YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1944 POLITICAL HISTORY OK JACKSON COUNTY. Biographical Sketches of Men Who Have Helped to Make It. PUBLISHED BY MARSHALL & MORRISON. 1902. Press of Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Company. 1902. PREFACE. Kansas City, Mo., October 25, 1902. In presenting this work to the public no attempt is made, for obvious reasons, to go into exhaustive details as to political campaigns which presented no unusual questions of party principles. The object in view is to give a general review of the political con ditions of the county, together with a register of offi cials which ouglit to be interesting and valuable for reference. The biographical sketches have been confined to men of the present day, also for obvious reasons. Some have been omitted, through no fault of ours, who will deserve to appear: On the other hand, not one appeal^ in this book, who, in our sincere, belief, does not deserve to. All of them are clean men, and good citizens, who merit all the praise, without flattery, that can be given them. Asking indulgence for all errors and omissions, we are v « Very respectfully, MARSHALL & MORRISON, Publishers. CHAPTER I. Settlement of Jackson Co'UNTr. It is saiid that the first white man who set foot in the territory now embraced in Jackson County was Colonel' Daniel Morgan Boone, third son of the cele brated Daniel Boone, of Kentucky. Leaving his home in Kentucky in 1787, when a youth of eighteen, he made the journey alone through the trackless wilderness to. the "Httle trading-post called St. Louis. In the same year he continued his journey west until he reached the Big and Little Blue rivers, where he found a great abundance of beavers. For twelve years thereafter he spent his summers in St. Louis, and his winters on these rivers, trapping beavers; the skins of which he sold oh his return to St. Louis. The first settlement of white men in Jackson- County :was made on the Missouri River, at Fort Osage, now Jmown as Sibley. The Government bought a tract of land six miles square, from the Indians,, and established a fort and factory. A limited number of white settlers were permitted to 'locate on the tract in order to raise supplies for the fort. The next settlement was made by Francois Chou teau in 1821, at a point on the Missouri River opposite the Eandplph Bluffs, about three miles from what is 5 Judge JOHN W. HENRY. JOHN W. HENRY, Judge of the Circuit Court of Jackson -County, Division No. i,. and Democratic nominee for re-election, was born January 27, 1825, at Cynthiana, Ky. In 1845 his parents moved to Boon- ville, Mo., and thence, in 184S, to Independence. Judge Henry began to study law at sixteen, completing it at Transylvania University, graduating before he was twenty. He began th? practice of law at Boonvi'le in 1845, and two years later formed a partnership with Robert T. Brewitt, at Fayette. His ability attracted attention and -in 1854 Governor ~ Sterling Price ap-, pointed him State Superintendent of Schools, a position which he filled with great credit to himself and the State. From 1857 to 1863" he resided at Independence, where his widowed mo.ther lived. Then he returned to Fayette and two years later moved to Macon City. In 1871 he was elected judge of the Cir-' cuit Court, and his record there led to his elevation in 1876 to the Supreme Bench of Missouri. His record on the Supreme Bench stamps him as one of the ablest jurists Missouri ever. had. Upon the expiration of his term Judge Henry moved to Kansas City, and in 1889 was appointed Circuit Judge. In 1890 he was elected by the people and has been re-elected by in creased majorities ever since. Judge Henry was married in 1849 to Maria Williams, daughter of Frank and Martha Williams. They have -four children. Judge Henry, off the bench, is a Democrat, very democratic. in his ways, cordial, frank and kind, especially to young men. He is beloved by the people of Kansas City, and of the county -and State, regardless of party. I now Kansas City. Chouteau represented the Ameri can Fur Company j of which John Jacob Astor, of New York, was the head. Chouteau's followers, traders,' trappers, laborers and voyageurs, brought their fam ilies and settled at the trading-post thus established about the mouth of che Kansas Eiver. These peo ple were mostly half-breeds and Canadian French men, and numbered1 fifteen or twenty families. In 1825, by treaty with the Government, the In dian titles to the land in Jackson County were extin guished, and the country was thrown open to settlers. Next came the settlement at Blue Mills, called the ''Hudspeth Settlement," eight or ten miles a little northeast iof Independence on the iroad to Sibley. William Hudspeth, William Franklin, Christopher, Joel and Eichard Chiles, Thomas Potts, David Bit- tie, Lynchburg Adams, Lewis Franklin, Jesse Morrow, John Hambright, Michael Eice, and' many others were among the early and prominent settlers of that day. A mill was built and operated on the east side of Little Blue, by Michael Eice. The first school was • taught by George S. Parks. In this vicinity was built the first church in the county, called the "Six-Mile Baptist Church." Settlements followed rapidly at Independence, then at Westport, and successively at Lone Jack, Blue Springs, Kansas City, and other points such as New Santa Fe", Hickman's Mills, Stony Point, Wayne City, Oak Grove, Pink Hill, Greenwood, Lee's Sum mit,' Eaytown and Buckner. The early settlements were all in or near the timber, 'or some spring of water, the prairie land being regarded by the settlers "8 as not only too difficult to open, but. as actually worth less for agricultural purposes. Jackson County, which at first embraced the coun ties of Cass and Bates, was organized by an act' of the Legislature approved December 15, 182G. David Ward and Julius Emmons, of Lafayette County, and John Bartleson, of Clay County, were appointed com missioners to select the seat, of justice for the new county, N and to exercise the other powers necessary- for its organization. The commissioners failed to comply with that part of the act under which they were appointed, requiring them to locate the county- seat within three miles of the center of the county. They appeared to share the opinion that prevailed among the settlers at that time that the prairie coun try was useless for settlement, and so they chose a site in the timber lands and .gave it the name of Independence. On January 22, 1827, the Legislature appointed Abraham McClelland, Eichard Fristoe and Henry Bur ris as presiding judges of the county. Lilburn W. Boggs, afterwards Governor, was appointed clerk of the court. On May 21, 1827, these judges were sworn "into office and held their first session. Their first order was -that the county should be divided into -three townships, Fort Osage on the east,. Kaw on the west, and Blue in the center. JThey also ordered that a plat of the county should be made, which was done and approved by the court at its June session. At the same session the following named persons were ap pointed justices of the peace: Wm. J. Baugh, Jesse Lewis and Joel P. Walker for Fort Osage; Wm. 9 Judge JAMES H.' SLOVER. JAMES H. SLOVER was born December 31, 1838, at Towanda, Bennsylvania. His parents were New Yorkers, the family originally coming from Holland. In 1848 hisr parents moved to Chicago, and in 1852 to- St. Louis, finally settling in Independence, Mo., in 1864. That year he entered the Union College of La.w at Chicago. He graduated in June, 186G, passed his1 examination, and was ad mitted to practice Jaw in September, was elected justice of the peace in November, and in December he married Miss Mary A. Howe. In 1S68 he was elected, in ay or of Independence, and later was a member and treasurer of the School Board. As. chairman of Jackson County Democratic Committee, for years he served his party faithfully and well, especially during the troublous. time3 after the Civil War. On account of his activity he was chosen as one of the three -men to organize lodges of a State society to oppose the prescriptive "Drake Constitution," which was re pealed in 1875. From 1875 to 1885 Judge Slover- practiced law under the firm name of Comings & Slover, and Inter of Philips Comings & Slover, the firm ranking among the best in the West. In 1885 he was appointed judge of the Circuit "Court'.of Jackson County s Division No. 2. In 1886 he was nominatecUby the -Democratic party and elected. 1892 he was re-elected by a large majority and in 1898 he was elected for the third time. Judge. Slover ranks as at least the equal of any jurist on- the Missouri bench, in learning, purity .of character and impar tiality. As a man he is extremely gentle and courteous in man ner and polished and entertaining, in speech. 11 JUDGE EDWARD P. GATES. EDWARD PAYSON GATES, juuge of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Division No. 3, was born at.Lunnenburgh, Vermont, March 5, 1845. His fam ily-came to America in 1638, settling in Massachusetts. His forefathers were prominent among - the. pioneers of New England and. later they were distinguished in the War of the Revolution. Judge Gates' father, George W. Gates, after serv ing as United States marshal of Vermont moved with his fam ily in 1850 to Port Byron, Rock Island County, Illinois. 'In 1865 he moved to Independence, Missouri. In 1868 he was elected presiding judge of the County Court. In 1871 he was elected to the State Legislature. Judge Gates received a common school education and graduated with high honors at Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, iri 1867. He entered the law office of Comings & Slover at Independence, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. In 1877 he formed a partnership with William H. Wallace which lasted nearly twenty years. The firm had a large practice and gained great distinction. Judge Gates was the first County Counselor of Jackson County, and he was alsorCity Attorney of Independence. In 1896 he was nominated by the Democratic party and elected judge of the Circuit Court of Jackson County. In 1886 he married Miss Pattie Field Embrey, daughter of William and Mary Embrey, of Richmond, Ky. Iw 1902 he was. a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Supreme Court of Missouri, and, although defeated, he was ad mitted to have a larger following on account of his eminent fit ness and personal popularity than any man in the race. Judge Gates is a man of great ability, polished in manner and speech, modest and unassuming, and extremely kind to "young and struggling men. He is a past master Mason and a Knight of vPythias. He occupies the chair of common law pleadings in the Kansas City School of Law. 13 Yates, Lewis Jones, James Chambers and William Silvers for Blue; Samuel Johnson and Andrew P. Pat terson for Kaw Township. The first session of the Circuit Court was held in Independence, March 29, 1827, and was presided over by Judge David Todd, of Howard County.' The first clerk of the Circuit Court was Eobert Wilson, of Howard County, but he was so unfavorably impressed with what he regarded as the roughness and uncul tivated manners of the people that he resigned the position in disgust. He was succeeded by Samuel C. Owens, who held the office for many years. The first settlers of Jackson County were •princi pally from' other parts of the State, but they were rapidly followed by many immigrants from Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and a scattering from other States. At the election held in the court-house at Independence, August 4, 1828, there were 231 votes cast for John Miller for Governor. In the fall of 1834, however, a census was taken which showed that Independence contained a total of 250 inhabitants. Among these were: John O. Agnew, Solomon Flour- noy, Robert Biclcman, William Lawrence, Leonard H. Eemick, Henry Baker, Samuel C. Owens, John E. Swearinge-n, Eussell Hicks, John W.- Hoodie, Eeuben Wallace, Joseph H. Eeynolds, Samuel Weston, Rob ert Weston, John Lewis, Richard McCarty, Lewis Franklin, Allen Chandler, S. D. Lucas, Eichard Fris- coe, John McCoy, ,William McCoy, Alexander Todd, Henry Ruby and Eeuben Euby. Part of the electoral returns from Jackson County at the presidential election on November 4, 1828, were 14 lost, but an interesting indication of the then political complexion of the county is afforded by the returns in -Blue and Fort Osage townships. In the former, Andrew Jackson received 161 votes to 3 cast for- his opponent Adams, while Fort Osage Township gave Jackson 49 votes and John Quincy Adanns none. The Santa Fe" trade, which was enormously- prof itable, and which first gave Independence its im- - portance, as its starting-point, was gradually trans ferred to Westport within the next few years. West- port "was laid out by John C. McCoy. Other early set tlers were Eobert Johnson, James McGee and sons, John Harris, Jacob Eagan, Walliam Matney, and Johnston Xykens. Lone Jack in the southeastern part of the county, the next settlement, had for its pioneers, Warham Easley, Galen Cabe, John Snow, Stephen Easley and John Daniel. New Santa Fe" in the southwestern corner of the county on the direct route from Independence to Santa Fe", New Mexico, was first settled by John Bar- tleson, William Gray, John Whitsett, Edward Gray, Eichard Kirby, John Fitzhugh, George Fitzhugh, John B. Lucas, John Self and Linzey Lewis. Near Blue Springs lived the Smiths, Clarks, Bur- rises, Daileys, Judge E, D. Stanley and others. The first prairie- land cultivated in Jackson. County was broken by, David Dailey near the east fork of the Lit tle Blue. He used a "barshear plow," whieh consisted of. a beam to which was fastened the coulter or "shear," as it was called, to, cut the tough sod with wooden mould-boards. When Mr. Dailey undertook 15 Judge JOHN W. WOFFORD. JOHN W. WOFFORD, judge of the Criminal Court of Jackson County, was ,born August 14, 1837, in the State of Georgia. He served in the House and Senate of Georgia and was- presidential elector in 1876. He fought iu the Confederate army from the beginning ta- i the end of the war. He was appointed judge of the Jackson County Criminal Court in July 1892' by Governor Francis, and was elected to that position in November, 1892, and re-elected in 1898. Judge Wofford is one of the unique figures in Kansas City. . He is like no one else. A just and inflexible judge, strict in his construction and enforcement of the law, feared and respected by attorneys, he is yet as tender hearted as a child and- more like a father than a judge of criminals. He has inaugurated a system of paroling convicted criminals which puts them on their honor, releasing them during good behavior, which has done more to reform them than- all the prisons in Christendorn could do. Judge Wofford is a most genial companion, an able jurist, and a loyal Democrat.. 17 Judge J. E. GUINOTTE. JULES EDGAR GUINOTTE was born at the Guinotte homestead, Fourth St. and Troost Ave., in Kansas City, Mo., August 20, 1855. After a course in the_ private schools of Kansas City he completed his education at the St. Louis University. On his return to Kansas City he en gaged in clerical work for a time and then studied law in the office of Tichenor & Warner. In the practice of his profession he was not only remarkably successful but healso made, warm friends -of- all who came in contact with him, and so, when he received the Democratic nomination for probate judge in 1886, he was elected by an overwhelming rnajority of Republican as -well as Democratic votes. He was re-elected in 1890, in 1894, again- in 1898, and this year he received the Democratic nomi nation for the fifth time. And no wonder. The Probate Court under his administration is a model.with probably fewer losses through blunders of administrators and executors than in any similar court in the land. By his kindness and devotion to the interests of _the widows and orphans whose property has passed through his hands he has endeared himself to all classes of the community. Judge Guinotte is as modest as a woman and, in his manners, as simple as a child. Withal, he is called by many, the brainiesl man in Jackson County politics. 19 to cultivate or cross plow his field, the prairie sod collected in a huge pile in front of the plow, and he . was compelled to abandon the work until the turf died and decayed. After awhile when he found that the sod would not mellow, he took his axe and cut holes in it, dropped his corn and covered it with an other stroke of his axe. In this way he planted and- raised a good crop the "first year. Afterwards those who plowed the prairies attached to the plow six or eight yoke of oxen and opened a much deeper and wider furrow than is customary nowadays. David Dailey was a man of iron constitution, the father of twenty-seven children, and he lived long" and pros pered greatly. Of such rugged stuff were the pioneers of Jackson County, brave, hardy men, and devoted, faithful women, a God-fearing law-abiding people. Men, women and children worked incessantly, the men re claiming the virgin wilderness, the women spinning, weaving and making the clothing and almost , every thing that was used about the home, and the children helping their parents in numberless ways. The settlers in those days mostly went to Inde pendence and Westport for supplies: They usually lived in the timber and ale hominy and potatoes, fre quently-having no bread, 20. CHAPTER II. Organization: of Townships. When Jackson County was first organized it was divided into three civil or political townships, as contradistinguished from the geographical townships, which are established by "government surveys. These civil townships, already mentioned, were Fort Osage, Blue and Kaw. The boundaries of these townships have undergone many and material changes since they • were established in 1827. At that time Fort Osage contained its present territory, together with Sni-a- bar and Van Buren townships, and the whole east ern portion of Cass and Bates counties, , Blue Township contained what is now Blue, Brook ing, Prairie and part of Washington Township, and more than half of Cass and Bates counties. Kaw Town ship contained its present dimensions — Westport and a" part of Washington. Before the first general election, in 1828, Harmony Township, named for the mission to the Indians, was formed from the south part of Fort Osage Township. It included about one-half of Bates County. This was done by the county court at its May term, 1828. The " next township formed in May, 1830, was Boone. It too was carved out of Fort Osage Town ship. Its boundaries were defined in the order of the 21 A. F. EVANS. ANDREW F. EVANS, Democratic nominee for Circuit Judge, is a native Kentuckian and was born in September, 1862. After a course in the public schools he graduated at Senter College, Danville, Ky., with the degrees of A.B. and A.M. He taught school two years, study ing law meanwhile, and was admitted to the bar in 1884. He then took the law course at Harvard University and afterwards at the University of Virginia. In 1887 he came to Kansas City and has enjoyed a good practice ever since, being now senior member of the firm of Evans & Findley. In June, 1902 Mr. Evans received the Democratic nomination for Circuit Judge. He is a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club and has been a consistent and earnest supporter of the Demo cratic party from his youth. Besides being a speaker of unusual ability Mr. Evans is a well-read lawyer with the judicial tem- perament-which will eminently suit his work on the bench. : 23 W. S. PONTIUS. WINFRED S. PONTIUS, f.heriff of Jackson County, was born December 15, 1859, in Ful ton, Indiana. His family have been Americans for 150 years. He came, to Kansas City 18 years ago and embarked in the grain business, in which he achieved a competency. Although taking a lively interest in politics he was in no sense a politician, much less an office-seeker, and^his nomination for sheriff on the' Re publican ticket in 1900 was a great surprise to him. He was elected, the first Republican sheriff in Jackson County since the State went Democratic after the war. Mr. Pontius has discharged the important and responsible duties of his office most admirably. He has especially won the praise of the bench and bar, the' very men who have had the best opportunities to see .and judge his work. He has kept poli tics in the background, and his personal attention has been given to his office, with the result that his deputies have been diligent and faithful. To meet Sheriff Pontius one would never know whether he was a Democrat or a Republican. In meet ing him outside of his office one only remembers that he is A whole-souled gentleman. Mr. Pontius was renominated for sheriff on the Republican t'icket, September 20, 1902. 25 county court as follows: "Beginning east of the county line between townships No. 47 and 48, thence running due west until it intersects the line of Blue Township, thence south to the main channel of Grand Eiver, thence down Grand River to the county line, thence north to the beginning." Sni-a-bar Township was defined and named May 5, 1834. It also was carved out of Fort Osage Township as follows: "Commencing on Little, Blue Creek, at Benjamin Mayor's mill, on the upper road leading from Independence to Lexington, thence on a line with said road east to the line of Lafayette County, and that all that section of territory lying north of the aforesaid road, and within the boundaries of Fort Osage Township, be, and the same is, hereby enacted - into a separate township, to be known and designated by the name of Shne-bar (Shnee:a-bar, or Sni-a-bar) Township." On July 23, 1836, the fractional part of Boone Township, which still remained within the lim its of Jackson County, after the organization of Van Buren — now Cass County, was attached to Sni-a-bar Township. Washington Township was formed largely from Blue Township, February 9, 1836. Van Buren Town ship was laid off by order of court, May 3, 1837. It was taken from Sni-a-bar Township. Prairie Town ship was made up out of the west part of Van Buren Township June 4, 1860. Westport Township was es tablished out of a part of Kaw Township May 17, 1869. Brooking Township was organized by order of the county court March 13, 1872. It was formed out of portions of Washington and Blue townships. 26 CHAPTER III. Political Episodes. From its organization to the present time, with few exceptions, Jackson County has been overwhelm ingly Democratic, so much so that there is little to chronicle except the almost unbroken succession of Democratic victories. Three epochs statad out as land marks in the political history of the county, and two of these perhaps should properly be regarded, as so cial rather than political. They were, the settlement and expulsion of the Mormons in 1831 and 1833, the Civil War in 1861-1865, and the split in the Democratic party in -1900, which resulted in the election of the Republican county ticket in a county with a normal Democratic majority of 2,500. In 1831, Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mor mon faith, came to Missouri Rooking for a location for his people, then in Kirtland, Ohio, who had become so obnoxious to the citizens of that vicinity that they had been notified to leave. After prospecting in sev eral counties he arrived at Independence in July of that year, and announced that a revelation to him from God fixed it as the "New Jerusalem," the seat of the new Mormon kingdom. Accordingly he and his disciples entered several thousand acres of land embraced in a tract west of Independence, extending - ; 27 Judge G. L. CHRISMAN. GEORGE LEE CHRISMAN, presiding judge of the County Court of Jackson County, was born in Independence in I80I, and he has lived here all his life. His father was a celebrated lawyer, banker and successful business man. Judge Chrisman was educated in the Jackson County schools and devoted himself to farming and banking until six years ago when he was elected as a "Democrat, asso ciate judge of the County Court from the Eastern District. Al the next election he was elected presiding judge of the same court. In June, 1902. he was renominated by the Democratic party for presiding judge by acclamation. He has devoted hi? attention since his elevation to ihe County Bench, to the expan sion and improvement of the road system of Jackson County, and the results will be a monument to his energy and far sightedness for generations to come. Under his administration Jackson County has gained the proud eminence of having more mijes of rock roads than any county in the United States. Judge Chrisman is a warm-hearted man and exceedingly loyal to his friends. He became favorably known throughout the State in 1 900 by his candidacy for delegate-at-large to the Dem ocratic National Convention, 29 R. S. STONE. ROBERT S. STONE, Democratic nominee for county collector, was born August 12, 1857, at Independence, Mo. Receiving a common school education he moved on a farm when he was fourteen years old and lived there until 1885, when he removed to Indepen dence and went into the grocery business.- ' In 1889 he rer ceived an appointment as deputy sheriff under W. S. Sitlington and was reappointed as chief deputy in 1893 by Sheriff O'Neill. In 1896 he was elected sheriff of Jackson County and was re elected in 1898; Retiring from that office in 1900, Mr. Stone engaged in the real estate and insurance business in Kansas City. In June, 1902 he was nominated on the Democratic ticket for collector of Jackson County. Mr. Stone's fourteen years of hard; work on a farm laid the foundation for. the fidelity and careful-attention which he gave to the discharge of his public duties and qualified him for any office, or position demanding honesty-, and patient industry for its proper conduct. Besides these, Mr. Stone has a well-earned reputation fer fairness, just ness, and kindness to the. unfortunate and afflicted. He is a man of very winning personality and is justly considered one of the most popular men in Jackson County. 31 FRED, C. ADAMS. FRED C. ADAMS, - Republican nominee for re-election as collector of Jackson County, was born October 30, 1862, in Hartford- County, Con necticut. His ancestry was purely American for 250 yearsf After receiving a sound education at his home he came West seeking his fortune and located in Kansas City twenty-one years ago. He engaged in the banking business and was cash-a ier of the Kansas City State Bank when he was nominated by the Republican party and elected collector of Jackson County in ^November, 1900. He was renominated by acclamation in September, 1902. Mr. Adams is "a quiet man, with great force of character and an equally great power of application to business. He has administered the office, of county collector as a business man and not as a politician, and its a result, has won the esteem ann approval of the people, irrespective of politics. If any Repub lican can be elected in a county having a Democratic majority of 2,500, he can. Personally Mr. Adams is one of the kindest ot men, modest, genial and unassuming, faithful to his friends and faithful to his duty. twelve miles south from the Missouri River and twelve miles west to the State line. Another revela tion assured him that the site of the great temple, in imitation of King Solomon's temple, was about 300 yards west of the court-house at Independence, and on August 3, 1831, the spot was dedicated to that purpose, Joseph Smith declaring it to be "the Zio'n that should never be moved," and that the whole land was "solemnly dedicated to the Lord and His saints." A weekly newspaper, called The Morning and Even ing Star, was established at Independence as the offi cial organ of the Mormon Church, and each week it was filled with "revelations" predicting blessings for the Church and woes innumerable for the Gentiles. Their followers poured in rapidly and at a general conference held that year Smith revealed that the whole land should be theirs "by purchase or by blood." Emissaries were sent among the Indians inviting them to join the Mormon Church, and claiming them -as the lost tribes of Israel. The elders of the Church claimed to hold intercourse With God and His angels. to heal the sick by laying on the hands, to raise the dead, to walk on water, and, in short, to perform miracles of all kinds. At their meetings men, women and chil dren spoke in unknown tongues — the Gentiles called it gibberish— claiming that they were inspired. The Mormon colony greAV rapidly and in the spring , of 1833 numbered 1,500 souls. By this time the Chris tian settlers had become alarmed and aroused over the incendiary teachings and arrogant acts of the Mormons who preached and wrote in their newspaper" declaring that the land was given to them as a spoil, 34 and that no Gentile should inhabit it. Resentment against them grew that summer when abolitionist articles were printed on "Free People of Color," in tended to incite the negroes to revolt against slavery, and the climax of indignation was reached when the Mormons prepared to place a ticket for the county offices in the field. On July 20, 1833, an anti-Mormon mass-meeting was held at Independence with Colonel Richard Simpson as chairman, and James H. Flournoy and Colonel Samuel D. Lucas, secretaries. Resolutions were adopted declaring that "in future no Mormon shall settle in this county." That "{hose now here, who shall give a definite pledge of their intention, within a reasonable time, to move out of the county, shall be allowed to remain unmolested until they shall have tim'e to sell their property and close their business without material sacrifice." The Star was ordered to be discontinued forthwith. These resolutions were drafted by a committee con sisting of Russell Hicks, Robert Johnson, Henry Chiles, Thomas Hudspeth, Joel F. Chiles, James M. Hunter and Colonel James Hambriglet. A committee appointed to present the resolutions to the Mormon leaders reported that the latter would not. give any answer until they had communicated ¦with Joseph Smith, who was at Kirtland, O. It was then resolved that the Star office should be immedi ately destroyed, which was done and the printing materials thrown into "the Missouri River. Bishop Partridge and Storekeeper Allen, the Mormon lead ers, who had demanded a delay, were stripped naked, 35 HARRY G. HENLEY. HARRY HENLEY was born in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, a little over thirty years ago. Inheriting indomitable pluck and. cour age from his father and mother/ the former of whom was born in Kentucky, and the latter in Missouri, he has surmounted many obstacles and steadily risen. He belongs to that type or men who are self-made^ As a. mere boy he started in to earn what he cciild. Working at whatever presented itself, he sold . newspapers, worked, in a woolen mill, blacksmith shop, painted and finally became an expert turner. Studying of nights be. acquired such an education as made him amply qualified and competent to hold the responsible position of division clerk of the Independence Division of the1 Circuit Court. Still studying of nights he graduated fromthe Kansas City School of Law and has been licensed to practice in the several courts of the State. He has ever been an active and energetic man, filling his official position with credit to himself and the office. In ad dition he has found time to take an active interest in religion- and politics. He takes an interest in all civic and public af-\ fairs and is a member of the Knights of Pythias and Woodmen. Recently the Democratic party in convention assembled, recognizing his especial fitness and qualifications for the: office gave, him the nomination for clerk of the Circuit Court. This is the principalship of the office in which he has been a deputy; -until he recently resigned. ^ • Although young, Harry Henley is recognized throughout! the community in which he lives as a solid and substantial j man. . ..