YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1934 PRIVATELY PRINTED. INUTES OF THE VESTRY MEETINGS AND OTHER RECORDS OF Zhe flbarisb of 5t Gbrtstopber le Stocks, IN THE CITY OF LONDON. LONDON: PRINTED BY RIXON AND ARNOLD, 29, POULTRY, E.C. 1886. PRIVATELY PRINTED, MINUTES OF THE VESTRY MEETINGS AND OTHER RECORDS OF %^t Cartel) ot gbt Qfyvititopfytt le gstocftg, IN THE CITY OF LONDON. EDITED BY EDWIN FEESHFIELD, Doctor of Lmos, Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and one of the Churchwardens of the Parish. LONDON: PRINTED BY RIXON AND ARNOLD, 20, POULTRY, E.C. 1886. INTRODUCTION. The Documents printed in this volume are to be found in two large folio books, one called the Book of Records, and the other the Vestry Minute Book. Both these books are now in fair condition. The Book of Records, which has been beautifully repaired, was, about 16 years ago, in a miserable condition. I had intended to make a complete transcript of the Book of Records, but I found that this would seriously interfere with the continuity of the Minutes of the Vestry Meetings, which was, to my mind, the principal object, I had to keep in view. The Book of Records was originally prepared in 1486, for the purpose of containing — not the Records of the proceedings of the Vestry meetings — but a list of the property appertaining to the Parish and the evidences relating to it. It had been intended that the book should begin with an Index. The first pages are cut so as to allow of the insertion of an Alphabetical Index, but I do not think that this intention was ever even partially carried out. The first document entered in the Book was a complete list of all the goods belonging to the parish, then follow various Wills relating to the parish property, memoranda of leases, and of a variety of other matters interesting to the parish. These memoranda have, from time to time, been added to up to the close of the seventeenth century. In the space which had been set apart for the Index, the earlier Vestry Minutes were entered, extending from the year 1559 to the year 1591. From the year 1591 to 1593 the entries are made in a different part of the book, and after the latter date they are entered in the second volume, which contains only Vestry Minutes. It seemed to me, therefore, that if I interposed between the earlier Vestry Minutes, the whole or a considerable part of the contents of the Book of Records, I should be destroying the continuity of the parish history. I have preferred, therefore, to place at the end of the Vestry Minutes, in an appendix, such documents from the Book of Records as I thought were immediately connected with or interesting for the present volume, reserving my intention of printing the whole or such parts of the rest of the contents of the Book of Records as I think necessary. A certain portion of it, which consists of copies of leases, I do not think will be necessary, nor am I sure that any good object will be attained by transcribing the whole of the Wills, though I propose hereafter to give an abstract of the most interesting portions of them. The items which will, I think, be considered most interesting are those to be found in the earlier portion of the Vestry Minutes, and in the various inventories and miscellaneous articles taken from the Book of Records. Commencing with these later, I think the list of jewels, goods, and ornaments, the Articles agreed upon at a Vestry held in 1507, the assessment for the Pews in 1554, and for the Clerk's wages in 1561, will be considered among the most curious documents. IV. INTBODTJCTION. The Inventory of Church goods in 1488 has already been printed in the publications of the Society of Antiquaries, but I thought it well to print it again here, as when publishing the Parish documents, there were additions to it which it became necessary to make, but which were not necessary in the previous publication. The Inventory is interesting both to the student of antiquities and also as shewing the wealth of so small a parish as St. Christopher must always have been. From the Articles drawn up in 1507, some instructive particulars may be gathered. It appears that the Curfew was rung at St. Christopher's at eight o'clock in the evening. The Articles prescribe regulations for the closing of the alley gate of the churchyard, and the times when it shall be opened. They prescribe that the Chaplain or Chauntry Priest shall not let his house, or any part of it ; the manner and times at which the various services are to be performed in the Church ; that none of the Chaplains shall go to any Trental ; and that the Chaplains shall not go to their mass two at once, but shall go to their masses immediately the one after the other. It is probable that these Articles were entered in an earlier Vestry Minute Book, which is lost, because the particular entries are manifestly only copies. The memorandum of the assessment of the pews, made in the year 1524, is also very interesting and instructive. It would seem that what are termed the Clerk's wages were collected by an assessment upon the pews, and the memorandum provides for the punishment to be inflicted upon any person who rebelled, so that he would not sit or pay according as was appointed by the assessors. The change of religion made no difference in these regulations, for in the year 1574, upon the occasion of a further sessment for "the byll of the Clarke's wages," it is provided as follows: "It is furdar agreed in this Vestery, that all suche as shall refuse to pay as they ar sessed for this iij years, the churche wardens shall show the sessors thereof, & they shall be cauled beffour them, and yf they wyll not be parswaded by them to pay as they are sessed, then the churchwardens shall shew them in the ordynarys court, at the coust and charges of the parysh, a cording to an ansyentt or Dar hear in this boak wretten." This, no doubt, refers to the order made in 1524, just 50 years before. It appears from other sources in the books that the whole of the money was not applied to the pay ment of the Clerk's wages, but went towards the general Ecclesiastical purposes of the parish ; in fact, it was practically a church rate, in a form of a payment for the pews, but no part of the money raised in this way went, as far as I have been able to gather, towards the clergyman. The description given of the pews is interesting. It will be gathered from it that there were certain pews in the body of the church set apart for women. Among them, one is described as being on the north side, "next pew before the shryving hous." It seems to have been usual to have such an article in the church though it went by different names. In the accounts of St. Michael's, Cornhill, printed by my friend, Mr. Alfred J. Waterlow, the first person who seriously undertook the work of re-producing those interesting documents, there is this entry in the year 1548 : — " Item paid to the joyner for takynge downe the shryvyng pew, and making another pew in the same place, iijs" It would appear that the custom of having separate pews for women was common in London because in the Minute Book of St. Michael's, under date 2nd February, 1583, is an entry in which these are alluded to. This entry is as follows : " Also it is agreed that ye Churchwardens shall make stayne foote paces at the women's pues in the church for their mayde svants to stand and knele on, & the lycke paces to be made in ye quyre." There are also minutes referring to subsequent assessments for the Clerk's wages in the years 1561 and 1562. INTRODUCTION. V. At page 74 there is a declaration of the value of certain Ecclesiastical property belonging, to the parish, made in the first year of King Edward the 6th. It is stated that the premises were situated in the parish of St. Dunstan's in the West, that they were of the clear yearly value of 110 shillings. They were sold at 16 years' purchase to Mr. John Croke, of Chilton, in the County of Berkshire, subject to a lease to Mr. T. Witton, for 60 years from 35, Henry VIII. I presume that Mr. John Croke must have purchased on behalf of the parish as there is abundant subsequent evidence in the Records that the property early in Queen Elizabeth's reign, was again in the hands of the parish who were receiving the rents and profits, and as I remarked in the introduction to the parish accounts, it formed the subject of an interesting law-suit with the tenant Witton. The minutes proper began in 1561, and I have extracted them as far as 1685. Taking them with the account books and registers they make a very complete history of the parish. From them we learn (page 2) that there was a water-fall and course in the churchyard, where no doubt the Wall-brook ran as an open stream. The parish had a clock which caused them a great deal of trouble. In 1566, the church wardens were ordered to " se the cloke pvsed " by the advice of a man of knowledge, and also mended, or new made, as nede shall require, so yt yt may be a good and pffytt cloke." This not being successful, it would seem the parish determined to sell the clock, but before it was sold, viz. in 1572, "it was fardar agreed that wher as it was apoynted, that the clocke shudd have byne sowld, yt is now agreed that it shall be kepte, & one too be apoynted too kepe yt goinge, and to have for the keeping yt, vi3- viij4, by the yere." In 1574, the parishoners again got tired of the clock, for it was agreed that the Churchwardens " shall do their best ffor the sellyg of the organs, the clocke, and the egle of brasse, to the most benefitt of the prshe." But neither did this succeed, for, in 1577, it was "agreed that some skylfull man have the sighte of the cloke, and ether to mend yt, or chang yt, or sell yt." It was also " agreed that the cop. egell and the organs shall be solde." It was also agreed " that these persons that hathe the doynges for the cloke shall have the barres of the chansell to be cote done, & to be sold for the most provete, and to be done in the beste forme and maner, and the pwlpete to be altered by theire dyscressyon, and to berne sten. old papest bookse wh. remayned in ye vestery." In the year 1578, in the list of goods, there appear : Item, 1 payer of Organs. Item, 1 Egle of Brasse, or lattin. This is the last time they appear in the Minute Book. Their next appearance is in the Account Book, in 1581 : Rd. for the Egle of Lattin or brasse _ xljs- vid- Rd. for the pillers of the pticun sawne downe ... . xiij3- iiijd Rd. for the Orgaynes, wh- certaine old cubbord_te xlviij3- vjd Rd. for the Clocke, being very olde and worne ' ;. x8. And this is the end of them. In the year 1573, there is an entry which is of some interest. At this time, Mr. Bartholomew. Busfield was the Rector. It was " agreed that the parson, yf he can help the paryshe to recover all the money that John Baker, clarke to the Court of Consyenes, hauth in his hands, of the parryshes, that the parson shall hav the on haufe thereof, barying haufe the charges and standyng bond, as the paryshe by the ockacyon therof shall." if -id. VI. INTRODUCTION. This was a Court established by an order of the Court of Common Council, in the 9th King Henry VIII., for the recovery of small debts under 40s. in the City of London, by a summary and inexpensive process. It was afterwards confirmed by Act of Parliament, in King James' reign, 1 James I. c. xiv. and was called the Court of Requests. The City of London, in respect of law reform, as in respect of every other improvement, was far in advance of the so-called superior law courts of the realm, and frequently incurred the odium of the lawyers practising in those Courts, for its cheap and expeditious manner of enforcing the rights of the citizens, notably, in the instance of this Court, which they tried to supersede, and the excellent Court of Arbitration on claims on policies of marine insurance, which they succeeded in abolishing. It appears that the day upon which the Churchwardens were elected in the City parishes varied from time to time. I believe they were originally elected with the Common Council, upon St. Thomas's Day. They were all elected according to the custom of London, and I believe that the custom in St. Christopher's Parish, and in the whole of London, was, in Queen Elizabeth's reign, to elect Churchwardens to serve from Christmas to Christmas. Each Churchwarden, in turn, was elected as Junior Churchwarden, to take the place of the Churchwarden then going out of office. He was elected to serve for two years, so that in the second year he would be Senior Churchwarden, and the newly elected parishioner would be the Junior Warden. As I have said, the elections took place at various times, but in and after the year 1580, they were held on the first Sunday in December, and the minutes usually mention the fact that the newly elected Warden was to remain Churchwarden for the period of two years, according to the accustomed order of the parish, or according to the ancient custom, and in one place it is said to be according to anncyentt custom, always used in the parish, to hold the election on the next Sunday after St. Andrew's Day, to hold office from the following Christmas. The Churchwardens seem to have made up their accounts to Christmas, and this arrangement was eminently practical and convenient. In the year 1605, the time of electing Churchwardens was changed to Easter Sunday, and this appears to have been the practice until 1635, when, under the auspices of Mr. John Macarnesse, the then Rector, upon the 15th April, " It was ordered and agreed by the Parson & the major part of the parish then psent, that, from henceforth, no Vestree shall be called or held in the parish upon the Saboth Day, and that the choosing of Churchwardens and other officers for the parish shall, every yere, be upon Easter Monday." Notwithstanding that the custom of electing in December is stated to be antient, this is not borne out by the Vestry Minute Book. In 1559, the Churchwardens were chosen on the 10th March. In 1562, they were chosen upon " St. Matheyas Day, for the yer ensewing, and so an notha afta acordyng to the awnsyent custom." In 1564, the election was held on the 25th March, being our Lady Day. The elections seem to have been at various dates in February and March, until the year 1580, when, as I said before, they were made in December. In St. Michael's, Cornhill, they were, by an ancient ordinance, to have held office for a year from the Feast of the Purification, but from 1456 to 1556 they seem to have made up their accounts to All Saints' Day. I would willingly dwell at length upon some of the other topics of interest in this book but must content myself by mentioning one other. INTRODUCTION. Vll. At page 73, under date 5th June, 1561, is the following entry : — " Also 2a- ob is to be gathered every Sundaye by the Sexton, wdl was wont to serve for holy breade, and nowe to serve for wyne for the coinunion table, and if any overplus be left then the same to be geven to the por of the prisshe." Although I have never seen it mentioned in any book, it seems clear to me that originally it was the practice in England, as it is still in other Christian countries, for the parishioners to offer the bread to be used at the Holy Communion. No doubt this was done at a time when the parishioners ordinarily communicated with the Priest. The parishioners seem to have had a course by which tliey, in turn, provided the loaf. In the course of years, the bread thus offered for the Communion was distributed after the service. This distribution, which is common in the East, is called the Antidoron, and was, I believe, called in the French pain beni. I am not sure if this distribution was made in England at the time of the Reformation, or if the loaf was represented by a money payment only. The money payment was twopence, which was collected every week from the families whose turn it was to offer the loaf. The collection was made by the Parish Clerk. We find an allusion to this practice in an obscure passage in the Clerk's duties in the Parish books of St. Stephen's, Coleman Street. I call it obscure because it is written over an erasure, and is barely legible. This passage reads as follows : — " Item. They shall be redy ev'y sonnonday after matens be sayd, to orden water and salte, and to cutte the holi loffe, s, ijd- ob and a ob loofe for the cantille sub pena of a ob to the chirch to be payd. Item. They shall see the pfett of the curate in offeringys, in wax, in wyne, in brede." It would seem from this that it was part of the Clerk's duty to cut the " holi loffe," the price of which was twopence ; but whether the loaf or the twopence was provided, is not clear. The reformers of the Church of England adopted and availed of existing customs and institutions. The distribution of the bread was not made part of the custom of the Church of England, but an actual Communion was enforced, as appears from the rubrics of the first prayer book of Edward VI. First there is a rubric plainly implying that the Holy Communion was to be celebrated daily except Wednesdays and Fridays ; afterwards the following direction — " Likewise in chapels annexed and all other places there shall be no celebration of the Lord's Supper except there be some to communicate with the Priest and in such chapels annexed where the people hath not been accustomed to pay any holy bread there they must either make some charitable provision for the bearing of the charges of the Communion or else for receiving ofthe same resort to the parish Church." There is then a provision made as to the description of the bread for the Communion ; the rubric then proceeds, " and for so much as the pastors and curates within this Realm shall continually find at their costs and charges in their cures sufficient bread and wine for the Holy Communion as oft as their parish ioners shall be disposed for their spiritual comfort to receive the same. It is therefore ordered that in recompence of such costs and charges, the parishioners of every parish shall offer every Sunday at the time of the offertory the just value and price of the holy loaf with all such money and other things as were wont to be offered with the same to the use of their pastors and curates, and that in such order and course as they were wont to find and pay the said holy loaf ; also that the receiving of the Sacrament of the Blessed Body and Blood of Christ may be most agreeable to the institution thereof and to the usage of the primitive church, in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches there shall always some communicate with the Priest that ministereth, and that the same may be also observed everywhere abroad in the country, someone at the least of that house in every parish to whom by course after the ordinance herein made it appertaineth to offer for the charges of the Communion or some other whom they shall provide to offer for them shall receive Holy Communion of the Priest, V1U. INTRODUCTION. the which may be the better done for that they know before when their course cometh and may therefore dispose themselves to the worthy receiving of the Sacrament, and that him or them, who doeth so offer the charges of the Communion and other Avho be then Godly disposed thereunto shall likewise receive Communion, and by this means the minister having always some to communicate with him may accordingly solemnize so high and holy mysteries with all the suffrages and due order appointed for the same, and the Priest on the week day shall forebear to celebrate communion except he have some that will communicate with him." This rubric is not repeated in the second Prayer Book of King Edward VI. 1552, but the practice ofthe contribution by houses is referred to thus: — "The bread and wine for the Communion shall be provided by the curate and the churchwardens at the charges of the parish, and the parish shall be discharged of such sums of money or other duties which hitherto they have paid for the same by- order of their houses every Sunday." In Queen Mary's reign all this was altered, but on Queen Elizabeth's accession the order of the second Prayer Book of King Edward VL, in this respect, was re-enacted. It was, no doubt, this alteration in the rubric which caused the parish to determine " that the iid- ob is to be gathered every Sundaye by the sexton wch was won to serve for holy breade and nowe to serve for wyne for the communion table." There is the following minute which shows that the collection of the 2a- was afterwards discontinued and the bread and wine paid for out of the parish funds. A.D. 1570. "It was further agreed yt ye charge of the communio11 bred and wyne should be at ye cost of ye pishe hereafter, and to be in ye accoptes of ye church wardes." The only other minute in this connexion is one fixing the times for the Holy Communion. This will be found at page 10. "At the same vestry it was condescended and agreed that once wUl in the space of sixe weekes thear shal be a communion." In other parishes in the city the Holy Communion was celebrated once a month, and the information afforded by the Records with regard to the church services and the time and mode of performing them is often very interesting. I would instance this by two quotations from the minutes of St. Michael's, Cornhill, which I have before quoted. In the year 1563 the parish determined that " the first Sunday of every month the communion of Christ's body and blood should be read out and ministered." "The second Sunday children and servants after evening prayer to be catechised." In 1568 the parish determined as follows : — " All Hallowes Day." " Att this vestre itt was agreed that upo evere Sonday there showld be a destens betwixthe the morning prayer and the pistill and gospell, and the lattine of the spayce of one ower or there abowtts. to the ede thatt such svantts and otheres as could nott to cu fyrste morning prayer att the leeste they might cu untto ye pystill gospell and littany." Other illustrations might be given, but I have not yet come across any other instance of an allusion to a collection for the holy loaf or for holy bread. In 1662 in the revised Prayer Book the rubric was altered to a simple direction that the bread and wine- at the Communion shall be provided by the curate and the Churchwardens at the charges of the parish.I must defer a longer notice of the contents of these books until I can make it more comprehensive and general, than can be done in an introduction. I cannot conclude without expressing again my obligations to my friend, Mr. Welch, of the Guildhall Library, for the valuable assistance he has afforded me. 5, Bank Buildings, London, February, 1886. ST. CHRISTOPHER LE STOCKS. MINUTES OF VESTRY MEETINGS. Book of The iij day of februare the obeet of John Gedney cords i a. spent |n tj-e quier & the Res). tQ the . . . of the cherche in the bode ib. it ie ixt dale June 1560 ao scondo 'S-athe A0 D 1579 26 of february . . . . ced of straungers beynge sicke in my pishe as licenced to eate [flesh ac]cordyng to ye sd acte of parlemet helde at Westminster . . . day of January In yc fyveth yeare of ye queenes maG Rn By me Bartholomew bowsfell pson of Sl [Christophjer by y"e Stockes in londo is condysendyd and ag[reed] of a vestrye the ix thatt whereas goodman overton hathe broken a serten cloth .... gold clothe yl ye goodman o[ver]ton for xij owncs at Vs [the] owne .... the gold comyng thereof ys content to geve it the losse yff anye losere and sa . . . the comvnyon cupe the [they] are cotentt for eu'ye [every] ownce thereof Rayte as a nother gold- smythe wyll the lyke also they are agreyd thatt shall allowe for the challys for d and halfe q' iiif xd for eu'y ixthof Also the vestrye hathe greyd the thatt Hen fridantt yoman shall have wagys for one yere to begyne at .... . next iij" and xviijd a weeke tyll begyn md that the xiiij daye of dessemb[er] the goodman overton browght in his akownt before the m of the presshe and by the same akownt hyt dowthe appere that the seyd over[ton] dothe owe vnto the presshe the som of vj1' vjs vijd of the wch su the masters of the parreshe are contented to abat him xlijs aponne kondespon] that w' in viij dayes after this dat the seyd w overton dow bryng in and paye vnto mr forrman for the yewse of the parresshe iiij1' iiijs vijd and yf the seyd overton dow not paye the seyd mone akordeng as above seyd then hyt is hereby agred by the consent of all the m of the paresshe that the seyd ovarton shall paye thes hplle som wch he owes w' owt anye is vj" vjs vijd harry becher thomas benneste' thomas basford wyngot per me george fireman thorns lavrns thes pcells ar sold Thes be the psells . . . goods and orna- y a. ments of the churche of seynt Chrystophers fownde yn the same churche the xxiiij"1 day of Julye A0 1559 taken ynto the warde & kepyng of John Whithed & gyles Event wardens at that tyme of the same churche In pms a chalyce & a patent weynge viij ones e[ach] & e[ach] p' p[ar]c[ell] gylt It a cross of copci1 & gylt — w* the foote albo gylt It a payer of latcn candcllstycka It a Bcnii of latcn It iij bells of l_.lui lo sett taps yn foi1 the roode loftc ... a holy wat otockc of powtor ... a pyxe of pewtr ... a chriomatory of powtor It on altare clothe of nettytt clothe & ij towells of nettyft clothe tabell It ij playne alltaro clothes & ij playne towells tabell It on old alltar clothe of dyaper It a vestyment w' ij tunycles of clothe of gold w' an albo It a red vestyment of saten of bruges w* an albo brok It a cope of blew vellvet wl flowres of golde It-ij-j herse clothes of clothe of golde It an olde herse clothe w1 a red cross It iiij alltare clothes on of them ys crymsyn vellvet & an other of them red velvet bothe be sett w' flowrys of gold & on of red damaske w' flowres of golde & on of them ys fustyan apes w' flowres of gold It a corporao oaoo & a corporao clothe It a turky carpet to lay vnder foote before ye Alter It a vayle of lynncn to drawc ov'thwartc tho pyx soide It vij surpluses for men & ij for chylderne It ij graylea & iiij antyphonaryeo on of thom yn pronte It ij maooc booko & ij hympnalls & v pecooyon books & a manuett It ij grot legends & ij psaltcra It a lynen clothe payntcd w* the takyng downc of chryst fro ye cros brent It iij bancr clothes for crosses paynted & gyldod brent It a lampe of latcn f hong ya the body of ys chircho soide It a deske of laten by me gyles Everet Item a comonyon — : — : — - It iij lit woll clothes on of tawny (?) wol &' on of festyan &•' a — ¦ — . — . The xth of mrche in a° wfarden] . . . . mr forman mr Ja . 1559 Jhdn overton was chosen churche • gyles Everet & for Audytors ys chosen . . . wormaii & Jhon Kelke B Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. The vijth of Decern . . . Md at the next meting to talke of the . . ' . . . that remayneth in mr Jaks the Churchewardens is retourned home The xxv"1 of february 1561 ace the c[om]putacon of Englonde The daye and yeare aboue in a comon vestry yt was agreed that the parishe shall haue and rceyve to ther vse the rent of a shedde in the Churche yard wch whitley Carpenter occupiethe att v s the yerly rent iherof Item that the pson shall haue and rceyve to his v[se th]e yerlie rent of a certaine comodite of ground to [keepe] bourds in, in the occuping of mr whiteheade The Parishe also are condescended, that in considerac5n that Mr Beacher shall at his proper costs and charg[es] beare all suche costs and charges, as shall from tyme to tyme be necessary for the repayring and amending of a certaine water fall & course in the churche yard comyng throwgh his ground they shall yerlie pay in acknowledging of a rente xijd, and towching such reparac5ns as shalbe necessary for the Mouthe of the same water fall in the Church eyard yt is agreed, that the parishe shall beare the one halfe, and Mr Beacher shall beare the other. Item that the person shall pay to the yse of the churche \ for a vale, that he had, vjs viijd for a frame of the Vxiijs [iiijd] Organes, vjs viijd ... ... ... ... . . . ) Yt is also agreed that suche Ornaments as are remayning in the Churche shalbe sold by Mr Beacher, and suche as he shall adioyne wth hym, for the most pffitt that can be wth tho consent ef tho paryaho. M Rd of m' phelpott by me Harry becher for hes dett \ above wrytten the wyche ys put In to my acowmpt > xii j" iiijd of thys yer a0 1562 as In the sam aperythe ... ... J iij a. The xij day of July 1562 att a vestrey kept wer chosen awdetturs for John Jacks acowmpt thes psons her namyd mr forman mr yonge mr bassford John Kelke The xxvijth day of sept'bar 1562 at a vestrye kept the sayd day wer elecktyd & chosen Colecktors for the powa' to saye Robartt Home groc' w™ Weldon haBctasher for thes yer nyxt Insewyng Md that mr phelpott pson hathe the kaye of the cherchyard of the grett dore, and of the wyckett, mynte and the taylar & cortys hathe ethar of them a kaye &cr The xxiiij day of febrewary 1562 apon sent matheyas daye A vestrey keptt Thomas barens mere' elecktyd & chosen cherchewardyn for the yer Insewyng & so an notha' afta' acordyng to the awnsyent ordar mr forman John kelke mr welden mr lorans Md a festrye kept the xxx day of maye 1563. M wher ytt was Condesendyd and agreyd that wher as adam wormatt & Stephen barrowe ar In dettyd to the pyshe of sent Crystof__rs In the som of iiju for that they stond bond for John ovarton latt of thes pyshe that an acsyon shatt be Comensed agaynst them for the sayd dett for that they wythe owtt acksyon do Refews to paye the sam wyche dett aperyth apon the fott of harry bechars acownpt delyv'yd vp thes day to thomas larens &ct' M aliso then agreyd thatt John menty hes wages shalbe awgmentyd vn to the som of Ivjs ayer wyche ys xiiij^r the qta' be seds the xijd aqtar for washeyng the lennyn to be gen at owr lady day last past and so to Contenew apon hes good behavor & at the goodwytt & plesuf of the pyshe &c' a vestrey keptt the xxv day of marche beyng our lady day a0 1564 Thomas Bassford chosen cherchewardyn for thes yer to Com from sent mathews daye past to sve afta' the old Costom of the pysh In the sam Rom awdytturs chosen for m* barnes acownptt mr forman mr lorans mr garna' thomas heron M xx pamhetts [payments] of cherchewardyns acownpts dd to mr bassford the sam' daye & the cherche bocke md that the povr mans boxe was broken oupe for takyng of ij keyes the xxx daye of m'che an° 1564 In the p'sence of owr mynyster mr lythall mr george forman mr thomas larrans to be destrybutyd to the powre In the p'ryshe the some beynge there In was fownde to be xxxixs Juste by me thomas basford and forwthe w' [forthwith] was bestowyde by mr forman & mr larrans & master yonge &c the xviij daye of June An° 1564 a vestery kepte the sayde daye were i\ chossen & eleckyte collectors for the poore for yeere to co thomas wylkes wyllyam hyckmote the keyes of the churche boxe are In the kypynge of John lythawll mynyster ij of them & theye other ij of me thomas basforde agreede apon yl yf ye keyes be loste the kypers to paye for them The accowmpt of vs John kelke and ffelix Laurens collectors for the pore of crystys hospytall for the pishe of saynt crystovers geven vpe in octobr a° 1564 Recs as foloweth It of Sr wm garret for xij monethes at vjs viijd the moneth Some iiij1' of thomas wylks for xij monethes at iiijd the moneth ... iiij" of Edward sothworth for xij monethes at viijd p moneth ... viijs of wm welden for xij monethes at xvjd p moneth ... Xv'f of thomas mons for xij monethes nothyng of mr cromton for xij monethes nothyng of thomas hearne for xij monethes at viijd p moneth viijs of mr harry becher for xij monethes at viijs p moneth ' iiij" X\js of John gardenar for xij monethes at ijs p monethe ... xxiiij* of John kelke for xij monethes at viijd p monethe ... ... v;j ;¦ of thomas Adams for xij monethes at iiijd p monethe ^j. Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. nj of thomas wheatley for xij monethes at iiijd p moneth of thomas Laurens for xij monethes at viijd p moneth of Robart thornton for x monethes at iiijd p moneth of Rychard merryot for xij monethes at iiijd p moneth of thomas basford for xij monethes at viijd p monethe of adam wormall for ij monethes at vjd p mothe of Steven barrow for viij monethes at iiijd p moneth . . . of John whyt hed for xij monethes at iiijd p moneth ... of wm colle for x monethes at iiijd p moneth ... of mr forman for xij monethes at xxd p monethe of mr thomas barrow for xij monethes at xvjd p moneth of felix Laurens for xij monethes at iiijd p monethe ... of w™ hyckmot for xij monethes at iiijd p moneth of wm throwgood for xij monethes at iiijd p moneth ... of John smythe for vj monethes at iiij d p moneth of John yong for xij monethes at viijd p moneth of mr Banestr for xij monethes at xvjd p moneth of gylls Evenet for ij monethes at iiijd p moneth of John Jacks for xij monethes at xij p moneth of mre Jacks widow for xij monethes at iiijd p moneth of henry Roshall for iij monethes at iiijd p moneth ... of antony whyt for xij monethes at viijd p moneth of Raff Boswell for iiij monethes at iiijd p moneth of wm poolle for xij monethes at iiijd p mpneth of georg wooddrof for ij monethes at iiijd p moneth ... of Rychard swarland for xij monethes nothing Some of all the Reseytts \ by vs Recd as afore > xix1' xs aperythe ... ... J Wherof is pd to the pore of owre pishe as vndr aperythe fyrst to Jonne carlett widow for iij monethes at ijs the monethe To Edward bawne for xij monethes at ijs p moneth ... To Wedow clebrowcke for xij monethes at xijd p moneth To John mynton for xij monethes at viijd p monethe The some of all that is pd by vs to the pore of this pishe as above sayde is More pd to the clarcke of thospitall as by his quyttans dothe apere the Rest of the some above gatheryd wch is ... nrp viij5 iijs iiijd iiij5 viijs xijd ijs viijd nij5 iiijd XXs xvj5 iiij5iiij5 iiij s ij5 viij5 xvj5 viijd xij5 iiijs xijd viij5 xvjd iiij5 viij*1 }vj5 xxiiij5 xijs viijs xvij" In the pyshe off Seynt Crestoffers md the xxj day of desemba1 1562 the powar mens boxe" wos openyd In the prsens of the ptys ondar wrytten, wherln ther wos fond In mony the som of xxijs ixd wherof ther wos destrebewtyd the sam day vnto thes powar of thes sayd paryshe of sent crystofars and destrebewtyd by the hands of harry bechar & John Jacks cherche wardyns for that tym to saye soma ... to fatha' bawne to motha1 Carnell ... to myntey the powar sexten of the sam pyshe . . . to Claybrocks wydowe to anthony a blynde powar man ... to Cowrtys wyffe In Cornyll whos husband wos prsonar to Cowrtys wyffe In the cherche yard chargyd w chyldarn xxij5 ix ijs ij5ifijs iij5 iiijd [- xviij5 iiijd so Restythe In the hands of harry bechar on of the sayd cherche wardyns that longythe vnto the powar the sayd day above sayd to be destrebewtyd when ytt f nij5 v° shalbe apoyntyd by the sayd cherchewardyns & othars of the pyshe ... Wettneses to thes doyngs the sayd xxj day of deseba* 1562 mr fylpott pson John yonge mr forman wm weldon & harry bechar & Johh Jacks cherche wardyns Rd the xviij day January 1562 at a commewnyon that ) . a wos gevyn for the vesse [use] of the powar ... j apoyntyd for kepeng of the fower keyes of the cherche boxe to saye harry bechar to keyes thomas lorans to keyes md the 3 day of aprell 1563 wos put In to the cherche boxe\ the mony that aperythe to Remayn above that longs to ! . s d the powar in the p'sents of mr forman mr yonge & mr C lorans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ' ma that ther wos Rd at a comynyon the 27 day of marche ... iij5 md that ther wos Rd at a comynyon the 4 day of aprell j5 vjd ob md that ther won R.d at a comewnyon the 9 of maye 1 563 com iiijs vijd Soma xiiij5 iiijd ob md transporttyd thes som that Remayethe vnto the nyxt sed-of thes leffe The ix day of Aprell 1563 was gevyn to the powar of the pyshe off 1 the boxe mony befor wrytten as owar To anthony the blynd man ... ... ... ... ... xvjd xijdxijd xijdxijd xijdxijdxijd To old Bane To mothar Carell To thomas Raynam To Claybrocke wydow ... To Corttys wyffe In cherche yard To menty sextyn To mothar spencke Som viijs viijd gevyn by Consent of harry bechar gorge forman & thomas lorans so Rest In boxe v5 viij'1 ob Rd apon estar day at a comynyon 1563 som iij5 xjd Rd at a Comywnyon apon the 9 day of maye pott In boxe iiij5 vijd Rd at a comvnyon the vj daye of ffebruary 1564 for the powre mans boxe & there remaynythe stylle Resseuyde the x daye december An° 1564 ow' of ye powr mans boxe In the prsence of mrgeorge forman mrlythall parson mr larrance & mr thomas basforde churche warden & destrybutyde as followythe :e}ir to father bawme to ye goodman slawter ... to ye goodman dragon ... to the goodman mynton to the goodwyffe kelke wyddowe to the goodwyffe cleybrowke wydowe to the goodman Raynam taylowre to the goodwyffe tomson to the goodman tomson to the goodman felde ... to the goodwyffe warcope to the goodman holford to the goodwyffe bentle wydow xvjQ xijd xvjd xvjd xvjd xvjdxvjd X1J I xijd viijd xdqt viijd 1 9s io" qc Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. vj a. In a westery kepte the xv daye of apll an0 1565 wherein ys eleetyd & chossyn mr thomas banyster churchewarden to Joyn w' thomas basford for ye yere to eo Audytors chosen & apoynted at thys same vestery for thomas basford master kelke forman acovnte master gardener / thomas home of ye old, mr Jakes / mr yonge the nve A furder order takyn for ye stocke belongynge to ye churche and p'ryshe to be put fourthe to wm weldon hande apon suffysyente suertes to be Repayed ageyne at iij monthes wamynge yf any shuche thynge hapyn to ye vse of ye p'ryshe ether ells at ye yers ende to be broughte In A vestery kepte the xv daye of Jully An° 1565 where In ys eleetyd & chossen wm weldon churchewarden to Joyne w' thomas basforde for thys yere to co more at thys vestery ys chossen colectors for the povre m' hearne & Robard colson for ye yere to co at thys vestery yt ys agreed y' wm weldon shall make hys bond to mr byohor mr formain mr alderman mr bycher & to mr forman vj b. St xpovers pishe The xxij daie of December a0 1565 The poore mens boxe was oppenyd in the pressence of John Leythall pson thomas basford & wm weltdon churche wardens whearein was xixs wch was the same daye distributed to thes poore people of the pishe whose names ffollowe after It in prim5 father bawne had wm slater had xpover Battie had Good man Dragon had John myntyn had Good man howson had widdowe kelke had widdowe hewes had widdowe bentley had Thomas exstall had wittm Tyerer shomaker had ... Thomas curtys xijd his mother in Law widdow Raynam xij widdowe clay broke xijd Robt thompson founder xijd John flowd xijd wittm sild xij tomson yc Carpinter vjd Soma Geaven to them xixs xviip xijd xijd xijd xxd xijdxijd xijdxijd xijd xijd ijs ij5 vja Thaccompt of wittm weltden and Robart home col lectors ffor the poore of christs hospitall ff Gatherid in the pishe of S' xpovers next the Stocks in the )reere of our begon at mighellmas A° Dni 1562 vntill the feast of S' myghuell A0 1563 as peculiarly ffoloythe It in prim5 of Sr wra Garrard ffor a yeare ... of thomas moune> for x monethes at ijd the monethe of Ric Stevenson for xij monethes after ij the monethe of Edward Southwo'the for xij monethes after 4d of wittm yarryngton for iiij monethes after ijd ye monthe of wittm weltden for xij monethes after i6d ye monethe of thomas heme for xij monethes after viijd y= monethe of John kelke for xij monethes after vjd the monethe, of adam wo'mall 65 ... nij" xxd ..!!' iiij5 viijd xvj5 viij5 xijb of mr henry Beacher for xij monethes after viij5 the monethe iiij11 xvj of Thomas Brayffilde for iiij monethes after ijd the monthe . . . viijd of John Gardner for ix monethes after ijs the moneth XV1IJ ¦ of Robart thorneton, Thomas addams, adam wheatley, widdow case Ric merryott, Stephen barrowe John whitthed wm whickmote, willm thorrowgood, Jn° j- xlviij5 yonge, mrs Jakes widdowe, henry Russhall ffor xij monethes after iiijd the monethe am'5 vnto of thomas Lawrence for xij monethes after viijd & of thomas \ basford & anthony whitt for xij monethes & of Robt ^xxxsviijd home for x monethe am'5 to . . . ... ... ... ) of georg forman for xij monethes after xxd the monethe ... xx5 of Thomas Barnes for xij monethes after xvjd the monethe ... xvj5 of John smyth for x monethes of thomas curtys for ij mothes after iiij d iiij5 of Thomas Banester for xij monethes after xvjd ... ... xvj5 of Giles evenett, mr satturley, wm poole, & Jn° boswell for 12 mSthes after ijd ... ... ... ... ... viij5 of John Jackes for ix monethes after xijd of gatton ij5 ... xjs Soma Rcd by me w' Weltden am" to \ xix1' xi X1J" viij" Whearof pd to the poore of our pishe as after followithe first to Joane Carlill widdow for xij monethes after ijs the monethe to Edward Bawne for xij monethes after ijs the monethe to Anthony Argam for vij monethes after ijs ye monethe to wyddow claybroke for xij monethes after xijd the monethe to John Myntyn ffor xij monethes after viijd thg monethe . . . Soma pd vnto the poore ] of this pishe amB to / Payd vnto the Clarcke of thOspittall ffor the Rest \ Gatherryd in this pishe as apperethe by the J>xv'' treasorers ... ... ... ... ) nij1' ijs xxiiij" xxiiij5 xiiij5 xij5 viijs x5 vnj" A vestrie holden the xxiiij* of mrche A° 1565 vij a, It in this vestrie yt is agreed y' the Glass windowe ou' the pticicon betwene the quyer & bodie of the churche to be mendid at the pishes cost md Thomas Banester is elected & chosen for churchwarden for this yere to come Auditors for Thaccopt of wm weltden mr heme } mr barnes \ f & they To sytt on „r } old } the newe < „ , ' mr yong J mr Gardner J ( Sattarday next yt is agread y' the churche w'dens shall make certyn Setes or formes aboute the comonyon table yt is also agreed y' the wall at the northe Dore of the churche shalbe heythened as moche as nede shall Requyer & y' mr pson shall mend the Dore of the churche yrd at his Coste A vestrie kept the xxiij"1 Daie of Junij 1565 at this vestrie is elected & chosen collectores for the pore for this yeare to Come, Jn° Gardiner and Thomas tyrrell Grocers and to take their Charge at maghellmas next according to the order and it is further agreed thatt thomas addams shall haue the vawte vnder the churche ffor v5 Rent by the yeare So far as Convenyent place may be founde for the Laying of the Deade mens bones in, and to begyn now att Mydsomr A° Dni 1566. A vestrye the xxiiij"' of february 1565 Att this vestrye was Electid and chosen mr George forman for this ij yeares to be churche warden Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 5 Also yt is agreed thatt the churche wardens and Jn° yonge & Thomas Basforde to vewe ye bill of clarks wages & bring their Report therof to mr alderman garrard & mr alderman beacher to fynishe yt also awditors for the Accompt of mr banyster Thomas barnes ) , . John hutton ) John gardner old frauncs Lambarde J new Also yt is agreed y' the churche wardens shall se the cloke pvsed by the advice of a man of knowledge & also mendid or new made as nede shall Requier so y' yt may be a good & pffytt cloke. also y' mr fforman shall putt in sewerties for the churche stocke accordinge to the order taken at the Receving of the same bettwene this & whittsontide next -ij b. at vestry cawled & samhede [? summoned] the vijth day of Jwly it whas agrede that Jhon howtton & thomas adamys Do be the colactars for this yer Insewynge from the feste of synte Myelle fforwarde it ffordars agreide at present tyme That whyllam whelldon & adam whattle & mastare sowtton to be sswarn & to sarche thru the thry years of the chawrge for amendmente Thar of and fordar to Inqwyar and sartyfe at the nexte vestrye ffor the makynge of Convenynte syttes abowght the Comynyon The tabelle A0 Di 1568, 25 of marche Chvrchewardens for ye yeare fololowyng George forma Edwarde Sutheworth Auditours for ye accompte for ye churche John Hutto" felix lawrence Thomas Tyryll & to make an ende of theire accompte betwixte this & whitson tyde next forther yt is agreed in this vestere y' Ada whettlye shall have in lease for xxj'h yeares ye sheed in ye corner by ye pson[age] paying for ye same to ye pishe yearely x5 & to be bounde wthin ye space of ij yeares next foloweyng to bylde yt A0 D. 1568 Septeb 5 yt was agreed in a vestrie y' Thomas Basford wm weldo" Jhon yonge Thomas Adams Richard Byllingesley together wth ye churche- wardes George forma Edward southeworth shall uewe [view] & make reporte coceming ye sheed by ye psonage in ye churche way & howe muche grounde more he shall have vnto ye same, & reporte to be made hereof to ye alderme vp5 S' mathewe his day next A vestry holden the xxiiij"1 of february Ac 1568 Att this vestry John yonge is chosen churchewarden for thes two yeares to Come wth Edward southworthe thother churche warden Auditours for mr formans accompt for thes two yeres past Thomas barnes \ Thomas basford I thold felix Lawrens ) Thomas Tyrrell . the newe And yt is agreed that thawditors shall awdit the said Accompts before maye Daie next and thatt at Or beffore may daie mr forman shall dellyur the stocke of the pishe to his succeessor. A vestrye holden The xxiiij"1 of february A° 1569 Et An° Rni Rne Elizabethe &c xijmo At this vestry Thomas Addams skynn' ys ellectyd and chosen to be Churche warden for two yeares to Come wth mr yonge thother church warden. And it is agreed that the said Addams accord inge to the fformr order Taken shall putt in twoo sufficient sewerties ffor the Churche stocke and Geave a cart loade of great coales to the poore As others beffore by thagrement of the hole pishe haue Done & promesed To doe. Aliso This daie w'" weltden did dellyu' vnto the Churche wardens his monny ffor to bvye a lode of Coles ffor the poore according to his fformr promesse wch was behynde vnpaid ffor the Tyme that he had The said churche stocke Awdytars for mr yongs Acownt Thomas tvrryll ffelix Lawrens thold Edwarde sothworthe ) wm welden ) new A vestry holden The xxth daie of Junii A° 1570 At This vestrye Robart yoarde & John Mathewe ar chozen Collectors ffor the poore of thospitall and they to begyn their Collectyon the first sonday of October next according to the old accustomed order In this vestry yt is agreed by generall Consent y' ffrom hencefforethe who so eur shall byd or desiere the pishon's to goe To offer at an offerrynge wheare any marryadge is wthin the Cyttie the same pson shall geave twoo pence to the poore mens boxe of this pishe and the churche wardens to call ffor the same & se yt be putt into the said poores boxe A° D 1570 24 of february It was agreed by a vestre y' foelix lawrece should be ye churchwarden in mr yonge his place It was forther agreed y' ye charge of ye comunid bred & wyne should be at y= cost of ye pishe hereafter & to be in ye accoptes of ye churchwardes The auditors for mr Adams accoptes 1 Edward Suthewicke 2 willea welde 3 George foreman 4 Clemet kelke Md That thear ys to be Received yearely out of the m'chant Taylo'5 haull at the hands of the wardens of the same Company the some of Tenne shillings wch is of the Gyfte of m™ psons wyddowe and is to be Received at the feast of Chrystmas Item The Comvnyon Cupp and the Cover of Sylver all Gilte weyinge nynetene ouncs Restynge in Implement A Vestry holden the 17 of Jvne 1571 At this Vestry Edward Dowtye and thomas sprage are chosen collettors for the pore of the ospytall and they to begyn there coleccyon the fyrste sonday in octobr nexte Acordyng to the old costom A Vestry holden the 25 of Jvly a0 1571 At this vestry are chosen to be sessars for the clarcks wages these ptes folowen mr forman mr sothwell mr clement celke To be Ended & don beffore mr welden the xxvth of m'che next felix Lawrens mr barnes thomas adams viij b. Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. A Vestry holden the xxv* of february A0 1571 At this vestrye yt agreed That for so moche as ffelix Lawrens ys deptid out of this Lyffe thatt Thomas addams shall supplye his Rome ffor the yere To come, and That Addam wheatly shalbe thother church warden ffor these two next yeres to com Att this Vestrey is chosen ffor Auditors of felix Lawrens Accompt These psons following mr fforman Clement kelke henry bowyer Rowland Elryngton It is agreed that the organs & the cloke shalbe sold by the churchwardens and twoo other of the pishoners that ys mr yong & wm weltden. Item yt is agreed thatt mr beacher wth thassent of mr pson and the churche wardenss may sett vpp a tombe ffor his ffather wheare he & they shall thinck yt meete for the same to stond in ye churche psons pfit at this vestry mr Duffild pson. Tho Tyrrell John Mathew mr Tho Barnes Tho addams Ric' Smallwood mr henry Beacher adam wheatley Thomas wilks Clement kelke henry bowyer Thomas Cotton Jn° yonge henry allwarde John Leaves Thomas Basfourd wm thorowgood Ric' howson wln weltden Roger Rigson 1. A vestrye holden the xj'h daie of Maij A° 1522 The bill of the clarcks wages Last sessid was Redd at this vestrye and theare Conffirmed accordinge to the said sessinge thearof wch was Don & made the xxth daie of aprill Last past. In this vestry also yt was agreed that for as moche as the Leades Coverrynge the churche is verry moche in decay & by often sowdrynge of yt is ffounde to be the worrsse & n[ot] the bettar thatt the churche wardens shall Cawse a plumber to newe cast ffve six or se[ven] sheetes of the same & so to Laye the same againe that theareby the pishe may vnderstand what the charges wilbe to new cast and Cover the whoale churche and thearafter to vse the same. A vestry holden the xxix* of Junij A0 1572 Att this vestrye ys chosen to be Collectours ffor the poore ffor this next yeare To Come Raphaell Smythe and henry allwarde And they to begyn their Collection at the sonday next after migellmas next according to the accustomed order A vestrey holden the xxiiij* daye of ffebruary in Anno 1572 Att this vestrye Thomas Turrell grocr is chosen churche warden for Towe yeres too come withe Addame whettlowe thoth' cherchewarden yet is fardar agreed at this vestry that wher as yt was apoynted that the clocke should have byne Sowld yt is nowe agred that yt shalbe kepte, and one too be apoynted too kepe yt goinge and to have for the keping of yt vj5 viijd by the yere. Aliso yt is agreed that ther shall be a new bibell bowght. And the owld bibell is Sowld to John yonge for xiij5 iiijd A vestry holden the v day of July 1573 at thys vestrey Rowland Elryngton and harry .bowyar ar chossen collecturs for the pore of the ospytall and they to begyne there colleccyon the fyrst sonday in October next ackordyng to yc custume A Vestrey holden the xj day of October 15 j ... xviij5 at thys Vestrey ar Chossen ffor the awdytt of adda^y, Cowntt ffor thys yeres Charge these pssons ffollyir,n mr goreg fforman i° \ xlviij5 mr harry bechar ij Rowland Elryngton Edward dowghtey A Vestery houlden the xxvij day of Dessebar an" .Vxxxs viijd at this vestery yt is agreed that the paryshe shall paie tl I of the Repa'yng of the shed yng vs w adar,i XXs Churchwarden myst pay toward yt & that from hensfc.^ xvj5 shall Repayer the Sayd Shed at his Chorst & chargis & !.. his Rent to Contyne tenant wch is fyve shyllings a year t ;.ijs payd to the paryshe It ys agreed that the parson yf he Can help the paryshe to Recovar all the mony that John Baker clarke to the Court of Consyenes* hauth in his hands of the parryshes that the parson shall hail the on haufe therof barying haufe the charges & standyng bond as the paryshe by the ockacyon therof shall It ys agreed that mente our sexton hauth a yeares lebarty to provyd • for him a house nerar to the paryshe a vestrey holden the vij day of marche 1573 where at theire wase Chossen Rychard swarland Churche warden ffor too yeres to Come w* thomas tyrrell the other church warden. A vestry holden the xxvj* of September 1574 At this vestry mr harry beache1 & Ric Rygbye ar chosen collectours for the poore ffor One yere next Comynge & to begynne the first sonday of October accordinge to the accustomed order. A vestrie holden the xiiij* of november A0 1574 Att this vestry is Chosen Collectours ffor Thomas Tyrrells accompt by them to be auditted beffore the Edward Dowghtie Ric Candler John yonge henry bysshopp Yt ys agreed that the churchwards w* the helpe of adam wheatley shall take order ffor the Repayryng of the Leades ouer the quyer and the churche wardens to Disbourse the mony that shalbe Laied out vppon the same wch mr pson hathe agreed & is Content to Repay the same againe by xxs yearly vntill it be pd yt is further agreed thatt the churche wardens w"1 adam wheatly shall Lykewise take order ffor the Repayrynge of the Leades & stone worke of the steeple yt is agreed that the churche wardens shall do their best ffor the sellyg of the organs the cloke and the Egle of brasse to the most beneffitt of the pishe yt is agreed thatt mr fforman mr hutton mr yong & mr busshopp wth mr pson shall do their endevor ffor the getting of the money out of Jn° Bakers hands by order of the busshopp or otherwise, and aliso [illegible] It is agreed at this vestrey thatt the bill ffor the clarcks wages shalbe *» seased againe by these psons ffollowinge George fforman John yonge mr Beacher mr Busshopp Rowland elryngton Tho Turrell wittm weltdon Jn° hutton Richarde Candler * A photograph of this entry is given, as this the most important word is doubtful. Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 7 Also yt is agrcier agreed thatt thold Dewties for clarks wags dewe Basforde ..... Last shalbe pd accordinge to the form' therof to ; yt also a\estrey holden the xx day of ffebruary 1574 y ys Chossen willyam thowrogood churche warden ffor J s to Come w* Rychard swarland the other churche Also yt is a."] a^so yt ys ordred that the churche wardens shall suffer the ar'-ly t0 drey no Clothes in the church leeds as nea Vestry houlden the xx day of marche an° dn1 1574 also v' ie<^ *^at the byll of the clarkes wages beying newly Sessed ar mr gorge forman mr becher mr busshoup mr weldon thomas .eryll Rouland eldarton John hutton & Rychar Candlar & shall stand from Crysmas Last past for there [three] years to com and aftar the iij yeares all such as haue byn Raysed by thes sessers to be pulled down to the pims they ware afour It is furdar agreed in this Vestery that all suche as shall refuse to pay as they ar Sessed for this iij yeares the churche wardens shall show the sessors therof & they shalbe Cauled beffour them and yf they wyll not be parswaded by them to pay as they ar sessed then the churchwardens shall shew them in the ordynarys Court at the Coust & charges of the parysh a Cordyng to an ansyentt or Dar hear in this boak wretten at this Vestery ar chosen for the audett of Rychard swarland a Countt for his yeares charges thes parsones foloweng mr welden Rychard candelar mr bushepe thomas teryll & mr allyn the a Count to be mayd the last day of august 1576. The Inuytory of all the Impell ments yn the churche of Saynt xhrystofars left in the hands John mente Clarke of the paryshe & then delyvered vnto him by the hands of wm thorow- good Curche warden the 22 day of march an0 dn1 1574 as foloweth Item a comvnyon tabull Ite j Dyap tabull Clouth Ite ij towells of Calacow clouth Ite j to well playn of holand Ite 2 pattens of pewtare Ite j peutar pottell wyn poutt Ite j peutar quart wyn poutt Ite j gathered surples Ite j playn Surples Ite a Clouk w'outc any led to yt Ite a payer of orgaynes Ite 2 ladars Ite j playn forme Ite j shovell & 2 Couffens Ite j Couffen for a chynd Ite 2 futt passes Ite j lytell Cobard standyng in the Chansell Ite j bouke of beryeng & xkrysten- y«g Item an ould turkett tabull Clouthe Ite j tabull clouth of fustyan anapes spangled w' gould Ite j other, of Red Velvett spangled w' gould Ite j tabull clouth of Calacow egeg abouth w' sylke Ite a tabull Clouth of holland Ite ij Joynd formes w* matts to them Ite ij bybells j parrafyses 2 Sarves boukes Ite 4 Sautters & j lytell Sarves bouke Ite an egell of brasse Ite j heares Cloath of tesshew Clouth Ite j other of Red Damaske spangled w* gould Ite a Cover payn of holand that mr forman gave Ite a tabull of the x comande- ments of Clouth of sylver Ite a tabull of the Comandements pry n ted Ite a forme to lyfft vp & Downe w' ij fett of yearn [iron] Ite ij bard chest a yearn & iij Ite a box w' iij kayes standyng at wanskott cobards in the Vestery the enteryng in to the Curch to Ite ij bouxses to gather for the putt in mony for the poure poure Item a Comvnyon Cupe w' a kever of Syllver')& gyllt & patte of Sylver and gylte Remaynes in the hands of the Corche warden wnl thorowgood A vestry houlden the x day of June an" 1575 for \ xia. the Chosseng of the Collectors for the ospytall ( W" rydar f^ylln whar it is agreed that Wyllyam Rydar & ( ny colas barn sly ny colas barnsly ar Chossen for this yeare ' A Vestery houlden the xv day of Jenary an0 1575 for the chosen of the syd men where yt is agreed that hary boyar & gorge para- dyne & mr candelar & Rychard heyes aliso yt is furdar agreed at this Vesstery that the parson & m' Candelar & the ij curche wardens shall se the a Count of the Colectours for the pour wo payes & wo pay not & what they haue Resseved A vestrye Howlden the 25 february 1575 for the chewssynge of the churche warden where y' ys agreede mr Henry Bechere He to serve for 2 yeres to come w* willyam thoroughgoode at this Vestrey houlden the 20 day of august an0 1576 ar Chosen Coiectors for Colettours for the poure gorge paradyn & Robart Coudny for t*r°sP>'ta11 this year to Com aliso it is agreed at this Vestrey by the Consent of the houll paryshe that a poure woman in this paryshe named Wedow Claybroke shall haue the Rent of her house in the ally that she Dwalls in Payd for her every year quartarly vnto the landlord so long as she leveth by the paryshe wch is xiijs iiijd a year At the vestrie holden the 16 daye of Decemba' Anno 1576 there xi b. [are] chosen for the Awditt of Willm Thorowgood account ffor the last yere past Being Churche warden viz Thomas Tyrrell ffrauncis Gountter mr alien nicholas Barnsley The same accompt to be ffynished beffore the last of Januarie next At a vestrie holden the 20 daye of Januarie Anno 1576 Being present the worshipfull Mr Alderman Dixe and the hole parishe Ther was chosen for Churchwarden harry Boyer for ij yeares to mr come w* honry Beacher At the same vestrie was also chosen for syde men ffor this present yere ffrauncis Gounter and Adame whetly mr Allen and mr Ramsey At the same vestrie Request was maid that ther might be some learned man apoynted to Read a lecter in this prishe twise a weke and for the mayntenaunce therof A collection should be made of the benevolence of the prisheners to thentent it might be knowen what the same wold Amount vnto ffor the doing wherof ther was apoynted Mr Boyd and Mr Allen to travail w* the prishners and to sett downe in writting what everyman is willing of his owen benevolence to geve yerly towards the same At the vestery holden the xxj* of Aprell 1577 there was chosen for the audett of Harry bech' his acc° for the yeare last paste beinge churche warden vyz ffrauncs Guntf 1 Willm Througoode nycolas barneslye J Harry Aylworthe the same accompt to be fynyshed by the last of this monthe 8 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. At the same vestrie yt ys agreed that mr ffuller w'h the two churche wardenes shall take care to apoynt some learned man for the readinge of a lecture from mychelmas next to Ester followinge & to bestowe vpon the said lecturer as to them shalbe thought convenyent ffurder yt ys apoynted that these men followinge shall make a new sessemet of the Clarks wags vyz the first gatheringe for the first qrt' to begynne at mydspmer mr Allen mr Guntter mr Tyrrell Harry bechr At the Vesterye Holden the 19 of Janu 1577 was chosen sessers to sees the skevengers bille mr welden mr whetleye mr swarland It ys agreed to haue a newe booke bough te for the kepinge of the regester of maryeges chrysnynge & beryalles accordyng to the statute & to be newryten & to begyne at chrysmas laste & to be wryten by mr layland ouer cewrate & over syne by the churchwardens It ys agreed that some skylfull man haue the sighte of the cloke & ether to mend yt or chang yt or sell yt & be chusen for the same parpose ys churchwarden & mr Allen & mr Eldryngton & to bryng in there reports It ys agreed that the copfper] Egell & the orgens shall be soide by the churche wardens and mr Allen There ys chosen for cherchwarden w* Henry bowyer mr Elderyngton It ys agreed that these psones that hathe yK doynges for the cloke shall haue the barres of the chansell to be cote done & to be soide for the moste provete & to be done in the beste forme & maner, & the pwlpete to be altered by theire dyscressyon, & to beme s'ten olde papest bookes wch remayned in ye vestery. It ys agreed to gather goodmens Devossyon at s'ten sarmons wch shall be thought good by the dyscressyon of the churchwardens & collecters of the pore »il At a ffestery holden the seconde of ffebruary 1577 was chossen Awdeters for the churche wardens accompte mr Ryder mr candeler mr hotten mr wheteley ffor sydmen Ric' gylmer Jn° notshalle A vestry howlden the xviij"1 day of January Anno 1578 yt is agreed that soche mony as Rowland elryngton hathe in his hands being the Remaynar of soche mony as was in hys hands when a was Collectter for the poore wch mony is agreed shalbe putte into the power mens box in the churche At this vestry mr Tho allyn pewterer ys elected & chosen churche warden ffor this p'sent yere to come ffor Comehill side in the place of mr henry Bowyer whoase tyme is now owte & To Joyne w* mr Elryngton. At this vestry is ellected awditto'5 ffor m' Elryngtons accompt Ric Candler George p'adyn wm Rider mr henry Beacher At this vestry ys chosen ffor Sydemen Humffry Streate And Ric hayes yt is agreed at this vestry that mynten shall haue his qua'te' Rent dewe at or lady day next A vestry holden the xv* daie of february A" i578 At this vestry Thomas Cotton ys Elected & Chosen to be Clarcke of this pishe. And shall have ffor his Sallarry ffower pounds yearely, and that he shall ffynde a suffycient pson to serve vnder hym at his cha'ge as sexten wheareby the pishe may & shall be here after well & orderly Served, and his wages to begynne ffrom our Lady next viz the xxv* daie of m'che next At this vestry ys agreed thatt mynten his widdow shall haue geaven her out of the pores boxe the some of fyve shillinges The xvj"1 daye of ffebruarij A° 1578 An Inuentory of all the Implements in the Churche of Set xpofor deliuered vnto Thomas Cotton by the hands of mr Thom Allin churche warden Itm j table cloth of redd velvett spangled w' gold Itm j byle [bible] j paraphreses j sarvys booke Item iiij olde salters & iij olde salme books Itm ij s'vice books for ye xvij"1 of noveber Itm j hearse cloth of Tisshewe Itm j cloth for the pulpet of damask spangled Itm j table of the x comaunde- ments of silver Itm ij Iron barr chests in ye vestry Itm j boxe w' iij keys ent'ing to the churche Itm ij boxes to gather monney Item j shovell ij olde chests in the loft Itm j Egle of Brasse or lattin Itm j homely Book Itm j sheete of leade & s'tayne old leade of yc glasse windows Item j Comunion Table w' a frame Itm ij formes wth foote paces joyned Itm j playne fforme Itm j dyapr table cloth Itm j table cloth of callico edged w' silk Itm j coverpayne of dyaper Item ij Lytle olde Towells Itm j patten of pewter Itm j pottell pott of pewter Itm j quart pot of pewter Itm ij gatherd surpleses Itm j playne surples old & torn Itm j payer of organs Itm ij ladders Itm j lytle cobbart in ye chauncell Itm ij coffins & j coffin for a chylde Itm j book of christning & bury ing Itm j olde turkey table cloth Itm j table cloth of fustion a napls At a vestry holden the xxviij* daye of June A° 1579 xij b. ffor theChewsing ofthe collectors for the poore of \ j.- , , randier christs hospitall at whiche vestry was chosen >, , j-. for the yeare following ) yeare following md that thes was gedered in sent xoporfers prys towards the y makyng of hastynge haven as yt apereth by a byll of V xx5 vijd enery magyst the som of ... ... ... ... ) At a vestry holden the xxvij"1 daye of September 1579 vpon com- playnt made by dyvers of the prish of great noyessances done by Roger Riggsbye by occacion of a sope howse newly Errected on the backsyde of the p'sonage as well to thar howses as in the waye leading from the p'sons howse vnto the streete whearvpon it is ordered by the concent of the whole prishe the parson lykewyse havinge geven his concent to the same y' ye great doore opening into the street shalbe kept locked & the key therof to remayne in the custody of the prishe dark & y' the tennants Dwelling w'in the same Gate whoe have bin accustomed and vsed heartofore tyme owt of mynde to haue keyes of the same wicked M that they inny nnrn in nnd nsvL ut- comciiiuit and none other psons shall haue seuerall kaies of the lyttle wycket to thintent that the same may be kept locked at convenient tyme Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. And moreou' it is Agreede at the same vestry y' Richard Robinson carpinter shall haue the sheadd in ye church yard syde by lease for the rent heartofore payde which lease is to be made vnto him by the p'son and churche wardens and vpon reasonable couenaunts to be Agreede vpon by the saide parson and churche wardens in ye name of ye whole prishe w* the advyse of maister ffvller At a vestry holden the xj* daye of October A0 1579 it was Ordeined & Decreede that non shall laye Any mann' of morter lome or any soile Agaynst the churche wall except that he or they first haue lycence of the churche wardens for otherwyse they shall paye to the churche wardens for eury suche tyme the som of Sixe shillings & eight pence in currant money At the same vestry it is Ordayned & deccreed y' whereas Roger riggsbee by a vestry holden the xxvij* of September shuld be debarred p'sently from ye way of the churche grounde going to his Sope howse that he the saide Roger riggsbee shall haue liberty to vse the same waye to bring in oyle or sope asshes & suche things for his occupying so that it bee done to as lytle noyance as maye be to the prishe or any othars and soe hee to haue and enjoye the same vntill Easter Even next commyng so farr furth as he wilbe bounde in the som of one hundreth pounds vnto the churche wardens for to Avoyde at the sayde tyme of Easter or ells the same graunt & tyme Lyberty to be voyde S' xpofers at the stocks in London xiij* day of Julij A0 1579 Item receaued for the first collection made in this prishe 1 for A churche & hospitall newly repayered in Bathe j And more for the last collection made in this prishe ... ... xvjd xxxv5 iiij4 At a vestry holden the xj* day of marche A0 1579 was chosen Awdytors for the Accompt of Thomas Allyn church wa'den mr Ryder mr Candler mr Tapsfyld & mr Riggbey xiij* of m' 1579 Receaued of m' Alderman Dixsey for his lycens for eating \ .. ...d fleshe to ye vse of the poore of the prshe ... ... j ws At A vestry holden the xxvj* daye of June A0 1 580 \ for the choosyng of Collectors for the poore (henry tapsfeld & for christs hospitall at whiche vestry was f & homphry stret chosen for the yere following ... ...' The xvij* daye of July 1580 Richard Raynescroft & Arnold Richards chosen sydmen for yis yere following The ix* day of October 1580 at A vestry it was Agreede that the church wardens shuld paye the som of xiij5 iiijd to mr Ramsay wch hee hathe payde by the Appointment of the pishe for widdow claybrok her howse rent behynd & vnpayd The xviij* day of December A" 1580 was chosen Churche warden w* Mr Gunter in the Rowme of Mr Thorns Allin, william Ryder to begenne his tyme at the feast of the birth of owre lorde god next ensewing In the pishe of S' Christofers At the vestry holden the xxix* day of January 1580 There was a lease graunted vnto Nicholas Barnesly Cittizen and grocer of London of y' same iij tenamentes in ffleetstreete that were letten vnto Thomas Wytton as it doth and maye Appeare by writinge furthermore at large and the same Lease to bee geene at the birth of or Lorde god Laste paste before theis p'sents for xxj yeares at vju xiijs iiijd yearely In wyttnes whereof theis psons beinge p'sent haue setto theire names Ther is anew agrement afterwards on the other sid lefe At A vestry holden the xxj"1 day of maye A° 1581 was chosen Awditors for the Accompt of ffrauncs Gunter churchewarden, mr Tirrell, maister Allyn, Mr Tapsfyld & Mr Riggbey At this vestry it is Also condesended and Agreed that all suche howses in ye pishe as haue byn severall tenaments shall beare and paye all manner of cha'dges boothe to the churche & also ells what soeu' is to be chardged w' in ye warde & as they haue borne & payd A fore tyme At a vestrye holden the xxix"1 daye of Januarye anno Domini 1580 xiij b. by the pson Churchwardens and the moste parte of the wo'ship- full pishoners of the pishe of S' xpofer at the Stocks in Loundoun yt is ordered condecended and fully decreed by the aforesaid pson Churchwardens and pisshoners of the pishe aforesayed that A Lease of iij tents nowe beinge iiij w* thapp'tennts late in the tenure of Thomas Witton or his Assignes lyinge in the pishe of S' Dunstons in the West shoulde be made by the pson and Churchwardens aforesaid w* the consent of the moste parte of the pisshioners to Nicholas Barnesley cittizen and grocer of 40 Londoun and to his Executors and assignes for the terme of **j- yeares to comence from the birtho of or lordo god laoto panto expiracon of the lease graunted to Thorns wytton and for the yearely rente of vj" xiijs iiijd In consideration of the greate trauell and payne that the saide Nicholas hath alredy taken and hereafter shall take in ye recoveringe of the saide iij tents vnto the saide pisshe of S' xpofer aforesaide. It is also further ordered condecended and fully decreed by the aforesaide pson Churchwardens and pishioners that a lfe of Attorney shalbe made to the said Nicholas or his Assignes for ye demaundinge of the quarters Rent wch is xxviij5 iiijd due at the ffeaste of the birthe or Lorde god laste paste before the date heareof & for none paymennte of the said quarters rent the said Nicholas or his Assignes to reenter vppon the said iij tents to the vse of the aforesaid p'son Churchwardens and pishioners. In wittnesse of this our order & decree wee ye said p'son church wardens & pishioners haue setto o' hanndes the daye & yeare firste aboue written Wolstand Dixe Alderman Bartholomew Busfeild p'son Harry Beecher Richard Candler ffrauncis Gunter churchwarden William Ryder churchwarden William wellden Henry Bowyer Henry Toppsfeilde Thomas Addames Rafe Bosswell Thomas wylks John Leames Ric Howson p me Harry Sukyr Thomas sprage IO Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. xiv a. At A vestry holden the second day of July A0 1581 ther was chosen to be collecto's for the poore Henry Suker Richard Gylmour for this yeare following & to beginn the chardge and gathering the second sonday of September being the x* daye of the same moneth At A vestry holden the xvij* daye of December 1581 was chosen Chirche warden with m' Ryder in the Rome of m' Gunter Nicholas Barnesley To begenne his tyme at the feast of the birth of owr Lord god next ensewinge &c. The Last daye of December A0 1581 Henry Tapsfyld & Israeli Owyn Chosen sydemen for this yere following at a vestry holden the same daye Above wrytten At A vestry holden the xj* day of m'che A" 1581 it is agreed that the bill of the clarks wagis to be newly Seased by m' henry Beecher M' welden m' Tirrell & m' Gunter shall stande from this tyme forward for the better mayntenance of all suche chardges & reprac5ns as shalbe needfull in & Abowte the churche & churche S'vice from tyme to tyme. At A vestry holden the first of July A° 1582 ther was Chosen Collectors for the poore Thomas fforman & Richard Hayes for this yeare following & to begenne thear chardge & gathering The ix* of September & the second Sondaye of the same moneth Also at the same vestry ther was Chosen Awditors for the Accompt of willm Ryder Churche warden M' Tapsfyld & m' Rigby & also m' Candler & m' Alwarde And more Over at the same vestry it was Agreede that ther should be A Table made with the Orders & Chardges of Buryalls & knylls & all other dewtys apptayning to the Churche & officers of the same At A vestry holden the ix* daye of December A° 1582 ther was Chosen Churche warden w* mr Barnesley in the Rome of m' Ryder Roger Rigby To begenne his tyme at the birth of owr lorde god next Also at the same vestry it was Agreed That M' Barnesley churche- waden shall Receave of mr Elrington a S'tayne Sum of monney yet Remayning in his hands since y* tyme that he was collector in ye prishe & mr Barnesley to bring it in his Accompt & geve mr Elrington A Dischardg for ye same. xivb. Att a vestrye holden The vij* daye of Octob' Anno 1582 ytt was ffullye Concluded & a greed a pon by the most pte of the pisheners of Saynt Crestophers Thatt a fayre Tabell or frame of wanscott shall be made to sett in Sarten ordynances & lawes made & agreed a pone in the same vestrye towchynge & Con- sarnynge all matters & dewtyes as well beloungynge & aptayn- ynge for the Clarke & sexstens offyce & dewtyes as aliso whatt every pishner shall paye bothe to clarke & sexten & whatt theye shall paye to the Churchewardens to the vse of ye pishe to saye for Crystenyngs reed dyngs Chvrchyngs & buryells the grounde for the graves the grave makyngs, fyniely all manner of Ryghts & dewtyes a partaynynge theare vnto as maye a peere in the same tabell fayre drawyn owte w' greate letters in a joyners frame hangynge in the quyer of the same Churche of saynt Crestophers in \vch vestrye all the sayde lawes & ordynances weare oplye Rade to the pisheners aforesayde as may a peere by a Coppye or draught theareof w* all or the most pte of theare hands vnto yt Remayninge & a nyxsed into thys booke Also at the same vestrye was Chosen Thomas Nebb to be sexton and to haue yeerly for his wagis the som of xl5 & to begenne from michaelmas last past At A vestry holden the vj* daye of Januarij 1582 was Chosen to be sydemen for this yere following Henry Suker & Edwnrd P.ydsr Thomas Smith But now John Thompson for y' m' smith goeth from ye prshe . . . Also at the same vestry was Chosen to be the Awdytors of Nicholas Barnesley Churche warden his Accompt M' Candler & Mr henry Alwarde & also m' streete & Mr suker At A vestry holden the xx* daye of January Mr hutchinson then & that daye Read his Articles & tooke his full po[wars] . . . as pson and also offered the whole Tythe of it vnto the prishe at a rate to be herafter talked of By mee W: huchenson recto' At a vestry holden the iij* daye of ffebruarij it was A poynnted that Mr Gurite' & M' Ryder shulde bee Awdytors of all the Accompts of suche Collectors as is nowe com & named in A p'cept from Christes hospitall At A vestry holden the xviij* of August 1583 Israeli Owyn & Leaves wear chossen Collectors for the poore for this yere p'sent ensewing At A vestry holden the xv* day of December A0 1583 Thear was xv.. Chosen Churche warden in the Rowme of Mr Barnsley, Thomas Spragg, & to begenne his Charge at the Byrth of ow' Lorde god next ensewing the dat hearof Also thear was Appoincted at the same Vestry to bee Awditors of the Accompt of Roger Rigbye Homphrey street Henry Suger ffrauncs Gunter & Willm Ryde At A vestry Holden the vj* daye of Januarij 1583 According to the Computacon of England was Chozen to bee sydemen for this year ffollowing Edward Ryder and John Hooke To be sworne at the Archedecons his Visitacon to be holden the xv* daye of this p'sent month at Set Magnus Churche And at the same vestry it was condesended & Agreed that once w*in the space of sixe weekes thear shalbe A comunion At A vestry holden the first daye of m'che A" 1583 it was Appointed that m' Street m' Wm Ride' mrr Barnesley mr Gonte' shold be ioyned to the parson and churchwardens to take a perfect auditt and accompt of the collecters for in arrerages for ye poore the 5 of march next folowinge accordinge to a prcept from my Lo. Maio', to the alderma" of ths ward At a vestry Holden the 3 of Maij T584 it was Condesended and Agreed y' James Woodshawe gentleman shuld goo forwarde = with the sine hee hath in hande in the preshe behalfe this next tearme W* biginnethe ye vj* daie of maye for those tenamenntes which are in fleete streate healde in lease by m' wytten and y' saide Jeames woodshawe yf hee doo recover the lanndes or any pte thereof w* the arearages dew before y lease was made to him of y° tenementes hee shalbe Alowed owte of those Arerages all his whole charges with reason and poundes more for A rewarde or Recompence ou' and aboue his saide Charges At a vestry holden the v* daye of Julij 1584 was chosen to be Collector John Heath for this yeare next ensewing & Israeli Owyn for to remayne w* him for the same year According to An order newly Taken by the Lorde Mayor &c Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. n At A vestry holden the xiij* daye of December A0 1584 Thear was Chosen Churche warden w* m' Spragg in the Rowme of mr Rigbie Homphrey Street To begenne his tyme at the birth of Owre lord and Saviow' next coming xv b. At A vestry holden the x* day of Januarij 1584 was Chosen to be sydemen for this yer following Thorns Parradyne and Jeffrey barnard At A vestry holden the vij* daye of marche 1584 thear is Appoincted Awditors of the Accowmpts of Thorns Spragg Churche Warden ffrauncis Gunter Wm Ryder Nicholas Barnesley & Israeli Owyn. At A vestry houlden the xxix* of m'che 1585 It is agreed betweene the pishioners of S' xpofer nere the Stocks wth the consent of the pson & churchewardens that George witton & his heires & assignes shall haue such assurance of the Lands in controuersye as by nicholas ffuller shalbe thoughte convenient inconcidracon that the said George witton shall assure one Anuytie or yerelie rent charge of three pounds lawfull money of England to the said pishe in ppetuitie halfeyerelie to be paid and in defaulte of payemt by the space of one moneth to forfeyte eu'ye tyme for the breach xx5 nine pence w* a clawse of dystres for the principall rent & nine penc as aboue to be . . . the same assuraunce to be made betweene the date hereof & the first daie of the nexte terme by the counsell of mr ffuller md at A vestry holden the xxv* of July it was graunted at the instant request and desyer of George wytton that he might haue tyme betweene this & Allhallowdaye next to make & finishe the assurance of the rent & Anuitie wch is all redy agrede vpon Aforesayde W: huchenson Thomas Sprags m marke being churchewarden homfreye Streete churchwarden Nicfis ffuller harry bech' Thomas tyrrell Richard Candeler ffrawncis Gunter Wittm Ryder Thorns fforman Nycholas Barnsley ! Jn° Jaques Jo: Thompson Israeli Owyn Thomas adams By me John hethe be me wm wythenall John Leaves Salomon bright xvi a. At A vestry holden the iiij* daye of Julie thar was Chosen to be collector w* m' heath, Arnold Richardsonn & to begenne his tyme According to the tyme Appointed Also at the same yestry it was condesended & Agreed that Elizabeth the Childe of John Eglesfyld deceased shulde be p'ferred in to the hospitall According to the Order therin taken At A vestry holden the iij* of October wer Chosen Awditors for the Collectors Accompt w* the Churchewardens M' fforman & Thomas Addams At A vestry holden the vij* daye of Decemb' Anno 1585 was chosen Churche warden in the Rowme of Thorns Spragg Richard Candler his tyme begening from the birth of ou' Lord god &c. At A vestry holden the ix* day of Januarij 1585 was Chosen to be sydemen for this year ffollowing Thorns fforman & Thorns Turner & To be sworne at the Archdeconns visitacon to be holden the xviij* daye of this p'sent month at S' Magnus Churche At A vestry holden the vj"1 day of marche A° 1585 thear was Apointed Awditors fo' the Accompt of homphrey Streete Church warden Nichas Barnesley Izraell Owyn Thorns fforman & Richard Addams At A vestry holden the xxix* daye of maye 1586 it was condesended & Agreede vpon cofference vpon the stat of wyttons lease whiche was first made from parson stanny & Churche wardens that A Lre of Atturney be made vnto Thorns Smyth Scrivenor for demaunding of the Rent & for default of payment to Reenter for ye vse of ye pryshe & further it is Agreede for the Arrearages of the same rent that Ja[mes] Woodshawe shalbe called to know howe muche he hath Receaued therof to the vse of the prishe & for the Resedew Thorns Smyth shall haue power by the sayde Lre of Atturney for to dystrayne or other wyse for to recour the same for the vse of the sayd presh & more ou' it is Agreede that yf this former Lease by not payment of the rent be made voyd that then ther shall be A new _£re of Atturney made to suche as the prishe shall thinck good for to demaund the rent Resarued vpon the new Lease made vnto Nichas Barnesley & James woodshawye & for not payment therof to Reenter to the vse of the prishe At A vestry holden the xxiij* of June A° 1586 ther was Chosen Collector for the poore in the Roume of John Heath to Remayne with A'nold Richardson for this yeare ffollowing John Hooke whoe is to remayne for ij yeares According vnto the Order thearin taken At the same vestry also ther was Appoincted to be seassors for the making p'vision of one othur comunion Cuppe Accordinge to an order in that behalfe made by the Ordenary The ij Church wardens Hom streete & Ric Chandler & mr henry Beecher Nicholas Barnesley willm Ryder & Thomas fforman to be Levied & Rated vpon the parrisheners According to thear disscression The Seasment of the ij° & Last fyfetene graunted to the Queenes M"e by Act of prliament the xxvij* yeare of her maties Reigne In the ward of Brod streete seased the xxvj* daye of Aprill 1586 by the seasors hearunder named The p'sinct of Sc' xpofers prishe Barnard Wyndover . . . . . . xij5 Nicholas Barnesley >j' wittm Towrhill ... iiijd R obart Harrison if Randall knevett ... ij5 Thorns Taylor ijs John Harrison ... iiijd widdow Kelk 0 Thomas doughty ... ijd Henry Beeche' viij5 Thorns Crayford ... ijd Richard Candler XX'1 John ffowler 0 Sallomon Bright ij' Mark Pryme 0 m' Sherriff Ratclif x' Thorns Spragg ... xd Arnold Richardson for m' \ Thorns Hovvson ... ijd Jaques Backromes & ¦ xijd Richard Hills ... iiijd watercowrse .' Robert Cudner ... vjd John Leaues ij* wittm yearington 0 Richard Raynescroft vjd 12 Jon Jaques for one tenament voyde Jerrom Bolton Richard Hayes Henry Suker mr ffullers Backromes Hughe Dale willm withnall ... Thorns Addams Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. iiijd .. xvj" iij5 iiijd ... viijd Jeffrey Leonard ijd Thorns Turner ijs Henry Smallwod vjd Richard Addames backromes viijd Thorns Parradins backromes John Heath ,.. Israeli Owyn Thorns Cotton Thorns fformans water cowrse viijd .. vnju .. vjd The Churche yard Richard Robinson Thorns Stone & Abraham Buck John Hooke John Strahaune iiij" VII j" iiijdiiijd willm Martyn Henry Smithe ... widdow Thornton Timothy wheeler vj ij"ijdijd Collectors Seassors John Heath Nicholas Barnesley John Hooke Henry Suker Suma 3 — o — 8 xvij a. At A vestry holden the xviij* of Septemb' 1586 it was condesended & Agreed that thear shall be a letter of Atturney made vnto Thorns Smyth & Israeli Owyn by the parson & Churche wardens to aske & demaund the rent of the Tenaments in fleete streete heald by George witton at the daye & Tyme mensioned in the Lease & for non payment thearof to make Reentry According to the effect & Tenour of the Lease m' John Jaques is Requyred to goe & bee A wytnes at the same Demaunding of the Rent or Reentry & Alsoe it is Agreed by the prishners that the same partyes shalbe saved harmles of & from Any damage that might happen therby W. hutchinson Nichs ffuller henry bech' Thomas tyrrell Wittm Ryder homfreye Streete Richard Candeler At A vestry holden the xviij* daye of December A" 1586 It was Agreed & condesended by the consent of the prishe that Thorns fforman should be Churche warden in the Rome of homphry streete & w* Richard Candler the tyme begening at the feast of the Birth of owre Saviowr Jhus Christe According to the Order as heartofore hath bin Accustomed By the Orde' of the prishe At A vestry holden the viij* of Januarij A0 1586 was Chosen Sydeman for & in yc Rowme m' fforman & T. Turner Robert Payrpoint and Thomas Taylor & to S've this yer ffollowing & they must Appeare to take ther Chardg before the Archedeacon at S' Magnus the xix* daye of this moneth Md that the xv* of January 1586 George Wytton in consideracon of xijd to him geven by mr fforman the name of the pson & churche wardens did p'mise that if* he or John Shibnall his lessee would not discontynue or be nonesute in any accon dependinge in his owne name or in the name of his said lessee concerning certen howses in ffletestrete wherevnto the pson & churchwardens of this pishe p'tende tytle-vsrt» That. then he would forfytt & resigne all his lease & interest that he hath in the same to the vse of the pishe p me Georgia Wytton The word " if" inserted subsequently to the original entry. Att this vestrye were p'sent m' Aldrm Ratcliffe m' ffuller mr Becher m' Tyrrell mr Strete m' Bamsley & dyu's others At a vestry holden the xxix* daie of January A° 1585 it was Agreede xvij b. that m' Alderman Ratlyf m' henry Beache' m' Tirrell & m' Ryder shuld Acease the prishioners for A s'tayne Som of money to be Levyed ffor ffollowing of the Shewt for the lands in fleetestreat heald by Georg wytton and m' Bamsley & mr Owyn to Collett the same monney w* all spead as Jaust Occasion & the sayd Lands be Recou'ed vnto the prashe y' then eu'y man shall haue his monney pd agayn vpon the Areareages thereof At a vestry holden the xxvj* of marche A° 1586 thear was apointed Auditors for the Accompt of Richard Candler Israeli owyn Richard Addams mr streete & Thorns Taylor At a vestrey holden the xviij* daye of June 1587 yt was agreed that m' alderman Ratclyff m' Harry Becher M' Tyrrell and mr Rider shall ratte and make A new assessement vpon the prishioners ffor A Suply of A greate some of mony to be levied and gathered towards the sewt for the recovary of Certen land in flett stret for the prishe and the same money to be paid to m' fforman churche warden At the same vestry was also chosen ffor colector for the pore for this yere w* John hook in the stead of Arnold Richardson, and to begynn his Colection the first of Septembr next Edward Ryder to contenew for 2 yers according to the custom At a vestry holden The viij* daye of Octobe' it was condesended concerning the Assessment next above mensioned that mr Streete & mr Suger shuld bee Collectors & the monney so colected to be dd vnto Thomas forman Church warden At a vestry holden the xv* daye of October A° 1587 ther was Appoincted to bee Seassors for the fyftyne graunted to the Queens Ma" m' Henry Beecher mr Candler m' Barnesley mr Sugke' and Coiectors for the same Wittm withnell and ) Henry Smallwod ) At the Guylde hall the xxiij0 of Septemb' 1587 The Seasment of the seconde and Last xv° Graunted the Queenes xviij 1 Matie by Acte of parliament the xxix0 yeare of her Mats raigne, the warde of Brodstreete The prishe of S' xpofo' for ye presinct Seased the xv° October Anno domini prd by they whose names ar heare vnde' written Thomas Taylor ijs M' Alderman Ratlife M' Alderman Skynn' William Towrall . . . Randall knevett . . . Thomas Spragg ... Thomas Craiforde Nicholas Bacon ... Robart Cudner ... Nicholas Bamsley Robart Harryson xuj" xiij5 iiijd vjd .. viij" ijd vja ij5 ijs Henry Becher vj viijd Richard Candler xxd widdow Bright Arnolde Richardson bakroms John Leaves Richard Rainscroft John Bolting Cornells Speringe Richarde Hayes XX" xijd Vj" Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. l3 Henry Suker . ... xijd Henry Smalwod vjd John Bowsers bakgate iij5 iiij*3 Richard Addams bakroms vj" Hughe dale ¦ - .ijd Thorns parradyns bakromes viijd william withnall ... viijd John Heathe viijd Thomas Addames oo Israeli Owins bakrom vjd Jeffreye Leanarde . ... iiijd Thomas fformans water- Thomas Turner ... . . ... xxd cou'se vjd In the Churche yearde Richard Robinson . ... iiijd wittm martin ijd John Hooke ... . . ... vjd Henry Smith ijd Lewis Morgan ... . . ... vjd Henry whitmore ijd John Straughan ... . . ... iiijd William Robartes ijd widdow Thornton o Sessors / m' Henry Beecher J m' Richard Candler ( ( m' Nicha5 Barnesley ( & Henry Suker ' Coiectors C William Withnall ( & henry Smalwod i A0 1587 Domini b. An asse[s]ment made by the R worshipfull m' Anthoi Ratlif Alde'ma m' Henry Beeche' mr Thorns Tirrell and m' willm Ryder for S'taine Monney to be levied to follow A suete Depending in lawe for S'tayne howses Lying in fleetestret belonging in tyme past to owr prishe of Set xpofers whiche Sessors was Chosen the viij* day of October At a vestry holden in the same parrishe and the Coiectors Chosen & Named &c Homphrey Streete & Henry Suker & they to deliu' the monney vnto m' Thorns fforma Churche warden 1587. Mr Alderman Ratlife M' Alderman Skynn' m' Henry Beecher m' Richard Candlor Arnold Richardson John Leaves Richard Hayes ... Henry Suker willm withnall ... Thorns Addams ... Jeffrey Leanard . . . Thorns Turner ... Henry Smalwod . . . John heath William towrall ... Randall knevett ... Thomas Spragg ... Nichas Barnesley Robart Harrison XXs XXs XVs Vs iij' iiijd xvjd xvjd vj5 viijd iij- iiij*1 xvjd i. 5vjd Vs iij! iiijd hjs iiijd iijs iiijd Vs iij5 iiijd Xs iii5 iiiid Thomas Taylor ... John Hooke Richard Robinson John Jaques Thorns Carpinter Thorns Smith ... mf Thorns Tyrrell Robt Payrpointt Henry Aylword . . . m' John Bowser . . . Thorns Paveley ... Homphrey Streete m' William Ryder Raphe Boswell ... Edward Ryder ... Richard Addams Thorns Paradyne Israeli Owyn Thorns fforman ... VJ5 VIM" ... xvjd ... xvjd ... Xs ij5 vjd iij5 iiijd if vju vj5 viijd ij5 vjd ... x5 ... x5 ij5 vjd vj5 viijd ij5 vjd ... v5 vj5 viijd x xviij5 viy The vj of November payde vnto Thomas fforman by homphrey streete with m' fformans owne x5 An assecement made by the worshipfull M' Anthony Ratliff Alder man and Mr Henry Becher M' Thomas Terrell and M' William Ryder for Sarten mony to belevyed to follow a sute dependinge in lawe for Sarten howses lying in fleete streete belonging in time past to our pishe of S' Cristofers wdl Sessors weare chosen at a vestry holden in the same pish the 2nd of ffebruary 1586 the collectors heare of be Nicholas Barnsly and Israeli Owyn iij5 iiijd vj5 viij'1 ... xvjd ... xvjd XVJd cornhill IJ5 Vj" llj5 Nichas Barnesley Robart Harryson Thorns Tayler John Hooke Rychard Robynsonn ... John Brogden John Jaques Thorns Carpinter Thorns Smith Thorns Tyrrell Robt Parpoint Henry Allword Thorns Paveley Homphrey Street William Ryder Raphe Boswell Edward Ryder Richard Addams Thorns Paradyn Israeli Owyn Thorns fforman A" 1587 Att a vestry holden the xvij* of December was Chosen Churche warden in the Rome of mr Richard Candler Robart Cudne' and to beginne from the feast of the byrth of owre Lorde god next comyng At the same vestry was Chosen to bee sydemen for the same yer next ensuyng Richard Addams and Willm Withnall The xviij* daye of December 1587 A note of the distrabucion of tenne shillings to the pore of this prishe of the gifte of M'5 Parsons deceassed and paid yerly by the Mr and Wardens of the marchaunt Taylors of London to twenty . pore of this Paryshe that is to saye six pence apece wch was nowe Mr Alderman Ratlyfe . . . XXs M' Henry Beechar . . . ... XVs M' Richard Candler . . . ... Vs M' Bright widdow 0 Arnold Richardson . . . iij5 iiij** John Leaues ... xvjd Richard Rayuescroft . . . 0 John Bowlting 0 Richard Hayes ... xvjd Henry Suker vjs viijd Hugh Dale 0 wm withnall iij5 iiijd Thorns Addams ... xvjd Jeffrey leanarde ij5 vjd Thomas Turner ... Vs Henry Smalwod iij5 iiijd John Heathe iijs iiijd Willm Towrall iij5 iiijd Barnard windover iij5 iiijd Randall knevett ... Vs Thorns Spragg iij5 iiijd lllj" ... Xs ... ijs ij5 vjd ij5 vjd ... XsXs ij5 vj'1 vjs viijd ij5 vjd ... Vs '" viijd Xs vj paid by M' Walter Plomer Warden as follow* Widowe Whithead Willm yerington elder and Willm yerington yonger . Katherin Baune Isabell Ansell Wedow Johnson John ffowler Agnis ffowler Thomas harris Widdow Philpott ... . vj"vjd vjd vjd vjdvjd vjd vjdvjdvjd Thomas webbe .. Amye webbe Annys martyn .. Marke Pryme John Savoye Thomas howson.. Agnis egelsfild .. wedow Thorneton Thomas Cotton .. Keeth Cotton .. vj"vjd vjdvjd vjdvj- vjdvjd Vj'1 vjd Some x5 Ri: Candeler A note of xxx* saks of Coles geven to the pore of this prishe of the gift of m'5 brass latte wiffe to phelix lawrence deceased distributed as follow* the 4 of december 1587 Widow whithead 4 Willm yerington elder ... 