming, and that has been his occu pation all the time since. In 1877 he came to this county and located a homestead, where we now find him. To this he has added from time to time until his entire farm now consists of four hundred and forty acres. He, like 494 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. most of the other farmers in his locality, gives most of his attention to Avheat raising, though he is in some measure a diversified farmer. His industry and thrift, together Avith his many other good qualities as a man, have won for him the esteem and regard of his neighbors gen erally. He Avas married, in AA/'alla Walla county, in 1888, to Miss Isabel Lang, a na tive of Virginia, and they have in their family three children, Charley, Frederick and Henry. HENRY INGALLS, a farmer five miles south of AA'aitsburg, is a native of Ohio, born in 1826. When he Avas four years old he was taken by his parents to St. Clair county, Illi nois, and thence, shortly afterwards, to Boone county, same state, Avhere he resided for five or six years. His next move Avas to Pike coun ty, in Avhich he grew to manhood and com pleted his education. In 1849 his ambition to see the AA^est began to assert itself, and early that year he started across the plains Avith ox- teams. His first abiding place Avas Oregon City, Avhere he was for a time engaged in the business of burning brick. Subsequently he Avent to Clackamas county, Oregon, and took a donation land claim of six hundred and forty acres. He did not remain long, hoAvever, but soon moved to Polk county, in Avhich the en suing four years of his life Avere passed. In 1869 he came to AValla AAralla county, and lo cated on a homestead in the vicinity of Waits burg, and began farming there. He has at different times since purchased other tracts of land, until his entire holdings have grOAvn to seven hundred and fourteen acres, all of it rich and Avell adapted for producing Avheat. That ce real is, naturally, his principal product, but he also raises many hogs and cattle. Air. Ingalls had been an intensely active man in his younger days, and possessed a wonderful pOAver of physical endurance, and, even now, though sev enty-four years old, he can perform athletic feats or dance a jig with as much agility as a boy of sixteen. He is fortunate in possessing a happy, genial temperament, which makes him a universal favorite. He takes an active interest in the promotion of the general welfare, and his solicitude for the rising generation is shoAvn by the fact that for twenty-four years he Avas school director. Mr. Ingalls has been thrice married. On January 1, 1849, he wedded Miss Sarah Jane Brents, Avho died in 1858, leaving four children: Mary N., deceased; Roxie J., deceased; AVilliam and Willis H. His second Avas Avith Sarah J. Roupe, avIio passed away in Oregon, after living with him about two and a half years. He married Mrs. Margaret E. Murphy, by Avhom he has tAvo children, Otis D. and Ira L. Mrs. Ingalls also has tAvo children by her former marriage, H. J. and Arthur C. THOA1AS LYONS, a farmer residing two miles Avest of AValla AValla, is a native of Ire land, born in 1834. He acquired his education in the public schools of his fatherland. AA'hen he became a man he emigrated to Australia, where for the ensuing twelve years he folloAved mining as an occupation. He then returned to the land of his nativity, whence, after a short visit, he came to AA'alla AValla. He took a homestead where his place of residence iioav is, and being an energetic, industrious man, he soon acquired more land, and he has continued to increase his real estate holdings until he iioav has tAventy-eight hundred acres. Upon this immense tract he raises Avheat as his principal crop, though he also keeps some stock. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 495 Mr. Lyons is a man of integrity and ability, and his standing in the community in which he is best known is very flattering. In Australia, in 1858, he married Miss Annie Tuohy, and to their union have been born nine children, five sons and four daughters. Two of the sons are noAV seeking their fortunes in Alaska. JOSHUA A. HOWARD, a farmer six miles northwest of AValla AValla, was born in Iowa in 1854. He passed the first ten years of his life there, but in 1864 accompanied his father on the long journey across the plains to AAralla Walla valley. The family located on Russell creek, and there Mr. Howard complet ed his public school education. After leav ing the school room he worked on the parental homestead until eighteen years old, then rented a piece of land and started to work out the problem of existence for himself. He has been farming continuously ever since, his home at present being on Dry creek. He is a man of enterprise, and his qualities of heart and mind are such as to win for him the respect and es teem of the community in which he resides. In religious persuasion he is a Methodist, his membership being placed in the Methodist Episcopal church of Walla Walla circuit. Air. Howard married, in this county, in 1877, Sarah A. Zaring, a native of Iowa, who crossed the plains in 1862, and to them were born six children, May, Jessie, Horace, AVill iam, Frank and Carroll. the public schools and in AVhitman College, then worked for a number of years on his fa ther's farm, but he later purchased land and became a tiller of the soil on his own account. He OAvns one hundred and sixty acres of land west of the place on Avhich he lives, but he and his brother, L. O. Yenney, farm not only their own land, but much that is rented from other parties. The brothers are in partnership, and together farm about one thousand acres, rais ing wheat as their principal crop, but not neg lecting anything Which they can, under their circumstances, produce Avith profit. They are thrifty, energetic young men, and will continue to contribute a large share towards the material development and progress of the county. They enjoy the esteem and good will of their neigh bors generally. Air. AV. H. Yenney Avas mar ried in Columbia county, Washington, in 1893, to Miss Cora Edgell, a native of Illinois. They have two children, Frank E. and Philip A. W. H. YENNEY, a farmer residing four miles east of Walla AValla, was born in this county in 1869. He acquired his education in HENRY LEE, a farmer residing seven and a half miles northwest of AValla AAralla, is a native of Iowa, born in 1851. He resided there until twelve years old, then crossed the plains with ox-teams to this county, spending six months on the journey. The family lo cated on Dry creek. Air. Lee spent the remain ing years of his minority in the public schools of Walla Walla and on his father's farm, but as soon as he became of age he pur chased land for himself and he has been engaged in farming ever since. At pres ent he is the owner of a fine five-hundred- acre tract, all good farming land, and he raises about five hundred tons of alfalfa annually, besides large crops of Avheat, also handling con siderable stock. 