¦;' !<-. ,; 37 Dk. CHARLES H. LESTER. DR: CHARLES H. LESTER. Dr. Lester was born May 10, 1857, in Kansas City, Mo., where he has lived all his life. His parentage is English and Scotch, although his forefathers have lived in America for several generations. Dr Lester is a tall, strong man. strong mentally and physically, with the gentle, kindly manners that are derived partly from his' great strength and partly through his training as a physician in ministering to the weak and aiilieted. He is regarded as -one of the ablest physicians in Kansas City and enjoys a large private practice. Dr. Lester held the office of coroner of Jackson County from 1898 to 1900, and was only defeated for re-election by the split in the Demo cratic party in Jackson County in 1900. He -is the Democratic nominee for coroner on the County ticket this fall. ¦ 39 JAMES L. PHELPS. JAMES D. PHELPS, -Democratic nominee for county clerk, was born January 1, 1855, at Ottawa, Illinois. He comes of good, old Democratic stock, his mother being a Kentuckian, and his father a Virginian. wh.o cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson.-^ Mr. Phelps graduated from the Ottawa High Schools in 3871, and 187.8 he was admitted to the bar before the Supreme Court of Illinois. Removing to Arkansas his health failed two years after, and he changed his residence to Atchison, Kansas. Four years later he came to Independence, Missouri, where hs has lived ever since. In 1889 Mr. Phelps was appointed marshal of the Kansas City Court of Appeals. In 1895 he was appointed chief. deputy county clerk by T. T. Crittenden, Jr., which posi tion he has held ever since. In 1893" Mr. Phelps married, at Independence, Miss Nellie Gregg, the daughter Of Samuel and Maria Bryant Gregg. The Gregg and Bryant families moved to Jackson County from Kentucky fifty-five years ago. Prior to his nomination for county clerk this year, Mr. Phelps-has never been a candidate for office although he has always voted the Democratic ticket and has. always worked earnestly and faithfully for the success -of his party. Mr. Phelps' record socially, in business life, and in the appointive offices he has held is above reproach. 41 tarred and feathered and ordered to leave the coun try at once. On July 23, several hundred citizens as sembled for the purpose of expelling the Mormons by force. The Mormons were pretty thoroughly cowed and they agreed to leave by the following April. v In the meantime they appealed for protection to Governor Dunklin, who, upon the advice of Attorney- General R. W. Wells, advised them to stay and ap peal to the courts for redress. Legal action was com menced against the ring-leaders of the anti-Mormon mob and eminent lawyers were employed to prose cute them. On October 30 the citizens . were again assembled in arms and commenced the work of removing thi- Mormons by force. Ten Mormon houses on the Big Blue, five at Westport and numbers at other points were burned and their inhabitants , driven ' away. At the Whitmer Settlement two miles southeast of Kansas City, Mormons resisted and several citizens were killed or wounded. The militia were called out, but refused to protect the Mormons. On November 7, the thoroughly frightened Mormons began cross ing the Missouri River into Clay County. This ended the Mormon occupation as a body of the "New Jerusa lem," Jackson County. Within the next twelve months their leaders' ap pealed to the Governor, State Legislature, and the courts of Missouri, as well as to the President of the United States, to reinstate them in their homes, but their efforts proved fruitless. The seized Mormon lands were paid for, but no Mormon was allowed to set foot in Jackson County. 42 The Mormon settlements in Ray, Carroll, Cald well and Daviess counties led to the "Mormon war" a few years later, which resulted in the Mormons be ing driven from the State. There is now in Jackson County a body of Mor mons calling themselves, "Latter Day Saints." They are a~ branch of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, of which Joseph Smith, Jr., eldest son of Joseph Smith, was the president. The headquarters of this Church is at Piano, Kendall County, Illinois. This Church has over 400 congre gations in the principal cities of the country. They -are opposed to polygamy and keep missionaries active ly at work in Utah, seeking to convert the Brigham Young Mormons from that doctrine. 43 O. H. GENTRY, Jr. O. H. GENTRY, JR., Democratic candidate for treasurer of -Jackson County, was horn May 9, 1859, in Jackson County, Mo., and has lived here all his life.. He was raised on a farm until he was-18 when he entered u.pon(the drug business, in the employ of J. C. Pendle ton, of whom he is now a partner, at .Independence, Mo. Mr. Gentry was nominated for treasurer of Jackson County on the Democratic ticket in 1900, but went down to defeat with the rest of the ticket on account of the split in the party that year. He was renominated for the same office in June, 1902. Mr. Gentry has never been a factional man in the troubles that have existed in his party in Jackson County. . It is no 'flattery to say that he enjoys the respect and'esteem of men of all -factions and parties. He is a man of winning personality. With a rare faculty. for making friends of everyone he meets. His strongest claim upon the regard of those who know him is his devotion to his family, including his -mother, -whom he jias cared for since his father's death when he was only five years old." Mr. Gentry married Miss Emma Robinson of .May- view, Jackson County, and has three lovely children. 45 T. J. PENDERGAST, THOMAS J. PENDERGAST, Democratic nominee for marshal of Jackson County, was born July 22, 1872, at St. Joseph, Mo. After receiving an education at his native town Mr. Pendergast removed to Kansas City in 1890 and was associated in business with his brother, James Pendergast, until he received an appointment as deputy county , marshal. Upon Mayor Reed's election he was appointed super intendent of streets for Kansas City, and he. has retained that position ever since. The position has been a difficult and thank- loss one, owing to the lack of sufficient funds to do the work, but. Mr. Rendefgast's record has been highly satisfactory, es pecially to the business men of Kansas City. He has given his entire time and attention to the work, and his figure is a familiar one on the streets, standing in a snow storm in winter, or in the broiling sun of summer, superintending the work of his men. As deputy county marshal he became fa miliar with the duties cf the office and his election will find him S thoroughly qualified official. 47 CHARLES V/RENICK. CHARLES V. RENICK, clerk of the Criminal Court of Jackson County, and Democratic nominee for re-election, was born May 5, 1867, in Jackson County, Mo. His father, John T. Renick, was bom in Indepen dence in 1832, and his grandparents came to Lafayette County from Kentucky in 1818. His early school life was spent in Jack son County and after a two years' course at Odessa College, Mo., in 1887 he entered the employ of A. J. Bundschu, the dry goods merchant, at Independence. In 1890 he went as travel ing salesman for Burnham, Hanna & Munger, and afterward? worked in the same capacity for Swofford Bros. In 1895 he went into the general mercantile business for himself at Oak 9 rove, Mo. In 1899 he was elected on the Democratic ticket as clerk of the Criminal Court and in June, 1902, he was renom inated by acclamation. He was married December 25, 1900, to Miss Almeda K. Humphrey, daughter of Dr. Willis P. King. Mr. Renick was a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club and has been an active worker at every elec tion for his party's success. He is one of the best known men iu Jackson County and is extremely popular, His record as criminal clerk has been without a blemish and his re-election will be a well-deserved endorsement by the people who have known him all his life. 49 CHAPTER IV. Jackson County During the Civil War. No part of the country was the scene of fiercer fighting during the Civil War than Jackson County. For several years prior to the war Jackson County was the storm center of. the border troubles which arose between Kansas and Missouri over the slavery question. Numerous acts of violence and bloodshed were committed on both sides, and the seeds were sown which bore fruit in the terrible guerrilla war fare which arrayed' families and neighbors against each other throughout the war. A large majority of the citizens of the county were Southern sympathizers, but the Federal authorities sent troops and took possession of Kansas City and Independence at an early date, and from that time the struggle raged for possession of the county. Quantrell and his men held possession of the fast nesses of the county aud although the roads swarmed with Union soldiers, they were never able to oust him. Men were shot down on the public highways and hanged on the public squares, without trial or cause; skirmishes were of daily and nightly 'occurrence and desperate battles were fought at various times over almost every inch of ground jn the county. On the Big and Little Blue rivers, Rock Creek, at Independ- 50 ence, Lone Jack, Westport and other points, bloody battles were fought, and by the wayside, lonely roads, farm houses, homes, and even churches were bathed in blood as Confederate scout and Union Jayhawker settled accounts with each other. During this period the Confederates were generally victorious on the battle-field, while the Union side prevailed at the elections. Kansas City was a Union town from the beginning of the war, and the county had little opportunity for a free expression of opinion. After the war the Southern men were disfranchised until the repeal of the infamous Drake Constitution, which was only accomplished after long and persist ent efforts on the part of the Southerners. In these post-bellum political struggles Judge James H. Slover and others took the lead, and, when other means failed, they formed secret societies in which to agitate and form plans for the accomplishment of their ob ject,, to place all citizens on an equal footing before the law. As. soon as this was done Jackson County again became safely Democratic and remained so for thirty years, until the disastrous split in the fall of 1900. 51 COL, JOSEPH W. MERCER, * COLONEL JOSEPH W. MERCER was born February 25, 1845, in Platte City, Mo., but he has re sided in Jackson County for a period of fifty years. His life has been, eventful and successful, both in politics and in busi ness. _ He has been a member of the City Council and mayor of Independence, treasurer of Jackson County in 1872 and 1873, and was elected treasurer of the State of Missouri in 1874. J.n business life Colonel Mercer has -for twenty years been inter ested in ' the 'Kansas City Wholesale Grocery Company, of which he is now .vice-president. He is also vice-president of the First -National Bank of Independence and president of the Mize Hardware' Company. Colonel Mercer entered the. Con federate Army at the age of 16, and fought four years until the surrender. He was wounded at the battles of Lexington and'. Pea Ridge, and lost an arm at Pine Bluff. He came out qf-,|h* Army penniless and taught school near Independence, Mo. He married Miss Laura Green of Jackson County in 1870, and has four children living. Colonel Mercer is an Elk', Odd-fellow, and Knight of Pythias. . In June, 1902, he was nominated for county judge .of the Eastern District of Jackson County on the Democratic ticket. 53 JAMES A. REED. JAMES A. REED, mayor of Kansas City, was born on a farm in Richmond County, Ohio, November 9, 1861. When he was three years old his parents moved to a farm near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and when he was eight his father died, leaving to him the "care of his mother and young brothers. He worked on the farm in the day' and studied at night until he was able to attend Coe College at Cedar Rapids, where he won the State Oratorial- Con test for his alma mater. In 1882 he began the study of law and in 1885. was admitted to the bar. After serving as chairman of his Democratic County Committee and winning a reputation as . a stump' speaker, he came to Kansas City in 1888. His debut in politics here was as candidate for the Democratic nomination for prosecuting attorney, which he lost, and then he stumped the county in a remarkable campaign making more speeches for his successful rival than he did for himself. In 1896 he became county counselor and won every case that came to trial. In 1898 he was elected prosecuting attorney of Jackson County and in the next two years his name became a terror to evil doers. Qut of 242 cases he lost but one, and there were PUiy two nut'trials. In 1900 the Democrats of Kansas City, who had been in a minority for years, centered on the brilliant young prosecuting attorney to lead their forlorn hope, He accepted the call of his party, resigned his far more profitable office, made a whirl wind campaign which fairly swept the opposition off its feet, and was elected mayor by over 2,000 majority. Then began his memorable struggle to compel the public corporations to pay their just share of the burdens of the city and to fulfill their long-ignored obligations to the people. With a City'Council against him, and fighting almost singly and alone, Mayor Reed effected reforms which saved the city over a million of dollars and brought the corporations to their knees. In 1902 he was re nominated and elected mayor after a bitter fight in which cor poration money was lavishly used against him. He is probably the most effective campaigner in Missouri, and with his abso lute honesty, fearless courage and devotion to the people's in terests the future undoubtedly has higher honors in store for him. 55 J. G. L. HARVEY. JACQUE G. L. HARVEY was horn January 26, 1875, in Saline County, Mo. Twelve years ago he came to. Kansas City and entered the law office of James A. Reed as office boy and subsequently as stenographer. When Mr. Roed was, elected mayor of Kansas City in April, 1900, he selected Mr. Harvey as his private secretary, a post he has held ever since. In June, 1900, Mr. Harvey graduated from the Kansas City Law Schocl with the highest honors of his class. He has discharged the delicate and difficult duties of his position as secretary to the mayor with conspicuous ability, and an enthusiastic loyalty to the interests of his chief that seems to characterize his every act where the interests of hia friends are at stake. 57 CHAPTER V. The Democrat Split in 1900. But little can be said within the limits of this work, as to the merits or details of the controversy which led to the split in the Democratic party in Jackson County in the fall- of 1900. The trouble may be said to have originated in Kansas City, where the •Democratic party had split in the city election -in 1894, and thereafter had been divided into two factions who hated each other worse than they did their common enemy, the Republicans. The bitterness between these factions gradually extended into the county, and cul minated in August, 1900, when two Democratic county conventions were held simultaneously under the same tent in Independence, two Democratic county tickets were nominated, and two Democratic county commit tees were selected. All efforts to effect a compromise having failed, the services of the Democratic State Central Commit tee were invoked and a committee from that body- came to Kansas City and spent several days trying to heal the breach. After hearing the case as presented by both sides, the committee decided to order a new primary and convention, which was held at Independ ence the following month, and a new Democratic ticket was nominated. The Shannon faction, as it was called, 58 denied the authority of the State Committee to inter fere, refused to take part in the new primaries, and afterwards kept its ticket in the field. The controversy ' was finally brought before the Supreme Court, which decided in favor of the Shannon faction's ticket. This decision, which was based^on a legal technicality and did not enter into the merits of the case, was repudi ated by the Democrats at the polls in the general elec tion in November, and, although W. S. Cowherd, Dem ocratic nominee for Congress, carried the county by a large majority, the entire Republican county ticket was elected by equally large majorities. Since then the opposing Democratic factions ap pear to have learned and digested the bitter , lesson of defeat. In the spring of 1902, in Kansas City, most of the leaders of both factions gave hearty support to Mayor James A. Reecf in his splendid campaign for re-election, and those who did not, sulked in their tents, but essayed no open warfare. After Mayor Reed's election these latter found that they were in danger of losing their political prestige and they, too, hastened to get in the regular Democratic band-wagon rather than be run over and crushed. New align: ments, based on fresh issues, and the advent of new leaders, were made and the solidarity of the two fac tions was considerably shaken. At all events, harm ony prevailed at the ensuing county primaries and the county convention held in June at Independence nom inated a ticket which represented the extreme ele ments of both factions. The personnel of the ticket is without exception excellent and under ordinary cir cumstances its election would be a foregone conclu- 59 H. C. BRADY. HUGH C. BRADY was born in 1870, in Kansas City, Mo., of Irish parentage. He attended school at the St.. Francis Institute, Osage -Mission, Kansas, and worked at the printing trade for twelve years, studying law while setting type on the Kansas City Journal. In 1894 he, entered the law office of Frank P. Walsh who took a warm interest in the modest, hardworking boy, and who has been his warm friend ever since. In 1896 young Brady was ad mitted to the bar, and retained his office with Mr. Walsh. In 1900 Mr. Brady, although not a candidate, came within a few votes of being nominated for police judge of Kansas City, and in 1902 receiving the nomination he led the Democratic ticket and was elected by over 3,000 majority. A short and simple; history, but full of hard work and self-denial, of energy and pluck in the face of apparently insurmountable obstacles. With such an earnest as a beginning who shall place a limitation on what the, fruition may be at last? Mr. Brady is himself respected for his' sound sense and -popular because cf his manliness, but his chief title to the esteem of his fellow men is his devotion to his friend and guide, Frank Walsh. His speech at St. Joseph, nominating Mr. Walsh for State committeeman, was a model of terseness and manly eloquence, but it was no less a credit to the subject, than to the speaker in the feeling he displayed. 61 JOHN P. LYNCH. JOHN P. LYNCH was born November 7, 1862, in Kansas City, Mo. He has lived all his life in the sixth ward, where he is the unquestioned Democratic leader. Mr. Lynch has the manner and tastes Of a business man, rather than a politician, and he has made a great success in the lime and cement business. But when he was elected to the lower house of the City Council in 1900 he was quickly recognized as a leader by his associates, who elected him speaker of the house. In 1902 he was re-elected to the Council and again chosen as speaker. As a man and as a politician, Mr. Lynch's distinguishing characteristic is his rugged honesty and absolute incorruptibility. Blunt and straightforward in manner and speech, no piece of extrava gance, or suspicion of jobbery' has escaped his watchful eye as speaker of the lower house, and he has shown the courage of his convictions by coming down on the floor and opposing measures that he considered harmful to the city's interests, whether they were fathered by political friend or foe. And yet he is so fair and impartial in his rulings, and so free from reproach in his personal conduct, that he commands -the respect and esteem of all his political associates, as well as of the peo ple of Kansas. City. Speaker Lynch has often acted as mayor during Mayor Roed's absence from the city, and has filled the position with, such dignity and tact that many persons have come to regard him as a .logical and worthy successor to Mayor Reed. 63 A. E. GALLAGHER. ANDREW E. GALLAGHER was born March 29, 1860, at Oswego, New York. Twenty years ago he came to Kansas City and embarked in the real estate business. Taking an active interest in politics, as a Democrat, but never a candidate for office, he soon became a leader in his ward, and a prominent figure in his party's councils and conventions. In the spring of 1902, Mr. Gallagher was appointed city comptroller by Mayor Reed and was confirmed by the City Council as ajnan who was acceptable to Democrats and Repub licans alike. In June, 1902, Mr. Gallagher was elected chairman of the Democratic; County Committee, a rare compliment to his integrity and political acumen in view of the existing, condi tions in Jackson County politics. The best testimonial, how ever, to Mr. Gallagher's character is the fact that he is best liked where he is best known, among his own neighbors. 65 sion. On the other hand, the Republican county offi cials have given the people an efficient, non-partisan and economical administration, and these officials are confidently asking the people to endorse their good work. Moreover, it is the history of politics that when a bolt has once occurred in a party, at least a residuum of the bolters never return to their party's camp. Party ties are weakened and party dicipline is destroyed. Whatever the outcome, although almost certainly Democratic, it is safe to say that Democratic majorities will never again be as certain in Jackson County as they have been in the past. And yet, the Republican party in Jackson County is ' hardly in a condition to profit by the dissensions that have left their marks on their political oppo nents. It, too, is split into factions, local and State, which, although not proceeding to the extreme of putting up rival Republican tickets, still are carried away by the bitter undercurrents of jealousy, selfish ness and personal enmities. Owing to their inability to obtain a share of the spoils of office the 4,000 negro voters of Kansas City threatened to bolt the Republi can party, and many a white brother who lacks the courage to threaten, carries a knife in his boot and will insert it on occasion where it will do the most good. Personally, the Republican leaders, and, indeed, the rank and file of Jackson County are among the est and ablest men in the county, but their party is handicapped by the same causes that prevail through out Missouri in making it a minority party. 66 CHAPTER VI. County^Opficials. Following is the list of officials of Jackson County from its organization to the present time: Judges of the County Court. 1827. — Henry Burris, Abraham McClelland, Rich ard Fristoe. August, 1829, Samuel Weston. ' 1831. — Richard Fristoe, Lewis Jones, Samuel D. Lucas. August 7, 1832, Richard B. Chiles; February, 13, 1833, John Smith. 1834. — Moses Q-. Wilson, Lawrence Flournoy, Dan iel P. Lewis. 1838. — John Davis, Lawrence Flournoy, Jno. Smith. 1842. — James B. Yager, Alvin Brooking, Richard Stanley. 1844, Richard Fristoe; 1846, James Smart, ~ 1846. — Alvin Brooking, Richard D. Stanley, James Gray. 1848, Walter Bales. 1850. — Richard D. Stanley, Walter Bales, Richard Still. 1854. — Richard D. Stanley, James Porter, James B. Yager. 185&T — Richard D. Stanley, Jamtes McClelland,' Thomas A. Smart. 1862.— Jacob Leader, Nathaniel H. Scruggs, Oscar H. Cogswell. 1864, Lucius Carey. 67 BAXTER BROWN. BAXTER BROWN Was born on a farm in Johnson County, Mo., about forty-three ;years ago. He was educated in the common schools of that county and at McGee College in Macon County, Mo. After leav ing school when a mere boy he was appointed clerk of the Pro bate Court of Johnson County, which position he held for two years, resigning to engage in the drug business at Warrens burg, ,Mo., which he followed for a number of years. He was elected assistant secretary of the Missouri Senate at its Revis ing session in 1889. At the same session of the legislature the Missouri grain inspection law was enacted largely through his efforts, and at the close of the session he was appointed, by Chief Grain Inspector Jasper N. Burks, chief clerk of the Kan sas City department, holding that position until 1892. When the Cherokee Strip was opened, for settlement in in 1893, Mr. Brown made the run into the new country, settling at Newkirk, the county seat of Kay County, Okla homa, engaging in the grain business at that place. With in a month after his arrival in Oklahoma he was elected chairman of the Democratic County Central Committee, and appointed by Governor Renfro chairman of the board of coun ty commissioners of Kay County, which position he held until .swept out of office by the Republican landslide of 1894. Returning to Missouri in January, 1-895, he bought a ha'f interest in the Johnson County Daily and Weekly Star, which paper he edited for one year strenuously advocating the ne cessity of holding the famous Pertle Springs convention, and -was largely instrumental in haying the convention held at that [place, within one and a half miles of his town. In December, 1895, he sold his interest in the paper and came to Kansas City, where he has since resided. He was. chief clerk of the board of election commissioners during the campaign in which James A. Reed was first elected mayor, and was a candidate tor the nomi nation for railroad commissioner before the State convention" held in Kansas City in June, 1900. He was appointed secretary of the board of public works in May of this year. Mr. Brown is a member of Orient Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Kansas City, and a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club. He has been active in City and State poli tics for years, _and is said to have the distinction of knowing more Missouri Democrats than any man in the State. __ 69 O. G. YOUNG. O. G. YOUNG wag born January 20, 1858, in Ray County, Mo. His parent", had moved to Missouri from- Kentucky a few years before. When barely twenty-one he was elected mayor of Carrolitnn. Mc, and his administration was so satisfactory to the people that, at the close of his term, he was re-elected, an honor that had never been bestowed on any other mayor of that town. He was a delegate, to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louis in 1888. In 1889 he came to Kansas City, seeking a wider field for the practice of his profession as a lawyer. He took an active part in politics in his new home, and in 1S96 was elected to the State Senate from the Fifth Senatorial district. Senator Young is a Democrat who never took much part in the ¦factional controversies which have divided the Democratic party in Jackson County in recent years,..and he was one of the first men to give his active support to tfie Jackson County Democratic Club when that organization was effected in 1900 in. view of promoting harmony in the partyC . Senator Young is a speaker of unusual ability and as a lawyer he stands high in his profession, enjoying a lucrative practice. 