4 Katherin Bawne 1 Isable Ansell 1 Wedow Johnson 3 John ffowler 2 Thomas Hawes 1 Wedow philpott 3 19 Thomas webbe . Agnis m'tin mark pryme John Savoye Wedow thomton Thomas Cotton . Some sakes 1 2 4 1 1 193° H Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. :b- At a vestry holden the xxviij* daye of Januarij A0 1587 it was condesended & Agreed that mr fforman shulde kepe & haue the Accompt in his hands for this year alsoe following vnto the feast of the birth ow' Saviow' Christ At a vestry holden the iiij* daye of februarij A0 1587 it was con desended & Agreed that m' Jaques & wm withnall should collect & gather A nother Collection for the mayntenance & chardg of the sute in lawe for the Lande Lying in fleet streete now in the posession of wytton An assessemente made by the Righte Worshipfull M' Antony Rattlyfe Alderman and Mr Henry Becher M' Thomas Terrell & M' William Rider for Sarten Moneye to be levyed to ffollowe a shewte depending in lawe for serten Howses lyinge in ffletstreete belonging in time past to our pishe of Set xpofers which Sessers where chosen the iiij* of ffebruarij 1588 A vestery holden in the same pishe & the Collectors chosen & named John Jaques & William Withnall & the monney to bee Deliuered to Thomas fforman Churche Warden M' Alderman Rattlyfe M' Alderman Skynner M' Henry Becher ... M' Richarde Candler Arnolde Richardson John Leaues Richard Heayes Henry Suker William Wythnall ... Thomas Addames ... Jeffery Lenarde Thomas Turner Henry smalewod . . . John Heathe William Towrall Randall Knevyete ... John Harrison Widdowe Sprage ... Nicholas Barnesly ... Robart Harrison ... xx"XXs xv5 Vs . . iij5 iiijd xvjd xvjd . . vjs viijd . . iij5 iiijd xvjd . . ij5 vjd Vs . . iij5 iiijd .. iij5 iiijd .. iijs iiijd Vs o d "J5 111J Xs iijs iiijd Thomas Taylor .. vj5 viijd John Whoocke xvjd Richarde Robinson xvjd John Jaques Xs Thomas Smith . . iij5 iiijd xpofer Midleton if M' Thomas Tirrell Xs Robarte Parpoynt ... ij' Henry Alworth . ij5 vjd M' John Bowser ... . . vj5 viijd Thomas Pauelye ... ij5 Humphery Street ... Xs William Rider Xs Raphe Bosswell .. ij5 vjd Edwarde Rider X5 Richard Addams paide . ijs John Brogden . . vjs viijd Thomas Parradine ... Vs Israeli Owyne . . vj5 viijd Thomas fforman X5 Att A vestry houlden at S' Christofers one Sundaye the ix* of June 1588 before M' Alderman Rattlyfe and Mr Chris Skynner and other parishioners there it is agred that Mr Edward Ryder haberdasher and William Towerold stationer shall collect a forth assessement at the rate as afore time payde towardes the accom plishing of a sute begone in law for certaine landes belonging to the parish. Theis of the parish hereafter named weare present at the same vestry and writ downe one names M' Antoine Rattlyf Alderman M' Thomas Skynner Shrif and Alderman John Thorp p'son Thomas Tyrrell William Ryder Thomas fforman Nicholas Barnsly Robart Cudner Humphry Streete William Towroolde Hugh Owb'y John Leaues John Heath William Wythnall Mr Alderman Rattlyfe ... xx5 M' Alderman Skynner ... xx5 M' Henry Beecher ... xvs Mr Richard Candler ... vs Arnolde Richardson . . . iijs iiij- John Leaues xvjd Richard Hayes xvjd Henry Suker ... William Wythnall Thomas Addames Jeffery Leonard Thomas Turner Henry Smalewod John Heath ... VJ5VllJa iij' iiijd xvjd ijs viijd v* iij5 iiijd iij5 iiijd William Towrold Randall Knevite John Harrison Widdow Spragg Nicholas Bamsley Robart Harison Thomas Taylor John Hooke ... Richard Robinson John Jaques ... Hughe Owb'ye Thomas Carpenter Thomas Smyth xpofer Midleton Vs iij 5 mj iijs mja vj5 viijd xvjdxvjd Xs xvjd ij5 vjd ijs vjd M' Thomas Tyrrell Robart Parpoynt . . Henry Alworth Mr John Bowser . . Thomas Pauely Humfrey Stret Wylliam Ryder Raphe Bosswell Edward Ryder John Brogden Thomas Paradyne . Israeli Owynne Thomas fforman vj VIIJ" ij5 vj- ijs vjd vjs viiij- ij5 vjd Xs ijs vj- vj5 viij-xvj- Vs vj5 viij- Xs A0 1588 x.b. At a vestry holden the xxx* daye of June ther was Chosen Collector for the poore of Christs hospitall Thomas Turner in. the Rowme of John Hooke & soe to remayne towe years according vnto an order & Chardg geven ffrom the maisters of the hospitall and Edward Ryder to bee the vpper collector for this yeare following & to receave & pay all Chardges therto belonging At a vestry holden the xxv* of August r588 it was Agreed & con desended that wheras willm wytton did offer vnto the prishners for there right in certayne howses in ffleet streete v11 xiij5 iiijd yeerly without any Chardgis for the sute or any Arearadges due for the same howses whiche offer was not lyked of by the greatest pte of the pishioners Therefore it was ordered at this vestry That Thomas fformans & Robt Cudner Churchwardens & Nichas Barnesley w* ffraunces Greeneham shall goe & geye ;l Aunswer to him or ye attorney that the sayd prishners doe not lyke of his sayde offer These hereafter named wer p'sent at this vestry Thorns Tyrrell Willm Ryder Nichas Barnesley Homphrey Streete Thorns Addams Thorns Turner Thorns Smith John Jaques Thorns pavely John Hook willm withnall Henry Smallwood Thorns Carpinter Richard Hayes John Heath w,h others & Thorns fforman Churchewarden At a vestry the vj* of October 1588 The Seasment of A fyfteene Graunted ye Queenes Matle by Acte of Parliamente the xxix° yeere of Mates Raigne for the p'cinct of Sainct xpofers prishe in the ward of Brodstret Seased by they whose names are heere vnder Wrytten Mr Alderma Ratlyfe Mr Alderma Skinner William Towrall Randall Knevett Widdow Spragge Thomas Crayford Nicholas Bacon ... Robart Cudner ... Nicholas Barnesley ffraunces Lodge ... Robart Harrison Thomas Taylor ... John Billingforde Mr Henry Beecher Richard Candler Widdow Bright ... xiij5 iiijd xiij5 iiij- ... vjd ... xxd ... viijd ... iiijd ... un" ... ij5 xviijd ... vjd ... ij5 ... vjd vj5 viijd ... xxd ... xvjd Arnould Richardsons back romes John Leaves Richard Ravenscroft James Standley Cornelis Spering Richard Hayes Jcrrom Suker John Bowsers backromes Hughe Dale Willm wythnall Thorns Doughty... Jeffrey Leonard Thomas Turner ... Henry Smalwod... R'c AdiL'" Bakromes . . xij" ... iiijd .. vjd .. vjd ... viij'1 .. iiijd . . xijd iij5 iiijd vj" iiij" iiij" xviij- vj"vj" Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 15 Thomas Parradine romes John Heath Richard Robinson John Whooke Lewys Morgan ... John Strawham ... M back- vnj" ... vnj In the Churche yearde Israeli Owine backrome . . . Thomas fformans water- cou'se nrj" vjd iiijd Widdow Thornton William Martine Henry Smyth Willm Robarts ... vj" VJ" ijd ijdijd • Sessors Collectors Candler Nichas Barnesley Robt Cudner Churchwarden & Thomas Addames Willm Withnall Henry Smalwod . The xxvij* of October it was condecended and agreed by certayne of the most Aunsient of the prishe being then present that the Church wardens according to their good discression shoulde paye giue or bestowe for the more expedicion of the cause nowe depending in Lawe the some of five pounds or there about At a vestry holden the xv* of December 1588 these psons heare vnder named being present M' Alderman Ratlyfe John Thorp pson Richard Ravenscroft Robart Parpoynt Richard Robynson Henry Smalwood Thomas Addams Thorns Turner Churche wardens Nicholas Barnsly Humphrey Streete Jerom Suker Jeffry Leonarde Arnolde Richardson Thomas fforman Robart Cudner Wittm Wythnall Raphe Boswell John Hooke John Leaves Hughe Dale Izraell Owyn Memorandum that the day and yeeres aboue wrighten at a vestrey howlden in the pishe of S' xpofers in London by the psones aboue named It was agred that Henry Beecher, Nicholas Barnsly, William Ryder, Humphrey Streete, and Rychard Ravenscroft shall not only stand and be auditores to avdite and p'vse the accompte of the said Thomas fforman for suche somes of money as hath byne by him disburced towchinge the recou'y of those lands which lately have byne recou'd to the vse of the pishe aforesayde being in S' Donstones in the weste but also the same psones by the like consent of the sayde pishoners shall indifferently assease all and all man' of the pishon's of the pishe aforesayde to be contribtores vnto the payment of suche money as shalbe founde by the sayde Avditors that the sayde Thomas fforman hath layde owte and disburced aboute the same seutes and recou'y more then he hath receaued After wch it is likewise by the consente aforesayde ordred that Thomas Taylor and Thomas Parradyne shall collecte of the pishoners aforsayde all suche money as shalbe so asseased by the psones aforesayde. Memoranda that there is xx" jd to be recouered agaynst William Wooton and xpofer by order of Courte of kynges benche giuen against him towching the foresayde recouery. It is likewise ordred that a pfecte entre shalbe made in the Churche booke of all the pcedinges of the same sewte It is likewise ordred that there shalbe pvided by the Churche wardens a Comone Cheste wch shall haue vnto it iij keyes and iij lockes and that therein shall be put in all the goods and wrightings belonging to the saide Churche and that there shalbe ij In ventories Indented especifyinge not only all the Churche goods, but also the testem of eu'y dede of there lands one of which Inventories shall continewe in the same Cheste w*out removing, the other pte to remayne w* the elder Church warden, and likewise the same three keyes to remayne in this sorte vidz. one key w* the pson of the same Churche, one other w* the Churchwardens and the thirde w* M' Alderman Ratclife It is ordred also that in one of the dayes w*in Christmas being Monday before Newyeares day there shalbe tyme taken for the pfectinge of the p'misses. It is likewise ordred at the same vestry that Israeli Owyn shalbe Churchwarden in the Rome of Thomas fforman for the yeare ensewing It is also ordred that Thomas Paueley & Henry Smalwood shalbe sidemen for the yeare to come It is also ordred that the quitrents belonging to S' Bartholmes xxib. hospitall and the Companye of the Drapers shalbe paid by the said Churchwarden vntill furthe' order by the said pishoners shalbe taken It is likewise ordred that there shalbe a fayre table w* a frame wherin shalbe wrighten fayre in pchement for the better memory of the Churchewardens all suche payments as ar to be payd forth of the lands belonging to the pishe of S' xpofers to be fixced in the Churche w* one Iron Chayne At a vestry holden the xxix of June A" 1589 Thear was chosen Collector for the poore Thomas Smith in the rowme of Edwarde Ryder and so to remayne towe yeers according to the order expressed & Thomas Turner to bee the vpper colector for this yere following & for to receaue and paye all manne' of paymentes and chardges thearunto appertayning The ix* daye of November 1589 Md that Thorns Tyrrell Wra Ryder Homphrey Street & John Jaks haue made promis vnto Israeli Owyn Churche warden to make payment vnto him agayne vpon his request for suche Chardges as hee shall needfully Imploy abowt or for the obtayning of all suche monie as is dewe vnto the prishe by Willm Wytton & George Wytton Also to this graunt & pmys theis parsons hear- under named more doe Affyrme the same so that the som be not above tenne pounds Thomas terryll Willm Ryder homfreye Streate Jn° Jaques Nycholas Bamsley Thorns fforman Edward Ryder Thomas Turna' wm with en ell Thomas Pavelley Robart cudnar Raf boswell At a vestrye holden the xj* daye of Januarye 1589 by mr Alderman Ratcliffe and other the psones whose names are herevnder named. It is fullye agreed that the former vestrye holden the ix* of November last past and all things therein conteyned to be from hensforth voyde. And that the whole pishe and pishion's of the same shalbe assessed and made Contributorye for the levyenge of tenne poundes wch shalbe spent in the sute i6 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. wch is nowe dependinge for the obtyninge of thexecucon of xx" or thereabouts adiudged heretofore to the pishe agaynst one willm wotton ; and also to be spent in a Newe sut to be begonne & followed agaynst George wotton for such arrerags as be nowe due to the pishe. And that mr Tirrill & m' Streat for Comhill syde and mr Candeler & m' Tourner for the backsyde shalbe Cessors, and mr Taylor & m' Paradyne shalbe collecto75 wch collectors shall pay the mony collected over to the Church wardens, and to receyve an acquyttance Israeli Owen & John Leaves Churchwardens At this vestrye John Thorpe Parson Thomas Tirrell Wittm Ryder Nichas Bamsley Richard Candler Humfry Streat John Bowser Thomas Taylor Tho: Tourner Robt Cudner Richard Heys wittm wythnall Robt wyncoll Hugh Dale James Stanley wch Stanley shalbe solicito' for the pishe The xviij0 of Octob1 1589 the first fyfteene The seasment of A fyfteene Graunted the Queenes Ma'le by act of Parliamet the xxxj" yeere of her reign for the p'sinct of S' xpofers pryshe in the warde of Brod streete Seased by they whose names are heare vnder wrytten Sessors m' Candler 1 nichas Bamsley { Robt Cudne' Churchwards ( Thorns Addams S' Phillip Butler xiij5 iiij** Ric Rauenscroft John Howell ... vjd Jams Standley Whyt . ... xxd Cornelis Speering John Harrison . ... 4j- Ric Haighes Robt Cudnur . ... iiij- Jerom Suker Bayly . ... iiij** mr John Bowser bakroms iij Nichas Barnesley . ... ij5 Hughe Dale ffrauncs Lodge xviijd Willm Withnall Robart Stratford ... viijd Thomas Cockshoote Thorns Taylor . ... ij5 Thomas Turner : John Billingford . ... vjd Henry Smalwod Henry Beechar vjs viijd John Brogdens bakroms . . . Ric Candeler . ... xxd Thorns Parradins bakroms Robart wynckole • te. ijS John Heath m' Alderma Radclife . . xiij5 4d Israeli Owins bakroms Arnold Richardsons Bak- Thorns formans wate'cow'se roms . ... xijd George Hunt John Leaves . ... ijd VJ" vj- viijd ijd xijd 5 iiij*1 vj" iiij** xviij** vjd viijd viij** vj"vjivj-vjd Thorns doughty John lofte ... widdow Spragg The Alley iiij** Samwell Dowte ij** Thorns Howson viij** m'k Pryme ... John ffludd Ric Robinson John Hooke Lewys Morgan Joyse Skipper willm Robartts The Church yeard yj" iiij** iiij** willm Martin John Straughan . . . Robart Hudson ... Henry Smithe . . . widdow Thornton nij" Jerrom Suker } ffrauncs Lodge j Coiectors At a vestry holden the vij* of December A" 1589 thear was Chosen to be Churche warden for RoBt Cudne' John Leaves for to remayne w* Israeli Owyn for this yeare following begennyng at Christms next commyng & the sayde John Leaves to remayne Churche warden the tyme of ij years According to the accus tomed order of the prishe Alsoe the same tyme & at the same vestry was Chosen to be sworn- men for one yeer John Jakes and James Standley At a vestry holden the viij* of m'ch A" 1589 Wittm yearington was admytted by the condesend & Agrement of the whole prishe to Receave the weekely pencion of vjd which Magdelin philpot deceased Lately hadd to be payd to him during his naturell Lyfe by the collector5 of the parrishe At a vestry holden the iiij* daye of December 159 . . ther was Chosen Churchwarden In the rome of Israeli Owyn Henry Allward & the same Henry Allward to remaye According to the Aunsient custom of ij yeers and was Omytted to be wrytten vntill his daye being the v* daye of December 1591 . An assesement graunted at a vestrey holden the xj* of January xxij 1589 for the some of tenne pounds to be Levyed & delivered vnto the hands of Israeli Owyn Church warden to follow the sewt for the obteyning Stayne Arearages dew vnto the prishe by George Wytton & Wm wytton S' Phillip Bottle' ... M' Alderma Radclyf M' Henry Beechar Mr Candlor Jn° Billingford Thom Taylor Robe't wyncoll ffrauncs Lodge Robt Stradford Jn" Hooke Jn° straughan Ric Robinson Nichas Barnesley ... Robt Cudner M'5 Spragg Jn° whyt Isak kylborn Jn" Howell Jn" Heath George Hunt Henry Smalwod Thom Turner Thom Addams xx*XXsXVs Vs xvjd . . vj5 viij** VsVs ij5 xvjd ij5 xvj** Xs .. ijsvjd ... iijs mj"iiij- xvjd xvj" iij5 iiij ** , iij5 iiij ** . iij5 iiijd , vj5 viijd xvj** Willm withnall Jerom Suker ... Ric Hayes James standley John Leaves ... Jn° Jakes Thom Carpinter Arnold Richardson Thom Smith ... xpofer Mydleton M' Tyrrell Robert Parpoynt Henry Aylword J n° Bowser Thom Paveley homphry Streete wm Ryder Raphe Boswell Edward Ryder Jn" Brogden . . . Thom Paradine Israeli Owyn ... Thom fforman uj5 my xvj" . ij5 vj** xvjd Xs , iijs iiij*1 vj5viijd Vs ij'vj* Xs Vj" vj- viij5 vj- Xs XVs IJ5 Vj" viijb xvj- . . vj5 viij Xs Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 17- Thoms TyrrelK Ric Candler ( Thomas Parradyn Thoms Taylor Coiectors homphry street ( new Chosen Jerrom Suke ley J Collectors Thom Turne' ' 1590 Thoms Paveley . At a vestry holden the x* daye of Maye thear was Chosen for to bee the Awditors of the acompt of Robt Cudner late Churche warden Nichas Barnesley Homphrey Street Thoms fforman and Thom Addams And at the same vestry it was condesendid and agreede that Thoms Pavelye & Jerom Suker shulde take in chardge the collecting of the resedew of that assesment which was graunted for the sute of the Arearages of willm & George Wytton, and also that the Receaue into there handes the same Monney whiche Thoms p'adyne & Thoms Taylor haue in ther handes & so to be accomtable vnto the Churchewardens for the whole som whiche they shall receave. xxiija. At a vestry holden the x* daye of Maye Anno 1590 it was con desended and Agreed that whear John Shubnall will not Asigne ou! the Judgment of xx11 jd recou'ed in the kings benche to the prishe without that the prishnors doo make Allowance owt of the same to George Wytton for his chardges in that Accion disbursed the sayd prashnors doo condesend and Agree that Alowance shalbe made acordingly to him after the rate as the prashnors shall haue for ther portion Disbursed in that accion the sayde wytton making contribusion towards such chardges as shalbe spent in obtayning of the sayd xx" jd or any p't therof after the rate of his portion that hee shall haue At a vestry holden the xxviij of June 1590 Thomas Taylor was Chosen Colector for the poore in the rome of Thoms Turner & Thoms Smith still to remayne for one yer more According vnto the order in that behalfe p'voyded At a vestry holden the xxxj of Januarij A 1590 ther was Chosen Awditors for the Accompt of Israeli Owyn lat Churche warden Thoms fforman Robt Cudner John Bowser & Thoms Addams Att the same vestry it was condesended and Agreede that Katterin Bawne nowe being maintayned at the Chardges of the parrishe by monethly collection shall nowe be deliu'ed ou' vnto the Chardg and Custody of John Dickinson of the hospitall of kingsland who is the Guyder therof & hee to haue the som of fowre pounds in monney & duble Apparell with bedding and he the sayde Dickinson & Roger Spence plasterer to be bound by Obligacon in the som of xiij" vj5 viij** to mayntayner & kepe her well so long as shee shall leve & so dischardge ye prishe for eur At the same vestry was chosen Colector with Thoms Smith, willm withnall in the rowme of Thomas Taylor At a vestry holden the xx* of June 1591 was Chosen Colector in the rowme of Thoms Smith John Jaques and willm withnall to remayne According to order for twoe yeers space At a vestry holden the v* daye of December A° 1591 theese parsons heareafter mensioned being p'sent M' Alderman Radclyf M' Alderman Ryder M' thorpp parson Mr Nichas Barnesley M' Ric Candler M' homphrey street Robt Cudner Edwd Ryder Thoms Turner Arnold Richardson Jerrom Suker Robt wincott James standley wm withnall hughe dale Thoms Doughty & henry Allward Churche warden ther was Chosen Churchwarden in the Rome of John Leaves Richard Hayes to continew According to the Aunsient custom for ij yeares next ensuyng & m' Barnesley & m' standley having pmised to be ayding & assisting for the sute in lawe At the same vestry was Chosen sydemen Jerom Suker & Thoms Carpinter At the same vestry it was decreede that the collectors for the poore shall eu'y yeere heareafter yeeld & leev A coppy of ther Accompt reiestred in ye Church book vnder ther handes At a vestry holden the xxv of Aprill A" 1591 it was Condesended & x» Agreede that thear shuld be An other Assement and collection as a for sayd for the som of tenne pounds to be deliu'd vnto the hands of John Leaves [church] warden to follow the sute for the obtayning of S'tayne Arearages dew vnto the parishe By George wytton for those tenements houlden [by] him in fleetstreet Mr Aldrma Radclif ... ... XXs Joyse . ... ij5 M' Thatcher . . . XVs Richard Hayes ... .... xvj** M' Henry Beeche' . . . XVs Cornells Spering . ... XX** M' Candlor ... V5 James Standley ... ij5 vj** John Billingford ... ij5 Richard Rauescroft . 0 Robert wincoll ... Vs John Leaves ... xvj*1 Robert Stratford ij5 vjd M' Jaques . ... Xs Jerrom Suker ... Vs Thoms Carpinter iij5 iiij- ffrauncs Lodg ... Vs Arnold Richardson . vj5 viij- John Hooke ... xvj** M' Smith ... , ... . vj5 viij- John Strachan ... ij5 xpofer Mydleton . ... iijs Lewys Morgan ... xij** Maister Tirrell ... . . . . xijs Nichas Barnesley ... Xs Robert Parpoint ijs Robert Cudner ijs vjd Henry Aylword ... ij5 vjd M'5 Spragg iijs iiijd M' Bowser ... viij5 John whyt iij5 iiij** Thoms Pavely ... iijs iiij*1 Izaak Kylborn ... xx- M' Street . ... Xs John howell ... xvj- M'wm Ryder ... . ... XVs John heath ... 0 0 Raphe Boswell ... ijs vjd Georg hunt iij5 iiij** Edward Ryder ..: . ... viij5 Henry Smalwod ... xij** hughe Grave iij5 iiij** Thoms Turner vjs viij*1 Thoms Paradyn ... . ... V5 Thoms Addams ... 0 0 Israeli Owe ... viij5 Hughe Richards ... xij** M' Thoms fforma . ... Xs willm withnall iij5 iiij** Thomas Tirrell Nichas Barnesley ( „ Thoms Paveley & ) _ ., u u c I /-Sessors T c 1 Collectors homphrey Street I Jerom Suker ) Thoms Turner ' At A vestry holden the v* of July 1591 for A seasment of A fyftene xxiv. a. According to A p'sept from my lord mayiore to be Imployed for her ma"e5 p'sent S'vice Jerrom Suker John Billingford M' henry Beecher ... vj' M' Candler Robert wincoll Arnold Richardson bakroms John Leaves Ric Rauenscroft James standley Cornells Speering Ric hayes M' Thatcher xiij5 iiij- M' Alde'ma Radclyf.. xiij5 iiij** John howell . ... vj** John whyt . ... xij** Izaak kilborne ... viijd John Hodson . ... iiijd Robert Cudner .,. .. . ... iiij1* James Bayly . ... ijd Nichas Barnesly ... ij5 ffrauncs Lodge xviij*1 Robert Stratford . . . . vjd l]s iiij** •viij*1 xxd xvj** xijd ijd Vjdvjd vj- iiij- i8 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. Joyce Otkar xijd Piers Mansprugh .. iiijd J ohn Bowsers water co wrse"! .... ....d shoomakr .. ij- and Back gate . . . r__j -.-j George hunt .. viij** hughe dale ../ ... ij- the taylor .. ij** willm withnall . . . vjd Thoms Paradins bakroms .. viijd hughe Richards ... iiij- John Heath .. iiij** Thoms Turner . . . xviij d Israeli Owin bakroms .. vjd Henry Smalewod vj<* Thoms fformans watercowrse vjd The Alley Mrs Spragg viij** Samewell Dowle ... ij** Thoms Doughty . . . if Symon Jenson ... ... ... ij** John merryott ... ijd The chu rch yerd John Hook vj** Lewis Morgan ... ijd Ric Robinson ... ijd Willm Roberts ... ijd John Strachan ... iiij** Johne wright ... ijd wm martin if Robert hudson ... ijd John Cuddok ijd Collectors John Howell ) Izaake Kylborne J To bee deliu' by these coiectors to m' Thoms Lawrens According to yc p'sept from ye L mayo' ss a- At a vestrye holden ye xxvj* of Marche 1592 yt was agreed y' ye wages of Thomas nebbes sexten of y" paryshe should be aug mented to ye sume of liijs fowre pence by ye yeare by ye Consent of ye paryshioners whose names followe M' Alderma Radclyffe M' alderma Ryder John Thorpe pson Thom Tyrrell willia Aylward Rich Candler Thom fforman Nicholas barneslye Ed ryder Israeli owen John Jaques Tho paradyne Jero suker Rob' Cudner Tho Adams ffrancis Lodge Tho pauelye Willia Wignall Hugh Graues Rics Robynson Jeames Stanlye Henry Alward ) „. , , -,.,,. > Churchwardens Richard heyes At a vestrye holden in ye paryshe Churche of S' xpoffers ye daye Churche wardens of Julye 1592 ye paryshe Clarck being dead there were theise two Willia Robartes & Thomas Nebbes propounded for a Clarcke at wch tyme Willia Robartes was Chosen to be ye pryshe Clarcke by ye Consent of all theise pryshioners wcl1 follow John Thorpe Parson Henry Alwarde M' Alderma Radclyffe ^ Richard heyes Thomas Tyrrell ) Thomas fforman Willia Mylward J Humfreye Streat Thomas Turner ) John hooke Robart Cudner J Jero Suker Robart Wincoll ) xpoffer Mydleton George Hunt ) Hugh Richardson Mr Alderma Ryder Nicholas barnesly Edward ryder Tho Carpenter Willia Wignall i The same daye yt was agreed y' Jerom suker was appoynted to be Collector ffor ye poore ffor two yeres to come next Insuinge The same daye also yt was agreed y' y" Parson & Churchewardens w* M' Anthony Radclyffe alderm Willia Ryder Alderm Thomas Tyrrell willia mylwarde Thomas fforma Hufry Streat Nicolas barneslye & Jeames stanly shall at any tyme apoynted or any of them to ye nomber of sixe meete to take order ffor ye lyinge out of such charges as shall serue to prosecute ye paryshe suite ffor ye arrerages of rent w*holden ffrom ye pryshe by george witten w_h j^r Barnesly hath promysed to doe & prosecute At a vestry holden ye x* day of december 1592 there was chosen Church warden in the rowmth of henry Alward Raphe boswell & so to Contynew Churchwarden ij yeres next Insuinge. At y*= same vestry yt was agreed by ye Consent of all pryshioners then pii y' ye parson & Churchwardens shall pay all such somes of mony vnto Nicholas bamsely out of ye rent dew to ye paryshe as he ye sayd Nicolas bamseley shall w* ye Consent of ye pson & Churchwardens w* others as is ordred aboue at a vestry bearing Date ye 2** day of July 1592 lay out for y*= recou'y of ye Arrerages dew to ye prysh by george witton wch he hath promysed at yc same vestry to doe At yc same vestry were Chosen Auditors for ye Accoumptes of henry Alwarde late Churchwarden Humfry Streat Izraell owen Nicolas barnesly Robt Cudner At y° same tyme were chosen sydemen xpoffer mydleton & ffrancis T r\r\rrc* Lodge Willm Ryder John Thorp Parson Thomas tyrryll wm milward homfreye Streete Nycholas Bamsley Israeli owyn Richard heye Rf Raphe boswell's m'ke churchwarden Thomas Turna Jerom Suker Wm Wythnolle ffrauncis lodge Robart Carter Memorandu y' ye xxxth of September 1592 was payd vnto Thomas 95b. Wyckyn drap & rent gatherer of ye drapers — iijs iiij** to y" vse of ye poore brethren of ye Company aforesayd according to ye last will of benedict harlewyn deceased by henry Allward Churchwarden Memorand y' ye xvijth day of October 1593 was payd vnto Thomas Wickin drap & rent gatherer of ye drapers — iij5 iiijd to ye vse of y" poore brethren of ye Company afore syde according to y° last will of benedict harlewyn deceased by Richard Heyes Churchwarden. Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 10 A Booke ffor all such thinges as [are] agreed vpon at yc vestries in yc parysh of St xpofFers neare yc Royall Exchaunge begiiiinge this pn'te 9th day of Deceber 1593. J593 Att a vestrye holden ye 9* day of december 1593 was chosen Church warden in ye roome of Richard Hayes Thomas Turner & so to Contynew Church [warden] two yeres followinge At y*5 same vestrye were Chosen sydemen Lewis Morgan and Hugh overy \ Tho fforman At ye same vestrye were chosen Auditors ffor Richard I Nicolas barnesly Hayes his accompte for one yere last past f Israeli owen ' Robt Cudner At ye same vestrye it is aliso agreed y' Edward Ryder and ffrancis Lodge together w* Tho fforman Nicolas barnesly Israeli owen and Robt Cudner shall Audit ye accoumpte of William Withnall & John Jaques Collectors for ye poore and also together w* one of ye Aldermen shall ceasse them y' are vnceassed for ye same Collection It is also agreed at ye same vestrye y* ye j5sons aforenamed shall haue Authority to reforme ye byll for ye Clarkes wages Surueyghors for ye pish Hufrye streate ) Tho fforman ) Tho Turner ) Nicolas barnesly J Robte Cudner J Tho pauely J Edward Ryder ) r . .. „,, ., } 9 of deceber 1593 Tho Adams } y °yj At a vestry holden ye 16 of december 1593 It was agreed y' ye Ceassors for ye Collection for ye poore shall ceasse ye paryshioners of this paryshe towards ye payment of ijd aweeke ffor one whole yere according to ye statute for ye relieffe of yc poore soldiars & also for ye Arrerages since ye 3d of July last past 1593 Att a vestry holden ye xxiiij* day of february 1593 yt was agreed y' there should be a loane of so much mony as is according to ye rate as was heretofore ceassed vpon the paryshioners of this payshe to follow y" suite agaynste Georg witton vpon his bond and all other sutes betwene him and ye parson & church wardens, prouided alwayes y' yff ye sayd George witten doe accept of ye last agreement offred vnto him to geue his assurance by bond and aliso to make ye parson & Churchwardens a generall release of all sutes at or before yc feaste daye of Easter next that then this order to be of no effect ^ Thomas Tyrrell The ceassers appoynted ffor this loane I Nicolas Barnesly _, ,, ) Raphe Boswell (Israeli owen The collectors r 1 ; Thomas Turner / Jerome suker John Thorp parson Raphe boswell J _,, , Willm Ryder Thomas Turner ). Thomas tyrryll Nycholas Bamsley Israeli owyn Jerom Shuker p me Jacobu Stanley Richard heye 1594 : b. At a vestrye holden yc xxv* daye of March 1594 was Anne [ widow chosen pencyoner in yc roome of willia yarington late deceased At a vestry holden ye first daye of december 1594 was Chosen Thomas Paradyne to be churchwarden for two yeares in the roume of Raphe boswell A the same vestry were chosen syde menn John Carpenter and Hugh Richards and in y" stead of John Carpenter who is gon away was chosen sideman Richard Mydleton. Att a vestry holden in y* paryshe Church ye xix* day of January 1594 were appoynted Auditors ffor ye Accoumpte of Raphe Boswell Churchwarden Hufry streate \ nicholas Barnsely ) Israeli Owen ) Robte Cudner j At ye same vestry these auditors aboue named are appoynted to examyn ye accompte of Jeames stanly for ye charge of ye paryshe suite 1594 At a vestry holden ye xvj* day of ffebruary in ye paryshe Churche of St xpoffers it is ordered y' ye eldest Churchewarden shall all- wayes put in a sufficient suertie w* him selfe & be bounde to Aunswer all such mony goods and ornaments of yc Church as shalbe deliu'ed to y= said eldest Churchwarden and Thomas Turner now Churchwarden is to beginne accordinge to this order The vse of wdl stocke and mony of ye Church is to be referred vnto ye good will and discretion of eu'y Churchwarden This order was sett downe By consent of the pryshioners whose names are subscribed ye daye and yere aboue written p'uided allwayes y' yc suertie is to be w*out the paryshe Thomas tyrryll Willm Becher p me Johne Thorp Nycholas Barnsley homfrye streate Rectore xpofferi Israeli owyn Raphe boswell Jerom Shuker Robart codnar p me Jacobu Stanly Thomas pavelly hugh Dale Thomas adams Hugh dale his mck H M H L Att ye same vestry y' was agreed y' Thomas fforman and hufry streat Nicolas barnsely and Robt Cudner should refourme ye byll of ye Clarkes wages & ye same psons shall ceasse for ye maymed souldyers At a vestrye holden ye xxx* day of June 1594 was chosen Collector for ye poore ffrauncis Lodge to be ioyned w* Thomas paradyne and to contynew two yeres acording to ye late precept. iS95 At a vestrye holden ye vj* day of July 1595 was chosen Collector for ye poore Thomas pauely in ye roome of Thomas paradyne to contynew for two yeres next followinge to remyne one yere next Insuing w* ffrancis Lodge now Collecter At a vestrye holden ye vij* day of december 1595 was chosen Willia Withnall Churchwarden in ye rowme of Thomas Turner to contynew two yeres next following 20 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. At ye same vestrye were appoynted Auditors ffor Thomas Turner his accompte vid' Israeli owyn Rich hayes Rafe boswell Nicolas Barnsely At ye same vestrye were chosen swornemen Richard Smyth and George hunt At a vestrie holden ye 27* day of June 1596 was chosen Collecter ffor y" poore in ye roome of ffrancis Lodge and to ioyne w* yc elder Collecter Thomas pauely hugh dale to Contynew two yeres next following. ffyveth of december 1596 Att a vestrye holden the day and yere abovesaid m' Edward Ryder was Chosen Churchwarden for two yere in the steede of m' Paradyne and Thomas Westwraye grocer and Arthur Middleton m'chauntaylor were Chooen Sydemen and John Thorowgood Haberdasher were Chosen Sydemen. Att the same vestrye were chosen to audyte the accompt of m' Paradyne Churchwarden nowe goinge out M' Streat M' Boswell M' Barnesley Mr Heys The xiij* of Marche 1596 Md at a vestrye holden this day yt was agreed that Mr Bamsley should kepe the bond for the Church goods wdl bond he nowe receyved. Red by me Nycholas Bamsley 2 b. The xxv* of m'che 1597 At a vestrie holden the day and yeare abovesaid there was chosen and appoynted for a pencioner in the steede of Goodwyfe Nebbes, John Heath nowe lyenge Bethred [bed-rid] and hath bene longe sycke. And yt is further graunted and assented vnto That the next pencioner that shall fall Goodwyfe Harris shall have the next place of the same pencioner because shee hath bene often pmised yt and is nowe disapoynted thereof Thomas tyrryll George hunt Nycholas Bamsley Thomas T C Collins Marke Jn° Quarles Jun' hugh Dale Jerom Shuker John Thorowgood James Stanley georg makereth Thomas Carpenter The xix* of June 1597 Att a vestry holden the day & yere aboue wrytten Ther was chossen and apoynted a collecter ffor the pore in the rome of Thomas pavley Thomas carpender wm withnoll Edward Ryder Nycholas Bamsley homfrye Streete Jerom Shuker ffrauncis lodge Thomas paveley 3 a. The xj day of december anno 1597 At a vestry holden the day & yeare above written was apoynted for ij yeares ensuyng to be churchwarden Jerome Shukar in the place of william withnall, & at the same tyme were apoynted sydemen Rychard Sandar & George mackerell Churchwardens At the same vestry were apoynted auditers to receyve the accompt of william withnall churchwarden now going out m' nicholas Barnesly Rychard heyes m' Thomas Tyrrell m' humfry Street Andr; Arnolde wm withnall rector eccles. Edward Ryder The viij* of ffebruary 1597 There was a veiwe made in the vestry howse of the dedes and 43) wrytings concerninge or Land in ffletstreat to fynd out when m' wyttons lease began And we fynd that the lease of ffortye yeres did begyn the vj* of August 1585 as yt doth appeare by the copye of the speciall verdyct and by a lre of Attorney and a note fixed to the same remayninge in the Chest, wytnesses we whose names are here vnder wrytten Edward Ryder 1 Cherche Jerom Shuker j wardens Nycholas Bamsley James Stanley It was also agreed by a gen'all vestrye That forasmuch as the said witton at Sondry Tymes hath much abvsed the pishe even to their faces making his Comparisons w* them and that as knaves he founde them so knaves he would leave them and w* many other Lewd speeches wch the pishioners have taken to hart. And therefore have agreed and desire the same at their Suc cessors hands That the said witton may never have nor any of his successors] have any new lease of the said messuags But that the same howses may remayne vnleased vntill the lease in possession shalbe ended. And then the most to be made for the pishe that wilbe geven for the same. Att a vestreye holden in o' pishe of St Crestophers this pesent 2d of 3 1>. July 1598 was Chosen Collector for the poore in the Roome of hene dale Thomas Westwraye for thys ij yeres folowyng Andr: Arnolde parson Edward Ryder \ Church Nycholas Bamsley Jerom Shuker j wardens homfrye Streate Humphrey milward wm wythnoll John fewilliams Richard heye By me Anthonye Clowes Thomas pavelly By me Edw. Erby Thomas Carpenter By me william Salway m' collins T C marke By me John Bell John thorowgood Att a vestrye holden the xxix* of October 1598 was chosen in the place of m' Mackareth that went out of the pishe afore the yere ended beinge for that yere Chosen a Syde man Wittm Newbye S| was newly Chosen Sydeman to be sworne on the monday following afore the ordynary for the tyme to come and the yere to Come A. Arnolde parson Edward Ryder Jerom Shuker Church warden At a vestrie holden in this parrishe the 19* of November 1598. It was agreed by a whole consent to be suters to Christs hospitall for the obteyninge of a childe to be taken into the hospitall wch was misbegotten by John Spragge in this parrishe wch cildes name is Alice and Christened in this parrish the 17 daie of this said moneth of November 1598. Andrew Arnolde parson Jerom Shuker Cherchwarden Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 2,1 4 a. Sonday the 3 of December 1598 Att a vestry holden the day and yere above said was Chosen in the place of Edward Ryder Churchwarden nowe goinge out : James Stanley Churchwarden to Joyne w* Jerome Suker Cheif Church warden And the said James to s've for two yeres from xpmas next as a Churchwarden Also more the day and yere abovesaid Chosen for sydemen for one yere from xpmas next Wittm Nuby and Hughe Goddard. Audytors for the accompt of mr Ryder Churchwarden goinge out were Chosen Mr Tho. Tyrrell Mr Humphr Streat M' Nichlas Barnsly M' Wm Withnall Sonday the second of December 1599 accordinge to auncyent Cus- tome vsed in this pishe the next Sondaie after St Andrewes day alwayes vsed was Chosen in the place of Jerom Suker Church warden nowe going out, Att this vestry nowe holden ffrauncs Lodge to Joyne w* James Stanley thelder Churchwarden And they both to s've for one. hole yere from xpmas next as Churchwardens. This day also were Chosen Sydemen Thomas Alport and Henry Levett to serve this yere Audytors Chosen to Audytt mr Sukers accompt M' Barnesly M' Streat W_ Ryder Mr Withnall 4 b. xxvj° die Octobris 1600 At a Vestrey holden the xxvj* daie of October A0 dni 1600 by the whole consente of all the Parrishioners then pn'te were noiated and chosen to ioyne w* James Stanley and ffrauncs Lodge Churchwardens for to make an assessem' for the releife of Maymed Souldiers accordinge to the Statute made in A° Regni Elizabethe xxxix0 these psons whose names heereafter ffollowe viz Nicholas Barnesley Humfrey Streate Thomas Paueley Thomas Westwraye Humfrye Myllwarde Thomas Carpenter At that Vestry also were nomynated and appointed for newe Pen- tioners to have the releife that Wyddowe ffowler and Isabell Ansell had the wch are nowe dead viz The Children of Robts the Clarke and the Children of Guyons. The vij* of decembe' 1600 At this Vestry was chosen in the place of James Stanley Elder Churchwarden nowe to goe out John Jakes to serve for Two yeeres as the Custome is and Edwarde Erbye and Thomas Collins for the Two sydemen Awdito's for James Stanleyes accompt M' Streat \ A: Arnolde Antho: Radclyffe M' Barnesley I John Quarles Tho: Paueley M' fforman fAudltors Hum: Streate Tho: Alporte M' Suker ' Jerom: Suker Hum: Myllwarde Wittm: Withnall John: Thorowgoode Richarde: Smyth Hughe: Dale Nichos: Barnesley Rich: Heyes Thomas: Westward A note of the most pte of the goodes and ymplemts belonginge to the Parrishe of S' xpofers neere ye Stocks by James Stanley Churchewarden afore his goinge out viz in Decemb' 1600 Itm j large Byble Itm 2 service Bookes Itm ij bookes called the Paraphrases of Erasmus Itm iij olde Psalters Itm j Surplis Itm quarte and a pottle pott Itm j Velure Table Cloth Itm j olde Velvet Table Cloth Itm j hearse Cloth Itm j Pulpytt Cloth Itm ij Lynnen Table Cloths one of wch is of Diap the other of Callico Itm j napkin of diap Itm j olde Turkey Carpett Cloth Itm j Cheste in the Vestrey w* a Counter Itm j Presse and a little olde Cheste Itm xj fformes Itm ij olde Coffins Itm xxiiij" Bucketts Itm vj Belles w* newe Ropes itm vij Printed and wrytten Tables Itm 4 Ladders Itm ij shovells j spade and j pickaxe Itm ij paire of Tressells Itm j howreglasse Itm the Comunion Cupp w* a silver Cover Itm a silver plate for the Comunion breade Itm of Readye Monye xxxv" xvs iij - delyu'ed m' Lodge 2 m'ch 1600 All theis mony and goods were delyu'd mr Lodg xxvj0 die Decembris 1600 ; A Cessem' and Taxacon made vppon eu'y Inhabitant able to paie w*in the pishe of S' xpofer nigh the Stocks in London for the releife of Maymed Soldiers and Marryners accordinge to the Statute in such case pvyded by Nicholas Barnesley Humfrye Streate James Stanley Thomas Paveley and Humfrye Myllwarde Chosen for that purpose by consent of the whole Parrishioners at a Vestrye the xxvj* of October 1600. Wyddowe Jarvis John Quarles Thomas Westwraye ... John ffeewilliams John Keelinge John Laramore Nicholas Barnesley ... Richarde Neale ffrauncs Lodge Mathewe Smith ... Jerom Suker Rice Webb Richarde Haies Peeter Tryan Humfrye Myllwarde ... M' Anthonye Radclyffe Cornelius Speeringe ... Edmonde Hynton vj" xvjd , iiij** ¦ viij** ' .ijd . xiiij** • ijd VJ" iiij- vnj° vjd Richarde Saunders iiij** Raphe Robinson vj** Richarde Buishopp ijd Charles Walmesley ijd John Jaques an empty howse viijd Hughe Dale William Withnall Phillipp Sparke ... Hughe Richardes Henrye Levett . . . Thomas Collins .... Anthonye Clowes Hughe Goddarde Thomas fforman William flin che ... ffrauncs Needeham Xpdfer Monke . . . John Thorowgood vnj. viij*1 ... vj" ... vj- ... viij** ... viij** xiiij*1 ... viij** vj" viij- 22 Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. Thomas Carpenter Leonarde Harwood ... Thomas Alporte Humfrye Streate Thomas Paveley Rowlande Backehowse shutt in Mason xd vj** X** xiiij** vjd xviij d . vjd [s b.] Richarde Smyth xd Thomas Tirrell vi'jd Thomas Pavior vjd James Stanley xd William Neweby viijd John Jaques a howse shutt in xd John Jaques xijd Edward Erbye vjd Sonday the 6 day of December Anno dni 1601 At a vestrie holden the day and yeare above written was chosen in the place of ffrancs Lodge churchwarden now going out, Hugh Dale to ioyne w* John Jacques now chief churchwarden and to serve for ij yeares from xmas next as churchwarden. the sayd day and yeare were chosen sidemen for this yeare francis needham and Humphry milward. Auditors for the accompt of m' ffrancis Lodge were then chosen Mr fforman M' Street Mr Barnesley M' withnall 6 a. Sondaie beinge the v* daie of December Ao Dom. 1602 At a vesterey holden the daie and yeare aboue written was Chosen in the place of John Jaques Churchwarden now going Thomas Carpenter to Joyne w* Hughe Daile Cheif Churche warden and the said Tho. Carpenter to serve for two yeares from xpmas next as a Churchwarden And also were the daie and yeare abouesaid Chosen for one yeare from xpmas next Leonard Harwood and Anthony Clowes Sydmen Auditors for the Accompt of John Jaques M' forman M' Strete M' hayes M' Lodge Sunday being the xxvij* of november Anno dni 1603 At a vestry holden the day and yeare above written was chosen in the place of Hugh Dale churchwarden now going out Thomas westrow to be ioyned with Thomas Carpenter now chief church warden and the sayd Thomas westrow to serve for ij yeares to come from xmas next The same day were chosen for this yeare to come from Christmas next william fynch and Raph Robinson sidemen Auditors for the accompt of Hugh Dale m' forman m' Street m' Hayes m' Lodge -6 b. At a vestrie holden the 31 of march the yeare of our lord 1605 were chosen churchwardens for the yeare following Thomas westrow and Richard Smyth and for sydemen to assist the churchwardens the same yeare were chosen William Lee and Rice Webb Itm the same day were appoynted Auditors of Thomas Carpenters accompt m' Humphrey Street and m' Thomas forman m' ffrancis Lodge and m' Hugh Dale Itm the same day were chosen overseers for the poore to assist the churchwardens, Thomas pavier and Henrie Jackson John nevill and william Swan. 1606 At a vestrie holden the 13 of April anno 1606 were chosen church wardens for the yeare following Richard Smyth and Humphrey milward and for sidemen to assist the churchwardens the same yeare were chosen Thomas pavier & John nevill and for Auditors of Thomas westrowes accompt m' Humphrey Street m' Thomas forman m' Thomas Carpenter mr John Quarles m' francis Lodge and m' Thomas moulson or any 4 of them the day of the accompt to be god willing the 6 of may next ensuing Anno dni 1607 At a vestrie holden the 5 of Aprill were chosen Churchwardens for the yeare folowing, Humphrey milward and Thomas Alport : for sidemen to assist the Churchwardens were chosen the same day Henrie Jackson and Humphrey waterson : and for Auditors of Richard Smith his accompt, m' Humphrey Street m' Thomas fforman mr francis Lodge m' Thomas moulson m' Thomas Carpenter and m' Thomas westrow or any foure of them, the day to be w*in one moneth after Easter. The same day were chosen overseers for the poore or sessors for the yeare following John nevill, Thomas pavier, Robart Heyes, Rice webb. At a vestrie holden the 27 of march 1608 were chosen Church wardens for the yeare following M' Thomas Alport and M' Rice webb, for sydemen m' Thomas Saxebie, and m' John keasor, and for Auditors of m' milward his accompt, m' humphrey Street, m' Thomas forman mr Richard Smyth, m' francis Lodge, mr Thomas westrow, m' Thomas Moulson, or any foure of them. The same day were chosen overseers or sessors for the poore m' Antonie Elowes, mr Ruben Boorne mr Denham mr william Swan At a vestrie holden the 4 of Aprill 1613 was chosen for elder 7 a churchwarden m' George Low, and for the other churchwarden m' Laurence Norcot, & for sidemen henrie Ashton and John browne, & for Auditors of mr william lees accompt m' hum phrey streat, m' Richard Smyth and m' Thomas Alport m' francis Lodge, mr Thomas westrow m' Thomas Moulson or any , foure of them, the day to be the 4 of may next ensuing. At a vestry houlden the 24 of Aprill 1614 were chosen mr Lawrence Norcott fo' Elder Churchwarden and m' Henry denham fo' thother churchwarden & fo' Sydemen m' Richard Doleman and m' Thomas fforman, & fo' Auditors fo' George Lowes accompte mr Humfry Streete m' Thomas Alporte m' ffrancis Needeham m' Thomas Westrowe m' Thomas Moulson and m' ffrancis Lodge or any foure of them the day to be the 17 of may next 1614. At a Vestry holden the 16* Aprill 1615 were chosen Mr Henrie Denham ye elder M' Richard Byarde ye younger M' Phillip Harrison ) M' Thomas Dringe j Auditors for m' Lawrence Norcotts accompts Mr Humfrey Street M' Thomas Westrowe M' Thomas Moulson Mr Francis Lodge M' Thomas Alport M' Francis Needham M' John Neuill M' William Finch Mr Rice Webb or any foure of them vppon such a day as the churchwarden shall appoint, w* his bast conveniency ; being now sick. > Churchwardens Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 23 ¦b. Att a vestrie houlden the 22"° of June 1615 it was there concluded that a colleckcyon should mee made for the releife of m's Arnold the widdo of m' Andrew Arnold o' late parson towards the wch those hervnder written gaue as ffolloweth vide' S' Samewell Tryon xl5 — 00 M' Thorn5 Mowlson xl5 — 00 Mr Thorn5 westroe ... ... xls — 00 M' Georg Loe xls — 00 M' John Nevill xxx5 — o M' Humphrie Street xx5 — ¦ M' ffrauncis Lodg xs — M' William Chapman xs — Mr William ffintch x5 — Mr ffrauncs Needham ... ... xs — M' Thom5 Alportt x5 — Mr Richard Downes ... ... x5 — o Mr Georg Harwood ... ... x5 — o M' Ant" Clowes xx5 — o M' Richard Lee vs — M' Lawrence Norcott ... ... vs — o Mr Isack Seward ... ... xviij** Hen Denham ... ... v5 — o The whole sum wch is colleckted and delivered to hir amounteth to p mee Henry Denham xv" xvjs vj** ia. the 12* of November 1615 Md that at a vestry holden the day and yere abovewritten it was then and there agreed by the said pishion's that on thursday next wch shalbe the sixteenth daie of this instant moneth of November, are appoynted M' Docto' Peirse pson Mr Denham and M' Byard churchwardens M' Humfry Street Mr Thomas westrawe M' Thomas Molson Mr George Lowe and M' Thom5 Alportt together w* Mr Woodward Sen' to meete at the pish Church of S' Christofers and there to conferr together concerning the lands of the said pish It is likewise agreed at this vestrie that for the leckf one Sunday in the aftemoone wch is now concluded vppon there shall bee allowed thirtie three pounds six shillings eight pence to bee raysed vppon the pishe rateably according to each mans assessm' to the poore but if fortio poundo may bee rayocd somutch may bee raysed over and above the said assessm' as will make the said sum to amount to ffortie pounds then the same to contynew during the pleasure of the parson and pishoners. Note that the first qrt' what wanteth of x11 is to bee made vpp out of the churchstock. It is likewise concluded att this vestrey that a mason shall bee agreed with for p'sent mending repacyon and mending of the fower windoes in the steeple and likewise to haue a Carpenter to vew the church wall whether there may convenyent sheds bee made agaynst the same if not then forthw"' to haue a fayre bentch there sett vpp for the p'venting of soyle and filth wdl is con- tynewallie there laid ib. March xxxj'ie 16 16 Att a vestrie houlden the day and yeere abouewritten there is chosen for the elder churchwarden m' Richard Byward and for the othe churchwarden m' Thomas Foreman and for sidemen m' Robertt Churchwardens Sidemen parcell and m' John Helms There is likewise chosen for Auditors for the account of Henry Denham late churchwarden mr Humphrie Street m' Ant0 Clowes m' willim ffintch m' Thom' westrow m' ffrauncis Lodg and m' william Chapman Jn° Nevill The 20* of Aprill 161 7 beinge Easter day At a vestry houlden in S' Christophers Parish Church it is agreed that there are chosen for churchwardens m' Thom' forman for the elder churchwarden and m' Richard Downes for the yonger churchwarden and for sidemen m' Isack Seward and m' Thomas Jackson Thomas Foreman Richard Downes Isaack Seward Thomas Jackson Likewise there are chosen for the Auditing of the ace" of m' Richard Byard late churchwarden these whose names are heervnder written Mr Humphrie street M' Ant0 Clowes Mr Wm Fintch Mr Thomas westroe M' John Neuill M' Henry Denham The Audite day is appoynted to bee one the Thursday next 9 b- beefore Whitt Sunday The sixth of July 1 6 1 7 At a vestrey houlden the day and yeare abovewritten in the parish Church of S' cristopher yt was agreed by generall consent that yf the lands in fleet streete can be let fo' 150" fine and fourscore pownds p annu that yt shall be let fo' 31 yeares in reversion after the expiracon of the lease now in beinge William Peirs Thomas forman ) J. t Richard Downes J Churchwardens The 3* of Auguste 1617 At a Vestry holden this morninge it was condescended and agreed by the most and better sort of the parishioners of S' Christophers then ther presente, that ther shold be ffower score and Ten ponds Allowed to doctor Pearce, towards the newe buildinge of the one pte of his house In the Church yeard, the wch said some before mentioned is the full agremente w* the Carpender, Bricklayer, and Plaisterer, for ther