YaieUniiersilylibfan,' i li ¦ :-. . iii Cn?|.^L ' '/ gi vt, iteftuBfaM. \ firr-tfo fav&dii^.jf'&GoQi^-ifcthts&lany*'' M^^^^V^^^^^-^VSSgBo Gift of wtdtHidt^L difaco' *^£i*cs£/JZ> 1913" Publications OF THE State Historical Society of Wisconsin Edited by Milo M. Quaife Superintendent of the Society Wisconsin Historical Publications Calendar Series Volume I J,> . fK&* -.-.'.• - fu>X4.*xpri. />;».-/ :^"'x:,'':;X'f/ .,, . /¦''¦' Bi , : ,- ' ., , . , X'X' ., ¦ "' 1 ¦ ¦ ., i ,1 <- ( l. 4, - . f S J //'"¦ ' f . .» - ¦ , , . "•-'»,- -¦ -K ¦ ,1 . ' y 1 rt- -:/«..• .- !- 1 ¦ •= ! F* • (¦ • < -' ¦ i - fi * » - * » - * 7 ' . / .',„, ,,¦ ¦'!,, .«¦¦ -, f <-¦?,, , ,. . -, ¦ <^- - /¦ < 4T*#i ' t. /• '.< -t-- '' .?- r .¦->. 7--1 K F ''^-C-O' -^P -". -• , ,j> j . , /'" ; 7%T .>. ,/^ f^-u^.i ,„ t ,. , _,., ;. * ? ,: t4 Jtf'J'*-** * ' '''' ' 7 ° '-*' * ' ' * ' t>? X ,,' ¦ , , . ,- ;,o<''.><, ¦ ¦ , -,- / I --c f * . * i 7 * ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' * ¦ ¦ y A f « , ¦*¦ : ;••//.<-¦ ,-,.- .V;,p w-n m * ¦, ;jL ' , '!. .. «J>-£i % '.">. ,«A* &*- A, *-<¦<-,-'. 4Le GOVEI!.\OU DlWVIUDIE SUMMONS THE VIRGINIA MlLITIA Publications of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin Calendar Series, Volume I The Preston and Virginia Papers Draper Collection of Manuscripts Madison Published by the Society 1915 iPufofefjeb tip autJjoriti* of Hato 750 COPIES PRINTED DBMOCHAT I'lUNTlNG CO., STATE PKINTER Contents Page Facsimile of Governor Dinwiddie's summons to Virginia Militia . . Frontispiece Prefatory Note . . . ""* Papers of William Preston ...... 1 Virginia Manuscripts ...... 147 Index ........ 310 Prefatory Note Students of American history require no introduction, at this late day, to the Draper Collection of Manuscripts in the Wisconsin State Historical Library. For many years they have been constantly drawn upon by historical investigators. Around Ihem as a nucleus has been developed a great historical library, manuscript and printed, to which all serious investigators of the frontier phase of American history must ultimately resort. Many years ago ihe late superintendent of the Society, Dr. E. G. Thwaites, published a descriptive list of its manuscript collection. The present volume marks the first step toward the publication of a detailed calendar of the Draper Manuscripts. In determining the contents of the volumes of the forthcoming series it has been deemed best to conform to the scheme of classification adopted for the original manuscripts. The present volume calendars the Preston and the Virginia series of manu scripts. The former comprise six and the latter sixteen of the four hundred and sixty-nine bound volumes in the Draper Collection. A brief description of the contents of the two series may be found on pa^'es 60-64 and 91-98 of the 1906 edition of the Descriptive List of Manuscript Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, * * * edited by Reuben Gr. Thwaites. The marginal pressmark in dicates the location of the original document in the Draper Collection. The number before the letters shows in which volume of the series the document occurs, the letters designate the series, while the number fol lowing the letters indicates the page or pages of the volume occupied by the document. To illustrate, in the case of the first document calen dared the pressmark 16ZZ1-35 means that the document is found in the Virginia Series, volume xvi, pages .1-35. The work of calendaring the volume has been performed by Miss Mabel Clare Weaks, chief of the division of maps and manuscripts. The preparation of the copy for the press has been the work of Miss Annie A. Nunns, assistant superintendent of the Society, and Miss Eleanore E. Lothrop, the superintendent's secretary. M. M. Quaife. Madison, March, 1914. PRESTON MANUSCRIPTS [cl730] Macky, Robert. London. Letter to Capt. James Patton, Ape*7 St. Columb, Cornwall, [England]. His in ability to secure position for William Stewart !QQ2 in a counting-house; recommendation of his uncle and Craghead as commission dealers; news from Ireland through his cousin Joseph Ewin[g]. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Don aldsons Letter. 1731 Miller, Maj. J. 0. Ballycassidy, [Ireland]. Letter to Jan. 17 Mrs. Rebecca Daviss, Dublin. In reply to letter of 13th inst. regarding arrangements for the iQQ1 support of her brother's daughter, Katharine. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Millers Letter. 1738-39 Beverliey, William. Essex County, [Va.] Statement of ac- Mae. 17- count against Capt. James Patton, Whitehaven. Jan. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap*. Patton 's acco* & 1QQ3 plats. 1738 Burke, Peter. Indenture to James Patton for five years' Apr. 28 service in return for his passage to America, and for food, clothing, and lodging. Witnessed 1 QQ4 by William Walker, Lord Mayor. Printed form filled in, signed by mark. 1 p. Endorsed : Peter Burke his Indentures for 7 years. The Ship arrived in Virgina. ye 23 of August 1738. 1742 Gooch, Lieut.-Gov. William. Williamsburg, Va. Com- Apr. 24 mission to James Patton as lieutenant-colonel of militia in Augusta County. D. S. 1 p. Mu- 1QQ6 tilated. [1742?] Borden, Benjamin. Lease to John Buchanan of 634 acres July 15 of land in Augusta County, Va., being part of a tract of 92,100 acres granted to Borden, Nov. [1] Wisconsin Historical Society 1QQ5 6, 1739. Witnessed by Robert Coulton, Charles Donahee, and George Moffett. R-ecorded in Orange County. Printed form filled in, signed. 1 p. Mutilated. [1742] Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- Sept. 15 martial. Names of officers present; appoint ment of Thomas Lewis as clerk; prescribed 1QQ18-22 oath; returns of delinquents; trial of same. Signed by James Patton. Contemporary copy. 5 pp. [1742] Augusta County, [Va.] Muster-book of militia. William Beverley, County-Lieutenant, and James Pat- 1QQ10-17 ton, Colonel. Rolls of Captains John Smith, John Buchanan, James Cathey, John Christian, ' Peter Shoull, James Gill, John Willson, George Robinson, and John Mc'Dowell. [Rolls of Cap tains Andrew Lewis, Samuel Gay, and Hugh Thompson not given] . A. D. 8 pp. Printed : Virginia Magazine of History, 1901, viii, pp. 278-283. 1743 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- Sept. 14 martial. Names of officers present; awards for the killing of wolves ; exemptions from service in 1QQ23, 24 the militia; the third Wednesday in September, 1744, appointed for general muster. Signed by James Patton. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1743 Gooch, Lieut.-Gov. William. Williamsburg, Va. Com- Oct. 25 mission to James Patton as collector of duties arising from the importation of horses into Au- 1QQ8 gusta County. Signature cut away. 1 p. Mutilated. 1743 Gooch, Lieut.-Gov. William. Williamsburg, Va. Com- Oct. 25 mission to James Patton as collector of duties upon skins and furs in Augusta County. The 1QQ7 College of William and Mary to receive the pro ceeds. D. S. 1 p. Mutilated. 1744 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- Sept. 21 martial. Names of officers present; list of claims for killing wolves; orders concerning 1QQ25, 26 awards ; the court to meet on third Tuesday in [2] Papers of William Preston January at residence of Maj. John Pickens; re turns of tithables and delinquents to be made. Signed by James Patton, President. Contem-, porary copy. 2 pp. 1744 [Augusta County, Va.] A plan of 16,500 acres of land lying on the Great or West River of the Calf 1QQ9 Pasture * * * Shows lands of Alexander Dunlap, William Jameson, Thomas Gilham, Robert Crockett, David Davis, Thomas Weems, Henry Gay, Francis Donnally, Robert Gay, Samuel Hodge, John Miller, Robert Bratton, James Lockridge, John Graham, Robert Gwin, John Preston, William Warwick, James Carlile, Jacob Clements, John Campbell, and James Carter. A. D. 1 p. 1744-45 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- [1745] martial held at residence of Maj. John Pickens. Jan. 15 Names of officers present ; Thomas Lewis, Clerk, ordered to receive tax money collected by cap*- 1QQ27, 28 tains of the several companies ; claims for killing wolves; a general muster to be held the second Tuesday in September, 1745, at Colonel Bever ley's mill. Signed by James Patton, President. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1745 Little, Thomas. Order on Sheriff of Augusta County, Mar. 6 [Va.] for amount of judgment obtained against Col. John Lewis. On the reverse is John Mow- 1QQ38 port 's receipt to James Patton for £4 lis. 6%d., Apr. 17, 1746. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr Little order upon ye Sher of Augusta. 1745 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- Sept. 11 martial. Names of officers present; George Hume's charge for running dividing line be- 1QQ29, 30 tween Frederick and Augusta counties; inspec tion of accounts of Thomas Lewis; assessment of fines; persons summoned to appear before the next court-martial; general muster to be held the first Tuesday in September, 1746. Signed by James Patton, President. Contem porary copy. 2 pp. [3] Wisconsin Historical Society 1745-51 [Buchanan, John]. "Memorandums Releting Sundrey Oct. 4- passages with Respect to my Journey to Wood's May 28 River commencing ye 4 of octobr 1745. ' ' Includes a diary of his trip to Wood's River, during Octo- 1QQ38-56 ber, 1745, which was evidently undertaken for the purpose of selling land; gives names of set tlers with whom he lodged, and with whom he transacted business; refers to Peter Sailing's journal; miscellaneous accounts; Borden's deeds; court returns. A. D. 25 pp. 1745 [Augusta County, Va.] Proceedings of a committee of Nov. 13 the court-martial. Members : James Patton, John Buchanan, and William Thompson. Al- 1QQ31 lowance made to the widow Dowchar [?] ; adop tion of measures relating to collection of county taxes and the killing of wolves. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1746 Augusta County, [Va.] Proceedings of militia court- Sept. 3 martial. Names of officers present; Captains William Evans, Crockett, and Daniel Harrison 1QQ32-34 refuse to serve longer; assessment of fines; orders concerning payment of certificates for killing wolves ; appointment of committee to in spect accounts of sheriff and clerk of court- martial; exemptions from paying levy and mus tering; general muster to be held first Tuesday in September, 1747. Signed by James Patton. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1746 Patton, Col. James, Col. James Wood, Col. John Bu- Oct. 10 ehanan, and Capt. George Robinson. Articles of agreement between grantees of tract of 1QQ57, 58 100,000 acres of land on Wood's River, as to terms of sale and settlement of the said grant. John Buchanan named as agent of the company. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Endorsed: Terms of the Woods River Grant. 1747 [Augusta County, Va.] Proceedings of a committee of May 25 the court-martial. Members : James Patton, John Smith, George Anderson, and William 1QQ35 Finley. Examination of the accounts of the clerk of the court-martial; orders concerning [4] Papers of William Preston the collection of taxes and payment of certifi cates for killing wolves. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1747 [Augusta County, Va.] Proceedings of militia court- Sept. 2 martial. Names of officers present; Captains Lapsley and Sailing to appear before next court- 1QQ36 martial; appointment of committee to meet at Robert McClanahan's the next day to settle ac counts of the wolf levy ; old and infirm persons to be excused from mustering; next muster to be held the first Tuesday of September, 1748. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 1747 [Augusta County, Va.] Proceedings of a committee of Sept. 3 the court-martial. Members : John Lewis, John Brown, John Smith, and John Willson. In- 1QQ36, 37 structions to the sheriff concerning payment of certificates for killing wolves; payment of clerk's salary. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1749 [Virginia] Council. Order giving leave to John Taylor, July 11 William Parks, and James Wood, in behalf of themselves and company, to renew their grant 1QQ60 for 100,000 acres of land lying in Augusta County on three branches of the Mississippi River. Signed by [N] Walthoe, Clerk of the Council. Copy certified by Thomas Lewis. 1 p. Mutilated. 1750 [Virginia] Council. Land grant to Adrian Harmon, June 15 Jacob Harmon, Valentine Harmon, and Valen tine Sevier for 15,000 acres of land on Blue- 1QQ62 stone Creek and on the first and second creeks below Bluestone in Augusta County. Signed by N. Walthoe, Clerk of the Council. Entered in the Auditor's office, June 16, 1750. Con temporary copy). 1 p. Endorsed: A Coppey of A grant on Blewstone. 1750 Patton, James. Augusta County, Va. Will. Witnessed by Sept. 1 Thomas Stewart, Edward Hall, and John Wil- 1QQ63-66 liams. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. [1750] [Patton, James?] Letter to . Colonel Fry's map; importation of negroes and horses ; instructed by 1QQ61 Perkins not to sell his land at "Indian fields"; [5] Wisconsin Historical Society John Hays and James Crawford dead ; marriages of local interest ; land values ; Lewis anxious that survey of tract of 100,000 acres be completed; Captain Downs in Orange [County] prison for debt; Colonel Beverley's execution money against Robinson not yet paid. 2 pp. Fragment. 1750 [Patton, James?] Memorandum of provisions sold to John Potts, Captain Smith, Robert Renyx, Rob- 1QQ60 ert Looney Jr., John Ramsey, and Peter Looney. A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: Memorandom. [cl750] Buchanan, Col. John. Statement of account against Ben jamin Borden. Signature cut away. A. D. 1 p. 1QQ59 Endorsed: Ace*. Ben: Borden. 1752 Dinwiddie, Lieut.-Gov. Robert. Williamsburg, Va. Com- July 15 mission to James Patton as coroner of Augusta County, Va. Sworn into office at August Court, 1QQ67 1752. Witnessed by John Madison, C[lerk of the] C[ourt]. D. S. 2 pp. Seal attached. En dorsed: James Patton, Gent. Coroner. 1752 Dinwiddie, Lieut.-Gov. Robert. Williamsburg, Va. Com- July 16 mission to James Patton as lieutenant of Au gusta County and chief commander of militia in 1QQ68 the said county. Sworn into office at the August Court of 1752. Witnessed by John Madison, C[lerk of the] Court. Printed form filled in; signed. Parchment. 1 p. 1752 Campbell, Charles, and Col. John Buchanan. Memoran- Nov. 29 dum of an agreement concerning 2694 acres of land purchased by them from John Buchanan 1QQ69 of Beverley Manor. Col. [James] Patton to re ceive payment for seventy -nine acres; division of the land. Witnessed by James Patton, James Kerr, and Patrick Campbell. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Endorsed: Copy of an Agreement Col0. Buchanan vs. Charles Campbell. 1753 Harmon, Jacob. Statement of account against the estate Jan. 3 of Philip Smith for £1 10s. 6d. Proved before James Patton. On the reverse is Harmon's 1QQ80 receipt to Col. John Buchanan for amount of the account, Feb. 6, 1755. D. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Jacob Harman's £1-10-6 1755. [6] Papers of William Preston 1753 Watts, John. Deposition made before James Patton, Jan. 20 Justice of the Peace for Augusta County, [Va.] Circumstances of the attack upon the Emperor IQQ7* of the Cherokee Nation at the house of Erwin Patterson; John Connolly's part in the affair. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (Enclosed in letter from James Patton to the Governor. No date.) Endorsed : John Watts Deposition vs Patterson. 175[3] Patton, James, Justice of the Peace Augusta County, Jan. 30 [Va.] Warrant for the arrest of John Connolly. Charged with having maltreated the Emperor of 1QQ70 the Cherokee Nation at house of Erwin Patter son, and with having killed dogs belonging to Charles Sinclair. Signature cut away. 1 p. Endorsed: Warrent against Cftorn]. [1753 Patton, James. Letter to . Has been on frontier Jan.] since the last General Court; Erwin Patterson's complaint^ against [Starnicker] for asking ex- 1QQ72 travagant price for corn from the Cherokees; capture of Cherokees by northern Indians ; will defend caveat entered against his land by Powers and others; another grant of 100,000 acres promised him by the government. L. S. 1 p. [1753 Patton^ James. Letter to [Robert Dinwiddie]. Com- Jan.] plaint of the Emperor of the Cherokee Nation against Erwin Patterson and John Connolly; 1QQ73, 74 deposition of John Watts in regard thereto en closed; trouble between Patterson and Samuel Starnicker growing out of trade with the Cher okees. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. Endorsed: Letters Copyd to ye Government. [1753 [Patton, James.] Letter to John Blair. Reviewing cir- Jan.] cumstances connected with his grant of 100,000 acres of land on branches of the Mississippi and 1QQ75-77 waters thereof, and requesting that the addi tional 100,000 acres promised him in 1745 be granted; caveats entered against him by Mercer in behalf of himself and the Ohio Com pany, and by James Powers in behalf of him- [7] Wisconsin Historical Society self, John Lewis, and his company. Contem porary copy. 3 pp. Endorsed : The Honble. John Blair Esqr. his Letter. 1753 Buchanan, John. Boundary of a tract of 1250 acres of June 20 land on Holston or Indian River patented to Buchanan, June 20, 1753, and later assigned to 1QQ80, 81 John, Francis, William, and James Patton Pres ton; said land supposed to be in Augusta County, Va., but was found to be in North Car olina on extension of boundary line. 2 pp. En dorsed: John Buchanan Courses 1250 Acres Augusta. Indian River. 1753 Jackson, Robert. Fredericksburg, [Va.] Letter to -. July 12 Concerning business transactions with Anthony Strother, Peter Gale, Grant, Cole Slaughter, and 1QQ79 the Loyal Land Company. On the reverse is a memorandum dated, Augusta County, Sept. 7, 1755, acknowledging receipt of letter concern ing grants on New River and Wood's River. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1754 Dinwiddie, Lieut.-Gov. Robert. Williamsburg, Va. Com- Apr. 19 mission to James Patton as escheator of Augusta 1QQ82 County. D. S. 1 p. Seal attached. Mutilated. 1754-58 [Preston, William.] "A Register of the Persons who have Oct.-May been either Killed, Wounded or taken Prisoners by the Enemy in Augusta County, as also of 1QQ83 such as have made their Escape." A.D. 13 pp. . Typewritten copy. 1755 Patton, Col. James, and John Johnson. Augusta County, Feb. 26 [Va.]. Memorandum of a contract between them for the erection of a house on James River. lQQ83i/2 Witnessed by William Preston. D. S. 1 p. 1755 Patton, Col. James, and Peter Looney. Augusta County. Feb. 27 [Va.]. Memorandum of a contract for 8000 fence rails and erection of a fence on the Mark lQQ83y2 Jones place. D. S. 1 p. 1755 Wood, John. Letter to William Preston. Augusta [Coun- May 27 ty, Va.] With reference to entering and sur- 1QQ84 veying land for McRoberts; "the unhappy acci- Papers of William Preston dent on Holsons River;" the forces to march from Will's Creek. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Jn° Woods letter 1755. 1755-56 Preston, Capt. William. Augusta County, Va. Pay-roll July 14- of his company of rangers. A. D. 1 p. En- Feb. 1 dorsed : A List & account to the first of Feb^ 1QQ91 1756. 1755-56 Preston, Capt. William. Augusta County [Va.] List of July 16- his company of rangers giving date of enlist- Jan. 1 ment, nationality, age, size, trade, and date of 1QQ92 discharge or desertion. A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: A List of my Company. 1755 Dinwiddie, Gov. [Robert]. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter Aug. 1 to Col. [James] Patton. Indian disturbances in Augusta County; has sent a cart-load of ammuni- 1QQ85 tion to the court-house; offers financial assist ance; wishes to know why Cherokee and Ca tawba warriors did not join his forces on the Ohio. 1 p. Signature cut away. Endorsed: Letter to Col. Patton from Govr- Dinwiddie. 1755 Dinwiddie, Gov. Robert. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter Aug. 14 to Col. [John] Buchanan. Death of Colonel Patton; measures for defense of the frontier; 1QQ86 Buchanan or Lewis (whoever is the senior offi cer) to take charge of the militia. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: A Letter from ye Governor to J. B. 1755 Robinson, David. Fort on Catawba. Letter to [William Oct. 14 Preston?] Local news; friendly Indians visit the fort; Stringham returned from Fort Wash- 1QQ88 ington; the soldiers to range upon the frontier; letter from Pearis enclosed. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: David Roberson. 1755 Dinwiddie, Robert. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Dec. 15 Captains [William] Preston and. Smith. In structions relative to expedition against Shaw- 1QQ90 nee towns; aid from the Cherokee. L. S. 1 p. 1755 Cummings, Joseph, John and William Robinson. State ment of account against William Preston for £1 1QQ93 lis. Receipted by David Robinson, Oct. 10, 1757. Signature cut away. 1 p. Endorsed: Cummings & Robinsons Accts 1-11-0. [9] Wisconsin Historical Society 1756 Preston, William. Statement of account against "The Jan. 15- Country" for expenses of his company of rang- May 19 ers. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: My Ace*, after 1QQ129 y« first of Feby. 1756 Lewis, Col. Andrew. Letter to Capt. William Preston. Jan. 28 Instructing him to march to Fort Frederick [to join Sandy Creek Expedition]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1QQ94 Seal attached. Endorsed: Col0. Andw- Lewis letter, 1756. 1756 [Preston, William.] Diary of the Sandy Creek Expedi- Feb. 9- tion. Set out Feb. 9, 1756 from Fort Prince Mar. 13 George with his company; joined later by Che rokee Indians, Major Lewis, and companies of 1QQ96-123 Captains Hog, Smith, Overton, Woodson, Pearis, Dunlap, and others; left Fort Frederick on 19th, the Shawnee towns being the objective point; traveled via the Bear Garden, Burk's Garden, head of Clinch River and reached the head of Sandy Creek on 28th; marched down Sandy Creek for several days, when finally being out of provisions, the men began to mutiny, and on March 8, all but the officers and twenty or thirty men deserted. A. D. 28 pp. ¦ . Typewritten copy. 18 pp. 1756 [Preston, William.] Letter to [Robert Dinwiddie?] En- Apr. 8 closes a list of his company of rangers who ac companied him on "the late unfortunate expe- 1QQ124 dition"; requests that he be reimbursed for money advanced to them. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1756 Dinwiddie, Robert. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Apr. 24 [William Preston?] Ordering him to draft one- third of the militia for the protection of the 1QQ125 frontier of Augusta County. L. S. 1 p. 1756 Pendleton, Col. [Edmund] . Letter to [William Preston?] May 12 Cloyd and others charged with instigating a riot; punishment of mutineers on Shawnee ex- 1QQ126-128 pedition; distressed situation of the frontiers; expected arrival of Lord Loudoun, recently ap pointed governor-in-chief and commander of all the American forces ; law-suits in which Colonel [10] Papers of William Preston Patton was involved at time of his death. A. L. 3 pp. Endorsed: Col0- Pendelton's Letter 12th May 1756. 1756 Augusta [County, Va.] Proceedings of a council of war May 20 held by militia officers of the county. Resolved to postpone the drafting of militia until the men 1QQ130 on frontier duty are relieved. Signed by Colonels John Buchanan, David Stewart, Maj. John Brown, and Captains Joseph Culton, Pat rick Martin, James Lockhart, Alexander Thomp son, Israel Christian, John Maxwell, John Moore, Joseph Lapsley, John Ramsey, Robert Bratton, James Allen, James Mitchell, and Samuel Nor wood. D. S. 1 p. [1756 [Lewis, Andrew?] Letter to [Robert Dinwiddie?] The June] burning of Fort Vause ; encloses depositions giv ing particulars; requests that a new fort be 1QQ131-133 built there; measures for defense; the militia uneasy about their pay ; suggests that a commis sary be appointed. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1756 Blair, John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Certificate stating that Aug. 23 Col. John Buchanan was ordered by the Gov ernor to act as commander-in-chief of Augusta 1QQ136 County in the absence of Colonel Lewis, and that he received instructions from the Governor concerning the militia. A. D. S. 1 p. En dorsed : John Blair Certificate. [1756] [Preston, William.] Letter to . Relating particu- Aug. 24 lars of the attack on Vause 's Fort. Auto, draft. 1QQ134, 135 2 pp. 1756 Robinson, David. Receipt to William Preston for £26 Nov. 5 65. 2d. being part of his pay as a second lieu- 1QQ138 tenant in company of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 1756 Elliot, Robert. Receipt to Capt. William Preston for Nov. 17 £10 15s. 3d. being part of his pay as a corporal 1QQ138 in company of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 1756 Pugh, Samuel. Receipt to Capt. [William] Preston for Nov. 17 12s. lid. being part of his pay as a ranger in 1QQ138 Preston's company. D. S. 1 p. [H] Wisconsin Historical Society 1756 Lewis, Andrew. Orders to Capt. William Preston. In- Nov. 23 strueting him to attend draft to be held at Robert Craven's house on Monday, thence to 1QQ137 proceed with sixty men to Miller's Fort and re lieve militia on duty there ; receipts to be given, for any provisions or ammunition left behind ; scouts to be maintained; Wilson's Fort in the Bull Pasture to be garrisoned; Charles Lewis and David Long named as lieutenants. A. D. S. lp. 1756 Fleming, William. Vause 's [Fort]. Letter to Capt. Wil- Dec. 17 liam Preston, Staunton, [Va.] Returns bor rowed books and the manuscript of Sailing's 1QQ140, 141 journal of trip to New Orleans; observations on the change of taste in literature. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr. Flemings letter dated in 1756. 1756 Robinson, David. Receipt to William Preston for 20s. Dec. 18 on account and for George Gun's pay as a 1QQ138 ranger in Preston's company. D. S. 1 p. 1756 Robinson, David. Receipt to William Preston for £5 9s. Dec. 18 8d., being William Davis' pay as a sergeant in 1QQ138 Preston's company of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Jan. 3 6QQ1031757 Jan. 3 6QQ140 1757 Feb. 12 1QQ139 [1757] Feb. [26] 1QQ150, 151 Bee, George. Receipt to William Preston for £4 4s. for service as a ranger in his company prior to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Kimball, David. Receipt to William Preston for £8 12s. in payment for a horse which was impressed from him for the Cherokees. D. S. 1 p. Askew, James. Receipt to Capt. William Preston for £4 17s. id. D. S. 1 p. Lewis, Andrew. Jack [son] 's River. Letter to [William Preston] . Orders him to build a fort in the Bull Pasture should Miller and Willson remove their families; man taken on the Ohio River above Fort Duquesne ; has instructed Colonel Buchan an to apply to Colonel Read for money to pay his [Preston's] and Dickinson's accounts for Provisions. A. L. S. 2 pp. [12] Papers of William Preston 1757 Robinson, George. Statement of account against "The Mar. 1 Country" for wheat sold to Col. [John] Bu chanan for His Majesty's use. D. S. 1 p. En- 1QQ146 dorsed : George Robinson ace*. £12 : 10-0 N°. 36. 1757 Lewis, Thomas. Letter to [William Preston]. On the Mar. 7 [?] erection of forts along the frontier. A. L. S. 1 p. Mutilated. Endorsed : From Mr Thos 1QQ147 Lewis. 1757 Buchanan, John. Voucher to Samuel McRoberts for Mar. 9 flour furnished Capt. Peter Hog's company. D. 1QQ146 S. 1 p. 1757 Ralston, William. Statement of account against "The Mar. 22 Country" for provisions delivered at Fort William in Augusta [County, Va.] D. S. 1 p. 1QQ146 Endorsed : Wm. Ralston £4-2-9 N°. 17. 1757 Read, Clement. Lunenburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. John Mar. 31 Buchanan, Augusta [County, Va.]. Proposed expedition against Shawnee Indians ; dissatisf ac- 1QQ148, 149 tion over the election of Colonel Nash; requests Buchanan to meet him in Williamsburg in April to settle their public accounts. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1757 [Preston, William.] Letter to Maj. [Andrew] Lewis. A Apr. 4 fort being erected at Wallace Austin's in the Bull Pasture in obedience to his orders of Feb. 1QQ152 26, 1757; the command at George Willson 's broke up March 12. Auto, draft. 2 pp. En dorsed : A Letter to Majr Lewis 4th Ap 1757. 1757 Buchanan, John. Voucher to James Simpson for flour Apr. 22 delivered to Thomas Tosh "for the use of the asociators". On the reverse is Simpson's re- 2QQ18 ceipt for payment ; also ten shillings on account of Lieut. Thomas Bullitt, dated Sept. 17, 1759. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Jas Simps Rect. 1757 Brown, John. Receipt to William Preston for £1 12s. May 1 for salt for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ42 1757 Hall, Robert. Receipt to Capt. William Preston for 27s. Aug. 4 for twenty-seven days' service at Fort Lewis. 6QQ68 D. S. 1 p. [13] Wisconsin Historical Society 1757 Read, Col. Clement. Lunenburg, [Va.] Letter to John Aug. 9 Buchanan?] Instructions as to disposition of flour and bread for detachment from the Vir- 1QQ154, 155 ginia regiment ordered out by Governor for the protection of the frontier; asks informa tion as to members, names of commanding offi cers, and headquarters of the forces that he may know where to send arms and ammunition ; false alarms of Indian depredations hurtful to the cause of the people; settlement of his ac counts. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed : Col. C. Read Aug. 1757. 1757 Shaw, James. Receipt to Capt. William Preston for £1 Aug. 11 in payment for patrolling at Fort Lewis; also 14s. 6dl. for salt and the use of a horse for two 6QQ68 days. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Bodkin, James. Receipt to William Preston for 16s. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ78 1757 Carlile, John. Receipt to William Preston for 17s. 3d. Aug. 12 for six and one-half day's work at Fort George. 6QQ17 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Carlile, John. Receipt to Wilham Preston for £5 Is. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ77 1757 Chambers, John. Receipt to William Preston for 40s. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed 6QQ76 by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Cummings, Josiah. Receipt to William Preston for £5 Aug. 12 lis. being his pay prior to' May 1, 1757. 6QQ79 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Donnally, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Aug. 12 5s. for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ26 1757 Duffy, Patrick. Receipt to William Preston for £6 8s.. Aug. 12 D. S. 1 p. 6QQ74 [14] Papers of William Preston 1757 Estill, Benjamin. Receipt to William Preston for 8s. for Aug. 12 sundries. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ24 1757 Estill, Benjamin. Receipt to William Preston for £2 13s. Aug. 12 id. for service as private and corporal prior to 6QQ77 May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Estill, John. Receipt to William Preston for 7s. for Aug. 12 seven days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ18 1757 Folley, John. Receipt to Capt. William Preston for 14s. Aug. 12 for fourteen days' work at Fort George. 6QQ16 Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Folley, John. Receipt to William Preston for £7 5s. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. Signed by 6QQ75 mark. 1 p. 1757 Hicklin, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £23 Is. Aug. 12 2d. for provisions for his company. Witnessed 6QQ25 by Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Johnson, William W. Receipt to William Preston for Aug. 12 £2 Is. being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. Wit- 6QQ79 nessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Jordan, Adam. Receipt to William Preston for £1 9s. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ78 / 1757 McGregor, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £4 Aug. 12 3s. being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ76 1757 Martin, Joseph. Receipt to Capt. William Preston for Aug. 12 7s. in payment for seven days' work at Fort 6QQ16 George. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Martin, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for 39s. in Aug. 12 payment, for patrolling in his company 6QQ74 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Montaney, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for 17s. Ajjg. 12 3d. for six and one-half day's work at Fort 6QQ17 George. D. S. 1 p. [15] Wisconsin Historical Society 1757 Montaney, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for 5s. Aug. 12 for repairing a mill. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ25 1757 Montaney, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £4 Aug. 12 12s. for his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ77 1757 Pryor, John. Receipt to William Preston for 6s. for six Aug. 12 days' work at Fort George. Signed by 6QQ16 mark. 1 p. 1757 Pryor, John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Us. Aug. 12 being in full of his pay. Witnessed by Felix 6QQ74 Gilbert. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Sanders, Thomas Receipt to William Preston for £6 14s. Aug. 12 2d. for service as a drummer in his company. 6QQ80 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Smith, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £6 19s. Aug. 12 for 139 days' pay prior to May 1, 1757. 6QQ79 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Smith, John. Receipt to William Preston for 12s. for Aug. 12 twelve days' work at Fort George. Witnessed 6QQ18 by Charles Smith. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Smith, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 19s. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed 6QQ78 by Charles Smith. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Stewart, William. Receipt to William Preston for 17s. Aug. 12 for seven days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ17 1757 Stewart, William. Receipt to William Preston for 10s. Aug. 12 for carrying provisions to Fort Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ241757 Stewart, William. Receipt to William Preston for £4 8s. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ75 1757 Wright, John. Receipt to William Preston for 7s. &d. for Aug. 12 horse hire. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ24 [16] Papers of William Preston 1757 Wright, John. Receipt to William Preston for £6 3s. Aug. 12 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ76 1757 Estill, Bond. Receipt to William Preston for £3 19s. Aug. 13 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ80 1757 Estill, John. Receipt to William Preston for £4 4s. being Aug. 13 his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ80 1757 Bailey, Abraham. Receipt to William Preston for lis. Aug. 15 for eleven days' work at Fort George. D. S. 6QQ27 1 p. 1757 Bailey, Abraham. Receipt to William Preston for £9 13s. Aug. 15 id. for service as corporal in his company prior 6QQ81 to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Bodkin, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £1 16s. Aug. 15 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. Signed by 6QQ81 mark. 1 p. 1757 Bodkin, Richard. Receipt to William Preston for 12s. 9d. Aug. 15 for provisions for his company. Signed by mark. 6QQ26 1 p. 1757 Merchant, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for 10s. Aug. 15 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. Signed by 6QQ81 mark. 1 p. 1757 Black, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for £5 Aug. 16 2s. Id. for provisions for his company. Wit- 6QQ28 nessed by Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Hicklin, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £10 10s. Aug. 16 id. for provisions for his company. Witnessed 6QQ27 by Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Hodge, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £11 9s. Aug. 18 8d. for the use of Thomas Thompson, being in payment for provisions furnished Preston 's com- 6QQ28 pany. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Hodge, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £8 19s. Aug. 18 6d. for provisions furnished his company. Wit- 6QQ29 nessed by Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 2-H. s. [ 17 ] Wisconsin Historical Society 1757 Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for £7 9s. for Aug. 18 provisions furnished his company. Witnessed 6QQ29 by Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Kidd, Daniel. Receipt to William Preston for 17s. for Aug. 20 seventeen days' work at Miller's Fort on Jack son's River. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. D. 6QQ30 S. 1 p. 1757 Kidd, Daniel. Receipt to William Preston for £2 7s. Aug. 20 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ82 1757 Matthews, William. Receipt to William Preston for £3 4s. Aug. 20 being his pay prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ82 1757 Weeks, Philip. Receipt to William Preston for 12s. be- Aug. 22 ing his pay prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by 6QQ83 Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Warwick, William. Receipt to William Preston for £5 Aug. 23 19s. 8d. for provisions for his company. D. S. 6QQ30 1 p. 1757 Hall, James. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Is. 3d. Aug. 26 for provisions for his company. Witnessed by 6QQ31 Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Lewis, Andrew. Dickinson's Fort. Letter to Capt. Wil- Aug. 27 liam Preston, Bull Pasture. Granting leave to go to the general muster, and saying that he 1QQ158 [Preston] is to continue at his* station until further orders. Copy by Draper. 1 p. 1757 Miller, James. Receipt to Capt. William Preston for £1 Aug. 27 16s. for thirty-six days' service at Fort Lewis. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 6QQ69 1 p. 1757 Bell, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for 6s. for six Aug. 29 days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ18 1757 Bell, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £2 for forty Aug. 29 days' service at Fort Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ69 [18] Papers of William Preston 1757 Bell, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £1 4s. for Aug. 29 twenty-four days' service at Fort George prior 6QQ83 to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Elliot, Andrew. Receipt to William Preston for £1 3s. 9d. Aug. 29 for a vessel and carriage for his company. D. 6QQ31 S. 1 p. 1757 Elliot, Andrew. Receipt to William Preston for £4 19s. Aug. 29 being his pay for ninety days prior to May 1, 6QQ83 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Johnston, John. Receipt to William Preston for 8s. for Aug. 29 eight days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ18 1757 Johnston, John. Receipt to William Preston for £1 lis. Aug. 29 being his pay for thirty-one days prior to May 6QQ84 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Pryor, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Is. for Aug. 29 forty-one days' service. Witnessed by Charles 6QQ84 Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Preston, Elisabeth. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Aug. 30 for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ32 1757 Askew, James. Receipt to William Preston for pay as a Sept. 2 soldier in his company of rangers. Witnessed 6QQ1 by John Brown. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Fitzpatrick, James. Receipt to William Preston for pay Sept. 3 as a soldier in his company of rangers. Wit- 6QQ1 nessed by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Trimble, John. Receipt to William Preston for 32s. 6d. Sept. 5 for carrying provisions for his company. D. S. 6QQ32 1 p. 1757 Dinwidldie, Robert. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Sept. 13 John Buchanan, Augusta [County, Va.] Has ordered Major Lewis to raise a company of fifty 1QQ159 men for the protection of the inhabitants of the frontiers; Col. [Clement] Read to write him as to disposition of bread and flour for the forces in Augusta. L. S. 1 p. [19] Wisconsin Historical Society 1757 Car[lile], John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 10s. 6d. Sept. 15 for provisions for his company. Witnessed by 6QQ32 Thomas Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. ' 1757 Harper, Michael. Receipt to William Preston for £1 12s. Sept. 15 being his pay for thirty-two days prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. D. S. 6QQ84 1 p. 1757 Fulton, William. Receipt to William Preston for £1 15s. Sept. 17 for thirty-five days' service as a soldier in his company. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. D. S. 6QQ85 1 p. 1757 Hinds, Edward. Receipt to William Preston for 6s. for Sept. 17 six days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ191757 Hinds, Edward. Receipt to William Preston for £6 13s. Sept. 17 being his pay for 133 days. Witnessed by 6QQ85 Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for 10s. for Sept. 19 ten days' work at Fort George. Witnessed by 6QQ19 Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 File, John. Receipt to William Preston for 6s. for six Sept. 20 days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ19 1757 File, John. Receipt to William Preston for £7 2s. for Sept. 20 142 days' service as a soldier in his company. 6QQ86 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Finney, Christopher. Receipt to William Preston for £5 Sept. 20 18s. for 118 days' service as a soldier in his com pany prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by John 6QQ86 Wright. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Knox, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 9s. for Sept. 20 nine days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ201757 Knox, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 6s. for Sept. 20 hire of a horse. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ34 [20] Papers of William Preston 1757 Knox, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 45s. for Sept. 20 forty-five days' pay as a soldier at Fort Lewis. 6QQ68 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Knox, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 47s. be- Sept. 20 ing his pay for forty-seven days prior to May 6QQ86 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for 43s. being Sept. 20 his pay prior to May L, 1757. Witnessed by 6QQ85 Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Price, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 10s. Sept. 20 for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ33 1757 Pullin, Loftus. Receipt to William Preston for £7 4s. for Sept. 20 provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ33 1757 SkiHern, George. Receipt to William Preston for £3 6s. Sept. 20 for sixty-six days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ87 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Willfong, Michael. Receipt to William Preston for 14s. Sept. 20 id. for provisions delivered at Fort Lewis. Witnessed by Loftus Pullin. Signed by mark. 6QQ34 1 p. 1757 Hodge, William. Receipt to William Preston for lis. for Sept. 22 eleven days' service as a soldier in his company prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by Thomas 6QQ87 Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Phagen, Philip. Receipt to William Preston for 6s. for Sept. 22 six days' work at Fort George. Witnessed by 6QQ20 Thomas Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Phagen, Philip. Receipt to William Preston for £2 lis. Sept. 22 for fifty-one days' service as a soldier in his company prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by 6QQ88 Thomas Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Knox, James. Receipt to William Preston for 16s. 6d. Sept. 25 for provisions delivered to Sergeant Hugart at Fort Lewis. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. D. 6QQ33 S. 1 p. [21] Wisconsin Historical Society 1757 Pendleton, Col. Edmund. Caroline [County, Va.] Letter Sept. 26 to [William Preston] . Legal advice concerning suit with Lusk ; current news ; Lord Loudoun 1QQ160 obliged to decline attack of Louisburg and re turn to New York; Fort William Henry de molished. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0 Pendleton's Letter 26th Sepr 1757. 1757 Buchanan, John. Statement of account against "The Sept. 29 Country" for flour delivered at Thomas Tosh's on Roanoke for the Indians, etc., in accordance 1QQ161 with orders of Col. Clement Read. Certified by Thomas Bouldin. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Countrys ace*. Laid Before Col0- Read. 1757 Buchanan, John. Statement of account against "The Sept. 29 Country" for provisions, beef cattle, etc., pur chased by him in Augusta County [on the 1QQ142-145 order of] Col. Clement Read of Lunenburg County for the use of the Cherokee Indians, and for the militia and regulars on the fron tiers of Augusta County. Certified by Thomas Bouldin. D. S. 4 pp. 1757 McCreery, John. Receipt to William Preston for £10 Oct. 4 6d. for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ341757 Black, William. Receipt to William Preston for 34s. for Oct. 5 service as a soldier at Fort Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ70 1757 Davies, John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 13s. id. Oct. 5 for fifty-five days' pay as a corporal at Fort 6QQ69 Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Davies, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Is. for Oct. 5 forty-one days' service as a soldier at Fort Miller; and for £2 13s. 4(/. for forty days' ser vice as a corporal at Fort George prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ88 1757 Gilham, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for 19s. 6d. Oct. 5 in payment for labor at Fort Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ35 [22] Papers of William Preston 1757 Gilham, Charles. Receipt to William Preston, for £2 8s. Oct. 5 for forty-eight days' service as a soldier at 6QQ70 Fort Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Gilham, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £3 13s. Oct. 5 for seventy-three days' service as a soldier prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. 6QQ89 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Hamilton, John. Receipt to William Preston for 7s. for Oct. 5 seven days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ21 1757 Hamilton, John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 8s. Oct. 5 for sixty-eight days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ89 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 McKnight, James. Receipt to William Preston for 7s. Oct. 5 for seven days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ211757 McKnight, James. Receipt to William Preston for £2 19s. Oct. 5 for fifty-nine days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ89 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Kinkead, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 18s. Oct. 6 for fifty-eight days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ90 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Bratton, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £15 Oct. 7 6s. 3d. for provisions for his company. Wit- 6QQ36 nessed by John Buchanan. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Phagen, Philip. Receipt to William Preston for £1 10s. Oct. 7 for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ36 1757 Robinson, David. Receipt to William Preston for £64 in Oct. 7 payment for service as second lieutenant in his 6QQ3 company of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Campbell, George. Receipt to William Preston for 5s. 6d. Oct. 11 for a spade used in building Fort George. 6QQ22 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Tencher, Francis. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. Oct. 11 for sixty-three days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ90 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [23] Wisconsin Historical Society 1757 Tencher, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for 18s. Oct. 11 6d. for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ371757 Arthurs, John. Receipt to William Preston for pay as Oct. 12 a soldier in his company of rangers. Wit- 6QQ4 nessed by James Dunlap. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Connor, Daniel. Receipt to William Preston for £7 lis. Oct. 12 for carrying provisions for his company. Wit nessed by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 6QQ21 1 p. [1757] Droudy[?], Daniel. Receipt to William Preston for Oct. 12 pay as a soldier in his company of rangers. Witnessed by James Dunlap. Signed by mark. 6QQ5 1 p. 1757 Fleming, John. Receipt to William Preston for pay as a Oct. 12 soldier in his company of rangers. Signed by 6QQ5 m.ark. 1 p. 1757 Goodwin, William. Receipt to William Preston for £3 2s. Oct. 12 for sixty-two days' service as a soldier in his company prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by 6QQ91 John Graham. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Jordan, John. Receipt to William Preston for £1 13s. for Oct. 12 thirty-three days' service as a soldier at Fort Lewis. Witnessed by William Wilson. D. S. 6QQ71 1 p. 1757 Letter, Richard. Receipt to William Preston for £4 7s. Oct. 12 for eighty-seven days' service as a soldier in 6QQ91 his company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Rodgers, George. Receipt to William Preston for £5 2s. Oct. 12 for 102 days' service as a soldier in his com-. 6QQ92 pany prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Wilson, William. Receipt to William Preston for 2s. for Oct. 12 provisions delivered - at Fort Lewis. D. S. 6QQ37 1 p. 1757 Wilson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 2s. Oct. 12 for forty-two days' service as a soldier at Fort 6QQ70 Lewis. D. S. 1 p. [24] Papers of William Preston 1757 Davis, William. Receipt to William Preston for pay as Oct. 13 a soldier in his company of rangers. D. S. 6QQ6 1 p. 1757 Davison, George. Receipt to William Preston for £6 4s. Oct. 13 for 124 days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ93 pany prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Davison, James. Receipt to William Preston for- £5 7s, Oct. 13 for 107 days' service as soldier in his company 6QQ93 prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Davison, John. Receipt to William Preston for £4 10s. Oct. 13 for ninety-six days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ95 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Jackson, Francis. Receipt to William Preston for £1 9s. Oct. 13 for twenty-nine days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ95 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p." 1757 Jackson, Francis. Receipt to William Preston for 40s. Oct. 13 for forty days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ95 pany prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Jackson Sr., John. Receipt to William Preston for money Oct. 13 received for provisions delivered at Fort Lewis. 6QQ39 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Jackson [Sr.], John. Receipt to William Preston for £4 Oct. 13 5s. for eighty-five days' service as a soldier in 6QQ94 his company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Lockhart, James. Receipt to William Preston for £1 19s. Oct. 13 for thirty-nine days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ92 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 McClintock, William. Receipt to William Preston for £9 Oct. 13 18s. for carrying for his company. Witnessed 6QQ38 by John Buchanan. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Miller, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 39s. for Oct. 13 thirty-nine days' service as a soldier in his company; and for £6 8s. for ninety-six days' 6QQ94 service as sergeant prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. lp. 1757 Miller, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £5 10s. Oct. 13 for 110 days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ96 pany prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [25] Wisconsin Historical Society 1757 Scott, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £3 6s. for Oct. 13 sixty-six days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ96 pany prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Wilson, George. Receipt to William Preston for £2 17s. Oct. 13 2d. for provisions delivered to Sergeant Hu- 6QQ38 gart at Fort Lewis. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Wilson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £3 5s. Oct. 13 8d. for provisions for the use of his company. 6QQ39 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Matthews, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Oct. 15 8s. for forty-eight days' service as a soldier in his company prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed 6QQ97 by Audley Paul. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Paul, Audley. Receipt to William Preston for £80 in Oct. 15 payment for service as first lieutenant in his 6QQ3 company of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Armstrong, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for 8s. Oct. 18 Wd. for provisions furnished his company. 6QQ40 D. S. 1 p. 1757 Mullen, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for 19s. Oct. 24 for nineteen days' work at Fort George. Wit nessed by Samuel Wilson. Signed by mark. 6QQ22 1 p. 1757 Mullen, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £6 18s.' Oct. 24 for 138 days' service as a soldier in his com pany prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by Sam- 6QQ97 uel Wilson. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Lewis, Andrew. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to Capt. Wil- Oct. 28 liam Preston, Fort Prince George. Arrived yesterday from Williamsburg ; Governor Din- 1QQ162 widdie to leave the latter part of next month; instructions concerning his [Preston's] com pany of rangers. A. L. S. 1 p. 1757 Preston, William. Letter to Maj. [Andrew] Lewis. Oct. 29 Thanks for continued favors; requests an in terview at Captain Dunlap 's which is on 1QQ163 Lewis' route to Fort Young; anxious to re ceive his instructions; two children taken from [26] Papers of William Preston Captain Dunlap 's; recommends David Robin son for appointment as a subaltern. Auto, draft, signed. 1 p. Endorsed : Letter to Major Lewis 29th Octr 1757. 1757 McClintock, William. Receipt to William Preston for Nov. 5 £12 18s. for carrying provisions. Witnessed 6QQ44 by Elijah McClanahan. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Is. for Nov. 17 forty-one days' service as a soldier in his com pany prior to May 1, 1757. Witnessed by Wil- 6QQ98 liam Thompson. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1757 Stevenson, Thomas. Receipt to Wiliiam Preston for 12s. Nov. 17 for twelve days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ98 pany prior to May 1,1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Weaks [ ?] , Henry. Receipt to William Preston for 12s. Nov. 17 for twelve days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ99 pany prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Buchanan, Archibald. Receipt to William Preston for Nov. 18 pay as a soldier and corporal in his company 6QQ7 of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Hicklin^ John. Receipt to William Preston for £1 10s. Nov. 19 lOd. for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ62 1757 Lewis, Andrew. Orders to Capt. William Preston. In- Nov. 19 structing him to engage sixty-five men to serve as rangers under his command in Augusta 1QQ164 County until August 1 ; regulations concern ing payments, monthly returns, purchase of provisions, and furloughs. D. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Instructions 19th Novr 1757. 1757 Jones, Gabriel. Receipt to William Preston for William Nov. 23 McGeagh's pay as a soldier in Preston's com- 6QQ13 pany of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Burnsides, James. Receipt to William Preston for £11 6s. Nov. 29 Id. for provisions for his company at Fort 6QQ45 George. D. S. 1 p. [27] Wisconsin Historical Society [1757] Lloyd, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £5 Nov. 30 16s. for eighty-seven days' service as a soldier in his company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S.. 6QQ99 1 p. 1757 Hog, James. Receipt to William Preston for £49 15s. id. Dec. 30 being his full pay; and for £18 10s. lOd. in 6QQ66 payment of his provision account. D. S. 1 p. 1757 Reed, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £2 5s. for Dec. 30 ammunition for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ44 1757 Seeley, Jeremiah. Receipt to William Preston for £47 Dec. 30 4s. id. in full for his own and his company's pay; also £9 18s. in payment of his provision 6QQ67 account. Witnessed by Israel Christian. D. S. lp. [1757] Bell, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £7 10s. for 150 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ117 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Belley, Abraham. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £4 18s. 8d. for service as corporal in his company 6QQ126 from June 8 to Aug. 20, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Black, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 13s. for his service between June 8 and Nov. 29r 6QQ117 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Bodkin, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for 7s. for seven days' work at Fort George. Witnessed 6QQ23 by Samuel Campbell. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Bodkin, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £2 10s. for service as a soldier in his company of 6QQ103 rangers from June 8, 1757. Witnessed by Sam uel Campbell. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Bodkin, James. Receipt to William Preston for £8 14s. for 174 days ' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ120 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p.. [1757] Bright, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £1 10s„ for thirty days' service as a soldier at Fort 6QQ72 Lewis. Witnessed by Adam Jordan. Signed by mark. 1 p. [28] Papers of William Preston [1757] Carlile, John. Receipt to William Preston for £8 3s. for 163 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ121 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Cates, Conrad. Receipt to William Preston for 31s. for thirty-one days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ107 pany in 1757. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Codere, John. Receipt to William Preston for pay as a soldier in his company of rangers in 1756. D. 6QQ4 S. 1 p. [1757] Cummings, Josiah. Receipt to William Preston for 24s. for twenty-four days' work at Fort George, 6QQ23 D. S. 1 p. [1757] Cummings, Josiah. Receipt to William Preston for £6 14s. for 124 days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ116 pany between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. lp. [1757] Cunningham, John T. Receipt to William Preston for £1 10s. for flour for the use of his company. Wit- 6QQ41 nessed by Robert Campbell. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Davies, John. Receipt to William Preston for 5s. for five 6QQ20 days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Davies, John. Receipt to William Preston for £10 17s. id. for 163 days' service as a corporal in his com- 6QQ109 pany from June to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Davison, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for pay due his sons, George, James, and John for their 6QQ102 services as soldiers in his company. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Day, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 4s. for forty-four days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ115 pany before Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Day, Nathaniel. Receipt to William Preston for £2 4s. for forty-four days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ114 company before Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Duffy, Patrick. Receipt to William Preston for £5 4s. for 104 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ108 in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [29] Wisconsin Historical Society [1757] Elliot, Andrew. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £7 5s. for 145 days ' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ123 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Estill, Benjamin. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £8 10s. for 170 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ113 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Estill, Bond. Receipt to William Preston for £8 14s. for 174 days ' service as a soldier in his company be- 6QQ113 tween June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Estill, John. Receipt to William Preston for £7 13s. for 153 days ' service as a soldier in his company be- 6QQ117 tween June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Evans, David. Receipt to William Preston for £2 8s. for forty-eight days' service as a soldier at George 6QQ73 Willson 's. Signed by mark. 1 p. * ~~ — ~~ [1757] File, John. Receipt to William Preston for £8 9s. for 169 days' service as a soldier in his company be- 6QQ116 tween June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Folley, John. Receipt to William Preston for £8 15s. for 175 days' service as a soldier in his company be- 6QQ116 tween June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Fulton, William. Receipt to William Preston for £4 13s. for ninety-four days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ122 company between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Gilham, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £5 16s. for 116 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ120 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Gilham, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £8 8s. 3d. 6QQ40 for labor for his company. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Goodwin, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 19s. for service as a soldier in his company prior to 6QQ111 Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by Hugh Hicklin. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Graham, James. Receipt to William Preston for 20s. for 6QQ125 twenty days' service as a soldier in his company prior to December, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [30] Papers of William Preston [1757]6QQ115 [1757] 6QQ8[1757] 6QQ119 [1757] 6QQ125 [1757] 6QQ118 [1757] 6QQ102 [1757] 6QQ112 [1757] 6QQ114 [1757] 6QQ105 [1757] 6QQ107 [1757] 6QQ72 [1757] 6QQ104 Green[?], Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £4 13s. for ninety-three days' service as a soldier in his company between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Gun, George. Receipt to William Preston for pay as a soldier in his company of rangers. Witnessed by David Robinson. Signed by mark. 1 p. Hall, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 15s. for fifteen days' service as a soldier in his company prior to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Hamilton, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 15s. for fifty -five days' service as a soldier in his com pany prior to December, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Harper, Matthew. Receipt to William Preston for £4 16s. for ninety-six days' service as a soldier in his company prior to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Harmon, Calep. Receipt to William Preston for £8 Is. for service as a soldier in his company of rang ers in 1757. D. S. 1 p. Hicklin, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £7 15s. for 155 days' service as a soldier in his company from June 8 to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Hicklin, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £8 12s. for 172 days' service as a soldier in his company between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Hinds, Edward. Receipt to William Preston for £7 16s. for 156 days' service as a soldier in his company in 1757. D. S. 1 p. Hodge, William. Receipt to William Preston for £5 15s. for 115 days' service as a soldier in his company in 1757. D. S. 1 p. Hugart, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £3 18s. 8d. for fifty-nine days' service as a sergeant at Fort Lewis prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. Jackson, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 7s. for service as a soldier in his company prior to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [31] Wisconsin Historical Society [1757] Jackson [Sr.], John. Receipt to William Preston for 6s. 6QQ20 for six days' work at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Johnson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £7 19s. for 159 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ111 from June 8 to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Jones, Gabriel. Receipt to William Preston for Charles Stringham 's pay as a soldier in Preston's com- 6QQ11 pany of rangers. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Jordan, Adam. Receipt to William Preston for £7 15s. for 155 days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ122 pany between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. lp. [1757] Keening[?], Patrick. Receipt to William Preston for pay as a soldier in his company of rangers in 1756. 6QQ2 Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. lp. [1757] Kinkead, Matthew. Receipt to William Preston for £1 10s. for thirty days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ90 pany prior to May 1, [1757] . D. S. 1 p. [1757] Lewis, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £15 15s. being pay as first lieutenant in his company 6QQ101 prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Lewis, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £41 10s. for service as first lieutenant in his company 6QQ129 between May 1 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Lewis, George. Receipt to William Preston for £5 Is. 6d. for provisions for his company. Witnessed by 6QQ43 John File. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Lockhart, James. Receipt to William Preston for 3s. for 6QQ37 three days' work at Fort Miller. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Long, David. Receipt to William Preston for £7 4s. for 136 days' service as second lieutenant in his 6QQ100 company prior to May 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] McKnight, James. Receipt to William Preston for £1 9s. for twenty-nine days' service as a soldier in his company between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. 6QQ121 S. 1 p. [32] Papers of William Preston [1757] Martin, George. Receipt to William Preston for 26s. for twenty-six days' service as a soldier in his cora- 6QQ127 pany in November, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Martin, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £1 18s. 8d. for twenty-nine days' service as a sergeant in 6QQ112 his company after June 8; also for £1 13s. for thirty-three days' service as a soldier prior to Nov. 30, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Merchant, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Is. for service as a soldier in his company 6QQ126 from May 1 to July 1, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Miller, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £8 14s. for 174 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ110 from June 8 to Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for £8 lis. for 171 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ110 from June 8 to Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Montaney, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £8 4s. for 164 days ' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ112 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Oliver, James. Receipt to William Preston for £2 6s. for forty-six days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ122 pany between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. lp. [1757] Phagen, Philip. Receipt to William Preston for £8 4s. for 164 days ' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ111 from June 8 to Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by Hugh Hicklin. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Price, William. Receipt to William Preston for £8 9s. for 169 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ119 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Pryor, John. Receipt to William Preston for £5 16s. for 116 days' service as a soldier in his company be tween June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ123[1757] 6QQ124 Pryor, Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £5 14s. for 114 days' service as a soldier in his company 3— H. s. [ 33 ] Wisconsin Historical Society between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by David Long. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Pryor, Richard. Receipt to William Preston for £5 9s. for 109 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ123 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by David Long. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Pullin, Loftus. Receipt to William Preston for £8 5s. for 165 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ119 between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Ramsey, WiUiam. Receipt to William Preston for £6 6s. in full for James and Daniel MeFaul's pay for 6QQ152 March and April and two days in May. D. S. lp. [1757] Rayra, George. Receipt to William Preston for £4 2s. for eighty-two days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ121 pany between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. lp. [1757] Riley, Francis. Receipt to William Preston for pay as a soldier in his company of rangers. Signed by 6QQ14 mark. 1 p. [1757] Rollins, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for £8 12s. for 172 days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ105 pany in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Sanders, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £9 3s. 6d. for service as a drummer in his company 6QQ109 from June 8 to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. lp. [1757] Shaw, James. Receipt to William Preston for £8 for 160 days' pay as a soldier in his company between 6QQ120 June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Skillern, George. Receipt to William Preston for £6 5s. for 125 days' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ104 in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Skfllern, William. Receipt to William Preston for £6 5s. for 125 days ' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ104 of rangers in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Smith, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £11 6s. 8d. for 125 days' service as a sergeant in his com- 6QQ105 pany in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [34] Papers of William Preston [1757] Smith, John. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £7 10s. for 150 days' service as a soldier in his company be- 6QQ113 tween June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Smith, Nicholas. Receipt to William Preston for £5 Is. for 101 days ' service as a ranger in his company 6QQ99 prior to May 1, 1757. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1757] Stewart, William. Receipt to William Preston for £7 4s. for 144 days ' service as a soldier in his company 6QQ118 from June 8 to Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Tencher[?], William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 18s. for fifty-eight days' service as a soldier in 6QQ100 his company. D. S. 1 p. [1757] Williams, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 18s. for fifty-eight days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ114 company between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1757. D. S. lp.' [1757] Wright, John. Receipt to William Preston for pay as a 600108 soldier and corporal in his company in 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Chambers, John. Receipt to William Preston for £4 14s. Jan. 2 for ninety-four days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ106 company of rangers in 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Henderson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Jan. 2 16s. for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ45" 1758 Johnston, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Is. 6d. Jan. 4 for forty-one days ' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ106 pany of rangers after June 8, 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Moore, John. Receipt to William Preston for £24 9d. Jan. 7 received by him from the treasurer on Moore's 6QQ142 account. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Buchanan, Col. John. Receipts to him by officers and Jan. 8- soldiers for their pay prior to Sept. 1, 1758. A. Aug. 7 D. 2 pp. Endorsed : Soldiers Rects. 2QQ1, 2 [35] Wisconsin Historical Society 1758 Maxwell, John. Receipt to William Preston for £192 3s. Jan. 12 for money received from the treasurer on Max- 6QQ141 well's account. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Smith, Margaret. Receipt to William Preston for £20 Jan. 12 which was allowed her by the assembly in the previous May and received by Preston from the 6QQ140 treasurer. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Taylor, Isaac. Receipt to William Preston for £15 6d. Jan. 16 received by him from the treasurer on Taylor's account for sundries delivered to the Cherokee. 6QQ142 D. S. 1 p. 175[8] Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for 7s. 6d. for Jan. 30 labor at Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ48 1758 [Name illegible]. Receipt to William Preston for £20 Feb. 14 allowed by the assembly to Abram Bledsoe for kiUing two Indians. Witnessed by John Brown. 6QQ143 D. S. 1 p. 1758 Gilham, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £4 14s. Mar. 4 9iAd. for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ59 1758 Fleming, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Is. Mar. 20 lid. in full for Abram Bledsoe's pay as a soldier 6QQ10 in Preston's company of rangers. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Clement [s], Jacob. Receipt to William Preston for £11 Mar. 22 4s. Id. for provisions for his company. D. S. 6QQ57 1 p. 1758 Campbell, James. Receipt to William Preston for 15s. 9d. Mar. 24 for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ58 1758 Campbell, William. Receipt to William Preston for £1 Mar. 24 17s. 6d. for butter furnished his company. D. S. 6QQ58 1 p. 1758 Lewis, Andrew. Fort Young. Letter to Col. [John] Apr. 22 Buchanan. Recommends the appointment of Captain Sayers as his first lieutenant, and Wil- 2QQ4 Ham Ingles as ensign. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Col0. Lewis Letter To Col°. Buchanan. [36] Papers of William Preston 1758 VacheL Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £12 8s, June 2 6d. for provisions for his comp,any. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ65 1758 Littleton, Andrew. Receipt to William Preston for £6 [July] 3 12s. Id. for provisions for his company. D. S. 6QQ53 1 p. 1758 Vance, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 14s. 6d. July 3 for carrying flour from Staunton to the Calf 6QQ54 Pasture and to Fort George. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Warwick, WiUiam. Receipt to William Preston for £13 July 3 10s. id. for provisions for his company. D. S. 6QQ53 1 p. 1758 Fauquier, Lieut-Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, Va. Com- Sept. 30 mission to John Buchanan as lieutenant of Au gusta County. Sworn before J. Madison, No- 2QQ7 vember, 1758. Printed form filled in; signed. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0 Buchanan County Lieu*- 1758 Buchanan, John. Fort Fauquier. Voucher to George Sept. Birdwell for beef for the use of his company. On the reverse is Birdwell 's receipt for pay- 2QQ5 ment, Aug. 9, 1759. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: G Birdwells Rect. 1758 Walker, Thomas. Letter to Col. John Buchanan. In- Oct. 16 structing him to buy provisions for his com pany. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Docf Walkers: 2QQ8 Orders for Provisions. 1758 Looney, David. Statement of account against ' ' The Oct. 30 Country" for 7y2 bushels of salt. In Preston's 6QQ133 handwriting. 1 p. 1758 Fauquier, Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Nov. 14 [John] Buchanan. Receipt of his letter by Sergeant Skillern ; disposition of the rangers for 2QQ11 frontier counties; Captain Wade in an ugly scrape in relation to the Cherokee; the Indians not to be molested while hunting. A. L. S. 1 p. 1758 Buchanan, John. Fort Fauquier. Voucher to Capt. John Nov. 23 Maxwell for beef. On the reverse is Maxwell's receipt for payment, May 24, 1759. D. S. 1 p. 2QQ9 Endorsed : Jn° Maxwells Rect. [37] Wisconsin Historical Society 1758 Dec. 1 6QQ135 1758 Dec. 1 6QQ136 1758 Dec. 2 6QQ131 Pullin, Loftus. Receipt to William Preston for £6 19s. 10y»d. for provisions for his company in Octo ber and November, 1758. D. S. 1 p. Williams, John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 18s. 9d. for provisions for his company. Witnessed by Felix Gilbert. Signed by mark. 1 p. Sharpe [?], William. Receipt to William Preston for £7 16s. for provisions furnished his company at Fort George in November, 1758. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. 1758 Whitley, Jonathan. Statement of account against Capt. Dec. 16 David Sayers for flour for the use of his com pany at Fort Ligonier. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : 2QQ9 Whitleys Rect. for flower 16th Deer 1758. 1758 McClure, Alexander. Fort Fauquier. Statement of ac- Dec. 26 count against "The Country" for flour fur nished Capt. [WiUiam] Preston's company. 2QQ9 D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Allexr. M°Clure's Acets. £2:5:0. 1758 Buchanan, Capt. John. "A Summal Book of Provisions for Cap1- Jn°. Buchanan Compy. of Militia — 6QQ138, 139 17-jS." A fragment bearing on the reverse ac counts of Patrick Lowry, Robert Houston, and Abraham Brown against "The Country" for provisions. A. D. 2 pp. 1758-59 Buchanan, John, and Lieut. Joseph McDowell. Fort Fauquier. Statement of flour and beef loaned 2QQ3 to sundry persons while in command of com panies at Fort Fauquier. A. D. 1 p. En dorsed: Jn° Buchanan's Act of Beef & Flour. [1758] Armstrong, John. Receipt to William Preston for 14s. for provisions for his company in 1757. D. S. 6QQ46 1 p. [1758] Black, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for £2 3s. for provisions for his company in 1757. Signed 6QQ47 by mark. 1 p. [1758] Black, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for £1 6QQ64 15s. 7y2d. for provisions for his company in De- [38] Papers of William Preston cember, 1757. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1758] Black, William. Receipt to William Preston for £17 10s. for provisions for his company at Fort George 6QQ137 in October, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Bodikin, James. Receipt to William Preston for £1 12s. 3d. for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ51 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Bodkin, James. Receipt to William Preston for £1 2s. 6d. for beef for his company in November, 1757. 6QQ61 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Bodkin, James. Receipt to William Preston for £3 9s. 10V2d. for beef for his company in November, 6QQ134 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Bratton, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for pay ment for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ59 D. S. lp. [1758] Buchanan, John, and John Paxton. Statement of ac count against "The Country" for flour fur- 6QQ132 nished by them. 1 p. [1758] Buchanan, Col. John, and Thomas Walker. Statement of account against "The Country" for pro- 4QQ185 visions for the use of company commanded by Colonel Buchanan. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col° Buchanan's Ace*. 2nd endorsement: Pro vision Aec* to be settled with Thos. Walker. [1758] Carlile, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £10 7s. Id. for provisions for his company in Novem- 6QQ63 ber, 1757. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1758] Carlile, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £4 for provisions for his company in November, 6QQ136 1758. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1758] C[torn], Jacob. Receipt to William Preston for £3 2s, 6d. for provisions for the use of his company 6QQ46 in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [39] Wisconsin Historical Society [1758] Estill, Benjamin. Receipt to William Preston for £3 5s. for cooperage for his company prior to Decem- 6QQ136 ber, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Estill, Bond, and John Smith. Receipt to William Pres ton for £9 9s. Id. for beef vessels for use of his 6QQ60 fort in November, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Estill, Wallace. Receipt to William Preston for £4 13s. for provisions for his company in 1757. D. S. 6QQ50 1 p. [1758] Estill, Wallaec. Receipt to William Preston for £16 7s. Id. for provisions for his company in November, 6QQ60 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Femster, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £10 10s. Id. for provisions for his company in No- 6QQ60 vember, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Finney, Christopher. Receipt to William Preston for £7 17s. for 157 days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ110 company from June 8 to November 29, 1758. Witnessed by Charles Lewis. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Gay, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £15 for 6QQ47 provisions for his company in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Gilbert, Felix. Receipt to William Preston for £1 7s. for 6QQ52 salt for his company in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] [Gilbert], Felix. Receipt to William Preston for £7 18s. 6QQ63 6d. for provisions for his company. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Gilham, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £4 14s. 9d. for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ47 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Hall, James. Receipt to William Preston for £2 10s. for beef for his company in November, 1758. Wit- 6QQ130 nessed by Charles Lewis. Signed by mark. lp. [1758] Hall, James. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £2 13s. id. for provisions for his company in September, 6QQ130 1758. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 1 p. [40] Papers of William Preston [1758] Hamilton, Andrew. Receipt to William Preston for £2 2s. 8d. for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ58 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Henderson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 14s. for salt for his company in January, 1758. 6QQ56 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Hicklin, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £6 Is. lid. for provisions for his company in 1757. D. S. 6QQ48 1 p. [1758] H[icklin], Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £3 7s. 2d. for provisions for his company in Novem- 6QQ61 ber, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Hicklin, Hugh. Receipt to William Preston for £1 16s. iV2d. for beef for his company in November, 6QQ135 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Hicklin, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £7 8s. Id. for provisions for his company in Novem- 6QQ62 ber, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Hicklin, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £6 10s. Id. for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ49 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Hicklin, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. 6d. for provisions for his company in Novem- 6QQ134 ber, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Hodge, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £3 2s. 6d. for provisions for his company in 1757. Wit- 6QQ51 nessed by Felix Gilbert. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Johnson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £1 9s. 8d. for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ48 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Johnson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Os. 2y2d. for provisions for his company in Novem- 6QQ61 ber, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Johnson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £3 14s. 9d. for provisions for his company in Novem- 6QQ134 ber, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [41] Wisconsin Historical Society [1758] Jordan, Adam. Receipt to William Preston for £1 10s. for provisions for his company in November, 6QQ62 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Jordan, Adam. Receipt to William Preston for £2 18s. 9d. for provisions for his company in 1757. D. S. 6QQ51 1 p. [1758] Kinkead, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £5 2s. 9d. for carrying flour and salt for his company 6QQ55 in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Knox, James. Receipt to William Preston for £4 17s. for ninety-seven days' service as a soldier in his 6QQ128 company between June and November, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Knox, James. Receipt to William Preston for £11 lis. 3d. for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ52 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Knox, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £10 12s. for 159 days' service as a corporal in his com- 6QQ128 pany between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1758. D. S. lp. [1758] Lawrence, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £1 15s. for thirty-five days' service prior to Nov. 6QQ127 30, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Letter, Richard. Receipt to William Preston for £8 15s. for 175 days' service as a soldier in his com pany between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1758. D. S. 6QQ127 1 p. [1758] Lloyd, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £1 lOd. for provisions for his company in October, 1758. 6QQ46 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Lockridge, Andrew. Receipt to William Preston for £3 7s. 6d. for provisions for his company in 1757. 6QQ55 D. S. 1 p. [1758] Long, David. Receipt to William Preston for £32 for 160 days' service as second lieutenant in his 6QQ125 company of rangers between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [42] Papers of William Preston [1758] McClintock, WiUiam. Receipt to William Preston for £8 6s. id. for carrying provisions for his company 6QQ56 in 1757-58. Witnessed by James Dunlap. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1758] McCreery, John. Receipt to William Preston for £10 2s. 7V2d. for provisions furnished his company in 6QQ57 January, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] McCreery, John. Receipt to William Preston for £20 for provisions for his company at Fort George in 6QQ137 October, 1758. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. [1758] McCreery, John, for Sampson Syers. Receipt to William Preston for £5 12s. for beef for his company at 6QQ137 Fort George in October, 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] McKnight, James. Receipt to William Preston for £1 12s. 3d. for provisions for his company in November, 6QQ63 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Mihills, Richard. Receipt to William Preston for 7s. 6d. for salting beef at Fort George in November, 6QQ130 1758. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for £6 16s. 6d. for provisions for his company in 1757 and 1758. 6QQ64 Witnessed by [torn] Lewis. Signed by mark. lp. [1758] Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for £1 19s. lO^d. for provisions for his company in No- 6QQ135 vember, 1758. Signed by mark. 1 p. [1758] Price, William. Receipt to William Preston for £7 3s. for 6QQ59 provisions for his company in 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Pryor Jr., Richard. Receipt to William Preston for £6 12s. for 132 days' service as a soldier in his com- 6QQ124 pany between June 8 and Nov. 29, 1758. Wit nessed by William Skillern. Signed by mark. lp. [1758] Pullin, Loftus. Receipt to William Preston for £3 16s. for provisions for his company in 1757. D. S. 6QQ50 1 p. [43] Wisconsin Historical Society [1758] Pullin, Loftus. Receipt to William Preston for payment for provisions furnished his company in Novem- 6QQ62 ber, 1757. D. S. 1 p. [1758] [Torn], Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £14 7s. Id. for provisions for his company in 1757. Wit- 6QQ55 nessed by Andrew Lockridge. D. S. 1 p. [1758] Tencher, Samuel. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for 31s. 6d. for salt for his company in November, 1757. D. 6QQ57 S. 1 p. [1758] Wilson, Stephen. Receipt to William Preston for 15s. for "riding an express and horse hire for his 6QQ49 company" in 1757. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Ingles, Lieut. William. Fort Fauquier. Vouchers to Jan. 3 John Moore for pork and flour for the use of Col. John Buchanan's company. On the reverse 2QQ12 is John Moore's order on Colonel Buchanan for £7 5s. IO14 d., Oct. 5, 1759; also James Mc- Gavock's receipt to Colonel Buchanan for the amount, Oct. 12, 1759. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Wm. Ingles Leu*. Rec*. 1759 Moore, John. Statement of account against Col. John Jan. 3 Buchanan for pork and flour for the use of his company. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Jn° Moors 2QQ12 Ace* £7" 6" 2. 1759 Crockett, John. Receipt to Col. John Buchanan for £6 13s. Jan. 9 to be paid to David Sayers, Thomas Baker, John Gregory, and John Fay for their services as 2QQ5 soldiers at Fort Fauquier up to September, 1758, Witnessed by Alexander Buchanan and Thomas Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Jn° Crockett Rec* for the men's Pay at Fort Ligonier. 1759 Potts, John. Fort Fauquier. Receipt to Col. [John] Bu- Jan. 12 ehanan £2 6s. for provisions for the use of his company. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Jn° Potts Recp* 2QQ14 £2:6: for Beef. 1759 Looney, Robert. Fort Fauquier. Receipt to Col. John Jan. 15 Buchanan for £6 5s. 3d. in payment for beef for the use of his company. Signed by mark. 1 p. 2QQ14 Endorsed: Robert Luneys Recp* £6" 5 "3 for Beef. [44] Papers of William Preston 1759 Ramsey, William. Fort Fauquier. Statement of account Jan. 16 against "The Country" for flour furnished Col. [John] Buchanan's company. D. S. 1 p. En- 2QQ14 dorsed: Wm Ramsey's ace* £6"5"0. 1759 Allison, John. Statement of account against "The Coun- Jan. 17 try ' ' for flour furnished Col. [John] Buchanan 's company at Fort Fauquier. Signed by mark. 2QQ14 1 p. Endorsed : Jn° Allisons ace* £4:5 :iy2. 1759 Lyle, Samuel. Fort Fauquier. Statement of account Jan. 17 against "The Country" for flour furnished Col. [John] Buchanan's company. D. S. 1 p. En- .2QQ14 dorsed : Sam1. Lyles ace*. £5 : 14 : 6. 1759 Dale, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for £12 18s. Feb. 7 10y2^. on his account, and £4 2s. 8d. on Edward Keeny's account for provisions delivered at Fort 6QQ147 Young for the use of Preston's company. Wit nessed by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1759 Gilmore, John. Receipt to William Preston for £28 3y2d. Feb. 7 on his account; £10 12s. on Robert Young's ac count; £2 9s. on William McKenny's account. 6QQ146 and £7 Is. 9d. on John Beaty's account, being in payment for provisions delivered at Fort Young. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1759 McKown, John. Receipt to William Preston for £14 2s. 6d. Feb. 7 for provisions delivered at Fort Young for the use of his company. Witnessed by Thomas Lloyd. 6QQ147 D. S. 1 p. 1759 McKeachy, James. Receipt to William Preston for £3 7s. Feb. 10 6d. on his own account; and £7 Is. 6d. on John Mason's account for provisions for Preston's 6QQ148 company at Evans' Mill. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Tosh, Tasker. Receipt to William Preston for £6 2s. 71/2<2. Feb. 10 for provisions delivered at Evans' Mill for the 6QQ148 use of his company. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Tosh, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £20 15s. Feb. 10 for provisions delivered at Evans' Mill for the 6QQ148 use of his company. D. S. 1 p. [45] Wisconsin Historical Society 1759 Dryden, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £8 16s. Feb. 28 2d. for flour for his company at Evans' Mill. D. 6QQ149 S. 1 p. 1759 [Buchanan, John?] Memoranda of provisions belonging to Mar. 13- the public store that were delivered to Lieut. Apr. 27 [Joseph] McDowell, Capt. Peter Hog, [Wil liam?] Ingles, Thomas Ramsey, and Swearing- 2QQ18 ham [Swearingen]. A.D. 2pp. 1759 Hog, Peter. Receipt to Col. John Buchanan for arms and Mar. 13 a drum, belonging to Augusta County, for the use of Hog's company of rangers. D. S. 1 p. 2QQ15 Endorsed: Hogs Rect. 1759 McDoweU, Joseph. Fort Fauquier. Receipt to Col. John Mar. 17 Buchanan for provisions on account of Dr. Thomas Walker, contractor for provisions for 2QQ15 His Majesty's forces in the county of Augusta. Witnessed by Samuel Young and John McFer- ran. On same sheet : Memorandum of stores be longing to "the Country" left in his care by Col. John Buchanan. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Lieut Mcdowells Recets of Stores. 1759 Bratton, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £25 8s. Mar. 20 lid. for provisions for his company of rangers. 6QQ149 Witnessed by John Trimble. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Campbell, James. Receipt to William Preston for £8 4s. 5d. Mar. 20 for provisions for his company at Fort Young. 6QQ144 D. S. 1 p. 1759 Campbell, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £7 6s. Mar. 20 3d. for provisions at Fort Young. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ144 1759 Hubbard, Lieut. Edward. Statement charging John Mar. 20 Walker of Capt. [William] Preston's company with contempt and refusal to obey orders. Wit- 2QQ16, 17 nessed by David Kennedy, ensign of the Vir ginia regiment. A. D. S. 2 pp. 1759 Bryan, James. Receipt to William Preston for £31 12s. 6d. Mar. 22 for provisions delivered at Evans' Mill for the 6QQ145 use of his company. D. S. 1 p. [46] Papers of William Preston 1759 Smith, Colonel, and John Buchanan. "An ac*. of Flour May 8 in the flour Room at fort Fauquier ye 8 of May 1759 weighed by Col° Smith and John Buchan- 2QQ20 an." A.D. 1 p. Endorsed: Old Military Papers. 1759 Robinson, David. Letter to Col. William Preston. In re- May 18 ply to invitation to visit him. Preston character ized as being a social devotee, while the writer 2QQ21 claims to be of a philosophical turn of mind. A L. Signed "A Peripatetic." 3 pp. Endorsed: David Robinson Lett1*. May 18th 1759. 1759 Johnston, John. Receipt to William Preston for £1 14s. July 11 for service as a soldier in his company, and in 6QQ150 full of all accounts. D. £ 1 p. 1759 Anderson, James. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. July 12 on account of WiUiam Skillern. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ153 1759 Duffy, Patrick. Receipt to William Preston for £4 16s. July 12 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1541759 Edwards, Amos. Receipt to William Preston for £3 5s. July 12 in full of all accounts. Signed by mark. 1 p. 6QQ151 [1759] File, John. Receipt to William Preston for £1 8s. in full July 12 of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ150 1759 Gibson, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £9 2s. on July 12 account of his brother, George Gibson, and him- 6QQ152 self. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Graham, John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. in July 12 full of James Graham 's pay. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ154 1759 Graham, John. ~ Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. in July 12 full of David Graham's pay. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ155 1759 Long, David. Receipt to William Preston for £3 18s. be- July 12 ing the balance of his pay as lieutenant in his company for March, April, and two days in May, 6QQ155 1759. D. S. 1 p. [47] Wisconsin Historical Society 1759 Rollins, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for £1 17s. July 12 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ151 1759 Stevenson, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for 8s. July 12 for eight days' work at Fort Amherst. D. S. 6QQ154 1 p. 1759 Walker, John and Philip. Receipt to William Preston for July 12 £6 6s. in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1531759 Clendennin, Charles. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £3 5s, July 14 in full of James Clendennin 's pay. Witnessed 6QQ156 by Thomas Gilham. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1759 Hinds, Edward. Receipt to William Preston for £7 15s. July 14 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1561759 Hugart, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £7 10s. July 14 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ157 1759 Pitchlynn, Isaac. Receipt to William Preston for £5 9s. 6d. July 14 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ157 1759 Stewart, William. Receipt to William Preston for £1 19s. July 14 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ158 1759 Carlile, John. Receipt to William Preston for £6 19s. re- July 16 ceived from the treasurer, being pay as a soldier 6QQ170 and for work at Fort Amherst. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Phagen, Philip. Receipt to William Preston for £3 5s. in July 18 full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1731759 Robinson, John. Receipt to William Preston for 15s. for July 25 building a granary at Evans' Mill. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ159 1759 Davison, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £4 15s. July 26 being his son's pay in Preston's company until 6QQ159 May 4, 1759. D. S. 1 p. [48] Papers of William Preston 1759 Cunningham, William. Receipt to William Preston for £3 July 27 10s. 3d. on account of James Askew. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ164 1759 Lewis, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £21 13s. July 27 Id. in full of his own and Matthew Roberts' pay. 6QQ164 D. S. 1 p. 1759 McKnight, James. Receipt to William Preston for 41s. July 27 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ161 1759 Miller, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 17s. in July 27 full of his son, Hugh's pay. Witnessed by George 6QQ160 Skillern. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1759 Preston, William. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to Capt. James July 27 Lockhart. In the absence of Colonels Smith and Buchanan he orders him to draft twenty men 3QQ138 and send' them to that part of the Calf Pasture that is most annoyed by the Indians. Auto. draft, signed. 1 p. 1759 Skillern, George. Receipt to William Preston for 21s. on July 27 account of Thomas Stevenson; 10s. on account of Samuel McNabb; and 14s. on account of -6QQ160 William Hutchinson. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Knox, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £4 17s. 6d. July 30 for service as a corporal in his company in 1759 ; also £2 4s. 3d. on account of Thomas Herbert. 6QQ165 D. S. 1 p. 1759 RusseU, Andrew. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £2 in July 30 full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ161 1759 Mathews, John. Fort Fauquier. Receipt to Col. [John] Aug. 2 Buchanan for £4 7s. lOd. in payment for flour delivered to Thomas Tosh. D. S. 1 p. En- 2QQ18 dorsed : Jn°. Mathews Rect. 1759 Smith, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £5 lis. 3d. Aug. 4 on account of Peter Atkins, Robert McElwrath 6QQ162 and himself. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Fulton, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £3 4s. Aug. 13 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ166 4-H. S. [ 49 ] Wisconsin Historical Society 1759 Cloyd, David. Receipt to William Preston for £16 19s. id. Aug. 15 on account of William Graham for ' ' service done 6QQ166 to the Cherrokees". D. S. 1 p. 1759 Kinkead, James. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. Aug. 15 in full of all accounts. Witnessed by James 6QQ168 Trimble. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1759 Kinkead, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. Aug. 15 in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ167 1759 Stevenson, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for £3 lis. Aug. 15 for Murphy's pay and in full of all accounts. 6QQ167 D. S. lp. 1759 Trimble, James. Receipt to William Preston for £5 13s. Aug. 15 in full of Thomas King's pay. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1671759 Armstrong, William. Receipt to William Preston for Aug. 16 David Cosby £2 2s. 3d. in full of Cosby 's note. 6QQ171 D. S. 1 p. 1759 Crockett, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £2 18s. Aug. 16 on account of his brother James. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1691759 Davis, W. M. Receipt to William Preston for £6 10s. in Aug. 16 full of his pay, 18s. for horse hire, and 19d. on 6QQ171 David Cosby 's account. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Estill, Benjamin. Receipt to William Preston for £3 12s. Aug. 16 in full of all demands. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ169 1759 Hamilton, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 13s. Aug. 16 in full for his pay, and £3 3s. in full of Thomas 6QQ172 Kinkead's pay. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Hutchinson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Aug. 16 '2s. in full of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1701759 Peoples, Nathan. Receipt to William Preston for £6 6s. Aug. 16 in full of his son's pay until May 2, 1759. Wit- 6QQ168 nessed by W. M. Davis. Signed by mark. 1 p. [501 Papers of William Preston 175& Ramsey, William. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Is. Aug. 16 in full of Joshua Cox's pay. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ169 1759 Carson, William. Receipt to William Preston for £7 13s. Aug. 17 6d. in full of John and James MeNeal's pay and 6QQ173 for horse hire due to Neal McNeal. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Carpenter, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for £9 3s, Aug. 18 in full of his own, Joseph Carpenter, and John 6QQ174 Sh oiler's pay in Preston's company. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Mound[?], John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Is. Aug. 18 on his own account, £3 Is. on account of Solomon Carpenter, £3 16s. 6d. on account of Peter 6QQ174 Wright, and 21s. on account of Thomas Fitzpat rick. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Tosh, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for 30s. for Aug. 18 labor at Fort Amherst, 29s. on Colonel Maury's account, and 30s. on account of John Mason. D. 6QQ175 S. 1 p. 1759 Thompson, Edward. Receipt to William Preston for £2 Aug. 19 13s. in full of all accounts. Signed by mark. 6QQ175 1 p. 1759 Scott, John. Receipt to William Preston for note to Ed- Aug. 21 ward Hinds for 53s. and lis. in cash. Witnessed 6QQ176 by Mary Preston. Signed by mark. 1 p. Robinson, David. Letter to Col. William Preston. Letter of farewell on his departure from Augusta Coun ty for South Carolina. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : David Robinson friendly letter Aug*. 22nd 1759. Tencher, Samuel. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. for Francis Tencher 's pay and in full of all ac counts. D. S. 1 p. Crank, John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Is. in full of his pay and of all accounts. D. S. 1 p. McElwrath, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 14s. for his service as a soldier and in full of all ac counts. Witnessed by John Brown. Signed by 6QQ177 mark. 1 p. [51] 1759 Aug. 22 2QQ24, 25 1759 Aug. 22 6QQ176 1759 Sept. 4 6QQ177 1759 Sept. 18 Wisconsin Historical Society 1759 Rutledge, William. Receipt to William Preston for- £5 Sept. 26 16s. 3d. in full of Patrick Mathew's pay until he 6QQ178 deserted. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Simms, Charles. Receipt to William Preston for £11 5s. Sept. 27 in full of an order on Preston from David Long 6QQ178 to Robert Simms. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Buchanan, Alexander. Receipt to William Preston for Sept. 29 £2 Is. 6d. on account of Nicholas Smith. D. S. 6QQ179 1 p. 1759 Cummings, Josiah. Receipt to William Preston for £3 16s. Oct. 3 in full of his pay as corporal and all accounts 6QQ180 whatsoever. D. S. 1 p. 1759 Hughes, John. Receipt to William Preston for £21s. Id. Oct. 4 in full of Thomas Burgess' pay. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ179 1759 Purviance, William. Receipt to William Preston for 21s. Oct. 8 on account of John Crank and Edward Thomp- 6QQ180 son. D. S. 1 p. 1759 McKown, John. Receipt to William Preston for £3 4s. on Oct. 9 the order of John Bendy. Witnessed by Thomas 6QQ181 Lloyd. D. S. 1 p. 1759 McKo[wn], Joseph. Receipt to William Preston for £2 7s. Oct. 9 in full of his pay and all accounts. D. S. 1 p. 6QQ1811759 Fauquier, Lieut-Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, Va. Com- Oct. 18 mission to John Buchanan as collector of the duty on skins and furs exported by land in the 2QQ26 county of Augusta. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col Buchanan. 1759 Johnston, Erwaker. Receipt to William Preston for £3 Nov. 21 7s. 3d. in full of his son, Thomas' pay. D. S. 6QQ182 1 p. 1759 Gwin Sr., Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 8s. for Nov. 22 eight days' work at Fort Amherst by his son, Robert. Witnessed by Archibald Alexander. 6QQ182 Signed by mark. 1 p. [52] Papers of William Preston 1759 Nov. 23 6QQ183 1759 Nov. 23 6QQ183 1759 Nov. 26 6QQ184 1759 Dec. 3 6QQ184 [1759] 6QQ158 [1759] 6QQ165 [1759] 6QQ163 1760 Jan. 22 6QQ184 1760 Feb. 22 2QQ27 1760 Feb. 25 6QQ185 1760 Feb. 25 6QQ185 Hart, Silas. Receipt to William Preston for £1 17s. 9d. in full of John Lynn 's pay. D. S. 1 p. Knox, Robert. Receipt to William Preston for 27s. on ac count of Peter Atkins. D. S. 1 p. Martin, James. Receipt to William Preston for £3 5s. in full of his pay and all accounts. D. S. 1 p. Allcorn, James. Receipt to William Preston for £3 3s. full of his pay until May 2, 1759. D. S. 1 p. m M<*Nabb, William. Receipt to William Preston for £2 7s. being the balance due his son, Samuel McNabb. Signed by mark. 1 p. Moffett, George. Receipt to William Preston for £21 6s*.. on account of Thomas Davies. D. S. 1 p. Sleeker, Luderich. Receipt to William Preston for £6 2s. in full of his own and his son's pay; also 6s. on account of Hugh Miller, and 6s. on account of Samuel McNabb. D. S. 1 p. Davies, Thomas. Receipt to WiUiam Preston for £2 9s. in full of all accounts. Witnessed by Benjamin Estill. Signed by mark. 1 p. Adams, James. Philadelphia. Letter to Capt. William Preston, Augusta [County], Va. A reward of fered for the apprehension of persons concerned in murder of Indians in the province [Pennsyl vania] ; Davis to be informed of his wife's improved health. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: James Adams, Winter. Gredie, John. Receipt to William Preston for 45s. in full of his pay. Witnessed by William Thompson. Signed by mark. 1 p. McClellan, John. Receipt to William Preston for £2 13s. 9d. in full of his pay and all accounts. Witnessed by Uriah Akers. Signed by mark. 1 p. [53] Wisconsin Historical Society 1760 Hicklin, Thomas. Receipt to William Preston for 31s. May 21 in full of John Smith's pay as a soldier in his 6QQ186 company. D. S. 1 p. 1760 Miller, Andrew. Receipt to William Preston for 15s. 10d. May 23 received from the treasurer on account of his 6QQ186 father, John Miller. D. S. 1 p. 1760 Fauquier, Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. June 24 [William] Preston, Augusta [County, Va.] Re fuses to grant, without consent of the Council, 2QQ28, 29 the petition of inhabitants of Augusta County for militia protection against the Indians ; claims that their fears are unreasonable, and upbraids them for talking of abandoning their settle ments. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Francis Fauquier. 1760 Buchanan, John. "An acct of Beeves Slaughtred at Aug. 2- James River and Delivered out, to wagoners, Nov. 5 Pak horsemen, & Soldiers, in the Countrys Serv ice, Since the Second of August Last till ye 2QQ30 5 Novbr." D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: An acct of Beeves Slaughterd at James River pr ordr of the Contractor. Settled for J. B. 1760 Lewis, Thomas. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to [William Aug. 17 Preston] . Financial matters ; Indian boundaries ; Andrew [Lewis] to meet the Cherokee at the 2QQ105 mines, and fix boundary between them and the colony; opportunity for surveying when the southern limit is fixed ; late disturbances at Bos ton. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr Thos- Lewis's Letter Aug*. 17th. 1768. 1760 Sayers, Alexander, Wagonmaster. Dunkard Bottom. Cer- Aug. 30 tificate of discharge to James Robertson, driver of William Preston's wagon. On the reverse is 2QQ30 Robertson's receipt for his pay, dated Apr. 29, 1761. D. S. 1 p. 1761 Byrd, Bevill. Receipt to William Preston for £2 18s. 6d. May 27 for service as a soldier in his company of £QQ186 rangers. D. S. 1 p. [54] Papers of William Preston 1761 Lewis, Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston. His Aug. 6 visit postponed by the coming of Doctor Walker on business of some consequence; congratula- 2QQ31 tions on Preston's marriage. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Thomas Lewis Letter. 1761 Fauquier, Lieut.-Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, Va. Com- Sept. 4 mission to John Buchanan as sheriff of Augusta County. Printed form filled in; signed. 1 p. 2QQ32 Endorsed: Buchanan's [commission 1761 Rodgers, George. Receipt to William Preston for 9s. for Oct. 23 nine days' work at Fort Amherst and in full of 6QQ101 all accounts to date. D. S. 1 p. l'/61 Randolph, John. Letter to [Andrew Hayes, Augusta Nov. 3 County, Va.] Referring to petition brought against Nelson for his land, states that he has 2QQ33 obtained a certificate in his [Hayes's] favor; and that a patent will be granted him. A. L. S. lp. Ward, W. Receipt to William Preston for £2 10s. received from the treasurer on his account. D. S. 1 p. 1761 Nov. 4 6QQ145 1761 Robinson, David. Boston. Letter to Col. William Pres- Nov. 5 ton, Augusta County, Va. Left Philadelphia Oct. 10 and encountered a hurricane off Mar- 2QQ34-36 tin's [Martha's] Vineyard; encloses papers re lating to Colonel McNutt ; his expected appoint ment as Governor of Nova Scotia ; the Devil and the Pope burned in effigy; procession through the streets of Boston; messages to Craig, Colonel Buchanan, and Hugart. A. L. S. 3 pp. En dorsed: David Robinson. 1761 Todd, John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Augusta Dec. 4 [County, Va.] Asking that Miller's work on Psalmody, which was to be left in Preston's care 2QQ37 be sent him by Black ; and inquiring about Wad- dell and Brown. A. L. S, 2 pp. Endorsed: Jn° Todd. 1762-67 [Preston, William.] Account-book showing names of Dec. 28 people for whom he made surveys, his charges July 25 therefor, and in some instances the location of 2QQ62-90 land. A. D. 29 pp. [ 55 ] Wisconsin Historical Society 1763 [Robinson, David.] Letter to Col. William Preston, Mar. 21 Greenfield, Roanoke. Relating to his quest for wealth; the philosophy of Epictetus; his pro- 2QQ39-41 posed journey to Staunton, thence to Winches ter, Fort Cumberland, the Cow Pasture, Phila delphia or Pittsburgh; reference to Walker's cargo; the collection of a debt. A. L. Signed "A Peripatetick". Endorsed: 1763. 1763 Fauquier, Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. July 24 William Preston, Augusta [County, Va.] Meas ures for defense of the county; Colonel Calla- 2QQ42 way to furnish the militia demanded of him; a meeting of the Council called for August 1 ; ref erence to his letter to Colonel Buchanan. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Fran8. Fauquier July 23rd 1763. 1763 Ingles, William. Fort Hope. Letter to Col. William Sept. 13 Preston, Greenfield. Informs of his attack on party of Indians on their return from Smith 2QQ43 River; hopes to encounter another party said to have gone down the "Meho" River; would like to continue at his present post ; could be of great service to the settlements; Colonel Phelps's re fusal to obey orders ; would not send any of his men with Cloyd. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Wm Ingles. 1764 Robinson, David. Fort Lookout. Letter to [William Feb. 18 Thompson, Springfield]. Will try to supply him with provisions on Captain Saver's return 2QQ44 from the mines ; has been some time in Bedford adjusting "our accompts"; referring to his [Thompson's] late misfortune, he states that Colonel Buchanan is. going to London to redress his grievances, and that Colonel Preston will at tempt the same embassy for him [Thompson] ; loss of Dunkard Bottom. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: David Robinson. 1764 Lewis, Andrew. Letter to [William Preston]. Author- Apr. 4 ized by the governor to employ 450 men for the defense of the frontier; instructions concerning 2QQ46-48 disposition of the troops, ammunition and pro visions; Darr's petition; detention of Cloyd 's [56] Papers of William Preston money. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Tho3. [sic] Lewis Letter. 1764 Christian, Capt. William. Pay-roll of his company of mil- Apr. 6- itia. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. Endorsed: Sept. 6 Cap*. Christians Roll to be taken to Wmsburg 2QQ52-55 and compared with the original Roll. 1764 Brown, Rev. John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Roa- [June] 8 noke, [Va.] The Indians likely to carry on the war during the summer with boldness; Captain 2QQ49 Lewis overtook those who killed the people at the Cow Pasture, killed one Frenchman and res cued seven prisoners, among them Elijah Mc- Clanahan; asks advice concerning safety of his mother; John Trimble and Finley the only set tlers beyond her. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Rd Jn Brown. 1764 Hog, Peter. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to Col. William Sept. 15 Preston, Greenfield. Relating to claims of the widow of Tasker Tosh for his pay; his intended 2QQ56, 57 journey to Richmond in October or November. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Peter Hog 1764. 1764 Lewis, Andrew. Letter to Col. William Preston, Roanoke. Dec. 20 Concerning the discharge of men following Bouquet's treaty, the surrender of prisoners, 2QQ58, 59 and disposition of hostages ; illness of McNeill. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: A. Lewis. 1764 Robinson, David. Certificate of discharge to William Dec. 27 Hays a soldier in his company, showing an amount of £3 17s. including bounty, due him. 2QQ60 On the reverse is Hays's receipt to Thomas Barnes for the amount of the certificate, dated June 7, 1765; also Barnes's receipt to William Preston. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Wm Hays £3_17_0 p\ 31st. 1774. 1774 Dunmore, [John]. Williamsburg, [Va.] Land warrant Feb. 5 to Angus McDonald for 2000 acres in Fincastle County. D. S. 1 p. Seal attached. Endorsed: 3QQ6 Angus McDonald 2000 Acres come to Hand ye 16th of May 1774. 1774 Dunmore, [John]. WiUiamsburg, [Va.] Land warrant Feb. 12 to Zachary Taylor for 200 acres of land in Fin castle County, in return for mihtary service; 3QQ7 assignment of interest in same to Hancock Tay lor. D. S. 1 p. Seal attached. Endorsed: Zach Taylor assd. to Hancock Taylor War rant 200. 1774 Brown, John. Letter to [William Preston]. Receipt of Feb. 18 books; regrets his [Preston's] ill health; scar city of money; fears he will be unable to make 3QQ8 payment on his land for a long while ; his school flourishing; William and James Breckin ridge doing well; advantages of an education; inquiry as to balance due on Reed Creek land. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr Brown's Letter Feby. 18th- 1774. not answered. 1774 Dunmore, [John]. Land warrant to Joseph Bickley for Feb. 25 2000 acres in Fincastle County, [Va.] D. S. 1 p. Seal attached. Endorsed: Joseph Bickly 3QQ9 2000. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Memorandum to the surveyor of Fin- Mar. 1 castle County, [Va.] of lands to be entered for Henry Harrison, Colonel Byrd and himself. 3QQ10 A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mem0S- of Entrys Dandridge, Christian & Campbell. 1774 Walker, Dr. Tliomas. Letter to Lewis, Augusta Mar. 1 [County, Va.] Hopes to be at his house by 17th [68] Papers of William Preston inst. ; recommends Rutherford, who waits on 3QQ10 him with sundry warrants, as a surveyor; would like Doack or Smith to attend to busi ness matters. Copy by Draper. 1 p. En dorsed: Dr Walker's letter. 1774 Dunmore, [John] . Land warrant to Theodosius McDonald Mar. 5 for 2000 acres in Fincastle County, [Va.] in re turn for service as ensign in the Second Vir- 3QQ11 ginia Regiment. Daniel McDonald desirous of locating same. D. S. 1 p. Seal attached. Endorsed: A Warrant for Theodosius McDonald 2000 acres. 1774 Winston, Edmund. Letter to Col. William Preston, sur- Mar. 13 veyor of Fincastle County, [Va.] Has au thorized William Henry to enter for him 2000 3QQ12 acres of land to which he is entitled through his father's service as lieutenant of Captain Overton's company of rangers. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: E Winston Letter to Col Preston. 1774 Lewis, Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston. Record- Mar. 15 ing of surveys; officers' warrants; his refusal to sign surveys made by Crawford who ob- 3QQ13 tained an assistant's commission through Col onel Washington; refers to Doctor Walker for information. Auto, draft. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr Thos Lewis's Letter March 15th 1774. 1774 Robertson, Capt. James. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mar. 21 Fincastle [County, Va.] Just returned from Roanoke; sorry for his loss of negro boy; 3QQ14 obliged for commission; his captain's commis sion dated Jan. 25, 1765. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Cap*. Robertson's Letter March 21s* 1774. 1774 Smith, Capt. Daniel. Castle's Woods. Letter to Col. Mar. 22 William Preston, Smithfield. Indian alarms; flight of the settlers to Holston; survey of 3QQ15 Lynch 's mill site; journey to Rye Coves; money scarce. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* D. Smith's Letter. March 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 2, 3. [69] Wisconsin Historical Society 1774 Mar. 3QQ16 Dunmore, [John]. [Virginia.] Land warrant to James 29 McDowell for 2000 acres in Fincastle County. D. S. 1 p. Seal attached. Endorsed: Jas. McDowell's Warr*. 2000 Acres. 1774 Dunmore, [John]. [Virginia.] Land warrant to George Mar. 29 Moffett for 2000 acres in Fincastle County. D. S. 1 p. Seal attached. Endorsed: George 3QQ16 Moffetts Warr*. for 2000 Acres. 1774 Cloyd, Capt. Joseph. Letter to Col. William Preston. Apr. 4 Sends list of the men in his company, and asks that the dividing line in territory, from which he 3QQ17 and Trigg are to draw their men, be determined. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Cloyds Lettr & Muster Roll 4th Ap. 1774. 94 men. 1774 Russell, Capt. William. Instructions to Richard Stan- Apr. 15 ton, Edward Sharpe, Ephraim Drake, and Wil liam Harrel, scouts. Ordered to Powell's Val- 3QQ18 ley to look for Indian signs; should no Indians be discovered they are to locate the Cherokee boundary; hostilities to be avoided. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Russells Instructions to the Scouts. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore' s War, pp. 4-6. 1774 Floyd, John (Jack). Little Guyandot. Letter to Col. Apr. 26 William Preston, Fincastle [County, Va.] En closes three land warrants; Indian depreda- 3QQ19, 20 tions ; Thomas Glenn, Lawrence Darnell, and William Nash ordered off the river; George Croghan's instructions to Indians; skirmish at mouth of Beaver Creek ; enclosed Colonel Wash ington 'splat in recent letter ; asks "which river is the line to the Ohio". A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Mr Floyd & Mr Dandridge's Letters. 1774 Blair, John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Wil- May 3 liam Preston, surveyor of Fincastle. Instruc tions from the governor and council concerning 3QQ21 Capt. Thomas Bullitt's surveys in Fincastle County. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Order of Council ab* Cap* Bullets Surveys. 1774 Bullitt, Thomas. Letter to [William Preston]. Sub- [May] 4 mitting sundry plats of his surveys with in- [70] Papers of William Preston formation in regard thereto; enclosing letter 3QQ22 from Blair, clerk of the council; and mention ing the expected coming of Colonel Washington to look after lands. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Thos Bullet about Surveys 1774. 1774 Russell, William. Letter to [William Preston]. Evacu- May 7 ation of plantations on Clinch River; return of scouts ; encloses copy of his instructions to them 3QQ23 and their report, the latter to be laid before the assembly; the Cherokee and Virginia boundary; application for land warrant. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap*. Russell's Let ter 7th May 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore' s War, pp. 19-22. 1774 P[reston], W[illiam]. Fincastle [County, Va.] Letter May 14 to Col. [WilUam] Byrd. Opposing division of Fincastle County. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. 3QQ24 Endorsed : Copy of a Letter to Col0. Byrd. 1774 [Preston, William.] Letter to Col. [Edmund] Pendle- [May 14] ton. Acknowledges justice of claim against estates of Col. James Patton and Colonel Bu- 3QQ25 chanan, and sends certain funds by Patrick Lockhart in payment thereof; opposes the pro posed division of Fincastle County, and asks that the petition of people oh Holston be held over until the next assembly; the court-house not centrally located. Auto, draft. 2 pp. En dorsed: a copy of a Letter to Col°. Pendleton 1774. 1774 Dandridge, Alexander Spotswood. Letter to [William May 15 Preston]. Informs of his return from the Ohio, having intrusted Lawrence Darnell with 3QQ26 the locating of his lands; left his company of thirty-three men on Little Guyandot, April 27; meeting with Hancock Taylor; Floyd's survey for Colonel Washington; requests that 1000 acres of land be entered for him on Law rence's Creek. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore' s War, pp. 22-24. 1774 Crow, Capt. William. Letter to [William Preston] . Re- May 27 commending the bearer, D. Porter, as a sur- [71] Wisconsin Historical Society veyor. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Crows 3QQ28 Letter by D Porter. 1774 Preston, William. Letter to Capt. Samuel MeDowell, May 27 Williamsburg, [Va.] Concerning payment of scouts sent out by Capt. [William] Russell 3QQ27 from Clinch River; election of a burgess to be held June 10 at Doack 's. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: W. P.'s Letter to Cap*. McDowell ab*. Scouts, 1774. 1774 Brown, John. Mr. Howard's. Letter to [William Pres- May 28 ton] . Disappointed in not seeing him at Smith- field; payment of James Steward's account; 3QQ29 quitrents on Potts 's Creek lands and the Calf Pasture tract; failure of crops; danger of In dian inroads. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr Brown's Lett1 May 28th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore' 's War, pp. 26, 27. 1774 Woods, Capt. Michael. Letter to [William Preston]. May 29 Gives list of thirty men living in district "from Rich Creek Mountain to where the county line 3QQ30 strikes the river"; also a list of names of eleven men living on the other side of the river. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Woods List. Printed: Crozier, William A., Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776 (N. Y. 1905), p. 79; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore' s War, pp. 397, 398. 1774 Burk, Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston, Fin- May 30 castle County, Va. Containing list of militia. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Thos Burk s List May 3QQ31 30th 1774. Printed: Crozier, Virginia Colonial Militia, p. 79; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more' s War, pp. 398, 399. 1774 Smith, Daniel. Indian Creek. Letter to [William Pres- May 30 ton] . Concerning the defense of the frontiers, and his efforts to prevent people from aban- 3QQ149 doning their settlements; scarcity of powder; letter to Captain Russell forwarded. Contem porary copy. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore' s War, pp. 30, 31. [72] Papers of William Preston 1774 Doack, Capt. Robert. List of his company of militia. June 2 A.D. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap*. Doack 's List 172 men. Printed: Crozier, Virginia Colonial Mili- 3QQ34 tia, pp. 79, 80; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun- more's War, pp. 399, 400. 1774 Dunmore, [John]. Draper's synopsis of a land warrant June 2 by Dunmore to James Byrn for fifty acres in Fincastle County, [Va.] 1 p. Note by Draper 3QQ33 stating that the original was sent to J. B. Boyd, Maysville, Ky. 1774 Hite Jr., Abraham. Hampshire. Letter to Col. [William] June 3 Preston. The Indian war begun; inhabitants fleeing; his brother and party of surveyors in 3QQ35 danger. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr Hite's Letter June 3d 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 31, 32. 1774 Pendleton, Col. Edmund. Letter to Col. William Pres- June 4 ton, Fincastle [County, Va.] Acknowledges letter of May 14 and funds sent by Lockhart; 3QQ36 petition for dissolution of [Fincastle] County laid over to another session; will endeavor to have court-house removed; asks for informa tion about sale of his lands; current events. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0- Pendleton's Let ter June ith 1774. 1774 Peachey, Col. William. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to June 7 [William Preston]. As to the legality of land entry made by Thomas Bowyer for which he 3QQ37 [Peachey] had obtained Lord Dunmore's war rant to survey. A. L. S. 2 pp. Note by W. P. June 20, 1774. 1774 Lewis, Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston, Fin- June 8 castle County, [Va.] Has referred Robert Montgomery to him for information about his 3QQ38 father's lands; arrangements for sending An drew home; recent orders in regard to sur veys ; the Pennsylvania-Virginia boundary ; Colonel Donelson running the Carolina boun dary. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr. Thos. Lewis June 8th 1774. [73] Wisconsin Historical Society 1774 Dunmore, [John]. Williamsburg, [Va.] Circular letter June 10 to Col. William Preston. Instructions to county lieutenants relating to defense and attack; rec- 3QQ39 ommends erection of forts. L. S. 4 pp. En dorsed : Lord Dunmore 's Letter June 10th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 33-35. 3QQ144 ¦ . Copy. 1774 Campbell, Capt. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to [Wil- June 22 liam Preston] . Received letter with two enclos ures; forwarded them to Watauga, thence to 3QQ41 the nation; wrote to Cameron about late mur der on Watauga; Crabtree's ill conduct; will inform him [Preston] of any true alarm; un easy about Floyd. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap*. Campbell's Letter June 22d 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 40- 42. 1774 Christian, Col. William. Dunkard Bottom, [Va.] Let- June 22 ter to Col. William Preston. Connolly's letter about the Shawnee ; suggests sending Crabtree 3QQ42 in search of the surveyors; the militia anxious for war; plans for fort at mouth of New River. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col0. Christians Let ter 22d June 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 42-46. 1774 Christian, Col. William. New Dublin. Letter to Col. Wil- June 22 liam Preston. Further discussion of his proposed move against the Indians and the erection of 3QQ43 fort [at mouth of New River] ; hopes to see him at Michael Price's on Saturday. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Col0. Christians Letter June 22d 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 46, 47. 1774 Campbell, Capt. Arthur. Letter to [William Preston]. June 23 Received letter of 20th inst. ; sent his brother John to carry out orders about the spy; his in- 3QQ44 structions to spy going out from Holston; the Cherokee would avoid war, but are provoked by Crabtree ; Captain Shelby to send him notice of any alarm ; ammunition from Rocky Ridge. [74] Papers of William Preston A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap* Campbell's Lettr June 23d 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 47-49. 1774 Robertson, Capt. James, Henry Skaggs, and William Hal- June 23 lam. Bluestone. Letter to [William Preston?]. Received letter by Henry Atkins and Andrew 3QQ45 Woods; just returned from scout on Coal River; will set off again to-morrow; Indian rendezvous about forty miles below Culbert- son's; requests powder and paper; letters to be left at William Crawford's. L. S. 1 p. Mutilated. Endorsed: Cap*. Robertson's Let ter 23d June 1774. . Typewritten copy. 1 p. 1774 Russell, Capt. William. Clinch. Letter to [William Pres- June 26 ton]. Received advices of 20th inst. and laid instructions before the people; dissatisfaction 3QQ46 of people on Moccasin Creek; scouts sent out; fears the Cherokee will combine with northern Indians; Daniel Boone and Michael Stoner sent to warn surveyors; Captain Floyd in danger; asks that a second lieutenant be appointed. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Capt. Russells Letter 26th June 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 49-51. 1774 Christian, Col. William. Sawyer's. Letter to [William June 27 Preston]. Asks instructions about summoning men from Trigg's company. A. L. S. 1 p. En- 3QQ48 dorsed: Col°. Christian's Letter from Sayers 27th June 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 55, 56. 1774 Preston, William. Fort Chiswell. Letter to Col. William June 27 Christian. Instructions concerning ranging party which Christian is to command; Captains 3QQ47 Crockett and Campbell and Ensign William Bu chanan to accompany him. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. Endorsed: Instructions to Col°. Chris tian. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 52-55. 1774 Christian, Col. William. Letter to Capt. Joseph Cloyd. June 29 Dickinson's battle with Indians at Greenbrier; [75] Wisconsin Historical Society instructions for defense; messenger to be sent 3QQ49 to Walker's Creek and Bluestone [River] to warn the people of their danger. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Col0- Christians Letter to Capt. Cloyd. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 56, 57. [1774 Campbell, Arthur. Letter to [William Preston]. Set- June] tiers alarmed by killing of Cherokee Indian "Billey"; in need of protection until the mat- 3QQ40 ter can be made up with the chiefs; Crabtree suspected of the deed. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Capt Campbell no date perhaps 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 38, 39. 1774 Campbell, Capt. Arthur. Letter to [William Preston] July 1 Hostilities begun by the Cherokee; measures for defense. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap*. Camp- 3QQ50 bells Letter ab* a Cherokee War. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 57, 58. 1774-75 [Preston, William.] Soldier's Book. An account of July 1- ammunition and provisions furnished to various Oct. 6 inhabitants of the frontiers. A. D. 13 pp. 3QQ151-162 1774 Preston, William. Letter to Col. William Christian. In- July 2 formation just received in letter from Capt. Arthur Campbell concerning hostility of the 3QQ51 Cherokee ; instructions for defense of the coun try; men to be drafted from companies of Captains Herbert, Madison, Crockett, Doack, Arthur and William Campbell, and James Thompson. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. En dorsed: Col0. Christian's Instructions. July 2a 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 59-61. 1774 Russell, Bryce. Holston River. Letter to [William Pres- July 2 ton]. Obliged for the advice to stand their ground and build forts ; impossible to resist the 3QQ52 enemy unless they receive a supply of men and ammunition; strength of Captain Looney 's com- f 76 1 Papers of William Preston pany; threatened removal in March. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Bryce Russell, 1774. 1774 Dunmore, [John]. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. July 3 William Preston. His approval of Captain Connolly's plan to march into the enemy's 3QQ53 country, and to erect forts at the mouth of Wheeling; Preston and Col. Andrew Lewis to support him; advantage of having fort at mouth of the Great Kanawha; order of council concerning location of officers and soldiers' lands. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed : Lord Dunmore 's Letter July 3d 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 61-63. - — . Copy. 3QQ145 — 1774 Christian, Col. William. New Dublin. Letter to [Wil- July 4 liam Preston]. Removal of people on New River to fort at Bell's Meadows; families of 3QQ54 Ninian Cloyd, Smith, and Crouch have gone there ; powder for the expedition ; Colonel Byrd and Madison gone to Vause 's; the families of Ingram, Waggoner, Montgomery, and Patton are at home; proposes setting off in the after noon, if no more news is received; Daniel Trigg to remain during his absence. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col°. Wm. Christian July 4th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 63-66. 1774 Robertson, Capt. James. Culbertson's. Letter to Col. July 5 William Preston. Asks for a furlough at har vest time; scouting about The Glades, Paint 3QQ55 Creek, and Coal River; meeting with Captain Cloyd 's company. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap*. Robertsons Lettr July 5, 1774. 1774 Woods, Michael. Fort Dunmore, Rich Creek, Fincastle July 5 County, [Va.] Letter to Col. William Preston, Draper's Meadows, Fincastle County. Ac- 3QQ56 knowledgment of captain's commission; volun teers to go on ranging expedition; in great need of ammunition; powder sent by William Christian is worthless; about 140 people in the [77] Wisconsin Historical Society fort; impossible to call a muster at present. A. L. S. Endorsed : Michael Woods' Letter July 5th 1774. 1774 Smith, Capt. Daniel. Letter to Col. William Preston, July 8 Fincastle [County, Va.] Indian alarms; flight of the inhabitants ; scouting ; recommends that 3QQ57 Thomas Maxwell be court-martialed, and that a company of men be stationed on the river; encloses his map of [Clinch] river. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Cap* Daniel Smiths Letter 8th July 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 69-71. 1774 Campbell, Capt. Arthur. Holston. Letter to [William July 9 Preston]. Return of the Watauga messengers from Cherokee towns; possibility of preserving 3QQ58 peace; Crabtree became very insolent; ranging parties sent out to cover the frontier. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap*. A. Campbell's Letter July 9th 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 69-71. 1774 Christian, Col. William. Andrew Colvill's. Letter to July 9 [WiUiam Preston] . News from William Falling as to the disposition of the Cherokee ; his ef- 3QQ60 forts to patrol the frontier; alarm on Sandy Creek; Boone gone in search of the surveyors; Crabtree 's trial. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Col°. Christian's Letter July 9th 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 75-78. 1774 Lewis, Col. Charles. Letter to [William Preston]. Men- July 9 tions Captain Dickinson's skirmish with the Indians and wound received by William McFar- 3QQ59 lan at Warm Springs ; people in great confusion ; has just received news from Fort Pitt that In dians are suing for peace. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed : Col0 Charles Lewis's Letter July 9ta 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 73, 74. 1774 Christian, Col. [William]. Captain Russell's Fort. Let- July 12 ter to [William Preston]. Proposing an expe- 3QQ63 dition to the Ohio towns; route followed by [78] Papers of William Preston Boone and Stoner in search of surveyors; erec tion of forts on Clinch River. A. L. 3 pp. En dorsed : Col0 Christians Letter delivered by him self but not signed. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 80-85. 1774 Doack, Capt. Robert. Letter to Col. William Preston, July 12 Fincastle [County, Va.] His movements in de fense of the frontier ; consternation of the people 3QQ61 in districts between Fort Chiswell and head of Holston ; erection of forts at his father 's, James Davis' and Gasper Kinder 's; ammunition re quested A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Doack's Lettr 12th. July, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 73-80. 1774 Lewis, Col. Andrew. Letter to [William Preston]. Re- July 12 f erring to Governor Dunmore, Connolly, and the backwardness of the frontiersmen in fitting 3QQ62 out expedition. A. L. S. 1 p. Fragment. Endorsed: Col0. Lewis's Letter July 12th 1774. Partly printed in Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 87, 88. 1774 RusselL July 13 3QQ64 Capt. William. Fort Preston. Letter to [Wil liam Preston]. Showing the military situation on Clinch River; mentioning the erection of forts Preston, Christian, and Byrd, and Boone's trip in search of the surveyors. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap* Russell's Letter July 14th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 88-91. 1774 Oconastota. Town House in Chota. Letter to Colonels July 16 [Andrew] Lewis and [William] Preston. Ex pressing satisfaction with their letters; his de- 3QQ142 sire to maintain peaceful relations with the Vir ginians and to observe their respective boundary rights; and exhorting against any trespasses upon their lands during the winter. Certified by William Kennedy to be a true copy. 1 p. 1774 Robertson, James. Letter to Col. William Preston. Has July 19 been continually on horseback since receiving 3QQ66 his letter; will have eighteen or twenty men [79] Wisconsin Historical Society ready to start Thursday evening or Friday morning. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsement illeg ible. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, p. 94. 1774 Walker, John. Setteco Town, Cherokee Nation. Letter July 19 to William Preston. Has sometimes thought that perhaps his [Preston's] failure to write 3QQ65 was due to false report that he had instigated the Cherokee to kill Boyd and company; hopes to satisfy creditors of [Boyd's] estate soon; the last purchase in Georgia being settled very fast. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : John Walker, July 19th 1774. 1774 [Preston, William.] Smithfield. Circular letter to [cap- July 20 tains of militia]. Call for volunteers to go on expedition against the Shawnee. Copy. 3 pp. 3QQ139 Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 91-93. 1774 Robertson, James. Letter to Col. William Preston. July 20 Names of people whom he has prevailed on to march with him Thursday; thinks this last 3QQ66 news is nothing more than one of the usual alarms, but wants to be prepared. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 94, 95. 1774 Preston, William. Letter to Maj. James Robertson. In- July 22 structions concerning the protection of settlers at Culbertson's Bottom and Rich Creek, Rob- 3QQ138 ertson being about to take command of a company. Auto, draft, signed. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 95-97. 1774 Dunmore, [John]. Winchester. Letter to Col. [Andrew] July 24 Lewis. Orders expedition to the Ohio; will want the assistance of Col. William Preston as 3QQ141 well as that of Charles Lewis. Copy. 2 pp. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 97, 98. 1774 Robertson, Maj. James. Fort Dunmore. Letter to Col. July 26 William Preston. The settlers fleeing; need of [80] Papers of William Preston men and ammunition; fresh signs of Indians 3QQ67 seen every morning. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Robinson July 26* 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 99, 100. 1774 Robertson, James. Fort Byrd. Letter to Col. Wil- July 28 liam Preston. Will finish the fort this week ; in need of more men and ammunition; Indian 3QQ68 signs; has sent out scouts; recruits for the [Shawnee] expedition. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Jas Robertson July 28, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 100, 101. [1774 Campbell, William. List of men in his company who en- July] gaged to go upon the expedition with Joseph Drake. A. D. S. 1 p. Printed: Crozier, Vir- 3QQ63 ginia Colonial Militia, p. 80. [1774 [Preston, William.] Letter to Oconastota and the Chief July] of the Warlike Nation of the Cherokee. Ac knowledges letter of July 16, [1774] to Col. 3QQ143 Andrew Lewis and himself; shows that it is to the advantage of both the Indians and Virgin ians to maintain peaceful relations: mentions report that Cherokee parties have gone out to assist the Shawnee with whom the Virginians are at war; informs of expedition led by Gov ernor of Virginia against the Shawnee ; and gives warning against the instigations of French traders. Copy. 4 pp. 1774 Robertson, Maj. James. Culbertson's. Letter to Col. Aug. 1 William Preston. Mentioning arrival of John Draper; attack on Kelly and family; his in- •3QQ69 tended trip to the Glades ; impossibility of leav ing his company; completion of the fort; the lack of ammunition; fears he will be far be hind in raising his company for Shawnee expe dition. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Majr Rob ertson's Letter ab* the War. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore 's War, pp. 103-106. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. McCalls. Letter to [William Pres- Aug. 3 ton]. Conveying Harrod 's wishes concerning 6— h. s. [81 Wisconsin Historical Society party that he is to command, and suggesting 3QQ70 that he be encouraged so far as may be con sistent with discipline of the expedition ; Cowan to bring the men to his [Campbell's] house for a, rendezvous. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Arthur Camble, Aug* 3, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 108, 109. 1774 .Robertson, Maj. James. Culbertson's. Letter to Col. Aug. 6 William Preston. Kelly killed by Indians on Muddy Creek ; scouts out constantly ; depart- 3QQ71 ure of John Draper with about twenty men; re quests that a few men be sent to join him [Draper] ; difficulty in making up his company for Shawnee expedition; requests provisions and ammunition. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Majr. Robertson's Letter Aug*. 6th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 109, 110. [1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to [William Preston]. Aug. 9] Sinking Creek massacre; measures of defense; drafts; recruiting for the expedition; provision- 3QQ79 ing the forts; Captain Harrod 's men to march with Holston troops to place of rendezvous. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Major Campbel no date. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 135, 136. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. Aug. 10 William Preston. Officers for the [Shawnee] expedition ; flour for the forts ; John Anderson 3QQ72 recommended as ensign to Captain Looney. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Maj. Campbells Let ter Aug*. 10th. 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 136-138. 1774 Robertson, James. Culbertson's. Letter to Col. William Aug. 11 Preston. Is expecting orders to go home to at tend to his affairs before going on expedition; 3QQ73 Indians harassing the frontier; scouting parties out; eight or ten men who came with him and Masten to set out Monday, leaving Draper's and Patton 's men to defend the fort. A. L. S. [82] Papers of William Preston 2 pp. Endorsed: James Robertson, August 11th. 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 138, 139. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to [William Aug. 12 Preston] . Information concerning enlistment of men for the expedition ; Capt. William Camp- 3QQ75 bell to report proceedings of meeting at Town House; received letter of 8th; will send orders to Captains Shelby and Russell; asks further instructions; will meet him at camp at Thomp son's on 20th. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Majr- Campbells Lettr Aug* 12, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 142-144. 1774 Robertson, Capt. James. Culbertson's. Letter to [Wil- Aug. 12 liam Preston] . Indian depredations ; pursuing party sent up [New] River; strength of the 3QQ74 garrison; requests that drafts be sent out; will postpone his departure for home. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Cap*. Robertson 1774 War. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 140-142. 1774 Preston, William. Smithfield. Letter to Maj. [Arthur] Aug. 13 Campbell. Enlistment of men for Shawnee ex pedition; death of Captain Doack; arrange- 3QQ76 ments for protection of frontier during absence of troops; Campbell to remain on Holston; of ficers urged to put their men in motion. Auto. draft, signed. 1 p. Endorsed: Copy of a Let ter to Major Campbell, Aug*. 13th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 145, 146. 1774 [Preston, William.] Smithfield. Letter to Capt. John Aug. 13 Litton Jones. Accepts his offer to raise fifty men for the expedition; the men to be marched 3QQ147 immediately to William Thompson's; rendez vous at Levels of Greenbrier before 30th. Con temporary copy. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 146, 147. 1774 [Preston, William.] Letter to Capt. David Long. Asks Aug. 13 him to raise a company for the expedition ; has [83] Wisconsin Historical Society no objection to Robert Lucas as lieutenant; no 3QQ140 effort to be made to engage men who have promised to go with Captain Shelby or Capt. William Campbell ; the companies to rendezvous at William Thompson's. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 147, 148. 1774 Lewis, Col. [Andrew]. Richfield. Letter to [William Aug. 14 Preston] . Acknowledges gunpowder and sun dry articles sent by John Crinar and Robert 3QQ77 Donald; inquires as to recruits for the expedi tion; flight of Little River people. A. L. 1 p. Endorsed: Col°. Lewis' Letter by Crinor Aug* 14th 1774_ printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 149. 1774 Russell, Capt. William Aug. 16 Fort Preston. Letter to Col. William Preston, New River. The volunteers ready to march when relieved of duty at the 3QQ78 forts; prefers to command a company on Clinch River rather than go on expedition; will assist Captain Floyd in raising company; Cap tain Thompson to command at Blackmore's. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Russells Letter 16th Aug* 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 156-158. 1774 Woods, Michael. Rich Creek. Letter to Col. William Aug. 16 Preston, Fincastle County, [Va.] Men who have been drafted for the expedition refuse to 3QQ97 serve ; requests that their petition for release shall not be countenanced. N. B. by James Robertson concerning pay of Cavanaugh and Farley; "We are just starting for the Levels." A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Jas Robertson, Septr. 16, 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, p. 201. 1774 Campbell, [Arthur] . Royal Oak. Letter to Col. William Aug. 19 Preston. Received letter of 17th ; will write Captain Looney; wrote Captain Russell yester- 3QQ80 clay much to the same purport as now desired; Russell expected at New River by the 26th; [84] Papers of William Preston Captains Shelby, William Campbell, and Her bert on the march; proposes a meeting at Thompson's about the 22nd.; wants further orders. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: A. Camp bell, Aug*. 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 158, 159. 1774 Brown, Rev. John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Aug. 22 Smithfield, N[ew] River. Indian depredations; Preston's dangerous situation; marching of the 3QQ81 companies of Captains Mathews, McClanahan and McDowell for Shawnee towns. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: John Brown, Au.gust the 22. Rd John Brown. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg,, Dunmore's War, pp. 159-161. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Stat- Aug. 25 ing that Joseph Drake has not properly dis charged secret order given him and recom- 3QQ82 mending that he be reprimanded. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Arthur Campbell, Aug*. 25*b 1774. 1774 Preston, William. Letter to Maj. [Arthur] Campbell. Aug. 25 Captains Thompson and Daniel Smith ordered to defend the frontiers during absence of the 3QQ82 troops on the expedition. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: a Letter to Major Campbel Aug* 25, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 161, 162. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. Wil- Aug. 26 liam Preston. Asking instructions concerning the employment in the militia of inhabitants 3QQ83 on Clinch River. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Campbel Aug* 26" 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 162, 163. 1774 Buchanan, W. Voucher to Robert Preston for articles Aug. 27 furnished for expedition [against Shawnee 3QQ84 towns] . A. D. S. 1 p. [85] Wisconsin Historical Society 1774 Bledsoe, Anthony. Town House. Letter to Col. William Aug. 28 Preston. Explains his course in regard to rais ing men for the expedition; expresses willing- 3QQ86 ness to serve, and asks instructions. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, p. 169. 1774 CampbeU, Arthur. Letter to [William Preston]. Con- Aug. 28 cerning recruiting of men for the expedition; Drake's misconduct; Boone requested to raise 3QQ85 men to join Captain Floyd's company; Boone's journal; difficulty in obtaining flour; Crabtree wants to serve at the forts. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Campbells Lr. 28th Aug* 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 170-172. 1774 Russell, Capt. William. Letter to Col. William Preston, Aug. 28 at Camp at Captain Thompson's. He and his company en route to camp at Thompson's; 3QQ84 Boone returned from Kentucky and wishes to go on expedition; particulars of death of [Hancock] Taylor; John Green and others of Taylor's company have arrived on Clinch River. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Russells Lett1* Aug* 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 172, 173. [1774 [Cocke, William.] Letter to Col. William Preston. Com- Aug. or plaining that although he has been appointed Sept.] a captain of militia, he does not enjoy the same privileges as do other officers of the same rank; 3QQ87 orders sent to his lieutenant, Logan. A. L. Signature cut away. 1 p. 1774 Robertson, Maj. James. Letter to Col. William Preston. Sept. 1 Will not reach his [Preston's] house until Sun day night or Monday; difficulty in enlisting 3QQ88 troops for the expedition. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Majr Robertson's Letter Sep 1st 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 174, 175. [86] Papers of William Preston 1774 Christian, Col. William. Head of Rich Creek. Letter to Sept. 3 Col. William Preston, Smithfield. The troops on the march for place of rendezvous; Lord 3QQ89 Dunmore at Fort Pitt. A. L. S. 3 pp. En dorsed: Col°. Christian's Letter Sepr 3d. 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 176-179. 1774 Woods, Michael. Letter to Col. WiUiam Preston, Fin- Sept. 3 castle County, [Va.] Has found about four teen men who are willing to go to Shawnee 3QQ88 towns; expects Stephen English with twenty or twenty-five men from Pittsylvania County; proposes to join companies with Major Robert son. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Michael Woods, Sept1* 3, 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 175, 176. 1774 Robertson, James. Letter to Col. William Preston. Just Sept. 4 returned from Greasy Creek after men engaged by Thomas Ingles; will, by the aid of his 3QQ91 friend, David Hughes, execute orders sent him ; arrangements for provisioning the expedition. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : James Robertson Septr 4, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 179, 180. 1774 Walker, Thomas. Letter to [William Preston]. Ac- Sept. 4 knowledges letter by Major Phillips; Captain Floyd's safe return; Indian depredations near 3QQ90 Preston's house; encloses a writing of Thomas Jefferson for perusal; appointment of delegates to Colonial Congress at Philadelphia. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Tho3 Walker Septr the 4, 1774. 1774 Christian, Col. William. Camp Union at the Great Lev- Sept. 7 els. Letter to Col. William Preston, Fincastle [County, Va.] Arrival and departure of 3QQ92 troops for the expedition; Lord Dunmore with 700 men to be at mouth of the Great Kanawha some days after the 20th; John MeGuire wounded by Indians ; Major MeDonald with 400 men attacked below Fort Dunmore; distance of [87] Wisconsin Historical Society Camp Union from Shawnee towns; condition of Fincastle troops; requests that Major Robert son and additional troops be hurried forward; his men anxious to be with the foremost. A. L. S. 3 pp. Mutilated. Endorsed: Col° Christian's Letter Sepf 7th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 185-188. 3QQ148 . Copy. 1774 Christian, William. A Return of the Militia from Fin- Sept. 7 castle Septemf 7, 1774. Camp Union. Compa nies commanded by Captains Crockett, Her- 3QQ92 bert, Russell, Shelby, Campbell, and Harrod. A. D. S. 1 p. 1774 Rutledge, George. Fincastle. Letter to Col. William Sept. 7 Preston, Fincastle. Inquiring as to price of lot belonging to John Howard. A. L. S. 1 p. En- 3QQ97 dorsed : Geo. Rutlidge, Sep*r 7, 1774. 1774 Lewis, Andrew. Camp Union on the Great Lev- Sept. 8 els. Letter to Col. William Preston, Fincastle [County, Va.] The expedition on the march; 3QQ93 numerical strength; additional provisions as requested by Lord Dunmore in letter of August 30; two men wounded by Indians; requests that any additions to Fincastle troops be supplied with powder. A. L. Signature cut away. 1 p. Endorsed: Col° Andw Lewis' Letter Septr. 8th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 190-192. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to [William Sept. 9 Preston]. John Henry wounded by Indians on Clinch River near Captain Smith's Station; 3QQ94 settlers in Rich Valley alarmed ; patrols or dered to Rich Valley and to the aid of Captain Smith; asks that the number of men for de fense of the frontier be increased; want of am munition. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Arthur Campbel Septr 9, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 192-195. [88] Papers of William Preston 1774 Christian, William. Camp Union. Letter to [William Sept. 12 Preston]. Events incident to the marching of the expedition; arrival and departure of com- 3QQ146 panies; transportation of provisions; necessity for guarding the frontiers of Fincastle County in the absence of the troops. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 196-199. 1774 Love, Philip. Big Levels. Letter to [William Preston]. Sept. 12 The Botetourt troops to march in a few hours for the mouth of Elk Creek; is satisfied with 3QQ95 the survey made for him on the Kentucky River by Hancock Taylor, and would be glad to have his plat laid off accordingly. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, p. 195. 1774 Robertson, Capt. James. Rich Creek. Letter to Col. Wil- Sept. 15 liam Preston. His company increased to fifty-five men by the coming of Captain Woods and his 3QQ96 party ; list of men whom he has discharged, giv ing length of service and provisions furnished; much obliged to his friends for assistance in raising his company. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Robertson's Letter ab* men on Duty at Woods. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 199, 200. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Letter to [William Preston] . Indian Sept. 17 depredations; pursuing party led by Captain Smith; Herbert's men not yet come; twelve 3QQ98 men gone from Doack 's company; thinks Cap tain Wilson will station his men on Reed Creek and in Rich Valley to protect the inhabitants. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Campbell's Let ter 17th Sep*1*. 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 202-205. 3QQ150 . Copy. 1774 Cocke, Capt. William. Letter to [William Preston] . En- Sept. 19 closes copies of depositions of Thomas Shoat and 3QQ99 Archibald Taylor; impending danger from the [89] Wisconsin Historical Society Cherokee; scarcity of men and ammunition; will call a muster on Wednesday and endeavor to prevent an evacuation of the country ; offers his services in raising a company in Carolina; immediate relief necessary. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Cap* Cockes Letter Sepr 17th 1774. 1774 Mercer, Hugh. Letter to Col. [William] Preston. Li- Sept. 20 quiry about surveys made for him by Hancock Taylor; the Cherokee boundary; their claims of 3QQ100 recent date are not well founded; hopes his Lordship's expedition against the Shawnee will restore peace to the frontiers; news from Bos ton; the Congress at Philadelphia. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Mr Hugh Mercer's Lett Septr. 20th 1774. 1774 Doack, William. Black Lick. Letter to Col. William Sept. 22 Preston, Smithfield. Led party to head of Clinch River on hearing of Indian attack made 3QQ101 there; could make no discoveries; John Henry wounded, his wife and children captured; in habitants of Black Lick somewhat alarmed ; re quests a list of plats that were returned to him by Doack 's brother. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr Doacks Letter Sepr 22d 1774. 1774 Campbell; Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to [William Sept. 23 Preston]. Sends letter received from Captain Cocke; alarming intelligence contained therein; 3QQ102 probable that Shawnee emissaries at Cherokee Green Corn dance were successful; Captain Smith's unsuccessful scout; return of Captain Thompson from Clinch River and Powell's Val ley; asks an expression of opinion concerning the raising of men in Carolina; advisability of sending another letter to Cherokee chiefs; need of men at upper and lower stations. A. L. S. 2 pp. Mutilated. Endorsed: Major Campbell, Septr 23d 1774. 1774 Cocke, William. Circular letter to inhabitants on the Sept. 25 frontier of Holston. John Roberts' family 3QQ103 taken by Indians ; suggests the erection of a [901 Papers of William Preston fort as near the line as possible ; has ordered his sergeant to take out the men in his company for the immediate protection of the people; he himself to go to Carolina to raise men to join his forces. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Mr Cocke 's Letter 25th Septr 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 208, 209. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Dis- Sept. 26 tress of the people on Clinch and the lower set tlement on Holston; attack made by Cherokee 3QQ104 mentioned in [Shoat's] and Taylor's deposi tions; want of ammunition; measures of de fense. A. L. S. 1 p. Mutilated. Endorsed: Mr. Campbell's Letter Septr. 26th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp, 209-211. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Sept. 26 Likely that they will need more lead; suggests that Charles Devereaux and Evan Williams 3QQ105 could furnish a supply. A. L. S. 1 p. Muti lated. Endorsed: Major Campbell's Letter Sepr 26th 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 211. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. William Sept. 29 Preston. General consternation occasioned by late alarms; fear of a Cherokee war; offer of 3QQ106,107 aid from Carolina; fifty Catawba Indians de sirous of being employed against the Shawnee; departure of Captain Cocke for Carolina; pro posed measures for defense; Boone very dili gent at Castle 's Woods ; in need of powder and flour. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Mr Camp bell's Letter Sept1* 29th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 216-219. 1774 Bullitt, Capt. [Thomas]. Letter to [William Preston]. Sept. Concerning lands surveyed by him last summer which have been resurveyed this summer. 1 p. 3QQ95 Signature cut away. Endorsed: Cap*. Bullets Lr Dated Sepr. 1774. [91] Wisconsin Historical Society 1774 Bledsoe, Capt. Anthony. Camp Union. Letter to Col. Oct. 1 William Preston, Fincastle County, [Va.] His company will be detained here until about the 3QQ108 15th inst. ; transportation of provisions for the expedition ; movements of Col. Charles [Lewis] and Colonel Christian; copy of Col. Andrew Lewis' letter to Colonel Christian enclosed. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Bledsoe's Let ter Oct1* 1st 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 222-224. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Letter to Col. [William] Preston. Oct. 1 Indians attack Moore 's Fort on Clinch ; Captain Looney unable to go in pursuit ; has heard noth- 3QQ109 ing from Doack, Thompson, Montgomery, or Cox; wrote to Capt. Thomas Bryan for assis tance ; Boone attributes attacks to Cherokee ; he himself thinks Major McDonald's fugitives are responsible; Preston's letter to Oconastota to be forwarded by two Cherokee now at Wa tauga ; encloses letter of Abraham Bledsoe ; characters of Colonels Wright and Armstrong; the latter claims part of Donelson's Purchase ; Bledsoe to be informed of orders for defense of his family. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Campbell's Letter Oct1* Is*. 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 219-222. 1774 Montgomery, John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Fin- Oct. 2 castle [County]. Michael Dougherty wishes further instructions concerning the raising of a 3QQ110 party for defense of people on Holston ; can not obtain more than five or six men from Crockett's company. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Mr Mont gomery's Letter Oct1*. 