YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Coat of &mts OF Motto. — " Dominus providebit." The Lord will provide: LORD KILBURNE, JSa rl 0/ Glasgow, Scotland. JOHN KILBURNE, of Kilburne in Yorkshire: John K., of Brancote in Nottinghamshire^ John K., of Girton in Cambridgeshire.. John K., of Saffron-Walden in Essex. I Thomas Kilbourn Isaac Kilbourn — Mary d. of Tho. John Sarah Marv Bailiff of the Cor poration of Hunt ingdon. of London. Clarke of Saf- eldest fron Walden. son. No issue. I I I AnneElizabethJoan. Thomas K.,— Anne d. of of Hunting don, I Richard An gel of Hunt- donshire. I Richard K.,- of Staple- Inn, and of Hawkhur>l. •Elizabeth d. oi Will Dave of Brckley in I I I William. I?aac. Thomas. John. IIIIIsaac Sarah J oh IT Joan all d. with. out issue. Elizjbeth rn. Edmund Morkof Strat- ford^Langlon, Co. Essex. William Kilburne— Mary 1st w. d. of • Bagshaw. of Gray's Inn ; died — Catharine 2 w, d. of Wm; HoskinJ. March 24, and was buried Mar 97, 1619, in Temple Church. -Sarah 3 w, i- of Rich. Beaumont. I Arthur. William. Isaac. Thos. I Ml Richard. Mary. Charles.Elizabeth, in. Will. Leret. I William Kilburne— Damaris, 2d d. of Richard Beaumont. Elizabeth. lie issue. " This Pedigree being authentically proved, ii entered in, the Visitationjif London, A. D. 1634. Hon. St Usonos Rickmomd.'' COD GUAM CHURCH, < fled previvuf In mr during the time aj William the Conquerrr a. d. 1066. Anne xtd lo the Priory of Kilbonru. a. d. 1371. Standing in 1804- Kent county , England, fOAT OF ARMS, KILBURNE, [London, and Hawkehurst in Kent.] COAT OP ARMS. KILBoKNE.and Kilburne, (Lincolnshire.) •' ArRent Cheveron. Azure between three bald coots, close, sable, heads argent, beaks tawny. Crest — bait) coot iirntjer. — Edmonson'* Heraldry. ¦£ S — • "" 'r & fc .- e . "^5 i " o ffl o ¦< , .JG -^ ^ a ¦*-* 4J o s> •s-ft°.. 53 6- ^ "* T3 O O M £ a «• • 5 e ma; So a. :.o> : c c a. rz K ~ - ^ c Q C3 « 5 V "^ u | Sw «*H "3 a ^ o C rfe O fe! £ £c t3 3 bC .- .n ^ S « - "J N u * "a •5 4 Jl/r. Kilbourn— S ir, Agreeably to your request I transmit to you copies of the only entries I find bearing upon your questions. I cannot give any reason for the bearing, or the particular occasion of the grant to the Kentish family. The date of the confirmation of the Arms with a difference for Ihe Lincolnshire family was 1706. I am, Sir, your ob't servant,. College of Arms. London, Chas. Geo. You>g, 18 July, 1845. Garter. From the Enrl Marshall's Re«ister, marked I.a7,in the College of Arms, London. 'n'lUta-m ^Aztevur-me, (/ — Q^uc/i/.cte "< 70, t'n 4 6 CO ot 70, */. .CXVfm.c, Sgoutd, */". //03 aj. 6g. ^(i>l€Ja/c6/i, datt't, c/ WW.am &„, . torn May 17. 1691. Mary. born May 18, 1696- Robert, bnraMi.yy, 1701: V THE FAMILY MEMORIAL. OF THE KILBOUBN FAMILY, IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA FROM THE YEAR 1635 TO THE PRESENT TIME. rSCLtlDCXG EXTRACTS FROM ANCIENT RECORDS, COPIES OF OLD WILLS, BIO GRAPHICAL SKETCHES, EPITAPHS, ANECDOTES, ETC. WITH AN ENGRAVING OF THE KILBURNE " COAT OF ARMS.'' BY PAYNE KENYON KILBOURN, MEMBER OF THE CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETT. HARTFORD: BROWN & PARSONS. MDCCCXLV, TO The Honorable JAMES KILBOURNE, OF WORTHINGTON, OHIO, Sat? i&fjpngratatibe m tjs« ®o»gtesls( of tje SEiriWJ States, THIS MEMORIAL IS INSCRIBED, AS A TRIBUTE OF FRIENDSHIP AND ESTEEM, BY HIS KINSMAN, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. It can hardly be deemed necessary to stats the object of this voltltr.e mote full}' than it is contained iu the title ptge. This is emphatically an age of antiquirinn and genealogical research. Few intelligent descent dents of the puritan settlers of New England, especially, are to be. found, who do r.ol cherish a filial reverence for their progenmors, and an ardent desire to knnw more of their hisiory It is a laudable and virtuous spir* it which would keep alive a knowledge, and emulate the giod deeds, of those who have passed over the singe of Existence before vjs, and who now " rest from their labors.'' And surely if any people on earth have a special right to boast ol an illustrious ancestry, they are those whose homsteads arc found in the deep glens and along the mountain fastnesses of the Land of the Pilgrims. It has been the design of the auihnr of these pages to preserve from a premature oblivion, the recorded and traditionary hi-.tnry of the KIL- BOURNS of this continent, from the due of the landing on the-e shores of the common ancestors of the race — '>eop.ge and Thomas1 Kilbobne, in 1635. He believes that of Thomas Kilboure's descendants, he has giv en the u:imes and brief notes of all in the male line Juwn 13 and inclu> ding the 4th generation ; from thence they become so numerous and so scattered that it isby no means improbable that some have escaped his researches. After the (j;h generation several branches are designedly dropped, because, were they continued, the volume would be made much larger than was intended, and the descendants will, as it is, be able read ily to trace their respective genealogies back to where the said branches are left. The author has not been able lo connect the American branch of the family directly with that in Great Britain ; though there unquestionably is a connection. Aside from the fact that our ancestors sailed from -ten don for this country, Ihe similarity of names in the branches of the old and new world at the same era, seem la evince a connection. For in stance — it will be seen that William Kilborne who died at Louth, Eng., in 1660 or 1670, had sons William, John, Joseph and Abraham; while John Kilborne, who enma to America with his parents in 1635. and died at Weathersfield, Conn., in 1703, had sons John, Joseph. Abraham and others. This coald hardly have happened by chance. 6 By relerence to page 109, an extract will be- found from the record in the Family Bible of David Kilbourn, Esq., of Lunenburg, Mass., which says, ' Two brothers came over from Devonshne,' &c. Upon what authority this record was made I have not learned. The only evidence that Thom- asand George were brothers, teems lo rest solely on tradition — a very fal- able ground upon which to build even a presumptive superstructure. The indications are thai Thomas is a descendant of John Kilborne of Saffion- Walden, in Sussex. The name is still lo be faund in various parts of Great Britain — where it appears to have undergone as many changes in spelling as it has in this country. Anciently it was almost uniformly spelt with the final c. and the transition from e lo ie and ey, is natural and easy— and wilh these ter minations it is sometimes found. In the old catalogues of Yale College it is spell Kilbern ; and elsewhere, Kilberne. See p. 56. In regard to the meaning of the word — Sir Francis Palgrave, a very learned antiquary of London, informs William Kilburn, Esq., of that city, that it is of German origin, and signifies coal stream or cool river ; the Hon. James Kilboume, ot Ohio, says it is of Welch origin and means rivet border. Pmf. Gibbs of Yale College [see p. 144,] make it of Anglo- Saxon origin signifying cold stream. The annexed communications from William Kilburn, Esq., of London, will be read wilh interest by his namesakes in America. Bertram House, Heampsled, near London, 2d November, 1S44. Payne Ktnyon Kiibovrne. P>q., Dear Sir — I hasten lo acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the £3d fit September, containing some very inierestipg paitirulars icluiive to the family of Kilbourns in America, much of which was new to us, al though we were aware that the n; me was known in tbe neighborhood of New-York. My own family is certainly of Irish origin, but Tarn not able to (race it beyond my granfather, Samuel Kelhurne, who died in Dublin iibcut the year 1770 Having received a Government appointment, in ihe patent for which his name was spelt Kilburn, he adopird lhat mode of spelling it, and his descendants have continued ihi- some. My fathjr, William Kilburn of Carshahon, near London was his only son, and left Ireland at a very early age, and never teturned to it. He died in 1818, leaving four suns, of whom my brother Benjamin and myself are ihe only sui vivors.— My brother Thomas, who died in 1830. left six sons who are now livin» four in London, in various meicauiile situations, and iwo in Australia one of whom is a farmer and wool grower, and the other a merchant.— These are the only relatives bearing our name ; but on my mother's side my family is very numerous ; we have about 100 relatives within ihe de gree of first cousin, ar.d first cousin once removed. My father had a cousin, the Rev. Sixclare Kelbukne, who died un- married, and was the only relative on his side of whom I ever heard. — I have long known by name a Mrs. Ann Kilburn, of Maha and lutely requested a lriend to call upon her and make some enquiiies : bull could not learn that there was anv connection between the families. I have the pleasure to enclose two cop es of our Coat of Arms, one en graved and the other colored. The desciiplion is as follows — " KILBURNE, {London & Hawkehurst, Kent.) Argent Cheveron. Az ure between three bald cocts, close, sable, heads argent, beaks lawny. — Crest, bald coot propel.'1 The bald cool is a water fowl, somewhat like the common moor heni — II is now rather scarce in England. I shall be glad 10 receive a copy of your projected work, which can no doubt he forwarded through any of the New Y oik booksellers who have agenis in London. My brother and myselfare engaged in Ihe East India trade, under ihe firm of Nonon, Kilburn & Co ) Our house of business is No. 16, Saint Miry Axe, London, I have written to Ireland to make some inquiries about my arandfaiher's progenitors, but the registers are so delective ihe:e my friends have been unable to find any trace of them. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant. WILLIAM KILBURN. ) A'o Hi Saint Maiy Axe, \ London, 4th January, 1647. Payne Kenyan Kilboiane, Esq., Dear Sir— I am favored with your letter of the 30th of November, and regret .hat I am not able to add any further infoiuiiation relative to our name and family history. My father left Ireland when a boy, and died at the age cf 73, when I was 15, so that many years elapsed from the lime of his leaving Ireland to that of my first visit in 18'., and S. S., (son of William, A. M., of Saffron-Walden,) was bora March 9, 1701; graduated at Cambridge University in 1720; received the degree of Mas ter of Arts in 1724, and the degree of Doctorof Laws in 1728. He was Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, and in the year last named he delivered a sermon at the Anniversa ry Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, ' which was published. LAUNCELOT KILBOURN, Purveyor of His Majesty's stores at Gibralter, died in 1744. WILLIAM KILBORN, Esq., was married to Miss Revell, daughter of Thomas Revell, Esq., Member of the House of Commons from Dover, and Victualler of the P'orces at Miuorica— Janu ary 5, 1753. KILBORN, a bookseller and publisher in London — 1748. A. KILBURN, a printer in Dublin— 1770. • " No English city contains so many ancient unaltered churches as Canter bury. You meet them whichever way you turn. On arriving by the London road, the church of St. Dunstan greets you in the suberbs ; and on crossing the threshold of ihecity, to the right hand of old Westgate, almost touching it, you have the still more ancient church of the Holy Crow."- KoMen.. 10 THOMAS KILBORNE, A. B., graduated at Cambridge University in 1660. S AMUEL KILBURN, of Dublin, a famous builder and architect, was made "King's Caipentcr" by George the Third. Rev. EBENEZER KELBURN, (bi other of the preceding,) was a Presbyterian, Clergyman in Dublin. Rev. SINCLARE KELBURN, A. B., (son of the preceding,) grad uated at the University of Edinburgh, and for 22 years was pastor of the Third Presbyterian Chuich in Belfast, Ireland. He was the author of a Treatise on Theology, and of "The Christian's Family aud Pocket Companion." A republican in principle, he became a leader of the United Irishmen, and dur ing the suspension of the habeas coipus Act in 1798, he was ar- sted at Belfast by oi der of Government, and imprisoned in Kil- mainham Gaol where, from long confinement, lie lostthe use of his limbs, and died soon after his liberation — March 31, 1802,. aged 48 yeais. — See pp. 122, 123, Appendix. WILLIAM KILBOURN, died at Bclton, county of Rutland, Eng land, in 1788, aged 70 — leaving 89 children and grandchild ren ; and three days after, THOMAS KILBOURN, aged 84. WILLIAM KILBURN, Esq., (son of Samuel, above named,) the cel ebrated Artist— born in Dublin, 1745; died at Walltngton, Surry, near London, in 1818. — See Appendix, p. 122. DANIEL FITCH KILBOURN, a jeweller, was living in Middlesex in 1784.. JOHN KILBOURN, a mill-wright, died at North Kilwoith, county of Leicester, in 1810. GOODWIN KILBURN, Principal of Tudor Hull Academy, Hawk- hurst, county of Kent — 1849. From the London Directory for 1848 — [With Notes.] Benjamin Kilbuhn, East India Broker: see Norton, Kilburn & Co. [Mr. K. married a daughter of John Knight, Esq., Secretary of the Bank of England.] George Kilburn, beer-retailer, Mill Wall, Poplar. William Kilburn, Crown Public House, 24 Red-Cross street, Cripplegate. William Ed. Kilburn, Photographic Artist, 234 Regent street. ["Photographer to Her Majesty the Queen and His Roval Hio-hness Prince Albert."] J s William Kilburn, East India Broker ; see Norton. Kilburn & Co. [A Director of the Universal Life Assurance Company.] Mansions ami Country Seats. - " Bdisle House," the residence of J. Wright, E-.q., is situated in Kil burn, Middlesex. The mansion is a handsome modern struc'uie, standing in a delightful park which is approached from the Hampstead rood by a noble avenue of trees. Mep-kbiuij, the residence of Peter White, Esq. : Rosslya House, the residence of H. Davidson, Esq.; and Brandesbury House, the residence of Sir C. Trotter, are in Kilburn. Kilburn- Hall, in Kilburn, Derbyshire — the residence of W. II. Hunter, Esq. "On the north side of the road (in Hawkhurst.) is a mansion called ' Fowlers,' which is particularly deserving notice, as having boon the property and residence of Richard Kilburne, Esq., author of a Sur vey of this County, published in 1659. He was a man of eminence in his profession as a lawyer, having been five times Principal of Staple's Inn, and of as worthy a character both as a magistrate andhisfoiian." Hasted's History of the County of Kent. Names of Places, &c, KILBURN, a parish and township in the liberty of Rippon, Yorkshire, England ; living, a curacy in the archdeaconry of Cleve land and diocese of York, of the certified value of £20; church ded icated to St. Mary; patron, the archbishop of York. — Gortons Top. Diet. The village is five miles from Thirsk ; population in 1810, 847. KILBURN MDUNTA1N, County of Wexford, Ireland; noted in the history of the Irish Rebellion. — See Appendix, p. 120. KILBORN, a small Fortress in the S. W of European Russia, in the Government of Taurida, on the Black Sea, on the south side of the estuary of the Dneiper. The harbor is tolerably safe. Long. 31 deg. 36 m. E. : lat. 46deg. 35 m. N. — See Morse's Un. GazetUer. KILBOURNE,* a parish near London, in Middlesex County, Eng. land. The celebrated mineral springs, called Kilbourne- Wells, are in this parish. Population of the parish, 2300. — See p. 144. KILBOURNE PRIORY, in Middlesex, England. " A Benedic tine nunnery founded in the reign of Henry I., about the year 1 1 00, by * This is the spelling eivrn lo the parish and to Ihe Priory by Gorton in his Topographical Dictionary, and hy the London Gentlemen's Magazine Speed, in his ¦' Chronicles cf England," spells it Kilborne: while the London Register for 1763 spells it Id lb irn. It apn»ars now to be generally spelt Kilburn. The following records rndicatt that Ihe Priory is slill in existence — May Vi, 18-17. Died — At Kilburn Priory, Middlesex, in his 79th year. Rear. Admiral John Fordyce Maples, R. N„ C. B. 1843. Married — At St. George's, Hanover Square, William Royal Greiva Esq, of Kilburn, Middlesex, to E'iza Joanna, only daughter of the late Joseph Liwe.Esrj.of Her Majesty's Customs, and Mrs. Shaw, of Kilburn Priory. 12 the Convent of Westminster ; valued at £12 1, 16s. yearly; now worth £2,436 ; granted, I Hinry VI., to John, Earl of Warwick." — Cob- hit's Hist. oftheRif. vol. ii. p. 103. The Priory was suppressed by Henry VIII.— See pp. 129, 130, of this volume. KILBURN, a town in Derbyshire, England — seven miles north of Derby. Population 498. There is here a mansion called Kilburn-Hall. Kf LBURNIE, a town of considerable note in Scotland. KILBURNE,* the. seat of the Earl of Glasgow, Paisley, Scotland- KILBORN, the name of a village and river near Lake Memphre- magog, in Stanstead, Canada.f KILBOURN L'OWN, that part of the city of Milwaukee, (Wiscon sin,) which lies upon the West side of Milwaukee river.— -Seep. 119. KILBOURNE, a village and Post Office in Delaware Co., Ohio, KILBOURN Street, Hartford, Conn. — running from Front-street to the Connecticut River. The Springfield and New Haven Railroad Depot is at the foot of Kilbourn street. 'This place, [and the tit'e derived from it,] is spelt in various ways. In the London •• Court and C ty Calender," for 18116, (now in the posses sion ol the aathor of ihis volume,) it is s-pelt '' Kiibuin ;" the Glasgow Herald, in its account of the E'linjton Tournament, has it " Kilborn.'' It is often .spelt "Kulburn," and "Kelburne.'' f "'Kilborn's, Mills" is put down at this point in Mitchell's Universal Alias, pnblis-hed at Philadelphia in 1840. The place lakes iis name from Col. Charles Kilbjun, a native of Litchfield, Conn., who, being a zeal- cms loyalist, emigrated to Canada during the Revolution, and subsequent. ly settled in StanMead. THE FAMILY MEMORIAL THOMAS KILBORNE, j HE ancestor of all in Connecticut, and most of those in other States of the Union and in Canada, who bear the name, was born A. D., 1580, dur ing the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; and with his family embarked from London for New England, in the ship Increase, Robert Lea, master, on the 15th of April, 1635. In the 8th volume of the 3d series of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, pp. 243 and following, is an article entitled " Gleanings for New England History," by James Savage, LL. D., of Boston, in which we find the fol lowing " Extract from a MS. volume in folio at the Augmentation Office (so called) where Rev. Joseph Hunter, one of the Record Commissioners, pre sides, in Rolls Court, WestminsterHall. It contains the names of all per sons permitted to embark, at the port of London, after Christmas, 1634, to the same period in the following year, kept generally in regular succession. This was found only a few months since, and may not have been seen by more than two or three persons for two hundred years." 12] KILBOURN. [Generation I. aged 55. ti 50. (C 23. ft 22. u 16. " 12. u 10. " 15th Apr. 1635. Theis parties hereafter expressed are to be trans ported to New England, embarqued in the Increase, Robert Lea, master, having taken the oath of allegiance and supremacy, as also being con formable to the orders and discipline of the church, whereof they brought testimony per certificates from the Justices and Ministers where their abodes have lately been. " Husbandman, Tho. Kilborne, His wife, Frances Kilborne, Children, Margaret Kilborne, Lyddia Kilborne, Marje Kilborne, Frances Kilborne, Jo. Kilborne, The family settled at Wethersfield, Conn. Thomas Kil borne died previous to December 25, 1640, as appears from the Wethersfield Land Records, book 1st, page 135, viz. : "12th month, 25th day, 1640. Lands belonging to Aran: Kilborne, widdow, lyeing in Weathersfield. on Conecticutt River," &c. Note.— The following complete list of the fellow passengers of Thomas Kilborne and family, on their voyage to this country in the Increase, will probably gratify the curiosity of many of my renders. "Lynen weaver Tho. Chittingdcn, aged 57, uxor Rebecca Chitting- den 41, Isack Chittingden 10, Hen. Chittingden 6 ; a mason, Geo. Baron 43, Samuel! 12, Su san 10, John 5; a husbandman Tho. Jestlin, Rebecca his wife, Eliza Ward a maid ser vant, Rebecca 18, Dorothy 11, Nathaniel 8, Eliza 6, Mary 1, his children; husbandman Wm. Rusco 51, uxor Rebecca 41, Sara 9, Marie 7, Samuel 6, Wm, 1; a tailor, Tho. Page 29, Elizabeth 28, Tho. 2, Katherin 1 ; Edw. Sparks, Kat. Taylor, servants ; Sam. Andrewes 3T, Jane 30, Jane 3, Eliz. 2 ; Robt Naney 23, Robt. Sankey 30, John Gibbens 21, husband. man Samuel Morse 50, uxor Elizabeth 48, Joseph 20 ; Elizabeth Daniel 2 ; linen weaver Philemon Dalton 45, uxor Hanna 35, Samuel 5 ; Wm. White 14 ; husbandman Mathew Marvyn 35, Elizabeth 31, Mathew 8, Marie 6, Sara 3, Hanna 1-2; Jo. Warner 30, Isack More ; carpenter Samuell Ireland 32, uxor Marie ; plowrite Wm Buck 50, Roger Buck 18, a joiner Jo. Davies 29, husbandman Abram Fleming 40, husbandman Jo. Foker 21 clothier Tho. Parisli 22; chyrurgion, Symon Ayres 48, uxor Dorothy 33, Marie 15, Tho. 33, Symon 11, Rebecca 9; Jane Rainlon 30, husbandman Symon Stone 50, uxor Joan 38, Francis 16, Ann 11, Symon 4, Marie 3, Jo. 5 weeks : John Cordie 17, butcher Wm. Payne 37, Anna 40, William 10, Anna 6, Jo. 3, Daniell 8 weeks : James Bitton 27, Wm. Potter 25 Elizabeth Woods 35, Elizabeth, Beards 24, Suzan Payne 11, Aymes Gladwell IS, Phebe Perce 18, carpenter Henry Grosse 20, James -Roger 20, Richard Nunn 19, Tho. Barrettl6 Jo. Hackwell 18, Christian Ayres 7, Anna Ayres 5, Benjamin Ayres 3, Sara Ayrcs 3 inos. a sawer Steeven Upson 23, Jo. Myndell 16 : Isack Warden 18, Nath'll Wood 12, Elizabeth Streaton 19,'Marie Toller, servants." Of the persons above named, Simon Stone (sen'r.,) ' deacon of Watertown;' was adm. freeman 1630; Simon Stone, Gun.,) was Representative in lo78 and 1679. Philemon Dal ton d,in Ipswich, Nov. ,10, 1661; his son, Hon. Samuel Dalton, was Representative-from Hampton for 12 years from 1662, and member;of the first Council of President Cutt, of New Hampshire. Samuel MorsB adm. freeman at Dedham, 1640, d. at Medfield Dec. 5 1654 ¦ Joseph M, viz. : Thomas Bunce, Paul Peck, John Marsh, John Gilbert, Mr. Henry Wolcott, Thomas Bis sell, Nathaniel Loomys, Return Strong, Sergt. John Kilburne. Mr. Samuel Wolcott, Capt. John Standly, Samuel Coale, and Sergt. John Hale. At a session holden in 1687, the Court was constituted as follows : " WM. LEETE, Governor. Maj. J. Tallcott, and Capt. John Allen, Assistants. Grand Jurors for the year ensuing : Mr. James Steel, Sargt. John Kilbotjen, Capt. John Gilbert. John Pkatt, Steven Hosmer, Henrt Buck, Nath'l Loomts, James Toppan, John Moore, Nicholas Buckland, John Judd, Daniel Heyden," John Keete, Sr., Thomas Spencer. That Sergt. K. was a lover of '.' righteousness and peace," will appear from the following petition, taken from the Land Records, Vol. 1, Document 182, in the office of the Secretary of State. " To the Honored Gov. and Deputy Gov. with the Assistants and mem bers of the General Court now sitting in Hartford. The humble petition of diverse inhabitants of Wethersfield, proprietors in the lands on the East side of the Great River in the field called Naubuck. Whereas the origin al landmarks between the several divisions of land in the said field now long since lost, and diverse of the proprietors (apprehending much trouble like to ensue thereupon) when the law of possession was made ; did dur ing the time that that law was suspended, petition the General Court to appoint a Committee to lay out and limit all the several divisions of land in Naubuck aforesaid according to the original record of the town. And the Generation JJ.] KILBOURN. [17 said Committee did attempt to discharge the trust committed to them, but not being able to find out the south bounds of the said field, they were at a loss and never did any thing to effect. And now diverse persons of the said Committee are dead, and the south bounds of the said field are found out and settled by a Committee appointed by the General Court in the case pending between Mr. Bulkeley and Mr. Hollister, whereby the settling of the bounds of the several divisions of land according to the rules of righteousness and -peace becomes very feazible, your petitioners being very sensible of great and almost endless troubles likely to ensue to divers of the proprietors unless they will, to their great loss and damage, yield up their just and lawful right to such as will unjustly encroach upon them, do therefore humbly request the Honorable Court to appoint a new Commit tee to lay out all the said field according to the original record of the town, as the former General Court did appoint, and also to set down leading stakes for the just lines, as need shall require. And now hope that the Honored General Court will not make difficulty about granting our peti tion because of the present aspect of things, for we do not desire a new grant or title of land, but a settling of us in a judicious way according to the rules of righteousness and peace, upon what was our ancient right and property. And we do the more earnestly desire this favor of the Honored General Court at this time, because it changes threatened consequences ; contentions and divisions about limits and bounds of land will inevitably be an aggravation of our trouble, — but not to trouble the Honored Ceurt with a multiplicity of words, we subscribe ourselves your humble suppli ants and servants. JOHN KILBUREN, Sen'r. JOSHUA ROBINS, SAM'L WELLES, ELEAZER KIMBERLY, EPHRAIM GOODRICH. Wethersfield, October 13, 1677." The Response to the above Petition was made by " a Gen eral Court held at Hartford, October 13, 1687," at which Gov. Treat presided. It was ordered that " upon the petition of John Kilborn, &c, that this Court would appoint a Commit tee to settle the bounds of their lands on the east side of the Great River at Naubuck, This Court do therefore order and appoint Serjt. John Deming, Deac. Samuel Butler, Serjt. John Wells and Ensign Samuel Wright, to attend the said service and perfect the same according to the first and origin al Grants as near as they can, to begin at the south side of Capt. Talcott's lott and so to proceed as there is occasion." "Nov. 27, 1578. Mr. Gershom Bulkley [minister] had granted to him one hundred and fifty acres of land joyning to his land in his present pos sesion by his mill. Serjeant Kilburne, Mr. Eleazer, Kimberly, Serjt. John Deming and Ensigne Welles are appointed, they or ye moat part thereof, to lay out the same." 18] KILBOURN. [Generation II- Sergt. Kilbourn was married to Naomi , in 1650 ; she died, October 1, 1659, leaving three children, viz., John, Thom as, and Naomi. He then married Sarah , by whom he had Ebenezer, Sarah, George^ Mary, Joseph, and Abra ham. He departed this life on the 9th of April, 1703, in his 79th year — or, as the Wethersfield Record quaintly expresses it, " of his age about 80 years, as nigh as could be come at." Sarah, his widow, died on the 4th of December, 1711, " aged 70 years, or something more," as the record has it. " LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN KILBOURN, Sen's. " I, John Kixbourn, Senior, of Wethersfield, in the County of Hart ford, in his majesties Territories of New England, yeoman, being at pres ent firme in my senses and understanding, do appoint this my last Will and Testament, in manner following : — Imp's. I bequeath mjr Soul into the hands of my most mercifull Redeemer, nopeing for his merit's sake to find acceptance with God, and a Joyfull Resurrection, my body to be buried in a Christian manner according to the discretion of mine Execu tors hereinafter named. — I give and bequeath to my Sonn, John Kilbourn, besides what I have formerly given and settled on him, and on his heirs and assignes, my whole right and title to that Tract of Land sometime since parchased of the Indians, on the East side of the great River ; also I give to my said Sonn, John, my great bible and one great booke of Mr. Perkins his works. — I give and bequeath to my Sonn, Thomas Kilbourn, and to his heirs and assignes forever, the remainder of my Land in Naubuck, both meadow, swamp, and uppland, and Six pounds in Current Country pay, to be paid by my Executors hereafter named within two years after my decease. — I give and bequeath to my daughter, Naomi Hale, (besides what I have formerly given her,) my Silver beaker and one pair of Sheets, to be delivered her by my Executors at my decease. My will is that my present Loveing wife, Sarah Kilbourn, shall enjoy and possess one half of my houseing and Home lott abutting on the broad street East, and one third part of my Lands lyeing on the west side of the great River, dureing the time of her najurall Life. — I give to my Sonn, Ebenezer Kilbourn, and to his heirs and assignes forever, one half of my houseing and home lott facing against the broad street, to be to him and to his heirs or assignes, at my decease, and the other half of the same to him and to his heirs or assignes forever, at the decease of his mother, Sarah Kilbourn. Also one half of mine Eight acree Lott at the pond at the Upper end of the great Meadow, and one fourth part of my Land in the Wett Swamp, and one fourth part of my Long Lott at the Town's End. That is to say, he or his heirs or assignes to enjoy two thirds of those lands at my decease, and the rest at the decease of his mother aforesaid. — I give and bequeath to my daughter, Sarah Crane, (besides what I have already given her,) the Sum of fifteen pounds, in goods, corn, or Chattells, to be apprized as Country pay, to be paid within two years after my decease. — I give and bequeath to my Sonn, George Kilbourn, my house and Home lott faceing against Bell Lane, which I have purchased of my Sonn Ebenezer, and one half of my Eight acree Lott at the upper end of the great meadow, and one fourth part of my Land in the Wett Swamp, and one fourth part of my Long Lott at the Town's End. That is to say, he to enjoy two thirds of those lands at the age of Twenty and one ye ars. And he, my said Sonn George, his heirs or assignes, to enjoy and possess the rest forever at the Generation II.] KILBOURN. [19 decease of his mother, Sarah Kilbourn. I also give my said SonnGeorge, one silver Spoon marked G M : G K, provided he shall pay Tenn pounds to my daughter, Mary Kilbourn, in Country pay, within four years after my decease, and Twenty shillings in like Country pay to his brother, Thomas Kilbourn, within the same time. — I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary Kilbourn, the Summ of Thirty and Eight pounds in Country pay, whereof her brother George is to pay tenn pounds as above exprest, and- Twenty and Eight pounds to be paid to her by my Executors hereafter named, in goods or Chattells apprized as Country pay, within two years after my decease, or after her marriage. — I give and bequeath to my Sonn, Joseph Kilbourn, and to his heirs or assignes forever, the one half of my Land at the Whirlpools in th« great Meadow, and half my Land at Mile Meadow, and half my Land at Beaver Meadow, and one fourth part of my Land at Wett Swamp, and one fourth part of my Long Lott at the Town's End. That is to say, he, his heirs or assignes, to enjoy two thirds of those Lands at the age of Twenty and one years, and the rest at his mother's decease ; he also shall pay twenty shillings to his brother, Thomas Kilbourn, within one year after he enjoys the same. — I give and bequeath to my Sonn, Abraham Kilbourn, and to his heirs or assignes forever, half my Land at the Whirlpools in the great meadow, and half my Land at Mile Meadow, and half my Land at Beaver Meadow, and one fourth part of my Land at Wett Swamp, and one fourth part of my Lott at the Town's End. That is to say, he as aforesaid to enjoy two thirds of said Lands at the age of Twenty and one years, and the rest at his moth er's decease ; also, one heiner, he paying Twenty shillings to his brother, Thomas Kilbourn, in Country pay, within one year after he shall possess the same. I give to those two last named Sonns, vizt, Joseph and Abra ham, my Fifty Acree Lott in the Equall Division, to be to them, their heirs or assignes forever ; my will is that they divide the same equally between them. — Lastly, I give and bequeath all the rest of my Moveable Estate, goods, Corn, or Chattells, whatsoever, to my Loveing wife, Sarah Kilbourn, Shee paying all my just debts and Legacies. And I do nominate and ap point my said beloved wife and my Sonn Ebenezer to be the Executors of my last Will and Testament, to whome I give the power of dividing my Lands to my Sonns respectively, as above exprest. In witness that this is my last Will and Testament, revokeing and makeing void all former Wills whatsoever, I have here unto set my hand and seal, this twenty- fourth day of September, in the yeare of our Lord, One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Eight, and in the fourth yeare of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, James the Second, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. JOHN KILBOURN. [seal.] Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of the Witnesses, Samuell Boreman, Samuell Butlar. CHILDREN OP SERGEANT JOHN. !)OHN, (ancestor of all the Kilbourns of the Glastenbury branch,) was born in Wethersfield on the 15th of February, 1651 ; married Susan nah , on the 4th of March, 1673, and soon after settled " on the east side of the great river," in what was then called Naubuck, now Glastenbury. He was admitted a freeman on the 13th of October, 1681. On the list of town officers of Glastenbury his name frequently occurs. He was "fence-viewer for the east side of the great river," in 1685, 1689, &c. ; a Townsman or Selectman in 1693 and 1708; a Constable in 1697, 1702 and 1705 ; a Lister in 1710. He was also one of the Grand Jurors of Hartford county in 1695 1703, and at other times. That the subject of this sketch was a Puritan, and one of " the strictest of the sect," is evinced by various documents on record, and especially so by the preamble to his Will, which most strikingly exhibits his faith and piety. On the 22d of October, 1692, (soon after the settlement of the Rev. Timothy Stevens, the first minister of Glastenbury.) he gave a parcel of land for a parsonage, as follows : " I, the said John Kilburn, for divers causes and considerations him thereunto moving, and chiefly and principally for the good affection that he beareth unto Timothy Stevens of the said Town and place, and to promote his settlement in the work of the Ministry of the Gos pel, in the said town of Glassonbury, hath given," &c. ; said land was " bounded east, west, and north, on his land, and south on his Father's Serjt. John Kilburn's land," &c. Jan. 9, 1692-3. " Serjt. Samuel Wells, Joseph Smith, and John Kilburn, were appointed a Committee to carry on the whole work of building the said house for the Rev. Mr. Ste phens." Generation HL] KILBOURN. [21 " At a Town meeting held at Glastonbury, March 22, 1696, It was Voted, that John Kilburn should have half a mile square of Land adjoining to the Candlewood plain." The following is the list of Grand Jurors of Hartford coun ty, appointed and sworn April 1, 1695, viz. — Deac. John Wilson, William Pitkin, John Catlin, George Griswold, Ben jamin Newbury, Samuel Gibbs, Henry Buck, Ebenezer Kil bourn, Thomas Porter, John Hart, Peter Buel, John Hall, John Kilbourn, Timothy Stanley, Daniel Cone. The annexed petition to the General Court, containing the names of John Kilbourn, of Glastenbury, and two of his brothers, is well worthy of preservation here, manifesting, as it does, a filial attachment to and preference for their own Government, over that of a colony which was under the rule of a Royal Governor. " To the Honorable General Assembly set at Hartford, May 11, 1682. The Petition of Richard Smith, Benjamin Crane, Jun'r., Edward Benton John Brownson, Thomas Marshall, John Hunniwell, Caleb Benjamin, Sam uel Smith, Joseph Smith, Ezekiel Buck, John Waddams, Will Tryon, John Kilburne, Jun'r., Thomas Kilburne, Ebenezer Kilburne, Daniel Bourman, Jonathan Bourman, Jonathan Belden, John Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Jona than Colafoxie, Peter Blin, Joseph Curtis, Thomas Hale, John Hale, Al exander Keny, John Hollister, Will Taylor, John Morris, and Samuel Ba ker — Humbly Sheweth ; That whereas some of your petitioners and some other persons have lately taken a view of the Wabaquasset Country in or der to the Discovery and settlement of a plantation there, and do appre hend that a competent plantation may there be found — Your petitioners do Note. — The following extracts from the Glastenbury Records will show the regard which our pious ancestry had for the support of the institutions of religion and learn. ing, even in the wilderness. " Samuel Loveman began to beat the drume the first Sabbath in April], 1701, which was the 6 : day of the month." This was the manner of calling people to church on the Sabbath and on ' lecture day,' before the introduction of bells to the houses of public worship. July 1. 