496 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Mr. Lee is a thrifty and industrious man, up-to-date in all his methods, and ever on the alert to take advantage of any opportunity that may offer. His standing in the community as a citizen and neighbor is of the highest. Our subject has been twice married. In 1875 he Avedded Mary Layrd, then a resident of Whit man county, who died in 1884, leaving one daughter, Mary. In 1885 Mr. Lee was again married, the lady being Mary Loney, and of this union seven children have been born : Rob ert E., Charlotte, Roy, Edith, Loney, Maggie, and Walter M. Mr. Lee's father was a resident of this county, and one of its leading citizens from i860 to 1886, but in the latter year he sold out his large real estate interests and went to South America. He was there a year, then went back to his old home in Indiana, Avhere he resided until his death, which occurred in 1898. PHILIP RITZ, deceased.— As has been stated in other portions of this Avork, the man whose name gives caption to this article was prominent among those who in early days in troduced and developed the fruit industry of the county, that industry which has since as sumed such gigantic proportions, and has brought so many millions of dollars into the pockets of our citizens, from so many parts of the United States and the world. He held some very important positions of trust, dis charging his duties in each instance in such a manner as to win the confidence and esteem of those with whom he came in contact and so ordering his life in public and in private as to retain the good will and regard of all. In business our subject was a nurseryman and orchardist from 1863 to the time of his death, which unfortunate event occurred Feb ruary 6, 1889, at the old home place where the family reside. Mr. Ritz was, however, inter ested in almost every line of business in vogue in the county in which he lived, farming, fruit- raising, railroad-building and general improve ment. He served as United States marshal one term, but the service for which he will, per haps be longest remembered is that Avhich he performed in connection with the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. He crossed the continent three times for the purpose of in fluencing congress to make appropriations of public lands in aid of the road, thus to hasten its construction, making one of these trips on horseback. In consideration of this great service, the people in the vicinity of the present town of Ritzville named the town after him. W. A. Ritz, son-in-law of our subject, also a very prominent orchardist, was born in Woodbury county, Iowa, on January 29, 1865. He received his education in the public schools and in Cornell College of Mount Vernon, Iowa, and after graduating taught school tAvo years. He then embarked in the general merchandise business at Sargent's Bluff, IoAva, remaining in the same between the years 1886 and 1889. He then came to Walla AAralla and engaged in the nursery business, folloAving that industry for eight consecutive years, then turning his attention to fruit culture on their place of one hundred acres, eighty of which are in fruits of many varieties, situated about a mile south of tOAvn. As stated elsewhere in this volume, he has one of the finest orchards in the county, and has long been regarded as one of the best and most expert fruit raisers and handlers within its borders. He was president of the Walla Walla Fruit Fair for two years and has been elected to act in the same capacity next year. Mr. Ritz Avas married in Lewiston, ^^afm I 4 / * ''/;¦ • A SAMUEL K. LONEY. PHILLIP RITZ. SOLOMON DINGES. ALEXANDER JOHNSON WM. C. JOHNSON. "'HOMAS A. RUSSELL. J. E. BERRYMAN. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 497 Idaho, September 15, 1897, the lady being Miss Hattie Ritz, a native of Walla Walla county. Her mother, Mrs. Philip Ritz, a pioneer of 1863, lives on the home place and continues to manage the estate. She was born in Jeffer son county, Tennessee, in 1835, crossed the plains in 1852, was married to Philip Ritz in 1855, and moved Avith him to her present home in 1863. SOLOMON DINGES, a farmer and fruit grower on Spring Branch creek, a pioneer of 1877, is a native of Center county, Pennsyl vania, born September 26, 1835. He remained on his father's farm for the first nineteen years of his life, assisting with the work and attend ing public schools, but in 1854 he removed to Millheim, Pennsylvania, to learn the trade of a cabinetmaker. He served an apprentice ship of two years Avithout pay, then traveled for four years through Illinois and IoAva, building barns and grist mills, dAvelling houses, etc., do ing all kinds of carpenter Avork and millwright ing. He was working at West Union, when an entire settlement was massacred by Indians just over the line in Minnesota. Returning at length to Pennsylvania, Mr. Dinges assisted his father on the old home place for three years, then resumed the pur suit of his trade, erecting saAV and grist mills in Mifflin county, for the ensuing four years. His father removed to Stevenson county, Illi nois, and Mr. Dinges again took his abode with him, but continued to work at his handicraft. In the fall of 1876, he came to San Francisco, thence, after a residence of only a few days, to Portland, Oregon, where he met his father's cousin, Adam Brown, who had helped build the first wagon road over the Rocky mountains. The following spring he came to Walla Walla 3a valley, homesteaded land on the Snake river, and combined farming with carpenter work and millwrighting. He acquired quite a large tract of land in that locality, but not liking the place, he at length sold out, moved into Walla Walla, and opened a hotel on Cherry street. He followed this business in various parts of the city about four years, but, eventually tir ing of it, sold his interests, and purchased' two hundred acres of land on Spring Branch creek, where we now find him. He has sold small tracts from his original farm until there are now seven families living on the old home place, and until his own holdings have been reduced to twenty-four acres. m On this he is raising fruit principally and some alfalfa hay. Like other pioneers, he has had his share of trouble with the Indians. He has worked in the har vest field when it was necessary that he and his men should be heavily armed at all times and when the towns were constantly guarded for months. Air. Dinges Avas married in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, January 17, 1865, to Miss Mary E. Culbertson, a native of that state, but of English descent. They had one child, Gracie, deceased when eight years old. Mr. Dinges'' first ancestor in America, Philip Dinges, came from Strasberg over three hundred years ago, and Mrs. Dinges' grandfather came from Eng land in colonial days, and fought in the Revolu tionary war. SAMUEL K. LONEY, coal and wood dealer in Walla Walla, a resident of the valley since 1879, was born in the vicinity of Guelph, Ontario, on December 28, 1859. He resided in his fatherland until about eighteen years old, completing the course offered by the excellent public schools for which that province is noted, 498 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. and aftenvards Avorking on his father's farm. In 1879, he came to the United States, and before the year Avas passed he had located in AA'alla AA'alla. For a number of years after his arrival, he folloAved farming as a Avage Avorker, but in 1892 