2d 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 224, 225. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Latter portion of letter to Col. Oct. 3 William Preston. Telling of a little boy who was tomahawked by Indians, his parents hav- 3QQ111 ing been killed; attempts to procure services of [92] Papers of William Preston Doctor Lloyd. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Campbells Letter Octr- 3d. 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 218, 219. 1774 Adams, George. Holton River. Letter to Col. William Oct. 4 Preston. People on Moccasin Creek want guard while gathering their crops; scarcity of 3QQ113 ammunition. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: G. Adams' Letter Octr. 4th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 227, 228. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. William Oct. 4 Preston. Distress of the frontier due to late Indian alarm; Captain Thompson appointed to 3QQ112 command forces "this side Clinch mountain"; has sent paper delivered to him by Captain Thompson, giving Cocke's resolution. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: [illegible] Letter Octr. 4, 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 226, 227. 1774 Smith, Capt. Daniel. Elk Garden. Letter to Col. Wil- Oct. 4 liam Preston, Smithfield. Inhabitants on Clinch River alarmed by late invasions of Indians ; will 3QQ114 seek a place of safety unless assistance can be had; Kinkead to give an account of the situa tion; he himself just going to assistance of Castle's Woods men. A. L. S. 1 p. On re verse : A list of names, evidently the garrison at Elk Garden. Endorsed : Cap* D. Smiths Let ter Oct1* 4th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 228, 229. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to [William Preston]. Oct. 5 John Cox to range about Reedy Creek and Moc casin Gap and to escort provisions to Black- 3QQ114 more's; Rev. Charles Cummings, the bearer, to give information concerning the situation of in habitants. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Campbell Octr. 5 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 229. [93] Wisconsin Historical Society 1774. Campbell, Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to [William Oct. 6 Preston]. Received letter of 1st inst. sent by Paddy Brown; alarm of the inhabitants, and 3QQ115 measures for their protection; mentions fam ilies of Vance, Fowler, Harrison, Henry and Jo seph Dougherty, John Campbell, Archibald and John Buchanan, and Andrew Lammey; various routes by which the Indians are expected to ap proach; suggests that Mason and Donelson be banished. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 230-232. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Oct. 6 Arrival of Samuel Shannon with the cattle; he and the flour wagons to proceed together to 3QQ116 Moccasin Gap; enough cattle engaged for Cap tain Smith's fort; an Indian seen by one, Snod- grass, below Captain Thompson's; probably one of Donelson and Mason 's party in disguise ; Lieu tenant Cox and men sent down the river. A. L. S. 1 p. On reverse : List of forts and their garrisons. Endorsed: Major Campbells Lettr Ocf. 6th 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 233, 234. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. WiUiam Oct. 9 Preston. Capture and escape of Captam Shel by's negro wench; some think Capt. John Lo- 3QQ117 gan is still about, others that Will Emery is responsible for depredations; the latter served as interpreter "when Col. Donelson run the line"; robbed Knox and Skaggs; Captain Cocke's prospects of raising a large company; Captains Russell and Shelby to return by way of Kentucky; want Boone to meet them at mouth of Dick's River; advisability of sending Captain Cocke instead. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Mr. Campbell Octr. 9th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 238-240. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to [William Oct. 12 Preston]. Acknowledges letter by Cummings [94] Papers of William Preston and instructions by John Kinkead; attack on 3QQ118 Blackmore's Fort; Deal Carter killed; Captain Smith and Boone with twenty-six men in pur suit; advisability of keeping a garrison at Point Pleasant and the Falls the following win ter; encloses Logan's original letter received that day. A. L. S. 2 pp. Mutilated. On same sheet: Copy of Logan's letter in Preston's handwriting. Endorsed: Majr Campbells Let ter 12th Oct1* 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 244-247. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Oct. 13 An Indian seen near Benjamin Logan's; Cap tain Cocke in pursuit; Ensign Armstrong leads 3QQ120 men to assistance of Cummings and Fulkison; men from Captain Crockett's company sent to King's Mill where Lieutenant Christian is sta tioned; Captain Cocke wants instructions con cerning men Colonel ( ?) Walker is to bring from Carolina; advisability of sending Captain Penn's company to the head bf Clinch and Captain Smith to Elk Garden. A. L. S. 1. p. Endorsed: Major Campbell Octr. 13th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 251, 252. [1774 Campbell Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Oct. 13] Boone, the bearer, to give local news; recom mends that William Poage be granted a com- 3QQ123 mission; petition of the inhabitants for Boone's appointment as an officer; Captain Looney ab sent during late alarm; Michael Dougherty's trouble in raising men; sent to Reedy Creek to assist in carrying flour to Clinch. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 250, 251. 1774 Smith, Daniel. Castle's Woods. Letter to Col. William Oct. 13 Preston, Smithfield. His and Boone's unsuc cessful scout after Indians who attacked Black- 3QQ119 more's; inhabitants of lower settlement petition that Boone be appointed captain; his qualifica- [95] Wisconsin Historical Society tions. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr. Dan1 Smith Oct1" 13th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 248, 249. 1774 Ingles, Maj. William. Point Pleasant at the mouth of the Oct. 14 Great Kanawha. Letter to Col. William Pres ton. Description of battle of Point Pleasant. 3QQ121 A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Majr Ingles 's L1*. from p*. pleasant. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 257-259. 1774 Bledsoe, Anthony. Camp Union. Letter to Col. William Oct. 15 Preston. Acknowledges letter of 8th; satisfied with measures for defense of frontier; char- 3QQ122 acter of [Capt. John] Logan; news from Colonels Christian and Lewis concerning the ex pedition; Colonel Slaughter stationed at Elk [Creek] ; he himself to set out next day for mouth of New River. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Anthoy Bled [soe], Oct1* 15th 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 260, 261. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. Wil- Oct. 16 liam Preston, Smithfield. Received letter from Captain Thompson telling of Murphy's arrival 3QQ124 at Watauga bearing message from the Cherokee ; Captain Smith not yet returned from pursuit of Indians ; depredations at Blackmore 's. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Campbell Oct1*. 16th 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 278, 279. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston, c Oct. 17 Smithfield. Letter of 13th delivered by An- 3QQ125 thony Head; distribution of powder; forty pounds engaged by Montgomery and Hender son on Holston; selfish application for men; every few families want a fort and a guard; people greatly distressed about saving their corn; return of Captain Thompson; Lieutenant Cox at Blackmore 's; Eaton and King's stations should be strong; Blackmore 's the most con venient place to oppose the enemy; Captain [96] Papers of William Preston Cocke desires to serve; asks if he can not sub stitute for Captain Thompson. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Campbell's Letter 1774. 1774 Cocke, Capt. William. Royal Oak. Letter to William Oct. 27 Preston, Fincastle County, [Va.] On hearing that Preston did not approve of his raising men 3QQ126 in Carolina. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap*. Cockes angry Lett1" Novr 1774. 1774 Campbell, Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Oct. 28 Hopes to see him at court; Cameron's letter; inquires how long men shall be continued on 3QQ126 duty; Cherokee not restrained by conclusions reached by their chiefs; "little prospect that a set of fugitive Shawanese will be restrained by a formal Treaty with our Army. " A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: M1" Campbell's Lr Octr. 28", 1774. 1774 Preston, William. Letter to [Patrick Henry]. An ac- Oct. 31 count of the battle of Point Pleasant from in formation contained in letters from Colonel 3QQ128 Christian and others who were on the expedi tion; "particulars of the action drawn up by Col. Andrew Lewis" enclosed; also a return of killed and wounded; Purdie to be given a copy of enclosed papers. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 291-295. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. 3OQ10" Reliability of depositions of Archibald Taylor and Shoat; further particulars concerning [Cherokee] Council; departure of Oconastota when he found the Shawnee faction was strong ; will forward Preston's letter to him with all speed; these negotiations may gain time for preparation; has written to Cameron by way of Carolina. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Campbells Letter Oct1' 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 211, 212. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. Oct. William Preston. Arrangements to facilitate 3QQ129 homeward march of men on the expedition: 7— H. S. [ 97 ] Wisconsin Historical Society some intend returning by way of Kentucky; Captain Smith to march up Sandy Creek; he and Boone may go to meet Captain Russell. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Majr Campbells Let ter Nov1"- 4. 1774. Printed : Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 297, 298. 1774 Christian, Col. William. Smithfield. Letter to Col. Wil- Nov. 8 liam Preston, Botetourt [County, Va.] Return of Captain Floyd and himself from Indian 3QQ130 country; closing events of expedition against the Shawnee; treaty of peace made by Lord Dunmore; refusal of Mingo to comply with terms of treaty; one of their towns attacked; return of Logan with his prisoners — the little Roberts boy and two of Blackmore 's negroes. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Col° Christians Lett1. Novr 8th. 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, pp. 301-307. 1774 Lewis, Thomas. Letter to Will[iam Preston]. Relating Nov. [c 10] to death of his brother [Col. Charles Lewis] ; Cresap guilty of murder. A. L. S. 1 p. En- 3QQ131 dorsed: Nov. 1774 Mr Thos. Lewis's Letter on the Death of his Br. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 311, 312. 1774 RusseU, Capt. William. Fort Blair, at Point Pleasant. Nov. 12 Letter to Col. William Preston, Fincastle [County, Va.] The garrison at Point Pleasant; 3QQ132 thanks for influence in securing his continuance there ; will go to the Falls [of the Ohio] on es tablishment of post there ; asks that enclosed address of officers concerning grievances of British America be forwarded to Colonel Chris tian. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Russells Letter. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 308-311. 1774 Mercer, Col. Hugh. Fredericksburg, [Va.] Letter to Nov. 17 Col. [William] Preston. Further inquiry con cerning lands surveyed for him by Hancock 3QQ133 Taylor; Governor Dunmore greatly censured [98] Papers of William Preston for granting lands to provincial officers; the Ohio colony; instructions concerning his lands at mouth of Locust Creek. Endorsed: Col0 Mercers Lett1* ab* Surveying. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to Col. Wil- Nov. 21 liam Preston. Peace concluded and the whole of the militia discharged except fifteen men at 3QQ134 Blackmore 's and the same number at Moccasin Gap ; return of Colonel Henderson and Captain Hart from visit to the Cherokee ; Little Carpen ter gone to Newbern. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Majr Campbells Lettr ab* discharging the Sol diers Nov 21s* 1774. 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston. Dec. 7 Asks instructions concerning settlement of ac counts for expenses arising from the expedition 3QQ136 and measures for defense of the frontier; sug gests that Major Ingles, Buchanan, and himself make the collections; inquires whether A. Gal- breath or Abraham Staley's plats have been admitted to record. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Maj1" Campbells Lett1", ab* settling the militia accts. Decr 1774. 1774 Campbell, Maj. [Arthur] . Letter to Col. William Pres- Dec. 12 ton. Has sent by Capt. Daniel Smith £11 be ing money received for powder; has not yet re- 3QQ136 ceived cash for powder delivered to Captains Thompson, Looney, and Boone ; asks what wages are to be allowed to the militia. A. L. Signa ture cut away. 1 p. Endorsed : Maj1". Campbells Lettr ab* Powder Decr 12 1774. 1774 Douglas, James. Letter to [William Preston]. Arrival Dec. 14 in Williamsburg after a long and tedious jour ney; glad to hear of Floyd's safe return; asks 3QQ137 that he be informed of safe arrival of all those who were in their party; will make out plats while resting. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mp Douglas Lr 14th Decr 1774. [99] Wisconsin Historical Society 1774 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Letter to Col. William Preston, Smithfield. Inquiries about powder and lead, 3QQ135 some of which is to be distributed among the militia, the remainder to be sold; anxious to oblige Johnston; offers deerskins for sale. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Major Campbell 1774. 1774 Christian, Col. [William]. Number of men ordered to Blackmore 's, Moore's, Russell's, J. Smith's, 3QQ63 head of Sandy Creek, the (Jove, and Walker's Creek. A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: Col°. Christian 1774. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, p. 85. [1774?] Dunmore, [John M. Virginia]. Land warrant to Wil liam Christian for 3000 acres of land in Fin- 3QQ9 castle County for services as a captam in the Second Virginia Regiment. D. S. 1 p. En dorsed : Cap* Christians Warrant 3000 acres. [c 1774] Elkhorn Creek, [Ky.] Plat of surveys. Names of the following land owners are shown : F. Barnes, 3QQ32 Joseph Bickly, John Boyd, Carter, William Christian, A. J. Dandridge, John Draper, How ard, William Ingles, William Meredith, William Philips, WiUiam Preston, Russell, George Skillern, Vaughan, and J. Ware. 1 p. En dorsed: Platt of Surveys on N°. Elkhorn. [1775 [Byrd, William. Westover.] Letter to [William Pres- Jan. 11] ton?]. Asks that Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, widow of Nicholas Smith, be not disturbed in the pos- 4QQ2 session of her lands by surveys for officers and soldiers; message sent by the Cherokee to Lord Dunmore, begging peace and trade. A. L. Sig nature cut away. 1 p. 1775 Christian, Col. William. Mr. Fleming's. Letter to [Wil- Jan. 26 liam Preston]. The purchase of brimstone, the mining of saltpetre, and the erection of a pow- 4QQ3 dei* mill; requests Preston to examine his entry for a place called Taylor's Spring; it was the first survey that Hancock Taylor made on Elk horn ; hopes Campbell will send list of the [100] Papers of William Preston wounded and widows of those killed ; thinks Fleming will not go down before Botetourt Court. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col0 Chris tians L1' ab* a Powder mill Jany 1775. 1775 Campbell, Maj. Arthur. Royal Oak. Letter to [Williami Jan. 27 Preston]. Has engaged John Beck, the bearer, to go to New River to see the saltpetre mine 4QQ4 and to make arrangements with him [Preston] about, the erection of a powder mill ; tells of his instructions to Buchanan, the commissary, con cerning Captain Cocke's provision receipts for Carolina men and others who were not ordered on duty, and Captain Cocke's angry letter in consequence; inquiries about Capt. Francis Smith ; anxious to have his affair with Gal- breath and Staley decided. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Maj1'. Campbells Letter by Beck ab* a Powder mill. 1775 Taylor, Col. John. Mount Airy. Letter to Col. [Wil- Jan. 2S liam] Preston. Capt. Hancock Lee, who has been appointed by the Ohio Company to survey 4QQ5 their land, desires other work in addition. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Honble- Col° John Taylor 1775. [1775 [Preston, William.] Letter to Gov. [John M. Dunmore] . Jan.] Informs of Henderson's purchase from the Cherokee, the treaty to be held at Watauga, and 4QQ1 plans for settlement of the land; defines boun daries, and gives an abstract of title. Auto. draft. 3 pp. Endorsed: Letter to the Gov* ab* Henderson. 1775 Smallman, Thomas. Pittsburgh. Letter to Col. William Mar. 8 Preston, Surveyor of Fincastle iCounty. En closes a warrant of Col. Hugh Mercer of Fred- 4QQ6 ericksburg to be forwarded by John Madison. A. L. S. 1 p. 1775 P[reston], W(illiam]. Fincastle. Letter to [Gov. John Mar. 10 M.] Dunmore. Informing of the plans of Hen- 4QQ7 derson Co. for the settlement of lands in [101] Wisconsin Historical Society Kentucky acquired by purchase from the Cher okee, asserting the prior title of Virginia, and proposing plan for effecting settlement under auspices of the Crown; asking instructions as to the surveying of military bounty lands, and the provisioning of fort at Point Pleasant. Auto, draft, signed. 3 pp. Endorsed: Copy of a Letter to Lord Dunmore dated March 10th 1775. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolu tion on the Upper Ohio (Madison, 1908), pp. 1-6. 1775 Winston, E. Bedford. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mar. 20 Smithfield. Hearing of Captain Russell's com ing in, he procured the governor's letter to 4QQ8 Cornstalk and forwarded it by Colonel Christ ian; requests that the enclosed letter be sent to Captain Russell; asks intructions. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr. Winstone's Letter not an swered. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Rev olution on the Upper Ohio, p. 7. 1775 Dunmore, [John M.] Williamsburg. Letter to [William Mar. 21 Preston?] Instructions concerning the surveys and sales of Crown lands; every means to be 4QQ9 used to defeat mischievous designs of Hender son and his associates ; copies of enclosed proc lamation to be distributed throughout the back country; copy of his letter to Captain Russell enclosed; also encloses paper addressed to the Cherokee to be forwarded to Little Carpenter. L. S. 5 pp. Part missing. Endorsed: Lord Dunmore. 1775 Camm, John. Letter to [William Preston]. The presi- Mar. 22 dent and masters of the college displeased with the action of the surveyors of Augusta, Bote- 4QQ10 tourt, and Fincastle counties in regard to Capt ain Crawford's surveys; requests that the lands surveyed by Bullitt for Capt. Robert McKenzie be secured to him. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Commissary Camm's Lett1*. March 22d. 1775. Answered. [102] Papers of William Preston 177o Byrd, Col. William. Westover. Letter to Col. [William] Mar. 23 Preston. Bespeaking his services in securing to Captain McKenzie land surveyed for him by 4QQ11 Captain Bullitt. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0 Wm. Byrds two Lettrs- of Jany & March 1775. Answered. 1775 Brown, Rev. John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Apr. 4 Smithfield. Waddell's proposed purchase of Spring Hill plantation; importance of securing 4QQ12 his services as minister of Tinkling Spring con gregation; invitation to the presbytery to be held the second Wednesday of the month ; hopes lining sent by Alexander Breckinridge was re ceived; family matters. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Rd M1" Brown's Letter Ap. 1775. 1775 P[reston] W[illiam]. Letter to [John] Camm. In reply Apr. 18 to letter of March 22; full explanation of his action and that of the surveyors of Augusta and 4QQ13 Botetourt counties in regard to Captain Craw ford's surveys; disclaims any intention of giv ing offense to the college, or of bringing any action against Crawford; a certificate of Capt. Robert McKenzie's survey sent to his agent, Alexander Craig. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. Endorsed : Copy of a Letter to Mr Commissary Camm Ap. 1775. 1775 P[reston] Wfilliam]. Letter to Col. [William] Christian. Mat 1 Orders for the militia. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. Endorsed : Copy of a Letter to Cpl°. 4QQ14 Christian ab* the militia in May 1775. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 8, 9. 1775 Brown, John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Smithfield, Mat 5 Fincastle County, [Va.] Proceedings of the presbytery relative to proposed seminary; much 4QQ15 talk about Kentucky; grateful for kindness to his children; Waddell's negotiations for pur chase of Spring Hill ; 5000 acres of land in Ken tucky to be surveyed for his nephew, Benjamin Brown; Sister Breckinridge requested to make payment on his account; news from Boston; [103] Wisconsin Historical Society names price which he thinks Waddell would pay for Spring Hill. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : M1" Brown 's Lettr May 1775. Partly printed in Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 10-12. 1775 [Russell, William. J Fort Blair. Letter to [William Flem- June 12 ing] . On hearing of battles fought near Bos ton; preparations for evacuation of fort at 4QQ19 Point Pleasant; criticism of Preston; Corn stalk's recent visit; disposition of the Pick, Mingo, and Shawnee Indians ; settlement of Ken tucky ; meeting of the convention. A. L. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 12-17. 1775 Lewis, Thomas. Letter to [William Preston] . Governor June 1 9 Dunmore and the western lands ; claims of the Loyal Land Company and Walpole Company; 4QQ20 proceedings in convention in regard to Hen derson's purchase; Crawford's affair; political reflections apropos of recent events in Boston and Ticonderoga ; contents to be private. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : M1" Lewis June 19th. 1775. 1775 Gass, David. Kentucky River. Letter to Col. William June 26 Preston. Requests that entries made by Wil liam Bush, William Cowan, and himself on Ken- 4QQ22 tucky River be "taken in"; memorandum giv ing exact location and extent of lands. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: David Gass's Mem0, for Entries on the Kentucke to be put in bayl Book. 1775 Craig, Alexander. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Wil- June 29 liam Preston, Surveyor of Fincastle [County. Va.] Concerning his efforts to collect money 4QQ21 from Captain Collins, Charlton, Colonels Byrd and Peachy, and Southall ; probable that Capt. Walter Stewart may come with troops from Europe; requests that his claim be reserved a while longer; has received no answer to letters to Captain MeKenzie ; asks assistance in sale of Captain Poison's Kanawha land; also that on Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 pp. [104 1 Papers of William Preston 1775 Brown, John. Letter to [William Preston]. Disappointed June in making visit he had planned to Smithfield; knows of nothing to prevent his meeting Pres- 4QQ22 ton at court unless it be a presbyterial ap pointment at Stone Meeting-house ; encloses let ter from Tony and a receipt; Sister Lettice to pay him £16 10s. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Mr Brown June 1775. 1775 [Preston, William.] Letter to Oconastota, Little Car- [June] penter, Judge Friend, and the other chiefs of the warlike nation of the Cherokee. Encloses 4QQ17 letter from Governor Dunmore relative to re cent sale [to Henderson] of lands on the Ohio below the Kentucky; states that the Cherokee have no claim to that land, that it belongs to the king by virtue of the treaties of Lancaster, Logstown, and Fort Stanwix; hopes the affair will be settled in a friendly manner. Auto. draft. 1 p. On reverse : Surveys bearing the names of John Campbell, Henry Dougherty, Charles Blackly, and William McElhenny. En dorsed: Letter to the Cherokees by Mr Boyd. 1775. 1775 Preston, William. Letter to [John] Dunmore. For- June warded letter to Little Carpenter and the Chero kee chiefs by Andrew Boyd, who will also de- 4QQ18 liver their answer to his lordship; a trader's account of the treaty [with Henderson] ; quota tion from letter of Oconastota concerning war against the white people ; Boyd to apply for bounty land due to officers of his brother's rank. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. Endorsed: Copy of a Letter to the Governor by M1*. Andw. Boyd. Dunmore. 1775 Christian, Col. William. Magazine Spring. Letter to July 4 Col. William Preston. "Committee meeting to be held at McGavock's the following Monday; 4QQ23 asks that he bring accounts relating to powder works ; reported that R. Doggett and companion were killed at or near Nolichucky, also that some Cherokee were concerned in murder in [105] Wisconsin Historical Society 1775 July 4QQ24 Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col Christian's Letter giving notice of a Come. Ross, Alexander. Pittsburgh. Letter to Col. William Preston, Surveyor of Fincastle County, [Va.] Inquiring about land purchased from Capt. Alexander McKee which Douglas promised to survey for him; also land assigned by Capt. Coles Graydon to John Davidson, a merchant of Annapolis. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Ross. Pittsburg July 8th 1775. [1775] Christian, Col. William. Letter to [William Preston]. July 12 Informing of proceedings of recent committee meeting, and enclosing petition in regard to sur- 4QQ25 veys ; any message for him may be sent by John Brander who will stop by Craig's and Gray's en route to Richmond. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Col0 Christian's Lett1" Wednesday 12th July. 1775 Brown, John. Letter to [William Preston]. The other July 25 world increasing fast through war and sickness ; uncertain news from Boston ; an appointment to 4QQ26 administer sacrament at Stone Meeting-house will prevent his meeting Preston at court ; Ken tucky lands to be surveyed for Graham. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: enclosing Mr. Blackburn's Bond July 1775. 1775 Brown, John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Smithfield. July 26 Introducing his friend, the Rev. Mr. Rhea, who 4QQ27 intends to visit Reed Creek. A. L. S. 1 p. 1775 Madison, William. Letter to Col. William Preston. Cap- July tain Floyd desires instructions in regard to lands that he is to survey under the proclama- 4QQ30 tion; opposition of people upon Kentucky in consequence of letters from Colonel Christian and Captain Russell ; suggests that letter to Cap tain Floyd be sent by Daniel Boone who will re turn to Kentucky the last of the month. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Mr W Madisons Lettr. 1775 Brown, John. Aug. 10 field. Letter to Col. William Preston, Smith- Received letter by Tony; astonished at [106] Papers of William Preston information contained therein relative to 4QQ28 Charles; fears his position as member of the committee has turned his head; comments on orders received by Preston relative to surveys, and the action of a pretended friend; thanks for kindness extended to Rhea; instructions concerning land to be entered in name of Archi bald Blackburn. A. L. S. 1 p. Mr Brown's Lett1* Aug* 10th 1775. 1775 Lewis, Thomas. Richmond. Letter to [William Preston]. Auo. 19 Proceedings of the Virginia Convention ; resolu tion in regard to Lord Dunmore's proclamation 4QQ29 of May 8, 1775 and Preston's petition; military preparations; delegates to general Congress; the Committee of Safety named ; the colonies di vided by Congress into three districts for pur pose of treating with the Indians; Carleton active. P. S. [Aug.] 21. Passage of various ordinances. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Thos Lewis's Letter Aug* 18*11 1775. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 21-24. 1775 Brown, John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Smithfield, Aug. 24 Fincastle County, [Va.] Local news relating to ministerial appointments, prospects of the 4QQ31 proposed seminary, and the establishment of a school at Round Oak; payment of expenses of late expedition ; charges preferred against Pres ton; Cummings' right to serve as one of the committee questioned. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed : Mr Browns Letter Aug* 1775. 1775 Lewis, Thomas. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to Col. Wil- [Aug.] liam Preston, Fincastle County, [Va.] [Practi cally the same as 4QQ29]. A. L. S. 2 pp. Mu- 4QQ33 tilated. Tho9. Lewis. 1775. [1775 [Preston, William.] Letter to Col. [William] Christian. Aug.] On hearing of the committee's petition to the convention charging him [Preston] with hav- 4QQ32 ing improperly conducted surveys under his direction, and casting aspersions upon his char acter. Auto, draft. 3 pp. Endorsed : Copy of [107] Wisconsin Historical Society a Letter to Col Christian about ye Committee Pet". 1775 Brown, John. Letter to [William Preston]. Waddell's Oct. 10 negotiations with Thompson for purchase of Spring Hill; "The judgement of the Comittee 4QQ34 was read publickly much to the satisfection of 3rour friends — indeed to all ; " hopes to visit him after the presbytery. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Mr Browns L1" Octr. 1775. 1775 Virginia, The Committee of Safety for the Colony of. Oct. 29 Commission to Thomas Burk as captain of a company of militia of Fincastle County. Signed 4QQ159 by Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Lud[ington] Lee, P. Carrington, Dudley Digges, James Mercer, and John Tabb. Printed form filled in, signed. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Burk Octr. 29*h. 1775 Dickinson, Col. John. Cow Pasture. Letter to Col. Wil- Dec. 16 liam Preston, King's Surveyor in Fincastle [County, Va.] Query concerning surveys that 4QQ35 Floyd was to make for him in Kentucky; his cousin Josiah Pease going to Kentucky; satis faction of Preston's old friends on the re-estab lishment of his good name ; sends his compliments to Col. David Robinson. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed : Col°. Dickinsons Letter Dec1' 16th. 1775. [1775?] [Preston, William.] Letter to [Edmund] Pendleton. The spirit of opposition to ministerial measures 4QQ34 gaining ground in the back country; attitude of the descendants of the Irish Protestants; re ceived letter from Ocontastota, making warm professions of friendship ; advisability of secur ing friendship of Indians on the frontiers. Auto, draft. 1 p. Fragment. Endorsed: Let ter to Mr. Pendleton. 1776 Mercer, Hugh. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Wil- Feb. 10 liam Preston. Informing of the favorable re port of committee appointed to investigate 4QQ36 charges against him. Copy by Draper. .1 p. [108] Wisconsin Historical Society 1776 Shoat, Gabriel. Fincastle County. Deposition to the ef- May 13 feet that the Cherokee are about to make war on the people of Watauga, Nolichucky, and 4QQ38 Horse Creek; that they are aided and abetted by Cameron, Stuart, and Capt. Nathaniel Gist; Isaac Thomas named as the source of his infor mation. Sworn before John Montgomery and James McGavock. Contemporary copy [?]. 2 pp. Endorsed: Shoat 's Deposition. 1776 Bledsoe, Maj. Anthony. Holston. Letter to Col. Wil- May 14 liam Preston. Cherokee instigated by Stuart and Cameron; people greatly alarmed by Isaac 4QQ39 Thomas' account of the situation; request for more powder; opened letter to enclose Isaac Thomas' deposition. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Maj1" Bledsoe's Lett1* May 14th. 1776. 1776 [Christian, Gilbert.] Pendleton District, Long Island. May 16 Letter to [William Preston]. The inhabitants of the Lower Holston in great fear of the In- 4QQ40 dians; request for men and ammunition; money sent for the latter; Capt. William Briseo rais ing men ; desires instructions ; the bearer, James King, to be furnished with a receptacle for car rying the powder. A. L. Signature cut away. 1 P- 1776 Todd Jr., John. Mansfield. Letter to [William Preston] . May 17 Informed by Floyd that land on which his brother has settled has been entered by Pres- 4QQ41 ton ; requests that the entry be removed ; land re ferred to is called Barton's Lick. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Jn° Tods Lett1" about Bartons Lick 1776. 1776 Bledsoe, Maj. Anthony. Capt. Shelby's. Letter to Col. May 22 William Preston, Fincastle [County, Va.] En closes copy of letter from the Cherokee ; the 4QQ42 original to be sent to convention of North Car olina; people greatly alarmed, some fleeing; asks that powder be procured and sold to the frontiersmen, and that a meeting of the com mittee be called for the adoption of measures [109] Wisconsin Historical Society of defense. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Majr Bledsoes Letter 22d May 1776. 1776 Lewis, Capt. Aaron. Letter to [William Preston]. Ap- May 24 prehensions of an Indian war; has this day called a muster of his company; thirty volun- 4QQ43 teers promised ; application for powder. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Lewis's Lett1" ab* Pow der. 1776 Cocke, Capt. William. Amos Eaton's. Letter to Maj. May 27 Anthony Bledsoe. Calling to mind the services rendered by the frontiersmen in former wars, 4QQ44 and expressing hope that the convention will render assistance in the present danger from the Cherokee, who, he intimates, are instigated by the British. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Cocke's Lett1" May 27th. 1776. 1776 [Virginia] Committee of Safety. Williamsburg. Order May 27 to the effect that 200 lbs. of powder be for warded to each of the counties of Fincastle, 4QQ48 Botetourt, and Pittsylvania, it having appeared in affidavits of Gabriel Shoat and John Ram sey which were enclosed in letter of Col. Wil liam Preston, that an attack by the Cherokee on the southwestern frontier is probable. Signed by J. Beckley, assistant clerk. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Endorsed: For Col°. Fleming Bote tourt & forwarded by him to Col°. Preston. 1776 Brooks, Matthew. Letter to Maj. [Anthony] Bledsoe. May 30 News from North Carolina; death of Parks in Powell's Valley; receipt of depositions setting 4QQ46 forth danger threatening people of Fincastle County ; proffer of assistance ; the writer en route to Watauga to see Charles Robinson. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Mat : Brook, May 30th 1776. 1776 Carter, John. Watauga. Letter to [William Preston?]. May 30 Return of John Bryan and Isaac Thomas, mes sengers to the Cherokee nation; substance of 4QQ45 the former's deposition telling of the capture of Preston Hampton and his brother, the activ- [110] Papers of William Preston ities of Cameron and Capt. Nathaniel Gist, and mentioning the visit of Capt. James Yorke to the nation. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: John Bryan's Deposition. 1776 Christian, William. Fincastle Town. Letter to Col. Wil- June 8 liam Preston, Smithfield. Regarding the prob ability of war with the Cherokee who are in- 4QQ49 stigated by the traders ; efforts to force the set tlers to move within the line ; measures for de fense; the treaty at Augusta; treaty held by middle Cherokee; settlement of personal ac counts; concerning the report that the people of Watauga will join the enemy. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: W. Christian. 1776 Fleming, William. Letter to Col. William Preston, June 8 Fincastle County, [Va.] Impracticability of marching an army along the route pointed out 4QQ47 by Stuart; the frontier being exposed to an in vasion from Canada, the committee will no doubt provide a proper store of ammunition in each county; distribution of powder sent by Boone; Dunmore at mouth of York River. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Will: Fleming June 8th. 1776. 1776 [Preston, William.] Fincastle. Letter to [Edmund] June 15 Pendleton. Measures for protection of the frontier against the Cherokee; asks instructions 4QQ50 as to manner of dealing with the Tories; Isaac Thomas engaged as messenger to the Indians in an effort to maintain peace; Powell's Valley deserted; Roberts with Tories on Elk Creek. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Endorsed: Letter to Pres ident Pendleton. 1776 [Virginia] Committee of Safety. Williamsburg. Order June 20 concerning the raising of militia for the protec tion of inhabitants of Fincastle County; the 4QQ51 propriety of sending a talk to the chief of the Cherokee, should hostilities not yet have com menced; the delivery of powder and lead to Colonel Russell. Signed by Edmund Pendle ton, President. Contemporary copy [?] 1 p. [Ill] Wisconsin Historical Society Endorsed: Col° Pendleton Letter from the Committe. 1776 Todd Jr., John. Mansfield. Letter to Col. William Pres- June 22 ton, Fincastle County, Va. Requests that en tries be made for himself and his uncle, and 4QQ52 for Overton, Daniel Turner, and Parker also, if it can be done without their writing; weak ness of the entry law; Kentucky distracted with the clashing interests of cabining and sur veying. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Todd's Letter June 22d 1776. 1776 Russell, William. Letter to Col. William Preston, County July 7 Lieutenant of Fincastle. Two men killed at Blackmore 's Fort; John Douglas killed at Lit- 4QQ53 tie Moccasin Gap; the militia from New River anxious to get back to their crops ; visit to his family; enlistment of men in the different forts; Madison's appointment by the conven tion ; spies sent to people on Kentucky to give notice of the war; Thomas Price's deposition sent to the governor; copy enclosed. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: W. Russell May [sic] 1776. 1776 Russell, Capt. William. Letter to Col. William Preston. July 17 Calling on the county lieutenant for 150 armed men to repel invasion of the Cherokee; infor- 4QQ54 mation obtained from Isaac Thomas. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Russell's Letter July 17th 1776. 1776 Russell, Col. William. Letter to Col. William Preston July 20 Commencement of hostilities with the Chero kee; requests that reinforcements be hastened 4QQ55 forward; necessary to increase guard at the lead mines; application to Colonel Fleming for powder; refers to Captain McCorkle for an account of victory at Charleston. A. L. S. 2 pp. On same sheet : Note from James Rob ertson informing of Indian signs discovered by William Falling' and other scouts, and of the expected attack on the fort. Endorsed: Col°- Russell's Letter July 20th 1776. [112] Papers of William Preston 1776 Montgomery, John, and James M'Gavock. Fort Chis- July 22 well. Letter to [William Preston]. Request 4QQ56 for powder. A. L. S. 2 pp. Mutilated. 1776 Russell, Capt. William. [Fort] Chiswell. Letter to Col. July 23 William Preston, County Lieutenant of Fin castle. Informed by Captain Madison of vic- 4QQ57 tory over the Cherokee near Big Island; the militia preparing to march; Captain Draper to join him in the evening; a fort being erected at the lead mines ; applications to Colonel Flem ing for powder; the governor requested to send an expedition; suggests that he write to Lynch for powder. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Russell's Letter July 23d 1776. 1776 Russell, Col. William. William Sawyer's. Letter to Col. July 23 William Preston, County Lieutenant of Bote tourt [sic]. Came down to meet company from 4QQ58 Botetourt; glad to hear Colonel Robertson's company has been ordered out; asks that let ters be forwarded to the governor, that powder be sent to Fort Chiswell or the mines as soon as possible, and that he use his influence in forwarding expedition; has written [to the governor] for troops and ammunition; en closes an account of the battle. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0. Russell's Letter July 23d. 1776. [1776 Russell, Col. William. Letter to Col. William Preston, July 24] County Lieutenant of Fincastle. Will attempt to relieve people at Watauga who are in great 4QQ59 danger from the Cherokee; urges him to hasten forward men and ammunition; suggests that powder be procured from Colonel Lynch and that Colonel Robertson see to the collection of drafts. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col0. Rus sells Letter. 1776 RusseU, William. Letter to Col. William Preston, County July 27 Lieutenant of Fincastle. Conveying thanks for measures taken during the late alarm ; his 4QQ60 wishes in regard to the drafting of men, the placing of scouts, and the defense of the lead mines; news of the advance of Indians, the de- 8— H. S. 113] Wisconsin Historical Society feat of the Carolinians at Quaker Meadows, and the tedious march of the Botetourt com pany. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: W. Russell July 1776. 1776 Preston, William. Fincastle. Letter to . Arrange- July 30 ments for the expedition which the council has ordered to be sent against the Cherokee. Auto. 4QQ61 draft, signed. 2 pp. 1776 Cary, Archibald. Ampthill. Letter to Col. William July 31 Preston, Fincastle. Commiserating the fron tiersmen on account of the Cherokee invasion; 4QQ62 expressing his pleasure on hearing of young Shelby's good conduct at the battle; stigmatiz ing Gist; promising to use his influence in be half of the settlers, and offering to them the use of his land in Bedford County. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Arb : Cary July 1776. 1776 Page, John, President of the Council. Williamsburg, Aug. 1 [Va.] Letter to Col. William Preston, Fin castle County, [Va.] Withdrawing the offer 4QQ63 made him to act as commissary for troops to be sent on expedition against the Overhill Cherokee, Thomas Madison having been al ready appointed by the convention. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Presidents Letter Aug*. 1, 1776. 1776 Fleming, William. Letter to [William Preston]. No re- Aug. 2 cent news of the Indians; hopes they have re turned home ; lack of powder in Botetourt 4QQ65 County; has received orders to raise men for expedition against the Cherokee ; two prisoners delivered at Pittsburgh; probably taken on Kentucky; Captain Arbuckle ordered to Point Pleasant. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Will: Fleming May 1776. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 174- 176. 1776 Preston, William. Fincastle. Letter to President [of Aug. 2 the Council]. Informing of his measures for the defense of the lead mines, the siege of the 4QQ64 fort at Watauga, the raising of militia for the expedition, and arrangements for provisioning [114] Papers of William Preston the army. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. Muti lated. Endorsed: Letter to the President Aug1 2d. 1776. 1776 Buchanan, John. Camp near Gwyn's Island. Letter to Aug. 3 Col. William Preston, Smithfield, Fincastle County, [Va.] Dunmore driven from Gwyn's 4QQ66 Island; Captain Arandole killed; greetings from Captain Crockett and Lieutenant Sayers; has heard of the battle with Indians on Holston River. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: John Bu chanan 1776. 1776 Lewis, Gen. Andrew. Williamsburg, [Va.J Letter to Aug. 7 [William Preston]. Concerning arrangements for expedition against the Cherokee; defeat of 4QQ67 the enemy near Great Island; treaty in prog ress at Pittsburgh ; troops ordered to New York leaving the state in an exposed position; and Dunmore's recent movements. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: General Lewis's Letter 1776. 1776 Preston, William. Fincastle. Letter to . Prepara- Aug. 9 tions for expedition against the Cherokee; Capt. [Thomas] Madison to act as commissary; 4QQ68 two companies of riflemen at Watauga willing to enter into service of Virginia. Auto, draft, signed. 1 p. 1776 Buchanan, James. Letter to [William Preston]. Con- Aug. 11 cerning the purchase and transportation of pro visions; encloses list of articles bought, hired, 4QQ37 and bespoke according to instructions. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: J. Buchanan May 11th. 1776. 1776 MeGavock, James. Letter to [William Preston]. Dis- Aug. 14 satisfaction with political conditions; urges him to serve once more in the assembly; has 4QQ69 heard his loyalty to his country questioned. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: James McGavock, Aug* 14th 1776. 1776 Christian, William. Haw Bottom. Letter to [William Aug. 27 Preston]. Received letter with the plats; ac knowledges invitation; expects to be at Smith- 4QQ70 field on Wednesday; will go first to Colonel [115] Wisconsin Historical Society Fleming's and to Vause 's; Bonnes 's failure to obtain sulphur from Colonel Bannister; news from Carolina. A. L. S. 1 p. On the reverse: List of books. Endorsed: W. Christian, Aug* 1776. 1776 Robertson, Col. James. Letter to Col. William Preston. Sept. 16 Report to his superior officer concerning the discharge of his orders for the drafting of men 4QQ72 and other measures for the protection of the inhabitants ; recent Indian depredations on Hol ston. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col° Robert son's Letter. 1776 [Virginia, Assembly.] "Extract of an act of Assembly, Sept. 20 entitled An act for giving farther power to the Governour and Council, and for other pur- 4QQ71 poses." On same sheet: "Extract from the Continental Articles of War of September 20, 1776." Concerning deserters. Printed broad side. 1 p. 1776 Russell, William. Fort Chiswell. Letter to Col. William Sept. 21 Preston. Troops on the march as ordered by Colonel Christian; party of Indians seen near 4QQ73 Watauga Fort on the 18th; inquiry concerning drafts ordered by Colonel Robertson to go out on Sandy Creek; an interview requested; Jon athan Jennings' son and a negro killed at Blackmore 's Fort; no news of Captain Smith who went over to Clinch last week. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col° Russell's Letter. 1776 Thompson, Capt. James. Camp at 3 Springs. Letter to Oct. 6 [William Preston]. Col. William Christian's expedition against the Indians ; 1800 men in 4QQ74 number. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap* Thompsons Letter from Camp. 1777 Christian, William, William Preston, and Evan Shelby, Jan. 22- Commissioners on the part of Virginia. Record Apr. 21 of their negotiations with the Cherokee at Fort Patrick Henry; the correspondence between 4QQ76-149 the commissioners and the Cherokee chiefs; [116] Papers of William Preston their speeches and acts are contained herein. Contemporary copy. 75 pp. Some pages are duplicated. 1777 Henry Jr., Patrick. Hanover. Letter to Col. William Jan. 22 Christian. Appointing him, Col. William Pres ton, and Maj. Evan Shelby as commissioners on 4QQ77, 78 behalf of Virginia to conduct treaty with the Cherokee. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4QQ108-110 . Contemporary copy. 3 pp. [1777] [Christian, William, William Preston and Evan Shelby. Apr. Fort Patrick] Henry. Letter to [Patrick Henry Jr.] An account of their transactions 4QQ150-153 at treaty with the Cherokee; a second treaty to be held at same place on June 26 next, when it is hoped Dragging Canoe will be present; no tice of treaty to be sent to governor of North Carolina; Oconastota, Little Carpenter, and other chiefs to visit Williamsburg; distressed situation of people in Washington County; aid recommended. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. 1777 Todd, Rev. John. Louisa. Letter to Col. William Pres- May 16 ton, Fincastle. On the exposed situation of people in Kentucky; need of succor; news of an 4QQ154 Indian attack on Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Revd. M1" Todds Lr 1777. 1777 CasweU, Gov. Richard. Newbern, N. C. Commission to June 12 Waightstill Avery, William Sharpe, Robert La nier, and Joseph Winston to act in behalf of 4QQ155 North Carolina in conjunction with commis sioners of Virginia and South Carolina in estab lishing a peace and fixing a boundary line be tween the Cherokee and the white people. Signed by J. Glasgow, Sec. D. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Carolina Comr Cmmn &c. [1777 [Christian, William, William Preston, and Evan Shelby.] June 26?] Speech by the Commissioners on the part of Virginia at treaty with the Cherokee. Profes- 4QQ156, 157 sion of friendship ; Dragging Canoe, Judge Friend, Lying Fish, and Young Tassell absent from the treaty; trusts that those present are [117] Wisconsin Historical Society authorized to act for the nation; ammunition, provisions, and other goods supplied as prom ised at last treaty; boundary line to be estab lished between the Cherokee and white people; commissioners from North Carolina present; messages from Stuart and Cameron, advising peace; General Lewis' profession of regard for the nation; his distrust of Cameron. Draft in Preston's handwriting. 2 pp. 1778 Page, Lieut-Gov. John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Feb. 4 [William Preston]. His letter about the un happy situation of the frontiers received in the 4QQ161 governor's absence; no action to be taken until 18th inst. when a full meeting of the board can be had; an order for 500 lbs. lead enclosed; in structions in the event of the beginning of hos tilities. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1778 Burk, Capt. Thomas. Letter to [William Preston] . Has Feb. 18 called the men together according to orders; refuses to take the oath of allegiance; encloses 4QQ158 his commission and tenders his resignation. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Burks Letter & Lists. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Fron tier Defense on the Upper Ohio (Madison, 1912), pp. 203, 204. 1778 Preston, William. Montgomery. Warrant to Constable Feb. 23 Bryan McDonald for the apprehension and arrest of Thomas Heavin on a charge of disloyalty to 4QQ160 the cause of independence; Lieut. William Mc- Mullen, Robert Richey, James Bane Jr., Philip Barragar, and John Smythe to be summoned as witnesses in behalf of the state. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Warr* for Thos Heavin. 1778 [Preston, William.] Montgomery. Letter to [Patrick Mar. 4 Henry?] Asking that a commission as justice of the peace be forwarded to Botetourt or 4QQ162 Montgomery counties before the April term of court; mentioning the deplorable situation of the frontier settlements, and requesting an answer to his letter of January 16. Auto. draft. 1 p. [118 1 Papers of William Preston 1778 Preston, William, and William Fleming. Botetourt. Let- Mar. 14 ter to [Patrick Henry]. Meeting at General Lewis' to consider matter suggested in his let- 4QQ163 ter of February 19; recommendations for de fense of frontier; a post of communication with Fort Randolph to be fixed at Kelly's; murder of Indians at Fort Randolph; depositions of Captain Arbuckle and Colonel Skillern in re gard thereto. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 223-225. [1778 [Preston, William.] Memorandum for a proposed letter Mar. 14] to the Shawnee Indians concerning the murder of their people ; expressing the desire of the Vir- 4QQ163 ginians to maintain peace and to bring the mur derers to justice. A. N. 1 p. On same sheet : Letter from William Fleming and himself to [Patrick Henry], Mar. 14, 1778. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, p. 261. 1778 Walker, Thomas. Letter to [William Preston]. Li- Mar. 23 structions concerning the taking of depositions in support of claims under grant to Loyal Land 4QQ164 Company; mentions his having explored the country far west of the settlements in 1750. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Dr Walkers Lettr. 1778 Clyme[r], George, Samp [son] Mathews, and Samuel Mc- Mar. 26 Dowe[U]. Pittsburgh. Letter to Col. William Preston, Lieutenant of the county of Mont- 4QQ165 gomery. They, the commissioners, have recom mended to Congress that two regiments be raised for defense of frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania ; General Hand empowered to order out the militia; any order of his to be complied with. L. S. 1 p. Mutilated. En dorsed: The Commissions [sic] Letter from Pittsburg 1778. 1778 [Hand, Edward.] Fort Pitt. Letter to Col. [William] Mar. 27 Preston, Lieutenant of Montgomery County. Instructing him to call out the militia in defense 4QQ166 of the frontiers of Montgomery County against [119] Wisconsin Historical Society incursions of the Indians. A. L. 1 p. En dorsed: A Lett1" supposed to be from G. Hand [sic]. 1778 Henry, Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [Wil- May 5 liam Fleming]. Acknowledges letter by Col onel Henderson; authorizes him to act on his 4QQ167 orders of March 27, rather than those of Gen eral Hand; approves his and Preston's address to the Shawnee; and requests him to inform Colonel Stuart as to number of men needed to defend post at Kelly's. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed: Govrs. Letter May 5th. 1778 P Henry. 1778 Henry, May 12 4QQ168 1778 Trigg, May 16 Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. William Preston, Montgomery. Authorizing him to keep a sergeant and twelve men sta tioned at his house at Draper's Meadow. A. L. S. 1 p. Stephen. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [Wil liam Preston]. Receipt of letters by Captain McClanahan; promises to look after land inter- 4QQ169 ests, should the assembly take up the matter; bills for raising men for the army; a guard granted to Preston to protect his family : treaty with France ; embarkation of British army ; transportation of powder. A. L. S. 4 pp. En dorsed : Mr Triggs Lr May 17th 78. 1778 Breckinridge, Lieut. Alexander. Camp Valley Forge. May 17 Letter to [William Preston]. Receipt of letter of February 1 by Lieutenant Walker; military 4QQ171 movements; General Howe to sail for home the following Wednesday; the Queen's birthday celebration on 6th inst. ; cheers for France, Spain, and the United States of America ; en closes bond for Joseph Drake on Peter Craford. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr Breckenridges Letter May 17th 1778. 1778 Henry, Patrick. WiUiamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. May 17 William Preston, Montgomery. Refusal of the 4QQ170 council to send aid from Pittsylvania or Henry [ 120 ] Papers of William Preston counties; reinforcements to be had from the neighboring militia in case of attack; advan tages of good , scouts. A. L. S. 1 p. 1778 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Letter to [William Preston?] May 29 Acknowledges receipt of £35 for subsistence of recruits, also £9 for the county ; the land matter 4QQ172 put off until second Monday in next session; will send a copy of the petition against the grantees with his [Walker's] opinion. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Doctr Walkers Lett1" 1778 of Use. 1778 Lewis, Andrew. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mont- June 8 gomery. Encloses letters from Colonel Flem ing] and Samuel Lewis; Fleming's efforts to 4QQ173 protect the inhabitants; people still uneasy; Indians having been seen near Dyerly's, James Neely's, Jameson's Plantation, Sweet Springs, and Absalom Looney 's; inquiries about the mi litia, reinforcements etc. ; Dick wounded by In dians; three different parties in the vicinity. A. L. S. 1 p. Mutilated. Endorsed: G. Lewis. 1778 Robertson, James. Letter to Col. William Preston. Has June 9 waited impatiently for the Henry [County] militia; will move his family to Peter Dyerly's 4QQ175 tomorrow, and requests that one or two soldiers be sent there to guard them ; he himself going on the frontiers. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: James Robertson lettr 1778. 1778 Trigg, Stephen. Dunkard Bottom, [Va.] Letter to Col. June 14 William Preston. Just returned from Wil liamsburg; news of the assembly; land matters 4QQ176 postponed; Invasion Act amended; order from the governor for powder and lead; Fleming to let him [Preston] have a cask of powder; ex pedition against the Indians; Daniel Trigg with him at present time ; request for a guard. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Stephen Trigg 1778. 1778 Fleming, William. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mont- June 16 gomery. As to the advisability of placing a re- 4QQ177 inforcement of fifty men at Kelly's Station or [121] Wisconsin Historical Society on Greenbrier; reference to Floyd. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: 1778. 1778 Henry, Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [Wil- June 27 liam Preston] . Receipt of letter by Madison ; provisions, powder, and gun flints to be lodged 4QQ178 at Colonel Fleming's for the general use of the southwestern frontier; suggestions as to expe dition against the Indians; treaty with the Shawnee and Delawares ordered by Congress to be held at Pittsburgh on July 23 ; discretionary power placed in Preston. A. L. S. 2 pp. [Preston, William.] Letter to [Andrew Lewis] . In re ply to letter of [June] 8; congratulations on the gallant conduct of a youth in defending a post against the Indians. [Evidently alluding to Col. Samuel Lewis and defense of Donnally's Fort.] Auto, draft. 1 p. Mutilated. Walker, Dr. Thomas. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [William Preston]. Message to Capt. John Floyd about ten guineas borrowed of Dr. [Ben jamin] Franklin; receipt of Colonel Pendleton's account against Colonel Patton 's estate; af fairs of the Loyal Land Company; a copy of petition against monopolies enclosed; surprised to see names of Evan Shelby, Isaac Ruddle, and the Montgomerys among the signers; has writ ten Maj. Daniel Smith about the matter. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Doctr Walkers Let ter of use. Donelson, Col. John. Pittsylvania. Letter to Col. [Wil liam] Preston. Receipt of letter of Aug. 23; return from Kentucky via Iron Mountain; set tlement of accounts with Lockhart and Crow: inability to procure iron for Robertson; prep arations for removal to the West; request for current news of Indian affairs; Col. Clark's re turn. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col0 Donel son 's Lettr with Mr Crow's ace* which I paid. £2-6-6p. 1778 Sumner, Jethro. Bute County, North Carolina. Let- Oct. 2 ter to Col. William Preston, Fincastle County, [1778 June] 4QQ174 1778 July 9 4QQ179 1778 Oct. 1 4QQ180 [122 Papers of William Preston [Va.] Inquiry about survey of his lands in 4QQ181,182 Fincastle County under warrant from Lord Dunmore; warrant delivered to Colonel Rus sell; informed by Nathaniel Henderson that Colonel Floyd surveyed 2000 acres for him : A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Mr Sumners Letter N° Carolina 1778. 1778 EstiU, James. Receipt to William Preston for 61 pounds Oct. 11 of lead for the use of Captain Henderson's com pany of militia on Greenbrier. D. S. 1 p. En- 4QQ182 dorsed : Jas. Estill recp* Lead for the Greebrier Militia. 1778 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston, Oct. 23 Montgomery County. Receipt of letter of 13th inst. by Captain Floyd; thanks for assistance in 4QQ183 enabling him to justify himself and the [Loyal Land] Company; medical prescription; bleed ing recommended. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Doctr. Walker Letter Octo1". 23. 1778. 1778 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Dec. 16 [William Preston]. Acknowledges his services in behalf of Colonel Patton and the Loyal Land 4QQ184 Company; something of the same kind will be of service at next session [of the assembly] ; writing to Maj. Daniel Smith may be danger ous; James Buchanan's appointment. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Dr Walkers Letter Decr 1778. Jas. Buchanan mentA 1779 Brown Jr., John. William and Mary College. Letter to Mar. 30 Col. William Preston, Smithfield. Receipt of letter by Floyd; grateful for manifestations of 5QQ1 kindness and affection; the advantages of his situation; moral tone of the place; as to the advisability of studying law or physics; in no need of money; message to his cousin John Breckinridge. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: John Brown Jnr. 1779 Preston, William. Statement acquitting George Patter- Apr. 24 son of the charge of having met at Michael 5QQ2 Price's with the non- jurors and others disaf- [123] Wisconsin Historical Society fected to the existing government of Virginia for the purpose of taking the oath of allegiance to the King of Great Britian. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Charge vs. the Nonjurors. 1779 Russell, Col. William. Camp at Suffran's Tavern, just July 29 within Jersey. Letter to Col. William Preston, Montgomery County, Va. Battle of Stony 5QQ3 Point; necessary steps for procuring a patent to lands on the Elkhorn in Kentucky, which were surveyed by Colonel Floyd. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Col Russells Lett1, July 1779. 1779 Lewis, Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mont- July 30 gomery County. Inquiry about lands surveyed by Colby Chew under warrant from Lord Dun- 5QQ4 more to Charles Lewis ; his appointment as one of the commissioners to settle boundary be tween Virginia and Pennsylvania ; criticism of Congress. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Thos. Lewis's Letter July 30th 1779. 1779 Lewis, Gen. Andrew. Richfield. Letter to Col. William Aug. 4 Preston. Urging him not to decline the ap pointment as commissioner to settle land claims ; 5QQ5 "Most of the business will ly in Green Brier." A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Gen1 Lewis Aug* 4" 1779. 1779 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Fort Chiswell. Letter to Col. Aug. 14 William Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] En closes letters for his perusal and requests that 5QQ6 they be forwarded; instructions concerning sur veys; the Loyal Land Grant; expects Floyd will find him at the beginning of the line. A. L. S. 1 p. 1779 Walker, Thomas. Fort Chiswell. Letter to Col. Wil- Aug. 14 liam Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] Say ing that he [as agent for the Loyal Land Co.] 5QQ7 will not prevent any purchaser from receiving his plats and certificates, provided they are well affected to the American cause. Wit nessed by James McCorkle and John Mont gomery. A. L. S. 1 p. [124] Papers of William Preston 1779 Breckinridge, Alexander. Camp Ramipaw. Letter to Aug. 22 [William Preston]. Capture of Paulus Hook; Lieut. Ballard Smith well. A. L. S. 2 pp. En- 5QQ8 dorsed: Mr Alex1' Breckinridges Letter Aug*. 1779. 1779 Williams, Maj. John. Kaskaskia, Fort Clark, Illinois Sept. 20 County. Letter to Col. William Preston. The situation of the soldiers; want of clothing; de- 5QQ9 preciation of the currency; river controlled by the Spanish; four men killed at Post St. Vin cent by Delaware Indians; death of Major Bowman ; thanks for appointment as lieutenant under Captain Montgomery. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Major Williams's Letter. 1779. 1779 Brown Jr., John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Oct. 20 William Preston, Smithfield. Concerning a business matter intrusted to him and Granville 5QQ10 Smith; the state of Preston's health; his study of law under the direction of the attorney-gen eral. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: M1' John Browns Lett1". Nov1' 1779. 1779 Christian, William. Mahanaim. Letter to Col. William Oct. 22 Preston, Smithfield. Acknowledges receipt of letters and Kerr's deposition; dispute between 5QQ11 Kerr and Ingram ; received plats of his surveys in Kentucky from Henry; requests copies of warrants for Arthur Campbell, Colonel Byrd, Henry Harrison and himself; invites Preston to stop with him on his way to court; capture of Bryce Russell's daughter by Indian Logan. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Octr. 1779. 1779 Breckinridge, Alexander. Camp Haverstraw. Letter to Nov. 22 Col. William Preston, Botetourt County, Va. The evacuation of Stony Point; operations of 5QQ12 the Virginia division; the enemy still in New York; the army in motion for winter quarters; expects to return to Virginia in May; greet ings to Capt. William Madison and Colonel Floyd; Ballard Smith well. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap* Breckinridge Letter Novr 22d 1779. [125] Wisconsin Historical Society 1779 Crockett, Col. Joseph. Letter to Col. William Preston. Dec. 4 Saying that he has transmitted orders to Sayers and McGavock concerning the raising of sol- 5QQ13 diers, and asking further instructions. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0 Crocketts Letter Decr. 1779. 1779 Brown [Jr.], John. William and Mary [College]. Letter Dec. 9 to [William Preston]. Gratification at his uncle's improved health; changes made in the 5QQ14 administration of the college at meeting of vis itors on 4th inst. ; asks advice as to continua tion of his study of law under Randolph; sanc tions sale of Potts 's Creek land. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: M1' John Browns Lr Dec1" 1779. 1779 Crockett, Col. Joseph. Fort Chiswell. Letter to Col. Dec. 28 William Preston. Asks instructions concern ing the payment of bounties to the soldiers ; has 5QQ15 requested McGavock to delay the march until January 10. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0 Crocketts Letter Decr. 1779. 1780 Brown Jr., John. William and Mary College. Letter to Jan. 26 Col. William Preston, Smithfield. Concerning his plans for the following year, the deprecia- 5QQ17 tion of currency, and the unusually cold win ter. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : M1*. Jn° Brown Jun1" Jany. 1780. 1780 Brown Jr., John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Feb. 15 William Preston, Smithfield. Receipt of letter of January 6; finances; unable to attend fenc- 5QQ18 ing school; close application to his studies. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr John Brown's Letter Feb**". 1780. 1780 Russell, Col. William. Manchester. Letter to Col. Wil- Feb. 26 liam Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] Will put the troops in motion tomorrow for Peters- 5QQ19 burg; letter from General Lincoln, telling of the arrival of reinforcements in Georgia under Lord Cornwallis or General Clinton; difficulties of the campaign ; requests that he write to Cap tain Bowen in regard to his warrant for 3000 [126] Papers of William Preston acres and otherwise look after his land claims. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col Russells Letter Feb^. 1780. 1780 Brown Jr., John. Williamsburg [Va.] Letter to [Wil- Mar. 7 liam Preston]. Receipt of letter by Captain Quick; his intention to continue at college; 5QQ20 financial difficulties; application to May for as sistance; newspaper containing King's speech to Parliament enclosed; no hope of pacifica tion; public spirit and resources almost ex hausted. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: John Brown's Letter March 1780. 1780 Walker, Dr. Thomas. French Lick on Cumberland Mar. 9 River. Letter to [William Preston]. Asks that land warrants for himself and friends be 5QQ21 properly entered, and suggests that informa tion concerning lands may be had from Thomas Walling, Elisha Walling Jr., Joseph Martin, and Mordecai Hord; asks to be remembered to Col onel Ingles. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Doctr Walker, L1*. Mar. 9th. 1780. 1780 Brown Jr., John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [William Mar. 11 Preston]. Receipt of letter by Doack; happy to hear that his cousin J. Breckinridge is to 5QQ22 become a student at the university; want of money; will gratefully accept assistance should his father be unable to help him. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr. John Brown's Letter March 1780. 1780 Campbell, William. Aspenville. Letter to Col. William Mar. 13 Preston. Colonel Shelby, who has been elected as senator from his county desires an interview 5QQ23 with Preston before going to Newbern; ar rangements for a meeting at Fort Chiswell on March 28; Looney and Col. [Isaac] Clark are the delegates from [Sullivan] County. Copy by Draper. 2 pp. 1780 Jefferson, Gov. Thomas. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Mar. 21 [William Preston]. Instructions concerning trials for treason, protection of the lead mines 5QQ24 and defense against the Indians; Col. [G. R.] [127] Wisconsin Historical Society Clark to be called on for assistance in case of invasion or insurrection. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Governours Letter 21st. March 1780. 1780 Brown Jr., John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [Wil- Mar. 22 Ham Preston]. Received letter of 12th inst.; expresses gratitude for assistance rendered; 5QQ25 sent Buchanan commissions from the professors [of William and Mary College] for Preston and Breckinridge ; the situation of Charleston ; lias applied for the surveyorship of a county should Kentucky be divided. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Mr John Brown Lr. March 1780. 1780 Taylor, John. Head [of] Clinch [River]. Letter to Mar. 23 [William Preston]. James Roark's wife and children scalped by Indians; horses belonging 5QQ26 to William Patterson taken; people in great confusion, and in need of assistance; Captain Maxwell's company gathered together in small parties. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Tay lors Lettr March 23d. 1780. 1780 P[reston], Wfilliam]. Letter to [Gov. Thomas Jeffer- Mar. son]. Informing of a conspiracy on the part of the Tories, and asking instructions in re- 5QQ28 gard to its suppression; would also like advice as to the defense of the frontiers against the Indians. Auto. draft, signed. 2 pp. En dorsed : L1". to the Govr Mar 1780. 1780 Hog, Capt. Peter. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to [William May 17 Preston] . Concerning a bond. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Hogs Lettr ab* a Bond May 17 5QQ30 1780. 1780 Campbell, William. Letter to Col. William Preston, May Montgomery. Requests that an old military warrant which was assigned to James Logan, 5QQ29 and by him assigned to Capt. John Kinkead be sent him ; blockade of Charleston. A. L. S. 1 p. 1780 Breckinridge, William. Bear Grass, Fort William, Ken- June 1 tucky County. Letter to Col. William Preston, 5QQ31 Montgomery County. Location of warrants by [128] Papers of William Preston Floyd on Brashear's Creek in Kentucky; the deputy surveyorship ; Indian depredations; a party to go out against the Shawnee towns in a few days. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Wm Breckinridges Lr. June 1st. 1780. 1780 Campbell, Arthur. Goodwood. Letter to [William Pres- June 13 ton]. Consternation in Kentucky in view of the threatened invasion; an expedition prepar- 5QQ33 ing to go to the relief of the settlers; request for ammunition and reinforcements; Butler's boast that he will give no quarter; his conduct at Wyoming; the enemy expected at the Falls about the last of the month. A. L. S. 1 p. 1780 Jefferson, Thomas. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to [William June 15 Preston?] Instructions concerning the send ing of militia from Washington and Montgom- 5QQ34 ery counties to aid the Carolinians in Chicka- mauga expedition; Col. William Campbell to have command; ammunition to be sent to Ken tucky. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1780 Peteson [?], Jacob. Holston. Letter to Michael Price, June 22 Montgomery County. Informing of the taking of Charleston by the British and of New York 5QQ35 by the French. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by Draper : June 22- '80 Tory letter. 1780 Jefferson, Thomas. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to [William June 28 Preston]. Change in plans for sending ammu nition to Kentucky; an escort of militia unnec- 5QQ36 essary; calls for men from north and south; un able to send any to his [Preston's] quarter; cooperation with the French; loss of Charles ton. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Governours Letter June 28th 1780 came to hand the 18th. July 1780. [1780 Hetcher [?], John. Holston. Letter to David Harbot jUNe] [Herbert], Toms Creek. Charleston taken; 5QQ32 Kentucky threatened by Indians. A. L. S. 1 p. 1780 Jefferson, Thomas. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to [Wil- jULY 3 liam Preston]. Protection of the lead mines: Colonel Crokett's battalion to aid in taking 5QQ38 posts to cover the western frontier and to join 9— H. S. [ 129 ] Wisconsin Historical Society Colonel Clark occasionally; 5000 militia to go to Carolina; Col. William Campbell to com mand .expedition. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Gov- ernours Letter July 3d. 1780. came to hand the 18th. July. 1780 Preston, William. Letter to Capt. James Byrn. In- July 5 structions concerning the disarming of the To ries on Walker's and Wolf creeks; Capt. 5QQ37 Thomas Ingles not to be disturbed ; pilots to be chosen from the companies of Captains McCor- kle or Patton. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap* Byrn's Instructions July 5th. 1780. 1780 Brown Jr., John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [Wil- July 6 liam Preston]. Thanks for assistance through the hands of Johnson; his studies in law under 5QQ39 Wythe; distress of the army. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: John Brown Jr. July 1780. 1780 P[reston], W[illiam]. Letter to Capt. Isaac Taylor. July 12 Tory insurrection; instructions for the disarm ing of Tories on New River, and about the 5QQ40 court-house; further instructions from Col. Walter Crockett or himself to be observed. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. Endorsed: Instruc tions to the Cap*8, of Troops July llt!l & 12tb. 1780 Preston, William. Letter to Michael Price, John and July 20 Howard Heavin, James Bane, Jacob Shull, John Wall, Harless, and [Joseph] Poopick- 5QQ41 hoover [Poppecaughf er] . Informing of the popular feeling against the Tories and propos ing a conference at his house the following Sat urday. Appended is a memorandum by Pres ton concerning Tory outrages, threats against his life, etc. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Copy of a Letter to the Nonjurors in Cap* Byrn's Com pany July 20th- 1780. 1780 Heavin, John. Letter to [William Preston?]. Received July 22 letter by Price concerning the destruction of his property; avows his innocence of any of- 5QQ42 fense ; he and his neighbors desirous of peace ; refuses to take the oath; asks compassion on r i3oi Papers of William Preston his wife and children. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : John Heavins Letter. 1780 Gregg, Joseph, Justice of the Peace of Montgomery July 24 County, [Va.] Warrant for the arrest of John McDonald on account of his disaffection for the 5QQ43 government. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Warrant vs Jn° McDonald. 1780 Bane Sr., James, and James Bane Jr. Montgomery County, July 26 [Va.] Bond to Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, for the good behavior of James Bane 5QQ46 Jr., Loyalist. Witnessed by Robert Hunter and others. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: James Bean's Bond. 1780 McGee, Robert, James McGee, and John Henderson. Bond July 26 to Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, for the good behavior of Robert McGee, Loyalist. 5QQ45 Witnessed by William and John Preston. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Robert Magees Bond. 1780 Seiler, Jacob, and James Bane Jr. Bond to Thomas Jef- July 26 ferson, Governor of Virginia, for the good be havior of Jacob Seiler, Loyalist. Witnessed by 5QQ44 William Preston, A. Palfreman, and John Pres ton. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Jacob Seilars Bond. 1780 Burk, Thomas, Philip Barragar, and, William McMullen. July 29 Montgomery County, [Va.] Bond to Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, for the good 5QQ47 behavior of Thomas Burk, Loyalist. Witnessed by William Preston and Joseph McDonald. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap* Burks Bond. 1780 McDonald, John. Bond to Thomas Jefferson, Governor July of Virginia, for good behavior. Auto, draft. 5QQ51 1 p. Endorsed: Jn° McDonalds Bond. 1780 Crockett, Col. Walter. Fort Chiswell. Letter to [Wil- Aug. 6 liam Preston], Is about to march with 250 men against the Tories on New River; one 5QQ48 Letcher murdered by Meeks and Nicholas; horses stolen from Colonel Green within six miles of Herbert's Ferry; advises the sending [131] Wisconsin Historical Society of a party to Greasy Creek and towards the Flower Gap. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col. Crocketts Letter. 1780 HaU, John. Deposition stating that Nathaniel Brittain Aug. 6 was tried for horse stealing before William Mc- Bride of Roan County, N. C. about six years -5QQ48 previous. Sworn before James McGavock. D. S. 1 P- 1780 [Preston, William.] Montgomery [County, Va.] Letter Aug. 8 to [Thomas Jefferson]. Informing of the Tory plot, the capture and punishment of the con- 5QQ50 spirators, and asking instructions concerning the sale of their effects, methods of punish ment, etc. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1780 Robinson, Samuel, and James Robinson. Bond to Aug. 8 Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, for the good behavior of Samuel Robinson, who 5QQ52 has been charged with treason. Witnessed by Andrew Boyd and Patrick Lockhart. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Sam. Robinson & his Bro. James Bond for Good Behavior. 1780 Stewart, Walter, James Norvell, and Thomas Giles. Aug. 8 Bond to Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Vir ginia, for the good behavior of Walter Stewart 5QQ49 who has been charged with treason. Wit nessed by Stephen Trigg and James Thompson. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Walter Stewart, James Norvill & Thos- Gillis. Bond for good Behavr. 1780 Lockhart, Capt. Patrick. Botetourt [County, Va.] Let- Aug. 12 ter to Col. [William] Preston. Asks instruc tions concerning sale of Tory effects; all the 5QQ53 prisoners safe; one Stewart arrested on sus picion. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Lock- harts Letter. 1780 [Preston, William, and others.] A statement promising Aug. 14 to Thomas Heavin and other Tories protection for their families and property if they will re- 5QQ55 turn to their .allegiance to the state of Virginia. 1 p. Signatures cut away. On reverse : Mem- [132] Papers of William Preston oranda in handwriting of William Preston,. giving names of Tories. 1780 Digges, Dudley. In Council, Richmond, [Va.] Letter Aug. 17 to Col. William Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] In reply to letter to the governor, dated 5QQ56 Aug. 8, 1780; approval of measures adopted to- suppress Tory insurrection; encloses copy of law passed at the last assembly, which applies to the present offenders; the militia to be kept on duty no longer than necessary. A. L. S. 2 p. Memorandum by Preston: John Bor- rough or Burris marred to Widow Pruits Daughter near N Morgans. [1780 Herbert, David. Confession concerning the Tory con- Aug. 17] spiracy. 1 p. 5QQ54 1780 Jenkins, John. Confession made before Charles Lynch Aug. 17 and Alexander Cummings concerning the Tory 5QQ54 conspiracy. 1 p. 1780 Lynch, Charles. Mr. McGavock's. Letter to Col. Wil- Aug. 17 liam Preston, Montgomery. In defense of his 5QQ57 course in trial of Tories. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1780 Douglas, James. Confession concerning the Tory con- Aug. 18 spiracy involving John Griffith, Colonel Ingles, David Ross, James McCorkle, James McGavock, 5QQ59 Capt. William Austin, John Newland, Andrew Bronstetter, Frederick Slimp, Moses Wells, Rich ard Ward, James Romine, Thomas Douglas, George Vault, David Bustard, Joshua Jones and George Pemberton. 2 pp. 1780 Douglas, Thomas. Confession concerning the Tory con- Aug. 19 spiracy involving James Douglas, Philip Dut ton, and John Griffith. 1 p. Endorsed : Doug- 5QQ60 las's Confession. 1780 Preston, William. An order of court granting protection Aug. 21 to Philip Lambert should he return to his al legiance to the state of Virginia. A. D. S. 1 p. 5QQ61 Endorsed: Lambert's Protection. [133] Wisconsin Historical Society 1780 Campbell, William. Aspenville. Letter to Col. William AuG- 22 Preston. On hearing of [Gates's defeat]; hopes to see him [Preston] tomorrow evening; 5QQ61 will give orders for the men to march with all possible expedition. A. L. S. 1 p. 1780 Brown [Jr.,] John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Aug. 23 William Preston, Smithfield. Asking informa tion and advice concerning the surveyorship of 5QQ63 one of the counties laid off on the Kentucky River by the last assembly. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr John Browns Letter August 1780. 1780 [Preston, William.] Lead Mines. Letter to Colonel Aug. 26 Armstrong, Surry County, N. C. Mentioning receipt of letter of 23rd by Bass; arrangements 5QQ62 for transportation of lead and the forwarding of troops under Col. William Campbell and Major Cloyd to aid in suppressing the insurgents in [Surry] County; general defeat of the south ern army. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. En dorsed : Copy of a Letter to Col0- Armstrong of Surry County, N°. Carolina. 1780 Cox, John. Deposition giving reasons for suspecting Aug. 28 Richard Green of having stolen his horse from 5QQ65 the stable. D. S. 1 p. 1780 Fleming, William. Belmont. Letter to Col. WiUiam Aug. 28 Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] Inform ing of Howard's ill treatment of his wife, who 5QQ64 is a sister of Colonel Preston. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : W. Fleming 1780. 