YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MINUTES OP THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL PSBSTHBV&VASME'A, FROM THE ORGANIZATION TO THE TERMINATION OP THE PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT. PUBLISHED BY THE STATE. VOI.. I. CONTAINING THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL PROM MAKen lOtfa, 1S83, TO NOVEMBER 27th, 1700 Harrisburg : FEINTED BY THEOFHILUS FENN. 1838. TABLE OF CONTENTS VOL. I. I. The memorial of the American Philosophical Society and of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, to the Legislature of 1836-7, on the subject of printing the Records. II. The report of the select committee of the House of Representa tives on the same subject. III. Extract from the Act of April 4th, 1837, authorizing the prints ing of the Minutes of the Provincial Council. IV. Extract from the Act of April 14th, 1838, relative to the print-,. ing and distribution of the Colonial Records. V. The Charter of Pennsylvania, granted by Charles the Second to William Penn. VI. Certain conditions or concessions agreed upon by William Penn, and the first adventurers and purchasers in Pennsylvania. VII. The Frame of the Government of the Province of Pennsylva nia, together with certain Laws agreed upon in England, April 25th, 1682. VIII. The Frame of Government of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories, granted by Wm. Penn, April 2d, 1683. IX. The Frame of Government passed by William Markham, No vember 7th, 1696.* X. Minutes of the Provincial Council, from March 10th to Novem ber 27th, 1700, the principal matters embraced in which are : Order of Council relative to the Seals of the several counties, 10 Trial of James Kilner for Assault at sea, 2S Trial of Charles Pickering & Samuel Buckley, for counter feiting, 29, 31 Proposals for an English School, by Enoch Flower, 36 Anthony Weston, sentended to be whipt, 37 Trial of Margaret Matson, for Witchcraft, 40 Tax proposed upon Liquors imported, 45 Complaints of aggression by the Marylanders, 61, 141 Commission of Provincial Judges, 68 Condemnation of the ship Harp, of London, 69 boundaries of Chester county, 74 of Bucks, 78 James the Second proclaimed at Philadelphia, 81 Declaration of the Assembly against Nicholas Moore, 83 Proceedings thereon in Council, 87, 88, 90 Several additional Laws promulgated, 122 Refusal of Council to admit William Dyer, as a member, 150 *The Charter of October 28th, 1701, will be found on page 54, vol. 2. CONTENTS. Sundry proposals agreed on by the Assembly, 1°' Letter of Thomas Lloyd to Governor Blackwell & Council, 1 9S Deposition of Zachariah Whitpaine, relative to the abdication of James the Second, 203 Petition relative to the bounds of Chester county, 220 Depositions of John Blunston, Thomas Usher and others, concerning the same, 221 Proceedings of Council on the subject, 221 , 223 Writt of Election for members of Provincial Council, 238 Debate concerning the mode of Election, 239 Speech of Governor Blackwell to the Assembly, 244 Declaration of the Governor and Assembly, 252 Communication of the Governor concerning danger from the Papist & Indians, 257 Letter from the principal Secretary of State to Governor Blackwell, 260 Valedictory speech of Governor Blackwell, 270 Commissions from William Penn to the Council, 273, 274 Letter from William Penn to Council, £74 Instructions for the Government of Pennsylvania, 276 Declaration of Allegiance signed by the Council, 281 Instructions to Lacy Cock, relating to a journey among the Indians, 294 Commission to Benjamin Fletcher, constituting him Vice A>d- miral, 305 Benjamin Fletcher's Commission to Wm. Markham, constitu ting him Deputy Vice Admiral, 311 Commission to Benjamin Fletcher to be Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Country of Newcastle, 512 Benjamin Fletcher's commission to be Captain General and Governor in Chief of New York, 317 Conference between Governor Fletcher and Indians from the upper part of the river, 335 Order of Council relative to fees paid to the clerk of Philadel phia market, 343 Letter of Governor Fletcher relative to the appointment of a commissioner to meet those of the other provinces at New Yofk. • 352 Regulations of the Philadelphia market, 353,553 Proceedings of the commissioners met at New York to agree upon a quota of men and money for the defence of that province, 354 Information against Ann Le Tort, 357 Governor Fletcher's speech to the Assembly, 360, 361 Address of the Assembly to Governor Fletcher, ' 363 Governor Fletcher's answer, 364 Second address of the Assembly to Governor Fletcherrelative to confirming the Laws of the province, 372 CONTENTS. Titles of Laws in force in 1693, 373 Remonstrance of the Assembly to Governor Fletcher, May 17th 1693, 376 Conference between a Committee of the Assembly and Go vernor Fletcher, 378 Conference between the Assembly and a committee of the Council, 380 Answer of the Council to the Remonstrance of the Asssnlbly 385 Several Discourses between Governor Fletcher & commit tees of the Assembly, S8.8, 389, 390, 391, 394 Examination of Ann Le Tort, 398 Petition of Philip England relative to a ferry over Schuylkill, 400 Discourse between William Markham & some Delaware In dians, 410 Letter from Governor Fletcher to Lieutenant . Governour Markham and Council, 417 Remonstrance of the Assembly, April 11th 1694, 420 Governor Fletcher's speech to the Assembly May 23d, 1694, 422 Table showing the amount of Tax levied and paid in each county at the rate of one penny in the pound, 425 Governor Fletcher's speech May 29th 1694, 426 June 2d " 430 June 7th " 432 June 9th " 43.4 RemonstranGe-of Assembly in answer to the Queers Letter, 433 William and Mary's Letters patent restoring William Penn to the government of Pennsylvania, 437' Commission of William Markham to be Governor, under Wil liam Penn, of Pennsylvania and Countries annexed, 438 Commission to John Goodson & Samuel Carpenter to be as sistants, 439 Speech of Governor Markham to the council June 29th 1695, 444 to the Assembly May 20th 1695, 448 " " " 29 " 451 " " Sept. 10th 1695 455 Answer of the Assembly, 457 Speech of Governor Markham to the Council September 28th 1696, 461 Record of the Road from Tho. Parson's water bridge Race to Oxford, in Oxford Creek, behind Dan Streets house, 466 Record of the road from Richard Dungworth's mill to Thomas Parson's grist mill, 46.6 Record of the road from Dunken William's landing to the old kings road, 467 Speech of Governor Markham to the Assembly October 30th 1696, 470 Report of the Assembly relative to raising money, 472 Order of Council relating to the petition of the inhabitants of Bucks county for a market town, 480 CONTENTS. "Report of a committee of the Assembly on Governor Fletcn- ers letter, 486 William Penn's letter relative to the growth of vice in Phila delphia, ,, 494 Report of the committee appointed to consider William Penn's letter, 495 Proclamation by the Governor and Council, 497 Petition of Samuel Carpenter and others requesting that a so ciety may be incorporated for the Establishment of a pub lic school, 499 Commission to Francis Nicholson to appoint Judges, &c, for tne court of Admiralty, 500 Commission to Matthew Birch to be Collector at Newcastle, 50l Commission to John Bewley to be Collector, 502 Commission to M. Birch to be Surveyor, &c. 503 Commission to William Massey to be Collector, 505 Letter from the Justices of Sussex county relative to a piratical vessel, 597 Petition of John Adams relative to the seizure of his goods, 509 .Petition of David Evans, 517 Letter from Richard Halliwell relative to James Meinzies of Boston, 528 Complaint of the Inhabitants of Newcastle, 532 Return of Couneil and Assembly, May 10th 1699, 536 568 Order of Council relative to the quality and weight of bread 553 Speechof William Penn to the Council & Assembly, 568 Memorial of Robert Quarry against David Lloyd, 577 Proceedings upon the petition of Robert Turner, 58 1 No. I. MEMORIAL or THE American Philosophical Society, ami of the Histori cal Society of Philadelphia. RECOMMENDING THE PUBLICATION OF CERTAIN ANCIENT RECORDS. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The memorial of the American Philosophical Society held at Phi ladelphia, for promoting useful knowledge, and of ,the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by their committees for this purpose, spe cially appointed, most respectfully sheweth : That it is the misfortune of the Nations of the old Continent, that their early history is lost in the night of time. Excepting the Holy Scriptures, no records have been preserved of the first settlements of mankind. All else beyond a period not very remote is veiled in ob scurity. Recourse has been had to fabulous traditions made up of fabled Hero's and Demi-gods in abundance, the offsprings of vanity and of ignorance. Of our British ancestors, nothing is known be fore the invasion of their island by Julius Caesar, of our German fo'refathers, the noble defence made by the immortal Herman against the legions of Varus, whom he -defeated and conquered, is the first authentic account, after which follows a long period of darkness to the time of their great emperor Charlemagne. The ancient history of Asia, (the cradle of mankind) engages at this moment the attention of the learned of Europe. For that purpose, Asiatic societies have been formed under royal patronage, both in England and in France. The study of Egyptian antiquities is every where patronized, en couraged and promoted. Scientific travellers are sent to that country at royal expense, obelisks and other monuments are imported at an immense cost, and grace the public squares, the museums, and other repositories of the great capitals. England boasts of the rosetta mo numental stone. France of her Egytian obelisk, which once adorned ancient Thebes, and is now erected in the midst of her capital, where it is the most attractive object to the admiration of travellers. Un- ble to penetrate into the future, man loves to inquire into the past, to interrogate his most remote ancestors, and to learn from their ex perience how to pursue good and eschew evil. He is disappointed and mortified, when instead of historical facts, he finds fabulous re^ cords and incredible tales, more calculated for the amusement of children than the instruction of mankind. II INTRODUCTORY It is the good fortune of the people of these United States, that their early historv is not involved in obscurity and doubt. Although of recent origin, i't already engages the attention of the learned in this country and elsewhere. Historical and antiquarian societies are es tablished in almost every state in the Union, and their labours are eagerly sought after and read by our citizens with patriotic pleasure, and by foreigners with ardent curiosity. The history of Pennsylvania deserves and obtains a particular at tention. She alone can boast of a founder, whose name will go down to posterity, with those of the most celebrated Legislators. Her citi zens are descended from two illustrious nations, alike renowned for science, and for the glory acquired by arms. The mixture of Ger man and of British blood, has implanted in our commonwealth those solid virtues which lead nations to prosperity ; and the warmth of the Irish heart, has not contributed a little to the character which she has acquired for generous hospitality. In every respect, her history- is full ol interest and will become so more and more. It is therefore of the highest importance, that the authentic records from which that History is to be deduced should not -be lost to posterity. The facts posterior to our revolution are in no danger of being so lost, the press since that time has been active in perpetuating them, in the shape, of journals, newspapers and printed records of every description. But it is not so with the materials of our colonial history. In single manuscript copies, they are deposited in the office of the Secretary of State, where fire or some other accident may in a moment destroy them so that those interesting memorials, unless 'effectual measures are taken to preserve them, will be lost to us and to our posterity forever. Among those documents the most important is undoubtedly the minutes of the Provincial Council from the organization of the Co lonial government under William Penn, down to the revolution. This invaluable record was fortunately preserved amidst the horrors of war and the troubles attending our revolution. If it should be lost a link will be wanting in the chain of events which constitute the history of our state. Your honors well know that the council were not onlv possessed of the executive power, but were also a branch of the legis lature, as they had a negative upon all the laws proposed by the&as- sembly. If the records of their[proceedings should by some accident be lost, many important parts of our colonial history will be left in obscurity, and false notions will at length be established in their stead by the ingenuity or perhaps design of future chroniclers. More than eighty years ago, in the year 1752, when Pennsylvania was yet a poor infant colony, and her means and resources were not in the least degree to be compared to those of this rich and powerful state, a patriotic legislature caused to be printed at their expense, the voles and proceedings of their predecessors from the time of the land ing of the founder, and his first assembly held at Chester in 1682, and the work was continued in six large folio volumes, down to the time of our revolution. The cost of this publication must have been DOCUMENTS. Ill to them and to the people whom they represented, comparatively im mense, while on the contrary, your memorialists have reason to be lieve that that of publishing the minutes of council will be but trifling, particularly if we consider it in comparison with their importance. They hope that your honors will not show themselves in this respect, less patriotic than their noble and virtuous predecessors. Next to the minutes of Council, your memorialists consider the treaties made with the Indians under the colonial government, to be the most important. They will be of the utmost interest to our descen dants, and it will be highly honorable to this great state, to show to the world that in all the relations of Pennsylvania with the Indian tribes, no recourse has been had to war or to the shedding of human blood, except when we were obliged to combat them as the allies of anothor nation, who employed them for the purpose of subduing our country. What other public ante -revolutionary documents there are in the Secretary's office that may be thought worthy of publication, your memorialists do not know ; but they would humbly suggest the pro priety of having a correct list of them made and published for future consideration ; and also, that those who are engaged in the study of the history of our country, may know what materials exist in the possession of the government, which may be consulted by them in the prosecution of their labours. Your memorialists therefore respectfully pray that your Honors will be .pleased to take the above suggestions into their serious con sideration, and adopt such measures as their wisdom shall dictate in favor of the objects of this memorial. And they shall ever pray, &c. For the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. PETER S.DU PONCEAU, 7 Committee J. FRANCIS FISHER. 5 tommmee- For the Historical Society of PennsylAania, PETER S. DU PONCEAU, ? CommiUee JOB R.TYSON, Philadelphia, December 8th, 1836. IV INTRODUCTORY NO. II. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. J. Washington Tyson, Chairman. The Committee to whom was referred the joint memorial of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge and of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, re^ commending the publication of certain ;ptiblic records, report: That they have examined the subject with that attention which its importance and the character of the memorialists demand. These two societies whose memorial is before the committee include a large portion of the intellect, literature and science of Philadelphia. One of them, the Historical society of Pennsylvania, has for its objects, the collection and preservation of the materials of our domestic his tory. All know how much it has already contributed to these pur poses and to the correction of historical errors. Its published me moirs, attest the'intelligence, industry and public spirit of its members. About twenty years ago, the Philosophical Society, added to its standing committees, a committee of history. Since that perisd, it has embraced within the wide circle of its investigations, every thing connected with our state and federal annals. The volume published by the committe, comprising a learned correspondence between Du Ponceau, and Heckewelder, and; an excellent account of the Moravian Indians, by the latter, as well as the collections which, it is under stood, have since been made, constitute some of the Historical claims of the society. As chairman of each of the two committees who drafted the memorial before us, it is gratifying to find the name of the distinguished and venerable Du Ponceau, himself— a name of which the state, nay, the whole country, has so much reason to be proud for his great talents, deep erudition and fervent patriotism — The memorial is therefore commended to the respectful consideration of this body, by the character of the memorialists who speak in it upon their own subject, upon one with which they may be presumed to be intimately acquainted ; and upon one of high and commanding importance to the state. ° In regard to the prayer of the memorialists, your committee can not but heartily concur in the opinion, that it is important to preserve from eventual destruction and all detriment, the records of this com- monwealth while under a colonial government, and that the safest means of effecting such preservation, is to cause them to be published and widely distributed through the state. These valuable records, are at present m a state of great insecurity, and liable to many acci dents, any one of which may occasion their loss and total destruc ortance g ^^^ SU°h eVentS' is therefore of the highest im- The history of a country, is all in the acts of its government. The DOCUMENTS. V public records are the only safe materials on which the historian can- rely. Before the invention of printing, those documents could with difficulty be preserved ; they were liable to be, and immense numbers of them were in fact destroyed by fire, by foreign and civil wars by the perishable quality of their materials, and by the carelessness of those in whose custody they were placed. After the art of printing, became known, the jealousy of government, prevented for a long pe riod the publication of most important records, and the proprietary government of Pennsylvania, participated in that feeling, so that the proceedings of the colonial councils, were in a great measure cortsid- ered as state secrets, and accessible but to few. Before the levolu- tion, their publication could not have been permitted. In the infancy of the Colony, when printing presses were few, and the expense of printing too great to be borne by our small and disper sed population, even the daily proceedings of the legislative body re mained in manuscript for the space of seventy years. It was not until the year 1752, that the legislature determined on publishing their journals; beginning with those of the first assembly, which met at Upland, now Chester, Delaware county, in the year 1682. It was a bold and an expensive project for that time, it was nevertheless un dertaken ; the old journals were printed, and the publication continued until the period of the revolution. The whole, consisting of seven large folio volumes, is in our library at this place, and in many of the public and private libraries throughout the state, a monument of the zeal and patriotism of our ancestors. Since the revolution, all important public documents, have been regularly published under the authority of the legislature, and the copies have been multiplied through a great number of newspapers, so that the facts which are to be the materials of our future history, are beyond the reach of any accident, above contingency, and secure from the danger of being lost to posterity. But those of the preceding period, are still exposed to the dangers of decay, removal, mutilation and destruction. If they should happen to be lost, through the neglect of the present generation, a stigma will rest upon us, which no lapse of time can efface. The nations of Europe are at this moment strongly impressed with the necessity of preserving their ancient records, by means of the press. The go vernment of Great Britain have, at an immense expense, commenced the publication of theirs, beginning with Dooms-day book, a record of the time of William the Conquerer, and thence proceeding through ihe series of past ages. Thirty two volumes of this collection have already been published ; sixteen of which are large thick folios, and no cost has been spared to ensure the accuracy of the text, and the beauty of the impression. With a commendable liberality, they have distributed numerous sets of this valuable collection, in America and Europe, in donations to public libraries, and learned societies, and amongst others, the American Philosophical Society, and the Library company of Philadelphia, have shared in that bounty. The latter in stitution has received the whole collection ; and the former only part VI INTRODUCTORY of it, the remainder in England having been accidentally consumed by fire, so that it is to be begun anew. Other nations are following that example aided by Antiquarian societies, which are established in almost every large city of Europe. The general government of the United States have not been behind hand, in adopting this mode- of preserving the ancient records of our Union. They have re-published' the journals of Congress under the confederation, and many other important documents ; and they have permitted individuals to have access to their records, and to take co pies of such papers, as, being of interest, may afford a profit to the editor who devotes his time and his labor to their publication. Some of the individual states, and the state of Maryland in particu lar, have lately taken similar measures for discovering and publish ing important documents, in which process they have found that a great number are irrecoverably lost. To avoid' a like misfortune, your committee think it their duty to recommend the publication of the colonial records of Pennsylvania, which are in the custody of the Secretary of the Common wealth. Of the importance and necessity of multiplying the copies of those valuable and curious papers, we are impressively admonished by the late fire at Washington — documents of inestimable price, both in a pecuniary and historical point of view, were, no doubt, by that event, entirely destroyed. The absence of duplicates by means of the press) renders the loss altogether irrepa rable. The memorialists have very properly pointed outthe minutes of the proprietary councils as those that deserve to be first attended to. — Your committee, therefore recommend, that they be immediately printed, under the direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The publication of other documents may be postponed until it shall be known of what they principally consist. The memorialists have mentioned the Indian treaties as next in im portance. What are called "Indian treaties" are conferences be tween Indian chiefs deputed by their respective tribes, and the go vernors of the colony of Pennsylvania, in which their mutual interests are discussed and settled. Several of those are contained in the min utes of council, and need not be printed twice. Under the name of "Indian treaties" are also designated the deeds and conveyances of lands made by Indian chiefs or land owners, to the proprietors. Of these, the late Judge Smith has given a full abstract in the second volume of his edition of the laws of Pennsylvania. It will neverthe less be desirable that they should be published at large, as many titles to lands are derived from them, and they are msreover interesting in an historical point of view. But as the minutes of council are most important among our ancient records, your committee would recom mend their publication in the first instance. Your committee have not had time to inspect the public documents in the Secretary's office with that care which they desired to bestow upon them, and which would have enabled them to give to the House a clear view of their contents. DOCUMENTS* Vll It is their opinion that the Secretary should he directed to prepare a report on their contents, to be laid before the legislature at their next session, by means of which they will bo best able to determine which of them deserve to be published, and to act thereon as their wisdom shall direct. In accordance with these views, the committee beg leave to report the accompanying bill. . No. III. Extract from the Act of April 4th, 1837, authorizing the printing of the Minutes of the Provincial Council. Section 2. That the Minutes of the Council of the Proprietary Government, from the year one thousand six hundred and eighty, one, to one thousand seven hundred and seventeen, inclusive, which are deposited in the office of the Secretary of this Commonwealth, with a suitable index, and such introductory matter as may be deem ed proper, be immediately printed, in the octavo form, under the direction of the said Secretary, to the number of one thousand copies : Provided, That the cost does not exceed three thousand dollars. Section 3. That two hundred copies of the said Minutes, when printed, shall be placed in the hands of the Governor, to be by him distributed among learned societies and public libraries, in other states of this Union, at his discretion ; that twenty copies shall be presented to the director of the Philadelphia Athenaeum, twenty copies to the Historical society, to be by them deposited as they may think best for their preservation and safe keeping; one copy to each of the several Colleges within the Commonwealth, five copies to the Frank' lin library in the city of Philadelphia, and one copy deposited in each of the several Record offices in the Commonwealth, and one copy placed in the hands of the members of the present Legislature, five copies in the Stale library, and one copy in each of the public libra ries of the state, five copies to the Historical society. Section 4. That the Secretary of this Commonwealth shall pre pare and report to the legislature at their next session a list of the Colonial documents deposited in his office, with his opinion as to those that are worthy of preservation by means of the press, and the probable expense of publishing the same. Section 5. That the said Secretary of the Commonwealth shall cause the original charter of Pennsylvania, now in his office, to be framed, covered with glass, and placed in said office for the inspec/ tion of visitors, and that the expense thereof be paid out of any fupds in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. LEWIS DEW ART. Speaker of the House of Representatives. J. R. BURDEN, Speaker of the Senate. Approved— The fourth day of ApriU A. D.,eighte«!h hundred and thirty-seven. JOS. RITNER. 2 viir intrGduotcrv No. IV. Extract from the Act of April 14th, 1838, relative to the printing and distribution of the Colonial Jiecords. Section 7. That the Secretary of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby authorized and required, to continue the printing of the Min utes of the Council of the Proprietary Government, down to the period of the Revolution, on the plan by him proposed in his report to the Legislature of the thirtieth of January last, and to include the other public records and documents therein mentioned, to be added as appendixes to each volume, to the number 'of fifteen hundred copies. ' Section 8. That the Secretary be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase of the printer, for the use of the state, the five hundred copies of the first volume which he has printed over and above the one thousand copies directed by the act entitled "A supplement to the' act entitled, an act lo authorize the printing and distribution of the pamphlet laws in the Ge.iman language, and for other purposes,'' passed Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. Section 9. That one thousand out of the fifteen hundred copies of the work directed to be printed and purchased, be disposed of b3r a subscription, lo be opened at the several County Treasuries of the Commonwealth, at the price of one dollar and sixty cents per vol ume, the proceeds whereof shall be applied to the continuation of the work, and to the binding of the volumes. Section 10. That one thousand one hundred and forty-six dollars and twenty-five cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated for purchasing the additional five hundred copies and carrying on the work, in addition to the appropriation of last year, until the proceeds of the subscription shall come into the Treasury. Seption 11. That the Secretary be, and he is hereby authorized to employ a clerk to. aid him in the prosecution of the woik, at a salary of eight hundred dollars per annum, to be charged on the Treasury, and to be paid to him from the time that he has begun to be so employed. Section 12. That two hundred copies of said Minutes, when printed and bound, shall be placed in the hands of the Governor, to be by him distributed among learned societies and public libraries, in other states of this Union, at his discretion ; that five copies shall be presented to the American Philosophical society, five to the Histo rical society, five to the Philadephla library, two"lo the Philadelphia Athasneum, one copy to each of the several Colleges and public Li braries in the stale, one to each of the members and clerks of the present and last legislature, and that five copies shall be deposited in the State Library, and one copy in each of the Record offices of the Comnnnweailth. ^°J«N 13' That the third section of the supplement to the act entitled " Xn act to authorize the printing and distribution of the pamphlet la*s in the German language, passed January twenty-third A. JJ., one thtusand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and for other purposes, be and the same is hereby repealed. DOCUMENTS. No. V. CHARTER OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA- CHARLES THE SECOND, BY THE GRACE OF GOD King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c., To all to whome these presents shall come GREETING. , Whereas our Trustie'and well beloved Subject, William Penn, Esquire, sonn and heireofSir William Penn, deceased, out of a commendable desire to enlarge our English Empire, and promote such usefull comodities as may bee of benefitt to us and our Dominions, as alsoe to reduce the Savage Natives by gentle and just' manners to the love of civill Societie and Christian Religion hath humbley besought leave of vs to transport an ample colonie vnto a certaine Countrey hereinafter described in the partes of America not yet cultevated and planted. And hath likewise humbley besought our Royal! majestie to give grant, and confirme all the said countrey with certaine priviledges and Jurisdiccons requisite for the good Government and saftie of the said Countrey and Colonie, to him and his heires forever. KNOW YEE, therefore, that wee, favouring the petition and good purpose of the said William Penn, and haveing regard to the memorie and meritts of his late father, in divers services, and perticulerly to his conduct, courage and discretion vnder our dearest brother, James Duke of Yorke, in that signall battell and victorie, fought and obteyn- ed against the Dutch fleete, eomanded by the Heer Van Opdam, in the yeare One thousand six hundred sixtie five, in consideration there of of our special grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, Have given and granted, and by this our present Charter, for vs, our heires and successors, Doe give and grant unto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes all that tract or parte of land in America, with all the Islands therein conteyned, as the same is bounded on the East by Delaware River, from twelve miles distance, Northwarde of New Castle Towne unto the three and fortieth degree of Northern latitude if the said River doeth extend soe farre Northwards; But if the said River shall not extend soe farre Northward, then by the said River soe farr as it doth extend, and from the head of the said River the Easterne bounds are to bee'determinedbya meridian line, to bee drawn from the head of the said River vnto the said three and fortieth de gree, the said lands to extend Westwards, five degrees in longitude, to bee computed from the said Easterne Bounds, and the said lands to bee "bounded on the North, by the beginning of the three and for tieth degree of Northern latitude, and on the south, by a circle drawne at twelve miles, distance from New Castle Northwards, and Westwards vnto the begining of the fortieth degree of Northerne Latitude; and then bya.streight line Westwards, to ihe limitt of Longitude above menconed. WEE DOE alsoe give and grant vnto j£ INTRODUCTORY the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, the free and yndis- tnr'bed vse, and continuance in and passage into and out of all and singular Ports, harbours, Bayes, waters, rivers, Isles and Inletts, be longing vnlo or leading to and from the Countrey, on Islands afore said; and all the soy ItC lands, fields, woods, vnderwoods, mountames, hills, fenns, Ues.Lakes.Rivers, waters, rivuletts,Bays and Inletts, scit- uate or being within or belonging vnto the Limitts and Bounds aforesaid togeather with the fishing of all sortes of fish, whales, sturgeons, and all Royall and other fishes in the sea, bayes, Inletts, waters or Riv ers, within the premises, and the fish therein taken, and alsoe all veines. mines and quarries, as well discovered as not discovered, of Gold, Silver, Gemms and pretious Stones, and all other whatsoever, stones, metalls, or of any other thing or matter whatsoever, found or to bee found within the Countrey, Isles, or Limitts aforesaid ; and him the said William Penn* his heires arid assignes, WEE DOE, by this our Royall Charter, for vs, our heires and successors, make, create and constitute the true and absolute proprietaries of the Coun trey aforesaid, and of all other, the premises, saving alwayes to vs, our heires and successors, the faith and allegiance of the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, and of all other, the proprietaries ten ants and Inhabitants that are, or shall be within the Territoriesfand precincts aforesaid; and saving alsoe vnto vs, our heires and Succes sors, the Sovreignity of the aforesaid Countrey, TO HAVE, hold' and possesse and enioy the said tract of Land, Countrey, Isles, Inletts and other the premises, vnto the said William Penn, his heires and as signes, to the only proper vse and behoofe of the said William Penn, his heirs and assignes forever. To bee holden of vs., our heires and Successors. Kings of England, as of; our Castle of Windsor, in our County of Berks, in free and" corwm socage by fealty only for all services, and not in Capite or by Knights service, Yeelding and pay ing^ therefor to us( our heires and Successors, two Beaver Skins to bee delivered att our said Castle of Windsor, on the first day of January, in every yeare ; and also the fifth parte of all Gold and silver Oare, which shall from time to time happen to bee found within the Limitts aforesaid, cleare of all charges, and of our further grace certaine knowledge and meere mocon, wee have thought fitt to Erect, and wee doe hereby Erect the aforesaid Countrey and Islands, into a province and Seigniorie, and doe call itt Pensilvania, and soe from henceforth wee will have itt called, and forasmuch its wee have hereby made, 'and ordeyned the aforesaid William Penn, his heires and assignes, the true and dbsolute Proprietaries of all the Lands and Dominions ^aforesaid. KNOW YEE' therefore, that wee reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelitie, wisedome, Justjce and provident cir- cumspeccon of the said William Penn, for vs,-our heires and succes sors, Doe grant fKe^4ulLfinA_Ab^.ute__£ower, by vertue of these presents to him and his heirs, and to 'lis and their Deputies, and Lieu tenants, for the good and h'appy government of the said Countrey, to ordeyne, make, enact and vnder his and their Seales tq publish any Lawes whatsoever, for the raising of money for the publick vse of the said province, or for any other end apperteyning either vnto the DOCUMENTS. XI . publick state peace, or safety of the said Countrey, or vnto the private vtility of perticular persons, according vnto their best discretions, by and with the advice, assent, and approbacon of the freemen of the said Countrey, or the greater.,parte of them, or of their Delegates or Deputies, whom. for the Enacting of the said Lawes, when, and as often as need shall require. WEE WILL, that the said William Penn, and his heires shall assemble in such sort and forme as to biift and them shall seeme best, -and the same lawes due.ly to execute vnfo, and upon all people within _the said Countrey and limitts thereof; and WEE.doe likewise give and grant unto the, said William Penn, and his heires, and to his and their Deputies and Lieutenants, such power and authoritie to appoint and establish any Judges, and Justices, ma gistrates and officers whatsoever, for what causes soever, for the pro bates of wills and for the granting of administracons. within the pre cincts aforesaid, and with wJial power soever, and in such forme as to the said William Penn, or his heires, shall seeme most convenient. Alsoe to remitt, release, pardon and abolish, whether before Judgement or after, all crimes and offences, whatsoever comit-ted. within the said Countrey, against the said Lawes, treason and wilfull and malitious murder onely excepted; and in those cases, to grant reprieves untill our pleasure may bee knowne therein, and to dne all and every other thing and things which vnto the compleate establishment of Justice vnto Courts andTribunalls, formes of Judicature and manner of pro ceedings doe belong, altho' in these presents expresse mencon bee not made thereof; and by Judges by them delegated to award pro- cesse, hold pleas and determine in all the said'"Courts and Tribunalls, all accons, suits and causes whatsoever, as well criminal 1 as civill, . personall, rsall and mixt, which Lawes soe as aforesaid, to bee pub lished. Our pleasure is, and soe Wee enioyne require and comand shall bee most absolute and avaylable in law, and that all the Liege psople and Subjects of vs, our heires and successors,, doe observe and keepe the same inviolable in those partes, soe farr as they concerne them, vnder the paine therein expressed, or to bee expressed. Pro vided; Nevertheles, that the said Lawes bee consonant to reason, and bee not repugnant or ccntrarie, but as neere as conveniently may bee agreeable to the Lawesj. statutes and rights of this our Kingdome of England, and saveing and reserving to vs, our heires and successors, the receiving, heareing and determining of the appeale and appeales, of all or any person or, persons, of, in or belonging to the territories aforesaid, or touching any Judgement to bee there made or given. — And forasmuch as in the Government of soe great a Countrey, sudden accidents doe often happen, whereunto itt will bee necesaarie to apply a remedie before the freeholders of the said Province, or their Dele gates or Deputies can bee assembled to the raakeing of Lawes, nei ther will itt be convenient that instantly vpon every such emergent occasion, soe greate a multitude should be called together. There- tore, for the better Government of the said Countrey, WEE WILL,, and ordeyne, and by these presents for vs, our "heires and successors,. Doe grant vnto the«said William Penn, and his heires, by themselye&, vcs.. i. XII INTRODUCTORY or by their magistrates and officers, in that behalfe, duely to bee or- deyned as aforesaid, to make and constitute, fitt and wholesome or dinances from time to time-within the said Countrey, to bee kept and observed as well for the preservacon of the peace, as for the better government of the people thereiinhabiting, and publickly to notifie the same, to all persons whome the same doeth or any way may concerne, "which ordinances our will and pleasure is, shall be observed inviola bly within the said Province, vnder paines therein to bee-expressed, soe as the said ordinances bee consonant to reason and bee not re pugnant nor contrary, but soe farre as conveniently may bee agreeable with the Lawes of our kingdome of England, and soe as the said ordinances be not extended in any sort to- bind, charge or take away the right or interest of any person or persons, for or in their- life, members, freehold, goods or Chattells; and our further will and pleas ure is, that the Lawes for regulateing and governing of properiie, within the said Province, as well for the descent and enioymeiit of lands, as likewise for the enioyment and succession of goods and Chattells, and. likewise as to felonies, shall bee and continue the same as shall bee for the time being, by'the generall course of the Law in our Kingdome of England, vntill the said Lawes shall bee altered by the said William Penn, his heires or assignes, and by the freemen of the said Province, their Delegates or Deputies, or the greater part of them. And to the End the said William Penn, or heires, or other, ¦ the Planters, Owners or Inhabitants of the said Province, may not att any time hereafter, by misconstrucon of the powers aforesaid. through inadvertiencie or designs, depart from that faith and due al legiance which by the Lawes of this our Realme of England, they and all our subjects, in our Dominions and Territories, always owe vnto vs, our heires and successors, by colour of any extent orlarge- uesse of powers hereby given, or pretended to bee eiven, or by force or colour of any lawes hereafter to bee made in the said Province, by virtue of any such. pjowers^/ Our further will and pleasure is, that a transcript or Duplicate of all lawes which shall bee soe as aforesaid, made and published within the said province, shall within five -jeares if shall be soe transmitted and delivered, tee declared by vs7ourheires and successors, in our or their privy Councell, inconsistent with the sovereignly or lawful! prerogative of vs, our heirs or successors, or contrary to the faith and allegiance due by the Ifegall Government of this realme, from the said William Penn, or his heires, or of the Planters and Inhabitants of the said province; and that therevpon any of the said Lawes shall bee adiuged and declared to bee void by vs, our heires or successors, vnder ouror their Privy Seale, that then, and trom thenceforth such Lawes concerning which such Judgement and declaracon shall bee made, shall become vovd, otherwise the said lawes soe transmitted, shall remaine and stand in full forte ac- cording to the true intent and meaneing thereof Furthermore, that DOCUMENTS XIII that this new Colony may the more happily increase.-by the multi tude of people resorting thither : THEREFORE, WEE, for vs, our heires and successors,, doe give and grant by these presents, power licence and libertie vnto all the liege people and subjects, both present and future of vs, our heires and successors, excepting those who shall bee especiallyforbidden, to transport themselves and families vnto the saidfCountrey, with such convenient shipping, as by the lawes of this, our kingdome of England, they ought to vse with fitting provisions paying only the customes therefore due, and there to settle them selves, dwell and inhabitt and plant for the publick and' their own private advantage ; AND FURTHERMORE, that our subiecls may bee the rather eneouraged to undertake this expedicon with ready and cheerfull mindes. KNOW YEE,.lhat wee of our especial graco certaine knowledge and meere mocon, Doe give and grant by vertue of these presents, as well vnto the said William Penn and his heires, as to all others who shall from time to time repaire vnto the said Countrey, with a purpose to inhabitt there, or to trade with the natives of the said Countrey, full license to lade and freight in any Ports whatsoever of vs, our heires anil successors, according to the lawes made, or to be made within our kingdome of England, and into thesaid Countrey, by them,, theire servants or assignes, to transport all and singular theire wares, goods and merchandizes, as likewise, all sorts of graine whatsoever, and all other things whatsoever he- cessary for food or cloathing-, not phibited by the lawes and Sta tutes of our kingdomes and Dominions, to be- ca-rryed out of the said kingdomes without any lett or molestacon of vs, our heires and successors, or of any the officers of vs, our heires and successors, saveing alwayesto vs, our- heires' and successors, Ihe legall impossi- tons, customes and other duties and payments for the said wares and merchandize, by any law or statute due or to be due to vs, our heires and successors. AND WEE DOE further for vs, our heires and Successors, give and grant vnto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, free and absolute power to Divide the said Countrey, and Islands, into Townes, Hundreds and Counties, and to erect and incorporate Townes into. Borroughs, and Burroughs into Citties, and to make and constitute ffaires and raarketts therein, with all other convenient privileges and imunities according to the meritt of the inhabitants, and the ffittnes of the places ; & to doe all and every othe: thing and things touching the premises which to him or them shall seeme requisite, and meet, albeit they be such as of their owne nature might otherwise require a more especiall comandment and warratt, then in these presents is expressed. WEE WILL ALSOE, and by these presents for vs, our heires and' successors, WEE doe give ard grant licence by this our charter, vnto. the said William Peon, lis heires and assignes, and to all inhabitants and dwellers in pvince ^foresaid, both present, and to come, to import- or vnlade by themsehes or their Servants, factors or assignes, all- merchandizes and gools whatsoever,-that shall arise of thefruites and"eomoditiesof th© saidprovince,, either bar. Lands ©r Sea, into any of the Ports of vs, INTRODUCTORY our heires and successors, in our kingdome of England, and not into any other countrey whatsoever. And WEE give him full power to dispose of the saiil goods in the said ports, and if need bee, within one yeare next after the unlndeing of the same, to lade Ihe said mer chandizes and goods again into the same or other shipps, and to export the same iuto any other Countreys, either of our Dominions or fforreigne. according>lo lawe :. Provided ahvaves, that they pay such, customes r.nd irnposicons,' subsidies and duties for the same to vs, our heires and successors, as the rest of our subiects ol our king- dome of England, for the time being shall be bound to pny, and doe observe the acts of Navigation and other lawes in that bRhalle made. AND FURTHERMORE, of our more ample and especiall grace, cer tain knowledge and meere motion, AVEE DOE, for vs, our heires and successors, Grant v-nto the said William Penn, his heires and as signes, full and absolute power and authorise, to make, erect and constitute wiihin the said province, and the Isles and Isletts afore said, such and soe many Seaports, harbours, Creeks, Havens, Keyes and other places, for discharge and vnladeing of goods, & merchandize out of the shipps, boates and other vessells,and Ladeing them in such and soe many places, and with such rights, Jurisdiccons, liberties and priviledges unto the said ports, belonging as to him or them, shall seeme most expedient, and that all and singuler the shipps, boates and other vesse.lls, which shall come for merchandize and trade, ynto the said pvince, or out of the same shall depart, shall be laden or vnladen onely att such ports as shall be erected and constituted by the said William Penn. his heires and assignes, any vse,custome or other thing to the contrary notwithstanding: PROVIDED, that the said William Penn and his heires, and the Lieutenants and Governors for the time being, shall admitt- and receive in and about all such •ports, havens, Creeks and Keyes, all officers and their Deputies, who shall from time to time be appointed for that purpose, by the ffarmers or Comissioners of our customes, for the time being. AND WEE DOE further appoint and ordaine, and by these presents for vs. our heires and successors, WEE DOE grant vnto the said Wil liam Penn, his heires and assignes, that he the said William Penn, ins heires and assignes, may from time to time forever, have And enioy the customes and subsidies in the ports, harbours and ether Creeks, and places aforesaid, within the pvince aforesaid, payable or Hue for merchandizes and wares, there to be laded and vnladetf.the said customes, and subsidies to be reasonably assessed, vpon any oc casion by thenwelues and the people there as aforesaid, to be Assem bled to whom WEE give power, by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, vpon iust cause, and'in a due pporcon, to assesse and impose the same, saveing vnto vs, our heires and successors. such imposcons and customes as by act of parliament are ttad shall WiS ^ ??a't.wo"'/urthor ^1 ^d pleasure, thatlhe said William Penn, his heires and ass.gnes„-shall from titae to tirJe consti- nf T '^ app°u ¦ a"«tt0fn,ey or agent, no reside in or neare ur Cittv ot London, who shall make knowne the place where he srpH dwell or may be found, vnto the Clerks of Our privy Counsell, forlhe time DOCUMENTS. XV being, o* one or them, and shall be ready to appeaie in any of our Courts att Westminster, to answer for any misdemeanors that shall be eomitted, or by any wilfull default or neglect pmitted by the said William Penn, his heires or assignes, against our Lawes of Trade of Navigacon, and after it shall be ascertained in any of our said Courts, what damage* WEE or our heires or successors shall haue sustained, by such default or neglect, the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, shall pay the isame within one yeave after such taxacon and demand thereof, fiom such attorney, or> in case there shall be noe such attorney, by the space of one yeare, or such attorney shall not make payment of such damages, within the space of one yeare, and answer such other forfeitures and penalties within the said time, as by the acts of parliament in England, are or shall be pvided. according to the true • intent and meaning of these presents ; Then it shall be lawfule for vs, our heires and successors, to seize and Resume the government of the said pvince or Countrey, and the same to retains untill payment shall be made thereof. BVt notwithstanding any such seizure or resumption of the Government,, nothing concerening the propriety or ownership of any Lands', Tene ments or other hereditaments, or goods, or chattels of any the adventurers, Planters or owners, other then the respective offenders there, shall be any way affected or molested thereby : PROVIDED alwayes, and our will and pleasure is that neither the said William Penn, nor his heires, nor any other the inhitants Of the said pvince, shall at any time hereafter haue or maintain any correspon dence wi'.h any other king, prince or State, or with any of theire subiects, who shall then be in warr against vs, our heires or succes sors ; Nor shall the said William Penn, or his heires, or any other the inhabitants of the said pvince, make warre or doe any act of hostilitie against any other king, prince or state, or any of their subieets, who shall then be in league or amity with vs, our heires or successors. And because in soe remote a Countrey, and scituate neare many Barbarous Nations, the incursions as well of the savages themselues, as of other enemies, pirates and Robbers, may pbably be feared. Therefore, WEE have given and for vs, our heires and successors, Doe give power by these presents vnto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, by themselues or their Captaines or other, their officers to levy, muster and~ traine all sorts of men, of what condicon, or wheresoever borne, in the said pvince of Pen- sylvania, for the time being, and to make warr and pursue the ene mies and Robbers aforesaid, as well by Sea as by Land, yea, even without the Limits of , the said pvince, and by God's assistance, to vanquish and take them, and being taken, to put them to death by the law1 of Warr, or to save them att theire pleasure, and to doe all and every other act and thing, which to the charge and office of a Captaine generall of an Army, belongeth or hath accustomed to belong, as ,fully and ffreely as any Captaine Generall of an Army, hath ever had the same. AND FURTHERMORE, of our especiall grace and of our certaine knowledg and meere motion, WEE have INTRODUCTORY given and granted, and hy these' presents for vs, our heires and suc cessors, Doe give and grant vnto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, full and absolute power, lifcence and authoritie, That he the said William Penn, his heires and Assignes, from time to time hereafter forever, att his or theire will and pleasure, may assjgne, alien, grant, demise or infeofle of the premises, soe many, and such partes and parcells to him or them, that shall be willing to purchase the same, as they shall thinks ffitt. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to them, the said person and persons willing to take or purchase, theire heires and assignes, in flee simple or ffeetaile, or for the terms of life, or Hues, or yeares, to be held of the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, as of the said Seigniory of Windsor, by such services, customes and rents, as shall seeme ffitt to the said William Penn,his heires and assignes, and not imediately of vs, our heires and succes sors, and to the same person or persons, and to all and every of them, WEE DOE give and grant by these presents, for vs, our heires and successors, Licence, authoritie and power, that such person or persons may take the premisses or any parcell thereof, of the afore said William Penn, his heires or assignes, and the same hold to them selues, their heires and assignes, in what estate of inheritance soever, in See simple, or in ffeetaile or otherwise, as to him the said William Penn, his heires and assiones, shall seem expedient,. The Statutes made in the parliament of Edward, sonne of king Henry, late king ef England, our predecessor, comonly called the .Statute Quia Emp- tores terrarum, lately published in our kingdome of England, in any wise notwithstanding, and by these presents, WEE .give and grant licence vnto the said William Penn, and his heires, likewise to all and every such person and persons to whom the said William Penn, or his heires, sholl at any time hereafter, grant any estate of inheri tance as" aforesaid, to erect any parcells of Land within the pvince aforesaid, into mannors, by and with the licence to be first had and obteyned for that purpose, vnder the hand and seale of the said Wil liam Penn, or his heires, and' in every of the said mannors, to haue and to hold a Court Baron, with all thinges whatsoever, which to a Court Baron do belong; and to haue and to hold view of (frank pledge, for the conservacon of the peace, and the better government of those partes by themselves or their Stewarts, or by the Lords for the time b?ing< of other mannors to be deputed when they shall be erected, and in the same, -to vse all things belonging-to viewof frank pledge; and WEE doe further grant licence and authoritie that every such person'and persons, who shall erect any such mannor or man nors as aforesaid, shall or may grant all or any parte of his said lands to any person or persons, in Bee simple or any other estate of inheritance, to be held of the said mannors" respectively, soe as noe further tenures shall be created, but that vpon alt further and other ahenacons thereafter, to be made the said lands soe aliened, shall be held of the same Lord and his heires, of whom the alien did then before hold, and by the like, rents and services, which were before due and accustomed-. And further, our pleasure is and by these DOCUMENTS. XVlfl presents for vs, our heires and successors, WEE doe Covenant and grant to and with the said William Penn, and his heires and assignes, that WEE, our heires and successors, shall att no time hereafter sett or make, or cause to be sett, any imposicon, custome or other taxa- con, rate or contribucon whatsoever, in and upon the dwellers and inhabitants of the aforesaid pvince, for their lands, tenements, goods or chattels, within the said province, or in and vpon any goods or merchandize within the said pvince, or to be laden or vnladen within the ports or harbours of the said pvince, vnles the same be with the consent of the pprietary, or chiefe Governor and Assembly, or by act of parliament in England. And our pleasure is, and for us our heires and successors, WEE charge and comand, that this our De- claracon, shall from henceforward be received,, and allowed from time to time in all our Courts, and before all the Judges of vs, our heires and successors, for a sufficicient and lawful discharge, pay ment and acquittance, cornanding atl and singular the officers and ministers of vs, our heires and successors, and enioyneing them vpon paine of our high displeasure, that they doe not presume att any time to attempt any thing to the contrary of the premises, or that they doe in any sort withstand the same, but that they bee att all times aiding and assisting as is fitting vnto the said William Penn, and his heires, and to the inhabitants and merchants of the pvince afore said, their servants, ministers, ffactors and assignes, in the full vse and fruition of the beneffitt of this our Charter : And our further pleasure is, And WEE doe hereby, for vs, our heires and successors, charge and require that if any of the inhabitants of the 'said pvince, to the number of Twenty, shall att any time hereafter be desirous, and shall by any writeing or by any psan deputed for them, signify such their desire to the Bishop of London, that any preacher or preachers to be approved of by the said Bishop, may be sent vnto them for their instruccon, that then such preacher or preachers, shall and may be and reside within the said pvince, without any Deniall or molestacon whatsoever ;'and/if pcharice it should happen here after, any doubts or questions should arise concerneing the true sence & meaning of any word, clause or sentence, conteyned in this our present charter, WEE WILL ordaineand comand, that att all times and in all things such interpretacon be made thereof, and allowed in" any of our Courts whatsoever, as shall be adiudged most advanta geous and favourable unto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes: PROVIDED alwayes, that no interpretacon be admitted thereof, by which the allegiance due vnto vs, our heires and succes sors, may suffer any preiudiee-or diminucon, although expres mencon be not made in these presents, of the true yearly value or certainty of the premisses, or of any parte thereof, or of other guifts and grntits made by vs, our pgenitors or predecessors, vnto the said William Penn, or any Statute, act, ordinance, pvision, pclamacon or restraint heretofore^ had made, published, ordained orpvided, or any other thing, cause or matter whatsoever to the contrary thereof, in any X\ttl 1NTR0DUT0RT wise notwithstanding. In Witness whereof WEE have caused thes'e our letters to be made patents, Witness our selfe at Westminster, the fourth day of March, in the three and thirtieth yeaie of our Reigne. , J PIGOTT. By Writt of privy Seale. John Sbaler, chV. xxvij die Janry, 1682, Fir. CERTAIN CONDITIONS OR CONCESSIONS, Agfeed upon by William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of tfa Province of Pennsylvania and those who are the adventurers and purchasers in the same province the Eleventh of July, One thousand six hundred and eighty one. First. That so soon as it pleaseth God that the above said persons arrive there, a quantity of land or Ground plat shall be laid out for a large Town or City in the most convenient place upon the River for health and navigaton; and every purchaser and adventurer shall by lot have so much land therein as will answer to the proportion which he hath bought or taken up upon rent, But it is to be noted that the surveyors shall consider what Roads or Highways will be necessary to the Cities, Towns, or through the lands. Great roads from City to City not to contain less than forty feet in breadth shall be first laid out and declared to be for highways before the Dividend of acres be laid out for the purchaser and the like observation to be had for the streets' in the Towns and Cities, that there may be convenient roads and streets preserved not to be encroached upon by any planter or builder that none may build irregularly to the damage of another. — In this custom governs. Secondly. That the land in the Town be laid out together after the proportion of ten thousand acres of the whole country, that is two hundred acres, if the place will bear it: However' that the pro portion be by lot and entire so as those that desire to be together, es» pecially those that are by the catalogue laid together, may be so laid together both in the Town & Country. Thirdly. That when the Country lots are laid out, every purcha ser from one thousand to Ten thousand acres or more, not to have above One thousand acres together, unless in three years they plant a family Upon every thousand acres; but that all such as purchase together, lie together; and if as many as comply with this Condition, that the whole be laid out together. Fourthly* That where any number of purchasers, more or less, whose number of acres amounts to Five or ten thousand acres, desire to sit together in a lot or Township, they shall have their lot or Township cast together, in such places as have convenient Harbours or navigable rivers, attending it, if such can be found, and in case any one or more Purchasers plant not according to agreement, in this concession to the prejudice of others of the same Township upon DOCUMENTS. XIX complaint thereof, made to the Governor or his deputy, with assist ance they may award (if they see cause) that the complaining pur chaser may, paying the survey money, and purchase money, and Interest thereof, be entitled, inrolled and lawfully invested in the lands so not seated. Fifthly. That the proportion of lands that shall be laid out in the first great Town or City, for every purchaser, shall be, after the proportion of Ten acres, for every Five hundred acres purchased, if the place will allow it. Sixthly. That notwithstanding there be no mention made in the several Deeds made to the purchasers, yet the said William Penn, does accord and declare, that all Rivers, Rivulets, Woods and Un derwoods, Waters, Watercourses, Quarries, Mines and Minerals, (except mines Royal,) shall be freely and fully enjoyed and wholly by the purchasers into whose lot they fall. Seventhly. That for every Fifty acres that shall be allotted to a servant, at the end of his service, his Quitrent shall be two shillings per annum, and the master or owner of the Servant, when he shall take up the other Fifty acres, his Quitrent shall be Four shillings by the year, or if the master of the servant, (by reason in the Inden tures he is so obliged to do,) allot out to the Servant Fifty kacres in his own Division, the said master shall have on demand allotted him from the Governor, the One hundred acres, at the chief rent of Six shillings per annum. Eightly. And for the encouragement of such as are ingenious, and willing to search out Gold and silver mines in this province, it is hereby agreed that they have liberty to bore and dig in any mans property, fully paying the damage done, and in case a Discovery should be made, that the discoverer have One Fifth, the owner of the soil (if not the Discoverer) a Tenth part, the Governor Two fifths, and the rest to the public Treasury, saving to the king the share re served by patent. Ninthly. In every hundred thousand acres, the Governor and Proprietary by lot reserveth Ten to himself, which shall lie but in one place. Tenthly. That every man shall be bound to plant or man so much of his share of Land as shall be set out and surveyed within three years after it is so set out and surveyed, or else it shall be lawful for new comers to be settled thereupon, paying to them their survey money, and they go up higher for their shares. Eleventhly. There shall be no buying and selling, be it with an Indian, or one among another of any Goods to be exported but what shall be performed in public market, when such place shall be set apart or erected, where they shall pass the public Stamp or Mark. If bad ware and prized as good, or deceitful in proportion or weight, to forfeit the value as if good, and full weight and proportion to the public Treasury of the Province, whether it be the merchandize of the Indian or that of the Planters. 