Yale University Library 39002030753637 C a.85" 15" lijjX£T VERITAS! YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY XTbe TUntverstts of Cbtcago FOUNDED BV JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER THE NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND LITERATURE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (department of history) BY WILLIAM BAY MANNING INSTRUCTOR IN HISTORY AT PURDUE UNIVERSITY; FELLOW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, 1902 TO 1904 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 XVI. -THE NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. By WILLIAM RAY MANNING, Ph. D. Instructor in History at Purdue University; Fellow of the University of Chicago, 1902 to WOl*. [The Justin Winsor prize of the American Historical Association was awarded to the author of this monograph.] 279 THE NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. By William Ray Manning, Ph. D. CONTENTS. Page. Chapter I. Introduction 283 II. The English plans for occupying Nootka Sound 286 III. The Spanish plans for occupying Nootka Sound — The conflicting claims before 1789 300 IV. Martinez's operations at Nootka before Colnett's arrival 312 V. The quarrel and the seizure 331 VI. The English prisoners in Mexico 344 VII. Attempts at peaceable settlement 362 VIII. Europe prepares for war 380 IX. England's first demand granted 395 '"-^ X. America's relations to the controversy 412 XI. The national assembly and the family compact — Effect on the negotiation 424 XII. English ultimatum — Spanish defiance 439 XIII. The Nootka Sound convention — Its reception and results _ 450 XIV. Subsequent negotiations and final settlement of the Nootka Sound dispute 463 Bibliography '. 472 281 Preface. The French revolutionary period contains so much of greater importance that historians have neglected the Nootka Sound incident. Of the few writers who have discussed it; the majority have written from a partisan standpoint, or, if impartial themselves, have drawn their information from partisan pamphlets. The consequence is that many errors regarding it have crept into the work of the best writers. The purpose of this monograph is to give a more extended account, drawn largely from unpublished sources, and to cor rect as many of the errors as possible. Besides working over the documents that have been pub lished and the accounts that have been written, a thorough search has been made in the archives of the Indies at Seville. in the national historical archives at Madrid, and in the Brit ish Museum and the public record office at London. A less thorough search has been made in the archives of foreign affairs at Paris and the archives of the Department of State at Washington. More than 500 pages of unpublished docu ments relating to the dispute have been transcribed and used. The classified bibliography at the close will make clear the sources of information and their relative value. My acknowledgments are due to the following persons for valuable assistance: To my wife, who worked with me continually for two and a half months in the Spanish ar chives and the British Museum, and who has criticised my manuscript and read the proof sheets ; to Prof. J. F. Jameson, whose untiring interest has been a constant source of inspira tion, and to whose aid and painstaking suggestions are largely due any merits that the monograph may possess; to Prof. A. C. McLaughlin, for research in the archives at Washington; to Prof. F. J. Turner, for manuscripts and other material from his own collection. Besides these, I wish to make special mention of the kindness and assistance of Senor Pedro Torres-Lanzas, director of the archives of the Indies at Seville, and of Senor Vicente Vignau y Bal- lester, director of the national historical archives at Madrid. CmcAfio, July, 100Jh 2S2 Chapter I. INTRODUCTION. Nootka Sound is a small inlet on the western shore of Vancouver Island. It was christened and made known to the world by Captain Cook in 1778. A few years after wards a flourishing fur trade sprang up between the North west Coast and China. Nootka became the center of this trade, though it remained for several years without any settlement except an Indian village. On account of its sud den and growing importance, the Russians, English, and Spaniards all laid plans for occupying the port. It happened that all planned to carry out the project in the year 1789, a year that meant so much for the subsequent history of the world. Though the Nootka incident can make no claim to rank in importance with the great events of that year, yet it was destined to have an influence on the movements then started and to be influenced in turn % them. The Russian plans were not acted upon, but the plans of the other two were. An English expedition from India and a Spanish from Mexico each sailed in the spring of 1789 to establish a colony at Nootka. The promoters of neither knew anything of the other. The Spanish commander arrived first and took possession. Nearly two months later the Englishman came. A quarrel ensued. The Spaniard seized the Englishman, imprisoned him, his officers and crew, and sent them to Mexico as a prize. A consort vessel arrived a few days later and met the same fate. Two other English vessels had been seized earlier. One of them had been released on bond and the other had been confiscated without adjudication. The Viceroy of Mexico, instead of acting on his own responsibility, reported the matter to the Government at Madrid. The Spanish Court complained to the British that 283 284 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. subjects of the latter had violated the territorial sovereignty of the former, and demanded that the offenders be punished to prevent such enterprises in the future. The British Cabi net rejected the Spanish claim to exclusive sovereignty over the territory in question, and suspended all diplomatic rela- tions until Spain should have offered a satisfactory repa ration for the insult which His Britannic Majesty felt that his flag had suffered. Each Court refused to grant the demand of the other and stood firmly on the ground origi nally taken. To support their respective claims, both Gov ernments made the most extensive armaments. Each nation also called upon its allies for assurances of support and entered negotiations for forming new alliances. For a time it seemed that all Europe would be drawn into war over what, on the face of it, appeared to be an insignificant quar rel between two obscure sea captains. ! Speaking of the controversy Schoell says that a few huts btiilt on an inhospitable coast and a miserable fortification defended by rocks were sufficient to excite a bloody war be tween two great European powers and gave birth to a nego tiation which for several months absorbed the attention of all of the maritime powers of Europe." Similar statements were made by other writers within a few years after the incident.6 Most historians who have touched upon it have either treated it from a partisan standpoint or have con sidered it of too little importance to merit careful inquiry into the facts." But far from being merely a dispute over a few captured vessels and a comparatively unimportant trading post, it was the decisive conflict between two great colonial principles, of which England and Spain were, respectively, the expo nents. Spain still clung to the antiquated notion that the fact of the Paefic Ocean's having been first seen by a Span iard gave his Government a right to all of the lands of the "Schoell, Histoire des Traites de Pnlx. IV. 112. 11 See Humboldt, Alex, von, Essai Politique, II, 460. " Oscar Browning, the writer of Chapter X, lu Volume VIII, of the Cam bridge Modern History, recently published, gives the least prejudiced and most accurate account. Howevei' , it is very brief. He introduces tbe inci dent as an important episode in the foreign policy of Pitt. He savs : "An event occurred on the other side of the world which nearly brought about a European conflagration." In preparing his brief discussion he consulted the documents In the public record office. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 285 continent which were washed by it. This fact, added to the gift of the Pope, was sufficient to convince the Spanish mind that Spain had a valid title to the whole of the western coast of both Americas. On the other hand, England had long been acting on the now universally accepted principle that mere discovery is an insufficient title, and that land any where on the globe not controlled by any civilized nation belongs to that nation which first occupies and develops it. The controversy is of further importance because of the fact that it tested the triple alliance of 1788 between Eng land, Prussia, and the Netherlands. It also afforded the occasion for overthrowing the Bourbon family compact of 1761. It marked the end of Spain's new brief period of national greatness, which had resulted from the wise reign of Charles III. It was also the beginning of the collapse of Spain's colonial empire. Duro, one of the leading Span ish historians of the present, says that it inaugurated a period of degradation disgraceful to Spanish history, and began a series of pictures which cause anyone to blush who contemplates them with love for the fatherland." The settlement of the controversy determined the subse quent position of England and Spain on the Northwest Coast. Later, after the United States had bought the Span ish claim, the Nootka Sound affair became a part of the Oregon controversy. For a time the dispute threatened to change the course of the French Revolution.6 It menaced the existence, or at least the expansion, of the United States. It promised to substitute English for Spanish influence in Latin America. " See Duro, Armada Espanola, VIII, 8-16. 6 See Hassall, The French People, 341. Chapter II. THE ENGLISH PLANS FOR OCCUPYING NOOTKA SOUND. As early as 1785 instructions were given looking toward the establishment of an English trading post on Nootka Sound. In this year an English commercial company in structed the commander of one of its vessels to establish a post on the northwest coast of America for " securing the trade of the continent and islands adjacent." King Georges [Nootka] Sound was suggested as being " in every respect consistent with the intent of forming such establishment."0 The fur trade between the western coast of America and China was at the time in its infancy, but the profits accruing from it soon made it of great importance. Captain Cook, in his voyage of 1778, had brought the possibility of the in- dustry to the attention of English shipowners. '' By the accidental carrying away of a small collection of furs, whose great value was learned in Siberia and China, he originated the great fur trade which became the chief incentive of all later English and American expeditions to these regions."' 6 He remained a month in Nootka Sound. A number of English expeditions visited the place between this date and 1789, as did also several Spanish, French, and American. Only such of them will be discussed as have a direct bearing on the Nootka Sound controversy, and these only at such places in the narrative as their bearing becomes important. A sufficiently full account of the others may be found in the first volume of Bancroft's " History of the Northwest Coast." The first English expedition to claim serious attention is that of 1788. It was commanded by John Meares,c a retired* » Richard Cadman Etches to Captain Portlock, London, September :-{ 1785 (Meares, An Answer to Mr. Dixon, 10.) The instructions were not carried out by this commander, but the same company was interested in the expedi tion which reached Nootka for that purpose in 17S9. Nootka Sound was for a time called King Georges Sound by the English and San Lorenzo by the Spanish. " Bancroft. Northwest Coast, I, 172. c Sometimes written " Mears." 286 NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 287 lieutenant of the royal navy. Two years before this he had been placed in charge of an expedition to the same. coast by some merchants under the protection of the East India Company.11 He had two vessels, the Nootka, commanded by himself, and the Sea Otter, commanded by a subordinate. The latter was lost at sea. The former spent the winter of 1786-87 in Prince William Sound, on the Alaskan coast, where, according to Meares's account, the most terrible hard ships were suffered, and so many of the crew were lost that not enough remained to man the ship.6 After disposing of his cargo of furs in China c he made preparations for the expedition of the following year, during which he set up the first English establishment on the coast. It was this post which, rightly or wrongly, furnished the chief basis for the stubborn persistence of the English ministry in its de mands on Spain in the controversy two years later. The purpose of discussing this expedition is to study what Meares did at Nootka and find just what rights, if any, were thereby acquired for England. It was intended that this expedition should be preliminary to the planting of an English commercial colony. In men tioning the fact that one vessel was destined to remain out much longer than the other, Meares says that she was to leave the coast of America at the close of the year and go to the Sandwich Islands for the winter. The next year she was " to return to America, in order to meet her consort from China with a supply of necessary stores and refreshments sufficient for establishing factories and extending the plan of commerce in which we wer.e engaged." d Probably to prove the feasibility of constructing such factories, Meares took Avith him on this preliminary trip the material and workmen for building a small trading vessel, which would necessitate the erection of some sort of establishment to pro tect the workmen aud tools during the process of construc- ° Meares, Memorial, appendix to Voyages. 6 This condition and the terms on which relief was offered him by Port- lock and Dixon, who reached the plf.ee in the spring, led to a bitter personal quarrel between Meares and Dixon, which produced several mutually recrim inating pamphlets. ' Meares, Voyages. Introductory voyage, i-xl. In this Meares quotes the letters which passed between him and Portlock in May, 1787, which gave rise to the quarrel. "Id., 2. 288 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. tion. In the instructions for the voyage no mention is made of the vessel to be constructed or of any establishment, either temporary or permanent, but plans were laid for a second expedition. Speaking of the proposed meeting of the two vessels constituting the expedition, which meeting was to be at Nootka at the close of the summer trading season of 1788 previous to the sailing of one vessel to China with the furs collected, the proprietors instructed Meares to ap-' point " a time and place of rendezvous, that you may receive the instructions and refreshments we may send you next season." a The larger vessel, the Felice, was commanded by Meares and was to proceed directly to Nootka, arriving as early as possible and remaining the entire season at Nootka and in the neighborhood. During the summer of 1788 it is this vessel and the operations of its commander ihat furnish the center of interest. The second vessel, the Iphif/enia, com manded by Captain Douglas, subject to Meares's orders, was to spend most of the trading season on the coast of Alaska in Cooks River and Prince William Sound. When trade should slacken she was to move southward, endeavor ing to reach Nootka Sound by September 1, where the two vessels Avere to meet.6 During the first season the voyage of the Iphigenia is unimportant, but on its return to Nootka from the Sandwich Islands in 1789 it furnishes for a time the chief interest. It is well to notice at the outset the double instructions and the double national character of the expedition, though the importance pf the fact Avill become more eA'ident later. As far as the instructions to Meares are concerned, or his repetition of them to Douglas, the ships Avere purely Eng lish in character, Daniel Beale, of Canton, China, being the ostensible agent. But later, when one of them came into conflict Avith the Spaniards, it was just as purely Por tuguese to all external appearances. It was flying Portu guese colors and AAas commanded by a Portuguese captain, with instructions in his OAvn language, giA^en by a merchant 1 The Merchant Proprietors to John Meares, esq.. Commanding the Felice and Iphigenia, China, December '-4, 17S7. (Id., Appendix I.) 6 Id. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 289 of the same nationality living at Macao, China.a In these papers the real commanders appeared as supercargoes. In Meares's narratiAre of the voyage no mention is made of the deception, but later, in his memorial to the British Government, he said that it Avas " to evade the excessive high port charges demanded by the Chinese from all other Euro pean nations excepting the Portuguese." 6 Dixon, in one of his pamphlets, says that the principal motive in using the Portuguese colors was to eATacle the South Sea Company's license.0 Bancroft mentions both of these motives and sug gests that the trick is not permissible unless directed against a hostile nation in time of war.* It seems to haAre been ex pected that it Avould enable them to avoid some anticipated danger or difficulty. However, as will be seen, this very double nationality AAas the first thing to arouse suspicion and get the Iphigenia into trouble. The vessels sailed from China in the latter part of 1788. Besides the regular creAv, each carried a number of European artisans and Chinese smiths and carpenters. The latter, Meares says, Avere shipped on this occasion as an experiment because of their reputed hardiness, industry, and ingenuity, and also because of their simple manner of life and the Ioav wages demanded. He observes that " during the Avhole of the voyage there Avas every reason to be satisfied AA'ith their services," and adds : " If hereafter trading posts should be established on the American coast, a colony of these men would be a very important acquisition." Of the 90 men on the tAvo ships 50 were Chinese. In vieAv of the im portance of the Chinese element in the population of the Western States, it is a significant circumstance that they figured so largely in this very first venture. And, con- ¦ See Chapter IV below. 6 Meares, Memorial, Appendix to Voyages. He explains that this ruse was at first successful, hut was later discovered through the financial failure of the Portuguese merchant who had allowed his name to be thus used. 0 Dixon, Further Remarks on Meares's Voyages, 55. His hostility to Meares prejudices any statement made by him. See above, p. 287, note 6. "Bancroft, Northwest Coast, 1, 193. This author devotes some 10 pages to a discussion of this expedition. Greenhow, Oregon and California, 172-178, attempts to prove that the expedition was purely Portuguese. His account is too prejudiced to be of much value. The chief purpose of his book was to prove that America had a. better claim to tbe Oregon country than England. If this expedition had been purely Portuguese, England could have acquired no possible claim through it. H. Doc. 429, 58-3 19 290 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. sidering the subsequent rush of these people to the New World, it is Avorthy of notice that on this occasion " a much greater number of Chinese solicited to enter into this service than could be received," and those who Avere refused " gave the most unequivocal marks of mortification and disappoint ment."'1 "' On the voyage the artisans Avere employed in pre paring articles of trade for the American market. * * The carpenters Avere also at Avork in preparing the molds and the models for a sloop of 50 tons that was designed to be built immediately on our arrival in King Georges Sound, as such a vessel would be of the utmost utility not only in col lecting furs, but in exploring the coast." In speaking of the Avork necessary for the enterprise, Meares says : " Our timber Avas standing in the forests of America, the ironwork was as yet in rough bars on board, and the cordage which was to be formed into ropes was yet a cable." 6 On May 13, after a passage of three months and twenty-three days from China, they " anchored in Friendly Clove, in King Georges Sound, abreast of the village of Nootka." ( The natives received them in a friendly manner, and opera tions were soon begun to carry out their shipbuilding enter prise. Meares says : Maquilla [the Indian chief, sometimes called " JIaquinna "] had not only most readily consented to grant us a spot of ground" in his territory whereon a house might be built for the accommodation of the people we intended to leave there, but had promised us also his assistance in forwarding our works and his protection of the party who were destined to remain at Xootka during our absence. In re turn for this kindness, and to insure a continuance of it, the chief was presented with a pair of pistols, which he had regarded with an eye of solicitation ever siuce our arrival. & This is Meares's account of the transaction to which he re ferred in his memorial tAvo years later as a purchase of land. It Avas by this transaction that the English Government claimed to haA^e acquired a title not only to this spot, but to the a Meares, Voyages. 2, 3. "Id., 8s. ' Id., 1(14. This dat.- should probably be changed to Alay l'> When the English and Spanish met at Xootka in 17S-.I their calendars were one day apart. (Soe below, p. 312, note a.) Since there are no conflicting dates given for (be events at Nootka in 17SS, those found in the journals" of the English commanders are foUowed. " Id., 114. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 291 whole of Nootka Sound." There is nothing in his narrative which indicates that at the time Meares had any thought of acquiring a permanent title, either for himself or for his Gov ernment. Neither is there any unmistakable indication to the contrary. Under these circumstances any title to sovereignty thus acquired would haA'e to depend on subsequent operations. With the assistance of the natives, work on the house ad vanced rapidly, and on May 28, fifteen days after their arrival, it was completed. It had tAvo stories. On the ground floor Avere a workshop and storeroom and in the up per story Avere a dining room and chambers for the party. "A strong breastwork was thrown up around the house, en closing a considerable area of ground, Avhich, with one piece of cannon, placed in such a manner as to command the cove and the village of Nootka, formed a fortification sufficient to secure the party from any intrusion. Without this breast work Avas laid the keel of a vessel of 40 or 50 tons, which was now to be built agreeable to our former determination." 6 While this Avas being done the ship had been repaired and refitted for a trading cruise to the southAvard. All Avas in readiness for departure on June 11. On the day previous the party to be left at Nootka Avas landed Avith articles to continue the brisk trade Avhich had sprung up, and also supplies for the completion of the neAV vessel and enough proA'isions to fit it for a voyage to China should misfortune prevent the return of the Felice or the arrival of her con sort, the Iphigenia. A formal visit was paid to the chief, Maquilla, to acquaint him with the intended departure and to secure his attention and friendship to the party to be left on shore. Meares adds : "As a bribe to secure his attach ment he Avas promised that when Ave finally left the coast he should enter into full possession of the house and all the goods and chatties thereunto belonging." c This statement " The purchase is confirmed in the information of William Graham, Lon don, May 5, 1790 (inclosure No. Arl, with MeSres's Memorial, appendix to Voyages). It was also confirmed by Duffin in conversation with Vancouver in 1792. (Vancouver, Voyages, II, 370-372. > Both of these have strong English prejudices. The purchase is denied by Gray and Ingraham. (Green- how, Oregon and California, 414.) They strongly favored the Spanish. They say that the Indians denied having sold land to the English. That there was a purchase was practically conceded, however, even by the Span iards, since Quadra offered to A'ancouver in 1792 the land on which Meares's house- had siood in 17SS. (See Vancouver, Voyages, II, 335 ff.) » Id., 115-116. c Id., 130. 292 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. is quoted by Greenhow as conclusiA'e proof of the merely tem porary character of the establishment." If the promise was made in good faith, it would seem that the position was well taken, did not the subsequent conduct of Meares indicate the contrary ! On the occasion of this visit other presents were made to the chief and members of his family. The narrator continues: '" Maquilla, Avho Avas gloAviog Avith delight at the attentions Ave had paid him, readily granted eA'ery request that Ave thought proper to make, and confirmed with the strongest assurances of good faith the treaty of friend ship Avhich had already been entered into betAveen us." B Nothing further is said of this treaty or of its terms. If some more tangible eA'idence of it appeared, it might be a valuable link. The mere statement that such Avas made is of interest as indicating the policy of Meares, Avhich, however, Avould have been the same Avhether he expected to retain an establishment at Nootka or simply to make subsequent visits for trading. It is possible, too, that the treaty was only a temporary arrangement to last during the one visit. The Felice, with Meares and most of the creAv, spent the next two and a half months in a combined trading and exploring cruise to the southAvard, returning to Nootka once during the time and remaining tAvo Aveeks. This trip has no direct bearing on the Nootka incident, but throws some side lights on Meare's policy and the national character of the expedition. He tells of a treaty made at Port Cox and gives something of its terms. It established trade relations Avith three chiefs. Apparently it excluded all competitors, though this is not so stated ; e but on seeing a vessel pass Nootka, some tAvo months later, he at once set out for Port Cox lest the chief should be tempted " to intrude upon the treaty he had made Avith us." * On reaching the place he found large quantities of furs, indicating that the treaty had been kept. Tt may be, however, that no opportunity had been presented for breaking it. The chief inquired earnestly concerning Meares's return next season. c In another place Meares says: " We took possession of the » Greenhow, Oregon and California, 175. ' Meares, A'oyages, 131. n Id., 11C, and Memorial in appendix " Id., or.. c Id., 2U4. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 293 Straits of Juan de Fuca in the name of the King of Britain, Avith the forms that had been adopted by preceding navi gators on similar occasions." " Iri mentioning this ceremony in his memorial he makes the additional statement that he purchased a tract of land within the said straits. A party sent to examine the straits Avas attacked by the natiA^es after a feAV days and abandoned the enterprise.6 This subsidiary expedition plays an important part in the controversial Avrit- ings on the conflicting claims to the Oregon country. On August 21- the Felice returned to Nootka. Three days later her consort, the Iphigenia, arrived. In less than a month more the new vessel Avas completed. On September 20 it was launched Avith what Meares con sidered very impressive ceremonies. It was christened " the North-West America, as being the first bottom ever built and launched in this part of the globe." He says that the British flag Avas displayed on the house and on board the neAV A'essel." This statement regarding the use of the British flag should be noticed, since GreenhoAV states, and Bancroft giA'es it a qualified indorsement, that " there is no sufficient proof that any other [than the Portuguese flag] was displayed by them during the expedition." a State ments are made by other men that the Portuguese flag was used at Nootka during the summer." In the engraving in Meares's narrative illustrating the launching, three British flags are represented.^ There is at least one other very plain » Meares, Voyages, 173, and Memorial in appendix. « Id., 173-179. » Id., 220. d Greenhow, Oregon and California, 172 ; and Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, 194. 0 Dixon, Further Remarks on Meares's Voyages, 24. This writer, in his controversial pamphlet, quotes from a letter of Captain Duncan, wbo had met Meares near the entrance to Nootka Sound in 1788. This letter makes tbe statement that Meares had "at that time a small vessel on the stocks at Nootka, where, he told me, he had a fort, guns mounted, and Portuguese colors flying." It was written January 17, 1791, and can hardly be given absolute credence, since Dixon was so prejudiced against Meares. Greenhow is too partisan to be fair, aud the Americans, Gray and Ingraham, and Haswell, whom Bancroft quotes on the point, were very pro-Spanish. On the other band, Meares's statements can not be taken for truth unless it is very plain that there is no reason for his telling anything else. 'Meares, Voyages, 220. It is doubtful whether this testimony can be con sidered of any value. As to the truthfulness of the picture, it is interesting to notice the Indian village in the background. He had said that before tbis the entire village had been moved some 30 miles up the sound for the winter. 294 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. indication of the use of the British flag by the expedition. It is found in the instructions of Meares to Funter, Avho Avas to command the North-West America. They are dated Friendly Cove, Nootka Sound, September 10, 1788, and say: " You are on no account to hoist any colors until such time as your employers give you orders for this purpose, except on taking possession of any neAvly discovered land; you will then do it, with the usual formality, for the CroAvn of Great Britain." " If these instructions were really given, and the statement is true which is quoted above regarding taking possession of the Straits of Juan de Fuca, it must be ad mitted that Meares considered at the time that his expedi tion Avas English and that whatever rights might be acquired by it for any nation Avere acquired for England. Four days after the neAV vessel had been completed Meares departed, for China in the Felice, carrying with him the furs collected by both vessels. The Xorth-West America Avas placed under the orders of Douglas, the com mander of the Iphigenia. Before departing, Meares had given him extended orders regarding Avintering at the Sand- Avich Islands, and his conduct on the coast during the next season.6 On Ooctober 27 the tAvo remaining Axessels left Nootka for the winter.0 In the instructions just mentioned nothing is said regard ing any settlement to be made at Nootka the succeeding year. There is a statement, hoAveA-er, in the narratiAe that indicates unmistakably the intention "of planting a colony of some considerable extent. The writer says that early in September, Avhen the natiA^es were leaving for the Avinter settlement up the sound, " Ave made these chiefs sensible in hoAV many moons Ave should return to them, and that we should then be accompanied by others of our countrymen, and build more houses and endeavor to introduce our man ners and mode of living to the practice of our Nootka friends." He speaks of their pleasure at hearing this and of their promise of large quantities of furs; then narrates an elabo rate ceremony of coronation performed by the chief, Maquilla, " Men ros. Voyages, appendix. Memorial, A'l. "Meares to Douglas, Felirr. Friendly Cove, in King cieorges Sound Septem ber 20, 1788. (Meares, Voyages, Appendix V.) « Id., 334. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 295 and his companions, which, he says, was intended as a recog nition of his superiority and soA'ereign power over them." If Meares understood that by this childish act of crowning he acquired for Great Britain sovereign rights over the dis trict, he makes no effort to emphasize the fact. The state ment, if true, is of more value as showing a definite intention to establish a colony the following year. It is not impossi ble, however, that both of these are cunningly contrived and rather overdrawn fabrications of a later date to strenghten his case before the Government or in the eyes of the public. Greenhow and Bancroft both seem to draAv a line between Meares's narratiA^e and his memorial, considering the former more trustworthy since the latter was written for the express purpose of convincing the cabinet of the justice of his cause. If the narrative were the original log of the vessel instead of a subsequent account simply 'using that log as its basis, the reason for the distinction Avould be clear. But besides the indications in the preface and the date, November lfi. 1790, attached to the preface, there are internal eA'idences that the narrative was not written, at least not completed, until Meares knew of the operations of the Spaniards at Nootka in 1789. Hence there is no reason AA'hy it should not be influenced by the same partisanship and selfish interest.6 But whether he really did or did not make the statement to the chiefs in September, 1788, concerning planting a col ony the next year, he proceeded exactly as he would be ex pected to have proceeded had he made it. The question as to what became of the house built in 1788, Avhether it was given to the chief as promised, or Avhether it Avas torn doAvn by Douglas before leaving for the Sandwich Islands, accord ing to the testimony of the American captains, Gray and " Meares to Douglas, Felice. Friendly Cove, in King Georges Sound, Septem ber 20, 1788. (Meares, A'oyages, Appendix A', p. 217.) 'Note bis reference to the killing of Callicum by the Spaniards in 17S0. (Meares, Voyages, lis ; also see 217, 21S, referring to Colnett's expedition of 1789.) His preface would lead one to think that the writing of his narra tive was entirely an afterthought. He mentions as his motives the wishes of friends, the political circumstances of the moment [the diplomatic controversy with Spainl, and public expectation. He says: "I little thought it would be my future lot to give this part of my maritime life to the world. If I had looked forward to the possibility of such an event, I should have enlarged my observations and been more minutely attentive," etc. Hut the fact that in his list of subscribers he gives tbe names of a number of men living in China shows that before leaving there, at least, he expected to publish his narra tive. All of this tends to depreciate the value of bis statements where his interests are at stake. 296 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Ingraham," does not greatly affect the case, if the English men really intended to continue the occupation in 1789, as they unquestionably did. If there were nothing else to con sider, and if the title to sovereignty rested wholly on actual occupation, Avhether that occupation be by persons of a pub lic or private character, then England had a better claim than Spain to the sovereignty of Nootka Sound at the begin ning of the year 1789. But there are otlier things to con sider. It remains to be seen whether or not they outweigh this English advantage. The next man to demand careful attention in studying the English preparations for occupying Nootka is Capt. James Colnett, also a lieutenant in the royal naAry. He had been a midshipman Avith Captain Cook and had served for seA^eral years on a man-of-Avar.6 In the autumn of 1786 he left England, in command of the ship Prince of Wales, OAvned by Etches & Co.. of London. This company held a license from the South Sea Company good for five years after Septem ber 1, 1786, for trading in the South Sea and other jjarts of America.c Colnett Avent to the South Sea by way of Cape Horn. He reached the northwest coast in 1787, collected a cargo, and continued his voyage to China, where he dis posed of it.s While in China he became identified with Meares's project for planting a colony at Nootka. The latter, after his arrival in China in the autumn of 1788, had set about preparations for the expedition of the succeeding year. While he was engaged in this, Colnett reached Can ton. Since the latter carried a license from the South Sea Company, Meares saw an advantage to be gained by enlist ing his services, as this Avould giA^e governmental sanction and protection to the proposed establishment. Meares and "Gray and Ingraham lo Quadra, Nootka Sound, August 3, 1702. (Green how, Oregon and California, 414.) (Prejudiced.) " Colnett, Voyage, vii. ' Spanish translation of an extract from the " License from the governor and company of merchants of Great Brit lin for trading in the South Sea and other parts of America, to Richard Cadman Etches and Company to trade in the places where the South Sea Company has the privilege by an act of Parliament." (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-ls ) It was signed by the secretary of the company and dated August 4 17ST Thev were forbidden to trade south of 43° on the northwest coast. ' (See Colnett to the Viceroy, October 1, 17S0 ; Arch. Gen. de Indias. Seville 00-3-"! 1 « Spanish translation of Colnett to the Viceroy. October 1 1780 ("id ) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 297 his associates formed a joint stock concern with Etches & Co., through the agency of John Etches, who accompanied Colnett's expedition as supercargo. As the Prince of Wales was to return to England, a new ship was purchased and named the Argonaut, and Colnett was transferred to it. The small ship, the Princess Royal, which had accompanied him on the former voyage, continued with him on this. Be sides having command of the Aressels, all of the concerns of the company on the American coast were committed to his charge, including the proposed colony." A clear notion of the character of the expedition thus placed under the command of Colnett may best be obtained by a careful examination of the instructions given to him before his departure from China. The copy of these that was submitted with Meares's Memorial is dated Macao, April 17, 1789, and signed " J. Meares, for Messrs. Etches, Cox & Co.6 A Spanish translation of the same, copied from the papers that fell into the hands of the Spaniards, is signed " Daniel Beale, for himself and for Messrs. Etches, Cox & Co." c AVhile this discrepancy has no importance in discovering the intent of the expedition, it casts a side light on the Areracity of Meares. The Spanish copy is preferably to be trusted, since no motive is apparent for their changing the signature. In these instructions strictly honorable deal ings and careful attention to their needs is enjoined in all his intercourse with other vessels, whether English or for eign. Cruelty to the natives is to be preA^ented under pen alty of condign punishment for offenders. He was to form a treaty, if possible, Avith the ATarious chiefs, especially those near Nootka. The purpose Avas to monopolize the trade of * Meares, Memorial, appendix to Aroyages. Also Colnett to the Viceroy, October 1, 1789. (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-21.) The latter represents Colnett as the chief promoter, while the former represents Meares in that capacity. Colnett says that the Prince of Wahs had broken her keel and was not in a condition to make another such a voyage, so that tbe corre spondents of his company offered him the Argonaut. It seems that some diffi culty had arisen over the fact that the license which Colnett bore was for his use on the Prince of Wales. He told the Viceroy that if he had apprehended any disadvantage arising from his change of ships it would have been easy to have named the new ship the Prince of "Wales also. He had not considered it necessary. * Meares, Memorial, appendix to Voyages, Inclosure II. c Translation of the instructions given by the owners of the English ship Argonaut to its captain, James Colnett, not dated. (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18.) 