1*01. "The Selectmen of Glastenbury hired Robbord Poog to be School master for this Towne, and the town is to give him three pound a quarter for the first quarter, and two pounds for the second quarter if the town see cause to improve him the second quarter, and keep his horse and find him board during his keeping school." " Robbard Poog began to keep school this 7th day of July 1701 ; his pay is money." " A General Court held at Hartford, May 8, 1690. Whereas the inhabitants of the Town of Wethersfield on the East side of Connecticut River, by the consent of the inhabitants of the said Town, did petition this Court that they maybe a Town- chip by themselves on the East side of Connecticut River, and may have liberty to provide a Minister for themselves, which the town having granted to their neighbors on the east side — This Court see reason to grant their petition, and advise them to be cautious how they improve it, and that they shall pay their full proportion to all pub lic charge to said Wethersfield, until they shall have a good Orthodox Minister set tled amongst them there on the east aide of the Connecticut River in Wethersfield. Eitracted outof the Court Records, October 30, 1690. pr. JOHN ALLYN, Sec'y." 2] KILBOURN. [Generation III- therefore humbly request that this Assembly will pleaae to grant unto them and such as shall join with them, a Township (or lands for a Town,) ten miles square ; and also afford them such other instructions and privileges as may enlarge and enable them the better to go through the difficulties of such an Inland plantation as that will be. And forasmuch as it is doubtful whether the land which they have discovered and on which they desire to settle, will fall within this Colony or the Bay, and your petitioners are not willing to remove themsesvles from under this Government, they do there fore further request that this Honorable Assembly will please to take some course to settle the line between this Colony and the Bay ; which being done, (and not before) they shall adventure, (if it fall within this Colony,) with this Assembly's leave, to proceed upon the aforementioned under taking. And your petitioners shall ever pray." — Lands, Vol. 1 195, in the Secretary of Stale's office. At a Court of Election held at Hartford, May 11, 1682, the above petition was " referred to the Governor and Council, to make answer thereto." What answer was given, does not appear. The Kilbourns, however, never removed to that "new country" — one of them having lived and died in Glas tenbury, one in Hoccanum, and one in Wethersfield. Susannah, his wife, died October, 1701, aged 50 ; and on the 12th day of May, 1702, he was married to Elizabeth, daugh- of John Mitchell, of Hartford. He departed this life on the 25th of November, 1711 ; his wife, Elizabeth, d. June 8,1718. The children of John and Susannah were, Susannah, John Ebenezer, Jonathan, Benjamin, David, and Abraham. " LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN KILBOURN, Sen'r. LATE OF GLASSENBURY,. Deceased. " In the name of God, Amen. I, John Kilbourn, Sen'r., of the Town of Glastenbury, in the County of Hartford, in the Colony of Connecticut, in New England. Knowing that it is appointed for men once to die, and considering the uncertainty as to the time of death, withall knowing it to be the Will of God, who in his tender visitation calls upon me to set my house in order before I die, and I being (though weak in body) yet of perfect and sound understanding and memory, and of disposing mind, Praise be to Al mighty God, Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. I commend my soul into the hands of Al mighty God, hoping through the merits of Christ to obtain free pardon of all my sins and to inherit Eternal Life, and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named ; and concerning my outward Estate, since the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, to him therefore belongs the Praise that I possess in this kind, and as for the portion thereof that he hath given me, it is my mind and Will that after my decease, the same may be disposed of as followeth. Imprimis. I Will that my just debts and funeral charges, be well and truly paid and discharged. Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife, Elizabeth Kilbourn, the sole benefit and improvement of my Dwelling House, and the improvemefit of three quarters of my Barn, as also the use and improvement of three quarters of my nieadow and uplands, with the Generation HI.] KILBOURN. [23 use and benefit of my Orchard, all being in Glastenbury aforesaid, and she to have the use of the same during her natural life. I also give unto my said Wife, the one half of my movable estate, also all the Estate that was her own before I married her, to be forever at her own use and disposal. I also give to my said Wife, one Cow, also so much of my provisions of all sorts whatsoever, as may be for her comfortable subsistance the year en suing. Item. I give unto my son, John Kilbourn, all my Land that is Eastward of the Land that I give to my son David, That is to say, the East End of my farm in Glastenbury aforesaid, bounded upon my said son Da vid's land West, and undivided land East, lands of Thomas Kilbourn, Sen., South, and lands of Samuel Hale, North, to be to him my said son John, and to his heirs and assigns forever. I also give unto my said son John, Mr. Perkins' Book, with a share of my other small books, 10 be at his own disposing forever. ¦ Item. I give unto my son, Ebenezer Kilbourn, Mrs. Taylor's book on Titus, a share in the small books, a share of the move ables, to be at his own disposing forever — having regard to what movea bles he hath already had. Item. I give unto my son, Jonathan Kilbourn, all my labor which I laid out upon the lands in Colchester, which he now possesses and enjoys, vizt., the clearing of three acres of land, with all the Posts and rails, and a Frame, to be to him and to his heirs and assigns for ever. Also Mr. Elton's Sermon book, with a share of my small books and remaining moveables, having regard to what moveables he hath already had. Item. I give unto my son, Benjamin Kilbourn, my pasture land, butting East upon a highway lately laid out by the Town, if said Highway is im proved, but if not, to butt upon my said son David's lot, and West upon my upland field, North upon the said Samuel Hale, and South upon Joseph Hill, Sen. — Provided he returns home to settle upon it, and if he return not home, and settle as aforesaid, then the same shall be equally divided between my four sons, viz., John, Ebenezer, David and Abraham, to be to them and their heirs forever. I also give unto my said son, Benjamin, Mrs. Hooker's book, with a share of my moveables, to be at his disposal forever. Item. I give unto my said son, David Kilbourn, one half mile in length of my said Farm in Glastenbury, to butt West upon said Highway lately laid out by the Town as aforesaid, if said Highway be improved, if not, then to butt upon my said pasture hereby given to my said son Benjamin, and to extend Eastward half a mile, butting East upon land I now give to my said son John, North upon said Samuel Hale, and South on said Thomae Kil bourn and partly upon said Joseph Hill, to be to him and to his heirs and assigns forever. I also give my said son David, my Great Bible and a share of my moveables, to be to his disposing forever. Item. I give to my son Abraham Kilbourn, my Dwelling House, Barn and Orchard, with all my meadow land within said Town of Glastenbury, and my upland from the pasture aforesaid to the meadow, to be to him and to his heirs forever, after my said Wife shall be deceased, he having the use of one quarter part of my said House, Barn, Orchard, Meadow and Upland, during her natural life, if she needeth it not for her comfortable subsistance. I also give unto my said son Abraham, Mrs. Fox's book of Time, &c, and Mrs. Doolittle's book of the Lord's Supper, with a share of the moveables, to be at his dis posing forever, and also my Horse Colt, to be to him forever. Further, it is my mind and Will, That such of my Children as have their share of my Housing and lands, may sell their shares to none, save to other or some other of their Brethren. Further it is my mind and Will that my Debts be paid by my Executors in manner following, (viz.,) .one half, of my move ables being set out to my beloved Wife, in such things as may be most for her comfort and subsistance, my debts to be paid out of the remaining part or half, and when my debts are paid, what remains of moveable Estate to be equally divided between my aforementioned sons, Ebenezer, Jonathan, 24] KILBOURN. [Generation III. Benjamin, David and Abraham, always accounting that what estate my said Wife brought with her when I married her, be not deemed my Estate. And further, it is my Will, that my said sons, Benjamin, David and Abra ham, shall yield a convenient way for Horse and man, to, and from, and through, each others' Land, as well for their advantage as for the advan tage and ease of my said son John, that he may pass to his Land, which in this my Last Will and Testament, I have given unto him, unless the aforesaid Highway laid out lately by the Town shall be improved for that end, and then if the Town shall make use of that Highway, my son David shall only and alone be obliged to yield to John a convenient way for horse and man, to hie own land as aforesaid. Further it is my Will, that my son John shall not deter or hinder any of my other sons from cutting and car rying off of wood from his land, so long as the same shall lie unfenced. Lastly, I appoint my beloved Wife, and my beloved son Abraham Kilbourn, to be my Executors of this my last Will and Testament- In testimony that this is my last Will and Testament, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ten, and in the ninth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, Queen over England, &c. JOHN KILBORN, Sen. [seal] Signed and Sealed in the presence of Samuel Smith, Mart Smith, Phild? Alcock. 2. Sergt. THOMAS was born in Wethersfield in 1653, and settled at Hoccanum, on the east side of the river, then within the limits of the town of Hartford. His wife was a daughter of William Hills of Glastenbury. He was a land holder in Hartford as early as 1677 ; and was " Surveyor for the East side of the Great River" in 1684, 1689, and 1702 ; he was also a fence. viewer, Selectman, Grand Juror, &c. "At a Town Meeting held in Hartford, Dec'r 19th, 1700 : Voted the Selectmen, Zechariah Sanford, Mr. Nath'l Hooker, Mr. Ichabod Wells, John Merrill, Sen'r, Serjeant Thomas Kilbourn." — Town Records, Vol. 1, p . 277. " Grand Jurors appointed and sworn for the County of Hartford, for the year 1703, are as followeth, vizt. : John Marsh, Sen., John Shepard, Sen., and Thomas Kilbourn, in Hartford ; Lieut. Benjamin Churchill and Samuel Bourman, in Wethersfield ; Lieut. Job Drake, Henry Styles and Henry Wolcott, in Windsor ; Samuel Porter and Samuel Brunson, in Farmington ; Izariah Wetmore, in Middletown ; John Kilbourn, in Glastenbury ; Samuel Humphrey, in Simsbury ; Robert Hibbard, in Windham; and Thomas Hiokock, in Waterbury." — Colony Records. He died in 1712, leavingno Will. The only Children men- Generation IU.] KILBOURN. [25 tioned in the settlement of his estate were, John, (the admin istrator,) and Thomas, Jr. NAOMI, was married to Thomas Hale, in Wethersfield, Oct. 30, 1679, by Capt. John Chester, Commissioner. Her children were, Naomi, Mary, Thomas, (b. Sept. 17, 1684,) and Timothy. 3. EBENEZER, was born in Wethersfield in 1665, and was married to Grace Bulkley, daughter of Peter Bulkley, on 20th of September, 1692, by Samuel Willis, Esq. He was a Grand Juror for Hartford County in 1678, 1702, 1705, and at other times. " Att a Town Meeting held in Wethersfield, August ye 10th, 1694, were chosen Listers for this present yeare, — Benjamin Churchill, Ebenezer Kilbourn, John Stodart and John Riley." " Dec. ye 17th, 1694. Agreement made between the Se lectmen of ye town of Wethersfield in ye behalf of ye town, and Ebenezer Kilbourn of ye aforesaid Wethersfield : Know ye that Ebenezer Kilbourn has taken ye plain gate to make and maintain in good repair, and also a full length of fence on ye south and a short length offence on ye north of ye gate ; ye said Kilbourn dos covenant for himself and his successors, that they and each of them shall from time to time and at all times make and maintain ye aforesaid gate, posts, Iron and fence, in good repair. In consideration whereof the Select men in ye behalf of ye town, free said Kilbourn from making and maintaining nine rods and a quarter of meddow fence, which said fence was part of his or his father's proportion to make and maintain for lands included within ye meddow fence ; to the true performance of which we doe subscribe our names ye day above written. EBENEZER KYLBORN. Michel Griswold,] John Curtis, I Selectmen." . Wm. Warner, i J. Robbins. J He was chosen Constable, Dec. 23, 1706, and Dec. 25 1707 ; and Surveyor, Dec. 18, 1710. 26] KILBOURN. [Generation m He died (without a Will) no the 16th of December, in the year 1711. SARAH, was married to Joseph Crane, December 16, 1684. Her children were Sarah, Hannah, Benjamin, Joseph, Hester and David. 4. GEORGE, was born in Wethersfield in 1668. May 16the, 1689, he was married to Abigail, daughter of Capt. Tho. Atwood, by Samuel Talcott, Assistant. Their children — George, Israel, Abigail, Hezekiah, and Pelatiah. He was chosen a Grand Juror, September 5, 1704, and for several succeeding years until 1714, when he refused any longer to serve in that capacity. " April 19, 1703. A committee of ye old society in Weth ersfield, and George Kilbourn, agreed to divide ye fence be tween said Kilbourn's Home lott and ye burying ground." "December 14, 1709. Capt. Thomas Wells, Sergt. John Curtis and Mr. George Kilbourn, are chosen aComette, for the settlement of the Line with our Neighbors of Hartford, be tween the stone F N in penny wise and the great River." " December 24, 1712. George Kilbourn was chosen Sur veyor of Lands for the year ensuing." " At same meeting it was voted yt Lieut. Churchill, Sergt. Latimore and George Kilborn shall be a Comitte to Run and settle ye Line between ye Westfield Lots and ye Comon or Sequestered Land." 1714. " Whereas George Kilborn refusing to take the Grand Juror's oath, Joshua Robbins, 3d, was chosen one of the Grand Jurors in his room, and took the oath at the same time with Sergt. Will Burnham." "December 30, 1717. Also, then voted that Mr. George Kilbourn shall have ye whole power to seat all persons in ye meeting house in Wethersfield." His will bears date April 16, 1739 ; the amouut of his in ventory, taken after his decease, was £1604: 0:4. A part of his property he bequeathed to his grand-children Hez ekiah, Keturah, and George. Generation III.] KILBOURN. [27 The inscription upon his tombstone, which is still standing in the Wethersfield graveyard, is as follows :' " Here lies the Body of Mr. George Kilborn, who died February 8, 1741, in the 73 year of his age." Abigail his wife died Feb. 8, 1739-40, aged 71. MARY. 5. JOSEPH was born in Wethersfield about the year 1672, and was married to Dorathy, daughter of Deac. Sam uel Butler, June 4, 1696, by Capt. John Chester, Commission er. She having died on the 19th of August, 1709, he was married, a second time, to Hester, daughter of Jacob Gibbs, of Windsor, June 29, 1710, by Col. Mathew Allyn, Assistant. The children of Joseph and Dorathy were, Dorathy, Joseph, Jonathan and James ; the children of Joseph and Hester were, Benjamin, Hester, Elizabeth and Mary. He was one of the first settlers of Litchfield, and one of the founders of the Presbyterian church in that town. He was admitted an inhabitant of L. on the 12th of December, 1721, and at the next annual Town Meeting, (holden Dec. 17, 1722,) he was chosen a Selectman, his celleagues being John Stod- der and Nathaniel Horsford. At an adjourned meeting hold. en on the 26th of the same month, he was appointed, with tw0 others, " a committee for building the meeting-house." He served his fellow-townsmen in various offices, and occasional ly as Moderator of their town meetings, until his death. For the following accounts of the lands of Joseph Kilborn and their location, I am indebted to Geo. C. Woodruff, Esq., the Post Master of Litchfield. Samuel Lewis and John Man were original proprietors of the town of Litchfield, owning each one-sixtieth part of the township. Jan. 11, 1719- '20, Lewis conveyed his right to Thomas Treadway ; and Dec. 8, 1721, Treadway conveyed the same to Joseph Kilbourn, a part of which right had already been surveyed and set out, viz., a fifteen acre home-lot on the cor ner where the County House and Jail now stand, and extending north 80 28] KILBOURN. [Generation III. rods, (probably to about where Miss Pierce's house now stands,) and west thirty rods in breadth ; also, a twenty acre division on the corner above, where Rev. Dr. Beecher formerly resided, extending north fifty-four rods and west sixty rods. July 30, 1720, John Man conveyed his right to James Pike, and May 23, 1722, Pike conveyed the same to Joseph Kilborn. Our East and West street formerly run straight westerly till it came to a highway once running north past the dwelling of Mr. Alfred Peck. The corner lot was bounded south by the street running west through our vil lage, and west on the highway running north from Peck's, and was survey ed to Joseph Peat ; and the lot next east, being 30 rods in width and ex tending north 80 rods, was surveyed to Man, by him conveyed to Pike, and by Pike to Joseph Kilborn. The 20 acre division belonging to Joseph Kilborn, under Man's right, was bounded east on Bantam river and south on highway ; it embraced the land lying north of the East Burying-Ground — the Burying-Ground lying mostly in the original highway. Joseph Kilborn having thus purchosed the original rights of Lewis and Man, had sundry lots surveyed to him under those 7ights ; each right entitled him to something like seven hundred acres of land. The surveys next after the 20 acre divisions, were lots of 60 acres each. 60 acres were set off to Joseph Kilborn on the hill west of "Butternut brook ;" 60 acres on and east of the east branch of Bantam river, "at a place called Lock Hill;" 100 acres half a mile eastward of the south end of the Great Pond ; 100 acres " on the east side of Bantam river." I cannot more particularly state the location of these lands. Sundry smaller divisions were made from time to time, and Joseph Kilborn purchased from time to time of others. It is pro bable that the whole of his rights were not surveyed to him during his life. He owned considerable land in Fat Swamp ; 20 acres on Chestnut Hill, bought of Culver, &c, &c. In relation to the place of residence of Joseph Kilborn, I find that on the 19th of October, 1723, he conveyed to Joseph Kilborn, Jr., "half of that home-lot whioh my dwelling house standeth upon, bounded as followeth — south upon my own land, east upon the highway, north upon Wm. Good rich, and west upon John Buel." This was the home-lot on the County House corner. His Will, (omitting the preamble, which is very similar in form to those already printed,) bears date " in the Eleventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord,. George the Second. Anno Domini, 1737," and is as follows ; " Imp's. I give and bequeath to Esther K., by dearly be loved Wife, my gray pacing mare, and one milch cow. " Item. I give and bequeath to my three daughters, Dor athy wife of Joseph Birge, Esther wife of Samuel Smedley, and Elizabeth wife of Isaac Catlin, Ten Shillings apiece, that being the complement of what I design for their portion of my estate. " Item. I give and bequeath to my son, Jonathan Kilborn, Twenty Acres of land, viz., the last Twenty Acre Division granted and drawn for upon the right of land in Litchfield. Generation III.] KILBOURN. [29 " Item. I give and bequeath to my two sons, Joseph and James Kilborn, their heirs and assignes, all the remaining part of my estate, both real and personal, to be equally divided be tween them, the said Joseph and James Kilborn ; always pro vided that they, the said Joseph and James Kilborn, shall comfortably and decently provide for me and my wife both in sickness and health, for the whole term of our naturall lives. Furthermore, I do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons, Joseph and James Kilborn, Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do by these presents disallow and re voke all other former Wills and Testaments, ratifying and confirming this and no other, as my last Will and Testament, in virtue whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above mentioned. JOSEPH KYLLBORN." [seal.] The above Will was "witnessed" by Rev. Timothy Col- lens, Elizabeth Collens, and Thomas Lamson ; and was prov ed before the Court in 1744, which renders it probable that Joseph Kilborn died in that year- 6. ABRAHAM," was born at Wethersfield in 1675, and was married on the 26th of October, 1699, to Sarah, daugh ter of Mr. John Goodrich, by Rev. Stephen Mix. His chil dren were Samuel, Sarah and Abraham. "Jan. ye 14, 1696-7. Lands belonging to Abraham Kil burn and unto his heirs and assignes forever, Lying in Weth ersfield on Connecticut River, which he had by Deed of Gift from his father, Serjt. John Kilburn, as itt appears by his Deed dated Dec. 12th, 1696, signed and sealed by Serjt Kil burn, and witnessed by John Chester and Jonathan Belding' and acknowledged by Capt. John Chester, Commissioner : One piece lying in Middle Pasture in the west field— the ends abutt on Serjt. John Kilburn east, and a highway west, on Joseph Kilburn north, and Daniel Borman south. Another piece lying in the Woods, is part of that Land which fell to Serjt. K. in the division of Land in 1698— the ends abutt on the Common east and west, the sides against Lands of Eben ezer Kilburn north, and David Baldoff(?) south." 30] KILBOURN. [Generation III. Town Meeting, Wethersfield.— "Dec. ye 20, 1708. Clark Borman, Serjt. Samuel Buck, and Abraham Kilborn, were chosen Listers for ye next yeare." He departed this life, March 9, 1712-3 ; and the Inventory on his estate was taken on the 27th of the month following. Among the items mentioned in his inventory, are, " arms and ammunition," " two horses and a mare," " one mansion house," " English Goods to be sold," " carpenters' tools," etc. ; from the two last mentioned items, it may be inferred that he was both a merchant and a carpenter. Generation VI.] KILBOURN. [81 CSlS^fSEt&iraiON XV. CHILDREN OF JOHN OF GLASTENBURY. Susannah b. Feb 4, 1674, and d. May 7, 1685. 1. JOHN, b. in Glastenbury, Oct. 30, 1676 ; m. Sarah Kim- berly, Jan. 25, 1699. His children were Samuel, John, Sarah, and Benjamin. He was chosen a Surveyor of Glastenbury in 1710. Sarah his wife d. Dec. 25, 1713. He removed to Springfield, Mass. 2. EBENEZER, b. in Glastenbury, March 10, J679; m. Sarah Fox in 1698, and had children, Susannah, Ebenezer, Richard, Sarah, Josiah, Elizabeth, Gideon, Amos, Naomi, and David ; Sarah, his wife, having died Oct. 18, 1714, he m. Eliz abeth Davis, of Hartford, May 4, 1715, and by her had sons, James, Thomas, (and probably) John, Benjamin, and Ger shom — the three last named being b. in Morris county, N. J., where Ebenezer (the father) d. about 1732. 3. JONATHAN, b. in Glastenbury, Sept. 17, .1681, and settled in Colchester in 1707, where he was living in 1755. He had children, Jonathan, Hannah, and Hezekiah. 4. BENJAMIN, b. March 30, 1684. He probably died previous to 1713 — as the estate of his brother David,, who died that year, was divided; between his brothers John, Ebenezer,- Jonathan and Abraham ; no mention being made of him, who would, if living, have been entitled by law to a share. DAVID, b. Feb. 25. 1687 ; d. 1713, leaving no descen dants. 5. ABRAHAM, b. in Glastenbury, August 25, 1691, and' was m. to Sarah, daughter of John Mitchell, of Hartford, June 5, 1712. Their children were Mitchell, Abraham, and Eliza- 32] KILBOURN. Ge^™1~ ZZZZCZZZ',1 Oct. 3, 1719, and be m. Maty, daugh ter of Rev. Samuel Tudor, of Windsor, and by her had Jo seph, Sarah, and Lucy. Mary, his second wife, d. Aug. 5 1751, and on the 23d of the April following, he m. Abigail House. He served for several years in the various capacities of Selectman, Lister. Town Treasurer, &c. ; he was a Rep resentative from Glastenbury to the General Court, in 1721, 1730, and 1756. Died in 1770. 2. SERJ. THOMAS. 6. THOMAS, b. at Hockanum about 1677, and was mar ried to Hannah, daughter of Joseph Hills, of Glastenbury, Feb. 1, 1699. Theii children were, Thomas, Hannah, Su sannah, Dorothy, and Mabel. Died Oct. 8, 1712. 7. JOHN, b. at Hockanum, (now East Hartford,) and was admitted a freeman at Hartford in 1713. His children were Mary, Sarah, Susannah, and John. Mary, b. 1686, Naomi b. 1693. 8. SAMUEL, b. 1696. 3. EBENEZER. Grace, b. «June 25, 1693, married a Goodrich. 9. Lieut. EBENEZER, born in Wethersfield, March 27, 1696, and was m. to Eunice, daughter of Thomas Hale, of Glastenbury, Jan. 28, 1717, by Rev. Timothy Stevens. Their children were Eunice, Timothy, Mary, Anna, and Happy. He was a Grand Juror in 1740, and a Lister in 1743. Town Meeting, Wethersfield, Dec. 1st, 1739. — " Att said meeting Messrs'. Samuel Steel, Elizur Goodrich, Ebenezer Kilboin, Ebenezer Belding, Stephen Williams, and Ephraim Deming, were chosen Agents to prosecute such as cntt wood and timber on the Town Commons, contrary to the Lawes of the Colony and the Votes of the Town, and at the cost of the Town." The following is the inscription on his tomb-stone in the grave yard of Newington parish : " Here lies Interr'd the Body of Lieut. Ebenezer Kilburn, who Departed this Life August the 21st, A : D. 1759, In ye 64th year of his Age." Lieut. ELEAZER, b. in Wethersfield, July 26, 1698; died (without children) in 1761. Generation IV.] KILBOURN. [33 10. JOSIAH, b. in Wethersfield, June 8, 1702, was m. to Ruth, daughter of John Warner, Nov. 27, 1726, by Capt. Josh ua Robbins, Justice of the Peace. His children were David, Josiah, John, Richard, Ruth, and Elizabeth. His Will bears date, Dec. 17, 1750. Some years after his marriage, he re moved six miles below Wethersfield village, and settled upon a farm situated in the present town of Berlin, then in Farm ington, where he died. DANIEL, born May 5, 1705 ; was married and lived to old age, but left no posterity. He became shiftless, and had an overseer in 1766. Margaret, born October 3, 1707. Sarah, born April 13, 1710 ; married James Norton. 11. GEORGE, born at Wethersfield, April 24, 1712 ; mar ried Abigail, daughter of Benjamin Judd, of Farmington, and had children Joshua, Benjamin, Margaret and Hannah. He died in 1763. 4. GEORGE. GEORGE, born in Wethersfield, September 14, i690, and and died of the prevailing sickness, January 5, 1711. ISRAEL, born May 5, 1692, died at the age of 7 weeks. Abigail, bom September 5, 1696. 12. HEZEKIAH, A. M., born in Wethersfield, June 24, 1700. He graduated at Yale College in 1720, in the same class with the elder President Edwards. On the 19th of De cember, 1722, he was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Joseph Allen, of New London, by the Rev. Stt phen Mix. Their children were, Katurah, Hezekiah, Elisha, George, Eli zabeth , Abigail, Mary, and Martha. He was a tavern-keep er in Wethersfield in 1753 — his tavern standing three or four rods north of the Congregational church in that town. Graduates of Vale College, of the Class of 1720. — Daniel Turner, M. D., Ebenezer Wakeman, A. M., Rev. Thomas White, A. M. , Rev. William Billings, A. M., Hon. Daniel Edwards, Judge Sup. Court, Rbv. Jonathan Edwards, Pres't., Rev. Daniel Kirtland, A. M., Samuel Mix, A. M., Hezekiah Kilborn, A. M., Rev. Abraham Nolt, A. M., John Walton. 13. PELATIAH, A B., born at Wethersfield, February 7, 1704 ; graduated at Yale College in 1724 ; was married to 84] KILBOURN. [Generation I V Abigail Beeroft, on the l7th of March, 1745, by David Good rich, Esq. He lived to old age, and is particularly remember ed by many of thd aged people in Wethersfield, on account of his antique costume, and his brown wig, the hair of which hung in heavy curls upon his shoulders. He left no descends ants. 5. JOSEPH. Dorothy, born in Wethersfield, April 17, 1607, was mar ried in Litchfield to Joseph Birge, November 6, 1621, by David Goodrich, Justice of the Peace. She was the maternal ances tor of the Birges of Milton, Conn. 14. Capt. JOSEPH, born in Wethersfield, July 9, 17Q0, and emigrated to Litchfield with his father in 1721, where he married Abigail Stockwell, November 12, 1723. He was at various times chosen to the different offices of Lister and Rate Maker, Collector of Town Rates, Grand Juror, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Selectman, &c ; and was a Repre sentative from Litchfield to the Legislature or General Court at the October Session, 1752, and at the May Session, 1753. On the formation of the Episcopal Society in Litchfield, he gave to said Society " one-third of an hundred acre lot, situated in South Farms." His place of residence was in West street, half a mile from the Court House, nearly opposite the present dwelling-house of S. G. Braman, Esq. He died in 1756, hav ing survived his wife about eight years ; his children were, Elisha, Benjamin, Jeremiah, Ruth, Solomon, Charles, Catha rine, Anna, and Abigail. Town Meeting, Litchfield, Dec. 10, 1744.— "Voted, to choose a Committee to treat with Mr. Collens about the present difficulty respecting his salary and absence from the work of the ministry : and Capt John Buel, Capt. Joseph Bird, Maj. Ebenezer Marsh, Capt. Joseph Sanford, Lieut. Joseph Kilborn, Joseph, Birge, Capt. Edward Phelps, and Lieut. Benjamin Webster, were the Committee chosen for the business aforesaid." 15. JONATHAN, born in Wethersfield, March l7, 1703, removed to Litchfield at the age of eighteen ; was married to Sarah Dickinson, of W., in 1737, by Rev. Daniel Russel. She died April 6, 1739, and on the seventeenth of September, of the Generation IV.] KILBOURN. [35 following year, he was married to Sarah Bliss, of Windsor, by Capt. John Buel, J. P. His children were, Jonathan, Elijah, Joseph, Lemuel, and Jehiel. Town Meeting, Litchfield, April 20, 1755. — " Capt. Moses Stodder, Supply Strong, and Jonathan Kilborn, are chosen a Committee to goe with the Survey or of the County to the North Line of Litchfield." 16. JAMES, born in Wethersfield, April 13, i707, removed to Litchfield with his father at the age of fourteen. He was married to Sarah Bissell, September 12, 1733. He was a Grand Juror in 1742 and '61, and a Selectman in 1751, '57, &c. For many years he kept a public house of gieat reputation on the County House corner in the village of Litchfield. He died June 9, l762, leaving three sons— Roswell, Appleton, and James. Benjamin, born July 27, 1711, and died at the age of six months. Esther, born August 4, 1713 ; married Samuel Smedley, of Litchfield, and had children — John, Nehemiah, Jedediah, Esther, Jemima, Samuel, Moses, Ann, Lucina and Joshua. Elizabeth, born October 19, 1716; married Isaac Catlin, of Litchfield ; her children were, Elizabeth, Elisha, Isaac and Charles. Mar*, born February 9, 1720. 6. ABRAHAM. 17. SAMUEL, born in Wethersfield, January 25, 1700 ; removed to Litchfield about 1725 ; married Mary Garrett. The Rev. Isaac Jones, in the Appendix to his Centennial Dis course on the Anniversary of the formation of the Episcopal So^ ciety in Litchfield, calls hi'rri "a man of great energy and use fulness, from whom the Church in that town expected much." He died December 12, 1748, leaving seven children, viz. : Sarah, Giles, Mary, Cybil, John, Temperance, and Ann. Ma ry, his yife, died iii August, 1778. May 12, 1733. — " Know ye that we, Joseph Kilborn, Samuel Culver, Joseph Birge, John Catlin, and Jonathan Kilborn, for and in consideration ol the affec tion and good will which we have and do bear to Samuel Kilborn, of said Litchfield, and to encourage him in settling in this Town, have given, granted 36] KILBOURN. Generation IV. &c, to him, a certain parcel o( land in said Litchfield, to be taken up in the un divided land ol the Thirty Acre Divisions already drawn and granted to each of us, the quantity hereafter mentioned, viz., Joseph Kilborn, fifteen acres; Samu el Culver, three acres; Joseph Birge, six acres; John Catlin, one acre; and Jonathan Kilborn, twelve acres." — Land Records. Sarah, born May 20, 1702. 18. ABRAHAM, born in Wethersfield, April 12, 1708 removed to Litchfield in early life ; was a Selectman in *746 with Deac. Peter Buel and Capt. Thomas Harrison, and in 1766 with Capt. Oliver Wolcott, Col. Ebenezer Marsh and Jacob Woodruff, and filled the same office, as well as that of Lister, for several years. He was a Representative from Litch field to the Legislature at four successive sessions, commencing with the May Session, 1769. His children were, Eunice,. Isaac, David, Jesse, Rebecca, and Abraham. Rebecca, his wife, died June 16, 1767 ; he died February 25, 1776. " At a meeting of the proprietors of Litchfield, legally warned, held in said Litchfield, January 9th, 1727-8 — Upon the Request of Abraham Killborn, of Wethersfield, for the liberty of the stream of Bantam River for a Fulling Mill, Voted, That he shall have the liberty of the stream of Bantam River for a Full ing Mill below the corn-mill, where it may be adjudged safe lor the owners of tl e corn-mill and convenient for a Fulling Mill, the place to be determined by a Committee chosen for lhat work : And that said Killborn, for his encourage ment to set up and carry on the clothing trade amongst us, shall have one acre and a half of Land given lo him, to be taken up in that corner which Joseph Kilborn's pike lot abuts, upon the corn-mill pond— Provided, that a Committee chosen for that end, adjudge it may be done without Great Damage to the high way. Upon this consideration it is granted, that said Killborn set up a Full ing Mill iu said place, within the space of two years from this Instant, January, 1727-8, and keep it in good repair." [The Fulling Mill erected at Bantam Falls, soon after the above date, by Abra ham Kilbourn, was the first ever erected in Litchfield county, and was owned and carried on by himself and his descendants for more than one hundred years.] The following is from the Rev. Mr. Jones' Centennial Address, delivered in St. Michael's Church, Litchfield, Nov 5, 1845. We are informed by Mr. Jones that the meeting alluded to was held in the house, still standing, owned and oc cupied by the widow of Mr. Timothy Churchill, (and daughter of the late Capt. Lewis Kilbourn,) situated one mile west of the Court House. '"Account of the beginning of the conformity to the Church of England, in Litchfield, in the year 1745, which was called on the 5th day of November by Jacob Griswold, Joseph Kilborn, John Davies, James Kilborn, Thomas Zee, Generation IV.] KILBORUN. [37 Samuel Kilborn, Abiel Smith, Joseph Smith, Abraham Kilborn, Elijah Gris wold, Isaac Bissell, William Emmons, and Daniel Landon.' This account was copied from the blank leaf of a Bible, owned by Mrs. Debo rah Plumb, wife of Mr. Ebenezer Plumb, daughter of Elijah Griswold, grand daughter of Capt. Jacob Griswold, and mother of Rev. Elijah Plumb, an excel lent minister of the Episcopal Church, who died a few years since at Northum berland, Pa., beloved and respected by all who were acquainted with him." [The difficulties arising between ' the Town 'and Mr, Collens, (the first Pres byterian minister in L.,) are often mentioned in the records of town meetings.] " At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Litchfield, Feb. 9, 1746-7 — Voted, That the InterestMoney arising upon the Bonds for which the Parsonage Right was sold, be towards the Payment of Mr. Collens' Rate for the current year." "In open Town Meeting, James Kilborn, Stephen Smith, Isaac Bissell, Joel Bissell, Thomas Peck, Daniel Landon, Abiel Smith, Elijah Griswold, Joseph Kilborn, Samuel Kilborn, Abraham Kilborn and Henry Gibbs, did protest against the above vote." JVote. — As a Member of the- Colonial Legislature, Abraham Kilbourn was twice' a colleague of Ebenezer Marsh, once of David Welch, and once of Oliver Wol cott, afterwards Governor and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 38] KILBOURN. [Generation V; f danger and hard ship. He sought opportunities to cultivate the friendship of the Indians, who roamed and prowled in the woods around him ; biit in this attempt he •was wholly unsuccessful. They avoided him studiously in the day time, and in the night, he soon found that they approached his humble habita tion for the1 purpose of dealing him the deadly blow. He was finally obli ged; in consequence of this state of things, to adept the plan of " camping out" at different place's in the woods each night, with nothing but the cold earth for his bed, a bear-skin for his covering, and a cartridge-box for his pillow. In this manner he continued himself to elude the scalping-knives of his lurking enemies, though they not linffequently visited and plundered his hut in his absence. In 1751, Colonel Benjamin Bellows obtained the charter of Walpole, and began a small settlement on a spot occupied to this day by the buildings of a gentleman of the same name, about a mile south from the establishment Of Kilburn. There was at this time a fort also on the neighboring town ship of Number-Four, now called Charlestown. These additions to the power of the whites in this quarter, had an essential influence upon the respect and the fear felt for them by the Indians j nor was it long before a company of the latter descended the river in their "canoes, landed above the falls, and invited their old .acquaintance, Kilburn, to trade with them. He accepted their invitation without scruple or hesitancy, visited their en campment, bought furs of them, and made them presents of flints, flour and fish-hooks. Fiom this time they continued to hunt, fish and lodge occa sionally in the neighborhood. The report of their giins, with which the whites had furnished them long ere this, and the smoke of their low wig wams among the trees, became mingled with the familiar occurrences of daily life. The affairs of the settlers continued to prosper until 1753, when the first alarming incident occurred to disturb their security: Two men, by the names of Twitchell and Flint, who had gone back to the hills, about a mile east of the settlement to procure some ash timber for oars, were fired upon and killed by the Indians. One of them was scalped. The other they barbarously cut open, took out his heart, yet warm, laid