he started in the wood and coal business, first as agent for the Roslyn Mining Company, and afterward on his OAvn account. From the very first he attended to business so strictly and conscientiously as to win many friends, and his trade has continued to increase until it now requires the constant use of three teams and necessitates the employ ment of an office man for bookkeeping and other clerical Avork. Air. Loney took up a homestead and timber culture between Mill creek and Dry creek, in 1 88 1, and when he had made final proof on these, he filed on a pre-emption in Umatilla county, Oregon. He aftenvards sold all three of these claims and bought five hundred and thirty-seven acres on Mill creek, four miles Avest of AA'alla AA'alla, Avhich he still OAvns and farms, raising wheat principally. Mr. Loney is a good business man, a successful farmer and an honored and esteemed member of society. He Avas married in AValla AA'alla in 1894 to Miss Sarah Hastings, a native of Kansas, and they have had tAvo children, Charlotte, living, and EdAvard, deceased. The family are members of the First Baptist church of AA'alla AA'alla. JOHNSON BROS, consisting of Alex ander, AA'illiam C. and Samuel D. Johnson, all pioneers of the AA'alla AAralla valley, farmers and sheep raisers, Avere born, the tAvo older in Ireland, the younger, Samuel D, in NeAV York. All Avere educated in the public schools of New York state, and all learned the trade of carriage making. For a number of years, Alexander maintained a shop in New Hartford, New York, and AA'illiam C. Avorked Avith him, but in March, 1877, the latter came out to California. A year later, he removed to Walla Walla val ley, Avhere he had his first experience in hand ling sheep. He entered the employ of Henry Adams, and herded for him during the Ban nock Avar, defying all danger from Indians, al though the warriors passed so close to him that the soldiers, following their trail, came within sight of his camp. As soon as he had accumu lated sufficient capital and experience, he en gaged in the business on his OAvn account, fornv ing, for the purpose, a partnership Avith Mr. Samuel Ash. In 1883, the other tAvo brothers also came out to the valley. Samuel Avent to Avork on his brother's ranch, Avhile Alexander continued to follow his trade in AVaitsburg and after Avards in AA'alla AA'alla. In 1885, the present partnership Avas formed, and since 1891 all the brothers have given their attention to their farming and herds, to the exclusion of all other industries. They have ten thousand acres of land, six thousand sheep, fifty head of cattle and fifty horses, and they farm about one hundred acres to alfalfa hay and two hundred acres to Avheat, retaining the rest for pasture. Their average annual wool clip is betAveen five thou sand and six thousand pounds. Thus by their thrift and energy they haA^e acquired a com petency, and attained a rank among the lead ing farmers and stock raisers of their section. AA'illiam C. is identified Avith the F. & A. M. fraternity, and Alexander Avith the I. O. O. F. Alexander Johnson, the only one of the brothers Avho has eA'er been married, Avedded Aliss Katie AI. Healey in NeAV Hartford, NeAV York, Oc tober 10, 1877. They have one son, AA'illiam K., avIio Avas in Company I, First AA'ashington HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 499 Volunteers, and through the Philippine war. Mr. Johnson Avas again married in Walla Walla, September 22, 1891, to Miss Maggie A. LeAvis, a native of Kansas, and to this union one son has been born, Terry A. Miss Ella M, only sister of the brothers, is Avith them on the ranch keeping house, hav ing joined them in October, 1891, after the death of their mother at NeAV Hartford, New York, May 15, 1891. The latter had been a resident of that city since coming to America in 1852, and there her husband, the father of our subjects, had died on January 24, 1854. JOHN PICARD, deceased, a pioneer of 1857, Avas born in Germany, February 7, 1838. Fle Avas, hoAvever, only twelve years of age Avhen he came to America, and a part of his education Avas acquired here. When seven teen, he enlisted in the United States regular army, was sent Avith the remainder of his com pany to the coast, and became a factor in quell ing the various Indian uprisings of the early days. At the close of his term of enlistment, he Avas discharged at Fort LapAvai, Idaho. He then visited AA'alla Walla, but took a trip to Europe before permanently settling here. Upon his return, Mr. Picard went to work as a carpenter, and for ten years thereafter he Avas one of the builders of the city. In 1870, however, he instituted an undertaking estab lishment here; the first in AValla Walla, and he remained an undertaker until November 2, 1892, when he died. Mr. Picard was for many years prominently connected with the municipal government of this city, serving as councilman for eight terms, and for two as chief of the fire depart ment. A public-spirited man, he was always active in promoting the interests of the city, and ever ready to contribute his full share to ward the establishment of any worthy public or semi-public enterprise. In Walla Walla, on January 28, 1872, he married Miss Clara J. Conover, a native of California, whose father crossed the plains with ox-teams in 1853. They became parents of five children, Mary, wife of Frank Borst, of Walla AAralla; Dora, now Mrs. Harry Debus; Annie, wife of L. Douglass, a railway brake- man; Stella, wife of Adrien Buys, and Thomas. Mis. Picard still has charge of the undertaking parlors, which are situated at the corner of First and Alder streets. She is a member of the Women of Woodcraft. THOMAS A. RUSSEL, deceased, former ly a lawyer, later a farmer four miles soutlwest of Walla Walla, a pioneer of the coast of 1849, Avas born in Warren, Ohio, on September 26, 1 83 1. When quite young, he was taken to the western part of the state, by his parents, who, after living for brief periods in other parts, finally settled in Williams county, Avhere our subject acquired his primary education. In the spring of 1849, Mr. Russel crossed the plains Avith a mixed team of horses and oxen, arriving in California in the fall of the same year. He engaged in mining for a time, but in 1850 returned to Ohio, making the trip in a sailing vessel via Cape Horn. Again, in 1852, he made the long and tedious journey across the plains, returning shortly to Ohio, this time via the Panama route. After his arrival he took a course of general study and a year in law at Miami University, in Ohio, but finished his legal studies under Ex-Governor Hoadley, of Ohio, then a professor in a law 500 HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. school. He graduated with the degree of L. B. in June, 1861. In the spring of 1863, our subject again started across the plains to California as the leader of a train of thirty-three wagons, all draAvn by horses. Five months after his ar rival, he returned by water to Ohio, accom panied by his father, Avho was also with him on the first trip. The cholera broke out among the people of the ship and many died on the journey, but Mr. Russel arrived safely, and, nothing daunted by the hardships and dangers he had undergone, the next spring crossed the