i_;_i 1 1 1 1 : 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 : I J 1 n Yale University Lidrary (1 J' '"f^S '" 1 -^4 t. , ^ ^Tf •S.^» I I. 39002034201096 l#M--i"-i'. k ¦:,.,;¦ ' r^ 1 n isfit, 4 I I It i yk , \ 1*1' t r-^'Litr^'Xi ''"N'T" "{i^y?- t^^"-*^' W^4 . «&b '^ ffl.)h.l.m%,iSMjM!iiSi(.%i,,iat..j,r.i jii.u.. , , ,.,Lt TStrai,' km.,,. ~i. - l-JK YALE UNIVERSITY ART LIBRARY DESIGN XIV. IlESiDENCE OV Mil HEaDLEV .VEaR .\EWIiURGH. Principal Floor— Fi^. 91 COTTAGE RESIDENCES; SERIES OK DESIGNS RURAL COTTAGES AND COTTAGE VILLAS, AND THEIR" GARDENS ANI) (I R 0 U N IJ S ADAPTED 10 NOETH AMERICA. BY A. J. DOWNING, 4UTH0R OP "tHB ARCHITECTURE OF COUNTRY HDUSESy" ETC. "I long for the preservation of those pure, simple, holy tastes, which have led our couutryinen, in all agea, to delight in the pleasant fields, in the pleasant country housBs, in the profound peace of noble woods so favorable to high and solenm musings, and in all those healthful aud animating eportfl and pursuits that belong to such a life."— HoMiM. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. JFouttfj IBKitton, 3EletoCseti anU Jim^jrohpTi NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY, 167 BROADWAY. urk.: Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by A. J. DOWNING, In the Clerk's offlce of the Diatrict Court for the Southern District ot New York. WITH SINCERE REGARD TO EOBERT DONALDSON, ESQ. OF BUTHEWOOD, ON THE HUDSON, Arbiter Elegantiarum PREFACE. A HEAKTY desire to contribute something to the improve ment of the domestic architecture aild the rural taste of our country, has been the motive which has influenced me in preparing this little volume. With us, almost every man either builds, or looks forward to building, a home for himself, at some period of his life ; it may be only a log-hut, or a most rustic cot tage, but perhaps also, a villa, or a mansion. As yet, however, our houses are mostly either of the plainest and most meagre description, or, if of a more ambitious, they are freqitently of a more objectionable character — shingle palaces, of very ques tionable convenience, and not in the least adapted by their domestic and rural beauty, to harmonize with our lovely natural landscapes. Now I am desirous that every one who lives in the country, and in a country-house, should be in some degree conversant with domestic architecture, not only because it will be likely to improve the comfort of his own house, and hence all the houses in the country, but that it will enlarge his mind, and give him new sources of enjoyment. It is not my especial object at this moment, to dwell upon the superior convenience which maybe realized in our hoases, by a more familiar acquaintance with architecture. The advan tages of an ingeniously arranged and nicely adapted plan, over one carelessly and ill-contrived, are so obvious to every one, that they are self-evident. This is the ground- work of domes tic architecture, the great importance of which is recognised by all mankind, and some ingenuity and familiarity with practi cal details are only necessary to give us compact, convenient. VI PREFACE. and comfortable houses, with the same means and in the same space as the most awkward and unpleasing forms. But I am still more anxious to inspire in the minds of my readers and countrymen livelier perceptions of the beautiful, in everything that relates to our houses and groxmds. I wish to awaken a quicker sense of the grace, the elegance, or the pictu resqueness of fine forms that are capable of being produced in these, by Eural Architecture and Landscape Gardening — a sense which will not only refine and elevate the mind, but open to it new and infinite resources of delight. There are per haps a few upon whose souls nearly all emanations of beauty fall impressionless ; but there are also many who see the Beau tiful, in nature and art, only feebly and dimly, either from the want of proper inedia through which to view her, or a little direction as to where she is to be found. How many, ' too, are there, who even discover the Beautiful, in a picture, or a statue, who yet fail to admire her, rounding with lines of grace, and touching with shades of harmony all common nature, and pervading silently all material forms ! " Men," says Goethe, " are so inclined to content themselves with what is commonest, so easily do the spirit and the sense grow dead to the impression of the Beautiful and the Perfect, that every person should strive to nourish in his mind the faculty of feeling these things, by everything in his power, for no man can bear to be wholly deprived of such enjoyment ; it is only because they are not used to taste of what is excellent, that the generality of people take delight in silly and insipid things, provided they be new. For this reason, every day one ought to see a fine picture, read a good poem, hear a little song, and if il were possible, to speak a few reasonable words." It is in this regard, that I wish to inspire all persons with a love of beautiful forms, and a desire to assemble them around their daily walks of life. I wish them to appreciate how supe rior is the charm of that home where we discover the tasteful cottage or villa, and the well designed and neatly kept garden or grounds, full of beauty and harmony, — not the less beautiful and harmonious, because simple and limited ; and to become PREFACE. Vli aware that these superior forms, and the higher and more refined enjoyment derived from them, may be had at the same cost and with the same labor as a clumsy dwelling, and its uncouth and ill designed accessories. More than all, I desire to see these sentiments cherished for their pure moral tendency. " All beauty is an outward expression of inward good," and so closely are the Beautiful and the True allied, that we shall find, if we become sincere lovers of the grace, the harmony, and the loveliness with which rural homes and rural life are capable of being invested, that we are silently opening our hearts to an influence which is higher and deeper than the mere symbol ; and that if we thus worship in the true spirit, we shall attain a nearer view of the Great Master, whose words, in all his material universe, are written in lines of Beauty. And how much happiness, how much pure pleasure, that strengthens and invigorates our best and holiest affections, is there not experienced, in bestowing upon our homes some thing of grace and loveliness — in making the place dearest to our hearts a sunny spot, where the social sympathies take shelter securely under the shadowy eaves, or grow and entwine trustfully with the tall trees or wreathed vines that cluster around, as if striving to shut out whatever of bitterness or strife may be found in the open highways of the world. What an unfailing barrier against vice, immorality, and bad habits, are those tastes which lead us to embellish a home, to which at all times and in all places we turn with delight, as being the object and the scene of our fondest cares, labors, and enjoy ments ; whose humble roof, whose shady porch, whose verdant lawn and smiling flowers, all breathe forth to us, in true, earnest tones, a domestic feeling, that at once purifies the heart, and binds us more closely to our fellow beings. In this volume, the first yet published in this country devoted to Eural Architecture, I am conscious of offering but a slight and imperfect contributioii to this important subject, which I trust will be the precursor of more varied and complete works from others, adapted to our peculiar wants and climate. The vm preface. very great interest now beginning to manifest itself in rural improvements of every kind, leads us to believe and to hope, that at no distant day our country residences may rival the "cottage homes of England," so universally and so justly admired. The relation between a country house and its "surround ings," has led me to consider, under the term residences, both the architectural and the gardening designs. To constitute an agreeable whole, these should indeed have a harmonious cor respondence, one with the other ; and although most of the fol lowing designs have not actually been carried into execution, yet it is believed that they will, either entirely or in part, be found adapted to many cases of every day occurrence, or at least furnish hints for variations suitable for peculiar circum- .stances and situations. A. J D. Newbmrgh, N. Y., June, 1842. CONTENTS. AECHITECmiRAL SUGGESTIONa Leadino principles of domestic architecture, anjj their importance, p. 9. The principle of Utility or Fitness, p. 2. Value of a convenient arrangement, p. 2. Dififerent wants in a cottage, p. 4. Labor-saving fixttres, p. 6. The mode of construction, and materials most suitable, p. 8. Ktness in furniture, p. 11. The principle of Propriety, or Expression of Purpose, p. 11. Featiu-es most character istic of expression, p. 12. Iha^color-ofth«-«xterior of cottages, p. 14. Architec ture as an art of taste aud imagination, 17. Beauty of form. The principle of Unity, p. 18. Of Uniformity and Symmetry, p. 19. Of Harmony and Variety, p. 21. Different styles in architecture, p. 21. Relation of domestic architecture, p. 22. The most suitable styles for this country, p. 24. The sentiment of ardiitec- ture, p. 26. DESIGN L A SCBUBBAN COTTAGB. Description of the plan of the house, and its internal arrangements, p. 21. Remarks on its external effect, p. 30. Details of construction, p. 31. Chimneys should be placed in the inner walls, p. 32. Estimate, p. 32. Laying out the garden, p. 33. list of creepers for a trellis, p. 34. Choice fruits for the kitchen garden, p. 36. Training them to a trellis, p. 36. The ornamental portion, p. 37. Sweet-scented shrubs to be planted near the windows, p. 38. Border flowers, p. 40. Care necessary to keep the whole in order, p. 41. DESIGN IL A^OOITAGE IN THE ENGUSH, OE EtJILlL QOTmC STUE. Object in view in arranging the interior, p. 42. Esrplanation of the plans, p. 43. Beauty of this style of cottage, p. 45. Introduction of the veranda, p. 46. The chimney-tops, p. 46. Construction . and details, p. 46. Estimate, p. 48. Laying out the garden, p. 49. Trees to be introduced; disposing the kitchen- garden, p. 51. X CONTENTS. DESIGN IIL A COTTAGE IN THE POINTED, OE TUDOE STYLE. The situation, p. 63. Size of the cottage suited to the g^^^^^litJ, °f, ^^°*^^ '" this country, p. 64. Arrangement of the prmcipal floor, p. 54. Of the seeonA floor, p. 68 Of the basement, p. 69. Degree of decoration to be employed. The proper materials, p. 60. Introduction of Shutters, p. 62. Finish of the inte rior p. 62. Details of the exterior, p. 63. The dumb waiter described, p. 63. Estiinate, p. 66. Arrangement of the grounds, p. 66^ Sunk_ fence, or Aa-Aa p. 69 Trees most in keeping with the place, 70. Preparation of the soil for planting trees p. 71. Arrangement of trees in the natural style of landscape gardening, and what constitutes the art, p. 72. Flower beds, j). 73. List of the finest hardy ornamental trees of foreign and native growth, smtable for planting in groups and masses, p. 74. List of 42 choice fruit trees, for the orchard of this design, p. 80. DESIGN IV. AN OENAMENTAL FAEM-HOUSE Aim in this design, p. 81. Reasons why a farmer's house should be tasteful, p. 82. Description of the first floor plan, p. 83. Of the second floor, p. 84. Why the Rur£ Gothic style is adopted, p. 84. The material considered, p. 85. Details of construction and the estimate, p. 86. The Ferme Ornfie, or ornamental portion of the farm, p. 86. Trees to be employed for ornament, p. 89. The intro duction of hedges, and the best plants for this purpose, p. 90. Rendering fences ornamental by creepers, p. 90. Harmoni2dng the adjacent portions of the farm; Ust of apples for the orchard, p. 91. DESIGN V. A OOTTAOE VILLA IN THE BEAOKETTED MODE. Bold character of this mode of building : Its adaptation to this country and to the South, p. 92. The plan of the principal floor, p. 93. Superior efifect of one large apartment for the drawing-room, p. 94. The second floor, and the base ment arrangement, p. 95. Variation of this design as constructed in wood, p. 96. Details; the chimney and porch, 99. The brackets and siding, p. 99. Construction of the water-closet, p. 100. Estimate, p. 101. , Laying out the ground, p. 102. The ornamental portions, the kitchen and fruit gardens, p. 104. Hints for the detached green-house, p. 104. Treatment of the hill iu the rear, p. 106. Preparation and treatment necessary to produce a fine lawn, p. 105. The flower-beds cut in the tur^ and reasons why this is a superior me thod of arranging them, p. 107. Treatment of the long flower borders, p. 109. List of perennial border flowers, arranged according to their height, and period of blooming, p. 110. CONTENTS. n DESIGN VL AN IRREGULAB VILLA IN THE ITALIAN STYLE, BEAOKETTED. Beauty of irregularity in buildings, and reasons why an irregular design will be disliked by some, and greatly preferred by others, p. 117. Elegant domestic features of the Italian style, p. 118. The accommodation of the principal floor of this design, p. 118. Of the chamber floor, p. 119. Trees in keeping with the style, p. 120. Construction, p. 120. Estimate, 121. Laying out the grounds, p. 121. Natural character of the situation, and the way in which it should be treated, p. 122. Advantages of walks made in natural woods, p. 123. The im portance of studying the natural expression of the place, aud of making our im provements harmonize with it, p. 124. The orchard and fruit garden, p. 125. List of the finest varieties of fruit, p. 126. Hints for their cultivation, and for securing them against insects, p. 129. DESIGN VIL AN lEEEGULAB COTTAGE IN THE OLD ENGLISH STYLE. Character of the old English cottage, and reasons why it should only be built in appropriate situations, p. 131. Domestic expression, the characteristic of this style, p. 132. Examination of the interior, p. 132. Fitting up and furnishing, p. 133. Plan of the chamber story, p. 134. Construction and details, p. 136. Care necessary in executing a design of this kind, p. 137. Estimate, p. 138. Laying out the grounds, p. 138. Mode of thinning out a wooded surface, p. 140. Ma nagement of the walks, p. 141. An irregular flower garden, p. 141. A cottage in the same style, suitable as a gate lodge to this residence, or for a small family, p. 143. Beauty of vines and climbing plants on cottages, p. 144. DESIGN VIIL " VILLA IN THE ITALIAN STYLE. Grecian and Italian architecture compared; characteristic quality of. the latter, p. 146. Situation suitable for this villa. The terrace ; its beauty and utUity ; union between the house and grounds, p. 146 ; exterior features, p. 147 ; of the second floor, p. 148. Comparative cost, and the facility of making additions to buildings in the Italian style, p. 149. Construction and details, p. 160. Estimate, p. 161. Arrangement of the grounds, p. 161. The architectural flower garden described, p. 162. Elegant efifect of vases, etc., in connexion with garden scenery, p. 164. Pedestals for vases, 165. Details of the garden; construction and supply of the fountain, p. 166. DESIGN IX COTTAGE IN THE rTAUAN, OE TUSCAN STYLE. Description of this cottage ; the principal floor, p. 158. The second floor and CONTENTS. basement accommodation, p. 169. Arrangement of the ground, with a view to combine utility and beauty, p. 160. The orchard and kitchen garden, p. 161. Attached conservatory, p. 168. DESIGN X. A VILLA IN THE GOTHIC, OE POINTED STYLE Character of the exterior, p. 165. Complete interior arrangement, p. 166. The dining, drawing-room nnd library, and other apartments, of the principal floor, p. 1B7. The second fioor and basement accommodation, p. 167. Estimate, p. 168. Ai'rangement of the grounds; treatment of the approach, p. 168. Care and judgment necessary in opening a wooded surface, p. 171. DESIGN XL A COTTAGE FOR A COUNTRY CLERGYMAN. Actual wants of a country clergyman, p. 173. Description of the plan suggested, p. 175. Plan of the second floor, p. 176. Effect of rustic trellis work covered with vine, p. 177. DESIGN XIL A VILLA IN THE ELIZAEETHAN STYLE. Criticism on the plan, p. 178. Improvements suggested, p. 179. Construction and estimate, p. 180. DESIGN XIIL A SMALL COTTAGE FOR A TOLL-GATE HOUSE Best position for a building of this kind with reference to the gate, p. 181. Plan, construction, and estimate, p. 182. Gate-house of stone in a massive simple style, p. 183. ^ DESIGN XIV. A COTTAGE IN THE RHINE STYLE. The residence of J. T. Headley, Esq. Style iu keeping with the Hudson High lands, p. 184. Plan of the principal floor, p. 184; of the chamber floor p 188 Cost of construction, p. 185. ' '^' CONTENTS. DESIGN XV. A CARRIAGE-HOUSE AND STABLE IN THE RUSTIC POINTED STYLE. Exterior composition, picturesque and characteristic, p. 186. Arrangement of the stable, &e., p. 187. Construction and cost, p. 187. FUETHER HINTS ON THE GARDENS AND GROUNDS OF COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Arrangement of the smaUest groimds : Two ways of laying out even the smaUest flower garden, p. 189. Flower gardens of beds and walks; Flower gardens sur rounded by turl^ p. 189. Selection of plants necessary in the latter, p. 189. Advantages of employing only ever-blooming dwarf plants and China Roses, p. 190. Tlie soil of flower gardens, p. 191. The parterre — difi'ereut examples, p. 192. Plan of Baron Hugel's garden, p. 194. Ai-rangemeut of the flowers, p. 195. Geo metrical flower garden, p. 197. Elizabethan flower garden, p. 198. Selection of suitable plants, p. 199. Labyrinth in the ancient style, p. 200. Original design fo*' a flower garden aud lawn combined, p. 201. Examples of the mode of laying out smaU places in the French style, p. 203. Plan for the grounds of two small adjoimng cottages, p. 205. Landscape garden of an acre in the German style, p. 20S. Examme in the English style, p. 207. Original design for the grounds of a suburban residence, p. 208. Essential elements of the beautiful in laying out all places of moderate size, p. 209. ADDENDA. Remarks on building by contract : Disappointments that occur in the cost of building, p. 211. How to remedy them by careful plans and specifications, p. 212. Economy and advantage of employing the best architects, p. 214. Architectural charges, p. 215. COTTAGE EESIDENOES. ARCHITECTURAL SUGGESTIONS. " True Taste is an excellent economist. She confines her choice to few objects, and delights to produce great effects by small means ; while False Taste is for ever sighing after the new and rare ; and reminds us, in her works, of the scholar of Apelles who, not being able to paint his Helen beautiftj, determined to make her fine." Tbdeee are certain leading principles connected with archi tecture, which earnestly demand our attention on the verj' threshold of the subject. In an indefinite manner they are, perhaps, acknowledged by all iateUigent minds, but they are only distinctly and clearly understood by those, who, having analysed the expressions or characters inherent in various forms and modes of building, have traced the impressions derived, whether of utility or beauty, to their proper origio. When the mind has arrived at this point, the satisfaction it enjoys in an admirable work, is proportionably greater ; in the same manner (though in less degree) as the " devout astrono mer " enjoys, with a far more intelligent and fervent rapture, his starry gaze, than the ignorant eye that sees only a myriad of lights hung above to dispel the gloom of midnight. 1 2 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. As the flrst object of a dweUing is to afford a shelter to man, the first prmciple belonging to architecture grows out of this primary necessity, and it is called the principle of FriHESS or usefulness. After this, man naturally desires to give some distinctive cnaracter to his own habitation, io mark its supe riority to those devoted to animals. This gives rise to the principle of Expression of Purpose. Finally, the love of the beautiful, inherent in all finer natures, and its exhibition in certaiu acknowledged forms, has created the principle of the Eifpression of Style. In other words, all these principles may be regarded as sources of beauty in domestic architecture ; Fitness being the heoMty of utility ; Expression of purpose, the leoMty of propriety ; and Expression of Style, the heomby of form and senlmnent, which is the highest in the scale. We shall say a few words in illustration of our ideas on each particular division. Fitness., or use, is the first principle to be considered in all buildings. Those indeed who care very little for any other character in a dweUing, generaUy pride themselves upon the amoimt of convenience they have been able to realize in it; and nothing could be in worse taste than to embellish or decorate a dweUing-house which is wantiag in comfort, since the beautiful is never satisfactory when not allied to the true. In a dweUing-house, our every day comfort is so entirely dependent on a convenient arrangement of the rooms, or plan of the interior, that this is universally acknowledged to be the most important consideration. To have the principal rooms or apartments situated on the most favorable side of the house with regard to aspect, in order that they may be light, warm, or airy, and, in respect to view, that they may command the COTTAGE RESIDENCES. rf finest prospects, are desiderata in every kind of dwelling. In all climates the stormy quarters are the worst aspects, and the fair weather quarters the best ones. Thus, in the middle states, a south-west aspect (aU other things being equal) is the best for the finer rooms, and a north-east the most disagreeable. In hot climates, a north exposure may be agreeable on account of its coolness, but in aU teinperate latitudes, a southern one is more desirable for the entire year. In arranging the difierent apartments of a cottage or viUa, great variations will naturally arise out of the peculiar circum stances, mode of living, or individual wants of the famUy by whom it is to be inhabited. Thus, a small famUy living a secluded Ufe, or one composed of infirm persons, would prefer to have their sleeping apartments, their kitchen, and other conveniences, on the same floor with the parlor or living room, even at the expense of one or two handsome rooms, for the sake of the greater convenience in conducting domestic afl'airs, and the greater ease and comfort thereby realized. On the other hand, a family fond of social intercom-se, and accustomed to entertain, would greatly prefer, in a cottage or viUa of moderate size, to have several handsome apartments, as a drawing-room, library, dining-room, etc., occupying almost exclusively the principal floor, placing the kitchen and its offices in the basement, and the bed-rooms in the second story. This arrangement would perhaps be less convenient in a few respects for the family, but it would be more elegant and more satisfactory for the kind of residence intended — each depart ment of the house being complete in itself, and intruding itself but little on the attention of the family or guests when not required to be visible, which is the ideal of domestic accommo- 4 COTTAGE KESEDENCES. dation. A kitchen on the flrst floor has the advantage of being more accessible, and more completely under the surveil lance of the mistress of the house, but, on the other hand, it is open to the objection of being occasionaUy offensive in the matter of sound, sight, and smells ; unless, in the case of large houses, where these may be excluded by long passages and double doors. Some famUies have a literary taste, and to them a library would be an indispensable apartment, whUe others, caring less for books, would in the same space prefer a bed-room. We mention these eircumstances to show in what a relative sense the term fitness, as regards accommodation, must be used, and how many peculiar circumstances must be considered before we can pronounce decidedly upon the merits or demerits of a plan. What may be entirely fit and con venient for one, would be considered quite unsuitable for another. Hence the great difficulty of arranging plans exactly to suit aU wants. And hence the importance to aU persons, and especiaUy ladies, who understand best the principle of convenience, of acquiring some architectural knowledge. There are doubtless many desiring to build a cottage, who will flnd no one of the plans hereafter submitted precisely what they want, and this will be found to arise mainly from their having certain peculiar wants growing out of their habits or position, for which no artist, not famiUar with these, could possibly provide. There are some rules of fitness, of nearly universal appUca tion. Thus a dining-room should obviously have connected with it) either a pantry or a large closet, or both ; and it should be so placed as to afford easy ingress and egress to and from the kitchen. The drawing-room, parlor, or finest apart- COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 0 ment, should look out on the most beautiftd view, either over a distant prospect, if there be such, or, if not, upon the flne home landscape of trees, lawn, or flower-garden. A library may occupy a more secluded position, and requires less attention to outward circumstances, as the mat&riel from whence it dispenses enjoyment is within itself Again, there are other minor points more generally understood, which may be considered under this principle, and to which we need scarcely aUude. Among these are the construction of proper drains to the kitchen and basement, the introduction of water pipes, cisterns, etc. A bathing room requires little space, and may be easily constructed in any cottage, and its great importance to health renders it a most desirable feature in aU our houses. ISo dweUing can be considered complete which has not a water-closet under its roof, though the expense may yet for some time prevent their general introduction into small cottages. In a country Uke ours, where the population is comparatively sparse, civil rights equal, and wages high, good servants or domestics are comparatively rare, and not likely to retain their places for a long time. The maximum of comfort, therefore, is found to consist in employing the smaUest number of servants actually necessary. This may be greatly facilitated by having aU the apartments conveniently arranged with reference to their various uses, and stiU further by introducing certain kinds of domestic labor-saving apparatus to lessen the amount of service required, or to render its performance easy. Among those which we would, from experience, especiaUy recommend for cottages, are the rising cupboard or dumb waiter, the speaking tube, and the rotary pump. 6 COTTAGE EESIDENOES. The rising cupboard is only required in the case of a base ment kitchen, and in this instance, it wUl be foimd to render the labor of carrying the dinner to and from the kitchen much easier than that experienced in bringing it from a kitchen on the same floor, with less risk of broken china or dishes. The unsightly appearance of a cupboard rising through the. floor in a comer of the dining-room, is obviated by having it enclosed by a fixed case, like a small side-board, and its construction we shall show hereafter. Speaking tubes are merely common tin tubes one and a half inches in diameter, terminated by mouth-pieCes, one of which is in the kitchen, the other in the desired apartment. They wUl usuaUy only be required in two rooms, viz. the dining- room and the famUy bedroom, and in constructing the house they may be introduced and led through the partitions at a very trifling cost. They save much time and labor, as by their aid we may be able to communicate our wants in a whisper from the chamber floor to the kitchen, and have them answered with less loss of time than would be required by the ordinary use of the beU only, to bring the servant to our room to leam our wishes. The rotary pump may be considered as supplying the place in a cottage of the extensive arrangement of water pipes introduced in the best mansions for supplying the upper or chamber story with water. A rotary pump, placed in some convenient position in the haU of the chamber floor of a cottage, and communicating by a leaden pipe with a cistern outside, may be said to place an abundant supply of water within a few steps of every bedroom in that story. This it is evident, wiU save much labor in carrying water daily, to say COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 7 nothing of the comfort of having a fresh supply within reach at any moment. The introduction of a complete set of water pipes in a house is expensive, and to keep them in repair is a considerable additional tax, but the comparative cheapness and efficiency of the rotary pump (which is the neatest and most complete apparatus) render it, or something of this same description, an almost indispensable convenience in a cottage of more than one story. The universaUy acknowledged utiUty of closets, renders it unnecessary for us to say anything to direct attention to them under this head. In the principal story, a pantry or closets are a necessao'y accompaniment to the dining or Uving room, but are scarcely required in connexion with any of the other apartments. Bedi'ooms always require at least one closet to each, and more will be found convenient. One, or sometimes two, may always be provided, in a chamber having a fire place, by enclosing the space on one side of the chimney- breast, and in all cottage villas or villas of good size, one or two bedrooms should be provided with dressing-rooms attached, which wiU be found to add greatly to the real comfort of the apartment. Some persons, however, have such a passion for closets, that they not imfrequently destroy aU the merit of a plan, by cutting up the interior so as to afford them in abundance. A plan of very moderate size wUl perhaps only afford a few rooms of good size and proportion, which would be injiu'ed or destroyed by cutting off many closets. It is far better to substitute wardrobes, or movable closets, than thus to sacrifice all space, and elegance of arrangement, to con venience. The mode of construction, and the materials employed, are 8 COTTAGE EESIDENOES. also comprised under the head of fitness. In this country, from the great abundance and cheapness of wood, it has, untU within a few years, been almost the only material employed in constructing country houses : but as timber has grown scarcer in the forest, it has also become dearer, untU, in many parts of the Atlantic States, stone or brick is equally economical. Wood is acknowledged by aU architects to be the worst material for buUding, and should never be employed when it is in the power of the buUder to use any other. Its want of durability, the expense of pamting it and keeping it in repair, and its fraUness and liabiUty to decay by the action of the weather, are aU very serious objections to it as a material for dweUing-houses. A cottage of wood is, from the thinness of the exterior, necessarUy warmer in summer, and colder in winter, than one buUt of more solid materials. Filling-in with brick decreases this objection, but does not entirely remove it. In point of taste, a house buUt of wood strikes us the least agreeably, as our pleasure in beholding a beautiful form is marred by the idea of the frailness of the material composing that form. We are aware that the almost universal prevalence of wooden country houses in the United States has weakened this impression, but the strength with which it strikes an European, accustomed to solidity and permanence in a dweU ing, is the best proof of the truth of our remark. And even in this country, the change of feeUng which is daily taking place on this subject, shows very plamly in how Uttle estimation wood wUl be held as a building material, compared with brick or stone, by the next generation. Brick is the next best material to wood, and is every day coming into more general use. The waUs formed of it, if weU COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 9 constructed, have a solidity and permanence, appropriate for a country house, and requiring little cost to keep it in repair. The offensive hue of red brick walls in the country is easily removed by coloring them any agreeable tint, which will also render them dryer and more permanent. Brick and stucco (that is, a wall buUt of rough brick, and coated exteriorly with a cement) is, when weU executed, one of the best materials for cottages or viUas. It is much warmer and dryer than wood, or even stone, and is equal to the latter in external effect, when marked off and colored to resemble it. We have no doubt that in a short time it will have a very general preference in most sections of the country.