71 CHARLES H. CLARK. CHARLES H. CLARK. Mr. Clark was born in 1866 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, the same county that gave a birthplace to Senator Clark of Montana. He does not claim relationship with his noted name sake, but he is proud of the fact that his people have been for generations honest, loyal, hardworking Americans. When a poor boy of 16, young Clark came to Kansas City, and obtained employment with William Huttig in the lumber business. Af ter eight years of hard work he was appointed a member of the Kansas City Fire Department, where he remained until his recent appointment as deputy license inspector for Kansas City. As a fireman Charley Clark made a record for bravery, cool ness and devotion to duty, which commanded the highest ap proval of Chief Trickett. How his comrades regarded him is illustrated by the fact that he is the first man, outside of a chief of the department, who was ever elected president of the Martin's Fireman's Relief Association. In politics Mr. Clark has done yeoman service for the Democratic party. He has been for several years chairman of the second ward delegation in conventions, where his ready wit and cool judgment made his services particularly valua ble. The manly qualities that served him so well as a work- ingman and as a fireman, are sure to stand him in good stead in advancing his "political fortunes. 73 1865.— M. T. Graham, Jas. D. Allen, A. G. Newgent. 1866. — A. G. Newgent, M. T. Graham, Jacob Leader. 1867. — G. W. Gates, Lucius Carey, Joshua Petty. 1869. — Jas. B, Yager, Lucius Carey, Joshua Petty. 1871. — Jas. B. Yager, Lucius Carey, Joshua Petty. 1873. — Jas. B. Yager, Lucius Carey, Luther Mason. May 6, 1873, A. L. Harris, W. R. Bernard. 1875. — A. G. Williams, Jas. B. Yager, A. M. Allen, T. H. Brougham, Thomas McNamara. 1S77. — Josiah Collins, Jas. B. Yager, A. M. Allen, T. H. Brougham, Thomas McNamara. August, 1877, W. E. Hall, Josiah Collins, Jas. B. Yager. 1879.— Jas. B. Yager, D. A: Frink, Charles E. Strode. 1881.— Jas. B. Yager, W. 0. Shouse, Charles E. Strode. 1882.— R. S. Adkins, F. R. Allen, J. P. Jones. 1884.— R. S. Adkins, W. F. Chiles, Hugh Lynch. 1886.— J. A. McDonald, Hugh Lynch, Wm. Chiles. 1888.— J. A. McDonald, John N. Smith, S. W. Hudson. 1890.— Daniel Murphy, S. W. Hudson, P. J. Henn. 1892. — Daniel Murphy, P. J. Henn, James Latimer. 1894. — John B. Stone, James Latimer. 1896. — John B. Stone, James Latimer, John N. Smith, 1898.— G. L. Chrisman, S. L. Luttrell, E. R. Hunter. 1900.— G. L. Chrisman, .S. L. Luttrell, John M. Surface. 74 County Clerics. 1827. — L. W. Boggs, circuit and county clerk, and ex-officio recorder. '* " 1828.— Samuel C. Owens, circuit and county clerk, and ex-officio recorder. ¦ 1842,-^Samuel D. Lucas, circuit and county clerk, and ex-officio recorder. 1848. — John R. Swearinger, county clerk. 1867. — Ezra R. Hickman, county clerk. 1882.— M. S"; Burr. 1886, M. S. Burr. 1890, M. S. Burr. 1892, M. S. Burr. 1894, T. T. Crittenden, Jr. 1898, T. H. Crittenden, Jr. . Cireuit Clerics: 1848.— Samuel D. Lucas, circuit clerk and ex-officio recorder. 1865. — W. C. Rans„om, circuit clerk and ex-officio recorder. 1867. — Reuben Wallace, circuit clerk. . 1871.— Wallace Laws, circuit clerk. 1882, L. F. McCoy. 1886, L. F. McCoy. 1890\ Hinton H. Noland. 1894, Henry M. Stonestreet. 1898, Henry M Stone- street. Recorder. 1867.— A. Comings. 1871, Charles D. Lucas. 1882,' C. D. Lucas. 1886, R._ T, Hinde. 1890, J. W. Hinde. 1894, 0. H. Queal. 1898, M. R. Gossett. Treasurers. 1827.— Samuel C. Owens, Russell Hicks. 1858, O. P. W. Bailey. 1860, Dr. John Montgomery. 1861, J. B. Glover. 1862, Reuben Wallace. 1866, John T. Pen- 75 A. L. COOPER. A. L. COOPER was born November 15, 1870, on a farm near the village of Wil low Grove, Kent County, Delaware. His father, Thomas B. Cooper, was an active Delaware Democrat, a compatriot of Senator Bayard. Mr. Cooper came to Kansas City about ten years ago, an. J after studying law was admitted to the bar in 1895. Since then his rise has been rapid. By hard study and close attention to his clients' interests, Mr. Cooper has won his way until prob a'bly no young lawyer at the Jackson County bar enjoys a bettor reputation. As .an advocate he is clear, incisive, with a dry wit which pleases most in a speaker. Mr; Cooper is frequently chosen by the circuit judges as referee in complicated casss on account of his judicial cast of mind, and it was this same fine quality that caused his friends to urge, him for the Demo cratic nomination for the circuit bench in June, 1902. Mr. Cooper is an active Democrat, who pulls off his coat and works for Sis party at election times without any thought of reward. He is a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club and has been one of its most active supporters. 77 E. E. PORTERFIELD, EDWARD EVERETT PORTERFIELD was born March 29, 1861, in Berkeley County, Va. His parents were William Rush and Helen O'Neill Porterfield. He gradu- . ated in 1883 at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Md , and afterwards was principal of the public schools of Han-- , cock, Md. "After studying law with Colonel Henry Kidd Doug lass at Hagerstown, Maryland, Mr. Porterfield came to Kansas City in 1886, and began the practice, of his profession. In 1896 he received the Democratic nomination for police judge of Kansas City and led his ticket in the election but was defeated by the Republican, landslide. Since then he has devoted him self to his profession, and. his firm, Porterfield, Sawyer & Con rad, enjoys a lucrative practice. Mr. Porterfield was one of the organizers of the Jackson County Democratic Cliib, and lias been an active worker for its success ever since. He is an excellent lawyer, a splendid gentleman, and very popular' among a wide, circle of acquaintances. He married Miss Julia L. Chick, daughter of Joseph S. Chick, and they have been blessed w,ith three children, two of whom are now living. 79, HUGH C. WARD. HUGH C. WARD was born March 10, 1864, at Westport, Mo., now a part of Kan sas City, and he has lived here all his life. His parents were Seth E.and Mary F. Ward. Mr. Ward was educated in the public schools and later attended Harvard University. He was admitted to the bar in 1889 and in 1899 became the senior member of the law firm of Ward & Hadley. In 1893 he was elected to the State legislature, where he became conspicuous for his integrity, ability and earnest advocacy of Democratic principles. In 1898 he was appointed by Governor Stephens a member .of the Board of Police Commissioners for Kansas City and served in that capacity until the spring of 1902, when he resigned. As police commissioner he was the unswerving friend of the homes and property interests of all classes in the community. This was particularly manifest in the granting of saloon licenses where no political pull or personal friendship could influence him a feather-weight against the appeals of wives and mothers or of the home-owners of a neighborhood. Mr. Ward is a man of reserved manners, uncompromising in his denunciation of shams and political trickery, and like most men of force, a good hater and a warm friend. As a law yer he is. scholarly, and a lover of his profession for its own sake. 'He is most esteemed and respected by those whose, re spect and esteem are worth having. 81 dleton. 1870, J. B. Glover. 1872, Joseph W. Mercer. 1874, John Murray. 1878, Benjamin Holmes. 1882, Benjamin Holmes. 1886, John Murray. 1890, David W. Wallace. 1894, J. 0. Capelle. 1896, Thomas F. Brady. 1900, A. C. Warner. Assessors. 1848.— Geo. Hedges. 1852, Elliott Cariger. 1854, George Anderson. 1856, B. T. Thompson. 1861, Dan iel O'Flaherty. 1865,, James Lee. 1866, R. A. Ball (died after one month). 1866, James K. Sheley. 1868, W.Z.Hickman. 1870, C. A. Moor. 1874, Leander De- honey. 1878, Russell Noland. 1882, J. H. Corlew. 1884, Thos. H. Edwards. 1886, W. H. Moore. 1888, Thos. M. Edwards. 1890, Geo. N. Petty. 1894, C. S. Campbell. 1898, George Holmes. 1900, F. B. Nof- singer. Sheriffs. 1827-1840. — Joseph Walker, Joseph Brown, Jacob Gregg, John King. 1840, Joseph R. Reynolds. 1844, Thomas Pitcher. 1846, Benjamin F. Thompson. 1848, George W. Buchanan. 1852, Benjamin F. Thompson. 1854, William Botts. 1858, John W. Burrus. 1861, O. P. W. Bailey. 1862, John G. Hayden. 1864, H. H. Williams. 1866, Charles Dougherty. 1870, James Gray. 1872, C. B. L. Boothe. 1876, O. P. W. Bailey. 1880, John C. Hope. 1882, Jno. G. Hope. 1884, W. T. Hickman.. 1886, W. T. Hickman. 1888, W. S. Sitling ton. 1890, W. S. Sitlington. 1892, John P. O'Neill. 1894, John P. O'Neill. 1896, R. S. Stone. 1898, R. S, Stone. 1900, W. S. Pontius. 82 Surveyors. 1836.— John C. McCoy. 1840, George W. Rhodes. 1844, G. W. Buchanan. 1848, Lot Coffman, Edmund O'Flaherty. 1873, Martin 0. Jones. 1876, Thpmas C. Lee. 1880, Daniel O'Flaherty. 1884, P. H. Grinter. 1888, F. J. O'Flaherty. 1896, Thos. F. Callahan. 1900, A. M. Stahlnaker. - Marshals. 1872.— George D. Page. 1873, Jeremiah Dowd. 1874, Patrick Coriaiers. 1876, James W. Liggett. 1880, Cornelius Murphy. 1882, C. Murphy. 188*, W. J. Phillips. 1886, Hugh J. McGowan. 1888, Hugh J. McGowan. 1S90, Henry P. Stewart. 1892, Henry P. Stewart. ' 1894, Henry P. Stewart. 1898, S. H. Chiles. 1900, John P. Maxwell. Collectors. 1872. — M. W. Anderson. 1876, Daniel Murphy. 1880; Joseph M. Green. 1882, R. G. Wilson.. 1884, R. , G. Wilson. 1886, Frank C. Wyatt. 1888, Frank C. Wyatt. 1890, Elihu W. Hayes. 1892, E. W. Hayes. 1894, Jas. W. McCurdy. 1898, Chris. S. Gottlieb. 1900, Fred C. Adams. / Senators. Jackson County, with Clay, Ray and Lafayette counties, compr-ised the thirteenth senatorial district in 1828, which was authorized to elect one State _ senator. 1828.— L. W. Boggs. In December, 1828, Jackson_and Lafayette counties were constituted the fourteenth senatorial district, 83 W. B. C. BROWN. WILLIAM B. C. BROWN was born during the Civil War at Sibley, Jackson County, Mo., of Scotch-Huguenot parentage. He took his degree of bachelor of arts at Westminster College, Fulton; Mo., and the full three- years law course at Harvard. He was admitted to the bar at Kansas City, Mo., in 1888. ~ Mr. Brown was originally a Democrat, but he left his party, as many others did, on account of its' position on the question cf free silver and expansion, and after the Spanish War he be came an ardent Republican. His speeches in the city cam paign of 1900 attracted, a great deal of attention, and that sum mer he was nominated by acclamation by the Republicans for Congress against W. S. Cowherd, the Democratic nominee. " In " face of a Democratic majority of over 4,600, it was of course 9 forlorn .hope, but Mr. Brown made the race with as much ' wal and courage as^if the odds had been in his favor. He stumped the district, often in joint debate with his eloquent opponent, and made friends and votes wherever he went. Al though defeated in the contest he came out of it stronger than when he entered it, having won the admiration and respect of Democrats as well as Republicans by .his plucky fight. . Mr. Brown is a close student of political economy and his tory, as well as of law, and his friends believe a future full of distinction is in store for him. He answers the criticism as to- his change of party as Gladstone did: "Wise men change their minds: fools never do." As a lawyer Mr. Brown is as energetic and aggressive as he has proved himself to be in politics, and with the exception of -his congressional race, which he' considered it his duty to make as the chosen standard-bearer of his party, he has never allowed politics to interfere with his practice. 85 W. S. COWHERD. WILLIAM STROTHER COWHERD, Democrat, of Kansas City, was born September 1, 1860, in Jaekson County, Mo.; educated at the public schools in the town of Lee's Summit, and the University of Missouri; was appointed assistant prosecuting attorney of Jackson County in 1885, and served four years in that capacity; was appointed first assistant city counselor of Kansas City in 1890; was elect ed mayor of Kansas City in 1892; was elected to the Fifty-fifth and Fifty-sixth Congresses, and re-elected to the Fifty-seventh Congress, and this year was renominated for Congress by ac clamation. Mr. Cowherd made a great reputation in the fight for municipal ownership of the waterworks of Kansas City, and as mayor of Kansas City his record is an "enduring monu ment to his honesty, ability and fearlessness in the discharge of his duty. There has been much quiet talk of him as the Democratic nominee for Governor of Missouri in 1904. Be longing to the minority party in Congress, Mr. Cowherd, like every other Democrat, has suffered from the arbitrary gag rules which the Republican speaker employs to choke off Dem ocratic legislation, but still he stands high in Congress with Democrats and Republicans alike. He is as orator of rare ability, with a voice like a silver trumpet, that charms his audiences as much as his straightforward sincerity and earn estness. Without a trace of the demagogue he is yet beloved by the plain people. Mr. Cowherd is a lawyer of the highest , class and probably loses more than he gains by being in polities. 87 JAMES T. WARE. JAMES T. WARE. was born April 4, 1858, in Bourbon County, Kentucky. His an cestors have been Americans since this country was discovered and his great grandfather was an officer in the Revolutionary War. Mr. Ware came to Kansas City fourteen years ago, and began life here as bookkeeper for a smelter company. Al though taking an active interest in politics, Mr. Ware was never a candidate for office until 1900, when he was nominated for county assessor on tho Democratic ticket which was de feated by an unfortunate split in the party. Although defeated, Mr. Ware made so many friends by his genial manners and em- eigetic personality as well as his graceful acceptance of defeat, that he emerged from the campaign stronger than before. He has been repeatedly urged since then for important appoint ments at the hands qf the Governor, but has invariably de clined, saying that he did not wish to become a chronic office- seeker. Mr. Ware has a host of friends, is universally re spected, and will doubtless be heard of in the future as a standard-bearer in Jackson County politics. 80 1830, L. W. Boggs. 1832, Julius Emmons. 1834, Abraham McClelland. 1836, Abraham McClelland. By a new apportionment Jackson and Van Buren (now Cass), became the twenty-sixth senatorial dis trict. 1838.— Smallwood V. No-land. 1840, L. Franklin. By a new apportionment Jackson, Van Buren and Bates were made the fourteenth senatorial district. 1842.— L. W. Boggs. 1844, L. W. Boggs. A new apportionment threw Jackson, Johnson, Van Buren and Lafayette in the twenty-fifth district, with two senators. 1841. — James Chiles, William Calhoun. 1848, Jas. Chiles, John J. Burtis. Another apportionment constituted Jackson and Van Buren the twenty-third district. 1850. — Alvin Brooking. , 1852, Alvin Brooking. 1854, W. J. Mayo. 1856, W. J. Mayo. " A new apportionment made Jackson, Cass and Bates the fourteenth district. 1858.— R. L. Y. Peyton. 1860, R. L. Y. Peyton. 1862, R. T. Van Horn. 1864, R. T. Van Horn. 1867, Minor T. Graham. 1869, Minor T. Graham. 1871, John B. Wornall. 1873, John B. Wornall. 1875, J. B. Newbury. By the constitution of 1875, Jackson County- was constituted the thirteenth senatorial district. 1877.— George F. Ballingal. 1879, George F. Bal- lingal. 1881, T. V. Bryant. 1884, Arthur M. Allen. 1888, W. B. Teasdale. 1890, W. B. Teasdale. 1892, R. A. Love, A. S. Lyman. 1894, R. A. Love, A. S. Ly- 90 man. 1898, O. G. Young, W. F. Lyons. 1900, J. S. Jewell, C. W. Clarke. .Representatives. 1828, Smallwood V. Nolan. 1830, Robert John ston. 1832, S. V. Nolan. 1834, S. V. Nolan, Richard Fristoe. 1836, S. V. Nolan, Thomas Jeffries. .1838, Thdmas Jeffries, J. Chiles. 1840, John King, C. C. Kavanaugh. 1842, George F. Tate, Robert G. Smart. 1844, Joseph H. Reynolds, William Patterson. 1846, Frank Smith. 1848, Frank Smith. 1850 Benj. F. Thompson, Jacob Gregg. 1852, Samuel H. Woodson, Joseph H. Reynolds. 1854, E. C. McCarty, John W. Reid. 1856, John W. Reid, Jas. Childs. 1858, George W. Tate, Jas. B. Yager. 1860, N. C. Claiborne, James Porter. 1862, M. J. Payne, E. M. McGee. 1864, M .J. Payne. 1867, Jesse P. Alexander, John C. Gage. 1869, Jacob C. Boardman, S. S. Neely.' 1871, G. W,' Tate, Henry J. Latshaw. 1873, Stephen P. Twiss, Jas. Mc- Daniels, James R. Sheley. 1875, A. B. Spurill, S. P. Twiss, A. H. Powell. 1877, Benj. F. Wallace, George W. Nolan, S. P. Twiss, H. H. Craig. 1879, W. C. Adams, S. C. Ragan, N. M. Gwynne, P. H. Tiernan. 1881, A. W. Randall, A: M. Allen, D. P. Bigger, Harmon Bell. 1882, . H. A. Porter, S. C. Ragan, John C. Gage, W. G. Ferry. 1884, J. M. Adams, G. H. Noel, Henry Smith, N. B. Childs. 1886, G. H. Noel, Joseph Feld, Henry Smith, W. H. Miller. 1888, W. L. Webb, Ed. P. Garnett, J. G. Smith, T. F. Clohesey. 1890, W. L. Webb, J. C. Patrick, Henry S. Julian, A. S. Lyman. 1892, John D. Strother, J. C. Patrick, Chas. A. Millman, Hugh C. Ward, Joseph 91 GARLAND M. JONES. GARLAND M. JONES was born June 14, 1873, at Abingdon, Washington County, Va. Removing to Mississippi at an early age, he took his degree, of bachelor of arts in 1893, and of bachelor of law in 1894, at thy University of Mississippi. He enjoys the unique distinction of being the only student in that university who ever won the fivshman, sophomore, junior and senior medals, for oratory. He completed his legal education under John Randolph Tucker at Washington a.nd Lee .University, Va., and entered on the practice of his profession at West Point, Miss. He rose rapidly in his profession, but, like most lawyers in the South who pos sess oratorical ability, he was soon called upon to take an ac tive part in politics. He did splendid service for the Democrat ic party in the campaign of 1896, and the press of Mississippi .reported that he divided the applause of his audiences with William Jennings 'Bryan. In 1898 Mr. Jones received an ad vantageous offer to come to Kansas City and sinoe then he has' practiced his profession here with pronounced ability. When Mr. Jones came to Missouri he. declared to his friends that he was going to devote his entire time to the law — which is a jealous mistress— and let politics alone, but when James A. Reed led the forlorn hope of Democracy in the city cam paign of 1900, Mr. Jones took the stump for him, and with rare modesty, volunteered for the not showy but difficult assign ments, speaking in obscure halls and from street wagons. He did Bis part well, and, when the campaign was over, returned to the practice of his profession with the proud consciousness Of having helped to win a victory for good government in his adopted city. 93 WILLIAM BUCHHOLZ, WILLIAM BUCHHOLZ .was born January 28, 1877, in Kansas City, Mo. His parents were Germans, his father and mother coming here in the latter sixties. He graduated from the University of Missouri in 1896, and was a member of the foot-ball team which won the inter state championship in 1895. The pluck and physical and men ¦ tal alertness that had made him famous on the foot-ball field sson brought him into favorable notice in his profession of the law, as well as in politics. He had barely reached his majority when he was elected secretary of the Fourth- Ward club and when the Republican League was organized he was chosen as its first secretary. His services to his party in the County cam paign in 1900 were recognized by Republicans and Democrats alike, and upon Mr. Hadleys election as prosecuting attorney Mr. Buchholz was appointed as one of his assistants in that important office, a position he has filled with dignity and ability. 95 Judge CHARLE.SLE. BURNHAM. \ JUDGE CHARLES EDGAR BURNHAM was born July 27, 1867, in Randolph County, Mo. His parent age on his father's side was English, the family coming to- America in 1635. His mother belonged to the well-known Vir ginia Huguenot family of Flournoy, who came to this country in 1717. In 1888 Mr. Burnham came to Kansas City, and the next year began the practice of law. KIn 1894 he was'elected city attorney on the Republican ticket, to which office he was re-elected in 1896. In 1898 he was. elected police judge. His remarkable race for the Republican nomination for mayor In 1900, is still fresh in the memories of our citizens. Appointed assistant prosecuting attorney in 1900, he has contributed no, little, by his energy and ability, to the splendid success of Prosecuting Attorney Hadley's administration. A good speaker, Judge Burnham is also an earnest, pains taking, hard worker, in the preparation of his cases. He is knowff as one of the men who burn midnight oil in the study of his profession. As a man Judge Burnham is modest, unas suming and reticent. Loyal to his friends he has the faculty of attaching them warmly to him, while his enemies — for, like all men of force, he has some, in politics at, least— bate him quite as cordially. In politics his chief strength lies in his pop ularity with the plain people. 97 S. Rust, D. 0. Smart. 1894, Jno. T. Crisp, Ira F. Ham mond H. H. Hinde, Henry S. Julian, E. E. Phipps, H. W. Jones. 1898, Geo. H. Noel, Homer B. Mann, J. H. Hawthorne, John M. Cleary, Frank Phillips, W. O. Cardwell, 1900, J. A. McLane, J. H. Hawthorne, Ed ward McKenney, M. E. Getchell, M. L. Sullivan. 98 CHAPTER VII. Kansas City's Early Development. The political history of Kansas City, while more ckequered than that of Jackson County, presents fewer striking episodes than that of m'ost American cities. Politics, for the most part, has been from the very beginning subordinated to commercial activity. Of late years it has been claimed that Kansas City is normally a Republican city, the claim being based on the fact that in presidential years the city has given the Republican candidate a majority, ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 votes. But in the city elections since the organ ization of the municipality, the Democrats have won for the most part, and independent movements have beeu successful often enough to prove that party ties have little. weight when the citizens consider that the mate-; rial interests of the city are at stake. As has been staled, the first white settlement on the present site of Kansas City was in 1821 by French- Canadian fur-hunters, headed by the Chouteau broth ers. In 1833 John C. McCoy laid off the town of West- port now incorporated as a part of Kansas City. The merchants of Westport received their goods by steam boats which landed al the present site of Kansas City, which was then known as "Westport Landing." The 99 RUSH C. LAKE. RUSH C. LAKE, deputy collector of Internal Revenues, was born April 13, 1862, in Buchanan County, Iowa. He came to Kansai City about fifteen years ago, and engaged in the practice of law. It was not long, however, before his fondness for politics "manifested itself, and in a very short time thereafter his remarkable, ability as an organizer became recognized and appreciated among the Republicans throughout the State. He found himself in a State and County which were overwhelmingly Democratic, and in which the Republican leaders were at bitter war among them selves. Realizing the hopelessness of Republican success as long as this condition of affair? prevailed, Mr. Lake undertook tu organize the young Republicans of Missouri Who were not identified with the internecine strife which was dividing the old leaders. The result of his efforts was the organization of the Young Men's Republican League of Missouri, of which he was the first secretary. To this organization as much as to any other cause is due the credit for the decadence in factional fighting among the Missouri Republicans, and the prevalence of a better feeling of > harmony. Mr. Lake was appointed deputy collector of Internal Rev enue in 1 898, and was reappointed in 1902; by Frank D. Roberts, the present collector, who, himself a master hand . in politics, was quick to recognize Mr. Lake's abilities, 101 ALBERT M. OTT. ALBERT M. OTT was born January 4, 1865, at Independence, Mo., where he has lived all his life. He graduated, as a lawyer at the University of Pennsylvania in 1887, and was admitted' to the bar at Phila delphia in June of that year. In October, 1887, he was admitted to the Jackson County bar by Judge Gill, and at once entered upon the successful practice of his profession. He was success ively city, attorney of Independence, and assistant prosecuting attorney of Jackson County. In 1896 he was elected a member of the Democratic County Committee and in 1900 he became its secretary. . Mr. Ott has the reputation of having filled these various positions with tact, ability and integrity, and he has succeeded in establishing himself prominently alike in politics and; as a sound lawyer. Personally Mr. Ott is a man of strong personality, intense in his convictions and extremely loyal to 1;L friends. 103 O. H. SWEARINGEN. 