plains a fourth time. The privations, uncer tainties and dangers of this life on the plains can never be fully appreciated by people of a younger generation, but all can form some idea of the courage and endurance required for four extensive trips through an untamed wilder ness infested with blood thirsty savages. On again arriving in California, Mr. Rus sel engaged in quartz mining in the Meadow Lake country, where he remained until 1868. He Avas admitted to the bar of California, but did not practice there. In 1868, however, he removed to Missouri, and began the pursuit of his chosen profession, though he also taught school some, and served as United States deputy marshal for a time. He was notary public in BoAvling Green, Missouri, for a period of eighteen years. In 1889, Mr. Russel came to Walla AValla county, purchased a farm and engaged in di versified agriculture, an industry which he folloAved continuously and successfully until his death. Though he never manifested any ambition for a political career since coming to this valley, he Avas recognized as one of the leading and representative men of the county, and highly respected by all. In April, 1864, in the vicinity of Edgerton, Ohio, our subject married Miss Alary C. Will- man, a native of Liverpool, Ohio, who crossed the plains with him on his last trip. Her parents and his Avere neighbors during pioneer days in Ohio, and he and Miss Willman were school mates and childhood friends. To their union Avere born ten children, but only five are still living. The family affiliated with the First Christian church of Walla Walla. Mr. Russel's death occurred on January 5, 1 90 1, after an illness of only four days. His remains are buried in Walla Walla cemetery. J. E. BERRYMAN, a farmer residing at Berryman postoffice, Avas born in England, in 1836. The first tAvelve years of his life were passed in his fatherland, but, at that early age, he emigrated to Wisconsin, Avhere he had his first experience in mining. In 1854, he joined the rush to the gold fields of California, and for five years thereafter he followed mining in the Golden state. His adventurous spirit then led him to Australia, where for two years more he continued the search for hidden treasure. Returning to California in 1859, Mr. Berry man remained there until 1861, when he came to AValla AValla county. He went that same summer into the mountains in Idaho, and be fore the season Avas passed came to the Elk City mines, whence late in the fall he went to Florence, and to him belongs the honor of be ing one of the party which discovered the mine there. He remained in that region during the years 1861 and 1862, and thereupon went back to Wisconsin on a visit. Before returning, he also took a trip to England. Coming back to America in May, 1863, he went to Avork in HISTORY OF AVALLA AVALLA COUNTY. 501 the lead mines of Wisconsin, Avhence the fol lowing year he removed to Montana, in Avhich state he folloAved mining- until 1869. Mr. Berryman then brought his family to AA'alla AA'alla, but he was not yet ready to give up the search for nature's hidden treasure, so made trips to the Powder river country; to Butte City and to Florence. While his home Avas in AA'alla AA'alla, he also took contracts in building and moving houses and in constructing bridges for the county. He was the first street commissioner AA'alla Walla ever had and his duties in connection Avith that office were nat urally very onerous. In 1878, our subject took a homestead where he iioav lives, subsequently purchasing a half-section of raihvay land and to this he has added betimes since until his realty hold ings now aggregate two and a half sections. He is extensively engaged in the production of wheat, but also raises cattle and horses. Being the first to locate in his neighborhood, he had to perform many acts which are ordinarily a part of the public duties, such as constructing roads around the hills, hunting up corner posts, etc. He and two other men bought lumber at Dayton, hauled the same to a suitable site and constructed the first schoolhouse in the place. Air. Berryman has never lost interest in mining, but has devoted a portion of his time and attention to it during all the years of his residence here. He is an energetic, progres sive man and carries a degree of determination and zeal into whatever he undertakes sufficient to carry it to a successful issue if there is any possibility. He has long been considered one of the leading wheat producers of the state. In England, in the year 1863, he married Mary Berryman, a native of that country, and they became parents of twelve children. L. O. YENNEY. — Among the young men who claim this county as their birthplace and who have so ordered their lives as to reflect credit upon the community of their nativity and the institutions which have developed their powers and given direction to their energies, is the man whose career it is now our purpose to refer to briefly. Mr. Yenney Avas born here in 1872, and his education was such as the local public schools afford, supplemented by a partial course in Whitman College. Upon retiring from the latter institution, he embarked in the basic in dustry, agriculture, and to that he has devoted his energies assiduously ever since. He is in partnership with his brother, W. H. Yenney, and, as related in our remarks concerning that gentleman, is interested Avith him in the culti vation of about one thousand acres of land, upon which they raise wheat principally. Mr. Yenney is a thrifty, energetic young man, possessed of all the traits of character Avhich go to insure success and to Avin the con fidence and esteem of those with whom he may be in any way connected, whether serially cr in business. THOMAS J. SAVEZEA, deceased, a pio neer of 1859, was born in Tennessee in 1809. He spent his early youth there, then came to southeastern Missouri, Avhere he lived until, in 1859, he started across the plains to the Avest. He made the journey in the usual Avay for those days, bringing quite a herd of cattle with him. Locating in the city of Walla AValla, he spent two years there, after which he moved to the Oregon line, eight miles southeast of the city, purchased land and engaged in farming. He was there for a number of years, running his 502 HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. five-hundred-acre farm, and raising grain and cattle, but he at length retired to AA'alla AA'alla, where he passed the remainder of his days. He died in that city in 1887. While in Missouri he married Miss Lticinda SAvezea, and to them were born nine children, five of Avhom are still living. Charles L. SAvezea, one of his sons, now a farmer eight miles southeast of Walla AA'alla, has the distinction of being the first Avhite male child born in Walla Walla, the date of his ad vent into this life being July 6, i860. He passed his early years in the public schools of the county and on his father's farm, but on attaining his majority started in life for him self. For a while he rented land of his father, but as soon as circumstances would permit he purchased a place of his own, and to his orig inal holdings he has kept adding until he iioav has three hundred and tAventy acres in all. He is engaged in raising wheat and