298 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the district and so conquer competitors honorably and cred itably. They were so anxious to form such treaties thathe was authorized to protect allies from insult from all per sons." The factory planned was to be a "solid establish ment, and not one that is to be abandoned at pleasure." Colnett was authorized to fix it at the most conA^enient place, so that the colony would be protected from the least sinister accident.6 It Avas to receive the name " Fort Pitt." E. Duf- fin Avas to be invested Avith the superintendence of it. The object of the post was to attract the Indians for com mercial purposes and to furnish a place to build small vessels and to lay them up for the winter season. During each winter some vessels were to be sent to the Sandwich Islands for provisions, and natives of those islands, both men and Avomen, were to be encouraged to embark for the American colony. When this settlement should haA'e been effected trading houses were to be established at other places along the coast where they would be the most advantageous. Prepar atory to this rewards were to be offered the first season to men who would reside with different Indian chiefs for the purpose of collecting furs and assuring the natives of the return of the vessels, thus encouraging them to keep back their furs from competitors. The Iphigenia, which went out the preceding year under Meares's command, and also the North-West America. Avhich he had built on the coast, were to be under the command of Colnett. The rest of the instructions are of no interest to the Nootka Sound Affair/ With these instructions and Avith provisions for three years the tAvo vessels sailed from China, the Princess Royal "This policy nf protecting allied chiefs against their enemies was begun by Meares during the previous year, lie loaned firearms and furnished am munition to the Nootka Indians for an expedition against a neighboring tribe which had committed depredations on one of their villages. (See Aleares, A'oyagos, 106.) " Nootka was not especially mentioned, but the intention was so evident that mention was unnecessary. The option as to tho place in wbich it was to be established probably did not refer to"a possible choice between Nootka Sound and some other part of the coast, but tn the selection of the most favorable spot on Ihe sound. As showing Meares's tendency to distort facts he says in his Memorial : " Colnett was directed to fix his residence at Nootka Sound and. with that in view, to erect ¦., substantial house on the spot which vour memorialist had purchased the preceding year, as will appear by a copy of bis instructions hereto annexed." " Aleares, Memorial, appendix to Voyages, Inclosure II ; and MS Arch Gen de Indias, 00-3-18. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 299 in February and the Argonaut in April, 1789." They car ried, " in addition to their crews, several artificers of differ ent professions and near 70 Chinese, who intended to become settlers on the American coast." 6 The plans are seen to have been large with hope for the future, and there seems to have been every reasonable prospect for success. Should they be successful it would mean not only a fortune for the merchant adventurers and a Avorthy monument to the Avis- dom of the projectors, but it would mean also the definite planting of the British flag on an unoccupied coast and the extension to that coast of the sovereignty of Great Britain. But while these plans Avere taking shape other plans Avere being laid elsewhere, which, before the arrival of Colnett's expedition, had totally changed the appearance of things at Nootka. A discussion of these Avill occupy the next two chapters. " Meares, Voyages, 106. * Meares, Memorial, appendix to Voyages, Inclosure II. It is seen that a majority of the settlers for the proposed colony were Chinese, conformably to the idea that Meares expresses in his narrative and to which reference was made in the early part of this chapter. There is a discrepancy in the state ments concerning tbe number of Chinese. In several Spanish manuscripts the statement is made that there were 20. The name of each is given. (See MS, Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18.) Chapter III. THE SPANISH PLANS FOE OCCUPYING NOOTKA SOUND THE CONFLICTING CLAIMS BEFORE 1789. The Spanish name of most importance in connection with affairs at Nootka is that of Estevan Jose Martinez. Besides playing the chief role in the drama enacted there in 1789, which proved to be but the prelude to a greater drama played in Europe the folloAving year, it was he who first suggested the planting of a Spanish colony at this point. This is contrary to the notion prevalent in the minds of the diplomats when the controversy Avas at its height, a notion Avhich has been more or less accepted ever since, viz, that one or more of the Governments concerned had engaged in the enterprise Avith malice aforethought, having some ulterior end in view. These suspicions will be discussed in their proper place. At present it suffices to show, from documentary sources, the actual genesis of the original Spanish expedition. On the return of Martinez, late in 1788, from a A'oyage to Alaska, Avhere he had gone under a royal commission to investigate the Russian settlements on the coast, he reported to Florez, the Viceroy of Mexico, as follows : Cusniieh also told me that, as a result of his having informed his Sovereign of the commerce which the English from Canton are carry ing on at Nootka, he was expecting four frigates from Siberia to sail next year for the purpose of making an establishment at Nootka, situated in latitude 49° 3G' north and in longitude 20° 15' west from San Bias. He assured me that his Sovereign has a better right to that coast than any other power on account of its having been dis covered by the Russian commanders, Behving and Estericol [Chirikov], under orders from the Russian Court in the year 1741. For this reason it seems to me advisable that an attempt should be made next year, 17811, with such forces as you may have at hand, to occupy the said port and establish a garrison in it. According to what is learned from the work of Cook and from what I saw on my first expedition to that place (which I made in 1774), it possesses qualifications which 300 NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 301 adapt it to this purpose. By accomplishing this we shall gain posses sion of the coast from Nootka to the port of San Francisco, a dis tance of 317 leagues, and authority over a multitude of native tribes. [I say this, at the same time] offering myself to carry out the project, and. to prove the feasibility of it I will sacrifice my last breath in the service of God and the King, if you approve it. « This letter Avas Avritten from the port of San Bias on De cember 5, 1788. Only eighteen days later the Viceroy Avrote from the City of Mexico to the home Government that he had determined to occupy Nootka at once, although the royal orders did not warrant him in so doing.1' On the same day Martinez was commissioned to carry out the enterprise, and his instructions were sent to him.0 In his letter to Madrid, the Vicerojr says " the essential object of this new expedition is no other, as I haAre indicated, than the anticipation of the Russians in taking possession of the port of San Lorenzo or Nootka." Ten days later, in justification of his action, he Avrote that it was true he was forbidden to incur expenses Avith out special royal order, but since this was an extraordinary case, demanding prompt action, he begged for the royal ap proval/' This approval was granted, but not until April 14, 1789,e when Martinez was already well on his way to Nootka. It could not have been known in America in time to affect the events at Nootka. Far, then, from there being any ground for the suspicion that the Spanish Government had ordered the seizure of English vessels, which resulted from this un dertaking, the Madrid Government did not so much as know that the expedition was to be sent until long after it had "Martinez to Florez, San Bias, December 5, 1788. IMS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18.) La Perouse, of a French scientific expedition, had reported that Russian settlements were being made on the American continent north of California: The Spanish expedition was sent under a royal order of ¦January 25, 1787. Martinez, of the Princrsa, was in command, and Lopez de Haro, of the San Carlos, was subordinate. They reported six settlements, hav ing in all about 500 inhabitants. An autograph copy of Martinez's diary of this expedition, containing 213 pages, is in the same bundle as the above letter. It contains also the diary of Mendosia, second pilot. Greenhow, Oregon and California, 185, gives a short account of this voyage, which he says is based on a copy of Martinez's diary obtained from the hydrographical office at Madrid. Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, 184, also gives a brief account, likewise taken from a copy of Martinez's diary. b Florez to Valdez, Mexico, December 23, 1788. (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18.) "Florez to Martinez, December 23, 1788. (Id.) " Florez to Valdez, Alexico, January 2. 1780. (Id.) •Florez to Revilla-Gigedo, Mexico, September 2, 1789. (Id., 90-3-14.) In this, mention is made of a royal order of April 14, giving approbation. 302 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. sailed. Further, e"en in the mind of the Viceroy, there was not the slightest thought of any interference with the Eng lish, the expedition being directed solely against the Rus sians. It is also seen that Avhatever glory it promised for Spain, or Avhatever opprobrium attached to Spain because of the unfortunate events connected Avith it, must be placed largely to the credit of Martinez. But he was not Avholly responsible, since his plan Avas authorized by the Viceroy and later approved by the home Government. It is a fact of some significance, as an indication of the political sagacity of the Viceroy, that he apprehended much more danger to Spanish dominion on this coast from the neAV United States than from England or even Russia. While the English Avere only mentioned in connection with the knoAvn plans of Russia, considerable space Avas deA^oted to discussing a probable attempt of the American colonies to obtain a foothold on the Avestern coast. As proof he men tioned the fact that an American ship, Avhich had touched at the islands of Juan Fernandez in the same year, had con tinued its voyage to the coast. He expressed a suspicion that it had this end in vieAv.a He told also of an OA'erland trip made in 1766-67 from the English colonies,6 and closed his observations on this point Avith the prophetic statement : " We ought not to be surprised that the English colonies of America, being iioav an independent Republic, should carry out the design of finding a safe port on the Pacific and of at tempting to sustain it by crossing the immense country of the continent above our possessions of Texas. NeAV Mexico, and California." He added: "Much more might be said of an active nation which founds all of its hopes and its resources on navigation and commerce," and mentioned the immense value to them of a colony on the west coast of America. He continued: " It is indeed an enterprise for many years, but I firmly believe that from iioav on we ought to employ tactics to forestall its results; and the more since Ave see that the Rus sian projects and those Avhich the English may make from Botany Bay, Avhich they have colonized, already menace us." It was, then, he said, to dissipate for the future the dor mant possibilities of the present that he was takino- the '™7hrPTWaB *"e °''h,mMa- Sw the latter part of this chapter. "Unit ol Jonathan Carver from Boston. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 303 extraordinary step of formally occupying the port of Nootka Avithout royal authorization.11 After thus setting forth to the GoA'ernment at Madrid the reasons for his action, the Viceroy outlined the plans for the expedition. Tt Avas to consist of the two vessels, the Priii- cesa and the San Carlos,1' AA'hich had constituted the expedi tion of 1788. They were also to retain the same officers — Martinez as commander, and Haro subject to his orders. They were to sail from San Bias early in February. A packet boat avouIc! folloAV in March with supplies and reen forcements, and Avould bring back an account of the occupa tion. Later, according to events, explorations of the coast to the northAvard and soutlrward would be made. A land expe dition Avas to follow, including a chief, a detachment of troops, missionaries, colonists, and liA'e stock.6'. Since the whole of the Nootka affair greAv out of measures taken by Martinez Avhile on this trip, it is Avorth Avhile to ex amine in detail the instructions under which he Avas operat ing. After alluding to the happy termination of Martinez's voyage just ended, the Viceroy referred to the Russian plans for occupying Nootka to anticipate the English, and said " these designs of either nation are as pernicious to our coun try as their claims are unfounded." The Russian command ers failed to explore the ports, I/lorez continued, and the English captain, Cook, did not see Nootka until 1778, four years after the expedition of Perez " on which you yourself went as second pilot. For these and many other Aveighty reasons our just and superior right to occupy the coasts dis covered to the northAvard of California and to forbid colonies of other nations is clear. These important objects, indeed, are embraced in the delicate expedition which I now place in your charge." The folloAving are his instructions: 1. The two vessels and their commanders were named. 2. They were to have the same officers and sailors as on the last voyage, with some increase of troops, and an armament correspond- " Florez to Valdez, Mexico, December 23, 1788.' (JIS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18.) ' San Carlos el Filipino seems to have been the full name. It is here and often elsewhere in the documents spoken of simply as FA Filipino. In English writings it is usually called the San Carlos. " Florez to Valdez, Mexico, December 23, 1788. (AIS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, 90-3-18.) 304 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ing to the crew, and the crew were to be drilled in the use of that armament. 3. The expedition should sail not later than February 15. 4. In March the Aratieazu should follow with reenforcements and supplies for Nootka, as well as other settlements of New California. 5. This vessel should bring back an account of what should have happened and an estimate of the necessary supplies and reenforce ments which would be returned by it or by the Concepcion, or both. 6. A plan of the port of Nootka, copied from Cook's work, was to serve as a guide. 7. Kindness, voluntary trade, and opportune gifts Avere to capture the good will of the natives; in this endeavor the discretion of the four missionaries was to be used. These were to begin at once to propagate the gospel. 8. A formal establishment was to be set up for a meeting place to treat with the Indians and for protection from the weather and from enemies. 9. This would be a manifestation of Spanish sovereignty. Part of the people Avere to be kept in this during the day, but returned to the ship at night for greater security. 10. " If Russian or English vessels should arrive, you will receive their commanders Avith the politeness and kind treatment which the existing peace demands ; but you will show the just ground for our establishment at Nootka, the superior right AAhich we haA'e for con tinuing such establishments on the Avhole coast, and the measures Avhich our superior Government is taking to carry this out, such as sending by land expeditions of troops, colonists, and missionaries, to attract and convert the Indians to the religion and the mild dominion of our august Sovereign." 11. "All this you ought to explain Avith prudent firmness, but Avith out being led into harsh expressions Avhich may give serious offense and cause a rupture ; but if, in spite of the greatest efforts, the for eigners should attempt to use force, you Avill repel it to the extent that they employ it, endeavoring to prevent as far as possible their intercourse and commerce Avith the natives." 12. " For use Avith the Russians, you Avill keep in mind and avail yourself of the Avell-founded political reasons for Spain's being in intimate friendship Avith their sovereign Empress, viz, that the ships of that nation, both naval and merchant, are admitted to the Spanish ports of the Mediterranean and given such assistance as they may need, without AA'hich they could not subsist in those seas ; that conse quently it would be a grave offense for the vessels of His Catholic Majesty to suffer hostilities in America at the hands of the Russians, furnishing just cause for a breach between two friendly powers; and that in this case Spain would count on the powerful support of her French ally, besides withdrawing from Russia the privilege of obtain ing supplies in the Mediterranean at a time when she finds herself engaged in war with the Turks, with Sweden, and possibly with Denmark." NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 305 13. " To the English you will demonstrate clearly and with estab lished proofs that our discoveries anticipated those of Captain Cook, since he reached Nootka, according to his own statement, in ilarch of the year 1778, where he purchased (as he relates in Chapter I, book 4, page 45, of his work)11 the two silver spoons which the Indians stole from yourself in 1774." 14. " You will have more weighty arguments to offer to A'essels of the Independent American Colonies, should they appear on the coasts of northern California, which hitherto has not known their ships. However, by a letter of the most excellent Senor Viceroy of Peru, it is known that a frigate, which is said to belong to General Washing ton,6 sailed from Boston, in September of 1787, with the intention of approaching the said coasts, that a. storm obliged her to stop in dis tress at the, islands of Juan Fernandez, and that she continued her course after being relieved." 15. "In case you arc able to encounter this Bostonian frigate or the small boat Avhich accompanied her, but was separated in the storm, this will give you governmental authority to take such meas ures as you may be able and such as appear proper, giving them to understand, as all other foreigners, that our settlements are being extended to beyond Prince Williams Sound, of which we have already taken formal possession, as well as of the adjacent islands, viz,- in 17711." 10. A plan of Prince Williams Sound Avas inclosed, for it was intended that a careful survey of the entire coast should be made between it and Nootka. 17. The San Curios was to make this expedition after the establish ment at Nootka should be completed. IS, 19. Instructions for the exploration. 20. The coast from San Francisco to Nootka was to be explored in like manner, the latter port being the rendezvous. Tbe A'iceroy would do all he could to contribute to the Avelfare of the enterprise thus placed under Martinez's charge. 21. Great care was enjoined iu the treatment of the Indians and of any establishments or vessels of foreign nations that might be encountered. 22. The means to be employed to preserve health. 23. Good wishes for Divine favor and for the success of the voyage. As an argument for use Avith the English, in addition to what he had given in section 13, the Viceroy added, in a postscript, reference to the instructions giA'en by the Eng- • This reference to Cook's Voyages reads : " But what was most singular, two silver tablespoons were purchased from them, which, from their peculiar shape, we supposed to be of Spanish manufacture." 'An obvious error, since General Washington had nothing to do with it. This was the Columbia. Her consort was the Lady Washington. Confusion arising from the name of the latter perhaps caused the error. H. Doc. 429, 58-3 20 306 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. lish Admiralty to Captain Cook, July 6, 1776. Cook, he said, was not to touch at any port in the Spanish domin ions on the Avest coast of America unless forced by unavoid able accident, in Avhich case he Avas not to remain longer than absolutely necessary, and Avas to avoid giving the least cause for complaint to any of the inhabitants of the country or to A'essels of His Catholic Majesty."1 The vessels sailed from San Bias February 17, 1789.* These instructions, as well as those given to the English expe dition of the same year, look toAvard a permanent establish ment at Nootka, AA'hich Avas to be used as a basis for future operations on the coast. Each expedition Avas sent without any knoAvledge that the other Avas even thought of. The in structions given to the commander of each were such as to leave no doubt in his mind as to his perfect right to carry them out. It was impossible for both to obey ; hence a clash was inevitable. Before studj'ing the occurrences at Xootka a brief examination should be made of the conflicting claims, with an attempt to discover the. respectiA'e rights in the spring of 1789 before either expedition reached the common destination. The first Englishman known to have visited Nootka Sound is Capt. James Cook. In the spring of 1778 he spent the month of April in the sound, Avhich he explored and mapped carefully ; and, being unable to learn that any European had before visited this particular part of the coast, he gaA-e it the name of King Georges Sound, but later concluded that it would be better to call it by the native name Nootka. He obtained supplies of water, Avood, fish, etc. The natives AA-ere friendly to him, and he found among them several articles, including the two silver spoons mentioned in the above in structions, AA'hich, together Avith the conduct of the natiA'es indicated that Europeans had previously been somewhere in "Florez to Martinez, Mexico, December 23. 17SS. (MS Arch Gen de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18.) In the above transcript of the instructions sec tions 10 to 15, inclusive, are quoted in fall since thev were intended to guide Martinez in his intercourse with foreigners. It will be interesting later to compare his actions with these instructions. Only the substance of the other sections Is given, since they have no important bearing on the subject Mnstrnmento de posesion, .lune 24, 1780. (Id.) Eevilla-Gigedo in his Informe gives the date February 19 for tbe departure from San Bias (See Bustamante [Cavo], Los Tres Siglos, III, 127.) ••ill! d NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 307 the neighborhood, at least. No mention is made of his hav ing taken possession of the place for England." It seems that the Englishmen who were interested in the expedition of 1789 had no knoAvledge that any European had visited the place earlier than this visit of Captain Cook.6 If they had such knowledge, they intentionally ignored it. This was looked upon as a real discovery and it Avas assumed that thereby England acquired such rights as discovery can give. Although Sir Francis Drake's landing on the California coast in 1579 was mentioned,0 yet it seems not to have been looked upon as of A'ery much A'alue in establishing a claim, and, of course, Avas not so far north. During the years sub sequent to 1785 English trading ships frequently visited Nootka. Although they were purely private undertakings, this fact had considerable value in strengthening the English claim, since they tended to develop the resources of the coun try. The details of these voyages are not in place here. These, then, constitute the ground for the English claim up to the visit of Meares in 1788 and his erection of a house and building of a ship, which were treated in the last chapter. It Avas clearly brought out in the diplomatic contest of 1790 that a Spanish expedition had examined Avith some care the whole coast up to about 55°, and had spent some time in this A'ery port of Nootka or its immediate neighbor hood four years before Captain Cook's visit. After the Spanish explorations of the sixteenth century, Avhich had extended some distance up the California coast, there Avas a long period of inactivity in this part of the world due to the decay of the Government at home. When the tempo rary revival of national life came under Charles III there was also a revival of exploring enterprises on the western coast of America. Word reached Madrid through the Spanish ambassador at St. Petersburg that the Russians "Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, 170-172; Greenhow, Oregon and California, 151-153; Cambridge Modern History, VIII, 289. "Deposition of the officers and men of the Northwest America. (Inclosure X, with Meares, Memorial, appendix to A'oyages. ) They say that the sound was discovered by the late Capt. James Cook. Similar statements are made elsewhere. "Instructions of the Merchant Proprietors to John Meares. (Meares, Voy ages, Appendix I.) * Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, 173-181, gives an account of the most Important. 308 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Avcre making settlements on the American coast north of California. In consequence of royal orders issued the pre vious year, an exr^edition, under the command of Juan Perez, was sent from Mexico in 1774 to investigate. He had orders to examine the coast as high as G0°, but did not- get beyond 55°. As he Avas returning he anchored early in August in a port which he called San Lorenzo, and AA'hich Avas later identified Avith Nootka Sound. Some question Avas raised as to its identity, but there seems to be little doubt. The latitude agrees A'ery closely — too closely, Bancroft says. The anchorage must have been in the immediate neighborhood." Bevilla-Gigedo says it is belieA'ed that the commander took possession of Nootka, but Bancroft, Avho examined the diaries, asserts that he did not land anywhere to take pos session for Spain. Martinez, Avho became so important in the expedition of 1789, Avas second pilot on this expedition of Perez. It Avas Avhile at San Lorenzo in 1771 that the two silver spoons Avere stolen from him by the Indians. They are frequently mentioned in the Spanish manuscripts, and arc accepted as proof positive that this expedition was at Nootka, and as thereby proving the superiority of the Spanish claim.7' In 1775, the next year after Perez's A'oyage, another was made by Heceta \ Ezetaj Avith. Quadra accompanying in a small vessel. The former approached the coast in the region of Nootka, but did not enter, thereupon turning his course southAvard. Quadra, in the little vessel, pressed on- Avard to about the fifty-eighth degree. This expedition made landings and took formal possession for Spain of at least three points beteAveen 4-7° and 58°.c In 1779 a third expedition sailed from Mexico to explore the coast still farther north. It reached the sixty-first degree. Prince William Sound.'1 By these three expeditions the Spanish "Informe of Revilla-digedo, Bustamante (Cavo), Loe Tres Siglos, III, 117- 110. Tbis gives a brief description of Ihe voyage and the steps leading to it. Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, l-W-ir.s, gives a description based on the diaries of the voyage. Greenhow, Oregon and California, also describes it "Florez to Valdez, Mexico, December 23, 17SS. (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 00-3-18.) See also above transcript of tbe instructions of Florez to Martinez. <' Rcvilla-Gigedo, Informe, Bustamante (Cavo), Los Tres Siglos, II, 190- Bancroft. Northwest Coast, I, 158-100, gives a full account " ld„ 172. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 309 Government considered that this entire coast from California northward had been sufficiently explored and that formal possession had been taken at enough places to establish thor oughly the Spanish claim. So a royal order Avas given in 1780 that voyages for this purpose should cease." The first two of these Spanish voyages were earlier than that of Captain Cook and included practically all that he explored, though they did not examine it so thoroughly. Hence, as far as discoA'ery alone is concerned, these should have given Spain rights superior to any that England could have acquired by Cook's enterprise, not only to Nootka Sound, but to the Avhole of the NorthAvest Coast. But, unfortunately for the Spanish claim, there is a serious flaAv in the title at this point, arising from the fact that the results of these voyages Avere not published, except in brief accounts.'' It is a serious question Avhether a discovery Avhich Avas not made knoAvn to the world could give a claim superior to one gained by a subsequent voyage Avhose results were made knoAvn. Reason and justice Avould seem to say it could not'. But, besides these explorations, Spain still clung in theory at least to her ancient claim to sovereignty over the entire American continent west of the line draAvn by the treaty of Tordesillas (1494), and sanctioned by Pope Alexander VI, Avho had draAvn the arbitrary line the pre vious year, dividing the Avorld betAveen Spain and Portugal. Only as a matter of necessity had she gradually conceded the right of other nations to occupy the eastern coast of North America, and for the same reason had recently con ceded the Russian control of the western coast down to Prince William Sound. This is illustrated by the facts arising out of the forced entrance of the American ship, Columbia, into a port of the islands of Juan Fernandez in 1788, referred to in the instructions of the Viceroy to Mar tinez above. The Spanish governor of the islands, Bias Gonzales, after relieving the vessel's distress, had alloAved it to go on its Avay to the Northwest Coast, knowing its destination.0 For this "Informe of Bevilla-Gigedo, Bustamante (Cavo), Los Tres Siglos, III, 123; Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, 172. b Cook, A'oyages, II, 332, says; "Some account of a Spanish voyage to this coast in 1774 or 1775 had reached England before I sailed, but the foregoing circumstances sufficiently prove that these ships had not been at Nootka." ' Bias Gonzales to Juan Kendrick, Isla de Juan Fernandez, June 3, UNO [1788]. (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3 -IS.) 310 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. act he had been summoned before the captain-general of Chile and cashiered. The captain-general was supported by the Viceroy of Peru and apparently by the home Govern ment." This harsh treatment was based on a royal decree of 1692, ordering all viceroys, governors, etc., to prevent for eign ships from navigating the south sea Avithout permission from Spain,6 since no other nation had, or ought to have, any territories Avhich it was necessary for them to pass around Cape Horn to reach. It is needless to say that this claim was not respected by other governments. The Vice roy's assertion of the right of Spain to occupy the coasts and exclude colonies of other nations, quoted above from his instructions to Martinez, is another evidence. It had long been conceded by other nations that discovery alone, or even discovery Avith formal acts of taking possession, can not give a valid title. It is essential that some effort be made to use the land discovered and to develop its resources; and, before the claim is fully established, actual and continued possession must be taken. With discoA'ery, exploration, and formal acts of possession Spanish activity ceased, there being no serious effort to make any use of the territory in the Avay of trade, and no steps being taken to occupy the country until they were aroused to do so by reports coming from the north in 1788 that the Russians were intending to occupy. In other Avords, either from lack of enterprise or from policy, the Spanish did not seem to care to develop the country or make any use of it themselves, but did Avish to prevent any other people from doing so. Their reason for this policy of obstruction was probably an idle pride in retaining a shadowy sovereignty over this vast territory ; or, possibly, a Avish to retain it "as a field for future enterprise ; or, more likely, the hope of being able to control the Pacific outlet of any water passage to the Atlantic that might later be discovered along this coast. In the face of modern national enterprise, something more tan gible Avas necessary in order to retain control. « Bias Gonzales later appealed to the Government of the United States to intercede in his behalf, and Jefferson, the Secretary of State, took up 'the iTnoo. Writes V Z£T* t0 la^ '"" •refr— *> «—«*••'. APH. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 311 The English people, not from any fixed national policy, but from individual initiative, were taking these necessary steps and the Government was practically compelled to fol low them up. As soon as Captain Cook's voyage of 1778 had made known to the English people the possibilities of the fur trade in this region, shipowners immediately turned their attention thither. Between 1785 and 1790 no fewer than 12 or 15 British vessels visited the coast to trade with the natives, several of them making return voyages, and most of them making shorter or longer stops at Nootka." As has been stated, steps were taken from the very first to estab lish a post at Nootka as a center for these trading operations. A temporary one was actually set up by Meares in 1788, and an expedition was sent out for the purpose of making this permanent the following year. Thus, up to 1789, the Eng lish were exercising more control over the region than the Spanish. Had the English plans of this year not miscarried, •and" had the Spanish expedition of the same year not been sent, the question as to the respective rights, at least to Nootka and the immediate neighborhood, would probably never seriously have been raised. "See Razon de las'Embarcaciones que ban hecho Descubrimento al Norte de California. Firmado abordo de la Fragata J'rinccsa en el Puerto de San Lorenzo de Nutca a 13 de Julio de 1789, Estevan Josfi Martinez. (AIS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18 ; Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, Chs. VI, VII.) Chapter IV. MARTINEZ'S OPERATIONS AT NOOTKA BEFORE COLNETt's ARRIVAL. It was on the 5th " of May, 1789, that the Spanish ship anchored in Friendly Cove of Nootka Sound bearing Mar tinez Avith his instructions for occupying the port and planting a permanent colony that should be a substantial proof of the Spanish claim and serve as a center for spread ing Spanish sovereignty over all the coast. Just ten days before this B Colnett had sailed from China Avith instructions and equipment to make it an English port.r During the next tAvo months, Avhile the Englishman was crossing the Pacific, the Spaniard Avas making good use of the time. When the latter reached Nootka there seems to have been no visible sign that the English had eA'er occupied the place or eA'en intended to occupy it. The only eA-idence of ciA'iliza- tion Avas one Aressel under a Portuguese captain Avith Portu guese instructions and a Portuguese flag. It soon became known that there Avas also an American ship a feAV miles aAvay up the sound. It has never been conclusively proved that the house which Meares built the summer before had entirely disappeared. In a letter Avritten three years later to the Spanish com- » This is the date according to the Spanish documents. The English give May 0. This difference of one day between the English and Spanish dates for the events at Nootka continues during the summer of 17S9. For some time no explanation appeared. But Prof. C. II. Hull suggested that it was probably due to the fact that the English vessels came from Europe by way of China, while the Spanish came from Mexico. Since the present custom of dropping a day from or adding one to the calendar in mid-Pacific, or upon crossing the international date line, was apparently not observed at that time, the suggestion seems to be a plausible explanation. On the strength of it the Spanish dates have been adopted instead of the English. Since all previous writers in English have given the dates according to the English documents, tbe dates given in this monograph will disagree with those of all previous accounts. '' Meares, A'oyages, 10G. '' See Chapter II, ante. :U2 NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 313 mandant at that time the American captains, Avho had spent the Avinte.r of 1788-89 at Nootka, declared that when Mar tinez arrived there was no trace of Meares's house in the cove; that there had been a house, or rather a hut, when they arrived in the fall, but that, prior to his sailing for the SandAvich Islands, Captain Douglas had pulled it to pieces, had taken the boards on board the Iphigenia, and had given the roof to Captain Kendrick, Avho had used it as fireAvood.0 While there is no proof that the statement of these gentle men is not true, yet they Avere too plainly prejudiced in faA'or of the Spanish to permit their testimony to be taken for its full face value in the absence of any corroborating evidence. There is, hoAvever^ some indirect evidence to sup port their statement, and its A'alue is the greater because of its being indirect, and still greater because it comes from the side of the English to whose interest it would have been to maintain the contrary. This appears in the extract which Meares quotes from the journal of the Iphigenia. In the entry made tAvo clays after his return from the Sandwich Islands and two Aveeks before the arrival of Martinez the writer says: l" [We] sent some sails on»shore and erected a tent to put our empty casks in." b If their house had still been standing they would doubtless have used it for this purpose instead of erecting the tent. Further, th'e fact that no mention is made of the house in this journal is pretty conclusive proof that it Avas not in existence on their arrival. Meares's narrative of the depar ture of the Iphigenia in the preceding autumn is silent on the subject. In fact, there is no statement made even in Meares's memorial that his house Avas still standing; but the memorial is so Avritten, doubtless intentionally, that the casual reader would infer that the house was still there and that evidences of English occupation were unquestionable. This is doubtless Avhat has led most historians who have touched upon the subject, among whom are some of the best, into the error of implying or openly declaring that there was " Gray and Ingraham to Quadra, Nootka Sound, August 3, 1792. (Appendix to Greenhow, Oregon and California.) Quadra was the Spanish commis sioner sent in 1792 to carry out the Nootka convention, and was collecting evidence to strengthen the Spanish case. "Extract from the journal of the Iphigenia. entry for Slay 22. (Inclosure XII, with Meares, Memorial, appendix to Voyages.) 