^y M % i W0^ $ V ¥* p#^ X t/ « v*- r W&& -/ il 'V, a 6 ^ V M: m. ^Nk>, „^,r ; :?*!$ if^> J3St ^ a 4 ,^_, r -fj- J hm 4 m M m m M M '<& i?*V >^ ^ fc/7 ¦J V m ^ &* :.Vi# ft W&gk m 'm*. V i-^ rf\ $ / «¦• V *^ S*4 m sM &*M ?f>& >s* '^ Jr jQw$r 7:.i? . -k k ;¦ ^ GO /2. fZfMn-i) CSAM'tCt JfiL £§t Couxt %ut (Record +• THE Court Ceet Hecorbs MANOR OF MANCHESTER, £-:-¦ FROM THE Year 1552 to the Year 1686, and from the Year 1731 to the Year 1846. PRINTED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANCHESTER, FROM THE ORIGINAL MINUTE BOOKS IN THEIR POSSESSION. VOL. XII. FROM THE YEAR 1S32 TO 18 MANCHESTER: HENRY BLACKI.OCK AND CO., PRINTERS, ALBERT SQUARE. 1890, HENRY BT.ACKLOCK AND CO., PRINTERS, ALBERT SQUARE, MANCHESTER. i 0 {- Ay*-?* 6 J 0 / L INTRODUCTION. IN this volume, the last of the series, the proceedings of the Courts Leet of the Manor of Manchester are con tinued from the 8th October, 1832, to their conclusion on the 24th April, 1846. There is but little to comment upon in the entries in each Court, which are similar to those contained in the last volumes, and chiefly relate to the using of unfair weights, the selling of bad meat, and the discharge of too much smoke from chimneys. The non-attendance of persons sum moned to serve as Jurors is commented upon at each Court, and on several occasions much difficulty was experienced in obtaining fit persons to serve the offices of Boroughreeve and Constables. Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., was the lord of the manor during the period covered by this volume, and James Norris, Esq. (appointed in 1819), continued to act as Steward until the year 1836, when James Heath Leigh, Esq., was appointed to that office, which he was holding when this volume ends. Mr. Samuel Kay, the Deputy-Steward, is also occasionally mentioned. During the period covered by this volume very great changes took place in the government of Manchester, owing to the borough being incorporated in the year 1838. As the history of this incor poration is one of a most interesting character, I have thought it would be very fitting to give an account of it here, so as to connect the government of the town in the past with that now in force. It was also owing to the incorporation of the borough and the sub sequent purchase of the manorial rights in 1846 that the holding of the Courts Leet came to an end in that year, which is a further reason why, in this, the concluding volume of the series of the Court Leet Records, an account of the reasons for their- discon tinuance should be given. History of the Incorporation of the Borough. At the Court Leet held on the 10th October, 1836, a difficulty was experienced in obtaining a proper person to serve the office of Boroughreeve (see p. 65), and this difficulty had been felt vi INTRODUCTION. on other occasions in previous years. At the Court Leet held in the following year, on the 19th October, 1837, Mr. William Neild was nominated as Boroughreeve, but he very earnestly requested to be excused on the ground of ill-health, and because he had filled the office of Constable in 1835-6. His excuses, however, were of no avail, and on his finally refusing to take office he was fined by the Deputy-Steward, Mr. Kay, in the sum of £200, on the ground that the fine of £150 inflicted the previous year on Mr. Robert Barbour had had no effect. One of the Jury of this Court Leet (see p. 94) was Mr. Richard Cobden, the first time he had served in that capacity, and there can be little doubt that this arbitrary proceeding made a great impression on his mind. He protested at the time, but in vain. The Manchester Guardian in a leading article pointed out that this trouble arose because the Boroughreeve had to be a person resident within the township of Manchester, and not in any of the out-townships, and concluded by stating that it was "a perfect absurdity to continue this antiquated mode of electing municipal officers in such a town as Manchester," and that the only remedy for this state of things was a "Municipal Corporation." Shortly after this, Mr. Cobden drew up a strongly worded appeal to the inhabitants of Manchester, entitled "Incorporate your Borough," which was extensively circulated,1 but of which, strange to say, no copy can now be found in any public or private library. This pamphlet evidently helped to direct public opinion to this question, and it was supplemented by a printed letter addressed to Mr. Cobden by Mr. H. Coppock, Town Clerk of Stockport, in reply to some enquiries which Mr. Cobden had made to him. A preliminary meeting was held at the Thatched House Tavern on the 24th January, 1838, and a committee was appointed to arrange for a public meeting with a view to "submitting to the inhabitants of this borough the propriety of petitioning the Queen in Council for a Charter of Incorporation." A requisition was presented to the Boroughreeve, John Brown, Esq., signed by about a thousand "ley payers"2 in every part of the borough, "including a considerable number of the most influential mercantile and manufacturing firms ' He states himself that 5,000 copies were circulated. My father, who was at this time living with Mr. Richard Cobden in his house in Quay Street, tells me he remembers this pamphlet very well, and that it was the first which Mr. Cobden printed. - The names of these signatories will be found in the advertisement calling the meeting in the Manchester Guardian of the 3rd February, 183S. INTRODUCTION, vii in the town and surrounding townships," and he summoned a meeting on the gth February, in the large room of the then Town Hall, that now used as the reading room of the Free Library. l At this meeting, which was largely attended, Mr. Richard Cobden moved the first resolution in the following terms: "That it is due to the character of this important borough that its chief municipal officers should be a body popularly chosen instead of being nominated by the lord of the manor's Court Leet, and that, as a preliminary step to the establishment of a responsible local self- government, a petition be presented to her Majesty in Council for a Charter of Incorporation under the Act 5th and 6th WTilliam IV., cap. 76, called 'the English Municipal Act.'" Mr. Cobden began his speech as follows : " We have met this day to discuss a question of vital importance, not merely to ourselves, but to those who will come after us in this great metropolis of the manufactures of England, and upon our decision this day must depend very import ant results for ages to come to this population." And he continued: "The old state of the government of Manchester is decrepid and worn out. I once sat at the lord of the manor's Court Leet, and there, in company of gentlemen of all shades of political opinion, we came to the unanimous conclusion that whether you adopt a Corporation Act, or the extension of your Police Acts, or whatever change you intend, a change you must have, for the old state of things cannot exist any longer." Mr. C. J. S. Walker, of Longford, seconded the resolution, which, although it was strongly opposed and an amendment moved against it, was declared by the Chairman to be clearly carried by a majority of those present. Mr. Alexander Kay moved, and Mr. W. R. Callender seconded, the appointment of a Committee to carry the resolution into effect, and after naming thirty-two persons to act on this Committee, the meeting separated, after having lasted four and a half hours. The result of this important meeting was a great surprise, and the Tory and Radical parties at once combined to oppose the Whigs, 1 No sooner was this meeting announced in the local papers of the 3rd February, than a furious paper attack was made on its promoters and on the Corporation Act itself. The walls were covered with placards, in some of which the objects of the meeting were said to be to introduce "a Bourbon police," to force the new poor-law, &c, upon the people, and to greatly add to the expenses of the rates, &c. Its promotors were called "the base, bloody, and brutal whigs," and the Corporation Act was styled " infamous and infernal." and other choice epithets. viii INTRODUCTION. by whose instrumentality it had been carried. Meetings were held in opposition to the scheme, and the Manchester Courier wrote about it as "The Corporation Nuisance," and subsequently more shortly still as "The Nuisance." A petition in favour of incorpora tion was drawn up and extensively signed, and a counter petition got up by "the anti-incorporators," as they were termed, was also very largely signed. On these petitions, the one purporting to have 11,783 and the other 31,947 signatures, being sent to the Privy Council, two Commissioners were sent down to Manchester to inquire into the genuineness of the names attached to them. The Commissioners arrived on the 24th May, and Mr. Richard Cobden attended them on behalf of the petitioners for the Charter, and Mr. James Crossley l on behalf of those opposing it. After a lengthy enquiry, extending over three weeks, it was found that a large pro portion of the names attached to the opposing petition were forgeries or entirely fictitious, and the numbers were reduced to 7,984 in favour of, and 8,694 against, incorporation. Mr. Cobden himself writes to a friend as follows2 : — " I was engaged before the Commissioners, employed in exposing the trickery of the Tories in getting up their petition against the incor poration of our borough. Three weeks I was incessantly occupied at the Town Hall. ... I believe now there is little doubt of our being chartered before the next November election, and it will be a new era for Manchester when it shakes off the feudal livery of Sir Oswald Mosley to put on the democratic garb of the Municipal Reform Act. So important do I consider the step for incorporating the borough that I have been incessantly engaged on the task for the last six months. I began by writing a letter, of which I circu lated five thousand copies, with a view of gaining the Radicals by ' In connection with Mr. James Crossley's action on behalf of the opponents of the Charter, it is amusing to note that in the month of November, 1838, believing himself attacked in the columns of the Guardian, he sent a "hostile message" to Mr. John Edward Taylor, the proprietor of that paper, challenging him to fight a duel. This challenge Mr. Taylor promptly declined, on the ground that he was a married man and had recently insured his life ! 5 Mr. John Morley's Life of Cobden. pp. 123-4. The active share which Mr. Cobden took in the incorporation of Manchester has been very much overlooked, and is now all but forgotten. He was undoubtedly the "moving spirit," as this summary of the proceedings will show ; and to his ability and energy, as much as to that of anyone, the present inhabitants of Manchester arc very greatly indebted. Would it not be fitting that a bust or some memorial of him should be placed in the Town Hall, in the company of those of Sir Thomas Potter, Mr. Wilson, Sir Joseph Heron, and others, with whom he worked so cordially and so energetically? INTRODUCTION. ix showing the popular provisions of the Act. They, however, joined with the Tories in opposing the idea, but finally the 'shopocracy' carried the day." He continues: "What with going twice to London on deputations, and fighting the battle with two extreme political parties in Manchester, I have been so constantly engaged in action that I have had no time for theorizing upon any topic," &c. But the troubles of those who were promoting incorporation were not yet at end. For some reason or other, and not improbably because it had been represented that, even after the revision of the lists of signatories, the number of those against incorporation exceeded the number of those in its favour, the Privy Council ordered the inquiry to be re-opened in the month of September, 1838. In this renewed inquiry every care was taken to ascertain the bona fides of the signatories, a personal canvas of the writers being made by the Commissioner, and on the 29th September it is stated that "the difficulties which stood in the way of granting the charter of incorporation have been removed, and no further delay will now be experienced in issuing it.'' But the Conservatives were by no means depressed, and the Courier, in a leading article on the 20th October, recommended them to take no part in the forthcoming election, as eminent counsel had advised that "any acquiescence for even a short period of time by the inhabitants would prevent them from subsequently disputing the validity of the charter." Finally, in the following week, all the local papers announced that the Charter of Incorporation, dated 23rd October, 1838, had reached Manchester on the 25th October, being addressed to Mr. William Neild, as the Chairman of the Committee for Promoting the Incorporation of the Borough. The Corporation was to consist of a Mayor, sixteen Aldermen, and forty-eight Councillors, represent ing fifteen wards. The first election of Councillors was fixed for the 14th December, and that of Aldermen and Mayor on the day following, John Hyde, Esq., the ex-Boroughreeve, being the return ing officer. The Manchester Guardian had a leading article on the receipt of the Charter, which is well worth quoting : — "Thus after a struggle of great duration and severity, protracted by the unworthy artifices and frauds of the enemies of incorporation, the inhabitants of this important and populous borough have made the first great step towards ridding themselves of the old feudal government under which they have laboured, unsuited as it is to the present circum stances of the borough, and towards obtaining municipal institutions VOL. XII. — A X INTRODUCTION. more in accordance with the great and growing importance of the town. It must be obvious to all men of the slightest penetration, that the principal municipal offices in a town which is now second in population only to the Metropolis, and which is growing in wealth and magnitude at a greater rate than any other in the kingdom, cannot safely be left in the nomination of any individual, however respectable he may be, and that the disjointed and heterogeneous system of police, which now prevails in the different townships of the borough, is wholly inadequate to their protection. That a change was absolutely necessary every man admits, whatever may be his politics, and the real question that has arisen between the advocates and the opponents of incorporation has been, whether that change should be effected by a Charter of Incorporation, granted under the general law of the land and vesting the govern ment of the town in the general body of the ratepayers, or by some undefined and untried tinkering of the present old and worn-out system. Between these two plans, we think, no man who duly values the principles of popular government can hesitate for a moment." On Friday, the 14th December, 1838, the first election of the forty-eight Councillors took place,1 and on the following day, Satur day, 15th December, the sixteen Aldermen were duly elected by the newly-appointed Councillors by means of voting papers. The names of these sixteen Aldermen, with the wards to which they were assigned, are as follows : — New Cross Ward James Murray, Cotton Spinner, and Charles James Stanley Walker, Gentleman St. Michael's Ward . . . John Brooks, Calico Printer. Collegiate Church Ward. James Kershaw, Calico Printer. St. Clement's Ward ... William Neild, Calico Printer. Exchange Ward Daniel Broadhurst, Merchant. Oxford Ward John Macvicar, Merchant. St. James' Ward William Romaine Callender, Calico Printer. St. John's Ward Alexander Kay, Attorney-at-Law. St. Ann's Ward Richard Roberts, Cotton Merchant. All Saints' Ward Henry Tootal, Silk Manufacturer. St. Luke's Ward Joshua Procter Westhead, Manufacturer. St. George's Ward . . . John Shuttleworth, Cotton Merchant. Medlock Street Ward... Richard Cobden, Calico Printer. Ardwick Ward Thomas Potter, Merchant. Cheetham Ward John Burd, Calico Printer. 1 A copy of the Charter and the names of the Councillors elected on this day will be found at the beginning of the printed " Proceedings of the Council," from October, I-838, to November, 1839, and also in the Manchester Guardian and other local papers. INTRODUCTION. xi As soon as this election was finished the Council adjourned, and at their reassembling in the afternoon it was proposed by "Mr. Alderman Cobden," and seconded by Mr. S. D. Darbishire, one of the Councillors for All Saints' Ward, that Thomas Potter, Esq.,1 be elected Mayor, which was carried unanimously. After passing a cordial vote of thanks to the returning officer, John Hyde, Esq. (Boroughreeve of the town in 1836-7), and to Mr. George Wilson, the Honorary Secretary of the Committee for Incorporating the Borough, and to David Price, Esq. (one of the late Constables), for his labours on the burgess list, the Council proceeded to elect the Town Clerk. There were four candidates — Messrs. Joseph Heron, James Chapman, Thomas Higson, and John Ogden. Mr. Alder man Cobden proposed, and Mr. Alderman Kershaw seconded, the appointment of Mr. Joseph Heron, which was carried unanimous!}', there being no other candidate nominated. The meeting was then adjourned to Wednesday, December 19th, when the Council met, with the Mayor in the chair, in the large room adjoining the York Hotel, in King Street. Mr. Cobden introduced Mr. Joseph Heron to the Council as their Town Clerk, who thanked them for the great honour they had done him in appointing him to that responsible position.2 The Council, being thus successfully launched, met with a large amount of cordial support, but the "anti-incorporators," in accord ance with the opinion of " eminent counsel," publicly announced their intention of contesting the validity of the Charter, and, as was added, "we hope that the gentlemen who have with so much spirit come forward to preserve the town from the infliction of a system of 1 At a preliminary private meeting of the Aldermen and Councillors, in order to select one of their number as Mayor, Mr. Potter had 24 votes and Mr. William Neild 23 votes, one councillor declining to vote. It was then agreed to support Mr. Potter as the unanimous choice of the Council. The Courier describes Mr. Thomas Potter as " a Radical and Unitarian," and Mr. William Neild as a " Whig and Quaker." 2 In reporting this meeting, which it described as " the Farce of the Nuisance Mongers," the Manchester Courier gives the following amusing account: — There was in the chair "a pouting elderly gentleman [Mr. Thomas Potter], whom everybody smiled at and called ' Mister Mayor,' and who was evidently very much pleased with everybody for calling him by so euphonious a nickname, and who bobbed his head and smiled at everybody. After a lapse of a few minutes a tall young gentleman [Mr. Joseph Heron], exhibiting symptoms of great modesty and embarrassment, was led into the room between two other gentlemen, who were very busy patronising him. Presently they began to say something about 'Town Clerk,' and by a singular coincidence the tall young gentleman seemed to like that nickname quite as well as the pouting gentleman did his." Xll INTRODUCTION. government which is detested wherever it prevails, will be supported with becoming energy by all who participate in their sentiments." Space does not permit me to enter into any details of the troubles which the new Corporation encountered, but they are very well summarised by Mr. Alexander Kay, who participated in them, in his "Address delivered to the Members of the Town Council of Manchester on Monday, the ioth of November, 1845," on retiring from the office of Mayor, which he had held for the past two years. This address was subsequently printed,1 and in it he thus describes the events of the years 1 839-1 842 : — "Very shortly afterwards [after the opening meetings of the Council] a meeting of Mr. Oswald Milne's2 friends took place, and resolutions were agreed to announcing a determination to contest the validity of the Charter. Whatever reasons were assigned to induce the Tory or Conservative body in Manchester to contest the validity of the Charter, there can now be no question that the simple and sole object of the opposition was to continue to three public officers the large fees and emoluments they had been accus tomed to receive, or to secure to them compensations, calculated according to their own estimates of the emoluments of which it was anticipated they might possibly be deprived. "On the 5"1 of February, 1839, a separate Commission of the Peace for the Borough was granted by the Crown, and on the Ist of April then following a grant of a Court of Quarter Sessions for the Borough was issued. "On the 8th of April, 1839, a Coroner for the Borough was appointed. Immediately after that officer had commenced holding inquests, an action was brought against Mr Chapman (the Borough Coroner) by Mr Rutter (the County Coroner), for interfering in his office ; and, being instituted with the view of trying the validity of the Charter, the defence was undertaken by the Council, and ordered 1 It bears the following title :— " An Address delivered to the Members of the Town Council of Manchester, on Monday, the loth of November, 1845, previous to the election (for the eighth time) of Mayor of the Borough, by Alexander Kay, the retiring Mayor. Ordered to be printed, ioth November, 1845. London : J. Gadsby, Whitefriars Printing Office, Bouverie Street, City, 1845." Large octavo, pp. 31, and Appendix pp. 36. 2 Mr. Oswald Milne was acting as Clerk to the Stipendiary Magistrate for Manchester and Salford, and also as Clerk to the Magistrates and to the Manchester Commissioners of Police, INTRODUCTION. xiii to be conducted by the Town Clerk. That action was tried at Liverpool before Mr Justice Maule on the 26th of August, 1839, and a verdict was found for the defendant (Mr Chapman), subject to a bill of exceptions tendered by Mr Cresswell, who was on that occasion the leading counsel for the plaintiff (Mr Rutter). "On the 22d of February, 1841, the Court of Exchequer Chamber, after having had the bill of exceptions twice argued, delivered judgment in this action, establishing the validity of the Charter. The argument on each occasion occupied two successive days. " During this entire period, the proceedings of the Town Council were to a great extent paralysed. The Overseers of several of the Townships within the Borough refusing to pay the rates duly laid upon them, the Council was compelled to issue warrants of distress to enforce their payment. "In order to meet the attack on the Charter, as well as to provide ample means to defray the necessary expenses of the Council until the Borough Rate should be established, a bond was given by 74 individuals to the Bank of Manchester for ,£27,100, in order to procure advances to that amount to the Borough Treasurer, to enable him to meet the current expenditure of the Council.1 "A review of the occurrences of that period has revived the sentiments of admiration and respect excited in me by the steadiness and perseverance with which Mr. Alderman Neild, Mr. Cobden (the present Member for Stockport), and Mr. George Wilson, the inde fatigable Chairman of the Council of the Anti-Corn-Law League, supported the Charter they had been mainly instrumental in pro curing. Nor should the confidence and determination which the 1 At the end of this pamphlet Mr. Kay prints the full list of these guarantors. Messrs. Thomas Potter, John Brooks, and Robert Phillips guaranteed ^1,000 each, whilst Messrs. William Neild, Richard Cobden, James Kershaw, Henry Tootal, Elkanah Armitage, Thomas Cooke, W. R. Callender, George Nelson, John Mayson, Richard Roberts, S. D. Darbishire, Samuel Stocks, John Shuttleworth, Daniel Lee, Alexander Bannerman, Henry Newbery, Thomas Broadbent, James Carlton, R. H. Greg, P. F. Willert, John Ashton, James Gibb, James Payant, John Hyde, John McCIure, Philip Lucas, Alexander Henry, Richard Hardy, John Burd, Leo Schuster, P. Novelli, John Macvicar, Alexander Kay, W. B. Watkins, Edward Baxter, Joseph Thompson, Edward Pein, Joseph Leese, and John Edward Taylor promised ^"500 a piece. The others promised from ,£300 to ^50 each, xiv INTRODUCTION. late Sir Thomas Potter,1 inspired by his energetic support of the Queen's grant, be forgotten. We shall not soon have amongst us an individual who, like him, will so readily incur large liabilities, or who could infuse in others the spirit which actuated himself in support of any great public object brought under his consideration, and of which he approved. The names of the persons agreeing to become parties to the bond which I have before referred to were obtained by him in the course of a few days. "The older members of the Council will perhaps now smile on being reminded of the contumely with which the Council was at this period treated by the existing authorities. Even the use of a room in this Town Hall for the ordinary meetings of the Council was refused. " The judgment of the Court of Exchequer Chamber was questioned by Mr. Rutter, and an appeal to the House of Lords was threatened. In the meantime, however, the utmost exertion was used to get clauses introduced into a Bill, brought into the House of Commons about April, 1841, for giving compensation to the three parties before referred to, and in the clauses as first proposed, to Mr. Oswald Milne by name. The efforts made on that occasion by Mr. Wilson Patten, one of the Members for North Lancashire, in favour of these clauses ; the signal failure of the attempt ; the heats and animosities produced ; and the loud shouts of indignation which pealed from every ward in the Borough against their intro duction, will not soon pass from recollection. The Bill was finally lost. "It is not improbable that the battle might still have been continued, and the settlement of the legal question protracted, if the 1 In recording the events of Sir Thomas Potter's life, the Manchester Guardian, on the 22nd March, 184S1 thus alludes to his share in the work of incorporation : — "It was, however, in the struggle for obtaining and defending the charter of incorporation for the Borough of Manchester that Sir Thomas Potter most especially distinguished himself. In that most arduous, protracted, and at one time exceedingly doubtful slruggle, his undaunted courage, unabated energy, and untiring industry were tasked to the uttermost ; and we believe we express the opinion of almost every person cognizant of the difficulties, which were encountered and overcome by the friends of incorporation, that had it not been for the unparalleled exertions of Sir Thomas the charter must have been abandoned." As an acknowledgment of his services in this respect, he was not only elected first Mayor of Manchester, but his term of office was extended to a second year, during which, namely, on the 1st July, 1840, her Majesty was gratiously pleased to confer on him the honour of knighthood. At that time, however, the office was one which brought to its possessor a much greater amount of labour, expense, and anxiety than of comfort or distinction." INTRODUCTION. XV liabilities incurred by the Overseers of the Poor, who had hitherto refused to pay the Borough Rates laid in the several Townships within the B.orough, had not become too great to be voluntarily incurred. The opinion given by Sir Frederick Pollock, the then Attorney-General (read at a meeting of the Overseers of the different Townships within the Borough, held on the 16th February, 1842, for the purpose of considering the course they ought to take as to the payment of County Rates), apprised them 'That the Court of Exchequer having pronounced the Charter valid for all purposes, it must be presumed to be so until upset by the House of Lords, which he thought it would not be.' "The tables were thus unexpectedly and materially turned, inasmuch as the payment either of Borough Rate or of County Rate involved the necessity of recovering back any money improperly paid. The efforts to obtain some legislative enactment with a view to ensure the recovery of compensations were vigorously resumed, and ultimately resulted in the passing of the Act of the 5 & 6 Vic, c. in., entitled 'An Act to confirm the incorporation of certain Boroughs, and to indemnify such persons as have sustained loss thereby.' That Act received the Royal Assent on the 12th August, 1842. The Act (6 Vic, c. 17) 'for transferring to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Manchester certain powers and pro perty then vested in the Commissioners for Cleansing, Lighting, Watching and regulating the Town of Manchester,' quickly followed. The Townships of Chorlton-upon-Medlock and Ardwick voluntarily transferred their powers to the Corporation ; the Council of the Borough assumed its proper functions ; and, from that time to the present, the struggle between the Town Council and the real opponents of- the Charter has simply been as to the compensations to be givenf)." 