barley prin cipally, though he also gives some attention to the other farm products. He is one of the pro gressive and thrifty farmers of the neighbor hood, and is Avell thought of as a man and citi zen. Fraternally he is identified with the A. O. U. AA' In this county, in 1883, he mar ried Aliss Alargaret A. Davis, and they became parents of four children, Bessie A, Flinn A, deceased, Grace A, and one daughter Avho died in infancy. JOSEPFI L. AIILLER, proprietor of the lodging house at 49 E. Main street, is a pioneer of October 14, 1850. He Avas born in New York August 10, 1823, and in that state he greAV to manhood and Avas educated. For a number of years he folloAved farming, but in 1852 he removed, via the isthmus, to San Fran cisco and turned his attention to mining. He subsequently settled in the present Oakland, where for a time he Avas engaged in getting out the timber for a Avharf. Between 1854 and. 1858, he devoted his entire energies to mining in. the Feather river and Rabbit creek countries, realizing good results. He then Avent into busi ness in Victoria, British Columbia, but sold out in 1862, to go into the Caribou mines, where he folloAved the packing business for a couple of years. Returning then to Vancouver island, Mr. Miller purchased beef cattle a while for the Victoria markets, but in October, 1865, he re moved to AA'alla AA'alla, bought a farm five miles Avest of the tOAvn, and engaged in agriculture and stock raising. He took great pride in the rearing of thoroughbred cattle, more than once capturing prizes at the fairs. In 1884, he sold out and Avent back East on a two years' visit. Upon his return, he embarked in a car riage and Avagon business, a line which en gaged his energies for about four years, after Avhich he retired from business for a while. In 1893, after his return from a trip to the AA'orld's Fair, Air. Miller bought a glove factory, and engaged in that indus try. Selling out in 1896, he turned his attention to the lodging house business, purchasing for the purpose the furniture and good will of the place in which we iioav find him. Air. Aliller Avas also a charter member of the AAralla AValla Savings bank. Indeed his versatility is truly Avonderful, enab ling him to conduct successfully a great variety of different enterprises. It is equaled only by his great courage, and the Titanic energy dis played in his earlier years. Air. Aliller Avas married in Jefferson coun ty, NeAV York, April 19, 1883, to Emma Cheeseman, a native of Richmond, Virginia. JOSEPH L. MILLER. MRS. JOSEPH L. MILLER. MARSHALL C. SEEKE. JOHN MANION. SAMUEL JOHNSON. "TwWBplff^j^rwH jffik' > ft V ngj '* '9 W ?S* *& , j9 | ikJSL i mtelB™...^''. 1 ¦^^tH ¦ ^H Mr* - ^mBe* Jg ipli*^ ¦C'MMii MRS. C. J. BOWERS. HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 503 JOHN AIANION, a general orchardist at the south end of Short street, Walla Walla, a pioneer of August 14, 1859, Avas born in Ire land, Alarch 14, 1828. He began his educa tion there, but finished it in Saratoga county, NeAV York, Avhither he came when fifteen years old. Removing subsequently to Livingston county, he farmed there for various large land OAvners during a period of five years. He then moved to Morgan county, Illinois, where he farmed until 1856, but in May of that year he came to Lawrence, Kansas. A few days after his arrival, Mr. Manion met James Lane, and engaged with him and his troops in keeping out southern sympa thizers, thus saving the state to the Union. When the Second Dragoons, afterAvards known as the Second United States Cavalry, arrived, their entire company was captured, but Mr. Alanion Avas soon released and engaged as a driver in the service of the quartermaster. In a very short time he Avas promoted to train mas ter, a position which he held until 1861. He ac companied Lieutenant Livingstone to Mount ain Meadows in 1858, to bury the bones of those emigrants who had been massacred there by the Alormons in the previous year, and he had the pleasure of personally rescuing three of the children who were captured in that hor rible affair. In May, 1859, our subject arrived in Walla Walla, after marching all the way from Utah. He remained at Fort Walla Walla as wagon train master until May, 1861, when he took a homestead on the Touchet river. He was there seventeen years, but in 1878 he sold his farm and removed to his present residence. He is noAV the owner of three acres and four lots within the city limits, upon which he is rais ing a great many varieties of fruit trees and vines. He takes great pride in cultivating and producing fine fruits. During all the Indian troubles, Mr. Manion remained on his place on the Touchet river, but he had so Avon the confidence and esteem of the red men by his uniform fair treatment of them that he was never molested. Mr. Manion was a member of the city council for the four years following 1886, and during that time advocated and urged that the city should buy the.Avater system, which could then have been secured for seventy-five thou sand dollars. He was outvoted, however, and the city had to pay two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the same property at a later date. Had his fellow councilman, or a majority of them, possessed the foresight Avith which he Avas gifted they could have saved to the tax-payers of Walla Walla the difference between these tAvo sums, besides the revenues which would have accrued in all these years. Mr. Alanion was married in Walla AAralla, on December 24, 1859, to Airs. Mary Bishop, who died Avithout issue on September 13, li MARSHALL C. SEEKE, foreman in Quinn's Harness shop, Walla AValla, is a pio neer of November 13, 1858. He was born in Jamestown, New York, July 8, 1834, but re ceived his education in New Castle, Pennsyl vania, Avhere his parents moved when he was five years old. In 1852 he came out to Iowa, and there he worked as a harness-maker for two years. In 1854, hoAvever, he set out across the plains to California, traveling with ox-teams. After a journey of nearly six months duration he reached Sacramento, where he was engaged in mining for nearly three years, going next to The Dalles, Oregon. He worked at his handi- 504 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. craft there for several months, but at length came on to AA'alla AA'alla, located a homestead on Dry creek, seven miles northeast of that city, and turned his attention to farming. His was the first claim located under General Harney. After two years experience in pioneer farming Mr. Seeke engaged in mining and freighting, and he was fortunate enough to discover sev eral good mining prospects in the Boise Basin. He continued to follow mining and prospecting there and in the vicinity of Walla Walla until 1869, then entered the service of Mr. Thomas 'Quinn, by Avhom he has been employed almost constantly since. It is still his custom, how- eA-er, to spend a portion of each summer travel ing Avith a team. Air. Seeke is a typical pio neer, and possesses the sturdy manhood and dauntless physical courage which life on the forefront of civilization is so Avell calculated to develop. Air. Seeke Avas married during the early days to Charlotte, an Indian woman, who died in Walla AValla in 1866, leaving tAvo daugh ters: Alice, iioav Avife of Robert Henderson, and Louise, uoav Mrs. Albert Tabor. Mr. Seeke was next married in 1877, to Rachael Clough, a nath'e of Ohio. SAMUEL JOHNSON.