0. H. SWEARINGEN was born July 29, 1871, in Simpson County, Kentucky. At the age of ten his parents brought him to Missouri: From the public schools of Clarence he entered the Macon District -High school; a Methodist College, graduating in 1892, when ne came to Kansas City. Entering the employ of the Schmelzer Arms Company, he saved enough money in three yeaj;s to enable' him to take the law course at the Missouri State University, where he graduated in 1897. A noted athlete and foot-ball player at ^the University, and trained to hard work, Mr. Swearingen de voted himself with equal energy to his chosen profession, and a successful practice quickly crowned his efforts. He is the legal representative of the I. O. F. for Missouri and Kansas, as well as for the Bankers' Security Company for the Western district of Missouri. He was also president, of the Missouri State Association of his college fraternity, the Kappa Alpha, iu 1897 and 1898. In 1899 he was elected as a Democrat from the Fifth Ward to the lower house of the City Council of Kansas City. His course while a member of Council, in advocating a franchise for the Enoch Telephone Company, was criticised severely in some quarters, but his vindication rests in the fact that a sub sequent council has granted a similar franchise to Mr. Enoch and his associates. Mr. Swearingen is an earnest, hardworking lawyer, and as a man he has many warm friends. He has won his way up ward by his own exertions since his boyhood, and his way now seems assured to an honorable and useful life. 105 first warehouse on the bank of the river was kept by W. B. Evans, who was succeeded in thevbusiness by W. M. Chick and P. M. Chouteau. In 1838 Gabriel Prudhomme, who owned the land at the landing, died, and at the settlement of his estate the land, 256 acres, was bought by a company composed of W. L. Sublette, Moses G. Wilson, John C. McCoy, William Gillis, Fry P. McGee, Abraham Fonda, W. M. Chick, Oliver Cald well, George W. Tate, Jacob Ragan, William Collins, James Smart, Sam C. Owen and Russell Hicks. The consideration for the laud, which now includes most of Kansas City, was $4,220. This company laid it off into a town and named it "Kansas," but owing to dissensions among the own ers no progress was made until 1846, when the com pany was reorganized with the following stockhold ers: H. M. Northrup, Jacob Ragan, Henry Jobe, Will. iam Gillis, Robert Campbell, Fry P. McGee, W. B. Evans, W. M. Chick and^John C. McCoy. __Under this company the land was platted and in April, 1846, one hundred and fifty lots were sold at an average price of $55.65 per lot. After this the town began to grow rapidly and in a few months had a population of about 600 inhabitants. The faith of the founders was fortified by the prophesy of Senator Thomas H. Ben ton that this was to be the site of "a great commer cial and manufacturing community." John C. Fre mont, the great explorer said: "This is the key to the immense territory to the west of us." In 1853 Kansas City was organized as a municipal ity under a special charter obtained from the State 106 Legislature. In April, 1853, William S. Gregory was elected as its first mayor, defeating Dr. Benoist Troost. After. the election it was discovered that Mr. Gregory was ineligible by reason of not having been a resident, of the city the length of time required by the charter. Dr. Johnston Lykins, the -president of the council, "filled his place, and the next "-year, was elected to the office. Politics in the new city ran on an even keel, with out 'special incident, until 1861, when the lines were drawn between the Union and Confederate voters and a very exciting campaign resulted in the election of the Union candidate R. T. Van Horn over Dr. G. M. B. Maugh, the Confederate candidate by a major ity of 109. Dr. Maughs went south and joined the ' Confederate Army. Colonel Van Horn raised a bat talion of volunteers for the Union Army, and subse quently became lieutenant-colonel of the Twenty -fifth Missouri Infantry. The town languished during the war and its pop ulation, fell off. In 1864 when Colonel Van Horn was again elected mayor, the total vote was 349, and in 1865 when Patrick Shannon was elected mayor, the vote was 573. During the next year, however, the city grew rapidly and not less than six hundred new houses were built. In 1867 a census showed a popu lation of 15,064 and trade for the year amounted to $33,006,827. From that time the city's growth was steady and substantial. Politically the first serious struggle after the war arose over the waterworks franchise and plant built 107 Dr. H. A. LONGAN. DR. HERBERT A. LONGAN was born November 13, 1S54, in Cooper County, Mo., of Vir ginia and Kentucky stock, his father; John B. Longan, a na tive Missourian, now living in Sedalia. He graduated at the State Normal College, at Warrensburg, in 1875, and at Spald ing's Commercial College in 1877. He taught school for two winters, and entered the Louisville Medical College in 187^, graduating in 1880. He practiced medicine for three years at New Lebanon, Cooper County, Mo., and also two years in Holden, Mo., after which he moved to Sterling, Kansas. In 1890 and 1891 -he took a post-graduate course at the New York Polyclinic College, and then came to Kansas City. In 1883 Dr. Longan married Miss Mattie May Walkef, a daughter of P. G. Walker, of Cooper County, Mo^ They have two children living, Walker B. and Marjorie May. Dr. Longan and Judge Geo. F. Longan, of Sedalia, Mb., are brothers. They also mar ried sisters. From 1892 to 1895 Dr. Longan was demonstrator of anat omy in the Kansas City Medical College. From 1895 to 1898 he occupied the chair of operative surgery and surgical dress ings in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, which is the Medical Department of the Kansas City University. , Since 1898 he has been local surgeon of the Missouri Pacific Rail way Company, and consulting surgeon of the Kansas City Southern Railway since 1899. Dr. Longan was a member of the Board of Medical Exam iners for the police commission from 1892 to 1894,' and was examining surgeon for the Pension Board from 1894 to 1897. In September, 1897, he was appointed police surgeon of Kan sas City, a post he has held with distinguished ability and fidelity ever since. 109 R. W. WADDELL. ROBERT WILLIAM WADDELL, city engineer of Kansas City, was born October 31, 1859, at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada. His father, who was sheriff 'of Northumberland and Durham Counties, was of Irish stock and his mother .was an American, tracing her lineage as such back for nine generations. After graduating in the high schools of Cobourg, young Waddell took a course in engineering at Me dia College, Montreal, graduating in 1881. The same year he came to the United States, locating at Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. ¦Waddell devoted himself to his profession without a thought of politics until May 15, 190Q, when he was appointed to his piesent_position. And since then there has been no politics in the department of which he is the head. When Mr. Waddell be came city engineer he found Kansas City had far outgrown her sewer system, and typhoid and-other disseases were prev- alenton that account. He at once . addressed himself to the tremendous _task of reconstructing -the sewer system, for the entire city, and through his efforts contracts were soon let for almost three-quarters of a million dollars for new sewers and for connections between old ones which formerly ran nowhere or emptied into ditches in the heart of the city. The results -,of his patient and untiring labors are not conspicuous but they are of priceless benefit to the health and comfort of the city, and many a child who grows up rosy-cheeked in Kansas City will have reason to be thankful that Mr. Waddell is an engineer and not a politician. In 1897 Mr. Waddell married Miss S. E. Vair of Peterboro, Ontario, and they have two children to bless the union. Ill FRANK P. SEBREE. FRANK P. SEBREE was born October 25, 1854, at Fayette, Mo. His father and mother were Missourians and from them he inherited that -sturdiness of character which Missourians are proud to claim ?£> a birthright. Mr. Sebree graduated as a lawyer and prac ticed for awhile in the interior counties, coming to Kansas City thirteen years ago. Since that time he has been successively representative in the State Legislature, County counselor, chair man of the Democratic County Committee, police commissioner of Kansas City, and president of the Board of Election Com missioners for Jackson County, a position he now holds. He was also the nominee of his party for mayor of Kansas Citv in 1898 and, although defeated, he won all hearts' by his gallant -rare in that campaign. Mr Sebree stands high as a lawyer and enjoys a large practice, but his admitted talents have not contributed as much to his success at the bar and in political life, as his fairness, courage and unflinching integrity. These qualities so impress all who come in contact with him, and are so manifest in his every act and word, that in Kansas City he is affectionately known as "Old Honesty." He is a living proof of the fact that honor and success lie in right living rather than in talents no matter how great, if not grounded in truth and courage. Mr. Sebree married Miss Russie Boyd, daughter of the late Colonel Samuel Boyd of Marshall, Mo. They have one son, Sam Sebree, who, although only 15 years of age, is now in his third_year in the Kansas City High School. 113 by the National Waterworks Company, composed of Lawson & Co., bankers; Amos R. Green, owner of the Kansas City Times; Thomas Corrigan and others. At the city election in 1875 the issue was raised that the waterworks plant, just completed had not been built in good faith, according to the terms of the franchise. A hot campaign on this issue between John R. Lock- ridge regular Democratic nominee, E. S. Jewett, Re publican nominee, »'and Turner A. Gill, Citizens' can didate for mayor, resulted in Judge Gill's election, and the defeat of the Waterworks Company in its effort to control the politics of the city. In this election Judge Gill was supported by such men as George M. Shelley, John C. Gage, Wash Adams, D. B. Holmes, J. V. C. Karnes, and last biit not least, Major William Warner, who, with the best men in the city, rose superior to partisan politics in the contest. After the election City Counselor John C. Gage went to New York and instituted proceedings to have the charter of the Waterworks Company forfeited. This, to gether with the refusal of the city to pay water rents, brought the company to terms, -and a compromise was effected upon advantageous terms to the city. This was the bitterest political fight in the history of the city, and out of it grew enmities and political align ments which have lasted until the present time. 114 CHAPTER VIII. Kansas City Since 1875. After the contest over the waterworks question in 1875 Kansas City's politics ran along without spe cial incident except that it may be remarked that when George M. Shelley was elected mayor in 1878, he gave his salary to the poor and devoted all his time to the duties of his office. Democratic and Republi can successes alternated at the polls and the town ' was too busy growing to take much stock in partisan political struggles. No absorbing question arose until the election of W. S. Cowherd as mayor in 1892. In that election the waterworks question which had been simmering during all the years since the build ing of the plant in 1874, came to the front again on the proposition contained in the original franchise, that the city should have the option to purchase the plant at a fa^r valuation at the expiration of the twenty years franchise. The Waterworks Company wanted a renewal of the franchise for another term of twenty years, and Mayor Cowherd planted himself on the side of municipal ownership. A relentless strug gle was waged on both sides, and money was used lavishly, but again the people of Kansas City won their second battle against a public corporation, and 115 GEORGE HOLMES. GEORGE HOLMES, city assessor, was born December 29, 1834, at Shrewsbury, Eng land. At the age of 16 he came to New York, and thence to Independence, Mo. In 1851 Mr. Holmes crossed the Great American Desert with an ox team, going to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Returning to Jackson County the same year he worked on a. farm and taught school during the winter. In 1852 he went with Alexander Majors' ox train to El Paso, Texas, and that fall he returned to Westport, where tie ke.pt i books for Simpson & Winchester.. In 1857 Mr. Holmes went into the cat tle business, and, after the war, in 1866 he opened-a grain store on the market square. In 1867 he became assistant cashier- of the Mechanics' Bank, and the following year went into the commission business at the Stock Yards, continuing in that business for about twenty-five years. Mr. Holmes was anointed a member of the Board of Pub lic Works by Mayor Holmes and was re-appointed by Mayor Cowherd. In 1899 he was appointed by Governor Stephens as county assessor to succeed Charles Bowers, deceased. In 1901 he was appointed city assessor by Mayor Reed, which position he now holds. In 1856 Mr. Holmes married Miss Susan Stone and to them have been borp six children, four of whom are new living. - In his long and honorable career in business and in poli tics Mr. .Holmes has been faithful to every trust and in the evening of life he enjoys, the respect and regard of the whole ¦ community. ;ii7 JOHN F. LUMPKIN. JOHN F. LUMPKIN was born in 1858 at Baltimore, Maryland, of an old and honor able family. His father, Robert G. Lumpkin, was in the whole sale hat business for fifty years in Baltimore. His grandfather was- from Lumpkin County, Georgia, a county that wag named in honor of his great grandfather, who was a celebrated judge whose decisions are now of daily reference. Mr Lumpkin graduated at Baltimore, Md., and remained there in business wi.h his father until the latter's retirement in 1886, when he entered the employ of a New York wholesale hat firm as a traveling salesman. In 1889 he came to Kansas City to travel for a wholesale hat firm. Since 1891 he has been man ager for Nicoll, the tailor. In April 1902 Mr. Lumpkin was elected on the Democratic . ticket as alderman from the Third Ward of Kansas City, a Re publican ward, by 300 majority. The nomination oame to , him without his solicitation. It was a tribute to his wide ac quaintance and equally wide popularity. Mr. Lumpkin was recognized throughout Kansas City as a leader of fashion, but as a politician — his political enemies laughed at the idea of a social exquisite leading such a forlorn hope as the situation in -the Third Ward presented. But Mr. Lumpkin proved himself as clear-headed, energetic and resourceful in politics as he had been in business and the result was his triumphant election. His record in the City Council has proved him to be a man of unusual practical sense, clean in morals as in his dress, and courageous in his stand for the welfare of the city. He is very popular with the working classes, for at heart he is a real, old- , fashioned Demdcrat. 119 WILLIAM J. KNEPP, WILLIAM J. KNEPP was born November 11, 1858, in McVeytown, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, of German parentage. Educated in the common schools and academy of his home county, he began his busi ness career as a telegraph operator with the Pennsylvania Rail way. Company in 1876. Coining to Kansas City in the fall of 1879, he held positions of trust with the Santa Fe Railway Co., Union Depot Co., and Western Union Telegraph Co., until eight years age when he purchased a seat in the Board of Trade of Kansas Cjty, of which organization he is still a member. In Aprirof this year he connected himself with Willard E. Winner iu the promotion of suburban electric railways. Mr. Knepp has been a resident of Kansas City for twenty- three years. He has a comfortable home in No. 100 East 34th _Sireet, located in the Eleventh Ward of this city, which com prised the suburb til Westport prior to extension of Kansas City's limits. Mr. Knepp served, one term as alderman in Westport Council in 1895-96. In the spring of 1896 he was elected a mem ber of the Board of Education of the Westport school- district, serving as secretary of the Board until that district was merged into a Kansas City school district. In 1900, Mr. Knepp was elected a member of the upper house of Kansas City's Common Council for a term of four years. There he soon won an en viable reputation as one of the four men, the others being Rood, Sawyer and Strode, who stood by Mayor Reed in his mem orable fight for good government. These four men, although. in a minority, never wavered^ or became discouraged for a_mo- ment, and in 1902~their steadfast efforts were endorsed by the people in the election of an upper house which was in accord with them. . . , 121 the first great step was taken in the direction of municipal ownership. The city bought a gold brick when it purchased the waterworks plant at a cost of $3,100,000, but it was more than compensated in the acquisition of the franchise. Mayor Cowherd's administration was also signal ized by his fight for dollar gas, in which he was finally victorious, • and by the vitalizing of the public park and boulevard system, the magnificent proportions of which is just beginning to be realized. In the city campaign of 1894, the Democrats split and two Democratic tickets were placed in the field, one headed by Frank G. Johnson, and the other by Frank Cooper. The former represented the regulars and the latter the silk-stocking. No question of prin ciple was at stake, unless such a question underlay the leadership in local politics of Marcy K. Brown, except that the question of the renewal of the Metro politan Street Railway franchise was beginning to loom up. The result of the split was the election of the Republican candidate, Webster Davis, and the be ginning of a feud in the Democratic ranks which has lasted ever since. In 1896 and 1898 the Republicans were victorious at the polls largely through the influ ence of the A. P. A. craze that swept over the country. In 1900 the fight for municipal ownership was re newed by the Democrats under the brilliant leader ship of James A. Reed. The principal question at stake was the street, railway service and .the renewal of the franchise of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company, although the telephone and electric light 122 propositions were also involved. In this, the third struggle between the people and the public service corporations, the people again won the victory and James A. Reed was elected mayor, by a large major ity. Three days before he assumed the office of mayor, 'however, the retiring mayor and City Council con firmed the renewal of the street railway company's franchise. Mayor Reed kept up the agitation for pub lie ownership, but his efforts were blocked in a meas ure by the opposition of the upper house of the City Council, which refused to confirm his appointment of a city counselor and other officials. In 1902 Mayor Reed's policies were triumphantly vindicated at the polls, he and the entire Democratic ticket being re elected, while those who had opposed him were rele gated to private life. With- a friendly City Council and a city counselor who shared his views; Mayor Reed immediately took steps to test the validity of the re newal of the street railway franchise, and this led to a compromise between the city and the street railway company in which the city reaped many substantial benefits. Under Mayor Reed's admistrations the cause of municipal ownership — the success of which has been demonstrated in over 250 of the principal cities of the world — if not actually realized in fact, has received such a splendid impetus that ultimate success is be yond dispute. 123 A. N. GOSSETT. ALFRED N. GOSSETT, lawyer, was born. November 13, 1861, at Sharpsburg, Bath County, Kentucky. His forefathers were English, although his family has been prominent in America for generations. His parents removing to Jackson County in 1867, his youth was passed on a farm near Independence. After graduating from Woodland College at Independence, he took a law course at Washington University at St. Louis; Mo., obtaining his degree ,in 1883. Since then he has been a member of the law firm of Cook & Gossett of Kansas City. Mr. Gossett is essentially a ripe lawyer and has won an enviable place at the Kansas City bar, but still he has found leisure to do good work for the Dem ocratic party and he would have no trouble in winning politi cal honors if he desired-fhem. He has been an earnest sup porter of the Jackson County Democratic Club and is one of its most respected members. 125 JOHN HAYES. JOHN HAYES was born July 4, 1855, at Rockford, Illinois, of Irish parentage. He removed to Kansas City in 1872, and in 1880 was appointed a patrolmen on the police force of Kansas City. In 1889 he was made a. detective of meritorious service, and in April, 1897, after eight years of brilliant service, was promoted to the post of chief of detectives. In October, 1897, he was appointed act ing chief of police, and in May, 1898, he was appointed chief of police. In May, 1901, he was re-appointed chief of police, which position he now holds. As patrolman, detective, chief of defectives and chief of police Mr. Hayes has made a splendid record, for ability, honesty, courage and fidelity to duty. He 'is a broad-minded man, with a great fund of strong common sense, just the kind of man who is always needed but so seldom found at the head of the police department of a great city. In times of public excitment his judgment and firmness have re peatedly prevented bloodshed, while in dealing with law-break ers he is prompt and uncompromising. His management of the crowds, and his control of the criminal classes, during the Democratic National Convention in 1900 excited the unbounded admiration of visitors from all parts of •the United States. 127 JOHN L. PEAK. JOHN L. PEAK was born in. Scott County, Kentucky, in April, 1839. His family came from England to Virginia in the Seventeenth Century and Mr. Peak's grandfather moved to Kentucky in 1780. Mr. Peak was educated at private schools and graduated at the age of nineteen at Georgetown University. He won the prize as a debater at college and, entering the Louisville Law School in 1860, he was elected Washingten Birthday orator. In 1862 he began the practice of law at Georgetown, Ky., and in 1868 he moved to Kansas City. Mr. Peak was always a lawyer rather than a politician, but in 1876 the condition of affairs in Jackson County led to his election as prosecuting attorney without his seeking it. He did his duty so well that he was re-elected in 1878. After the expiration of his term he resumed his private practice until 1895 when he was appointed Minister to Switzer land by President Cleveland. He resigned this office in June, 1897, in the conviction that President McKinley's administra tion should be represented by a Republican. Returning to Kansas City he has since practiced law with distinguished ability. Mr. Peak is a Democrat, an active member of the Baptist Church, and a Mason of high rank. He is a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club and was active in its organization. Mr. Peak's distinguishing characteristic is his public-spiritedne"S: As prosecuting attorney he found many defects in the criminal law of Missouri, and he never rested until the legislature remedied them. He has always shown himself a champion of law and order, and he stands for all that is best and purest in society. As an orator, Mr. Peak has few equals in the West. 129 CHAPTER IX. City Officials. 1853. — W. S. Gregory, Johnston Lykins; treas urer, P. M. Chouteau; assessor, G. W. Wol£; register, S. W. Bouton; marshal, M. B. Hedges; attorney, Nelson; councilmen, Wm. G. Barkley, Thompson Mc- Daniel, William J. Jarboe, T. H. West, T. S. Wright, M. J. Payne and Johnson Lykins. 1854. — Mayor, Johnson Lykins; treasurer, H. M. Northrup; assessor, Hallom Rice; register, William G. Barkley; marshal. J. P. Howe; city attorneys, John Curtis, Asa Bartlett; councilmen, Benoist Troost, J. C. McNees, Daniel Edgerton, Caleb Kerr, M. J. Payne, T. II. West. 1855. — Mayors, John Johnson and M. J. Payne; treasurer, E. R. Tlirelkeld; assessor, J. W. Summers; registers, M. J. Payne, S. W. Bouton; city engineers, C. C. Spaulding, Fred Breckenridge; marshal, J. P. Howe; city attorney, Asa Bartlett; councilmen, Caleb Kerr, A. T. Gilham, J. W. Amnions, John S. Camp* bell, John C. McNees and T. J. Wilson. 1856. — Mayor, M. J. Payne; treasurer, E. R. Threl keld; assessor, J. P. Howe; register, S. W. Bouton; city engineer, Robert J. Lawrence; marshal, J. P. Howe; city attorney, S. W. Bouton; councilmen, T. J. 130 Wilson, Johu Johnson, Caleb Kerr, John S. Campbell, A. T. Gilliam, M. B. Hedges, William J. Jarboe. 1857. — Mayor, M. J. Payne; treasurer, E. R. Threl- keld; collector, F. M. Barnes; assessor, S. W. Bouton; registers, S. W. Bouton, John S. Hough; engineers, C. P. Wiggins, Ed. O'Flaherty; marshal, J. P. Howe; city attorney, William A.. Strong; councilmen, R. J. Lawrence, William J. Jarboe, A. T. Gillham, R. T. Van Horn, I. M. Ridge, Michael Smith, D. J. Williams. On August 17th, this council resigned, and the fol lowing named persons were elected: William J. Jar boe, John Johnson, James A. Frame, T. B. Lester, 1. M. Ridge, John A. Boarman. 1858. — Mayor, M. J. Payne; treasurer, E. R. Threl- keld; collector, D. L. Shouse; assessors, Lot Coffman, James A. Gregory; register, L. B. Scott; attorney, J. W. Robinson; engineer, J. Q. Anderson; wharf master, S. M. Gilham; marshal, F. M. Barnes; city attorney, J. W. Robinson; councilmen, T. B. Lester, John W. Ammons, John S. Hough, Michael Smith, Charles Long, George W. See. 1859. — Mayor, M. J. Payne; treasurer, John A. Boarman; collector, D. L. Shouse; assesor, S. W. Bou ton; register, Daniel Geary; engineer, J. Q. Ander son; wharfmaster, S. M. Gilham; wharfregister, W. A. Pollard; marshal, Jonathan Richardson; city attor ney, John W. Robinson; recorder, J. W. Summers; councilmen, J. B. Higgins, E. M. McGee, L. A. Schoen, E. B. Cravens, Theo. S. Case, N. C. Claiborne. I860. — Mayor, G. M. B. Maughs; treasurer, John A. Boarman; collector, S. D. Vaughn; assesor, J. K. 131 N. F. HEITMAN. N. F. HEITMAN was born September 11, 1860, on a farm in North Carolina. A farmer boy, he worked his way up until now he ranks as one of the best lawyers and most influential men in Kansas City. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at the head of his class and won the orator's medal in a com petitive contest. He afterwards graduated in law at the Uni versity of Virginia. Coming to Kansas City, he devoted himself to his pro fession with such fidelity and ability that he soon became one of the foremost lawyers at the bar. He is a Democrat and a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club. He has always been a strong advocate of high political standards in the councils of his party. His hand is seen in the party's platforms — notably in the declarations against all forms of private monopoly and those declaring for public ownership of public utilities, and for a stricter regulation of public corporations. These propositions he has vigorously championed. Mr. Heitman made a remarkable race for the Democratic nomination for circuit judge in 1902. He had no clique, com bination, faction or organization to back him, but his per sonal merit and popularity kept him in the lead until next to the last ballot. He has no political ambition except in the line of his profession, and his purity of character, party ser vice and eminent fairness and fitness entitle him to be hon ored by his party. Aside from politics, he is a sound and suc cessful lawyer. 133 SCHUYLER C. KELLY. SCHUYLER C. KELLY was born Augu~t 9, 1868, at Delavan, Illinois. His father was born in New York City and came West in 1858 during the gold boom in Colorado. His mother was born and reared in Ray County, Mo. Her parents come from Tennessee. Seventeen years ago Schuyler Kelly came to Kansas City to earn his liv ing, and as a lad he first sold newspapers and then became con nected with the Kansas City Star, remaining in that employ ment for ten years until he was appointed clerk of the police court in 1900, which position he still occupies and fills with great tact and fidelity. In 1888 he joined the Third Regiment of Missouri National Guards and served as a private during the strike riots at Bevier, Macon County, Mo., for twenty-thrae days during the winter of 1888-89. He was recently elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment and is now the oldest man in it in point of service. He has attended every camp and every trip in which the r.egiment has participated for fourteen years. Colonel ^fielly served in the Spanish-American War, as captain of Company G, Third Missouri Infantry, U. S. V. He was at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.,' Camp Alger, Va., and Camp Meade, Pa. Colonel Kelly is a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club, and has always given it his generous and active support. He is one of the most popular Democrats in the Fourteenth Ward, and, in fact, in Kansas City. 135 LEWIS B. SAWYER. LEWIS B. SAWYER was born August 25, 1869 at Austin, Cass County, Mo. His father was born in Maine and his mother was a native of Indi ana. Receiving his education in the public schools and at Butler Academy, he graduated at the Kansas City Medical Col lege in 1892. He served as assistant city physician in 1892 and practiced medicine successfully eight years in Kansas City. Taking up the study of law he began the practice in 1899 with Teasdale, Ingraham and Cowherd. He is now a member of the flourishing law firm of Porterfield, Sawyer & Conrad, and is also professor of medical jurisprudence in the University Medi cal College and also in the Woman's Medical College of Kansas City. In 1898 Dr. Sawyer was elected to the lower house of the City Council from the Seventh Ward. His record in the Coun cil won him such a name that he was nominated on the Demo cratic ticket in 1900 and elected to the upper house of the City Council. His record in the upper house has been a synonym for honesty, fairness and devotion to duty. Sawyer, Knepp, Rood and Strode, this quartette have been the people's cham pions in the upper house. When the Jackson County Demo cratic Club was organized in August 1900 Dr. Sawyer was elected its first president, and he watched over it and carried it through the trying times of its infancy like a father. He has been prominently mentioned as the next Democratic nom inee for mayor of Kansas City. 137 Starr; register, Dan Geary; city engineer, C. L. De- Ham; wharf master, W. V. Pulliam; city attorney, J. Richardson; wharf register, Thos. Oliver; recorder, J. W. Summers; councilmen, Lot Coffman, W. V. Pul liam, W. W. Ford, A. L. Harris, John Campbell, D. A. N. Grover, W. J. Jarboe, D. M. Jarboe, Dennis O'Brien. 1861. — Mayor, R. T. Van Horn; treasurer, John A. Boarman; collector, S. D. Vaughn; _ assessor, E. O'Flaherty; register, Michael Smith; city engineer, Ed. O'Flaherty; wharf register, Thomas Oliver; city marshal, George E. Irwin; city attorney, J. S. Bore- man; city recorder, George W. Toler; councilmen, D. A. N. Grover, Charles Long, Patrick Shannon, A. L. Harris, J. E. Snyder, M..J. Payne, B. M. Jewett, N. Vincent, J. Lykins. 1862. — Mayor, M. J. Payne; treasurer, J. A. Bach man; collector, S. D. Vaughn; assessor, E. O'Flaherty; register, Michael Smith; engineer, Ed. O'Flaherty; wharfmaster, F. R. Lord; marshal, William Holden; wharfmaster, John Joyce; city attorney, William Quarles; recorder, George W. Toler ; councilmen, J. Thorne, M. Dively, E. M. Sloan, J. R. Ham, John Kaney, Lewis Deardorf, Thomas Burke, P. Switzgabel. 