314 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. a substantial English colony Avhen the Spanish expedition arrived." It was also this failure of Meares to tell" the whole truth that led the British Parliament and ministry into the error of believing that their rights to the place were unquestion able and that the conduct of the Spanish commandant was little better than high-handed robbery.6 It is, then, pretty safe to assert that there was no indication Avhatever of English occupation Avhen Martinez arrived, and that he was consequently perfectly justified in taking possession for Spain and in maintaining his position by force if it should become -necessary. The question, therefore, is not, Was he justified in his first act? but, Were his subsequent acts of violence necessary to maintain his position ? Captain Kendrick, of the American ship Columbia, which Martinez found at Nootka, and Captain Gray, of her con sort, the Lady Washington, which Avas out on a trading " See Lecky, England in the Eighteenth Century, A', 206-207, who says : " The Spaniards had never penetrated to it, but by virtue of a bull of Alex ander VI they claimed a sovereignty over all lauds comprised between Cape Horn and the sixtieth degree of north latitude ; in other words, the entire western coast of both South and North America, and when, after a consider able interval, they discovered the existence of a British settlement in these parts they determined to suppress it. Two Spanish ships of war accordingly hastened to Nootka Sound, took possession of the British settlement, hauled down the British flag, replaced it by the flag of Spain, captured four English vessels, and treated their crews with extreme harshness and indignity." His failure to investigate the subject is further shown by his statement in the next sentence: "These events took place in April of 17-10." This error in date is doubtless derived from the indefinite statement of the date in Article I of the Nootka convention of October 28. 1790. Worthington C. Ford, United States and Spain in 1790, p. IS, is still fur ther in error, lie says : " The Spaniards had laid claim to nearly the whole of the western const of America, from Cape Horn to the sixtieth degree of north latitude, and had watched with a feeling of jealousy, aggravated by a sense of injury, the establishment of a British settlement in Nootka Sound, on Vancouvers Island. This inlet of tbe sea had been first explored by Cap tain Cook in one of his voyages, and on the establishment of the English in India became a trading station, colonized by the English and recognized hy grants of land from the natives. After three years of undisturbed possession the little settlement was surprised by the arrival of two Spanish ships of war from Alexico, which seized an English merchant vessel, tbe Iphigenia, impris oned her crew, looted the vessel, and pulling down the British flag on the set tlement raised that of Spain, and subsequently treated all comers as in truders." Baumgarten, Geschichte Spanlens zur Zelt der franzoeslschen Revolution 2X2, after speaking of the arrival of Martinez and his seizure of the Iphigenia says: "Martinez ergrift darauf Resits von einer der kleinen Inseln erbaute auf derselben eine Batterie, bemaechtigte sich der englisehen Gebaeude nahm die britlsche Flagge heruntcr and pflanzte die spanische auf." " See discussion of the negotiations of 1700 below. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 315 cruise at the time, were slightly involved in the relations •between the Spanish and English commanders. But the vessel under Portuguese colors furnishes the center of inter est for the first month of Spanish occupation. This A'essel was the Iphigenia, which had sailed from China in company with the Felice, under Captain Meares, in the spring of 1788, but which had separated from the latter vessel, had spent the summer in trading on the coast of Alaska and had rejoined her consort in the autumn at Nootka, where they again separated, the Felice, under Meares, sailing for China with the furs collected by both vessels, and the Iphi genia, under Douglas, accompanied by the small vessel, the Northwest America, built at Nootka during the summer, going for the Avinter to the Sandwich Islands." Returning to .the American coast in the spring of 1789, the Iphigenia had reached Nootka sixteen days before the arrival of Mar tinez. Four days after her the little vessel, her consort, arriA'ed, and preparations were immediately made to send the latter out on a trading cruise, that they might not be worsted in competition by the American sloop, the Lady Washington, which had just returned from a six weeks' cruise to the southward and Avould soon set out on a similar trip to the northAvard. In four days more the necessary re pairs were made, and on April 27 the North mest America set out to trade Avith the natives to the northAvard,'' not returning, and consequently not being of any further interest for six weeks, at the end of which time she assumes considerable importance. The double national character of the expedition to which the Iphigenia belonged has already been discussed." When, on May 5, the Spanish ship appeared, it Avas evidently thought better — for reasons which are not disclosed — to present the appearance of a Portuguese rather than an English ship. During the first few clays all of the com manders seem to haA'e been on the best of terms. According to the journal of the Iphigenia, Douglas Avas invited to dine on board the Spanish ship on the day of Martinez's arrival. " See ante, Chapter II. "Extract from the journal of the Iphigenia. (Inclosure XII, with Meares, Memorial, appendix to Voyages.) c See ante, Chapter II. 316 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Three days later the officers of the Iphigenia and of the Spanish vessel all Avent to dine Avith Kendrick, the captain of the American ship, and the next clay the officers of the American and Spanish ships dined on board the Iphigenia. Thus, up to the 9th of May the utmost harmony prevailed. Douglas had acquainted Martinez with the distressed condi tion of his ship and the latter had promised to relieve him as far as lay in his power. On the Sth the Portuguese in structions and passport of the Iphigenia had been pre sented to Martinez.11 These seem to be what started the difficulty. In his account to the Viceroy, Martinez says: On my arrival in it [the port of Sun Lorenzo de Xootka] I found a packet boat, with its captain (flag) and passport of the I'ortuguese nation, but its supercargo (who Avas really the captain), its pilot, and the greater part of its crew English. & The passport Avas signed by the governor and captain- general of the port of Macao, in China, and began: Be it knoAvn that from the port of this city is sailing for the coasts of North America the sloop named the IphigeuUi Xitl)!, Trato. li, of tlie royal orders for the navy, I ought to order and have ordered to appear before me Don Francisco Josef Viana, an inhabitant of Lisbon and captain of the packet boat named the Ipliigenia Nubiana. coming from Macao, which I found on the 5th of the present month anchored in this afore said port, and likewise that he should be accompanied by the so-called supercargo, M. William Douglas, in order that each one, in so far as he is involved, may vindicate himself, iu view of the charges Avhich I have to make against them, according to the cited article of the royal orders, on account of sections 18 and 19 of the instructions Avhich the said captain presented to me on the Sth of the present month. This affidaA'it Avas signed by Martinez before the notary, Canizares. FolloAving it is one by the interpreter of the ex pedition saying that he delivered the above order, and then comes a long one giving an account of the intervieAV that fol lowed. Viana, the captain, Douglas, the supercargo, and Adam- son, the first pilot, immediately answered the summons, and repaired on board the Princcsa. Martinez began by demand- " Spanish translation of the instructions of Carvalho to A'iana, Macao, Octo ber l!:i, 1788 [17S7]. (JIS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-1 K.) 6 May 11, according to the English account, is the date usually given. 318 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ing an explanation for their having anchored in a port of the Spanish dominions Avithout a license from that Monarch. They replied that they were there in virtue of their passport from the governor of Macao ; that, as to this port's belong ing to the Spanish dominions, they were ignorant of it, since the fact had not been published at the European Courts ; and that they were informed by the first article of their instruc tions that this coast had been discovered by the Portuguese Admiral Fonte in 1640.° To this last Martinez responded that Portugal Avas at that time under the dominion of Spain. He likewise charged them to tell who this CarA'alho was that had given such despotic instructions as the minister of a sov ereign would hardly have given; to which they answered that he was the owner of the A'essel. He then charged them with articles 18 and 19 of their instructions (the objection able clauses quoted above). They replied that the articles in question had been misinterpreted; that they ordered Viana, in case his crew mutinied and he met Avith the A'essel of a foreign nation, to appeal to that vessel for assistance in imprisoning his own creAv and conducting them to Macao, and that the mutinous crew were the ones to be punished as pirates. , Martinez insisted that this was not the true import of the articles, but a clumsy pretext. Considering their de fense unsatisfactory, according to the cited article of the or ders for the royal navy, Martinez demanded in the name of the King that they should surrender themselves as prisoners of Avar. The affidavit giving account of this was signed by Viana, Douglas, and Martinez before Canizares.6 This is Martinez's account of the arrest, written at the time or very soon thereafter, since it bears the signature of Viana and Douglas, and they Avould have been most unlikely to sign it if they had not been compelled to do so while in captivity. It is very doubtful Avhether Martinez was truthful in his report of the clumsy fabrication offered by Viana and Doug las in defense of the objectionable clause. To haA'e offered such, expecting it to be belieA'ed, they Avould have had to be either very stupid or absolutely certain that Martinez and all his associates were entirely ignorant of the Portuguese lan- " Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, 110-118, gives an account of the supposed voyage of Fonte, wbich he thinks was never made. Nothing is said of Fonte's being a Portuguese, and the expedition is said to have been under orders from Spain and the viceroys. " MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-18. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 319 guage — a very unlikely circumstance. This false defense may have been invented by the Spanish commander to give more color to the justice of the arrest. It would be more charitable and possibly more just to suppose that owing to his imperfect understanding of the language that they used, or its imperfect translation by his interpreter, he understood them to say this when they really said something very differ ent. It is quite evident that his first translation of Avhat he considered the objectionable clause in their instructions Avas incorrect. For in his rendering of it in the above account of the investigation he makes the clause read that Viana Avas to treat with respect all English, Russian, and Spanish vessels whose force Avas superior to his OAvn, but, if he had the superior force, he was to seize them and carry them to Macao, where their crews should be tried as pirates. This is what he referred to Avhen he spoke of their being sp despotic. It is impossible to understand hoAv, in a correct translation, he could have seen anything so obnoxious as he claimed to see. If, hoAvever, this rendering had been the correct one, it avouIc! have made the Iphigenia virtually a pirate ship, and Mar tinez would haA'e been fully justified. But if his first transla tion was faulty, his later one Avas correct, as Avill be seen by comparing the quotation from it given above Avith the instructions of the Merchant Proprietors to Meares, the Eng lish commander of the expedition. They correspond almost word for word, differing only in the details necessary to give the appearance of a Portuguese instead of an English expedition." " Appendix I to Meares, Voyages. It is interesting to compare the instruc tions of Meares, the English captain of the Felice and commander of both ves sels, with tbe instructions of Viana, the pretended Portuguese captain of the Iphigenia. These two correspond much more closely than those of Viana and- Douglas. The latter's were subinstructions given by Meares at sea. It may be that Juan de Mata Montero de Mendoza, tho pretended Portuguese captain of the Felice, bore subinstructions from Viana .similar to those of Douglas. The differences between Meares's and Viana's instructions are more striking than their similarities. The former is told that the coast was first discovered by Drake, in 1579 ; the latter by Fonte, in 1640. The former is told to proceed alone to America if he finds himself retarded by the slow progress of tbe Iphigenia ; tlie latter is to do tbe same if detained by the had sailing of tbe Felice. The former is instructed to direct Douglas to go to Prince Williams Sound, then to Nootka; the latter is directed to make this voyage. In the former's instructions there is nothing corresponding to the latter's instructions to report to the Portuguese correspondents at Lisbon, and to the ambassador at the court of the aggressor. There are other inter esting contrasts. The minute instructions regarding trade are common to the two. 320 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. This error of Martinez is brought out in Douglas's account of the investigation. He says : [Martinez] told me my papers were bad; that they mentioned I was to take all English, Russian, and Spanish vessels that Avere of inferior force to the Iphigenia, and send or carry their crews to Macao, there to be tried for their lives as pirates. I told him they had not interpreted the papers right; that though I did not under stand Portuguese I had seen a copy of them in English at Macao.a which mentioned, if I was attacked by any of those three nations, to defend myself, and, if I had the superiority, to send the captain and crews to Macao to answer for the insult they offered. The padries and the clerk read the papers over, and said they had inter preted the papers right.*1 The American commanders say that the capture was due to a misinterpretation." If Martinez did make this mistake and later Avas led to restore the vessel by the discovery of it, he remains entirely silent regarding it, giving other reasons for the release, as Avill be seen. Between May 13, Avhen the Iphigenia was seized, and May 25, when she was released, part of her officers and creAv were detained on board Martinez's ship, the Prhicexa. and part on the San Carlos, the other Spanish ship, Avhich had reached Nootka a week later than the commander's. Of the conduct of the Spanish during these tweh-e daj's Avhile they held the Iphigenia prisoner there are the most diverg- ent accounts in the different sources. According to the account of Douglas, a deaf ear A\*as turned to his plea that he had been forced to enter the port because of the distress of his A'essel, AA'hich Avas such that, had he entered a port of the Spanish dominions of South Amer ica he Avould have been alloAved to repair his damages and "This is not exactly an untruth, but it is a deception. It would indicate that he had no instructions in English. His instructions are quoted in full a few pages before this extract from the journal of the Iphigenia in Appen dix II to Meares, Voyages. It Is worthy of note that they do not direct him to seize vessels at all, but only to guard against surprise and repel force by force. It sbould lie noted also that the extract quoted by Aleares in the appendix to his Memorial, V, purporting to be from this letter to Doug las, does not agree with the full letter as quoted, but that Aleares has, in this extract, added two sentences from his own instructions, which relate to his reporting tbe outrage if raptured and to his seizing his opponent should he have the superiority. ''Extract of the journal of the Iphigenia. (Inclosure XII with Meares, Memorial, appendix to A'oyages. ) "Gray and Ingraham to Quadra, Nootka Sound, August 3, 1791'. (Appen dix to Greenhow, Oregon and California.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 321 depart in peace, and that consequently to take him prisoner in a port to which the King of Spain had never laid claim was a piece of injustice that no nation had ever attempted before. His offer to leave the port immediately in spite of his distress, if permission should be granted, Avas refused; he and his crew Avere most inhumanely treated, and their valuable personal effects and even their very clothes were stolen ; Spanish colors were hoisted on their vessel and it was looted of its provisions and articles for trading with the natives and anything else that the Spaniards fancied. When his vessel was restored a very meager supply of provisions was sent on board, and an account presented which listed five times the quantity actually sent and charged five times their cost; he was compelled to sign a paper saying that Martinez had found him in distress and in Avant of every thing, had supplied him with all necessary to take him to the Sandwich Islands, and had not interfered Avith his navigation; another paper was forced upon him by which he agreed that, if his papers should be found to be bad, the vessel Avas to be delivered up at Macao, and before he Avas allowed to sail a letter was demanded from him to Captain Funter, of the North-West America, ordering the latter to sell the schooner to Martinez; but, not having authority either to sell or to order another to sell, he said nothing in the letter that he left about selling the vessel, but advised Funter to act to the best of his judgment for the benefit of his employers." According to the account of the American captains, on the other hand, the officers of the Iphigenia " were treated with all imaginable kindness, and every attention paid them." The A'essel Avhile in the possession of the Spaniards, from being a Avreck was1 put in complete order for the sea, being calked, rigging and sails repaired, anchors and cables sent from the I'rinvcsa. etc. On the 26th Don Martinez supplied them with every kind of provisions they were in need of, for which Captain Douglas gave him bills on Cravalia, the before-mentioned merchant of Macao. On the 31st the Iphigenia sailed and was saluted by the Spanish fort, and the commodore accompanied them out of the harbor, giving every assistance with boats, etc. When Captain Douglas took his leave of the commodore he declared he should ever entertain a sense of Don Martinez's kind- * Extract of the journal of the Iphigenia. (Inclosure XII, with Meares, Memorial, appendix to Voyages.) H. Doc. 429, 58-3 21 322 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ness, deeming his conduct relative to the vessel no more than his duty as a King's officer. Upon the whole, Ave both believe the Jphigenia's being detained Avas of infinite service tp those Avho were concerned iu her." Vancouver, in giving the substance of a letter written later by Viana to Quadra, represents Viana as saying that he was imprisoned, was well treated, and on being liberated his vessel and cargo were completely restored and he was fur nished what he needed.6 It is plain that neither the account of Douglas nor that of the American commanders can be accepted for its full value, but that the truth lies betAveen them. The fact that the former on his release turned northAvard and spent a month trading, and later made a successful trip to the Sand wich Islands and China, shows that his ship was not so des titute of provisions as his journal Avould make it seem ; and the fact that he purchased a cargo of furs from the natives shoAvs that he had not been so nearly robbed of his articles of trade as he declared. Further, knoAving that this journal passed through Meares's hands before it was published, and knowing this gentleman's tendency to distort the truth, Avhen there was a possibility of thereby strengthening his case, one can not help suspecting that the journal Avas tampered with so that it would exhibit Martinez's treatment of the vessel in as unfavorable a light as possible. But the testimony of the American commanders must be discounted also, since their prejudice in faA'or of the Spaniards is Aery conspicuous. This would be suspected because of their intimacy with Mar tinez ; but the extravagant statements of the letter itself show a decided prejudice. It was written three years after the eA'ents AA'hich it discusses, and errors in date indicate that it Avas produced merely from memory. The statements from Viana's letter are too indirect to be of much value. In the series of affidavits which Martinez submitted to the Viceroy concerning the arrest and detention of the vessel, there is what appears to be a Avholly unimpassioned account. These affidavits seem to have been Avritten and SAVorn to be fore the notary, each on the day on AA'hich the event that it " Gray and Ingraham to Quadra, Nootka Sound, August 3, 1791'. (Appendix to Greenhow, Oregon and California.) The dates in this letter are not accu rate. The more important agree with tbe Spauish dates, but the rest with neither Spanish nor English. " Vancouver, Voyages, II, 343. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 323 records occurred. The first one, in which Martinez gives his reasons for calling to account the officers of the Iphi genia, is quoted in full above. The second, in which the in terpreter says that he delivered Martinez's orders, has been referred to, and the substance has been given of the third which recounts the investigation of Douglas and Viana and their arrest. The fourth tells of the formal act of seizing the vessel, the replacing of the Portugese colors by the Span ish, and the imprisonment of the crew. These four are dated May 13. A letter to Martinez, dated May 15, written by Tovar, who had been placed in command of the captured ship, tells of a bundle of papers Avhich he had found belong ing to Douglas. In the fifth affidavit, dated May 16, Mar tinez says that in view of this letter of Tovar he had ordered the papers of Douglas to be taken in charge, and the sixth affidavit, of the same date, is signed by the English interpre ter and says that no suspicion attached to Douglas's papers." On May 17, in the seventh affidavit, Martinez says that on account of the difficulty of sending the captured vessel to San Bias, owing to the scarcity of men to man her, he has concluded to release her, but has ordered an inventory to be made, that he may bind the owner to pay the value of the ship and cargo in case the Viceroy shall declare her to have been good prize. The inventory was completed May 22, and signed on board the Iphigenia the same day by Tovar, the temporary commander, and by Viana, the Portuguese cap tain, in whose presence it had been made. The eighth affi davit, signed on May 25, declares that the inventory should be embodied in the account. An itemized list follows, cover ing five pages of manuscript and indicating that the Iphigenia was by no means destitute of general supplies, though there might have been a lack of those necessary to man the ship. Immediately folloAving the inventory is the bond signed by Viana and Douglas, captain and supercargo of the Iphigenia, for Juan Carvalho, the OAvner, and by Kendrick and Ingraham, of the American ship, as witnesses, and finally by Martinez, all in the presence of Canizares, the " See note a, p. 320, where it Is pointed out that in the instructions of Douglas nothing is said about carrying vessels to Macao. In the journal of the Iphigenia Douglas says that the interpreter told Martinez in his presence that there, was nothing objectionable in Douglas's papers. 324. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. notary. This obliges the owner to pay the value of the ship and cargo, as shoAvn by the attached inventory, in case the Viceroy should decide that the vessel was good prize on account of having been found anchored in the port of Nootka Avithout having a passport, permission, or license from His Catholic Majesty for navigating or anchoring in seas or ports belonging to his dominion." The ninth affidavit, signed May 26, formally submits to the Vicerov the preced ing account of the measures taken in vieAv of the instruc tions submitted by the captain of the Iphigenia.1' On May 31, after a dinner on board the Spanish com mander's ship, at Avhich the Iphigen'ui's officers and those of the American ship Avere present, the Iphigenia Avas accom panied out of the harbor by the officers of the other two, and, after a fareAvell salute from the Spanish guns, sailed aAvay, ostensibly for Macao, by Avay of the Sandwich Islands. At midnight Douglas gaA'e orders to turn north for a trading cruise, having, as he says, " no idea of running for Macao Avith only between 60 and 70 sea-otter skins Avhich I had on board." ° The next occurrence of interest at Nootka was in connec tion with the North- West America. Mention has been made of Martinez's futile attempt to get a letter from Douglas ordering Captain Funter to sell the schooner to Martinez. It will be recalled that this vessel, on returning from the SandAvich Islands, had reached Nootka four days later than her consort, the Iphigenia, had been repaired as soon as pos sible, and had set out on a trading trip before the arrival of the Spanish commander. Having carried on a profitable trade for six weeks, and being seriously in need of provi sions, she returned to Nootka June 8 in hope of meeting there the vessel that was expected from Macao with stores. For some reason not wholly plain Martinez took possession of the schooner as soon as she arrived. Meares savs that the "An English translation of this bond is given by Meares. (Inclosure IV, with Memorial, appendix to Voyages.) 'All the papers relating to the Iphigenia — her passport, instructions, the inventory, the bond, and the affidavits — are inclosed with Martinez to Florez, San Lorenzo de Nootka, July 13, 17S9. (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias Seville, 90-3-18.) c This is an Interesting comment, showing Douglas's inconsistency in say ing that the Spaniards had robbed the ship of everything of value. Nootka sound controversy. 325 Spanish commander was angered when he learned that the letter which Douglas had left for Funter was not the desired order for the latter to sell his schooner, and gave vent to his anger by seizing the vessel." The American captains say that Avhen Martinez learned later of the bankruptcy of Car valho, on whom he had accepted bills in payment for sup plies furnished to Douglas, he justified himself as holding the schooner in security for the debt.6 Martinez gives a partial explanation in an affidavit of June 12. Learning, he said, that the schooner belonged to Carvalho and was con nected Avith the Iphigenia, Avhich he had seized on account of her instructions, he therefore took possession of this vessel also, and submitted an inventory to the Viceroy, together Avith that of the larger ship. He fails to explain why he did not release her; but he doubtless considered explanation unnecessary, since he had given as his only reason for not detaining the larger vessel his inability to man her.0 He would not have been consistent in not detaining her unless he had released her also on bond ; and there was no need for doing that, since she required so feAV men. Doubtless the other tAvo motives suggested had their influence also. The English commanders give the same extravagant ac count of robbery and barbaric treatment at the hands of the Spaniards that Avere given in the case of the other vessel — the Spanish flag Avas hoisted; the officers and men Avere imprisoned; the A'essel Avas repaired, refitted, rechris- tened the Gertrudis and sent on a trading trip for the benefit of the Spaniards, in which they bartered aAvay the articles of trade that they found on board ; every possible effort Avas made by briber}' and intimidation to induce Funter and some of his men to man the A'essel for the Spaniards and shoAV them where trade Avas good, but Avithout avail; the men Avere kept in confinement for a month and then shipped for China on board one of the American vessels, which they were compelled to assist in manning to keep from being " Meares, Memorial, appendix to A'oyages. 'Gray and Ingraham to Quadra, Nootka Sound, August 3, 1792. (Appen dix to Greenhow, Oregon and California.) 0 Deposition of Martinez before Canizares, on board the Prineesa, .Tune 12, 1789. (MSS., Arch. Gen. de Indias. Seville, 90-3-18.) With this is an Inventory of the vessel and cargo, and other affidavits telling of the helpless condition of the vessel. An English translation of the Inventory is given on the last page of the appendix to Meares, A'oyages. 326 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. wrecked." It must be admitted that at the best the provo cation Avas sufficient to excuse some exaggeration, which is the more to be expected Avhen it is noticed that the account was not Avritten until several months after the occurrence of the events recorded. But that the Spanish commander meant to sIioav a certain amount of justice and even gener osity is evident from the fact that he later transferred to another English vessel all of the furs collected by the schooner except twelve, which were either lost or detained by the Spaniard.7' And still later, Avhen Funter and his men Avere sent to China on the American vessel, Martinez shipped to their credit 96 skins to pay their wages besides the cost of their passage.0 He also transferred provisions from an English ship to the American captain for the maintenance of Funter and his men.* The purpose seems to haA'e been to punish the OAvners, but to avoid working immediate hard ship to the officers and creAV. Another event of the Spanish operations is the taking formal possession of the port, whicli occurred June 24.e In the seven Aveeks that had intervened since the arrival of the Spanish expedition, besides the seizure and disposition of the tAvo vessels just discussed, a fort had been constructed on the top of a high hill which commanded the entrance to the port, and had been occupied by a garrison and a battery of ten cannon. Three liouses had also been built — a work shop, a bakery, and a lodging house/ The ceremony had not been performed earlier because they Avere awaiting the " Deposition of the officers and meu of the schooner Xorth-Wcst America, Canton, December (j, 1789, and Information of AA'illiam Graham, London, May 5, 1790. (Inclosures VII and X, with Meares, Memorial, appendix to A'oy ages.) The American vessel on whieh these men were shipped was the Columbia. 6 Hudson's receipt to Funter for 203 sea-otter skins, July 2, 1789. (In closure VIII, with Meares, Memorial, appendix to A'oyages.) "Martinez's certificate of 96 skins being shipped on board the Columbia, Nootka, July 14, 1789. (Appendix to Meares, A'oyages.) The English ship to which the furs, taken from the schooner, were at first transferred had been seized in the meantime, so (hat the furs again fell into Martinez's hand. This was the Princess Royal, to be discussed presently. "John Kendrlck's receipt for provisions on board the Columbia. July 13, 1789. (Inclosure XI, with Meares, Memorial, appendix to A'oyages.) "Bancroft, Northwest Coast, I, 210, says, ins fonds, depuis le message du Roi, ont continue de baisser." 380 nootka sound controversy. 381 not been fully ascertained and two others known to be British had been captured at Nootka Sound by an officer commanding two Spanish ships of war. He told how the cargoes had been seized and the officers sent as prisoners to a Spanish port. He related briefly the correspondence with the Spanish Court, then told hoAV that Court had refused the satisfaction demanded and had asserted a claim "to the exclusive rights of sovereignty, navigation, and commerce in the territories, coasts, and seas in that part of the world." His minister at Madrid was to renew the demand for satis faction. Having learned of considerable armaments in Spain, he had judged it necessary to arm in turn "in sup port of the honor of his Crown and the interests of his people." He appealed to the Commons for the necessary support. He hoped that the affair might be terminated peaceably, and in such a manner as to remove grounds for misunderstandings in the future.11 The next day, May 6, the matter was discussed in Parlia ment. Pitt opened the debate in the lower House by moving an address of thanks for the King's message. He recited the facts briefly, asserted England's right to fisheries and commerce in the districts in question, and showed that Spain's extravagant claims Avould entirely exclude England from that ocean, if they were alloAved. The settlement of this dispute would establish a precedent for all the future. The insult to the British flag lay in tAvo facts — first, the seizure had been made in time of profound peace; secondly, goods had been confiscated without condemnation.6 Govern ment hoped yet to settle the dispute peaceably, but it was necessary to increase the armaments in order to treat with Spain on an equal footing. The opposition led by Fox agreed that the address should be voted and the armaments approved; but they criticised the ministry for having so recently held out hopes for continued peace when a matter » Pari. Hist., XXVIII, 7(55 ; also Annual Register, XXXII, 285. The latter work incorrectly gives the date May 25. This error is repeated in many of the books that treat of the subject, since this work has been the chief source. b This statement was true as far as the English knew or could know, but there was at least an attempt to .justify the procedure. Martinez took goods from the captured ships and applied them to his own use, but made provision for their restoration in Mexico. (See Chapter V.) A schooner had been ap propriated to the Spanish service with less show of justice. 382 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of such importance was pending. This reference was to statements made by Pitt in his budget speech of April 19. The minister answered that the facts were not all known at that time ; and besides, he had made no promise of the con tinuance of peace, but had said that the existing prosperity was due to the happy interval of peace and that if peace should continue prosperity would increase. From the facts presented in the preceding chapter it is known that the criticism was unjust. Until April 21 the ministry had had no communication from Spain except the note of February 10. Only one ship was known to have been captured, and that only through the information furnished by the Spanish Court in that note. Merry had reported rumors of Spanish naval preparations, but had at the same time given quieting assurances. Shortly after the budget speech came the Spanish memorial of April 20, distinctly avowing the seizures and asserting the Spanish pretensions; then came exact information from Merry of extensive Span ish armaments; and last and most important came Meares with his exaggerated stories of Spanish cruelty and injustice, revealing the true number of seizures and overrating the losses. It was urged more properly that the English Gov ernment was unjust in demanding the restoration of the ships and satisfaction for the insult before discussing the re spective rights. This, it Avas said, was begging the question. Notwithstanding these criticisms the address was carried unanimously. The measures taken by the Government were confirmed, the armament was approved, and the support of the Commons was assured. After a similar debate in the Lords on the same day the ministry was supported with the same enthusiasm.0 The entry in the diary of Gouverneur Morris, who was then in London as the semiofficial agent of the Unitfed States Government, tells of the animated debate in the Commons, of the enthusiastic support accorded to the ministry, and of the avowed determination to obtain from the Spanish Court an acknowledgment that Spain is entitled to no part of America except such as she occupies.6 The assurance of the Commons was followed up on June 10 by a « 1'arl. Hist. XXVIII, 706-782. The address of the Lords with the incor rect date, May 26, is given In the Annual Register, XXXII, 286. " Morris, Diary and Letters, I, 325. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 383 vote of credit for £1,000,000 " to enable His Majesty to act as the exigency of affairs might require." " Orders were at once given for the equipment of a fleet to consist of 14 ships of the line, besides smaller vessels. This was soon in creased. The press was prosecuted vigorously and with suc cess in all ports.6 Vancouver's work speaks of " the uncom mon celerity and the unparalleled dispatch which attended the equipment of one of the noblest fleets that Great Britain ever saw." « Public excitement Avas wrought to the highest pitch. Pamphlets were issued in the form of addresses to the King, setting forth the extravagance of the Spanish claim to exercise control over the whole Pacific Ocean, and enlarging on the magnitude and promise of the frustrated English enterprise. All the forces of national prided preju dice, and patriotism were united to arouse hatred for the Spaniard.. Indignant orators dwelt on memories of Papal anathemas, the Holy Inquisition, and the Invincible Armada.d At this juncture it is interesting to note again the rela tions between Pitt and the South American agitator, Mir anda. Attention was called above to conferences between them shortly after the Spanish note of February 10 was delivered to the British Court. Nothing seems to have passed between them after that time until the second Span ish note arrived. At 9 o'clock on the evening of May 6, the day of the debate in Parliament just studied, Miranda again met Pitt on the latter's invitation. Grenville was present also. They had a long conference " upon the sub ject of a war with Spain, in consequence of the occurrences at Nootka Sound, the disposition of the people in South America toward joining the English for their independency against the Spaniards," etc. Pitt thanked Miranda for the papers which he had sent, and showed them to him. The minister was taking them to a meeting of the Cabinet. New assurances were given of the execution of Miranda's plans in case of war. Various interviews took place between them "Pari. Hist., XXVIII, 784. 6 Letter from London, May 7, in Gazette de Leide, May 14, 1700. ' Vancouver, Voyages, I, 48. * See Dalrymple, The Spanish Pretensions fairly discussed, London, 1790; also [Etches], An Authentic Account of all the Facts Relative to Nootka Sound, etc., London, 1790. Meares's Memorial was also made public. 384 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. during the time that the great armament and the Spanish negotiations were in progress.® The fact that Pitt was tak ing Miranda's papers to a cabinet meeting just at this time is unmistakable evidence that his plans were being seriously considered. There were attempts on the part of the opposition to cen sure the ministry for their conduct of the Spanish business. On May 10, in debating the motion for the vote of credit, Fox called for the date of the first communication from Spain on the affair. This was not revealed.6 On the next day there Avas an attempt to learn whether the proposed settlement at Nootka was " undertaken under the sanction and authority of Government, or merely as an enterprise of private persons." The motion was defeated, but Pitt de clared that licenses to trade at Nootka Sound had been granted ; and whether this particular undertaking was or Avas not a public enterprise it was incumbent on the honor of the country to demand satisfaction. He said that the " Memorial " of Captain Meares would put the House in possession of all that Government knew on the subject.0 On May 12 there was a spirited debate on a motion calling for the papers relative to the dispute, but the demand was successfully resisted.0 On the folloAving day a motion by the opposition, calling for information regarding the ap pointment of ambassadors to Spain since the peace of 1783, Avas not resisted by the ministry.