it upon his breast, and thus left him to be found by his friends. This massacre was among the first appearances of a rupture of the negotiations for peace pending be tween England and France, and was the commencement of a new and long series of Indian ravages. It was, moreover, the first christian blood whicli was spilt in Walpole ; and the impression it produced upon the minds of the settlers was proportionably deep and lasting, The bodies of the toil£ 40] KILBOURN. Genebation V. dered men were buried near where they were found, in a spot still indica ted by a ridge of land, on the west side of the road about two miles north ftf Walpole village. It \vas believed by the friends of Twitchell— at least by some of the number — that his guardian spirit continued, as long as his savaae murderers lived, to hover over them, by night and by day, and to warn them of the wiles of the Indians. Even a rock in the Connecticut river, where he used to fish with never-failing success, was for a long time field in religious veneration ; and few, it is rumored, of all those who to this day go to angle from "Twitchell's Rock," return without taking from the stream a generous fry. In the spring of 1755, an Indian by the name of Philip, who had just learned enough of English to be understood, visited Kilburn's log-house, ' under pretence of being upon a hunting excursion and iii want of provis ions. He was treated with kindness and furnished liberally with flints, meal and various other articles which he asked for. Soon after his de parture, it was ascertained that the same Indian had visited all the settle ments on Connecticut river about the same time, and with the same plaus ible story. The conclusion was, with Kilburn and his fellow settlers, that Philip was a scout employed by the enemy. This suspicion was soou after confirmed by intelligence received at all the forts on the frontier, through a friendly Indian, from Gov. Shirley at Albany. He stated that four or five hundred of the savages were collected in Canada, whose object it was to butcher the whole white population on Connecticut river. The settlers — and those of Walpole among the number — were startled by these tidings ; but they were not disheartened. They valued their hard- earned harvests and their solitary homes in the wilderness, humble as they were, too high to leave them from the mere apprehension of danger. They had been accustomed, too, to all the hardships of a rude life; and long had they looked for the time to come, as it came now, when they must defend themselves or die in the cause. Kilburn arid his comrades now fortified thsir habitations round about by a palisade of stakes, with such other preparations of the same nature as their' means allowed. On these alone they depended for safety— the near est garrison, (a force of 100 men,) being a mile distant, at the settlement of Col. Bellows. Measures being thus prudently taken, nothing remained but fo wait for the onset of the enemy. On the 17th of August, 1755, Kilburn, and his son, in his eighteenth year, a man by the name of Peak, and his son, were returning from work about noon, when one of them suddenly discovered the red legs of Indians among the alders that skirted the mead ows, as thick, in his own language, " as grass-hoppers." They instantly fled for the house, fastened the doors, and began to make preparations for an Obstinate defence. In this they were assisted as well as encouraged by Kilburn's wife and daughter Hitty, whose particular charge, however, it was to keep a watch upon the movements of the enemy. Generation V.] KILBOURN. [4} In about fifteen minutes the latter were seen crawling up the bank east of the house, and as they crossed the foot-path one by one, one hundred and ninety-seven were counted ; about the same number remaining in ambush Bear the mouth of Cold River. The object of this party was to way-lay Col. Bellows and his men, whom they knew to he working at his mill about a mile east. Before a great while, accordingly, these people came along, each carrying a bag of meal on his back. Presently their dogs began to growl, and to betray other symptoms of having discovered or suspected an enemy. All this Bellows understood perfectly well, nor was he at a loss in forming his opinions of the state of the case. He had no doubt the Indians were close at hand, in ambush, and he took his measures accordingly. He ordered all his men, about thirty, lo throw down their meal, and advance to the rising ground before them, carefully crawl up the bank, spring upon their feet, give one shout, and instantly drop among the tall sweet fern, which in that place covered the ground. The maneuvie succeeded ; for as soon as the shout was heard, the Inr dians all arose from their ambush in a simi-circle around the path Bel lows was to follow. This gave his party a fine chance for a fair shot ; an4 they improved it promptly by a general discharge, which so disconcerted the plans of the Indians, that they darted away in the bushes, without fir ing a single shot. Perceiving, however, that their party was too numer ous for his, he ordered his men to file off to the south, and make for the fort. Not long after, these Indians came out upon an eminence east of Kilburn's, house. Here, the "old devil," Philip, as he was now generally called— be ing the same wily savage which had visited Kilburn the season previous —came forward, secured himself behind a large tree, and called loudly for those in the house to surrender. " Old John — young John," he cried, " I know you — come out here — we give good quarter !" " Quarter '." shout ed Kilburn, with a tremendous voice which thrilled through every Indian heart — " Quarter ! you black rascals, begone — or we will quarter you !" Thus disappointed in his application, Philip returned to the main body of his companions. After a few minutes' consultation, the Indian war- whoop was raised, as if, in Kilburn's rude language, " all the devils had been let loose.'' Kilburn was nothing daunted by this performance, how er ; and he even managed to get the first fire, before the smoke of the ene mies' guns obstructed his aim. He was confident that this discharge brought down an Indian, who, from his extraordinary size, and from other: pircumstances, appeared to be Philip. A moment after, the companions Of the fallen savage — now mustered in full force — rushed fiercely forward to the work of destruction ; and probably not fewer than four hundred bull§ts were lodged in Kilburn's house at the first fire. The roof especially was made a " perfect riddle-sieve." This leaden shower was kept up for some time, with an incessant blaze and clamor, while detachments of (he enemy 42] KILBOURN. Geneiutioii V, were amusing themselves with butchering the stray cattle, and destroying the hay and grain in the surrounding meadow. Kilburn and his men, meanwhile, were by no means idle. Their pow, der was already poured into hats for the convenience of loading in a hur ry, and every thing prepared for a spirited defence or a glorious death, They had several guns in th.e house, all of which were kept hot by inces sant firing through the port-holes. ; and as. they had no amunition to spare, each one took special aim, to have every bullet tell. The women assisted }n loading the guns. When the stock of lead grew scanty, they had also ^he presence of mind to suspend blankets horizontally near the roof of the house, inside, to catch the enemy's balls.. These they immediately run into new bullets, if necessary, while the men took it upon themselves to have them returned to the savages with interest. The. latter made several attempts to burst open the doors of the house, but the fire of the brave little band was too hot for them. Most of time, therefore, they endeavored to keep behind stumps, logSj and trees, evident ly showing, by tJnis management, that they began to feel the forpe of the remark made to them by Kilborn, as we have seen in the onset. A con-; tinual firing, however, was kept up on their part until near sundown, Then they gradually retreated; and when the sun had sank behind the western hills, the sound of the guns and the cry of the war-whoop died away in silence. How many of the enemy fell on this occasion, never was ascertained, Of the little garrison, Peak only was wounded in the hip, by exposing him self too much before a port-hole ; and for want of surgical aid, this proved fatal on the sixth day. The Frenph and Indian war continued until 1763, but the village of Wa lpole was not afterwards molested in any instance by the enemy. Kilburn united in his character, all that makes a successful warrior. No man had more of ready foresight and prudence — none could be more intrepid and brave. He lived to see his family settled and flourishing, and the fourth generation coming upon the stage. A plain unpolished stone points out the spot in the burying ground of the village, where sleep his mortal remains under this inscription : In memory of JOHN KILBURN, who departed this life for a better, April 8th, 1789, in the §5th year of his age. He was the first settler of this town, in 1749. His son, " young John," revisited the scene of his youthful exploits fo,' the last time in 1814. He died in 1822, among his children at Shrews b,ury, Vermont. Gbnekation V.] KILBOURN. [43 Sarah. 3. BENJAMIN, born in Glastenbury, June 10, 1712. 2. EBENEZER. Susannah, born in Glastenbury, February 7, 1699. EBENEZER, born January 1, 1700; married Martha ; died in 1770. He left no children. 4. RICHARD, born February 8, 1702. Sarah, born October 29, 1704, 5. JOSIAH, born May 28, 1706; married Mary . He lived in Hebron from 1728 to 175.4, when he removeil with his family to Gilsum, N. H., of which place he was the first settler— a grand-daughter of his being the first white child born within the limits of that town. His children were, Ebenezer, Joel, Josiah, Temperance, Mary, and another daughter whq married a Porter and removed to Nova Scotia, 6. GIDEON, born March 30, 1710. 7. AMOS, born August 19. 1718. 8. DAVID and Naomi, (twins,) born October 18, 1714. 9. JAMES, born July 3, 1716; married and settled at Fish- kill, on the Hudson river. He was drowned in attempting to, cross the river on the ice. 10. THOMAS, born April 1 3, 1718. At the age of fifteen, as appears by the Hartford Probate Records, he chose a guar dian ; I have found nothing further concerning him. 11. JOHN, born in Morristpwn, N' J. ; about the year J 745, he marrjed Hannah Sumner of Hebron. He resided for some years in Colchester, and was a Representative from that town to the General Court at the October session, 1754, and again in the year following, |n 1756, he removed tp He bron, where he remained a few years, and then emigrated up, the Connecticut river, and settled in or near Surry, N. H. At the commencement of the French War, he received a Lieu? tenant's commission under Sir William Johnson, and, at the battle of Lake George, headed a scouting party in concert with the celebrated Mohawk chief, Hendrick — which being siir*; 44] KILBOURN. [Genekation V, prised by a body of Indians in ambush, Hendrick was shot dead by his side, and himself severely wounded. In 1769 he removed to Claremont, N. H., where he died in September, J776. He had but one child (John) who lived to mature age. 12. BENJAMIN, born at Morristown, N.J.; settled in Bol ton, Conn., where he married Elizabeth Goodrich, March 14, 1 754. In 1 760 he removed to Nova Scotia, where he remain ed a few years, and then returned and settled in Wyoming, Pa., in 1774. But their new home in the depths of the forest was surrounded by perils which they little anticipated. Hos tilities having then recently commenced between the United Colonies and the mother country, the British had leagued with the Indians for the destruction of the unprotected white settlers. In 1778, as is well known, the total destruction of all the white settlements in the Valley of Wyoming took place. Benjamin Kilbourn and family escaped the terrible massacre as by a miracle. They were awakened the night previous to the bloody incursion of Brandt and Butler, by a faithful dog, which, by its incessant barking, appeared to be keeping some unusual enemy at bay. They arose, procured lights, and prepared to defend themselves as best they could ; they remained through the night, however, unmolested. Early on the following morning, they received such intelli gence from a friendly Indian as led them to apprehend an att tack from the foe, and they, in company with a few of their more immediate neighbors, precipitately fled from the valley just in time to avoid the fate which so suddenly fell upon all whom they left behind them. His property having been main ly destroyed by the savages, Mr. K. returned to Connecticut, where he spent most of his remaining days. He died about the year 1 820, in Belchertown, Mass. His children were, Eli zabeth, Lucretia, Lucy, Benjamin, John, Gustavus, Cleopatra, Hannah, Jonathan and Moses. 13. GERSHOM, who lived at Orange, Essex Co., N. J., and who died in 1813 at an advanced age, is believed to have Generation V.] KILBOURN; [45 been a member of this family. I learn irom a son of his, now living, that he was born at " Pigeon Hill," Morris county, N. J. He had sons, Moses, Jabez D., and Daniel. 3. JONATHAN. 14. JONATHAN, born in Glastenbury in 1706, and was consequently but little more than a year old when his father femoved to Colchester. He was married in Colchester to Mary Skinner, October 20, 1734. He became a man of great wealth for those times, and was the owner of several valuable mills of different kinds, in East Haddam and Colchester ; and he was also particularly distinguished as an inventor. He was a Representative to the General Court from Colches ter at the May session, 1750, and was chosen to the same station at seven subsequent elections, besides being for several years the only Magistrate in the town. He was an intimate friend of the elder Governor Trumbull — they frequently per forming "horse-back journeys" to and from Colchester and" Lebanon, on visits to each other of from one to three weeks. He invented the iron screw, also an apparatus for pressing cloth, and another for pressing flax-seed, used in the manufacture of linseed til. There is now in possession of Joel Foote, Esq., of Marlboro', Conn., a large iron screw, with brass boxes, weigh ing in all over 200 lbs., made by Jonathan Kilborn for pressing cloth ; they are worthy of special notice from the fact that they are the first screw and boxes ever cut by machinery in this or any other couutry. It has with propriety been sugges ted that they be purchased and placed in the National Institute' at Washington city Barber, in his " Connecticut Historical Collections," (p. 306,) says : "Mr. Kilborn lived about a mile south of the Academy [in Colehester.J He was an uncommonly ingenius mechanic, and it is said was the inventor of the iron screw. It is also stated that he admitted an Englishman into his shop, who, observing his invention, took the proper dimensions, &c.,> went u> England, and claimed to be the original inventor." 46] KILBOURN. [Generation V' In our Colonial Legislature, July 2, 1775; it was Voted, That a quantity of lead owned by Jonathan Kilborn, Esq., of Col chester, and used by him on the water-wheel of his saw mill, should not be taken from him, for public use, until actually wanted ; and then only by the Selectmen of Colchester, without further orders. — Hinman's Historij of the Revolution, p. 363. In the Colchester Burying-Ground are two red tomb-stones, standing side by side, from which the following inscriptions are copied : In memory of JONATHAN KILBORN, Esq., who departed this life Oct'r. 14th, A. D. 1785, in the 79 year of his age. He was a man of invention great, Above all that lived nigh j But he could not invent to live When God called him to die. In memory of Mrs. MARY KILBORN, the Excellent and Honourable wife of Jonathan Kilborn, Esq., who departed this life August 11th, A. D. 1780", in the 65lh year of her age. Hannah, married a Dean. 15. HEZEKIAH, born in Colchester, where he also lived and died. His children were, Hezekiah, Asa, Elijah, Ann, Elizabeth, and Dimis. His will bears date, October 4, 1785. 5. ABRAHAM, OF GLASTENBURY. MITCHELL, born August 16, 1714, and died at the age of two years. ABRAHAM, born February 26, 1716, and died September 23, 1741. Unmarried. Elizabeth, born, February 19, 1719 ; and married Oliver Dudley, Esq., of Guilford, Nov: 26, 1738. .16 JOSEPH, born Jauuary 14, 1723; married Mary* flaughter of Mr. Joseph Hollister, March 1, 1744. His chil dren were, Mary, Ann, Abigail, Nancy, Mable, Esther, Abra- aham, and Joseph. Died in Glastenbury. Generation V.] KILBOURN. [47 Sarah, born January 1, 1725 ; married Samuel Talcott. Lucr, born December 30, 1731 ; married Samuel Welles, son of Thaddeus Welles, August, 1752. 6. THOMAS. 17. THOMAS, born at Hockanum, (now East Hartford,) September 8, 1705 ; married Mary Diggins, May, 1729. His children were — 'Thomas, Nathaniel, Thankful, Susannah, Jer emiah, Russel, and Jerusha. Died April 24, 1748, ; amount of his inventory, £4635 : 19 : 8. Mary, his wife, died Oct. 31, 1761. For several years he was a resident of Middletown; 7. JOHN. 18. JOHN, born in East Hartford ; in 14 he married Mary , and had children, John, Samuel, Stephen, Mary, Martha, and Freeman ; his wife having died, he was married to Rosanna, and had Lucy. 9. LIEUT. EBENEZER. Eunice, born in Newington, (a parish of Wethersfield,) February 14, 1718. Naomi, married Samuel Butler. 19. TIMOTHY, born in Newington, August t%, i723 ; was married to Prudence Deming, August 15, 1754, by Rev. Josh ua Belding. Himself and his three sons were soldiers in the" Revolutionary Army. His children Were, Timothy, Seth, Happy, Simon, and Abigail. Mary, born March 4, 1725 ; married Josiah Curtis, of Wethersfield. Anne, born June 20, 1728 ; married Janna Deming, of Newington, and had eleven children, all of whom lived until the youngest was upwards of forty years of age. Happt, born June 17, 1730 ; married Timothy Wadsworth, of Farmington. 10. JOSIAH, 20. DAVID, born in Wethersfield, December 21, 1727; was a soldier in the Northern Army in the old French War, and is said to have participated in the reduction of Louisbourg, Being subsequently taken sick near Lake George, and conse- quently unable to continue in the service, he procured an hon orable discharge, and, though weak, started homeward on foot. After a slow and wearisome journey of many days, he succeeded in reaching the inn of his cousin, James Kil born, in the village of Litchfield, Conn. ; and being unable to proceed farther, his brother Josiah was sent for, who shortly after arrived and remained with him until his death. He was interred in the west Burying Ground in Litchfield. Ad ministration on his estate was granted to Joseph Kilborn, of Farmington, Dec. 5, 1758. Ruth, married Robert Booth, of Farmington, in 1757. 21. JOSIAH, bom in Wethersfield in 1730 ; removed to New Britain with his parents in early childhood, where he continued to reside until his dealh. In 1754 he married Anna Neal, of New Britain. His children were, Josiah, William, Anna, Eunice, Lemuel, Urania, James, Azuba, Deborah, and Amaza. Through a long and useful life, he was distinguished for his many social virtues, his dignified deportment, and the strength and vigor of his intellect. Died in 1814, aged 74. 22. JOHN, born in New Britain in 1733 ; married Jemima Neal, and had three sons, all of whom died in infancy ; he died in New Britain in 1781. 23. RICHARD, born in New Britain, 1735 ; married Mary Brownson in 1763, and had Clarissa, Mercy, Iniphena, Le mon, Elijah, Rachel, and David. He settled in Stephentown, Reaselaer Co., N. Y. Elizabeth, married Jedediah Norton. 11. GEORGE. 24. JOSHUA, born in New Britain, March 9, 1742 ; mar ried Mehetable Mather in 1763, and died in 1775 ; his children were, Mehetable, Elizabeth, George, William and Joshua. Mehetable, his wife, died in 1820, aged 86. 25. BENJAMIN, born in New Britain ; married Esther • in 1770, at which time he resided in Pittsfield, Mass. ; he subsequently removed to Hubbardlon, Vt. A correspon dent says of him, " he was an enthusiast in religion, and al- Generation V.] KILBOURN. [49 ways poor." Of his family, if he had any, I have no knowj. edge. Margaret, lived to advanced age, but was never married. Hannah. 12. hezekiah, a. m. Katurah, born in Wethersfield January 16, 1724. She lived (unmarried) to old age, and went by the sobriquet of "Aunt Kate." HEZEKIAH, born in Wethersfield, February H, 1725, and died at sea — unmarried. His Will commences as follows : "June 12, 1753. — On board the ship Lyon, Barbot master, from the Isl and of Bermuda, lo Rhode Island — In the name of God, Amen : I, HEZ EKIAH KILBOURN, of the town of Wethersfield, County of Hartford, and Province of Connecticut, but late of the Island of Bermuda, mariner," &c. ; in which he bequeaths " the proceeds of three hogsheads of Rum to [his] father, Hezekiah Kilbourn, of Wethersfield, tavern-keeper." The remainder of his property he bequeathed to his brothers and sisters. In ventory taken Nov. 23, 1753. 26. ELISHA, born in Wethersfield about 1727 ; married Sarah, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Robbins, of that town, and settled in Sandisfield, Mass. He was originally a joiner and carpenter, but after his removal to Sa.idisfield, in consequence of the difficulty in obtaining leather, he commenced tanning hides for his own use, and afterwards for the use of his neigh bors — until he ultimately became extensively engaged in the business, and amassed therein a considerable property. He laid the foundation of the extensive tanning and currying works on the stream a short distance north of the village, where the business was afterwards for many years successful ly carried on by his son, Jonathan Kilborn. The dwelling house which he built on the premises, and occupied until his death, is still standing. His children were, Elisha Huldah, Hezekiah, Charles, Sarah, Jonathan, Ashur, Robbins, Hope ful, Robert and Allen. 27. GEORGE, born in Wethersfield ; was married, Nov. 1, 1753, by Rev. James Lockwood, to Rebecca Belding, who died, leaving one child ; he was married (2d time) to Abigail 50] KILBOURN. Generation V. Pierpont, of New London, Nov. 10, 1763, by Rev. Edward Eels. Died Feb. 7, 1777. Children — Abigail, Rebecca, George, Rebecca 2d, Joshua, Martha, and Jonathan-Pierpont. Elizabeth, married James Curtis, May 18, 1749. Abigail, married James Ayrauld. Mary, married Ambrose Clark, of Middletown. Martha married Justus Riley, of Wethersfield, January, 19, 1764. Nathaniel [?] This name occurs on the Hartford Probate Records, in a single instance, in the settlement of the estate of Hezeziah Kilborn, Sen. Probably he died in youth, as aged persons now living, who recollect all the other members of this family, have no recollection or knowledge of him. 14. CAPT. JOSEPH. [Two sons died in infancy.] 28. ELISHA, born in Litchfield, Oct. 26, 1726 ; was a Grand Juror in that town in 1753, and late in life he removed to Castleton, Vermont. 29. Lieut. BENJAMIN, born in Litchfield, April 4, 1728 ; was married to Hannah Stoddard, December 5, 1751, by Rev. Timothy Collins. She died October 3, 1756, aged 24 years — and on the 20th of March of the succeeding year, he married Lucy Bishop. On the breaking out of the Revolution, he, (in common with very many prominent and influential men in his native town,) steadfastly adhered to the cause of the king. He is spoken of by those who remember him, as a man of uncom mon energy of character, and was accustomed to speak with great freedom and often with severity relative to what he con sidered the ' rebellion ;' yet none were more liberal or humane to those who were suffering in the cause of their country. The following paragraph from the Hon. R. R. Hinman's ' War of Revolution,' [p. 199,] shows the nature of the charges prefer red against him, and at the same time exhibits the novel case of a ' King's Attorney ' informing against and prosecuting a subject for adhering to the king's cause. Generation V.] KILBOURN. [M "Hon. Andrew Adams, attorney of the king for Litchfield County, in formed that Benjamin Kilbourn, who was Lieutenant in the 1st Military Company in Litchfield, had at sundry times declared that he wished there Were ten hundred thousand regular troops then landed in the Colony, and that he would join them to subdue the Americans who were in a state of rebellion ; that the commanding officer who fired upon the town Falmouth, treated the inhabitants too mildly and gently, much more so than he would have done if he had had the command ; that he would join the regulars, and would kill some of the inhabitants, &c, &c. The Legislature cash iered the said Benjamin for his offences, and an order was given to fill the vacancy in said company. And said Attorney was ordered by said As sembly to prosecute the said Benjamin for his offences.'1 — Proceedings of General Assembly, Special Session, Dec. 1775. He continued to reside in Litchfield until some years after the close of the war, when he removed with most of his fami ly to Elizabethtown, near Brockville, Upper Canada — being determined, as he said, to ' lay his bones on King George's soil.' As he was making preparations to remove, a neighbor expressed surprise that, at his age, and after the causes of dif ference between him and some of his fellow-townsmen had been removed, he should resolve upon emigrating to so distant a section of the country ; to which he responded with charac teristic zeal and earnestness — ' Blood !* Col. B., I want to breathe some of King George's air before I die!' Died at Eliza bethtown in 1810, aged, 83. His children were, Ruth, Lewis, Charles, Benjamin, David, Samuel, Joseph, Lucy, William, and Polly. Jeremiah, born July 17, 1733 ; died in infancy. Ruth, born May 9, 1734; married Nathaniel Culver. 30. SOLOMON, born in Litehfield, March 1, 1736; was married to Anna Palmer, April 8, 1756 ; and died July 30, 1806. His children were, Rachel, Hannah, Jeremiah, Solo mon, Anna Olive, Whitman, and Sibbil. Charles, born Febiuary 21, 1740; was killed in youth by being run over by a cart, near the'present residence of Mr. Amos Bissell, in Litchfield. The following inscription is cop ied from his tomb-stone : A common expression or 'by-word.' 52] KILBOURN. [Generation V. '•Charles, son of Capt. Joseph and Mrs. Abigail Kilborn; he was Killed by a Cart, May 25, 1756, aged 17. " Deth Conquers all both yung and old, tho' ee'r so wise, discreet and bold, in helth and strength this youth did die, In a Moment wilh out one Cry." Catharine, born April 19, 1742 ; married a Marsh. Anna, born March 7, 1730 ; married Thomas Goodwin, of South Farms. Abigail, born in Litchfield, May 20, 1744 ; married Zech ariah Whitman, Esq., of Bridgewater, Mass. Her children were, Hon. Kilborn Whitman, of Pembroke, [graduated at Harv. Coll. 1785,] for several years a distinguished Member of the Massachusetts Senate ; Benjamin Whitman, Esq. Attorney, of Boston, [grad. Bowdoin Coll. 1788;] Casandra and Angelina. 15. JONATHAN. 31 JONATHAN, born in Litchfield March 25, 1739 ; was married to Mehetable Agard, of Torringford, and removed to Williamslown, Mass., when that place was a wilderness. He died in 1 772, aged 33 years — leaving five sons, viz., James, Uri, Zacheus, Caleb, and Joseph. Elijah, born Jan. 17, 1742, and died at the age of six years. 32. JOSEPH, born in Litchfield March 5, 1744 ; was mar ried to Elizabeth Marsh, November 30, 1765, by Ebenezer Marsh, J. P. Admitted a freeman inL., September 19, 1769. His children were, Susannah, Timothy, Elizabeth, and Aaron. Removed to Niagara Co., N. Y. 33. LEMUEL, born in Litchfield ; was married to Phebe Judson, of Huntington, March 17, 1762, by Rev. Jedediah Mills, and had three children, viz., Lemuel-Judson, Philo, and Mary. He resided for several years in Granby, Conn. 34. JEHIEL, born in Litchfield; married Amy Vaill, of that town, and had nine children, viz., Ozias, Urania, Rhoda, Diantha, Heman, Huldah, Sally, Heman 2d, and Lois. He removed to Kortright, Delaware Co., N. Y., where he died April 18, 1803. 16. JAMES. 35. ROSWELL, born in Litchfield, June 39, 1734; mar- Generation V.] KILBOURN. [53 ried Irene Bacon, and had three children^-Rhoda, Roswell, and Anna ; Irene, his wife, died in February 1768, and in the succeeding January he was married to Patience Jenkins, (by Rev. Judah Champion,) by whom he had Irene, Rebecca John, and Joseph. He was elected " Collector of Town Rates" in 1757 ; was a soldier in the revolutionary army, and died while in the service of the ' camp distemper,' February 8, 1777. 36. APPLETON, born in Litchfield, September 12, 1736 ; was admitted a freeman April 15, 1732- Pie had one daughter, Clarissa, who married Heman Beach. Lucy, married Roger Marsh, of Litchfield. Rhoda, born May 9, 1744 ; married Charles Webster. Honor, married Stephen Webster of Litchfield, September 8, 1765 ; their children were — Truman, Charles and John. 37. JAMES, born in Litchfield January 3, 1750 ; married Molly Crampton, May 14, 1771. In early life he went several voyages to sea as a whaleman. While a resident of Litchfield, he owned and lived on the farm where Maj. David Marsh now resides, about a mile north of the Court-house. During the Revolution, he entered the American army as Quarter Mas ter ; and subsequently served as Lieutenant of Artillery. — In 1780 he removed with his family to Castleton, Vermont, where he continued to reside until 1798, when he emigrated to Canada. He was a tanner and currier, and farmer. His children were — James, Abel, Eli, Hiram, Sarah, Mary, Ro- rean and Ruth. Died at Kitley, District of Johnstown, Can ada, in Dec. 1820. Rachel, born July 4, 1753 ; married Silas Dibble, February 7, 1772. 17. SAMUEL. Sarah, born January 13, 1726, married Lieut. Amos Parme. lee, of Litchfield ; her sons were, John, Amos, Heman and Samuel. 38. GILES, born in Litchfield, January 25, 1728; his first wife was a Pettibone, of Goshen, by whom he had one son, 54} KILBOURN. [Generation V, Samuel. His second wife was Chloe Munger, by whom he had Rhoda, Anna, Olive, Laura, John, Mary, Elizabeth, Chauncey and Sabra. He served in two or three campaigns of the Revolution as a substitute for his son Samuel, who had enlisted 'during the war.' He was a joiner and carpenter, and was particularly famous as a mill-wright ; he built St. Paul's Church, in Litchfield, (recently demolished,) and several of the dwelling houses in Litchfield village — among which are, the ' Tallmadge House,' the ' Lord House,' the res idence of Asa Bacon, Esq., &c. Died Sept. 13, 1797. Chloe, his wife, died October 10, 1S24, aged 95 years ; — she was the oldest person in Litchfield. Mary, born January 17, 1730 ; married Nathaniel Wood ruff in 1749; her children were, Sarah [wife of Ezra Plumb,] Hannah, Thankful, [wife of Nath'l Brown, and mother of So- lyman, A. M., M. D., grad. Yale Coll. 1812,] Nathaniel, Su- bel, Rhoda, Asceneth, Ezekiel, [Esq., attorney, grad. Yale Coll. 1779,] Mary, [wife of John Russell, and mother of John Russell, Esq., Judge of Probate for the District of Hartford.] Cybil, born January 31, 1732 ; m. John Dibble of Goshen. 39. JOHN, born in Litchfield April 15, 1735 ; married An na, daughter of Abiel Smith ; he was a resident of Goshen in 1762, but soon after removed with his father-in-law to Ad ams, Mass., of which town he was one of the first settlers. The first dwelling erected by him in that town, occupied the present site of ihe Friends' Meeting House. In 1797, he re moved with most of his family to Herkermer Co., N. Y., where he and his wife died. Their children were, John, Mary Ann, Jacob, James, Abigail, Mabel, Giles and Truman. Temperance, born Oct. 18, 1739, lived to old age, and died unmarried. Ann, bora July 4, 1742 5 married Aaron Stoddard, Litchfield. 18. ABRAHAM. Eunice, born November 7, 1735 5 married to John Stoddard' In 1755 ; her sons were, Daniel, Jesse, Levi and John. 40. ISAAC, born in Litchfield, January 16, 1739 ; was mar ried to Mehetable Doolittle, May 8, 1757, by Rev. Solomon Generation V.] KILBOURN. [55 Paltrier, Missionary. The name of his second wife was Edna Wedge. He had twenty children, several of whom died young. Died 1807. 41. DAVID, born in Litchfield, April 28, 1742; was mar ried to Louisa Borden, April 2, 1763, by Rev. Judah Cham pion. She died November 2, 1768, and he was married to Diadema Kilbourn. He was a Lister in 1767, '68, arid '69 ; " Receiver of the Town Rate," in 1768 ; Grand Juror in 1 782, '90, &c. His children were, Theral, Oiange, James, Levi, Reuben, Samuel, and Erastus. Died in Litchfield, September 20,1815. 12. JESSE, born in Litchfield, January 2, 1744; married Sarah Mattocks, February 24, 1765, (by Rev. Judah Cham pion.) She died January 19, 1805 ; his second wife was Clara Twitchel, who died in 1809; his third wife was Eunice Wright. The children of Jesse Kilbourn by his first wife, cere, Lucretia, Jacob, Heman, Elizabeth, Heman 2d, Jesse; Truman, Sarah, Molly, and Diantha. He was frequently a Grand Juror and Selectman. Died April 2, 1813. Rebecca, born January 26, 1746; married Uriah Catlin, December 4, 1 765. She died of a cancer. Abraham, died September 3, 1767. Eunice, married Elkinarh Hoskins, September 18, 1784;, afterwards to George Bissell, of Salisbury. @ KlLBOR. During this Generation, and tho next preceding, different branches of the family seem to have adopted, with some degree of permanence, different modes of spelling the name. Kil burn, came into general use in the Walpole B?anch ; Kilbourn, in the Branch which remained at Wethers' Infield ; Kilbourne, in the New Britain %r-*ta2* Branch ; Kilborn, in the Colchester, Litchfield, Glastenbury and East Hartford Branches ; Kilbon, in the Springfield Branch ; Kil-, burn and Kdburn, in the New Jersey Branch, &c. Within a few years, Iiowever, Kilbourn, has gone into very frequent use among the members of the Litchfield, Colchester, Glastenbury and Hartford Branches. 1, SAMUEL. 1. JONATHAN, was married, and, I am informed, had a family — but I have learned nothing concerning them. 2. SAMUEL, born in Wilbraharn, Mass., in 1735. His children were, Luther, Jonathan, Abigail, Belinda, and Olive. Died in or near Wilbraharn, in 1807. [There were, perhaps, other members of this family. A daughter married — ^- Morgan, of Springfield.] 2. JOHN. "THE HERO OF WALPOLE." 3. JOHN, born in 1735; married Miss Conlent Carpenter, daughter of (he Rev. Ezra Carpenter, of Swanzey. N. 11. He Genebation VI.] KILHOURN. [57 continued to reside at Walpole until the winter of 1793, when he removed to Shrewsbury, Vt., at which place he died, July 20, 1819,* aged 83. He was chosen Selectman of Walpole in 1755, '56, '57, and '58, and was also a Justice of the Peeicew The names of his children who lived to mature age, are, John, Ezra-Carpenter,- Elijah, Theodosia, Elizabeth and Esther. 5. josiAh. 4. EBENEZER, born at Hebron, Conn., and removed td Gilsum, N. H., with his father, at the age of 18 ; married Je mima Ford, of his native town. " He was a Captain in the revolutionary army, and subsequently a Deacon of the Con gregational Church. His house was a home for the citizens of the town and the people of God. Died at his residence in Gilsum, August 2, 18l0, aged 66 years, leaving ten chil dren."* His second wife was Sarah Bill, also of Hebron,- who was the mother of all his children, except the eldest; 5. JOEL, married a Bliss, of Gilsum, where he lived for sev eral years, but subsequently removed to Jericho, Vt., and died there. His children were, Josiah, Joel, Lucy and Wealthy. 6. Rev. JOSIAH, A. M, born at Hebron,- Oct. 13, 1752— removed to Gilsum with Ms father at the age of ten years, at which time there was not another family in the town. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1778, and was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Chester field, Mass., in 1780; married Temperance Dewey, of Gilsum,- and died a few months after his ordination^ aged 89 years. II. JOHN. 7. JOHN, born In Clermont, N. H., February 2, 1772, where he resided with his mother until *794, when he removed to Wethersfield, Vt., and was there married to Nancy Melinda Hubbard, daughter of Col. Joseph Hubbard, on the S9th of November, 1795. While a resident of the latter place, he was engaged in the mercantile business. In 1799, he settled in Bristol, Addison county, Vt. ; in 1801, he was commissioned as Captain of Light Infantry, and the same year received and * MS. letter from his grandson, Ezra C. Kilburn, Esq., Walpol'e. j * MS. letter from Rev. Davio Kilburn, Barre, Ms., Sept. 1, 1846. 58] KILBOURN. [G enkra t ionJV I accepted the appointment of Justice of the Peace, which lat ter office he held for a period of eleven years. In 1820, he removed with most of his family to Clinton, Niagara District. Upper Canada, where he continued to reside until his death, March 14, 1843, aged 71 years, leaving a widow and ten chil dren. The names of his sons are, John-Henry, Rowley, Har mon, Adolphus, and Cyrus. 12. benjamin. Lucretia, born at Bolton, Conn., November 11, 1756; died at Wyoming, Pa., in 1784. Elizabeth, born at Bolton ; married Ozias Bissell, of Man chester. Lucy, was married, in 1786, to Daniel Lawrence, who was 'rilled at the fort at Wyoming, by the British and Indians, in 1789; she subsequently married Ebenezer Strong, of Bolton, and died in 1794. 8. BENJAMIN, born in the Province of Nova Scotia in 1761, and removed with his father to Wyoming, Pa., in 1774. He was a Sergeant of a company of light infantry at the cap ture of Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va. After the war, he mar ried and settled in Blount county, Tennessee, where he was living about twenty years since. I have learned nothing of his family. 