1863. — Mayor, William Bonnefield; treasurer, A. B. Cross; collector, C. F. Smith; assessor, I). M. Jarboe; register, B. Donnelly; engineer, R. B. Whitney; wharf master, F. McMillan; marshal, Dennis O'Brien; wharf- register, Alphonso Hughes; city attorney, William Quarles; recorder, A. Ellenberger; councilmen, C. W. Fairman, P. Switzgabel, W. C. Holmes, F. Timmer- 138 man, F. P. Flagler, Lewis Deardorf, Thomas Burke, and Charles Dwyer. 1864.— Mayor R. T. Van Horn; treasurer, S. D. Vaughn; collector, R. Salisbury; assessor, E. O'Fla herty; register, B. Donelly; engineer, Wm. Millar; wharfmaster, F. R. Lord; marshal, Dennis O'Brien; wharfregister, John Joyce; attorney C. Carpenter; re corder, A. Ellenberger; councilmen, C. A. Carpenter, James Mansfield, Charles Dwyer, Theo. S. Case, Thos. Burke, R. L. Riggins, Aaron Raub, P. C. Causey, P. Shannon, P. S. Brown. 1865. — Maj-or, P. Shannon; treasurer, S. D. Vaughn; collector, E. B. Cravens; assesor, E. O'Flaherty; Reg ister, B. Donnelly; engineers, William Millar, Ed. O'Flaherty; wharfmaster, Thomas Fox; wharfregister, Samuel Quest; marshal, Jeremiah Dowd; attorney, T. B. Rummel; recorder, C. A. Carpenter; councilmen, P. S. Brown, H. L. Huhn, J. G. Watkins, E. F. Rogers, John Taylor, Gerhart Zucker, Thomas Burke, William Kolb. 1866. — A. L. Harris, mayor; S. D. Vaughn, treas urer; Charles Long, collector; B. Donelly, assessor; D. O'Brien, register; Edmund O'Flaherty, engineer; H. G. Toler, wharfmaster; Philip Ott, wharfregister; Jeremiah Dowd, marshal; Charles Carpenter, attor ney; C. A. Carpenter, recorder; councilmen, Charles Dwyer, John Bauerlein, Robert Salisbury, F. A. Mitch ell, N. Vincent, Henry Tobener, Thomas Burke, David Slater, John R. Balis. 1867. — E. H. Allen, mayor; J. W. L. Slavans, treas urer; James Lee, assessor; Dennis O'Brien, auditor; 139 Dr. GEORGE HALLEY. DR. GEORGE HALLEY was born September 10, 1839 at Aurora, Ontario, Canada. His mother, Jane Baird, a lineal descendant of Sir Isaac Newton, was a niece of Dr. James Baird, who was surgeon-in-charge at St. Helena, and who gave up his own cottage to Napoleon during his exile there. Dr. Halley's father was a descendant of Sir Edmond Halley, the astronomer. Dr. Halley graduated in medicine at the University of Vic toria, Toronto, Canada, attended a clinical course in New York, and came to Kansas City in 1870, where he has -practiced his profession ever since. In 1871 Dr. Halley married Miss Florence Childs, a niece of General Sterling Price, and four children were born of the union, one of whom is now living. In 1889 he married Miss Jessie Eggleston, of Olathe, Kansas, by whom he has had two children. In 1892 Dr. Halley was commissioned as surgeon- major of the Third Regiment of Missouri, and he organized the hospital corps for the command. In 1899 he was commissioned as chief surgeon of the First Brigade of Missouri, and still re tains that position. He was also instrumental in promoting the organization of the Association of the Military Surgeons c£ the United States. Dr. Halley was a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club a*nd was its first treasurer. His name was a tower of strength to the club in the trying times of its inception and early establishment. He is a Democrat of the old school, standing for free trade and equal rights. As a physician and surgeon Dr. Halley stands second to none in the West. As a man, he is modest, scholarly, genial, polished and kind, but outspoken in defense of the right as well as In denunciation of tricks and shams of all kinds. 141 Dr. W. F. MORROW. DR. W. F. MORROW was born July 31, 1854, in Macon County, Mo. He comes from that sturdy Scotch-Irish stock which has done so much for America in peace and in war, for it is the stock from which so many of her famous statesmen and great soldiers have sprung. Dr. Morrow graduated at the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, and came to Kansas City in 1887 to practice his pro fession. As a physician Dr. Morrow has been eminently suc cessful not only in his treatment of his patients but in winning the confidence and universal respect of his brother physicians as well as of the public generally. He lives with his family in a charming home, and men and women alike seek his friend ship as much as his professional services. Dr. Morrow has never been a politician in the sense of seeking office, but he is noted for his strong convictions in re gard to a citizen's duty to his country, and he is as conscien tious in the discharge of his civic obligations as he is in obeying the calls of his profession. He has particularly strong views in regard to the ethics of his profession, and since his appoint ment by Governor Dockery in April, 1901, as a member and secretary of the Missouri State Board of Health, his efforts have been marked in raising the standard of his profession in the State. Dr. Morrow was one of the charter members of the Jackson County Democratic Club, and he expressed himself with great energy, at its earliest meetings, in favor of stamping out fac tionalism within the party. 143 THOMAS S. RIDGE. THOMAS S. RIDGE was born November 26, 1859, in Kansas City, Mo. His parents were Kentuckians, and his father, Dr. I. M. Ridge, was one of the pioneers of Jackson County, and is to-day one of the best known men in Kansas City. Mr. Ridge is almost equally well-known, as a member of the insurance firm of Hunter, Ridge & Bryant. Mr. Ridge is interested in a number of other business enterprises in Kansas City, as well as in Colorado and Texas. He is not only a first- class business man, but is a student and a Writer of no mean ability. Mr. Ridge has never been a candidate for public office, al though his friends have urged him several times in this con nection, but he is a man of active public spirit and has always taken a deep interest in political affairs. He is, perhaps, a littl'u too altruistic in his ideals, and too outspoken in' regard to political methods to suit the average ward worker, whose motto generally is, "The end. justifies the meanst" But Mr. Ridge's clear, practical sense, and experience in business affairs could not fail to be* valuable to the people in public life, and he will undoubtedly make his mark in politics as he has in commercial pursuits. As a charter member of the Jackson County Demo cratic Club, he was indefatigable in his labors for its success, and to him, as much as to any other man, is due its prosperity. He was elected treasurer of the club in 1901, and was warmly urged for president in 1902, but he declined to make the race in opposition to his friend, John M. Rood. Mr. Ridge is a man of quick and generous sympathies, kind and charitable to the unfortunate, loyal and devoted to his friends. 145 Oscar Koehler, engineer; E. B. McDill, wharfmaster; A. T. Hoover, wharfregister; J. T. Brougham, city clerk, J. B. Brothers, marshal; William Warner, city attorney; P. Lucas, C. A. Carpenter, recorders; Ed mund Keller, marketmaster ; councilman, John Camp bell, Herman Hucke; H. W. Cooper, E. A—Phillips, H. L. Huhn, E. H. Spalding, J. W. Keeper, Henry Speers. 1868. — A. L. Harris, mayor; George Sweeney, treasurer; J. B. Drinkard, assessor; Dennis O'Brien, auditor ; John Donnelly, engineer ; A . T. Hoover, wharf master; L. Dragon, wharfregister; D. E. Dickerson, city physician; F. B. McLean, F. J. Brougham, Mel) H. Hudson, city clerks; J. L. Keck, marshal; H. P. White, attorney; C. A. Carpenter, recorder; Edward Keller, marketmaster; councilmen, William Smith, M. English, Junius Chaffee, J. W. Cook, H. Hucke, John Campbell, H. W. Cooper, E. A. Phillips, A. H. Waterman. 1869. — F. R. Long, mayor; George Sweeney, treas urer; Dennis O'Brien, auditor; C. F. Smith, assessor; John Donnelly, engineer; A. T. Hoover, wharfmaster; Mell H. Hudson city clerk; J. L. Keck, marshal; D. S. Twitchell, attorney; W. H. Sutton, recorder; D. E. Dickerson, city physician; councilmen, Junius Chaf fee, C. J. White, J. W. Cook, M. English, J. H. McGee, A. H. Waterman, T. J. Woolf, R. W. Hilliker. 1870. — E. M. McGee, mayor; George Sweeney, treas urer; P. M. Chouteau, collector; Robert Salisbury, as sessor; John J. Tobin, auditor; John Donnelly, en gineer; A. T. Hoover, wharfmaster; Daniel Greary, 146 city clerk; Thomas M. Speers, marshal; H. P. White, attorney; C. A. Carpenter, recorder; H. F. Smith, mar ket-master; D. E. Dickerson, city physician; council- men, Junius Chaffee, John Campbell, C. J. White, P. J. Heim, J. H. McGee, John W. Keefer, D. Ellison, J. Lykins, T. J. Wolk, Thomas Burk, R. W. Hilliker, James E. Marsh. 1871. — William Warner, mayor; Samuel Jarboe, Treasurer; P. M. Chouteau, collector; O. Chanute, J. J.' Moore, engineers; John J. Tobin, auditor; Robert Salisbury, assessor; Daniel Greary, city clerk; J. W. Dunlap, city attorney; D. A. N. Grover, recorder; T. M. Speers, marshal; W. C. Evans, city physician; R. C. Gould, market-master; John C. Gage, J. Brumback, counselors; councilmen, Junius Chaffee, John Camp bell, William Weston, IT. T. Hovelman, P. J. Heim, J. W. Keefer, David Ellison, J. Lykins, Joab Toney. Thomas Burke, James Hannon, James E. Marsh. 1872.^R, H. Hunt, mayor; H. C. Kumpf, auditor; Samuel Jarboe, treasurer ; O. G. Long, recorder ; Will iam Shepard, marshal; John C. Campbell, attorney; H. B.' Toelle, supervisor of registration; Daniel Greary, J. Enright, city clerks; J. M. Silvers, chief of fire department; Sam Winram, inspector of weights and measures; W. C. Evans, physician; H. L. Marvin, engineer; P. M. Chouteau, collector; R. C. Gould, mar ket-master; Robert Salisbury, assessor; J. Brumback. counselor; W. A. N. Vaughn, wharmaster; J. T. Lever- idge, wood inspector; Charles F. Quest, E. H. Russell, superintendent of the work-house; councilmen, Michael Flynn, William Weston, Lyman McCarty, M. Hoover, 147 J. L. LINDSAY. J. L. LINDSAY was born July 13, 1868, at. Arrow Rock, Mo. At the age of sev enteen young Lindsay took up his residence in Kansas City. where by strict attentipn to business and a rare faculty for making friends he has risen to the responsible position of man ager of Guernsey & Murray's large branch store. In politics, Mr. Lindsay has never sought office, but he has done effective work in the ranks of the Democratic party and has contributed liberally to its success. >He was one of the earliest members of the Jackson County Democratic Club, and gave that organization his loyal support during the doubtful days of its "early life. 149 REES TURPIN. REES TURPIN was born May 4, 1869, in Carroll County, Mo. He graduated at the Carrollton High school and then took the academic and law courses at Washington & Lee University at Lexington, Va,., graduating in law in 1892. While there he was president of tjie. Graham Lee Literary Society, and vice-president and national delegate of the Kappa Psi fraternity. He was admitted to the bar in Virginia, and in Missouri in 1892, and came to Kansas City that year to practice. Mr. Turpin has never been a candidate for a political office, although his friends have urged him for several, notably for -if member of the upper house of the City Council. As a member cf the Jackson County Democratic Club, and especially as chairman of its entertainment ^committee, he has won a repu tation for sound judgment and unusual executive ability. Hs devoted a great deal of time to the club when its fortunes were at their lowest ebb, and it was largely due to his efforts that the club's success was assured. Mr. Turpin is a sound lawyer and a good citizen, one of the kind to be relied on in times-of trouble or danger. 151 THOMAS J. SEEHORN. THOMAS J. SEEHORN was born April 19, 1863, at Fall Creek, Illinois. His parents were Alfred and Martha Seehorn, highly respected citizens. Mr. Seehorn graduated at Chaddock College, Quincy, 111., in 1886, and came to Kansas City that year to practice his pro fession as a lawyer. In 1892 he was appointed public admin istrator for Jackson County, which position he held until 1900. During the eight years in which he held this delicate and re sponsible office Mr. Seehorn grew greatly in the public's es teem, especially in the eyes of the widows and orphans whose interests were confided to his care. He proved himself a sound lawyer arid a careful conservator of others' interests, and above all, there was never a whisper of criticism or shadow of reproach upon a single act of his. Mr. Seehorn is more of a lawyer than a politician, but still he takes a- lively interest in the affairs of his country, and dur ing campaigns he is a hard worker and an effective adviser in the councils of the Democratic party. Solid in character and brains, courageous in his convictions, warm in his friend ships and equally so in his political antagonisms, Mr. Seehorn lias won a standing in the community which leaves him ripe for honors, political, or otherwise. 153 E. L. Martin, H. T. Hovelman, M. English, D. H. Por ter, D. Ellison, Patrick Kirby, Patrick Fay. 1.873. — E. L. Martin, mayor; D. H. Porter, record er; H. C. Kumpf, auditor; William Weston, treas urer; G. G. Neiswanger, marshal; M. H. Withers, at torney; D. L. Hall, supervisor of registration; M. Mc Cormick, superintendent of work-house; Webb With ers, collector; H. L. Marvin, engineer; John Phillips, market-master; John T. Blake, Robert Salisbury, as sessors; E. H. Russell, sanitary sergeant; J. M. Sil vers, chief of fire department; A. M. Crow, physician; A. Mayer, city clerk; James Sweeney, inspector of weights and measures; Thomas Clowdsley, T. McLean, wood inspectors; J. Brumback, counselor. 1874. — S. D. Woods, mayor; James Farrow, re corder; H. C. Kumpf, auditor, P. M. Chouteau, Treas urer; J. C. Tarsney, attorney; J. M. Ekdahl, super visor of registration; P. M. Black, J. W. Dunlap, coun selors; E. O'Flaherty, engineer; J. O. O'Day, physi cian; W. B. Napton, comptroller; M. E. Burnet, chief of the fire department; F. Kitzpatrick, superintend ent of the work-house; M. Ranahan, market-master; Robert Salisbury, assessor; John Ryan, inspector of weights and measures; A. Mayer, city clerk;-Thomas Fox, license inspector; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police; councilmen, John Campbell, Joseph M. Beach, F. B. Nofsinger, A. C. Moffatt, D. A. N. Grover, Den nis Levy, Charles A. Ebert, W. W. Payne, 0. H. Short E. H. Webster, P. Kirby, Edward Kelley. 1875.— Turner A. Gill, mayor; P. M. Chouteau, Ireasurer; H. C. Kumpf, auditor; W. H. Sutton, re- 154 corder; W. Adams, attorney; J. M. Ekdahl, super visor of registration; I). A. N. Grover, comptroller; .John C. Gage, J. Brumback, counselors; James Dow- ling, superintendent of the work-house; aldermen, J. M. Beach, John Campbell, A. C. Moffatt, B. A. Feine man, Dennis Levy, G. W. Lovejoy, W. W. Payne, P. McAnany, E. H. Webster, J. W. Reid, E. Kelley, H. A. Simms.1876.— Turner A. Gill, mayor; P. M. Chouteau, treasurer; T. J. Talbot, auditor; W. H. Sutton, H. R. Nelson, recorders; W. Adams, attorney; J. M. Ekdahl supervisor of registration; J. Brumback, counselor; 1). A. N. Grover; comptroller; Robert Salisbury, as sessor; A1. A. Holmes, engineer; Patrick O'Reilly, market-master; William C. Morris, physician; J. W. ; Wirth, superintendent of the work-house; John Kel ley, inspector of weights and measures; A. Mayer, E. R. Hunter, city clerks; F. Foster, chief of the fire, de partment; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police; alder men, John Campbell, W. S. Gregory, B. A. Feineman, D. R. Porter, Edward Lynde, G. W. Lovejoy, Dennis Levy, P. McAnany, James M. Buckley, J. W. Reid, Wm. Holmes, A. Simms, David P. Bigger. 1877.— J: W. L. Slavens, mayor; L. J. Talbot, audi- or; P. M. Chouteau, treasurer; D. Ellison, recorder; James Gibson, attorney; John M. Ekdahl, super visor of registration; J. M. Dews, comptroller; H. N. Ess, counselor; Robert Salisbury, assessor; W. C. Morris, physician; F. M. Furgason, inspector of licenses, weights and measures; Joseph Porter, mar ket-master; W. L. Shepard, superintendent of work- 155 E. B. SILKWOOD. E. B. SILKWOOD, chief "clerk of the city engineer's office, was born August 18, 1861, at Mulkeytown, Illinois/ Obtaining his education in the common schools of his county, he graduated at the Carbondalp, Illinois, University. Fourteen years ago he removed to Kan sas City where he has lived ever since. 'Upon Mayor Reed's election in 1900, Mr. Silkwood was appointed chief clerk in the city engineer's office, which position -he has held and filled ad mirably ever since. Mr. Silkwood is prominent and popular in union labor circles, and has been for three years president of the Retail Clerks' International ^Protective Association, Lo cal No. 13. He is a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club and has given freely in time and money to make ft a success. He was a most faithful member of the governing committee during the club's darkest days. 157 J. RAY SAMUEL. J. RAY SAMUEL was born March 21, 1861, at Jefferson City, Mo. His family is. of Welsh and Scotch stock. His grandfather coming to Missouri in 1820 from Tennessee, was a large planter and stock-grower. His father was a merchant for thirty years and he platted and founded Cedar City opposite Jefferson City in Calloway County. Young Ray Samuel received a common school education and later graduated with honors at Quincy, Illinois. From 1882 to 1885 he engaged in business with his father in Fulton, Mo., under the firm name of C. W. Samuel & Son. Removing to Kansas City in 1885 he was engaged in the real estate business until 1889. From 1889 to 1895 he was'chief clerk in the depart ment of streets for Kansas City. In 1895 he was appointed deputy county clerk under Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., and he has held that position ever since. Mr. Samuel is the author of the present admirable system of bookkeeping in the county clerk's office, , a system which has resulted in the saving of thousands of dollars to the county. In 1900 Mr. Samuel with others organized the Faultless Laundry Company in Kansas City, at 1726-8 Walnut Street and he has been its secretary ever since. Mr. Samuel is one of the most active members of the Jackson County Democratic Club, serving on all of its import ant committees and doing his duty faithfully and well. A man pf fine presence and genial manners, he makes friends readily, and with his Scotch virtues he grows with acquaintance. In November, 1901, Mr. Samuel married' Miss May Small of Sedalia, a daughter of Dr. A. V. Small, who was a noted surgeon in the Confederate Army. Mrs. Samuel is an active member of the Daughters of the Confederacy. 159 B. F. BLACK. B. FRANK BLACK was born January 24, 1856, at Dayton, Ohio, but was brought to Kansas City in 1859. Obtaining his education in the public schools he entered the tobacco business and is now Kansas City manager for the great Stickney Cigar Company. Mr. Black has always been a strong champion of the public schools and as president of the Ashland School Board for years he made a great fight for the educational interests of the people. His zeal, energy and integrity displayed in this capacity won him the respect and esteem of all classes of people, and his unfailing- courtesy and fairness turned esteem into friendship with those who came into contact with him. Probably no man so modest and retiring was ever more popular and universally respected. Mr. Black is a charter member of the Jackson County Dem ocratic Club, and has served on its governing committee almost since its inception. He is an active Democrat and a man of unflinching independence. 161 house; W. E. Benson, city clerk; A. A. Holmes, en gineer; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police; F. Foster, chief of fire department; Aldermen, W. S. Gregory, Philip Casey, E. Lynde, R. H. Drennon, Dennis Levy, C. C. Whitmeyer, James M. Buckley, W. B. Robinson, William Holmes, W. H. Winants, David P. Bigger, H. A. Simms. 1878. — Gerge M. Shelley, mayor; A. C. Walmsley, treasurer; William Vincent, auditor; Hamilton Fin ney, recorder; James Gibson, attorney; Erastus Johns, supervisor of registration; Robert Salisbury, assessor; W. E. Benson, city clerk; W. L. Shepard, William Keiky, superintendents of work-house; Jos eph Porter, market-master; J. M. Trowbridge, en gineer; 11. C. Kumpf, comptroller; W. YV. Payne, in spector of Mceuses, weights and measures; S. P. Twiss, counsellor; A. M. Crow, physician; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police, F. Foster, chief of fire depart- ment; aldermen, Philip Casey, P. D. Eute, R. H. Dren non, H. C. Morrison, C. C. Whitmeyer, T. W. Butler, W. B. Robinson, L. A. Allen, W. H. Winants, Louis Dragon, H. A. Siuuns, A. H. Glasner. 1X79.— George M. Shelley, mayor; A. C. Walmsley. treasurer; William Vincent, auditor; Hamilton Fin ney, recorder; Thomas King attorney; M. K. Kirk, supervisor of registration; T. A. Gill, counselor; H. C. Kumpf, comptroller; Robert Salisbury, assessor; W. E. Benson, city clerk; C. H. Knickerbocker, en gineer; John Donuelly, assistant engineer; D. R. Por ter, physician; William Burk, market -master; Bene dict Waibel, inspector of licenses, weights aud meas- 162 ures; F. R. Allen, superintendent of work-house; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police; F. Foster, chief of fire department; aldermen, P. D. Etue, George W. Mc Clelland, H. C. Morrison, J. N. DuBois, T. W. Butler, 11. H. Maybury, L. A. Allen, John Salisbury, Louis Dragon, T. B. Bullene, A. H. Glasner, Patrick Hickey. 1880.- -C. A. Chase, mayor; A. C. Walmsley, treas urer; William Vincent, auditor; H. Finney, recorder; Thomas King, attorney; N. Burk, supervisor of reg istration; W. Adams, counselor; John Donnelly, en gineer; Nathaniel Grant, comptroller; T. D. Callahan, city clerk; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police; F. Fos ter, chief of fire department; Robert Salisbury, as sessor; C. J. Jenkins, physician; Adam Johns, in spector of licenses; J. J^ Granfield, market-master; .' F. R. Allen, superintendent of the work-house; alder- . men, J. A. McDonald, T. B. Bullene, John Salisbury, George W. McClelland, W. J. Ross, J. N. Dubois, Patrick Hickey, J. N. Moore, R. H. Maybury, W. G. Duncan, Louis Dragon. 1881. — Daniel A. Frink, mayor; A. C. Walmsley, treasurer; M. L. Sullivan, auditor; J. W. Childs, re- < -order ;"W. J. Strong, attorney; M. H. Bass, supervi sor of registration; D. S. Twitchell, counselor; Nat. Grant, comptroller; Robert Salisbury, assessor; T. D. Callahan, city clerk; John Donnelly, engineer; A. A. Holmes, assistant engineer; John Fee, physician; John J. Granfield, market-master; B. Waibel, inspec tor of. licenses, weights and measures; Thomas O. Clary, superintendent of work-house; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police; F. Foster, chief of fire depart- 163 ALEX. S. RANKIN, ALEXANDER S. RANKIN- was born May 20, 1868, in Scotland, the land of oatmeal and Steady habits, where men grow sturdy and strong, with sterfi Convictions of ditty and the courage of them. And the subject ii this sketch, althSugii trioroiighiy Americanized in the best sense of the term, does not belie his Scotch ancestry and train ing. Coming to Kansas City sixteen years ago, young Rankin worked his way up in the face of many obstacles until he now runs his own business as a painting contractor. Notwith standing the demands of his business he -has found the time to make his life useful to others in many ways, serving two terms as secretary and treasurer of the Master Builders' Exchange, two terms as president of the Epworth League of Missouri, and president of the Master Painters' Association. Mr. Rankin was a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club, and was elected secretary in 1901, and was re elected in 1902. Although never a politician, Mr. Rankin is as sturdy and upright in his Democracy, and as energetic in advancing its principles, as he is in his church work, or in his daily labors in business. Unlike the traditions of the covenanting Scotch, Alex. Rankin's marked characteristic is this toleration and charity towards others. Himself a strict churchman and as blameless and innocent as a young girl in thought and speech, he is re markably liberal in his attitude towards his fellow-men, con tenting himself by advancing his cause by example rather than v>y profession. And so, no young man in Kansas City stands higher in the esteem and love of those who know him than does Alex. Rankin. 165 WILLIAM WARNER. William Warner was born, in Lafayette County, Wisconsin, June 11, 1839. His parents dying he was thrown on his own resources and from that time he worked at anything he .could do. At the age of ten he secured employment in a store and for five years he laid aside a portion of his meager earnings to enable himself to get ar. education. He spent two years at college and then taught school by day and studied Jaw at night. Just as he was ad mitted to the bar the Civil War broke out. He enlisted as a private and was successively promoted to lieutenant, adjutant, captain, and major of the Forty-fourth Wisconsin. His war record has been endorsed since then by his election to the high est offices in the gift of his comrades. He has been twice com mander of the Department of Missouri G. A. R., and in. 1888 wus unanimously elected commander-in-chief of that organization. Major Warner came to Kansas City in 1865. Although an ardent Republican he was elected city attorney in 1837 and circuit attorney in 1868. In 1870 he was elected mayor — the sole successful candidate on his ticket. In 1875 he rose superior to party and supported Turner A. Gill, a Democrat, in his mem orable campaign for mayor. 1885 he was elected to Congress and soon became one of the most influential members of that body. In 1892 he ran for governor of Missouri on the. Republican ticket. , In 1892 and 1896 he was delegate-at-large to the Na tional Republican Convention. In 1898, although not a candi date for the position, President McKinley appointed him United States District Attorney for the Western District of Missouri. In 1902 he was endorsed by the Republican Convention of Jack son County for United States senator. In- politics Major Warner has shown the courage of hia convictions ' and his manly independence in many instances, notably •in denouncing the A. P. A., which had control of hi--. party in Kansas City, at the cost of certain defeat to himself. Major Warner is a born leader of men, a man of generous and noble impulses, and as an orator he is unsurpassed in the West. 167 HERBERT S. HADLEY. HERBERT S. HADLEY Was born twenty miles from Kansas City at Olathe, Kansas, on the 20th of February,; 1872. Kansas City was to him the "big city" of his boyhood experiences, and as soon as he com pleted his college course at the University of Kansas and his law course at the Northwestern University Law School at Chicago, he came to Kansas City to begin the practice of the law. His advancement in his profession has been rapid and substantial. On January 1st, 1898, he was appointed first assist ant city counselor, and as trial lawyer for the city had charge of all its litigation in the courts for three years. At the time he was appointed to this responsible position, the damage suit verdicts that had been rendered against the city has become an issue in. the approaching municipal campaign, but under Mr. Hadley's conduct of the defense of these suits the city ceased to be mulcted and during his entire term of office but six verdicts of over $1,000.00 in amount were rendered against the city, one of these being afterwards reversed on appeal and two are still pending in the Supreme Court. In 1900 he was nominated by the Republican party for prosecuting attorney and at the election of that year he was elected prosecuting attorney by about 2500 majority. His con duct of the duties of the prosecuting attorney's office has been conscientious and able, and of him it can be truthfully said on the basis of actual record facts that he is the most success ful prosecutor in the. history of the county. Twenty- one mur der cases, have been disposed of during the twenty-one months he has been in office and in only one case did the jury fail to convict and in that case the jury disagreed. Of the 128 cases that he tried during his first twenty-one months in office there were but six acquittals. Mr. Hadley has always taken an active part in the literary and social life of Kansas City and in public enterprises. He is a member of the Commercial Club and ex-president of the Knife and Fork Club of which organization he was the found er. He is also prominent in Masonic and Knights of Pythias circles. He was married on the 8th of October, 1901, to Miss Agnes Lee of this city. He has one child, a boy, bom on the 23d of September, 1902. 