* A week later the infor mation obtained was discussed. During the seA^en years there had been a resident ambassador at Madrid only thir teen months, though there had been four appointments and upAvard of £35,000 had been appropriated for their support. It was explained that these conditions were mostly due to Spanish delays and etiquette; that although an ambassador "Miranda to Pitt, September 18,1791. (Am. Hist. Rev.. ATI, 712.) Haldi- mand's diary during May and June, 1790, confirm! Miranda's statements of his intimacy with the governmental authorities. The writer makes frequent mention of being with the King, with Grenville, and of being consulted on Ca nadian affairs, showing that he was intimate in Court circles. During the same months he speaks frequently of Miranda's being with him, dining with him, driving with him, etc. (See Can. Arch., 1889, p. 2S1 ff.) "Pari. Hist, XXVIII, 784. " Official Tapers relative to the Dispute between the Courts of Great Britain and Spain, 42. « Pari. Hist., XXVIII, 805. • Id., 807. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 385 had not been present yet a charge had been there all the time, and British interests had not suffered. The motion was for an. address asking the King to provide for the performance in the future of the duties of ambassadors to foreign courts. It was defeated.0 There Avas no further Parliamentary activity of importance on the matter before the session closed on June IO.6 While England was making these vigorous preparations at home she Avas calling for support in every place from which she had a right to expect aid. At the same time she was taking steps to put every portion of her Avide dominions in a state of defense. Ireland was called upon to restrain shipments of provisions to Spain, and also to recruit forces for the West Indies. The lord lieutenant agreed, Avith some qualifications, to carry out both measures.0 The commander at Gibraltar Avas warned of his danger. The governor of that port, Avho was visiting in England, was ordered to re turn to his post. A regiment of foot was to embark imme diately to reenforce the garrison.* Notices were sent to the governors of Barbados, St. Vincent, the Leeward and Ba hama Islands, Dominica, Cape Breton, and Nova Scotia. They were ordered to expedite works of defense, to report on their forces, and to keep a Avatch on Spanish and French movements. Four regiments of foot and two ships of war were ordered to the West Indies.e Three ships of war, with reenforcements and provisions, were sent to India, Avith in structions to prepare an expedition to seize Manila or the west coast of America should orders come to that effect/ The governor of Canada, about to return to England, was ordered to remain and prepare the forces of Canada for any exigency that might arise. He was to cultivate the friend ship of the United States and to adopt every means in his power for influencing the Americans in favor of Great »Parl. Hist., 815-822. » Id., 875. " GrenvUle to Westmoreland, May 3, May 7, and May 9 ; and Westmoreland to Grenville, May 10 and May 14. (Fortescue MSS., I, 580-584.) * Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 56. These orders were given May 6. " Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 59-62. These orders were given May 6 and May 22. ' Id., 62-65. Orders dated May 12. H. Doc. 429, 58-3 25 386 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Britain and preventing their union with Spain.0 These interesting Canadian overtures will be fully discussed later. It was suggested to the King that he use his Hanoverian troops to augment the garrison at Gibraltar. He favored the measure, and took steps for carrying it out.6 Besides this aid from her dependencies, England also claimed the support of her allies under the triple alliance of 1788. Since the war promised to be almost wholly naval, the friendship of the Netherlands with her fleet would be of great value. On May 4, the day before the English prepa rations were made public, Leeds wrote to Lord Auckland, the British ambassador at The Hague, asking him to com municate the matter to the Dutch GoA'ernment. His Bri tannic Majesty relied on the justice of his cause, and had no doubt that the Dutch Republic would approve, and, if it should become necessary, furnish him support under the treaty.0 In a private letter of the same date Leeds asked that before demanding aid under the treaty Auckland ascer tain Avhether the Dutch GoA'ernment Avould fit out a number of vessels and furnish them to England at English ex pense.4 In less than ten days an answer had arriA'ed, say ing that Holland was ready to support England and that any or all of the Dutch ships of the line might "be put at the disposal of Great Britain at British expense.* On May 15 Auckland sent a. statement of the terms on Avhich these ves sels would be furnished/ Three days later Leeds replied that the terms Avere so favorable that Auckland was author ized to accept them at once and promote with the utmost expedition the equipment of 10 sail of the line." Still fur ther assurances of Dutch friendship and generosity were given. On May 31 the States General passed resolutions refusing to accept the English subsidies, and taking upon themselves the entire expense.* Everything being in readi- « Id., 57. Orders dated May 6. See also Can. Arch., 1890, pp. 130-133. " Grenville to George III, May 25, and George III to Grenville, May 26. (Fortescue MSS., I, 586, 587.) ' Leeds to Auckland, May 4, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34431, f° 67.) d Leeds to Auckland, May 4, 1790 (private)." (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34431, V 81.) » Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 70. t Auckland to Grenville, Hague, May 15, 1790. (Fortescue MSS., I, 585. See also work last cited, 95-97.) ' Leeds to Auckland, May IS, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34431, f° 195. See also Narrative cited above, 97.) * Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 100 ff. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 387 ness and the. Engl ish Government having requested the movement, the Dutch fleet, under Admiral Kinsbergen, left the Texel on June 17 and joined the English fleet at Ports mouth three weeks later.0 The third member of the triple alliance, Prussia, was at the same time called upon for support. On May 20 Hertzberg, the Prussian minister, handed an answer to Ewart, the Brit ish ambassador at Berlin. The Prussian King approved the measures of England and pledged himself to fulfill his engagements in case the contest with Spain should render it necessary. Hertzberg suggested that it Avas impossible to suppose that Spain would think of embarking on a war with such disadvantage without having a motive other than that alleged. He said that there were positive indications that an alliance was being negotiated betAveen Spain, Russia, and Austria to which Denmark was to be asked to accede. These indications made it necessary for the three allies to be in per fect accord. He referred to Prussia's very grave discussions with the Courts of Vienna and St. Petersburg and claimed English support in case it should be needed in that business.6 Thus the Nootka Sound dispute was drawn into the general current of European politics and Avas destined to have an indirect influence on the Polish and Turkish questions. More Avill be said later regarding these matters. While England was meeting with such decided success in her demands on her allies, Spain Avas also looking for sup port outside her own borders. Her chief reliance was on France. For nearly thirty years the two countries had been intimately united under the family compact. This was concluded in 1761, during the Seven Years' war, when France was fighting a losing battle. The farsighted Charles III, who had then recently ascended the Spanish Throne, saw in a close union between the Bourbon Monarchies a pros pect for ultimate gain to his Kingdom in spite of the fact that he could hope for little at the time. He hastened nobly to the rescue and generously shared the defeats and losses of France. When Louis XVI entered the contest in behalf of the American colonies in their struggle against the mother "De Jonge, Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Zeewezen, V, 119-120. "Hertzberg to Ewart, Berlin, May 20, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34431, f° 205.) Stanhope's Life of Pitt, II, 551, mentions the Prussian and Dutch assurances of friendship. 388 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. country, Charles III, true to the family compact, followed his ally into the war which ended in the glorious peace of 1783. When in 1790 Spain was threatened by war with England, she naturally turned to France, whom she had tAvice assisted against this same foe. But the adA'ances were made with serious misgivings on account of the turbulence in France, which was threatening to overturn the monarchy. For a year the utmost confusion had preA'ailed in Paris and throughout the country. The oppressions of the feudal regime, wasteful methods of taxation, and financial misman- - agement had combined to reduce the Government to a state of bankruptcy. Finally, Louis XVI had yielded to the univer sal clamor and called the States-General. In May, 1789, after a recess of a hundred and seventy-five years, they had assembled at Versailles. After a deadlock of nearly two months the privileged orders had been compelled to yield to the demand of the third estate and meet in a common body — - the National Assembly. In the middle of July, the Parisian mob had razed the Bastille, which they looked upon as the symbol of arbitrary government. A little more than a fort night later the nobles in the National Assembly had bowed before the coming storm and voluntarily laid doAvn their feudal privileges. Rightly interpreting these events as an acknowledgment of impotence on the part of the old regime, the proletariat in the cities and the peasants in the country had arisen everywhere, murdered the governmental officials, and burned and pillaged the castles of the nobles. As a re sult of the frightful eA'ents of the early days of October, the mob had carried the royal family in triumph to Paris, and the National Assembly had folloAved shortly after. Both were thenceforAvard virtually the prisoners of the Parisian populace. The power of the Monarchy had ended. Under the spell of Jacobin orators the Assembly was wasting its time in the fruitless discussion of constitutional principles, and leaving the country to ruin and anarchy. This was the condition of France in the summer of 1790. As early as January 20, the day on which Floridablanca wrote his instructions to Campo in London — which instruc tions the latter embodied in his drastic note of February 10 to the British Court — the Spanish minister had also written to Montmorin, the French minister for foreign affairs. In NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 389 this letter he made no mention of the Nootka Sound episode nor of the haughty demands which he was making on Eng land the same day. But he expressed pity for France and her King, and complained that in the existing circumstances that country was not in a condition to unite with Spain as she should. He feared that their enemies would take advan tage of the^embarrassing position.0 Though he said nothing about it, Floridablanca was evidently thinking of the pos sible consequences of his harsh demand. After the warlike sessions of the junta of state, mentioned in the previous chap ter, and after the second note to the British Court had been sent, Floridablanca made indirect overtures to France for assurances of support. This was in a letter of April 6 to Fernan Nunez, the Spanish ambassador in Paris. He sug gested that in the absence of French support it would be necessary for Spain to look to other powers. Russia he thought most likely to furnish aid.6 No formal demand was made in this communication, but it seems that the Spanish ambassador made some advances to the French Court. On May 11 Fernan Nunez wrote of a conference which he had had with Montmorin. The latter had promised to propose an armament. Luzerne, the French minister for marine, had told of the number of vessels available. Montmorin had suggested that in case of war the allies should disem bark 50,000 men in England and should revolutionize Hol land. The French minister had asked for information con cerning the origin and progress of the dispute with England.0 In the conversation just referred to Montmorin had told the Spanish ambassador that the Constitutional party in France suspected Vauguyon, the French ambassador at Madrid. They thought that he had induced the Spanish Government to stir up the quarrel with England in order to involve France as the ally of Spain. • They suspected that this was being done in the hope of strengthening the French * Floridablanca to Montmorin, January 20, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Na cional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) Tbe same is published in Calvo, Recueil Complet des Traites de 1'Amerlque Latine, III, 341. This author quotes it from Cantillo, Colleclon de Tratados de Espana. See p. 366 ante note «. * Floridablanca to Fernan Nunez, April 6, 1790 ; Calvo, Recueil Complet des Traites de l'Amerique Latine, III, 312. " Fernan Nunez to Floridablanca, Paris, May 11, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4038.) 390 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. royal power, and so bringing about a counter revolution. This suspicion grew so strong that Montmorin, as a conces sion to the radical element, recalled Vauguyon. The Spanish King refused to grant him a letter of dismissal or to recog* nize anyone as his successor.0 As Montmorin had promised the Spanish ambassador in the above-mentioned conversation, the French Govern ment immediately took steps toward an armament. On May 14 a letter from Montmorin to the president of the National Assembly informed that body that the King had given orders for the armament of 14 ships of the line. Assurance AA'as given that it was only a precautionary measure in view of the English armament. The King would do all that he could to promote a friendly adjustment between the Courts of London and Madrid. He hoped that France would not lie involved in war. The English Court had made friendly declarations and had stated that the only cause for arma ment was the dispute with Spain.6 It Avas not wise, how ever, to remain disarmed under such circumstances. France ought to show to Europe that her constitution was not an obstacle to the development of her forces.0 Montmorin's message precipitated the famous discussion as to whether the right to make peace and war should rest with the King or the people. This discussion is probably better known than the Nootka Sound dispute which occa sioned it. The consideration of the message Avas made the order of the day for May 15, the day following its presenta tion. Biron, the first speaker, declared that the prosperity of France was closely bound up with that of Spain. Spain had been a generous ally of France in the past. The repre- " This episode of the recall of Vauguyon is treated at length by Grand- maison, L'Ambassade Frangaise en Espagne pendant la Revolution, 21 ff. This author thinks that the suspicion originated with British emissaries in Paris, who wished to produce an estrangement between the Courts of France and Spain. This was, at least, its result, lie quotes several letters that passed between Louis XVI and Charles IV regarding the hiatter. The Spanish King's attitude unfortunately made it seem that there was some ground for the suspicion of Vauguyon. The French Court was considerably embarrassed thereby. There seems to be no doubt of the fact that Vauguyon was innocent, at least in so far as any complicity with the French Court was concerned. " On May 7 the British Court had given orders to Lord Robert Fitz Gerald, charge at Paris, to make tbis explanation to Montmorin. (See Nar rative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, OS.) • Arch. Pari., first series, XV, 510, session for May 14, 1790. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 391 sentatives of the people ought to respect the obligations of the nation. "Let it not be said," he declared, "that the efforts of a free people are less than those of a despotism." After a brief enthusiastic speech he moved a decree approv ing the measures taken by the King. Alexander Lameth declared, amid great applause, that the first question to be considered was whether the sovereign nation ought to con cede to the King the right to make peace and war. There was an attempt to postpone this question, but Barnave declared that Avhen it should be demonstrated that effects ought to precede their causes then it would be proved that the ques tion proposed by Lameth should be considered last. Robes pierre said that the time to judge of a right was when they were deliberating on the exercise of it. Baron Menou said that the right of making peace and war should be deter mined first, then they ought to learn which nation was in the wrong. If Spain, she ought to be persuaded to yield: if England, then France should arm not merely 14 vessels, but all of the forces on land and sea, and compel submission. Mirabeau declared that it was unreasonable and irrelevant thus to elude the question. The message, he continued, had nothing in common with a declaration of war. Jurisdic tion in times of danger ought always to be in the King's hands. The vessels were to be armed only because Eng land was arming. The armament was not dangerous, and to deny it would cause commercial discontent. The only question, he said, was whether the funds asked were neces sary. He declared that they Avere, and called for the immediate consideration of the message. He proposed to approve the measures of the King and to order by the same decree that to-morrow they take up the discussion of the constitutional question, Shall the nation delegate to the King tbe exercise of the right of peace and war? His proposition was adopted almost unanimously.0 Thus after some hesitation over the theoretical conse quences the armament Avas approved as enthusiastically as Spain could expect or desire. The debate in the Assembly has no further importance for the Nootka question. It ¦Arch Pari., first series, XV, 515-519 (May 14, 17001; Willert, P. F., Mirabeau, 164-170; Lomenie, Les iAIirabeaus, V, 144-149; Stern, Das Leben Mirabeaus, II, 151-164. 392 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. would be of little interest and less value to follow the meta physical discussions of the constitutional question. The final decision is of some interest. The debate occupied nearby the whole of each morning session for six days. In the end Mirabeau prevailed again. He had taken a middle ground. It was decreed that the right of peace and war belonged to the nation; that war could be declared only by a decree of the legislative body, but that this step could be taken only on. a formal proposal by the King, and must be sanctioned by the King subsequently.11 A few days after the Assembly had approA'ed the arma ment Montmorin wrote to Floridablanca. He hoped that the armament would recall England to a proper tone and that the difficulty might be settled amicably. Referring to Floridablanca's letter of January 20, in which the latter had complained of the inability of France to support Spain as she should, the French minister said that its statements were as forceful as they were true. The Spanish Government could count on the most sincere desire on the part of the French King to fulfill his engagements with Spain, but the will of the Asseinbly could not be depended on. If war should be decided upon, the difficulties would be incalcula ble. Peace, then, he concluded, ought to be the end of all their efforts.6 Subsequently, Luzerne, the minister for marine, made two reports on the extent of the armament and the increased cost. On June 13 the Asseinbly appropriated 3,000,000 livres to support it.0 Up to the present point the attitude of France appeared to be all that Spain could wish, as far as could be judged from external appearances. But this arma ment was distinctly French. There was no assurance that the fleet or any part of it would be turned over to Spain if she should call for it under the treaty. But this seems not yet to have been asked. "Arch. Pari., first series, XA', 520-661 (May 16-22, 1790). Cambridge Modern History, VIII, 188, discusses briefly the debate. k Montmorin to Floridablanca, Paris, May 21, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Na cional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4038.) 0 Arch. Pari., first series, XV, 705 (May 28) ; Id., XVI, 1S5 (June 12) ; Id., XVI. 206 (June 13). NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 393 On June 4 Spain attempted to set herself right in the eyes of all Europe by issuing a circular letter and sending it to all the Courts. This recounted briefly the origin of the dispute and the course of the negotiations, and attempted to show the unreasonableness of the English demands and their inconsistency Avith her treaty obligations. It set forth the Spanish claim in the most favorable light possible, basing it on treaties and the consent of nations.11 The formal demand from Spain for French assistance was made June 16. On that date the Spanish ambassador at Paris handed to Montmorin extracts from all the corre spondence between Spain and England up to date. He in closed Avith them an extended argument in support of the Spanish case. After elaborating the arguments he demanded French assistance under the family compact, and added that if it were not offered Spain would have to seek alliances else where in Europe.6 Ten clays later Montmorin replied that the matter had been laid before the King, but in view of the decree of the Asseinbly relatiA'e to peace and war the Spanish demand would have to be submitted to that body. As soon as it had been acted upon a positive response would be given.0 This reply had been delayed so long that the Spanish ambas sador had become impatient. On the preceding daj' he had written again to the French minister demanding an early reply. Fitzherbert, the British ambassador, had already arrived at Madrid, he said, and it was necessary for the negotiation that Spain be assured of French support.1* To this Montmorin answered that the King had not for a mo ment lost sight of the importance of the matter. Louis XVI had written to Charles IV regarding it.e Notwithstanding the urgency of the Spanish ambassador and the willingness of the French King and his foreign minister, the Spanish demand was not laid before the ° Annual Register, XXXII, 294. It is published under a wrong title and date. ' Id., 301. Same in Arch. Pari., first series, XA'I. 503. 'Montmorin to Fernan NuBez, Paris, June 26, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Sec. Estado, 4038.) "Fernan Nunez to Montmorin, Paris, June 25, 1790. (Ibid,) • Montmorin to Fernan Nunez, Paris, June 30, 1790. (Ibid.) 394 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Assembly for more than six weeks after it was presented. During all this time Spain was kept in uncertainty as to whether she would receive from France the aid which she had a right to expect. Before the expiration of this time the diplomacy of Floridablanca and Fitzherbert had taken an important turn, though the dispute was still far from settled. The next chapter will follow the course, of the main negotiation through this preliminary settlement. Chapter IX. England's tirst demand granted. While England and Spain were preparing for war at home and calling on their allies for support, their diplo matic representatives were endeavoring to reach an under standing. As stated above, the British Court had concluded to make no further effort to get satisfaction through the Spanish ambassador at London, but had sent its own ambas sador, Fitzherbert, to treat directly with the Spanish Court. This step was decided upon during the exciting days imme diately following the 1st of May. It was nearly the middle of June before Fitzherbert reached Madrid. In the mean time the British charge, Merry, had been instructed to open the renewed negotiation by presenting to the Spanish Court a memorial setting forth at length the English contention. Leeds sent instructions for this on May 4.° Having received this communication from Leeds, Merry obtained an interview with Floridablanca May 16. The , Spanish minister was milder than usual, but still suspected that England meant to use the matter as a ground for quar reling. In an endeavor to remove this suspicion, Merry read to the Count his own secret and confidential instruc tions. Floridablanca observed that if England was really not attempting to force a quarrel the business might be amicably settled. In the evening, after the interview, Merry sent to the Spanish minister a copy of the memorial.6 In a brief note accompanying it, he expressed great anxiety to quiet the alarm, and suggested dispatching to London at once a courier with pacific assurances from Floridablanca, if the Count felt like giving such.0 "Leeds to Merry, May 4, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34431, f° 75.) 6 Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 106. "Merry to Floridablanca, May 16, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) 395 396 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The British memorial declared that the last Spanish com munication a was unsatisfactory even as the transaction had been stated in the former Spanish note.6 No satisfaction had been offered for the insult to the British flag, and the ground stated for releasing the A'essel s was not justice, from the English standpoint, but ignorance on the part of the English commanders and general regard for England on the part of the Spanish officials. Neither could Great Britain admit the Spanish claim to exclusive rights of sovereignty, commerce, and navigation. Besides these rea sons, additional information had arrived ° telling of more than one captured vessel. It also appeared that the soil at Nootka had been purchased by a British subject and the British flag hoisted thereon. Merry was — to represent in the strongest manner to the Court of Spain that His Majesty has every reason to expect from the justice and wisdom of His Catholic Majesty not only the full and entire restitution of all the said vessels, with their property and crews (or of as many of them as shall, on fair examination of what can he alleged on both sides, be found to have been British vessels, entitled as such to His Majesty's protection) , but also an indemnification to The individuals concerned in the said vessels for the losses which they have sus tained by their unjust detention and capture, and, above all, an adequate reparation to His Majesty for an injury done by an officer commanding His Catholic Majesty's vessels of war to British subjects trading under the protection of the British flag in those parts of the world where the subjects of His Majesty have an unques tionable right to a free and undisturbed enjoyment of the benefits, of commerce, navigation, and fishery, and also to the possession of such establishments as they may form, with the consent of the natives, in places unoccupied by other European nations Assurances were given of pacific wishes on the part of England, but a speedy and explicit answer was demanded.3 « That of Campo to Leeds of April 20. (See Chapter VII.) "Campo to Leeds, February 10. (Chapter VII.) " Evidently that of Meares. " British memorial of May 16, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) The reference cited in note & on the preceding page says that Merry sent with the memorial a copy of the original in English for fear of mistakes in the translation. The memorial in French and a copy In Eng lish are still to be found together in the archives. Apparently no previous writer on the Nootka affair has seen this memorial nor any of the earlier documents. No reference Is made to them except such as is drawn from later documents which give brief reviews of the earlier cor respondence. Bancroft (History of the Northwest Coast, I, 229, note 46) Bays : " Up to this point the correspondence Is not, so far as I know, extant NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 397 In this memorial England renewed her demand for satis faction for the insult to her flag, and added a demand that Spain indemnify the owners of the captured vessels. She also rejected absolutely the Spanish claim to exclusive sovereignty by asserting England's unquestionable right to unoccupied portions of the coast in question. Incidentally it is valuable as a declaration of Great Britain's position on the question of the rights of colonization. Two days after receiving this memorial Floridablanca answered Merry's note which accompanied it. He gave the pacific assurances that the British agent had asked, but in general terms. In keeping with his peaceful professions lie proposed a mutual and proportionate disarmament. He as serted that His Catholic Majesty kneAV of the capture of only one vessel ; and it had been trading illicitly, at the time, in a place occupied by the Spanish.0 On the following day Merry replied, expressing his satis faction Avith the pacific intentions of the Spanish Court. Me said that he would gladly dispatch one of the English mes sengers with the Count's peaceful assurances.6 Fearing lost Floridablanca meant this informal note as a reply to the British memorial of May 16, he gave the Spanish minister to understand that he still expected a formal reply." The British messenger bearing the peaceful assurances left Mad rid May 21* and arrived in London June 1. Since the reply contained nothing indicating that Spain Avould grant the English demands, the armaments were continued." Another in its original form, but is only known from citations and references in later documents." For English and Spanish material the documents in the Annual Register seem to have been the only source used to any extent. In fact this work contains nearly all of the documents that have been published on the diplomatic phase of tbe Incident. Greenhow has reprinted most of them in the appendix to his Oregon and California. Muriel, Historia de Carlos IV, I, 111, mentions this memorial. « Floridablanca to Merry, May 18, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) Up to this time Floridablanca had evidently not read carefully all of the papers which he had received from the Viceroy five months before, or he would not have asserted that only one vessel had been seized unless, indeed, he was intentionally prevaricating. He seems to have become informed shortly after, for in his formal reply of June 4 he mentioned the Princess Royal. "Merry to Floridablanca, May 19, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) • Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 111. " Letter from Madrid of May 25, Gazette de Leide, June 11, 1790. • Work cited, note c above, 113. 398 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. messenger from Merry arrived in London ten days later with less pacific neAvs. Floridablanca's language to the foreign ministers at Aranjuez showed that he still thought that Eng land Avas determined to break with Spain. He looked on the English King's message to Parliament as almost equivalent to a declaration of Avar. England's advices to all settle ments abroad increased his conviction. Her tone toward Spain he thought insufferable. He still desired peace, but feared that Spain Avould be driven to the necessity of defend ing herself. Not only had Floridablanca expressed himself thus to the foreign ministers, but he had made an appeal for money, and the bankers of Madrid had agreed to furnish some £4,000,000.° Floridablanca's formal reply to the British memorial reached London June 15. Merry had received it from the Spanish Court on the 4th of the same month.6 It declared that His Catholic Majesty would claim nothing but what he could base on treaty rights, on the consent of nations, and on immemorial possession. The discussions with the new ambassador would turn on these points. If Spanish sub jects had gone beyond these rights they would be punished, and the injured parties would be indemnified. Spain did not mean to carry her claim to all of the South Sea, but only to " the Indian continent, islands, and seas, which by discovery, treaties, or immemorial possession have belonged and do belong to her by the acknowledgment of all nations." The Spanish King denied that Spain's not having settled any particular spot was a proof that it did not belong to her. Were this admitted, the Count argued, any nation might establish herself on the dominions of any other na tion Avherever tliere was not an actual establishment. This, he said, would be absurd to think of. Satisfaction and in demnification should rest on the question of right, which was to be settled by the negotiation.0 " Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 113. * [Floridablancal to Merry, June 4, 1790. (SIS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) This is a brief note unsigned, but in the Count's handwriting. It states that he is sending to Merry a reply to the latter's of May 16. "Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 115-119. The same is published in full in the Annual Register, XXXII, 292, under a wrong title. On the same day Floridablanca issued his circular note to all the Courts of Europe. (See Chapter VIII.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 399 This reA'iew of the essential points of the two memorials shovys that the Courts Avere as far apart as ever. The con flicting colonial principles were clearly stated, and each na tion stubbornly persisted in its own view. In his remarks on this communication Merry conceived that there was little or no room left to expect that any change would occur in the sentiments of the Spanish Court. He thought that the Spanish delay had probably been occasioned by the fluctu ating advices from France. He could attribute the conduct of Spain to no other motive than a hope that her being attacked by England might put France under the necessity of engaging in the war." Fitzherbert conducted the English negotiations from this point. His record as a diplomat was already established. He had negotiated the treaty of peace with France and Spain in 1783. The next four years he had been envoy extra ordinary to Russia. After that he had been for some time chief secretary to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland. He had also been made a member of the privy council. He left Lon don May 9 6 and went to Paris, where he tarried for some time. His delay at this place was due partly to sickness, partly to his being engaged in making some representations to the French Court in connection with Fitzgerald,0 and partly to his awaiting written instructions from London to govern him in his negotiations Avith Spain.* He reached Madrid June 9.e The next day he wrote a note to Florida- " Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 119. " Id., 72. • Id., 83-90. In these pages is a discussion of the French attitude. Mont morin gave friendly assurances to the English representatives. The conflict ing interests of the Government and the Assembly were discussed. On May 21 Earl Gower was sent as ambassador extraordinary to Paris. He was to reject mediation if offered. (See Id., pp. 91-94.) While in Paris Fitzherbert attempted to induce Lafayette and the Liberal party to support the English contention. He had failed to renew his acquaintance with Lafayette, but understood that the latter still wished to see free intercourse between the Spanish colonies and the nations of Europe, and believed that he would not acquiesce in a war undertaken on principles diametrically opposite. Fitz herbert to Pitt, Paris, May 20, 1790; (Smith MSS., Hist. MSS. Com. Rpt., 12, appendix 9, p. 367.) " Id., 72—82. These instructions order the ambassador to be firm in his demands, but express a desire, apparently sincere, to terminate the difficulty amicably. In case of his hearing that Spain had forced a breach, he was to proceed no further without new instructions. If after reaching Madrid he should be ordered to quit the place, he was to go to Lisbon. If Spain should declare war, but not order him to leave, he was to await new instructions at Madrid. •Id., 121. 400 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. bianca, who, with the whole Spanish Court, had gone to Aranjuez. This note announced his presence and his inten tion of reaching Aranjuez the same evening. It also inclosed his credentials signed by the English King.11 The following day he had an interview with Florida blanca. Tavo days later, June 13, he received his formal introduction to the King and Queen.6 In their interview of June 11 Fitzherbert and Florida blanca exchanged views on the question in dispute. The former, conceiving that the memorial given to Merry on June 4 must fall short of His Britannic Majesty's just expec tations, urged the latter to give him a more favorable com munication. The latter insisted that the paper in question contained the utmost that Spain ought to grant. He de clared that compliance with the British demand for satis faction would invalidate the Spanish claims to sovereignty, rendering further discussion useless. Therefore the British demand and the Spanish claim, he maintained, ought to be discussed at the same time. He asked that Fitzherbert's statements should be presented in writing. Consequently, tAvo days later the British ambassador sent a brief memorial presenting the British demand in language which makes it seem plausible. Stripped of its verbiage it declares that England desires a peaceable settlement, but that there can be no further negotiation until Spain shall have fulfilled three conditions : First, restored the vessels ; secondly, indem nified the injured parties; thirdly, given satisfaction to the British sovereign for the insult offered to his flag. A decla ration that the Spanish King would grant these demands Avould be accepted as ground for the negotiation.0 After this first exchange of views with the Spanish min- « Fitzherbert to Floridablanca, Madrid, June 10, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 42 45.) The credentials were dated Whitehall, May 7, 1790. " Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 121, 123. » Fitzherbert to Floridablanca, Juue 13, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34431. f° 402.) The same is published in ihe Annual Register, XXXII. 298. The title to this, as well as to the two documents which precede it in the same work, is wrong. The following comment on the unreasonableness of the English demand is to the point : " Es war das iu der That eine eigenthuemliche Methode, Gewalt und Recht zu inischen, einer kuenstigen Eroerterung Alles vorzubehalten und zuglelch das Resultat dieser Eroerterung zu antlciplren." (Baumgarten, Geschichte Spaniens zur Zeit der franzoesischen Revolution, 2S9.