1780 Doack, Capt. William. A list of his company of militia. Aug. 30 A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: Wm Doacks Return 5QQ67 Aug*. 30*b. 1780. 1780 Mills, Capt. John. Michael Price's. Letter to Col. Wil- Aug. 30 liam Preston. Informing of his arrival with fifty men, according to orders of Colonel Skil- 5QQ66 lern; awaits his [Preston's] commands; pro visions scarce ; his men in need of lead. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap*. Mills Letter. [134] Papers of William Preston [1780 Montgomery and Botetourt counties, Va. Proceedings Aug.] of a court composed of the following justices of the said counties : Colonels William Pres- 5QQ73-79 ton, William Christian, and James Robertson, Captains John Taylor, James Thompson, Dan iel Trigg, James Barnett, and Joseph Grey, George Rutledge, Patrick Lockhart, Andrew Boyd, Robert Sayers, William Campbell, James Byrn, and William Neely. The following per sons were tried for misbehavior and for trea son against the state : Col. William Ingles, Robert Grayson, Joseph and John MeDonald, Joseph Poppecaughfer, Jacob Shull Jr., John Grayson, Gasper Reid, Jeremiah Patrick, Gas per Garlick, Henry Stafford, Abraham Morgan, Swain Poison, Robert McGee, Jeremiah Stover, Thomas Copeley, Henry and Andrew Lawer, George Walter, John Harrison, John Hender son, William Grant, Walter Stewart, Samuel Robinson, John Heavin and his sons, James and William, Adam Liveer [?], Jacob Francisco, Hezekiah Phillips, Henry Laybrook, David Price, Samuel Ingram, William Grayson, Abra ham Beaver, Robert King, Frederick Smith, Thomas Downard, Nathaniel Brittain, James Kerr, Samuel Pepper, James Bane Sr., Samuel Sadler, and James Bane Jr. A. D. 7 pp. 1780 Preston, William. Montgomery [County, Va.] Letter Sept. 13 to Col. ,'George Skillern, Botetourt. Propos|-i ing that 500 men be raised from the counties 5QQ80 of Augusta, Rockbridge, Botetourt, Montgom ery, and Washington to form a corps which is to act under direction of the commander-in- chief of the Continental Army. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. 1780 [Preston, William.] Letter to Gen. [John Peter Gabriel] Sept. Muhlenberg. Important service rendered by John Wyatt in suppressing Tory insurrection; 5QQ81 requested that he be discharged from Conti nental Army, or allowed to substitute a man in his place; also requested that Ballard Smith be appointed to command a company of re- [135] Wisconsin Historical Society cruits raised in Montgomery County. Contem porary copy. 2pp. Endorsed : A Copy of a Let ter to Genel. Mulenberg Sep1- 1780. 1780 Brown [Jr.,] John. Letter to [William Preston] . Inform- Oct. 16 ing of his illness. A. L. S. 2 pp. 5QQ821780 Brown [Jr.,] John. [William and Mary] College. Letter Oct. 27 to [William Preston]. Continued ill health; Williamsburg almost deserted; the English ex- 5QQ83 pected daily; probable that coUege will be sus pended; Madison talking of resigning; the stu dents turned soldiers; can not advise J. Breck inridge to come at present. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1780 Preston, William. Montgomery County, [Va.] Letter Oct. 27 to Gen. Horatio Gates, Major-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Army. 5QQ84 On hearing of the Battle of King's Mountain; declines the superintendency of supplying pro visions and preparing a place of confinement for prisoners of war; William Madison recom mended; suggestions as to location of place of confinement. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. En dorsed: Copy of a Letter to General Gates. 1780 SkUlern, Col. George. Botetourt, James River. Letter Oct. 30 to Col. William Preston, Montgomery [County, Va.] Has given orders that the drafts from 5QQ85 companies of Captains McClanahan and Paul ing should hurry their march; the volunteers continued in service ; reported that British troops have landed at York in Virginia. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Col0 Skillern Letter. 1780 Jefferson, Gov. Thomas. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to Nov. 1 [William Preston]. Concerning the raising of volunteers for the southern army; the necessity 5QQ87 for vigorous exertions to repel the enemy to the seashore. P. S. Nov. 11, 1780. Instruc tions about sending companies south; Colonel Campbell unable to proceed at once. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Governours Letter Nov1*- 1780. [136] Papers of William Preston 'Ml 1780 Madison, Thomas. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to [William Nov. 9 Preston]. Will forward land warrants by Col onel Campbell; congratulations on suppres- 5QQ86 sion of the Tories; news of the enemy; legisla tive proceedings; Washington's remonstrance against temporary enlistments; scarcity of money; no wagons from the frontiers to be im pressed. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Thos. Madisons Letter Novr. 9 1780. 1780 Skillern, Col. George. Captain Lockhart 's. Letter to Nov. 23 Col. William Preston, Montgomery [County, Va.] Volunteers from [Botetourt] County to 5QQ88 march a week from the following Monday; hopes Washington and Montgomery counties will also furnish volunteers; advisability of ap pointing Major Rowland to the command under Colonel Campbell. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col°. Skillern 's Letter. 1780 CampbeU, Col. WUliam. Aspenville. Letter to [Wil- Dec. 17 liam Preston]. Call for militia to go on expe dition against the Cherokee ; encloses deposition 5QQ89 of William Springstone who lately escaped from Cherokee towns; also an extract from let ter of Col. Arthur Campbell. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Col0 W. Campbells Lettr. Decr. 1780. [1780] Christian, WiUiam. Mahanaim. Letter to Col. William Preston. His child very ill; hopes to see him 5QQ72 [Preston] by Thursday; Henry Bowyer and Spain returned; enlistment of men for militia service; Jonathan Ingram, Samuel Pepper, and Samuel Thompson engage substitutes. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1780 Devereaux, Nancy. Letter to Col. [William] Preston. Her husband to be tried as a Tory; apprehen- 5QQ58 sive that justice will not be done him, there be ing a misunderstanding between Colonel Lynch and the Welsh people ; requests Preston to send for him, that he may be tried at Price's. A. L. S. lp. [1780] King, Robert. Confession of Toryism made to the Court 5QQ71 of Montgomery County, [Va.] A. D. S. 2 pp, [137] Wisconsin Historical Society [1780] McWilliams, Andrew. Deposition to the effect that James Cooper is in sympathy with the Tories. 5QQ69 1 p. Signature cut away. Endorsed: Deposi tions vs Tories. [1780] [Preston, William.] Statement giving an account of the Tory plot, mentioning particularly the activity 5QQ27 of one John Griffith in the King's behalf. Auto, draft. 1 p. [1780?] [Preston, William.] Statement in justification of the Test Act which was aimed against the Tories. 4QQ75 Auto, draft. 2 pp. [1780?] Swift, Flower. List. [Apparently a list of men accused of Toryism, including Quakers who refused to 5QQ70 take the oath.] A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: Swifts List. [1780?] Tories. Confessions of John Clifton, Toloman Harrison, Roger Oats, Bryant Fanning, Robert Phristo, 5QQ68 David Copeman, Jeremiah Lambert, Marcum Lovell, Andrew Thompson, and Amos Johnson; others involved are John Bullock, John Wyley. Joshua Jones, David Herbert, John Griffith, John Jenkins, Charles Devereaux, Evan Wil liams, John Newton, Philip Dutton, the Vaults, Bronstetters, Moses Wells, Peter Razor, Jink Williams, Ben Thomas, Griffith Lewis, ijohn Morgan, N. Brittain, John Cox, John Draper, Valentine Harmon, John Henderson, Colonel Ingles, Elias Fanning, Richard Oney, Thomaa Potter, Jonathan Ingram, and Bernard Gullion. A. D. 2 pp. [cl780] Cloyd, Col. Joseph. Letter to Col. William Preston. En closes letters of Doack and Captain Davison 5QQ115 giving accounts of Indian inroads; has sent orders to Captains Byrn, Lorton, and Mont gomery to raise thirty men; defenseless situa tion of people on Clinch and Bluestone.1 A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0 Cloyd. [cl780] Heavin, Howard. List of officers and number of men in their companies. A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: 5QQ72 Howard Heavins Return of Officers. [138] Papers of William Preston fcl780] [Preston, William.] Letter to [Governor of Virginia]. Asking that the recommendation for a justice 5QQ16 of the peace for [Montgomery?] County be considered. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1781 Breckinridge, Capt. Alexander. Hadrils Point, South Jan. 28 Carolina. Letter to Col. [William] Preston. Embraces the opportunity to write by Colonel ¦5QQ90 Russell who has had his parole extended to Virginia; sent letter last June by Captain Blackwell; was unable to see him [Preston] as he passed through Virginia last winter; Colonel Gist desires to be remembered. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* A Breckinridges Letter Jany 1781. 1781 Christian, Col. William. Letter to Col. William Pres- Feb. 17 ton. Informing of his plan to join him in the march, and later to proceed to Richmond to 5QQ91 attend the assembly; prospective legislation; supposes the men from Botetourt County will march next week. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col0. Christians Letter Feby 1781. 1781 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston, Feb. 21 Montgomery County, [Va.] Requests that plats and certificates for lands surveyed for the 5QQ92 Loyal Land Company be sent to General Lewis in Richmond; has written Col. Samuel Lewis to the same effect; mentions his marriage on January 14 to Mrs. Elizabeth Thornton; Corn wallis' movements. Copy by Draper. 1 p. Endorsed : Dr. Walker, Feb. 1781 came to hand the 27th of March at 10 o'clock. Wm Preston. 1781 Brown, Rev. John. Letter to Col. William Preston. Mar. 23 Family affairs; the neighborhood alarmed by accounts from the army in the south. A. L. S. 5QQ93 1 p. Endorsed: Revd. Mr Brown Mar: 1781. 1781 Breckinridge, John. Botetourt [County, Va.] Letter Apr. 22 to Col. William Preston, Montgomery [County, Va.] On his being chosen as a delegate from 5QQ94 Botetourt County. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mr John Breckinridges Lettr Ap 1781. [139] Wisconsin Historical Society 1781 Brown, Rev. John. Letter to Col. William Preston, May 29 Smithfield, Montgomery County, [Va.] Ad vice as to the education of his [Preston's] chil- 5QQ95 dren. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Revd Mr Brown May 1781. 1781 Thompson, James. Lincoln County. Letter to William June 2 Preston, Washington County. Expressions of patriotism and gratitude to Preston for assist- 5QQ96 ance; trouble with the Tories; Colonel Floyd's kindness to him at the time of his return from expedition to Falls of the Ohio. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Letter from Mr Jas Thompson Sur veyor of Lincoln. 1781 Lewis, Thomas. Rockingham. Letter to Col. WiUiam Aug. 11 [?] Preston. Concerning lands; the sending of plans to Doctor Walker for signature, etc.; the 5QQ97 matter of fees to be adjusted with the company; moral and political reflections; Washington to besiege New York; some talk of peace. August 20. Plans sent to Doctor Walker by Trigg; summoned as witness in case concerning claims of William Ingles to Burk's Garden in consequence of Burk's contract with Colonel Patton. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Thoa. Leweis. 1781 Pendleton, Col. Edmund. Edmundsburg. Letter to CoL Nov. 1 [William] Preston. Thanks for trouble in con firming Samuel Vance's title to lands; land 5QQ99 titles as affected by the discovery of Colonel Buchanan's having made surveys as Lewis' deputy without a commission or being sworn; has requested Attorney-^General Randolph to give his opinion on that point as well as on Preston 's case with Colonel Ingles ; Hardy com missioned by the assembly to negotiate the land business; assistance expected from Col. John Taylor; current news. A. L. S. 3 pp. En dorsed : Col0. Pendleton Nov1". 1781. 1781 Breckinridge, John. Mrs. Williamson's. Letter to [Wil- Nov. 26 liam Preston]. Unable to send newspapers, 5QQ100 there being none printed; current legislation; [140] Papers of William Preston the subject of finances engaging the attention of the House; resignation of Governor Nelson; Benjamin Harrison, Richard Henry Lee, and John Page to be nominated for the office; Colonel McDowell resigns his seat in the coun cil; capture of Gen. [Benedict] Arnold; high cost of living in Richmond; depreciation of pa per money. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Mr John Breckenenridge Lettr- 1781 Christiani Col. William. Samuel Thompson's. Letter to Nov. 27 [WilUam Preston]. Plans to go to the assem bly. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col0. Chris- 5QQ101 tian's Letter 27th Novr. 1781. 1781 Robertson, James. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mont- Dec. 10 gomery. Concerning his claim to land near the Seven Mile Tree ; his desire to accompany Pres- 5QQ98 ton to the Kentucky in the autumn; previous attempts to go to the Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. On reverse: Memoranda in Preston's hand writing concerning certificates of J. Lucas, Jonathan Davies, Michael Dougherty, Thomas Dunne, William Davies, and Ann Sinclair; Wal ling 's bonds. Endorsed: Jame Robertson Let ter about Land. 1781 Fleming, Col. William. Letter to [William Preston] . In- Dec. 20 quires whether he is to serve as commissioner to settle accounts of officers in the western coun- 5QQ102 try according to Resolution of Assembly of June 21, 1781, a copy of which is appended; a copy of Archibald Blair's letter to Fleming, Dec. 7, 1781, enclosing Fleming's appointment as commissioner, is also appended. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col0. Flemings Lettr Decr 20th 1781 I declined the Business. 1782 Brown [Jr.,] John. Albemarle. Letter to Col. William Jan. 30 Preston, Smithfield. Did not apply to Colonel Pendleton for instructions in the study of law ; 5QQ103 is studying under Colonel Jefferson and thinks of practising in the courts of Albemarle, Orange, and Louisa counties. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Mr John Brown's Letter Jany 1782. [141] 1782 Jan. 31 5QQ104 1782 Mar. 7 5QQ105 Wisconsin Historical Society Martin, Thomas. Letter to Col. William Preston. Re turns receipts [?] which he thinks must belong to one James Hill who lives in the lower settle ment on Clinch River; two men killed by In dians on Clinch River; thinks Joseph Bartlett also was killed. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Thos. Martin 1780 [sic]. Armstrong, Col. Mart. Surry County, [N. C] Letter to Col. William Preston, Montgomery County, Va. Receipt of letter of February 24; thanks for loan of books; will deliver message to Bogge [ ?] ; condolence on the death of his daughter ; anxiety about Mrs. Armstrong's health; truce between Generals Green and Leslie; peace ex pected. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col0. Arm strongs Lr. March 1782. N° Carolina. Rev. John. Letter to Col. William Preston, Smithfield. Letter of condolence on the death of his daughter, Nancy. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Rd John Brown. 1782 Brown, Mar. 7 5QQ1061782 Preston, William. Montgomery [County, Va.] Letter to Apr. 10 The Governor [James Monroe]. Indian mur ders and captivities on Clinch River; daughters 5QQ107 of Capt. James Maxwell killed; Capt. Robert Moffett 's children taken; request for ammuni tion and scouts. Auto, draft, signed. 1 p. 1782 Preston, Apr. 26 5QQ108 William. Botetourt. Letter to [Gov. James Monroe]. Informing of Indian invasion of Montgomery County, and asking instructions concerning measures of defense ; difficulty of obtaining provisions; Captain Ingles' family taken. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. Endorsed: Gov1". 25*b April 1782. 1782 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Castle Hill. Letter to Col. Wil- Aug. 21 liam Preston, Draper's Meadows. The court of appeals to finish up the [Loyal Land] Com- 5QQ109 pany's affairs in October; requests that the necessary papers and a copy of surveys left with him be sent to Richmond, should he be un able to attend; current news. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Doctr Walker about his Grant. [142] Papers of William Preston 1782 Oct. 19 5QQ111 1782 Oct. 21 5QQ112 1783 Jan. 17 5QQ114 1783 Jan. 28 5QQ113 Boyd, Andrew. Letter to [William Preston]. Received letter by Myers about the still ; notice .given by John Madison; his procrastination; thinks Col. John Smith would make a good witness ; wishes Philip Barragar to purchase nails for him; Captain Edwards to wait on Preston with [tax?] lists; mistake concerning Isaac Bunyan's taxes; hopes to see Preston at general muster. A. L. S. 2 pp. Mutilated. Breckinridge, Alexander. Four Miles West of Rockcastle Ford. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mont gomery County, [Va.] Flight from the Indians ; events of journey to Ingles' station; murders on road to Kentucky; General Clark to set out next day on expedition against the Shawnee. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: A. Breckinridge's Letter from Kentucky. Walker, Thomas. Letter to [William Preston]. The court of appeals has not yet done anything in the [Loyal Land] Company matter; thinks a de cision will be made the following May; plats and certificates to be laid before the court be fore patents can issue. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Thos- Walker. Brown, John. Letter to [William Preston]. Telling of the Latin School lately established at New Providence Meeting-house, and requesting Pres ton to send his boys there. Endorsed: John Brown Senr. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1783 Cloyd, Joseph. Letter to Col. William Preston. Con- Apr. 8 eerning the raising of men for the defense of the frontier; Colonel Trigg instructed to order 5QQ116 a rendezvous on 12th inst. at Thomas Shan non's; James Duncan to act as commissary; letter from Captain Moore enclosed. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Jos Cloyd 1783. 1783 Robertson, James. Letter to Col. William Preston, Mont- Apr. 10 gomery County, [Va.] Remedy for swelling in 5QQ117 the limbs; will set out next week for Middle- [143] Wisconsin Historical Society sex with the intention of living on the farm there for one, two, three, or four years. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Js- Robertson. 1783 Thompson, James. Letter to James Norvell, Horse Shoe. Apr. 18 Requesting five bushels of hemp seed. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Acct Js. Thompson Es«i 3 bus. 5QQ118 hemp seed ,@ 12 —3 bs- 1783 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Castle Hill. Letter to Col. William May 9 Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] Surveys of the Loyal and Greenbrier land companies 5QQ118 confirmed by court of appeals ; terms to settlers. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Dr. Walker May 9th 1783. 1784 Brown, Rev. John. Letter to John Preston, Smithfield, Feb. 26 Montgomery County, [Va.] Receipt of letter; his pleasure in having his three cousins in his 5QQ119 home, and enjoying educational opportunities with his own sons; bemoans the loss of his son who was murdered; advice as to conduct. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Rvd. J Brown Letter 1784. 1785 Christian, William. Bear Grass. Letter to Col. Gilbert Aug. 13 Christian, Sullivan County, N. C. Settlement in Kentucky near Louisville ; his opinion of the 5QQ124 country; anxiety about his mother; thanks for hospitality shown him; the Wabash Indians about; sends his respects to Governor Sevier, Ross, Cocke, and Captain Mansfield; the con vention to petition for a separation [from Vir ginia] ; trade with New Orleans; hostile In dians. Typewritten copy. 2 pp. 1785 Walker, Dr. Thomas. Letter to John Preston. Be- Aug. 22 speaking assistance for his son, Francis, who is to settle with persons in that part of the 5QQ120 country who are indebted to the Loyal Land Company. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Dr Thos. Walker by his son F Walker August 22nd 1785. 1789 Brown [Jr.,] John. Danville, [Ky.] Letter to Capt. John Jan. 14 Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] Asking 5QQ121 information respecting claims of the heirs of [144] Papers of William Preston Francis Slaughter and Gabriel Jones to land occupied by Wallace ; no decision made in suits of Granville Smith vs. May et al; proceedings of the assembly; his brother James to take charge of his law practice in the event of his election. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: John Brown, Jany 1789. 1789 Brown, James. Danville, [Ky.]. Letter to Capt. John Sept. 3 Preston, Montgomery County, Va. Encloses land warrants given him by Captain Craddock; 5QQ122 comments on proceedings of the late conven tion; Spanish control of trade on the Missis sippi; Benjamin Howard anxious for the ar rival of his family. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: James Brown Sep* 3d 89. 1791 Brown, James. Danville, [Ky.] Letter to Capt. John JulyI Preston, Montgomery County, [Va.] Informa tion concerning Preston's order on McDowell 5QQ123 in behalf of Lockhart; Trigg's order on Jones not yet paid; reference to Stephen Trigg for particulars of the late campaign; personal affairs. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Letter James Brown Esq about Lockhart 's business 1791 July 1st. 1886 Waddell, Joseph A. Biographical sketch of William Preston as published in his Annals of Augusta lQQb County (Richmond, 1886). Born in Ireland in 1730; son of John Preston; married Susanna Smith in 1761 ; captain of a company of rangers during the Indian wars; public offices held in Augusta, Botetourt, and Fincastle counties; en gaged in expeditions against the Cherokee in 1780; actively employed in War of the Revolu tion; died in 1783. Typewritten copy. 1 p. 1886 Waddell, Joseph A. Notes from his Annals of Augusta County on the inter-marriages between the Pat- lQQa ton, Preston, Breckinridge, and Brown families. Typewritten copy. 1 p. 10— H. S. ' [145] Wisconsin Historical Society n. d. [Draper, Lyman C] Notes on military service of David Robinson of Augusta County, Va. A. N. 1 p. 1QQ87 Endorsed: Col. David Robinson's services in French War in West Virginia. n. d. [Draper, Lyman C] Chronological index for 1774 to 3 QQi-iv the Preston Mss. A. D. 4 pp. [ 146 ] VIRGINIA MANUSCRIPTS 1651 Bland, Edward. The Discovery of New Brittaine. Began August 27. Anno Dom. 1650. By Edward 16ZZ1-35 Bland, Merchant. Abraham Woode, Captaine, Sackford Brewster, EUas Pennant, Gentlemen. From Fort Henry, at the head of Appamattuck River in Virginia, to the Fals of Blandina, first River in New Brittaine, which runneth West, being 120 mile south west, between 35 & 37 degrees, (a pleasant Country,) of temperate Ayre, and fertile Soyle (London, 1651). Copy. 35 pp. 1 vol. 23.5x19.5 c. m. Reprinted by Sabin, N. Y. 1873 ; also in A. S. Salley's Narratives of Early Carolina, 1650-1708 (New York, 1911) ; and in Alvord and Bidgood, The First Explorations of the Trans-Allegheny Region hy the Virginians, 1650-1674 (Cleveland, 1912). 1672 Lederer, John. The Discoveries of John Lederer. In three several marches from Virginia to the 14ZZ1-27 West of Carolina, and other parts of the Conti nent : Begun in March, 1669, and ended in Sep tember, 1670. Together with A General Map of the whole Territory, which he traversed. Col lected and Translated out of Latine from his Discourse and writings. By Sir William Talbot, Baronet (London, 1672). Copy by Draper 27 pp. 1 vol. 25.5x20.5 c. m. 1741 Boerhaave, Dr. [Herman]. Elementa Chemiae,. . . Ex cerpts from the translation by Peter Shaw giv- 12ZZ55, 56 ing the method of separating gold from other metals. Copy. 2 pp. [147] Wisconsin Historical Society 1742-43 Pennsylvania Gazette). Excerpt giving an account of [1743] skirmish between a body of Indians of the Five JAN- 27 Nations and the inhabitants of the upper parts of Virginia, which occurred the previous 4ZZ5 autumn. The Indians' version of the affair as related by Thomas McKee, a trader. Copy. 5 pp. 1742-43 Pennsylvania Gazette^ Excerpt concerning message sent [1743] by Indians of the Five Nations to the Governor Eeb. 2 [of Pennsylvania] assuring him of their peace ful intentions towards the inhabitants. Copy. 4ZZ5 1 p. 1743 Pennsylvania Gazette^ Excerpt of a communication from Mar. 31 Williamsburg, [Va.] giving James MeDowell's account of Indian skirmish in which his brother, 4ZZ5 Capt. John MeDowell was killed. Copy. 5 pp. 1754 Dinwiddie, Gov. Robert. Williamsburg, [Va.] Proclama- Feb. 19 tion offering bounty land to encourage the en listment of men in the colonial service; a fort 3ZZ46 to be built on the Ohio River at the mouth of the Monongahela to oppose the encroachments of the French and Indians. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Mutilated. Endorsed: Governor Dinwid die 's Proclamation. 1757 Dinwiddie, Robert. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Lieut. Dec. 1 William Fleming, Augusta [County, Va.] No prospect of his securing an appointment from 3ZZ47 Lord Loudoun; will mention his name; addi tional pay for his services as surgeon. L.S. lp. 1758 Blair, John. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to . In June'3 reply to letter of May 26, concerning affairs of expedition against Fort Duquesne. A. L. S. 4ZZ51 3 pp. Endorsed: President Blair 1758. 1758 Fauquier, Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to June 19 Col. [William] Byrd. Thanks for congratula tions on safe arrival of himself and family; de- 4ZZ41 cision of the council in regard. to military mat ters presented in his [Byrd's] letter; Cocke to succeed Captain Posey; commission for Light- [148] Virginia Manuscripts foot or Munford; wishes him success in the approaching campaign. A. L. S. 4 pp. En dorsed: Gov. Fauquier 1758. 1758 Little Carpenter, Great Warrior, Old Hop, Prince, Con- June22 jurer, Willanawa, Standing Turkey, Moy Toy, Fort Loudoun. Affidavit certifying that George 4ZZ52 Turner was sent by the Earl of Loudoun to the Cherokee nation to enlist Indians for service on frontiers of Virginia, that he was promised a large body of men, but that on the day ap pointed for the march they refused to go, hav ing been advised by their conjurers not to do so. Witnessed by Capt. Paul Demere and offi cers of the garrison of Fort Loudoun. D. S. 2 pp. 1758 Turner, George. Winchester. Letter to — : . Fail- Aug. 4 ure of his negotiations to secure assistance from the Cherokee; encloses certificate attributing 4ZZ53 same to the conjurers; Little Carpenter will ing to furnish 300 men in the autumn; sends his compliments to Colonel Mercer. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1758 Fauquier, Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Aug. 17 [William] Byrd. Military matters ; the reduc tion of Fort Duquesne; refers to his letter to 4ZZ42 Colonel Washington; Indians engaged in the service; financial affairs. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1758 [Fleming, William.] List of killed and wounded in Sept. 14 Grant 's defeat [near Fort Duquesne] , Sept. 14, 1758. A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: Kild & Missing 3ZZ48 in Grants engagement. [See list in Olden Time (Pittsburgh, 1848), II, 283.] 1758 Fauquier, Lieut.-Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, Va. Speech Nov. 9 to the General Assembly of Virginia ; called in special session to consider the probability of the 4ZZ44, 45 Virginia forces being in action before Fort Duquesne at the expiration of their time of en listment. Printed. 2 pp. 1758 Fauquier, Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Nov. 12 William Byrd. Colonel of the Second Virginia [149] Wisconsin Historical Society Regiment. Saying that he is empowered by Act 4ZZ43 of Assembly to keep the [Virginia] regiments with the King's army until January 1, by which time it is hoped that Fort [Duquesne] will be taken. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Gov. Fauquier 1758. 1759 Fauquier, Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Jan. 23 William Byrd. Tendering him the command of the Virginia forces, Colonel Washington hav- 4ZZ46 ing resigned; requests that he communicate with General Amherst on the operations of the ensuing campaign as far as they relate to Vir ginia; all differences with Little Carpenter ad justed. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Gov. Fauquier. 1759 Byrd, Col. William. List of men recruited by him. A. June 23 [ ?] D. S. Signed by William Byrd the younger. 2 pp. Endorsed: List of the Recruits inlisted 4ZZ54 by Col°. Byrd. 1760 Fauquier, Lieut.-Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Dec. 15 Excerpt from letter to Gen. [Jeffery] Amherst. Joins Gov. [Arthur] Dobbs of North Carolina 4ZZ47 and Gov. [William] Bull of South Carolina in application for assistance of His Majesty's troops in subduing the Cherokee; plan of at tack. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed: Extract of a Letter from L*. Gov1' Fauquier to Gen1. Am herst Dated Wms.burgh 15th. Decern1". 1760. En closed in General Amherst's letter of Mar. 5, 1761. 1761 Amherst, Gen. Jeffery. New York. Excerpt from letter Jan. 19 to Gov. [Arthur] Dobbs. Acknowledges letter of Nov. 25 ; hopes province of North Carolina 4ZZ26 has not been backward in cooperating with the Virginia forces in their operations against the Cherokee; Lieutenant-Colonel Grant in Caro lina. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed : Extract of a Let ter from Gen1. Amherst to Gov1- Dobbs Dated New York 19th Janry. 1761. Enclosed in Gen eral Amherst's letter of Mar. 5, 1761. [150] Virginia Manuscripts 1761 Amherst, Gen. Jeffery. New York. Excerpt from letter Jan. 21 to Lieut.-Gov. [Francis] Fauquier. Can not send further aid for Cherokee campaign; com- 4ZZ28 bined forces of Virginia and South Carolina, and Colonel Grant's regulars should be suffi cient, even though North Carolina should not send troops; Colonel Byrd's report of good roads from back settlements to the Upper Towns. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed: Extract of a Letter from Gen1. Amherst to L*. Gov1". Fauquier Dated New York 21s* Jan*? 1761. Enclosed in General Amherst's letter of Mar. 5, 1761. 1761 BuU, Lieut.-Gov. [William]. Charleston. Excerpt from Jan. 24 letter to Gen. [Jeffery] Amherst. Concerning' movements of armies from [North Carolina] 4ZZ27 and Virginia against Keowee and Chota. Copy. 1 p. On same sheet: General Amherst's reply stating that he has written Governor Fauquier about operations of the Virginia troops. En dorsed : Extract of a Letter from L*. Govr. Bull to General Amherst Dated Charles Town 24th. Janr-y. 1761, with the Genrs. Answer thereto 13th Febry. 1761. Enclosed in General Amherst's letter of Mar. 5, 1761. 1761 Amherst, Gen. Jeffery. New York. Excerpt from letter Feb. 13 to Lieut.-Gov. [Francis] Fauquier. Received dispatches from Lieutenant-Governor Bull and 4ZZ29 Colonel Grant informing of safe arrival of troops at Charleston; Colonel Grant to be at Fort Prince George by May 1 at which time he wishes the Virginia troops to be at Chotee; ad vantage of concerted action. Copy. 1 p. En dorsed : Extract of a Letter from Gen1. Amherst to L*. Gov1". Fauquier Dated New York 13th. Febry. 1761. Enclosed in General Amherst's letter of Mar. 5, 1761. 1761 Fauquier, Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Wil- Feb. 16 liam Byrd. Apropos of Byrd's coming to as sume command of Virginia forces on Cherokee 4ZZ50 expedition; recruiting the regiment; presents for Little Carpenter and other Indians; over- [151] Wisconsin Historical Society tures for peace; instructions to Lieutenant- Colonel Stephen; congratulations on his [Byrd's] marriage. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1761 Amherst, Gen. Jeffery. New York. Letter to Col. [Wil- Mar. 5 liam] Byrd. Acknowledges letter of February 22, by Lieutenant Irwin ; congratulations on his 4ZZ30 marriage; encloses extracts from letters telling of proposed measures against the Cherokee ; not in favor of a separate peace; must not break the faith with Little Carpenter without reason; pleased that Lieutenant Irwin should have been useful in the last campaigns. L. S. 3 pp. En dorsed: Gen1. Amherst 6th. of March 1761. 1761 Byrd, Col. [William] . Letter to Gen. [Jeffery Amherst] . Mar. 10 Concerning Lieutenant-Colonel Grant's plans for Cherokee expedition. Unsigned. 1 p. 4ZZ31 Fragment. Endorsed : Col0. Byrd 's letter to the Gen1. March 10th. 1761. 1761 Byrd, Col. [William] . Letter to Gen. [Jeffery] Amherst. Mar. 21 Received his commands by Lieutenant Irwin ; will set out for Virginia as soon as possible; 4ZZ31 asks further instructions concerning expedition against the Cherokee. Auto, draft. 3 pp. En dorsed: Col0- Byrd's Letter to G. Amherst March 21»* 1761. [1761 [Byrd, William.] Letter to [Jeffery Amherst] . Acknowl- Mar.] edges letter of March 5 with enclosures; thanks for congratulations on his marriage; intends to 4ZZ35 visit New York; impraeticabuity of proposed plans for expedition against the Cherokee ; need of more men; his superiority in rank to Colonel Grant. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 1761 Fauquier, Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Instructions to Apr. 28 William Byrd, "Colonel of the Regiment and Commr. in chief of the Forces of Virginia, and 4ZZ48 of the Expedition into the upper Cherokee Towns." A. D. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Instruc tions to the Honule Colonel William Byrd Dated 28th. 1761. [152] Virginia Manuscripts 1761 Amherst, Gen. Jeffery. New York. Letter to Col. [Wil- May 11 liam] Byrd. Receipt of letter of April 19 ; in structions concerning conduct of Cherokee cam- 4ZZ32 paign ; Doctor Walker to supply provisions. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Gen1. Amherst May 11th. 1761. 1761 Fauquier, Gov. Francis. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to July 1 Col. [William] Byrd. Further instructions con cerning Cherokee expedition; Stephen and 4ZZ49 Lewis to be made colonels ; payment of Franks 's account for goods purchased for the regiment; the terms of peace to be left to Governor Bull of South Carolina; reference to cruise of His Majesty's ship "Assistance". A. L. S. 8 pp. Endorsed: Gov. Fauquier July 1, 1761. 1761 Amherst, Gen. Jeffery. Albany, [N. Y] Letter to Col. July 2 [William Byrd], Philadelphia. Acknowledges letter of June 7, enclosing a return of the 4ZZ33 strength of the Virginia regiment ; had expected him to push forward against the enemy; Gen eral Monckton ordered to supply him with pro visions. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Gen1. Amherst July 2d. 1761. 1761 [Byrd, William.] Letter to Gen. [Jeffery Amherst] . In- Aug. 1 forming of his arrival on July 15 ; his detention for the want of carriages and horses, and con- 4ZZ36 sequent failure to cooperate with Colonel Grant ; impracticability of continuing his march into the Cherokee country; Little Carpenter's desire for peace; his resignation. Auto, draft. 5 pp. Endorsed: Copy of my Letter to the General Aug*. 1" 1761. 1761 Amherst, Gen. Jeffrey. Albany. Letter to Col. [Wil- Aug. 20 liam] Byrd. Colonel Grant not to remove his troops from Carolina until peace is concluded 4ZZ37 with the Cherokee by Lieutenant-Governor Bull; Byrd to pursue his instructions in annoy ing the Cherokee in the upper country, and not to think of resigning his command until his service is completed. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Gen1. Amherst 20th Aug*. 1761. [153] Wisconsin Historical Society 1761 [Fleming, William.] Camp at Stalnaker 's. Order of Sept. 20 march on Cherokee expedition. Captain Gist, Ensigns Long and McKnight named as officers 3ZZ49 on guard the following day. A. D. 2 pp. En dorsed: Line of March and wn[?] attack 'd Septr. 20th 1761. 1761 [Byrd, William.] Letter to Gen. [Jeffery] Amherst. Thinks the Virginia assembly will grant the re- 4ZZ38 quested number of troops; knows nothing more of the Cherokee than what is contained in New York papers; requests that Lieutenant Irwin be allowed to continue with him through the cam paign. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Endorsed: To Gen1. Amherst Winter 1761 From Philadelphia. 1761 Byrd, Col. [William] . Letter to Gen. [Jeffery] Amherst. Failure of the contractors to furnish his troops 4ZZ39 with provisions; has himself made arrange ments for flour and carriages in order that he might push on to cooperate with General Grant ; hopes Doctor Walker Avill be instructed to pay for same. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col°- Byrds Letters from Philadelphia to Gen1. Am herst 1761. [1761] [Byrd, William.] Letter to [Jeffery Amherst?]. The Cherokee expedition; will proceed with 500 4ZZ56 men to the Great Island and await orders; has had no communication from Colonel Grant or G[overnor] B[ull]. Auto, draft. 1 p. [cl761] Alison, Dr. Francis. "Rules proposed for ye Latin 12ZZ1, 2 School." Curriculum. Copy. 2 pp. 1763 [Fleming, William.] Staunton, [Va.] Letter to [Fran- July 26 eis Fauquier]. General consternation occa sioned by the invasion of [Augusta] ; the mil- 3ZZ50 itia unequal to the defense of the county; sug gestions ; commendation of Lieutenant Cunning ham, the bearer. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1763 "Extract of a Royal Proclamation published in the Vir- Oct. 7 ginia Gazette Jan?. 13th. 1764." Empowering 3ZZ51 the governors of British colonies in North Amer- [154] Virginia Manuscripts ica to grant bounty lands to officers and sol diers; the Indians not to be disturbed in pos session of their lands. Copy. 2 pp. 1763 Bingeman, John. Narrative of personal encounters with 1ZZ36 Indians. 1 p. 1765 Christian, William. Stone House. Letter to . Feb. 28 Colonel McNeill's death; Thompson and Hamil ton tried for counterfeiting; Indian signs seen 15ZZ1, 2 near McAfee's and McMurtrey's. A. L. S. 2 pp. Mutilated. 1767 Henry, Patrick. Louisa. Letter to [William Fleming, June 10 Augusta County, Va.] Scheme for settlement of lands lying on the Mississippi near its junc- 15ZZ3 tion with the Ohio; Fleming to go out and view the country ; advised to keep a diary of his journey. A. L. S. 1 p. Mutilated. 1768 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of a deed by Chaufour Mar. 10 de Louviere of Prairie du Rocher to John Boynton, Samuel Wharton, and George Morgan 12ZZ91 of Philadelphia for 750 acres of land six miles below Fort Chartres. Acknowledged before Gordon Forks, Mar. 12, 1768. A. N. 1 p. 1769 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of an indenture be- Mar. 14 tween Alexis La Plante and Tempe Denis Ver- ronneau, his wife, to J[ohn] B[oynton], 12ZZ91 S[amuel] W[harton], and Gfeorge] M [organ] for land situated near Kaskaskia village. Acknowledged Mar. 20, 1768 before James Mc Millan. John Wilkins, Commandant. A. N. lp. 1769 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of an indenture be- Mar. 15 tween Jacque Boutillet, Jervis Jilbert and wife, and Francis Jobiden of the one part and John 12ZZ91 Boynton, Samuel Wharton, and George Mor gan of the second part for two tracts of land six miles from Fort Chartres. Acknowledged Mar. 19, 1769 before J. Rumsey. A. N. 1 p. 1769 [Finley, John E.] Notes giving location of grants made Apr, by John Wilkins (Lieutenant-Colonel of his [155] Wisconsin Historical Society Majesty's 18th Royal Regiment of Ireland, Gov- 12ZZ92, 93 ernor and Commandant of the Illinois country) to George Morgan, Joseph Galloway, Samuel Wharton, James Rumsey, and John Boynton. A. N. 2 pp. 1770 Ruston, Job. Inventory of goods referred to in his mar- July 9 riage contract with Edith McCrea. Witnessed by Elizabeth Ruston and Robert Wallace. 12ZZ36 Copy. 1 p. 1770 R[uston], J[ob], and E[dith] M[cCrea], Pennsylvania. July 9 Marriage contract. Copy. 3 pp. 12ZZ7-9 1771 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of an indenture between Aug. 8 Charles Cadron or St. Piere of St. Philip's Vil lage and Marie Jeanne Mercier, his wife, of the 12ZZ93 one part, and Moses and Jacob Franks of Lon don, and David and Moses Franks of Phila delphia, James Rumsey and William Murray of Illinois of the second part for improved land. A. N. 1 p. 1771, Ruston, Job. Extracts from wills made in 1771, 1773, 1773, and 1775. Copy. 2 pp. 1775 12ZZ37, 38 1772 May, John. Clerk of Botetourt County, [Va.] State- May-Dec. ment of account against Thomas Madison for court costs. A. D. S. 1 p. On reverse^ Fran- 5ZZ1 eis Smith's receipt to Thomas Madison, for £1 19s. 6d. Endorsed: Thos. Madison 971. 1772 Byrd, Col. William. Westover, [Va.] Letter to . Sept. 12 Concerning survey of bounty lands; recom mends Benjamin Duval as a surveyor. Con- 4ZZ55 temporary copy. 2 pp. Mutilated. Endorsed: Col0. Byrds Letter & the Proclamation. 1773 Kennedy, Patrick. Table of distances traveled by him July 23- on boat trip up the Illinois River from Kaskas- Aug. 16 kia village to the French encampment; loca tion of coal mines and salt ponds. In hand- 12ZZ108 writing of John E. Finley. 1 p. [156] Virginia Manuscripts 1773 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of course followed by July Gen. William Thompson, James Boyd, McKin- ney, Maxwell, Peery, James Hamilton, and 12ZZ140 Archibald Lochry, surveyors in Kentucky in 1773. A. N. 1 p. 1774 Buford, Thomas. Bedford County. Will. Witnessed Aug. 20 by John Eckhols, Samuel Baker, and Augustine Hack-worth. Probated Nov. 28, 1774. Con- 6ZZlla temporary copy. 2 pp. Endorsed: Bufords Will A Copy Ben Rice, D. C. 1774 Fleming, WiUiam. Union Camp on the Levels [of] Sept. 4 G[reen] B[rier]. Letter to Mrs. Fleming, Bel mont, Botetourt [County, Va.] The army as- 2ZZ1 sembling ; news of the camp ; three men ordered by Colonel Lewis to Belmont; no cause for un easiness; his horses missing ; expects her brother [William Christian] during the week. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 181, 182. 1774 [Fleming, William.] Orderly book kept during the Sept. 4- Point Pleasant expedition. Returns of troops Oct. 22 from Botetourt, Fincastle, and Augusta coun ties are given; also a list of the killed and 2ZZ71 wounded after the battle. Partly in handwrit ing of John Todd. A. D. 45 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 313-360. 1774 Fleming, William. Union Camp. Letter to [Mrs. Anne Sept. 7 Fleming] . Arrival of companies from Fincastle [County]; order of march from Camp Union; 2ZZ2 number of men; Lord Dunmore near Pitts burgh; destruction of Indian town, Wakatom- akee, by Major McDonald; has sent horses by Martin McFerran and a son of Samuel MeRob- erts. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 183, 184. 1774 Fleming, William. Union Camp. Letter to [Mrs. Anne Sept. 7 Fleming]. Returned horses by Martin McFer- ran and John McRoberts; will be home before 2ZZ3 December, or early in that month, unless he [157] Wisconsin Historical Society should return by way of the Kentucky; will march on Monday; [Colonel Christian] to fol low a few days after ; number of men. A. L. S- lp. 1774 Newell, Capt. James. Orderly book kept by him on the Sept. 8- expedition to Point Pleasant. Gives an ac- Oct. 27 count of the Battle of Point Pleasant; a gen eral return of Fincastle troops, Oct. 19, 1774r 11ZZ1-12 and a general return of troops encamped at Point Pleasant under command of Col. William Fleming, Oct. 27, 1774. Copy. 12 pp. Index by Lyman C. Draper. Printed: Virginia Mag azine of History, xi, pp. 242-253. 1774 Fleming, William. Union Camp. Letter to [Mrs. Anne- Sept. 9 Fleming]. Avails of opportunity afforded by John Welch's return to assure her of his wel- 2ZZ4 fare; mentions having sent the horses home; will march on Monday; her brother to follow later; message to Mrs. Christian. A. L. S. 1 p. 1774 Lewis, Capt. John. Muster-roll of his company of volun- Sept. 10 teers. A. D. [?] 1 p. Printed: Crozier, Virginia Colonial Militia, p. 85 ; Thwaites and 2ZZ27 Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 408, 409. 1774 Love, Capt. Philip. Muster-roll of his company of vol- Sept. 10 unteers. A. D. 1 p. Mutilated. Endorsed: Cap* Loves Roul 29. Printed: Crozier, Virginia 2ZZ32 Colonial Militia, pp. 84, 85 ; Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, p. 407. [c 1774 McClanahan, Capt. Robert. List of his company of vol- Sept. 10] unteers from Botetourt. A. D. 1 p. En dorsed: Cap*- R. McClennachan Roll. Printed: 2ZZ39 Crozier, Virginia Colonial Militia, p. 86; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 410, 411. 1774 Murray, Capt. John. Muster-roll of his company of vol- Sept. 10 unteers from Botetourt. A. D. 1 p. En dorsed: Roll Cap* Murrow. Printed: Crozier, 2ZZ31 Virginia Colonial Militia, p. 84; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 406. [158] Virginia Manuscripts 1774 Nalle, Capt. William. Muster-roll of his company of Sept. 10 volunteers from Augusta. A. D. S. 1 p. Printed: Crozier, Virginia Colonial Militia, 2ZZ30 pp. 83, 84; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 405. 1774 WaUace, Adam. Great Levels of Greenbrier. Deposi- Sept. 10 tion giving substance of John Bowyer's conver sation relating to orders given by Col. A. Lewis 2ZZ11 for sending out men in defense of the frontiers. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Adam Wallaces Depo sition. 1774 Lewis, Col. Andrew. A return of the Botetourt troops at Sept. 11 Union Camp under command of Colonel Lewis. Signed by WiUiam Fleming. 1 p. On reverse : 2ZZ23 Memorandum giving order of march. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 413. 1774 Christian, WiUiam. Camp Union. Letter to [Mrs. Anne Sept. 18 Fleming]. Intends to march on 25th or 26th but will not reach the Ohio before October 10 2ZZ10 or 12 ; Fleming left on Monday, the 12th ; fam ily affairs. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and KeUogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 205, 206. 1774 Fleming, William. Mouth of Elk River. Letter to Sept. 27 [Mrs. Anne Fleming]. Within five days' march of the Ohio; no news of Lord Dunmore since 2ZZ5 leaving Camp Union on Greenbrier; five scouts sent in search of him; will march on Friday next ; the men employed in making canoes ; [Colonel Christian] yet on Greenbrier. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1774 Lewis, Col. Andrew. "A general Return of the army In Sept. 27 eampt on Elk River Under the Command of CoU°. Andrew Lewis Commander in Chief." 2ZZ24 A. D. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 415, 416. [cl774] Pauling, Capt. Henry. List of [Botetourt troops] . A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Paulings Roll. Printed: 2ZZ41 Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 411. 1774 Lewis, Col. Andrew. "A Return of the Botetourt and Oct. 7 Fincastle Troops under the Command of Col0 M.U:.'.-, [159] Wisconsin Historical Society Andw. Lewis encamped on Point Pleasant 2ZZ25 Octobr. 7, 1774." A. D. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 417. 1774 Love, Capt. Philip. Muster-roll of his company while Oct. 7 encamped at the mouth of the Kanawha. A. D. 2ZZ33 1 p. Mutilated. Endorsed: Cap* Loves Roll. 1774 Shelby, Capt. E[van]. Muster-roll of his company of Oct. 7 volunteers from Fincastle. A. D. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Cap* .Shelbys Roll. Printed: Cro- 2ZZ37,38 zier, Virginia Colonial Militia, p. 87; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 412. [1774 F[leming], W[illiam]. Letter to Col. [Adam] Stephen, Oct. 8] at the mouth of Hockhocking. Point Pleasant camp before the battle ; sorry that it is not con- 2ZZ71 venient for troops with him [Stephen] to join them there. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 236-238. 1774 Lewis, Col. Andrew. "A Morning Return of the Bote- Oct. 9 tourt & Fincastle Troops Campt on Point Pleasant Under the Command of Col°. Andrew 2ZZ26 Lewis Commander in Ch[ief]." A. D. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 418. 1774 [Point Pleasant, Battle of.] List of killed and wounded. Oct. 10 1 p. Endorsed: Kild & Wounded Officers & 2ZZ34 Privates Oct'. 10th. 1774. 1774 Fleming, William. Letter to [Mrs. Anne Fleming]. An Oct. 13 account of the battle of Point Pleasant; Rich ard Wilson and Smith are both well. A. L. S. 2ZZ6 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 253, 254. [1774 Fleming, William. Letter to William Bowyer, Staun- Oct. 13?] ton, [Va.] An account of the battle of Point Pleasant. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites 2ZZ7 and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 254-257. 1774 Floyd, John. The mouth of the Great Kanawha. Letter Oct. 16 to [William Preston]. Battle of Point Pleasant; [160] Virginia Manuscripts number of men engaged; will probably not re- 2ZZ62,63 turn to the settlements by way of Kentucky. Newspaper clipping from the [Frankfort] Commonwealth Mar. 4, 1834. 2 pp. Prefaced by remarks of Orlando Brown on the com parative warlike qualities of the northern and southern Indians. 1774 Shelby, Isaac. "Camp Opposite to the mouth of Great Oct. 16 Canaway. ' ' Letter to John Shelby, Holston River, Fincastle County, [Va.] Detailed ac- 7ZZ2 count of Battle of Point Pleasant. A. L. S. 3 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dun more's War, pp. 269-277. 7ZZ3 . Copy by Draper. 1774 [Lewis, Andrew.] Camp at Point Pleasant. Letter to Oct. 17 Col. William Fleming. Instructions. A. L. 1 p. 2ZZ73 1774 Fleming, Col. William. "A Morning Return of The Oct. 19 Troops Campt on Point Pleasant Under the Command of Colo William Fleming." A. D. 2ZZ21 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 418, 419. 1774 [Fleming, William.] "A List of Wounded men Now on Oct. 23 my List Octor 23, 1774." A. D. 1 p. Printed: Crozier, Virginia Colonial Militia, p. 88 ; Thwaites 2ZZ35 and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 419. 1774 Watkins, John. Point Pleasant, [Va.]. A return of the Oct. 23 wounded and sick. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 7ZZ4 1774 Fleming, Col. William. "A Morning Return of The Oct. 28 Troops Campt at Point Pleasant Commanded by Colo. Wm. Fleming." 1 p. Printed: Thwaites 2ZZ22 and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 420. 1774 Preston, William. Letter to [Patrick Henry]. An ac- Oct. 31 count of the Battle of Point Pleasant from in formation contained in letters from Colonel 7ZZ5 Christian and others who were on the expedi tion; "particulars of the action drawn up by 11-H. S. [ 161 ] Wisconsin Historical Society Col0. Andrew Lewis" enclosed; also a return of killed and wounded; Purdie to be given a copy of enclosed papers. Copy by Draper. 3 pp. 1774 Bowyer, William. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to [Mrs. Anne Nov. 6 Fleming] . On hearing that her husband was wounded in Battle of Point Pleasant. A. L. S. 7ZZ43 2 pp. Appended: List of the dead. [1774] Buford, Capt. [Thomas]. "A list of Capt. Bufords Com pany of Volunteers. " AD. [?] 1 p. Endorsed: 2ZZ36 Cap*. Bufords Comp^8 Roll. Printed: Crozier, Virginia Colonial Militia, p. 86; Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 409. 1774 [Fleming, William.] Journal of the Point Pleasant ex pedition, 1774. An abbreviated account of the 2ZZ71 expedition, written from the data in his Orderly Book. A. D. 9 pp. Indexed by Draper. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 281-291. [1774] Fleming, Col. William. "A Morning Return of [the Botetourt regiment] Under the Command of Col. [William Fleming] . " A. D. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 415. 2ZZ20 [1774] [Fleming, William.] Plan of march of the Point Pleas ant expedition. A. D. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites 2ZZ42 and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 283. [1774] Lewis, Capt. John. A list of his company from Bote- 2ZZ28, 29 tourt. 2 pp. Endorsed : Cap*- Lewis Roll. [1774] Mad[ison], John. Letter to Mrs. Anne Fleming. Colonel Fleming's brave conduct at Battle [of Point 2ZZ9 Pleasant] ; his wounds not mortal; list of killed and wounded. A. L. S. 1 p. Mutilated. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, pp. 279-281. [1774] Stuart, Capt. John. List of his company. A. D. 1 p. En dorsed: Cap* Stewarts. Printed: Crozier, Vir- 2ZZ40 ginia Colonial Militia, p. 86; Thwaites and Kel logg, Dunmore's War, p. 410. [162] Virginia Manuscripts 1775 Christian, William, and Stephen Trigg. Fincastle County, Feb. 18 [Va.J Call for a meeting of freeholders of Fin castle County to elect delegates to convention 7ZZ6 at Richmond, March 20, 1775. A. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Pennsylvania Packet. Excerpt stating that Col. George Apr. 15 Morgan, as secretary and receiver-general of the land office of the grantees and proprietors 1ZZ2 of the retribution lands, called "Indiana", wilH issue warrants and grant patents to settlers on these lands until the first day of January next ;-. boundary of the tract. Copy. 2 pp. 1776 Dunlop, Ephraim. Account-book containing his accounts July 16- as assistant-commissary for the Cherokee ex- Nov. 18 pedition in 1776. A. D. S. 7 pp. 5ZZ94, 95 3 1776 RusseU, Gen. William. Fort Chiswell. Letter to Col. July 23 William Fleming, County Lieutenant of Bote tourt. Indians defeated in Battle of Long 2ZZ8 Island on Holston; William Bane's wife killed near Capt. John Shelby's; returned from Hol ston to hasten march of men from Reed Creek; will march tomorrow; request for powder; one hundred men to be held in readiness; a fort being built at the mines. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Gen1 Russell. 1776 McClanahan, William. Hand's Meadows. Letter to July 24 [William Fleming]. Informing of his arrival; his company not complete; disappointed in re- 3ZZ23 gard to drafts from companies of Captains Crockett and Robinson ; an account of Battle of Long Island on Holston, as related by Capt. John Bowman. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 169, 170. 1776 [Fleming, William.] Letter to The President. Will pro- Aug. 2 ceed at once with the raising of men who are to march to the Long Island of Holston River; 2ZZ77 skirmish with the Indians; invasion of Fincastle County by the Cherokee; two companies sent to assistance of Colonel Russell; in want of [163] Wisconsin Historical Society arms iand ammunition; preparations for the expedition ; requested that Doctor Smith of Bed ford County be appointed surgeon. A. L. 3 pp. 1776 Stuart, Capt. John. Greenbrier, [Va.] Letter to Col. Aug. 2 William Fleming, Botetourt. Reported by Van Bibber that the Indians are about to attack the 3ZZ1 frontiers; requests that the militia be ordered out, and that companies be stationed on Indian Creek, Muddy Creek, and at the Levels. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: From Cap* Stewart Aug* 2 76. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Revo lution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 177, 178. 1776 F[leming], W[illiam]. Greenbrier, [Va.] Letter to Aug. 4 [John Stuart] . Receipt of letter by William Huggins informing of Indian alarm; instruc- 3ZZ1 tions for defense of the frontier; assistance promised; requests that instructions be for warded to captains of the militia on Greenbrier. Auto, draft, signed. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 179-181. 1776 Stuart, Capt. John. Greenbrier, [Va.] Letter to Col. Aug. 10 William Fleming, Botetourt. Erection of fort at Camp Union; suggestions as to placing of 3ZZ2, 3 men in case of an invasion ; Capt. Samuel Brown to furnish provisions for the militia; Jacob Lockhart, Josiah McDowell, George Davidson, and William Johnston sent out as scouts; the advisability of placing one division of men at Captain Donnally's. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 181-183. 1776 Dunlap' s Maryland Gazette. Excerpt giving an account Aug. 13 of engagement between the Fincastle militia and Cherokee Indians. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed: 3ZZ44 Island Flat Battle. 1776 Arbuckle, Matthew. Fort Randolph. Letter to [William Aug. 15 Fleming]. Relating to complaints against him concerning his enlistment of men ; capture and 2ZZ78 rescue of the Boone and Callaway girls; Corn- [164 1 Virginia Manuscripts stalk at Detroit treating Avith the English. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 185-187. 1776 Dunlap' s Maryland Gazette. Excerpt of communication Aug. 20 from Williamsburg, [Va.], Aug. 9, [1776] in forming of Cherokee attack on fort at Watauga 3ZZ44 in July, and the fight on middle fork of Hols ton. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed: Attack on Wa tauga & the fight on Middle fork of Holston. 1776 Barclay, John. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for flour for Aug. 21 Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ2 1776 Woods, David. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for flour for Aug. 21 Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ2 1776 Fleming, William. Letter to [John Stuart]. Acknowl- Aug. 24 edges letter by Captain Donnally ; directs that a command of men be kept at the fort on the 3ZZ3 Levels, and promises further assistance in case of invasion. Auto, draft, signed. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, p. 184. 1776 South, John. Account-book containing list of horses Sept. 1- purchased for the Cherokee expedition in 1776, Nov. 18 and sundry other accounts. A. D. S. 11 pp. 5ZZ931776 [Fleming, William.] Letter to Capt. [George] Givens. Sept. 2 Instructing him to march with a company of men to the defense of the people on Greenbrier. 3ZZ4 Auto, draft. 1 p. Endorsed: To Cap* Givens. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 192, 193. 1776 Stuart, John. Greenbrier, [Va.] Letter to Col. William Sept. 3 Fleming, Botetourt. Lead sent by Captain Van Bibber in accordance with his order ; people on 3ZZ5 Muddy Creek gathered in forts; two men gone to the Point for news of Captain Arbuckle; proposes to retain men who built the fort ; Cap tain Anderson to apply for a small command [165] Wisconsin Historical Society to stay at his mill; recruits for Captain Ar buckle 's company; scarcity of salt. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolu tion on the Upper Ohio, pp. 193-195. 1776 Woods, David. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for flour for Sept. 3 Cherokee expedition, and for baggage of Capt. 5ZZ2 John Gilmore's company. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Martin, Capt. Joseph. Orderly book for the use of Capt. Sept. 5- Joseph Martin's Company from Pittsylvania Oct. 20 County on the Cherokee expedition. A. D. 33 8ZZ72 pp. Index and notes by Lyman C. Draper. 1776[?] Kidd, Daniel. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn for use Sept. 6 of his brigade on Cherokee expedition. D. S. 5ZZ2 1 p. 1776 Scott, James, and Robert Hill. Voucher to Hugh Bar- Sept. 6 clay for use of their teams in Samuel Craig's 5ZZ2 brigade on Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Presbytery of Hanover. Proposal to establish an acad- Sept. 8 emy of learning near Timber Ridge Meeting house in Augusta County, [Va.] Names of trus- 7ZZ7 tees. A. D. 1 p. On reverse : Subscription blank. 1776 Barclay Jr., Hugh. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for flour Sept. 9 for Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ2 1776 Hays, John. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for Sept. 9 the use of his brigade. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ2 [corn] for 1776 McClure, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £5 10s. Sept. 9 received from Patrick Lockhart for a claim of Malcolm McClure. Witnessed by William Cal- 5ZZ97 vert. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1776 McClure, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £8 5s. Sept. 9 received from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle purchased by Robert Preston for Cherokee ex- .5ZZ97 pedition. Witnessed by Samuel McClure. Signed by mark. 1 p. [166] Virginia Manuscripts 1776 Sept. 9 5ZZ97 1776 Sept. 9 5ZZ97 1776 Sept. 9 5ZZ97 1776 Sept. 9 5ZZ2 McClure, Samuel. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £5 10s. received from Patrick Lockhart for beef pur chased by Robert Preston for Cherokee expedi tion. Witnessed by Joshua Phipps. D. S. 1 p. McFerran, Thomas. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £9 received from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle purchased by Andrew Henry for Cherokee ex pedition. Witnessed by Martin Baker. D. S. lp. McRoberts, Samuel. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £16 received from Patrick Lockhart in payment for beef cattle bought of Andrew Henry for Chero kee expedition. Witnessed by John McRoberts. D. S. 1 p. Patterson, John. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn for his brigade on Cherokee expedition. D.*S. 1 p. 1776 Thompson, Elizabeth. Receipt to Thomas Madison for Sept. 9 £14 10s. received from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle purchased of William Thompson by 5ZZ97 William MZZ7 nessed by James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Pearce, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £4 Is. 3d. Si*pt. 17 for beef and meal. Witnessed by James Mc- 5ZZ12 Corkle. D. S. 1 p. [178] Virginia Manuscripts 1776 Sayers, William. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £9 12s. Sept. 17 for beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed 5ZZ15 by Edward Almond. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Shull, Arnold. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £3 10s. Sept. 17 for beef for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed 5ZZ7 by James MeCorkle. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1776 Smith, Messer. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £6 10s. Sept. 17 for two beeves for Cherokee expedition. Wit- 5ZZ7 nessed by James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Stenhan [?], Jehu. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £29 Sept. 17 for beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed 5ZZ12 by James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Stewart, William. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £15 for Sept. 17 beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed by 5ZZ12 James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Vance, Samuel. Voucher to Hugh [Barclay] for corn Sept. 17 for Samuel Edmondson 's brigade on Cherokee 5ZZ2 expedition. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Ward, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £8 5s. Sept. 17 for beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed 5ZZ12 by James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Wilson, Thomas. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £6 re- Sept. 17 ceived from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle purchased by Andrew Henry for Cherokee ex- 5ZZ97 pedition. Witnessed by James Snodgrass. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Beard, Samuel. Receipt to Thomas Madison for his pay Sept. 18 for beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed 5ZZ5 by Patrick Campbell. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Callaway, James, per James Newell. Receipt to Thomas Sept. 18 Madison for £9 12s. for cattle sold Andrew Henry for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed by 5ZZ7 William Madison. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Cruger, Michael. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £7 for Sept. 18 beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed by 5ZZ7 James M°Corkle. Signed by mark. 1 p. [179] Wisconsin Historical Society 1776 Phipps, William. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £13 16s. Sept. 18 for beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed 5ZZ7 by James MeCorkle. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1776 Young, James. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £5 for Sept. 19 beeves for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed by 5ZZ5 James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Crabtree[?], Nicholas. Receipt to Thomas Madison for Sept. 20 £2 12s. 6d. for one steer sold David Carson for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed by James Mc- 5ZZ5 Corkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Glenn, James. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £4 for beef Sept. 20 for use of Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ5 1776 Hutchison, William. Receipt to Thomas Madison for Sept. 20 money received from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle purchased by Andrew Henry for Cherokee 5ZZ97 expedition. Witnessed by James Robinson. D. S. lp. 1776 Snodgrass, David. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £10 Sept. 20 for beeves sold for Cherokee expedition. D. S. 5ZZ5 1 p. 1776 Edmondson [Edmiston], Samuel. Voucher to Hugh Sept. 22 Barclay for corn for his brigade. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ2 1776 Robertson, Alexander. Receipt to Tliomas Madison for Sept. 22 money received by order of Colonel Christian. 5ZZ5 Witnessed by James MeCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Dunlop, Ephraim. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £2 15s. Sept. 23 6c?. Witnessed by James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ5 1776 Hamilton, William. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn Sept. 23 for Tate's brigade on Cherokee expedition. D. 5ZZ2 S. 1 p. 1776 Titus, Joseph. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £18 re- Sept. 23 ceived from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle purchased of Ebenezer Titus by Andrew Henry. 5ZZ97 Witnessed by George Rutledge. D. S. 1 p. [180] Virginia Manuscripts 1776 Gay, Samuel. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £15 for Sept. 24 medicines for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed 5ZZ5 by James McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Gilm[ore], James. Receipt to Thomas Madison for money Sept. 24 advanced to Isaac Zane. Witnessed by James 5ZZ5 McCorkle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Tate, Samuel. Receipt to Thomas Madison for money re- Sept. 24 ceived. Witnessed by James McCorkle. Signed 5ZZ5 by mark. 1 p. 1776 Ritchey, William. Receipt to Thomas Madison for money Sept. 26 received from Patrick Lockhart by order of James and William Scott. Witnessed by Samuel 5ZZ97 MeFerran. D. S. 1 p. 1776 White, William. Receipt to Thomas Madison for 24s., Sept. 26 his pay as an express. Witnessed by William 5ZZ5 Christian. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1776 Cain, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for 10s. for tak- Sept. 29 ing two "Country Horses" to Fort P[atrick] Henry. Witnessed by James McCorkle. D. S. 5ZZ7 1 p. 1776 Campbell, John. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn for. Sept. use of his brigade on Cherokee expedition. D. 5ZZ2 S. 1 p. 1776 Ewing, Samuel, and John Brown. Voucher to Hugh Bar- Sept. clay for "2 Dayts" for Capt. James Ewing 's 5ZZ2 company on Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Finley, John. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn for Sept. William Lyle's brigade on Cherokee expedition. 5ZZ2 D. S. 1 p. 1776 Finley, Robert. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn for Sept. William Lyle's brigade on Cherokee expedition. 5ZZ2 D. S. 1 p. 1776 Gris[son, Grayson?], William. Voucher to Hugh Barclay Sept. for [provisions] for the use of Martin Baker's 5ZZ2 brigade. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Ocheltree, Michael, and John Barclay. Voucher to Hugh Sept. Barclay for corn for Cherokee expedition. D. S. 5ZZ2 1 p. [181] Wisconsin Historical Society 1776 Trimble, William. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn for Sept. Samuel Edmondson 's brigade on Cherokee ex- 5ZZ2 pedition. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Wilson, James. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for "2 Dayts" Sept. for his brigade. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ2 [1776 Bowyer, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for money Sept.l received for provisions for Cherokee expedition. 5ZZ6 Witnessed by Samuel Wallace. D. S. 1 p. 1776 Cook, John. Letter to Capt. Andrew Hamilton. Arrival Oct. 2 of an express saying that the Indians are on the warpath; Captain Pluggy and one company go- 3ZZ7 ing against Kentucky; two companies to strike at Greenbrier, and one on the head of the west fork [of the Monongahela] ; no indication of a treaty at Fort Pitt ; suggests that an express be sent to Captain Stuart and to Colonel Fleming. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cook's Express. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on the Upper Ohio, pp. 205, 206. 1776 Christian, Col. William. "A General Return of the Troops Oct. 6 under Command of Col°. William Christian at 6 mile Camp Octor 6th 1776." A.D. 2 pp. On 8ZZ72 reverse : Memorandum by Draper Aug. 17, 1844, giving names of officers who must have been present. 1776 Pennsylvania Gazette. Excerpt of communication from Nov. 6 Williamsburg, Va., October 25, stating that eleven settlers were killed at mouth of Wheeling 4ZZ7 about fifty miles below Fort Pitt by the Tawah, Wyandot, Mingo, and other disaffected In dians on 9th inst. Copy. 1 p. [1776 Stuart, John. Letter to Col. William Fleming. Acknowl- Nov.] edges letter by Levi Lockhart, and explains his failure to march the militia to Point Pleasant; 3ZZ8 Captain Henderson unsuccessful in getting the drafts together ; a part of the company sent for ward ; sends letter from Captain Arbuckle to himself, and suggests that scouts be sent to War rior Ridge and to Gauley River. A. L. S. 2 pp. [182] Virginia Manuscripts 1776 MitcheU, David. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £6 by Dec. 17 the hand of George Rutledge for Patrick Lock hart. Witnessed by Richard Thomas and Joseph 5ZZ97 Kyle. D. S. 1 p. 1776 [Virginia, House of Delegates.] Resolution appointing Dec. 21 Thomas Madison a commissioner to collect militia claims in Montgomery and Washington 5ZZ3 counties. Signed by John Tazewell, C. H. D. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Instructions from the Convention. 1776 Tate, Thomas and James. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for Dec. corn for use of their brigades on Cherokee ex- 5ZZ2 pedition. D. S. 1 p. [1776] Gilmore, James. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for [provi- 5ZZ2 sions] for Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. [1776] Logan, David. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for "2 Daits 5ZZ2 belonging to Sam1 Tods brigade." D. S. 1 p. [1776] Logan, John. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for flour for 5ZZ2 Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. [1776] McKinney, John. Voucher to Hugh Barclay for corn 5ZZ2 for Cherokee expedition. D. S. 1 p. [1776] South, John. "A payroll of John South 's Paekhorsemen on the Cherokee Expedition Commanded by Col°- 5ZZ93 William Christian." A. D. 1 p. [1776?] Cocke, Col. William. Statement of defense relative to his conduct at the battle of the Long Island of Hol- 3ZZ40, 41 ston. Copy by Draper. 2 pp. Endorsed : Col0. Wm- Cocke's Defense relative to his conduct at the Island Flat battle 20th July, 1776. 1777 Humphries, Uriah. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £16 Jan. 13 received from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle purchased by Robert Preston for Cherokee ex- 5ZZ97 pedition. Witnessed by James No [r] veil. D. S. 1 p. 1777 Dehart, Hannah. Receipt to Thomas Madison for money Jan. 25 received from Patrick Lockhart for a beef pur- 5ZZ97 chased by Robert Preston from her husband, [183] Wisconsin Historical Society Simon Dehart. Witnessed by Alexander Reid. Signed by mark. 1 p. 1777 M ZZ71 1777 Martin, Capt. Joseph. Statement of account against [The May 27 Country] . Receipted by Stephen Trigg for 5ZZ68-70 Captain Martin. 3 pp. 1777 Patton, Henry. Receipt to [Thomas Madison] for money May 27 received. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ72 1777 Reins; John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for his pay as May 27 a drover. Witnessed by Stephen Trigg. D. S. 5ZZ67 1 p. [208] Virginia Manuscripts 1777 Reins, Meredy. Receipt to Thomas Madison for his wages May 27 as a drover. Witnessed by Stephen Trigg. D. 5ZZ67 S. 1 p. 1777 Trigg, Stephen. Receipt to [Thomas Madison] for £3 19s. May 27 for Capt. Joseph Martin. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ71 1777 Trigg, Stephen. Receipt to [Thomas Madison] for £23 5s. May 27 D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ70 1777 Trigg, Stephen. Receipt to [Thomas Madison] for £12 May 27 for Alexander Robertson. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ71 1777 Trigg, Stephen. Receipt to [Thomas Madison] for money May 27 for Abraham Trigg. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ701777 Trigg, Stephen. Receipt to [Thomas Madison] for £10 May 27 10s. on account of Capt. John Montgomery. D. 5ZZ71 S. 1 p. 1777 Watterson, Henry. Receipt to Thomas Madison for his May 27 pay as a drover, and for £18 16s. for horses 5ZZ67 sold by Thomas Pendrie[?]. D. S. 1 p. 1777 Draper, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £12 for May 28 horse sold by James Brown. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ72 1777 Draper, John. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £17 for May 28 one horse for the Cherokee expedition. D. S. 5ZZ71 1 p. 1777 Harmon, Israel. Receipt to Thomas Madison for the pay May 28 of Jacob Harmon Sr., Jacob Harmon Jr., and Is[rael?] Harmon, as soldiers in Capt. Thomas 5ZZ72 Masten's company of militia. D. S. 1 p. 1777 Preston, Col. William, per James McCorkle. Receipt to May 28 Thomas Madison for £5 on account of Col. Wil- 5ZZ72 liam Russell. D. S. 1 p. 1777 Trigg, Daniel. Receipt to Thomas Madison for £22 Is. May 28 for one horse. D. S. 1 p. 5ZZ71 14-H. S. [ 209 ] Wisconsin Historical Society 1777 Lockhart, Patrick. Receipt to Thomas Madison for Adam May McCormick's pay as a pack horse drover. Wit- 5ZZ44 nessed by R. Thomas, D. S. 1 p. 1777 Duke, Francis. West Augusta, Va. Commissary's ac- June 3- count-book for militia near Fort Henry [Wheel- Sept. 17 ing] . Provisions issued to the men of Captains Joseph Ogle, Benjamin Harrison, Joseph 7ZZ8-22 Hedges, John Van Meter, Pearce, John Lemon, [Matthew] Arbuckle, [Samuel] Mason, and Lieutenant Cox. Vouchers for James Miller, Richard Posebright, James Andrew, Joseph Hedges, Capt. Joseph Ogle, Lawrence Van Bus- kirk, Jacob Newland, John Biggs, John Wilson, James Parkes, Andrew Fout, Silas Hedges, Eze- kiel Dewit, Jacob Rice, John Best, John Beckett, Edward Robinson, Lamb, Meek, James Jameson [?], Frank Seaman, Jones Lemon, and David Shepherd. [After August 30, entries made in a different handwriting.] A. D. 15 pp. Mutilated. 1777 Henry Jr., Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Gen. July 3 Edward Hand, Pittsburgh. Empowering him to draft men for the defense of the frontiers ; 15ZZ7-10 the militia already embodied to continue in service so long as there is occasion for them; appointment of Col. [William] Aylett as com missary; several tons of lead ordered for the militia. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: July 3, 1777 Honble. Patrick Henry J1". Esq1". Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 16-18. 1777 Booth, James. Coon Fort. Letter to Capt. Zadoc Spring- Aug. 2 er, Prickett Fort. Charles Grigsby's wife and child killed and scalped on July 31; pursuing 4ZZ10 party out. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Aug*. 2ci 1777. Capt. Booth. 1777 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum concerning bank stock Sept. 7 valued at £100 which was willed by Mary Wil kinson of Worcester to Elizabeth Ruston of 12ZZ60 Faggs Manor. A. N. 2 pp. [210] Virginia Manuscripts 1777 Henry, Patrick. WiUiamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [William Sept. 7 Fleming]. Gen. Edward Hand's expedition against the Indians; British operations. A. L. 15ZZ11, 12 S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 74-76. 1777 Van Bibber, Capt. John. Capt. John Van Bibber's Fort, Sept. 11 Greenbrier. Letter to [William Fleming] . In dian troubles on Greenbrier; James Graham's 3ZZ10 house attacked; requests that a small body of men be placed under his command, and that he may send out spies. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Cap* Van Bibber. Printed: Thwaites and Kel logg, Frontier Defense, pp. 78, 79. 1777 Henderson, James. Fort Henry. Letter to Col. William Sept. 12 Fleming, Botetourt County, [Va.] Account given by Andrew Kinkead of attack on James 3ZZ11 Graham's house on Greenbrier River; Walter Caldwell shot; Steel Loftus killed at mouth of Indian Creek. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 79, 80. 1777 Stuart, John. Letter to Col. William Fleming, Botetourt Sept. 12 [County, Va.] Encloses letter from Captain Arbuckle ; attack on James Graham 's house ; 3ZZ12 Walter Caldwell killed; the people flying to fort at Camp Union; Capt. Hendry Smith re quested to send assistance to people on Muddy Creek ; report of an expedition against Ohio Indians. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 80-82*. 1777 [Fleming, William.] Letter to Ensign Hutchison. Li- Sept. 17 structions concerning the guarding of prisoners. 2ZZ83 Auto, draft. 1 p. 1777 White Eyes, Captain. Cuchackunk. Message to Col. Sept. 23 [George] Morgan. Telling of the joy among his people on arrival of James Elliott and his 6ZZ7 company; recent visit of the Wyandot, Mingo, and other nations who threatened to destroy their town; expressions of friendship. Contem porary copy. 2 pp. Endorsed: Copy Capt. White Eyes. Message to Col. Morgan dated [211] Wisconsin Historical Society Coochocking 23 Sept/. 1777. Enclosed: Letter from David Zeisberger, Sept. 23, 1777. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 100, 101. 1777 Zeisberger, David. Cuchackunk. Letter to [Edward Sept. 23 Hand]. Enclosing message to Colonel Morgan; discussing attitude of the Twightee, Wea, and 6ZZ8 Kickapoo Indians; informing of attack on Ken tucky fort by Tawa and Chippewa, and report ing the condition of posts at Detroit and San dusky. A. L. S. 2 pp. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 101-103. 1777 Shepherd, David. Fort Henry. Letter to Gen. [Edward] Sept. 27 Hand. Arrival of Colonel Lynn and others at the fort bringing news of attack on scouting 6ZZ9 party commanded by Captains Foreman and Ogle; few believed to have escaped; immediate assistance requested. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier De fense, pp. 106, 107. 1777 Van Meter, Capt. John. Beech Bottom, Ohio. Letter to Sept. 28 Col. Edward Cook. Foreman's defeat; neces sity of having another company in readiness to 6ZZ10 succeed his [Van Meter's] ; asks that provisions and ammunition be sent with the company. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Cap*. Vanmetar (pub lick) Fort Pitt. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 110, 111. 1777 McFarland, Daniel. Monongalia [County]. Letter to Sept. 30 [Edward Hand]. Informing that he has raised forty men and sent them to the assistance of 6ZZ11 Colonel Lynn and party who were, defeated at the Narrows above Grave Creek; asks for in structions. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, p. 112. 1777 Shepherd, David. Fort Henry. Letter to [Edward Oct. 3 Hand]. Timely arrival of Maj. James Chew; his assistance in burying the dead; the late un- 4ZZ11 fortunate excursion not at his [Shepherd's] request or order; Major Chew to report on [212] Virginia Manuscripts strength of the garrison ; will be able to furnish quota for the expedition; allowance for guns and blankets lost in the two attacks. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 120, 121. 1777 Chew, James. Fort Henry. Letter to [Edward Hand]. Oct. 10 Conditions at Fort Henry. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Octr. 10, 1777. Printed: Thwaites and 4ZZ12 Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 129-132. 1777 Preston, William. Smithfield. Letter to Col. William Dec. 2 Fleming. Late success of the American arms ; death of Cornstalk; refusal of Captain Burk 2ZZ43 and his company to take oath of allegiance; Price, Bane, Shull, and the Heavins are the ring leaders of the Tories; Jefferson's opinion to be asked on a matter relating to Colonel Patton 's will. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: The Will. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 168-171. 1777 Henry, Gov. Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Circular to Dec. 13 the people of Virginia and to the county lieu tenants in particular calling attention to a reso- 15ZZ13 lution of the general assembly passed Nov. 27, 1777, in which the inhabitants of each county are requested to furnish shoes, stockings, and gloves for each soldier raised by the county. Printed broadside, signed. 1 p. [1777] 5ZZ97 [1777] 5ZZ65 [1777?] 2ZZ88 Brown, Samuel. Receipt to Capt. Thomas Madison for £203 18s. 6d. received from Patrick Lockhart for beef cattle, etc. for Cherokee expedition. Witnessed by Robert Alexander. D. S. 1 p. Burk, Capt. Thomas. Statement of account. 1 p. [Fleming, William.] Letter to [the Governor?]. Ap prehension of murderers; defense of the fron tier; stockades and other places of defense built in Greenbrier County ; Captain Arbuckle 's garrison to be reinforced ; advisability of main taining a garrison at Fort Randolph. Auto. draft. 2 pp. Mutilated. [213] Wisconsin Historical Society [1777?] Henry Jr., Patrick. Letter to the County Lieutenant of Botetourt. Orders one hundred men from Bote- 15ZZ15 tourt to garrison Fort Randolph. A. L. S. 1 p. [1777] [Madison, Thomas.] Statement of account of [ex penses connected with Cherokee expedition]. 