1 The magnitude of these claims is probably now forgotten, but the following particulars will show how heavy they were, and how much the borough is to be con gratulated in having contested them so successfully under the able direction of the Town Clerk, Mr., now Sir, Joseph Heron. Mr. W. S. Rutter, as Coroner for the County, claimed an annuity of £334 os. lid. for his life, from the I2th August, 1842, and a sum of ^2,031 13s. 7d. for fees between the 1st April, 1839, and the 12th August, 1842. He succeeded in obtaining an annuity of ^277 4s. 8d., dating from the 1st April, 1839. Mr. Oswald Milne claimed the gross sum of ^34, 724 2s. 6d. as his compensation for the loss of his fees and emoluments as Clerk to the Stipendiary Magistrate acting within the Townships of Manchester and Salford, and also as Clerk to the Magistrates acting for the Division of Manchester for certain prosecutions, and also as Clerk to the Manchester xvi INTRODUCTION. Mr. Kay thus summed up the advantages which had accrued to the borough by its becoming incorporated : — "We have substituted a vigorous and effective administration of our local affairs for one which was worn out and no longer adapted to the wants and exigencies of our industrious and increasing popu lation and the times in which we live. We have acquired an effective and well-organised body of police, the moral influence of which is even greater than the additional amount of its physical force. We have largely increased, and have every prospect of still further increasing, the funds destined to improve and embellish this the metropolis of the great manufacturing district of England. And we have acquired the power (to be exercised I hope judiciously) of promoting the health and comfort of our population." During all this period of difficulty and uncertainty in connection with the new Corporation, the older system of government was still continued. The manorial Courts Leet were regularly held at Michaelmas and Easter, but the proceedings became more and more formal in character, and the business transacted of less and less interest and importance. But it was only when the manorial rights had been transferred to the Corporation that these Courts ceased to be held. The Transferance of the Manorial Rights to the Corporation. As early as the year 1808 an attempt was made on behalf of the inhabitants of the town to purchase the manorial rights from Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart, the then lord of the manor of Manchester. A meeting to consider the general improvement of the town was held at the Bull's Head Inn on the 27th January, 1808, at which William Starkie, Esq., the Boroughreeve, presided. An influential Committee was appointed, of which Mr. William Fox was the chairman, and on the 22nd June, 1808, a sub-committee was formed to conduct the correspondence, &c, with Sir Oswald Mosley. At a Commissioners of Police. After much expensive litigation, and a trial at Liverpool on the 23rd August, 1844, which the Council appealed against, it was finally decided that the Corporation was not obliged to pay him anything, and he received nothing ! Mr. Robert John Harper claimed, as Clerk of the Peace for the County, the gross sum of jf 19,351 os. iod., or an annuity of ^741 5s. 5d. After litigation, and an appeal to the Lords of the Treasury, he was finally awarded an annuity of £6 8s. od. ! INTRODUCTION. xvii public meeting held on the ioth November, 1808 (at which the then Boroughreeve, Richard Rushforth, Esq., presided), the Committees presented their report, which was afterwards printed.1 They stated that the lord of the manor was willing to sell the manorial rights, &c, and that the price asked for the manor, the manorial rights, and certain buildings in the town, was fixed by Sir Oswald Mosley at £90,000. After some discussion, the public meeting was adjourned till the 22nd December, 1808, when another Committee was appointed, and fresh negotiations were begun. In the meantime, the contemplated purchase of the manor had excited widespread interest, and several pamphlets were written both for and against the scheme. The first of these appeared shortly after the meeting held on the ioth November, and was entitled "An Address to the Inhabitants of Manchester on the impolicy of their purchasing the Manor, by Charles M'Niven."2 This was answered by an anonymous pamphlet, bearing the title, "A Reply to Mr M'Niven's 'Address,' &c, by one of the addressed."3 This, which bears date 10th February, 1809, gives a good summary of the proceedings which had taken place, and is ably and carefully written, but I have not been able to ascertain the author's name. A public meeting was held on the 23rd February, 1809, when the Committee presented their report, which was afterwards printed,4 and named £70,000 as their estimate of the proper price to be paid to Sir Oswald Mosley. The meeting was adjourned to the 9th March, but the room being packed, in consequence of the circulation of a handbill against the scheme, it was again adjourned to the 6th April. 1 The title of this pamphlet is as follows : — " Reports of the Several Committees appointed in consequence of a Public Meeting of the Inhabitants of Manchester, for taking into consideration the following Subjects, viz. . The New Police Act, Paving Flagging and Soughing, Sunday Toll, Local Administration of Justice, Purchase of the Manor of Manchester, &c, &c. To which are prefixed Copies of the Resolutions of the Town's meetings on these Subjects. Published by order of the meeting of the ioth November, 1808. Manchester : Printed by C. Wheeler and Son, 1808. " Octavo, pp. 40. 2 "Manchester: Printed by C. Wheeler and Son, 1809." Octavo, 20 pp. 3 The full title is : — A Reply to Mr. M'Niven's " Address to the Inhabitants of Manchester, on the Impolicy of their purchasing the Manor." By one of the addressed. Manchester : Sold by Joseph Aston and Messrs. Clarke, Booksellers, 1809. Octavo, 23 pp. » " Report of the Committee appointed at a Public Town's Meeting of the Inhabi tants of Manchester to treat conditionally with Sir Oswald Mosley for the Purchase of the Manor. Manchester: Printed by C. Wheeler and Son, 1809." Octavo, pp. 10. xviii INTRODUCTION. More pamphlets now appeared, the first . of which bore the following singular title page: "The Murder is Out! or Committee- Men fingering cash ; being a sequel to ' New Taxes ! Seventy Thousand Pounds ! ' Addressed to every Householder in the Manor of Manchester. Published for the Benefit of the Soup-Shops, not by a Boroughreeve, a Constable, a Lord, nor a Committee-Man."1 It is dated from Longsight Hall, 13th March, 1 809, and signed "Francis Philips.'' Mr. Philips writes strongly in favour of the purchase, and states that his attention had been drawn to the subject by a perusal of Mr. M'Niven's pamphlet, and "the short and able reply to it," which had resulted in a strong conviction that " the Manor ought to be purchased whilst it is to be had." An answer to this appeared by an anonymous writer, entitled "A Letter to Francis Philips, Esq., on his pamphlet entitled 'Murder is Out,' &c, by a native of the parish of Manchester."2 In this tract, which would appear to have been written by a lawyer, there is a reference to the fact that Mr. Philips' mercantile avocations had not left him time to study the works of Coke ; and he accordingly answered it in a second pamphlet, entitled "Coke upon Lyttleton ; or, The Rejoinder: by Francis Philips."3 This is dated from Longsight Hall, 27th March, 1809.4 But in spite of all this pamphlet literature, the scheme for pur chasing the manor of Manchester fell through, chiefly, I think, because Sir Oswald Mosley would not accept less than the sum originally named by him (£90,000), and this sum the Committee demurred to giving. Nothing further appears to have been done in this matter for more than thirty years; but after the incorporation of the borough, and when the new Corporation was firmly established, the import ance of acquiring possession of the manor of Manchester became more and more apparent. At a Council meeting held on the 17th January, 1844, it was ordered that steps should be taken to introduce into the Act of Parliament then- about to be obtained "for the good 1 Printed and Sold by J. Aston. Manchester Exchange. Octavo, pp. 20. " Manchester : Printed and sold by Joseph Aston. 1809. Octavo, pp. 12. 3 Manchester : Printed and sold by Joseph Aston, Exchange Building. 1809. Octavo, pp. 8. 4 A skit on this controversy appeared under the title of " The History of Johnny Shuttle and his Cottage : a homely, unvarnished tale ; interesting to the Inhabitants of Manchester. [Quotation.] Printed and sold by Joseph Aston, Manchester Exchange, 1809," octavo. INTRODUCTION. XIX government and police regulation of the borough," clauses empower ing the Council to treat for and buy the manorial rights of the manor of Manchester, and the rights and properties incident thereto. This was accordingly done, and on the 7th August, 1844, the General Purposes Committee were desired to communicate with the lord of the manor, or his agents, "for the purpose of obtaining the informa tion necessary to enable them to report to the Council as to the terms upon which the manorial rights and property, either together or separately, can be purchased by the Corporation under the powers for that purpose recently obtained."' During this time Alexander Kay, Esq., who was then Mayor of Manchester, took a leading part in the negotiations between the Corporation and Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., lord of the manor of Manchester. At a meeting of the Council held on the 24th March, 1845, it was reported by the General Purposes Committee that the Town Clerk had received a statement showing the annual income derived from the manorial rights and properties, proposed to be purchased by the Corporation, and of which Sir Oswald Mosley had estimated the value to be £218,755. ar,d tnat he was prepared to sell them to the Corporation for the sum of ^200,000. The Com mittee also reported that they had unanimous!}' come to the conclusion that it was desirable to obtain possession of the manorial rights, &c, and that the Mayor, Mr. Alderman Xeild, and the Town Clerk had had an interview with Sir Oswald Mosley at Rolleston Hall, on the 12th March last. At this interview the Corporation had offered £180,000, but Sir Oswald Mosley declined to accept less than £200,000, but expressed his willingness to take £5,000 as a deposit, and to accept the Corporation mortgages for the balance at 3^4 per cent., the Corporation not to be required to pay more than £4,000 per annum in liquidation of the purchase money, but with an option to increase that payment to ,£6,000 per annum. The Committee stated that they entirely approved of the action of the deputation, and they added that the}" "do not feel that it is necessary, nor are they disposed to dilate upon the advantages which may reasonably be anticipated from the Corporation becoming the possessors of the manorial rights, nor to do more than remind the Council of the unfortunate termination of the last negotiation, which, in the year 1808, was entered upon with Sir Oswald Mosley. As the consequence of that termination, the Corporation is now called XX INTRODUCTION. upon to pay more than double the sum for which the rights might then have been purchased by the town ; at the same time, the Council will bear in mind that the income was then stated to be only £2,800 per annum, whilst it is now stated by Sir Oswald Mosley to be upwards of .£9,200 per annum." They also commented upon Sir Oswald's indifference as to whether his offer was accepted or not, as he no doubt felt confident of the tolls, &c, increasing in value, and they strongly recommended the Council to accept the offer now made. It was also pointed out that "the Council will be able to form an opinion as to how far the tolls received by Sir Oswald Mosley are likely to be increased when the same have to be collected by the servants and under the direction of the Council, and whether or not property of this description is likely to become more valuable in the hands and under the management of a public body than in those of a private individual." The Council then unanimously passed the following resolution : — "That the offer made by Sir Oswald Mosley to sell to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough the manorial rights of the manor of Manchester, together with the several properties particularly mentioned and referred to in the statement delivered by his solicitor to the Town Clerk, on the third day of December now last passed, for the sum of £200,000, to be secured and paid in the manner and at the time stated in the report of the Committee for General Purposes this day presented, be and the same is hereby accepted by the Council ; and that the said Committee be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to affix to the formal contract, so soon as the same is prepared and settled for execution, the Com mon Seal of the Corporation." At the Council meeting held on the 2nd July, 1845, the Mayor was directed to affix the Corporate Common Seal to the contract for the purchase of the manorial rights, and the Treasurer was ordered to pay the sum of £5,000 as the deposit on account of the purchase money. The drawing up of the necessary deeds, &c, took considerable time, and it was not till the Council meeting held on the 6th May, 1846, that the Common Seal of the Corporation was ordered to be fixed to the deed of conveyance of the manorial rights, and also to the mortgage of the same hereditaments, and the borough rate, for securing the sum of .£195,000, the unpaid residue of the purchase money, to Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart, In moving this resolution, INTRODUCTION. xxi Mr. Alderman Kay said "that he had long been persuaded that, next to the charter of incorporation, this conveyance was one of the most important deeds which could be presented to the Council, for it conferred upon them rights and powers, which, if they were suffered to remain in the hands of a private individual, would tend materially to impede those various improvements, which he believed to be essential to the health and comfort of the inhabitants of this populous borough." He also spoke in terms of commendation of the liberal and handsome conduct of Sir Oswald Mosley throughout a protracted negotiation of fourteen months. In consequence of the purchase of the manorial rights on the 24th March, 1845, ar>d tne sealing of the contract on the 2nd July in that year, it was generally thought that the Court Leet held on 15th October, 1845, would be the last one held in the town, and so more than usual interest was taken in it. On the day that it was to be held the Manchester Guardian thus referred to it: "The last Court Leet of Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., as lord of the manor of Manchester, will be held this day at twelve o'clock in the new Manor Court House. In order to signalise the occasion, we believe the leet jury will include Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P., Mr. Alderman Neild, and other gentlemen, who, from seeing some years ago the working of these Courts and the difficulty of inducing a gentleman resident in Manchester to serve the office of boroughreeve or that of constable, were led to make those strenuous efforts to obtain a charter of incorporation, which, in spite of the opposition they encountered, were ultimately successful. Another result will be seen to-day in the election of members of the Corporation to the almost obsolete offices of boroughreeve and constables. Although these offices, with the exception of distributing some charitable funds, are sinecures, it is desirable on this occasion to continue the elections that the muniments and other matters officially delivered to the boroughreeve by his predecessor may be transferred to members of the Corporation as the manorial authorities, and, indeed, as the representatives of the corporate body, who are or will be the new lords of the manor. These things will lend a more than ordinary interest to the last Court Leet of Sir Oswald Mosley." At this Court, held on the 15th October, 1845, James Heath Leigh, Esq., barrister-at-law and steward of the Court, presided. Mr. Samuel Kay, deputy-steward, was also present, and John Whipp, xxii INTRODUCTION. bailiff of the manor, who opened the Court with the old " Oyez, oyez, oyez (which he pronounced 'O yes'), all ye that are summoned to this place draw near and give your attendance and answer to your names." The following gentlemen were sworn on the Jury (see p. 247) : — Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P., foreman, Mr. Alderman Bancroft, Mr. Samuel Berry, Mr. James Consterdine, Mr. Alderman Kershaw, Mr. Alderman Neild, Mr. Alderman John Potter, Mr. Joseph Peel, Mr. Alderman Shuttleworth, Mr. Alderman Willert, Mr. Alderman Watkins, Mr. E. P. Thomson, and Mr. Edward Tootal. The learned Steward addressed the Jury, and after commenting upon so many members of the Corporation being nominated on it, congratulated the town on the purchase of the manorial rights. Mr. Kay stated that it would be necessary to appoint the usual officers in order to distribute certain charities, one of which, Clarke's, had an income of £1,800 a year. He added that "it was highly desirable in so happy a union between the several authorities of the populous and important town of Manchester that they should appoint to the nominal offices of Boroughreeve and Constables of Manchester, gentlemen who were members of their own Corporation." The Jury accordingly elected Alexander Kay, Esq., the Mayor, as Boroughreeve, and Mr. Alderman John Potter and Mr. Alderman Paul Ferdinand Willert, as the two Constables. After being sworn in, the "Mayor-Boroughreeve" addressed a few remarks to the Jury upon the singular anomaly of a mayor of an incorporated borough taking the office of boroughreeve. Mr. Cobden then addressed the Court, and said "that probably he should not be considered by his fellow jurors as doing his duty if he allowed the present occasion to pass without expressing what he believed to be the feeling of the jury, their complete concurrence with the observations of the learned Steward and the great satisfaction they felt at the termination of the rights and privileges of this Court, which had lasted, he believed, for many centuries, and which was admirably suited to the times in which it was established, but which all parties admitted was quite unsuited to the wants and requirements of the present day. He was sure there was but one opinion as to the character of the arrangement made for the transfer of the manorial property, rights, and privileges both on the part of the Town Council and on that of Sir Oswald Mosley, and it was much to be wished that all necessary changes in our institutions might be made as tranquilly and with the same good feeling as in this instance." INTRODUCTION. xxiii In consequence, however, of the delay which occurred in com pleting the conveyance of the manorial rights to the Corporation, the Court above described was not absolutely the last Court Leet held in Manchester, for it was necessary to hold the Easter Court Leet on the 24th April, 1846; but at this a few fines only were inflicted (see pp. 253-257), and the Courts Leet of the manor of Manchester then became a thing of the past. Having thus traced the history of the incorporation of the town and the purchase of the manorial rights at some little length, it only remains to add that in this, the twelfth volume of the series, the printing of the proceedings of the Courts Leet of the Manor of Manchester, as far as the}' are preserved, from their commencement in 1552, down to their cessation in 1846, is brought to a conclusion. All the proceedings' have been printed in full, and if by any mischance an}' accident should ever happen to the originals, there is now no fear of the information which they contain becoming lost. It is a matter for regret that no traces of the missing Records for the years 1687 to 173 1 have been met with, as owing to its loss there is a hiatus in the sequence of the proceedings, which is very unfortunate. In the Introduction to the first volume a full account of the origin of the Courts Leet, their powers, &c, will be found, whilst in those of the subsequent volumes a resume of the contents of each is given. In the earlier volumes the proceedings afforded much scope for annotation, of which I was glad to avail myself; but as they come down to modern times the proceedings become more and more formal in character, and it was not possible to add any notes. No pains have been spared to make the contents of these books as accurate and complete as possible, and I can only hope that the verdict of posterity may be as favourable as have been the comments of those who have criticised them during the past five years. T. P. EARWAKER. Pexsarn, Abergele, North Wales, December, 1889. (Manor of (Tttanc0e0ter in t$t County tyafatint of £' Of the second amerciament of the said Josiah Watson ) at the sum of ) ' Of the first amerciament of the said Sophia Watkinson ) at the sum of ) Of the second amerciament of the said Sophia Watkinson at the sum of 4/- 1st MAY, 1835. 47 Of the said John Pyrus at the sum of 10/- Of the said Alexander Matthews at the sum of.. .. 5/- Of the said John M°Williams at the sum of 20/- Of the said Thomas Holland at the sum of 12/6 Of the said Benjamin Shiers at the sum of 5/- Of the said Richard Phillips at the sum of 20 - Of the said James Bowcock at the sum of 20/- Of the said William Holland at the sum of 20/- Of the said Jane Stockdale at the sum of 20/- Of the said Ann Disley at the sum of 20/- Of the said Jonas Brocklehurst at the sum of 20/- Of the said Thomas Braithwaite at the sum of 20/- Of the said John Walker at the sum of 20- Of the first amerciament of the said Robert Clarke at ) r„ the sum of ) unless the Nuisance therein complained of be abated within one month from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do confirm all former good Orders made by former Jurors of this Court Thomas Lomas Foreman. COURT LEET RECORDS. (Tttanor of (Tttanc0e0fer in t§t County (pafatint of Bfincazttx. ************ [12th Oct., 1835.] Zfyt Couxt But ox Q3id8 of §x 1, cr 1. l Thomas Skinner Noton Officers for preventing In- JosePh Sadler Thomas grating [sic], regrating and ™°Tm -n™6' ^^ Forestalling Joseph Mills ^ James Travis Officer for distributing the ) „, .-,, . ,T , „ , „, _ „ , [ Thomas bkinner Noton Rent Charge at Collyhurst ) Pounder ... ... ... William Bateman And the Jurors aforesaid do return Joseph Sadler Thomas Deputy Constable for the year ensuing with a Salary of four hundred pounds per annum the said Joseph Sadler Thomas being nominated by the said Constables appointed as aforesaid their Deputy And the Jurors aforesaid do also return Thomas Williamson Richard Beswick James Sawley and John Bianchi Beadles for the year ensuing at a Salary of [Blank] pounds per annum each the said Thomas Williamson Richard Beswick James Sawley and John Bianchi being appointed by the said Constables their Beadles as aforesaid And the said Joseph Sadler Thomas, Thomas Williamson Richard Beswick James Sawley and John Bianchi were severally sworn into their respective Offices aforesaid. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Isaac Shaw of this Manor Butcher being an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty ninth day of August last at his Slaughterhouse in George Legh Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of large quan tities of flesh meat to wit of six quarters of the carcases of Cows which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome and putrid state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King whereupon it is considered that the said Isaac Shaw be amerced in the Sum of twenty pounds. 52 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do severally present the persons whose names are hereinafter mentioned respec tively Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor for severally selling and exposing to sale divers marketable commodities in the Markets in the said Manor after mentioned and within the Jurisdic tion of this Court after the time of half an hour past eleven of the Clock in the nights of the respective days hereinafter mentioned each of the said days being respectively Market days for the Sale of Com modities in the said Markets respectively contrary to the Bye Laws and regulations of this Manor and each of the said several persons is amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings each pursuant to the said Bye Laws that is to say Richard Whittingham for exposing commodities to sale in the Smithfield Market on Saturday the fifth day of September last. George Clackworthy for a like offence in the said Market on Saturday the I Ith day of July last. Sarah Fletcher Cooke for a like offence in the said Smithfield Market on Saturday the said IIth day of July last. William Bowker for a like offence in the said Smithfield Market on the said Saturday the I Ith day of July last. Mary Smith for a like offence in the said Smithfield Market on the said Saturday the 11th day of July last. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Isabella Fairclough of this Manor Fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which she sold large quantities of Fruit and other commodities to divers of the liege subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a peck measure for and in the measuring and selling of such Fruit and other commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said Isabella Fairclough for the purpose of buying such fruit and other commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Isabella Fairclough be amerced in the Sum of Forty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid on their Oath aforesaid do present that Margaret Hillan of this Manor fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market I2th OCTOBER, 1835. 