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 401 ister, Fitzherbert reported his observations to the British Cabinet. He thought that Spain was bent on war, and was refusing satisfaction in hope of inducing England to make reprisals which would serve as a pretext for demanding French aid. As to her motive, he thought that she certainly could not hope to regain Gibraltar or her West Indian pos sessions; and it could not be to counteract French revolution ary infection, for everything was quiet in Spain. He be lieved the real cause to be Floridablanca's suspicion that England had designs on the Spanish colonies. The Spanish minister seemed to count little on French aid, but to expect substantial help from the United States. Some advances had been made to that power, and Carmichael, the American charge, was much caressed at Court. The American agent thought that his Government would not be favorable.11 A few days later, Fitzherbert expressed his confidence that no encouraging communication had been received from America. On the contrary, there had recently been marked symptoms of coldness.6 In answer to the British ambassador's communication of June 13, Floridablanca replied five days later that he could not consent to the principles which it laid down. However, for the sake of peace, he offered to make the declaration pro posed, provided one of three explanations be added: First, the question of insult and satisfaction should be decided by the arbitration of a king of Europe, to be chosen by Eng land; or, second, no facts should be admitted in the subse quent negotiation unless fully established by Great Britain ; or, third, the satisfaction should not prejudice the rights of Spain nor preA'ent her from exacting equivalent satisfaction from Great Britain if it should be found that she had a right to do so.c In spite of the evident fairness of these proposals, they were not accepted. In reporting them to the British Court, Fitzherbert suggested that he considered them inadmissible. The English Cabinet seems to have agreed with him. This makes it appear that England was afraid to submit her case to the judgment of a third party, even "Fitzherbert to Leeds, Aranjuez, June 16, 1790. (MS. from the public record oflice, London, Chatham MSS.. bdle. 341.) The substance of the same, in Narrative of the Negotiations between England and. Spain, 125. 6 Work cited in last note, 146. « Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 129. H. Doc. 429, 58-3 26 402 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. though she had the privilege of selecting the judge. Further, she seemed unwilling to confine the negotiation to established facts, or to suffer the consequences in case the negotiation should show her to have been in the wrong. It appears that the English Court had decided to force from Spain once and for all "an acknowledgment of the British principle of col onization. Nothing less would be accepted. It was this, and not simply justice, that she demanded. For some time after this the British ambassador received no communication from the Spanish minister. This was partially accounted for by accident. On the same day that Floridablanca had written the document last studied an attempt was made to assassinate him. He was stabbed by a fanatical Frenchman. The wound was not serious. In let ters of June 24 and 28 Fitzherbert reported that the Count still refused to see him on the pretense of indisposition, though he was transacting other business. The Spanish Court had assumed a more pacific attitude and seemed sin cerely desirous of an accommodation. The delay was con tinued in hope that a reply would soon be received from London to the Spanish memorial presented to Merry June 4.a The pacific intentions of the Spanish Court were further shoAvn by the fact that orders had been given to the com manders of various ports to treat British Avar ships, which were hovering in the neighborhood, as they would be treated in a period of profound peace. Furthermore, in an informal interview of July 1, ' Floridablanca said that he had been busying himself on a plan for an ulterior arrangement which he thought would entirely fulfill the views and objects of both parties.6 At a conference on July 10 the Count pre sented his plan. The essential points were: First, Spain should retain exclusive possession of the NorthAvest Coast up to and including Nootka; second, from Nootka to the sixty-first degree the two Crowns should haA'e common rights, except that south of the fifty-sixth degree British influence should not extend beyond a certain distance inland ; third, Great Britain should have the right of fishing in the • Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 145-149. "Fitzherbert to Leeds, Aranjuez, July 1, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Na cional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 403 South Sea and of landing and erecting temporary buildings in unoccupied places, though no English vessels should ap proach a Spanish settlement ; and fourth, the mutual rights should not be discussed and the mutual demands for satisfac tion should be waiA'ed, in which case Spain would pay the losses on ships taken at Nootka. Fitzherbert declared the plan inadmissible, but said that it might possibly be modified to make it acceptable.1* This is interesting as foreshadowing in some respects the final settlement. About the middle of July Fitzherbert received the English reply to the Spanish memorials of June 4 and June 18. Extended instructions were given to guide him in his com munication to the Spanish Court. These had been sent from London July 56. In obedience to his instructions, the Brit ish ambassador presented to the Spanish minister on July 17 a new memorial defining the British views on the point of satisfaction. With the memorial he inclosed drafts of a proposed Span ish declaration and a British counter declaration which would be acceptable to His Britannic Majesty as affording the satisfaction demanded. The memorial declared that the Spanish communications did not contain the satisfaction demanded, nor was a plausible ground established for refus ing the demands. To justify these demands it was urged that there had been no established possession of nor proved sovereignty over the Nootka region Avhich could haA'e justified the seizure of British vessels. For such justification there must have been actual possession and exercise of jurisdiction which had been recognized by other nations. From the rep resentations of the Spanish Court itself, it appeared that the Spaniards had undertaken the occupation only a few days before the seizure of the A'essels in question. English sub jects had for many years previously frequented the place and had traded with the natives without interruption. Hence it was impossible for Spain to maintain her claim to exclu sive jurisdiction. The simple restoration of the vessels was not sufficient. No reparation had been made for the insult • Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 152. 'Leeds to Fitzherbert, July 5, 1790 (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34432, f 32-36); Fitzherbert to Leeds, Madrid, July 15, 1790 (MS. public record office, Spain, XVIII, 159). 404 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. to the British flag. " In consequence, His majesty finds it necessary to demand anew in terms most direct and least equivocal the satisfaction already demanded, and which can not longer be deferred without consequences which His Majesty desires ardently to avoid." As soon as this demand should be met England would be ready to treat Avith refer ence to rights of territorial possessions, commerce, naviga tion, and fisheries in that part of the Avorld." In his private instructions referred to above, Fitzherbert Avas told that the giving of satisfaction must amount to an admission that Spain was not in possession of an actual and known soA'ereignty at Nootka. No discussion could take. place on this point, it was declared, after the satisfaction should be given. If Spain could prove her claim to sover eignty, it must be done before the point of satisfaction should be reached. If proved, it would remove the ground on which satisfaction was demanded ; but, it was added, no such proof could be adduced. Hence satisfaction was insisted upon.6 This Avas tantamount to saying that the British Court woidd not be convinced, no matter what arguments the Spanish Court might produce. Spain was just as confident that she did possess sovereignty over Nootka as England was that Spain did not. The Spanish Court had taken great care to collect evidence on this point. A commission was sent to examine the archives of the Indies at Seville for this pur pose. Their report covered some 200 pages of manuscript. It was a compilation of accounts of exploring expeditions, of royal orders and decisions, of acts of the council of the In dies, and of laws promulgated, all affecting that part of the Avorld. Its purpose was to show that Spain had always claimed and exercised the rights of soA'ereignty over those regions and the right of excluding other nations from her possessions in the South Sea.0 The treaty of Utrecht was repeatedly cited in the various memorials and letters as guaranteeing Spain's rights in the Indies as they had been in the time of Charles II. The willingness of Spain to submit " Memorial signed by Fitzherbert, July 17, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) " Instructions cited in note d on foregoing page. "Report submitled June is, 1790, in consequence of a royal order of June 7. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 2848.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 405 the matter to arbitration shows that she had confidence in the justice of her cause. England's refusal to arbitrate indicates a lack of confidence. On July 22 Floridablanca replied to Fitzherbert's com munication of five days before. He added little to what he had said in documents already studied. He repeated the grounds on which Spain rested her claim — grounds that were absolutely good from the Spanish standpoint. He showed again the unreasonableness and absurdity, from the same standpoint, of the English demands, and their con travention of treaties. He assumed, not without cause, a tone of injured innocence, and concluded that, it Avas not worth while to extend further his reflections on points so clear nor in demonstration of the rights of Spain, since enough had been said already. The Spanish King had no intention, he declared, of being dragged into a Avar over an academic dispute. He agreed to give, first, such satisfac tion as one of the Kings of Europe, chosen by England as arbitrator, should think proper; or, secondly, to give what ever satisfaction should be reciprocally agreed upon, it being understood that such satisfaction should not prejudice the rights of Spain to Nootka. He appealed to the honor and justice of all nations to recognize the generosity of His Catholic Majesty's heart, since to avoid dragging Europe into war he would sacrifice his own Avell-founded opinion, even though prepared to enforce it by his superior arma ment.0 Having led, or rather forced, the Spanish minister to yield this much, Fitzherbert continued to press him until he agreed to the declaration and counterdeclaration, almost word for word, as they had been dictated by the British Cabinet. They were signed July 24, and are as follows:6 DECLARATION. His Britannic Majesty having complained of the capture of certain vessels belonging to his subjects in the port of Nootka, situated on the Northwest. Coast of America, by an officer in the service of His Cath- - Spanish memorial of July 22, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) "A French version is found in Narrative of tho Negotiations between Eng land and Spain, 150-158. There is an English version in An. Reg., XXXII, 300. A Spanish version is in Calvo, Recueil Complet des Traites de l'Amerique Latine, 347. Many other works have reproduced them. 406 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ollc Majesty, the undersigned counselor and principal secretary of state to His Majesty, being thereto duly authorized, declares in the name and by the order of His Majesty, that he is willing to give satis faction to His Britannic Majesty for the injury of which he has complained, fully persuaded that His said Britannic Majesty would act in the same manner toward His Catholic Majesty under similar circumstances; and His Majesty further engages to make full resti tution of all the British vessels which were captured at Nootka, and to indemnify the parties interested in those vessels for the losses which they may have sustained, as soon as the amount thereof shall have been ascertained. It being understood that this declaration is not to prejudice the ulterior discussion of any right which His Cath olic Majesty claims to form an exclusive establishment at Nootka. In witness whereof 1 have signed this declaration and sealed it with the seal of my arms at Madrid the 24th of July, 1790. Count Flobidablanca. counteb declaration. His Catholic Majesty having declared that he was willing to give satisfaction for the injury done to the King by the capture of certain vessels belonging to his subjects in the Bay of Nootka; and Count Floridablanca ha\-ing signed, in the name and by the order of His Catholic Majesty, a declaration to this effect, and by which His said Majesty likewise engages to make full restitution of the vessels so captured and to indemnify the parties interested in those vessels for the losses which they shall have sustained, the undersigned. ambas sador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of His Majesty to the Catholic King, being thereto duly and expressly authorized, accepts the said declaration in the name of the King; and declares that His Majesty will consider this declaration, with the performance of the engagements contained therein, as a full and entire satisfaction for the injury of which His Majesty has complained. The undersigned declares at the same time that it is to be under stood that neither the said declaration signed by Count Florida blanca nor the acceptance thereof by the undersigned, in the name of the King, is to preclude or prejudice, in any respect, the rights which His Majesty may claim to any establishment which his sub jects may have formed, or may desire to form in the future, at the said Bay of Nootka. In witness whereof I have signed this counter declaration and sealed it with the seal of my arms at Madrid the 24th of July, 1790. Alleyne Fitzherbert. The only difference of any importance betAveen the drafts prepared by the British Cabinet and the documents as finally signed is the insertion in the Spanish declaration of the clause " fully persuaded that His said Britannic Majesty NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 407 would act in the same manner toward His Catholic Majesty under similar circumstances." ° Fitzherbert wrote that on the first occasion of his paying Ms respects to His Catholic Majesty after the declarations had been signed that Monarch had deigned to converse freely concerning them, saying that they had given him the sincerest pleasure, and that he considered them " a happy earnest of the revival of that perfect harmony and good understanding which it was his constant wish to maintain with the Crown of Great Britain." The ambassador reminded Leeds "that it is extremely unusual for His Catholic Majesty to converse with foreign ministers on any political topic, from Avhich circumstance, joined to the known sincerity of his character and the marked cordiality of air and manner with which he accompanied this declara tion, I can safely convey it to your grace as the genuine expression of his feelings." 6 These declarations settled merely the question of satis faction which England had demanded as the indispensable preliminary to a discussion of the respective rights of the two CroAvns on the Northwest Coast, and particularly at Nootka. This simply repaired the insult Avhich England felt that she had suffered at the hands of Spain. They were now ready to begin negotiations on a friendly basis for the settlement of the present difficulty and the arrange ment of a modus vivendi for the future. Ncavs of the declarations reached London August 5, and Grenville imme diately notified the King, congratulating him on the event, " which, as far as it goes, appears highh' satisfactory and seems to offer the most favorable prospect for such an ultimate termination of the business as may correspond with Your Majesty's wishes." ° In a letter of the next day, Leeds praised Fitzherbert for the latter's success.11 " Compare with draft of declaration and draft of counter declaration In closed with Leeds to Fitzherbert, July 5, 1790 (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34432, f 42—44) ; the same, pp. 142, 143 of the Narrative, cited in last note. ' Fitzherbert to Leeds, Madrid, July 29, 1790. (MS. public record office, Spain, XVIII, 273.) "Grenville to George III, August 4-5, 1790. (Fortescue MSS., 1, 603.) * Leeds to Fitzherbert, August 6, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Sec. Estado, 4243.) Several writers on che subject seem to have made the mistake of thinking that these declarations were intended as a final settlement but were rejected. Calvo, in his ltecueil, says that the declaration was rejected by England and the armaments were continued. 408 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. During the months of May, June, and July, while the negotiations that have been studied in this chapter were in progress, both countries continued tlieir warlike prepara tions. Shortly after reaching Madrid Fitzherbert reported a Spanish fleet of 30 sail of the line, though poorly manned." Baufngarten tells of the difficulty Avhich the Spanish Gov ernment experienced in getting sailors. He says that they took refuge in the mountains to escape being pressed into the navy.6 On July 5 the British ambassador reported that the Spanish fleet at Cadiz had been ordered to sea imme diately, but he thought it simply a show of vigor to inspire confidence.0 Four clays later he recieved a note from Flori dablanca explaining the movement. The King of Spain, having learned that the English fleet had put to sea, gave orders to his to move also, but to refrain from hostilities unless attacked.17 Tavo Spanish ships of Avar, with 1,000 soldiers, had been sent to Porto Rico, since an attack was apprehended at that point.6 By the 20th of the same month Spain had 34 ships of the line and 16 smaller craft at sea/ At the end of June an English fleet of 25 vessels of the line had put to sea," and had been joined early in July by the Dutch fleet under Admiral Kinsbergen.'' During all this time the armaments had been carried on in spite of repeated offers and requests from Spain 'to dis arm mutually. As early as May 18, on receipt of the British memorial presented two days before, Floridablanca had pro posed to Merry mutual and proportionate disarmament.* This was repeated in the Spanish memorial of June 4.' The British Cabinet rejected the proposition. In his instruc- " Fitzherbert to Leeds, June 16, 1790. (MS. public record office, London, Chatham MSS., bdle. 341.) Also Merry Jo Leeds, June 4, 1790. (MS. pub lic record office, London, vol. for Spain, 17.) " Baumgarten, Geschichte Spaniens zur Zeit der franzoesischen Revolution, 292. ° Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 150. " Id., 151. Muriel, Historia de Carlos, IV, I, 112-121. This author gives an extended discussion of the Spanish fleet, giving the size of each vessel, its name, and the name of its commander. 8 Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain 154 ' Id., G6. » Report to the National Assembly. (Arch. Pari., first series, XVI, 692.) * See last chapter. •-[Floridablanca] to Merry, May IS, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, See. Estado, 4291.) ' An. Reg., XXX II, 29S. NOOTRA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 409 tions of July 5 Leeds cautioned Fitzherbert to be partic ularly careful not to give the smallest encouragement to this idea. His Majesty could not consent to discontinue prepara tions until he should have secured freedom of commerce, navigation, and fisheries in the districts in question.11 After the declaration and counter declaration had been signed, Floridablanca proposed limiting the operations of the fleets to prevent the possibility of an encounter.6 On August 10 Campo, the Spanish ambassador in London, repeated the proposals for disarming.0 In reply, four days later, Leeds gave assurance of England's desire for peace, but declared that Great Britain refused to disarm until the matter in question should be settled for the future.* On the same day that Leeds gave this decided answer to Campo in London, Floridablanca, in Madrid, had again proposed to Fitzher bert a mutual disarmament. On September 10, Leeds sent a formal reply, repeating what he had said to Campo on August 14.e Far from yielding to the Spanish proposals, Great Britain was continuing her preparations and calling on her allies to do the same. On the day that Leeds rejected Campo's propo sition to disarm, he instructed Auckland, the British am bassador at The Hague, to ask that Dutch preparations should not be relaxed. The national honor had been satis fied, but the question of peace or war had not been settled. It was requested that the Dutch fleet be ordered home for supplies and reenforcements/ August 19 this request was granted, and England was reassured of the support of Hol lands Baumgarten says that early in September the Eng lish and Spanish fleets were both hovering off Cape Finis- terre, and were dangerously near to each other. h In his instructions to Auckland of August 14, referred to above, Leeds had suggested that with a slight additional ex pense the Dutch and English fleets could be used to give « Leeds to Fitzherbert, July 5, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34432, f° 46.) " Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 405. « Id., 194. " Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 199. « Id., 240. I Id., 234. « Id., 236. " Baumgarten, Geschichte Spaniens zur Zeit der franzoesischen Revolution. 294. 410 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. weight to the representations already made by England for bringing about a pacification in the north and east of Europe. The Dutch Government assented that the general state of Europe, as well as the Spanish negotiations, warranted a continuance of their armament. The relation between the Nootka Sound negotiations and the questions uppermost in eastern and northern Europe is more than incidental. In a dispatch of June 14 Theremin, the Prussian charge at Madrid, wrote his Government that in case of a breach between England and Spain the latter would certainly join Eussia and Austria.0 The situation of the powers was such that this would have been perfectly natural. Eussia and Austria Avere waging a common war against the Porte. The former was also engaged in war with Sweden, and the latter had just been deprived of her control in the Netherlands by the Belgian revolution. Eng land and the Netherlands were trying to quiet the storm and induce all parties to make peace on the basis of the status quo ante bellum. Prussia, the third member of the triple alliance, was not in harmony with the other two in this matter. On the contrary, she was attempting to increase the confusion in the hope of gaining something in the tur moil. She was attempting to force Galicia from Austria that she might restore it to Poland and receive as compensa tion Dantzig and Thorn. She was fostering the Belgian revolution so that in the end she might be able to return the Flemish provinces to Austria to compensate that power for the loss of Galicia. She had actually made a treaty with the Porte looking to this end, and had won the partial sup port of Poland. If Prussia had succeeded in dragging the other two members of the triple alliance with her into war and Spain had at the same time broken with England on the Nootka question, it would inevitably have thrown Spain into the arms of the imperial courts. The opponents, then, would have been Prussia, England, the Netherlands, and Turkey, with probably Poland and Sweden, against Russia, Austria, and Spain, with possibly Denmark. France had for a time been thought of as a fourth member of the pro- » Baumgarten, Geschichte Spaniens sur Zeit der franzoeslschen Revolu tion, 292. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 411 posed alliance between Spain and the imperial courts, but the disturbances in that country had, for the present, made her almost a negligible quantity. The conference at Reichenbach, which closed in August, affected materially the state of Europe. The pacific efforts of England and the Dutch Republic had already succeeded in curbing somewhat the warlike passions of Prussia, and at this conference won a further triumph for the peace prin ciple by inducing Leopold of Austria to make peace with Turkey. But Russia still persisted for a time in her war with the Porte, and the English-Spanish dispute over Nootka Sound was almost as far from settlement as ever.11 0 See Lecky, England In the Eighteenth Century, V, 232-264. A number of letters between the King of Spain and the Queen of Portugal, running througb the year, show that the latter power was offering ber mediation to settle the quarrel with England ; but this is a negligible influence. (See Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec Estado, 4221.) Chapter X. America's relations to the controversy. Attention was called above to the repeated conferences between Pitt and the South American agitator, Miranda. The fact was pointed out that these conferences occurred at the critical periods of the English-Spanish negotiations.11 To repeat briefly: The first was on February 14, just after the receipt of the first Spanish communication on the Nootka affair, and before the British Court had formulated its reply. Miranda had previously proposed his " grand plan " for the advantage of England united with South America. At this conference the plan was admitted to be beneficial. It was decided that it should be put into execution in case of a Avar with Spain. In consequence of Pitt's request, Miranda presented, some three weeks later, a written statement of the commercial and military resources of South America. Again, on May 6, when the war excitement in London was at its highest, the great minister and the South American had a conference on the same subject. Pitt was on his way to a cabinet council and Avas taking with him for consideration at the council the papers which Miranda had presented. Grenville was present at the intervieAV. The com-ersation was on the prospect of war with Spain, and on the dispo sition of the people of South America toward joining Eng land in order to gain independence. Various interviews took place at Pitt's house while the Spanish negotiations were in progress.6 » See Chapters VII and VIII. 6 Miranda to Pitt, London, September 8, 1781. (Am. Hist. Rev., VII, 711, 712.) This document and several others, which will be referred to in tbis chapter, were collected and published by F. J. Turner. In this letter Miranda recounts his relations with Pitt between February, 1790, and September, 1791. It seems that Pitt had made repeated promises of linancial aid, but had de layed them from time to time, until the writer had become impatient. A small sum had been paid, but much less than had been promised. He tells of Russian offers of friendship and support. Later correspondence indicates that be received money from time to time. 412 NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 413 At some time during the year Miranda's plan Avas pre sented in the form of a draft of a constitution for the Span ish-American colonies after they should have gained their independence. The proposed neAV empire Avas to include all of South America, except Brazil and Guiana, and the portion of North America west of the Mississippi River and south of the forty-fifth parallel. Cuba Avas to be included as the key to the Gulf of Mexico. The government was to be mod eled in a general way on that of Great Britain. The execu tive power Avas to be lodged in an inca, under the title of " emperor," with hereditary succession. The upper chamber was to be composed of members nominated for life by the inca. Further details of the government were Avorked out.0 Miranda reminded Pitt that the latter had seemed pleased with his ideas and had asked him to leave the draft for further perusal. Plans for carrying on the war Avere discussed, and the most favorable point for attack in South America Avas considered. Means Avere devised for enlisting the interest of Jesuits in Italy who were natives of South America and had been exiled by the King of Spain. Accounts of recent insurrections in Spanish America were given to sIioav how ready the people were for emancipation. Later, a de tailed plan of attack was presented, with maps to illustrate it. At Pitt's request a plan of the defenses of Havana was left with him. This shows what extended plans the British Cabinet was considering. It was to be expected that England would per- sist in her deniands1Jor_jf_ Spah^AATi)J^-Jlol_vield^ihexe^wjAS nrucn~to~expecT f rom_a~war. Secret agents at various places in America were collecting information looking toward mili tary operations to carry out these schemes. Besides the over tures to the United States through Canada, to be discussed presently, there were secret emissaries at Charleston and New York, and information was being collected concerning New Orleans, the Floridas, and the Mississippi country. The feasibility of marching troops from New Orleans to Mexico Avas considered, and reports were made by men Avho were familiar with the country. Some of the secret employ ees were enthusiastic over the possibility of making a great English colony out of the Floridas and the Mississippi Val- «Am. Hist. Rev.. VII. 711. note 4. 414 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ley. Agents of the Creek and Cherokee Indians were nego tiating for a friendly connection with England. The plan, as far as it had taken shape, seems to have been for England to seize the heart of North America for herself and erect the remainder of Spanish America into a client state.0 As mentioned above, the British Cabinet sent instructions on May 6 to Lord Dorchester, the governor of Canada.6 He had intended to visit England during the summer, but was requested to remain and prepare for the impending struggle. Besides strengthening his OAvn dominions he was to make friendly overtures to the United States." In conse quence of these orders Lord Dorchester gave instructions on June 27 to Major Beckwith, whom he had selected as the medium through Avhich these overtures should be made. Beckwith was given double instructions. The one set was to guide his conversations in discussing public questions in a general way. The other was secret and for his private guid ance. In the first he Avas instructed to say that the appear ance of war with Spain rendered it improbable that Dor chester would obtain his expected leave of absence that season. He Avas to return hearty thanks for the friendly approbation of Dorchester's proposed trip through the United States on his Avay to England. He Avas to express the hope that the appearance of a war with Spain, or even its actual occur rence, would not alter the friendly disposition of the United States toAvard Great Britain. He was to mention the pre tensions of Spain to absolute control over navigation, com merce, and fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, and discuss the evil effect on the United States if -such control should be con ceded. These things he might say freely and publicly. But his secret instructions were to guide him in coiiA'ersing with those whom he might select as proper persons in whom to confide. From them he was to learn the disposition of the Government and the people toward England if the affair with Spain were not considered. Then he was to discover what difference a war with that country might make. He was to ascertain whether in case war should occur they would be likely to join Spain, and also to find what might •Am. Hist. Rev., VII, 716-735. »See Chapter VIII. • Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 57. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 415 induce them to join Great Britain in such an event. In discussing the Mississippi question he was to be cautious, but might suggest that England would probably assist in obtaining its navigation. Naval and military movements should be Avatched." Dorchester reported to the home office, on July 7, that Beckwith had been hastily sent back to New York.6 The latter did not have to wait long to find the right man to converse with on the matter contained in his secret instruc tions. On July 8, Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, made a memorandum giving the substance of a communica tion from him. The major had spoken of the expected rup ture and had observed that all commercial nations must favor the views of England. It was therefore presumed, should a war take place, that the United States would find it to their interest to take part with Great Britain rather than with Spain.c It seems that Hamilton communicated the matter to the President at once, for in a letter reporting a later conversa tion with BeckAvith he says: I have made the proper use of what you said to me at our last interview [July 8].^ Under date of July 12, Jefferson, the Secretary of State, prepared a paper entitled, " Heads of a consideration on the conduct we are to observe in the war between Spain and Great Britain, and particularly should the latter attempt the conquest of Louisiana and the Floridas." As one would expect, Jefferson inclined toward Spain rather than England. He brought out the danger to the United States if England should get control of New Orleans and the neighboring ter ritory. He suggested the idea of joining Spain in guaran teeing the independence of these countries instead of allow ing Great Britain to take them. The paper seems to have been prepared to serve as a guide in an approaching inter- "Lord Dorchester to Major Beckwith, Quebec, June 27, 1790 (Can. Arch., 1890, p. 143) ; and same to same on same day (Id., 144). Very little is known of Beckwith besides his being sent on this mission. Douglas Brymner, in his introduction to this volume of the Canadian Archives, p. xi, gives a brief sketch. He says that the records at Washington reveal nothing regard ing Beckwith or his mission. * Dorchester to Grenville, Quebec, July 7, 1790. (Id., 145.) • Hamilton, Works, IV, 31. d Id., 32. Also Can. Arch., 1890, p. xxxvi 41G AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. view with the Canadian agent, for he says, "As to England, say to Beckwith," etc.," then gives the substance of what Hamilton reported as having been said to that gentleman in an interview of July 22, at which Jefferson was present. In this interview the fact was brought to light that Beck with Avas not an authorized British agent, but that he had been sent by Dorchester Avith the knoAvledge of the British Cabinet. Owing to his unofficial character nothing of im portance passed, but he Avas told that the United States -vas ready to answer Avhen it should be presented in an official form. Hamilton had said that, at the time, he- - would not mean either to raise or repress expectations. * * * Something was said respecting the probable course of military oper ations in case of a war between Britain and Spain, whicli Mr. Beck with supposed Avould be directed toward South America, alleging, how ever, that this was mere conjecture on his part. I hinted cautiously our dislike of any attempt on New Orleans. Hamilton added in a note: The views of the Government were to discard suspicion that any en gagements with Spain or intentions hostile to Great Britain existed; to leave the ground in other respects vague and open, so as that in case of a rupture between Great Britain and Spain the United States ought to be in the best situation to turn it to account in reference to the disputes between them and Great Britain on the one hand and Spain on the oi.her.& Beckwith reported to Dorchester that Hamilton had said: We are perfectly unconnected with Spain, have even some points unadjusted with that Court, and are prepared to go into a considera tion of the subject." Scott, a member of the House of Representatives from western Pennsylvania, told Beckwith that the prospect for a rupture made most forcible impressions on all classes in the States. There was a deep interest, he said, in the prospect of England's possessing NeAV Orleans. The possible dismem berment of South America and the opening of commerce « Jefferson, Works, IX, 409. * Hamilton, Works, IV, 32. Also Can. Arch., 1890, p. xxxvii. « Can. Arch., 1890 ; p. 145. Inclosure with Dorchester, to Grenville, Sep tember 25, 1790, marked " Supposed No. 7." These inclosures and others similar, sent at various times by Dorchester to the British Cabinet, are designated as unofficial information. No names are given, but the speakers are indicated by number. Keys were sent from time to time showing for whom the numbers stood. A complele key is found In the introduction to this volume (p. xii}. The above information reached Dorchester August 5, NOOTKA SOUND CONTEOVERSY. 417 with that continent Avas of interest, as Avell as the question of navigation, commerce, and fisheries in the Pacific. He thought that the moment was very favorable for England; and he saw no reason why the United States should not assist her.0 After news of the declaration and counter declara tion, signed at Madrid July 24, reached America, Beckwith reported general dissatisfaction in the United States at the prospect of pacification. Agricultural interests had ex pected that the war Avould bring them high prices, and the shipping interests were expecting a share in the English carrying trade and hoped for free commerce with the Span ish West Indies. Friends of England thought that she ought to take the opportunity for ruining the Spanish ma rine, which they imagined to be an easy matter. British pos session of New Orleans was expected and desired, except by the GoA'ernment which hoped to gain from a neutral position when the settlement should come, xlt the same time he re ported another conversation with Hamilton. The Secretary had said : We consider ourselves at perfect liberty to act with respect to Spain in any way most conducive to our interests, even to the going to war with that power, if we shall think it advisable to join you.' These reports were doubtless colored by the desire of the Canadian agent to send as favorable news as possible; but after allowing for the exaggerations and the distortion of facts that would naturally be expected, enough remains to show that the prospect of war was common talk and that it was not altogether undesired. They also point to the well- known fact that England had many friends in the United States and some even in the highest official circles. *t>* While Beckwith was holding these unofficial conferences with American statesmen President Washington and his advisers were considering what measures the Government should take in the event of hostilities breaking out. Be tween the time of Beckwith's first interview Avith Hamilton and that of the more formal conference a fortnight later in Jefferson's presence the latter had Avritten to Monroe con- « Id., 147, No. 14. The key shows this to have been Mr. Scott. »Id., 162, 163, No. 7. H. Doc. 429, 58-3 27 418 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. cerning the matter. He said that a war between England and Spain was probable. Symptoms indicated a general design on Louisiana and the Floridas. He spoke of the un pleasant position of the United States if England should obtain them. Both England and Spain, he said, ought to know that this country was in a condition for war.0 Late in August President Washington wrote concerning the matter to his chief advisers. He thought that if Great Britain and Spain should come to arms New Orleans and the Spanish posts on the Mississippi would be the first objective point of the former. He asked what the answer to Lord Dorches ter should be in case he should request permission to march troops from Detroit across the territory of the United States against the Spanish posts, or in case it should be attempted without leave, which was most probable.6 On the day after that on which the President's letter was written Jefferson ansAvered it. He thought that the United States should keep out of the war as long as possible If Lord Dorchester should make the expected demand, it should either be silently ignored, or, if granted, the same privilege ought to be offered to Spain. If the march should be at tempted without permission, the United States should allow it, but protest against it, holding off from actual hostilities as long as possible.0 On the same day Chief Justice Jay answered the Presi dent's question. He considered, first, what the United States had a right to do from the standpoint of international law, and, secondly, what was expedient under the circumstances. Under the first head he concluded that, except in cases of absolute necessity, or those in which it could be shown that passage would be entirely innocent, the right of dominion involved the right of excluding foreigners. Under the sec ond head he said that the probability of their being re strained by a refusal ought to be considered. If they would probably proceed anyway, it would be most prudent, he con cluded, to consent. However, he added, these remarks retain little force when applied to leading troops from posts in the •Jefferson to Monroe, July 11, 1790. (Jefferson, Writings, V, 198.) 