* Stone is generaUy conceded to be superior, on the whole, to any o4er material for buUding. This is owing to its great durabiUty and soUdity, both in expression and in reality ; and to its requiring no trouble to keep it in repair, as it suffers Uttle or no injury from the action of the elements. When houses are buUt of brick or stone, the interior plastering should never be put directly upon the inner face of the wall, as is sometimes done by careless or ignorant mecha nics : but the lathing upon which it is formed should always be separated from the solid waU by what is technically called " furring off," which leaves a space of two or more inches * The common hydraulic cements of New York are unfit for plastering the exterior of houses, and many persons who have only seen these employed (mixed perhaps with dirty, instead of sharp, clean sand), suppose that all cements are equally liable to crumble by exposure to damp and frost. The cement (or nydraulie limes) of Connecticut and Pennsylvania are greatly superior for stucco or external plaster, becoming, when well applied, nearly as firm and durable as 4tone. 10 COTTAGE EESIDENCIS. between the soUd wall, and that of plaster. This vacuity is, of course, occupied by afr, which is a better non-conductor than any waU, prevents effectually the penetration of aU dampness, and renders the waU warmer than would three times the same thickness of solid material. When we are necessarUy restricted to the employment of a certain material, both fitness and good taste require that there should be a correspondence between the material used and the style adopted for the buUding. Heavy and massive archi- tectm'e, — a temple, a castle, or a mansion, — ;should be built of stone only, or some solid enduring substance, but cottages in some light and fanciful styles may with more propriety be erected in wood, that material being in harmony with the expression of the form and outUnes. There cannot well be a greater violation of correct taste, than to build a Gothic casteUated viUa with thin wooden boards. It is a species of counterfeit coin, which wiU never pass current with cultivated minds. De Tocqueville, in his remarks on the spirit in which the Americans cultivate the arts, says, " When I arrived for the first time at ISTew York, by that part of the Atlantic ocean which is called the Narrows, 1 was surprised to perceive along the shore, at some distance from the city, a considerable number of palaces of white marble, several of which were built after the models of ancient architecture." His surprise was StiU greater, however, when he went the next day to inspect the temple that had particularly attracted his notice, to find that its imposing portico- was supported by huge col/amns of painted wood. Something might be said on the subject of fitness, with regard to the fumiture and interior decoration of our dwelUng- COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 11 houses. There is a gi'eat charm about a country house, fitted up or furnished simply, appropriately, and comfortably. A profusion of mirrors, of gilding, or of chairs and sofas, too magnificent except for show, strikes us disagreeably amid the freshness, the sUence, and simplicity of that nature, which quietly looks us in the face at every window of a house in the country. The expression of pwrpose in architecture is conveyed by features in a buUding, or by its whole appearance, suggesting the end in view, or the purpose for which it is intended. A church, for example, is easUy known by its spire, or a bam by its plain large doors, and the absence of chimneys, and the reason acknowledges a satisfaction in finding them to be what they appear, or, in other words, with the truthfulness of their expression. Whatever, therefore, tends to heighten expression of purpose, must grow out of some quality which connects itself in the mind with the use for which it is designed, and a genuine mode of increasing our admiration of any buUding is to render it expressive of the purpose for which it is buUt. Although, at first thought, it would appear that pereons would be little likely to fall into error in violating the truth fulness of a building, yet examples do not unfrequently occur. Some of our dwelling-houses are so meagre and comfortless in their exteriors, that one might be fairly pardoned for supposing them bams, and, on the other hand, we have seen stables so decorated with green shutters and pilasters, that they have actually been mistaken for dweUing-houses. A blind passion for a particular style of buUding may also tend to destroy expression of purpose. It would certainly be difficult for a 12 COTTAGE EESEDENCES. stranger in some of our towns, where the taste for Grecian temples prevails, to distinguish with accuracy between a church, a bank, and a hall of justice. Not only should the whole house have a general character denoting the end in view, but every portion of it should be made, as far as possible, to convey the same impression. The various useful features entering into its composition, should all be expressive of the end for which they are intended, and should appear to answer their purpose. Thus large windows indicate spacious and well ventilated apartments, and although propriety requires the windows of the principal rooms to be made larger than those of the chamber story, yet the latter should not be shorn of their due proportions so as to be expres sive of imperfect accommodation. One of the most common errors, which of late has crept into our suburban builders' heads, is the introduction of short attic windows into the second or third story of their houses. However satisfactory such dwellings may otherwise be, the expression of low and confined chambers, conveyed by these cramped windows, destroys aU pleasure in contemplating their exteriors. The prominent featm-es, conveying expression of purpose in dwelling-houses, are, the chimneys, the windows, and the porch, veranda, or piazza ; and for this reason, whenever it is desired to raise the character of a cottage or vUla above mediocrity, attention should first be bestowed on those portions of the bmlding. The chimney tops, in all countries where fires are used, are (decidedly expressive of purpose, as they are associated with all our ideas of warmth, the cheerful fire-side, and the social winter circle. The learned Bishop Hall says. COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 13 " Look to the tower'd chimnies, wliich should be The wind-pipes of good hospitalitie." " In every human habitation," says Loudon, " these chimney tops ought to be conspicuous objects, because they are its essential characteristics. They distinguish apartments destined for human beings from those designed for lodging cattle. They also distinguish a dwelUng-house from a manufactory or workshop, by their size, number, form, or disposition." As chimney tops are thus so essential a part of dwelling-houses, we should endeavor to render them pleasing objects, and increase their importance by making them ornamental. The clumsy mass of bricks^ should be enlivened and ^rendered "elegant by varying its form, ornamenting its sides and summit, or separating the whole into distinct flues, forming a cluster, in modes of which there are a multitude of suitable examples in the various styles of architecture. The chimney tops gene- ¦ rally occupy the highest portions, of tha roof, breaking., against the sky boldly, and, if enriched,_wi.lLnot ..pnlyjncreafla. the. expression of purpose, but add also .to the picturesquejbeauty of the composition, The porch, the veranda, or the piazza, are, highly charactfisr-f istic features, and no_ dwelling-house can be considered complete { without one or more of them. The entrance door,, evenJn_the humblest cottage, _should always be a conspicuous feature in its front, and it may be rendered SQ, by. a .porclL_Qr_s:eraiida-. of some kind, which wiU serve to keep the entrance dry and warm in inclement weather. In aU countries like ours, where there are hot summers, a veranda, piazza, or colonnade, is a li COTTAGE EESIDENOES. necessary and delightful appendage to a dweUing-house, and in fact during a considerable part of the year, frequently becomes the lounging apartment of the famUy. Hence a broad shady veranda suggests ideas of comfort, and is highly expressive of purpose. For the same reason bay or oriel windows, balconies, and terraces, added to viUas, increase their interest, not only by their beauty of form, but by their denoting more forcibly those elegant enjoyments which belong to the habitation of man in a cultivated and refined state of society. The color of buUdings may very properly be made to increase their expression of truthfulness. Thus a bam or stable being regarded entirely in a useful point of view, may have a quiet, imobtrusive tone of color, while a cottage or vUla should be of a cheerful, meUow hue harmonizing with the verdure of the country. A mansion may very properly have a graver color than a cottage, to be in unison with its greater dignity and extent. There is one color, however, frequently employed by house painters, which we feel bound to protest against most heartUy, as entirely unsuitable, and in bad taste. This is white., which is so universaUy applied to our wooden houses of every size and description. The glaring nature of this color, when seen in contrast with the soft green of foUage, renders it extremely unpleasant to an eye attuned to harmony of coloring, and nothing but its very great preva lence in the United States could render even men of some taste so heedless of its bad effect. No painter of landscapes, that has possessed a name was ever guUty of displaying in his pictures a glaring white house, but, on the contrary, the COTTAGE EESIDENOES. , 15 buildings introduced by the great masters have uniformly a meUow softened shade of color, in exquisite keeping with the surrounding objects.* We shaU quote on this subject some remarks in point by Uvedale Price, whose name is of high authority .f " One of the most charming effects of sunshine, is its giving to objects not merely Ught, but that meUow golden hue so beautiful in itself, and which, when diffused as in a fine evening over the whole landscape, creates that rich union and harmony so enchanting in nature and Claude. In any scene, whether real or painted, when such harmony prevails, the least discordancy in color would disturb the eye: but if we suppose a single object of a glaring white to be introduced, the whole attention, in spite of all our efforts to the contrary, wUl be drawn to that one point ; if many such objects be scattered about, the eye wiU be distracted among them. Again (to consider it in another view), when the sun breaks out in gleams, there is something that delights and surprises, in seeing an object, before only visible, lighted up in splendor, and then graduaUy sinking into shade : but a whitened object is already Ughted up ; it remains so when everything else has retired into obscurity ; it stUl forces itself into notice, stUl impudently stares you in the face. An object of a sober tint, unexpectedly gilded by the sun, is Uke a serious countenance suddenly ¦ lighted up by a smile ; a whitened object Uke the eternal grin of a fool." There may be a Uttle sarcasm in the tone of these * To render the effect still worse, our modem builders paint their Venetian window shutters a bright green ! A cool dark green would be in better taste, and more agreeable to the eye, both firom the exterior and interior. t Essays on the Pictures(jae. 16 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. remarks, but that they are strictly trae eveiy fine colorist wUl admit. As it is difficult to convey in words a proper idea of deUcate shades of color, and as we think the subject one of very great importance in domestic architecture, we have given specimens on the opposite page of six shades of color highly suitable for the exterior of cottages and vUlas. A, B, and 0, are shades of grey, and E, F, G, of drab or fawn color ; which will be found pleasing and harmonious in any situation in the country. Stuccoed or cemented buUdings should be marked off in courses, and tinted to resemble some mellow stone; Bath, Portland stone, or any other of the light free-stone shades, are generaUy most agreeable. A person of correct architectural taste wiU carry his feeling of artistical propriety into the interior of his house, and confer on each apartment, by expression of purpose, a kind of indivi- duaUty. Thus, in a complete cottage-villa, the hall wiU be grave and simple in character, a few plain seats its principal fumiture; the Ubrary sober and dignified, or bookish and learned in its air ; the dining-room cheerful, with a hospitable sideboard and table ; the drawing-room lively or brilliant, adorned with pictures, or other objects of art, and evincing more elegance and gaiety of tone in its colors and furniture. The bedrooms would be simple, or only pretty, with abun dant ventilation, and ceUings of faU height, and not low or contracted. We have thus sketched the ground-work upon which archi tecture rests, fitness and expression of purpose, but architecture which goes no further is only a useful, not a fne art. It is only hwildmg. The trae artist breathes a Ufe and soul, wUch B £ F COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 17 is beauty, into the dead utilitarian materials, stone and wood, and they speak a language that is understood as readUy as that of animate nature. The mechanic blocks out the stone from the quarry, he even gives to it the semblance of the human form, but only the sculptor moulds the cold marble into a passion or a sentiment that endures for ages, and strikes men of speech dumb with its voiceless eloquence. A Greek temple or an old cathedral, speaks to the soul of aU men as audibly as could a Demosthenes. Even a Swiss chalet, with its drooping, shadowy eaves, or an old English cottage, with its quaint peaked gables, each embodies a sentiment in its peculiar form, which takes hold of the mind, and convinces us that, in some way or other, it has a living power. To reproduce the beau tiful in this manner, and to infuse a spirit and a grace in forms otherwise only admirable for their usefulness, is the ideal of architecture as an art of taste, and its inspiration may be seen here and there in some humble nook-hidden cottage, as well as in the dome of St. Peter's. As all the satisfaction which the reason experiences in building as an useful art, arises from fitness and expression of purpose, so all the delight which the imagination receives from architecture as an art of taste, is derived from beauty of form., and from the sentiment associated with certain modes of building long prevalent in any age or country. Aside from certain styles of architecture, which have received the approbation of all men for their acknowledged beauty, and which are generally followed by architects, there are also some leading rules which should govern us in the composition of buUdings in any style, however simple, 2 18 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. because they are inherent sources of beauty, common to all styles. The first of these is the principle of Unity, a principle of the highest importance in all works of art. There should be an unity of design in all portions of the same buUding, showing, by a correspondence of its various parts, that they aU originated in the same mind ; an unity of style, avoiding the introduction, in an established mode, of any portions or members not in keeping with that mode ; and an unity of decoration, evinced in the appropriate application of enrich ment to the whole, rather than to a single part, of an edifice. These rules of Unity are not unfrequently violated by ai-chitects, but always at the expense of the beauty and per fection of their works, as no artist is superior to principles.* The production of a whole follows as the result of attention to the principles of Unity, and our pleasure in every work of art is enduring, precisely in proportion as it forms a perfect whole. Unity is the principle of Oneness, and its violation always shocks a tasteful and consistent mind. As an example of the violation of unity of style, we might refer to a number of country chapels or churches, within our knowledge, where a Grecian portico and Gothic or pointed windows occur in the same composition ! Or to Ulustrate the like in unity of decoration or of design, how many country dwellings haVe we all seen, with a highly elegant colonnade in front, accom- * " Every opportunity should be taken to discountenance that false and vulgar opinion, that rules are the fetters of genius ; they are fetters only to men of no genius."— Sir Joshua Reynolds. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 19 panying bare sides, without the least corresponding enrichment in the windows ! The next principles of composition are those of Uniformity and of Symmetry ; two words which frequently pass as syno nymous in common language. Uniformity in building is the repetition of the same forms, in the different portions or sides of a buUding. " A hut may be recognised as a work of art, however rade or anomalous its form ; because, according to human experience, its sides, its roof, and its door, could never have been arranged so as to form a hut by chance. Such a hut is satisfactory as a work of art, but nothing more ; but a hut in a square form, gives additional satisfaction by the regularity of its figure ; which gives an idea not only of art, but of cultivated or improved art. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the love of regu larity is strongly implanted in the human mind; since regularity is the first principle which displays itself in the works of man, composed with a view to beauty."* Hence, those persons who have the least taste or imagination, will be found to prefer a plain square or cube, above aU others, for a house, as being the first principle of beauty which they are able to discover in architecture. f As Uniformity is the balance of two regular parts, so the principle of Symmetry may be defined the balance of twci * Architectural Magazine, i. 221. t As besides this, a square or parallelogram is the most economical form in u hich a house can be built, and as a small house does not easily permit irregularity, we have adopted it in designing the greater number of cottages which follow, but we have endeavored to raise them above mere uniformity, by adding such characteristic ornaments a? to give also some variety to the compo.?itioiis. 20 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. irregular parts; in other words, uniformity in works of art is artistical regularity, Symmetry, a/rtistical i/rregula/rity. There are irregular buUdings without symmetry, but in aU irregular compositions entirely satisfactory, it wiU generally be found that there is a kind of hidden proportion which one half of the whole bears to the other, and it is this balance which constitutes symmetry. A buUding may be highly irregular, it may aboimd in variety and picturesqueness, and yet be perfectly symmetrical. In the annexed rough sketch (Fig. 1), the pile of buUding [Figure 1.] represented, which is fuU of irregularity, is also symmetrical, for if we divide it by the imaginary line a, the portion on the right balances that on the left ; that is, though not in shape, yet in bulk and in the mass of composition ; while in Fig. 2, which is a uniform or regular building, the portion to the right balances that on the left both in form and bulk. Now almost all persons, who have not cultivated a taste for architecture, or whose organizations are deficient in this faculty, would prefer a regular house to a symmetricaUy irregular one, because with them the reason only demands to be satisfied. OOTTAGE EESIDENOES. 21 [Figure 2.] but with more cultivated minds the taste and imagination are active, and call for a more lively and varied kind of beauty, and the irregular building would be chosen, as affording more intense and enduring pleasure. As the principles of Harmxmy, Ya/riety, &c., are intimately connected with, and may be said to grow out of. Unity, Uniformity, and Symmetry, we shaU not in our present limits offer any remarks upon them. The different styles in architecture are certain modes of building which have had their origin in different countries, and may be considered as standard forms of architectural beauty. They have, almost without exception, had their origin in some lofty enthusiasm of the age, which was embodied by the master artists of the time, generally in the enthusiasm of religion. To the pagan gods were reared the beautiful temples of the Greeks, and, under the more spiritual infiuence of Christianity, arose those Gothic cathedrals, in which the ponderous stone was wrought in the most exquisite modifica tions of intricacy and beauty — those cathedrals which, says an eloquent writer, are " a blossoming in stone, subdued by the insatiable demand of harmony in man." In like manner 22 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. the oriental style, distinguished by its mosques and minarets, and the Egyptian, by its pyramids and cavernous temples, have all had their origin in the same lofty aspirations of the artist. AU domestic architecture, in a given style, should be a 'subdued expression or manifestation of that style adjusted to j the humbler requirements of the building and the more quiet j purposes of domestic life. Hence it would evidently be absurd to copy a cathedral, in buUding a dwelling in the Gothic style, or a temple in a cottage after the Grecian mode. Nearly all the modes of buUding in modem use may be referred to two original styles, of which they are only modifi cations or varieties, viz. to the Grecian, in which horizontal Unes prevail, and to the Gothic, in which vertical lines prevail ; and there have not been wanting artists who have caught something of the spirit and beauty of the original masterpieces of art, and transfused them into the more domestic styles which have grown out of these to suit the wants of civilized life. Thus, although the pure Grecian style (the temple) was not intended, and is not suitable for domestic purposes, the Roman and the Italian styles, which are modified forms of it, are elegant adaptations of its characteristic foniis to this purpose. The Italian style, by its verandas and balconies, its projecting roofs, and the capacity and variety of its form, is especiaUy suited to a warm climate. In the same manner the Swiss, the Flemish, and other conti nental modes of buUding, with exterior galleries, and wide horizontal comices, are all variations of this mode, only differing in some peciUiar adaptation to the cUmate of the country, or the customs of the people COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 23 Neither has the Gothic been confined to the cathedral, where, as the noblest form, it exists in its grandeur and purity, but its beauty and picturesqueness have reappeared in the old English styles of domestic architecture. The most perfect examples are those of the castles and- mansions of England of the time of the Tudors, but the whole of the cottage architecture of England is imbued with its spirit, and the manifestations are everywhere visible, in quaintly carved gables or verge boards, wreathed and clustered chimneys, beautiful windows ornamented with tracery, and numberless other details, highly expressive and characteristic. In adopting any style for imitation, our preference should be guided not only by the intrinsic beauty which we see in a particular style, but by its appropriateness to our uses. This will generally be indicated by the climate, the site, or situation, and the wants of the family who are to inhabit it. In a high northern latitude, where it is evident colonnades and verandas would be unsuitable for most of the year, the Italian or Grecian styles should not be chosen, and in a tropical one, the warm, solid, comfortable features of the old English architecture would not be necessary or appropriate. In a country like the middle portions of the United States, where the summers are hot and the winters cold, there is sufficient latitude for the adoption of various styles of building, and therefore more judgment or taste is requisite in the selection. The different styles of architecture have been very aptly compared to different languages, employed by various archi tects to express their ideas, and which, when perfect, alwajs remain nearly fixed, and best express the wants of a particular age or country. We may safely carry out this illustration, and 24 COriAGE EESIDENCES. say that the temples and cathedrals are tbe orations and epic poems, the dwelling-houses the famUiar epistles or conversa tions of the particular styles. In expressing our architectural ideas by the medium of a certain style or language, we shall succeed best, and our efforts wiU afford most deUght, the more nearly we approach to the nature of the circumstances under which the style or language originated. Thus, if we talk pure Greek, and buUd a Grecian temple for a dweUing, we shall be little understood, or perhaps only laughed at by our neighbors. It is not much better in the present day to recite an epic poem by building a cathedral, or a heroic one by constructing a castle for om* habitation. Let us rather be more sensible, though not less graceful in our architectural utterance, and express a pleasant, every-day language, in an old English mansion, a Eural Gothic cottage, or an Italian villa. For domestic architecture, we would strongly recommend those simple modifications of architectural styles, where the beauty grows out of the enrichment of some useful or elegant features of the house, as the windows or verandas, rather than those where some strongly marked features, of little domestic beauty, overpower the rest of the building. The Rural Gothic style, characterized mainly by pointed gables, and the Italian, by projecting roofs, balconies, and terraces, are much the most beautiful modes for our country residences. Their outlines are highly picturesque and harmonious with nature. Their forms are convenient, their accessories elegant, and they are highly expressive of the refined and unostentatious enjoyments of the country. We have pointed out in another work the objections that may fairlv be urged against the false taste lately so COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 25 prevalent among us, in building our country houses in the form of Greek temples, sacrificing thereby the beauty of variety, much convenience, and aU the comfort of low and shady verandas, to the ambitious display of a portico of stately columns ; and we are happy to see that the fashion is on the decline. Let us hope speedily to see in its place a correct taste springing up in every part of the country, which shaU render our cottage homes beautiful, not by borrowing the features or enrichments of a temple or palace, but by seeking beautiful and appropriate forms, characteristic of domestic life, and indicative of home comforts. Not a little of the delight of beautiful buUdings to a culti- vated mind grows out of the sentiw.ent of architecture, or the associations connected with certain styles. Thus the sight of an old English vUla will call up in the mind of one familiar with the history of architecture, the times of the Tudors, or of " Merry England," in the days of Elizabeth. The mingled quaintijess, beauty, and picturesqueness of the exterior, no less than the oaken wainscot, curiously carved furniture, and fixtures of the interior of such a dwelling, when harmoniously com plete, seem to transport one back to a past age, the domestic habits, the hearty hospitality, the joyous old sports, and the romance and chivalry of which, invest it, in the dim retrospect, with, a kind of golden glow, in which the shadowy lines of poetry and reality seem strangely interwoven and blended. So too an Italian villa may recall, to one familiar with Italy ] and art, by its bold roof lines, its campanile and its shady balconies, the classic beauty of that fair and smiling land, where pictures, sculptured figures, vases, and urns, in all exquisite forms, make part of the decorations and " surround- 26 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. ings" of domestic and public edifices. A residence in the Roman style (more suitable than the Grecian) may, by its dignified elegance of arrangement and decoration, recall to the classic mind the famed Tusculum retreat of Pliny. And one fond of the wild and picturesque, whose home chances to be in some one of our rich mountain valleys, may give it a peculiar interest by imitating the Swiss cottage, or at least its expressive and striking features. A great deal of the charm of architec tural style, in all cases, will arise from the happy union between the locality or site, and the style chosen, and from the entireness with which the architect or amateur enters into the spirit and character of the style, and carries it through his whole work. This may be done in a small cottage, and at little cost, as well as in a mansion, at great expense ; but it requires more taste and skiU to achieve the former admirably, although the latter may involve ten times the magnitude. DESIGN I. A SUBURBAN COTTAGE. Fig. 18. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 2Y DESIGN I. A suburban cottage for a small family. We have supposed this cottage to be situated in the suburbs of a town or village, and, for the sake of illustrating the treatment of a smaU portion of ground, we shall also imagine it to be placed on a lot of ground 15 feet front by 150 deep, which, at the time of commencing the building, has upon it no trees or improvements of any description. By referring to the plan of the first floor of this cottage, Fig. 4, the reader will perceive on the left of the hall, the parlor, or living-room, 16 feet by 22 feet, having in com munication with it, a pantry and a closet for books — each 4 feet by 8 feet. On the opposite side of the hall are, the kitchen, 14 feet by 16, and a bedroom 12 feet by 16 feet. In the plan of the chamber floor. Fig. 5, there are four bed- [Figure 5.] 28 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. rooms of good size, and one of small dimensions. Sufficient cellar room will be obtained under the living-room, closets, and haU, and it wiU not therefore be necessary to excavate for this purpose under the kitchen and first floor bedroom ; a circumstance which wiU lessen the expense in building the foundation walls. This simple cottage wiU be a suitable one for a small family, when the mistress wishes to have the management of the domestic affairs directly under her own personal care and supervision. In such a case it is indispensable to have the kitchen on the same floor with the living-room, though, if possible, not opening directly into it ; as in the latter arrange ment, the smell arising from the cooking would be ih unpleasant proximity to the living-room. We have therefore placed it on thq opposite side of the hall, though but a few steps from the living-room. In a cottage of this description, the master and mistress wiU generaUy prefer to have their own bedroom on the first floor, and we have accordingly placed it opposite the living-room. Although this cottage is of very moderate size, yet, to a family of smaU means, leading a comparatively retired life, it will afford a great deal of comfort, and even a considerable degree of taste or neatness. The parlor or living-room is com paratively large; its outline is agreeably varied by the bay window opposite the fire-place — and the closet of books con nected with it, indicating a certain degree of mental cultivation, may very fairly stand in the place of the library which forms one of the suite of apartments in a larger cottage or viUa. On the other hand, the pantry opening into the same apartment renders it equally eUgible and convenient as a dining-room. COTTAGE Ei:SIDENCES. 29 However large our dweUing-houses may be, including every grade from a cottage to a palace, if they are occupied by a family of moderate size, it will be found that more than one room is seldom used at a time, and that all the actual comforts of domestic life may be reaUzed in a cottage of this class, containing only a single parlor or living-room, as well as in a mansion of a dozen apartments. " I must confess," says Cow ley, "I love littleness almost in all things. A little cheerful house, a little company, and a very little feast." Whatever is necessary beyond this, arises either from a desire to enjoy a more luxurious style of living, or from the wish to entertain a larger circle of friends. Now as none of these are supposed to come within the wishes or means of the inmates of a cottage like the present, its accommodation will be found ample. And supposing one or two of the attic chambers occupied by younger members of the family, and another by a domestic or domestics, there wUl still remain a " spare room " which we shall suppose always neat and clean, ready for the friend or stranger who may enjoy the cordial welcome of the cot tage. In building this cottage, the kitchen should be provided with a brick drain, leading from the sink to some large drain at a distance from the house, or, in case this is impracticable, to a reservoir dug at a distance of forty or fifty feet from the house in a graveUy stratum, where the drainage may lose itself in the soil. This reservoir may be of the size of a cistern of ordinary capacity, the sides built up with a dry wall, the top covered by flag stones, and the whole finaUy covered by soil. In order to prevent smells arising to the kitchen from the drain, it must be provided with a smell-trap, 30 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. which is easily constructed. If the water from the weU, or cistern, or both, is introduced by a leaden pipe and smaU pump into a corner of the kitchen over the sink, it wiU add still further to the convenience of performing the culinary labor of the dwelling. As regards external effect, we think this cottage wiU be aUowed to be very pleasing to the eye. Aside from any other quality, its uniformity wiU be a source of satisfaction to a larger class of persons who do not reUsh irregularity in any building. There are also several features entering into the composition of this cottage, which give it ,at once the air of something superior in design to ordinary buUdings of the same class. The first of these is the veranda, orna mented by brackets between the supports, which shelters the entrance-door, and affords an agreeable place both for walking in damp or unpleasant weather, and to enjoy a cool shaded seat in the hotter portions of the season. The second feature is the projection of the eaves, with the ornamental eave-board, which serves to protect the exterior more completely than any other form against the effects of storms, and gives character by its boldness and the deep shadows it casts upon the building. The chimney tops are rendered sufficiently ornamental to accord with the degree of decoration displayed in the other ' portions of the cottage; and something of the bracketted character is kept up in the dressing of the windows and door- fi-ames. The projecting dormer-window adds beauty and gives importance to the entrance front. If we suppose this cottage, stripped of its projecting eaves, its bracketted veranda, its dormer-window, and the little deco ration visible in the chimney tops and other details, we shall COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 31 have a building in the form of a parallelogram of the very plainest description. Such a building would be distin gulshabla from a barn or outhouse only by the presence of chimneys and windows of larger size, and would convey to the mind no impression whatever of refinement in its occupants. By a trifling additional outlay at the time of building, amounting to from 7 to 10 per cent, on the whole cost, such a plain dwelling- may be made the ornamental cottage shown in Design I., which we think would strike every observer as being tasteful and agreeable to the eye. Construction. This cottage, being light and somewhat fanciful in its character, may be built of wood filled in with brick. The roof should project 20 inches or 2 feet, and the roof of the veranda in proportion. A portion of this veranda is shown in Fig. 6, and a section of the pUlars or supports in Fig. T, z. The ornamental cornice, which surrounds the buUding, is shown more in detaU at y ; the pendant portion being cut out of inch board, and the points terminated by acorns turned, and naUed on. The detaUs y and z, are to the scale of one half of an inch to a foot. Brick-and-cement would be a very suitable construction for this cottage, as the projecting roof would afford perfect security for the dryness and preservation of the walls. In this mode of building the roughest bricks may be used, and are really preferable, as affording a better surface for receiving and 32 COTTAGE EESIOENCES. retaining the stucco than smooth ones. In many districts, where bricks are easUy obtained, this kind of building will be found as cheap as wood. It will be observed that in this design and the seven others that follow, we have placed the chimneys in the interior, not in the exterior walls, a point of considerable importance, which is greatly overlooked by our builders. When a stack of chimneys is built in the outer walls, it seldom continues warm during the whole twenty-four hours, as it parts with its heat rapidly to the cold external air. Now as a good draught depends, in a gi-eat degree, on the warmth of the column of air, and this upon the heat of the chimney, it is evident that chimneys in the interior of a house must draw better than in ! the exterior walls. Besides this, a great deal of heat is reta.ined iu the body of the house by carrying the stacks of flues through it. And in point of external effect, it is much more pleasing to see the chimney tops rising from the apex, or highest part ' of the roof, than from its lowest edge. Estimate. The estimated cost of this cottage, finished in a neat and suitable manner, is $1800. This, as well as the estimates which follow, is intended to apply to the majority of situations in the middle and eastern states, where timber is comparatively scarce, and bricks of second quality suitable for stuccoing upon, are worth about $4 per 1000. In districts where wood is much cheaper, the cost of erection would be much less if this material were wholly employed. Laying out the ground. As this cottage is decidedly orna mental in its character, it may fairly be presumed, that it would be required that a considerable portion of the limited COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 33 34 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. ground nearest the house should be rendered ornamental also. In the suburbs of a town or village, the more common kinds of vegetables may generally be purchased as cheaply as they can be raised by the inmates of such a cottage. The more delicate kinds of fruit, and a few of the earlier or finer kinds uf vegetables, may however be produced, of fine flavor, and with more satisfaction to the proprietor, on the spot. We have therefore devoted one third of the area of the lot, Fig. 8, to the kitchen garden «, and the remaining two thirds wUl remain to be occupied by the house, and for ornamental purposes. In order to separate these two portions, and to prevent the eye of a person looking from the house, or any of the walks across the little iawn b, from seeing the kitchen garden at the same time with the ornamental portion, we shall place an ornamental trellis across the lot at c, which may be covered by the following vines, remarkable for the beauty of their foliage and flowers, or for their fragTance, viz : 2 Chinese Twining Honeysuckles, blooming in June and October. 2 Monthly Fragrant "" May to November. 1 Yellow Trumpet '• May to November. 1 Red " " May to November. 1 Sweet Scented Clematis, August. 