53 in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which she sold large quantities of Fruit and other Commodities to divers of the Liege subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a half peck measure for and in the measuring and selling of such fruit and other commodities as afore said with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said Margaret Hillan for the purpose of buying such Fruit and other commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Margaret Hillan be amerced in the Sum of Forty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Mary Matthews of this Manor fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he [sic] sold large quantities of Fruit and other commodities to divers of the Liege subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a quarter peck measure for and in the measuring and selling of such fruit and other commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said Mary Matthews for the purpose of buying such fruit and other commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Mary Matthews be amerced in the Sum of twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Joshua Beresford of this Manor Fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of Fruit and other commodities to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a quarter Peck Measure for and in the measuring and selling of such fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuri ously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said Joshua Beresford for the purpose of buying Such Fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Joshua Beresford be amerced in the Sum of Twenty shillings. 54 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Nightingale of this Manor fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of Fruit and other Commodities to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a half peck measure for and in the measuring and selling of such fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuri ously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said John Nightingale for the purpose of buying such Fruit and other commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said John Nightingale be amerced in the Sum of three pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Mary Pendleton of this Manor Fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he [sic] sold large quantities of Fruit and other Commodities to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a peck measure for and in the measuring and selling of such fruit and other commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said Mary Pendleton for the purpose of buying such fruit and other commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Mary Pendleton be amerced in the sum of twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that James Harrison of this Manor fruiterer. being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of Fruit and other Commodities to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a half peck measure for and in the measuring and selling of such fruit and other commodities as afore said with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the 12th OCTOBER, 1835. 55 said James Harrison for the purpose of buying such Fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said James Harrison be amerced in the sum of Forty shillings And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Sarah Dearden of this Manor fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he [sic] sold large quantities of Fruit and other commodities to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a quart measure for and in the measuring and selling of such Fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said Samuel [sic] Dearden for the purpose of buying such fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Sarah Dearden be amerced in the Sum of Ten shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Mary Matthews of this Manor Fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the tenth day of October last was possessed of a certain Stall in Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which she sold large quantities of Fruit and other commodities of [sic for to] the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and [there] knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a quarter peck measure for and in the measuring and selling of such fruit and other commodities as afore said with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall of the said Mary Matthews for the purpose of buying such Fruit and other commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Mary Matthews be amerced in the sum of twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Rogers of this Manor Fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the eighth [day] of October last was possessed of a certain Stall in Shudehill Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of marketable Commodities to divers of the liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective pair of scales for and in the weighing and selling of such commodi ties with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously 56 COURT LEET RECORDS. to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to him the said Thomas Rogers for the purpose of buying such commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Rogers be amerced in the sum of Forty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Robert Helme of this Manor poulterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the sixteenth day of September last was and is possessed of a Cellar of and belong ing to a certain dwellinghouse in or near to a certain Street or Lane called Smithy Door in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and being so possessed thereof He the said Robert Helme on the said Sixteenth day of October last and on divers other days and times since did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer large quantities of noxious fcetid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the said Cellar so possessed by him as aforesaid by reason and in consequence of his keeping Fowls & Poultry which noxious fcetid and unwholesome Vapours smells and stenches issued at the times aforesaid into and upon the dwelling- houses of divers of His Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor into and upon the Common Highway in Smithy Door afore said to the common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other His Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Helme be amerced in the Sum of five pounds unless the said nuisance hereinbefore complained of be abated within fourteen days from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Robert Hayley of this Manor Poulterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the i6'h day of September last was and is possessed of the Cellar of and belonging to a certain dwellinghouse in or near to a certain Street called Smithy Door in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and being so possessed thereof He the said Robert Hayley on the said 1 6th day of September last and on divers other days and times did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer large quantities of noxious fcetid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the said Cellar so possessed by him as aforesaid by reason and in consequence of his Keeping Fowls and Poultry therein which noxious fcetid and unwholesome Vapours Smells and stenches issued at the times aforesaid into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of His Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon the Common Highway in Smithy Door aforesaid to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of I 2th OCTOBER, 1 83 5. 57 all other His Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is con sidered that the said Robert Hayley be amerced in the Sum of Five pounds unless the said Nuisance hereinbefore complained of be abated within fourteen days from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearers of the amerciaments aforesaid the said Edmund Wright Thomas Fleming James Hibbert Wanklyn John Powell and Robert Sharp being five good and lawful Men Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor And the said court is adjourned to Friday the 16"1 day of October at Eleven O'clock in the Forenoon at the Same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said Edmund Wright Thomas Fleming James Hibbert Wanklyn John Powell and Robert Sharp the affearers aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say Of the amerciament of the said Isaac Shaw at the sum of .£20 Of the said Richard Whittingham at the sum of ... Of the said George Clackworthy at the sum of Of the said Sarah Fletcher Cooke at the sum of ... Of the said William Bowker at the sum of Of the said Mary Smith at the sum of Of the said Isabella Fairclough at the sum of Of the said Margaret Hillan at the sum of Of the Is' amerciament of the said Mary Matthews the sum of Ofthe2d d° Of the said Joshua Beresford at the sum of Of the said John Nightingale at the sum of Of the said Mary Pendleton at the sum of Of the said Mary [sic for James] Harrison at the sum of, Of the said Sarah Dearden at the sum of Of the said Thomas Rogers at the sum of Of the said Robert Helme at the sum of Of the said Robert Hayley at the sum of 20/-20/- 20/-20/-20/- 1/- 20/- S io./- 10/- 20/-30/- 20/- 40/- 10/- 40/- £5 ,,o, £5 ,, o , oo And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good Orders made by former Jurors of this Court. John Kirkman Foreman. 58 COURT LEET RECORDS. (UUnor of (WtancJJwfer in t$t County (pdatiu of B. [crossed through in James Dean pencn] 5 James Shaw [crossed Michael Noton Junr through in pencil] James Ogden T , -i^ [crossed through in John Foster pencil]s James Lancashire [cr°ns pf n*[] ugh George Holt Noton John Holland1 Edward Tootal William Wood Peter Rigby t u c -4.V. [crossed through in John Smith L penci]] t 1 117-1 [crossed through Joseph Wilson in pencil]s James Turner Bold Bradshaw Robinson* Michael Noton Junr2 Thomas Skinner Noton James Travis James Barke James Barke George Crossley Joshua Ryle 1 Crossed through and the word " Dead " written after in pencil. " Crossed through and " Ja8 Ogden" substituted in pencil. * The name to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occurs in pencil only. 68 COURT LEET RECORDS. Officers for tasting whole some Ale and Beer Bye Law Man for Market St & High Street Bye Law Man for Deansgate Wood Street and Quay Street Hanging Ditch Withy Grove and Shude Hill ... Market Place S' Marys Gate & S'Anns Square King St. and adjoining Streets Smithy Door & Neighbour hood Collyhurst ... [Mr] Alexander Bower Thomas Sowler Jonathan Statham Edwd Tootle Druggist* John Kaye John Travis Tho8 S. Noton* Thomas Skinner Noton George platt John Reid Michael Noton Junrl Thomas Skinner Noton Officers for Muzzling Mastiff Dogs and Bitches ( Thomas Skinner Noton For Long Millgate Market Place Hanging Ditch and the Neighbourhood... Deansgate andS'Anns Square Smithy Door and Shambles King Street and adjoining Back Streets Officers for preventing In- grating [sic], regratingand Forestalling Officer for distributing the Rent Charge at [sic for from] Collyhurst... Pounder George Holt Noton James Nickells2 George Southam Matthew Wilson Richard Thelwall Benjamin Goodall Thomas Skinner Noton Joseph Sadler Thomas Thomas Skinner Noton Joseph Mills [CT0Ssepdentc1|f]0l,gh in James Trawis Thomas Skinner Noton John Medley And the Jurors aforesaid do return Joseph Sadler Thomas Deputy Constable for the year ensuing with a Salary of Four Hundred pounds per annum the said Joseph Sadler Thomas being nominated by the said Constables appointed as aforesaid their 1 Crossed through and " Ja» Ogden " substituted in pencil. ' Crossed through and " Ja» Silkstone " substituted in pencil. * The names to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occur in pencil only. IOth OCTOBER, 1836. 6g Deputy And the Jurors aforesaid do also return James Sawley Richard Beswick John Bianchi and John Livingston Beadles for the year ensuing at a Salary of [Blank] per annum each the said Richard Beswick James Sawley John Bianchi and John Livingston being appointed by the said Constables their Beadles as aforesaid And the said Joseph Sadler Thomas Richard Beswick James Sawley John Bianchi and John Livingston were severally sworn into their respective Offices aforesaid. At this Court the said Robert Barbour being so elected Borough reeve as aforesaid and being an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor and a fit and proper person to serve the said Office and being now present in Court is charged by the Court to take upon himself the said Office of Boroughreeve of this Manor and to take an Oath for the due execution of the said Office And he the. said Robert Barbour now here in open Court unlawfully refuseth to take upon himself the said Office or to take the said Oath in contempt of the Court Whereupon the court doth Order and adjudge that the said Robert Barbour do forthwith pay a ffine of One hundred and fifty pounds, to the Lord of this Manor. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do nominate elect and appoint John Hyde Esquire an Inhabitant and resiant of and in this Manor to the said Office of Boroughreeve for the year ensuing or until he shall be therefrom legally discharged and the said John Hyde is duly Sworn into his Office aforesaid. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Sarah Shaw of this Manor Butcher being an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twelfth day of April last at her Slaughter House in Jepson's Court in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh Meat to wit sixty pounds weight of Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King Whereupon it is considered that the said- Sarah Shaw be amerced in the sum of Five Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that William Dunster of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on Thursday the twenty ninth day of September last at his Slaughterhouse in Mayes Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit 3 quarters 70 COURT LEET RECORDS. of the Carcase of a Cow which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King Whereupon it is considered that the said William Dunster be amerced in the Sum of ffive pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that James Bardsley of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the 29* day of September last at his Stall in the Smithfield Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh Meat to wit 5olbs weight of Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King Whereupon it is considered that the said James Bardsley be amerced in the Sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Alice Wright of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the 23d day of May last in her Dwellinghouse in Gun Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh Meat to wit One quarter of the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King Whereupon it is considered that the said Alice Wright be amerced in the Sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Tideswell of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the 16 day of July last was possessed of a certain Stall or Standing in Smithfield Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of fflesh Meat to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there know ingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective pair of Scales for and in the weighing and selling of such Flesh Meat as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuri ously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall or IOth OCTOBER, 1836. 71 Standing of the said John Tideswell for the purpose of buying such flesh Meat as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said John Tideswell be amerced in the Sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Mary Crompton of this Manor Dealer being then and still an In habitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the 16 day of July last was possessed of a certain Stall or Standing in the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which she sold large quantities of fruit and other commodities to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a peck Measure for and in the measuring and selling of such Fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuri ously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall or Standing of the said Mary Crompton for the purpose of buying such Commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Mary Crompton be amerced in the Sum of One shilling. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that James Parnell otherwise Pownall of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the thirtieth day of April last was possessed of a certain Stall or Standing in the Deansgate Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of fflesh Meat to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective pair of Scales for and in the weighing and selling of such flesh Meat as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall or Standing of the said James Parnell otherwise Pownall for the purposes of buying such flesh Meat as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said James Parnell otherwise Pownall be amerced in the Sum of Twenty Shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Ellis of this Manor Sawyer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the 7"1 day of October instant and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain erection or building in or near to Back Water Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said John Ellis on the said 7"1 day of October and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt 72 COURT LEET RECORDS. large quantities of Coal and other Fuel in the Furnace and Fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quantities of Smoke which on the several days and times as aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of His Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other His Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing the said Street and common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said John Ellis be amerced in the sum of Twenty Pounds unless the Nuisance heretofore com plained of be abated within three months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Alexander Livingstone of this Manor Agent being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the sixth day of October last was possessed of a certain messuage or dwelling- house and premises in or near to Mason Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid on the said sixth day of October instant and on divers other days and times since did permit and suffer large quantities of Water to collect and accumulate in Mason Street aforesaid and did on the several days and times aforesaid permit and suffer the same to remain and continue in the said several Streets in a stagnant and Offensive state Whereupon on the said several days and times afore said divers nauseous and unwholesome Vapours smells and stenches issued into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of His Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon the Com mon Highway in Mason Street aforesaid to the Common Nuisance of the said Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other His Majestys Liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Streets and common Highways Whereupon it is considered that the said Alexander Livingstone be amerced in the sum of Twenty Pounds if the Nuisance hereinbefore complained of be not [sic] abated within One Month from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Cyrus Southam and Abraham Macclesfield of this Manor Tripe Dealerfs] being then and still Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor were and from thence hitherto and still are possessed of a certain messuage dwellinghouse and shop in or near to Ashley Lane in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court wherein the said Cyrus Southam and Abraham Macclesfield carried on the Trade lOni OCTOBER, 1836, 7 }, :ci rind Business of a Tripe Manufacturer [sic] and being so pos.ses.se thereof They the said Cyrus Southain and Abraham Macclesfield on divers days and times did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer large quantities of noxious and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the said Messuage dwellinghouse and shop so possessed by than as aforesaid which on the several days afore said issued into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways in tlic said Manor to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King passing and repassing in and along the said Streets and Common Highways Whereupon it is considered that the said Cyrus Southain and Abraham Macclesfield be amerced in the Sum of Ten pounds unless the Nuisance hereinbefore complained of be not [sic] abated within one Month from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Michael Carroll of this Manor Tripe Dealer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the first day of October instant was and from thenceforth hitherto and still is possessed of a certain Cellar in or near to Cock Gates in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court wherein the said Michael Carroll carried on the Trade and Business of a Tripe Manufacturer and being so posSed thereof He the said Michael Carroll on the said first day of October instant and on divers other days and times did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer large quantities of noxious and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the s'1 Cellar so possessed by him as afs'1 which on the sev' days aforesaid issued into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways in the said Manor to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other the Liege Subjects of our said Lord the King passing and repassing in and along the said Streets and Common Highways Whereupon it is considered that the said Michael Carroll be amerced in the Sum of Ten Pounds unless the Nuisance hereinbefore- complained of be not [sic] abated within One Month from the holding of this Court And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearers of the amerciaments aforesaid the said Samuel Fletcher John Brook[s] William Hall Richard Marsden Joseph Armstrong being live good and lawful Men Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor. 74 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the said Court is adjourned to Friday the 21" day of October instant at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said Samuel Fletcher John Brooks William Hall Rd Marsden and Joseph Armstrong the affearers aforesaid being duly Sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to Say.Of the said Sarah Shaw at the sum of £2 ,, 0 „ 0 Of the said William Dunster at the sum of £2 ,, 0 ,, 0 Of the said James Bardsley at the Sum of Of the said Alice Wright at the Sum of ... Of the said John Tideswell at the sum of... Of the said Mary Crompton at the sum of Of the said James Parnell ofwise Pownall at Of the said John Ellis at the Sum of Unless the Nuisance complained of be abated within three Months from the holding of this Court. Of the said Alexander Livingstone at the Sum of... ,, 1 ,, Of the said Michael Carroll at the sum of £10 „ „ Unless the Nuisance complained of be abated within One Month from the holding of this Court. Of the said Cyrus Southam at the Sum of ,, 1 „ And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good Orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Samuel Fletcher Foreman. £2 , 0 „ £2 > 0 „ ,, , S „ ») , 10 „ £1 > i> jj • * • * • ' J» I J> £1 tt a £20 )) )> I4th APRIL, 1837. 75 (UWnor of Qttanc0e0ter in t$t County $t Couxt But ox Q)te553 of §x, 0 „ 0 £5 .. 0 ,, 0 £0 „ 10 „ 0 £5 „ 0 „ 0 £2 „ 10 „ 0 0 „ 5 „ 0 0 „ 5 » 0 0 „ 1 „ 0 £1 ,, 0 „ 0 £1 ,, 0 „ 0 0 „ 10 „ 0 0 „ 5 .. 0 0 „ 5 ,. 0 0 „ 2 „ 6 0 „ 2 „ 6 0 „ 10 „ 0 0 „ -• 6 - ,, u 1 >> 0 „ 0 0 „ «- ,, \j ** J! 0 „ 0 I „ 0 „ 0 I „ 0 „ 0 O „ 5 „ 0 O „ 2 „ 6 5 „ 0 „ 0 0 „ 2 „ 6 0 „ 2 „ 6 0 „ 2 „ 6 0 „ 5 .. 0 I „ 0 „ 0 >! 2 „ 6 O „ 10 ,, 0 O „ S „ 0 0 „ 10 „ 0 O „ 5 - 0 O „ 10 „ 0 . 0 ,, 2 „ 6 20th APRIL, 1837. gi Of the said Henry Dishley [sic for Disley] at the sum of Of the said Jonas Brocklehurst at the sum of 0,, J „ o Of the said Mary Foden at the Sum of o „ 10 „ 0 And the affearers do recommend it to the Court not to levy the said Amerciaments of the said Thomas Southam and Joshua Ronchetti if the Nuisance therein respectively complained of be abated Within three months from the holding of this Court. And the said affearers do recommend it to the Court not to levy the said amerciament of the said John Ellis if the Nuisance therein complained of be abated within six weeks from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good Orders made by former Jurors of this Court. William Tomlinson Hesketh Foreman. 94 COURT LEET RECORDS. (UUnor of (Utancjjesfer in t$t County (pafctfme of Bancaettx* [19th Oct-. T837-] Z§t Couxt But ox ($im of £xge of Sir Oswald Mosley Baronet Lord of the Manor of Man chester aforesaid holden for Our Lady the Queen at the Manor Court House in the Manor aforesaid on Thursday the nineteenth day of October in the First Year of the reign of Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith Before James Heath Leigh Esq" Barrister at Law Steward of the said Court. Michaelmas 1837. — Jurors of Our Lady the Queex. Daniel Broadhurst Esq : Foreman. Henry Bannerman ^ Edmund Potter \ George Clarke I Joseph Peel . Sworn Thomas Broadbent V [Sworn] Samuel Nicholls 1 James Consterdine I John Hall I Henry Newbery I Charles Pooley J William Mc Connel J James Aspinall Turner being Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor. The Jurors aforesaid being duly sworn do amerce all and every the Burgesses who owe Suit and Service to this Court and who have not appeared or essoigned here this day in Sixpence each and all and every other the Inhabitants who have defaulted in like manner in Three pence each. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do nominate elect and appoint the following Inhabitants of this Manor and being respectively resiants of and in the same to the following offices for the year ensuing or until they shall be therefrom legally discharged that is to say For the Office of BOROUGH- ) Wiluam Nmld t reeve ) Richard Cobden Robert Ogden John Smith 1 Mr. William Neild refused to take office, and was fined ,£200. John Brown, Esq. was elected Boroughreeve in his place. (See p. 97.) 19TH OCTOBER, 1837. 