169 GEORGE M. SHELLEY. GEORGE M. SHELLEY was born in Kentucky and moved with his parents to Iowa in 1849. He was educated in the public and high schools of Keo kuk, then took a course in the commercial college of Chicago and completed his education at Princeton. Then he took a trip overland to the Pacific coast and spent two years in China, Japan and around the world. In 1869 he started a grocery store in Kansas City, but changed to the dry goods business in which he has remained continuously for thirty-four years. In politics Mr. Shelley's life has been a busy, useful and varied one. Three times a police commissioner of Kansas City by appointment of Governors Crittenden, Marmaduke and Stone; three times nominated for mayor by acclamation and served twice; postmaster under President Cleveland; president of the upper house of the City Council by the unanimous vote of the Republicans, although himself a Demociat; delegate to every city and county convention held in Kansas City for thirty years. A rock-ribbed Democrat, Mr. Shelley has never scratched a ticket nor varied a hair's-breadth in his fidelity to the prin ciples of his party, no matter what the provocation. As mayor of Kansas City he gave his entire time to the duties of his office, and gave his salary to the poor. As postmaster he was appointed by President Cleveland who disregarded political pull altogether and looked only to the personal fitness of the man. Delegate to his party's convention for thirty years, a splendid tribute from his neighbors to his personal worth and capacity for political leadership. Such men are a tower of strength to their party and to the community in which they live. 171 ment; aldermen, W. J. Ross, J. M. Ford, J. A. McDon ald, D. H. Porter, John W. Moore, James Anderson, L. A. Allen, John Salisbury, L. Dragon, B. A. Sheid- ley, W. G. Duncan, M. Gafney. 1882. — James Gibson, mayor; L. B. Eveland, treas urer; M. L. Sullivan, auditor; Charles M. Ingraham, recorder; W. J. Strong, attorney; Otto Salts, super visor of registration; H. P. Langworthy, city clerk; W. B. Knight, city engineer; D. H. Porter, president of council; John Fee, physician; Nat. Grant, comptroller; George C. Hale, chief of fire department; aldermen, W. J. Ross, Charles Brooks, Sr., A. G. Kisler, Jeffer son Brumback, S. M. Ford, C. A. Brockett; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police. 1883.— T. B. Bullene, mayor; A. C. Walmsley, treasurer; M. L. Sullivan, auditor; George R. Jones, recorder; W. Adams, attorney; Otto Salts, supervisor of registration; H. P. Langworthy, city clerk; Wil liam B. Knight, city engineer; Jorn Free, city physi cian; Nat. Grant, comptroller; Geo. C. Hale, -chief of fire department; aldermen, W. J. Ross, Martin Regan, Charles Brooks, Sr., A. R, Sweet, A. G. Kesler; H. T. Hovelman, Jefferson Brumback, J. M. Patterson, S. M. Ford, John H. Reid, William Duncan, M. Gafney; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police. 1884. — L. J. Talbot, mayor; L. B. Eveland, treas urer; Benjamin D. West, auditor; Charles M. Ingra ham, recorder; John J. Campbell, attorney; George Sellman, supervisor of registration; George C. Hale, chief of fire department; W. Adams, attorney; alder men, Martin Regan, Patrick O'Rouke, A. K. Sweet, 172 J. K. Davidson, H. T. Hovelman, A. G. Kesler, J. M. Patterson, John Salisbury, John H. Reed, J. M. Ford, Michael Gafney, John McClintock; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police. 1885. — John W. Moore, mayor; George W. Jones, treasurer; Benjamin D. West, auditor; J. H. Worth- en, recorder; John J. Campbell, attorney; B. Waibel, supervisor of registration; George C. Hale, chief of fire department; H. P. Langworthy, city clerk; B. R. Whitney, city engineer; John Fee, city physician; Nat. Grant, comptroller; aldermen, James A. Finley, Wiley O. Cox, C. C. Whitmeyer, George W. Tourte- lotte, Charles E. Moss, John Granfield; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police. 1886. — H. C. Kumpf, mayor; Benjamin Holmes, treasurer; Benjamin West, auditor; Joseph J. Wil liams, city attorney; Joseph H. Worthen, recorder; W. L. Hendershot, supervisor of registration; H. P. Langworthy, city clerk; George C. Hale, chief of fire department; Thomas M. Speers, chief of police; alder men, Maurice Hurley, John Keenan, Will J. Looney, D. P. Thompson, J. M. Patterson, Wallace Love, John H. Burke, Martin Regan, Cornelius Maloney, H. D. Train, J. K. Davidson, E. W. Hayes, Will E. Ridge, Frederick Howard; John Fee, city physician; John Donnelly, city engineer; Nat. Grant, comptroller. 1887. — Henry C. Kumpf, mayor; Benjamin Holmes, treasurer; Benjamin D. West, auditor; J. J. Daven port, recorder; W. K. Hawkins, attorney; John Dolan, supervisor of registration; aldermen, John Grady, Will 173 WALTER M. DAVIS. WALTER M. DAVIS was born of Welsh parentage in 1867 in Ebensburg, Pennsyl vania. When he was five months old his parents moved to Livingston County, Mo., and his early school life was spenl: there. He served for eight years as deputy sheriff under T. G. McCarty, then as sergeant of police, next as county jailer, and finally as chief of police, the youngest chief in the United States at that time. In 1893 he left Colorado on account of sickness and came to Kansas City, where he soon became active and prominent in politics. He seirved one term as street commissioner during Mayor Jones' administration and declined a second term. He was assistant postmaster under Colonel Sam F. Scott. In 1902 Mr. Davis was a candidate for the Republican nomination for mayor of Kansas City and was only defeated by a. very small vote after a vigorous fight on him by the corporations. Mr. Davis began his career a poor boy without advantages or influence and by his industry, perserverance, and integrity has earned a comfortable position in the world, while as a politician he is regarded as the shrewdest organizer in the Republican party in Kansas City. Personally he is a loyal and generous friend, and an aggressive fighter against hyproc- risy and wrong-doing of any kind. He is very popular with the masses of the people and has a political future in Kansas City that will be worth watching. In 1890 he married Miss Lillian Coats, a daughter of George Coats of Pueblo, Colorado, they have two children, Walter M., aged 11, and Hazel, aged 5. He has two brothers, Webster and Harry. 175 JOHN HALPIN", JOHN HALPIN, chief of detectives, was born August 15, 1865, in the Province of Quebec, Canada. His father was Patrick Halpin, now living in Kansas City, and his mother was Miss Marguerite Corrigan, a sister of Bernard Corrigan, also of Canadian birth. There were six children born of the union, three girls and three boys, of which the subject of this sketch was the third. He came to Kansas City with his parents at the age of eight, and obtained his education in the public schools and at Spalding's College, graduating in 1882. At the age of eighteen he was assistant cashier of the Corrigan Consolidated Street Railway System of Kansas City. In 1890 he was appointed deputy county marshal under Henry P. Stewart, and resigned in 189~2 to accept a position as city detective in Mayor Cowherd's administration. On Optober 21, 1897, he was appointed chief of detectives, which position he has held ever since. Mr. Halpin mads a splendid record as a private in the ranks, and as a chief he has earned the esteem and admira tion of all classes of people by his skill, patience, earnestness, and executive ability. He is one of the few men who know how to.handle men, to obtain the best results without noise or worry. In politics he. is a Democrat but in his official capacity he knows no> politics. He was married November 18, 1891, to Miss Mary J, Cooney of Kansas City, daughter of, Edward Cooney, one of the oldest and most efficient employees of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company. 177 MARTIN R. GOSSETT. MARTIN R. GOSSETT, recorder of deeds for Jackson County, and Democratic nomi nee for re-election, was born April 11, 1857, in Bath County, Kentucky. His lineage is German on his father's side and English on his mother's. His father, the Rev. J. D. Gossett, was a Baptist minister, and so was his grandfather. In 1867 he settled with his parents in Jackson County, Mo., near Inde pendence, where they have resided ever since. After obtain ing his education in the Jackson County schools and in the High School at Independence, he engaged in the clothing busi ness at 512-14 Main Street, Kansas City, for eighteen years un til he was elected to his present office. In 1898 he received the Democratic nomination for recorder of deeds, and it is a suf ficient testimonial to his. personal worth and popularity to say that Mr. Gossett was elected - by the highest vote of any one on his ticket, and for the same reason that Abuo Ben Adhem's name led all the rest, because he loved his fellow- men. Mr. Gossott is a man of engaging manners which spring naturally from a warm heart, which is the. secret of his popu larity. Mr. Gossett is a Knight Templar, Mason, Elk, Modern Wobdman, and is active in all charities: On March 15, 1881, he married Miss Mary D. Carter, daughter of E. C. Carter of Kansas City, and they have three children, two girls and a boy. He and his wife are members of the Twenty-second and Prospect Avenue Christian Church. 179 HENRY P. STEWART, HENRY P. STEWART, Democrat and Police Commissioner of Kansas City, was born in East Hartford, Connecticut, September 25, 1858. His father, John F. Stewart, came from Ireland at the age of 21, and settled at Hartford, Conn. His mother came from Ireland when a child of eight and settled in New Haven, Conn. After his father's death in 1883 his mother removed to Kansas City " to reside. He was educated in the public schools of Hartford, and graduted with honors at the Christian Brothers Academy at that place. Coming to Kansas City 'in 1877 he engaged in the coal business with J. H. Looney. In 1880 he went into the sand business and in 1897, Frank C. Peck, who was sperintend- emt of the Kansas City Cable" Company, joined him, the firm becoming the Stewart & Peck' Sand Company. The company does a large business, with three plants, one at First and Grand Ave, one at Twenty-third and Kaw River, and one in Argentine, Kansas. The company operates two steam dredgeis and a line of barges with each plant. Although essentially a business man Mr. Stewart has taken an active part in politics and has done his part manfully and well. In 1888 he was elected to the City Council from the Seventh Ward. He resigned during his second term to run for County Marshal and was elected in 1890 and re-elected in 1892 on the Democratic ticket. In J.902 he was selected by Governor Dockery as police commissioner as the best man to harmonize the troubles existing in the local Democratic party,,. and it is sufficient to say that his appointment at once brought peace in the party and restored . confidence in the police de partment. In 1880 Mr. Stewart married Miss Minnie Duke, a daugh ter- of John P. Duke of Independence, Mo. They have five children, three boys and two girls. 181 JAMES PENDERGAST. JAMES PENDERGAST, Democratic alderman from the First Ward, was born in 1856 in Gallipolis, Ohio. In 1857 he came with his parents to Buchanan County, Mo. His parents were of Irish stock, his father being Michaiel Pendergast, now deceased, and his mother, now living in St. Joseph, Mo. His education was obtained in the public schools of St. Joseph and at the Christian Brothers College at that place. In 1876 he removed to Kansas City and cast his first vote in the First Ward, where he now lives. He was employed at various times in the Keystone Iron Works, the A. J. Kelly Foundry, and the D. M. Jarboe Foundry. He commenced busi ness for himself in 1881. In 1892 he was elected to the city -council from the First Ward and he has been re-elected practically without opposi tion ever since. He is the oldest man in the city hall in point of service, in fact elder than the city hall itself, the first meet ing of the city council after he was elected being held in the Board of Trade building. Politically, Mr. Pendergast's prominence and influence is much greater than any councilman's probably ever was. The undisputed leader in his own ward, he is also the acknowl edged leader of at least half of the Democrats of Kansas City and Jackson County. His place is the resort of the most dis tinguished men in the party and he is courted and flattered enough to turn the head of any man of less rugged sense. Jim Pendergast — as his friends love to call him — is a master y organizer, a keea judge of men, a true friend and a generous foe. -The secret cf his political influence is found in none of these qualities, however, nor in the power of money, his own or corporate, which is commonly the case in the politics of a great city. Neither does it rest in his big heart, and he has one of the biggest. His strength rests chiefly in the fact that he keeps his word and never breaks a promise. It is a common saying in Kansas City, "Jim Pendergast's word is as good as his bond." A rare virtue in any man, politician or otherwise. 183 T. M. NOBLE. T. M. NOBLE, lawyer and Democrat, was born in 1853 in DuBois County Indiana. His parents were Virginians of old English stock. In 1860 he came with his parents to Nodaway County, Mo. He graduated at college in Iowa and read law with E. W. Thomas at Brownville, Neb. He was admitted to the bar in Atchison County, Mo., by Judge Henry S. Kelly, and settled at Belleville, Kansas, where he soon sprang into prominence. For eighteen years, he enjoyed the largest practice in North ern Kansas. In 1896 he came to Kansas City, seeking a broader field for his talents, and has since confirmed his rep utation as a successful and able lawyer. He was interested as counsel in the celebrated breach of promise case of Knight against Oscar Push, a $50,000 case for the plaintiff, and as prosecuting attorney of Republic County, he handled the famous Hubbell case against Sanford Sparks Voorhees, who was sent to the penitentiary for fifty years. Politically Mr. Noble is an ardent Democrat and was a charter member of the Jackson county Democratic Club. In 1882, when there was no organized Democratic party in Re public County, Kansas, he was elected county attorney on the independent ticket by 400 plurality in a county having 1500 Republican majority. In 1884 he was endorsed for re election by, all parties and did not even go before any con vention. He refused the nomination for a third term. In 1893 he was elected mayor of Belleville, Kansas, and was in strumental in the reorganization of the waterworks which are now claimed to be the best in the State. Mr. Noble married Miss Robertson of Belleville, Kansas, and they have four children, two boys and two girls. 185 Dk. GEORGE OLIVER COFFIN. DR. GEORGE OLIVER COFFIN was born August 4, 1858, at Danielsville, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. His parents were Samuel T. and -Lavina Siegenfuss Coffin. His father was a lineal descendant of Tristam Coffee, the founder of Nantuckett and New Bedford, Mass., and the originator of the whaling industries of those towns. His mother was a great granddaughter of John Boyer, whose parents were among the earliest settlers of Pennsyl vania, living in the Wyoming Valley at the time of the famous massacre. The mother and three children found refuge in the f_rt, the father being scalped by the Indians. George 0. Coffin, the fifth in descent from him, was educated in the common schools of his native town and at Williams burg Academy. When nineteen years of age he entered the Pennsylvania Medical College of Philadelphia, graduating n, 1879. He engaged in practice at Frankfort, Kansas, for five years and then removed to El Paso, Texas., where he became contract surgeon and quarantine officer for the U. S. Govern ment. He spent two years in Mexico and then removed to Silver Cliff, Colo., where he practiced medicine for two years. In the fall of 1887 he located in Kansas City, where he is now a successful praetitioneer. Here he took a post-graduate csurse at the Kansas- City Medical College, receiving his de gree of M.D., for the second time. In May, 1894, Mayor Web ster Davis appointed bouse surgeon of the city hospital, and in May, 1895, he was appointed city physician, and held, this position with distinguished success until 1902. In 1897 he was elected professor of surgery of the Medico- Chirurgical College and he is also dean of the faculty. He is also professor of clinical surgery in the Woman's Medical Col lege; a member of the medical staff of the Frisco Railway hospital; consulting surgeon of the Kansas City Southern Railway; staff surgeon of the German hospital; consulting surgeon of the. Douglas hospital of Kansas City, Kansas; medical director of the Kansas City Life Insurance. Com pany; member of the Kansas City Academy of Medicine, Jack son County Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. Dr. Coffin has been a consistent, life-long Republican, an is a 32 degree Mason, a noble of the Mystic Shrine, past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias and a member of the order of Elks. 187 W. T. KEMPER. W. T. KEMPER was born Nov. 3, 1860 at Gallatin, Mo. His father, James M. Kemper, was of German ancestry. The family settled in Vir ginia about 1600 and later moved to Kentucky, where his father was born. His father was for many years a member of the firm of Noyes, Norman & Co., shoe manufacturers at St. Joseph, Mo. His mother was a Paxton, of the Scotch descent, one of the oldest and most prominent families of the South. The subject of this sketch moved to Hamilton, Mo., where he lived until he was fourteen, and then removed to St. Joseph. where he lived until he was eighteen, completing his educa tion there. At the age of eighteen he struck out for himself, going to Valley Falls, Kansas, and engaging in the general merchandise and banking business, which was very sucessful for seven years. Coming to Kansas City in 1893 he organized the Kemper Grain Company which he has sucessfully con ducted ever since. He is also the head of the Kemper Loan and Investment Co., in the Gibralter building, and owns three department stores, respectively at Topeka, Leavenworth and Valley Falls, Kansas. He is also the owner of considerable real estate in Kansas City, including the Whitney building. In 1900 Mr. Kemper was elected -president of the Kansas City Board of Trade, the youngest man that ever filled that place. He has served as a director in the Commercial Club and is now a director in the Providence Association, director in the National Bank of Commerce, director in the Board of Trade, and now vice-president of its Clearing Company. He is a Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. His first political work was in organizing the Democracy in Jefferson County, Kansas. In 1895 be became interested in politics in Kansas City and ever since he has been an active and enthuiastic worker, contributing his time and money to the success of his party. He was one of the most active supporters 180 of Mayor Reed from his first campaign in 1900, and was chair man of one of the rival Democratic County Committees which grew out of the split that fall. In 1901 he was unanimously elected president of the Jackson County Democratic Club, and under his administration the Club prospered greatly and be came a powerful factor in the politics of Kansas City and Jackson County. Although he had never asked for any polit ical office he was appointed police commissioner of Kansas City, February 12, 1902, by Governor Dockery. This unso ¦ licited honor was a high tribute to Mr. Kemper's standing in the community, being made at a time when the unsettled and feverish condition of affairs in the Democratic party in Kansas City required, and the press demanded, the appointment of a man, who would be politically, socially and in a business way, absolutely beyond criticism and above reproach. The appoint ment restored confidence in Democratic circles, and gave en tire satisfaction to the press and the public. Mr. Kemper is a man of the most charming manners and engaging address, a thorough gentleman and a keen, successful business man, but withal so democratic that he makes friends at sight with rich and poor, high and low alike. In 1890 he married Miss Lottie C. Crosby, daughter oC Rufus H. Crosby, a banker of Valley Falls-, Kansas. They have three children, all boys. 190 J. Looney, George W. Lee, M. Welsh, A. W. Love, James A. Finlay, Cornelius Maloney, W. O. Cox, M. D. Wood, Frederick Howard, Maurice Hurley, John Kee nan, D. P. Thompson, J. M. Patterson, J. H. Burke, Martin Regan, H. D. Train, J. K. Davidson, E. W. Hayes, William E. Ridge; R. W. Quarles, counselor; John Donnelly, engineer; A. E. Thomas, comptroller; T. H. Edwards, assessor; H. P. Langworthy, city clerk; Frank Sturdevant, city physician. 1888. — H. C. Kumpf, mayor; Benjamin Holmes, treasurer; Joseph J. Davenport, recorder; S. B. Win- ram, auditor; W. K. Hawkins, attorney; all Republi cans except the treasurer, who was a Democrat, and the recorder, who was an Independent. Aldermen: In the first ward, Harry L. Payne (R); second ward, John May (R), and W. J, Looney (D); third ward, John McClintock (R); fourth ward, W. T. Payne (D); fifth ward, Wallace Love (R), and D. H. Bowes (Ind) ; sixth ward, Martin Regan (D); seventh ward, C. W. Keith (R), and J. J. Green (R); eighth ward, Robert Cary (D); ninth ward, F. A. Faxon (R); tenth ward, E. H. Phelps (R), and J. H. Ingram (D). Six members of the old council held over; they were James A. Finlay, M. D. Wood and G. W. Lee, Republicans, and John Grady, Milton Welsh and W. O. Cox, Democrats. 18S0.— Mayor, Joseph J. Davenport; treasurer, Wm. Peake; auditor, S. B. Winram; police judge, -Michael Boland; attorney, W. K. Hawkins; counselor, L. C. Slavens; comptroller, A. E. Thomas; assessor, T. H. Edwards; clerk, Albert Phenis; physician, C. D. 191 JAMES BLACK, JAMES BLACK, lawyer and Democratic leader, was born April 6, I860, at Camden, Ray County, Mo. His father, Jas. W. Black, came to Missouri in 1854 from Ohio, to which state he had moved from Pennsylvania. He was a prominent member of the Mis souri legislature. Both of his parents were of Scotch descent, with the sturdy virtues for which that race is traditional. James Black attended the public schools of Ray County, Mo., and then one term at the Kirksville State Normal Col lege. He then spent four years at ths Missouri State Uni versity at Columbia, graduating . in 1881 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. After teaching school in the Richmond, Mo., High School for two years he was elected assistant pro fessor of modern language in the State University, and filled this chair for four years. He studied law meanwhile and in 1887 entered the law office of W. S. Cowherd at Kansas City, where he studied a year. During 1888 and 1889 he occupied the chair of French and German in the Kansas City High School, and then entered upon the practice of law. In 1891 he was appointed assistant city counselor, and in 1892 entered the law office of Pratt, Ferry & Hagerman, and in 189G the firm became Pratt, Dana & Black. In 1898 he was appointed assistant attorney for the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railway and performed all the duties, of the office until Gen. Blair's death in 1899, when he was appointed to succeed him as general counsel. Politically Mr. Black is a straight-out Democrat. He was one of the organizers of the famous Aurora Club in 1892, which entertained so many noted Democrats of the nation. In 1900 he was elected chairman of the County Committee and after wards in 1902 he was chosen as chairman of the consolidated County Committee, which paved the way for harmony in thi- party. He is a scholarly lawyer, a citizen of the class that have the courage of their convictions, and a Democrat from highest principle. i -• 193 JESSE L. JEWELL. JESSE L. JEWELL was born August 11, 1869, on a farm in Crawford County, Kansas. At the age of fcur he moved with his parents to Kansas City, Mo., and his early school life was spent in the public schools there. At the age of fourteen he secured em ployment with the Armour Packing Company, and after five years he became associated in business with the DeMoss Brokerage Company. Later he was associated in the publica tion of the Hotel Gazette, in which he was successful for four years. In 1897 he was elected to the city council from the Third Ward and there he made a most creditable record. In 1900 he was further honored by being elected senator from Jackson County to the Missouri legislature. His standing in the com munity was illustrated by the fact that although a Republi can he was elected by a handsome majority in a Democratic Ward. In the senate he has ably represented his party and his constituents. He has been for years an officer in the Third Regiment of Missouri and is extremely popular among his comrades. . He is now conducting a successful real estate business. Senator Jewell's father, Edwin F. Jewell, was a native of Massachusetts and came of good old English stock. He has lived for nearly thirty years in the Third Ward of Kansas City. His mother was a Lawton, a descendent of the blue- blooded Revolutionary stock. The family tree shows relation ship by blood to General Nathaniel Green and General Jona than Haskell of Washington's staff. She was also related to Major General Lawton, the famous Indian fighter and hero of the Philippine War. Senator Jewell is a bachelor, but the family ties are strong in him and manifest themselves in his devotion to and popu larity among his wide circle of friends. He is very loyal to them and the feeling is reciprocated by them. 195 JOHN P. GILDAY. JOHN P. GILDAY, Democratic nominee for sheriff, was born in 1862 at Indepen dence, Mo. When he was seven years old his family moved to Kansas City, where he has since resided. At the age of ten he began the battle of life as a messenger boy, earn ing his living while he obtained his "education in the public schools and graduating at the Central High School at the age of sixteen. After some years spent in mercantile life he learned stenography and became one' of- the most expert in the city. In 1896 he was appointed Court Stenographer in Division No. 3 of the Circuit Court and he has filled that posi tion since with conspicuous ability. Mr. Gilday is a straight, consistent Democrat, always sup porting the party's standard bearers, and always doing hard and effective work for the party's success. He has served as secretary of the Democratic City, County and Congressional Committees and his energy, tact and clear judgment have been conspicuous in every campaign for years in Kansas City and Jackson County. He is a man of singularly warm heart and unselfish disposition, and these qualities win friends wherever he goes. Mr. Gilday is a wide reader and has qualified himself for admission . to the bar while performing the duties of Court Stenographer. He may be truthfully said to unite brightness of intellect with soundness in judgment. He was married in December, 1901, to Mrs. jilaude Way- land Dean, of Kansas City. %*' 197 WILLIAM H. WALLACE. WILLIAM H. WALLACE was born on a farm in Clark County, Kentucky. October 11, 1848. He of Scotch-Irish decent, his ancestors having emi grated from Ireland to Pennsylvania just before the War of the Revolution. His great grandfather served during the war as a captain under George Washington, and after its close settled in Virginia. His father, Rev. J. W. Wallace, an old- Echool Presbyterian minister, moved with his family to a farm near Lee's Summit, in Jackson County, in 1857, and the boy grew up amid the awful scenes of carnage, robbery and rapine, of which Jackson County was the theatre during the border strife, the Civil War and the years of reconstruction. He worked as a farm-hand and attended the neighborhood schools until August, 1863, when, in compliance with order No. 11, his father, who had been reduced to poverty by the ravages of war, moved with the family to Fulton, Mo. There the sub ject of . this sketch obtained his education, graduating with honors at Westminister -College in 1871, teaching school in the winter and working' as a farm-hand in the summer to pay his college expenses. He studied law under ex-Attorney-General John A. Hockaday, a relative, at Fulton, Ma., was admitted to practice, and then taught school and supported himself" as a newspaper writer for three years while waiting for clients. His opportunity came in 1876, when he was engaged with Comings Sc Slover to defend Henry Cathey, tried for the mur der of Nicholas Crenshaw. Major William Warner and John L. Peak were the lawyers for the prosecution. Little was known or expected of young Wallace, but when he finished his speech tears were in the eyes of the jury and the court room rang with applause. Cathey was acquitted and Wal lace's reputation as a lawyer and orator was established. In 1880 Mr. Wallace, who had moved to Kansas City, be came a candidate for prosecuting-attorney of Jackson County, his opponent for the nomination being John C. Tarsney. "oth ' 199 claimed the nomination after the primary and Mr. Wallace stumped the county denouncing the James band of out-laws and pledging himself, if elected, to bring them to justice. His life was repeatedly threatened but he never faltered and was elected by 700 majority. Two months after he took office he began to redeem his pledge and within twelve months the gang was completely broken up. His speeches at the trial of Wil liam Ryan, a member of the gang, at Independence in October, 1881 and at the trial of Frank James at Gallatin in October, 1883, were masterpieces of forensic oratory and have since been used in schools as models of declamation. He was re-elected prosecuting-attorney in 1882 after a hot . contest, and com pleted his great task of establishing law and order in Jackson County. Since then he has practiced his profession in Kansas City with the distinguished success that attends courage, splen did ability and absolute integrity. He is now a candidate for the Democratic nomination for United States Senator, and if lofty patriotism and preeminent ability were guarantees he could not fail to get it. 200 McDonald; chief of fire department, George C. Hale; chief of police, Thomas M. Speers. Aldermen, Upper House. J. M. Patterson, president; J. F. Devenney, L. E. Wyne, D. P. Thompson, C. A. Rollert, S. M. Ford, F. Muehlschuster, J. S. Cannon, J. N. Kimball, D. S. Twichell; Chas. Waters, sergeant-at-arms. Councilmen, Lower House. John Grady, H. L. Payne, John May, A. P. Foley, John McClintock, A. N. Church, W. T. Payne, John Thomas, A. W. Love, D. H. Bowes, M. Regan, Con O'Sullivan, H. P. Stewart, T. H. Walker, R. W. Cary, D. Pullman, F. A. Faxon, F. M. Hayes, E. H. Phelps, D. R. Ingraham; Joseph Glynn, seargent-at-arms. Board of Public Works. John M. Patterson, president; L. K. Thacher, P. E. Chappell, Fred Howard. 