'Washington to Jefferson, August 27, 1790. (Id., 238.) "Jefferson to Washington, August 28, 1790. (Id.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 419 actual possession of England through territory under Eng lish jurisdiction, though both the posts and the territory, of right, belong to the United States. He admitted that it would militate against the interests of the United States to have England occupy the Spanish territories in question. The extent to which the principles of the balance of power were applicable to the case in hand would merit serious in quiry, he remarked, if the United States had only to consider what might be right and just. But since the condition of the country strongly recommended peace, and since it would be more prudent to allow Great Britain to conquer and hold the Floridas than to engage in war to prevent it, such in quiries would be premature.0 On the second day after the President wrote, Vice-Presi dent Adams gave his opinion. He said that the interests of the United States pointed to neutrality as long as practica ble. To_jjreserve neutrality eA'ery wrong must be avoided. Granting to England the privilege in question would be an offense against Spain. Therefore, if asked, the answer should be a refusal. If the measure should be undertaken without leave there were two methods of procedure — the one was war; the other, negotiation. Nations, he said, are not obliged to declare war for every injury or even hostility ; but tacit acquiescence would be misinterpreted. Negotia tion, then, was the only alternative. The fact that there had been no exchange of ministers with England made this difficult. A remonstrance might be made in either of two ways. It might be handed by the American representa tive at Paris, Madrid, or The Hague to the British ambassa dor at the same place, or a special messenger might be sent to London to demand an audience, make remonstrance, and then take his leave shortly if a minister were not sent to the United States.6 Knox, the Secretary of War, sent his advice on the same day as the Vice-President. He mentioned the danger to the United States if England should get the Mississippi Valley. The true interests of the country dictated neutral ity. Spain, he said, would not enter the war unless sup- "Jay to Washington, August 28, 1790. (Ford, The United States and Spain in 1790, 50.) •Adams to Washington, August 29, 1790. (Id., 45.) 420 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ported by France, and such support was not unexpected. If it should be given, France Avould attempt to associate . the United States with her in the war. One of the parties might offer sufficient inducement to the United States to enter the Avar, or they might be obliged to enter the war on their own account to aA'ert a greater evil.° More than two weeks later Hamilton sent a long discussion of the question from the standpoint of national right and from the standpoint of expediency.. He concluded that if Great Britain should ask the privilege, it would be best for the United States to agree to it and then explain the matter to Spain. If troops should be marched across without con sent having been asked, it would be a cause of war and would have to be resented or a great national humiliation borne. Hostilities, he thought, should be delayed as long as possible.6 While these precautionary measures Avere being considered by the Government at New York, instructions were being sent to the American diplomatic agents in Europe to guide them in case of a breach between England and Spain. On August 11 Jefferson wrote instructions for Col. David Humphreys, whom he was sending to Europe as a secret agent of the United States. Humphreys was to go first to London, where he should deliver instructions to Morris, the American informal agent at that place. After delivering these he was to proceed by way of Lisbon to Madrid, where he should deliver instructions to Carmichael, the American charge at the Spanish Court.0 Morris had been watching the progress of the dispute be tween England and Spain and had been in close touch and sympathy with French representatives.0 The letter which Humphreys carried instructed Morris to intimate to the British Court in case of Avar that the United States could not be indifferent to the prospect of England's acquiring terri tory in the adjoining Spanish possessions. The American Government Avould contemplate a change of neighbors Avith extreme uneasiness. Due balance on their borders was not » Knox to Washington, August 29, 1790. (Id., 103.) 'Hamilton to Washington, September 15, 1790. (Hamilton, Works IV. 48.) « Jefferson to the United States secret agent, August 11, 1790. (Writings.) " Morris, Diary and Letters, I, 325, 326, 329 ; Life and Writings, II, 113. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 421 less desirable to Americans than the balance of power in Europe was to Englishmen. Jefferson wrote : " We wish to be neutral, and we will be so if they will execute the treaty fairly and attempt no conquests adjoining us." Other dominions of Spain, he declared, left them room for con quests. " If war takes place, we would really wish to be quieted on these tAvo points, offering in return an honorable neutrality. More than this they are not to expect." This was to be communicated only in the event of war hav ing actually taken place.0 Without waiting for America to broach the subject, the Duke qf Leeds had sounded Morris on the American attitude toward the extravagant claims of Spain. The latter answered carelessly without giving any real information. He said that Spain was apprehensive of the Americans and Avould sacrifice for their friendship. He intimated that the navigation of the Mississippi might be offered.6 A report was current in London that Spain had actually made this concession to the United States.0 Jefferson was planning to use French mediation to secure from Spain the opening of the Mississippi. He instructed Short, the American charge at Paris, to make advances for this purpose through Lafayette if Avar had begun or when ever it should begin. France, he said, would be drawn into the war only as an ally, hence she might reasonably insist that Spain should do all in her power to keep the United States from the ranks of the enemy.0 In his instructions to Carmichael Jefferson suggested that, in -case of war, the people of Louisiana and Florida would favor England. He also suggested that it would be best for both countries if Spain would cede the Floridas and New Orleans to the United States in return for a guaranty of the Spanish possessions on the west bank of the Mis sissippi. These matters were being pressed warmly and firmly, the Secretary said, under the idea that the war be- ° Jefferson to [Morris], August 12, 1790. (Works or Writings, under date.) * Morris, Diary and Letters, I, 647 ; entry for September 15, 1790. • This rumor was traced to Miranda, who, It was reported, said that he had seen it in a letter to Campo, the Spanish ambassador. (See Hamilton to Washington, September 21, 1790, Hamilton, Works, IV, 71; see also Hum phreys to the Secretary of State, London, October 20, 1790 ; Ford, The Unlteqj States and Spain in 1790, 31.) « Jefferson to Short, August 10, 1790. (Jefferson, Writings, V, 218.) 422 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. tween Spain and Great Britain would be begun before Carmichael could receive these instructions, and such an opportunity must not be lost.0 As stated in the previous chapter, Fitzherbert believed that Spain had made friendly overtures to the United States, but thought also that they would not be cordially received. The Spanish representa tive at New York presented a letter to President Wash ington on August 3 which doubtless contained the overtures to which Fitzherbert referred.6 Very late in the negotia tions Short thought that the Spanish ambassador at Paris was about to offer through him a concession of territory to the United States, but the conversation was interrupted before it reached the vital point.0 Humphreys delivered Jefferson's instructions to Carmich ael late in the year. Carmichael thought that America might haA'e obtained all of her wishes if the Secretary's letters had arrived early in the summer. At that time — The critical state of affairs induced the Comte de Floridablanca to throw out those general assertions that we should have no reason to complain of the conduct of this Court with respect to the Missis sippi, which gave rise to the report its navigation was opened. That minister had intimations from del Campo of the conferences between Mr. Morris and the Duke of Leeds, which occasioned him to say with warmth to Mr. Carmichael, " Now is the time to make a treaty with England." Fitzherbert availed himself of these conferences to create apprehensions that the Americans would aid his nation in case of war.** The circumstances studied in this chapter show that plans were being formed which, if they had been carried out, would "Jefferson to Carmichael, Augvst 2 and 22, 1790. (Id., 216 and 225.) 6 See Am. Hist. Eev., VII, 720. " Short to Jefferson, Paris, October 21, 1790. (MSS. Dept. of State, Wash ington, Dispatches, France, Vol. II.) ''Humphreys to the Secretary of State, Madrid, January 3, 1791. (Ford, The United States and Spain in 1790, 32.) It seems that very little news from Carmichael had been received, and that the Government at New York had become impatient at his dilatory conduct. He must have received a severe reprimand from Jefferson, if one can judge from his reply of January 24, 1791 (Id., 37). It begins: " Sir : Colonel Humphreys delivered to me your letter of the 6th of August on the 18th of last month. Nothing could equal my astonishment at finding that I have been employing my time in- a situation that has been for many years disagreeable — so little to my own credit or to the satisfaction of my country." The rest of the letter Indicates that his dispatches had miscarried. He attributed the fact to personal ene mies. He said that he was sending copies of some of his last dispatches. This letter from Carmichael and that from Humphreys referred to above make interesting comments on the court intrigues in Spain — the dominance of the Queen's corrupt Influence and the decline of Floridablanca's prestige. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 423 have profoundly altered the subsequent development of the United States.^They shoAV also that the attitude of the United States was looked upon as of considerable impor tance, and influenced to a certain extent the counsels of both of the contending parties. ^Incidentally it is seen that the controversy afforded an opportunity for expressions of the attitude of the American Government toAvard encroachment of European nations on American soil. In the above- quotations from Jefferson's letters may be found a very good statement of the principles that later became known as the Monroe Doctrine. ClIAr-TER XI. THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND THE FAMILY COMPACT— EFFECT ON THE NEGOTIATION. The decree of the National Assembly, in May, ordering the armament of 14 vessels of the line has been studied in a former chapter. Attention was there called to the fact that this step was taken before Spain had made a formal demand for assistance under the family compact. It was also noted that the formal demand Avas made in the middle of June, but that the King, fearing the consequences, had delayed laying the matter .before the Assembly.0 On August 2, more than six weeks later, a letter from Montmorin informed the As sembly that Spain had demanded in the most positive man ner the execution of treaties in case the negotiation with England did not turn out as desired. The King, hoping for a speedy settlement, had thought it wise to defer pro voking a discussion of the matter in the National Assembly; but in view of the continued preparations of England he could delay no longer. Therefore he had charged the writer to warn the Assembly and thought that it would be prudent to increase the French armament. He laid before the As sembly the letter of the Spanish ambassador of June 16, with copies of the letters and documents accompanying it, recount ing the history of the dispute and the negotiations to the time when it was written. The minister asked the Assembly to deliberate on the demand of the Court of Madrid. All of the documents were referred to the diplomatic committee.6 On the next day, August 3, another letter from Mont morin notified the Assembly that a courier from Madrid had brought news of the signature of a declaration and counter declaration that gave hope of an amicable settlement. Great applause greeted the announcement. The letter and dec- • See Chapter VIII. "Arch. Pari., August 2, 1790. (Muriel, Historia de Carlos IV, I, 122, men tions this letter of June 16.) 424 NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 425 larations were referred to the diplomatic committee. Dupont de Nemours then announced that he had some observations to present on the treaty with Spain knoAvn as the " family compact ; " but to save the valuable time of the Assembly he would bring them to the attention of the Deputies by having them printed. Another Deputy announced that he also would present some remarks on the Spanish demand in the same manner. Dupont, in his observations on the treaty, first announced the principles on which he proposed to examine it. It had been made, he said, thirty years before, when political phi losophy had made scarcely any progress. It was antiquated and inconsistent in some respects, but these defects did not prevent its being just and salutary in principle. Some, he said, wished to break the treaty and abandon our allies, but reason, common sense, and honor point to the contrary — that we should confirm it. He declared that defensive and com mercial arrangements ought to be kept, but anything in volving offensive warfare ought to be struck out. He thought that it ought to be so modified that instead of a family it would be a national compact. Wherever the word " crown " occurred he would substitute the word " nation," and instead of " the Kings agree," etc., he would haA'e it read "the nations (through their Kings)." He examined the treaty article by article and measured each by these standards. Most of the stipulations he would preserve, with slight modifications; a feAV he would strike out en tirely. The stipulation which provided that the mere req uisition should be sufficient to establish the obligation of the nation called upon to furnish the aid was Avholly un tenable, he declared. The need should be first established, and the nation called upon should have the right of judg ing. Instead of limiting the alliance to the House of Bour bon, he though that all nations having similar sentiments ought to be admitted. The other Deputy, who presented the observations on the Spanish demand, declared that Spain had been a faithful ally. She had taken up a failing cause in 1761 and shared in the unhappy sacrifices of two years later. She had aided in the American Eevolution and had prepared to assist in 426 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the trouble with the Netherlands in 1787. Gratitude would command France to reciprocate ; but he wished to appeal to reason and not to sentiment. Spain and France were nat ural allies because of common interests. The treaty of 1761, no longer a family but a national compact, offered many advantages. Spain was still the most important out let for French commerce. France had profited more from the alliance than Spain, hence was indebted to her. The financial embarrassment at the time was serious, and a war Avould be dangerous, but even this ought not to cause France to sacrifice honor. He thought that the armaments ought to be continued and all the forces of France ought to be offered to Spain. If this should be done, England would probably give Avay. The war, if it should come, ought to have the support of all France and be waged on new and noble principles.0 It Avas more than three weeks before the diplomatic com mittee was ready to report. The principal member of the committee was Mirabeau. He Avas spokesman when the re port was presented to the Assembly on August 25. He began by saying that the peace Avas not likely to be disturbed ; that the territory in dispute between Spain and England be longed to neither, but to the natives; that it was not worth the loss of blood and treasure; that France, because of in ternal conditions, ought to avoid war; and that there would soon be uniA'ersal peace and no need of allies. After giAdng these pacific assurances, he admitted that France ought to change her political principles, but declared that this ought not to be done suddenly. She could not remain isolated from the world. The suspension of treaties would be perilous. All treaties made by the King ought to be observed by the nation until they Avere annulled or changed. He recited the history of Spain's faithful observance of the family com pact; then asked whether it would be right for France to annul such a solemn engagement at a time when Spain Avas threatened by the same danger that she had three times warded off from France. In view of the great English arma- • Arch. Pari., August 3, 1790. The observations of the two Deputies are appended to the minutes of the session. The one who presented the latter re port was Le Couteulx de Cauteleu, Deputy from Eouen. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 427 ment, self-interest obliged France to strengthen her alli ance with Spain. That would require a faithful observ ance of the treaty. If England did not really desire war, but was arming simply to conduct the negotiation more favorably, increasing the French armament Avould doubtless delay the result. But if the abandonment of French en gagements should force Spain to make peace with England more promptly, a great wrong would be done to French credit and French commerce. If England desired war, then France ought to support Spain with all her resources. For if England should force Spain to succumb, France would be the next object of her ambition and vengeance. It was not proposed, he said, to ratify the compact as a whole, but only the defensive and commercial stipulations. He pro posed to notify the King of Spain that the alliance would be preserved, and at the same time to refer the treaty to a committee for revision, after which it should be renewed. The King of France was to open negotiations with the King of Spain at once for this purpose. He also proposed that the fleet be raised to 30 ships of the line, with a propor tionate number of smaller vessels. After a few short favor able addresses on the report the discussion was postponed to the next day.° When the discussion was resumed on August 26 the report met with very little opposition. There was a futile attempt, led by Petion, to postpone the decision until further informa tion might be obtained. L'Abbe Maury favored confirming the treaty as it stood, declaring, rightly as events proved, that it would give England a great advantage to leave the alliance so indefinite. Eicard considered 30 A'essels too small an armament and proposed increasing it to 45. Others favored his idea and Mirabeau embodied it in his report. With this modification, the decrees proposed were unani mously adopted by the Assembly. The essential points were : First, defensive and commercial arrangements with Spain were to be observed ; secondly, negotiations were to be opened with Spain for the purpose of renewing and perpetuating the alliance; thirdly, the armament should be raised to 45 "Arch. Pari., August 25, 1790 ; Miles, W. A., Correspondence, I, 167. 428 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ships of the line, with a proportionate number of smaller vessels.0 On August 30 Montmorin informed the Assembly that the King had sanctioned the decrees and would proceed at once to carry them out. The minister for marine, he said, had al ready received orders for the armament. Only 16 vessels would be fitted out at once, which, added to the 14 already armed, would make 30. Preparations would be made to com plete the armament to 45 if that should become necessary.6 On September 1 Montmorin replied to Fernan Nunez's let ter of June 16. He told of the action of the Assembly and inclosed a copy of the decrees. The King, he said, was tak ing steps to carry them out. The reason that only 30 ships instead of 45 would be armed immediately was to avoid the appearance of hostility to England. The French King hoped for a peaceful settlement and reciprocal disarmament.0 To one who did not scrutinize the decrees closely the action of the Assembly seemed to be all that Spain could desire. If the support had been tardy, yet it Avas enthusiastic. It seems that at heart most of the Assembly really desired to support Spain and thought that they were doing all that could be expected; but their irrepressible tendency to theorize blinded them to the practical. Apparently they did not realize that their proposal to modify the treaty at such a crit ical time nullified it as far as any immediate assistance under it was concerned. It seems possible that if Mirabeau had stood firmly for ratifying the treaty as it was he might still have carried the Assembly with him.d « Id., August 2G, 1790. Muriel, Historia de Carlos IV, 123-126, discusses Mirabeau's report of August 25 and the decree of August 26. Cambridge Modern History VIII, 1S9, 190, discusses the decree briefly. The latter ref erence says, " It is stated on the authority of MUes that Mirabeau received from the Spanish minister a thousand louis d'or for this service." See also Memoires de Mirabeau, VIII, 36 ; Lomenie, Les Mirabeau, V, 269 ; and Corre spondence Entre Mirabeau et La Marck, II, 147. " Montmorin to the president of the Assembly, August 30, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4038.) On October 10 the Assem bly appropriated 5,000,000 livres to defray the expense of the armament (See Arch. Pari., October 10, 1790.) c Montmorin to Fernan Nuuez, September 1, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Na cional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4038. * Oscar Browning, Cambridge Modern History, VIII, 290, says that " On June 23, 1790, he had notified the Court that If they wished to give effect to the family compact they must get it altered In form, as the nation would never support an agreement which was purely dynastic in shape." NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 429 The French Government was anxious regarding the effect that the action of the Assembly might have on England. The French view of England's conduct Avas well expressed in a letter from Montmorin to Luzerne, the ambassador from France to the English Court. After remarking that the British Court would probably be astonished at the decrees, he explained that the step was necessary to sustain the honor of France. It had not been taken precipitately, he said, but had been delayed as long as possible, even provoking com plaints from Spain. When it was learned that Spain had given satisfaction to England, and still the latter refused to disarm, the French Government was compelled to suppose that the British Cabinet had some ulterior purpose and was not certain that it did not concern France. Either England did not wish to terminate the Nootka affair justly or she had other objects, for which this was to furnish a stepping-stone. If it was a question of Spain, France Avas interested in sav ing her ally ; if the French themselves were concerned, argu ment was unnecessary. Luzerne was to use these arguments with Leeds and Pitt. He Avas also to use confidentially the fact that the Assembly had decreed a larger armament than the Government had asked. This, Montmorin remarked, ought to make an impression. Luzerne might again, suggest I^rench intervention, but Avith much circumspection, since it had been refused before.0 On the day after writing the above private instructions for the ambassador, Montmorin asked him to assure the English King that the armaments were purely precautionary and had no object except those designated by the Assembly. The French King hoped for a peaceable settlement. He had been pleased with the declara tion and counter-declaration, but Avould have been more pleased if a proportionate disarmament had followed, or at least an agreement not to increase the armaments.6 Gower, the British ambassador at Paris, had promptly expressed to Montmorin his surprise at the action of the Assembly. He reported on August 27 to his Government that Montmorin was surprised also, and had told him that orders would be given to commission more ships, " but that "Montmorin to Luzerne, August 27, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4038.) "Same to same, August 28, 1790. (Id.) 430 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. it would be done (this he said in the utmost confidence) avec le plus grande lenteur."0 A dispatch of the next day hinted that Spanish money might have influenced the Assembly.6 On September 1 instructions were sent from London telling Gower to renew the English assurances of friendliness for France, but to observe that it would be impossible for the harmony to continue if France should support Spain. He was to represent that any aid or encouragement to Spain would be a cause of umbrage to England, since it would make a just settlement more difficult.0 On September 4 Gower presented a memorial demanding an explanation of the armament.3 Montmorin's letter to Luzerne of August 28, referred to above, was presented to the English Court on September 7." On September 10, in reply to Gower's of the 4th, Montmorin referred the English Court to a letter written September 9 to Luzerne, which the latter would pre sent. For some reason Luzerne delayed handing this to the British Court, and on September 21 Gower was instructed to demand a formal reply to his memorial. When this demand reached Paris, Montmorin was out of the city. Having returned, he ansAvered, October 4, that he did not understand Luzerne's delay. He declared that France had no wish to influence the negotiations, but in case the matter could not be amicably settled she might be compelled to sup port Spain. Before this reached London Gower had been instructed to demand that the French fleet make no move to join the Spanish. On October 14 Montmorin agreed that no movement should be made until England should have re ceived a reply from Spain to the ultimatum which the British Court had sent a few days before.'' Hugh Elliot was sent secretly as a special English agent to argue with the French Court against supporting Spain. He met members of the diplomatic committee and th6ught, at least, that he had converted them to the English view. W. A. Miles coop erated with Elliot in this undertaking. Only obscure and • Gower, Despatches, 26. »Id., 28. " Narrative of the Negotiations between England ond Spain, 204. * Gower to the French Court, September 4, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Na cional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4038.) » Narrative of the Negotiations between England and Spain, 218. t Id., 220, 221, 223, 226, 230, 232. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 431 mysterious references to their mission are extant, and many curious speculations have been made concerning it.a Before news reached Madrid of the action of the National Assembly negotiations had begun for a final settlement of the Nootka question. The declaration and counter declaration signed late in July had been accepted by England as affording the satis faction demanded. This had opened the way for a pacific discussion of the respective rights to Nootka and the neigh boring coast.6 On September 8 Fitzherbert presented to Floridablanca the first projet of a treaty. It had been formulated in London three weeks earlier and had been sent with instructions to the British ambassador. These instructions declared it to be the purpose of the British Government to avoid requiring Spain to make any morti fying renunciation of rights, but at the same time the stipu lations were to be so worded that they would not imply an admission of the Spanish claims by the British GoA'ernment. It was impossible for His Majesty to recognize them, either directly or indirectly. They were merely a matter of pride with Spain, it Avas said, and were really a source of weak ness rather than of strength.0 When Fitzherbert submitted the projet he inclosed with it extended observations on each article. The preamble, as it had been worded by the British ambassador, declared a « Stanhope, Life of Pitt, II, 56, 59 ; Hassal, The French People, 352 ; Cam bridge Modern History, VIII, 291 ; Adams, E. D., The Influence of Grenville on Pitt's Foreign Policy, 8, 9; Miles, W. A., Correspondence on the French Revolution, I, 170, 176, 178; and George III to Pitt, October 26, 1790. Smith MSS (Hist. MSS. Com., report 12, appendix 9, p. 368.) The last two are the sources The last is quoted by Adams and by the Cambridge Modern History. " See Chapter IX. Early in August, letters from Colnett had reached Lon don by way of Fitzherbert at Madrid. These told of his detention in Mexico and of his release. Their influence on the negotiations was only Indirect. (See Narrative, 166.) In the instructions sent from London on August 17, Fitzherbert was asked to take up with the Spanish Court the matter of the liberation of the Chinese which were captured at Nootka. In the same instructions negotiations con cerning a dispute over regulations for governing British subjects in the Hon duras settlement were turned over to Fitzherbert. These had been in progress between Campo and Leeds at London In February, when the first Spanish note on the Nootka affair was handed to Leeds. The British Court immediately suspended all other discussions until Spain should have offered satisfaction for the insult which they felt that the British flag had suffered. The declara tions of July 24 had been accepted as affording such and consequently the usual diplomatic relations had been resumed. (See Narrative, 201, 203.) • Narrative, 168 ff. 432 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. desire to form a convention which would settle the pres ent differences and avoid such disputes for the future. On this he observed that the Court of London thought that would be the best means of settlement which, without form ally pronouncing on the opposing pretensions, should reg ulate the respective positions of the two Crowns for the future. If British subjects could be assured of the free exercise of their rights in the Pacific, the English King would not be reluctant to establish all possible rules to pre vent illicit commerce with Spanish possessions. The Court of London AA'as persuaded that a Cabinet so wise as that of Spain could not seriously have advanced such vast pre tensions. The first article declared that British subjects should be replaced in possession of the ships and lands of which they had been deprived at Nootka by a Spanish officer toward the month of April, 1789." The observations on this gave the English arguments against the claim of Spain to exclusive dominion over the coasts in question. The English Court could not admit the justice of an exclusive soA'ereignty over so vast a coast, which since its discoA'ery had Avithout interruption been frequented by British sub jects and by those of other nations as well. Spain claimed only as far as the sixty-first degree, conceding to Russia the portion beyond. Fitzherbert insisted, with a good deal of sagacity, that the very principle of this division demon strated the inadmissability of the Spanish pretension. If Eussia had acquired rights to the coast beyond the sixty- first degree in virtue of the establishments Avhich her sub jects had formed there, how, he asked, could other nations be denied the opportunity of making establishments in like manner on the parts of the coast situated beloAv this degree and not already occupied? As to the Spanish claim to priority of discoA'ery, he implied that it could be disproved, though he did not disprove it. HoAvever, he insisted that discovery alone, without being folloAved up by actual occu pation, could not be admitted as furnishing a right to possession which could operate to the exclusion of other « An error in the month, as pointed out formerly. Martinez did not arrive at Nootka until May 5. (See Chapter IA', ante.) This error was embodied in the final treaty. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVEESY. 433 nations. England did not claim exclusive jurisdiction, he said. What she Avished was a reciprocal assurance of free access for both nations to the new establishments formed or to be formed by the one or the other. The second article, in keeping with the statement just made, declared that betAveen certain limits, to be named later, the subjects of both Crowns should exercise their com merce Avithout hindrance in the establishments of either. The third article declared that England would employ eflicient means to preA'ent such access being made a pretext for illicit commerce with Spanish colonies. With this in view it was stipulated that between certain limits, to be named later, British subjects should make no establishments, and that they should not approach within a certain distance of the coast between these limits. Fitzherbert observed that the purpose of this was to assure to Spain the rights of domain over all places in actual possession of her subjects. It was desired to make this as favorable to the Spanish pre tensions as possible. He proposed as the northern limit of Spanish exclusive dominion the thirty-first degree. This would have left to Spain not quite all of Lower California. He suggested that the boundary should run east on this degree to the Colorado River, follow that river to its source, and then run northeast to the nearest point on the Missouri. Spain should have exclusive dominion of the coast from the aboA'e-mentioned parallel southAvard to within about 10° of Cape Horn. In his private instructions Fitzherbert was authorized to yield a little if necessary. He might accept as the northern limit the fortieth parallel from the Pacific to the Missouri. He thought that the distance within which British ships should not approach ought to be 5 leagues. On this point his private instructions alloAved him to yield to 8 or even 10 leagues. The fourth article provided that eA'eryAvhere else in the Pacific the subjects of both Crowns should enjoy freedom of navigation and fishery, with the privilege of landing on the coasts to trade with the natives or form establishments in unoccupied places. It was thought, he said, that this would be the best way to prevent injurious competition in making settlements. This principle was to be applied to H. Doc. 429, 58-3 28 434 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the Nootka settlement also, when that should have been returned to Great Britain. On this, he said, no further ob- serA'ations were necessary. It was a natural consequence of the foregoing stipulations. This would have meant, had it been conceded, that England and Spain would have had equal rights to all of the coast north of Lower California. The fifth article referred to making establishments in South America, and was not considered essential by the British Cabinet. The sixth referred to the exchange of ratifica tions.0 Soon after the presentation of this projet the action of the French Assembly became known at Madrid, and its influence must next be considered. A letter from Madrid of September 10 to the " Gazette de Leide " told that a courier had just arrived from Paris with the news that a decree had been rendered by the National Assembly for a provisional maintenance of the family com pact and for increasing the armament. This had greatly decreased the inquietude over the English demands. A ru mor had arisen that these demands would overthrow many of the long-established principles of Spain, for they were based on English pretensions to a right of free navigation and commerce in the South Sea and on the western coast of America. The expectation of such powerful aid had pro duced an agreeable sensation.6 This was the effect on the popular mind. Its influence on Floridablanca Avas very different. In submitting to a council of the principal ministers of state the English projet of a treaty studied above, he said that it was advisable to consider first the relations of Spain with the principal courts of Europe. He began with France. In referring to the portion of the decree that limited the treaty to ".defensive and commercial arrangements," he remarked that this expression was capable of many interpretations and equivocations. He noticed further that even the declaration for this partial maintenance of the treaty was made subor- » Fitzherbert to Floridablanca, inclosing projet with observations, Septem ber 8, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) The private instructions of Leeds to Fitzherbert are to be found in the Narra tive, 168-192. 6 Gazette de Leide, October 1, 1790. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 435 dinate to the expression "taking all proper precautions ta preserve the peace." If, he declared, the deciding on what were proper precautions be left to the Assembly, composed of so many members and with such extraordinary ideas, there was no hope that their decision vrould accord Avith Spain's ideas of preserving the peace. That body might not con sider the Nootka dispute a casus foederis. It might decide that Spain was to blame, or that she had motives of aggres sion, or that she had not admitted all of the means of conciliation proposed by England. The desire of the As sembly to negotiate a new treaty on national lines was ominous, he said. They, of course, wished to modify or ex plain the old. This new system of the sovereignty of the nation might present difficulties. The body asserting it, the National Assembly, was itself a usurper. Referring to the provision for arming 45 ships of the line, he called attention to the fact that the reason assigned was not that of sup porting Spain. The decree declared that the armament was in consideration of the armaments of various nations of Europe, and was for the security of French commerce and French colonial possessions. Finally, he declared, even if the Assembly really wished to aid Spain it was doubtful whether it could do so, on account of tbe lack of funds and on account of .the disorders of the country. If aid should be sent, the insubordination of the French sailors would be in danger of contaminating the Spanish and would impede their own usefulness. He concluded that there was very little hope of aid. Only in case that England attacked France would there be any reasonable hope of assistance. After discussing the unhappy relations with France, the minister took up each of the other nations in turn. Prussia and the Netherlands Avere allies of. England, so must be counted as enemies. Of the small States, the Courts of Lisbon, Naples, and Turin could be counted on as friendly neutrals. All that could be hoped for from Turkey, Tripoli, and Algiers was that they would not injure Spain; but not so with Tunis and Morocco, which were actually threatening and were probably being reckoned on by England. The Court of Vienna was not open to new enterprises of war or new alliances. Sweden would not be a safe ally, and besides would demand a subsidy. Denmark 436 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. -also would have to be subsidized, and then would join only in case that Russia entered also. The latter Avas already engaged in war with Sweden » and Turkey, and was being menaced by England and Prussia. In the absence of money and support she would have to yield. If Spain had a full treasury to open to Russia and would enter a war against England, engaging her Baltic fleet, there was no doubt that Catherine II would form an alliance. But Spain had not the treasury and was not in a position to undertake a war for the benefit of Russia. If, however, Spain could not honor ably avoid war and should be attacked, some arrangement with Russia for reciprocal aid would be useful. Steps had been taken with that in view, but nothing definite had been done. The United States would be useful allies, since they could harass English commerce and threaten Canada. They had been sounded and seemed not unfaA'orable. But they would desire the navigation of the Mississippi, which woidd open to them a door for contraband trade with Mexico. And besides this they might in the end be enabled to insist on the boundary of Florida which they had unjustly arranged with England, usurping a large part from Spain. After considering the foreign relations of Spain, Florida blanca reminded the ministers that they ought also to reflect on internal affairs — the army, the navy, the treasury, and economic conditions. The army was weak, he said, but could soon be increased as much as would be necessary in a maritime war. The navy was well equipped at the time, but provision would have to be made for reenforcements and supplies. All of this Avould occasion much expense, and the treasury was scarcely suflicient for peace. It would be nec essary to have recourse to credit. Bad harvests and weak administration of justice, he said, had increased the cost of provisions. New taxes could not be imposed without caus ing resistance, especially in view of the evil example of France. These reflections on the conditions of Spain at home and abroad, the Count said, would have to be kept in mind in considering the plan for a convention which England had « Peace had been concluded between Sweden and Russia on August 15, but the news had probably not reached Madrid when the Count prepared this paper. See Lecky, England in the Eighteenth Century, V, 271. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 437 proposed. On the other hand, they must not lose sight of the loss that would be caused to the rights of Spain in the two Americas. They must remember the danger to Spanish commerce and navigation and to the quietude of the colonial establishments. They must also consider the evil example that would be given to other nations by a concession to Great Britain, as well as " the incentive to England to increase her pretensions and exact other condescensions if we enter easily into the first."* From these reflections it is evident that Floridablanca had decided to yield to England, but with at least a show of resistance. Such a communication from the prime minister to the Council of State would lead one to infer that the Spanish Court was about to desert the French alliance, and was Avill ing to sacrifice something for the friendship of England. But if this is only an inference the communications with the English ambassador at about the same time leave no doubt of the fact. At a conference on September 13 Floridablanca declared to Fitzherbert that His Catholic Majesty regarded the National Assembly with the utmost horror. He was ex tremely averse to adopting the kind of treaty proposed by that body. He feared for the influence on his own authority that a recognition of the French Assembly would have. If, however, England should press too hardly in the present con juncture, the Count declared, Spain would be compelled to accept the alliance of France on any condition. But if an accommodation could be speedily arranged, His Catholic Majesty intended to reject the treaty proposed by the French Assembly and to establish an intimate concert and union Avith England. The Count informed the British ambassa dor that he had submitted the latter's projet and observa tions to the Council of State. That body had decided that it would be necessary to send to America in order to locate definitely the northern and southern limits of the Spanish settlements as proposed. Since this Avould delay the settle ment of the Nootka affair, he suggested the immediate con clusion of a preliminary agreement, which would secure to "Floridablanca to the principal ministers, September, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) The same Is published in Calvo, Eecueil Complet des Traites de 1'Amerique Latine, HI, 350-355 ; also in Cantillo, Tratados de Paz y Comercio, 630. 438 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Great Britain by general, but sufficient, stipulations^ the ob-; jects that she had in vieAv. This would put a stop to the' armaments, give time to arrange a system of union between^ Spain and England, and allow His Catholic Majesty to dis engage himself entirely from France.0 At this conference, on September 13, Floridablanca had said that he would present a plan for the temporary settle ment which he had suggested. Fitzherbert had found it: best in his dealings with the Spanish Court. to be first on the ground. Consequently on the following day he sent to the Count a projet for the proposed temporary agreement. On the same evening Floridablanca presented his plan in the form of a counter-projet. The next day, September 15/ thej' held another conference to consider the plans. The English ambassador labored in vain to induce the Spanish' minister to admit some alterations in the latter's plan, so that it would be acceptable to the British' Court. The Count insisted that he had conceded all that his colleagues and the King would allow him to grant. He earnestly requested Fitzherbert to transmit it to the Duke of Leeds in its exist ing form. He felt confident that the terms would be ac cepted by the Court of London. As a means of shortening by some weeks the continuance of the present expensive armaments, he would send instructions authorizing Campo, the Spanish ambassador at London, to sign it in case His Britannic Majesty should approA'e it.6 Since neither of these plans was accepted, it is not necessary to study their terms in detail. This shows the influence that the action of the French Assembly had on the relations of the three countries. In view of it, Spain despaired of getting any assistance from France, and, further, it promised to be the occasion for a rearrangement of alliances, Spain breaking the traditional union with France and arranging an intimate alliance with England.0 « Narrative,. 242-245. 'Id., 247-256. A manuscript copy of Fitzherbert's projet and Florida-1 blanca's counter-projet Is to be found in the Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291. "Cambridge Modern History, VIII, 189, says of the Spaniards: "Feeling how vain it was to trust an ally of this kind, they preferred to make terms with their enemy." Chapter XII. ENGLISH ULTIMATUM SPANISH DEFIANCE. In the middle of October the " Gazette de Leide " printed a letter from Madrid, dated September 24, saying: We are assured that the negotiation with England is in a. good way and is about to terminate in a friendly manner.^ This was written a few days after the Spanish Court had decided to abandon the family compact and form an intimate alliarice with England as studied in the last chapter. The next issue of the same paper printed a letter from London, dated October 12, which had a very different tone: The warlike appearances have greatly increased in the last eight days. The next dispatches from Fitzherbert, replying to the last Eng lish demand, will probably decide for peace or war. On our side all preparations for a rupture have already been made.* This was written a fortnight after news had reached Lon don of Spain's proposed change. Instead of receiving the friendly advances of the Spanish Court in the spirit in, which Floridablanca hoped, and apparently expected, the Court of St. James accepted them as an announcement that the French alliance had failed, and an acknowledgment that Spain was at the mercy of England. This is really what they meant. Instead of following Spain's example and giving up some of her pretensions, England took advantage of Spanish helplessness and gave Spain ten days to decide whether she would accept war in the face of almost insur mountable difficulties, or peace with humiliating conces sions. Much discontent had arisen in England at the length to which the negotiation was being drawn out. It was con sidered inconsistent with the decisive tone at the beginning.. The object to be gained was thought to be hardly worth! such an expensive armament continued for so many months. « Gazette de Leide, October 15, 1790. » Id., October 19. 439 440 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The ministry was being severely criticised, and felt the neces sity of forcing a decision." Although feeling keenly the criticism of the armament, yet the Government was unwilling to disarm until Spain should have yielded. On September 10, in consequence of the repeated requests from Spain for a mutual disarma ment, Leeds directed Fitzherbert to represent to Florida blanca that, with every wish for an amicable adjustment, it did not appear to the British Government expedient to dis arm until such adjustment, should be secured.6 For the same reason the ministry was unwilling to accept any tem porary arrangement, such as Floridablanca had suggested, which would postpone the final settlement to a later date. Consequently, on October 2 two drafts of a treaty were sent to Fitzherbert. They contained substantially the same terms except that one provided for the definite demarkation of the limits of Spanish exclusive sovereignty, and the other did not. These embodied Great Britain's ultimatum. Fitz herbert was to give the Spanish Court ten days in which to decide on an answer. If at the end of that time an ansAver had not been received the ambassador was to quit Madrid. After sending the ultimatum the British Court redoubled its energies in preparing for war. One is almost led to be lieve, from the vigor displayed, that war was desired and that the ultimatum was prepared with the deliberate inten tion of forcing a breach. In a letter of October 22 Leeds asked Auckland, the British ambassador at The Hague, to communicate to the GoA'ernment of the Republic the proba bility of a rupture. He expected in a few days to send copies of all the correspondence relating to the discussion that Auckland might lay them before the Dutch Govern ment. Although it might happen, he said, that England would be obliged to commence the hostilities, yet he had no doubt that every circumstance would convince mankind that " Great Britain Avas not the aggressor in the war which may, in a few days, disturb the general tranquillity." After speak ing of the cordiality of the Dutch Government, he continued : It will also, I trust, be understood in Holland how material it is to enable us to act with vigor in the outset. I therefore hope that there •Dundas to Grenville, September 27, 1790. (Fortescue MSS., I, 607.) "> Leeds to Fitzherbert, September 10, 1790. (Narrative, 240.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 441 will be no difficulty in furnishing some naval succors before the expi ration of the two months stipulated. It would be to be wished, if possible, that a detachment be sent immediately on the news of hos tilities, and that it should amount to 8 ships of the line and 8 frigates. If, however, so much can not be obtained, even a less number will be a material object." A notion of the popular view of the impending war may be gleaned from a letter written by Storer to Auckland on the same day that the secretary for foreign affairs wrote the one just studied. Storer said that all of the officers were in high spirits at the prospect of a voyage to Mexico. He thought that the Nootka affair was merely a pretext for a war that had been previously determined upon. He said : Pitt is tired of peace. He bullied France so effectually three years ago » that he is determined to try the same thing with Spain. He thought that the negotiators themselves did not know what would happen." If the British ministers were not ac tually trying to force a war, it is, at least, evident that they were willing to accept it should it come; and that they were not willing to make any considerable concessions to preserve peace. The ultimatum, with instructions for his private guidance, reached Fitzherbert October 12. He was told that Florida blanca's proposal for a temporary agreement was not admis sible since it would leave the matter open to a subsequent discussion. It was important that it should be settled at once. If Floridablanca's proposal had not been accom panied by assurances that indicated a sincere desire for accommodation with England, it would have been doubtful, he was told, whether anything could have been hoped from a further continuance of the negotiation. The prospect for a speedy settlement and the chance for dissolving the family compact compensated largely for the inconvenience of further delay, but that delay could be only for a few days. The Count's committing himself on points of so much deli cacy indicated that the Spanish Court had determined to go a considerable length. His language respecting France Avas. "Leeds to Auckland, October 22, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34433, f° 349.) 6 In detaching the Netherlands from the French alliance and uniting them to England and Prussia by the triple alliance. • Storer to Auckland, October 22, 1790. (Auckland, Correspondence, II, 373.) 442 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. consistent with his character. The temporary arrangement proposed by him admitted the British claims in general terms, but the indefiniteness of its terms would leave ground for disputes. Fitzherbert was to remind the Count that he had, in principle, admitted the justice of the British claims. The present articles, he was told, did no more than to secure definitely those rights. Their rejection would be considered as a proof either that Spain was not sincerely desirous -of an accommodation or that she was unwilling to grant distinctly the security which the Spanish minister had argued to be in fact contained in the articles which he had suggested. The question as to security of navigation, commerce, and fisheries in that part of the world depended on whether Spain did or did not insist on her exclusive claim to the continent in ques tion and the seas adjacent. This could be decided as well at one time as another. The question of restitution should depend on whether Spain rested her case on her pretended exclusive sovereignty or prior discovery, or whether she could prove that she had actual occupation of Nootka prior to the time when lands were purchased and buildings erected there by British subjects." The only matter that could afford an excuse for delay was the determination of limits. Such an article would seem to be desirable to both sides, but His Britannic Majesty would not object seriously to the omission of such demarkation. The great expense of maintaining the armament ready for service and the just expectations of the public could not admit of further delay in coming to a deci sion on the question of peace or war. Fitzherbert was to communicate this fact to Floridablanca in the least offensive but the most explicit manner possible. Ten days was con sidered a sufficient time for the Spanish answer. On the question of disarming in the event of an amicable settlement, Leeds suggested that mutual confidence would be a stronger security than any formal stipulations. England did not wish to reduce to a peace establishment at once, on account of the French armament and because of the fact that * This shows that the British Ministry was resting the justice of Its cause on the purchase of land which Meares claimed that he had made at Nootka on his arrival In 1788, and on the temporary hut which he had erected to shelter workmen while they were building his little vessel, the NorthAveat America. (See Chapter II.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 443 Russia seemed unwilling to adopt a moderate policy toward lurkey. It was incumbent on the allies to prevent the dis memberment of Turkey." On October 13, the next day after receiving the above instructions and the projets of a convention accompanying them, Fitzherbert had a conference with the Spanish min ister, at which the latter's language led the former to doubt the possibility of an amicable settlement. At an interview on the following day the British minister presented parts of the drafts of the ultimatum. The Count's reception of these was so unfavorable that Fitzherbert thought best to warn all of the British consuls in Spain of the prospect of an immediate rupture. He wrote to his home Govern ment that it seemed impossible to obtain a convention with a demarcation of limits. That no means of effecting a pacification might be left untried, Fitzherbert delivered to Floridablanca on October 15 a translation of the entire projet without the demarcation of limits. The Count's reply of the next day was still in terms extremely wide of the Eng lish proposals, but it revived Fitzherbert's hopes bf engaging the Spanish minister by degrees to accede to *His Britannic Majesty's demands.6 In this reply of October 16 Floridablanca said that there were considerable difficulties in the way of agreeing to the English projet. He submitted some observations justify ing some small but substantial changes Avhich he had sug gested. He remarked that the British projet, in demanding that the buildings and lands should be restored to the Brit ish subjects, assumed that they had once possessed them. He declared that this assumption was untrue; that the British subjects had only been attempting to make an establish ment, from which the Spanish commander had preA'ented them. If they had ever bought land, as pretended, they had failed to take possession of it. ¦ Narrative, 257—285. Also, the two drafts are inclosed in Leeds to Auck land, October 8, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34433 f° 252.) With these instructions Fitzherbert was also given orders concerning .the. case of Captain Macdonald. He was the captain of a vessel that had recently been seized by a Spanish frigate in the West Indies on the ground that she was carrying on contraband trade, indemnity for this bad to be assured' before the Nootka matter could be settled. It was easily adjusted. (Narrative, 285.) "Id., 289-291. 444 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Before examining Floridablanca's observations further it may be well to remark that this was the point of fact on which it was impossible for the tAvo Courts to agree. Each relied on the statements made by its own subjects and these statements were conflicting. Meares told of his purchase of land and his erection of a building thereon in 1788 in such a manner as to lead the British Cabinet to believe that he had formed a substantial English settlement, and that the estab lishment was still there in the spring of 1789 when Martinez arrived. On the other hand, Martinez's account showed that when he arrived at Nootka there were no evidences of any British establishment, but that the expedition under Colnett, which arrived two months later, came to form an establish ment. Neither was Avholly right nor wholly wrong." Floridablanca said that it was very difficult and almost impossible for Spain to consent that British subjects should land in unoccupied places to trade with the natives and form establishments. Places without a substantial Spanish occupation, he said, might be found almost anywhere along the coast of America. This clause, he said, ought to be omitted from the projet. Fitzherbert had proposed that British vessels should not approach within 10 leagues of places occupied by Spain. The Count insisted that the dis tance was too short. Instead of the expression, " occupied by Spain," he Avould substitute the expression, " belonging to Spain." With his observations the Spanish minister submitted a counter projet which embodied them. In his letter accompanying these documents, Floridablanca said that he had proposed a special junta to consider the English propositions. However, if Fitzherbert would agree to the Spanish counter projet, he would venture to propose it to the King and see if the matter could not be settled before. the meeting of the junta.6 The Spanish minister had decided that Spain would have to yield to the English demands. He Avas directing his efforts toAvard an attempt to induce the British ambassador to modify those demands so that they would giA'e as little " For a full discussion of these facts, see Chapters H-V. b Floridablanca to Fitzherbert, October 16, 1790, inclosing notes on the English projet, and a Spanish counter projet. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 445 offense as possible to Spanish pride. But other Spanish officials were not so ready to yield as the prime minister was. Fitzherbert did not accept the count's terms. He insisted on the British projet as it stood. The special junta was summoned. It was composed of eight of the principal min isters, not including Floridablanca. The order naming the members was dated October 19. The next day a note re quested them to hasten, for the ambassador Avas very urgent. Sessions were held on the 21st, 22d, 24th, and 25th. The English projet was examined article by article. The findings of the junta furnish an excellent notion of the feeling of Spaniards respecting the dispute. It was de clared that Martinez's conduct at Nootka had not been con trary to international law nor an insult to the English flag. What he had done was to prevent the forming of an estab lishment in a place belonging to the Spanish dominions, in which, by virtue of treaties made before all Europe and guaranteed by England herself, no foreign disembarkation was permitted without a just motive, and much less the forming of military or commercial establishments. Even granting that the proceedings of Martinez had been culpable, and, by a distortion of ideas, that the resistance to a usurpa tion could be considered an insult, Spain had already given England such satisfaction as was compatible with her dig nity. The" increasing of the British pretensions while the Spanish were being moderated showed that the Nootka affair was only a mask to cover England's hostile designs of taking advantage of the revolution in France to attack the divided House of Bourbon. Referring to a clause in the British projet providing for the return of any vessels that might have been seized since April, 1789, the. conclusions of the junta declared that this showed England's design of sending new expeditions. They would not limit themselves to fisheries nor to trading with the natives. They intended to form fortified establishments and construct vessels there to carry on trade with all of New Spain. Their first aggressions would lead to others. The weak and extended Spanish dominions afforded oppor tunities for their activity. There were many places that 446 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Spain had riot been able and probably never would be able to people. The English pretension was the more irritating since it extended also to all the coasts of South America. If Spain should grant their demands she might expect in the end to surrender to them all of the commerce of Peru and New Spain. The English offer of not allowing their subjects to ap proach within 10 leagues of any place occupied by Spain was useless, the junta declared, since they demanded the privilege of disembarking iri all unoccupied places. By this means they could approach insensibly to those that were occupied. If the Spanish governors should attempt to prevent them, it would lead to disputes and to new negotiations which would afford new opportunities for aggressions. They would finally take all of these countries from Spain. The English assumption of rights in South America was branded as an infamous artifice. Although Spain had for three centuries been in exclusive and peaceful possession of all South America, the English were now pretending that they had equal rights to unoccupied places. Appealing directly to the King, they said : Strange, astonishing, unheard-of it is, Seiior, that England should dare to pretend that Your Majesty should authorize and adopt" a stipu lation which prohibits mutually the forming of establishments there as long as the subjects of other powers shall not attempt to do so- adding that the respective subjects shall have the right of disembark ing in those places and building huts and other temporary structures for objects connected with their fisheries. * * * The English pre tend that all South America is open to all nations, and that its terri tories shall belong to the first that desires to occupy them. England, they declared, was now exacting more than she had dared to ask in 1763, when she had so great an advan tage. She had forgotten her guaranty in the treaty of Utrecht that Spain's American dominions should be restored as they had been in the reign of King Charles II, and should remain in that condition. If Spain should grant these priv ileges to England, other nations would claim them under the " most-favored-nation clause " of the same treaty. The King was asked to consider how his father had re sisted England when there was much less at stake and when NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 447 the Spanish army and navy were in no better condition. In case of war England's attention, they said, would be directed not against the Peninsula, but against the colonies. Havana Vera Cruz, Cartagena, Porto Rico, Santo Domingo, Trini dad, Caracas, Montevideo, and Buenos Ayres were consid ered likely points of attack. All of tliese were declared ready to defend themselves because of their superior garri sons and of climatic and strategic advantages. Floridablanca had inclosed with other papers for the junta a copy of the observations on Spain's relations to other powers, which he had prepared early in September on re ceipt of the news of the decree of the National Assembly.0 Because of the frankness shown in other matters the junta said that they were encouraged to volunteer their own obser vations on this. Speaking of Prussia as England's most •powerful ally, they said that her King was not in a position to dictate terms to all of the northern powers, consequently he would have to consider his own defense. In view of this and of the existing state of Turkish affairs they con cluded that England's position was not an especially strong one; As to possible support for Spain, they said that France could not be blind to her interests and to her obligations under the family compact. To avoid the evil effects on the Spanish fleet of insubordination in the French navy the two could operate separately. Spain could probably not get any •aid from the United States. Neither were they likely to join England. Portugal could not aid except by remaining neutral. There was nothing to ask or expect from Sardinia, Naples, Venice, or Turkey, and the African states ought to give little concern. As to Russia they were more hopeful. They suggested that it would not be impossible for Spain, by offering commercial advantages, to enter an alliance with Eussia, Sweden, and Denmark and secure their help against England. They respectfully submitted to the King and his prime minister the idea of a treaty with Russia defining territorial limits on the Avestern coast of America and guar anteeing each other against English aggressions on that coast. ¦ See last chapter. 448 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The junta then offered seA'eral observations on the harsh ness of the English demands. England was offering nothing, they said, in return for the sacrifices demanded of Spain. She had turned a deaf ear to Spain's repeated re quests for a reciprocal disarmament, hence there was good reason to fear that she was trying to force a breach. It was plain that she intended to form new establishments in the Spanish dominions. She proposed to deprive Spain of the power of repelling the intrusions which she meditated by allowing no recourse except a report of the matter to the home goA'ernments.and a new conA'ention in each case. This would mean subjection and a continual state of war. She was inviting other nations to help her despoil Spain. She was insisting on the establishment of a principle which would allow usurpations in every uninhabited place. The whole Spanish dominions Avould shortly be destroyed. Her demands Avere as injurious as could be made after the most disgraceful war. If this cession should be made through fear in a time of profound peace, it would encourage still greater claims. Authorized by such a document other na tions would form common cause, and the vast continent of the Indies would be exposed to a general occupation. Even in an unfortunate war Spain would only have to come to an understanding with her enemies, and there would be hope for favorable alliances and better terms with less sacrifices. Finally the junta gave their conclusions as to the answer that should be made to England's ultimatum. The conces sions now demanded, they said, would inevitably lead Spain into a war. She would then suffer all that the King now Avished to avoid, and England would certainly accept no less afterwards. In case that this projet should be rejected and war should ensue, Avhat treaty, it was asked, could be con cluded more absolutely ruinous, even in the remote chance of complete prostration, than the coiwention which was now proposed? Therefore the junta could not in any manner accept the unjust terms contained in the English ultimatum. They recognized that this would mean war. They advised preparation at once to repel hostile attacks and an immediate NOOTKA. SOUND CONTROVERSY. 449 search for allies even before giving a final answer to the English ambassador.0 On October 25, the day of the last session of the junta, its conclusions were hurried off to Floridablanca to be laid before the King. Their reception and influence on the nego tiation will be studied in the next chapter.6 » Conclusions of the junta of eight ministers, of October 21, 22, 24, and 25, 1790. (MSS. Arch. Hist. Nacional. Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291 ; a copy is found also in bundle 2848 of the same section.) In the former bundle are also copies of all of the more important papers that had passed between Floridablanca and Fitzherbert since the signing of the declarations on July 24. They were submitted to the junta. In the latter bundle are also the following letters relating to the junta and its sessions : Floridablanca to Irlarte, October 19 and 23; and Iriaite to Floridablanca, October 21, 22, 24, and 25, 1790. Irlarte was secretary for the junta and one of its eight mem bers. He belonged to the council for the Indies. "Duro, Armada Espanola, VII, 16, makes the mistake of saying that a majority of the junta favored the convention, though it met with some oppo sition. He had evidently not seen the conclusions of the junta, or had not examined them carefully. S. Doc 429, 58-3 29 Chapter XIII. THE NOOTKA SOUND CONVENTION ITS RECEPTION AND RESULTS. After submitting the English ultimatum to the extraor dinary junta, as studied in the last chapter, Floridablanca continued his conferences with Fitzherbert. He made stren uous efforts to induce the British ambassador to modify the English demands. In the first article, which declared that the buildings and lands on the Northwest Coast should be restored to the British subjects, the Count pressed earnestly for the insertion of the clause, " notwithstanding the exclu sive rights which Spain has claimed." This would have been almost tantamount to a recognition of the Spanish claim. Fitzherbert would not consent to it. But since the declarations of July had expressly reserved the discussion of those rights, and since the Spanish minister would not be content without some reference to them in the convention, the British ambassador consented to mention them in the preamble. Consequently, he proposed the insertion of the clause, " laying aside all retrospective discussion of the rights and claims of the two parties." He was very careful to word it so that there would not be in it any admission of the jus tice of the Spanish claim. After some hesitation the Count accepted it. In the second article Fitzherbert consented to the omission of one word. The projet had provided that " for all other acts of violence or hostility," etc., reparation should be made. The Count objected to the word " other " as an unnecessary and invidious reference to the action of Mar tinez at Nootka in 1789, in view of the fact that satisfactory reparation for it, had already been made. The British am bassador consented to omit " other." The Spanish minister attempted to limit this reparation to offenses committed " on the said continent and the islands adjacent." Fitzherbert would not agree. This would not have included the violence 450 NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 451 recently done to Captain Macdonald in the West Indies, mentioned in the last chapter. England apprehended other similar seizures, and such would not have been unnatural under the strained relations existing between the two coun tries for so many months. The last clause of the third article, making the privilege of landing anywhere on the coast subject to the restrictions contained in the following articles, was not in the draft without a demarkation of limits which was made the basis of the treaty, but it was in the draft ivith a demarkation of limits. Fitzherbert compromised on this point and com bined the two drafts. He admitted a limitation of the privilege without obtaining a definite demarkation of the boundaries of Spanish exclusive sovereignty. If Florida blanca had not secured this concession, it would have meant that the English could have landed and established colonies in any unoccupied spot on the coast of California, Mexico, Central or South America. This concession was not in cluded in the draft which was examined by the special junta. It was on this point that they so violently opposed conced ing the English demands and advised war at all hazards instead. In the fourth article, regarding the limit of 10 leagues within which English vessels should not approach Spanish establishments, Floridablanca pressed very earnestly for extending the distance to 15 leagues. As a precedent for his contention, he cited the treaty of 1763 between England and France, which fixed 15 leagues as the distance within which Frencn fishermen might not approach the coasts of Cape Breton. He suggested the insertion of the words " in the said seas," which would confine this restriction to the Pacific. Fitzherbert embodied the last mentioned suggestion, since he conceived that it might be of advantage to the English fisheries on the Atlantic coasts of Spanish America, but he would not admit the extension to 15 leagues. His private instructions, as mentioned in the last chapter, had named 5 leagues as the distance to be first proposed, but had allowed him to concede 8 or even 10. The fifth and sixth articles contained the stipulations upon which there was the most difficulty in agreeing. In the course of their discussion the negotiation was frequently on 452 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the point of being broken off. Floridablanca would not consent to a convention that failed to secure to Spain her exclusive intercourse with her establishments. Neither would he consent to fix any precise line as the boundary of the Spanish possessions, either on the north or the south. He pleaded insufficient information. Fitzherbert wrote to the British Cabinet that the language of the Spanish min ister on both of these points was so firm and decisive as to make it evident beyond a doubt that the alternative of peace or war rested on finding or not finding a solution of these difficulties. Neither of the two drafts of the English ultimatum afforded a solution. The one proAdded that the subjects of the two Crowns should have free access to all unoccupied places and to all establishments formed since April, 1789, or to be formed north of a fixed line on the Northwest Coast and south of a fixed line on the South American coast. The other, omitting any reference to fixed limits, provided that this privilege should extend to the whole Pacific coast of North and South America. In order to solve this difficulty the English ambassador admitted the restriction at the end of the third article, men tioned above. For the same purpose he consented to insert in the fifth article the clause, " situated to the north of the parts of the said coast already occupied by Spain." This preserved the Spanish exclusive dominion as far northward as her most northern establishment. The provision in arti cle 6 was materially changed. The draft of the ultimatum had provided that the subjects of neither nation should make any establishment south of a definite line to be fixed so long as no settlement should be formed thereon by the subjects of any other poAver. Instead of fixing a definite line the nego tiators agreed to insert the clause, " in such part of those coasts as are situated to the south of those parts of the same coasts and of the islands adjacent already occupied by Spain." They added the provision that in such places the respective subjects should haA'e the right of landing and constructing temporary buildings for purposes connected with their fisheries. The clause, " so long as no establish ments shall be formed thereon by the subjects of any other power," Avas omitted from the article. This had been ob jected to on the ground that it would be virtually a public NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 453 invitation to all nations to make settlements there and so join England in despoiling Spain of her dominions. In order to remove the Spanish objection to publicity and still assure England that she would not be compelled to keep her hands off while other nations should do the thing that she had bound herself not to do, the stipulation was embodied in a secret article. This secret clause provided that the stipulation in the sixth article forbidding the subjects of Spain and England to make establishments in such places should remain in force only so long as no settlements should be formed there by the subjects of any other power.0 These changes' having been agreed to, Fitzherbert pre sented to Floridablanca on October 23 a new projet embody ing them. He said that he had conformed to the ideas of Floridablanca as far as his instructions would permit. In order to discuss the new draft before it should be laid before the King, the British ambassador proposed to call on the Count in the evening of the same day.6 When their confer ence closed, the Spanish minister said that he was still in doubt whether the reply which he should give the next morn ing would be for peace or war.0 On the morning of October 24 Floridablanca said that the King had agreed to Fitzher- bert's terms and had promised that the convention should be signed with the usual formalities three or four days later.