seuerall works, the wch ffower- skore and Ten ponds is to be deducted out of the Hundreth and ffifteye ponds wch is to be Receaued from the Tennants In ffleatstreat for ffynes for ther houses vppon leaces In reuertion, In witnes wherof we the parishioners whose names are hervnder written doe set to our hands as a ffurther ratefying and full Consent therto. The 2 of november 161 7 , At a vestry holden this day yt was agreed that the title in question betuene the parish and mr Israeli Owen concerning mr flinches house shall be referd to m' Solicitor generall to the kinge on our behalfe and m' Owen to Chuse another at his discretion vnto which two we are all content to refer both the hearinge and determinacon of the title in question yf they both accorde to yelde the title to eyther pty of both vnder both their hands 24 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. otherwise to take such other Course as shall be thought fit by the parish William Peirs Thomas Mowlson Thomas westrow homffrye streete Anthonye Clowes Thomas Buckner John Nevell Henry Denham Laurence norcott TC George Harwood Hughe Moorar John Helmes Thomas Jackson Isack Seward Thomas forman ) _, , , -r, . , , _ > Churchwardens Richard Downes J j°b. The 17* of december 161 7 At a vestry holden this present day yt was agreed that the matter in question betwene mr owen and the parish is referred to the docto' and the churchwardens to prepare themselues agaynst the next terme and in the meane to advise themselues as fully as they may eyther for the reference to m' solicito' and mr overbury o' for the prosecuting of the suite yf the reference be not pformed William Peirs Thomas Moulson Thomas westrow John Nevell Thomas Buckner w"1 Chapman Laurence norcott George Harwod Nicholas Bourne John Helmes Thomas Jackson Thomas forman Richard Downes • Churichwardens Md that the xxviij* day of Marche anno dni 161 8 Thomas fforman and Richard Downes Churchwardens receyved of Thomas Parks and John keasar Executo15 of the last will and testam' of Margery keeling widow decessed the Sumne of tenne pounds of lawfull Englishe money wch the -said Margery in and by her said last will and testam' gave and bequeathed to the Churchwardens of this Parishe Church of S' xpofers and to their Successors to the intent that the same should be a stocke here and that the pfitt thereof should be disposed by them to the poore of the same parishe yerely at xpemmas for eu' Thomas Forman Richard Downes At a vestry holden the 5* of Aprill 1618 there was Chosen Church wardens and sidemen these whose names are vnderwritten Richard Downes & ' William Chapman . Churchwardens M^ Ken & •> M^ Hooke )Sldemen There are also nominated for the auditing of the accompt of m' Thomas fforman Mr Street M' ffynch M' Norcott Mr Mowlson M' Nevill Mr Buckner or any foure of them The audite day is appoynted on the 20* day of Aprill nextt cominge in the foornoone Md att a vestrie houlden the 17 day of Aprill 1620 was chosen nb George Harwod for the elder churchwarden and John Helnes for ye younger and for sidmen william Vicker and Auerie Gaskin George Harwood John Helmes Churchwardens | Si Sidemen William Vickers "1 _. , . „ , . } Sidemen Auerie Gaskin ) Md that itt was agreed vppon att a vestrie houlden the 1* of June 1620 that Steuen Lasey is to pay three poundes towardes the bying of a comunion Cupp wch he lost, out of his wages by xx5 a yeare md aliso it was aggred that the churchwardens should pay to Reynold Trip three poundes yearely so long as he contineweth in the parish. Att a Vestrye houlden the ffirst of Aprill 1621 there was chosen 12a churchwarden and sidmen these whose names are here vnder written John Hellmes ^ _, ' , „ , J- Churchwaden Isack Seward ) William Perkins John Risley There was aliso nomiated for the auditing of the account of George Harwod m' Streett m' Moulson mr norcott m' Neuill mr Downes mr Buckner mr Chapman The auditt Day is appointed on the 17* of Aprill next Coming in the fornoone memorandum a vestrie houlden the 14* may 1621 it was then and there agreed by the said pishioners that the Churchwardens should take vp ffiftie Poundes at viij5 the hundred to wardes the payment of the monyes m' George Harwood layd out in the tyme of his Churchwardenshipe and it is ffurther concluded and agreed the p'ishioners shall see the Churchwardens saued harm les Immanuel Bourne John Nevell homfrye strete Thomas Mowlson Thomas Buckner wm Chapman Thomas Forman TC Thomas Jackson Thomas Carleton Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. H memorandum a vestrie houlden the 24* June 1621 & ther was apoynted a vew day to be one the tenth of July nex Cominge and ther is apoynted to be vewers mr Borne mr Nevell m' Moulson m' Buckner mr Chapman mr fforman mr norcott m' Harward and the Churchwardens or any fouer of them to vew the Landes in ffleetstreat belonginge to this parishe 12 b. at a vestery houlden the 14* of July 1621 and there it was concluded and agreed by the parisheners of this parrishe that the Church should be new whitted and painted At a vestrey houlden one sundaye the xiij* day of January 162 1 whereas there is by the assent and Conssent of all the parishioners of this parrishe of S' Cristoffors a lease made and sealed by m' docter peirce Rector of this parishe church and John Helmes and Isacke Shewerd gardians of the same parishe Church two one thomas fforman of this parishe and in like manner by the advise of the learned Counsell in the Lawe of the saide parishe there is a lease made by the saide thomas fforeman to one Laurence norcott all wch leases are made for the tryall of the Right of the saide parishe to a house in Cornhill in London Called the goulden Hinde some tymes in the tenner of one will Ramsie and late in the tenure and Occupacion of one Isarell Owyne or his assignee or assignes the benifitt whereof is to Redowne and accrue to the generall good and Proffit of the > saide Church and parisheners Of this parishe Itt is therefore this daye w* the free assente and Conssente of all the parisheners (by Reasone the afore named persons are but vsed in trust for the good of the saide parishe publiquely and generally) agreed vnto that aswell the saide docter peirce John Helmes and Isacke Shewerd and Thomas fforeman : their leasee as alsoe the saide lawrance norcott leasee to the said Thomas fforeman shalbe from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter saved and kepte harmles and indempnified or Recompensed by the parishioners of this parishe of for and Consarninge all shutes expences execucions and damages whatsoeuer wch shall heare after arise grow or Come against them or any of them there or any of thire goodes Chattells landes and teniments by Reasone of the leases aforesaid or any of them or Comensinge any shute or deffendinge any shute in lawe towchinge or any way Con sarninge them or the tytell of the foresaide house or any entery made by them or any of them threin two and that all mony and Charges whatsoeuer wch shalbe disbursed and laide out in and about the psecusion or defendinge of any shute or shutes or other expences and Charges whatsoeuer any growinge dew for or by Reason of the said house in whose name and against whomsoeuer the same shalbe Comensed and psecuted or brought shalbe from tyme to tyme laide out expended and disbursed by the now Churchwardens and hereafter by the then Church wardens for the tyme beinge whereby none of the afforesaide parties may or shalbe any way dampnified and that all such mony and expences shalbe allowed and paide to them againe by the said parishoners vppon theire accoumts. wittnes our handes heare vnto Subscribed the day and yeare aboue written John Nevell T C ffredericke Goodsonne homffrye streete John Helmes Mathew fforster Thomas Mowlson Isack Seward Tho drayton Thomas Buckner Thomas Jackson John Rathband wm Chapman Thomas Carleton Thomas forman Geo Haughton 13 a. i3b. 14 a. Laurence norcott Humfry strete Jn° Kendricke John Rushton Richard Downes George Harwod A vestrie houlden the 17* of march 162 1 and there it was Concluded and agreaed by the greater parte of the parishinoers of this parrishe that m' BlackweU the elder and m' Hord should be in tertayned for lectterors for one qurter of a yeare and at the qurters end to be at the pleasuer of the parrishe wheather one of them or both shall continue any longer and they are to begine at our ladie day next and soe to Continue vntell mid- somer next Immanuel Bourne John Nevell T C Thomas Mowlson Hughe Mooris Israeli owyn John Roberts homffrye streite John Rushton Jn° Kendricke John Helmes 1 wm Chapman Isack Seward Richard Downes Thomas forman George Harwod Thomas Jackson Anthony Hurst Humfry Castell Geo. Haughton Thomas Carleton a vestrie houlden the 21* of Aprill 1622 and then and there it was concluded and agreed by the most and greatest part of the parishinors of this parrishe that mr John Kendricke should for the some of fortie poundes freely to be geven by him to the saide parrishe in consideracions of the freeing of him of ffive severall offeces ved' scauenger side man Quest man Constable and Churchwarden that is to say he shall never be Questned for any of them or Chosen by any of the foresaid parishinors a vestrie houlden the 21* of Aprill 1622 and there was Chossen for i4b. vpper Churchwarden m' Isacke Seward and m' Thomas Jackson 15 a' vnder churchwarden and side men m- Joanas Hopkings and mr william Barffild and for the audditinge of John Helmes now Churchwarden his account is apoynted to be the seauenth of may beinge tewesday and ther is apoynted to be avdidters m' Strete mr moulson mr nevell- mr Bucknr mr Kendricke m' Chapman m' norcot mr Downes or any foure of them A vestrie houlden the 13* of Aprill 1623 there was chosen for vppchurchwarden mr Thomas Jackson and mr Thomas Carleton vnderchurchwarden and sidmen mr Thomas Drayton and Jhon Rathborne A vestry the 20th of Aprill 1623 weare apoynted for audittinge of the accompt of Isack Seward mr Jhon Nevill m' Humphery streete m' Thomas moulson m' Thomas Buckner m' Lawrence Norcot m' George Harwood mr Chapm mr Richard Downes At A Vestrey houlden the 13* of Jullye 1623 there was S' Jeames his daye the 25* of this Instant month Appoynted ffor A vewe daye of our Landes in ffleete streete And there was Appoynted to veiwe them m' John Hellmes m' Isaack Seward mr Jonas Hopkins m' Bareffeild and the Churche-wardens and sidemen that now Are 26 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. A Vestrey houlden the 28* of marche 1624 there was chosen m' Thomas Carleton vpper Churche Warden and m' Thomas Buckener vnder Churche Warden and m' George Haughten and m' John Robartts sidemen ffor the yere ensuinge A Vestrey houlden the 4* daye of Aprill 1624 were Apoynted ffor the Audyting of Thomas Jackson his Accounte mr John nevyll mr John Kendryck m' william Chapman m' Thomas fforman m' Humphrye Streete m' Lawrence norcott m' Richard dounes m' George Harwood or Any ffowre of them & The daye to bee teusdaye the 1 3* of Aprill next 15 b. At a vestery houlden the 18* day of Aprill 1624 it was then and ther agreed by the parrishinors that the Church wardens should tak vp mor ffyfte pounds to mak that some oweing to m' Lawrence wch is 150" two hundred pounds and That mr Thomas Jacksone should be payd his monyes layd out in is Church- wardenship and it was further concluded and agreed vppon y' a wrytyng should be made and sett doune in this vestrey book where vnto the sayd pishinors are to sett to their hands and that the Churchwardens are by them saued harmeles frome tyme to tyme A vestery holden the 2* of may 1624 it was ther agreed that Edward Gyles wch hath the nurssing of Robert wilcockes should haue the keeping of hime tell mydsomer quarter next coming and then to bryng him vp and put in securety to ye parishe in dischardging them of him all wayes provided it may be to the lyking of the parishinors and the good of the Chyld At a vestery houlden the 14* of July 1624 ther was Appoyntted for vevvers of our land in fleetstreet m' Chapman m' Helmes mr Sayward mr Jacksone m' Hautton mr Roberts and the Church wardens then being And there vew daye was one the 29 day of this Instant mounth aboue wryt lSa Memorand that whearas at a vestry houlden on sonday the 18* daie of Aprill 1624 it was agreed by the parishioners of this parishe of St Christofers nere the Royall exchange in london That Thomas Carlton and Thomas Buckner Churchwardens of the same pishe for the yeare insuinge should take vp two hundred pounds at eight in the hundred of m' Adam lawrens for the service of the parishe now this writing wytnesseth that we the parishiones of the said whose names are heare vnder written do promisse to and with the said Thomas Carlton and Thomas Buckner that if ony losse should happen to be ether for the principall mony of 2001 or the interest therof at 8 p. cent that every of vs shall beare his pte therof and that the said Church wardens Thomas Carlton and Thomas Buckner shall not be charged saue w* their owne proportion therof (althoughe they alone haue giuen their bonds for the same) according to the true meaninge of these p'sents. Wyttnes our hands geven this second daie of may 1624 Thomas Mowlson John Nevell homfrye streete Jn" Kendricke wm Chapman George Harwood John Helmes Thomas Jackson Geo. Haughton John Rushton John Larymer Humfrey Castell Thomas Carleton Memorand that at a Vestry held September 23* 1633 There was giuen to the Tenants of the pish in Fleetstreet towards the making of a new fundi of lead for a vault the sume of three pounds to be payd when the worke is finished and not otherwise John Macarnesse Tho Mowlson George Harwood Thomas Carleton John Larymer John Rushton Humfry Castell A vestery holden the 17th day of Aprill 1625 ther was chossen ffori6b. vpper Churchwarden m' Thomas Buckner and ffor vnder Church warden m' Alvery Gascoigne and for sydmen m' mathew foster for Cornehyll syd and m' william Williamson for brod street syd At a vestry holden the 27* day of Aprill 1625 it was agreed vpon and concluded that frtr' Thomas Buckner elected formerly churchwarden agayne for the second yeere should be dispensed withall for this office vpon payment of 5" in the name of fine to the parishe to be payd into the handes of the churchwarden At the same Vestry frtr' Thomas Foreman was elected vpperchurch- warden for this yeere followinge and to hold this office only for this yeere At the same Vestry it was concluded that frtr' Thomas Carletons the vpper churchwardens accompt for the yeere past should be Audited the 19* of may next Auditors named frtr' Nevill frtr' Streete frtr' Norcott frtr' Harewood frtr' Buckner frtr' Downes frtr' Chapman frtr' Elmes frtr' Jackson or any six of these mdmdum that about the end of m' fformans yea' theare was a vestrey Called to expresse thea' pleasewre concerning m' Blackwells Contiuance whea' he was againe newly elected and Chosen lecturer there being p'sent doctor Perce Alderman Moulson rnr Humphry Street and m' Israeli Owen w* many others Receaued this 19* of maye 1625 of m' Thomas Buckner the some of ffiue pounds beinge in full payment of his ffyne for his Church- wardenship accordinge to the order aboue mentioned Tho Forman Churchwarden Receaued this 19* of maye 1625 of m' Thomas Buckner late Church warden the some Thertene Shillinges and Seauen pence beinge the foate of his accompte, and the Surplusage of his accompt more then he hath paied this yeare to the poore I saye Rd — oo" — 135 — 07- Tho forman Churchwarden , At a vestry holden this 9* of Aprill 1626 ther was Chossen for n*- vpper Churchwarden m' Aluery Gascoyne and for vnder Church warden mr John Larremer and for sid men mr Anthony Hurst for Cornhill sid and m' Humphre Castell for broad street side Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 27 At the same Vestrey it was Concluded that Thomas fforman accompt for the yeare past shuld be audited one the 9* of maye next 1626 Awditors M' nevill named M' Chapman Mr Jackson M' Bucknar M' Downes M' Streat M' Narcot M' Harwood Mr Lee Mr Helmes or any Sixe of them or ffower It is ordered this 9* of Aprill 1626 that the vpper Churchwarden shall gather mr blackwell his Lecter monye and paye him quarterly accordinge to Auncient Custome 17 b. At a Vestry holden this 25* of march 1627 ther was Chossen for vpper Churchwarden m' John Larremer and for vnder Church warden mr Jonas Hopkins And for sid men m' George Webb and m' Nathaniell fflacke At the same Vestry it was Concluded that m' Aluery Gascoyne his accompt for the yeare past shuld be Audited one the 17* daye Aprill next Cominge 1627 Auditors named M' Alderman molson Mr John neauell Mr Willeam Chapman — Thomas fforman M' Georg Harwood Mr Isack Seward Mr Richard Downes Mr John Helmes M' Thomas Jackson Or Any Sixe or ffower of them 18 a. At a Vestrey holden this 13* of Aprill 1628 ther was chossen for vpper Churchwarden m' Jonas Hoppkins and m' John Rvshton for vnder Churchwarden And for Sid men m' Willeam Bolton And mr Toby maydwell At the same Vestry it was Concluded that mr. John Larremer his Accompt for the yeare past shall be audited one the 29* of Aprill 1628 beinge Tuesdaye Auditors named M' Alderman Molson Thomas Mowlson Mr John Neavell Andrew Blackwell Curat M' Thomas Bucknar John Nevell M' John Helmes Thomas Buckner Thomas fforman Richard Downes M' Richard Downes Tho forman Mr George Harwood George Harwood Mr Isack Seward John Helmes M' Thomas Carlton Isack Seward M' Aluery Gascoyne Thomas Jackson M' Thomas Jackson Thomas Carleton Or Any Seauen or ffiue [of] John Larymer | churchwards them Jonas Hopkins J At the same Vestrye it was Concluded and Agreed that mr Jonas Hopkins vpper Churchwarden for the yeare ensewinge shall giue in his owne Securety for the some of ffifteye pounds for the Church stock And at the same Vestry it was Concluded that from hence forth each Churchwarden that shall succead in that office shall put in Securety for soe much as the parish shall think ffitinge according to the stocke of the Churche At a vestrey holden this 16* of Aprill 1628 Ther was Chossen for 18 b. Sid man m' Sammuell Lenicar in the place of m' William Bolton who was despenced w* all for a certeyne ffyne Att a Vestry holden this 27* of Aprill 1628 ther was graunted to Rebecca Madox widdowe Twelue pence A weake duringe the goodwill of the Parrishioners and not otherwise. Att a Vestrey Houlden the 19* of Octobr 1628 thear was Chossen w* full consent of the Pearreshenrs of this Parresh mr Andrew Blackwell for the Afternones lecttor one the Sabooth daie for the year Inshuinge by full consent of the Parreshnors of S' Christo phers Church Att a Vestrey houlden this 5* of Aprill 1629 ther was Chossen w* full consent of the parrishioners of this parish m' John Ruston and mr John Robbards Churchwardens m' William Watkins and mr Andrew Glascote Sidmen And at the same Vestrey it was Concluded that mr John Ruston vpper Churchwarden shall giue In securety for one hondreth pounds to m' Alderman molson to the parishes vse and the sid men to seae the saied bound Sealed At the same Vestrey it was Concluded that m' Jonas Hopkins his accompt for the yeare past shall be Audited one the 21* of Aprill 1627 being Tuesday by thes mr Alderman Molson id' John Neavell mr Thomas Bucknar m' John Helmes m' Richard Downes mr George Harwood m' Isack Seward — Thomas fforman m' Thomas Carlton mr Thomas Jackson m' Aluery Gascoyne Or Aney Seauen or ffiue of them Thomas Mowlson Isack Seward John Nevell John Helmes Thomas Buckner Thomas Jackson Richard Downes Thomas Carleton John Heath Aluerry Gascoigne Thomas fforman Jonas Hopkins George Harwood John Rushton 1629 19 a. At a generall vestrye houlden vpon Sunday the 28* of ffebruary e it was graunted to m' Blackwell vppon his request made, that hee should haue a reader to help him ffor six months tyme accoumpt- ing ffrome ou' Lady day next and the parrish to allow the sayd reader ffor the sayd tyme the some of Three pounds and that to bee payd out of the rent of the Lands in ffleet street which was graunted by a full Consent of the parishishioners by reason of his wiues Long signesse and his owne extraordenarye weaknesse and infirmetie l8 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. At a vestry houlden the 28* of March 1630 theare was Chosen w* ffull Consent ofthe porishioners of this parish that John Roberts and Humphrye Castle shall bee churchwardens ffor the yea' insewing and william Lea and Edward Ridlye shall bee sydemen And it was concluded at the sayd vestrye that John Roberts shall giue secvritie or some other satisfaction by bond or otherways to the sayd parishioners Concerning the Charge which hee shall bee possest w*in the ye'e insewing belonging to the parrish At the same vestrye it was Concluded that mr John Rushton his accompt ffor the ye'e past shall bee Audited the 29* of Aprill next 1630 m' Alderman Moulson m' John Neuell mr Thomas Buckner mr John Helmes m' Richard Downes m' George Harwood mr Isaack Seward m' Thomas fforman m' Thomas Carlton mr Thomas Jackson m' Jonas Hopkins Or any Seauen or fiue of them appoynted Auditors for the sayd accompt At a vestry holden this 3 1* of August 1 630 it was Agreed that ffower Searchers for the Sicknes shuld be Apointed whose names are Goodwiff Robinson Goodwiff Perkins Goodwiff Jenkins Goodwiff Madox The wch ffower are to be Sworne according to Custome Item at the same vestry it was agred that the Chardg laied out by mr Willeam Willeamson in the Shut against Andrewe Slad shuld be repaied him againe by the vpper Churchwarden m' John Robarts beinge the some of ffower Pounds Twelue Shillinges and tovve pence W" Lee Sydeman William Watkin Thomas Buckner John Roberts 1 _. , , Mathew fferne Tho: forman ,T r _, „ i-Churchwardens _,. , ... T , TT , Humfry CastellJ Rich: Abbott John Helmes George Goodday Roger Garland George Webbe Nathanell fflack 19 b. At a vestry houlden the 6* day of October 1630 theare was chosen by a ffull Consent of the parishioners of this parish M' Andrew Blackwell ffor the after noones Lecture one the sabath days ffor the yee' ensewing by full Consent of the parishioners afforesayd and hee to haue for his paynes the beneuolence of the sayd parishioners as accustomed John Lorym' Thomas Mowlson John Rushton John Nevell Rich: Abbott Thomas Buckner William Williamson Tho forman Toby Maydwell Richard Downes Andrew Glascock Edmund Vnderwood Heriot Washeboume John Helmes Mathew fferne Isack Seward Andrew Hodges Thomas Carleton Peter Eldred Wm Bolton John Roberts Joseph vaughan William Blundell Humfry Castell Edward Ridley It was aliso agreed by all the parties aboue written that the table ffor parish duties shall bee reformed by those whose names are vnderwritten and the sayd table afterwards to bee ratefied by another vestrye written the day and yea' aboue Mr John Neuell M' Thomas Buckner M' Thomas forman M' Richard Downes M' George Harwood M' John Helmes Mr Thomas Jackson M' Tho Carelton John Roberts Humphrye Castell These or any six of them are to vew and reforme the table abouesayd and to p'pare it ffor a vestry as abouesayd At a vestry houlden the twenteth day of October 1630 the table ffor duties aboue spesified (being reformed by the pties abouesayd) it was ratefied and Confirmed of which table thea' is aliso a Coppy written in a parchmt Roule, to which all thea' hands are putt which wea' p'sent, which Roule is to remaine in the chest vnder the saffe custodie of the church wardens and the table to hang in some Conuenient place in the church At a vestrye houlden the 10* of Aprill 1631 thea' was Chosen by a 20 a. full consent of the parishioners of the parish of S' Christophers M' Humphry Castell to bee vpper churchwarden and M' William Boulton ffor vnderchurchwarden and for sidemen Mr Richard Abbott and m' william Blundell : Att the same vestrye it was aliso concluded that the accompt of John Roberts ffor the yea' past : shall bee audited vpon the 28th of this month of Aprill : 1631 being Thu'sday Auditors appoynted for this accompt : M' Alderman Moulson Thomas Mowlson Mr John Neuell John Nevell Mr John Helmes Israeli owyn M' Tho: fforman Richard Downes M' Richard Downes Thomas Forman Mr George Harwood Edmund vnderwood Mr Tho Carlton Thomas Carleton M' Averye Gaskoyne Jonas Hopkins M' Jonas Hopkins John Rushton M' John Rushton John Roberts or any ffiue or seauen of them; At a vestry holden the 9* July 1631 it was agreed that the parishioners should haue libertie to make Choise of a lecturer and that they should Consider to nominate some fit men that might stand in election for that place such as may be ppounded by the parishe and Conformable to the government of the Church of England m' Macarness our parson did consent hear vnto At A Vestery holden the 22* of July 1631 ther was the election of a 20 b. lecturer to preach once euery Saboth for on yeare, when the parishioners did make chose of mr Dell, to be lectrur for one yeare insuing ; William Williamson Thomas Mowlson Andrew Glascock John Nevell Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. George Webbe Joseph Vaghan John Parker George Goodday Mathew fferne Michaell sisson Richard Downes George Harwood Thomas Carleton John larymer John Rushton John Roberts humfry Castell "» Church wm Bolton / wardens At a vestery aforesaied it was concluded p the parishioners that the lecture mony should be colected p the Churchwarden for the last quarter past for m' maconesse and that the parishioners whould give to m' maconesse twenty pounds out of the Church stock teward the repaireing of his house and other charges that he hath bine at At a vestry the 14* of dec: 1631 it was Concluded that m' fforman mr dowes and the Churchwardens should confer and make an end w* m' Hopkins for his ingagement toward the Chargees of his maides Child aliso that m' dell should be paid one quarters salery till michellmas and take the benevolence of the parishe as the Churchwardens can gaither it Tho: molson Alderman m' maconesse mr Rustan •i' fforman m' Roberts n' downes mr Carleton m' Harwood w* the Churchwardens "> Humfry Castell m' Helmes and many other parisheniers / wm Bolton Churchwards 21 a. At a Vestry holden this ffirste of Aprill 1632 ther was chossen by a full Consent of the Parishioners of S' xpoffers mr Willeam Boulton for vpper churchwarden and m' Willeam Willeamson for vnder Churchwarden and for Sid men mr Gilbert morwood and m' mathewe fferne Tho Mowlson Pieter Rychaut Tho: forman Richard Downes George Harwood Thomas Carleton Alvery Gascoigne John Larymer John Rushton John Roberts At the same Vestrye it was also concluded that the Accompt of m' Humphrey Castell for the yeare past shall be Audited vppon the last daye of Aprill next ensewinge being mondaye. Auditors apointed for this Accompt Mr Alderman Moulson M' John Robbarts M' John neuell M' John Helmes Mr Richard downes M' Aluery Gascoyne M' Georg Harwood M' Thomas Carlton Thomas fforman M' John Ruston Or any ffiue or seauen of them At the same vestry it was also concluded that m* Jonas hopkins and Ambrose Goodart the Supposed ffather of Rebeca Goddart shall be saued and kept harmles from any molestation con- cerninge the parish In Consid deration of the some of Twelue pounds pd by the saied Jonas hopkins vnto Edward Lewys of mitcham husbandman At a vestry holden the 6* of Novemb' 1632 It being propounded 21b. and the parishioners mette for the Choise of a lecturer ther was chosen w* a free Election mr Rogers for on yeare from Christmas next and to be paid by the Churchwardens for his paines till Christmas Aliso it is was concluded and agreed that m' Hocke should haue paid him by the Churchwardens 7" 10s for some paines he had taken and not till now satisfied Likewise it was ordered that the Churchwardens should colect for m' Maconesse the money that was vnpaid to him for midsomer and michellmas quarters and what could not be gaitherd that it should paid out of stock More over the parishioners did conclude to give mr maconesse ten pounds for on yeare as a gratuitie of thir loue and m' maconesse did pmise to be asisting in the establishing of mr Samuell Rogers to be our lecturer as aforesaid m' maconesse being psent Tho Mowlson 1 John Nevell Richard Downes Tho: forman George Harwood John Helmes Thomas Carleton John Larymer Jonas Hopkins John Rushton John Roberts Humfry Castell Andrew Glascock Peter Eldred March 19* 1631 22 a. Memorand that having rec' a Certificate from Docto' Wilson Physician that m' William Bolton w'hout great danger of his health could not feed vpon Lenten Fish dyet, I did giue him my lycence to feed vpon flesh. And finding that the weaknes of his body was such at the space specifyed in the Statute giues way to was not able to endure after according to the Statute I haue registred it the day and yeere aboue written Joannes Macamesse Rector Ecclis s" xpferi At a vestrey Howlden the 21th of Aprill 1633 There was Chosen by ' a full Consent of the Parrishoners of S' Christophers William Williamson for vper Chirchwarden m' Georg Webb for vnder Churchwarden and for Sydmen m' John Parker and mr Roger Garland Att the same vestrie it was Concluded that the ACompt of m' William Boulton shalbe Audiated the fourteenth of May being Tewseday Auditors apointed for this acompte Tho Mowlson M' Alderm Moulson John Nevell M' John Nevell Richard Downes M' Richard Downes Tho: forman M' Georg Harwood George Harwood M' John Helmes John Helmes Mr Thomas Carleton Thomas Carleton 3° Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. M' Thomas fforman M' John Rushton Mr Homfrey Castle M' John Robts Jonas Hopkins John Rushton John Roberts Humfry Castell M' Jonas Hobkins or any five of them 22 b. At a vestrey howlden the 31* of October 1633 yt is ordered by them first that the Church shalbe suffitiently repayred with all Con- venyent speed to wch end the twoe Churchwardens for the tyme beinge together with the Assistance of m' Thomas fforman and m' John Helmes and m' Homfrey Castle and m' Tobias Maid- well for this sid of the parish : for Cornewell [Cornhill] side m' Richard Downes mr Harwood m' Roberts m' Willm Boulton m' Gilbert Moorewood who are Intreated by the said parish to Take Care for the performeance of all things therein requisit , r both for Masons Worke Timber worke plumers worke Glasiors Worke Plaisterers worke Painters worke or any other worke that shalbe Needful to be done in and touchinge the repayeringe and Bewtifyinge of the said Church. And for the Charg that it shall amount vnto we doe Promise and bind our selues and"the whole Parish whose names are herevnder written to see all the costs of the said Church dischardged what eu' shalbe concluded by any six or more of them of the boue names and M' Mathewe ffearne alsoe to be an Assistant for this side, and alsoe wee whose names are vnderwritten to not only Bind our selues but the whole parish for the pform' of ye said Costs and Chargis. In Wittnes whereof we haue sett to our hands the day and yeare aboue written. And furth' agreed 15* Aprill 1635 That M' W,n Williamson and Mr Joseph Vaughan shalbe Assistants as above and M' Abraham Chambers in Mr Downes his place „, , , f Willm Williamson Tho Mowlson Churchwardens < _ ... , , I George Webbe John Nevell p me Mathew fferne Richard Downes Richard Abbott Thomas forman Andrew Glascock George Harwood George Goodday John Helmes Henry Baynbrigg Thomas Carleton Peter Eldred Jobn Larymer Roger Hunt John Rushton Isaack Knight John Roberts Blackwell Humfry Castell the marke of Mathew Gilbert Morewood Strangim Nathaniell fflacke Toby Maydwell Edmund Vnderwood 23 b. At a vestry holden the 19* day of decembr 1633 yt was agreed that mr Samuell Rogers should be our Lecturer for one yeare beginig at the aboue said tyme to read sirvice and preach every Saboth daie in ye afternoone and is to haue for his paines thirty pounds to be paid him by the Church Wardens And mr Mackamis is to haue tenn pounds for The said yeare for giving way to be his lecturer Att the same vestrie it was agreed that ye comitie wch are vnderwritten or any 3 of them wthe the Churchwardens shall advise wth m' Mackarnis concerning duties and other bussines in the pish and to conclude fullie thereof m' Thomas fforman m' George Harwood m' Richard Downes m' William Bowlton m' Thomas Carleton mr John Roberts Att the same vestrie was alsoe fullie concluded and agreed that whereas the parish Church of St Christophers is to be repaired and great som of monies to'be disbursed to the raising of which monies the parishione'5 whose names are vnderwritten haue pro mised ffreelie to Lend the seuerall somes heareafter menciond And the vestrie hath concluded the said monies shalbe Repaied out of there Rents in ffleet street At two or three yeares by the Churchwardens that shall then be : viz halfe of the said somes at one three years end And the other halfe at six yeares End to the pties menciond which shall Lend the said somes or to there Exector' or Assignes And for pformeance hereof the said pish haue Jointly and seuerally Ingadged them selues for pformance thereof Monies promised to be Lent to the repayreing of the Church of St Christophers 1 M' Alderman Mowlson 2 M' John Nevill twenty pounds 4 M' Thomas fforman ... 3 M' Petter Ricaut 5 M' Georg Harwood tenn pounds M' Richard Downes tenn pounds 7 Mr John Helmes six pounds thirten shill iiij** 24 M' Thomas Carleton three pounds ... 36 M' John Rushton fforty shill ... 6 M' William Bowlton tenn pounds 8 Mr John Roberts six pounds thirteen shill iiij** n M' Tobyas Mead well five pound 12 M' Edmond Vnderwood ffive pound 13 Mr Kyng five pound ... 14 M' William Lea fiv pound 19 Mr Georg Goodaye foure pound 15 M' Homfrey Castle five pound 26 Mr Andrew Glascocke three pound ... 20 M' Petter Eldred foure pound 21 Mr Richard Abbott foure pounds 16 M' Henry Benbricke five pounds 27 Mr Joseph Vaughan Three pounds ... 22 M' Mathew ffearne foure pounds 25 M' Nathaniell fflacke Three pounds 28 Mr John Parcker Three pounds 29 Mr Joseph Blackwell Three pounds 37 M' Hamer twoe pound Mr Michcll Caaocn twoo pounds t-r-. rrr- 23 William Williamson foure pounds ... 04. 00. 00 050. 00. 00 020. 00. 00 005. 00. 00 025. 00. 00 010. 00. 00 010. 00. 00 006. 13- 04 003. 00. 00 xpd 002. 00. 00 xpd OIO. 00. 00 06. !3- 04 24 b oS- 00, 00 oS- 00. 00 OS- 00. 00 OS- 00. 00 04. 00. 00 °S- 00. 00 03- 00. 00 04. 00. 00 04. 00. 00 05- 00. 00 03- 00. 00 04. 00. 00 03- 00. 00 °3- 00. 00 03- 00. 00 02. 00. 00 02. -&&r -ee 30 M' Georg Webb three pounds M' Jonao Hopkins fyvc pounds 9 M' Gilbert Moorewood M' Harrioono eight 10 Mr Chambers ... 31 M' Hobbs three pounds 17 Mr Hewitt Leate 32 M' Alvery Gascoigne ... 33 M' Jonas Hopkins 38 Mr John Lorymer M' Samuell Lynaker M' John Chancey 03- 00. 10. 00. 0 03- 00. 0 °S- 00. 00 OS- 00. 00 OS- 00. 00 02. 00. 0 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 31 x pd 02. 00. OO 2. 00. 00 I. OO. OO I. IO. oo 03. 00. 00 I. 10. 00 03. 00. 00 05. 00. 00 39 M' Skynner 40 M' John Thorpe 42 M' Mathew Stangrum 41 M' Hunt M' Charles 34 Mr Thomas Bolton ... 43 Martyn Dallison 35 Widow Jackson Widow Garland M'Hill 18 M' Bowden Mr Knight M' Thomas Snart Mr Robert Holden ... M' Ridley At a vestrye howlden the n* of Aprill 1634 there was Chosen by a ffull consent of a vestrie by the parishoners of S' Christophers for the yeare Insveinge mr George webb for vper Churchwarden and mr Nathanell fflacke for vnder Churchwarden and for sydemen mr Georg Gooday and m' Joseph Vaughan And the accompt of William Williamson to be Audiated the ffirst of May being Thursday. Auditors apointed for his accompte mr John Nevell mr Richard Downes mr Thomas fforman mr Harwood mr Helmes mr Castle m' Roberts mr Wm Boulton mr Laramore mr Carleton Tho Mowlson Maior John Nevell George Harwod John Helmes Thomas Carleton John Roberts John larymer Humfry Castell Gilbert Morewood John Saintlowe Andrew Glascock John parker Richard Abbott Mathew fferne Abraham Chambers Henry Baynbrigg or any five of them Wm King llu Paveley Thomas Hobs John Thorpe Isaack Knight Jn° Chauncy Henry Emsworth John Rushton Humfrey Wattsonn mathewe + stangram Joseph Blackwell m' Eldred aproued of chirch William Williamson George Webbe \ Churchwardens =s b. Att a vestrie howlden the ii* of Aprill 1634 by the parishoners of S' Christophers and there was Chosen by full Consent of the said vestrie for sexton for a yeare next Ensweing Nathaniell Jermond m. alsoe M' John Saintlowe being Chosen for sideman and haveinge served it elsewheere 17 yeares agoe doeth freelie give forty shillings to the parish for the benefit of the Church wch the pish doe accept of for the said office and soe quit him for that, alsoe these things weare agreed vpon by those whose names names are vndrwritt on the Contray side the daie and yeare abouewritt Att a Vestrey holden the xxvij* of December 1634 it was concluded and agreed That Mr Samuell Rogers should be or Lecturer for one yere begyning at the abovesaid tyme to read service and preach every Saboth day in the Afternoone And is to have for his paines Thirty Pownds to be paid him by the Churchwardens And Ten pownds more which form'ly was given to M' Makar- nesse Att a vestrey houlden the 27* of January 1635 it was concluded and agreed that m' Samuell Rogers should be or Lecteier for one yeare begging at the aboue said tyme to Rede Saruise and prech euery Saboth day in the after noone and is two haue for his paynes thirtie poundes to be paid him by the Churchwardens and ten pounds more wch formarly was geuen vnto mr makames Tho Mowlson Thomas forman George Harwood John Helmes Wm Bolton Humfry Castell Willm Williamson Toby Maydwell Gilbert Marwood Huett Leatt John Saintlowe Richd Abbott Mathew fferne Henry Baynbrigg John Parker Joseph Vaghan John Thorpe Roger Hunt Att a Vestry holden On Easter day being the Nyne and Twentith 26 a. Day of March 1635 there was chosen by a full consent of the said Vestry for Vpperchurchwarden Mr Nathaniell fflack and Mr Andrew Glascock for Vnder Churchwarden of this Parish And for Sidemen John Thorpe and Joseph Vaughan And the Audite for M' George Webb his accompt is appointed to be vpon Thursday the Nyne and twentith last day of Aprill next by the Audito'5 chosen whose names are herevnder written M' Thomas fforman Mr George Harwood Mr John Helme M' William Bolton M' Thomas Carleton M' John Roberts Mr John Rushton M' Avery Gascoigne Or any ffower of them Att a Vestrie holden the ffifteenth Day of Aprill A" dni 1635 It was 26 b. ordered and agreed by the Parson and the Major part of the Parish then p'sent That from henceforth no Vestrie shalbe called or held in the Parish vpon the Saboth Day And that the choosing of Churchwardens and other Officers for the Parish shall every yere be vpon Easter Munday John Macarnesse Rector Tho Mowlson Wm Lee Nathaniell fflacke Andrew Glascock Mathew fferne Thomas forman George Harwood John Helmes Thomas Carleton Humfry Castell Willm Williamson Gilbert Morewood John Saintlowe Joseph Vaghan Peter Eldred Tho: Hamor 32 Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings qf St. Christopher Le Stocks. Joseph Blackwell John Thorpe llu Paveley Abraham Chambers Martyn Dallison 27 a. Whereas there is now remayning in the Registry of the Arches Court in London the some of One hundred Pownds of lawfull mony of England which was given and bequeathed by S' Peter le Maier Knight late of the City of London deceased in his will and Testam' to the Poore of the Parish of S' Christofer in London to be setled as a stock for them by his Executo'5 of his last will and Testam' Now we whose names are vnderwritten being of the Vestry of the said Parish are contented and do desire that the said Hundred Pownds be delivered vpon bond to George Webb late Churchwarden of o' said parish to the vse of o' said poore to be setled for them as aforesaid Nathaniell fflack and Andrew Glascock o' now Churchwardens of the same parish and John Thorpe Sydeman ioyning with him in the said bond In witnes whereof we have subscribed 0' names this Last day of Aprill 1635 which note was dd to the said Churchwardens to carry into the Court of Arches w* these names subscribed viz' John Makarnesse Rector Thomas fforman George Harwood John Helmes William Bolton Thomas Carleton John Rushton John Roberts Humfrey Castell Peter Eldred Henry Baynebrick Mathew ffearne Toby Maydwell Abraham Chambers John Lorymer William Lee Richard Abbott 27 b. Whereas Nathaniell fflack and Andrew Glascock now Churchwardens of the Parish of S' Christofer in London, and John Thorpe one of the Sydemen of the same parish (according to a note or agreem' made the Last Day of Aprill now last pas' as appeares on th'other side) have entred into an obligacon of the penalty of 200" the Copy whereof is entred into this booke towching the receipt of One hundred Pownds out of the Registry of the Arches Court in London which was there deposited by Sr ffrancis Crane Knight Executo' of the last will & Testament of S' Peter le Maier Knight deceased in full paym' of all legacies given to the poore of the said Parish by the said S' Peter Le Maier in & by his last will & Testament And for that the said Nathaniell fflack & Andrew Glascock have received the said One hundred Pownds for the vse of the poore of the said parish Now we the Parishioners of the said Parish, whose names are herevnder sub scribed are contented & agreed & do hereby promise for vs and the hole parishe and o' Successors parishioners of the same parish for the tyme being That the said Nathaniell fflack Andrew Glascock & John Thorpe their executo'5 & admistrato'5 shalbe from tyme to tyme saved & kept harmeles by the Parishioners of the same parish for the tyme being of & from all sutes Costs charges execucons & damages to arrise or happen to them the sd Nathaniell fflack Andrew Glascock & John Thorpe their executo'5 or admistrato15 or any of them or their or any of their goods Chattells lands or Tenements towching or concerning their entring into the obligacon aboue menconed in any manner of wise And it is further ordered & agreed That when it shall happen any of them the said Nathaniell fflack Andrew Glascock & John Thorpe to depart this life or decay in estate and that warning shalbe given for procuring of new surety or sureties to enter into the like bond or obligacon of Two hundred Pownds with such like Condic5n as the said Nathaniell fflack Andrew Glascock & John Thorpe are bound vnto That then in such case the Churchwarden or Churchwardens of the said parish for the tyme being shall enter into the like obligacon and 28 a. Condicon as is afore menconed, order being taken for his or their indempnity & saving harmeles from the same as afore- herein is expressed. In witnes whereof we have herevnto subscribed o' names the Anno dni 1635 Thomas forman John helmes Thomas Carleton John Roberts Gilbert Morewood Toby Maydwell Mathew fferne wm Bolton Wm Lee Peter Eldred Rich** Abbott John Larrymor Henry Baynbrigg Humfry Castell Ex Regro Curie de Arcubus London extract'. Noverint vniversi p p'ntes nos Nathanielem fflack parochie S'1 Christo- feri prope le stocks London Civem et Grocer London Andrew Glascock eiusdem parochie Civem et Haberdasher London et Johannem Thorpe parochie pred Civem et Carpenter London teneri et firmiter obligari Venerabili et egregio viro domino Johanni Lambe militi et legum doctori alme Curie Cant de Arcubus London Officiali principali in Ducents libris bone et legalis monete Anglie solvend' eidem domino Johanni Lambe aut suo certo attornato executoribus admistrator' vel assignatis suis Ad quamquidem soluconem bene et fidetr faciend obliga- mus nos et quemlibet nostru per se pro toto et in solid heredes executores et admistr' nfos firmiter per p'ntes Sigillis nostris 28 b. sigillat Dat Nono Die Mensis Maii Anno regni domini nostri Caroli dei gratia Anglie Scotie ffrancie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris &c Vndecimo Annoque dni 1635. The Condition of this obligacon is such That whereas S' Peter Le Maier Knight late of the City of London deceased in & by his last will & Testament gave and bequeathed to the poore of S' Christofers in London the some of One hundred Pownds in this forme of words following or the like in effect viz' (And my body to be buryed in the Church of S' Christofers in London, and I give to the poore of that parish the some of One hundred Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Slocks. 33 Pownds to be setled as a stock for them by my Executo'5 of this my last will and Testament) And whereas after sute comenced in the said Court of Arches by George Webb & Nathaniell fflack Churchwardens of the said parish church against S' ffrancis Crane Knight Executo' of the last will & Testam' of the said deceased the some of One hundred Pownds of lawfull mony was tendred & left in the Registry of the said Court of Arches on the part of the said S' ffrancis Crane in full payment of all legacies given to the said poore of the said Parish And wherealso the said Nathaniell fflack and Andrew Glascock the now Church wardens of the said Parish of S' Christofer have accepted the said One hundred pownds in full payment of all legacies given to the said poore in the said will & by the decree of the right wor" Sr John Lambe Principall Officiall of the said Court & by the deliu'y of Matthew Thwaits Deputy Register of the same Court have had and received the same to be setled as a stock for the vse of the said Poore, If therefore the said Hundred Pownds shalbe setled as a stock for the poore of the said Parish of S' Christofers according to the true intent & meaning of the will of the said Testato' and shalbe so from tyme to tyme contynued w*out wasting or dyminishing of the said Hundred Pownds And also if the said Nathaniell fflack Andrew Glascock & John Thorpe their heirs executo'5 and admistrato'5 do and shall at all tymes hereafter & from tyme to tyme save defend or otherwise sufficiently keep harmeles as well the said S' ffrancis Crane his executo'5 and administrate'5 as also the said S' John Lambe and the said Matthew Thwaits and all other the Officers and Mynisters of the said Court of Arches their several! executors & admistrato'5 from and against all and every other person and persons having or pretending to have any right title or interest in or to the said Hundred Pownds or to any part thereof and from and against all sutes, troubles Controversies damages expenses and incombrances whatsoever which shall or may any way happen to them or to any of them for or by reason of the said Hundred Pownds or any part thereof And lastly if the said Nathaniell fflack Andrew Glascock & John Thorpe or any of them shall happen to depart this life or to decay in estate Then if they or any of them or any of their executor'5 or admistrato15 shall within One Monethes space next after warning given to them or any of them procure one or more sufficient surety or sureties by the Officiall principall of the said Court of Arches to be approved & allowed to enter into the like bond or obligacon of Two hundred Pownds with such like Conditions for the surety or sureties to performe as are above recyted to be performed by the said parties bound in this obligacon Then this obligacon shalbe void and of none effect, or ells the same shall stand & be in full strength and vertue. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Matt: Thwaits. W? Durham. Edm. Arnold. Nath: fflacke. Andrew Glascocke. Jo. Thorpe. 