1890. — Mayor, Benj. Holmes; treasurer, Wm. Peake; auditor, John G. Bishop; police judge, J. L. Wheeler; attorney, J. W. Fraker; counselor, R. L. Yea- ger; comptroller, Stanley Hobbs; assessor, Geo. W. Lee; clerk, F. G. Graham; physician, E. R. Lewis; .of fire department, Geo. C. Hale;chief of police, Thomas M. Speers. Aldermen, Upper House. J. S. Cannon, president; J. F. Devenney, E. R. Hunter, C. L. Dunham, F. Muehlschuster, J. N. Kim- . bald, Carl Spengler, R. J. Johnston, W. C. Roberson, L. M. Miller, E. W. Toler, E. S. Jewett, M. L. Sullivan, J. T. Young; C. S. Curry, sergent-at-arms. 201 JOHN H. LUCAS. JOHN H. LUCAS was born February 6, 1852, at Danville Kentucky. As a boy he clerked in his father's store but soon displayed a love for the legal profession and he studied law by himself at nights until he was nineteen, when he located at Osceola, Mo. He was admitted to the bar in 1872, when Southwest Missouri was in process of settlement, and his professional services were in instant demand. In 1874 he formed a partnership with Wm. T. Johnson and the firm was employed in nearly all of the important cases in Southwestern Missouri. In 1879 the firm opened an office in Kansas City and Mr. Johnson located here to take charge of the business. In 1883 his brother, William H. Lucas, was admitted to the firm, which, has grown in practice and in professional prestige ever since. Mr. Lucas is noted for his cordial manners and gentle, kindly ways. But beneath the glove of silk there is a hand of iron. As a lawyer his gentleness conceals a keen intellect and relentless determination, as many an unwilling witness and opposing counsel discover too late. He excels in thorough analysis, not only of the facts, but of the law as applied tn the facts. His firm still controls a large part of the lesal business of St. Clair County as well as other portions of Southwest Missouri. In Kansas City the firm represents some of the largest corporations in the State, notably the Metropolitan Street Railway Company. As a Democrat. Mr. Lucas has been an active and enthusi astic supporter of his party but his devotion to his profession has hitherto kept him from accepting any but honorary polit ical positions. He was presidential elector in 1888 and stumped the State for the Democratic ticket. In 1870 Mr. Lucas married Miss Nannie Cardwell of Harrodsburg, Ky. They have four living children. 203 CLARENCE S. PALMER. CLARENCE S. PALMER, was born in Chatauqua County, New York, in 1857. He re ceived his education at Maysville and Westfield, N. Y.r and graduated with honors at Hamilton College in 1879. He was admitted to the bar in 1881 and has practiced his profession. in Kansas City since 1885. He makes a specialty of' munici pal law, "corporation law and real estate law and is considered one of, the safest counselors at, the Kansas City bar, his ser vices being retained by some of the largest corporations in" the country.' In 1894 he was appointed assistant city counselor by Frank F. Rozelle, Democrat, and he was re-appointed by Judge H. C. McDougal, Republican, on account of his special fitness' and proved ability. - In politics Mr. Palmer is a strong Democrat, but he has , never been a candidate for political office. He is regarded among the members of his profession as having the judicial . temperment and cool judgment which are particularly adapted to the bench. Personally is one of the kindest and most genial of men, polished, courteous and gentle to a degree. 205 J. J. SWOFFORD. J. J. SWOFFORD. president of the Swofford Brothers Dry Goods Company, was born August 25, 1852, on a farm near Benton, Illinois. His father, J. J. Swofford, was a lineal descendant of one of three brothers who came to this country from Wales in the early part of the eighteenth century, settling in South Carolina. J. J. Swofford, Sr., moved to Benton, 111., and engaged in the milling business and was for a time sheriff of the county. He was killed in an explosion in the mills when young Swofford was eight years of age. At the age of twelve the boy was, on account of the condition of family affairs, compelled to quit school and help to support the family, he being the eldest son in a family of five children, three boys and two girls. He began working in a general retail store and con tinued steadily until he was eighteen, when he left the family at Benton and went to Shawneetown, 111., the second oldest town in the State. There he worked in a retail store until he was twenty-two, when he embarked in business for himself. In a short time his brothers joined him and the firm of Swof ford Brothers came into existence. The firm prospered and ere long began to look for a larger field for operating. In 1888 when the opportunity came to purchase a share in the W. B. Grimes Wholesale Dry Goods Company, of Kansas City, Mr. Swofford embraced it, disposing of his retail business. In 1891 the Swofford brothers obtained a controlling interest and incorporated under the present firm name. In 1887 Mr. Swofford married Miss Fay R. Powell, daughter of William Powell one of the oldest residents of Shawneetown. They have three children living, Ralph Powell Swofford, twenty-three years, who graduated at Central High Schocl at the age of eighteen, and later at Princeton; Helen, eighteen years, now at Mrs. Somer's school at Washington, D. C; and J. J. Swofford, Jr., aged nine years. Mr. Swofford is a Democrat and has always been a loyal, earnest, hard party worker, although never a seeker after of fice. He was chairman of the committee of prominent citi- 207 zens that went to Washington, in 1900 and secured the Demo cratic National Convention for Kansas City. He also man aged the local committee which had charge of the convention, and the work was done so well that the convention was the pleKsantest and most successful in the history of the party. At present Mr, Swofford is president of the Kansas City Park Board, having been appointed by Mayor Reed during his first administration. He is a Mason of high degree, and also president of the Manufacturers' Association. He has been frequently suggested as the Democratic nominee for Mayor in 1904, and with his affable manners, ex ecutive abilty, clean record, and high business standing he would be a formidable candidate and an ideal Mayor. 208 Councilmen, Lower House. John Grady, A. P. Foley, A. N. Church, John Thomas, Dennis Bowes, Con O'Sullivan, H. P. Stew art, D. Pullman, F. M. Hayes, J. A. Brinkley, John Tobin, Geo. Hoffman, C. E. Coblentz, J. W. Hum phrey. Joseph Glynn, sergeant-at-arms. Board of Public Works. J. S. Cannon, president; Wm. Weston, J. H. Beck ham, W. A. Kelly. 1892. — Mayor, W. S. Cowherd; treasurer, L. B. Eveland; auditor, Henry Crawford; police judge, Frank Johnson; attorney, J. W. Fraker; counselor, F. F. Rozelle; comptroller, Benj. Holmes; assessor, Jas. A. Keel; clerk, F. G. Graham; physician, E. R. Lewis; chief of fire department, Geo. C. Hale; chief*: of police, Thomas M. Speers. Peter H. Tier nan, president; E. R. Hunter, Wm. Huttig, F. Muehlschuster, J. IS'. Kimball, Carl Speng- ler, R. J. Johnston, F. J. Shinnick, Oscar Dahl, J. H. Butter, A. P. Schueman, sergeant-at-arms. Councilmen, Lower House. James Pendergast, A. P. Foley, F. C. Gunn, C. A. Young, John Fitzpatrick, Martin Regan, Jas. A. Hays, Frank Phillips, Geo. O. Warnecke, Jos. R. Brinkley. Joseph Glynn, sergeant-at-arms. Board of Public Works. Peter H. Tiernan, president; Chas. A. Rollert, Geo. Holmes, John Taylor. 209 WILLIAM S. GOODWIN. WTILLIAM G. GOODWIN was born October 10, 1861, at Pulaski, Tennessee. His parents were both Tennesseeans. His father, W. J. Goodwin, being a prominent miller. After attending the schools at Pulaski and Nashville, Tenn., and later at Mansfield, Texas, he graduated at the Smith R'agsdale College near Fort Worth. He learned his trade in the machine shops of the Texas and Pacific and Scuthern Pacific railroads and served as engineer and master mechanic of a division on the latter road. He resigned this position to accept tlje post of assistant engineer of the Houston waterworks and after a year's service he was made chief. During his term of office he reconstructed the entire works. He resigned this position to become chief engineer of the Dal las waterworks — a larger plant — and while there built new works for the city consisting of engines, boilers, buildings and two large reservoirs. After five years of service he accepted the position of erecting engineer for the Edward P. Allis Company, the largest engine company in the world. In 1892 he came to Kansas City and became chief engineer of the Kansas City Cable Company. Upon the consolidation, eigh teen months later, he resigned to become chief engineer of the Hall building, where he installed the first independent electric light and heating plant in the city. In July, 1900, he was ap pointed by Mayor Reed to his present position as chief en gineer of the. Water department of Kansas City. He was also appointed superintendent -of the department, but was not con firmed by the city council until several months later. In politics Mr. Goodwin is a Democrat, and is a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club. In his of ficial position, however, he makes but one requirement, name ly, efficiency. Mr. Goodwin married Miss Izora Cupp, daughter of James Cupp, a prominent planter of Monroe, La. They have five children. 211 W. B. CLARK. WILLIAM BINGHAM CLARKE was born in Cleveland Ohio, on the 15th day of April, 1848, He is a son of the late Aaron Clarke, a native of Milford, New Haven County, Conn., and Mrs. Caroline Bingham Clarke, a native of Andover, Tolland County, Conn. Through his ancestry on both sides of the family he is a member of the Sons of the Revolution and also of the Society of Colonial Wars. He is a prominent Episcopalian; is treasurer of the Diocese of West Missouri, which office he has held since the Diocese was organized, and has many times been elected a delegate to the Episcopal General Trienniel Convention. He is a 32 degree Scottish Rite Mason and Knight Templar. He has twice been elected president of the Kansas City Club, and once president of the Country Club. He has served as third second and first vice-president of the Commercial Club, and in 1891 was elected president of that organization, but on ac count of his private business was obliged to decline the honor. In 1896 the "free silver" agitation was spreading over the county and Mr. Clarke saw the danger to the business inter ests of the country which were threatened should the "free silver" agitation succeed at the poll, and he threw heart and soul into the campaign. He was elected president of the Sound Money League, a body composed of a membership of over 17,- 000 registered voters (out of some 31,000 total registered voters that year). This league was officered by .prominent business men of Kansas City, both Democrats and Republi cans. The vice-presidents of the league were the following well-known Democrats and Republicans: J. K. Burnham, G. F. Putman, J. M. Patterson, W. C. Glass, M. D. Scruggs, M. V. Watson, W. R. Nelson, Ernest Stoeltzing, Frank Muehl schuster and B. C. Christopher. The treasurer was Mr. John Perry and the secretary Mr. W. A. Bunker. The real hard work was done by the Executive Committee pf which M. Clarke wag chairman and Messrs, J..K. Burnham, 213 G. F. Putman, P. H. Tiernan, F. S. Doggett, John Perry and Gardiner Lathrop were members, with Mr. H. H. Cooke as secretary of this committee. This committee joined in the appointment of all other committees selecting men for the especial work assigned with great care, irrespective of party so long as they were for sound money. The success of all the work done by the various committeees was remarkable in its effectiveness and in the skill with which this committee chose the right men for the right places. The Parade Committee with Mr. Wm. H. Winants for chairman and Mr. Jno. F. Eaton chief marshal with 100 aides carried out its work most successfully, having in line of parade numbers variously esti mated by the newspapers at from 12,000 to 20,000. The flags used by the parades which were distributed to them on the. morning of the parade numbered 19,000. Eighty speakers were constantly addressing voters in all parts of the city and western half of Missouri. Special trains covering this terri tory with speakers assigned for advertised points, accompanied by bands of music, were kept going for weeks prior to the election. The result of this organization so well and thor oughly perfected by Mr. Clarke and the men he called in to his assistance, was the changing of ever 8,000 Democratic or "Bryan" votes to McKinley, the representative of sound money. The commercial advantage to Kansas City through this work was very great. It showed to the business world that notwithstanding the fact that the states of Missouri and Kansas with their rural vote were in favor of "free silver," nevertheless the business men of Kansas City were right in their views, and they maintained the integrity of the com mercial supremancy of Kansas and its trade territory. After the election, Mr. Clarke was besieged by political officer seekers, but he declined the opportunity to make him self a political boss and promptly withdrew from active polit ical work, much to the gratification of professional politicians who would have feared him had he continued in active politics. Mr. Clarke is a member of the Advisory Board of the Na tional Republican Committee, for Missouri, and is sought in 214 counsel by the various Committeees of the Republican party of the National Committee as well as the State Congressional and Local Committees. While not seeking political preference for himself he is always ready to assist— in work and money— the election of suitable and proper men to office. This he considers a duty all business men owe to their citizenship. Mr. Clarke is a member of the bar, but has alwavs fol lowed his chosen calling of banking. He is president of The United States Trust Company of Kansas 'City, Missouri, and while at times he has been active in politics as a Republican — particularly in National politics — and though many times tendered him — has never accepted a political office. Before coming to Jackson County, Mr. Clarke (alwavs a Republican) resided in Kansas for many years, most of which time the State was largely Republican and although he was at various times tendered nominations for offices of honor, he never would accept, but confined his political work to being a supporter of the party and aiding it in every way possible. 215 JOHN SULLIVAN, JOHN SULLIVAN, lawyer, Woodman and Democrat, was born February 10, 1864. at Louisville, Kansas. His father, who was of Irish birth, was a prominent farmer and stock-raiser in Central Kansas, removing to that State from Connecticut in 1857. His moth er, a native of Wisconsin, was of German parentage. His education was obtained in the common schools of Pottawat omie County, Kansas, and later at the State University at Lawrence, where he graduated in law in June, 1887. He is a member of the alumni of the Kansas State University. In 1887 Mr. Sullivan came to Kansas City to practice law, and he has occupied the same office for fourteen years, ten years of that period being associated with the Hon. Thomas M. Spofford. Mr. Sullivan has always taken a great inter est in politics, having campaigned the State several times, but he has never been a candidate for any political office. He was appointed as a representative of the United States Treasury Department in the construction of the Kansas City Federal building, and ,he is proud of the distinction of hav ing been the first man to be removed on the day following the election of William McKinley in 1896. His offense in the eyes of the Cleveland administration was too great activity in campaigning in behalf of William J. Bryan. Mr. Sullivan has always been a warm friend of educa tion, and organized the University Extension Society, serv ing as its secretary for four years, and lecturing in the West ern States. Mr. Sullivan is a prominent Woodman, and has toured the West in their behalf. He is a man of scholarly attainments and great force of character, and a cogent speaker and debater, 217 1894. — Mayor, Webster Davis; treasurer, John J. Green; auditor, John G. Bishop; police judge, James M. Jones; attorney, C. E. Burnham; counselors, F. F. Rozzelle, H. C. McDougall; comptroller, John F. Shan non; assessor, J. A. Reel, C. C. Yost; clerk, C. S. Cur ry; physician, A. M. Crow, G. O. Coffin; chief of fire department, Geo. C. Hale; chief of police, Thos. M. Speers. Aldermen, Upper House. Peter H. Tiernan, president; Wm. Hutty, R. J. Johnston, F. J. Shinnick, Oscar Dahl, Frank Phillips, H. C. Morrison, L. E. Wyne, W. W. Morgan, George Eyssell. A. P. Schuerman, sergeant-at-arms. Councilmen, Lower House. James Pendergast, John Moran, John Reiger, A. D. Craig, A. B. Olsen, Martin Regan, W. T. Jamison, P. S. Brown, Jr., D. E. Stoner, J. W. Kidwell. C. S. Curry, sergeant-at-arms. Board of Public Works. P. H. Tiernan, president; John C. Gage, L. H. Thacher, L. C. Slavens. 1896. — Mayor, James M. Jones; treasurer, John J. Green; auditor, John G. Bishop; police judge, F. W. Griffin; attorney, C. E. Burnham; counselors, H. C. McDougal, R. B. Middlebrook; comptroller, John F. Shannon, Hans Lund; assessor, C. C. Yost; clerk, C. S. Curry; physician, G. O. Coffin; chief of fire depart ment, Geo.' C. Hale; chief of police, L. C. Irwin, John Hayes. 218 Aldermen, Upper House. George S. Graham, president; R. J. Johnston, W. W. Morgan, George Eyssell, H. C. Morrison, C. K. Munson, J. E. Jewell, Jno. T. Seddon, L. E. Wyne, P. S. Brown, Jr. Wm. Glough, sergeant-at-arms. Councilmen, Lower House. James Pendergast, J. J. Wolf, S. B. nough, R. D. Craig, Jas. O. Beroth, John P. Lynch, N. P. Simonds, Frank Brinkley, James G. Smith, A. D. Burrows. W. D. Scoville, sergeant-at-arms. Board of Public Works. Geo. S. Graham, president; Geo. P. Hardesty, Geo. J. Baer, Geo. W. Youmans. 1898. — Mayor, James M. Jones; secretary, E. Mont Reily; treasurer, J. Scott Harrison, Jr.; auditor, T. C. Bell; police judge, C. E. Burnham; attorney, D. A. Brown; counselor, R. B. Middlebrook; comptroller, Hans Lund; clerk, C. S. Curry; physician, G. O. Coffin; chief of fire department, Geo. C. Hale; chief of police, John Hayes. Aldermen, Upper Hquse. George S. Graham, president; A. F. Batt, John E. Lach, Frank C. Peck, H. M. Gerhart, S. B. Hough, W. W. Harnden, E. S. Jewett, H. M. Beardsley, C. N. Munson,"J. E. Jewell, Jno. T. Seddon, L. E. Wyne, P. S. Brown, Jr. Wm. Clough, sergeant-at-arms. Councilmen, Lower House. James Pendergast, Jno. Moran, J. L. Jewell, Claus 219 JAMES FAIR WEATHER, JAMES FAIRWEATHER, Democratic nominee for Justice of the Peace in the Fifth District, comprising the Tenth, Eleventh arid Twelfth Wards, was born in Lexington, Mo., in February, 1862. He worked on a farm until he was seventeen. In 1879 he came to- Kan sas City and secured an apprenticeship with the Grimes' Wagon Mfg. Company as a blacksmith. He attended night- school, and, graduating in shorthand, secured a position with the abstract firm of Dean S. Kelly & Co., where he remained seventeen years. While in their employ he attended the night sessions of the Kansas City School of Law, from which he graduated in 1898. Shortly after he began the practice of law, and in 1900 was elected to the lower house of the City Council from the Tenth Ward. In June, 1902, he was nom inated at the Democratic County Convention for justice of the peace for the Fifth District. Surely an honorable record of patience, courage and in flexible determination, not only to rise, but to do his duty in each step in life. Mr. Fairweather is well equipped for the office of justice of the peace, and he especially deserves the hearty support of the Labor Unions, as he is in full sym pathy with them!. 221 THOMAS M. SPOFFORD. THOMAS MARTIN SPOFFORD was born February 18, 1863, at New Orleans, La. He comes of an pld English family. His father, Thomas Martin Spof- ford, was chief justice of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, and United States senator from that ' State. His mother was a daughter of Thomas Martin, a member of President Polk's cabinet. His uncle, A. R. Spofford, was for many years libra rian of Congress. His early education was obtained in New Orleans, after which he graduated at Columbia College, New York, and also obtained his degree at the Law Department of that univer sity. Mr. Spofford settled in Kansas City, and made exten sive investments in real estate, being a man of considerable wealth. In 1896 he was elected to the State legislature of Missouri, where he made an excellent record. In October, 1898, he was married at Lincoln, Neb., to Miss Bebe Wood. a native of Kansas City and the daughter of the Hon. Ben jamin F. Wood, one of the early and well-known citizens. In 1900 he was elected president of the upper house of the Common Council of Kansas City. Owing to broken health, he resigned in October, 1901, and started with his family on an extended trip around the world. Mr. Spofford's home at Twenty-fifth Street and Lydia Avenue is one of the hand somest in Kansas City. Mr. Spofford is a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club, and has always been prominent and active in Democratic politics. Personally, he is a good speaker, a sound scholar and a gentleman of most engaging manners. 223 pN* .^ • Hmk-%,'- «b ''¦¦' ?H£/ !.¦ ':¦ '%$> ¦¦ • ^^^H , ¦¦-¦ pP^' jr&yy.. •;>«"* fifflr-vlgF'' IP*" ¦K -My! i-"'. ¦ j iitff^iiiii^^ ^BH WASH ADAMS. WASH ADAMS, Democrat and lawyer, was born April 16, 1849, at Boonville, Mo., of Scotch-Irish stock. His father, Andrew Adams, was from Christian County, Kentucky. His mother was Miss Sarah Flournoy, of Independence, Mo. His grandmother on his father's side was a sister of Chief Justice Boyle, of Ken tucky. He was named for his uncle, Washington Adams, who was a judge of the Supreme Court of Missouri. Wash Adams' early education was obtained at the Kem per School at Boonville, after which he took a three-years course at the University of Virginia. Returning to Boonville, he studied law in the office of his uncle, Judge Washington Adams, and was admitted to the bar in 1870. He began the practice of his profession in Kansas City in July, 1870, and soon won an enviable position among the fine lawyers who graced the Jackson County bar at that period. In 1874 Mr. Adams was elected city attorney of Kansas City, and he was re-elected in 1875 at the exciting election in which the citizens arose and named their best men for public office. In 1880 he was appointed city counselor by Mayor Talbott, and was re-appointed by Mayor Chace in 1884. In 1892 he was appointed county counselor, and re-appointed in 1'894. He has repeatedly served as chairman of the Dem ocratic City Committee, and as chairman of the County Com mittee he managed the Democratic forces during the mem orable campaign in which D. R. Francis was elected governor. Sound in judgment, a deep reasoner, a hard student and a fine advocate, Mr. Adams stands in the front rank of the Kansas City bar, ranking as a lawyer with such men as John C. Gage, John L. Peak, W. H. Wallace and C. O. Tichenor. As a man he is high-bred, frank, manly and democratic in his manners. In June, 1877, he married Miss Ella Lincoln, daughter of John K. Lincoln of Plattsburg, Mo. They have one child, John W. Adams, who is now in his third year at Harvard. 225 WALTER S. DICKEY. WALTER S. DICKEY, president of the W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Co., and proprietor of several large sewer-pipe and clay-working plants, has been an active worker in Republican politics in Western Missouri for ten years. He is one of the few business men who believe it is the duty of every man interested in commercial affairs to take active interest in local, State and national politics. Raised in Toronto, Canada; educated in the provincial "Model" school; located in Kansas City in January, 1885; took out citizenship papers immediately; served on the Republi can City Committee in 1886; removed to Independence, this county, in 1887, and lived there until 1898. While there was vice-president of the Harrison-Morton Campaign Club of 1888. Was a delegate to both State conventions in 1896; was chair man of the Blue Township delegation in the county conven tion of 1896. Mr. Dickey served one term as treasurer of the Republican County Committee, and through his business administration of the office reflected credit upon himself and the committee. In 1900, having again established his residence in Kansas City, he was elected as a delegate from the Fifth Congres sional District to the Republican National Convention at Phil adelphia, ' and was there honored by being selected as Mis souri's member on the Vice-Presidential Notification Commit tee. In July, 1900, in company with that committee, he vis ited Mr. Roosevelt at his home in Oyster Bay, on Long Island, New York State. Mr. Dickey's well-known ideas of running politics along business lines so appealed to the party that, in Septem ber, 1900', he was selected chairman of the Republican County Committee of Jackson County. He organized the party along strict business lines, making a perfect poll of the city, and 227 a close check on registration. For the first time for over a quarter of a century, every nominee on the Republican County ticket was elected. The campaign of 1900 was notable for the comparatively few public meetings, but these few were of the highest order. President Roosevelt was secured to deliver one of his mas terly addresses before an audience of 25,000 people in Con vention Hall, just before election. Senator Beveridge, of Indi ana, and Governor Leslie M._ Shaw, of Iowa, were the princi pal speakers at two of the largest meetings ever held in the county. In July of 1902 he was elected as member-at-large of the State Republican Committee, and was appointed as a member of the Executive and Finance Committee. Although Mr. Dickey has constantly taken active part in politics, he has at the same time conducted one of the largest commercial enterprises carried on in the West. The W. S. Dickey Clay Manufacturing Company, of which he is presi dent, has general office and one large plant in Kansas City. Two manufacturing plants are located at Deepwater, Henry County, Mo., and two in Illinois. Mr. Dickey is a prominent charter member of the Com mercial Club, and has served on the Board of Directors; he was also the first president and one of the organizers of the Manufacturers' Association of Kansas' City, U. S. A. Every public-spirited enterprise, which is for the good .of Kansas City and Jackson County, has his unqualified support. 228 Swanson, J. O. Beroth, Jno. P. Lynch, L. B. Sawyer, Frank Brinkley, W. H. Otto, A. D. Burrows, Jno. F. Wiedenmann, J. Q. Watkins, F. L. Middleton, F. K. Johnson. John Thomas, sergeant-at-arms. Board of Public Works. Geo. S. Graham, president; Geo. P. Hardesty, M, V. Watson, B. T. Whipple. 