3 XX IKTRODUCtOHY. Twelfthly. And forasmuch as it is usual with the planters to over reach the poor natives of the Country in Trade, by Goods not being good of the kind, or debased with mixtures, with which they are sen sibly aggrieved, it is agreed, whatever is sold to the Indians, in consideration of their furs, shall be sold in the market place, and there suffer the test, whether good or bad ; if good to pass ; if not good, not to be sold for good, that the natives may not be abused nor provoked. Thirteenthly. That no man shall by any ways or means, in word or deed, affront or wrong any Indian, but he shall incur the same penalty of the Law, as if he had committed it against his fel low planters ; and if any Indian shall abuse, in Word or Deed, any planter of this province, that he shall not be his own Judge upon the Indian, but he shall make his complaint to the Governor of the pro vince, or his Lieutenant or Deputy, or some inferior magistrate near him, who shall, to the utmost of his power, take care with the king of the said Indian, that all reasonable Satisfaction be made to the said injured planter. Fourteenthly. That all differences between the Planters and the natives, shall also be ended by Twelve men, that is, by Six planters and Six natives, that so we may live friendly together as much as iij us lieth, preventing all occasions of Heart burnings and mischief. Fifteenthly. That the Indians shall have liberty to do all things relating to improvement of their Ground, and providing sustenancer for the families, that any of the planters shall enjoy. Sixteenthly. That the laws as to Slanders, Drunkeness, Swear ing, Cursing, Pride in apparel, Trespasses, Distresses, ' Replevins, Weights and measures, shall be the same as in England, till altered by law in this province. Seventeenthly. That all shall mark their hogs, sheep and other cattle, and what are not marked within three months after it is in their possession, be it young or old, it shall be forfeited to the Go vernor, that so people may be compelled to avoid the occasions of much strife between Planters. Eighteenthly. That in clearing the ground, care be taken'to leave One acre of trees for every five acres cleared, especially to preserve oak and mulberries, for Silk and shipping. Nineteethly. That all ship masters shall give an account of their Countries, Names, Ships, Owners, Freights and Passengers, to an officer to be appointed for that purpose, which shall be registered within Two days after their arrival ; and if they shall refuse so to do that then none presume to trade with them, upon forfeiture there of; and that such masters be looked upon as having an evil intention to the province. Twentiethly. That no person leave the Province without publica tion being made thereof in the market place, Three weeks before, and certificate from some Justice of the peace, of his clearness with bis DOCUMENTS. XXI ncghbours and those he has dealt withal, so far as such an assurance can be attained and given ; and if any master of a ship shall con trary hereunto receive, and carry away any person that hath not given that public notice, the said" master shall be liable to all debts owing by the said person, so secretly transported from the province. Lastly, that these are to be added to or corrected by and with the consent of the parties hereunto subscribed. Sealed and delivered in the presence of WILLIAM PENN. William Boelham, Humphry South, Harbert Springet, Thomas Barker, Thomas Pi udyard, Samuel Jobson, Sealed and delivered in the pre- John Joseph Moore, sence of all the proprietors who William Powel, have hereunto subscribed, except Richard Davie, Thomas Farrinborrough and John Griffith Jones, Goodson, in the presence of Hugh Lambe, Hugh Chamberlen, Thomas Farrinborrough, R. Murray, John Goodson. Harbert Springct, No. VII. THE FRAMi: OF THE GOVERNMENT Of the Province nf Pennsylvania, in America: together with cer tain laws in England, by the Governor and divers freemen of the aforesaid Province. To be further explained and confirmed there by the first Provincial Council that shall be held, if they see meet. THE PREFACE. When the great and wise God had made the world, of all his creatures it pleased him to choose man his deputy to rule it; and to fit him for so great a charge and trust, he did not only qualify him with skill and power, but with integrity to use them justly. This native goodness was equally his honour and his happiness ; and whilst he stood here, all went well ; there was no need of coercive or compul sive means ; the precept of divine love and truth in his bosom was the guide and keeper ot his innocency. But lust prevailing against duty, made a lamentable breach upon it; and the law, that before had no power over him, took place upon him and his disobedient posterity, that such as would not live conformable to the holy law within, should fall under the reproof and correction of the just law without, in a judicial administration. This the apostle teaches in divers of his epistles. The law1 (says he) was added because of trangression : In another place, knowing that the law was not made for the righteous man ; but for the div obedient and ungodly, for sinners, for unholy and prophane, for murderers, for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, and for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, &c. INTRODUCTORY But this is not all, he opens and carries the matter of government a little further : Let every soul be subject to the higher powers, tor there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained ot God : whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordi nance of God. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to Evil : wilt thou then not be afraid of the power ? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same. He is the minister of God to thee for good. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but for conscience sake. This settles the divine right of government beyond exception, and that for two ends : first, to terrify evil-doers ; secondly, to che rish those that do well; which gives government a life beyond corruption, and makes it as durable in the world, as good men shall be. So that government seems to me a part of religion itself, a thing sacred in its institution and end. For if it does not directly remove the cause, it crushes the effects of evil, and is as such (tho' a lower yet) an emanation of the same Divine Power, that is both author and object of pure religion ; the difference lying here, that the one is more free and mental, the other more corporal and compulsive in its opera tions: but that is only to evil-doers; government itself being other wise as capable of kindness, goodness and charity, as a more pri vate society. They weekly err, that think there is no other use of go vernment than correction, which is the coarsest part of it: daily experience tells us, that the care and regulation of many other affairs more soft and daily necessary, make up much the greatest part of government ; and which must have followed the peopling of the world, had Adam never fell, and will continue among men on earth under the highest attainments they may arrive at, by the coming of the blessed second Adam, the Lord from Heaven. Thus much of government in general, as to its rise and end. For particular frames and models, it will become me to say little ; and comparatively I will say nothing. My reasons are : first, that the age is too nice and difficult for it ; there being nothing the wits of men are more busy and divided upon. 'Tis true, they seem to agree in the end, to wit., happiness ; but in the means they differ, as to divine, so to this human felicity ; and the cause is much the same, not always want of light and knowledge, but want of using them rightly. Men side with their passions against their reason, and their sinister interests have so strong a bias upon their minds, that they lean to them against the good of the things they know. Secondly, I do not find a model in the world, that time, place, and some singular emergences have not necessarily altered ; nor is it easy to frame a civil government, that shall serve all places alike. Thirdly, I know what is said by the several admirers of monar chy, aristocracy and democracy, which are the rule of one, a few, and many, and are the three common ideas of government, when men discourse on that subject. But I choose to solve the controversy DOCUMENTS. XXIII with this small distinction, and it belongs to all three : any govern ment is free to the people under it (whatever be the frame) where the laws rule, and the people are a party to those laws, and [more than this is tyranny, oligarchy, and confusion. But lastly, when all is said, there is hardly one frame of govern ment in the world so ill designed by its first founders, that in good hands would not do well enough ; and story tells us, the best in ill ones can do nothing that is great or good ; witness the Jewish and Roman states. Governments, like clocks, go from the motion men give them, and as governments are made and moved by men, so by them they are ruined too. Wherefore governments rather depend upon men, than men upon governments. Let men be good, and the government cannot be bad; if it be ill, they will cure it. Butifmen be bad, let the government be never so good, they will endeavour to warp and spoil it to their turn. I know some say, let us have good laws, and no matter for the men that execute them : but let them consider, that though good laws do well, good men do better: for good laws may want good men, and be [abolished or invaded by ill men; but good men will never want good laws, nor suffer ill ones. 'Tis true, good laws have some awe upon ill ministers, but that is where they have not power to escape or abolish them, and the people are generally wise and good : but a loose and depraved people (which is to the question) love laws and an administration like themselves. That therefore, which makes a good constitution, must keep it, viz: men of wisdom and virtue, qual ities, that because they descend not with worldly inheritances, must be carefully propagated by a virtuous education of youth, for which after ages will owe more to the care and prudence of founders, and the successive magistracy, than to their parents for their private pa trimonies. These considerations of the weight of government, and the nice and various opinions about it, made it uneasy to me to think of pub lishing the ensuing frame and conditional laws, foreseeing both the censures they will meet with from men of differing humours and en gagements, and the occasion they may give of discourse beyond my design. But next to the power of necessity (which is a solicitor that will take no denial) this induced me to a compliance, that we have (with reverence to God, and good conscience to men) to the best of oar skill, contrived and composed the FRAME and LAWS of this go vernment, to the great end of all government, viz: to support pow er in reverence with the people, and to secure the people from the abuse of power; that they may be free by their just obedience, and the magistrates honourable for their just administration: for liberty without obedience is confusion, and obedience without liberty is sla very. To carry this evenness is partly owing to the constitution, and partly to the magistracy: where either of these fail, government will be subject to convulsions; but where both are wanting, it must be totally subverted: then where both meet, the government is like VOL. I. XXTV INTRODUCTORY to endure. Which I humbly pray and hope God will please to make the lot of this of Pennsylvania. Amen. _ WILLIAM PENN. THE FBA1KE. TO ALL PEOPLE, to whom these presents shall come. WHERE AS kiDg Charles the second, by his letters patents, under the great seal of England; for the consideration therein mentioned, hath been graciously pleased to give and grant unto me William Penn (by the name of William Penn, Esq. son and heir of Sir William Penn, deceased) and to my heirs and assigns forever, all that tract of land or province, called Pennsylvania, in America, with divers great powers, preheminences, royalties, jurisdictions, and authorities, ne cessary for the well-being and government thereof;: NOW KNOW YE, that for the well-being! and government of the said province, and for the encouragement of all the freemen and planters that may be therein concerned, in pursuance of the powers aforementioned, 1 the said William Penn have declared, granted, and confirmed, and bv these presents, for me, my heirs and assigns, do declare, grant and confirm unto all the freemen, planters and adventurers, of, in and to the said province, these liberties, franchises, and properties, to be held, enjoyed and kept by the freemen, planters and inhabitants of the said province of Pennsylvania for ever. Imprimis. That the government of this province shall, according to the powers of the patent, consist of the Governor and freemen ofthe »aid province, in form of a Provincial Council and General Assem - bly, by whom all laws shall be made, officers chosen, and publick affairs transacted, as is hereafter respectively declared. That is to say, Second. That the freemen of the said province shall, on the twentieth day of the twelfth month, which shall be in this present year, one thousand six hundred eighty and two, meet and assemble in some fit place, of which timely notice shall be before hand given by the governor or his deputy, and then and there shall choose out of themselves seventy two persons of most note for their wisdom virtue and ability, who shall meet on the tenth day ofthe first month next ensuing, and always be called and act as the Provincial Council ofthe said province. Third. That at the first choice of such Provincial Council, one third part of the said Provincial Council shall be chosen to serve for three years next ensuing ; one third part for two years then next en suing, and one third part for one year then next following such election, and no longer ; and that the said third part shall go out accordingly. And on the twentieth day cf the twelfth month as DOCUMENTS. XXV aforesaid, yearly for ever afterward, the freemen of the said pro vince shall in like manner meet and assemble together, and then chuse twenty four persons, being one third of the said number, to serve in Provincial Council for three years. It being intended, that one third part ofthe whole Provincial Council (always consisting and to consist of seventy two persons, as aforesaid) falling off yearly, it shall be yearly supplied by such new yearly elections, as aforesaid ; and that no one person shall continue therein longer than three years: and in case any member shall decease before the last election during his time, that then at the next election ensuing his decease, another shall be chosen to supply his place for the remaining time he was to have served, and no longer. Fourth. That after the first seven years, every one of the said third parts that goeth yearly off, shall be uncapable of being chosen again for one whole year following: that so all may be fitted for government, and have experience of the care and burden of it. Fifth. That the Provincial Council in all cases of matters of mo ment, as their arguing upon bills to be past into laws, erecting courts of justice, giving judgment upon criminals impeached, and choice of officers, in such manner as is herein after mentioned ; not less than two thirds of the whole Provincial Council shall make a quorum ; and that the consent and approbation of two thirds of such quorum shall be had in all such oases and matters of moment. And more over, that in all cases and matters of lesser moment, twenty-four members of the said Provincial Council shall make a quorum, the majority of which twenty four shall and may always determine in such cases and causes of lesser moment. Sixth. That in this Provincial Council the governor or his deputy shall or may always preside, and have a treble voice; and the said Provincial Council shall always continue, and sit upon its own adjournments and committees. Seventh. That the governor and Provincial Council shall pre pare and propose to the General Assembly hereafter mentioned, all bills, which they shall at any time think fit to be passed into laws within the said province; which bills shall be published and affixed to the most noted places in the inhabited parts thereof thirty days before the meeting of the General Assembly, in order to the passing them into laws, or rejecting of them, as the General Assembly shall see meet. Eighth. That the governor and Provincial Council shall take care that all laws, statutes and ordinances, which shall at any time be made within the said province, be duly and diligently executed. Ninth. That the governor and Provincial Council shall at all times have the care of the peace and safety of the province, and that nothing be by any person attempted to the subversion of this frame of goverment. Tenth. That the governor and Provincial Council shall at all times settle and order the situation of all cities, ports and market XXVI INTRODUCTORY towns in every county, modelling therein all public buildings, streets, and market places, and shall appoint all necessary roads and high ways in the province. Eleventh. That ^the governor and Provincial Council shall at all times have power to inspect the management of the publick trea sury, and punish those who shall convert any part thereof to any other use, than what hath been agreed upon by the governor, Pro vincial Council and General Assembly. Twelfth. That the governor and Provincial Council shall erect and order all publick schools, and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laudable inventions in the said pro vince. Thirteenth. That for the better management of the povi ers and trust aforesaid, the Provincial Council shall from time to time divide itself into four distinct and proper committees, for the more easy ad ministration ofthe affairs of the piovince, which divides the seventy- two into four eighteens, every one of which eighteens shall consist of six out of each of the three orders or yearly elections, each of which shall have a distinct portion of business, as followeth: first, a com mittee of plantations, to situate and settle cities, ports, market-towns and high-ways, and to hear and decide all suits and controversies re lating to plantations. Secondly, a committee of justice and safety, to secure the peace of the province, and punish the male-administra tion of those who subvert justice to the prejudice of the pubhck or private interest. Thirdly, a committee of tiade and treasury, who shall regulate all trade and commerce according to law, encourage manufacture and country growth, and defray the publick charge of the province. And fourthly, a committee of manners, education, and arts, that all wicked and scandalous living may be prevented, and that youth may be successively trained up in virtue and useful knowledge and arts: the quorum of each of which committees being six, that is, two out of each ofthe three orders or yearly elections as aforesaid, making a constant and standing council of twenty-four, which will have the power ofthe Provincial Council, being the quo rum of it, in all cases not excepted in the fifth article; and in the said committees and standing Council of the province, the governor or his deputy shall or may preside as aforesaid; and in the absence of the governor or his deputy, if no one is by either of them appointed, the said commitiees or Counci', shall appoint a president for that time, and not otherwise; and what shall be resolved at such committees' shall be reported to the said Council ofthe province, and shall be by them resolved and confirmed before the same shall be put in execu tion; and that these respective committees shall not sit at one and the same time, except in cases of necessity. Fourteenth. And to the end that all laws prepared by the go vernor and Provincial Council aforesaid, may yet have the more full concurrence ofthe freemen of the province," it is declared, granted and confirmed, that at the time and place or places for the choice of DOCUMENTS. XXVII a Provincial Council as a foresaid, the said freemen shall yearly choose members to serve in General Assembly as their representatives, not exceeding two hundred persons, who shall yearly meet on the twenti eth day ofthe second month, which shall be in the year one thousand six hundred eighty and three following, in the capital, town, or city ofthe said province, where during eight days the several members may freely confer with one another; and, if any of them see meet, with a committee ofthe Provincial Council (consisting of Three out of each ofthe four committees aforesaid, being twelve in all) which shall be at that time purposely appointed to receive from any of them proposals for the alteration or amendment of any ofthe said proposed and promulgated bills: and on the ninth day from their so meeting, the said General Assembly, after reading over the proposed bills by the clerk of the Provincial Council, and the occasion and motives for them being opened by the governor or his deputy, shall give their affirmative or negative, which to them seemeth best, in such manner as hereinafter is expressed. But not less than two thirds shall make a quorum in the passing of laws, and choice of such officers as are by them to be chosen. Fifteenth. That the laws so prepared and proposed as aforesaid, that are assented to by the General Assembly, shall be enrolled as aws of the province, with this stile: By the Governor, with the assent and approbation of the freemen in Provincial Council and General Assembly. Sixteenth. That for the better establishment of the Government and laws of this proviuce, and to the end there may be an universal satisfaction in the laying of the fundementals thereof; the General Assembly shall or may for the first year consist of all the freemen of and in the said province, and ever after it shall be yearly chosen, as aforesaid; which number of two hundred shall be enlarged as the country shall increase in people, so as it do not exceed five hundred at any time: the appointment and proportioning of which, as also the laying and methodizing of the choice of the Provincial Council and General Assembly in future times, most equally to the divisions ofthe hundreds and counties, which the country shall hereafter be divided into; shall be in the power of the Provincial Council to propose, and the General Assembly to resolve. Seventeenth. That the governor and the Provincial Council shall erect, from time to time, standing courts of justice in such places and number as they shall judge convenient for the good go vernment of the said province. And that the Provincial Council shall, on the thirteenth day ofthe first month yearly, elect and pre sent to the governor or his deputy, a double number of persons to serve for judges, treasurers, master of rolls, within the said province for the year next ensuing ; and the freemen of the said province in the county courts, when they shall be erected, and till then in the General Assembly shall, on the three and twentieth day of the se cond month yearly, elect and present to the governor or his deputy, a double number of parsons to serve for sheriffs, justices of the XXVIII INTRODUCTORY peace, and coroners, for the year next ensuing; out of which re spective elections and presentments, the governor or his deputy .shall nominate and commissionate the proper number for each office the third day after the said presentments ; or else the first named in such presentment for each office, shall stand and serve for that office the year ensuing. Eighteenth. But forasmuch as the present condition of the province requires some immediate settlement, and admits not of so quick a revolution of officers; and to the end the said province may with all convenient speed be well ordered and settled, I William Penn do therefore think fit, to nominate and appoint such persons for judges,, treasurers, masters of the rolls, sheriffs, justices of the peace, and coroners, as are most fitly qualified for those employ ments ; to whom I shall make and grant commissions for the said offices respectively, to hold to them to whom the si me shall be granted, for so long time as every such person shall well behave himself in the office or place to him respectively granted, and no longer. And upon the decease or displacing of any ofthe said offi cers, the succeeding officer or officers shall be chosen as aforesaid. Nineteenth. That the General Assembly shall continue so long as may be needful to impeach criminals fit to be there impeached ; to pass bills into laws, that they shall think fit to pass into laws, and till such time as the governor and Provincial Council shall de clare, that they have nothing further to propose unto them for their assent and approbation; and that declaration shall be a dismiss to the General Assembly for that time, which General Assembly shall be notwithstanding capable of assembling together, upon the sum mons ofthe Provincial Council, at any time during that year, if the said Provincial Council shall see occasion for their so assembling. Twentieth. That all the elections of members or representa tives ofthe people, to serve in Provincial Council and General As sembly, and all questions to be determinated by both or either of them, that relate to passing of bills into laws, to the choice of offi cers, to impeachments made by the General Assembly, and judgment of criminals upon such impeachments by the Provincial Council, and to all other cases by them respectively judged of importance, shall be resolved and determined by the ballot ; and, unless on sudden and indispensible occasions, no business in Provincial Council, or its re spective committees, shall be finaly determined the same day that it is moved. Twenty-first. That at all times, when and so often as it shall happen, that the Governor shall or may be an infant, under the a<*e of one and twenty years, and no guardians or commissioners are appointed in writing by the father of the said infant, or that such guardians or commissioners shall be deceased ; that during such minority, the Provincial Council shall, from time to time, as they shall see meet, constitute and appoint guardians or commissioners, not exceeding three ; one of which three shall preside as deputy and Documents xxix «hief guardian, during such minority, and shall have and execute, with the consent of the other two, all the power of a governor, in all the public affairs and concerns of the said province. Twenty-second. That as often as any day of the month, men tioned in any article of this charter, shall fall upon the first day of the week, commonly called the Lord's day, the business appointed for that day, shall be deferred till next day, unless in case of emer gency. Twenty-third. That no act, law or ordinance whatsoever, shall at any time hereafter be made or done, by the governor of this pro vince, his heirs or assigns, or by the freemen in the Provincial Council or the General Assembly, to alter; change or diminish the form or effect of this charter, or any part or clause thereof, without the con sent of the governor, his heirs or assigns, and six parts of seven of the said freemen in Provincial Council, and General Assembly. And lastly. That I the said William Penn, for myself, my heirs, and assigns, have solemnly declared, granted and confirmed, and do hereby solemnly declare, grant and confirm, that neither I, my heirs nor assigns, shall procure or do any thing or things, whereby the liberties in this charter contained and expressed, shall be infringed or broken ; and if any thing be procured by any person or persons contrary to these premises, it shall be held of no force or effect. In Witness whereof, I the said William Penn have unto this present charter of liberties, set my hand and broad seal, this five and twen tieth day of the second month, vulgarly called April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand six hundred and eighty-two. WILLIAM PENN. LAWS AGREED UPON IN ENGLAND. First. That the charter of liberties, declared, granted and con* firmed, the five and twentieth day of the second month, called April, 1682, before divers witnesses by William Penn, governor and chief proprietary of Pennsylvania, to all the freemen and planters of the said province, is hereby declared and approved, and shall be for ever held for fundamental, in the government thereof, according to the limitations mentioned in the said charter. Second. That every Inhabitant in the said province, that is or shall be a purchaser of one hundred acres of land or upwards, his heirs and assigns, and every person who shall have paid his passage, and taken up one hundred acres of land, at one penny an acre, and have cultivated ten acres thereof, and every person that hath been a servant or bondsman, and is free by his service, that shall have ta ken up his fifty acres of land, and cultivated twenty thereof, and every inhabitant, artificer, or other resident in the said province, that XXX INTRODUCTORY pays scot and lot to the government, shall be deemed and accounted a? freeman of the said province; and every such person shall and may be capable of electing or being elected representatives of the people in Provincial Council or General Assembly in the said province. Third. That all elections of members or representatives of the people and freemen of the province of Pennsylvania, to serve in Provincial Council or General Assembly, to be held within the said province, shall ba free and voluntary : and that the elector that shall receive any reward or gift, in meat, drink, monies or otherwise, shall forfeit his right to elect; and such person as shall, directly or indirectly, give, promise, or bestow any such reward as aforesaid, to be elected, shall forfeit his election, and be thereby incapable to serve as aforesaid. And the Provincial Council and General Assem bly shall be the sole judges of the regularity or irregularity of the elections of their own respective members. Fourth. That no money or goods shall be raised upon, or paid by any of the people of this province, by way of a publick tax, cus tom or contribution, but by a law for that purpose made; and whoso ever shall levy, collect or pay any money or goods contrary thereun to, shall be held a publick enemy to the province, and a betrayer of the liberties of the people thereof. Fifth. That all courts shall be open, and justice shall neither be sold denied or delayed. Sixth. That in all courts all persons of all persuasions may freely appear in their own way, and according to their own manner, and there personally plead their own cause themselves, or if unable, by their friends. And the first process shall be the exhibition of the complaint in court, fourteen days before the trial ; and that the party complained against may be fitted for the same,he or she shall be sum moned no less than ten days before, and a copy of the complaint delivered him or her, at his or her dwelling house. But before the complaint of any person be received, he shall solemnly declare in court, that he believes in his concience his cause is just. Seventh. That all pleadings, processes and records in courts, shall be short, and in english, and in an ordinary and plain charac ter, that they may be understood, and justice speedily administered. Eighth. That all trials shall be by twelve men, and as near as may be, peers or equals, and of the neighborhood, and men without just exception. In cases of life, there shall be first twenty-four returned by the sheriff for a grand inquest, of whom twelve at least shall find the complaint to be true ; and then the twelve men or peers, to be likewise returned by the sheriff, shall have the final judgment. But reasonable challenges shall be always admitted against the said twelve men or any of 1 hem. Ninth. That all fees in all cases shall be moderate, and settled by the Provincial Council and General Assembly, and be hung uPjm a table in every respective court ; and whosoever shall be convicted DOCUMENTS. XXil of taking more, shall pay twofold, and be dismissed his employment, one moiety of which shall go to the party wronged. Tenth. That all prisons shall be workhouses for felons, va grants, and loose and idle persons; whereof one shall be in every county. Eleventh. That all prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sure ties, unless for capital offences, where the proof is evident, or the presumption great. Twelfth. That all persons wrongfully imprisoned or prosecu ted at law, shall have double damages against the informer or pro secutor. Thirteenth. That all prisons shall be fiee, as to fees, food, and lodging. Fourteenth. That all lands and goods shall be liable to pay debts, except where there is legal issue, and then all the goods, aDd one third of the land only. Fifteenth. That all wills and writing attested by two witness es, shall be of the same force, as to lauds as other conveyances, being legally proved within forty days, either within or without the said province. Sixteenth. That seven years quiet possession shall give an un questionable right, except in cases of infants, lunaticks, married women, or persons beyond the seas. Seventeenth. That all briberies and extortions whatsoever, shall be severely punished. Eighteenth. That all fines shall be imderate, and saving mens «ontenements, merchandize or wainage. Nineteenth. That all marriages (not forbidden by the law of God, as to nearness of blood and affinity b^ marriage) shall be en couraged ; but the parents or guardians shall be first consulted, and the marriage shall be published before it be. solemnized, and it shall be solemnized by taking one another as husband and wife, belore credible witnesses, and a certificate ofthe whole, under the hands of parties and witnesses, shall be brought to the proper register of that county, and shall be registered in his office. Twentieth. And to prevent frauds and vexatious suits within the said province, that all charters, gifts, grants, and conveyances of land, (except leases for a year or under) and all bills, bonds, and specialties have five pounds, and not under three months, made in the said province, shall be enrolled or registered in the publick enrolment office of the said province within the space of two months next after the making thereof, else to be void in law. Arid all deeds, grants, and conveyances of land (except as aforesaid1 within the said province, and made out of the said province, shall be inrolled or registered as aforesaid, within six months next after the making thereof, and sett ling and constituting an enrolment office or regis'ry within the said province, else to be void in law against all persons whatsoever. xxxii introductory Twenty-first. That all defacers or corrupter's of charters, gfft^ grants, bonds, bills, wills, contracts and conveyances, or that shalt deface or falsify any enrolment, registry or record within this pro vince, shall make double satisfaction for the same ; half whereof shall go the party wronged, and they shall be dismissed of all places of trust, and be publickly disgraced as false men. Twenty-second. That there shall be a register for births, marria ges, burials, wills, and letters of administration, distinct from the other registry. Twenty-third. That there shall be a register for all servants, where their names, time, wages, and days of payment, shall be re gistered. Twenty-fourth. That all lands and goods of felons shall be liable to make satisfaction to the party wronged twice the value : and for want of lands or goods, the felons shall be bond-men to work in the common prison or work-house, or otherwise, till the party injured be satisfied. Twenty-fifth. That the estates of capital offenders, as traitors and murderers, shall go one third to the next of kin to the sufferer, and the remainder to the next of kin to the criminal. Twenty-sixth. That all witnesses, coming or called to testify their knowledge in or to any matter or" thing in any court, or before any lawful authority within the said province, shall there give or deliver in their evidence or testimony, by solemnly promising to speak the- truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, to the matter or thing in question. And in case any person so called to evidence, shall be convicted of wilful falsehood, such person shall suffer anrj undergo such damage or penalty, as the person or persons against whom he or she bore false witness, did or should undergo; and shall also make satisfaction to the party wronged, and be publickly expo^ sed as a false witness, never to be credited in any court, or before any magistrate, in the said province. Twenty-seventh. And to the end that all officers chosen to serve within this province, may with more care and diligence answer the trust reposed in them, it is agreed, that no such person shall enjoy mere than one publick office at one time. Twenty-eighth. That all children within this province of the age of twelve years, shall be taught some useful trade or skill, to the end none may be idle, but the poor may work to live, and the rich, if they become poor, may not want. Twenty-ninth. That servants be Ttot kept longer than their time, and such as are careful, be both justly and kindly used in their service, and put in fitting equipage at the expiration thereof, accord ing to custom. Thirtieth. That all scandalous and malicious reporters, backbiters, defamers and spreaders of false news, whether against magistrates or private persons, shall be accordingly severely punished, as ene mies to thepeace and concord of this province. DOCUMENTS. XXXIII Thirty-first. That for the encouragement of the planters and tra ders in this province, who are incorporated into a society, the patent granted to them by William Penn, Governor ofthe said province, is hereby ratified and confirmed. Thirtv-second. «***»» Thirty-third. That all factors or correspondents in the said prov ince wronging their employers, shall make satisfaction, and one third over, to their said employers: and in case of the death of any such factor or correspondent, the committee of trade shall take care to secure so much ofthe deceased party's estate, as belongs to his said respective employers. Thirty-fourth. That all treasurers, judges, masters of the rolls, sheriffs, justices of the peace, and other officers and persons what soever, relating to courts or trials of causes, or any other service in the government ; and all members elected to serve in provincial Council and General Assembly, and all that have right to elect such members, shall be such as profess faith in Jesus Christ, and that are not convicted of ill fame, or unsober and dishonest conversation, and that are of one and twenty years of age at least; and that all such so- qualified, shall be capable ofthe said several employments and privi leges as aforesaid. Thirty-fifth. That all persons living in this province, who con fess and acknowledge the one almighty and eternal God, to be the creator, upholder and ruler of the world, and that hold themelves obliged in concience to live peaceably and justly in civil society, shall in no ways be molested or prejudiced for their religious persuasion or practice in matters of faith and worship, nor shall they be com pelled at any time to frequent or maintain any religious worship, place or ministry whatever. Thirty-sixth. That according to the good example of the primi tive christians, and for the ease ofthe creation, every first day ofthe week, called the Lord's day, people shall abstain from- their common daily labour, that they may the better dispose themselves to worship God according to their understandings. Thirty-seventh. That as careless and corrupt administration of jus- ticedraws the wrath of God upon magistrates,se thewildnessand loose ness of the people provoke the indignation of God against a country : therefore, that all such offences against God, as swearing, cursing, lying, prophane talking, drunkenness, drinking of healths, obscene words, incest, sodomy, rapes, whoredom, fornication, and other un- cleanness (not to be repeated.) All treasons, misprisions, murders, duels, felonies, seditions, maims, forcible entries, and other violences, to the persons and estates of the inhabitants within this province: all prizes, stage plays, cards, dice, may-games, masques, revels, bull-baitings, cock-fightings, bear-baitings and the like, which excite the people to rudeness, cruelty, looseness and irreligion, shall be XXXIV INTRODUCTORY respectively discouraged, and severely punished, according to the appointment ofthe governor and freemen in Provincial Council and General Assembly, as also all proceedings contrary to these laws, " that are not here made expressly penal. Thirty-eighth. That a copy of these laws shall be hung up in the Provincial Council, and in publick courts of justice, and that they shall be read yearly, at the opening of every Provincial Council a'njd General Assembly, and courts of justice, and their assent shall be testified by their standing up, after the reading thereof. Thirty-ninth. That there shall be at no time any alteration of any of these laws, without the consent of the governor, his heirs or as signs, and six parts of seven ofthe freemen, met in Provincial Coun cil and General Assembly. Fortieth. That all other matters and things not herein provided for, which shall and may concern the publick justice, peace or safety of the said province ; and the raising and imposing taxes, customs, duties, or other charges whatsoever, shall be, and are hereby re ferred to the order, prudence and determin;ition ofthe governor and freemen in Provincial Council and General Assembly, to be held from time to time in the said province. Signed and sealed by the Governor and freemen aforesaid, the fifth day of the third month, called May, one thousand six hundred and eighty-two. No. VIII. THE FRAME OF THE GOVERNMENT Of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto annexed in America, 1683. To all persons to whom these presents may come : Whereas, king Charles the Second, by his letters patents, under the great Seal. of England, bearing date the fourth day of March, in the thirty and third year ofthe king, for divers considerations therein mentioned, hath been graciously pleased to give and grant unto me, William Penn, (by the name of William Penn Esquire, son and heir of Sir William Penn. deceased,) and to my heirs and assigns for ever, all that tract of land or province called Pennsylvania, in America, with divers great powers, preheminencies, royalties, jurisdictions and au thorities, necessary for the well being and government thereof. And whereas, the kings dearest brother James, duke of York and Albany, &c, by his deeds of feoffment under his hand and seal, duly perfect ed, bearing date the four and twentieth day of August, one thousand six hundred eighty and two, did grant unto me, my heirs and assigns, all that tract of land lying and being from twelve miles northward of Newcastle, upon Delaware river in America, to Cape Hinlopen upon the said river and bay of Delaware southward, together with DOCUMENTS. XXXV all royalties, franchises, duties, jurisdictions, liberties and privileges thereunto belonging. NOW KNOW YE, That for the well being and good government ofthe said Province and territories thereunto annexed, and for the encouragement of all the freemen and planters that may be therein concerned in pursuance of the rights and powers aforementioned, I the said William Penn, have declared, granted and confirmed, and by these presents for me, my heirs and assigns,, do declare, grant and confirm unto all the freemen, planters and adventurers, of, in and lo the said province and territories thereof, these liberties, fran chises and properties, so far as in me lieth, to be held, enjoyed and kept by the freemen, planters and adventurers of, and in the said Province of Pennsylvania and territories thereunto annexed forever. Imprimis. That the government of this province and territories thereof, shall from time to time, according to the powers ofthe patent and deeds of feoffment aforesaid, consist of the Proprietary and Go vernor and freemen of the said Province and territories thereof, in form of provincial Council and General Assembly, which provincial Council shall consist of eighteen persons, being three out of each county, and which Assembly shall consist of thirty six persons, being six out of each county, men of most note for their virtue, wisdom and ability, by whom all laws shall be made, officers chosen and public affairs transacted, as is hereafter limited and declared. Second. There being three persons already chosen for every respective county of this province and territories thereof, to serve in. the provincial Council, one of them for three years ; one for two Years, and one for one year ; and one of them to go off' yearly in every county ; that on the tenth day of the first month yearly for ever after, the freemen of the said province and territories thereof, shall meet together ia the most convenient place in every county of this province and territories thereof, then and there to choose one person qualified as aforesaid in every county, being one third of the number to serve in provincial Council for three years ; it being in tended that one third ofthe whole provincial Council, consisting and to consist of eighteen persons, falling off yearly, it shall be yearly supplied with, such yearly elections as aforesaid ; and that one person shill not continue in longer than three years;: and in case any member shall decease before the last election during his time, that- then at the next election ensuing his decease, anothershall.be chosen to supply his place lor the remaining time he was to have served, and no longer. Third. That after the first seven years every one of the said third parts that goeth yearly off, shall be incapable of being chosen a^in for one whole year following ; that so all that are capable ati3-__ qualified as aforesaid, may be fitted for government and have a share ofthe care and burden of it. Fourth.. That the provincial Council in all cases and matters of mo ment, as their arguing upon bills to be passed into laws, or proceedings VOL. I. XXXVI INTRODUCTORY about erecting of courfs of justice, sitting in judgment upon criminals impeached, and choice of officers in such manner as is herein alter expressed, not less than two thirds of the whole shall make a quorum, and that the consent and approbation of two thirds of that quorum shall be had in all such cases or matters of moment : and that in all cases and matters of lesser moment, One third of the whole shall make a quorum the majority of which shall and may always deter mine in such cases and causes of lesser moment. Fifth. That the Governor and provincial Council shall have the power of preparing and proposing to the Assembly hereafter menr tioned, all bills which they shall see needful, and that shall at any time be past into laws, within the said province and territories there-. of, which bills shall be published and affixed to the most noted place,. in every county of this province and territories thereof,, twenty days. before the meeting of the Assembly in order to passing them into, laws. Sixth. That the Governor and provincial Council shall take care that all laws, statutes and ordinances, which shall at any time be made within the said province and territories be duly and diligent-. ly executed. Seventh. That the Governor and provincial Council shall at all times have the care of the peace and safety of this province and territories thereof ; and that nothing be by any person attempted to. the subversion of this frame of government. Eighth. That the Governor and provincial Council shall at all times settle and order the situation .of all cities and market towns in every county, modelling therein all public buildings, streets and market places; and shall appoint all necessary roads and highways in this province and territories thereof. Ninth. That the Governor and provincial Council shall at all times have power to inspect the management of the public treasury, and punish those who shall convert any part thereof to any other use than what hath been agreed upon by the Governor, provincial Coun cil and Assembly. Tenths That the Governor and provincial Council shall erect and order all public schools, and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laudable inventions in the said province and territories thereof. Eleventh. That one third part of the provincial Council resi ding with the Governor from time to time, shall with the Governor have the care of the management of public affairs relating to the peace, justice, treasury and improvement ofthe province and territo ries and to the good eduoation of youth, and sobriety ofthe manners of the inhabitants therein as aforesaid. Twelfth. That the Governor or his Deputy shall always preside in the provincial Council, and that he shall at no time therein perform any public act of state, whatsoever, that shall or may relate unto the DOCUMENTS. XXXVII justice, trade, treasury or safety of the proyince and territories afore said, but by and with the advice and consent of the provincial Coun cil thereof. Thirteenth. And to the end, that all bills prepared and agreed by the Governor and provincial Council as aforesaid, may yet have the more full concurrence of tho freemen of the province and territories thereof, it is declared, granted and confirmed, that at the time and place in every county for the choice of one person, to serve in pro vincial Council as aforesaid, the lespectivc Members thereof, at their said meeting, shall yearly choose out of themselves six persons of most note for virtue, wisdom and ability, to serve in Assembly as their representatives, who shall yearly meet on the tenth day of the third month, in the capital town or city of the said Province, unless the Governor and provincial Council shall think fit to appoint anoth er place to meet in, where during eight days, the several members may cooler freely with one another; and if any of them see meet, with a committee of the provincial Council, which shall be at that time purposely appointed, to receive fsom any of them proposals for the alterations or amendments of any of the said proposed, and pro mulgated bills, and on the ninth day from their so meeting, the said Assembly after their reading over the proposed bills, by the Clerk of the provincial Council, and the occasions and motives for them being opened by the Governor or his Deputy, shall upon the question by him put, give their affirmative or negative, which to them seemeth best in such manner as is hereafter expressed: but not less than two thirds shall make a quorum in the passing of all bills into laws,, and choice of such officers as are by them to be chosen. Fourteenth. That the laws so. prepared and proposed as afore said, that are assented to by the Assembly, shall be enrolled as laws of this province and territories thereof, with this stile: By the Gover nor with the assent and approbation of the freemen in provincial Council and Assembly met, and from henceforth the meetings, ses sions, acts and proceedings of the Governor, provincial Council and: Assembly, shall be stiled and called: 'the meetings, sessions and proceedings of the General Assembly of the Province of Pennsyl vania and the territories thereunto belonging. Fifteenth. And that the representatives of the people in provin cial Council and Assembly, may in after ages bear some proportion with the increase and multiplying ofthe people, the number of such representatives of the people, may be from time increased and en larged, so as at no time the number exceed seventy-two for the pro vincial Council, and two hundred for the Assembly; the appointment- and proportion of which number, as also the laying and methodizing of the choice of such representatives in future time, most equally to. the division ofthe country, or number ofthe inhabitants is left to the Governor and provincial Council to propose, and' the Assembly to resolve, so that the order of proportion be strictly observed, both in the choice of the Council and the respective committees thereof, vizf one third to go off, and come in yearly.. XXXVIII INTRODUTORY Sixteenth. That from and after the- death of this present Gover- vor, the provincial Council shall, together with the succeeding Go. vernor, erect from time standing courts of justice, in such pla ces and number as they shall judge convenient, for the good govern ment of the said province and territories thereof; and that the provin cial Council shall, on the thirteenth day of the second month then next ensuing, elect and present to the Governor or his deputy, a double number of persons to serve for judges, treasurers, and mas- terof therolls, within the said province and territories, to continue so long as they shall well behave themselves in those capacities respec tively; and the freemen of the said province in an Assembly met, on the thirteenth day of the third month, yearly shall elect and then present to the Governor or his deputy a double number of persons to sei ve for sherifs, justices of the peace and coroners for the year next ensuing, out of which respective elections and presentments the Governor or his deputy shall nominate and commissionate the pro per number for each office, the third day after the said respective pre sentments, or else the first named in such presentment, for each of fice as aforesaid shall stand and serve in that office the time before respectivejy limited, and in case of death or default, such vacancy shall be supplied by the Governor and provincial Council in manner aforesaid. Seventeenth. That the Assembly shall continue so long as may be needful'to impeach criminals, fit to be there impeached to pass such bills into laws as are proposed to them, which they shall" think fit to pass into laws, and till such time as the Governor and provin cial Council shall declare, that they have nothing further to propose unto them for their assent and approbation, and that declaration shall be a dismiss to the Assembly for that time, which Assembly shall be notwithstanding, capable of assembling together upon the summons of the Governor, and provincial Council, at any time during that year, if the Governor and provincial Council shall see occasion for their so assembling. Eighteenth. That all the elections of members or representatives of the people, to serve in provincial Council and Assembly, and all questions to be determined by both or either of them, that relate to choice of officers and all, or any other personal matters, shall be re solved or determined by the ballot, and all things relating to the pre paring and passing of bills into laws, shall be openly declared and resolved by the vote. Nineteenth. That at all times when the proprietary and Govern or shall happen to be an infant and under the age of one and twenty years, and no guardians or commissioners are appointed in writing, by the father ofthe said infant, or that such guardian shall be deceas- ed, that during such minority, the provincial Council shall from time to time, as they shall see meet, constitute and appoint guardians and commissioners not exceeding three; one of which shall preside as deputy and chief guardian during such minority, and shall have and DOCUMENTS'.. XXXIX execute with the consent of one of the other two, all the power of a Governor in all public affairs and concerns of the said province and territories thereof, according to charter; which said guardian so ap pointed, shall also have the care and oversight of the estate ofthe said minor and be yearly accountable and responsible for the same to the provincial Council, and the provincial Council to the minor when of age, or to the next heir, in case of the minors death, for the trust before expressed. Twentieth. That as often as any days of the month mentioned in any article of this charter shall fall upon the first day ofthe week, commonly called the Lord's day, the business appointed for that day shall be deferred until the next day, unless in cases of emergency. Twenty- first. And for the satisfaction and encouragement of all aliens, I do give and grant, that if any alien who is or shall be a. purchaser, or who doth or shall inhabit in this province or territo ries thereof, shall decease at any time before he can well be natural ized, his right and interest therein shall notwithstanding descend to his wife and children, or other his relations be he testate or intestate, according to the laws of this province and territories thereof in such, cases provided, in as free and ample manner to all intents and pur-. poses as if the said alien had been naturalized. Twenty-second. And that the inhabitants of this proyince and territories thereof, may be accommodated with such food and suste nance as God in his providence hath Ireely afforded. I do also further grant to the inhabitants of this province and territories there of, liberty to fowl and hunt upon the binds they hold, and all other lands therein not inclosed; and to fish in all waters in the said lands, and in all rivers and rivulets, in and belonging to this pro vince and territories thereof, with liberty to draw his or their fish on shore on any mans lands, so as it be not to the detriment or annoy ance ofthe owner thereof, except such lands as do lie upon inland rivulets that are not boatable, on which are or may be hereafter erect ed into manors. Twenty-third. And that all the inhabitants of this province and territories thereof, whether purchasers or others may have the last wordly pledge of my good and kind intentions to them and theirs, I do give, grant and confirm to all and every one of them, full and quiet possession of their respective lands, to which they have any lawful or equitable claim, saving only such rents and services for the same, as are or customarily ought to be reserved to me, my heirs or assigns. Twenty-fourth. That no act, law or ordinance whatsoever, shall at any time hereafter be made or done by the proprietary and Go vernor of this province and territories thereunto belonging, his heirs or assigns, or by the freemen in provincial Council or Assembly, to alter, change or diminish the form or effect of this charter, or any part or clause thereof, contrary to the true intent and meaning thereof, without the consent of the proprietary and XL INTRODUCTORY Governor, his heirs or assigns, and six parts of seven of the said? freemen in provincial Council and Assembly met. And lastly. 1 the said William Penn, proprietary and Gover nor of the province of Pennsylvania and territories thereunto belonging, for me, my heirs and assigns, have solemly declared, granted and confirmed, and do hereby solemnly declare, grant and confirm, that neither I, my heirs nor assigns, shall procure or do any thing or things whereby the liberties in this Charter contained and expressed, shall be infringed or broken, and if any thing be procured by any person or persons, contrary to these premises, it shall be held of no force or effect. In witness whereof, I, the said William Penn, at Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, have unto this present charter of liberties, set my hand and broad seal, this second day of the second month, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty and three, being the five and thirtieth year of the king and the third year of my government. WILLIAM PENN. This within charter, which we have distinctly heard read, and thankfully received, shall be by us inviolably kept, at Philadelphia, the second day of the second month, one thousand six hundred eighty and three. The members of the Provincial Council present : William Markham, William Clark, John Moll, William Biles, William Haige, James Harrison, Christopher Taylor, John Richardson, John Simcock, Philip Thomas Lenmar, William Clayton, Seer. Gov. Franeis Whitwell, Richard Ingelo, CI. Coun. Thomas Holme, The members of the Assembly present : Casparus Harman, Thomas Hassald, John Darby, John Hart, Benjamin Williams, Robert Hall, William Guest. Robert Bedwell, Valentine Hollingsworth, William Simsmore, James Boyden, Samuel Darke, Bennony Bishop, Robert Lucas, John Beazor, James Williams, John Harding, John Blunston, Andrews Bringston, John Songhurst, Simon Irons, John Hit f, John Wood, Nicholas Wain, John Curtis, Thomas Fitzwater, Daniel Brown. John Clows, William Futcher, Luke Watson, DOCUMENTS. Xit -John Kipshaven, Joseph PhippS, Alexander Molestine, Dennis Rotchford, Robert Bracy, Senior. John Bnnklair, Thomas Bracy, Henry Bowman, William Yardly, Cornelius Verhoofe, John Hastings, John Southworth, CI. Sjnod. Robert Wade, Some of the inhabitants of Philadelphia present : William Howell, Henry Lewis, Edmund Warner, Samuel Miles. No. IX. THE FRAME OF THE GOVERNMENT Of the Province of Pennsylvania and the territories thereunto be* longing, passed by Governor Markham, November!, 1696. W'hereas, the late King Charles the Second, in the three and thir tieth year of his reign, by letters patent under the great seal of Eng land, did for the considerations therein mentioned, grant unto William Penn, his heirs and assigns for ever, this colony, or tract of land, thereby erecting the same into a province called Pennsylvania, and constituting him the said William Penn, absolute proprietary thereof, vesting him, his deputies and lieutenants, with divers great powers, pre-eminencies, royalties, jurisdictions and authorities, necessary for the well-being and good government of the said province. And whereas, the late Duke of York and Albany, &c, for valuable consi derations, did grant unto the said William Penn, his heirs and assigns, all that tract of land, which hath been cast or divided into three counties, now called Newcastle, Kent and Sussex, together with all royalties, franchises, duties, jurisdictions, liberties and privi leges thereunto belonging ; which last mentioned tract being intended as a beneficial and requisite addition to the territory of the said pro prietary and Governor, at the request of the freemen ofthe said three counties, by their deputies in Assembly mett, with the representatives of the freemen of the said province at Chester, alias Upland, on the sixth day ofthe tenth month, 1682, did (with the advice and consent of the members of the said Assembly) enact, that the said three counties should be annexed to the province of Pennsylvania, as the proper territories thereof; and whereas, king William and the late queen Mary, over England, &c, by their letters patent and com mission under the great seal of England, dated the twenty-first day of October, in the fourth year of their reign, having (for the reasons therein mentioned) taken the government of this said provinceand territories into their hands, and under their care and protection, did XLII INTRODUCTORY think fit to constitute Benjamin Fletcher, Governor of New York, to be their Captain General and Governor in Chief over this pro-. vince and country. And whereas, also the said king and queen, afterwards by their letters patent, under the great seal of England, dated the twentieth day of August, in the sixth year of their reign, have thought fit upon the humble application of the said William Penn, to restore them to the administration ofthe government ofthe said province and territories, and that sO much of their said com mission, as did constitute the said Benjamin Fletcher, their Captain General and Governor in Chief of the said province of Pennsylvania, country of Newcastle, and the territories and tracts of land depend ing thereupon, in America, together with all the powers and autho rities thereby granted, for the ruling and governing their said province and country, should from the publication of the said last recited letters patent cease, determine and becorr:e void, and accord ingly the same are hereby declared void ; whereupon, the said William Penn, did commissionate his kinsman William Markham, Governor under him, with directions to act according to the known laws and usages of this government. Now, forasmuch as the former frame of government, modelled by act of settlement and charter of liberties, is not deemed in all respects suitably accommodated to our present circumstances ; therefore it is unanimously desired, that it may be enacted, And be it enacted by the Governor aforesaid, with the advice and consent of the repre sentatives of the freemen of the said province and territories in Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, that this govern ment shall from time to time consist of the Governor or his deputy or deputies, and the freemen of the said province and territories thereof, in form of a Council and Assembly ; which Council and Assembly shall be men of most note for virtue, wisdom and ability ; and shall from and after the tenth day ofthe first month next, con sist ot two persons out of each ofthe counties of this government, to serve as the peoples representatives in Council ; and of four persons out of each of the said counties, to serve as their representatives in Assembly; for the electing of which representatives, it shall and may be lawful to, and for all the freemen of this province and terri tories aforesaid, to meet together on the tenth day ofthe first month yearly hereafter, in the most convenient and usual place for election, within the respective counties, then and there to choose their said representatives as aforesaid, who shall meet on the tenth day of the third month, yearly, in the capital town of the said province, unless the Governor and Council shall think fit to appoint another place. And to the end, it may be known who those are in this province and territories, who ought to have right of or to be deemed freemen, to choose or be chosen to serve in Council and Assembly as aforesaid; Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no inhabi tant of this province or territories, shall have right of electing or being elected as aforesaid, unless they be free denizens of this DOCUMENTS. Xtltl government, and are of the age of twenty one years or upwards, and have fifty acres of land, ten acres whereof being seated and cleared, or be otherwise worth fifty pounds lawful money, of this government clear estate, and have been resident within this govern ment for the space of two years next before such election. And whereas, divers persons within this government, cannot for conscience sake, take an oath upon any account whatsoever ; Be it therefore enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That all and every such person and persons, being at any time hereafter required upon any lawful occasion to give evidence, or take an oath, in any case what soever, shall, instead of swearing, be permitted to make his or their solemn affirmation, attest or declaration, which shall be adjudged, and is hereby enacted and declared to be of the same force and ¦effect to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as if they had taken an oath, and in case any such person or persons shalt be lawfully con victed of having wilfully and corruptly affirmed or declared, any matter or tiling, upon such solemn affirmation or attest, shall incur the same penalties and forfeitures, as by the laws and statutes of ¦England are provided against persons convicted of wilful and corrupt perjury. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all per*- sons who shall be hereafter, either elected to serve in Council and Assembly, or commissionated or appointed to be Judges, Justices, Masters of the Rolls, Sheriffs, Coroners, and all other officers of state and trust, within this government, who shall conscientiously scruple to take an oath, but when lawfully required, will make and ¦subscribe the declaration and profession of their Christian belief, according to the late act of parliament, made in the first year of King William, and the late queen Mary, entitled, An act for exempt ing their majesties Protestant subjects, dissenting from the Church of England, from the penalty of certain laws, shall be adjudged, and are hereby declared to be qualified to act in their said respective offices -and places, and thereupon, the several officers herein mentioned, shall instead of an oath, make their solemn affirmation or declara tion, in manner and form following, that is to say : The form of Judges and Justices, attest shall be in these words, viz: Thou shalt solemnly promise that as Judge, or Justice, according to the Governors commission to thee directed, thou shalt do equal right to the poor and rich, to the best of thy knowledge and power, according to law, and after the usages and constitutions of this go vernment', thou shalt not he of council of any matter or cause depending liefore thee, but shall well and truly do thy office in every respect, according to the best of thy understanding; The form of the attests to be taken by the Masters of the Rolls* Secretaries, Clerks and such like officers, shall be thus, viz i XI.IV INTRODUCTORY Thou shalt well and faithfully execute the office of, &c, accord' ing to the best ofthe skill and knowledge ; taking such fees only, as thou oughtest to receive by the laws of this government. The form of the Sheriffs and Coroners attest, shall be in these words, viz : Thou shalt solemnly promise, that thou wilt well and truly serve the King and Governor, in the office of the Sheriff, (or Coroner) of the county of &c, and preserve the King and Governors rights, as far forth as thou canst, or mayest; thou shalt truly serve and return, all the writs and precepts to the directed ; thou shalt take no bailiff nor deputy, but such as thou wilt answer for; thou shalt receive no writs, except from such Judges and Justices who by the Laws of this government, have authority to issue and direct writs unto thee ; and thou shalt diligently and truly do and accomplish all things appertaining to thy office, alter the best of thy wit and power, both for the King and Governor's profit, and good ofthe inhabitants within the said ccunty, taking such fees only as thou oughtest to take by the laws of this goven.ment and not otherwise. The form of a Constable's attest shall be this, viz : Thou shalt solemnly promise well and duly, according to the best of thy understanding, to execute the office of a Constable for the town (or county) of P., for this ensuing year, or until another be attested in thy room, or thou shalt be legally discharged thereof. The form of the Grand Inquests attests shall be in these words, viz : Thou shalt diligently enquire, and true presentment make of all such matters and things as shall be given thee in charge, or come to thy knowledge, touching this present service, the Kings counsel, thy fellows and thy own, thou shalt keep secret, and in all things thou shalt present the truth, and nothing but the truth, to the best of thy knowledge. This being given lo the Foremen, the rest of the Inquest shall be attested thus, by three at a time, viz : The same attestation that your foreman hath taken on his part, you will well and truly keep on your parts. The form of the attest to be given to the Traverse Jury, by four at a time, shall be thus, viz : You solemnly promise that you, will well and truly try the issue of traverse, between the Lord, the King, and A. B., whom you have in charge, according to your evidence. In civil causes thus, viz : You solemnly promise that you will well and truly try the issue between A. B. plaintiff, and C. D. defendant, according to your evi dence. Provided always, and it is hereby intended, that no person shall be by this act excused from swearing, who by the acts of parliament " for trade and navigation, are or shall be required to take an oath. DOCUMENTS. And that elections may not be corruptly managed, on which the good of the government so much depends ; Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That all elections of the said representatives shall be free and voluntary, and that the electors who shall receive any reward or gift for giving his vote, shall forfeit his right to elect for that year ; and such person or persons, as shall give or promise any such reward to be elected, or that shall offer to serve for nothing, or for less wages than the law prescribes, shall be thereby rendered incapable to serve in Council or Assembly for that year ; and the representatives so chosen, either for Council or Assembly, shall yield their attendance accordingly, and be the sole judges of the regularity or irregularity of the elections of their respective members ; and if any person or persons, chosen to serve in Council or Assembly, shall be wilfully absent from the service, he or they are so chosen to attend, or be deceased, or rendered incapable then, and in all such cases, it shall be lawful for the Governor within ten days after knowledge of the same, to issue forth a writ to the Sheriff of the county, for which the said person or persons, were chosen, imme diately to summons the freemen of the same to elect another member in the room of such absent, deceased, or incapable person or persons; and incase any Sheriff shall misbehave himself in the management of any of the said elections, he shall be punished accordingly, at the discretion of the Governour and Council, for the time being. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That every mem ber now chosen, or hereafter to be chosen, by the freemen as afore said, to serve in Council, and the Speaker of the Assembly, shall be allowed five shillings by the day during his and their attendance; and every member of Assembly shall be allowed four shillings by the day, during his attendance on the service of the Assembly; and that every Member of Council and Assembly shall be allowed towards their travelling charges, after the rate of two pence each mile, both going to and coming from the place where the Council and Assembly is, or shall be held; all which sums shall be paid yearly out of the county levies, by the county receivers respectively. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor or his Deputy shall always preside in the Council, and that he shall at no time perform any public act of state whatsoever, that shall or may relate unto the justice, treasury or trade ofthe pro vince and territories, but by and with the advice and consent of the Council thereof, or major part of them that shall be present. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That all the Sheriffs and Clerks of the respective counties of the said province and territories, who are, or shall be commissionated, shall give good and sufficient security to the Governor, for answering the King and his people, in matters relating to the said offices respectively. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the Council in all cases and matters of moment, as about erecting courts of justice, sitting in judgement upon persons impeached, and upon LXVI INTRODUCTORY bills and other matters, that may be from- time to time presented by the Assembly; not less than two thirds shall make a quorum, and that the consent and approbation of the majority of that quorum, shall be had in all such cases and matters of moment, and that in cases of less moment, not less than one third of the whole shall make a quo rum ; the majority of which shall and may always determine in all such matters of lesser moment, as are not above specified; and in case the Governors power shall hereafter happen to be in the Coun cil, a President shall then be chosen out of themselves, by two thirds or the major part of them, which President shall therein preside. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the Gover nor and Council shall take care that all the laws, statutes and ordi nances, which shall at any time be made within the said province and territories, be duly and diligently executed. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the Gover nor and Council shall at all times have the care of the peace of this province and territories thereof, and that nothing be by any persons attempted to the subversion of this frame of government. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor and Council, for the time being shall at all times settle and order the situation of all cities and market towns, modelling therein all public buildings, streets and market places; and shall appoint all public landing places of the towns of this province and territories ; and if any mans, property shall be judged by the Governor and Council, to be commodious for such landing place in the said towns, and that the same be by them appointed as such, that the owner shall have such reasonable satisfaction given him for the same, as the Go vernor and Council shall see meet ^ t-" ^":A ^-- thP said resnective towns. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the Go vernor and Gouncil shall at all times have power to inspect the man agement ofthe public treasury, and punish those who shall convert any part thereof to any other use than what hath been agreed upon by the Governor, Council and Assembly. Be it further enacted, by the anthority aforesaid, That the Go vernor and Council shall erect, and order all public houses, and en courage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laudable in ventions in the said province and territories thereof. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor and Council shall from time to time have the care of the management of all public affairs, relating to the peace, safety, justice, treasury, trade and improvement of the province and territories, and to the good education of youth, and sobriety of the manners of the inhabitants therein, as aforesaid. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Thatthe rep resentatives of the freemen, when met in Assembly, shall have pow er to prepare and propose to the Governor and Council, all such bills DOCUMENTS. LXVII as they or the major part of them shall at any time see needful to be passed into laws, within the said province and territories. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall debar the Governor and Council from recommending to the Assembly, all such bills as they shall think fit to be passed into laws; and that the Coun cil and Assembly may, upon occasion, confer together in committees when desired; all which proposed and prepared bills, or such of them as the Governor with the advice ofthe Council shall in open Assem bly declare his assent unto, shall be the laws of this province and territories thereof, and published accordingly with this stile: By the Governor, with the assent and approbation of the freemen in General Assembly met; a true transcript or duplicate whereof shall be transmitted to the kings privy council for the time being, according to the said late kings letters patent. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the Assembly shall sit upon their own adjournments, and committees, and continue in order to prepare and propose bills, redress grievances, and impeach criminals, or such persons as they shall think fit to be there impeached, until the Governor and Council for the time being shall dismiss them; which Assembly shall notwithstanding such dismiss, be capable of assembling together upon the summons of the Gover nor and Council, at any time during that year; two thirds of which Assembly, in all cases, shall make a quorum. And be it enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That all elections of representatives, for Council and Assembly, and all questions to be de termined by them, shall be by the major part of votes. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That as oft as any davs of the month mentioned in any article of this act, shall fall upon the first day ofthe week, commoniy called the Lords oay, tne Busi ness appointed for that day, shail be deferred till the next day, unless in cases of emergency. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That if any alien, who is or shall be a purchaser of lands, or who doth, or shall inhabit in this province, or territories thereof, shall decease at any time before he can well be denizised, his right and interest therein shall, notwith standing, descend to his wife and children, or other his relations, be he testate or intestate, according to the laws of this province and ter ritories thereof, in such cases provided, in as free and ample manner, to all intents and purposes, as if the said alien had been denizised. And that the people may be accommodated with such food and sustenance, as God in his providence hath freely afforded; Be it en acted, by the authority aforesaid, That the inhabitants of this province and territories thereof, shall have liberty to fish and hunt upon the lands they hold, or all other lands therein, not enclosed, and to fish in all waters in the said lands, and in all rivers and rivulets, in and be- lon of ye 7,h Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop^ and Gov". Edmond Cantwell, Edw11 Southern, John Roads, Lasse Cock, Tho. Holmes, John Hilliard, ffran. Whitwell, John Symcock, Wm, Biles, Ja. Harrison, Wm. Clayton, Chris. Taylor. The Petition of Hugh March and Other Persons against James Kilner, M'- of the Levee of Leverpoole, was read, and y8 Councill pro ceeded to Examine into y8 Business. Hugh March Comp*8 Saith y8 M'- James Kilner Trode upon him oil board the Ship, whereupon, he said Dam it, cannot the man see ! for which y8 M'- beat him and made his mouth bleed. James Kilner Confesses he being in a Storme, trode on him by chance, and y8 Other Darning of him and calling him foole, Caused him to Cuff him. John Fox complaineth against James Kilner, and Saith he bid him 24 MINUTES OF THE cleane the Deck, he answered it was cleane already, whereupon, ye Master beat him. James Kilner answered that one night he Spake to Jno. fox to cleane ye Deck, who said he would riot, and also gave him y8 Lie, whereupon, y8 M'- Struck him. Edward Jones saith he drew some Water, and afterwards The M'' seeing y8 hhd of water open, fell upon y8 sd Jones, and beat him with a staff and made his nose bleed, and afterwards drew him by ye hair of the head to the Mainmast, kickt him on the side, and run his fingers up his nose. James Kilner answereth yl he asked y8 said Jones why he lett y8 water run at wast,- who said he did not let it run at wast, and gave him y8 like and other ill words, wherupon y8 M'- struck him. Nich. Newtin declareth between both, that there was a Caske w'h wanted a pegg, That was almost out, and y8 Master spake to Edwd Jones to put a pegg into it, which he did, but still it runn out, where upon the M'- struck him several Blows. Adjourned till y8 8th 7"1 Mo. 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 S^of-y8 7th Mo. 1683. present: Wm. PENN, Prop' and Gov'. Chr : Taylor, Jno. Symcock, Jam. Harrison, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Clayton, ffra. Whitwell, Jno. Roads, Wm. Biles, Jno- Hilliard, Lasse Cock, Edwd Southern, Ediri1 Cantwell. The Gov" proposes a Law to be drawn, That Servants which run away should serve five days for Every days absence after y8 time of their Servitude, & pay the Costs and damages the Master shall Sus- teine by their absence. The Gov" Stateing y8 Question, it was Carried in y8Afflrmative N C Capt. Edmd Cantwell, Wm. Biles, Jno. Symcock & Jno. Roads appointed a Comittee to bring in a Bill concerting horses goeino- out and comeing into this Province. b Wm. Shute's Petition Concerning his Son, detained by Denis Rocheford, was read ; he is referred to the County Court The Comittee brought in these following Bills, Viz' : one Concern ing Importation of horses ; and one for Exportation of horses • both which were read. ' Phillip England made his Complaint against James Kilner, who de- nyeth all alledged against him, only y8 Kicking of the maid, and that was for Spilling a Chamber Pott upon y8 Deck ; otherways he was very Kind to them. J Georg eGreen Saith that Phillip England went to Said Kilner to the overplus Water, also Beer, which was his own, and was denied it Iho. Bnnket Saith that James Kilner said he must take care of PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 25 their Water, having but a Little Left, but never denyed them water at any Time. Also y8 Ship rouled sometimes when y8 Caske was almost out, and soe made it Like pudle. He further saith y" Seamen drunk more of y8 Passingers beer then they themselves, and chainged 5 Barrells of y8 Passingers heere and then the had not pformed halfe their Voige, and the Ship beer being spent, drank wholy of the Passing" ; he also saith y8 Seamen drunk some times one Cann, some times two a day, more then y« Passingers that owed the drinke. The Master saith the Pas singers Left the Ordering of the Drink to him, but they deny it. ' The Gov" gave the Master a Repremand and advised him to goe w"1 the Passingers and make up the Buisness, w88 accordingly he did. Adjourned till y8 10"1 7th Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 10* ofthe 7* Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop' and Gov". Tho. Holmes, Jno. Symcock, Edwd Southrin, Chr: Taylor, Wm. Biles, Wm. Clayton, Edmd Cantwell, ffra : Whitwell, Lasse Cock,' James Harrison, Jno. Hilliard, The Petition of Peter Groenendick, desireing a Speeiall Court, was read. Francis Whitwell answerd that being there aught to be a Court Every two months. Only he would not answer to a Speeiall Court, there being no Jury to Try it. It is, the result of this board that noe more Speeiall Court shall be granted. A Bill was read Concerning Servants ; past a first reading without Desent. Tho. Holmes, Edmd Cantwell, James Harrison, Chris. Taylor, appointed a Comittee to draw Bills for Warrants, Bills, Bonds, repleanens, Sumonses and attachmb to be brought in y8 afternoone. A Bill Concerning Sumonsing of Jurys was read, & past a first reading without desent. A Bill Concerning Justices Sitting in their own Cause 'upon an appeal, although a Prov" Councillor should Sitt in Prov" Councill upon that apeal, read ; past the first reading without Desent. A Bill Concerning bringing in of horses, past a second reading without Desent. A Bill Concerning Carrieing of horses out of this Province, past a Second reading without Desent. A Bill Concerning y8 Privileges of Prov" Councill men, Assembly men, and Courts of Justice, past y8 first reading without Desent. POST MERIDIEM. The Bills above said, w* are six, were againe read a Second time t& past without desent, 3 26 MINUTES OF THE These Persons following, did Solemnly promise before this hon'8 board, faith and allegiance to y8 King, & fidelity and Lawful Obe dience to Wm. Penn, Prop' & Governor. Capt. Gabriell Rappe, M'- Andrew Learrin, Andrew Inbert, Petter Meinardeau Uslee, Lees Cosard, Nich. Ribouleau, Jacob Raquier, Louis Boumat. Several Bills were brought by the Comittee Concerning Bonds, bills, attachm'8' &c. Which were read a first reading & past without Desent. Adjourned till y8 11"" 7th Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 Ua of y8 7" Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop' and Gov'. Edmd Cantwell, Jno. Halliard, James Harrison, Edwd Southrin, Wm. Clayton, Tho. Holmes, ffran. Whitwell, Wm. Biles, Jno. Symcock, John Roads, Chris. Taylor, Lasse Cock. Severall Bills Concerning Sumonses, Bonds, Bills, attachm1'- &c, Others Concerning Sherrifs and makeing up of accte, were read a se cond time ; past without Desent. Wheras, there is a Petition preferred against francis Whitwell by Peter Gronendick, fran: Whitwell, Complayning against sd Peter Gronendick, They doe Joyntly agree to have y8 Differance Tryed before the Gov' and Councill the 26th 810 month next Ensuing. A Bill, ordered to be drawn for Clark's fees to be recovered; also an Other for sitting up of Bouyes in the River & Bay. Adjourned till the 12th 7th Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia the 12°" of y8 Th Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop' and Gov"- Chris. Taylor, fran. Whitwell, Wm. Biles, Jam. Harrison, Jno. Hilliard, Edwd Southrin, Tho. Holmes, Edmd Cantwell, John Road, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Clayton, Lasse Cock. All the Before mentioned Laws were read a third time,& past-w* out Desent. John Hill was attested to the Truth of these severall ace" and Bills, w* are as followeth: Due to Wm. fframpton, Viz' : Phillip Morris, 5611b. Tobaco. Dr. Contra Cr. L Wm. Clark, 9541b. pork, 61281b. Tabac. 5 Cr. 3600 lb. Tabac. I Diet & Storidg. Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr. L. Cr. L. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 27 Wm. Emitt, Dr. 686 lb. Tobaco. ? Cr. L. Indian Cor 26 Bus". 2£d 5 ' Sam" Grey, Dr. 573 lb. pork, 393 lb. Tobac. & 21b. 4s. 11 mony, Gr. 557 lb. pork. Wm. Keening, Dr. 30 lb. pork. Cr. Wm. Carter, Dr. 2 lb. 16, 8, 11 in mony, 112 lb. pork, Cr. Wheat 1 lb. 10, 00. Pork 130. Henry Strecher, 325 lb. pork, 340 lb. Tobaco. Cr. Alexander Moleston, 115 lb. pork, 815 lb. Tobaco. Cr. pork, 130 lb. Luke Watson, Dr. 708£ lb. pork, 1367 lb. f Cr. Tobaco 1113 lb. Tobaco. < pork 329 lb. Balance due 379£ lb. 2541b. 2. (.mony 3 lb. 00, 00. Andrew Dewpree, Dr. to 171b. 3jp. Indian Corn. Cr. Jno. Johnson, Dr. £ 0, 16, 6. Cr. 01b. 5She. 00. Jno. Vines, Dr. to 663 lb. pork, 1893 lb. Tobaco. Cr. 500 lb. Tabac. Henry Skidmore, Dr. 1243 lb. pork, 350 lb. Tabaco. Cr. 60 Tabac- Jno. Oakey, Dr. 1, 1, 3|. Joseph Low, Dr. 452 lb. Tobaco. Roger Gom, Dr. 30 lb. Tabaco. Rich. Patty, 2 Bar"8 Indian Corne, Wm. Bradford, Dr. 28 lb. porke, Geo. Young 3 Bush. 2 pecks Wheat. Jno. Brinklow, Dr. by ball, of acct 6 Janv"7 1682-3, 138 lb. pork, 1200 lb. Tabaco. Tho. Stretton, Dr. 140 lb. Tabaco. Cr. L. Benony Bishop, Dr. 3682 lb. Tobaco. Cr. 2700 lb. to Ball. 982 lb. ¦ Tob. Anth. Inloes, 490 lb. Tobaco. Cr. 361 lb. to Ball. 129 lb. Tob. Jno. Betts, 459 lb. pork, 2906 lb. Tob. Cr. 2167 lb. Tob. To ball. 459 lb. pork, 839 lb. Tobaco. Edwd Peck, 300 lb. pork, 1721 lb. Tob. Cr. 1650 lb. Tob. to ball. 300 lb. porke, 71 lb. Tobaco. ffran. Whitwell, Dr. 3223i Tob. Cr. 2180 lb. due to ball. 1043 lb. Tobac. > Jno. Roads, Dr. 781 lb. Tob. Cr. 445 lb. Tob. due to ball. 334 lb. Tob. Rob' Waker, Dr. 2408 lb. Tob. Cr. 2240 lb. Tab. due to ball. 168 lb. Tab. Patrick Grady, Dr. 717 lb. Tab. Cr. 450 lb. Tab. due to ball. 267 Tabac. Sam" Mott, 184 lb. Tob. Cr. Jno. Veckers, 90 lb. Tob. Cr. Geo. Calling, 60 lb. Tob. Cr. Wm. Ellingsworth, 12191 Tob. Cr. 970 lb. Tob. due to ball. 249! Tob. Wm. Shore, Dr. 494 lb. Tobac. Cr. 345 lb. Tob. due to Ball. 149 lb. Tob. Dan" Soanes, Dr. 1 058 lb. Tob. Cr. 840 lb. Tobac. James Smyth, Dr. 240 lb. Tob. Cr. Robert Bedwell, Dr. 240 lb. pork. Cr. 180 lb. pork, due to Ball. 60 lb. pork. 28 MINUTES OF THE Tho. Williams, Dr. 1019 lb. pork, 4594 lb. Tob. ¦ Cr„ 2344 lb. Tob. 500 lb. pork, Due to Ball. 519 lb. pork, 2250 lb. Tobac. Lewis Johnson, Dr. 1756£lb. Toba. Cr. 1350 lb. Tabac, due to Ball. 406 lb. Nath. Walker, Dr. 407 lb. Toba. Cr. Wm. Trotter, Dr. 504 lb. Tobacco. Cr. Henry Harman, Dr.. 748 lb. Tobacco. Cr. for Come recd, but know not how much to allow. Tho. Karnes, Dr. 2577 lb. Tob. Cr. Tho. HiU, Dr. 650 lb. Tob. Cr. 400 lb. Tob. due to ball. 250 lb. Toba. Jno. Curtis, Dr. 8500 lb. pork, 2819 lb. Tob. Cr. 2040 lb. pork, 265 lb. Tob., 1 anker Butter, to pork Peter Baucomb plumblet out of y8 boat, also 4 hhds. of Tob. ; I forgot y8 weight. Robert Braceys, Dr. 16 lb. Tobaco. Cr. Edw" Warmer, Dr. 0 15s. OOd. Cr. Wm. Darvall, Dr. 589 lb. pork, 5114 lb. Tob. Cr. 3840 lb. Tobac due to ballance 589 lb. pork, 1274 lb. Tobaco. Cha: Pickering, Dr. 500 lb. Tobaco. Cr. County of Kent, Dr. to Salt porke, which y8 Sheriff, Peter Bawcoumb, took out of y8 boat, w8h he Suit* there was but 700 lb., but I can not tell how much, for there was pork in y° boat to y8 Quan tity of 2700 lb. Tho. Hassald, Dr. 480 lb. Tob., Cr. 400 lb. due to ball 80 lb. Tob. James With, Dr. 2 lb., 5s.ld., Cr. Tho: Danis' bill for 530 foot plank. Edwd Southrins' Bill for 904 lb. porke. Eliz: Roads' bill for 100 lb. porke. Jno; Depreys' bill for 935 lb. porke. Bap' Newcombs' bill for 212 lb. porke. Wm. ffutchers' bill for 5425 lb. porke, 1309 lb. Tobacco- Jno. Streets' bill for 220 lb. pork. Sarah Averys' bill for 3785 lb. pork. Rob' Richards' bill for 70 lb. porke. Jno. Burtons' bill for 4625 lb. porke, 600S lb. Tabacco. Rob' Jn°ssons' bill for 300 lb. Tobaco.. Bryan Omelys' bill for 120 lb. Tobaco. Geo: Martys' bill for 289 lb. Tobaco. Tho : Grones' bill for 340 lb. Tobacco. Jno. Newills* bill for 285 lb. Tobacco. Wm. Dorringtons' Bill for 260 lbs. Tobacco. Charles Morfeys' bill for 300 lb. Tobacco. Jno. Cortneys' bill for 940 lb. Tobacco. Jno. Betts, his bill for 4500 lb. Pork. Rich. Willsons' bill for 385 lb. Tobacco. Wm. Windsmores' bill for 535 lb. Tobacco. John Hilliards' bill for 1900 lb. Tobacco. Simon Irons' bill for 893 lb. Tobacco. Al: Drapers' bill for 233 lb. Tobacco. This word should be said. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Jno. Richardsons' bill for 3233 lb. Tobacco. Edw" Warmers' bill for 4000 lb. Tobacco. Adjourned till y° 24"' 8'h Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 24th ofthe 8ln month, 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop' and Gov' Tho: Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Lasse Cock, Chr: Taylor, Wm. Biles, John Symcock. The Gov1 Informed ye board, that it was Convenient Warrant should be sent from this board to aprehend some persons upon suspition of putting away of bad money. A Question put whether there be not some psons to vent such money here. Rob' Felton being attested, The Question was put to him wheth er or no he recd any Silver of Charles Pickerin, to Quine for him ; he answered yes, 24 pounds of Bard Silver; he also made the Seales, & Charles Pickering & Sam11 Buckley helped him to make the Bitts. Quest: what did they add to the allay of y8 15 lb. 2es; about 4es of Copper ; and what to ye 91b. 3 or 48s of Copper, being the allay; he cannot be Exact how much the allay was, for they did sometimes put in more then he knew of. A Warrant was Issued forth from this board, to bring Charles Pickering & Sam" Buckley before them. Tho: Clifford appointed Messing1 for this Sessions. Robert Felton also saith he had noe Silver brought to him, but by the psons above named, and he Scroopling to do it, the Silver having been already allayed, and if they did not put more Copper into it they would Loose by it ; they said they would Bare him out in what lie did for them. The Goy' tefleth Ch: Pickering & Sam" Buckley of their abuse to y8 Governm', in Quining of Spanish Bitts and Boston money, to the Great Damage and abuse to y8 Subjects therof. The Gov' asked them whether or no they are Guilty of y8 fact. They confess they have put of some of those new bitts, but they say that all their money was as good Silver as any Spanish money, and also deny that they had any hand in this matter. Charles Pickering saith he will Stand by it and be Tryed ; he declareth that he heard Jno. Rush Swere that he Spent halfe his time in making of Bitts. The Gov' asketh Sam" Buckley whether he did not help to melt money, or to put in y8 Copper allay into y8 Silver more then Should be,.and to have been at y8 Stamping of new Bitts, and Strikeing on the Stamp. He Confesseth he hath been guilty of somewhat of that; also, was 3* 30 MINUTES OF THE there not to y8 knowledge any. brass or Copper put into the Silver that was melted 1 he Sayeth yes. Also, whether or no thou didst not help Charl. Pickering's man to melt, and also to stricke the hamer and See y8 Seals, and disperse some ofthe Bitts, more or Less? he Sayeth yes. Was there not more allay put into the Silver then Ordinary, and y8 Person tould that Stamp it, that There was too much ? he say eth yes. John Rush being sent for & Examined, Positively denyeth what Char. Pickering affermd. The Gov" Demands of Charl. Pickering and Sam" Buckley to .give Security, w88 accordingly was done. Tho. Phillips & Sam" Buckley, Enter into a Recognizance of five hundred pounds for Sam" Buckley's appearance before this board when demanded, and not to goe out of towne without Leave. Richd Wall and Char. Pickering binde themselves and Enter into a Recognizance of five hundred pounds for Char. Pickering's appear ance before this board, and not to goe out of towne without Leave. Ordered y' y* Sherriff take Rob' ffelton into Custody, & him safe to keep untill further order. POST MERIDIEM. The Gov' moved that at y8 beginning and Ending ofthe Sitting of the Assembly, the People of y8 Citty and Countrey may if they please, come in and hear what shall be spoken unto them. The Assembly being admitted, the Gov' opened the house, and Caused to be delivered to the Speaker fifteene Laws Concerning seve rall things for them to debate of. A Petition of y8 County of Kent was Cognizable before this board, and it is referred to a Comittee of some of this board and some of the house of Assembly to that part of y8 Petition Relateing to pattents. The Gov' telleth them that the fault of not having Pattents is not y8 Gov' but their owne, for they ought always to attend the Gov' for them, and that their Default is so far from giving them pretence not to pay Quitrents, that with an Other Gov" it might Weaken their Tittles or Pinch their pocketts, and that y8 Ord" of S' Edmond Andros for three Years to Seat in Expired in '78, and that divers Orders were sent to them to take out their Pattents, and further more there was an Other Order that those that had not or should not settle in 6 months should forfeit their Lands ; also thousands of acres in the Lower Countys which y8 Gov' might have taken from them, being forfeited ; therfore they ought to be Content. A Warr1 was Issued Out from this Board to Benjam. Chambers, High Sherriffs, to Sumons a Grand & Petty Jury for the Tryall of Char. Pickering & Sam" Buckley. Adjourned till the 25'° 8,b Mo. 83. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 31 At a Councill held at Philadelphia the 25tt 8'° Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop' & Gov'. Tho. Holmes, ' Wm. Biles, Jno. Symcock, Lasse Cock, Wm. Clayton, Ja: Harrison, Chr. Taylor. Ordered, That an Indictm' be Drawne against Char. Pickering & Sam" Buckley, Grounded upon Evidence taken before this board. Two ofthe Assembly, Jno. Blumstone & Luke Watson, came to this board to be Informed Concerning the Sherriffs, calling them to y8 Ser vice of a Grand Jury, and they were tould it was about Corrupt money, and that it was not by Compultion, but w"1 their Consent. John Symcock Sent by y8 Gov' & Prov" Councill to y8 Assembly, that Griffith Jones may have Liberty to come before this board to be Examined in a Businesse of Moment. Complaint being made to this board about New Bitts and New England Shillings, It was resolved that there should be a Proclama tion Issued out forthwith to cry them downe. Griffith Jones Attested, saith that Charles. Pickering sent him Eight pounds in New Bitts to pay New England men, but they would not take it; therefore he went to Mary Bartholmew and changed tburty Shillings to make up a sume which Otherways he could not have done, and he promised to change it againe, and further Saith not. John White made Attorney Generall to plead the Cause between Our Prop8" & Gov", and Char ; Pickering & Sam" Buckley. POST MERIDIEM. Thorn. Holmes and James Harrison Sent to y8 house of Assembly, to Lett them Understand, that if they were ready Wee are ready, and stay for them. Wherupon the Speaker wlh y8 Whole house, came to attend this Board w'b a returne of y8 Bills w* were delivered to them by this board ; Which Bills were read the Last reading and past, Nemine Con- tradicente. A Grand Inquest were Impanneld and Attested, whose names are as followed: Tho : Lloyd, foreman. Jno. James, Jno. Parsons, Enoch flower, Jno. Vanborson, Jno. Blunstone, Rich. Wood, Robt. Hall, Tho: ffitchwater,. Jno. Hardin, Valt. Hollingsworth, Wm. Guest, Jno. Hill, Alex8" Draper, Jno. Curtis, Edw" Louff, Jno. Louff, Robt. Lucas, Ja : Boyden, Jno. Wale, Hen. Jones, Nich. Walne, Sam" Darke, Caleb Pusy. And then adjourned till f 26"' Ins*, 8lh Mo. 83- 32 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 26th 8* Mo. 1683. PRESENT r Wm. PENN, Prop8' & Gov". Chr: Taylor, Jno. Richardson, Tho: Holmes, ffra: Whitwell. Lasse Cock, Jo. Symcock, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Biles, Ja : Harrison. John Moll, The Grand Jury being called Over, went forth to find the Bill against Charles Pickering, and returned and found ye Bill as being a Heynous and Grevious Crime. The Petty Jury were Impanneld and Attested, whose names are as followed: « John Claypoole, foreman. Jno. Barnes, Walt" King, Rob' Turner, Jos. ffisher, Benj : Whitehead, Rob' Euer, Dennis Rochford, Tho: Rouse, Andrew Brinkson, Wm. Howell, David Brintnell. The Indictm' was read against y8 Prisoner at y8 Barr, to w8" he an swered not Guilty, and would be tryed by his Country. The Attor ney Gen'all then opened y8 Cause and called for his Witnesses as fol lowed : Caleb Pusey attested, Saith that Charles Pickering paid him 151b. in New Bitts, w1* were produced in Court. , Griffith Jones Attested, Saith that he borrowed of the Prisoner Eight pounds in New Bitts, as they are now called. Mary. Bartholmew attested, saith that Griffith Jones came to her and desired her to change him fourty Shillings ; shee said she would, provided he would change them againe, and he sayd he would ; wherupon he had it, wherof some of y8 pieces were produced in Court. The foreman of the Jury desired that y8 Prisoner would tell him who he had the money of that he payd to severall people, but he sought to Evade it, saying the money that any pson rec'd of him he would change it, and that noe man should Loose any thing by him. The Gov" gave y8 Charge to ye Jury, and they went forth and re turning againe, brought him in Guilty of y8 Bill of Indictem'. A Bill sent to y8 Grand Jury against Sam" Buckley and Robt. Fen- ton, which was found, and their Indictm' "read against them; they both Confessed y8 fact, and the Petty Jury went forth and brought them in Guilty of their Indictmto. Sam11 Buckley & Robt. ffenton, both Declare that Pickering and they two made the Money to gather, and Robt. ffenton saith that he Cut the Seals for Charles Pickering and that he was at worke there with them about a Week or more, and further saith, one pair was made before he absented himselfe, and one paire afterwards, and y' the mint was not in this Province, which was declared by both of y8 aforesaid Prisoners. After Which, y8 Gov" Proceeded to give Sentance against y* Priso ners, w88 is as followed. Charles Pickering, The Court hath Sentenced thee for this high misdemeanor whereof thou hast been found. Guilty by the Country, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 33 that thou make full Satisfaction in good and Currant pay to Every Person that shall within y8 Space of one month, bring in any of this false, Base and Counterfitt Coyne, (w°° will to morrow by Proclama- on be called in,) according to their respective proportions, and that the money brought in, shall be melted into gross before returned to thee, and that thou shalt pay a fine of fourty pounds into this Court, towards ye Building of a Court house in this Towne, and Stand comit- ted till payd, and afterwards fined Security for they good abearance. Sam11 Buckley, the Court Considering thee to have been more En- genious then he that went before thee*, hath thought fitt to fine thee, and doe fine thee tenn pounds towards a Public Court house here, and to finde good Security for thy good abearance. . Robert ffenton, the Court haveing also Considered thy Ingenuity in Confessing the TJruth of Matters, and that thou art a Servant, hath only Sentenced thee to Sitt an hour, in the Stocks to morrow morning. Adjourned till the 27th 8'" month, 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 27th ofy8 8ln Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop™ and Gov". Tho: Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Jam: Harrison, Jno. Symcock, John Moll, Wm. Biles. ffr: Whitwell, Chr: Taylor, A Proclamation was this day Issued out to put downe Bitts a Coyne so Called, w8*1 were Counterfitted by Char: Pickering, and also he to make satisfaction to all manner of Persons wronged by y8 same. A forme of a Proclamation begins thus: By the Proprietary and Gov' of y8 Province of Pennsilvania, & the Territories thereunto belonging, by and w'h the advice and Con sent of y8 Prov" Councill of y8 same. Ordered that there being a returne made to this board, by y8 Comiss" of appraisem' appoynted between Luke Watson and John Bellamy, of Certaine Improvm18 made by Luke Watson, on a Planta tion adjudged to John Bellamy at Prime hook, in y8 County of Sus sex, in the Territories of this Province, in as much as y8 sd Jno. Bel lamy hath not payd him nor Secured him the Vallue of y8 appraism' and that he is at psent out of y8 Countrey, that he may Enjoy y8 sd Plantation till payd, or sufficiently Secured. It is Ordered by this board, that y8 said Luke Watson, doe Peacea bly Enjoy the sayd Plantation till y8 said John Bellamy hath payd or given sufficient Security to pay the same, or hath shown to this board a good cause to the Contrary.' Adjourned till y829Bl ofy8 8'" Mo., 83. 34 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 29" ofy8 8* month, 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop8' and Gov'. Tho : Holmes, Jno. Symcock, ffra. Whitwell, Chr: Taylor, Jno. Richardson, James Harrison, Wm. Biles. Charles Pickering Sent for by the Messinger. A Petition offfra. Whitwell read. A Warrant Issued out to make Search in y8 Shop and Lodging of Isack y8 Smith, Humphrey Best and Jno. Rush, doe worke for mettles Coyned or uncoyned, Stampt or unstampt, Iron or Steel only ex- 06 A* Petition of Rob' Marsh read, and Ordered that ffirancis Whitwell release him or sue the Bond. Adjourned till y8 SO"1 8th Mo,, 1683, At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 30th 8th Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov'-. James Harrison, Jno. Richardson, Wm. Haigue. Tho. Holmes, Wm. Biles, John Richardson desired aWritt oflnquirey Concerning the Estate of 'Mich. Simkin. Adjourned till y8 7th of y8 9th Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia the 7ft of the 9th month, 1683. PRESENT : Wm, PENN, Prop01 and Gov'. Chris. Taylor, ffran. Whitwell, Tho. Holmes, Jno. Richardson. A Petition of Peter Gronendicks read, and upon reading this board grant him a rehearing of a Case of Difference between Cornelius Varhoof, PI' and Peter Gronendick, Deff, before y8 Gov" and Prov" Councill y8 28"1 Ins' 1683. A Petition of Abra, Westron read : Ordered, that he be remetted his fine, but that his Wife pay hers, it being 5 pounds. A Petition of Richd Wells read: Ordered that he be referred to y" Peace makers, and in Case of Refusall to y8 County Court, according to Law. Adjourned till y" 21"' of 9a Mo. 83. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 35 At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 21,hof the 9,h Mo., 1683, PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop' and Gov". Tho. Holmes, Wm. Haigue, Chris. Taylor, Wm. Clayton. The Petition of. ffr. Whitwell read, and upon Consideration of his allegations of Mistakes in Peter Gronendicks acco'5- Ordered that unless they referr it to two Persons Indifferently Cho sen, this board doth grant a rehearing, ffr. Whitwell paying the Charge thereof. Evan DaVisTi)ef 5 by an aPeal from Kent County c°urt. The Plan' Declaration was read and they pceeded to Tryall. ThejPlantif declared that if The def would Swear to his acco%that he would allow of them. That upon y8 hearding of a Case of Differance depending between John Stephens, Plan', & Evan Davis, Def, from a Judgm' given upon an apeal from Kent County Court against y8 Plant. This Board doth finde that the said Evan Davis, Stands Indebted to y8 sd Jno. Stephens y8 Just Sume of One Thousand & seaventy pounds of good and Marchantahle Tobacco, over and above y8 As- signem' of Stiles, his Bill of Eighteene hundred & Odd pounds of To bacco to y8 Said Stephens, and the Obligation he is under to finish the Tobacco house of y8 sd Stephens. A Ship called the Mary of Southampton, Anto Pryers M% was by this Board called in question for being an Unfree Ship, and upon Con sideration had by this Board, and Jno. Test, Prosecutor, desireing Judgm'. It is y8 Judgm' of this board that there being noe Certificate that shee is a free Ship, therfore this board Condems her as being an unfree ship and forfeited. The Condemnation is as followed: Information haveing been made to y8 Gov" & Prov" Councill, that a Certaine Ship called the Marry of Southampton, lately arrived wlh Passingers from Southampton in England, and now Rideing before the Towne of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsilvania, is a Scot tish Bottom and noe ways made ffree to trade to any of his Majesty's Plantations in America, and so under y8 forfeiture Expressed in the Laws of Navigation; upon a full hearing ofthe Business in Councill, and by the Ingenious acknowledgem' of the Master and some of y8 Owners, and Especially by the Goulden Breif that was produced by one of them, is found to be the Alexander of Inverness, of y8 Kingdome of Scottland, And therfore the Gov" and Prov" Councill have and doe adjudg and Condemne the said Ship as forfeited, according to Law in such Cases provided for. Adjourned till y8 2601 10,h Mo., 83. s6 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill held at Philadelphia, y8 26aof y8 10* month, 1683. PRESENT ! Wm. PENN, Prop0' & Gov". Tho. Holmes, Wm. Haigue, Lasse Cock. , Wm. Clayton, The Gov" and Prov" Councill having taken into their Serious Con- sideration the great Necessity there is of a Scool Master for ^In struction & Sober'Education of Youth m the towne of Philadelphia, Sent for Enock flower, an Inhabitant of the said Towne, who for twenty Year past hath been Exercised in that care and Imploym' m Eno-land, to whom haveing Comunicated their Minds, he Embraced it upon these following Termes : to Learne to read English 48 by the1 Quarter, to Learne to read and write 6s by y8 Quarter, to learne to read, Write and Cast acco' 8s by y8 Quarter; for Boarding a Scholler, that is to say, dyet, Washing, Lodging, & Scooling, Tenn pounds for one whole year. Antho: Pryer's Petition read ; referred to y8 Law. Adjourned till y8 27th 10lh Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 27°' of the 10* month, 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop8" and Gov". Tho: Holmes, Wm. Haigue, Lasse Cox. Wm. Clayton, This day Thomas Lloyd was sent for before this board, and y8 Gov' was pleased to put him in Master of y8 Rolls, who doth Solemn ly promise to officiate therein w"1 care and Diligence. It being taken into the Serious Consideration of this board, the Great grevance of Tradesmen's Exaction, they have thought fitt to Issue out an Ordinnance whereby to regulate the same. The Sherriff having brought in the Grevance of y8 People Concern ing the New betts put out by Charles Pickerin, which he is to Sa- tisfie for According to y8 Judgm' given against him in that matter; he being asked about it, saith that he will give in Money and plate to Satisfie them. The Petition of John Helliar read. Ordred that The Law shall have its Course. Ordered That y8 Sherriff goe to Char: Pickering and receive as much good money, or Vallue thereof, as he hath reced of the People in bad money, and pay y8same respectively to y8 People as he reced the other from them.' And Adjourned till ye 16ft ll"1 Mo.., 83. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 37 At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 16'" of ye ll"1 month, 1683. i tisesent : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov". Chris. Taylor, Lasse Cock, James Harrison, Wm. Biles, Tho. Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Jno. Symcock. The Proposalls of Anto. Weston w"' y8 rest of y8 Persons names thereunto Subscribed were read ; And the Gov" proposes wd' way to punish him, and they thought the best way was to have him Whypt. Paul Saunders and Tho. Stephens say that Anto. Weston touldthem that Jno. Songhurst, Jno. Parsons, Tho. Ducket and Others, would stand to his paper. Antho. Weston being Examined, saith that they mett at Tho. Hoot- ons, and there chose him to draw up Proposalls to the Gov" & Prov" Councill, wch Proposalls were mended by Tho. Winn, who was re proved for doeing of the same. The Gov" proposeth what to doe w"1 Anto. Weston : as many as would have him whypt, say yee. Past in the Affirmative. John Stone and Tho. Dare his Servant, En' into a recognizance of fifty pounds a peice for their good behaviour duering the Terme of his Serv"8 Servitude. Henry Comely & Geo. Sheave his Servant, Entered into a recog nizance of fifty pounds a peice for their good behavior duering y8 terme of his Serv18 Servitude. Wm. Clayton and Tho. Stephens his Serv', Enter into a Recogni zance of fifty pounds a peice for their good behavior to the Governm' duering y8 said Serv"5 Servitude. The Gov" and J'rov1^ Councill have thought fit that for the great presumption and Contempt of this Governm) and authority, that Anto. Weston be Whypt at y8 Market place on Market daye three times, Each time to have Tenn Lashes, at 12 of the Clock at no'one, this being y8 first day. A single recognizance of fifty pounds the freemen that Subscribed to Antho. Weston's proposalls, are to give for their good behavior to y8 Governm' till such time as y8 Genall Assembly shall next sett. Ordered That Wm. Clayton build a Cage against the next. Coun cill day, 7 foot high, 7 foot Long, & 5 foot broad, Adjourned till y8 17'° ll"1 Mo., 1683. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 17th of y^l01 month, 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN Prop0" and Gov". James Harrison, Lasse Cock, Wm. Clayton, John Symcock, Wm. Biles,. Tho: Holmes. Chris : Taylor, 4 38 MINUTES OF THE John Songhurst, and all his Serv", Enter into a recognizance of fifty pounds apeice, for their good behaviour to y8 Governm duering v8 terme of his Serv*8 Servitude. Andrew Griscome and Mathias Jewell, Enter into a recognizance of fifty pounds apeice, for their good behavior duering y8 terme of his Serv" , Servitude. The Petition of Peter Cock read. The Question was put, whether the Law of Custome doth Last but for a year, as well as Taxes, or not. Proposed by the Gov' whether or no y8 People in England should not pay towards, Public Charges or not, as well as those in the Pro vince ; past in the Affirmative. All that are of Opinion That a Levie should be Laid on y8 Lott in the Citty of those psent and those absent, Say Yea ; Past in y8 Affir- matrve" /• t • ™ U A Law proposed to Encourage makeing of Lmnen Cloth- A Law proposed for two Sorts of Cloaths only, for Winter and Summer Wear. A Law proposed for Young Men's Marrieing at such an age. A Law proposed for Makeing of Severall sorts of Books, for the use of Persons in this Province. ' Proposed that care be Taken about the Learning and Instruction of Youth, to Witt: a Scool of Arts and Siences. Adjourned till y8 7'° 12°" month, 1683. Att a Councill held at Philadelphia ye 7"- 12* Mo., 1683. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop" & Gov". Lasse Cock, Jno. Symcock, Tho. Holmes. Wm. Clayton, Margaret Mattson and Yeshro Hendrickson, Examined and about to be proved Witches ; whereupon, this board Ordered that Neels Matson should Enter into a Recognizance of fifty pounds for his Wiff 's apearance before this board the 27"' Instant, Hendrick Jacob- son doth the same for his W ife. Adjourned till the 20th 12'n Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 20'" 12* month, 1685. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop" and Gov". Tho: Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Lasse Cock. Wm. Haigue, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 39 Wm. fframpton being Sent for before this board, his Petition was read, and it was Ordered that James Claypoole, Rob' Turner, Jno. Greene, Jno. Jones and Wm. fframpton, or any two of them, to have the Keys and to take into Possession the Estate in the hands of Jno. Vanburson, and to Inspect his accoa in psuance of the same, and to make a returne distinktly of the said goods and accs to this board. The Gov" & Prov" Councill have thought fitt, from the Exteriordj- nary in the Case, to place Patrick Robinson as administrator toBenj. Acrods Estate, and to have a recourse to this board from time to time. Wheras, the Verdict of the Coroner's Jury was, that Benj. Acrod killed himselfe w* drinke, wch might give the Province a pretence to his Estate therin. The Prop0" & Gov' Relinqueshed all his Claime thereunto in Councill, and desired y8 Councell to take Care that some person be appoynted to take Care of y8 Estate of y8 sd Acrod, for y8 paym' of his debts, and the remainder to be disposed of according to Law, &c. Adjourned till the 21"' 12"1 Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 21" ofy8 12'" Mo., 1683. present: Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov". Tho: Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Lasse Cock. Wm. Haigue, Chr: Taylor, James Claypoole, Jno. Joanes and Wm. fframpton, made their re turne to tins board Concerning the Estate of John Vand Borsons; Wherupon, James Claypoole & Wm. fframpton were appointed to Inspect and make up the ace18 of Jno. Vanborson, and to give an acco' of it to this board when they have made up the Cr. & Dr. Wm. fframpton makes a report of the referance of the Councell Concerning the Estate of Jno. Vanborson, Lately deseased. The Prov" Councell Ordered Wm. fframpton & Sam" Carpenter of this Towne, March6, to administer on y8 behalfe of y8 Creditors and Heirs of Jno. Vanborson, and to make report of what they doe therein to this board. Adjourned till y8 27'" 1210 Mo., 83. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 27 ofthe 12th month, 1683. present: Wm. PENN, Prop8" and Gov". James Harrison, Wm., Haigue, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Biles. Chris. Taylor„ Tho: Holmes.. Lasse Cock, 4® MINUTES OF, THE The Grand Jury being attested, The Gov' gave them their Charge, and the Attorney Genall attended them w* the presentm'; their names are as followed: Rob' Euer, foreman. Rich. Orne, ThorMosse, Sam" Carpenter, Jno. Day, Tho: Ducket, Andrew Griscom, Jno. ffisher, Doob Lam, Benj. Whitehead, Jno. Barnes, Tho : Phillyps, Jno. Barnes,* Gunner Rambo, 1 ho : Mi lard, Sam" Allen, Enock flower, Jno. Yattman, Jno. Parsons, Henr : Drystreet, Barnaby Wilcox. POST MERIDIEM. The Grand Jury made their returne, and found the Bill. Ordered that those that were absent of the Petty Jury should be fined 40s each man. Margarit Matson's Indictm' was read, and she pleads not Guilty, and will be tryed by the Countrey. Lasse Cock attested Interpriter between the Prop8" and the Prison er at the Barr. The Petty Jury Impanneld; their names are as followed: Jno. Hasting, foreman. Albertus Hendrickson, Rob' Piles, Rob' Wade, Nath. Evans, Edwd Carter, Wm. Hewes, Jer. Collet, Jno. Kinsman, Jno. Gibbons, Walter Martin, Edwd Bezac. Henry Drystreet attested, Saith he was tould 20 years agoe, that the prisoner at the Barr was a Witch, & that severall Cows were be- -witchtby her; also, that James Saunderling's mother tould him that she bewitcht her cow, but afterwards said it was a mistake, and that her Cow should doe well againe, for it was not her Cow but an Other Person's that should dye. Charles Ashcom attested, saith that Anthony's Wife being asked why she sould her Cattle; was because her mother had Bewitcht them, having taken the Witchcraft of of Hendrick's Cattle, and put it on their Oxon ; She myght Keep but noe Other Cattle, and: also that one night the Daughter of y8 Prisoner called him up hastely, and when he came she sayd there was a great Light but Just before, and an Old woman with a Knife in her hand at ye Bedd's feet, and therefore shee cryed out and desired Jno. Symcock to take away his Calves, or Else she would sertd them to Hell. James Claypoole attested Interpritor betwixt the Prop8" and the Pris oner. Theaffidavid of Jno. Vanculin read, Charles Ashcom beinga Wit ness to it. Annakey Coolin attested, saith her husband tooke the Heart of a Calfe that Dyed, as they thought, by Witchcraft, and Boyled it, wher- upon the Prisoner at y8 Barr came in and asked them what they were doinc ; they said boyling of flesh ; she said they had better they had Boyled the Bones, with severall other unseemly Expressions. Magaret Mattson saith that she Vallues not Drystreet's Evidence ; but if Sanderlin's mother had come, she would have answered her ; PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 41 also denyeth Charles Ashcom's Attestation at her Soul, and Saith where is my Daughter ; let her come and say so. Annakey Cooling's attestation concerning the Gees, she denyeth, saying she was never out of her Conoo, and also that she never said any such things Concerning the Calve's heart. Jno. Cock attested, sayth he Knows nothing of the matter. Tho: Balding's attestation was read, and Tho :. Bracy attested, saith it is a True Coppy. The Prisoner denyeth all things,,and saith- that y8 Wittnesses speake only by hear say. After w8" y8 Gov" gave the Jury their Charge concerning, y8 Pris oner at y8 Barr. The Jury went forth, and upon their Returne Brought her in Guilty of haveing the Comon fame, of a Witch, but not Guilty in man ner and forme as Shee Stands Indicted. Neels Mattson and Antho. Neelson Enters into a Recognizance of fifty pounds apeice, for the good behavior of Margaret Matson for six months. Jacob Hendrickson Enters into the Recognizance of fifty pounds for the good behavior of Getro Hendrickson for six months. Adjourned till y820'h day ofy8 first Mo., 1684. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The SO"1 day of the Is' month, 1684. PRESENTS Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov'. Jam. Harrison, John Cann, Wm. Welch,. Thomas Janney, Tho. Holmes, Tho. Lloyd, Chris.. Taylor. Jno. Symcock, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Wood. Tho. Lloyd, Wm. Clayton, Tho. Janney, Wm. Welch, Jno. Cann and Wm. Wood, attested to Keep- Secret the Debates in Coun cil, &c. Complaint being made to this board of a Notorious Robery comit- ted on the goods of' hannah Saulter, this board was pleased to Issue out a Proclamation for apprehending & Secureing of Such Persons if found in this Province or .Territories, or Elsewhere. Ordered that y8 first thing to be done to-morrow be the Running over the Old Laws. Adjourned till f 21st 1" Mo.. 84. 4* 42 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill held at Philadelphia the 21' -Of y8 1* Mo, 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov'. . Wm. Welch, Tho. Holmes, James Harrison, Tho Llbvd, Jno. Symcock, Chr. Taylor, ThoTaSy, Johndann, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Wood. A Debate was held Concerning y8 Genall Assembly Sitting at the Towne of New Castle : at Last the Result was that they should Sitt there. Ordered that two Letters be sent to Kent & Sussex Countyes, Con cerning the meeting of y8 Genall Assembly, to be held at New-Castie ontheD10ft3dMo.,84. Wm. Clayton desireing Leave to goe to up|and-& returne on second day, it was granted him. Adjourned till y? 24* Is" Mo. 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 24th of y8 1st Mo. 1684.. . PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop8' and Gov". Wm. Clark, Wm. Clayton, . Luke Watson, Tho. Janney, John Cann, Jno. Symcock, Tho. Lloyd, Wm. Welch, Chr. Taylor, Tho : Holmes, Ja; Harrison, Wm. Wood. They proceeded to have y8 Old Laws read Over, and to make re- markes on them. A Comittee was appointed to Inspect the Margenall notes upon the Old Laws, Viz': Tho: Holmes, Wm. Welch, Tho: Lloyd; which Co mittee will make their report to morrow morning. The Laws Ordered to be drawn Out w* the reasons & Preamble, And then they peeeded to make an Inspection into y8 bills made at Upland. The Comittee brought in a Bill for Constituteing an Other Councill for State's Matters. Upon wc" there was a great debate, & at Last it fell. • The Same Comittee Appointed to draw up all the Laws as amende ed and agreed ; also to draw up these news Laws. Adjourned till y8 26"' 1" Mo., 84. , PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 48 At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 2601 day of y8 1" month, 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop8' & Gov". Wm. Clarke. Tho : Janney, Chr. ' Taylor, Tho. Holmes, Luke Watson, Tho. Lloyd-' Wm. Welch, Wm. Clayton, Jno. Cann, Jno. Symcock, Ja: Harrison, Wm. Wood. A Bill read Coneerning the Laws made at Upland, alias Chester, to be. Continued w"1 y8 Preamble to y8 sd Laws. A Bill read Concerning repealing or Varring any of the those Laws made at Upland & Philadelphia. A Debate was held when the Laws should be in force. Resolved, till 20 days- after the riseing of y8 genall Assembly, by Publishing them the first Court day after y8 Riseing ofy8 sd Assem. bly, Except those that have not times Set them. A Bill read Concerning fines & measures, Printing, Promulgateing of the Laws, w8" arte repealed. A Bill read where in Cases requires Strypes, and they r x not men. tioned, that they shall not Exceed One and twenty Strypes. A Bill was read, that it should he Left to y8 Gov" and Prov" Coun cill to discourse w"1 y8 Indians concerning an agreem' w'h them about letting them have Rum. The Gov' put y8 Quest: All That are of Opinion that y8 foregoeing Bills should pass, say Yee; Past in y8 Affirmative. A Bill was read Concerning Strong & Small Beer, mixt or unmixt, Bottled or not Bottled. The Quest, being put, past in y8 Affirmative. A Bill read Concerning registring of Freemen and Servh, being put to y8 Quest; past in y8 Affirmative. A Bill read against Bargains made when People are in Drinke : y8 Question being put, past in y8 Affirmative. A Bill read Concerning Marriage, wa amendmb & additions : put to y8 Quest., was past in y8 Affirmative. A Bill read Concerning Arests, Special! Courts, and arresting any psons in any County where he shall be found: Quest : being put, past in y8 Affirmative. A Bill was read Concerning causes to be Tryed by y8 County Sessions : Quest : being put, was past in Affirmative. A Bill was read for Three appraisers,, to be chose by the County- Court upon Severall occasions, and y8 Goods not to be sould under seaven. dayes after appraism', and that th'ey shall- be publicly sould: Quest : being put, past in y8 Affirmative. A Bill read to Suppres Ordinary Keepers : Quest : put ; past in Affirma. A Bill read" Impowring the Justices of Each County Court to set y8 Wages of Workmen & Serv'8, w"* a Penaity : Quest: put ; past in Affirma., ¦ - 44 MINUTES OF THE A Bill read for hemp & flax, Linnen & Wool, on Cloth.. Linnen & Woollen Cloth to have a price set upon it by y8 County Court, y8 hempt at 5d the pound, and y8 flax at 8d p- pound : Quest : put; past in y8 Affirma. _ A Bill read for Every man That is three years Seated to Sow a Bushell of Barley : Quest : put, Past in the Affirmative. A Bill for a Prov" Court, Consisting of five Judges, to goe two Cirquits Yearly. Quest : put ; past in the Affirmative. A Bill read for y8 Conclusion ofy8 Laws. Quest put ; past in Af firma. A Bill read that noe Person depart this Province if arrested, till Bail be given. Quest: put; past in y8 Affirmative. The Gov* desired to have y8 Councill always wfc him, w8" is nine. The Gov" also desired that a Bill may be drawn up that this Towne of Philadelphia might Chose One more Councellor, Bucks One, & Chester One; Otherwise that y8 Councill must be Constant, Or make a Bill to allow the Gov' to Chuse him a Councill upon all oc casions, it being also a great Kindness to y° Countrey. A Bill also to be drawn to Enlarge y8 Councill; that is,, to double the number in the Town & County of Philadelphia, made soe as ac cording to Letters Pattents. Put to y8 Quest; past in y8 Affirmative. Tho : Lloyd appoynted to Draw the Bill. Adjourned! to y8 27th Is' Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 27°" 1" Mo., 1684., present : Wm. PENN, Prop8' and Gov". Tho: Holmes, Chr::Taylour, Jno. Cann, Wm. Clark, Luke Watson, Tho: Janney* Jno. Symcock, Jam. Harrison, Wm. Wood, Wm. Welch, Wm. Clayton, Tho: Lloyd. Wm. Welch proposed a Bill to be drawn to defray the Gov" Table. Put to y8 Question: All that are of Opinion that y8 Charges of y" Governm' shall be defrayed by y8 People of y8' Governm' say yee. Past in the Affirmative. ADJOURNED INTO A COMITTEE. Tho. Lloyd, Chairman., Proposed whether the Law wob was made for y8 jraising.cjf a. Tax should be_ Continued, or the Method of it for- Import pr Export. Put to the Vote, & past in the Affirmative. And whether y8/ Cu^toians sbftll be a.pa^t pjf y'Mpney .raised to wards the Suporting y° Governm-'. Past in y° Affirmative. Ordered That a Pole Proportionably Layd, be debated y8 first thing to morrow, for defraying the rest of y8 Charges ofy8 Governm'. Adjourned till y8 28tD V Mo,„ 84., PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 45 At a Councill held at Philadelphia y" 28th 1st Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop" and Gov". Wm. Welch, Tho :, Holmes. James Harrison, Luke Watson, Wm. Clark, John Symcock, Wm. Clayton, Chr: Taylor, Wm. Wood, Jno. Cann, Tho. Lloyd, Tho: Janney. Wm. Welch Ordered to bring a .Bill for the raising of a Tax for the Support of y" Governm', and returne it to this board. Tho: Lloyd makes a report to y8 Gov"8 Councill, that y8 Comittee w8" he was of had finished that w°" they were about, and intend to "bring in a Bill to morrow Morning; also, they have agreed that Tho. Lloyd should draw up the remainder of y8 Bills and make a returne thereof. A Bill was read Concerning Three Members to be Chose for y8 Councill, & Six for the Assembly, for y8 Citty of Philadelphia. Question put ; past in y8 Affirmative. Sam" Carpenter's Judgm' towards rayseing of a Tax upon Liquors, Viz': upon Brandy 12d y8 Gall; Beer, Ale, Mum, Spanish Wine, 5d p. Gall; Medera, Each Pipe 50s; french Wine 4L. p. Tunn, & Give him this way 1000L. by way of Customs upon goods, is his best ad-, vise. The Gov" put y8 Quest : all that are of Opinion that Customs shall be put upon Liquors, and that all Rum, Brandy, Wines, & all sorts of strong Liquors & Spirits under y8 same head, Imported, shalk-pay 12d. p Gall, say Yee. Past in Affirmative. All that are of Opinion that all Strong beer & Cyder shall pay 2d p. Gall, Imported, say yee. Past in Affirmative. All that are of Opinion that for not due Entry, that y8 Law for 4h- rogateing of y8 Law shall make all the Goods a forfeiture, say yee. Past in the Affirmative. Adjourned till y8 2901 1st Mo., 84. At a Council held at Philadelphia y8 29"' of y8 1" Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov'. Wm. Welch, Luke Watson, Wm. Clark. Jno. Cann, Jno. Symcock, Tho. Lloyd, Tho. Janney, Chr. Taylor, Ja. Harrison, Tho : Holmes, Wm. Wood, ¦¦ Wm. Clayton, A Bill was read Concerning Members to be Chosen for y8 Citty of Philadelphia ; read a Second reading. A Bill read that Councellors neglecting their duty, that Others may be- Chose to serve in their roomew Read a first reading. 46 MINUTES OF THE Ordered that y8 Bill of Customs be read on y8 second day next ; referred to Wm. Welch to draw up.. Adjournedtill31'hr,Mo.,84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 31th day of yM8' month, 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop8" and Gov". Wm. Welch, Jno. Cann, Jam: Harrison, Wm. Clayton, Luke Watson, Tho. Janney, Wm. Clark, Chr: Taylor, Tho. Holmes, Tho. Lloyd. Wm. Welch Brought in y8 Bill of Custom ; which was read a first reading. Ordered a Second reading this night. A Bill read Concerning Bargains made in Drinke. Read a Second reading. A Bill Concerning Steeling Cattle, good, or Rayment, Ordered to , be drawn by Tho. Lloyd. A Bill read Concerning Exportation of deer Skinns; read a Second reading. Ordered that y° Last reading of the Bill of Customs be read to morrow morning. The Petition of Sam" Hersent was read, Concerning y8 finishing of y° Prison. He is referred to y8 Justices ofy8 County Court. A Bill Concerning Steeling of Cattle read a first reading; past in the Affirmative. A Bill was drawn Concerning Our Governm' Joyning w1" West Jarsey, for all Warrants to apprehend all Persons by Law punisha ble. Ordered to be read to-morrow morning. Tho. Lloyd & Wm. Welch Ordered to draw two Bills into One, Concerning the Preservation of y8 Prop8" & Gov", & his houshold. Adjourned till 1" 2d Mo.,, 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 l" of y8 2d Mo., 84.. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov'. Wm. Welch, Tho. Lloyd, Wm. Clayton, ' Tho: Holmes, Chr: Taylor, Wm. Wood, Jno. Cann, Jam: Harrison,. Wm. Clarke, Lu: Watson, Tho. Janney, Jno. Symeock, , Charles Pickerin being Sent for before this Board, 'Declares he heard mostof y" People of y8 County of Kent's Passages, and read the PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 47 Answers which they gave toBaltemore People: Also, he Suspect most of them are resolved to revalt, because Gov' Penn hath broken his Promise, by not Entring and Clearing y8 Vessells at New Castle: Also, if they doe it, Baltemore will Stand by them. Jno. Richardson, Tho. Heather & Tho. Wilson, made a Complaim. against this Governm', & made their address to y° Ld Baltemore, that they were Taxt to much ; he Thinks francis Whitwell and Jno. Hil liard are psuaded to the rest. Jno. Richardson's Land was sued for in Maryland. The Bill Concerning the Union between us and West Jarsey, to have Liberty to psecute Offenders in ye sd West Jarsey, was read and Left to a Treaty with Them. A Bill to Prosecute Persons That put Water into Rum, &c, was read, & past y8 first reading in y8 Affirmative. A Bill read Concerning Persons Chose to serve in Prov1' Councill, y' if they doe not serve in their Stations, or Persons of 111 fame, to be fined forty Shillings a day. Read a Last reading; past Nemine Contradicente. The Preamble read, w'° The additionall Laws. Three Bills read a Last reading and past Unanimously. A Bill read Concerning y8 Price of all Beer ; past the Last reading Unanimously. A Bill of Registrey read a Last reading and Past Unanimously. A Bill about Drunken Bargains being made Voyd, past y8 Last reading Unanimously. A Bill about Steeling Liveing or dead goods past a Last reading Unanimously. A Bill about Marriage past a Last reading Unanimously. A Bill about arests, by proveing his debt and takeing him in any County, and Concerning Members of Prov" Councill and Assembly not to be arested before such time allowed them ; Past a Last read ing Unanimously. A Bill that all fines & Taxes to be Assessed by distress of goods ; also, the Court to Set Workmen's Wages ; Past a Last reading Unanimously. A Bill that flax, hempt, Linnen & Woolen Cloth, of y8 Produce of this Countrey, to goe as Currant pay ; Past a Last reading Unani mously. A Bill for sowing Barley past a Last Reading Unanimously. A Bill that Every Court of Justice shall be a Court of Equity as well as Law; also, a Prov" Court for Quarter Sessions ; past a Last reading Unanimously. Put to y8 Question : All that are of Opinion that there shall be a Prov" Court, Consisting of five Judges, to Try all Criminalls & Titles of Land, and to be a Court of Equity, to deside all Differences upon appeals from the County Courts, say yee. Past in y8 Affirm: Ne mine Contradicente. A Bill to Establish Apraisers in Each County, Past a Last reading Unanimously. A Bill about Ordinary Keepers &c, past a Last reading Unani mously. 48 MINUTES OF THE A Bill about Deer Skins not to be Exported till first put to Sale ; Past a Last Reading Unanimously. A Bill for y8 Continuance of y8 Laws ; past a last reading Unani mously. A Bill of Customs read a Last reading ; past Unanimously. A Bill for the Preservation of y* Gov" Person ; past a last reading Unanimously. Ordered that the seeing to the Bills fairly to be transcribed and Ex amined by the Originalls, be referred to Tho: Lloyd, Wm. Welch, Tho: Holmes, and Wm. Clark. Thesame Comittee to draw up Or ders for this board for preparing, proposmg & Resolving, against their next Meeting. Put to y8 Question : all that are of Opinion that ye Genall Assem bly shall meet at New Castle for this time, say yee; past in the Affir mative. Adjourned till y8 2d 2d Mo., 1684. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 2d ofy8 2d month, 1684. present: Wm. PENN,' Prop8' and Gov'. Wm. Welch, Jno. Symcock, Tho. Janney, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Wood, Wm. Clayton, Jam. Harrison, Jno. Cann, Tho: Lloyd, Wm. Clarke, Luke Watson, Chr: Taylor. A Bill Concerning Lands, Corne, beef, Pork, Tabacco, Hides, &c. to goe for Currant pay ; past Nemine Contradicente. Ordered that there be an exact Ace' Kept ofthe members of Prov" Councill, that yearly goe of and Yearly are Chosen to serve therein. Ques' put: all that are of opinion that halfe of 'an Intestate's Estate shall goe to y8 Wife, say yee. Past in y8 Affirmative, that she shall have no more, All that are for having Intestate's Estates devided Equally, provi ded the Eldest Sonn shall have halfe of y8 reall and Personall Estate, and y8 rest to be devided Equally amongst the rest of the Children, say yee : past in Affirmative. A. Bill to Limitt the Disposall of Estates read a Last, reading : Past in the Affirmative. Ordered that James Harrison, Wm. Welch, Jno. -Symcock and Jno, Cann, goe to Kent County wft a boat and good attendance, to know what the' reasons is that francis Whitwell, Jno. .Hilliard ,& Jno. Richardson, doe-not Come up to Councill to give their .attendance. A Commission Ordered to be drawn from this Board, under the Gov™ hand and Seale, hehaveing- heard of some -Misdemeanors in Kent County, to Impower Wm. Welch, &c. You of this Board that are of Opinion that y8 Gov' shall draw up PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 49 a Comission in behalfe of himself and this board, and also draw up Instructions in Order to the same, say yee : past Nemine Con tradicente. Adjourned till y8 3d 2d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 3d day of y82d Mo., 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop8' and Gov". Tho: Holmes, John Cann, Wm. Wood, Jam: Harrison, Wm. Welch, John Symcock, Tho: Janney, Tho: Lloyd, Luke Watson. Wm: Clayton, Chris: Taylor, The Comission w'u Instructions for Wm. Welch, &c. was read by the Gov" for them to Act after. Wm. Clayton, Wm. Wood, Chr. Taylor, Tho. Holmes & Tho. Lloyd, Ordered to Stay with & attend y8 Gov'. All that are of Oppinion that y8 Gov" shall appoint some distinction for the Oouncellors, say yea: past Nemine Contradicente. It is Left to y8 Gov" in a Small Councill, to send Agents to York Concerning y8 Publick affairs of this Province ; and also to acquaint the Gov" of York of the abuse of the Ld Baltemore's Agents. ' Adjourned till y8 7'° 2d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 V ofy8 2d Mo.,' 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov". Chr: Taylor, Jno. Hilliard, fran: Whitwell, Jam. Harrison, Wm. Clark, Tho. Holmes, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Clayton, v Tho. Lloyd, Luke Watson. The Gov" desired to know what is best to doe, they haveing heard Wm. Welch & Abra.Mans' Letters. Francis Whitwell Informes y8 Councill that ye Lord Baltemore's Comiss" Murfey, was at W«i. Darvall's, Jno. Richardson's, Jno. Brigg's, Tho. Heather's houses ; also, Jno. Hilliard Saith he heard the same. Ordered that the Clarke take it under franc. Whitwell's & Jno. Hilliard's hand, that the Gov' of New York Ordered them to Standto the Duke's Intrest. The Question was put whether any One should be sent to the Lord Baltemore, to acquaint him of the Coll. Talbot's Unmill. Actions ; also, of Marfey's, in the Lower Countyes : past in y8 affirm. 