1 Virginian Silk, or Periploca, July. 1 Chinese Wistaria, May. 1 Climbing Boursalt Rose, June. 2 Double Michigan Roses, May to December. These, after a couple of years' growth, wiU form a ver dant barrier, which in no season, except winter, will be without fiowers. Across the walks leading into the kitchen COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 35 garden, the lattice fence may be continued in the form of light gates, and the vines may be trained so as to form archways overhead. Around the exterior of the kitchen garden is a border 6 feet wide, which wUl be an excellent situation for a few choice ti-uit trees; because, if planted on this exterior border they will not shade the beds devoted to vegetables, which, if planted in the middle of the compartment, they would soon do to such an extent as to render the situation unfit for raising a crop of any kind. On the right hand border, which is the warmest aspect, we would advise the planting of some grape vines, which may either be trained to the fence, or to a trellis placed four or five inches from the fence. These vines may consist of a Catawba, an Isabella, an Elsingburgh, and a Bland's Virginia, all hardy varieties, very productive, and requiring little care. On the other two outer borders, there will be sufficient room for one tree of each of the fol lowing fruits, viz. a Bartlett, a Seckel, and a D'Aremberg Pear ; a George the Fourth and a Snow Peach ; an Imperial Gage and a Jefferson Plum; a Mayduke and a Downer's Late Red Cherry, and a Moorpark Apricot. In the same borders, and beneath these fruit trees, strawberries may be planted, making a bed about one hundred and twenty feet long, which, if kept in good condition, will be sufficient to supply a small family with this delicious fruit. The border to the right, containing the grape vines, we shall suppose (except immediately aroimd the vine) to be kept in grass, in ¦which neat posts are set at the distance of twelve feet apart, for the purpose of stretching a line for drying clothes upon. These posts being half way between the frame or trellis. ' 36 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. upon which the grapes are trained, and the walk, the line would be easily commanded by a person standing upon the walk. The space devoted to culinary vegetables, we have merely indicated by beds four feet wide on the plan, leaving the occupant to apportion the same to their various uses, premising that the large bed in the centre, at a, is intended for asparagus ; the three smaUer ones, d, for sweet herbs ; and the long bed, x, behind the trellis, covered by ornamental vines, for the esculent rhubarb, which is so valuable an article for tarts or pies, that no cottage garden, however smaU, should be without it. Such a thing as a wall for fruit trees, in a cottage garden, is nearly unknown in the United States, and therefore we need say nothing respecting training them to a wall. But a cottage garden is usually surrounded by a neat board fence or paling, painted some drab or inconspicuous color, and as the number of finit trees that could be judiciously planted here, is smaU, we would strongly advise the owner of this garden to train the branches to this fence, or to a trellis formed by nailing narrow strips of board, treUis- like, at a distance of four or five inches from the fence. The luxuriance and fruitfulness of trees planted as ordi nary standards, in most parts of the country, is the very obvious reason why, except in gardens of the first class, a trained tree is so rarely seen ; but, on the other hand, the superior size and beauty of the fruit raised in this way, make it an object of considerable importance, when the number of trees is small. Besides this, the trees occupy so much less space, interfere so little with the growth of anything else that may be near or under them, and are COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 31' 80 much more completely under the control of the gar dener, that we are certain they would, if trained, afford ten times the satisfaction at all times, beyond that derived from standard trees, cultivated, or, rather, left to grow, in the usual manner. Proceeding now to the ornamental portion of the ground, we shaU suppose the outer border, e, to be planted with a smaU mixed coUecton of handsome trees and shrubs, of such varieties as may be easily and cheaply procured. The trees may be planted at considerable distances, as a very few, when they have attained some size, will be sufficient for this limited surface. In the intermediate spaces, room will be found for quite a variety of shrubs, interspersed with several sorts of hardy roses. In the centre of each of the two small circles fronting the l^ouse, we wUl place a Norway spruce, one of the finest evergreens in this climate, as it preserves its rich green verdure unimpaired throughout the coldest winter. These firs, ¦with two or three additional evergreens in the swell of the front border, will give a cheerful aspect to the entrance front of the cottage, during the winter months. The border marked f, in the plan, that directly surrounds the building, should be laid down in turf, which, if kept short, will be much more pleasing and satisfactory than if kept in a raw state by cultivation,- — ^partly from the greater appearance of permanence in a turf border, and partly from its greater neatness at aU seasons. In this turf border may be planted a few choice shrubs, or roses, selecting such as are remarkable for beauty of leaf and flower, or for their fragrance ; as from their nearness to the windows, the latter may be enjoyed in the summer, while the windows are open through the whole house. 38 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. There are about a dozen of these shrubs indicated on the plan which we shall suppose to be the following : Blooms iu 2 Pink Mezereon (Daphne Mezereum), March. 2 Sweet Scented Shrub {Calycanthus florida), June. 2 Baron Prevost Rose {Rosa Champneyana), June to Nov. 2 Fragrant Clethra (Clethra alnifoUa), August. 2 Purple Magnolia (Magnolia obovata), April. 2 Missouri Currant (Rihes aureum), April. These are all deliciously fragrant when in flower, and some of the number will be in bloom during the whole gro-sving season. Quite an area, b, in the rear of the house, is devoted to a lawn, which must be kept close and green by frequent mow ings, so that it will be as soft to the tread as a carpet, and that its deep verdure will set off the gay colors of the flowering plants in the surrounding beds and parterre. This little lawn is terminated by an irregular or arahesgue border g, varying in width from four to fourteen feet. The irregular form of this border is preferable to a regular one on account of its more agreeable outline, and more especially for the reason that, to a person looking across the lawn from any part of the walk near the house, this variety of form in the boundary increases the apparent size of the area of turf which it incloses. To give still further variety and effect, we have introduced also the two small beds, h and i, cut in the turf; the former of which may be planted with monthly roses of any free-blooming sorts, and the latter may be filled with mignonette by sowing the seeds annuaUy in April. The monthly roses wiU be covered with bloom aU the season, and will stand the winter COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 39 perfectly well in the open air aiivwliei-e south of Albany with the trifling care of throwing a little straw, or litter, over them at the approach of winter, to protect them against the changes of temperature. It will be remembered that the kitchen garden is kept out of view to a person standing at b, by the trellised screen c, covered with a luxuriant wreath of honeysuckles and other climbing plants, sis or eight feet in height. We shaU next suppose the arabesque border g, devoted to a misceUaneous collection of perennial flowering plants, or herbaceous plants, as they are generally termed, arranging them so that those of a few inches in height shall be near the front margin of the border, those of a larger size next, and so gradually increasing in size untU the largest growing ones, perhaps three feet in height, shall be at the back of the border and furthest from the eye. It is not necessary to have costly varieties of plants, or a large collection, to render this border a handsome object to look upon, but on the contrary a few well selected species, which may be procured for a trifling sum from a nursery, or the greater part of which may be had from the garden of some neighboring amateur, will serve to render this border rich and beautifiil, in leaf and blossom, aU the season. In the description of Design v., we shall give a list of the most ornamental varieties of border perennials, from which the reader may choose for thie or any other garden. If, however, the occupant of this cottage should desire to be at Uttle or no cost for border flowers. and still should wish to produce a considerable effect, it may be done by planting the bed with masses of the following showy perennials : — 40 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. Double red Ragged Robin (LyncMsflns-cuculi). Orange Chelone (Chelone barbata). Chinese Pinks (Dianihus sinensis). Bee Larkspur (Delphinium elatum). White Lily (Liliutn candidum). Japan White Lily (Hemeroallisjaponica). Early White Phlox (Phlox suaveolens). Late Purple Phlox (Phlox autumnalis). Fragrant Blue Violet CViola odorala). Blue Omphalodes (Omphalodes verna). Chinese White and Rose Poeonias (Pcsonia uihitlejii and fragrans). Hearts-ease or Pansy (Viola tricolor). Or, as a few seeds of ornamental annuals are easily and cheaply procured at the seed shops, the variety may he increased by sowing the seeds of twenty or thirty species of the latter, in the spaces that would be left between the masses of herbaceous plants, taking care to arrange them with regard to height, in the same manner as the perennials, as otherwise the taller plants near the eye would hide the smaller and more deUcate ones at the back of the border. We trust the reader who has followed us in our description, ¦wUl acknowledge that this cottage, with its moderate accom modations and small lot of ground, may be made productive of a considerable degree of interest and beauty, as well as comfort and enjoyment. There is nothing in the plan of the house or garden, that may not be realized by a family living upon a very smaU income, provided the members of the family are persons of some taste and refinement, who appreciate the value and pleasure of such a residence, sufficiently to take a strong personal interest in it. The master of the premises we shaU COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 41 suppose capable of managing the kitchen garden, the fruit trees, the grass, and the whole of the walks himself, with perhaps the assistance of a common gardener, or laboring man, for a day or two, at certain seasons of the year. The mistress and her daughter, or daughters, we shaU suppose to have sufficient fondness for flowers, to be willing and glad to spend three times a week, an hour or two, in the cool mornings and evenings of summer, in the pleasing task of planting, tying to neat stakes, picking off decayed flbwers, and removing weeds from the borders, and all other operations that so Umited a garden may require. A love for these floral occupations, so simple and so natural, that in aU times and countries they have been the delight of the highest, as weU as the lowest, insensibly gains upon us as we become interested in the gro-wth of plants and the develop ment of the varied foi-ms of beauty and grace with which every leaf, tendril, and blossom is replete ; and the exercise involved in the pursuit, thus soon becomes, also, a source of pleasure and mental satisfaction, and is not, as in many other cases, an irksome duty performed for the preservation of bodily health. 42 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. DESIGN II. A cottage m the English or Ru/ral Ooihic Style. The object in view in designing this cottage is internal convenience. There are many families mainly composed of invalids, or persons advanced in years, who have a strong preference for a plan giving the kitchen, and at least one bedroom, upon the same floor with the living-rooms, and in which there is little or no necessity for ascending or descending stairs ; an exercise which, though of little consequence to the young and robust, is of all others the most fatiguing to the infirm, or those in delicate health. A glance at the plan of the first fioor, opposite. Fig. 10, wiU show how we propose to realize this kind of accommodation in this dwelling. The kitchen is a wing, added in the rear, of one story in height. The situation on which this dwelling is placed, has a prospect in one direction only, and the front, shown in the elevation, commands this view, the rear being nearly hidden by trees. On this front are situated two pleasant apartments, each lY by 20 feet, opening from the vestibule or entrance haU, by large double doors, which, when fully opened, will throw these two rooms and the vestibule into one lai-ge apartment. Some elegance is conferred on the parlor by tlie bay window, after the old English mode, projecting iii:siGN II. .\ cori-Auc i.\ Tilt; i;MiLi.-iii oil uiiiiM. ciui'iiic si'Vl.t'.. Jfc ^-~ Fif. 10. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 43 on the right side, which is balanced by a double window opposite in the dining room. We would recommend the employment of a few large windows in the principal apart ments, as there is an appearance of pettiness, and a want of breadth, in rooms full of little windows, which is so common a feature in our country houses. It is always preferable, also, to light a room from two sides only, rather than three, as nothing is more unfavorable to the effect of interiors, than cross lights proceeding from every direction. The living-room, or library, commands a pantry of con venient size, in the rear of which is a closet opening intc the hall. This hall is of ample size to serve as a dining- room, and this disposition would doubtless be preferred during at least part of the year, as it woiUd allow the apartment on the left to be devoted entirely to a library. To make an entra/nce hall a dining apartment, is a very objectionable, though not miusual mode ; as visitors, chanc- insr to call at the dinner hour, cannot be shown into the parlor without passing the table, and perhaps discomposing the whole family. But in the present case, the door being closed between the entrance or vestibule and the dining hall, the table, a, and persons seated about it, would be completely private. There is a glazed back door opening to the rear of the house, near the left angle of this hall, and a door opening into the kitchen passage, b, on the right, and the hall also receives light from the window over this door, in the second story. This passage is formed by running a solid partition across the kitchen building, so as to admit of two doors, in order to prevent smells ; one, an ordinary door 44 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. opening into the hall, and the other a fly or spring door opening into the kitchen. This partition also gives room foi the introduction of two convenient closets, one for the kitchen, and another for the bedroom. In the plan of the second floor. Fig. 11, we have two large S£CON D OOR [Fig. 11.] and two smaU bedrooms. There is a dressing-room and closet communicating with the small bedroom on the left, and a closet for linen opening into the hall. The ceUar plan is not given, as this would be very simple, and would probably not be required larger than the main building. Access would be had to it by steps going down under the stone platform of the stoop on which the hall, back door, and the kitchen door open ; and by stairs descending under the ascending staircase in the hall. The elevation of this cottage is in the English cottage style, so generaUy admired for the picturesqueness evinced COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 45 in its tall gables ornamented by handsome verge boards and finials, its neat or fanciful chimney tops, its latticed windows, and other striking features, showing how the genius of pointed or Gothic architecture may bei chastened or moulded into forms for domestic habitations. The steep roofs are highly suitable for a cold country liable to heavy snows. A very pleasing mode of covering roofs of this kind is shown in the elevation, and the effect is produced by procuring the shingles of equal size, and cutting the lower ends before laying them on, in a semi-hexagon, or semi-octagon shape, so that when laid upon the roof, these figures wiU be regularly produced. The English cottage style wUl admit of great irregu larity and picturesqueness of outline, and is productive of beautiful effects when the composition forms a large group of building. In the present example we have only been able to show one of the simplest of its forms, which, however, is not destitute of expression of style. In the English examples, a veranda is rarely seen, as the damp ness of their climate renders such an appendage scarcely necessary. But its great utility in our hot summers makes it indispensable to every house, and we have introduced it on the entrance front, as affording in this position shelter, prospect, and an agreeable promenade. Over the porch is a pleasant balcony for the pointed window in the gable. As the spirit of Gothic architecture Ues in vertical lines, a long unbroken horizontal line of veranda would destroy or mar the architec tural character of the cottage. We have, therefore, made the veranda two or three feet shorter at each end than the front, and have further broken the 46 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. horizontal line, by the porch-balcony, to the window in the front gable. One of the most characteristic and beautiful features in rural Gothic architecture, is the omamental chimney shaft, sometimes rising singly, sometimes in clusters from thereof; often plain and square, or octagonal, but frequently wreathed and moulded in the most picturesque manner. The finest specimens of the old English chimneys are built of bricks, cast in moulds for the purpose, or stamped with ornaments. These bricks were until lately so highly taxed in England, as to render them as expensive as cut stone, but they may be made very cheaply here.* We have buUt neat chimney shafts in an octagonal form of common bricks, by cutting them with a trowel in the desired form, and rubbing the faces smooth on a hard sand-stone, before laying them, but this is more expensive than to employ bricks ready moulded for the purpose. Chimney tops of artificial stone in handsome forms may also be had of various manufacturers in! our principal cities, but they will seldom stand our trying climate at the north. Construction. This cottage should be built of brick and icement, colored in imitation of Bath or Portland stone ; or of smooth brick, colored after some of the soft neutral tints described in a former page ; or of quarried stone. The window frames, the porch, and veranda, and the verge board, may be made of good seasoned wood, painted the ¦* We trust that by the time this volume is out of press, some of our brickmakers will be able to offer moulded bricks of a variety of patterns, as the demand for such 08 every day increasing. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 47 same color as the walls, and sanded ; or they may be grained in imitation of oak. Real oak would be preferable where eco nomy is not an object. The label or drip-stones to the window may be made of moulded brick, or cut free-stone after Fig. 25, of the next design. These -windows are latticed casement windows, the plan and sec tion of which are shown in Fig. 12. [Fig. 12.J In the gable. Fig. 13, the roof or cornice of which should project at least twenty inches over the wall, is shown a spe cimen of feathered tracery from one of the best examples, with its pinnacle and pendant. This may be cut out of thick plank,* and if thought too elaborate, may be simplified by omitting the minor details. If well executed it will have a rich effect. The porch and veranda are shown in detail in Fig. 14 ; the detached portion on the right showing a part of the veranda cornice, and that on the left a portion of the clustered column. (The sections of which are seen at the lower ends of the drawing.) » Never (as is sometimes done by ignorant carpenters) out of inch boards. [Fig. 13. 48 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. [Fig. 14.] Fig. 15 shows a pair of chimney shafts in the old English style, which may be had in artificial stone, or cast iron. A great variety of forms are frequently collected together in the same stack. The shutters should be inside box shutters, or shutter-bUnds, painted and grained in imita tion of oak. Estimate. The cost of this cottage in brick- and-stucco (bricks at $4) would be $4500. [This design has been executed in various parts of the country — sometimes for a trifle more, but in several instances for less than this estimate. It has lately been very carefully carried out in a residence on Staten Island, N. T. -with elabo rate detaUs, for $4800. — Uh Edition.] [Fig. 15] COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 49 LATING OUT THE GAEDEN OF DESIGN H. The situation where it is proposed to buUd this cottage, is about a mile from a country town, and the area of surface for the whole purpose is about an acre and a fourth. This lot of ground is bounded by a street both in the front and rear. The entrance is at a y the dwelling at b / the stable at c. One half of the whole surface, viz. that portion represented by right lined plots in the rear of the house, is devoted to a garden for fruits and vegetables, and the whole remaining portion, com prising the space in front and at the sides of the house, is laid out as a lawn, shrubbery, and fiower garden, in the pictm-esque manner. The carriage road, leading to the front door and to the stable, is shown at d ; e, designates irregular beds cut in the turf, and stocked with annuals and perennial fiowers ; f a thick shrubbery belt, composed of syringos, mountain ashes, and lilacs, interspersed with the balsam fir, and arbor vitse, to give a cheerful appearance in winter. In the rear of the kitchen are planted two or three hemlocks and larches. Two plots of grass for bleaching and drying clothes are shown at g. In the ornamental garden before the house, the whole surface, excepting the walks, and the fiower beds, e, is to be laid down in turf, and kept neatly mown. This turf will give an appearance of much greater extent to the area than it could possibly have by any other arrangement, while it will be more agreeable to the eye through the whole year, than any exten sive disposition of parterre, or flower beds, directly under the eye. A fresh verdant lawn, varied only by walks and green trees, is a delightful object at all seasons, and more especially in the middle of summer; while at the latter period flower 3 50 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. [Fig. 16.] COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 51 beds have frequently a dry and parched appearance, but poorly compensated for by the brilliancy of a few plants in bloom, which scarcely hide the surface. The spiry topped trees shown in these plots, are chiefly the European Larch and the Balsam Fir, with one or two White Pines, all of which harmonize well with the architecture of the cottage. Among the round-headed trees we will only particu larize the Osage Orange {Madura aurantiaca), the Umbrella Magnolia {M. tripetala), the Weeping Ash {Fraxinus excelsior, penduld), and the Silver Maple {Acer dasycaipuiri). Among the shrubs forming little thickets along the walks, we would introduce the Mezereon and the Cornelian Cherry, the pink and yellow fiowers of which appear in March ; the scarlet and blush Japan Quince {Cydonia Japonica), the pink and double white Hawthorns, and the purple and white fruited Strawberry Trees {Euonymus europeus). The walks should all be well gravelled ; the carriage road being first excavated twelve inches deep, and one half the depth on the bottom .filled with small stones, in order to have it dry and firm at all seasons. In the kitchen garden, the borders on the sides of the central \valk, /i, are occupied by two rows of currants and gooseberries. The currants are the Large White and Red Dutch, and the Naples or Black English. The gooseberries are half a dozen of the best English sorts. Both currants and gooseberries must be kept well trimmed and thinned, to admit the air freely to every part of the plant, and the borders should be annually manured, as they require a rich soU to produce large fruit. On one side of the cross walk, i, is a border devoted to rasp- 52 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. berries, and planted with the large Red Antwerp, and the White Antwerp, in equal quantities. Within the boundary fence of that half of the area com prising the kitchen garden, is a border, fourteen feet -wide on the sides, and twice that width on the rear, devoted to a small number of choice fruits. The walk, j, is covered by an arbor for grapes, and may contain, besides the native sorts, Catawba, IsabeUa, etc., a few vines of the Royal Muscadine, Sweet Water, and Black July, which are among the hardiest and most productive of the foreign varieties. Nearly all the foreign grapes require much cafe to be raised in the open air. For a year or two after they come into bearing, the crops, it is gene raUy remarked, are good, and the fruit fair; but in a few seasons more, the mildew attacks the fruit, and frequently destroys every bunch, or renders it worthless. The most successful practice for out-of-door culture, appears to consist in laying down some of the long thrifty shoots each season, so as to have every year, or every other year, a succession of new roots — destroying those that have borne two good crops, and allowing the young rooted plants to take their place. Lime and marl are excellent manures for the grape. DESIGN III A C0TT.\i;E in the pointed or Tl'ODR STVLE. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 53 DESIGN III. A cottage in the Pointed, w Txidm^ style. This edifice is designed for a situation on the bank of one of our boldest rivers. From its site, the eye wanders over a richly cultivated country, dotted and sprinkled with luxuriant groups of wood ; the wide, lake-like expanse of water, the sails floating lazily on its bosom, the tufted fringes of trees and shrubs in the foreground, and the distant hazy summits of blue in the horizon, are all fascinating elements of the beautiful, which make up the view from the point of its location. As in many of our finest natural situations for residences, nature has done so much here to render the scene lovely, that it would appear that man had only to borrow a few hints from the genius of the place, and the home features would all be rendered equally delightful. But how frequently do we see those who seem incapable of reading the wide and ever eloquent book of natural beauty, deforming its fair pages written in lines of grace and softness, by rigid lines, and hard mathematical angles, only too plainly indicative of the most primitive and uncultivated perceptions. Let us hope, by studying the character of the whole scene, to succeed better in improving a very small portion of it. The arrangement of the cottage we propose for this place, differs from the previous ones, in having the principal floor 54 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. devoted almost entirely to pleasant apartments; the kitchen being below, and the bedrooms above stairs. This renders the whole air of the house somewhat elegant. A cottage Uke this, although of moderate size, in the hands of a family of taste, may be made to produce a beautiful effect. WhUe it is true, that " Here no state chambers in long line unfold, Bright -with broad mirrors, rough with fretted gold. Yet, modest ornament with use combined. Attracts the eye to exercise the mind." And while there are no superfluous and luxurious apartments, nor anything requiring the attendance of a retinue of servants, there is much here, compactly arranged, to render a home pleasant and attractive. The neat and spacious parlor, 18 by 20 feet (see Fig. 18), is varied in its outline by an old English bay-window, one 6i those pleasant nooks, which, says Lord Bacon, " be pretty retiring places for conference," and has also windows opening quite to the fioor of the veranda, and letting in a full expanse of the bright green lawn, and tufts of rich foliage that border it. This room would afford some scope for the " faire ladye " to exercise her taste in a simple, elegant, and harmonious style of fitting and furnishing ; not by bringing from the shops the latest and most fashionable pattems of city chairs and tables, carpets and sofas, — which, we are sorry to say, are in most cases destitute of aU appro priateness, and in many, of aU intrinsic taste and beauty,— but by selecting articles recommended by fitness in design, in order that they may be in harmony with the character of the house, and by a tasteful and comfortable character, that COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 55 they may suit the more simple and unostentatious habits of country Ufe. The dining-room is of equal size with the drawing-room, and as the famUy who are to occupy this cottage villa, live in a pleasant and social neighborhood, and are in the habit, occasionally, of entertaining a little party of their friends, they thought it desirable to make these rooms communicate by sliding doors, in order that they may, on such occasions, be thrown into one. The rooms will then have a handsome effect, as the bay-window at the end of the parlor is balanced by a wide mullioned window at the end of the dining-room opposite, and the whole space between them is forty feet. For the convenience of the menage, we have located a neat pantry directly in contact -with the dining-room, and opening out of it, so that the china and plate, or the little delicacies of the larder, may be under the eye, or what is better, under the lock and key of the mistress. As the kitchen is below stairs, in the ordinary mode the dishes will require to be brought up the stairs and across the staircase entry to reach the table. This is somewhat objectionable, inasmuch as a hot dinner is likely to become cooled in this long state of transi tion, the china is liable to become broken by an occasional misstep, and the privacy of the haU is unnecessarily intruded upon, by the repeated coming and going of the domestics, arranging the dinner. We shall endeavor to remedy these difficulties, by placing in the little space on the right hand of the door opening from the dining-room to the pantry, what is caUed a rising cupboard or dumb waiter, which wiU be found a more careful, more obedient, and more unobtrusive ' help " than any other in the house. The actual size of this 1 1 56 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. cupboard need not be more than twenty inches by three and a half or four feet, which wiU just occupy the space in the pantry that is of little value for any other purpose. Or if it should be thought desirable to have it a little wider, the width may be increased by making a small recess in the wall of the house. Fig. 19 shows the manner in which the pantry iigs5S!ss!is«8Si5sss8!8gisi^s^^ may bc fiuishcd ; the pantry 1^1 j PANTRY 4-v 8 i bciug OU the right side, and tfl'"^ =!ss5siss5a3a the dumb waiter (D W) on [Fig. 19] the left ; the cupboard rising in the pantry to the height of three feet, and descending through the fioor to the closet in the kitchen. The mode of constructing this is shown in the details of this design. Fig. 28. It -will be seen on examining the plan of the principal floor, that by placing the stairs in a separate passage com municating with the principal hall, this haU is left free and unencumbered, and is in fact a pretty little ante-room, twelve by sixteen feet. This is doubly advantageous, as the servants are enabled to go from the basement to the chamber story without passing through the principal hall; thus making this single staircase to serve the purposes, in a great measure, of the two frequently seen in the -villas, viz. the stairs in the haU used by the famUy, and the private stairs chiefly used by the domestics. From this passage also there is a private, or side entrance to the house, by an outer door. The hMll is Ughted by two small windows in the sides and by the semi-glazed door as sho-wn in the perspective elevation. We have as yet said nothing of the neat little library on COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 57 the right of the hall, twelve by fourteen feet in its dimensions, where " Selected shelves shall claim our studious hours." But there is no portion of the house which, to a man fond of those most cheerful and never tiresome companions, good books, is more peculiarly the sanctum or " own room," than the library, whether it be small or large. This, though smaU, is sufficiently ample to contain all the best books ever written ; large enough for a comfortable ruddy fire in a damp or cold winti-y day, and for an ample library round-table furnished with the necessary materials for writing and correspondence of all kinds. The gentleman who is to occupy this cottage has, besides the few acres on which this residence is erected, a farm where he practises agriculture in an amateur manner, and on his library shelves may therefore be found a few choice works on rural economy, such as Loudon's Encyclo paedias, Low's Practical Agriculture, Allen's American Farm Book, and a number of others of similar character, and on the table lie the last numbers of our most valuable and interesting agricultural periodicals. The library being fitted up in a plain and simple manner, answers admirably also as an office, into which persons who call -to see the master of the house on business are readily shown from the hall without disturbing the family, who are occupying the dining- room, or parlor. The veranda, or umbrage, which is entered by windows opening to the floor of the two principal apartments, is a cool and shady place for a promenade, and we need hardly repeat, 58 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. commands the most dehghtful views, as this is the river front of the house. In the plan of the second fioor, which is before us, are accommodations fbr the famUy and their guests. Fig. 20, SECOND [Fig. 20.] consisting of four exceUent sleeping apartments, each -with a small closet attached. Two of these are of ample size, and as it might be desirable to many to have in them a greater amount of closet room, it may be easily obtained by making a double partition between these apartments, which would aUow of two large closets in the space thus formed. The bedroom, twelve by twelve feet, over the hall, is a pretty lodging apartment, opening through a picturesque old English oriel window on a balcony. The staircase shown in this plan gives access to the attic, where two servants' bedrooms are located. OOTTAGE EESIDENCES. 