5ZZ97 A. D. 12 pp. [1778 Shawnee Indians. Speech evincing the friendly disposi- Jan.] tion of Kickapoo Indians, and the Shawnee of Mackacheck, Pickaway, and Chillicothe, and 4ZZ13 attributing all the mischief that has been done to the Mingo; two of their chiefs gone to a treaty. A. D. 4 pp. Endorsed : Speech from the Shawnee Indians. 1778 Henry, Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Feb. 19 [William] Fleming. Measures for the defense of the frontiers; blushes for the occasion of the 15ZZ17-20 war with the Shawnee (i. e. the murder of Cornstalk). L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Feby. 19th 78. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 205-209. 1778 Henry, Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Mar. 14 [William Fleming] . Instructions in regard to drafts and ammunition ; did not mean to censure 15ZZ21 him in what he said in previous letter about the death of the Indians." A. L. S. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 225, 226. 1778 Henry, Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to Col. Mar. 27 William Preston and Col. [William] Fleming. One hundred men ordered to the new post at 15ZZ23 Kelly's, and fifty men to Fort Randolph; £1000 sent to the commissary who is to be ap pointed; printed proclamations against the murderers of the Indians to be distributed in the proper counties; injustice of the offensive measures against the Indians. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: March 27, 78. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 240, 241. 1778 Preston, William, and William Fleming, Commissioners Apr. 3 on the part of Virginia. Message to the chiefs [214] Virginia Manuscripts and warriors of the Shawnee nation proposing 2ZZ44 a treaty at Fort Randolph for the purpose of making reparation for the death of Cornstalk; reward offered by the governor for the appre hension of the murderers. Draft in Fleming's handwriting. 2 pp. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 258-261. 7ZZ48 . A second draft in Fleming's handwrit ing. Criticisms by Preston. [1778] [Preston, William.] Letter to [William Fleming]. In- Apr. 13 clian depredations ; fear of a general invasion ; preparation of a letter to the Shawnee ; provi- 3ZZ14 sioning the drafts; demands on Colonel Lynch for lead ; requisitions upon the counties of Bote tourt and Rockbridge for militia; requests that money be sent to Floyd. A. L. 2 pp. Muti lated. Printed: Thwaites and Kellogg, Frontier Defense, pp. 265-269. 1778 Murray, Col. James. "Return of the Second Battalion of May 1 Northumberland [Pa.] Militia commanded by Col. James Murry0 May 1778." Certified by 6ZZ28 Samuel Hunter, Lieut. Copy. 1 p. 1778 Henry, Patrick. Williamsburg, [Va.] Letter to [William May 5 Fleming?] Acknowledges letter by Colonel Henderson; authorizes him to act on his orders 2ZZ45 of March 27, rather than those of General Hand ; approves his and Preston's address to the Shawnee; and requests him to inform Colonel Stuart as to number of men needed to defend post at Kelly's. A. L. S. 1 p. 1778 Preston, William. Letter to Col. William Fleming, Bote- May 17 tourt [County, Va.] Alarm occasioned by letter from Captain Cloyd at Culbertson's Bottom in- 0ZZ15 forming of movements of the Indians; people removing from the country ; evacuation of posts at Culbertson 's and Island Creek ; backward ness of the militia ; call upon the lieutenants of Henry and Pittsylvania counties for assistance. A. L. S. 1 p. [215] Wisconsin Historical Society 1778 Preston, William. Letter to Col. William Fleming. Li- May 30 vasion of Greenbrier. A. L. S. 1 p. 3ZZ161778 Black, Capt. Henry. [Bedford County, Pa.] Pay-roll of July 22 his company of nine months' volunteers. Copy. 6ZZ21 1 p. 1778 Black, Capt. Henry. [Bedford County, Pa.] Pay-roll of July 22 his company of nine months' volunteers. Dates 6ZZ19 of enlistment given. Copy. 2 pp. [1778] Cluggage, Robert. Fort Robertdeau. Orders for Capt. Sept. 16 [Henry] Black. Instructing him to take post at Frankstown, Pa., and use every measure in his 6ZZ18 power for the defense of the frontier; the issu ing commissary at Frankstown to supply him with provisions. Copy. 1 p. 6ZZ23 . Another copy. 1778 Preston, William. Letter to [William Fleming.] En- [?]29 closes letter to the Shawnee for alteration and correction ; asks authority to call on Captains 3ZZ22 Robinson and Barnett for assistance in case of invasion; has sent out three companies along the frontiers. A. L. S. 1 p. [before 1779] A[lison], Dr. F[rancis]. Directions for catching fish|. 12ZZ332 Copy. 1 p. [before 1779] Alison, Dr. Ffrancis]. Directions for sowing grain. 12ZZ335 Copy. 1 p. [before 1779] Alison, Dr. Francis. Prescription for the treatment of 12ZZ5 pleurasy. Copy. 1 p. 1779 Cluggage, Robert. Huntingdon [Pa.] Letter to [Henry Mar 14 Black]. Requests him and Captain McDonald to come to the fort; wishes to discharge dues of 6ZZ17 his [Black's] company; asks him to call on Wil liam HoUiday for the money. Copy. 1 p. 6ZZ22 . Another copy. 1779 Preston, William. Letter to Col. William Fleming. In- Apr. 4 dian depredations ; the order for a general mus ter in the county countermanded ; advice to Cap- [216] Virginia Manuscripts 3ZZ18 tain William Robinson; probable that Pearis' and Munsey's forts will be evacuated; difficulty in raising men and procuring provisions. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1779 Preston, Col. William. Letter to Capt. [William] Rob- Apr. 4 inson. Intelligence received from Captain Cloyd of attack on William Hale near Munsey's Fort 3ZZ17 on Walker's Creek; Bradley's family believed to have been murdered ; people on Sinking Creek gathering in forts; the militia forbidden to at tend general muster. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. Endorsed : A Copey of a Letter from Col0. Pres ton to Captn Robinson. 1779 Madison, John. Letter to Col. [William] Fleming. In- Apr. 5 dian hostility ; request for arms and ammunition 2ZZ80 to defend his family. A. L. S. 1 p. 1779 [Preston, William.] Letter to Col. William Fleming, Apr. 8 Botetourt [County, Va.] Indian depredations; the inhabitants gathered in forts and crying for 3ZZ20 assistance; news received from Col. Walter Crockett of the Tory insurrection; plan to de stroy the lead mines. A. L. S. 1 p. Signature cut away. Mutilated. 1779 Preston, William. Letter to . Informing July 18 of the Tory plot against the lead mines and the capture of ' Captains Cox, Osborn, and Hender- 3ZZ19 son; Col. William Campbell awaiting reinforce ments at the mines ; Col. William Ingles to take command of the Montgomery County militia and march against the insurgents. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1779 Christian, Col. William. Mahanaim. Letter to Col. Wil- July23 liam Fleming, Botetourt. Col. William Camp bell and Maj. W. Crockett defeat the Tories, 2ZZ81 who had gathered for the purpose of taking the mines. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1779 Lebo, Isaac, John Funckhauser, and Edward Bond. Bond Aug. 18 executed by them to the commonwealth of Vir- 7ZZ23 ginia for £2000 to insure the good behavior of [217] Wisconsin Historical Society Isaac Lebo, who is suspected \ of Toryism. Wit nessed by Samuel Newell, Aaron Lewis, and Isaac Shelby. D. S. 1 p. 1779 Virginia counties. List of counties as made at the "War Aug. 20 Office Wmsburg Va.Aug. 20th. 1779". 1 p. 7ZZ24 1779 Lewis, Andrew, and William Fleming. Botetourt. Letter Aug. 31 to . In compliance with an order of council of July 23, directing William Chris- 2ZZ82 tian and themselves to fix a chain of defense for the southwestern frontier ; they recommend that troops be stationed at or near the mouth of Guyandot, mouth of Big Sandy River, junction of Licking Creek with the Ohio, and Martin's Cabin in Powell's Valley; list of necessary toods and utensils. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. [1779 Brown, William. Deposition before William Edmondson Aug.] and Isaac Shelby, justices of the peace for Washington County, [Va.] Repeating conver- 7ZZ23 sation with Isaac Lebo in which lie expressed Tory sentiments. 1 p. 1779-80 [Fleming, William.] Journal of his trip to Kentucky as Nov. 10- commissioner of Virginia to settle land titles and May 27 public accounts in that country. Contains a list of claims ; an account of moneys received and 2ZZ75, 76 expended ; notes on the topography, natural history, and economic condition of the country; description of town at Falls of the Ohio ; Boones- borough; Bryant's Station; and attack on Rud- dell's Station; Capt. [John] Dodge character ized ; operations of George Rogers Clark ; Indian depredations ; general summary of his transac tions as commissioner ; distances of Kentucky settlements from Fort Pitt, and Richmond. A. D. 72 pp. Indexed by Lyman C. Draper. 1779 Greer, Andrew, and Thomas Houghton, Justices of the Nov. Peace, Washington County, N. C. Instructions to sheriff of said county. A jury of twenty-four 7ZZ25 men to be impaneled to try a case of forcible detainer of "one dwelling house with the ap- [218] Virginia Manuscripts purtenances of one John Shelby, Esquire". A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: Precept to the Sheriff to Return a Jury. On reverse : Written in pencil and almost illegible is the verdict of a jury called to determine title of land patented in the name of Edmund Pendleton. 1779-80 Donelson, John. "Journal of a voyage, intended by God's Dec. 22- permission, in the good boat Adventure, from Apr. 24 Fort Patrick Henry on Holston river, to the French Salt Springs on Cumberland river." 11ZZ13-23 Incidents of the voyage; route; some of the boats bound for Natchez and the Illinois ; Indian attacks; meeting with Col. Richard Henderson who was running the line between Virginia and North Carolina; arrival at Eaton's Station; names of persons in the company; family of Capt. James Robertson among them. Copy by Draper. Indexed. 11 pp. Printed : A. W. Put nam, History of Middle Tennessee (Nashville, 1859), pp. 69-76. 1780 Reburn, James. Receipt to William Madison for £1400 Jan. 3 in payment for horse, etc. for use of troops under Col. [George Rogers] Clark. Witnessed by 5ZZ96 Daniel Trigg. D. S. 1 p. 1780 [Illegible.] Receipt to William Madison for £468 in pay- Jan. 16 ment for a horse and corn for use of Western Battalion. Witnessed by Joseph Grey. D. S. 5ZZ96 1 p. 1780 Williams, Thomas. Entry for land in district of Kentucky Feb. 16 lying on Lawrence's Creek and including im provement made by Charles Lecompte. Claim 12ZZ87 based on twelve months' residence prior to 1778, Signed by Thomas Todd. Copy. 1 p. 1780 Crockett, Anthony. Voucher to William Madison for 109 Feb. 22 lbs. of hemp "for the use of the Country & in 5ZZ96 part of his Tax". D. S. 1 p. 1780 McConnell, Sr., William, per Francis McConnell. Pre- Feb. 24 emption of 1000 acres of land in the district of Kentucky. Witnessed by Thomas Todd. Copy. 12ZZ145 1 p. [219] Wisconsin Historical Society 1780 Madison, Gabriel. Monongalia [County, Va.] Letter to Apr. 10 William Madison, Botetourt [County, Va.] John gone to Williamsburg for surveyor's commis- 5ZZ73 sion ; will himself leave for the Falls in a day or two; Indians thick on the river; two boats taken ; boundary dispute ; George Rooks at head of movement to organize a separate state. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Letter Gab Madison. 1780 Black, Martha. Preemption of 1000 acres of land lying Apr. 22 on Lee 's Creek. Improvement made in 1774. 12ZZ157 Signed by Thomas Todd. Copy. 1 p. 1780 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of land entered by Wil- Apr. 26, liam Stuart and George Thompson on Apr. 26, June 21 1780, and June 21, 1780. Entries witnessed by 12ZZ87 R. Parker, S. F. C. A. N. 1 p. 1780 Stuart, William. Order of the Court at St. Asaph's giv- Apr. 26 ing him permission to remove a location which was granted to Ephraim Payton, assignee of 12ZZ113 William Ginnings, and granting him a certifi cate for the land. Witnessed by Thomas Todd. Copy. 1 p. 1780 O'Bannion, John. Entry for land on treasury warrant. May 15 Witnessed by R. Parker. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ113 1780-86 May 16- Jan. 4 12ZZ140 1780 May 16 12ZZ148 1780 May 18 I2ZZ149 1780 May 22 12ZZ112 [Finley, John E.] Table giving dates of entry, survey, patent, and number of acres of land entered by Francis McConnell, Jane Wiley, William Mc- Connell, and Martha Black. A. D. 1 p. M'Connell, Francis. Entries for land. Witnessed by Thomas Bodley. Copy. 2 pp. McConnell, William. Entry for 800 acres of land. Copy, lp. Bynes, Edmond. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Witnessed by R. Parker. Copy. 1 p. 220 Virginia Manuscripts 1780 Speed, James. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Wit- May 23 nessed by Robert Parker. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ138 1780 Arnold, Mark. Entry for land on south side of Ohio June 2 River. Witnessed by Robert Parker. Copy. 12ZZ138 1 p. 1780 Preston, William. Letter to Col. William Fleming, Bote- June 15 tourt [County, Va.] Application for flints for the relief of people in Kentucky; Col. [Walter] 3ZZ21 Crockett instructed to raise 100 men. A. L. S. lp. 1780 Stuart, William, and George Thompson. Entry for land June 21 on a certificate. Witnessed by Robert Parker. 12ZZ114 Copy. 1 p. 1780 Madison Jr., John. Land Office, Richmond, [Va.] Letter July 14 to William Strother Madison, Botetourt [Coun ty, Va.] Appointed surveyor of Monongalia ¦5ZZ74 County; fears the governor will not sign his commission until boundary dispute between Virginia and Pennsylvania has been decided; will assist Harvie in register's office until time for Botetourt Court; Winston to represent him in lawsuits; "The assembly have struck 2000000 Millions of Money." A. L. S 1 p. Endorsed: Letter John Madison. 1780-93 [Finley, John E.] Table giving dates of entry, survey, and patent of lands entered by Bell, George 12ZZ130 Evans, John Pryor, Thomas Williams, Stuart and Thompson, S. Kenton, Galloway, Ed. Bynes, Joseph Frazor, Joseph McClelland, M. Black, Cunningham, John Marshall, James McAuley, William MeConnell, Thomas Maxwell, John Wil liams, James Speed, M. Arnold, and Tibbs. A. D. 1 p. [1780] Speed, James, and Mark Arnold. Plat of their lands on 12ZZ139 the Ohio River. Copy. 1 p. [1780] Turman, James. Receipt to [Will] iam Madison for £2400 £ZZ96 in payment for horses for use of troops under [221] Wisconsin Historical Society Col. George Rogers Clark. Witnessed by Joseph [?] Stewart. D. S. 1 p. 1781 Dryden, William. Receipt to William Madison for £1450 Jan. 9 for a horse for use of troops under Col. George Rogers Clark. Witnessed by Samuel Wilson. 5ZZ96 D. S. 1 p. 1781 Lewis, Samuel. Receipt to William Madison for "twenty Jan. 12 four sheets of money" amounting to £22320 in part payment for horses for troops under Col. 5ZZ96 [George Rogers] Clark. D. S. 1 p. 1781 Hunter, Malcolm. Receipt to William Madison for £1100 Jan. 25 for a mare for use of Western Battalion. D. S. 5ZZ96 1 p. 1781 M^Nealy, William. Receipt to William Madison for $360 Jan. 25 for gathering and driving pack horses from Lit- 5ZZ96 tie River. D. S. 1 p. 1781 Turman, James. Receipt to William Madison for £4805 Jan. 26 for horses for use of Western Battalion. Wit- 5ZZ96 nessed by Thomas McGeorge. D. S. 1 p. 1781 Fleming, William. Botetourt [County, Va.] Letter to Sept. 28 The Speaker of the House of Delegates. Tender ing his resignation as a member of council. A. 2ZZ84 L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : To The Speaker of the House of Delegates Septr 28, 1781. 1781 [Fleming, William.] Botetourt [County, Va.J Letter to Nov. 14 [the Governor?] Transmits an enclosure con taining a grievance which he thinks will be re- 2ZZ85 dressed by the commissioners appointed to set tle accounts in that quarter; frauds and imposi tions upon the government ; horses purchased for the use of General Clark. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1781 F[leming], Wfilliam]. Lei ter to the Governor [James Dec. 20 Monroe]. On receiving appointment as com missioner to adjust claims against the state in 2ZZ86 the western country; William Preston, Samuel McDowell, and Thomas Marshall appointed to act in conjunction with him. Auto, draft, signed. 2 pp. [222] Virginia Manuscripts 1781-83 [Finley, John E.] Account of money "received in a 12ZZ358, Congregational way". A. D. 5 pp. 368-371 1781-85 [Finley, John E.] Miscellaneous accounts. A. D. 38 pp. 12ZZ359-367, 372-384, 392-408 1781-89 [Finley, John E.] Record of marriages performed by 12ZZ386-391 him [in Chester County, Pa.] A. D. 6 pp. 1782 [Finley, John E.] Statement of account with William Jan. 9- Hazlet. A. D. 2 pp. [This account is crossed Oct. 11 out.] 12ZZ356, 357 1782 Apr. 13 5ZZ75 1782 Sept. 1 Madison, John. Letter to Regarding the location of land warrants; the trader's grant. A. L. S. 2 pp. May, John. Letter to William Fleming. Requests a copy of the certificate for Adam Smyth's pre emptions; instructions concerning transmission of commissions or other public papers for the Kentucky country. A. L. S. 1 p. Fleming, William. Statement of account against Col. John Bowman for medicine. Receipted Apr. 2, 1783. A. D. S. 1 p. 7ZZ26 1782-83 Nov. 4- Mar. 9 6ZZllb 1782 Wiley, Jane. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Dec. 2 Signed by T[homas] Bodley. Copy. 2 pp. 12ZZ148, 149 1782 Craig, John, and Robert Johnson, assignees of John May, Dec. 9 assignee of Matthew Black. Entry for land on a preemption warrant. Witnessed by R[obert] 12ZZ157 Parker. Copy. 1 p. 1782 Craig, John, and Robert Johnson, assignees of John May. Dec. 9 assignee of William McConnell Sr. Entry of land on a preemption warrant. Signed by 12ZZ145 R[obert] Parker. Copy. 1 p. 1782 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of land entries by Rob- Dec. 9 ert Johnson and John Craig. Dates of survey 12ZZ112 given. A. N. 1 p. 223] Wisconsin Historical Society 1782-85 [Lee's Creek, Ky.] Plat of land showing surveys for Dec. 9- [Thomas] Williams, Matthew Black, [George] Dec. 23 Thompson and [William] Stuart, McClelland, and Cunningham. Dates of surveys given, 12ZZ119 Copy. 1 p. 1782 M°Connell, Francis, assignee of Jane Wiley. Entry for Dec. 30 land on treasury warrant. Signed by T [nomas] 12ZZ149 Bfodley]. Copy. 1 p. 1782 Draper, [Lyman C] List of references concerning the cannon incident at siege of Wheeling. A. D. 4ZZ6 1 p. [c 1782] Madison, Gabriel. Lincoln County, [Va.] Letter to John Madison, Monongalia County, [Va.] Seeking in- 5ZZ92 formation about improvements purchased of Captain Biggs and of Moore. A. L. S. 1 p. 1783 [Fleming, William.] Journal of his second trip to Ken- Jan. 4- tucky as commissioner of Virginia to settle land ' Apr. 22 titles and public accounts in that country. De parture from Trigg's in company with Wallace; 2ZZ69 met Colonel McDowell, General Clark, Shannon and others at Harrodsburg; proceeded thence to Louisville by way of McAfee's, Kincheloe's, and Cox's stations; held commissioner's meet ings at Louisville, Dutch Station, New Holland, Lexington, Bowman's Station and St. Asaph's; examination of Clark's papers; arrival of Frenchmen from Illinois who complain that Vir ginia has abandoned them ; Captain George s mission to the Chickasaw ; Indian depredations ; Col. John Floyd mortally Avounded; location of land warrants; Boone to make surveys; descrip tion of the country. A. D. 15 pp. Indexed by Lyman C. Draper. 1783 Marshall Jr., John, assignee of Thomas Marshall. Entry Jan. 11 for land on treasury warrants. Witnessed by 12ZZ115, 116 Robert Parker. Copy. 2 pp. 1783 Marshall Jr., John. Entry for land on treasury warrants. Jan. 11 Witnessed by Thomas Jones. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ110 [ 224 ] Virginia Manuscripts 1783 Pryor, John. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Wit- Jan. 13 nessed by R[obert] Parker. Copy. 2 pp. 12ZZ121, 122 1783 Rutherford, R. Berkeley County, [Va.] Letter to John Jan. 22 Madison, Monongalia County, [Va.] Inquiring as to land entries made for him, and requesting 5ZZ76 that they be surveyed to the best advantage; death of his friend, Major Chew. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1783 Bledsoe, A[nthony], Isaac Shelby, and A. Tatun. Com- Mar. 8 missioner's Office, French Lick, N. C. Certifi cate no. 352 granted to Daniel Smith, assignee 7ZZ27 of Thomas Jeffries, for preemption of 620 acres of land on Drake's Creek. Witnessed by D. Shelby, Clerk. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : D Smith ass. 352. 1783 Delany, Joseph. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Mar. 12 Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ163 1783 Mar. 12 12ZZ162, 163 0 'Daniel, John. Entry for land on treasury warrants. Copy. 2 pp. 1783 Mar. 19 12ZZ39-42 1783 Apr. 4- OCT. 12ZZ355 Ruston, Job, and Rev. John E. Finley. Chester County, Pa. Articles of agreement between them. Sale of land to Finley for £420 ; Ruston to have privilege of cutting timber from the land during his life ; a new survey to be made. Witnessed by John Pinkerton and Archibald Dysart; receipts of payments made by Finley Apr. 4, 1783 and Mar. 11, 1784; affidavit made by John Pinkerton Nov. 18, 1786 certifying that he and Archibald Dysart were witnesses to the above agreement. Re corded Nov. 24, 1786. Copy. 4 pp. [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of payments made to Ruston. A. N. 1 p. 1783 Stuart, William, and George Thompson. Entry for land May 28 on preemption warrant. Witnessed by Robert 12ZZ114 Parker. Copy. 1 p. 15-H. s. [ 225 ] Wisconsin Historical Society 1783 Galloway, John, and Robert Johnson. Entry for land on Aug. 1 treasury warrant. Signed by Thomas Jones. 12ZZ87 Copy. 1 p. 1783 Mc Jenkins, William. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Aug. 1 Witnessed by Robert Parker. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ1131783 [Finley, John E.] Memoranda from book of ancient con- Sept. 16 cessions surveyed and signed by the surveyor and the council. Names of persons to whom land 12ZZ90 was assigned on "the little river of Kaskakias". A. Nip. 1783 Graham, Richard. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Oct. 30 Signed by Richard Higgins. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ171 1783 Tibbs, Willou[gh]by. Entry for land on treasury war- Nov. 3 rants. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ162 1783 Evans, George. Entry for land on treasury warrants. Dec. 17 Witnessed by Robert Parker. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ111 1783 Bell, William, assignee of John Hopkins. Entry for land Dec 29 on treasury warrant. Signed by Robert Parker. 12ZZ118 Copy. 1 p. 1783 Bell, William, assignee of Michael Ryan. Entry for land Dec. 29 on treasury warrant. Signed by Robert Parker. 12ZZ118 Copy. 1 p. T1783?] Parker, Robert. Field notes of survey for George Evans. 12ZZ111 Copy. 1 p. 1784 Ruston, Job. Chester County, Pa. Will. Witnessed by Jan. 17 Samuel Finny, Joseph, and James Strawbridge. 12ZZ16, Copy. 4 pp. 18, 19, 21 1784 McConnell, William. Fayette County, [Va.] Field notes Mar. 22 of survey of land for himself. Copy. 2 pp. 12ZZ150, 151 1784 M''Connell, William. Fayette County, [Va.] Field notes Mar. 22 of survey of land for Francis McConnell. Copy. 12ZZ150 1 p. [226] Virginia Manuscripts 1784 MeConnell, William, and Thomas Marshall. Plat and Mar. 26 field notes of survey for Jane Wiley. Copy. 12ZZ151-153 3 pp. 1784 Craig, Lewis, and James Power. Fayette County, Va. Ar- Apr. 3 tides of agreement for a division of land in Kentucky. Witnessed by David Marshall and 7ZZ28 Francis W. Lee. D. S. 1 p. 1784 Cameron, Charles. Botetourt Court-house. Letter to Apr. 26 Roland Madison, Kentucky. Informing of his; measures to collect money due him; applica- 5ZZ77 tion to Thomas Madison. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed : Charles Camron to R. Madison. 1784 [Finley, John E.] Notes on Vandelure's account of his May travels in North America in 1784. A. N. 1 p. Oct. 7 12ZZ266 : 'i I : 1784 Aug. 6 5ZZ78 Christian, Col. William. Mahanaim. Letter to Thomas Madison. Regarding his preparations for re moval to Kentucky; settlement between Thomp son Boyd and Preston's executors on 20th. hist. ; his [Madison's] suit against Lynch; Barnes's land advertised for sale. A. L. S. 3 pp. En dorsed: Col0. Wm. Christian 84. [1784?] Craig, Lewis. Fayette County, Va. Bond to James Aug. 17 Power for £1000 to secure 600 acres of land in 7ZZ49 Fayette County. D. S. 1 p. 1784 Madison, James. West Observatory. Letter to Thomas Sept. 20 Madison, Botetourt [County, Va.] Settlement of their father's estate; will meet him in Rich- 5ZZ79 mond in the fall if the business of running the boundary line is finished in time; suggested set tlement of claims against John Madison; op poses his brother's removal to a new country. A. L. S. 2 ,pp. Endorsed: James Madison. 1784 Bynes, Edmond. Field notes of survey made for him on Oct. 23 waters of Lawrence's Creek. Incomplete. 12ZZ112 Copy. 1 p. 1784 Morgan, Simon, and Thomas Marshall. Field notes of Oct. 26 survey of land for John Pryor. Witnessed by 12ZZ122 Robert Parker. Copy. 1 p. [227] Wisconsin Historical Society 1784 Nov. 30 13ZZ43 [1784?] 7ZZ53 1785 Feb. 4 15ZZ25-28 1785 Feb. 5 12ZZ7812ZZ274 1785 Feb. 5 12ZZ78 12ZZ275 Virginia Assembly, Journal. Excerpt concerning peti tion of Humphrey Walker and other inhabitants of King and Queen County, praying that the right to a tract of land in that county be vested in the heir of John Walker. Copy by Draper. 1 p. Armstrong, [John.] [Map of Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna River.] A. D. Henry, Gov. Patrick. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to Col. Joseph Martin, Henry County. Indian affairs; the Countess of Huntingdon's desire to settle a colony and christianize the Cherokee; Dohrman also would like to procure land for a large set tlement of people; inquiry as to the welfare of the Overhill Carolina folks. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Governor Henrys Letter. Hoge, John. Plat of a survey of land on warrant granted Augustine Pillager. Copy. 1 p. • . Another copy. Hoge, John. Plat of a survey of land on warrant granted Thomas Mason. Copy. 1 p. Another copy. 1785 Tibbs, John. Fayette County. Bond to Simeon West Feb. 17 for £500 Virginia currency; assignment to George Dougherty; assignment to Richard Ap- 12ZZ154,155 plegate and John E. Finley. Copy. 2 pp. 1785 Morgan, Simon, and Richard Higgins. Field notes of Mar. 8 survey of land for Rfichard] Graham. Copy. 12ZZ171,172 2 pp. 1785 Henry, Gov. Patrick. In Council. Letter to Col. Joseph Apr. 16 Martin. Concerning the encroachments of the Franklin Government upon Cherokee lands; 15ZZ29-32 neutrality of Virginia in the event of hostili ties ; measures for the preservation of peace ; trade with the Chickasaw; Col. Arthur Camp bell's refusal to furnish men ordered to his [Martin's] station by Governor Harrison. L. S. 3 pp. [228] Virginia Manuscripts 1785 Wallace, Caleb. Lincoln County. Letter to [Thomas?] June 28 Madison. Concerning settlement of Robert Ba ker's claim to Kentucky lands which he [Wal- 5ZZ80 lace] purchased from Anthony Gholson; peti tion for separation of Kentucky from Virginia; scarcity of money; land disputes numerous. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Caleb Wallace 85. 1785 Fox, Arthur, and Thomas Marshall. Fayette County, Aug. 11 [Va.] Plat and field notes of survey of land for John Marshall, assignee of Thomas Marshall. 12ZZ116,117 Witnessed by Temstall Quarles for Robert Parker. Copy. 2 pp. 1785 Fox, Arthur, and Thomas Marshall. Fayette County, Aug. 19 [Va.] Field notes of survey of land for Wil liam Stuart and George Thompson. Witnessed 12ZZ120 by Robert Parker. Copy. 1 p. 1785 Fox, Arthur, and Thomas Marshall. Field notes of sur- Aug. 19 vey for William Stuart and George Thompson. 12ZZ114,115 Witnessed by Robert Parker. Copy. 2 pp. 1785 Fox, Arthur. Plat and field notes of survey of 400 acres Aug. 19 of land on Lawrence's Creek for Thomas Wil liams ; assignment of interest in same to George 12ZZ80 Dougherty; sold to Capt. Thomas Hall. Copy. 1 P- 1785 Stuart, William, assignee of George Thompson. Field Aug. 19 notes of survey of land made for him. Incom- 12ZZ120,121 plete. Copy. 1 p. 1785 Stuart, William, and George Thompson. Field notes of Aug. 19 survey of land made for them. Incomplete. 12ZZ121 Copy. 1 p. 1785 Christian, Wfilliam]. Bear Grass. Letter to [Mrs. Nov. 4 Thomas Madison]. To his sister on hearing of the death of "Suckey"; Indians very trouble- 5ZZ81 some; treaty refused; will move to Danville soon; Bear Grass the flower of all Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1785 Christian, W[illiam]. Bear Grass. Letter to Thomas Nov. 4 Madison, Stone House. Information concern- 5ZZ81 ing his [Madison's] lands in Kentucky; sends [229] Wisconsin Historical Society copy of plat of land adjoining Breckinridge's; removal to Lincoln. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: W Christian letter. 1785-91 Ruston, Job, estate. Statement of account against Dr. Jan. 27- Thomas Ruston. Copied from the executor's Feb. 23 book by J. E. Finley, May 17, 1791. Note by Finley stating that John B. Ruston died in Octo- 12ZZ71.72 ber, 1795 at Lewisville, Ga. [c 1785] Lee's Creek, [Ky.] Plat of. surveys on Lee's Creek. Shows surveys of Thomas Williams, John 12ZZ125 Marshall Jr., [William] Stuart and [George] Thompson, S[imon] Kenton, M[atthew] Black, Cunningham and McClelland. Copy. 1 p. [c 1785] Stevenson, James. Plat and field notes of Gen. Henry Lee's claim to land on Lawrence's Creek [Ky.] I2ZZ141 Copy. 1 p. 1786 Fox, Arthur, and Thomas Marshall. Field notes of sur- Jan. 3 vey of land for John Craig and assignees. Wit- 12ZZ146 nessed by Rfobert] Parker. Copy. 1 p. 1786 McConnell, William, and Thomas Marshall. Fayette Jan. 4 County, [Va.] Plat and field notes of survey for James McConnell, heir of Francis McCon- 12ZZ152,153 nell. Signed by Thomas Bodley. Copy. 2 pp. 1786 Christian, William. Sturguss. Letter to Thomas Madi- Mar. 30 son, Botetourt [County, Va.] Speculation in Kentucky lands; decline in value; only those 5ZZ82 lands lying within the settlements will sell; In dian affairs serious. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: W Chr letter. 1786-87 Decalves, Don Alonso. New Travels to the u'estu-ard; or June 1- unknown parts of America (Lexington, 1802). July. 27 Excerpts by John E. Finley. 1 p. 12ZZ267 1786 Henry, Patrick. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to Col. Joseph Oct. 4 Martin, Agent for Indian Affairs. Expressing his views on the Franklin Government; the ne- 15ZZ33-40 cessity for securing the navigation of the Mis sissippi ; sends silver medals to be bestowed up on Indian chiefs. A. L. S. 6 pp. [230] Virginia Manuscripts 1786 Lafferty, John. Entry for land on treasury warrant. Oct. 31 Witnessed by Thomas Jones. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ131 1786 Ruston, Job. Plat of a small tract of land in Chester Dec. 18 County [Pa.] belonging to Job Ruston, and said to contain forty-seven ^cres. Certified Dec. 18, 12ZZ34,35 1786 by George Churchman. Copy. 2 pp. 4 1786 Campbell, Arthur. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to Thomas Dec. 23 Madison, Botetourt [County, Va.] Wishes him success with the salt works, and discusses meas- 5ZZ83 ures before the Virginia assembly; "We seem groping in the dark about the Kentucky affairs ; ' ' commotion in Massachusetts. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1787 McDowell, Samuel. Mercer County, Va. Articles of Feb. 15 agreement with William Scott of Fayette County, Va. for the sale of land in Kentucky. 7ZZ30 Witnessed by Peggy and Patsey McDowell. Payments entered on the reverse. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Scott and McDowell bargain for 190 acres of Land. 1787 Bledsoe, Anthony. Mr. Gibbon's, Holston. Letter to Feb. 21 Col. Daniel Smith, Drake's Creek, Sumner County, [Tenn.] His success in the assembly; 7ZZ29 encloses an act for raising 200 troops for the protection of the frontier; the county divided according to agreement; asks the appointment of David Shelby as clerk of the first court to be, held; refers to Colonel Robertson, the bearer, for further information about trie assembly; "your first Court is the 2d Monday in April at Gen1. John Hamiltons." A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Feby. 21st. 1787. Co1. Anthony Bled soe. 1787 Ruston, Job. "draught of a tract of land being part of May a larger tract late of Job Ruston deceased, but ordered by ye. will of sd decd; to be sold by his 12ZZ34 exrs- Surveyed May 1787 by Sam1. Cochran." Copy. 1 p. 1787 Madison, J [ames]. Williamsburg [?]. Letter to Thomas Oct. 1 Madison, Botetourt [County, Va.] Requests an [231] Wisconsin Historical Society opinion relative to his partnership with Colonel 5ZZ84 Smith in the purchase of land ; criticism of the federal constitution; asks that the enclosed let ter to his mother be forwarded. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1787-92 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum giving dates of land Oct. 31- patents issued to George Thompson, Simon Ken- Mar. 15 ton, William Woods, Arthur Fox, and John 12ZZ145 Marshall. A. N. 1 p. 1788 Fleming, William. Belmont, Botetourt [County, Va.] Feb. 19 Letter to Thomas Madison, Saltworks, Wash ington County. On the federal constitution. 5ZZ85 A. L. S. 2 pp. 1788 Campbell, Afrthur]. Goodwood. Letter to [Thomas Feb. 20 Madison?] Arrangements for the maintenance and education of his ward, Sarah Campbell; 5ZZ86 Baron Swedenborg's writings; sends specimen of "your Cousin James writing in the Federal ist N°- 5". A. L. S. 2 pp. 1788 Ruston, Thomas. Oxford. Letter to Rev. John E. Fin- Oct. 24 ley. Giving him notice to quit the premises oc- 12ZZ51 cupied by him. Copy. 1 p. 1788 Rumsey, James. Berkeley County, Va. Proposals for forming a company to enable him to carry into 7ZZ50 execution his invention for propelling a steam boat. Broadside. 1 p. On reverse : List of towns. 1789 Morris, Israel. Opinion rendered to John E. Finley con- Mar. 18 cerning the administration of Job Ruston 's 12ZZ352 estate. Copy. 1 p. 1789 Fox, Arthur. Bourbon County, [Ky.] Plat and field Mar. 24 notes of survey for John Marshall Jr. Wit- 12ZZ109,110 nessed by Thomas Jones. Copy. 2 pp. 1789 Finley, John E. Memorandum of his having furnished Nov. 23 Dr. Thomas Ruston with a copy of his accounts and demand against the estate of J. Ruston, 12ZZ17 deceased; also a certified copy of agreement be tween Job Ruston and John E. Finley. A. N. S. 1 P- [232] Virginia Manuscripts 1790 Finley, John E. Brief in suit of Finley vs. Ruston 's Ex- Jan. 4 ecutors. Covenant between Job Ruston and himself, Mar. 19, 1783, concerning 218*4 acres 12ZZ47-51 of land which the former was to deed to him in consideration of £420 ; breach of contract ; dam ages asked; circumstances of the case. Copy. 5 pp. 1790 Henry, Patrick. Letter to Gen. [Joseph] Martin. Con- Jan. 25 cerning western lands; the North Carolina ces sion act; his efforts to secure Martin's appoint- 15ZZ41-44 ment as [Indian?] agent. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1790 Ruston, Job, heirs. Summons to appear in Court o£ Feb. 27 Common Pleas of Chester County, Pa. on last Tuesday of the following May to answer plea of 12ZZ17 Robert Wallace. Signed by Caleb Davis. Wit nessed by William Clingan. Copy. 1 p. 1790 [Finley, John E.] Bond to J[ob] Rfuston] for £20, Apr. 1 with warrant of attorney to confess judgment. 12ZZ9,10 Copy. 2 pp. 1790 Chew, Benjamin. Opinion as to the construction of the June 2 will of Job Ruston, deceased. Copy. 2 pp. 12ZZ21,22 1790 Henry, Patrick. P[rince] Edward. Letter to [William July 3 Fleming]. On the death of his sister, Mrs. Christian; arrangements for the care of her 15ZZ45,46 children; suggests that the negroes belonging to them be brought from Kentucky and hired out about his [Fleming's] place. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1790 Wilcocks, Alexander. Philadelphia. Opinion rendered Sept. 18 Rev. John E. Finley of Chester County, Pa., as to the construction of the will of Job Ruston, 12ZZ20,31 deceased. Copy. 2 pp. 1790 WaUace, Robert. Letter to Rev. John E. Finley. Ex- Sept. 23 cerpts from letters of Dr. Thomas Ruston, writ ten in 1777 and 1779, concerning legacy left to 12ZZ32 his Aunt Elizabeth by Mrs. Wilkinson. Copy. lp. 1790 WaUace, Robert. Newark, [N. J.] Letter to Maj. John Nov. 12 Ramsey, Oetorara. Proceedings in suit against [233] Wisconsin Historical Society 12ZZ54 Dr. [Thomas] Ruston; his visit to Sergeant in Philadelphia ; supreme court to be held in Janu ary; Ramsey and himself requested to be pres ent. Copy. 1 p. 1790 [Finley, John E.] Form of a subscription for his sup- Dec. 13 port as minister of the Presbyterian Congrega- 12ZZ57 tion of Faggs Manor. A. D. 1 p. 1790 Lee, Peter, and H. Lee. Field notes of survey of land for Dec. 29 John Lafferty. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ160 1790 Arnauld, . Table giving strength of the maritime 12ZZ188 powers of the world in 1790. Copy. 1 p. 1790 DaUas, Alexander James. Reports of cases ruled and ad judged in the Courts of Pennsylvania * * * 12ZZ69 1790. Extracts from the above in case of Mc- Dill's Lessee vs. McDill tried at Lancaster N. P. May 18, 1781 before Chief Justice McKean; measures necessary to establish proof of a deed. Copy. 1 p. 1790 Dallas, Alexander James. Reports of cases ruled and ad judged in the Courts of Pennsylvania * * * 12ZZ70 1790. Ruling of Chief Justice McKean relative to method of computing interest. Copy. 1 p. 1790-98 [Finley, John E.] Notes on the weather. A. N. 1 p. 12ZZ329 1790 Ruston, Job. Plat of a survey on Elk River showing lands belonging to him. Adjoining lands owned 12ZZ33 by James Turner, Jacob Weldon, Capt. Hugh McCulloch, Joseph Strawbridge, and Richard Carson. 1 p. [c 1790] [Finley, John E.] Memoranda relative to his land suit against Dr. Thomas Ruston. Removal from 12ZZ52 premises, Nov. 4, 1788 ; the trouble submitted to arbitration on Oct. 29, 1788, Nov. 28, 1788, and Jan. 4, 1790. A. D. 1 p. [c 1790] Ruston, Job, estate, Appraisement of negroes belonging 12ZZ73 to his estate. 1 p. [234 1 Virginia Manuscripts [c 1790] [Smith, Daniel. Map of southeastern Kentucky and east- 7ZZ52 em Tennessee.] A. D. 1791 [Finley, John E.] Form of a subscription for mainte- Jan. 14 nance of a school of psalmody. Ishmael Spicer 12ZZ58 engaged as teacher. A. D. 1 p. 1791 Ruston, Thomas. Philadelphia. Letter to Charles Dil- Jan. 25 worth, West Chester. Instructions concerning lands to be sold according to judgments ob- 12ZZ60 tained against him by executors of estate of Job Ruston and by Finley. Copy. 1 p. 1791 Alison, Francis. Philadelphia. Letter to Rev. John Jan. 26 Evans Finley. Decision of the judges in the case of the executors of [Job] Ruston 's estate 12ZZ59 against Dr. Thomas Ruston. Copy. 1 p. 1791 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum. Names of councilors Feb. in the Supreme Court of the United States who were admitted and sworn at Philadelphia in 12ZZ53 February, 1791. A. N. 1 p. 1791 Campbell, Arthur. Goodwood. Letter to Thomas Madi- Mar. 10 son, Botetourt [County, Va.] As to the pro spective marriage of their niece, Sarah; con- 5ZZ87 tract for erection of building. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1791 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum. A portion of the Apr. 13 estate of Job Ruston advertised for sale by the sheriff, Charles Dilworth, in execution of judg- 12ZZ61 ment obtained by Rev. John E. Finley; sale to be held May 17, 1791. A. N. 1 p. 1791 Ramsey, John. Excerpt from letter to [John E. Finley] . May Wallace to be instructed to acknowledge satis faction of judgment on docket in Philadelphia; 12ZZ68 memorandum by Finley of payment made by sheriff in Philadelphia to Sheriff C. Dilworth. Copy. 1 p. 1791 Dickson, John. Bledsoe's Lick. Letter to Generals June 20 Smith and Robertson, at the Treaty on Holston. Informing of the safe arrival of those who 7ZZ31 started together from Clinch; Indian depreda tions at Rains's Station; Col. Elijah Robertson in pursuit; scouts sent out. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed : June 20th. 1791 Mr. John Dixon. [235 Wisconsin Historical Society 1791 Winchester, Col. Joseph. Cragfont. Letter to Daniel June 20 Smith. Is convinced that the Indians he met on Smith's Fork are the same ones who have been 7ZZ32 making depredations in the settlements; a party of them encountered by Colonel Mansco; John Gibson killed; Colonel Robertson in pursuit of Indians. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: June 20tl1. 1791 Co1. Winchester. 1791 Henry, Patrick. Pfrince] Edward. Letter to John Fon- Aug. 4 taine, Leathwood, Henry [County, Va.] Col onel Tunstall to go away in the fall; has di- 15ZZ47 rected Thomas Gooch to take possession of the place and to have a straight line run; asks as sistance in obtaining justice as to the line. A. L. S. 1 p. 1791 Finley, John E. Letter to Dr. Thomas Ruston. Forbid- Oct. 21 ding him to harbor his mulatto servant, Jane. 12ZZ67 Copy. 1 p. 1791 Ruston, Thomas. Statement of account against Rev. Nov. 12 John E. Finley for eight months' board of a mulatto girl, Jane Worley; accompanied by 12ZZ67 note saying that girl will be sold to pay ex penses, if the amount is not paid. Copy. 1 p. 1791 Walker, Francis. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to Gen. Dan- Dec. 22 iel Smith, Cumberland. Smith's suit still pend ing in court of appeals ; his father, [Dr. Thomas 7ZZ33 Walker], characterized; the Virginia assembly adjourned; agreed to amendments to the consti- stution proposed by Congress; apportionment of representation in Congress; distressed at news of St. Clair's defeat; reported that the Creeks are dissatisfied with McGillivray; prospect of war. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Francis Walker Dec1. 22d. 1791. 1791 Finley, J[ohn] E. Memorandum of lasts for himself and 12ZZ327 family. A. N. 1 p. 1792 Brown Jr., J [olin]. Philadelphia. Letter to Thomas Jan. 6 Madison, Botetourt County, Va. In reply to letter asking information relative to charters of 5ZZ88 Virginia and the grant to Earl Grenville- [236] Virginia Manuscripts thinks grant to Earl Grenville included lands in dispute, and that it was prior to Buchanan's patent; this being so, Blevins can derive no ad vantage from it; message to Colonel Avery; Congress making but little progress in business. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1792 Finley, John E. Faggs Manor. Letter to Charles Dil- Mar. 31 worth. Instructions concerning payment of balance due him from executors of Job Rus- 12ZZ73 ton's estate. Copy. 1 p. 1792 Dilworth, Charles. Letter to [John E. Finley]. Will Apr. 2 credit Dr. F. Alison with the balance due in case of John E. Finley vs. John Kamsey et al. 12ZZ74 executors of Job Ruston, deceased. Copy. 1 p. On same sheet : Statement of the account in cluding interest. 1792 Apr. 12ZZ324 [Finley, John E.] Description of machines for carding and spinning cotton. A. N. 1 p. 1792 Kentucky, General Assembly. Excerpts from an act for June 4 establishing a permanent revenue, concerning 12ZZ76 tax on land. Copy. 1 p. 1792 Campbell, S. B. Letter to Thomas Madison. To her Sept. 3 uncle saying that she will meet him in Aspen ville Friday, and asking him to get "course 5ZZ89 stuff for the young negrous cloths". A. L. S. lp. 1792 Finley, John E. Memorandum of his having acknowl- Oct. 16 edged satisfaction for debt and cost in judg ment obtained against executors of Job Rus- 12ZZ75 ton's estate, Jan. 4, 1791. A. N. S. 1 p. 1793[?] Jan. 8 7ZZ34 1793 Apr. 17 Craig, Lewis. Order on 7ZZ36 - Radford for salt to be de livered to Arthur Fox. A. D. S. 1 p. En dorsed: Order from Lewis Craig for Salt. Bledsoe, Catherine. Letter to Daniel Smith, Knoxville. Tells of her husband's being killed by Indians, and bespeaks Smith's influence with Governor Blount to procure some troops for protection; alarm of the people. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Mrs. Bledsoe. [237] Wisconsin Historical Society 1793 Wilson, Maj. David. Wilson's Station. Letter to Daniel Apr. 20 Smith, Knoxville. Informing of Indian depre dations since his departure for Knoxville; Col. 7ZZ35 Isaac Bledsoe, Henry Howdeshall, Samuel Farr, and John Benton killed; attack on Greenfield Station; defense made by William Neely, Wil liam Wilson, and William Hall; government protection needed. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed r Major Wilson. 1783 Douglass, Maj. Edward. [Place illegible.] Letter to Apr. 29 Gen. [Daniel] Smith, Knoxville. On his way home from scouting expedition; attack on 7ZZ37 Greenfield Station; Colonel Bledsoe and others killed; the militia much fatigued; suggestions as to military matters; Mrs. Smith and family well. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Major Douglas. 1793 Bradford, Maj. Henry. Sumner County, [Tenn.] Letter May 12 to Daniel Smith, Knoxville. Mentions killing of Colonel Bledsoe and attack on Greenfield 7ZZ38 Station; two children killed near General Rob ertson's; Sumner County quiet; little apprehen sion of danger; attended general court the pre ceding week; heard much criticism of the gov ernor and judges residing on Holston. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Major Bradford May 1793. 1793 Shelby, Gov. Isaac. Lexington, Ky. Land grant to June 6 George Dougherty, assignee of Thomas Wil liams for 400 acres of land on Lawrence's 12ZZ81,85 Creek in Fayette County, Ky. Endorsed by Baker Ewing, Re [gist er of the] L[and] Off [ice]. Copy. 2 pp. 1793 Massie, Nathaniel. Field notes of survey of land for Nov. 3 Thomas Groves. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ297 1793 12ZZ284 1793 7ZZ39 Christie, Doctor Philadelphia. Statement of ac count against James Ramsey for medicine bought of him. Copy. 1 p. [Smith, Daniel.] Letter to [Mrs. Catherine Bledsoe]. In reply to her request for protection against the [238] Virginia Manuscripts Indians; expressions of sympathy on the death of her husband. Auto, draft. 1 p. Endorsed : Rough for M1S. Bledsoe 1793. 179,3-94 Kentucky. Rules established in the court of appeals, sub sequent to the adoption of the printed rules, in 7ZZ40 January, 1793. Decisions in particular causes; Patterson vs. Bradford, Myers vs. Speed, Ken nedy vs. Justices of Madison [County]. 3 pp. Endorsed (in pencil) : Rules of the old Ct. of Appeals. Rush, Dr. [Benjamin]. Prescription for yellow fever. Copy. 1 p. Caldwell, John. Letter to Isaac Shelby, Lincoln. Pur porting to express the opinion of the people of Woodford and Fayette counties, [Ky.] who he says are opposed to his granting a reprieve to one Cox. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Jn°. Caldwell. Lee, Gov. Henry. Richmond, Va. Proclamation on the 20 Whiskey Rebellion. Whereas banditti from western Pennsylvania have passed into Virginia and compelled an officer of the United States living in Morgantown, Monongalia County to abandon his home and seek safety by flight, he [the Governor] calls upon all officers, civil and military, to exercise every legal power to ap prehend and bring to trial every offender or offenders. Broadside. 1 p. 1794 Dougherty, George. Fayette County, Ky. Deed to John July 8 E. Finley of Mason County, Ky., for 120 acres of land in Mason County lying on Law- 12ZZ82,83 rence's Creek, being part of a settlement right assigned to Dougherty by Thomas Willilams. Witnessed by Stephen Quarles, William South, and Richard Applegate; receipt by George Dougherty for £40 received from John E. Fin ley, July 8, 1794. Copy. 2 pp. [c 1793] 12ZZ2581794 May 26 7ZZ41 1794 Aug. 7ZZ42 1794 July 8 12ZZ84 Dougherty, George. Receipt to John E. Finley for £46 on account of Stephen Dye. Witnessed by Stephen Quarles, and Alexander Cooper. Copy. 1 p. [239] Wisconsin Historical Society 1794 Hall, Thomas. Letter to Richard Applegate. Request- July 8 ing him to pay £46 to George Dougherty on ac- 12ZZ84 count of land. Copy. 1 p. 1795 Finley, Rev. James. Epitaph. Died Jan. 6, 1795, aged Jan. 6 sixty-nine years and eleven months. Copy. 12ZZ323 1 p. 1795 Fleming, William. Summerville. Letter to . In- Jan. 23 troducing William Claiborne. A. L. S. 1 p. Note by Draper distinguishing between the two 2ZZ87 William Flemings. 1795 F[inley], J[ohn] E. and wife. Acknowledgment of deed Oct. 7 before Thomas Waring, justice of the peace of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Mason County, 12ZZ79 Ky. Copy. 1 p. 1795 Lecompte, Charles. Deposition before Nathaniel Wilson Dec. 11 and John Gutridge, commissioners appointed by County Court of Mason County, Ky., for per- 12ZZ88,89 petuating testimony respecting an improve ment made by him and included in a survey made on Lawrence's Creek for Thomas Wil liams; came to Kentucky in 1775 with David Perry and others ; he and Perry made improve ments on big west fork of Lawrence's Creek, but he is unable now to designate the precise spot. Copy. 2 pp. 1795-96 [Finley, John E.] Record of marriages performed by him in 1795-96 and copy of warrant issued to him 12ZZ330 in Mason County, [Ky.] A. D. 1 p. 1796 Cadwell, Aaron. Justice of the Peace for Hamilton Mar. 4 County, [Ohio]. Warrant for the seizure of goods and tools of John Elsworth of Cincin- 7ZZ44 nati to satisfy Edward Day, also of Cincinnati, for house rent. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Ed ward Day vs. John Elsworth. In Rent * * * 1796 Preston, Francis. Philadelphia. Letter to Thomas Mad- Apr. 16 ison, Fincastle, Va. On the action of the presi dent respecting the British treaty before Con- 5ZZ90 gress. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: F. Preston. [240] Virginia Manuscripts 1796 Doddridge, P. Morgantown, [Va.] Letter to Gen. Ben- Aug. 10 jamin Biggs, Ohio County, [Va.] Concerning suit in district court which he and Relfe have 1ZZ42 undertaken in behalf of Charles Donaldson; Chips wanted on the charge of a misdemeanor. A. L. S. 1 p. 1796 Finley, John E. Memorandum of expenses on journey to Sept. 12- Illinois. Was accompanied by A. Simpson, T. Nov. 10 Miller, and H. Cooper. A. N. 1 p. 12ZZ336 1796-97 [Finley, John E.] Miscellaneous memoranda relative to Nov. 29- his trip to Philadelphia; power of attorney Feb. 20 given to John Evans ; note given to G. W. Adlis- tern; his lawsuit against Francis Alison, and 12ZZ336 Elkton lands. A. N. 1 p. 1797 Sherer, James. Elkton, Md. Receipt to John Mackey Feb. 3 for merchandise purchased of him. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ155 1797 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum relative to bond given May 9 by James Mackey and John Evans to Edith Ruston for £260; bond lifted by John Evans, 12ZZ156 Mar. 20, 1798; Finley 's share of legacy. A. N. lp. 1797 Madison, George. Frankfort, Ky. Letter to Tliomas Oct. 14 Madison, Botetourt County, Va. Will endeavor to collect money from Colonel Bullitt and Cap- 5ZZ91 tain Robinson and forward it ; J. Smith to write about the lines of the survey; Rowland's mis fortunes; John Ewing suing him for slander; Charles Moreman's affidavit wanted; personal messages. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Geo Madison 97. 1798 [Finley, John E.] Diary of a tour from Kaskaskia to May 21- Natchez. Geography of the region; mineral Oct. 16 deposits; Indian tribes; names of settlers; pop ulation of various villages; table of distances; 12ZZ97-104 military service of Capt. James Elliott. A. D. 8 pp. 1798 Stuart, Col. John. Memoir giving history of the settle- July 15 ment of Greenbrier County, Va. Copy. 6 pp. 16-H. S. [ 241 ] Wisconsin Historical Society 2ZZ12,13 Endorsed by Draper: Copy of Col. John Stu art's Original Memoir, written in 1798 & sub sequently enlarged & since his death, publish3, in Va. Hist. Trans. [See Draper Mss. 1ZZ34,35.] 1798 [Finley, John E.] List of trustees of Bracken Academy Dec. 22 [in Christian County, Ky.] A. N. 1 p. 12ZZ1671799 Roe, Richard. Letter to Richard Applegate, John Hart, Jan. 29 John E. Finley, Daniel Wall, William Crosby, William Jones, and David Early. An action 12ZZ318 brought against him as casual ejector ; being in formed that they claim title to land in question, he advises them to appear in next Court of Quarter Sessions of Mason County [Ky.] to be made defendants in his stead. Copy. 1 p. 1799 [Finley, John E.] Field notes of surveys on Lawrence's Feb. 5 Creek, [Ky.] A. N. 2 pp. 12ZZ123.124 1799 Finley, John E Feb. 11-22 12ZZ126-129, 131-133 Field notes on surveys [in Fayette County, Ky.] Began on west fork of Law rence's Creek, and took a course leading through Enoch Ross's improvement, thence to Pryor 's line, Bynes's corner, Cooper's line, Tibbs's line, Brooks's landing, Martin's Tavern, Speed's line, forks of Lee's Creek, M. Black's improvement, Kirk's cabin, Morrow's cabin, Orr's Mill. George Evans' survey, Kennedy's bounty, Lafferty's line, McClelland's line, Max well's line, Cunningham's line on Buffalo Trace, Moreton's lane, Marshall's road, Logan's sugar camp, Walter Burgess' sugar camp and Hellam's field. A. D. 7 pp. 1799 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum giving information Mar. 25 furnished by William Dixon as to location of land owned by Bell, assignee of Ryan; also as 12ZZ133 to Irwin's title to Kenton's Station. A.N. 1 p. 1799 F[inley], J[ohn] E. Field notes of surveys in [Fayette Apr. County, Ky.] Measurements of corn-field; course from Maxwell's, thence to Bell's, Mc- 12ZZ134,135 Cauley's, George Evans', and John Pryor 's sur veys. A. D. 2 pp. [242 Virginia Manuscripts 1799 Roe, Richard. Letter to John Machir, Mason County, June 26 [Ky.] Notifying him that an action has been brought against him [Roe] as casual ejector, 12ZZ320,321 and being informed that he [Machir] claims title to land in question; he advises him to ap pear in next court to be held for the Kentucky District to be made defendant in his stead. Copy. 2 pp. 1799 S , D . Mason County, Ky. Deposition stating July that he delivered a copy of [John Doe's] dec laration of ejectment and notice to John Machir 12ZZ321 and warned him to appear in court to defend his interest. Copy. 1 p. 1799 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of business letter re- Oct. 2 ceived from Robert Wallace of Newark. A. N. 12ZZ144 1 p. 1799 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of letter from H. Cooper Oct. 5 saying that he had paid $20 to William Clingan and $26 to Thomas Sharpe on his account. 12ZZ144 A. N. 1 p. [1799 St. Clair, Gov. [Arthur]. Excerpts from his speech to Oct. 19] the assembly [of the Northwest Territory] re specting provisions which the Congress of the 12ZZ142,143 United States made for schools by the land grant in trust to John C. Symmes and his as sociates. 2 pp. Printed: William Henry Smith, The St. Clair Papers (Cincinnati, 1882), vol. 2, pp. 470, 471. 1799 Ewing, Young. Statement of account for survey of lands Oct. 23- of Bracken Academy in Christian County, Ky. Nov. 25 Accompanied by field notes on the surveys. 12ZZ167,168 Copy. 2 pp. 1799 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of information obtained Dec. 26 from Col. Alexander D. Orr and Graham con cerning lands owned by the North American 12ZZ143 Land Company on Little Sandy River and Ty- gart's Creek. A. N. 1 p. 1799 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of the receipt of letters Dec. from Colonel Henry and Levi Hollingsworth 12ZZ144 requesting him to choose 15,000 or 20,000 acres [243] Wisconsin Historical Society of land for them. Said land to be chosen from three tracts, one of them containing 138,000 acres which were surveyed by Alexander D., Orr for the North American Land Company and by them sold to Nicholson and Morris; a second tract of 80,000 acres on Tygart's Creek; the third adjoining the first. A. N. 1 p. [1799?] Doe, John. Declaration of ejectment complaining against Richard Roe for having ejected him from prem- 12ZZ317 ises which he had leased from Henry Lee for a period of twenty-one years, beginning May 1, 1796, said lands being in Mason County, Ky. Copy. 1 p. [1799?] Doe, John. Declaration of ejectment to the Federal Court of the Kentucky District complaining 12ZZ319 that Richard Roe ejected him from premises which he had leased from William Mackey, Alexander Cooper and John Cooper, representa tive of Thomas Cooper, deceased, for a period of fifteen years, beginning June 1, 1799, said lands being in Mason Co., Ky. ; petition prepared by J. Breckinridge. Copy. 2 pp. 1800 Evans, Walter. Survey book. Notes and surveys in Jan. 3- Powell's Valley made for Walter Alves; gives Feb. 8 the names of many early settlers, and informa tion on the topography of the country. A. D. S. 7ZZ45 54 pp. 1800 Sharpe, Thomas. Field notes of survey of land for Apr. George Evans. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ147,148 1800 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum relative to judgment May 27 and execution in action of Rev. John E. Finley vs. Francis Alison in Circuit Court of Chester 12ZZ156 County, [Pa.] Execution issued July 12, 1800. A. N. 1 p. 1800 Bracken Academy. Christian County, Ky. List of lands June 12 owned by the academy. Surveyed in 1799 and 12ZZ165 patented June 12, 1800. 1 p. [244] Virginia Manuscripts 1800 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of expenses of his trip July 24 to Chester County, Pa., thence to Capt. James 12ZZ155 Mackey 's in Cecil, Md. A. N. 1 p. 1800 Bracken County, [Ky.] Plat. Its accuracy certified by Oct. 28 Isaac Day. Copy. 2 pp. 12ZZ264-266 1800 Machir, John. Notice to the effect that he will apply to Dec. 26 Henry Innes, Judge of the Federal Court for the Kentucky District, on January 8 next for an 12ZZ318 injunction to stay proceedings on a judgment of ejectment obtained against him. Copy. 1 p. 1800 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of James Lyle's entry of 500 acres of land adjoining William Kennedy 12ZZ157 on the Ohio, in May, 1780; also 800 acres ad joining Speed's near Stepstone entered in Feb ruary, 1783; Lyle's place of residence. A. N. lp. [c 1800] Mackey, James. Notice served upon Alexander Cooper et al. stating that in accordance with an order 12ZZ316 of Mason County Court commissioners will meet at his house on the 19th. of the following May and will proceed to land on Ohio River entered by James Speed on May 23, 1780, where they will take depositions to perpetuate testimony re specting certain calls of the said entry. Copy. lp. 1800 12ZZ312.313 Mackey, William, A. Cooper, and Thomas Cooper as rep resentative of John Cooper, deceased. Answer to bill of injunction exhibited in the Federal Court for the Kentucky District by John Machir, complainant. Denying that complainant is en titled in equity to land claimed by him and de siring him to give full and complete proof of his title under claims of Edmond Bynes and William McConnell; William Bell's claim con veyed to Robert Morris and by him to the de fendants; asked that the complainant's injunc tion be dissolved. Copy. 2 pp. 1801 Monroe, James. Richmond, Va. Letter to Gen. Joseph Apr. 9 Martin, Henry [County, Va.] Instructing the [245] Wisconsin Historical Society commissioners appointed to settle the Virginia 15ZZ51 and Tennessee boundary to correspond with the executive of Tennessee, or the commissioners by him appointed; sends commission and copy of the resolution of the general assembly. L. S. 2 pp. 1801 [Finley, John E.] Elkton. Memorandum of receipt of Oct. 28 letter from Levi Hollingsworth dated Baltimore, October 24, requesting him to choose 17,000 12ZZ163 acres of land out of a tract of 80,406 acres lying near Tygart's Creek. A. N. 1 p. 1801 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of receipt of letter from Dec. 21 John Evans requesting him to settle account with William Mackey and Thomas Sharpe. 12ZZ166 A.N. lp. 1802 Finley, John E. Field notes of a survey beginning at Jan. 28 head of second branch of Tygart and extending in a southeastern direction; Bird's survey on 12ZZ164 Tygart. A. D. 1 p. 1802 Craig, John, Lewis, and Whitfield. Note for $30 in favor Feb. 25 of Walker Reid. Witnessed by Benjamin Drake. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Craig, Lewis, 7ZZ47 ^ J. & W. To W. Reid $30. Note. 1802 [Finley, John E.?] Field notes on surveys made for Aug. 18 Thomas Foote. A. N. 1 p. 12ZZ169 1802 Nov. 9 7ZZ46 1802 Nov. 12ZZ295 1802 12ZZ303 1802 12ZZ324 Trotter, John. Letter to Maj. William Croghan, Jeffer son. Volunteering to protect his property from injury if provided with power of attorney. A. L. S. 1 p. Lee & Company, Baltimore. Statement of account against Dr. Samuel Brown of Lexington for medicine bought of them. Copy. 1 p. [Finley, John E.] Form of a deed. A. D. 1 p. Gay, James. Directions for curing pork. Copy. 1 p. [246] Virginia Manuscripts 1803 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of lands owned by Mar. 16 Thomas Posey that are for sale or exchange. Said lands located at lower end of General 12ZZ170 Mercer's tract on the Ohio in Henderson County, [Ky.] A. N. 1 p. 1803 C- 12ZZ314 B- . Deposition before Mason stating that he delivered to A — County Court - E a copy of a declaration of ejectment and notice and warned him to appear and defend his title to land in question. Copy. 1 p. List of judges appointed in 1803 Kentucky, Circuit Court. 12ZZ169 1803. 1 p. [c 1803] McDowell), Samuel. Jessamine County, Ky. Deposition in lawsuit of Joseph Borden vs. John Bowyer, Rob- 4ZZ4 ert Harvey et al. Facts concerning the early settlement of Borden's grant in Virginia; ad ministration of the estate of Benjamin Borden Sr. ; genealogical data pertaining to the Borden, Bowyer, and Harvey families. A. D. 8 pp. 1804 Dec. 4 1ZZ43 1804 Doddridge, P. Charlestown, [Va.] Letter to Gen. Ben jamin Biggs, West Liberty, Va. Containing an itemized account, of which payment is re quested. A. L. S. 1 p. Forman, Thomas, John Downing, and Robert Backley. Report of commissioners appointed by Court 12ZZ299-301 of Mason County, [Ky.] to value improvements on lands whereof John E. Finley and Richard Applegate were evicted by a judgment in an action wherein Henry Lee was plaintiff and William Mackey and Alexander and John Cooper were defendants. Copy. 3 pp. 1805 Feb. 15 12ZZ175 1805 Dec. 2 12ZZ298 1805 Dec. 14 12ZZ176 Dunbar, William. Natchez. Notes on the hot springs on the Washita; composition of the water. Copy. lp. Machir, John. Mason County, Ky. Bond to John E. Finley for $600. Copy. 1 p. [Finley, John E.] Memorandum concerning Jacob Bouldin of Baltimore, the inventor. A. N. 1 p. [247] Wisconsin Historical Society 1806 Finley, John E. Field notes on survey of lands owned Aug. 30 by G. H. Lee, but occupied by Finley. A. N. 12ZZ165 1 p. 1806 [Cramer, Zadock.] Ohio Navigator. Excerpt of a table of distances from Pittsburgh to Little Kanawha ; 12ZZ273,277 and from Baccus' Island to Little Miami. 2 pp. 1808 United States Navy. List of vessels making up the navy. Jan. 1 p. 12ZZ177 1808 McDowell, Samuel. Jessamine County, Ky. Letter to July 27 Col. Arthur Campbell, Washington County, Va. Giving particulars of battle with Delaware In- 4ZZ3 dians fought near Peter Sailing 's place in west ern Virginia, Dec. 14, 1742, in which his father, Capt. John McDowell was killed; Col. James Patton was then serving as county lieutenant. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed : Battle with the In dians 1742. 1808 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum giving boundary of pur- Nov. 10 chase from the Osage Indians in 1808. Peter 12ZZ189 Chouteau, agent. A. N. 1 p. 1809 Campbell, Col. Arthur. Lee County. Letter to Allan B. June 3 Magruder, Lexington, Ky. Details of battle with the Delawares fought in western Virginia 4ZZ2 near Peter Sailing's place Dec. 14, 1742; Capt. John McDowell killed; treaty of Lancaster; claim of Henderson and Company; incursions on Carr's Creek in 1759 and 1763; Capt. John McDowell characterized; extension of the fron tier. A. L. S. 3 pp. Note by David Campbell transmitting letter to L. C. Draper. Memoran dum by Draper stating that letter was received from Governor Campbell Feb. 12, 1843. En dorsed: Battle with the indians in 1742 Capt McDowell killed. 1809-10, Almanac. Copy by Rev. John E. Finley. 2 pp. 1812 12ZZ186,190 [248 1 Virginia Manuscripts 1810 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum relative to the cultiva- Apr. 17 tion of hemp. Cost of transportation to Balti- 12ZZ331 more by way of "Pitt". 1 p. [1810?] United States. Representation in Congress of the various states of the United States. Population sta- 12ZZ190 tistics. 1 p. 1811 Martin, Thomas. Lancaster County, Pa. Affidavit cer- Jan. 31 tifying that Richard Martin, Neal McCoy, Thomas Reese, and himself served in company 6ZZ29 of Captains John Chatham and Alexander Ham ilton in Northumberland County, [Pa.] re ceived no pay; loss of papers. Sworn before John Eberman, Justice of the Peace. Copy. 1 p. On reverse : List of militia of Northumber land County, Oct. 14, 1778. 1812 Great Britain, Navy. List of vessels, at Halifax Station Apr. and names of their commanders. British 12ZZ191 vessels in Lakes Erie and Ontario. 1 p. 1812 United States, Navy. List of vessels and names of their July 11 commanders. 1 p. 12ZZ191 1813 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum concerning the breed- Jan. 25 ing of sheep. A. N. 1 p. 12ZZ334 181.3-14 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum concerning his sheep. Aug. 25- A. N. 1 p. Nov. 8 12ZZ259 1814 Missouri Magazine. Excerpt relative to George Girty's* May 7 bravery at Battle of Point Pleasant. 1 p. 2ZZ54 1815 Doddridge, P. Latter portion of a letter to Gen. Ben- June 11 jamin Biggs. About a real estate transaction. 1ZZ44 A. L. S. Endorsed: Mem0 G1 Biggs. 1815 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum concerning sheep. A. N. Sept. 8-15 1 p. 12ZZ302 [249] Wisconsin Historical Society 1817 "Jones." List of materials necessary for making a wom- Oct. 20 an's saddle. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ2551818 Barr, William. Allegheny County, Pa. Pension state- Apr. 27 ment. Revolutionary service in Pennsylvania line under Capt. Caspar Whitsell, and in Vir- 6ZZ129 ginia line under Captains David Scott, Thomas Moore, and Uriah Springer successively. Sworn before Samuel Roberts. Copy. 2 pp. 1818 Veingardner, John. Deposition relative to WilUam Barr's Apr. 27 application for a pension. Loss by fire of Barr's household goods, papers, ete. Sworn before Sam- 6ZZ129 uel Roberts. Copy. 2 pp. 1818 Dickerson, Thomas. Washington County, Ohio. Pension Apr. 29 statement. Three years' service in Revolution; private in Captain Van Swearingen's company of 6ZZ120 the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment commanded by Col. Enos McCoy ; Col. Daniel Morgan 's rifle reg iment ; Gale 's army ; McIntosh 's campaign north west of the Ohio River. Sworn before John Sharp. Copy. 2 pp. 1818 Mitchell, Nathaniel. Washington County, Ohio. Pension Apr. 29 statement. Served three years in Capt. David Kilgore's company in the 8th regiment of the 6ZZ122 Pennsylvania line, commanded by Col. Enos M°- Coy. Sworn before John Sharp. Copy. 2 pp. 1818 JoUy, Henry. Washington County, Ohio. Pension state- Apr. 30 ment. Revolutionary service under Col. Daniel Morgan; depositions of Thomas Dickerson and 6ZZ118 Nathaniel Mitchell in regard thereto; endorse ment of L. Barker, Dec. 9, 1818. Sworn before John Sharp. Copy. 3 pp. 1818 Shores, Thomas. Hampshire County, Va. Pension state- Aug. 20 ment. Enlisted in 1777 in Capt. George Rice's company of the 11th Virginia Regiment which 6ZZ111 was commanded by Col. Daniel Morgan; served three years; at battles of Couchers Bridge and Brandywine. Copy. 2 pp. 1818 Poe, John. Ross County, Ohio. Pension statement. En- Sept. 12 listed at Winchester, Va., in 1777 under Captain [250] Virginia Manuscripts Bellfield and Colonel Bland; in battles of "the 6ZZ124 Eutaw", Cowpens, and Buford 's defeat; taken prisoner at Hotwater, Va., wounded. Certified by John Thompson and Humphrey Fullerton. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed: John Poe, Private 77 to 81 Bland, Virginia Reg*. Springer, Jacob. Deposition relative to Revolutionary service of William Barr. Corroborating state ments as given in Barr's declaration for a pen- 1819 Feb. 8 6ZZ129 1819 May 16 6ZZ125 sion, Apr. 27, 1818. erts. Copy. 2 pp. Sworn before Samuel Rob- Egan, James, and William Moore. Ross County, Ohio. Af fidavit relative to Revolutionary service of John Poe. Poe mustered into Colonel Bland's regi ment at Winchester, Va., in 1777 or 1778 ; served about three years; returned to Winchester in 1781. Sworn before John Thompson. Copy. 2 pp. Point Pleasant, W. Va. A map of the village of Point Pleasant as surveyed in June 1819 * * * Notes by L. C. Draper. 1 p. Printed : Thwaites and Kellogg, Dunmore's War, p. 290. [Remsen, Peter A.] Tuscaloosa Falls, [Ala.] Vouchers for cotton received from David Burk, Gustavus Hendrick, John Thomas, J. Shaw, Drake F. Ran dolph, Rowland Tancrue, M. M. Harris, John Wood, James Childress, William Croft, W. Triss, Slaughter & Galaspie, A. and Jenkins, and Sparks. Middlemen: William S. Croft, Isaac Coudry, John M. Williams, E. Nash, Easton, Adams & Rutherford, Phillips, William Stewart, Stillman & McAdo, Law rence & Rutherford. Shipments made to Shef field & Leaven, and T. L. Hallet. A. D. 13 pp. 1819 Finley, John [E.] Memorandum of his indebtedness to Dec. 18 William and James Shepherd. A. N. 1 p. 12ZZ2 1819 Doddridge, Joseph. Wellsburg, Va. An elegy on the 1ZZ40 death of his daughter, Eliza M. Doddridge, who died January 11, 1819, aged fifteen years. IZZ11 . Copy. 2 pp. [251] 1819 June 2ZZ56 1819-20 Nov. 18- Feb. 5 1ZZ78-89 Wisconsin Historical Society 1820 Doddridge, Joseph. Letter to Philip [Doddridge]. Re- Feb. 23 flections on the advantages of early rising and 1ZZ3 the reward of labor. Copy by Draper. 3 pp. 1820 Galaspie, M. H. Tuscaloosa Falls, [Ala.] Statement of May 27 account against Peter A. Remsen for forty-five bales of cotton. Receipted May 29, 1820. D. S. 1ZZ45 1 p. 1820 Barr, William. Allegheny County, Pa. Pension state- June 17 ment. Details of his Revolutionary service in Pennsylvania and Virginia regiments, at battles 6ZZ129 of Long Island and Trenton; received a pen sion from United States; property schedule. Sworn before Richard Walker. Copy. 3 pp. 1820 Poe, John. Ross County, Ohio. Pension statement. Rev- Dec. 21 olutionary service in Captain Hughes's com pany, commanded by Colonel Bland; discharged 6ZZ123 by Colonel Bellfielcl; in battles of the Cowpens, Guilford Court-house, Hotwater, and Buford 's defeat ; placed on pension list June 23, 1819 ; property schedule. Certified by William Steele. Copy. Endorsed: John Poe 12,356 2nd En dorsement: Wm Steele, Esq1" Chilicothe, Ohio. [1820] [Stuart, John.] Narrative of Gen. Andrew Lewis' expe dition against the Indians in 1774, and of the 1ZZ34,35 Battle of Point Pleasant. General Lewis in the French and Indian and Revolutionary wars. Contemporary copy. 18 pp. On reverse : Mem orandum by Nfarcissa] Dfoddridge] giving source from which manuscript was obtained. Partly printed: Magazine of American History, Nov. 1877. [See Draper Mss. 2ZZ12.13.] 1821 Finley, John [E.] Voucher to John Beard for lumber. Aug. 1 8 On Dec. 3, 1822, Beard was charged with thirty - 12ZZ6 two pounds of salt. A. D. S. 1 p. 1821-24 [Finley, John E.] Miscellaneous accounts. A. D. 5 pp. Oct. 26- Feb. 27 12ZZ196-200 1823 Lewin, J. Letter to Dr. [Joseph] Doddridge. Criticism Aug. 1 of Doddridge's "Logan". A. L. S. 2 pp. 10ZZ182 [252] Virginia Manuscripts 1824 Doddridge, Joseph. Uniontown, [Pa.] Letter to Mrs. Sept. 14 Joseph Doddridge, Wellsburg, Brooke County, Va. Incidents of his journey thither; put up 1ZZ4 with Colonel Brashears while in Brownsville; Brashears much concerned about his business with Edward Duvall ; interview with Lyon, Du- vall's attorney; his itinerary; view of Laurel Hill ; Rezin 's health improved. Copy by Draper. 4 pp. 1824 Doddridge, Joseph. Bedford, [Pa.] Letter to Mrs. [Jo- Sept. 23 seph] Doddridge, Wellsburg, Va. Tells of an accident which happened to them in coming 1ZZ5 down Chestnut Ridge, his walk to the top of Laurel Hill and to St. John's furnace, and men tions his having delivered three sermons in Som erset, and sold a number of books. Copy by Draper. 4 pp. 1824 Doddridge, Joseph. Bedford, [Pa.] Letter to Mrs. [Jo- Sept. 24 seph] Doddridge, Wellsburg, Va. Descriptive of Bedford ; genealogical data. Copy by Draper. 1ZZ6 6 pp. 1824 Doddridge, Joseph. Greensburg, [Pa.] Letter to Mrs. Sept. 27 [Joseph] Doddridge, Wellsburg, Brooke County, Va. The journey thither from Bedford; hopes 1ZZ7 to reach Pittsburgh on Wednesday; he and Rezin anxious to get home. Copy by Draper. 3 pp. 1825 Stuart, Col. John. An account of the Battle of Point Jan. 13 Pleasant, the killing of Cornstalk, and attack on Donnally 's Fort. Newspaper clipping. 2ZZ18 4 columns. 1825 JoUy, Henry. Washington County, Ohio. Pension state- Mar. 26 ment. Revolutionary service in Capt. Van Swearingen's company of the 8th Regiment of 6ZZ116 the Pennsylvania line commanded by Col. Aeneas Mackey; and in Col. Daniel Morgan's regiment of riflemen ; property schedule. Sworn before George Dunlevy. Copy. 4. pp. 1825 Jolly, Henry. Washington County, Ohio. Declaration in June 9 order to be continued on the pension list under [253] Wisconsin Historical Society the Act of May 1, 1820. Revolutionary service ; 6ZZ117 number of pension certificate ; no longer able to perform manual labor ; has not diminished prop erty so as to bring himself within provisions of Act of March 18, 1819 ; schedule of property. Sworn before George Dunlevy. Copy. 4 pp. [1825?] Russian Spy [probable pseudonym of Joseph Doddridge]. Letter to Galitzin. His time spent in observa- 1ZZ37 tion of men and things, having in view the ful fillment of his mission; the qualifications of a journalist; his fitness for the task assigned him. Copy. 4 pp. Printed: Chillicothe Gazette. 1825-26. [1825?] Russian Spy [probable pseudonym of Joseph Doddridge]. Letter to Galitzin. On the American's freedom 1ZZ38 from restraint. Copy. 2 pp. Printed: Chilli cothe Gazette, 1825-26. 1826 [Finley, John E.] Memorandum of account against May 22 James Stewart for bacon. A. D. 1 p. 12ZZ6 [c 1826] Brady, John. North Mahoning Township, Indiana County; Pa. Petition to Congress. Prays that a sum of 6ZZ119 money be granted him in return for his serviee on Pennsylvania frontier as a sergeant in Capt. William Clark's company of minute-men in 1792; realized little from his father's estate on account of depreciation of Continental money; was eighteen years of age at time of his enlist ment ; now seventy-two years old ; a son of Samuel Brady, who served during the whole of the Revolutionary and Indian wars. Copy. 3 pp. Endorsed: John Brady of Mahoning. 1828 Doddridge, P. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to John C. Dec. 16 Wright, Washington, D. C. Information touch ing case of Bank of United States vs. E. Car- 1ZZ46 neal and others. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: P. Doddridge. 1832 Claire, . An account of corn received by him. 2 pp. Mar. 19- June 29 12ZZ202,203 f 254 1 Virginia Manuscripts 1832 Dailey, John. Monroe County, Ohio. Affidavit stating June 19 that he and John Bane were in the service of Captain Brock in June or July 1791 when Bane 6ZZ99 was wounded by Indians near Baker's Station on the Ohio River; circumstances connected therewith. Sworn before John Linn. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Yoho, John. Monroe County, Ohio. Affidavit stating June 20 that he was forted at Baker's Station on the Ohio River in June or July, 1791 ^nd saw John 6ZZ100 Bane immediately after he was wounded by In dians; Bane serving under Captain Brock at the time. Sworn before John Linn. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Martin, William. Harrison County, Va. Pension state- July 20 ment. Revolutionary service under Capt. Ben jamin Biggs and Colonel Gibson; stationed at 6ZZ48 Fort McIntosh; saw burning of Coshocton; wounded by Indians after receiving discharge; resided in Hampshire County, Va. at time of his enlistment; reference to Capt. Uriah Springer, Captain Brady, Lieut. John Dent, and Lieut. Jacob Springer. Copy. 4 pp. 1832 Stadden, William. Columbia County, [Pa.] Affidavit July 31 relative to Revolutionary service of Roger Martin. Roger Martin enlisted in company 6ZZ35 of Capt. John Campleton in 1778 ; drafted from said company into a detachment for relief of Freeland's Fort which was attacked and burned by the Indians; deponent in same detachment. Sworn before Rudolph Sechler. Copy. 1 p. 1832 Baum, Frederick. Mifflin County, Pa. Pension state- Aug. 6 ment. Applicant seventy-one or more years of age; details of service in Pennsylvania militia 6ZZ85-91 under Captains Arthur Buchanan, Alexander McCoy, William Lamb, McElhattan, and William Wilson, 1776-82; substitute for Christopher Martin in 1780; stationed at George Sigler's house in 1782; born at Reading, Berk's County, Pa. Copy. 7 pp. [This statement is signed by Livingston Baum.] [255] Wisconsin Historical Society [1832 McCord, James. Mifflin County, Pa. Affidavit relative Aug. 6] to Revolutionary service of Frederick Baum. Deponent stationed in summer of 1776 at Hugh 6ZZ84 Martin's house in Cumberland County, Pa. to guard settlement from Indians; other volun teers stationed at Samuel Milliher's near-by; does not remember that Baum was among them ; he and Baum in Captain McElhattan's company on expedition to the Big Island. Copy. 1 p. [1832 Sigler, Henry. Mifflin County, Pa. Affidavit relative to Aug. 6] Revolutionary service of Frederick Baum. Deponent born March 27, 1764; has lived within 6ZZ83 ten miles of Frederick Baum since before the Revolutionary War; Baum stationed at his fa ther's house to guard the settlements from In dian incursions during latter part of the Revo lution. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Martin, Roger. Columbia County, Pa. Pension state- Aug. 7 ment. Service in Northumberland County, Pa. in Capt. John Martin's company of militia; 6ZZ36 headquarters at Murray's Fort; enlisted in 177B in Capt. John Campleton's company; sent from Boone's Fort to relief of Freeland's Fort; de ponent born in Chester County, Pa. in 1754 ; va rious places of residence. Copy. 3 pp. 1832 Alexander, Joseph. Ohio County, Va. Affidavit relative Aug. 9 to Revolutionary service of Johu Caldwell. Deponent seventy-seven years of age ; served 6ZZ65-67 with Caldwell under Captains Harrod and Wall at Grave Creek Fort in 1776, and on Brod- head's expedition in 1779;' Caldwell's service under Captain Mason, 1777-79; at Battle of Wheeling. Sworn before Isaac Leffler. Copy. 3 pp. 1832 McColloch, Abraham. Ohio County, Va. Affidavit rela- Aug. 9 tive to Revolutionary service of John Caldwell. Deponent served with Caldwell on Brodhead's 6ZZ67,68 expedition in 1779 ; Caldwell in battle with the Indians at Wheeling in September, 1778. Sworn before William Hoskins. Copy. 2 pp. [256] Virginia Manuscripts 1832 Mills, John. Ohio County, Va. Affidavit relative to Aug. 9 Revolutionary service of John Caldwell. States that he has known Caldwell since 1772; that he 6ZZ64 lived on frontier of Ohio County during the Rev olution; was in Battle of Wheeling in Septem ber 1777, and on Brodhead's expedition in 1779. Sworn before Isaac Leffler. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Caldwell, John. Ohio County, Va. Pension statement. Aug. 10 Applicant seventy -nine years of age; served in Indian wars on frontier of Virginia, 1776-83 ; 6ZZ60-63 volunteer under Captains Harrod, Wall, and Samuel Mason; guard duty at Shepherd's, Rail's, and Wheeling forts; on Brodhead's expe dition; minute-man; born in Ireland in 1753; son of James Caldwell. Sworn before John Mc- Colloch, Clerk of County Court. Certified by Moses W. Chaplin and William Hoskins, resi dents of Ohio County, Va. Copy. 4 pp. . Another Copy. 4 pp. 6ZZ921832 Aug. 6ZZ16 Black, Henry. Adams County, Pa. Pension statement. 16 Born in December, 1752 in Chester County, Pa. ; resided in Bedford County, Pa. during Revolu tionary War; appointed captain of rangers in November, 1777 and ordered to raise a company ; companies raised by Capt. Thomas Cluggage and Maj. Robert Cluggage at same time; guarded frontier from Bald Eagle to Bedford; served in militia under Capt. Thomas Orbesin in 1780. Sworn before W. McClean. Copy. 3 pp. . Another copy. 6ZZ20 1832 Baxter, Aug. 27 6ZZ59 1832 Bishop, Sept. 17 William. Brooke County, Va." Pension state ment. Sergeant in Capt. Isaac Cox's company of militia in 1776 ; stationed at Hollidays Cove ; enlisted in November, 1776 for three years' service in regular army under Capt. David Steel of the 13th Virginia Regiment ; John Riley served as substitute for part of the time ; on Col. David Williamson's expedition in 1782. Copy. 5 pp. Lawrence. Bullitt County, Ky. Pension state ment. Served in militia of Bedford County, 17— H. s. [257 6ZZ39 1832 Shores, Sept. 24 6ZZ112 1832 Beatty, Sept. 26 Wisconsin Historical Society Pa., 1780-81, under Captains Henry Bush, Thomas Davy, and George Julons; substituted for George Bishop, Adam Smith, and John Milburn; at one time stationed at Col. Thomas Piper's; again at Abraham Cowalt's; born in Bedford County, Pa., May 12, 1763; moved to Kentucky in 1793. Copy. 4 pp. Thomas. Hampshire County, Va. Pension state ment. [Essentially the same as 6ZZ111, except that he asks for pension under Act of 1832 in stead of Act of 1818.] Copy. 1 p. Endorsed: Thos Shores. Hugh. Union County, Pa. Pension statement. Indian service in Pennsylvania in 1777-80; un der command of Capt. Walter Clark in 1777 ; escorted families in Potter's Fort to Kishaco- quilles Yalley in Mifflin County ; born in Ireland in 1751. Copy. 4 pp. Brooks, Charles. Warren County, Ohio. Pension state ment. Volunteered from York County for serv ice in Pennsylvania militia under Captain Boyd and Lieutenant Montgomery ; marched to Wood stock Valley, thence to New Jersey where his company was dispersed ; he fell into Captain Mc- Clelland's company in Colonel Chamber's reg iment; winter quarters near Morristown. Sworn before J. K. Wilds. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Berting, Peter. Tyler County, Va. Pension statement. Oct. 10 Volunteer in Virginia militia under Colonel Dickinson, Major McClanahan, and Capt. John 6ZZ44 Hopkins, 1777-78; went from Camp Union to Point Pleasant, where he witnessed death of Cornstalk; joined by Colonel Skillern 's troops; abandonment of Hand's proposed expedition. 6ZZ14 1832 Oct. 3 6ZZ40 Copy. pp. 1832 Brown, William. Pickaway County, Ohio. Pension Oct. 22 statement. Served under Maj. Robert Clug gage and Capt. Thomas Cluggage in Pennsyl- 6ZZ24 vania line of state troops in 1778; stationed in Bedford County to guard frontier settlers from [258] Virginia Manuscripts the Indians; assisted in erecting "Lead mine Fort". Sworn before L. S. Denny. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Rankin, William. Green County, Tenn. Pension state- Oct. 23 ment. Born near Carlisle in Cumberland County, Pa., seventy-four years ago; served in 6ZZ37 campaign against the British and Indians who took Freeland's Fort in 1779; can remember the name of only one officer, George Dickey. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Arbogast, Adam. Pocahontas County, Va. Pension Nov. 6 statement. Service as an Indian spy in western- Virginia under Capt. John McCoy, 1776-78 ; sta- 6ZZ42 tioned at Bushe's, Nutter's, and Coontz forts at various times. Copy. 2 pp. 1832 Roush, Jonas. Mason County, Va. Pension statement. Nov. 6 Entered U. S. service as a substitute for his brother, Henry Roush in 1781; in Captain All's 6ZZ121 company of Colonel Bird's regiment; trans ferred to Colonel Dark's regiment; at surrender of Cornwallis; born at Holman 's Fort in Sep tember, 1763 ; lived in Shenandoah County until 1798. Certified by Michael Roush, Daniel Au- miller, George Roush, and Thomas Lewis. Copy. 4 pp. 1832 Davidson, Isaac. Johnson County, Ind. Pension state- Nov. 12 ment. Applicant eighty-six years of age; re sided in Harrison County, Va. when he volun- 6ZZ97 teered in Capt. James Booth's company of rang ers, July 1, 1775; served six months as Indian spy under Maj. Daniel Davidson in 1776; sta tioned at Nutter's Fort in 1777 ; six months' tour under Capt. Christopher Carpenter in 1778. Copy. 5 pp. 1832 Martin, Richard. Lycoming County, Pa. Pension state- Dec. 11 . ment. Applicant seventy-two years of age; en listed in spring of 1778 under .Capt. John Chat- 6ZZ25 ham in militia of Northumberland County, Pa.. commanded by Colonels Samuel Hunter, and Thomas Hartley; served as first lieutenant throughout the war; scouting parties in coun- [259] Wisconsin Historical Society try around Basley's, Freeland's, and Muncy forts; expedition under command of Col. Henry Antis. Copy. 3 pp. 1832 Anderson, Peter. Wood County, Va. Pension statement. Dec. 17 Applicant seventy -three years of age; has lived in Virginia on the Ohio River and its waters 6ZZ102-105 since 1772; one month's actual service as a pri vate in Capt. Derji£k_Hogeland's company in 1776 or 1777; volunteer multia service under Captains William Scott, Timothy Downing, and Samuel Tilton. Sworn before Henry L. Pren tiss. Copy. 2 pp. [1832] Alexander, Joseph. Ohio County, Va. Affidavit relative to Revolutionary service of John Caldwell. 6ZZ94 Deponent seventy-seven years of age; served at Grave Creek Fort with Caldwell under Captains Harrod and Wall in July, 1776, and on Colonel Brodhead's campaign against Munsee Indians; Caldwell stationed at Wheeling under Capt. Samuel Mason in 1777. Sworn before Isaac Leffler. Copy. 3 pp. [1832] McColloch, Abraham. Affidavit relative to Revolutionary service of John Caldwell. Deponent and Cald- 6ZZ95 well on Broadhead's campaign against Munsee Indians in 1779 ; Caldwell at Wheeling fort when attacked by Indians in 1777. Sworn be fore William Harkins. Copy. 1 p. [1832] Mills, John. Lee County, Va. Affidavit relative to Rev olutionary service of John Caldwell. CaldweU 6ZZ93 in Battle of Wheeling in September, 1778 [sic] ; on Colonel Brodhead's campaign against the Munsee Indians in 1779. Sworn before Isaac Leffler. Copy. 1 p. 1833 Barr, David. Centre County, Pa. Pension statement. Jan. 29 Entered service of the United States in Cum berland County, Pa., in April, 1777; George 6ZZ38 Bell was his captain; Colonel Buchanan in charge of regiment; skirmish with the Indians at Bald Eagle's Nest; stationed at Potter's Fort to protect settlers in Penn's Valley; captured [260] Virginia Manuscripts Shelley, the Tory ; born in Ireland, Aug. 15, 1750. Copy. 2 pp. 1833 Berry, William. St. Louis County, Mo. Pension state- Feb. 1 ment. Applicant seventy-seven years of age; served in Virginia militia during the Revolution 6ZZ45 under Captains Alexander Long, McClanahan, William Smith, and James' Bell ; expedition to Tygart 's Valley; McTntosh's campaign; at bat tles of Point Pleasant, Guilford Court-house, and Yorktown; surrender of Cornwallis. Copy. 4 pp. 1833 CaldweU, John. Affidavit relative to Revolutionary ser- Apr. 22 vice of Samuel McClure. Born in 1755 ; has known Samuel McClure since 1778 ; served with 6ZZ108 him in Revolutionary army in 1780; knew him afterwards in Tennessee and in Illinois ; remem bers hearing of the defeat of MeClure and his party while en route to Kentucky. Copy. 1 p. 1833 McClure, Samuel. Clark County, 111. Pension statement. Apr. 22 Born in Augusta County, Va. in 1748; details of his Revolutionary service under Captains 6ZZ108 George Matthews, William Anderson, Thomas Smith, and Zaccheus Johnson; his discharges lost in moving from North Carolina to Kentucky when his party was attacked and defeated at Skagg's Creek in 1784. Certified by George Snider and James McCabe. Copy. 5 pp. 1833 Haptonstall, Abraham. Gallia County, Ohio. Pension Apr. 24 statement. Service in militia of Orange County, N. Y., under Captains Thomas Moffett, Seth 6ZZ126 Marvin, and Francis Smith, 1775-77; twice a substitute for Phineas Helms ; in battle at Fort Montgomery, Oct. 6, 1777; born in Orange County, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1761. Certified by Joseph W. Ross, Southerly H. Coleman, and Francis LeClercy. Copy. 7 pp. Endorsed: Declaration of Abraham Haptonstall filed from Gallia County Ohio. Endorsed by Draper: Not the Kentucky pioneer of that name. L..C. D. 1833 Baxter, William. Brooke County, Va. Deposition rela- Apr. 29 tive to Revolutionary service of George Cox. [261] Wisconsin Historical Society Three months' service in 1776 as a militia-man 6ZZ75, 76 at Hollidays Cove ; George Cox an ensign in same company, under command of Capt. Isaac Cox; deponent enlisted in regular army under Capt. David Steel in October, 1776. Sworn be fore John Gardner. Copy. 2 pp. 1833 Cox, George. Brooke County, Va. Pension statement. Apr. 29 Applicant eight-four years of age; six months' service in 1776 as ensign in Capt. Isaac Cox's 6ZZ71-74 company of militia; scouting expeditions; loca tion of Hollidays Cove ; depositions of Abraham Rodgers, William Baxter, and Jacob Walker sub mitted. Certified by Jeremiah Browning, James W. Miller, and Adam Kuhn. Copy. 4 pp. 1833 Rodgers, Abraham. Brooke County, Va. Deposition rel- Apr. 29 ative to Revolutionary service of George Cox. Deponent served one month in 1776 as a militia- 6ZZ74, 75 man at Hollidays Cove on the Ohio frontier ; met George Cox at said station as an ensign under Capt. Isaac Cox. Sworn before John Gardner. Copy. 2 pp. 1833 Walker, Jacob. Brooke County, Va. Deposition relative Apr. 29 to Revolutionary service of George Cox. Has known George Cox since 1774 ; saw him serve as 6ZZ76, 77 ensign in Capt. Isaac Cox's company at Holli days Cove in 1776. Sworn before John Gard ner. Copy. 2 pp. 1833 Mills, Thomas. Ohio County, Va. Pension statement. May 6 Revolutionary service under Capt. Silas Zane, 1781-82 ; wounded in July, 1782 near Wheeling ; 6ZZlc enlisted under Joseph Biggs in 1791 ; with Cap tain MeMahon on Owl Creek expedition. Copy. 2 pp. 1833 Bradshaw, John. Pocahontas County, Va. Pension state- May 7 ment. Was a private in company of Capt. John Henderson when he became an Indian spy in 6ZZ41 1776 ; traversed country between William Laf- ferty's plantation on New River and headwaters of Laurel Creek; Cook's Fort a point of de parture ; accompanied sometimes by James Ellis, [262] Virginia Manuscripts again by Col. Samuel Estill of Kentucky. Copy. 3 pp. 1833 Boren, Charles. Pendleton County, Va. Pension state- May8 ment. Applicant seventy-two years of age; served three months in 1777 as a private under 6ZZ82 Capt. James Parsons; stationed at Wheeling under Colonel Shepherd after Foreman 's defeat ; served six months in the Virginia militia in 1780 or 1781 ; a part of the time he served under Captain Hamilton and Col. Benjamin Harrison; received discharge from Lieut. Joseph Nevill. Copy. 4 pp. 1833 Caldwell, Samuel. Morgan County, 111. Pension state- June 21 ment. Applicant sixty-eight years of age ; born in Baltimore County, Md., in March, 1765; re- 6ZZ98 sided in Ohio County, Va., when he volunteered under Capt. John McColloch in April, 1781 ; sta tioned at blockhouse on Ohio River for four months ; frequently served in scouting parties on the frontier ; in fort at Wheeling when attacked by Indians. Copy. 3 pp. 1833 McClure, Samuel. Clark County, 111. Affidavit relative to June 21 his Revolutionary service. An estimate of the length of his services, Sworn before M. Manly. 6ZZ108 Copy. 3 pp. 1833 Guy, James F. Promissory note for $50 in favor of James June 26 Ewing. Copy. 1 p. 12ZZ61833 Ewing, James, Memorandum of the marriage of William June Ellison to Mary Ellison. Copy? 1 p. 12ZZ203 1833 McCall, Thomas. Lewis County, Va. Pension statement. July 2 Augusta County militia ordered out in March, 1782 to repel invasions in Tygart 's Valley; de- 6ZZ58 ponent served six months as orderly sergeant in Capt. John MeKitric's company; William Wil son was lieutenant and Thomas Cartrell, ensign. Copy. 3 pp. [1833 Day Jr., John. Affidavit relative to Revolutionary service July 9] of his father, John Day Sr. Lived on Green- [263] Wisconsin Historical Society brier River until 1785 ; recollections of his 6ZZ55-57 father's service in the militia in 1776-77, and later as a spy under Captain Cook; attack on Donnally 's Fort; Hugh McKeever, John and James Bridger, and Henry Baker killed near Day's Fort; Mrs. Thomas Drennon also killed. Copy. 3 pp. 1833 Day Sr., John. Jefferson County, Tenn. Pension state- July 9 ment. Born June 30, 1742 in Buck 's County, Pa. ; removal to Botetourt County, Va. ; capture 6ZZ49-54 of the Day family; volunteer under Captain Paxton in 1776 ; Indian spy in Botetourt County under Captain Cook; ranged about Ellis' and Day's forts; John and James Bridger killed by Indians; attack on Donnally 's Fort; received ensign's commission, Oct. 11, 1775. Copy. 6 pp. 1833 Anderson, Peter. Affidavit relative to his Revolutionary July 16 service. An estimate of the length of his ser vice in the Virginia militia under Colonels David 6ZZ106, 107 Shepherd and Williamson, and Captains D. Hogeland, William Scott, Timothy Downing, and Samuel Titus. Sworn before Henry L. Prentiss. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed: Peter Anderson. 1833 Kennerly, William. Augusta County, Va. Pension state- July 22 ment. Deponent eighty-one years of age; born in Culpeper County, Va. ; served in militia of 2ZZ52 Augusta County in 1774, 1778, and 1781 under Capt. George Matthews, Col. Sampson Matthews, and Capt. William Bowyer respectively. Certi fied by James Robertson, William Patrick, Rob ert Porterfield, William Kinney, and George Barnhart. Copy. 6 pp. 1833 Herbert, Josiah. Campbell County, Ky. Pension state- Aug. 26 ment. Applicant seventy-eight years of age ; en listed in Loudoun County, Va. ; three years and 6ZZ81 six months' service during the Revolution; a part of the time he served under Captains Lane, Lewis, and Rice ; marched to relief of fort at Wheeling under Captain Springer ; born in Hunt erdon County, N. J. in August, 1755; moved to Kentucky in 1796. Sworn before John N. Talia ferro. Copy. 4 pp. [264] Virginia Manuscripts 1833 Kennerly, William. Augusta County, Va. Deposition as Sept. 13 to the length of his Revolutionary service. Sworn 2ZZ52 before John Porterfield. Copy. 2 pp. 1834 Catron, Peter. Wayne County, Ky. Pension statement. Jan. 22 Three times a volunteer from Montgomery County, Va. for service in the militia, 1776~77; 6ZZ46 under Captains Walter Crockett and John Ste phens ; Cherokee incursions in the Holston coun try; Capt. J. Martin's company of rangers in Powell's Valley; treaty of Long Island; born in 1754; son of Stuffle Catron. Copy. 4 pp. 1834 Castle, Bazle. Lawrence County, Ky. Pension statement. Feb. 2 Indian spy in western Virginia in 1779~80 ; under Colonel Preston, Captain Lewis and Lieutenant 6ZZ43 Robinson; volunteer in Virginia militia in 1781 under Colonel Sayers, Captain Newell, and Lieu tenant McGavock ; at battles of Reedy Fork, and Guilford, and in skirmish at Whitsell 's Mills ; his father, Jacob Castle at Battle of King's Moun tain. Copy. 4 pp. 1834 Martin, Richard. Lycoming County, Pa. Pension state- May 6 ment. [Essentially the same as 6ZZ25, but' in 6ZZ26 greater detail.] Copy. 5 pp. 1834 Cameron, Alexander. Mifflin County, Pa. Pension state- June 3 ment. Drafted for service in Capt. William Wil son's company in 1777; was one of the inhabi- 6ZZ15 tants of Kishacoqmlles Valley, Pa., who served a part of each year, 1778-81, in guarding frontier from Indian incursions ; stationed at Potter's and Watson's forts; on expedition with Captain Boal and Col. Alexander Brown. Copy. 3 pp. [c 1834] Casber, Jonathan. Washington County, Pa. Pension June 30 statement. Drafted in 1776 in Sussex County, N. J. for tours under Captains Samuel Kirkendall 6ZZ47 and William Nice; removal to Chambersburg, Pa., thence to Cox's Fort, Yohogania County, Va. ; service under Capt. Zadock Wright and Colonel Beeler; MTntosh's campaign, 1778; Brodhead's expedition, 1781; Capt. James Ogle. Copy. 4 pp. [265] Wisconsin Historical Society [c 1834 McDermott, Joseph. Allegheny County, Pa. Affidavit rel- June 30] ative to Revolutionary service of Jonathan Cas ber. Deponent was a Revolutionary soldier and 6ZZ47 served with Jonathan Casber; drafted under Capt. Zadock Wright in May, 1778; on McIn- tosh's campaign; volunteered under Capt. Joseph Ogle in April, 1781; Brodhead's expedition. Copy. 2 pp. 1834 Martin, William. Statement of Revolutionary service. July 8 Drafted in Hampshire County, Va. ; marched un der Captain Ashby to Fort Pitt where he joined 6ZZ48 main army under General Brodhead ; service un der Capt. Benjamin Biggs at Fort McIntosh; pre vious declaration written by Col. Joseph John son. Witnessed by Nathan Goff. Copy. 2 pp. [1834 Martin, William. Bedford County, Tenn. Pension state- Sept. 2] ment. Born in Albemarle County, Va. ; served at various times during the Revolution under 6ZZ33 Capt. Samuel Cavil, Colonel Lynch, and Capt. Thomas Arthur, Captains Jesse Hurd and Jere miah Early; Battle of King's Mountain fought before his arrival; at Battle of Yorktown and surrender of Cornwallis. Copy. 2 pp. 1834 Martin, William. Bedford County, Tenn. Pension state- OcT. 4 ment supplementary to that of Sept. 2, 1834. In battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Ger- 6ZZ34 mantown, and Monmouth Court-house; win tered at Valley Forge, 1777-78. Copy. 2 pp. 1834 Snodgrass, Col. William. Abingdon, Washington County, Oct. 8 Va. Affidavit relative to his Revolutionary ser vice under Col. William Edmondson and his 3ZZ24 brother, Robert Edmondson; was at Battle of Long Island on Holston, on Chickamauga cam paign, and at Battle of King's Mountain. Sworn before Robert E. Cummings. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Col. Snodgrasses affedavit. 1834 Keys, James. Washington County, Va. Deposition rel- Dec. 15 ative to Revolutionary service of Robert Ed mondson. Served with him at Battle of Long 3ZZ43 Island in Capt. James Thompson's company in July, 1776; in Capt. William Edmondson 's com- [266] Virginia Manuscripts pany on Col. William Christian's expedition against the Cherokee ; lieutenant in Capt. Aaron Lewis' company; at Battle of King's Mountain. Sworn before William Buchanan. D. S. 1 p. 1834 Keys, James. Washington County, Va. Deposition rel- Dec. 15 ative to Revolutionary service of Col. William Edmondson. Served as captain on expeditions 3ZZ43 against the Cherokee in 1776 and 1777 ; captain under Col. William Campbell on a tour against the Tories in Grayson and Ash counties, N. C. in 1778; major at Battle of King's Mountain. Sworn before William Buchanan. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : James Keys — Statements. [1834?] Hamilton, Robert. Lycoming County, Pa. Affidavit rel ative to Revolutionary service of Richard Mar- 6ZZ27 tin. [Corroborating facts as related in Martin's pension statement.] Copy. 3 pp. 1835 Rogers, Abraham. Article entitled: "Attack on Wheel- Mar. ing Fort in the year 1777." Location of the fort; Col. David Shepherd warned by Captain 4ZZ18 Ogle of the approach of the Indians; the enemy commanded by Simon Girty; numbers; the can non incident ; assistance rendered by Mrs. Ebene- zer Zane. Magazine clipping from Southern Literary Messenger. 1 p. On reverse : Memo randum by L. C. Draper. 1835 Singleton, W. G. Special agent for the Pension Office for July 4 Investigation. Report relative to Revolutionary service of John Caldwell. Statement of Cald- 6ZZ96 well's Revolutionary service, essentially the same as given in his declaration of Aug. 10, 1832. Appended is a note on Caldwell's physical con dition, his financial circumstances, and family. Copy. 4 pp. 1835 Cox, George. Brooke County, Va. Pension statement. July 8 Applicant eighty-six years of age; native of Hampshire County, Va. ; settled on the Ohio 6ZZ78-80 River in 1772 or 1773 ; married in 1775 and pro cured estate by settlement right; service as en sign in Capt. Isaac Cox's company in 1776; de- [267] Wisconsin Historical Society tails of said service. Witnessed by W. McLaney. Copy. 3 pp. [c 1835] B*axr, Samuel. Washington County, Pa. Pension state ment. Born in Ireland, Jan. 24, 1754 ; settled in 6ZZ69 Lancaster County, Pa. in 1772; moved to West moreland County in 1779 ; served in militia of Lancaster and Westmoreland counties, 1777~82, under Captains James Clark, McClure, Hugh Mitchell, and Nathaniel Points respectively; at tack on Garret Pendergrass' Station; scouting on Pucketty Creek. Copy. 4 pp. [c 1835] Barr, Samuel. Washington County, Pa. Amendment to his pension statement. Details of his service in 6ZZ70 militia of Westmoreland County, Pa. under Capt. Hugh Mitchell of Col. Jeremiah Stokeley's reg iment, Lieut. Charles Mitchell, and Capt. Na thaniel Points, 1779-82 ; at Pucketty Creek with Capt. Charles Carroll's company; depredations on frontier of Westmoreland County. Copy. 5 pp. 1837 Tipton, Thomas. Petition of his neighbors to J. L. Ed- Jan. 9 wards, Commissioner of Pension Office, asking favorable consideration of Tipton's application 6ZZ127 for a pension. Statement of his Revolutionary service. Copy. 3 pp. Endorsed: Thos Tipton. 1837 Butler, Mann. Louisville, Ky. Article entitled: Indian Apr. Attack upon Wheeling in 1777. Wheeling, Red stone, Point Pleasant, and Fort Pitt, the prin- 4ZZ21 cipal fortifications of the western country; Si mon Girty in command of the body of 389 In dians that attacked Wheeling ; the burning of the town ; retreat of the Indians ; arrival of Col. AndreAv Swearingen, Captain Beldenback, Wil liam Brashears, and Major McColloch with rein forcements. Magazine clipping from Western Messenger. 5 pp. 1838 Tipton, Thomas. Champaign County, Ohio. Pension Mar. 9 statement, One hundred years of age ; lived in Fairfax County, Va., when he volunteered in 6ZZ128 1776 for service in the Revolution; at siege of York as sergeant in Capt. John Galloway's com- [268] Virginia Manuscripts pany; surrender of Cornwallis; gives names of Charles Wilson, Reuben Clark, John Wall, Asa- hel Wilkison, Thomas and John Daniel as ref erences. Sworn before John Taylor. Copy. 2 pp. 1838 Southern Literary Messenger. Extract giving pioneer May reminiscences of "A Traveler". Rescue of Thomas Hart's daughter from the Indians ; Corn- 2ZZ53 stalk at the Battle of Point Pleasant. Magazine clipping. 1 p. 1839 Southern Literary Messenger. Article entitled: "Siege May of Fort Wheeling. ' ' The cannon incident. Mag- 4ZZ20 azine clipping. 2 pp. 1839 Callanhan, George. Article entitled: "Foreman's Defeat, Dec. 13 Sept. 1777." Capt. [William] Foreman and his company of men from Hampshire County, Va. ¦1-ZZ14 defeated by Indians at the Narrows of the Ohio while scouting in vicinity of Wheeling Station in 1777 ; his refusal to heed warning of Col. William Lynn. Excerpt from Western Christian Advo cate^ 2 pp. 1840 Feb. 10 8ZZ1 1840 Apr. 25 2ZZ14 1840 Sept. 6ZZ31 Preston, William C. Washington, D. C. Letter to Lyman C. Draper. Biographical notes on Col. William Preston, Col. William Campbell, Arthur Campbell, and Evan and Isaac Shelby. A. L. S. 5 pp. Endorsed : Col. Wm. Preston the Campbells & Shelbies, &c From Hon. W. C. Preston. 10th July, 1840. Lewis Jr., A[ndrew]. Letter to S. L. Campbell. Convey ing his recollections of the expedition of 1774 and the Battle of Point Pleasant; thinks Dun more intended to cut off General Lewis' di vision from the main army; ignorance of a flank movement by Shelby; no treaty made until the following spring. A. L. S. 4 pp. Hamilton, Thomas. Lycoming County, Pa. Affidavit relative to Revolutionary service of Thomas Mar tin. Deponent fled to Northumberland, Pa., after the massacre of Wyoming in 1778 ; his fa ther, Captain Hamilton, and Capt. John Chatham [269] Wisconsin Historical Society ordered by Colonels Hartley and Hunter to en roll citizens of Northumberland to fortify the town; Thomas Martin among those enrolled; guarded the fort, kept sentry, and scouted the country until 1783; his wife, Mary, still living. Copy. 2 pp. [1840] L[ewis Jr.], A[ndrew]. Letter to S. L. Campbell, Lexing ton, Rockbridge County, [Va.] In response to 2ZZ15 inquiries concerning Battle of Point Pleasant; General Lewis' treaty Avith the Indians; murder of Cornstalk. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1841 Cooke, Gen. Stephen. Columbus, Miss. Letter to Ly- Mar. 14 man C. Draper. Promising information concern ing the private and public life of his father, Col. 6ZZ13a WiUiam Cocke. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Col. Wm. Cocke From Gen. S. Cocke 14"1 March '41. 1841 Hamilton, Robert. Lycoming County, Pa. Affidavit rela- May 31 tive to Revolutionary service of Thomas Martin. Supplementary to affidavit of Sept. S, 1840; de- 6ZZ32 ponent served in Captain HamUton's company, while Martin served under Capt. John Chatham ; both allowed $200 each for their services by State of Pennsylvania ; Captain Hamilton killed in 1781. Sworn before James Lauden. Copy. 2 pp. 1842 Wilson, J. C. F. Florence, Ala. Letter to C. I. Fleming, Jan. 9 Midway, Ky. Giving extract from the autobiog raphy of his grandfather [William Fleming] 2ZZ89 concerning his ancestry and early life. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1842 Martin, Col. William. Dixon's Springs, Smith County, June 1 Tenn. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Pontotoc, Miss. Biographical sketch of his father, Gen. 8ZZ2 Joseph Martin; Powell's Valle y settlement, A. L. S. 15 pp. Endorsed : Sketch of Gen. Jos. Martin From Col0- Wm. Martin, June 1st. 1842. 1842 Duncan, Edwin S. Peel Tree, Harrison County, Va. Let- June 20 ter to Lyman C. Draper. Will endeavor to pro cure for him a copy of Doctor Doddridge's book; 8ZZ3 disappointed in Chronicles of Border Warfare by Alexander Withers ; a history of the pioneers of [270] Virginia Manuscripts the west should include the Indians ; Doctor Hil- dreth's forthcoming book. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: From Hon. Edwin S. Duncan, Clarks burg Harrison Co. Va. 20th June, 1842. 1843 Cummings, James L. Clinton, [Tenn.] Letter to David Feb. 5 Campbell, Abingdon, [Va.] Reminiscences of the Battle of Long Island Flats as related to him 3ZZ45 by his grandfather, [Col. Robert] Campbell; Captains James Thompson and John Campbell, Major Morrison and Robert Edmondson in the battle; William Cocke not there. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1843 Campbell, Gov. David. Montcalm, [Va.] Letter to Ly- Feb. 13 man C. Draper, Buffalo, N. Y. Encloses letter of James L. Cummings, grandson of Col. Robert 3ZZ26 Campbell, who was in Battle of Long Island Flats; comments on statements made by Cum mings about the battle; the execution of Hop kins ; Col. Arthur Campbell on Holston in 1773 ; knows nothing of his being in Powell's Valley. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : The Island Flat bat tle — the Hopkins ¦ affair — Col. Art. Campbell's letters— From Gov. Campbell 13th. Feb. 1843. 1843 Ramsey, Mrs. Eliza. Dogwood, Ga. Letter to Lyman C. Feb. 22 Draper, Buffalo, N. Y. Giving biographical sketches of her father, Dr. WiUiam Fleming, and 8ZZ4 her maternal uncle, Col. William Christian ; notes on General Lewis. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Col.Wm. F. Fleming, Wm. Christian & Gen. Lewis. From Mrs. E. Ramsey, 22d Feb. '43. 1843 CampbeU, Gov. David. Montcalm, [Va.] Letter to Ly- Mar. 13 man C. Draper, Buffalo, N. Y. Cornelius Car- mack's presence at Battle of Long Island Flats 3ZZ27 doubtful; extracts from letter of James Camp bell about the battle ; suggests that papers of Dr. Thomas Walker and William Preston would fur nish information, and calls attention to Peter Force's collection of official papers. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: From Gov. Campbell, March 13, 1843. [271] Wisconsin Historical Society 1843 Campbell, Gov. David. Montcalm, [Va.] Letter to Ly- May 8 man C. Draper, Buffalo, N. Y. Criticism of Judge Haywood's account of Battle of Long 3ZZ28 Island Flats in his History of Tennessee; the accounts given by Colonels Martin and Chris tian equally unsatisfactory; Robert Edmondson killed at Battle of King's Mountain in 1780. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Island Flat Battle. From Gov. Campbell, 8th May '43. 1843 Snodgrass, Col. William. Letter to Gen. David Campbell, May 22 Abingdon, Va. His father's settlement in wes tern Virginia in 1771 ; recollections of wars with 3ZZ25 the Indians; incidents of Battle of Long Island Flats as related to him by Robert Edmondson, William King, and Henry Spaw [ ?] participants. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Col° Wm Snodgrass 22a May 1843. Long Island battle. . . 1843 Campbell, Gov. David. Montcalm, [Va.] Letter to Ly- June 8 man C. Draper, Pontotoc, Miss. Criticism of ac counts of Battle of Long Island Flats as given by 3ZZ29 Col. George Christian and Colonel Sharp ; igno rance shown about the officers; John Campbell's company from the neighborhood of the Royal Oak; Colonel Sharp in Battle of King's Moun tain ; letter received from Col. William Snodgrass about the battle. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Island Flat Battle. From Gov. Campbell 8th. June '43. 1843 Campbell, Gov. David. Montcalm, [Va.] Letter to Ly- June 12 man C. Draper, Pontotoc, Miss. Further criti cism of Judge Haywood's account of Battle of 3ZZ30 Long Island Flats as given in his History of Ten nessee. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Island Flat Battle. From Gov. Campbell 12th June '43. 1843 Posey, John. Henderson, Ky. Letter to Lyman C. Dec. 27 Draper, Baltimore, Md. Concerning Battle of Point Pleasant in which his father was engaged ; 2ZZ16 good conduct of General Lewis; Maj. William Bailey Smith and Col. Hugh McGary living in Henderson at the time of his settlement there ; Smith characterized. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : [272] Virginia Manuscripts Point Pleasant— Maj. Wm B. Smith & Col. Hugh McGary. From Gen. John Posey 27th. Dec. '44. [1843?] [CampbeU, David.] List of military commissions held by William Edmondson, 1760-83. A. D. 1 p. En- 3ZZ42 dorsed : Memo of military corns held by Col. Wm Edmondson. 1844 Draper, Lyman C. Map of the junction of the Ohio and Nov. Great Kanawha rivers. 1 p. Endorsed : Rough Plat of Point Pleasant. Nov. 1844. By L. C. 2ZZ55 Draper as taken on the spot. 1844 Draper, Lyman C. Extract from his letter to James A. Dec. 12 Lewis, Kanawha, C. H., Va. Discrediting state ment made by [Hugh Paul] Taylor, Alexander 8ZZ5 Withers and others to the effect that Capt. Sam uel Lewis commanded a company of Augusta troops at Braddock's defeat, and that five of Captain Lewis' brothers were members of the company Andrew, Charles, William, John. and Thomas; suggested that Col. James Grant's defeat has been confounded with Braddock's. A. N. S. 3 pp. Endorsed: Strictures — Andw. Lewis vs. Braddock's defeat. 1844 Lewis, Gen. S. H. Lewiston. Letter to Lyman C. Dra- Dec. 17 per, Baltimore, Md. Quotes portion of letter from Col. William Preston, dated Sept. 29, 1781, 8ZZ6 which establishes date of the death of Gen. An drew Lewis; unable to say whether or not Gen eral Lewis was in battle at Braddock's defeat; loss of his grandfather's [Thomas Lewis] papers. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Gen. S. H. Lewis — 17*\ Dec. '44. Death of Gen. Andw. Lewis. 1845 Draper, Lyman C. Baltimore, Md. Note giving source Feb. 4 from which he obtained Col. William Fleming's journal of his trip to Kentucky, Jan. 4 to Apr. 2ZZ69 22, 1783, when he was commissioner of Virginia to settle accounts in that country. A. N. S. 1 p. 1845 Stuart, Charles A. Washington, D. C. Letter to Lyman Feb. 4 C. Draper, Baltimore, Md. General Matthews' account of the Crooked Creek movement ; ref er- 8ZZ7 ence to Gen. Sydney S. Baxter for material 18— H. S. [273 Wisconsin Historical Society about his grandfather, Col. William Fleming; notes on the Lewis family; Col. Andrew Lewis characterized; Battle of Point Pleasant; dates of birth and death of his father [Col. John Stuart] ; death of H. P. Taylor in 1830 or 1831 ; A. Lewis held a grant of land in reward for serv ice in War of 1754. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Ch. A. Stuart— 4** Feb. 45. 1845 Tucker, H. S. G. University of Virginia. Letter to Ly- Feb. 22 man C. Draper, Baltimore, [Md.] Unable to furnish information about Gen. [Adam] Ste- 8ZZ8 phen. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Hon. H. S. G. Tucker 22d Feb. 45. Gen. Adam Stephen. 1845 Francisco, Charles L. Warm Springs, [Va.] Letter to Feb. 25 Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore, [Md.] Refers to Col. John Stuart's history of early settlement of 8ZZ9 western Virginia ; military services of Col. Charles Cameron, in Capt. John Dickinson's company at Battle of Point Pleasant; his brother George Cameron, half-brother, Capt. John Murray, and brother-in-law, Col. Charles Lewis killed in the engagement. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Chs. L. Francisco. 25th Feb. '45. 1845 Brown, Capt. Oliver. Wellsburg, Brooke County, Va. Feb. Memorandum of Revolutionary service. Four years' actual service in artillery of the Massa- 9ZZ116-118 chusetts line; at battles of Lexington, Bunker Hill, Harlem Heights, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Monmouth; settle ment in Wellsburg in 1790; militia service. Copy by Draper. 3 pp. 1845 Lee, C. C. Moorefield, Va. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Mar. 28 Baltimore, Md. Colonel Pickens' memoir in accessible at present ; Rev. William Foote living 8ZZ10 in Richmond; refers to Stephen Dandridge for information about Gen. Adam Stephen; sug gestions in regard to Draper 's proposed book. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Hon. C. C. Lee— 28th March, '45. 1845 Lewis, Maj. Charles H. Stanton, Va. Letter to Lyman Apr. 7 C. Draper, Baltimore, Md. Apologizes for seem- [274] Virginia Manuscripts ing neglect ; will take pleasure in furnishing any 8ZZ11 materials within his reach. A. L. S. 2 pp. On reverse : Memorandum by Lyman C. Draper, April 12, 1845. Endorsed: Maj. Ch. H. Lewis, 7th April '45. 1845 Alexander, A. Princeton. Letter to Lyman C. Draper. Apr. 22 Genealogy of the Alexander family; sketch of his grandfather, Archibald Alexander, who set- 8ZZ12 tied in Augusta County, Va. ; the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians in Virginia ;• John Brown, Craig. and Cummings were the first preachers in Rock bridge and Augusta counties; first settlers in Lexington and vicinity; description of a sol dier's costume. A. L. S. 4 pp. Four pages missing. 1845 Christian, Col. George. Overton County, [Tenn.] Let- May 6 ter to Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore County, Md. Additional information about Long Island Flat 3ZZ32 battle; Martin's campaign; Captain Fayne's de feat; Sevier's Chilhowee expedition and subse quent campaign in 1788; St. Clair's campaign; Hightower campaign; Coyatee expedition com manded by Maj. John Beard; military career of Gen. George Rutledge and Col. George Mof fett; genealogy of the Christian family; the Harpes; John Campbell in command of a com pany at the Long Island Flat battle. A. L. S. 9 pp. Endorsed: Col. Geo: Christian 6th May. 1845. 1845 Trimble, John A. Hillsborough, Ohio. Letter to Lyman June 20 C. Draper, Baltimore, Md. Col. George Moffett and his descendants ; descendants of Mrs. Estill ; 8ZZ13 captivity of his father, James Trimble ; incident related by Mrs. Mills concerning the Indian wife of John Moffett. A. L. S. 5 pp. En dorsed : John A. Trimble June 20th- 1845. 1845 McClanahan, Col. E. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Balti- July 11 more, [Md.] Dates of birth and death of Gen. A. Lewis, and of his son, Col. A. Lewis. A. L. S. 8ZZ14 1 p. Endorsed: Col. E. McClanahan, July 11th 1845. [275] Wisconsin Historical Society 1845 Arbuckle, Charles. Lewisburg, Greenbrier County, Va. Aug. 15 Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore, [Md.] Biographical data concerning his father, Capt. 8ZZ15 Matthew Arbuckle, who was in Battle of Point Pleasant, and later in command at Fort Ran dolph; Jacob Lockhart killed by Indians; Thomas Lewis saved by his friend, John Hollis ; Thomas Griffith killed in 1788. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Chs. Arbuckle 15th Aug. '45. 1845 [Draper, Lyman O] Baltimore, [Md.] Letter to Col. Aug. 21 William Martin, Dixon's Springs, Tenn. Con cerning Rogan and Mansco; Capt. John Black- 3ZZ33 more's emigration to the country with Donel son; promised sketch of Maj. John Buchanan; material relating to the Franklin organization and Long Island Flat battle found in files of National Intelligencer; pensions for old Indian fighters; trip in search of historical material; date of Colonel Weakley's death. A. L. 5 pp. 1845 EstUl, B[enjamin]. Jonesville, Va. Letter to Lyman C. Aug. 21 Draper, Baltimore, Md. Refers to Capt. An drew Edmondson and Col. Robert B. Edmond- 8ZZ17 son for information about William Edmondson ; his step-father, Samuel Edmondson, was a brother of William; both in Battle of King's Mountain; notes on his father's family; captiv ity of his mother and her half-brother, James Trimble ; Col. Patrick Lockhart in rescuing party. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Hon. Benjn. Estill— 21st. Aug. 1845. 1845 Campbell, Gov. David. Abingdon, Va. Letter to [Ly- Aug. 22 man C. Draper] . Capt. [James] Shelby in Bat tle of Long Island Flats in July, 1776 ; probable 3ZZ34 that Captains William Buchanan and Thomas Madison served as volunteers. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : Gov. D. Campbell, . . . Aug. 22d 1S45. Island Flat Battle. [1845 Stuart, Charles A. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Balti- Aug. 26] more, Md. Notes on Gen. Andrew Lewis and Col. Charles Lewis, Col. John Stuart and the 8ZZ16 Battle of Point Pleasant, John Frogg, Capt. [276] Virginia Manuscripts Matthew Arbuckle, and the Thomas Lewis — John Hollis incident; Preston manuscripts in possession of Governor McDowell. A. L. S. 5 pp. Endorsed : Chs. A. Stuart Aug. 26th. 1845. 1845 Lewis, Maj. Charles H. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to [Ly- Aug. 31 man C. Draper]. Gives copy of song commem orating Battle of Point Pleasant found on cover 8ZZ18 of his grandmother's Bible; criticism of Howe's statements regarding the Lewis family in his Historical Collections of Virginia. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Maj. C. H. Lewis— Aug. 31st. '45. 1845 McDowell, Gov. James. Richmond, [Va.] Letter to Lyman Sept. 19 C. Draper, Lexington, Ky. As to the where abouts of Col. William Preston's papers; has 8ZZ19 little knowledge of his great grandfather, Capt. John McDowell. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Gov. Jas. McDowell, Sept. 19th. 1845. 1845 Christian, Col. George. Overton County, [Tenn.] Letter Sept. 23 to [Lyman C. Draper] . Concerning the Long Island Flat battle ; campaigns of Christian, Gen. 3ZZ31 Evan Shelby, and Martin; Sevier's Chilhowee expedition and campaign of 1793 ; Dragging Canoe at treaty of 1777; Col. John Crawford; Capt. John Beard; Gillespie's or the Burnt Sta tion. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed : Col0. Geo : Christian— Sept. 23d 45. 1845 Stuart, Charles A. Greenbrier, [Va.] Letter to Lyman C. Sept. 30 Draper, Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Erskine 's captiv ity; excerpt from the Southwestern Christian 8ZZ20 Advocate, May 9, 1845, of an account of Estill's defeat in Kentucky; anecdote told of Mrs. Mof fett, wife of Col. George Moffett ; death of Corn stalk. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed: Chs. A. Stuart, Sept. 30th. 1845. 1845 Lewis, Gen. S. H. Lewiston. Letter to Lyman C. Draper. Oct. 29 Baltimore, Md. His uncle, Thomas Lewis, thinks Gen. Andrew Lewis was at Braddock's defeat; 8ZZ21 death of his grandfather, Thomas Lewis, Jan. 31, 1790; notes on John Lewis and Col. Charles Simms; references for information about Gen. [277] Wisconsin Historical Society Andrew Moore and Col. William Herring. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Gen. S. H. Lewis, Oct. 29th. 1845. [1845 [Harrison, Dr. Peachy.] Letter to Gen. Samuel Lewis, Oct.] South River. Biographical sketch of Benjamin Harrison; commendation of Col. C. Lewis and 8ZZ68 Captain Arbuckle; McIntosh's campaign; rising of Tories in Hardy County under General Clay- pole; Colonel Harrison's Revolutionary service; Major Rogan, Lieut. William Herring under his command. A. L. 4 pp. On reverse : Notice of Dr. Peachy Harrison's death copied by Draper from the Baltimore Sun, May 3, 1848. Memo randum by S. H. Lewis concerning expedition against Tories in Hardy County. Endorsed by Draper: Dr. Peachy Harrison Oct. 1845. 1845 Chalmers, George. An introduction to the history of the revolt of the American colonies. Excerpt giving 4ZZ1 an account of the Battle of Augusta, an Indian skirmish in western Virginia in 1742. Captain McDowell killed. 2 pp. 1846 Preston, W. R. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore, Feb. 15 Md. Has directed his brother-in-law in Vir ginia to send the manuscripts of his grandfather, 8ZZ22 William Preston, to Draper. A. L. S. 1 p. En dorsed: W. R. Preston, 15th. Feb. '46. 1846 McClanahan, Col. E. Roanoke, [Va.] Letter to Lyman C. Mar. 19 Draper, Baltimore, Md. His authority for date of Gen. A. Lewis' birth as given in previous let- 8ZZ23 ter ; notes on his father [William McClanahan] . A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed: Col. E. McClanahan 19th. March '46. 1846 Manning, Nat. W. Woodlawn. Letter to Lyman C. Mar. 30 Draper, Baltimore, Md. Concerning papers of his grandfather, Gen. William Dark. A. L. S. 8ZZ24 2 pp. Endorsed: N. W. Manning, 30*11. March, '46. 1846 Lewis, Maj. Charles H. Staunton, [Va.] Letter to Lyman Apr. 18 C. Draper, Baltimore. Will have Mary Green- [278] Virginia Manuscripts lee's deposition and other papers copied and for- 8ZZ25 warded. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: Maj. C. H. Lewis— Ap. 18, 1846. 1846 Lee, C. C. Moorefield, Va. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, May 4 Baltimore, Md. Has urged Dandridge and Mc- Donald to furnish desired information ; hesitates 8ZZ26 to write to Rives about Doctor Walker's jour nal; suggests that Rives may write biography of Madison ; Colton 's life of Clay criticized ; has not yet been in reach of General Pickens' auto-; biography. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed : C. C. Lee, May 4th '46. 1846 Woltz, Ferdinand. Fincastle, Va. Letter to Lyman C. May 27 Draper, Baltimore, Md. The papers of Col. Wil liam Preston in possession of William M. Rad- 8ZZ27 ford ; date of death of Hugh Paul Taylor. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed : Ferdinand Woltz, May 27, '46. 1846 Jones, Gen. R. Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, D. June 20 C. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore, Md. General Taylor born in Orange County, Va. 8ZZ28 A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Gen. R. Jones, June 20, 1846. 1846 Trimble, John A. Hillsborough, Ohio. Letter to Lyman July 22 C. Draper, Baltimore, Md. Date of death of his father [James Trimble] ; will urge Doctor Tel- 8ZZ29 fair to give an account of the early life and ad ventures of Gen. G. Matthews ; captivity of David Jolly. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : John A. Trimble, July 22d '46. 1846 Erskine, Mrs. Margaret Handley. Memoir giving her ex- Aug. 10 periences during her captivity among Shawnee Indians. Captured in 1779 while en route with 8ZZ30 her husband, John Pawley, to Kentucky ; adopted by White Bark; Callaway and Hoy among the captives; Clark's expedition; Crawford's defeat; escape of Slover and Doctor Knight ; her release in April, 1784 through efforts of Hager, a trader ; married to Michael Erskine in 1785. Revised copy by Charles A. Stuart. 7 pp. Endorsed : Mrs. Erskine 's Captivity — Callaway & Hoy's do. f 279 1 Wisconsin Historical Society 1846 Stuart, Charles A. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore, Aug. 10 Md. Transmitting memoir of Mrs. Erskine which he has revised from the original manuscript; 8ZZ30 hopes he [Draper] has obtained the expected papers of Col. [William] Preston and Floyd's commission. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : Charles A. Stuart Aug. 10th. 1846. 1846 Smith, Nathan. Point Pleasant, Va. Letter to James A. Aug. 13 Lewis, Charleston, Kanawha County, Va. An account of Benjamin Eulen's leap according to 2ZZ17 recollection of Thomas Lewis ; biographical notes on Samuel, Andrew, John, and Thomas Lewis, the sons of Andrew Lewis. A. L. S. 2 pp. En dorsed: Nathan Smith — P*. Pleasant, 13th Aug. 1846. Ben Eulen's Leap — Col. Sam1. Lewis. &c. 1846 Lee, C. C. Fairfax, [Va.] Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Nov. 23 Baltimore, Md. Is sending autobiography of General Pickens by Jamieson. A. L. S. 8ZZ31 1 p. Endorsed: C. C. [mutilated] Nov. 23 [mu tilated] . 1846 Lee, C. C. Fairfax, [Va.] Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Nov. 23 Baltimore, Md. Encloses autobiography of Gen eral Pickens and directs that it be returned to 8ZZ32 his brother-in-law, William L. Marshall. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed : C. C. Lee, Nov. 1846. 1847 Alexander, Rev. A. Princeton. Letter to Lyman C. May 6 Draper, Baltimore. Md. The use of his name as an authority; Rev. William H. Foote 's intended 8ZZ33 history of Presbyterian Church in Virginia; Archibald Alexander and massacre of Captain McDowell mentioned in Davidson's History of Presbyterian Chvrch in state of Kentucky. 2 pp. Endorsed : Rev. D1*- Alexander. May 6, 1847. 1847 M'Nutt, A. G. Jackson, [Miss.] Letter to [Lyman C. Aug. 24 Draper]. In reply to questionnaire concerning life and services of Alexander McNutt. A. L. S. 8ZZ35 4 pp. Endorsed: Ex-Gov. A. G. McNutt Aug. 24th-. 1847. 1847 Paxton, James G. Lexington, [Va.] Letter to [Lyman Sept. 22 C. Draper] . Promising assistance in collecting [280] Virginia Manuscripts historical data concerning his granduncle, Gov, 8ZZ36 [Alexander] McNutt ; fears his papers have been destroyed. A. L. S. 1 p. [1847] [Campbell, Dr. Samuel L.] Memoir on Indian wars in the West, 1754-79. Brief survey of events prior to 3ZZ52-107 1774, mentioning Braddock's defeat, Shawnee descent upon Carr's Creek, murder of Logan's family and the killing of Bald Eagle ; detailed ac count of Battle of Point Pleasant; Dunmore charged with perfidy; death of Cornstalk; War of 1778; attack on Fort Donnally; war in Ken tucky ; Wayne 's victory. A.D. 60 pp. Printed: Appendix to Charles Campbell, Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia (Richmond, 1847). 1847 D[oddridge], N[arcissa]. Wellsburg, [Va.] An account of the capture of the family of Thomas Bendeaux 9ZZ86-90 in 1780. Copy by Draper. 5 pp. 1847 D[oddridge], N[arcissa]. Wellsburg, Va. Notes on Van Meter's Fort. Location of the fort; massacre of 9ZZ64-69 the family of John Van Meter in the immediate neighborhood of the fort in 1789 ; three older sons carried to captivity; Van Meter's second marriage to widow of John Bukey. Copy by Draper. 6 pp. 1847-52 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, Va. Notes for a second edition of Dr. Joseph L. Doddridge's Notes on 9ZZ41-127 the Settlements and Indian Wars of the Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania (Wells- burgh, Va., 1824). Copy by Draper. 87 pp. 1848 Campbell, Samuel D. Natural Bridge, Va. Letter to July 21 Lyman C. Draper, Philadelphia. Unable to find clipping containing Colonel Stuart's narrative 8ZZ34 which his father [Charles Campbell] used in his history; biographical notes on his father; Peter and Henry Sailing; Doctor Ruffner 's proposed history of western Virginia. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 Woods, William. Albemarle County, Va. Letter to Ly- Aug. 21 man C. Draper, Philadelphia. In reply to re- 8ZZ37 quest for biographical material concerning Gen. [281] Wisconsin Historical Society Abraham Wood, Capt. Audley Paul, and Gen. George Matthews. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Fontaine, P. H. "Ridgeway," Pontotoc, [Miss.] Letter Aug. 24 to Lyman C. Draper. Biographical notes on Alexander Spotswood Dandridge and his grand- 8ZZ38 father, Alexander Spotswood, colonial governor of Virginia; names of "The Knights of the Horseshoe". A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 Dandridge, Philip P. "The Bower," Jefferson County, Sept. 8 Va. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Philadelphia. Little hope of procuring information about Gen. 8ZZ39 [Adam] Stephen ; his residence and burial place ; marriage of his daughter to Alexander Spots- wood Dandridge; one child, Adam Stephen Dandridge; reference to Charles Anderson of Cincinnati for material on George Rogers Clark. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Baxter, S. S. Richmond, Va. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Oct. 5 Philadelphia. Disappointed in securing papers of his grandfather; Doctor Walker's papers 8ZZ41 probably in possession of W. C. Rives; accounts of the Loyal Land Company; history of settle ment of Rockbridge County given in record of Bowyer vs. Borden. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Lewis, Charles H. Martinsburg, Va. Letter to Lyman C. Oct. 15 Draper, Philadelphia. His removal from Staun ton; engaged in editing Martinsburg Gazette 8ZZ40 since March, 1847 ; will write to Staunton and have deposition copied if possible. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Lewis, S. H. Lewiston. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Phil- Nov. 9 adelphia. Unable to answer inquiries ; removal of his son, Maj. C. H. Lewis, to Martinsburg; SZZ42 suggests that he write to Capt. John B. Watts of Staunton about a copy of Doctor Walker's depo sition. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Campbell, Samuel D. Natural Bridge, Va. Letter to Nov. 15 [Lyman C. Draper] . Notes on the Sailing family obtained from Paxton Gilmore ; his grandfather, SZZ43 Charles Campbell, served in Revolutionary War; Battle of Point Pleasant; the Alexander family. A. L. S. 4 pp. [282] Virginia Manuscripts 1848 WestfaU, Henry F. Buckhannon, Lewis County, Va. Let- Nov. 21 ter to Lyman C. Draper, Philadelphia. Promis ing information concerning Indian troubles in 8ZZ44 his part of the country, particularly the Bull Town affair ; references to descendants of White, William Hacker, and Colonel Lowther. A. L. S. lp. 1848 Howison, Robert Reid. History of Virginia. Excerpt giv ing an account of the Battle of Augusta, an In- 4ZZ1 dian skirmish in Western Virginia in 1742. 1 p. Endorsed; Chalmer's & Howison 's accounts of The Battle of Augusta 1742. 1849 WestfaU, Henry F. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Phila- Feb. 24 delphia. Destruction of Bull Town; William White's career; death of Bald Eagle; Tygart 's 8ZZ70, 71 Valley named for David Tygart. A. L. S. 7 pp. 1849 Smith, David H. Harmony Grove. Letter to Lyman C. Apr. 12 Draper, Philadelphia. William Hacker and the 8ZZ45 death of Bald Eagle. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Fontaine, P. H. Pontotoc, [Miss.] Letter to Lyman C. May 24 Draper, "Knights of the Horseshoe ;" the Dand- 8ZZ46 ridge family. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Alexander, A. Princeton. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, May 31 Philadelphia. Not probable that George Sailing kept a journal; knows nothing of John Finley; 8ZZ47 James Finley lived in Philadelphia forty years ago ; descendants of Dr. Samuel Finley. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Lewis, Dr. John B. Valwalon, [Va.] Letter to Lyman C. Nov. 16 Draper, Philadelphia. Proffering material on the Lewis family for use in Draper's forthcom- 8ZZ48 ing book. A. L. S. 1 p. IS4?* Edwards, J [ames] L. Commissioner of Pensions, Pension Nov. 20 Office. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Leverington, Philadelphia County, Pa. Transmitting copies 6ZZ101 of declarations of Joseph Tomlinson, Thomas Shores, and Thomas Mills, United States pen sioners, and that of Peter Anderson who was an applicant for a pension. L. S. 1 p. [283] Wisconsin Historical Society 1849 Moffett, Dr. George B. Marian's Bottom, Pocahontas Dec. 24 County, Va. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Balti more, Md. (Forwarded to Philadelphia.) Thinks 6ZZla an account of the captivity of Mrs. Trimble of Augusta County, Va. should find a place in his book, Lives of the pioneers of Western Virginia. Refers to her sons, Judge Benjamin Estill and Capt. John Estill for the facts. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Breckinridge, R. J. Lexington, Ky. Letter to Lyman C. Aug. 18 Draper. Genealogical data concerning the Breckinridge, Shelby, Floyd, and McClanahan 8ZZ50 families. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1851 Ingles, Thomas. New River. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Aug. 22 Philadelphia. His grandfather, William Ingles, removed from Pennsylvania to Virginia about 8ZZ49 1750 ; captivity of Mrs. Ingles and Mrs. Draper ,- location of Vause 's Fort, A. L. S. 2 pp. 1851 Ingles, Thomas. Augusta, Bracken County, Ky. Letter to Sept. 3 Lyman C. Draper, Leverington, Philadelphia County, Pa. Invitation to Augusta to see narra- 8ZZ51 tive of Col. John Ingles [concerning settlement of Col. William Ingles in western Virginia] ; his own work not ready for publication. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1851 Ingles, Thomas. Augusta, Bracken County, Ky. Letter Sept. 4 to Lyman C. Draper, Cincinnati, Ohio. Repeat ing his invitation to Augusta; wishes Draper to 8ZZ52 have narrative of his uncle, John Ingles, and use it at his discretion. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1851 Ingles, Thomas. New River. Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Nov. 5 Leverington, Philadelphia County, Pa. Giving information concerning his grandfather, William 8ZZ53 Ingles, and great grandfather, Thomas Ingles, obtained from brother in Tennessee ; his effort to obtain Joseph Draper's narrative; captivity of his grandmother and Mrs. Draper. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1851 D[oddridge], N[arcissa]. An account of Indian attack on William Chenoweth and the Cox family, while 9ZZ96-102 descending the Ohio River with the intention of [284] Virginia Manuscripts locating in Kentucky, about 1787. Data ob tained from Judge [Thomas] Scott. Copy by Draper. 7 pp. Note by Draper gives the date of this event as 1786. 1851 Scott, Judge T [homas] . Chillicothe, Ohio. Notes on Maj. John McColloch's scout in 1793; retreat of Lieut. 9ZZ81-86 Joseph Biggs; party sent in pursuit of Isaac Zane 's daughters ; marriage of Elizabeth Zane to William McColloch; a ranger's dress and ap pearance. Copy by Draper. 6 pp. [c 1851] D[oddridge], Nfarcissa]. An account of John MeColloch's leap over Wheeling Hill, a feat which has been 9ZZ56-64 sometimes ascribed to Samuel McColloch. Copy by Draper. 9 pp. [c 1851] [Doddridge, Narcissa.] An anecdote of Charles Prather, as related to her by Judge Thomas Scott. Copy 9ZZ114-116 by Draper. 3 pp. [c 1851] [Doddridge, Narcissa.] Narrative of incidents connected with Col. Thomas Cresap's expeditions against 9ZZ111-114 the Indians which gave name to Savage Moun tain and to Negro Mountain. Data obtained from Judge [Thomas] Scott. Copy by Draper. 4 pp. [c 1851] [Doddridge, Narcissa.] Relation of an incident which oc curred at Hanging Rock in Hampshire County, 9ZZ108-111 Va. Traditional battle. Copy by Draper. 4 pp. 1852 Whittle, James M. Pittsylvania Court-House, Va. Let- Feb. 20 ter to Lyman C. Draper, Leverington, Philadel phia County, Pa. Sketch of his maternal grand- 8ZZ54 father, the son of Samuel Davies, President of Princeton College. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1852 Dandridge, Phil P. Washington House, Philadelphia. Feb. 22 Letter to Lyman C. Draper, Leverington, Phila delphia County, Pa. His grandfather, Alexan- 8ZZ55 der Spotswood Dandridge, married Gen. Adam Stephen's daughter in Winchester, Va., about 1780; died one or two years later; letters of Col. Nathaniel Dandridge in his possession; reference to Mrs. Evelina Tucker, Winchester, Va. A. L. S. 3 pp. [285] Wisconsin Historical Society 1852 Minor, Franklin. Ridgeway, [Va.] Letter to Lyman C. Mar. 23 Draper. His great grandfather, Dr. [Thomas]! Walker, was a great land trader ; journals of his 13ZZa expeditions into western forests probably at, Castle Hill in possession of William C. Rives, who married a granddaughter of Doctor Walker ; will interview Mrs. Page, only sister of Mrs.. Rives. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1852 „Ingles, Thomas. Augusta, Bracken County, Ky. Letter June 15 to Lyman C. Draper, Leverington, Pa. Sends narrative of his uncle, John Ingles; has himself 8ZZ56 added a few pages; visits to Ingles' Ferry, New River, in 1826 and 1835. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1852 Ingles, Thomas [sic]. Augusta, Ky. Narrative of family June 15 history. His father's removal to Claiborne' County, Miss., in 1802; incidents of the journey 8ZZ57 by boat from Knoxville, Tenn. to Gibson's Land ing, Miss. ; visit to West Point ; kindness of Doublehead, the Cherokee chief; genealogical data. A. D. S. 3 pp. 1852 Moffett, George B. Wytheville, Va. Letter to [Lyman C. July 22 Draper]. Refers to Governor Trimble of Ohio for information concerning his [Moffett 's] grand- 6ZZlb father and Aunt Estill; may send brief sketches. of Jacob Warwick and William Sharp. A. L. S. lp. 1852 [Doddridge, Narcissa.] Narrative of an incident in the life of Maj. John McColloch — his escape from 9ZZ53~56 Indians at Grave Creek Narrows. Based on facts obtained from Judge Thomas Scott of Chillicothe, Ohio. Copy by Draper. 4 pp. 1852 D[oddridge], N[arcissa]. Chillicothe, [Ohio]. Narra tive depicting Indian character. Based on data 9ZZ91-96 received from Judge Scott of Chillicothe, Ohio. Copy by Draper. 6 pp. 1853 [Minor, Franklin.] "Memoranda of Inquiries about Dr Jan. 10 Thomas Walker my Great-Grand Father." Bi ographical data obtained in interviews with 13ZZ1-25 Doctor Walker's grandchildren, Mrs. Mildred Fry, Wesley Fry, and Reuben Maury; names [286 1 Virginia Manuscripts of families with whom Doctor Walker's descen dants intermarried; traditional anecdotes. A. D. 25 pp. 1853 Minor, Franklin. Ridgeway, [Va.] Letter to Lyman C. Jan. 30 Draper. Sends book containing memoranda of biographical data about Dr. Thomas Walker 13ZZ27-41 obtained in interview with his grandchildren; additional data; reliability of Mrs. Fry's ac count; Frank Walker characterized. A. L. S. 15 pp. 1853 [Draper, Lyman C] Memorandum of letter from Frank- Apr. 23 lin Minor, dated April 23, 1853, fixing date of 13ZZ42 Dr. [Thomas] Walker's death. A.N. 1 p. 1853 Minor, Franklin. Ridgeway, [Va.] Letter to [Lyman Apr. 23 C. Draper]. Inquiring whether manuscript book containing information about Dr. Thomas 13ZZb Walker was received; Doctor Walker's will re corded in December, 1794. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1853 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, Va. An account giving June particulars of the death of Maj. Samuel McCol- loch, commandant at Fort Van Meter, who was 9ZZ41-52 killed by Indians while reconnoitering with his brother, John, in the vicinity of the fort, July 30, 1782. Copy by Draper. 12 pp. 1853 Persinger, Jacob. Allegheny County, Va. Pension state- Nov. 18 ment. Served under Captain Matthew Ar buckle from Sept. 6, 1775 to Nov. 11, 1776; 2ZZ51 marched from Botetourt County to Fort Pitt, thence to Point Pleasant; absent from fort at Point Pleasant when it was attacked by Indians. Copy. 2 pp. [1853] Draper, Lyman C. Memorandum concerning Dr. Thomas Walker's marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Thornton. 13ZZ42 Date of marriage given in an original letter by Walker ; information obtained from W. C. Rives at Castle Hill, in July, 1847, as to Mrs. Thorn ton's relationship with the Washington family. A. N. S. 1 p. [c 1853] [Doddridge, Narcissa.] Notes on Maj. John McColloch's 9ZZ7G—80 scout in 1793 ; massacre of Lynn, Thomas Biggs, [287] Wisconsin Historical Society and Joseph Hedges; retreat of Lieut. Joseph Biggs ; Isaac Zane and family. Copy by Draper. 11pp. 1857 Cole, S. Chief Clerk, Pension Office. Letter to Lyman Apr. 6 C. Draper, Madison, Wis. Enclosed copies of declarations of John Poe, Timothy Corn, Sam- 6ZZ115 uel Davis, and James Waits, and promises to send those of Anselm Goodman and Arabia Brown ; can not find that David Fout of Morgan County, Ohio was a pensioner. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1858 McCown, H. B. Forest Home, [Miss.] Article entitled: [c July] "The Murder of that distinguished and consum mate chieftain Cornstalk." Excerpt from the 2ZZ46 Louisville (Miss.) Journal. 4 pp. 1860 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, Va. Letter to Lyman June 9 C. Draper, Pheasant Branch, Wis. In reply to interrogatories based on Doddridge's Notes; 1ZZ95 Capt. Samuel Teter, and William Bukey; gen ealogical notes on the Doddridge family. A. L. S. 5 pp. 1860 Doddridge, Philip B. Obituary. Newspaper clipping. Sept. 11 1 p. 1ZZ47 1861 [Doddridge, Narcissa.] Article entitled: "Capture of July members of the Doddridge family." Attack of Wyandot Indians on the family of Philip Dodd- 1ZZ39 ridge Sr. in 1778; murder of his father-in-law, and capture of three of his children. A. D. 4 pp. 9ZZ102-107 . Same with slight verbal changes. Copy by Draper. 6 pp. 1866 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, Va. Letter to Ly- Mar. 27 man C. Draper, Madison, Wis. Must consult her brother before authorizing him to bring out 1ZZ91 a new edition of her father's Notes; proposes to add to the Notes an account of events at Wheel ing during the Indian War, and a memoir of her father. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1866 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, Va. Letter to Lyman C. Apr. 11 Draper, Madison, Wis. Has not yet heard from [288 1 Virginia Manuscripts her brother concerning new edition of the Notes; 1ZZ92 inquires as to Draper's plans in editing the work, the cost, etc.; will send ms. copy of let ters of a Russian Spy. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1866 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- May 2 man C. Draper. Consents to his editing a sec ond edition of the Notes, and asks the privilege 1ZZ94 of selling it in West Virginia, western Pennsyl vania, and Ohio; J. Brady still living; has not heard of Mrs. Cruger 's death; proposes to send an account of the captivity of Doddridge chil dren to be incorporated in the Notes. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1866 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- May 19 man C. Draper. In reply to inquiries concern ing Mrs. Kirk and Captain Teter ; sends memoir 1ZZ93 of Rev. Joseph Doddridge, two elegies written by him, and letters of a Russian Spy, the latter published in Chillicothe Gazette; can furnish in formation of Maj. John McColloch; requests that manuscripts be returned. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1866 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Lyman Oct. 1 C. Draper, Pheasant Branch, Wis. Suggestions as to new edition of her father's Notes; gives 1ZZ97 address of Robert Wallace and refers to Col. John McDonald for information of Capt. S. Teter ; thinks Patrick Gass may know something of the capture of the Walker girls. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1866 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- Nov. 12 man C. Draper, Pheasant Branch, Wis. In quires as to his progress in editing the Notes. 1ZZ98 A. L. S. 1 p. 1866 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- Dec. 13 man C. Draper. Has received no answer to her two previous letters; thinks she might find a 1ZZ99 publisher for the Notes; requests the return of her manuscripts, should he be through with them. A. L. S. 2 pp. 19— H. S. [ 289 ] Wisconsin Historical Society [c 1866] [Doddridge, Narcissa.] Biographical memoir of her fa-i ther, Rev. Joseph Doddridge, as revised by Ly- 1ZZ13-32 man C. Draper. 20 pp. 1867 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- Jan. 23 man C. Draper, Pheasant Branch, Wis. Inform ing of her plan for publication of the Notes; 1ZZ100 anxious that the memoir be returned, so that she may rewrite it; would appreciate any sugges tions on his part. A. L. S. 3 pp. [c 1867] Doddridge, [Narcissa]. Excerpts made by Lyman C. Draper from her manuscript memoir of her fa- 1ZZ33 ther, Rev. Joseph Doddridge. 13 pp. [c 1867] Lee, Rev. Henry. Washington, Pa. Notes on Miss Dodd ridge's memoir of her father, Rev. Joseph 1ZZ10 Doddridge, she having submitted the manuscript to him for revision. Copy. 3 pp. 1868 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- Jan. 30 man C. Draper, Pheasant Branch, Wis. Acknowledges receipt of the memoir and re- 1ZZ101 quests that other papers be returned; date of death of her father and mother. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1868 Hupp, John C. Wheeling, W. Va. Letter to Rev. Alex- Mar. 4 ander Martin, President West Virginia Agricul tural College. Presenting to the college mu- 6ZZ4 seum an old saw which was used in the con struction of Fort Fincastle in 1774. Newspaper clipping from the Intelligencer, Sept. 12, 1882. lp. 1868 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- Apr. 6 man C. Draper, Madison, Wis. Acknowledges letters, replies to questions about Mrs. Cruger 1ZZ102 and [Patrick] Gass, and inquires as to his ar rangements with the publisher of the Notes; has had offers from three publishers. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1868 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- May 12 man C. Draper. Hopes his proposed trip will prove beneficial; asks that he turn over to her 1ZZ103 any notes he may have prepared for his edition of the Notes, in the event of his being unable to complete the work. A. L. S. 2 pp. [290] Virginia Manuscripts [c 1868] [Draper, Lyman C] Notes and references for his revision of Notes on the Settlements and Indian Wars of 1ZZ70-77 thet Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1763-83. A. N. 8 pp. 1869 Remsen, G. W. Philadelphia. Letter to Lyman C. Dra- May 20 per. Saying that his firm, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, has agreed to publish book offered 1ZZ106 by Miss Doddridge ; unaware of Draper 's inter est in the matter ; suggests that he communicate with Miss Doddridge. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1869 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- May 22 man C. Draper, Pheasant Branch, Wis. Urging the return of manuscripts loaned to him. 1ZZ104 A. L. S. 2 pp. 1869 Doddridge, Narcissa. Wellsburg, W. Va. Letter to Ly- June 28 man C. Draper, Madison, Wis. His prolonged delay in bringing out his edition of the Notes; 1ZZ105 necessity for making other arrangements for a new issue ; attack on Rice 's Fort. A. L. S. 2 pp^ 1869 [Draper, Lyman C] Memorandum of his letter to [Nar- July 2 cissa] Doddridge. Submitting proposition for the -re-issue of Doddridge's Notes under cover 1ZZ109 with Withers' Chronicles of Border Warfare:. A. N. 1 p. Endorsed: Mem". To Miss Dodd ridge, Offer ab*. republishing Doddridge 's Notes. July 2 12ZZ189 States. A. N. 1 p. n. d. [Finley, John E.] Notes on the topography of Alabama. 12ZZ184 A. N. 1 p. n. d. [Finley, John E.] Notes on the topography of West 12ZZ186 Florida. A. N. 1 p. 20— H. S. [305] Wisconsin Historical Society n. d. Finley, John E. Outline of an intended address to the court in the suit of Dr. John Hatch vs. John E. 12ZZ105-107 Finley. Maintaining that he has been unjustly charged for professional services. A. D. 3 pp.- [Finley, John E.] A prayer in which he bids farewell to the world. A. D. 1 p. [Finley, John E.] Prescription for the destruction of insects. A. N. 1 p. [Finley, John E.] Prescription for dysentery, cholera morbus, rheumatism, and sore eyes. A. N. 1 p. n. d. 12ZZ302 n. d. 12ZZ334 n. d. 12ZZ261 n. d. 12ZZ351 n. d. 12ZZ325 n. d. 12ZZ201 [Finley John E.] Prescription for an itch ointment; and a cure for the bite of a mad dog. A. N. 1 p. [Finley, John E.] Prescription for the treatment of gout. A. N. 1 p. [Finley, John E.] Prescription for treatment of a horse. A. N. 1 p. n. d. [Finley, John E.] Prescription to prevent the bad ef- 12ZZ327 fects of Hessian fly. A. N. 1 p. n. d. [Finley, John E.] Prescription to serve as a febrifuge. 12ZZ350 A. N. 1 p. n. d. [Finley, John E.] Prescriptions collected by him for the treatment of human diseases, also the diseases 12ZZ278-297 of horses; bills for medicine; and recipes for the manufacture of ink, cement, hemp, and tur key red. Copy. 20 pp. n d. [Finley, John E.] Prescriptions for cancer, rheumatism, gout, bite of a mad dog, and bleeding. A. N. 12ZZ257, 258 2 pp. ' [Finley, John E.] Recipe for making beer. A. N. 1 p. n. d. 12ZZ345 n. d. [Finley, John E.?] A religious poem. 12ZZ307, 308 2 pp. n. d. 12ZZ349n. d. Finley, John E. Remedy for the bite of a mad dog. A. N. S. 1 p. [Finley, John E.] "Roads from Pittsburg." Table of distances of points on the Ohio River from 12ZZ179-181 Pittsburgh. 3 pp. [306] n. d. 12ZZ348 [Finley, John E.] lp. Virginia Manuscripts Rules for calculating interest. A. N. n. d. [Finley, John E.] 12ZZ340-345 6 pp. n. d. 12ZZ328 n. d. 12ZZ174-1 n. d. Rules for surveying. Examples. A. N. Rules for calculating interest. A. N. [Finley, John E. lp. [Finley, John E.] Rules for the extraction of the square and cube root of numbers. A. N. 3 pp. 12ZZ157 [Finley, John E.] Statement of salaries paid to mission aries to the Chickasaw, namely: Rev. Joseph Bullen and his son, and Deacon Ebenezer Rice and family. A. D. 1 p. n. d. Finley, John E. 12ZZla, lb Sermon notes. A. N. S. 2 pp. n. d. 12ZZ355 n. d. 12ZZ159 n. d. 12ZZ335 n. d. Judson, Rev. Adoniram. Superscription of letter ad dressed to him at ' ' Litchfield, Woodbury County, New England". 1 p. McConnell, Francis, and William McConnell, heirs at law of. Fayette County, Ky. Quit claim deed to John E. Finley releasing a tract of land on waters of Lawrence's Creek in Mason County, Ky. Incomplete. Copy. 1 p. Morris, Israel. Directions for farming. Copy. 1 p. Ohio River. Plan of the Ohio River from the Big Kena„ to ye Scioto — by a scale of 400 chains to ye Inch. 12ZZ136, 137 Shows French grant of 24,000 acres ; location of" James Mercer's lands, and the New England, purchase; table of distances. Copy. 2 pp. n. d. 7ZZ51 n. d. 12ZZ75 n. d. 12ZZ333 Plan of the boundary line between Virginia and North- Carolina, with upper waters of Cumberland River. A. D. P , T . Receipt to J. H. for £369, the principal and six months' interest on a bond dated Nov^ 14, 1791. Copy. 1 p. Russell, R. Directions for making a plow. Copy. 1 p. [307] Wisconsin Historical Society n. d. [Smith, Nathan.] An account of the adventure of Thomas (son of Andrew) Lewis with John 7ZZ1 Hollis, an Indian. A. D. 4 pp. Endorsed by Draper: Captivity of Col0. Thos. Lewis. From Col. Nathan Smith — noted from a son of Col. Lewis. n. d. Southern Literary Messenger. Excerpt making favorable mention of Dr. [Joseph] Doddridge's work as 1ZZ90 an historian. 1 p. n. d. The $ [illegible] Farewell. A hymn copied by John E. 12ZZ315 Finley in 1800. 1 p. n. d. Table giving population of British governments in North 12ZZ192 America. 1 p. n. d. Table of distances from Washington City to New Orleans 12ZZ263 via post road. 1 p. n. d. Tables of distances from Washington, Mason County, Ky. to Charleston, [W. Va.] ; mouth of Scioto to 12ZZ272 Marietta; Saline on Scioto to Little Kanawha; mouth of Scioto to mouth of Little Kanawha ; Limestone to Bull Town; Clarksburg to Wash ington, [Pa.] 1 p. n. d. Table of money systems of foreign countries ; their equiv- 12ZZ187 alents in U. S. specie. 1 p. n. d. Table of Troy weight. 1 p. 12ZZ75 n. d. Tables of distances from Nashville to Lexington, Big Barren to Green River thence to Major Kirk- 12ZZ276 Patrick's, Bardstown to Frankfort, Nashville to Danville, and Limestone to Detroit. 1 p. n. d. Tables of distances from Shippensburg to various points in Pennsylvania; route to Kentucky from Rich- 12ZZ353 mond. Names of settlers. 1 p. n. d. Tables showing comparative money values. 1 p. 12ZZ11 n. d. Taylor, Col. James. Directions for catching fish. Copy. 12ZZ332 1 p. [308] Virginia Manuscripts n. d. United States. Statistics showing increase in popula tion, horses, merchant vessels, imports and ex- 12ZZ177 ports within twenty years. 1 p. n. d. Woods, Thomas. Statement as to location of Thomas 12ZZ86 Williams' improvement. Copy. 1 p. n. d. 12ZZ206-211 . An essay on the advantages to be derived from the study of history. 6 pp. [309] INDEX Abeeceombie, — , survey for, 30Z. Abingdon (Va.), letter from, 276; resi dents, 266, 271, 272 ; Virginian, excerpt from, 295, 296. Adams, — , books, 64. Adams, — , cotton buyer, 251. Adams, Ensign — , in Revolution, 200. Adams, David, receipt, 194. Adams, George, letter, 93. Adams, James, letter, 53. Adams, Samuel, receipt, 194. Adams, William, receipt, 194. Adams County (Pa.), Revolutionary vet eran in, 257. Adlistern, G. W., note, 241. "Adventure," Donelson's boat, 219. Agnew, Thomas, receipt, 194. Akers, Uriah, witness, 53. Alabama, topography, 305 ; rivers In, 305. Albany (N. Y.), letter from, 153. Albach, James R.„ Annals of the West, criticized, 300. Albemarle County (Va. ), native, 266; letter from, 281 ; law practice in, 141. Alcom, John, receipt, 177. Alderson, Curtis, receipt, 184. Alexander, Rev. A., letters, 275, 280, 283. Alexander. Archibald, witness. 52 ; sketch, 275 ; notes on, 280. Alexander, Joseph, affidavit, 256 ; Revolu tionary services, 260. Alexander, Robert, witness, 190, 213 ; re ceipts, 189, 190, 192i Alexander, William, witness, 188, 189 ; re ceipt, 187. Alexander family, genealogy, 275 ; notes on, 282. Alison. Dr. Francis, rules for Latin school, 154 ; prescription, 216 ; discourse, 299 ; letter, 235 ; lawsuit with, 241, 244 ; pay ment to, 237. All, Capt. — , in Revolution, 259. Allcom, James, receipt, 53. Allegheny County (Pa.), Revolutionary veterans in, 250, 252, 266, 287. Allen, Hugh, land grant, 66 ; receipt, 187. Allen, Capt. James, militia officer, 11. Allen, Malcolm, receipt, 173. Allison, John, receipt, 45. Almanac, copied, 248. Almond, Edward, assistant commissary, 197; receipts, 176; witness, 176-179, 197-199, 206-208. Alves, Walter, surveys for, 244. American State Papers, cited, 299. Amherst, Gen. Jeffrey, commander in French and Indian War, 150 ; letters, 150-153; letters to, 150-154. Ampthill (Va.), Cary's residence, 114. Alvord, C. W. and Lee Bidgood, First Ex plorations o) the Trans-Allegheny Region by Virginians, cited, 147. Anderson, Capt. — , in Revolution, 165. Anderson, Mrs. Ann, sketch, 293. Anderson, Charles, reference to, 282. Anderson, George, militia officer, 4. Anderson, Isaac, voucher, 178. Anderson, James, receipt, 47. Anderson, John, recommended as ensign, 82. Anderson, Peter, applicant for pension, 283 ; Revolutionary services, 260, 264. Anderson, Capt- William, in Revolution, 261 ; sketch, 292. Andrews, Rev. Thomas, residence, 303. Annapolis (Md. ), resident, 106. Antis, Col. Henry, in Revolution, 260. Applegate, Richard, assignee, 228 ; letters to, 240, 242 ; evicted, 247. Arandole, Capt. — , killed, 115. Arbitration, of dispute, 234. Arbogast. Adam, pension statement, 259. Arbuckle, Charles, letter, 276. Arbuckle, Matthew, scouting, 58 ; in Dun more's War, 114 ; in Revolution, 165, 166, 182, 210, 213, 287 ; letters, 164, 211 ; on Indian murder, 119; biographical data, 276-278. Armstrong, Ensign — , in Dunmore's War, 95, Armstrong, Andrew, receipt, 1*72. Armstrong. Baptist, receipt, 177. ¦ Armstrong, John, receipt, 38, 173 ; witness, 17.-J. [311] Index Armstrong, Gen. John, map, 228. Armstrong. Col. Martin, Indian claims, 92 ; magistrate, 134 ; letter, 142. Armstrong, Mrs. Martin, ill health, 142. Armstrong, Thomas, receipt, 26. Armstrong, William, receipt, 50, 189. Arnauld, — , naval table, 234. Arnold, Gen. Benedict, captured, 141. Arnold, Mark, land entry, 221 ; plat, 221. Arthur, Capt. Thomas, in Revolution, 266. Arthurs, John, receipt, 24. Ashcraft, Richard, survey for, 192. Ashcroft, Ephraim, survey for, 192; Ashby, Capt. — , in Revolution, 266. "Ash County (N. C), in Revolution, 267. Askew, James, receipt, 12, 19 ; account, 49. Aspenville (Va. ), home of William Camp bell, 127, 134, 137 ; purchases at, 237. "Assistance," naval vessel, 153. Aston, William, drover, 187. Atkins, Henry, letter mentioned, 75. Atkins, Peter, account, 49, 53. "A Traveler," reminiscences, 269. Attorney, power of, 301. Augusta (Ky.), letters from, 284, 286. Augusta County (Va.), early settlers, 275; sheriff, 3, 55 ; coroner, 6 ; escheator, 8 ; justice of peace, 7 ; county lieutenants, 1, 6, 11, 37 ; militia officers, 1-5 ; court- martials, 2-5 ; duties, 2 ; exports, 52 ; land grants in, 1-3, 5 ; Indian disturb- , anc.es, 9—11, 54, 273 ; early Indian battle, 248, 278, 283 ; frontier defense, 13, 19, 22. .27, 37, 54, 56 ; register of killed and wounded, 8 ; ranges, 46 ; in Dunmore's , , War, .157, 159 ; Indian invasions, 154, 284 ; in Revolution, 135, 263-265 ; officers, 145, 146; boundaries, 3, 8; surveyors, 102, 103; division of, 59-61; residents, 51, .68, 148, 155,. 261, 275 ; school in, 166. ,Aumiller, Daniel, certification, 259. Austin, John P., commissioner, 299. Austin, Wallace, Augusta County resident, 13. Austin, Capt. William, accused of disloy alty, 133. Avery, Col. — , message for, 237. Avery, Waightstill, boundary commissioner, ,.117. Aylett, Col. William, commissary, 210. Backley, Robert, commissioner, 247. Bailey, Abraham, receipt, 17. Bainbridge, James, receipt, 167. Baine; Mrs. — , Kentucky farm, 320. Baker, Henry, killed by Indians, 264, 298. Baker, Capt. Martin, witness, 167, 172, 173 ; receipt, 172 ; on Cherokee expedition, 181. Baker, Robert, land claim, 229. Baker, Samuel, witness, 157. Baker, Thomas, soldier, 44. Baker's Station, in Indian Wars, 255. Bald Eagle, Delaware Indian, killed, 281, 283. Bald Eagle's Nest (Pa.), Indian skirmish nt, 260 ; scouting from, 257. Ballycassidy (Ireland), letter from, 1. Baltimore (Md.), transportation to, 249; letter from, 246 ; letters to, 247, 272- 2X0; Sun, cited, 278. Baltimore County (Md. ), native, 263; resi dent, 275. Bane Sr., James, loyalist, 135, 213 ; gives bond, 131. Bane Jr., James, witness, 118 ; receipt, 206; loyalist, 130, 135 ; gives bond, 131. Bane, John, wounded, 255. Bane, William, wife killed by Indians, 163. Banks, Henry, land grant, 302. Bannister, Col. John, in Revolution, 116. Baptism, of infants, origin, 305. Barclay, Hugh, deputy quartermaster, 165— 168, 172, 174-176, 178-183; receipts, 205. Barclay Jr., Hugh, voucher, 166. Barclay, John, voucher, 165, 181. Bardstrom (Ky.), route via, 308. Barker, Elias, survey for, 192. Barker, L, endorsement, 250. Barkley, Joseph, receipt, 200. Barley, yield per acre, 304. Barnes, F., Kentucky land owner, 100 ; land for sale, 227. Barnes, John, receipt, 200. Barnes, Thomas, receipt, 57. Barnett, Capt. James, magistrate, 135 ; pur chases provisions, 172 ; orders troops, 216. Barnhart, George, certification, 264. Barr, Alexander, pension statement, 268. Barr, David, pension statement, 260. Barr, William, pension statement, 250-252. Barrager, Philip, witness, 118 ; gives bond, 131 ; to make purchases, 143. Bartlett, Joseph, killed by Indians, 142. Bartons Lick (Ky.), settled, 109. Bass, — , messenger, 134. Bates, James, sells horses, 201. Bates, Thomas, receipt, 201. Battles : -Augusta County (1742), 148, 248, 278, 283. Big Island. See below, Long Island on Holston. [312] Ind ex Battles — continued Braddock's defeat (1755), 273, 277, 281. Brandywine (1777), 250, 266, 274. ' 'Buford's (1780), 251, 252. Bunker Hill (1775), 112, 274. toucher's Bridge (1777), 250. Cowpens (1781), 251, 252. Estill's defeat (1782), 277. Eutaw Springs (1781), 251. Fallen Timbers (1794), 281. Fort Montgomery (1777), 261. Germantown (1777), 266. Grant's defeat (1758), 149, 273, 292. Guilford (1781), 252, 261, 265. Harlem Heights (1776), 274. ' Island Flats. See below, Long Island on Holston. King's Mountain (1780), 136, 265-267, 272, 276. Lexington (1775), 104, 274. Long Island (N. Y., 1776), 252. Long Island (Big Island) on Holston (1776), 113, 115, 163, 164, 183, 266, 271, 272, 275-277, 295, 296. Monmouth (1778), 266, 274. Point Pleasant (1774), 96, 97, 157, 158, 160-162, 249, 252, 253, 261, 269, 270, 272-274, 276, 281, 282, 292, 296-298, 300 ; site, 293, 295 ; song, 277 ; commis sion for monument, 298. Monmouth (1778), 266, 274. Reedy Fork (1781), 265J Skagg's Creek (1784), 261. Stony Point (1779), 124. Trenton (1777), 252, 266, 274. Valley of Virginia. See above, Augusta County. Wayne's. See above, Fallen Timbers. Wheeling (1777, 1782), 256, 257, 266, 262, 263, 267-269. See also Forts: Henry. White Plains (1776), 274. Whitsell's Mills (1781), 265. Wyoming (1778), 129, 269. Yorktown (1781), 261, 266. Baum, Frederick, pension statement, 255, - 256. Baum, Livingston, signature, 255. Baxter, Louisa P., information from, 294. Baxter, Gen. Sydney S., reference to, 273 ; letter, 282. Baxter, William, pension statement, 257 ; deposition, 261, 262. B-ean, James. See Bane. ¦Bear Garden (Va.), visited, 10. Beard, — , characterized, 64. Beard, John,- receipt, 184, 185, 252 ; officer, 275, 277. Beard, Samuel, receipt, 179. Beatty, Hugh, pension statement, -258. Bcaty. John, account, 45. Beaver, Abraham, loyalist, 135. Beck, John, messenger, 101. Beckett, John, voucher, 210. Beckley, .1., clerk, 110. Beckley, John, master drover, 205; land claim, 302. Bedford (Ta.), described, 253. Bedford County (Pa.), native, 258; militia, 257, 25.S. Bedford County (Tenn.), Revolutionary vet- e-ran in, 266. Bedford County (VaJ), visited, 56; letter from. 64, 102 ; estate in, 114 ; will drawn in, 157 ; troops from, 216 ; surgeon, 164 ; Lewis dies in, 292. Bee, George, ranger, 12. Beech Bottom, on the Ohio, letter from, 212. Beech Hill (Va.), letter from, 295. Beel, Robert, land owner, 304. Beeler, Col. James, in Revolution, 265. Beeler, John, sells horse, 201. Beer, directions for making, 301, 306. Bcldenback, Capt. — ; in Revolution, 268. Bell, Capt. George, in Revolution, 260. Bell, Capt. James, in Revolution, 261. Bell, Joseph, receipts, 18, 10, 28. Bell, William, land claim, 221, 242, 245, .''02 ; assignee, 226, 242. Belley, Abraham, receipt, 28. Bellfield, Capt. John, in Revolution, 251, 252. Bells' Meadows, fort at, 77. Belmont (Va.), Fleming's residence, 134, 157, 232. Bendeaux family, captured, 281. Bendy, John, order, 52. Bennett, Charles, survey for, 192. Benton, John, killed by Indians, 238. Berkeley County (Va.), resident, 232. Berks County (Pa.), native, 255. Berry, William, pension statement, 261. Berting, Peter, pension statement, 258. Best, John, voucher, 210. Beverly, William, lieutenant of Augusta County, 2 ; letter, 1 ; mill site, 3 ; law suit, 6. Beverly Manor (Va. ), land sold, 6. Bickly, Joseph, Kentucky land owner, 68, 100. Big Barren, route via, 308. Big Levels, rendezvous of troops, 89. See also Camp Union. Biggs, Alexander, receipt, 167. [313] Inde) Biggs, Capt. Benjamin, in Revolution, 255, 266 ; letters to, 241, 247, 249 ; purchase from, 224. Biggs, John, voucher, 210. Biggs, Capt. Joseph, in Indian wars, 262, 285. 288. Biggs, Thomas, killed by Indians, 287. Billey, Cherokee Indian, murdered, 76. Bingeman, John, narrative, 155, 299. Bird, — , surveyor, 246. Bird, Col. — , in Revolution, 259. Bird. William, land grant, 302. Birdwell, George, receipt, 37. Birdwell. Robert, receipt, 173, 184. Bishop, George, substitute for, 258. Bishop. Lawrence, pension statement, 257, 25S. Black, — . messenger, 55. Black, Alexander, receipt. 17, 38, 39. Black, Henry, of Pennsylvania, pension statement, 257. Black. Capt. Henry, of Virginia, militia of ficer, 216. Black, Martha, preemption claim, 220, 221. Black, Matthew, preemption claim, 223. 224, 230, 242. Black, William, receipt, 22, 28, 39. Black Lick, letter from, 90. Blackburn. Archibald, land grant. 106, 107. Blacburn, Robert, statement of account, 203. Blackly, Charles, land grant, 105. Blackmore, John, negroes captured, 98 ; emi grates, 276. See also Forts : Blackmore. Blackwell. Capt. John E.. messenger, 139. Blair, Archibald, copy of letter, 141 ; certi fication, 193. Blair, Hon. John, letters, 70, 71, 14S ; letter to, 7, 8, 59; certificate, 11. Blair, William, survey for, 192. Blanchard, D., land entry, 304. Bland, Edward, Discover!