* The British ambassador pressed for an immediate signa ture, but the minister said that he could not consent to it. The Count was at the time with the King at San Ildefonso, whither His Majesty had gone on a hunting trip. Fitzher bert had gone to the same place to continue his conferences with the Count. The latter said that if the convention should be signed while there his enemies would charge him with having taken advantage of the fact that he was almost alone with the King to induce His Majesty to agree to a measure contrary to the interests of his Crown. He said also that he wished, before signing, to send a memorial to the junta to justify himself for signing, the convention con trary to their opinion. He pledged His Catholic Majesty's « Narrative, 297-303. » Fitzherbert to Floridablanca, October 23, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) « Narrative, 303. * Id., 291. 454 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. word that the convention should be signed " verbatim et literatim." a The exchange of full poAvers took place on October 26, and the wording of the titles of the two nego tiators to be inserted in the preamble was arranged on October 27.6 According to the agreement made four days earlier, the following convention was signed on October 28 : The Nootka Sound convention. Their Britannic and Catholic Majesties being desirous of terminat ing, by a speedy and solid agreement, the differences which have lately arisen between the two Crowns, have considered that the best way of attaining this salutary object would be that of an amicable arrangement which, setting aside all retrospective discussions of the rights and pretensions of the two parties, should regulate their re spective positions for the future on bases which would be conformable to their true interests as well as to the mutual desires with which Their said Majesties are animated, of establishing with each other, in everything' and in all places, the most perfect friendship, harmony, and good correspondence. With this in view they have named and constituted for their plenipotentiaries, to wit, on the part of His Britannic Majesty, Alleyne Fitzherbert, of the privy council of His said Majesty in Great Britain and Ireland, and his ambassador extraor dinary and minister plenipotentiary to His Catholic Majesty ; and on the part of His Catholic Majesty, Don Joseph Moiiino, Count of Floridablanca, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Order of Charles III, counselor of state to His said Majesty, and his principal secretary of state and of the cabinet, who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, have agreed on the following articles : Article I. It is agreed that the buildings and tracts of land situated on the Northwest Coast of the continent of North America, or on islands adjacent to that continent, of which the subjects of His Britannic Majesty were dispossessed about the month of April, 17S9, by a Spanish officer, shall be restored to the said British subjects. Aeticle II. Further, a just reparation shall be made, according to the nature of the case, for every act of violence or hostility which may have been committed since the said month of April, 17S9, by the subjects of either of the contending parties against the subjects of the other; » Narrative, 304. * Fitzherbert to Floridablanca, October 2fi, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291), and same to same, October 27, 1700 (Id.). NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 455 and in case any of the respective subjects shall, since the same period, have been forcibly dispossessed of their lands, buildings, ves sels, merchandise, or any other objects of property on the said conti nent or on the seas or islands adjacent, they shall be replaced in pos session of them or a just compensation shall be made to them for the losses which they have sustained. Article III. And in order to strengthen the bonds of. friendship and to preserve in the future a perfect harmony and good understanding between the two contracting parties, it is agreed that their respective subjects shall not be disturbed or molested either in navigating or carrying on their fisheries in the Pacific Ocean or in the South Seas, or in landing on the coasts of those seas in places not already occupied, for the purpose of carrying on their commerce with the natives- of the country or of making establishments there; the whole subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions and provisions which shall be specified in the three follow ing articles. Article IV. His Britannic Majesty engages to employ the most effective meas ures to prevent the navigation and fishery of his subjects in the Pacific Ocean or in the South Seas from being made a pretext for illicit trade with the Spanish settlements ; and with this in view it is moreover ex pressly stipulated that British subjects shall not navigate nor carry on their fishery in the said seas within the distance of 10 maritime leagues from any part of the coast already occupied by Spain. Aeticle V. It is agreed that as well in the places which are to be restored to British subjects by virtue of the first article as in all other parts of the Northwest Coast of North America or of the islands adjacent, sit uated to the north of the parts of the said coast already occupied by Spain, wherever the subjects of either of the two powers shall have made settlements since the month of April, 1789, or shall hereafter make any, the subjects of the other shall have free access and shall carry on their commerce without disturbance or molestation. Abticxe VI. It is further agreed with respect to the eastern and western .coasts of South America and the islands adjacent, that the respective subjects shall not form in the future any establishment on the parts of the coast situated to the south of the parts of the same coast and of the. is lands adjacent already occupied by Spain ; it being understood that the said respective subjects shall retain the liberty of landing on the coasts and islands so situated for objects connected with their fishery and of erecting thereon huts and other temporary structures serving only those objects. 456 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Article VII. In all cases of complaint or infraction of the articles of the present convention the officers of either party without previously permitting themselves to commit any act of violence or assault shall be bound to make an exact report of the affair and of its circumstances to their respective Courts, who will terminate the differences in an amicable manner. Article VIII. The present convention shall be ratified and confirmed within the space of six weeks, to be counted from the day of its signature, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof we, the undersigned plenipotentiaries of their Britannic and Catholic Majesties, have, in their names and by virtue of our full powers, signed the present convention, and have affixed thereto the seals of our arms. Done at the palace of San Lorenzo the 28th of October, 1790.O Alleyne Fitzherbert. The Count of Floridablanca. Secret Abticle. Since by article 6 of the present convention it has been stipulated, respecting the eastern and western coasts of South America, that the respective subjects shall not in the future form any establishment on the parts of these coasts situated to the south of the parts of the said coasts actually occupied by Spain, it is agreed and declared by the present article that this stipulation shall remain in force only so long as no establishment shall have been formed by the subjects of any other power on the coasts in question. This secret article shall have the same force as if it were inserted in the convention. In witness whereof, etc.* Eatifications were exchanged by Floridablanca and Fitz herbert on November 22. The fact that the convention was signed in opposition to the advice of the special junta occasioned lively comment for several weeks in Spanish official circles. It will be recalled from the last chapter that the sittings of the junta were on October 21, 22, 24, and 25, and that on the last date the junta hurried its conclusions off to Floridablanca, advis ing war rather than compliance with the English demands. <¦ Narrative, 292 ; An. Reg., XXXII, 303 ; Calvo, Recueil, III, 356. 6 Calvo adds the secret article, but it has not been published in any other work. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 457 From a statement in an earlier part of the present chapter, it will be remembered that the convention was virtually con cluded between Floridablanca and Fitzherbert at their inter view of October 23; and that on the next day the King pledged his word to sign the convention as it then was. On October 27 a letter from Floridablanca informed Iri- arte, the secretary of the junta, that the conclusions of the junta had been received on the 25th, had been laid before the King on the 2Gth, and were being considered by the Council of State. He cautioned the members of the junta to keep the proceedings of that body absolutely secret." The Count evidently hoped to keep concealed the fact that the convention had already been agreed upon. He did not suc ceed long in doing this. On October 28 Iriarte replied to the Count's letter of the day before, discussing at length the latter's injunction to secrecy. Notes in Iriarte's hand on slips of paper inserted later in these two letters show that he had learned of the fact of the convention's having been agreed upon before the conclusions of the junta had been received, though it had not been signed until afterwards. In proof of the fact he referred to a circular letter which the British ambassador had written on October 26, telling all of the English consuls in Spain that the dispute had been settled and that the convention would be formally signed in a few days. Another brief note similarly inserted censured the administration very severely for accepting the English terms. It said : This convention of October 28, 1790, is the first treaty that has been made during the reign of Charles IV, and in it has been conceded to England what has always been resisted and refused to all powers since the discovery of the Indies ; and the concession means much to us.» On November 21 Floridablanca expressed the King's thanks to all of the ministers that took part in the junta for their promptness and zeal. His Majesty assured them that he would not have hesitated a moment to carry out their recommendations if motives absolutely secret to himself had not compelled him to order the convention signed. The « Floridablanca to Irlarte, October 27, 1790. ( MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 284S.) 'Irlarte to Floridablanca, October 28, 1790 (Id.), Inclosing notes men tioned above, and Fitzherbert's letter to the consuls of October 26. 458 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Count inclosed some reflections on the convention which His Majesty offered in addition to the secret motives.0 These reflections declared that the purpose of the Conven tion was to avoid a war in the present unhappy circum stances, reserving it for a more favorable time, if it should become necessary. It did not involve an absolute renuncia tion in case Spain chose not to obserA'e it. It was shown that by a strict interpretation of some of its terms the Convention could be made of little value to England and little loss to Spain. In the stipulations that granted to English subjects privileges of commerce and settlement north or south of places already occupied, attention was called to the expression " already occupied." The word " occupied " did not mean nearly so much as " inhabited " or " peopled " would have meant, and " already " did not mean " ac tually " or " now." If a place had been once occupied and then abandoned this expression could be made to apply to it. The implication was that formal acts of taking posses sion where there had been no thought of making an actual settlement could be made to come under this head. Such acts had -been performed practically all along the coast. Such a construction would have almost nullified the privi leges granted to England. The reflections said further that the English were not allowed to approach Spanish settle ments and Spain had equal rights with England anywhere on the coast. It was thought that Eussia's fear of English encroachments would be a safeguard against England. English trade and settlements were limited to the part of the coast north of Nootka. It was insisted that the treaty simply recognized existing conditions ; that it conceded noth ing except what had been allowed, and on the other hand , obtained concessions by limiting the privileges. It was pro posed to observe the Convention only so long as it should be to the advantage of Spain to do so. Whenever she felt strong enough to assert her ancient rights she could still do it.6 The purpose of these arguments was doubtless to quiet adverse criticism of the Convention. It was partially suc cessful at the time. A few days later, after the letter of • Floridablanca to Irlarte, November 21, 1790. (MS. Arch. Hist. Nacional, Sec. Estado, 2848.) 6 Reflections submitted to the junta. (Id.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 459 Floridablanca and the reflections had been considered, all of the ministers of the junta sent to the King their thanks for his confidence.0 But this success did not last long. Criti cism of the Convention continued and finally led to the over throw of Floridablanca. In May, 1791, the British ambas- feador wrote that the Spanish prime minister was very anxious to have England take effectual measures for pre senting British vessels from touching at Spanish ports, that his enemies might not find new reasons for attacking him.6 Finally, in the latter part of February, 1792, Floridablanca was dismissed from office. The Nootka business was said to nave been the principal cause of his fall.0 . News of the agreement to sign the convention reached London Novernber 4. On that day Leeds wrote to Auckland tnat a messenger had just arrived Avith a dispatch from Fitzherbert, dated October 24, saying that the convention Had been agreed upon and would be signed four days later. A copy inclosed with this letter exactly corresponds to the convention as signed.* An unofficial letter, written on the te^me day by a clerk in the foreign office and accompanying this official note, declared that the convention would speak for itself; that it contained eA'erything that England had demanded. The writer said that the Spanish ministry had been decidedly for war rather than make the sacrifice, out that Floridablanca had obtained the King's consent wliiie on a hunting trip, and pledged his master's word that ™ convention would be signed on their return, that it kljLght have the sanction of his colleagues " pro forma." e The signed convention reached London five days later. Leeds immediately sent a copy of it to Auckland, that the latter might lay it before the Dutch Government. The Ijiike congratulated the ambassador on the happy termina tion of such a very important negotiation.'' On the day of » Irlarte to Floridablanca, November 24 [29], 1790. (Id.) 'St., Helens to Grenville, May 16, 1791. (Fortescue MSS., II, 74.) Fitz herbert had been raised to the peerage as Baron St. Helens. Grenville had succeeded Leeds in the foreign office. "St. Helens to Grenville, February 28, 1792 (id., 256), and inclosure dated Madrid, March 21, 1792, in a letter of Auckland to Grenville, January 19, 1793 (id., 368). ¦> Leeds! to Auckland, November 4, 1790. (Brit. Mus. MSS., 34434, f° 14.) 'Aust to Auckland, November 4, 1790. (Id., f" 20.) I Leeds to Auckland, November 9, 1790. (Id., f° 43.) 460 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. its arrival, November 9, the British Court ratified the con vention, and hurried a messenger off to Fitzherbert.0 As stated above, the ratifications were exchanged at Madrid on November 22. On November 12 Burges, under secretary for the foreign office, wrote to Auckland : That you and our Dutch friends are satisfied with the conclusion of the Spanish business, I am not surprised. Even the opposition here, always ready enough to pick holes, as you know, whenever they can, seem to be dumfounded, and to have nothing to say against us except that we have asked and carried so much that it is impossible such a peace can last long. Speaking of the credit given to Fitzherbert for his suc cess in the negotiation and of the honor conferred upon him by his being raised to the peerage, the same letter continued : Eitzherbert of course gains much glory, as all good ministers should who follow up their instructions, and I understand that he is forth with to receive the highi reward of an Irish peerage.s These references are sufficient to show that the English ministry was highly pleased Avith the success of the negotia tion. On November 24 the mayor, the aldermen, and the commons of the city of London, in common council assem bled, assured the King of their gratitude for the continu ance of peace with Spain, and congratulated him on the rec onciliation." On November 26 Parliament assembled. The King's speech mentioned the successful termination of the negotiation and laid before the Houses copies of the declara tion and counter declaration and the convention." On the same day the House of Lords accorded enthusiastic thanks and congratulations/ Four days later the Commons, after "Narrative, 306. "Burges to Auckland, November 12, 1790. (Brit. Mus., MSS. 34434, f° 58.) This quotation taken with the sentence which follows shows that Burges con sidered about as much of the success due to himself as to Fitzherbert. Con tinuing, he said : " This has been a very fortunate business for him, for though undoubtedly he has had some trouble, his instructions were so full and so positive, that little more on his part was necessary than a literal adherence to them. From tbe turn things have unexpectedly taken, I am apprehensive you must for some time give me credit on this head." It was in this letter that Burges made the statement which assisted in identifying him as the compiler of the anonymous Narrative of tbe Negotiations between England and Spain, to which frequent reference has been made. (See p. 365, antea, note a.) ' An. Reg., XXXII, 305. « Pari. Hist., XXVIII, 891. • Id., 893. NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 461 an extended debate and some criticisms from the opposition, approved the address, and assured the King that provision Avould be made for the expenses of the armament.0 A gen eral discussion of the merits of the convention was made the order of the day for December 13 in the House of Lords. The debate was extended, and the criticism of the ministry by the opposition Avas very severe. The friends of the Government seemed confident of the results and did not ex ert themselves greatly to refute the arguments. The conven tion was approved.6 On the same day the Commons debated a motion calling for all of the correspondence on the dispute. There were the same violent attacks by the opposition and the same apparent indifference on the part of the friends' of the administration. The motion was defeated by an over whelming majority. On the next day, December 14, the merits of the convention were discussed. The opposing sides manifested much the same spirit, and in the end the conven tion was approved by a large majority." The logical results of the convention were interfered Avith by England's taking part in the Avar against France within a little more than two years after its signature. This ab sorbed her attention almost continuously for twenty-two years and prevented her, to a great extent, from taking ad vantage of the concessions gained. Before the end of that period the United States had entered the contest for controll ing the Northwest Coast, and in a few years more purchased the Spanish claim. Thereby the whole matter was merged in the Oregon controversy. The immediate result for Eng land was that she obtained free access to an extended coast, of which she has since come into full possession. For Spain, it was the first external evidence of the weakness of the reign of Charles IV, and was the beginning of the series of disas ters which Spain successively suffered under that incompe- « Id., 899-906. »Id., 933-948. » Id., 949-1003. It would be Interesting to discuss these long debates In detail, but of little value. The arguments of the opposition are much more extended than those of) the supporters of the Government. This is doubtless what has led many writers into making the misleading statement that the treaty was unfavorably received. The statement is true only In so far as it applies to the opposition. Such criticism would be expected from them, no matter how favorable the treaty really was. 462 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. tent Monarch and his corrupt advisers. It was the first ex press renunciation of Spain's ancient claim to exclusive sov ereignty over the American shores of the Pacific Ocean and the South Seas. It marks the beginning of the collapse of the Spanish colonial system.0 » In bundle 2848, Sec. Estado, Arch. Hist. Nacional, Madrid, is a bunch of documents, about an Inch thick, marked " Subsequent references and notes on the convention concluded on October 28, 1790, regarding fisheries, navigation, and commerce in the Pacific Ocean and the South Seas." They were collected by Irlarte and presented to the Prince of Peace [Godoy]. They bear a variety of dates, some as late as 1797, and ar£ quotations from various European newspapers, reports of conversations, and copies of letters. Their purpose seems to have been to show the injustice of England in demanding such ex travagant terms. Chapter XIV. SUBSEQUENT NEGOTIATIONS AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE NOOTKA SOLTND DISPUTE. Although the convention was concluded in 1790, yet the Nootka Sound affair was still far from settled.' The first article of the convention, agreeing to restore to British sub jects the buildings and lands which had been taken from them at Nootka, had to be carried out. The agreement of the Spanish declaration of July 24 to indemnify the parties concerned in the ships, captured at Nootka was also still to be fulfilled. It required a long arbitration and two new con ventions to accomplish these results, and in the meantime an intimate treaty of alliance had been entered into for mutual protection against the excesses of the French Eevolution. It was more than four years before these matters were finally adjusted. The present chapter Avill review them briefly. The English and Spanish Governments each appointed a commissioner to go to Nootka and carry out the agreement of the first article of the convention of October 28, 1790. The commissioners did not meet until the summer of 1792. A brief statement should be made concerning the establish ment at Nootka betAveen the events of 1789 and the meeting of the commissioners three years later. Martinez's abandon ment of Nootka in the fall of 1789 and his return to Mexico was discussed in a former chapter. The plans of the Vice roy for sending a new expedition under Eliza to reoccupy the post in the spring of 1790 were studied in the same chapter.0 The Viceroy feared that Nootka would be seized by the English before his expedition could reach the place, or that an English expedition might later attempt to wrest the post from the Spanish.6 His fears were not realized. The port was reoccupied and held without opposition. Dur- .^ < — - — ¦ 1 ' Chapter VI. 6 Instructions from Bodega y Quadra to Eliza, San Bias, January 28, 1790. (MS. Arch. Gen. de Indias, Seville, 90-3-26.) 463 464 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ing the three following seasons a substantial Spanish settle ment was formed, and, using this as a center, exploring expeditions examined the neighboring coast.0 The British commissioner for carrying out the convention was Captain Vancouver. He left England in 1791 and was to reach the Northwest Coast in the spring of the following year. His principal business was to explore that coast. Ad ditional instructions concerning the transfer of Nootka were to be sent to him later.6 These reached him during the sum mer of 1792 while he was engaged in exploring the coast in the neighborhood of the island that later received his name. He arrived at Nootka late in August. He found there Bodega y Quadra, the Spanish commissioner. It would be of little value to follow in detail the negotiations between them, since their mission accomplished nothing. They could not agree, although, personally, a very strong friendship sprang up between them. Vancouver expected that the entire establishment would be transferred to England. Quadra, after careful investigation, became convinced that the English had never purchased nor taken possession of any land except the small plat of ground on which Meares's tem porary house had stood in 1788. Consequently he offered to transfer this, but no more. Vancouver refused to accept so little and the whole matter was referred back to the Gov ernments at London and Madrid.0 Having continued his survey of the coast for two years longer, Vancouver returned to Nootka in the summer of 1794 expecting that new instruc tions would be awaiting him regarding the transfer. He was disappointed. He waited two months at Nootka for them, then went to Monterey, where he waited nearly two months more. The English instructions still did not come, but the Spanish commissioner had received his orders, and Vancouver was informed that a special British commissioner had been sent for the purpose. On December 1 he sailed for England.0 "Voyage of the Sutil y Mexicana In 1792, Introduction; Mexico a Travel de Los Siglos, II, 879 ; Informe of Revilla-Gigedo of April 12, 1793, in Busta mante (Cavo), Los Tres Siglos, III, 330; Pedro Feger, Nouvelles Annales de Voyages, CI, 19. 11 A'ancouver, Voyages, I, 47-49 and 58-75. • Id., 335 ff; Bustamante (Cavo), Los Tres Siglos, III, 133-140; Green how, Oregon and California, 241-246. "Vancouver, Voyages, VI, 65-95, 117, 126. The commission was to him first and to the special commissioner in A'ancouver's absence. (See Id. p. 118.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 465 While the arrangements were being made to send the above commissioners to Nootka to carry out the stipulations in the first article of the convention, steps were also being taken to fulfill the agreement in the declarations of July 24. The two Governments appointed commissioners to decide on the amount of the indemnity which Spain should pay to those interested in the ships captured at Nootka. Their negotia tion was conducted at London. The Spanish agent, Manuel de Las Heras, was sent in May, 1791. Baron St. Helens [Fitzherbert] wrote on May 29 introducing him to Lord Grenville, who had succeeded the Duke of Leeds in the for eign office. Heras was also consul-general to England. St. Helens said : He appears to me to be very sensible, well informed, and right headed ; so that I am persuaded that he will do his best in order to execute the commission with which he is charged to the satisfaction of both Courts." When the Spanish commissioner reached London he either misunderstood his instructions or was intentionally very reserved regarding them. On August 26 Grenville wrote to St. Helens : The sending of M. Las Heras at last without any instructions is really abominable, and would be reason enough, if we were so dis posed, to refuse to hear of alliance or anything else. He appealed to St. Helens to " make those slow Spaniards send instructions and powers, and, above all, liberty to refer the matter to arbitration, by which the ministers of both Courts will get it off their hands." 6 On receipt of this letter the British ambassador called the attention of Floridablanca to the commissioner's delay in negotiating. The Spanish minister thought that the instructions to Heras were clear and explicit; nevertheless, he sent additional instructions on September 8 authorizingthe commissioner to settle and liqui date the damages, with the concurrence of Campo, the Span ish ambassador. He was to give the British Court to under stand that in case of difference the Spanish King was willing to submit the matter to arbitration. The Count had given St. Helens a copy of these instructions and the latter sent » St. Helens to Grenville, May 29, 1791 ; Fortescue MSS., II, 86 'Grenville to St. Helens, August 26, 1791. (Id., 176.) H. Doc. 429, 58-3 30 466 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. them to Grenville, saying that they seemed satisfactory ex cept that the conmiissioner did not have authority to settle finally without submitting the matter to the Spanish King. He remarked that such would have been an unprecedented power and said that His Catholic Majesty had promised to act on it immediately.0 It seems that the commissioners failed to agree and that the matter was referred to a court of arbitration, which sat at or near Madrid in the early part of the next year. On May 14, 1792, St. Helens wrote from Aranjuez that the Nootka arbitration business was " en bon train," and though it was going more slowly than expected he hoped to send dispatches concerning it in a A'ery few days.6 A fortnight later the business had taken a new turn. The British am bassador wrote : I can not but hope that the proposal which goes by this messenger for settling what the Count of Aranda c calls the fastidious business of the Nootka claims by the payment of a round sum of money as a discharge in full will strike your fancy as much as it does his and mine. The Avriter added that if the offer should be thought too small he was confident that Spain would increase it ten, fif teen, or even twenty thousand Spanish dollars. If Gren ville should reject the offer and wish the matter to revert to arbitration he said that Aranda would facilitate it.° The amount offered was 200,000 Spanish dollars. About two months later the Nootka claimants were called upon to decide whether they wished to accept the offer or to have the matter referred back to Madrid in hope of having the sum increased.6 The claimants apparently did not accept the offer. A month afterwards Dundas, the home secretary, wrote : The Nootka business, I take it for granted, will get on, but it hangs rather unaccountably. I suspect that both sides are in some degree to blame.f "St. Helens to Grenville, October 3, 1791. (Id., 203.) "Same to same, May 14, 1792. (Id., 268.) ' The new prime minister, appointed on the fall of Floridablanca. * St. Helens to Grenville, May 29, 1792. (Fortescue MSS., II, 275.) • Grenville to Dundas, August 4, 1792. (Id., 297.) Dundas was Kome sec retary. 'Dundas to Grenville, September 2, 1792. (Id., 307.) NOOTKA SOUND CONTROVERSY. 467 After a delay of several months more, the Spanish Court increased the offer by $10,000. On February 12, 1793, the following convention was signed : Wootlca claims convention. In virtue of the declarations exchanged at Madrid on the 24th of July, 1790, and of the convention signed at the Escorial on the 18th [2Sth] of the following October, Their Catholic and Britannic Majes ties, desiring to regulate and determine definitely everything regard ing the restitution of the British ships seized at Nootka, as well as the indemnification of the parties interested in the ships, have named for this purpose and constituted as their commissioners and pleni potentiaries, to wit, on the part of His Catholic Majesty, Don Manuel de lias Heras, commissary in His said Majesty's armies, and his agent and consul-general in the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ire land ; and on the part of His Britannic Majesty, Mr. Ralph Woodford, Knight Baronet of Great Britain ; who, after having communicated their full powers, have agreed upon the following articles : Abticxe 1. His Catholic Majesty, besides having restored the ship Argonaut, the restoration of which took place in the port of Sun Bias in the year 1791 [1790], agrees to pay as indemnity to the parties interested in it the amount of two hundred and ten thousand hard dollars in specie, it being understood that this sum is to serve as compensa tion and complete indemnification for all their losses, whatever they may be, without any exception, and without leaving the possibility of a future remonstrance on any pretext or motive. Article II. Said payment shall be made on the day on which the present con vention shall be signed by the commissioner of His Catholic Majesty in the presence of the commissioner of His Britannic Majesty, which latter shall give at the same time an acknowledgment of payment consistent with the terms enunciated in the former article and- signed by the said commissioner for himself and in the name and by the order of His Britannic Majesty and of the said interested parties. And there shall be attached to the present convention a copy of the said acknoAvledgment of payment, executed in the proper form, and likewise of the respective full powers and of the authorizations of the said interested parties. Article III. Tlie ratifications of the present convention shall be exchanged in this city of London within a period of six weeks from the date of its signature, or before if possible. 468 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. In witness whereof we, the undersigned commissioners and pleni potentiaries of Their Catholic and (Britannic Majesties, have signed the present convention in their names and in virtue of our respective full powers, affixing to it the seals of our arms. Done at Whitehall, February 12, 1793." Manuel de Las Heeas. R. Woodfoed. During all of the time that the negotiations were in prog ress over the liquidation of the Nootka claims, a treaty of alliance and commerce between England and Spain was be ing discussed. The British Court attempted to induce the Spanish Government to accept duties on English manufac tures, " instead," as Grenville said, " of paying an army not to prevent their being smuggled." In the same connection he remarked, " but that, I fear, is a trait of wisdom far be yond their comprehension."6 The negotiation dragged through 1791 and 1792 and into 1793. In the meantime Spain had twice changed prime ministers. On the fall of Floridablanca, Aranda had succeeded him. After holding the position for about a year Aranda was succeeded by the Duke of Alcudia, the famous Godoy, known as the Prince of Peace, the paramour of the corrupt Queen. The impulse that finally brought the negotiations to a crisis was the mur der of the French King by order of the Convention. A shudder of horror passed over Europe. Four days after the death of Louis XVI the British Cabinet decided to author ize St. Helens to discuss a permanent alliance with the Court of Spain against the excesses of the French Eevolution. The alliance was to be commercial, offensive, and defensive." Such an alliance was concluded May 25, 1793, and ratified by the British Court on June 21 following. Ratifications were exchanged July 5.d This alliance facilitated the settlement of the Nootka busi ness. After the failure of Vancouver and Quadra to agree in 1792 as to what should be surrendered at Nootka, the Governments took up the matter again. While the nego- <* Translated from the Spanish copy published in Calvo, Recueil Complet des Traites de l'Amerlque Latine, III, 364. * "Grenville to St. Helens, August 26, 1791. (Fortescue MSS., II, 1760 c Cabinet minute, January 25, 1793. (Id., 373.) d Grenville to St. Helens, June 21, 1793. (Id., 398.) The documents relat ing to the negotiation are found in bundle 4221, Sec. Estado, of the Archive* Historico Nacional at Madrid. NOOTKA 80UND CONTROVERSY, 469 tiations for this purpose were in progress a long letter from Kevilla-Gigedo, the Viceroy of Mexico, reached Madrid. Ibis was the informe of April 12, 17&3, to which reference has frequently been made. Godoy, -the Spanish prime min ister, wrote to the Viceroy that in view of this and other letters from the same source he had concluded a convention with St. Helens.0 In this long letter the Viceroy, after hav ing given a brief history of the Spanish operations on the Northwest Coast, and especially the Nootka expeditions. gave an extended discussion, the purpose of which was to show that Nootka was not worth retaining. He dAvelt on the millions that had been spent during the past twenty-five years in erecting and sustaining neAV establishments in Upper California, and discouraged attempts to occupy more distant places. He indorsed the idea of settling the Straits of Juan de Fuca and southward, but he thought that settle ments farther north would be a cause of anxiety and fruit less expense and would afford occasions for quarrels and mis understandings Avith England. If England wished to main tain possession of Nootka as a point of honor, he declared that Spain ought to yield to her. He proposed a generous surrender of the post to the English.6 The convention to which Godoy referred as having been concluded by himself Avith the British ambassador was signed at Madrid on January 11, 1794, and was as follows : Convention for the mutual abandonment of Nootka. Their Catholic and Britannic Majesties desiring to remove and obviate all doubt and difficulty relative to the 'execution of article 1 of the convention concluded between Their said Majesties on the 28th of October, 1790, have resolved and agreed to order that new instruc tions be sent to the officials who have been respectively commissioned to carry out the said article, the tenor of which instructions shall be as follows : That within the shortest time that may be possible after the ar rival of the said officials at Nootka they shall meet in the place, or near, where the buildings stood which were formerly occupied by the subjects of His Britannic Majesty, at which time and in which place they shall exchange mutually the following declaration and counter declaration : » [Alcudia] to Revilla-Gigedo, January 29, 1794. (MS. Arch. Hist. Na cional, Madrid, Sec. Estado, 4291.) "Revilla-Gigedo to Alcudia, Mexico, April 12, 1793. (Bustamante (Cavo), Los Tres Siglos, III, 112-164.) 470 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Declaration. " I, N N , in