— The venerable pioneer Avhose name gives caption to this para graph Avas born in Scioto county, Ohio, July 15, 1 82 1. A Allien five years old he Avas taken by his parents to Tippecanoe county, Indiana, Avhere he lived on a farm until 1831, removing then with the remainder of the family to White county in the same state. His educa tional facilities Avere those afforded by the pio neer log schoolhouse, presided over by pioneer teachers, and Avhen school Avas not in session he learned self-reliance and industry in the battle with primeval conditions. In 1840 he removed to CaldAvell county, Missouri, Avhere his home was for the next decade, though he spent the winters of 1847 and 1848 at Ash Hollow on the Platte river in Nebraska, as an employe of the St. Louis Fur Company, for Avhich he drove a team. It Avill be remembered that Nebraska was then the home and exclusive possession of the Chey enne Indians. Mr. Johnson recalls having met Joe Aleeks there in 1848, the latter being then en route to AVashington, bearing dispatches telling of the AVhitman massacre. It Avas fre quently his good fortune, after coming to the coast, to meet this same gentleman in Portland, Oregon. Our subject also recalls that Avhile on his return from Nebraska to his home in Missouri, he met at St. Joseph, Missouri, Gov ernor Lane, who Avas then on his Avay to Ore gon to assume gubernatorial charge of that territory. In the spring of 1849, Mr. Johnson came to Grand Island on the Platte river as a drover with the cattle of Colonel Loring, avIio was then on his way to The Dalles, Oregon, with the Ninth Infantry. Returning to his home in Missouri, he then began projecting plans for coming Avest, and the next summer he set out across the plains with ox-teams tOAvard the Occident, arriving at The Dalles, Oregon, about October 15, 1850. Going thence to Portland, Oregon, he Avintered there, busying himself in making shingles for Colonel Lons dale. From Portland he Avent to Yreka, Cali fornia, but after spending one season in min ing he returned to Oregon, located at Salem, and engaged in farming a donation land claim of half a section. In 1855, he came north Avith the intention of going into the Colville min ing region, but when he reached the junction HISTORY OE WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 5oS of the Palouse and Snake rivers, he met so many returning prospectors who pronounced the country no good that he decided to return to the Willamette valley. When the Cayuse Avar of 1855-6 broke out he took service with the Oregon volun teers as wagon master, and he continued to act as such until the close of hostilities, thereupon entering the employ of the general government as assistant wagon master in the Indian de partment. He Avas present at the signing of the treaty between Governor Stevens on the one hand and Chiefs Joseph and Kamiackan on the other, the scene of this noteworthy event being a point on Mill creek seven miles above Walla Walla. Upon retiring from the service, he returned to the Willamette valley and worked as a laborer until the fall of 1858, when he came to AValla Walla. He did not permanently remain this time, however, for in the spring of 1859 we find him again en route for The Dalles. Entering the service of Humison & Company he Avas employed as wagon master at their portage until 1861, when he came again to Walla Walla. In 1862 our subject accompanied Dan Drumheller to British Columbia with a drove of cattle. For three years after his return he gave his attention to freighting from Walla Walla to the old Boise mines, using for the purpose a train of pack mules, but about 1865 he settled on a farm on Dry creek, just over the Oregon line, Avhere he followed farming and cattle and sheep raising continuously un til 1897, in which year he removed into Walla Walla, which had been his home town all these years. On June 9, 1870, Mr. Johnson married Mrs. Catherine Wright, a native of Tennessee and a pioneer of this section of 1859, and they became parents of two children : Ella J., wife of J. H. Raymer, a farmer on Dry creek, in Oregon; and Viola E., at home Avith her par ents. Mrs. Johnson also has three children by her first marriage, Robert, William E. and Josephine, the last-named being now wife of Guy Fruit, of Loomis, Okanogan county. Mrs. Johnson is an invalid, and has been unable to walk for the past eight years. The fam ily live in a pleasant home of their own at the corner of Whitman and Palouse streets. C. J. BOWERS, a farmer residing six miles northwest of Walla Walla, Avas born in Maryland in 1867. He remained in his na tive state until eight years old, then accom panied his parents to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he spent a year. He then resided for two years in Peoria, Illinois, attending the public schools, after which he passed a year and a half in the schools of Topeka, Kansas. From that city, in 1882, he came to Waits burg, this county, where he completed his pub lic school training, though he aftenvards spent three years as a student in Huntsville Seminary. When he started in life he chose farming as his occupation, but he purchased a threshing machine and also operated it dur ing the harvest seasons. At first Mr. Bowers was compelled to rent land, having none of his own, but he is now the owner of a fine tract of sixteen hundred acres, all good farming land. He is one of the most extensive wheat raisers in the county, and one of its most industrious and successful farmers. His energy and force of character are evident from the fact that, starting prac tically without means, he has worked his way to a position of prominence among the ex tensive wheat producers of a county noted for 506 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. its mammoth farms. He has also taken a lively and intelligent interest in the political Avelfare of the county, and has long been a leader in the counsels of the Democratic party. In 1900, he Avas a candidate of that organiza tion for the office of county commissioner. Air. Bowers Avas married in Morrow coun ty, Oregon, in 1888, to Laura V. Coplen, a member of an old pioneer family, and of their marriage have been born three children, Harry C, Violet B. and George AV. PHILIP YENNEY, a retired farmer, is a native of Germany, born in 1834. He lived in his fatherland until fifteen years old, and received a part of his education over there. After arriving in America he traveled quite ex tensively, but finally settled in Virginia, where he resided for four years. He moved thence to IoAva, which Avas his home state until i860, in which year he crossed the plains Avith ox- teams to this state. The winter of 1861-62, being the second he passed in the neAV country, Avas a very trying one for him as he lost all of his stock. The family lived for the most part on Avheat ground by hand in a coffee mill, but with the spring came brighter days. For several years Mr. Yenney was engaged in the freighting industry. For the three years subsequent to 1865 he was in a trading post at California ranch, Spokane county, and while there he built, in 