29 b. Att a Vestry holden On Easter Monday being the Eighteenth Day of Aprill Anno dni 1636 there was chosen by a full consent of the said Vestry for Vpper Churchwardens M' Andrew Glascock And for Vnder Churchwarden & M' Toby Maidwell And for Sydemen Mr Peter Eldred and M' Abraham Chambers John Macarnesse Thomas forman George Harwood Thomas Carleton John Rushton Humfry Castell William Williamson George Webbe John Saintlowe Peter Eldred Abraham Chambers Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Bolton John Thorpe Roger Hunt Nathaniell fflacke And the Audite for Mr Na thaniell fflack his accompt is appointed to be Vpon the Seaventeenth Day of May next by the Audito'5 chosen whose names are herevnder written M' Thomas fforman M' George Harwood M' John Helme M' William Bolton M' Thomas Carleton M' John Roberts M' John Rushton M' Alvery Gascoigne M' Humfrey Castle M' William Williamson M' George Webb Or any ffower of them At a Vestry holden one Easter monday beinge the 10* Aprill Anno 3° a. domine 1637 ther was chosen by ffull consent of the saied Vestry WJ ^lem for churchwardens m' Toby maydwell and mr Willeam Leigh. this yeare- And for Sydmen mr Willeam King and m' Thomas Boulton Thomas forman Wm Bolton Thomas Carleton John Rushton George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke John Saintlowe Andrew Glascocke Edmund Vnderwood George Goodday And the Audit for m' Andrew Glascocke his Accompt is ap pointed to be One tuesdaye the 9th daye of maye 1637 by the Auditors chossen, whose names are hervnder written by ffiue or six of them Wm Bolton Thomas forman Thomas Carleton John Robbarts Georg Harwood Nathaniell fflack humphrey Castell Willeam Williamson George web John Ruston Aluery Gaskoyne Att A vestrie holden one Easter Mundaye beeinge the 26* day March 1 638 ther was Chosen by full Consente att the saide Vestrie by mr Backer ou' pa'sone and the parishioners for Churchwardenes m' William Lee and mr Mathew fferne and fo' Sidesmen m' Thomas Hobes and m' Joseph Blackewell And the Auditt fo' Toby Maydwell his accompte is apoyented to bee vpon Tues daye beeinge the 24* daye of Aprill 1637 by the auditurs chosen whose names are heare vnder written by 5 or six of theme Thomas forman Sa: Baker Parson John Nevell Thomas forman George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke John Saintlowe George Goodday Peter Eldred Henry Baynbrigg 34 Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings qf St. Christopher Le Stocks. Tho. Bolton Wm King Tho: Hamor Huett Leatt Edmund Vnderwood Thomas Cullinge Nathaniell fflacke fo' auditors 1638 John Nevell Tho: forman m' Carlton mr will: Bolton m' Jn° Roberts m' William sone m' fflacke m' Webb m' Gaskine m' Rushton 3°b. Att a Vestry holden the ffifteenth day of Aprill A0 dni 1639 was M' Mathew fferne elected Vpper Churchwarden for the yere ensuing ending att Easter 1640. And M' Gilbert Morewood was chosen Vnderchurchwarden; but att his owne request (as by the Letter affixed appereth) he was w* consent of this Vestry remitted, for the said place of Churchwarden, and for the place of vpper- churchwardenshipp wch would fall vpon him the next yere. The said M' Morewood paying for his ffyne Twenty pounds to be laid out for plate for the Lords Table, and in his the said M' Morewoods sted was chosen for Vnderchurchwarden Mr Edmond Vnderwood, and M' Thomas Hamore and M' Hugh Souden were then by the like consent chosen Sidesmen And the Auditt for M'William Lee his accompt is appointed to be vpon the ffouerteenth day of May next by the Au- dito's chosen whose names are herevnder written or any Six ffyve or fower of them Thomas fforman Thomas Carleton John J. Rushton John Roberts William Williamson George Webb Nathaniell fflack Toby Maidwell Sa: Baker Parson Thomas forman Thomas Carleton John Rushton John Roberts William Williamson George Webbe Toby Maydwell Peter Eldred John Saintlowe Tho: Bolton Thomas Hamor Tho: Peapes Georg Bromhall William Somerfeilde 31 a- The ffive & Twentith Day of August A" dni 1639 Att a Vestry holden by the Parishioners of this Parish there was chosen for Lecturer to preach on Saboth dayes in the aftemoone Mr Edmond Brome for the space of one whole yere from Michas next ensuing there being the number of Thirty & ffive persons giving their names for the election of the said Mr Brome being the greater number of the whole Parishioners of the said parish, the rest being but Thirteene in number for the election of Three others then in nomynacon giving their consent to pay him whome the major part should choose. 31 b. At a vestrey the 8* day of Aprill 1640 was Ellected M' Edmond vnderwood for vperchurchwarden and M' Georg Gooday for vnder Churchwarden for the yeare Insving And M' Henry Benbricke and M' Martin dallison for sidemen And the Audyt of M' Mathew ffearnes acompte is apointed to be vpon the seventh day of may next following. Au- Thomas forman Thomas Carleton John Roberts John Rushton Willm Williamson George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke Wm Lee John Saintlowe Hu Sowdon Joseph Vaghan Tho: Hamor Tho: Snart dito'5 Chosen whose names are vnder wrytten M' fforman M' Carleton M' Robts M' Rushton Willm Williamson Nathaniell fflacke Georg Webb M' Moorwood M' Maidwell or any five of them The ffirst Day of ffebruary 1640. Att a Vestry holden by the Parishion15 of this parish there was chosen for Lecturer to preach on Saboth dayes in the aftemoones M' Christofer Cartwright for the space of one whole yere from the tyme he cometh to reside w* them there being the number of Thirty Seaven p'sent whereof Thirty & ffive gave their consents & subscribed for the choice of Mr Cartwright the other two, one of them gave their hands for one M' Nelson, and the other for one M' Randall who were putt in nomynacon w* M' Cartwright. And there was agreed to be given Mr Cartwright Ten pownds for his charges of his Journeyes : Also its agreed that M' Cart wright shall preach Monethly a p'paracon sermon before the Sacrament on Thursday or ffriday at his election ffor wch weekly Lecture & for the p'paracon sermons the parish agreed to give ffifty pownds this yere at the least. Wm Myddelton Pieter Rychaut Jo" Roberts Wm Williamson George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke Tho. Cullinge Toby Maydwell Stephen Bolton Martyn Dallison Henry H W Ward Wm Lee Christop English Thomas forma John Rushton Gilbert Morwood John Saintlowe Joseph Vaghan Henry Hardcastle Thomas Hobs Henry Baynbrigg Roger Hunt John Hawes Tho. Snart John Brett Stephen Joy Georg Goodday Memorand That this Last day of March A0 dni 1641 there was 3*1'- chosen for Clarke of this parish of S' Christofer William Mercer an Inhabitant in this parish there being in nomynation w* him John Roch & Nathaniell German also inhabitants in this parish And there being then p'sent in the Vestrey Thirty of the Parishioners Two & twenty of them gave their voice & choice for the said William Mercer and Two for John Roch and Sixe for Nathaniell German. Att a Vestrey the 16* Day of Aprill 1641 was elected M' George 33a- Goodday for Vpperchurchwarden. and M' John Saintlowe for Vnderchurchwarden for the yere ensuing and M' Henry Eyns- worth and M' Roger Hunt for Sidemen And the Auditt of Mr Ed mond Vnderwoods accompt is appointed to be vpon the Twelveth Day of May next Thomas forman John Roberts John Rushton Willm Williamson Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 35 Audito'5 chosen whose names are herevnder written viz' Mr Thomas fforman Mr John Roberts M' John Rushton M' William Williamson M' Nathaniell fflack M' George Webb M' Gilbert Morewood M' Toby Maidwell or any five of them George Webbe WmLeeTho Bolton Joseph Blackwell Henry Baynbrigg Tho. Hamor Joseph Vaghan Tho Peapes John Hawes Stephen Gey Richard williames Martyn Dallison Tho. Cullinge Stephen Bolton John Brett Peter Eldred 33 b- At a vestrey howlden the 8* day of Septb' 1641 There was Chosen 34 a. for our Lecturer M' James Cranford for one whole yeare to preach twise euery Lords day And a preparation Sermon euery monthe and to Begin at the feast of S' michell next pvided he be free from other pastoral Charge or Cure John Hansley Rector Thomas forman John Rushton Willm Williamson George Webbe Lady Mowlson Wm Lee Peter Eldred Will: Sheward Henry Emswcrth Roger Hunt Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Peapes Stephen Gey John Hawes Tho. Snart William Walker Edmond Balye ffrancis Burton John Lammas Ric** Elkin George Goodday John Saintlove William Mercer Parrish Clarke 34 b. At a vestrey houlden the 17* december 1641 the names of vs vnder- writt of the parish of S' Christophers in the precinct of S' Christop in Brodstreet ward haue acepted of eight pounds from mr henry Benbrick & it is for Constable & questman and for euer acquiring ye same mr Benbrick of the sd offices for the said money in the sd precinct, wittnes our hands day & year aboue Thomas forman John Rushton Willm Williamson Peter Eldred John Hawes Att a vestrey howlden the iith day of februrij 1641 There was Chosen to be Auditors of Mr Georg Gooday deceased being vper Churchwarden for his acompt dureing the tyme he Continved in the place these whose names are vnderwritten & to be Audiated the 1 7 jof this Instant being thursday M' Thomas fforman M' John Roberts M' Moorewood Mr Maidwell M' fflacke M'Lea M' Webb Willm Williamson M' vnderwood or Any five of them At a vestrey houlden iith of Aprill 1642 There was Chosen By full 3s a. consent of a vestrie Mr John Sainctloe for vper Churchwarden and M' Richard Abbott for vnderchurchwarden and for Sydmen m' Thomas Peeps And m' Stephen Gey. Thomas forman John Roberts John Rushton Willm Williamson George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke WmLeeJoseph Vaghan Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Hamor Tho: Cullinge John Hawes Tho: Snart William Withers Robt Coker At a Vestrey houlden the 3 of Aprill 1643 the names of vs the 35 b. pishioners of Christophers here vnder written it was agred one as ffolloweth viz That M' Cranford for his ffirst quarter next insuing to Mid summer for the pay for his Lecture he is Content to stand to the ffree will of the parishioners. That m' Cranford hath declared his willingnes to stay with vs though he hath benn offered greater preferment. That the parsonidge house wherin mr ffranckline now liueth shalbe repared at the cost & Charge of the parrish At the same vestrey was Chosen for vpper Churchwarden for the year Insuing mr Richard Abbot and for vnder Churwarden Captin Joseph vaughan and for Sydesmen Captin John Brett & mr henry ward James Cranford rector Wm Myddelton Thomas forman John Roberts Willm Williamson John Rushton George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke WmLee John Saintlowe Tho. Cullinge And the acompte of mr John Sainclowe to be Audiated vpon the 9* of may being tuesday & Auditors m' James Cranford m' fforman mr Maidwell m' John Roberts m' John Rushton m' Georg webb m' Wittm Lee 36 Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings Stephen Gey Henry Emsworth Tho: Peapes John Hinde John Hawe William Withers m Nathaniell fflack Wittm Williamson or Any 4 of or 5 of them ffebrurij 36 a. *At a vestry howlden the 13* of Aprill 1643 we the parishoners whose names are vnderwrytten of S' Christophers for the In- coriging of m' Cranford for his great paines that he takes wth vs shall have for his Lecture euerey Lords day in the after noone & monthly before the sacremt yearely the Some of Threescore pownds and it is desired the Churchwardens shall Indeuor to gather it of the pishioners and what shall fall short the shall pay out of the Church Stock. By the Churchwarden Wm Williamson John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke John Saintlowe Ri: Abbott John Brett Will: Sheward Stephen Gey William Withers John Hinde John Hawe Jn° Sordell William Bird ffrancis Burton William Walker Tho: Cullinge The Order aboue was Reversed by a vestry held the first of may 1644. 36b. Att A vestrey houlden this 22* Aprill 1644 of the whole Parishoners of this Parish it is Agreed vppon Captine Joseph Vaughan for ye vpp Church warden for y" yeare. ffollowinge & for y" vnd' Church warden for y° yeare ffollowing M' Hugh Sowden & for Sidmen for yc yeare ffollowinge M' Thomas Cullen & M' Hum phrey Blundell & wee here p'sent haue vnd' written our hands John Roberts Gilbert Morewood John Rushton 1 1 enry Emsworth Joseph Blackwell W- Marsh Henrey H W Ward his marke Peter Cole John Saintlowe Ri: Abbott Will: Sheward W.lliarn Withers 37a. Itt is Agreed vppon at this vestrey houlden this 22* Aprill 1644 that for the Auditting of M' Richard Abbott Churchwardens Accountt shall bee 15* of May next followinge & the Auditors to be mr James Cranford m' John Robart mr Wm Williamson mr Tobias Meadwell mr Gilbert Morewood mr John Rushton mr Georg Webb mr Nathaniell fflacke mr John Santloe * This minute is crossed through with the pen, and the italicized words are further obliterated and almost illegible. of St. Christopher Le Stocks. Itt is Agreed vppon att this Vestrey houlden this 22* Julij 1644 That mr Humphrey Blunderi is to Take Anne Christoph' to searue him After the maner of Apprentize duringe the Tearme of ffive yeares duringe wch Tearme shee shall Carey & behave her selfe as a App'ntize ought to doe both honnestly & justly ffor wch wee Ingage ou' selves & wee Towards byinge nese- careys of Cloths Convenient for her wee pmise to give him Three pownds James Cranford pson Wm Williamson Gilbert • Morewood John Rushton Toby Maydwell Ri Abbott Nathaniell fflacke Stephen Bolton Tho: Cullinge „ „ , > Churchwardens Hu: Sowdon ) John Saintlowe John Brett Stephen Gey John Hawe William Walker Hum Blunden * The ffirst of Awgust 1644 v i- Att a Vestrie then held John Christofer one of the parish children was by consent placed p'ntice to William Sweby Citizen & Clothworker of London & Gloii[er] by profession for nyne yeres from Midsomer last and Three pounds money was agreed to be giuen when he is bound att Clothworkers Hall according to custome and the M' att the end of the terme is to enter the boy in the howse of Bridewell to the end that when he cometh forth of his time he may be capable of ffive pounds giuen to poore boyes in like kynd The ffirst of Awgust 1 644 Att a Vestrie then held John Christofer one of the parish children was by consent placed appntice to John Reynolds of the parish of S' Dunstan in the west Taylor ffor eight yeres from Midsomer last and ffower pounds money was agreed to be paid when he is bound att Drapers Hall to George Young of this parish Taylor and free of the Drapers and John Reynolds is to cause George Young to make the said John Christofer free of the said Company att the end of his terme John Roberts Wm Williamson John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke George Webbe John Saintlowe Richfd Abbott Tho: Hamor ffrancis Burton Ge: Nieren Tho: Cullinge William Withers Witt. Sheward * This entry is crossed with the pen in the original. Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 37 38 a. Att a Vestrey holden the 15* August 1644 its agreed that the Churchwardens shall rayse the Roufe of m' James Cranfords house at the Charge of the parrish and the monye to be raysed in pportion as men are Rated for the poore Wra Myddelton Wm Williamson John Rushton Gilbert Morewood Toby Maydwell Witt Sheward John Hawe Robert Coker Stephen Bolton Edward Ridley William Stratford John Roberts John Saintlowe Gerha: Nieren Ri: Abbott Joseph Vaghan John Brett 1644 Att a Vestery holden the 22 of Septemb" its agreed that what mony shalbe payd by the parishemers to the repare of mr Cranfords house shalbe repayed them agayne out of the Chvrch stocke if it be ffound it may be disposed of to that end Wm Williamson John Rushton George Webbe Toby Maydwell Richard Abbott Tho: Cullinge Tho: Bolton John Hawe William Bird Joseph Vaghan ffrancis Burton Edward Ridley William Walker 38 b Att a vestrey houlden y° 16th of december 1644 whereas John Reynolds Taylor of the pish of S' Dunstons in ye west hath taken to prentise John Christopher one of this parish Children for his aprentice for eight years and his tyme to begin at Midsom' last for the tearme of 8 yeares and the said Renolds is to haue foure pounds w* the said John Christop this vestrey orders that mr Reynolds shall haue three pounds paid him in p' of the some and the other 20s when the said John Christo pher shalbe made free of this Citty or in a Capasity of being made free of this Citty Ja: Cranford Wm Williamson Gilbert Morewood John Rushton John Saintlowe Ri. Abbott Tho: Bolton Stephen Bolton Henry Emsworth William Withers the marke H W of Henery Ward William Bird Richard Williams John Hawes The 16* January 1644 39 a. At a vestry then held it is Concluded y' Humfrey Stockwell be discharged by the Churchwarden for his Arrerages of Rent vpon payment of Twenty foure pounds The lease being deliu'ed vp & quyett possession yeelded And also y' the house be surrendred vnto Henrye Sharpe who is to be entertayned Tenant for this yeare ensueing beginning the 25* day of december 1644 at Twenty pounds for the yeare, paying it by fyve pounds quarterly Ja: Cranford Rector Wm Williamson Gilbert Morewood John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke Richard Abbott William Sheward Stephen Bolton John Hawe William Walker Christop English Richard Ryman Joseph Vaghan Hu: Sowdon At a vestrey Houlden 28th of march 1645 It is orderd that Mr John 39 b. Saintlowe shall pay ffifty pounds due to Hills twoe Childr to yc hands of Maior Joseph Vaughan Nowe Church Warden of the sd parish and he shall disburse the same for the parishes vse and be acomptable to the pish for the same and vpon Audiating of the acomptes the Childr shall haue alloweance for the same, out of wch mony Reed he is to pay the workem for Repairinge Mr Cranfords howse and this vestrie doeth further order that the said parishoners that have disbursed money to that end shalbe reinbursed of there monies out of the parish stock Wm Williamson Toby Maydwell John Rushton Richard Abbott Nathaniell fflacke Witt: Sheward Tho: Cullinge John Brett John Hawe Roger Hunt Peter Cole William Bird Tho Ashton Edmond Balye Att a vestery Houlden this 11 Aprill 1645 °f tne whole prishio'5 of 40 a. this pish it is agreed vpon that m' Hugh Souden for the vpper Churchwarden and for the vnder Churchwarden mr Thomas Boulton and for sidesmen for the yeere ffollowing m' William Walker and m' William Shewarde and we here p'sent haue vnto set our hands 38 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings qf St. Christopher Le Stocks. Ja: Cranford pson John Roberts Wm Williamson Gilbert Morewood John Rushton John Saintlowe Richard Abbott Joseph Vaghan John Brett Tho: Cullinge Stephen Gey Toby Maydwell Witt: Sheward John Hawe Ge Nieren Its agreed vpon at a vestery houlden the day aboue sayd that for the Audidings of Joseph Vaghans Account the 13 may 1645 shalbe Audito'5 mr James Cranford m' John Roberts m' Williamson mr Toby Meadwell m' Gilbert Moorewoodd m' John Sayntlo m' Richard Abbott and that widow Snart shall haue the money paid her that her husband did lend to y" repayre of this Church John Roberts Wm Williamson John Saintlowe Ri: Abbott Toby Maydwell Tho: Cullinge 4ob. Att a vestrey holden the 30* of Ma'ch 1646 of the whole parrish itt is agreed vpon that mr Henrey Benbrige is Chosen fo' Vnder Churchwa'den and m' Thomas Bouelton fo' vpper Chu'chwa'den and fo' Sidesmen fo' the yeare ffollowing mr Steephen Bouelton for Cornew*ell [Cornhill] side and fo' ou'e side m' William Witheres and wee thatt wer p'esent att this ellectione haue heare vnder sett our hands ye daye and yeare aboue written Att this p'esent vestrey itt is ordered the daye and yeare aboue saide that the Audit- inge of Toby Maydwells accompt shall bee vpon the twentith eight of Ap'ill beeing friday and the Auditors are toe bee m' Will Williamson m' John Roberts m' Richard Abbutt m' George Webb m' John Rustone and m' Nathaniell fflacke and m' Gilbert Morewood & Maior Vawhone or aney fiue of them p me John Roberts Wm Williamson John Rushton George Webbe Nathaniell fflacke Tho. Cullinge Joseph Blackwtt Toby Maydwell John Brett Will: Sheward John Hawe William Walker Tho: Colclough Richard Williams 41a. att A Vestry holden the 30* of Apill '1647 we whoss names are vnder writt have Chosen m' Henry Bainberg for the year insueing to searve the plac of vper Churchwarden & m' Josep Blackwell for vnder Churchwarden and mr wm Streattford & mr John Haw for Sidmen John Rushton Nathaniell fflacke Toby Maydwell Tho: Cullinge John Brett Stephen Bolton William Walker Garrard Dickins Thomas Chubbe ffrancis Burton ffrancis Maye Thomas Lowe Richard Ryman Tho Bolton Att This presentt vestry itt is Apointed The Auditt day of Tho Bolton is to be vpon Tewsday the first of Junne next and the Auditors to be is mr wmson m' Robertts m' morwood ore any fiue m' maydwell of them mr vaughan m' fflack ¦m' webb m' Rustian m' Abott At a vestery houlden the prime of m'ch 1647 it was agreed as ffol-4ib. loweth— that if John Roach tayler being a poore man of this pishe hauing six small chilldren shuld gett his Sonne Joseph being about three yeares & a halfe ould to be receiued into the Maintenance & keeping of S' Bartholmewes Hospitall ; that then the pishioners of this pishe shuld ffree the said Hospitall of the charge of the said childe when he came to the age of ffifteene yeares. witnesse our handes as ffott William Walker Ja: Cranford rector Gilbert Morwood John Roberts John Rushton George Webbe Richard Abbott Tho. Bolton Tho Culling Stephen Bolton ffrancis Burton henry Trough ton Thomas Lowe Henry Baynbrigg | churchwardens Joseph Blackwell j Joseph Richard Ryman At a Vestery houlden the 3" of Aprill 1648 m' Joseph Blackwell was Chosen Senior Churchwarden and m' Thomas Cullen Junior : and mr Thomas Chub and m' ffrancis Mao Sidemen for this yeare ensuinge and it is appointed at the same vestry that m' Henry Baynbrigge his Audite day bee vpon Wednesday the third of may, the Auditors to bee y* mjnist', m' Williamson, m' Roberts, m' Morewood, m' majdwel, m' fflacke, m' Abbot, mr webb, m' Rushtjan, m' vaghan, m' Bolton, or any five of them Richard Ryman Ja: Cranford Gilbert Morwood John Roberts John Rushton George Webbe Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks 39 Richard Abbott Toby Maydwell Tho. Bolton Henry Baynbrigge Stephen Bolton John Brett Christo: Jenner ffrancis Burton Henry Troughton William Walker Thomas Lowe 42a. Att a vesterye the 26 March 1649 it was agreed that m' Thomas Cullinge Chosen Senior & L'. Col: John Brett Junior Church wardens, and M' Thomas Aston and m' Peter Cole sidesmen for this yeere Ensuing and that the Acc° of m' Joseph Blackewell shalbe Audited the third of may 1649 the Auditors m' Cranford m' Roberts mr Ruston mr Morewood mr Williamson m' Thomas Boulton mr Vaghan or any ffiue of them Ja: Cranford John Roberts John Rushton Gilbert Morwood Joseph Vaghan Tho: Bolton Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell Stephen Gey John Hawe Garrard Dick ins Ben Oldfeild Richard Ryman 42 b. Att A vestrey Houlden this 23* of Aprill An" 1650 there was Chossen officers for this Parish for the yeare ensuinge Both for vpp & vndr Churchwardens & sidmen Accordinge to the vote of the vestrey & the Parishon'5 whoes names are here vnder written. The officers for the Church are these Maigo' John Breet for the vpp' Churchwarden for the yeare ensinge & for the vnd' Church warden is mr Stephen Gey for the yeare ensuinge & for sidemen mr Richard Williams ffor Threedneled Precincte & mr Wm Marsh for Comhill side And the Audiett day is Appoynted the 15* day of may next & the Audito's for mr Thomas Cullen Accountt are these followinge m' Cranford mr Morewood mr Robarts mr Williamson Corns Vaughan mr Meadwell mr fflacke mr Thomas Boulton mr Banbricke & mr Blackwell or aney ffive of them Ja: Cranford pson Richard Raymond John Roberts Henry Troughton Wm Williamson William Bird Nathaniell fflacke Stephen Parker Joseph Vaghan James Berblok Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell Tho Bolton William Sheward John Hawe William Walker Tho Culling Tho Ashton Att a Vestery holden the 19 Nout5 1650 it is ordred that (whereas 41 a. by Acc° seuerall yeeres past there was due to Jo Hill & Sarah Hill Children of Thomas Hill who was a pensioner to ye parish sixty nyne povnds ffower shillings & nyne pence) there shall be paied to them for yc same 801 to bee equally djvjded y' is to say fforty povnds to Jo & fforty pounds to the said Sarah, and the Bonnd due from Tailor is to be deliuered vnto the said Jo Hill and what one the bond is receiueed is equally to be deuided betwixt the sayd Jo and Sarah, thirty pounds of this mony the Churchwarden is to paye and shalbe alowed one Acc° the other ffifty pounds M' Henry Banbricke lendeth and is to haue bond from the Churchwardens by order of this Vestery for which we are to paye 53" to mr Banbricke the ffirst Jany 165 1 the 80" is to be payd the sayd Children the ffirst Jan: 1650 and the vestry and parish is to safe y*= Churchwardens harmelesse from their bond Att the same vestery and the day & yeere aboue sayd Richard knight was Chosen (during his good behauior) Sexton of this parish and to receiue the pay of the same accordingly Ja; Cranford parson Wm Williamson Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Vaghan Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell Tho Culling John Brett | Churchwardens Stephen Gey J John Hawe Garrard Dickins Richard Richardson Jn° Sordell Tho Ashton Richard Reymond The ii* of ffebrarij 1650 43b. At a vestry houlden the day abouesaid M' Cranford did proffer and desire to Catechize those yonge people of this parish euery Lords day begining the 23* of this Instant in ye afternoone that haue not yett Receud the Sacram'e the wch ye vestrey did Willingly and thanckfully Accept of and Doe promise to send there Children accordingly and doe hope the whole parish Wilbe redy to Submitt to this order Ja: Cranford parson W"? Williamson Joseph Vaghan Henry Baynbrigge Tho Culling John Brett Stephen Gey John Hawe Peter Cole Garrard Dickins Christo: Jenney Richard Williams Thomas Hinde Richmond Reymond Edward Moore The 90 of Aprill 1651 44a. At a Vestry helde the day aboue sd theire weare Chose for officers for the parish the ptyes vnderneath exprest by the ptyes whose 4o Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. names are vnder subscribed viz for Church Wardens Stephen Jey the Seanior Churchwarden and Humph Blundell for the Junior and Rich Raymond and Jn° Hynde for Sydemen And the Auditt day for the perusall of the Churchwardens Accompt is appwinted the 13* day of May next, the officers aboue exprest are for the yeare insuinge and the Auditors for Jn° Bretts Accompt for the last year of Accompt are Mr James Cranford Rector M' Jn° Roberts, M' Wm Williamson, M' Natha fflack, Coll Josep Vaughan Mr Hen Bainebrigg M' Tho. Bolton M' Josep Blackwell and M' Tho Culline or any 5 of them Ja: Cranford parson John Roberts Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Vaghan Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell Tho Culling Stephen Bolton John Adrian Richard Richardson Garrard Dickins Richard Williams John Robinson Christop English John Brett 44 b. The 19 Aprill 1652 Att the day and yeere aboue sayd ther weare Chose officers for the parish for the yeere insueing for vpper Church Warden & vnder Churchwarden & sids men according to the vote of the vestery by the parishioners whose names are here vnder written vpper Churchwarden Mr Humphery Blunden vnder Churchwarden Mai' Richard flinch sidsmen Mr Thomas Colcloth and mr ffrancis Burton And the Audit day is oppoynted the 13* may next and the Audito'5 for Mr Steuen Gey acc° are these that follow, m' Cranford m' Williamson m' fflacke m' Henry Banbricke mr Thomas Bolton m' Joseph Blackewell M' Thomas Cullin Mai' Jo Breett & Joseph Vaghan or any fiue of them Ja: Cranford Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Vaghan Joseph Blackwell Tho Bolton Nathaniell fflacke Tho Culling Richard Richardson Garrard Dickins Tho Ashton Peter Cole Richard Reymond John Punter William Walker William Pope Stephen Gey 45 a. The 18" of Aprill 1653 Att a Vesterey holden the day & yeare abouesaid, there was Chosen Churchwardens & Sydemen for this pishe for the yeare Insuing as ffott : m' Richard flinch, Senior Churchwarden, m' Wm Strad- ford Junior Churchwarden, m' Garrard Dickins, & mr Nathniell Brookes Sydemen. And the 4* of May next Apoynted for the Auditt of m' Humphry Blunden his accoumpt, Mr Cranford, m' Cullen, m' Williamson, m' Vaughan, m' fflack, m' Boulton, mr Blackwell, m' Brett and M' Baynbrigg or Any ffive of Them are Apoynted Auditors. Aliso it is Ordefred that the Senior Church warden shall giue bond of Two hundred poundes by himself and a Suffitien Suerty, for the rendring a Just & true Accoumpt for the trust reposed in him Ja: Cranford Henry Baynbrigg Tho. Bolton Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Blackwell H. Blunden John Hawe ffrancis Burton Richard Reymond Tho Ashton Tho Lowe will Bird Stephen Parker Garrard Dickins Nathaniel Brookes 45 b The 4* of Aprill 1654 46a. At a vestry Houlden the day and yeare aboue said There was Chosen Churchwardens and Sydmen for this parish for the yeare Insueing as ffolloweth M' William Stratfford Senior Church warden M' John Hawe Junior Churchwarden and Mr Thomas Lowe and M' William Simpson Sydemen, and for the Audiat of Maior flinches Accompt wee apoynt the 9th day of May next and for the Audiat of the said Accompt wee doe Apoint M' Cranford Mr Cullen William Williamson M' Vaughan M' fflack M' Boulton M' Blackwell Mr Brett M' Baynebrig M' Blunden or any five of them Apoynted Audito'5 and m' Geij Alsoe it is ordered that the senior Churchwarden shall give Bond of twoe hundred pownds by himself and a suffitient Suerty for the rendring a Just and true acompt of the trust reposed in him Ja: Cranford parson Wm Williamson Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Blackwell Will Stratford John Hawe Tho: Colclough William Walker Richard Reymond Richard Williams Tho: Lowe William Bird Nath Brooke Stephen Parker John Punter Robert Watkins Peter Aylworth Jerimie Gregory Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 4i 46 b. The 28 of Aprell 1652. In psueance of A warrant from the right hono'able the Lord Maio' dated the 25* of this present Aprell grounded apone an ordin ance of his highnes ye lord p'otector of England etc of ye 1 2 of this month for Chooseing of Surveyors and Scavenger'5 for amending Clengesinge of high wayes and streetts etc wee of the parish of Christoph in the waurde of Broad streett London haue Chosen and doe present Thomas Loue and Willyam Pope to Bee Surveyors or Scavengers ffor the precinct of Christopher London for yc yeare ensueinge accordinge to y*5 purposs and intent of the sd ordinance : Nathaniell fflacke Tho Culling John Haue Wm Williamson Tho Ashton Richard flinch William Bird Richard Richardson Stephen Parker Peter Aylworth William Moore John Punter Henry Sutton 47a. August 17: 1654 Att a very full vestry in ye Parish of Christophers London, It was agreed by the Minister & the Major part of the Parishion'5 That Thomas Marten should be the Clerke of that parish putting in sufficient securety to the Churchwardens for to make good all such Monies & plate & all other things belonging to the Church or Parish, that the said Clerke shalbe trusted withall, or shall come, into his hands & to be accomptable from time to time as he shalbe called therevnto : And shall continue in the sd Place no longer then he shall faithfully discharge his office & performe this agreem'. And in case he come into ye Parish to inhabite there, to secure the parish from his charge of wife and children . Ja: Cranford Rector In this vestree were p'sent Will Stratford ) _, . , , „ ... r ., n } Churchwardens mr Culling John Hawe ) mr Bainbrigge mr Williamson mr Vaghan mr Blackwel mr Bolton mr Brette m' Blunden m' Guy mr flinch m' Webbe m' Nuttall m' Brookes m' Bird m' Astill m' Skirier m' Dickens m' Burton 47b. The 2: feb. 1654 Med The Tenants in ffleetestreete appearing and desiring that their Leases might be renewed. It was thought fitt to appoint & nominate m' Stratford Colonell Vaughan Majer Brett m' Blacke- well & M' Bolton for Cornhill side, & M' Haw mr Culling m' Bambridge major flinch & mr fflacke for the other side to be a Comittee to view the houses in ffleetestreete & to treate w* the Tenants and report to a vestry how they find the same. March 16* 16540 At a vestry holden the day and yeare aboue written. It is upon the Peticons of the Tenants in ffleetestreete, & full Consideration thereof, thought fitt & ordered That the sd Tenants surrendring up their old leases shalbe tenants to ye Parish for their seu'all tenem'5 at & vnder ye Condicons following, viz' James Vade paying seauenty pounds fine at ye sealing of his lease and ye yearely rent of 30" to be made q'terly shall hold ye same for 31 yeares, the rent to be brought home to the Churchwardens. That Wm Smith paying 28" fine & 16 rent p an shall have a lease upon the like tearmes. That Henry Sharpe paying 28" fine & 24" rent p anii shall also haue a lease on the same tearmes. And that Richard Scrivener paying 201' fine & 14" rent p Ann shall haue a lease granted him as ye rest. And that yB seu'all fines be paid by the tenants upon sealing of their Leases, and the Leases to Comence from Lady day next. 48 a. At y° same vestry it was also ordered That from & after the 25 day of this instant March John Roach shalbe Sexton of this pish to exe cute the same during his good behavio'. And that 4s weekely shalbe paid to Wm knight the p'sent Sexton for his weekely pencon Ja: Cranford Rector Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell fflacke Tho Bolton John Brett Richard flinch Tho: Colclough William Walker William Moore John Webb John Robinson John Punter Tho Ashton Chr: Marsham Edward Moore Nath Brooke Garrard Dickins Thomas Hinde James Nuthall Jerimie Gregory John Cumberland Witt Stratford John Hawe Churchwardens The 24* of Aprill 1655' 48b. At a vestry holden ye day & yeare abouesd, there were chosen Churchwardens & Sidesmen for this parish for the yeere ensuing as followeth M' John Haw Senior Churchwarden mr Thomas Colecloth Junior Churchwarden mr Stephen Parker & mr Edward Barriffe Sydesmen. And the 22* of May next is ap pointed for the Auditt of mr Wm Stratford his Accompt And mr James Cranford mr Tho. Culling mr Henry Baynbrigg mr Wm Williamson mr Thomas Bolton, mr Joseph Blackwell mr John Brett mr Richard flinch mr Joseph. Vaughan mr Nath11 fflacke or any fiue of them are appointed audito'5. Also it is ordered that ye Senio' Churchwarden shall giue bond of 200" by himselfe as a sufficient suerty for ye rendring a just & a true Accompt for ye trust reposed in him. At the same vestry it is also further Ordered Ja: Cranford Rector that at ye costs & charges of the pish Henry Baynbrigg the Church shalbe forthw* whited & Wm Williamson the pillars done in oyle as form'ly : & Tho Bolton that ye Ten Comandem'5 the Lords Joseph Blackwell G Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. John Brett Nathaniell fflacke Richard flinch Garrard Dickins James Nuthall Peter Aylworth Nath Brookes Edward Moore Richard Reymond Henry Sutton Richard Richardson Prayer & the Creed shalbe decently sett vp & painted at y" east end of the Church or Chancell. And whereas at a vestry holden the 16* of m'ch last Richard knight was displaced from being sexton & John Roach appointed to execute that place & it was ordered that Knight should haue his pencon made up iiij5 weekely. It is now thought fitt & ordered that ye sd Act in relacdn to Roach & Knight shalbe & is hereby made null and voyd. And it is further ordered (upon the peticdn of the sd John Roach) that he shall have vj** weekely added to his pencon from this pish. 49 a. May the 24* 1655 At a vestry holden the day & yeare abouesd for auditing the Ac- compts of the Churchwarden for the last yeare. It is Ordered that m'5 Herseman wid shall haue given her by the Church wardens the sume of thirty shillings eight pence as a Gift from the pish : and that Richard knight haue paid him fiue shillings for cleansing the leads of the Church & for ringing the 5 of Novemb the last yeare ; Both wch sumes are to be paid by mr Haw the p'sent Churchwarden Ja: Cranford Rector Wm Williamson Nathaniell fflacke Richard ffinch Joseph Blackwell John Brett Will. Stratford Tho Colclough 49b. August 25. 1655 At a vestry holden ye day and yeare above sd it was ordered that Edward Pejrce his bill for his worke done in the church should bee discharged and the church-warden to pay it, being 28 pound, and y' ye church-wardens agree with, and pay of the other workemen who have brought in thejr bills for thejr worke about the church. It ,was likewise ordered that John Christopher bee placed as an apprentjce for thirteene yeares with Robert Lewen, and the sajd Robert Lewen give in securjty to save the parish harmeles from him for ever, and to bring him vp in his trade and bind him in the glovers hai, and make him a free man of ye citty of London, and that the churchwardens vpon this consideratjon pay vnto y*= said Robert ten pounds, and ffurther ordined Mr Cranfords house in wch he now dwelleth shalbe repared at the Charge of this parish Ja: Cranford Rector Will Stratford John Hawe Tho Colclough Richard Richardson Garrard Dickins William Moore John Brett Tho Ashton Richard Williams Richard Reymond Jerimie Gregory Henry Sutton Thomas Hooton Richard Kingey Tho: Lowe Robert Watkins 7 Aprill 1656 ; At a vestry holden the day & yeere abouesayd, there were chosen Churchwardens & Sidesmen for the yeare ensuing as followeth m' Thomas Coleclaugh Senior Churchwarden mr ffrancis Mayoh Junior Churchwarden, mr Stephen Skinner & m' Cave Bury Sydesmen. And the 6th of May next is appointed for the auditing of m' John Hawes Accompt. And mr James Cranford mr Thomas Cullen mr Henry Bainbrig mr Wm Stratford mr Joseph Blackwell mr Richard ffinch mr Thomas Bolton mr Nath11 fflacke mr John Brett mr Joseph Vaughan & mr Stephen Jey or any fiue of them are appointed Audito15 Also it is ordered that ye Senior Churchwarden shall giue bond of 200" by himselfe as a sufficient securety for ye rendring a just & true accompt for ye trust reposed in him. Ja: Cranford Rector Tho Culling Tho Bolton Henry Baynbrigg John Brett Stephen Gey Richard ffinch Will Stratford Thomas Hinde Robert Watkins John Webb John Punter Steph: Skynner Garrard Dickins Tho: Lowe Joseph Wright Thomas Hooton William Moore The Ist of Aprill 1657 5 At a vestry holden the day & yeare abovesayd there were chosen Churchwardens & Sidesmen for the yeare ensuing as followeth mr ffrancis Mayo Senior Churchwarden mr Wm Walker Junior Churchwarden mr John Potter and mr Robert watkins Sides men. And the 2d of June next is appointed for the auditing of mr Thomas Colclaughs accompt and mr James Cranford mr Thomas Cullen mr Henry Bainbrigg mr Nath11 fflack major John Brett mr Wm Stratford mr Joseph Blackwell mr Thomas Bolton major Richard ffinch & mr Stephen Jey or any five of them are appointed Audito'5. And it is ordered that ye Senior Church warden shall give bond of 200" as a sufficient securety for icndring a just & true Accompt for the trust reposed in him Nathaniell fflacke Tho: Bolton Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell John Brett Tho: Colclough Minutes of the Vestry Meetings qf St. Christopher Le Stocks. 43 Stephen Gey John Robinson Th5 Ashton Richard Reymond Tho: Lowe Nath: Brooke Joseph Wright John Punter Richard Kinsey Jerimie Gregory Henry Sutton Peter Aylworth John Elliott 51a. At a vestry holden the 10* of sepBer 1657 doc' Prior was chosen Lecturer to Preach on the Lords day in the afternoone for on whole yeare beginning at Michalmas next ensuing. Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Blackwell John Brett Th5 Ashton Nath: Brookes Garrard Dickins Richard Reymond Stephen Skynner Joseph Wright Caue Bury Chr: Marsham Robert Watkins Richard Poulton Tho: Hooton Richard Kinsey Thomas Hinde John Punter Richard Williams ffrancis Mayo Churchwarden sib. At a Vestry houlden the 12* of Aprill 1658 their was Chosen for church Officers for this pishe for the yeare Ensueing as ffolloweth Mr William Walker Senior Churchwarden, and Mr Thomas Ashton Junior Churchwarden, Mr Thomas Lambe & Mr Chris top' Masham Sydemen. The Auditt day is Apoynted to be the 6th day of May next. And the Auditors of mr Mayo his acc° are M' Cullen, M' Blackwell m' fflack m' Boulton Mr Baynbrigg m' Stratford, M' Gey & M' Colcloth or any fower of them. The Senior Churchwarden is to giue bond & Security in 2001, for a Just Acc° for all goodes & moneyes that shall come to his Custody. James Cranford Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling Joseph Blackwell Tho: Bolton Stephen Gey Tho: Colclough ffrancis Mayo Richard Reymond Garrard Dickins Tho: Long Chr: Marsham steph: skynner Tho. hooton Joseph Wright John Punter Peter Aylworth Henry Sutton Jerimie Gregory Att a vestry houlden the 30th of Aprill 1658 vppon the motion and request of m' william Hawkes for leaue to make a leaden pipe to convay the Rayne water from the gutter between m' Henery Banbriggs & m' Stephen Geyes House downe into the Church Ally to run from thence into the Comon shore, it was freely granted him according to his request soe farr as it conserns the Parish Nathaniell fflacke Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling Stephen Gey ffrancis Mayo Garrard Dickins Thomas Lowe Nath. Brookes Richard Reymond Jerimie Gregory Stephen Parker Henry Sutton Robert Watkins William Walker Churchwarden John Punter The first of October 1658 52 a. At a vestry holden the day & yeare abovesayd : It was thought fitt & ordered, That m' Adrian Littlejohn (who hath bin form'ly Curate to this parish and is now dismissed) shall haue for & towards his maintenance & livelihood the sume of twenty shillings payd unto him q'terly by the Churchwardens for the tyme being during the pleasure of the parish and he is to haue xx5 payd him for the q'ter ending at Michats last past Further y' ye Churchwardens shall pvide at ye charge of the Parish a blacke cloath for ye covering of the dead y' shalbe buryed within the Church or Churchyard Also ordered That no Stranger shalbe buryed either in ye Church or Churchyard w*out ye consent of the Churchwardens together w* those of the parish that haue borne y" office of overseer for the poore or any 5 of them ; first had & obteyned. Jam: Cranford Rector Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Blackwell Stephen Gey ffrancis Mayo Richard Reymond Peter Cole Nath: Brooke Peter Aylworth Christop English Tho: Aylward John Rous William Walker Tho Ashton At a vestry holden the 8* of ffebruary 1658 It was thought fitt and 52 b. ordered that William Mathewes shalbe Sexton to the parish and continue in the sayd office of sexton for and during his good behavio' and the pleasure of the pishe and no longer, the sayd place being now voyd vpon the decease of Richard Knight James Cranford Rector Tho Culling Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Bolton Nathaniell fflacke Joseph Blackwell John Brett Tho: Colclough Richard Reymond 44 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. Tho: Lowe Stephen Parker Garrard Dickins John Potter Ste: Skynner Chr: Marsham John Punter Peter Aylworth Nath Brooke William Walker 53 a. The 4* of Aprill 1659 At a vestry holden the day & yeare abovesayd, there were chosen Churchwardens and Sidesmen for the yeare ensuing as followeth mr Thomas Ashton Senior Churchwarden mr Peter Cole Junior Churchwarden, mr Thomas Hooton & mr Richard Keinsey sidesmen. And the 5* of May next is appointed for the auditing of mr Wm Walkers accompt and mr James Cranford, mr Thomas Culling mr Henry Bainbrig mr Nathan11 fflack mr Joseph Blackwell mr Thomas Bolton, major John Brett mr Thomas Colclaugh mr Stephen Jey or any 5 of them are appointed auditors. And it is ordered that the senior Church warden shall give bond of 200" for rendring a just & true accompt of the trust reposed in him. And it is further ordered, that the Churchyard be kept decent & cleane & the doores thereof kept shut & none permitted to dry cloathes therein or to make use thereof, but that it be reserved for the use of the parish only. James Cranford Rector Joseph Blackwell Tho Culling Henry Baynbrigg Tho Bolton Nathaniell fflacke Tho Colclough Stephen Gey ffrancis Mayo Richard Williams Nath: Brooke Richard Reymond Peter Aylworth Stephen Parker Willm: Clarke Tho hooton Rowland Price Samuell Powell Tho: Chebsey It was Concluded by the [entry unfinished] 53 b. At a vestry holden Thursday the 14* of Aprill 1659 it appearing that John Roch late a penconer and inhabitant of this parrish being deceased and the lease of his house and goods falling to the care of the pishoners of this parrish to be held and disposed of for the paying of his debts and good and maintenance of his children It was at the said vestry holden agreed that M' Thomas Culling paying fforty pounds shall haue the whole interest of the lease Roch had of his house being 19 yeares & a halfe to come at o' Lady day last And likewise it is ordered the Churchwardens make sale of what goods hee left and to receive the said 40" of Mr Culling and thereout to pay Roches debts and the rest remayne for the good of his children. James Cranford Rector Richard Richardson Tho Culling Tho: Lowe Henry Baynbrigg Garrard Dickins John Adrian Peter Aylworth Tho Bolton Richard Remond Nathaniell fflacke Henry Sutton Tho: Colclough John Robinson Sam: Harwar John Punter Chr: Marsham At a vestry holden the 19* of Aprill 1659 by S' Christofers precinct John Robinson Ser was chosen Constable for this p'cinct as also Quest man for the Remaynder of this present yeare the late constable Joseph Wright being removed out of the Ward and John Punter of this p'cinct was chosen Skavenger for the Remaynder of this present yeare James Cranford Rector Tho. Culling ffra: Clifford Henry Baynbrigg William Horsey John Adrian Christop English Nathaniell fflacke Henry Sutton Richard Williams Richard Reymond Steph: Skynner Garrard Dickins Tho: clayton Att a Vestry holden on Thurs'day the 23* of June 1659 it was 54 a. ordered and agreed that the Churchwardens shall forthw* goe and take the Advise of Councell what is requisite to be done in relation to the disposall of the Lease & estate of John Roch deceased a late Pensioner to this parish, and concerning his Children. Also it was then ordered and agreed by the Vestrey that Thomas drake be admitted to the place of Parish Clerke to officiate therein during the pleasure of the parish Tho: Bolton James Cranford Rector Nathaniell fflacke Tho Culling John Webb Joseph Blackwell James Hakes Henry Baynbrigg James Speght John Adrian Jerimie Gregory Richard Richardson Willia Gosnell William Walker Peter Cole At a Vestery holden the 15* of Septemb' 1659 The pishoners knoweing That Mr Cranford their Minnister hath bine longe sicke & weake, Thay did Agree to giue him ffifteene poundes for his Comfort in the said Sicknesse, and hereby authorice the Churchwardens to pay the same John Adrian Tho Culling Joseph Blackwell Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell fflacke Tho: Bolton Richard Richardson Tho Colclough Sam: Harwar John Webb Richard Reymond ffrancis Mayo James Hakes William Walker Jerimie Gregory Henry Sutton Att a vestry holden on Monday the Third day of October 1659 in 54 b- respect mr James Cranford the Parson being dead they went to a choyce for a new mynister and M' John Pearson was chosen and a peticon subscribed by the vestry directed to the Lords Commissioners of the great seale for graunting him the pre- sentacon to the said Church by the severall psons heereafter namedThomas Bolton Henry Bainbrigg Thomas Culling John Brett Thomas Colclough Joseph Blackwell John Robinson Peter Aylworth Nathaniell fflack Christofer Marshom John Rous ffrancis Mayo Gerrard Dickens Wittm Thorrogood Richard Kelsey James Waldegraue William Clarke Robert Karington Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks 45 Stephen Skynner Thomas Lowe Thomas Horton Thomas Ashton Robert Watkins Thomas Clayton Thomas Chepsey William Drope Christofer English Nathaniell Brookes William Rutland Richard Raymond William Walker Att a vestry holden on ffriday the Sixtenth day of March 1659 in respect M' Peirsons the Recto'5 house and garden is much out of repaire and being put to the vote whether the pish would repaire it or allow any thing towards it it was agreed that out of the Stock of the pish m' Peirson shall haue Twenty and ffive pounds towards the repaires thereof Caue Bury Jerimie Gregory Richard Reymond Tho Aylward Will"1 Clark Tho: Harper John Punter steph: skynner Tho: hooton William Rutland Will Gosnell John Elliott Tho Ashton } Church- Peter Cole ) wardens Tho Culling Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Bolton Joseph Blackwell John Brett Stephen Gey Tho Colclough William Walker Nath. Brooke John Robinson Aprill the 23d 1660 Att a vestry holden the Day & yeare abouesayd there weare Chosen Churchwardens Mr Peeter Cole Senior Church-warden Mr Richard Raymond Junior Churchwarden Sidesmen Mr Jeremye Grigory and Mr John Robinson for the yeare ensuing And the Audite of m' Thomas Ashtons Accoumpt for Churchwarden the yeare past, is Apoynted the 24* of May next. And it is Ordered that the Senior Churchwarden shall giue bond with Security in the some of 200" for giueing a Just & true Accoumpt of all moneyes, plate, and gooddes as shall come to his Custodie by his said office of Churchwarden. John Pearson Rector Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell fflacke Henry Sutton Peter Aylworth Tho: hooton Edw: Buckerfeild W. Thorowgood William Rutland Christop English Tho: Bolton Joseph Blackwell Tho Colclough Stephen Gey ffrancis Mayo William Walker Chr: Marsham James Speght John Punter steph: skynner Tho: Lowe 55b. Att a vestry holden the 27* day of June 1660 in respect the Parson age house was much out of repaire and now being put into good repaire aswell in the ffoundacon and all other things in doing wch there hath been expended fforty and six pounds nine shillings as appeares by the workemens bylls and formerly at a vestry onely Twenty ffive pounds was allowed to m' Peirson for the doing thereof and being now put to the vote whether the residue of the money disbursed should bee allowed out of the pish stock It was agreed that the said residue of money beinge Twenty one pounds nine shillings shalbe paid out of the said pish stock Peter Cole ) Church Richard Reymond J Wardens Henry Baynbrigg Joseph Blackwell Nathaniell fflacke Tho: Colclough John Brett Tho Ashton Step: skynner Chr: Marsham John Robinson John Punter Robert Watkins Henry Sutton ffra: Clifford William Rutland John Elliott The 26* of July 1660 S6a. Att a Vestery houlden the day & yeare aboue written M' Stephen Skinner was Chosen Junior Churchwarden for the remaynder of this yeare, by reason m' Ramond is deceased & buried Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Bolton Joseph Blackwell Tho Ashton Peter Cole John Elliott John Adrian Nathaniell fflacke Tho: Colclough Stephen Gey Caue Bury Chr: Marsham Tho: hooton James Hakes At a vestry holden the 15* of Aprill 1661 m' Stephen Skynner was 56 b. Chosen Seinor Churchwarden & mr Nathaniell Brookes Junior Churchwarden for the yeare ensuing and M' John Punter and 1 . , Mr William Thorowgood j 1 emen The Senior Churchwarden is to give bond and security of the some of Two hundred pounds to deliver vp a just & true accompt of all moneys plate and goods that shall come to his Custody by reason of the said Office, when he shall be required by the Auditors for the parish. The Auditt day for the auditing of M' Peter Coles Accompt, and also for the setling of all matters concerning the Accompts of Mr William Walker & M' Thomas Ashton late Churchwardens, to be the 30* of May next. M' Henry Baynbrigg M' Thomas Culling Mr Nathaniell fflack M' Joseph Blackwell, Mr Thomas Bolton M' Thomas Colclough, M' Stephen Gey & Mr ffrancis Mayo or any ffoure or ffive of them are appoynted to be Audito'5 of the said Accompts John Pearson Rector Henry Baynbrigg Nathaniell fflacke Tho: Colclough William Walker Tho Ashton Chr: Marsham Richard Kinsey Tho: hooton John Punter Tho Pratt W: Thorowgood Peter Aylworth Will"1 Clarke William Bigg Peter Bell 46 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 57 a. Att a Vestry holden the 27* of March 1662 : were chosen for the yeare ensuing M' Nathaniell Brookes, senio' Churchwarden and M' John Potter . . . , junior Churchwarden But the said M' Potter alledging that he was going out of the parish it was ordered that he should pay Eight pounds for a ffme, wch he submitted to, But the same is ordered not to be brought into president for the future ; After wch was chosen in the roome of M' Potter M' Christopher Marsham . junior Churchwarden Also there were chosen M' Thomas Pratt ) , r T * . , T , , > Sydemen Mr Lodowick Lloyd I The senior Churchwarden is to give bond & security of the some of Two hundred pounds to deliver vp a just & true accompt of all moneys plate & goods that shall come to his Custody by reason of the said Office when he shalbe required by the Audito'5 for the parish The Auditt day for the auditting of M' Stephen 'Skynners Accompt and also for the setling of M' Peter Coles and all other the late Churchwardens Accompts yet vnperfected to be Wednesday the 14* of May next. Henry Baynbrigg Esq1 Thomas Culling Alderman Mr Nathaniell fflack, Mr Thomas Bolton M' Thomas Colclough M' Stephen Gey & M' ffrancis Mayo or any ffoure of them are appoynted to be Audito'5 of the said Accompts. Stephen skynner John Adrian Nathaniell fflacke Tho: Colclough Peter Cole John Webb William Walker Tho Ashton Robert Watkins John Punter Tho pratt Henry Sutton Charles Innes Peter Aylworth Peter Bell 57 b. At a vestrey houlden the 10* of Aprill 1662 vpon a motion that M'5 Cranford the widdow of Mr James Cranford Deceased (their late Minnister) was but in a lowe Condition for worldly eastate, thay voted and ordered the pfite Churchwarden m' Brookes to pay and giue vnto hir the some of ffifteene pounds, provided that shee remooue all the remainder of hir gooddes out of the parsonage house. John Pearson Rector Tho Culling Henry Baynbrigg Tho Bolton John Adrian Nathaniell fflacke John webb Stephen Gey Peter Aylworth Henry Sutton John Punter John Cockeram John Elliott W; Thorowgood AVilliam Horsey Daniell Hills At a vestry houlden the 9* of May 1662 It being Certified vnto the pishioners That Mr Christop' Marsham Junior Churchwarden for other Satisfactory was remooueing out of the pishe & also wao fallen to ducay reasons in hia Estate thay Chose m' Thomas Hooton in his roome for the remaynder of the yeare ensueing. Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling Tho Ashton Tho: Colclough Step: Skynner ffrancis Mayo John Punter William Walker Tho Pratt John Elliott John webb Witt Rutland Peter Bell Tho: Russell Tho Bolton Natha fflacke Stephen Gey Henry Sutton Peter Aylworth Tho: Clayton Nath Brooke Att a Vestry holden the ffirst of August 1662 these persons following 58 a. were nominated to be ffeoffees in trust touching the parish Lands M' Nathaniell fflack being only surviving of the old ffeoffees viz: Henry Baynbrigg Esq', Thomas Culling Esq' Thomas Colclough, Thomas Bolton Stephen Skynner, Jeremy Gregory, Peter Ayleworth, Thomas Lamb & the two present Churchwardens Nathaniell Brooke & Thomas Hooton Also these persons ffollowing were nominated & appoynted to be a Comittee for viewing of the wrytings and prosecuting the rights of the parish viz the said Henry Baynbrigg Esq1 Thomas Culling Esquire Thomas Colclough Thomas Bolton Stephen Skynner Nathaniell Brooke, Thomas Hooton Nathaniell fflack John Webb Jeremy Gregory & William Walker or any ffive of them. Also it was referred to the said Churchwardens to repaire the Church where it is defective. Nathaniell fflacke Wm Thorowgood Tho Colclough John Rous William Walker Will Horsey Stephen skynner Wm Drope Robert Watkins Peter Bell Henry Sutton Tobias Davis Peter Aylworth Henry Beke John Elliott Att a Vestry holden the Nynth day of January 1662 : It was ordered 58 b. That Abigaell Short one of the Children at the charge of this parish shalbe placed forth by and at the discretion of M' Nathaniell Brooke and Mr Thomas Hooton the present Church wardens whereby the parish may be freed from further charge about the said Child And that the Churchwardens shall give any some for so placing forth the said Child not exceeding Seaven pounds. Also it was ordered at the same Vestry that the Churchwardens be desired to goe to the severall parishioners to collect such moneys as they shall freely contribute to docto' Hackett now Recto' of the said parish for and in respect of his extraordinary paines as well for the quarter now past as for the future. Also it was ordered that the said Churchwardens shall at the parish charge repaire ye Chimneys that are defective in the Tenement now in the occupacon of M' William Kensey belonging to the Glebe of this parish. Henry Baynbrigg Tho Pratt Stephen Gey John Elliott Tho: Colclough Will Horsey Peter Cole Will Thompson John Punter Peter Bell George ffrancklin Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Slock oclis. 47 William Kinsey Nathaniel Brooke Tho: Hooton >¦ Churchwardens sg a. Att a Vestry holden the Three & twentith day of Aprill 1663 M' Thomas Hooton was chosen Senior Churchwarden & M' John Webb was chosen Junior Churchwarden for the yeare ensuing, and M1 Henry Sutton & M' John R.ous were chosen Sidesmen for the yeare ensuing. And it is ordered that the said Senior Churchwarden shall enter into bond of 200" penalty w* Two sufficient sureties for giving a just and true Accompt of what moneys goods plate vtensill & things shall come to his hands belonging to this parish as hath beene formerly accustomed when he shall be required by the Audito'5. The Auditt day for the auditting of M' Nathaniell Brookes accompt & also for the setling Peter Coles Accompt formerly Churchwarden yet vnper- fected to be Thursday the xxj* of May next. Henry Baynbrigg & Thomas Culling Esq15 M' John Adrian Mr Nathaniell fflack M' Thomas Bolton Mr Thomas Colclough M' Stephen Gey & M' Stephen Skynner or any ffoure of them are appoynted to be Audito'5 of the said Accompt. Also it was ordered that all such brasses sculptures & inscripcons belonging to the monuments of the dead as have beene hereto fore taken away & are remayning in the Vestry house of this parish Church shall as neare as may be forthwith be restored & affixed in their right places, and that the above named Church wardens shall see the same done w* the advice & assistance of such of the parishioners as they shall thinke fitt. Also it is ordered that the said Churchwardens shall cause one deed bearing date the 18* day of this instant Aprill made betweene Nathaniell Brooke & Thomas Hooton then Churchwardens of th'one pt and John Vincent Esq' of th'other pt touching an Annuity or Rent charge of ffive pounds p Ann given to this parish by Mr Thomas fforman Merchant deceased to be enrolled in the Court of Chancery & registred & engrossed in some booke of this parish appoynted for the like purpose. Also it is ordered that the Churchwardens Constables & Sydemen for the tyme being do enquire what Inmates are or shalbe enter- tayned into any house or houses in this parish & take care that the parish may be saved harmeles from any charge by reason of such Inmates. Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Hackett Rector Tho Bolton Tho Culling Tho Colclough John Adrian William Walker Natha fflacke Steph. Skynner Jerimie Gregory Tho Pratt Rich Kinsey Henry Sutton Nath: Ruckly John Elliott Tho: Clayton Peter Bell Stephen Gey 59 b. Att a Vestry holden the Six and twentith day of October 1663 it is ordered that forasmuch as D1 Ralph Harrison now Recto' of this parish hath expended & is like to expend a very consider able some of money in & about the necessary repaires of his dwelling house the same being at his first entrance ; Therefore as a testimony of their respect to the said Dr Harrison he shall be allowed the some of ffifty pounds by the p'sent Churchwarden M' Thomas Hooton out of the parish stock Also it is ordered that whereas there are severall peices of old brasse formerly belonging to old Tombstones wch are broken & vnvse- full they shall be disposed of by the Churchwarden towards the Charge of providing a new brasse Branch for lights in the Chancell when need shall require. Henry Baynbrigg John Elliott Tho Culling Tho: Blagraue Tho Bolton Peter Bell Tho: Colclough Sam" Harwar William Walker Tho Hooton Steph Skynner Nath: Brooke Tho Pratt Henry Sutton Peter Aylworth Charles Innes John Robinson Tobias Davis Att a Vestry holden the Eleaventh day of Aprill 1664: the parish- 60 a. ioners of this parish out of their love and respects have excused Mr Christopher Marsham from being Churchwarden. And at the same Vestry were chosen for the yeare ensuing Mr John Webb senior Churchwarden & Mr John Robinson Junior Churchwarden M' Robert Kerrington te. .. „rni . . °, } Sidesmen M' Peter Ayleworth J And it is ordered that the senior Churchwarden shall enter into bond of CC" penalty w* Two sufficient sureties for giving a just & true Accompt of what moneys goods plate vtensills & things shall come to his hands belonging to this parish as hath beene formerly accustomed when he shall be required by the Audito15. The Auditt day for the auditing of M' Thomas Hootons Accompt the late vpper Churchwarden to be Thursday the 5* of May next. Henry Baynbrigg & Thomas Culling Esqis M' John Adrian M' Thomas Bolton Mr Thomas Colclough M' Stephen Gey M1 William Walker M' Stephen Skynner & M' Nathaniell Brooke or any ffoure of them are appoynted to be Audito15 of the said Accompt. Also it was ordered that M' Thomas Drake shall be continued Clarke of this parish for the yeare ensuing. Also William Bate was chosen Sexton of the parish during their good pleasure. Also it is referred to the said Audito'5 or any ffoure of them to settle the Clerkes wages & other duties. And William Mathewes the late Sexton is ordered xxs for his keys Ralph Harison Rector Samuel Powell Henry Baynbrigg ffracis Taylor John Adrian Will. Thompson Tho: Colclough Peter Bell William Walker Nath: Brooke Tho: Pratt Peter Aylworth Sam" Harwar Tho: Russell Rob. Kerington Tho: Hooton Churchwarden 48 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 60 b. Att a Vestry holden the 13* day of June 1664 Mr Thomas Pratt was chosen Junior Churchwarden (in the roome and stead of M' John Robinson deceased) for the residue of this yeare ensuing Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling Tho: Bolton Stephen Gey Steph: Skynner William Walker Tho Ashton Tho. Hooton Chr: Marsham Peter Aylworth Sam" Harwar Witt Horsey Nath: Brooke John Elliott Tho: Blagraue Edw: Buckerfeild Thomas Seawell Nath: Ruckly Peter Bell Richard Gasley Att a Vestry holden the 27* of March 1665 : were chosen for the yeare ensuing Mr Thomas Pratt senior Churchwarden & M' Robert Watkins junior Churchwarden M' John Elliott and M' Robert Briquett Sydesmen. And it is ordered that the senior Churchwarden shall enter into bond of CC" penalty w* Two sufficient sureties for giving a just & true accompt of what moneys plate vtensills & things shall come to his hands belong ing to this parish as hath beene formerly accustomed when he shall be required by the Audito15 The Auditt day for the auditing of M' John Webbs Accompt the late vpper Church warden to be Thursday the 27* of Aprill next. And D1 Ralph Harrison Parson, Henry Baynbrigg & Thomas Culling Esq15 M' John Adrian M' Thomas Bolton M' Thomas Colclough M' Stephen Gey M' William Walker Mr Stephen Skynner M1 Nathaniell Brooke & M' Thomas Hooton or any ffive of them are appoynted to be Audito'5 of the said Accompt Ralph Harison Rector Henry Baynbrigg John Adrian Tho: Colclough Tho: Hooton Stephen Gey Jerimie Gregory William Walker Peter Aylworth Steph: Skynner Rob Kerington Tho: Blagraue Wm Droper John Elliott Edw Buckerfeild Peter Bell William Horsey «i a. Att a Vestrey holden the xxviij* day of July 1665 : it was agreed and ordered that forasmuch as it is now a tyme of pestilence, and that there is a great concourse of people to this Church especially in the afternoones many of wch are knowne or believed to resort hither from places infected That therefore there shalbe a suspension of the Aftemoone Sermon during the tyme of this Contagion or vntill further order, and that in the interim there shalbe only Divine Service or Comon Prayer in the afternoones on the Lords dayes. Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling Tho: Bolton Tho Colclough Peter Aylworth Nath: Brooke Rob: Kerington John Elliott Wm Drope Edw: Poultney Peter Bell Daniell Lingard Tho Pratt ) Robert Watkins / Att a Vestry holden the xxiij* of August 1665 : It was ordered and agreed that forasmuch as Thomas Drake the present Clerke of the parish is intended to relinquish his said place, That there fore William Bate the present Sexton shall supply the place of Parish clerke in the roome and stead of the said Thomas Drake during his good behavio'. Joseph ffrancklin Peter Bell Rob': Mickell Thomas Pratt Ralph Harison Rector Henry Baynbrigg Tho: Colclough Steph: Skynner Chr: Marsham Tho: Hooton ffrancis Taylor Henry Sutton Robert Gay At a Vestry holden September the 19* 1665 by virtue of an order 61 b. from the Lord Mayor Daniell Linger was chosen Constable (in the Roome & stead of Villain Henry Horsey who absented himselfe) for the residue of the yeare ensuing Henry Baynbrigg Tho Culling Tho Ashton Thomas Pratt Chr: Marsham John Elliott John Lansdell Joseph ffrancklin Rob': Mickell Steph: Skynner* John Quarrin'gton At a Vestry holden the 20* of September 1665 that forasmuch as Daniell Langer was chosen in the Roome and stead of William Horsey, who absented himselfe (by virtue of an Order from the Lord Maior) and the said Daniell Langer being not capable of the same place. It was Ordered that Joseph ffrancklin should hold Constable in the Roome & stead of the sd Daniell Langer for the residue of the yeare ensueing and should bee discharged from serving of Constable at any time heereafter in this Precinct of S' Christophers steph skynner Chr: Marsham John Elliott John Lansdell Daniell Lingard Rob'. Mickell Tho Pratt S' Christophers December y" 20* 1665 62 a. At a vestry holden the said day were chosen for the yeare ensueing Thomas Clayton Constable and Questman and William Horsey Questman and Thomas Browne Scauinger And at y" same tyme William Horsey did request of ye said Vestry that they would be pleased to excuse him from seruing as Constable for ye yeare ensueing in Consideracon of what fformer seruice he had done in the same Office. And thereupon he was willing to allow to the poore of ye said Parish y*" sum of fforty shillings to excuse him from y" said Office And at ye same tyme William Drope did request of ye said Vestry that they would be pleased to excuse him from seruing as Constable and Questman for ye yeare ensueinge in consideracdn of his earnest businesse in the Countryes And thereupon he was willing to allow to the Poore of the said Parish the sum of ten poundes Ster to excuse him from the said Offices And at yc same tyme Samuell Powell did request of ye said Vestry that they would be pleased to excuse him from seruing as Scavinger Constable and Questman for Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher I^e Stocks. 49 ye yeare ensueing in Consideracon of the weaknesse and ill disposicon of his body And therupon he was willing to allow to the poore of the said Parish the sum of Twelue poundes Sterling to excuse him from ye said Offices In witnesse whereunto wee then of ye said Vestry haue hereunto sett Our hands the day and yeare aboue written. Tho Culling Joseph ffrancklin steph: skynner Miles Temple Jn' Thomas Pratt Peter Aylworth Tho: Hooton Tho: Blagraue William Horsey Samuel Powel ffowlke Jones Will Barker 62 b. S' Christophers Aprill ye 12* 1666 That whereas William Drope amongst other parishoners did upon (p'tence of uery extraordinary businesse & going into ye Countrey) referre themselues to seuerall persons that held a Vestry on the 20* day of December last to ffine for seuerall Offices that they were then in Election to hold Whereupon the said William Drope was fined the sum of ten poundes ster. the which sum he hath euer since refused to pay Therefore it is thought fitt that euery person from henceforth shall (after he hath soe referred himselfe and is fined) pay euery such sum of money so fined before any other person or persons shall be put in Election Whereto we haue herevnto sett our handes the day and yeare abouewritten Chr: Marsham ffowlke Jones Sam" Harwar 1669: Memorandum That the sd Wm Drope payde the sd: Tenn pounds above mentioned vpon the acc°: aforesd, the which Mony was Employed in the Repayres of S'. Christop'5 Church : this present yeare 1669 Wm: Horsey being then Churchwarden Witnes Peter Aylworth Aprill y" 17* 1666 At A vestry holden then there was chosen for y= yeare ensueinge M' Robert Warkins Senio' Churchwarden and Mr Peter Ayleworth Junior Churchwarden and Mr Wm Horsey and Mr Nathan Rutley sidesmen And it is Ord'd y' ye said Senior Churchwarden shall enter into bond of CC" penalty with two sufficient sureties for giuing a just and true Accompt of w' monyes plate utensills &c: belonging to ye Parish when he shall be thereunto required. And ye Auditt day for auditing of M' Thomas Prats Accompt is appointed ye 30* day of Maye next & M' Hall Rector Thomas Culling Esq' M' Stephen Skynner M' John Adrian Mr Thomas Bolton M' Tho: Colclough M' Stephen Gey M' William Walker M' Nathaniell Brookes Mr Thomas Hooton M' Jn° Webb or any fiue of them are Appointed Auditors of ye said Accompt Joh. Hall Recto' Tho Culling Tho: Colclough Tho Bolton step: skynner Stephen Gey W,n Baynbrigg Tho: Hooton William Walker Tho Pratt Sam1! Harwar John Webb Tho Culling steph: skynner Tho. Pratt Tho. Hooton Stephen Gey Peter Aylworth Richard Joanes Will Barker Miles Temple Jn1 John West Chr: Marsham Miles Temple Jn1 ffowlke Jones S' Christophers Aprill y'r 17* 1666 63 a. Att A vestry holden then It is though[t] fitt and Ordered that from henceforth noe Churchwarden shall admitt or suffer any pson to erect or build any Monument either in Church or Churchyard without a Consent of a full vestry first had and Obteyned Joh Hall Recto' Tho Culling Tho: Colclough Tho: Bolton steph skynner Stephen Gey Wm Baynbrigg Sam11 Harwar William Walker Tho Pratt ffowlke Jones John Webb Chr: Marsham Miles Temple S' Christophers Aprill 12. 1667 63 b. Att a meeting as a vestry then holden, there was chosen for ye yeare ensueing Mr Peter Ailworth Senio' Churchwarden Thomas Lamb Junior Churchwarden Thomas Kemble & W"1 Drope Sidesmen And it is ordered that M' Ailworth senior Churchwarden shall enter into bond of CC" with two sufficient suerties for giueing a iust & true accompt of what plate monies vtensills &c belonging to the pish when hee shalbe therevnto required, and the auditt day for auditing of M' Robt Watkins accompt is appointed the xvj* day of May being assencon day next ensueing and Thomas Culling Thomas Colclough esq' M1 Stephen Skynnier M1 John Adrian M1 Nathaniel Brookes M' Stephen Gee & M1 W" Walker & M1 John Webb or any fiue of them are appointed Audito15 of the said Accompt Tho Culling Tho Pratt Tho: Colclough Jerimie Gregory John Adrian Tho: Blagraue Stephen Gey- William Horsey William Walker Will Thompson Steph: Skynner James Taylor Nath: Brooke John West John Webb Robert Watkins Peter Aylworth S' Christophers November the first 1667 64a. Att A meeting as a Vestry then holden, these severall perticulers following were taken into Consideration by the Parrishioners then present, whoe then & there agreed to the Conclusions following ffirst An acc° being given of the Disposall of the Parish Children and of Monny to be Red from the Chamber London for the farther support of the sayd Children, it is ordered that the sayd business shall be farther prossecuted by the Church wardens with the assistance of som of the Committy after named 2 The Lead belonging to the sayd Church, was then sould to Joseph ffrancklin Plumer at 145. 6d pe he giveing his bond with his ffatherinlaw William Jones Bricklayer for security for pay ment of the monny that the sayd Lead shall amount vnto, at six monthes, from this Day, with intrest for the sayd monny after the Rate of 6'! pe p Ann: 3. It is farther ordered that the Parish Tennants in ffleete Stieet shall be Treated & Dealt with for Rebuilding of theyr howses, by the sd Committy now appoynted 4. An Estemate of the Charge of Repayring the sayd Church being presented at ye sayd meeting; what Course should be taken for the Repayres of the same, was allsoe Referd to yc sayd Comty H 5° Minutes of the Vestry Meetings oj St. Christopher Le Stocks. 5. Lastly it is Ordered & agreed that Tho Culling Esqr M' John Adrian Mr Tho: Colclough, M' Wm Baynbrigg M' Stephen Skinner M' Natha: Brookes M' John Webb M' Tho Hooton M' Robert Watkins M' Jerime Gregory shall be a Committy to assist the Churchwardens in Carrying on the affayres of the sayd Parrish and that thay or any fouer of them with one of the Churchwardens shall act as a Committe in behalfe of the sd Parrish, the heads of these Conclusions being Drawne vp in a paper were subscribed by the Persons then Present Tho: Culling Robert Watkins Samuel Powell Wm: Horsey Will: Thompson Joseph ffrancklin Peter Aylworth } Tho: Lambe j John Adrian Tho: Colclough John Webb Nath. Brooke Tho Hooton Tho. Pratt Tho. Russell Churchwardens 64b. Decemb' 21* 1667 At a meeting for the Precinckt of S' Christophers in the ward of Broadstreete, were presented offisers for the yeare Ensewing Peter Aylworth 1 M' Wm Baynbrigg J Tho: Blagrave ) Edw: Buckerfield j Tho: Blagrave Constable Edw: Buckerfield Scavinger for ye Choyse of a Comon Counsellman Quest men > for ye Choyse of A Com: Counselman ngg J Quest men Decemb' 21. 1668 At A Meeting for the presinckt of S' Christop'5 in the ward of Broadstreete were presented offisers for the yeare Ensewing Peter Aylworth Wm: Baynbrigg Tho: Blagrave j Rich: Kemm Tho: Russell Constable Richard Kem Scavinger 65 a. s' Christophers March 26* 1668 At a Meeting as a Vestry then holden, in ye Ward of Broadstreete there were Chosen for ye yeare ensueing M' Thomas Lambe senio1 Churchwarden and M1 John Elliott Junio' Churchwarden And M' Thomas Saywell and M' Samuell Powell Sidesmen And it is Ordered that M' Thomas Lambe senio' Churchwarden shall Enter into Bond of 300" penalty with two Sufficient Suretyes for giving a Just and true Accompt of what Plate monyes Materialls vtensills &c belonging to ye Parish when he shallbe therevnto required. And the Auditt day for Auditting M1 Peter Aylworths Accompt is appointed ye last day of Aprill next ensueing being Assention day And Thomas Culling & Thomas Colclough Esq'5 M' Stephen Skynner M' John Adrian M1 Nathaniell Brookes M1 Stephen Gey M' William Walker M' John Webb Mr Thomas Hooton & M' Robert Watkins or any ffive of them are appointed Audito15 of the said Accompt And it is further Ordered That Thomas Culling Esq1 M' John Adrian M' Thomas Colclough M' William Bainbrigge M' Na thaniell Brookes Mr John Webb M' Peter Aylworth M' Thomas Hooton M1 Robert Watkins & M1 Jeremiah Gregory shallbee a Comitee to Assist ye Churchwardens in Carrying on ye Affaires of ye Parish And that they or any ffower of them with one of y Churchwardens shall Act as a Comittee in ye behalfe of ye said Parish Robert Watkins Tho Culling Tho: Russell John Adrian Peter Aylworth Tho: Colclough Nath: Brooke Tho: Hooton Will: Horsey John Webb Tho Kemble Rich Kinsey John West S' Christophers Aprill 30* 1668 65 b. At a Meeting then holden in the Ward of Broadstreete, at a Vestr[y] of the said parish, Mr John Elliott formerly Chosen for junior Churchwarden was Excused for holding ye sd Office vpon his promise that if he shall hereafter Inhabit in ye said parish, he will freely performe & hold yc same Office of Churchwarden. And then and there was Chosen for ye yeare ensueing M1 William Horsey Junior Churchwarden in ye place of ye sd John Elliott Joh: Hall late Recto' Robert Watkins Tho Culling Jerimie Gregory John Adrian Sam1! Harwar Tho: Colclough Tho Russell Nath: Brooke Tho: Hooton John Webb Samuel Powell Peter Aylworth Rich Kinsey Steph: Skynner Edward Godman Tho: Lambe John West S' Christophers Aprill 16* 1669 At a Meeting then holden in the said parish, as a Vestry of the said parish there were Chosen for the yeare ensueing Mr William Horsey senio' Churchwarden and M' Robert Kerrington junio1 Churchwarden. And M1 Thomas Russell & M' Richard Barwell Sidesmen And it is Orderd That M' William Horsey senior Churchwarden shall enter into Bond of 300" penalty with twoe sufficient Suretyes ffor giving a Just and true Accompt of what Plate Monyes Materialls Vtensills &c doth belong to ye parish when he shallbe therevnto required And the Auditt day for Auditting M' Thomas Lambs Accompt is appointed the 20* day of May next ensueing being Ascension day. And Thomas Culling Esq1 M' Thomas Colclough M' John Adrian M1 Na thaniell Brookes Mr John Webb M' Peter Aylworth M' Thomas Hooton & William Bainbrigge Esq' M' Stephen Gey or any ffive or them are appointed Audito'5 of the said Accompt Peter Aylworth Tho: Colclough Tho: Ru sell Tho: Blagraue Charles wellings John Webb Richard: Kenn Rich. Kinsey Joseph ffrancklin Tho: Kemble Wm Hasellwood Nath: Brooke John West Tho: Hooton Tho: Lambe S' Christophers June 11* 1669 66a- At a Meeting as Vestry then holden in the parish aforesaid It was Ordered That M1 John Adrian M' Thomas Colclough M' Nathaniell Brookes M1 John Webb Mr Thomas Hooton M' Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 5l Peter Aylworth M' William Drope M' Thomas Kemble M1 Samuell Powell M' Edward Butterfeild M' Stephen Gey M1 Thomas Pearcehurst shallbe a Comittee to Assist the Church wardens in Carrying on the Affaires of ye Parish And that they or any fower of them with one of the Churchwardens shall Act as a Comittee in the behalfe of the said parish This to Continue vntill the next Easter. And further M' George ffrancklyn was Chosen Clarke and Sexton of ye same parish. Samuell Powell Joh: Hall Tho. Persehowse Tho: Colclough John West Peter Aylworth John Bowyer Stephen Gey John marriott Tho Hooton John: Whitter Wm Drope William Horsey ~\ ~, , „ , „ . ' }- Churchwardens Rob: Kerington J ffebruary 7* 1667 At a Meeting with ye Parish Tenants It was Offered that they should pay halfe their Rents Have their p'sent Leases made vp 61 yeares And to begin their tyme at Lady day come Twelve month They desire tyme to Consider till Monday come Sennight to give their Answeare which was Ordered to be given to the Churchwarden there was p'sent at this Meeting Thomas Culling Esq' M' Adrian Mr Brookes Mr Skynner M' Webb M' Gregory M1 Aylworth M' Lambe. S' Christophers June 11* 1669 The parish Tenants viz. M' William Wheatley Mr William Smyth M' Richard Scrivener and M' John Sharpe haveing since ye said Proposall of the 7* ffebruary 1667 and before the said Lady day 1669 Accepted of ye same Proposall And severally declared they were willing to Build and Hold their severall Houses for Threescore and one yeares At halfe their respective Old rents At a Meeting as a Vestry holden in ye said parish ye day abovesaid The Parishoners Confirmed and Allowed of ye Agreement made by ye Comittee and ye parish Tenants touching the said Houses joh: Hall Sam: Powell Tho Colclough Tho. Persehowse Peter Aylworth William Horsey "> Church John West Stephen Gey Rob: Kerington / Wardens John Bowyer Tho: Hooton John marriott Wm Drope John Whitter 66b. S' Christophers March 25 1670 At a Vestry then holden it was ordered that twoe hundred Pounds be taken vp for the vse of the Parish of Christophers in the repair of the Church and that four men of the said Parish giue in Personall Security in behalfe of the Parish to those that lend it, the ffour Persons chosen by the Vestry are m' William Horsey Robert Kerington mr Thomas Colclough mr Peter Aylworth and it is further ordered that these Persons shall be indemnified and saued harmelesse by the Parish for soe doeinge. Joh: Hall Tho: Colclough Peter Aylworth Tho: Blagraue Tho Persehowse John Elliott John Whitter Church Wardens Joseph Lem Joseph ffrancklin Robert Todd John Williams Charles wellinges William Horsey Robt: Kerington Wm Drope S' Christophers Aprill ye 7* 1670 »?1 Att A vestry holden the day aboue written there was Chosen for sen1 Churchwarden of ye parish for ye yeare Ensuing m' Robert Kerington & for Jun' Churchwarden m' Jn° Ellyott & for Sides men m1 Tho Blagraue & mr Edw: Buckerfeild, and it is agreed that next Ascention day be y" auditt day for y° Acc° of m' Wm Horsey late vpper Churchwarden, & it is alsoe ordered m1 Robert Kerington the p'sent vpper Churchwarden giue a bond of 300" penalty w* 2 sufficient Securytyes for giueing a Just & true Account of what plate monyes Materialls vtensills &c doth belong to ye parish when he shall be thervnto required, the Audito'5 appoynted for m' Horseys Account are m' Jno° Hall rector, Tho: Colclough Nath Brooke peter Aylworth, Wm Drope, Tho Russell, Sam: powell, & Tho: Kemble or any 5 of them. It is lastly agreed y* the Comittee formerly chosen to manage the parish busines be continued till ye next Auditt day, mr Wm Horsey & m' Tho Russell being added to them. Joh: Hall Tho: Colclough Nath: Brooke Peter Aylworth Wm: Drope Tho: Russell Tho: Kemble Edw: Buckerfeild Edward Godman Henry Joyce Charles Wellinges John Williams John Daniell Richard Kenn William Horsey, S' Christophers i° Junij 1670 67 b. At a Vestry then holden in the Pish Church there It was Ordered and Consented to That a Provisoe in ye Lease intended to be granted to M' Horsey of pte of ye lands belonging to ye parish for forfeiture vpon letting or Assigning without Lycence may be left out & ye fforfeiture altered And instead y' of a Nomina Poena inserted of One hundred pounds And that he may Demise ye p'mises to ffernelius Clarveato Vintner now in Possession thereof And y' ye Parsone & Churchwardens may proceede to Seale & Execute Three Leases to ye Three Tenants in fleetestreete for 61 yeares in pursuance of a former Order to y' purpose Making such Alteracons in all of them as aforesaid (if required) And Measuring all ye Estate of ye Pish in fleetestreete And insert ye same in ye severall Leases as they shall see Cause Joh: Hall Recto' Tho: Colclough Stephen Gey Peter Aylworth Tho: Russell 52 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. Will: Allen Sam: Powell Tho Persehowse John Bowyer Joseph ffrancklin Robert Tod Siluester Deane John Williams ( RoB: Kerington Church Wardens < _ , ,,,,. ° \ John Elliott 68 a. S' Christophers 23"° Novemb 1670 Att a Vestry then Holden in the Parish Church there it was ordered and consented to that the taking down of the East End of the Church bee freely left to the Judgment and consideration of y" Lords Commissioners and the surveyo15 to act therein as they shall think convenient Tho. Persehowse Joh: Hall Recto' John Williams Tho: Colclough John Bowyer Peter Aylworth Jasper Holt Samuel Powell ffra Lucy Tho: Russell Edward Willoughby Stephen Gey Will: Allen Rob: Kerington \ T , „,,. > Church Wardens John Elliott j Ordered by the persons above named y' M' Colclough M' Ayle- worth M1 Brooks Mr Horsey Mr Kemble M1 Drope M' Powell Mr Russell M' Allen M' Persehowse and the two Churchwardens for the time being bee appointed a Committee to treat w* M' Buckeridge or any other persons concerning the Interest of the Parish and to prepare matters thereto relating for the consider ation of y" vestry any three of them with one of the Church wardens being of the Quorum 68 b. S* Christophers Lond: 26* December 1670 At a vestry then holden in the said pish Church in pursuance of an Order made by the Comittee appointed by Corhon Councell to Consider the Bill for the Citty & Ministers Maintenance Pur suant to their Order of Referrence Wee of the vestry whose names are Subscribed Have Considered of the Matters con- teyned in the said Order And wee doe Conceive That our p'sent Tyths or Contribucon for Tyths for a Competent Main tenance for our Minister being at p'sent 70" p annu may be raised and Augmented 30" p ann Soe as to make the same for ye future One hundred pounds p annu ffor that improvements of Rents are made in severall places in our said pish And pticulerly in that parte of the Royall Exchange that Stands in our said Pish In the Buildings of the Ground of the late generall Pesthouse And the Buildings of Grice Esq' neare the Royall Exchange : Thos Persehowse Richd Booth Edw: Buckerfeild Tho: Colclough John Bowyer Peter Ayleworth Jn° Watts Will Allen ffra Lucy Wm Drope Henry Joyce Samuell Powell John Williams Tho: Blagrave Robert Todd Edward Willougby Charles Wellinges Edward Godman George Varney Robert Kerington John Elliott Samuell Parker Siluster Deane Tho Russell Churchwardens S' Christophers Parish M' John Hall Rector Tyths before the fire were 701' p an Glebe besides dwellinge house 30 Perquesitts Combu5 Annis about 2. io5 To the Curate that shall officiate at \ prayers euery morneinge at six of the > 205 clock (giuen by m' Kenndrick) ... ) Glebe and dwellinge house let at ... 24s Except a garden The aboue written is coppy of what was deliuered to the Comitte of Adermen & Comon Counsellmen at Guild Hall the 270 December 1670. S' Christophers London 26 of Jan. 1670. 69 a. Att a Vestry then holden in persuance of an order made by the Committee appointed by the Common Councill to consider the Bill for the City Ministers maintenance it was agreed between the Minister and the Inhabitants of the sayd Parish that the Tythes of the sayd Parish formerly about seventy Pounds a year bee rais'd and advanc'd to one Hundred and twenty pounds a year to bee setled by Act of Parliament present & Consenting to the abovesayd order Rich: Booth Esq' Tho Pearcehowse Jn° Williams Joh: Hall Recto1 Nath: Brooke Jn" Cross ffra: Padget Peter Aylworth Wm: Horsey ffra: Lucy Rich: Kenn Edw: Godman Jos: ffrancklin Corne: Glover Tho. Kemble George Verney Rob: Todd Step: Jey Sam: Powell Sam: Parker Wm. Drope Oliver Conyer Rot5 Kerington ) Church John Elliot j Wardens S' Christophers London: March: 23rd 1670 At a Vestry then holden in the Parish Church it was ordered that yc Minister & Church Wardens shall let a lease of Seuenty one yeares to m' Nicholas Buckridge of soe much ground as can conveniently be Spared out of the passage on ye North side of the Church at the rate of Sixpence p foote square p an. At ye same time it was ordered that m' Samuell Brewster shall be suffered to make lights in the west side of his house in con sideration whereof the Parish shall haue the vse of his wall to build against or to fasten any buildinge to it. At ye same time it was ordered that the Churchwarden shall get the great branch y' was giuen by m1 Kendrick repaired & that all ye old brasse and Iron belongeinge to ye Church shall be disposed off for y' vse. At ye Same time it was ordered that m' Colclough m' Brooks m' Aylworth m' Horsey m' Kemble mr Drope m' Powell m' Russell m1 Allen m1 Persehouse m' Booth m' Houblon m' Blagraue m1 Buckerfeild m1 Conyar and the twoe p'sent Church Wardens be a Comitte and seuen to be a quorum (whereof one of the Church Wardens to be one) to consider of a way to build a Parsonage house & to giue their opinions to y" Vestrey. Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 53 Tho: Colclough Nath; Brooks Will: Allen Tho. Kemble Oliver: Conyers Rob. Kerington | Church- J Wardens Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth Jn° Houblon Wm Drope Tho: Russell Witt Horsey Tho: Blagraue Tho: Persehowse John Bvrows Charles wellinges Robert Todd George Varney 69b. S' Christophers London Aprill 27* 1671 At a vestry then holden in the Parish Church was chosen m' John Elliot vper Church Warden m' Thomas Kemble vnder Church Warden m' Joseph ffrancklin & m' Edward Godman Sidesmen for the yeare insueinge. And it is ordered that next assention day be the time to audite the accoumpt of Robert Kerington late vper Church Warden : And that the p'sent vper Church Warden giue bond of 300" w* One sufficient security for giueinge a iust & true acco'5 of what plate moneys materialls and vtensills that belongeth to the Parish when he shall be therevnto required and that m' Peter Aylwourth shall keep the bond on behalfe of the Parish, the Auditors apointed for Robert Ker- ingtons accoumpt Are mr Hall m' Colclough Majo' Brooks m' Aylworth m' Gey m' Horsey Aid' Booth m' Allen or an fiue of them : Will: Allen Joh: Hall Recto' Edw: Buckerfeild Peter Aylworth Thomas Lee Samuell Powell Siluester Deane Rob. Kerington Samuell parker Rich: Barwell George Varney Tho: Persehowse Will Woodbridge Will Banks Laurence Aggar Rob Kerington May yb 16* 1671 At a Vestry then holden in ye pish Church it was this day ordered y' ye two Churchwardens and'm1 Horsey shall take a Surueyour to veiw ye grounds in fleete streete concerning m1 Sharpes & mr Smiths houses in reference to treate & make an end with the Citty aboute the Melioration ground : Edw. Buckerfeild Joh: Hall Recto' Joseph ffrancklin Peter Aylworth ffra Lucy Jn° Houblon Corn5 Glover William Horsey John Elliott ) „, , , John Crosse i,, ,„ , , Churchwardens 1, -,.