95 For the Office of Consta bles Mise Leyers Mise Gatherers Market Lookers for Flesh and Fish Inspectors of Measures... Weights and | [M^] David Price | [Mr] John Fergusson ( [Mr] Matthew Taylor ( John Johnson I John Gunson I John Johnson John Travis Thomas Skinner Noton James Travis Joseph Sadler Thomas James Ogden George Holt Noton James Turner William Boslam James Shaw Edward Tootal William Wood Peter Rigby [crossed Christopher Batty through in pencil] Charles Simpson James Barke James Silkstone Thomas Yates William Wheeldon John Kay James Sawley Bold Bradshaw1 Robinson Richd Gill Marshall* James Barke John Travis James Silkstone Thomas Skinner Noton James Travis Joseph Sadler Thomas James Shaw James Ogden George Holt Noton Edward Tootal William Wood Peter Rigby James Turner Bold Bradshaw1 Robinson 1 Crossed through and " Bagshaw" substituted in pencil. * The name to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occurs in pencil only. 96 COURT LEET RECORDS. Inspectors of White Meats for Market Street Long Millgate Shude Hill, Withy Grove and Fennel Street Hunts Bank and Church Yard side Market Looker for the Assize of Bread ... Officers for tasting whole sale [sic] Ale and Beer ... Bye Law Man for Market S' and High St' Bye Law Man [sic] for Deans gate, Wood Street and Quay Street Hanging Ditch Withy Grove and Shude Hill ... Market place S' Mary's Gate and S' Anns Square King S' & adjoining Streets Smithy Door & Neighbour hood Collyhurst ... [Mr] James Ogden John Foster Thomas Skinner Noton James Travis James Barke George Crossley Joshua Ryle Alexander Bower Thomas Sowler Jonathan Statham Edward Tootal John Kaye John Travis Thomas Skinner Noton Thomas Skinner Noton George Piatt John Reid James Ogden Thomas Skinner Noton For Long Mill Gate Officers for Muzzling Mastiff Dogs and Bitches. ( Thomas Skinner Noton George Holt Noton James Silkstone George Southam Matthew Wilson Market place Hanging Ditch and the Neighbourhood... Deansgate and S' Anns Square Smithy Door & Shambles... King Street and adjoining back Streets Officers for preventing In- grating [sic] regrating and Forestalling Richard Thelwall Benjamin Goodall^rpdencnTSh Edwa Loyd * Thomas Skinner Noton Joseph Sadler Thomas Thomas Skinner Noton James Travis The name to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occurs in pencil only. igxn OCTOBER, 1837. 97 Officer for distributing the | [W] Thomas Sk;nner Noton Rent Charge at Collyhurst 1 Pounder ... ... ... John Medley And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do return Joseph Sadler Thomas Deputy Constable for the year ensuing with a Salary of Four hundred pounds Per annum the said Joseph Sadler Thomas being nominated by the said constables appointed as aforesaid their deputy. And the Jurors aforesaid do also return Richard Beswick James Sawley John Smith and John Bianchi for the year ensuing at a Salary of [Blank] per annum each, the said Richard Beswick James Sawley John Smith and John Bianchi being appointed by the said Constables their Beadles as aforesaid And the said Joseph Sadler Thomas Richard Beswick James Sawley John Smith and John Bianchi were severally sworn into their respective Offices aforesaid. At this Court the said William Nield being so Elected Borough reeve as aforesaid and being an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor and a fit and proper person to serve the said Office and being now present in court is charged by the Court to take upon himself the said Office of Boroughreeve of this Manor and the said William Nield being one of the people called Quakers to take an affirmation for the due execution of the said Office And he the said William Nield now here in open Court unlawfully refuseth to take upon himself the' said Office or to take the said Affirmation in con tempt of the said Court Whereupon the court doth Order and adjudge that the said William Nield do forthwith pay a Fine of Two Hundred Pounds to the Lord of this Manor. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do nominate elect and appoint John Brown Esquire an Inhabitant and resiant of and within this Manor to the said Office of Boroughreeve for the year ensuing or until he shall be thereform legally discharged and the said John Brown is duly sworn into his Office aforesaid. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that George Simmons of this Manor Butcher being an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty first day of April last in a certain Building in Allum Street in this manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of the Carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance VOL. XII. — 11 gS COURT LEET RECORDS. of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Simmons be amerced in the Sum of Twenty Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Jeremiah Hall of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty second day of June last at his Slaughter house in London Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale con trary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said Jeremiah Hall be amerced in the Sum of Twenty Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Edward Bull of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty third day of June last at his Slaughterhouse near Water Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of the Carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale con trary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said Edward Bull be amerced in the Sum of Ten Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Richard Williams of this Manor Fruiterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the nineteenth day of September last was possessed of a certain Stall or Standing in Shude Hill in this manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of Fruit and other commodities to divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective measure purporting to be a Peck Measure for and in the measuring and selling of such Fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuri ously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall or Standing of the said Richard Williams for the purpose of buying such Fruit and other Commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is con sidered that the said Richard Williams be amerced in the Sum of Two Pounds. 19™ OCTOBER, 1837. 99 And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Ann Heaton of this Manor Green Grocer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fourteenth day of October instant was possessed of a certain Stall or Standing in Shude Hill Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which she sold large quantities of Vegetables and other Commodities to divers of the Liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use three false and defective measures purporting to be one peck, one half peck and one half quarter measures for and in the measur ing and selling of such Vegetables and other commodities as afore said with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall or Stand ing of the said Ann Heaton for the purpose of buying such com modities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Ann Heaton be amerced in the Sum of Ten Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Standring of this Manor [Blank] being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of October instant and from thenceforth hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain Erection or Building in or near to Appollo Street Oldham Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said John Standring on the said second day of October and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other Fuel in the said Furnace and Fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quan tities of Smoke which on the several days and times aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said John Standring be amerced in the Sum of Five Pounds unless the nuisance heretofore complained of be abated within three months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Woodward of this Manor [Blank] being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said manor on the second day of October instant and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain erection and building in or near to Spear Street in this IOO COURT LEET RECORDS. manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said John Woodward on the said second day of October instant and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of coal and other Fuel in the said Furnace and fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quan tities of Smoke which on the several days and times as aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majesty's [Liege] Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said John Woodward be amerced in the sum of Fifty Pounds unless the Nuisance heretofore complained of be abated within three months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that James Langshaw of this Manor poulterer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of October was and is possessed of a certain Cellar of or belonging to a certain dwellinghouse in or near to a certain dwellinghouse [sic] called Smithy Door in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and being so possessed thereof He the said James Langshaw on the said second day of October and on divers other days and times since did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer large quantities of noxious fcetid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the said Cellar so possessed by him as afore said by reason and in consequence of his keeping Fowls and poultry there which noxious fcetid and unwholesome Vapours Smells and Stenches issued at the times aforesaid into and upon the dwelling- houses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor into and upon the Common Highway in Smithy Door afore said to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majestys Liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said James Langshaw be amerced in the Sum of Twenty Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present' Vernon Kitchen of this Manor Cotton Spinner being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the eighteenth day of October instant and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain Erection or Building in Deansgate in this 19th OCTOBER, 1837. I01 Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said Vernon Kitchen ort the said eighteenth day of October instant and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other Fuel in the said Furnace and Fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quan tities of Smoke which on the several days and times aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing the said Street and common Highways there to the common nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other her Majestys Liege subjects passing and repassing the said Street and Common High way [sic] Whereupon it is considered that the said Vernon Kitchen be amerced in the Sum of Twenty five Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Atwood Beaver of this Manor Cotton Spinner being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the eighteenth day of October instant and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain Factory or Building in Chepstow Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said John Atwood Beaver on the said eighteenth day of October instant and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other fuel in the said Furnace and Fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quantities of Smoke which on the several days and times as aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said John Atwood Beaver be amerced in the Sum of Fifty Pounds, And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that William Glasgow of this Manor Cotton Spinner being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the 1 8* day of October instant and from thence hitherto has been and still is possessed of certain buildings in Lower Mosley Street known bv the 102 COURT LEET RECORDS. name of the Albion Mill in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said William Glasgow on the sd eighteenth day of October instant and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other Fuel in the said Furnace and Fire place of the said Buildings and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make and procure to be made large quantities of smoke which on the several days and times as aforesaid did" issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing the said Street and Common High way Whereupon it is considered that the said William Glasgow be amerced in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that William Bowker of this Manor Size Manufacturer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of October instant and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain Building in Bury's Court near Long Millgate in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and being so possessed thereof He the said William Bowker on the said second day of October instant and on divers other days and times since did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer large quantities of noxious fcetid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the said Buildings so possessed by him as aforesaid by reason of and in consequence of his Boiling and burning of Bones which noxious fcetid and unwholesome Vapours Smells and stenches issued at the times aforesaid into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor into and upon the Common Highway in Long Mill Gate aforesaid and to the Common Nuisance of the said Manor and of all other Her Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Streets and Common Highway Whereupon it is con sidered that the said William Bowker be amerced in the Sum of One hundred pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearers of the amerciaments aforesaid. John Hall James Aspinall Turner William -McConnell - Richard Cobden Edmund Potter being five good and lawful Men Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor, 2 I st OCTOBER, 1837. 103 10 )) 0 ,, 0 10 )) 0 „ 0 S £5 J) 0 „ 0 1 „ 0 3 „ 0 0 „ 0 And the said Court is adjourned to Saturday the twenty first day of October instant at twelve o'clock in the forenoon at the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said John Hall James Aspinall Turner William McConnell Richard Cobden and Edmund Potter the affearers aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say. Of the said George Simmonds at the Sum of. Of the said Jeremiah Hall at the Sum of... Of the said Edward Bull at the Sum of ... Of the said Richard Williams at the Sum of Of the said Ann Heaton at the Sum of ... Of the said John Standring at the Sum of Unless the Nuisance complained of be not abated within One Month from the holding of this Court. Of the said John Woodward at the Sum of .£50 Unless the Nuisance complained of be not abated within three months from the holding of this Court. Of the said James Langshaw at the Sum of £20 Unless the Nuisance complained of be abated within fourteen days from the holding of this Court. Of the said Vernon Kitchen at the Sum of Unless the Nuisance complained of be abated in two months from the holding of this Court. Of the said John Attwood Beaver at the Sum of ... Unless the nuisance complained of be abated within two months from the holding of this Court. Of the said William Glasgow at the Sum of Unless the nuisance complained of be abated before the holding of the next Court. Of the said William Bowker at the Sum of Unless the nuisance complained of be abated within two months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good Orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Daniel Broadhurst Foreman. 5 50 100 100 104 COURT leet records. (UUnor of (Tttancpesfer in t$t County {pafatint of Btncwttx* [30th April, 1838.] Zfy Couxt But ox Q)te$ of ^franft (pfeoge of Sir Oswald Mosley Baronet Lord of the Manor of Manchester aforesaid holden for Our Lady the Queen at the Manor Court House in the Manor aforesaid on Monday the thirtieth day of April in the first year of the reign of Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Defender of the Faith Before James Heath Leigh Esquire Barrister at Law Steward of the said Court. Easter 1838.— Jurors of Our said Lady the Queen. James Barratt Foreman. Joshua Reyner James Lord Joseph Owen Danson Naylor John Duncuft John Williamson David Scott Robert Henson Joseph Gregory Henry Williams John Hall Jonathan Shaw being Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor. The Jurors aforesaid being duly Sworn do amerce all and every the Burgesses who owe suit and service to this Court and who have not appeared or essoigned here this day in Sixpence each and all and every other the Inhabitants who have defaulted in like manner in three pence each. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Halliwell of this Manor Butcher being an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the first day of December last at his Slaughterhouse in Ludgate Hill S' Georges Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of 30th APRIL, 1838. 105 part of a Carcase of a Pig which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for Sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Oueen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Halliwell be amerced in the Sum of Two Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that the said Thomas Halliwell on the thirtieth day of March last at his shop in Ludgate Hill S' George's Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of part of the Carcase of a Calf which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there injuriously to expose the same for Sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Halliwell be amerced in the Sum of Five Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Luke Egerton of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the eleventh day of April last at the Slaughterhouse of one William Bake in Gas Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the Same to Sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Luke Egerton be amerced in the Sum of Five Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath present that Elizabeth Mather of this Manor Poulterer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the thirtieth day of December last on her Stall in Smithy Door in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of Seven Ducks which were then and there in a Putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the Same for Sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is con sidered that the said Elizabeth Mather be amerced in the Sum of One Pound. 106 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Sarah Jones of this Manor Poulterer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the thirtieth day of December last on her Stall in Smithy Door aforesaid was possessed of four Geese which were then and there in a putrid and unwhole some state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is con sidered that the said Sarah Jones be amerced in the Sum of One pound. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Lord of this Manor Poulterer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty ninth day of December last on his Stall in Smithy Door aforesaid was possessed of Nine Geese which were then and there in a putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the Same for Sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Lord be amerced in the Sum of Two Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that William Thorpe of this Manor Pie Maker being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the first [of] december last in his Cellar in Lower Mosley Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit forty Pounds weight of Veal which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to use the same in the making of Pies with intent to expose the same Pies to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said William Thorpe be amerced in the Sum of Five Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Edward Fox of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the eighteenth day of January last at his Slaughterhouse in Gun Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and un wholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and 30th APRIL, 1838. 107 there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to Sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Edward Fox be amerced in the Sum of Seven Pounds Ten Shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Henry Piccope of this Manor Butcher being an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty eighth day of April instant in the Smithfield Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit One hundred weight and two quarters of the Carcase of a Cow which were then and there in a diseased and un wholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the Same to Sale con trary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said Henry Piccope be amerced in the Sum of Five Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Brown and Anthony Battinson of this Manor Butchers being then and still Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor on the tenth day of March last at the Slaughterhouse of one William Bloors in Wood Street in this Manor and within the Juris diction of this Court were possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit four quarters of the Carcase of a Cow and also the Carcase of a Calf which were then and there in a diseased and un wholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the Same to Sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Brown and Anthony Battinson be amerced in the Sum of Ten Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Joseph Collins of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the 10 March last in the Slaughterhouse of the said William Bloors in Wood Street aforesaid was possessed of the Carcase of a Calf which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the Same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Joseph Collins be amerced in the Sum of Five Pounds. 108 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do severally present the several persons hereafter named being respectively Resiants of and in the said Manor for the several .offences hereafter mentioned And the Jurors aforesaid do severally amerce the said persons respectively for such their several offences, in the several Sums of money set opposite to their respective Names (that is to say) Robert Wright for having and using false and defective Scales in the sale of divers commodities on the first day of February last in the Sum of One Pound. James Moorhouse the younger for a like Offence on the twenty fourth day of March last in the Sum of One Pound. Dorothy Hibbert for a like Offence on the Nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Five Shillings. Alice Smith for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. Robert Alsop for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the sum of Ten Shillings. Adam Piatt for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Two Pounds. Thomas Forsyth for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the sum of Ten shillings. Elisha Shelmerdine for a like offence on the Nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Four Pounds. The said Robert Alsop for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. John Lord for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Five Pounds. Anthony Craddock for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Ten Shillings. The said Adam Piatt for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of One Pound. William Ogden for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. James Wild for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the sum of One Pound. George Hutchinson for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. George Redfern for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Ten Shillings. Robert Oldham for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Four Pounds. John Collier for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Four Pounds. 30th APRIL, 1838. IO9 John Jones for a like offence on the nineteenth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. James Johnson for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of One Pound. George Laurence for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of Two Pounds. George Price for a like offence on the twentieth day of February in the Sum of Two Pounds. Mary Foden for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of Three Pounds. Joseph Birchall for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of One Pound. Thomas Walker for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of Two Pounds. George Ryley for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of One Pound. James Greaves for a like offence on the twentieth da}- of February last in the Sum of Ten Shillings. Peter Turner for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of Four Pounds. William Ellis for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of Two Pounds. Ann Howarth for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of Ten Shillings. Robert Russell for a like offence on the twentieth day of February last in the Sum of Five Pounds. William Daniels for a like offence on the twenty second day of February last in the Sum of Four Pounds. John Bradbury for a like offence on the twenty second day of February Jast in the Sum of Four Pounds. George Prescott for a like offence on the Twenty Second day of February last in the Sum of Seven Pounds ten shillings. Robert Collinge for a like offence on the twenty second day of February last in the Sum of One shilling. Charles Hope for a like offence on the twenty second day of February last in the sum of Ten shillings. Nicholas Reece for a like offence on the twenty second day of February last in the sum of One Shillings [sic]. John Whittaker for a like offence on the twenty Second day of February'last in the Sum of Four Pounds. Joseph Swindells for a like offence on the twenty second day of February last in the Sum of Eight Pounds. Joseph Fletcher for a like offence on the twenty second da}- of February last in the Sum of One shilling. HO COURT LEET RECORDS. John Turner for a like offence on the twenty second day of February last in the Sum of Four Pounds. James Fildes for a like offence on the twenty second day of February last in the Sum of One Shillings [sic]. Thomas Andrew for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the sum of Two Pounds. Thomas Capstick for a like offence on the twenty Sixth day of February last in the Sum of One Pound. John Gibson for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the Sum of One Shilling. James Done for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the Sum of One shilling. William Ogden for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the Sum of Three Pounds. John Knowles for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. Paterson Kirton for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the Sum of Four Pounds. Richard Collier for a like offence on the twenty Sixth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. William Thorpe for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the sum of Eight Pounds. John Lowe for a like offence on the twenty sixth day of February last in the Sum of Ten shillings. Ralph Thicknesse for a like offence on the [Blank] Fifth day of March last in the sum of Five Shillings. Robert Grundy and William Maitland for a like offence on the fifth day of March last in the Sum of Four Pounds. Stephen Bills for a like offence on the fifth day of March last in the Sum of One Pound. Patrick Traynor for a like offence on the fifth day of March last in the sum of Two Pounds Ten shillings. Betty Hulton for a like offence on the fifth day of March last in the Sum of One shilling. William Quinn for a like offence on the fifth day of March last in the Sum of Two Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Joseph Whitworth Samuel Isherwood and Sarah Isherwood being Inhabitants & Resiants of and in the said Manor on the tenth day of March last and from thence hitherto have been and still are possessed of a certain Tunnel Bridge or Culvert erected over and across a certain Brook or Rivulet of Water called Shooters Brook in this Manor the Arch of which said Tunnel Bridge or Culvert is not of sufficient capacity and dimensions to carry off the Water flowing in the said Brook or Rivulet when the same is 30th APRIL, 1838. Ill increased by Rains by reason whereof the Water in the said Brook is at such times and times of Flood impounded in the Watercourse of the said Brook so as to overflow the Banks thereof adjoining the said Tunnel and Bridge or Culvert and to cause the said Water to run over and into and upon the Lands of divers of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen lying near unto and adjoining the said Brook or Rivulet to the great damage and to the common Nuisance of such last mentioned Liege Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said Joseph Whitworth Samuel Isherwood and Sarah Isherwood be amerced in the Sum of Five Pounds and in the further sum of Two hundred and Fifty Pounds if the Nuisance above complained of be not abated within four months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Abraham and Robert Abraham both of this Manor Cabinet Makers being then and Still Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the Manor on the twenty eighth day of April and from thenceforth hitherto have been and still are possessed of a certain Erection Build ing & Workshop in or near to Major Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid they the said John Abraham and Robert Abraham on the said twenty eighth day of April instant and on divers other days and times with force and arms did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other Fuel in the said Furnace and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quantities of Smoke which on the several days and times aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there and [sic] to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majestys Liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Streets and Common Highways there Whereupon it is considered that the said John Abraham and Robert Abraham be amerced in the Sum of Two hundred and Fifty Pounds if the Nuisance above complained of be not abated within One Month from the holding of the Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearers of the amerciaments aforesaid, the said James Lord Denison Naylor John Hall Joseph Gregory Robert Henson being five good and lawful Men Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the Said Manor. 