/ of Neu- Brittaine, copy, 147. Bland, Col. Theodoric. in Revolution, 251, 050. Bledsoe, Abraham, ranger, 36 ; bounty for killing Indians, 36 ; letter enclosed, 92. Bledsoe, Anthony, letters, 86, 92, 96, 109, 231 ; letter to, 110 ; receipts, 58, 197 ; wit ness, 59 ; land claim, 225 ; militia of ficer, 193. Bledsoe, Catherine, letter, 237 ; letter to, 238. Bledsoe, Isaac, killed by Indians, 2.".7-239. Bledsoe's Lick (Tenn.), letter from, 235. Rlevins, — , lawsuit, 237. Blount, William, governor of Tennessee, 237. Blountsville (Tenn.), letter from. 296. Boal, Capt. — , in Revolution, 265. Bodkin, Hugh, receipt, 17, 28. Bodkin, James, receipt, 14, 28, 39. Bodkin, Richard, receipt, 17. Bodley, Thomas, witness, 220 ; signs land entry, 223, 224, 230. Boerhaave, Dr. Herman, Elementa Chemiae, copy, 147. Bogge, — , message for, 142. Boggs, Robert, receipt for, 207. Boggs, William, letter, 297. Bond, Edward, gives bond, 217. Bonnes, — , cannot get sulphur, 116. Boone, Albert <;., portrait, 297. Boone, Daniel, explores Kentucky, 94, 106 ; ^ent to warn surveyors, 75, 78, 79 ; in Dunmore's War, 86, 91, 92, 95, 99 ; peti tion regarding, 95 ; joins Russell, 98 ; sends powder. 111 ; surveyor, 224 ; de scendants, 297 ; portrait, 297. Boone, Jemima, captured, 164. Boone, Nathan, military record, 297. Boone family, in Oregon, 297. Boonesborough (Ky.), described, 218. Booth, Daniel, survey for, 192. Booth, Capt. James, in Revolution, 259 ; letter, 210. Borden, Benjamin, grants lease, 1, 2 ; grant for. 247 ; accounts, 6 ; suit with hei,rs, 247, 282. Bordeti, Joseph, lawsuit, 247. Borden family, data, 247. Boren, Charles, pension statement, 263. Borrongh. John, married, 133. Boston (Mass.). letter from, 55; disturb ances at, 54 ; in Revolution, 90, 103, 104, 106. Botetourt County (Va.), visited, 98; sur veyor. 66, 103; court, 100, 221; county lieutenant, 163, 164, 214 ; justice of peace, US : clerk, 156 ; troops. 89, 114, 135--139, 157-160, 162, 214. 215. 287; officer, 145 ; frontier defense, 110. 113, 114, 264; representative in legislature, 139; loyalists' trials in, 135; letters from, 119, 132, 142; residents, 62, 110, 12.**.. 135, 157. 165, 177, 192, 211, 215, 217, 218, 220-222, 227, 230-232, 236, 241, 293, 294 ; natives, 292 ; clergy in, 63. Botetourt Court House (Va.), letter from, 227. Botetourt Springs (Va.). tombstone near, 293. Bouldin, Jacob, inventor, 247. Bouldin, Thomas, certificate, 22. Boundaries : Indian, 54 ; Cherokee lands, 70, 71, 79, 90, 117, 118; Virginia, 68 Virginia-North Carolina, 61, 219, 307- Virginia-Pennsylvania, 73, 124, 220, -221 Virginia-Tennessee 246 ; surveyed, 227. [314] Index Bounties, for enlistment, 57, 126; lands for military service, 60, 65-70, 77, 99, 100, 102, 105, 128, 148, 154-156, 274; for killing wolves, 2, 3 ; for killing Indians, 36. Bourbon County (Ky.). surveys in, 232. Boutillet, Jacque, deed of land, 155. Bowen, Capt. Reese, message for, 126 ; on Cherokee expedition, 178. BoweT (Va. ). Dandridge's residence, 282. Bowman, Col. John, commands Kentucky forces, 193; certificate, 184; describes battle, 163 ; accounts of, 174 ; medicine for. 223. Bowman, Maj. Joseph, death, 125. Bowman's Station (Ky. ), commissioners at, 224. Bowyer, Charles C. commissioner, 299. Bowyer, Col. Henry, sketch, 291 ; men tioned, 137. Bowyer, John, reports orders, 159 ; receipts, 171, 182 ; witness, 187-189 ; lawsuit, 247, 282. Bowyer, Thomas, enters land, 73 ; receipt, 184. Bowyer, Capt. William, in Revolution, 264 ; letter, 162 ; letter to, 160 ; witness, 58. Bowyer family, data on, 247. Bowyer vs. Borden, lawsuit, 247, 282. Boyd. — , bond, 60. Boyd, Alexander, receipt, 58 ; land grant, 67. Boyd, Andrew, messenger to Cherokee, 80, 105; 'etter, 143; land grant, 67; wit ness. 132 ; magistrate, 135. Boyd. J. B., Draper's correspondent, 73. Boyd. James, surveyor, 157. Boyd, John, Kentucky land owner, 100. Boyd. Capt. Matthew, in Revolution, 258. Boyd, Thompson, settlement. 227. Boydston, James, receipt, 206J Boynton, John, Philadelphia merchant, 155 ; land grants, 155, 156. Boynton, Wharton & Morgan, buy lands, 155. Bracken Academy, list of trustees, 242; land surveys for, 243, 244. Bracken County (Ky. ), letters from, 284, 286 ; plat of land in, 245. Braddock, Gen. Edward, defeat, 273, 277, 281. Bradford, Maj. Henry, letter, 238. Bradford, Rev. William, residence, 303. Bradley family, murdered by Indians, 217. Bradshaw, John, pension statement, 262. Brady, J., mentioned, 289. Brady, John, petition, 254. Brady, Samuel, Revolutionary veteran, 254. Brady, Capt. Samuel, in Revolution, 255. Brander, John, messenger, 106. Brane, Jams, survey for, 192. Brashears, Col. — , at Brownsville, 253. Brashears. William, in Revolution, 268. Bratton, Robert, land grant, 3 ; receipts, 23, 39. 46 ; militia officer, 11. Breckinridge, — , land claim, 230. Breckinridge, Alexander, messenger, 103 ; letters, 120, 125. 139, 143. Breckinridge, Elizabeth, married, 293. Breckinridge. J., lawyer, 244. Breckinridge, James, scholar, 68, 127, 136 ; sketch, 292 ; daughter, 293. Breckinridge, John, message for, 123 ; let ters, 139, 140. Breckinridge, Rev. John, sketch, 297. Breckinridge, R. J., letters, 284, 297. Breckinridge, Robert, receipt, 177. Breckinridge, Col. Robert, letter, 58 ; health poor, 6-", ; son, 292. Breckinridge, Lettice (Mrs. Robert), mes sage for, 103 ; payment, 105. Breckenridge, William, scholar, 68 ; sur veyor's commission, 128 ; letter, 128, 129. Breckinridge family, data on, 145, 284. Brewster, Sackford, explorer, 147. Briar, William, receipt, 194. Brice, Abram, receipt, 177. Bridger, James, killed by Indians, 264, 298. Bridger, John, killed by Indians, 264, 298. Brigham, James, letter, 59. Bright, — , lands purchased from, 61. Bright, Albertus, receipt, 206. Bright, Samuel, receipt, 28. Briseo, Capt. William, raising militia, 109. British, army embarks, 120 ; occupy New York, 125 ; capture Charleston, 129 ; in vade Virginia, 136 ; Indian policy, 110, 105 ; western operations, 211 ; 18th In fantry. 155, 156; navy list, 249; treaty with, 240 ; parliament, 127. Brittain, Nathaniel, tried for horse steal ing, 132: loyalist, 135, 138. Brock, Capt. — , in Indian wars, 255. Brockunier, Wilbur C, letters, 295, 297. Brodhead, Col. Daniel, campaign, 256, 257, 260, 205, 200 ; commandant at Fort Pitt, 266. Bronstetter, Andrew, accused of disloyalty, 133, 138. Bronstetter family, loyalists, 138. Brooke County (Va.), resident, 253, 274; Revolutionary veterans in, 257, 261, 262, 267. Brooks, Charles, pension statement, 258. Brooks, Matthew, letter, 110. [315] Ind ex Brooks's Landing (Ky.), in Fayette County, 24 2. Brown, Abraham, account, 3R. Brown, col. Alexander, in Revolution, 265. Brown, Arabia, pension statement, 288. Bj-own, Basil, narrative, 299. Brown, Benjamin, land grant. 103. Brown, James, sells horse, 209. Brown, James, lawyer, 145; letter, 145. Brown, John, voucher, 181. Brown, Capt. John, militia officer, 5, 8 ; receipts, 13; witness, 19, 36, 51, 200. Brown. Rev. John, letters, 57, 61-65, 72, 85, 103, 105-108, 139, 140, 142-144; message for, 55. Brown, Rev. John, Presbyterian minister, in Kentucky, 275. Brown Jr., John, letters, 123, 125-128, 130, 134, 136, 141, 144, 236. Brown, Capt. Oliver, in Revolution, 274. Brown, Orlando, cited, 161. Brown, Paddy, messenger, 94. Brown, Capt. Samuel, commissary, 164 ; receipt, 213. Brown, Dr. Samuel, Kentucky physician. 246. Brown, William, receipt, 190 ; deposition, 218. Brown, William, of Ohio, pension state ment, 258, 259. Brown family, intermarriages, 145. Browning, Jeremiah, certification, 262, Brownsville (Pa.), resident, 253, 299. Bruce, Jacob, endorsement, 193. Bryan, James, receipt, 46. Bryan, John, messenger to Cherokee, 110. Bryan, Capt. Thomas, commands militia, 92. Bryant's Station (Ky.), described, 218. Buchanan, — , receives commissions, 128. Buchanan, Col. — , in Revolution, 260. Buchanan, Alexander, witness, 44 ; receipt, Buchanan, Archibald, receipt, 27 ; family endangered, 94. Buchanan, Capt.1 Arthur, in Revolution, 255. Buchanan. James, money sent to, 64 ; let ter, 115; appointment, 123; assistant commissary, 101, 206. Buchanan. Capt. John, officer in French and Indian War, 2, 38 ; accounts, 39 ; witness, 23, 25. Buchanan, Col. John, land patents, 1, 2, 8, 237; surveyor, 140: sheriff, 55; lieuten ant of Augusta County, 37 ; at Fort Fauquier, 44, 45, 47: militia officer, 4, 11--14; accounts, 0, 22, 39, 54; voucher, 37 ; provisions for, 44, 4C : orders for. Buchanan, Coi. John — continued 1 9 ; receipt, 35 ; collector of customs, 52 ; agent of land company, 6 ; payment to, 63 ; to visit London, 56 ; absence, 49 ; letter, 58; letters to, 9, 13, 36, 37, 56; message for, 55 ; journal of trip, 4 ; es tate, 61, 62, 71. Buchanan Jr., John, in Dunmore's War, 99; letter, 115; family, 94; sketch of promised, 276. Buchanan, Joseph, receipt, 177. Buchanan, Capt. Patrick, in Revolution, 199. Buchanan, Samuel, residence, 63. Buchanan, William, ensign in Dunmore's War, 75 ; voucher, 85 ; in Revolution, 201, 276. Buchanan, William, affidavit before, 267. Buckhannon (Va. ), letter from, 283. Bucks County (Pa.), native, 264. Buenos Aires, described, 305. Buffalo (X. Y.), resident, 271, 272; dis tance from, 305. Buford, Col. Abraham, defeat, 251, 252. Buford, Capt. James, receipt, 190, 195. Buford, Capt. Thomas, in Dunmore's War, 162 ; will, 157. Buford, William, witness, 174. Bukey, John, widow, 281. Bukey, William, notes on, 288. Bull, William, governor of South Carolina, 150, 153, 154; letter, 151. Bull Pasture (Va.O, fort at, 12, 13, 18. Bull Town, Indian village, 283 ; distance to, 308. Bullen, Rev. Joseph, missionary, 307. Bullitt, Thomas, surveyor, 102, 103 ; lands surveyed, 70 : accounts, 13 ; collection from. 241: letters. 70, 71, 91; Revolu tionary services, 299 ; petition of heirs, 299. Bullitt County (Ky.), Revolutionary veter ans in, 257. Bullock, Josias, receipt, 190. Bullock, John, loyalist, 138j Bunyan, Isaac, taxes, 142. Burgess, Thomas, soldier, 52. Burgess, Walter, sugar camp, 242. Burk, David, sells cotton, 251. Burk, Thomas, buys land of Patton, 140; account, 213 ; letters, 72, 118 ; in tbe militia, 108 ; accused of disloyalty, 131, 213 ; in Revolution, 201. Burke, Peter, indenture, 1. Burk's Garden (Va.), land title, 149; vis ited, 10. Burnsides, James, receipt, 27. Burnt Station (Tenn.). See Gillespie's. [316] Inde: Burris, John. See Borrough. Burwell, Mrs. Martha, sketch, 293. Bute County (X. C), letter from, 122. Butler, John, loyalist, 129. Butler, Mann, article, 268. Bush, Capt. Henry, in Revolution, 23S. Bush, William, land grant, 104. Bustard, David, accused of disloyalty, 133. Bynes, Edmond, land entry, 220, 221, 242, 245. 304 ; survey for, 227. Byrd, Bevill, receipt, 54. Byrd, Col. William, in French and Indian War, 150. 290; letters, 64, 65, 100, 103, 152-154, 156: letters to, 71, 148-153 instructions. 151, 152 ; resignation, 153 land grants. 6S, 125 ; builds fort, 296 road, 290 ; in Dunmore's War, 77 ; list of men, 150 ; marriage, 152 ; money from, 104. Byrd Jr., William, signature, 150. Byrn. Capt. James, magistrate, 135 ; orders for. 13(i, 138: land grant, 73; receipt, 207. C — , Jacob, receipt, 39. Cadron i St. Piere), Charles, deed of land, 150. Cadwell. Aaron, justice of peace, 240. C.-ihoon, William, note's on, 293. Cain, John, receipt, 181. Calalton. William, receipt, 184. Caldwell, James, son, 257. Caldwell. John, Revolutionary services, 256, 257, 260. 261, 267. Caldwell, John, letter, 239. Caldwell, Samuel, pension statement, 263. Caldwell, Walter, killed by Indians, 211. Calf Pasture (Va.l, in French and Indian War. 37, 49 : lands at. 72. Callanhan, George, article, 269. Callaway, — , captive, 279. Callaway, Col. James, furnishes militia, .-,0 : letter, 64 ; receipt, 179. Callaway, John, receipt, 190, 191. Callaway girls, captured, 164. Calvert, William, witness, 100 ; sells horses, 195. Cameron, — , British Indian agent, 74, 97, 109, 118. Cameron, Alexander, pension statement, 205. Cameion. Col. Charles, in Dunmore's War, 274 ; letter, 227 ; receipt, 167. Cameron, George, killed, 274. Camm, John, master of William and Mary College, 65 ; letter, 102 ; letter to, 103. Camp Haverstraw, letter from, 125. Camp Ramipaw, letters from, 125. Camp Six Mile, rendezvous, 182. Camp I'nion, in Dunmore's War, 87-89, 92 '.Mi, 157, 15.S; in the Revolution, 164 105, 177, 211, 258. See also Big Levels. Campbell, Andrew, voucher, 172. Campbell, Col. Arthur, land grants, 68, 125 militia officer, 76, 100, 228 ; list of killed and wounded, 100 ; letters, 60, 74 70, 78. 81-86, 88-101, 129, 231, 232, 2 248 ; letters to, S3, 85, 248 ; extract of letter, 137 ; information from, 64 ; paper sent to, 01 ; biographical notes on, 269. Campbell, Charles, buys lands, 6 ; messen ger, 04 ; in Revolution, 282. Campbell, Charles, Introduction to History of Virginia, appendix, 281 ; biographical notes on, 281. Campbell, Gov. David, letters, 271, 272, 276; letters to, 271. 272; memorandum, 213 ; sends letter, 248. Campb'-ll, (ieorge, receipt, 2:',. Campbell, James, receipt, 30, 40, 203. Campbell, J.-imes, extracts from letter, 271. Campbell. John, on scout. 74 ; in Dunmore's War, 94 ; on Cherokee expedition, 175, 176; in Revolution, 271, 272, 275; vouchers, 168, 181 ; land grants, 3, 105. Campbell, Patrick, on Cherokee expedition, 172 ; witness. 6, 179. Campbell, Col. Robert, in Revolution, 271 ; witness, 29. Campbell, Samuel, receipt, 46, 201 ; wit ness, 2S. Campbell, Samuel D., letters, 281, 282. Campbell, Dr. Samuel L., letters to, 269, 270 ; Memoir, 281. Campbell, Sarah B., letter, 237; educa tion, 232 ; marriage, 235. Campbell, William, in Dunmore's War, 75, 70. 83-85, 88 ; muster roll, 81 ; in Rev olution, 217, 267; leads expedition, 129, 130, 134, 137; disabled, 136; magis trate, 135; letters, 127, 128, 134; re ceipts, 36, 194, 195 ; witness, 187 ; mes senger, 137; Kentucky land, 302; sketch, 209. Campbell, William M., supplies for Chero kee expedition, 168. Campbell family, information on, 293. Campbell County (Ky. ) , Revolutionary veteran in, 264. Campleton, Capt. John, in Revolution, 255, 250. Canada, geography of, 305 ; population, .".08. Canals, proposed system, 305. Cancer, remedy for, 303, 306. [317] Indej Canning. E. W. B.. narrative, 297. Caret, Richard, receipt, 197. Carletou, Sir Guy. British commander, 107. Carlile. James, land agent, 3. Carlile, John, receipt, 14, 20, 20, 48. Carlile, Robert, receipt, 39. Carlisle, William, sells horse, 207. Carlisle (Pa.), native, 259. Carneal, E., lawsuit, 254. Carolina, boundary, 01 ; explored, 147. See also Xorlb Carolina, and South Carolina. Caroline County (Va.), letter from, 22. Carmack, Cornelius, in Revolution, 271. Carpenter. Capt. Christopher, in Revolu tion, 259. Carpenter, Joseph, soldier, 51. Carpenter, Solomon, account, 51. Carpenter, Thomas, receipt, 51, 19S. Carr, John, survey for. 192. Carriek, Rev. — . residence, 303. Carrington. Philip, on Committee of Safety, 108. Carroll, Capt. Charles, in Revolution, 26S. Carroll. Joseph, witness. 172, 174; receipt. 174. Carson, David, purchases provisions, 180. Carson, Richard, land claim, 234. Carson, William, receipt, 51. Carter. — . Kentucky land owner. 100. Carter, Deal, killed by Indians, 95. Carter, James, land grant, 3. Carter, John, letter, 110: survey for, 192. Carter, Merry, receipt, 190. Cartmill. Henry, receipt, 108, 184. Cartrcll, Ensign Thomas, in Revolution, 203. Carver. Jonathan, travels, 305. Carvin, — , lawsuit, 58. Carvin, Edward, receipt, 172, 198. Cary, Col. Archibald, letters. 59, 114. Casber. Jonathan, pension statement, 265, 200. Castor oil. production of, 305. Castle, B:r/.lr, pension statement, 205. Castle. Jacob, at Battle of King's Moun tain. 205. Castle Hill (Va.), Walker's residence, 142, 1-14, 28(1, 2S7. Castle's Woods (Vn.), garrison at, 91, 93, 95 ; letter from, 09. Caswell, Go\. Richard, commission. 117. Catawba Indians, in Frencli and Indian War, 9: in Dunmore's War, 91. Cates. Conrad, receipt. 29. Cat hey, Edward, witness, 173. Cathey, Capt. James, militia officer, 2. Catron, Peter, pensiou statement, 265. Catron, Stufflc, son, 205. Cavanaugh, Philip, in Dunmore's War, 84. Cavil. Capt. Samuel, in Revolution, 266. Cayuga Indians, chief, 295. Cecil 1)1,1), visit to, 245. Cement, recipe for, 306. Centre County (Pa.), Revolutionary vet eran in, 20K. Chalmers. George, Introduction to His tory of rrrolt of American Colonies, cited. 278 ; account of battle cited, 283. Chambers, Col.1 James, in Revolution, 258. Chambers. John, receipt. 14, 35. C'luunbersbuig (Pa.), resident, 265. Champaign County (Ohio), Revolutionary veteran in, 208. Champ, William, sells provisions, 175. Chaney, Charles, survey for. 192. Chaplin, Moses M., certification, 257. Charter, James, receipt. 198. Charleston (S. C), route via, 00; in Cher okee War, 151: Revolution, 1 2S. 129; letter from. 151. Charleston (Vn. and W. Va.), resident, 280 : distances to, 30S ; Courier, reprint from, 29.".. Charlestown (Mass.). victory at, 112. Charlestown (Va.). letter from, 247. Charlton. Capt. — , money from, 104. Charlton. James, receipt, 207. Charlton, John, sells horses, 207. Chatham. Capt. John, in Revolution, 249, 259. 209, 270. Chaufour, — -. See Louvierc. Chemistry, list of books on. 303. Chenoweth, William, attacked by Indians, 2S4. Cherokee Indians, in French and Indian War. 9, 10, 12, 22, 30. 37, 50, 149; maltreated by whites. 7, 58 : treaty with, 00: boundary line, 54, 70, 71, 90, 117, 118: wish to avoid war. 74. 79; dreaded. 75 ; instigated by British, SO, 110 ; hos tile, 70. 90-92, 105, 106, 109-114. 150- 154, 105. 205. 295: message to, 78. 81, 102. 105; message from, 96, 100, 109; council with, 97. 116-118: do not obey chiefs. 97 ; expedition against, 112-116, 137. 145. 103-210, 213. 214, 200, 277; encrojichnieuts on, 22S : mission for, 228 ; sell land, 99, 101, 102 : chief's kindness. 280 : corn dance, 90. Chester County (Ta. ), native, 256, 257; residents. 225. 220 ; marriages in, 223 ; courts. 233 ; lawsuit, 244 : land, 231. Chew, Benjamin, student at Princeton, 302 ; legal opinion, 233. Chew, Colby, surveyor, 124. [318] Index Chew, Maj. James, in Revolution, 212 ; let ter, 213; death, 225. Chicago Times, clipping from, 297. Chiekamauga Indians, expedition against, 129, 206. Chickasaw Indians, mission to, 224 ; trade with, 228 ; missionaries among, 307. Childress, James, sells cotton, 251. Chilhowe campaign, 275, 277. Chillicothe, Shawnee town, 214. Chillicothe (Ohio), residents, 285, 286, 299; letter from, 286 ; statement taken- at, 252; Cazette, cited, 254, 289. Chippewa Indians, attack Kentuckians, 212. Chips, . — , charge against, 241. Chota, Cherokee town, 79, 151. Chouteau, Peter, Indian agent, 248. Christian, Col. George, letter, 275, 277 ; statement criticized, 272. Christian, Gilbert, commands fort, 95 ; on Cherokee expedition, 200 ; letter, 109 ; letter to, 144. Christian, Capt. Israel, militia officer, 11; witness, 2S ; emigration to Virginia, 294 ; death, 294. Christian, J. Bolivar, notes on, 294. Christian, J. R., letters, 203, 294 ; letter to, 294 ; ancestry, 294. Christian, Capt. John, militia officer, 2. Cliristian, Col. William, magistrate, 135 ; in Virginia legislature, 139, 141 ; opposition to, 66 ; land grant, 68, 100 ; Indian com missioner, 116, 1-17 ; in Dunmore's War, 77, 92, 96, 157-159, 161 ; company rolls, 57, 58, 88; letters, 74-79, 87, 89, 98, 100, 105, 106, 111, 115, 116, 125, 137, 141, 144, 153, 159, 217, 227, 229, 230 ; letters to, 75, 76, 103, 107 ; messenger, 102 ; message for, 98 ; sends message to Kentucky, 106 ; account of Point Pleas ant expedition, 97 ; commands Cherokee expedition, 116, 175, 180, 182, 183, 193, 267, 277 ; def-ending frontier, 218 ; call for meeting, 163 ; biographical data, 271 ; death, 294. Christian, Mrs.1 William, message for, 158 ; death, 233. Christian family, information on, 275, 293, 294. Christian County (Ky.), academy in, 242- 244. Christie, Dr. — . sells medicine, 238. Church, Robert, receipt, 190. Churchman, George, certification, 231. Cincinnati (Ohio), resident, 282; Draper at, 240 ; house rent, 284. Claibbrne, William, introduced, 240. Claiborne County (Miss.), emigration to, 286. Claire, — , account, 254. Clark, George Rogers, defends frontier, 127, 128, 296; returns to Virginia, 122; ex peditions, 143, 222, 279 ; troops, 219 ; re inforced, 130; in Illinois, 218; public ac counts, 224 ; information on, 282. Clark, Col. Isaac, representative, 127. Clark, Capt. James, in Revolution, 268. Clark, Jeremiah, survey for, 192. Clark, Reuben, reference, 269. Clark, Robert, receipt, 191. Clark, Capt. Walter, in Revolution, 258. Clark, Capt. William, defends frontier, 254. Clark County (111.'), Revolutionary veteran in, 261, 263. Clarke, John, land entry, 304. Clarksburg (Va.), letter from, 271; dis tance to, 308. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, publishers, 291. Clay, Henry, biography, 279. Claypole, Gen. — , loyalist, 2 78. Clements, Jacob, land grant, 3 ; receipt, 36. Clendennin, Charles, receipt, 48. Clendennin, James, soldier, 48. Clifton, John, loyalist, 138. Clingan, William, account, 243 ; witness, 233. Clinton, Gen. Henry, in Revolution, 126. Clinton (Tenn.), letter from, 271. Clover, yield per acre, 304. Cloyd, David, receipt, 50. Cloyd, Joseph, ranging, 56 ; commands militia, 77 ; in Revolution, 134, 215, 217 ; letters, 70, 138, 143 ; letters to, 75, 76 ; receipts, 176, 177; money for, 56, 57; lawsuit. 59, 63 ; charges against, 10. Cloyd, Michael, receipt, 194. Cloyd, Ninian, family at fort, 77. Cluggage, Capt. Robert, in Revolution, 257, 258 ; orders, 216 ; letter, 216. Cluggage, Capt. Thomas, in Revolution, 257, 258. Clymer, George, commissioner, 119. Coal, in Illinois, 156 ; method of locating, 300. Coburn, Jonathan, survey for, 192. Cochran, Samuel, surveyor, 231. Cocke, James, letter to, 193. Cocke, Gen. Stephen, letter, 270. Cocke, William, in French and Indian War, 148 ; goes to Carolina, 91 ; raises men, 94, 101 ; pursues Indians, 95 ; defended, 183 ; not at Battle of Long Island, 271 ; letters, 86, 89-91, 97, 110; message for, [319] Ind ex Cocke, William — continued 144 ; resolution of, 93 ; desires service, 97 ; biographical data, 270. Codere, John, receipt, 29. Cole. Charles, article, 295, 296. Cole, S., pension clerk, 288. Coleman, Southerly H, certification, 261. Collier. Moses, receipts, 198. Collins, Capt. — , money from, 104. Collins, William, receipt, 207. Colton, Calvin, Life of Clay, criticized, 197 Revolutionary 270. See War, dele- fron- Columbia County (Pa.) veteran in, 255, 256. Columbus (Miss.), lette'r from, Co'lvill, Andrew7, residence, 78. Committee of Safety, named, 107. Congress, early session, 237 ; petition to, 254 : apportions representation, 236 ; representatives, 249, 292 ; grant for schools, 243 ; action on treaty, 240. also Continental Congress. Conjurer, Cherokee chief, 149. Connolly, John, maltreats Indian, 7. Connolly, Capt. John, in Dunmore's 77, 79 ; gives information, 74. Connor, Daniel, receipt, 24. Constitution. See United States. Continental army, troops for, 135. Continental Congress, meeting, 90 ; gates, 87, 107 ; Indian policy, 122 ; tier defense, 119 : criticized, 124. Coochocking. See Cuchackunk. Cook, Capt. — , in Revolution, 264. Cook, Adam, soldier, 208. Cook, Col. Edward, letter to, 212. Cook, Harmon, receipt, 176. Cook, John, letter, 182 ; receipt, 208 ness, 176. Cooper, Alexander, leases land, 244 ; fendant, 245. 247; witness, 239. Cooper, II., visits Illinois, 241 ; letter from, 243. Cooper, James, loyalist, 13S. C,>oper, John, leases land, 240, 244, 245; defendant, 247. Cooper, Thomas, land claim, 242, 244 ; no tice served on, 245. Cnpeley, Thomas, loyalist, 135. Copeman, David, loyalist, 138. Corbet, .lames, receipt, 16S. Corn, yield per acre, 304. Corn, Timothy, pensiou statement, 288. Cornstalk, Shawnee chief, 164, 165, 269 ; letter to, 102, 104 ; murder of, 213-215, 253, 258, 270, 277, 281, 288, 293. Cornwall (Eng.), resident, 1. wit- de- ; Cornwallis. George, earl, in Revolution, 126, 139 ; surrenders, 259. 261, 266, 269. I Cosby, David, note. 50. : Coshocton, Indian town, 255. See also Cuchackunk. Cotton, purchased, 251, 252 ; machines for carding, 237 : directions for dyeing, 301 ; factory established, 304. Coudry, Isaac, cotton buyer, 251. Coul, Samuel, receipt, 207. Coulton, Robert, witness, 2. Coulter, Michael, receipt, 1S8 ; witness, 189. , Cove, garrisoned. 100. I Cow Pasture (Pa.), route via, 56. Cow Pasture (Va. ), resident, 108; mas sacre at. 57. Cowalt, Abraham, residence. 25S. Cowan, Andrew, sells horses, 204. Cowan, John, iu Dunmore's War, 82. Cowan, Robert, receipt, 190. Cowan, William, land grant, 104. Cnx, — , reprieve for, 239. , Cox. Capt. — , captured, 217. I Cox, Lieut. Gabriel, in Revolution, 21Q. I Cox, George, pension statement, 261, 262, ! 267. Cox, Capt. Isaac, in Revolution, 257, 262, 267. Cox, Capt. John, commands militia, 92- 94, 90 ; deposition, 134 : loyalist, 138. Cox, Joseph, survey for, 192, Cox, Joshua, soldier, 51. Cp>x family, attacked by Indians, 284. Cox's Station (Ky. ), route via, 224. Coyatee expedition, 275. Crabtree, Isaac, murders Indians, 74, 76, 78 ; trial, 7S ; desires to serve in militia, SO. Crabtree, Nicholas, receipt, ISO. Craddoek, Capt. — , land warrants, 145. Craford, Peter, obligation, 120. Cragfont (Tenn.), Winchester's residence, 236. Craghead, — , commission dealer, 1. Craig, Rev. — , Presbyterian minister, 62. 275 ; message for, 55. Craig. Alexander, ageut, 103 ; letter, 104 ; residence, 106. Craig, John, assignee, 223 ; land entry, 223 ; survey for, 230 ; promissory note, 240. Cmig, Lewis, bond: 227; articles of agree ment, 227 ; order, 257 ; promissory note, 240. Craig, Samuel, commands on Cherokee ex pedition, 100 ; voucher, 175. Craig, Whitfield, promissory note, 246. [320] Ind naex Craig family, notes on, 294. Craighead, Rev. Tnomas, residence, 303. Cramer, Zadock, Ohio Navigator, excerpts from, 248. Crank, John, receipt, 51 ; account, 52. Cranmer, G. L., article, 296. Craven, Robert, residence, 12. Crawford, Andrew, receipt, 184. Crawford, James, death, 6. Crawford, Col. John, mentioned, 277. Crawford, William, residence, 75 ; receipt, 168. Crawford, Col. William, surveyor, 69, 102- 104 ; defeated, 279. Creek Indians, dissatisfaction, 236. Cheeks : Back, resident, 59. Beargrass, letter from, 128, 144, 229. Beaver (Pa.), Indian hostilities on, 70. Beaver (Va.), land sale on, 62. Bluestone, land grant on, 5. Brashear's, lands on, 129. Carr's, tour to, 65 ; hostilities on, 248, 281. Cripple, land on, 62. Crooked, at Point Pleasant, 273. Drake, land claims on, 225, 231. Elk, post on, 96 ; Tories, 111 ; route via, 89. Elkhorn, lands on, 100, 124. Fish, lands on, 300. Grave, fort on, 256, 260 ; defeat near, 212. Greasy, militia at, 87, 132. Horse, settlements on, 109. Indian, letter from, 72 ; protection for, 164; mouth of, 211. Island, Indian alarm at, 215. Laurel, defense of, 262. Lawrence's, lands on, 71, 219, 227, 229, 230, 238-240, 304, 307. Lee's, lands on, 220, 224, 230, 242. Licking, mouth of, 218. Mash, settler on, 63. Moccasin, settlement on, 75, 93. Muddy, Indian attack on, 82 ; forts, 164, 165, 177; settlements, 211. Owl, expedition to, 262. Point, scouting near, 77. Potts's, lands on, 64, 126 ; tour to, 64, 65. Pucketty, scouting on, 268. Reed, tour to, 65, 106 ; lands on, 63, 68 ; surveying, 60 ; militia from, 163 ; set tlers, 89. Reedy, garrison on, 95 ; ranging, 93. Renfro's, land on, 62. Rich, alarm on, 88 ; protection for, 80, 89 ; letters from, 77,; 84, 87, 89. Ckekks — continued Sandy, expedition on, 9, 10 ; Indian alarm, 78 ; scouting on, 116; fort, 100; route via, 98. Shallow, land on, 62. Sinking, massacre at, 82 ; forts on, 217. Skagg's, battle on, 261. Tom's, resident, 129. Tygarfs, lands on, 243, 244, 246, 302, 303. Walker's, in Dunmore's War, 76 ; loyal ists on, 130 ; garrison, 100, 217. Wheeling, settlements on, 182 ; fort, 77. Wills, in Indian Wars, 9. Wolf, loyalists on, 130. Cresap, Michael, murders Indians, 98. Cresap, Col. Thomas, expeditions, 285. Crinar, John, messenger, 84. Crockett, — , resigns, 4. Crockett, Andrew, receipt, 176. Crockett, Anthony, voucher, 219. Crockett, Hugh, receipt, 206. Crockett, James, account, 50. Crockett, John, receipt, 44, 178. Crockett, Col. Joseph, In Revolution, 129, 130; letter, 126. Crockett, Robert, land grant, 3. Crockett, Samuel, receipt, 50, 196. Crockett, Capt. Walter, in Dunmore's War. 75, 76, 88, 92, 95 ; in Revolution, 115, 130, 131, 163, 217, 221, 265. Croft, William, sells cotton, 251. Croft, William S., cotton buyer, 251. Croghan, George, Indian agent, 70. Croghan, Maj. William, letter to, 246. Crosby, William, letter to, 242. Crow, Capt. William, letter, 71 ; witness, 175 ; sells horses, 195 ; account settled, 122. Crouch family, at fort, 77. Crozier, William A., Virginia Colonial Militia, cited, 72, 73, 81, 158-162. Crucible, directions for making, 301. Cruger, Mrs. Lydia, statement, 298 ; refer ence to, 289 ; information concerning, 290. Cruger, Michael, receipt, 179. Cuchackunk (Coochocking), Indian town, 211, 212, Src also Coshocton. Culbertson, — , residence, 75. Culbertson's Bottom (Va.l), letter from, 77, 81-83 ; Indian alarm at, 215 ; defense of, 80. Cullan, Alexander, receipt, 204. Culpeper County (Va. ), native, 261. Culton, Capt. Joseph, militia officer, 11. Cumberland (Tenn.), resident, 236. ' 21— H. S. [321] Index Cumberland County (Pa.), in Revolution, 256,' 259, 260. Cummings, Alexander, magistrate, 133. Cummings, Rev. Charles, Presbyterian min ister, 275 ; on committee of safety, 107 ; messenger, 93, 94 ; family endangered, 95. Cummings, James L, letter, 271. Cummings, Joseph, statement of account, 9. Cummings, Josiah, receipt, 14, 29, 52. Cummings, Robert E., affidavit before, 266. Cunningham, — , land entry, 221, 224, 230, 242. Cunningham, Lieut. — , commendation, 154. Cunningham, John T., receipt, 29. Cunningham, Moses, receipt, 168. Cunningham, William, receipt, 49. Cunningham family, notes on, 294. Currey, John, receipt, 194. Dailey, John, affidavit, 255. Daie, Alexander, receipt, 45. Dallas, Alexander James, Pennsylvania Cases, cited, 234. Dandridge, A. J., Kentucky land owner, 100. Dandridge, Adam Stephen, notes on, 282. Dandridge, Alexander, Spootswood, land grant, .68 ; surveyor, 70 ; letter, 71 ; notes on, 282, 285. Dandridge, Col.1 Nathaniel, letters, 285. Dandridge, Philip P., letters, 282, 285. Dandridge,. Stephen, reference to, 274 ; in formation from, 279. Dandridge family, notes on, 283. Daniel, John, reference, 269. Daniel, Thomas, reference, 269. Danville (Ky.), letters from, 144, 145, 297 ; residents, 229 ; route via, 308. Dark, Gen. William, in Revolution, 259 : papers, 278. Darnell, Lawrence, surveyor, 70, 71. Darr, — , petition, 56. Davidson, Maj. Daniel, in Revolution, 259. Davidson, George, scout, 164. Davidson, Isaac, pension statement, 259. Davidson, John, assignee, 106. Davidson, Robert, History of Presbyterian Church in Kentucky, cited, 280. Davidson, Walter, receipt for, 207. Davidson, William, receipt, 168. Davies,' James, account, 58. Davies, John, receipt, 22, 29. Davies, Jonathan, certificate, 141. Davies, Rev. Samuel, president of Prince ton, 285. Davies, Thomas,' Teeeipt, 53 ; account, 53. Davies, William, certificate, 141. Davies, Col. William, in Revolution, 285. Davis, — , message for, 53. Davis, Caleb, signs document, 233. Davis, David* land grant, 3. Davis, Israel, receipt, 172. Davis, James, fort at house, 79. Davis, Peter, receipt, 200. Davis, Samuel, receipt, 168. Davis, Samuel, pension statement, 288. Davis, W. M., receipt, 50 ; witness, 50. Davis, William, sergeant, 12 ; receipt, 25. Davison, Capt. — , letter, 138. Davison, George, receipt, 25 ; soldier 29. Davison, James, receipt, 25 ; soldier, 29. Davison, John, receipt, 25 ; soldier, 29. Davison, Samuel, receipt, 29, 48. Daviss, Mrs. Rebecca, letter to, 1. Davy, Capt. Thomas, in Revolution, 258. Day, Edward, creditor, 240. Day, Isaac, certificate, 245. Day, John, receipt, 29. Day Sr., John, pension statement, 263, 264. Day Jr., John, affidavit, 263, 264. Day. Nathaniel, receipt, 29. Day family, captured by Indians, 264. Deealves, Don Alonso, New Travels, ex cerpts from, 230. Deer skins, sale of, 100. Dehart, Hannah, receipt, 183. Dehart, Simon, sells provisions, 183, 184. Delany, Joseph, land entry, 225. Delaware Indians, hostile, 125, 248 ; treaty with, 122. Delosair, Simon, wages, 197. Deizell, Mrs. Martha, sketch, 293. Demere, Capt. Paul, in French and Indian War, 149. Denny, L. S., affidavit before, 259. Dent, Lieut. John, in Revolution, 255. Denton, Benjamin, tombstone, 292, 293. Detroit, in Revolution, 165, 212. Devereaux, Charles, to supply lead, 91 ; accused of disloyalty, 137. Devereaux, Nancy, letter, 137. Dewit, Ezekiel, voucher, 210. Dick, negro wounded by Indians, 121. Dickerson, Thomas, pension statement, 250. Dickeson, Joseph, receipt, 190. Dickey, Capt. George, in Revolution, 259. Dickinson, ¦ — , supplies provisions, 12. Dickinson, Col. John, land grant, 66, 67; Indian skirmish, 75, 78 ; in Dunmore's War, 274 ; in Revolution, 258 ; letter, 108. Dickson, James, supplies for Cherokee ex pedition, 168. Dickson, John, letter, 233. [322] Index Digges, Dudley, on Committee of Safety, 108; letter, 133. Dillon, Isaac, survey for, 192. Dilworth, Cliarlcs, letter, 235, 237 ; letter to, 237. Dinwiddie, Gov. Robert, letters, 9, 10, 19 ; letters to, 9-11; commissions, 6, 8; proclamation, 148 ; departure, 26. Diseases, prescriptions for, 306. District of Columbia, resident, 297. Dixon, John. See Dickson. Dixon, William, information from, 242. Dixon's Springs (Tenn.), letter from, 270, 276. Doack, Capt. Robert, residence, 72 ; sur veys boundary, 68 ; paper sent to, 68 ; commands militia, 76, 79, 89 ; muster roll, 73 ; letters, 62, 63, 79 ; mentioned, 62, 68; death, 83. Doack, William, commands militia, 92 ; re turn of, 134 ; letters, 90, 138 ; messen ger, 127. Dobbs, Arthur, governor of North Carolina, 150. Doddridge, Eliza M., death, 251. Doddridge, Dr. Joseph, letters, 252, 253 ; letter to, 252 ; commended, 308 ; pseud onym, 254 ; elegy, 251 ; Logan, a drama, 295 ; criticized, 252, 300 ; Notes on Set- tlemenu, 295 ; mentioned, 270, 299 ; new edition, 281, 288-291, 300 ; Tutela, 299 ; memoir on, 289, 290 ; date of , death, 290. Doddridge, Mrs. Joseph, letters to, 253 ; date of death, 290. Doddridge, Xarcissa, articles, 281, 284-288 ; memorandum, 252 ; letters, 288-291 ; let ter for, 291 ; memoir of father, 290 ; publisher for, 291. Doddridge Sr., Philip, family attacked, 288, 289. Doddridge, Philip, letter, 241, 247, 249, 254 ; letter to, 252 ; sketch, 299. Doddridge, Philip B., obituary, 288. Doddridge, R. Reeves, elegy for, 299. Doddridge, Rezin, on journey, 253. Doddridge family, captured, 288, 289 ; genealogical notes on, 288. Dodge, Capt. John, characterized, 218. Doe, John, ejectment notice, 243, 244. Doggett, It., reported killed, 105. Dogwood (Ga.), letter from, 271. Dohrman, — , desires land grant, 228. Donahee, Charles, witness, 2. Donald, Robert, messenger, 84. Donaldson, — , on endorsement, 1. Donaldson, Cbarles, lawsuit, 241. Donelson, Col. John, surveys boundary, 62, 73, 94 ; party disguised, 94 ; purchase fromi Indians, 92 ; letter, 122 ; emigration to Tennessee, 270 ; journal of voyage, 219. Donnally, Capt. Andrew, residence, 164 ; fort at, 253, 264 ; receipt, 177 ; messen ger, 165. See also Forts : Donnally. Donnally, Charles, receipt, 14. Donnally, Francis, land grant, 3. Dooley, Moses, receipt, 190. Dooley, Thomas, receipt, 195. Doublehead, Cherokee chief, 286. Dougherty, George, assignee, 228, 229, 238 ; assigns land, 239 ; receipt, 239 ; payment to, 240. Dougherty, Henry, family endangered, 94 ; land grant, 1105; Dougherty, Joseph, family endangered, 94. Dougherty, Michael, plans for defense, 92 ; in Dunmore's War, 95 ; certificate, 141. Douglas, James, surveyor, 65, 106 ; letter, 99 ; confession, 133. Douglas, John, killed by Indians, 112. Douglas, Thomas, loyalist, 133 ; confession, 133. Douglass, Maj. Edward, letter, 238. Dove, — , western settler, 62. Dowchar, — , widow pensioned, 4. Downard, Thomas, loyalist, 138. Downing, John, commissioner, 247. Downing, Capt. Timothy, in Revolution, 260, 264. Downs, Capt. — , debtor, 6. Dragging Canoe, Cherokee chief, 117, 277, 295. Drake, Benjamin, witness, 246. Drake, Ephraim, scout, 70. Drake, F. Randolph, sells cotton, 251. Drake, Joseph, in Dunmore's War, 81 ; reprimanded, 85, 86 ; bond, 120. Draper, John, in Dunmore's War, 81, 82 ; commands militia, 113 ; receipts, 178, 209 ; owns Kentucky land, 100 ; accused of disloyalty, 138. Draper, Mrs. John, captivity, 284. Draper, Joseph, narrative, 284. Draper, Lyman C, letters, 273. 276 ; let ters to, 248, 269-291, 293-298; secures Preston papers, 298 ; proposed book, 274, 283, 284 ; plans to ree'dit Doddridge's A'otea, 289-291 ; indexes, 146, 158, 162, 166, 218, 224, 299; map, 273; memo randa, 182, 267, 287, 300 : notes, 146, 240, 242, 251, 273, 285, 298, 299; transcripts, 219, 228, 252, 253, 281, 285, 288, 296; list of references, 224 ; endorsements, 261, 278, 308; [323] Ind ex Draper's Meadows (Va. ), Preston's resi dence, 77, 142 ; guarded, 120. Drennon, Mrs. Thomas, killed by Indians, 204. Drennon family, attack on, 298. Droudy, Daniel, receipt, 24. Dryden, James, receipt 201. Dryden, Nathaniel, receipt, 201. Dryden, Thomas, receipt, 46. Dryden, William, receipt, 222. Dublin (Ireland), residents, 1, 294. Duffy, Patrick, receipt, 14, 29, 47. Duke, Francis, commissary at Fort Henry, 210. Dutton, Philip, settler, 62. Dunbar, William, notes on hot springs, 247. Duncan, Edwin S., letter, 270. 271. Duncan, James, commissary, 143. Duncan, Capt. John, in Revolution, 207. Dunkard Bottom (Va. ), document signed at, 54 ; letters from, 74, 121 ; residents, 294 ; changes hands, 56. Dunlap. Capt. — , on Sandy Creek expedi tion, 10 ; residence, 26, 27. Dunlap, Alexander, land grant, 3. Dunlap, James, witness, 24, 43. Dunlap's Maryland Gazette, cited, 164, 165. Dunlevy, George, pension statement taken before, 253, 254. Dunlop, Ephraim, account book, 163 ; re ceipt, 180. Dunmore, John Murray, earl, governor of Virginia, 79; letters, 77, SO, 105; letters to, 101, 105 ; land policy, 104 ; issues warrants, 65-70, 73, 100, 123, 124 ; proclamations, 107 ; expedition against Indians, 74, 81, 87, 88, 90, 110, 157, 159, 269 ; makes treaty, 98 ; sends mes sage to Cornstalk, 102 : to Cherokee, 105; message from Cherokee, 100 ; motives dis cussed, 98, 99, 281, 290 ; in Revolution, 111, 115. Dunne, Thomas, certificate, 141. Dutch Station (Ky.*), commissioners at, 224. Dutton. Philip, accused of disloyalty, 133, 138. Duval, Benjamin, surveyor, 156. Duvall, Edward, business affairs, 253. Dye, Stephen, account, 239. Dyerly, Peter, residence, 121. Dysart, Archibald, witness, 225. Dysart, James, in Revolution, 204. Eaken, Robert, receipt, 184. Early, David, letter to, 242. Early, Capt. Jeremiah, in Revolution, 266. Easton, — , cotton buyer, 251. Eaton, Amos, residence, 96, 110. Eaton's Station (Tenn.), settled, 219. Eberman, John, justice of peace, 249. Kekhols, Jacob, sells horses, 197. I-'ckhols, John, witness, 157; receipt, 174. Edgar, George, receipt, 195. Edmiston, Samuel. See Edmondson. Edmondson, — , divinity pupil, 64. Edmondson, A. J., death, 293. Edmondson, Cqpt.' Andrew, mentioned, 276. Edmondson, James, receipt, 10s. Edmondson, John, receipt, 170. Edmondson, Col. Robert, in Revolution, 266, 207, 271 ; killed. 272. Edmondson, Col. Robert B., reference to, 276. Edmondson (Edmiston), Samuel, land grant, 66 ; on Cherokee expedition, 179, 1S2; voucher, 180; in Revolution, 200, 276. Edmondson, Col. William, land grant, 66 ; justice of peace, 218 ; in Revolution, 266, 267, 270 ; military commissions, 273. Edmundsburg (Va. ), letter from, 140. Education. See Schools. Edwards, Capt. — , taxes, 142. Edwards, Amos, receipt, 47. Edwards, Frederick, receipt, 172, 175. Edwards, James L., pension commissioner, 20S ; letter, 283. Egan, James, affidavit, 251. Elk Garden (Va..), fort at, 93, 95. Elkton (Md.), letter from, 241, 246; lands in, 241. Elliot, Robert, receipt, 11. Elliot. Andrew, receipt. 19, 30. Elliott, James , messenger to Delawares, 211 ; military services, 241. Ellis, James, Revolutionary services, 262. Ellison, Amos, receipt, 184. Ellison, Mary, marriage, 263. Ellison, William, marriage, 263. Elsworth, John, warrant for, 240. Emans, William, receipt, 173. Emery. Will, Indian interpreter, 94. English. See British. English, Stephen, in Dunmore's War, 87. Epictetus, philosopher, 56. Erskine, Mrs. Margaret Handley, captiv ity. 277 ; memoir, 279, 280. Erskine, Michael, married, 279. I-'.ss.-x County (Va.), letter from, 1. Estill, Mrs. — , captured by Indians, 276; descendants, 275 ; information concern ing, 286. Estill, Benjamin, receipt, 15, 30, 40, 50 ; letters, 58, 270 ; witness, 53 ; reference to, 284. [324; Index Estill, Bond, receipt, 17, 30, 40. Estill, James, receipt, 123 ; defeat of, 277. Estill. John, receipt, 15, 17, 30; reference to, 284. Estill, Col. Samuel, Revolutionary services, 263. Estill, Wallace, receipts, 40. Estill family, data on, 276. Eulen, Benjamin, leap, 280. Evans, David, receipt, 30. Evans, George, land entry, 221, 226, 302 ; survey for, 226, 242, 244. Evans, John, power of attorney, 241 ; bond, 241;- letter, 246. Evans, Walter, survey book, 244. Evans, Capt. William, resigns, 4. Evans' Mill (Va. ), militia at, 45, 46; gran ary, 48. Everard, Thomas, letter to, 193. Ewing, Baker, register of land office, 238. Ewing, Capt. James, in Cherokee expedi tion, 181 ; promissory note, 263 ; memo randum. 263 ; work for, 300. Ewing, John, receipt, 190 ; lawsuit, 241. Ewing, Joseph, messenger, 1. Ewing, Robert, receipt, 190. Ewing, Samuel, voucher, 181. Ewing, Young, land surveys, 243. Explorations, Walker's (1750), 119. Faber, — , theology, 300. Fagen, Philip. See Phagen. Faggs Manor (Pa.1), resident, 210; church at, 234; letter from, 237. Fairfax (Va.), letter from, 280. Fairfax County (Ya./), in Revolution, 268. Fairfield (Va.), resident, 60, 61. Falling, William, messenger, 78 ; scout, 112. Fanning, Bryant, loyalist, 138. Fanning, Elias, loyalist, 138. Farley, John, in Dunmore's War, 84. Farr, Samuel, killed by Indians, 238. Fauquier, Francis, governor of Virginia, speech, 149 ; letters, 37, 54, 56, 148- 153 ; letters to, 151, 154 ; grants commis sions, 37, 52, 55. Fay, John, soldier, 44. Fayette County (Ky. and Va.), lands in, 227, 229-231, 238, 239, 242; residents, 226-228, 307 ; sentiment in, 239. Fayne, Capt. — . defeated, 275. Federalist, author, 232. Feemster, Thomas, receipt, 40. Ferry, William, receipt, 173. Fickle, R. P., letters, 296. File, John, receipt, 20, 30, 47 ; witness, 32. Fincastle (Court House, Va.), letters from, 111, 279; letter to, 240; merchants of, 293 ; Herald, clippings from, 292-294. Fincastle County (Va.), seat, 64; lands in, 65-70, 73, 100, 123 ; surveyor, 65, 69, 70, 101, 102, 104, 106, 108; courts, 67, 109; county lieutenant, 112, 113; militia officers, 108, 145 ; troops in Dunmore's War, 88, 157-160 ; muster rolls, 72, 73 ; troops in Revolution, 164 ; in Cherokee invasion, 163 ; frontiers guarded, 89, 111 ; settlers, 77-79, 98, 122, 161 ; pro posed division of, 71, 73 ; delegates to Assembly, 163. Finley, — , Augusta County settler, 57. Finley, Hannah Evans, children, 303 ; memorandum on, 300. Finley, James, receipt, 176J Finley, Rev. James, children, 303 ; infor mation on, 283; estate, 304; epitaph, 240. Finley, John, voucher, 181. Finley, Rev. John E., Presbyterian minis ter, 234 ; letters, 236, 237 ; letters to, 233, 235, 237, 242 ; journey to Philadel phia, 241 ; journey to Illinois, 241 ; per forms marriages, 223, 240 ; subscrip tions for, 234, 235 ; bonds, 233, 247 ; memoranda on miscellaneous matter, 210, 226. 232, 236, 237, 241-243, 245-249, 251. 300-307 ; weather notes, 234 ; land deeds, 155, 156, 220, 221, 239, 240, 307;; form of deed, 246 ; survey notes, 157,. 242, 246, 248, 301 ; assignee, 228 ; law suits, 233-235, 244, 306; evicted, 232,. 247 ; agreement with Ruston, 225 ; ac counts, 223. 252, 254 ; voucher, 252 ; re ceipt for, 239; list of trustees, 242; notes, 227, 230 ; diary of a tour, 241 ; ; book of concessions, 226 ; descriptions, 237 ; epitaphs copied, 300 ; index made, . 302; biographical data, 283, 302; hand writing, 156. Finley, Robert, witness, 174*; voucher, 1811. Finley, Robert Wilkes, residence, 303. Finley, Dr. Samuel, descendants, 283. l-'inley, William, militia officer, 4. Finley family, births, 303. , Finney, Christopher, receipt, 20, 40.. Finny, Samuel, witness, 226. Fitzpatrick, James, receipt, 1-9. Fitzpatrick, Thomas, account, 51. -.j Five Nations Indians. See Iroquois. Flax, directions for cultivating, 301. Fleming, Anne (Mrs. William), letters toj. 157-160, 162. Fleming, C. I., letter to, 270. Fleming, John, receipt, 24, [325] Indej Fleming, Capt. Thomas, land grant, 66. | .Fleming, Col. (Dr.) William, letters, 12, 111, 114, 119, 121, 134, 141, 154, 157- 160, 163-165, 193, 211, 213, 218, 222, 232 ; letters to, 104, 110, 120, 148, 155, 163-165, 177, 1S2, 192, 193, 211, 213- 217. 221, 223, 233; list of killed and wounded in Grant's defeat, 149 ; in Dun more's War, 157-102 ; wounded, 162 ; county lieutenant of Botetourt, 101, 163, 214 ; on Cherokee expedition, 154 ; search ing for lands, 133; commissioner to ad just Western claims, 141. 218, 222 ; re -signs from council, 222 ; protecting fron tiers, 121, 122, 161, 182 ; application for powder, 112, 113 ; message to Shawnee, 120, 214, 215; residence. 100, 116; land grant, 65 ; receipt, 36 ; orderly book, 157 ; Journal of Point Pleasant expedition, 162 ; journal of Kentucky journey, 218, 224, 273 ; accounts, 223 ; discusses United States constitution, 232 ; bio graphical data, 270, 271, 274, 294; pa pers, 161, 282 ; signature, 159. Fleming, William, letter, 240. Fletcher, George, receipt, 207. Florence (Ala.), letter from, 270. Floyd, John, surveyor, 65, 67, 71, 74, 106, 108, 109, 123, 124, 129; in danger, 75; returns from Kentucky, 87 ; in Dunmore's War, 98, 99 ; raises troops, S4, 86 ; com mended, 140 ; messenger, 123 ; message for, 122, 125 ; money for, 215 ; commis sion, 2K0 ; letters, 70, 160 ; killed by In dians, 224. Floyd family, data on, 284. Folley, John, receipt, 15, 30. Fontaine, John, letter to, 236. Fontaine, Patrick Henry, letters, 2S2, 283. Foote, Thomas, land survey for, 246. Foote, Rev. William H., proposed history, 281) ; Sketches of Virginia, cited, 291, 292 ; address, 274. Force, Peter, manuscript collection, 271. Foreman, Capt. William, defeated, 212, 263, 209. Forest Home (Miss.), resident, 2SS. Forks, Gordon, witness, 155. Forman, John, commissioner, 247. Forqueran, John, receipt, 196. Forts : List for frontier defense, 21S ; at lead mines, 113 ; in Dunmore's War, 94, 100; French and Indian War, 148. 149: in Greenbrier, 213; Kentucky, 212; at Watauga, 114. Amherst. In French and Indian War, 4S, 51, 52, 55. Basley's, garrisoned, 260. Forts — continued Blackmore, in Dunmore's War, 84, 93 ; attack on, 93, 96 ; garrisoned. 99, 100 ; in Revolution, 112, 116; importance of, 96. Blair, at Point Pleasant, 98, 104. Boone, in Revolution, 256. Bushe's, in Revolution, 259. Byrd, built, 79, 81. Byrd. on Clinch River. See below, Moore's. Camp Union, rendezvous, 211. Chartres, in Illinois, 155. Chiswell, built, 163 ; in Dunmore's War, 79; in Revolution, 113; meeting at, 127 ; letters from, 59, 75, 116, 124, 126, 131, 163. Christian, built, 79. Clark, at Kaskaskia, 125. Cook's, in Revolution, 210, 262. Coontz, in Revolution, 259. Cox's, in Revolution, 205. Cumberland, route via, 56. Day's, in Revolution, 264. Dickinson's, in French and Indian War, 18. Donnally's, attacked, 253, 264. 281 ; de fense of, 122. Dunmore. on the Ohio, 87. Dunmore, in southwest Virginia. 77, SO. Duquesne, capture near, 12 ; expedition against. 148-150, 292.' Elk Garden, garrisoned, 93, 95. Ellis, in Revolution, 264. Fauquier, in French and Indian War, 37. 38, 44, 45, 49 ; provisioned, 46, 47. Fincastle. built, 290, 296. Frederick, in French and Indian War, 10. Freeland's, attacked, 255, 256, 259, 260. George, in French and Indian War, 14— 23. 20-29, 32. 37-30. 43. Grave Creek, in Revolution, 256, 260. Ileury, in 17th Century, 147. Henry, on Greenbrier, 211. Henry, at Wheeling, built. 290; sieges of. 2 12. 213. 257. 260. 263, 264, 267- 2t;9. 295, 290, 29S, 299 ; commissary book at, 210. Holliday's Cove, garrisoned, 257, 202. Ilolman's, 251). Hope, letter from, 50. Kelly's, in Revolution, 119-121, 193, 214, 215. Lead Mine, in Pennsylvania, 259. Lead Mine, iu Virginia. See above, Chiswell. Lewis, in French and Indian War, 13— 10. '18. 20-26, 28, 31. [326 Inde? Forts — continued Ligonier, in French and Indian War, 38, 44. Lookout, letter from, 50. Loudoun, on southwest frontier, 149. Mcintosh, garrison of, 255, 266. Miller, in French and Indian War, 12, 18, 22, 32. Montgomery, in Revolution, 261, Moore's (Byrd), on Clinch River, 92, 100. Muncy, in Pennsylvania, 260. Munsey, in Virginia, 217. Murray, in Revolution, 256. Necessity, surrender of, 297. Nutter's, in Revolution, 259. Patrick Henry, built, 296 ; Cherokee at tack, 165 ; treaty at, 116, 117 ; rendez vous, 181; voyage from, 219. Pearis, evacuated, 216. Pitt, tn Dunmore's War, 78, 87 ; in Rev olution, 212, 266, 268, 287; Indian treaty at, 182 ; letter from, 119 ; pro visions for, 192 ; distances from, 218. Potter's, garrisoned, 258, 260, 265. Preston, in Dunmore's War, 79, 84. Prickett, in Revolution, 210. Prince George, in French and Indian War, 10, 26, 151. Rail's, for frontier defense, 257. Randolph, in Revolution, 164, 276 ; gar risoned, 213, 214, 258 ; reinforced, 192 ; attacked, 287; Indian murder at, 119; proposed treaty, 215 ; relics found, 293. Redstone, garrisoned, 268. Rice, attacked by Indians, 291. Robertdeau, in Revolution, 216. Sandy Creek, garrisoned, 100. Shepherd's, in Revolution, 257. Ticonderoga, captured, 104. Van Bibber's, in Revolution, 211. Van Meter, in Revolution, 287 ; described, 281. Vause, location, 284 ; in Dunmore's War, 77 ; letter from, 12 ; burned, 11. Walker's Creek, garrisoned, 100. Washington, visited, 9. Watson's, guarded, 265. Wheeling. See above, Henry. William, in French and Indian War, 13. William, in Kentucky, 128. William Henry, destroyed, 22. Wilson's, in French and Indian War, 12. Young, In French and Indian War, 26, 36, 45, 46. Fout, Andrew, voucher, 210. Fout. David, not a pensioner, 288. Fowler family, endangered, 94. Fox, Arthur, land grant, 232 ; surveys, 229, 230, 232 ; salt for, 237. France, see French. Francisco, Charles L., letter, 274. Francisco, Jacob, loyalist, 135,? Francisco, Michael, receipt, 204. Frankfort (Ky.), letter from, 241; route via, 308 ; Commonwealth, clipping from, 161. Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, lends money to Floyd, 122. Franklin, William, receipt, 185. Franklin, state organized, 228, 230, 276. Franks, — , furnishes goods, 153. Franks, David, Philadelphia merchant, 156. Franks, Jacob, London merchant, 156. Franks, Moses, London merchant, 156. Frankstown (Pa.), in Revolution, 216. Frazor. Joseph, land entry, 221. Frederick (Md.), native, 298. Frederick County (Va.), boundary line surveyed, 3. Fredericksburg (Va.), resident, 101; letters from, 8, 98. French, encroachments of, 148 ; join In dian raid, 57 ; fur traders, 81 ; live in Illinois, 224 ; land grant for, 307 ; aid United States in Revolution, 120, 129; list of phrases, 302. French Lick, on the Cumberland, 219 ; land office at, 225 ; letter from, 127. Frogg, John, notes on, 167, 276. Fry, Col. Joshua, map, 5. Fry, Mrs. Mildred, granddaughter of Doc tor Walker, 286, 287. Fry, Wesley, grandson of Doctor Walker, 286. Fulkison family, endangered, 95. Fullerton, Humphrey, witness, 251. Fulton, Thomas, receipt, 49.- Fulton, William, receipt, 20, 30. Funckhauser, John, gives bond, 217. Fur trade, in southwest Virginia, 2, 52, 100. Galaspie, A., sells cotton, 251. Galaspie, M. H., account for cotton, 252.' Galbreath, A., land grant, 99, 101. Galbreath, Hugh, witness, 187; receipts, 168, 204. Gale, Gen. John, in Revolution, 250. Gale, Peter, mentioned, 8.' Galitzin, Prince Dmitri, letters to, 254. Gallia County (Ohio), Revolutionary vet eran in, 261. Galloway, John, land entry, 221, 226, 302. Galloway, Capt. John, in Revolution, 268. Galloway, Joseph, land grant, 156. [327] Index Gaps : Flower, in Revolution, 132. Little Moccasin, passage through, 112. Moccasin, garrisoned, 99 ; ranging in, 93 ; provisions sent to, 94. Gardner, John, affidavit before, 262. Garlick, Gasper, loyalist, 135. Garrison, Abraham, receipt, 185. Gash, Michael, receipt, 191. Gass, David, letter, 104. Gass, Patrick, reference to, 289, 290. Gates, Genj Horatio, letter for, 136 ; de- feated, 134. Gay, Henry, land grant, 3. Gay, James, directions for curing pork, 246. Gay, Robert, land grant, 3 ; receipt, 40. Gay, Capt. Samuel, militia officer, 2 ; re ceipt, 181. George III, speech in Parliament, 127 ; proclamation on lands, 65, 154, 155 ; sends army to colonies, 150. George, Capt. Robert, visits Chickasaw, 224. George, William, witness, 169. Georgia, settlers, 80 ; in Revolution, 126. Gholson, Anthony, sells land, 229. Gibbon, — , Surveying, excerpts, 300. Gibbons, — , residence, 231. Gibson, George, receipt, 47. Gibson, John, killed by Indians, 236. Gibson, Col. John, in Revolution, 255. Gibson, Robert, receipt, 47. Gibson, Samuel, sells horse, 201. Gibson, William, survey for, 192. Gibson's Landing (Miss.), journey to, 286. Gilbert, Felix, witness, 16, 38, 41 ; receipt, 40. Giles, Thomas, gives bond, 132. Gilham, Charles, receipt, 22, 23, 30. Gilham, Thomas, land grant, 3 ; receipts, 30, 36, 40 ; witness, 48. Gill, Capt. James, militia officer, 2. Gillespie's Station (Tenn.), mentioned, 277. Gillespy, Robert, receipt, 185. Gilliland family, notes on. 294. Gilmer, Capt. John, in Revolution, 200, 201 ; receipt, 202. Gilmore, James, receipt, 168, 181 ; vouch er, 183. Gilmore, Capt. John, in Revolution, 166 ; receipt, 45. Gilmore, Paxton, furnishes information, 282. Ginseng, directions for clarifying, 301. Girty, George, in Dunmore's War, 249. Girty, James, at siege of Fort Henry, 296. Girty, Simon, Indian partisan, 267, 268, 295, 298. Gist, Capt. Nathaniel, urges Cherokee against colonists, 109, 111 ; on Cherokee expedition, 154 ; in Revolution, 139 ; censured, 114. Givens, Capt. George, letter to, 165 ; mil itia officer, 177. Givens family, notes on, 294. Ginnings, William, land claim, 220. Glades, scouting near, 77 ; tour to, 81. Glasgow, J., secretary of North Carolina, 117. Glenn, James, receipt, 180. Glenn, Thomas, surveyor, 70. Goff, John, receipt, 196. Goff, Nathan, witness, 266. Gold, separation from metals, 147. Gooch, Thomas, directions for, 236. Gooch, Gov. William, issues commissions, 1, 2. Goodman, Anselm, pension statement, 288. Goodson, Thomas, receipt, 207, 208. Goodwin, William, receipt, 24, 30. Goodwood (Va. ), Arthur Campbell's resi dence, 232, 235 ; letter from, 129. Gordon, Moses, receipt, 176. Gorman, Thomas, receipt, 196. Graham, — . information from, 243. ~" Graham, — , land surveyed for, 106. Graham, David, soldier, 47. Graham, Francis, sells provisions, 175. Graham, James, receipt, 30 ; soldier in French and Indian War, 47 ; attacked by Indians, 211. Graham. John, land grant, 3 ; witness, 24 ; receipt, 47. Graham, Richard, land entry, 226 ; survey for, 228. Graham, William, services, 50. Grant, — , mentioned, 8. Grant. Maj. James, defeat in French and Indian War. 149, 273, 292 ; commands In Carolina. 150-154.' Grant, William, loyalist, 135. Grape-vines, directions for cultivating, 301. Gray, — . residence, 106. Graydon, Capt. Coles, assignor of land, 106. Grayson, Ambrose, receipt, 208. Grayson, John, loyalist, 135. Grayson, R., receipt for, 207. Grayson, Robert, loyalist, 135. Grayson, Susanna, receipt, 177. Grayson, William, loyalist, 135 ; receipt, 208. Grayson, WiUiam. See Grisson. Grayson County (N. C), in Revolution, 267. [328] Ind' ex Great Levels of Greenbrier. See Camp Union. Great Warrior, Cherokee chief, 149^ Gredie, John, receipf, 53. Green, Edward, receipt, 185. Green, James, receipt, 185. Green, John, surveyor, 86. Green, Col. John, horses stolen, 131. Green, Richard, accused of horse stealing, 134. Green, Thomas, receipt, 31. Green County (Tenn.), Revolutionary vet eran in, 259. Greenbrier (Va.), Indian raids in, 75, 211; in Dunmore's War, 83, 157-160 ; in Revolution, 123, 164, 165, 182 ; petition from, 66; letters, 164, 177, 192, 277; land claims in, 124. See also Rivers : Greenbrier. Greenbrier County (Va.), forts in, 213; invasion, 216 ; letter from, 276 ; historical sketch, 241. Greenbrier Land Company, surveys, 144. Greene. Gen. Nathaniel, truce, 142. Greenfield (Va.), resident, 56-58, 60, 63, 64. Greenfield Station (Term.'), attacked, 238. Greenlee, John, receipt, 204. Greenlee, Mary, receipt, 202 ; deposition, 278, 279. Greenlee family, notes on, 294. Greensburg (Pa.), letter from, 253. Greer, Andrew, justice of peace, 218. Gregg, Joseph, justice of peace, 131. Gregory, John, soldier, 44. Grenville, Richard, earl, grant to, 236, 237. Grey, Capt. Joseph, magistrate, 135 ; re ceipt, 178 ; witness, 219. Griffith, John, accused of disloyalty, 133, 138. Griffith, Thomas, killed, 276. Griffy, John, receipt, 185. Grigsby, Charles, family killed by Indians, 210. Grimes, Jacob, account, 174. Grisson (Grayson), William, voucher, 181. Groves, Thomas, land survey for, 238. Gullion, Bernard, loyalist, 138. Gun, George, ranger, 12 ; receipt, 31. Gutridge, John, commissioner, 240. Guy, James F., promissory note, 263. Gwatkon, Thomas, master of William and Mary College, 65. Gwin Sr., Robert, land grant, 3 ; receipt, 52. Gwin, Robert, account, 52. H — , J., receipt for, 307. Hacker, William, descendants, 283. Hackworth, Augustine, witness, 157. Hadril's Point (S. C), letter from, 139. llager, — , Indian trader, 279. Hale, William, attacked by Indians, 217. Halifax (U. S.), naval base, 249. Hall, Caleb, receipt, 196. Hall, Edward, witness, 5. Hall, James, receipt, 18, 40, 200. Hall, John, deposition, 132. Hall, Robert, receipt, 12, 31. Hall, Capt. Thomas, buys land, 229 ; let ter, 240. Hall, William, defends fort, 238. Hallam, William, letter, 75. Hallet, T. L, cotton buyer, 251. Hamen, William, survey for, 192. Hamilton, — , counterfeiter, 155. Hamilton, Capt. Alexander, militia officer in Revolution, 249, 269, 270. Hamilton, Andrew, receipt, 41 ; letter to, 182 ; data concerning, 298. Hamilton, James, surveyor, 157. Hamilton, John, receipt, 23, 31, 50. Hamilton, Capt. John, in Revolution, 263. Hamilton, Gen.' John, residence, 231. Hamilton, Robert, receipt, 188. Hamilton, Robert, affidavit, 267, 270. Hamilton, Thomas, affidavit, 269, 270. Hamilton, William, voucher, 180 ; witness, 201 ; receipt, 202. Hamilton family, notes on, 294. Hamilton County (Ohio), warrant in, 240. Hampshire County (Va.), letter from, 73; militia, 269 ; native, 267 ; in Revolution, 255, 266 ; Revolutionary veterans in, 250, 258 ; incident in, 285. Hampton, — , captured, 110. Hampton, Preston, captured, 110. Hand, Gen. Edward, commands Western forces, 119, 120, 210, 211; abandons expedition, 258 ; letter, 119 ; orders, 215 ; letters to, 212, 213. Hand's Meadows (Va.), letter from, 163. Hanging Rock (Va.), incident at, 285. Hanover County (Va.), presbytery in, 166; Henry's residence, 117. Haptonstall, Abraham, pension statement, 261. Harbison, Arthur, receipt, 185. Harbison, James, receipt, 185. Harbot, David. See Herbert. Hardridge, William, receipt, 200. Hardy, Samuel, land commissioner, 140. Hardy County (Va.), loyalists in, 278. Harkins, William, affidavit before, 260. Harless, — , loyalist, 130. [329] Indej Harmon, Adrian, patents land, 5. Harmon, Calep, receipt, 31. Harmon, Henry, financial affairs, 59. Harmon, Israel, receipt, 209. Harmon Sr., Jacob, land patentee, 5 ; ac count, 6 ; soldier, 209. Harmon Jr., Jacob, soldier, 209. Harmon, Valentine, land patentee, 5 ; loy alist, 138. Harmony Grove, letter from, 283. Harpe brothers, highwaymen, 275. Harper, Matthew, receipt, 31. Harper, Michael, receipt, 20. Harrel. William, scout, 70. Harris, M. M., sells cotton, 251. Harrison. Benjamin, candidate for gover nor, 141: governor, 228; in Revolution, 27S ; sketch, 278. Harrison, Capt. Benjamin, in Revolution, 210, 263. Harrison, Daniel, resigns, 4. Harrison, Henry, land grant, 68, 125. Harrison. John, loyalist, 135. Harrison, Dr. Peachy, letter, 278 ; death, 278. Harrison, Toloman, loyalist, 138. Harrison family, endangered, 94. Harrison County (Va.), resident, 259; let ter from, 270, 271 ; Revolutionary vet eran in, 255. Harrod, James, in Dunmore's War, 81, 82, 88. Harrod. Capt. William, at Point Pleasant, 177 ; in Revolution, 250, 257, 260. Harrodsbv.rg (Va. )', commissioners at, 224. Hart, John, letter to, 242. Hart, Capt. Nathaniel, visits Cherokee, 99. Hart. Silas, receipt, 53. Hart, Thomas, daughter captured, 269. Hartley, Col. Thomas, in Revolution, 259, 270. Harvey, Col. Matthew, sketch, 293. Harvey. Robert, lawsuit, 247. Harvey family, data. 247. Harvie, John, registrar, 221. Hatch, Dr. John, plaintiff in lawsuit, 306. Haw Bottom (Va.), letter from, 115. Hawkins. — , petition, 59. Hawkins County (Tenn.), letter from, 296. Hayes, Capt. Andrew, message from, 62 ; letter to. 55 ; land grant, 55. Hayes, Moses, receipt, 202. Hays, — , servant, 63. Hays, John, death, 6. Hays, John, on Cherokee expedition, 174 ; voucher, 166. Hays, William, discharge, 57. Haywood, John, History of Tennessee, crit icized, 272. Hazlet, William, accounts, 223. Head. Anthony, messenger, 96. Hearn, Howard, receipt, 207. Heavin, Howani loyalist, 130 ; furnishes list. 138. Heavin. James, loyalist, 135. Heavin, John, loyalist, 130, 135 ; letter, 130. 131. Heavin, Thomas, charged with disloyalty, US, 132. Heavin, William, loyalist, 135. Heavins family, loyalists, 213. Hebrew, list of books, 303. Hedges. Capt. Joseph, in Revolution, 210 ; killed by Indians, 288. Hedges. Silas, voucher, 210. Hellem, — , land claim, 242. Helms, Phineas, substitute for, 261. Hemp, cultivation, 249, 304 ; directions for bleaching. 301 ; manufacture of, 306. Henderson, — , land owner, 304. Henderson, James, letter, 211. Henderson, Capt, John, in Dunmore's War, 96 ; in Revolution, 123, 182, 262 ; plot to capture, 217. Henderson, John, loyalist, 135, 138 ; gives bond, 131. Henderson, Rev. Joseph, presbytery, 303. Henderson, Xathaniel, information, 123. Henderson, Col. Richard, visits Cherokee, 99 ; purchases Kentucky, 101, 104, 248 ; opposition to. 102, 105 ; surveys boun dary, 219 ; messengeT, 120, 215. Henderson, William, receipts, 35, 41, 191. Henderson (Ky.), settlers, 272; letter from. 272 ; lands in, 247. ITendrick, Gustavus, sells cotton, 251. Henley, Samuel, master of William and Mary College, 65. Henry. — , delivers documents, 125. Henry. Col. — , letter, 243. Henry, Andrew, assistant commissary, 107-170, 172-175, 179, 180; receipt, 188; witness, 167. Henry, John, wounded by Indians, 88, 90. Henry Jr., Patrick, appoints commission ers, 117: letters, 120, 122, 155, 193, 210. 211. 213-215. 22S, 230, 233, 236; letters to. 97, 117-119, 161. Henry. Samuel, receipt, 204. Henry, William, enters land, 69. Henry family, captured by Indians, 90. Henry County (Va.), troops from, 120, 121, 215: residents, 228, 236; letter from, 245. Herbert, David, loyalist, 129. 138 ; confes sion, 133. Herbert, Josiah, pension statement, 264. Herbert, Thomas, account, 49. [330] Ind ex Herbert. Capt. William, commands militia, 76 ; in Dunmore's War, 85, 88, 89. Herbert's Ferry, on New River, 131. Herring, Col. William, military services, 278 : notes on, 27S. Hetcher, John, loyalist, 129. Hicklin, Hugh, receipt, 17. 31, 41, 185; witness, 30, 33. Hicklin, John, receipt, 27. Hicklin, Thomas, receipt, 15, 31, 41, 54. Hickman, John, receipt, 168, 206. Higgins. Richard, signs land entry, 226 ; survey, 22S. Hightower Indian campaign, 275. Hildreth, Samuel P., author, 271. Hill, James, receipts, 142. Hill, Robert, voucher, 166 ; receipt, 170. Hillsborough (Ohio), letter from, 275, 279. Hinds, Edward, receipt, 20, 31, 48 ; note, 51. History, advantages from study of, 309. Hite Jr.. Abraham, letter, 73. Hodge, Samuel, land grant, 3 ; receipts, 17, 41. Hodge. William, receipt, 21, 31. Hog, James, receipt, 28. Hog, Capt. Peter, on Sandy Creek expedi tion, 10 ; provisions for, 13 ; receipt, 46 ; letters, 57, 128. Hoge, John, land plat, 228. Hogeland, Capt. Derrick, in Revolution. 260, 264. HoUiday, William, paymaster, 216. Hollidays Cove, in Revolution, 257, 262. Hollingsworth, Levi, letters, 243, 246. Hoilins Institute (Va.), founded, 292. Hollis, John, Indian chief, 276, 277, 308. Holly Springs I Miss. ), letters from, 293, 294 Holmes, Lewis, receipt, 199. Hopkins, — , executed, 271. Hopkins, John, land entry, 220. Hopkins, Capt. John, in Revolution, 258. Hops, directions for cultivating, 301. Hord, Mordecai, information from, 127. Hornsby, — , payment to, 63. Horse Shoe Bottom (Va.), purchased, 61; resident, 144. Horses, importation of, 2 ; purchased by the State, 195-199, 201-209, 221, 222 ; for Cherokee expedition, 165, 181, 183 ; for Clark's expedition, 219; prescriptions for, 306. Hoskins, William, affidavit before, 256 ; certification, 257. Hot Springs (Ark.), analysis, 247. Hotwater (Va.), in Revolution, 251, 252. Houghton. Thomas, justice of peace, 218. Houston, John, sells horses, 202. Houston, Robert, account, 38. Howard, — , Kentucky land owner, 100. Howard, Benjamin, in Kentucky, 145. Howard. John, land owner, 88 ; residence, 62, 03, 72 ; conduct, 60, 134. Howard, Mrs. John, sister of Preston, 134. Howdeshall, — , killed by Indians, 238. Howe, Henry, Historical Collections of Vir ginia, criticized, 277. Howe, Gen. William, British officer, 120. Howison, Robert Reid, History of Virginia, excerpt from, 283. Hoy, — , captive, 279. Hubbard, Lieut. Edward, affidavit, 46. Hugart, Sergt. Thomas, receipt, 31, 48 ; at Fort Lewis, 21, 26 ; message for, 55. Huggins, William, messenger, 164. Hughes, Capt. — , in Revolution, 252. Hughes, David, in Dunmore's War, 87. Hughes, John, receipt, 52, 204. Hughes, Robert, receipt, 196. Hume, George, surveyor, 3. Humphries, Uriah, receipt, 183. Hunter, John, survey for, 192. Hunter, Malcolm, receipt, 222. Hunter, Robert, witness, 131. Hunter, Col. Samuel, in Revolution, 259, 270 ; signs document, 215. Hunterdon County (N. J.'), native, 264. Huntingdon, Selina, countess of, mission to Indians, 228. Huntingdon (Pa.), in Revolution, 216. Hupp, John C, letters, 290, 297; biograph ical sketch, 295. Hurd, Capt. Jesse, in Revolution, 266. Hutchinson, William, account, 49 ; receipt, 50. Hutchison, Ensign — , guards prisoners, 211. Hutchison, George, receipt, 185, 200. Hutchison, John, receipt, 185. Hutchison, William, receipt, 180. Hymn, copied, 308. Illinois, French inhabitants, 224 ; British commandant, 155, 156 ; land grants in, 150; settlers, 261, 297"; journeys to, 219, 241, 305. Illinois County (Va.), letter from, 125. Indian agents, appointment, 233. Indian fields, land grant, 5. Indiana Company, land grants, 163. Indiana County (Pa.), Revolutions vet eran in, 251. [331 Index Indians : habitat, 241 ; boundaries, 54, 79, 117, 118; dances, 90; character de scribed, 100, 286 ; influence of conjurers, 149; medals for, 230; missions, 228, 307 ; trade with, 7 ; protected, 37, 155 ; bounty for killing, 36 ; murdered by whites, 53, 58, 74, 76, 119, 214, 283, 2SS, 293 ; early raids, 9-14, 22, 49, 54, 50, 57, 67, 09-100, 148, 150-155, 235- 239, 248, 255. 261, 278, 281, 283-285, 2S7, 288, 294, 295, 299 ; captives among, 292, 294 ; tomahawk a child, 92, 93 ; in Dunmore's War, 252, 269, 270 ; Cherokee expedition, 205, 207, 271, 272 ; in Revo lution, 1118-113, 115-122, 125, 127-129, 138, 142. 143, 103-165, 182, 193, 210- 221, 255-257, 259-201, 263, 264, 267- 209, 279, 287 ; Kentucky raids, 117, 129, 224, 229, 230 ; campaigns against, 275 ; sell lands, 24s ; message for, 105 ; taught to make gunpowder, 1S4 ; Congress plans for, 107 ; narrative of, 271 ; novel on life of, 299. Ingles, Col. John, narrative, 284, 286. Ingles, Thomas I, emigrates to Virginia, 284. Ingles, Thomas II, in Dunmore's War, 87 ; family captured, 142; protected, 130; accused of disloyalty, 133. Ingk-s, Thomas, of Virginia, letters, 284. Ingles, Thomas, of Kentucky, letters, 284, 286. Ingles. W., receipt, 176. Ingles, Col. William, settlement in western Virginia, 284 ; recommended for appoint ment, 36 ; vouchers, 44 ; receives public stores, 46 : paper sent to, 61 ; letters, 56, 96; message for, 127; land claims, 100, 140; in Dunmore's War, 99; in Revolu tion, 217 ; loyalist, 135, 138. Ingles, Mrs. William, captivity, 284. Ingles' Ferry (Va.), visit to, 286. Ingles' Station (Va.). journey via, 143. Ingram, — , land dispute, 125. Ingram, Jonathan, loyalist, 138 ; sends sub stitute, 137. Ingram, Samuel, loyalist, 135. Ingram family, in Dunmore's War, 77. Ink, manufacture of, 306. Innes, Henry, federal judge, 245. Invasion Act, amended, 121. Ireland, news from, 1 ; emigrants, 63, 145, 257, 258, 208. Irish language, studied, 298. Iroquois (Five Nations) Indians, battle in Virginia, 148. Irvin, Robert, receipt, 191. Irvine, Capt. Christopher, receipt, 191, 192, 190 ; account, 206. Irwin, — , mentioned, 63. Irwin, Lieut. — , messenger, 152 ; in Cher okee War, 154. Irwin, — , land title, 242. Islands : Baccus, in the Ohio, 248. Big, on Holston. See below, Long. Big, on Susquehanna, 256. Great, on Holston. See below, Long. Gwyn's, in Revolution, 115. Long (Big, Great), on Holston, 109, 115, 16.3; rendezvous, 154; battle at, 113, 205, 206, 271, 272, 275, 295, 296; owner, 299. Man, natives, 294. Martha's Vineyard, described, 55. Jackson, Francis, receipt, 25. Jackson Sr., John, receipt, 25, 32. Jackson, John, receipt, 31. Jackson, Robert, letter, 8. Jackson (Miss.), letter from, 280. Jameson, — , plantation, 121. Jameson, James, voucher, 210. Jameson. William, land grant, 3. Jamieson, — . messenger, 280. Jefferson, — , mentioned, 61. Jefferson, Thomas, lawyer, 141, 213 ; gov ernor, 131, 132: state paper, 87; letters, 127, 129, 136; letters to, 128, 132. Jefferson County (Ky. ), resident, 246. Jefferson County (Tenn.), Revolutionary veteran in, 264. Jefferson County (Va.), letter from, 282. Jeffries, Thomas, preemption claim, 225. Jenkins, — , sells cotton, 251. Jenkins, John, loyalist, 138 ; confession,, 133. Jennings, Jonathan, son killed, 116. Jessamine County (Ky.), deposition taken in, 247 ; letter from, 248. Jilbert, Jervis, deed of land, 155. Jobiden, Francis, deed of land, 155. Johnson, — , messenger, 130. Johnson, Amos, loyalist, 138. Johnson, Christopher, receipt, 191. Johnson, John, contractor, 8 ; receipt, 173. Johnson, Col. Joseph, writes declaration,. 20(>. Johnson, Robert, assignee, 223 ; land entry, 223. 220, 302. Johnson, William, receipt, 32, 41. Johnson, William W., receipt, 15. Johnson, Capt. Zaccheus, in Revolution, 261. Johnson County (Ind.), Revolutionary vet eran in, 259. Johnston, — , mentioned, 100. [332] Index Johnston, Andrew, brother, 292. Johnston, Charles, captured by Indians, 294 ; sketch of, 292. Johnston, Edward, brother, 292. Johnston, Erwaker, receipt, 52. Johnston, Fanny R., letter, 294. Johnston, Frederick, biographical sketches, 291-294 : letters, 294. Johnston, John, receipt, 19, 35, 47. Johnston, Peter, son, 292. Johnston Jr., Peter, brother, 292. Johnston, Thomas, soldier, 52. Johnston, William, scout, 164. Jolly, David, captivity, 279. Jolly, Henry, pension statement, 250, 253. "Jones," cited, 250 Jones, — , creditor, 145. Jones, Gabriel, receipt, 27. 32 ; heirs, 145. Jones. John, improves land, 62 ; receipt, 200. Jones, Capt. John Litton, in Dunmore's War, 83. Jones. Joshua, accused of disloyalty, 133, ¦138. Jones, Mark, fence on land, 8. Jones, Gen. R., letter, 279. Jones, Thomas, witness, 224, 226, 231, 232. Jones, W'illiam, letter to, 242. Jonesville (Va.), letter from, 276. Jordan, Adam, r-aceipt, 15, 32, 42 ; wit ness, 28. Jordan. John, receipt, 24. Judge Friend, Cherokee chief, 117 ; letter to, 105. Judson. Rev. Adoniram, superscription of letter to, 307. Julons, Capt. George, in Revolution, 258. Kanawha County (Va.), resident. 280. Kanawha Court House (Va. ), resident, 273. Kaskaskia (111.), letter from, 125; land sales near, 155 ; visited, 241 ; voyage from, 156. Keening, Patrick, receipt, 32. Keeny, Edward, furnishes provisions, 45. Kelly, Walter, attacked, 81 ; killed, 82 ; residence, 119. See also Forts : Kelly's. Kelsey. David, receipt, 204. Kennedy, Ensign David, witness, 46. Kennedy, John, address, 303. Kennedy, Patrick, voyage on Illinois, 156. Kennedy, Mrs. Sarah, address, 303. Kennedy, William, certifies, 79. Kennedy, William, land entry, 242, 245. Kennedy vs. Justices of Madison County, case in Kentucky courts, 239. Kennerley, Reuben, in Revolution, 200. Kennerly. Samuel, receipt, 198, 200. Kennerly, William, pension statement, 264k 205. Kenny, Thomas, receipt, 204. Kenton, Simon, land entry, 221, 232, 302 ; survey for, 230. Kenton's Station (Ky.), land claim, 242. Kentucky, map of portion, 235 ; explora tions, 94, 100; route to, 308; emigra tion to, 108, 227, 240, 258, 261, 264, 279, 285 ; troops return via, 98, 158, 161 ; purchased of Cherokee, 101-103 ; surveys in, 86, N9, 100, 103. 125, 157 ; land claims, 100, 124, 219-221, 227, 302, 304, 307 ; speculation in lands, 230 ; disputed titles, 112, 218, 224; settlements in, 104, 144, 220 ; return from, 122, 177 ; visits to, 141, 273, 292; description »f, 218; Indian raids in, 106, 117, 143. 182. 184, 212, 221, 277, 2S1, 294, 299; re inforcements for, 193 ; courts in, 243- 245. 247 ; schools, 242, 243 ; Presby terians, 303 ; negroes from, 233 ; new counties in, 12S, 134; desires separation from Virginia, 144, 229, 231 ; convention, 145 ; state assembly, 237 ; acts, 237 ; court of appeals, 239 : commissioners to settle accounts, 141, 223. Kentucky County (Va. ). commissions for, 141, 223; surveying in, 128, 129; Indian alarm, 129. Keowee, Cherokee town, 151. Kernes, Michael, receipt, 196, 199 ; vouch er. 196. Kerr, — , deposition, 125. Kerr, James, loyalist. 135. Kerr, John, witness, 6. Keys, James, Revolutionary services, 266 ; deposition, 266, 267. Kickapoo Indians, hostile, 212 ; friendly, 214. Kidd, Daniel, receipt, 18; voucher, 166, Kilgore, Capt. David, in Revolution, 250. Kilpatrick, Charles, receipt, 204. Kimball, David, receipt, 12. Kincheloe's Station (Ky.), route via, 224. Kinder, Gasper, fort at home, 79. King, James, messenger, 109-; residence, 96. King, Joseph, receipt. 200. King, Robert, loyalist, 135 ; confession, 137. King, Thomas, soldier, 50. King, William, narrative, 272. King and Queen County (Va.), land in, 228. King's Mill (Tenn.), garrison at, 95. Kinkead, Andrew, information from, 211. Kinkead, James, receipt, 50. Kinkead, John, messengrer, 93, 95. [333] Ind ex Kinkead, Capt.' John, assignee, 128. Kinkead, Matthew, receipt, 32. Kinkead, Thomas, receipt, 42, 50; pay, 50. Kinkead, William, receipt, 23. Kinney, William, certification, 264. Kirk, — , cabin in Fayette County, 242. Kirk, Mrs. — , information concerning, 289. Kirkendall, Capt. Samuel, in Revolution, 265. Kirkpatrick, Maj. — , residence, 308. Kishacoquilles Valley (Pa.), in Revolution, 258. 205. Knight, Dr. John, escapes, 279. Knights of the Horseshoe, in colonial Vir ginia, 282, 283. Knox, James, receipt, 21, 42; robbed by Indians, 94. Knox, Robert, receipt, 20, 21, 42, 49, 53. Knoxville (Tenn.), capital of Tennessee, 237, 238 ; journey from, 286. Kuhn, Adam, certification, 262. Kyle, Hazlitt, sketch, 293. Kyle, Joseph, witness, 171, 183. Kyle, Robert, sketch, 293. Kyle, William, receipt, 169; witness, 170. Lackey, James, receipt for, 201. Lackey, Thomas, receipt for, 201. Lafferty, John, land entry, 231, 242, 302 ; survey for. 234. Lafferty, William, plantation, 262. Lakes : Erie, route via, 305 ; navy in, 249. Ontario, navy in, 249. Lamb, — , voucher, 210. Lamb, Capt. William, in Revolution, 255. Lambert Jr., Charles, receipt, 196. Lambert, Jeremiah, loyalist, 138. Lambert, Philip, granted protection, 133. Lammey, Andrew, family endangered, 94. Lancaster (Pa. I, Indian treaty at, 248; lawsuit, 234. Lancaster County (Ta. ), in Revolution, 249 ; settlers, 268. Lands : Royal policy, 105 ; large grants, 1-5, 67, 104, 237, 243, 247, 307; companies, 7, 99, 101, 104, 163, 223, 243, 244 ; mil itary bounty, 65-70, 77, 99, 100, 102, 105, 148, 154, 155, 274; western ces sions. 233 ; grants for schools, 243, 244 ; land claims, 119, 125, 127, 128, 3 40, 141, 144, 219, 220, 223-220, 229. 238, 302, 304 ; speculation in, 230 ; conflicting titles, 66, 112, 145, 218; commissioners to settle, 124, 218 ; transfers, 239, 240;. taxes, 237 ;, sur- Lands — continued vevs, 59-62, 64-69, 91, 98. 100, 102, 103, 124, 125, 156, 157, 192, 226-228, 238, 244, 246, 302 ; surveying rules, 307 ; surveyor's certificate, 65. See also Loyal Land Company. Lane, Capt. — , in Revolution, 264. Lane, S. Eliot, article, 296. Lanier, Robert, boundary commissioner, 117. La Plante, Alexis, deed of land, 155. Lapsley, Capt. Joseph, militia officer, 11 ; cited to court martial, 5 ; receipt, 188. Lapsley, Samuel, receipt, 169, 188; assist ant commissary. 199. Larkin, John, receipt, 202. Latin phrases, list, 302. Laudanum, antidote for, 300. Laudcn, James, affidavit before, 270. Lavcrn. Samuel, receipt, 202. Lawer, Andrew, loyalist, 135. Lawer, Henry, loyalist, 1 35. Lawrence, — , cotton buyer, 251. Lawrence, Samuel, receipt, 169 ; witness, 170. Lawrence, Thomas, receipt, 42. Lawrence County (Ky.-), Revolutionary veteran in, 265. Laybrook, Henry, loyalist, 135. Leather, directions for tanning, 301. Leathwood (Va.), Fontaine's residence, 230. Leaven, — , cotton broker, 251. Lebo, Isaac, accused of disloyalty, 217, 218. Le Clercy, Francis, certification, 261. Lccompte. Charles, improvement right. 219 ;: deposition, 240. Lederer, John, Discoicrirx. copy, 147. Ledgerwood, James, receipt, 194. Ledgerwood, John, receipt, ISO. Lee, C. C, letters, 274, 279. 280. Lee, Francis VV., witness, 227. Lee, G. 11., land owner, 248. Lee, Capt. Hancock, surveyor, 101. Lee, Gen. Henry, of Kentucky, land claim, 230, 234 ; leases lands, 244 ; plaintiff in lawsuit, 247. Lee. Gov. Henry, of Virginia, proclamation, 239. Lee, Rev. Henry, notes, 290. Lee, Teter, survey, 234. Lee, Richard Henry, candidate for gover nor, 141. Lee, Gen. Robert E., letter, 292. Lee, Thomas Ludington, on Committee of Safety, 108. Lee & Company, account, 246. [334] Ind ex Lee County (Va.O, letter from, 248; resi dent, 260. Leffler, Isaac, affidavit before, 256, 257, 260. Leftwich, William, account, 174. Lemon, Capt. John, in Revolution, 210. Lemon, Jones, voucher, 210. Lemon, Samuel, witness, 177. Leslie, Alexander, British general, 142. Letcher,, — , murdered, 131. Letter, Richard, receipt, 24, 42. Levels. See Camp Union. Leverington (Pa.), resident, 283-286. Lewin, J., letter, 252. Lewis, — , letter to, 68. Lewis, Capt. — , in Revolution, 264. Lewis, Capt. Aaron, in Revolution, 191, 267 ; letter, 110 ; witness, 218. Lewis, Andrew, date of birth, 278 ; militia officer, 2, 9, 19 ; on Sandy Creek expedi tion, 10 ; in French and Indian War, 10, 11, 272, 274, 277, 292; orders, 12, 13, £7 ; in Dunmore's War, 77, 80, 88, 96, 97, 157, 159-162, 252, 269, 270, 272, 292, 297 ; promoted, 155 ; in Revolution, 292 ; at Williamsburg, 66 ; Richmond, 139 ; meeting at house, 119 ; candidate, 62, 03 ; relations with Cherokee, 54, 60, 118 ; letters, 11, 18, 26, 36, 56-59, 63, 65, 66, 79, 84, 88, 92, 115, 121, 124, 159, 161, 218; letters for, 26, 27, 79, 81, 122; sons, 280, 308 ; notes on, 271, 276 ; char acterized, 274 ; date of death, 273, 275 ; sketch, 292. Lewis Jr., Andrew, letters, 269, 270 ; notes, on, 275, 280. Lewis, Charles, made lieutenant, 12 ; in French and Indian War, 273 ; pursues ¦Indians, 57; receipts, 32, 49; witness, 15, 17-21, 30, 33, 35, 39, 4-8, 43; land grant for, 124 ; letter, 78 ; in Dunmore's War, 80, 92 ; killed, 98, 274, 296 ; com mended, 278 ; notes on, 276. Lewis, Maj. Charles H., letters, 274, 275, 277, 278, 282. Lewis, George, receipt, 32. Lewis, Griffith, loyalist, 138. Lewis, James A., letter to, 273, 280. Lewis, John, Augusta County militia offi cer, 5 ; patents lands, 6, 8 ; judgment against, 3 ; surveys for, 6, 140. Lewis Jr., Capt. John, of Augusta County, 58 j letter, 62 ; notes on, 277. Lewis Jr., Capt. John, of Botetourt County, in Dunmore's War, 158, 162 ; notes on, 280. Lewis, Dr. John B., letter, 283. Lewis, Samuel, supposed brother of An drew, 273. Lewis, Samuel, son of Andrew, at Doh- nally's fort, 122 ; in Revolution, 265 ; letter enclosed, 121 ; letter to, 139 ; notes on, 280. Lewis, Gen. Samuel H., letters, 273, 277, 282 ; letter to, 278. Lewis, Thomas, militia clerk, 2, 3 ; certi fies document, 5 ; in French and Indian- War, 273 ; letters, 13, 54, 55, 59, 60, 69, 73, 98, 104, 107, 124, 140; death, 277; papers lost, 273. Lewis, Thomas, son of Andrew, adventure with Indian Hollis, 276, 277, 308 ; notes on, 280. Lewis, Thomas, son of Thomas, informa tion from, 277. Lewis, Thomas, of Mason County, certifi cation, 259. Lewis, Virgil A., commissioner, 298. Lewis, William, in French and Indian War, 273. Lewis, William Terrell, letter, 296. Lewis family, genealogy of, 292, 296; notes on, 274, 277, 283. Lewis County (Va. ), Revolutionary vet eran in, 263 ; letter from, 283. Lewisburg (Va. ), letter from, 276. Lewiston (Va.), letter from, 273, 277, 282. Lewisville (Ga. ), resident, 230. Lexington (Ky. ), commissioners at, 224; farm near, 302 ; distance to, 308 ; letters from, 238, 284 ; letter to, 248 ; physician at, 246 ; Draper visits, 277. Lexington (Va.), settled, 275; letters from, 280, 292 ; letter to, 270 ; Gazette, edi torial, 294. Liberty Hall Seminary, begun, 103, 107; subscriptions for, 166. Lightfoot, Capt. — , in French and Indian War, 148, 149. Limestone (Ky.), distance to, 308. Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, in Rerolutlon, 126. Lincoln County (Ky. and Va.), letters from, 140, 224, 229 ; surveyor for, 140 ; re moval to, 230 ; resident, 239. Linn, John, affidavit sworn before, 255. Linn, William. See Lynn. Litchfield (Mass.), letter for, 30T. Little Carpenter, Cherokee chief, 99, 102, 149-153; letter to, 105; treaty with, 117. Little, Thomas, sheriff, 3. Littleton, Andrew, receipt, 37. Liveer, Adam, loyalist, 135. Llinn, Thomas, survey for, 192. [335] Index Lloyd, Dr. — , services desired, 93. Lloyd, Charles, receipt, 42. Lloyd, Thomas, receipt, 28 ; witness, 14, 1,8-21, 23, 24, 32, 38, 40, 43-45, 52. Lochry, Archibald, surveyor, 157. Locke, Thomas, sells horses, 195. Lockhart, Charles, scouting, 58. Lockhart, Jacob, scout, 164; killed by In dians, 276. Lockhart, Capt. James, militia officer, 11; receipts, 25, 32 ; land grant, 3 ; letter to, 49. Lockhart, Levi, messenger, 182. Lockhart, Patrick, magistrate, 135; resi dence, 137 ; assistant commissary, 166- 177, 179-181, 183, 184. 