59 The basement accommodation. Fig. 21, shows an entrance into the stafrcase passage by a descent of steps ; a kitchen. PLAN OF BAS e M EN T [Fig. 21.] and cellar of good dimensions, a servants' sleeping room (which may be made a laundry if preferred), and a small store-room and -wine-cellar conveniently located. The exterior of this dwelling is designed after the old English architecture of the Tudor era, a style replete with interesting associations, as it is the genuine and most cha racteristic mode of building long ago prevalent in the finest country-houses of England, associated by " lay and legend ten times told," with all that is brightest and noblest in the history of our mother country. It is highly picturesque,' abounding in the finest specimens -with a rich variety of gables, turrets, buttresses, towers, and ornamental chimney- 60 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. shafts, which form striking and spirited objects in domestic architecture, and harmonize agreeably with the hiUs and tree tops, and all the intricacy of outline in natural objects. And finally the irregularity of its outlines, admitting future additions with facility, the substantial and permanent expres sion of its exterior, and the beauty and comfort indicated in the richness, variety, and size of its windows, all point out the old English style, in its various modifications, as admirably adapted by beauty and fitness for domestic purposes in a cold climate. This cottage being of very moderate size, neither demands, nor would with propriety admit, a profusion of ornament, and we have indeed, for the sake of economy, made it assume a character and a degree of decoration comparatively simple, still, however, preserving a very marked and distinct expression of the style. If we analyse its leading features, we shall find that character is conferred chiefly by the windows and the chimney tops, the two most essential and characteristic features of dwelling-houses as contrasted witli buildings for any other purposes ; and to which, as such, decoration should always be first applied rather than to any less essential or superadded features ; for example, to columns or a colonnade. Chimney tops, since we cannot i dispense with them, should always be rendered omamental, 'both because strongly expressive of comfort, no house being tolerable in a cold climate without fires, and on account of their occupying the highest part of the building, and therefore being most likely to strike the eye agreeably, if appropriate, or offend it if ugly and unshapely in form. We have shown in this design one of the simplest forms oi' COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 61 old En^ish chimneys, many of which are extremely beau tiful.* An edifice in this style should be built of none but the most solid materials. Stone would be the most appropriate, as it has a substantial and dm-able character in keeping with the style, and next to this, brick, or brick covered with the best cement, -v^ould be most suitable. To erect a dwelUng in thid stj'le, of 80 light and frail a material as wood, under any circumstances, would be a complete violation of good- taste, as there would be an entire discordance or incongruity between the style adopted and the material employed. ' Where wood is the only material within our reach, some lighter and more •uitable style should be adopted, and the result will theii undoubtedly be more satisfactory. A solecism in taste which we have several times' witndsfed' with pain in this ceuntry, and which we wUl therefore caution our readers and the occilpant of this cottage against, is the introduction of green blinds, or Venetian shrtttters, ilpOii a building in the pointed, or the EngUsh cottage Style. This Icind of shutter, applied to the outside of buildings, belongs properly to the Venetian, Tuscan, or' Italian villas; -W-here the architecture is lighter and' more fancifU, ahd the windows ar6 frequently mere openings fbr the circuktion of air ; but to cover' a handsome or quaiht old English window, enriched by decorative muUions- and #indovif^heads, with an outside^ shutter- belonging to a totaUy different style of bnilding; and * By an error in the engraving, the base of each stack of chimneys in tha elevation of this design is made to appear too low ; a more correct proportion w Bhown in the details, Fig. 15. 62 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. painted a bright green, is as revolting to a mind imbued with correct principles of taste, as to cover the venerable head of a staid gentleman of the old school with the fiaunting head dress of an Italian peasant girl. Outside shutters of any description are barely admissible in this style of architec ture, as they conceal one of the chief sources of interest in the exterior. But as the walls are thick, inside shutters, or even inside blinds, are easUy introduced. The latter may be made to fold into window casings like ordinary box shutters, where they will serve the purposes of both shutters and blinds : and will be found more convenient and more appro priate than outside blinds, without violating correct principles of art. The interior of this cottage may be finished in a very simple manner. But the effect will be far more consistent and satisfactory, if some attention is paid to keeping up the pointed, or old English character, in the finish of at least the principal apartments. This may be done -without incur ring any extra expense, merely by employing Gothic, or pointed mouldings and details in the trimmings of the doors and windows, the forms of the comices and chimney pieces. As there are now numerous examples of this style of dweU ing in the middle States, there wiU be little or no difficulty in procuring the necessary forms of designs, moulds, and planes, for a cottage of this kind. A person whose taste is sufficiently cultivated to induce him to desire such a dweUing as this, will naturally inform himself of the actual effect, both as regards the interior and exterior finish, by inspection of the best example of the style -within his reach ; or, for a smaU sum, he may obtain from an architect the working COTTAGE EESmENCES. 63 drawings necessary for the complete execution of the whole, by the builders employed, in the most correct manner. A harmonious and pleasing effect is produced in houses in the old English style, by painting and graining the wood work in imitation of oak or black walnut. This is partly owing, no doubt, to the allusion thus awakened in the mind, to the " old oaken wainscots," always so characteristic a feature in the antique houses in this style, but partly, also, to the mellow and furnished look which the warm and dark tone of the wood gives to the apartments. In an economical point of view, it has also the great recommendation of being kept clean and bright, with one twentieth part of the labor expended in maintaining wood-work, painted white, in its original purity. Details. In the construction of a cottage in the pointed style, attention should be paid to an unity of design in all parts of the building. One of the most essential principles in this style, is the recognition of the arch, in some manner, in all the principal openings. In public buildings, all windows and doors terminate upward in the pointed arch ; in domestic architecture this would often be inconvenient, as in the case of windows in apartments on the first floor, where inside shutters are required. The windows are generaUy therefore square-headed, but the principle of the arch appears in the moulded window tracery. In Fig. 22 is shown a small portion of the veranda on the river front, with its appropriate columns, and the archwa-y between. 64 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. [Fig. 22.] A portion of the balcony to the oriel window is shown in Fig. 23. In Fig. 24, is sho-wn one of the dormer windows of [Pig. 23.] [Fig. 24.1 the front elevation. For the section and plan of the lower windows, see Fig. 12, of Design I. /ML- The section or profile of the knel, or lintel of the window, is shown in Fig. 25 ; and that of the waU-coping, in Fig. 26 ; both to the scale of half an inch to a foot. [Pig. 25.] COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 65 [Fig. 27, A stack of chimneys suitable for this cot tage, is shown in Fig. 2Y, which may be built of brick ; the chimney tops being 8 feet high, above the base or square platform. The flues may be square or semicircular within (the lat ter is preferable), and ten or twelve inches in diameter. Circular flues are easily formed by building round a cylinder of tin, which is worked upwards by turning it with the hand as the chimney is carried up. The interior of the flue next the cylinder is covered with mortar in building, and the gradual with drawal of the cylinder upwards, leaves a smooth plastered surface. A section showing the construction of the rising cupboard, or dumb waiter, is shown in Fig. 28. In this section, the floor of the pantry is indicated at /, the portion above being enclosed in a sort of sideboard or closet in the pantry, and the part below in a simi lar closet in the basement. At a, is the cupboard with three shelves. This cupboard, with the dishes it will con tain, is balanced by the weight, c, at the end of a rope, passing over the pulleys, b, which are attached to the top of the cupboard. This, with a sUght impetus, sends the loaded cup board up to the top ; it is drawn down by a small wheel and crank, d, with a simUar cord or leathern 5 [Fig. 28.] 66 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. strap, attached to the bottom of the cupboard. This wheel and crank are fixed firmly at the bottom of the trunk in which the cupboard moves, and about a foot and a half above the floor of the kitchen. The top of the trunk, or that part above the floor, /, is disguised, and rendered omamental, by the neat sideboard or closet covering it, which opens in front to allow the dishes to be taken out. Estimate. If this cottage is built of brick and stucco, with cut stone labels to the windows, and finished in a consistent aud appropriate, though simple manner in the interior, it wUl cost about $3500. Built of quarried stone, where the latter is not abundant, it would prob'ably cost $4800. THE GEOUNDS OF DESIGN HI. The situation of the ground, four acres in extent, upon which this dwelling is to be erected, we have already partly described. It is nearly a parallelogram, one end of which borders the public road and the other is bounded by the river. In its original state, before operations were commenced, the place appeared only a simple meadow, the land of fair quality, and the surface level, or nearly so, between the road and the site of the house, but sloping off to the river, in some parts gently, and in others more abruptly, about 100 feet beyond the veranda on the river side of the house, at h. Fig. 29. The best soU for a garden appeared to be on the left of the property, and we accordingly located the kitchen garden, f, and the orchard of choice fruits, g, in this quarter. As it was not thought desirable by the owner of this place to expend much in keeping the place in order, beyond what COTTAGE EESIDENCF.S. er labor might be required in the kitchen garden, few walks are introduced, except such as are actually necessary or convenient. Of these the most essential in every place is the entrance road, or Approach, b, which leaves the public road in this example .IFig. 29.] 68 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. at a, that point being indicated as most suitable by the situation of the ground, and by the shelter and effect which will be given to the entrance gate by two or three large trees found growing there. There is a graveUed area in front of the house, upon which carriages may turn, and at the extremity of this road are the stable, d, and stable yard, e. Next to the Approach, the most desirable walk is one for exercise, leading over more secluded parts of the place, or to spots enjoying beautiful or extensive prospects. In a place of small extent, it is desirable to have this walk as long as possible, which is generally effected by making the circuit of the space offered, keeping at such a distance from boundary fences that they may not be obtrusive. Such a walk is shown at i, which leaving the veranda, on the river front of the house, proceeds in easy curves, shaded by occasional groups of trees, over the whole area between the house and the river. On the right of the house, looked out upon from the bay window of the parlor, is a small area of smooth turf, sui'- rounded by the walk, h, and containing some irregular beds and circles, cut in the turf, devoted to choice flowers. At I, on the left, is a corresponding walk, serving the purpose ot connecting the two principal walks, which is thickly bordered with ornamental shrubbery. With the exception of a few vines on the veranda, and shrubs near the house, these two small walks, with their accompaniments of flowers and shrubs, comprise all the ornamental details of the place requiring much care. All that portion of the grounds between the public road and the line A, is in lawn or grass, and is kept short by repeated mowings during summer. At h, is a slight paling fence rendered inconspicuous by painting it dark green. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 69 This fence follows the lower line of the ridge, and from the house is not visible, on account of the slope of the ground just above that line ; the fence being six or eight feet below the level of the platform on which the house stands. The area embraced between this fence and the river is also in grass, but which here, however, is kept short by the pasturage of a cow, or a few sheep. Instead of this fence of pales a sunk fence or ha-ha, might be preferred, and where stone is abundant it would not be more expensive. The construction of such a fence will be easily understood by referring to the accompanying section. Fig. 30, in which a is the level of the ground, falling off [Fig. 30.] gradually at b, where a wall 3i feet deep, open on the side facing the declining surface, would form an effectual protection against cattle on the lower side. It is evident from the section shown here, that, to a person standing at a, the fence aud depressed surface at its bottom not being seen, there would be no apparent barrier or interruption to the view across the whole space to the river. Such a fence, it should be remarked, must, as in the present case, rim across the surface to be looked over, and not in any direction paraUel to the line of 70 COriAGE EESIDENCES. vision. In commencing the description of this place, it was remarked that the few fine trees already gro-wing on it gave it a considerable degree of character. The majority of these were oaks and chestnuts of good size, and as the expression of dignity and picturesqueness inherent in these trees is in exceUent keeping with the style of this dwelling, it will be advisable to maintain the character by planting chiefiy round- headed trees, rather than drooping trees like the elm, which are mainly expressive of gracefulness. Near the house, a few Larches and Hemlocks are also introduced, as the spirited forms of these trees, contrasted with the round-headed ones, wUl add to the picturesque character of the architectm-e. At the end of this section we shall give a list of the finest ornamental trees classed according to height and other qualities, and another of shrubs, from which selections may be made for planting this and other designs. We shall, in relation to these, only remark at present that, in order to insure a rapid and vigorous growth to these trees, the holes, previously to planting them, should be thoroughly prepared by throwing out the soil two feet in depth, and from three to six feet in diameter, and mixing it intimately with a plentifiil supply of compost or well rotted manure, before returning it to the holes in planting. When a tree is planted in the ordinary manner without preparation, from the poverty of the soil, and the closeness of those portions of it adjacent to the roots of the newly moved tree, it requires a year or two to recover from the removal, and advances afterwards in its growth only in a feeble and tardy manner. On the other hand, where the holes are carefully prepared, the soU furnished with a plentiful supply of nutriment, and rendered loose and COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 71 easUy permeable by the light and air, as well as by the roots, the newly transplanted tree soon establishes itself, and makes rapid and luxuriant shoots. In many soils it will be found that this previous preparation will insure a growth more than four times as vigorous as that resulting from the usual hasty and careless mode of planting without preparation ; and it is therefore better policy, where effect is speedUy desired, to plant a few trees in the best manner, than a great number in the ordinary careless mode. Another very erroneous practice, of frequent occurrence with planters of little experience in the United States, consists in planting the tree too deep. This is not only to the eye contrary to nature, and in violation therefore of correct taste, but it is destructive to the health of the tree, by placing the mass of young roots below the genial influence of the atmosphere. Treated in this manner, trees will frequently struggle against the adverse situation for years, without ever attaining any considerable degree of luxuriance. If we observe a tree gi-owing in a natural state after it has attained some size, we must at once remark that the base of the trunk, or that part nearest the ground, is much larger than the same trunk a few inches above ; and that in consequence of the development of roots just below this point, the tree appears to stand on a base a little elevated above the level of the ground above it. This gives it an appearance of strength and dignity, and connects it, by a natural transition, with the surface around it. Now a tree, however large, which has been planted too deep, presents no appearance of this kind, but rises out of the level ground -without any base, in a manner precisely 72 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. similar to a post. In order to prevent this appearance, it is advisable, in planting, to set out the trees on a hiUock, a fe-«^ inches raised above the surface, in order that they may, when the ground settles about them, have a natural appearance to the eye, and that the roots may also be placed in the most favorable condition. We have arranged the trees to be planted on the lawn, in this design, as in most of the others, in the natural style of landscape gardening — that is, with a view to the production of natural beauty. This is effected by planting the trees in irregular groups, or singly, in a manner somewhat simUar to that in which they occur in nature, avoiding straight lines and parallel rows, because such lines indicate a formal art, never found in natural landscape. At the same time the effect wUl be not the less indicative of elegant art, which will be evinced, 1st, In the employment of many exotic trees, or those obviously not natives of this part of the country, as the Horse Chestnut, or the European Linden ; 2d, In the space aUowed for the trees to develope themselves fully in the lawn from h to a, and in the more park-like forms which they will there fore assume in time : and 3d, In the manner in which these trees are arranged.* The latter consists in concealing all objects which would not add to the beauty of the scene by au irregular plantation, as for example, the fence of the kitchen garden at m, or the out-buildings at d ; in planting the borders of the Approach, and of all walks, so as to give an obvious * Landscape gardening, as an art, does not consist, as many seem to suppose, in producing a counterfeit of nature, but in idealizing natural beauty in <• lawn, park, or garden. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 73 reason (when none other exists) for the curves of such walks, as well as to shade or shelter them ; and in contrasting these plantations by broad open glades of turf, n. On the river side of the house, the trees should be so arranged as not to shut out any important portion of the prospect. It is preferred in this design, not to have any spot especially devoted to a flower garden, but in its place to assemble a showy and select collection of flowers, in beds dug in the tuif, bordering the walk h, near the house. In this way the fiowers are brought near the house, and their beauty enjoyed, without destroying the simplicity and general effect of the place, by cutting off a separate space for a flower garden. In laying out the kitchen garden, f the border within the boundary is devoted to fruit trees, as designated on the plan, with the exception of a small space in the corner adjoining the stable yard, e, for hot beds. There is a separate entrance for a cart or wagon to this yard, or to the kitchen garden, by a road on the left of the kitchen garden. The interior of the latter is left free for growing vegetables ; and a select collection of fruit is planted in the small orchard, g. This little orchard, together with the border set apart in the kitchen garden, if planted with the selection of fruit trees, forty-two in number, given for this purpose in a succeeding page, will furnish a moderate supply to the family, through the greater part of the year. They are to be cultivated as standards, unless the proprietor prefers training them in the kitchen garden as espaliers, and the ground in the orchard, g, is to be devoted to potatoes, beets, turnips, or other roots, both for the purpose of turning the ground to account, and of promoting the growth of the trees. 74 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. LAst of the finest hardy ornamental trees of foreign amd natime growth, for planting in groups and masses. CLASS I. Deciduous trees of the largest size, and of very rapid growth. Cut-leaved Alder, ... Norway Maple, .... Sugar Maple, .... Silver Maple, . . . - Cafeilpa, . ... Spanish Chestnut, ... European Ash, .... American White do. . Three Thorned Acacia, Tulip Tree, European Larch, .... American do., . . . Oriental Plane, or Sycamore, Lombardy Poplar, ... Silver-leaved Aspen, or Abele, Cotton Wood do. . . - Yellow Locust, - - - Weeping Willow, Huntington do, - American Linden, European do. - Red-twigged do. ... American White, or Drooping Elm, Alnus laciniata. Acer plaianoides. Acer saccharinum. Acer dasycarpum. Catalpa syringafolia. Castanea vesca. Fraxinus excelsior. do. americana. Gleditschia triacanthos'. Liriodendron tulipifera. Larix europaia. do. microcarpa. Platanus orientalis. Populus dilitata. do. alba. do. angulata. Robinia pseud-acacia. Salix bahylonica. do. alba. Tilia glabra. dn. europma. do. rubra. Vlmus americana. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. English Elm, Dutch, or Cork-barked Elm, - Scotch, or Wych Elm, - VlMus campestris. do. suberosa. . do. monta-nu. CLASS II. Deciduous trees of the largest size, and of moderate growth. White Horse Chestnut, .^sculus hippocastanum. Scarlet Maple, Acer rubrum. Sycamore do. - - . do. pseudo-platanus. Scotch Weeping Birch, Betula alba, pendula. Black Birch, do. lenta. American Beech, ... Fagus americana. Kentucky Coffee, Gymnocladus canadensis. Sassafras Tree, ... Laurus sassafras. Liquidamber, or Sweet Gum, Liquidamber styraciflua. Cucumber Magnolia, Magnolia acuminata. American White Oak, . Quercus alba. do Scarlet do. do. coccinea. Overcup Oak, ... do. macrocarpa. English do. do. Robur. Lucombe's Seedling Oak, do. lucombeana. Willow-leaved do. do. phellos. American Cypress, Taxodium disiicham. CLASS III. Deciduous trees of medium size, and of rapid growth. Buckeye, or Western Horse Chestnut, Pavia rubra. Pale Yellow do. - do. flavia. 76 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. Weeping Ash, Umbrella Magnolia, . - Large leaved do. - Ash leaved Maple, Osage Orange, Double Flowering Cherry, Ringlet Willow, - Wahoo Elm, Fraxinus excelsior, penduia. Magnolia tripetala. do. macrophylla. Negundo fraxinifolia. Madura aurantiaca. Cerasus flore plena. Salix annularis. Ulmus alata. CLASS IV. Deciduous trees of medium size, and moderate growth Papaw, or Western Custard Apple, Red Bird, or Judas Tree, White flowering Dogwood, Scotch Laburnum, Persimon, or American Medlar, Purple leaved Beech, Yellow Magnolia, ... Sour Gum, Paper Birch, . - Japan Ginko Tree, European Mountain Ash, American do. do. Anona triloba. Cercis canadensis. Cornus florida. Cytissus alpinus. Diospyrus virginiana. Fagus sylvatica, purpurea. Magnolia cordata. Nyssa villosa. Betula papyracea. Salisburia adiantifolia. Sorbus aucu-paria'. do. americana. Hardy Evergreen Trees. Norway Spruee Fir, - - Abies picea. Double Black Spruce Fir, - do. nigra. Balsam, or Balm of Gilead, - do. balsamea. Hemlock Fir, - - do. canadensis. White, or Weymouth Pine, - Pinus sirobus. Yellow Pine, ... do. variabilis. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 77 English Yew, American Arbor Vitse, - Taxus baccata. Thuya occidentalis. CLASS V. Hardy shrubs growing from 6 to 20 feet high. Hercules Club, .... Snow-Drop, or White Fringe Tree, Narrow leaved do. . Laburnum, or Golden chain. Weeping do. - Yellow Bladder Senna, Pink flowering Hawthorn, New Scarlet do. - Double White do. Cornelian Cherry, European Strawberry Tree, or Burning Bush, White Pruited do. Purple Flowering do. American do. Silver Bell Tree, .... Althea Frutex, or Rose of Sharon, many sorts and colors. Silvery Buckthorn, Chinese Kolreuteria, Snowy Flowered Mespilus, Glaucous, or Swamp Magnolia, CaroUna large flowering Syringo, Common Fragrant do. - Semi-double do. - Hop Tree, ... Aralia spinosa. Chionanthus virginica. do. marilima. Cytissus laburnum. do. do. pendula. Colutea arborescens. Crategus oxycantha, var. do. do. var. do. do. fl. pi. Comus mascula. Euonymus europceus. do. do. fruciu alba. do. atropurpureus. do. americanus. Halesia tetraptera. Hibiscus syriacus. Hippophae rhamnoides. Kolreuteria paniculata. Mespilus botryapium. Magnolia glauca. Philadelphus grandiflorut, do. coronarius. do. Ptelea trifoliata.. rs COTTAGE EESDDENCICS. Venetian Sumac, or Purple Fringe Tree, . ... Shrubby Yellow Robinia, Silvery-leaved Shepherdia, or Buf falo berry, . . Three-leaved Bladder Nut, - White and Purple Lilacs, White and Purple Persian Lilacs, Cut leaved do. - French Tamarisk, ... Snow-ball, or Guelder Rose, Way.fering Tree, ... Rhus cotmus. Robinia frutescens. Shepherdia argentea. Staphylea trifoliata. Syringa vulgaris, do. persica. do. laciniata. Tamarix gallica. Viburnum opulus. do. laniana. CLASS VI. Hardy shrubs, growing from 1 to 6 or 8 feet high Indigo Shrub, ... Dwarf White Horse Chestnut, Groundsel Tree, . Sweet Scented Shrub, Fragrant Clethra, Panicled flowered Clethra, - Red flowering Bladder Senna, Scorpion Senna, Bloody twigged Dogwood, - Cluster flowered Cytissus, - Scarlet Japan Quince, - Blush, or White do. Pink Mezereon, ... White Mezereon, Oak leaved Hydrangea, Italian yellow Jasmine, Amorpha fruticosa. .SjScuIus macrostachya. Baccharis halimifolia. Calycanthus floridus. Clethra alnifolia. do. paniculata. Colutea arborescens. Coronilla emerus. Comus sanguinea. Cytissus capiiatus. Cydonia japonica. do. alba. Daphne mezereum. Daphne m. album. Hydrangea quercifolia. Jasminum humile. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 79 Japan Yellow Globe Flower, Common Privet, or Prim, .- Tartarian Upright, or Tree Honey. suckle, . - . . . White flowering Honeysuckle, Black berried do. English fly do. Dwarf Syringo, . . . - Shrubby Cinquefoil, Double Purple Tree Poeony, Single Pink and Purple do. - Double Rose colored do. . Rose Acacia, . . . . Shrubby Caragana, . . . Corymbose Spirea, - - - Panicled do. . . . Pretty flowenng Spirea, Sorb leaved do. Red flowering do. St. Peter's Wreath, Snowberry (white fruit), Indian Currant (red fruit), . Rose Weigela, - - . - Parsley leaved Yellow-Root, Kerria japonica. Ligustrum vulgare. Lonicera tartarica. do. alba. do. nigrum. do. xylosteum. Philadelphus nanus. Potentilla fruticosa. Pmonia mouian Banksia. do. papaveracea. do. rosea. Robinia hispida. do. caragana. Spirea corymbosa. do. paniculata. do. bella. do. sorbifolia. do. tomeniosa. do. hypericifolta. Symphoria racemosa. do. glomeraia. Weigela rosea. Zanthoriza apiifolia. Evergreen Shrubs. Tree Box, . - . - . Buxus arborescens. American Holly, ... - Ilex opaca. European do., rather tender at the north, - - - - ¦ Swedish Juniper, - . . ¦ Common Laurel, or Kalmia, American Rhododendron, Ilex aquifolium. Juniperus suecia. Kalmia latifolia. Rododendron maximum. 80 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. Selection of very choice fruits, for the small orchard of 42 trees. CHERRIES. 1 Knight's early Black. 1 Mayduke. 1 Tartarian. 1 Downer's late. PEAKS. 2 Bartlett. 2 Seckel. 2 Beurre Bosc. 1 Dearborn's Seedling. 1 Winter Nelis. 1 Bloodgood's Early. 2 Marie Louise. 1 Beurre Diel. PLUMS. 1 Coe's Golden Drop. 1 Washington. I Green Gage. 1 Imperial Ottoman. , I JeJferson. PEACHES. 2 George the IV. 2 Early Newington. 2 Morris White. 1 Early York. 1 Large White Cling. 1 Crawford's late. APPLES. 2 Newtown Pippin. 1 Yellow Harvest. 1 Fall Pippin. 2 Baldwin. 1 Rhode Island Greening. 1 Yellow Bellflower. 1 Northern Spy. 1 Moorpark. 1 Breda. NECTARINES. 1 Early Violet. 1 Downton. Total 42 DESIGN IV. AS ORNAMENTAL FARM HOUSE. PRINOIP.a.U FLOOR Fig. 3-2. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 81 DESIGN IV. An Ornatnental Farm-House. In designing this farm-house, we have had two objects in view ; flrst to offer to the large class of inteUigent farmers a plan of a house of moderate size, somewhat adapted in internal accommodation to their peculiar wants : and second, to give to the exterior, at little additional cost, some architectural beauty. The first object, it is evident, must ever be the principal one in a ^rmer's dwelling, and therefore everything should yield to such an interior arrangement as will give the greatest amount of cpmfort, and the maximum of convenience, in performing in-door labor. But beyond this, there is no reason why the dwelling-houses of our respectable farmers should not display some evidences of taste, as well as those of professional men, or persons in more affluent circumstances. The farmers are reaUy the most independent men in our community, as their wealth is less liable to fluctuation than that of any other class ; and if the amount they -wish to expend upon a dweUing is less than that within the means of some others, they are generally able, on the other hand, by having abundance of stone or timber on their o-wn premises, to build at a greatly reduced cost. By bestowing some degree of ornament on farm-houses, 6 82 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. we shall hope to increase the interest and attachment, which the farmer and his family have for their home, and thereby to improve his social and domestic state. A man who is content to live in a clumsy, badly contrived, and uncouth habitation, will generally be found to care little for his home, or to have in his heart but a scanty flow of genial domestic sympathies. This love of home, and with it all the tender affections bound up in that endearing word, will be sure to grow with every step we take to add to its comforts, or increase its beauty ; and if we feel a species of affection for the goodly trees we have planted, which, growing along with us, seem like old and familiar friends, we must acknowledge a still greater attach ment to a dwelling that we have built, and which becomes our own home, — whether it be a cottage or a mansion, — ^if there is an air of taste lurking about it, and breathing out from vine- covered porch or open window casement. We are especially anxious that the farmer should cultivate a taste for improving his home, including under this term his dwelling, and his garden or grounds, as we are confident that in so doing he will unconsciously open to himself and his family new sources of enjoyment, beyond such as are di/recfly derived from their beauty and convenience. It is unquestionably true, that we learn to appreciate the beauty of nature, in proportion as we become familiar with the beauty of art. Now, although we do not expect farmers to possess a gallery of pictures or statuary, yet they have a scarcely less instructive field open to them whilst tastefully disposing their gardens and grounds, in studying the various developments of beauty that occur and become familiar to the mind in these, and all other employ ments, unfolding the order and harmony of a well regulated COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 83 rural home. And we will venture to assert, that no person, however small his original knowledge, has foUowed these occupations thoughtfully for half a dozen years, without having his appreciation of the beauty of all nature, and espe ciaUy the beauty of trees, forests, hiUs, and rivers, a thousand , fold increased. By referring to the plan of the principal floor. Fig. 82, it will be seen that the main buUding, 30 by 46 feet, is two stories in height, and contains on this floor a haU, a parlor, two bed rooms, and a large pantry. The parlor, or sitting-room, is an exceUent apartment, suitable for any occasion, and the pantry being placed between it and the kitchen, either of these rooms may be used to dine in ; while the passage, with two doors between the parlor and the kitchen, prevents the noise of the latter from being heard in the former. The kitchen, wash-house, dairy, and wood-house, on the same level with the main building, are contained in an L-form addi tion in the rear, one story in height. The kitchen is 16 feet square, and opens also by a back door, upon a broad stone platform, under which the steps next the main building descend to the cellar. The wash-room is 16 feet square, and has by the side of the fireplace a circular copper boiler set, for boiling the clothes. There is a passage from the wash-room, communi cating directly with the wood-house. The dairy may, if it is thought advisable, be sunk three feet below the level of the wash-house, and paved with fiag stones, in order to keep it cool ; and there may be a raised shelf of stone aU around it, on which to place pans of milk. In this case it would be entered by descending four or five steps. The wood-house has a large door, to facilitate unloading from the wood wagons. 84 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. [Tig. 33.] The plan of the second story, Fig. 33, affords three good bed rooms, closets, &c., and a small bedroom ; and above this story is an ample garret for drying various seeds and vegetables. The ceUar is large, being of the same size as the main building, and on the side next the carriage road should be placed a slide, wide enough to receive a cart load of roots, which will save much labor and time usually occupied in carrying them in baskets. This dwelling is supposed to be constructed of rough stone, or stone partially smooth on the face, but not laid in regular courses. Such stone is abundant throughout a great portion of the United States, and makes exceUent waUs. We have given the preference to the Rural Pointed style in composing the exterior of this dwelling, partly on account of the large lofts or garrets, so useful to the farmer, a,fforded by the steep gables and roofs, and partly on account of its intrinsic beauty and picturesque effect when built of stone even in this simple manner. We have introduced a veranda in the same style in front, because such a feature is as necessary to the comfort of a farm-house as a villa in this country. Where aU the outbuildings are to be erected at the same time with the dweUing-house, something of the same style should be evinced in the construction. It is not necessary. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 85 to attain this, that ornamental verge-boards, or windows, or other minor details, should be introduced in barns or the like structures, but it will be sufficient if attention is paid to repeating the same general forms in the outlines of the buUdings, and of these the form of the roof or gables is most essential. In some districts, wood is the only material which comes -within reach of the farmer. When this is the case it would be better to adopt another style for the exterior, of a lighter character. We would recommend the simple projecting roof, and the general style of Design I., omitting some of the oma mental detaUs. The arrangement of the rooms would require no material alteration, whatever style of architecture may be adopted for the interior ; and a farm-house built in the plainest manner, preserving the arrangement exactly, would still have all the merit of this part of the design, of whatever value it may be considered. It is evident that to some families another parlor, or a com mon eating-room, but little superior to the kitchen, might be thought desirable. This would be easily obtained by convert ing the rea/r bedroom into a di/ning-room and keeping the parlor (which is now intended to serve the purpose of dining-room also) as a show apartment, or best room. Such a plan might suit the fancy of those who take pleasure in keeping the best and most comfortable room in their house shut, except when they see strangers, but we cannot recommend it as consonant with good taste, and that unaffected, genuine hospitality, which ought to characterize " plain country folks." Details of construction. The construction of this building will be easily understood by merely inspecting the elevation. Qt) COTTAGE EESIDENCES. as it is extremely simple. In Fig. 34, the verge-board and cornice are shown more in detail, to the scale of ^ inch to a foot. In this, a is the front view of the top of the gable, and b, the profile or section of the same, p, is the pendant which perfo;- rates the ridge of the roof, and terminates the gable by [Fig. 34] what is termed a hip knob, or finial. The roof, in this design, projects about a foot beyond the waUs of the house. The veranda is supported by octagonal posts or pillars, the openings between which are ornamented at the top by single arches cut from 2 inch plank. All the exterior wood-work of this building (except sashes and doors), should be painted three coats of the same color as the stone, or a few shades lighter, and painted. Estimate. The cost of this building, supposing the stone to be found on the farm, and all the materials to be drawn by the farmer, -wUl not exceed $1700. The omammtal portion of the fa/rm. The ferme ornAe is a term generally applied to a farm, the whole or the greater part of which is rendered in some degree ornamental by intersecting it with drives, and private lanes and walks, bordered by trees and shrabs, and by. the neater arrangement and culture of the fields. But it may also be appUed to a farm with a tasteful fai-m-house, and so much of COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 87 the ground about it rendered ornamental as would naturally meet the eye of the stranger, in approaching it the first time. It is evident that the farm proper, in the present case, may consist of 50 or 500 acres. We have only shown in the annexed engraving. Fig. 35, a plan of a few acres immediately surrounding the house, and consisting of the entrance lawn a, about one and a quarter acres, bordering the entrance road or approach 5y the orchard e, the kitchen garden d, adjoining fields, in grass or under the plough e, and the yard for the out-buildings/". At g, is shown the house, and in the rear of the kitchen, wash-house, &c., is the kitchen yard h. The out-buildings, or farmery, are arranged around three sides of a square, open to the south, and consist of the piggery _;', the tool-house commu nicating with the garden 7c, open shed for carts, ploughs, &c., I, cow-house with three calf-pens attached at the end m, bam n, stable for horses o, wagon-house p, and corn crib q. The surface of the yard descends slightly on all sides to the centre /, where the manure heap is kept. This collection of out buildings is much more complete and extensive than wiU be found connected with most farms in this country, but we have given it -with a view of exhibiting what ought to be aimed at as a desideratum in accommodation, on every extensive farm ; and it -wUl be found easy to diminish the amount of buUdings and sheds to as many as would occupy only one 'side of the yard, if the farm be smaU, or to such a number as can be afforded. This plan wUl require but little description, as the oma mental grounds have no intricacy of detail. The effect of the view from the house across the entrance lawn a, would be 88 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. me. 35.J \ V COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 89 pleasing, and its expression would be that of simply natural or pastoral beauty. The trees might be of the finest native species, selected from the woods on the farm, as nothing is more beautiful than our fine drooping Elms, Tulip trees, Oaks, and Ashes. Or some additional interest may be given to the place, by introducing a few Horse Chestnuts or European Lindens, around the house and along the approach. The trees we would plant in natural groups, as indicated on the plan, as this would not only evince a more cultivated taste in a farmer than straight lines, but it would also add to the apparent extent of the whole area devoted to ornamental trees, by giving it an irregular and varied boundary of foliage. This acre and a quarter devoted to ornament, may also be rendered profitable ; 1st, by mowing the grass over the whole surface ; or secondly, by keeping it short, by pasturing it -with favorite animals. In the case of mowing, when no animals are admitted, a few flowering shrubs and plants may be culti vated directly around the house. But if it is preferred to pasture the area, it would be necessary to confine all small shrabs and plants to a certain portion of the kitchen garden devoted to this purpose. There are some farmers who would be wiUing to devote an acre around their house to some kind of lawn, or puroose superior to a common field, who are yet not sufficiently alive to the beauty and dignity of fine forest trees, to be willing to plant the latter. Such may substitute fruit for forest trees, and even arrange them in the same manner, planting those most symmetrical and pleasing in their forms, as the cherry and pear, near the house and the Approach ; and those w^hich are unsightly in growth, nearest the boundary. 90 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. The beauty of a farm wiU be greatly enhanced by intro ducing verdant hedges, in the place of stone or wooden fences, at least in all situations near the house. The best plant to be had in the nurseries for this purpose, is the Buckthorn {Rha/mnus catharticd), a native shrub, much hardier and better than the English ha-wthorn for our climate. Almost any of our native thorns in the woods make good hedges, and the farmer may gather the seeds, and raise them himself. South of the latitude of New York city, the best hedge plant is the Osage Orange {Maclwra aurantiaca). If the ground is previously weU prepared by repeated ploughings and manuring, and proper care is taken to head back the young plants the first year or two to make a thick bottom, and to trim them twice a year afterwards, an excel lent hedge may be obtained in five years. No person, we hope, who has once seen a handsome deep green hedge, forming a dense close surface, enlivened -with blossoms in the spring, and berries in the autumn, will grudge the Uttle annual care necessary to substitute this for at least a small part of his unsightly wall, or " post and rail." Wooden and stone fences near the house, may be rendered omamental by planting the Yirginia creeper (Ampelopsis), or fiv^aved ivy, at short distances along the fence. This vine is common over a large portion of the Union, and will quickly form a beautiful mantle of verdure, concealing the wall in summer with its rich and luxuriant green, and in autumn with its bright scarlet foliage. When the eye commands from the house a -view beyond the ornamental lawn, the latter may be pleasingly connected hy planting or preserving, here and there, in the adjoining fields, COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 91 a few of the same forest trees that are growing on the lawn, thus avoiding too strongly marked a contrast between the latter area and the farm lands, and showing something of a unity of design or purpose. The orchard near the house is an apple orchard, and we give a selection of one hundred trees for the purpose of planting it with the most valuable sorts, including a number of sweet apples for feeding stock. 2. Early Bough, 2. Yellow Harvest, 2. Esopus Spitzenherg, 4. Boston Russet, 6. Fall Pippin, 8. Jersey Sweet, 2. Jonathan, 6. Baldwin, 2. Lady Apple, 4. Golden Pippin, 6. Ladies' Sweeting, 8. Newtown Pippin, 3. Golden Sweeting, 8. Rhode Island Greening, 2. Summer Paradise, 4. Swaar, 8. Yellow Belle Fleur, 4. Pearmain, 4. Michael Henry Pippin, 2. Dominie, 2. Hubardston Nonsuch, 2. Gravestein, 4. Northern Spy, 4. Porter, Ripens in August. July. Nov. Feb. May. Sept. Dec. Aug. Nov. Dec. Feb. Nov. May. Nov. March. Dec. Feb. Nov. March. Dec. May. Sept. Oct. Nov. March. Aug. Sept. Dec. March. Oct. Jan. Nov. March. Nov. March. Nov. March. Dec. March. Sept. Oct. Feb. May. Sept Oct. it2 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. DESIGN V. A cottag&villa w the Brachetted mode. We trust that the exterior of this vUla wUl generally please, as although it is simple in form, we have endeavored to add tc its domestic, comfortable air, a more forcible and elegant expression than rectangular buildings generaUy possess. The strongly marked character which it has, is derived mainly from the bold projection of the roof supported by ornamental brackets, and from the employment of brackets for supports in various other parts of the building. This bracketted mode of building, so simple in construction, and so striking in effect, will be found highly suitable to North America, and especiaUy to the southern states. The coolness and dryness of the upper story, afforded by the almost veranda like roof, -will render this a delightful feature in all parts of our country, where the summers are hot, and the sun very bright during the long days of that season. Indeed, we think a very ingenious architect might produce an Ainerican cottage style, by carefuUy studying the capabilities of this mode, so abounding in picturesqueness, and so easUy executed. In actual fitness for domestic purposes, in this country, we think this bracketted mode has much to recommend it. It is admirably adapted to the two kinds of construction which must, for some time, be the most prevalent in the United States,— DESTON V. A COTTAGE VILLA, IN THE nR\CKETi;D MODH. Fig. '.W. PRSNCIPAL J-.K. :i7. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 93 wood, and brick covered by an external wash. Its comparative lightness of character renders it well suited for wood, and the protection afforded by the projection of the roof, will give com plete security and dryness to the waUs, rendering good stucco or cement in such a situation as durable as stone. The facUity of its construction is an additional circumstance in its favor, as the details are extremely simple — the ornamental brackets, which are the principal features of decoration, being cut out of pine or oak plank, two inches thick, and one or two pattems serving for the whole exterior. Extending the roof in the manner sho-wn in this design, gives expression and character at once to the exterior, and the broad and deep shadows thrown by the projection are not only effective and pleasing to the artistic eye, but they increase the actual comfort of the chamber apartments ; a projection of from * 30 inches to three feet, serving as a hood to shelter the win dows from the summer snn during all the sultry portions of the day ; while in winter, the sun being low in position, this effect wiU not be felt, when it is not desirable. On entering the haU (see plan of principal fioor. Fig. 37), we find on the left an oval dining, or living-room, lighted by a , large and handsome window on the side, and another in front; the latter finished with a -window-seat. There are two pantries, or closets, in this room, in the spaces formed by the ovals in front, and the opposite end of the room may be finished with shaUow closets for plate, glass, or valuable china. At the oppo site end of this room, is a door opening into the passage b, which communicates with the stairs to the kitchen (under the main stairs), and also with the open air, by the door on the veranda. At the left of this passage is the water-closet (W. C). 94 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. On the opposite side is the parior or drawing-room, occupy ing the whole space, 18 by 26 feet. This room is of very handsome size, and if well finished would make a splendid apartment. The ceUing should be 13 or 14 feet high, and might be supported by a bracketted cornice, tastefully executed in plaster, to harmonize with the character of the exterior. Our own taste would lead us to prefer greatly, in all cases, the simplicity and dignity of a single large apartment of this kind in the country, to two apartments connected by folding or sliding doors. In the latter, the single room, considered by itself, is comparatively of no importance, because it is evidently only one half of the architect's idea, and the coup deceit of the whole is greatly injured, by the partition still remaining, after the doors are open. A large room like this drawing-room, will, on the contrary, be a complete whole in itself, and regarding its effect either with pr without company, it will be found much more satisfactory than that of the two smaUer ones connected. Access to the veranda from this room, is afforded by the -window at its further end, d, which is a casement window opening to the fioor, and may therefore be used as a door. At the end of the hall a door opens into the library, 18 by 20 feet, which is a cool, airy apartment, shaded by the veranda that surrounds it on three sides. It communicates directly with the drawing-room by one door, and with the passage J, leading to the veranda, by another. On the second fioor are five bedrooms. Fig. 38. The two bedrooms on the right being connected by a door, one of them may be used as a nursery, and the other as a family bed room. Three bedrooms for servants may be finished in the COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 95 EEC. FLOOR [Fig. 38.] attic story, which will be lighted by the windows in the gable. There is a handsome balcony, which is entered upon from the casement-window, at the end of the haU in this story, shaded by the broad overhang ing roof, and two other balconies which accompany, in a similar maimer, the large windows in the two principal bedrooms on either side of this haU. These two large windows are each composed of three compart ments, and the middle compartment of that on the right, against which the partition of the nursery abuts, is made solid on the inside, which still gives one window, or compartment of moderate size, for each room. The basement accommoda tion. Fig. 39, consists of a kitchen, laundry, store-room, and cellar. The basement story is raised about three and a half feet above ground, with areas buUt around the windows, to admit an abundance of light. The outer entrance to this story easement. is by the steps descending under IT'e- 39-] the veranda, indicated on the left of this plan. 96 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. The chimneys in this elevation are bold and striking, and show what would be in good keeping with the style of the house. Their construction is simple. They are each covered on the top by two fiat coping stones, of bold projection, the smoke escaping on two sides (Fig. 42). Chimneys built in this manner are much more likely to draw well than those with an open top, in the common mode. This form, however, is not by any means essential, and square flues in a body, with a bold cornice supported on bricks projecting as brackets, or separate detached fines carried up in clusters, with heavy tops, would also be suitable for a building in this style. Va/riation of this design, as constructed in wood. The fore going engravings being in illustration of this design, as built ¦of soUd materials, we introduce another elevation. Fig. 40, to show its appearance constructed of wood. The common mode of siding is sufficiently well understood by every one, but in this elevation a less general mode is sho-wn, which con sists in tongue and grooving the boards, nailing them vertically I in the frame, and covering the joint by a strip one to two inches wide. We suggest this mode as a variation, as it makes a very warm and dry house, and the effect is good. Fig. 45 is a section to the scale of half an inch to a foot, sho-wing this kind of siding. There are, perhaps, some families who would much prefer a bedroom, to the Ubrary, in our previous plan of the principal floor. We have, in the annexed Fig. 41, sho-wn how this wing, originaUy intended for a library, may, by a little variation in the plan, be made to afford a pleasant bedroom, with a closet adjoining, and a pretty little boudoir opening either into the (bedroom or the drawing-room, as may be thought best. If COTl'AGE EESIDENCES. 97 k^--M [Fig. 40.1 [Fig. 41.] 98 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. this variation should be preferred to the original plan of thie floor, it wUl only be necessary to carry through the partitions introduced in this wing, which will make a similar alteration in the plan of the second and basement stories so easily under stood, that it wiU, not require any further plans in illustration. Details. A portion of the porch in Fig. 43, shows the manner of orna menting this part of the building by brackets. Four varieties of brackets, suitable for the roof supports of build ings in this style, are seen in the ac companying Fig. 44. In this engrav ing, drawn to the scale of half an inch to a foot. A, represents the boldest form, suitable for the comers or angles of the [fig- «¦! ° ^ • building ; b, one of lesser size, proper for the projection of the gables; c is another variation, employed in the bold projection of the gable in front, over 'the porch, and d is a form employed for eave brackets, when it is thought advisable to continue them along the whole line of roof, as in the next design. In the foUo-wing engraving, a represents a moulding, and b the roof and cornice above the bracket. The most complete mode would undoubtedly be to employ cut-stone brackets in a buUd ing like this composed of stone or solid materials ; but if made of good sound wood, and thoroughly painted and sanded to resemble the stone or stucco, it -will answer nearly as well. '^ . fflf [Fig. 4-d.] COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 99 *: --'W.f [Fig. 44.] In Fig. 45, is seen a section of the mode of siding, alluded to in our variation of this [Pig. 45] design in wood, which needs no further ex planation. It wUl be observed that the supports to the veranda in the rear of this dwelling are simple, octagonal posts, ornamented with brackets at the top, and that the brackets being a characteristic feature in this style or mode, it is introduced wherever a support is really or apparently necessary, as in the case of the balconies to the windows, etc. And in a building in this mode, the unity of design should be fiirther preserved, by carrying out the boldness of character in all portions of the buUding, by projecting the roofs, verandas, porches, etc., in a proportionate degree, and by introducing few and bold mouldings and ornaments. Some character is given to the roof in this design, by employing shingles of an uniform size, and rounding the lower ends before laying them on the roof.* » The principle of expression of purpose, demands that the roofs of buildings should be shovra, and rendered omamental. In snowy countries, especially, a 100 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. We have designated a water-closet in this design. A water- closet does not actually require a space larger than 3 by 4 or 5 feet, and it may therefore be introduced in the first or second s^tory of almost every house, although we have only shown it in two or three of these designs. If properly constructed, and its accompanying cistern kept supplied with water, it will be found entirely free from odors of any kind, and therefore a very great desideratum in every house. The better way is to employ a first rate plumber from the city to fit it up completely whUe the house is in progress. In order to explain the principle of its construction we extract the following description of one of a simple and very efficient kind from the Enayclopmdia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, p. 18. " The water-closet may be variously arranged ; but as one of the best and cheapest modes, and one the least likely to go out of order, we give the following ; The cistern. Fig. 46, a may be at any distance from the seat b, provided it be on a higher level, by four or five feet. The basin c, may be an inverted hollow cone, truncated, and joined to a piece of cylindrical tube, inserted in a closed leaden vessel, technically called a smell-trap d. In the side of c, at e, is a hole or vertical opening passing obliquely through the sides of the basin, and communicating with the cistern a by the pipe/. The water in the cistern is prevented from runm'ng off through this pipe by a moderately steep roof is necessary to sustam the pressure, and shed the snow perfectly, and it should always, therefore, be boldly exposed, and rendered omamental in domestic architecture. Some of our builders seem to have a farcical horror of a roof, or a chimney top (derived from the study of Greek temples !), and conceal both, by costly and elaborate balustrades and parapeta, in many cases at an expense sufficient, if judiciously applied, to have given a superior character to the whole building. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 101 [Fig. 46.] nicely fitting valve at g. When it is desired to allow the water to rush down into the basin, it is only neces sary to pull the string h ; which, if the cistern be at a distance, may pass over several puUeys, according to the number of angles in its course. In order to insure the descent of a quan tity of water to the basin every time it has been used, a cord *, may be joined to A, and passed over the pulley at h, and the end of this cord may be fixed to the upper part of the door of the water-closet, at such a distance from the hinge, say a foot, as will suffice to lift up the valve g / or the same purpose might be effected by a lever which would be acted upon every time the door was opened. In every case where it is intended that a common or lever valve should be operated on by a door, the latter ought to have a spring-bolt to shut it, lest at any time it should be left open by neglect." There are several late improvements in water-closets now to be had of the best plumbers in New York. The waste pipe from the water-closet should leave the house by a properly fitted under-ground drain, and should either terminate in a covered drain or sewer, at a considerable distance, or in a well or cistern for liquid manure, the contents of which may be turned to valuable account. Estimate. This cottage--villa may 'be buUt of brick and stucco or of wood, in the best manner, at a cost of about $5500. With cut free-stone trimmings it would cost $6000. 102 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. La/ying out the ground. The situation for which this cottage is designed borders the public road, and contains about two acres, which are nearly level. At the back of the garden. Fig. 47, is a steep hill a, the side covered -with trees, which is ascended by a walk b, leading to a rustic summer-house on the top at c, from whence a prospect of the surrounding country is obtained. The house is at d, and the objects in laying out the ground were to create an airy, cheerful aspect around the house, especially in front ; to preserve a view of the steep picturesque hill from the veranda in the rear, and with the appearance of a good deal of ornamental effect to retain about one acre, or nearly half the level ground, for a kitchen garden e, and a fruit garden/". In order to give an air of some extent and elegance about the house, the whole surface in this neighborhood, not devoted to the kitchen and fruit gardens, is laid down in lawn g, to be kept neatly mown ; with the exception of the long borders h, devoted to a miscellaneous collection of flowers ; the circular beds, fflled with verbenas, petunias, and monthly roses, three plants which will bloom the whole summer, and have a brilliant effect from the drawing-room windows ; and the two beds j fiUed with choice double Dahlias. In the turf is planted a num ber of the finest species of omamental trees and shrubs, some being allowed to grow alone and assume all their beauty of development, and others planted in groups, or thickets, for effect or shelter. The novice will be assisted in making a selection of these trees and shrubs, by referring to the Ust given at page 74. Some of the less hardy and robust of these trees COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 103 [Fig. 47.] 104 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. and shrubs, being planted in groups in this way, -wiU require that the surface around each tree for a smaU area of about two feet in diameter be kept loose by culture to promote their growth, until they attain considerable size. The entrance gate is shown at h, and there is a large oval of turf, around which to turn carriages immediately before the door. The carriage road /, after approaching the entrance to the kitchen for the convenience of delivering hea-py articles, leads to the carriage-house m, adjoining which are the barn and stable n, and the stable yard o, the latter communicating directly with the pubUc road by the lane^. The kitchen and fruit gardens are enclosed on three sides by hedges of the privet or prim, a rapid gro-wing plant which forms a thick hedge in three years, has neat foUage and flowers, and is easily cultivated from slips or cuttings planted in March or AprU. These verdant fences wUl scarcely appear barriers, and a spectator standing on the veranda in the rear of the house, and looking over the open, oval la-wn g, bor dered by the flower borders, and these backed by the deep green hedges, would scarcely be impressed -with that idea of confinement which this moderate space would otherwise convey. A detached green-house is shown at r, which, like the dweUing-house, fronts due south. This green-house is 14 feet wide^ by 40 feet long, and has a lean-to, or shed, at the rear, which affords a cover for the fumace, -with a place for fuel, and a long narrow apartment for a gardener's seed room, tool room, or work room, the latter being a place absolutely necessary in every residence of the size of half an acre, if appropriated to ornamental purposes. Not only the front, but COTTAGE EESn)EXOES. 105 also both the ends of this green-house should be glazed, ae the Sim will then, in the course of the day, shine on all sides. In the middle or eastern states, where the winters are severe, it will be found a great economy of both fuel and labor, to have light shutters made for all the sashes in a green-house detached Uke this one. When the sun is shining, the shutters can be speedily removed, and in cold dull days, and at night, the glass may be kept covered, which will prevent the house from losing its heat rapidly. No green-house in this country, where even the wintry sun is brUliant, -will require a particle of fire whUe the sun shines, and by the aid of shutters we may preserve the warmth of the green-house, collected during the afternoon, through a considerable portion, and often the whole of the night. The hiU side a, in its original state, was sprinkled over with trees, tufts of grass, ferns, etc., and was disfigured by the presence of a number of rough pUes of rock. In order to render them omamental, a quantity of hardy climbers, as the Trumpet -vdne (Bignonia), the coral or trumpet Honeysuckles, the double flowering Bramble, and the Virginia creeper, may be planted at the foot and among these rocks, and they wUl in two or three seasons render them highly picturesque by en-wreathing them with beautifal garlands of foliage and flowers. As the la-wn -wUl be a great source of beauty in all places of this kind, it is important that attention should be paid to this feature early in the preparation of the grounds. No lawn will retain its freshness and verdure throughout our hot summers, unless particular attention is paid to two circum stances. The first of these is the preparation of a deep soU 106 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. before it is sown, or laid down in grass — the second consists in frequent mowings. When there is a large surface to be kept in lawn, the soil may be rendered suitable by manuring and ploughing thoroughly beforehand with the sub-soil plough, or by going through the same furrow three times in ]iloughing the soil. When the area is small, it may be trenched with the spade. The roots of the grasses strike much deeper in a mellow prepared soil, than persons are generally aware, and are thereby enabled to withstand a severe drought, when, if sown in the ordinary mode, they would have dried up and the foliage become brown in a short time. A rich soil for a lawn is not desirable, but rather a deep one, capable of retaining moisture for a long time. Wood ashes will be found an excellent top-dressing for invigorating a worn-out la-wn. Frequent mowing is necessary to insure that velvet-like appearance, so much admired in English la-wns. To perform this operation neatly, the mower must be provided with a scythe, the blade of which is very broad, and hung nearly paraUel to the surface of the lawn ; and the mowing should always be performed, if possible, after a shower, or a heavy dew, while the grass is yet damp. The best mixture of grass seeds in use among us, and to be had at our seed shops, is the same as composes the natural growth of our commons, aud the turf by the road sides, viz. Eed top and white Clover {Agrostis vulgaris and Trifolium repens). They should be sown thickly for a lawn, at the rate of three bushels of the former and six quarts of the latter to the acre.* * Mr. Loudon recommends the following mixture of grasses for a lawn ; viz. Agrostis vulgaris var. tenuifolia, Fesiuca duriuscula, F. ovina, Cynosurus ait- tatus, Poa pratensis, Avena Jlavescens, and Trifolium minus. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 107 The five circular beds i, are supposed to be each 10 or 15 feet in diameter, and cut in the turf. It is proposed to fill these with plants, each bed with the same genus, and cultivate them in such a manner that, when full grown, they shall cover the whole surface of the bed. They wUl then present a mass of rich leaves and blossoms, and the raw earth not being seen, these beds will connect themselves much more harmoniously with the surrounding turf or lawn, than if only partially covered with plants. Nothing is more unsightly than raw flower beds near the -windows of the house, in midsummer, and we therefore greatly prefer the beauty of a few rich circles or groups like these, to the lean and parched appearance which long beds of miscellaneous flowers exhibit when placed in direct proximity to the dweUing. The ti-ailing Verbenas and Petunias are very showy plants, blooming perpetuaUy during the whole season, and are there fore admirably adapted to this purpose. As they wiU not stand our winters, they must be treated as annuals ; or preserved by taking smaU plants up in pots, in autumn, and keeping them in the green-house or a frame, planting them out again in April. The foUowing varieties are recommended : Verbenas Robinson's defiance (scarlet). Petunia Hebe. St. Margaret (crimson). Eclipse. Hermione (blue). Rosy mom. Beauty supreme (pink). King of crimsons. Sir Seymour (white). New white. Lady Alice Peel. A great number of beautiful monthly roses, including the Noisettes, the common China, or Bengal, and the Tea and the 108 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. Bourbon varieties, may be procm-ed in the nurseries. These require a rich loamy soil, where they will bloom in great pro fusion all the summer, and until winter frosts overtake them. The Bourbon roses are especially remarkable for the size, the abundance, fragrance, and the beauty of their blossoms. Th? following selection includes some of the most desirable sorts, all everblooming or monthly. BOURBON ROSES. Souvenir de Majmaison, large, shell color. Paul Joseph, rich, deep crimson. Madame Angelina, white, tinged with fawn. Triomphe de Luxembourg, rosy bronze. Acidalie, white, or pale blush. Madame Deprez, rose, large and very double. General Dubourg, do., very fragrant. Hermosa, rose colored. Gloire de France, or Neumann. Queen, rosy fawn. BEN&Al. ROSES. Mrs. Bosanquet, pale flesh. Louis Philippe, deep crimson. Agrippina, crimson or striped. Double White Daily. Queen of Lombardy, cherry color. Semperflorens, or Sanguinea. Roi de Cramoisies, rich crimson. Marjolin, superb dark red. Leonidas, bright rose. NOISETTE ROSES. Champney's cluster, blush. Aimee Vibert, pure vihite. Fellemberg, crimson. Cloth of Gold, ^ne yellow. Conque de Venus, delicate blush. Jaune Desprez, creamy blush. Lamarque, pale yellow. Smith's yellow, large and fragrant. Grandifiora, large blush. Sir Walter Scott, purple. Joan of Arc, white. Charles X., bright red. TEA ROSES. Odorata, or Common blush Tea. Devoniensis, creamy white. Caroline, fine blush. Josephine Malton, yellowish white. Princesse Marie, rosy blush. Bougere, glossy fawn. Aurora, pale straw. Clara Sylvian, /ne. Goubelt, bright rose. COTTAGE EESmENCES. 109 Nearly aU the varieties of China Eoses may be cultivated in the open air, with a. trifling covering of straw or litter over the tops in winter, to prevent their being injured by sudden thawing after severe frosts. The two flower borders h, being each more than one hundred and fifty feet long, will contain a large collection of flowering plants, both annuals and perennials. The latter being more permanent and more showy, are to be chiefly employed, but small spaces should be left at intervals along the borders to allow the sowing of annuals, as the latter bloom profusely during midsummer and autumn, when comparatively few perennials are in flower. We have already remarked that, in order to attain the most beautiful effect from such flower borders, two rules must be observed : the first is, to arrange the plants so that the taUer and coarser growing shall be furthest from the front of the border, the smallest near the Walk; and the second that the collection' should consist of a due proportion of plants blooming in the different months through the whole season. As to perform this will, perhaps, require more knowledge of the habits of herbaceous plants than many of our readers possess, we give the foUowing Ust for the purpose of assisting them in stocking beds of this description, so as to produce satisfactory results. 110 COTTAGE EESIDENOES. LIST OF PERENNIAL BORDER FLOWERS, Arranged according to their period of blooming, with theii height. FLOWERING IN APRIL. From 6 to 12 inches. Anemone thalictroides, pi. Double wood Anemone ; white. Adonis vemalis. Spring flovfer Adonis ; yellow. Corydalis cucularia. Breeches flower ; white. Anemone pulsatilla. P.asque flower ; blue. Anemone hepalica, pi. Double Hepaticas ; blue. Viola odorata, pi. Double white and blue European Violets. Omphalodes verna. Blue Venus Navelwort. Polemonium reptans. Greek Valerian ; blue. Phlox stolonifera. Creeping Phlox ; red. Primula veris. The Cowslip ; yellow and red. Primula polyanlha. The Polyanthus ; purple. Primula auricula. The Auricula; purple. Viola tricolor. Heart's Ease, or Pansy ; many colors and sorts. Viola grandifiora. Purple Pansy. Phlox subulata. Moss Pink Phlox. Phlox nivea. White Moss Pink. Gentiana acaulis. Dwarf Gentian ; purple. CLASS n. From 1 to 2 feet high. Phlox divaricata. Early purple Phlox. Saxifraga crassifolia. Thick leaved Saxifrage ; lilac. Dodecatheon meadia. American Cowslip ; lilac. COITAGt; EESIDENCES. Ill Pulmonaria virginica. Virginian Lungwort ; purple. Alyssum saxatile. Golden Basket; yellow. TroUius europeus. European Globe flower ; yellow. MAY. From 6 /o 12 inches high. Veronica gentianoides. Gentian leaved Speedwell; blue. .hffersonia diphylla. Two-leaved JefFersonia ; white. Lysamachia nummularia. Trailing Loose-strife ; yellow. Convallaria majalis. Lily of the Valley ; v^fhite. Saponaria ocymoides. Basil-like Soapwort ; red. Phlox pilosa. Hairy Phlox ; red. Housionia carulea. Blue Houstonia. From 1 to 2 feet high. Coronilla varia. .Changeable •Coronilla; pink. Ptconia tenuifolia. Fine-leaved Paeony ; red. Corydalis formosa. Showy Corydalis ; red. Veronica spicata. Blue-spiked Speedwell. Pentstemon ovata. Oval-leaved Pentstemon ; blue. Pentstemon atropurpureus. Dark purple Pentstemon. Orobus niger. Dark purple Vetch. Anchusa Ilalica. Italian Bugloss ; blue. Ranunculus acris, pi. Double Buttercups ; yellow. Tradescantia virginica. Blue and white Spiderwort. Lupinus polyphyllus. Purple Lupin. Iris siberica. Siberian Iris ; blue. Lupinus Nootkaensis. Nootka Sound Lupin ; blue. Hesperis matronalis, alba, pi. The Double White Rocket 113 OOTTAGE EESIDENCES. Phlox suaveolens. The white Phlu.x, or Lychnidea. Phlox maculata. The purple spotted Phlox. Lupinus perennis and ricularis. Perennial Lupins ; blue. Lychnis flos cuculi, pi. Double Ragged-Robin; red. AquUegia canadensis. Wild Columbine : scarlet. 2 feet and higher. Papaver orientalis. Oriental scarlet Poppy. Iris florentina. Florentine Iris ; white. PcEonia albiflora. Single white Pasony. Hemerocallis flava. The yellow Day-lily. JUNE. From 6 1 anting your stone fruits in an enclosure by themselves, and letting the swine run in it during the season when the green fruit is faUing. DESIGN" VII. AN 1RREGUL\R COTTVGE l>f THE OLD ENGLISH STVLE. Fig. .55. PRINCIPAL FLOOR. F'vx. .W. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 131 DESIGN VII. An irregular cottage, in the old English style. The situation for this cottage may be in a richly wooded plain, or a sequestered valley. It belongs to that class of richly decorated, rural Gothic edifices, abounding in carved verge-boards and pendants, clustered chimney tops, and irre gular outlines. There is something of freedom, or at least quaint richness in its detaUs — something indicating a certain license of architectural imagination, not to be precisely measured by the standard of the rule and square, or the strictly utilitai'ian view. Now a cottage of this class must not, in any case, be erected on a bare plain, or even one comparatively so, as in such a place all its pictm'esqueness would seem out of keeping — unmeaning — and absurd. But let it be partially hidden, or half concealed by clustering foliage, and assimilated, as it were, -with nature, by the interlacing and entwining branches and boughs around it, and of which its ornaments are in some degree a repetition, and we shall feel it to be in perfect unison with its situation. Whoever has seen one of these cottages, -with its rich gables breaking out from among the intricacy of taU stems and shadowy foliage, will readily confess that he has rarely beheld anything more harmonious and delightful, than the charming effect thereby produced. Some one has truly remarked that the architecture of our ^ \ 132 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. dwellings is most appropriate, when it embodies and breathes forth a home eapression ; a character to which we think the rural Gothic, with its quaint, independent, comfortable, and extended air, seems fully to lay claim. In arranging the plan of the interior of this cottage. Fig. 66, we have had convenience, as well as elegance, in our mind. The neat porch which shelters the front door, is provided with suitable seats ou either side, which should be made to corre spond with the architecture. On opening this door we find ourselves in the vestibule, or entrance haU. This we shall suppose fitted up with a dado or base, three and a half feet high, of wood grained in imitation of oak or black walnut, and the walls painted of some grave color, to give greater effect to the rooms. The vestibule opens on the left into a pleasant little room, 12 by 18 feet, which may be devoted to a study or library, and neatly fitted up with book-cases. In building, it will be found, that recesses may be left in the walls for these book-cases, so that they will occupy but little epace in the apartment. On the opposite side of the hall is the living or dining-room, 17 by 18 feet. This room is lighted by one of the large, square, muUioned -windows, so common in the old English houses, which should be finished on the inside with a window-seat. A china closet is made on the right of the chimney breast in this room, and on the other side of the hall are a pantry and a store-room, of good size, very conveniently disposed. The dining-room communicates with the parlor or drawing- room on its right. The drawing-room is, of course, the finest room in size, aspect, and proportion, in the house, being 22 by 19 feet, with a fine semihexagon bay, which, projecting boldly. ODTTAGE EESIDENCES. 1,33 will give three distinct views to a person standing within it. We would have the ceiling of this and the dining-room ribbed, and perhaps slightly arched, in the form of two inclined planes, rising 8 or 10 inches from the side walls, to the highest part of the ceiling. The wood-work of the whole of this story should be finished simply and consistently, that is, with suit able Gothic mouldings, and the whole should be painted and grained in imitation of oak, or of black walnut. The effect of the rooms wiU be still more pleasing, if the walls are colored some harmonious neutral tint.* The furniture should be in strict character with the style of the house, which may be easily obtained, without any additional expense, by choosing simple and suitable forms. At the end of the hall leading to the drawing-room, is a bedroom, 19 by 13 feet, with a closet. This would make a convenient bedroom for the master and mistress of the house. Adjoining it is a dressing-room, which, if neatly and tastefully fitted up with everything appertaining to a lady's toUet, will give this bedroom a highly comfortable and refined air. The staircase is placed at the other extremity of this hall, and it may be made more private or secluded, if it is thought desirable, by an oaken screen of open woodwork. Under this staircase is constructed a descending flight leading to the cellar. • We take pleasure in recommending to those who wish to fit up the interior of a cottage or vUla beautifully, Mr. George Platt, decorative artist, 12 Spruce- street, New York. The great variety of ornaments in the different styles to be found at his warehouse, and the correct tiste and skill with which they are applied by him to the decoration of apartments; fiilly entitle him to the ample patronage which he now receives. ISi COTTAGE EESIDENCES. On the sides of the passage leading from the hall to the kitchen, are the pantry, the larder, and the store-room. By placing these most useful and convenient appendages in this position, we not only make them at once easily accessible from the kitchen or the dining-room, but we also remove the kitchen, with its concomitant noises and odors, to some distance from the main hall, and these may be stiU further lessened in effect, by having a door at both ends of this passage, to be shut when required. The kitchen itself is 16 feet square ; it is amply lighted and ventilated, and communicates directly with the open air, by the passage at the further side. In this passage is a servants' staircase, communicating with the apartments in the chamber story. SECOND FLOOR [Fig. 57.] The chamber story contains abundar/t accommodation for a COTTAGE EESroENCES. 135 cottage. There are three handsome bedrooms, and two of a smaller size. That over the drawing-room being the largest, and the most beautiful in form, may be kept as the " state bedroom," being fitted up with all the appliances of comfort in its furniture and fixtures. The little room over the porch wUl make a delightful room for a bachelor, or if one of the young ladies takes a fancy to it, it will make a little bijou of a boudoir, the oriel window giving a character of novelty and beauty to the whole apartment. On the second fioor of the kitchen wing are a bath-room, near the main hall (which may be supplied with hot water by pipes leading to a boiler in the kitchen below), and three servants' bedrooms. There is also a water-closet at the end of the passage in this wing, the discharge pipe from which is concealed in the partition, in a closed trunk or chamber. This class of dweUings abroad, is frequently covered with thatch, which has a pleasing, rustic effect. But our snowy and changeable climate will soon destroy so frail a material, and it is therefore unfit for covering the roofs of buUdings for habita tion. Our best shingles, however, afford an excellent material for covering roofs, and if those of good size and thickness are chosen, and shaped as we have directed in a former page, they wUl have a picturesque and agreeable effect, and make a very durable roof, when painted with the cheap, coarse paint, now so generally used for this purpose. The roof of this cottage should be extended boldly, say two to three feet, to give force and expression to the exterior, and to protect the walls fully. The ends of the rafters are projected, so as to appear as visible supports at the eaves. A verge-board is shown on a larger scale in Fig. 58. This would be suitable for the porch gable. 136 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. [Fjg 58.] and the others may be made simpler and still bolder, with good effect. The chimney-tops should be characteristically made of ornamental moulded bricks, or shafts may be selected of pretty patterns, in cut stone. Although the partitions in which the diiing-room and study fines are carried up, are not in the centre, it will be easy to draw over these stacks in .the garret, so as to bring them out at the ridge or apex of the roof, which will have the best effect. A plan of the bay window is shown in Fig. 59, in which COTTAGE B^Y WINDOW. the lusidc shuttcTS fold into [Fig. 59.] boxes on each side. In a country where good bricks are abundant, and easUy obtained, we should prefer to build this cottage of good smooth COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 137 brick. The raw and disagreeable color of new brick we would destroy, by painting it three good coats in oil, of some one of the neutral shades given in a previous illustration, perhaps that one designated f. By building it of brick, in tho best manner, we should not only have solid enduring walls, but, to those famiUar with English cottage architecture, it would have an agreeable effect, by creating an allusion to the same material chiefiy employed in that country. All the exterior wood-work in this cottage (except the roof) we would either make of real oak, and oil it, when it woidd assume a warm rich tone of color, by the effects of time, or we wordd paint and grain it in imitation of oak. If either of these modes should be considered too expensive, it may be plainly painted the same color as the house, or a few shades darker. Should the execution of such a design as this fall into the hands of an ordinary country carpenter, without suitable working drawings from an architect, the probabUity is that he would destroy its beauty and character by reducing all its characteristic features to the most meagre level, untU all the boldnes^nd spirit of the style would be lost. He wiU cut the gable ornaments out of thin boards, make the muUions of the windows of slender timber, reduce the projection of the roof, and the irregularity of the ground plan. If the amateur buUder is so unfortunate as to faU into the hands of such a person, he wiU be very likely to get the emaciated shadow of the rural Gothic cottage, not its bold, picturesque, and striking reality. We mention this to put our reader, whose taste may lead him to build a cottage in this style, on his guard ; and we advise him, as in the end the most economical and most satisfactory 138 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. mode, to employ a competent builder, and to procure accurate working drawings from an architect of ability before he com mences. Estimate. The cost of this cottage, buUt in the manner we have here suggested, would be about $7600. THE GEOUNDS OF THIS EESIDENCE. In designing this cottage, we have had in view a quiet, sequestered situation in a long valley, or rather dale, in which there are ten or twelve acres of nearly level land, pretty well clothed with a natural growth of forest trees, and backed on either side by wooded hills fifty or eighty feet above the level of the dale. There is an entrance lodge at the point where the approach diverges from the main road b. Fig. 60, which is to be built in the same style as the cottage, but in a more simple and rustic manner. From this point the approach leads by a graceful curve to the house c, and from thence to the stable and other farm buildings d, having a gravel sweep for turning carriages in front of the porch, and another for discharging arlJftles from a cart at the kitchen door e. In its original state, the whole of the surface of this dale from ./ to g, is thickly covered with wood. This we propose to thin out and render an ornamental and interesting part of the place. by leading through it the series of plants marked i in the plan. These walks would be cool and shady in summer, and would have a delightful sylvan character at all seasons. In thinning out a natural wood on a place like this a good deal of care and judgment is necessary to obtain a pleasing effect, and preserve COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 139 .Q O 0«C^ c;) o O // [Fig. 60.] 14:0 COTTAGE EESroENCES. the best trees in good condition.* "V^^re we to go into the wood and thin out the trees here and there, so as to leave the finest specimens standing singly, the probability is that these trees, thus suddenly losing the support of their fellows that had grown up in close contact with them on evei'v side, would be blown down and destroyed by the first severe autumnal gale accompanied with rain. Good judgment, as well as good taste, wUl rather dictate that we should thin them out in masses here and there, leaving pretty open glades h, at intervals, which being soon covered with a fine green turf, and catching the gleams of sunlight, will be a charming contrast to the groups and thickets around. The trees thus left in groups and masses, will afford each other protection and support against the wind, and will gradually strengthen and expand in their roots and heads, until they become luxuriant and spreading. We should bear in mind also, not to trim off the lower branches of such trees, unless they are dead or unsightly ; as they wUl probably never be replaced, and the highest beauty of a tree as an ornamental object, consists in its being parh-liJce, that is, luxuriantly feathered with foliage quite down to the ground. These walks, after traversing the little wood, lead to the summit of the hill, where a rustic arbor k, serves as a resting place, and affords a pleasant view. On the supposition that the surface on the right of the walk i (where it first leaves the house), is open, or clothed with a few scattered trees, we will introduce a rich belt m. of flowering shrubs on the side of this * Always lay bare the roots, and dig or cut out the tree below the surface of the soil. This -will leave the ground clear, and not covered by straggling stumps, vfhich it is after-wards more difficult to extricate than to cut the whole tree out properly. COTTAGE EESmENCES. 141 walk. This belt will be a pleasant contrast in its lively show of blossoms, to the graver character of the forest trees, and it will serve the important purpose of concealing this walk from a person coming up the approach and vice versd. ; a circum stance which should never be lost sight of in places of moderate size, where it is always desirable to increase their apparent dimensions. On the line of this approach, as there were not trees in suffi cient abundance to give it a wooded appearance, we should plant some fine maples, elms, and sycamores, and near the house some European larches, Scotch elms, and other exotic trees. As the trees already clothing the place are large, and as all newly plant ed trees -will therefore be likely to look somewhat insignificant fbr a few years, we should be careful to prepare the soil thoroughly as previously described, before planting them. This wiU not only cause them to grow much more vigorously, but it will give them almost at once a luxuriant appearance, which goes very far to lessen the apparent disparity between a large tree and a small one ; as we never despair o'f that which we see making rapid advances. A regular, symmetrical fiower garden is only in good keeping -vrith a Grecian, Italian, or other highly architectural building. For a cottage of a highly rural air, like the present, something is required of a less formal character, and which shaU leave a little more room for the exercise of the fancy. Such an hregular flower garden n, we have designated (on a very small scale) on the right of the house, which is looked into from the dra-wing-room -windows. It will be seen that the beds are irregular, and that the whole garden is surrounded by an irregular plantation of smaU ornamental trees and flowering 142 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. shrubs.* The beds may be surrounded by turf kept neatly mown, or by gravel ; or a gravel walk may be led through the centre of the space between the beds, and a border of turf left on either side wide enough for walking upon. The latter wiU perhaps be the preferable mode, as in damp weather the hard, firm gravel will be preferred, and in warm sunny days the soft turf will be more agreeable to the tread. The kitchen garden o, is placed in the rear of the house, in a sheltered position between the rising ground on either side. From the barn and stables a lane^, leads to the farm land in grass and tiUage beyond, which has a separate back entrance leading into the public road. When a place like this occurs, as it occasionally does, in the midst of a more cultivated and less wooded neighborhood, it wiU be a delightful surprise, with its highly picturesque air, to a stranger entering it for the first time. It will be a much easier place to render effective than a level plain with few trees, if we carefully study the natural expression of the scene, and only attempt to heighten, not to alter it by our improvements. In the wooded walk, which is the principal feature of interest in this place, there will doubtless be many beautiful wild plants growing naturally. These we should by all means foster, and we may increase their charm by collecting from other and richer localities aU the ornamental indigenous plants, which may be made to thrive in such a situation. * A larger plan of a flo-wer garden of this description may be found in our Treatise on Landscape Gardening. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 143 A cottage in the same style, suitable for a gate lodge far this residence, or for a small fa/mil/y. In the opposite Ulustration, Fig. 61, we have indicated a very simple cottage in the same stjde as Design VH., which would be well adapted for a lodge at the entrance gate b. In this situation it would probably be occupied by the gardener, the farmer, or some family in the employment of the proprietor of this residence. When a stranger entered the place, this cottage would of course first arrest his attention, and with its old English, and pretty rural expression, would serve as a prelude or agreeable preparation for the more varied and extensive cottage of the owner of the demesne. It would otherwise make a neat and picturesque dwelUng, if properly located, for a smaU, respectable family, who wish to lead a quiet and simple life. Although its accommodation is limited, yet it may be made to assume an air of taste and neat ness, always agreeable to the mind, and often more striking in its effect, when met with in perfection in a charming little cottage, than in a stately mansion. An examination of the plans of the interior, Figs. 62 and 63, will show the arrangement of the rooms. There is a parlor or living-room, lighted by two windows, one of them a bay win dow, and adjoining it a pantry, a bedroom, and kitchen on the first fioor. On the second fioor are two bedrooms, a large closet or wardrobe, and a smaller closet for linen. The kitchen is a •wing added in the rear, with a gable and roof joining the main roof in a simUar manner to that over the porch in the view of the front. The construction of this cottage is so similar to that 144 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. of Design VII. just described .that -ft'e need not repeat the details. Much of the pleasing effect of the most ornamental English cottages of this kind, arises from the employment of vines and other climbing plants of different sorts, which,' growing over and partly concealing portions of the exterior, render them, rich with blossoms, verdure and fragrance, perfect wonders of rural beauty. For this pm-pose our Virginia Creeper, the Trumpet monthly Honeysuckles, the Boursault, the Double Prairie, and the English White Climbing Eoses, are most suitable in this climate. Estimate. This cottage may be built of wood for $830. BESIOX VMI. A VILLA IN TIIE ITAl.I \N STVLE. Fig. C4. PRINCIPAL FLOOR Fig. 65. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 145 DESIGN VIII. A Villa m the ItaUan Style, This is a design in the modern Italian style, some of the merits of which we have previously pointed out. It wiU be at once perceived that, while this mode retains much of the expression of the Grecian style, it has far more variety, and a much more domestic . character than the latter. The charac teristic quality of the purest specimens of Grecian architecture, is elegant simplicity, and it is a quality which is most appro priately displayed in a temple. On the other hand we should say that the characteristic quality of the modern ItaUan buUd ings is elegant variety, which is most fitly exhibited in a tasteful viUa. The great simplicity of form of the first is highly suited to a temple, where the singleness of purpose to which it is devoted appears symbolized in the simple Oneness of the whole edifice ; the irregularity of the second is equaUy in unison with the variety of wants, occupations, and pleasures, which compose the routine of domestic life. In our last design we have shown a cottage highly suited to a romantic vale, or sylvan nook, by the rustic picturesqueness of its ensemble ; the present one is equally appropriate for an open smiling plain, diversified by hill and dale, and sprinkled with groups and masses of trees. The more finished and archi tectural character of the buUding requires less the support of 10 146 COTTAGE EEfelDENCES. thickets of trees and intricacy of scenery to produce a harmo nious union. The elegance of an Italian viUa is produced mainly by the assemblage of simple and effective lines in its exterior, but it is also greatly enhanced by the introduction of such beautiful and refined features as the terrace with its omamental balustrade and vases, and the balcony with its shade or canopy. The terrace is a paved walk or smooth area, higher than the adjoining grounds, and twenty or more feet in width, sur rounded by a handsome balustrade of stone, or of wood formed to imitate heavy Italian balusters. At suitable distances along the top of this balustrade, may be placed vases of terra cotta, artificial stone, or more costly materials, and of classic forms, in proper keeping with the style of the building. As an object of taste the terrace is universally admired, because it serves to connect, by a gradual transition, so highly artificial an object as an architectural dwelling, with the more simple forms of natural objects around. There is felt to be something incon gruous in a highly finished house set down, as we sometimes see it, without the least reason or preparation, in the middle of a green lawn ; but let the base of the house extend itself by a handsome terrace, and let the characteristic forms of the building be occasionally repeated near by, in the shape of a few pedestals -with vases, or other sculptured objects, and there is at once produced a harmonious union between the architec ture and the landscape, or, in other words, between the house .and the grounds. As an object of utUity, the terrace is a most comfortable and ^agreeable feature, affording a firm, dry, and secure walk, sunny and warm in the mid-day of winter, and cool and airy in the COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 147 mornings and evenings of summer. From it, in many situa tions, access is had to the flo-w%r garden, the luxuriant creeping and climbing plants of which, enwreathing gracefully here and there the balustrade, or hanging in clusters of rich blossoms about the sculptured vase, increase the harmony growing out of this artistically contrived union of nature and art. In this cottage villa of very moderate size, we have endea vored to combine several of the peculiar beauties of the Italian style. Its fagade, see Fig. 64, comprises a square tower or campanile, an arcade or Italian veranda, the triple, round- arched windows, and the ridged or furrowed roof; and on the left is seen a portion of the terrace, which extends along the whole south side of the building. In the stack of chimneys to the left, is sho-wn the usual Italian form ; in the central one, of loftier dimensions (which we have there introduced to improve the composition by giving it a more pyramidal outline), we have copied one not uncommon in Florence. In its accommodation this house is moderate, and yet we trust it will be found convenient and agreeable. The front door is approached from the arcade, or veranda of the entrance front. Fig. 65. Opening this we arrive in the entrance-hall, which may be very completely connected with the veranda when the door and window are open in summer. The stair case is conveniently, and yet privately situated, as it is placed in a separate di-vision of the hall, which may be excluded any time by a door between them. At the side of the haU opposite the front door, is the dining-room, 17 by 20 feet, with a pantiy opening into it on the left. Proceeding to the door at the left end of the hall, we enter the drawing-room, 20 by 22 feet, opening by its two casement windows to the terrace, and 148 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. enjoying a fine view of the lawn through the large projecting window on the front. Directly tn the rear of this room is the library, more quiet and secluded in its position, and of less size, but therefore more in character -with the purposes for which it is destined.We must not forget the boudoir, situated at the other extremity of the haU, which occupies the lower part of the tower. This may be very tastefuUy and prettUy fitted up, and used by the lady of the house as a morning room for receiving social caUs ; or, if preferred, it would serve admirably as a dressing-room, and -with a cabinet bedstead, as a bedroom at night when necessary. There is a private, or back door to the haU, at the end of the passage leading into this boudoir. SECOND [Fig. 66.] FLOOR By a glance at the plan of the second floor, Fig. 66, the number and sizes of the sleeping apartments -wiU be readUy understood. There are five bedrooms of different dimensions, including that in the tower, from which a Ught and fanciful open stairs may lead to the apartment in the campanile, serving COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 149 as a belvidere or observatory. There is a large linen closet in the front hall, and wardrobe-'closets may be made in each of the bedrooms. The basement of this house may contain a kitchen directly beneath the dining-room, a cellar under the drawing-room, a store-room and laundry under the library, and a man-servant's bedroom in the basement of the tower. Although from the strong contrasts of light and shade in an Italian elevation like this, there is much boldness and painter like effect, yet, as these arise chiefly from the employment of a few strong lines and well marked features, the Italian, it will be perceived, is a comparatively easy and an economical style. In this country, especially, it -will for some time be found that a building in this style may be erected with less troubk than one like the preceding design, because the ordinary mechanics are aU famiUar with the details of Grecian architecture, which are chiefly employed, with slight variations, in its execution. An important advantage which the Italian architecture possesses over the Greek, is the very great capacity which its hregular form offers for additions that may be wanted at any future period. One of our Greek-temple dweUing-houses, on the other hand, is originally so complete in its form, that its fair proportions would be greatly marred by adding any apartments that the comfort or convenience of the family might suggest, when increased m wealth or number. In carrying the present design into practice, should it be preferred to enlarge or extend it by adding a kitchen and offices on the first floor, a wing for this purpose might be extended to the right of the dining-room, a Httle in the rear of the tower, which, if judiciously composed, would heighten the effect of the whole pUe of building, by 150 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. giving it greater extent and irregularity, two important elements of beauty in Italian villa architecture. Construction. We would either build this house of the smoothest and best brick, and paint it in some' soft, pleasing sliade, or of the roughest brick, and coat it with the best cement, colored to resemble a light mellow stone. The solidity of the architecture would scarcely permit the employment of wood, as a material for the whole of this edifice, although the lighter character of the bracketted Italian (Design V.) is well suited to wood. Should economy oblige us to construct the balcony and terrace balustrades of wood, th^ should be made in a bold manner, and thoroughly painted and sanded, to imitate the material of the house. In Fig. 67 is shown the Italian balcony, in Fig. 68, the arcade on [Fig. 67.] ARCADE [Fig. 68.] the entrance front, both to a larger scale. The central Flo rentine chimney, which is of a very handsome description, ia COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 151 [Kig. 69. shown in Fig. 69. The body of this chimney- top may be built of common bricks, and the ornamental apex or summit of cut stone. The roof is one of the most striking features in this style, which arises (on the continent) from its being made ornamental by employing large furrowed tiles. When these are not at hand, the effect may be easily imitated, by a covering of tin or zinc put on in the ridge manner, the ribs being made bold and heavy. This is not only a handsome, but an equally economical and a much more secure mode, than the common one, of soldering the whole surface, generally prac tised. The roof of a house in this style, is made sufSciently steep, to render the latter unnecessary. In painting it, either a dark brown or slate color should be chosen. Estimate. This design would cost $8800, if the balustrades. etc., were cut of free-stone. If made of wood $7600. AEEANGEMENT OF THE GEOUNDS, A house like this would naturaUy demand a situation where some considerable extent of ground could be obtained. It would be highly suitable for a handsome villa residence in the country, of a moderate size, comprising from 80 to 150 acres of land. A large portion of this would be kept under culture, and would serve to give employment to the proprietor in his character of an amateur farmer. Near the house ten or twenty acres may be devoted to la-wn, all of which may be kept mown ; that nearest the house being of course more neatly and more frequently clipped by the scythe, to accord with the air 162 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. of elegance and poUsh always to be observed in the precincts of a handsome dwelling. In the plan here given. Fig. 70, we have attempted to con vey an idea of the arrangement of that portion of the grounds directly about the house, as our previous examples have probably given sufficient hints to the management of the more distant and extended portions, including tlie approach. The trees introduced in this design should be chiefly those of large finely rounded heads, and graceftd sweeping branches, and they should be grouped in such a manner as to allow them to deve lope themselves in their utmost beauty of form on every side. The dwelling a, we have placed on a Uttle fable of land descending gently on every side, and about one hundred and twenty feet distant from the shore of a pretty little natural lake on the left. The approach leading from the public road through the demesne to the house is shown, in part, at 5 / a graveUed sweep for carriages c, is formed in front of the arcade, and the road d, leading to the stable and farm buildings, branches off at the right of the house. The most important feature in this plan which we shaU endeavor to describe here, is the architectural fiower garden e, which wUl be seen occupying a considerable space on the left of the house. The terrace /, the beauty and utility of which we have already insisted upon, Ues in this direction, ser-ving as a kind of beautiful extended base to the house. We shaU suppose this idea stiU further carried out in the architectural flower garden, which surrounds this terrace, and which, lying directly below it, affords a fine display from the windows of the dravring-room and library. We are not admirers of geometric or formal flower gardens COTTAGE EESroENCES. 153 [Fig. 70.] 154 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. like this, considered by themselves, and merely as fiower gar dens, because we think a natural arrangement is more replete with beauty and grace, and is capable of affording a much higher kind of pleasure. But this kind of architectural fiower garden, so common in Italy, and so appropriate an accompani ment to residences of this kind, requires to be regarded in another light. It is not only a garden for the display of plants, but it is a garden of architectural and floral •beauty combined ; it is as much an accessory of the building as a portion of the grounds, and therefore it very properly exhibits much of the regularity and symmetry of architectural forms and composi tions. It contains plants, trees, and shrubs, it is true, in great profusion, but the beauty of these is heightened, and rendered more brilliant, by the introduction of elegant vases, sculptured urns, or perhaps a few statues of floral deities, or busts of distinguished persons. Those who have never seen the lively effect that may be produced by a garden of this kind, joined to an elegant vUla, the architectural forms of which seem repeated in the garden and thus beautifully harmonized with nature, can scarcely conceive how charming it appears. A summer moonlight walk on this terrace, while we hear the silence broken only by the gentle murmur of the fountain at e, and see, softly gleaming in the silvery beams, the sculptured vases, clustered over partially by luxuriant climbers, and backed by dark masses of rich waving shrubs and flowers, would be sufficient to remind one, of even the most indifferent poetical temperament, of the garden of Boccaccio, -Where, half conceal'd, the eye of fancy views Fauns, nymphs, and winged saints, all gracious to his muse. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 15£ Still in the garden let me watch their pranks. And see in Dian's vest between the ranks Of the trim vines, some maid that half believes The vestal fires, of which her lover grieves, 'With that sly satyr peeping through the leaves ! CoLERineE. In the example of this kind of garden attached to this house we should not expect to find so costly a decoration as marble vases introduced, but all the beauty of form, and nearly all that of material, may be obtained at a very moderate cost, suited to our more economical habits in this country, in vases and orna ments of terra cotta, or artificial stone.'* The exorbitant price paid for some single article of fashionable furnitm-e, such as we not unfrequently find in our country-houses of this class, would embeUish a whole architectural garden with vases. It should always be remembered that all ^^^^._,.^o^,i.^ vases, urns, or other sculptured ornaments for gardens or grounds, should be placed on pro per pedestals, plinths, or bases, to serve as a firm support. A pedestal not only secures a firm and an upright position, but it gives a dignity and importance to the vase as a work , | of art, which it would not have if it were loosely and carelessly placed upon the ground, or the gravel walk. A simple form for such ^^s 7i.] a pedestal is shown in Fig. 71, b, but a great variety of a more * Some specunens of terra cotta vases may be found at the Salamander "Works, Cannon-street, New York. Those in artificial stone may be had at Gibson's or Goodwin's "Warehouses. 