1 1: COURT LEET RECORDS. And the said Court is adjourned to Monday the Seventh day of May next at eleven o'clock in the Forenoon at the Same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the adjournment the said James Lord Denison Naylor John Hall Joseph Gregory and Robert Henson five of the affearers being duly Sworn do affear and affirm the Several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say. Of the said Thomas Halliwell at the sum of Two Pounds. Of the said Luke Egerton at the sum of Five Pounds. Of the said Elizabeth Mather at the Sum of One Pound. Of the said Sarah Jones at the Sum of One Pound. Of the said Thomas Lord at the Sum of One Pound. Of the said John Bilman1 at the sum of Two Pounds. Of the said William Thorpe at the sum of Five Pounds. Of the said Edward Fox at the sum of Seven pounds ten shillings. Of the said Thomas Halliwell at the sum of Five Pounds. Of the said Henry Piccope at the Sum of Two pounds ten shillings. Of the said John Brown and Anthony Battison [sic for Battinson] at the Sum of One shilling. Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa: Of the sa Of the sa: Of the sa Of the sa d Joseph Collins at the Sum of Five Pounds. d Robert Wright at the sum of Twenty shillings. d James Moorhouse Jr at the sum of Twenty shillings. d Dorothy Hibbert at the Sum of Five shillings. d Alice Smith at the Sum of Five shillings. d Robert Alsop at the sum of ten shillings. d Adam Piatt at the Sum of Two Pounds. d Thomas Forsyth at the Sum of Ten shillings. d Elisha Shelmerdine at the Sum of Two Pounds. d Robert Alsop at the Sum of ten shillings. d John Lord at the Sum of Two Pounds. d Anthony Craddock at the Sum of Ten shillings. d Adam Piatt at the sum of Twenty shillings. d William Ogden at the Sum of Ten shillings. d James Wild at the sum of Twenty shillings. d George Hutchinson at the Sum of Five shillings. d George Redfern at the sum of Five shillings. d Robert Oldham at the sum of Two Pounds. d John Collier at the sum of Four Pounds. d John Jones at the Sum of Ten shillings. d James Johnson at the sum of Ten shillings. d George Laurence at the sum of Twenty shillings. d George Prince at the sum of Twenty shillings. d Henry" Foden at the sum of Two Pounds. John Bilman has not been mentioned before. Called Mary Foden on p. 109. 7th may, 1838. 113 Of the said Joseph Birchall at the sum of Twenty shillings. Of the said Thomas Walker at the sum of twenty shillings. Of the said Thomas Ryley at the sum of Twenty Shillings. Of the said James Greaves at the Sum of Ten shillings. Of the said Peter Turner at the sum of Two Pounds. Of the said William Ellis at the Sum of Two Pounds. Of the said Ann Howarth at the sum of Five shillings. Of the said Robert Russell at the Sum of Two Pounds. Of the said WTilliam Daniels at the sum of Twenty Shillings. Of the said John Bradbury at the Sum of Two Pounds. Of the said George Prescott at the sum of Five Pounds. Of the said Robert Collinge at the sum of One Shilling. Of the said Charles Hope at the Sum of Five shillings. Of the said John Whittaker at the Sum of Two Pounds. Of the said Nicholas Reece at the sum of One shilling. Of the said Joseph Swindells at the Sum of Eight Pounds. Of the said Joseph Fletcher at the Sum of One shilling. Of the said John Turner at the Sum of Three Pounds. Of the said Thomas Andrew at the Sum of Twenty shilling[s]. Of the said Thomas Capstick at the sum of Ten shilling[s]. Of the said John Gibson at the Sum of One shilling. Of the said James Done at the Sum of One shilling. Of the said William Ogden at the sum of Two Pounds. Of the said John Knowles at the sum of Five shillings. Of the said Paterson Kirton at the sum of Three Pounds. Of the said William Thorp at the sum of Four Pounds. Of the said John Lowe at the sum of Five shillings. Of the said Ralph Thicknesse at the sum of One shilling. Of the said Robert Grundy & William Maitland at the Sum of Two Pounds. Of the said Stephen Bills at the sum of Ten shillings. Of the said Patrick Traynor at the sum of Twenty shillings. Of the said Betty Hutton [sic for Hulton] at the sum of One shilling. Of the said William Quinn at the sum of Twenty shillings. Of the said Joseph Whitworth and Samuel and Sarah Isherwood in the said Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Pounds. Unless the said Nuisance be abated before the next holding of this Court. Of the said John and Robert Abraham in the Sum of Fifty Pounds. Unless the said Nuisance be abated in one Month from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good Orders made by former Jurors of this Court. James Barratt Foreman. VOL XII. — I 114 COURT LEET RECORDS. (UWnor of (Utcmcpesfer in tfyt County (pafoftne of B&nc&ettx. [3rd Oct., 1838.] Z%t Couxt But ox Q3M8 of $?. , , _, , .. Square | Richard Thelwell Smithy Door and Shambles James Ogden* King Street and adjoining ) ~, „, . Back Streets ... ... j Thomas Skinner Noton Officers for preventing In- ^ Joseph Sadler Thomas grating [sic] regrating and I Thomas Skinner Noton Forestalling1 ) James Travis Officer for distributing the ) -,, _, . Rent Charge at Collyhurst } Th°mas Skmner N 0ton p°under John Medley And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do return Joseph Sadler Thomas Deputy Constable for the year ensuing with a Salary of Four hundred pounds per annum the said Joseph Sadler Thomas being nominated by the said Constables appointed as aforesaid their Deputy. And the Jurors aforesaid do also return Richard Beswick James Sawley John Smith and John Bianchi Beadles for the year ensuing the said Richard Beswick James Sawley John Smith and John Bianchi being appointed by the said Constables their Beadles as aforesaid And the said Joseph Sadler Thomas Richard Beswick James Sawley John Smith and John Bianchi were severally sworn into their respective Offices aforesaid. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Henry Cadogan Campbell of this Manor Timber Merchant being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the first day of September last past and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain erection and Building in or near to Water Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid He the said Henry Cadogan Campbell on the said first day of September last and on divers other * The name to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occurs in pencil only. 1 The whole of this entry is crossed through in pencil. Il8 COURT LEET RECORDS. days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other fuel in the said Furnace and fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or cause to be made large quantities of smoke which on the several days and times as aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of her Majesty's Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other her Majesty's Liege Subjects passing and repassing in and through the said Streets and Common highways Whereupon it is considered that the said Henry Cadogan Campbell be amerced in the sum of Fifty pounds unless the Nuisance complained of be abated within three months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Taylor of this Manor Veterinary Surgeon being then and still an inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the first day of October last and from thence hitherto was and is possessed of an erection or building in or near to Barlow's Court Back Turner Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid He the said John Taylor on this present third day of October did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal or fuel in the said furnace and fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or cause to be made large quantities of smoke and soot which on the day aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of her Majesty's liege subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers streets and common highways there to the common nuisance of the inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other her Majestys liege subjects passing and repassing the said Street and common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said John Taylor be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance heretofore complained of be abated within one month from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Isaac Shaw of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the first day of October instant at his house in Oldham Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit Four quarters of the Carcase of a Cow which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and 3rd" OCTOBER, 18.38. 119 customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of her Majestys Liege Subjects Whereupon it is considered that the said Isaac Shaw be amerced in the sum of ten pounds. And the Juror's aforesaid do elect and choose to be affeared [sic] of the amerciaments aforesaid. Charles Fletcher Edward Westhead William Barlow Adam Roxburgh Lewis Williams being five good and lawful men Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Monday the eighth day of October instant at twelve o'Clock in the forenoon at the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said Charles Hickson [sic] Edward Westhead William Barlow Adam Roxburgh and Lewis Williams affearers aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid that is to say Of the said Henry Cadogan Campbell at the sum of Fifty pounds unless the nuisance complained of be abated within three months from the holding of this Court. Of the said John Taylor at the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance complained of be abated within one month from the holding of this Court. Of the said Isaac Shaw in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Thomas Markland Foreman. 120 COURT LEET RECORDS. QUanor of (VXmc§t&fct in tfyt County tpafatint of Bcmcaekx* ************ [25th April, 1839.] Z$t Couxt But ox QOiM of $tani pbo$t of Sir Oswald Mosley Baronet Lord of the Manor aforesaid holden for our Lady the Queen at the Court House in the Manor aforesaid on Thursday the twenty fifth day of April in the second year of the reign of Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Defender of the Faith Before James Heath Leigh Esquire Barrister at Law Steward of the said Court. Easter 1839. — Jurors of our Lady the Queen. Richard Collins Foreman. William Tomlinson Hesketh. Peter Eckersley George Peacock Richard Sheldon ; r„ Ti7-ii- \*r .., Lbworn William Watts | L J Jonathan Marshall Duke Richard ThelWell Charles Matchitt ) James Darbyshire James Gaskin John Jones William Newall John Roberts Thomas Ollivant James Cunninghafn John Walsh Being Inhabitants and Residents of and in the said Manor The Jurors aforesaid being duly sworn do amerce all and every the Burgesses who owe suit and service to this Court and have not appeared or assoigned here this day in six pence each and all and every other the Inhabitants who have defaulted in like manner in the sum of three pence each. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Harriott of this Manor Pork Dealer being then [and] still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the third day of October last at his Shop in Long Mill Gate in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession large 2.5th APRIL, 1839. 121 quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Pig which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Harriott be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Spencer of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the fifteenth day of April instant at his Shop in the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain, large quantities of fflesh Meat to wit thirty pounds of the Carcase of a pig which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said John Spencer be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that George Fall of this Manor Printer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of April last and from thenceforth hitherto hath been possessed of a certain Erection and Building in or near to Hargreaves Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Boiler thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as afore said he the said George Fall on the said second day of April and on divers other days and times since did thereby wrongfully and in juriously make or cause to be made large quantities of Steam or other Vapour which on the several days and times aforesaid did issue from the said Boiler into and upon the Dwelling Houses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege Subjects within the said Manor and in and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other her Majesty's subjects passing and repassing along the said Streets and Common Highways Whereupon it is considered that the said George Fall be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance herein before complained of be abated within the space of one calendar month from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that William Clementson of this Manor Dealer being then and I 22 COURT LEET RECORDS. still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of April last was and still is possessed of a certain Messuage Dwelling House and Shop and a Cellar underneath the same in or near to Long Mill Gate in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and being so possessed thereof He the said William Clementson on the said second day of April last and on divers other days and times since did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer divers noxious fetid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the said Cellar underneath his said Shop so possessed by him as aforesaid from certain putrid and unwholesome dead Bodies and carcases of divers animals collected by him for sale which noxious fetid and unwholesome vapours smells and stenches issued at the times aforesaid into and upon the Dwelling Houses of divers of Her Majesty's liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon the Common Highway in Long Mill Gate aforesaid to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants ot the said Manor and of all other her Majesty's liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said William Clementson be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance com plained of be abated within the space of seven days from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Nathaniel Card of this Manor Tallow Chandler being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of January last was and now is possessed of a certain Erection and Building in or near to Todd Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court for the purpose of making Tallow Candles and being so possessed thereof He the said Nathaniel Card on the said seventh day of January last and on divers other days and times since did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer noxious fetid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from his said Shop so possessed by him as aforesaid which noxious fetid and unwholesome smells and stenches issued at the the times aforesaid into and upon the Dwelling Houses of divers of her Majesty's liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon the common Highway in Todd Street aforesaid to the common nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other her Majesty's liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said Nathaniel Card be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance heretofore complained of be abated before the next holding of this Court. 25th APRIL, 1839. 123 And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Ellis of this Manor Sawyer being then and still an In habitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty fourth day of April Instant and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain Saw Mill or Building in Back Water Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid He the said John Ellis on the said second day of April instant and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other fuel in the furnace or fire place of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quantities of smoke and soot which on the several days and times aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney and descend into and upon the Dwelling Houses of divers of Her Majesty's liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the Common Nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other her Majesty's liege Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Streets and Common Highways Whereupon it is considered that the said John Ellis be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance heretofore complained of be abated within two calender months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be Affearers of the Amercements aforesaid the said James Cunningham Richard Thelwell William Tomlinson Hesketh Thomas Ollivant John Roberts being five good and lawful men Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Saturday the twenty seventh day of April instant at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said James Cunningham Richard Thelwell William Tomlinson Hesketh Thomas Ollivant and John Roberts the Affearers aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amercements aforesaid as follows that is to say Of the said John Harriott at the sum of Forty shillings. Of the said John Spencer at the sum of Five pounds. 124 COURT LEET RECORDS. Of the said George Fall at the sum of Twenty pounds, Unless the Nuisance complained of against him be abated within one month from the holding of this Court. Of the said William Clementson at the sum of Twenty pounds. unless the Nuisance complained of against him be abated within seven days from the holding of this Court. Of the said John Ellis at the sum of Twenty pounds unless the Nuisance complained of against him be abated within two months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Rd Collins Foreman. I 7th OCTOBER, 1839. (WWnor of (Tttancpeeter in t§t County (pafatint of B&ncasttx* [17th Oct., 1839] Z$t Couxt But ox Q0it% of Sx unwholesome stale and unfit for the Food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said Stephen Sherry be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Wainwright of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of March last at his Slaughter House in Blossom Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit one quarter of the carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased and un wholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Wainwright be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds, And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Isaac Lewis of this Manor Bone Dealer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the thirtieth day of April last and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a Cellar of and belonging to a certain Messuage or other Build ing in or near to a certain Street called Nicholl's Croft in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Manor [sic] and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid He the said Isaac Lewis on the thirtieth day of April last and on divers other days and times since did wrongfully and injuriously permit and suffer large quantities of noxious fcetid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches to proceed from the said Cellar so possessed by him as aforesaid by reason and in con sequence of his exercising and carrying on therein the Trade or Business of a Bone Dealer which noxious fictid and unwholesome effluvia smells and stenches issued at the times aforesaid into and upon the Dwelling Houses of divers of Her Majestys liege subjects within the Manor aforesaid and into and upon the Common High way in Nicholl's Croft aforesaid to the common nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majesty's liege subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Street and common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said Isaac Lewis be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds unless the nuisance hereinbefore complained of be abated before the twenty fourth day of June next ensuing the holding of this Court. 136 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Richard Dearden of this Manor Common Brewer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of April last and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain Brewery or other Erection or Building in or near to Ancoats Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said Richard Dearden on the said second day of April and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal or other fuel in the said Furnace and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quantities of smoke and soot which on the several days and times aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the Dwelling Houses of divers of Her Majestys liege Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the common nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor And of all other her Majesty's liege subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Streets and common Highways Whereupon it is considered that the said Richard Dearden be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance hereinbefore complained of be abated before the twenty fourth day of June next ensuing the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Joseph Clarke of this Manor Cotton Spinner being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of April last and from thence hitherto was and still is possessed of a certain Factory or Mill or other Building in and near to Clarke Street and Carruthers Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Engine thereto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid He the said Joseph Clarke on the said second day of April and on divers other days and times since did cause or permit great quantities of flyings of Cotton Dust and other matters to issue from the Blow pipe annexed to the said Engine into and upon the Dwelling Houses of divers of Her Majesty's Liege subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the common nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other her Majesty's Jiege subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Streets or Common Highways Whereupon it is considered that the said Joseph Clarke be amerced in the sum of Fifty pounds unless the Nuisance hereinbefore complained of be abated within two months from the holding of this Court. 4th may, 1840. 137 At this Court so holden as aforesaid the Market Lookers duly appointed for the supervision and correction of the Markets and Fairs holden within the Manor aforesaid produced to the Jurors here certain false and defective Measures which were taken and seized by the Market Lookers aforesaid from the Stalls and Standings of divers persons to them unknown frequenting the Easter Fair holden at Camp Field within the Manor aforesaid and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and which were knowingly and designedly kept and used by such persons as aforesaid for and in the measuring and selling of fruit and other commodities with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stalls or Standings of such persons as aforesaid for the purposes of buying such fruit and other commodities as aforesaid Where upon the Jurors aforesaid upon a view being had by them do find that the said Measures are false and defective and the same are hereby declared to be forfeited to the use of the Lord of this Manor. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearers of the amerciaments the said John Roberts Thomas Agar the younger William Pay ton Thomas Frederick Lilly Robert Lomas being five good and lawful Men Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Friday the eighteenth day of May instant at eleven o'clock in the forenoon in the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said John Roberts Thomas Agar the Younger, William Payton Thomas, Frederick Lilly, and Robert Lomas the Affearers aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say. Of the Amerciament of the said Stephen Sherry at the sum of one shilling. Of the Amerciament of the said John Wainwright at the sum of Ten pounds. Of the Amerciament of the said Isaac Lewis at the sum of Ten pounds unless the nuisance complained of be abated before the twenty fourth day of June next ensuing the holding of this Court. 138 COURT LEET RECORDS. Of the amerciament of the said Richard Dearden at the sum of Twenty pounds unless the nuisance complained of be abated before the twenty fourth day of June next ensuing the holding of this Court. Of the amerciament of the said Joseph Clark at the sum of Fifty pounds unless the nuisance complained of be abated within two months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. John Roberts Foreman. 