-,, Tho Kemble ) Edward Godman Thomas Lee Michaell Dunwell Samuell Parker 70 a. S' Christophers London July 14: 167 1 At a Vestrey then holden in the Parish Church it was agreed and concluded that a comutation be made with the Parish of S' Bartholomews and that the Parish accept of the front of a house adioyninge to m' Blagraue now buildinge by m' Rooks in exchange for the front of those buildinges belongeinge to ye Exchange which stand vpon ye soile of S' Christophers. And it is further ordered at the same Vestrey that the reserued rent for the houses in ffleet street be mortgaged for the sume of fiue hundred pounds more or lesse as the Parish occasions shall require, twoe hundred and ffifty pounds of which is to be aplied to the building of a Parsonage house and the rest for the peweinge ye Church : prouided that m' John Hall the p'sent Incumbent grant a lease to ye said Parish or to trustees for theri vse for the terme of ffourty yeares at the ground rent of fiue pounds p an Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth RoB Kerington Joseph ffrancklin RoB: Weddell Charls wellinge Lawrence Agar Henry Lascoe Robert Todd George Varney Samuel Powell Joseph Lem Tho: Blagraue Tho: Russell John Elliott Churchwarden S' Christophers London August 8 167 1 70 b. At a Vestry then holden in ye said Parish Church it was ordered that Richard Booth Esq' Peter Aylworth Nathaniell Brooks William Horsey William Allen John Houblon Robert Kerington William Drope Thomas Russell Joseph Leme Thomas Blagraue Samuell Powell and the twoe p'sent Church Wardens be a Comitte fiue besides one of the Church Wardens to be a Quorum to treat w* any Person or Persons about morgageing the ground rent in ffleet street for such a sume of money as the Parish shall haue occasion for as alsoe to treat w* Joyners and other wourkmen and agree w* them for peweinge the Church repaireinge the Vestrey or doeinge such other thinges relateinge to the Church as the Surveyours shall leaue vndone and that the Church Wardens take the assistance of a solisitour for draweing con veyances and consulting lawyers in order to that affair the power of this Comitte to continue vntill Easter and noe longer : And it is further ordered that the Clerks wages shall be Sixteen pounds P an to be assessed on the Inhabitants of the said Parish by the abouesd Comitte and if any Parishoner findes himselfe agreiued by ye assesment that he may haue liberty to apeale to the next Vestrey after demand by the said Clerke. And it is further ordered that Nathaniell Brooks Peter Aylworth John Potter Stephen Jeye William Horsey Robert Kerington John Elliot & Thomas Kemble be trustees in behalfe of the Parish to take a lease in their names for the vse of the Parish from John Hall p'sent Rector of the Glebe land to be built vpon on the termes already agreed vpon : Joh: Hall Recto1 Stephen Gey Nath: Brooke Peter Aylworth Will: Allen William Horsey Rob Kerington 54 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. W™ Drope Tho: Russell John Bvrowes Richard: Kenn Charts wellinges George Varney Samuel parker Lawrence Agar Nicholas day John Elliott Churchwarden S' Xpofers London October io* 167 1 At a Vestrey then holden in the said Parish Church In pursuance of a Referrence made by M' Sharpe & Mr Smyth Teiints of 2 of the Pish Houses in ffleetestreete vnto the said Vestry touching the ffynes to be by them respectively paid in regard of ye Ground by them Gained on ffleete streete to Enlarge their Houses The said Pishoners demanding of the said Mr Smyth Tenne pounds Eighteene shillings & Nyne Pence And of ye sd M1 Sharpe Twelve pounds Eight, Shillings & fower pence Being the sume demanded for the Inheritance of ye same Ground at 5 s for each supficiall foote And it was then Ordered That ye said Teiints should each of them be abated One Tenth parte of ye respective sumes of them demanded as aforesaid And that they should pay the other nyne partes by way of ffyne & Seale ye Counterptes of their Leases to them to ba Tendred out of hand And doe further Order That Mr Kerringtons Accompts shallbe Auditted on or before Tomorrow Sennight And Audito15 for Mr Kerringtons Acct are Mr Nath: Brookes M' Peter Ayl worth M' William Horsey Aid: Booth M' William Allen Mr John Houblon M' Thomas Russell M' William Drope M' Samuell Powell Mr Edw: Buckerfeild & M1 Edw: Godman or any ffive of them And further it was Ordered & Confirmed That the Clerkes Wages be Sixteene Pounds Thirteene Shillings & ffower Pence P annum According to a Roll for that purpose made being ye Sixth Parte of ye Tyth Nath. Brooke Peter Aylworth William Horsey Ed Buckerfeild Ed Godman Silustr deane Samuel parker Charles wellinges Witt Millman Robeart Todd George Varney Lau. Agar John Elliott Tho Kemble Churchwardens 7ib. S' Christophers London October the 20* 1671 At a Vestry then holden in the said Parrish Church Many things being debated for the Explaining an Order of the 14* of July past touching the Building of the Parsonage house. It was resolued And agreed That in Consideracon of Two hundred and ffifty pounds to bee paid towards the Building the said Parsonage House. That Mr Hall the present Incumbent doe grant a Lease of the Toft and Parsonage House to Trustees for the said Parrish for fforty yeares from the Sealing thereof At the Rent of ffyve pounds per Annu Cleare of Taxes Vppon Trust and Confidence That the Trusees for the said Parrish for the time being shall from time to time Grant a Lease of the said Parsonage House to the said M' Hall and his Successors Parsons of S' Christophers ffor all the said Terme Except one Weeke (if hee or they shall soe longe live). Provided Hee and They shall time to time during the said Terme Reside and dwell therein Att the Rent of Twenty pounds per Annu Cleare of all Taxes. And that the said Trustees shall accordingly Seale such Redemise to M' Hall Will: Allen Tho: Russell Samuel Powell Henry Lascoe John marriott Siluester Deane Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth William Horsey RoB Kerington Wra Drope John Elliott ) Tho Kemble / RoB: Weddell Church Wardens S' Christophers London November 28* 1671 72a. At a Vestry then holden in the Parish Church of the said Parish It was Ordered and Agreed That Mr Stephen Skynner Mr Nath: j Brooke M1 Xpofer Marsham M' Peter Aylworth Mr Thomas Lambe M' John Rouse M' John Elliott Mr John Pointer & Mr Rich: Kensey being ye remaining Trustees for the Pish Land in ffleetestreete Doe & shall Convey ye same Lands & y' Interest therein To ye Vse of Rich Booth Esq1 & John Houblon of London Merchant Wm Allen Vpholder Nathaniell Brooke StacSner Peter Aylworth Clothworker William Horsey Cord- weyner Robert Kerrington Merch'taylor John Elliott Leather- seller Thomas Kemble Draper Edward Buckerfeild Leatherseller Edward Godman Merch'taylor Joseph ffranklyn Plumer Thomas Russell Haberdasher Sam: Powell Grocer Henry Lascoe & ffrancis Lucy Grocers & their heires in ye same maiier as ye sd former Psons were Trustees And likewise That ye Conveyance for ye Land in ffleetestreete taken out of the Streete there And such other Conveyances Leases & other Deedes as are or shallbe neceassary to be made for ye Vse or Accompt of the said Pish shallbe granted & made to ye said P'sent Trustees Joh: Hall Recto' Nath: Brooke Peter Aylworth RoB Kerington Edward Godman Joseph ffrancklin Jn°: Watts John marriott George Varney Samuell parker John Elliott \ Church Tho. Kemble j Wardens S' Christopher 11* Aprill 1672 72b. At a Vestry then holden in the said Pish were Chosen for ye yeare ensueing Mr Thomas Kemble Vpper Churchwarden & Mr Wittm Drope lower Churchwarden M' John Bowyer and M' Richard Kenne Sidesmen And it is Ordered that next Ascention day be the tyme for Auditting ye Accompt of Mr John Elliott ye late Vpper Churchwarden And that the p'sent Vpper Churchwarden doe forthwith give Bond of 300" penalty with one sufficient Surety for giving a just & true Accompt of ye money Plate Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 55 Vtensills & other things of ye said Pish yt shall come to his hands w" thereto required And that M' Peter Aylworth keepe the same Bond And Audito'5 for ye said M' John Elliotts Accompt are hereby appointed M' John Hall M' Nath: Brookes M' Peter Aylworth Rich Booth Esq' M' Wm Allen M' W" Horsey & Mr Robert Kerrington or any five of them And it is hereby Ordered y' the Persons next herevnder named or any Sixe of them whereof one to be one of ye Churchwardens be a Comittee to Act & doe on the behalfe of the said Pish in all their Affaires for the yeare ensueing viz. M' John Hall Recto' Rich: Booth Esq' M' William Allen M' John Houblon M' Nath: Brookes M' Peter Aylworth M' Wm Horsey Mr Robert Kerring ton \Ir Moses Goodyeare M' John Elliott M' Thomas Russell Mr Sam: Powell M' Thomas Blagrave M' Edw: Buckerfeild M' ffrancis Lucy M' Edward Godman M' Joseph Lem and Mr Oliver Conyers And M1 Thomas Kemble & M' Wittm Drope ye p'sent Churchwardens And it is lastly Ordered That the Churchwarden be allowed for or towards ye Entertainem' & other necessary charges of Ascention day next And his Auditt dinner ye sume of ffive pounds & noe more joh; Hall Recto' Samuel parker Nath: Brooke Oliver: Conyers Peter Aylworth Robert Moody Moses Goodyeare Joseph Lem John Elliott John Bowyer Tho: Russell Thomas Scott Fra: Lucy Tho: Blagraue Edw: Buckerfeild Edward Godman ffrancis Pagett July 2d 1672 At a vestry then holden in the said Pish Church Vestry of S' Christophers it was Agreed y' Tho: Kemble uper Churchwarden should dispose of Jn° Michaell a nurse Pish boy to a Master y' should giue bond to discharge ye Pish from him : & to bind him apprentice to Learne his Art & trade of a painter and that he should Agree with his said Master as cheape as hee could for his soe doeing not exceeding seauen pounds. It was alsoe then ordered y' ye said Churchwarden shall dispose of an old man Tho. Day lately throwen vpon ye Charge of the parrish as cheape as hee can, to bee putt out to Nurse : And that ye said Pish shall keepe harmeless & indempnified ye Pish where hee shall bee bestowed. And that Goodwife Stratford shall haue fifty shillings giuen her ouer & aboue her wages for her former Charge with the said boy : it was then alsoe Agreed y' shall take y' aboue said Tho: Day att three shillings & sixpence p weeke : And it was then alsoe Agreed y' A poores tax Extraordinary for one yeere shall bee rated & giuen to ye Carying on & defrayeing ye necessary expences for ye finishing of ye Remajnder ofthe said Church Joh: Hall Recto' Richd Booth Peter Aylworth Jn° Houblon Will: Allen Daniel Mercer Edward Godman ffra Lucy Sam" Brewster Rich Barwell Thomas Lee Edw: Buckerfeild Thomas Scott Josiah Mitchell Tho: Kemble ) „, , , ,„„ ^ > Churchwards W? Drope J S' Christophers i5' Aprill 1673 73 b. At a Vestry then holden for the said Pish were Chosen M' William Drope vpper Churchwarden Mr Richard Barwell vnder Church warden And Mr William Barker & Mr Thomas Pearsehouse Sidesmen for ye yeare ensueing And it was Ordered that next Ascension day be the time for Auditing M' Thomas Kemble's Accompts the late vpp Churchwarden And that Mr John Hall ye p'sent Recto' M' Nathaniell Brookes Mr Peter Aylworth M1 William Horsey M' Robert Kerrington Mr John Elliott & Mr William Allen or any ffower of them be the Auditols of the said Accompts And that the p'sent vpper Churchwarden Give Bond of 3001' penalty, with one sufficient Surety ffor giveing a true Accompt of the Moneyes Plate & Vtensills belonging to ye same Parish when thereto required And that M' Peter Aylworth keepe the said Bond on behalfe of ye Parish And lastly it's Ordered That from time to time hereafter the Churchwarden for the time being shallbe allowed ffor or towards the Entertainement Dinner Points & other things & Charges of Ascention day And for ye Auditt dinner the sume of ffive pounds & noe more, And that all the Audito's of ye Accompts of M1 Kemble be Assistant to the Churchwardens in Placeing ye Parishoners in ye Pewes of ye sd Church And y" sd M' Thomas Kemble be Added to the said Assistants. Joh: Hall Recto1 Nath: Brooke Peter Aylworth Will: Allen Will Horsey Rob: Kerington John Elliott Tho: Russell Edw: Buckerfeild Tho. Persehowse Will. Parker Edward Godman Siluester Deane Robert Moody Thomas Lee Witt Banks ffra Lucy Sam" Brewster Tho Short Geo: ffulford Tho: Kemble S* Christophers 20* of Novemb' 1673 ?fa- Att a Vestry then holden in the Vestry house of the said Parish it was ordered thatt two Taxes bee made upon all inhabitants of the said Parish the same with the Poor's Roll for discharging the debts of the Parish to workmen the one of wch Taxes is to 56 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. be Levied presently the other to bee Levied six month's after the Date of this Order. Samuel Powell B" Billingsley Joh: Hall Recto' Tho: Russell John Groue Richd Booth Will: Allen Michaell Dewing Tho: Blagraue John Morris Peter Aylworth George Varney Tho: Kemble Witt Horsey Will Barker Sam" parker Wm Drope 1 „, , ^ Sam" Brewster Rich: Barwell } Churchwards Ed Buckerfeild Daniel Mercer Thomas Lee Robert Moodij Richard Nicoll Rob Todd Memorandum that Wm: Bancks was present at this vestry And con sented to this order, by makeing noe Objection. 74 b. S' Christophers Aprill ye 20* 1674 At a Vestry then Holden M' Richard Barwell was Elected for upper Church warden in the Roome of m' Wm: Drope, but desiering to fine and be Discharged from the sayd Office it was admitted by the Vestry, and he haveing served one yeare Alreddy, should Barwell be Excused from the sd Offis, paying the sume of Six pounds to m' Wm: Drope, the last Church warden At the same time mr Powell Samuel Powell was Elected Church warden for the yeare Ensew ing and he Desiering to fine for the same was fined at Twelve pounds to be payd to Mr Wm: Drope, and he to be Discharged from the same offis. At the same time mr Edward Buckerfeild was Elected for Cornhill side, upper Churchwarden for ye yeare Ensewing ¦ Russell At the same time m' Tho: Russell was Elected under Church warden and he desiering to fine for the sayd place was fined at fourteene pounds to be payd to ml wm: Drope & to be discharged from the sd place for Ever At the same time mr Tho: Blagrave was Elected under Church warden, for the yeare Ensewing. For Sidesmen were Elected for the Church side m' Silvester Deane and for Cornhill side m' Robert Mordant. It is ordered that M' Wm: Dropes accoumpt shall be Auditted the 27* day of May next Ensewing And that mr Edward Buckerfield upper Church warden shall give bond of 300" penality with one suffitient suerty to give a true acc°. when therunto Required of all Mufiy plate &c belonging to the sd parish And it is Ordered that M' Nath: Brookes Peter Aylworth m' Wm: Horsey m' RoB. Kerington mr Jn° Elleott mr Tho. Kemble M' Rich: Barwell M' Samuell Powell and M' Tho Russell, or any five of them shall be Auditers of m' wm: Dropes Accoumpt It is farther Ordered that the fines above mentioned shall be payd Downe upon Demand Joh: Hall Recto' Sam" Brewster Nath: Brooke Will Barker Peter Aylworth Samuel Powell Witt Wood John Elliott Tho Russell Witt Meriden Witt Horsey Ed Buckerfeild B" Billingsley Tho. Kemble W? Drope Edw: Godman Rich Barwell Jn° Houblon Sam" parker It is farther Ordered by the sd Vestrey that MT Wm: Drope shall cause pipes of Lead to be brought Downe by the side of the Church, according to a late Act of Parlayment. S' Christophers 4* March 1674 75 a. At a Vestry then holden It was Agreed and Ordered That the ffower Hundred pounds Subscribed by Severall persons for Purchasing a Revenue to ffind Evening Prayers for ever in this Parish Church. Shallbe receaved of M' Aylworth ye Treasurer for that Money, ffor ye Vse of this pish to be Paid and Applyed towards the discharge of ye Debt of 500" and Interest due on Accompt of this Parish to Mr John Brewer And for which the Houses in ffleetestreete belonging to this Parish are Mortgaged And that in Consideracon of ye said ffower hundred pounds a Rent Charge Afiuity or yearely Sume of Twenty pounds shall be Charged on and Payable out of the said Houses in ffleetestreete ffor ever ffor ffinding Evening Prayers in this Parish Church as above, To be Setled in such marier as Councell shall Advise. And to ye End the said Houses in ffleetestreete may be Discharged of the said Incumbrance by Mortgage, And the residue of ye said Debt to M1 Brewer being about 100" may be paid off, It is further Agreed & Ordered That if M1 Peter Aylworth & M1 Thomas Kemble thinke fitt to Enter into Bond to M' Brewer ffor One hundred pounds & Interest y'of They ye sd M' Ayl worth & Mr Kemble are & shallbe for ever Saved harmelesse & Indempnifyed for ye same. And that the said One hundred pounds and Interest shallbe paid on Accompt of this Pish as a proper debt of this Parish. Joh: Hall Recto1 Rob: Kerington Peter Aylworth Tho: Kemble Will: Allen Samuel Powell Mos. Goodyeare John Morris Witt Horsey Will Barker John Bvrowes Richard Nicoll Sam" parker Nicholas Day John Groue John Williams Rob' Morden Edward Woolner Robert Moody Witt Meriden Edw: Buckerfeild ) _, , , „, _, } Churchwardens Tho: Blagraue J S' Christophers Aprill 5* 1675 75 b At a Vestry then holden M' Edward Buckerfeild was Chosen Vpper Churchwarden for y5 yeare ensueing. And Mr Thomas Blagrave was Chosen Vnder Churchwarden for ye same yeare, But Desiring to ffyne he ye said M' Blagrave (having served one yeare) was Admitted to ffyne for ye Office of Churchwarden ffor ye sume of Six pounds which was Ordered to be paid to ye other Churchwarden M' Buckerfeild forthwith, Wherevpon Mr William Allen was Chosen Churchwarden And he desireing to ffyne, was Admitted to ffyne for Churchwarden this yeare And Vpper Churchwarden ye yeare following & for ye said Place for ever ffor fifteene pounds which was accordingly Ordered to m'Wm: be Paid forthwith to M' Edward Buckerfeild, Wherevpon Richard Booth Esq' was Chosen Churchwarden for ye Church side for ye yeare ensueing. And Mr Samuell Brewster being P'sent & desiring to ffyne for Churchwarden & all pish Offices, & Offering ye Parish ffifteene pounds for such ffyne It was Accepted And Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 57 m' Saml' Brewster. 15" mr Joseph Lem : 20K Auditors appointed to Audit m* Edw: Buckerfeilds late Churchwardens Acct are m' Jn° Hall Richard Boswell Tho: Blagrave Jn° Powell Tho. Russell Wm Allen Sam: Breuster Jos" Lemm or Nat. Brooke Peter Aylworth wm Horsey Robert Kerrington Jn° Elliott Tho: Kemble Wm Drope any fiue of these two Collumes The Auditt day to bee on ye thirteenth day of May next Rich : Booth Esq : 20I1 Ordered to be paid p'sently to M' Edward Buckerfeild. And M1 Joseph Lem being also p'sent desiring to ffyne for ye Office of Churchwarden & sydesman for Twenty pounds was Admitted And ye ffyne accepted & ordered to be paid likewise forthwith to M' Edward Buckerfeild And Sydesmen were then Elected M' William Banks for Cornehill side And M' Samuell Parker for Churchside. Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth RoB Kerington John Elliott Tho. Kemble W™ Drope Tho. Persehowse Edw: Godman Robert Moody John Williams Sam". Brewster William Banks Rob' Morden B" Billingsley John Morris ffrancis pagett Josiah MitchiU ffurley Barton Edw Buckerfeild Church Warden ,6 a. S' Christophers Aprill 14* 1675 At a Vestry then holden at the Instance of Richard Booth Esq' he the said Richard Booth desired to be admitted to a fine for the office of Church Warden for this and the ensueinge yeare the said Vestry agreed to accept of his fine and to excuse him from the aforesd office of Churchwarden at the same time it was ordered by the Vestry that his fine shall be twenty pounds to be forthwith paid to m' Edward Buckerfeild the p'sent vpper Church Warden att the same time Mr William Barker was Chosen vnder Church Warden for the yeare ensueinge Joh: Hall Recto' Nath Brooke Peter Aylworth RoB Kerington Will: Allen John Elliott Tho: Kemble W™ Drope Edward Godman Sam11 Brewster Rob' Morden ffrancis pagett Robert Moody Edw: Buckerfeild 1 Church Will Barker J Wardns Bee it Remembered That at a Vestrey holden within the Parish of S' Christopher London the Twentieth day of October One thousand Six hundred Seaventy and ffive It was ordered and A°reed That the Churchwardens and Parishioners of S' Giles without Criplegate London are and shall be from henceforth for ever saved defended and kept harmelesse by the Parishioners of this Parish of S' Christopher of and from all Costs Charges and expences that shall or may Arise and happen vnto them or any of them by reason of Samuell Acres his wife and Three Children of theirs or any of them dwelling or Residing within the said Parish of S' Giles Criplegate (in Case any such Charge shall happen) their last place of Legall Settlement being in our said Parish of S' Christopher And also That the Churchwardens of our said Parish of S' Christopher (for the time being) shall and may (if any such Charge shall fall or happen to the Parishioners of the said Parish of S' Giles Criplegate for or by reason or meanes of the said Samuell Acres his wife and Three Children or any of them residing or Inhabiting in the said Parish as afore said) well and truely pay to the Churchwardens of the said Parish of S' Giles Criplegate All such Charges from time to time within Three dayes next after demand thereof made Peter Aylworth Tho: Kemble Michael Danwell Edward Woolmer Richard Nicoll John Williams Rob Todd Robert Moodij Thomas Scott John Morris W™ Bythell Edw Buckerfeild Will Barker Church Wardens S' Christophers 77 a. At a vestry holden ye 18* day of Nouemb' 1675 it was agreed that Joana Varny should bee allowed for and towards her mainten ance two shillings p weeke to bee paid her p ye Churchwardens for ye time being dureing her naturall life except y" Pish shall find hereafter any reason to ye Contrary and alsoe that ye said Churchwarden send to the widdow Mathewes tenn shillings towards her p'sent releife and two shillings p weeke dureing her sickness being not able to helpe herselfe. Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth Tho: Kemble W? Drope Samuell Powell Sam" Brewster John Morris Rob Todd William /\\ woodbridge his mark John Groue Witt Wood B" Billingsley Edw** Buckerfeild Will Barker Church- Wardens S' Christopher 77 b. At a vestry holden ye twenty seauenth day of March 1676 m' Wm Barker was chosen Senior Churchwarden and m' Edw: Godman was chosen Junior Churchwarden for the yeere ensueing, at yc same tyme was chosen sidesmen for the same yeere mr John 1 58 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. Williams for Church side and m' John Cross for Cornhill side. At ye same tyme it is ordered that m' Edw: Buckerfeild late Churchwarden his Accts shall be Auditted on the Ascention day next ensueing, M' John Hall m' Nat. Brooke m' peter Ayle- worth m' John Elliott m' Wm Horsey m' Rob' Kerrington Tho: Kemble m' Rich: Barwell m' Tho: Blagraue m' Wm Allen m' Wm Drope m1 Sam powell m' Tho Russell mr Jos. Lemm m' Sam: Brewster are appointed Auditors of the said Ace' or any fiue of them : it is alsoe ordered y' Wm Barker senior Church warden shall forthwith giue one Sufficient Security with himselfe in three hundred pounds Bond, to giue a true Accompt of all such stocke plate and utensills belonging to ye said parrish that shall come to his hands when thereunto required, And that m' peter Ayleworth keepe the said bond in behalfe of the parrish being a 300". bond Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth Will: Allen John Elliott Tho: Kemble Wm Drope Rich: Barwell Samuel Powell Tho: Blagraue Tho Short Rob Todd John Williams Will Banks John Morris Witt Wood Edward Woolmer Rob' Morden Wm Bythell Edwd Buckerfeild Will Barker Edw: Godman Church- ) Wardens j ?8a- S' Christophers 22* August 1676 At a Vestry then holden It was Ordered That if M'5 Adryan doe pay ye Churchwarden for the vse of the Parish Twenty pounds That shee shall have liberty at her Charge to take downe ye Wall at ye West End of ye Vault in ye Church wherein ye Body of her late Husband Mr John Adryan Merchant lately an Inhabitant of this Parish lyes And to Build ye same Vault Westward ffower foote & a halfe or thereabouts. And of such breadth as Con veniently to Conteyne Two Coffins in breadth: And that ye same shall be vsed from henceforth for ye Interring ye Bodyes of such psons as the said M's Adryan or her Children shall Appoint : Paying Customary Dutyes Peter Aylworth Wm Drope Sam" Brewster John Morris Silvester Deane Fra: Lucy Tho: Short Rob Todd Joseph Heywood John Groue Richard Nicoll Will Barker Edward Godman Church Warden S' Christopher Lond 78 b. At a Vestry holden ye Eleauenth daij of Decemb' 1676: it was ordered, y' whereas Jn° Hieron late seru' to m' Nathaniel Brooke of this pish being lunaticke, and it being endeauered p some to Cast the said lunatick upon this pish, for the pre- uention whereof, the Churchwardens of this pish take the Aduice of m' Simpson & m' Lane y" Comptroller or such able Cunsell as they can gett, to defend the said pish from the Charge of y" aboue said lunaticke att a Tryal att Sessions, And in case the lunaticke bee cast upon ye said pish then the said Church wardens shall enter into bond to the Masters of Bethlehem att the rate of fiue shillings p weeke for his keeping Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth Wim Horsey Tho: Kemble John Graue Siluester Deane Sam" Brewster Witt Wood William Banks Rob' Morden Rob Todd John Morris Will Parker 1 Church Edward Godman / Wardens S' Christophers London 79a. At a Vestry holden the 8 of January 1676 It was ordered that John Mathews be Sexton of this parish and shall receive all such fees as belong to that place and that the sd John Mathews shall give such security to the Churchwardens for the time being as the Church orders doe in that behalfe appoint And it was then further ordered that the Churchwarden shall pay into the hands of M' Ayleworth the sume of Tenne pounds sterling for the use and accomodation of M's ffranklin widow of George ffrankling late Clerke and Sexton of this parish deed Joh: Hall Recto' Sam: Powell Peter Aylworth Tho Short Jn° Houblon Sam" Brewster Will: Allen Edw: Buckerfeild W? Drope William Banks John Elliott Siluester Deane Tho Kemble Arthur Myles jun' Micha: Dewing John Williams Will Barker S' Christophers London 79 »• At a Vestry held this 20* of March 167^ It was consented to by all the parishoners of the said parish that the right of nominateing and declareing the Clerke for the said parish was undoubtedly in the parson and that the Precedents entred into this Vestry Booke of Clerks chosen by the Vote of the Parishoners are noe Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 59 Barre or Prejudice to the right of the present Incumbent or his successors. Vpon clearing of which point the present Incumbent M' John Hall did declare that he would admitt of him to be Clerke whome the Major part of the parish should nominate and thereupon the most of the Parishoners agreed to nominate Israel ffolgate Inhabitant of the said parish to be Clerke thereof who imediately thereupon was nominated by the parishoners and approved of by M' Hall Joh: Hall Recto' Jn° Houblon John Williams William Hawke Rob Todd Mos: Goodyear Wm Pepys John Elliott William Gloster W? Drope Tho: Rea Micha: Dewing W? Nicholson Siluster Deane Josiah Mitchell ffra Lucy Richard Instars Sam" Parker marke R I Nicholas Day James Lambert Randal Stathan Will: Allen William Barker ) Edward Godman J Church Wardens Arthur Myles jun' S' Christophers London At a Vestry holden the Sixteenth day of Aprill 1677 M' Edward Godman was chosen Senior Church Warden. And whereas Richard Booth Esq' was formerly fined twenty pounds for the Office of Church Warden, which fine he hath hitherto refused to pay, the said Richard Booth is chosen Vnder Church Warden for the yeare ensewing. And at the same Vestry was chosen Sidesmen for Cornhill side Thomas Lee and for Church side Mr Robert Todd. At the same time it is ordered That the day for the Auditing of the Accompts of Mr William Barker shalbe on Assention day being the 24? of May next ensewing. And that the Auditors for the said Accompt shalbe M' John Hall, Rector, M' Peter Aylworth, Mr Jo" Elliot, Mr Wittm Horsey, M1 Thomas Lemball, M' Witt Drope, M' Richard Barwell, M' Witt Allen, M' Sam: Powel, Mr Tho: Blagraue, M' Samuel Brewster, M' Jos: Lem, M' Edward Buckerfeild, or any five of them. And it is also Ordered that M' Edward Godman Senior Church Warden shall forthwith give one sufficient Security with himselfe in a Bond of Three hundred Pounds penalty To give a true Accompt of all such Stock Plate and vtensills, belonging to ye sd Parish as shall come into his hands, when he shalbe therevnto required, And that M' Peter Aylworth, keep the said Bond in behalfe of the same Parish Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth Will: Allen John Elliott Samuel Powell Edw Buckerfeild Mos: Goodyeare ffra Lucy Sam" Parker Rob' Morden John Williams Wm Bethell John Morris Wm Fashion Sam: Bennet Samue: King Will Barker S' Christophers London sob. At a vestry holden this 25* of Aprill 1677 it was agreed that Richard Booth Esq' should bee excused from serueing Churchwarden upon the paym' of twenty pounds to m' W'° Barker late church warden, And at ye same time m1 Wm Haukes was chosen iunior Churchwarden, and upon a proposition made & in regard of his greate Age it was agreed p ye said Vestry that hee should bee excused for the paym' of fiue pounds to ye p'sent Churchwarden, from serueing the office of Churchwarden. And then was chosen mr Siluester Deane in mr Hawkes his stead junior Churchwarden, And then it was alsoe agreed and ordered that noe person shall bee excused from the office of Churchwarden p way of fine till such time as the party hath paid his fine according to order nor any other person shall bee chose in his roome till hee hath paid his fine as aforesaid Joh: Hall Recto' Will: Allen Tho Kemble John Elliott Wm Drope Samuel Powell Sam" Brewster ffra Lucy Edw Buckerfeild Will Wood John Williams Rob Todd Latimer Burroughs Samuel King Will Barker Edward Godman ) Church Warden j S' Christophers London j"10 Aprilis 1678 81 a. At a vestry then holden M' Sylvester Deane was chosen Church warden for Churchside and M' Robert Morden Churchwarden for Comehillside and M'John Houblon Sydesman for Church- side and Mr Simon Cole sidesman for Cornehill side and it was then and there ordered that the accounts of M1 Edward Godman the Churchwarden for the last yeare shall be audited on Tuesday the Seaventh day of May next by M' John Hall Rector Mr Peter Aylworth Mr John Elliott M' Wm Horsey M1 Thomas Kemball M' W" Drope M' Richard Barrwell M' Wm Allen Mr Samuel Powell M1 Thomas Blagrave Mr Samuel Brewster M' Joseph Lemm M' Edward Buckerfield & Richard Booth Esq' or any five or more of them, and alsoe that the said Mr Sylvester Deane shall on or before the said Seaventh day of May now & next ensueing give one sufficient security togeather with himselfe to be bound in a bond of Three Hundred pounds penalty to be conditioned to give a true account of all such stock plate and utensills belonging to the said parish as shall come into Mr Deanes hands at any time or times dureing his Churchwarden^ ship and that M1 Peter Aylworth shall keepe the said Bond in 6o Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. trust for the said parish. And alsoe that the Bearers for the dead shall be from time to time appointed by the upper Church warden for the time being unles the Relations of the_ deceased shall appoint them. Joh: Hall Recto1 Peter Aylworth Will: Allen Tho: Kemble ffra Lucy William Banks Witt Wood Edw Buckerfeild Tho Short Edward Godman Nich" Buckeridge Latimer Burroughs Thomas Taylor William Gloster Arthur Myles junr Nicholas Day Siluester Deane 1 Church J wardens 81 b. S' Christophers 210 Aprilis 1679 At a Vestry then holden M1 Robert Morden was chosen upper Churchwarden for Cornehill side and M' Samuel Parker under- churchwarden for Churchside and M' Henry Lascoe Sidesman for Cornehill side and M' ffrancis Lucy Sydesman for Churchside And it was then and there ordered that the Accounts of Mr Sylvester Deane the Churchwarden for the last yeare shall be audited on Tuesday the Seaven and Twentieth of May next by M' John Hall Rector Mr Peter Aylworth M' John Elliott M' William Horsey M' Thomas Kemball M' Wm Drope M' Richard Barrwell M' William Allen Mr Samuel Powell M1 Thomas Bla grave M1 Samuel Brewster M' Joseph Lemm M' Edward Buckerfield Richard Booth Esq1 and M' Edward Godman or any five or more of them. And alsoe that the said M' Robert Morden shall on or before the said Seaven and Twentieth of May next give one sufficient security togeather with himself to be bound in a bond of Three Hundred pounds penalty to be conditioned to give a true Account of all such stock plate and utensills belonging to the said parish as shall come into M' Mordens hands at any time or times dureing his Churchwarden- ship And that Mr Peter Ayleworth shall keepe the said Bond in Trust for the said parish And it was alsoe then and there ordered that the Churchwarden from time to time being shall prosecute and sue according to Lawe from time to time such person and persons shoppkeepers and others (and in respect of their shopps and otherwise) as shall from time to time refuse to pay what is and shall be respectively charged on them for the Poore of this parish Joh: Hall Recto' Peter Aylworth John Elliott Tho: Kemble Edw: Godman Thomas Lee Josiah Mitchell William Wood John Prittyman Nicolas Skinner Will"1 Gloster John Williams Silvester Deane William Blunt Arthur Myles jun' Tho Short Tho. Collins Wm Bythell S' Christophers. Aprill 120 1680 82a. At a vestry then holden was chosen upper Churchwarden for Church side m' Sam: parker and under Churchwarden for Cornehill side m1 W" Banckes, and for sidesmen m' Nich Day for Church side & m' Humphrey Bradley for Cornhill side, And it was then & there ordered that the Accompts of m1 Rob' Morden late Churchwarden for ye last yeere shall bee Audited on Wednesday ye nineteenth day of May next by m' Jn° Hall Rector m' peter Aylworth m' Jn° Elliott mr W" Horsey Tho: Kemble mr Wm Drope m1 Richard Barwell m1 Wm Allen m' Sam. powell m' Tho Blagrave m1 Sam Brewster m' Joseph Lemm Rich. Booth Esq1 & m1 Siluester Deane or any fiue of th;m. And alsoe y' the said m1 Sam. parker shall att or before the nineteenth day of May next giue one sufficient security togeather with himselfe in a bond of three hundred pounds penalty to giue a true Ace' of all such stocke plate & vtensills belonging to ye said pish, as shall come to ye said m1 parkers hands, And that m' Peter Aylworth shall keepe ye said bond. Joh: Hall Recto'. John Elliott Tho Kemble Samuel Powell Henry Lascoe Rich: Barwell Will Barker Tho Short Thomas Lee Thomas Groue Latimer Burroughs Michaell Dewing John Williams Wm Bythell Isaac Hancock William Gloster S' Christophers the 4th day of April 1681 82 b. At a Vestry then holden were chosen churchwardens for the year insuing for Cornhill side upper Churchwarden m1 William Banks and for Churchside under Churchwarden M' John Williams then alsoe were chosen Sidesmen for Cornhill side M' William Bythell and for Churchside M' Daniel Mercer. And it was then ordered that the accounts of M' Samuel Parker late Church warden shall bee Audited on Tuesday the tenth day of May next ensuing By M' John Hall Recto' M' Deputy Peter Aylworth M' John Eliot M' William Horsey M' Thomas Kemble M' William Drope M' Richard Barwell M' Wm Allen Mr Samuel Powell Mr Thomas Blagrave M' Samuel Brewster M' Joseph Lemme Richard Booth Esq' M' Silvester Deane Mr Rob' Morden or any five or more of them. And alsoe that the said M' William Banks shall on or before the said tenth day of May Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Z, Church wardens Wm Bythell j S' Christopher March 24* i68| 90a. At a Vestry then holden It was Ordered and Agreed that such Agreement as M' William Bythell has made with M' John Page concerning a Parish Child shall noe wayes bee any Obligacon or tye vpon the Parish And that the Bond given by the said John Page to Mr Day and M' Bythell Dated the 23* Instant for the Saveing the Parish harmelesse against Katherine Christopher wee doe protest against and noe wayes accept of the same, the same being made and taken without the Knowledge or Consent of the said Mr Day William Banks Samuel Puller Jere Mitchell Nicholas day Churchwarden 66 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. APPENDIX. lould in the yere 1534 1 These beth the psellis of the Juellis Goodis and Ornamentis of the churche of Seynte Cristofre of london founden in the Same Churche the xxvj day of the monethe of marche the yere of the reigne of oure lorde god m'° cccc° lxxxiij takyn into the warde and kepyng of william Brown and RoBt Eyzyk wardens of the same Churche the which juellis goodis and ornamentis that Richard Croke and John Jacoby haue Receyued into theire warde and kepyng the xxvj daye of the moneth of marche A" dni m'° cccc0 lxxxviij as apperith by a bille soide In primis a grete Crosse with mari and John of Siluer and ouergilde XX weyenge iiij xj vncis of the gifte of william Gardyner draper and 1 a foote therto of Copur & gilte Crosses . * the Same crose Rd agayne ij knopys lakyng *¦ Itm a nother Crosse of Siluer and ouergilde without mari & John havyng therin a plate of iron the whiche Crosse weyeth with the iron lxxix owncis 2. vj chaiieses Itm a Chales with a patent of Siluer and ou'gilt w' a Trinite weyng xxj owncs w1 the cruciffix in the fote dr3 ?nary 6° John Itm a Chaleys with the patent of Siluer and ou'gilde with a Crusyfix & T & S theruppon & an hande vppon the patent the whiche Chaleys weyeth xvj owncs Itm a Chaleys with a Crucifix and mari & John vppon the foote and the Coronacion of oure lady vppon the patent weyng xxv owncs di smid 1536 Itm a Chaleys with a Crucifix and too hartis hedis vppon the foote and the jugement of god Sittyng vppon the patent the whiche Challeys weyeth xiiij owncs di Itm a Chaleys with a vernacle vppon the patent weyng vj owncis Itm a Chaleys off the gifte of henry waiter &• the said name graved vppon the ffote Itm a grete mustraunce of Siluer & ou'gilde with the Pixt of Cristall weyeng lxviij owncis soulde to thomas mostyan by the consent of a vestre for to pay the nessysarye chargs of the sayd cherche as aperethe by the cherche wardyns akovnte Itm too Sensers of Siluer pcell gilte weyng 'f and ij owncs bought by master jaks cherche wardyn in the yeire \ of 'or lord 1536 j sencers of selver pee Us gylt weyng \ ....u xxv oz coste iif viif the oz &¦ thomas hylton ( J "' " was cherche wardyn wc hym ) * The portions in italics are additions in later handwritings of various dates, as may generally be gathered from the context. soulde in ihe yere 1534 lost [? left ovte] be tlie Clark Mustraunce iS48 soide Sensers solid 1536 3- t Itm ij Basons of Siluer with leggys armes weyeng hx owncs & di Basons soide 1536 t Itm too Candelstikks of Siluer with leggis armes vppon them weyng Candeistikks bothe lxv owncs Itm a Coupe of Siluer & ou'gilde with a Crucifix vppon the hed to a Covpe put in the Sacrement weyng xxxj owncis sold Itm a Crismatorie of Siluer and gilde w' ij imags oon of oure lady the A Crisma- other of Seynt Cristofre the Same Crismatorie weyng xxix owncs di the same cresmetore broken 6° conserted lib a chales to make a comen comynyon cope gilte xl oz by me thomas groschampe one of the cherche wardenes wylhe the consentt of the same paryes _ • • 4- Itm a Shippe of Siluer pcell gilte for the ffrankensence that weyeth asiuppe soide 1536 viij owncis " Itm a mustraunse of Siluer & gilde w' an image of Seynt Cristofre mustraunse therin weyng the same mustraunce vj owncs di Itm a pelar of Siluer with a Cristall theron gilt w' c'tayne relikks aPeier weyng all to gedur v -owncs Itm a Sepulture of Siluer with ij crosses theruppon and with certayne a sepulture Relyquees therin weyeng all to gedur iiij owncs Itm a Sepulcre of siluer and ou'gilde with the ffleesshe of Seynt Cristofre therin that weieth with the fflesshe xi owncs di N.B. — Here is an addition made in 1518 which has been erased with the word "sold" written at a subsequent date. It is illegible. Itm a paire of Siluer feete belongyng to the image of Seynt Cristofre weyeng both xviij owncis Itm a Pax of Siluer and ouergilte weyeng vj owncs lakkyng ¦a- knop of -a- corner beneth on knop more lakyng 3 in all. Itm ij rownde Crewetts of Siluer pcell gilte weyng both xij owncs. Itm ij Square Crewetts of Siluer pcell gilte weyeng bothe iij owncis. sold Itm ij Shone of Siluer with a Stone that s'ued somtyme for an image of oure lady that weyed bothe with the Stone an ounce di the Sho ufoute the stone lakking the scho wl the stone sold by Itm a Crosse of Siluer the foote and the hed Cristall that weyeth an ownce & a halff. t Probably the gift of Thomas Legge, who, by his will dated 31 Edward the Third, gave various bequests to the Parish of St. Christopher. A copy of the will is in the Book of Records. He apparently increased the churchyard. a Sepulcre 1536 sold fieete soulde 1534 Pax Crewetts sould 1536 1 6. Crewetts , sotild isl^,t e Shone ' Crosse Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 67 7- vestments sewts iwta lakyng a stotie -pfyt the 19 of maye 1550 pfyt tlie 19 of maye 1550 parfyt parfytt vestements suyts ~pfet rg of maye 1350 * laekyng tlie coppe ¦ parffyt to ; the crosse W, bencthe arffyt all this irffyt the of Maye 1550 9 missing] 10. vestment Suytez trfytt the } of may m° 1550 Itm ther is a Crosstaffe of Copur and gilte that is for the best Crosse that cost the pisshons xvij s. Itm a Sewte of Crymysyn veluet the Orpharies of blewe cloth of Tissew and flowres of gold, for preist dekyn and subdeakyn w' stole and ffanons and iiij Coopes of the same sewte that sewte was bought of my lady Stockdon. Wherof one is cloth of golde blewe Tyssewe the orphers of the said coope is of redde golde the whiche coope of red gold was of the gifte of my lady stokton abouesaid. Itm a Coope of blewe cloth of tyssewe the Orpharies of Red cloth of golde of the gifte of my lady stokdon scriptu vt sup" Itm A Coppe of clothe of gold the Orpharies w1 ymegery All of Broderes werke gyffe be dame Thomasyn pcyvall Itm a Sewte of Red veluet for Preist dekyn & Subdeakyn browderid with Griffons of golde with the armes of legge with too Stooles & iij ffanons and with iij Coopes of the Same Sewte and a Cloth of the Same to hange before the high altar with a ffrontell of the Same armes and a cloth for the lectaru of the Same Sewte ' laekyng a lectory clothe of this sewt wyche mr chambers hathe in kepyng by the parsons Request Itm a Sewte of vestements of Red Saten with Orpharies of blewe Bawdekyn for Preist dekyn and Subdeakyn with ij Stooles and iij ffanons and a Coope of the same Sewte Itm A vestement of purpull veluet w1 Orpharies of Brodre werke and y° vestemet ffull of ffleredelys of gold lib y' albe and all thrto be- longyng gyvyn by mf Roger acheley late mayre of London y' ffyrst day of Novemb a" 15 13 * Itm a Sewte of vestements of blewe Satyn with Birdes of goolde and lyons and the Orpharies of Red Bawdekyn the grownde Powdered with white fflowres for Preist dekyn and Subdeakyn ij Stooles and iij ffanons and a Coope of the same w' Sterres in the Orpharies Itm a Sewte of vestements of white Bawdekyn with libbards of gold Crowned abought theire nekkis and Rooses of Red Silke for Preist dekyn and Subdekyn with ij Stooles iij ffanons & a Coope of the same suyte & ij aulter clothes for the high Alter of white Saten Steyned w' the same libardis and ij Ridels of the same and a ffrontell of white Bawdekyn with iij platis of blewe bawdekyn and ij pendauntis therto to hange at iche ende of the cloth to eke hit for the cloth is or [o'er] Shorte for the alter Itm a nother Sewte of vestements of white Bawdekyn with Rooses of goolde and Orpharies of Red Bawdekyn full of the same Rooses for Preist dekyn and Subdeakyn with ij Stooles and iij ffanons and iij Coopes and a cloth of the Sewte to lye vppon a forme vppon the high alter vndre the juellis Itm ij Coopes of white Bawdekyn & the grounde of the Orpharies Red w' libardis of goolde havyng in theire mouthes Rolles Itm a Sewte of Blak vestementis of damaske and the Orpharies browdred with images and Trayfoyles of grene Silke in the hed, & the growndes of Siluer with a Scripture therin and the Armes w' Rynges of goolde for Preist dekyn and Subdeakyn with ij Stooles and iij ffanons and with iij Coopis of the Same Sewte * This was written in 1518. Sir Roger Achely (Draper) was Mayor of London 15 1 1. Stowe says he was a careful Magistrate for corn, which he caused to be stowed up in Leaden Hall. He lived in Cornhill, and was buried in St. Christo pher's church. parffyt Syngle vestments vestements parfyt th,' 19 of maye parfet Itm a Sewte of Blak bawdekyn browderid with treis of goold and the Armes whyte with mones of Blewe for Preist dekyn and Subdeakyn and a Coope of the Same Sewte Itm a vestement Syngle of worsted with Crownes m with Goolde the grounde of Blak Itm a vestment of Bawdekyn white and Red with the Orpharies of Blewe with Crownes & Sterris of golde Itm a vestement of Red Bawdekyn full of Braunches of goolde and blewe Sterris of Silke the Orpharies of blewe playne bawdekyn Itm a vestement of whyte Bawdekyn and the Orpharies of Red with lambes and Rooses of goolde, with Stoole and fanon Itm a vestement of Cloth of goolde ffebull full of flowres delycs & the Orpharies of blew Red and Grene with Strypus of whyte for Preist dekyn with Stoole and fanon & a Coope of the same Itm a vestement Syngle of Clothe of goolde febull w' Stoole and fanon & the Orpharies of dyu's Colours and an egle Splayed of blew. Itm a vestement Syngle of Red and the Orpharies of blewe worsted with stoole and ffanon. Itm a vestement Syngle of Silke full of Ray and of Chekkis of dyuers Coloures and the Orpharies of blew veluet Itm a vestement Syngle paled of Purple and grene and the Orpharies of blewe with dyuers birdes of golde therin Itm a vestement Syngle of whyte Cloth browderid w' Jhesus Itm a vestement Syngle partie oon Side Red and grene and the other side blewe and lyons of siluer with longe tailes and the Orpharies of blak with Crownes and Sterrys Itm a vestement of Grene and Red Single with whyte flowres and the Orpharies of blewe veluet w' Images and Sterres of goolde Itm a Cope feble of grene the Orpharies of Red w' flowres of whyte and grene Itm ij Coopis of blewe Rayes Itm a Cope of Cloth of gold ffeble for a Child Bisshop Itm a vestement of blewe Saten the Orpharies grene damaske with blewe garters Stole and fanon Itm a Cope ffeble for a Childe of dyuers Coloures and iij Copes of \ white Bustyan and the Orpharies of grene thise iij Copes byn |- tatengtii. Smale coopes for Children ) Itm a Cloth of blewe Rayes with a ffrontell theron of blewe damasque with other pecys of the Same Rayes that belonged Som tyme to the Alters and nowe ben Spente and made a Certeyne forto cloose aboute the founte and another about oure lady of Pytie of the Same Rayes Itm a Cloth of ffeble Silke to Seme at Weddyngs for a care cloth Itm a Cloth of Gold fyne Bawdekyn w' a valance aboute of Silke called a vertaine that Serueth to bere ouer the Sacrement with iiij Staves and iiij bellis longynge therto Itm ij Awbes of Ray for Children of oon Sewyte I5. Itm vj Spare Amytes of the whiche oon is browdered with gold and iij Images therynne John kateryne and Antony. Another is of Red veluet with Sterres of goold. The thirde of white damaske. The iiij* of Red veluet with letters of T. & C. of golde. The v* of grene Bawdekyn with whyte and Red fflowres. The vjfc of dyuers Coloures Rayes parfytt !3- vestements parfytt 14. parfyt 68 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. J7- R.ddellis Itm ij Clothes Steyned whyte for thappostellis Aulter aboue with the Trynyte and beneth with oure lady and ij Riddelles therto Itm ij Clothes for the high Alter Stayned with the xij appostellis Itm ij Aulter Clothes of Red and grene paled and ij Riddellis and a ffrontell of the Same Itm a Clothe of Red damaske with armes at every ende and w' fflowres of golde to hange aboue the Table ou' the Alter and ij clothes of the Same to hange before the Alter and ij Riddels of Red Tarteron and an Altercloth of diapre with a ffrontell of the Sewte of the best Cope of blewe cloth of gold of my lady Stokdons gifte Itm a banercloth for the Crosse of grene Tarteron with the Trynyte theryn of my lady Stokdons geyfte Itm ij Clothes for oure lady Alter oon to hange aboue the Alter and another to hange before the alter havyng the vij Sacraments vppon hem Steyned & leide with golde and ij Curteyns of the Same with Shepe theryn that beth of master whits gifte Itm ij Riddelles of Lawne that renne behynde in the Quere that beth of Johnsons wiffs gifte Itm ij longe and ij Shorte Riddels of Red Silke with griffons and T. of gold and Crownes that Serue in the Quere at tymes Itm a lectarne Cloth grownde blewe with Red Strypes ou'thwarte that is but feble cloth Eiddeius Itm ij Riddels for an Alter White Stayned w' Roses of gold Itm ther beth viij pillowes of dyuers Coloures beside other that beth Suspent & dampned for bad as apperith in the pcellis of the Suspent wares Itm a gheton of Silke betyn with golde and iiij baners w' liberts hedis ij baners with the armys of london and vj smale baners with dyuers armes and iiij Smale baner clothes of master fibsters gyfte and a, banerclothe for the Crosce of oure lady of Silke Itm iiij longe grene baner powlles and iiij Shorte Standarts Staves Itm xxiij Aulter Clothes good and badde the most parte Symple and vj hussyllyng Towellis Therof and playne feble oon the Remlaut diapre of whiche is oon longe of my lady Cookes gifte & a litell oon that was gevyn in lent A0 87 by Reynold Rutters wiffe. Itm avlter Clothe off porpull veluet w1 pflowre delys of Gold gyvyn by master Roger Acheley late mayre of Thys Cette of london.