1864 and '65, what afterwards became known as CoAvley's bridge. He had a store near the place, and Avas part-owner in the bridge before it Avas purchased by Mr. CoAvley. Subsequently, however, Air. Yenney bought land in AA'alla AA'alla county, and settled doAvn to the life of a farmer. In course of time he became the OAvner of a large tract of land, and is now one of the most extensive wheat pro ducers in this section of the county. He also raises a great many head of cattle every year. In fact the phenomenal energy and ambi tion of our subject have led him into all lines of industry, and made him a powerful force in the industrial development of the county. When his boys became old enough to know the value of school privileges he moved into town for their benefit, and he has been a resi dent of Walla Walla ever since. He married, in IoAva, in 1857, Miss Rachael AVinnett, and they became parents of eight children : John F. ; Sarah, deceased ; Thomas, deceased ; Ruth, deceased ; Robert ; William H. ; Louis O. ; and Alargaret. RICHARD J. BERRYAIAN, a farmer residing at Berryman postoffice during sum mer and in Walla Walla during winter, is a son of Wisconsin, born in 1864. He only passed a few months in his native state, as his parents early moved to Montana, Avhere he resided until seven years old. In 1871 he came to Walla AA'alla county, and his home has been here ever since. He acquired a pub lic school education, then, though still under age, started in life for himself. He bought land near what is iioav knoAvn as Berryman postoffice, also obtained more from the gov- ernment by the use of his homestead privi leges. He noAv owns four hundred and eighty acres, all of which he farms, together with from one to two hundred acres of rented land. He is engaged almost exclusively in the production of wheat and barley. Mr. Berryman is one of the representative men in his section of the country, and takes a leading part in the promotion of the cause of education and in the movement for better HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 507 roads. He is at present school director and road supervisor. Fraternally he is affiliated with the United Workmen. He was mar ried in LeAviston, Idaho, September 25, 1883, to Aliss Gertrude Hilbourne, a native of England, who came to the United States with her mother in 1879. They have tAvo children, Chiselete and Gwendoline. The family are members of the Episcopal church of Walla AValla. MARTIN F. KELLY.— Those who be lieve that concentration is the secret of suc cess may find confirmation in the life and ex perience of the man whose career is here briefly outlined. Mr. Kelly has been con nected with hotels in one capacity or another eArer since he withdrew from the parental roof, and his success in this line of enterprise has seldom been equaled or surpassed. He is at present proprietor of the Hotel State in AAralla AValla, which institution, under his shrewd and careful management, has, in the four years during which if has been under his charge, become one of the finest hotels in the city, if indeed it does not surpass all others in point of equipment and the excell ence of the accommodations offered to guests. Though born in Rhode Island, the date being 1856, Mr. Kelly may almost be counted as a son of the west, his parents having brought him via the isthmus route to Roseburg, Ore gon, when he was but four years old. His education was acquired in the public schools of that town and there the greater portion of his minority was passed. Since becoming of age he has, as before intimated, devoted his time and energies almost exclusively to the hotel business, rendering himself master of its every detail. He was connected with one of the finest hotels in Astoria for four years, then with another institution of the same kind in The Dalles two years, after which he Avas in the Hotel Spokane for a brief period. For some time after coming to Walla Wal la, which was the next town in which he tried his fortunes, he continued in the same line, but he subsequently became proprietor of a res taurant, maintaining the same for a period of three years. Since that time he has been pro prietor of the Hotel State as above recorded. Mr. Kelly is also, like most of the enterprising men of the Avest, interested in the mining in dustry. In fraternal affiliations he is identi fied with the United Artisans, the Woodmen of the World, the Knights of Pythias, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles. He Avas married in Walla Walla in August, 1891, to Miss Ocy Fitzsimmons, a native of Kansas, and they are parents of two children, Hattie Beatrice and Martina. MARK A. EVANS, a farmer six miles north of Walla Walla, on Dry creek, is a na tive of Cecil county, Maryland, born in 1826. He acquired a public school education, then en gaged in farming, which occupation he fol lowed uninterruptedly until 1850, but in that year he moved, Aria the isthmus, to California, and changed his occupation to that of a miner. For the next tAvelve years he lived in the mining regions of the Golden state. In 1862, how ever, he came to Florence. Idaho, Avhence, a short time afterward, he removed to his pres ent place of abode and again engaged in farm ing. He has one hundred and eighty acres of fine land, on which he raises from fifty to sixty bushels of barley per acre. He is also a stock raiser, and in former times has kept as high as four hundred head of horses. 508 HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. Air. EA-ans has ahvays taken a deep inter est in politics, local and national, and enjoys the honor of having been at the national con vention Avhich nominated James K. Polk. His fraternal connections Avere formerly Avith the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs. JOHN A. HOOD.— Among the sons of Walla AA'alla Avho have groAvn up to reflect credit upon the city of their birth and who, by their industry and thrift, haA^e assisted largely in the industrial development of this section of the Inland Empire, the subject of this brief biographical outline has earned an honored place. He was born on the ioth of March, 1862, and greAV to man's estate on the parental home on Cottonwood creek, Avhither his par ents moved when he Avas about a year old. He was educated in the public schools of the county, then gave his time and energies to assisting with the work on his father's exten sive farm. He continued to busy himself thus until the death of his father, Avhereupon he assumed charge of his share of the inheritance, Avhich amounted to about three hundred and fifteen acres. Mr. Hood Avas, hoAvever, too ambitious to confine his energies within such to him nar- roAv limits so he soon procured one hundred and seventy-four acres more adjoining togeth er with four hundred and eighty acres of moun tain land. For years he was engaged in AA'heat raising principally, though he also kept from fifty to four hundred head of cattle, but at present he is renting his farm and giving his attention to other matters. He is interested in the Farmers' Avarehouse in AValla AA'alla, and has considerable other property in the city and county. Mr. Hood has ahvays so lived as to com mand the esteem and respect of his felloAvmen, though he has never manifested any particular ambition to become a leader among them and has never sought political preferment of any kind. He is a good citizen and an honored and useful member of society. He Avas married in Sherman county, Ore gon, on March 16, 1884, the lady of his choice being Aliss Fannie Medler. They have tAvo children, J. Frederick and Ida M. CHARLES EDWARD HOOD.