5 50 MINUTES OF THE Resolved, that orders be sent to Wm. Welch for the Removall of the forceable Entrey of the Ld Baltemore, and to Prosecute the Persons Legally ; also, to have some things Coppied Out ofy8 Duke's Laws, and sent him. Ordered that some Persons goe to y8 Lower Countyes to Settle ye ' minds of y8 people. Question was put: all that are of Opinion that they w8" goe downe to Assist Wm. Welch, shall take a Coppy with them of Gov' Penn's Answer to y8 Lord Baltemore's Demand, and that One or two more goe along with them that Live there. Past Nemine Contrad. Jno. Hilliard also declared he heard Wm. Darvall forbid the People to pay Taxes to Gov' Penn, Ordered, that noe One goe to the Lord Baltemore till such time as y8 members of this County, with the memb" of y8 Lower Countyes, have been to Inspect the Transactions of the Lord Baltemore There. Adjourned till y8 8a 2d Mo,; 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 8a ofy8 2d Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop" and Gov'. Tho. Lloyd, Jam. Harrison, fran. Whitwell, Wm. Clayton, Jno. Symcock, Jno. Hilliard, Wm: Clark, Luke Watson, Wm. Woods. Question was put by y8 Gov' whether Talbot should, as a Quiet Traviller, pass the Contrey, or be Taken hold of for his Actions at New Castle. Ordered, that a Proclamation be Issued out to apprehend those who made Violation into this Contrey, as y8 Gov' shall see ocasion. Adjourned till y8 lO"1 3d Mo. 84, At a Generall Assembly held at New Castle, for the Province of Pennsilvania & Territories thereunto Belonging, The 10'" day of the Third month, 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov". Tho. Lloyd, Tho. Holmes, Tho. Janney, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Welch, Wm. Clayton, Chris. Taylor, Ja: Harrison, Jno. Cann, Wm. Southersby, Jno. Hilliard, Wm. Wood. Adjourned to y8 Assembly for halfe an hour, and then returned againe. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 51 These Returnes were brought by y" respective Sherrifs this day, Viz': Philadelphia, Chester, New Castle, Kent and Sussex. The Gov" Informes the Councill that he had Called the Indians together, and proposed to them to Let them have rum if they would be Contented to be punished as y8 English were ; which they did agree to, provided that y8 Law of not Selling them Rum be abolished. ° The Assembly attended this board & presented a Speaker, which was Nicholas Moore, & Adjourned till the Afternoone. post meridiem. The Gov' Ordered the two Comiss"8 that went to York to give an acco' ofy8 affair they went theither about, •w8" accordingly they did. The Clark ofy8 Councill was sent with a Coppy of y8 Bills and a Coppy of y8 Charter, to the Assembly. Adjourned till y° 12th 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at New-Castle y8 12"1 ofy8 3d Mo., 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop8" and Gov". Wm. Welch, Edw" Southrin, Wm. Wood, ffran : Whitwell, Tho: Lloyd, Jno. Symcock, Luke Watson, Jno. Hilliard, Tho : Janney, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Clayton, Tho. Holmes, Christ. Taylor, - Edmd Cantwell, Jno. Cann, Wm. Haigue, Jam: Harrison, Wm. Clark. Wm. Welch desired that a Comittee may be appointed to meet any of y8 Assembly men to Informe Concerning the Laws and to receive proposalls from ye Assembly, in relation to the Bills already prepared. A Committee was appointed, Viz': Tho. Lloyd. Wm. Welch, Jam : Harrison, Jno. Cann, Tho : Holmes. Ordered that a Bill be drawn to amend the Law Concerning Regis- trey. Also, that a Proclamation be Issued Out to give a Longer time to Record their Pattents. Ordered that y8 Clark acquaint the, Assembly that a Comittee is appointed by the Gov" & Councill, to receive any amendm18 or Altera tions in the Publisht Bills, according to Charter. Adjourned till y° Affternoone. post meridiem. ' The Petition of Evert Hendricks read. Ordered, that he be refer red to y8 County Court of New Castle. The Petition of Mathias Mathiason read ; he is referred to y8 Coun ty Court of New Castle. Alse Williams' Petition read. She is advised to make the Business up between themselves ; Other ways to have it Tryed by the County Court. . Adjourned till y8 13* 3d Mo., 84. 52 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill held at New Castle The 13th day of The Third Mo., 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov". Chr. Taylor, Wm. Southersby, John Symcock, Tho. Lloyd, Wm. Clayton, Luke Watson, Jno. Cann, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Wood, Jam: Harrison, Tho: Janney, ffran. Whitwell, Edmd Cantwell, Wm. Welch, Andrew Johnson, P'-, ? Hance Peterson, Def. $ There being a Difference depending between them, the Gov' & Councill advised them to shake hands, and to forgive One another; and Ordered that they should Enter in Bonds for fifty pounds apiece, for their good abearance; wch accordingly they did. It was also Or dered that the Records of Court Concerning that Business should be burnt. Peter Bawcum makeing Complaint for his fees, Ordered That Phil: Lemane Write a Letter to y8 Justices of the Peace of Kent County, ¦ to see that Peter Bawcum have his Just fees due to him. Ordered that Tho. Lloyd, Chr: Taylor, Jno. Sjmcock, Luke Wat son, Edmd Cantwell, fran. Whitwell attend y8 Gov"; the Ensueing month, from the Riseing of the Genall Assembly. Ordered That Wm. Welch, Tho : Holmes, James Harrison, Wm. Wood, Wm. Clark & Wm. Southersby, attend the Gov" the Second , month affier the Risping of y8 Genall Assembly. Ordered That Tho: Janney, Jno. Cann, Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clay ton, Edwd Southrin &, Jno. Hilliard, attend y8 Gov' y8 3d Month after y8 rising of the Gnall Assembly. Peter Bayvcum declareth that Wm. Darvall denyed him a Warr' to" seize Murfey, the Lord Baltemore's Agent. Adjourned till ye 14'° 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at New Castle The 14,bof y8 3d month, 1684.' " PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov'. Chris : Taylor, Jno. Cann, Tho : Lloyd, fran. Whitwell, Tho: Janney, Wm. Wood, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Welch, Wm. Southersby, ' Edmd Cantwell, , Wm. Clayton, Jam: Harrison, Tho: Holmes, Luke Watson, The Sense of y° Gov' is, that y8 Assembly ought to have their full time of Eight day to peruse the Bills to be past into Laws Observed, Quest : Whether the Sessions of y8 Genall Assembly may be de termined within nine days, without Violation of Charter; also,wheth»r PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 53 the Gov" and Councill can dismiss the Gnall Assembly before the Terme of Eight days, they haveing dispatcht the Buisness proposetl to them by y8 Gov' & Councill provided they desire it ; past' in the Affirmative. <"¦ Adjourned till Afternoone. post meridiem. Wm. Clark Sent a Letter to y8 Gov" and Councill, which was at tested by severall of y8 Councill & Assembly, of his Ilness; where upon he was Excused. "Question was put, whether y8 Memb1* absent should be fined five Shilling a Day for not appearing now in Councill, and also at y8 Pre- Tporing of y8 Bills, Say yee : Past in y8 Affirmative. All that are of Opinion that they shall pay it without remission, Except they can give a good reason to y8 Contrary, Say yee ; past in the Affirmative. Quest : put, whether the Sherriff Shall not be writ to for to Levie the Goods & Chatles of y8 members Absent for y8 paying y8 five Shillings a day for their Neglect, Say yee ; past in the Affirmative. Adjourned till y8' 15th 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at New Castle the 15"1 of the 3d month, 1684. present: Wx. PENN, Prop0' and Gov". Wm. Welch, Wm. Southersby, Luke Watson, Tho: Holmes; Tho: Janney, Chris: Taylor, Tho: Lloyd, Jno. Cann, Jam: Harrison, Edmd Cantwell, Wm. Wood, Wm. Clayton. Jno. Symcock, Two Members of y8 Assembly were sent to the Councill to know if the Comittee of the Councill were ready to receive their proposalls : they were answerd they had been ready Ever since Eight in y8 Morn ing. Adjourned for two hours into a Comittee before appointed. Agreed by the Assembly That a Coppy of their amendm' be left w" y8 Clark of y8 Councill; also, they desire the Laws to Runn the Gov"' & Prov" Councill. The Comittee Informes the Assembly that the Gov" hath Power in the Charter to Chuse Judges Dureing his Life. Quest : by the Assembly, whether all Laws Constituted to hold from a Certaine. Time can be without y8 Consent of the Assembly. Quest: whether in ye Bill for y8 Preservation of y8 Gov™ Person, Compass or Endeavour be not Sufficient, and Imagine, Intend or De vise ; and likewise tp Continue these Words, Writeing, Printeing, or 5* 54 MINUTES OF THE Acting, 6nly Speaking to be obmitted; and that two or more Wit nesses should be to the Conviction of a Person to one and the same Act ; The Word Otherwise to be left Out. The Assembly agree to the Word Maintaining of the Goyer' Insteed of Imposition ; also, to ad to y8 same bill, not being of the Naturall groath of the Province, nor any part thereof nor is nor are Exported from other Parts. The Words Imported into any Parts to be raced Out, and that noe One shall goe on board to Rumage the Shipps before the goods are de livered on Shore. The fifth Parragraph to runn after their amendm'8, y8 Word Proprie" to be put out of y8 Bill of Excise, and Wm. Penn put in. Breaking open doors to be raced Out, and by due course of Law to be put in. In the Seaventh Paragraph & 7'h Line thereof, to be them as in their Amendm18; the 10 Line also to be Altered; the 9th Paragraph; the 8 Line to be raced Out. Adjourned till Afternoone. post meridiem. Jos. Growdon and Jno. White came from the Assembly w" some Proposalls for amendm'", Viz': Quest. Put, whether the Bill to have five Prov" Judges Chose by y8 Govern' & Prov" Councill to Stand as formerly it did, say yee: past in y8 Affirmative. J J Abram May and ffrancis ffincher Came from y8 Assembly, desire- ing other Amendm*. Quest, put, all that are for having the Word Excise insteed of Im position, say yee; past in Affirmative. All that are for haveing the Tax upon Rum and other Liquors to goe by the name of Publick Aid, Say yee: past in Affirmative. Ordered that four of y8 Members of this board acquaint the As- sembly of their Breach of Priviledge, and that they send their amendm in short, and reprove henry Stretcher for being dis Ordered in Drink. ° Adjourned till y8 le"1 3d Mo., 1684. At a Councill held at New Castle y8 16"1 of y8 3d Mo., 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop8' and Gov0'. Wm Welch, J«°-Gann, Tho. Janney, Ja Harrison, Wm. Wood, Tho- Holmei 25- cS^i S? • Wf' Se WatTn', Th™ Lloyd ' Southersby, Jno. Symcock. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 55 The Gov' Entred into a Conferrance w"1 y" Assembly, and they accepted of Objections of the Gov' and Councill upon Amending their proposalls. Adjourned till Affternoone. post meridiem. francis Whitwell was sent for by the Messinger of the Councill, to appear and give reasons why he was absent two days : he sends word he is not able to Come; Whereupon he is Excused. Quest, put: all that are of Opinion that the Bill of Excise shall be drawn, Say yee: Past in Affirmative. All that are of Opinion that a Bill shall be drawn, w"1 y8 Proposalls of Amendm18 put in, Say yee : Past in the Affirmative. And that the Act to be Called publick Aid, by way of Defraying the Publick Charge of y8 Governm', to be payd to the Collect' by a Warrant from the Gov' and Councill, say yee: Past in the Affirma tive. All that are of Opinion, that Wm. Welch should draw the Bill, say yee, to be brought in to morrow morning: Past in the Affirmative. The Speaker of the Assembly, w"1 Jos : Growdon and Jno. White, Members thereof, attended this board w"1 y8 proposall of Amendm1* more at Large, their Clarke having made a mistake before. The Gov" Informed the Councill, that harman & Moll had Each of them two or three Pattents from Baltemore. . The Proposes to make an address from the Body of y8 Governm' to the King & Duke, Concerning Allarms & Building forts, to the Amazem' of the People. And also his giving away the Souldiers' Lands, who Took the Place. ffrancis fincher & Jos. Gowdon were Sent to be Informed Concern ing repealing the Old Laws. Adjourned till y8 17*° 3d Mo.. 84. At a Councill held at New Castle y8 17th 3d Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop™ and Gov'. Tho. Lloyd, Chr: Taylor, Wm. Wood, Tho. Holmes, Jno. Cann, Jno. Symcock, Edm4 Cantwell, Wm. Clayton, Luke Watson, Tho. Janney, Ja: Harrison, Wm., Southersby. John Songhurst and Jno. Hart declare they heard the Speaker say that the Proposed Laws Were Cursed Laws. Jos. Growdon & ffran. ffincher, also were present at Jno. White's when the Laws were read Over, and he said hang it, Damn them all. Ordered that Wm. Welch & Tho. Lloyd goe to the Assembly to 56 MINUTES OF THE lett them know that they have been soe long un-Dispacht of the Buis ness proposed, that the Gov" Takes it very ill. ' Edmd Bennet Sent from y8 Assembly to desire a Conference with the Comittee of y8 Councill. Wm. Welch Brought in the Bill of Publick Aid w"' Amendm18. Adjourned till Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. The Gov' & Councill Adjourned to the Assembly. The Assembly desire to know whether they have not Liberty to dis allow of the old Laws if they think fit, Viz' : 15. Law prohibiting Rum to the Indians. 44. Registring Bills & Bonds, &c. 85. fidelity to Wm Penn ; Else to forfeit their Lands. 115. In hot promiseing Obedience to the Laws. Also, the Law for not Killing Cow Calves & Ewe Lambs. The Councill Adjourned to Wm. Welch his house. The Speaker, Jno. Songhurst and Jno. White, Came from the As sembly, desireing One Amendm' in y8 Bill of Public Aid,, to Witt,: to have all Rum made of Mollosses put in it : being put to the Quest., was past in the Affirmative. All that are of Opinion that y8 Gov' should make this answer, that he intends to forgive the Offence of Killing Ewe Lambs, say yee : past in Affirmative. Registring of Bills & Bonds, &c, being a fundamental^ cannot be lett drop. The Law of Selling rum fall of it selfe. The Law of forfeiting Estates upon Disobedience to y8 Laws being but y8 Taile of a Law, it cannot be amended.: not Lett fall. Which Answers was given to the Speaker,, francis ffincher, Jno. Hart, John Blumston & Jno. Otter, to Informe the Assembly. Put to y8 Quest, whether Wm. Welch should not draw up the Pro- visor in the Bill of Public Aid, say yee : Past in Affirmative. All that are of opinion that registring of families shall goe at three pence Each head, say yee: Past in Affirmative: this I was sent with to y8 Assembly. Jno. Bellaing's Petition read Concerning y8 appraisem' of y8 Co- miss™ upon the Estate that was Luke Watson. Adjourned till y8 19* 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at New Castle The lg"1 ofy8 3d Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov"-. S°" ™?yd' Ja" Harrison, Jno. Cann, Wm. Welch, Tho. Janney, Edmd Cantwell, 1 ho. Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Wood Luk^Wateon Wm. Southersby, John Symcock, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 57 The Gov" & Prov" Councill have added Wm. Welch to the num ber of y8 Comittee to Settle the regulation of y" Revenue. This day y8 Prov" Councill & Assembly met, and the Bills were read Over and the Motives and reasons Layd open by y" Gov', and soe Past in to Laws. Adjourned till y8 22m 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at New Castle The 22* of y8 3d Mo. , 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0" & Gov". Wm. Welch, Ja. Harrison, Tho. Janney, Tho. Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Luke Watson. Moved that a Comittee be appointed to Inspe'ct the Journall of the Last Sessions of y8 Prov" Councill & Genall Assembly. Wm. Welch, Tho. Lloyd & Tho. Holmes, were the Men appointed : also, to Inspect both former & Latter Laws, Ordered that y8 Coppys Transmitted to Each County be Exact, It being moved in Councill where the Charter of Liberty were to be Kept and if to be Exemplified to y8 respective Countyes, being put to y8 Question. It was agreed that the Originall should Lie in the hands of the Master of the Roles, for ye time being, and that a. Coppy thereof be •Exemplified to Each respective County, under the Great Seale, One being first finish for the Gov18 Proper Ace'. In Persuance of an Order of a full Prov" Councill & Assembly. Memorendum, Viz' : The Words hath granted, unto me the said Wm. Penn, my heirs and Assigns, interlined between y8 fifth & sixth Line of y8 first Skin of this Charter, and the words twentieth in the fourteenth Line of y* Second Skin, Changed to the word tenth, as now it is, was thus amend ed by y8 Consent ofy8 Gov" & Prov" Councill & Assembly at NewCastle, Mett y8 10 day of y8 3d mo., 1684, as being only defects of Clark- ship in the Transcribing, as apears by y8 Act of union & Settlement. This was done in the Presents of the Members above Mentioned. It was moved that Sam" Carpenter Should be sent for, to be dis coursed withal I about farming the Excise, but he declined it. Ad journed till the Aftemoone. POST MERIDIEM. The Receiver ofy8 Publick Aid or Deputy Treasurer, to have 501b. yearly duering the Treasurer Absence. One Inferior receiver in Every County, who shall receive direc tions from y8 Deputy Treasurer, who shall receive Instructions from y8 Gov" and Councill; who Shall not be allowed above 201b. p. year. Ordered that Benja. Chambers or Sam" Hersent, be for Philadel- 58 MINUTES OF THE phia; Wm. Biles, for Bucks ; Tho. Usher for Chester; Sam" Land for New Castle ; Richard Mirchell for Kent; a man to be nominated by two or three of the magistrates, for Sussex. Ordered that a blanke Comission be sent downe. Adjourned till y° 29'" 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 29th of y8 3d Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov". Wm. Welch, Tho. Lloyd, Tho. Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Luke Watson. The Gov" put y8 Question : All that are for the receiver of the Publick Aid, Called Comissioner, duering y8 absence of the Trea surer, say yee : past. Question: Whether Wm. Welch should be the person: Past in Affirmative. His Comission was read and approved off. Ordered that y8 Comiss" give Comissions to under Officers. The Comissions and Attestations were read and Liked of: also, the forme of the Bond the under Officers are to give and their Instructions, were read & Liked off. , Ordered that the Comiss' give other Instructions to the Inferior officer for the Improveing the said Act according to Law. Ordered that Wm. Welch have a Gen"1 Comission of y8 Peace for thef Province & Territories, and also the under Officers to have Co- missions to Clear all Ships. The Gov' Prpposeth to send a Proclamation along with the Law of Publick Aid; which was wn One Consent agreed upon. , The Gov' and Councill Ordered that these Persons following at tend the Councill y8 30'" Ins' by 7 in the Morning: Jno. Day,, Jnoi. Songhurst, Tho : Winn, Tho: Hooton, Sam" Carpenter, Jno. Jones, James Claypoole, Jno. Test, Patrick Robinson. Adjourned till ye 30'" 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 30,b 3d Mo., 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Goy". Wm. Welch, Tho: Lloyd, Wm. Clayton. Tho : Holmes, Luke Watson, The Persons Ordered to Attend the Councill Came Accordingly, and were discoursed Concerning the Bill of Publick Aid, and Consid ering the whole matter. Pat. Robinson, Jarne Claypoole, John Song- PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 59 hurst, Sam" Carpenter, Tho : Winn, and Jno. Jones, were nominated to be persons to gett in the moneys arising by the same : Who, if they accept of it, they shall not only be made savers if they give in a Just account, but Gaynours. They are to give in an ace' hereof at 6 a Clock to night. Adjourned till 6 in the Evening. POST MERIDIEM. The Persons returne with this Answer : Sam" Carpenter Offers, and all of them are willing that a Survey may be made upon their goods, and think they shall raise three hun dred Pounds or more amongst friends that may answer the thing In tended ; also, that they will give an ace' thereof, and get the Inscrip tions to be in Lew of the Other Ingagem'8. Adjourned till y8 31'" 3d Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 31"" of the 3d month, 1684. present : Wm. PENN, Prop" and Gov". Tho : Holmes, Tho : Lloyd, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Welch, Luke Watson, The Persons before Mentioned Concerning the bill of Publick Aid, now being come w* their proposalls Concerning the same, The Gov" & Councill Ordered the reading of them, and give this Answer ; [No answer given. — Ed.] Adjourned till y8 3d ofy8 4'" Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 3d ia Mo., 1684. PRESENT I Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov". Tho : Lloyd, Wm. Welch, Luke Watson. Tho: Holmes, Samuel Lands' Letter was read, Concerning Coll. Geo: Talbot s goeing w01 three Musqueters to y8 houses of Widdow Ogle, Jonas Er- skin & Andreis Tille, and tould them that if they would not forthwith yield Obedience to y8 Lord Baltemore, & Own him to be their Prop0', and pay rent to him, he would Turne them out of their houses and take their Land from them. Tho: Holmes, Wm. Welch, Tho: Lloyd, apointed to be a Comit tee to Looke into the Actions of y8 Lord Baltemore, and to draw up a Declaration to hinder his Illegall proceedings. 60 MINUTES OF THE The Petition of Wm. Darvall, Concerning a Bastard Child was read, and referred to y8 same Comittee. Another Petition of Wm. Darvall's, Concerning his Disloyalty to y8 Gov', in Denying to pay his rent, and advising Others the same; Also, Concerning the Gov™ Letter, and denying to grant a Warr' to apprehend men coming out of Maryland, all w8" is referred to y8 same Comittee. Adjourned till y8 4,h- 4"" Mo., 84. . At a Councill held at Philadelphia, y" 4lhof y8 4,b month, 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov". Wm. Welch, Tho : Holmes, Wm. Clayton. Tho: Lloyd, Luke Watson, Wm. Darvall withdrew his Petitions, & therefore the Comittee made there returne, Thus : That he having soe done, they would Let the Buisness fall. The Gov" was pleased to bring in a Declaration to quell the Peo ple of Maryland. Adjourned till y8 ll"1 4a Mo., 1684. 1684. At Wm.Wm.Wm.Emd" a Councill held at Philadelphia ys PRESENT : PENN, Prop0" & Gov". Welch, Wm. Clayton, Clark, Tho: Lloyd, Cantwell, n1" ofy84lh month, Tho: Holmes, Luke Watson. The Gov" informes the Councill that he sent a Letter to Coll. Tal bot, to know what y8 Lord Baltemore would doe in answer to Gov" Doungan's Letter, which was to this Effect : to Lett things remaine as they were, till such times as there is a Decision made by y8 King & Councill ; he also will stay his Declaration till he heares what Talbot Sayes. Ashcom's Letter was read Concerning Talbot. Sam" Lands' Letter was read, informing the Gov' and Councill that JonasAskms heard Coll. Talbot say, that if Gov' Penn should come into Maryland, he would Seize him <£• his retairce* in their Journey to Susquehannah fort. Ordered that Wm. Welch doe take y8 Attestation of Jonas A skins, Concerning what Talbot said unto him, or any of those adherent to mm. *Should be retinue. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 61 THE TITLE OP A DECLARATION. By Wm. PENN, Prop0' & Gov' ofy8 Province of Pennsilvania & Territories Thereunto belonging : By and with ye advice & Consent ofy8 Prov" Councill ofy8 same. Wm. Welch is granted Leave to goe home. Adjourned till y8 12th 4"> Mo., 84. At a Cduncill held at Philadelphia ye 12th 4th Mo„ 1684. present: Wm. PENN, Prop8' and Gov'. Wm. Clark, Luke Watson, Wm. Clayton, Edmd Cantwell. Tho: Lloyd, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Haigue. Wm. Clark Complains of Wrong done him- by false reports of things done amiss in Open Court. The Persons names is Jno. Ed- minson and Wm. Darvall. The President's being Memb" of Councill, are appointed a Comit tee to Inspect the Virginia Laws, and to prepare such things out of them as may be Usefull for this Province, against the Next Genall Assembly. Ordered that Jno. Edminson & Griffith Jones, be Sent for. Griffith Jones being attested, Saith that about y8 5'" Inst., John Ed minson said before him & others at Capt. Brigg his house, that Wm. Clark, in shoeing ye Difference between the Lord Baltemore's Gov ernment and this, & how much Easier it was to Live under this Gov ernment, then his tould soe many lyes and Untruths against the Lord Baltemore's Governm', that he could hardly bear with him; and further adds, that he, y8 said Edminson, said that he was goeing to Gov' Penn for Pattents for his Land in y° County of Kent, and when he had got them, he would goe to y8 Lord Baltimore and gatt his Pattents for y8 said Land. Jno. Edminson Stands to f same, and Saith that Wm. Clark tould y8 people that the Lord Baltemore De nyed that Ever he had Given Out a Proclamation to Encourage y8 Peo ple to Settle at y8 whore Kills, as one of his Untruths. Ordered That there be a report made to this board of the returne of the Comiss18 wrh went to Kent County Concerning Wm. Darvall, and that he may have a Writing drawne to Clear him. Joseph Bowie, aged 31 years, living near Iron hill, about 8 miles distance from New Castle, being attested, Saith that about tenn days since Coll. Talbot ridd up to his house and was ready to ride over him, and said Dam you, you Dogg, whom doe you Seat under here, youdogg! you Seat under noe body; you have noe Warr' from Penn no my Lord ; therefore, gett you gon, or Else He send you to 62 MINUTES OF THE St. Mury's ; and I being frighted, Says he, you Brozen faced, Impu dent, Confident Dogg, He Sharten Penn's Territories by & by ; and the Neighbours said they saw Bowles his Land Surveyed away. Adjourned till y8 18th 4th, 84, . At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 18th ofy8 4m Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' & Gov". Jno. Symcock, Tho. Holmes, Chr: Taylor, Wm. Clark, Wm. Haigue, Edmd Cantwell. Tho. Lloyd, Wm. Wood, The Gov' desired to be Informed what Persons are fittest to ad minister to ffra. Whitwell's Estate: it was thought Wm. Southersby and Wm. Berry who were appointed, so to be. > The Gov' again read the Declaration Concerning y8 Difference be tween y8 Lord Baltemore & himself, desireing y8 Councills approba tion ; who approved of it, but desired that some things for. y8 psent inight be left out. Adjourned till y8 19lb ofy8 4,h Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 lO^of y8 4,h month, 1684. present: Wm. PENN, Prop™ and Gov'. Chr: Taylor, Tho. Lloyd, Luke Watson, Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clark, Jno. Symcock. Edmd Cantwell, Wm. Clayton, The Gov' Informes y8 Councill that Wm. Darvall was much dis satisfied at y8 proceedings of y8 Comiss™, and desires y8 Opinion ofy8 Councill in giving him a Clearing under y8 Clarke of ye Councell his hand. Upon Inquiry made in relation to Wm. Darvall, Concerning y8 Entertainment of one Murfey in Disafection to this Governm', The Comiss™ appointed to Enquire after & to bring to c'ondigne Punishem' such Disafected Persons to this Governm', as they should have Proof of, in the County of Kent ; Returned this much Concerning Wm. Darvall : that the thing sug gested were not proved against him. Taken out ofthe Journall by leave of Gov' & Councill. The Gov' Informes Wm. Clark and Edmd Cantwell that they should draw up two Petitions ; One to y8 King & One to y8 Duke. Adjourned till the 20'0 4th Mo., 84. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 63 At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 2001 ofy8 40" Mo., 1684. , present : Wm. PENN, Prop0" and Gov". Chr: Taylor, L.Watson, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Haigue, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Clark. The Petition of Geo : Thorp read; desiring a hearing before the Gov" & Councill. The Gov" desires to know if it be not Convenient to Costitute Prov" Judges to Try Geo : Thorp's Buisness. Ordered that it be Tryed to morrow morning, Unless Griffith Jones shoes sufficient rea son to the Contrary. Ordered that Griffith Jones be informed that the Gov" & Councill Sit at two ofy8 Clock in y8 Afternoone, in order to his Buisness. POST MERIDIEM. The Petition of Geo : Thorp being againe read, The Quest, was put whether they would be pleased to Sitt as a Court of Equity and Law, or a Court of Equity alone. The Gov" Proposes whether the two partys are Willing to have it Tryed by the Prov" Judges. Griff. Jones desire times to send for his Evidences, and also desires to know if it shall be Tryed by Law or Equity. Adjourned till y8 25"J 5,h Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 2501 ofy8 5'° month,- 1684. Wm. PENN, Prop™ and Gov'. Wm. Welch, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clark, Tho. Lloyd, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Darvall, Chr : Taylor, Jno. Cann. Jno. Symcock, Tho : Janney, Richard Mitchell, Sherriff, made his returne from Kent County, of the Election of Wm. Darvall in y8 Place of ffran. Whitwell, De ceased. Wm. Darvall Attested to Keep Secrecy. The Gov' Desires That the Memb8 of Councill would be sure above any thing to Suppress Lewdness and all manner of Wickedness. The Gov' first proposes to the Councill, the Law Concerning Sell ing Rum to the Indians. That is to say : advises to Issue forth an Act of State to Suppress selling rum to the Indians in such Quantities. The Gov' desires also, that Ordinary Keepers' disorders may be suppressed. Ordered that Rob' Terrill be sent for to appear before y8 Gov' & Councill, and all others that Sell Rum to y8 Indians. 64 MINUTES OF THE Jno. Jones Acquaints the Councill that one Russell harbours his Negroes, and therefore beggs some redress. Memorandum : Servats Traviling w'b out Passes-, Idleing on first days, Unlisenced houses selling Liquors without Licence; also, sea ven pence halfe penny a Meal, and one penny a q' for beer. Adjourned till y8 26,h 5 : Mo.»1684. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 26'" 5th Mo. , 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' and Gov'. Wm. Welch, Jno. Cann, Chr: Taylor, Jno. Symcock, Tho: Lloyd, Tho: Janney, Wm. Darvall, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Clark. Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clayton, Robert Terrill being brought before the Gov' & Councill for Selling rum to the Indians and Other people, and Entertaining Other Per son's Serv18, rece'd a repremand from the Gov'. A Proclamation Ordered, to be Issued Out in Order to Suppress the same. Ordered that Magistrates' gfve Instructions to the Grand Jury for Suppressing of Ordinarys, according to Law. Ordered that a Letter be writt giving Magistrates directions Con cerning the Proclamation, & also of Chuseing Magistrates & Peace Makers. Left to y8 Gov™ Discretion to have y8- Laws & Charter printed at London. Magistrates to Look after the Peace of y8 Province, & to Demeane themselves without a just Cause of Offence to the Indians, and then Discreatly. Tho: Lloyd, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Haigue, appointed' to draw up a Charter for Philadelphia to be made a Burrough, Consisting of a Maj' and six Aldermen, & to Call to their Assistance any of y8 Coun cill. Adjourned till y8 28"- of y8 5th Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 28th ofy8 5'" Mo., 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop0' & Gov'. Wm. Welch, Wm. Darvall, Jno. Cann, Wm. Clark, Chr: Taylor, Tho: Holmes, Jno. Symcock, Tho: Janney, Tho: Lloyd, Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clayton, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 65 The Gov" put ye Question, whether y8 Gov™ Charges & Expenses for the Preservation and Continuation of the Lower Countyes as annexed by act of. Assembly to this Province, shall be reputed a Public Charge. Resolved upon y8 Question, y' y8 Gov™ Expenses preserving and Continuing the Lower Countyes annexed by act of Assembly to this Province, be held & Reputed a Public Charge. The Gov" put y8 Quest: whether two-thirds or three-fourths of y8 ffreewill Offering Money given to y8 QoY, should be put to y8 Quest. Past in the Affirmative. As many as are of Opinion that two thirds should be allowed the Gov' towards the preserving & Continuing the Lower Countyes, an nexed by Act of Assembly to this Province. Past in the Negative. As many as are of opinion that three fourths should be allowed, Say yee : Past in y8 Affirmative. All that are of Opinion that y8 Charges of y8 Watchmen at New Castle should be payed out of y8 Publick Treasury, till further Order from Prov" Councill, Say yee: Resolved in y8 Affirmative. Ordered that Tho: Holmes, Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clayton, Tho: Lloyd, Wm. Darvall, Wm. , Clark, or any two of them, Inspect ye Bills of Benj. Acrod, Deceased, before such time as they are payd. Adjourned till y8 14th 6*° Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Sussex The 14"1 6th Mo. 1684. PRESENT : Wm. PENN, Prop01 and Gov". Tho: Lloyd, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Clark, Ja: Harrison, Luke Watson. The Differance between Luke Watson and Jno. Bellamy, touch ing the appraism' formerly Ordered by y8 Gov' & Councill, &c. The sayd Luke Watson & Jno. Bellamy agreed before y8 Gov' & Councill, as followed : That the said Luke Watson shall Continue upon y8 three hundred Acres at Prime hook, wheron are his Improvem'8, togather with the two hundred Acres adjoyning thereto ; and in Consideration thereof, the said Jno. Bellamy shall have the four hundred fifty-seaven Acres as p. Pattent, being formerly the Lands of One Wm. Canes, and Seated by Prentice, and to assigne and make Over their Intrests to Each Other in y8 said Lands, by Legall Conveyances, &c. And y8 Said Luke Watson shall further pay unto the said Jno. Bellamy, one Bullock, or Vallue thereof; and thus they agreed & shaked hands. Adjourned till The 18"' of ye 6th Mo., 1684. 6* 66 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill held at New Castle The 18th of y8 6'" month, 1684. PRESENT I THOMAS LLOYD, President. Wm. Welch, Jno. Symcock, Edmd Cantwell. Jam : Harrison, Tho. Holmes, A Comission from y8 Gov' was read, Impowring the Prov" Councill to act in the Governm' in his Steed, Tho. Lloyd being Presid' of y8 same. Also, a Comission for Tho. Lloyd to keep the great Seale, was read. Prov" Judges appointed by Comission, Viz' : Wm. Welch, Nich. Moore, Wm. Wood, Rob' Turner & JohnEckley. Adjourned till 19"1 6th Mo., 84. At a Councill held at New Castle The 19th ofy8 6th month, 1684. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Chris: Taylor, Jam. Harrison, Wm. Clayton. Tho. Holmes, The Commission for the great Seale was againe read, and the Seale delivered to Tho. Lloyd. A Comission was read Impowring Tho. Lloyd, James Claypoole & Rob' Turner, to Signe Pattents and grant Warrats. Wm. Clayton, Rob' Turner & Dan" Pastoruses, Comission for Jus tices of y8 Peace for Philadelphia County was read. Wm. Clark's Gen" Comission for y8 Peace was read, and filled up in Councill. Adjourned till 24th 6th Mo., 84. At a Councill held at New Castle The24ffi of the 6'" month, 1684. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. James Harrison, Wm. Haigue, Chris. Taylor. Jno. Symcock, Wm. Clayton, Ordered that the next Justice in Comission to the Presid' of the- Court of New Castle, doe officiate in the same till further Order. Adjourned till y8 10'" 7a Mo., 84. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 67 At a Councill held at Philadelphia the 10'° of y° 7th Mo. 1684.. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Tho. Holmes, John Symcock, Wm. Clark, Chr: Tay lour, Wm. Clayton, Edmd Cantwell, Wm. Wood, Jam. Harrison, Jno. Cann. Wm. Welch being deceased, the Memb™ of Councill for N. Castle- County, Informed the Councill of y8 Want of one in his place:. Wherupon, the Presid' put y8 Quest., whether or not there should be a Writt sent downe to Chuse a Memb. to serve in his steed : past in. y8 Affirmative. Quest. Whether the Managem' of the Genall Survey™ Place of New Castle County, Should be put into the hands of Tho. Holmes, Surv" Gen" of ye Province, till further orther ; and that Tho. Person be his Deputy for y8 Time being, he receiving Instructions from y8 Genlu Surveyor. Past in Affirmative. Information being given to this board that the Widdow Ogles' hay was thrown into y8 Creek, and Andrew Stone's Clouths Terne by Coll. Talbots' People, who did it by his Order, Edmd Cantwell and Jno. Cann were Ordered to Inspect the thruth of it, and to make a Speedy report of y8 same to this board. Adjourned till y8 11th 7th Mo., 84.. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 11th ofy8 71" month, 1684. present: THOMAS LLOYD,. Presid'. John Symcock, Jam, Harrison, Tho. Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Clark, Chris. Taylor. Edmd Cantwell, Jno. Cann, It being proposed by a Memb' in Councill, that a New Comission ofthe Peace be granted for the Countys of Philadelphia & New Cas tle, by reason of y8 removeall and Decease of ye sayd Presid', it was Unanimously agreed that New Comissions should be Issued Out. Ordered that Notice be given to the Prov" Judges,, to request them to appear in Councill to Morrow, at the 9*° houre.. Adjourned till y8 12'° 7th Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 12th of y8 7th Mo, 1684. PRESENT : THO: LLOYD, President. Jno. Symcock, Edmd Cantwell, Jno. Cann, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Clark- Chr: Taylor, 68 MINUTES OF THE Ordered that upon the Decease or Absence of y8 Present President from this Province or Territories, that it shall and may be Lawfull for the Prov" Councill, upon any urgent Emergency, to meet to gether, & Chuse a Presid' or Vice presid', as Occasion shall Offer, from time to time. . Wm. Clayton & Robt. Turner attested Justices of y8 Peace, for y County of Philadelphia. „,.,,. Ordered that the King's Proclamation forbidding his subjects to Enter into the Servis of forreigne Princes, be read to morrow by the Sherriff, in the most publick places of Philadelphia, at tenn of the Clock to morrow; and to be affixed-in a Publick place for the Publick View. Ordered that a Comission be speedly Issued fourth for One to Sup ply the place of a Prov" Judge, Lately deceased. Ordered that it be referred to y8 Presid' and psent Memb™, to Co- missionate Treasurer if Occasion be. The Comission of y8 five Prov" Judges was this day delivered unto Nicholas Moore & Robt. Turner, who were accordingly Attested. The Coppy Wherof is as followed, Viz': Wm. Penn, Prope'y & Gov' of y8 Province of Pennsilvania & Ter ritories thereunto belonging, To my Trusty & Loving friends, Nicholas Moore, Wm. Welch, Wm. Wood, Rob' Turner '& John Eckley. Greeting: Reposing Speeiall Confidence in y' Justice, Wisdom and Integri ty, I doe, by Virtue of y8 King's Authority, derived unto me, Consti tute you Provinciall Judges for the Province and Territories, & any Legall Number of you a Prov" Court of Judicature, both fixed and Circular, as is by Law directed, giving you and Every of you full power to act -therin according toy8 same; Strictly Chargeing you and Every of you, to do Justice to all and of all degrees, without delay, fear, favour or Reward : And I doe hereby require all Persons within the Province and Territories aforesaid, to give you ye due Obedience and respect belonging to your Station, in the Discharge of your Dutys. This Comission to be of force duering two years Ensueing y8 Date hereof, You and Every of You behaving yourselves well therein, and Acting according to ye same. Given at Philadelphia, ye fourth of y8 sixth Month, One thousand six hundred Eighty & four, 'being y8 thirty Sixth year of y8 King's Raign, & y8 fourth of my Governm'.- Ll1^ I WM. PENN. Postcrip : For y8 three Upper Countyes and Towne of Philadel phia. WM. PENN. Ordered that the Registrey's Office for the County of New Castle, be managed by Jno. Cann, till further Order. Ordered that y8 Presid' and Present Members may have power out of Councill to grant Licenses. An Information being given to this board from Sam11 Land, High Sheriff of the County of New Castle, That there was a Ship Lately arrived which was an' unfree Bottom ; Whereupon he seized her. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 69 i Ordered that Wm. Clark, Jno. Cann, Edm" Cantwell, Peter Al- drichs, and Jno. Williams, or any three of them, Strictly Inquire into the Nature and Truth of y° Information, and Transcefer a'n acco' there of to y8 Presid', or in his absence to Tho : Holmes. Ordered in Councill, that y8 Presid' & Members present may Em power such as they think fitt, to be a Court of admiralty, for the hear ing and determining the State and Case of the Shipp Seized ; and that upon all other, and the Like urgent Occasion, that the Presid* & Pres'. Members may, in absence of y8 Councill, proceed to act therin w Prudence, Law and Discretion, according to y8 Necessity of y8 Matter, and that an account of y8 same be reported to y8 next Coun cill. Adjourned till y8 14'° 8°" Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 14'" 8th Mo., 1684. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Thorn: Holmes, Luke Watson, Wm. Clayton. Wm. Haigue, The Ship Called the harp, of London, Robt. Hutchins Master, being by this board Called in Question for his Ship's being an unfree Ship, and upon Consideration had by this board and Sam" Horsent, Prosecutor, in behalfe of Sam" Land, Prosecuting & desireing Judg ment against the said Ship. Monsieur Dethees, Master, Alias Pilot, appearing in person in Coun cill, produced a Past under the hands of the Comiss™ of London, and Seal of the Custom house, dated y8 9* May, 16,84; but positively de clared that he had noe Clearing to produce, neither (as he said) could he produce any from the Admiralty Office of Darby house, and that Mounsieur Duthees that had been Employed to dispose of the Charity given to some french Protestants of good Quality, bound for Penn silvania, did Solicite at y8 sd Admiralty for a Clearing, but could^ not obtaine it ; Hezekias helmont, Edd Hunter & Jeffrey Johnson, Sea men & Saylors on said Ship, being also called, and Personnally appear ing in Councill, & being Interrogate severally and Joyntly, declared that they knew nothing of the Clearing of the said Ship, and that they know nothing of her being an unfree Ship till they came to burnegat, where they then heard of one above that Knew more than they, that Shee was an Unfree Ship. The board upon hearing of the whole matter, and all that could be alleged in behalfe of said Ship, It is y8 Judgm' of the board that Shee is an Unfree Ship, & so forfeited. Condemnation and Sale of the Ship harp of London, By the Presi dent & Members of Prov" Councill of the Province of Pennsilva nia, and Territories thereunto belonging : Information being made to this board by Sam" Land, that a Cer taine Ship called the harp, of London, Lately arrived Avith Passingers 70 ' MINUTES OF THE from London, in England, and now riding before, the towne of Phila delphia, in the Province of Pennsilvania, is a french Bottom, and noe ways made free to Trade or Import any goods into any of his Majes ty's Plantations in America, and soe under the forfeiture Exprest in the Laws of Navigation, upon a full hearing of the Buisness in Coun cill, the fourteenth of y8 Eighth Mo., 1684, And by the Ingenious Confession ofthe Master, who Termes himselfe Pilot of y8 said Ship, who produced a Pass under the hand of y8 Comiss™ & Seale of the Custom house at London, Dated the Ninth of the Second* Month, 1684, but positively declared that he had noe clearing to produce, Neither (as he said) could he produce any from the admiralty office of Darby house, and that Mounsieur Duthees that had been Employ ed to dispose of the Charity given to some french Protestants of good Quality, bound for Pennsilvania, did solicite at said Admiralty for Clearing, but could not obtaine it, the seamen & Saylors, Viz' : fleze- kias Helmont, Edwd Hunter, and Jeffery Johnson, of y8 sd Ship being called, and personally appearing in Councill, did declare Joyntly & Severally, that they knew nothing of her being an unfree Ship until! they came to Barnegatt's, where they then heard that shee was an Unfree Ship ; and Sam11 Land being prosecutor, Desireing Judgm', the President and Prov" Councill upon hearing of y8 whole matter & all that could be alleged in behalfe of y8 said Ship. Have and doe adjudg and Condemn y8 Said Ship as aforesaid, for feited according to Law, the 14th ofthe 8'" month, 1684 ; and Comiss™ being respectively appointed for y8,View, apraisem' & sale ofy8 said Ship, w'h Tackle, apparrell & Arnunition, &c. did accordingly, between y8 hours of three & five ofthe day in y8 afternoone, being the 14 of the 8 month, 1 684, Sei the said Ship.by the Inch of Candle, to Bar- naba Wilcox, for fifty-nine pounds ten Shillings six pence ; whom we doe Declare to be the Sole, Right, and Lawfull Owner of ye said Ship. THOM. LLOYD. Adjourned till 22"1 8th Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia ye 22th ofy8 8th Mo., 1684. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Wm. Clark, Tho : Holmes, Luke Watson, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Haigue, Pet" Alrichs. Ordered that John Songhurst, Wm. East, Thorn : Taylor, apraise y8 french Ship w8" is forfeited, and make returne fourthwith to this board. Ordered that James Claypoole, Sam" Carpenter, .& Wm. framp- ton, be Comiss"8 to Dispose of y8 french Ship fourthwith. *Should be third. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 71 Ordered that Wm. Darvall, Grunadus Wessel, Jno." Brigs & Dan" Jones, have Comissions for Justices ofthe peace for Kent County. Ordered that Peter Alrichs, Rob' Owen, Edmd Cantwell, & A bram. Man, have Comissions for Justices of the peace for New Castle County. The Returne ofthe Sheriff of New Castle was this day read, for the Choyce of Peter Alrichs to be a Councellor for that place, Who was this day attested in Councill. The Petition of Edmd Cantwell was read, and the Councill Ex- prest their unwillingness to take Cognizance thereof, by reason had regularly his Legall remedy from the Prov11 Court, to which he ap pealed, and should have prosecuted his Complaint & Greayance ; how Ever, they thought it advisable to have a Letter Sent to the Clark of the County of New Castle by the Clark ofthe Councill, to send up to this board wm all Expedition, a Coppy of the appeal, Judgm' Bond and Execution, w"" the Declarion Plea and Verdict Entred & Issued out against the Complainant. Adjourned till 24th 8"1 Mo., 1684, At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 24'" of y8 8th Mo., 1684, PRESENT : Wm. CLAYTON, Presid'. Chr : Taylor, Ja : Harrison, Wm. Wood, Jno. Symcock, Tho. Janney, Wm. Darvall. Ralph ffretwell Complains to the Councill that he cannot have his Land Laid Out by reason ofthe Contention ofthe Survey". Tho: Holmes being sent to by the Clarke ofthe Councill, to know his reason of not Issuing out his Warrant to Survey y8 Said Ralph ffretwell's Land, his answer was, he would not Issue out his Warrant to Charles Ashcom, But he would Issue out his Warrant according to his Comission. Wherupon the Councill made this Warr' following : For as much as Ralph ffretwell hath made his Complaint to us that he cannot have his Land Surveyed and Layd out according to the Gov™ Warrant, Wee having Sent to Tho: Holmes to put y8 said Warr' in Execution, Viz': to direct Charles Ashcome, Survey" of the Countv of Chester, to lay out the Same, and he refusing soe to doe; These are therefore, to will and require Thee fourthw"1 to Survey, or caused to be Surveyed, unto Ralph ffretwell, the said Tract of Land, beginning halfe a mite above Concord, and soe through New Towne, Saveing Every man's right their already Surveyed to them in y8 said Towns Ship, and Soe up N. N. W. till you come to y8 full Extent on that side, and soe onwards untill the said Warrant be Accomplished, by a Square of tenn or twelve miles, or any Quantity that may be Conteined in the same, according to y8 Treu Intent and meaning of y8 Gov™ Warrant. 72 MINUTES OF THE James Harrison and Jno. Symcock were Ordered to Discourse Tho. Holmes Concerning Ralph ffretwell. Adjourned till 25M 8 Mo., 84. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 25"" 8 Mo., 1684. PRESENT : THO: LLOYD, Presid'. Jam. Harrison, Luke Watson, Wm. Haigue. Wm. Clark, Wm. Clayton, Barnabas Wilcox had two hours granted him to give his, answer to the Presid^, whether he will have the french Ship as he bought her or not. A Prov" Court being by Law and under the great Seale by y8 Propr8' & Gov' Established, it was Judged advisable and Expedient that for the future the Prov11 Councill may draw up and Endeavour to ascertaine the Legall Bounds and Jurisdictions of the Respective Courts of Judicature in this Province & Territories, least through i the Inadvertancy, Indiscretion or unskillfullness of any Persons Judi cially Comissionated, in the Discharge of their Duty, they, or any of them, may act Eregularly, to the Disatisfaction of y8 Governm', Disreputation of themselves, to y8 Vacuating and Insecurity of such acts & Judgment of y8 said Courts, & Consequently by the Intrench ing of one Court upon y8 Matters Cognisable by an other Judica ture, Annimositys, Disrespect and Confusion may be introduced. For the Prevention Wherof, and y8 preserving of a Respectfull Notice and Corispondance, and for y8 Continueing a Suitable regard to the due Determination of y8 Comiss™ of Each Court, It was agreed in Councill that such Instructions, Soe drawn up, may be recomended to the notice ofy8 Respective' Comiss'8. Adjourned till y8 30,n ofy8 ls{ month, 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 30"1 of y8 first month, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. Chris. Taylor, Tho : Janney, Nich. Newlin, Jno. Symcock, Jno. Barnes, Phin. Penherton. Wm. Wood, The Returne of Philadelphia Read. The Returne of Bucks' read. The Returne of Chester Read. John Barnes, Nich. Newlin & Phinihas Pemberton, were this day attested to Keep Secret the Debates of Councill. Adjourned till y8 31th Is' Mo., 85. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 73 At a Councill held at Philadelphia the 31 1" Mo., 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. Chris: Taylor, Wm. Wood, Jno. Barnes, Jno. Symcock, Jno. Cann, Nich. Newlin, .Tho. Janney, Phin: Pemberton, Peter Alrichs. The Returne ofthe Sherriff of New Castle was read. Put to ye Question, Whether y8 Members not coming to Councill yesterday be willfull absence. Past in the Negative. Put to the Question, Whether those two Sherriffs which have not made their returnes should be fined or not for Neglect of Duty, and whether tenn pounds fine should not be Layd upon Each. Past in y8 Affirmative. Ordered that y8 Sheriff of New Castle pay 20s. fine for not making returne in time. Jno. Cann, Jno. Barnes, Nich. Newlin & Phin. Pemberton, and as many more as pleaseth, apointed a Comittee to read Over y8 Laws. . Adjourned till y» 1st 2d Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 1st 2d Mo., 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid". Wm. Wood, Peter Alrichs, Jno. Symcock, Jno. Cann, Phe : Pemberton, Chris. Taylor, Tho : Janney, Nich. Newlin, Jno. Barnes. The Petition of Christopher Penock & Co. Concerning the ferry at Skoolkill, was, read. Ordered y' an Order of ye Councill be Sent to Phillip England, to Expedit a sufficient ferry boat for horses and Cattle to pass to and fro over the Scoolkill, as also to make y8 way on both sides Easy and passable both for horses and man, to Loe Water Marke ; Other- ways y8 Councill will take care to Dispose of it to such as will pforme y° same. It being Moved in Councill to have the Line of Separation known &-. distinguish' between ye Countyes of Philadelphia and Bucks, at y" River Dellaware, the County of Bucks to begin at Poaquesson Creek, and soe to take in the Easterly side thereof, togather with ye Town- Ships of Southampton & Warminster, and thence backwards. And severall Members of Councill acquainted this board that they heard the Gov' Positively grant & say, that the aforementioned Line should be the Devision between the two said Countyes, and being put to y8 Question, whether that should Stand as y" division of y8 Coun tyes aforesaid, it was carried in the Affirmative, Nemine Contradi cente. 7 74 MINUTES OF THE Ordered that an Order of Councill be Sent to y8 Sheriff of Each County abovesaid, to the End that they may know the Limitts & bounds of each respective County. The Question was put, whether Sam" Land should Continue bhe- riff for the County of New Castle for y8 Next year. Past in the Affirmative. Wheras; the Gov' in psence of John Symcock and Wm. Wood, was pleased to Say & grant That y8 bounds ofthe Countys of Ches ter & Philadelphia should be as followed, Viz': That the bounds should begin at the Mill Creek and Slopeing to y8 Welch Township, and thence to Scoolekill,&c.,in obedience thereto and Confirmation thereof. The Councill having Seriously Weyed & Considered the same, have & doe hereby Agree and Order that y8 bounds betwixt the said Countys shall be thus; That is to Say: The County of Chester to begin at y8 Mouth or Entrance of Bough Creek, upon Delaware River, being the uper End of Tenecum Island, and soe up that Creek, deviding the said Island from y8 Land of An dres Boone & Compy; from thence along the Severall Courses there of to a Large Creek Called Mill Creek; from thence up the Severall Courses ofthe said Creek to a W : S : W: Line, which Line devided the Liberty Lands of Philadelphia from Severali Tracts of Land be longing to the Welch & Other Inhabitance; and from thence E: N: E: by a Line of Marked Trees, 120 perches more or Less; from thence N: N: W : by the harford Township, 1000 'perches more or less ; from thence E : N : E : by yB Land belonging to Jno. Hum- pheris, 110 perches more or less; from thence N: N: W: by y" Land of Jno. Ekley, 880 perches more or Less ; from Thence Con tinuing y8 said Course to the Scoolkill River, w80 sd Scoolkill River afterwards to be the Naturall bounds. ' The Question was put, whether the afore mentioned Creeks, Courses and Lines, shall be the bounds betwixt the Countys of Philadelphia & Chester, according to y8 Gov" grant as aforesaid; Unanimous Carried in y* Affirmative.. Motion being made for a Rainger for the County of New Castle, the Councill Unanimously Chose Peter Alrichs to be Rainger of y° said County for One year. Ordered that he have a Comission drawn for that purpose. Ordered that Rich. Parker have Licence to Keep an Ordinary at Darby Creek. Adjourned tilly8 3d 2d month, 1685. At a Councill held at Philadelphia ye 3d 2d Mo., 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES,, Presid'. John Symcock, Jno. Cann, Phe. Pemberton, Tho. Janney, Jno. Barnes, Wm. fframpton,. Wm. Clark, Pr Alrichs, Chris. Taylor, Wm. Wood. Nicho. Newlin, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 75 Wm. Clark being attested, deposeth that he saw ye returne ofthe Sherriff of y8 County of Kent for a member of Councill, and he did read in the returne that Wm. fframpton was y8 man Chose for the memb" of Councill. And it being put to the Question whether that was sufficient for him to Sit, past in the Affirmative. The Lycence of John Hill Ordered to be renewed. The Returne of y8 Sherriff of Lewis County was read, Jno. Roads Returned Councellor. Ordered that a Comission be drkwn for John Cann, Peter Alrichs, Rich. Owen, Johanas D. Haes, James Walliams,, Hendrick Williams, Vallentine Hallingswoorth, Edwd Green, Wm. Guest, Hendrick Le- man, to be Justices of the Peace for y8 County of New Castle, for a year. Wm. fframpton was this day attested in Councill to keep Secresy. Ordered that a Bill be drawn for Severall sorts of fines Exprest in the Laws of this Province, to be raised, Lea vied and payd. Ordered that a Bill be drawn to y8 End the time of Enrolm' be Enlarged to Six months of Charters, deeds & Conveyances, & that y Clawse of Bill Bonds & Specialties be left Out, and y8 Word Pat tents be added and Incerted after the Word Charter. Ordered that a Bill be drawn for Indemnifieing all forfeited Deeds not Enroled in Time, and that y8 said deeds shall stand Valid to all intents and purposes, as if they had been Enroled. Ordered that a bill be drawn up That yB Word Equity be left out in ye Law off County Courts. Put to y8 Question ; whether the .87 Law should be repealed, and one year be put in the roome of six months, and be new drawne: past in the Affirmative. Put to y8 Question ; whether the penalty should be taken out of the Law of Education; Past in the Affirmative. Ordered that Wm. fframpton, Phin : Pemberton and Jno. Cann, doe draw up a Bill that all pay may be made in Kind according to Con tract; also, that they bring in the Distance of lakeing up of Servants. Adjourned till 4 2 Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 4* of 2d Mo., 1685. present: THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. Wm. Wood, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Clark. P' Alrichs, Jno. Cann, Luke Watson, Wm. fframpton, Jno. Barnes, Nich. Newlin. Phin: Pemberton, Tho. Janney, Put to y8 Question ; whether the 134 Law should be repealed, and one or more drawns with amendments, in respect of Serv18. Past in the Affirmative. 76 MINUTES OF THE Wm. Clark is desired to bring in a forme of Indictm18 and attachm", against the next Sitting. Ordered that a Bill be drawne for Watch and Ward, and be left to y8 Justices of Every County, or any four of them, to settle time and place, with 5d. penalty for Every One that shall neglect. "- Put to yc Question : Whether y8 4 1 Chapter of Laws should be re pealed, and an Other made in the roome with this amendm': Person instead of Man: past in y8 Affirmative. Nath. Aliens, Comission for gager & Sealor of Weights & Mea sures, was read and left to be Considered. Put toy8 Question; Whether y8 103 Law should be repealed con cerning gageing : Past in the Affirmative. Ordered that Wm. fframpton draw a new bill for the Size of Caske Exported, and also to be Used within this Province, &c. Put to y8 Question ; Whether there shall be a Gallon, peck & Bush- ell be Sealed in Every County of this Province, to be maintained at their owne Charge ; past in Affirmative. Put to y8 Question ; Whether a Law should be made for a Penalty to be Laid upon such as Cutt or fall Marked or bounded trees ; Past in the Affirmative. Ordered y' Jno. Symcock, Jno. Cann, Wm. fframpton & Phinihas Pemberton, be a Comittee to draw up the former bills. Adjourned till 6"' 2d Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 6th 2d month, 1685. present: THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. Wm. Clark, Luke Watson, Jno. Barnes', Wm. fframpton, Jno. Cann, Chr : Taylor, Tho: Janney, Phin: Pemberton, Jno. Symcock, Nich. Newlin, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Wood. Put to y° Question ; whether y8 Persons Concerned in y8 Subscrip tion of money in Lue ofy8 Publick ayd, should be sent for in Order to pforme what they undertooke: Past in y8 Affirmative. Put to y8 Question; whether this following Writing should be the foreamble to the Order of Councill for ye Division of Countyes : Past in y8 Affirmative. Wheras, there is a Necessity to Ascertaine the bounds ofthe seve ral Countys of the Province of Pennsilvania, in Order to the raiseing and Collecting of Taxes, Public Monys, and Other ways to adjust ye Limitts of their respective Sherriffs, for y8 Performance of their powers and Dutys ; and also, that y8 People might know unto what County they belong and appertaine, To answer their Dutys and places : Ordered that a Comission be drawne for James Harrison,. Tho : Janney, Wm. Yardley, Wm. Biles, Wm. Beaks, John Ottor, Edmd Bennet & Jno. Swift, to be Justices of the Peace for y8 County of Bucks, the year Ensueing. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 77 Ordered that a Comission be drawne for Jno. Symcock, Wm. Wood, Nich. Newlin, Rob' Wade, Geo. Maries, Tho : Usher, Robert Riles & John Blumstone, to be Justices of y8 Peace for Chester Coun ty, the year Ensueing ; But Left to the President and members of the said County to Leave Out four of them. Put to the Question ; Whether there should not be a Bill or Bills drawn to fine Justices & Sherrifs for their Neglect of their Duty ; Past in the Affirmative. The Petition of Widdow Acrod was Delivered into this board by Nicho. Moor, her Atturney ; was read, & proof being made by her said Atturney of her being Married to Benj. Acrod, Deceased, by a Certificate from the Late Lord May' of y8 Citty of London, S' Henry Talse, and a Letter of Atturney also produced, Constituteing the said Nich. Moore her Atturney. Ordered therefore, that Patrick Robinson be sent to attend this Board, to give an account of y8 Estate of Benj. Acrod, Deceased. Adjourned till 7"' 2d Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 7m of y8 2d month, 1685. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho : Holmes, Tho. Janney, Luke Watson, Wm. Clark, Jno. Cann, Phin : Pemberton, Jno. Symcock, Peter Alrichs, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Wood, Wm. fframpton, Jno. Barnes. The Gov"8 Comission to the Councill was this day read. A Bill Concerning runaway Servants was read a first reading Past Nemine Contradicente. A Bill Concerning Indemnifieing of Pattents, Gift, Grants, &c, not Enroled, read a first reading : past N. C. Adjourned till y8 8lh 2d month 1685. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 8th of the 2d month, 1685. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Tho : Holmes, Nich. Newlin, Tho. Janney, Jno. Symcock, Jno. Cann, Wm. fframpton, Wm. Wood, Chr: Taylor. Phin : Pemberton, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Clark, Jno. Barnes. Luke Watson, A Bill for Persons goeing in Season for their pay in Pork, Tobacco &¦ Corns, was read a first reading : past N. C. 7* 78 MINUTES OF THE By the Presid' & Prov" Councill of the Province of Pennsilvania & Territories thereunto belonging : Wheras, there is a Necessity to ascertaine the Bounds of y8 seve-- rail Countyes of Pennsilvania, in Order to ye raising and Collecting of Taxes, publick Moneys, and Otherways to adjust the Limitts ofthe re spective Sherriffs for ye pfenning of their Power and Duty ; and also, that y8 People might know unto what County they belong & apper- taine to answer their dutys and places : and wheras, the Gov", in presence of Tho: Janney & Phin: Pemberton, was pleased to say and Grant that y8 Bounds of y8 County of Bucks and Philadelphia should begin as followeth, Viz'. To begin at ye Mouth of Poetquesink Creek, on Delaware, and soe by y8 sd Creek, and to take in the Townships of Southampton and Warminster ; in Obedience thereto and Confirmation thereof, The President and Councill having Seriously Weighed and Considered ye same, have & doe hereby agree and Order that the bounds between the said Countys shall be thus : to begin at y8 Mouth of Poetquesink Creek on Delaware River, and to goe up thence a long y8 said Creek by y8 severall Courses thereof, to a S. W. & N. E. Line, which said Line devides the Land belonging to Jos. Growdon &, Compa., from y8 Southampton Township ; from thence by a Lyne of Marked Trees along the said Line 120 Perches more or less, from thence N. W. by a Line of marked Trees, which said Line impart devid'ed the Land be longing to Nich. Moor from Southampton & Warminster Townships, Contermeing the said Line as far as ye said County shall Extend. The Petition of Jno. Day was read; he is referred to two or three Justices ofy8 Peace to hear y8 Buisness. A Bill for Leather to be well Tand was read a first reading: Past N. C. A Bill for fences to be Viewed read a first reading : past N. C. Adjourned till 9th 2d month, 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 9th ofthe 2" month, 1685. present: TFIOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Tho: Holmes, John Cann, Phin. Pemberton, Jno. Symcock, Nich. Newlin, Chr : Taylor, Wm. Wood, Luke Watson, Peter Alrichs. Wm. Clarke, Tho. Janney, This day the Law past by this board to be permulgated, were read a second and third time and past, N. C. Ordered that when Samlf' Carpenter hath his Comission to appoint a Collector in New Castle County, that there shall he Care taken to Satisfie those that Watcht in y8 fort by y8 Gov™ Order. Ordered Vnanimously in Councill, that Each County in this Pro vince & Territories in their publick Assessm', advance w'ball Expe- PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 79 dition the sum of tenn pounds, w80 they all agree to be Raised for Rich- ard Ingelo, Towards his Attendance and servise in Councill. Adjourned till 25,n 2d month, 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 25th of y8 2d month, 1685. present: THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. Wm. fframpton, Luke Watson, Jno. Barnes. The Petition of Jno. Butterworth being read, as also the annexed Letter from Tho : Olive, Deputy Gov" of West Jarsey, whereby the said Butterworth Complained unto the Justices ofthe County of Phila delphia, for his Wages due unto him from Henry Patrick, Comender of the Ship Dispatch of London, for four months Wages, Ending y8 5a of y8 first month Last, at y8 rate of twenty-eight Shillings sterling money of England p. month, amounting to Seaven pounds Currant money of this Province, and y8 same after severall Demands refused to be payd by y8 said Henry Patrick; and Wheras, y8 said Justices ofy8 Peace have recomended the State of y8 Case ofthe said Petitio" to this board, that so he might not perish, or be a Charge to this Province for want of his Just Wages. This Board upon Consideration had of the premises, have thought fit and doe hereby Order the Justices of the peace for the towne of New Castle, or any four of them, by Sumons or Warrant, to send for the said Henry Patrick, whether on shore within their said Pre sinkt, or on board of his Ship, Over against the said presinkt in the River Delaware, and to Cause him to make payment of ye aforesaid sum to the said Butterworth or his assignes, or Otherways to give Security for y8 paym' thereof in such reasonable time as you shall see meet in you discretion, Unless he, the said Henry Patrick, can Legally make it appear before you that he hath paid y8 said Butter worth any more towards his wages then he alledgeth due to him, or that he can give you satisfaction why he aught not to pay y8sd wages. Adjourned till y8 28'" 2d Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y° 28:" 2/ Mo., 1685. present: THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Chris. Taylor, Luke Watson, Jno. Barnes. Wm. fframpton, Wm. Dareing's Petition was this day read. Wheras, a Petition was this day by Wm. Dareing, Master of y° Ship Wrenn, Exhibited to this board, thereby alledging and setting 80 MINUTES OF THE forth that Jno. Harrison, seamen, Geo. Ambler, and Tho. Pringle, Servants belonging to y° said Ship, were at y8 Last Prov" Court held at New Castle, Ordered and Sensured to pay tenn pounds seaven Shillings for a hogg, Valued at One pounds three Shillings, besides two of them to be Whipt, and y8 said master Complaining of y8 said Santence of Court to be Severe, and Contrary to Law, hath Petitioned this board to have the Execution of y8 said Sentance suspended. Upon Consideration had of y8 Allegations in y8 sd Petition, It is Or dered y' y8 Execution of y8 sd Sentance be suspended, and y' y8 Jus tices & Sherriff of y8 Town of New Castle are hereby Impowerd to suspend the same accordingly, untill y8 Prov" Judges doe returne to this Towne, and y8 Councill have Conferd with them, and thereby receive a full and Clear account & understanding of this matter, for w80 this shall be to you and Every one of you your Sufficient Want'. Adjourned till y8 11th 3d Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 1 llh of The 3d month, 1685. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Thorn. Holmes; Jno. Cann, Wm. Southersby, Chri. Taylor, Wm. Darvall, Wm. fframpton, ' Jno. Roads, Jno. Barnes, Wm. Wood. Luke Watson, The Presid' having acquainted y8 Councill from York ofthe Death of our Late Soveraign, King CHARLES the Second, and of y8 Pro- claming of James, Duke of York & Albany, JAMES the second of England, Scotland, france & Ireland, King; and having read a Coppy to this board of y8 printed account of King Charles y8 Second's Death, with the Declaration of the Lord's Spirituall and Temporall of the realme of England, w'° those of the Privy Councill, the Lord May', Aldermen and Cittyzens of London, with y8 present King's Speach, Thought it their Duty, and unanimously agreed that y8 said papers be Solemnly read in y8 psents of y8 Representatives of y8 freemen of this Province & Territories, before the Gov™ Gate, in y8 Towne of Philadelphia, and that the paper drawne in Councill for y8 Publica tion of King JAMES the Second, w'h y8 aprobation of y8 Assembly men, be read accordingly, by Such a Person as y8 Councill shall appoint. The Council! thought fit not to proceed upon any affair in a Le gislative Capassity, untill such as the Publication of King James y8 Second be Over. John Roads was this day attested to Keep Secret y8 Debates of Councill. / Adjourned till f 12 3d Mo., 85. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 81 At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 12'" ofy8 3d Mo., 1685. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Tho: Holmes, Phiri: Pemberton, Wm. fframpton, Wm. Wood, Jno. Barnes, Wm. Southersby. Jno. Symcock, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Darvall, Chri: Taylor, Jno. Cann, Luke Watson, Tho. Janney, John Roads, Edw. Greene. Ordered that Richard Ingelo, Clark of the Councill, read the fol lowing Publication of KING JAMES the Second of England, &c. this day at the 9th hour. PENNSILVANIA : Wee, the President and Prov" Councill, accom panied w*" the representatives of y8 Freemen in Assembly, & Divers Magistrats, Officers, and other Persons of note, doe in Duty, and in Concurrance with our neighbouring Provinces, Solemnly Publish and Declare that James, Duke of York and Albany, by the Decease of our Late Sovereign. Charles the Second, is now become our Lawfull Leige Lord and King, James the Second of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland; and (amongst others of his Dominions in America) of this Province of Pennsilvania and its Territories KING ; To whom Wee acknowledge faithfull &, Constant Obediance, hartily Wishing him a happy Raign, in health, peace & prosperity. AND SO GOD SAVE THE KING, These Names following were Subscribed : THO: LLOYD, Presid'. Tho : Holmes, Peter Alrichs, * Jno. Symcock. Chris : Taylor, Wm. Darvall, Jno. Cann, Phi. Pemberton, Luke Watson, Wm. Wood, Wm. Frampton, Jno'. Roads, Tho. Janney, Wm. Southersby, Edv/ Green, Jno. Barnes. Richard Ingelo, Cl Concy Appointed for a Comittee Jno. Symcock, Wm. Wood, Jno. Cann, Phi: Pemberton, Wm. frampton and Tho. Holmes, to receive proposalls from the Assembly. Peter Alrichs desired Leave of this board to goe to Birlington, w* was granted him. Ordered that a Bill Concerning the Continueing the Old Laws be given to y8 Assembly. ' Adjourned into a Comittee till y8 13,h 3d Mo., 85. The Comittee Mett With others of the Members The 13th 3dMo.; 1685. THO : HOLMES, Chairman. The Speaker of the Assembly attended with Abram Man. 82 MINUTES OF THE Jno. Hill & Henry Baker were Sent from the Assembly to propose to this board that they desire that y8 Stile of y8 Promulgated Bills may be according to Charter. The Comittee have Considered the matter, and make this Report to y8 President & Councill: that it is both Convenient &?safe to have the Law to be passed to be according to Charter. The President and Councill grant that the Stile to y" preamble of yE Promulgated Bills shall be according to Charter. The Petition of Jno. Mackeney was read; the Councill are not In clined to grant a Lycence but where there are Conveniences for Entertainm'. Wm. Berry & francis Standfleld Sent from y' Assembly to desire a Conferance, which was Complyed with. The Petition of Wm. Dareing being read'; Cornelius EmsoB. & James Rades being attested, gave in their Evidence in Writing Con cerning it, wcl1 remains on the file. Ordered that y8 Clark of y8 Councill deliver to y8 Speaker 3 bills, No. 3, 4 & 5, w* was done. Adjourned till y8 14 3d Mo., 85. The Comittee being Mett y8 14th 3d Mo., 1685. Two of the Memb. of Assembly attended this Board w"1 amendm'' on the Bill of ffineing Justices from five pounds to five shillings. The Comittee doe desire the Assembly to .Weigh & Consider the reasons given for passing this Bill as it is, as you may Informe them fully. Phi. Pemberton Informed the Comittee of the Indians killing their hoggs at the Falls: agreed that Care shall be Taken in it. The Petition of Jacob Lassere & Jacob Pellison was read, but not being according the act of Naturalisation in its Stile, the advice of the board is that it should be accordingly amended, and it shall have it respectfull Notice ; which was accordingly done. Three of ye Members of Assembly attended this board, and desi red that y8 Bill No. 3 might be reduced from five pound's to thirty Shillings, and y8 Bill No. 5, from twenty Shillings to tenn. This Board reced the Bills with amendm'". Two of y8 Memb™ of Assembly attended this board, desireino- more bills. Ordered that ye Clark deliver to them the Bills No. 6, 7, 8. Adjourned till 5 o'Clock afternoon. post meridiem. The Comittee being Mett: Tho. Usher and Jno. Blunston, Members of Assembly, attended this Board with the 6"' Bill, desireing this amendm', Viz' : to Incert these words, to y8 wrong of his Neighbour or any other Person, after y8 word Land Marke. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 83 Agreed y' it should past with that amendm'; also, they were or dered to desire more Bills. Ordered y' the Clark deliver to them the Bills No. 12, 13, The Petition of Charles Pickerin was read, and it is y8 sence of this board that the Petion' in reference to privileges and ffreedom, Stands m an Equal Capacity with other Persons of his Station in this Province, &c. Adjourned till 15"1 3d Mo., 1685. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 15"''3a Mo., 1685. i PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho. Holmes, Jno. Barnes, Wm. Darvall, Jno. Symcock, Chris. Taylor, Edwd Green, ' Wm. fframpton, Jno. Cann, Phin. Pemberton, Jno. Roads, Nich. Newlin, Tho. Janney, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Southersby, Luke Watson. The Speaker, w"1 three more of the Assembly, attended this board with three Bills, Viz': y8 12, 13, 14, for Amendm"; Agreed they should pass w" Amendm8. Adjourned till 4 of y8 Clock Afternoone. post meridiem. The Presid' & Councill being Mett : Two of the Members of Assembly attended this board to desire a Conferance, which was agreed to. The Declaration of the freemen in Assembly against Nich. Moore, one of their Members, that he should be removed from all his Offices of Trust and Power in this Province & Territories, wcb Declaration was read and Ordered by this board to be recorded, wch is as fol lowed : The Assembly's Declaration against Nich. Moore, presented May 15^, 1685, to y8 President and Prov" Councill in ye Councill Chamber, by the Speaker & Members of the Assembly : For the Speedy redress of divers Evils & Mischiefs wcn this Pro vince and Territories now Labour under, & for y8 preventing the far ther growth and Increase of y8 same, & to the honour and Safety of the Gov" and Governm' of this Province & Territoris, and by good & Welfare of y8 People thereof, the freemen in Assembly now mett, doe by this their bill, shew & Declare against Nich. Moore, Pryor Judg and member of Assembly of y8 Province of Pennsilvania, &c. The Misdemeanors, Offences & Crimes, and Other Matters Comprized in the Articles following ; and him, y8 said Nich. Moore, doe accuse of the said Misdemeanors, Offences & Crimes. 84 MINUTES OF THE 1st. The said Nich. Moore Assumeing to himselfe an unlimitted &, Arbitrary Power beyond the Prescription or Laws of this Governm', hath presumed of his owne Authority, to Send Unlawfull Writts to the Sherriffs, and to ascertain and appoint Ihe Time of y8 Prov" Cirquits without the Direction & Concurrence of y8 Prov" Councill, wherby the time of their Sessions hath been Antisipated, the Severall Countys being Surprized by the Shortness of their Warning, and thereby being Impossible to give due Sumons according to Law, Either of Jurys, Wittnesses, or Persons Concerned, whereby some Persons have been forced to Irregular Tryalls, and Others absolutely denyed Justice. 2dly. The said Nich. Moore, Judge, having that high Trust Lodged in him for the Equall Distribution of Justice, without respect of Per sons, the said Judge Sitting in Judgem' at New Castle, hath presumed to cast out a person from being of a Jury, after y8 said Person was Lawfully attested to y8 True Tryall of y8 Cause, thereby rending an Innocent & Lawful Person Infamous in the face of the County, by rejecting his attestation after Lawfully Taken, and Depriving the plan- tif of his Just Right. 3dly. The said Nich. Moore, Sitting in Judgm', did in y8 towne of ' New Castle, refuse a Verdict brought in by a Lawfull Jury, and by Divers threats & Menaces, and Threatning y8 Jury with ye same* of Perjury and crim of their Estates, forced y8 said Jury to goe out so often, untill they had brought a Direct Contrary Verdict to the first, Thereby -preventing Justice, and wounding the Libertyes of y8 free people of this Province and Territories in the Tenderest point of their Privelege, and Violently Usurping over ye Consciences of the Jury. 4thly. The said Nich. Moore, although there was noe Lawfull sumons according to Law for Partys Concerned to make preparation, did Ar bitrarily reject and Cast out the Complaint of Jno. Wooters, in New Castle Court, hereby not only Delaying but denying Justice to him, coming in a Lawfull way to Demand it. 5thly. The said Nich. Moore assuming to himselfe an Unlimitted and unlawfull Power, did, Sitting in Judgm' at y8 aforesaid Towne of NewCastle, wherin two persons stood Charged in a Civil action,. it being in its own Nature only Trover & Convertion, and y8 pretend ed Indictm' raised it no higher, notwStanding the said Moore did give the Judgm' of fellony, Comending the Defendent to be Publickly Whipt, & Each to be fined to pay three fould, thereby Tyranizeing over the persons, Estates and reputations of the people of this Province and Territories, Contrary to Law and Reason. 6thly. The said Nich. Moore Comanding a Witness to be' Examin ed, did by overawing & greatly Perverting y8 Sence of y8 Wittnesses, Charge and Cpndamne the said Wittness to be guilty of Perjury, and to suffer the paines in that Case provided, & by proclamation to be for Ever rendred uncapable of being rectus in Curia in this Govefnm', and also fined him, Contrary to Law. *Fame or name. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 85 7thly. And Wheras, the Wisdom of the Generall Assembly did Conceive the Circular Courts would be their best Expedient for End ing all kind of Differences whatsoever, the said Nich. Moore, at y" Said Towne of New Castle, Comanding the records ofy8 former Cir cular Courts to be produced, w8" ye said Moore reading, he did in the Open Court, Censure the Judgm' of y8 preceeding Judges, by Saying their Judgm' was not right, thereby Distracting y8 People betwixt di vers and Contrary Judgm*8, and perpetuating Endless & Vexatious Suits. 8thly. The said Nich. Moore, Sitting in Judgm' at Chester, did in a most Ambitious, Insulting & Arbitrary way, reverse and Impeach the Judgm' of y8 Justices of y8 said County Court, and Publickly af fronting the members thereof, although the matter came not regularly before the said Circular Court, thereby drawing the Magistrates' into the Contempt of y8 people, and Weakening their hands in the ad- ministration of Justice. 9thly. The said Nich. Moore being Chosen as abovesaid, to be Judg of y8 Circular Court according to law, vr* obliges ye said Judges both spring and fall, to goe their Cirquits ; and y8 said Nich. Moore assuming to himselfe the power of appointing the Times, as he is the pretended Chief Judg in The Province and the Territories thereof, hath notwithstanding, Declined the two Lower Cirquits, toy8 great delay of Justice and Breach of his Trust, & Mischief and Inconvenience of y' free people ofy8 said Lower Countys. lOthly. The said Judg Moore resolving to put no Bounds to his Violence, Ambition and Oppression, hath, to y8 Dishonour ofthe Gov', and Contempt of y8 Governm", Declared that neither he nor his Ac tions are accountable to y8 Presid and Prov" Councill, by Despiseing and Containing their Orders & precepts, and Questionning and De nying their Authority, thereby Shrowding & Protecting himselfe in all the aforesaid Violences, to the rendring the Misserys of the Opressed Intollerable & perpetuall, to the Subversion of the most Ex cellent frame of this Governm', and the raising himselfe above the reach of Justice. llthly. For all w86, and divers other High Crimes and Misde meanors, the ffreemen in Assembly Mett, saving to themselves by pro testation, the Liberty of Exhibiting now and any time hereafter any further Charge and Accusation against the said Nich. Moore, doe now Impeach the said Nich. Moore of all the foregoing Crimes and mis- demean™, and humbly request the Presid & Prov" Councill that he, the said Nich. Moore, may be removed from his great Offices & Trust, and answer to the said Objected Crimes and misdemeanors. JOHN WHITE, Speaker, in the Behalfe and by the Order of the Assembly, now mett in Philadelphia. Tho., Holmes, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Darvall, Phin. Pemberton, are desired to acquaint Judg Moore how that y8 Declaration aforemention ed was presented by the Speaker & Members of Assembly this Even- 86 MINUTES OF THE ing, and that the Councill doe request him to appear at y8 Councill to morrow Morning, by the Seaventh hour. Adjourned till y8 16th 3d Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 16* 3d month, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Tho. Holmes, Jno. Roads, Luke Watson, Jno. Symcock, Wm. fframpton,. Edwd Green, Tho. Janney, Phin. Pemberton, Jno. Cann, Nich, Newlin, Jno. Barnes, Peter Aldrichs. Wm. Southersby, Jno. Blunstone & Tho. Usher Sent to this Board to desire a Con- ferance : Ordered that they shall have notice from this board when they are ready to Conferr w* them, they having some other Buisness now upon them. Adjourned till three of y8 Clock Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. Mr. Man Complayning that a Prisoner was sheltered in the Gov" house, The Presid' asked him whether he was taken into Custody by the Order of this board or by the Assembly. Abram Man, in behalfe of y8 rest, said they did it as their own act; the Sherriff also being asked the Question, acknowleged the same. Whereupon, the Presid' did disavow that this board did allow him in any Kind. Quest" put to Patrick Robinson what Imediate Power was used; he said the Warrant would show it, w* was read. The Speaker & Assembly againe desired that the Declaration against Nich. Moore, Pryar Judge, might againe be read, w8" was accordingly done ; w8" Was without Direction to the Councill, nor Subscribed by the Speaker or any of the Assembly, nor noe place mentioned therein. Adjourned till 18lh 3d Mo., 85. At a Couapill held at Philadelphia y8 18°' of y83'kmonth, 1685. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. John Cann, Wm. Southersby, Phin. Pemberton. Jno. Roads, Wm. Darvall, Chris. Taylor Lu. Watson, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Wood Win. frampton, John Barnes, Peter Alrichs, Tho. Holmes, Edwd Greene, Tho. Janney. Jno. Symcock, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL, 87 The Speaker, with ya Assembly, attended this board, & Declared that they were abused by Pat. Robinson, who said you have drawn up an Impeachm' against Pres' Moore at hab nab, for which the desire satisfaction. The Presid and Prov" Councill Takeing into Consideration the words Spoken by Pat. Robinson, this board Concerning the Assembly, that the Impeachm' against Judg Moore was drawn hab. nab. wcb Expres sions of his wee doe unanimously declare to be undecent, unalowa- ble, & to be disowned. The Petition of Pat. Kenerly read, and he is referred to Tho. Holmes, Wm. fframpton & Phin. Pemberton, to End y8 Buisness. Adjourned till 4 a Clock in y8 Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. The Presid' & Prov" Councill being mett : Wm. Darvall desired leave to goe home, he having Extrordinary Buisness, wcb was granted. The Speaker with the Assembly, Attended this board to mage good their Allegations against Nich. Moore. In proof of y8 first Article, Especially The first Branch thereof, Viz' : That is persciving to Send unlawfull Writts to the Sherriffs, &c. The Speaker, by Consent and in behalfe of y8 Assembly, assertains that Judg Moore's his Writt for holding a Prov11 Court at New Castle, came to the Sherriff's hand but six days before the perfixt day for holding the Court, and by his Writt he Comands the Sheriff to Sumons all Lords of Mannors & Justices to attend the Prov11 Judges, and forty Eight freemen for a grand Jury, & twenty-four for a Petty Jury; Jno. Cann declares the same; Tho. Usher declares that the Sherriff of Chester County had no time but five days before the Court was held. for proof of the Second Article : They Desire the Benefit of James Reads' Testimony, formerly given in. Jno. Cann, a Memb. of Councill, declares to y8 best of his know ledge, that upon y* Objections of y8 Defend'8, y8 Court Yielded that be fore the said James Reads was attested, he should be layd by, but notwithstanding, through some Omission, after he was attested he was laid by. for proof of y8 third Article : John Cann further declares that he was in Court upon this Tryall when y8 Jury came in, who being asked by Judge Moore whether they were all agreed, he thinks they sayd they were all agreed, he is not certaine ; and y" Jury being asked what was their Verdict, they said Eight pounds : the Judg asked them what they meant by it : they said they found Eightpounds for the Plaintiff: Judg Moore urges there upon,, what is Eight pounds in Comparison of five hundred pounds al- ledged in the Declaration, and further said to y° Jury, this is noe Ver dict, you most goe out and finde according to Evidence, or Else you are all perjured Persons : Whereupon they went out, and brought in their Verdict the next morning for the Defendant, w,b Costs of Suit. 88 MINUTES OF THE Jno. White Speaker, Declares fully w"1 Jn° Cann, but further Saith that the Jury being asked by Judg Moore' whether they were all and* Every One agreed, & being thrice asked, they did declare they were Every One agreed, and notwithstanding, he said they must bring in an Other Verdict. Edwd Green, a Memb. of Councill, declares that he was in Court also when y8 Verdict upon y8 Tryall of Abram. Man, Plantif, and Edmd Cantwell, defendant, and upon the Jury's giving in their Ver dict of Eight pounds; Wherupon Judg Moore said it was no Verdict, but they must finde y8 Verdict according to Law & Evidence, soe he Sent them out, and they came into Court next morning, and after the Judg had admonished them, he asked if they were all agreed, and they said not; and he sent them back againe, requiring them to bring in their Verdict according to Law & Evidence : They went out againe and brought in for the Def, w"1 Costs of Suit: Wheras, it is Omitted in y8 first part of this Evidence upon y8 Jury's first Coming in, y8 Judge asked if they were all agreed, and they said they were alt agreed, and they finding Eight pounds for the plan', the Judge ask ing them who they found Eight pounds for, they said for y8 Plantif. Adjourned tilly8 19lb 3d month, 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The lg* 3d Mo., 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho : Holmes, Nich. Newlin, Luke Watson, John Symcock, Jno. Cann, , Jno. Roads, Wm. Wood, Tho : , Janney, Jno. Barnes, Wm. frampton, Phin: Pemberton, Pet' Aldrichs. Wm. Southersby, The Speaker and y8 Assembly attended this hoard. The Presid & Councill having reced from y8 Managers nominated by the Assembly, what proof they though well to offer to y8 three first .Articles, which Managers are y8 Speaker, Abram. Man, Tho : Usher, Jno. Blumstone, Wm. Berry & Sam" Gray, these Persons were Con tinued Managers for the proof of y8 whole Exhibited Articles by their Own Order. As to y8 fourth Article being not so Intelligably Worded to the ap prehension ofy8 Councill, y8 Assembly requested by their managers that a further Explainter Sence might be admitted. As to y8 fifth Article, they urge a Record from under the Clarke ofthe Circular Courts hand, and in the whole say, that y8 proof of the Intended Indictm' was false. As to y8 sixth Article, Jno. Cann Declared that Judg Moore Seem ing by a Threatning word, Called Jno. Harrison to be an Evidence against Tho: Pringler & Geo: Ambler, he demanded of Harrison to declare what he knew Concerning the hogg in Question: The said PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 89 Harrison Declared he knew nothing of the taking of y* hogg for he was at Philadelphia at y8 same time: upon severall Other Questions asked him whether he had seen or Eat any of it,, he Declared he had both Seen and Eat: upon that y8 Jury had this in Charge, the Judge telling them it was perjury, they accordingly found the Person Guilty of Perjury. As to the Seaventh Article, Wherin Judg Moore is accused of Judging ofy8 proceeding' of y8 foregoeing Court Circular. As to the Eight Article, Jno. Blunstone, Tho: Usher and Geo. Ma ries, Justices ofy8 Peace for the Cotinty of Chester, declared That Sitting in Judicature in Chester County Court, upon an Action, Den? nis Rochford being Plant. & Jno. Hickman Def, that after Judgm' regularly obtained in that Court by y8 aforesaid' Plantiff, against y8 Deffend', an Execution was granted &• y8 Dfef ' Taken thereby : Yet notwithstanding y8 said Nich. Moorer upon a Bare Petition of y8 said Defend', he Vacated y8 Judgmtand discharged y8 Prisoner ; also the said Judg Moore did arbitrarily take upon himmeerly by a Petition, to Reverse a Judgm' Duly Obteinedin y8 County Court of Chester, by Tho : Withers, plantif, Wm. Taylor, Defend' ; this was done by y8 said Judg Moore y8 18 2d Mo., 1685 Last, As to y8 ainth Article, Sa*nu Grey and Jno. Hill allege it is apa- rent that Nich. Moore was bound in Duty to goe to y8 Lower Coun tys, to Keep the Spring Prov" Court, yet notwithstanding, Declined his Duty, to the Manifest Rewin & Disappointm' of Severall ffreemen. As to the tenth Article, Wherby they Suggest severall' Contemp tuous <$• Derogatory Expressions Spoken by Judg Moore of the Prov" Councill and ofthe present State of Governm' by Calling- the Memb. thereof fooles & Logerheads, and said it were well if all the Laws hadDrapt, and that it would never be good Times as Long as y8 Qua kers had the Administration. Wm. Carter, & Robert Clifton & Sam" Grey, declare that Nich. Moore advised them to proteste against y8 Last Promulgated Bills. Upon y8 Reading Over y8 Declaraon before y8 Prov" Councill by . the Assembly, against Nich.Moore, and their Allegations for proof of their Articles being received by y8 Clarke of y8 Councill, the Assem bly Moved that y8 said Nich. Moore might be removed from all places- of Trust and Power-. The Speaker being asked if they Came as an Assembly or a Co mittee, they said they Came as an Assembly. Upon the Peruseing of y8 allegations and Testimony s given in by the Memb. of Assembly, with some of y8 Councill, in Order to prove and to make aparent y° Charge Exhibited in the Articles against Nich.. Moore, one of the Prov" Judges,. The Councill Unanimously agreed and Ordered that Express notice shall be given, with all dispatcht be sent to him to signifie thesence of this board, and that he make his appearance before ye Presid and Prov" Councill in the Councill Chamber, at three of y8 Clock this af ternoone; being the 19 Instant. The Assembly Presented a Petition to displace Patrick Robinson from any Office 'of Trust & Profitt, Which Petition was read, & shall be weightily Considered and' answered. b 8* 90 MINUTES OF THE The fifteens Laws were this day read, and twelve of them were past in y8 Affirmative and three in the Negative. Adjourned till y8 28,b3d Mo., 1685. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 28'" ofthe 3d Mo., 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho: Holmes, John Barnes, Wm. Frampton. A Letter from Proprietary Penn was read, Authorizing the Presi dent & Prov" Councill to Constitute Capt. Wm, Markham, Secreta ry of y8 Province & Territories, and also the Prop0™ Secret17, and to make Voyd all other Comissions, if any be. Jacob Pellison & Jacob Sessarys, in Persuance of their Petion and former Order of Councill, it was referred to y8 Presid' to signe y8 same, they Subscribeing their Names to a Declaration Dischargejng themselves according to Law. In Complyance w^fee Gov™ Instructions, Ordered that a Comission be drawn to Comissionate Capt. Wm. Markham, Secretary of y8 Pro vince & Territories, & also Secretary to y8 Prop0" and Governor. Instructions Sent to Capt. Wm. Markham, that he in Conjuncktion with the rest of y8 Magistrates of y8 towne & County of New Castle, to proclame James the Second King of England, Scotland, france and Ireland, &c. Adjourned till 2d 4"" Mo., 85. At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 2d 4"1 month, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Jno. Symcock, Wm. frampton, Wm. Markham. Wm. Clarke, Wm. Haigue requesting a Speeiall Court at New Castle: granted and Ordered that a Comission be drawn. Ordered that Speedy notice be Sent to Judg Moore by the Clark of y8 Councill, that he Desist & Cease from further A*cting'in any place of Authority or Judicature, till the Articles of Impeachm' Exhibited against him by the Assembly be Tryed, or Satisfaction be made to this board. The Petition of the Assembly against Patrick Robinson being deba ted of m Councill, upon the Consideration and perusall of y8 same, Wee doe Conclude that he cannot be Regularly removed from his Clarcke's places or Office till he is Legally Convicted of ill fame, and those Crimes & Misdemean™ alleged against him, which was presented to PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 91 this board by John White, Speaker, in behalfe ofthe Assembly ; and after such Conviction, it is resolved that he shall be readily Dismist from any Publick Office of Trust in this Government. At a Councill in the Councill Rooms at Philadelphia y° 11th of y8 4'" month, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. John Barnss, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Presid' ord" that a Warrant be made for y8 Sumonsing of Joseph Massie, Master of y8 Grayhound ffly boat, to appeare before the Presid' and Councill, to answer the Complaints made by passin gers that Came in his Ship from England and Ireland, as well for detayning or *Imbellishing Severall goods Shipt on board his said fly boat for this Province. Adjourned till fiirthsr Order. At a Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia The 13lb 4* month, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. John Barnes, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of Zachariah Whitepaine being read, Ordered that a Warrant be made for the bringing the families thsrin mentioned to y8 Plantation of their Imployer, Viz: Zach. Whitepaine. Adjourned till further Order. ' At a Councill held in y" Councill Rooms at Philadelphia, The 18"1 4'bMo., 1685. present: THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Wm. Frampton, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of Franc. Richardson was read, desiring a Speeiall Court in ye County of Bucks, was Granted to be held y8 28a Inst. Adjourned till Tomorrow. *Evidenfly Embezzling. 92 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill in y8 Councill Rooms at Philadelphia, The 19"1 of y8 4'° Month, 1685. present : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Wm. Frampton, Wm. Markham, Secre. Rich1 Pittman's Petition against Joseph Master, Mr of the Ship • Grayhound", being read, was Referd to y8 next County Court, or to y8 award of Arbitrators Indifferently Chosen. The Petition of Jacobus Fabrisius was read, requesting the Keep ing an ordinary : Answered they dont think fitt to grant y8 Petitioner's Request. The Petition of Humph. Davenport in behalfe of Gabriel Minveale, March', of New York, y' wee would grant him a Speeiall Court to deside Differences between y8sd Minvielle and Jno. Royer and Eliz. Ogle, y8 Relict of Jno. Ogle, both of New Castle County, was grant ed to be held on y8 25th Inst., at New Castle. Adjourned' till further Order., At a Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia, y8 3d 5th month, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Chris. Taylor, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of Joseph Massey being read, Craveing a Speeiall Court, was differd till to-morrow. The Councill adjourned till to-morrow, 8 in y8 Morning. At a Councill in the Councill- Roome at Philadelphia, The 4lh of v8 5* Mo., 1685, PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Wm. F^pton, **" ' "^ Wm' M*^™> S^ riSfrpfi 3T?t MaSS6y b6ingJ againe read> desirei"g a Spe- day,beingthe W" ^ ***** * ** ^ °D ? ™* th»d • uK^l0,11 °/ Humphrey Davenport on behalfe of Gabriell Min- ^nMfS'vf N"W T^' rtqU6Sting a SPecia11 CouSy8 Coun. rinst P ' S l° ^ heldy° next Third day, being y° PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 93 Information being given to this board of, y8 unlawfull Marriage of Rd Noble, of y8 County of New Castle, Ordered that y8 Justices of that County have notice given by y° Secrt"8, to Inspect the same, and give Report thereof to this board. The Petition of John day and Rd Orme, desireing a Justice of y8 peace might be mads at y° oper end of the Towne, was read. The board reply'd they would take it into Consideration. Motion being made to this board of a Necessity of a Comission for a Sherriff for Bucks County, Ordered that Nich. Walne have Comission for y8 same. Ordered that George Martin have a Comission for Sherriff of Kent County. The Petition of Richd Ingelo Concerning his money due to him from y8 Governm', was Read. Ordered y' the Secretary make application to y8 Comiss™ Impow- red to dispose of Land, to Grant y8 said Richd Ingelo Eight hundred Acres, for w8" Each County will Pay the Gov' fiveteen pounds, all w* will be ninety pounds, the w8" ninety pounds, and sixty formerly payd, will be in full satisfaction of all accounts with him. The Petition of Wm. Daring being read for y8 Release of his Serv" out of New Castle Prison, Ordered y' the Seeretary Issue forth a Warr' to y8 Sherriff of New Castle County, to, deliver the said Serv18 to their Master, Capt. Wm. Dearing, he giving under his hand for their appearance before y8 Councill the 7"1 Inst., and that y8 Sherriff give notice to Hanse Peter son to be here also. Ordered y' y8 Secretary send to y8 Sherriff of New Castle County, to Summonss y8 Councellors that one of them be at Councill y8 lO1" Inst, by nine in y8 morning. The Councill finding occasion to have a watch kept in this towne, Ordered that it be recomendsd to y8 Justices of this Towne to take care of y8 same. Adjourned- till y8 10th 1st. by nine in y8 forenoone. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 10th of ye 5'b Mo., 1685. present: THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Chris : Taylor, Wm. frampton, Wm. Markham, Sesre. Adjourned till Three in y8 Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. present: THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. Chris : Taylor, Wm. Wood, Wm. Southersby,. John Cann, Wm. Frampton, Wm. Markham, Secre. 94 MINUTES OF THE The petition of Robt. Hutchinson Concerning the attachment of a horse being read, is refered to y8 Benefit ofy8 Law. The Petition of John Boult being Read, against Countrey butchsrs brinoino- their meet to towne on other days than Marquett days: The answer Referred till to-morrow. The Complaint of Wm. Dsarihg, M' ofy8 Ship Wrenn of London, against the Illegall proceedings of the Judges Nich. Moore & Rob1' Turner, against his servants' at y8 Circular Court at New Castle, y8 l8' Aprill, 1685, being read, and Hanse Peterson not appearing accord ing to y8 minutes of 4th Ins'.reply was made that John White appeared for him; upon w8" John White was Called and asked if he knew any thing Why Hanse Peterson did not appear before y8 Councill upon warning given him by y8 Sherriff, at' w* he produced a letter of Atturney from y8 sd Hanse Peterson for his appearance for him, and after much dispute about Wm. Dearing's Complaint, it was proposed that Patrick Robinson should be sent for to produce y8 Records' Con cerning Capt. Dearing's men, wherupon Wm. Dearing produced a Coppy of y8 same, as he had formerly gott from Patrick Robinson, attested under his hand, w* was read; In wch there was mention made of one John Hollingsworth that had taken severall Testemonies or Evidences therein, to w0" both John Cann & John White declared that there was no such psrson in ths Countrey. John Whits mads ssvsral objsctions against that Record of y° Cir-'. cular Court, as y8 manner of y8 Indictm' and' y8 Judgm*8 upon them, hut they asked wether Hanse Peterson would be satisfied if he were paid for y8 Single Hogg, he answered in yB Affirmative. Then he was desired to withdraw: then the Councill began to Con sider w' to doe ; some doubting his last answer, would have John White Called againe, and being asked whether Hanse Peterson would he Contented to have only y8 real! vall'ue of ons Hogg paid him for all his demands, Viz' : twenty and three Shillings, he answered he would ; then absented. The Question being put whether the Sentence of y8 Judges against Jno. Harrison, Tho. Pringle & Geor. Amble, Imprisoned for Hogg steeling, should be remitted, it was past by y8 Major Vote. Adjourned till 7th The next morning. At a Councill held at Philadelphia y8 ll'b of y8 51" month, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Chris: Taylor, Wm. frampton, Jno. Cann, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Wood, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Gov™ Comission to Impower y8 Councill to Chuse President out of themselves, in y8 absence of Thorn. Lloyd, was Read : Ordered to be Recorded. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 95 The Question was put by the Presid, whether y8 Cause formsrly depending between Hanse Psterson in behalfe of y8 King, Gov' and himselfe, (so worded in y" Records of y8 Prov" Circular Court,) & John Harrison, Tho. Pringle & George Ambler, w8" had a hearing at y° last Circular Court held at New Castle, shall have a full hearing at this board or not ; It was agreed by all it should. Ordered that y8 Secretary send a Warrant directed to y8 Sherriffs of y8 four opper Countys, personally to summons all the members of Councill for their respective Counfvs, to be at Councill on the 28th Inst. Capt. Wm. Dearing Comand' of y8 Ship Wrenn of London, Inters into recognizance of Twenty pounds for y8 bringing his two Serv* John Harrison & Tho. Pringle, before this board y° 28th Ins', and from thence not to depart till by order of y8 board. Ordered f y8 Secretary Send a Summons to Hanse Peterson to appeare in Person before this board y8 28lh Ins', upon y8 penalty of y8 forfeiture of one hundred pounds upon failure : And that y8 Secret7 send an Order to y8 Sherriff of New Castle County, to deliver unto Wm. Dearing his Serv18, Geo. Ambler, to be brought before y8 Councill y8 28m Inst., y8 which Serv' was mentioned to be delivered to his said Master by warr' from this board, dated y8 4"1 5th month, 1685, as being one of y° Servants mentioned therein, but was not delivered accordingly. The Petition of Sam" Carpenter was read, Concerning an Execu tion he had against Socyety and James Claypoole, being mentioned therein, it being obtained at a prov" Circular Court Signed by John Eckley, one of y8 Judges. James Claypoole was sent for and y8 Peti tion was read to him, to wc" he made answer that he had appealed to England, but Sam" Carpenter denyed it to be an appeale, since there was no Security given. Jam. Claypoole made answer that he was ready to give security. The Execution was ordered to be read, the w8b being denyed by James Claypoole to be an Execution, Patrick Robinson, y8 Clarck of y8 Prov" Circular Court, was sent for, who produced the Records of the said Court, wherein y8 Judges allowed an appeale to England upon Security given ; but no security being given, a Judgm' was Issued out against y8 Society. Jam. Clay poole dssired y8 Councill would take his Security. The Councill refused, Denying it should be given out of that Court ye action was tryed in. Sam" Carpenter Complayning that ye Execution was signed but by one of y8 Judges, Viz': Jno. Eckley, andy' Wm. Clark was y8 other Judge, and y' he had refused to sett his hand to it, notwithstand ing he had given his Judgm* for it in Court. Ordered y' the Secre. send a Summons to Wm. Clark to appeare before this board y8 28'b Inst., to give his reason why he refused to signeV Execution against the Society, he being one of y8 Judges of that Court, and past his Judgm' in Court for it, or to send his rea sons up under his hand, by y° aforesaid day. The Petition of Wm. Southersby, who wish Wm. Berry were by 96 MINUTES OF THE appointor* t)f ye Gov', administrat™ on ye Estate of francis Whitwell, deceased, was read, Requesting the Councill would give them reasona ble satisfaction for their paines and troubles ; and y' seeing y8 debts are more then the Estate can bare, desires how the widdow shall be disposed off, and whether any of the Estate may be reserved for her. Answer: When y8 accounts are brought in y8 Councill will Con sider of it. Adjourned till y8 28'" Ins'. the 21 tt of y8 5th month, 1685. Severall Indians made Complaint to y8 Secre of abuses they receiv ed from y8 servants of Jesper ffarmer, at y8 said Jesper ffarmer's Plantation, Viz': their makeing y8 Indians drunk, then Lying with their Wives, and of their beating both men and their wives. The Secretary tould them by the Interpreters, Lacy Cock, that y8 Coun cill would sitt on y8 28"1 Inst., and desired they would be there then, and y8 Serv'1 should be sent for ; but they telling him they could not Stay so long from hunting, but desired it might be on y8 24*° Ins', and then they \vould taulk about ye Land not yett bought. The Secre tary Sent a Summons to y8 Serv1" by y8 Sherriff, to appeare y8 afore said 24lb day, dated y8 21st Ins', and likewise sent a Lett' to Capt. Holmes, Presid' of y8 Councill, to acquaint him of it, date y8 22d Ins', sent by y8 Sherriff to Capt., Holmes' plantation. The23,bofy85,b Mo., 1685. Capt. Wm. Dearing, M" of y8 Wrerm of London, desired of y8 Secret7 two Summonses, one for Robert White, y8 other for Rob'Rob- erts, to appeare before y8 Councill y8 28th Ins', as witnesses on his behalfe, in y8 differance between his serv*8 and Hanse Peterson ; was done & Entered. The 24th ofy8 51" Mo., 1685. Wm. Haigue Request y8 Secret*7 that a hue and Cry from East Jersie, affer a servant of Mr. John White's, March' at New York, might have some force and authority to pass this Province & Terri- toryes; the Secretary Indorsed it and Sealed it with y8 Seale of y' Province, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 97 « The 27lb 5Ul Mo., 1685. The Indians* yr made Complaint against Serv" of Jasper farmer, on y8 21*b Ins', and appoynted y8 24,h for a hearing before y8 Councill, the Indians mistooke y8 Day, & came not till y8 25th Ins', and y8 Sherriff Messenger, with y8 Summons to Jasper farmer's Ser vants, Loosing his way in y8 woods, returned without Summonsing them to appear, upon both w* Disappoyntments, the Indians Conclu ded to appear y8 28 Ins', and accordingly y8 Secretary sent a Sumons to John Skull, overseer to Jasper ffarmsr's Serv", for him and y8 Serv" to appeare, Especially John Below. At a Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia y" 28th 5th Mo., 1685. THOMAS HOLMES, Presid'. Wm. fframpton, Jno. Cann, Nich. Newlin, Jno. Symcock, Tho : Janney, Wm. Markham, Secre. Maj'. Dyer Came to y8 Councill, and tould y' he presented himselfe before them according to his Instructions to take an oath, as that had directed him to doe before he Entred into his Office of ye King's Col lect' of his Customes in Pennsilvania, and turned to y' Clause in his Instructions & y8 Secret"7 read it to y8 Councill, with his Comission from y8 Comiss™ of y8 Customes, and y8 Coppy of y8 Lords to them to grant it, Coppys of wcb both were left. The Councell tould him it was against their methods to take an Oath, but if he pleased to be attested, according to y8 Laws of the Province, they would attest him: he made answer, he understood that, before, and Expected no otherways, for it was what he had done in East Jarsey. Then he was attested thus : Thou dost Solemnly declare in y8 Presents of God, and before this board, that thou will truly and Justly performe ye office of y8 King's Co- lect' of his Customs in y8 Province of Pennsilvania, according to ye In structions he Received from y8 Comiss'5 of his Majesty's Customes. Maj'. Dyer produced a Coppy of y8 King's Proclamation Concerning the Plantion trade, wch was read and left with ye Councill. His Comission for Survey" Gen" of his Maj18 Collonys and Planta tions in America was read, and ye Coppy Left. Then was Read Maj". Dyer's Instructions both for Survey' Genall of all his Majts Collonys & Plantations in America, & for Collec*' of Ca- saria, Pennsilvania and New Jarsey. In one Paragraph of his In structions for Collector, he was directed to leave the Coppy of them w"1 y8 Gov', for w8" he desired at present to be excused, he being in great haste goeing to New Yorke, and they would take up much time Coppying, but Intended shortly here againe, then would present them with one. 98 MINUTES OF THE Maj'. Dyer brought with him before y8 Councill one Christopher Snowden, telling them that he intended to make him his Deputy Ser- cher and Wayter of his Maj'8 Customes in Pennsilvania, and desired he might be attested accordingly, to performe his office as usuall, w8" was don. , A Letter from Wm. Clark, no date, in answer to a Summons sent to him baring date y8 11th 5 month, 1685, was read. Sam" Carpenter being present, who desired y8 Opinion of y8 Coun cill whether James Claypoole ought now to give in Security and ap peale for England or not: if he ought* he desired it might be done forthwith, for there he said he hoped to have some redress ; or if of y8 Contrary opinion, begg'd that he might have Speedy redress here. Then Sam11 Carpenter was asked whether any body had Refused to Execute that Execution: answered no, for he had not tryed any with it yett. Then y8 Councill gave their Opinion that Wm. Clark's- letter Con firmed y8 Execution, he only objecting against y8 Wording it, the w80 in his Sense, seemed to be as well against James Claypoole as against y8 Goods ofy8 Society, w88 to them appeared otherwise, Viz': that James Claypoole was only mentioned therin as y8 Person y' managed y8 Cause for y° Society. Sam" Hersent, yB Sherriff, being at y8 Doore, the Councill Called him in & asked him if he refused to serve y8 Execution of Sam11 Car penter against y8 Society; who made answer he never saw it. John Skull appeared with ye Servants of Jasper ffarmer, according to a Summons bearing date y8 27lh Inst., but y8 Indians being drunk in y8 woods, & the Servants declaring they were affraid to goe home before y8 Buisness was Ended, y8 Councill ordered they should Stay in Towne till y8 next day, when y8 Indians were to be in Towne to Receive pay for y8 Land bought of them. Adjourned till Three in y8 afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT : THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Wm. fframpton, Edwd Green, ^ich. Newlin; Jno. Symcock, Jno. Barnes, Wm. Markham, Secre. John Cann, Tho. Janney, Wm. Dearing being called, desired leave of the board that Charles Pickerin might speake for y8 Servants, w00 was granted. The Councill requested y y8 Secretary give, a Comission to Sam11 Carpenter, By v8 Virtue of his Comission to be Deputy Threasurer. A Letter was Read by y8 Presid, Directed to him from John Rich ardson , desireing Capt. Holme to Recomend him to y8 Councell to be High Sheriff of Kent, m the Roome of Rich. Micheall, lately deceased, but was refused by all. A Letter was Read directed to y8 Councill from John Brinklow, Wm Clark, Wm. Berry and Wm. Wimsmore, Recomending Geo Marton for y8 place of High Sherriff of Kent County, in y8 roome of PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 99 Richd Miclieall : Consented to, & Ordered that a Comission be drawne accoidingly, to be in force a Yeare, or till further Order. Ordered that Richd Ingelo bring the Bookes, w'" all y8 papers rela ting to y8 Minute or Journall of this Councill. or that any wayesCon- cernes us. The Buisness of Wm. Dearing's Servants and Hans Peterson being called, Appeared Wm. Dearing, Hanse Peterson, and y8 three Serv'8. Charles Pickerin allowed by ye request of Wm. Dearing to speake for the Serv™ ; and John White, by request, was allowed to speake for Hans Peterson. John White being asked what he had to say against the Serv1" of Wm. Dearing, Said that they were noe Defend*8, for y'they were well satisfyed w*1 y8 Judgm' the Court had given against them, and there fore, they expected a Charge from them ; and that if Hanse Peter son should give a Charge against y8 Serv18, he was not prepared with his Evidences, not knowing that it would be tryed over againe. And Hans Peterson himself said, that notwithstanding he endeavoured to bring his Wittnesses but they refused to Come, and he knew not how to force them, being Ignorant of y8 Way, since a Justices Summons ' was not a Sufficient Warr' for appearance before ye Councill. Then Charles Pickering did alleadg y' y8 Serv*8 were Trappand by Hans Peterson, who some dayes before y8 Court,bidd them not appear there, promising: them not to appear to prosecute them, by w8" deceit they were unprovided for a deffence. John White made answer that that could not be, for y* Hans Peter son was bound in bonds not to prosecute them. To proVe Charles Pickerin's allegations : Rob' White was called for and attested to declare' what he knew of y8 matter ; who said y' in his hearing Hanse Peterson tould Wm. Dearing, that he would Cleer them and bring them off, and y' he need not to appeare. Hanse Peterson desiring he should be asked what time it was he heard him so, made answer he had forgott, but as well as he can remember, it was about six days before y8 Court. Then falling into a Contraversie about y8 Legallity of y8 Indictment, wch was grounded on y8 96 and 164 Chap' in y8 Laws, it was ordered to be Read, and approved of. CharlesPickerin desired Wm. Dearing should be attested to declare that Hans Peterson had said to him about his servants. The Councill ordered them to withdraw, and then debated whether y8 M' being Concerned, should be attested as an Evidence. They gave their opinions he should be attested, wch was accordingly don ; and then declared y' Hans Peterson seeing him look angerly, bid him not be angry, for that he would bring his Serv18 off, and y' he was sorry for what he had done, & y' it was don in his Passion. Edwd Green was attested to Declare what he knew of y8 Matter, declared: That some Time last Winter y8 M' Invited him on board, and goeing ' both together there, they found Hans Peterson's Wife with some other women : a Short time after Came Hans Peterson on board, w*" a 100 MINUTES OF THE Complaint that some persons belonging to y8 Shipp had Killed his Hoggs : That Hans's Wife did then declare y' y8 person that killed the hogg had before acquainted her with his purpose of doeing it, and after y8 hogg was Killed, did give her notice therof, that his Master might' be Charged with it, the Master having before agreed with Hans for pork for his men, and y' she tould him he might Carry it on board ; and further saith y' y8 sd Hans did at y8 same time owne y ' y8 s" M' had spoak to him to lett him have soms fresh pork for his people, and y' he had promised they should : and further, that y8 sd ' Hans said that provided he was payd for his Hogg he Would be con tented, & y' y8 Master agreed to doe it. Cornelius Empson Was attested to declare what he knew of y8 buisness, who said that when he had blamed Hans Peterson for In dicting yeServants of Wm. Dearing, when. they had tould him before they would kill one of his Hoggs, he made answer that he was too hasty in it, but should bring them off well enough. Then they were ordered to withdraw, whilst y8 Councill should debate y8 matter, but Immediatly Stepd in Abraham Man & John Blunstone. Abraham Man began thus: Wee are come in y8 name of y8 free people, to know whether you have not forgott yourselves in not bringing Judg Moore to a Tryall. The Secretary asked him for his Petition. Abraham Man made answer, that they did not look upon themselves obliged to come by way of Petition, considering whome they Repre sent: after some Sharpe repremands, from y8 Councill, they withdrew, and then y8 Councill Adjourned till 7 y* next Morning. At a Councill in y8 Councill Roome at Philadelphia, The 29'" ofy8 5 ""month, 1685. THOMAS HOLMES, Presid*. Wm. fframpton, Tho. Janney, Edwd Green, Jno. Symcock, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. John Barnes, The Petition of Joseph Massey, M' of yB Ship Grayhound of Lon don, was Read, setting forth his Carpenter's absenting himselfe from his service, requesting a warr' to serch for him in any suspected place of Concealing him : granted him, and that if apprehended, he be brought before y8 Councill, to be dealt withall according to Law. The Petition of James Sanderlin's and Neals Lawson was Read, Complayning that they Could not have their Lands Resuryeyd in the towne Ship of Chester, alias Upland, according to an order from y8 Go vernor. Appointed to be heard ye next Sitting of y8. Councill, and a Sumons PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 101 to be sent to Charles Ashcome, Deputy Survey' of ye County of Ches ter, to give his reasons why he hath not obeyed ye said Warr': and notice to be given to James Sanderling and Neels Lawson, y' they may then appeare. Charles Pickerin, John White, Wm. Dearing, Hans Peterson, and y8 three Servants of Wm. Dearing being Called, all of them were asked whether they would leave the whole Buisness & Difference be tween them to what y8 Councill should order, orthatthey would have ' tryd by law. They all agreed to leave it to this board to doe what they pleased therein. They were Ordered to withdraw, and then y8 Councill Debated about it, but it being urged that y8 parties Concerned had not bound themselves in any penalty to Stand to their Order, they were Called in againe, and Hans Peterson Enters into Recognisance to y8 Gov' of tenn pounds to Stand and abide by y8 Ord' ofy8 Councill. Wm. Dearing Enters into a Recognizance of tenn pounds to y8Gov" in behalfe of his Serv'' that they shall stand & abide by y8 Order of y8 Councill. They were Ordered to withdraw, and after debate y8 Councill Con cluded thus : That y8 Master Wm. Dearing, pay in behalfe of his three Servants, unto Hans Peterson, one pound three shillings, for y8 Hogg they killed of y8 said Hans Peterson ; And that Hans Pe terson pay five pounds and tenn shillings, one pound tenn shillings whereoff, is to be payd to y8 Secretary, and four pounds to y8 High Sheriff of New Castle County, towards Charges, and that they release one another under hand & Seale, and y8 three Serv'8 goe quietly about their buisness. John Blunston &, George Maris, Came to renew their former de sire in behalfe of y8 Assembly, y' Patrick Robinson might be removed out of his Publique Offices, and that y8 Tryall of Nich. Moore might not be delayed. The Councill answered, that as soone as Presid' Lloyd, was come from New York, (who is Expected the next week,) they would give them an answer, but at present Could not. In regard, Patrick Robinson was his Deputy in y8 Office of M' of ye Rolls. Ordered that Wm. Stockdale and Cornelius Empson, have a Com mission forthwith to be Justices of y8 Peace for New Castle County, their Comission to stand in force for one year, or till further Order. Adjourned till three in y8 Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. The Same Members of Councill mett this afternoone, & Adjourned till further order. 9* 102 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia y8 19*b 6* Mo., 1685. THOMAS HOLMES, Presid. Chris. Taylor Wm. frampton, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petitioii of Richd Blackleach of New England, March', was read, setting forth that Benjamin Chambers of Philadelphia is Indebt ed unto him y° sume of fourty and one pounds, and of his necessity of being suddenly at home, y' he could not without prejudice stay till y8 Court in its proper time should sitt, therfore Craves a Speeiall Court. Ordered y' a Comission be made for y8 same to be held on y8 24*" Ins*. Directed to y8 Justices of Philadelphia County, or any four of them. Adjourned till further Ord'. The 24th 6'" Mo., 1685. Information being given to y8 Secretary by Sam11 Land, that by y8 Death of one Lewis Davis formerly of New Castle County, his Estate for want of Heirs, and Dying intestates, fell to y8 Gov', and that if not timely prevented, others would Administer upon it, to y8 great Damage of ye Gov'. The Secretary did give a Warr' to y8 Sherriff of y8 Coun ty to take into his possession all y8 Estate, both Reall and personall, & to send y8 account thereof? to y8 Presid' & Councill, to be disposed off as they shall think fitt. At a Councill Especially appointed for y8 Nominating of Judges at y8 Councill Roome at Philadelphia, The 14th 7,b month, 1685. PRESJF^IVT " THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho: Holmes, Phin: Pemberton, Jno. Barnes Jno.' Symcock, Chr : Taylor, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. frampton, Agreed that a Comission be drawne for Three Judges, Viz': James Harrison, James Claypoole and Arth. Cook. Ordered The Comission be drawn forthwith. Adjourned till y8l 6'" Ins', PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 108 , At a Meeting of y8 Councill in y8 Councill Roome in Philadelphia The 16*h 7th Mo., 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho. Holmes, Wm. frampton, Phin. Pemberton, Chris. Taylor, Wm. Southersby, John Barnes, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Wood, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Minutes of y8Councillsfromy*28*"of y85'hMo.was Read: and wheras, on y8 29th ofy8 sd Mo.," John Blunston & George Maris tould y8 Councill that they came to renew their former desires in y8 behalfe of y8 Assembly, &c. The Councill at y' time gave them answer, that as Soon as Presid* Lloyd Came from New York, who was Expected y8 next week, they would give them an answer. The Councill did now order this answer to be Recorded : That Nich. Moore being at this Time under a Week and Languishing Con dition, and not under promising hopes of a Speedy Recovery, so that at present they Cannot give any Certaine or deffinitive an swer. The Petition of Richd Ingelo was Read, Requesting y8 Councill y*' y8 Tenn pounds allowed him out of Each County for his service don y8 Contrey, they would be pleased to order might be forthwith payd. Order y' Each County pay' him y8 next month, without further delay, and y' he address himselfe to y8 members for Each County for y8 Performance of ye same, provided that he bring in y8 minutes ofy8 Councill, ffairly Drawn out. The Petition of James Sanderling & Neels Lawson, w8" was Read y8 29th 5*" month last, was now Read againe, Complayning that they Could not have their Lands Resurveyed in ye Towneship of Chester, according to an Order from y8 Gov'. The Petitioners and Charles Ashcome, being Deliberately heard before ye Councill, the board Generally Concluded y1 y° Omition of ye Deputy Surveyor was not justifiable. And y8 Petitioners further Complayning of wrong & Injustice don to them, as being two of y8 six Claymers of their allottment in Ches ter, Alias Upland Township, by Charles Ashcome, y8 Deputy Survey', Surveying of Land Contrary to Warr', the first for Charles Picker in, in Right of Eustas Anderson, near ye supposed bound of Upland', &a second Warrant for Charles Pickerin, for part of his purchase, w8" being from y8 Survey" Genall, only to be Executed upon land as neare as Could be to Upland, & not in y° township of Upland, and therfore the Councill unanimously Conclude that Charles Ashcom's serving of these Warrants was Irregular, and whatsoever was done hereupon, Wee Cannot Conceive Valid. ¦ The Petition of Mary Mason, Widdow, was Read; Requesting y8 Councill to Confirme ye Sale of Lotts and Lands sold by ye said Wid dow, by y8 Gov™ Verball order, to pay herDesceased husband's Debts,, and for subsistence of herselfe and Children. 104 MINUTES OF THE James Harrison being present & attesting y8 truth of y8 Order, and - she declaring y' y8 Land sould was y8 Citty Lotts, and y8 Liberty Land, and but two .hundred Acres out of one thousand, and not y* Land y' was Improved; y8 Councill ordered a Confirmation. The Councill adjourned till six to morrow morning. At a Meeting ofthe Councill in y8 Councill Room In Philadelphia y'lT" ofy8 7th Mo., 1685. ' ' PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho : Holmes, Wm. frampton, Phin : Pemberton, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Wood, , Wm. Markham, Secre;' Chr. Taylor, Ordered y' a Proclamation be Drawn and Published forthwith, to reinforce y8 Law made at Upland prohibiting y8 sale of.Rum, brandy, & other strong Liquors to y8 Indians, under y8 penalty therein Ex pressed, and y' all Magistrates take notice thereof, and put the same in Execution.Upon ye Reading y8 Petition of Philip Thleman against Tho : Mas ter, for his not performing his Contract in building a house for y8 s" Phi. Thleman, Ordered y' both parties be heard before y8 Councill. Complaint being made by Henry Lewis, John Bevan and others, in y8 behalfe of y8 Welch friends, that their Lines runn out Regu larly, according to y8 Gov™ Warr', were notwithstanding, by Charles Ashcome, Deputy Survey' of Chester County, his undue Execution, of severall Later Warrants, prevented from y8 quiet Erijoym' of y' tract that was legally laid out for them. The Board, upon y8 hearing ofy8 same, ordered y' Charles Ashcome be required to prepare and bring in to y8 Councill a Draught by a scale of a 160 perches in an Inch, for all y8 Lands Surveyed and Laid out by him Westwardly ofy8 N. N. W. line,, runn By Ralph ffretwell and himselfe, and to attend the Councill & Comiss™ with it y8 next Third, day, by y8 9"1 hour in y8 forenoone, for y8 Speedy Composing y8 Dif ferences & ascertaining ye lines between y8 Chester ffriends and others, and y8 Welch friends, & in the meantime to Survey no mors Land until further Ord". The Councill adjourned till further Order. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 105 At a Mesting of the Council in Ths Councill Rooms In Philadelphia y* 22,b 7th Mo. 1685. " ' PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Tho : Holmes, Wm. frampton, Wm. Wood, Chr: Taylor, John Barnes, Wm. Markham, Secre. In Complyance with an Order of Councill, Dated y8 17'° Ins'., Charles Ashcome appeared and brought a Draught of y8 Settlement upon y8 West side of y° line Runn out* by Ralph ffretwell & himselfe : y8 Councill upon perusall and observation of y8 same, and Compar ing the lines thereof with a Draught made up by y8 same Scale by David Powell, ofy8 Tract surveyed by him in behalfe ofy8 Welch friends, have recommended y8 adjusting of y8 Disputed bounds, and accomodating the Differences thence ariseing & further likely to En sue, unto ye Councill and Comiss™ Joyntly, at their next sitting. Thomas Holmes acquainting y8 Councill y' not withstanding the Gov™ Express Orders to, Charles Ashcome upon his going for Eng land, under his hand, and by his Letter since, of his Complying with y8 Gover™ Determination of y8 Differences between them, & that Charles Ashcome was to Continue in his place, under Tho. Holmes, for so he was and so he must be, (were y8 Gov™ words,) in Case he will behave himselfe, and did make Exact Returns, fit; pay to y8 Sur vey" Genall share of flees. The Councill proposing these termes to Charles Ashcome, and he not Complying to y8 satisfaction of y" Councill, they have agreed to Continue their Order to forbid Charles Ashcome to Survey any more land in y8 County of Chester, till he submitt to y8 Gov™ Instructions, or be Impowred by the Councill and Comiss™ to proceed further. • , ' Phil. Thleman's Petition against Tho. Masters was Read. Ordered y' Tho. Masters be sent to to attend y8 Councill in y8 after noone. Wheras, James Harrison, James Claypoole & Arthur Cook, were nominated by y8 Councill y8 14ttl Ins', to be Prov" Judges, & orders given to prepare a Comission to Authorize them to act thereby on y8 24" Ins', and y8 24th of y8 next second month, but James Harrison, & Arth. Cook being informed thereof, Desired Ernestly to be Excu sed therein, and Declared their utter Indisposedness thereunto ; and James Claypoole being prevented by great Illness from serving there in, y8 Councill, upon further Consideration have, in Order to answer y8 due Expectation of such' persons who are Concerned in appeals, Unanimously agreed to Shew their Readiness & Willingness in Re ceiving such appeales w8" are to be brought in to y8 Secretary's Office, & to give their further attendance in Councill to Deside Differences w8" are to be Determined y8 24'" Ins', being y8 Day the P»ov" Court was appoynted to Sitt. The Councill adjourned till 3 in y8 afternoone. 106 MINUTES OF THE POST MERIDIEM. The same Persons Present. John Rambo, y8 sou of Peter Rambo, being accused of fornication before the Councill, was bound over to f next County Court at Phila delphia, his father, Peter Rambo, and his Brother, Gunner Rambo, he produced for Security, w88 was accepted. ' Peter Rambo y8 Elder, and Gunner Rambo, Joyntly and Severally Enters into recognizance of five hundred pounds, Currant Money of this Province, to y8 Proprietor and Gov", that Jno. Rambo shall per- sonaly appear at y8 next County Court to be held at Philadelphia, to answer an Indictm' against him for fornication and other misdemean ors, and he not; to Depart from y8 Court without being acquitted, or leave from y8 bench, otherwise to forfeitt his baile. Information being Given to y8 Councill by Capt. Cock, ofy8 Indians' willingness to sell all their right & Claime to the Land between Upland & Apoaquinamy, as farr backward as they have any Claime thereunto, and that they proposed a meeting at Widdow Scalcop's on y8 29th Ins', in order to treat about y8 same : The Councill thought fit to order Capt. Tho. Holmes, John Symcock, & y8 Secretary, or any two of them, to be at y8 place aforesd, w"1 full power to treat and Corn- pleat y8 purchase w"1 them, and to Call to their assistance what mem bers of y8 Councill can Conveniently be there The Councill adjourned till 7 to-morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Roome at Philadelphia y8 23'b 7th Mo., 1685. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Capt. Tho. Holmes, Wm. frarirpton, * Wm. Markham, Secre, Chr. Taylor, Jno. Barnes, Ordered that a Comission be drawn forthwith for James Bradshaw, to be Chief Survey" & Chief Register of y8 County of New Castle, to be in force till y8 Gov™ pleasure be further knowne. The Petition of Henry Reynolds against Tho. Usher, Justice of y" Peace for y8 County of Chester, Complayning that y8 sd Tho. Usher had Imprisoned him by his Warr' to y8 Sherriff only upon y8 bare word of his accuser1. Ordered y' a Coppy of y8 Petition be sent to Tho. Vsher, and that he make Speedy answer to it. Ordered y' Notice be given by writing, sett up at y8 Gate, That the Councill will sitt to-morrow in y8 forenoon by, y8 9th hour, to Re ceive Complaints and Grievances. The Councill adjourned till to-morrow, Eight in y8 forenoone. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 107 At aMesting ofthe Councill in y8 Councill Roome at Philadelphia y8 24,b 7th Mo, 1685. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Capt. Tho. Holmes, Wm. frampton, Wm. Markham, Secre. Chr: Taylor, Edwd Green, The Petition of Edwd Evaret was Read, Requesting his money due for wayting on y8 Prov" Judges with his Boat, in the Goeing their Circuite. Ordered that he bring in his Contract and Certificate relating to it, & then y8 Councill will give their Answer. The Petition of Peter Gronendike was Read, setting forth that wheras severall people, and perticularly Wm. dark, have obtained Judgm' by Petitioning y8 County Court of Sussex, against the Estate of Cornelius Verhoof, Deceased, without Summonsing y8 Petitioner, who is Executor to y8 said Verhoof, and have served Execution ther- upon, notwithstanding y8 Petitioner did Publish some time before, y' if any person had any accounts against y8 Estate of Cornelius Ver hoof, Deceased, they should bring it in to y8 Petitioner, and that he would Endeavor to make satisfaction. The Petitioner beggs y8 Coun cill for Redress against such Illegall proceedings. The Councill Considering y8 Complaint, doe Judg y8 Proceedings a grievance, and not Justifiable by our Laws, though it hath been y8 practice of y8 Lower Counties to grant Judgm' against y8 Estates of Deceased persons without precedent Summons, only the partys Peti tioning the Court and proving their Debt was sufficient. Information being given to this board y' Tobiah Leach tould an Indian Woman that y8 English would sell them no more powder nor shott, but did intend to Cutt them all off, The Board Ordered that y8 Secre tary send a summons to y8 sd Tobias Leech to appeare forthwith be fore them, to answer to the Information. Phil. Thlenman put in his apeale (from y" County Court to y* Prov" Court) to y8 Councill. Ordered that a Summons be sent from y8 Secre. To Tho. Masters, to attend the Councill in y8 Afternoon, to answer to y8 appeale. The Councill adjourned till 3 in y8 afternoon. POST MERIDIEM. THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Capt. Tho. Holmes, Wm. frampton, Wm. Clark, Chr : .Taylor, Edwd Green, Wm. Markham, Secre. A letter was read from Wm. Darvall, Directed to yc Presid' and Councill. Ordered to be read againe to-morrow, and then to be Con sidered off. The Councill adjourned till To-morrow morning. 108 MINUTES OF THE At a Councill in y8 Councill Roome in Philadelphia y8 25th Th Mo., 1685. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Chris. Taylor, Wm. Wood, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, Edwd Green, Ordered that Patrick Robinson be writt to by y8 Secretary, to bring in, or transferr to y8 Secretary's Office forthwith, what appeales or other writings he hath, w8h was to bs Determined before y8 Prov" Judges at a Court to begin y8 24 Ins' at Philadelphia. Patrick Robinson appeared, and gave an acco' of what appeales he had Delivered to y8 parties Concerned. Tobias Leech Appeared, in Obedience -to a Summons sent him from this board y8 24'n Ins', and giving a Credible relation of his Clearness of what was alledged against him, was Dismissed untill further Order. The Councill adjourned till 3 in ye Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Chris. Taylor, Wm. frampton, Edwd Green, Wm. Clark, Wm. Wood, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Letter from Wm. Darvall y' was read Yesterday, w8" had no date, was againe read, adviseing y8 Councill that one Jno: Curtis, a Justice of y8 Peace for Kent County, was accused by John Brinkloe of High Treason, and y' y8 Witnesses were Examined before five Justices of y8 Peace, & y' Curtis upon y8 Examination, was C6- mitted. Wm. Berry, one of y8 Justices^ Kent County, & George Martin, High Sheriff of y8 said County, being in towne, were sent for to y8 Councill: the Councill asked them if they knew any thing of Jno. Curtis being accused of Treason, tould y8 board they were at y8 Ex amination: The Councill desired they would give under their hand what they Could remember of ye Examination; The w8b they did. Ordered that a Warr' be sent to y8 Justices of Kent County, for y8 Security of Curtis, and sending y8 Examinations with all speed to y8 Councill. Henry Reynolds being bound at y8 last Prov11 Circular Court held at Chester, in four hundred pounds penalty, to make his, personall appearance before y8 next Prov" Circular Court held at Chester, if any be, or at next Prov" fixt Court at Philadelphia, to answer to an Indictm' to be Exhibited against him By Wm. Rawson, for Wound ing, beating and Killing of Mary King, his late serv' maid, as appear ed before y8 Councill by a Coppy of y8 Records from y8 aforesaid Court, The foresaid Henry Reynolds made his personall appearance PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 109 before y8 Presid' & Councill, in order to discharge his aforesaid obli gation, where no person prosecuted, Petitioned, or brought any Com plaint against him. The Councill adjourned till To-morrow Morning. At a Meeting of y8 Councill in the Councill Room In Philadelphia y. 26 eq Stead of Holiman's Lycence. 5 Tho. Hooton, " 50 Benj. Chambers, 50 Ales Guest, 20 Geor. Bartholmew, 20 Mary Lichfield, 20 Ordered y' Joseph Knight have 3 months time given him to sell of the Drink & Provision he has in his house, & afterwards to provide some other way for a Lively hood, & not to Keep Ordinary longer in y8 Towne. Ordered y' a Comission be Drawne to Impowre Sam" Hersent to prossecute all offenders against y8 penall Laws of this Province, & to search for those y' are on Record Convicted, & prosecute them if y' have not satisfyed y8 Law. The Councill adjourned till y8 18' 12*" Mo. Next. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room at Philadelphia y8 1" of y8 12th Mo., 1685-6. PRESENT : Capt. THOMAS HOLMES, Presid*. Chis : Taylor, Wm. Southersby, Jno. Barnes, Wm. frampton, Edw8" Green, Wm. Markham, Secre. 118 MINUTES OF THE The Persons appointed by Comission to be Justices for y8 County of Philadelphia, bearing date y8 6,b 9* Mo., 1685, being Summonsed by y8 Sherriff to appeare before y° Councill to be attested, they not having yett satt by Virtue of this mentioned Comission, There appear ed and were attested : Wm. frampton, Hump. Morry, Lacy Cock, Jam. Claypoole, Wm. Salway, John Baven. Rob* Turner appeared but Refused to be attested, desiring to be Excused ; he would give his Reasons some other time. Sam" Hersent, Atturney for y8 County of Philadelphia, was attest ed in to y* Office. The Petition of y8 Secretarys was Read, Requesting a Comission to seise Ships & Vessells, Either] by myselfe or by my Warr', directed to whom I shall think fitt, It was granted and a Comission signed. The Petition of Charles Pickerin was Read, about his Land being Survey'd away at Chester. It was Referred to y8 Councill. Wm. frampton's Petition was Read, Requesting y8 Removall of y' Caves before his Doof, he being about building a Wharfe. It was Granted, and a fortnight's time given for y8 Removall ofy8 Goods out of ye Caves. Adjourned till y8 8d Inst' by Eight in y8 Morning. At a Meeting of y* Councill y8 3d of y8 12'" Mo., 1685-6. PRESENT : Capt. THOMAS HOLMES, Presid". Wm. frampton, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. Adjourned till further Order. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome in Philadel phia The 30th of ye first month, 16S6. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Frampton, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Secret7. Edwd Green, John Roades, The Returne ofy8 Member of Councill and Members of Assembly for y8 Next Ensuing yeare for y8 County of Philadelphia was Read, and were : FFOR PHILADELPHIA. ROBERT TURNER, to serve in Councill for y8 next three years. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 119 ASSEMBLY : John Songhurst, Griffith Owen, John Goodson, James Claypoole, Andrew Binkson, Tho. Duckett. The Returne of Sussex County was Read: the Persons Returned were: WM. CLARK, to serve in Councill for y8 Next Three Years. ASSEMBLY I Sam" Gray, Hen. Bowman, Albert Jacobs, John Vines, Norton Claypoole, Hen. Stricher. The Returne of Kent County was Read. The Persons returned were:WM. DERVALL, to serve in Councill for y8 Next Three Ensuins Years. B ASSEMBLY : Wm. Berry, Richd Willson, John Walker, Jno. Brinkloe, Rob' Bedwell, John Bradshaw. Wm. Clark and ,Wm. Dervall were attested and subscribed there unto, & then took their places in y8 Councill. Joshua Barkstead's Letter was Read, bearing date 17'b 1° Mo., 85-6, Requesting a Discharge from his Office of Coroner of Sussex County. The Councill Reply'd a Speedy Course should be taken for his Discharge. ' Adjourned till Eight to-morrow morning. At a Meeting of y8 Councill in the Councill Room the 31 ofy8 1° Mo., 1686. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Darvall, Ph: Pemberton, Pet' Alrichs, Wm. frampton, John Roades, Wm. Clark, Edwd Green, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secretary. Tho. Janney, Nich.- Newlin, The Returne of Chester was Read ; the persons Returned were : JOHN SYMCOCK, to serve in Councill y° 3 Years next Ensuing. FRANCIS HARRISON, to serve in Councill in Room of Wm. Wood Deceased. They were both attested and Subscribed thereunto, then took their places in Councill. ASSEMBLY : John Blunston, George Maris, Caleb Pewsey, Rob' Wade, Barth. Coppock, Sam" Lewis. 120 MINUTES OF THE . The Returne from Bucks County was Read; y8 persons Returned were: ARTHUR COOK, to serve for a member of Councill for y° three next Ensuing Years. assembly: Joseph Growden, Wm. Yardley, Joshua Hoopes, N Will'm Biles, Jno. Otter, Jno. Rowland. Robert Turner Came in to y8 Councill, was attested and Subscribed thereunto, and .took his place at y8 board. Arthur Cook Came in, was attested and subscribed, and took his place at y8 board. The Councill appointed a Comittee to Inspect y8 Laws & Re ceive Complaints, and Report y8 same to y8 Councill, Viz' : being one of Each County : comittee : Rob' Turner, Phi. Pemberton, John Symcock, John Cann, Wm. frampton, Wm. Clark. < The Board understanding by the Respective members of Severall Counties, that severall appeals were granted from their County Court to y8 next Prov" Court at Philadelphia, Upon Which y8 Councill did, according to Law, nominate three persons, Viz : Arth. Cook, Wm. Clark & John Cann, to be Comissionated Prov" Judges, and Ordered the Comission to be forthwith Drawn. Adjourned till three in y8 afternoon. POST MERIDIEM. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, Pet' Alrichs, Tho. Janney, Jno. Symcock. Edwd Green, Nich. Newlin, Wm. frampton, Wm. Southersby, Arth. Cook, Wm. Darvall, fran. Harrison, Phi. Pemberton, John Cann, John Roades, Wm. Markham, Secre. Rob' Turner, % The Comission from ye Gov' to y8 Prov" Councill, Impowring them to act in his Stead, with y8 Memorendum on the back side therof, was Read. Sam" Hersen, High Sheriff of Philadelphia, was sent for by the Councill to Come forthwith before them, and to bring with him his Comission. He Came, but Excused himselfe for no? bringing his Comission, telling the Presid and Councill y' y8 Chest wherein y8 Com0" was, was Lock'd up in a Roome, and y8 man y' had y8 Key was out of Towne. J J The Councill Ordered him to bring it to-morrow morning A Letter from John Brinkloe was Read, Requesting to be' Dismis sed from his Office as Clark of Kent County, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 121 Ordered y' Wm. Berry be Comissionated in his Roome, and yl his Comission be forthwith Drawne. Adjourned till Eight to-morrow Morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Room at Philadelphia y8 Is1 day of y8 2d Mo., 1686. present: THOMAS LLOYD, President. Wm. Clark, John Roades, Nich. Newlin, Wm. frampton, Tho. Janney, Arth. Cook, John Cann, Rob' Turner, fran. Harrison, Pef Alrichs, Wm. Darvall, Edwd Green, ' Jno. Symcock, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. Phi. Pemberton, According to an Order yesterday, Sam" Hersent Came before y8 Councill, and brought with him his Comission for high Sherriff of y8 County of Philadelphia, w8" was dated y8 23d of y8 8th month, 1684, and was made to Stand in force for One whole year, or till further Order; he was Ordered to withdraw, and then ye Presid' putt it to y8 Vote whether Sam" Hersent should be authorized to Execute ths Office of High Sherriff untill further Order. It was Carried in ye Affirmative ; the Order Subscribed on y8 Old Comission and y8 Seal put to it, y8 w8" is Recorded. The Comission formerly granted to Sam" Hersent, bearing date y8 15*1 11th Mo., 1685-6, Impowring him to be Atturney for y8 County of Philadelphia, to prossecute all offenders that break y8 penall Statutes of this Province, was Read. It was put to y8 Vote whether a Sheriff should be an atturney in the same Court he is Sherriff: was Carried in- y8 Negative, Nemine Contradicente, with an Order thereunto to be made. • Ordered by the Councill, y* no Clark of any Court within this Province and Territories should be allowed to plead as an atturney any Cause in y' Court he is Clark off. Itt was put to y8 Vote whether there should be an Order of Councill That there should be tenn days Respite between Judgment and Grant of Execution in all Civill Causes between man & man, In all Courts within this Province and Territorys, it was Carried in ye Affirmative. The Makeing the Order was Referred to y8 next sitting of Councill. Adjourned till Seaven to morrow Morning. 11 122 MINUTES OF THE At a Meeting ofthe Councill in The Councill Room the 2d day of y8 2d Mo., 1686. PRESENT ; THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. John Symcock, John Cann, fran. Harrison,u Wm. frampton, Tho : Janney, Wm. Clark, Wm. Dervall, Pet' Alrichs, Jno. Roades, Edw" Greene, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. Rob' Turner, Nich. Newlin, The last minute of yesterday's Councill was Read, about Respiting Execution after Judgm', and there upon was ordered y' there should . be tenn days Respite between Judgm' given in y8 County Courts with- / in this Province and Territoryes in all Civill Causes, and .signing the Execution thereoff, and that in the Prov" Court no Execution shall be served untill Eight days after Judgm' given. John Roades being Sick, Requested leave of this board to withdraw, w80 was granted. Severall Bills to be past into Law were Read three times this day and passed, And Ordered they should be promulgated, wcn were as followeth, Verbatim: The President and freemen in Prov" Councill Mett, at Philadelphia, the thirtyeth day ofy8 first Month, One Thousand six hundred Eighty Six, have prepared to be published according to Charter, these follow,- ing Bills, for the notice and Concurrance of the freemen in Assembly to meet the Tenth day of y8 next Third month, in y8 Towne of Phila delphia, in the forme and Style of Laws, then and there to be Confirm ed, amended or rejected, as the Genall Assembly shall in their Wis- dome See meet : 1. Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that these following Chapters and paragraphs be additionall Laws ofy" said Province & Territorys thereunto annexed, that is to say ; all those Laws made at Chester by y8 Assembly, in y8 lO10 Month, 1682, and at Philadelphia in y8 first Month, 1683,' and "at y8 same place in the 8th month, 1683, and at New Castle in y8 3d month, 1684, and at Philadelphia y8 3d Month, 1685, shall, and are hereby Continued to Stand and be in full force and Vertue untill y8 End ofthe first Session of y8 next Generall Assembly, and afterwards untill the Publication of Other Laws to be past in the next Genall Assembly, be had, made and done, Except such Laws, or part of Laws, as are by any of y8 following Laws Ex plained, Varied or added unto, and that these Bills Ratisfyed by the Genall Assembly, shall Continue in force untill y8 publication of Laws in the next Generall Assembly following. 2. Bee it Enacted by y8 Authoritye aforesaid, that Every Offender Legally Convicted and fined for the breach of any penall Law, shall forthwith pay his or their fine or penalty, or give Security Speedily to doe it; but in Case it be not paid, or secured to be, payd, as above sayd, that then y8 Court or Justice who Imposed the fine, shall forth with, by Warrant directed to y8 Sherriff or Constable of y8 respective place, cause the same, with Costs that shall arrise thereupon, to be PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 123 Levyed on ye Goods or Chattells of y8 party offending, by distress and Sale, rendring the overpluss to the party ; but if noe goods Can be found to satisfye such fines, that then the Sheriff or Constable shall take and Secure the body of such person til satisfaction be made, and y' y8 Sherriff or Constable soe Collecting the said fines, shall make re turne to the next County Court, or such Officer as the Gov' and Prov" Councill shall appoint, to y8 End such fines may be distributed ac cording to Law. 3. Wheras ye Law for Deffraying the respective Charge of Each County, Authorise y8 County Court to Assess in Open Court ye ne cessary Charge of y8 same, It is Enacted by y8 Authority aforesaid, y' the said Courts are hereby further Impowred to Grant their Warr' upon non payment for ye Levying of y8 said Assessments by distress and Sale of Goods, rendring y8 overpluss to the Owners. 4. Wheras al Charters, Gifts, Grants and Conveyances of Land, and all Bills, Bonds, & other writings, wch by y8 44 Chapter of Laws made at Upland, were required to be Registred or Inrolled in y8 pub* liq InroUsm' Office, according to y8 Mannor, & within ye time there prescribed, under y8 penalty of being Vbyd in Law, yet notwithstand ing, were not brought to ye Inrollem' Office to be accordingly recorded : Now for y8 satisfaction of severall purchasers of Lands and Inhabi tants within this Province and Territories, who, some of them being under a mistake concerning ye Intent of y8 said Law, Others under Considerable Inumbrances and a sort of Inconsideratness upon their begann Settlement, have neglected and lapsed y8 time, to y8 manifest hazard & making Voyd such respective Instruments or writings. It is hereby Enacted and Declared, by the president and Prov" Coun cill, with y8 freemen, in Assembly Mett, that all such Charters, Gifts, Grants, & Conveyances of Land, and all such Bills, Bonds, Spetial- ty's tho' they were not Legally Recorded, that they are hereby repu ted, and shall be deemed and Stand authentique in Law, and are In demnified hereby; provided that all such Charters, -Gifts, Grants & Conveyances of Land, w8h are or shall be, or Come into this Province & Territories, shall be brought to be registred in the Respective In- rollement Office for this Province & Territories, within six months af ter y8 five and twsntyeth day of ye next Third Month", otherwise such Charters, Gifts, Grants &, Conveyances of Land to be Voyd in Law, any thing in y8 said 44 Chapter of Laws for the making Null such writings & Instruments to y8 Contrary notwithstanding. 5. For the a Voydingof to frequent Clamors and manifest Incon veniences w8" usually attend mercenary pleadings in Civill Causes, It is Enacted by y8 authority aforesaid, that noe persons shall plead in any .Civill Causes of another, in any Court whatsoever within this Pro vince and Territories, before he be Solemnlye attested in open Court, that he neither directly nor Indirectly hath in any wise taken or receiv ed, or will take or receive to his use or benefit, any reward whatsoever for his soe pleading, under y8 penaltye of 51b. if the Contrary be made appear. The President adjourned yB Councill till further Ord". 124 MINUTES OF THE At a Meeting of -y8 Councill at y8 Councill Roome in Philadelphia y83dof y82dMo., 1686. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Jno. Symcock, Wm. frampton, Wm. Darvall, , Wm. Clark, Pet" Alrichs, Tho. Janney.; *V John Cann, Jno. Roades. Wm. Markham,Secre. fran: Harrison; Ordered that Comissions be drawne for such Counties whose Co- missions ofy8 Peace are expired or upon Expiring. Edwd. Green, one of y8 Councill, Compla yneth against Wm. Phil lips for nof performing his part according to Order of Councill, y8 28th 7th Mo., 1685, The Councill did this day order that y8 Difference Depending between Edwd. Green and Wm. Phillips should be heard before Peter Alrichs and John Cann, and that they should Report the same to the Councill. Report being made by y8 Members of Bucks County, That Richd Ridgway is a fitt person for y8 Keeping an Ordinary in y' County, a Lycence was Ordered accordingly. Ordered y' John Barnes be sent for to appear the next sitting of Councill, and give Reasons for his absence, or suffer fine. The Presid*. adjourned y8 Councill till 9th Inst'. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Roome The 9* of y8 2d Mo., 1686. PRESENT : WM. CLARK, President, Chosen by y8 Councill. Arth. Cook, Edw" Green, John Cann, Wm. frampton, John Barnes, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Southersby, After ye Members of Councill were Sett, the Comission from y8 Gov" Impowring them to Choose one from amongst themselves in y8 absence of Tho. Lloyd, to be their Presid, was Read, and they unani mously Chose Wm. Clark. The Petition of Widdow Hilliard and John Hilliard, Jun", against Griffith Jones, was Read, setting forth y' the sd Griff. Jones having obtained an Execution ag' y8 Estate of John Hilliard, Deceased, would not Execute y8 same on no other part of y8 sd John Hilliard Estates then the Plantation on wcn shee, y8 Widdow ofy8 sd Hilliard, and her Chil dren lives on, tho' there be enough in other places to satisfie y8 Exe cution of ye Effect of Deceased's Estates. The Councill Considering the same, was pleased to send for y° Sherriff of Kent County, who was then in Philadelphia, and told him their opinions of y8 Matter, w8" was, That if there be other Effects to PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 125 satisfie Griffith Jones's Execution to be found, that it ought not to be served on y8 Plantation the Widdow and Children now lives on. The Petition of Cornelius Bom, Requesting a Lycence for his Keeping an Ordinary ; it was Refused. The Petition of Jacob Vandsrvere was Read, setting forth yc illegall and un-Christian serving an Execution on his goods, and turning him, his wife and Children out of y8 Doors, and not Leaveing them any thing to susteine nature. Ordered y1 a Coppy thereoff be sent to y8 Sherriff, another to y8 Clark of New Castle County, Requi ring them to appeare before ye Councill to answere the same y8 Tenth day of y8 next Third month. The Petition of John Walker was Read, Requesting a Lycence to keep an Ordinary at New Castle. Ordered he first make satisfection to y8 Secretary for the abuse he gave at his houss at New Castle. Ordered that y8 Comissions following be forth Drawne and sinned by y8 Now President, Viz': f Sam" Land, High Sherriff of New Castle County. | Rob' Robertson, Coroner of New Castle County. for <{ Joshua Barkstead, Atturney Genall for y8 County Sussex. I John Vines, Coroner of y8 County of Sussex. I^Jno. Bradshall, Atturney Gen" for Kent County. The Petition of John Briggs was Read, Requesting that he might be Dismist from be any longer a Justice. Ordered that he be left out of y8 next Comission. Adjourned till further Order. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Room In Philadelphia y8 14"' of y8 2d Mo. 1686. PRESENT : WM. CLARK, Presid, Chosen by y8 Councill. Jno. Symcock, Edwd Green, Wm. Markham, Secre. Arth. Cook, John Cann, There was signed at y8 board these Comissions following, Viz* : Jno, Vines, Coroner of Sussex County. Sam" Land, Sherriff of New Castl'e County. Rob' Robertson, Coroner New Castle County. Jno. Bradshaw, attorney for Kent County. Joshua Barkstead, Atturney for Sussex County. Ordered that the Comissions following be forthwith made and signed by y8 now Presid': 11* 126 MINUTES OF THE f Tho. Usher, High Sheriff, Chester Countys. . J John Vines, Sussex. ~) for ") John Martin, Kent. \- Waterbalys. LSam" Land, New Castle. J The Comissions were signed by Wm. Clark. Adjourned till further Order. The 28*" ofy8 2d Mo., 1686. The Secretary having Rec" a Letter from y8 Gov", Directed to y8 Presid* and Councill, gave Order to y8# Messenger, Thorn. Clifford, to give notice to as many Members of the Councill as possible, that they meet at y8 Councill Room in" Philadelphia y8 30th Inst', by tenn in y8 forenoon. The 30th ofy8 2d Mo., 1686. THERE METT. Robert Turner, Edwd. Green, Wra. Markham, Secre. Wm. Frampton, John Barnes, The Gov™ Letter was Read to them, w8" bore Date y821, 8 Mo., 1685. The Secretary Related to them the sad Complaint y8 passenger had made that Came in Conoway from England, bound to this place, but forced by y8 said Conoway to Bermudas, and from thence Came pas sengers to Philadelphia in a Sloop named y8 Endevour, Belonging to Bermudas, Dan" Styles Master, and further desired that they would advise whether the Shipp now Lying in Appogimany Creek, Symson Master, be not Loyable to make good y8 Dammages Don to y8 Inhabitants of this Province by Conoway, they haveing both one owner, y8 Secretary supposing an Owner is to make Restitution for all Dammages that shall accrue by ye unlaw actions ofy8 Master. But there not being a sufficient number of Members to make a quo rum, they Choose no Presid', but agreed to meet againe y8 3d day of y8 3d month next, and in y8 meantime they would Consider of it. , This Evening Came in to Philadelphia Two Members of Councill for y° County of Bucks, Viz': Arth. Cook & Tho: Janney; they Desired I would send y8 messenger to y8 members of Councill nigh at hand, to Request they would sitt to morrow in Regard their Buisness would not permitt their Stay in towne so long as y8 third Inst', the time before appoynted, the w8" was accordingly don. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 127 At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Room in Philadel phia y8 1st day ofy8 3d Mo., 1686. present: ARTHUR COOK, Presid., Chosen by y8 Rest. Rob' Turner, Tho. Janney, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. frampton, Wm. Southersby, The Gov™ Letter, Dated 21, 8 Mo., 1685, Directed to y8 Presid & Councill, was Read. Ordered y' it be Read againe y8 Tenth Ins'. The Secre. Reporting the same to yB Councill he yesterday did to y8 Members present, Relating'to y" Passengers that in Richd Cono way Shipp Received Extreem bad Usage ; whereupon it was Order ed that y8 Secretary should summons all such to appeare before the Councill that should Come to his knowledg, y' can give any Light in y8 Matter on y8 tenth Inst'. Robt. Turner & Wm. frampton were attested as Justices of y8 Peace for the Towns and County of Philadelphia, they having had a Comission Lately made. Ordered y' what members of Councill could be gott in or near the Towne of Philadelphia on y8 3d Inst', should attest those Justices that have not been attested since their Last Comission, the Sheriff having had Orders to give y8 Justices notice thereoff. Adjourned till further Ord". At a Meeting of the Present Member in or about y8 Towne, ac cording to an Order of Councill y8 Is' Ins', This 3d of y8 3d Mo., 1686. present: Robt. Turner, Jno. Barnes, Edwd. Green. Wm. frampton, They Chose no President, but they wsrs attested before them ac cording to y8 Order afore said, James Claypoole, Wm. Wardner, Wm. Sallaway & John Goodson, & then they broak up. At a Meeting ofthe Councill the Tenth of y8 Third Month, 1686„ in y8 Councill Room at Philadelphia. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. John Barnes, Nich. Newlin, Luke Watson, Robt. Turner, John Symcock, Jno. Roades, Tho. Janney, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Clark, Arth. Cook, Wm. Frampton, Wm. Markham, Secre. fran Harrison, 128 MINUTES OF THE Credible Information being given to this board that Luke Watson, one of y8 Members thereoff, Lay under - suspition of being Carnally Concerned with a Woman Serv' to his Brother in Law, and Likewise y' he stood at this Present, Bound to the Peace for his misdemeanors, they board Ordered him to withdraw, that they might Consult about V Information; after a Deliberate Consultation, The hoard ordered Luke Watson to be Called, and told him y' he was accused of having Carnal! Knowledge of his Brother in Law's woman Servant, and furth er, y' he then stood bound to ye peace for Misdemeanors, and therefore, untill he appeared in Law Innocent of those great Offence he was ac cused off, they Could not admitt him to Sitt amongst them,' upon w8" he went forth. Henry Lewis Request the Councill that they would be pleased to appoynt one in his Roome in y8 Office of Coroner for y8 County of Philadelphia. Ordered an other person be speedyly Comissionated in his stead. Adjourned Till 4 in y° Afternoon. POST MERIDIAM. THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Rob' Turner, Tho. Janney, John Roades, Wm. Clark, Arth. Cook, Wm. Southersby, Wm. frampton, Nich. Newlin, John Symcock, Wm. Darvall, Petr Alrichs, fra. Harrison, John Barnes, Phi: Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. John Otter and Norton Claypoole, Members of y8 Assembly, Came with a Message from them to acquaint y8 Councill that if they were at Leasure the Assembly would Come and wayt on them. The Councill answered that it is now late, it being past Six, but by seaven to-morrow morning a. Comittee would sitt to Receive from the Assembly, or any of them, their proposalls for y8 amendment or alteration of y8 promulgated bills according to Charter. A Comittee was Chosen, Viz': Wm. Clark, Arth. Cook, Tho. Janney, Wm. Darvall, Wm. frampton, , John Symcock. Adjourned till 9 to-morrow forenoon. The ll"1 of the 3d month, 1686. The Comittee Satt Early this Morning. PRESENT : Wm. Clark, Wm. Darvall, Tho: Janney, Wm. frampton, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Markham, Secre. Arth. Cook, Wm. Clark was Chosen into y" Chear by y° Rest. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 129 [Vid 9'" 2d Mo., 86, John White.^)] Wm Yardley and Wm. Biles Came to y8 Comittee from y8 Assem bly, tould them their Message was the Councill had sent a Warr' to one of their member, and they questioned the Councill's power ther in, to w8" y8 Comittee made no Reply, nor they insisted further on it, but told y" Comittee that their Chief buisness was that whereas the Assembly Yesterday had sent to y8 Councill to Informe them y' it were there Desire to speak with them, y8 Councill sent answer that they would appoint a Comittee to Receive from them their proposalls, but the Assembly did not think §. Comittee was sufficient to Receive them, and y' they wanted y8 promulgated bills. Ths Comittee made answer they would Informe y8 Councill of their message, and •then broak up. , At a Meeting ofthe Councill the 11'" of y" 3d month, 1686, In the Councill Roome. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Rob' Turner, John Symcock, Wm. Clark, Tho : Janney, Wm. frampton, Wm. Southersby, Ph: Pemberton, Wm. Darvall, John Cann, Arth. Cook, Jno. Barnes, Pet' Alrichs, fran. Harrison, Jno. Roades, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark Reported to y8 Councill y8 Message from the Assembly to y8 Comittee. Ths Councill Ordered John Symcock and Wm. frampton to goe with y8 promulgated bills to y8 Assembly. Wm. frampton having urgent business, had Leave for this day's absence. A Member of Councill moving that Luke Watson desired to know whether he was Dismissed from giving any further attendance for this Session, y8 Councill Debated y8 matter againe, and Concluded that this following written should be read unto him; he being Called in, and advised by y8 Presid of y8 Councill's Result in their Debate about his misdemeanors. The Secretary Read what was Concluded on, as followeth, Viz': Wheras, Information being given this board that henry Smith of y8 County of Sussex, hath attested that he did goe in fear of his life of Luke Watson, one of y" members thereoff, and it not appear ing to this board that he is Legally Discharged from y8 same, The Councill Doth therefore think fitt that y8 said Luke Watson doe for bear to give his attendance at this board untill further Order. James Claypoole & John Blunston Came from the Assembly; their Message was that it being y8 first time they have desired a Conference with y8 Councill, therfore they desired y8 Councill would appoint a time for it. 130 MINUTES OF THE The Councill Answered that if the Assembly would adjourne a little they would adjourne to the place they Satt in, (meeting house,) this being not Large enough to Receive so great a number. John Songhurst & John Goodson was sent from y8 Assembly ; their Message was to Lett y8 Councill know y" Assembly Received the Councill's answer to their last Message kindly, and Desired their meeting together might be an hour hence, that they might have that time to Reffresh themselves, most of them having been there Ever since six in y8 Morning. The Councill Answered it were better to bs don Immediately, for if they Sepperated it would be a Longer time before they gott together againe. The Councill adjourned from this Place to y8 Meeting house, in Order to Receive the proposalls of y8 Assembly, and for the service of this board. In the Meeting house, the same Day as before. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, Wm. Southerby, Pet" Alrichs, Wm. Darvall, Phi. Pemberton, Jno. Roades, Tho. Janney, Jno. Symcock, Wm. frampton, Jno. Barnes, , John Canny Nich. Newlin', Robt. Tiirnsr, fran. Harrison, Wm. Markham, Secre. Arth. Cook, The Assembly were Desired to Come in ; there was a Long De bate between y8 Councill and them about privilegss, but nothing Con cluded off; y8 Presid ordered y8 Secretary to Read 13 parraeraph of ye Gov™ Charter to y8 People. Adjourned till to morrow morning,, or further Order. POST MERIDIAM. At the Comittee. PRESENT : Wm. Clark, Arth. Cook, Wm. Darvall, Jno. Symcock, Wm. frampton, Tho. Janney. James Claypoole, Norton Claypoole, Wm. Byles, John Blunston Abra. Mann and John Bnnkloe, being one Member of Assembly of Each County were sent from y8 Assembly to Request y8 alteration of y. ?! 7t ?^°f I'P'h (fr°m £ Presid' &c-) Tlie C°™ttee answer ed that they did believe y8 Councill would Condisent to their Re- quest. The Comitte Rose. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL, 131 At a Meeting ofthe Councill in y8 Councill Roome in Philadelphia y8 12th day ofy8 3d Mo., 1686. present; THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, John Cann, Robt. Turner, Jno. Barnes, Arth. Cook, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Southersby, John Symcock, Wm. frampton, Nich. Newlin, Phi. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. fran. Harrison, Tho. Janney, Wm. Clark Reported to y8 Councill y8 Message from ye Assem bly to y8 Comittee, Requesting y8 Alteration of y8 Stile of y8 bills, to w8" y8 Councill agreed. The Petition ofy8 french men sent over by Ballases was Read, Complayning ag' Bellases agents for not performing y8 Contract be tween Bellases' & y8 frenchmen ; it was Ordered y' Arth. Cook, John Symcock, Robt. Turner, Wm. frampton, should Examine and Re dress the sams with all Expedition. Adjourned till y8 5'n hour in y8 afternoon, By y8 Presid'8 Order. POST MERIDIAM. The Committee. present : Wm. Clark, Arth. Cook, Tho. Janney, Wm. frampton, John Symcock, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Darvall, A Message from y8 Assembly came by two persons out of Each County, John White One, Requesting y8 alteration of y8 first bill, to w8" they gave a note not signed by any, w* folio weth Verbatim, Viz': The Assembly desires these three amendments in y8 bill No. Is' Viz : after y8 word Except these words be added : (Such Laws as have been by former Law Repealed, and y' such Laws shall be con tinued with y8 Variation, as by succeeding Laws have been Varied, 2dly. that the late Laws relating to y8 Killing Cow Calves, &c, and y8 Law Relateing to pipe Staves, be no longer Continued. Sdly. The Laws to Continue till Twenty Days after y8 rising of y8 next Gen" Assembly, & no Longer.) To wch y8Comittee answer'd they would Report y" same to ye Coun cill, and y' they might Expect their answer. The Comittee Roase and y8 Council! Sat. THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Wm. Clark, Wm. Southersby, Jno. Symcock, Wm. frampton, Rob' Turner, Jno. Cann, Wm. Darvall, Tho. Janney, Wm. Markham, Secre. Ph. Pemberton, Arth. Cook, 132 MINUTES OF THE Wm. Clark Reports to ye Councill y8 Message of ye Assembly, Relating to y8 alteration ofy8 first bill; y8 Paper they gave was Read, vid: this day's minutes of y8 Comittee. [Vid 9*h 2d Mo., 86.] John White Presented himselfe to ye Councill, told them he was now Ready to answer the Summons they were pleased to send him. The Councill answer'd they took it Kindly of him, but they would heare it some Convenienter time, and not hinder y8 buisness they were now about. ,,,,,-! Luke Watson Desired of y8 board they would lett him know nis accuser, to w8h they making no answer, he Requested y' Henry Bow man might be Called to Declare before y8 board what he knew of his not being bound to peace, who was Called and Declared as fol- loweth,Viz': That Luke Watson's Brother-in-Law (one Smith) told him y' the Difference between him & Luke Watson was Ended, & that they were now friends, & that there would be nothing more don in that buisness. Adjourned till Eight To-morrow morning by y8 Presid"' Order. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Roome in Philadel phia y8 13 of y8 3d Mo., 1686. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Wm. Clark, Rob' Turner, John Symcock, Wm. frampton, Tho. Janney, John Cann, Wm. Darvall, Jno. Roades, Pet" Alrichs, Phin. Pemberton, Jno. Barnes, fran. Harrison, Wm. Southersby, Arth. Cook, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Request of Jno. Smith and Henry Painter, Inhabitants of Southampton Township, was Read, Requesting this board to heare their Complaint ag' y8 Indians who had Killed severall of their Swine. The Councill Called them in, and Ordered them to give their Com plaint in Writing to y8 Secretary, & mention ye names of y" Indians y' they knew, or did Imagine did y8 fact, and then y8 Councill would take all possible Care to Redress them by Law ; and further, Ordered y' y8 Respective Kings might be sent to by some proper Messenger to make satisfaction. The Request of y8 freemen of y8 County of New Castle was Read, Requesting a Fare to be kept in y' Towne twice a year. The Assembly came to y8 Councill and presented in writing some alteration to be made in y8 bill No. 1 , w* were y8 same as offered y8 Comittee y8 12*n Ins*. Adjourned till six to-morrow morning, or Sooner,' if occasion, by y8 Presid*8 Order. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 133 The Comittee in y8 Evening. present : Arth. Cook, Rob' Turner, Wm. Markham, Secre. Jno. Symcock, Wm. frampton, four Persons, Viz': Wm. Byles, Jn° Goodson, Geo : Maris, & Tho : *', were sent from y8 Assembly with a Message in Wri ting about the Removall of Patrick Robinson from his places, wc followeth, Verb. The Assembly dos Request y8 Presid' and Prov" Councill would be pleased to give their Reasons why y8 Request of ye Late Assembly Concerning y8 Removall of Patrick Robinson from all publick Offices of Trust, was not according to promis6, answered. The Comittee Rose, telling them they would present it to y8 Coun cill. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Roome at Philadelphia y8 14,h3dMo. 1686. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Arth. Cook, Wm. frampton, Jno. Roades, Wm. Clark, fran. Harrison, Pet" Alrichs, Wm. Darvall, Jno. Carm, Phin. Pemberton, Jno. Barnes, Tho. Janney, Wm. Southersby, Jno. Symcock, v Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. Robt. Turner, The Comittee y' Satt yesterday in y8 Evening, Reported to y8 Councill the Messags from y8 Assembly, wch was in writing and Read, about Patrick Robinson. The Councill Declared it was not Proper nor Seasonable to be answered, nor was it signed by any of y8 Assembly. John Cann, a member of Councill, had Leave to goe about his ur gent occasions untill y8 Eighteenth Inst', 10 in y8 forenoon. Ordered a Lycence be made for Tho: Hallyman to keep Ordinary in Philadelphia. Ordered a Lycencs be made for Wm. Hambleton to keep Ordina ry in New Castle. Ordered a Lycence be made for John Roades to keep ordinary in Sussex County. Ordered y' a Paper be drawn and published for yB better Regulating y* affair and Keeping y8 peace. *By reference to the Votes of Assembly Vol. 1" page 38, it ap pears that the name omitted is that of Tho : Ducket. 12 134 MINUTES OF THE The Request of some of the Justices of Chester County against y8 Clark ofy' Court "was Read. The Councill was pleased to answer that in Regard they had not given any Perticular Charge against him, they Could not answer their Request. Adjourned till y8 17tb Ins', 10 in y8 forenoon. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room in Philadelphia ye 17* ofy8 3d Mo., 1686... PRESENT : , THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. John Symcock, Wm. Southersby, Arth. Cook, Tho. Janney, Nich. Newlin. Edwd. Green, fran: Harrison, John Roades, Wm. frampton, Jno. Barnes, Phi : Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secry. Robt. Turner, Ordered y' a Perticular Comission be drawn forthwith, to Consti tute Chr : Taylor Justice of y8 Peace for y8 Towne &, County of Philadelphia. James Atkinson's Complaint against Henry Stretcher and Charles Haines was Read, setting forth there abuse to him in his Doeing his office, Viz : gethering ye Propriet0™ quitt rents. Henry Stretcher being a member of Assembly, and now Sitting, y* Councill ordered y8 Compjaint should be sent to them to peruse. Adjourned till Six to morrow Morning. The Comittee Satt before y8 Councill in y8 Councill Room the 18*° 3d Mo., 1686. PRESENT : Wm. Clark, Wm. Darvall, Nich. Newlin, Arth. Cook, Jno. Barnes, fran. Harrison, Tho. Janney, Robt. Turner, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Byles and Cornelius Empson Came w*" a Message from y° Assembly, woh was to Request a Conferrance between y8 Councill & Assembly about ye amendm18 ofy8 first bill; y* Comittee answered y' they would informe y° Councill thereoff, but supposed they would not admitt of any Dispute, in Regarde it was y8 last day in w* they were Either to accept or Reject them. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 135 At a Meeting of y8 Councill in y' Councill Room In Philadelphia y8 18*° of y8 3d Mo., 1686. PRESENT: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. John Symcock, Wm. Darvall, Tho : Janney, Wm. Clark, Rob' Turner, John Barnes, Arth. Cook, fran. Harison, Nich. Newlin, Jno. Roades, Phi: Pemberton,. Wm. Southersby, Pet' Alrichs, Wm. frampton, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Comittee Reports to y8 Councill y8 Message they Received this morning from y8 Assembly. Wherupon y8 Councill debated upony" method of Reading y8 bills in order to secure and prevent y8 overthrow of y8 Laws of this Pro vince, w8" in Case more then one bill had been Read and y' of Con tinuance had been Rejected, would Inevitably have followed. The Councill seriously weighing & Considering y8 great trust wherewith they are in Vested, & 'unto wch they are Solemly obliged by y8 Express provisoes of ye Great C harter of this Province & Ter ritories, by y8 Act of Settlement, and by y° Gov™ and Prop0™ Comis sion, granted unto them under y8 Great Seale whereby they are Im powred, more Especially as to y" Executive Capacity in Relation to y8 Justice, Peace and Security of our present Constitution, and y'' no thing be Contmuanced nor allowed of that may Interferr, Hazard, or seem to Introduce a Subvertion of this frame of Governm' ; and upon y8 Debate in Councill Concerning ye Reading y8 proposed bills to y8 Assembly, it was by y8 President putt to y8 Memb™ of y8 board, perticularly whether if y8 first bill being a bill of Continuation of y8 former Laws, &an Expressive of y8 Duration of such bills which are to pass into Laws this Gena" Assembly, whether if y8 said bill should not pass in y° Assembly, any more bills should he Read by y8 Clark of y8 Councill unto them, & so y8 Assembly, by Refusing y° first & passing two or more other bills, The Inhabitants of this Province should be Stript & Left Destitute of such Laws of whose- service they have had good Experience, By y8 uncertain compensa tion of such few ones wose use wee are upon Tryall off, & w8" Can not be supposed of y' Extent to Supply y8 Loss of such wch will Inevi tably be Discontinued' therby. The Councill Unanimously & Successively gave their Thoughts and Expressed themselves that upon refusall of y8 Assembly's pass ing of y8 bill for ye Continuance of former Laws, that it would not be only advisable but Requisite for this juncture & Present time, That y8 Prov" Clark forbear Reading of y8 Promulgated bills in ord to propose them to their assent or Dissent. ' The Preservation of ye Governm' in y8 forme wherein it is at present, being more Expressly our Respective Duties, then Exposing y8 same by Dubious and Inse cure methods to unavoydable mischeiff. Wm. Byles & Cornelius Empson Came to acquaint y8 Councill y1 y8 Assembly were Ready to wayte on them in ord' to finish y8 Le- gislation, it being y8 Last day. 136 MiNUTES OF THE The Councill answer'd they were ready, and y8 Assembly might Come when they please. The Assembly Came to y8 Councill with their Speaker, who in y8 behalfe of himselfe and Assembly, Desired y8 amendments of y8 first bill as they had before given in in writing, to w8" the Council not Con senting, there arose a Long Debate about y8 Privileges of y8 Assem bly, wcl" not being granted by y8 Councill, and y' no president should be Left upon Record whereby to prejudice y8 Privileges of y8 Assem bly, The Genall Assembly did Unanimously agree that all things Relating to y8 premises should Remaine in y" same State and Condi tion as they are at this present time, untill y8 Gov' shall arrive and y8 Contraversie determined before him. Wherupon y8 Assembly Took Leave of y8 Council and Departed. The Councill Considering ye Debate they had with y8 Assembly, did unanimously agree and Ordered that this following Concurrance should be Entred, (Viz :) Upon a Conferance had at this board with y8 Assembly, more Es pecially upon some amendments and alteration of them offered to ye first bill for Continuance of former Laws, ye Councill Expressly understanding from some of their Cheifest members that they would not pass y8 said bill Unless w*" such Exceptions and amendments, wcn if granted, would in our judgments be Insecure & Inconsistent with y8 allowed methods in such a Case, and y8 present frame of Go vernm', and lead to y8 Introducing an unsafe and hetherto unpractised way in proceedure upon Repeales, as first .proposing y8 same in this time of y8 Gena" Assembly, and so Lapsing or neglecting the pre vious Notice of yB Legislative Councill. Upon y8 Serious Consideration of y8 Premises, it was Demed Ex pedient by y8 Geneall Assembly that y8 Reading of the promulgated bills should be Waved for this present Session, Least a misunderstand ing, or a greater Inconvenience might thereupon Ensue. Adjourned till y8 Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Arth. Cook, John Roades, Robt. Turner, Wm. frampton, Wm. Southersby; Phin. Pemberton, Wm. Clark, John Symcock, fran. Harrison, Pet' Alrichs, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Markham, Secre. Jno. Barnes, Nich. Newlin, Upon y8 Petition of James Sanderling for a Lycence to Keep an Ordinary, it was granted him. A Petition Relating to highways was Read, upon w8" the Councill agreed y' there should be a Sett time appoynted for y8 Councill to In spect all y6 Business relating to y8 Highways, and to Order y' y8 Roads be Laid out in y8 most proper and Convenient Places within this Province. . , A Petition being presented against y8 abuses of y8 Skoolkill ferry. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 137 it was Refferred to y8 Councill at their sitting for y" Laying out of Roades. Rochford's Serv'. S TT.Tuhe Pfition of Denis Rochford against John I Hichman s selling his servant. The Councill understanding that John Hickman is in Custody & under process in order to his Coming to a Tryall at Law, it is Reffer red to y8 County Court, before whom it is to be Tryed. The Assembly being discharge, Henry Stretcher, y ' was a mem ber thereoff, was sent for before this board, to answer the Complaint of James Atkinson : the Offence being proved against him to be very gross and notoriously III, it was ordered y' it be Refferred to y8 Jus tices of Sussex County, where y8 Liveth, that in Casse he give not an acknowledgm' of his great abuse before he goes downe to this board, y8 Justices aforesaid are to take sureties of him for his good behaviour. Ordered that John Barnes, for this afternoon's absenpe and his for mer absence, pay to y8 Doore Keeper Six Shillings. Adjourned till further Ord". At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome y8 5"1 of the 5'" Mo. 1686. present: ARTHUR COOKE, Presid', Chosen by y8 Rest ofy8 Members. John Symcock, Tho: Janney, Phin. Pemberton, Wm. frampton, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. Robt. Turner, The Petition of Israeli Taylor was Read, Requesting he might be admitted to administer on his father's Estate. The Councill answered they would admitt of no administration Contrary to y8 Intent of y8 will, w8" they Judged valid. Ordered that Robt. Turner, Wm. frampton & Wm. Southersby, take y8 Charge of y8 Office of Register Gen", in as full and ample a manner as Christop. Taylor had in his life time, and y8 Laws of this Governm', and y' they be accoumptable unto this board from time to time, as they shall be Called thereunto, for y° proffits that shall or may arrise, and y' a Comission be drawn accordingly, Impowring any one of them as Sufficient to Execute y8 said office. The Petition of James Claypoole was Read, Requesting the place of Register Gen" might be Conferred on him. The Councill answered They thought it not fitt to settle it on any one person, but Leave it to y8 Gov™ Disposal!. The Petition of Joshua Carpenterwas Read, Requesting a Lycence to Keep an Ordinary in his Brother Sam" Carpenter's house, on y8 Wharfe. Ordered a Lycence for three months. Ordered that Nath" Sykes have a Lycence to Keep an Ordinary In Philadelphia. 12*, 138 MINUTES OF THE John Symcock Requested a Lycence for Walter forcett to Keep an ordinary in ye County of Chester, wfb was granted. Adjourned till Six to-rhorrow in y8 morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadel phia ye 6'" of ye 5* Mo., 1686. PRESENT : ARTHUR COOK, Presid', Chosen, &c. John Symcock, Tho. Janney, Wm. Southersby, Rob' Turner, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. Phi. Pemberton, Wm. frampton, The Comission Impowring Rob' Turner, Wm. frampton & Wm. Southersby to manage y8 Register Gen" Office of this Province and Territories, new Castle only Excepted, was this day Signed. Joseph Vaughan & Jno. Saxby, Serv18 to Chris. Taylor, Deceased, were sent for to Come before y8 Councill ; they produced their In dentures. Joseph Vaughan was bound to Edmd Paine, march' of London, y8 9th of Aprill, 1684, to serve 4 years after his arrivall in Maryland. There was Endorsed on y8 Indenture; wee Cast anchor at New Castle in Pinsilvania, Aug* y° 6th, 1684. John Saxby putt himselfe an apprentice to Chris. Taylor, y8 26th of ye Eleventh month, 1685, to serve six years. The Councill takeing into Consideration Methods for y8 Secureing y8 Estate of Chris. Taylor, Deceased, according to y8 true Intent & meaning of his Will, of w80 y8 Gover' and Ralph frettwell wereExecut™, Thought fitt in their absence to appoynt John Goodson, Tho. Hooton and Tho. ffitchwater, or any two of them, to administer upon y8 Estate of y8 aforesaid Chris. Taylor, Deceased, and to Act and Doe all things therein as an administrator by Law hath power to doe, and to be accountable unto us, or y8 Executors, for the same. Ordered y' a Comission of y8 Peace be forthwith Drawn for Kent County. Ordered a Comission be forthwith Drawn to Impowr Abrah. Whorly, high Sheriff of Bucks County. Ord4 y' a new Comission be Drawn for George Martin to be High Sheriff of Kent County, to Continue untill further Order, his old Comission being out of Date. Adjourned till 5 in ye afternoone. POST MERIDIAM. present: ARTHUR COOK, Presid*, Chosen. Rob' Turner, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Southersby, , Wm. frampton, Phi. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 139 The Comissions for y8 County Court of Kent, for y8 High Sherriff of y8 same, & for high Sheriff of Bucks County, were signed. Report being made to this board by Rob' Turner, a member thereoff, that franc. Carnewell, one of y° Magistratss for y8 County of Sussex, to be a person of 111 fame, The Councill thereupon Ordered that a Warrant be made and sent to y8 County Court of Sussex, to suspend y8 said, francis Carnwell untill he appear at ye Councill table & Cleare himselfe of what is Laid to his Charge, wcb shall be at ye Councill board Delivered him. Ordered a Comission be forthwith drawn for Tho. Streton to be Coroner for Kent County. Adjourned till further Ord". Att a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Room The 7*° of y8 5m Mo., 1686. PRESENT I ARTHUR COOK, Presid, Chosen. Rob' Turner, Phin. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. frampton, Wm. Southersby, John Goodson and Tho. Hooton Refusing to take upon them the Charge ofy8 administration on y8 Estate of Chris. Taylor, according to y8 minute of Councill Yesterday, The Councill thought fitt to Order that y8 Comiss™ of y8 Registry take Care of y8 Estate aforesaid, and of the Children of Chr: Taylor, in the behalfe ofy8 Executors, & to be accountable to them. Adjourned till further Ord". / At a Meeting of the Councill in ye Councill Roome In Philadel phia y8 2d of y8 6th Mo., 1686. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Jno. Symcock. Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. frampton, , The Presid' proposing the Expedientcy of Recomending some Ca pable persons to Sitt Judges in y8 next Prov" Court, wcb are to sitt y8 24th of y° 7*" month, at Philadelphia, y8 Presid' and Present members of Councill thought fitt to Recomand Tho. Holmes, James Harrison and James Claypoole, to y8 approbation of y8 next Compleat Councill, for y8 Comissionating of them or others that they shall think fitt. 140 MINUTES OF THE Wheras, a Complaint has been made to this board of violence Don by some Indians on Nich. Skull and his family, and forcibly Entring his house & Carrying away his goods; and further Information Given y' y8 sd Nich". Skull hath, Contrary to his Duty and Peace of this Province, sould and trucked to and w^y8 Indians severall quanti ties of Liquors, w811 by Law was Prohibited the selling to them, where by they were much Disordered, to y8 notorious Disturbance of the neighboring Settlements. The Presid' and Present Members of Councill thought fit to Order that Capt. Tho. Holmes, with y8 assistance of Capt. Lace Cock, Zach. Whitpaine, and such others as Capt. Thomas Holmes shall approuve Off, forthwith to make Diligent Enquirie into y8 truth hereoff, and if it Credibly appears that such Indians were Guilty as Reported, They be Required to make Speedy satisfaction.. Wee Referring y8 mannor and methods of treating y8 Indians Concerned w*" y8 people they belong ts, to y8 Conduct and Discression of ye sd Capt. Holme, w"1 ye Concurrance and approbation ofthe nominated persons, and in Reffer- , ance to y8 sd Nich". Skull, if upon y8 Examination of his behaviour and Deportment towards those Indians, it shall appear y' he hath acted Contrary to Law in. selling them prohibited Liquors, that Speedy Course be taken to proceed against him- accordingly, that he might be an Exemplary Terrour to Such who shall offend in y8 like nature. Adjourned till further Order. At a meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia ths 5th of y8 6'" Mo., 1686. THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. John Symcock, Wm. Clark, Wm. Southersby, Wm. frampton, John Barnes, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, a member of this board, informing the Councilly' y8 Justice's Comission for y8 County of Sussex Expired y8 15*b Ins'. Ordered that one be fortwith Drawne to Comissionate Wm. Clark, Jno. Roads, Tho. Langhorne, Tho. Price,' Rob' Clifton, Sam" Gray & George Young, & y8 Comission to Stand in force untill further Order. David Lloyd Presented his Comission given him by y8 Gov', bear ing date y8 24 of y82d Mo. Ap", 1686, Constituting him atturney Gen11 for this Proyince and Territorys, To wCD he was attested, De claring his allegiance to y8 King, fidelity to the Gov" & Governm', and faithfull performance of his Office.. Adjourned till further Order. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 141 POST MERIDIEM. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. John Symcock, Edwd Green, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm Clark, Wm. Southersby, A Letter from y8 Gov' to the Councill, dated y8 24lbof y8 2d Mo., 1686, was Read. John White Informes this board that y8 Marylanders have Lately Reinforced their fort at Christina, and: y' they would not suffer him to Cutt hay, but thrittend those he Imployed to doe it w"1 their gunns presented against them, andy' what hay they had Cutt y8 Mary Landers would not suffer them to Carry it away, and if they did Cutt any more y8 Marylanders sayd they would throw it in to y8 River. And further Informs y' Maj' English a few Days past came in to y8 County of New Castle with about fourty armed horse men"; Left them at John Darby's whilst Maj' Inglish and a Marry Land Cap' Came to New Castle, where John White meeting him, made Com plaint to him of the abuses don him by y8 Mary Landers at ye fort. Maj' English, tould him that if Thou wilt say you Drunken Dogg, ned Inglish lett me Cutt hay, I will give you Leave: Wherupon y8 sd John White Requested y8 Councill's advice how he should behave himselfe, in this affaire. The Councill advised him to use no Vio lence, but bear with patience, not Doubting but y8 King will soon put an End to all their hostile actions against his Collony. The Petition of John Moon was this day Read, setting forth his _ Illegall tryall and Execution served on him for a fine for getting his maide with Child, Requesting the board would Order y' his goods Seised on by virtue of the foresaid Execution might be Restored him againe, to wcb y8 Councill gave no answer. The Present Members of Councill added Three more to y8 former Three Recomended on y8 minute of y8 2d Inst', the w8b three Last are John Cann, Wm. Clark and Arth. Cook, to the approbation of a Compleat Councill to Elect Three for Judges. Adjourned till further Order. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome y 7,b of ye 6'" month, 1686. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Wm. frampton, Edwd Green, . Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, Jno. Barnes, The Pstition of Benj, Chambers was Read, setting forth y' at last County Court held at Philadelphia, Judgm' was obteined by Doct' Moore against y8 free Society of Traders of this Province, & y' an appeale, was granted unto y8 sd Society to y8 next Prov" Court, w8" 142 MINUTES OF THE appeale Could not be then taken out for want of Sufficient Security according to Law. Therefore y8 sd Benj. Chambers Requested the Presid' & Prov" Councill y' they would accept of such Lawfull and able Security a(s Shall be present for y8 same. The Presid' and Councill admitted y8 same, and accepted of Benj. Chambers and Griff. Jones, both of Philadelphia, Joyntly and Se verally binding themselves in the penall sumrne.of four hundred and six pounds for prosecuting the said appeal, and to answer Costs and Damages according to Law. Adjourned till y8 Second of y8 next Month, unless urgent Occasion. At a Meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia the Third ofy8 Seventh month, 1686. PRESENT : JOHN SYMCOCK, Presid, Chosen by The Rest. Arth. Cook, Wm. Southersby, fran. Harrison, Wm. frampton, Phin. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of Henry Jones was Read, setting forth yr badness of the way from Moyamensin to Philadelphia. It was Referred to y8 County Court, who it's presumed has power to appoynt Roads to Landing places, to Court, & to Markett. The Petition of James Claypoole, Jno. Goodson & Humph. Murry was Read,1 Complayning against y8 Clark of y8 County Court of Philadelphia, Requesting he might be Dismissed of his Imploym' and, y' David Lloyd might be placed therin. The answer was it shall be further Considered off. The Councill adjourned to Robert Turner's house, he being Sick. AT ROB'T. TURNER'S HOUSE. PRESENT : FRANCIS HARRISON, Presid', Chosen by y8 Re#. Arth. Cook, Wm. frampton, Phin. Pembert on, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. Robt. Turner, The Councill unanimously agreed and appoynted that Arth. Cook, Jno. Symcock & James Harrison, should be Judges for y8 Next Prov" Court y' by Law is appointed to be held at Philadelphia, and Ordered y' a Comission be forthwith drawn, and ye Broad Seale affix ed thereunto, To authorise and Impowre them Judges both of Law & Equity accordingly. './Ths Petition of Dr. Nich. Moore was Read, &c. , ,,.; Adjourned. till further Order. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 143 At a Meeting ofthe Councill in y8 Councill Roome in Philadelphia y820*b 7th Mo., 1686. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. John Symcock, Nich. Newlin, Robt. Turner, fran. Harrison, John Barnes, Pet' Alrichs, Arth Cook, Edwd. Green, Jno. Cann, Tho : Janney, Phin. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Southersby, The Gov™ Letter that came by y8 way of New York, and Reca by y8 Secretary y8 14*" Ins'., was this day read in Councill. Benjamin Chambers Presid' of y° Society, was Called before the Board, and y' part of y8 Gov™ Letter y' related to y8 Society was read to him. The Request of francis Dan" Pastores was read. Adjourned for an hour. post meridiem. The same Persons present. The Comission that was Ord84 to be Drawne y8 3d Ins', for Consti tuteing of Judges, was this day read, approved off, and signed by y8 Presid. A Comission was signed for Wm. Southersby & Barnaby Will- cocks to be Justices of The Peace for y8 County of Philadel. A Blanck Comission was signed for Sherriff of Philadelphia Coun ty. Wm. Carter proposed if he will accept Thereoff, if not, some other the Councill should appoynt, this Comission to Comence Sea ven dayes after y8 next County Court of Philadelphia. Adjourned till 7 To morrow morning. At a Councill in the Councill Roome in Philadelphia September y8 21, 1686. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. John Symcock, Jno. Barnes, Phin. Pemberton, Robt. Turner, Wm. Southersby, Edwd. Green, fran. Harrison, , Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. Tho. Janney, , Ordered That Thomas Hooton take into his Custody and Cars all ye personall Estate of Christ. Taylor, Deceased, untill administration be granted, or till further Order, and y8 persons that have y8 Care at present of y8 sd Goods or Estate, Deliver them up to y8 Care of the said Tho. Hooton accordingly. Information being given to this board of aScandalouss paper given by y8 Sherriff of ye County of Philadelphia to ye Grand Jury y8 Last 144 MINUTES OF THE quarter Sessions, without any name subscribed thereunto, To the Re- proachfull Chargeing or accusing of one ofy8 Magistrates ofy8 same Court, and understanding that y8 same paper was lodged in ye hands of Tho. Hooton, and Considering y8 Consequence of such Condemna- ble proceedings, The Councill Required y8 said Thomas Hooton to Deliver ye same to this board, w8" was accordingly don. The Petition of Peter Gronendicke, Executor to Cornelius Verhoof, requesting a rehearing ofy8 Causes of Symon Paulin and Richard Bundike, &c. and Order was granted'thereupon The humble Lamentation of Jann Van Cullen was Read, setting forth y8 abuses of Charles Ashcome. Order y' his Cattle be Return ed, and that y8 Difference between him and Charles Ashcome be Valued by 4 men, and if they Cannot agree y' it be left to be Desided by y8 Gov'. Patrick. Robinson was admitted, upon his Submission to Remaine Three Months Longer in his Office of Clark, at wtb time he promises to Resigne y8 same, with y8 Records thereunto belonging, and with his Owne hand Endorsed y8 same on his Comission, promising further, in y8 meantime to behave himselfe Civily& Respectfully to y8 Magis trates, and peaceably to all persons, or for y8 first offence Comitted in y' nature, to have his Comission forthwith Cancelled. Adjourned till y825ttl of y" next month, onless further occasion. At a Meeting of y8 Councill in ye Councill Roome in Philadelphia ye 241" 7 bre., 1686. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Arth. Cook, Edwd Green, Rob' Turner, Jno. Symcock, Phin. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Judges that were appoynted for this Prov11 Court y' is by Law to sitt this day in Philadelphia, were attested, and signed to a paper. Ord80 that y8 Secretary signey8 Ord' of Councill for Peter Gronen- dike. Adjourned till y8 15"1 next month, unless further Occasion. At a Councill in y8 Councill Roome In Philadelphia y8 1° of y8 8" month, 1686. present : ARTHUR COOK, Presid, Chosen by y8 Rest. John Symcock, Wm. Southersby, Phin. Pemberton, Rob' Turner, Edwd Green, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, The Judges Report the Great abuse offered by Patrick Robinson in y8 Prov" Court to y 8 Judges then sitting on y8 bench, to ye great hazard PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 145 of y8 good; quistt and peaceable Constitution of y8 Governm1, and Great Disturbance and hindrance of Justice in y° highest Court of this Province. Upon y8 Judge's Complaint to this board of ye III behaviour of Patrick Robinson in y8 Prov" Court, it is ordered y' he be dismissed of his Office as Clark of y8 County Court of Philadelphia, and y'y8 Re cords of y8 said Court, and all other papers relateing thereunto, be brought to y8 Councill, or Dslivsrsd to David Lloyd, who is Ordsrsd to succeed him in his Office, and Comission Ordd to be forthwith drawns accordingly. Ordered a new Comission be forthwith Drawne to Constitute or Continue Wm. Clark a Gena" Justice of the psacs both for y8 Province & Territories. Adjourned till 7 To morrow morning. At a Councill in y8 Councill Rooms In Philadelphia y8 2d of y8 801 Mo., 1686. PRESENT.: ARTHUR COOK, Presid', Chosen by y8 Rest. Rob' Turner, Edwd Green, Wm. Southersby, John Symcock, Phi. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clarke, The Comission y' was Yesterday ord8"1 for Wm. Clark to be Justice of y8 peace for y8 Province and Territories, was this day signed by y8 Present President. The Comission that was Yesterday Ord83 to be drawne for David Lloyd to be Clark of y8 County Court of Philadelphia, was this day signed by the present Presid'. Edw4 Green and Wm. Southersby, both members of Councill, were appoynted to goe to Patrick Robinson, and in y8'name of ye Councill, Demand y8 Record and all other writings y' belong to y8 County Court of Philadelphia. Ord81 a Lett' be writt to y8 Gov' in answer of two Letters Receivd by this board from y8 Gov'. Edw4 Green and Wm. Southersby Reports y' according to y '- Ord' of this board, they went to. Patrick Robinson, & that he was very wil ling to Deliver up all y8 fyles, both for his time andy8 time John Southren was Clark, with all prossesses and Continuances of actions, and after six hours peaceable Continuance in his owne house, he will deliver up all y8 acco*8 for y8 Levies, and y'' he will much abreviate y8 time he had for y8 perfecting y8 Records, w* he has in a great measure gon into, but yett wants to draw out his owne accounts, in order to gether in his Debts, w8h, if he should part with all, was wholly in capable of Doing ; and likewise, y* he desired he might be admitted to Come before y8 Councill to Discourse about it 13 146 MINUTES OF THE The two members of Councill were againe appointed to goe te Patrick Robinson and tell,, him that he might Come to y8 Councill with his Keeper. The Two members of Councill Returned. Patrick Robinson Came with them: ye members Reported they delivered their Message to Patrick Robinson, that he made answer that if his Keepers would not look after him he had no reason to seak them, but would Come along with us. Patrick Robinson did before this board Ingage ffreely to Deliver all things that Relate to y8 County Court of Philadelphia. that was in his possession, Either to night or on next second day morning, to y8 Secretary, if the Councill will appoint him to give y8 Receipt for the same, and y' he might have free access to them for y° making up his accounts, w* was granted and Ordered accordingly. Adjourned till y8 1 5*b Inst', or further Order. At a Meeting of the Councill in The Councill Room The l^ 9a month, 1686. present : JOHN SYMCOCK, Presid', Chosen by y8 Rest. Arth. Cook, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. ' Rob' Turner, Tho. Janney, The Petition of Capt. Tho. Holmes, was Read, Complayning against Charles Ashcome, one of his Deputy Survey™, for want of a mapp of his work don in Chester County. The Petition of Griff. Jones, was Read, about Rent due for his house from Chris. Taylor. Referd to y8 Executors and administrators of Chris. Taylor's Will, whome they Doubt not but will doe him Justice therin. Adjourned till Eight to-morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Roome in Philadel phia y8 17*" 9"' Mo., 1686. present : JOHN SYMCOCK, Presid, Chosen by ye Rest. Arth. Cook, P' Alrichs, Tho. Janney, Rob' Turner, Wm. Southersby, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of Abraham Opdengrafe was read, for y8 Gov™ pro mise to him should made the first and finest pecs of linnen Cloath. Adjourned till two in y8 afternoon. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 147 POST MERIDIEM. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Rob' Turner, Arth. Cook, Wm. Markham, Secre. Pet' Alrichs, Tho. Janney, i The Petition of Capt. Tho. Holmes, that was Read yesterday, was againe Read. The Petition of Abraham Opdengrafe yl was read this" forenoon was again Read. Adjourned till Eight To-morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in The Councill Roome y8 18" 9*fi Mo., 1686. THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Rob' Turner, Tho. Janney, Jno. Barnes, Arth. Cook, Pef Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Secre. Sam" Land's Letter to y8 Secretary was Read, bearing Date y8 14th 9"1 month, 1686, Desiring to procure for him as y8 King's Sercher, a writt of Assistance. James Walliams, who was Constituted y8 King's Collector for ye Bay and River of Delaware, by Comission from Patrick Mein, Esq', y King's Survey" Gen" of his Maj*8 Customes in America, Came to y8 Councill board and produced his saief Comission, wcb bare Date y8 23 day of October, 1686, and was Endorsed by John Cann and Peter Alrichs, Certifying thereby y' James Walliams, y8 Collector, was attested y8 same day before them, Justices of y8 Peace for y8 County of New Castle, for his faithfull Discharge of his trust in that Office. The Comission was subscribed thus, (Viz :)¦ I Doe approve of y8 Person Deputed by y8 aforesaid Comission. Signed, JOHN CANN. James Walliams Backed Sam" Land's Request in his Letter to y8 Secretary, and Desires y8 Councill would grant y8 said Sam" Land a Writt of Assistance ; to which y8 board made answer that y8 King's Officers should have all ye Assistance possible from them in the Exe cuting their Office, when Ever they shall have Occasion to make uss of it. It was Debated in , Councill whether James Walliams had y' day presented himselfe to them as y8 King's Collector, in forme and man ner as obliged, to by his Instructions. Was Carried in y8 Negative. Jacob Hall's Petition was Read, Requesting y° Remittment of the fines that was Layd upon y8 Ssrvants of his Imploysr. Answer : The Councilltwill Recomend their Thoughts to y8 next County Court for Bucks, whether y8 Petitioner is Referred,, and it 148 MINUTES OF THE was don accordingly, by y8 Members of Councill for y' County then present. Israeli Taylor having formerly putt in Cavett against y8 Probate of his father's will, he Declares is now willing to have all Refered to the Governor. Adjourned till four in ye Afternoone. POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT : The same persons as in the forenoon. Upon y8 Application of Israeli Taylor to this board for a sute of Cloaths of his father's, and for a bedd and furniture, the Councill Consented y* by a Member or two of this board, Tho. Hooton be desired to give him a sute of Cloaths, and as to y8 bedd & furniture they are not willing to grant till they understand y8 Gov™ minde in Relation to y8 Estate. The Comission upon y" Death of Wm. frampton, one of y8 persons Comissionated for y8 mannagem' of y8 Registry Office, and upon the Application of Wm. Southersby to be Excused for being Con cerned therein as joynt Comissioners, and Rob' Turner also not De siring to Continue therein, it was unanimously that y8 Gen11 Registry be proposed to the acceptation of James Claypoole, Sen', haying lately Requested y8 same ; upon his Consent thereunto, a Comission to be Drawne to Impowre him to act therein During y* Gov™ Pleasure. Adjourned till Eight To-morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Rooms The 19,b 9* month, 1686. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid1. .Rob' Turner, Pet' Alrichs, Tho; Janney, Arth. Cook, John Barnes, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Comission for Register Gen" was this day given to James Claypoole, Sen', and he attested accordingly. Wm. Carter had his Comissiongiven him this day to be Sherriff of y" County of Philadelphia. The Councill takeing into Consideration y^Unevenesss ofy8 Road from Philadelphia to y8 falls of Delaware, *, ¦ Agreed that Rob' Turner & John Barnes for y8 County of Phila delphia, Arth. Cook and Tho. Janney for y8 County of Bucks, with y Respective Survey™ of y8 sd Counties, meet and Lay out a more Como- dious Road from y8 broad Street in Philadelphia to y8 falls aforesaid : y8 time when is Referred to y8 memb™ Nopinated. Adjourned till further Order. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 149 At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Rooms In Philadel phia y8 30*" ofy8 18* Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Arth. Cook, John Barnes, Wm. Markham, Secre. Nich. Newlin, Few members being Corns to Towne, thoss present adjourned till two in y8 afternoon. POST MERIDIEM. THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Arth. Cook, Nich. Newlin, Jno. Barnes, Rob' Turner, Wm. Clark, Wm. Marklr .n, Secre. The Returne ofy8 members to serve in y8 Prov" Councill for y8Coun- ty of Philadelphia was Read, and by y8 Councill accepted off. James Claypoole Returned therein to serve for Three Years, he having subscribed y8 Oligation took his place. The Returne of Kent County was Read and accepted of, only John Curtis, who was returned to serve in Prov" Councill for three years, was Excepted, he having lained under Suspition of Speaking trea sonable words ; and altho' y8 Grand Jury had Returned y8 bill against him Ignoramus, yett y8 Councill thought it not fitt to admitt him as Councellor amongst them. Griffith Jones, who was returned at y8 same time, for y8 same County, to serve in Prov" Councill the Remaining part of the Time Wm. Frampton, Deceased, was to havese rved, signed y8 Obligation &c took his place in y8 Councill. Adjourned till to morrow morning y8 9*b hour. In the Councill' Roome at Philadelphia y8 31"1 1° Mo.,. 1687. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Arth. Cook, Nich. Newlin, John Symcock, Wm. Clark, James Claypoole, Rob' Turner, Griff. Jones, Phin. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. i John Barnes, The Returne of y8 members to Serve in Prov" Councill for y8 Coun ty of Chester was Read, and tho it was lame, yet upon y8 assurance of y members of Councill for y' County, that y8 persons therein men tioned were fairly Elected, it was accepted of: John Bristow Returned *o serve for three years in Prov" Councill, signed the Obligation & took place. The Returne of Bucks County was Read & accepted off: Joseph Growdon was Returned to serve for three years in Prov" Councill, feigned the Obligation & took place. 13* *150 MINUTES OF THE The Gov™ Letter to y8 Prov" Councill was read, bearing Date y" 15th 7lb month, 1686. Adjourned till 4 in y8 Afternoon. POST MERIDIEM: PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Arth. Cook, Jam. Claypoole, Nich. Newlin, John Symcock, Rob' Turner, Jno. Cann, Wm. Clark, Griff. Jones, Jno. Bristow, Phi : Pemberton, Jos. Growden, Wm. Markham, Secre. John Barnes, The Returne for y8 County of New Castle was Read, signed Edw3 Gibbs, pro Sherriff: the Councill would not accept of y8 Returne so signed, but upon John Cann's assuring y8 Councill that it was a faire Election, it was accepted, wherein Peter Alrichs was Returned to serve in Prov" Councill for three years ; he signed y8 Obligation and took his place. The Gov™ Comission to y8 Councill was Read. The Returne of y8 County of Sussex was read, wherinMaj" Wm. Dyer was Returned to serve in Prov" Councill for Three years: the Returne was Accepted, y8 Maj" Excepte against only. Maj" Wm. Dyer presenting himselfe as a Prov" Member in Coun cill; the Councill Expressed their Gen" Dissatisfacon and unwilling ness to permitt him, and Desired to Desist, Declareing y' they Could not in Duty and Respectto y8 King, nor with Security to y8 Province, take such into y8 Councill who had not Discharged the Office of y8 King's Coll" of his Customs within this Governm' with faithfulness & a good Report. Maj" Wm. Dyer pressing further for more perticular Reason for his non admittance into y8 Councill as a member thereoff, y8 Councill Referred to Wm. Clark, Jno. Cann, Pet" Alrichs & Griffith Jones, to be a Comittee to Inquire into that matter, and to Reduce into writing the Reasons given, and to present them to this board the next Seventh day morning. Adjourned till Eight to morrow morning. i In the Councill Roome at Philadelphia The first day of y8 2d month, 1687. PRESENT I THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Arth. Cook, Wm. Clark, John Symcock, Jam. Claypoole, Pef Alrichs, Griff. Jones, Nich. Newlin, John Barnes, Rob' Turner, Jos. Growdon, Phi. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. John Cann, John Bristow, The Petition of John Curtis was read, setting forth his great Dis satisfaction y' where he was Chosen a member of Councill fory8 Coun ty of Kent, he was not admitted to take place. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 151 Answer. The Councill Continues their Sence y' he Ought to be dismissed. The Petition of Sevsrall persons ag' transporting of Dear Skins was Read. A Petition from many of y° Inhabitants of ChesterCounty, Request ing the same as y8 former, was Read, in w8" Petition were severall other Requests about Laws. Ord81 y' notice be given to all the Justices & Others Concerned, y' they Strictly putt in Execuon y° Law ag' transporting Raw Deer Skins, & y' y8 Law ag' Soiling of Rum, y8 Laws against Curseing and swearing, & y8 Law ag' Drunkeness, be strictly putt in Execution. The Presid & Councill Debating about y8 Petition of John Curtis this day read at y8 board, thsy did unanimously agree, y' whereas it did appear to this board yl y" said John Curtis had been accused of treason, & tho y8 Grand Jury found not y8 bill, yett were* think it our Duty to Dismiss him, and therefore he is accordingly Dismissed from y8 said service. Adjourned till to morrow morning. In the Councill Roome at Philadelphia The second- day of y8 second month 1687. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, John Bristow, John Barnes, Pet' Alrichs, Nich. Newlin, John Cann, Griff Jones, Phin. Pemberton, Jam: Claypoole, Jos. Growdon, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Markham, Secre. Arth. Cook, Robt. Turner, The Comittee appointed to prepare perticular reason why Maj" Dyer was not admitted a member of Prov" Councill, brought in their Report to y8 Councill in writing, with y8 Reasons taken by them from other persons, under the relator's hands, all w8b was Read at this board, and unanimously allowed of by the Councill as a sufficient Reasons for his non admission. After Reading y8 Gov™ Letter of y8 last seventh month, with vari ous Considerate Debates in this Legislative Prov" meeting Concern ing y8 Present body of Laws, & of y8 Security & benefitt w08 might accrew to the Province and Inhabitants by their Repeal Intirely as they Stand, and of their Speedy revivall next Gen" Assembly, w'n such allowed alterations and abrogations of those whose service are Either Determined or not so materiall as when first Enacted, & with all perusing the minutes and finding the Concurrent Sense of y8 last *We. 152 MINUTES OF THE Assembly: The Presid & Prov" Councill have at this time unani mously &' with Generall Express satisfacon, Concluded & ordered y' it should be so Entred in the Councill book that y8 Law so Com- pacted'& Continued as they now are, may Remayne and be in force without annulling Variations, or supply of additionall bill or bills at this time, till wee hear furtherfrom y8 Gov", his arrivall, or to y8 sitting ofy8 next Prov" Councill, in Ord' to prepare bills to be promulgated for the Assembly to pass into Laws. In the Interime howsoever, it is Expressly agreed upon y' the bench of Justices in Each County writ unto by a publick Instrument to Incourage, quicken and require the Due Execution of all such Laws more Especially, which being to frequently, publicqly & notoriously transgressed, God's blessed truth Comes thereby Grieved, his name prophaned, the Province Qo- vernm' & Professors of his holy way, and scandalised thereby. Memorendums of what is to be Compleated by y8 Councill by y* approbation ofthe present members : 1th That a publick writing be sent to y8 Respective Counties to In forme them ofthe respectfull Remembrance of our Gov" towards them, y8 Reasons of his unpleasant Stay, the Sudden hopes of his arrivall, w" an acco' of our present proceedure, to be Dispatched with all Ex pedition. 2°'7 An Enquiry of y8 undertakers about y" Gov™ Supply, w,b what furtherance may be of the same. 31"7 That ye Gov™ Instructions about y8 Caves be persued. 4th17 That a new Comission be Drawn for y" Continuing y" former Judges for y8 next Prov" Court. 5th17 That Comissions may be prepared for Officers for y8 Countyes ' were wanting. Desired y* y8 Presid' signe y8 Severall Comissions. The Members of New Castle County having presented Edwd Gibbs for Sherriff of y' County, Ord81 that a Comission be Drawn for him. Sam" Hersent's Petition was Read, begging Relief from y8 Judg ment ofy8 County Court of Philadelphia. Henry Reynolds plant. Referred to the Prov" Judges. A Table of fees Relating to the Atturney Gen" Office having been perused, is allowed off by this board untill further Ord". POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. James Claypoole, Phin. Pemberton, John Cann, Wm. Clark, John Barnes, Griffith Jones, Joseph Growdon, Pet' Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of Thomas fairman against Cap' Tho. Holmes, Sur vey' Gen", was Read. Answer. That Cap' Holmes Intends to be at y" Comiss™ meeting ths next second day, whether he is Referred. The Petition of Cornelius Empson, Concerning a Bridg Road and a Water mill on Brandiwine Creek, was Read. The Petition of Rob' Jeffs was Read, requesting Reliefs ag' Tho. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 153 fairman's fitfc&ble Entry in to his house, as he Expresses it in his Pe tition. Answer. That the Courts of Law are and shall bs open, but y8 Sense of the Councill is, that their mutuall agreements should be ac cordingly performed. Adjourned till y8 fourth Ins'. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Councill Room at Philadel phia The 4*" of y 2d Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, Rob' Turner, Joseph Growdon, Arth. Cook, Phin. Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of John Van Cullin was Read, Requesting Releef from ^Oppression of Thomas Usher, Sherriff of Chester County, who by Vertue of an Execution obtained By a Vexatious sute of Charles Ashcome, hath taken from him his two milk Cows, ¦wch was all he, his wife and seaven small Children had to five upon, himselfe being sixty & six years of Age, and past his Labour to work for more. Ord811 That an Ord' be sent to y8 Sheriff of Chester County to appear before y8 Councill y8 next second day, to answer the Complaint of the Pstitionsr, and if any Distress or Execution hath been served on his goods or Chatties, that they be no ways Disposed of untill y8 Com plaint be answered before this board, and if y* Cattle be taken away, that they be forthwith Restored, or Carefully looked to in y8 meantime ; and that he make Returne of a former Order he had from this board in the buisness between Charles Ashcome and Jn° Van Culing. Adjourned till 3 in y8 Afternoon. At a Councill in ths Councill Roome In Philadelphia y8 5?" of y" 2d month 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD Presid. Wm. Clark, Rob' Turner, James Claypoole, Arth. Cook, Jos. Growdon, Wm. Markham, Secre. Phi. Pemberton, The Petition of James fox in behalfe of himselfe and y8 Rest of the Inhabitants of y Plymouth Township, was Read, requesting a Cart Road might be laid out to their Towne Ship. Ord81 that there be no Disturbance or Molestation to the Inhabi tants ofthe Pleymouth Townshipp, In their finding and Laying out a» Convsnisnt Cart Road from Philadelphia to thsir Township. Adjournsd till ye ll"1 Ins'. 9 ia the forenoon,. 154 MINUTES- OF THE At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome In Philadel- . phia y8 11th 2d Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. John Symcock, Jam. Claypoole, Rob' Turner, Arthur Cook, Griff. Jones, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, Thomas Usher made his Appearance before this board according to Summons, to answer y8 Complaint of John Vanculling?;and for answer subscribed y8 Summons,, with these words following, and Re turned y8 same so subscribed to y8 Councill, Viz' : As to this Ord" my Returne is, I doe abide by my Lawfull Serving y8 Execution upon ye Milch Cattle of Jn° Vanculin in y8 Case of Charles Ashcome. THO. USHER this ll'b 2d Mo., 1687. The Petition of Arnoldus Delagrange was Read, Requesting the Speedy payment of Money due to him from Christo. Taylor, Deceased. Answered. That if the Gov" comes not, nor y8 Councill hear from him in six Weeks or two months time, speedy Course shall be taken by this board to pay y8 Petitioner. Adjourned till further Order. At a Councill In the Councill Roome in Philadelphia y8 13" 2" month, 1687. l . PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, Arth. Cook, John Barnes, Griff Jones, James Claypoole, Wm. Markham, Secre. Jno. Symcock, Ord84 that y8 Secretary signe Six Instrum*8, to be sent one to Each County, to minde ye Magestrates of their Duty m suppressing ,of all Desbauchery. The matter ofthe Supply being reassumed, Ord88' that y8 undertakers bring in their Reasons why the sum for the supply, according to their obligations, is not paid; y8 day appoynted is the 10tb ofy8 next month. By Express Ord' from y8 Gov' to The Prov" Councill, that notice be given to all persons Concerned in y8 Caves or houses built upon y8 bank of this Towne, on Deleware side, unless those Leased by the Gov' & not yett Expired, do by y8 20*" ofy8 next month, provide for themselves other habitations, in order to have the said Caves or houses Distroyed, or otherwise Disposed off, as the Gov' shall see meet. The Petition of Rob' Jeffs was Read, requesting Rsltef against the forceable Entry and Deteiner of Thomas fairman. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 155 The address of Cap'. Tho. Holmes ag' Charles Ashcome was Read. Adjourned till Six to morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in y8 Qouncill Roome In Philadelphia y8 14"1 2d month, 1687. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. James Claypoole, Wm. Clark, Wm. Markham, Secre. Arthur Cook, John Symcock, The Petition of Thomas ffairman was Read, respecting the Differ ence between him and Rob' Jeffs as to a forceable Entry ; as also, touching upon Capt Thomas Holmes. Robert Jeffs & Tho. fairman being both before y8 Councill, and y8 affair in Differance being Considerately Debated, it was unani mously Ordered, with y8 Joynt accord of both parties, y' Rob' Jeffs should have peaceable admission and possession into the Messauge and Premises Demised to him at frankford, by Tho. fairman, at or upon the next seventh day, in the forenoon, wcb will be y8 16*" Ins1, and y' y8 Intended uncertaine Improvements mentioned in y8 margent of the Contract in writing, are to be four hundred apple trees, to be sstt and planted within y8 first fourteen years, at a Convenient Dis tance, with a pale, or a sufficient Close fence, and y8 same to be ac cordingly Kept, and so surrendred at yB Expiration of the Tearme. Ord*1 that Tho. Barker, Sam" Jobson, Sabian Cole, Jno. More and Humph South, have their Returns made into y8 Secretary's O'ffice, ' (by the Survey' Gen",) of the Land that was Surveyed for them by Charles Ashcome in the Welch tract, it being in all four thousand acres. Adjourned till further Order. At a Meeting of ths Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadel phia y8 19*" 2d Mo., 1686*. PRESENT : WM. CLARK, Presid, p Choyce. James Claypoole, Griffith Jones, Wm. Markham, Secre. Robert Turner, The Gov' and Councill's Letter of New York, bearing date y8 15 *1687. 156 MINUTES OF THE Aprill, 1687, Directed to y8 Presid' & Councill of Pennsilvania, was Read.' Ordered That a Coppy thereof bs ssnt to Presid' Lloyd, at New York. Adjourned till further Order, At a Meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Roome In Philadel phia y8 10'b 3d Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Jno. Symcock, John Roads, Jos. Growdon, Arth. Cook, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, The Gov' and Councill's lett' of New York of y^*" Aprill, 1687, Directed to y8 Presid' and Councill of Pennsilvania, was Read a second time. Ord8* that answer be sent by y8 first Opportunity, Relating that Wee Know of no such man as D' plessie within this Province, nor shall be Countinanced by us. 2dly. as to y8 SusquahannaandSkool- kill Indians, Wee hope such Care and diligence shall be used as will give no just occasion of Offence. The Petition of Wm. Nicholls was Read, requesting Rslisf agf an Execution obtained in y° .County Court of Philadelphia by John Cropt, against y8 said Wm. Nicholls. Ord81 That Cropt have notice to appear To-morrow bsfore this board. Ths Petition of John Readwood was Read, requssting Rslief against an Execution obtained ag' him in y8 County Court of Phila delphia, at y8 sute of Richd Hogbean. Ord81 That Rich" Hogbean have notice to attend y8 Councill to morrow morning by 10. Adjourned till tenn To-morrow forenoone. At a Meeting of. ths Councill In the Councill Room In Philadelphia y8 ll"1 3d Mo., 1687. r present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. John Symcock, John Barnes, John Roades, Arthur Cook, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Clark, Griffith Jones, John Bristow, Wm. Markham, Sec. Joseph Growdon, Nich. Newlin, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 157 Rich1 Hogbean appeared according to appoyntment yesterday. Jno. Readwood's Petition y* was Read at y8 board yesterday, was againe read. Orded that they goe together and Endeavor to accomodate y8 Dif ference between themselves ; if they Cannot, then to Come againe. Wm. Salway & Thomas Langhorne Came w*" a message from y8 Assembly to know when they should wayt on y8 Councill. Answered in halfe an hour, or sooner if they pleased. The King's Letter bearing Date ye 19'b November, Directed to Presid' Lloyd or Secretary Markham, Commending the sendino- of John Grey, al8 Tatham, by y8 first Convenentcy of Shipping for England, to answer to severall Misdemeanors alliged there ag' him, was Read. The Asssmbly, with their Speaker, Cams to Ths Councill : thsy made severall proposals to y" Councill, then left them in writing, signed by their Speaker, w8" are as followeth, Verbatim : Sundry Proposalls Agreed on by The Assembly to be presented to y8 Presid & Councill, as followeth: 1 . "That y8 Presid' and Councill be moved y' the Counties may not Suffer a Vacantcy by the Suspsntion of members, but that y8 persons may Either be rs-admitted, or Else writs Issue out the respective places for a new Choyce. 2dly. That y8 Councill be moved to revoke their Orders to the County Courts prohibiting Executions to be Issued out. untill tenn days after Judgment, by reasons divers Inconvenentcies have accrued thereby. 3dly. That y8 Presid' & Councill be Desired that for y8 Continuing of a good understanding between y8 upper & Lower Counties, that there may be at least One of the Prov" Judges Chose from ye Lower Counties. 4thly. That ye Councill be moved prohibitt Iregular Summons to be Issued out from one County to an other, to be Vexation of the free people of this Province, & Contrary to y8 Intent of y8 Law. 5thly. That the Councill be moved according to y8 power of y" Charter, to take a Speedy acco' of y8 moneys paid for y8 Erecting of Bouys, & y' w*" all Convenient Speed y8 sayd Bouys be Erected. for y8 safety and preservation of Vessels coming in and going out of this Province & Territoryes, & to prevent the Claymours of Masters of Vessells who are obliged to pay the Money and Reape no bene- fitt thereby. Signed p order. JOHN WHITE, Speaker. Philadelphia, y8 11'" 3d month 1687. Adjourned for an hour. 14 158 MINUTES OF THE POST MERIDIEM, y8 ll"1 3d Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Arth. Cook, Griff. Jones, Wm. Clark, Jno. Symcock, Jno. Bristow, Wm. Dervall, Jos. Growden, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. Jno. Barnes, John Rdades, Rob' Jeffs made his address to y8 Councill personally, without writing, Complayning that the Order of this Board ofy8 14"1 2dMo. last, was not observed, and Requested they would be pleased to Order y8 Justices forthwith to Execute it. Ordered y* y8 Magestrates before whome Enquirie was made, have notice of ths address of Rob' Jeffs, and y' it is the 'unanimous opinion of this board, that according to y8 mutuall agreement of both parties (Viz : Tho : fairman and Rob' Jeffs,) made bsfors this board on y8 14th of y8 2d Mo. Last past, ths said Rob' Jsffs ought to have Re- posssssion of his house and Tenement at franckford. Wm. Nicholls and John Cropt being by appoyntment on y8 10*° Ins' to appear before this board yesterday, made their appearance to day. After a long hearing of y8 Difference between them, it was or dered that Wm. Nicholls Bring in his account to morrow morning. The Councill's Answer To y8 Proposalls made by the Assembly in y8 forenoon. I. If a suspended member be not admitted, nor Cleare himselfe within two months, then a new writt shall be Issued to Choose an other according to Law. 2.; Wee Refer the same to ye former practice, and y8 Discression ofy8 Judges and Justices ofthe Respective Courts. 3. In Choyce of Judges, there shall be tender Regard and due Re spect had to y8 Lower Counties. 4. That all Irregular Summons from one County to another shall be wholly Discountinanced. 5. It's Ordered that an acco' be brought to y8 Prov" Councill of what money hath been Collected on acco' of Bouys, w^all Convenient Expedition, that it may be applyed to its proper use. Adjourned till 9 To morrow morning. At a Meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Room In Philadelphia y8 12,b 3d Mo., 1687. y PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Arthur Cook, John Bristow, Joseph Growdon, Ja. Claypoole, Nich. -Newlin, * John Barnes, Wm. Dervall, Griffith Jones, Wm. Markham, Secre. John Roadss, John Symcock, . PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 169 Luke Watson and Vallentine Hollens worth Came with a Msssags from y8 Asssmbly, to Know whsn y8 Councill would bs at Leasure to hear some proposalls from y8 Assembly. Answered. As soon as they pleased. The Assembly Came with their Speaker to the Councill, and having Debated on y8 proposalls following, left them in writing, signed by their Speaker, which followes, Verbatim : Ordered y' a Conference be proposed to the Presid' & Prov" Coun cill, wherein some Laws w8" are Lyable to Divers Interpritations or Expositions, may at this Gen" Assembly be Explained, & y8 true meaning thereoffDeclared, to prevent Diversity of Opinions and Er- rours that may otherwise arrise, Viz : 1 . That the Law relating to goods taken upon Execution & ap praised, whether y8 Creditor shall bs obliged to take them at y8 Rate appraised if they will not advance higher at y8 publick Sayle, and whsthsr y8 appraissrs are by Law Intended to be appraisers in other matters. 2. The Law Concerning Quarter Sessions; how far y8 County Quarter Sessions may be Judges of Equity as well as Law, and if after a Judgment in Law, whether the same Court hath power to Resolve itsslfe into a Court of Equity, and Either Mitigate, alter, or Revers y8 said Judgment. 3. That the Presid* & Prov" Councill be Requested to take such Effectuall Care about setting the antient port of the whorkills at Lewis, whsrsby y8 Inhabitants may not bs deprived of benefit of Re- csivsing goods from on board any Vessell, untill y8 said goods be first Cleared at New Castle, whereby y8 Difficulty of returning, and some times the danger that doth otherwise attend Vessels, have Deprived y8 Inhabitants of Such goods as have been Consigned to them. 4. That the Presid' & Councill be requested to Command that such necessary Publick Roads bs Every where sett forth and Duly maintained, & more Especially in y8 County of Philadelphia, y' travi- ling for man and Beast maybe more Easie, safe &' Certaine. 5. That the Assembly Confer with the Prov11 Councill about the regulation of the Current pay of this Governm'. Signed p Order. JOHN WHITE, Speaker. Philadelphia, the 12'" 3 Mo., 1687. Adjourned for ons hour Prsssisely. POST MERIDIEM. 12 3 Mo., .1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Jos. Growdon, Jam. Claypoole, Wm. Darvall, Jno. Bristow, Wm. Clark, Griffith Jones, Jno. Symcock, ,Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. Arthur Cook, John Roades. A Letter bearing date y8 9th Inst, from James Walliams, Collector 160 MINUTES OF THE at New Castle, Directed to y8 Secretary, was Read, Desireing y' if the Warr' of assistance was Orded by y8 Councill, to send it -him downe. Ord83 that y8 Secretary Informe him of a. Comission newly received from y8 Gov', and Expected Every day to be opened, to wcb the Grant ing of the Warrant is Referred. A Comission Directed to Wm. Markham, Thomas Ellis & John Goodson, was Read at this board, Wm. Markham & John Goodson being present; it was Date ye 21lb lllh Mo., 1686. Adjourned till y8 16,h Inst', 9 in y8 forenoon. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room in Philadel phia The 16tb ofthe 3d Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Arth. Cook, Joseph Growdon, John Barnes, Wm. Clark, John Bristow, Wm. Markham, Secre. Griff. Jones, Ord01 that a writt.be forthwith sent to Kent County, for y8 Chooseing of a member of Councill in ye Roome of John Curtis, Dissmissed. Ord8" that new Sheriff be Comissionated for y8 County of Sussex, with all Expedition. Orded That a Comission be made for John Roads to be Renger of Sussex County. Adjourned till further Order. At. a Meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Room at Philadelphia y817*b3dMo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Arth. Cook, Wm. Clark, Griff. Jones, Jos. Growdon, John Symcock, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Petition of Elizabeth Shorter, Widdow, was read, Complayn ing that John Rush, her son in Law, in stead of a Letter of Atturney that shee was to signe, prepared a Deed of gifft of all her Estate, with ¦ power of Atturney, to one Sam" Atkins, to acknowledge the same in Court. The Wittness to y8 Deed were severally Examined ; they all Confest the writing was not read to her, nor Could shee Ever write or Read herselfe, so y' it appeared to this board to be an absolute Cheat. Adjourned till further Order. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 161 At a Meeting- of the Councill in the Councill Rooms at Philadel phia y8 18th 3d Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Arth. Cook, James Claypoole, Joseph Growdon, Jno. Symcock, Griff. Jones, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, The Writt for Choosing a member of Councill for y8 County of Kent, in y8 Roome of Curtis, Dismissed, was this day signed by y8 President. The Petition of John Redwood for Releef against an Execution Surreptitiously obteined against him at ye Sute of Richd Hogbean, at y8 County Court of Philadelphia, (formerly Read at this board,) and now Read againe. Answered. It is y8 Sense of y8 Councill that the offers John Redwood made before yE Members of this board for y8 Satisfacon of the Debt he Oweth to Rich* Hogbean, are Sufficient, Viz: to give Se curity to pay y8 Debt in Sussex County, where the Creditor lives. Secondly, he Offered a Warrant of Atturney to Confess Judgment for y8 same in y8 next Court to be held in y8 County of Sussex, if not payd before. And Lastly, y8 Creditors refuseing to take Wm. Clark security for y8 payment of y8 Debt within six weeks time, notwith standing the Cred' first proposed it, & Wm. Clark willing thereto. Therefore, this board's Opinion is, that y8 Creditor, Richd Hoggbean's, behaviour in this is Litigious and Vexatious. The Petition of James Browne was Read, desiring the paym' of money due to him from Chr. Taylor,' Deceased. Answered, that at the time appoynted, Arnoldus De La Grange, it shall have its answer. The Petition of Thomas Woolaston was Read, Complayning that ye County Court of New Castle had Denyed him an appeal to have his Cause heard in Equity, notwithstanding he gave his reasons for Requesting his appeal, and his Security then ready in Court ; he pro duced to this board y8 Coppy of y8 proceeding in y8 County Court, wch was signed by y8 Clark thereoff, upon y8 Reading off which ye Coun cill approved ofy8 reasons therein given to be sufficient for y8 granting him an appeal ; & thereupon ord8" y' y8 Secretary take Security of ye sd Tho. Woolaston, for the Prossecuting y8 said appeal at ys next Prov" Court, and then sent a Coppy of this minute, with orders from this board, under y8 secretary's hand, toy5 Magestrates of New Cas tle County, or a Quorum thereof, willing & requiring them to stopp all further proceeding relating to this Cause in y' County, and y' the appeal be granted him to y8 next Prov" Court. Adjourned till further Order. 14* 162 MINUTES OF THE At a Meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Roome in Philadelphia The 17*bofy86'1' Mo., 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, Jos. Growdon, John Bristow, Arth. Cook, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. Griff Jones, Ordered that a writt be sent to ye Sherriff of Philadelphia County, for y8 Choosing of a member to serve in Prov" Councill in the Roome of James Claypoole, Deceased, & that y8 Election be on y8 26,b Inst*. Adjourned till 3 in y" afternoon. POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Wm. Clark, Griffith Jones, Rob' Turner, Arth. Cook, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Markham, Secre. Jos. Growdon, John Bristow, Ordered y' a Gen" Comission of y8 Peace be made for y8 County of Philadelphia, and to put in John Eckley, Tho: Ellis, John Goodson, Wm. Southersby, Barnabas Willcox, Joshua Cart, John Shelton. The Petition of about three score people, Inhabitants of Chester County, was Read, setting forth the great want of a Mill in their parts, and Requesting a Permission for Thomas Coebourne to goe for ward with ye building, and setting1 up of his mill on Chester Creek. The Councill is willing to give Incouragem' to y8 Proceedure of Thom. Coebourne in the finishing of his mill that he is now about, for ye urgent necessity of y8 Contrey, Reserving to y8 Gov' his Proprie tary Shipp. ' Adjourned till 7 to morrow morning. At a meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Room at Philadelphia y8 18'" 6'" Mo., 1687. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, Griffith Jones, John Bristow, Arth. Cook, Jos. Growdon, Wm. Markham, Secre. Rob' Turner, Ordered That those persons who were Constituted Deputies by James Claypoole, late Register Gen11 of y8 Province and Territories, doe Continue in y8 Said Office untill further Ord". Ord81 that John Eckley be Constituted Register Gen" in the Roome of James Claypoole, Deceased, till y8 Gov'8 pleasure be further knowne, in order to his Disposall ofy8 said Office. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 163 Ord80 That Thomas Hooton be requested to prove the will of Chris topher Taylor, Dsccased, & to administer upon y° same. The Petition of Arnoldus Delagrange was Read, Requesting y" Paym' of what was Owing to him by Chris. Taylor, Deceased, ac cording to a promise made by this board 11th 2d month last past. Refered to Tho. Hooton, who is desired to administer upon y8 Estate. The Petition of Maj" Wm. Dyer was Read, setting forth his sevear usage by an Illegall proceeding ag' him, at New Castle, in attachment of his Goods, & desiring Reliefe from this board. Ordered y' the Clark of New Castle Court be writ to to transferr to y8 Secre"78 Office y8 Coppy of what proceedings Remains on y8 Courts Records against Maj" Dyer, upon y8 attachment aforesaid. Vpon y8 Reading y8 Petition of y8 Inhabitants of Rodnor, Com playning y' part of y8 road yl leades thence to the ferry of Philadel phia is ffenced in, & more likely to be, it was Orded y' John Bevan, Henry Lewis, David Merideth, John Evans, Barnabas Wilcox & Tho. Duckett, meet within fourteen days, to view or agree upon, as Conveniently as may be, a Road from y8 Place aforesaid to y8 ferry, and y8 Like Convenient Road from Darby to y8 ferry aforesaid, by y8 said Barnabas Willcox, Tho. Duckett, with John Blunston & Joshua fearme, by y8 Time aforesaid, and to Retufee y8 same to this board y8 next sitting of Councill for their approbation. John Bristow is desired to give y8 Persons above mentioned notice thereof in his Returne. Wheras there was a late Order for y8 Viewing and Discovering a maine Road from y8 Center of Philadelphia y8 Shortest way to y8 falls, it is Requested y' Rob' Turner and Wm. Markham, with y8 As sistance of y8 Survey" Gen" and his Deputy, to make use of y8 most spesdy and Succesfull Methods for y8 running y8 same. The Petition of John Ithell was Read, setting forth that Rob' Turner had Nine Small baggs of peices of Eight of Wm. Steets of Cork, in y8 Kingdome of Ireland, part of w8b y" said Robert Turner hath de livered, and desires to be acquitted of y8 Residue, therfore prays it might Lodg in y8 hand of Humphrey Morrey or John Bristow, or who y8 Councill shall appoynt. The Councill would not meddle with it. Adjourned till y8 8'" 7"1 Mo. next. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadel phia y8 8th 7a month, 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Wm. Clark, Jno. Bristow, Robt. Turner, Jno. Cann, Griffith Jones, Wm. Markham, Secret7. P' Alrichs, Nich. Newlin, 164 MINUTES OF THE The Petition of Maj" Wm. Dyer that was Read y8 last sitting of the Councill was againe Read. The Clark of New Castle County being present, and Informing y" Councill of y8 favourable proceedure ofy" County Court upon y8 At- tachement of y8 Goods of Maj" Wm. Dyer, at y8 sute of Mathias Van- derhayden, in not granting Judgment, notwithstanding y8 Petitioner's promise of appearance y8 second Court after y8 proces served, and they being now better satisfyed of his Estate and Residence in this Governm', Wee doubt not but upon his application to them he will finde Speedy and Easey Redress. Vpon the Application of Thomas Hooton, who was desired y" last sitting of Councill to prove y8 Will & administer upon y8 Estate of Chris. Taylor, he accepted y°same, upon this Request, that he might not be Continued Longer by the Councill then he would well dis charge y8 same, the w8" y8 Councill Granted. Sam" Carpenter was Returned to this board to serve as a member of Prov" Councill ye Remaining part of y8 time James Claypoole was to serve. Part of a Scurrilous Invective Libel against Rob* Turner, a worthy member of this board, & formerly one of y8 Judges for this Province and Territorys, wch very abusively reflected upon him in y8 Execu tion of that Office, in such matter as to our Certaine Knowledge is most abominably false and untrue, was Read ; Wherupon it was unanimously agreed by all y" members present, that all Convenient Speedy Course shall be taken for y8 Discovering of y8 forgers, or first Contrivers, as well as ye Publishers of y8 same, that they may be brought to Condigne punishment. Adjourned till tenn To morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome in Philadelphia y8 9"1 of y8 7,b Mo., 1687. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Robt. Turner, Jno. Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, Jno. Symcock, Nich. Newlin, Wm. Clark, John Cann, Griff. Jones, AVm. Markham, Secre. Pet" Alrichs, Sam" Carpenter, y' was Returned yesterday by y8 Sheriff of Philadelphia County, to serve in Prov" Councill in y8 Roome of James Claypoole, for y° Remayning time he was to serve, This day signed y8 attest and took his place at y° Board. John Cann proposed in y° behalfe ofy8 County of New Castle, y ' the King and Gov™ Concerne may not suffer for want of an Atturney Gen". The Councill take it in to Consideration, y' y° Province and Territories shall be supplyed as occasion shall Require. , Ord8" that Writts Issue forth for y8 Choosing of two members of Prov" Councill, one for y' County of Kent, in y' Roome of John PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 165 Richardson, who for his non appearance according to Law and Char ter, and his seeming unwillingness to serve, is Removed. Ths other for y8 County of Sussex, in y° Roome of Maj" Wm. Dyer, who for not Clearing himselfe ofy8 Charge against him within y" time allowed him, is Dismissed. Ord"1 that if John Eckley refuses to accept of the Office of Register Gen", y' the Presid offer it to John Goodson. Adjourned till ye tenth of yc next Mo. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadel phia y8 28*" 7 bre., 1687. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid*. Arth. rook, Sam11 Carpenter, John Barnes, John Symcock, Nich. Newlin, Robt. Turner, Griff Jones, Edwd Green, Wm. Markham, Secre. Ordered that Thomas Ellis be put in the Comission for Register Gsn", in y8 Rooms of John Eckly, formerly appoynted for y8 same, and in Case Thomas Ellis Refuse it, y8 President and Secretary are Impowred to nominate and appoynt one. Adjourned till y8 25*b next month. At a meeting of the Councill in ths Councill Room at Philadslphia y8 18lh 9"> Mo., 1687. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Arth. Cook, John Barnes, Jos. Growdon, John Symcock. John Bristow, Griffith Jones. Wm. Carter's Year of Sheriffalty, being Expired, y8 Council! doe hereby nominate and authorise John Claypoole to act and be Sherriff for the City and County of Philadelphia, and y' y8 Secretary upon his Returne, doe forthwith prepare a Comission accordingly, to Con tinue till further Order, andy8 Presid is desired to signe y8 same. Adjourned till To morrow. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome In Philadel phia the 19'b of y8 9th month, 1687. PRESENT : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid'. Arth. Cook, John Bristow, Jos. Growdon. John Symcock, . Griff Jones, 166 MINUTES OF THE Wheras we are Informed by Wm. Clark, a member of Councill for y8 County of Sussex, y' y8 Comission ofthe Peace for y" said said County is Expired, it is therfore y8 Request of this present Councill that y8 Presid', w'h ye assent of ye present members, doe send to y8 said County a New Comission by y8 first Opportunity. The Presid' as aforesaid, is Desired to Supply Kent County also with a Comission, if occasion be. Adjourned till further Order. • At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadel phia y8 8" 1201 Mo., 1687-8. present: THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Rob' Turner, John Cann, Jos. Growdon, Arth. Cook, Jno. Bristow, Sam11' Carpenter, Jno. Symcock, Phi: Pemberton, Wm. Markham, Secre, Pet Alrichs, Griff Jonss, Adjourned till 3 in the afternoon, or till further Order. At a Mseting ofthe Councill in the Councill Roome in Philadelphia y 9th 12*b Mo., 1687-8. present : THOMAS LLOYD, Presid. Robt. Turner, Griff. Jones, Joseph Growdon, Arth. Cook, Phin. Psmbsrton, John Cann, Jno. Symcock, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Secre. Pst" Alrichs, John Bristow, Ths Gov™ Comission under y8 broad Seal, unto Thomas Lloyd, Rob' Turner, Arth. Cook, John Symcock, & John Eckley, Impow ring thsm, or any thres of thsm,to bs his Deputy or Leiftenant, was Read. v8 9** 12 * Ming°f theCounciI1 in the CounciH Room at Philadelphia present : f"l. Thomas Lloyd, | 2. Rob' Turner, Councillors. <{ 3. Arth. Cook, I 4. John Symcock, 15- John Eckley. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 167 Councillors. Peter Alrichs, J Joseph Growdon, John Cann, _ John Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, Phin. Pemberton, Griffith Jones, Wm.Markham, Secret7. The Returne of Kent County was Read, wherein was Returned Wm. Markham, to serve in Prov" Councill in the Roome of John Richardson; y" Returns was allowed by y8 Deputy Gov" & Prov" Coun cill, & Wm. Markham accepted as a member of ye Councill, attested, and took his place. The Pstition of Thomas Clifford was Read, Rsquesting Reliefs ; being poor, and Long ssrvsd y8 Councill as their Messenger, It was unanimously agreed by y8 Deputy Gov" & Councill, that Each County shall pay hini twenty Shillings, forthwith, for his present Relief. Adjourned till further Order. At a Meeting ofthe Deputy Gov" & Councill in y8 Councill Room at Philadelphia y 30th of y8 l8' Mo., 1688. PRESENT : Councillors. Councillors. 1. 2. Rob' Turner, 3. John Symcock, 4. Arth. Cook, J5. Jno. Eckley. f Griffith Jones, ¦< Sam11 Carpenter, (_ Sam" Richardson, ^ Dep*7 Gov". Wm. Yardley, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Secre. Four of y8 above mentioned Councillors were Returned by y8 Sheriffs of their respective Counties,, to serve as members of Coun cill for three years next Ensuing, Viz' : Sam" Richardson for Phila delphia, Wrm. Yardley for Bucks, Barth. Coppock for Chester Coun ties, Griffith Jones for Kent; the which Returnes were accepted ; y8 members Returned admitted, signed y° Attest, and took their place. Adjourned till 9 to morrow in y8 forenoone. At a Meeting ofthe Dep*7 Gov' & Councill in the Councill Rooms at Philadelphia y° SI"1 ofy8 1° Mo., 1688. Councill". present : P- | 2. Rob' Turner, ¦^ 3. Jno. Symcock, , ] 4. Arth. Cook, l_5. John Eckley. ¦> Dep'7 Gov'. J 168 MINUTES OF THE Councillors. f Griffith Jones, J Sam" Carpenter, \ Sam" Richardson, [_Wm. Yardley, Barth. Coppock, John Bristow, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark's Letter to y8 Dep*7 Gov' and Councill, without Date, was Read. Luke Watson appeared and Presented himselfe as a member of Councill, Chosen y8 last Election, for y8 County of Sussex, but no Returne being made Could not be admitted. The Complaint of y8 Maj' part of y8 free-holders of Susssx Coun ty against y8 Sheriff, for not returning a Member they had Chosen to serve in Prov" Councill, was Read. John Hill presenting y8 Complaint was Called in, and answsr given him that it should have a Due Consideration, and Justice Don to y8 County. . Ord80 That franc. Cornwell, Sherriff of Sussex County, be Orded to appear before -'y8 Deputy Gov' and Councill y8 same day y8 next Gen" Assembly is \o± meet, to answer y8 Complaint above. Adjourned till y8 2d of ye next Mo., tenn in y8 forenoon. At a Meeting of the Dep'7 Gov' & Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia y8 2d ofy8 2d Mo., 1688. present : Councillors. Councill™. P | 2, Dep'7 Gov'. Wm. Yardley, Barth Coppock, Jos. Growdon, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Returne of New Castle County was Read & allowed off. Johannes D. Haes was Returned to serve in Prov" Councill, but made not his appearance at y8 board. Adjourned till 3 in ye afternoon. Councill. POST MERIDIAM. PRESENT : f"l. Thomas Lloyd, | 2. Robt. Turner, ^ 3. John Symcock, | 4. Arthur Cook, 1.5. John Eckley, 1 *• i }> Dep*7 Gov'. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 169 f John Bristow, j Sam" Carpenter, Councillors. Dep'7 Gov". - 4. Arthur Cook, j ^5. John Eckley. J f John Bristow, John Cann, | Joseph Growdon, Pet" Alrichs, Councill"*. Dep'7 Gov". Barth. Coppock, Griffith Jones, John Bristow, Joseph Growdon, Wm. Markham, Secre. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 171 At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room In Philadelphia y8 6'" of y' 2d Mo., 1688. PRESENT : P-| 2. Rob' Turner, Councill™. <{ 3. John Symcock, | 4. Arth. Cook, U>. John Eckley. ("Sam11 Carpenter. j Griffith Jones, Councill™. ¦< 1 J> Dep'7 Gov". I J Jno. Cann, Pet" Alrichs, Wm. Yardley, Joseph Growdon, Wm. Markham, Secre. Jno. Bristow, Sam" Richardson, (JBarth. Coppock, The Proposalls made to this board were severally Debated, as fol loweth : l8'. About fferrys. It is Referred to y8 Law in y' Case made. 2'"7. About Provision for y8 Poor. Resolved, y8 County Courts not having sufficient Power, notwith standing y8 126 Law, to Raise money for a Stock to Defray necessary Charges of their Respective Counties, it is therefore ord01 by y8 Gov" and Councill, thatt a bill be prepared to Enable them to Raise y8 same according to their discrestions, by wcb means y8 32d Law will be sup- piyed- 4 3d*7. About Selling of Rum to y8 Indians. Ord8d y' y8 Magestrates be Reminded to put y8 IS"1 Law in Execution, both in y8 Pro vince & Territorys. 4Ur. After a Considerable Time taken up in Debate about Thi* proposition, it was put by. Adjourned till 2 in y* Afternoon. POST MERIDIEM. Councill". Councill™. present : fl. Thomas Lloyd, j 2. Rob' Turner, ¦^ 3. John Symcock, j 4. Arthur Cook, l_5. John Eckley. ("Sam" Carpenter, ( Sam" Richardson, Dep*7 Gov'. Griffith Jones, John Bristow, Barth. Coppock, Jos. Growdon, Wm. Markham, Secre. 5thly. About Killing of Wolves. Resolved, y' y8 Gov' and Councill, when desired by y8 Respective Magestrates of any Court, will grant their Order for y8 Incourage- ing y" Indians to y8 Destroying of Wolves beyond y8 provision made by Law. 172 MINUTES OF THE 6thly. About y8 Strengthning the 169 Law about y8 Transporta tion of Dear Skins. Ord8* a Bill be prepared for y8 same. Adjourned till 7 To morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in ths Councill Rooms in Philadel phia y8 7,b of y8 2" Mo., 1688. Councill". Councillors. < present : fl. Thomas Lloyd, I 2. <{ 3. John Symcock, j 4. Arthur Cook, [5. John Eckley. Wm. Yardley, John Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, John Cann, (_Barth. Coppock, }> Dep*7 Gov". Joseph Growden, Sam" Richardson, Griffith Jones, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Gov" of New York's Letter Directed to y8 President & Coun cil!, bearing date y8 S0'b of March, 1688, with y8 Coppy of y8 King's Ord' directed to y8 Said Gov', were both Read at this Board : it Was Recomended to ye Members of Councill to give their Oppinion thereon. A bill for Enabling Widdows and Administrators of Intestates, with approbations of y8 Councill, &c. to dispose of part of y8 Intestate's Lands towards y8 Defraying of Just Debts, Towards y8 Education of Children and support of y8 Widdows, &c. was y8 first time Read. A bill for y8 prohibiting y8 Exportation of Dear Skins undressed, w^out Certificate, as in y8 169 Law, and drest in no wise, was y8 first time Read. Adjourned for an Hour. POST MERIDIEM, the 7*" of y8 2dMo., 1688. PRESENT : Thomas Lloyd, Rob*. Turner, John Symcock, Arthur Cook, l_5. John Eckley. ("Wm. Yardley, | Pr Alrichs, •^ John Cann, | Barth. Coppock, "(__ Joseph Growdon, The Petition of Thomas Woollaston was Read, Requesting relief ag' Gramton for not obeying y8 Decree of y" Prov" Judges, and Councillors. Councillors. fi ts. Depty Gov'. Jno. Bristow, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Secre. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 175 The President brought in a bill to this board for y" Indemnyfieing y non and undue Recording of Gifts, grants and Conveyances, &c, wa y° Exception Desired. Read y" first time. The bill of Supply was y8 first time Read. The Returne of y8 members for Sussex County was Read and al lowed, but it being Sent by water mist its being here in Due time. Adjourned till two in the afternoon. POST MERIDIEM. present: Councillors. fl. Thomas Lloyd, 2." Robert Turner, ¦^ 3. John Symcock, | 4. Arthur Cook, l_5. John Eckley. Barth. Coppock. . Sam" Carpenter, John Cann, 1 I Dep*7 Gov'. Sam" Richardson, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Secre. Joseph Growdon, Wm. Yardley, John Bristow, Griffith Jones, The bill for Continuing y8 former Laws a secohd time Read. The bill for Enabling Widdows of Intestates to sell land, &c. Read a Second time. The Bill for making Lands Lyable to pay debts was Read a second time. The bill for Intrest read y8 first time. Adjourned till two in y8 Afternoon to morrow. At a Meeting of y8 Councill in phia y8 ll,b of y8 2d month, 1688. the Councill Room at Philadel- Councillors. fl. Thomas Lloyd, | 2. Rob' Turner, <( 3. John Symcock, j 4. Arthur Cook, [_5. John Eckley. Joseph Growdon, John Cann, Pet' Alrichs, y Dep*7 Gov'. I J John Bristow, Griffith Jones, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Yardley, Sam" Richardson, Barth. Coppock, Sam" Carpenter, The Petition of Abrah. Man was Read, requesting y" Gov1 and Councill to Order him a Rehearing in y8 County of New Castle, of y8 Actions in w8" Judgment passed against him in his absence, he being out of y8 Government and knew' not of their Comencement. The Justices" of y8 Said County at his Returne had granted him an 176 MINUTES OF THE appeal to y8 Prov" Court, but y8 Judges therof not thinking it Came Resularly before them, Refused the hearing of it. The bill for Supply was Read a Second time. The bill about Intrest was Read a Second time. The bill about ye Records was Read a Second time. The Bill for Prohibitting y8 Exportation of Deer Skins was Read a Second time. Adjourned till to morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room In Philadel phia y8 12lb ofy8 Second Mo., 1688. PRESENT : f\ . Thomas Lloyd, "1 | 2. Rob' Turner, j Councillors. ¦< 3. John Symcock, )- Dep'7 Gov". | 4. Arthur Cook, | ¦^5. John Eckley. J Sam" Richardson, ~ Griffith Jones, Pet" Alrichs, John Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Secre. Barth. Coppock, Wm. Yardley, Abraham Man further Complayning of y8 Sevear and Irregular proceedings of y8 County Court of New Castle, by a Judgm' unduly obtained against him in his absence, upon y8 Plaint of Alderman Ridges, by Sam" Jennings, his atturney, and without defence made in his behalfe. The Gov" and Councill upon full hearing of this matter, have or- deined y' y8 same Cause of action be heard over, and Determined ac cording to Law, at y8 next Prov" Court in Philadelphia, to be held y" 24th of y8 next 7'b month. It is Ordered likewise, that y8 Cause' of Action or Difference betwsen Abrah. Man and Wm. Guest, and for w8" y8 said Wm. Guest obteined Judgm' lately in y8 County Court of New Castle, and Execution there- ' upon against y8 Said Abrah. Man, he being neither present, nor Deffence made in his behalfe, that y8 same be heard and Tryed in y8 said County Court ; The Second Court next Ensuing y8 date hereoff. 1. The Bill for Continuance of former Laws. 2. The Bill for Enabling of Widdows of Intestates to sell Land. 3. The Bill prohibiting y8 Exportation of Deer Skins before being Exposed to Sale. 4. The Bill to make Lands layable to pay Debts. 5. The Bill for Legall Intrest. 6. The Bill about Records. 7. The Bill for Supply. The afore named seven Bills were the third time Read and unani mously passed, in Order for promulgation. Adjourned till further Order. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 177 At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room in Philadelphia y'lO*11 3d month, 1688. present: Councillors. P- | 2. is. 14. 15. Thomas Lloyd, Rob' Turner, John Symcock, Arthur Cook, John Eckley, Barth. Coppock, John Bristow, Wm. Darvall, John Cann, > Dep'7 Gov'. Sam" Richardson, Luke Watson, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, Jos. Growdon, Sam" Carpenter, Johanes D'Haes, Johannes D'Haes, who was Chosen a Member of Councill y8 last Election, for y8 County of New Castle, presented himselfe to this board, was attested, & took his Place. Luke Watson, who was y8 Last Election Chosen and Returned a Member of this board, but lying under a great Scandall & Infamous Reputation, was not admitted to sitt at this board untill he had Cleared himselfe thereoff, This day brought Certificate thereoff, w8" was by y8 board sufficient, and thereupon was attested, and took his place. A Comittee was appoynted to Receive proposalls for amendments ' upon y8 bills. The persons Were : Sam" Carpenter, Sam" Richard son, Wm. Clark, Wm. Darvall, John Bristow, Wm. Markham. Adjourned till y8 12*11 Inst', 7 in y8 morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room In Philadelphia the 12'" of y8 3d Mo., 1688. present: Councillors. Joseph Growdon, Wm. Darvall, Joha. D'Haes, Barth. Coppock, 1 y Dep*7 Gov". J P- 2. Rob' Turner, 3. John Symcock, 4. Arth. Cook, 5. John Eckley. Sam" Carpenter, Luke Watson, John Bristow, Wm. Clark, The Petition of Moses Aboab was Read, Complayning against John Day for Selling a Servant who now works at y8 hoaw in y° Lower Countyes, and with whome y8 said John Day had of his father in London, tenn Guinnies to teach him y" trade of a Carpenter, and be sides, y8 father paid for y8 said Servant's passage to Pennsilvania. Ord83 that John Day appear at this board to answer y8 Complaint John Cann, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Markham, Secre. 178 MINUTES OF THE above going, y" next second day, w8b will be y8 14"1 Inst., or at y8 next Sitting of the Councill. Adjourned till two in y8 Afternoon. Councillors. f 1! POST MERIDIEM. present: 1. Thomas Lloyd, 2. Rob' Turner, 3. John Symcock, 4. Arthur Cook, 5. John Eckley. Johanes D'Haes, Luks Watson, John Cann, Sam" Carpenter, Dep*7 Gov". Wm. Darvall, John Bristow, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Clark, Sam" Richardson, Joseph Growdon, Barth. Coppock, The Comittee presented to this board three bills wcb was brought to them from y" Assembly, with their Amendments thereon, (Viz' :) The Bill for Continuance ofy8 Laws : y8 Bill Enabling Widdows to Sell Land, dsc. The bill for 8 per cent, for a year's forbearance of money or goods. Adjourned till y8 14*b Ins', forenoon.. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Roome in Philadel phia y8 14*b of y8 3d Mo., 1688. Councillors. Wm. Clark, Wm. Darvall, Luke Watson, present : fl. Thomas Lloyd, | 2. Rob' Turner, ¦^ 3. John Symcock, | 4. Arthur Cook, [_5. John Eckley. Joha. D'Haes, Sam11 Carpenter, Sam" Richardson, > Dep*7 Gov". Jos. Growdon, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Secre. Two bills, with their Amendments, were brought from y8 Assem bly by Two of their members ; one was to make land Lyable to pay debts, y8 other about Recording deeds in y8 Rolls Office. Adjpurned till 3 in y8 Afternoon. Councill™. POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT : f 1. Thomas Lloyd, ]'2. Rob' Turner, <( 31. John Symcock, j 4. Arthur Cook, ^5. John Eckley. 1 I> Dep17 Gov'. I PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 179 Wm. Clark, John Bristow, Wm. Darvall, Sam11 Richardson, Sam" Carpenter, Johan. D'Haes, Barth. Coppock, Luke Watson, Wm. Markham, Secre, Two members from y' Assembly Came to y8 Councill with this Message. That y" Assembly Requested y' a Certaine number of them in behalfe of y8 whole, might have y" previlege to Confer with y8 Councill about some affaires. Answered : That they might Come if they pleased, but first they should acquaint y8 Gov' and Councill of their business before they Can be admitted to a Conferrance. The Assembly Came with their Speaker, and was admitted : the Conferrence wai Chiefly about their priviliges. Adjourned till 7 to morrow morning. At a Meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Room In Philadelphia y'lS^ofy8 3d month, 1688. Councillors. Wm. Clark, Wm. Darvall, Jos. Growdon, Barth. Coppock, fl. Thomas Lloyd, | 2. Rob' Turner, i 3. John Symcock, | 4. Arthur Cook, [_5. John Eckley. Sam" Richardson, Johan. D'Haes, Luke Watson, Dep'7 Gov'- Sam" Carpenter, John Bristow, Wm. Markham, Secre, The Petition of Luke Watson was Read, against Henry Bowman, Ranger of y8 County of Kent, for his Killing y8 said Watson's Hoggs, pretending they were Strays. Adjourned to the Meeting house. At a Meeting of the Councill in The Meeting house in Phila delphia. After Debateing with and Convincing y" Assembly w80 Came to the Councill of their- Irregular proceedings in severall matters, as their Charge against the Judges upon a Decree in y8 Case of Gram- ton & Woolaston, as also their Complaint against John Bristow, &c. The Councill adjourned to meet againe in an houre, in y8 Coun cill Room. The Councill Mett accordingly. A Summons was sent Directed to Thomas Clyfford, Messenger, for the Summonsing y8 Subscribers of a Contemptuous Printing paper ISO MINUTES OF THE touching y" Keeping of y8 fair at y8 Center; where it was Ordered by y8 Gov' and Councill to be Kept. The Petition of Peter Gronendike was Rsad, sstting forth his trou bleinthemannagementof the Estate of Cornelius Verhoofe, Deceased", as his Executor, begging Relief therein. Adjourned till Six to morrow morning. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Rooms in Philadelphia y8 16th ofy8 3d month, 1688. Councillors. Wm. Clark, Sam" Richardson, Johan. D'Haes, P |4 15 PRESENT I Thomas Lloyd, Rob' Turner, John Symcock, Arth. Cook, John Eckley. Barth. Coppock, Luke Watson, Wm. Darvall, Dep*7 Gov'. John Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Returne ofy8 Warr' granted yesterday for y8 Summonsing the subscribers of y8 Contemptuous printed advsrtissm' against Keeping y8 fayre at y8 Center, was made by the Messenger, and he attested that they were all and Each of them Summonsed, Severall ofy8 Sub scribers Excusing themselves. The Dep*7 Gov" & Councill, after Reproveing them, did pardon all those who subscribed to what was Endorsed on y8 back of one of y* printer papers. Adjourned till to morrow, 7 in y8 forenoon. At a Meeting ofthe Councill in the Councill Room at Philadel phia y" 17* 3d Mo., 1688. PRESENT : p. Tho. Lloyd, -> I 2. ', Dep17 Gov'. JWm. Yardlsy, Wm, Markham, Secre. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 181 Severall Petitions were Read this forenoon, and answers given to them. Adjourned till two in the afternoon. Councillors. Wm. Darvall, Sam" Richardson, Joseph Growdon, POST MERIDIEM. PRESENT .' fl. Thomas Lloyd, | 2. * <( 3. John Symcock, | 4.. Arth. Cook, {5. John Eckley. Johan. D'Haes, Luke Watson, Sam" Carpenter, The Assembly having two bills yett not Returned to this board, and the board Resolving to give no answer to any of their amendments untill they saw what would become ofy8 other two, Adjourned till 7 to morrow morning. > Dep*7 Gov". Wm. Yardley, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Secre. At a Meeting of the Councill in the Councill Room in Philadel phia the 18th ofy8 3d Mo., 1688. Councillors. present : 1. Tho. Lloyd, 2. Rob' Turner, <{ 3. John Symcock, | 4. Arth. Cook, ' l_5. John Eckley. Sam" Carpenter, Barth. Coppock, Joseph Growdon, Johannes D'Haes, 1 I J> Dep'7 Gov". J Wm. Yardley, John Bristow, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Sec7. Wm. Clark, Sam" Richardson, Griffith Jones, Wm. Darvall, Luke Watson, The Gov' and Councill finding y8 fayr at Philadelphia happens to be, as now held, on y8 Latter days of y8 Sitting of y8 Gen" Assembly, which much Impedes the publick buisness of the Government, It is therefore Ordered by y8 Dep*7 Gov" and Councill, that hereafter it shall be Kept on y8 20,b day of y8 3d month. And it is further Ordered y' an Additionall fayr be Kept at Phila delphia at y8 Center, to be held y8 30'° day of ye next Sixth month. Adjourned till 6*b to morrow morning. 16 182 MINUTES OF THE At a Meeting of the Councill in The Councill Room at Philadelphia y8 19*b of y8 3d Mo., 1688. PRESENT : fl. Thomas Lloyd, ~j | 2. Rob' Turner, | Councillors. <^ 3. John Symcock, >> Dep*7 Gov'. | 4. Arthur Cook, j 1^5. John Eckley. J Wm. Clark, Wm. Yardley, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Darvall, John Bristow, Sam11 Carpenter, Pet' Aldrichs, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Markham, Secre. Jos. Growdon, Luke Watson, John White & Thomas Wynn Came to this board from y8 Assem bly, and proposed in their names, and as y8 Sense of y8 whole As sembly, That Six parts of Seaven of y8 Gen" Assembly agreeing upon a Supply, That such Sanction and Establishment may be as Effectuall and binding as any Law in that Case, notwithstanding no previous bill prepared or promulgated for y8 same. As to y8 Request of y8 Assembly for Releif of Grievances, The Answer of this board is, y' the Gov" and Councill will take all possi ble Care to prevent such for y8 future. Adjourned to y8 Meeting house. IN THE MEETING HOUSE, whether y8 Councill did adjourn. After y8 Reading of y8 Bill, with their Amendments, Viz': the bill for Continuance of y8 Laws ; The Bill Enabling Widdows to sell Land ; The Bill for Eight per centum for years forbearance of money or goods ; a Bill for Land to pay debts ; a Bill about Recording of Deeds in y8 Rolls Office. These five were passed into Laws. The Other two, Viz' : ye Supply, & that about Transporting of Deer Skins, were Rejected, After w8° the Assembly Dismissed, and Then The Councill adjourned back to the Councill Roome, Where The Petition of Luke Watson was a second timeRead, Complayning against Henry Bowman, the Proprietary's Ranger, for Killing y8 said Luke Watson's Hoggs, under pretence of Strays. The Proceedings of y8 County Court of Sussex was Read, wherin Luke Watson had Indicted y8 said Henry Bowman for Killing y8 afore said Hoggs. Luke Watson and Tho. Wynn pleaded against y8 Ranger. The Renger being demanded to Reply to their accusation, made answer that he had had his Tryall, and had been Cleared by y8 County of what was Alliged against him here, & therefore thought himselfe not obliged to answer any more to it; Yett if y8 Gov' and Councill thought fitt to ask him any questions Relating to it, he would, if he Could, Resolve Them. . Vpon The Reading ofy8 Petition of John Richardson, in y8 Behalf of his Sister Judith Roe, who had Sentence of Death passsd upon her PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 183 ye beginning of this Mo. in a Prov11 Court held in Kent County, Humbly beseaching that y8 Gov' would beplsased to grant y8 said Judith Roe a Reprieve. It was Ordered that a Warrant should be sent to y8 Sherriff to Sus pend her Exscution till further Order. Adjourned till further Order. At a Meeting of y8 Deputy Gov' & Councill In the Councill Room- at Philadelphia y8 24*b of the 7th month, 1688. PRESENT : ("Rob*. Turner, ") Councill™. -j John Symcock, i. Dep*7 Gov'. (_ John Eckley. J John Bristow, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Markham, Secre: Barth. .Coppock, Sam'1 Carpenter, The Election of Prov11 Judges w8" by Law were this day to Keep Court at Philadelphia, was Debated, & having Considered y' the Broad Seal was by Custome to be affixed to the Comission, and y' y8 time would be Relapted before the Comission Could be Sealed, and y Court opened, they Thought it more safe not to Comissionate any rather than to doe it after y8 time appoynted by Law for y8 Courts Sitting was past. Adjourned till tenn to-morrow morning. } At a Meeting of the Dsputy Gov' and Councill in ths Councill Room at Philadelphia The 25,b of y8 7*b month, 1688. PRESENT : •T Rob' Turner* Councillors. ¦< John Symcock, J. Dep*7 Gov'. {_ John Eckley. John Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Secre. Barth. Coppock,. Sam" Richardson, Margarett ffisher, Widdow, of y8 County, of Sussex, Complayning that shee having appealed from y8 Judgment of y8 County Court of Sussex, where shee had Indicted one John Barker of y8 said Coun ty, for robing her and her son Thomas ffisher of three head of Cattle, and that shee was Come up according to her Security Given, to have it reheard in y^Prov" Court, but y8 Court not sitting, nor ye said Bar ker appearing in Philadelphia, She very much feared y' Said Barker would, before ye next Prov" Court, make away with, y" said Cattle.. 