* Itm a Sewdarie of grene Tarterne ffringed with Silke on bothe endis and a Canape of knyt warke and ij kerchiffs of Silke oon Red and a nother whyte for the Sacrament Itm ij large paire of longe laton Candelstykks Standards oon paire to Set before the high aulter and the other paire to Serue for Obites to Setton the Tapers bothe the paire weyenge ij Itm iij-Candelstykks of a Sewte to Sett on Smaller tapers vppon the Alters and to bere Tapers vppon of laton weyng att •j Itm iij-laton Candelstikks with ij Noses to Set Inne Talowe Candell for the Alters. And a Candell braunche w' ij Noses and a Pyl;c sett at the ffounte of laton weyng all- Itm a payre of Candolotikks of copur gilte of whiche- oon io broken Itm a payre of Candelstykks greate standards for grete tapers of Tynne, and a paire of lesse of Tynne that beth parte brent Itm ij payre Peautre Crewetts that Seruen daily the Preists * Written in 1518. Baner clothes & baner poulles stromas 18.19. Aulter clothes laheng vj Candel stikks Peautre Itm ij Crosses of Tynne Copur on that hath had Marie and John „. that is gilte and another without Marie and John that is blak Copur Itm ij Copur disshes to gedre offryng Inne and iij Sacryg bellys and an haly water Stop and the Spryngell of laton therto Itm ther beth iij Sup Altarees of the Churches a large & A middell Sup aitan and a lytell oon that ben Clothed in cloth Itm ther beth xx Corpores cases that longe to the Churche and iiij Corpora* heeris to ley vppon the Alters & iiij Canvase to Couer the Alters Casea Braunches of laton longyng to the Churche 22. Itm ther beth longyng to the Rode loft xxx'' bolles of laton Itm in the Quere before Seynt James a braunche with vij fflowres that weyeth Itm before oure lady in the North Chapell a braunche of vj ffloures laton weyng Itm before oure lady and Seynt Anne in the Same Chapell is a braunche of v fflowres of laton weyng Itm in the South Chapell before the Trynyte is a braunche of laton with v fflowres weyng Itm before or lady a braunche of laton w' v branchy s Itm before oure lady of Pytie in the body of the Churche is a braunche of iij fflowres of laton weyng Itm before the Pytie of Seynt Gregorie in the body of the Churche is a braunche of iij fflowres weyng Itm ther is a lavmpe hangyng before the Rode in a basyn of laton and a basyn with Cheynes and a Sterre of laton for to hange Inne the Pascall at the Season of Esterne Itm ther beth ij olde grete braunches of laton that beth eche for oon Tapur that s'ued before oure lady & before Seynt Anne 23. Itm for the high Aulter ij Clothes of whyte Stayned with the Some lente- vppon them and a Crosse with Scorges vppon the other Itm ij Clothes for the postellys Aucter Steyned with the Crosse and Scorges to hange on aboue and the other before the Aucter Itm ther beth for ij Aucters of the Same Sewte both for a boue and beneth Itm there beth iiij Clothes of the Same Sewte that s'ue for Riddellys in the Quere in the lentyn Season 241 Itm ther is a Vaile Clothe to hange before the high aucter and vaiie- therto longeth ij weyghts of leed iche of xxviij li Itm a Cloth for the lectarne of the Same Sewte for lente Itm a Cloth to hange before the Roode with the passion Story Itm ij Clothes with the Imags of Seynt Cristofre to couer Seynt Cristofre Itm ij baners of vexilla and a Cloth to cou' w' Seynt John Itm viij Clothes Stayned to couer w' other Images marked 25 a- Itm iij Symple vestements of whyte bustyan and the Orpharies of Red veluet to s'ue in the lente Season Itm ij Clothes for the Sepulcre oon with the passion and the other Steyned full of whyte leves. Itm afore the Rode lofte beth ij Curteyns of lynnen cloth w' ffrynges of grene vppon hem of lynnen Syngle yaron 25 b. In primis A grete Antifoner of master Gedneys gyfte begunyng in the Boks secounde leeff hoc modo dur Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 69 Itm an Antifoner begynnyng in the secounde leeffe memorie que pcedit Itm a nother Antifoner begynnyng in the Secownd leeffe Allia hee ant' dicatur Itm a nother antyfory that begynnyng in the thyrd leeffe Campanis more selito =6. Itm an olde antyjmoner that begynneth in the Secunde leeffe paries quidem filii j. mashokes Itm v masbokes of the whiche oon begynneth in the Secunde leeff Et in Ramys palmar Itm a nother in the Secunde leeff, Et finiat' hoc modo hitaculo Itm a nother in the Secunde leeff, Te pater Supplices Itm a nother in the Secunde leeffe factoribz istius loci Itm a nother in the Secunde leffe Reprimis qz inimici iiij Grayies Itm oon begynneth in the Secunde leeff P totu aduentu ?7- Graiies Itm a nother in the Secunde leeff Cumque dicat' missa Itm a nother in the Secunde leeffe In diebz illis Itm the iiij* begynneth in the Secunde leeff Spontanea gra vpsessio- Itm v Pressessionaries of the whiche oon begynneth in the ijde leeffe. naries -r r j Infande Itm in a nother in the Secunde leeff begynneth Eradicare Itm in a nother in the Secunde leeff begynneth Propicius inuo- cacoibz Itm in a nother in the Secunde leeff begynneth Oem potestatem Itm in a nother in the Secunde leeff begynneth Paupu Suof 28. Maneweis Itm ij manewelles oon begynnyng, in the Secunde leeff Inimici et ipm, Another begynneth in the Secunde leeff mundi Sprus iegende& Itm ij bokes on called a legende and a nother called a Temj3all oon tempaii begynnyng in the Secunde leeff Cecitatem quanda And the other in the Secunde leeff begynneth In qua? immaculatus Portewos Itm ij Portewos oon begynnyng in the Secunde leeff dei credimus and the other with Brigitts legent begynnyng in the Secunde leeff Ipo die et cotidie IBokes of Itm A lectonarie w' a martelage therin begynnyng in the Secunde diuers Sortis . q. -p, , , - leeff Relacio p ui Itm a Colectori in the Secunde leeff begynnyng Sibi in noB etc' 29. Ymner Itm an ymner and a Sequencer noted bothe in oon boke begynnyng in the Secunde leffe Carnem qui viuis >rdinau Itm an Ordinall begynnyng in the Secunde leeff festum Sci marcij Queyris Itm ij Queyres oon of Corpus Cristi with legende therin The of Seynt Cristofer yk songe Itm a Pryk Songe boke of paper Royall with dyuers masses therin boke begynnyng in the first lyne of the Secunde leffe Ne filii vni myter Itm a miter for a Bisshop of the lord Pyggs* gifte of whyt damaske with marie and Gabriell & petyr & poule theron of golde ymags and a Case of leder therto & a Croyser staffe hed gilte therto 30. restrari Itm on the Est Side and on the west side in the vestrane beth on iche an Alter joyned and vndre theme they be full of Closetts to ley Jnne vestments and Surplecys that beth daily occupied to kepe them clene and closse * Perhaps the gift of John Peche, Lord Mayor of London, 1361, or his pre decessor Henry Pycard, 1356. Itm ther Stondeth the xxvj daie of marche A0 88 in the Churche yarde a deske ioyned of Estryche burde with an Almery and ij durres and iiij paire of Stronge garnetts and a lok therto Itm ther beth the Same daie in the Store hows xix Imags of Tymbre olde ymaSs and an Image of oure lady in a Tabernacle of Tymbre with many Aungellis therabought Itm in the Churche yarde ther beth iij longe ladders lokked in a ladders Cheyne oon of xxxj staues and a nother of xxv anoth' xxiiij Itm ther be in the Rode loft a paire of Orgons with the ij peire Orgons blewers the Orgons closse to be shitte w' clos leffes Itm ther beth vj Judas Staves for Torches peynted havyng iche a Judas staves Castell gilded to set Inne Torchetts to bere with the Sacrement on Corpus Cristy daye & other tymes Itm ther be ij letterns of tre Stondyng in the Quere lettemes Itm ther is a Standyng letterne of yron, and ij Stondyng letterns of tre in the Rode lofte, and a grete deske lettarne for the grete boke, and ij smaller deske lettarnes for the quere and iij letternes of tre for the iij alters Itm ther be xij Tables in the Churche the xxvj daie of the moneth Tables in the of marche A0 88 of the whiche is oon of the x comaundements, churche A nother hangyng vndre oure lady of Pitie with dyuers good prayers of oure lady and the Sauter of Charite, And a nother of Seynt Gregories pitie of James Wellis gifte, A nother of Seynt Erasynus, A nother of Seynt kateryne of dyuers good prayers, A nother of Seynt Anne, A nother of Seynt Jamys, and iij of Seynt Cristofre, and ij of Seynt Sebestian Itm a Sensers of laton and a Ship of laton therto for thensense and a fire Shofell of yron for to sette with ffire to Sense with Itm ther longeth to the Churche the same xxvj daie of marche A0 88 a Crowe of yron a whele barowe a Shofull and a matok Itm ther beth longyng to the Churche ij Carpetts a more and a lesse Carpetts of the whiche the more longeth for the high Aulter and the lesse to the Trynyte Aulter Itm ther beth longyng to the Churche the xxvj daie of march A0 Dni vij Chestis m1 cccclxxxviij vij Chestis and a forcer of the which Stonde in the vestrarie iij therof oon is plated all ouer with platis and bondes of yron to kepe in the Juellis, A nother that is playne Chest boundyn with bandis of Iron to put in necessaries, Another litell Chest to put Inne evidencs and ther is a Stronge bownden fforcer with evidence, And in the Rode loft is a grete Shipchest, And in the body of the Churche stond ij longe smale Chestis, And in the Churche yarde Stondeth a longe deske Chest for Torches Itm in the vestrarie Stondeth on the North Side a grete closet in ye wherin beth certayne fframes to hange on Copes And in the vestrarv Same beth c'tayne Smale Closetts with lokkys and keyes to Shit Inne the Clerks chargs that beth daily occupied Itm on the South side of the vestrarie Standeth a grete library with ij longe lecturnalles theron to ley on the bokes Hoc Inuentar' q' in p'dcis xxxiii/ ffolijs exhibit' erat coram me Jotine Calipolen epo Arctmo london p'mo die mesis ffebruarij Anno dni m quigentesimo xviij"! + Jo Calipolen f This is a later addition to the older list, and was probably made on the occa sion of an Archidiaconal visitation at the time when the addition of the things given by Sir Roger Acheley was made. Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. Memorandum these beth the Specialteis that I RoBt Eyryk delyuered vnto master Croke and John Jacoby the Churche Wardens as apperith by a bille delyuered to me by master Croke the xxvj daie of marche A0 dni m1 cccc0 lxxx viij0 In primis iij endentures of leses of the whiche oon was of the leese of the vernacle with the tenauntry therby to William Browne for the t'me of xx yerys, begynnyng at midsomer A0 88 by Coue- naunte to paie yerely to the Churche iij li xiij s iiij d clere he to bere all maner chargs and repacions therof Itm a nother of the Cok and Sterre leten to George Venables for xij yeris after iij li xiij s iiij d by yere begynnyng at midsomer A° dni m1 cccc" lxxxv Itm the iijde of the Aungell in ffletestrete with the ij tenntries therby leten to John Cok for the terme of 1 yeris begynnyng at Criste- mas A0 dni m'cccc°lxxxvij to paie yerely to the churche iij li x s and bere all maner repacions of the houses & vessellys Itm v obligacions therynne bownden John Wanton and Thomas Wayte in the Sm of viij li vj s viij d wherof is paied as apperith vppon the bak of oon of the obligacions xiij s. iiij d Rest The lyueiode Memorandum these bethe the pcellis of lyuelode pteynyng to Seynte Cristoferes Churche Showyng at the xxvj daye of marche A0 88 howe they stonde leten Nerford Furst the house that John Jacoby holdeth and dwellith Jnne payeng by yere vj" and the tenements next hit on the west side payeng by yere xl s that is vacant from oure lady daie in lente last passed vnto midsomer. And the tenement next on the est side that John a Ridis holdith for xxvj s viij d by yere the whiche grete house and the ij tenements beth letyn vnto John Jacoby by endenture for t'me of his liff & a yere after payng for theyme yerely ixti vjs viijd. The whiche lyvelode is of the gifte of my lady Nerford,* for the whiche the Churche wardens beth bounden by her testament longynge to the Churche Length 46 foot Inches 6 bredth lxiij foot Inches vj A trew Coppie of the length & bredth of that pte of the Royall Exchaunge both w*out on the streat side & also w"'in the Ex- chaunge as the same was measured before ye exchaunge was builded & as is now Recorded in Chamber of London to be Cituat & lying w*in the prish of St xpofers by y" Stocks & registred this xxiiij'1' of June 1590 The length of the soyle of the prish of St xpofers on the streat syde of Cornehill ffrom the late new allye gate on the Easte pte vnto the howse late Jaques on the west pt Conteyneth — xlvj foote — vj Inches of Assise The bredth of the same streete on the South pte wherin on Scother dwelt & the ground late of Christe Churche in Caunterbury on the North rite Conteyneth — Lxxiij foote — vj Inches of Assise p me Johne Thorp Rectore 1 Ecctie Sti xpoferi p le stocks J Memorandu y' ye j3son & churchewardens the 2d of Julye 1590 dyd fynde an old date in yc north glasse wyndowe in the vestry howse of ye prysh churche of St xpofers in pieces of glasse disseuered bearing yc date of 1462 & because ye same was * Lady Margaret Nerford was a cousin of the rector of St. Christopher's in the year 1417, in the reign of King Henry V. ; she lived in the Parish and gave bequests to it and to other Parishes in the city. She was buried in St. Christo pher's, and a copy of her will, which is very curious, is among the Records. was a friend of Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham. She broken in sondry pieces we the pson & Churchwardens ioyning each piece together haue found the date afore seyde haue therefore subscribed ou' hands & names as aboueseyd p me Johne Thorp in Artibus Mgru et Ecctie Sti xpoferi Rectore Memorandu these beth the articles concluded at A vestry yc vj day uS a. of Janyver in anno 1507 ffurste it was agreed & fully concluded by yc psun by ye alderman and by y° pisshens of Seynt xpofers pisshe that for certen cawses and consideracions, in thextchewyng of suche p'els as hath happed to be w' ynne the cherche yerde, And as myght happe to be in tyme to com to the cherche, & vnto them y' beth dwellyng wynne ye cherche yerde and other, that ther shalbe set a sewer lok vppon y" weket of the alle gate of y" cherche yerd, that shalbe bothe w' a spryng & a stok lok in on stok the whiche weket shalnot be shytte w' ye stok lokke from myhelmas vnto candilmas before y' ye clarke of this cherche hath Rongun curfew after viij of the clok, noder from candilmas vnto myhelmas before ye owre of ix of ye clok at nyte, but oonly w' ye spryng lok, vnto ye whiche spryng lok every inhabitant dwellyg w'ynne ye gate may have a key, to have his fre comyng ynne & goyng owte, before & vnto the seid owres & not after exsepte for a resonable cawse, and y' to ye stok lok ij keyes to be made whiche shall open bothe the spryng & yc stok lok, & therof the on key to be in ye kepyng of ye p'sun of this cherche or of his debyte dwellyng w'ynne the cherch yerd, And ye other key to be in ye kepyng of yc pisshe clarke dwellyng w'owte ye gate, w' ye whiche key he to have his goynge ynne & his comyng owte at all nedefull tymes, And to shyt ye seyd stok lok at the seyd owres Itm that ye chaplyn or chawntry prest y' shall serve & syng in owre cherche for John Whateler & suche as bethe expressed in his wille & testament, and to have ye mancion appteynyng thervnto shalnot from hensefurth grawnt noder lete that marisyon nor no chamber nor parte therof vnto no strawnger nor prest w'owte ye willes & y" consents of the psun and the wardens of this cherche Itm it is concluded the day aboveseid that owre lady masse shall be done solemply by note in owre cherche by owre prests & clarkes every saterday in the yere beyng werkeday exsepte in the lente seson, And that iche and every on of owre prests chapelyns and owre pisshe clerke or pisshe clerkys shalbe attendaunt and helpyg vnto the same dewly and w'oute faylyng & at ye begynyng therof exsept a Resonable cawse be ther lettyng, provided alwey so y' ther be in nomber iiij prests oder chawntry prests or sell prests servyng in this cherche, & on joisshe clerke to be attendaunt & helpyng vnto y° same Itm that every werkeday in the lent seson the hye masse the even- "5 °- songe shalbe done in this cherche by note And ye coplyn in lyke wyse at ye after none by owre seid chapelyns prests & clerks, and that everyon of them to be attendawnt & helpyng thervnto day & dewly to be at y" begynyng & ye endyng exsept that a Resonable cavse be ther lettyng therfrom. Itm that the antem or salve shalbe done dayle by owre chaplyns prestis & dark or clarks and that every on & iche of them to be attendant & helpyng therto dayle exsepte that a Resonable cavse be ther lettyng ther from. Minutes of the. Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 71 Itm that the morow masse be kepte & done in this cherche dayle fro myhelmas vnto owre lady day thannociacon before ye owre of vij of ye clok and fro owre seid lady day vnto myhelmas before the owre of vj of ye clok, and y' it shalbe kepte & done by owre seid prests & chapelyns by covrse and yl that preste y' seith it shall have that weke that iij pence of ye yefte of benet harlwy and he to sey therfore acordyng to the will & so to iche of the Itm that non of owre chaplyns shall go vnto eny trental or place and leve this cherche but dewly to kepe this cherche & herynne to sey ther masse & pray for ther benefactors and fownders dayle exsepte a lawfull cawse be ther lett and els to be Rebated acordyng Itm that owre seid chapelyns prestis shalnot on the werke dayes go to ther masse too at ones exsepte for a lawfull cawse shewed vnto the p'sun or vnto his debyte, and by them admytted but that they shall disspose them among themselfe that they go to ther masses immediatly the on after the other, so that betwene the morowmasse and the hye masse ther masses may be done in gud order to the plesure of god, & to the consolacion ofthe pepull that shall come therto, And y' the clarke shall leyfurth to them every werke day ij masse bokes ij chalesses ij awbes & on chesebull exsepte that he be otherwyse comanded by y" p'sun or by his debyte & the cherche wardens. • Itm to that entent and for that these forseyd Articles shalbe ferme and stable holde & contenewe from hensefurth w'oute eny varyaunce or contradixion of any of the seid psones, or other herafter we y* psun the alderman and the pisshens before seyd have subscribed owre names hervnder w' owre owne handes the yere and the day beforeseyde Memorand that the xj day of December in the yere of our lord god m1 vc xxiiij and in the xvj yere of the Raigne of King Henry the viij* There was assembled in this vestry m' Richard Reynolds mr John pnell henry Walter Willam Hertwell Willam Seintpier Thomas fflude John pierson John Bulkeley peter pson George Wyng laurence Solly Robert Johnson Richard kytwythe John Horspole xpofre Bowlyng Willam Sprynget Willam macham Willam hardwyke Jamys Turner henry Johnson Robert White- churche and Richard Romsey, and than and there by the hole voyce and comon assent of all the aforenamed psones being in nombre xxij" psones of the moost substanciall and honest psones of the parisshe It was condiscended and agreed for a ppetuall quyetnes to be had among all the pisshens. That the clerks wags shuld be sessed by the pyews bothe yn the chapels and in the body of the churche Wherevpon by all their hole assent were than and there chosen for Sessours of the same Pyews henry Walter Willam hertwell Thomas fflude John Bulkeley Peter pson George Wyng Robert Johnson John horspole William Sprynget and Willam hardwyke to sesse eu'y piew seu'ally at a certain sma as they be in order yndifferently after their dis- crestions And moreou' that the same sessours at their assemble for the said sessyng shuld appoynte to sit in eu'y piew of the piews of the said churche suche psones as by their discrestions shuld be thought most couenient aswell men to the piews ordeyned for men as the Women to the piews ordeyned for Women And yf any psone be rebell so that he will not syt or pay according as he is now appointed by the same sessours, or as herafter he shalbe appoynted by the churchward eyns than being, that than the churchwardeins shall furst shew his Rebellyon to the parisshens in the vestry Where yf he Will not be reformed by the furst monycon gyuen vnto hym openly in the vestry by the pisshens there assembled Orells if he refuse to come afore the pisshens there assembled when he is warned by the church wardeins That than the churche wardeins for that tyme being shall complayne of hym that so rebellith vnto the ordynary there to sue hym at the church costys vntill suche tyme as he be reduced vnto a good order and hath paid bothe the costys of the sute and the chargs that he owith vnto the church Prouyded alway that the order that the aforenamed psonys now being sessours haue takyn in sessyng and appoyntyng of the pisshens in the piews be nother in all or any pcell therof revoked aduychilat or broken in tyme comyng except it be done by viij sessours and the ij churchwardens thervnto elect chosen and appoynted openly in the vestry by xxij psones in nomB of the moost substanciall and honest psones of the pish withoute contradiccon or any agaynsaying of any psone of the said nombre that than shalbe p'sent but that they than be as hole and fully agreed vnto the breking of this order as the xxij pisshens aforenamed Were vnto the making of this order, all the which were con- sentyng to the making heroff and no psone of the said nomB of xxij abouereherced said nay but all were agreeabill therto and to the Writing hereoff. Hereafter ensueth the Sessyng of the pyews in the ij Chapells that is to say in the Chappell of the blessed Trynyte and our lady and in the Chappell of oure lady and saint Anne and of the pyews in the body of the church and the appoyntment of the same pyews which is formest and furst in order which ijde and whiche iijde soo descending frome the highest piew vnto the lowest in the churche Where any housholder or their wyves haue vsed in tymes past to syt sessed and appoynted by the sessours aboue- named In witnes whereoff the same sessours haue vndernethe a Rolle conteynyng all the sessyng and appoyntyng of the said pyews seu'ally sette their namys the day and yere aboue writen The pyews in the chappell of the 1 blissed Trinite and our lady J The furst and formest piew ys in the Trinite chapell before | ..s ....d our lady for oon man alone to pay a quarter ... ... j The iijde piew ys the formest piew before the Trynite for ij ) ..d fisones eche of them to pay a quarter xxijd ... ... / The v"1 piew is the ijde piew before our lady for ij psons eche of them to pay a quarter xvjd The vij* piew is the second piew before the Trynyte for ij 1 ..d psones eche of them to jjay a quarter xijd ... ... J The ix* piew in ordre is the iijde piew before our lady for ij jjsones eche of them to pay a quarter xd The xj* piew in order is the iijde piew before the trinite for } ...d too psons to pay a quart' viijd ... ... ... ... j The xiij* piew in order is the iiij* piew before o' lady for ij ) .d psones eche of theym to pay a quart' vjd ... ••¦ J The xv* piew in order is the iiij* piewe before ye trenyte i ....d our lady for iij psonys ech of thern to pay a quart' iiijd j The pyews in the chappell of our lady and saint Anne The ijde piew in order is the formest piew before saint Anne ) ..s for ij psones ech of them to pay a quart' ijs ... ¦¦¦ I 117 b. XVJU 72 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. The fourth piew in order is the formest piew before o' lady for ij psones eche of them to pay a quart' xxd The vj piew in order is the second pewe before saint Anne for ij psones eche of theym to pay a quarter xiijd The viij piew in order is the second piew before our lady for ij psones eche of theym to pay a quarter xjd The x* piew in order is the iijde piew before saint Anne for ij psonys eche of theym to pay a quarter ixd The xij* piew in ordre is the iijde piew before or lady for ij psones eche of theym to pay a quarter vijd - The xiiij* piew in order is the iiij* piew before saint Anne for iij psones eche of theym to pay a quarter vd The xvj* piew in order is the iiij"1 pew before our lady for ij psones eche of them to pay a quart' iiijd us b. The pyews in the body of the churche The South side lxxd I xiijd }xjd lixd }vijd lvd }iiijd saint ) arf jjd / 'J The litill piew on the southside of the church vnder saint Gregoryes petre ij psones ech of them to pay a qa) The litill piew in the body of the church on the southside ) ..a of saint Gregories petre for oon psone to pay a quart' ijd j The long piew on the southside for v psones eche of theym ) ..d to pay a quarter ijd ... ... ... ... ... j , The pyews in the body of the churche for women of the parisshe The iijde pew is the formest piew on the south side The v* piew in order is the ijde piew on the south side The vij* piew in order is the iijde piew on the south side The ix* piew in order is the iiij* piew on the south side The xj* piew in order is the v* piew on the south side The xiij* piew in order is the vj piew on the south side The xv"1 piew in order is the vij"1 piew on the south side The xvj piew in order is the viij piew on the south side The xvij piew in ordre is the ix* piew on the south side The North side The litill piew in the body of the church vnder the pulpet ) ..d for oon psone to pay a quarter ijd ... ... ... ) The litill piew on the northside of the pulpet for oon psone to pay a quarter ijd The long piew on the northside for iiij psones eche of theym to pay a quarter ijd The piewe for women The furst and formest piew in the body of the churche for the women is the piew next on the north side to the table of Jhus The ijde piew is on the north side next pew before the shryving lious The iiij* piew is the formest piew on the North side The vj piew in order is the second piew on the north side The viij piew in order is the iijde piew on the North side The x* piew in order is the iiij"1 piew on the north side The xij* piew in order is the v* piew on the North side The xiiij* piew in order is the vj piew on the North side. ijd Memorandum the xviij* daye of december in The yere of our Lorde uoa. god mH vc xlvj it was agreyd by the worshipfull of the peryshens of this perryshe of saynt Christoffers assembled in a vestrie. That wheare as oon ffraunces Merye hath ben putto great Costes and Charges in the reparing of a certen Tenement wherin the same ffraunces nowe dwellethe, being in this perryshe of saynt Chris toffers and belonging to the same Churche. In Consideracon whereof Thaforsaide whorshipfull peryshens withe oon Comen voise and consent haue condiscended and agreed that John Dogget nowe Churche warden of this saide Churche shall delyver and paye vnto the aforsaide ffraunces or his assignes Towardes his saide Charges at the Daye of the Delyvering vppe of his Accompte fyve Markes sterlinges of suche money as the saide John Dogget receyved of the rentes and profetes of the saide Churche. And farther that the same ffraunces nor his Assignes shall paye no rent vnto the saide John Dogget nowe Church warden nor his Assignes for this pfite yere of A m* vc xlvj for his said dwelling howse, nor vnto his Successors Churche wardens nor thier Assignes vnto the tyme of iiij yeres then next ensuing be fully complet and ended which shalbe at the feast of the Nativite of or Lorde in the yere of or Lorde god A m" vc xlix And frome Thensforthe to paye his saide rent as afore tyme ' hathe been Accostomed. The Second daye of Maye 1561. And in the 123a. Thirde yere of the Reign of o1 sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god quene of england ffraunce and Ireland Defender of the faythe etc. Hereafter ensuithe a note of suche goods and ornaments as were in the churche of Saynt xpofer at the stocks in London at the tyme of the enteraunce of John Jakes into the churche- wardenshippe, p'vsed in the presence of Thomas Laurence wyttm wyngat Richard Meryt and Thomas Curtys prissheners of the same prisshe, And lefte in the custody of John Mynte Sexton then of the same churche viz. In primis a table clothe for the commynon table of nettell clothe and two towells of the lyk clothe Item one playne table clothe and two playne towells. Item one olde table clothe of dyaper Item a vestment w' two tunicolls of clothe of golde, pte broken and ript Item a red vestment of satten of brudges broken in peces Item a cope of blew velvet w' fflowers of golde. Item a hersse clothe of clothe of golde pte & olde velvet Item an olde hersse clothe of olde sore worne silk Item thre table clothes narrowe one of velvet, tawney, another of fustyan a napes, and one of red velvet Item a pvlpit clothe of red damaske w' flowers of golde Item an olde turque carpet Item vij olde broken surpleses. Item a wrytinge Indented vpon John Younge m'cer for certayne money due longe past the some of iij11 vjs viijd Item a Desk of latten w' a fawken Item a communyon cuppe of sylver and gilte weinge xij ouncs & half a quarter Item certayne peces of latten taken of graves Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 73 I23 b. Note that the xv daye of Maye 1561 there was chosen six of the prissheners, that is to saye M' Becher, M' fforman, M' Laurence, M' Basford, M' Whithed- & M' Banester, to cease w' the churche- wardeyns those that ar not cest for the clarcks wages, aswell in the new pewes as other, And those six to take jarder for the sale of suche things as myght well be soide of the churche goods, and all other matters nedefull to be done from yere to yere those six or other in their steads to be chosen to take order therein The names of those po' folkes of the prisshe as ar appoynted to haue vjd a weke out of the money geuen to the po' BauneHenley Carlell Hillton Collectors for the poore John Younge Richard Merryet »4»- A ceasment made for the Clarcks wages the v* daye of June 1561 by Harry Becher, George fforman, Thomas Banester, Thomas Laurence, John Jakes, Thomas Basford, John Whytehed, and John Overton, and this rate to stond vntill consent of the prisshe by a vestry it be altered, and is quarterly xls xd Sir Willm Garret 1 might James Bentley _ijd and Alderman . . ... iijs iiijd Thomas Laurence viijd Thomas Wylkes viijd John Baker iijd willyam CoUe . ... iiijd Richard Meryt vjd Edward Sotherik .. . ... xijd Thomas Basford [124 t>.] viijd Thomas Monds . ... iiijd Adam Worm all ... vjd Robert ffox . ... ijd Stephen Barrowe vjd Thomas Brayfelde .. . ... ijd John Whytehed viijd John Hawkins . ... jd John Overton vd Willyam Tompson . . . ... jd George fforman xviij d wittm Yerryngeton iiijd John Barrow xvjd Christofer Goodrik and John Barrow xiiij d his ptefi . ... xxd Willyam heckmans plumer viijd John Cery • - ./ Misteres Thorowgood ... iiijd Misteres Casse wydo we ... iiijd Robert Home xiiij d Thomas Beson . ... jd Willyam Thorowgood ... iiijd Richard Howson .. . ... jd John Smithe vjd Thomas Curtys ' - ..jd Willyam wyngat xijd Wittm Weldon . . . xviijd John Younge viijd John Whyte . ... xxd Thomas Bannester xviij*3 John Kelk . ... vjd Gyles Evenyt viijd Harry Bechar xxijd Misteres Saterley iiijd Thomas Lancaster -.. ..ijd Misteres Person xd Misteres Compagny ... iijsiiijd Thomas Raynam ijd Thomas Garret . . . . iiijd Thomas Curtys iiij*1 Robert Holfourthe ... ijd John Jakes xvjcl Robert Thorneton .. • ... iijd Willyam Poole iijd John Egilsfelde . ... ijd Richard Rusheall xd Thomas Adams . ... vjd Anthony Whyte xvjd Adam Whetley . ... vjd Misteres Jakes Wydowe vjd Some quarte dy — xls xd It was determyned the same v* daye of Juni" 1561 that the foure keys of the po1 mens box sholde remayne in the custody of theis psons followinge that is to saye M1 Becher one key The Parson a nother M' fforman a nother The churche wardeyns a nother ' Also ijd o15 is to be gathered euery sundaye by the Sexton wch was wont to serve for holy breade, And nowe to serve for wyne for the comunyon table, And if any overplus be left then the same to be geuen to the po1 of the prisshe. then An Inventory of Goods and Ornaments belonging to the Church and Parrish of S' Christophers London saved and p'served at and after the Burning of the said Church by the dismall ffire happening in London in September 1666 Robert Watkins and Peter Ayleworth Churchwardens Imprimis Old Burn'd Brasse belonging to large Branch and Gravestones Course Burn'd Bell Mettle ... ... ... iiij One Bell broken and burn'd mixt with Iron \ Lead and Stones ... ... ... ... } One great whole Bell Weighing Copper belonging to S' Peter Lameeres Mon- nument Out of which a deaths Head left in the ¦> ) a ) »] oj XV11J oj xxij v nj xij ix — ij lxxx viij Custody of Mr Robert Watkins of the same > Mettle weighing ... ... ... ... j — xij Sonld by Mr Horsey pt of it, ye rest pte dd to mr Kerington sould by mr Horsey & accountedfor by him for 24. 14. 7d Hanged in ye steeple These are affixed to the Church Wall Near the Vestry Dooar Goods preserved by William Bate Clerke of the said Parrish as followeth One Box with a small brasse Branch ffower brasse Candlesticks Three Trenches Two Old Service Bookes Six Tinn Sconces One other Box with a Master of Arts hood One Communion Cloth Two Surplices One Velvet Carpet w* Gold and Silke ffringe One Velvet Pulpitt Cloth w* Gold & silke ffringe Two Pulpett Cushions one of them Velvet One Black Cloth for a Hearse One Greene Cloth Carpet ffower Pewter Basons One Old Carpett Three Service Bookes One Booke of Homilies One Booke of Cannons Severall small service Bookes for p'ticuler Occasions One Church Bible One large Bible One Booke against Popish Errors One Booke of Peter Martirs Cone. Plases Two Bookes of Erasmus Comentaryes on the new Testament Three Vollums of the Booke of Martirs 127 b. Lost ' Not found smce Mr Horsey's time of being Church warden The Guift of Mr George Goodday •4 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. wai Iron remains in the hands of M i- Thomas Hooton In ye Churchwardenshands Iron &>Lead nbor-r.\d nistliarrd The Guift of Mr Gilbert Morewood The Guift of Mr Thomas Westrow Register Bookes ffower Tables that hang'd in the Vestry concerning the Parrish Lands Church dutyes and other Matters Six large Iron Casements weighing One large Curtaine Rodd weighing 128 b. Lead ... One large Iron Casement weighing Plate for ye t One Silver fiiagon weighing . . . One Bason weighing I One Plate weighing ... One fiiagon weighing One other fflagon weighing . . . One Silver and Gilt Cupp and Cover One other Gilt Cupp and Cover weighing One silver and Gilt Salver the Gift of Madam Jane Bainbrigg relict of Wm Bainbrigg Esq. 1 69 1 Bookes of Parrish acc°: &c One Booke of Records One Booke of Assessmts for the Poore and Scavenger One Old Booke of Churchwardens Ace": One new Booke of Churchwardens Acc° One Vestry Booke One Old Chest bought since the ffire e qr li ... — — lxxviij ... — — xix Tunns € qr li x ij iij vj — — — xxxix Comunion oz d. gr. xliiij V xxij viij xiiij — 1 j i wanting id waite Iij* oj ;r ... xxvj xij xij ighing .. xxvij ov — 138 b. Conveyance from Mayor Cominalty & Cittizens of London granted to the Trustees of S' Christo phers Parish on the behalfe of the same Parish of a Slipp of Ground Added to the Front of the Houses in Fleete Streete This Indenture made the Eight and Twentieth day of November in the Three and Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King defender of the ffaith etc Betweene the Mayor Colalty and Cittizens ofthe Citty of London on the One part And Richard Booth Esq' John Hubland Merch' William Allen Vphold' Nathaniell Brooke Stacdner Peter Ayleworth Grocer William Horsey Cordwayner Robert Kerrington Merchanttaylor John Elliott Leatherseller Thomas Kemble Draper Edward Buckerfeild Leatherseller Edward God man Merchanttaylor Jos. ffrancklin Plumer Thomas Russell HaBdasher Samuel Powell Grocer Henry Lascoe & ffra Lucy Grocers Parishioners of the Parish of S' Christophers London Trustees for and on the behalfe of the said Parish on the other pte Witnesseth that the said Mayor Coialty and Cittizens for and in Consideracon of the Sume of Twenty Three pounds Six shillings of Lawfull money of England to them paid the Receipt whereof they doe hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every pte and parcell thereof doe acquite and discharge the said Parishioners their heires and Assignes Have granted bargained sold released and confirmed And by these p'sents doe grant bargaine sell release and confirme vnto the said Richard Booth John Houblon William Allen Nathaniell Brooke Peter Ayle worth William Horsey Rob' Kerington John Elliott Tho Kemble Edw: Buckerfeild Edw Godman Jos ffranklin Tho Russell Sam Powell Henry Lascoe and ffrancis Lucy All that their late Wast and Comon Ground or Soyle now taken laid or added vnto Two new built Messuages or Tenements belonging to the said Parish scituate and being in the Parish of S' Dunstans in the West on the north side of the same Streete in the severall Tenures of William Smith and John Sharpe and lying in the ffront or fibre pte of the said Tenemts next the said Streete Conteyning in Length from East to West Ninety Three foote ffive inches of Assize little more or Lesse and from North to South ffower ffoote of Assize or thereabouts at one End and Three ffoote at thother End And all thestate right title Interest Clayme and demande whatsoever of them the said Mayor Coialty and Cittizens of in and to the same ground To have and to hold the said late wast and Comon ground or soyle herein before menconed and intended to be hereby given and granted and every parte and parcell thereof vnto the said J39 = Parishioners their heires and Assignes to th' onely proper vse and behoofe of them and their heires for ever And the said Mayor Coialty and Cittizens for them and their Successors the said late Wast and Comon ground or soyle and every pte and pcell thereof vnto the said Parishioners and their heires against them the said Mayor Coialty and Cittizens and their Successors and against all and every other pson and psons whatsoever lawfully Clayming or which shall or may lawfully Clayme by from or vnder them shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these p'sents In witnes whereof the said Mayor Coialty and Cittizens to these p'sents their Comon Seale haue caused to be affixed the day and yeare above written Primo die Januarii Anno Primo Regni Regis Edwardi Sexti 139 t>- ' A breefe declaracon made by vs S' Roger Cholmeley Knight Cheefe Baron of the Kings Ma'les Exchequer, Nicholas Hare, Wymounde Care we and John Godsalue Knights, Richard Goodricke, John Car- rell, Richard Morrison and Hewe Losse Esquiers Comissioners of our Soveraigne Lord the King, within the Citty of Lon don, and the County of Middelsex, As signed for thexecution of an Acte made in the first yeare of his Highnes Reigne, Concerning Colledges, ffree chappells, Chaunteries, ffraternities, Gildes, Brother- That is heddes and other Lands whatsoever, geven for or towardes the findinge of anny to say Preestes, Obits, Leightes or Lampes and such other like those, as in the Kinges Commission vnto vs directed in that be halfe more plainely appeareth declaring as well the trew valew of all such Col ledges, ffree chappells, Chaunteries, flra ternities Brotherheddes, Gildes and such other, with thyerelie Repriss and Annuall deduccons goinge out of them as also of all suche Somes of Money comeinge and growinge to the Kinges saied Maiestie by reason of the forenamed Acte of Parliament, as hereafter more plainely may appeare The Cytye of London and the County of Middelsexe Minutes of the Vestry Meetings qf St. Christopher Le Stocks. 75 The poche " The Citie of "1 of Seint London j xpofer at Stocks Sciz' ' Benedict Harlewyn by his ' Testament gave vnto the Parson and Churchewardens for a Priest to pray for . , his Soule, and an obite 1 V1 < to bee kepte, and for the helpe and of the poore, Lands and rentes of the yerelie . value of ' To the Kinges 1 Cxiijs iiijd whereof Mayestie in quit rent > xxvjs viijd To the drapers 1 ...„....,, , , f ujs nij'1 for the poore j In Expences at thedite And then re maineth Clere j- xnjs mj > xliijs iiijd lxxs This is a true Copie, and Examined in the Augmentacon Office at Westminster Pochias Sci Dunstan in Occident' scittt in Rep'ss Pcellz terrarum fundat' in Ecclia Sci xpoferi london ffirma omiu illoru triu Tentor' cum Shopis Cellar, Solar, Atreis, structur, edific' vac' terris dimiss Thome Witton p Indenturam dat' iij"0 die ffebruarij Anno Regni R. Henr. octavi xxxv* viz. A ffesto Annunciacois Bte Marie Virginis proxim sequen post dat' diet' Indentur' pro term! lxta Annor' extunc pxim' sequen' et plenar Complend' Repaconibus in omihz et p omia ad omi . . dei firmar' durant' termiii p'dict' Et p eandem Indentur' Conuent' est quod diet' dns Rex. Acquietabit diet' fiirmariu' de omibz feod' et quiet' Reddit' de prdict Tent exeunt' durant' terml p'dict' Reddend inde ad quatuor Anni terminos in Civitate London venales p Annu Quodam quit Reddit' exeunt' de Tento prdict' solut' dni Regi in iure nup prioratus sci Bafthei in West-smyth felde London Quodam at quiet Reddit' solut' Mister } .. Cxiijs iiijd xxiij5 iiijd Extinguit1 de lez Drapers p Annu nj iiijd Alloc' > xxxuj mj sun p Annu Et valet Clare p Annu Quodam al' quiet' Redd exeunt' de \ Tento p'dict' solut' dni Regi in Sccum >iijs iiijd Extinguit' iiij" iijs iiij*1 Cxs Cxs n ij viij1' Memorandu those Tents were given by Benedicte Harlewyn towards the finding of Preists, and to keepe an obite for his Sole for ever p me Hugonem Losse The clere yearelie value of the p'misses s-Which rated at xvj yeres pur chase Amounteth to To bee paid in hand The kinges Maiestie to discharge the Purchaser of all incum brances excepte Leases and the Covenants of the same, and the rent before allowed. The tenure in Socage or free Burgage The Purchaser to have th'issues from Easter last M° p Thomam Goueld Wa: Mildmay Robt Keylwey xvj'° die Junii Anno Secundo Regs Edfi vj" pro Johne Crooke de Chilton in Com' Bucks Armig' Memorandu That I John Croke of Chilton in the County of Bucks Esquier, doe require to Purchase of the Kings Highnes by virtue of his Graces Commission of Sale the Lands Tenements and hereditaments Conteyned and specified in the particulers and Rate herevnto annexed, being of such clere yerelie value as in the same particulers and rate is expressed. In witnes whereof to this Bill subscribed with my hand I have put my Seale the xvj* day of June in the Second yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Edward the Sixth by the grace of God King of England ffrance and Ireland Defender of the ffaith, and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in Earth the Supreme Hedde p me J. Croke This is a true Coppie and Examined in the Augmentacon Office at Westm'ster 76 Minutes qf the Vestry Meetings of St. Christopher Le Stocks. 147 b. The Parish of S' Christophers London 1681 An Assessement made within the said Parish of Money to bee paid yearely by Quarterly Payments in Liew of Tythes to the Parson of the said Parish for the time being over and above the Glebe Perquisites Guifts and Bequests According to an Act of Parliament Intituled an Act for the better Settlement of the Mainteinance of the Parsons Viccars and Curates in the Parishes of the Citty of London Burnt by the late dreadfull ffire there diverse Appeales haveing been made to and heard and determined by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen According to the direccon of the said Act. Beginning at the West Corner of Princes Streete neer to the Poultrey. No 1 ffrancis Lucy 2 Silvester Deane . . . 3 Griffith Vincent . . . 4 Samuell Bennett ... 5 John Hemingway 6 Nicholas Skinner 7 Richard Booth Esq' 8 David Heywood ... 9 Thomas Scott 10 Elizabeth Davis ... 11 Joseph Lem 12 John Clare 13 William Barker ... 14 James Cornwall ... 15 Michaell Dewing 16 Robert Adams 17 John Grove 18 Thomas Rea 19 Constable Wheeler 20 Richard Lightwood Thredneedle Streete North side 21 Nicholas Day 2 2 Mary Croxton Three Nunn Alley 23 William Blunt 24 John Williams 25 Robert Crosse 26 John Elleott 27 Anne Clarke 28 William Dalton ... 29 Jonathan Platte ... 30 Richard Marchant 31 Robert Todd 32 Thomas Manton .. . Church Alley next the Church doore t,t, Sarah James 34 Jeremie Mitchell ... 35 Samuell Wells 36 Israeli ffalgate 37 Benjamin Billingsley 38 William Scott 39 James Ashwood ... 40 Gerrard Harris ... 41 Nicholas Buckeridge li s d 01 12 00 00 17 04 00 17 04 00 17 04 00 17 04 01 12 00 02 14 00 00 14 08 00 15 00 00 08 00 01 08 00 00 12 00 00 12 00 00 12 00 00 17 04 00 17 04 00 17 04 00 17 04 01 05 00 00 06 08 00 16 00 00 II = 00 08 08 00 14 08 00 08 08 00 08 08 00 08 08 00 08 08 00 08 08 00 06 00 00 13 04 01 07 00 00 13 00 00 14 08 00 14 08 00 15 = 00 13 00 00 13 00 00 08 08 00 08 00 00 17 04 i"Ss OI 12 00 OI 12 OO 01 12 00 04 06 OO 01 07 00 01 05 OO 00 05 04 148 a. 04 06 00 00 08 08 01 01 08 01 16 00 42 The Parsonage house ... ... ... ... 00 00 00 43 Mabell Roland ... 00 08 08 44 Josiah Mitchell ... ... ... ... ... 00 12 00 4=; Gerrard Harris Office of Intelligance and Two ) Stalls } 00 02 04 Thredneedle Streete North side 46 Samuell Brewster 47 Thomas Short 48 William ffashion . 49 John Houblon 50 Samuell Powell . 51 Daniell ffrancklin 52 Anne Craven 53 Cap' Tho. Blagrave ... 54 Andrew Keepe ... 55 Henry Browne ... 56 Henry Wellington Bartholomew lane 57 Daniell Mercer ... Castle Court Broadstreete Ward 58 Hannah Herring Castle Alley '59 Henry Boone 1-^ I 60 f 16 S Thredneedle Streete Southside 61 John Prettiman ... 62 William Winn 63 Arthur Miles 64 Isaac Hancocke ... 65 William Gloster 66 William Pepes 67 Samuell Parker ... 68 William Meriden 69 Peter Aylworth ... 70 Deborah Woodbridge 71 William Drope ... Cornhill side and Ward 72 Peter Caplin 73 Isaac Puller 74 John Crosse 75 Henry Lascoe 76 Robert Mordant 77 Arrabella Bobert 78 John Hopkins & Partner 79 William Bancks ... 80 Thomas Collins ... 81 John Lawrence ... 82 Charles Robinson 83 William Bethell 84 Thomas Kemble 85 Tobit Chapman 86 Thomas Lee 87 Richard Barwell 02 00 00 00 06 08 01 12 00 00 13 04 00 13 04 00 16 08 01 01 08 00 12 00 00 16 08 00 13 00 00 13 00 0-1 07 00 00 12 00 01 07 00 01 00 00 02 16 00 02 08 00 02 14 00 01 02 00 01 00 00 02 03 04 01 12 00 02 08 00 01 12 00 01 00 00 02 14 00 01 04 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 co Minutes of the Vestry Meetings qf St. Christopher Le Stocks. 77 Castle Alley Cornhill Ward 88 William Horsey the Corner House 89 Humphrey Bradley 90 Simon Cole ... 91 Henry Moss in Castle Court 92 William Newman OI 17 04 OO 16 00 01 04 00 00 06 08 00 16 04 100 00 00 Exchange Shopps in Castle Alley 1 Humphry Cuningsby an Office ... 00 08 00 l\0 > John Cave Stationer ... 01 15 00 5' Cornhill Piaza 6 Edward Browne ... 7 Benjamin Billingley 8 Samuell Hodgkins New Pawne above North Row of South Pawn 1 Dorothy Hervy ... & !-John ffencell 3 ) West side of the West Pawne 6 ffoote Sam" Bathurst being § of his Shopp 10 8 ffoote ... n 11 ffoote ... 12 12 ffoote ... 13 8 ffoote Thomas Smith ... 14 9 ffoote ffronting Old Pawne Dudley 15 A Large Roome in Southwest Corner Severall Shopps M' Dudley . . . 00 II 02 00 II 02 00 19 00 00 07 00 00 14 00 0 06 02 00 °S OO 00 06 10 00 07 06 00 06 02 06 06 3T\ 12 06 South Pawne South Row 16 Joseph Cooke 17 ffoote M' Richardson Closett and Roome over it ... 1 7 ffoote Sarah Nicholls ... 18 ffoote M13 Alsopp 19 ffoote Peter Way 20 6 ffoote being § M1S Denhams . . . Old Pawne & Pepper Cellar 1 8 ffoote M's Browne 2 12 ffoote ffrancis Webster 3 12 ffoote Mrs Lockyer 4 9 ffoote Mrs Shaw 512 ffoote Dorothy Lacon 6 6 ffoote But \ S' xpfers M's Humlock West side 7 8 ffoote M's Goff 8 8 ffoote Andrew Turner 9 16 ffoote John Spillet 10 8 ffoote Thomas Jellan 116 ffoote & \ Tho Symonds 12 5 ffoote Anne Randell 13 8 ffoote William Badham 14 10 ffoote M1S fibster ffor the Pepper Cellar o 16 00 o 08 04 o 08 00 o 07 00 o 04 08 00 12 00 00 18 00 00 18 00 00 13 06 00 18 00 0 04 06 00 0001 00 000000 0000 12 OO 12 00 04 00 12 00 09 09 07 06 12 OO 15 OO II 09 20 100 00 00 00 00 120 00 00 Nics Bendy Depty \ Corn hill Leonard Bates J Ward Tho Kemble Pishon' Wm Pritchard Ald'man Peter Aylworth Dep'y & Pishon' Michaell Rolles \ Com Councell Robert Watkins >men for Broad Geo Cole J streete Ward 1681 Will Bancks 1 John Williams j - Churchwardens Jn° Houblon \ Sam11 Brewster L^^ Samuel Powell C Wm Drope / Ano 1556 the 10 of may : by the consent of the holle vestry ffor the order of the pwes and sesement thereof ffor the clarkes wages to tacke payns therein m' Jackes Mastar bechere Mastar krampton Mastar fforeman Mastar Grovare Mastar Banestar Mastar Moustean Mastar Raynesby And the ij cherche wardens And To be ffeneshed By Wysson day ore afore And to be vj ore iiij at the leste by Syd the cherche wardens beynge Cherche wardens at that pressente tyme Wyllyam laker and thomas lawrns This order taken by asseste of this pares the fferst daye of nofember 217 b. 1 55 1 for the pore of this paress quarterly the names of them M' westcotts Rd of m' westcott the same daye for mykellmas q' is now xvijs viijd The good man hawkes , The ffathef cossen mother linton ... goodman clay broke Jh5n anssell ffather bauwne . . . good wyfe waren mothe corlell good wyfe sshayn dafe poyntt maker Rychard brayffeld one q'ly som xvs iiij*5 Jhon som It mother costen xvj" xvjd xvjd xvjd xvjd XVJU xvjd xvjdxvjdxvjd XVJ" -m m m m tt-. tt, KVp Pvcmayncng in m1 yowcngo handca tho dayo aforoaaid m iiijs R.emayneng in m' ssmethes handes in his Resette — m m vj? R.emaynes in m' Mieschompe handes of the resette of mychellmas qr the daye aforsaid of mr weccotte q' :te of ... ..... } 11s mj" ' som J ' 78 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings Rd of m' dokette the xxvj daye of desember 1551 for crest- mas qr Rd of mr fforman the xij day of Apprell for the pore ester 1 q' som is J ' Rd of m' amyas the x day of July for the power for thys q' that is from our lady day to mydsommar browght in by m' amyas the wyche was gyuyn by a wyddo xxs browght in by me thomas lawrons & harry pekyns the fyrst day of nouembyr for the power & hyt remenes in J>xxvjs xd the box ... xvijs • xxx vij 218 b. md the x day of may an" 1532 where there ys v kayes wher of iij of the belongythe to the grett chest in the Rod loft & the other ij ys for the lytell chest wher in ys apors [a purse] w' iij11 xijs inja wher of on of the ys in m' Reynold hands & the Rest of the lawrens sowley hathe another and the Rest of the m' thron hathe cherche wardyn of St. Christopher Le Stocks. md payd to manewell lucar vj li xiiij s j d for a Rest of accowmpte geven vp be hem in presens of owre curet m' kyng & wyttm kent John askeve churche wardens, & m' semp larans solley Robert Jennyns willm machen & be the consent of m' Reynolds mr p'nell the iij day of apryll the xxiiij yere of keng henry the viiij*a° 1533 Itm the vij day of may an" m1 vc xxx° the cherche of synt crestovers ow' onto wyllym chamber goldsmythe of london for that he layd out in redy mony for the sayd cherche besynes as yt aperethe by the akovnte som xiiij11 xviiijs vd iij q' sterlyng and for the plege of the same I wyllym chamber hathe Resayued in to my hands the viij day of July in the yere aforsayd as yt was agred by a vestre of the hole preshe thys pcells folowyng Itm monester of selver and gylte & ij crewetts of selver and pcells gylte and a pakes of sylver & gelte the lgys & the otter pte therof, tyll the mony be payd aforsayd p me wyllym chamber thys mony was pd agen to the sayd chambe by the hands of mr Jaks 1536 & all thys pcells of plat was clerly delyuerd agen in to the cherche wardyns THE END. EN TH BA2IAEIA SOY MNH26HTI KYPIE TQN AOYASN SOY EAOYINOY *PES*IEAA KAI ZQHS THS TYNAIKOS AYTOY KAI EAOYINOY TOY YIOY AYTON.