156 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. ornamental description wiU be suggested by a study of classical antique designs. This garden, octagonal in its form, we would surround by a light and low balustrade-lUie fence, Ic, to be partially concealed by creepers. At the angles of this fence we would place pedestals for supports m, each to be crowned by a vase of some simple form. These pedestals, and those in the interior of the garden that we intend for vases, are designed by the X mark on the plan. The beds, or parterres, for fiowers we would border with box, that being a very regular, architectural looking plant, and a yery permanent one for this purpose. The walks should be of gravel, made hard and firm by the "use of the roller. The collection of plants chosen for the garden may vary somewhat to suit the taste of the proprietor, but the most satisfactory result wUl be attained by choosing such shrabs and herbaceous plants as are distinguished for richness and depth of color in their foliage and for a massy and luxuriant habit of growth, as well as for beauty or delicacy of blossom. AU lean, starved, and meagre looking plants, mere botanical rarities, or such as are pretty for a short time, and then only remain to offend the eye and destroy the general ensernble of luxuriant verdure and bloom, should be rejected from a garden of this kind. It will be a fortunate circumstance should a spring exist somewhere on a neighboring height, whence it may be brought in concealed pipes to supply this fountain. When this is out of the question, a cistern constructed in the upper story of some outbuilding, at no great distance, may afford a sufficient supply for playing in the evening, or at certain times during the day. The French have an ingenious method of raising water from COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 157 a well for this purpose, which has been put in practice in some places in this country at little expense. A small wooden tower or square building is placed in a convenient position, over a well, and where it is not too conspicuous an object, and fur nished with saUs like a windmill, and a simple shaft and appa ratus for drawing water by means of a pump to a cistern of good capacity in the top of the tower. This wUl furnish a fountain, ftr jet d''eau of moderate size, with a sufficient supply of water during the whole summer at little trouble, and without intermission, if the cistern be made large enough to hold a smaU over-supply for an occasional calm day. A stiU simpler mode of raising water for such purposes is the hyd/ra/ulic ram,, lately brought into common use, and sold at aU the agricultural warehouses. Where a spring or smaU brook can be com manded, that -wiU fUl constantly a leaden pipe of one and a quarter inches in bore, the hydrauUc ram may be used to raise water to the tops of buildings or the highest parts of the grounds at very moderate expense. 158 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. DESIGN IX. A cottage in the Italian, or Tuscan style. The design for this cottage. Fig. 72, has been kindly sent us for this work by J. Notman, Esq., Architect, of Philadelphia. In the plan of the principal story. Fig. 73, there is an entrance hall with a handsome staircase, and an apartment on either side ; that on the right being a parlor, and that on the left a dining-room. In the piers on either side of the staircase, are spaces which designate hot-air fines, which proceed from the furnace in the basement, and by means of registers, warm all the apartments in the house, although the four principal ones have fire-places besides, fur occasional use if necessary. The first flight of stairs ascends half the story, and on a level with the landing here is the broad and airy balcony in the rear, entered by a fair round-headed window, opening to the floor. Underneath, this balcony forms a kind of partly enclosed apartment, serving as a wash-room or outer-kitchen in summer. There is also a balcony over the recessed porch in front, which is a pleasant appendage to the chamber floor. This floor. Fig. 74, affords three pleasant bedrooms, and there is a DESIGN IX. A COTTACJE IN TIIE ITALIAN, OR TUSCAN STVLE. Fig. 72. PRINCIPAL FLOOR Fig. 73. COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 159 SECOND STORY [Fig. 74.] fourth of more ample size in the third story of the central portion of the cottage, which is, both with regard to its proportions and the fine bird's-eye view it commands, a very pleasant apartment. The plan of the basement. Fig. 75, sufficiently explains itself [Fig. 75. In the middle of the hall below is the fumace for supplying heated air, and on either side are the kitchen, the store-room, and the ftiel cellar. 160 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. This design, Mr. JS^otman remarks, might be altered and improved, without any variation of the present form, by elongating the flanks, and adding a suite of rooms in the rear. It may be built of brick and cement, or of wood ; and a very simple kind of interior finish would be in the best taste for a (¦ottage of this class. The roof mav be covered with tin, zinc, f>r shingles, and the joints, bet^veen the roof of the wings and the wall of the central portion, should be well protected bv broad lead or copper fiashings, or strips, running up a foot or more on the roof and wall, and being built in the latter in the usual manner. Estimate. This cottage, well constructed of solid materials, and neatly finished, would cost $3000. K built of wood, filled in with brick, the expense might be slightly reduced. The Design has been executed in a more elegant and costly manner near Philadelphia. AEEANGEMENT OF THE GEOUND. For the sake of illustration, we shall suppose this to be a suburban dwelling, placed upon a long and narrow lot of ground, that being the most common form near towns, and the most difficult one to render agreeable or interesting. Its dimensions maj' be 120 feet broad by 375 feet deep, and it may extend from the street in front to another in the rear. The first object of the proprietor of this cottage we shall suppose to be the production of a large crop of fruit and vegetables of every description, and the second to render the whole garden rather tasteful and agreeable, by a skilful distri bution of his materials and arrangement of walks. We shall COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 161 suppose no trees introduced solely for ornament, except on the small lawn or area of grass in the front of the dwelling, and those bordering the irregular walk on the left ; and even in these situations a preference will be given to ornamental fruit-bearing trees, as the Black Mulberry, the English Wal nut, the Spanish Chestnut, and the thin-shelled Almond among trees, and the productive varieties of filberts, etc., among shrubs. In the plan. Fig. 76, the entrance gates are placed at a, the house at b, the stable and yard at c. On either side of the house is an area of turf, studded with a few ornamental trees of such species as are thought desirable. The plot g, in the rear of the house, is also devoted to grass, but it is planted with a smaU orchard of fraits of the hardier and more rapid growing kinds, cherries, pears, or such other trees as will succeed tolera bly well in a surface kept in grass. This orchard is planted in the picturesque manner, that is in irregular groups, as it is seen directly from the house, and therefore would be most agreeable in this form. The second compartment h, is another orchard of such choice fruit trees as require more care, and the ground around which is to be kept open by culture, and may be planted annually with various crops of vegetables with advantage to the trees, and economy of space. The third compartment i, is the kitchen garden, the area of which is to be kept free from trees and devoted entirely to vegetables. There is a walk Tc, sufficiently wide for a cart or wagon, leading from the stable c, to the street in the rear, which gives access to the stable and affords an opportunity of supplying the garden with compost, or carrying away litter, or garden products, without passing by the house, or having 11 162 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. i Vii. '?li-J COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 163 recourse to the front entrance. The long border I, may be devoted, in different parts, to grape vines, strawberries, and other small fruits, or to rhubarb, and other esculent plants. As a counterpart to this long walk, which is strictly useful in its character, we have another m, on the opposite side, winding and graceful in its direction, and bordered by a miscellaneous collection of small fiowering trees and shrubs. These shrubs, as we have before suggested, may be interspersed with the pro ductive varieties of English filberts, the Siberian crab, and other smaU fruits used for preserves, and also with dwarf apples and pears, which, growing only a few feet high, will, when in fine bearing, be very ornamental objects. The border or belt of shrubs varying in width from three, to fourteen or more feet, should be continued An both sides of this walk, as the object of it is, not only to render the walk interesting by the variety of shrubs, but also to render this portion of the garden complete in itself, by preventing, as much as possible, the eye from seeing the kitchen garden or other compartments on the right, at the same time with the scene formed by the walk and its boundary or fringe of shrubs. A person after having walked along the whole course of the irregular walk in, may vary the impression received, either by returning through the straight walk k, of the kitchen garden, or, if it is preferred, he may return partly in a new course of curved walks, by taking the cross walks n, in his way. We have indicated by the dotted outline at o, how a conser- ' vatory might be added on the left wing of this house, which might be warmed either by a fine, or by warm water pipes connected -with the fire-place of the dining room, or the kitchen below. This should be on a level with the principal floor, and 164 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. should of coui'se be entered by a glazed door from the dining- room. As the wall of the house would form one side, or rather the back of the conservatory, it could be more economically constructed, and kept warm at less expense, than a detached greenhouse. The grass on the areas/ and g, should be mown at least once a fortnight during summer. This, if it is successively performed on the difierent portions, will go far towards supplying a horse or cow with green fodder during the growing season, and by the frequent cutting, the beauty and verdure of the lawn will be greatly improved. The grounds of a cottage om^e, like this, while they would afford a considerable quantity and variety of valuable products, would, we think all will admit, be far mol-e agi-eeable and inte resting than the common rectangular lots, so general in the suburbs of om- towns, and which are so entirely destitute of beauty of design. DEdTGN X. .V VILLA IN Tllli POINTED STVLE. Fig. 78. COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 165 DESIGN X. A villa of the first class, in the Pointed style. This design of a Pointed Tilla, by A. J. Davis, Esq., Archi tect, although a much larger and more elaborate composition than fairly comes within the scope of this work, we have introduced as a concluding example, both for the purpose of showing a more complete and extensive -villa than we have hitherto presented, and as a specimen of the progress which architectural taste is making in this country ; it having been recently designed by Mr. Da-vis for the country residence of J. Eathbone, Esq., of Albany. * In the annexed view. Fig. 77, the artist has chosen a position showing the north and east fronts of the building, which are to be seen from the river, the entrance front being on the west side, a small portion of the open porch or porte cochere being visible on the right of the house. This villa, now completed, is undoubtedly one of the finest specimens of the Gothic, or pointed style of architecture, in this country. Although the whole composition evinces unity of feeling, there is as much variety of feature as we ever remem ber to have seen introduced successftiUy in a villa ; indeed, perhaps, a gi-eater variety of windows, gables, and buttresses, * It ia proper to add, that this design has not only been executed, but largo additions have been made since its erection — which render it a much more spacious and complete re Science than appears by our plan. 166 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. than could be introduced in a building of that size with good effect, were it not supported by the corresponding intricacy and variety of the trees and foliage around it, which are here in admirable keeping with the picturesque outlines of the edifice. Fig. 78 is a plan of the principal fioor. A good deal of c-haracter is conferred on the west or entrance front by the projecting porch, which, extending entirely across the approach road 15 feet, forms a dry, sheltered carriage porch, under which a carriage may draw up, and the occupants alight dry and sheltered in all weathers. If we now enter and pass through the vestibule, we shall soon find ourselves in a circular hall, 16 feet in diameter, that forms a nucleus or radiating point from which all the principal apartments diverge. This (and through it the whole house) is heated by a fumace in the basement. Directly beyond the hall is the library, a sexangular apartment, of much beauty of proportion, which will command a very striking view of the Hudson from the bay window at the eastern extremity. This bay window should be filled with rich stained glass, which would produce a mellow tone of light in this apartment, in admirable keeping with its character. On the right side of tlie library is another window opening to the veranda or " umbrage," affording a delightful walk, with a noble -vdew of the river, in its southern course. The dining-room is entered by another door on the right of this hall. It is 16 by 24 feet in its dimensions, and the bay at the south opens into a conservatory for plants, which will give tliis apartment an air of summer, even in the depths of a northern winter. This conservatory, forming as it does a por tion of the veranda, may be entirely removed in summer, if it COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 167 should be preferred to have the whole veranda open, by having movable sashes, constructed so as to be easily taken out in the spring, and replaced in autumn. The dining-room has a chiiia closet on the right of the chimney breast ; a dumb waiter on the left : across the staircase hall is the pantry, and the stairs descending to the kitchen and its offices, is placed in most convenient proximity to the door leading to this passage. The drawing-room opens on the left of the hall, and forms a suite with the library and dining-room. Its bay has a charming sylvan -view to the north, and the two windows on the river front, another, looking east. The two remaining doors of the hall lead, on one side to the staircase haU, and on the other into the family bedroom. The latter has three closets, a space for a wardrobe, and an alcove which may be used as a dressing-room, or a recess for placing a bed. On the south side of the vestibule is the office, or gen tleman's own room, to be neatly and appropriately fitted up as a business room, or study, for the master of the housfe. The dotted triangiUar space at the corner of this office, indicates a place for an iron safe built in the wall. On the north side of the vestibule is a large closet for cloaks, umbrellas, etc. This story is 13 feet in the clear, and the dotted lines in the haU and principal rooms show the form of the ribbed ceilings. The second fioor contains six sleeping apartments of various sizes, a bath-room, and a water-closet ; and the attic furnishes sleeping accommodations for the servants. We regret that we are not able to show, by engraved plans, the ample and con venient arrangements of this and the basement story. The whole internal arrangement of this villa, by Mr. Davis, is, we think, highly remarkable for its elegance, its compact- 168 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. ness, and the abundance and convenience of its accommoda tions. While any portion of the house may by itself be used by the family at any time, the effect of the entire first floor, when thrown open at once, would be more striking than that of many mansions we have seen of fom* times the size, where the rooms, having no connexion, and being badly arranged, produced little effect as a whole. Estimate. The estimated cost of this villa varies from $12,000 to $15,000, according to the material adopted, stone or bricks (either), and the degree of finish employed in the interior. AEEANGEMENT OF THE GEOUNDS. The situation selected for this residence is a hill of consider able extent, commanding an extensive view of the Hudson, which is densely wooded with a natural growth of forest trees. The preference was given to this site, as its natural picturesque ness and intricacy seemed to be admirably in keeping with the style of building in view ; and also, as it is found much easier to produce, in a short time, a satist0,ctory effect, by thinning out and improving a suitable natural wood, than by planting and raising up new growths of sylvan accessories, where none are already existing. The grounds are about 120 acres in extent. In the accompa nying plan. Fig. 79, a considerable portion in the neighborhood of the site for the house is shown. There is a great variety of surface, caused by the undulations of the ground, upon this area, which will eventually, if proper advantage is taken of this circumstance, cause the demesne to appear of large extent, COTTAGE EESIDENCBS. 169 Q o e o o 0 5 o o o'^'o o ^ i ! t ! '1 1 I [Fig. 79.] 170 COTTAGE EESmENCES. In laying out the grounds, the course of the entrance road b, was determined by a natural depression, which afforded a much more easy and suitable approach, than could be found in any other direction. The road itself is not made in the bottom of the little dell, aa this would render it wet, and even liable to be washed away at certain seasons of the year, but upon one side of the sloping bank, at a sufficient height above to insure the dryness and firmness of the road at all seasons. At <:, the road is carried across a small stream, which affords an opportunity of introducing a pretty rustic bridge, constructed of the roots and stems of the trees felled in opening the road. An object of this kind, strictly useful in its character, when, as in this case, it can be legitimately introduced, always gives interest to a walk or road through the grounds, although it should never be made when there is not some obvious purpose beyond that of mere ornament. There will be, eventually, an opportunity for creating a great variety in these grounds, but as an idea of this kind of situation can scarcely, like a flat surface, be conveyed by a mere plan, we shall only designate a few of the leading points of interest. There is an open lawn d, at the south side of the house, to be enlivened by groups of fiowering shrubs and plants, that will contrast agreeably with the dark verdure of the thicker groups of foliage on the other sides. At e, is a rustic pavilion or summer house. Fig. 80, on a knoll slightly elevated above the surrounding surface. The stable and other out-buildings are located at g, the kitchen garden at h, and the orchard at i. The long and intricate walk j, which may be led at pleasure a long distance beneath the shady, embowering branches of COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 171 now taU beeches, stately maples, and "melancholy pines," threading little dells filled with mosses and ferns, and dark with forest verdure, and again emerging into sunny glades, opened among the forest trees here and there, wiU be one of the most agreeable features of the place. The greatest charm of this resi dence, when it is completed, will be the novelty and contrast experienced in coming directly from the highly artiflcial and populous city, only a couple of miles distant, to its quiet, secluded shades, full of wildness, only sufficiently subdued by art to heighten its natural beauty. P^s so.] The principal difficulty in skUfuUy treating a residence like this, to be formed on an entirely new surface, covered with wood, lies in thinning out and opening the wood judiciously — in seizing on the finer portions to be left, and selecting such as may, with greatest advantage, be cleared away. It must be borne in mind, as we have previously urged, that few single trees can be left, but that the thinning must be done by opening glades boldly k, and lea-ving the trees in groups, masses, thick ets, and groves. Trimming up the trees, beyond what is abso lutely necessary in removing dead branches, should never be attempted, but unsightly underwood should be removed, except in distant parts, where it is desired to retain the wild and pic turesque character of the place for the sake of contrasting with the more dressed air immediately around the house. In short, the riMtwral eiepression of a place like this must be thoroughly COTfAGE EESIDENCES. 172 studied before making any improvements ; as otherwise, the latter will, instead of heightening and developing its original charm, only weaken and render it incongruous and unsatisfac tory. DES'GN XI. .^OTTAOa 3?OR A ConSTRT OLEBGTMAW, Fig. 81 BED ROOM KITCHEN L2 X 15 j^ IpantryI stc PARLOR ISXld 1 Ct hi DINING R. 13 X16 I HALL 'enwiDt' STUDY VERANDA C 13X13 PORCH J I I i,. , ,\RBOUR ¦ rrincif al Floor, Fig 82 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 173 DESIGN XI. u* fyfiftage fcrr a Country Clergyma/n. This Utoie design has had its origin in some correspondence petween a country clergyman in Massachusetts, a reader of the first edition of this work, and the author. His first letter was accompanied by a sketch of what he deemed the real wants of a family in his position — and the following extract from it may serve to place the subject more fairly before our readers. "I recently purchased, and have read with much interest, your volume upon Cottage Residences. I have been wishing to procure a home — one, however plain and simple in its character, that might yet have something attractive about it, above the appearance of the unsightly fabrics that are too often classed under the head of dweUing-houses. And I turned over the pages of your volume in eager hope of finding something that would be adapted to my wants, and that would be so economical in construction that it might be made available for the comfort and convenience of a poor country clergyman, in the condition of him who addresses you. There were many of these snug cottages that charmed me, but I could not find in them what I cannot do without — a study. It was only in the more expensive structures, the cost of which places them wholly 174 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. beyond my hope of possession, that the library found a place, With the expectation that others will aid me in the erection of a house, from absolute necessity I wish to restrict myself to the smaUest possible outlay. Yet I have felt that the most modest residence might have something of true beauty in its character, and that there was no need in any structure, of sinning against architectural propriety and law. I dare not think of having a house that shall cost much above $1000 or $1,200, for I can Ul afford to pay the rent of one that wiU much exceed that cost. But is it impossible, that for about that sum we may be furnished with the conveniences we need? We have in prospect of possession a Uttle bit of land, but half an acre, fronting south upon the road, which rans east and west. To the west and southwest we shall have a fine prospect, which we wish to enjoy by bringing the rooms mostly occupied upon that side of the house. The rooms we desire upon the first floor are a kitchen, sitting-room, bedroom, study, parlor, and pantries. We wish to place the house upon the east side of the lot, or very near the east side, that the garden may ' occupy the other portion. From your work, with my own cogitations, I have endeavored to approximate such a plan as we need — yet find it still defective ; and I much desire to know whether it meets your approval, or if you can aid me in regard to its defective points. ¦» * ¦» My difficulties are to bring the kitchen nearer the sitting-room without giving up the bedroom ; to get a back stairway underneath, which may be a way to the ceUar ; to obtain a room over the kitchen ; and, finally, to know what should be the external appearance of such a house, that it may be neat and proper, yet without showing pretension — or how most economically it may be made accept- COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 175 able to correct taste in its outward appearance. Which of the styles would afford a proper and economical finish ? Poor as I am, for I possess not a farthing aside from my salary of $700 per annum, I dislike to be accessory to the erection of a house that shaU be an eye-sore to those who may rightly judge it. We have few houses here built -with regard to good taste. I appreciate most fully aU that you say about the proper con struction of houses, and now, when I am struggling to obtain one for my own home, I desire that it may be, however humble, an approach to what a neat little ' parsonage ' should be — and that it may be a standing lesson to those who belong to my parish, of the maimer in which a pleasant, unpretending home may be constructed — with the hope that it may not be without a certain tendency in its infiuence upon their minds, to an increased refinement and moral elevation." Entering into the views of our friend, the country clergyman, we have retained all the principal features of his ground plan, only modifying them so as to bring the whole into a more constructive form and a more agreeable arrangement. Not being able to afford a back stair, we have given something of the utility of one, so far as the cellar way is concerned, by shutting off the back entrance from the front hall, by a door at C, Fig. 82. A door at D opens on the veranda. In the study there are book-cases, with closets for papers, B, B. There is a nice parlor, 13 by 16 feet, on one side of the hall, and a corresponding dining-room on the other side — the latter having two convenient closets, so placed at the end of the room, as to form a kind of bay-window effect, that would be pleasing and convenient. There are also a kitchen, a bedroom for the clergyman and -wife, and a chUd's bedroom, aU in connection. 176 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. The door at A should be glazed, in order to light the back entry more completely. K a communication between the bed room and the entry is thought more desirable than the closets, a door placed there instead of the closets would answer that purpose. The second fioor plan. Fig. 83, shows five good bedrooms, with a closet to each. (This plan is drawn to a smaller scale.) Closets are shown at a, a. The dotted lines show the roof of the veranda. Fig- 84 is a small sketch of the rear. The first story being 11 feet in the clear, the posts for the frame of this cottage would be 17 feet long. The outside would be covered with vertical boarding. For the exterior of this cottage we have chosen a simple, rustic [Fig. 83.] [Fig. 84.] style — one that always befits rural scenery, besides affording more room for a given cost than any low roofed style. The rustic veranda and rustic trellises over the windows are intended for -vines — though not merely as supports for vines — but rather as thereby giving an air of rural refinement and poetry to the house without expense. We say without expense^ — and by this we mean comparatively ; for we do not mean these rustic COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 177 trellises to be built by carpenters, and included in the origmal cost of the cottage, but to be added afterwards, from time to time, by the clergyman himself, aided by some farm hand, expert with the saw and hammer. They should be constructed of cedar poles — with the bark on — ^which may be had almost anywhere in Massachusetts for a trifie, and which, if neatly put together, -wiU be more becoming to such a cottage as this than elaboiate carpentry work. By the addition of suclu trellis work and a few vines, a simple rustic cottage like th."s, may be made a most attractive object in a rural landscape. 12 178 COTTAGE EESIDElSfCES. DESIGN XII. A Villa in the Elizabethan style. We take this design from Brown's Domestic Architecture, and place it before our readers, partly as offering some good suggestions, and partly to enable us to point out some of its most glaring defects. As much benefit may be derived some times from the critical examination of designs which are defective, as those which are nearly perfect. The plan of this house. Fig. 85, is in many features a good [Fig. 86.] one. The large space devoted to the staircase and hall gives DESIGN X!I. A Tl- T.A. r^ THE E LI::ABE ITI A": S I Y LE rig. 85 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 179 the house a dignified appearance, while the rooms are of goud proportion, and ai'e conveniently arranged for privacy aud home comfort, with studious avoidance of all effect produced liy th.o connection of one apartment with another, etc. A great blunder is however committed in the position of the lire-places and chimneys, — by placing them on the outer, instead of the inner walls. Change the chimneys to the side of the room directly opposite where they now stand, and you have them in a better position for draught, and for accumu lating warmth in the house, while you have a space left to place a couple of windows in the drawing-room, and a broad window in the library, so as to command the light and circula tion of air on the longest side of these rooms. The same remark applies to the dining-room. The exterior effect would he even more improved by this change of position in the chimneys, than the interior- -since nothing can be more ugly than a chimney springing from the lower edge of a steep roof — instead of the higher part of the ridge, where it naturally belongs. To this left hand side of the house we would add a veranda. shading the windows we have just suggested in the drawing- room and library. The exterior of this villa is pleasing in general character, though faulty in its details. Knock off the bed-post-like orna ments at the angles of the gables, adopt the finish shown in tlie gables of Design IIL, move tlie chimney tops to the middle portion of the roof, as we have already suggested, put a cori-et-t and solid looking oriel window in the place of the flimsy one over the front porch, break up the left or south roof line by dormer windows in suitable stvle. and omit tJje grotesque and 180 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. absurd effigies of dogs on the springing stones of the porch, and this viUa will have a dignified and agreeable air as the home of a country gentleman. It should be buUt either of stone or brick — and supposing the kitchen wing to be of mode rate size, the whole would cost from $7000 to Df- SIGN XIII ,\ SM M.L C0TTU;l-, OR G.\TF. LODGE. Fi '. 02. COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 181 DESIGN XIII. A small Cottage for a Toll-gate Souse. This picturesque little villa was designed by Mr. Wild, and originaUy published in Loudon's Supplement as a village inn. But it would be much better adapted here for a toll-gate house, upon one of our turnpikes or plank roads. The gate itself should be directly connected with the tower, and might easily be arranged so as to be opened by the inmates from the inside of rFig. 87.] IhL COTTAGE EESIDENCES. [Fig. 88.] the building. Devoting it to this purpose, a, would be the porch, b, the entry, c, the living-room, d, bedroom or parlor, e, veranda, g, back entry, m, wood-house, I, back porch, h, pantry, i, store-room, h, milk room. There is a bay window at o, with a seat outside, n. The upper floor would be divided into two good sized bedrooms or three smaller ones. This building would look well of wood, put on in vertical boarding, and painted a warm drab color ; or it would be more picturesque if covered on the outside with shingles — in the manner of many of the Dutch farm-houses in the state of New York — which make a more durable covering than inch boards. If the shingles -were rounded on the lower edge, or cut into diamonds or hexagons, it would add still more to their good effect at but a trifling increase of expense. The estimated cost of this building, of wood, is $930. COTTAGE EESroENCES. 18-^ Fig. 89.J Figs. 89 and 90 show a sketch and ground plan of a small toU-gate house or lodge, in a massive, simple, architectural style, quite opposite in character to the foregoing. The whole ie [Fig. 90.] supposed to be buUt of rubble stone, and the cost, when this kind of stone is abundant upon the ground, woiUd be about $500. 184 COTTAGE EESIDENCES. DESIGN XIV. A Cottage in the Hhine style. This residence [see Frontispiece] was designed by us for our neighbour, J. T. Headley, Esq., and has been built in a pictu resque and highly appropriate position, where its steep roof Unes harmonize admirably with the bold hills of the Hudson Highlands. Though spirited and irregular in composition, it is simple in details, Mr. Headley's object being to erect a picturesque rural home in keeping with the scenery, but ¦without the least unnecessary outlay for decoration. The plan of the principal floor. Fig. 91, shows an entrance haU, 8 feet by 36 feet. Out of this open the three best apart ments — ^viz. the library and dining-room, each 16 by 20 feet, and the drawing-room, 17 by 22 feet. The library has a ceUing prettUy ribbed, and the bookcases are in recesses formed in the waUs. On this floor are a kitchen, pantry, closets, etc., with spacious verandas on two sides of the house. The plan of the chamber floor, Fig. 92, shows four bedrooms of good size, and one smaller one in the tower, which may be either used as a dressing-room or a child's bedroom. From the north bedroom there is a private passage to the bath room and water closet, by descending a few steps. (The closets COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 185 BED ROOM i4:o xi6:o BATH ROOM Ij-^S^ I BED ROOM DRESSING ROOM 12:0x8.0 PLAN OF CHAMBER FLOOR. LFig. 92.] taken out of the spaces each side of the chimney have been omitted in the drawing.) The high roof of this style of building affords considerable space in the attic — which is finished in three good bedrooms for servants, or other uses. The first story is 12 feet in height ; the chamber floor 9^ f feet. The kitchen is 9f feet in height. This house is built of brick — the first story waUs 1 foot thick. the second story 8 inches ; the foundations are heavy blue stone. Water is forced to a cistern in the garret (and thence is led over the house) from a spring about 150 feet distant — the elevation being overcome by a hydraulic ram worked by the overfiow of the spring through a pipe of one and a quarter inches bore. This very picturesque dweUing was erected at a cost of $4800, exclusive of the water pipes. 186 COTTAGE KKSIDENCE6. DESIGN XV, A Carriage-House and Stable in the Rustic Pointed style. As this stable, which has been erected from sketches fur nished by us, upon the estate of M. Vassar, Esq., near Poughkeepsie, is both convenient and ornamental, we present a perspective view and ground plan for the benefit of our readers. The composition is, we think, pleasing — the ventUator upon the top being as valuable in adding to the picturesqueness of the building as to its comfort. irit'. 93.] COTTAGE EESroENCES. 187 The plan shows a carriage room, 21 by 22 feet, double floored and ceUed all round, with a harness room and separately enclosed stairway in the rear. On the left is a tool room, work-shop, etc. ; on the right, a stable, with staUs for four horses. Over the whole is a large loft for hay, with mouths in the floor to feed the racks, a, in the stable below, without the necessity of carrying or throwing it down. As this stable is built upon sloping ground, it has beneath it another story, — a basement stable — for farm horses, cows, cellar for roots, etc., not shown in this elevation, making altogether a very complete building. It is constructed of sound timber, sheathed with matched pine plank, battened, and the whole filled in with brick. The walls of the cellar story are blue stone, laid in mortar, and the whole is finished in a very substantial and excellent manner. The cost was about $1900 — but in many parts of the country, where lumber is cheap, the whole may be built for about $1000. [Fig. 94.J FURTHER HINTS ON THE GARDENS AND GROUNDS OF COTTAGE RESIDENCES. is many small cottage residences, there is not room to attempt much arrangement of grounds of any kind ; but there may stUl be a strong taste for flowers and plants. A little flower garden, or, at least, a parterre of flower beds, may be laid out and managed by the mistress of the cottage. There are two very distinct ways of laying out even the smallest flower garden. One, is to make it consist solely ol flower beds and borders, with alleys or walks of gravel between. The other, is to have for the ground work or general surface of the flower garden, a smooth piece of turf or lawn, and in this lawn to cut out such forms of flower beds as may be adopted. Each mode has some advanliages. Almost any common laborer can hoe, dig, and dress the first land of flower garden — at least with some occasional superintendence and assistance from the owner. The flower garden on turf requires a neat and practised mower to keep it short, by cutting it at least once a fortnight ; for upon the shortness and closeness of the lawn the good effect of the flower garden largely depends. COTTAGE EESIDENCES. 