— Among the most respected and successful farmers and stock raisers of AA'alla Walla county is the man Avhose name initiates this brief biographical revieAv. He is one of the sons of the valley, having been born on the parental homestead on Cottomvood creek, the date being June 16, 1868. He received his education in the local public schools and in the Empire Busi ness College, and upon completing the same engaged in farming with his father, continu ing in that industry until the latter's death. He then took charge of the portion of the in heritance which fell to him, some three hun dred and seventeen acres, and began farming on his own account. He aftenvard purchased another hundred acres close by and a half sec tion of mountain land, all of Avhich he utilizes in the production of wheat and in the rearing- of cattle. Mr. Hood is especially interested in stock raising, and brings a great deal of intelligence and skill to bear in improving his cattle. His success in this direction is very marked and his herds AA^ould delight the eye of a connoisseur in these matters. He is a man of energy, pro gressiveness and force of character, highly es- HISTORY OF WALLA WALLA COUNTY. 509 teemed and respected in the community in Avhich he lives, and in every regard a worthy son of his native valley. He Avas married in Walla Walla, January 8, 1895, to Miss Jessie Cameron, daughter of the Hon. Alex Cameron, a respected pioneer of the county, whose career is outlined in an other part of this volume. Their union has been blessed by the advent of one son, EdAvard Ross. JAMES B. THOMPSON.— Prominent for many years in the politics andi govern ment of Walla Walla county, the subject of this memoir deserves the recognition and credit ahvays due to those who are faithful in the discharge of public duties, rendering signal ser vice to those who have entrusted them Avith power. Mr. Thompson was indeed true to every trust reposed in him and his memory is cherished reverently and Avith esteem by all Avho knew him in life. Our subject was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, in 1838. He began his educa tion there but completed his intellectual dis cipline in Dubuque, Iowa, whither he went Avith his parents in 1846, first, however, spend ing a winter at another point in Iowa. He con tinued to reside in Dubuque until 1864, in which year he removed to Walla Walla, mak ing the journey overland in the fashion of the times. For a while after his arrival he was engaged in farming with his brother, but he eventually moved into the city of Walla Walla to accept a position as deputy under Sher iff James McAuliff. He served in that capacity under Mr. McAuliff for two terms, and during the terms commencing in Novem ber, 1874, and November, 1876, he served in a like capacity under Sheriff George Thomas. On November 2, 1880, he was himself elected to the office of sheriff, and the satisfactory character of his service is attested by the fact that the electors kept him in office for three or four terms. When he finally retired from office his health was so poor that he Avas in capacitated for further participation in any business or industry. He never completely re covered and on August 29, 1892, he passed out of this life. The marriage of our subject to Miss Agnes Walker was solemnized in Walla Walla coun ty, May 22, 1878, and to their union two children were born, Annie E., noAV Mrs. Frank Hesser; and Edward James. HON. ANDERSON COX.— One of the brightest stars in the galaxy of the eminent men of early clays is he whose name initiates this article. As a business man, as a legislator and as one of the most active and potential forces in the ushering in of civilization into the Pacific northwest, he has left upon this section the impress of his vigorous personality, and his life record forms part of the history of the north Pacific states. Many are the public enterprises Avhich his mind planned, but it is as the founder of Whitman county that he is best known locally. Mr. Cox Avas born in the vicinity of Day ton, Ohio, on March 22, 1812. His parents, John and Johanna (SwalloAv) Cox were Quakers and in his veins the blood of the impul sive Irish and the sturdy Scotch were mingled together. He greAV to manhood in Ohio, re ceiving only limited educational advantages. In 1845 ne removed from New London, Iowa, to the west, where destiny had great things in store for him. He served several terms in 5io HISTORY OF WALLA AVALLA COUNTY. the legislatures of both Oregon and AA'ashing ton territories, and Avas prominent in the affairs of AA'alla AA'alla county, of Avhich he became a resident in 1862, also in the founding and or ganization of AA'hitman county and the city of Colfax. He was the first receiver of the land office at AA'alla AA'alla, helped to survey the ter ritorial road from AValla Walla to Colfax, se cured the location of another territorial road from AValla AA'alla to Colville and in many other Avays contributed inestimably to the prog ress of the Inland Empire. At the time of his death, which occurred suddenly on the road between Colfax and AA^aitsburg, he Avas taking the initial steps towards the construction of a saAvmill in the then youthful tOAvn of Colfax. Mr. Cox Avas married in Indiana, on Aug ust 9, 1836, to Miss Julia A., daughter of AA'ill iam and Sarah AA'alter, and they became par ents of ten children : LeAvis, Johanna and Mrs. S. Cannon, iioav residents of AA'aitsburg; Philip W., a resident of Whitman county; Jane, after wards Mrs. John B. Looney, deceased; Matil da, now Mrs. William G. Preston, of AVaits-* burg; Malissa, the first Avhite girl born in Lynn county, Oregon, now deceased; Mary, aftenvards Mrs. C. B. King, deceased; Mida, Avif e of Thomas J. Smith, of Whitman county ; Butlar H. ; Ira, deceased. LeAvis Cox, the oldest, was born on the AA^a- bash, near Attica, Indiana, on May 9, 1837. He crossed the plains to Salem, Oregon, Avith his parents in 1845, came to Walla Walla in 1 86 1, bought in Avith his father in his saAvmill on the Coppei, near AVaitsburg, and also took a homestead near that city. He made the lumber and erected the first sawmill ever built in that vicinity. On August 29, 1858, he mar ried Caroline Bond, and they became the par ents of fourteen children : Albert, deceased ; Looney S., living Avith his uncle Philip; Birdie E., iioav wife of Dr. Gritman, of Moscoav, Idaho; Grant U., in British Columbia; Annie, now Mrs. J. L. Harper, of Waitsburg; Frank L., deceased; Frederick, in the dairy business at AA'aitsburg; Anderson B. and Nathan D., tAvins, in the hardware business in Ontario, Oregon; Lula, now Mrs. Samuel Ezra, resid ing in Seattle; Jennie and Tina, twins, the for mer deputy postmistress at AVaitsburg, the lat ter at home ; Elmer Elworth, in the stock busi ness in Montana; and Grace, wife of Elmer Connick, of Walla AAralla county. Mr. Cox still oaviis an elegant home in AVaitsburg.