9. JOHN, born in Nova Scotia in 1763; removed from thenre (o Wyoming, and from thence to Connecticut, with his father. In 1781, at the age of eighteen, he enlisted as a Volunteer for the defence of Fort Trumbull, near New Lon don. While the British were on I heir way to destroy New London, they were much annoyed by the firing from Fori Trumbull, and a detachment was sent by the British com mander to take the fort. It had been finished only >n the water-side — the land-side being in a very defenseless condition. From the time the firing commenced, the subject of this notice had been stationed at a twelve-pounder, with which he did good service. An incessant firing was kept up until the enemy were just, upon them, when the order was given by the Amer ican Captain, to ppike the guns and cross to Fort Griswold on Generation VI.J KILBOURN. [59 the opposite sidi- of the Thames. Kilbourn and three or four others, having stayed in the fort a few mt ments longer than their companions, in order, as they said, to give the enemy "one more shot," did not reach the water's edge until the boat had shoved off. They seized another boat (which had the day before been taken from the refugee?,) and had just pushed from the shore, when the red-coats made their appearance on Ihe bluff directly above them, commenced firing, and demand ed a surrender. They surrendered, and were taken on board a frigate which lay in sight. After New London had been de stroyed and Fort Griswold had been captured, the prisoners above alluded to, with accessions from the last named fort, were taken to New York, where they were confined in the memo rable " Sugar House." On the arrival of the tidings of Corn wallis' capture, the American prisoners were exchanged, and John Kilbourn returned to Connecticut. Eight or ten years after his liberation, he emigrated to Virginia, and married Ma ry Erwin, of Rockingham county, in that State, and became extensively engaged in purchasing cattle for the Baltimore market. He subsequently removed to Kentucky, but after a few years* residence there, the uncertainty of land titles caused him to leave that State in 1805, and settle in Ohio. He died near Chillicothe, March 5, 1829, leaving four sons, who still survive, viz., John, Samuel, Benjamin, and Gustavus. 10. GUSTAVUS, born in Bolton, May 17, 1768; married ' Betsey Skinner, of that towfi, in 1785. After residing a few years there and at New Hartfordj Conn., he removed to New Hartford, N. Y., where he held the office of Deacon of the Congregational Church, and died much lamented in 1841 . He was Collector of State Taxes in New Hartford, Conn., in 1799. Cleopatra, (twin with Gustavus,) married John Skinner, of Bolton. Jonathan, was drowned in the Susquehanna river at Wyo ming, in 1774, aged four years. 11. MOSES, born in i772 ; married Sally Dwight, of Bel- chertown, Mass., and there settled. Died in Bolton in 1841. Descendants living in the Western States. RO] KILBOUBN. [Generation VI 13. gershom. 13'. MOSES, born in Orange, Essex Co., N. J, ; removed I > Connecticut and1 died there in 1790. The name of his wife Margaret. 13. Capt. JABEZ D., born in 1773, and now resides in Clinton, Essex Co., N. J. In the summer of 1843, I saw his name in the N. Y. Tribune as one of the Vice Presidents of a Convention of the Whigs of Essex county, at which the HcffiV Theodore Frclirighnysen was first nomnj&ted for the Vice Presidency of the United States ; and subsequently in the same paper, as President of a ' Mass Meeting' of the Whigs of Essex. His son, Thomas D. Kilburn, is now living in Clinton — mother children dead. 14. DANIEL, born in 1779 ; lived at Orange, N. J. ; died* suddenly in New York in 1838. His sons — Gershom, Daniel J., and Oliver. 14. JONATHAN, ESQ. Mary, born in Colchester, August 10, 1735 ; married ¦ Bigelow. Jonathan, born Maich 19, 1737; died, aged two months. Lydia, died in infancy Lydia, born May 2, 1739 ;. married Ezra Waterman, and' died in 1768, in the 30th year of her age. 14. JONATHAN, born in Colchester, April 12, 1742, Like his father, he was a man of much ingenuity and enterprize; and was extensively known for his inventions and improve ments in the mechanic arts- I hnve seen "Letters Patent" for' a Machine for cutting Tanners' Bark, Sumac, &c-, which ware granted to him, dated August 21, 1800, and bearing the' signatures of John Adams, President, J. Marshall, Secretary of Btate, and Charles Lee, Attorney General. 15. DAVID, born in Colchester, November 13, 1744 ; mar ried Lydia Abel, November 5, 1767 — and had ten children, viz-. Lydia, David, Samuel- Abel, Elizabeth, Dimmis, John, Ralph, Elizabeth 2d, Mary. He was noted in his day for his piety, general intelligence, and public spirit. For a great number of Generation VI.] BILBOU.RN. CI years he filled the offices of Deacon of the Church, Captain of Militia, First Selectman and Magistrate. Died at the residence of his son, Samuel A. Kilbourn, in Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y., August 6, 1812 ; Lydia, his wife, died at the same place, September 6, 1816. 15. hezekiah. 16. HEZEKIAH, born at Col hester ; married Mary Holmes, December 27, 1753, and had four children, viz., John Joseph, Sarah, and Amasa. He became deranged and starv ed himself to death, in Salem, New London county, in !807. 17. ASA, born in Colchester; m?>ried Sat ah Holmes, and had children — Eliphaz, Arona, Sarenus, John, and Wentwith. Married a second wife in Connecticut, and removed to western New York (probably Oneida county) and died there some forty or fifty years since. 18. ELIJAH, born in Colchester, in which place he lived and died ; he was twice married — by his first wife he had three children, viz., Elijah, Asa, and Ellis; by his second wife, (Sally Welles,) he had ten children, viz., Sally, Lucy, Ellis, Ira, Amasa, Clarissa, Lydia, Mary, Alford, and Ralph. Died September 30, 1804. David Kilbourn, Esq., was the Executor of his last Will and Testament. The amount of his inventory was $1539 98. % Ann, married Clark. Elizabeth, married Rev. Mr. Quitfield, of the Baptist de nomination. Dimmis, married Day. 16. JOSEPH, OF GLASTENBURY. Mary, born January 9, 1745 — died at the age of five years. Ann, died in infancy. Ann 2d, born February 16, 1749. Mary 2d, born March 6, "752. Mable, died in infancy. Abigail, died at the age of ax years. Lucy, born March 4, 1755. 62] KILBOURN. [Generation VL Esther, born May 8, 1760. 19. ABRAHAM, born in Glastenbury, November, 13, 1762; married Mary Smith, daughter of Moses Smith, of East Hart ford, June 7, 1784. His children were, Laura, Mary, Betsy, Electa, Emily, Mary Ann. Mary, his wife, died January 19, 1805, and on the 4th day of the following December he was married to Elizabeth Warner, daughter of Daniel Warner, of East Haddam. 20. JOSEPH, born April 1, 1765; married Hannah Sillew, daughter of Philip Sillew, April 4, 1793. The names of his children are, Austin, Sophia, Ogden, Eliza, Horace. Hannah, his wife, died January 23, 1826 ; on the 22d of May, 1832, he was married to Onnor House. Both are yet living. 17. THOMAS. 19. THOMAS, born August 25, 1729 ; was mate of the ship of which his brother Nathaniel was captain ; died at sea. June 14, 1759. Unmarried. 20. Capt. NATHANIEL, born June 15, 1781; died at sea on board the ship of which he was master, on the same day with his brother Thomas above mentioned, leaving a wife and daughters. Upon a stone in the burying-ground back of the Centre Church in Hartford is the^following inscription : "Mrs Abigail Kilbourn, Relict of Capt. Nathaniel Kilbourn, who de parted this life Jan. 19, l1§&, aged 71, " When God doth call we all must go, And bid farewell to all below." 21. JEREMIAH, born October 22, l737 ; died (unmarried) May 30, 1759. 22. RUSSELL, born February 25, 1739 ; was married to Mary, daughter of David Hills, October 31, 1765, by whom he had ten children, viz., Ashbel, Harry, Noah, Lavinia, Al fred, Lavinia 2d, Esther, Nathan, Laurena, Mary. He was an Assessor, Selectman, &c. Died in East Hartford, Septem ber 30, 1816, aged 77 years: Gbner atom VI.J KILBOURN. i Sarah Bunce, of Hartford. He was, in early life, commander of a trading vessel, but subsequently became a successful and wealthy met chant in Hartford. That part of the ti'y through which "Kilbourn street" passes, belonged to his estate— and from him the street took its name. He had children, Sarah, Samuel.'jWilliam, Jerusha, Henry, and Maria. He died De cember 9, 1817, M. 73. 2G JOHN, bun in 1745 ; married a daughter of of Sylva nus Andrus,* of Marl ford ; h:id one son, Jchn. 27. STEPHEN, born in 1747; married Miss Rishy, of East Hartford, and had children, Samuel, S.ephen, Mercy, and 1 CO.T>.> • 23. FREEMAN, married Miss Brimnvigen, of Hartford. His child. en were, Freeman, Daniel, Hezekiah, Abigail, An na, and Hepsibah. The date cf his Wi'l is Nov. 20, 1819: nnnunt of his inventory $22,010.50. Among the bequests in his Will is tliej following " I give and bequeath to my Executor and Nephew, Henry Kii.b>urn, ten dollars, to be laid out in a Cane, that when lotterin; with a:;e he bends over it, the Gr.= ve ma}- not obliterate the remembrance of an old man an J depaited Uncle." [Lied March 23, 1823. Mary, married William Barnard, of Hartford. Martha, born in 1753 ; died July 4, !793; unmarriedf 19. TIMOTHY. 23. TIMOTHY, born in Newington, May 9, 1752. At the breaking out of ihe Revolu.'ion, he entered the service cf his country, and was engaged in the Battle of Bunker Hil'j be sides sharing various subsequent perils and losses in the war. He had three sons, viz., Samuel, Timothy, and Anscn; 30. SF.TH, born ii Newington, October \t, 1754; mar ried Lois Bllnn, by whom he had two children, Eli ha and Prudence ; his wife having died, he then married Hannah Churchill, and had sons Seth and Hiram. He was a soldier of the Revolution. * He may hiv» had a second wife, Jerusha Spencer. 64] KILBOURN. [Gr.jcritATicN VI. Happy, born August 25, 1757; martied Gen. Levi Rusk, of Newiniton, a distinguished officer cf the Revolution. Si. SIMON, born in Newington, Nov. 23, 1753, married Eunice Kirkham, and had children, Abigail, Nancy, Sabra, Sarah, Elizabeth, Henry, Erastus, Horace, Mary, and Chaun cey. The following Declaration cf Simon Kilbourn was for warded to the Pension Office at Washington seme years since, upon his application for a Pension, which was granted. I am .indebted to Samuel H. Parsons, Esq., of Hartford, for a copy of it. The petitioner declares, "That he entered the service of the United States as a private, in a company commanded by Captain Hezekiah Wells, and Lieut. Hanmer of Welheisficld, in or about ihe mouth of September, 1778 ; that the said company belonged to a regiment of iMililia command ed by Colonel Thomas Belden; that he was drafted for Iwo months, and continued to serve in said corps until in or about the month of Noven.lcr, 1778, when he was dismissed from ihe service in cr near .New Lender), don, Connecticut ; that he was rnarclied from Wethersfield to New London and crossed the river Thames tu Groioit, and there was employed in tuild- jng a fort called Fort Griswold. The deponent further dedans, Th;>t he rntcred the said service a second lime hy enlisting into a company com manded by Capt. Hubbard, of Glastenbuiy, Hezekiah VVyllys being Colo nel of the regiment; lhat he left Wethersfield about the month of June, 1779, and marched to New London, where he served three months ; that he was employed to keep guard near ihe lighthouse on the New Loi.don shore or teach of Long Island Sound — and was employed ai Mohican, between Norwich and New Lonlun, in cutting fascines which were used in build ing ihe fori on the outside; that he was honorably riisrni.'ted r.fier serving three months, and returned to Wethersfield. The ('ej-m tut further declares, thnt he entered the fciviec cf ihe United Stales a third time, as a substi tute for his father, Timothy Kill-onrn, who was diafied in the militia of Wethersfield; tfcat he served mo months, at New London under Captain Wells of Wethersfield, James Weils Lieutenant, i.bout ihe months of March and April, 1780; that he was employed i.-. bu Idiug a fort west ol the city of New London, upon il.c hill, v, h;ih lie soldiers called "Fori Ncr.scr.se,,; telng rci.sii:ercd ly them as useless.'' He died in Newingtcn, November G, 1£C9, rged £0 years. Abigail, bcro.Nc,v. i§, 1764. Gehmattor VI] KILIlOUItNE. 65] 21. JOSIAH. 32. Capt. JOSIAH, was born in New Britain in January, 1756. In April, 1775, at ihe age of 20 years, he entered the Revolutionary Arm)-, mid there continued until the close of the war. He participated in all the fighting in the vicinity of Boston, and was in the battles of Flatbush, Harlem heights, White Plains, Monmouth, and many others, in which he was several times wounded. He aiosc gradually from a private to respectable commands, the last of which was that of Caplain in the Quarter Mastet's Department. Those Were indeed days of peril and calamity. When the enemy were burning the towns in the soulh pari, cf Connecticut, prerious to their driving Washington from Long Island and New York, the mili tia of the State were called there almost en masse ; and of those who were not slain, generally returned with that most malignant disease, the " Camp Distemper," and spread it wheiever ihey went. At this period a near relative, returning from the army, stopped at the residence of the Tat her of the subject of this no tice, and communicated the distemper to the family. -Seven of them were down with it at the same time. One sistet had died ; and while a second was dying, an express frcm the army blew a horn, threw a letter into the yard, and passed on. The eldest sister, (the only one well,) opened ihe letter, and read from it the sad intelligence that her eldest brother (Jo siah) had been killed in the Battle of Flatbush. Though, as the reader will have inferred, i his announcement subsequently proved to be ir.conect, still iis etf-cts upon the family, espe cially at such a moment, may possibly be imagined, but not described- Josiah had indeed fallen upon the battle-field, having been shot through the body ; but after the wing of the army to which he was attached gave way, Washington, with, the other wing, regained that ground, arid bi ought off the wqunded. At the close of the war, Josiah Kilbourn returned home with a constitution destroyed by numerous wounds and every form of suffering.. He married Isabel Whaples, cf New C6] KILBOURNE. [Gekesation Vt. Britain, was active in business, but iu pacr health ; and died in 17SG or '7, leaving no children. 33. WILLIAM, was horn in New Biita'n, January 12, 1753; entered the revolutionary army at the age cf eight een, atid in the r. flair at WcsU hester, N. Y., was ?o severely injured as to b„> unable to d> a d ly's ivo.'lc o:i thj fa/rh for a period of six years. He occasional'}' taight srh >3l until he recovered a tolerable degree cf health, when h^ learn ed the trade of a Clothier, and followed it as a main creupa- tion. On ihe 21st of August, 178G, he married Sarah Sage, (laughter cf Jedediah Sage, of Bc'iliii, and soon after removed lo TunbriHge, Veimonl. In 1310, he h moved wilh h'sfami'y to Chelsea, iu the same State, where he died in June, I8IG. Their childien were, Jol.n, Ariur, Julia, Emit, llalph, VV'il- liams, Sarah, O.-mond, Jededlah-S;ige, James, aud Eliza Ann. Anna, born in 1760; married Asahel Hart, cf Northington, now Avcn. Eunice, born in I7G2, died at ihe age cf 16, cf the 'Cairp- Dlslcmper.' 34. LEMUEL, born in New Britain, October 7, I7G4; mimed Sarah Hast:ngs, of Sou;h'mgton, and had children, Jo siah, Sally, Ursula, Hiram, Elizabeth, and Nancy. A Cloth ier and Millwright by trade. Died of asthma, near Chillicothe, Ohio, about the year 1820. Urania, born October 17, I76G ; was first married to Syl vester Higley, afterwards to Shubael Hoskins, Esq,, of Sirfl.'- bury. She died in 1832, aged 66. 35. Hon. JAMES, was born in New Britain on the 19;h of October, 1770. As he has baen more extensively known, and more distinguished in pubic life, than any other person on this s'de of tho Atlantic who bears the name width he has honored, we are confident that no cue among his kindred and namesakes will leqttire of us an apology for giving a some what detailed notice of his eventful and useful life. The his tory of few eminent men in our country presents a brighter example of persevering aijd successful effort over adverse cir- Ge**f.ation VI .1 KILBOURNE. [67 cumstances ; and not ens more worthy of approval and imita tion. His birth recurred at an eventful era in the history cf the co'enics. Tiie ccnlio\ersy between them ar.d Great Biittiin was fast ripening inlo rebellion. When about one year old, his father removed from hio previous res'denee in New Britain, to a fatm then nearly new, situated two and a half miles far ther west, about half that distance from neighbors, ar.d still farther from school. He made rapid improvements, and soon became a farmer of comfortable independence ; but remained in the same condition as to neighbors and schools for many years. The long ihreatened war of the revolution commenc ed when the subject of thi^ skclch was but five years of arc. This naturally engrossed the attention of all. Private business was necessarily deianged, and the prosperity of the farming interests, especially in the new settlements, was to a great ex tent destroyed. The imp'ements of husbandry were exchang ed for the panop'y of war ; the currency became scarce, and depreciated in value ; schools were virtually given up ; and in shotl the whole pecple, from childhood to age, shared and felt the vicissitudes and privations consequent upon the state of the country. It will be unnecessaiy to detail the effects of that tremendous struggle upon Mr. K. No truer patriot lived, and few suffered more as the reward of their patriotism. Let it sr.ff.ee to say, that the war resulted in the death of three cf h's family, his pecuniary ruin, and the partial derangement of his intellect for a period of years. In 1783, he was compelled lo give up his finely cultivated farm and buildings, and retire to a still mere secluded fpot, where he puichr.se d a small farm cf thirty .icres, principally composed of new land, on which he built a house and made other neoes-ary improvements. In about three years, he was obliged to part with twenty-five acres, and mortgage the icma'nried, tcgeiher with his house. On this occasion, September 22, 1786, he called James in from his work, advised him of the state of his affairs, and proposed to him that he might go aud do the best fir himself he could. m KILBOURNE. Gekehaliow VI. Aficr a sleepless and tearful night, he detci mined to accept the offer, thinking that by so daing he might be better able to assist his parents than by lcmaining wilh them. Accordingly, en that day, (September 23d,) with a heavy heart lis bade farewell to his parental heme, and the dear ones which it. contained, with no specific place of destination in view, and without friends in the great world before him, except such as he might make as he progressed. Not yet six teen years of age, paorly clad for summer, and with no winter clothing — without coat or thocs, and so illiterate ihit he could scarcely write his name — wish a sad but resolute spirit, he had assumed self-direction. Duiing that day he walked about thirty miles, but, notwithstanding his many inquiries, did not succeed in obtaining employment ; its wearisome hours, how ever, were not unprofilably spent. In the course of his walk he found time to reflect on his condition, and form his plans for the future. He saw that two things were essential lo his suc cess in life, viz., education, and industry and integrity in every trust — and his resolutions then formed were never subsequent ly overlooked or forgotten by him. On ihe day following, he let himself to a farmer* for the procurement of the ne cessary clothing for the approaching winter, and soon after apprenticed himselt lo a Clolheir. Seven months of each year, for four year.?, he devoted faithfully to his master, with no oth er compensation than his board and instruction in ihe art and mysteries of his trade ; the remaining five months (during the summer and aulumn) he hired himself to farmers to procure the means of defraying his other expenses. With an industry and perseverence seldom surpassed, he labored in the shop or on the farm during the day, and spent at least half of every night in study and writing. During the first three summers of his apprenticeship he was princi pally employed as a farmer's boy by Mr. Griswold, (father of * Mr. Eli Younjr, of Granby, Conn., in whose employ he remained one month, at the end of which period he presented him with ten shillings in addition to his stipulated wages. In the words of Milton, this was " Sweet in itself, but much more sweet so gives." Generation VI. J KILBOURNE. |flg the celebrated Bishop Griswold of the Episcopal Church.) The future Bishop, being then at home and having the man agement of the farm, observed the studious and industrious habits of the young apprentice, and became his most efficient and cordial friend — encouraging him by words of kindness and hope, and aiding him in the prosecution of his studies. So energetic and faithful were his labors on the farm, that at the end of the first five months he was presented by Mr. Gris wold with ten shillings per month more than was agreed upon, accompanied with the remark that he " had performed much more work than he supposed a lad of his age could do." With Mr. Griswold, the younger, James acquired a knowl edge of the grammatical construction of the English, Latin and Greek languages, and of all the branches of Mathematics which he thought he could render useful to himself or others ; though, in the mean time, Mr. G. had been settled in the min istry in Litchfield county, having been assigned the charge of the Episcopal Churches in Plymouth, Northfield and Har- winton. During this gentleman's residence in Plymouth, his young pupil spent a few weeks at a time with him, (at several different periods,) in pursuing his favorite studies. Thus matters continued until about the commencement of the fourth year of his apprenticeship and near the close of his 19th year, when circumstances occurred which induced his master to relinguish all claims to his farther services, pro vided he would take the entire charge of the establishment, and thereby release him from labor and care. The proposal was accepted ; and, having by this time acquired the requisite means by his summer earnings, and being extensively known as an ingenious and faithful workman, he immediately added new machinery to the works and otherwise enlarged his business operations. Being established in business thus early in life, he resolved upon taking still another step toward a per. manent settlement. Accordingly, on the 8th of November, 1789, he was married in St. Andrew's Church, Simsbury, to Miss Lucy Fitch, daughter of the celebrated John Fitch. Esa- 70] KILBOURNE. (Generation Vf. of Philadelphia, the inventor and builder of the first steamboat in the world. His labors were now, if possible, even more incessant than before, and his success exceeded his most sanguine expecta tions. During the first seven months he cleared for himself about $800, and in the following summer erected a new estab lishment near the line between Granby and Suffield. About this time he was so foitunate as to obtain from an absconded English dyer a knowledge of all the permanent dyes made in England. No other person in this country possessing at that time a knowledge of the same art, his business extended more rapidly than ever, and his aggregate profits were correspond ingly increased. In the course of the succeeding season, he purchased the ground and water-power and erected clothiers' works on the spot where the village of Avon now stands. He superintended these several establishments in person, riding and laboring so constantly that he frequently saw the sun rise and set twice, and on one occasion three times, without any other rest than such as he could obtain while partaking of his ordinary meals. His constitution was such that he felt no sub- subsequent inconvenience from these protracted labors, and absence of rest ; but by constantly inhaling the poisonous fumes from the dyes, his lungs were injuriously affected, and his whole system was ultimately prostrated thereby. In the summer of 1793, being then in his 23rd year, he was so far re duced by diseases thus contracted that a council of physicians pronounced him in a confirmed consumption. In the " tember following, however, a change took place ; the affe of the lungs was measurably removed, but he was seized - a most painful disease in the back and hips, by which he v, closely confined for eight moaths, and was unable to mo\ about, except by the aid of crutches, for the subsequent eight een months. Finding that he could not follow his trade he Disposed of his works, together with the knowledge which he had acquired in the art of dyeing, and turn,^ v ^kwkiiatiox VI.] KILBOURNE. ryj the mercantile business in Granby, in which he was eminently successful, and in a short time became what was termed a " wealthy man."- In addition to mills, stores, &c, he was now the owner of five farms, including the one which his father had lost by the revoluiion, and that from which he had him self departed in indigence and tears at the age of sixteen. Meantime he had made ample provisions for his parents and the younger members of^their family, by placing them in cir- stances of pecuniary ease and competence. During this period, he was also actively employed in promo* ting various objects of public utility. He originated and suc- jessfully carried through the great Turnpike Road from Hart ford via. Granby, Blandford and Pittsfield to Albany — formed a flourishing literary society among the young people of the town in which he resided — commenced a public library in the same town, which soon numbered .600 volumes-*-was agent for building the Episcopal Church — and was frequently invi ted to deliver addresses on public occasions, before literary associations, &c. Having by this time secured the means of ease and comfort sufficient to satisfy a chastened ambition, and having arranged his business and possessions accordingly, Mr. Kilbourne con cluded to relax somewhat from that constant and ardent exer tion of body and mind which had effected these results. — Amidst his herculean labors, he had found time to prosecute with vigor his researches after truth and useful information, and it is here worthy of remark that theology and ecclesiastical history had claimed no small share of his attention. His par ents were members of the Congregational Church, but he had himself in early life united with the Episcopalians, and was ardently attached to their doctrines and forms. During this season of relaxation he was often called upon to officiate as lay-reader in the church, and was urged by his friends lo take orders. After much hesitancy and prayerful self-exam ination, he at length yielded to their solicitations, and was ordained at Middletown, by the kte Rev. Abraham Jarvii, >'*\ KILBOURNE. __J^ DTrlTthe^Bishop of Connecticut. He officiated in several vacant parishes, and was invited to settle in three or four. He, however, declined the invitations thus tendered to him, having formed a project of Western emigration, with the in tention of accomplishing it within a reasonable time. With this view he had already made two tours of exploration through Western and North Western New York, passing across the principal branches of the Scoharnakrll, Delaware and Susque hanna, and along the Mohawk to Phelps and Gorham's pur chase — thence returning along and near Lake Ontario, to Black River, Wood Creek, &c, to Albany. He was subsequently, however, advised by his father-in-law, Mr. Fitch, to turn his thoughts to Ohio. Accordingly, about the commencement of the year 1800, he began to dis close his views of forming a company for the purpose of set tling in the " far West; " It took about one year for him to persuade his friends that he was in earnest — and another, that he was not insane. Ohio was&hen regarded as on the ut most verge of the West ; and tSaey thought him too pleasantly situated to make so great sacrifices as were involved in such an enterprise. Late in the winter of 1801-2, he succeed ed in obtaining seven associates, who desired him to explore the country, and, if he thought expedient, to purchase land enough for forty families — they agreeing to admit that number of members into their company, should acceptable persons of fer. Accordingly, in the Spring of 1 802, Mr. Kilbourne start ed on his first expedition to Ohio. He traveled 300 miles by stage to Shippensburg, Penn., ten miles east of the foot of the Alleghany mountains, at which place the stage route terminated. From thence, carrying a heavy pack, he walked over the mountains to Pittsburgh, 150 miles ; and .ft am thence continued to travel on foot more than 1000 milea through the eastern part of the Territory, when, finding his old disease in the back and hips returning, he stopped a few days to recruit, and pursued the remainder of his journey on horseback. After a careful survey of the country, be fiaced Jeneeatioi* VI-1 KILBOURN E. [73 ipon a desirable location, and relumed in the following au tumn. Having completed the association of 40 members, known as the " Sciota Company," he closed the contract for a township of 16,000 acres, which he had previously selected. On the 7th ot April, 1803, he again started for the West, on horseback — followed by a mill-wright, a blacksmith, andn ine other laborers, and a family in two wagons. At Pittsburgh he purchased mill-stones, mill-irons, bar-iron, nail-rods, cast ings, &c, which were sent in a Kentucky boat down the Ohio to the mouth of the Sciota, and were thence taken in a keel- boat to the new purchase — no»v Worthington, near the city of Columbus. Mr. K. arrived at the point of destination some weeks in advance of the others, and May 5th, 1803, he cut the first tree en the purchase. Towards the latter part of the same month, the wagons having reached the end of the road, 50 miles from the place of location, two of the men were sent for ward to him, by an Indian trail, and he immediately returned with them. Cutting a wagon path through the woods, in a few days the laborers and family, together with their property, were conducted safely to his camp ; at the first view of which, the little company sent up their united voices in hearty and long continued congratulations. They at once proceeded to clear a large field of rich bottom land, and put in seed for potatoes, corn, turnips, &c. They also erected a blacksmith's shop, a building for a school and place of public worship, and twelve cabins, commenced a mill dam across the east branch of the Sciota river, and laid out the town. By this time mid-summer had arrived, and Mr. Kil- bourne returned to Connecticut, and conducted his own and ten other families on to the purchase. The entire colony, in cluding those who had removed the preceding Spring, now numbered one hundred persons, and so continued, without ad dition or diminution, until the 4th of July, 1804, when they all united in celebrating the anniversary of American inde pendence in appropriate style* — an oration being delivered by T\] KILBOURNE. [Generation Vf. Mr. K., and the falling of seventeen immense forest trees con stituting tlie national salute ! Nearly all the adult members of the colony united with the Episcopal Society, and were constituted a cliurch under the name of St. John's parish, of which the subject of this notice was appointed Rector. Ever active and efficient, he visited the neighboring settlements and other parts of the State, preaching, and organizing societies, many of which became and remain permanent churches. He was once invited to preach, on a special occasion, in the Hall of the House of Rep resentatives, both branches of the Legislature having adjourn ed for the purpose, and all the members being present. At this time he had never thought of leaving the clerical office. But, subsequently, his fellow citizens began to urge upon him the importance and necessity of his taking the lead in their civil affairs. Many and arduous duties had already devolved upon him, aside from those which legitimately belong to the profession which he had chosen. Besides superintending the affairs of the colony, he had personally made a complete sur vey of the township and divided to each of the forty proprie tors their Rights. His parish and colony were rapidly in creasing in numbers, his clerical duties were consequently becoming more pressing, while at the same time his calls for the transaction of public business of a secular nature were cor respondingly increased. A diocese having been formed, and a Bishop elected, mainly through his instrumentality, he at length determined to yield to the repeated solicitations of his friends. He accordingly resigned his rectorship, and devoted himself to other public duties and his own private occupations. Upon the organization of the State Government of Ohio, he was appointed a civil magistrate, and Captain of all the military on the North Western frontier. The Indian Line (as per Greenville Treaty) was but 28 miles from their settlement, and it required great vigilance and decision to manage the wily savages by whom they were literally surrounded. In addition to mills, stores, &c., which he erected and carried on for the Oehebatiom VI.] KILBOURNE. [75 benefit and convenience of the white settlements, he opened an Indian trading house, by means of which he succeeded in con ciliating the favor of the red men, and in a great measure checking their depredations. In the Spring of 1805, he explored thoroughly the South shore of Lake Erie, from its most southerly bend to (he Mau- mee rapids, (then an Indian territory,) and selected the pres ent site of Sandusky City for the north-western commercial metropolis, which it has since become. About the same time, \ unasked for and unexpected, he received, by act of Congress, from the Hon. Albert Gallatin, then Secretary of the National Treasury, the appointment of United States' Surveyor of an immense tract of Public Lands, and executed the duties of the office for nine years — and, still holding the Commission, com pleted the survey by deputies of his own appointment. In 1806, he was appointed by the Legislature in joint ballot, one of the first Trustees of Ohio College, at Athens, (the Gov ernor being President, ex officio,) and continued to hold the office for several years, but at length resigned in consequenee of the pressure of other duties, and the distance of the institu tion from his place of residence. This College was endowed by Congress with two townships of land, consisting of 46,080 acres. In 1808, he was elected by the Legislature one of three Commissioners to locate the seal, of Miami University — his col leagues being the Hon. Alexander Campbell, late Senator in Congress, and Dr. Wilson, President of the College at Athens. About this time he was elected Major of the Frontier Regi ment ; was soon after chosen Lieutenant-Colonel, and subse quently Colonel. The last office he declined, and resigned his former commission. On the organization of Worthington College, with a Uuiver- sity charter, in 1812, he was elected President of the Corpo ration, and has been re-elected once in three years to the pres ent time. During the same year, he was appointed by the President of the United States, pursuant to an act of Congress, 76] KILBOURNE. [Generation VI. a Commissioner to settle the boundary between the Public Lands and the great Virginia Reservation. This duty was performed under circumstances of much peril. It, was soon after the declaration of war; mueh of the line lay through the Indian countty, and many of the Indians were hostile. For two nights he encamped on the site of an Indian town, which our troops had captured and burnt only a day or two before, the smouldering ruins still burning. A few days after completing this service, (which Congress subsequently ratified,) Col. Kilb.iurne was elected a Repre sentative to the Congress of the United States, and served with close attention through the two regular sessions and two extra sessions of the 13th Congress. His competitor at this elec tion was Judge Slater, President of the Central Circuit. On returning home at the close of the second session, he learned that he had been unanimously re-elected Colonel, and his commission had been left at his house. At the urgent solici tation of the officers of the Regiment, he at length accepted the appointment. In the fall of 1814, he was again placed in nomination for Congress, his opponent being Gen. Philemon Beecher, who - had previously been Speaker of the House. Col. K. was re elected by a vote of more than two to one. At the end of the 14th Congress, he declined are-nomination, and Gen. Beecher was elected. In 1823-4, he was a member of the Ohio Legislature, in which body he served on fourteen committees, one of which was the committee for the revision of all the laws of a general nature in the State ; and as an individual member of that com mittee, he formed the Glossory of the new revised code, de fining all the Latin, Greek, and obsolete English words and technicalities, contained therein. Soon after this, he was ap pointed by the Governor of Ohio to select the lands granted by Congress towards the Ohio Canal. In 1838-9, he was again a member of the General Assembly, and commenced and persevered, as far as practicable, in a sys- Gehziation VI.] KILBOURNE. [7/ tern of reform, by condencing all local legislation, corporation e &c, into a few separate acts and as short forms as possible, thereby simplifying the laws as well as rendering them con venient for reading1 and reference — besides making a great saving of time, paper, printing, writing, &c. Going a little farther back from the order of dates hitherto observed, we are confident we shall be excused by the kins men and friends of Col.