1900. — Mayor, James A. Reed; secretary, J. G. L. Harvey; treasurer, James Cowgill; auditor, D. V". Kent; police judge, T. B. McAuley, Hermann Brum back; attorney, Frank Gordon; counselors, R. B. Mid dlebrook, R. J. Ingraham ; comptroller, Hans Lund, A. E. Gallagher; clerk, C. S. Curry, E. J. Becker; physi cian, G. O. Coffin, J. M. Langsdale; chief of fire de partment, Geo. C. Hale; chief of police, John Hayes. Aldermen, Upper House. Thos. M. Spofford,* Geo. M. Shelley, presidents; H. M. Beardsley, L, E- Wyne, A. F. Batt, E. S. Jewett, Frank C. Peck, S. B. Hough, W. W. Harnden, L. B. Sawyer,' Jno. P. Strode, Jno. M. Rood, W. J. Knepp, Wm. -Berry, W. A. Kelly,f Wm. M. Sloan. Wm. Clough, sergeant-at-arms. *Resigned. fDied. Councilmen, Lower House. James Pendergast, John Conlon, Jno. P. O'Neill, Geo. F. Berry, O. H. Swearingen, Jno. P. Lynch, C. A. Adkins, Wm. J. Campbell, W. H. Otto, James Fair- weather, Joseph Hopkins, F. W. Tuttle, Jno. W. Mul- holland, E. L. Winn. W. D. Scoville, gergeant-at-arms. 229 FRANK P. WALSH. FRANK P. WALSH was born in St. Louis July 20, 1864. A messenger boy at ten, earning his own living and studying at night he graduated from the Christian Brothers College in St. Louis. Then a rail road clerk, next an expert stenographer he worked his way up until he came to Kansas City and was admitted to, the bar in 1889. He has served three terms as first assistant city coun selor of Kansas City and tried all damage suits against the city during that time. He was so successful in this that he was employed by the Metropolitan Street Railway Company for years to defend its damage suits. He defended Jesse James, Jr., on a charge of train robbery and secured his ac quittal in March, 1899. He is also noted for having secured the la/rgest verdict — $35.000 — in a personal damage, suit ever given in Missouri. As a lawyer Mr. Walsh is not ' only\ a> splendid advocate, 'but he shows' remarkable acumen and skill in preparing his cases, not so much by piling up tomes of au thorities as in picking oat the strongest points for his own side and exposing the weak spots in his opponent's. As a politician Mr. Walsh has never been a candidate for office, although as a member of the Democratic State Central Committee, and in the councils and conventions of the party he has made himself acknowledged and felt as- a leader. His recent determined fight against the practice of receiving cam paign contributions from public corporation — which he final ly won against powerful odds — has made him known and admired throughout the State. As a man he is lovable, generous to a fault, sympathetic and- kind to all who are afflicted or unfortunate, but withal an uncompromising, resourceful and aggressive fighter in any cause he espouses. He can give and take sledge-hammer blows with equal cheerfulness and neither success nor defeat affects his equanimity. 331 HARRY D. TRAIN. HARRY D. TRAIN, president of the Missouri Republican Club, was born April 5, 1860, at Winona, Minn. He is of Irish ancestry on his father's side, while his mother is of old English stock, she being a sister of T. B. Bullene and also of the wife of Major William Warner. His father, H. C. Train, was a mechanic and inventor of some genius, one of his inventions being the copper cable lighting rod. Mr. Train started in life pushing his father's inventions. At the age of eight he came to Kansas City with his par ents and was educated in the public schools of Kansas City. At the age of fourteen he started out to earn his own living; At the age of fifteen he entered the wholesale department of Bullene, Moore, Emery & .Company, and was later with the dry goods firm of Grimes, Woods, La Force & Company. Al twenty-two he entered the employ of W. E. Winner, and dur ing "the four years he was with him he acquired a taste for the real estate business. which he has so sucessfully handled ever since. During this period he laid out and platted the Pendle ton Heights. In 1 885 he was elected from the Seventh Ward to the City Council and was re-elected in 1887. In 1888 he resigned to take charge of the Ewart Charcoal Works of Fairplay, Mo.,, which he had purchased. After conducting them sucessfully for six years he returned to Kansas City in 1894. That fall he purchased the famous Romero ranch near Las Vegas, N. M.. and two years later lie returned to Kansas City where he has since resided. He has been president of the Missouri Republican Club for two terms. Mr Train is modest and unassuming to a degree, and has never been a candidate for office. He only - consented to take the presidency of the Missouri Republican Club on account of the interest he feels in the advancement of the principles of his party. The present success of the club is almost wholly due to his energy, tact and liberality. " At the ase of twenty-one Mr. Train married Miss Dora Freeland, and of their happy union seven children were born, three of whom are now living. 233 The Missouri Republican Club of Kansas City. The Missouri Republican Club of Kansas City, the oldest political club in Kansas City, was organized and incorporated in the spring of 1897. Edwin B. Kratz circulated the member ship list among the active workers of the different wards. The first meeting was held at the Midland Hotel, and the officers were chosen as follows: President, Edwin B. Kratz; secre tary, Wm. Closgh; treasurer, Walter S. Dickey. These three were named in the articles of incorporation and served for one year. At that time the club numbered about fifty members. After a few meetings at the Midland the Club moved to Zahner & Battell's hall, at 12 West Tenth Street, and in the latter part of that year moved again to 905 Baltimore Avenue, where it fitted up its first club rooms. In 1898 P. S. Brown, Jr., succeeded to the presidency and in 1S99 he was followed by John H. Bovard, who was re-elected in 1900. In 1901 Harry D. Train was elected president and that spring the club es tablished itself in its present larger quarters in the Lyceum building, which it fitted up with ail the appointments of social club life, together with a large auditorium for political meet ings. The club rooms are kept open from 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. and are the daily resort of many of the most prominent Re publicans in Kansas City. The organization was completed on the plan of the N. Y. Club of New York city, and its laws declare that it was organized to promote harmony' and univer sal good fellowship in and for the party, and to furnish a central home for all Republicans. It is also stipulated that there shall be no dictation to ward clubs from central headquarters, but that each ward organization shall govern itself. , ;..,_, 234 Under President Train's energetic administration the club's affairs have prospered greatly and its membership has grown to about 600, including such men as Major William Warner, Frank D. Roberts, Rush C. Lake, Wm. B. Clarke, Henry M. Beardsley, Colonel Sam F. Scott, Frank C. Peck, W. W. Harnden, Herman Brumback, Herbert S. Hadley, Chas. E. Small, Wallace Love, Senator C. W. Clark, Senator J. L. Jewell, W. B. C. Brown, E. L. Winn, W. H. Otto, Homer B. Mann, W. S. Umbarger, Frank D. Tuttle, Francis L. Middle- ton, Wm. M. Sloan, J. M. Patterson and others not less prominent. The Club is the headquarters of the Republican City, and County Committees during political campaigns. Between cam paigns it keeps up the good fellowship for which it was pri marily organized. JOHN M. ROOD. JOHN M. ROOD was born May 14, 1858, on a farm near Quincy, Illinois of Scotch-Irish parentage. He came to Kansas City about fifteen years ago and began his life here as a lumber salesman. Dur ing these years he has risen in business circles, until now he is vice-president of a large lumber company. In April, 1900, Mr. Rood was elected to the upper house of the City Council and he soon became widely known as one of the four men who supported Mayor Reed through thick and thin in his efforts to bring the public service corporations to a proper discharge of their obligations to the city and the public. All four were men of unblemished reputations in private life, and so, when the roll call showed Knepp, Rood, Sawyer and Strode voting for a measure, the people felt sure, without fur ther question, that it was right. Without their aid in the upper house, Mayor Reed's efforts would have been sadly crippled. Mr. Rood became a charter member of the Jackson County Democratic Club in the fall of 1900, and ever since he has been one of its staunchest supporters. In September, 1902, he was elected president of the club without opposition. He, enjoys the confidence and esteem of all factions of the Democratic party, and, indeed, of all who know him, regardless of party. He is especially popular with the iaboring classes and he de serves to be, for he is their earnest champion and friend in season and out of season. He is noted for fairness and liber ality in all his dealings. 237 Jackson County Democratic Club. The Jackson County Democratic Club was organized August 29, 1900, by a dozen Democrats who met in the law offices of L. B. Sawyer for that purpose. The organization grew out of the split in the Democratic party at the County Convention at Independence in August of that year. The objects of the organization were stated in its consti tution and by-laws to be: to promote harmony in the party, to put down factionalism in whatever way necessary, and to furnish a meeting place for good fellowship among Demo crats of all shades of opinion and for the discussion and ad vancement of Democratic principles. Permanent organization was effected the following week with 145 members present at the meeting at the Midland Hotel. These officers were chosen: President, L. B. Sawyer; vice-president, P. H. Slattery; treasurer, Dr. George Halley; secretary, Thomas A. Marshall. The Club grew rapidly in membership and a House Com mittee^ or Governing Committeee as it was afterwards called, was appointed to select and furnish permanent headquarters. This committee was as follows: Chairman, C. B. Hayes; W. C. Scarritt, Ben F. Paxton, Sam B. Strother, George H. English, Jr.. Ben E. Sylvester, John C. McCoy, A. B. H. McGee, Jr., and E. E. Porterfield. The committee selected the Club's present quarters in the Navajo building, at 716 Delaware street, and spent about $4,000 in alterations and furnishings, including billard rooms, bar, office and committee rooms, parlors, lunch rooms and an auditorium. with a seating capacity of 1200. The Club took possession of its new quarters and gave a house-warming reception to the Democrats of Kansas City and Jackson Coun- 238 ty, October 17, 1900. About 3000 Democrats enjoyed its hos pitality that evening and the success of the club was firmly established at once. The membership increased within amonth to over 750. In view of the fact that the State Central Committee had intervened in the local Democratic split, and that an appeal had been taken to the Supreme Court of the State, the Club found no opportunity at that time to heal the breach, but after the Supreme Court's decision very earnest and efficient work was done in the campaign in behalf of the ticket The defeat of the party at the poll, however, had a very depressing effect and the Club's affairs languished until the following March when the Governing Committee was reconstituted as follows: Chairman, S. J. Hayde; E. B. Silkwood, Rudolph Markgraf, M. C. Byrne, B. F. Black, T. S. Ridge, B. E. Sylvester, J. Ray Samuels, B. F. Paxton and Dr. H. A.. Longan. This committee, together with the officers of the Club, carried it through the trying period until the annual election in September, 1901, when the following officers were chosen: President,' W. T. Kemper; vice-president, Frank P. Sebree; treasurer, Thos. S. Ridge; secretary, Alex. S. Rankin; sergeant-at-arms, George M. Bamfield. Under this administration the Club's affairs prospered, the approaching elections greatly stimulating in terest, and the membership nearly doubled. The work of or ganizing ward and precinct clubs was pushed, and in the municipal campaign in the spring of 1902 the club did effective work for the party ticket. The annual election in September, 1902, resulted as follows: President, John M. Rood; vice- president, Thos. J. Seehorn; treasurer, Sam B. Strother; sec retary, Alex. S. Rankin; seargent-at-arms, Patrick Sheehan. The Club is now on a firm foundation and grows and in creases as a powerful instrument for the good in the party. It enjoys a national reputation for having entertained Wm. J. Bryan, Wm. J. Stone, and other Democratic leaders who have delivered important addresses in its hall. 239 C. C. YOST. CHARLES C. YOST, president of the Republican League of Kansas City, was born December 29, 1860, at Rochester, Indiana, of German ancestry. His great grandfather, John H. Yost, served under General Washington in the War of the Revolution, and afterwards settled in Pennsylvania on a farm that is now the site of Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. The subject of this sketch came to Kansas City when he was ten years of age. He attended the city schools and gradu- ' ated from the High School at the age of sixteen. After two years in the grocery business he entered into partnership with L. M. Berkley in the wholesale and retail grocery business; which was successfully conducted for ten years. In 1890 he organized the Yost Grocery Company, which did a large busi ness for four years until he sold out in 1894. In that year he established a novelty market on a new and original plan, which proved a great success. In 1895 Mr. Yost was elected City Assessor and conducted the affairs of the office with marked ability for six years. In politics he proved himself one of the hardest and most effi cient workers for the Republican party that his party ever had. Mr. Yost was elected president of the Republican League in 1901 when organization was effected and its success is largely due to his efforts. He is also chairman of the executive committee of the Missouri Republican Club. He is now a member of the Smith-Yost Pie Company, one of the model concerns of its kind in the West. In 1893 Mr. Yost was married to Miss Hattie H. Beedle of Johnson County, Kansas. 241 Republican League. The Republican League was formed in the spring of 1901 for the purpose of giving the Republican party a complete precinct and ward organization. The organizer was L. A. Laughlin and the first meeting was held in the assembly room at Turner Hall. Charles C. Yost was elected president and Everett E. Elliott secretary. The executive committee is as follows: C. C. Yost, Wallace Love, George Kumpf, Charles Schattner, Everett E. Elliott, L. A. Laughlin, Homer B. Mann, James Smith, George A. Neal. The business is transacted by 144 precinct captains and ward presidents in what is called an "asssembly meeting." These meetings are held at the Missouri Republican Club rooms. i : ¦ : t The organization is entirely non-factional and has never been active in nominating caucusses. In fact, the League sup ports no candidates for the nominations, but does very effect ive work in their behalf in campaigns and at the polls, after they are chosen by the whole party. Its membership is about 1300. 242 Board of Public Works. Thos. M. Spofford, Geo. M. Shelley, presidents; S. J. Hayde, Wm. Wright, Geo. Knmpf. 1902. — Mayor, James A. Reed; secretary, J. G. L. Harvey; treasurer, James Cowgill; auditor, D. V. Kent; police judge, Hugh C. Brady; attorney, J. L. Morgan; counselor, R. J. Ingraham; clerk, E. J. Becker; physician, J. M. Langsdale; chief of fire de partment, Edward Trickett; chief of police, John Hayes. Aldermen, Upper House. Geo. M. Shelley, president ; L. B. Sawyer, John P. Strode, John M. Rood, W. J. Knepp, Wm! Berry, W. M. Sloan, S. C. Woodson, Jno. T. Murray, Wm. Abel, Baylis Steele, E. S. Cromwell, W. C. Tyree, John W. Meier. Geo. S. McClanahan, sergeant-at-arms. Councilmen, Lower House. James Pendergast, D. F. Martin, John F. Lumpkin, W. S. Umbargef, John Scanlon, Jno. P. Lynch, C. A. Adkins, R. P. Greenlee, W. H. Otto, Homer B. Mann, C. L. V. Hedrick, F. W. Tuttle, F. L. Middleton, E. L. Winn. W. D. Scoville, sergeant-at-arms. Board of Public Works. Geo. M. Shelley, president; S. H. Hayde, William Wright, A. J. Mehl. 243 E. MONT. REILY. E. MONT REILY, assistant postmaster and president of the Roosevelt Club, No. 1, was born October 21, 1866, at Sedalia, Mo., of Scotch-Irish parentage. His father, John G. Reily, was a cousin of Gov ernor Gamble, the first Republican Governor of Missouri. His mother was a Virginian. Mr. Reily's early education was received in Calloway County, to which the family had moved. When he was fifteen the family moved to Fort Worth, Texas, where he attended the high school and Fort Worth University. Afterward he engaged in the real-estate business and was quite successful. He twice received the Republican nomination for clerk of Tarrant County, Texas, once at the age of twenty-one, and again at twenty-three. He was elected chairman of the City and County Republican Committee twice, and was a member of the State Committee when he moved to Kansas City in 1892. He engaged in the newspaper business for three years, and was chairman of the Campaign Committee of the Lincoln Club during the Jones campaign in 1896, after which he was appointed private secretary to Mayor Jones and served two terms. In 1900 he purchased an interest in the Hailman-Reily Printing Company, selling- out in June, 1901, to accept the position of chief deputy county assessor. In May, 1902, he was appointed assistant postmaster of Kansas City. The first Roosevelt Club in the United States was organ ized by Mr. Reily in Kansas City, July 18, 1901. The club grew like a green bay tree and now numbers 3,500 members, the largest political club west of the Mississippi River. Mr. Reily was an enthusiastic admirer of Mr. Roosevelt long be fore the latter became President, and a warm friendship has sprung up between them. Mr. Reily is a man of unusual ability concealed under modest and courteous manners. He is exceedingly loyal to his friends and his party. In August, 1893, at Fort Worth, Tex., he married Miss Minnie Mountfortt, a sister of Wade Mountfortt, associate editor of the Kansas City Star. They have one child, a girl. 245 Roosevelt Club. The 1904 Roosevelt Club No. 1 was organized July 18, 1901, the first Roosevelt Club in the United States, so said Mr. Roosevelt who became president September 13, 1901. The club was organized at the Midland hotel. The meet ing was called to order by Gus Dose who stated its object, after which E. Mont Reily was unanimously elected chairman. A resolution was adopted instructing the committee on per manent organization to report Mr. Reily's name for president of the club. The officers chosen were: President, E. Mont Reily; first vice-president, J. D. Wells; second vice-president, J. Ed Jewell; secretary, M. E. Getchell; assistant secretary, Guy W. Lodwick; treasurer, Dr. B. H. Wheeler. In view of the fact the club was organized for the pur pose of laying plans for the nomination and election of Mr. Roosevelt in 1904, the platform declared that the club should devote itself exclusively to that purpose, and the organiza tion was declared permanent for four years. The executive committee was named as follows: Chairman, J. H. Harris; secretary, M. A. Pursley; Chas. E. Small, Dr. G. 0. Coffin, Frank C. Peck, L. M. Cox, C. C. Anderson, Chas. R. Pence, Benj. Spitz Within two weeks after the organization the club num bered 1100 members, which grew to over 2000 within a month. At present the club has 3500 members, making it the largest political organization west of the Mississippi River. Since that time the club has been instrumental in organizing over fifty Roosevelt Clubs in the State, and the work will be carried on until the club has a branch in each of the 115 counties of Missouri. It was through the influence of this movement that the resolution endorsing Roosevelt for 1904 was carried in 246 the Republican state convention at Jefferson City, June 2«, 1902. Two of the club's members, George A. Neal and W. C. Dunn, were elected members of the State Committee from Jackson County. Chas. E. Small of the club's executive com mittee was elected chairman of the Republican County Com mittee. Endorsements of Mr. Roosevelt's candidacy in 1904 were secured in both the City and County Committees in the teeth of a large opposition, controlled by Kerns, which is secretly opposed to Roosevelt. The club comprises in its membership nearly all of the prominent Republicans of Kansas City, its membership being especially strong among the business and professional men, such as Frank A. Faxon, J. V. C. Karnes, Albert Marty, L. M. Miller and others of that type. When Mr. Roosevelt passed through Kansas City the club met him at the train in a body and he was very much pleased with the reception. He shook hands heartily with each mem ber and invited E. Mont Reily, its president, to accompany" him on the trip, which he did. A significant incident, illus trating President Roosevelt's appreciation of the club, as well as his own sturdy character, occurred at the White House shortly after he became president. A party of Missouri poli ticians calling on the President in regard to Federal appoint ments in the State, attempted to belittle the club in the President's eye. He stopped them at once, saying, "I don't care to hear anything on that subject, Mr. Reily is my friend and the members of that Club are all my friends." The Club is working actively to arrange for a visit from President Roosevelt to Kansas City as soon as his other en gagements will permit. 247 UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, OF KANSAS CITY, MO. Capital, ...- $250,000 Transacts a General Trust Company Business. Acts as trustee, receiver or assignee ; also as executor or guardian. Acts as trustee under mortgages or deeds of trust; and as agent for the registration and transfer of stocks and bonds, and for the payment of coupons end dividends. W. B. Clarke, President. J. W. Babney, Secretary. A. A. Tomlinson, Vice-President. E. S. Bioblow, Treasurer, MOUNT WASHINGTON CEMETERY KANSAS CITY, MO. February, 1901, Mount Washington Cemetery was incorporated under the laws of Missouri by the following well-known gentlemen: Frank Askew .....Vice-President and Secretary Askew Saddlery Company H. M. Beardsley Beardsley, Gregory & Kirshner, Lawyers J, K. Burnham President Burnham, Hanna, Munger Dry Goods Company Victor B. Bell Retired Alonzo Burt Manager Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company J. T. Bird Vice-President Emery, Bird, Thayer Dry Goods Company W. A. Bunker Real Estate Jefferson Brumback -Lawyer John H. Bovard Vice-President Northwestern Coal and Mining Company J. W. Barney Secretary The United States Trust Company Phil. E. Chappell President and Manager Safe Deposit Company Charles Campbell President Campbell Glass and Paint Company G. L. Chrisman Chrisman & Sawyer, Bankers, Independence, Mo. Bernard Corrigan .....Railroad Contractor William B. Clarke President The United States Trust Company E. M. Clendening Secretary Commercial Club 'William H. Chapman President Chapman-Dewey Lumber Company L. S. Cady Cady & Olmstead, Jewelers Joseph S. Chick J. S. Chick & Son, Real Estate B. C. Christopher ,B. C. Christopher & Co., Grain Fred S. Doggett Manager Blossom House W. S. Dickey. President Dickey Clay Manufacturing Company H..F. Devol President Eagle Manufacturing Company U. S. Epperson Manager George Fowler, Son & Co., Limited C. C. English President English Supply and Engine Company H. W.Evans President Evans Smith Drug Company, Wholesale W. M. Fible. Houston, Fible & Co., Financial Brokers George W. Fuller Secretary and Manager John Deere Plow Company H. C. Flower. President Fidelity Trust Company F. A. Faxon Faxon, Horton & Gallagher, Wholesale Drugs J. C. Fennell. .Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Emery, Bird, Thayer Dry Goods Co. John C. Gage Gage, Ladd & Small, Lawyers Frank L. Hall Vice-President Abernathy Furniture Company C. J. Hubbard Financial Agent FrankJHagerman : Lawyer J. C. Horton Faxon, Horton & Gallagher, Wholesale Drugs Daniel B. Holmes Holmes & Perry, Lawyers H. L. Harmon General Southwestern Agent C. B. & Q. Ry. William Huttig President Western Sash and Door Company FordF. Harvey General Manager Santa Fe Dining Car and Hotel Service Joseph G. Heim President Ferd. Heim Brewing Company Michael G. Heim Superintendent Ferd. Heim Brewing Company Ferdinand Heim Secretary Ferd. Heim Brewing Company James T. Holmes Capitalist R.W. Jones, Jr President American National Bank J. C. James T. M. James & Sons, (Jueensware E. S. Jewett Passenger and Ticket Agent Missouri Pacific Railway J. Martin Jones Vice-President American National Bank Richard H. Keith President Central Coal and Coke Company J. V. C. Karnes Karnes, New, Hall & Krauthoff , Lawyers George E. Kessler Landscape Architect Stuart R. Knott President Kansas City & Southern Railway Gardiner Lathrop Lathrop, Morrow, Fox & Moore, Lawyers John Long Retired C. H. V. Lewis Cashier Union National Bank W. H. Lucas Johnson & Lucas, Lawyers G. W. Megeath -. General Manager Central Coal and Coke Company C. F. Morse. .Vice-President and General Manager Kansas City Stock Yards Company L.RMoore Retired J. R. Mercer Jeweler C. A. Murdock President C. A. Murdock Manufacturing Company R. Macmillan Secretary Kansas City, Missouri Gas Company John H. Murray Manager Southwestern Chemical Company A. R. Meyer President Consolidated Kansas City Smelting and Refining Company Alexander New Karnes, New, Hall & Krauthoft, Lawyers John Perry Retired W C Perry Holmes & Perry, Lawyers C. D Parker '. C. D. Parker & Co., Real Estate George B Peck President Doggett Dry Goods Company Wallace Pratt . Pratt, Dana & Black, Lawyers J. G. Peppard '.....'.'. Wholesale Seeds William M. Reid President Thayer-Moore Brokerage Company John A. Ross ¦•¦¦¦¦• •¦¦ .........Lawyer B D Rowe Secretary and Treasurer Meyer-Clarke-Rowe Mines Company T 'f 'Richards President Richards & Conover Hardware Company, Wholesale W A Rule Cashier National Bank of Commerce T D Robertson President Inter-State National Bank a BSumrfT President Chrlsman-Sawyer Banking Company i'r'«r«Tn Vice-President City National Bank t? t Scarritt .'.'.'.'. .'.'•'•' Scarritt, Griffith & Jones, Lawyers wr %7aYritt' ..... " Scarritt, Griffith & Jones, Lawyers E ' F ' Swinnev '¦-'-'• President First National Bank c't Schmelzer '. '.President and Treasurer J. F. Schmelzer & Sons' Arms Company r T stnckham Manager Grand Avenue Hotel Company rSeorVe C Smiths '.'.'.'" President Smith-McCord Dry Goods Company J J Swofford .. President Swofford Bros.' Dry Goods Company A. L. O. Schueler President Land Title Guarantee Company W. B. Thayer Secretary and Treasurer Emery, Bird; Thayer Dry Goods Company Alfred Toll President and General Manager Badger Lumber Company A. A. Tomlinson Vice-President The United States Trust Company Norton Thayer Vice-President Thayer-Moore Brokerage Company J. H. Wiles Secretary and Treasurer Mount Candy and Cracker Company W. S. Woods. President National Bank of Commerce M. V. Watson Secretary Kansas' City Paper House, B. T. Whipple ; President B. T. Whipple Real Estate Company H. P. Wright H. P. Wright & Co., Brokers W. H. Winants Vice-President National Bank of Commerce Benj. L. Winchell President Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad A. A. Whipple Vice-President Whipple-Woods Realty Company R. L- Yeager... Yeager, Strother & Yeager, Lawyers The Company purchased what is known as Washington Park, a tract of ground adjoining the city on the east, containing about 400 acres. The title to the property and the plan of organization were thoroughly investigated by the following eminent attorneys, who joined in the opinion that the title to said tract of land was well vested in fee simple in Mount Washington Cemetery, free of all incumbrances attd that under the terms of the contract of purchase said land was forever dedicated to cemetery purposes. Under the direction of Mr. Geo. E. Kessler, the Landscape Archi tect of Kansas City's Park and Boulevard system and the St. Louis Exposition, the grounds are being laid out on a most elaborate and extensive scale, and will undoubtedly take first rank among the beau tiful cemeteries of the country. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Wallace Pratt President. E. L. Scarritt First Vice-President. W. C. Perry Second Vice-President. W. B". Clarke Third Vice-President. E. S. Bigelow Secretary and Treasurer. J. K. Burnham. Frank Hagerman. Joseph J. Heim. A. F. Sawyer. C. E. Small. W. S. Woods. GEO. E. KESSLER, Lane" scape Architect. City Office, Room 101 N. Y. Life Bldg. it THE ONLY WAY" TO Chicago, St. Louis, and all Points East. Elegant Through Trains, Excellent Service. Our Cafe Dining Service is Unexcelled. Tickets and Sleeping Car Reservations at Junction Ticket Office, Union Depot, First and Grand Avenue Depots For further information, address GEO. J. CHARLTON, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. Illinois. 1I TWO SUPERB TRAINS FRISCO SYSTEM + + The Meteor and. Southeastern Limited, : Offer Superior Service to the South, Southeast and Southwest. Cafe Dining Cars, Wide Vesti- T bule and Electric Lighted. . . . For further particulars call at JUNCTION TICKET OFFICE. -?-> ????????? ¦+-+-»• ?????????