189 But as regards the relative beauty, there is, to our taste, no comparison to be made between the two modes — especiaUy in this climate. A flower garden composed only of flower beds and walks, looks pretty well in the moist and growing weather of the early season. But as soon as the hot weather of the American summer commences, it presents quite another appear ance. Instead of rich foliage and gay flowers, the eye reposes on beds of earth, perhaps only half covered with vegetation, and walks of gravel that only reflect the glare and dryness of the parched soil. If we contrast such a flower garden with one in which the beds are cut in the turf, how much will not the latter gain by the comparison. The green, close turf, is always such a pleasant setting, because its color is so refreshing to the eye, and because it shows off the colors of the flowers in the beds by contrast to so much more advantage than bare walks. In modern flower gardens, especially those made upon turf, it is the practice to choose, for the most part, low growing flowers — say not exceeding six inches or a foot in height, and to plant these in masses — sometimes filling a whole bed, or at others, only part of a bed, with the same flower. This produces a brilliancy of effect quite impossible in any other way ; and as the object in a flower garden is gaiety, this bedding or massing of flowers is certainly the most complete and beautiful mode of attaining it. In order to add stUl more to the perfection of the modern flower garden, it is also the custom to reject aU plants that bloom but a short time, and then leave a blank space in the garden; and to choose those plants that bloom the greater part, or a large portion of the summer and autumn. Certain annuals, like the Petunias, Portulaccas, etc., come under this head, and by employing these, in conjunction with certain 190 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. dwarf and showy herbaceous plants, like the Double White Campanula {G. persicifolia, pi.), a constant succession of bloom may be kept up in the masses aU the summer season. In all gardens where a gardener is employed the year round, or where a pit or green-house is at command, another class of plants has of late years become very popular for flower gardens. We mean exotics, that require to be kept from frost in winter, but which grow and bloom from May to November in the open flower garden. As examples of these, we need only mention the Verbenas and the Scarlet Geraniums, two plants, which, in their many varieties, their brilliant colors, and their power of withstanding heat and dry weather, have done more to give an air of perpetual beauty to our flower gardens than all other plants together. As a few pots of cuttings of these, planted in August, and kept through the winter in a frame, a green-house, or even a warm room, will furnish a whole garden with beauty, hardly any one but those who have the humblest gardens need be -without them. Next to these, the greatest ornaments to the flower gardens are the ever-blooming roses. We mean by this (when we speak for the Northern States) those China roses known under the name of Bourbon, Bengal, and Noisette roses — since they will all thrive well in open beds, if very slightly covered with straw or branches of evergreens in winter. Among those, the *Bourhons are the hardiest and the most beautiful. For all the country south of the Potomac, in addition to the foregoing ever-blooming roses, the Tea roses may be added. As these are, in our estimation, the most lovely and delicious flowers in the world, and as they bloom, in beds of light rich bam, all the season, they afford, in their many shades and colors, the most admirable materials for enriching the flower garden. To produce the finest effect with them, small round COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 191 beds — say three or four feet in diameter, surrounded by turf — should be planted with roses of a single color, such as one bed of white, another of red, a third of rose-color, etc. The branches should be pruned and pegged down (i. e. fastened along the surface of the ground by small forked pegs), so that the entire surface of the soU in the bed shall be covered with foUage and bloom. In this way they -will produce a far richer effect than if left to grow in an upright and loose manner. It is not necessary that the soU for flower gardens should be very rich — ^though a moderate annual dressing of well decom posed manure or poudrette is indispensable: but it is very important that the soil in the beds should be deep, in order that the plants in them may send their roots downwards, out of the reach of the heat and droughts of August. A rich soil may induce a rapid and luxuriant growth early in the season, but a soil two to three feet deep in all parts will continue that growth and maintain a fine verdure through the whole of the summer and autumn. The smallest flower gardens are called •parterres, and Fig. 95 may be taken as an example of the simplest symme trical arrangement in this way. When a parterre is small, like this, and depends for its good effect very much on the arrangement of the beds, care should be taken not to destroy this effect by planting in the beds any flowers whose tall growth might partially or wholly hide it. On the contrary, such a little parterre should, if possible, be planted with the dwarfest flowers. We would therefore put into the four outer beds form ing the margin, verbenas — say white verbenas in the first bed ; [Fig. 95. 192 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. pink verbenas in the second ; purple verbenas in the third ; and scarlet in the fourth. In the centre of this parterre we would place a sun-dial, or a vase upon a pedestal. The twelve beds that surround this we would plant as foUows: — Every alternate bed we would devote to bulbs and annuals ; that is to say, crocuses and hyacinths should be planted in them at pretty good distances apart, and the spaces between these should be filled every year with showy dwarf annuals, such as Gillia tricolor, Portulaccas, Sweet Alyssum, Collinsia bicolor, Esch scholtzia, etc. The bulbs would bloom and give beauty to the parterre early in the spring : after they had passed, the annuals would supply their place. The remaining 6 beds we would devote to that fine dwarf scarlet geranium, the Tom Thumb, and the variegated-leaved scarlet geranium, etc. The latter is not only pretty in its bloom, but a bed composed of its parti colored leaves is almost as handsome as one of flowers. Two beds of the scarlet geranium, two of the variegated, and two of the finest purple petunia, would, -with the border of verbenas, make the parterre gay and bright the whole summer through. [FiB, 96.] Fig. 96 is a pretty arabesque design for a parterre on a lawn, by the late Mr. Loudon. The beds are grouped in the turf, so OOTTAGE RESIDENCES. 193 as to produce a pleasing pattern, and there is a walk running around the whole, so that the spectator may see the parterre, when the grass is wet with dew, without being obliged to walk upon the damp lawn. Of course, each bed here should be planted with a single kind of flower, or, what is still better, with one kind of flower for the bed, but a border or margin of another kind — when the bed is wide enough to permit it. When the beds on opposite sides of the figure correspond in shape, they also produce a better effect when the same colors are introduced into such opposite beds — -and even the same plants. [Fig. 97.] Another very tasteful design for a small flower garden is shown at Fig. 97. This consists of 8 arabesque bcds,B , cut in 13 194 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. IFig. 'J8.J COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 195 the turf, A, and surrounding a ninth circular bed, c, in the midst of which is a vase or a fountain. This garden would have a very satisfactory appearance if it were planted as follows : — The four larger beds at the corners, to be filled with ever-blooming roses — one bed entirely with pui-e white roses, such as the White Daily, White Madame Desprez, Aimee Vibert, etc. ; another with deep crimson roses, such as Cramoisie Superieure, Comice de Seine et Marne, Paul Joseph, Queen of Lombardy, etc. ; a third with rose-colored varieties, such as Hermosa, Pink Madame Desprez, Bouquet de Flore, etc. ; and the fourth with creamy, fawn, and shaded roses, such as Madame Bosanquet, Saffrano, Jaune Desprez, Queen, and Souvenir de Malmaison. By keeping each color distinct, we get a marked and striking effect, entirely unattainable by mixing all colors together ; and by using only ever-blooming roses, the beds are always in an ornamental condition. The four smaller intermediate beds may very properly be filled with verbenas, or scarlet geraniums, or any other dwarf and showy flowers. A flower garden which has been much admired is one near Vienna, in the grounds of Baron Hiigel, a distinguished amateur. The plan is shown in Fig. 98. In this flower garden the beds are in turf— and the general style is mixed— partly arabesque and partly geometric. The central beds, I, m, 71, 0, p, are, perhaps, faulty in taste, on account of their unmeaningly jagged outlines, out of keeping with the rest of the design, and inelegant in themselves. FUled with masses of gay flowers, well contrasted, no doubt the effect is better m reality than upon paper. The prettiest and most novel feature in the plan is the running guiUoche pattern of the beds, which form the boundary. These beds are very carefully planted with low growing flowers, of such sorts as bloom very freely 196 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. and constantly, and do not grow high enough to obscure the pattern, for everything depends upon this. In order to make this guiUoche bed as brilliant as possible, the centre circle, c, of each bed is planted with some brilUant color, alternating with white : — for example, supposing the centre, c, to be white, then the next centre would be dark red, the next white, the next blue, the next white, the next yellow, the next white, scarlet, white, purple, white, and so on, repeating the primary colors all round the figure. The interlacing beds, d, may be planted upon the same principle, but omitting white, and the effect will be best if the contrasting or complementary colors, such as yellow and purple, blue and white, etc., are placed near each other. The two centres, i, i, are occupied by handsome vases. Such a garden as this ought always, as in the case of Baron Hiigel's, to form a scene by itself, by being shut out from all other objects by a belt of shrubbery or trees, at least on three sides. Fig. 99 is a plan for a geometrical flower garden with curved lines, which would answer remarkably well for a situation near a fine villa, when it is desirable to give the flower garden something of an architectural character. If we suppose A to be the terrace directly around the house, from which a flight of steps descend to the level of the flower garden, then the walks of the flower garden commence at B. In a situation where water is abundant, the dark figure in the centre and the four dark squares marked E, might be handsome fountains; the four smaUer squares marked F, might be vases or pedestals ; or, if water is not at command, then the larger spaces might be occupied by statues and the smaller ones by vases, or even large orange trees in tubs. The whole surface of the beds, D, might be filled with low flowers in masses — or the garden might be a mixed flower garden, so arranged that the taller plants, Uke COTTAGE EESIDENOES. 197 m [^^^^5W^" """ - [Fig. 99.J dahUas, flU the centre of the beds, and so gradually lessening ^n size, till verbenas, and other plants only two or three inches high, occupy the space next the walk. It is sometimes desirable in a residence of a particular character, that the style of art adopted should be carried out very minutely in the surroundings. The flower garden, espe ciaUy, may partake of this character in some cases, and particularly in the ItaUan and the Elizabethan or Renaissance 198 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. style. In this latter style the garden was always formal and geometric, and was generally placed close to one side of the house, usually under the drawing-room windows. Fig. 100 is an example of an EUzabethan flower garden, which we give for the sake of variety. This garden is supposed to. be sur rounded by a parapet walk, G, " which has piers at regular distances, surmounted by vases ; at each of the flights of steps there are two statues, one on each side of the entrance at the COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 199 upper steps, and a vase at each side of the lower steps."^ A clipped hedge of yew, or holly, or hemlock, would be equally characteristic and less expensive. The centre is intended to be occupied by a fountain and a basin of water, and the four circles E, by vases or statues. This garden would undoubtedly have the best effect, if treated as a parterre, and wholly planted with masses of low growing flowers — a single sort and color in each bed. In this way it would, if well grown, have the same pretty effect as a handsome and gay carpet. In order to give the richest effect, however, the colors ought to be harmonized and balanced : they may be harmonized by placing the beds of those colors next each other which agree, and balanced by making the corresponding figure or bed of the pattern on one side balance the same figure or bed on the other. To assist the novice, we give the following list for the beds on one side. premising that the other side should be exactly the same. 1. Blue. Salvia patens. 14. Lilac. Hebe petunia. 2. Yellow. Eschscholtzia californica. 16. White. White verbena. 3. Blue. Campanula carpatica. 16. White. White petunia. 4. White. Alyssum maritimum. 17. While. White petunia. 6. Blue. Lobelia gracilis. 18. Lilac. Eclipse petunia. 6. Yellow. Calceolaria i-ugosa. 20. Scarlet. Tom thumb geranium. 7. Blue. Gillia bicolor. 21. Orange. Tropeolum mmus fl. 8. W^ite. White verbena. pleno. 9. Purple. Purple verbena. 22. Orange. Eschscholtzia crocea. 10. Yellow. Portulacca thorbumii. 23. Yellow. QEnothera msicrocarpa. 11. Scarlet. Defiance verbena. 24. Purple. Prince of Wales Petunia. 12. Orange. Eschscholtzia crocea. 25. White. Achillea ptai-mica, pi. 13. Orange. Eschscholtzia crocea. Another accompaniment to the antique style of residence ia the labyrinth, of which Fig. 101 may serve as an example. The * Loudon's Gardener's Magazine. 200 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. amusement and interest in a labyrinth grows out of its being planted densely with shrubs and evergreens, so as to shut out one walk entirely from another. The visitor enters at A, pur- ,«ues his way onward, is stopped by the sudden termination of t'le walk, starts again with Uttle better success, or, perhaps, only to reach the centre, b, where a large aloe, or a rustic covered seat meets his eye; here he may rest awhile, or continue his walk, as much at a, loss to find his way out as before; and a stranger may spend an hour or more in this [Fig. 101.] way, in a state of " pleasant vexation." A labyrinth is, how ever, it must be confessed, the most interesting to the children cf the family, who are never weary of this part of the grounds, jjreferring it to all the rest for daily amusement. The Arbor A'itse, Privet, Buckthorn, and Tartarian Bush Honejrsuckles, are the best shrubs for the thickets of a labyrinth. They should be cut-back at first, so a.s to render them thick and COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 201 bushy at the bottom, like a hedge, and also sufficiently topped now and then, to make them preserve this habit. A plan like Fig. 95, planted thickly with shrubs, so arranged as to form masses of verdure, highest in the middle of the bed, and gradually lessening to the front, would make a very inte resting shrubbery for a special scene in a country place. Or it might be planted wholly with evergreens of moderate size, and thus make a pleasant winter garden on a small scale. In presenting all these various modes of arranging flower gardens, we must be allowed to say that the modern taste of discarding any set flower garden, and, instead of it, arranging the beds of choice perpetual blooming plants in and around a small lawn, in graceful and harmonious forms, is by far the most satisfactory in the majority of cases. It is especially so in all small places, where the ornamental grounds are too limited to allow of separate scenes. In such cases, the grouping of beds of flowers round a lawn, having only one or two color's in a bed, heightens the beauty of the lawn itself, while the flowers are enjoyed, perhaps, more than in any other way. Fig. 102 is a design of our own of this kind, which has been carried out, and found extremely pretty and satisfactory. In this, A is the dwelUng-house, B, the conservatory (a detached buUding on one side of the lawn), C, the lawn, D, flower beds, E, vase, fountain, sun-dial, or rustic basket filled with flowers. Round the whole runs a boundary belt, F, of trees and shrubs -—shutting out aU that portion of the grounds not strictiy ornamental. In practice, it is found that small circular beds, about 3 feet in diameter, grouped in twos and threes (Uke those on the left of d), are more convenient and effective than the irregular beds ; partly because a three feet circle is large enough for a mass of a single color in a smaU garden, and partly because a circular bed, like a tree, always looks well 202 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. either alone, or grouped with other circles. It is also adapted to an}' position, which an irregular bed is not. In order to give the lawn, c, a more picturesque character, we have introduced a few single specimens of trees, such aa grow into beautiful forms when standing alone. We may [Fig. 102.J mention, as peculiarly adapted to such sites, the Chinese MagnoUas {M. conspicua and M. soulangiana), very hardy a-nd beautiful, the Weeping Ash, Weeping Beech, Purple Beech, and Weeping SUver Lime, aU striking in habit and foUage; COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 203 the Ash -leaved Maple or Negundo, for its lively green foliage; the VirgUia, of Kentucky, with snowy white blossoms; the [Fig. 103.1 [Fig. 104] 204 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Virginia Fringe tiee, etc. As evergreens, to plant there singly, we may enumerate the Deodar Cedar, the Norway Spruce, the Himmalaya Spruce, the Irish Yew and the SUver Fir. A lawn and flower garden combined and planted in this way, would have a tasteful and beautiful effect in any situation, or in connection with a residence in any style. To waive the subject of flower gardens, and consider again the whole grounds of the residence, let us examine for a moment some clever plans for cottage and suburban residences by French landscape gardeners. Figs. 103 and 104 are examples of the mode of laying out two small places, where the boundaries are very irregular. In Fig. 103, A is the entrance gate, B, the house, C, the stable,* D, the lawn. At the further end of the lawn is a semicircular parterre, backed by vases of terra-cotta, filled with scarlet geraniums, lobelia gracilis and other delicate climbers. Be hind this is a semicircular arbor, F, covered with -vines, and affording a shady walk. In Fig. 104, which contains half an acre, A is the dwelling, directly on the right of which is a fanciful flower bed or parterre. This is backed by a thicket of shrubbery, through Avhich a walk leads to the tool-house or shed in the corner, B, with ground for compost, etc. The lawn, E, extends upon the other side of the house. At its further extremity is a pigeon- house or aviary (or, still better, a summer-house), C, surrounded by vases of flowers, F. At D is an alcove for seats, surrounded by thick shrubbery. In placing two suburban cottages near each other, the lots of ground upon which they stand may, sometimes, when the houses belong to intimate friends, be thro-wn into one, and laid * Qnite too near the house. COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 205 [Fig. 105.] out .SO as to swld to the general effect, and give more space for air and exercise. Fig. 105 is an example of this mode of arrangement, in which a and b are the two houses, behind which are the two lawns, c and D, each bordered with shrub bery, prettily grouped. A light iron fence, of trellis pattern, might be run through the middle bed of shrubbery, on the division line between the two lots, with light iron gates, where the two walks cross it. This would be so inconspicuous, if painted dark green, as not to look like a barrier ; and as the gates could be locked when occasion required, the two places might be used either separately or singly, as might be mos-t agreeable to the proprietors. A tasteful jardin paysager, of an acre, which may be taken as one of the best examples of the modern style of laying out grounds in Germany, is shown in Fig. 106. In this, A is the dwelling-house, B, the main walk or promenade, G, the lawn, bordered with groups and masses of shrubs and trees, planted in turf At the further extremity of the grounds is an elegant circular temple or summer-house, D, in the classical style, surrounded by a series of vases or pedestals, c, and backed by a thick plantation of evergreens and deciduous trees. A 206 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. [Fig. 106.] handsome statue is placed in the open space at E, and at F is a rustic open summer-house, built oi branches, with the bark on, in which, and upon the grass around it, the family take tea out of doors in summer afternoons, in that agreeable, easy, social manner so common in Germany. A common fault in all the continental grounds, which may be noticed in the foregoing examples, is the unartistic manner in which the walks are arranged, by which they are not kept of any uniform width, but run into great open spaces of gravel round the house and in various other parts, where several walks meet, as in Fig. 104. This has a bad effect in itself, and is a waste of valuable space, that would appear far better if COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 207 covered with green turf There is, too, in most of the French plans, a lack of necessary attention to utility and convenience, especially as regards the kitchen ofaces, etc. In these respects, as in many others, the English plans for smaller places are models— showing how the most may be made of the least piece of ground. [Fig. 107.] Fig. 107 is an example of this kind. In this, c is the house, placed back far enough from the public road to give it some privacy, and having a double entrance. A, B. Behind the house is a spacious kitchen yard, h, where all the outbuildings are entirely shut out from view, while they are placed in the most convenient position — being entirely masked from the front by a conservatory and summer-house, which forms the right wing of the house — while on the rear of the outbuildings a thick belt of trees and shrubbery effects the same object. The ground- work of the whole is a lawn, e, nicely kept, of which the back-ground is an irregular belt of trees and shrubs, nicely grouped, and the fore-ground beds of flowers, in arabesque patterns, cut in the turf Neat kitchen and fruit gardens, F, F, are laid out in the rear, which are so arranged as to give all 208 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. the convenience, without marring the beauty of the scene: and a back entrance allows access to the kitchen yard, out buildings, kitchen garden, etc., without being seen from the more elegant parts of the grounds. There is a great deal more merit in such a plan as this than in Fig. 103, although the latter may appear more prettily on paper — because the former combines beauty with the greater utility — so that the possessor of such a place gets his every day satisfaction from each [Fig. 108.] COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 209 separate source, without feeUng it to be at the expense of the other. A plan of our o-wn for a pleasant suburban residence, which is thought to have a good effect, is shown in Fig. 108. In this, A is the dweUing, B the carriage entrance, D the stable. The lawn, surrounded -with beds or masses of flowers, is designated at G, and around it is grouped a choice collection of the most orna mental trees and shrubs — forming shady walks in some portions, and sunny, open ones in others. A circular parterre of showy summer flow«rs may be laid out at M. The kitchen garden, f, is arranged so as to be conveniently cultivated, and is placed near the stable, for the convenience of getting manure for hot-beds, etc., whUe it is shut out from the ornamental grounds by a belt of trees and shrubs. A fruit garden of dwarf trees, i, is shown beyond, and something of an ornamental character is given to an orchard at K, by grouping the trees picturesquely, instead of planting them in straight lines. By studying, carefully, such plans as the foregoing, almost any person who has a little talent in drawing may be able to compose a design for a small place, that wUl exhibit more or less taste, and combine -with it the advantages of entire con venience and usefulness. The first point, in the smallest place, as well as the largest, is to get as much expanse of green la-wn as possible. After this, to conceal the boundaries with trees and shrubs, so grouped and arranged as not to form a stiff hedge or verdant waU, but a picturesque, irregular, natural-looking boundary. Care should be taken, in planting, not to intercept any fine views or vistas— but in such points (if any boundary plantation must be made) to compose it of shrubs or low-gro-wing trees. Shrubs, trees, and grass, -with a few walks, gracefully and naturally curved, are the materials -with which a pleasing little landscape may be created in any site, 210 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. when the soil is such as to favor the growth of vegetation ; and it will generaUy be found that the more simple and natural the arrangement, the more lasting will be the pleasure derived from it. There is no error so frequently committed, as to suppose that beauty, whether in houses or grounds, depends on variety and expense. Chasteness, good proportions, agreeable and expressive arrangement of simple forms, — these are the elements of the beautiful, which are always captivating to persons of pure and correct taste, whether that taste be natural and intuitive, or whether it has been refined by the long famUiarity with all that is most satisfactory in nature or art. ADDENDA. Building Contracts. The great disproportion frequenti]; occurring between the estimate or contract, and the final cost of a house, is a very constant source of disappointment and vexation to persons who engage for the first time in building. The cottage or viUa is contracted to be built by the mechanics, at a fair, or even a low price, quite satisfactory to the pro prietor ; but when the building is complete, the bills are often found to exceed the contracting price by one third or one half the original sum. This result -^vUl always, on experience, be found to arise from two causes. The first of these is the want of a well digested and thoroughly satisfactory plan, before the contracts are made. A general idea of the arrangement, or a mutual understanding to copy pretty nearly, the house of Mr. A. or B., in the neigh borhood, is very often as definite a shape as the matter assumes before the house is commenced. While it is in progress, the subject opening on the mind of the owner, new arrangements or alterations in the plan are suggested ; an additional room here, a closet or staircase there, would, it is discovered, add so greatly to the elegance or convenience of the house, that they are of course at once introduced. There are not wanting mechanics, who, finding perhaps, that they shall obtain but a moderate profit on their original contracts, and being secure of the whole work, charge at a greatly increased price for these additional items, kno-wing that no other buUder can now be brought into competition with them, to reduce the rate by a lower estimate. The second source of multiplied expense, is the want of 212 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. proper specifications, when the building is proposed to be estimated upon. The specifications of a building to be con tracted for at a certain price, are supposed to embrace every .portion of it, and every item of the expense. Now, to draw up a full and complete list of specifications for a house of considerable size, requires a very accurate knowledge of every thing relating to building — a knowledge that neither the generality of proprietors, nor many artisans among us, wUl generally be found to possess thoroughly. Usually, these specifications for a country house are drawn up at the sugges tion of the proprietor, by one of the master workmen, and include all the particulars that occur to him or his employer. But in carrying them out, it is found that so large a number of items have been overlooked, that the bill of extras, at the close of the work, amounts to 20 or 30 per cent, on the whole estimate. To obviate these evils it is evident that it is highly necessary to have perfectly satisfactory drawings, showing every portion of the house necessary to a perfect understanding of all its parts before it is commenced or contracted for, in order that no material alteration need be made while it is in progress ; and also to procure from some experienced and competent architect, or master-buUder, very complete and full specifications for the whole work. We have in these remarks supposed the contract mode of building, because experience has led us to believe that in most parts of the country the work may be done in this way in an equally excellent manner, and at a much lower cost than by the days-work system. This is owing partly to the fact, that a great deal more judgment and proper economy wUl always be exercised in the purchase of materials, etc., by a master-buUder for himself, than for the proprietor ; and partly, also, that in all COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 213 buddings there is a great deal of labor of secondary importance, which may be performed at a cheap rate to the master-buUder by his apprentices, and which would otherwise be paid for at the journeyman's rate in the days-work system. At the same time the architect, owner, or superintendent of the work, retains the power to inspect and reject all workmanship or materials not of a proper and specified quality. The most economical mode of buUding in the United States -wiU therefore be found to be that of employing only the best master workman, building by contract, and undertaking the work only when provided with complete plans and specifica tions. Emphyment of architects or professional men. — ^The most mortifying feature, to a person of cultivated taste, in the archi tecture of our country-houses buUt within the last ten years, is the frequent violation of correct proportions, of unity of decorations, and of appropriateness of style, so frequently seen, even in our finest residences. This arises sometimes from the indulgence of the fancy or caprice of the proprietor, and sometimes from the bad advice or worse plans of the country carpenter or mason in his employ. Although such buildings please their owners at first, yet with the dawnings of a more extensive knowledge, obtained either by the examina tion of really admirable edifices, or by a greater familiarit}' with the subject, they almost certainly regret, when it is too late, the errors they have so hastily committed. To those who are not thoroughly informed and competent themselves (a class yet very small in all countries), we would strongly rscommend the employment, in any building of importance, of the best professional talent. They may then feel assured not only of having a satisfactory production, but one which, Doing correctly designed, will rather grow, than 214 COTTAGE RESIDENCES. lessen in their admiration, as their knowledge or taste foi architectural beauty increases. When we have really decidejl to build, the difference between a common form and an exceUent one may at once be secured in favor of the former, by applying to an architect of talent and experience. The small addition (say two and a half per cent.) which this wUl make to the whole cost of the building, is certainly a consideration of trifling consequence, when we reflect that in the design lies the whole individuality of the building, whether it shall be full of beauty, grace, or pictu resqueness, or abound in uncouthness, incongruity, and foolish conceits — a matter of the more importance as it is to continue before our eyes and become identified with ourselves, per haps, for a life-time! Many persons within our knowledge have been deterred from applying to a professional man for advice in building a house, or laying out their grounds, from a mistaken idea of the enormous charges to which they would be subjected. But this is a matter that is in reality greatly misunderstood. The established rate among architects of reputation on both sides of the Atlantic, for ftirnishing a complete design, is 2h per cent, on the estimated cost (that is, $125 for a house to cost $5000, and in the same proportion for buUdings of greater or less cost). Now, when a proprietor of moderate means is about to spend $5000, he says to himself: — "I shall save $125 at least, by planning for myself " This he accordingly does — but unless his house is a fac-simile of his neighbor's, so that the buUder has only to copy what he has already done, the alterations and additions the owner is obliged to make before he gets the edifice completed, cost him double the archi tect's charge for the design ; so that he is absolutely the loser, even in money, putting out of the question the superiority of COTTAGE RESIDENCES. 215 that plan which has been carefully studied and composed bv a man of talent, taste, and experience, in a particular and difficult branch of knowledge. The same thing is true, in a larger sense, in the case of buildings, of greater extent, with regard to the superinimdence of a building whUe in progress. The usual charge for super intendence made by architects, in addition to the charge for tho design, is also 24 per cent. — making 5 per cent, on the whole cost. This includes working drawings for every part of the interior and exterior, and a constant su.pervision of the work in progress. Not only does this insure a thorough and satisfactory execution of the plans adojDted, without any personal annoy ance to the proprietor, but, in the case of all architects of standing, experience proves that a building of any considerable cost can be far more economically and substantially erected by an architect, than by any proprietor not familiar by long prac tice -\\ith building. 'It is proper to state, that all architects make sketches and studies for particular purposes, at lower prices than the rates we have stated. Every man may be his own lawyer or his own architect, but he usually has to pay much more dearly for the privUege, when he has any business of importance in hand, than he supposes ; and we cannot counsel him to undertake the ' perplexity and vexation that generally result from it, if he can find a professional man of integrity and ability to perform the task so much more satisfactorily for him. THE END.