^Kilbourne for referring here to one or two facts in his personal history, which, though of a less pub lic nature, are no less interesting and characteristic than those which we have already detailed. About the commencement of the last war with Great Britain, it being extensively known that he had a knowledge of manufacturing and some spare capital, he was requested by friends in New York, and urged by the President and his Cabinet and members of Congress, to embark in the manufacture of woolen goods for clothing the Army and Navy. He well remembered the total ruin of all who were engaged in similar enterprizes during the war of the Revolution ; still the promises were now so fair, and the non-protectionists admitting their errors and agreeing to change their policy, he was induced to join a company for that pur pose — in which he invested ten thousand dollars, and incurred liabilities to the amount of fifty-seven thousand more. He prosecuted his new enterprise with his accustomed energy, and during the continuance of the war'accomplished much. — Peace came in 1815, but with it no protection of woolens. He sustained the whole establishment, amidst immense losses, until 1820; when, all hope from Government failing, the factories at Worthington and Steubenville were crushed. He now found himself, at the age of fifty years, with a large fami ly, (most of whom were young and unprovided for,) deprived of the last farthing which he had accumulated, by enormous sacrifices and the rigorous coertion of creditors. Finding himself thus'totally destitute of means, except a good degree of physical strength and a spirit not^easily conquered by un toward circumstances, he took up his surveying apparatus isy KILBOURNE. (Gikiratios ViF again, and went into the woods. For more than twenty years he was much of the time busily engaged in his calling — and we hazard nothing in saying that he has surveyed more town ships, highways, turnpikes, railroads, and boundary lines, than any three other men in the State. By the practice of his wonted industry and enterprise, in a short time he again ac quired a good degree of independence — and was enabled to educate his family in business, science, and literature. He was the presiding officer at the great State Convention holden at Columbus on the 4th of July, 1839, for laying the corner stone of the Capitol of Ohio; also, at the immense Whig Convention on the 22d of February, 1840. It may be added, farther, that he has been called to preside in more than half of all the conventions, meetings, &c, which be has at tended for fifty years past. Since he arrived at the age of " three score and ten," (in 1840,) Col. K. has declined all public office, except that of Assessor of Real and Personal Estate for the County of Franklin— the daties of which station he performed until 1845, when he resigned. But, though retired from public life, he still feels a lively interest in public affairs ; and during the last six years he has delivered more than one hundred addresses on State and National policy. Lucy, his wife, having died not long after his removal to Ohio, he was married in Worthington, in 1808, to Cynthia Goodale. His children are— -Hector, Lucy, Harriet, Laura, Orrel, Byron, Orrel 2d, Eliza, Cynthia, Lincoln, Charlotte, and James. Azuba, born in 1774 ; died of "camp distemper," in 1778. Deborah, died in infancy. AMASA, born in New Britain in 1780 ; emigrated to Ver mont when 2i years of age, and there engaged in boating and the lumber trade on the Connecticut river, in whiph he was successful. Thence he went to Lower Canada, and engaged in the same business on the river St. Francis, and died there of the spotted fever in 1805. He was unmarried. GfMMtATSOH VI,] KILBOURN. [79 24. JOSHUA. Mshbtable, b. April 23d, 1764; married Josiah Dewey of Berlin. Their children were Daniel, Josiah, Franklin, Asa- hel, Seth, Esther, Mehetable, Rebua, and Mary. Elizabeth, b. April 24, 1765 ; married Reuben Hart, of Farmington, end soon after removed to Whitestown, N. Y. Their children — Alpheus, Ansel, Chauncey, Dorathy, Aman da, Pluma, and Eliza. 36. GEORGE, b. at Berlin in 1769 : at twenty-six years of age, he was married to Miss Almira Wilcox, daughter of James Wilcox, of Simsbury. After residing in Farmington and Goshen for about ten years, in the fall of 180!, he joined. an emigrating company which had been formed in the latter place, with a view of settling in the Far West. In their route they crossed the Alleghany mountains, and after a tedious journey of eight weeks, the emigrants with their families ar rived safe at their place of destination, Hudson, Summit Co., Ohio. Mr. K. is still a resident cf Hudson. His children are, Asahel, George, Timothy, Justin, Sophia and Eliza. 37. WILLIAM, b. Jan. S2d, 1772 ; resided at Farmington ; married late in life, and had a family, but I have not learned their names. He died in Avon a few years since. JOSHUA, b. in *775 ; he resided in Farmington, and died a bachelor. 26. ELISHA, 38. ELISHA, b. in Wethersfield, and at an early age ac- companied his father to Sandisfield, Mass. He resided for several years in Tyrringham, but subsequently removed to Colebrook, Conn., where he died. His children were, Elisha, Roswell, Jason C, Jonathan S., Barney, Sally, and Betsey. Huldah, married John Brown, of Sandisfield, afterwards of Pittsfield ; her second husband was Jared Ingersoll, Esq., of Pittsfield. She died in 1838, aged 83. 8l HEZEKIAH, born at Wethersfield in 1756, and was killed at Sandisfield, Mass., while attempting to raise the gate of hi« grist-mill, by falling over the dam and breaking his skull, 80] KILEOURN. [Gkimatioh VI. in 1809. His children were, Prudence, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Abigail. 40. CHARLES, born in Sandisfield in 1757— entered the Revolutionary Army at the commencement of the war, and continued in it until its close. He married Susannah Fosdick of Wethersfield. He died at Hounsfield, Jefferson Co., N. Y. in 1830, aged 73. He had but cae son, Ashur. Sarah, b. in Sandisfield February 26, 1758, was married to John Hastings Allen, of Sandisfield, Dec. 1785. Her children are, John-Hastings, Emily, Eunice, and Sarah — the last of whom is the wife of the Hon. George Hull, late Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts. Mrs.. Allen is now [1847] living-, in the 90th year of her age. 41. JONATHAN, b. in Sandisfield in 1760; married Sarah daughter of Deac. David Granger, of Suffield, Conn. For many years- he successfully carried on the tanning and curry ing business at the stand of his father, and died in his native town, possessed of great wealth, in January, 1829. I find his name in the list of Honorary Members of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. His wife died in Oc tober, 1S32, aged 80. ASHUR, born in Sandisfield, in 1762 — died in early man hood, leaving no descendants. 42. ROBBINS, [twin with the preceding,] married Huldah Wright of Sandisfield ; removed to Litchfield, N. Y. , and after wards to Frankfort, in the same State. His children were, Robbins, Ashur, Lucy, and Huldah. Hopeful, married Stephen Morse, of Sandisfield. 43. ROBERT, b. in Sandisfield in 1766 ; married_Sarah Hubbard ; his children are, Clarissa, Levi, Russell, Joel, Mark and Sarah Ann. He is still living in Great Barrington. Elizabeth, married a Mr. Remington, of Suffield. 44. ALLEN, b. in Sandisfield in 1766 ; settled in Cham pion, N. Y., where he was married to Rhoda, daughier of John Canfield. His children were, Jared, Allen, Nancy, Sarah, ./.¦usiiii-Grantrer, and others. He died in the autumn of 1811. Gimeatioh VI.] KILBOURN. [SI 29. LIEUT. BENJAMIN. Ruth, b. October 17, 1752; married Jonah Stone, of Litchfield. 45.. Capt. LEWIS, b. in Litchfield, May 22/1755 ; was married to Anne, daughter of Lieut. Amos Parmelee, Jan. 3C> 1782, by Rev. James Nichols. He was an ardent whig in the revolution ; was a Grand Juror in 1793, and was commis sioned as Captain of the 1st Company of the 17th Regim mt, Jth Brigade, Conn. Militia, in 1797. Died in 1805. His hildren were, Charles, Dothy, Norman and BeBJamin. 46. Col. CHARLES, b. in Litchfield, Mar. 3, 1758. In the early part of the war of the revolution he was drafted into the tserviee of the Americans — 'much against his own predilections. He, however, served through one campaign, and was engaged in several skirmishes with the British. In common with his (ather and most of his brothers, be was from the first a zealous and sincere loyalist in principle. When, therefore, he learned that he must run his chance a being drafted a second time, he resolved by some means to place himself beyond the reach of such a contingency. Ii so happened, that about this lime a loyal neighbor of his, Daniel Griswold, who had been a 6oldier in the British army, returned to his native town, bear- a Captain's commission, and forthwith commenced the work cf his mission, viz., enlisting soldiers into the king's service. Charles Kilborn was among the first to enroll his name, Apr. 26, 1777. Dr. Reuben Smith, in a letter* to Gov. Wolcott, dated at Litchfield, May 12th, 1777, (in alluding to Griswold an d his soldiers,) says, " The Wednesday following, April 30, they were taken, (except Benjamin Doolittle and Charles Kil born, who it is said were killed in attempting to escape,) and were carried to Derby, where they we tried by a court martial, andLGriswoId was sentenced to be hanged ; which sentence was executed the Monday following, at New Haven. The rest were pardemed, upon their enlisting into the Continental Army during the war." The supposition that Kilborn wa3 killed, was a mistake. He was successful in his " attempt to escape," 4 'v'e Woodruffs History »f Litchfield. "" Q'-' A" 82] KILKOURN. [G;.:v2?a7:on VI. and, after a series of vicissitudss and adventures, he succeeded in finding his way to Canada on foot — much of his route lying through an uninhabited csuntry. He stopped at St. John's, then a considerable military post, where he engaged himself as a clerk to an eminent merchant named White — he being then in the 19th year of his age. He soon after became a partner with Mr. White j and, though extensively engaged in merchandizing, he was soon also an active participant in the Military movements consequent upon the war. Before peace was concluded, he had attained the rank of Captain in the British service. In February 1 784, he was married to Miss Margaret Young, a member of a loyal family who had emigra ted to Canada from the State ®f New York. He subsequent ly removed to Caldwell's Manor, on Lake Champlain, where for nearly seventeen years he was extensively engaged as an agriculturalist and merchant; During his residence here, he was for a long time the highest civil and military officer in the place. Removing thence, he resided for two years in Al- burg. In 1804 he settled in Stanstead, on an island formed by a considerable river, about six miles south of Lake Mem- phremagog. On this stream he built mills of various kinds, and the settlement and the country around took the name of " Kilborn," and is so put down on the English and American maps of that period. The stream also was called " Kilborn River." This property, with the exception of about 400 acres of land owned by his son, Col. Alexander Kilborn, has passed out of the family; and consequently the name of the place has been changed. At the commeacement of the last war between the U. S. and Great Britain, Mr. K. held the rank of Major is the king's service, and was appointed to the command of a zsxps of pro vincial troops, well known as the " Frontier Lignt Infantry," which were continued in active service under his command, until the close of the war. He was present at the Battle of Pittsburgh, where he wan eminently distinguished for his skill and braveiy. He was subsequently taken prison.es in an Generation VI.] KILBOURN. [83 engagement near his head-quarters at La Cole, and conveyed to Greenbush, N. Y., where he was kept for several weeks, until exchanged/ About this time a large number of American prisioners were placed in his charge at La Cole, several of whom were from Connecticut, and two of them from his na tive town. They were afterwards accustomed to speak in the highest terms of his humanity and liberality — they having previously been subjected to the harshest treatment. He gave thtm an abundance of wholesome food and fresh air, and even permitted them to walk in the environs of their place of con finement. And it is worthy of special record, as exhibiting " the high sense of honor which prevailed among the American soldiers, that not one of them betrayed the confidence thus generously reposed in them ; although at a subsequent period, when in charge of a rigid and merciless officer, several of them effected their escape. At the close of the war, he retired to his homestead at ** Kilborn," with the rank of Lieut. Colonel— where he designed to spend the remainder ol his days in the quiet of domestic enjoyment. But the public presented claims to his services which he could not well decline. His commis sion as a civil magistrate, which he had held previous to th« war, was renewed by the'Governor-General, and its accep tance was strenuously urged upon him by the people. He accepted it — and was afterwards appointed a Judge of the District ef St. Francis. Col. Kilborn died June 19th, 1834, aged 76 ; Margaret, his wife, died August 21, 1841, aged 73. Their children were, Lucy, Betsey, Benjamin, Alexander, Sally, Joseph, Mary, Nancy, Matilda, and Lydia. Nancy, born Dec 13, 1760 ; married Bradley Catlin. Hannah, born Feb 1762 ; married John Bissell. 47. BENJAMIN, born in Litchfield, January 27, 1765 ; re moved to Canada with his father, where he was married and bad two daughters. He hung himself in 1790, 48; DAVID, born in Litchfield, February 1767 ; removed ot Canada, and settled on the St. Lawrence a few miles below £-4] K'lLSOUKN. [Generation m. Brockvill?. The following Report from a Committee in Con gress, upon his petition for remuneration for services and sec- riCceg during the last war with Great Britain, contains many interesting facts in his personal history which are well worthy of preservation : F~3. 22, 1830. — "Mr. Dayton, from Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the case of David Kilbourn, made the following Report : That the petitioner sets forth that lie is a np.tive citizen of the United States, within which he re mained until after the termination of the revolutionary war, when he removed into Upper Canada ; that although residing in that Province, his att-chment to his country was undimin ished, and he was phvcyp desirous of promoting its interests ; that in the year 1813. ; t the solicitation and by authority of General Wilkinson, ihen commanding officer of the American Army upon the northern frontier, he engaged to examine, se cretly, the British'posts in Canada,' to procure accurate infor mation of their numbers and position, and to communicate the result to the American commander; that he executed this commission to the eutiie satisfaction of General Wilkinson, by whose agent he was promised ample compensation for his ser vices and indemnity against any loss which he might suffer for having undertaken them ; that the enemy, havingbeen inform ed of the petitioner's employment and acts, apprehended him, confined him in prison, treated him harshly, and proposed put^ ting him to death, when he made his escape ; that he was again arrested, again subjected to similar treatment, and again threatened with death, which would inevitably have been his portion, had he not a second time effected his escape ; that af ter his escape, he repaired to General Wilkinson's camp at the French Mills, who renewed to him his former promises, fur nished him with money to defray his expenses to" Sackett's- Harbour, and recommended him to the Quartermaster at that port, who employed the petitioner in his office ; that from ill health he was compelled to relinquish this situation, since when, he has resided in the State of New York, where he is Gmmatiom VI] KILBOURNE. £8S now living under the complicated burthens of old age, infirmi- ty, and indigence, and that since the compulsory abandon ment of Canada, his property there, which he valued at $10,000, had been confiscated, and its proceeds paid into the provincial treasury. Under these circumstances, he prays that he may be compensated for his services, and indemnified for the loss of his property. " That such services as were performed by the petitioner would, if discovered, expose him to the penalty of death, no other testimony is requisite to establish, than the universal and well known practice of nations in similar oases ; thathe did per form these services faithfully, and that they were highly use ful and important, is proved most fully and satisfactorily ; and that justice and policy would dictate thathe should be liberally remunerated for them is unquestionable. It must be recol lected that the petitioner was not a traitor to his country when he penetrated into the British encampment, but an American citizen. Had he been a traitor, whatever odium might have been attached to his conduct, our Government would have been bound to reward his treason. The Committee feel no hesitation in awarding to h'.m what they consider to be a com- sensation for his services and the personal perils to which they exposed him, and for that purpose they report a bill. They entertain as little doubt as to the justice and policy of indem nifying the petitioner for any pioperty which he lost by the execution of his dangerous commission ; but as the. testimony submitted to them is defective, both as the value of the proper ty which he alledges to have been confiscated, they recom mend that no farther allowance be made to him, until he produces stronger evidence to substantiate these facts than the committee have been- furnished with." — [Vol. 2, Doc. 189, Reports of Congressional Committees. David Kilbourn married a Miss White, and had a family ; he is, I believe, still living near Scriba P. O., Oswego Co. N.Y. 49. SAMUEL, b.-in Litchfield Feb. 29, 1769 ; married Abby, daughter of Asahcl Griswold, of Mill on, Ct. He settled 86j KILBOURN. [QiBt8ATKffl VI at Kitley, County of Leeds, Upper Canada, where he is still living. 50. Capt. JOSEPH, b. in Litchfield Feb. 15, 1771 ; left his native town in 1785, and became a clerk of his brother Charles, in Canada. He studied the art of surveying, and was appointed Deputy Surveyor of the Province on the 6th of June, 1792, and as such assisted in surveying nearly all the eastern townships of Lower Canada. On the 17th Feb. 1805, he was married in Ascott, Lower Canada, to Phebe Adams, daughter of Eliphalet Adams, of Hartford, Conn.; and dur ing the same year he received a Lieutenant's commission in the army from the hands of the Governor-General, Sir Robert Shore Milnes. At the commencement of the last war between the United States and Great Britain, he was transferred to the Engineer Department, having received the appointment of Military Surveyor and Draftsman, with the rank and pay of Captain in the regular army; He continued to perform the duties of this station until a short time previous to his death, which took place at the head-quarters of the army, at Kingston, Nov. 15, 1814, in the 43d year of his age. In the year 1810, he committed the care of his landed pro perty (about thirteen hundred acres) to an intimate friend, to whom, in his last sickness, he wrote respecting the distribution of the property to his family. His family, however, never came in possession of said estate ; the presumed friend having, it is said, appropriated it to his own use. The children of Capt. K. were, William-Vincent, Joseph- Henry, Caroline-Cordelia, and Clarissa-Maria. Lucr, married John White. 51. WILLIAM, b. in Litchfield, March 6, 1778 ; settled in Kingston, thence removed to Stanstead, where he remained a few years, and then returned to Kingston. In 1814 he was taken as a spy at Burlington, Vt., and was sentenced to be hanged, but escaped on the night previous to the day appoint ed for his execution. He is said to be still living, and has a large family. Giwmutioh VI,] KILBOURN. [87 Pollv, married Maj. Reuben Sherwood, of Elizabethtown, U. C. 30. SOLOMON. Rachel, b. 1757 ; married James Griswold, of Litchfield. Hannah, married Benjamin Doolittle, of Litchfield. 52. JEREMIAH, born in Litchfield April 8, 1762; marri ed Anne Bishop, April 28, 1785 ; his children were, Lucretia, Noah, Freeman, Putnam, Anne, Almira, Nancy, and Louisa. Died in Litchfield. 53. SOLOMON, born in Litchfield, Dec. 17, 1764; mar ried Nabby Gross, of L., who died young. Removed to Ohio in early life, but left there many years ago. Children — Ben jamin, Solomon, Catharine, and others. He is still living near Whitehall, N. Y. Anna, b. July 12, 1767; married Gideon Stoddard, of Litch field ; her children were, Whitman, Jesse, Sally, Solomon, Abigail, Leonard, William, Henry, and Mary Ann. D. 1844; Olive, married Thomas Goodwin, of Litchfield. 54. WHITMAN, born in Litchfield, April 12, 1772; was married to Thala Osborn, daughter of Capt. John Osborn, April 7th, 1800, by Rev. Judah Champion. Children — Myron, Ethan, Lewis, Eliada, Amanda and James. Died June 18, 1843. SrBBEL-, died in early childhood, from falling into the fire. 31. JONATHAN. 55. JAMES, b. in Williamstown, Mass., August 25, 1764; was a soldier efthe Revolution, had a wrist broken in the ser vice, and is now a pensioner. He is now living in Williams- town, Orange county, Vt. ; has no children. Uhi and Caleb died young. 56. ZACHEUS, dead— left a family. 57. JOSEPH, 32. JOSEPH. Susannah, b. July 4, 1766. Elizabeth b. June 4, 1770. 58. TIMOTHY, born in Litchfield, June 11, 1768— now lives in Westminster, London District, U. C. 88] KILBOURN. [Gbnebatiow VI. 59, AARON, born in Litchfield, Jan. 30, 1773— now lives in London District, Upper Canada. 3^3 LEMUEL. 60. LEMUEL-JUDSON, born in Litchfield. April 3, 1763. He resided for several years in Granby, and subsequently in New York and Pennsylvania. He was a man of philosophical turn of mind, and possessed much mechanical ingenuity. In the list of inventions patented, recently published under the direction of the Commissioner of Patents, are the following : " For distilling Alcohol, Lemuel J. Kilborn and John Beddis, Pennsylvania, June 4, 1803 ; Striking part of Clocks, Lemuel J. Kilborn, Penn., October 4, 1809 ; Castings for Clocks. Lemuel J. Kilborn, Penn., October 13, 1809," &c. 61. PHILO, born in Litchfield, 1769 ; settled in Granby- 34. JEHIEL. 62. OZIAS, born in Litchfield ; married Elizabeth Page of Warren ; died in Pennsylvania in 1841, leaving a large family. Urania, married David Stockwell, of Hartwick, N. Y. Rhoda, married Elisha Marsh, of Litchfield: Dianthe, married William Griswold, and removed to Gen- nessee county, N. Y. Heman, died in infancy. Huldah, married Daniel Fairchild, Hartwick, N. Y, Sally, married Simeon Griswold, ot Meredith, N. Y. Heman 2d, died at the age of fourteen years. Lois, married Capt. Samuel Buel, of Litchfield ; died early. 35. ROSWELL. 63. ROSWELL, born in Litchfield, April 7, 1763. 64: JOHN, born May 19, 1775. JOSEPH, born February 15, 1777— died in infancy. 37. JAMES. 65. JAMES, born in Litchfield, May 24, 1774; married Anna Remington, of Vermont; died in Brockville, Canada, March 1807. Children— Phebe, James and Zadock, who were, when last heard from, in the town of Gallatin, Cophia county, Mississippi. Geveratio* VI J K I L B O U R N. [69 66. ABEL, born in Litchfield, Sept. 4, 1776 ; married Mary Smith ; his childien are, George, Remington, Hiram, Wilson, Phebe, Lucy and Harriet ; resides in Leeds, Canada, 67. ELI, born in Castleton, Vt., April 15;h, 1781 ; married Olive Russell, in Johnstown, Canada, in 1801, and has chil dren, Lewis, Jamcs-Crampton, William-Russell, Sophia A., Candace, and Artemesia ; now resides in Crosby, Canada. 68. HIRAM, born in Castleton in 1784 ; married Sarah Billings, of Brockville, U. C, in 1809, and has children, Braddish, Hiram, Billings, James, Luther, Albert and ai- phonzo ; now lives in Elizabethtown, U. C. 38. GILES. 69. SAMUEL, born in Litchfield; was a soldier in the Continental Army, and was killed by the British near New York in 1781 ; was unmarried. Rhoda, married Phineas Hill, of Litchfield ; removed with her husband to Shelburne, Vt„ when that township was a wil derness. To reach their log cabin, (which her husband had built the preceding season,) she rode five miles through a pathless forest, on horseback, with a child in her arms and a bed bound on the horse behind her. She is still living, up wards of 90 years old. Her only son is Kilborn Hill, of Shel burne. Anne, married a Smith, of Vermont. Olive, settled in Burlington, Vt. ; has had three husbands, viz., Mr. Leason, Mr. Green, and Mr. Graves. Lauka, married Ezekiel Howard, (son of the Rev. Nathan Howard, of New London ;) removed to Vermont. 70. JOHN, born in Litchfield, March 1 6, 1766; married Lois Stoddard, April 26, 1790, and had children, Thirza, Harry, Mehala, and Mary. Died in 1835. Mart, married Elisha S. Munger, Oct. 29, 1783. Eiizaebth, married Calvin Bissell. 71. CHAUNCEY, born in Litchfield in 1770; settled in Charlotte, Vt. He was married to Hannah Kenyon, daughter of Payne Kenyon, of Moreau, Saratoga Co., N. Y., by the 90j KILBOURN Generation VI. J Rev. Lebbeus Armstrong, June 30, 1811. He returned to his native town in 1814, and died there on the 3d of June, 1819. His children were, John, Puyne-Kenyon, and Giles- Chauncey. Sabra, died unmarried. 39. JOHN. 72. JOHN, born probably in Goshen, Conn., and removed with his father to Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass. ; in 1790, he married Hannah, daughter of Dr. Maeck, [a German, who was one of (he first settlers of that place.] He had two chil dren, Frederick and Marsha — neither of whom married. He died at his residence in Williamstown, April 25, 1844, aged 83. 73. JACOB, b. in Adams ; removed to Herkimer Co., N. Y- 74. JAMES, do. do. 75. TRUMAN, do. do. 76. GILES, married a Miss Doane, of Plainfield, N. Y., where he settled and still lives. His children are, John Charles,* James, Frances, Giles and Judson. Mabel, married Solomon Smith, of Willi.-imstown. 40. ISAAC 77. ABRAHAM, born in Litchfield, Nov. 15, 1759; re moved to Vermont in early life, where he married Elizabeth Morranville ; his children were, Truman, Hiram, Amos, Burden, Alvenus, Alphonzo, David, and John-Morranville. He died at Poultney, Vt., in 1806. 78. IRA, born in 1764; married a Benedict, of Norfolk, and died young. He was a teacher of vocal music. 79. ANTHONY, removed to Canada. 80. ISAAC, married a Throop, of South Farms, and re moved to Canada many years since. 81. ASHUR, went to the West. 82. AARON, went to the West, and died at Hudson, Ohio.l 83. AMASA, married a Smith, of Befhlem, and died there. Rebecca, married JoseprTWesfover. MERcy, married Capt; Philander Westover; Hepsibah, married Stephen Scott, of Bethlem. Mehetible, married Joseph Westover, [2d wife.] * Graduated ai Hamilton Coll. 1833 ; now at Attorney at Vernon, N.Y. Gkhmatwji VI. | KILBOURN. [91 Eunice, married a Roberts, of Norfolk. Lois, lives in Watertown; unmarried. Huldah, married Charles W.lliaun, and Ruel Plant. [There are others of this family, most of whom died young.] 41. DAVID. 84. THERAL, bom Oct. 19, 1767; married Rebecca Waugh, and had three children, Eliza, Ezila, and a son who died in childhio 1 Retmved to Troy, N. Y., and died there. 85. ORANGE, born February 22, 1770; married Rhoda, d.iughter of Benjamin Stone ; his children are, Marilla, Julia Ann, [wife o/ Solon Bishop,] and Lyman, of Martha's Vineyard. 86. JAMES, born September 18, 1771 ; married Diantha, daughter of Nathaniel Smilh, 2 J, December 2, 1795 ¦ his chil dren were, Julia, Clarissa, Susan, James-Elisha, Orrin S., Julia Maria. Died at Stillwater, N. Y., May 20, 1809. 87. LEVI, born April 15, 1773 ; married Anne Bradley, November 27, 1794, and had children — Marina, Maria, and Mary Ann. He was a Grand Juror in 1798. Reuben, died young. 88. DAVID, married Sally, daughter of Col. Heber Stone, and had children, Heber, Harry, Lyman, and Betsey. Resi dence, Camden, Oneida county, N. Y. Betsey, m. McNiel, and removed to Stillwater, N. Y. 89. ELISHA, m. Susan Humphreyville, went south ; dead. 90. SAMUEL, born 1784 ; he left his native town in the spring of 1803, and, after traveling for some time, made a stop at Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., where he remained for about eleven years, and from thence removed to Ogden, in the county of Monroe, where he still resides. On the 10th df April, 18O8, he was married to Miss Maria. Patterson, daugh ter of General John Patterson of the latter place, a distin guished officer of the Revolution, formerly of Berkshire coun ty, Mass. From 18 15 to 1828, he was occasionally chosen *» Supervisor, besides holding other town offices ; in 1823 he was elected a Justice of the Peace, which office he held for six years. His children are, Lucian, David, Sophia, Nancy- S2] KILBOURN. [GmrrATics VI. Maria, George, Ruth, John-Patterson, Samuel and Diadema. 91. ERASTUS, married a-Whitmore ; children, Samuel, Orrin and Nancy. 42. JESSE. Lucretia, married Benjamin Johnson ; died March 20, 1823 92. JACOB, born September 10, 1767 : married Lucy Bradley. He was a Grand Juror in 1798, a Lieutenant of Cav alry in 1800, and was subsequently for many years First Con stable aud Collec.or of Litchfield : he is still living in the vil lage of Bantam Falls, Litchfield- His children are, Norman, Abigail, Truman and Sarah. Heman, died young. Elizabeth, m. capt. P. Westover. 92, HEMAN 2d, married sally Baldwin, and had two sons, William and Joseph ; he settled in Shendaken, Ulster county, N: V., and died there in 1827. 93. Hon. JESSE, born August 5, 1778 : m. Abigail Ward, and settled in Cazenovia, Madison county, N. Y., where he engaged in merchandizing. He early became distinguished as a politician, and was for a great number of years Post Master, Magistrate, Representative in the Legislature of New York, &c. ; had two daughters, Laura M., [wife of Rev. Nathaniel Porter,] and Julia, who died unmarried. Died May 14, 1842. 94. TRUMAN, born June 1, 1780 ; removed to Burlington, Otsego county, N. Y., where he married Deborah B- Cush man. While residing there he was for many years a Justice of the Peace, Supervisor, and Town Clerk. His children are, Sarah-Mattocks, Minerva, Truman-Cushman, Don Volckert, Delia-Harmony, and Horatio. Now resides at Lockport, in the county of Niagara. Sarah, born in 1784 ; died at the age of eight years. Mony, married Dr. Abel Hannahs; who lived and died at Columbia, Herkimer county, New York ; her children are« Kilborn, William, Maryette, Lucius, and Dianthe. She died April 17, 1834. Cskekation VII.] KILBOURN. [93 Diantha, married Henry Ward; resides in PenfieM, Mcn- loe county, N. Y. ; her children are Edwin, Calista, Dkstha, and Henry. Note. — The children cf David and Jesse Kilbourn, (who are notec" on the two preceding pages,) were all born in Litchfisla-., 94] KILBOURN. [Gknikation VII. @rlEKiS!li&&K©N TW* 3. JOHN. 1. JOHN, born in Walpole, in 1765 ; married Anna Ash ley of Shrewsbury) Vt, and settled there ; was Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk and Selectman- Had three sons — John, amuel, and Henry [M. D., of Covington, Pa.] 2. EZRA-CARPENTER; married Sarah Clark, of Say brook, Conn., and had one daughter. Now lives in Walpole. 3. ELIJAH, married Rebecca Jennison of Walpole, and had six sons — Josiah,* Gerry, John J., Frederick, Elijah C. and William J. 4. ebenezer. 4. EBENEZER, married Eunice White, and settled in Al stead, N. H., but afterwards removed to Barnston, Lower Can ada, with his family, and died there at the age of 51. He left three sons, viz., Josiah, Ebenezer and Otis, all of Barnston. 5. JEHIEL, married Zilpha Wright, of Keene, N. H., and settled in Barnston, wkere he is still living. 6. IDDOj married Abigail Sampson, of Ashburnham, Mass; resides in Hartford, Vt. ; his sons are, Francis and Merrill. 7. Rev. DAVID, born in Gilsum, N. H. ; married Lovice Perkins, of Barnard, Vt. He has been for thirty-eight years a preacher of the Gospel, seventeen of which he has been a Presiding Elder in the Methodist church ; he is now a resident of Barre, Mass. He has no children. 7. JOHN. 8. JOHN-HENRY, born April 8, 1797; married at Bris tol, Vt., to Rachel, daughter of Capt. Michael Dayfoot, of that place, July 12, 1822. He resided in Bristol until 1826, when he removed to the Province of Upper Canada, and there en- *. RfpressaMttive in the N. Hi ap. Legislature, fr. Lyttleton, 1843 & '44. Gemmation VII.] KILBOURN. [95 gaged in mercantile business. In 1842 he was elected a mem ber of the Municipal Council for the District of Niagara ; in the following year he received from the Executive Govern ment of Canada West the appointment of Justice of the Peace. In 1844 he removed to Conneaut, Ohio, where he now resides. 9. ROWLEY, born September 28, 1800 ; married at Clin ton, C. W., to Keziah, daughter of Samuel Corwin, January 19, 1825. He was commissioned as a Justice of the Peace in 1843 — and is now a Presiding Magistrate for Niagara Districts 10. HARMON, bom September 2, 1802 ; married Mary Corwim, and now lives on the homestead in Canada. 11. ADOLPHUS, born July 26, 1819 ; married Mary Ann Stevens, of London, C. W., and now lives in Conneaut, Ohio.. 12. CYRUS, born October 24, 18*22. 10. GUSTAVUS. 13. GUSTAVUS A., was a wholesale merchant in N„ York, house of Parmelee, Kilburn & Rogers. Died 1845. [There may be other sons in this family. One of the: daughters is the wife of the Hon. Greene C. Bronson, the pres ent Chief Justice of the State of New York. 14. JONATHAN. 14. JONATHAN, born January 28, 1768 ; married Eliza beth Farnham, April 21, 1791. He is now living at Clinton,, Conn-. His children are, Abner F., [Deac. Cong. Ch. in Clinton,] Leonard, Phinetta, Aaron, [of New Haven,] Jona than, [of Middletown,] Betsey, and Peter E. (There may be others of this family.) 15. DAVID. Lydia, born April 14, 1768 ; married Daniel Bulkley, t.f" now lives in Hartford. Her son, the Hon. Ichabod Bulkley, of Ashford, died a few years since, while President of the Sen ate of Connecticut. 15. DAVID, b. in Colchester, June 25, 1770; married Lydia Wells. He was the first Town Clerk and first Posf 96] KILBOURN. [Gekebation VII. Master of Marlborough, Conn. His children* were, Lydia, Celinda, Sarah, David- Wells, Mary- Ann, and Edward. Died at Pittsfield, Mass., July 23, 1844; Lydia, his wife, died at Keokuk, Iowa, July 3, 1845. 16. SAMUEL- ABEL, born July 7, 1772; married and set tled in Liberty, N. Y„ where he still lives ; has no children. Elizabeth, died in childhood. Dimmis, married Noah Wells ; now lives in Peekskill, N.Y. »7. JOHN, born August 85, 1779 ; married Lavinia Wil liams. Residence uiikjown. No children. 18. RALPH, born November 11, 1781; married and sef- ileu in Nantucket, where he was a merchant. He died some years since, leaving one son and two daughters. Elizabeth, m. Solomon Wells, and settled in Utica, N. Y. Mart, m. Stephen Austin ; died in New York city in 1839. 18 ELIJAH. 19. ELIJAH, b. in Colchester ; went on board of a Priva- * CHILDREN Of DAVID KILBOTJEKE. 1. LYDIA, b. July 12, 1794; married Wm. Coleman, and now r«« Bides in Keokuk, Lea co., Iowa. 2. CELINDA, h. April 17, 1796 ; married Alfred Buel, and now resides in Galena, Illinois. 3. SARAH, b- January 27, 17C8; married Gen. Enos H. Buel, of Marlborough, Conn., in 1817. 4. DAVID-WELLS, died in childhood. 5. DAVID- WELLS, born in Marlborough, April 12, 1803; was married in Albany, N. Y., June 26th, 1827, to Harriet, daughter of Na. bum Rice, Esq. He was formerly a merchant in Albany, but removx ed to Lee county, Iowa, some years since, where he has been Post Master, Magistrate, &c, and in 1840 was a candidate for the Territo- \ al Council or Senate. Himself and brother are merchants at Fort Madison, and among the most extensive wooKgrowers in the Territory. His sons are, David»Wells, Henry-Williams, Gcorge-Erskine, and Edward-Jermaine. 6. MARY-ANN, resides with her brothers in Iowa ; unmarried. 