184 MINUTES OF THE Ordered that y8 Secretary Send to y8 Justices of Sussex County, in behalfe of Widdow ffisher, y' they doe her what right y8 Law will allow to Secure the Cattle or the value, till it be reheard next Prov" Court, in Regard there were no Court at this time. After that John Symcock, one of y8 Com™ of State, was gon, the Petition of Henry Bowman was Read,eetting forth y8 hard usage of y8 County Court of Sussex against him, wherein he was Indicted for takeing one hundred & fifty peeces of Eight from one Stephen Page, under pretence of his authority as being a Justice of the Peace,, and after y8 Court had giyen Judgm*, they said Bowman, whereupon y8 Said Bowman Requested y8 Court to grant him an appeal to the Prov" Court, but the Court Refused to grant it ; Therefore, humbly Requests this board to grant him an Order for an Appeal, or for a Re hearing of y8 Cause in the same Court it was before tryed in. The present Members takeing it into Consideration, and in regard they had not a sufficient number to make a Quorum, whereby to Draw a possitive Order thereon, Did therefore agree that their advice in this matter may be writt to ye Justices of Sussex County, according to their Opinions, wch was y* they ought to have granted him an Appeal, and that they Suspend the Execution of their Sentence till they hear further from this board. Ord83' That a Coppy of the Laws past the Last Gen" Assembly be forthwith sent to ye Clarks of ye Respective Counties, in Order to their publication. Ord81 That two Comissions be drawne for Coroners, one for George White, for y8 County of Bucks, an other for Thomas ffitzwater, for the County of Philadelphia. The Petition of Sam" Burbury was Read, Requesting ye Office of Sherriff of Kent County, but y? board thought him not Capable. Ordered That y8 Secretary take sufficient Security of y° Last Sherriff, Comissionated for y8 true performance of his Office. Adjourned till further Order. , At a Meeting of the Deputy Govern' and Provinciall Councill in the Councill Room ,at Philadelphia the 18*b ofthe Tenth Mo., 1688, present : f Tho. Lloyd, -| C— 1 ArthuTcnoeok; f ^p*7 Gov". LJohn Eckley. \ John Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, Sam11 Richardson, Joseph Growdon, Griffith Jones, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Dep'7 Gov' and Councill having Yesterday Notice of the Ar rivall here of Capt. John Blackwell, with a Comission for his being Governour of this Province and Counties annexed, from the Proprie tor and Gov', They mett this fforenoon to give him y8 opportunity of PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 185 Communicating y8 Same to them, the which being don, and ye Com mission Read, it was unanimously acquiesced with. MINUTES OF COUJTCIL.L,, COMENCING DECEMBER y8 18th 1688. At a Councill Then in y8 Councill room at Philadelphia. present : Capt. JOHN BLACKWELL, Gover'. 'Rob' Turner, Sam" Carpenter, Members of , John Bristow, Grif. Jones, Councill. | Jos. Growdon, Sam" Richardson, .Arth. Cook, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. An Order from y8 Councill Chamber at Whitehall was Read, bear ing date y lO*" day of June, 1688, directed to y8 Proprietor & Gover", willing & Requiring that Proclamation be made throughout his Go vernm' to appoynt dayes for Solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God, and other Publick Rejo'ycing, ffor his Inestimable blessing to his Maj'b Kingdoms and Dominions, by y8 birth of a Prince. It was Ordered that Proclamation be forthwith Issusd out to Each County within this Governm' for y8 same, and that The day of So lemnisation for The County of Philadelphia be on y8 26th Ins', and in y8 Countys of Bucks, Chester, New Castle, Kent & Sussex, vpon y8 next ffirst day of y8 Week after y8 Publication, provided y8 said Publi cation be Three days before the Solemnisation. Order'd that y8 King's Proclamation For The more Effectuall Re ducing & Suppressing of Pirates and Privateers in America, 'bearing Date at Whitehall, y8 20"1 day of January, 1687-8, be forthwith pub lished. Adjourned Tift ffurther Order. 16* 186 MINUTES OF THE At The Councill-room in Philadelphia The 11* of y8 ll01 Mo., 1688-9. The Gover' having given order for y8 Councill to meet this day, There mett as ffolloweth : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq". Gov'. Wm. Darvall, Sam11 Richardson, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. Grif. Jones, Sam" Carpenter, The w8b number not being Sufficient to proceed vpon business, The Governour Appoynted the 14*° Ins*, at 9 in ye fforenoon, for their Meeting, and in y8 meantime, that notice be given to as many of The 'Members as possible, that there maybe thsn a Sufficient number for a Quorum. At a Meeting of The Councill in the Councill-room at Philadel phia, y8 14th of y8 11th Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gover". Rob' Turner, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Darvall, Sam" Carpenter, Grif. Jones, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. The Gover" Inquires for y8 blank Parchments, signed by y8 Chieff Proprietor & Gover", and sent to y8 Presid' and members of y8 Pro vinciall Councill, in a Letter bearing date y8 16th day ofy8 Sixth Mo., 1684, for drawing vp an Instrument by wcbto Confirme & make as valid all Pattents and Commissions that ought to be vnder y8 Great Seal, as Lands, &c; Impowring of Thomas Lloyd Keeper of y8 Broad Seal, to putt y8 said seal to it in their presence, &c, and what has been don therevpon. It was vpon Debate of y8 Question, resolved and Ordered, That Sam" Carpenter & Wm. Markham wayte on y8 said Thomas Lloyd, to Inquire after y8 aforesaid Blank Parchment, w88 was said to have been Delivered to him, and if the same were in his Possession, to Desire he will by Them send, or if he please, bring it to this board at their next sitting, appoynted on ye next 5 th day of This week, at Tenn ofy8 Clock in y8 fforenoon; and if he hath it not, to Desire he will In forme them where and in whose hands y8 same is, and who last had it ffrom him. Vppon y Gover™ Reading a Coppy of a Lett' ffrom y8 Chief Pro prietor & Gover', bearing date ye 6th of y8 4th Mo., 1687, Directed to y8 5 Commiss'8 of State, wherein the Chieff Proprietor & Gov' ac quainted them that he had little more to say to them then he had Communcated of his mind already in a former Lett' by Ew" Black- fan, w* Implyed the same Conteined matter of Publick Instruction to y8 said Commiss™- The Gover' moved This board to give Their advice whether it was not necessary y8 said Lett' sent by Blackfan, should be produced to him, he being Referred by his Commission to y8 Instructions and PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 187 Lett'8 sent both to y8 Presid & Councill, and to y" 5 Commiss™ of State. It was vpon y8 Question, Resolved and ordered that ye afore going minute touching the same, be givsn Likewise in Charge to Sam Carpenter & Wm. Markham, to acquaint y8 said Thomas Lloyd therewith, and to Desire if he hath that Lett' he will be pleased to Impart it to y8 Gover", or if he have it not, that he will Informe in whose hands it is. The Gover1 moves y" Councill for their advice and Direction whether all original! Letters & Instructions Relateing to y8 Governm', Sent by y8 Chieff Propr' and Gover', Either to y8 Commiss™ of State, or to y8 Presid' and Provinciall Councill, in whose hands soever they Ly, ought not to be delivered into y" Custody of y8 Secretary : and also, that such parts of other Letters to any of Them as Concerne matter of Instruction as aforesaid, be "transcribed and Attested by y8 ffirst Commiss' of State therein named, or by y8 Presid', to y8 Prov11 Councill respectively, and Delivered to y8 Secretary, to Remaine in his Office ffor Publick Direction, y8 Secretary giveing Rec*8 ffor y8 same : y question being putt, it was Resolved in y8 affirmative, and Ordered that The Keeper of y8 seal be acquainted with the same, as aforesaid, and that his pomplyance therewith is desired by The Gover'. Ordered That y8 Sherriffs of y8 Respective Countys within this Province & Countys annexed, be sent to to acquaint their members of Councill that, one of Them Successively Monthly give their attend ance vpon y8 Gover', according to Law and Charter. Adjourned till y8 17tb Ins', 9 in y8 forenoon. At a Councill in The Councill Roome at Philadelphia yB 17th of ye H'b month, 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq., Gover". Rob' Turner, Grif. Jones, Sam" Richardson, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. The Keeper of y8 broad Seal, according to y8 minutes at last sitting, brought y8 blank parchment and Layd it downe before y8 Gover' & Councill, to be Disposed of as this board Should see meet. As to y8 Letter sent from y8 Chief Proprietor & Gover1 by Edwd Blackfan, directed to ye 5 Commissioners of State, The Keeper permitted the Govrno' to Read some parts thereof, and promised that a transcript of y' part, or so much of it as is Convenient for y Gov™t Instruction, should be this day delivered to him. As to y" Delivery of y8 Originall Letters or Instructions, or part of Letters that Concern publick Instruction for y8 Government, y8 Keeper Desired some time to have Conferrence first w,h y8 Rest of y8 Com miss™ of State, and other members ofthe Provinciall Councill to whome ' they were respectively Directed, to have their Sense about it, and would Returne their answer as Soon as he Could. 188 MINUTES OF THE The Petition of Martha Moon was Read, w"1 y8 Coppy of her De- cejsed husband's Will, wcb was, Referred to y8 Common Law. The blank parchment a fore mentioned, left with this board by y* Keeper, being of no present vse and Conceived unsafe to Remaine in any hands as a blank, was by an Vnanimous Consent ofy8 Gover" and Provinciall Councill, thought ffitt to be Cancelled. Resolved and Ordered y8 Same to be Cancelled, and it was accordingly Cancelled in their presence, by y8 hands of y8 Keeper. Ordered that Two days in, a Week, viz: Every Second and ffifth day, Shall be y8 days for y8 Sitting of y8 Councill, between nine & tenn in y" forenoon, and that Speedy notice thereof be given by ye Se cretary to y8 severall members ofy8 Provinciall ^ouncill, and that they be desired to give their respective Attendance on y8 Gover', ac cording to y8 Constitution and Laws in that behalfe. The Gover' having sent a draft of Commission to y8 Keeper for au- thoriseing Justices of y8 peace & holding County Courts ffor Phila- - delphia, wifh his Warrant for passing y8 Same vnder y° Great Seale, w811 was Returned vnto Him by y8 Keeper and produced and Read in y8 Councill, together with the Keeper's answer made therevpqn, w8" Imported his Refusall to pass y8 Same, The Gover' Declared he sbould Issue Commissions in that fforme vnder y8 Lesser Seal, and Signifie y8 Same to y8 Proprietor, as not being Satisfyed w'° y8 Grounds of his refusall, and proposed y8 names ofy8 persons therein named for Jus tices to y8 Councill, to Know if they had any ground of Exceptions against any of Them. Adjorned till ye second Day of y" next week, being y8 21 Ins', at 9 of y8 Clock in y" forenoon. At a Councill in y8 Councill Room at Philadelphia The 21tb ofy8 11"' month, 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover'. Rob' Turner, Wm. Darvall, Griff. Jones, Sam11 Carpenter, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. The Gover' Inquires whether y" Secretary, according to an Order y8 Last Sitting of Councill, hath given notice to ye severall mem bers of y8 Provincial! Councill that they were desired to give their Re spective attendance on y8 Gover', according to y" Constitution and Laws in that behalfe. The Secretary answered that y8 Orders were all Ready written, but for want of Opportunity and a Common Stock to defray y' Charge of a messenger, they were not yett gon out: wherevpon Wm. Darvall ,& Griff. Jones, members of The Provinciall Councill, being to take a jorney to y8 Southward, undertook Ths Care of That matter in y8 flour •Counties, Viz': New Castle, Kent, Sussex and Chester. The Gover" Enquireing by what Law or. warrant goods Came to be transported out of This Province,. &c, to any other Countrys or parts, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 189 Except to England, w8" seemed to him to be prohibited by y8 King's Grant, Sam" Carpenter moved y8 pattent might be Read, w** was ac cordingly don, and y" same being not Cleare to y8 board for giveing resolution in y8 Case proposed, it was suggested that y8 Laws of England allowed it, and it was y8 Common practice of all y8 Planta tions. Some Clauses were read out of y" book Conteyning acts about Cus toms, &c, w8" not Clearing it, the Gover' took The book w"1 him for his pervsall, and that debate was referred, & adjorned to y8 next Sitting of Councill. adjorned Till y8 next fifth day, being y8 24°" Ins', 9 in y8 fore- noon. At a Councill in y8 Councill Room in Philadelphia the 24,b of y 11 '"month, 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover'. Rob' Turner, Sam" Richardson, Grif. Jones, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. The Minute of Councill y' was Debated ye Last Sitting, touching transportation, &c., was Reassumed, and after a ffull debate, it not appearing very Clear that y8 King in his Charter had given Liberty to this Province to transport y8 Merchandize that shall arrise by y8 ffruites and Commodities thereof,-to any Place unless to England, it was Resolved &, Requested that yj Gover" represent to y8 Chieff Pro prietor & Gover' y8 said Debate, in order to his Consideration. Vpon y Reading of y8 Petition of Wm. Markham, Setting fforth that one in Holland Drew a bill upon John Moll of New Castle Coun ty, within this Government, payable to y8 Chief Proprietor & Gover', and y8 said Moll was about alienateing or making ovsr his Estate, and Leaveing the Provincs without payment of y8 said bill, or Security given for y payment Thereof: It was therefore Ordered, that y8 Attorny Gener" Draw vp an Instrument to Stopp ffurther proceedings in that Court, and to trans- mitt y Cause, with all their proceedings therein, to y8 Governour and Provinciall Councill, there to be heard and Determined. Adjorned till y8 next Second day, being y° 28"' Ins'., 9 in j^fore- In y8 Councill Room at Philadelphia The 28*" of y8 ll'h Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover". Rob' Turner, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. Sam" Richardson, 190 MINUTES OF THE The Returne of y8 order of Councill, bearing date y8 14"1 Ins', made by y8 Sherriff of Chester County, was this day read, giving an acco' that he had Executed y8 same y8 27 Ins'. ffor want of a Sufficient Number of y8 members of Councill they Could not proceed vpon business of moment, w8" occasioned their breaking vp to meet y8 next Councill day, being y8 31" Ins'., after Ex pecting y8 members above two howers. In The Councill Roome at Philadelphia The 3181 of y8ll Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover'. Rob' Turner, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. Sam'1 Richardson, John Symcock, There not being a Sufficient number of y° members of Councill to proceed vpon business of moment, after about Two hours Staying they br'oak up. Sam" Richardson, before they broak up, motion'd that The order of This board that was granted at their Last Sitting vpon y Petition of Wm. Markham, was Contrary to Law ; but vpon Examination of Severall papers produced by y8 said Wm. Markham, that opinion was Removed, and y8 Order allowed to proceed. At a Councill in y8 Councill Roome at Philadelphia, y8 ffirst of y8 Twelveth month, 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover". Rob' Turner, Sam" Carpenter, Barth. Coppock, Sam" Richardson, John Symcock, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. The Governo' Inquired if the Letters & Instructions mentioned in y Order of This board Dated y8 14*b of H month, 1688-9, were brought to y8 Secretary 's Office, according to y8 said Order ; w8" being not done, It was Resolved and Ordered that y8 Secretary wayte on y8 Keeper of y8 Great Seale to putt him in minde thereof, and to de sire that he would take Care ye same be done before his going to New York. The Kesper haveing acquainted y8 Gover' with his Intentions to goe to New York some time y" next Week, the Gover8" Desired y8 advice of this board whether it be not ffitt, before he goes out of this Province, that he bring y8 broad Seale to this board, there to be left to be made use off (if there shall be occasion) During his absence. It being putt to y Vote, it was Resolved in y8 affirmative. Butt John Symcock, a member of this board, Declareing his opinion y' y8 Keeper ought not PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 191 to abssnt himselfe from being in a Readyness to Discharge his great Office & trust of y* Great Seale, & moveing and desireing for his and others' Satisfaction, that a question might be putt whether ye Keeper Should be permitted to depart out of This Province during the Time he is Keeper of y* broad seale ; It was Resolved in ye affirmative, that he might be permitted, he leaveing y8 Seale with this board, and that y* Secretary acquaint him with these Resolves. John Bristow, a member of This board for y County of Chester,. being newly Come to Towne, Came into Councill. The Gover" proposed to John Symcock, Jo" Bristow & Barth. Cop pock, (members of y8 Provinciall Councill for y County of Chester, being all present,) that they would agree amongst themselvss y8 order and Course of their future attendance in Councill, and Signifie the Same to y* Sscretary, to y8 End it might be Knowns whoms to Expect on all occasions. John Symcock positively declared he would not at tend that service any fturther, and left it vpon y" other two. A Petition was Exhibited by Thomas Woollaston Complayningjr1 he was Kept out of Posssssion of Some Estate of his: the Consideration thereof was adjourned to y* next meeting in Councill, Viz : on y8 Se cond day of the next Week, being y8 4"' Inst. Mo. In y Councill Room at Philadelphia The 4*" ofy8 12 month, 1688-9. present: JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover1. Sam11 Carpsnter, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Ssc"7. Sam" Richardson, John Bristow, Not a Quorum at halfe an hour past Eleven, wherevpon they De parted. At a Councill in y8 Councill Roome at Philadslphia y8 7*" ofy8 12* Mo., 1688-9. present : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Govsr*. Robt. Turner, Arth. Cook, Sam" Carpenter, Sam" Richardson, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Sec", The Secretary reported to this board y' according to their Order of y ffirst Ins', hs had wayted on y8 Keepsr of y8 broad Seals, & ac quainted him with y Two Resolves then past upon y8 Gover™ being informed by y8 Keeper of his Intentions touching his going to New" York, and gave him a transcript of the Same Resolves, and that thereupon y" Keeper Replyed that he would Returne his answer y8 next Time y8 Councill satt, Desireing the Secretary to give him notice when that Should be, that he might attend them. Wherevpon the 192 MINUTES OF THE board Ordered that notice Should be given him fforthwith, of Their being mett in a flull Councill. The Keeper bemg Come, was desired to sitt downe by y" Gover", who acquainted him that y8 Secretary having Informed the board that it was his Desire to Know of their meeting, in Order to his giving his answer to y8 Resolves touching y8 Great Seal's Disposall in his ab sence, & Desireing to Know what his Intentions were in that matter, he said he had prepared a Paper to have left behinde him in Case y* Coun cill had not Satt before his going, &c, which paper he offerred to their Considsration, havsing that opportunity for it; and y8 Gover1 desireing y8 Secretary might Read it. The Keeper Insinuating that there might be some mistakes in y8 writing of it, w8" he had not had time to Cor rect, it was proposed by y8 Gover1 that he might hays ffurthsr time, if he pleased, to satisfy himselfe therein before it was Read ; to which he answered he would Read it himselfe to y8 board, and accordingly read the same;* Wherevpon y8 Gover' directed, if that were his answer, that he would signe it & deliver it to y8 Secretary, to be Considered in his absence, withall giving his opinion that it was in his apprehen sion a high Reflecting vpon and arraigning y8 board, or Some of them, & in a Libellous manner Chargeing them with unwarrantable practices in their proceedings in that matter, Y'ett makeing a Distinction, as if it had been the act of a prevaling party, w81 being debated and Con sidered amongst themselves, it was at last agreed that he should be acquainted that if he had any thing else to give in as his answer, he had liberty, and might take his owne time to give it in. He desired that might be Entred by y8 Secretary in y8 Same book where those Resolves were w88 had been sent to him, w88 was Directed by y8 board to be don accordingly, and that y8 Secretary Should deliver him a Coppy of it, as he also desired, w811 the Gover" told him he would transmitt, together w*" what Else had passed, in writing, between v* Keeper and himselfe, Submitting y8 whole to y8 Proprietor's Consider ation. Vpon y8 Petion of Thomas Woolaston to y8 Gover' & Councill, praying relief against a forceable Entry & Deteiner in y8 County of New Castle, It was Resolved that a warrant be drawne, directed to such Justice or Justices of y8 peace ffor that County Dwelling nearest to y8 place where y8 fforce is alleaged, as he should apply to and Re quest in that behalfe fforthwith to Repaire to the house and Lands in his Petition mentioned, to View The said fforce, andffinding any, to Remove the same ; and if they ffound none vpon their View, to Re quire the Sherriff of y8 Said County to Returne a jury to Enquire thereoff whether any was, and by whome made or Continued, & to ffine and Imprison the offenders, & Therevpon to restore y8 quiett pos session to y° Petitioner, and to make a Returne of The same to y* Clark of The County Court, to be Entred in the Records of The said County. The Petition of Rob' Turner, John Tissick, Thom. Budd, Rob' Ewer, Sam" Carpenter, & John Ffuller, was read, setting forth their desione * The paper alluded to will be found on page 193, marked {£?"• PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 193 in setting up a bank ffor money, &c., Requesting Incouragement ffrom the Gover" & Councill ffor tbeir proceeding therein. The: said Rob' Turner & Sam'1 Carpenter, two of The said Peti™, being present & constituting y8 present Councill,. and besides whom there were but four more present, The Gover" acquainted them that some things of that nature had been proposed & Dedicated to y" proprietor, by himself, some months since, out of New England, to which he believed he should receive his answer by y8 ffirst Shipping hether out of England : Yett withall acquainted them that he did Know no reason why they might not give their personall bills to such as would take them as money to pass, as merchants vsually did bills of Exchange, but that it might be suspected that such as vsually Clipp'd or Coyn'd money, would be apt to Counterfitt their bills, vnless more than ordinary Care were taken to prevent it, which might be their Ruine, as well as y8 people's that Should Deals with them. 05s" To The Present Governo" and members op the Pro vinciall Councill. THOMAS LLOYD, Keeper of the broad Seal, with due Regard pre- senteth these following lines : Vpon the pervsall of two Resolves passed by you in Councill y* l*" Ins', & Delivered me by ord' this morning, (being the ffourth day Since,) I am much Concerned that such an Entry, so destructive of Right, and inconsistent with property, should be ffound vpon your book. You have, as much as in you Lay, introduced an ill precedent of disposeing Arbitrarily the most Eminent Estate for life as' yett de clared in this Governm', and this was done the Cause vnheard : Whereas, no ffreeman here ought to be Condemned or Concluded to his wrong without his answer, provided he doth not wilfully absent himselfe ; and ffurther, it is apparent by y8 Conclusion of your Order, that it was not Intended by y8 wording of the same, that I should be admitted to my Defence, but to be made only acquainted w'b your De termination therein, and so to abide by it as an Irrevocable Sanction, I might with a great Deal of reason, vnder the generous Constitution of this Province, Sooner Expected a Confirmation of y8 Liberties of Estates ffrom you then Such a proceedure, in no wise to bs Coun tenanced. Your Seat is a high jurisdiction, and the higher it is the more just and honourable ought its proceedings to be, and so give Examples of Justice to Inferiour Courts. Violent Courses, and hasty, precipitate Councells, will Slowly and meanly Commend y8 policy of their Au thors : I wish for the -ffuture, that no Sinister designe, passion, or male conduct may so Influance or hurry any of the Sincere minded of you as to act unbecoming y8 wisdom and dignity of the place. You have dealt vnkindly by me ; and not only so, but you have digged Deepe, tho' vnawares, I am perswaded, to Severall of you, to lay a foundation whereby to ground a misdemeanour against me vpon a Con jectured non complyance with your Resolves, and this being a per sonall matter, and of great moment, you have done by y8 Lesser number, and that by Vote, being vnwarrantable by Law & Charter. 17 194 MINUTES OF THE The duty of my place is to advise, and with you to Endeavour that nothing be attempted by any person or persons here, to y8,Subver- tion of y8 fframe of Governm' ; had you well understood & Considered the matter before you, the Tenure of y8 Custody and y8 Station of The Officer, I should notyhave been thus treated by you. My Re quest is before I make my particular answer to two or Three posi tions w8b might Lead into this act, That you Order Either the afore said Resolves to be Raz'd out or Cross'd, in y8 Councill book, as being such which are not to be drawne into Imitation, you disposing y8 Custody of y8 Seal without discoursing or giving Notice to y8 Keeper to appear, who hath affixed Estate therein ; Otherwise, that this wri ting may be Entred with you as a soft, Tho' sound memoriall, against such an undue proceeding. I may say as vpon a fformer harsh and hardly warrantable attainder of a person vnsought and vnsent ffor, Auferat Obliujo Si potest si non ut cunque Silentiam togat. . Lett such methods be covered with Silence or buryed in Oblivion. My love to y8 Gover", people, and their Sincerity, hath made me Serve them Chearfully Sometime. I have Endeavoured their good, tho' I might ffayle in effecting of it. I may have witness in Some breasts, that I have more injured myselfe and ffamily then any persons just Intrest vnder my notice. I have been a great Drudge In my Sphere, but not so abused an one afore. Be pleased to be tender of Right, and lett not y8 Royall Law be forgotten, of doing vnto others as you would have (Such) others doe vnto you. . Philadelphia, The 4,b Ins'., 12 Mo., 1688-9. In The Councill Room at Philadelphia The 11th of ye 12 mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gover". Arth. Cook, John Symcock, Wm. Markham, Secre. Sam" Richardson, The Gover' Stayed till halfe an hour past Eleven, and then no more coming, lefty8 place & Directed y' notice be given of a Councill ye next day, at 9 in the fforenoon. At a Councill in The Councill Roome at Philadelphia y8 12*° 12 Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT I JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover". John Symcock, Sam" Carpenter, Barth. Coppock, Arth, Cook, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Markham, Sec"7. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 195 The Gover" acquainted y8 Councill that he had Severall things to propose w8b he judged worthy Consideration, & that he had used means to have a due representative of y8 people attending there, ac cording to y8 Charter, &c, but ffinding a ffaylor, desired y" advice of y8 board Concerning that matter, for Remedy ffor y" ffuture, & pro posed in order thereunto, that the question might be putt whether it was not incumbent vpony8 members of y8 Prov" Councill Serveing for y8 Respective Countys, that one out of Each County doe Constantly attend ye Governo" in y8 affayrs ofy8 Governm*. This question was debated, in y8 debate whereof most members present Exprest themselves Satisfyed that there ought to be attend ance given wherin necessity required, but some desireing time to Con sider & advise about it, and others that y8 ffurther Consideration thereof might be deferred till ye Coming ofy8 members vpon y8 next Election, wch would be about 6 weeks hence, the season being Cold, the Gover" adjorned to y8 next 5"' day, being ye 14*b Ins*. At a Councill in y8 Councill Roome at Philadelphia y8 14th of y* 12 Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover". Jo" Symcock, Pet' Alrichs, John Cann, Sam" Richardson, Jos. Growdon, Sam" Carpenter, Arth" Cook, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Sec*. The minutes of y" Last Councill were Read over. A paper ffrom y8 Keeper, Directed to y8 secretary, bearing date y 12*b Ins'., was Read at this board, it being an answer to y8 Resolves and Order of Councill Dated y" 1° Inst. Ordered that y8 said paper be Entred, w8*1 is as ffolloweth, viz ; Secretary Markham. The originall Letters sent ffrom our Gover" relating to this Go vernm', have been Diligently perused and Considered by y8 Com miss™, and wee Know of none which may be off Service ffor pre sent Instruction, that are to be ffurther Communicated. Such of Them which Conteine matter of Information or Direction, have been Delivered to View and are transcribed allready; most of Them re- mains in my Custody by the assent and approbation of Those to whome they were primarily Directed. THO. LLOYD. Philadelphia 12*b12'b Mo., 1688-9. The Govern' acquainted y8 Council* that in as much as they were not pleased to give him their advice vpon his motion at the Last Coun cill's meeting, he would not trouble them ffurther therein, but proposed the Councill would give him their advice whether they did not judg it 'ffitt for him to Expect y8 attendance of y8 Respective members of Each County, as y8 Law and Charter Requires'; after much debate 196 MINUTES OF THE Vpon that proposall, Divers ofy8 members haveing Exprest their dis satisfaction to give their advice to the Gover' therein, Arth. Cook moved ffor that the poverty of y" people, was so great as they were not able to bear y" Charge of Constant attendance, as the Law and Charter Required, Yett that the Gover' be desired y' y8 Execution of it might be suspended for ye present, and y8 question being putt, viz': whether the Gover" Should be desired to Suspend the Execution for ye present? It passed in y8 affirmative, y8 Secretary only Dessenting. Att a Councill in y8 Councill Room In Philadelphia y8 18^ of y' I2lb Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gover". John Symcock, Sam" Richardson, Barth. Coppock, Arthr Cook, John Cann, Rob' Turner, Wm. Clark, Peter Alrichs, Wm. Markham, Sec17. The Gover" Directed the Minutes of y8 Last Councill Should be Read, w8" were Read. The Gover" then directed that y8 Keeper's Originall papers to y° Secretary Should be Read, vpon w84 y8 Gover" asked John Symcock & Arth" Cook, two of y8 Commiss™ of State, whether they did owne tnat paper as their S£2wer \ they replyed dcubtfvlly, jeferreing to y' paper it selfe, w88 named none. Robert Turner, an Other of the said Com™, coming in,. declared he Knew nothing of y8 paper, and dis owned it ; wherevpon y8 Gover" Ordered his Commission to be Read for the Satisfaction of y8 board, that he was Referred to y8 Instruc tions Sent by y8 Proprietor & Chief Goyer" , as well to y8 Presid' & Councill as to y8 ffive Com™ of State, which were to be his guide, and Declared he thought it was necessary that he Should have either the Originalls or true Coppys thereoff attested for his Guidance in y8 Go vernm', and Directed also, that ye orders of y8 board fformerly made in that behalfe might be Read. And vpon y8 Debate, ffinding some persons at y8 board who where Concerned in those Instructions did not think ffitt that y8 Originalls Should be Deposited with the, Secre tary, as was directed, The Gover" Condescended y' in Stead of Delivering in y8 Originalls, there might be true Coppyes transcribed & Signed, viz'. : Such as were directed to y8 Presid & Councill to be signed by y8 Presid'., and such as were directed to y8 Com™ of state to be signed by any Three of them that were Concerned with him in Those Commissions, and y8 same to be done for so much of other Letters, '(wherein Private matters are Intermixed) as , Contains any publick matter of Instruction, and that y8 said Coppys so attested, be delivered in to y8 Gover' and Councill as Soone'as may be: vpon de bate it was putt to y8 question and Resolved in y8 affirmative, N. C. D. The Gover" then acquainted ye Councill that he ffound there was a PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 197 duty required of him by y8 acts for incouragem' of trade & naviga tion, touching y8 transporting ofy8 Commoditys ofy" Country to Eng land, or his Maj*8 other plantations, which he had at his ffirst Entrance, vpon y8 Governm' Solemnly declared & promised to see duly Execu ted according to y8 tenor ofy8 said acts, and desired y8 minutes of that day's proceedings might be Read ; w81* being read, it appeared that no notice was taken therein of his haveing so ingaged, but severall of y8 members present remembring y' y8 Gov" had soe Solemnly In- gaged, it was agreed y8 same should be added to y8 minutes of that day's proceedings, w8" was y8 1 8th* day of y8 10 Mo., 1688. The Gover" also then offered that if The Councill thought ffitt, he would Solemnly Sweare to doe his vtmost for y8 punctuall observing y said Acts, w811 was not thought necessary. The Time drawing near for y8 Annuall Election of members for y" Prov" Councill & Gen8" Assembly, the Gover" desired to be informed by y8 Councill whether it were vsuall or needfull that any writts or warrants should he Issued for Summoning the ffreemen for y' purpose, or whether they Should meet of Course : it was Resolved there was no need of writt or warrants, but their day would be observed of Course. Wm. Clarke, a member of the Prov11 Councill for y8 County of Sussex, acquainting the Councill that inasmuch as there were two Elections to be made for that County, viz: one for y8 person that was to goe off, and another ffor one that was Elected fformerly, but now in England, he Conceived it necessary that an order should be Issued for y8 Choosing one in his Roome who was absent. It was agreed an Order Should be Issued to y8 Sheriff accordingly. The Gover" de manding who was to Issue that Order, it was answered in y8 words of y8 Law in that behalfe, The Proprietor and Gover" was to Issue it. Two Petitions were proposed to be Read, but it being late, y8 Gover" adjorned till to morrow, 9 ofy8 Clock in y8 fforenoon. At a Councill in ye Councill Roome in Philadelphia y8 19"" ofy8 12 Mo., 1688-9. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gover". Wm. Clark, Rob' Turner, Arth' Cook, Jo" Cann, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Markham, Sec". Pet. Alrichs, John Symcock, Ths Gover' desired y8 Entrys vpon y8 Last Councill's minutes should be Read ; they were Read accordingly. TheGovsr' Directed ye Reading y8 Petitions presented at y8 riseing of the last Councill, wherevpon the Petition of Adam Johnson was Read ; the. Petitioner was Called, who Informing y8 Councill of y° *Should be the 21st of the ll"1 Mo. 17* 198 MINUTES OF THE danger he was in of his life from y8 thrsatenings of Pster Ludgar, and that y8 same danger was Continued through y8 said parties being at Liberty, Contrary to y 8 Judgment of y8 Court, The Sheriff of y eCounty of Sussex, where y8 Robery was Committed, viz: ffrancis Cornewell being informed to be in Towne was sent ffor, and demanded by y8 Gover' by what authority he permitted y8 said Pet' Ludgar to be at Liberty. He said he was directed only to have the person ready at y8 Court to answer, and that being don, he requested y8 Justices to Declare what Should be don with him; some of them Expressed themselves desirous to be rid of him, but gave him no Order to Keepe him undsr Commitment, so he thought himselfe vnder no obligation to detaine him. The Gover 'ordered him to withdraw. Vppon debate of y8 rfact, and ye Sheriff's Suffering him to be at Liberty, it was vnanimously agreed that y8 Sheriff deserved a Sharp reproof for his neglect,, but it being y8 ffirst Complaint of this nature against him, out of Their Indulgence they Thought ffitt not to ffine him for it, Butt ordered that the sheriff doe forthwith apprehend The Prisoner at- his Owne Charge, and that he Keepe him in y8 Common Goale or VV ork house of y8 County where the Judgment passsd, there to be held to Hard Labour, or otherwise, till y8 party agrieved be sa tisfied, and that he Cause him to be Corrected with so many stripes as by y8 Judgment ofy8 said Court was ordered, and that he see they be well laid on. Wherewith the Sheriff was acquainted by y8 Gover",, vpon Calling him in for y' purpose. The Petition of ffrancis and Wm. Smith was Read, w8* being vnin- telligibly Expressed,, but in y8 Generall Complained of wrong don by y8 County Court, & Desireing Liberty to appeale, it was ord"1 that y8 Goaler of y8 County of Philadelphia doe bring y8 Petitioner in Custo dy before this board at their next sitting, and that Charles Pickering, ye Prosecutor, be ord8" to attend at that time, to Informe y8 board of y° Case of the Pet' , (who seems not able to sett fforth y8 same,) to y8 End the board may give Reliefe, if the Case will admitt. The Gover" acquainted y8 Councill that he thought it necessary something should be speedily done about settling a Provinciall Court, and that he ffound some things difficult therein by reason of y8 seve rall Laws passed Concerning y8 same, and therefore moved them for their advice vpon y8 said Laws, and that they should be Read, viz ¦ y8 157 Law, and y8 181 Law, y8 ffirst whereof was made during y8 Gover™ abode in this Province, the other since his departure for Eng land. The ffirst referring it to y" Proprietor and Gover" to Commis sion five persons vnder y8 broad seal. The Latter directed that Court should be impowred by y8 Gover' and Provinciall Councill ; which Latter seemed to be an incroachment upon y8 power of y8 Gover' re served by y'8 Charter of Privileges, and being by a Law made in y8 Proprietor's absence ; (Contrary to his Intrest;) and for as much as the Proprietor had by his Commission to y8 Presid & Councill, Limited their power as to y8 passing of Laws of y' nature, and by his Instruc tions since, bearing date y8 first of y8 Twelveth month, 1686, directed that at the next Assembly Gen8" the Commissioners of state Should declare his abrogation of all that had been done sines his abssnes, and PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 199 So of all y8 Laws but y8 ffundamentalls, which was said to have been declared. It being also Considered that y8 ffirst Law required y passing such Commission vnder y8 Great Seale, and in Case y8 Keeper should not think fitt to affix the same by y8 Gover"8 Warrant, (on the allegations expressed in his refusall to sett the said seal to y8 Commis sions ffor Justices of y8 peace,) The Provinciall Judges might possibly refuse to act vpon y8 Lesser Seal, and soe y8 Country would be desti tute of y' Court for y8 administration of Justice in highest Causes, and divers other Difficultyes arriseing vpon y8 debate thereoff, The Go vernour desired y8 members of y8 Councill would seriously Consider y8 matter, so as to be Ready to resolve him therein at y8 next pro- posall of y8 same to their Consideration ; w8*1 being approved, The Governo' adjourned y8 Councill till y8 next ffifth day, at the vsuall Hour of meeting, being y8 21 Ins'. At a Councill in the Councill Roome in Philadelphia y8 21 ofy8 12 Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover'. Arth. Cook, Barth. Coppock, Robt. Turner, John Symcock, Sam" Richardson, Wm. Markham, Sec*7. Wm. Clark, The proceedings ofy8 board at last Councill was read by ye Gover™ Direction. The Gover' Inquired whether y8 Sheriff of y8 County of Sussex had seized the person who had been so long at Liberty. Arth' Cook said y8 person had offered himselfe and promised he would Yield himselfe rather then y8 Sheriff Should suffer, but was not in Custody. \ Vpon w8" the Gover' moved the Sherife might be sent ffor and ffy- ned for his neglect of doing his duty, being acquainted how danger ous the person was, and that Adam Johnson, the person Complayning, had declared he was in fear of his life. The Gover' also vpon what was said y8 last day of y8 Councill's Sitting, Declared he neither looked vpon himselfe nor any member of the Councill to be safe ffrom mischief whilst so great a Villiane as he was sett fforth to be had his Liberty. It was alleged that some new Information, had been Received touch ing y8 former tryall had against y8 prisoner, which tending to the ra velling into y8 Resolutions of y8Last day's proceedings, when there was a fuller Councill, y8 Gover' declared he was not satisfyed that it was seasonable or proper to their present Consideration, or Rea sonable that he should admitt thereof till he vnderstood that he was in Custody, and that he look'd vpon the things that were offered as y8 result of Councill's taken abroad, to wcb he should give no Coun tenance. The Secretary acquainted the Gover' that y8 said Prisoner had delivered him a Petition, and desired to Know whether he should Read it. The Gover' said he would Receivs none till hs were in, 200 MINUTES OF THE Custody, and then he would receive any, and againe dsclared the Sheriff ought to bs ffyned for letting him have his Liberty. The Gover' therevpon Called ffor y8 other business appoynted ffor y day, but that not being ready, nor y8 persons present, he Caused y8 act of settlement to be read, in order to the minding the board of y8 Great Grace & ffavour of the Proprietor, &c. in y8 Grant of the Charter of Privileges, and how gratefully they had received the same, and how solemnly they had Ingagsd to obssrvs what was on their parts to be done, inviolably, &c, and withall observsd to the board, that sines then1 some laws had been passed in his prejudice, & Contrary to the trust he had reposed in y8 Presid and Councill, &c, which he should take an other flitting occasion to offer to their Con sideration. ffrancis and Wm. Smith being brought in Custody by the Sheriff, & Charles Pickering present, the Gover' ordered the Prisoners Peti tion to be read ; and all y' y8 prisoners had to say against y8 Judg ment ffor his Committment being that he had paid Intrest for y8 mo ney for longer time than was yett Expired, it was made apeare that what he had paid was by y8 Court deducted out of y8 principall money adjudged against him ; and Charles Pickering offering on y" behalfe of his Clyent to sett him at Liberty vpon giveing him Secu rity for paying the debt, or makeing over y8 Land ffor w he was in debted to that purpose; he refuseing to doe Either, the board remand ed him back to y8 Goale : he Complayned he had no bed to lye on. The Sheriff acquainted the board he might bring in his bedds to y8 prison if he pleased, and Should have thsm out with him vpon his discharge. The board adjudged they saw no just Causs of Com plaint. Adjorned till y" 2d day of y8 next week, 9 in y" fforenoon, being y8 25* Ins*. At a Councill in the Councill Room at Philadelphia y8 25 of y8 12 Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT I JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover". Artlr" Cook, Griff. Jones, Wm. Markham, Wm. Clark, Sam" Richardson, Rob' Turner. Wm. Darvall, Barth. Coppock, The Gover" Directed y8 Reading y8 Entrys of y8 last Councill's pro ceedings : they were accordingly read. The Petition of Peter Ludagar presented to y8 board, was Proposed to be read. The Governo' Declared he was not satisfied to receivs any till he vndsrstood Ludgar was in ths Sheriff's Custody, according to fformer order, Especially for that his business had been Determined at a fformer PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 201 Councill. Some debate was touching y fformer proceedings of y8 Oounty Court, and some reflecting Expressions vpon y8 Resolve of y Councill in that behalfe, which (though passed nemine contradi cente) were of so high a nature, by Sam" Richardson, a member of the Councill, as ye Gover' took exception against as vnbecoming any member against y 8 Whole, the Governo' telling him he ought not to Suffer it, and Reproveing him as haveing taken too great liberty to Carry it vnbesesmingly & very provokeingly, Particularly Instancing in y8 said Sam" Richardsoii's fformer declareing at severall times, y' he did not owne y" Gover' to be Gover", &c. ; to which he peremptorily re- plyed he did not nor would, saying to him he was not Gover", and he would Stand by it & make it good ; that Wm. Penn could not make a Gover". Arthur Cook, in milder Expressions, Saying that Wm. Penn can make a Gover" is a Scruple to me. All others declaring against that opinion. Sam" Richardson still persisted in denying y8 Gover" ; wherevpon y8 Gover" mooved, since he was so peremptory in repeat ing it, with such heat, that he might be ordered to withdraw till y8 Coun cill should debate it. He replyed, I will not withdraw, I was not brought hsthsr by Thee, & I will not goe out by thy order ; I was sent by y" people, and thou'hast no power to putt me out. The Gover" said he Could not sitt there to Suffer y8 Chief Gover™ power to be so ar raigned and questioned, & himselfe so Contemned, & Desired the members would severally declare themselves whether they Judged it their duty to owne him by the stile of Gover" or not. All the rest of y" members declared themselves offended with his words and Car riage, only Arthur Cook againe said he did believe that Gover1 Penn Cannot make a Gover", but a Deputy Gover", but desired he might Explains himselfe, & said He so judged in his Conscience & would be vnderstood to think & spsak modestly, disapproverng & Censuring Sam" Richardson's Carriage. Wherevpon y8 members at y8 board de clared severally that they judged it meet the said Sam" Richardson Should withdraw till they ffurther debated y8 matter, Wherevpon he went fforth, declaring he Cared not whether ever he sat there more againe, &c. Ths Gover1 moved they would give their Opinion whether y8 words Spoaken & Carriage of y8 said Sa. Richardson were not vnworthy & vnbecoming a membsr of Councill to y8 Gover' ; w* was Carrysd in y affirmativs, and that hs ought to acknowledg his offence, and pro mise more respect and heed for y" ffuture, before he be allowed to Sitt againe in Councill; He then moved y8 Councill would give their opinion whether he Should bs Called in & acquainted therewith, which was agreed, but he was gon away. The Sheriff of y8 County of Sussex being come, was Called in and demanded whether Peter Ludgar were in his Custody, according to y8 fformer Order ; he answered he was. He was then Charged with y8 Custody of him, to be answerable for him. The said Ludgar's Petion was then read. It was moved y' there might be a hearing ofy8 Case, & perticular ly whether y8 judgment passed against him by y8 County Court were Reversed, and vpon what grounds, by y8 Provinciall Court. Two 202 MINUTES OF THE Coppys of y" Record of y8 Prov" Court were prpduced for proofe of its being reversed, but they differed much from Each othsr, and in one of them 'twas alleaged to have been Reversed vpon Information of one person (only);' that y8 jury that past vpon y8 tryall did not all agree, which was not Judged a Sufficient ground for reversall against matter of Record, as y" verdict was : it was alleaged that it was also Referred back to y8 County Court for a Rehearing ; that y8 County Court ad hered to their fformer judgment, hayeing so ffarr honoured y8 Prov" Court's order as to Examine all those who had been of y8 jury, who all owned they had agreed their verdict. But the Copys of the Re cord of the Prov" Court's Proceedings differing, it was moved by Arthur Cooky' y8 originall Record & Entry should be forthwith brought before y8 Gover" and Councill, ffor y8 Clearing that doubt. One of The members of The Councill was desired to goe to David Lloyd, y8 Clark of y8 Prov" Court, who was also a Deputy or Clark to y Mast" of y8 Rolls, and Clark of y8 County Court of Philadel phia, to Require him fforthwith to attend y8 Councill, and to bring with him y8 Originall Records of y8 Proceedings of y8 Prov" Court. He Came to y8 Councill, and being acquainted by y8 Gover" that there was occasion to see y8 said Originall Records, he asked in what Case : y8 Gover" told him all that hapned since his haveing that Im- ployment of Clark of y8 Prov" Court: he answered, tbey were not recorded otherwise then in a quire of paper. He was Required to bring them as they were. He Refused it, saying you may Command the Judges, and y8 Judges might Order him, & other Slight and Scorn- full Expressions he vsed. He was therevpon ordered to withdraw. This was adjudged a high Contempt in y8 said Da. Lloyd, and ffor that and other vnseemly and Slighting Expressions of his to y Go ver" and Councill, It was Resolved that y8 said David Lloyd is vnfitt to be. allowed for a Clark or public Officer off Record in any Court vnder this Governm', and that he stand Discharged therefrom till vpon acknowledgment of his offence, and giveing the Councill sa tisfaction, The Gover" shall think ffitt to Commission him againe : this was declared to him by y8 Gover". The Sheriff of Sussex County was Called in & acquainted that y8 board saw no Cause to give any relief vpon Ludgar's Petition, and was Required to Keepe y8 said Ludgar safe prisoner, and to performey8 order ofy8 fformer Court vpon y8 judgment given against him by y8 County Court. The Gover' adjorned till to morrow morning. At a Councill in The Gover" Lodgings, held in the house of Griff Jones, in Philadelphia, the 24*" of y8 12th month, 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gover". Rob' Turner Griff. Jones, Sam" Carpenter, Arth. Cook, Wm. Clark, Wm. Markham, Secre. Wm. Darvall, Sam" Richardson, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 203 The Gov" haveing notice of severall Rumours spread abroad in this town, &c, touching an Invasion made in England by y8 Prince of Orange, and Battelle fought there, w8" were occasioned by y° Rep- port of Zach. Whitpain, who came lately from England, and arrived here in this town about midle night last, Directed that all y" members of the Councill present in towne should be forthwith assembled, in order to y8 Examination of y8 said Zach. Whitpaine; who having given a Genall narrative thereof, The Gover" Caused the same to be Comitted to writing, & him, the said Zach. to be deposed to the truth thereof, wcb is as followeth, viz'. : That he Came out of London the 10*b or 12" of xbre last, in a Shipp Called y8 Mary, John Harris Master, but before he Came thence y" Prince of Orange appeared with a ffleet of Shipps on y° Northern parts of England, and Coasted there about 3 or 4 days, during wcB time y8 King Issued out his Order for his Army to draw that way. That on y8 5 of 9ber y8 Prince of Orange Landed with an army of about thirty Thousand foot and about six thousand horse, in Turbay, Transported by a ffleet of 75 shipps of War, tenn fyre Shipps, 500 flyboates, 60 pinks : That the army remained about Exeter about three Weeks, in w88 time y8 King remanded his army from ye north towards Salsbury, and the King went to them there and stayed about a week, then y° King returned to London and Ordered his army to march thither : That they had an Ingagement with the Prince of Orange's forces. Divers of y8 King's party deserted him and went over to the Prince of Orange. The fight was about Redding, where ths King Lost about 2500 men, and the Prince about 1500, about y8 13*° of xber: about y8 17th the King Endevouring to goe for francs with Sir Edwd Hayles, was taken at ffeversham in a fishing Shallope, who had put there to take in Ballast, y8 King disguised as S" Edwd Hales's man. After ye King was taken he was Carryed to my Lord Huntinton's house, and y8 next day to Canterbury, whither y8 Exami- nant went-fem deal to have seen him, but y8 King was gon thence y' morning Early, 'before y8 Examinant gott thither, the King being Conducted in his owne Coaches, and with his owne and y8 Prince of Orange's Guard to London (they being sent on purpose for y' ser vice,) but whether y8 King was at London or no the Examinant Could not say, but that when y8 Exam' sayled out ofthe Downes, w* was y8 23 of x ber. the King was at Rochester, under Guard. That the King before his goeing away from London, went to y8 Tower, and sent for his Secretafys and the Lord May", and there delivered up the Tower into the hands of y8 City : the City upon that appointed the Lord Dumbarton to be Leif thereof till further order, and y° Ham- letts to Guard it. That y8 Public affayres at the Exam'. Coming from England, were manniged by seven Sprituall & seven Temporall Lords, and they had set forth a Proclamation for the Disbanding ofthe King's forces, and Disarmeing them, paying them for their armes. The Ex- amin*. ffurther says, that he heard that y8 Castle & City of Dublin, in Ireland, was Delivered to the Protestant Party, under the Command of the Lord Enchiqueen, who seised the King's Leif. while he satt in Councill : And further, that he saw in a Letter from Ireland that there 204 MINUTES OF THE had been a massacre made by the Papists upon the Protestants, ai that two Thousand, or two hundred, were murdered; the ffiguri being blotted, he Could not Justly tell which number it were!. S ZECHARIATH WHITPAINE. ** At a Councill in The Councill-roome at Philadelphia y8 26 ofy8 12 Mo., 1688-9. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover'. Wm. Clark, *" Griff. Jones, Rob' Turner, Arth. Cook, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Sec!7. Wm. Dervall, The Gover' ordered y8 Entrys of y8 last day's proceedings might be read. Bsing read, Arthur Cook excepted against y8 Entry of what he had Spoaken about y8 Governo™ not haveing power to make a Gover", and affirmed he added the words [he believed so,] w8*1 words were allowed to be added. Griff. Jones Declared he thought David Lloyd's miscarriage was not ffully expressed, for that it was omitted to Enter y' he was twice sent ffor; wcb was allowed to be so, and that it should be amended, and that y said David Lloyd declared he questioned whether this board had power to Command y8 TAecords to be brought before them. Rob' Turner also declared he remembered that he did question their authority. The Secretary also, that he remembred the same. Vppon w8", it was allowed those Expressions Should be added in y8 Entrys, as y8 ffarther Evidence of his Contemning their Authority. M". Clark moved, on y8 behalfe of the Sheriff of Sussex County, y' he might have assistance ffor y8 Carrying his prisoner. The Go ver" sayd it was proper ffor himselfe to Petition it if he wanted it. The order being that he Should Carry him at his owne Charge. Ths Gover" mooved that y8 Debate touching y8 setlinga Prov" Court, w8"1 he had proposed the 19 Ins', might be Reassumed, and told them that there seemed to him to be some difficulty therein, w* he hoped they haveing had so long Time of Consideration, we're ready to re solve ; And therevpon Directed ye Entry es of y8 said day's proceed ings & Debates might be read, and proposed y' every one would Speak his.minde about it, (y8 members Declareing they Judged there was an absolute necessity of it, it being informed by Wm. Clark that there were severall appeals ffrom other Courts.) It was Resolved vpon ye Question, y' aCommission shouldbe Issued for y8 Authoriseing & Appointing a Provinciall Court according to Law. It passed in y8 Affirmative, Nemine Contradicente. It was then debated vpon w8*1 Law it should be grounded, Some inclyning to have it vpon y8 157 Law, Some vpon 181. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 205 Vpon diligent pervseing both y8 said Laws, M". Clark observed that he Conceived it Could not be vpon y' Latter Law, (though hs had been before of that opinion,) ffor that by y8 Said Law it s said y° Judges Should hold Courts at Philadelphia, y8 24*° of y8 next Seventh month, and y8 tenth of y8 Second month ffollowing, and not Yearly, but as if it were only intended ffor tnSse two days in that year, whereas y8 157 Law Directed y8 said Court Should Sitt twice every year, and Every ffall and Spring yearly. And for that y8 Latter Law was in Detriment of The Proprietor's Right by his Pattent ffrom y8 King, to appoynt and Commissionate all officers, and Could not have his Consent given by those whom he In trusted vith his power, by reason of y8 limitation of y8 Power, of ye Commissign ; And also, that it would be an Invading his prerogative granted- by y8 King & Reserved by his Charter of Privileges to y" ffreemen (at least) during his life, and bring y° Charter itselfe in question. As also for y' by y8 former law, w8" was passed whilst y8 Proprie tor was present in the Country, It was Enacted that there Should be five Prov" Judges appoynted by the Gover", under y8 Great Seale, &c, y wcl1 act is verbatim as ffolloweth : That there shall be five Prov11 Judges appoynted by the Gover", vnder y8 great seale of this Province, w Judges, or any three of them, Shall be a Prov" Court, and Sitt twice every year, in y8 Towne of Philadelphia, and any two of them at least, shall Every ffall and Spring Yearly, go their Circutes into Every respective County of this Province me directed, the Ffreemen of this County mett at y" time ! and place therin Specified, and a method being proposed, they did declare that at that tirne they were not willing to vote by Ballott, and then nominating Jn° Eckley, they did by Maj' Vote confirm him to be their representative in Councill for the term of Three years ; and afterwards putting up Sam11 Richard son, they did by Maj' Vote Elect him for the remaining time he was to have served, and likewise declared their willingness to Confirm the former Choice of members for Assembly. In Witness wherof, I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal, the Eighth day of the Second month, in the ffifth year of the King's Reign, de ninth of the Lord Proprietor's Governm'., Anno Dom. 1689. JOHN CLAYPOOLE, Sheriff. John Bristow observed upon it, That the writt was satisfyed by that returne; For it was a confirming John Eckley, as was directed by the writt. Wm. Yardly sayd : My opinion is, That the Return of the Sheriffe is that the people have confirmed that Election that was before, and so has answered the writt, and that he has right to come & take his place. Bath. Coppock declared: He was of the same opinion with the member that spake last. Wm. Stockdale sayd : I do also agree with what the last member sayd. Sam" Carpenter sayd : The use of the Ballot is where there is 240 MINUTES OF THE doubt. Here it was apparent, de therfore I think it is as well every whitt in this case. Ths Gover' sayd : The former Election has been allready deter mined not to be a good Election, and therefore that cannot be insisted John Curtis sayd: I think it was a Very fayre Election. In other placss ws are Gsnerally chosen by the Vote: and I think where they are unanimous, there needs no controvercy. The Ballotting box is not used in any other nlace but this County. Wee are Elected by Vote. Griff. Jones answered That was a mistake, for it is used at upland de in all the Lower Countyes, by black de white beanes put into a hatt, w8" is a balloting in his sense, de cannot bedsnyed by the Char ter, where it is demanded. >. The Gover' sayd I take it to be so agreed by the Charter that the Election shall be by y 8 ballot, and am sorry it was not so done in this County upon this occasion, where they had alwayes heretofore insisted upon it as their Right. But I do not yet see how it can be allowed that Jn" Eckley should sitt. Sam" Carpenter sayd : I look upon it that we are judges of Our members, otherwise we may be Refused or turned out at pleasure. We are abused. The Gover' desired him to Explayne himselfe by whom they were abused. His answer was as dark as his former Expression ; and so was past over. Wm. Clark sayd: a great deale of time hath been spent & little or nothing done. We mstt as a legislative Councill in order to preparing lawes, But we are not yet gotten to the begining of that ; and I do not see we are like to make any progresse in it. One thing or other does happen amongst ourselves to put a Stop to our procedure, and now the time is so farr spent that I think we shall not have time to go on with it if there were no objections in the way. We have sate already longer than we used to do on this occasion, and for as much as we are not like to do any thing, I desire we may be dismist to our private Coii- cernes. Griff. Jones sayd: I have once already, & I doe againe desire, if we cannot go on to make Laws for the Province & Countyes annexed, & people therof, & that without interruption, That we may have hberty to go about our businesse. Peter Alrich sayd: 1 desire we may be dismist & go about our businesse; things standing as they do, that we cannot be suffered to proceed. Wm. Stockdale sayd : I desire we may have our members for car rying cm of what lyes before us, as we ought to do, &c. Wm. Markham sayd : He thought it was necessary the Councill should be dismist; he saw no service they like to do, & that it was too late now to begin to prepare lawes seasonably. Jn° Symcock sayd: A dismisse might be acceptable enough to most or all of us, but we are obliged to do some service for w8b we came, and to that end we have mostly all along desired to have our members. I PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 241 desire that what of our time remayns we may indeavor to spend it to the purpose intended. -The Gover" sayd : I am sorry we have beene renderd Jhus indisposed thereto by Councills from abroad. I have frequently given you the grounds of my not agreeing with you, as to the bringing in the three members you would have. I have a Conscience to be Exercised, & a duty incumbent in discharge of my trust, as well as any of you, and I conceive it lyes with more weight upon me if I suffer a misca- riage in these Councills. But I have sayd what was on my thought to say as there has been occasion ; and' since it appeares to me, That we are hinderd on that pretence from proceeding any further, I think fitt (according to the advices of many of you) to adjourne this meeting of Councill on the Legislative account, till further occasion ; Expecting you do agree amongst yourselves who shall attend the ordinary meet ings of this board, on each 2d & 5th days of Every week, as was formerly agreed; and that you fayle not of your attendance ac cordingly. The Gover' Adjourned till the 2d day of the next wssk. Entry of ths names of the members of Prov" Councill who were attending in the towne of Philadelphia, on the ssverall dayes ap- poyntedfor holding Councills by the Governor, Viz'; On ye 15" of y8 2d Mo., 1689. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gov". Luke Watson, John Curtis, Sam™ Carpenter. Wm. Stockdale, Wm. Yardley, On y8 1801 of y8 2d Mo., 1689. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gover". Luke Watson, Wm. Stockdale, Sam" Carpenter. Griff. Jones, On y8 22"' of y8 2d Mo. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gov'. Luke Watson, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Secre. Griff Jones, On y8 25th of y8 2d Mo. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gov'. Luke Watson, Wm. Stockdale, Wm. Markham, Secre. Griff. Jones, On y8 29,b of y8 2d Mo. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gov". Luke Watson, Griff. Jones, Wm. Markham, Secre. 21 242 MINUTES OF THE On y 2d of y8 3d Mo. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gov". Lnke Watson, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Secre. On y8 6th of y8 3d Mo. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gov'. Luke Watson, Barth. Coppock, Wm. Markham, Se. On y8' 9a of y8 3d Mo. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gover'. Barth. Coppock, Wm. 'Markham, Secre. . At a Councill in y8 Councill Roome in Philadelphia y8 tenth day of y8 third Mo., 1689. PRESENT : JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gov". John Symcock, Jn" Hill, Wm- Yardley, Luke Watson, Wm. Stockdale, Sam11 Carpenter, John Curtis, Jos. Growdon, Wm. Markham, Secre. Barth. Coppock, There wanting two members to make up a full Legislative Coun cill, The Councill fell into a free discourse amongst themselves about y8 Expediency of Letting the Laws drop or fall, and some things toaching the administration of y8 Governm' untill other Laws should be made, or directions should come from y8 Proprietor, dec, out of England. But nothing was concluded, Only To adjourne till 5 of y8 Clock in y8 evening. r At a Councill at the Governor's Lodgeing In Philadelphia, ye ll"1 of y8 3d Mo., 1689. present: JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq"., Gov". John Symcock, Wm. Stockdale, Jn" Hill, Wm. Clark, Jos. Growdon, Wm. Yardly, Sam" Carpenter, . Luke Watson, Wm. Markham, Secre. Barth. Coppock, Jn° Curtis, The Gov' acquainted the Councill That yesterday, towards even ing, two of y8 members of y8 Assembly had signifyed to him That y8 assembly was mett, and that they had sent them to acquaint y8 Gov' and Councill therewith, and that they had something to say to them. The Gov' proposed that y8 Councill would Consider whether PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. 243 they could appoint a Comittee, or do any thing as a Genall assembly untill the Councill were at least 12. The Opinion was they could not ; and it was therupon ordered. That John Bristow should be written to by y8 Secretary to appeare to give his attendance in Councill by 9 of y8 Clock y8 13'° instant. Likewise ordered, That y8 members of New Castle be written to, to give their attendance in Councill at y" same time. The Gov' proposed to y8 Councill, That if he thought The ffree- holders of y8 County of Philadelphia were yet disposed unto a more peaceable frame than at their last meeting, he should be glad to issue a writt for Election of two bersons, as had formerly been done ; but none gave any advice therin. Nich. Walne de Edmd Bennet came from y° assembly, de sayd They were sent to acquaint y8 Gov' de Councill That they were mett, &, desired to know whether y8 Gov" & Councill were mett, & were ready to heare what they had to say. The Gov 'desired them to withdraw till they could Consider what answer to give. It having being considered, They were called in, and Desired to let the Assembly know That they wanted one of y" number of y8 Coun cill to make a Gen11 Assembly ; But had sent & would use what in- deavors they could to have a full Councill against y8 second day of y8 next week, at nine of y8 Clock in y8 forenoon, w8" was agreed,. nimine Contradicente, upon y8 Question put. The Petition of James Walliams was read, & all ye papers by him pessntsd touching y8 proceedings had at y8 County Court of New Castle, upon y8 Seizure mads by y8 Sayd Walliams of severall goods- Imported into this Province by Peter Godefroy de Aliens, contrary to y Law of England, for the better incouragem.' of Navigation, &c. And upon y8 reading de Consideration thereof by the Gov' & Councill, It was Ordered That a Spec11 Comission should be issued by the Gov' to 3 pesons, or any two of them, For the hearing de determining that matter, both as to ths Seizure, forfeiture &, quahficationof ye Per sons importing the Goods in question. That the Com™ do sitt in Philadelphia y821'bof this month: And That y8 Secretary give notice to y8 Playntiff, Def, de all persons con cerned who shall be named by either of them, that they be in readi- nesse to attend y8 sayd hearing de for giving evidence therin as the Case shall require; allw^was agreed, Nemine Contradicente. TheGov nominated Wm. Markham,, John Symcock de Wm. Clark, or any two of them: some of them desiring to be excused, the Gov' sayd, he would settle that aa he should think fitt, when y8 Comission was. ready. Adjourned till y8 next Second day ofy8 Week, at ten ofthe Clock to this place. 244 MINUTES OF THE At a meeting of the Councill at y8 Gov" Lodging At Philadelphia y8 14lb of 3d month, 1689. present: JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq'., Gov". Jn° Symcock, Barth. Coppock, Jn8 Curtis, Wm. Clark, Wm. Stockdale, Jn° Hill, Jos. Growdon, Wm. Yardly, Luke Watson, Jn° Bristow, Sam" Carpenter, Wm. Markham, Secre. The Gov' caused y8 Entryes of y8 two last dayes proceedings in Councill to be reade. The Gov' acquainted y8 Councill, That y Assembly having sent, desiring they might have notice of y8 Councill's meeting,T;hey having somethings to impart to them; and That he, y8 Gov', had some thing also to say to y8 Assembly touching the Lapse or falling of the Laws, desired they might be sent unto. John Symcock & Joseph Growdon were sent for that purpose. They returned