213; receipts, 187, 195, 201, 210 ; accounts, 122, 189 ; witness, 132, 184-186, 188, 200 ; messen ger, 71, 73; payment for, 145; rescues captives, 276 ; letter, 132. Lockridge, Andrew, receipt, 42 ; witness, 44. Loftus, Steel, killed by Indians, 211. "Logan," a drama, 252. Logan, Lieut. — , in militia, 86. Logan, Benjamin, letter, 62 ; lands, 62 ; residence, 95. Logan, David, receipts, 169, 202 ; voucher, 183. Logan, Hugh, receipt, 169. Logan, James, drover, 202 128. Logan, John, voucher, 175, 195. Logan, John, Indian chief, 95, 98, 125; family murdered, 281 ; letter, 95 : char acterized, 96 ; tragedy based on, 295. Logan, Rev. Robert, sketch, 291. Logan, William, sells horse, 195 ; delivers provisions, 169. Logan's Sugar Camp, in Fayette County, 242. Logwood, Thomas, receipt, 191. London (Eng.), mayor of, 1 ; merchants, 156 ; visited, 56 ; letter from, 1. Long, Capt. Alexander, in Revolution, 261. Long, David, militia officer, 12 ; on Cher okee expedition, 154: receipts, 32, 42, 47; orders, 52 ; witness, 34 ; letter to, 83, 84. Looney, Capt. — , commands militia, 76, 82, 92 ; in Dunmore's War, 84, 99 ; absence, 95 ; representative from Sullivan County, 127. Looney, Absalom, residence, 121. Looney, David, account, 37 ; letter, 59. Looney, Peter, buys provisions, 6 ; contrac tor, 8. Looney, Robert, receipt, 44. land grant, 183 ; receipt, Looney Jr., Robert, buys provisions, 6. Lorton, Capt. — , orders to, 138. Loudoun, John Campbell, earl of, com mander of colonial forces, 10, 22, 148, 149. Loudoun County (Va.), in Revolution, 264. Louisa County (Va.), law practice in, 141; letter from, 117; letter to, 155. Louisburg, attack failed, 22. Louisiana, geography of, 305 ; cession, 305. Louisville (Ky.), early settlement, 144; described, 21 8 ; commissioners at, 224 ; resident, 208. Louisville (Miss.), letter from, 296; Jour nal, excerpt from, 288. Louviere, Chaufour de, land sale, 155. Love. Capt. Philip, in Dunmore's War, 158, 160 ; letter, 89. Lovell, Marcum, loyalist, 138. Lowry, Henry, receipt, 197. Lowry, Malvan, receipt, 191. Lowry, Patrick, account, 38. Lowther, Col. William, descendants, 283. Loyal Land Company, grant, 8, 119 ; ar rangements for, 122-124, 142-144 ; claims, 104 ; accounts, 282 ; surveys for, 66, 139. Loyalists (Tories), in Hardy County (Va.), 278; in North Carolina, 267; Pennsylvania, 261 ; western Virginia, 111, 118, 128-133, 135. 137. 138, 140, 213, 217 ; trials of, 127. Lucas, J., certificate, 141. Lucas, Robert, lieutenant, 84. Lunenburg (Va. ), letters from, 13. 14. Lunenburg County (Va.), officers, 22. Luney family. See Looney. Lusk, — , lawsuit, 22. Lusk, R., sells horse, 204. Lycoming County (Pa.), Revolutionary veterans in, 259, 265, 267, 269, 270. Lying Fish, Cherokee chief, 117. Lyle, Daniel, receipt, 204. Lyle, James, land entry, 245. Lyle, Capt. John, on Cherokee expedition, 170. Lyle, Rev. John, presbytery, 303. Lyle, Samuel, account, 45 ; receipt, 202. Lyle, Capt. William, on Cherokee expedi tion, 181. Lynch. Charles, magistrate, 133, 137 ; land grant, 65 ; mill site, 69 ; in Revolution, 266 ; lawsuit, 227 ; provides ammunition, 113. 215; letters, 64, 133. Lynn, — , killed by Indians, 287. Lyun, John, soldier, 53. Lynn (Linn), Col. William, in Revolution, 212, 269. Lyon, — , attorney, 253. [336] Index McAdo, — , cotton buyer, 251. McAfee, — , residence, 155. McAfee, George, master drover, 186 ; pur chases provisions, 172—175 ; receipts, 184-186. McAfee, Robert, receipt, 172 ; witness, 173 ; sells horses, 198. McAfee, William, purchases provisions, 167. McAfee family, notes on, 292. McAfee's Station (Ky.'), route via, 224. McAuley, James, land claim, 221, 242. McBride, William, justice of peace, 132. McCabe, James, certification, 261. McCall, — , residence, 81. McCall, Thomas, pension statement, 263. McCauley, James. See McAuley. McCay, Richard, assistant commissary, 195. McClaim, Alexander, land entry, 304. McClaim, Rev. John, character, 63, 64. McClanahan, Capt. — , in Revolution, 136, 258, 261 ; messenger, 120. McClanahan. Alexander, in Dunmore's War, 85. McClanahan, Col. E., letters, 275, 278. McClanahan, Elijah, witness, 27 ; captured by Indians, 57. McClanahan, Rev. John, residence, 303. McClanahan, Capt. Robert, in Dunmore's War, 158 : residence, 5. McClanahan, William, letter, 163 ; notes on, 278. McClanahan family, data on, 284. MeClean, W., affidavit before, 257. McClellan, John, receipt, 53. McClellan, William, receipt, 174, 187. McClelland, Capt. — , in Revolution, 258. McClelland, Alexander, land entry, 304. McClelland, Joseph, land entry, 221, 224, 242 ; survey for, 230. McClintock, William, receipt, 25, 27, 43. McClure, Capt. — , in Revolution, 268. McClure, Alexander, account, 38. McClure, Arthur, sells provisions, 169. McClure, John, receipt, 166, 169 ; sells horse, 195. McClure, Malcolm, claim, 166. McClure, Samuel, witness, 166 ; receipt, 167 ; pension statement, 261, 263. McClure, William, receipt, 169. McColloch, Abraham, Revolutionary serv ices, 256, 260. McColloch, Maj. John, scouting, 285, 287 ; in Revolution, 263, 285, 287 ; informa tion concerning, 289. McColloch Jr., John, clerk of court, 257. McColloch, Maj. Samuel, at siege of Fort Wheeling, 268; leap, 285, 297, 298; death, 287; widow, 295. McColloch, William, married, 285. McConnell, Francis, assignee, 224 ; land entry, 219, 220, 304, 307 ; survey for, 226; heirs of, 230. McConnell Jr., Francis, land entry, 304. McConnell, James, land survey for, 230. McConnell ST., William, preemption claim, 219, 220, 223 ; entry, 220, 221. McConnell, William, land claim, 245, 304, 307 ; survey for, 226, 227, 230. McCord, James, affidavit, 256. McCorkle, Capt. James, receipts, 208, 209 ; witness, 124, 170-181 ; report, 112 ; militia company, 130; accused of disloy alty, 133. McCorroick, Adam, drover, 210. McCown, H. B., article by, 288. MeCown, James, receipt, 200. McCown, John, receipt, 202. -MeCown family. See McKown. McCoy. Enos. See Mackey, Aeneas. McCoy, Capt. Alexander, in Revolution, 255. McCoy. Capt. John, in Revolution, 259. McCoy, Neal, in Revolution, 249. McCrea, Edith, marriage contract, 156. McCreery, John, receipt, 22, 43. MeCue, J. Marshall, letter, 294 ; sends pa pers, 294. McCulloch, Capt. Hugh, land claim, 234. McCulloch, Maj. Samuel. See McColloch. McDermott, Joseph, Revolutionary ser vices, 266. McDiil's Lessee vs. McDill, law case, 234. McDonald, — , information from, 279. McDonald, Capt. — , in Revolution, 216. McDonald, Angus, land grant, 68 ; expedi tion, 87, 92, 157. McDonald, Bryan, constable, warrant for, 118. McDonald, Daniel, locates land, 69. McDonald, John, loyalist, 131, 135 ; gives bond, 131. McDonald, Col. John, reference to, 289. McDonald, Joseph, witness, 131 ; loyalist, 135. McDonald, Theodosius, land grant, 69. McDowell, James, land grant, 70 ; brother killed, 148. McDowell, Gov. James, owns Preston pa pers, 277 ; letter, 277. McDowell, Capt. John, militia officer, 2 ; killed by Indians, 148, 248, 278, 280; data on, 277. McDowell, Lieut. Joseph, at Fort Fauquier, 38 ; receipt, 46 ; public stores, 46. McDowell, Josiah, scout, 164. McDowell, Patsey, witness, 231 22— H. S. [337] Inoex McDowell, Peggy, witness, 231. McDowell, Col. Samuel, in Dunmore's War, 85 ; commissioner to adjust claims, 119, 222, 224 ; candidate, 63 ; resignation, 141 ; land affairs, 67, 231 ; order on, 145 ; letter, 248 ; letter to, 72 ; deposition, 247. McElhattan, Capt. — , in Revolution, 255, 256. McElhenny, Robert, receipt, 202. McElhenny, William, land grant, 105. McElroy, William, receipt, 178. McElwrath, Robert, account, 49 ; receipt, 51. McFarlan, William, wounded, 78. McFarland, Daniel, letter, 212. McFaul, Daniel, soldier, 34. McFaul, James, soldier, 34. McFerran, John, voucher, 178 ; witness, 46. McFerran, Martin, conveys horses, 157. McFerran, Samuel, receipt, 169 ; witness, 181. McFerran, Thomas, receipt, 167. MeGary, Col. Hugh, residence, 272, 273. McGavock, Lieut. — , in Revolution, 265. McGavock, James, militia officer, 126 ; mag istrate, 100, 132 ; residence, 105, 133 ; istrate 109, 132 ; residence, 105, 133 ; letters, 113, 115. McGeagh, William, ranger, 27. McGee, James, gives bond, 131. McGee, Robert, loyalist, 131, 135. McGeorge, Thomas, witness, 222. McGillivray, Alexander, Creek chief, 236. McGregor, Thomas, receipt, 15. McGuire, John, wounded, 87. Machir, John, plaintiff, 245 ; ejectment ac tion, 243, 245 ; bond, 247. Mellrain, Moses, receipt, 191. Mcintosh, Capt. Lachlan, in Revolution, 250; expedition, 261, 265, 266, 278. McJenkins, William, land entry, 226. Mackacheck, Shawnee town, 214. McKeachy, James, receipt, 45. McKean, Thomas, chief justice of Pennsyl vania, 234. McKee, Capt. Alexander, land purchase, 100. McKee, John, receipt, 202. McKee, Thomas, trader, 148. MeKeever, Hugh, killed by Indians, 264. McKcnny, William, account, 45. McKenzie, Capt. Robert, land grant, 102- 104. Mackey (McCoy), Col. Aeneas, in Revolu tion, 200, 253. Mackey, Capt. James, in Maryland, 245 ; bond, 241 ; lawsuit, 245. Mackey, John, sells merchandise. 241. Mackey, William, leases land, 244 ; law* suit, 245, 247 ; accounts, 246. McKiernan, George S., cited, 295 ; death, 298; sketch, 298. McKiernan, Mrs. George S., letters, 298. McKinney, — , surveyor, 157. McKinney, James, sells horses, 204. McKinney, John, voucher, 183. McKinney, Robert, receipt, 204. McKitric, Capt. John, in Revolution, 263. McKnight, — , on Cherokee expedition, 154. McKnight, James, receipt, 23, 32, 43, 49. McKown, John, receipt, 45, 52. See also McCown. McKown, Joseph, account, 52. Macky, Robert, letter, 1: McLaney, W., witness, 268. McMahon, Capt. — , in Indian Wars, 262. McMillan, James, witness, 155. McMullen, William, witness, 118; receipt, 207 ; gives bond, 131. McMurtrey, — , residence, 155. McNabb, Samuel, account, '49, 53. McNabb, William, receipt, 53. McNair, David, voucher, 174. McNeal, James, soldier, 51. McXeal, John, soldier, 51. McXeal, Neal, hires horse, 51. McNealy, William, receipt, 222. McNeill, Col. — , illness, 57 ; death, 155. McXutt, A. G., letter, 280. McNutt, Gov. Alexander, in Nova Scotia, 55 ; sketch, 280, 281. McRoberts, — , survey for, 8. McRoberts, John, conveys horses, 157 ; witness, K.7. McRoberts, Samuel, voucher, 13 ; receipts, 167-169 ; son, 157. McWilliams, Andrew, deposition, 138. Madison, — , in Dunmore's War, 77. Madison, Gabriel, letters, 220, 224. Madison, George, letter, 241. Madison, James, author of Federalist, 232; biography planned, 279. Madison, James, president of William and Mary College, 05, 136 ; letters, 227, 231. Madison, John, clerk of court, 6; justice of peace, 37 ; survey for, 192 ; receipt, 207 ; messenger, 101 ; criticism of, 143 ; letters, 102, 217; estate, 227. Madison Jr., John, surveyor, 65, 220, 221 ; letters, 221, 223 ; letters to, 224, 225 ; estate, 227. Madison, Roland (Rowland), sued, 241; letter to, 227. Madison, Luckey, death, 229. Madison, Capt. Thomas, commands militia, 76 ; volunteer, 276 ; messenger, 122 ; [338] Index Madison, Capt. Thomas — continued. information from, 113 ; reference to, 227 ; plans to remove to Kentucky, 227 ; ap pointed commissary, 112, 114, 115, 183 ; percentage received, 193 ; commissary's accounts, 156, 166-192, 194-214; letters, 137, 193 ; letters to, 227, 229-232, 235- 237, 240, 241. Madison, Mrs. Thomas, letter to, 229. Madison, William S., letter, 106 ; letters to, 220, 221 ; message for, 125 ; witness, 179 ; requested to take charge of pris oners, 136 ; commissary for Clark's ex pedition, 219, 221, 222. Madison (Wis.), resident, 288, 291, 293, 295, 297, 298. Madison County (Ky.-), justices, 239. Magazine of American History, cited, 252 ; reprint from, 297. Magazine Spring (Va.), letter from, 105. Magruder, Allen, letter to, 248. Mahanaim ( Va. ) , Christian's residence, 125, 137, 217, 227. Malone, Hugh, receipt, 205. Manchester (Va.), letter from, 126. Manifee, Jarrot, receipt, 208. Manifee, Jonas, receipt, 208. Manly, M., affidavit before, 263. Manning, Nat W., letter to, 278. Mansco, Casper, Tennessee pioneer, 236, 276. Mansfield, Capt. — , message for, 144. Mansfield (Va.), letter from, 109, 112. Maple sugar, camps in Kentucky, 242. Maps : Clinch River, 78. Kentucky and Tennessee, 235. Lederer's, 147. Pennsylvania, western part, 228. Point Pleasant, 251, 273, 295. Virginia-Carolina boundary, 307. Mares, Hugh, receipt, 178. Marietta (Ohio), distances to, 308. Marian's Bottom (Va.), letter from, 284. Marlinton (W. Va.), letter from, 298. Maron, Elizabeth, money paid to, 167. Marriage ceremony, form, 301 ; marriages, lists of, 6, 223, 240. Marshall, David, witness, 227. Marshall Jr., John, assignee, 224, 229 ; land entry, 221, 230, 232 ; survey for, 232. Marshall, Thomas, commissioner to adjust claims, 222 ; land entry, 224, 229 ; sur veys, 227, 229, 230. Marshall, William L, document to be sent to, 280. Marshall's Road, in Fayette County, 242. Martin, Rev. Alexander, president West Virginia College, 290. Martin, Christopher, substitute for, 255. Martin, George, receipt, 33. Martin, Hugh, residence, 256. Martin, James, receipt, 53. Martin, Capt. John, in Revolution, 256. Martin, Col. Joseph, Indian agent, 230 r on Cherokee expedition, 166, 199 ; cam paign, 275, 277 ; ranger company, 265 ; receipts, 15, 33, 209 ; statement of ac count, 208 ; information from, 127 ; cabin site, 218; letters to, 228, 233, *245 ; orderly book, 166 ; notes on, 270. Martin, Mary, veteran's widow, 270. Martin, Capt. Patrick, militia officer, 11. Martin, Richard, pension statement, 259, 265, 267 ; Revolutionary veteran, 249. Martin, Roger, pension statement, 255, 256. Martin, Thomas, of Pennsylvania, Revolu tionary services, 249, 269, 270. Martin, Thomas, of Virginia, letter, 142. Martin, William, of Virginia, pension state ment, 266. Martin, William, of Tennessee, pension statements, 255, 266. Martin, Col. William, son of Joseph, let ter, 270 ; letter to, 276 ; criticized, 272. Martin's Station, protection for, 228. Martin's Tavern, in Fayette County, 242. Martinsburg (Va.), letter from, 282; Ga zette, editor, 282. Marvin, Capt. Seth, in Revolution, 261. Maryland, money, 63 ; Gazette, excerpts from, 164, 165. Masdin, Thomas. See Masten. Mason, — , should be banished, 94. Mason, John, account, 45, 51. Mason, Capt. Samuel, in Revolution, 210,. 256, 257, 260. Mason, Thomas, land grant, 228, 300. Mason County (Ky.), lands in, 239, 242,. 244, 247, 307 ; town, 308 ; marriages, 240 : county court, 240, 242, 243, 245, . 247 ; commissioners, 240 ; residents, 243, . 247, 303. Mason County (Va. and W. Va.), letter- from, 295 ; Revolutionary veteran in, 259. Massie, Nathaniel, surveys land, 238. Masten, Thomas, in Dunmore's War, 82 ;. in Cherokee expedition, 197, 209. Mathews, John, receipt. 49. Mathews, Patrick, soldier, 52. Matthews, Francis, money paid to, 167 ; receipt, 188. Matthews, Capt. George, in Dunmore's War, 85 ; account of battle, 273 ; in Revolution, 261, 264 ; biographical notes. on, 279, 282. [339] Index Matthews, Sampson, commissioner, 119 ; in Revolution, 264 ; biographical notes on, 298. Matthews, William, receipt, 18, 26. Maury, Col. — , account, 51. Maury, Reuben, grandson of Dr. Walker, 286. Maxwell, — , surveyor, 157. Maxwell, Capt. James, commands militia, 128 ; daughters killed, 142. Maxwell, Capt. John, militia officer, 11 ; receipts, 36, 37, 199. Maxwell, Thomas, to be court martialed, 78. Maxwell, Thomas, land claim, 221, 242, 302. May, — , lawsuit, 145. May, John, clerk of Botetourt County, 150 : letter, 223 ; assignee of land claims, 223. May, Richard, witness, 171. May's Licks (Ky. ), lands near, 304. Maysville (Ky), resident, 73. Mead, William, receipt, 191, 192, 196. Mead, Jr., William, receipt, 192. Medals, for Indian chiefs, 230. Meek, — , voucher, 210. Meeks, — , loyalist, 131. Memphis (Tenn.), resident, 293; letter from, 294. Mercer, George, land owner, 247, 304. Mercer, Col. Hugh, land warrant, 7, 101 ; message for, 149; letters, 6, 7, 90, 98, 108. Mercer, James, on Committee of Safety, 108 ; land claim, 307. Mercer County (Va. ), laud in, 231. Merchant, Alexander, receipt, 17, 33. Mercier, Marie Jeanne, deed of land, 156. Meredith. William, Kentucky land owner, 100. Miami Indians. See Twightee. Middlesex County (Va. ), farm in, 143, 144. Midway (Ky. ), resident, 270. Mifflin County (Pa.) in Revolution, 258 ; veterans in, 255, 256, 265. Mihills, Richard, receipt, 43. Milburn, John, substitute for, 258. Militia, officers of, 1, 6, 9, 11, 108; court martials. 2-5 ; muster rolls, 70, 72, 73, 81, 93, 134, 150, 157-100, 102, 249; pay rolls, 57, 210 ; general muster of, 143 ; muster book, 2; rangers, 9-11, 19, 27; wages, 99 ; orders for, 103 ; accounts, 100, 210; provisions for, 22; in Dun more's War, 74-100; in Revolution, 111, 114, 119, 121, 123, 120, 129, 130, 133, 103, 104, 1S2, 210, 215, 217, 255-265, 268, 209, 274 ; drafted, 12, 116, 255, 205. 206 ; unequal to defense, 154. Miller. — , lawsuit, 61, 62. Miller, Andrew, receipt, 54. Miller, Edward, work on Psalmody, 55. Miller, Hugh, receipt, 3 ; account, 53 ; pay as soldier, 49. Miller. Maj. J. O., letter, 1. Miller, James, receipt, 18; voucher, 210. Miller, James W., certification, 262. Miller, John, land grant, 3 ; receipts, 18, 20, 21, 27, 33, 43, 49; account, 54. Miller, Robert, receipt, 25, 176. Miller, T., visits Illinois, 241. Miller, Thomas, receipt, 25. Miller family, in Augusta County, 12. Milliner, Samuel, residence, 256. Mills, Mrs. — , narrates incident, 275. Mills, Capt. John, letter, 134 ; receipt, 185, ISO, 195. Mills, John, affidavit, 257, 260. Mills, Thomas, pensioner, 283 ; pension statement, 262. Mills, William, receipt, 167. Mills. See Sawmill. Mines : coal, in Illinois, 156 ; lead in Vir ginia, 59. 60, 64, 113, 114, 134 ; pro tected in Revolution. 127, 129, 103, 193, 201, 217 ; ores near Toint Pleasant, 304. Mingo Indians, attitude, 104, 211, 214; attacked, 98; in Revolution, 182. Minor, Franklin, letters, 2.^0, 2s7 ; mem oranda, 286, 287. Miscampbell, Robert, sells horse, 201. Mississippi, emigration to, 286. Missouri Magazine, cited, 249. Mitchell, Lieut. Charles, in Revolution, 268. Mitchell, David, receipt. 183. Mitchell, Capt. Hugh, in Revolution, 218. Mitchell, Ignatius, land entry, 302. Mitchell. Capt. .Tames, militia officer, 11. Mitchell, John, receipt, 110. Mitchell, Mary. See Woods. Mitchell, Nathaniel, pension statement, 250. Moffett, Col. George, land grant, 70; re ceipt, 5", ; witness, 2 : letter, 61 ; wife, 277 ; biographical data on, 275. MoiTott, Mrs. George, anecdote of, 277. Moffett, Dr. George B., letters, 284, 280. Moffett, John, sale of land, 01 ; Indian wife, 275. Moffett, ('apt. Robert, children captured, 1 42. Moffett, Capt. Thomas, in Revolution, 261. Moncey, SUidmore, receipt, 20S. Monckton, Gen. Robert, British officer, 153. Money, continental depreciation, 141, 254 ; Virginia issues paper, 221 ; scarcity of, 229 ; foreign systems, 308. 340 Index Monongalia County (Va.). officers of, 239; survey of, 221 : residents, 224, 225 ; let ters from, 212, 220. Monopolies, petition against, 122. Monroe, James, letter, 245 ; letters to, 142, 222. Monroe County (Ohio), residents, 255. Montaney, Samuel, receipts, 15, 16, 33. Montcalm (Va.), letters from, 271, 272. Montgomery, Capt. — , orders to, 138. Montgomery, Lieut. James, of Pennsylva nia, in Revolution, 258. Montgomery, James, of Virginia, receipt, 178. Montgomery, Col. John, magistrate, 109 ; in Dunmore's War, 92, 96 ; in Revolution, 199, 200, 208 : in Illinois, 125 ; letters, 92, 113: receipt, 197; receipt for, 209; witness, 124. Montgomery, Joseph, receipt, 178. Montgomery, Robert, introduced, 73 ; re ceipt, 1 7S. Montgomery, Samuel, receipt, 178. Montgomery, William, receipt, 178. Montgomery family, in Dunmore's War, 77 ; sign petition, 122. Montgomery County (Md. ) , resident, 297. Montgomery County (Va. ), county lieuten ant, 119; justice of peace. 131, 139; commission for, 118; county court, 137; militia, 135-137, 217, 205; frontiers en dangered, 119, 120, 142; expedition from, 129; loyalists' trials in, 135; military claims, is.",; letters from, 118, 132; let ters to, 120. 121, 123, 124, 126, 128, 133-137, 139-145, 193. Moore, Capt. — , letter enclosed, 143. Moore, — , purchase from, 224. Moore, Gen. Andrew, notes on, 278. Moore, Capt. John, militia officer. 11 ; fur nishes provisions, 44 ; receipts, 35, 188. Moere, Joseph, order, 187. Moore, Robert, receipt, 170. Moore, Samuel, receipt, 170. Moore, Capt. Thomas, in Revolution, 250. Moore, William, affidavit, 251. Moorefield (Va.), letter from, 274, 279. Mooresburg (Tenn.), letter from, 296. Mo reman, Charles, affidavit, 241. Moreton, — , land claim, 242. Morgan, Abraham, loyalist, 135. Morgan, Col. Daniel, in Revolution, 250, 253. Morgan, Col. George, Philadelphia mer chant, 155; land grants for, 155, 156; in Indiana Company, 103; Indian agent, 211, 212. Morgan, John, loyalist, 138. Morgan, John, survey for, 192. Morgan, X., residence, 133. Morgan, Simon, survey, 227, 228. -Morgan County (111.), Revolutionary vet eran in, 203. Morgan County (Ohio), resident, 288. Morgantown (Va.), letter from, 241; dur ing Whiskey Rebellion, 239. Morris, Israel, legal opinion, 232 ; direc tions for farming, 307. Morris, Robert, land conveyed to, 244, 245, 302. Morrison. Maj. John, in battle of Long Island, 271. Morristown (X. J.), winter quarters, 258. Morrow, — , cabin in Fayette County, 242. Mound, John, receipt, 51. Mount Airy (Va.), letter f'-om, 101. Mount Solon (Va.), letter from, 294. Mountains : Chestnut Ridge, crossed, 253. Clinch, as boundary, 93. Iron, route via, 122. King's. See Battles. Laurel Ridge, crossed, 253. Xegro. how named, 285. Rich Creek, settlers near, 72. Ravage, bow named, 285. Warrior's Ridge, scouting toward, 182. Mawport, John, receipt, 3. Moy Toy, Cherokee chief, 149. Muhlenberg. Gen. John P. G., letter to, 135. Muldrough, Hugh, receipt, 195. Muldrough, Jean, receipt, 186. Muldrough. John, receipt, 186. Mullen. Thomas, receipt, 26. Munford, Capt. Robert, in French and In dian War, 149. Munsee Indians, in Revolution, 260. Murdough, John, witness. 175. Murphy, — , accounts, 50. Murphy, Cherokee Indian, 96. Murray, Col. James, militia return, 215. Murray, Capt. John, in Dunmore's War, 158; killed, 274. Murray, William, in Illinois, 156. Muster rolls. See Militia. Myers. — , messenger, 143. Myers vs. Speed, case in Kentucky courts, 239. Mynatt, Richard, witness, 173 ; receipt, 173. Xaiak, Capt. William, in Dunmore's War, 1 59. Xapa City (Cal.), letter from, 297. 341 Index See 282 172. i ; de- Nash, E., cotton buyer, 251. Nash, Col. Francis, election, 13. Nash, William, surveyor, 70. Nashville (Tenn.), distance from, 308 also French Lick. Natchez (Miss, i, voyage to, 219. 241; resi dent, 247. National Intelligencer, cited, 276. Natural Bridge (Va. ), letter from, 281 Navy, vessels in, 248 ; in 1812, 249. Neely, James, residence, 121 ; receipt, Neely, John, sells provisions, 172. Neely, Capt. William, magistrate, 135 fends fort, 238 ; receipt, 172. Negroes, in Kentucky, 233 ; in Pennsyl vania, 234 ; in Virginia, 69 ; captured by Indians, 94, 98 ; killed by Indians, 116 ; clothes for, 237 ; sold for board, 236. Nelson, — , land holder, 55. Nelson, Gov. Thomas, resignation, 140. Netherland, Thomas, land owner, 296. Nettle, Abraham, receipt, 200. Nevill, Lieut. Joseph, in Revolution, 263. New Albany (Ind.), letter from, 298. New Brittaine, discovery of, 147. New Dublin (Va.), letter from, 74, 77. New England, land grant on the Ohio, 304. 307. New Holland (Ky. ), commissioners at, 224. New Jersey, in Revolution, 124, 258. New Jersey, College of. See Princeton. New London (Va. ), letter from, 64. New Orleans, Sailing at, 12 ; trade with, 144; location, 305 ; distance to, 308. New Providence (Va.), meeting-house at, 143 ; resident, 02. New York City, visited, 152 ; letters from, 150—153 ; newspapers, 154 ; in Revolu tion, 115. 125, 129, 140. New York State, in Revolution, 261. Newark (N. J.), letter from, 233, 243. Newbern (N. C). Indians visit, 99; capi tal of state, 117, 127. Newell, Capt. James, orderly book, assistant commissary, 201 ; receipt, in Revolution, 265. Newell. John, receipt, 1 72. Newell, Samuel, witness, 218. Newell, WilUam, witness, 172. Newland, Jacob, voucher, 210. Newland, John, accused of disloyalty Newspapers, not printed, 140 ; in York, 154. Newton, John, loyalist, 138. Ney, Marshal Michel, identity, 292. Niagara, distance to, 305. Nice, Capt. William, in Revolution, 265. Nicholas, — , loyalist, 131. 138 : 179; 133. New Nicholas, James, witness, 174. Nicholas, Robert C, letter, 59. Nicholson, John, land sold to, 244, 302. Norris, John, sells provisions, 176 ; receipt, 207. North American Land Company, holdings, 243, 244. Xorth Carolina, boundary commission, 117, lis; boundaries. 8, 73, 219, 307; fron tier settlements, 228 ; militia from, 90, 95, 97, 100; defeat, 114; Indian expe dition in, 129, 130, 151; loyalists, 267; news from, 110, 116 ; colonial governors, 117, 150; convention, 109; assembly, 231 ; western cession, 233 ; emigration from, 201. North Mahoning township (Pa.), resident, 254. Northumberland County (Pa.), militia re turn, 215, 249 ; in Revolution, 256, 259, 269, 270. Xorthwest Territory, legislature opened, 243 ; counties formed, 302. Xorvell, James, gives bond, 132 ; letter to, 144 ; witness, 183, 185. X'orwood, Capt. Samuel, militia officer, 11. Xov.i Scotia, governor, 55. Nowlin, Patrick, receipt, 186. Oaki.ands (Va.), Watts's residence. 293. Oats, Roger, loyalist, 138. O'Rnnnion, John, land entry, 220, 302. Ocheltree, Michael, receipts, 170, 206 ; voucher, 181. Oconastota. Cherokee chief, 79, 97 ; friend ly, 108; letters to, 92, 105; message, 81; treaty with. 117. Octorara, resident, 233. O'Duniel, John, land entry, 225. Ogle, Capt. James, in Revolution, 265. Ogle, ( 'apt. Joseph, in Revolution, 210, 260 ; at Foreman's defeat, 212 ; siege of Fort Henry, 207 ¦ voucher. 210. Ohio, governor, 2S6 ; sale of book in, 289. Ohio Company, surveys for, 101, 104 ; col ony, 99 ; grant, 7. Ohio County i\'a.), in Revolution, 263; veterans in, 200, 202 ; residents, 241, 250, 257. Old Hop, Cherokee chief, 149. Olden 'rime, cited, 149. Oliver, James, receipt, 33. Oney, Richard, loyalist, 138. Orange County (N. Y. ), in Revolution, 261. Orange County (Va. ), document recorded in, u : prison, 0 ; lawyer,' 141 ; native, 279. [342 Ind ex Orbesin, Capt. Thomas, in Revolution, 257. Oregon, pioneer in, 297. Orphans' court, memoranda on, 304. Orr, Col. Alexander D., information from, 243 ; surveys, 244. Orr's Mill, in Fayette County, 242. Osage Indians, purchase from, 248. Osborn, Capt. — , captured, 217. Ottawa (Tawa) Indians, in Revolution, 182 ; attack on Kentucky, 212. Overton, Capt. James, in French and In dian War, 69 ; on Sandy Creek expedi tion, 10 ; land grant, 112. Overton County (Tenn.), letter from, 275, 277. Owen, John, cures cancer, 303. Oxford (Md.), letter from, 232. P — , T — , receipt, 307. Page, Mrs. — , interviewed, 286. Page, John, candidate for governor, 141 ; governor, 118 ; letters, 114, 118. Palfreman, A., witness, 131. Parker, — , land grant, 112. Parker, Robert, surveys, 226 ; land for sale, 304 ; signs land entries, 226, 229 ; witness, 220, 221, 223-227, 229, 230. Parkes, James, voucher, 210. Parks, — , killed, 110. Parks, William, land patentee, 5. Parsinger, Christopher, receipt, 199. Parsinger, Jacob, receipt, 186. See also Perslnger. Parsons, Capt. James, in Revolution, 263. Patrick, Jeremiah, loyalist, 135. Patrick, William, certification, 264. Patterson, Erwin, among the Cherokee, 7. Patterson, George, cleared of charges, 123. Patterson, John, voucher, 167. Patterson, William, horses stolen, 128. Patterson vs. Bradford, case in Kentucky courts, 239. Patton, Henry, sells provisions, 176 ; re ceipt, 208. Patton, Col. James, lieutenant colonel, 1, 2 ; county lieutenant, 6, 248 ; collector of duties, 2 ; justice of peace, 6, 7 ; coroner, 6 ; escheator, 8 ; president of court-mar tials, 2-4 ; militia officer, 1—4 ; contract, 8 ; Indentured servant, 1 ; imports ne groes, 5 ; visits Cherokee, 7 ; land pat ents, 1, 4, 6, 7, 67, 123, 140 ; lawsuits, 10, 11 ; letters, 7 ; letters to, 1, 5-7, 9 ; witness, 6 ; commissions, 1, 2, 6, 8 ; will, 5, 213 ; death, 9, 12 ; estate, 71, 122. Patton, James, in Dunmore's War, 82. Patton, Capt. John, in Revolution, 130. Patton, Robert, survey for, 192. Patton, William, notes on, 293. Patton family, in Dunmore's War, 77 ; In termarriages, 145. Paul, Lieut. Audley, receipt, 26 ; witness, 26 ; biographical notes on, 282. Pauling, Capt. Henry, in Dunmore's War, 159 ; in Revolution, 136. Paullen, Henry, witness, 174. Paulus Hook (N. J.), captured, 125. Paxton, Capt. — , in Revolution, 264. Paxton, James G., letter, 280. Paxton, John, account, 39 ; receipts, 203, 206. Paxton, Thomas, receipt, 170, 188. Paxton, William, receipts, 188, 203 ; wit ness, 188. Pawley, John, emigrates to Kentucky, 279. Payton, Ephraim, assignee, 220. Peaches, directions for preserving, 301. Peachy, Col. William, letter, 67, 73 ; money from, 104. Pearce, Capt. — , in Revolution, 210. Pearce, John, receipt, 178. Pearis, Richard, agent to Cherokee, 9 ; oa Sandy Creek expedition, 10. Peary, David, sells provisions, 176. Pease, Josiah, migrates to Kentucky, 108. Peck, John Mason, Life of Daniel Boone, criticized, 300. Peel Tree (Va.), letter from, 270. Peerie, John, receipt, 199. Peery, — , surveyor, 157. Peery, David, land entry, 304. Pemberton, George, accused of disloyalty, 133. Pendergrass, Garret, station attacked, 268. Pendleton, Col. Edmund, lawyer, 141 ; president of Virginia council, 111, 112 ; on Committee of Safety, 108 ; land claims, 62, 219 ; receipt, 122 ; letters, 10, 11, 22, 59, 73, 140; letters to, 71, 108, 111. Pendleton County (Va.), Revolutionary veteran in, 263. Tendleton District (N. C), letter from, 109. Pendrie, Thomas, sells horses, 209. Penn, Capt. Abraham, commands militia, 95. Pennant, Elias, explorer, 147. Pennsylvania, map of portion, 228 ; boun dary, 73, 124, 220, 221 ; distances in. 308 ; frontiers threatened, 119, 254 ; Indian murders in, 53 ; troops in Revolu tion, 250, 252-200, 265, 268-270; 8th Infantry, 250, 253 ; Whiskey Rebellion in, 239 ; governor of, 148 ; supreme court, 234 ; emigration from, 284 ; mar- [343 Ind ex Pennsylvania — continued riage in, 150; sale of book, 289; Ga zette, excerpts from, 148, 182; Packet, excerpts from, 103. Tenii's Valley, in Revolution, 200. Pensions, commissioners of, 268, 283 ; clerk in office, 288 ; investigating agent, 267 ; for Indian fighters, 276 ; Revolutionary veterans, 250-268, 283 ; laws concerning, 258. Peoples, — , soldier, 50. Peoples, Nathan, receipt, 50. Pepper, Samuel, loyalist, 135. Pepper, Samuel, sends substitute, 137. "Peripatetic." See Robinson, David. Perkins. — , instructions, 5. Pernambuco (Brazil), population, 305. Perry, David, Kentucky settler, 240. Persinger, Jacob, pension statement, 287. See also Parsinger. Petersburg (Va. ), in Revolution, 126. Peteson, Jacob, letter, 129. Peyton, J. L., letter, 296. Phagen, Philip, receipts, 21, 23, 33, 48. Pheasant Branch (Wis.), resident, 288-291. Phelps, Col. — , insubordination, 56. Phelps, John, receipt. 197. Philadelphia (Pa.), route to, 56; visited, 55, 241 ; merchants, 155, 156 ; Congress meets at, 87, 90 ; capital of United States, 235, 230, 240 ; residents, 153, 233-235, 238, 281-2S4, 302 ; letters from, 53, 154, 285, 291. Philadelphia County (Pa.), letter to, 283- 285. Philips, William, Kentucky land owner, 100. Phillips, — , cotton buyer, 251. Phillips, Maj. — , messenger, 87. Phillips, Hezekiah, loyalist, 135. Phipps, Joshua, receipt, 173, 198; witness, 1G7, 109, 173. Phipps, William, receipt, 180. Phristo, Robert, loyalist, 138. Pick Indians, attitude, 104. Pickaway, Shawnee town, 214. Pickaway County (Ohio), Revolutionary veteran in, 25^. Pickens, Gen. Andrew, memoir, 274 ; sent to Draper, 279, 280. Pickens, Maj. John, residence, 3. Pillager, Augustine, land grant, 228, 300. Pindell, Thomas, survey for, 192. Pinkerton, John, witness, 225. Piper, Col. Thomas, residence, 258. Pitchlynn, Isaac, receipt, 48. Pittsburgh (Pa.), in Dunmore's War, 157; in Revolution, 210; Indian treaty at, 115, 122; prisoners, 114; Indian com mission, 119: Ohio port, 248; route via, 249, 253 ; distances from, 305, 306 ; proposed visit to, 56 ; letters from, 101, 1O0. Pittsylvania County (Va.), letter from, 1 22 ; militia, 87, 166, 215 ; defense of, 110 ; refuses aid, 120. Pittsylvania Court House (Va. ), letter from, 285. Platina. directions for rendering malleable. 301. Pluggy, Captain, Mohawk chief, 1.82. Poage, Maj. George, statement of account, 194 ; receipt, 173. Poage, James, receipt, 203. Poage, John, receipt, 170. Poage, William, recommended as officer, 95. 1'ocahontas County (Va. ), veterans in, 259, 202 ; letter from, 284. Toe, John, pension statement, 250—252, 288. Point Pleasant (Va. and W. Va.), maps of, 251, 273, 295; ore found near, 304; expedition to, 157-159, 162 ; battle at, 249, 252, 253, 292, 293, 296-298, 300; garrison at, 95, 90, 98, 102, 104, 160, 101 in Revolution, 114, 165, 177, 182, 258, 208, 287 ; letter from, 280 ; Weekly Register, articles from, 293. Points, Capt. Nathaniel, in Revolution, 208. Poison, capt. — , land grant, 104. Poison, Swain, loyalist, 135. Pontotoc (Miss.), resident, 270, 272; let ters from, 282, 283. Poopickhoover (Poppecaughfer), Joseph, loyalist, 130, 135. Porter, P., recommended for surveyor, 71. Porter, John, receipt, 170. Porterfield, John, affidavit before, 265. Porterfield, Robert, certification, 264. Posebright, Richard, voucher, 210. Posey, John, letter, 272, 273. Posey, dipt. Thomas, in French and In dian War, 14S ; in Dunmore's War, 272 ; land owner, 247 ; money paid to, 167. Tost St. Vincent. See Vincennes. Potusb, directions for making, 301. Potter, Thomas, loyalist, 138. Potts, John, buys provisions, 6 ; receipt, 44. Powell, Richard, survey for, 192. Powell, William, survey for, 192. 344] Index Powell's Valley (Va.), ranging in, 265; surveys, 244 : scout to, 90 ; Indian raids in, 70, 110; deserted, 111; settlements, 270. 271 ; post in, 218. Power, James, articles of agreement, 227 ; bond for, 227. Powers, James, land grant, 7. Prairie du Rocher (111.), French settle ment, 155. Prather, Charles, anecdote of, 285. Prentiss, Henry L., affidavit before, 260, 264. Presbyterians, in Kentucky, 303 ; Mary land, 297 : Pennsylvania, 234 ; Virginia, 61. 275, 280. Presbytery, minutes for, 305 ; of Hanover County, 166. Preston, Elisabeth, receipt, 19. Treston, Francis, assignee, 8 ; letter, 240. Preston, James Patton, assignee, 8. Preston, John, land grant, 3; son, 145. Preston Jr., John, assignee, 8; witness, 131 ; letters to, 144, 145. Preston, Mary, witness, 51. Preston, Nancy, death, 142. Preston, Robert, in Dunmore's War, 85 ; assistant commissary, 166, 167, 171-173, 183 ; receipt, 197 ; witness, 184-187. Treston, Thomas, receipt, 197. Preston, W. R.. letter, 278. Preston, Col. William, militia officer, 9-17 ; magistrate, 135 ; commissioner, 116, 117, 141, 222; register, 8: county lieutenant of Fincastle, 112. 113; of Montgomery, 119; issues warrant, 118; stations troops, 193. 205 ; surveyor of Botetourt, 66; Fincastle, 65, 67-70, 10irT"0"*TT0B, 108 ; commission for, 128 ; on Sandy Creek expedition, 10 ; marriage, 55 ; daughter's death, 142 ; visits Kentucky, 141 ; owns Kentucky land, 100 ; lawsuit, 22 ; orders for, 18, 26, 27 ; issues order of court, 133 ; executor of estates, 227 ; receipt, 209 ; receipts for, 14-55, 123 ; honse guarded, 120 ; memorandum on In dian murder, 119, 120; list of loyalists. 133 ; statements concerning, 123, -132, 138; address to Cherokee, 92; to Shaw nee, 215, 216; witness, 8, 131; letters, 10, 11. 13, 26, 49, 71, 72, 75, 76, 80, 81, 83, 85, 97, 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 122, 123, 128, 130, 132, 134-136, 139, 142,161,184,213-217, 221, 273 ; letters to, 8, 12, 51, 53-144, 193, 214 ; soldiers' book, 76 ; survey ac count book, 55 ; criticism of, 104 ; bio graphical notes, 145, 269. Preston Jr., William, assignee, 8. Preston, William C, letter, 269. Preston family, intermarriages, 145. Preston papers, owner, 271, 277, 279; Draper secures, 278, 280 ; calendar of, 1-140. Prestonville Company, promoted, 292. Price, David, loyalist, 135. Price, Michael, residence, 74, 134, 137 ; loyalist, 123, 129, 130, 213. Price, Tonias, deposition, 112. Price, William, receipt, 21, 33, 43. Price, Rev. William T„ article, 295, 297 ; letters, 298. Prince, Cherokee chief, 149. Prince Edward County (Va. ), resident, 292 ; letters from, 233, 236. Princeton College, president, 285 ; gradu ates, 302 : letters from, 275, 280, 283. Prisoners, surrendered by Indians, 57. Bruit, Mrs. — , daughter married, 133. Tryor, John, receipts, 16, 33. Pryor, John, land entry, 221, 225, 242, 302 ; survey for, 227. Pryor, Joseph, receipt, 19, 33. Pryor, Xicholas, receipt, 205. Pryor, Richard, receipt, 34. Pryor Jr., Richard, receipt, 43. Pugh, Samuel, receipt, 11. Pullin, George W., letter, 295. Pullin, Loftus, receipt, 21, 34, 38, 43, 44 ; witness, 21. Pullin, Moses, receipt, 197. Pullin, Thomas, receipt, 192. Purdie, Alexander, editor, 97. 162. Purviance, — , land owner, 304. Purviance, William, receipt, 52. Putnam, A. W., History of Middle Tennes see, cited, 219. Qcvker Meadows (X. C), defeat at, 114. Quakers, refuse to take oath, 138. Quarles, Stephen, witness, 239. Quarles, Temstall, witness, 229. Queen Charlotte, birthday celebration, 120. Quick, Capt. — , messenger. 127. Raoforh, — , order on, 237. Radford, William M., possesses Preston papers, 279. Rains's Station (Tenn.), Indian raid at, 235. Ralston, William, account, 13. Ramsey, Mrs. Eliza, letter, 271. Ramsey, James, accounts, 238. Ramsey, John, executor, 237 ; letter, 235 ; letter to, 233 ; witness, 234. Ramsey, Capt. John, militia officer, 11 ; buys provisions, 6; deposition, 110. 345] Ind ex Ramsey, Samuel, receipt, 188, 203. Ramsey, Thomas, receives public stores, 46. Ramsey, William, receipt, 34, 51 ; account, 45. Randall, Col. — , mentioned, 62. Randolph, — , lawyer, 126. Randolph, Edmund, attorney general, 140. Randolph, John, letter, 55. Randolph, Peyton, candidate for speaker, 59. Ranger, costume described, 285. Rankin, Rev. Adam, residence, 303. Rankin, Rev. John, residence, 303. Rankin, William, pension statement, 259. Rayra, George, receipt, 34. Razor, Peter, loyalist, 138 ; voucher, 176. Read, Col. Clement, officer, 12, 22; provi sions from, 19 ; letters, 13, 14. Read, William, receipt, 190, 192. Reading (Pa.), native, 255. Reed, Robert, receipt, 28. Reese, Thomas, in Revolution, 249. Reid, Alexander, witness, 173, 184. Reid, Gasper, loyalist, 135. Reid, Mrs. Liley, sketch, 293. Reid, Nathan, witness, 200. Reid, Thomas, receipt, 186. Reid, Walker, note for, 246. Reins, John, receipt, 208 ; account, 208. Reins, Meredy, receipt, 209. Relfe, — , lawsuit, 241. Remsen, G. W., letter, 291. Remsen, Peter A., cotton factor, 251, 252. Renfro, Jethro, voucher, 176. Renfro, William, drover, 198. Benfro, William, receipt, 186. Renyx, Robert, buys provisions, 6. Rhea, Rev. Joseph, introduced, 106, 107. Rice, Ben, clerk of Bedford County, 157. Rice, Rev. David, residence, 303. Rice, Ebenezer, missionary, 307. Rice, Capt. George, in Revolution, 250, 264. Rice, Jacob, voucher, 210. Richardson, Holt, land grant, 67. Richardson, Joseph, receipt, 173 ; witness, 173. Richey, Robert, witness, 118. Richfield (Va. ), Andrew Lewis' residence, 84, 1 24 ; letter from, 65. Richmond (Va. ), land office, 221; conven tion at, 107, 103; capital of State, 129, I3G, 137, 139, 142, 227, 228, 239; let ters from, 231, 230, 245, 254, 277; resi dents, 64, 274, 282 ; visits to, 57, 100 ; distances from, 218 ; expenses af, 141 ; on route to Kentucky, 308. Richmond County (Va.), letter from, 67. Ridgeway (Miss.), Fontaine's residence, 282. Ridgeway (Va. ), Minor's residence, 286, 287. Riley, Francis, receipt, 34. Riley, John, in Revolution, 257. Rind, — , newspaper publisher, 60. Ritchey, James, witness, 169 ; receipt, 170. Ritchey, William, receipt, 170, 181. R i vers : Appomattox, fort on, 147. Arkansas, route via, 305. Big Kanawha. See below, Great Kan awha. Big Sandy, mouth, 218. "Blandina," falls of, 147. Bluestone, settlements on, 76, 138 ; let ter from, 75. Calf Pasture, west branch, 2. Catawba, fort on, 9. Clinch, headwaters, 10 ; map of, 78 ; set tlements on, 86, 128, 138 ; emigrants from, 235 ; Indian alarm on, 71, 75, 88, 93 ; raids, 90, 91, 141 ; defenseless, 1 28, 138 ; forts on, 79, 92, 95 ; militia on, 84, 85 ; scouting from, 72 ; visited, 116. Coal, scouting near, 75, 77. ( umberland, headwaters, 307 ; voyage on, 219; letter from, 127. Dick's, in Kentucky, 94. Elk, lands on, 234 ; camp at mouth, 159. ( Pauley, scouting near, 182. Great Kanawha, mouth, 96, 160, 161, 273, 307 : garrison on, 77, 95 ; Dun more, 87 : land grant, 104 ; falls, 95. See also below, New. Green, route via, 308. Greenbrier, settlements on, 211 ; defense of, 122, 203, 264. See also Green brier (Va.). Guyandot, mouth, 218. Hockhocking, mouth, 160. Holston, islands in. 296 ; land grant on, 8, 63 ; settlements, 62, 69, 90, 109, 161, 231, 271 ; petition of, 71 ; Indian alarm, 9, 79, 91 ; defense of, 83, 92, 93. 96, 265 ; fort on, 219 : battle on, 115, 116, 163, 165, 183, 266; Indian treaty, 235; troops from, S2 ; spying from, 74 ; loyalists on, 129 ; capital of Tennessee, 238 ; letters from, 76, 78. Illinois, voyage on, 150. Indian. See above, Holston. Jackson, in French and Indian War, 12, 18, 05. James, house on, 8 ; resident, 136 ; beeves killed, 54. [346] Ind ex -Rivers — continued Kaskaskia, land claim on, 220. Kentucky, as a boundary, 105, 134 ; set tlers on, 104, 106, 112 ; land claims, 104 ; Indian capture, 114. Little, flight from, 84 ; pack horses on, 222. Little Guyandot, surveying on, 70, 71. Little Kanawha, mouth, 24S, 308. Little Miami, mouth, 24S. Little Sandy, lands on, 243. "Meho," Indians on, 50. Mississippi, tributaries, 5, 7 ; lands on, 155; navigation of, 230; Spanish control, 125, 145. Missouri, journey up, 305. Monongahela, Indian attack on, 182 ; fort at mouth, 148. >'ew, mine on, 100 ; land grant, 8, 63 ; route via, 84 ; surveying on, 60 ; set tlements, 77, 84, 294 ; petition of, 60, 61 ; ferry across, 286 ; danger on, 85 ; ranging, 58, 83 ; troops, 112, 193 ; forts, 74 ; town at mouth, 64 ; loyal ists on, 130, 131 ; in Revolution, 262 ; letters from, 284. See also above, Great Kanawha. Xolichucky, settlements on, 109 ; Indian raids, 105. Ohio, as a boundary, 61, 221, 250; trib utaries, 218, 273 ; falls of, 98, 129, 140, 218, 220 ; mouth, 155 ; distances on, 248, 306; Indians, 211; settle ments, 64, 267 ; lands, 105, 245, 247, 304, 307 ; surveying on, 68, 70, 71 ; Indian attacks, 220, 284 ; in French and Indian War, 9, 12 ; Dunmore's War, 78, 80, 159 ; Revolution, 262, 263, 269 ; posts on, 148, 212, 255. "Oronoke," described, 300. Roanoke, land on, 65 ; house, 22. Rockcastle, ford of, 143. St. Lawrence, geography of, 303. Scioto, mouth, 307, 308. Smith, Indian raid, 56, Smith's P'ork, Indians on, 236. Susquehanna, as boundary, 228. Wabash, Indians of, hostile, 144. Washita, hot springs on, 247. Watauga, settlements on, 74, 96, 109- 111; Indians visit, 92; Indian treaty on, 101; troops from, 115; danger on, 113; forts, 114, lie, 105; messengers from, 78. Wood's, trip to, 4 ; land grant on, 4, 8. York, fleet off mouth. 111. Rives, William C, information from, 287; owns Walker papers, 279, 282, 286 ; to write biography, 279. Rives, Mrs. William C, sister, 286. Roads, in Sullivan County (Tenn.), 296. Roan, — , extract from letter, 63. Roan County (N. C), trial in, 132. Roanoke (Va.), letter from, 278. Roanoke County (Va. ), visited, 69; resi dents, 50-58 ; militia at, 58. Roanoke Navigation Company, promoted, 292. Roark, James, family killed, 128. Roberts, — , among horses, 111. Roberts, James, captured, 98. Roberts, John, family captured, 90. Roberts, Matthew, soldier, 49. Roberts, Samuel, witness, 250, 251. Robertson, Alexander, receipt, 180; re ceipt for, 209. Robertson, Col. Elijah, pursues Indians, 235. Robertson, James, of Tennessee, drives wagon, 54 : letter mentioned, 112 ; iron for, 122 ; residence, 238 ; family emi grates, 219 ; letter to, 235 ; pursues In dians, 230. Robertson, James, of Virginia, lieutenant, 58, 59 : magistrate, 135 ; in Dunmore's War, 88 ; Revolution, 113, 116 ; letters, 60, 66, 09, 75, 77, 79-83, 86, 87, 89, 116. 121, 141, 143; letter to, SO; carries let ter, 231. Robertson, James, certification in 1833, 264. Robinson, Capt. — , collection from, 241. Robinson, Lieut. — , in Revolution, 265. Robinson, Charles, plans for defense, 110. Robinson, David, in French and Indian War, 9, 1 40 ; recommended for appoint ment, 27 : certificates, 57, 58 ; receipts, 9, 11, 12, 23, 174, 175; witness, 31, 175; message for, 108 ; letters, 47, 51, 55, 56, 00, 01. Robinson, Edward, voucher, 210. Robinson, Capt. George, militia officer, 2 ; patents land, 4 : statement of account, 13. Robinson, James, gives bond, 132 ; witness, 180. Robinson. John, treasurer of V irginia, 6, 59. Robinson, John, statement of account, 9 ; debtor, 01 ; receipts, 48, 205 ; sells provisions, 175. Robinson, Richard, receipt, 199. Robinson, Robert, witness, 172 ; receipt, 203. Robinson, Samuel, loyalist, 132, 135. Robinson, Capt. William, in Revolution, 163, 216; letter to, 217. [347 Index Robinson, William, statement of account, .9 ; sells provisions, 175. Rockbridge County ( Va. ) , settlers, 270, 275, 282 ; troops from, 135, 215. Rockingham County (Va. ), resident, 140. Rocky Ridge (Va. ), ammunition from, 74. Rodgers, Abraham, deposition, 262. Rodgers, George, receipt, 24, 55. Roe, Richard, letter, 242, 243 ; complaint against, 244. Roe, William, receipt, 207. Rogan, — , mentioned, 276. Regan, Maj. — , in Revolution, 278. Rogers, Abraham, article, 267. Rogers, Col. David, defeat, 299. Rogers, T. A., letter, 290. Rogersville (Tenn.), letter from, 290. Rollins, Alexander, receipt, 34, 48. Romine, James, accused of disloyalty, 133. Rooks, George, desires new state, 220. Rose, James A., Counties of Illinois, cited, 302. Ross, — , message for, 144. Ross, Alexander, letter, 106. Ross, David, accused of disloyalty, 133. Ross, Enoch, land claim, 242. Ross, Joseph W., certification, 261. Ross, William, receipt, 173. Ross County (Ohio), Revolutionary vet eran in, 250-252. Round Oak (Va.), school at, 107. Roush, George, certification, 259. Roush, Henry, substitute, 259. Roush, Jonas, pension statement, 259. Roush, Michael, certification, 259. Rowland, Maj. Thomas, in Revolution, 137. Royal Oak (Va.). Arthur Campbell's resi dence, 74, 82-85, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101 ; in Revolution, 272. Ruble, Samuel, survey for, 192. Ruddell's Station (Ky.), attacked, 218. Ruddle, Isaac, signs petition, 122. Rudolph, Capt. Michael, identified, 292. Ruffner, Dr. Henry, proposed history, 281. Rumsey, James, witness, 155; land grant, 150. Rumsey, James, inventor, 232. Rush, Dr. P.enjamln, proscription, 239. Rusk, Hugh, receipt, 205. Rusk, John, sells horse, 205. Russell, Andrew, receipt, 49. Russell, Bryce, letter, 76, 77 ; daughter captured, 125. Russell, Henry, killed by Indians, 67. Russell, 1.'., directions for making plow, 307. Kust-rll, Rev. Robert, presby ttry, 303. Russell, ('ol. William, in Dunmore's War,.' 83. 84, 88, 94, 98; remains at Point Pleasant, 98; returns from, 102; resi dence garrisoned, 78, 100 ; protects fron tier, 70, 72, 102, 193 ; message to Ken tucky, 1 00 ; account, 209 ; stores for, 111; land claims, 100, 123; in Revolu tion, 139, 163; letters, 70, 75, 79, 84,. 80, 98, 104, 112. 113, 116, 124, 126, 163; forwarded, 72. "Russian Spy," articles, 254, 289. Ruston, Edith, legacy, 241. Ruston, Elizabeth, witness, 156 ; legacy, 210. Ruston, Job, land holdings, 231, 234; agreement with Finley, 225, 232, 233; marriage contract, 156; family, 303; will, 150. 220, 233: heirs. 233; execu tors, 2."..", ; estate, 230, 232, 234, 235, 237 ; will contested, 300. Ruston, Rev. John Baker, residence, 303 ; death, 230. Ruston, Dr. Thomas, suit against, 234, 235 ; accounts, 230, 232, 236 ; letters, 232, 235 : extracts from, 233 ; letter to,. 230. Rutherford, — , recommended for surveyor, 69. Rutherford, — , cotton buyer, 251. Rutherford, R., letter, 225. Rutledge, Capt. George, magistrate, 135; receipts for company, 174, 177, 187; aids Lockhart. 183; witness, 174, 175, 180, 1 84, 187 ; military career, 275. Rutledge, James, sells provisions, 177. Rutledge, William, receipt, 52. Ryan, Michael, land entry, 226 : assigns land, 242. Rye Coves (Va. ), visited, 69. Sabin, Joseph, reprint, 147. Sadler, Samuel, loyalist, 135. St. Asaph's Station (Ky. ), commissioners^ al, 224 ; court at, 220. Rt. Clair. Gen. Arthur, expedition, 275 ; defeat, 236 ; speech, 243. St. Colu mb (Eng.), letter for, 1. St. Louis County (Mo.), Revolutionary veteran in, 261. St. John's furnace, in Pennsylvania, 253. St. Philips (111.), land sale near, 156. St. l'iere. See Cadron. Salem (Va.), resident, 291; letters from, 294. Saline, on Scioto River, 308. Salley, A. S., Narratives of Early Caro lina, cited, 147. 348 Index ^Sailing, George, journal, 283. See also Sailing. Peter. Sailing. Henry, notes on, 281. Sailing, Capt. Peter, cited to court mar tial, 5 ; journal of journey, 4, 12 ; res idence. 24S ; notes ou, 2S1. See also Sailing, George. Sailing family, notes on, 282. Salt, scarcity of, 166 : search for, 156 ; works for making, 231, 232; mines of, 305 ; order for, 237 : used as barter, 252. Salter, — , in Revolution, 29S. Saltpetre, mined, 100, 101. Sanders, Thomas, receipt, 16, 34. Sandusky, in Revolution, 212. Sawmill, timber for, 304. Sawyer, William, residence, 75, 113. Sayers. Alexander, wagonmaster, 54. Sayers. Capt. David, recommended for ap pointment, 36 ; in French and Indian War. 38, 44, 50. Savers, Capt. Robert, magistrate, 135 ; militia officer, 126 : in Revolution, 115, 265. Sayers. William, receipt, 179. Schools, in Augusta County, 64 : in Ken tucky, 242-244 ; Virginia. 64, 68, 107, 143, 166, 292 : land grants for, 243, 244; rules for, 154; educational advice, 140; school for psalmody, 235. See also Princeton College and William and Mary College. Scotch-Irish, in Virginia, 275, 293 ; atti tude toward Revolution, 108. Scotland, emigrants from, 292. Scott, Capt. David, in Revolution, 250. Scott, James, voucher, 166 ; receipt, 170 ; money order, 181. Scott. John, receipt, 51 ; sells provisions, 176. Scott. Molly, incident concerning, 298. Scott, Nathan, sells provisions, 175. Scott, Robert, receipt, 26. Scott, Judge Thomas, information from, 285, 280. Scott, William, of Kentucky, agreement, 231. Scott, William, of Virginia, money order, 181. Scott, Capt. William, in Revolution, 260. 264. Scottish Virginia Presbyterianism, extract from, 297. Scruggs, Thomas, receipt, 189. Seaman, Frank, voucher, 210. Sechler, Rudolph, takes affidavit, 255. Seeley, Jeremiah, receipt, 28. Seiler, Jacob, loyalist, 131. Sergeant, — , visit to, 234. Setteco, Cherokee town, 80. Seven Mile Tree (Va.), land near, 141. Sevier, Col. John, Indian campaign, 275, 277 ; message for, 144. Sevier, Valentine, land patentee, 5. Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, reference to, 294. Shaney, Patrick, receipt, 175. Shanks, David, notes on, 293. Shanks, Thomas, notes on, 293. Shannon, Samuel, escorts cattle, 94 ; com missary for Clark, 224. Shannon, Rev. Samuel, residence, 303. Shannon, Thomas, residence, 143. Sharp, Col. — , narrative, 272, Sharp, Abram, spy, 199. Sharp, John, witness, 250. Sharp, William, sketch promised, 286. Sharpe, Edward, scout, 70. Sharpe, John, land entry, 304. Sharpe, Thomas, account, 243, 246 ; sur veys, 244. Sharpe, William, receipt, 38 ; boundary commissioner, 117. Shaw, J., sells cotton, 251. Shaw, James, receipt, 14, 34. Shaw, Peter, translator, 147. Shawnee Indians, intertribal relations, 90, 91, 97 ; hostile, 74, 104, 214, 281 ; ex peditions against, 9, 10, 13, 80-83, 85, S7, SS, 90, 98, 129, 143 ; captives among, 279 ; treaty with, 122 ; disregard treaty, 97 ; chief murdered, 119 ; message to, 120, 215, 216; speech, 214. Shay's Rebellion, mentioned, 231. Sheep, breeding, 249. Sheffield, — , cotton broker, 251. Shelby, David, clerk of court, 225, 231. Shelby, Col. Evan, guards settlements, 74 ; in Dunmore's War, S3-S5, 88, 94, 160, 269 ; on Cherokee expedition, 203, 205 ; Indian campaign, 277 ; commissioner, 110, 117; senator, 127; signs petition, 122 ; negress captured, 94 ; residence, 109; biographical notes, 269; letter, 101 ; mentioned, 193. Shelby, Isaac, justice of peace, 218 ; in Indian battle, 114 ; land claims, 225, 238; witness, 218; receipt, 201; letter to, 239 ; biographical notes on, 269. Shelby, Capt. James, in Revolution, 276. Shelby, Capt. John, residence, 163, 219 ; letter to, 161. Shelby family, data on, 284. Shelley, — , loyalist, 261. Shenandoah County (Va. ), resident, 259. [349] Index Shepherd, Col. David, in Revolution, 263, 264, 267 ; residence, 257 ; voucher, 210 ; letter, 212. Shepherd, Dubartus, receipt, 170. Shepherd, James, creditor, 251. Shepherd, William, creditor, 251. Sherar, James, receipt, 241. Shikellemus, Cayuga chief, 295. Shippensburg (Pa.), distances from, 308. Shoat, — , deposition, 97. Shoat, Gabriel, deposition, 109, 110. Shoat, Thomas, deposition, 89, 91. Sholler, John, soldier, 51. Shores, Thomas, pensioner, 283 ; state ment, 250, 258. Shoull, Capt. Peter, militia officer, 2. Shull, Arnold, receipt, 179. Shull Jr., Jacob, loyalist, 130, 135, 213. Sigler, George, residence, 255, 256. Sigler, Henry, affidavit, 256. Silver, purifying of, 305. Simms, Col. Charles, receipt, 52 ; notes on, 277. Simms, Robert, account, 52. Simpson, A., visits Illinois, 246. Simpson, James, supplies provisions, 13 ; receipt, 186. Sinclair, Ann, certificate, 141. Sinclair, Charles, dogs killed, 7. Singleton, W. G., pension agent, 267. Skaggs, Henry, letter, 75 ; robbed by In dians, 94. Skillern, Col. George, express messenger, 37 ; receipts, 21, 34, 49 ; witness, 49 ; Kentucky land owner, 100 ; in Revolu tion, 134, 258 ; on Indian murder, 119 ; letters, 136, 137; letter to, 135. Skillern, William, receipt, 34 ; witness, 43 ; account, 47. Slaughter, — , sells cotton, 251. Slaughter, Cole, mentioned, 8. Slaughter, Francis, heirs, 145. Slaughter, Col. George, in Dunmore's War, 96. Sleeker, Luderich, receipt, 53. Slimp, Frederick, accused of disloyalty, 133. Slover, John, escapes from Indians, 279. Smallman, Thomas, letter, 101. Smelzer, Paulser, receipt, 192. Smith, Dr. — , surgeon, 104. Smith, — , in Dunmore's War, 160. Smith, Col. — , purchases land, 232. Smith, Adam, substitute for, 208. Smith, Lieul. Ballard, in Revolution, 125, 135. Smith, Sergt. Charles, receipt, 16, 34, 49. Smith, David, receipt, 199. Smith, David II., letter, 283. Smith, Gen. Daniel, commands militia, 85,. 88, 89 ; fort, 94, 95 ; scouting, 90 ; pur sues Indians, 95, 96 ; in danger, 123 ; in Dunmore's War, 98 ; Revolution, 116 ; assignee, 225 ; letters, 68, 69, 72, 78, 93, 95, 238; letters to, 122, 235-238;. messenger, 99, 238 ; map, 235. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, land owner, 100. Smith, Capt. Francis, inquiries about, 101 ; receipt, 156 ; in Revolution, 261. Smith, Frederick, loyalist, 135. Smith, Granville, agent, 125; lawsuit, 145. Smith, Capt. Hendry, aid requested, 211. Smith, J., survey for, 241. Smith, Capt. James, militia officer, 2. Smith, Col. John, militia officer, 4, 5, 9, 1 0 ; buys provisions, 6 ; message for, 58 ; receipts, 16, 35, 40 ; residence garri soned, 100 ; witness, 143 ; in French and Indian War, 47, 49 ; son dead, 65 ; cred itor, 62. Smith, John, soldier, 54. Smith, Margaret, receipt, 36. Smith, Messer, receipt, 179. Smith, Nathan, letter, 280 ; narrative, 308. Smith, Nicholas, account, 52 ; receipt, 35 ; widow of, 100. Smith, Philip, estate, 6. Smith, Susanna, married, 145. Smith, Capt. Thomas, in Revolution, 261. ¦Smith, Capt. William, in Revolution, 261. Smith, Maj. William Bailey, characterized,. 272 ; residence, 273. Smith, William Henry, Sr. Clair Papers, cited, 243. Smith, William Moore, student at Prince ton. 302. Smith family, at frontier fort, 77. Smith County (Tenn.), letter from, 270. Smithfield (Va.), Preston's residence, 69, 72, SO, 85, 87, 90, 95, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107, 111, 115, 123, 125, 134, 140-142, 144, 213. Smyth, Ad., receipts, 171, 187. Smyth, Adam, preemption claim, 223. Smythe, John, witness, 118. Snider, George, certification, 261. Snodgrass, — , sees Indian, 94 ; Virginia pioneer, 272. Snodgrass, David, receipt, ISO. Snodgrass, James, witness, 179 ; receipt, 194. Snodgrass, Joseph, receipt, 170. Snodgrass, Col. William, Revolutionary- services, 266 ; letter, 272. Somerset (Pa.), sermons at, 253. Song, on Battle of Point Pleasant, 277. [350] Ind ex South. John, account book, 165 ; payroll, 183. South, William, witness, 239. South Carolina, boundary commission, 117 ; colonial governor, 150, 151, 153; expedi tion against Cherokee, 151 ; visit, 51. See also Carolina. South Cove, Kentucky estate, 300. South River (Va.), letter to, 278. Southall, Col. Stephen, money from, 104. Southern Literary Messenger, clippings from, 267, 269, 308. Southwestern Christian Advocate, cited, 277. Spain, — , returned, 137. Spanish, in Revolution, 125 ; allies of United States, 120 ; control Mississippi, 145. Sparks, — , sells cotton, 251. Spaw, Henry, in Revolution, 272. Speed, James, land claim, 221, 242, 245, 302 ; plat for, 221. Spicer, Ishmael, teacher, 235. Spotswood, Alexander, governor of Vir ginia. 282. Springer, Edward, receipt, 174. Springer, Lieut. Jacob, in Revolution, 255 ; deposition, 251. Springer, Capt Uriah, in Revolution, 250, 255, 264. Springfield (Va.), resident, 56. Spring Hill (Va.), purchased, 103, 104, 108. Springstone, William, escapes from Chero kee, 137. Stadden, William, affidavit, 255. Stafford, Henry, loyalist, 135. Staley, Abraham, land grant, 99, 101. Stalnaker (Starnicker), Samuel, among Cherokee, 7 ; In Powell's Valley, 154. Stamps, J. C, letter, 296. Standefer, Israel, spy, 197, 198; receipts, 197. Standing Turkey, Cherokee chief, 149. Stanton, Richard, scout, 70. Staunton (Stanton, Va.), provisions from, 37 ; proposed visit to, 56 ; Indians killed near, 58 ; residents, 12, 160, 296 ; letters from, 26, 49, 54, 57, 154, 162, 274, 277, 278 ; removal from, 282 ; Standard, edi tor, 296. Steamboat, invention of, 232. Steel, Capt. David, in Revolution, 257, 262. Steele, William, certification, 252. Stenhan, Jehu, receipt, 179. Stephen, Gen. Adam, in French and Indian War, 274 ; Dunmore's War, 160 ; Chero kee campaign, 152, 153 ; daughter, 285 ; notes on, 274, 282. Stephens, Capt. John, in Revolution, 265. Stepstone (Ky.), land near, 245. Steptoe, James, receipt, 192. Steward, James, accounts, 72. Stewart, Col. David, militia officer, 11 ; account, 254. Stewart, Joseph, witness, 222. Stewart, Thomas, witness, 5. Stewart, Capt. Walter, land agent, 65 ; in Europe, 104. Stewart, Walter, loyalist, 132, 135; re ceipt, 180. Stewart, William, English clerk, 1. Stewart, William, receipt, 16, 35, 48, 179. Stewart, William, cotton buyer, 251. Stevens, Edward, canoe man, 203. Stevenson, James, survey, 230. Stevenson, Robert, receipt, 50. Stevenson, Thomas, receipt, 27, 48 ; ac count, 49. Stillman, — , cotton buyer, 251. Stokeley, Col. Jeremiah, in Revolution, 268. Stone, Thomas, receipt, 199. Stone House (Va. ) , Christian's residence, 155 ; Madison's, 229. Stone meeting-house, presbytery at, 105 ; sacrament, 106. Stoner, Michael, sent to warn surveyors, 75, 79. Stony Point, evacuated, 125. See also Battles. Stover, Jeremiah, loyalist, 135. Strain, James, soldier, 201. Strawbridge, James, witness, 226. Strawbridge, Joseph, land claim, 234 ; witness, 226. Stringham, Charles, ranger, 32 ; messen ger, 9. Strother, Anthony, mentioned, 8. Stuart, Alexander, receipt, 189, 205. Stuart, Charles A., letters, 273, 274, 276, 277, 280 ; revises manuscript, 279, 280. Stuart, John, British Indian agent, 109, 118. Stuart, Col. John, militia officer, 120; chooses route for army, 111 ; in Dun more's War, 162 ; Revolution, 182, 215 ; letters, 164, 165, 177, 182, 192, 211 ; letters to, 164, 165 ; Narrative, 241, 242, 252, 253, 281 ; biographical notes on, 274, 276. Stuart, William, land claim, 220, 221, 225, 229, 302 ; plat, 224, 230. Sturguss (Ky.), letter from, 230. Suffran's Tavern (N. J.), letter from, 124. Sullivan County (N. C. and Tenn.), resi dent, 144 ; representatives, 127 ; pro posed history, 296. Sulphur, hard to obtain, 116. [351] Ind ex Summers, John, receipt, 205. Summerville, letter from, 240. Sumner, Jethro, letter, 122. Sumner County (Tenn.), resident, 231; letter from, 238. Sunday Leader, clipping from, 295. Surgeons, in colonial army, 148. Surry County (N. C), letter from, 142; insurgents in, 134. Surveys. See Lands. Sussex County (N. J.), in Revolution, 265. Swearingen, Col. Andrew, in Revolution, 268. Swearingen, Capt. Van, in Revolution, 250, 253. Swearingham, — , receives public stores, 40. Swedenborg, Emanuel, writings, 232. Sweeney, William, survey for, 192. Sweet potatoes, directions for keeping, 301. Sweet Springs ( Va. ) , Indian alarm at, 121. Swift, Flower, list of loyalists, 138. Switchard, — , mentioned, 59. Syers, Sampson, furnishes provisions, 43. Symmes, John C, land grant, 243. T.vbr, John, on Committee of Safety, 108. Talbot, Isham, receipt, 189, 197. Talbot, Sir William, translator, 147. Taliaferro, John X.. affidavit before, 264. Taly, Christy, receipt, 171. Tamplin, John, sells horse, 197. See also Tempieton. Tancrue, Rowland, sells cotton, 251. Tate, — , on Cherokee expedition, 180. Tate, Anthony, receipts, 184, 186, 199. Tate, Caleb, receipt, 197. Tate, James, voucher, 183 ; receipt, 203. Tate, Samuel, receipt, 181. Tate, Thomas, voucher, 18.". ; receipt, 203. Tatum, A., land claim, 225. Tawa (Tawah) Indians. See Ottawa. Taxes, increased, 58 ; remitted, 60, 61 ; lists, 143. Taylor, Archibald, deposition, 89, 91, 97. Taylor, Christopher, receipt, 187. Taylor, George, receipt for, 206. Taylor, Hancock, surveyor, 71, 89, 90, 98, 1 00 ; assignee, 68 ; messenger, 67 ; death, 86. Taylor, Hugh Paul, statement criticized, 273 ; death, 274, 279. Taylor, Capt. Isaac, letter for, 130 ; re ceipts, 30, 206. Taylor, Col. James, directions for catch ing fish, 308. 'i'aylor. John, affidavit before, 269. Taylor, Col. John, magistrate, 135 ; pat ents land, 5 ; aids commissioner, 140 ; sells horses, 199 ; letters, 101, 128. Taylor, Skelton, drover, 198 ; receipts, 186, 187. Taylor, William, receipts, 171, 205 ; owns land, 304 ; sells horse, 203. Taylor, Zachary, land grant, 68. Taylor Jr., Zachary, birthplace, 279. Taylor's Spring (Ky.), land entry, 100. Tazewell, John, clerk, 183. Tedford, Alexander, receipt, 171. Telfair, Dr. — , information from, 279. Telford, Alexander, sells provisions, 171. Telford, Jeremiah, receipt, 194. Telford, John, sells provisions, 171. Tempieton, Rev. — , residence, 303. Tempieton, James, receipt, 171 ; survey for, 192. Tencher, Francis, soldier, 51 ; receipt, 23. Tencher, Samuel, receipts, 24, 44, 51. Tencher, William, receipt, 35. Teney, Mrs. Eve, sketch, 293. Tennessee, boundary, 240 ; map, 235 ; set tlers, 261, 284 ; events in, 299. Test Act, justified, 138. Teter, Capt. Samuel, notes on, 288, 289. Thomas, Ben, loyalist, 138. Thomas, Mrs. Grace, sketch, 293. Thomas, John, sells cotton, 251. Thomas, Isaac, messenger to Cherokee, 109-112 ; receipt for, 203. Thomas, Richard, witness, 1S3, 194-206, 210. Thompson, — , counterfeiter, 155. Thompson, Capt. Alexander, militia offi cer, 11. Thompson, Andrew, loyalist, 138. Thompson, Edward, account, 52 ; receipt, 51. Thompson, Elizabeth, receipt, 167. Thompson, George, land claim, 220, 221, 225, 229, 232, 302 ; plat of, 224, 230. Thompson, Capt. Hugh, militia officer, 2. Thompson, Capt. James, magistrate, 135 ; residence, 86, 94 ; commands militia, 76, 84, 85, 90, 92, 93, 96, 97; ranging, 96; in Dunmore's War, 99 ; Revolution, 266, 271, 295; sells land, 108; witness, 132; letters, 116, 140, 144. Thompson, John, receipt, 203 ; witness, 251. Thompson, Joseph, receipt, 203. Thompson, Samuel, residence, 141 ; re ceipt, 177 ; substitute, 137. Thompson, Thomas, furnishes provisions, 17. [352 Ind ex Thompson, Gen. William, militia officer, 4 ; residence, 83-85 ; surveyor, 65, 157 ; re ceipt for, 05 ; witness, 27, 53 ; letters to, 56, 59, 67 ; sells cattle, 167. Thornton, Anthony, land grant, 302. Thornton, Mrs. Elizabeth, married, 139, 287. Three Springs (Va.), camp at, 116. Thwaites, R. G. and L. P. Kellogg, Dun- mvre's War, cited, 67, 69-89, 91-98, 100, 157-162, 251, 295; Frontier Defense on Upper Ohio, 118, 119, 210-215 ; Rev olution on the Vpper Ohio, 102-107, 114, 163-166, 177, 182, 193. Tibbs, John, bond, 228 ; land entry, 304. Tibbs. Willoughby, land entry, 221, 226, 242. Tilghman, Rev. Edward, residence, 303. Tillery, John, witness, 174. Tilton, Capt. Samuel, in Revolution, 260. Timber, dimensions for sawmill, 304. Timber Ridge (Va. I, meeting-house, 166. Timothy grass, yield per acre, 304. Tinkling Spring (Va.), church at, 103. Tipton. Thomas, pension statement, 268, 269 : petition for, 268. Titus, Ebenezer, sells provisions, 180; re ceipts, 187, 195. Titus, Joseph, receipt, 180. Titus. Capt. Samuel, in Revolution, 264-. Todd, Rev. John, land grant, 112 ; letters, 55, 63, 117. Todd Jr., John, introduced to Preston, 62, 63 ; in Dunmore's War, 157 ; defeated in Kentucky, 184 ; letters, 109, 112. Todd, Samuel, on Cherokee expedition, 183. Todd, Thomas, witness, 219, 220. Toleration Act, in Virginia, 61. Tomlinson, Joseph, pensioner, 283. Tony, — , letter from, 105 ; messenger, 106. Tories. See Loyalists. Tosh, Jonathan, witness, 172 ; receipt, 174. Tosh. Tasker, receipt, 45 ; widow, 57. Tosh, Thomas, residence, 22 ; receipts, 13, 45, 51, 175; furnishes provisions, 49. Townsend, — , bond, 64. Traces : Buffalo, in Fayette County, 242. Treaties : Lancaster (1744), 105, 248. Logstown (1748), 105. Bouquets, (1764), 57. Fort Stanwix (1768), 105. Lord Dunmore's (1774), 97, 98, 269, 270. Watauga (Sycamore Shoals, 1775), 101, 105. Pittsburgh (1776), 115, 182. Treaties — continued Augusta town (1776), 111. Middle Cherokee (1776), 111. Cherokee (1777), 116-118, 265, 277. Franco-American (1777), 120. Pittsburgh (1778), 122. Shawnee (1778), proposed, 215. Indian (1785), refused, 229. Holston (1791), 235. Jay's (1794), action on, 240. Trigg, — , messenger, 140. Trigg, Abraham, witness, 189-192 ; receipt for, 209. Trigg, Daniel, in Dunmore's War, 77 ; in Revolution, 121 ; magistrate, 135 ; re ceipts, 209 ; witness, 219. Trigg, Col. Stephen, commands militia, 75, 143 ; recruiting, 70 ; order, 145 ; calls meeting, 103 ; residence, 224 ; receipts, 65, 208, 209 ; witness, 132, 167-172, 208, 209 ; letter, 121. Trigg, William, receipt, 196. Trimble, Mrs. — , captivity, 284. Trimble, Gov. Allen, reference to, 286. Trimble, James, witness, 50 ; receipts, 50, 171 ; business affairs, 58. Trimble Jr., James, captured, 275, 276 ; relatives, 294 ; death, 279. Trimble, John, settler, 57 ; receipts, 19, 203 ; witness, 46. Trimble, John A., letters, 275, 279. Trimble, Samuel, voucher, 174. Trimble, William, voucher, 182. Triss, W., sells cotton, 251. Trotter, John, letter, 246. Tucker, — , land grant, 302. Tucker, Mrs. Evelina, reference to, 285. Tucker, H. S. G., letter, 274. Tunstall, .Col. — , departing, 236. Turman, James, receipts, 221, 222. Turner, Daniel, land grant, 112. Turner, George, messenger to Cherokee, 149 ; letter, 149. Turner, James, land claim, 234. Turner, John, receipt, 192. Turpin, Joseph, land grant, 304. Tuscaloosa Falls (Ala.), cotton trade at. 251, 252. Twightee (Miami) Indians, hostile, 212. Tygart, David, pioneer, 283. Tygart's Valley, origin of name, 283 ; in Revolution, 261, 263. See also Creeks. Tyler County (Va. ), Revolutionary veteran in, 258. I'Nio.v Camp. See Camp Union. Union County (Pa.), Revolutionary vet erans in, 258. 23— H. S. [ 353 ] Ind' ex Uniontown (Pa.), letter from, 253. United States : Adjutant general, 279 bank, lawsuit over, 254 ; constitution comments cn, 232, 236 ; courts, 235, 245 navy, list of, 248, 249 ; officers' titles, 302 ; pensions, 252 ; population, 249 statistics, 309 ; Whiskey Rebellion against, 239. See also Congress. Vachei,, Joseph, receipt, 57. Valette, Elie, legal treatise, 300. Valley Forge (Pa.), letter from camp, 120; soldier at, 260. Valwalon (Va.), letter from, 283. Van Bibber, Capt. John, frontier defense, 104, 105; teaches Indians to make gun powder, 184 ; letter, 211. Van Buskirk, Laurence, voucher, 210. Vance, John, receipt, 37. Vance, Samuel, voucher, 179; land title, 140. Vance, Thomas, receipt, 203, 205. Vance family, endangered, 94. Vandelure, — , traveler, 227. Van Meter. Capt. John, in Revolution, 210; letter, 212 ; family captured, 281. Van Meter family, captured, 281. Vnrner, John, sells horses, 202. Vaughan, — , Kentucky land owner, 100. Vaughn. — , land claim, 302. Vault, George, accused of disloyalty, 133, 138. Vault family, loyalists, 13S. Vause, — , residence, 116. Veingardner, John, deposition, 250. Vei-ronncau, Tempe Denis, deed of land, 155. Vincennes (Ind.), men killed at, 125. Vinyard, Christopher, receipt, 206. Virginia, boundaries, 8, 61, 71, 73, 79, 117, 124, 219-221, 246, 307; charters, 236; explorations of, 147 ; list of counties In, 218; title to Kentucky, 102; control of Illinois, 224 : emigration to, 284, 293, 294 ; Indian raids in, 148, 248, 283, 299; frontier defense, 119. 141, 149-151, 257; colonial governors, 139, 282; assembly, 121, 139, 141, 149, 154, 221, 231, 236, 240; speaker, 59, 222; acts and resolu tions, 110, 15(1, 183; council, 5, 193; convention of 1775, 194, 107, 163; peti tion to, 1(17. 108; Committee of Safety, 108, 110, ill; commissioners, 116, 117, 214, 218, 222, 224, 273; courts, 142- 144, 230, 241 ; officers in French and In dian War. 40, 149, 150; regiment, 14, 05, 09, 100; size, 153; troops in Revo- Vi Rfi in i a — continued lution, 115, 125, 139, 250, 252, 258-269, 292 ; 11th Infantry, 250 ; 13th Infantry, 257 ; invaded by British, 136 ; loyalists in, 123, 124, 129-133, 135, 137, 138, 140, 213, 217, 278 ; bonds for, 217 ; Whiskey Rebellion in, 239 ; schools in, 68, 107, 166, 292; Tniversity, letter from, 274; Presbyterians in, 280 ; neutrality of, 228 ; Kentucky separates from, 144, 229 ; indentured servant in, 1 ; Shawnee mur der deplored, 119; accounts with, 187- 189; histories of, 281; Assembly Jour nal, excerpt from, 228 ; Gazette, cited, 154; Historical Transactions, 154; Mag azine of History, 2, 158; Spectator, num bers of, 294. Virginia Manuscripts, calendar of, 147- 309. Wade, Capt. elations with Cherokee, Wade, Dawson, drover, 201 ; witness, 187. Waddell, Rev. James, purchases land, 103. 104. 108; settler, 64; message for, 55; mentioned, 63. Waddell, Joseph A., sketch of William Preston, 145 ; Annals of Augusta County, cited, 145. Waggoner family, in Dunmore's War, 77. Waits. James, pension statement, 288. Wakatomakee, expedition against, 157. Walford, Kentucky estate, 300. Walker, — , cargo, 50. Walker, Col. — , Xorth Carolina officer, 95. Walker, Lieut. — , messenger, 120. Walker, Frauds ( Frank ) , characterized, 287 ; settlement, 144 ; letter, 236. Walker, Humphrey, petition, 228. Walker, Jacob, deposition, 262. Walker. James, receipt, 201. Walker, John, receipt, 48, 171 ; charges against, 40 ; letter, SO ; heir, 228. Walker, Joseph, receipt, 189. Walker, Philip, receipt, 48. Walker, Richard, takes pension statement, Walker, Dr. Thomas, commissary, 46, 153, 154; visits Lewis, 55; information from, 09 ; desires survey, 68 ; accounts, 39 ; married, 139, 287 ; deposition, 282 ; will, 2S7 : date of death, 287 ; descendants, 2.80, 287 ; signature, 140 ; letters, 61, 62. 04, 66, OS, 87, 110, 121-124, 127, 139, 142-144; journal of trip, 279; papers, 271, 2S2, 286, 287; opinions, 60; charac terized, 236 ; data on, 286, 287. [354] Ind ex Walker, William, mayor of London, 1. Walker, William, of Virginia, receipt, 189, Walker girls, capture of, 289. Wall, Capt. — . in Revolution, 256, 257, 260. Wall, Daniel, letter to, 242. Wall, John, loyalist, 130. Wall, John, reference to, 269. Wallace, Adam, deposition, 159. Wallace, Caleb, on road to Kentucky, 224 ; conflicting land claim, 145 : letter, 229. Wallace, John, receipt, 189. Wallace, Peter, receipt, 171, 187. Wallace, Robert, witness, 156 ; lawsuit, 233-235 ; letters, 233, 243 ; address, 289. Wallace, Capt. Samuel, in Cherokee expe dition, 173, 198 ; receipt, 201 ; witness, 182. Walling, — , bonds, 141. Walling Jr., Elisha, information from, 127. Walling, Thomas, information from, 127. Walpole Company. See Ohio Company. Walrond, James S., sketch, 293. Walter, George, loyalist, 135. Walthoe, X., clerk of Virginia council, 5. •Ward, John, receipt, 179. Ward, Richard, accused of disloyalty, 133. Ward, W., receipt, 55. Ware, J., Kentucky land owner, 100. Waring, Thomas, justice of peace, 240. Warm Springs (Va,), Indian alarm at, 78; letter from, 274. Warren County (Ohio), Revolutionary vet eran in, 258. Waks : French and Indian (1754-63), 10-14, 146, 148-150, 273, 292; participants, 9, 146, 252. Cherokee (1761), 150-154. Pontiac's (1763), 56, 57, 154. Dunmore's (1774), 70-100, 157-162, 292, 296, 297 ; recollections of, 269, 270 ; discussed, 274, 281. Revolution (1775-82), preliminaries, 98, 107, 108, 163; Indian hostilities in, 109-122, 137, 138, 142, 143, 163-210, 213, 214 ; frontier defense, 210-220 ; Eastern operations, 120, 124-126, 139, 140 ; in Southern colonies, 126, 129, 135-139 ; loyalists' plots, 129-137 ; participants, 145, 182, 299 ; veterans, 250-268. See also Battles and Loy alists. Warwick, Jacob, at Point Pleasant, 298; data on, 286, 295, 297, 298, 300. Warwick, Mary, data on, 295. Warwick, William, land grant, 3 ; receipts, 18, 37. Washington, George, in French and Indian War, 149, 292 ; resigns, 150 ; command er in chief, 137, 140 ; interest in west ern lands, 70, 71 ; aids Crawford, 69 ; action on treaty, 240. _ Washington family, relatives, 287. Washington (D. C), letter from, 269, 273, 279 : resident, 254 ; distances from, 308. Washington (Ky. ), lands near, 304; dis tances to, 308. Washington (Pa.), resident, 290; dis tances to, 308. Washington County (N. C. ), magistrates, 218. Washington County (Ohio), Revolutionary- veterans in, 250, 253. Washington County (Pa.), Revolutionary veterans in, 250, 253. Washington County (Va. ), magistrates, 218 ; expedition from, 129, 135, 137 ; provisions for troops, 193 ; distressed conditions in, 117 ; military claims, 183 ; veterans, 266, 267 ; salt works, 232 ; res idents, 140, 248. Washington House, at Philadelphia, 285. Watkins, John, in Dunmore's War, 161. Watkins. Philip, receipt, 175. Watterson, Henry, receipt, 209. Watts, Gen. Edwards, sketch, 293. Watts, James, deposition, 7. Watts, Capt. John B., reference to, 282. Watson, William, survey for, 192. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, defeats Indiana, 281. Wayne County (Ky. ), Revolutionary vet eran in, 265. Wea Indians, hostile, 212. Weakley, Col. Robert, death, 276. Weaks, Henry, receipt, 27. Weeks, Philip, receipt, 18. Weems, Thomas, land grant, 3. Welch, John, messenger, 158. Weldon, Jacob, land claim, 234. Wells, Moses, accused of disloyalty, 133, 138. Wellsburg (Va.), resident, 251, 253, 281, 287-291 ; veteran in, 274. Welsh, Thomas, receipt, 174. Welsh, in western Virginia, 137. West, Francis, land grant, 302. West, Simeon, bond for, 228. West Augusta (Va.), commissary, 210. West Chester (Pa.), resident, 235. West Florida, topography, 305. West Liberty (Va.), resident, 247. West Point (Tenn.), visited, 286. [355] Ind ex West Virginia, wars in, 146; sale of book in, 2.89 ; Agricultural College, 290 ; State Gazette, cited, 298. Western Christian Adrocate, clipping from, 208. Western Messenger, clipping from, 268. WestfaU, Henry F., letters, 283. Westmoreland County (Pa.), in Revolu tion, 268. Westover (Va. ), Byrd's residence, 64, 100, 103, 150. Wetzel, Lewis, incident concerning, 297. Wetzel, Martin, accused of murder, 293. Wharton, Samuel, Philadelphia merchant, 155; land grants, 155, 156. Wheat, yield per acre, 304. Wheeling (Va. and W. Va.), fort at, 210; sieges in Revolution. 224, 256, 257, 260, 202-264, 267-269, 291, 295, 296, 298. 299 ; hill leaped, 285 ; in Indian wars, 288 ; residents, 297 ; letters from, 290, 295, 297, 298 ; Intelligencer, clipping from, 290, 296 ; Repository, 297. See also Forts : Fincastle and Henry. Whiskey Rebellion, proclamation against, 239. White, William, receipt, 181 ; witness, 189 ; sales, 204 ; notes on, 283. White Bark, Shawnee Indian, 279. White Eyes, Captain, Delaware chief, 211. Whitefield, George, death, 61. Whitehaven (Eng.), letter for, 1. Whiteley, James, sells horse, 198. Whiteley, Jonathan, receipt, 38, 171. Whitsell, Capt. Casper, in Revolution, 250. Whittle, James M., letter, 285. Wickwire, Alphias, survey for, 192. Wilcocks, Alexander, legal opinion, 233. Wilds, J. K., affidavit before, 25.8. Wiley, Jane, land entry, 220, 223, 224; survey for, 227. Wiley, John, soldier, 201. Wiley, Robert, notes on, 293. Wilkins, Col. John, commandant in Illi nois, 155, 1 56. Wilkinson, Mary, will, 210; legacy, 233. Wilkison, Asahel, reference, 269. Willanawa, Cherokee chief, 149. Willfong, Michael, receipt, 21. William and Mary College, revenues, 2 ; in charge of surveying, 59, 60, 65, 102, 103, 120, 128; students, 123, 126, 127; courses suspended, 130. Williams, Evan, to supply lead, 91 ; loy alist, 13M. Williams. Jink, loyalist, 138. Williams, John, witness, 5 ; receipts, 35, 38. Williams, John, land entry, 221. Williams, Maj. John, letter, 125. Williams, John M., cotton buyer, 251. Williams, Thomas, land entry, 219, 221, 23.8-240. 302, 309 ;' survey for, 229 ; plat of, 224, 230. Williamsburg (Va.), capital of colony, 1, 2, 6, 8-11, 1-",, 19, 26, 37, 52, 54-60, 65- 08, 70, 72, 74, 77, 99, 102, 104, 108, 110, 111. 114, 115, 118, 120-123, 125- 128, 130, 134. 148-153, 210, 211, 213- 215, 218, 220; resident, 73; news from, 182; letters, 193, 231, 296; Indians visit, 117; in Revolution, 105; deserted, 136. Williamson, Mrs. — ¦% residence, 140. Williamson, Col. David, expedition, 257, 264. Wills, William, receipt. 199. Wills, formula for, 301. Willson, — , candidate for burgess, 63. Willson, George, in Augusta County, 12, 13 ; residence, 30. Willson, Capt. John, militia fOfficer, 2, 5. Willson, Joseph, sells horses, 198. Willson, Joshua, sells horses, 208. Willson, William, sells horse, 204. Wilson, Capt. — , commands militia, 89. Wilson, Charles, reference, 269. Wilsou, Maj. David, letter, 238. Wilson, George, receipt, 20, 171. Wilson, J. C. F.. letter, 270. Wilson, James, on Cherokee expedition, 170; receipts, 171, 206; voucher. 182. Wilson, John, voucher, 210. Wilson, Xathaniel, commissioner. 240. Wilson, Richard, in Dunmore's War, 160. Wilson, Samuel, witness, 26, 222 ; receipt, ooo Wilson, Stephen, receipt, 44. Wilson, Thomas, receipt, 172, 179, Wilson, William, receipt, 24, 26 ; witness, 24. Wilson, Capt. William, of Pennsylvania, in Revolution, 255, 205. Wilson, William, of Tennessee, defends fort, 238. Wilson, Lieut. William, of Virginia, in Revolution, 203. Wilson's Station (Tenn.), letter from, 238. Win, Minor, land grant, 302. « Winchester. Col. Joseph, letter, 236. Winchester (Va. ), proposed journey to, 56; clergyman at, 64 ; Lord Dunmore, 80 ; letter from, 149 ; in Revolution, 250, 251 ; marriage at, 285. [356] Ind. ex Winston, Lieut. Joseph, in French and In dian War, 69 ; boundary commissioner, 117. Winston, Edmond, lawyer, 221 ; letters, 69, 102. Wisconsin, distances in, 305. Withers, Alexander, statement criticized, 273 ; Chronicles of Border Warfare, cited, 295 ; criticized, 270 ; new edition of, 291, 297. Woltz, Ferdinand, letter, 279. Wolves, bounties for, 2—5. Wood, Abraham, explorer, 147 ; biographi cal notes on, 2S2. Wood, Agnes, sells provisions, 170. Wood, Col. James, land patentee, 4, 5 ; es tate, 67. Wood, John, letters, S, 9, 67. Wood, John, sells cotton, 251. Wood County (Va. ), Revolutionary vet eran in, 260. Woodbury County (Mass.), letter for, 307. Woodford County (Ky. ), sentiment, 239. Woodlawn, letter from, 278. Woolridge, William, pays for land, 64. Woods, Andrew, witness, 187 ; letter men tioned, 75. Woods, David, voucher, 165, 166. Woods, Mary Mitchell McColloch, sketch, 295. Woods, Capt. Michael, commands militia, 89; letters, 72, 77, 78, 84, 87. Woods, Richard, receipts, 59, 189. Woods, Thomas, drover, 195. Woods, Thomas, statement, 309. Woods, William, land grant, 232. Woods, William, letter, 281. Woodson, — , land grant, 302. Woodson, Capt. Obadiah, on Sandy Creek expedition, 10. Woodstock Valley, in Revolution, 258. Woodward, Chesley, receipt, 196. Worcester (Eng.), legacy at, 210. Worley, Jane, mulatto servant, 236. Wright, D., receipt, 197. Wright, Col. Gideon, characterized, 92. Wright, John, receipts, 16, 17, 35; wit ness, 20. Wright, John C, letter to, 254. Wright, Peter, account, 51; receipt, 187. Wright. Capt. Zadock, In Revolution, 265, 200. Wyandot Indians, hostile, 211 ; in Revolu tion, 182; capture whites, 288. Wyatt, John, suppresses insurrection, 135. Wyley, John, loyalist, 138. Wyoming (Pa.), massacre at, 129, 269. Wythe, George, Virginia lawyer, 130. Wytheville ( Va. I , letter from, 286. Yellow fever, prescription for, 239. Yoho, John, affidavit, 255. Yohogania County (Va.), in Revolution, 205. York, Ezekiel, survey for, 192. York, Jesse, survey for, 192. York I Va. ) . See Yorktown. York County (Pa.), volunteers from, 258. Yorke, Capt. James, visits Cherokee, 111. Yorktown (Va. ), British at, 136; siege, 208 ; surrender, 261. Young, James, receipt, 180. Young, Robert, account, 45. Young, Samuel, witness, 46. Young, Thomas, voucher, 176. Young Tassell, Cherokee chief, 117. Young Virginian, clipping from, 295. '/.ask, Ebenezer, founder of Wheeling, 297 ; notes on, 298. Zane, Mrs. Ebenzer, aids garrison, 267. Zane, Elizabeth, powder exploit, 296, 298, 299 ; marriage, 285. Zane, Isaac, advances to, 181 ; Indian family, 285, 288. Zane, Noah, notes on, 297, 298 ; death, 297. Zane, Capt. Silas, in Revolution, 262. Zane family, notes on, 297. Zeisberger, David, letter, 212. [357] YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 02445 6031