28th OCTOBER, 184O. 139 (WUnor of (UUncpesfer in t$t County (patatint of B L Quay Street ... ... ) Hanging Ditch Withy Grove ) and Shude Hill ( Market Place, S' Mary's ) Gate and Saint Ann's r Square ... ... ... ) King Street and adjoining 1 Streets ... .. ... j Victoria Street and Neigh- ) bourhood ... ... ) Collyhurst ... Thomas Skinner Noton Thomas Skinner Noton George Piatt John Reid James Ogden Thomas Skinner Noton Officers for Muzzling Mastiff Dogs and Bitches ( Thomas Skinner Noton For Long Millgate... Market Place Hanging Ditch and the Neighbourhood... Deansgate and S' Anns Square Victoria Street and Shambles King Street and adjoining Back Streets Officer for distributing the rent charge at Collyhurst Pounder George Holt Noton James Silkstone George Southam Matthew Wilson James Ogden* Richard Thelwell lcr0.ssed ih™S* t r> j in pencil] James Ogden Thomas Skinner Noton Thomas Skinner Noton John Medley And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do return James Sawley Deputy Constable for the year ensuing the said James Sawley being nominated by the constables appointed as aforesaid their Deputy And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do also return Richard Green James Irving Archibald Mc Mullin and James Mc Donald as Beadles for the said Manor for the year ensuing the said Richard Green James Irving Archibald Mc Mullin and James Mc Donald being appointed by the said Constables their Beadles as aforesaid Sworn. And the said James Sawley Richard Green James Irving Archibald Mc Mullin and James Mc Donald were severally sworn into their respective offices aforesaid. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that William Whitehead of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the 17"1 day * The name to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occurs in pencil only. 28th OCTOBER, 1840. 143 of July last at his Slaughterhouse in Silk Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain large quantities of flesh Meat to wit four quarters of the Carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said William Whitehead be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Adam Howarth of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the thirteenth day of August last at his Stall or standing situate in the Deansgate Market Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit thirty pounds weight of the carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Adam Howarth be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be Affearers of the Amerciaments aforesaid the said Sidney Potter John Potter Thomas Hilton James Burt Junr Robert Phillips Jun1 being five good and lawful Men Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Thursday the twenty ninth day of October instant at eleven o'Clock in the forenoon at the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said Sidney Potter John Potter Thomas Hilton James Burt Junr and Robert Phillips Junr the affearers aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say Of the said William Whitehead at the sum of Forty shillings. Of the said Adam Howarth at the sum of Forty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Daniel Broadhurst Foreman. I44 COURT LEET RECORDS. QUanor of (TtUncpeefer in tfyt County (pafatint of B&ncazttx* [3rd May, 1841.] t%t Couxt Btd ox (git® of $Van8 (J)^ge of Sir Oswald Mosley Baronet Lord of the Manor aforesaid holden for Our Lady the Queen at the Court House in Lower King Street in the said Manor on Monday the Third day of May in the fourth year of the reign of Victoria Queen of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Defender of the Faith Before James Heath Leigh Esquire Barrister at Law Steward of the said Court. Easter 1S41. — Jurors of our Lady the Queen. William Newall Foreman. Denison Naylor Edward Lindsey Baker James Bazley William Holme William Bradburn John Davies Thomas Gittins William Maddick Thomas Baxter William Birmingham Thomas Lloyd James Wrigley Samuel Chapman Samuel Deacon William Harper Jun. James Hayes Being Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor. The Jurors aforesaid being duly sworn do amerce all and every the Burgesses who owe suit and service to this Court and have not appeared or essoigned here this day in the sum of Six pence each and all and every other the Inhabitants who have defaulted in like manner in the sum of three pence each. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Banks of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the thirtieth day of October last in a certain Shed or other erection near to Bridge- water Street in this Manor and within the lurisdiction of this Court 3rd may, 1841. 145 was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit four quarters of the Carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Banks be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Warburton being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty seventh day of February last in Fleet Court in Fleet Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit two quarters of the Carcase of a beast which was then and there in a diseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Warburton be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Leigh being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty seventh day of February last in Fleet Court in Fleet Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit four quarters of the Carcase of a Calf which was then and there in a diseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Leigh be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Joseph Nixon of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the sixteenth day of November last in his Slaughter house in Great Ancoats Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of Certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit eleven quarters and sixty pounds weight of the Carcases of divers beasts which were then and there in a deseased [sic] putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and in juriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs VOL. XII. — K 146 court leet records. of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige [sic] Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Joseph Nixon be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Robert Brooks of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty seventh day of November last in his Slaughterhouse in Henry Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit twelve quarters of the Carcases of divers beasts which were then and there in a deseased [sic] putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to Sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of Our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Brooks be amerced in the sum of Fifteen pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that William Dunster of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the first day of January last in his Slaughter house in Simpson Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit four quarters of the Carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is con sidered that the said William Dunster be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Cawson of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the second day of January last at his Stall situate in the Deansgate Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh Meat to wit two quarters of the carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considerad that the said John Cawson be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. 3rd may, 1841. 147 And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that the said Robert Brooks being then and still an inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the eighteenth day of March last in his Slaughter house in Henry Street in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit four quarters of the carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Brooks be further amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that the said Robert Brooks being then and still and [sic] Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said manor on the twelfth day of December last at his house in Dyke Street in this Manor and within the Juris diction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit one hundred pounds weight of the Carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwhole some state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Brooks be further amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that the said William Dunster being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the eighth January last at his Slaughterhouse in Simpson Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit four quarters of the Carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said William Dunster be further amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that George Crompton of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the thirteenth 148 COURT LEET RECORDS. day of November last at a yard adjoining a certain public house called the Sun public house in Oldham Street in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit eight quarters of the carcases of divers beasts which were then and there in a deseased [sic] putrid and unwhole some state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Crompton be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Edward Plant of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty first day of November last at his Shop situate in the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit sixty pounds weight of the Carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Edward Plant be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Robert Wright of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty first day of November last at his Shop situate in the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit twenty pounds weight of the the carcase of a calf which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the Common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Wright be amerced in the sum of twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Henry Pickup of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty first day of November last at his Shop situate in the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court 3rd may, 1841. 149 was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit thirty pounds of the Carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Henry Pickup be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that the said Edward Plant being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty third day of January last in a cellar in Saint George's Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit One hundred and twenty pounds weight of the carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said Edward Plant be further amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Wright of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty third day of February last at his Slaughter house in Gun Street in this manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit eight pounds weight of a carcase of a beast and one quarter of the carcase of a calf which were then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Wright be amerced in the sum of twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Sarah Simmons of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty third of February last at her house in Gun Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit one quarter of the carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and 150 COURT LEET RECORDS. injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the Common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Sarah Simmons be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Joseph Hurst of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty third day of February last at his Stall in the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of flesh meat to wit six score weight of the Carcase of a beast which was then and there in a deseased putrid and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale con trary to the laws and customs of this manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Joseph Hurst be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Maria Halliwell, John Jackson, Joseph Willoughby, Thomas Cash, and Henry Newberry being then and still respectively Inhabi tants and resiants of and in the said manor on the twenty third day of February last were possessed of certain messuages or dwelling- houses and premises in or near to Back Fawsett Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid on the said twenty third day of February last and on divers other days and times since did permit and suffer large quantities of water to collect and accumulate in Fawsett Street in this Manor and on the several days and times aforesaid permit and suffer the same to remain and continue in the said street in a stagnant and offensive state Whereupon on the several days and times aforesaid divers nauseous and unwholesome vapours smells and stenches issued into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of her majesty's liege subjects within the said manor and upon the Common Highway in Fawsett Street aforesaid to the Common Nuisance of the said Inhabitants of the said manor and of all other her Majesty's liege subjects passing and repassing in and along the said street and common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said Maria Halliwell John Jackson Joseph Willoughby Thomas Cash and Henry Newberry be severally amerced in the sum of Fifty pounds unless the nuisance hereinbefore complained of be abated within one month from the holding of this Court. 3rd may, 1841. 151 And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearers of the said amerciaments the said William Newall William Birmingham William Bradburn John Davies Samuel Deacon being five good and lawful men Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Friday the seventh day of May Instant at twelve o'clock at noon in the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said William Newall William Birmingham William Bradburn John • Davies and Samuel Deacon the affearers aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say. Of the amerciaments of the said John Banks at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said Thomas Warburton at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said Thomas Leigh at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said Joseph Nixon at the sum of Ten pounds. Of the first amerciament of the said Robert Brooks at the sum of Fifteen pounds. Of the first amerciament of the said William Dunster at the sum of Ten pounds. Of the second amerciament of the said William Dunster at the sum of Twenty pounds. Of the said John Cawson at the sum of Fifty shillings. Of the second amerciament of the said Robert Brooks at the sum of Twenty pounds. Of the said George Crompton at the sum of Twenty pounds. Of the first amerciament of the said Edward Plant at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said Robert Wright at the sum of Five shillings. Of the said Henry Pickup at the sum of Twenty shillings. Of the third amerciament of the said Robert Brooks at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said Joseph Hurst at the sum of Fifty shillings. Of the second amerciament of the said Edward Plant at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said John Wright at the sum of Ten shillings. 152 COURT LEET RECORDS. Of the said Sarah Simmons at the sum of Twenty shillings. Of the said Maria Halliwell, John Jackson, Joseph Willoughby Thomas Cash and Henry Newberry in the several sums of Fifty pounds. Unless the nuisance complained of be abated within one month from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. William Newall Foreman. 18th OCTOBER, 1841. 153 QUanor of (ttWttcpeefer in r0e tounrg {pafatint of jbncarfer. *********** [18th Oct., 1841.] Z%t Couxt But ox Q)u® of §x] Matthew Taylor ( John Johnson 10th OCTOBER, 1843. I99 Market Lookers and Flesh for Fish Market Lookers and Flesh for Fish [Mr] Thomas Warren John Travis Joseph Cryer George Holt Noton James Shaw Nicholas Robinson William Wood [crossed Richard Gill Marshall through in pencil] Charles Simpson [cr?ssed thr°ueh r in pencil] James Barke [crossed through in pencil] Thomas Yates [cro?sed th™ueh in pencil] [crossed William Wheeldon through in pencil] T u tr [crossed through in John Kay pendl] * James Sawley Bold Bagshaw Robinson Samuel Sharp ^Wi]^ Patrick Daniel Scully John Ellis T 1 t^ ["crossed through in John Turner penci]]s William Booth Thomas Beatney Robert Clarke Roger Higham John Williams Benjamin Shaw John Cookson John Fairbrother William Higginson Richard Brown Joseph Leng Thomas Eaton William Atkinson Thomas Nightingale John Nail Richard Green Daniel Dalton * Hugh Kemp* William Warren * Sam1 Kershaw* John Whipp* Robert Kay Snape * The names to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occur in pencil only. 200 COURT LEET RECORDS. Inspectors of Weights and Measures... Inspectors of White Meats for Market Street Long Mitigate Shudehill Withy Grove and Fennel Street Deansgate Street and Victoria /[Mr] Thomas Warren James Barke [crosseJetnhcru]gh 'a John Travis Joseph Cryer James Shaw John Clegg George Holt Noton Nicholas Robinson William Wood Bold Bagshaw Robinson c i ci. [crossed through Samuel Sharp in penci|] s Patrick Daniel Scully John Ellis John Turner ^J^f1 in William Booth Thomas Beatney Robert Clarke Roger Higham John Williams Benjamin Shaw John Cookson John Fairbrother Will"1 Warren* Sam1 Kershaw* John Whippy- Robert Kay Snape* John Kay [crossed through in pencil] John Whipp* John Foster George Holt Noton Thomas Warren James Barke ^£3 " John Whipp* James Barke [crossed through in Victoria Terrace and Church Yard side Market Looker for the Assize of Bread ... John Whippy- George Crossley Joshua Ryle pencil] The names to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occur in pencil only. IOth OCTOBER, 1 843. 201 Officers for tasting Whole some Ale and Beer Bye Law Man for Market Street and High St Bye Law Men for Deansgate Wood Street and Quay Street Hanging Ditch Withy Grove and Shudehill Market Place Saint Marys Gate and Saint Ann's Square ... King Street and the adjoin ing Streets Victoria Street and Neigh bourhood Collyhurst ... [Mr] Alexander Bower Thomas Sowler Jonathan Statham George Holt Noton John Kay ^°%t^h Sam1 Kershaw* John Travis George Holt Noton George Holt Noton George Piatt John Reid John Kay [crossed through in pencil] Sam1 Kershaw George Holt Noton Officers for Muzzling Mastiff Dogs and Bitches. [Mr] George Holt Noton Thomas Warren George Southam John Whipp* Matthew Wilson John Kay [crossed through in pencil] Sam1 Kershaw* John Kay [crossed through in pencil] Sam1 Kershaw* For Long Millgate Market Place Hanging Ditch and the Neighbourhood... Deansgate and S' Anns Square Victoria Street and Shambles King Street and the adjoin ing back Streets... Officer for distributing the Rent Charge at Collyhurst. Pounder George Holt Noton George Holt Noton John Medley And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Michael Curley of this Manor Pig Dealer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the Seventeenth day of July last at a Yard behind his house in Goolden Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Pig The names to which an asterisk (*) is affixed occur in pencil only. 202 COURT LEET RECORDS. which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Michael Curley be amerced in the sum of Five Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that George Morton of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Fourth day of August last at his Slaughterhouse in Oldham Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Lavs and Customs of this Manor and to the Common nuisance of the leige Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Morton be amerced in the sum of Ten Pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Robert Neal of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Fish to wit, Five Barrels of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the leige Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Neal be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Robert Wallace of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Fish to wit Three boxes and One Hamper of Herrings which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Wallace be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. 10th OCTOBER, 1 843. 203 And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that William Wallwork of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the Seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Fish to wit One Barrel of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said William Wallwork be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Philip McGuire of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Fish to wit One Barrel of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Philip McGuire be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Daniel Murphy of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Fish to wit One Box of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady -the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Daniel Murphy be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Morrow of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large 204 COURT LEET RECORDS. quantities of Fish to wit One Box of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Morrow be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Joshua Tape of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Fish to wit One Hamper of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Joseph Tape be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Patrick Madden of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large Quantities of Fish to wit One Barrel of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Patrick Madden be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Edward Jones of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the seventh day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quanti ties of Fish to wit part of one box of Herrings which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Edward Jones be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. IOth OCTOBER, 1843. 205 And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Catherine Cokeley of this Manor Fish Monger being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Eighth day of September last at the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large Quantities of Fish to wit part of one Box of Herrings which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the leige Subjects of Our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Catherine Cokeley be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Matthew Morton of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Fifteenth day of September last at the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit Thirty pounds weight of Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrong fully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is con sidered that the said Matthew Morton be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Sidebottom of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Twentieth day of May last at a Cellar in Wood Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large Quanti ties of Flesh Meat to wit the carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Side- bottom be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds, And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Whittaker of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Seventeenth day of June last at a Yard in Hardman Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit The Carcases of Two Cows which 206 COURT LEET RECORDS. were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said- Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Whittaker be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Morton of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Seventh day of July last at his Shop in the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit The part of a hind Quarter of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common Nuisance of the Leige Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said Thomas Morton be amerced in the sum of Fifteen pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Joseph Bell of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Eighth day of July last at the Carcase Market in Deansgate in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit The Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuri ously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Leige Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Joseph Bell be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Brooks of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Twelfth day of July last at his Stall in the Smithfield Market Shambles in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit Twenty five pounds weight of Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwhole some state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of IOth OCTOBER, 1843. 207 the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is con sidered that the said John Brooks be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that William Clegg of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the Twenty fourth day of July last at his Slaughterhouse in Henry Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit, the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said William Clegg be amerced in the sum of Twenty pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that the said Thomas Sidebottom being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Twelfth day of August last at a Cellar in Wood Street in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit One Quarter of the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Sidebottom be amerced in the further sum of Twenty pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that the said George Morton being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Fourteenth day of August last at his Slaughterhouse in Oldham Road in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Cow which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Morton be amerced in the further sum of Twenty pounds. 208 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that James Seal of this Manor Pig Dealer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Twenty ninth day of August last at the Bridge Street Shambles in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Pig which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of Man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said James Seal be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Robert Brooks of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Second day of September last at the Bridge Street Shambles in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit Fifty pounds weight of Meat which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same for sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the Leige Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Robert Brooks be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that Samuel Scholes of this Manor Potatoe Dealer being then and still an Inhabitant and Resiant of and in the said Manor on the Ninth day of October Instant was possessed of a certain Stall or Standing in the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of Potatoes and other Marketable Commodities to divers of the Leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen and did then and there knowingly and designedly keep and use a certain false and defective Pair of Scales for and in the weighing and selling of such Potatoes and other Marketable Commodities as aforesaid with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Stall or Standing of the said Samuel Scholes for the purpose of buying such Potatoes and other Market able Commodities as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said Samuel Scholes be amerced in the sum of Five Pounds. IOth OCTOBER, 1 843. 