7. Maj. EDWARD, born in Marlborough, January 22, 1814; resi ded in Albany for several years, and in 1834 was commissioned by Gov. Marcy as Major of the Fifth Regiment of N. Y. State Artillery. He removed to Iowa with his brother ; married Caroline Amelia, dtughter of Ezra Feote, Esq., July 26, 1848. R**ide» in Ft. Madiscn. Gineration VII.] KILBURN. n7 teer at the commencement of the revolutionary war, and was taken prisoner by the British. After his liberation he married and settled in Ohio. Asa and Ellis, dead. 20. Hon. IRA, born in Colchester, Conn., Oct. 89th, 1772. His father designed him for a farmer, and he continued to work at home on the farm until near twenty years of age ; when, having an ardent thirst for knowledge, he commenced preparing for college under the instruction of the Rev. Sal mon Cone. In September 1793, he entered the freshman class in Yale College ; he, however, soon left that institution and became a member of Williams College. Here he con tinued to prosecute his studies with unusual success until he had entered upon the Junior year, and then returned to Old Yale. In 1796, he went to Westerly, R. I., and was there en gaged in teaching the Academy for about a year. In the fol lowing Spring, he formed a co-partnership with Drs. Lee and Collings, and commenced the mercantile business under the name and firm of " Kilburn & Co." Not meeting with the success he had anticipated in this enterprize, after a trial of two years he abandoned it and commenced the study of law with the late Hon. Coddington Billings, of hs native county. After studying three years with Mr. Billings, and receiving his certificate to that effect, he entered the office of the late Judge Gilbert, of Hebron, in 1802. He designed to have presented himself for admission to the bar at the next Court, when un foreseen circumstances called him to Tiogo county, Pennsyl vania. Having taken up his residence, in Lawrenceville, in the State and county last named, he was married to Miss Sally Ross, on the 20th of June, 1803. He purchased an extensive and beautiful tract of land lying on both sides of the Tioga river, embracing the ground on which the village of Lawrenceville now stands. Besides carrying on a very extensive business at farming, he erected mills of various kinds, and for a great number of years kept them in constant operation. In 1806, 98] KILBURN. Generation VIL he was elected Commissioner of Taxes for Tioga county, and on the 13th of September the same year he was commissioned as a Justice of the Peace. In August 1811, he was elected and commissioned Colonel in the Pennsylvania Militia, and in the following February was appointed Post Master by Gener al Granger. About this time he was also elected Auditor of Public Accounts, and was soon after appointed a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas by the Legislature. This last office he held v.ntil he went out b}r the Amended Constitution, Feb ruary 28, 1840 — a period of twenty-eight years. The day on which his Judgeship expired, he was again commissioned as a Justice of the Peace, and during the succeeding four years ried over eight hundred law cases. Judge Kilburn is still living, at the age of seventy-five years -with a hale constitution, and a fair share of this world's joods ; respected and honored at home and abroad. His children* are, Wells, Harriet R., Ralph-Lee, Eliza A.nn, Adaline, and Charles-Lawrence. CHILDREN OF HON. IRA KILBURN. 1. WELLS, born in Lawrenceville, of waich place he has been at Councilman and Burgess. His is the inventor and patentee of the Corn Planter, and other agricultural implatnents. 2. HARRIET-ROSS, married William B. Mann, Esq. 3. RALPH-LEE, born July 4, 1810 ; he is now in California, on the Pacific, engaged in erecting mills. 4. ELIZA"ANN, is the wife of the Hon. Norman H. Purple, of Peo« ria, 111., one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Illinois. 5. ADELINE, married John C. Knox, Esq., an Attorney. 6. Lieut. CHARLES LAWRENCE, U S. A., a brave and gallant officer in the American Army in Mexico, was bom Lawrenceville Au gust 9th, 1819, and graduated at the National Military Academy at West Point, in the first division of his class, in 1841. He immediate ly entered the Army as brevet 2d Lieutenant of Artillery ; and not long after was make 2d Lieutenant. In 1846, while stationed at Fort Moul trie, S. C, he received orders to repair immediately to the seat of war, on the Rio Grande ; which summons he obeyed, haviog, howev er, been appointed Adjutant previous to his departure. He participa- t«d in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Buena Vista, &c, Generation VII.] KILBOURN. fSfl The following anecdote went the rounds of the newspapers in 1844 : " A Livb Judge. — As the venerable Judge Kilburn, of Pennsylva* nia, was once traveling in a stagescoach on bis way to Court, ha found among his fellow-passengers a lady from one of the back-woods counties, who had evidently seen but little »f the world, and whose quaint and unsophisticated remarks excited the risibles of her listen ers to an alarming pitch. The Judge having become interested in his new acquaintance, with true Yankee tact soon made himself ac quainted with her origin and history. After she had finished her siory, she continued — " I've told you who I am, now I want to know who you be and where you come from." " My name is Kilburn, and I came originally from the land of steady habits." " I've heard tell of Judge Kilburn ; you aint him, be you ?" said the lady. " So they call me," replied the Judge. " I thought you was some great big man ; is the land 'of steady habits in this world ?" " Yes — it is in old Connecticut." " Wal," she continued, after looking at the Judge for a moment in astonishment, " I've seen piclers of Judges, but I never seen a live one before — and didn't kaow where they come from neither !" — Lowell Operative. Sally and Lucr died at the ages of nineteen and twenty: 21. Capt. AMASA, born in Colchester^; he was captain of militia company in the last war, and fell in command in the battle at Black Rock, N. Y. His wife was Hannah Chipman, of Vermont.Clarissa, married Elihu Marvin, of Hebron, Mart married Dennis, of China, N. Y. Ladia, m. in Tioga co.; now lives with her sister last named. 22. ALFORD, was a Lieutenant in the American service during the last war with Great Britain ; resigned, and was chosen a Justice of the Peace notwithstanding his youth. He died at Cattaraugus, N. Y., at the age of 25 years. 23. RALPH, M. D., was long a practicing physician in Tioga county, but now resides in China, N. Y., aged about 60 years ; he is a bachelor. and is highly complimented for his " skill and good conduct," in tho official despatches of Gen. Twiggs and Gen. Taylor: In February 1847, he was promoted to a First Lieutenancy, the reals which h* now holds. j00 KILBOURN. [GmeSation VII 20. JOSEPH. 24. AUSTIN, b. in Glastenbury, January 28, 1794 ; ht was cashier of ihe Phoenix Branch Bank in Litchfield from 1820 to 1825. For ten years he was Recording Secretary of the Hartford Co; Agricultural Society, and in 1844 published a valuable " Treatise on Agriculture." He is now and has been for many years a hardware merchant in Hartford. Unmarried. Sophia, born January 23, 1796 ; married Samuel Whiting, of West Hartford, 25. OGDEN, b. in Glastenbury, June 7, 1798 : was mar ried in 1842, to Miss Elizabeth Bates, niece and adopted daugh ter of the late Hon. Isaac C. Bates, U. S. Senator from Mas sachusetts. He is a hardware merchant in Hartford. Eliza, born October 28, 1803. 26. HORACE, born November 11, 1809. ^ 21, THOMAS. 27. JAMES, b. in Hartford, Jan. 20, 1752; married and had one son, George ;* his widow Is still living in Windsor, at a Very ad\ anced age. 28. NOAH, born March 18, 1755. 29. ASHBEL, born April i7, 1759 : settled in East Hartford and had sons, Ashbel, Harry, Noah, Alfred, and Nathan. 22. Caet. NATHANIEL. Rebecca, m. Isaac Mason ; Mart Ann, m, Walker; Susannah, m. John Bunce, Jr. ; she was the grandmother of John L. Bunce, Esq., cashier of the Hartford Bank, and James M. Bunce, Esq., merchant of Hartford. * GEORGE, born in Hartford, July 9th, 1792 ; married Mary VanZandt and had Elizabeth, Sarah, James,* and Mary; his wife having died in 1822, he married Catharine Dale, and had George, John, William, Catharine, and Harriet.' For the last thirty years he has resided in Albany ; a drum maker. * JAMES, born in Albany, March 22, 1820 ; married Catharine Livingston, of Bern, N. Y., September 10, 1842. He is well known through the State of New York as a temperance and political stump speaker—by the title of " The Celebrated Albany Carpenter." Generation VII.] KILBOURN. lOt Ji-tf" Capt. SAMUEL.. Safah, married Spencer Whiting, Esq., of Hartford. Samuel, died in Hartford, Nov. 25, 1789, M. 16 years. 30. WILLIAM, b. 1779; d. March 28, 1837; unmarried. Jebusha, married a Mr. Hall, and had a family. 31, Hon. HENRY, born in East Hartford ; married Eliza beth, daughter of Maj. Elisha Babcock, editor of the American Mercury, Hartford, and became a merchant in that city early in life; He was for a great number of years a Director of the .ZEtna Insurance Company ; in 1818, he was elected a Rep resentative to the State Legislature from Hartford, and was occasionally chosen to the same station until 1835. In 1838, he was placed in nomination by the Whigs of Connecticut for Comptroller of the State, and, after an animated contest, was elected by a large majority. In each of the years 1839, '40, and '41, Mr. Kilbourn was re-elected Comptroller. He is still living in Front street, at the head of Kilbourn street, in Hartford ; his children are, Henry-Samuel, James-Elisha, and Emeline, wife of Dr. E. E. Marcy. 33. william; 32. JOHN, A. M., b. in Tunbridge, Vt., Aug. 7, 1789; grad uated at the Vermont University, at Burlington, in 1810 ^re moved to Ohio, where he was for a while Principal of Wor thington Academy, and subsequently practiced law in Chilli- cothe. He was the author of the Ohio Gazetteer, the Ver mont Gazetteer, and one or two school books. He marrried a lady of Utica, N. Y., and had two children ; died at Chilli- cothe several years since. 33. ARIUS, born in Tunbridge, July 12, 1790 ; resides in Worthington, Ohio ; his wife and children are dead. Julia, married Ezra Perkins, of Chelsea, Vt. Emilv, married Joshua Foster, jr., of Chelsea. 34. Dr. RALPH, [Dentist,] born in Tunbridge, August 29, 1796 ; married Sally Dearborn, of Chelsea ; now resides in Montpelier. His children are, William-Pearly, [b. 1820,]' 102 KILBOURN Generation VII. George-Henry, Horatio-Everett, Isaac-Dearborn, Mary A., Harriet, Ann Clara, Edward-Ralph and Edwin-Arius, twins. 35. WILLIAM, born in Tunbridge, 1799 ; died in Dublin, Ohio ; married, but left no descendants. Sarah, lives in Hartford ; unmarried, Osmond, died in infancy. 36. JEDEDIAH-SAGE, M. D., born in Tunbridge, Oct. 23, 1803 ; pursued his professional studies with Dr. Russel Clark, of Sandy Hill, N. Y., and Drs. Robbins and Wheeler, of Troy ; and took a license to practice from the Renselaer County Medical Society. He then went to Albany and stu- dies one year with Professor Marsh, and in 1 836 he graduated at. the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. A few years since, he was selected as the Private Physician of Jo- sepli Bonaparte, ex^king of Spain. Unmarried. 37. JAMES, born in Tunbridge, September 29, 1807,.and died a few years since in Ohio ; had been recently married. Eliza Ann, married Homer Tuller, of Worthington, Ohio. 35. HON. james; 38. Col. HECTOR, born in Simsbury, Conn., in 1791 ; removed to Worthington, Ohio, with his father. He studied the art of Surveying, and assistsd his father in laying out San"1 dusky City — at which place he ever afterwards resided. He accumulated an estate of $20,000 ; was Colonel of Militia, Postmaster, and Magistrate. Died in 1838. Unmarried. Lucy, born in Simsbury ; was married to M. Matthews, Esq., in 181 1; their children are, Dorance, Adaline, Fitch, James, and Ellen. She died in 1838. Harriet, born in Simsbury in 1795 ; married Dr. C. H. Case in 1812, and had Hector and Douglas ; Dr. Case having died, she was married in 1820 to A. Buttles, and had Edwin, Julia. Love, Eden, Mary, Henry and Lucy. Laura, born' in Simsbury in 1797; was married to R. W. Cowles- and had Havens, Cynthia. Hector K.. Maty Antonette, Generation VII. KILBOURN. 103 Renselaer H., James W., Geraldine, Granville, Laura K., Gertrude, Byron K., and Whiting D. Orrel, was killed in early childhood by an accident. 39. Hon. BYRON, born in Granby, Conn., in 1801, and removed with his father to Ohio when about three years old. He first commenced business as Surveyor of Crawford and Marion counties ; and on the commencement of the Public Works in Ohio, he was appointed by the State to the import ant post of Resident, Locating and Superintending Engineer , — and continued to exercise the duties of the appointment until the completion of the Grand Canal from Portsmouth to Cleveland, the Miami Canal from Cincinnati *to Dayton, and the Sloop Canal from Huron to Milan. After the close of the Black Hawk War, he went to Wisconsin as United States' Surveyor for that Territory. Soon after his arrival there, he purchased a large tract of wild land at the mouth of Milwaukie River, and there located and founded the city of Milwaukie, which now contains upwards of 12,000 inhabitants. In 1840 he was nominated for Delegate to Congress from that Terri tory, but though he polled a heavy vote, his competitor, Gov. Doty, was elected. In 1845, he was elected a member of the Wisconsin House of Delegates from Milwaukie county. He was a member of the great River and Harbor Convention holden at Chicago in July, 1847, and one of the General Com mittee appointed-to call said convention and to make arrange ments therefor. His first wife was Mary H. Cowles, by whom he had Glor- iana, and Lucy Fitch ; his second wife was Henrietta Karrick, by whom he had B> ron-Hector. Orrel, 2d. born in Washington,- Pa., in 1803 : married I. * " In the summer of 1835, Mr. Kilbourn purchased the land on the west side of the river from the United States, and surveyed it into town lots. That portion of Milwaukie is still known as Kilhourntown. The first physician in Milwaukie was the lamented Dr. Pioud, who located at Kilhourntown in 1836."— [McCabe's ' Histcry of Milwaukie,' 1847. 104 KILBOU-RN. Generation VII. N. Whiting, Esq., a noted publisher and bookseller in Colum bus, Ohio. Cynthia, born in Worthington, Ohio, in *1809 ; married Dr. I. G. Jones. Exiza, [twin with Cynthia,] died when 18 mcnths old. 40. LINCOLN, born in Worthington, in 1812; married Jane Evans, and has children Alice and James. He is a mer chant in Columbus, of the firm of Fay & Kilboume. Charlotte, b. in Worthington, 1812 ; died in childhood. Pbof. JAMES, M. D., born in Worthington in 1815 ; mar ried Laura Pinney in 1838, and had Laura, who died aged 6m.; his second wife was Nancy Stiles, to whom he was married in 1842, and had one son, named Lincoln-Percy. He was a man of extraordinary attainments in science and literature, and, before he had reached his 30th year, was elevated to a an important professorship in the Medical College at Cincin nati. He died, deeply lamented, in Columbus, May 30, 1845. An interesting sketch of his life, by Prof. Morrow, will be found in the Appendix of this volume. 36. GEORGE. Sophia, born in Farmington, Conn., in 1792 ; married He- man Oviatt, Esq., of Hudson, Ohio, formerly of Goshen; 42. ASHBEL, born in Goshen, Conn., July 9, 1796 ; mar ried Sophia, daughter of Solomon Curtis, of Chillicothe, Ohio. He is a Justice of the Peace, and deacon of the congregation al chuich at Hudson, Ohio, where he now resides. 43. GEORGE, born in Goshen, April 24, 1798 ; married Almira, daughter of Deac. Wolcott, of Torrington, Conn. 44/ Col. TIMOTHY, born in Goshen, July 2, 1801 ; mar ried Louisa, daughter of Deac, Jona. Baldwin, of Atwater, O. Eliza, married Harlow Davis, of Hudson. 45. JUSTIN, born in Tallmadge, Ohio, August 14, 1812 ; married Amanda, daughter of Col. Luther Fitch, Sharon, O. Col. CHARLES. Lucy, b. at St. Johns, Canada; m. John Savage, of Alburg. Generation VII. KILBOURN. 105 Betsey, married Henry Curtis : died in 1808. 46. BENJAMIN, born in 1789 ; married Sophia Cooley, of Dunham, L. C, and had children, Annis M., Charles P., Ly dia, Joseph H., Lewis P., Lucy E-, Benjamin N., Sophia, Chester, Daniel R., Victoria A. He now lives in Roxton. 47. coi. ALEXANDER, born at Caldwell's Manor, April 5, 1791 ; m. Thankful H. Bangs, of Stanstead ; his children are, Susan L., and.Charles A. At the breaking out of what is known as the ' patriot war,' in 1836, he was appointed to the command of a company of provincials, called the Queen's Loyal Volunteers, which had been called into the regular ser vice to aid in suppressing the outbreak. During the winter of 1836-7, while on his way to secure some prisoners, he receiv ed a severe wound in his abdomen, which lor a time disabled him. Subsequently he resigned his commission as captain of the Volunteers, and accepted an appointment of lieutenant colonel of militia, with a view of disciplining them for active service. But peace being restored, without his being again called upon, he resigned : he resides upon his father's home stead, in Stanstead, near Lake Memfremagog, in Canada. By the proceedings of the Stanstead co. Agricultural Society, for 1845, I find a premium awarded to ' Col. Alexander Kilborn, for the best Farm' in the county. Sally, died at the age of seventeen years. Joseph, died in childhood. Mary, married Daniel Bemick : died in Quebec, aged 19. Nancy, married Stephen C0bb : died in 1826, M 32. Matilda, married Capt. Eliphalet Bodwell, of Stanstead. Lydia, married Edward F. G. Stoddart, Esq., son of sir Thomas Stoddert, of Clair oounty, Irelaud, propriefer of Bon- ratta castle, on the river Shanon. 48. DAVID. 48. Hon. JOHN, lieut. colonel ; elected a member of the Parliament in 1829 ; he is now [August 1847,] a candidate for re-election ; resides at Newboro', Leeds co., Canada. • 100' KILBOURN. Gentceation VII. [There are other children of David Kilbourn, but I have on information concerning them.] 49. SAMUEL. The only knowledge I have obtained of the family of Samu el Kilbourn is contained in the following paragraph from the Brockville (Canada) Recorder, of June 10, IS47 : «' Patriarchal. — Mr. Samuel Kilborn, who is a resident ol the township of Kitley, and one of its first settlers, states that he is now 78 years old, and his wife 75 years. They have 13 children, 75 grandchildren, and 25 great-grandchildren. Mr- Kilborn also says he has seen the sixth genera tion. He is still quite comfortable as to health, and was recently in this 'town, for which he had to travel some 20 or 25 miles." ! 50. CAPT. JOSEPH. , William V., born in Ascott ; drowned in St. Francis river, May K 1829', M. 22 years. 49.' JOSEPH-HENRY, born Westbury, Canada, May 9th, 1809 ; m.rSifSan Hughes, March 18, 1832. During the "pat riot war" he vta^a leading member of the committee of vigil ance, and a captain-in Jhe patriot service : was arrested and imprisoned at Toronto ;" hall .five* private examinations before a board of commissioners — w^s permitted to speak in his own defense, isnd was acquitted. Again he engaged with enthusi asm in trie patriot cause, was again arrested, and obtained his release by enlisting into the Queen's service ; after proceeding thirty miles with the soldiers, he made his escape, and ultimate ly reached Michigan in safety, where be permanently located. In 1842, he was appointed Postmaster at Sanford, Ingham co. and in 1847, he was elected a member of the Legislature of Michigan. S^f if- WHITMAN. 50 MYRON, A. M., born in Litchfield, October 10, 1801 ; graduated at Hamilton college in 1824 : married Miss Abbe, (sister of Dr. Alanson Abbe, late of Litchfield :) he settled in Iowa, where he now resides. 51 ETHAN, born in Litchfield, August 18, 1803 : married Thankful, daughter of Deac Am0s Bishop, May 31, 1830. Generation VH. KILBOURN 107 52 ELIADA, born in Litchfield, Feb. 20, 1809 : married Maryann, daughter of Charles Dudley, of Litchfield, Novem ber 1, 1843. Amanda, born September 26, 1811 : married James B. Peck . 53 Rev. JAMES, born in Litchfield, May 29, 1816 : was for two or three years a student in Yale College, and subse quently entered the Theological Department of that institution, and graduated there in 1843 : and was during the same year ordained and installed pastor of the congregational church in Bridgewater, Conn. He married Amelia Cynthia, daughter of Rev. Bela Kellogg, of Avon, December 12, 1838. 7' Si. CHAUNCEY- 54- JOHN, born at Charlotte, Vt., Nov. I, 1812 : entered Yale College in 1836 and left that institution in 1839 : he has since been principally engaged in teaching in Pennsylvania and Maryland. In 1844, he was married to Miss Catharine Monroe' Crawford, of Fayetteville, Pa. 55: PAYNE-KENYON, born in Litchfield, Conn., July 26, 1815 ; married Elizabeth A., daughter of Warren Cone, of Norfolk, Litchfield county, August 3d, 1842. Giles-Chauncey, born in Litchfield, July 12, 1817 ; died in Kent, April 3, 1826. KILBOURN. log DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE KILBURN, OF ROWLEY, MASS., [Who was admitted a freeman in that town a. d. 1640.] [During my correspondence on the subject to which this volume specially relates, the following ' communications concerning ihe descendants of George Kilburn were received. Ii is earnestly to be hoped that some mem ber of this important branch of the family will make out a full and correct Genealogy of it.] — p. K. K. [From Deacon Jeremiah Kilbotjrn, of Groton; Mass.] Groton, Mass., Jan. 9, 1S45. Pat ne Kenyon Kiibohru, Esq — Dear Sir : Your letter of the 25th ult. came duly to hand, and with much pleasure I have taken pains lo collect such facts as were within my reach relative to the Genealogy of the Kilbourn family in this vicinity. I commence with a record which I have just laken from the Bible of David Kilbourn, Esq., of Lunenburg, Mass., my father's cousin, viz. : " Two brothers came to America from Devonshire, Englaiid, abi.ut the year 1630. GEORGE settled in Rowley, Mass., and died there ; the other settled in Connecticut. Samuel, son of George above-named, lived and died in Rowley: he had four sons, Samuel, Jedediah, David, and Eliphalet. David (last named) removed to Lunenburg in 1765, and there died in 1776, ajed 85: his sons, viz. Jonathan. William and Samuel, were born in Rowley. Jonathan was born in 1737, removed to Lunenburg in 1767, and died there in 1806 ; his son David was born in Rowley March 27, 1766, and removed to Lunenburg in 1767." William Kilbourn (brother of Jonathan and great-grandson of George,) was born March 20, 1744, removed to Lunenburg about 1767, and died at the resi dence of his son William, in Fitchburg, Aug. 14, 1832, aged 88 years ; his wife was Marcy Smith of Ipswieh, by whom he had William, Jeremiah, &t Elmous. The la?t named William is the 5th generation from George of Rowley, and the father of the writer of this sheet ; he was born at Lunenburg July 16, 1773; married Mary Mace, January 12, 1796 ; removed to Fitchburg April 1, 1802, and (rom thence to Groton in 1840. My grandfather's other sons, Jeremiah and Elmous, died in early life. Of my father's family, I [Jeremiah] am the oldest, HO KILBOURN — Horn in Lu.ienburg January 24, 1797, married Patty Flint in 1818, and settled in Groton same year ; my sister Mary Kilbourn married Stephen Stickney in 1830; my brother William Kilbourn was born Jane 12, 1802 — received the de- gree of M. D. at medical institution at Castleton, Vt , and is now an eniifient practitioner in Wilton, Maine ; his first wife was Eliza Barret', his 2d, Chariot I e Bates; my brother Elbridge Gerry Kilbourn was born February 25, 1808 — re ceived bis education at Brown University, and is now practicing law in the city of Baltimore : my sister Mjrtha n. Avery Stockwell ; Sarah m. Asa S. Kenda 1. My children are — Martha Augusta, [died 1841 m- 23,] Jeremiah-Flint [died young,] Mary E , Josiah^Burrage, [now of Boston,] Ann Maria, Fiancis Jane, William-Arthur, and George-We lis. I will now go back and give you such information as I have respecting some other branches of ourfamily. I have learned nothing of Samuel, son of George, except that he had four sons (as given above,") viz., 1. Samuel, of whose descen dants 1 know nothing ; 2 Jedediah, do. do. ; 3. David, the line of who posterity I have traced through his son William to my children ; 4: Eliphalet, was a phy sician of some note, but I have learned nothing of his descendants. Samuel, son David last named, removed from Rowley to Lunenburg in 1767, married Sarah Cook, and had turn sons and three daughters — Daniel, Samuel, Lydia, Sarah and Maria. About 1755 the said Samuel with his family joined the Shakers at Shir ley, and lived and died thers — except his two sons, who left them at the age of Iwenfy-one; Daniel married and had three sons, Daniel, Hiram and Sumner; Samuel settled in Fitzwilliam, In. H , and died there in 1829, leaving Iwosons, Harvey and Milton. David Kilbourn of Lunenburg and Lucy Pingrev of Rowley were married in January 1793; their children, Betsev, Solan [died x. 31, while a member Junior class, Harvard college,] Jonathan, Cyrus, Asa, Milton, Nathan and Lucy. Each e( the sons of David Kilbourn now living have families of young children. You request me to state whether the Kilbourns in our line have held office, either civil, military or ecclesiastical. If we have sought for office, we cer tainly have not been successful My brother William holds a commission of Justice ot the. peace, and 1 have been tor some years a deacon in the first chureh in Groton — which facts I do not consider important in this connection. Thus I conclude, & remain voura respectfully, JEREMIAH KILBOURN. [From Mr. John Kilborn, Bridgeton, Maine.] „ „. T . , , Bridgeton, Me., Nov, 2. 1843. Dear Sir— I received a letter from you a short time since, asking for informa- lon relative to the ancestry and family of my father, Capt. John Kilborn, who lately died in this place at Ihe age of 88 years His father and mother died when he was young, and we have no record of them If I mistake not he had a brother Paul, who had no family, and a sister Rebecca who married a T»dd My father was born in Old Rowley, Mass., June 28. 1755, and married Marv How of Ipswich; they had nine children, six of Ihem sons viz 1. JoHN,born November 16, 1782; his children are, Hanibal Milton b 1809 unmarried, now living at Hampton, New Brunswick ; John born 1811 married and lives at Cambridgeport. Mass. ; Jacob Barker born 1820, died 1822; Robert Andrews born 1822 ; Charles Otis born 1824. "onert 2. Enos N., went to sea early in life, and has not been heard of since 1809 J. William married Betsey Senter, February 10, 1808, and had 13 children V, ol r^ T 1£m«'-,he othels d''ed i" childhood. The sons living re' Enoch Leander VVatton born 1808-m. and has oneson ,¦ resides in Harrison Me Thomas Dressy born 1SMI -m. ..nd has iw„ sens; resides in A..r. Lofb Van R.naelaer, born 1812, rn. Esther Phmney.and has .1 daughters : Jesse Gibb. KILBOURN 111 born 1817, married Mary Ann Burnham, and has iwo sons and one daughter; William Tombs born 1817, and Samuel Farnsworth born 1821. 4. EaENEZER.born December 20, 1791 ; married Lydia Ingalls in 1818, and had 4 daughters and 2 sons j the sons are, Benjamin T. Chase and Samuel A In the History of Rowley, published in 1840, I find the names of Joseph Kil born, Isaac Kilborn and Samuel Kilborn in a tax record 1691; also in 1777, those of my father and his brother Paul, as having enlisted into the continental army. Your friend and obedient servant, JOHN KILBORN. To P- K. Kilbourn, Esq., Editor of the Columbian, Hartford. [From Mr. Eliphalet Kilburn, Boscawen, N. H.]— 1844. Payne Kenyon Kilbuurn, Esq. — Sir : We received your letter on the 5th insf., informing us that you were preparing a History of the Kilbourn Family. We are much gratified that you have engaged in such a work, and most cheerfully impart all the facts within our reach which bear upon the subject. My father, to whom your letter was addressed, is now in his 93rd year, and beingunable to reply to your inquiries, 1 proceed to give you such facts as our records and his memory can furnish. My great grandfather was born and lived in Rowley ; his children were — Sampsok, m. Rebecca Pickard of Boxford, settled in Rowley, aud had four children — Paul, John, Rebecca and Huldah. Abigail, married Jonathan Smith ; her son, the late Hon Jedediah Kilburn Smith, was long a distinguished councilor and member of congress, N. Hamp. There were three other daughters, viz — Elizabeth, wife of John Adams of Rowley, Hannah wife of David Bailey of Maine, and Susan wife of a Mr Cowan 9 Jedediah, my grandlather, was born in New Rowley, Mass, ; married Hannah Platts; removed to Boscawen, N H, and from thence to Henniker, where he died in T820 ; he ha"d eight children — four sons and four daughters, viz : 1 Nathan, born 1750, married Sarah Plummer and settled in Boscawen : died 1794; had four children — James resides in Sew Andover , others dead. 2 Eliphalet, born in New Rowley 17S2 ; in 1777 he enlisted into the service for 8 months in col, Little's regiment, and afterwards under colonels Johnson and Wade 5 months each , was at the battles of Bunker Hill, Bemus' Heights, &c. ; removed to Boscawen ; married Mary Thurlow and had 12 children'; his sons are — George, b. 1784, Enoch, Eliphalet, and Moody, all of Boscawen, and »11 having families. He has had 63 grandchildren, and 20 great grandchildren 3 Jedediah born 1762 ; married and settled in Newburyport, and engaged in the fisheries; his sons Nathan, John and William follow the seas if living. 4 JVathaniel born 1764; married and removed to Thetford, Vt. ; had 10 chil dren — died in 1339; Benjamin his oldest son married and removed to Ohio. Very respectfully, your ob't servant, ELIPHALET KILBURN, jr. [From James Kilburn, Esq., of Princeton, Mas9:] Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 1st, 1844. P. K. Kilbourn Esq., Dear Sir I have just received a copy of the Hartford Columbtau of July 20th, containing a notice signed by yourself, stating that you wre prepar ing for publication a Genealogy of the Kilbourn Family, Ate; and it is 112 KILBOURN. with the sincerest pleasure that I improve .the earliest opportunity to give you all the information in my possession. I have no definite information which goes farther back than my great grandfather — excepting, that my ancestors who settled on the old Kilburn Farm in Sterling, Mass., came directly from Rowley. My great grandfather, Deae. Joseph Kilborn, had four sons, viz., Tim othy, Joseph, Joshua and Levi. 1. Col. Timothy, born in 1755 : married Relief Richardson, and had two sons, viz , — James, [born in Sterling, 1780, married Anna Beamnn, and had 4 children. Rebecca, James (the writer of this,) Samuel and Sarah A.] and Samuel, who died without children ; you will hence see that I am the only male descendant of Col. Timothy Kilburn, who bears his name. He died in 1838. 2. Rev. Joseph, graduated at Harvard College in 1778.; was settled over the congregational church in Wendall, Mass , and remained its pastor until his death in 1815. His only son, Joseph King Kilburn, is a mer-. chant in Augueta, Georgia. o. Joshua, died in Sterling about lOyears sines, and I think left one son George, now resides in Boston. 4. Levi, now about 75 years old, lives in West Boylston, Mass, : he has one son, 'Levi, now about 40 years old, residing in the same town. My ancestors, from my great grandfather, down to and including my father, were all born, lived and died, upon the same farm in Sterling. Caleb Kilburn, a cousin of my grandfather, is still living in Princeton, and is nearly ninety years of age. His son, Capt. Eli Kilburn, lives in Sterling. While at the Seminary in Andover a few years since, I became acquaint ed with Mr. John Kilbourn, from Litchfield, Conn. Though my business has since often led me into nearly every State in the Union, I have not mei anindividnal bearing our name, (out of Connecticut,) except Maj. Edward Kilbourne. of Fort Madison, Iowa. I feel exceedingly interested in your enterprize, and am anxious to ob^ lain copies of your work as soon as it mav be completed. Yours, very respectfully, JAMES KILBURN. A correspondent writing from Princeton, says — Mr. Calvin Kilburn does not remember his grandfather's name, but thinks it was John, Jacob or Isaac. He came from Rowley, settled iu Sterling, and had two sons, Joseph and Isaac. Isaac, who was the father of Calvin above named, married Hannah Ordway, and had ten children. Himself and one son died at Crown Point. His sons were, Aaron, Jacob, L-alvin, John, Isaac, and William. Calvin was born in October 1757; married Mary Strattan in 1783, and hid six children, viz., Sally, Isaac, William, Sally 2d, Eli, and Mary. [From Dr- Alpheus Kilburn, of Akron, Summit co.. Ohio] Dear Sir— I received your favor of the 3d inst., and will reply without preliminary. My father Jacob Kilburn, was born in Sterling, Mass. ; married Mary Fletcher, oT Lancaster, Mass., (his second wife,) and had by her, four sons, viz.— 1. John; 2. George, lives in Alstead, N H.; Thad. KILBOURN. 113 deus, died iu 1839, his wife died ihe same year ; 1. Alpheus, b in Sterling! 1801, and has 1 sons, Edwin, Oscar, and Haltei. My father was a Revolutionary soldier, and was twice woun led. You are engaged in a good work. I wish you success. Yours, in brotherly love, 'i'jl'HKUS KILBURN. [From Mr. Nathaniel Kilborn, of Eellview, Iiiva ] Belluiew, Tnwa, July 8, 1811. Sir; On mv way down Ih? river from this place to Si. Louis, recently, I fell in with Maj. Edward Kilbourn, who informed me that you were pre paring a Genealogy of the Kilborns, and requested me to send you such facts as I p;)-.se-S!'d relative to the Branch to which I belong. My grandfather, Natnaniel Kilborn, died recency at jonth Strafford. Vt- My father. Benjamin Kilborn, removed from Vermont to Ohio before my birth, and died when I was a child, leaving four children, George-Pe'Ty, Nathaniel. R.-ua and Priscilla — all married except myself. I am engaged in merch-mdizing in this place. We were left poor, and have not depart ed very. f:u' iroin our inheritance ; but thus far I have never seen our name disgrace !, ami 1 do not inland to be the firs! to dishonor it. '/ours respectfully, NATH'L. KILBORN. P. K fc.ili.Tiurii, i'lditor of the Columbian, Hartford. [From Guy R. Haynes, Esq of East Boston ] East Boston, Mass., April 23, 1844. Dear Sir — Our nephew, George Kilborn, received yours in Jne time, and as he is much occupied with business, he requests me to reply to it, which I do with pleasure.- Iformerly devoted much time to the genealogy of the Haynes- Family, parlicularly the descendants of Gov. John Haynes of your state ; and notwithstanding many unanswered ietiers, I have a list of names over 40 feet in length, extending from 1578 to the present lime. Samuel Kilborn was born in Rowley ; married Mary , and had two children, viz, Mary, born Sept. 10, 1737,-married Solomon Cram, of Lynds- boro, N. H. ; Capt. George, born July 22. 1743, married Elizabeth Brilt, and had eleven children, seven of whom were sons, viz — 1. Tkomas, married Deborah Lunt, and had Samuel, [who m. Hannah Goodwin and had Samuel and Hannah,] Thomas, [who m. Hannah Ten ney and had Thomas and one other,] and Richard, who died young. 2 Samuel died al sea. 3 George »V. and 4 George W 2d, died young. 5. Rohert, married Abigail Quimby, and had three sons, Samuel, George, [died at 18 years,] and Francis, who died at sea. 6. John, unmarried, lives at Calais, Maine, 7. George, married Rebecca Coleman; he is now master of a vessel sailing from Newburyport; his sons are, Benjamin Franklin, who died young, George born 1821 , now a merchant in Boston, and he one you wrote to, Warren-, John Augustus, drowned in childhood, and John. I married Susan Kilborn, daughter of Capt. George, aDd had one sonj George Albert, who died in 183.0, eged 17 years. Respectfully yours, Ac, ' GUY R. HAYNES. 114 KILBOURN. [From the Postmaster at Burlington, Vt.] Burlington. Vt., September 21, 1844. P. K Kilbourn, Esq. : Dear Sir— In ' The Columbiau' ofthe30ihof July Ian, I bserved a notice of yours in relation to the history and gene alogy of the Kilbourn Family in Ihe United Stales. Having been ac- quaintod with a man of lhat name who resided in that town, I handed the paper to his widow, requesting her to answer your inquiries. She did so as follows, viz , "William Kilburn was born in Sterling, Mass, September 8, 1762. His fathei wa< a soldier in the French War, and died at Crown Point, leaving a wife and seven children ; his sons were, Levi, Calvin, John and William. On the breaking out of the revolution, William enlisted into his country's service, and continued in the army uutil the declaration of peace. He resided in Middlehury and Salisbury. Vt. until 1521. when he removed to Burlington, where he died November 28, 1841. His first wife was Mary Bartholomew ; his second. Ann Woodruff" For the few years I knew MrKilburu, he was a pensioner of the United Stales. He had the reputation of being an honest and upright man— very tenacions of his own opinions. In politics he was a democrat — in religiont belief a universalist. He left a small property to his widow, he having no children Respectfully, youi ob't serv't, WM. NOBLE. [From the Hon. Charles K. Williams, LL. D., Chief Justice of Vermont.] Rutland, Vermont, April 9, 1847. Dear Sir— I have not ihe pleasure ol a personal acquaintance with you, yet I trust you will excus-c me for troubling you wilh this request. Mr. Alphonzo Kilhorn, of Cattleion, informs me that you are have collected a genealogical list of those who bear the name of Kilbourn or Kilburn. I he object of ih s is to inquire whether you irace any of the name to the town of Rowley, Mass. My middle name is Kilborn- I trace my descent directly from George Kilborn, who was one of the first settlers of Rowley, but there are none of his descendants now living in that town, nor can I learn at Ibis time to what part ihey removed ; though I am satisfied there must be many of them somewhere in New England. Any information you can give me will be thankfully received, and all charges cheerfully paid. Very respectfully, your ob't servant, CH K.WILLIAMS. Mr. Payne Kenyon Kilbourn, Editor Litchfield Enquirer, Ct. &£fl t W&l V » [From the Ohio State Journal — 1845 ] A Silver Pitcher for Col. James Kilbourne. The splendid Silver Pitcher, presented to the Hon. James Kilbourne, of this vicinity, by the friends of the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, chartered by act of the last General Assembly, as a testimonial of respect for his exertions with the Legislature, and elsewhere, in explaining the principles and supporting the claims of that institution, is the workmanship of Messrs. E. & D Kinsev, Cincinnati, and in its just proportions, supe* rior style of ornament and engraving, and perfection of execution in every part, would be creditable to the most distinguished artists of their order iu America. It was ptesented in the College Edifice, at Worthington, on the 27th ult. in presence of the Board of Trustees of that Institution, and a numerous assembly of ladies and gentlemen convened on the occasion, by Dr. Thom as Vaughn Morrow, Founder and first Professor of ihe Institute, who was deputed specially for that purpose. The presentation was preceded by an excellent and eloquent address by Professor Morro\v, on behalf of the new corporation, to their honored benefactor and to the audience; lo which, after the presentation, the venerable receiver made a mosl feeling and ap* propriate reply; — in all of which the audience appeared to take a lively interest. The pitcher is 13 inches high, 20 inches in circumference, and heavy in material for its general proportions. On its front is ihe follow ing inscription — PRESENTED TO THE Hon. JAMES KILBOURNE, by ihe friends of the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, In consideration of his able and efficient support Of Medical Reformation. E S<* D Kinney, makers. no lE^Col. John Kilborn, whoso Address we give below, is a son of Mr. David Kilborn, formerly of Litchfield, Conn.: he has been a member of the Parliament of Upper Canada, and is now a candidate for re-election, [From the Brockville (Canada) Recorder — April 1847.] Col. Kitboru's Address — Ii affords us* much pleasure lo be enabled to. lay Mr. Kilborn's Address before the electors of Leeds. In Mr. Kilborn they have a candidate whose personal honesty and integrity are untainted, and whose in teres- is are closely connected with their own — con trasting most favorably with the wily, tortuous, office seeking course pur sued by the man whom he is called on by his fellow-citizens to oppose. No man need be ashamed to give his vole fur Mr. Kilbrrn ; nor will any be under the necessity of resorting lo the paltry subterfuge adopted by some of the tories at Ihe last eltction, &.C. TO THE ELECTORS OF LEEDS. Gentlemen — On the 3d of February last, I was presented with a requiss ition, numerously and respectably signed by my fellow Electors, soliciting me to stand as a candidate for your suffrages on the recurrence of an Elec- tion for this County. 1 informed the requisitionists that I responded to their call, and would accordingly offer myself tor the high honor of rep resenting you in Parliament, whenever you are cailed upon. to exercise the elective franchise. That period has arrived in consequence of Mr. Gowan, your late Rep resentative, having, as I understand, accepted office. I now come forward to redeem my promise and to crave your united and cordial support. I consider it quite unnecessary lo enter into a lengthened explanation of the political principles which I hold, and which would direct me were I returned as your Representative. It will be sufficient to state that they have under one no change since the year 1829, when "I had the honor of representing you in the legidature-of Upper Canada. On the contrary" ihe occurrences which have uanspind since that timehave tended to root me more sleadfaslly in my political faith. Should I attain the distinguished dignity of again becoming your Representative, I shall contend for the strictest ministerial responsibility, and resist any and every attempt which may be made to overthrow cr pervert the resolutions of 1841. These are our guaranty for what is usually termed Responsible Government, and by me they shall be defended and cherished as essentially necessary for the preservation of lhat nicely balanced form of Government under which Eng land has become s'o powerful and free, tand without the administration of which in its essence in this Piovince, the people will never be contented, My closest attention shall be given to the promotion of the interests of the agriculturalist — in whose prosperity all others participate. I will en. dcavor to watch over the interests of the country at large, and aid in the re moval of all abuses, and no efforts shall be wanting on my part to develop ihe resources of the Province, to remove all restrictions on trade and the navigation of our waters, and in a word, to render the commerce of the Cols ony (unless for purposes of revenue,) as free as ihe air we breathe. Gentleu.en, it is you who have drawn me into into my present position, and upon you do I throw myself wilh unbounded confidence, believing you 117 will carry me through the approaching contest honorably and triumphantly. ' I have the honor to be, gentlemen, - : Your obedient and faithful servant, JOHN KILBORN. Newborough, [Leeds county, Canada,] 6th April, 1S47. We find the following in the Western Monthly Journal of Medical and Chirurgical Science, for November, 1845. ' Prof. James Kilbourne, 1H. D. " The following remarks were submitted by T. V. Morrow, Professor of Pathology, Physiology, Theory aud Practice ol Medicine, in the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, at the close of his Introductory Lecture, delivered November 7th instant, before the class of said Institute, on the subject of the death of the late James Kilbourne, Jr. M. D. I cannot, in justice to my own feelings, allow this occasion to pass, without adverting briefly to one of those melancholy events which occasionally happens and which, from its nature, is calculated to- fill ths mind.with the most pro found regret and heartfelt sorrow. Since the close of the last annual course of winter Lectures in this school, JAMES KILBOURNE, Jr,M. D., late a Professor in this Institution, has clos ed his earthly career. He died on the 30th of May last, in the city of Colum bus, 0., surrounded by his family and his friends, aged 30 years and one month. I am informed that he met his untimely fate with all the composure and .firm ness of.a man who confided in the prospect of immediately entering into a state of existence inconceivably happier than, the best condition of man qn earth, an'd that a state ef progression forever, to higher and higher powers, still expanding in knowledge, in happiness, and in glory. His mind was clear and collected to the last. He had a great desire for longer life here, to enjoy and cherish his family and other friends, who were ma'?y, and with them tc serve and benefit his fellow men, as his attainments and opportunities might allow. But he fully believed that a higher and happier destiny awaited him. Thus was cut down by the relentless ravages of a complicated disease, one of the noblest and most gifted specimens of humanity. It was my fortune to have known him long and well. My acquaintance with him commenced in 1830. Even at this early age, he gave evidence of more than ordinary powers of mind. When he had scarcely attained the 19lh year of his sge, he stepped forward in the career of letters, and became the successful competitor for one of the prizes offered by the Managers for the best addresses on the occasion of the opening of the Columbus Theatre. This first exhibition in a public way^Of the capacities of his powerful and vigorous mind, won for him the second prize, which was a beautiful silver cup, valued at $25. This was certainly a compli ment of the highest cast to his genius and talents, especially when it is remem bered lhat many of the best writers in this and the surrounding States were competitors for the same. Subsequently he studied and graduated in the Med ical Department of Worthington College, with high credit lo himself. Soon after which he entered on the practical duties of his profession, but was obliged to relinquish them occasionally, on account of his physical disabilities. In the spring of 1843, be was invited to and accepteda professorship in this Institute, " and continued in the discharge of its active duties for about one year, during which time he gave the most satisfactory evidences of his splendid qualifications 113 for the duties of bin situation. But the insiduous inroads of disease soon dis qualified him for its many complicated duties. To seek that repose so necessa ry for his declining health, he once more returned to the bosom of bis family and friends, and there remained until the day of his death. Seldom has it fallen to 'our lot tn find a mind so richly endowed with the varied powers which adorn and dignify human nature, encased in so frail and languishing a body; I saw him for the last time about four weeks previous to his death, when I visited Columbus and Worthington as the agent of this Institute, to present, in behalf of its friends, a small token of respect to his venerable father, Col. James Kil,* bourne, for his manly support of the claims of our Institute upon the Legislature lor a charter. To high and commanding talents, he joined the urbanity and pol ish of the finished gentleman. His lectures as well as writings are replete with eloquence, instruction and interest, and had it pleased the Author of his being to have lengthened his existence to the ordinary term of human life, no one could entertain a doubt but that its meridian and evening would have been marked by the same signal conquests of mind that had characterized the bright morning of his short but brilliant career. He left an affectionate wife' and an interesting little son, together with numerous relatives and a vast concourse of friends, to deplore his premature death." Lieut. Charles Lawrence Kilburn, V. 8. A. From Gen. Twiggs' Official Report of the Battle of Monterey: Dated, "Army of Occupation, Camp near Monterey, ) Mexico, September 29, 1846. J "Captains R. Ridgely and B. Bragg, and Lieutenants W. H Shover, J. F. Reynolds, C. L. Kh.burn, and S. G.French, deserve the highest praise for their skill arid good conduct under the heaviest fire of the enemy, which, when an opportunity offered, was concentrated en them." From Geti. Taylor's official Report of the Battle of Buena Vista. Dated March 6, 1847. " Discovering that the enemy were pressing heavily upon the Mississippi regi-nent, the 3d Indiana regiment under Col. Lane was dispatched fo strength en that part of our line, which formed a crotchet perpendicular tc the first line ol battle. At the same time Lieut. Kilburn, with a piece ef Capt. Bragg's battery, was directed to support the infantry there engaged. The action was for a long time warmly sustained at that point — the enemy making several efforts both with infantry and cavalry against our line, and always being repuls ed with a heavy loss." "While I commend to particular favor the gallant conduct and services of Maj. Monroe, chief of artillery, and Captains Bragg, Washingtonand Sherman, commanding batteries, I deem it no more than just to mention all the subordin ate officers. They were nearly all detached at different limes, and in everv sit uation exhibited conspicuous skill and gallantly. Capt, Shover and Lieut Kilburn, 3d artillery, were attached to Bragg's battery,'- &c. A communication in the New Orleans Tropic, dated at "Camp Buena Vista, Feb. 21, 1S47, after alluding to the flight of the Indiana regiment at the battle of Buena Vista, says—" While the day, by this disgraceful panic, was fast going Sffiinstus, the artillery advanced, its front extended, and different sections and pieces under Sherman, Brapg, Kilbu*n, Thomas, Bryan, and Reynolds, were imrkmg such carnage m the ranks of ihe enemv, as to mak« his co-lumns roll to and fro like ships upon the billows." 119 Kilbourntown. {A part efMilwankie, Wisconsin ) LFrom the Milwaukie Sentinel — June 9, 1847.] ¦¦ Milwaukie hag heretofore been but imperfectly appreciated by those wflo, tranciently voyaging on the Great Lakes, have not found time to look over the city and n ite the rich and well improved country around it. If they would spend a day or two in exploring KILBOURNTOWN, they would find in it alone a miniature city, with facilities and prospects of expansion not surpassed by any western manufacturing town. With an abundant water power, now in use in almost every branch ol manufacture that American industry and ingenui ty can suggest, it combines the advantages of being the mart tor a rich and fer tile-country, where the New York and Boston importer finds men to buy his merchandi e, and where he can purchase in return almost any articles by whole sale that an eastern manufacturing town or agricultural depot can furnish.7' [On page 44 and 58 will be found notices of John Kilborn, and his sons John and Benjamin, who settles in the Valley of the Wyoming in 1774. In " The History of Wyoming," by the Hon. CharleB Minor, published in Phila delphia in 1845, 1 find the following paragraphs in Col, Pickering's account of his ''violent abduction" by the "Boys," as the settlers called their party, who had organized themselves for self-protection and for resistance to the militia which had been sent to dispossess them of the soil. Speaking of the guard who had him in charge, Col. P. says — •' They passed through a thick wood to the house of one Kilborn, father to two of the party. There we lodged. The next morning they pushed baok into the woods," tec. [pp. 425.] He adds— ¦* When arrived near t« their head-quarters, they halted. One went to an nounce their arrival. Two or three came out, Gideon Dudley at their head- when he put to me the original question, "Will you intercede for Col. Frank lin's pardon ?' ' I will answer no question till I am set at liberty,' was my re» turn. They conducted^ me into Kilborn's house." --" hs soen as I had entered Kilburn's house, Ihey brought me a razor and soap to shave, and a clean shirt and pair ot stockings , and told me I was at liberty. They roasted me a chicken, and gave me as good a dinner as the poor wretches could furnish." pp. 427-'26. [From the Cincinnati (O.) Gazette-] " HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE." " Under this heading the Springfield (Ohio) Republic, in noticing the fact we stated a few days ago, that Nathan Hale, editor of the Boston Daily Adver- tizer, twenty years ago set in motion that great railroad ball which has since rolled in Massachusetts and several other Mates to so great purpose, makes the following reference to a venerable and respected citizen of Ohio : , " The Gazette need not have traveled all the way to Boston to find a man who had far-seeing views of the Railroad system, greatly in advance of his cotempo- raries. Earlier than the period named by (he Gazette — before our State canal system had been adopted— that staunch old Whig, Cel. JAMES KILBOURNE, 120 of Worthington, Franklin county, advocated, over his proper signature, in the State Journal, a Railroad scheme of improvement for the State ol- Ohio. How immensely ahead of her present advanced position would our State have been, had our public men possessed the foresight to adopt and the means to prosecute tn*suggestions of Col. K." JantCS KilbOlll'D— the " celebrated Albany Carpenter.-" The Albany Atlas, referrins to the Presidential Campaign of 1844, in the State of New York, says — •• Mr. Van Buren spoke on this subject (the Tariff,) to the democrats of every townin1 Albany county, and repeatedly to the assem bled democracy of "the city. Mr. KILBOURNE occupied the same ground on this subject, devoting his entire time for a month previous to the contest, speak ing almostdaily to all classes, with a freedom that drew upon him the denunci ation of the federal press as " a free-trade destructive," and with an eloquence and effectiveness that elicited the warmest admiration and applause 01 the thou sands who heard him. Mr. Kilbourne is a mechanic of this city, a plain man, but with great natural powers of oratory, and an honesty, purity, and sincerity, calculated to win the confidence of all." ORDINATION OF REV. JAMES KILBOURN. Mr. JAMES KILBOURN late of Litchfield, and a (graduate of the Theolog ical Seminary of Yale College, was ordained and installed pastor of the Congre gational church in Bridgewatpr, Conn., on the 21st inst. Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr.' Kurd of Watertewn ; Sermon by Rev. Mr. Harrison of Bethlem ; Ordaining Prayer by Rev. Parmelee, South Farms , Charge to the pastor by Rev . Mr.'Hayes of Washington; Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Mr. Isham of Box- bury.; Address tojhe People by Rev. Mr. Butterfield of South Britain, Con--, eluding Prayer by'Rev. Mr. Smith of Milton ; Benediction by the Pastor. The parts were"* interesting and appropriate ; the music such as did honor to the Choir .• and the harmony and good feeling which have characterized the church and society in Bridgewater to secure to themselves the- blessings of the gospel and its ordinances, lead us to anticipate the most happy results. [Litchfield Enquirer— 1844. KILBURN MOUNTAIN, IN IRELAND. In Harrop's 'History of the Irish Rebelion' I find Ihe following, in the pro ceedings against the Rebels, in Dublin, -September 1798 — "William Fleming, of Taghmon, counly of Wexford, being duly sworn by the Holy Evangelists, says, That he, this informant, was a yeoman in the Taghmon cavalry, and was taken prisoner by the rebejs at KILBURN, near Taghmon aforesaid, on Thursday the 31st day of May last." * * " Informant further saifh, That he was again ta ken pr|soner by a body of the said rebels at KILBURN MOUNTAIN aforesaid. " FOR OREGON !— The brig Henry, Captain KILBURN, sailed from Newbu ryport for Oregon on the 23d ult, having on board the following passengers— Captain Kilburn's lady and 3 children ; Capt. Swansey ; Dr.G W. Watson, lady and! child; Miss Hannah Peabody— all ot Newburyport; Col. Wm. Lee of Troy, N. Y.; Charles K. Bishop ol Sandy Hill, N. Y.; George C. Lawton, «f 121 Waltham,- Mass. ; 0. R. and J. N. Wood, of Roxborb*, Mass. ; James Pal teison and John McKeen ot Charlestown, Mass. The Newburyport 'Herald slates that some three or four hundred spectators gathered at the wharf to witness the brig's departure, and there were many moist eyes among those Who took leave of their friends. A prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, and an address was made by the Rev. Dr. Dana. Tbe vessel went down. the river in good style, before a fine breeze. The peo ple on the wharf gave them a parting salute of three cheers, which were re sponded to from the wharf. — Boston Atlas, May, 1846. The family noted in the following communication, is the only one on this continent, of which I have any knowledge, whose genealogy could not be traced to George Kilburn, o( Rowley, Mass., or Thomas Kilborne, whose family settled in Wethersfield, Conn. An close investigation would very possibly show that Isaac Kilburn, sen., instead of -being ' an Englishman,' belonged to some loyal American family, and descended from George or Thomas, above named. p. K. K. , ... Kingsclear, (Province of New Brunswick, June 21, 1846. _- P. K. Kilbourn, E3q. : Dear Sir— Mr. h Hustis, of this place, has put a letter into my -hands addressed to him by you, and at his request I proceed to answer it. But first let me express my gratification that a person bearing my name has been found in other climes, and may I not presume to claim him as a relative, even though our kinship may not be. traced ? J have often lamented that I knew so little respecting my ancestors: My grandfather was Isaac Kilburn ; he was a s ildier in the British Army, and was killed in the-service at Texes, 76 or 77 years ago. Those who belonged to the same regiment with him, say that he was an Englishman, and an officer be longing to the magazine ; he was killed by an accidental discharge of the same at Texes, leaving one child about 15 months old. His wife was a Dutch wo man. In consequence of her" sudden bereavement she became deranged — but, with her child,. followed the regiment to which she belonged, until she reached St John's, in Neva Scotia, where shelived for some time. The child soon went to live with a very poor family named Prosser, where he had to endure many privations, and with whom he remained until he became of age. His name was Francis Kilburn. He had 11 children,, all of whom are Irving, His sons are — 1 . Robert, 42 years old ; married Sarah Esty, and has 6 children ; all residen ts ot Kingsclear, York.county.N, B, . % Isaac, (the writer of this,) 35 years old ; married Sarah F Snider, and has. 4 children ; residence as above. . 3. William, 32 years old ; married Jane Wagaman, and has 3 children ; res sides in Carlton county. 4. Benjamin, aged 28 ; m. Jane Esty, has 1 child ; resides in York co. 5. Francis, 24 years old; m. Sarah McKeen ; resides in Carlton county. 6. John, unmarried : resides on the homestead. My father, Francis Kilburn, was a most exemplary and pious man, and died a.few years since, sincerely lamented by all who knew him. I have thus given you a brief sketch of all the Kilburns in this province, so far as we know. Indeed, we had never heard of the name out of our own family, until your communication was received. I can hardly conceive your object in collecting this information ; yet I shall be glad lo obtain a copy of the work: Your humblB servant, ISAAC KILBURN, 122 [From the London Gentlemen's Magazice. — 1934.] • Sketch of William Kilburn, Esq., Artist. In the Life of William Curtis, the Botanist, publish in the Gent. Mag, Aug. 1709, it is mentioned that " In 1-772 he commenced his great work, the "Flora Londinensis," having ihe good fortune to meet with an artist of uncommon talent in Mr. Kilburn.'' I have seen no memoir of Mr. Kilburn, who has been dead many years; and when a man like him disappears from the world, by whose genius, taler.ls or industry, the arts, sciences or manufactures have been impro ved, it may not he deemed uninteresting lo rescue the incidents ot his life from that oblivion in which those of the generality of mankind are buried. William Kilburn was born in Capel-street, Dublin, 1745. His father, Samuel Keluurn, was an architect of some eminence,, and married Sarah John ston, of Tyrone. His uncle, Rev. Ebenezer Kel burn, was a Presbyterian cler gyman, and reared his only son, Sinclare Kelburn, lo his profession. His son was afterwards a very eloquent and popular pieacher, published a Treatise on Theology, and a volume of Sermons; but having unfortunately eaily imbibed republican principles he became a leader of the United Irishmen, and during the suspension of the habeas corpus Act in 1798, was arrested at Belfast by or der of Government, conveyed to Dublin, and imprisoned in Kilmainham Gaol, where, from long confinement, he lost the use of his limbs, and died shortly afler his liberation. William Kilburn, the subject of this memoir, was also an only son, and very early exhibited his genius for drawing. This, and the wish to have him in the country, as his health appeared dedicate, determined his parents to place him apprentice with Mr John Lisson, an Englishman, who had established a calico printing factory at Leixslip, near Dublin. Here he quickly learned the differ ent branches of that ingenious art, but attached himself to drawing and engrav ing — those being more congenial to the bent of his genius. Few lives are more marked than his with unceasing industry and application. During Ihe summer he rose at four, and occupied bis leisure hours in drawing patterns for paper stainers, which, with his master's leave, he sold ; the produce gave him pocket money, and enabled him to«purchase a pony, on which he rode to Dublin on Saturday, and passed every Sunday with his molher and sister. He hat acquired an amazing readiness of pencil, so that if a new patern caught his eye in pass ing through Dublin, he would take out his pocket book, and have it for his master on his return. He always spoke gratefully of the attention paid him by Mr. and Mrs Lisson during his apprenticeship, at the expiration of which he found himseif alone with his mother and sister. His father, who had speculated largely in building, became embarrassed in his circumstances, and died. - Only a small property settled on his mother remained ; this probably determined him to visit London, the great mart for genius Here he obtained a readv sale for his drawings amongst the calico printers. He also drew and engraved flowers from nature (iu which he ever delighted) for the print shops, and this led ti» his acquaintance withMr. Curtis and concern in the Flora Londinensis. When he had entered into this engagement, he returned to Ireland and brought over his mother and sistor — took a small he-use in Page's walk, Bermondsey, with a garden and greenhouse, and there occupied himself from sunrise to sunset in drawing and engraving the plants for that Work which reflects so much credit on English science. Soon after the completion of the Flora Londinensis, he received a proposal from Mr. Newton to undertake the management of a calico printing factory at Wallingtdn, near London, for which he. was to have a share of the profits, with out advancing capital. To this he agreed, and they were so successful that at the end of seven years he was enabled to^purchaee the concern, and became sole proprietor. He now rose rapidly in wealth, and was soon the most eminent calico printer in England, having brought the art to a pitch of perfection never *ineB equalled. He gave the highest wage3 te his workmen, some of whom came 123 from the continent, and gave annnal premiums for the best designs. His pieces of muslin chintz sold for a guinea per yard, and he had (he honor of presenting one of them, tho sea-weed pattern designed by himself, to HerMajesly, Queen Elizabeth. Finding that his patterns were pirated in Manchester, he applied for a Bill, which was brought into the Hou»e of Commons by his countryman and neigh bor, the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, '' to secure to calico pi inters the copyright of original designs." Mr. Kilburn married a daughter of Thomas Brown, Esq., an East India Direc tor, a most amiable woman, who survives him, and by whom he had several children. In the relative duties of son and brother, husband and father, his conduct was most exemplary, as a true believing Christian and moral man. — Though he had been a delicate child, he enjoyed excellent health until a few months be before his death. On the 23d of December, 1818, he calmly resign ed his soul to his Maker, in the 73d year of his age. The poor inhabitants of Wallington, by whom he was much lamented, followed him bareheaded to the grave. Mr. Kilbnrn was above six feet iu height, thin, but well proportion, and per fectly straight to the last. The pencil in his long fingers appeared scarcely ro touch the paper when drawing, so much had he aequired ol grace and freedom; the flowers he engraved about the time he became acquainted with Mr. Curtis, are now sought for by connoisseurs, being so true to nature. Rev. Sinclare Kelburn, A, B, [Extracted from a more extended Biography contained in " The Christian's Family and Pocket Companion, a Volume of Sermons by the late Rev. Sinclare Ktlburn, A. B , Minister of the Third Presbyterian Congregation, Belfast, Ire land"— published 1821.] The Rev. Sinclare Kelburn was the son ol Rev. Ebenezer Kelburn and Mar tha Sinclare relict of James Strahan, silk merchant, Dublin. He was born in 1754. He studied early in life in Trinity College, Dublin, and afterwards in the University ot Edinburgh, where he also devoted much of his time to Ihe science of Medicine, in which he afterwards obtained considerable reputation. After going through the regular studies for the Presbyterian ministry, he returned to Dublin: from whence.in August 1779, he came to Belfast, and became assist ant colleague to the Rev. William Laird, cf the third congregation. Mr. Laird dying in December 1791, Mr. Kelburn succeeded him, and continued to have the sole charge until November 1799, when indisposition compelled him to resign the caie of a congregation, strongly and affectionately attached to him, and which, for upwards of twenty -two years, he delighted and edified by a faithful discharge of his ministry. In the burial ground at Castlereagh, about three miles from Belfast, a chaste and appropriate monument has been erected over his ashes, bv his relict, cons taining the following inscription — Here rest, in hope of a resurrection to Eternal Life, all that is earthly of the late Rev. SINCLARE KELBURN, who, for 22 years, with much propriety and utility, sustained the character of Dissenting Minister of the 3d Congregation, Belfast. - Obit. 31st March, 1802, aged 42years. 124 Several persons were found frozen to death during the severe snow storm in the. winter of 17B6 — among others, one John Kilburn. He was found on the Great North Road between Stilton and Wahsford, Dec. 24, 1796. The follow ing obituary notice soon after appeared — Died — At a public house at Water-Newton, Huntingdon county, [England,] JOHN KILBURN. a person well known to many gentlemen of the turf as a list-seller and attendant upon the stables at most ol the races in the kingdom. He had undergone various vicisitudes in life; had been a "horse dealer of some eminence, and in that line traveled into France and other foreign paits Return ing to England poor, he entered into seveial militias, and was at one time a Serjeant in the Huntingdonshire; but his predeliction for horses and the turf occasioned him to quit that situation. At a town in Bedfordshire, some years ago, he was, according to the tiirf-phtase, quite broken down. It was in harvest time, the week before Richmond races, near which place he was born, and to reach there in time, he hit upon the following expedient : He applied to a black smith of his acquaintance to stamp upona padlock the words 'Richmond Gaof,' which, wilh a chain,. was fixed to one of his legs, and he composedly went into a cornfield to sleep. As he expected, he was soon apprehended and taken be- lore a magistrate, who, after some deliberation, ordered two constables to guard him in a carriage to Richmond, no time being to be lost, Kilburn saying he had not been tried, and hoping they would not let him lay till another assize, The constables, on their arrival at the gaol, accosted the keeper with, "Sir, do yea know this man ?" "Yes, very well — it's Kilburn ; I have known him many years." " We suppose he has broke out of your gaol, as he bears your mark : is he not a prisoner ?" ''A prisoner ! I never heard any harm of him in my life." "Nor," says Kilburn, "have these men, sir ; they have been so good as to bring me home out of Bedfordshire, and I will not give them any farther trouble ; I have got the key of the padlock, and will not trouble them to unlock it. I thank them for their good usage." Thedistance he thus traveled was 170 miles. London Gent. Mag. Vol. xxxvi. ' pt. 1st, p. 444, 5. Extract of a letter from Dr. Reuben Smith to the late Gov. Oliver Wolcot t dated at Litchfield, Conn-, May 12th, 1777. "The infamous Daniel Griswold came into the western part of this town, the morning before the (Danbury) alarm, and was there concealed till Mon day, and took off to join the ministerial army, David Kilborn. Benjamin Kilborn 'b son Charles. Isaac Kilborn'sson Abraham, and Samuel Kilborn son to Giles Kilborn, Jonathan Smith, jr , and his brother Elisha, (who was enlisted in the light horse,) David Joy, Ephraim Bates, Benjamin Doo little, Josiah Stone, and John Davies' youngest son. David, and one John Beach of Woodbury who lived at Josiah Stone's. The Wednesday following they were taken; (except Benjamin Doolittle and Charles Kilborn, who it is said were killed in attempting td escape,) and, were carried to Derby, where they were tried by a court martial, and Griswold was sentenced to be hanged ; which sentence was executed the Monday following at New Haven. The rest were pardoned, upon their ens listing into the Continental Army during the War." Note. — Charles Kilborn and B. Doolittle did escape ; the latter married Hannah, daughter of Solomon Kilborn, and still lives ; for notice of C. K. seep. 81. Samael Kilborn was killed while in the continental army, 1781. 125 [From the Rutland Vt, Herald.— Feb. 20, 1842] Great Diving in Wells Pond. Ma. TRUMAN KILBORN\a. of Middletown, while cutting a hole in the ice on Wells Pond, dropped his axe through the hole where the water was 16 1-2 feet deep. He threw off his clothes, dove through the hole where he lost his axe, went to the bottom, got his axe, and threw it upon the iee. This was done last week. a. Son of Abraham. See page 90. Col. JOHN KILBORN. Extract of s communication from William Buell, Esq., editor of the Brockville Recorder, [Canada;] dated June 10, 1847. JOHN KILBORN, Esquire, about whom you inquire, received a commission during the war of 1812, as Ensign in a Provincial Regiment entitled the 'Incor- , porated Militia,' and was afterwards present at the Battle of Lundy's Lane, when getting separated from the main body of the army, he was made prisoner, and was for some time at a depot for prisoners at Pittsfield, Mass. Alter th» close of the war. he went into mercantile business. He married Elizabeth Baldwin, whose father and family came also from Litchfield. In 1824 he offered himself as a candidate to represent the county of Leeds in our Parliament, but was un successful. In 1638, Mr. Kilborn and the writer of this were brought for ward by a political organization as candidates for the representation ot Leeds, the county then sending two members. Both were elected. We served two years, when the parliament was dissolved in consequence, as alledged, of the death of King George the Fourth, but as was generally believed, because the ma jority were liberal in their politics, the members from Leeds among them. At the next general election Mr. Kilborn declined being a candidate, and another of the same politics, togetht r with the writer, was elected. Mr K, has not since aspired to the situation ; but recently, he has been nominated as candidate on the,, liberal interest for this county, (it now sending but one member,) pnd it is con fidently believed that when another election comes round, he will be returned. Political parties in this county are. hew&rer, nearly balanced, and be maylfail, . At present Mr. Kilborn, as Lieutenant-Colonel of Militia, commands a Regi ment, and is one of the presiding Magistrates for th is county. He. is engaged, in the i mercantile business and lumber trade. His residence is about 34 miles in the interior, at a villag* called Newborough. It has a post office, and a mail twice a week. ',,,¦.. John Kilborn, Esq, noticed above,- is a son of Mr. David K. formerly of Litchfield. By the following, which is from the Brockville Recorder of Oct. 7, 1847, it will be ceen with regret that be has withdrawn his name as a candidate for parliament — TO THE ELECTORS OF LEEDS Gentlemen — In the month of February, and during the late session of the U- nited Parliament, a requisition was presented me by many respectable Electors, requesting me to stand as a candidate for Ihe representation of this county— it beine Confidently expected that a Writ of Election would immediately be issued: Fully impressed with this belief myself, after some hesitation, I con plied with the urgent request of my friends, and subsequently addressed. the Electors to that effect'. Thaty session is now closed without the looked for Writ, and another yet to com*,' will in all probability be got through with as the late one. We have therefore no "sufficient reason to expect this county will be called on, until the General Election in 1848. For' these and other reasons, I have deemed it my duty thus early fo'apririie my friends and the Electors generally, of my deter mination to decline the honor they desired to confer on me. 126 -¦! Mv grateful thm' -.-a x,..\ 130 A. D. 1371 Tune 9.0. —The Bishop of Rochester appropriated ibis church to the Priory of KILBOri'lV. n compi-teit portion i-i the Vicar, and also to '.he Bishop, St. to the church and archbishop of Rochester due'and accustomed rights, &c. Confirmed on ihe '-~th of the same month, saving the monastery's right to 221 acres in Apulderfie'd ; which 10s continued to be paid by the Prioress of KIL BOURN to [lie Bishop of Rochester. 1377 53 Edward II I.— License lo grant to rthe prioress of KIL BOURN one acre of land with Ihe advmvsoo, snid to be held of i.he'Kiug, in capite. Richard II.— To sir W. Heron by marri.ige, wilh a tenement called North Barden ' DePriorissa de KYLBURNE pro.Ecclesia de" Codeham Xs. ad Festum Michaelis. Fol.6-2. ... From [or concerning] the Prioress and Convene of KYLBOURNE the church ofi Codeham. diocese ol Rochester, lor thsir rnaiiitfijnfince [of the aligned ceremony]] on ihe feast of St Michael. aforesaid, 10s. Folio 'J36. ,c'; | Appropriaiion of the Codairi ch., folio 138, to ihe nuns or monastics of Kilbourne* '¦ 1404 6 Henry IV. — Allotted to Roger de Fines by, marriage. in the Codeham churnli is a memorial of the, burial of Walleys about 150 years since, [a.d 15(10] — Kilehrne's Kent, 1651. • ' • 27th Henry VIII.— Came ro the crown at the snpnression of KILBOURN ; and 5 soon after the advowson was granied lo Georire Brooke, Lord^Cobhain, to hold % from the King in capiie l,y the 40th part of one knight's fee. Edward VI, — July 20, ndvowson of the vicarage granted to sir Anthony St. Le- ger. Roger Revel held II. Elizabeth ; Gregory Fynes 13 Elizabeth. 1671 13 Elizabeth — Came to Sampson Lennard' by marriage. James I — Again vested in ihe Crown, 1707 Caine to Thomas Sireatsfield, in which family it now remains,_r804. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. In relation to the marriage of Frances Kilborne to Thomas A Foot, [p. 13,] I have received the following note, from Na thaniel Gro.odwin, Esq., to whom I am indebted for several important facts. " I have been very much bothered with the marriage of Fiances Kilbourn, a daughter of your ancestor., with Thomas A. Foote, as you have it on your book, and which I believe I gave to you. Not finding a son of such ajame among the children of Nathaniel Foote, the settler, I was led to read and re-read the Wethersfield records in reference to the subject, ami finally came to the conclusion that it was not Thomas A. Foote, but Thomas Uffoote, also one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, but afterwards of Fairfield county. The Fair field county records establish the truth of this conjecture. Be ing in that county a few months ago, I found on the probate 131 - records the pettlememt anj distribution of Ihe .estates of Th-»m- as and. .Frances Uflbofe,' by whic'i" It^appoafs ihat they died childless, and iheir estate 'was disftiibuted to " John Kilbourn, of Wethersfield, bi other of tog deceased ; Margaret Law, wife of Richard Law of Stamford, Lydia Howard wife of Robert Howard of Windsor, and "JViary Root wife .of John Root of Farmington, sisters of the deceased." "John Kilbourn was allowed 5 pounds. put of the estale before distribution, to pay him for his pains Wcom ng down frarrj Wethersfield to settle the estate.'' Sarah, the .2d wife of Serit. John Kilbourn of Wethersfield, was a daughter of John Brownson, one of the original settlers of Farmington. James Kilborn, [p. 53,] was. a quarter masler and lieuten ant of artillery in the British insiead of ihe American army. Appleton Kilborn, [p. 53,] had three daughters — Clarissa m. Heirrari Beach , Orilla m. Lovell Beach .;' pnd Sarah, unm. Children of Asa K. oj Cohhester, — Eliphaz, b. in Co.lchepfer Nov. 1758; m. Polly McKay in Orange co., N. Y. in 1788: removed to Albany county, in 1800, where he died (inRensel- aeiville,) in 1841 ; he was arevalutionary pemoner. Arona, married-Sarah Stone, and settled. at Fort Stanwix, N. Y. Sa- ren-us, married Lydia Sage, ol Sliaftsbnry, and removed to Fott Stanwix, and died there. John and. Wentwitb. died young. Add Naomi to the list of !he children of Ebenezer,' sr. p. -32. p. 64. Happy Kilborn married Gen. Levi Lusk — not Rusk. Joshua Kilborn, jr., [s*e page 79,] a. tanner and shoemaker, settled in Farmington street in 1807. He was a very pious man, and said .the ownership of so much property-^old house, shop and tan-works, all piobably not worth $500 — made him worldly-minded ; and he sold out !n 1810, and removed to West Avon. I hdieve he had, no children, though he married. — [MS. of Rev. W. S. Porter, Farmington. There was an Abraham Kilborn in Killingworth in 1730 — probably the same who settled in Litchfield about that time. A Joseph Kilborn removed from Farmington to Wethersfield in 1772. Who was he 1 p. 112, Hue 24 fro'.n top. " For Caleb read Calvin. 132 , Sketch of Instin Kilbourn, Esq. Condensed from a more extended notice prepared by an intelligent legal gentle* man of Hartford, Austin Kilbourn, son of Joseph Kilbourn E>q., and Hannah' Sellew his wife, was born in Glastenbury, Conn., A. D. 1794 The said Hannah Sellew was a descendant of Hannah Ham- ellin, daughter of James Hamellin and grand-daughter of Thomas Hamellin a commander in the sea service, who died in New England, who was the fourth son of Sh George Ham- ? ellin, co-heir of the Hon. George Hamellin, third son of James sixth Earl of Abercom, lineally descended from James Ham» ellin, second Ear! of Arran in the kingdom of Scotland, and duke of Chalelherault in France, who was great grandson of King James 11. August 10, 1810, he removed to the c;ty of Hartford, and obtained a clerkship in the counting-house of Messrs. Daniel ; Bunce, jr., & Co., merchants, where he remained until the dis-- solution of the firm by the death of Mr. Bunce in 1814, ' , March 15, 1815, he applied for and obtained a clerkship in the Phoenix Bank, which had gt ne into operation a few months before. He commenced as youngest clerk ; was soon appoint ed discount clerk, and subsequently First Teller. On the 20th of June, 1821, he was transferred to the Litch- - field Branch Bank, for the purpose of adjusting the books of said Bank, when it was was found that James Butler, the. cash ier, was a defaulter, ;ind consequently he was forthwith re^- moved from office. Mr. Kilbourn was appointed Cashier, pro. tem ; and at the annual meeting of the Board of Direc tors in the September followingj he wos elected CashieJ*, the late Hon. JBeojamio Tallmadge being President. Mr. Kilbourn continued to hold the office from year*lo year, until Au^fe1 31st, 1826,, when he returned to Hartford. While at il^pR field he attended a regular course of law lectures at the cele^* brated Law School in that place, then under the administration of the late Hon. Judge Gould. In Hartford, he commenced the Hardware business under the firm of " Kilbourn & Co." on the south corner of Main and Asylum streets, where he continued until 1840. He is still engaged in the same business in North Main st. in the city.., For ten years he was Recording Secretary of the Hart- < ford County Agricultural Society, and in 1844 he compiled and published a valuable " Treatise* on Agriculture;" the, " Bye-La w;s of the Hartford Co. Agricultural Society ; " Ri- enzy," &c. ' . , . r , In 1847, July 8, he was duly commissioned and sworn a Notary Public, by Gov. Bissell. ^W&SUST IE£S2B®WIESr I§( 139 JOHN, (sergeant,) was a deputy to the general court from Wethersfield, once in 1660, twice in 166 I, and once in 1662. LEWIS, [son of Whitman,] b. in Litchfield, May 31, 1806 ; removed to Akron, Ohio, in 18S2, where he still resides. He married Eliza MeEwen, and has a family. From the Cincinnati Christian Advocate. "Died— At his residence in Granville, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1841» HEZEKIAH KILBOURN, Eeq. He was born in East Hartford, Conn., October 27, 1790. Having in early life re ceived an education every way competent to qualify its posses sor to occupy a high position in mercantile life, for which he was in after years so eminently and extensively known — at the age of sixteen he commenced his business career as clerk in a large eastern establishment. Very soon he obtained a high character in his profession, as a young man of accuracy, promptitude, and fidelity. His great and growing reputation prepared him for another and most important "department of life. At this period, he engaged to fill an important office of trust in a foreign land ; and through Storm and peril, the prov idence of God conducted him safely to his destined haven. In Rio de Janeiro, whither the duties of his station called him, ten of his prime and better years weTe spent. On his return to the United States in 1816, he settled in Delaware, Ohio, and for six years, with his usupl ardor and integrity as a mer chant and a citizen, won to himself a large share of public pat ronage and esteem. In 1822, he closed his business at Dela ware, and the next two years were spent in Canandaigua, N. Y., after which he removed to Granville, from which place he never more removed until carried to the tomb. On Sunday, November 21st, he arose as well as usual, and was in his seat at church. At 10 p. m., while seated in his chair, he was struck with a paralysis — his left side became numb and ap parently lifeless. Medical aid was procured, but to no use* When God calls, man must obey. By 5 o'clock on the follow ing morning he quietly fell asleep, to wake no more until the morning of the resurrection." Samuel Kilbourn, a revolutionary pensioner, died at Chat ham, Conn., Nov. 15, 1834. There was also recently a John Kilburn at Chicago — a Samuel Kilburne in Baltimore— and a Uriah Kilbourn in Philadelphia. I have obtained no inform ation respecting either. 134 Descendants of Thomas Kilbourn, Professional Men, Magistrates, JVoted Characters, Legislators, etc., ¦ by thcname. of Kiz.bovrh JOHN KILBOURN, born in England in 1625 ; came to this country with his parents in 1635, and settled in Wethsrstield. Conn., previous to 1640. He was elected a Deputy to the General Court four times, commencing with 1660. He was a commissioner for running the boundary line be- i tween Wethersfield and the " Indian country of Mattibossclt ;" also bes tween Wethersfield and Hartford, in 1655. He wa9 frequently a Grai.d Juror, Selectman, &c. Died in 1703. HEZEKIAH, A. M , b in Wethersfield, 1700. Graduated at.Yale College in 1720 — in the same class with the elder President Edwards. Died in his na tive town. PELATIAH. A. B. bom in Wethersfield in i704. Graduated at Yale College "in 1724. Died in his native town. ABR\H \VI. b. ii '.la-fte-ibiirv l"i9l ; he wis a Dipury to the General Court in 1721, 1730. and 1756 Died in Glastenbury 1770. JOSEPH, Captain', h. in Wethersfield in- 1700. removed to Litchfield in 1721, and was a Deputy to the General Court from lhat town in 1752and 1753 JOHN. b. in Guilford, Conn ,in 1704; was the first settler in Walpole, N. H., in. 1749 ; the famous Indian fighter — see p. 38. Died ill 1789. JAMES, Colonel, b, in New Britain, Conn , in 1770 ; emigrated to Worthington, Ohio in 1SM4 ; U. S. Survvnr of Public Lands in the Noith Western Tir» ritory ; Trustee, of Ohio College ; Commissioner to locate Miami Uni versity ; President of the Board of Trustees of Worthington College : Commissioner to settle the boundary bel/veen the public lands antl the great .Virginia Reservation ; Member of (he Ohio Legislature; Member of Congress, fcc, &c. JONATHAN, born in Glastenbury 1706- settled in Colchester, and was a Deputv to the General Cncirt from lhat town at eight sessions, beginning with 1750; owl a magistrate for many years. He was alio a celebrated inventor. Died in 1785. JAMES, Lieutenant and Quarter Master in the Briiish army in the revolution Born at Litchfield 1750 ; died at Kitley, Canada, 1820. EBENEZER, born at Hebron 1744 : was a Captain in the revolutionary armv, asd a Deacon in the Congregational church. Died at Gilsum, N. H., 1810. JOHN, b. in Clermont, N- H., 1772 ; removed to Niagara District. Canada, in 1820, where he died- in 1843. He was a Captain and Justice of the Peace. DAVID, b. in Colchester 1744 ; was a Deacon, Captain, & Magistrate. Died 1812. JOSIAH, b. in New Brirain 1756; a captain in tbe revo'tttionnrv armv ; was at the baules of Mortfnoinh, White Plains, Harlaem flights, &c. Died 1786. CHARLES, b. at L'tchficld 1758; lietttenant-colonel in the Pritis1, service during the war of 1812; Magistrate and Judge in Canada. Died in 1834. JOSEPH, b. in ,T,i'chn>ltt 1771 • removed to Canada— was Military Surveyor and Draftsman in the British ' service, with the rank and pay of captain in the regular army. Died at ihe army's head-quarters at Kingston, 1814. 135 JAMES, b. in Litchfield 1816 ; graduated at Yale Theological Seminary, now pastor congregational church in Bridgewater. Conn. JOSEPH-HENRY, b in Canada 1809 ; was a captain in the "Patriot War" on thn liberal side ; afterwards settled in Michigan, and was appointed postmaster at Sanford in 1842, and was elected a metti« ber of the Michigan Legislature iu 1847- MYRON, A. M ,b. in Litchfield 1801 : graduated at Hamilton College in, , ** 1824 ; now resides in Iowa. ALEXANDER, b. at Caldwell's Manor, 1791; lieutenanl-colonel, com mander of ihe u Queen's Loyal Volunteers'' in the Patriot War Canada. Now resides at Stanstead. • JOHN, (of Newborough, Canada,) lieutenanl-colonel ; member of the pro-', .- / vincial parliament ; magistrate ASHBEL, b. in Goshen, Conn. ; magistrate, deacon, &c, at Hudson, Ohio. - JAMES, M. Z>.,b. at Worthington, Ohio, 1815 ; graduated at the medical. department of Worthington College, and was appointed Professor^ in the Medical College ai Cincinnati in 1844. .Died in 1845. HECTOR, born in Si msbury, Conn. 1791 ; settled at Sandusky city, Ohio ; was colonel, magistrate, and postmaster. Died 1838. JOHN, A. M., b. Tunbridge, Vt- 1789 ; graduated at the Vermont Univer sity 1810 ; author of" the Ohio Gazeteer, Vermont Gazeteer, &c. HENRY, b. East Hartford ; member of the Connecticut Legislature from Hartford; Comptroller of Connecticut from 1838 to 1841. AUSTIN, b. Glastenbury 1794 ; cashier of the Phoeuii Branch Bank, Litchfield ; Notary Public. JOHN-HENRY, b. 1785, resided for many years in Bristol, U. C where he was elected a magistrate, and member of the Municipal Council ROWLEY, b. in 1800— now one of the Presiding Justices of Niagara District, Canada. DAV7D, b. in Colchester 1770 — h« was the first post master and first town clerk of Marlboro', Conn. Died at Pittsfield, Mass., 1845. JESSE, b. in Litchfield 1778 — settled at Cazenovia, N. Y., and was many years post master, and member of the N. Y. legislature. Disd 1842. ,- • TRUMAN, b. in Litchfield 1780-seltled in Burlington. N. Y.. where he was a magistrate, supervisor and town clerk. Resides at Lockpoit. SAMUEL, b. at Litchfield 1784— settled at Lisle, N Y — has been a ma- gistrateand supervisor. Resides at Ogden, N. Y. J0HN-MORR\NVILLE, b. in Tioga co. Pa., 1816— has been a Justice of the "Peace, Supervisor, and Director of Common Schools, in Pot ter county, in the same State. JOSIAH, b at Walpole, N. H.— was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature from Lyttleton in 1843 and '44. 136 CHARLES, A. M., b. in Herklmei oounly, N. Y.— graduated at Hamilton college l833— an attorney and counselor ai law at Vernon. N. Y., late Master in Chancery, &c. TRUMAN, b. in Litchfield 1790— a magistrate and deacon. ALFRED, a magistrate in East Hartford 1842, &.c. HOMER, a magistrate in Litchfield 1846. ERASTUS, now postmaster at Newington, in Wethersfield, owns and lives on land which has been possession of the Kilbourns in regular suc cession from ihe Indian title, a period^of nearly 170 years. JOSjAH, A. M., b. at Hebron 1752-graduated at Dartmouth College 1778 — installed pastor of the congregational church in Chesterfield, Ms . AMAZA, b. Colchester, was a Captain in the last war with Great Britain, and fell in command at Black Rock. ALFORD, e-. in Colehester — was a lieutenant in the same war — and after- . wards a magistrate at Catterangus, N. Y., where he died, aged 25. CHARLES-L, b. Lawrenceville, J^a , graduated at West Point 1841, and is now a First Lieutenant of Artillery in our army in Mexico. DAVIDvH., b. Marlborough, Conn., 1803— settled in Lee county, Iowa. where he has been a magistrate, post master, and a candidate for the territorial Senate. JONATHAN, b. Clinton, Conn. — settled in Middletown ; has been a mem ber of the eommon council of that city ; and in 1846 was chosen a Stale Bank Director by the legislature. JOHN, b in Morristown, N, J. ; removed to Colchester, Conn. , and was a Dep uty from thence to the General Court in 1754 and 1756 ; afterwards set tled in Surry, N. H., and in the French War was a Lieutenant under Sir William Johnson, and at the battle of Lake Georgo headed a party of rangers in connexion with the celebrated Mohawk chief, Hendrick, — in the fight Hendrick was killed by his side, and himself severely wounded. Died in Clermont, N. H. , in 1776. RALPH-LEE, b. in Lawrenceville, Pa , 1810 ; now a resident of Upper Cali fornia, where he is the proprietor of 6,000 acres of land. WELLS, of Lawrenceville, Pa., inventer of the corn-planter, &c. one of the Burgesses of the borough, and a member of the Council. LEMUEL-JUDSON.a noted inventor; see page 88. JOSIAH, born at Glastenbury, Conn. 1706 ; was the first settler of the town of Gilsum. N. H, — his grandsdaughter being the first white child born with in its limits. ABRAHAM, b. in Wetharsfield in t708 f he was a Deputy tr>the General Court from Litchfield atfuur sessions commencing with 1769. Died in Litch field in 1776. DAVID, b. at Gilsum, N. H, ; has been a methodist preacher for nearly forty years — and a presiding aider for serent«en years. He now rssides in Barre, Mass. 137 IRA, Colonel, b. in Colchester, 1773 ; Commissioner and Trsasurerot Tiosa co , Pa. ; Magistrate, Post Master, Auditor ol Public Accounts, J udfe of ihe Common Pleas for 26 years. BYRON, b. in Granby, Conn , in ISOl ; Resident, Superintending and^Locattng Engineer of the State of Ohio: U- S. Surveyor lor Wisconsin ; candidate for Congress: Member of the Wisconsin House of Delegates. 138 IMPORTANT LETTER FROM .TAMES SAVAGE, n.. d. [Dated at liotWi, Novemher 26, 1847.] While just upon the point of closing this volume, a commu- nicalion from Dr. Savage came to hand, which is deserving of special notice — particularly tlie following extract : " Early this year I received, from the London State Paper office, transcripts from vds. 372 and 375 of returns (othe Pri vy council from Ipswich of passengeis in two ships — the Eliz abeth and the Fiances — bound for New England, April 1634, and from Southampton of passengers in the ship Bevis, bound &c, May 1638. Of course you know, that shipsi'iom Ips wich would bring Suffolk passengers — not Devonshire, any more than Norwegians. I throw this in, because one of your correspondents, giving an extract from a family bible, says — " Two brother came over from Devonshire," &c. I have fur nished you authentic accounts of Thomas aged 55, with wife Francis 50, and five children between 10 and 23 years old, who came from London in 1635. From the only sou then mentioned you derive descent. But here is the curiosity. My office copy of passengers in the Elizabeth of Ipswich from Ips wich, April 1634, has "Thomas Kilborne aged 24, and Elizabeth his wife, aged 20." Conjecture as easily springs up here, as I ever recollect in any case — that, I his Thomas was eldest son of Thomas, and was sent away immediately on getting his wife, to look out in the new country proper fields for father, mother, brother and sisters next year. We know from Gov. Winthrop, that the two Ipswich ships had good passage, lost very few cat tle and no passenger. If you, then, have any branches of a great family that you could not discover the origin of, here is chance." The questions at once arise — Was he a son of Thomas, of Wethersfield'! and, Where' are his descendants'? The first of these can only be answered by stiong conjecture. The fact that his name is spslt precisely th:-. same, [Kilborne,] and lhat he was about two years older that the oldest child of Thomas on board the Increase, favor the conjectures of Dt. Savage on this point, //a son of the said Thomas, he left no posterity, or at least his family was extinct in 1683, as it appears by the record of the distribution of Frances Uffoote's estate — no such heirs being alluded to. see p:. l30. 139 Jedediah Kilbourn Smith, member of congress from New Hampshire,_CharIes Kilborn Williams, ll. d., chief justice of Vermont, and Kilborn Harwood, of Barre, Mass., sheriff and candidate for the senate, descended from Geonre Kilborn of Rowley. Kilborn Whitman, member of (he Massachusetts senate and council, and John Kilbourn Shepard, member of the legislature of Connecticut, from Norfolk, 1847, descended from Thomas Kilbourn of Wethersfield. Rev. Alatison Kilbourn, pastor of the free will Baptist ch. in F.nosburg, Vt. 1839, and the Bev. Amos Kilburn, a Baptist clergyman in Virginia, — nothing further has been ascertained concerning them, nor is their genealogy known to the writer. EA^T HARTFORD BURYING-GROUND. Inscription taken from a stnne (now destroyed,) in the ancient burying ground' and preserved by the late Doct. Rrnwnell. Ht>re Ives ve Body of Thomas KilJ-hnrn, Which soone ro duct and Ashes will turn ; His dust ve vile Wormes wilV profane it. But his grate soul ye earth could not contane it. Here was Buried the Body of Mrs Susannah Fitrb, formerly ye widow of Mr, Thomas Kilbourn, and died ye wife of Nathaniel Fitch, February ye Uth, 1749 in ve 69th year of her age, Thomas Kilborn [3d] died April 8, 1748, aged 42 years and 7 months Mary, widow of Thomas Kilborn [3d] diedOct31, 1761, aged 50. Thankful, daughter of Thomas and Mary Kilborn, died OcfI3, 1740,aged 8 jrs. [Mary and Susaanah, daughters of Thomas, died each irher 6th year.] George Spencer son of Jeremiah Kilbourn, a lad of great promise, Rest here, my dear, till Jesus comes, To shake the earth, and rend the tombs, Then rise to heaven in glorious dress, Clothed in thy Saviour's righteousness. GLASTONBURY BURYING GROUND. Here lieth the body of John Kilborn, who died Nov. 26, 1711, in his 60th year. Hpr«> lieth 'he body of Mitchell, son of Mr Abraham and Sarah Kilborn, who died June 5th, 1716. Sarah, wife of Mr Abraham Kilborn, who died Oct 5th 1719, aged about 32. Abraham, ye son of Abraham and Sarah Kilborn, who died Sept 23, 1741, aged 25. Mary Kilborn, wife of Mr Abraham Kilborn, died August 25th 1757. In memory of Mr Abraham Kilborn, who died April ye 20, 1770, aged 79: Brief Notes of some of the Descendants of THUMAS KILBOURN, through female lines. JONATHAN LA W, born in Milford August 6, 1674 ; grad uated at Harvard college in 1695. He was a judge of the su preme court for nine ye.irs, commencing with 1715 ; in 1725' he was chosen chief justice and lieutenant governor, which offices he held until 1711, when he was elected Governor. He died Nov. 6, 1750, and was succeeded by Roger Wolcott. RICHARD LAW, ll. d., son of the preceding, was born in Mi'ford, March 17, 1733, and graduated at Yale college in 1751. After a lucrative practice at the bar for several years, at New London, he was appointed a judge of ihe county court. In 1784 he was made judge of the supreme court, and in 1786, chief judge. In 1789, he was appointed by Washington district judge of the United States,, and held the office until his death, January 26. 1806. For several years he was Mayor-of the cit\ of New London. His son, LYMAN, of New London, was a member of congress from Conneciicut, from 1811 to 1817, RICHARD, a captain in the Navy, and afterwards collector of customs at the port of New London, was also his son. GEORGE HALL, graduated at Yale college 1802 ; member of congress from the State of New York, from 1819 to 1821. Bev. NATHANIEL COLVER, a distinguished Baptist clergyman in Boston. ERASTUS D. CULVER, an eloquent member of congress from Washington county, New York, in 1846 and 1847. SAMUEL A. FOOT, graduated at.Yale college,, in 1797 ; was elecled lo congress in 1819, again in 1823, and again in 1833. In 1827, he was elected to the U. S. senate, where he faithfully served his constituents for six years. In 1834 he was chosen Governor of Connecticut. He died in 1816. i NtM7'~Xht.e Rev. Nathaniel Colver wriiesasfollows.nnderdate ofBoston, Dec. , i-, 7c uu"n»el Culver and Ruth Kilborn, whose marriage you meniio n 3 Ll , H u ^ay \rl73ii were mv grandfather and grandmoiheF. The forme r a™. Fi^tT1'"?' Vt ' 8boJul ,8.09 ! ""« la,ter in ,8n- They lived and died with tnA ll h- I eln,w'ho carried a Church. My father's name was Nathaniel ; he ana ell his brothers and sisters are now dead— except his sister Abigail, who mar- 5r, l0' .' eu^'9 a wldl"Vnd lives at Champlain, N. Y. The names of my grindfnther s children were, Pamela, Thankful, Elizabeth, Ruth, David, Nathani tel, Charles, Diodatus, and Samuel. The Hon. E. D. Culver, of the Scale of New York, is my brother s son. 1 have little knowledge of my ancestors," &c. Gov. Foot descends through the Law family-. 1-.1 [From the Charleston (S. C.) Courier— Dec. 24, 1847.] Lieut. Charles L. Kilburn, F. Si A. " Lieut. Kilbur-s. — This gentleman is now in our city, and all those who have it-ad ihe history olour war in Mexko- and parlicularly that portion of it which retaies to Ihe field of Bnena Vista, will be happy to recognize in him the gallant spirit who. wilh Gen. Davis, of Ihe Missis^ sippi Regiment, kept in check for four hours a column of seven thousand men, already flu.-, bed with Victory, for they had turned our left flank. Such deeds as these so seldom occur, that those who enact them should receive their reward — the cheering welcome of their fellow citizens, whenever ihey appear among them, Lieut. Kilburn is passing through Charleston on his way to Pennsylvania, to visit his parents and at the same time to recruit his health, which has been seriously impaired. We take the lib erty, to give the public information of the fact, that he may be invited to partake of the hospitalities now being offered to his gallant comrades from the baule-field. He is to be found at Gen. Btisbane's, Logan street." [From the Tioga County (Pa.) Eagle — February 9, 1848.] THE KILBVKN ©INNER. This well-merited token of approbation, in honor of one of Tioga's gals lant sons, Lieut. CHARLES L. KILBURN of the U. S. Army, came off on Wednesday evening last, at the Hotel of Col. J. Kimball, in this bo rough [Wellsboro.] At an early hour, a very la rge company asssembled, composed principally of citizens of Wellsboro and vicinity — among whom we noticed many of our most eminent citizens. The company was or ganized by the appointment of R. G. White, Esq., as President, and Gen. H Williston and SheriffPotter as Vice Presidents." The company then partook of a sumptuous dinner, served up in Col. Kimball's besl style, highly creditable to his taste and skill- The follows ing Toasts were read and loudly cheered by the whole company. Each toast wis followed by excellent music arranged for the occasion. Dur* ing the evening eloquent aud appropriate speeches were made by R. G. White, Esq., Lieut. Kilburn, Henry Sherwood, Hon. J C. Knox, Judge Brewster.-A. P. Cone, S. F. Wilson, and Julius Sherwood ; the latter gen tleman sang two appropriate songs, which were received with great ap-. plause. The whole affair passed off in the most satisfactory manner to all present, and the company separated at an early hour for their respec tive homes. [From a list of some rony toasts, published in the Eagle, we select the following:] — p k ir. Regular Toast.— 13 —Lieut. Charlies Lr Kilburn —A gallant son of old Tioga : first iu the deadly breach, and first in the heartsorhis friends Volunteer Tnasti.— By Judge Brewster— Our Guest, Lieut- Kn.BT/i'N : May his future career be as successful as his past, and his friends be permitted to welcome him home again, after the strife of war shall cease. By Col. J. Kimball-C- L- Kilburn, our Guest- To his memory and that of Jill the officers of the army ; may there names be inscribed in Iet> lers of gold on the pages of history, and never to be obliterated- 1-U GEORGE KILBURN. GEORGE KILBURN, was a member of the famous Rev. Mr. Elliot's church in Roxbury, Mass., as early as a. d. 1639 ; was admitted a freeman in Rowley in 1640 ; and in 1643, (according to a survey of the town made in that year,) a home lot was assigned to him on Bradford street. His wife's name was Elizabeth. A communication from the Hon. Charles K. Williams, under date of January 8, 1848, furnishes the lollow ing genealogical facts concerning his family . [Children of George and Elizabeth Kilburn or Kilborn, of Rowley.] 1. MARY, born May 3, 1619 ) ( 4. SAMUEL, born Sept. 11, 1656. 2. JOSEPH, born Feb I, 1652 J ] 5. ISAAC, Shorn January 26, 1659. 3. JACOB, barn Jan. 12,-1655 ) ( 6. ELIZABETH, bi.Feb 1, 1663. SAMUEL, above named, born September 1 1. 1656, mar ried Mary daughter of William Foster, November 12, 1682; died April 22, 1722. His Will is on record in the Probate of fice in Ipswich. His children were — 1 HANNAH born Oclober 2, 16S3 ; in irrird hidih Hnrli. \uril 5, 1701. 2 SAMUEL horn July 20, 16S7 ; died August 14, 1761. 3 DAVID born M-trch I J, ltiy3. 4 MARIA born July .21, lutfd; died September 24, 1710. 5 JEDEU.AKbom April an, 1699 ; Hied February 4, 1759, 5 ELIPHALlii' born 1705 ; di.td June 4, 17.32. Eliphalet Kilborn, above nauidJ, married Jane, widow of Nathan Frazier'and daughter of Mark Prime, in 1745 ; their only child was Jane Kilborn, born April 15, 1746 ; she mar ried the Rev. Samuel Williams, of Bradford, Mass., May 5, 1768, and died in Rutland, Veimont, March 2 I, 1829. The children of the Rev. Samuel and Jane Williams were — 1. Jane williams, born January 22, 1769 ; married Nathan Osgood, Esq., and died May 18, 1818. 2. Samuel Williams born Oct. 6, 1770; d. March I, 1808. 3. Leonard Williams, born at Bradford, November S, 1775 ; died March 23, 1812. 4. Charles, b. at Bradford, Dec. 8, 1779 ; d. the next year. 5. Charles Kilborn Williams, b. Cambridge, Jan. 24, 1782. [This completes the genealogy from George Kilborn, down to Chief Justice Williams, in his line of descent. Judge Wil liams married Lucy G. daughtei of the Hon. Chauncey Lang don, Apr. 24, 1817. Their children were :j 1. Lacy' Jane, wife of John Strong; Charles Langdon, grad. H.C. 1837; Caroline Maria ; Charlotte Eliza; John Warham — died 1828; Laura Lathrop — died 1847, aged 19 ; Mary Augusta ; Chauncey Kilboru ; Sam* i»el. ¦} 1-13 Letter from the Rev. Dr. Jeffreys, af llawkuurst, England. Parsonage, Hawkursl, Kent, England, January 3, 1848. Sift— Tour letter addressed to the Parish Clerk of this village, was brought to me a week or twe since, as the party doubted about taking it out, as there was something to pay lor it. Seeing it came from abroad, and thinking it might bf; of importance, I undertook lo charge myself wilh it, aud-'l now proceed shortly to reply to its contents. RICHARD KILBURNE, Esq., Anthor of Ihe Survey of Kent, publish* ed in the year 1659, lived and died at Hawkhurst His house, called " Fo*lcrs," is now the properly and residence ut' his descendant, Captain Sir Richard Grant, R. N. Mr. K. was a man of some eminence in his profession as a. lawyer, having .been five times Principal of Staples Inn, - London. He was also esteemed as a Magistrate and Historian. He died h'ov. 15, 1678, aged 74 He lies buried in the North Chapel of Hawks hurst Church, and on a flat stone, under the floor of the present vcslry, ii the following inscription — " Hie jacit Ricardus Kilburne, Arm., quin> qii'es principalis hospitii Stapulensis, Lond. Patriae oniamentum,emol- umeatum, Ob 15 Nov. 167S, aet 74.'' The said Richard Kilburne married Elizabflh, daughter of Willinm Dave, of Becley, in the County of Suffolk. Theie is a small lomb in the Hawkhurst Churchyard over, as I suppose, three, children of this marriage. f hevinscripliou uu the slone is as under — '¦1633 — 4—8. Hjre lye interred tt.e Bodies of Mary, Richard and John, chil drenot Richard Kilburne, of Hawkehurst, Gent, aud Elizabeth his wife.' He left an only daughter and heir, Anne, who was the second wife ei Thomas Brewer, Esq., of West Farleigh, in Kent, who thereby became possessed of Fowlers. They had two sons, John and Philip, and a daugh ter who married Davis. John succeeded his father at West Farleigh. Philip iai Fowlers, but dyiug unmarried in 1721, aged 35, from a fall from his korse, the estate went to John who died in 1724, and was succeed ed by an only daughter, Jane, who surviving two husbands and leaving no issue, left Fowlers to John Davis, D- D., son of Davis above mentioned, who was suceeeded .by his only son, Sir John Brewer Davis, Knt. The Kilburnes were originally of Kilburne in Yorkshire, whence they went intq Cambridgeshire .and Essex . The above named Kilburne was the son of Isaac Kilburne of London, who was the 3d son of John Kilburne orSafTron W alden in Essex. The said R. Kilburne and his wife Elizabeth bore for their arms — Ar gent, a chevron azure between three bald cootes proper. Their Pedigree is entered in the Visitation of London by St. George Richmond 1634. There is a Mr. Kilburn who lives in Hawkhurst at this time, and who k«eps a Classical and Commercial Seminary, but he is no relation to the above. Below are two extracts, marked A and B,from our Burial Register. I conclude A to be the daughter of Mr. R, Kilburne ; and B to be her sou, who iu that ease survived her one year. , A "Buried, 1720 July 5 — Ann Brewer, Gentlewoman, widow." B " Buried, 1721 June 3d— Phillip Brewer, Gentleman." I am, Sir, your obedient rervant, HENRY JEFFREYS. U * "Here lies Richard Kilburne, Esq, five times principal of Staples Inn, London, He was an ornament aad benefit to his country," &c 144 The Origin aud Meaning of the Word, KILBOFRN. [From Prof, Gibbs, of Yale College— one of the most eminent Philologists of the aj;e.] New Haven, March 11, 1848. P. K. KiLB-itntN, Esq —My Dear Sir : I have directed some Utile ats tention to the origin, and meaning of ynur family name, and would suggest the following derivation — Kilbouen, " cold stream,'' is a word of AnglosPaxon origin — being compounded of Kil, a corruption of AuglosSaxon raid or caeld, 'cold;' and Old ftng. bourn, AiifflosSax. burnt, 'a stream' or 'brook ;'— being applied first to a stream, say in the neighborhood of London, then to a village situated on the stream, and then lo a family derived from the viN iage. In support of this explanation of the nume, I would snggpst, I. That many family names are borrowed from names of places, there being hardly a village in England which has not given rise to a family name. 2 That Kilbourne is the name of a village or hamlet near London, and Kilburn the name of two towns — one in Derbyshire the other in Yorkshire. 3. Thai there is a stream called Coldbourne, which flows through Kil bourne near London. See the enclosed extinct from Gorton's Topograph ical Dictionary. 4. The Anglo-Saxon word bvrne, denotes, according to Bosworth, 'a bourne, stream, brook, river.' It is not to be tconfounded with the Eng lish word bourn, ' a boundary,' which is derived from the French borne ; nsr wilh born, in the names Seaborn. Win terborn, Newborn, which is pro bably the participle born. 5. The syllable Kil, has. I apprehend, no connection with Kil, given in Webster's Dictionary, which is of Dutch crigin. I know of no belter explanation than thai which is implied in the enclosed extract from Gor ton. ' As it respects the family of Kilbourn, I have examined Burke's History of Ibe Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, 4 vols London, 1836—8, but do not find the name in any of its copious indexes. Should I learn any thing new on the subject, I will endeavor to communicate it. Yours, with respect, JOSIAH W. GIBBS. [Extract from Gorton's Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain a rrd Ireland, 3 vols. 8 vo. Lond. 1833.] '•Kilbourne. county Middlesex- London, 6 m JVW by W. " A hamlet in the ptrish of Hampstead and Holborn division, of the the hundred of Ossulston. was at one lime celebrated for its mineral spring. Coldbourne stream, which rises near Westend, Hampstend. and from which this place tak^s its name, passes through Kilbourue to Bayswater; and after supplying the serpentine reservoir in Hyde Park, flows into .the Thames at Ranfclugh. ' FrOJE Great Britain«~Any information relative to the name or family ot Kilbourn in Great Bri'ain, will be very gratefully received by the au thor of this volume. ' Litchfield, Connecticut, (U. S. A.) April 1, IS48. 145 Letter from Goodwin Eilbnrn, Esq. Hawkhurst, Kent, England, 20 March, 1848\ My Dear Sir— I was agreeably surprized to receive a letter from you about three weeks since. Although perfect strangers to each other, I anticipate much pleasure from our correspondence, as the subject you have introduced to me is one I have long felt an interest in, and determined, whenever opportunities might occur, to search into. You may suppose from this, the information I c&d at present give you is very limited. Such is indeed the case, but from the inquiries I am making, I hope to be able to make some approaches towards sol ving the problem stated in your letter. Whatever may be the result of my search, I think you may at leBst reckon on receiving all (he information con nected with the name that I can collect. I have known Hawkhurst and this county about 16 years, but have resided here as Principal of this School only since Michaelmas 1846, I am a native of Norfolk, where my father and sister now reside, and where I lived for some years previous to the above date. Easton, a village about six miles west of Norwich, is where I first'saw the light, and where we possess a small piece of " mother earth,'' which I hope may long continue to be called by our name. Thi&, however, came by my mother, whose maiden name was Goodwin. My father (Isaac) is nearly 75 years of age, and has lived at Easton about 50 years. He came from a village some 40 miles from Easton, on the borders of Cambridgeshire, where his father and mother resided. How long they had lived there, I cannot now say^though probably in a few weeks I shall know: My grandfather died when my father was four years old. He was in very humble circumstances, and unless some account be found of him upon the parish books, I do not expect to Unravel much of his his tory. From the fact of my father having left his native place young, and his father dying early, we have known but little of the family ; but as I intend to visit the neighborhood in the summer, if I possibly can, and make search and inquiry among writings and old people; I have no doubt I shall find out many things which I am at present ignorant of. My father has two sisters and some nephews and nieces living there. I am not aware that I have any relative more distant than a first cousin. The name is by no means a common one, and I am not personally acquainted with any one bearing it except our own family. There are a few in London and elsewhere, but their residences I cannot now name, I have been told there are several at Kilburn, er Kilbourne, a village near Lon don. I believe you are already in possession of a few of the facts respecting the family bearing our name who resided in this place about 200 years ago. — Whether the Richard Kilburne who wrote a " Topographie, or Survey of the County of Kent," and who is buried in this church, was the last of his family, I know not; Several of his children, who disd young, are buried in the churchyard, of which their gravestones bear witness to this day. Richard K. eays in the preface, [the book was published in 16*9,] that he had resided up- 146 ttard*of35 years in the. county ; and under "Hawkhurst" he states he resided there upwards ot 28 years, '• God's providence having there lent him an inheri tance ;" but he does not say where he was born, or where his family had pre viously resided. These and some other particulars I hope to be able to discov er before long, I should have replied' te you before, but being in correspondence with a friend in the western part ef Norfolk on the subject, and having some reason to hope he could give me information, I have delayed until now. 1 find he does not live so near the places as I expected, and I must therefore wait a littU longer for information from that quarter. Though the assistance I can at pres ent afford you is exceedingly small, I