209 And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that John Heath Barber of this Manor Iron Founder being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the Twenty seventh day of September last and from thence hitherto has been and still is possessed of a certain Foundry or Building in Hilton Street in this Manor and within the jurisdiction of this Court and of a certain Chimney thereunto belonging and being so possessed thereof as aforesaid he the said John Heath Barber on the said Twenty seventh of September and on divers other days and times since did burn or cause to be burnt large quantities of Coal and other Fuel in the Furnaces or Fire Places of the said Building and did thereby wrongfully and injuriously make or procure to be made large quantities of Smoke which on the several days and times aforesaid did issue from the said Chimney into and upon the dwellinghouses of divers of Her Majestys leige Subjects within the said Manor and into and upon divers Streets and Common Highways there to the common nuisance of the Inhabitants of the said Manor and of all other Her Majestys leige Subjects passing and repassing in and along the said Street and Common Highway Whereupon it is considered that the said John Heath Barber be amerced in the sum of Fifty pounds unless the nuisance complained of be abated within Five Months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be Affearors of the Amerciaments aforesaid the said Henry Forth. James Herford Jeremiah Garnett Richard Doncaster William Hall being five good and lawful Men Inhabitants and Resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Friday the 13111 day of Octo ber Instant at Ten o'clock in the forenoon at the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said Henry Forth James He.rford Richard Doncaster and Richard Hall affearors aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several Amerciaments aforesaid that is to say. Of the said Michael Curley at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said George Morton at the sum of Ten pounds. Of the said Robert Neal at the sum of Twenty shillings. Of the said Robert Wallace at the sum of Twenty shillings. VOL, XII.— O 210 COURT LEET RECORDS. Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa Of the sa: d William Wallwork at the sum of Five shillings. d Philip McGuire at the sum of Twenty shillings. d Daniel Murphy at the sum of Ten shillings. d John Morrow at the sum of Twenty shillings. d Joseph Tape at the sum of Twenty shillings. d Patrick Madden at the sum of Twenty shillings. d Edward Jones at the sum of Ten shillings. d Catherine Cokeley at the sum of Twenty shillings. d Matthew Morton at the' sum of Fifty shillings. d Thomas Sidebottom at the sum of Ten pounds. d John Whittaker at the sum of Ten pounds. d Thomas Morton at the sum of Five shillings. d Joseph Bell at the sum of Ten pounds. d John Brooks at the sum of Fifty shillings. d William Clegg at the sum of Twenty pounds. Sidebottom at the further sum of Of the said Thomas Sidebottom at the further sum of Twenty pounds. Of the said George Morton at the further sum of Twenty pounds. Of the said James Seal at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said Robert Brooks at the sum of Ten pounds. Of the said Samuel Scholes at the sum of Fifty shillings. Of the said John Heath Barber at the sum of Fifty pounds unless the nuisance hereinbefore complained of be abated within Five months from the holding of this Court. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Henry Forth Foreman. 29TH APRIL, 1844. 211 (TtWnotr of (tttanefletfer in tit County (patatint of B in I Edward Tootal Edmund Peel Thomson ,-, Paul Ferdinand Willert ,, William Benjamin Watkins „ being Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor. The Jurors aforesaid being duly sworn do amerce all and every the Burgesses who are [sic for owe] suit and service at this Court and who have not appeared or essoigned here this day in Sixpence each and all and every other the Inhabitants who have defaulted in like manner in the sum of Threepence each. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do nominate elect and appoint the following persons Inhabitants of this Alanor 1 For an account of this Court, which at the time was thought to be the last ever to be held in Manchester, see the Introduction. Richard Cobden, Esq., M. P. , was specially selected as foreman of the Jury, and the Boroughreeve, Alexander Kay, Esq. , was then Mayor of Manchester, and the two Constables were Aldermen of that borough. 248 COURT LEET RECORDS. and being respectively resiants of and in the same to the following Offices for the year ensuing or until they shall be therefrom legally discharged that is to say. For the Office of BOROUGH REEVE For the Office of Con stables Mise Leyers Market Lookers for Fish and Flesh | Alexander Kay Esquire sw i John Potter Esquire sw j Paul Ferdinand Willert sw ( [Mr] Matthew Taylor ( John Johnson Thomas Warren John Travis Joseph Cryer George Holt Noton James Shaw Nicholas Robinson William Wood James Sawley Bold Bagshaw Robinson Patrick Daniel Scully John Ellis William Booth Thomas Beatney Robert Clarke Roger Higham John Williams Benjamin Shaw John Cookson John Fairbrother William Higginson Richard Brown Joseph Long Thomas Eaton William Atkinson Thomas Nightingale John Nail Richard Green Daniel Dalton Hugh Kemp William Warren Samuel Kershaw John Whipp Robert Kay Snape I 5th OCTOBER, 1845. >49 Inspectors of Weights and Measures Inspectors of White Meats for Market Street Long Mill Gate Shudehill Withy Grove and Fennel Street Deansgate and Victoria Street Victoria Terrace and Church Yard Side Market Looker for the Assise of Bread ... Officers for Tasting whole some Ale and Beer Bye Law Man for Market Street and High Street... Bye Law Men for Deansgate Wood Street and Quay Street /[Mr] Thomas Warren John Travis Joseph Cryer James Shaw John Clegg George Holt Noton Nicholas Robinson William Wood Bold Bagshaw Robinson Patrick Daniel Scully John Ellis William Booth Thomas Beatney Robert Clarke Roger Higham John Williams Benjamin Shaw John Cookson John Fairbrother William Warren Samuel Kershaw John Whipp Robert Kay Snape John Whipp John Foster George Holt Noton Thomas Warren John Whipp John Whipp George Crossley Joshua Ryle Alexander Bower Thomas Sowler Jonathan Statham George Holt Noton Samuel Kershaw John Travis George Holt Noton 250 COURT LEET RECORDS. Hanging Ditch Withy Grove and Shudehill ... Market Place St Mary's Gate and St Anns Square KingStreetand theadjoining Streets Victoria Street and Neigh bourhood... Collyhurst ... [Mr] George Holt Noton George Piatt John Reid Samuel Kershaw George Holt Noton For Long Mill Gate Officers for Muzzling Mastiff Dogs and Bitches. [Mr] George Holt Noton Thomas Warren John Whipp Matthew Wilson Marketplace Hanging Ditch and the Neighbourhood... Deansgate and S' Ann's Square Victoria Street and Shambles... King Street and the adjoining back Streets Officer for distributing the Rent charge at Collyhurst Pounder Samuel Kershaw Samuel Kershaw [sic] George Holt Noton George Holt Noton John Medley And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that William Nield of Middlewich in the County of Chester Butcher on the seventh day of June last in the Carcase Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a deseased [sic] and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said William Nield be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Eliza Scholes of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the eleventh day of July last in a Shop in Deansgate in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in her possession certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Pig which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the I 5th OCTOBER, 1845. 251 same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Eliza Scholes be amerced in the sum of Five pounds, And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that George Gatley of Timperley in the County of Chester Butcher on the ninth day of August last in the Carcase Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Beast which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common Nuisance of the Leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Gatley be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Patrick Fagan of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitaments [sic] and resiants [sic] of and in the said Manor on the tenth day of June last in a House in St. Georges Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit a quantity of Pork which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common nuisance of the Leige subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Patrick Fagan be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that George Crompton of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty seventh day of June last in a Shop in Oldham Road in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit Fifty pounds of Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Crompton be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Thomas Wren of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty first 252 COURT LEET RECORDS. day of August last in a yard in Mount Street Angel Meadow in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court had in his possession certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the Carcase of a Pig which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common Nuisance of the Liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Thomas Wren be amerced in the sum of One shilling. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearors of the said Amerciaments the said Samuel Berry James Bancroft Paul Ferdinand Willert John Potter Joseph Peel being five good and lawful men Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Friday the seventeenth day of October Instant at twelve o'clock at Noon at the same place. At this Court holden pursuant to the said adjournment the said Samuel Berry Paul Ferdinand Willert John Potter and Joseph Peel the Affearors aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say Of the said William Nield at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said Eliza Scholes at the sum of Ten shillings. Of the said George Gatley at the sum of Seven pounds. Of the said Patrick Fagan at the sum of One pounds, [sic] Of the said George Crompton at the sum of Two pounds. Of the said Thomas Wren at the sum of One shilling. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Richard Cobden Foreman. 24th APRIL, 1846. 253 (HWnor of (ttWncpesfer in tit County (pafatint of Bantazttx* ****** ? [24th April, 1846.] Zit Couxt But ox (Vim of p&Y& (p?to$t of Sir Oswald Mosley Baronet Lord of the Manor aforesaid holden for our Lady the Queen at the Court House in Lower King Street in the said Manor on Friday the twenty fourth day of April in the ninth year of the Reign of Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Defender of the Faith Before James Heath Leigh Esquire Barrister at Law Steward of the said Court. Easter 1846. — Jurors of our Lady the Queen. Mr Charles Gough Foreman.. William Anderton Alexander James Barton Edward Cardwell Joseph Carruthers James Chadwick William Charlton o CO John Davies James Dinwiddie Joseph Dixon Peter Drummond William Dugdale John Dilworth being Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor. The Jurors aforesaid being duly sworn do amerce all and every the Burgesses who owe suit and service at this Court and who have not appeared or essoigned here this day in Sixpence each and all and every other the Inhabitants who have defaulted in like manner in the sum of Three pence each. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that Joshua Brogden of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fourteenth day of March last on a Stall in the London Road Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit one hundred and 254 COURT LEET RECORDS. twenty pounds weight of Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the good [sic] of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the Common nuisance of the liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said Joshua Brogden be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that James Greenwood of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the sixteenth day of March last on a Stall in the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit twenty pounds weight of Veal which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the Common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said James Greenwood be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that David Hudson of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitament [sic] and resiant of and in the said Manor on the sixteenth day of March last on a Stall in the Smithfield Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit twenty pounds weight of Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said David Hudson be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do present that George Morton of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty eighth day of March last in a Slaughter House in Murray Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit six quarters of the Carcases of Beasts which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale 24th APRIL, 1846. 255 contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Where upon it is considered that the said George Morton be amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that the said James Greenwood being then and still an Inhabitant and resident of and in the said Manor on the twenty eighth day of March last in the Slaughter House in Spittal Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit two quarters of the carcase of a Beast which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrong fully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said James Greenwood be further amerced in the sum of Ten pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that George Townrow of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the twenty eighth day of March last in a Slaughter House in Spittal Street in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the carcase of a Sheep the carcases of two Calves and a half the carcase of a calf which were then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sell [sic] contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Townrow be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that George Bebbington of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the tenth day of April instant on the Stall in the Carcase Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit the carcase of a Calf which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuri ously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said George Bebbington be amerced in the sum of Five pounds. 256 COURT LEET RECORDS. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that John Yarwood of this Manor Butcher being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fourth day of March last on a Stall in the Deansgate Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court was possessed of certain large quantities of Flesh Meat to wit eighty five pounds weight of 'Beef which was then and there in a diseased and unwholesome state and unfit for the food of man with intent then and there wrongfully and injuriously to expose the same to sale contrary to the Laws and Customs of this Manor and to the common nuisance of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen Whereupon it is considered that the said John Yarwood be amerced in the sum of Two pounds. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do present that William Holland of this Manor Butter Dealer being then and still an Inhabitant and resiant of and in the said Manor on the fourteenth day of February last was possessed of a certain Stall or Standing situate in the Butter Market in this Manor and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at which he sold large quantities of Butter to divers of the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen and did then and there knowingly and designedly sell and expose to sale divers quantities of Butter which were then and there deficient in the weight which they respectively purported to be with intent thereby then and there wrongfully and injuriously to cheat and defraud all persons resorting to the said Market for the purpose of buying such Butter as aforesaid Whereupon it is considered that the said William Holland be amerced in the sum of Twenty shillings. And the Jurors aforesaid do elect and choose to be affearors of the said Amerciaments the said Charles Gough Peter Drummond Alexr James Barton William Dugdale John Dilworth being five good and lawful men Inhabitants and resiants of and in the said Manor. And the said Court is adjourned to Friday the first day of May next at eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon at the same place. At the said Court holden pursuant to the said Adjournment the said Charles Gough Peter Drummond Alexander James Barton 1st MAY, 1846. 257 William Dugdale and John Dilworth the Affearons [sic] aforesaid being duly sworn do affear and affirm the several amerciaments aforesaid as follows that is to say Of the said Joshua Brogden at the sum of Two pounds. Of the said James Greenwood at the sum of Two pounds. Of the said David Hudson at the sum of Two pounds. Of the said George Morton at the sum of Five pounds. Of the said James Greenwood at the further sum of Five pounds. Of the said George Townrow at the sum of Two pounds. Of the said George Bebbington at the sum of Two pounds. Of the said John Yarwood at the sum of Two pounds. Of the said William Holland at the sum of One pound. And the Jurors aforesaid do ratify and confirm all former good orders made by former Jurors of this Court. Charles Gough Foreman. [THE END.] 258 APPENDIX. LIST OF THE BOROUGHREEVES AND CONSTABLES OF MANCHESTER, FROM 1832 TO 1846. [Modern Spelling] Elected 8th Oct., 1832 to Oct., 1833 Elected 14th Oct., 1833 to Oct., 1834 Elected 6th Oct., 1834 to Oct., 1835 Elected 12th Oct., 1835 to Oct., 1836 Elected ioth Oct., 1836 to Oct., 1837 Elected 19th Oct., 1837 to Oct., 1838 Elected 3rd Oct., 1838 to Oct., 1839 BOROUGHREEVES. Coxstabi.es. ' Benjamin Braidley, Esqre William Haynes Henry Forth ' Robert Chapman Sharp, Esqre | Francis Hodgson Edward Brooke Edmund Buckley, Esqre John Allen1 [Blank] John Macvicar, Esqre William Neild John Brown John Hyde,2 Esqre Robert Chadwick John Melladew Lees John Brown,3 Esqre David Price John Fergusson Thomas Evans, Esqre George Wood John Woollam 1 Mr. Ralph Turner, who was nominated as the other Constable, refused to serve, and was fined ^300. (See p. 36. ) No one appears to have been appointed in his place. * Robert Barbour, Esq. , was first nominated for this office, but he refused to accept it, and was fined ^150. (See p. 69.) J William Neild, Esq., was first nominated to this office, but he refused to accept it, and was fined £200. (See p. 97.) LIST OF THE BOROUGHREEVES AND CONSTABLES. 259 BOROUGHREEVES. CONSTABLES. Elected 17th Oct., 1839 ( J0HN Br00KS' Esq-RE to Oct., 1840 DAVID Price t. David Ainswortli Elected 28th Oct., 1840 ( David A^sworth, Esq- to Oct., 1841 Adam Roxburgh (. John McClure Elected 18th Oct., 1841 ( HENRY Newberry> EsQre to Oct., 1842 JAMES GlBB (. John Kenworthy, Junr Elected 30th Sept, 1842 ( JOHN Woollam,1 Esq- to Oct., 1843 Francis Parker (, Philip Houghton Elected ioth Oct, 1843 J J°HN WoOLLAM- EsoM to Oct., 1844 FRANCIS Parker v William James Tate Elected 15th Oct., 1844 ( J°HN BuRGESS> Es°-RE to Oct., 1845 f,fANCIS PTARKERx (. William James Tate Elected 15th Oct., 1845 ( Alexander Kay/ Esq" O t islo" ) John Potter ( Paul Ferdinand Willert 1 Thomas Worthington, Esq., was first nominated for this office, and refusing to accept it was fined ^100. (See pp. 181-2.) ' Alexander Kay, Esq., was at this time holding the office of Mayor of Manchester for the second time, and the two Constables were two of the Aldermen of the Corpora- lion. (See the Introduction to this volume. ) CORRECTIONS. Page 68, 9th line from bottom. — For James Trawis read James Travis. Page 112, 3rd line from bottom. — For George Prince read George Price. Page 209, ?th line from bottom. — For Richard Hall read William Hall, 260 INDEX. Names of Persons are printed in ordinary type. Names of Places are printed in italics. References to subjects, &c. , referred to at the Courts Leet are printed in SMALL CAPITALS. The word &c. means that the entry occurs regularly in subsequent Courts. Abraham, John, inter, 113 Robert, inter, 113 Adams, John, 211, 218 bis, 223 Thomas, 216, 217, 222, 228 bis, 230 bis, 237 Agar, Thomas, 134, 137 bis Agnew, Thomas, 75 Ainsworth, David, 126, 140, 259 Albion Mill, 102 Alcock, Samuel, 177, 224 Allen (Allan), John, 34, 36 bis, 258 Allum Street, 97 Alsop, Robert, 108 bis, 112 Ancoats Street, Gi-eat, 28, 37, 44, 59, 145, 195, 196 Anderson, William, 58 Anderton, William, 253 Andrew, Isaac, 234, 235, 237 Thomas, no, 113 Angel Meadow, 252 Anthony, Richard, 13 ter, 14, 134 Appollo Street, 99 Armitage, Elkanah, 30, 32 bis Ziba, 160 bis, 166 Armstrong, John Alfred, 177,211 Joseph, 65, 73, 74 Thomas, 41 Arnold, James, 194 bis, 196 Ashley Lane, 72, 186 Ashton Street, 6, 185 Ashworth, Thomas, 191 Aston, co. Chester, 182, 218 Atkinson, William, 181, 199, 225, 248 Back Balloon Street, 165 Dolefield, 187, 188 Fawsett Street, 150 Hanover Street, 165 Back Jersey Street, 214 — — Queen Street, 220 Turner Street, 118 • Water Street, 71, 123 Bagnall, Benjamin, 16 Bagshaw, George, 212 bis, 222 Baguley, Richard, 169 Bake, William, 105 Baker, Edward Lindsey, 14$ Balloon Street, 131 Balloon Street, Back, 165 Bamford, Thomas B. , 16 Bancroft, David, 41, 46 bis James, 247, 252 bis Banks, John, 144, 145, 151 Thomas, 218 bis, 223 Bank Top, 8, 241 Bannerman, Alexander, I, 33, 39 bis, 125 Henry, 94, 198 Barber, John Heath, 209 ter, 210 Barbour, Robert, 48, 65, 69 ter, 258 n Bardsley, James, 1 7 bis, 20, 70 bis, 74 Barge, Thomas, 198 Barke, James, 24 bis, 25, 34, 35 ter, 49, 50, 66, 67 to-, 95 bis, 96, 115, 116 ter, 126, 127 ter, 140, 141 ter, 154, 155 ter, 178, 179 to-, 180, 199, 200 ter Barker, George, 14 William, 75 Barlow, William, 114, 119 bis Barloiv's Court, 118 Barrett (Barratt), James, 16, 75, 104, »3 — — Samuel, 41, 159 bis, 166 Barrow, — , 158 ter, 1 66 Barton, Alexander James, 253, 256 bis ¦ John, 238, 246 bis INDEX. 201 Barton Street , 163 Bateman, Philip, 153, 224 William, 4, 24, 40, 51 Battinson (Battison), Anthony, 107 bis, 112 Batty (Battye), Benjamin, 4, 5 bis Christopher, 49, 50, 66, 95 Baxter, James William, 169 Thomas, 144 Bayley, John, 16, 17, 20 William, 58 Bazley, James, 144 Robert, 58 Thomas, 16 Beadles, Appointment of, 4, 24, 36, &c. Beard, Alfred, 243 bis, 246 Beardmore, John, golsr, 92 Beardoe, James, I, 114 Beatney (Betney), Thomas, 115,126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Beaver, John Atwood, 101 ter, 103 Bebbington, George, 255 bis, 257 Beckton, — , 163 ter, 167, 175 bis Beddome, Benjamin, 30, 32 bis, 191 Bell, John, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155 Joseph, 206 bis, 210 Bengal Street, 216 Bennett, James, 58, 63, 64 Bent, John, 3, 23, 35, 50 Bentham, George, 134 Beresford, Joshua, 53 ter, 57 Berry, Samuel, 134, 247, 252 bis Thomas, 241 bis, 246 Best, John, 220 bis, 223 Beswick, Richard, 24 bis, 25, 36 ter, 51 ter, 69 ter, 97 ter, Wlter Bianchi, John, 3d ter, $iter, 6qter,<)7ler, W]ter, 128 ter Bills, Stephen, no, 113 Bilman, John, 112 Bindloss, Backhouse, 75 George, 41 Birch, Lea, 153 Birchall, Joseph, 109, 112, 113 Birley, Hugh Hornby, 1 Richard, 153, i6$bis, 168 Birmingham, William, 30, 32^?-, 75, 144, 151 bis Birtles, Thomas, 2, 22, 23, 34, 35 Blackwall, William, 241 bis, 246 Blakeley Street, 214 Blakeley Street, New, 75 Blomeley Street, 186 Bloor, Joseph, 212, 213, 222, 239 bis, 246 Bloors, William, 107 bis Blossom Street, 135, 156 Boardman, Samuel, 134 Boddington, John, 211 Booth, William, 34, 49, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 180, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Boothman, Thomas, 153 Boslam, William, 2, 22, 34, 49, 66, 95, "5 Bowcock, James, 45, 47 Bower, Alexander, 3, 23, 35, 50, 68, 96, 116, 127, 141, 155, 179, 201, 226, 249 Samuel, 16 Bowker, Samuel, 232 bis, 237 William, 52, 57, 102 ter, 103 Bradburn, William, 144, 151 bis Bradbury, John, 109, 113 Mary, 64 Bradford Street, 27, 86, 87 Bradler, — , 4 bis, 5 Bradley, Mary, 60 bis, 64 See also Braidley Bradley Street, 229 Bradshaw, John, I, 14, 33, 39 bis, 40 Sarah, 82 ter, 92 Braidley, Benjamin, 2, 15, 33, 258 See also Bradley Braithwaite, Thomas, 45, 47 Bridge Street Market, 9 Bridge Street Shambles, 208 Bridgewater Street, 144 Broadbent, Thomas, 30, 58, 94, 139 Broadhurst, Daniel, 94, 103, 139, 143 Brocklehurst, Jonas, 45, 47, 91 ter, 93 Brogden, Joshua, 221 bis, 223, 253, 254, 257 Brook Street, 162 Brooke, Edward, 22, 258 Brooks (Brookes), John, 65, 73, 74, 126, 206, 207, 210, 221, 222, 223, 228 bis, 237, 259 — — Robert, 146^, itf passim, loiter, 170, 171, 176, 2oSbis, 210, 215 bis, 2\"]bis, 2igbis, 222, 223US, 240 bis, 241 bis, 246 bis Samuel, 21, 28, 29, 48, 139 262 INDEX. Brooks, William, 177, 189 to Brougham, Matthew, 191 Brown, George, 25 bis, 26, 29 John, 48, 94n, 97*w, 107 bis, 112, 258 bis Richard, 181, 199, 225, 248 William, 172 ter, 176 Brundritt, John, 233, 234, 237 Joseph, 60 bis, 64 Margaret, 220 bis, 223, 244 bis, 246 Buckley, Edmund, 21, 34, 258 Bull, Edward, 98 bis, 103 Price, 193 to, 196 Bullen, Joseph, 86 ter, 92 Burgess, John, 225, 259 Burt, James, I, 33, 39 bis, 125, 139, 143 bis Bury's Court, 102 Butley, James, 169 Butter Lane, 45 Butter, short of weight sold, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 256 Butterworth, Samuel, 16 Caldwell. See Cauldwell Campbell, Henry Cadogan, 117, 118, 119 Camp Field, 137 Canal Street, 10 Candelet, Peter Turner, 191 Capstick, Thomas, no, 113 Card, Nathaniel, 122 ter, 130 passim, 131 bis, 132 Cardwell, Edward, 253 Thomas, 139 Carlton, James, 198, 224 Carroll, Michael, 73 to-, 74 Carruthers, Joseph, 253 Carruthers Street, 77, 86, 87, 136, 243 Carter, George, 89 ter, 92 Cash, Thomas, 150 bis, 152 Cauldwell (Caudwell, Cauldwell), Charles, 83 to-, 92, 131, 132 bis, 133 Thomas, 218^,223 Cawson, John, itfsbis, 151, 227 bis, 237, 242 bis, 246 Chadwick, Austin, 129 to-, 132 James, 253 • Robert, 66, 258 Challinor, Henry, 87 ter, 92 Chapman, James, 243, 246 — — Samuel, 144 Chappell, George Ryle (Royle), 58, 64, 153, 168 Charlton, Henry, 134, 169, \"]6bis William, 253 Chatterton Street, 17 Cheadle, co. Chester, 239 Chepstow Street, 101 Chick, Robert, 211, 222 bis Chippendale (Chippendall), John, 1, 33, 125, 132 bis, 133 Chorlton Street, 12 Clackworthy, George, 52, 57 Clarke, George, 94, 185 bis, 186, 190 Joseph, 136 to-, 138 Robert, 45,47, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Clarke Street, 136 Clayton, Richard, 169, 176 bis Clegg, John, 41, 179, 200, 226, 249 William, 191, 192, 196, 207 bis, 210 Clementson, William, 121, 122 bis, 124 Clough, John, 163 bis, 167 Cobden, Richard, 94, 102, 103, 247, 247 n, 252 Cochrane, Alexander, 21 1 Coffy, James, 63, 64 Cokeley, Catherine, 205 bis, 210 Collier, John, 108, 112 Richard, no Collinge, Robert, 109, 113 Collins, James, 14 Joseph, 9 bis, 14 n, 60 bis, 64, 107 bis, 112 Richard, 58, 120, 124 Thomas, 37 bis, 40, 134, 2ijbis, 223 Connor, Ann, 87, 88 bis, 92 Constable, Deputy, Appointment of, 4, 24, 36, &c. Consterdine, James, 94, 247 Cooke, Sarah Fletcher, 52, 57 Thomas, 125 Uriah Ralph, 177, i8gbis William, 182, 183, 189, 218, 219, 223 Cookson, John, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 245 bis, 246, 248, 249 Cooper, William, 21, 28, 29 Cope, Richard, 75> 9'> 92 Copley, — , 158 ter, 166 Cotton Street, 215, 217, 240, 241 Court, Non-appearance at the, 1, 16, 21, 30, &c. Court, Steward of the, 1, 16, 21, 30, &c. Index. *3 Cox, Francis, 63, 64 Craddock, Anthony, 108, 112 Craston, Miles, 238 Critchley, Thomas, 177, 189 bis Crompton, George, 146, 147, 148, 151, 251 bis, 252 Mary, 71 bis, 74 Thomas, 198 Croome. James, 86, 87 bis, 92 Crosdale, Richard, 214 bis, 222 Cross, Charles, 21 Crossley, George, 3, 23, 35, 50, 67, 96, 116, 127, 141, 155, 179, 200, 226, 249 Croxton, 59 Cryer, Joseph, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179. 180, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Cunningham, James, 120, 123 bis Curiey, Michael, 201, 202, 209 Daine, Thomas, 193 bis, 196 See also Dean Dakin, William, 2, 3, 22, 23 Dalton, Daniel, 199, 225, 24S Daniels, William, 109, 113 Darby shire, James, 120 Davies, George, 27 bis, 29 John, 144, 151 bis, 253 Day, William, $passim, 14 Deacon, Samuel, 144, 151 bis Dean, James, 2, 22, 23, 34, 35, 49 bis, 66, 67 Thomas, 220, 221, 223, 244 bis, 246 William, 3 See also Daine Dearden, Richard, 136 ter, 138 Sarah, 55 to-, 57 Deputy Constable, Appointment of, 4, 24, 36, &c. Devine, Frances, 128, \2gbis, 132 Dewhurst, Thomas, 91 ter, 92 Dickenson, John, 235 passim, 236 bis Dillom, Solomon, 214, 215, 222 Dillon, Ellen, 63, 64 Dilworth, John, 253, 256, 257 Dinwiddie, James, 253 Disley (Dishley), Ann, 45, 47 Henry, 90, 91 bis, 93 Dixon, Joseph, 253 Dolefield, Back, 187, 188 Doncaster, Richard, 198, 209 bis Done, James, no, 113 Doward, — , 4 Downes, John, 16 Drummond, Peter, 253, 256 bis Duck, Robert, 153 Dugdale, John, 224, 236, 237 bis William, 253, 256, 257 Duke, Jonathan Marshall, 120 Duncuft, John, 104 Dunevein, Margaret, 18, 19, 20 Dunster, William, 69, 70, 74, 146 bis, 147 bis, 151 bis, 1ST bis, '66 Dyke Street, 147 East Street, 164 Eaton, Thomas, 181, 199, 225, 248 Eckersley, Peter, 120 Egerton, Luke, 105 bis, 112 Elliott, John, 59 bis, 64 Ellis, John, 71 bis, 72, 74, 93, 115, 123 to-, 124, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, '55. 178, 179. i99» 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 John H., 180 William, 109, 113 Ellison, Richard, 10 bis, 14 Ennis, George, 159 to, 166 Evans, Richard, 198 Samuel, 83 to', 92 Thomas, 114, 258 Ewart, Joseph, 125, 132 to Peter, 1 Fagan, Patrick, 251 to, 252 Fairbrother, John, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Fairclough, Isabella, 52 to-, 57 Falkner Street, 26 Fall, George, 121 ter. 124 Farington (Farrington), Henry, 1, 13, '4 Faulkner, George, 48, 139 Fawcett (Faucett), Mary, 83 ter, 92 Fawsett Street, Back, 150 Fergusson, John, 95, 258 Fernley, James, 30 Feller Lane, 182 Fielding, Jeremiah, 21 Fildes, James, 1 10, 238, 246 bis Fish, unwholesome, sold, 202, 203, 204, 205, 233 Fleet Court, 145 Fleet Street, 145 Fleming, Thomas, 48, 57 to 264 INDEX. Flesh, unwholesome, sold, 9, 10, 17, 27, 28, 31, 37, 38, 44, 51- 59, 60, 61, 69, 70, 77, 78, 97, 98, 105, 106, 107, n8, 121, 134, 135, 143, r45, H6, H7, 148, 149, 157, 17°, 171, '82, 183, 184, 192, 193, 194, 195, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 227, 228, 229, 230, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255 Fletcher, Charles, 119 Joseph, 109, 113 • Samuel, 65, 73, 74 Foden, Henry, 112 Mary, 93, 109 Forshaw, Thomas, 7 to, 14 Forsyth, Thomas, 108, 1 12 Forth, Henry, 2, 15, 48, 198, 209 to, 210, 258 Foster (Forster), John, 3 to, 23 to, 35 to, 50, 67, 96, 116, 127, 141, 155, 179, 200, 226, 249 Fox, Edward, 61 to, 64, 106, 107, 112 France, James, itf ter, 166, \"]2bis, 173, 176 Francis, George, 36, 37, 39 Fraser, James, 65 John, 211 Furnaces presented, 6, 25, 32, 62, 72, 99, 100, 101, 102, in, 118, 132, 136, 162, 163, 171, 172, 175, 186, 235, 236 Furniss, James Frost, 238 William, 88, 89 bis, 92 Garnett, Jeremiah, 198, 209 bis ¦ Robert, 1, 33, 39 to Garratt, Old, 162 Garratt (Garrett), Road, 12, 62 Gaskell, John, 90 ter, 92 Gaskin, James, 120, 211 Gasquoine, Thomas, 58 Gas Street, 105 Gatley, George, 251 to, 252 Gatliff, John, 34 n, 35 George Legh Street, 5 1 George Leigh Street, 193 Gibb, James, 154, 259 Gibson, John, no, 113 Gill, John, 220 to, 223 Reuben, ^passim, 14, 25 ter, 29, 183 to, 189 Gittins, Thomas, 144 Glasgow, William, 101, 102 to, 103 Glendinning, Alexander, 21 Goldsmith, Robert, 191, 196 to Goodall, Benjamin, 4, 24, 40, 51, 68, 96 Goodwin, Samuel, 195 to', 197 Goolden Street, 201 Gorst, John, 234 to, 237 Gosling, John, 3, 23 Gough, Charles, 211, 222to, 253,256to, 257 Thomas, 58 Gould Street, 134, 192 Grafton, Joseph Smith, 224, 236, 237 Grant, Daniel, 33, 114 Grantham, James, 156, 157, 166 Gray Street, 159, 173 Great Ancoats Street, 28, 37, 44, 59, 145, 195, 196 Greaves, James, 109, 113, 177 Richard, 81 ter, 92 Green, Richard, 142 ter, 199, 225, 248 Greenhalgh, Daniel, 40 bis David, 38 passim, 40 Greenhow, William, 224, 236, 237 Greenwood, James, 229 to, 237, 240 to, 246, 254 bis, 255 to, 257 to John, 160 to, 166 Thomas, 114 Gregg, Samuel, 4, 24 Gregory, Joseph, 58, 63, 64, 104, in, 112 Grey Street, 159, 173 Grimshaw, Christopher, 191 Grundy, George, 21, 28, 29 John Clowes, 211 Robert, no, 113 William, 169, 176 to Guest, Thomas, 169 Gunson, John, 2, 22, 34, 49, 66, 95, 115 Gun Street, 28, 70, 106, 149, 215 Hadfield, William, 224, 236, 237 Hairsine, George, 8 to-, 14 n Hall, Andrew, 41, 46 to Jeremiah, 6, 7 to, 10 to, 14, 98 to, 103 John, 30, 94, 102, 103, 104, in, 112, 181 Richard, 209, 259 William, 41, 65, 73, 74, 125, 198, 209 to, 259 n Halliwell, Maria, 150 to, 152 Thomas, 104, 105 to", 112 bis INDEX. 265 Hancock, William, 218, 223 bis Hanks, Joseph, 10, n to, 14 William, 10, n bis, 14 Hanover Street, 9 Hanover Street, Back, 1 65 Hanson, Walter, 241, 242, 246 William, 27 to, 29 Harding, John, 58 Harding Street, 160 LLardman Street, 86, 205, 221 Hargreaves, John, 21, 28, 29, 65, 139 LPargreaves Street, 121, 186 Harper, William, 144, 169 Harrington, Michael, 63, 64 Harriott, John, 120, 121, 123 Harrison, Abraham, 79 ter George, 14 James, 54, 55 to John, 8, 9 to, 14 Mary, 57 Richard, 238 William, 163 bis, 167 Harter, James Collier, 33 William, 177 Hayes, James, 144 Hayley, Robert, 56 to, 57 Haynes, William, 2, 15, 33, 258 Heap, John, i8y passim, 190 Heaton, Ann, 99 ter, 103 Helme, Robert, 56 to-, 57 Henry, Alexander, 114, 125 Henry Street, 44, 146, 147, 207, 213, 215, 230, 241, 242 Henshaw, Samuel, 188 to, 189, 190 Henson, Robert, 104, III, 112 Herford, John, 153, 198, 209 bis Hesketh, William Tomlinson, 75, 91, 92, 93, 120, 123 bis Hewitt, James, 192, 193, 196 John, 159 bis, 166 Heywood, BenjamiD, 21 George, 75, 91, 92 Hibbert, Dorothy, 108, 112 — - Henry, 134 Hickson, Charles, 114, 119 Higgin, Robert, 1 14 Higginson, John, 227, 228, 237 William, 181, 199, 225, 248 Higham, Roger, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, '78, 179, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Higher Oswald Street, 18, 19 Hill, Joseph, 213 bis, 217 to, 222, 223 Hill, Samuel, 230, 231, 237 Hillan, Margaret, 52, 53 to, 57 Hilton Street, 209 Hilton, Thomas, I, 48, 139, 143 to Hindley, William, 58, 59, 64 Hodgkinson, Joseph, 28 to, 29 Hodgson (Hodson), Francis, 22, 41, 46 bis, 258 Holland, John, 2, 3, 22, 23, 34, 35, 50, 67 Thomas, 44 to, 47, 49, 50, 66 William, 45, 47, 256 to, 257 Hollinsworth, Elisha, 229, 230, 237 Holme, William, 144, 224 See also Hulme Hope, Charles, 109, 113 Hopkins, James, 61, 64 Joseph, 61 Home, Samuel, 191, 196 to, 224, 23S Horner, James, 211 Houghton, Philip, 178 Houldsworth, Henry, 48, 139 Howarth, Adam, 143 ter Ann, 109, 113 James, 2 to, 3 passim, 4, 22, 23 to-, 24 Simon, 128 ter Hoyle, James, 30, 38, 39 to, 40 Robert, 30, 3 1 ter, 32 bis Hudson, David, 254 to, 257 John, 211, 212, 222 Thomas, 160, 161, 184 ter, 189 , 167 Hulbert, Adam, 2, 22, 23, 34, 35 Hulme, Bartholomew, 219 to, 223 John, 239, 240, 246 See also Holme Hulton, Betty, no, 113 Hunter, Charles, 21 Hurst, Joseph, I50to, 151 Hutchinson, George, 108, 112 Hutton, Betty, 113 Hyde, John, 65 n, 69 to, 258 Idle, Thomas, 92 William, 90 Ingham, James, 170 to, 176 Ireland, William, 169, 175, 176 Lrk, River, 76 Irving, James, 142 ter Irwin, James, 128 ter Isherwood, Samuel, no, in, 113 Sarah, no, in, 113 266 INDEX. Jackson, George, 211 James, 77 bis, 92 John, 1 50 to, 152 Peter, 232, 233, 237 Robert, 165 to, 167 James, John, 238 Jenkinson, Thomas, 193 to, 196 Jepson's Court, 69 Jerome, John, 2, 22, 23, 34, 35, 49, 50 Jersey Street, 158 Jersey Street, Back, 214 Johnson, James, 109, 112 John, 2 bis, 22 bis, 34 bis, 49 bis, 66 to, 95 to, 115 to, 126, 140, 154, 178, 198, 225, 248 Richard, 12, 14 William, 84, 92, 163 to, 167, 211 Jones, Edward, 204 to, 210 Elizabeth, 234 to, 237 James, 4 bis, 5 John, 86 to-, 92, 109, 112, 120 Sarah, 106 to, 112 Joynson, Edward, 75 Peter, 224 Kay (Kaye), Alexander, 247 n, 248, 259, 259n John, 3, 23, 35, 50, 66, 68, 95, 96, 115, 116, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155 to, l$6 passim, 178, 179 to, 180 to, 181 to, 199,200, 201 passim Samuel, 15 Keeling, George, 177 Keighley, William Jackson, 211, 222 bis Kelsall, Benjamin, 4, 24 Kemp, Hugh, 199, 225, 248 Kennedy Street, 82, 83, 84 Keriworthy, John, 154, 259 Kenyon, David, 214 to, 216, 222 bis ¦ Thomas, 84 ter, 92 Kershaw, James, 247 Samuel, 199, 200, 201 to-, 225, 226 bis, 227 ter, 248, 249 bis, 250 ter Kirkman, John, 21, 28, 29, 48, 57 Kirton, Paterson, no, 113 Kitchen, Vernon, 100, 101 to, 103 Knight, Samuel, 16, 20 to Knot Mill, 7, 8 Knowles, John, 16, 20 to, no, 113, 191 Labrey, Thomas, 75, 91 Lancashire, James, 2, 3, 22, 23, 34, 35, 49, 5°, 67 Langan, James, 194 to, 196 Langshaw, James, 26 to, 29, 100 to-, 103, 1 88 to-, 190 Langstone, Thomas, 153 Langton, William, 1 Laurence, George, 109, 112 Lavender, Stephen, 2, 3 bis, ^passim Lawless, Fanny, 88 ter, 92 Joseph, 16 Lee, John, 182 to, 189, 192 to, 196 See also Leigh Leech, Eli, 63, 64 Leeming, John, 139 Lees, James, 41 Jerry, 153 John Melladew, 66, 258 Robert, 30 Lees Street, 1 70 Leigh, James Heath, 58, 65, 75, 94, 104, 114, 120, 125, 134, 139, 144, 153, l69, 177, I9L 198, 211, 224, 238, 247, 253 Thomas, 145 to, 151 See also Lee Leng, Joseph, 181, 199, 225, 24S Lewis, Isaac, 135 to-, 137 Lilly (Lilley), Frederick, 58, 63, 64, 134, 137 to Lister, Thomas, 191 Little Peter Street, 36, 37 Littlewood, John, 2, 22, 23, 34, 35 Liverpool, 218 Liverpool and Manchester Raihaay Co., 61 Livingstone, Alexander, 72 bis, 74 John, 66, 69 ter Lloyd, Thomas, 144, 169 See also Loyd Lodge, John, 79, 80 to Lomas, John, 58 Robert, 134, 137 to Thomas, 33, 41, 46 bis, 47 London Road, 10, 98 London Road Market, 16, 253 Long, Benjamin, 238 Longworth Street, 163 Lord, James, 104, in, 112, 153 John, 108, 112 Lomas, 173 bit, 176 Thomas, 106 to, 112 Lord Street, 173 Lostock, co. Chester, 219 Lowe, John, no, 113 Lower Mosley Street, 101, 106, 163, 164, 175 INDEX. 267 Lowndes, Peter, 238, 246 bis Lowry, James, 1 1 ter, 14 Loyd, Edward, 4, 21, 29, 96 See also Lloyd Ludgate Hill, 104, 105 Lymer, Joseph, 214 to, 222 Lymm, co. Chester, 219 Lynch, Daniel, 16, 20 ter Lyon, Matthew, I Maberley, — , 162 to-, 167 Macauley, Michael, 63, 64 Macclesfield, Abraham, 72 to, 73 to Macvicar, John, 48, 139, 258 Mac Williams, John, 44 ter, 47 Madden, Patrick, 204 to, 210 Maddick, William, 41, 46 bis, 144 Maitland, William, no, 113 Major Street, 1 1 1 Manchester and Liverpool Railway Co., 61 Markland, Thomas, 21, 114, 119 Marriott, Henry, 62 ter, 64 Marsden, Richard, 65, 73, 74, 125, 198 Marshall, Richard Gill, 95, 115, 126, 140, 154, 178, 199 Marshall Street, 8 Marsland, Henry, 177 Samuel, 153, 165 to Mason Street, 72, 229 Matchitt, Charles, 58, 120 Mather, Elizabeth, 105 to, 112 Matthews, Alexander, 43, 44 to, 47 Mary, 53 to-, 55 to-, 57 Mayes Street, 69 McAuley. See Macauley McClure, John, 140, 177, 189 to, 259 William, 11, 12 to, 14 McConnell (McConnel), Henry, 33 William, 94, 102, 103, 125, 132 to McCracken (McCrackin), Robert, 63, 64 Ross, 64 McDoell, Thomas, 63, 64 McDonald, James, 142 ter McGuire, Philip, 203 to, 210 McKinley, — , 158 ter, 166 McMullin, Archibald, 142 to' McVicar. See Macvicar McWilliams. See MacWilliams Meakin, John, 231, 232, 237 Measures, False, used, 13, 39, 42, 43, 44, S2, S3, 54, 55, 7i, 98, 99, 129, 130, 137 Medley, John, 68, 97, 117, 128, 142, 156, 181, 201, 227, 250 Mellor, Samuel, 194, 195, 196, 243, 246 Middlewich, co. Chester, 250 Miles Platting, 1 7 Mills, Joseph, 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24, 34, 35, 40, 49 to, 51, 66, 67, 68 Minshull Street, 88 Molyneux (Molineux), William, 8 ter, 14 Moorhouse, James, 31 to, 32, 108, 112, 244, 245, 246 Moreton (Morton), George, 169, 170, 171 to, 1 76 to, 184 bis, 189, 202 bis, 207 to, 209, 210, 213 to, 215 to, 222 bis, 229 bis, 230 bis, 237 bis, 254 to, 255, 257 John, 78 to, 92 Matthew, 205 to, 210 Thomas, 9 to', 14, 183 to, 184, 189, 206 to, 210, 2 14 to, 222, 230 to, 237 Morris, John, 63, 64 Morrow, John, 203, 204, 210 Mosley, Sir John Parker, 1 n Sir Oswald, I, in, 16,21, 30, 33, 41,48, 58, 65, 75, 94, 104, 114, 120, 125, 134, 139, 144, 153, 169, 177, 191, 198, 211, 224, 236, 238, 247, 253 Mosley Street, Lower, 101, 106, 163, 164, 175 Moss, George, 4 to, 5 ¦ James, 238 Mottershed, John, 134 Moult, Henry, 65 Mulberry Street, 188 Murphy, Daniel, 203 to, 210 Murray, Ann, 231 bis, 237 Murray Street, 254 Muscroft, Richard, 159 to, 166 Mycock, Joseph, 49, 50 Myers, Thomas, 78 to, 92 Nail, John, 199, 225, 248 Thomas, 82 ter, 92 Naylor, Danson, 104 Denison, in, 112, 144 Neal, Robert, 202 bis, 209 Stephen, 115 Neave, Alfred, 131 to-, 133 Neild. See Nield Nelson, George, 198 Nelson Street, 30, 3 1 Newall, William, 79to-, 120, 144, 151 to, 152, 191, 196 to, 197, 238, 246 ter 268 INDEX. Newberry (Newbery), Henry, i, 33, 39 to, 94, 125, 139, 150 to, 152, 154, 168, 259 New Blakeley Street, 75 Newton, Matthew, 161 to', 167 to, 174 to, 182 passim, 189 Nickells (Nichells), James, 2, 3, 4, 22, 23 bis, 24 bis, 40, 51,68 John, 3 to, 35, 49, 67 Nicholl's Croft, 59, 135 Nicholls, John, 2, 22, 34, 49 Samuel, 94 Nield (Neild), William, 48, 94, 94 n, 97 passim, 125, 247, 250 bis, 252, 258, 258 n Nightingale, John, 39 to', 40, 54 to', 57 Thomas, 181, 199, 225, 248 Nixon, Joseph, 145, 146, 151, 238, 239, 245 bis, 246 bis Non-appearance at the Court, 1, 16, 21, 30, &c. Norris, Edward, 65, 169, 175, 176 Jamets, 1, 1 n, 16, 21, 30, 33, 41, 48 Samuel Holker, 153, 165 Noton, George Holt, 3, 23, 34, 35, 40, 49, 50, 51, 66, 67, 68, 95 to, 96, 115, 116, 117, 126, 127, 128, 140, 141, 14m, 142, 154, 155 to, 156, 178, 179 to-, i8opassim, 181 ter, 199, 200 to, 201 passim, 225, 226 ter, 227 passim, 248, 249 passim, 2$opassim Michael, 2, 3 bis, 22, 23 bis, 24, 34, 35 bis, 36, 49 bis, 50 bis, 67 bis, 68 Thomas Skinner, 2, 3 bis, ^passim, 22, 23 bis, 24passim, 34, 35 ter, 36, 40 passim, 49 bis, 50 ter, ^l passim, 66, 67 ter, 68 passim, 95 to, 96 passim, 97, 115, 116 passim, 1 1 7 passim, 126, 127 to, 128 passim, 140, 141 to, 142 passim, 154, 155 to, 156 passim, 178, 179 to, 180 passim, 181 bis Nuttall, John, 58, 63, 64 CtaC' .SVra-/, 157, 172 Ogden, James, 2, 3, 22,23,34 35, 49, 50, 66, 67, 67 n, 68 n, 95 bis, 96 bis, 115, 116 ter, 117, 126, 127 to, 128 bis, 140, 141 to, 142 to, 154, 155 to, 156 to- Robert, 33, 94 William, 108, no, 112, 113 Old Garratt, 162 Oldham, Robert, 108, 112 Oldham Road, 9, 77 ter, 78, 99, 169, 170, 202, 207, 215,238, 240, 241, 251 Oldham Street, 61, 118, 148 Ollivant, Thomas, 120, 123 Orville, Edward D., 195 to, 196, 197 Oswald Street, Higher, 1 8, 19 Over Peover, co. Chester, 59 Owen, John, 45 bis, 46 Joseph, 104 Oxford Road, 1 72 Parker, Francis, 178, 198, 225, 2$gbis Parnell, alias Pownall, James, 71 bis, 74 Patchett, George, 134 Thomas, 189 William, 183 to, 189 n Paxter, Michael, 10 to, 14 Peacock, George, 120, 211, 222 to, 223 Peak, Thomas, 87 ter, 92 Peel, Joseph, 94, 247, 252 to Pendlebury, Giles, 16 Pendleton, Mary, 54 to-, 57 Peover, Over, co. Chester, 59 Perkins, Thomas, 49, 50, 66, 67 Peter Street, Little, 36, 37 Philips, Frederick, 21, 65, 125, 132 bis Richard, 45, 47 Robert, 139, 143 6/j Piccope, Henry, 10 7 to, 112 Pickup, Henry, 148, 149, 151 Pigot, Elias, 186 to, 187, 190 Plant, Edward, 78 to, 92, 148 to, 149 to, 1 5 1 bis, 2 1 2 bis, 222, 240 bis, 242, 246 bis Piatt, Adam, 108 to, 112 bis, 195 let; 196 George, 4, 24, 50, 68, 96, 116, 128, 142, 156, 180, 201, 227, 250 Pooley, Charles, 94 John, 158 to-, 166 Portland Street, 6, 88 Portugal Street, 1 60, 243 Potter, Edmund, 94, 102, 103, 125, 132 bis John, 139, 143 bis, 247, 248, 252 to, 259 Richard, 1, 13 to Sidney, 65, 139, 143 to Vincent, 153 Powell, John, 1, 13 to, 48, 57 to Pownall, James, 187 to', 188, 190 Pownall, alias Parnell, James, 7 1 bis, 74 INDEX. 269 Pratt, George, 36 Prescott, George, 109, 113 Price, Bulkeley, 33 David, 95, 126, 133, 258, 259 George, 109, 112, 259 Prince, George, 112, 259 Pyrus, John, 43 ter, 47 Queen Street, Back, 220 Quinn, William, no, 113 Randall, William, 238 Ravenscroft, William Richard, 1 39 Rayner, Roger, 211, 222 bis See also Reyner Redfern, George, 10S, 112 Reece, Nicholas, 109, 113 Reid (Read, Reed), Henry, 160 to, 166 John, 24, 36, 50, 68, 96, 116, 128, 142, 156, 180, 201, 227, 250 Renshaw, John, 224, 236, 237 Reyner, Joshua, 41, 104 See also Rayner Richmond Street, 195 Rigby, Peter, 18 to, 20, 49, 50,66, 67, 95 to, 115, 116 Rigge, William, 115 Roberts, Charles, 191, 196 to John, 120, 123 to, 134, 137 to, 138 Richard, 171 to, 172, 176 Robinson, Bold Bagshaw ( Bradshaw), 66, 67, 95, 115, n6, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Nicholas, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 180, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Thomas, 238 Roche, Patrick, 79 to-, 92 Rodney Street, 195 Roebuck, Samuel, 224 Rogers, Thomas, 55, 56 to, 57 Ronchetti, Joshua, 76 ter, 93 Rooth, William, 31 bis, 32 Rostron, Thomas, 17, 18, 20 Rowbottom, John, 213 bis, 222 Roxburgh, Adam, 114, 119 to, 139, 140, 259 Roylance, Charles, 224 Peter, 75, 191 Royle, James, 224 Vernon, 21 Royle. See also Ryle Russell, Robert, 109, 113 Ryle, Joshua, 3, 23, 35, 50, 67, 96, 116, 127, 141, 155, 179,200,226,249 See also Royle Ryley, George, 109 Thomas, 113 Sadler, Thomas, 239 bis, 246 Sale, Thomas, 89, go bis, 92 Salmon, Thomas, 238 Sands, Sarah, 80 ter, 92 Sawley, James, 24 to, 25, 34, 35, 36 ter, 51 ter, 66, 69 ter, 95, 97 ter, 115, 117 to-, 126, 140, 142 ter, 154, 156 to, 178, 199, 225, 248 Sawyers Arms, 59 Scales, false, used, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 31,44, 55, 7°, 7L 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 194, 208, 221 Scholes, Eliza, 25c, 251, 252 Samuel, 208 ter, 2 10 Scott, David, 104 Walter, 238 William, 26, 27, 29 Scully, Patrick Daniel, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 180, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Seal, James, 208 to, 210 Sedgewick (Sedgwick), Charles, 9 to', 14 Sergeant, Charles, 235 to, 237 ShaUcross, Samuel, 16 See also Shawcross Sharp, Robert, 48, 57 to Robert Chapman, 22, 25S Samuel, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 199, 200 Thomas, 21, 65 Sharrocks, James, 191, 196 to Shaw, Benjamin, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Isaac, 51 bis, 57, 118, 119 to James, 2, 3, 22, 23, 34, 35, 49 to, 66, 67, 95 to, 115, 116, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 180, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Jonathan, 58, 104 Sarah, 69 to, 74, 77 to, 92 Shawcross, Edward, 16, 20 to John, 164 to-, 167, 169, 175 to, 176 See also Shallcross 270 INDEX. Sheepshanks, James, 56, 59, 64 Joseph, 64 Sheldon, Richard, 120 Shelmerdine, Elisha, 10S, 112 Sherry, Stephen, 134, 135, 137 Shiers, Benjamin, 44, 45, 47 Shilling Place, 216 Shone, Sarah, 233, 237 Shooters Brook, no Shuttleworth, John, 2, 22. 23, 34, 65, 125, 247 Sidebottom, Thomas, 205 bis, 207 to, 210 bis Silkstone, James, 66, 67, 68 n, 95 bis, 96, 115, 116, 117, 126, 127, 128, 140, 141, 142, 154, 155, 156 Silk Street, 143 Simmons (Simmonds), George, 37 ter, 38, 40 to, 97,98, 103 Sarah, 27, 28, 29, 149, 150, 152 Simpson, Charles, 66, 95, 115, 126, 140, 154, 178, 199 Simpson Street, 1 46, 147, 15 7 Slater (Slatter), James, 2, 3, 22, 23, 34, 35, 49 to, 67 • Thomas, 30, 32 bis Smelt, William, 154, 155, 178, 179 Smith, Alice, 108, 112 ¦ Charles, 33 George, i64to, 165, 167 James, 1 64 to-, 167 John, 49, 50, 66, 67, 94, 97 to-, 117 ter, 125, 128 ter, 177, 190, 242 bis, 246 Joseph, 169 Mary, 52, 57 Richard, 21, 48 William, 159 to, 166, 231 bis, 237 , 162 ter, 167 Smithfield Market, 10, 11,27, 37, 38, 39, 41, 52, 53, 54, 55, 63, 71, 129, 130, 148, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 236, 254 Smithfield Market Shambles, 121, 150, 183, 191, 192, 205, 206, 228, 229, 230 Smithfield Shambles, 70, 107, 170, 171, 214, 216, 217, 221, 228, 240 Snape, Robert Kay, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Snow Hill, 12 Southam, Cyrus, 72 to, 73 bis, 74 ¦ George, 4, 24, 40, 51, 68, 96, 117, 128, 142, 156, 181, 201 Southam, James, 96 Thomas, 75, 76 bis, 93 Sowler, Thomas, 3, 23, 35, 50, 68, 96, 116, 127, 141, 155, 179, 201, 226, 249 Spear Street, 99 Spence, Thomas James, 16 Spencer, John, 121 bis, 123 Spittal Street, 61, 255 Standring, John, 99 ter, 103 Statham, Jonathan, 3, 23, 35, 50, 68, 96, 116, 127, 141, 155, 179, 201, 226, 249 Stead, George Elio, 80 ter, 92 Steele, Jeremiah, 80, 81 bis, 92 Steward of the Court, i, 16, 21, 30, &c. St. George's Road, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 91, 104, 105, 149,212,251 Stirling, — , 163 to-, 167, 175 to Stockdale, Jane, 45, 47 Stockport, co. Chester, 211 Stone, Daniel, 160 to, 166 Stott, Charles, 85 ter ¦ — - John, 83, 84 to, 92 Streets obstructed, 18, 19 Stretford, co. Lane, 218, 243, 244, 245 Sutton, Robert, 194 to, 196 William, 194 to, 196 Swallow, Joseph, 81 ter, 92 Swindells, Joseph, 109, 113 Sykes, Edward, 81, 82 to, 92 Tame Street, 184, 185 Tape, Joseph, 210 Joshua, 204 to Tate, William James, 198, 225, 259 to Tattersall, John, 17 to, 20 Taylor, Andrew, 85 ter, 92 Henry, 85, 86 bis, 92 John, 118 to-, 119, 173, 174, 176 Matthew, 2, 22, 34, 49, 66,95, JI5' 126, 140, 154, 178,198,225,248 Robert, 44 Tebbutt, Robert, 16, 20 to Tegg, Thomas, 82, 83 bis Tetlow, John, 1, 33 Thelwall (Thelwell), Richard, 4, 24, 40, 51, 68,96, 117, 120, 123 to, 128, 142 Thicknesse, Ralph, no, 113 Thomas, James Sadler, 22, 23, 24 to, 36 ter, 40 INDEX. 271 Thomas, Joseph Sadler, 34, 35, 40, 49 bis, Si passim, 66, 67, 68 to-, 69, 95 to, 96 to, 97 to-, 115, 116, W] passim, 126, 127, 128 ter Stephen, 2 n, 3 n, 4 n William Payton, 134, 137 to Thomson, Edmund Peel, 247 Thornelly, Henry, 130 to-, 132 Thorpe, William, 106 to, 1 10, 112, 113 Tideswell, John, 70, 71, 74 Tidmarsh, Nathaniel, 30 Timperley, co. Chester, 251 Todd, Thomas, 169 William, 233 to, 237 Todd Street, 122, 130, 131 Tonman Street, 131 Tootal (Tootel), Edward, 21, 49, 50, 66, 67,68, 95 to, 96, 115, 1 16 to, 126, 127 bis, 140, 141 to, 153, 165, 166, 247 Henry, 48 Townend, Thomas, 30 Townrow, George, \2gter, 132, 255 to, 257 Travis, James, 2, 3 bis, 4, 22, 23 bis, 24, 34, 35 to 4°, 49 to, 50, 51, 66, 67 to, 95 to, 96 to, 115, 1 16 to, 117, 126, 127 to, 140, 141 to, 155, 259 John, 2, 3 to, 22, 23, 24, 34, 35 to, 49 to, 50, 66, 67, 68, 95 bis, 96, 115, 116 to, 126, 127, 128, 140, 141, 142, 154, 155, 156, 178, 179, 180 to, 199, 200, 201, 225, 226 to, 248, 249 bis Thomas, 41 Travis Street, 184 Traynor, Patrick, no, 113 Turner, James, 2, 22, 34, 49, 5°, 66, 67, 95 to, 96, 115, 116, 126, 127 James Aspinall, 94, 102, 103, 153, 165 to John, no, 113, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 1S0, 199, 200 Peter, 109, 113 Ralph, 34, 36 ter, 258 n Turner Street, Back, 1 18 Tymms, John, 115, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179 Vaughan, Joseph, 186 ter, 190 J'ictoria Bridge, 233 Victoria Market, 183 Waddington, Richard, 2, 22, 23, 34, 35 Wainwright, Charles, 62 ter, 64, 161, 162 bis, 167, 174 to John, 2, 3, 28 to, 29, 135 to, 137, 1 70 to, 176 Walker, Charles, 56 to, 64 Edward Stanhope, 114, 177 Francis, 238, 246 to John, 45, 47, 89 ter, 92 Thomas, 109, 113 William, 30, 75, 9', 92 Wallace, Robert, 202 to, 209 Walley, Samuel, 7 ter, 14 Wallwork, William, 203 to, 210 Walmsley, Thomas, 58, 63, 64, 169 Walsh, John, 120 Wanklyn, James Hibbert, 48, 57 to Warburton, John, 2igbis, 223 Thomas, 145 bis, 151 Wardle, Samuel, 12, 13 to, 14 Wareing, William, 7, 8 bis, 1 4 Warren, John, 154 Thomas, 155 to, 156, 178, 179 to, 180 to, 199, 200 bis, 201, 225, 226 to, 227, 248, 249 to, 250 William, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Water Street, 25, 59, 61, 78, 98, 117, 235 Water Street, Back, 71, 123 Watkins, William Benjamin, 247 Watkinson, Sophia, 42 ter, 43 ter, 46 bis Watson, Josiah, 41, 42 passim, 46 bis Watts, William, 120 Weights, false, used, 11, 12 Welsh, Adora, 232 to, 237 Robert, 63, 64 Westhead, Edward, 114, 119 bis Wheeldon, William, 66,95, IX5> I26> '4°, 154, 178, 199 Whipp, John, 199, 200 to, 201 to, 225, 226passim, 227, 248, 2/t,g passim, 250 White Street, 159 White, William, 216 bis, 222 Whitefield, co. Lane, 242 Whitehead, William, 142, 143 bis Whitelegg, James, 229 to, 237 Whiteley, Joseph, I2to-, 14 Whittaker, Edward, 76, 77 ter, 78, 92 bis John, 109, 113, 205, 206, 210 Lawrence, 221 bis, 223 -V- INDEX. Whittaker, William, 243 to, 246 Whittingham, Richard, 52, 57 Whitworth, Joseph, no, in, 113 Whyatt, Robert, 41 Wild, James, 108, 112 Willert, Paul Ferdinand, 247, 248, 252 to, 259 Williams, Henry, 104 John, 126, 127, 140, 141, 154, 155, 178, 179, 181, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Lewis, 114, 1 19 to, 184, 185 to, 189 Richard, 98 ter, 103 Thomas, 184, 185 to, 189 Williamson, John, 104 Thomas, 4 to, 5, 24 to, 25, 36 to-, 51 to- Willock, Robert Peel, I Willoughby, Joseph, 150 to, 152 Wilson, John, 215 to, 217 to, 222, 223, 240 to, 241 to, 246 to Joseph, 49, 50, 66, 67 Matthew, 4, 24, 40, 51, 68, 96, 117, 128, 142, 156, 181, 201, 227, 250 Richard, 238 William, 6 to-, 14 Winter, Gilbert, 21 Withington, Benjamin, 1, 13 bis, 48 Mary, 19 bis, 20 Withington, Thomas, 13 bis, 14 Wood, George, 114, 115, 258 James, 65 John, 2, 22, 34 to, 49, 66 Thomas, 2, 22 William, 49, 50, 66, 67, 95 to, 115, 116, 126, 127, 140, 141 bis, 154, 155, 178, 179, 180, 199, 200, 225, 226, 248, 249 Woodfield, John, 84, 85 bis, 92 Woodward, John, 99, 100 bis, 103 Woodward Street, 27 Woollam, George, 30, 32 bis John, 115, 178 n, 182 to, 198, 258, 259 Worthington, Thomas, I, 21, 114, 178, 181 ter, 259 n Wren, Thomas, 251, 252 Wright, Alice, 70 to, 74, 192 bis, 196 Edmund, 21, 48, 57 to, 114 John, I49to, 151, 171 bis, 176, 215, 216, 222, 228 to, 237 Joseph, 75 Robert, 108, 112, I4S bis, 151 Wrigley, James, 144, 177, 189 to Yarwood, John, 256, 257 Yates, Thomas, 66, 95, 115, 126, 140, 154, 178, 199 Young, John, 245 bis, 246 i UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 03205 9835 >>; j\ ¦;""*£. >w$M S€»HP &m: 'ml li':-, Jf * J*H»«? i*; IPIir SIS* ^ 1 ¦ AX , *£n V*$£ rf ^V« Mr rXS *i£ W¥J« ^